i Metyy = Bheolosing eo ee xi gf {We © Ontcal Sem; PRINCETON, N. J. THE CONVENT OF ST. CATHERINE, Mount SINAI.- hice NEWEY eRECOVE RED APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES BS oOCTRENT SAN DS tCrEICS WITH EXTRACTS FROM THE TRANSLATION BY PROFS DREN DIGL (HARRES. Bie HELEN Bo HARRIES SECOND EDITION Hondon HODDER AND STOUGHTON 27, PATERNOSTER ROW MDCCCXCIII. ButTLerR & TANNER, THE SELWOOD PRINTING WORKS, FROME, AND LONDON. ee Dee ANS Ee IN this small volume only a portion of the Apology of Aristides is published, the entire document, or, at all events, what is substantially the entire document, being already before the world in a volume recently published by the Cambridge University Press, in which may be found) tiie Greek j and, Syriac, texts of the Apology, together with a complete translation of the Syriac version. The object of the excision of certain of the less interesting parts of the Defence is the avoidance of the long and detailed description of Greek and Roman part iv PREFACE. mythologies which is the central part of the original discourse, so that the attention of the reader may be focussed upon its simple Chris- tian teaching and beautiful Christian ethics. To the classical scholar it is, doubtless, of the utmost interest to know how a Christian teacher would deal with the Pagan religions in address- ing a Pagan emperor, to which of the legends of the gods he would give special attention, which of the innumerable crimes attributed to them he would select as illustrations of their unfitness to be regarded as of a higher race than mankind, and so on; and certainly the undue length, detailed descriptions and emphasis of denunciation of this portion of the Apology of Aristides, indicate that these frightful histories still held sway over men’s minds to an extent which it is difficult for us to realize. But there is much that is painful as well as PREFACE. Vv tedious in the reading of this tirade against the sods of Olympus; and the lessons contained in the opening passages of the Address are in danger of slipping out of the mind, as we press on through the slough of pagan imaginations that follows, until we happily reach the firm standing-ground again, at the close of the Apology, where the writer presents us with a beautiful and exhilarating account of the social - intercourse and daily life of the early Church. A large part of the central section of the Apology has therefore been omitted. The description, however, of the so-called Barbarians, (by which are probably meant the Gothic, Scythian and other northern nations), as well as the sketch of the faith of the Egyptians and of the Jews, has been left intact, except where certain coarse passages have been omitted, these sections being, relatively to vi PREFACE. those which deal with Greek beliefs, brief and full of interest. The object of the present publication is to present the thought and life of the Church of the Second Century not, as in the Apology, against the dark back-ground of surrounding | superstition and wickedness, but in contrast with the lukewarmness of so much of pro- fessing Christianity in our own day; so that Christian men and women may be stimulated and encouraged, even if they are not put to shame, by this bright light shining to us across so many intervening centuries. CONTENTS. PAGE PREFACE . : : ; P ; , : : iil GHAPTER FE ON THE EARLY CHRISTIAN APOLOGIES ‘ ; I CHAPTERALL ON THE RECOVERY OF THE APOLOGY OF ARIS- TIDES IN THE CONVENT OF S. CATHERINE ON MOUNT SINAI . : : : ; : 8 CHARTER SIL: ON THE DOCTRINE OF THE APOLOGY. : a er: CHAP TARE. ON THE ETHICS OF THE APOLOGY ~ » : e 45 CHAPTER AV. SELECTED PASSAGES FROM THE APOLOGY . ey he CHAPT ERSTE ON THE EARLY CHRISTIAN APOLOGIES. AA LARGE part of the early Christian literature, especially of the literature of the second cen- tury, is classified under the title of Apologies for the Faith, that is, of speeches on behalf of the Christians made by those who, either in person or in writing, appeared as their advo- cates. They are not, of course, Apologies in the modern sense of the word ; the term is used in its Greek sense, as when Plato’s version of the speech of Socrates before his judges is called the Apology of Socrates; or as (to take the case of one of the great men of later time) I 2 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES, John Henry Newman entitled his reply to Kingsley an Afologia pro Vité Sud. The early Christians were often put upon their trial before the world, either individually or collectively, but their advocates never took the position that they had to make the best of a bad case, or to make the strongest out of a weak case, which is the idea that in modern times associates itself with the word apology. And, in fact, these brave and vigorous-minded men were so far from any feeling of this kind, that although, in the order of legal proceedings, they occupy the position of defendants, they uniformly carry the war into the opposite camp, and act as though the promise that the saints should judge the world were already in fulfil- ment; if it had been suggested to them that the refutation of calumny and the correction and exposure of misunderstanding in which ON THE EARLY CHRISTIAN APOLOGIES. 3 they were engaged was a matter for bated breath and whispering humbleness, they would probably have said something not very unlike the remark of King George the Third when Bishop Watson presented him with his “Apology for the Bible. | -siwdid net know,: said the king innocently, “that the Bible needed any apology!” A favourite witticism of the advocate for the faith was to play upon the word Christian by connecting it with the Greek word Czrestos, which means good. They are called Christians because, by the grace of God, they are so much better than other people! Sometimes they employ biting satire upon the follies and worships of the Pagan world ; and sometimes they use lofty and impassioned entreaty ; not infrequently, too, as though they had entirely forgotten the legal and political aspects of the 4 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. situation, they proceed to instruct their judges and their hearers in the elements of Christian faith and morals, as though they were a class of catechumens in process of preparation for admission to the ranks of the new religion. It is easy to see that this peculiar prevalence of Christian defences in the literature of the second century is not due merely to the exist- ence of persecutions, although the threat of legal interference .or the fact of popular hatred may often have been the immediate motive for the publication or recitation of the Apology. As literary products, however, they are due to the influx of Greek life into the Church, and the detachment of the Church from the Synagogue. I do not know of any Jewish Apology that can properly be so called, nor is there anything like a Judzo-Christian Apology. But, on the other hand, when the Greek world ON THE EARLY CHRISTIAN APOLOGIES. 5 a ee ia ee Me began to absorb the Christian idea, it was natural that defences should be written ; the models for such composition were abundant and were a part of the study of every educated man. It was easy to recast old matter or to imitate famous speakers of bygone times, to say nothing of the charm which the Greek mind naturally found in the many-sidedness of the defence of the new pcoplessanamin holding up the newly-dropped crystal of the Faith, like a gem with many facets, into the light of popular and philosophical scrutiny. Now of the writer of the particular Apology of which the discovery is narrated in these pages, very little is known. Aristides was, we are told by the church historian Eusebius, in his “Ecclesiastical History,” and also in his “Chronicon,” an Athenian Philosopher. The emperor addressed was either the Emperor 6 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. Hadrian, who ruled from A.D. I17 to A.Di 139) or Antoninus Pius, who succeeded him, who is also, by adoption, called Hadrian. The dis- cussion as to which of these emperors was addressed is of a critical nature, and does not come within the scope of this little work. iis was written not earlier than the year 124 A.D., and not later perhaps than 140 AD., and whether addressed to Hadrian or to Antoninus Pius, the society defended and described is substantially the same, and we may be practi- cally certain that the address of Aristides is the earliest Christian Apology extant. The Christian Church only knows of one other that can rival it in antiquity, that made by the Athenian teacher Quadratus ; but this writing has, unfortunately, not yet been recovered. We cannot believe this Apology of Aristides to be other than a truthful picture of the faith, ON THE EARLY CHRISTIAN APOLOGIES. 7 charity, and communion of the period it re- presents. The bold confessor standing before the emperor has no words of mere panegyric with which to deceive him; but, as he ex- pressly affirms, had been himself convinced of the practical purity and beauty of the new religion, and had felt himself constrained to delineate it in truthful language. COA East: THE CONVENT OF ST. CATHERINIG JON MOUNT SINAL ‘THE, Convent of-ot. Catherine yin sone 7oreine libraries of which the Apology of Aristides was found, and which has been familiar to us by name through the previous discovery within its walls of the famous Sinaitic Codex of the Bible, now removed to St. Petersburg, is, whether we consider its character or its history, one of the most remarkable of monastic foundations. ' Use has been made of the descriptions of the Convent by Robinson and Stanley. 8 THE CONVENT (OF ST. CATHERINE. 