NEW YORK & CHICAGO ^6 EAST 9 TM ST-. ©1 HAMD01-f»M ST. lie by Booksellers and Music Dealers generally. FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY THE N? N^ .> ,l< OF PR/,V$> JUN 27 1934 BRIGHT ARK (Zl A. /2/"f;iL-&F! A NEW COLLECTION OF BY- ROBERT LOWRY AND W. HOWARD DOANE •:• BiGLow & Main, 76 East Ninth Street, New York; 81 Randolph Street, Chicago.. may be ordered through booksellers and music dealers. Copyright, 1889, by BiCLOw & Main. SALUTATION. {HE demand for Sunday School Songs of the best character is steady and healthful. The incessant use to which a Sunday School Song Book is subject renders a renewal of the material a moral necessity. Sometimes the very excellence of a song, inviting a too frequent repetition, leads to an ultimate diminution of interest in it. Hence the need of provid- ing a continuous supply to meet a constantly increasing demand. The success which has attended our endeavors to furnish the best material for the Song Service, is known and recognized by the mass of Sunday Schools in all parts of our land. Milhons of our books have gone into the hands of the young people, and multitudes of persons in our churches testify to the salutary impression made upon them in their youth by the singing of these evangelical songs. We have long recognized the fact that the time for imposing inferior productions on the Sunday School has gone by. In the general elevation of the common taste we claim to have had no insignificant share. We have had one unwavering purpose to make the best books for practical use. We have striven to lead the young people through the safe grounds of gospel hymnody, and put into their mouths the melodies that would please them. But in all our leading, we have kept within sight and touch of those who were following us. A book for the Sunday School should minister to the old and \\\q yoiins:;, the experienced Christian, the youthful convert, the thoughtful inquirer, the little child. It should have the best of the old favorites and the brightest of the new productions. It should be sweet with the stream of the gospel running all through it. It should be edited with care and stamped with beauty. It should last as long as a book ought to last. These ideas we have embodied in BRIGHT ARRAY. The Bright Array. URS. SARAH J. HAIR. Our Father in Heaven. " UaUowed be thy name." — Matt. 6 : 9. WM. F. SHERWIN ^^^m ^m^m ^^ % ^ 1. Our Father in heav-en. We hal - low Thj' name ; May Thy kingdom Lo-ly On earth be the same; 2. Forgive onr transgressions, And teach Hfi to know That humble compas-sion Which pardons each foo; -• P •- 11 |- f- I &i^ ^ j:Q=p 3= I ^ ■r ■»• -ST O give to us dai - ly Our por-tion of bread; It is from Thy bounty That all must be fed. Keep ns from temptation, From weaknessand sin; And Thine be the glo - ry. For - ev - er. A -men. By pennission. Bright Array. FANNY J. CROSBY. " These which are arrayed in white robes." — Rev 7 : 13. ^ , ROBERT LOWKY. ^ =?= =^ m -T^—^ •hold a host to vie -t'rj' led By Je-stis, their ex - alt - ed head; Its peer-less ranks tho Whate'erthe strife, they fear uo ill, The Lord, their Strength, is with them still; With mighty hand He In bright ar-ray, the ransomed throng That en -ter heav'n with ho - ly song, Tlieir vict'ry won, their In bright ar-ray may we be found, A - mong the blest with ulo-ry crown'd: And, in that world of rt ^ W=^ -^-- :^_._IjiI £ ±t -^ fe Refrain. -«^-^^ i cross dis-play, While forth they march in bright ar - ray. guides their way.His right-eons-uess their bright ar - ray. joy com-plete, Will cast their crowns at Je - sus' feet. end - less day. With Je - sns dwell in bright ar - ray. In bright ar-ray, to end-less day, We'll to Him who led the way To God's righthand in BeulahLand, To dwell withHim in glo - ry. J g— I y=* ' ^^ — '^-f — y— ' — — ' :t Copyright, 18S9. by Biglow & Main. BERTHA MASON. I 3^ Precious Words of Jesus. " JiUsaed are the pure in heart." — Matt. 5 : 8. W. H. DOANB. 1. Precious words that 2. Bless-ed they iu 3. Bless-cil they 4. Bless-ed they i — i — g — v m Je - BUS said.WLenon earth He taught so kind - ly; Blest the pure in spir -itpoor.For His king-dora they in - her - it; Bless-ed they that that lol-low peace, They are called God's faithful chil - dren; Bless-ed they that that biiD-ger now.Aud tor righteous-ness are thirst -ing; From the lov - ing -fSZ. ^ ^ ^ • ^. '.u i ^ L . »=r r r " 4=ji^ It ?=^?^^p^ Rkfbais. n i 1 1 I S N S .^ 1 s s it^fl^ 1 1^-zh — — J 4 J =rH i ^ m i^—^ H — -* • *-H W^ ^ i i — ! — * — d (— -^A'H i\ * W i g *» =?r -^^•^'~^ »/ » ^ 9 -# ' * ^^ > heart, said He, For their eyes the Lord shall see. 0 the precious words of Je - BUS That on mer - cy show, Un - to them shall luer-cy flow. sor - row here, Thev shall feel His com-fort near. streams that glide Shall their souls be sul - is - tied. r^rrjt J JL— # • 0—, C.