she BIOL fen Svrag the tab es nf shang ia ts Se paeeeel eget} +3) g95 257 RERES tt eos ae, 4 +e +i ; Net bee 2 ae “48 Te, 70 ie ; eS any eS rare matte ee | Pee F* paad Apnaeeon yar hes Sark bes 4 ae ey loge ie tes tiuierayt eee te +73" fee iSLES| ieteas rere “ae ear rey it “ 3 Taste Seta hth TN Satest teste ai De op aais Ph deme tot! ears as eset ¥. i erate Ax ne ‘ao ota ihe ves wees} Basen ok Rabtethss Roane arias ers i roe 1928 ay 5 3 Ss LL ea) 8 oe > i FEE I Dp h aMIN'D, | TTS ORIGIN AND GOAL) BY THE SAME AUTHOR The Psychology of Alcoholism. London and New York, 1907. The Psychological Phenomena of Christianity. New York, 1908. Three Thousand Years of Mental Healing. New York, tort. ) FEB 15 1926 Bs, © We Lia’, iat é Say 1h? tan... a5 Beda hh aah fat Th tay Atay STi ae oie i ; KA, i be rx ] Mui i hd ba Stree \ y ful h f ) \y * i. ‘ whe. wal ' ; rt Ta i d i i f Mae 4 | vy iA \e { ? ' id yay ( Pom ak ys a2) | Le @ 4 1 } - Pee Le, i 4 tno tw Niet + | i “aie s Sit 4 PAV) iptv ; i Pe ” hy , i n t » 1 { ~ j 4 a % ' { 'f * . A . } ti ; , j ' : * ' ’ ; } } \ SUGGESTED READING LIST Tue following books are suggested for further reading. The writer is under obligation to these authors for much information, and, especially to some of them, for quotations used in the pre- ceding pages. Alexander, S. Space, Time, and Deity. London, Macmil- lan, 1920. Baitsell, G. A., ed. The Evolution of Man. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1922. Barry, F. R. Christianity and Psychology. New York, Doran, 1923. Bergson, H. L. Creative Evolution (tr. Mitchell). New York, Holt, rorr. Brigham, C. C. A Study of American Intelligence. Prince- ton, Princeton University Press, 1923. Conklin, E. G. The Direction of Human Evolution. New York, Scribner, 1921. Conklin, E. G. Heredity and Environment in the Develop- ment of Men. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1916. Cooley, C. H. “Genius, Fame and Comparison of Races.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and So- cial Science, May, 1897. Crookshank, F. G. The Mongol in Our Midst. New York, Dutton, 1924. Cutten, G. B. Psychological Phenomena of Christianity. New York, Scribner, 1908. Darwin, C. R. The Descent of Man. New York, Apple- ton, 1871. 203 MIND: ITS ORIGIN AND GOAL Dewey, John. Human Nature and Conduct. New York, Holt, 1922. Dixon, R. B. The Racial History of Man. New York, Scribner, 1923. Drever, James. Instinct in Man. New York, Putnam, IQI7. Fielding, W. J. The Caveman Within Us. New York, Dut- ton, 1922. Fiske, John. Excursions of an Evolutionist. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1886. Fiske, John. Through Nature to God. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1899. Ford, A. “Ants and Some Other Insects.” The Monist, I4: 33. (1904.) Galton, F. Hereditary Genius. New York, Appleton, 1884. Gould, C. W. America, A Family Matter. New York, Scribner, 1922. Grant, M. The Passing of the Great Race. New York, Scribner, 1916. Harris, George. Moral Evolution. Boston, Houghton, Mif- flin Co., 1896. Hirsch, W. Genius and Degeneration. New York, Apple- ton, 1896. Hobhouse, L. T. Mind in Evolution. London, Macmillan, IQOT. Hocking, W. E. Human Nature and Its Remaking. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1918. Holmes, 8S. J. The Evolution of Animal Intelligence. New York, Holt, torr. Humphrey, 8S. K. Mankind; Racial Values and the Racial Prospect. New York, Scribner, 1917. Hunter, W. S. ‘Modification of Instinct from the Stand- 204 SUGGESTED READING LIST point of Social Psychology.” Psychological Review, 27: 247. (1920.) Huntington, E. The Character of Races. New York, Scrib- ner, 1924. Huxley, T. H. Man’s Place in Nature. New York, Apple- ton, 1899. Josey, C. C. The Social Philosophy of Instinct. New York, Scribner, 1922. King, I. The Development of Religion. London, Macmil- lan, 1905. Kellogg, V. Evolution the Way of Man. New York, Ap- pleton, 1924. Kropotkin, P. A. Mutual Aid. New York, Knopf, 1917. Laughlin, H. H. Analysis of America’s Modern Melting Pot. Hearings before U. S. Congress 67-3, House Com- mittee on Immigration and Naturalization, Nov. 21, 1922. Serial 7-C. Government Printing Office. Leuba, J. H. “Fear, Awe, and the Sublime in Religion.” American Journal of Religious Psychology and Educa- $0211.) (1000,)) Leuba, J. H. Psychological Origin and Nature of Religion. London, Constable, 1909. Leuba, J. H. A Psychological Study of Religion. New York, Macmillan, 1912. Levine, I. The Unconscious. New York, Macmillan, 1923. Link, H. C. “Emotions and Instincts.” American Journal of Psychology, 32: 133. (1921.) Lubbock, J. Origin of Civilization and the Primitive Con- dition of Man. New York, Appleton, 1873. Lull, R. S. Organic Evolution. New York, Macmillan, IQI7. 205 MIND: ITS ORIGIN AND GOAL McDougall, W. Introduction to Social Psychology. Bos- ton, Luce, rort. McDougall, W. Is America Safe for Democracy? New York, Scribner, 1921. McDougall, W. Outline of Psychology. New York, Scrib- ner, 1923. Marshall, H. R. Instinct and Reason. New York, Duffield, 1909. Miller, H. C. The New Psychology and the Preacher. New York, Seltzer, 1924. Mills, T. W. The Nature and Development of Animal in- telligence. New York, Macmillan, 1808. Mivart, St. G. The Origin of Human Reason. London, Benziger, 1889. Mivart, St. G. On the Genesis of Species. New York, Ap- pleton, 1871. Moss, S. A. “Evolution of Social Qualities.”” Open Court, 805454201022.) Morgan, C. L. Emergent Evolution. London, Williams and Norgate, 1923. Osborn, H. F. Men of the Old Stone Age. New York, Scribner, 1915. Osborn, H. F. The Origin and Evolution of Life. New York, Scribner, 1917. Patrick, G. T. W. The Psychology of Social Reconstruc- tion. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1920. Patten, W. Grand Strategy of Evolution. Boston, Badger, 1920. Pearl, R. The Biology of Death. Philadelphia, Lippin- cott, Philadelphia, 1922. Pearson, Karl. Tuberculosis, Heredity and Environment. Cambridge (England) University Press, 1912. 206 SUGGESTED READING LIST Peckham, G. W. & E. G. “On Instincts and Habits of the Solitary Wasps.” Wisconsin Geology and Natural His- tory Survey, Bull. No. 2, 1898. Peckham, G. W. & E. G. Wasps, Social and Solitary. Bos- ton, Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1905. Ratzel, F. The History of Mankind. London, Macmillan, 1896. | Rivers, W. H. R. Instinct and the Unconscious. Cambridge (England) University Press, 1920. Robinson, J. H. The Mind in the Making. New York, Harper, 1921. Romanes, G. J. Animal Intelligence. New York, Appleton, 1883. Romanes, G. J. Mental Evolution in Man. New York, Ap- pleton, 1889. Saleeby, C. W. The Eugentc Prospect. New York, Dodd, Mead, & Co., 1921. Saleeby, C. W. Parenthood and Race Culture. London, Moffatt, 1909. Schroeder, T. ““Eroto Genetic Interpretation of Religion.” Journal of Religious Psychology, 7: 23. (1914.) Schwartz, O. L. General Types of Superior Men. Boston, Badger, 1916. Sellars, R. W. Evolutionary Naturalism. Open Court, London, 1922. Smith, G. E. Essays on the Evolution of Man. London, Oxford University Press, 1924. Smith, Langdon. Evolution. Boston, Luce, 1909. Spencer, Herbert. Principles of Psychology. 1855. (New Edition, Appleton, 1910.) Spencer, Herbert. Principles of Sociology. New York, Ap- pleton, 1897. 