9 It is a large and irregular pile of buildings, within high and massive walls, containing galleries of cells, chapels, libraries, and guest- chambers of very varied size and condition. Some are immensely old, and show traces of the centuries that they have seen go by, while others are of quite recent date; and there are even such attempts at modern fittings and accommodation as may deter the European traveller from any fear that, in visiting the convent, he will have to make an unreasonable sacrifice of the comforts of life. The central point of the pile of buildings is the Church of the Transfiguration, behind the altar of which is the Chapel of the Burning Bush, on entering which every visitor removes his shoes, before approaching the spot where tradition asserts that God talked with Moses. In this chapel are also to be seen some remains LO APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. of early Byzantine mosaics in the walls, and the silver shrine set with emeralds which con- tains the bones of St. Catherine. The exterior church is very gorgeous, and full of objects of interest to those who under- stand anything of the ritual of the Greek Church: the walls are covered with pictures of the saints, and from the roof depend costly lamps and ostrich eggs mounted in silver. An almost constant succession of services is main- tained in this church both day. and night; so that, to the visitor in the convent, it seems as if the bell were always ringing for worship. But, by the by, it is not a bell at all that summons the monks day and night from their cells, but a resonant board, which is mounted in a kind of belfry, whose clang makes music in the echoing rocks of the silent valley where the convent lies. This call to prayer is known THE CONVENT OF ST. CATHERINE. II by the Arabic name of the Naqis, which means “that which is beaten”; it is a compre- hensive word, and probably it would cover such various meanings as. “a bell,” or “a drum,” as well as the beaten board above the convent church. - Strangely enough, there is within the convent walls, and almost contiguous to the church, a mosque, which is, at once, a concession to the sentiment of the Arabs of the desert and a memorial of the tradition that Mount Sinai was once visited by Mohammed, who is said to have given a letter of protection to the con- vent. Itis certain that the Arabs regard the spot as peculiarly sacred. They are not, how- ever, with the exception of an occasional trusted servant, allowed to enter within the walls of the convent ; nor is any service of prayer carried on in the mosque at present, though it is quite iz APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES, possible that such was the case in earlier times, when the monks were more at the mercy of the Bedaween. The convent is at present inhabited by about thirty-five monks, mostly from the Greek islands; a large proportion of whom only remain in the convent for a term of years, though some live here always. There is an affiliated convent at Cairo, and there are dependencies and pro- perties of the convent in Greece, in Cyprus, and, I believe, as far north as Roumania. The monks belong to the order of St. Basil, and they are very strict in their rules: many of them abstain entirely from eating of flesh, and for the most part they live on peas, beans, and lentils, with Arab bread and such fruits and vegetables as are produced in the convent garden. It is said that those monks who re- main in the convent continue to a good old THE CONVENT OF ST. CATHERINE. 13 age and retain their faculties to the end of the term of life. When a brother dies, he is buried; but after the lapse of a certain time he is dis- interred, and his bones are laid in an under- ground crypt along with those who have gone before him. Thisneryptiismasweitdi placeston visite. eAt the door is the skeleton of a former porter of ‘the convent, which the monks have arrayed in a semi-ecclesiastical robe;.so that the holy Stephen,—for that is his name, and he is said to have lived in the fifth century,—looks as if he were still engaged after death in duties simi- lar to those which occupied him in life. Here are also to be seen the skeletons of two Indian princes, who once inhabited a couple of cells on the mountain near by. The cells were situated one above the other, and a chain had been passed through the floor of the upper cell, so I4 APOLOGY .OF ARISTIDES. that the two brothers might be connected together, and, if either of them fell asleep the other might awake him, though they never could: meet ‘face=to ace, “aolchsisethe story which the monks relate; and the skele- tons in the crypt are still connected after death by the chain which bound them together in ie The monastery of St. Catherine is said to have been built by Justinian in the thirtieth year of his reign, his fame as a builder of churches having penetrated to the hermits of Sinai, so that they petitioned him to build them a house where they might be safe from the incursions of the Arabs. Accordingly he built it in the form of a fortification as well as a monastery ; and it is probably due to its massive walls that it alone remains of all the hermitages, churches ‘ The present buildings are probably of later date. THE CONVENT. OF: ST. CATHERINE. T5 and convents which once covered the mountain slopes, and abounded in the valleys of Mount Sinai and in the neighbourhood of the ecclesi- astical town of Paran. The whole range must have been in early times something like what Mount Athos is to-day. For it is said that in those days there were six thousand monks in the neighbourhood of Jebel Musa, and Paran must at one time have really deserved the name of a city; but this prosperous state of things was brought to nought by Arab incursions sub- sequent on the Mohammedan conquests. Justinian built the convent, so as to enclose the traditional sites of the burning bush and Olgtine well of oyethro, and. it .is-saidr.to idve been dedicated at first to the Virgin, but from a very early period it has been sacred to St. Catherine, of whom ‘ttadition reports that she at one time lived in a hermitage on one 16 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. of the Sinai mountains, and being afterwards martyred at Alexandria, angels bore her body to her beloved retreat in the desert, where it was found by the monks ; and lo! her bones are in the convent even unto this day! Probably the truth of the matter is, that Catherine really was martyred in Alexandria, and her relics transferred by actual human hands to the con- vent ; or, as her martyrdom dates earlier than Justinian by more than a century, to some earlier convent on the same spot. There they are now said to be preserved. She is, of course, a special object of adora- tion to the monks and the pilgrims. Pictures of her, in the Byzantine style, are sormmanty used as Icons in Greek churches and houses ; 1 Mrs. Jameson has, quite without reason, assumed _ a confusion between the story of St. Catherine and that of the pagan philosopher Hypatia. THE, CONVENT OF ST. CATHERINE. V7; sometimes they are merely printed, roughly and on poor paper, instead of being presented in the conventional gold and gorgeousness of the early Byzantine art, which the modern dealer in holy goods so assiduously tries to reproduce. It is not uncommon for visitors to the convent to be presented with small silver rings, in memory of their visit, and of the mystical marriage of St. Catherine to her Heavenly Bridegroom. This famous monastery was the goal of my husband in a pilgrimage which he made in 1889, accompanied by his friend and fellow- scholar, Mr. F. J. Bliss, of Beyrout, and an American gentleman of the name of Lock- wood. Mr. Bliss was perfectly conversant with Eastern life and travel and with all the prac- tical details of the management of a caravan of Arabs, the mysteries of desert-cooking and 2 18 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. tent-sleeping, all of which accomplishments made him an invaluable travelling companion on the journey from Suez to Sinai, apart from the interest which, as a scholar, he took in the expedition, to the success of which, by his familiarity with the Arabic language, and ability to converse freely with the monks and the Arabs, he so largely contributed The company, when fairly in line of march, made a caravan of thirteen camels, an impres- sive sight in the solitudes which they traversed, where, during eight days, for the most part the foot rests only on a waste of yellow sand, if we except the beautiful palm-groves of the Wady Feiran, which has been called the Para- dise of the Sinaitic Peninsula, where the ruins of the ancient city of Paran are still to be seen, flanking the line of Arab gardens and palm-trees. THE CONVENT OF ST. CATHERINE. 19 On the eighth day they reached the great plain of Er-rahah, which lies like an amphi- theatre at the base of the Mountain of the Law ; and after realizing and admiring its perfect adaptation to the scenes described in the book of Exodus, they rode across it un- til on the side of the mountain the convent came in view, the green of its garden with the contrasted hues of the almond and the cypress furnishing an exquisite sense of delight to eyes that, with the exception of the Wady Feiran, had for many days seen no green thing. A letter from the patriarchate of Jerusalem had preceded the travellers ; and when they reached the convent the gates were open, and a warm welcome awaited them. Pilgrims and visitors are always kindly received by these good brethren on Mount Sinai, though it must be admitted that scholars are looked on with 20 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. somewhat jealous eyes since the day when Tischendorf borrowed from them the greatest of their treasures and safely transferred it to the care of the Emperor of all the Russias. In the present case the travellers were content with the ink-horns that they carried, and the photographic apparatus which was amongst their baggage. They knew pretty well that the time for the alienation of manuscripts from the convents in which they lie is over. Most persons who exercise their imagination as to the library and books of the convent on Mount Sinai have but a faint idea of what is involved in these terms. Perhaps they remem- ber that it has been reported that there is a waste-paper basket in the convent into which the greatest treasures have a habit of being thrown, and they have also a vague idea that there are a few books or parchments roughly THE CONVENT OF ST. CATHERINE. 