-* ^- J-* "f"-* *. fL H ^ ^ — i « — « — 1 1 , .OL 1 1 . * f^ ^^ ^ • ^ — F- -f — •H-^^ — 5- -1 — ^l"ir-^ -f— n — - — ^ — ' =S ^^^* *—^ ■^^-i \ — 1 ? !i_ -• — • — 1 ^1 » \ V ^ ,.. ' p ^^ — -^-7-^ ^T— r^ y ^ I ^ h fe* ^^ — H p_p 1 A 1 — ->, 1 r ^ i a^ ' * — '—"0 — "-Sr^' earth He so kind-ly taught; Mhj- we love and hal - low ev - ery one, May we prize them as we ought 42- s !*>»'# f w f rf^ ^=^=.=1:^=^ :Ei1 Copyrifcht. 1889, by Billow & Main. Glory Ever be to Jesus. " Girie unto the Lord glory and strength." — Ps. 96 : 7. N-T-H-^— p.^ -. 1 1 '^-I'S''-^— ■ IRA D. SANKEY. ^ i -f-ah tr. ^S '\ 0 M 0—^ 1 1 '< 1— I 1 'I • *4-» b 1 = =r *-?=T=-^jr~.Sr-'-,*--^— ^-"^^' dili\ Prp-.^ * ^ be to Je - sus, God's own well - be - lev - ed iSou; By His grace He days of wand'ring.Longiug, hop - ing for the light! Tliesf at last lie His safe and ho - ly keep-iug, 'Neath the shad-ow of His wing, Glad -ly iu His 1. Glo 2. O 3. In ry ev - the wea er i^ *- IS ■0 I s *~V* m ^ :± &^ -J^ -*-*- J Chorus ^ -*-i *-»H*- ~z? hath redeemed us, "It is fin-ished." all is done. Saved by grace, thro' faith in Je - sus. Saved by all be - hind us, Je - sus is our strength and might. love con - fid - ing, May our souls His i)rais-es sing. -^0 } s 'm J-.-f':^ £ ig^ ^t :*=^r 0 I g=:f !fl^^ ^1.^ S 1*^ n J s 3e£ -n -*-^ ^ 1- -^4-»--4 itTt* ^^ ? V r-T-^ "^ His own pre-cious blood. May we, in His love a - bid-ing, Fol-low on to know the Lord. rfc ^ ■•- ■0-- -^ fc^ Copyright, 1887, by Ira D. sankey. m^ =f= S^ t; a Jesus Saves! ■ Believe on the Lord Jemui Chri»l. and thou ghalt be laved." — Acts 16 : 31. wm. j. kirkpatrick. Wo Lave lipiinl the joy-ful sound: Je Waft it o'er the roU-ing tide: Jo 3. Sin'' u- bove the bat -tie strife: Je ■ 1. •> BUS saves ! BUS saves ! sus saves ! Je Je Je sns saves ! Spread the ti - din<;s all a - round: ■ sns saves! Tell to sin - ners far and wido: 1 1 Uv His death and end-less life, sus saves IF 55 -#-^ t fc # 0 • J: -»-H-|f- ■-^^ i* By -«^ ^-V ^33 -J — 5--^^ — ^ ^ Je - sns saves ! Je - sns saves! Bear the news to ev - 'ry land, Climb the steeps and cross the waves; Je - sus saves ! Jn - sus saves! Sing, ye isl - ands of the sea, Ech - o back, ye o- cean caves; Je - 8U8 saves ! Je - sus saves! Sing it soft -ly thro' the gloom, When the lieart fornier-cy craves; ^:^I?=^ ^_^: -f9- ^ 7— ^- * * ^^^^§|$J d-r'0-\-0..~0 » T^H ^ ±^ -<>- Onward ! — 'tis our Lord's coin mand : Je- sus saves! Je - sus saves Earth shall keej) hi-r ju - hi - lee: Je-sus saves ! Je - sus saves Sing in triumph o"ir the tomb — Je-sus saves ! Je - sus saves J r. — ■_>> "J 4 Give the winds a mighty voice: Jesus saves ! Jesus saves ! Let the nations now rejoice, — Jesus saves ! Jesus saves ! Sho\it salvation full and free. Highest hills and deepest caves; This onr song of victory, — Jesus saves ! Jesus saves ! From ** Royal Fountain," by per. John J. Hood. 8 FANNY J. CROSBY. Once Again with Delight we Gather, "Milter into his courts with praise." — Pa. 100 : 4. \V. H. DOANE. ■ n tt k h i>. k N 1 1^ K iltff i h r Jit r 1 ^ lu 1 1 1 1 L ^ L L « L ■ a « mm 1 ^ '( L' L' V ^ r r * r WW 1 1 ; , ; , ' , ^. 1 ' , 1 , lO • ■ ^ 1 \y w ^ W [ 1/ !• n + k K .. __ JN ..__N ^ ^ ^ N 1 V 't K 1^ ! ' l;^ ■ 1 "1 A d J m m ^^ 1 ' 1 -■/!» ■ -J JL." 1 J - - ^ 1 1 .. __. . W, W 1 1 if* m 'i 1 • 1 fm J ^ S * 'i a m J 5- J . • ! J J ff W IM; « 1 *■■ • J J J * S s a d 4 ^ i J a ' \ •>/ ^ « ' « «/ 1^ 0 " • » Aud we list to the words so pre - cious, From the lips of our Sav - iour a - bove. And we read in the Ho - ly Bi - ble Pre - cious words from our Sav - iour a - bove. Still we think of the words so pre - Clous, And the joy and the com - fort they bring. That the fruit of the seed they scat - ter May be seen in the lives of us all. __., • ^ -P- ^- ♦ - . Xi- , f J ^ > J ,^ ,^ ^. r»" > '^ 'i» '• • '• '« '• ._ f W--'-L r 1 i3m ^ r ^ J L U !- r -J fS ' 1 3^ ' ' _V V '^ (^ \ ^ I 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 1 r , 1 1 ' , ^ 0 0 0 J 1 1 ^ i Kepkain. :t -f-^ Pre-cious words. Pre "i^^ 1 ■77 • '^ P I lov - ing words, How they shine a - long our cious words, lov - ing words, , 1 t\ttt\t.t t %r r ^ way. i H«=^B= -U — V- -»- Copyright, 1889, by Biglow & Main, ^1M4^^^ Once Again with Delight. Concluded. ^ -». Like lamp. briglit and clear. ^—- — - — § ■ ^: When our hearts tlieir truth o - bey. ais: Like n lainp, ^ it briglit and clear, ■*- ' -P- -^ -^ ' -P- -p — i I > — i<- -I I I rr-n i -t*- HOBERT P. MAIN. We are Little Children. GRACE J. FRANCES. ' Those that geek me early ihallfind me.' iif'ATi -Prov. 8 : 17. ^ i ^ I * -# — 0- 4 i '^-ihb^— * ^ 8 UT^ 1=^ We are lit -tie children, Ver-y younij in-dced. But the Saviour's promise, Each of us may jtlead. Lit - tie friends of Je - sus. Wliat a haj) - py tho't ! What a hap-py i)roniise, In the Bible tau^'ht. Lit - tie friendsof .le - sus. AValk-inp; by His side, With His arm around us, Ev-ery step to fjuide. We must love Him - -d>- -^^ .