207 MIND: ITS ORIGIN AND GOAL Stoddard, L. The Revolt against Civilization. New York, Scribner, 1922. Stoddard, L. The Rising Tide of Color. New York, Scrib- ner, 1920. Stratton, G. M. Anger: Its Religious and Moral Signifi- cance. New York, Macmillan, 1923. Sutherland, A. The Origin and Growth of the Moral In- stinct. London, Longmans, 1808. Thomson, J. A. Science and Religion. New York, Scrib- ner, 1925. Thorndike, E. L. “Animal Intelligence.” Psychological Review, Monograph Supplement, Vol. 2, No. 4, 1898. Thorndike, E. L. “The Mental Life of Monkeys.” Psycho- logical Review, Monograph Supplement, Vol. 3, No. — 15, I9Ol. Thorndike, E. L. “The Original Nature of Man.” In Edu- cational Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia Uni- versity, New York, 1913-1914. Trotter, W. Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War. New York, Macmillan, 1916. Tufts, J. H. “Our Moral Evolution.” In Studies in Phi- losophy and Psychology. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1906. Tylor, E. B. Primitive Culture. New York, Holt, 1873. Wallis, W. D. “Element of Fear in Religion.” American Journal of Religious Psychology and Education, 5: 257. (I912.) Washburn, M. F. The Animal Mind. New York, Macmil- lan, 1917. Weismann, A. The Evolution Theory (tr. by J. A. & M. R. Thomson). London, Arnold, 1904. 208 SUGGESTED READING LIST Westermarck, E. A. Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas. London, Macmillan, 1906. Whitnall, H. O. The Dawn of Mankind. Boston, Badger, 1924. Wiggam, A. E. The New Decalogue of Science. Indianapo- lis, Bobbs Merrill, 1923. Woodburne, A. S. “Relation of Religion to Instinct.” American Journal of Theology, 23: 319. (1919.) Woodworth, R. S. “Racial Difference in Mental Traits.” Science, N.S. Vol. 31, p. 171. Wright, W. K. “Instinct and Sentiment in Religion.” Philosophical Review, 25: 28. (1916.) Yerkes, R. M., ed. Psychological Examining in the United States Army. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1921. 209 a aru * me ee > ar Uh Wi My Hy, ptt ris tai He ee Q i 4 pic 4 ? TAR Sh i 4 a Pier ue | vi ‘ . | VaR Aocns | x 7 7 bee res ae Wetace 10, 4 ¢ 4 fl MAREN AN 45 ah y 1 j f, Ly ii - eft : % ; 4 : " j Fi "/) p oh ae sry a u oF WA , ¥ F i ’ ily 4 ‘ ' ; 5 i) i i ‘ Wi : AN 4 ‘/ _ . yy te é Fy wh , VA ae : KE) i Way ’ y f ‘] J { 1 7 ub ‘ F 7s Aly { 5 ' 1 va f ; j } 4) if vr { } say ay yy : q f vee ‘ ving - ' ‘ ‘ ' r ahs ay ‘ 4 : , a Pix if Mt I | j ti ef ial i f , OY deo wer | é ‘ igwel shh ay Ay ' ii viv De its By aah ith, a AVG rik EV ae Ni) nAef Ws OR eT WY ANT Cale ; 5 * iV Path) i 1 Mai A) { Ax; i 2? f A ; } + r “4 zy" vie i" ; 2 i by AT uk: ie Ais ; j a) Vad ve a, ‘ ein Uh Aa’ ¢ Le P sh 4 ¢ Ma Ge ay ie 4 ae Fis ssi ir i q ‘ ‘ if iy ‘ ay i if: run 7; A hae” Ty ea ‘ : j j Us b Rohe i i 4 ade yi my ' f eis oat ert \ baal 14)’ Wy at ha di AAS ae yr j' , ' ¢ \ ey ») 69 A > if se a; vl -) y; hy eb ‘ Uy ¥ yong | es SLANT AN | seh a At) thy Ast oo ys ;! INDEX ANGER, 5. Anthropomorphism, 22. Ants, 90, 102, 195. Apes, 19, 25, 29, 35, 50, 65, OI. Association, 27, 30, 31, 37, 54; 87 f. BarKER, S. O., 94. Bees, 90, 102, 195. Behaviorism, 4. Birds, 102 f. Blind Tom, 140. Body, origin of, 1. Brain, 45 f.; size of, 48 ff. Brigham, C. C., 158, 170. CaEsaR, J., 141. Carlyle, T., 11. Celibacy, 78, 151 f. Chalmers, T., 36. Colgate University faculty, 157. Conklin, E. G., 195. Crime, 1009 f. Cultural Epochs, 59. Darwin, C., 2, 7, 33, 96, 168, 174. Defectives, mental, 16, 153 ff., 3c 1aO, Descartes, R., 141. Difference, mental, 142 ff. Divorce, 116. Drummond, H., 37. EASE, DANGER OF, 181 ff. Educational