21 preserved and little understood. How surprised they would be on visiting the convent to be ushered by the scholarly librarian, who knows the date of a Greek MS. better than most wes- tern scholars, into a library patterned after those of Europe, with glass cases and a catalogue, and on the central table a facsimile of the great MS. which they once possessed. When the visitor has looked around over the treasures in this room, he will find, if he is conversant with the literature of the Greek church, that this library is after all only a show-room ; the MSS. being all of a late date, and few of them earlier than the twelfth century. He will then, if he is wise, do what my husband did, and ask to be shown something a little older. Mount Sinai has many libraries, just as it has many chapels: and in particular there is one room which is filled with large chests in which 22 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. are stored away the more precious of the ancient Greek MSS. of the convent, waiting for the time when the monks shall be financially able to give them such a building and such housing as their age and dignity deserve. Amongst these precious treasures my husband began immediately to transcribe, collate and photograph, as fast as he obtained from the learned librarian, Galaktion, the various treasures which were in his keeping. After he had spent some days in this work, the librarian one morning gave him an invitation to accompany him to another part of the con- vent, with a significant intimation that there were other things to be seen ; so they traversed the narrow passages and stairs of the convent until they reached a door closed by a large padlock—it was rusty, as if no one had recently passed that way ; and when it was removed, the THE CONVENT OF ST. CATHERINE. 23 door opened into a narrow room, of some length, the walls of which were lined with Oriental books in the Syriac, Arabic and _ Iberian languages. Into the examination of these books he immediately plunged, and it was not very long before he had detected in a volume of tracts on ethical subjects, a translation of the long-lost Apology of Aristides. It fs needless to say that a great part of the remaining time of his sojourn in the convent was spent in the transcription, photographing, and preliminary study of this precious second- century record. In about three weeks from their first en- trance, after having received uniformly the greatest courtesy from the monks, the party started for the return journey to Suez, being accompanied for a day’s march on the home- ward route by Photius, the exiled patriarch of 24 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. Jerusalem, who was at that time a prisoner of honour in the convent. Such is in brief the story of the discovery of the Apology of Aristides, as far as it concerns the expedition made by my husband and Mr. Bliss to the great storehouse of Christian antiquities at Mount Sinai (a storehouse which probably contains many other treasures of the same nature, yet to be recovered). But there is a further tale to be told, which is deeply interesting and closely connected. My husband’s friend and co-labourer, Mr. Armitage Robinson, being familiar with the translation of the Apology while the work was going through the press, found in a library at Vienna the Latin translation of a certain early Christian Greek romance called “The Life of Barlaam and Josaphat.” While reading this, he tells us, “JT stumbled across words which recalled the THE CONVENT OF ST. CATHERINE. 25 ee SS thought of Aristides. Turning back to the beginning of a long speech, I found the words : “Ego, rex, providentia Dei veni in mundum ; et considerans celum et terram, mare et solem, et lunam, et cetera, admiratus sum ornatum eorum”” He immediately sought the Greek original of the Latin text, and the discovery at once followed that the writer of this romance had embedded a large portion of the original of Aristides’ Apology within its pages, and so Christendom had for long really possessed what it supposed to be lost; but so completely absorbed had it been, quoted not only without reference to its true author, but without the smallest approach to quotation marks, that its disguised condition could never have been guessed at but for the Sinaitic MS. which released it from its prison and claimed it as a brother, nay, an elder brother, for the Apology 26 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. was undoubtedly written first in Greek. For a full account of the romance in which it was found, and also for scholarly elucidations of the text, I must refer the reader to the Appendix of the Cambridge edition of the Apology. CHAPTERS THE DOCTRINE OF THE APOLOGY. THE doctrinal portions of the Apology are very brief and not distinctly formulated, the reason doubtless being that the writer did not make it his object to give an exhaustive description of the Christian faith, but rather to antagonise and refute the current opinions of the philosophical world. Thus his opening words, which abruptly begin the defence, are a reply to the tenets of the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras, of whom it is related that upon one occasion, being asked why he had come into being, he replied that it was with a view 27 28 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. to the contemplation of the sun, moon, and stars. Aristides puts himself beside Anaxa- goras, contemplates with him their order and beauty, and goes on to assert that their Builder and Maker is the God of the Christians. We see there that his presentation of Christianity is a philosophical one, and this explains why it is so different from other expositions of both ancient and modern times. Aristides gives us, however, reason to believe (as has been pointed out in the University Edition of the text), from the sequence of certain well-known Christian sentences, that he was acquainted with a Christian creed, in form something like the following, the certain portions of which are in italics -— We believe in one God, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth ; THE DOCTRINE OF THE APOLOGY. 29 And in Jesus Christ His Son, * * * * Who was born of the Virgin Mary. * * * * He was pierced by the Jews ; He died and was buried ; The third day He rose again ; He ascended into Heaven: t * of * He is about to come to judge. * *k * *k After all, perhaps, we ought not to regard a document as doctrinally meagre which furnishes us with so many important sentences ; nor is the testimony which they furnish to the early Christian belief in our Lord a hesitating one. His Person was evidently the central point of faith; and the words which describe that 30 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES, Sian tasiienaer manna ee ee eens a Person are clear and. explicit: the trumpet gives no uncertain sound, though its notes may be few: they ring upon our ears to-day as clearly as when first uttered p.they Carkyus back to the time when the noble apologist, perhaps at the risk of his own life, addressed them to the pagan emperor. For this fearless fidelity to his Lord, and to the common faith in its most vital point, the Church of the nine- teenth century owes him a debt of the deepest gratitude. “It is said that God came down from heaven, and from a Hebrew virgin took and clad Himself with flesh: and ina daughter of man there dwelt the Son of God.” This simple statement is thoroughly in harmony with the formula evolved in the heat of battle two centuries later, upon which the Church still leans, and from which it has THE DOCTRINE OF THE APOLOGY. 31 learned neither to confound the Persons nor to divide the substance of the Triune God. Even if we grant the omission of the word “God” from the first clause, on the ground that it is not found in the Greek text of the Apology, as it is absorbed and worked over in the romance of Barlaam and Josaphat, the meaning of the passage is unchanged: for the orthodox faith is not Sabellian,t confounding the persons of the Father and the Son; nor do we wish to prove the incarnation of the Father. “ The Son of God,’ as in the last clause (neither an angel nor one of the ancient pro- phets restored to earth as the Jews afterwards imagined), “came down from heaven”: here 1 Sabellius, who died about A.D. 260, taught that Father, Son, and Spirit were only various manifestations of the Logos or Word. Consequently after the ascension of Jesus He had no further personality. 32 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. the pre-existence of Jesus as heavenly, and His incarnation through a Hebrew maiden in whom He, the Son of God, dwelt, is asserted ; and what more could be wished than these clear words? Pages of amplification or explanation would hardly add to their force. It is a matter for great comfort to us in a time when so many earnest and conscientious seekers after truth say that the doctrine of the Divinity of Christ (as expressed to the ordinary comprehension of mankind in the Gospel story of His birth from the Virgin Mary) cannot be maintained or believed, to find that in the early Church this doctrine was the keystone of the faith, and that the latest discoveries of patristic science add cumulative evidence to this fact. We think it will not be foreign to our subject if we give some further instances in proof of this statement. THE, DOCTRINE: OF (THE APOLOGY. 33 On the walls of many of the ancient build- ings which modern excavations have brought to light in Rome are scratchings or graffiti, made in many instances by careless hands, and recording most unintentionally the current idle thought of the day. In the year 1857, one of these graffiti was discovered in the excavated ruins of the “Domus Gelotiana,” a building annexed to the imperial palace of the Caesars by Caligula, which, after his death, became a residence for the court pages. It' is scratched over with boyish ebullitions of delight at escape from the imperial elementary school which preceded their entrance into the palace; and this particular scratching to which we allude represents a caricature of our Lord upon the Cross. He is personified as a rude figure with a donkey’s head, and the arms outstretched ; below is the 3 34 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. figure of a worshipper with uplifted hands, and the legend “ Alexamenos worships [his] God.” This, says M. Lanciani, professor of Archzo- logy in the University of Rome, was designed only a few years after the preaching of the Gospel in Rome by the Apostles; probably about A.D. 70. It is the earliest non-apostoli- cal testimony to the divinity and sufferings of Christ... How little the young Roman scoffer, as he scratched his caricature to annoy a fellow- page in Cesar’s household, imagined that his work would in after ages bear such invaluable testimony to the faith he scorned ! Again, we may refer to the early tract called “The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles,” which was discovered by Archbishop Bryennios, in 1873, in a collection of writings at Constanti- nople, and given by him to the world in 1883. THE .DOCTRINE OF THE APOLOGY. 