^ - sus blesseth read - y who brings it to young and to old, A message of mer-cy more precious tban gold. the meek with His soul-cheering voice; He comforts the mourners and bids them rejoice. to hear, and be swift to o - bey, And fol-low His path in the bright shining way. I ft=^t=ft "^ e Eefuain. ^i=d a -i»- ^ -z^- Glad ti - - dings, glad ti - - dings! O won-der- ful, won-der - fill, won-der - ful love! Glad m^m irS ^m r r -^—^- t: I tidings, glad tidinga, glad tidings, glad ti - dings ! Copyright. 1873, by Biglow & Main. Glad -&- Glad Tidings. -Concluded. i s ^ I 13 (lingK, l=f=| glad ti dings ! We v\- p hiiil tlio 1,'liul ti - dings of won- dejr- fill love. f- f- f- .t m^ 22= 1 9t £p ti ■ (lings, glad ti ■ dings, glad ti - dings, glad ti . dings! Jesus, our Redeemer. FRANK COm.D. " Peace with God Ihniitiih our Lord Jesug ChrUI." — Rom. 5: 1. JNO. R. SWENEY. m fi=t iit J ^ ^ -H ±3L ^ 1. .Ins - ti - tied by fnith in Thee, Peace with God henceforth have we ; From the law we now are free, Fixe. IJf.fuaix. S S N From the law we now are free, . i~S—M 1 M S — • U ^ \^ Je - sus, our blessed Ee-deem-er. ^ ^t-^ Not un-to lis, not un-to us, *~r-r-r -i) J J -*-*^— f "7-7-71 Onlj' Thine the praise shall be; 4=4;^ i ^ ? — 7- Je - sus. our hless-eil lie - deem - er. 2 Thou Thyself our debt hast paid. Full atonement Tho\i liiist made: On Thy head our guilt was laid, Jesus, our blessed Redeemer. 3 Once condemned. but not reprieved, Into lifo thro' grace received, O what joy since we believed, JesH<, our blessed Redeemer. From " Melodious Sonnets,' by ix^r. [..Im ? U 1 1 ^ > 1 y ^ i Chorus. t^ -^- -t- -» — *-^-» — ^ — • — « — ^ ■%■ — * — * — * — * — *~~ They shall hun - ger no more, they shall thirst no more, Neither faint iu the sun's burn - iug §^^ ± EK '^^^^ Copyright, 1889, by Biglow & Main. Robed in White. -Concluded, 17 ;n ^ J^ ? 3=;=^ ^ i -fi^ rav; And the Lamb of God, in the midst of the throne, Sliall wipe their tears a - way. rJ^,« t « f- f .r ff-f f .r f 1- f . ff i ± ? f r I c f f 1» 1> F » L f: i R^p ^^ i F^^f^ FANNY J. CROSBV. :5: fe Glory, my God, to Thee. "In him shall they glory." — Jer. 4 : 2. W. H. DOANE. 2S r =^ =^ i^ 1. Lord, I a - dore Thee, Glad - ly be - fore Thee Praise will I bring, 2. Thy throne of splen-dor Thou didst Kur -ren - der, Met - cy to bring, 3. Lord, Thou hast boughtme; Lord, Thou hast taught me Thy name to sing; W^ i A. — Praise for Thy — Mer - ey for This shall my ^ -a>- iel m w ^ -iC- n^-rn'^ W^^^M H=4=^ i ^ :^=S: love so free, Thy wondrous love to me; Glo • one like uie; O .Sav-iour, can it be? Glo rapt-ure be— Thy blood has purchased me; Glo ry, my God, to Thee, My ry, my God, to Thee, My ry, my God, to Thee, My (&■ God (iod God and King, and King, and King. Copyright, ita^, l)y Rii;low &• M.iin. l8 MRS. I.. C. PRENTICE. liiig One More Day of Toiling. "... work : for I am with you." — Hag. 2 : 4. I K_J N W. H. DOANE. S 1. One more clay of toil • 2. One more day of toil ■ 3. One more day of toil 4. One more day of toil - ing ing, ing H ^vw^-^-:^ In the field a - gain; Precious souls to win; In the noontide heat; One day nearer home; ^— ^-» .1-1 , >, , ri * • T W -0- -0- -#• -#■.-#■ One more day of reap-ing Sheaves of golden grain. One more day of con - flict With the hosts of sin. One sweet hour of resting At the mercy seat. There the faithful reaper.Crown'dwithjoy, shall come. ^^ m ftzt ^— »■ iifcs^fe -^-^ ± ■« — F — ~—i-*-^-^ — I -i^- ^= ;• *zy~ Refhain. ^=^ ->-^ zM — L- -i± i t i « s -8 ^ ^- ±=^: 9 Toiling patient-ly ev - er, Weary, so r-rowing, nev - er, Toiling and trusting, Blest we shall he: - — 0 — • — \ — ! — 0 — *- - -# — r-i 1 — 0 — ^ — i — H — i-H 1 C . '- — HS— ig'^S I f . i~t . U — W~~r- I ~ £ I -t^-i^— t^— ^- -bi U* U U^- ^ fe^ fcri -J\-i a ^ r^ -*H^ =5-^ i^a I' S 0 'p- Cheering one an - oth - er. Helping still each oth-er, Lord, may we toil, Cheerfully toil for Thee. d-. --^ 1^ H ■ ^ • L. ! — I 'in V CopjlHRht, 1889, by W. H. Doane. ■J '\J '-J ^^Hf- Friend Ever Near. ' Fear not, /or I am toith thee."— Oeu. 26 : 24. 19 \V. D. BRADDUKV. i i i i -- -f-^- By penniision. 20 JAMES MCWHINNIE, D.I). On the Shore of Galilee. " A7id great multitudes came unto /iu«."— ilatt. 15 : 30. ROBERT LOWRY. -fi-tt N S -1 . s 1 1 — h, — ^_] 1,^ -it^^ J #'^ J -f- 1 ^ ->— -R— 1 N- rj J "^ --i n: — 1 P- -^^ — t — \ — ■ 0.\ 4- V ^ *i • ^ -#-v— N — \ — ■ 0 ■ ^ S : «U 2 — * - — 0 — : — # 0 — I -M •U-:-J^! ^-i — 0 . S ^ ' 4 ^ * '- ^ ^ • v-^S --—^^ = ■ -— -— ■-♦-i-jjy-**— ■ 1. On the shore of Gal - i.