changes, 159 f. Eimer, G. H. T., 60. Emotion, 72 f. Environment, II, 1905. Eugenics, 15, 18, 100, 107f.,, 147 ff., 153 ff., 156 ff., 164 ff., 185 ff. Evolution, definition of, 33; mental, 3 ff., 10, 12; 18, 60, Chaps. VIII and XI; Or- ganic, 2 ff., 18, 21; theory of, 18 f., 60. FEAR, 62, 121 f., 120. France, A., 13. Franklin, B., 149. Freud, S., 9 f. GENIUS, 137 f., 144, 188 f. Gould, C. W., 168, 175, 176. Grant, M., 165. HaBItT, 60, 72, 183. Hal eG Ss.) 3 sa1is: Harvard University graduates, 157, 163. Hauser, K., 25 f. Helmholtz, H. L. F., 141. Henry, P., 140. Hobhouse, L. T., 71, 185. Holmes, O. W., 141, Holmes, S. J., 28, 87. Humphrey, S. K., 167. Huxley, 6 ten bs 07452 75+ Hypnotism, 40, 1809 f. IDEAS, 26. Immigration, 172, 177. Immortality, 33. Infancy, 56. Inheritance, social, 24, 26, 178, 185; biological, 24, 178, 185. Instinct, 13, 36, Chaps. IV and 211 INDEX ViprorwtecaoOsi r2On 124 ts, 199; gregarious, 39, 9I, I12, 121 f.; list of, 74; origin of, 66 f. Intelligence, 64 ff., Chap. V., 128f., Chap. VIII; animal, 28f.; bunching of, 137 f.; decline of, Chaps. IX and X; future of, Chap. XI. Irving, W., 140. Isomerism, 43 f., 123. JAMES, W., 8, 30, 183. KELLOGG, V., 108. Lamarck, J. B. P. A., 66, 69. Laughlin, H. H., 173. Lewes, G. H., 66. MAN, PREHISTORIC, 50, 134 f. Marriages, late, 1509 ff. McDougall, W., 25, 28, 72, 73, FLT ITS eer A. ico. Mind, definition of, 45 f.; ori- gin of, 1. Monkeys, 19, 27, 29, 65, oI. Morals, 37 ff., Chap. VI, 125, 127 ff., 106 ff. NERVOUS SYSTEM, 54. Newcomb, S., 175. Osporn, H. F., 164. Overloading, 178 ff. PARALLELISMS, 47, 51, 54, 56. Pasteur, L., 175. Patrick, G. T. W., 181. Péearlinkn i103: Pearson, K., 182. Peckham, G. W. and E. G., 86. Philanthropy, 16, 153 f. Prehistoric man, 50, 134 f. Prever, Wait nes Psychoanalysis, 14 f., 193. Psychology, comparative, 4, 5, 21 f.; crowd, 39; experimen- tal, 4; physiological, 4. Races oF MEN, 135 f., 140, 154, 164 ff.) 77. Reason, 13, 63, 118. Recapitulation, 55 ff., 181. Reflexes, 69, 82. Religion, 6, 8, 36f., Chap. VII, 106 ff. Rhodes, C., 198. Rivers, W. H. R., ror. Romanes, G. J., 3, 60, 96. Rome, 90 f., 165, 166, 176. Roosevelt, T., 162. Ruskin, J., 199. Sayce, A. H., 32. Science, 128 f. Seashore, C. E., 144. Selection, natural, 32, 70. Sentiment, 126 f. Sex; 36, 57 f.): 101, E85 tak ete 130, Shand, A. F., 126. Sight, 53, roof. Smell, 53, roof. Smith, G. E., 48, 52, 64. Smith, L., 95: Soul, o. Specialization, 186 ff. Speech; 23; 20its 54a, etoae spencer, SH.) 3,094. 00) Sterilization, 154. Sublimation, 36, 78, 98, 101, 119, 139. Sutherland, A., 101, 107, 111. TELEPATHY, 45, rot f. 212 INDEX Tests, mental, 15, 17, 141 ff., | WAGNER, C., 180. B7D: Wallace, A. R., 97. Thorndike, E. L., 27, 28, 29, | War, 14, 147 ff. 31, 104, 108. Wasp, 63, 67, 85 ff. Trotter, W., o1 f. Wundt, W., 60. VARIETY, 33, 142 ff. YERKES, R. M., 28. Vassar College graduates, 157. | Yucca moth, 67. 213 tots hm ree eee Dae, yan, a PAKS ee I 2, ry Oy Dall be ei 5p) | tLe. ri i } / - a " ia ay) i i tat vl ’ A ) Ss ‘ ny i i 5 a ‘ , i ; i | ' y ‘ i die %) t ‘ aby ; ! - wu ; 4 ‘ vey. : " 4 , eT i ve Ven FY Ae ¥ Pi ae 5 ‘ y i ‘ t . ; ry u ‘ ‘a ‘ i ' S : r — ’ ; : yo j ‘ ; \ , i ¢ , ti i - ° 4 { c® s ’ sf j ' 1 ’ | J , ’ j PLY wr ) - vad i | an ah) 40 : " 4 sa a ’ j § ra 4 b \ wi { + Fi | ¢ ‘ “~ i ; é a ‘4 if i " ‘ ' > + i ene e 9 t J Ms ‘ s i \ 4 ' j , ' f An f ye ” ‘ ‘ F i i ae) y" y ] . i ip j ; y ‘a i yf > ; bt Play 4 bt | i 7 4 1 : " ib LP A ‘at j ty Prey Fri ht f ied AA ; Vy |i aie i ¢ i j ita sa bee | th 2 | Fe i's, e115, recent 5 Vir iat te ic =f one ty . Date Due f = a ae = > | BF701.C Mind, its in and = iV 1 1012 00104 6145