35 This tract is supposed to belong to the closing years of the first century. It is very Jewish in character, differing greatly in this and in other particulars from Aristides, but it agrees with it in the central doctrine. Thus, in treating of the subject of baptism, the tract twice uses the formula general in Christendom, saying : “vnen ye have first recited all these things, baptize into the name of the Pather. andor. the» >on, and” of the Holy Ghost, in living water.” The linking of the name of the Son between Father and Holy Spirit, sufficiently indicates that some understanding of the Three in One was an article of the early faith ; for who would dare to intrude a merely human name, however beloved, into the very Shekinah glory, or to separate the Eternal Father from the Holy 36 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. Spirit by the interposition of a creaturely pre- sence, however exalted ? There is another illustration of this belief in the same document in the use of the expression, “ Hosanna to the God of David.” It is startling certainly, and Bryennios was so perplexed by it that he changed it into the more likely expression, “ Hosanna to the Son of David.” But the former stands in the original text, and the passage in which it occurs is purely Mes- sianic, so that no doubt remains as to what it was intended to imply. If again we carry down our examination of the evidence of recently recovered books and monuments into the time which immediately follows the Apology of Aristides, we have in the recovered “ Diatessaron” or Harmony of the THE DOCTRINE OF THE APOLOGY. 37 Four Gospels, made by Tatian, another most important early Christian light on this great subject ; the work to which we allude having been recently published in an Arabic version by a learned scholar attached to the Vatican Library. Tatian was a pupil of Justin Martyr, and his work dates from near the middle of the second century. His teacher, whose well-known Apologies are almost contemporary with Aris- tides, declares expressly the orthodox faith in many passages. A single illustration may be given where, referring to the Old Testament Scriptures, he says: “In these books of the prophets we found Jesus our Christ foretold as coming, born of a virgin, growing up to man’s estate, and healing every disease, and every sickness, and raising the dead, and being hated and unrecognised, and crucified, and dying and 38 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. rising again, and ascending into heaven, and being, and being called, the Son of God.” Taught by Justin in Rome, Tatian, who was a native of Mesopotamia, returned to his native land, and inspired with the desire to help his countrymen in the knowledge of the true faith, he made a “Harmony of the Gospels” for the use of the Syrian Church. It is not, however, a Harmony in the modern sense, but a com- plete Gospel story, into which our four gospels are very skilfully interwoven, without any very great regard to the sequences of the Penis of the separate evangelists. This Harmony is not as yet translated into English, and therefore is not accessible to the general public, but it is a satisfaction to know that it is in the hands of scholars ; and that it adds one more proof to those already estab- lished of the fact that the gospel of John was THE DOCTRINE OF THE” APOLOGY. 39 current and canonical early in the second cen- tury ; for Tatian used this gospel almost in its entirety ; and he opens his “ Diatessaron” with verses from its first chapter, followed by St. Luke’s account of the nativity, which is given in full. These, then, are some of the latest witness- bearers to the faith of the early Church which have been, brought to the front by~ modern research ; and they are in full accord with the hitherto known writings of the apostolic fathers: (1) the scratching on the wall of Czsar’s palace about A.D. 70; (2) the Didaché or teaching of the apostles a few years later ; (3) the Apology of Aristides, of which we are treating ; and (4) the long-lost “ Diatessaron” of Tatian. They are all of them intensely interesting, as being new, living, and powerful testimonies out of the silence of the ages, and they all proclaim, as 40 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. NS bt rehab RITE ag ee aa ON a eee with one voice, the pre-existence and incarna- tion of the Word of God. Closely linked with the doctrine of the in- carnation, the Apology of Aristides presents us with that of the resurrection and ascension of our Lord. This is what we should natu- rally expect; for the great facts of Sthe Gospel are almost always believed or rejected together. Of other doctrines, there is not much to say. Aristides is distinctly non-Jewish in his words concerning the Deity. He denies to God anger aad wrath: and also declares that “He asks no sacrifice and no libation, nor any of the things that are visible.” Whether this is meant to be understood in reference to Jewish as well as Pagan sacrifices we do not know ; but if not in opposition to the Mosaic ritual, we may at least be certain that he regarded all such forms THE DOCTRINE OF THE APOLOGY. 4I See eee ee ee of worship as belonging to the past, and as devoid of all authority over the believers in the new revelation. | The doctrine of the forgiveness of sins is stated inferentially in the latter portion of the Apology, where it is said of the unbelieving world around, “ And when it chances that one of them turns, he is ashamed before the Chris- tians of the deeds that are done by him ; and he confesses to God, saying, ‘ In ignorance I did these things’; and He cleanses his heart, and his sins are forgiven him, because he did them in ignorance in former time, when he was blas- pheming and reviling the true knowledge of the Christians.” The reference to future rewards and punish- ments is both concise and explicit. Of the former he says: “And they labour to become righteous as those that expect to see their 42 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. pe ee tL ee Messiah, and receive from Him the promises made to them with great glory. But their sayings and their ordinances, O King, and the glory of their service, and the expectation of their recompense of reward according to the doing of each one of them, which they expect in another world, thou art able to know from their writings.” Of the punishment of the wicked and the general judgment, we have the following state- ments: “And if again they see that one of their number has died in his iniquity or in his sins, over this one they weep bitterly and sigh, as over one who is about to go to punishment”: and again, “Let all those then approach to the gateway of light, who do not know God, and let them receive incorruptible words, those which are so always and from eternity; let them therefore anticipate the dread judgment THE DOCTRINE OF THE APOLOGY. 43 which is to come by Jesus the Messiah upon the whole race of men.” Nothing is said by Aristides explicitly with regard to the books of the New Testament ; but it is evident from passages already quoted that certain Scriptures were in common use among them. One such reference is found in the opening sentence of the description of the Christians: “Now the Christians, O King, by going about and seeking, have found the truth ; and as we have comprehended from their writings, they are nearer to the truth and to exact knowledge than the rest of the people.” Again: “And truly this is a new people, and there is something divine mingled with it. Take now theiy writings and read in them ; and lo! ye will find that not of myself have I brought these things forward, nor as their advocate have I said them, but as I have read 44 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. in their writings, these things I firmly believe and those things which are to come.” This concludes our reference to the doctrinal portion of the Apology. Very much is omitted that we should have rejoiced to have heard explained ; especially we regret that there is no allusion to the work of the Holy Spirit in the dispensation of the Gospel ; and no account of the spiritual gifts of the members of the early Church. But perhaps these did not come within the immediate scope of the Apology, and in any case, we are deeply thankful for his clear testimony to the central points of the Faith. CHARTER. IV: ETHICS. THERE can be no greater pleasure to the truly Christian soul than to contemplate a picture of daily life such as Aristides has presented to us. It is one to be studied carefully, and not to be passed by with a cursory glance ; and as we take clause by clause and meditate upon it, we find its beauty grow upon us until we are amazed at the fulness and sweetness of what at first sight seemed of small moment. How weary we are of being told, and of telling one another, that the doctrines of the Gospel 45 46 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. of Christ, and the ethics of the Sermon on the Mount, have been and are untranslatable into human life except in a very small degree, or in the very rarest cases by apostles, saints, and martyrs! How ashamed of the reproach of the heathen world which the practice of nominal Christianity too often brings upon the name of our Lord! How we long to be assured that no great gulf need exist between the purity of His teaching and the daily illus- tration of human life. Yet who, writing of Christianity in our day; would venture on such a description as the one before us, a descrip- tion the simple dogmatism of which startles and charms us, proving that to the apprehen- sion of Aristides no such gulf existed. And first we would notice how assuredly and fearlessly Aristides uses the words, “ They do; ‘and ihe. ‘dos not.” “They ide scoodste ETHICS. 