- lee, Lo, the peo - pie thron^dug Like the waves up - ou the sea, 2. Mothers bring theirohildren near.Ea - ger for His bless-iug; Gathers them the Sav-iour dear, 3. To His feet the sick and worn, Friends in haste are bringing; Wretched souls, by demons torn. r^-.-li.j * • t 0 ' t * • i» f> P • m F ' f F * * F ' ' r^ 94f r ; 1 , r p L • »H ^ -W — 'f-j?- ~^ — ^^^~1 ^ r • ^ k-^ — / L^ ^T-^ bp_t==d L-^^S-M ^^=i^t=\ -H 1 1 \ \ \ ^ -fS- ^V ^ ^ ^ . ^ = — * ' S It ' S ' 0 r^ 0 ' S ' 0 a ^-it-' — 0 — 4—' — 4 ' 4 ' — 4 — ?5< Filled with earnest long - ing; Drawn by Je - sus' wondrous deeds, WIjo, in pit- y for our needs, In His arms ca - ress - ing; Hearts bowed down with heavy grief Fiud in Him a sweet re - litf. To His hands are cling -ing; Je - sus speaks the word of grace, Heal-ing love beams from His face, ^ 4 4 -k'— ^ Ui -^s- -j^- :P=± -^ m S3 fe -$"- --t=i. fe ^ Seeks the sheep no shepherd heeds, To His fold be - long-ing. Doubting souls in lull be-lief Christ, the Lord, con-fess-ing. Plagues and demons fly a -pace, Woe is changed to sing-ing. ^fi'=4=^ f ' % \ I — \- :^ ^ ^i CopyrijjJit, 1888, by Robert Lowry. Son of God, to Thee we bow. Answer us appealing; Son of Man, look on us now, Thy compassion feeling; Not alone by Galilee, Troubled hearts Thy face may see; Let Thy mercry, large and free. Bring to us Thy healing. IJAVIO COI.VIN. 9H- 5S Christ Crucified. ' Matle free from nin." — Koiii. 6 : 18. 21 DAVID COLVIN. I m #^ ^ -d. ^ ^ — ' 1. Anil (lid the Son of God for me On Calvary shed His blood, TlTat He from sin might 2. Wt-U might the vail iu twain be rent When Christ wivscru-ci - tied. And dark-ness o'er the 3. A - maz - ing grace ! to me 'tis sweet The .Saviour's love to know; I meek-ly bow at » ^ f I f ^ 0 3 — 1—# ' 0 ^-T-av=i — 2 — !-• »■ ^^s m WRF ^ ^ I ^ 1-^M- Rrfiiaik. ItKFItAIN. I J ^ I ^. «— \ :j^^^ ffi3 35 set land Je - 5S me free, be sent bus' feet, And bring me nigh to God? When such a Siiv - iour died. Who saves me from my foe. The Sav - ioiar died for vou, . . m The J- m -V- I — for vou, m te^ j^-ft m I r ionr died i=5 > '^ ♦ * • — "^ — "^ — • "^ '^~* * V.-i The Sav- iour died for all mankind, From sin to set iis free. Sav for me ; ^ X^i- fe^ ai^o r ; [; ; \f m H»r me Copyright, 1889. by Bit;low & Main. 22 A Few More Marchings Weary. FANNY J. CROSBY -it ' The (Jod uf Israel will be your rereward." — Isu. :12. W. H. DOANE. ^3E£ i (5'- ^ i 4= • • -»■ . -0- ±-iz i -<5i- —<&- Ei -(5^ ^ T^ ^^=1 1. A lew more marchings weary, Theu we 11 gather home; A 2. A few more nights of weeping, Then we'll gather home; A 3. A few more sweet links broken, Then we'll gather home; A m ;#¥^ -i^ few more storm-clouds dreary, few more watch-es keep-iug. few more kind words spoken, -«- -l9- -^^1-^- :^ ?^ 1^ =g ^ ?^^ f ^^ .--*- ^ 3=^^ ■♦■*■-* r^ Then Then Then we'll gath - er we'll gath - er we'll gath - er t » » f home; A few more days the cross to bear. And then with Christ a crown to home; A few more vict'ries o - ver sin, A few more sheaves to gath - er home; A few more partings on the strand, And then a - way to Ca-naan's m^=r^- -s>- ± m m 4=t: I ti. RKTliAIX. m- -(5>— PPS -d-^^- ^ fm^ wear; A few more marchings weary, Tlien we'll gather home. in, A few more marchings weary, Then we'll gather home, land; A few more marchings weary, Then we'll gather home. O'er time's rap - id riv - er. Pl^ :^=rf ^?^^ a> '^- — T" ^m B F- Copyright, 18P2, by Biglow & Main. O'er time's rapid A Few More Marchings Weary.-Condded. 23 ^^=5- i=t 5e * s ^ -KT ^9 * -^ Soou we'll rest for - ev - er; No more marchings wea - rv, Wiien we gath - er Lome. Sbon woll ri-8t j i | I ' ' • ^ | R. C. TAYLOR, D.D., alt. Closer, Lord, to Thee. "7( iggoodj'nr me to draw Hear to Uod." — I's. 73:28. CEO. C. STEBBINS. 1. Clo.-ser, Loick, Ki'l'-uj;*' of my soul; 3. ("loser St ill. my lid]). my Stiiy, (Mo.s-cr, closer still; \. Clo.ser. Lord, to Thee I conic, Li^lit of life I)i-viiie; Siife lieneatli I'liy slielt riiij; wint; I woulil ever be ; Dreail I not the teiii[)est-slioek, Tho' the billow s roll ; Meek-ly there I leiirn to say, "Father, not my will; ' Thro' tiic ev - er Hlcs.sed .Son, Joy and i>cace are mine: Uiidc the blast of doiilit and sin. Fierce assaults without, with in. Help me. Lord, the halt I e win Wild -est .-.torm eanni)t alarm. For, tone,', can come no liarm.r>eaiiin^ on Thy lov-iii'.; aim ; I^i'arn that m attiietion's hdnr.Wlien theelondsol' sorrow lo\ver.I,o\ cdireets Thy handof pow'r Let me in Thv love abide. Keep me ever ni-jir Thy side. In the " Uoek of A-jres" hide :— Closer. L. — Clos.'r.l — Closer. I ;— CIo8er,L Thee. Thee. Thee. Thee. Cdpyritfht, 1887. Iiy Ira D. S.inkcy. 24 4— - Send the Blessing. " Blegs thine inheritance." — Ps. 28 : 9. i^: K.