Sree =a 38% SSS eS Fee ven Seen pe roeas ope pew ee Spare ee vee ee sai raeiats ats fetes pecan Sa eS a a ditt if ipettlatt Hit aah OF PRL GES » Nn Diced CF Section Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library DO FUNDAMENTALISTS PLAY FAIR? THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK + BOSTON + CHICAGO - DALLAS ATLANTA + SAN FRANCISCO MACMILLAN & CO., Limitep LONDON + BOMBAY + CALCUTTA MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, Lt, TORONTO OS a EEN MN Oy: Y FEB 2/7 1926 x g Ads “OLogr Fei, a Do Fundamentalists Play Fair? / Bi By W. M.’ Forrest Professor of Biblical History and Literature, University of Virginia NEW YORK THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1926 All Rights Reserved Copyright, 1926, By THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and printed. Published February, 1926. Printed in the United States of America by THE FERRIS PRINTING COMPANY, NEW YORK. FOREWORD Watching children at their games, you will fre- quently hear some one cry out, “‘No fair!’’ There- upon there may follow an argument, but when the point is clearly made and sustained by the group of players the offender must conform to the rules or get out of the game. It is most interesting to note that expulsion is seldom necessary. Children may often disobey or take liberties with rules im- posed upon them by their elders. But with their own rules, whose reasonableness or necessity they recognize, they rarely trifle. No Fair regulations are of three general kinds although they are all in the single interest of fair play. Some of them are inherited, established reg- ulations for the game being played. “They come along with the game, just as the unwritten law of its season does, and are no more to be questioned. No Fair hunching in marbles. No Fair hitting the butt of the other fellow’s egg with the point of yours in egg-picking.. No Fair shoving your ball with your mallet in croquet. Other rules are adopted for the particular occa- sion and may vary every time the game is played. No Fair hiding in the house when hide-and-seek is being played in the yard. No Fair running into [5] FOREWORD the neighbor’s yard when playing police-and- criminals. Next evening the rules may be revised and a wider range accorded. Yet other restrictions may arise from the nature of the case, being inherently right or wrong. No Fair moving or laughing if you are playing corpse and funeral. No Fair peeping when you are It in hide and seek. No Fair tripping up another runner in a race. No Fair biting in a fight. It is all very simple and very potent in child- world. Fine training it is for later life in grown- up world. And it is in the hope of getting a rec- ognition and application of the No Fair rules in the sphere of religious discussion and controversy that these pages are written. They are primarily for the benefit of those on the religious side of the current controversies, because the writer trains with that crowd. He wants religion to be victorious. But he knows that victory in violation of No Fair rules is defeat in any sphere, and particularly in religion. He wants religion to be in good repute among those who are without, as the Scripture says church officers should be. Some