47 those who are their neighbours.” “They do good to their enemies.” “They do not bear false witness.” “They do not deny a deposit.” “They do not (marvel of marvels) covet what is not theirs!” “Whatever they do not wish that others should do to them, they do not practise towards any one.” Again, “ Falsehood We ltrs Bamrserain is not found among them upon our faith, even in a life so far removed from our own time and so near that of the Gospel history that the charm of distance from the one, and the halo of nearness to the other, hangs over it, to credit all these statements, and especially the last; but of what avail is the witness, put by the good providence of God into the witness-stand before us, unless we resolve to accept his statement as true; surely otherwise the loss will be ours! No falsehood then (within at any rate the inner- 48 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. most circle), no covetousness, no false witness, and good done alike to friends and foes! Is not this a wonderful picture for us to contem- plate ? But besides these positive statements there are touches of great delicacy in the delineation of certain points. In connection with the forgiveness of injuries there is a very noticeable one. “Those who grieve them they comfort and make them their friends.’ The Greek word here used has two meanings—to comfort and to exhort. Either might be used, though the latter would be more commonplace and obviously appropriate ; but the Syrian translator has chosen the former meaning, for the word he employs has only this sense. This seems to imply that there has been repentance on the part of the one who has sinned. For it is hard to see how one continuing in obduracy could ETHICS. 49 eT ha 2a) SES Se ee eee be comforted ; but assuming that this has taken place, how beautifully does this fulfil the thought of the Sermon on the Mount; and how perfect the forgiveness—to comfort not only those that mourn, but those that have made you mourn! To comfort, not simply to turn from the transgression and seek to forget it, but to comfort the transgressor lest he should be swallowed up of over much sorrow ! This refinement of feeling comes out again strongly in the following sentences: “But the good deeds which they do, they do not proclaim in the ears of the multitude, and they take care that no one shall perceive them, and hide their gift as he who has found a treasure and hides it!” There is a delicacy in these touches and in others which show how deeply those Aristides describes had drunk into the spirit 4 50 APOLOGY. OF ARISTIDES. of their Master. They are flowers of grace the fragrance of which has come to us un- diminished by time. But leaving generalities such as these, let us see how they acted in the second century with reference to the social conditions peculiar to their times, as well as those which always form a part of human life. And first with respect to slavery. I. Slavery. In the ordinary Roman and Greek house- hold the life of the slave was an intolerable Olen = \Viteecdes, Pressensé; ‘sayse "ihe aworst consequence of ancient slavery was not the amount of suffering which it entailed, great though that often was, but the degradation of the whole nature, and so to speak the 1 “Life and Practice in the Early Church,” p. 422. ETHICS. 51 destruction of the moral personality. The wrong done to the soul and conscience of the slave is nothing short of murder, even when materially his position is most favourable. He is in no way recognised as a man. He is but a thing,-a chattel that may be paca) 210m hand: to’ hand. °.):) . dn othe eye of the civil law he has no rights. When he stole, he was treated like the dog who robbed his master’s yard.” He was not permitted any rights as husband or father. “His only law, morality, conscience, was the will of his master”; and “death was a lesser evil than the ignominy which was the common lot of the female slaves,” “The servile head has no rights”! was the pagan sentiment. And so utterly downtrodden as they were, is * Cf. Poste : “Elements of Roman Law,” p. 64. 52 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. it strange that slavery was an element of the utmost danger in pagan society ?—that the slave took his revenge by vice and intrigue, and that so hatred of the intensest kind severed the ruling and tyrannical from the slave classes —of course with occasional exceptions ? Now contrast with this state of things the close fellowship and sympathy set forth in the picture before us. “As for their servants or handmaids . . . they persuade them to become Christians for the love they have to- wards them, and when they have become so they call them without distinction brethren.” Thus they cut the Gordian knot of servitude without effort, and by the sword of the Spirit, remembering doubtless the words, “One is your Master, even Christ. andpealla ty cyaate brethren.” On this point Aristides, in illus- trating the spirit of Christian love, goes be- ETHICS. 52 yond the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, which says, “ Thou shalt not command thy bondservant or thine handmaid in thy bitter- ness, who trust in the same God as thyself, lest haply they should cease to fear the God whorsiswover both ,of you; for He; cometh not to call men with respect of persons, but He cometh to those whom the one: hath prepared. But ye servants shall be subject MitomyOur Masters, as to’ a; type of: God, sin shame and fear.”? Outward human relationship they did not seem to regard very much, so engrossed were they in the new spiritual tie which bound Poenmerromecachs other | They do: -not* ‘call brothers those who are after the flesh, but those who are in the spirit and in God. The ' Lightfoot’s “ Apostolic Fathers,” p. 231. 54 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. words of our Lord, “Who is my mother, and who are my brethren?” with the answer “ Whoso doeth the will of my Father in heaven, the same is my mother, sister, brother,” and that more sombre prophecy—“ Brother shall de- liver brother to death ”—were fresh in memory, and experience had verified them; for in the persecutions through which the Church had already passed when Aristides wrote, division of sentiment in households had meant the utmost danger to those holding the true faith, so that a believing slave might be a brother in word and deed, and a father or brother after the flesh might be the most dangerous of enemies. In the history of the martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicitas (in the year 203 A.D.) both these altered relationships were illustrated, for while Perpetua was a patrician lady, her sister in the faith and in martyrdom was a slave; and on ETHICS. ai the other hand, to her own father’s tears and prayers that she should have pity on his white hairs and save her life by renouncing her faith, she turned a deaf ear, grieving, as she says, for his wretched old age, but utterly ignoring that paternal authority which, in the pagan Roman family, was paramount. This was a phase of life, peculiarly belong- ing to the stormy periods of the propagation of the Gospel and consequent persecutions— and when families were scarcely ever likely to be quite united. Happily for humanity, it was not intended to be the rule, and Christi- anity, instead of disintegrating, only beautifies and intensifies natural family ties. But the law still holds good, that these ties are blessed only as they are “in the Lord,” and thus the spiritual relationship is now, as then, the strongest and best. 56 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. Il. Zhe Care of the Poor. Wherever a vital Christianity exists, one of its first duties is ever felt to be, the care of its own poor. And this comes out very clearly in the Apology. Orphanages, alms- houses, hospitals, and all the many organized charities of our own day were then unknown, but the small beginning from which sprang such great systems for relieving the needy and suffer- ing as we see around us, and which are the honour of the Church to-day, is clearly to be recognised. The charity of the Church dealt especially with widows and orphans, according to Scriptural example and direction; “From the widows they do not turn away their coun- tenance; and they rescue the orphan from him who does him violence, and he who has gives to him who has not without grudging”; and “when one of their poor passes away from ETHICS. oe the world and any of them sees him, then he provides for his burial according to his ability ; and if they hear that any of their number is imprisoned or oppressed for the name of their Messiah, all of them provide for his needs.” In these expressions we see evidence of much individual kindness, and some signs of collec- tive effort ; though perhaps the latter is hardly of so decided a character as we read of in Paul’s writings where regular gifts and united Church care of the poor are clearly indicated and enjoined. But if the almsgiving of these brethren was personal rather than organized, it was beauti- fully self-sacrificing and communistic. “And if there is among them one that is poor and needy, and they have not an abundance of necessaries, they fast two or three days that they may supply the needy with their neces- 53 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. sary food.” Doubtless this means more than the mere subtraction of superfluities; it may not be an absolute, but it is evidently a very real fast that is here meant. It is possible that they were conversant with the rules given in the “Shepherd of Hermas,” and especially with a remarkable passage in one of his Par- ables, which runs as follows: “ This ese saith the angel, “if the commandments of the Lord are kept, is very good. This then is the way that thou shalt keep this fast which thou art about to observe. First of all, keep thyself from every evil word and every evil desire, and purify thy heart from all the vanities of this world. If thou keep these things, this fast shall be perfect for thee. And thus shalt thou do. Having fulfilled what is written, on that day on which thou fastest thou shalt taste nothing but bread and water: and from thy meats, » ETHICS. 