-^ h— ^N . — N- H. \V. LANNING. -(Sf- ^ :* :^^* j=j=^^^ 1. Ho - ly Fa-tber, send Thy bless-ing On Thy children gathered here 2. Bless-ed Saviour, who in meekness Didst vouchsafe a child to be, ( ■} u -^ '^hy wings of mercy ■ '■■ '^ ' " ■ ■• - h ^ re; Let them all, Thy love con- . ---, Guide their steps and' help their J. Spread Thy wings of mercy oer them. Grant Thy Spirit from a - Love; Be their sbiehl, and go be- -^' £ m Kkfkain. ^^^^^M 3 fess- ing, Be to Thee for - ev- er dear. Send the bless - ing, weakness, Bless, and make them like to Thee, fore them. Give them peaceand joy and love. send the bless ins ^ On Th^ ^-^ :P=f: -pi— ^- 1^^^ ^-^^ ^^rSr^ i!4j=^ ^^ »— » — » — »— 5-^* — Send tlie blessiuj; W— ^-^ ^ .si'iid th<3 blos.siiifc iS ^st=^^^m^mm^^ children gathered here; Send the bless - ing, send the bless - ing, ^^ 4f^»- •— S- Grant us all Thy love and cheer. Send the blessing, send the blessing Copyright, j8Ko, by Hij;I(»w ,S.- Main. WM. STEVENSON. Come to the Mercy Seat. 'Within the vail be/ore the mercy neat." — Lev. 16:2. 25 ROBERT LOWRV. B ^ ^ i ^ ^^ ^ 3t 27 — ' • ■0—9 — s---# — » — :^ 1. O come to the mer-cj' seat, need-y one, come, No Ion - Rcr iu sick-ness and pov-er-ty roam; 2. O come to tbemer-cy seat, come as thou art, Wait not from thy sins and thy burdens to purt; 3. O come to the mer- cy seat, Je - sxis is there; He knows that for thee is the com-fort of prayer ^^ rt^ f=^ r^^-r O- -l»- 1:= -fg f" (> ?=?= fc^ ■«- -«>- i jffet ,J jJig! Ei i 5 ^ ^ =? For heal -in^ and ricli-es are wait-inp; thee there. And all tliou re -quir-est, in an - swer to prayer. Thereon- ly thy soul can find bless-ed re - lease. Thy burdens be lift-ed, thy wuu-der-in^s cease. When storms beat around thee, and passions are stirred, The winds and the waves He can still with a word. -^ ft- m m -W -r m ^ m r3 m "^ ■f- ' *- ■•■ 1? i 9^ 5 -• — #- *-^-#— »■ iC- -frf; ^ -w- "?~7" i Kkpiiain'. -H-Js. ^ • ~7 -X-K ^^- g=r=i±*=^=^ ^ ^-v^ 3t=3: -¥— r- ^ -(S>- ^ O come to the mer-cy seat. Come to the mer-cy seat; Come with thy sorrows. and tell them in prayer. #— ^ feS ^* P iE=1?: -•5^ 1^ ± w- Copyright, 1RR9, by Bit;low & Main. I -7-7- 26 REV. CHARLES DUNBAR. Home beyond the Tide. 'Now they desire a better country." — Heb. 11: 16. WM. B. BRADBURY. ggg^fca fe Ei #3 ^m. A^ *-S-»hg *-* 1^ i •-It-rt y* -i-* P^ 1. We are on the o-ceansailing.Homeward bound we sweetly Rlide;Weare on the ocean sail-iug 2. Millions now are safe-ly land-ed, O - ver on the gold-en shore; Millions more are on their journey, 3. When we all are safely anchored, We will shout — ourtri-als o'er; We will walk a - bout the cit - y. £ e^ fe E St^SEp^?^^ ^ ^c-IE^IEt^EpE^ T: 3: 1^ Chorus. ± -r-^ ^P^ ^^ -t--t~ri :i=tz* ■g. • ; »— r^i ^ To a home be - yond the tide. All the storms will soon be o - ver, Then we'll anchor in the har-bor Yet there's room for millions more. And we'll sing for ev - er - more. *-.!.•»•»■-- ■«•*■«■ J . / J ■ ■ f f- * £: 1^ g f^ :^=r r=^ =t=t== -• — • # — »■ ^^rht 1st. ^i j^ 2»id. fe^ S s s •- T -»- :^ :;^5-* ^ ^ -t^ We are out on the o - cean pil-ing. To a home beyond the tide; [ We are OTit on the o - cean sail-ing, [ Omii \ To a home be-yond the tide. :f=t=t=t m i. ^ *- -0 — 0- -^ m ^ ^^^—4 ^ By permission. On, Marching On. 27 GRACKJ- KKAVeeS. -4 — ^ " / will remember the yearn 0/ the rujhl hand uf llie Most High." — Pa. 77 : 10. HUBERT P. MAIN. ■-^5- '^m ^ 5 ^ ^=^ -0- 5 i 1. On, murch-iug on, while an - oth - er j-eiir ro-turn-iu^ 2. On, nmrcli-ing on. from the Sun - day School we gath - er, 3. Still iiiiirch-iiig on, may our ar - my, ev - er faitli - t'nl. I 4= Bids us a - gain re-joice; Train'd for the world's great field; Work till our life is done; ^— ^ i P^P^ ^ -4- -fi- -^^=^=v=l u :it=t r^ ^fefe3 FlXK. T^n* r-i — r liorne on the breeze, hear the mu -sic of the spring-time Wak- ing ev - ery heart and voice On, march-ing on, in the ranks of our Ite-deem-er, He will be our strength and shield. Then, with the brave in the fields of life e - ter - ual, Shoutthe glo-rious vic-t'ry won. §te w D. 8. — l> •> — ( — . — — \ — 1 — 1 — t — > — 1 — / ^ — 'J V t * * '-S' — h > V \^ y>' ^ ll ^ -# 9 ^9 # [7 the Sun - day School; Each of us a pen - ny. Not a few but ma - our Sun - day School; Dimes will soon be dol - lars; Tho' but lit - tie schol- our Sun - day School — Looks at ev - ery pen - ny, Not for - get - tiug a - m^^ ^- -?— t- £: ny, ars. ^ Refrain. ^ T We can sec and couut them, too, For our Sun - day School. Ev - ery one, ev - ery one, Let us try what we can do For our Sun - day School. Drop - ping from our lit - tie hands For the Sun - day School. f f- f-.-t- ti ti m ■#■ -#• :t= -I- -t- -^ ? ^ iT- Cupyri^jht, 1889. by Biglow & Main. -^' i ^^ -^->- Our Pennies Bringing.