of the rules may be those coming down from the past, merely in the interest of getting somewhere in the conflict. Some may be only temporary rules of the game agreed upon. Some may be the deep-rooted prin- ciples of eternal right and truth. No matter; they should all be honestly observed, or we should get out of the game. [6] FOREWORD It is now a heated and strenuous game. Added to all the perennial contest between sect and sect in the church, and religion and irreligion in the world, we have the new game in the church between fun- damentalist and modernist, and in the world, be- tween religionist and scientist. Whether the game is new, or just an old one coming back after hav- ing been long in disuse, it should be played under the same old rules of fairness that we all observed in our childhood. The church, the Bible, God will be shamed if any smallest degree of trickery or meanness be allowed to enter into the contest. Fair play! “A fair exchange now, as the children say!’ 1]JI Cor. vi.13, A New Translation, James Moffatt. [7] CONTENTS PAGE OL as 0 Ee PR ed le AO A ee RE ALE lk il at At 5 CHAPTER faeeNO PAIR ANTI-EVOLUTION: ONLY’ UL. lo eee LI ieee WOLPAIR’ REPUDIATING: USHER® Wo 0e au ehe tee ba? III. No FAIR DENOUNCING ASSUMPTIONS .......... 24 IV. No FAIR BLAMING EVIL ATTENDING A SYSTEM ON ETSMADVOCATHS 0. c'ak 4 6 oR AOL ee 30 V. No FAIR PROMOTING SECTIONALISM AND RACIAL HATE IN JHE NAME’ OR: GHRISH ao eee ee 38 VI. No FAIR THE LAW IN THE RELIGION OF THE nb FA TI Ded) pueda i UP wee er be 2 yh Be Ne as 45 VII. No FAIR DESERTING OUR BIBLE FOR INFALLIBLE ALITOGRA DHS 0 nb 8) Sinan Pee ae ian remeron gee ye 51 SLivw NOOPAIR: VERBAIn INSPIRATION’. «br. crt celctaiscns oat 60 IX. No FAIR RESTRICTING CHRISTIANITY TO THE TGNORAN TS sek can ae et eee eee TEE na a) 68 X. No FAIR SUBSTITUTING A HEATHEN GOD FOR THE GHRISTIAN: GOD! DG ah WR «fox Chie ha ac - 4 ‘ oe ‘ sal’ : i) 14 ire Mey Ay. o¥ ) ; ‘ A v4 if? A iy 4 ¥) s 4 Pat PO ae Etat GEAALA Nally ure ; Pi as 1 ea ; 4 f k Oe 4 Ce ce J 1 a 4] AUR uy 4 we (ef ny, es eae OL : ty algh 2 r 4 oni “a ’ f v ‘, a wt ia, : }, wy "7 . ; Sy tn ‘ el He eis ph Oe a a) a % 42409265 v2.7. 82, W103 date of, 20 of mand Creator, 29 Creeds; 720976, 115 Nicene, 73 Criticism, higher, 38, 54 lower, 54 textual, 54, 56 D Damnation, 82 Darwin, 3:1, 732) 354 Darwinism, 34 Hates, sbiblicalt wL/¢ elo of creation, 20 of flood, 20 David, 66 Dead hand, 115 Death, 28 Democracy, 73 Devil, the, 66 Difficulties, 64 Disciples, the, 43 Dishonesty, Vl Ele a> Divergences in bible, 54 Divorce, 48, 49 Doctrine, Christian, 69 Donors, 115 i Education boards, 46 Earth, the, 14 Easter, 73, 88 Elders, 88 Election, 81 Episcopal church, 43 Erasmus, ¥52Z Evangelical evangelism, 77 idea of God, 77 Evil, responsibility of religion for, 36 responsibility of for, 36 science [ 120 } INDEX Evil, systems not for, 30 Evolution, 24, 32, 36, 39, 47, 85, 89, 105 and biple,* 115.132 Evolutionists, 26, 32 Experts, 74 responsible ti Fair play, what might result from, 97 Faith, 29 Family, 66 Fanaticism, 109 Firmament, 14, 15 First cause, 29 Flood, 13, 14, 24 date of, 20 Foreword, 5 Foul play, 84 Founders, 115 Freedom, religious, 109 Frightfulness, 35 Fundamentalism, 41, 43, 57, 74, 98, 99, and see Fundamentalists. and ignorance, 70 inconsistencies of, 57 leaders of, 71 Southern, 42 Fundamentalists, 38, 40, 41, are. L653) 7.0. 