59 which thou wouldest have eaten, thou shalt reckon up the amount of that day’s expendi- ture which thou wouldst have incurred, and shalt give it to a widow or an orphan, or to one in want, and so shalt thou humble thy soul, that he that hath received from thy humiliation may satisfy his own soul and may pray for thee to the Lord. If then thou shalt so accomplish this fast as I have commanded thee, thy sacrifice shall be acceptable in the sight of God, and this fasting shall be recorded, and the service so performed is beautiful and joyous and acceptable to the Lord.” ! Therefore one meal a day of bread and water is likely to be what is here alluded to, and truly, however wise it may be to avoid ascetic practices generally for fear of their eee ere Se at * Lightfoot’s “ Apostolic Fathers,” p. 445. 60 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. abuse, surely nothing but what is praiseworthy can be found in such a self-abnegation inspired by the care for others; which yet, since it was only for two or three days at a time, was not in the least likely to injure the health of those fasting, or impair their usefulness in other ways. “It is not necessary,” says M. de Pressensé, “to have an abundance of this world’s goods in order to show this practical charity. Often the humble Christian whose own wants are barely supplied can forego his bread for the sake of those who are poorer Stil. But besides care for the sick, the imprisoned, and “the poor widows and orphans, a new character was bestowed by Christianity upon the duties of hospitality enjoined by the Apostle Paul. ‘“ When they see the stranger, they bring him to their dwellings and rejoice ETHICS. 6I over him as over a true brother.” The pagan idea embraced no such duty. The hospitality of the Christians (we again quote M. Pres- sensé’s work) is far larger than that of the ancients. “The latter was chiefly confined to the family circle; the stranger could claim no welcome there merely as a fellow-man. Para- sites indeed played a conspicuous part at feasts, and paid for their entertainment by flatteries and jests, and honoured and honour- able. guests were of course from time to time received ; but Christian hospitality was at once far larger and far simpler. From what- ever barbarous country he might have come, his welcome was like that of the angel in the tent of Abraham. He at once found his place at the table and at the domestic altar. When the Agape was made distinct from the public worship, it was celebrated in 62 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. private houses, and every day the poor found a place at the family table of their richer neighbours.” The spirit of praise amid their uncertain earthly surroundings and often exceeding poverty, is also a beautiful and attractive feature of early Christian life. “Every morning and at all hours, on account of the goodness of God towards them, they praise and laud Him ; and over their food and over their drink they render Him thanks.” If we may accept this as mean- ing that they lived in a thankful spirit, and used some form of grace before meals, we may hope. that it is still the custom of the Chris- tian Church generally ; but if it means that they vocally praised and lauded at all hours, then, once more, how far are we from this joyous and fearless habit of life? Pressensé says on the authority of Clement of Alexandria (though ETHICS. 63 eee A not in an exact quotation),! “There is no lack of joy at the table of the Christians, for the family has its lawful feasts, but the joy is calm and pure. . . . All voices join in the praise of God from the father to the little child. They sing to the harp as in the time of David. A cheerful mirth prevails.” Ill. The position of woman. There are only two sentences in the Apology which throw light on the altered condition of woman in the Christian society, and these two refer only to the purity of their private lives, telling us nothing of their place in the Church during its hours of worship, or of their work outside the limits of their own homes in visit- ing the sick and afflicted. We know, however, from other sources, and especially from. the + “Life and Practice,” p. 407. 64 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. writings of Tertullian, that they performed a large amount of Christian work of a semi- public character ; but as this is not referred to by Aristides, it is not within our present scope. “Their wives, O King,” he says, “are pure as virgins, and their daughters modest.” Purity was not a common characteristic of the feminine portion of society around them ; but vice everywhere was triumphant, and so per- meated daily life that it was contamination for the Christian maiden even to step outside her own threshold. Neither matron nor maiden could escape the knowledge of evil in that corrupt world, but amid its darkness their purity shone forth with dazzling brightness. Not at the brilliant feast or theatre or circus, where Greek and Roman ladies loved to dis- play themselves and to seek amusement, were these women to be seen, but threading the ETHICS. 65 poorest and narrowest streets on the way to prison, the place of worship, or some needy home, carrying food and cheer, dressed in the most unassuming costume, and _ probably closely veiled. We assume this latter point ; for Clement of Alexandria gives the following directions for a Christian woman’s public attire : “Let her be entirely covered, unless she happens to be at home. For that style of dress is grave and protects her from being gazed at. And she will never fall, who sets before her eyes modesty—and her shawl. For this is the wish of the Word, since it is be- coming for her to pray veiled.” Clement lived so near to the time of our Apologist, that we may safely infer from the rules which he gives for female conduct, the practice of the generation that preceded him. The picture of married life in the early 5 66 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. Church, which is suggested by the rapid sketch of Aristides, is one that is indicative of do- mestic harmony and love and peace. Such a picture is drawn over again by another almost contemporary hand in the pages of Tertullian, who in his address to his wife gives us some beautiful sentences, which we may, if we please, regard as a commentary upon Aristides as a text. “What kind of yoke,’ says Tertullian, “is that of two believers partakers of one hope, one desire, one discipline, one and the same service? Both are brethren, both fellow-servants, no dif- ference of spirit or of flesh; nay, they are truly two in one flesh. Where the flesh is one, one is the spirit also. Together they pray, together prostrate themselves, together perform their fasts ; mutually teaching, mutually exhorting, mutually sustaining. Equally are they found BTHICS: 67 in the Church of God ; equally at the banquet of God; equally in straits and persecutions ; in refreshments. Neither hides ought from the other ; neither shuns the other. The sick is visited, the indigent relieved with freedom. Between the two echo psalms and hymns, and they mutually challenge each other which shall better chant to their Lord. Such things, when Christ sees, He joys. To these He sends His own peace. Where two are there withal is He Himself. Where He is, there the evil one is not.” IV. On the practice of prayer. In chapter xvi. we find one sentence on the subject of prayer, and that is all in the whole Apology, but it is in keeping with the char- acter of the rest of the tract; and how compre- hensive it is! 68 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. “ As men who know God they ask from Him petitions which are proper for Him to give and for them to receive, and thus they accomplish the course of their lives.” The Apostle John says, “If we ask any- thing according to His will, He heareth us,” Ele: Aristides implies that Christians in his day knew so well what not to pray for—that what they did ask was in accordance with the Divine will, and therefore they were not confused and puzzled as so many in our own day, at the large amount of unanswered prayer. Careless and formal, or else selfish praying, unanswered of course, naturally saps the spring of faith in the human soul, and then it is easy to say, “JT cried, but there was none to answer,’ —an experience at the bottom of a great deal of professed agnosticism. The early Christians ETHICS. 69 thought more about the true conditions for successful praying and consequently were more habitually successful. Tertullian! gives some very practical thoughts on the subject, as well as some most eloquent passages. He says that no one will pray successfully if he is in a state of anger. “That we may not be as far from the ears of God as we are from His precepts, the memory of His precepts paves for our prayers a way unto heaven, of which precepts the chief is that we go not up unto God’s altar before we compose whatever of discord or offence we have contracted with our brethren. For what sort of deed is it to approach the peace of God without peace?—the remission of debts while you retain them? How will he appease His father, who is angry with his * Tertullian, “ On Prayer,” ch. xi. 7O APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. brother, when from the beginning all anger is forbidden us ?” “For what has God, who exacts it, ever denied to prayer coming from spirit and truth? How mighty specimens of its efficacy do we read, and hear, and believe! Old-world prayers, indeed, used to free men from fires, and from beasts, and from famine, and yet it had not then received its form from Christ. But how far more operative is Christian prayer ! It washes away faults, repels temptations, extinguishes persecutions, consoles the faint- spirited, cheers the high-spirited, escorts travel- lers, appeases waves, makes robbers stand aghast, nourishes the poor, governs the rich, upraises the fallen, arrests the falling, confirms the stand- ing. Prayer is the wall of faith ; her arms are missiles against the foe who keeps watch over us on all sides. And so never walk we un- ETHICS. 