-Conduded. ->. ^— ^ , ^ N 1 r— N- 29 m 4 I i i ^ =3= -»- 9a Ev - ery one has brought a pen - ny; Ev f- -^ f- f- f f t f ,; ery one, i ery one, For our Sun - day School. £ I f -V- -iS>- I a i Let your Light Sliine. ' Glorify your Father which i*- t(t hiaven. ' — Matt. 5: ]G. t=±=t ROBERT LOWKV. m i^ ^^ i^ =J=8= E 1. Lord, let mj* light so shine That he who runs may read; Tho' ma-ny wayward steps are mine, I 2. Lord, let my light so shine That darkened souls may say — Whence comesthis radiance divine? We, 3. O that my light may shine To com-fort and to bless, T^n - til for- ev-er tjuencli'd in Tliine,0 i^ ■^ ^ •0- -f- -m- ■»■ m m y X ^1 m I nm Thy child in - deed, I too, would seek its ray. We, Sun of Righteous-ness, O am Thy child in - deed, I nm Thy child in too, would seek its ray, We, too, would seek its Sun of Right-eousness, O Sun of Right - eous - - deed, ray. nes8. I am Thy iliilil Wo. too would s«ck iu - deed, i am Thy child in . docd. Copyri^lht. 1889, liy Ri^^low A: Main. 30 ISAAC WATTS. Heavenly Canaan. 'And the Louu showed him all the land." — Dent. 34 : 1. WILLIAM H. OAKLEY. ¥ =f^ F ' '-'Fi'-^F'''-' 1. There is a land nt' pure delight. Where saints iiii - luor-tal reign; E - ter - nal day ex - 2. Sweet fields, beyond the swelling iiood, Htand dressed in liv - ing green; So to the Jews lair 3. O, could we make our doubts remove. — Those gloom -y doubts that rise, — And see the Ca - naan g!|S -*-r- ^ * y »- 1 — s.- — ^ m ?^; ^ ?=^ r* ■ nres ban-ish pain. There ev dan rolled between. But tiin- be - clouded eyes, — Could we chides the night, Ca - naan stood, that we love, And pleas While Jor - With un - er - last - ing spring a - bides. And orons mor - tals start and shrink To but climb where JIo - ses stood, And m^E^^E^ J—/- f F S> K -r -T^ -«a- nev - er - fad - cross this nar- view the landsc • ing flow' rs; • row sea, ape o'er, — X^" p !N 1^ Death, like a nar - row sea, di - vides That heavenly land from And lin - ger, trembling, on the brink, And fear to launch a Not Jordan's stream, nor death's cold flood, Should fright us from the onrs. way. shore. ^i^^ * ^ -j- ^ ^ -;--^ m Copyright, 1878, by Biglow & Main. On this Holy Morning. . "Let us draw niar hither unto God." — 1 Sam. 14 : 36. 31 -*=* ;a^ i DAVID COLVIN. -N _ 5^ S- ^=^ * 1. Fa - ther, on Thy ho- ly morning, Up to Thee our tho'ts take wing; With tlie lit - tie 2. In these young hearts soft iind ten - der, Guide my hand good seed to sow, That in blossom - 3. Fa - ther, or - der all my footsteps; So di - rect my dai - ly way, That, in following '.^ \^ i i :t ^^ ^^ ^ S m-U-l UM^^^ Chorus. i^ ^ S ^ . ■ - . - r rills re - joic - ing, With the birds we sing, iug may praise Thee, Whereso -e'er they go. nie, the chil - dren May not go a - stray. t: t: t: ^ t:' m All the air is filled with pleas - ure. w t §^fe T:IMJ: I J i 1-^^ p=r=y -S 1-2 — *- T ■;«>- All Thy wondrous works proclaim, In one sweet har-monions cho- rns. Hallow'd be Thy name. ^ ^ii t=Tt ^^t ^k m F j». » V 1 1 rt ^ --^-^^^^f^ ^ Copyright, 1889, by Btglow Xe Main. 32 MRS. E. A. ANDREWS. Jesus Cares for Even Me. " ... he careth/or you." — 1 Pet. 5 : 7. i ^ W. H. DOANE m T -i>.-#- £-M- -#— y y Biglow * Main. 34 Go ye and Gather. "Every man shall receive hin oxvn reward according to his orvn lahvr." — 1 Cor. 3 : 8. MRS. H.^KRIET E. JONES. A--s=:;z=r-K — -| — rl \ — t] \ r-i — N- W. H. DOANE. t ^ r ^=^ --^ 1. Day by day the Lord to you is say - ing, Go ye forth and gath - er in the grain, — Go and '2. Day by day the Lord will sure-ly help you. Trusting Him you can - not toil in vain; Go ye 3. Haste ye now, and glean a - mong the reapers, Work tor Him who gave His life for you; Day "by i £ ■=^ I £^ 9= a -1S>- tei^^^^^s^ Rkfuaik. iri: 9—^ m work while yet the sun is shin-ing. Go and glean o'er hill and plain. Go ye and gath forth, His gracious word o - bey-ing. Bring to Him your sheaves of grain, day be faith-ful in His serv-ice, He your strength will still renew. ^ -f- f- -^ptii^ ^ j^_. -^ H«- -*- -i •—Ft £ mm ^ ^1* n^ n^ s=>:- er, JL 4^ ^ -^ Quickly go and gather in the grain. -fii- - n„;,.i..i - ^ A -*•#•-*- #■ 1^ Hi=P= 0-ver hill f , J ^^ and plain. ^ 1^^^ >-H^— >- U 1^ Quickly ;ro and ^.itlier in the grain. Copyright, 1889, by Biglow & Main. GRACE J FRANCES. A^ tir"^ Carry the Standard Bravely, " LiJ't up a litandard/or tl 35 LiJ't up a litandard/or the people." — Isa. 02 : 11. HUBERT P. MAIN. -4.S S t -Of- il;Nev-er de-sert our nr - iiiy. ^t^ -•-r^ 1. Car - ry the stundaril bravily lu-to the world's great field; Nev-er de-sert bVir nr - iiiy, Nev-ergive 2. Car - ry the stundiird firiu-ly, IV-ar it where'er we go; Wave it in youth's bright morning.Love for the 3. Car - ry tli<^ standard no - My, Ask-ing lor aid di - vine; Prayingfor light and wis-dom O - ver the 4. Car- ry the standard glud-ly, While in the world we live; Thento the tried and faithful Je - kus a -^ -^ jS± / ? -^^ -Sr- vT^ -«?- m ->— >— is Kkkrain. 