4 FOF 86, 89, 93, 102, 106, POT el 1S AUT 2 Aa, 115, and see Funda- mentalism. idea of God, 77 Fundamentals, the, 38 G Galileo, 15, 84 Games, No Fair in, 5 Genesis, 24, 27, 54 Geology, 13, 21, 85 German radicalism, 40 rationalism, 40 Germany, 39, 40, 41 God, 29, 91 christian, 79 creedal caricature of, 81 substitution of heathen god for, 76 conception of, 103 evangelical idea of, 77 fundamentalist idea of, 77 heathen, substituted for christian God. 76 old testament, 79 Gods, 76 Gospels, the, 64 Goths, 35 Greek and Roman _ catholic church, 89 Greek chronology, 19 Greek manuscripts, 53 Greek New Testament, 52, 62 Greek, text, received, 53 Guesses, 24 H Hard Shells, 90 HarewelZ Hatred, national, 41 racial, 38 Heathen chronology, 18 Heathen god substituted for christian God, 76 Hebrew chronology, 19 manuscripts, 53 old testament, 52, 62 Herakleitus, 26 Higher criticism, 38, 54 History, 21,054 {121 } INDEX Hoax, restoration, 22 Holy Rollers, 90 Huxley, 104 Hypothesis, 27 I Ignorance, 73, 74, 109 and Christianity, 70 and fundamentalism} 70 and the ministry, 70 arrogance of, 69 Ignorant, the, 68 Immersion, 88 Immortality, 28 Inconsistencies, fundamentalist, DY, Infallibility, biblical, 40, 51, PAN ake MCR EP GU | Infallible autographs, 51, 55, 56 Inhumanity, 34 Inquisition, the, 81 Inspiration of bible, 63, 65 verbal, 60, 63, 64 Institutes, Bible, 71 ‘ Intellectuals, 68 60, 61, J James’, King, version of Bible, a Jerusalem, 71 Jesus, 26, 112 John, 26, 72 Jonah, 64 K King James’ version of Bible, 51 Knox, 100 Ku Klux Klan, 110 t Languages, origin of, 25 Latin bible, 62 Laws, 45, 49, 50, 54 bondage of religion to, 47 Lusk, 109 sabbath, 46 Leadership, 100 Learning, 73 Legalists, 50 Legislation and religion, 80 Legislatures, 49 Letter and spirit, 92 Liberalism, 89, 91, 99 Liberalists, 89, 105 Liberals, 41, 90, 114 Life, 24 Lights, 14 Liquor traffic, 93 Logos 25 .hvie Lord’s supper, 87 Lower criticism, 54 Lusk laws, 109 Luther, 41, 100; 1127a0 36 Lutherans, 87 Lying, 114 M Man, creation of, 1l Manuscripts, autograph, 55 Greek, 53 Hebrew, 53 Materialistic science, 38 Medicine, 16 Mendelian law, 12 Messiah, 26 Methodists, 87 Militarism, Prussian, 33 Ministry, the, and ignorance, 70 Minorities, 106 { 122 ] INDEX Minorities and votes, 94 Miracles, 102, 103, 104 and natural law, 103 Modern persecution, 81 Modernism, 91, 99 Modernists, 89, 100, 102, 112 Mohammedans, 35, 47 Monkeys, 85 Moon, 14 Mosaic law, 58 Mustard seed, 12 Mysteries, 103 N National hatreds, 41 Natural law and miracle, 103 Nebraska, New Testament, Greek, 52, 62 New York, 109 Nietzsche, 33 Nicene creed, 73 Noah’s flood, 13, 14, 24 109 date of, 20 North America, Bible league of, 86 No Fair, anti-evolution only, 11 blaming every evil attend- ing a system on its ad- vocates, 30 children and, 5 denouncing assumptions, 24 deserting our bible for infallible autographs, 51 in games, 5 in religious controversy, 6 promoting sectionalism and: racial hate in the name of Christ, 38 regulations, 5 No Fair restricting Christianity to the ignorant, 68 _ repudiating Usher, 17 substituting a heathen god for the christian God, 76 the Law in the religion