71 armed. Under the arms of prayer guard we the standard of our General; await we in prayer the angel’s trump.” ! V. Funeral Customs. These happy Christians, praising and lauding God over their hard fare if poor, or around the hospitable board if rich, or in prison for their Messiah’s name, or fasting for love of one another, while all the time rejoicing in the blessing of continually answered prayer, were not daunted at the approach of death, nor did they give way to undue grief when one of their number entered the portals of light. “If any righteous person of their number passes away from the world, they rejoice and give thanks to God, and they follow his body as PIT Ota. CH XXIX: ja APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. if he were moving from one place to another.” The inconsistency of the customary mourning habits of the Christian world to-day, with its professed belief, must often strike the thought- ful mind. We believe that our beloved have entered into joy “unspeakable and full of glory,” and we make this blessedness of theirs the signal for garments of woe! More logical in action were these simple folk, and less selfish ; more able to turn from the brief earthly loss, and to rejoice in the happiness of the loved one who had moved from one place in his Father's house to another purer and brighter! They laid aside by a Divine instinct the whole para- phernalia of mourning which they saw around them—“the sackcloth and ashes and rent garments of the Jews, and the black apparel of the Romans; and the mourners hired to ETHICS. 7 wail, both of eastern and western nations.” ? Hired mourners were indeed forbidden. In- stead of the cypress, as indicative of grief palm and olive branches were carried in the funeral company and adorned the funeral chamber, and leaves of laurel and ivy, as sig- nifying victory, were placed in the coffin with strewn flowers. The burning of the bodies of the dead was forbidden as sacrilegious ; not that it mattered to the dead what was done with the out-worn garment of the flesh ; but because, holding the doctrine of the resurrection body as strongly as they did, they wished to avoid the appearance of that which seemed to contradict it. The prepar- ation of the body for interment was undertaken by the relations and friends of the deceased, for * Backhouse & Tylor’s “ Early Ch. Hist.,” p. 180. 74 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. only hands of love might touch the form that had so lately been the shrine of a beloved spirit. All signs of violent grief were strongly discouraged, and everything done to stimulate the bereaved ones to dwell on the joy of the eniranchised »ssOulgisorlo ainyselsiediso, arsaic Cyprian, only a little later than the bright period we are considering, “how often has it been revealed that our brethren who are freed from the world by the Lord’s summons are not to be lamented, since we know that they are not lost, but sent before; that departing from us, they precede us as travel- lers, as navigators are accustomed to do; that they should be desired, but not bewailed ; that the black garments should not be taken upon us here, when they have already taken upon them white raiment there; that occasion should not be given to the Gentiles for them BIHICs. 75 deservedly and rightly to reprehend us that we mourn for those who, we say, are alive with God, as if they were extinct and lost. There is no advantage in setting forth virtue by our words, and destroying the truth by our deeds.” * And a little further on in the same discourse, referring to the writings of the Apostle Paul, Cyprian adds, “ He? says that those have sorrow in the departure of their friends, who have no hope. But we who live in hope, and believe in God, and trust that Christ suffered for us and rose again, abiding in Christ and through Him and in Him rising again, why either are we ourselves unwilling to depart hence from this life, or do we bewail and grieve for our * Cyprian, “On The Mortality,” ch. xx. *Jhid.. Chi. Xx. 70 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. friends when they depart, as if they were lost,— when Christ Himself, our Lord and God, en- courages us, and says, “I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in Me, though he die yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall not die eternally”? It was therefore the rule that instead of black dethes men wore the dress at burial services which they wore at feasts; and where- as the Romans chose night as the fitting oc- casion for consigning to the dust or the flames the remains of those who had left the pre- cincts of the cheerful day for the shades below, Christians boldly—in the interims of persecu- tion—buried in the day time, as again fore- shadowing the unchanging day into which their departed had entered, and carried forth their dead as in a triumph, singing hymns of thanksgiving and praise, such as, “ Precious ETHICS. via in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints,” or, “Turn again, O my soul, for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee”; or again, “The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, and there shall no torment touch them.” ! 1 For this and preceding information, see “ Dict. of Christ. Antiq.,” on the Burial of the Dead. Grieves Reeve THE APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES, TRANSLATED FROM THE SYRIAC. AGAIN, the apology which Aristides the philosopher made before Hadrian the king concerning the worship of God. [To the Emperor] Cesar Titus Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus Pius, from Marcianus Aristides, a philosopher of Athens. I. I, O King, by the grace of God came into this world; and having contemplated the heavens and the earth and the seas, and be- held the sun and the rest of the orderly creation, I was amazed at the arrangement of 78 TRANSLATED FROM THE SYRIAC. 79 the world ; and I comprehended that the world and all that is therein are moved by the impulse of another, and I understood that He that moveth them is God, who is hidden in them and concealed from them: and this is well known, that that which moveth is more powerful than that which is moved. And that I should investigate concerning this Mover of all, as to how He exists—for this is evident to me, for He is incomprehensible in His nature—and that I should dispute concerning the steadfastness of His government, so as to comprehend it fully, is not profitable for me; for no one is able perfectly to comprehend it. But I say concerning the Mover of the world, that He is God of all, who made all for the sake of man; and it is evident to me that this is expedient, that one should fear God, and not grieve man. 80 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. Now I say that God is not begotten, not made; a constant nature, without beginning and without end; immortal, complete, and in- comprehensible: and in saying that He is complete, I mean this: that there is no de- ficiency in Him, and He stands in need of nought, but everything stands in need of Him ; and in saying that He is without beginning, I mean this: that everything which has a beginning has also an end; and that which has an end is dissoluble. He has no name; for everything that has a name is associated with the created; He has no _ likeness, nor composition of members ; for he who _ pos- sesses this is associated with things fashioned. He, is mot male. nor, is -He female: the heavens do not contain Him; but the heavens and all things visible and invisible are con- tained in Him. Adversary He has none; TRANSLATED FROM THE SYRIAC. 81 for there is none that is more powerful than He; anger and wrath He possesses not, for there is nothing that can stand against Him. Error and forgetfulness are not in His nature, for He is altogether wisdom and understand- ing, and in Him consists all that consists. He asks no sacrifice and no libation, nor any of the things that are visible; He asks not anything from any one; but all ask from Him. II. Since then it has been spoken to you by us concerning God, as far as our mind was capable of discoursing concerning Him, let us now come to the race of men, in order that we ay know which of them hold any part of that truth which we have spoken con- cerning Him, and which of them are in error therefrom. This is plain to you, O king, that there are 6 82 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. four races of men in this world; Barbarians and Greeks, Jews and Christians. Now the Barbarians reckon the head of the race of their religion from Kronos and from Kheawand the srestwot ithe esods mbutathe Greeks from NHelenus, who is said to be from Zeus ; and from Helenus was born Aeolus and Xythus, and the rest of the family from Ina- chus ‘and Pheroneus ; “and last. “of. all;trom Danaus the Egyptian, and from Kadmus and from Dionysus. Moreover the Jews reckon the head of their race from Abraham, who begat Isaac, from, whom was born Jacob, who begat twelve sons, who removed from Syria and settled in Egypt, and there were called.the race of the Hebrews by their lawgiver: but at last they were named Jews. The Christians, then, reckon the beginning TRANSLATED FROM THE SYRIAC. 83 of their religion from Jesus Christ, who is named the Son of God most High; and it is said that God came down from heaven, and from a Hebrew virgin took and clad Himself with flesh, and in a daughter of man there dwelt the Son of God. This is taught from that Gospel which a little while ago was spoken among them as being preached ; where- in if ye also will read, ye will comprehend the power that is upon it. / This Jesus, then, was born of the tribe of the Hebrews ; and He had twelve disciples, in order that a certain dispen- sation of His might be fulfilled. He was pierced by the Jews; and He died and was buried; and they say that after three days He rose and ascended to heaven ; and then these twelve disciples went forth into the known parts of the world, and taught concern- ing His greatness with all humility and_so- 84 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. ——— briety ; and on this account those also who to-day believe in this preaching are called Christians, who are well known. There are then four races of mankind, as I said before, Barbarians and Greeks, Jews and Christians. To God then ministers wind, and to angels fire; but to demons water, and to men earth. III. Let us then begin with the Barbarians, and by degrees we will proceed to the rest of the peoples, in order that we may under- stand which of them hold the truth concerning God and which of them error. The Barbarians then, inasmuch as they did not comprehend God, erred with the elements ; and they began to serve created things instead of the Creator of them, and on this account they made likenesses and they enclosed them 1 Rome 1, 25. TRANSLATED FROM THE SYRIAC. 