4- ?: 1 — r- -t—^ ± ±^ ■^^=i ■• 0- -<9- ff ft J : J ' II' ¥- up our shield. On-ward,on-ward, on-ward! Cheer-i - ly, cheeri - ly sing; O car - rj- the standard Lord to show, path to shine, crown will give. ii^ »i4i--if rv^^ H^-^ ^ 3= :J^a EB ^ ;l^-^ -Of -# — #- bravely For Christ, the Lord. our King; O c;ir - ry thestandard bravely ForChrist, the Lord, our King. ^£^5=^ II I T ' I I onr Kinf;; Copyricht, 1887, by Billow * Mniti. The Golden Shore. "He shall enter into peace." — Is. 57: 2. W. H. DOANE. ^ i=E ii:;^.UfcJ=^ --A- -# — ' 1. Our boat is on a stormy sea. But O there's One a - bove us Who rules the waves and 2. We'll cling to Him, our loving Lord, Nor fear the roU-ing bil- low; Tho' dark the night, our 3. Kow on, row on with steady hand; Lookup, the clouds are breaking: O rapt -ure sweet! our 4. O bliss-ful soug from yonder throng That haste to bid us wel-come;Our toil is done, our i^ W±: 'J—^- ^ t^ Refhain. %n^fT^ guides the oar. To reach the gold - en shore, faith is bright, We see the dis - tant shore, wea - ry feet Can al - most touch the shore, crown is won, Praise God! we're on the shore. The gold-en shore, the balm - y shore. Be i^te :?=?= ii^ :?=?= ■^ -^ 5 S =r ^ ^-^-t V iF o -cean; The sunny shore where tears are o'er, And friends shall part no more. ^^ f- :_!_„< — >- 1 Copyright, 18S9, by Biglow & Main. REV. E. A. HOFFMAN. Hold Your Light Higher. •■ At iicrt Lowry. 38 FANNY J. CROSBY. m~ ^ Jesus is Calling. 'T/ic Master is come, and callethfor thee. — John 11 28. GEO. C. STEBBINS. :g=Jz=i: 1. Je- 2. Je- 3. Je - 4. Je - sus sus sus sus =£ 1^ I * . p? ten - (ler- ly cfill-ing thee home — Call-iug to - day, call - call -ing the wea-ry to rest — Call-ing to-day, call - \vait-ii}g, O come to Him now — Waiting to - day, wait- pleading, O list to His voice — Hear Him to - daj', Hear .^ N ^ ^ .#. • .^ ^"frr ing to - day; Why from the ing to - day: Bring Him thy ing to - day; Come Avith thy Him to - day; They who be - ♦■■#--#- ^^frf, V v Refuain. p^^ ^ ^ =if' s -p^.yA x^" -# — #- 3t± i^. sun-shine of love wilt thou roam Farther aud farther a - way? Call - - ing to - day, bur- den, and thou shaltbe blest; He will not turn tlieo a - way. sins, at His feet low - ly bow; Come, andno long-er de - lay. lieve on His name shall re-joice; Quick-ly a- rise and a - way. ^- :-^ Call-iun;, call-ins to - day, to- day; S^ -f->-^ :t=f= =P=P= X V \^ ^~7" 1= ^-JT »- ■w- seM^ =f;=^ ing to- day;. . . . .J(> -h-^ >T-^- :-U4^^- ?^ hi >j-h— h — hr— ,hr call - - ing. is ten-der-ly calling to - day. =P=f^ i^ZIEt^I "I y~\ irnJ"? U 'J i/' Calliii.'^, calliuo; to - day, to day: Je - sus is teu-der - ly call-injj to-day, (;opyriy;lit, 1883, by Geo. C. Stcbbins, ifc ^ J= >> y V—V—/—'/ > i^- ^ ^ The Narrow Way. ' Enter ye in at the strait gate." — ilalt. 7 : 13. 39 \VM. STEVENSON. ^ -J-J J j=j • * • * I i ^=^rrt^*^ 1. There is a way, a mir-rDw wuy, For nil who heav'n would win; Tho' strait the gate, yet "2. Tliero is a gate whose way is broad, .\ ml lua - ny en -ter there; It leads from heav'n, it 3. Help us, O God, the road to shun Where sinners love to stray; And keep our feet for- ^ =Ft^ i 4^ ^ 9^- r-^-rr- p^ s i^^ r=f=^ -fi^^ 15^ all who strive Will sure - ly en - ter in. The nar - row way, the nar - row way, .\11 leads from God, To and de - spair. ev - er sure With-in the nar - row way. 93 i W I I nztzn: -# — •— 9^ =t=t: ^ m^^^^m m ti=3 oth-ers lead a - stniy; We'll bear the cross, nor count the loss, And walk the nar ^ - - - - ■ - ^ ^ ■ -J J » J , i row way. ?=Fg=F ^ Copyriifht, 1889, by Bij^low & Main. 40 \VM. STEVENSON. Many Trials I've. Met. " The trial of your faith." — 1 I'et. 1 ; 7. ROBERT LOWRY. p d^ ^=^=^ ^ t= :#E^ f w 1. Ma - ny tri - als I've met, Ma-ny wait for me yet, And my heart is oft wea-ry and sad; 2. In the fur-nace to prove, God His face may re - move, But in darkness His promise is mine; 3. I shall stand in that day 'Mid the shin-ing ar - ray. Where the ransomed His mer-cy proclaim; i i=^=iL ^-N ^ fc-* iSzt: ? -•-?- ~^r »-? But my Help-er is near. And no e - vil I fear. In His name I re - joice and am tjlad. Soon the clouds will de-part, Aud my pu - ri - fied heart In His own bless-ed im - age will shine. Therewith harp and with voice In the Saviour re - joice. And the glo - ry will give to His name. 5*^ it m 7 — w-^-m \-j V — ^ ^^-^ Chokus. P.s. 64 10. i ^ f^ i-fc ^ jSt. it The righteous shall be glad in the Lorp, it and shall trust in 1L ' t- t. t: f: t: t- # in the LoKU, Copyright, 1889, by Biglow & Main. and shall trust ^^ Many Trials I've Met.