of the spirit, 45 verbal inspiration, 60 what if it is? 84 O Old testament, Hebrew, 52, 62 Old testament God, 79 Oregon, 107, 109, 110 Orthodoxy, 42 P Pacifists, 39 Pauly 7 20 200 a1? Pentateuch, Samaritan, 62 Persecution, 105, 106 modern, 81 Philology, 15 Philosophical theories, 25 Philo-Judzus, 26 Philosophy, 70 Fiaton20 Politicians, 49 Politics and church, 48 and preachers, 93 Preachers and politics, 93 Preaching, 69 Predestination, 82 Prejudice, 73, 74, 85, 109 race, 43 religious, 41, 43 Presbyterians, 87 Progressivism and conserva- tism, 72 [123 } INDEX Prohibition, 48, 49, 93, 94 Protestant and catholic church, 89 Protestant sects, 89 Protestantism, 62 Protestants, 35, 63 Pro-scientists, 25 Prussian militarism, 33 Psychology, 15 .< R Race prejudice, 43 Racial hate, 38 Radicalism, 41 Rationalism, 41 Readings, various, 53 Received Greek text, 53 Redemption, 113 Reformation, 61, 70 Reformed churches, 87 Religion, 110 and legislation, 80 bondage of, to law, 47 brains and, 68 conservative, 75 forced, 81 of the spirit, 45 pretended, 81 responsibility of, for evil, 36 Religio-Scientist, 25 Religious controversy, 6, 42 freedom, 109 prejudices, 41, 43 schools, 46 wars, 34, Reprobation, 81 Research, scientific, 108 Restoration hoax, 22 Restricting christianity to the ignorant, 68 110 Resurrection, 114 Revelation, 61 Revised version of Bible, 51, 52 Roman and Greek catholic churches, 89 Roman Empire, 69 Rome, 71 Sabbath, 88 Sabbath laws, 46 Sacrifices, 78 Salvation, 91 Samaritan chronology, 19 Samaritan pentateuch, 62 Saul of Tarsus, 68 Savagery, 35 and soul-saving, 106 Schisms, 89 Scholars, 73 Scholarship, 39 Schools, bible reading in, 95 religious, 46 Science, 54, 64, 67, 85 and bible, 12, 16 and church, 84 materialistic, 38 responsibility of for evil, 36 Science teaching, 46 Science-theologians, 25 Scientific research, 108 Scientists, christian, 47 proto-, 25 Scripture, infallibility of, 40, 56;60n91 Sectarian division, 89 Sectarianism, 90 unchristian, 100 Sectionalism, 38, 42, 43 Sects, protestant, 89 { 124 } INDEX Seminaries, theological, 71 Sheol, 15 Simplicity, 69 Sin, 24, 91 Soul-saving, and savagery, 106 Southern fundamentalism, 42 states, 41 Special pleading, 87 Specialists, 73, 74 Spinoza, 26 Spirit, 50 and letter, 92 religion of the, 45 REALS Lt State churches, 46 Stoics, 26 Substitution of heathen god for christian God, 76 Sun 4l5 Sunday, 88 Supernatural, 102, 105 Survival of the fittest, 32, 33 Systems not responsible for evils, 30 si Temperance, 48, 94 Tennessee, 108 Terminology, 113 Terrorism, 106 Texas ‘‘cyclone’’, 93 Textual criticism, 56 higher, 54 lower, 54 Theists, 32 Theologians, science-, 25 Theological seminaries, 71 Thinkers, 100 Tradition, 62 Trinitarians, 52 Truth, 86 Tyndale, 100 U Unchristian sectarianism, 100 Unfairness about bible, 85 Unitatians,< (5,2, 90,4108 Universe, 13, 24, 104 Usher, James, 17 dates, 18, 19 No Fair repudiating, 17 V Verbal agreement, 64 inspiration, 60, 63, 64 Violence, 106 Virgin birth, 113 Virginia, 107, 108 Votes, minority and, 94 W Wargjou 0 Worlds ooo Wars, religious, 34, 110 We Frees, 90 Wesley, 100, 112, 113 Western states, 41 Westminster confession, 82 What if it is No Fair, 84 Wicklyffe, 100 Williams, 100 Z Zeno, 26 [125] Wiiaiili { = 4 Uh i