85 in temples; and lo! they worship them and guard them with great precaution, that their gods may not be stolen by robbers; and the Barbarians have not understood that whatso- ever watches must be greater than that which is watched ; and that whatsoever creates must be greater than that whatever is created: if so be then that their gods are too weak for their own salvation, how will they furnish salvation to mankind? The Barbarians then have erred with a great error in worshipping dead images which profit them not. And it comes to me to wonder also, O king, at their philosophers, : how they too have erred and have named gods those likenesses which have been made in honour of the elements ; and the wise men have not understood that these very elements are corruptible and dissoluble; for if a little part of the element be dissolved or corrupted, 86 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. all of it is dissolved and corrupted. If then these elements are dissolved and corrupted, and compelled to be subject to another harder than themselves, and are not in their nature gods, how can they call gods those likenesses which are made in their honour? Great then is the error which their philosophers have brought upon their followers. IV.* Wet “us *turn’® then, .O ‘king, oto: ‘the elements themselves, in order that we may show concerning them that they are not gods, but a creation, corruptible and changeable, which is in the likeness of man. But God is incorruptible, and unchangeable, and in- visible, while seeing, turning and changing all things. Those therefore who think concerning earth AP ROMs dee 3: TRANSLATED FROM THE SYRIAC. 87 that it is God have already erred, since it is digged and planted and delved; and since it receives the defilement of the excrement of men and of beasts and of cattle: and since sometimes it becomes what is useless ; for if it be burned, it becomes dead, for from baked clay there springs nothing: and again, if water be collected on it, it becomes corrupted along with its fruits: and lo! it is trodden on by men and beasts, and it receives the im- purity of the blood of the slain; and it is digged and filled with the dead and becomes a repository for bodies : none of which things can that holy and venerable and blessed and incorruptible nature receive. And from this we have perceived that the earth is not God, but a creature of God. V. And in like manner again have those erred who have thought concerning water that 88 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. it is God. For water was created for the use of man, and in many ways it is made subject to him. For it is changed, and re- ceives defilement, and is corrupted, and loses its own nature when cooked with many things, and receives colours which are not its own ; being moreover hardened by the cold, and mixed and mingled with the excrement of men and beasts and with the blood of the slain: and it is compelled by workmen, by means of the compulsion of channels, to flow and be conducted against its own will, and to come into gardens and other places, so as to * * * ‘ wash away all defilement, and supply man’s need of itself, Wherefore it is impossible that water should be God, but it is a work of God and a. part of the world, So too those have erred not a little who TRANSLATED FROM THE SYRIAC, 89 thought concerning fire that it is God: for it too was created for the need of men: and in many ways it is made subject to them, in the service of food and in the preparation of ornaments and the other things of which your majesty is aware: whilst in many ways it is extinguished and destroyed. And again, those who have thought con- cerning the blast of winds that it is God, these also have erred: and this is evident to us, that these winds are subject to another, since sometimes their blast is increased and sometimes it is diminished and ceases, accord- ing to the commandment of Him who sub- jects them. Since for the sake of man they were created by God, in order that they might fulfil the needs of trees and fruits and seeds, and that they might transport ships upon the sea; those ships which bring to men their gO APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. necessary things, from a place where they are found to a place where they are not found ; and furnish the different parts of the world. Since then this wind is sometimes increased and sometimes diminished, there is one place in which it does good and another where it does harm, according to the nod of Him who rules it: and even men are able by means of well-known instruments to catch and coerce it that it may fulfil for them the necessities which they demand of it: and over itself it has no power at all; wherefore it is not possible that winds should be called gods, but a work of God. AS Sere: too those have erred who have thought concerning the sun that he is God. For lo! we see him, that by the necessity of another he is moved and turned and runs his course ; and he proceeds from degree to de- TRANSLATED FROM THE SYRIAC. QI gree, rising and setting every day, in order that he may warm the shoots of plants and shrubs, and may bring forth in the air which is mingled with him every herb which is on the earth. And in calculation the sun has a part with the rest of the stars in his course, and although he is one in his nature, he is mixed with many parts, according to the advantage of the needs of men: and that not according to his own will, but according to the will of Him that ruleth him. Wherefore it is not possible that the sun should be God, but a work of God; and in like manner also the moon and stars. VII. But those who have thought con- cerning men of old, that some of them are gods, these have greatly erred : as thou, even thou, O king, art aware that man consists of the four elements and of soul and spirit, and 92 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. therefore is he even called World, and apart from any one of these parts he does not exist. He has beginning and end, and he is born and also suffers corruption. But God, as I have said, has none of this in His nature, but He is unmade and incorruptible. On this account, ea it is impossible that we should represent him as God who is man by nature, one to whom sometimes, when he looketh for joy, grief happens; and for laugh- ter, and weeping befalls him; one that is passionate and jealous, envious and regretful, along with the rest of the other defects: and in many ways more corrupted than the ele- ments or even than the beasts. And thence, O king, it is right for us to understand the error of the Barbarians, that, whereas they have not investigated. concern- ing the true God, they have fallen away from TRANSLATED FROM THE SYRIAC. 93 the truth and have gone after the desire of their own mind, in serving elements subject to dissolution, and dead images: and on account of their error they do not perceive who is the true God. VIII. Let us return now to the Greeks, in order that we may know what opinion they have concerning the true God. The Greeks, then, because they are wiser than the Barbarians, have erred even more than the Barbarians, in that they have introduced many gods that are made; and some of them they have represented as male and some of them as female ; and in such a way that some of their gods were found to be adulterers and murderers and jealous and envious, and angry and pas- sionate, and murderers of fathers, and thieves and plunderers. And they say that some of them were lame and maimed; and some of 94 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. them wizards, and some of them utterly mad ; and some of them played on harps; and some of them wandered on mountains; and some of them died outright; and some were struck by lightning, and some were made subject to men, and some went off in flight, and some were stolen by men; and lo! some of them were wept and bewailed by men ; and some they say, went down to Hades. * * * * * And of some of their goddesses they say that they contended about beauty, and came for judgment before men. The Greeks, then, O king, have brought forward what is wicked, ridiculous, and foolish concerning their gods and themselves ; in that they called such like persons gods, who are no gods ; and hence men have taken occasion to commit adultery and fornication, and to plunder and do everything TRANSLATED FROM THE SYRIAC. 95 that is wicked and hateful and abominable. For if those who are called their gods have done all those things that are written above, how much more shall men do them who believe in those who have done these things! and from the wickedness of this error, lo! there have happened to men frequent wars and mighty famines, and bitter captivity and de- privation of all things: and lo! they endure them, and all these things befall them from this cause alone: and when they endure them, they do not perceive in their conscience that because of their error these things happen to them. * ** * ** x XII. Now the Egyptians, because they are more evil and ignorant than all peoples upon the earth, have erred more than all men. For the worship of the Barbarians and the Greeks 96 APOLOGY OF ARISTIDES. did not suffice them, but they introduced also the nature of beasts and said concerning it that they were gods: and also of the creeping things which are found on the dry land and in the waters, and of the plants and herbs they have said that some of them are gods, and they have become corrupt in all madness and impurity more than all peoples that are upon the earth. For of old time they wor- shipped Isis ; and they say that she forsooth is a goddess, who had forsooth a husband Osiris, her brother; but when, forsooth, Osiris was killed by his brother Typhon, Isis fled with her son Horus to Byblos in Syria, and was there for a certain time until that her son was grown: and he contended with his uncle Typhon and killed him, and thereupon Isis returned and went about with her son MHorus, and was seeking for the body of Osiris her lord, and TRANSLATED FROM THE SYRIAC. 97