- Concluded. I I I 41 i S St i him: and all the i up- -J- right, and all the upright in heart sluill glo I m fe* s (."» > ^ i EI V > >^^^ T=T~ gliall trust in him ; ill licarl shall Lord, in 1 have rememb' Thy Name d thy name." I Come. Ts 119: i j^y J Us^s^m i \V. H. I I ^ 2g:x: 5E1 -^-^ i 1. Je - BUS, Tliou Lamb of God. Save, save Thou me; Troublei 2. Here at Thy Cross I bend, Weep-inir, a - lone; O (or :{. Tho' I am sin - fnl now. Weak and de -tiled. Lord, I 4. Lt)rd. Thou canst mnk'- me clenii, Heal Thou niv soul: Let me I I in one am >ut t spir look pen ■ ouch -it. Lord, I brint; to of Thine, One lov - ini,' i - tent. Make me Thy Thy hand, I shall be Thee tone; child; whole; On - Iv a bro-ky W. H. FVune. — < 42 ADALINE H. BEERY. When Jesus Comes Again. " / will come again." — John 14 : 3. J N I m ROBEKT LOVVRY. iEEi S S i ^ =3=^ 1. The snn will pale be - I'ore Him, The moon for-get to shine, When Christ, with hosts of an-gels. 2. All grief shall turn to sing-iug, And pain for-ev - er flee. The strife with sin be o - ver. 3. He'll wipe all tears of sad-ness With His own lov-ing baud, And take His wait-ing chil - dreii i i i t -t :^ f=f r-n^-r-t -^r m. d=4^ m Refrain. t=:f -^ -*-ih i=i m Shall come in light di - vine. And Sa - tan's captives free. To sweet Im-mannel's land. O hail Him King of glo - ry, Who bringeth joy to men; -:^-tdh.tif=r4 p ^^^^^M ■^ i^ ^qJ i : '^ ^ 2 \j O earth, ponr out ho - san-nas When Je - sus comes a - gain. When Je • sns comes a - gain. - - - "^ ^ ± f- ^ - ^. ^- t^ ^ f: 4L ^^ ^=X ^=^ je— S^e T 5- H b ' — ^ Copyright, 1889. by Robert l-owrj'. KANNV J. CROSIIV. -fcL. Showers of Blessing. -f^-|- '■ irive mc a bleenin*/ ^ 3 £ ^=i=^ 1. Lora we besefch Thee, come in Thy love, While at Thy throne once more we meet; Here umy Thy Spirit 2. O Bless-cul Srtviour. here while we plead, Help us in faith more strong to be; More ofTby pr.^sence 3. Lov - ing Re - deem-er, come in Thy pow'r, Fill with Thy praise each waiting heart ; Bless our communion " ' J I — .,-..• ...... ^„j h""'"*^ ^">-" ""iniig ucuii, jDiesH DUX uouiiminion -»-i-^ ,. 1 ...;ii I'll. J. .1 '.,...-...._ •rest like a dove Covered with light from the mer - oy seat. Show'rs of blessing, let them now descend, dai - ly we need, O that our .souls may be one with Thee, liere at this hour, Strength ot'the sonl and its life Thou art J ! > > . ♦ -a>- S=t -iS^ -^ zjti:§ % -p-f 45=ti=t?=5^^^5=; J — g-^ #-^-': ' &^ s ^ i ^ 1 At Thy throne while we bend; ( Saviour, re - vive us. I Let showrs of grace, heav'nly grace, descend. ) Come and re-fresh us, f Copyright, 1887, by W. H. Doane. 44 Evergreen Shore. WM. HUNTER, D.D. ifcifc; i= " Whoso putteth his trust in the Loud shall be safe." — Prov. 29 : 25. -^ N K — N- ^ N N I ^^ ^ ^ N ^^ ^1 • WM. B. BRADBURY. ^tllit :it^ S F?= i^ :fc^=qt 4- ^ y U ' ' ' 1. We are joj'-ous-l^' voy-ag-iiig o - ver the main, Buuiul for the ev - er-green shore,Wliosein - 2. We have uoth-iug to fear from the wind and the wave, Un - der our Saviour'.s eom- maud; And our 3. Both tlie winds and tlie wavesour Com-niaiid-er con-troLs; Notii - iug can baf - fle His skill ; And His :^ it #-^He- i^ fc?- :P=f= ^ -^r^r -ii y J- •J J u w j- *-^-#- -^TTV- I E^i^ ^^ ^ ^ Ciioitus. ^>.— N- =3 EE^zzTjpr-.^,^: ^^^ =? -«i— #- hab - it-ants nev-er of sickness complain, And nev-er see deatli a-ny more, hearts intheuiidst of the dangers are brave, For Je-sus will bringus to laud. voice,when the thundering hurricane rolls, Can make the loud tempest be still. »J -# — # — 0 — 0- Then let the hur-ri'-cane ^ P a^F^^^ ^ e^ f=^ i^ > > -v^fr'- ^=pi ;/ ;»' / > :^ y U 1^' -\ 1^ i\ ^ h > ^ 1^ ^ i=S: ^^ -A-^- s.s" ^=^ »^-1^ -«*—*- roar. It will thesoonerbe o'er; We will wcatherthe blast, and will laud at last,Safeontheev-er-green shore. roar, ^ ^ N i—*^0 m m j~: ■)- ^^^i m 0—0- -^-^ i^fe^ ^ -»-+- :^ ->— >^>- :f=P= k^ t> k^- ^^ -+- -+- -y y w l^ -»— »- v^-^^ By pernussion. \^y The Voice of Jesus. 45 horatius bonar, d.d. Solo oh Dukt, " Come unto me, . . and J u:ill yivc you ctif. — Matt. 11 : 28. Fr. fkanz abt, by h. r. .ma iL Solo oh Dukt. \ Giiti.8. 1 i , -^" Li Lf ^1 ' i ^ Sold ou Di:et. 1. I hcaril the voice of Je - sue say, '-0011161111-40 me and rest; Laj' down, thou weary one, lay tlown 2. I hoard the voice of Je - sua say, "Be - hold, I free -ly give The liv - ing wa - ter; thirsty one. #: rr ^ :t: ±t m B0V8. Full Chorus. a ::t I 1^1 Thy head up - on my breast;" I came to Je - sus as I was, Wea-ry, and worn, and Stoopdown, and drink, and live;" I came to Je - sub, and I drank Of that life - giv - ing .^^ p= i f: P^^?^ £ t5'- -i 1 Bad; Htream;. ^ lit i5'— ski r a I found in Him a rest - ing - place, And He hath luaile, hath made me glad. My thirst was qiu'iiched, my soul revived. And now I live, I live in Him. ^ 4 :.5t -^— rl »- ' 1 I Copyri(;ht. iSat, by Bt|;low & Main. 46 REV. RICHARD OSBORNE. Keep the Banner Fiying. " Thou hast given a banner to them that/ear tliee.' — Ps. GO : P =t ROBERT LOWRY. *^^:tl it 5 M: ^ itziz s s. *T-#V 1. Keejj the banner fly - ing, This your cry should be, Ma - ny souls are dy - ing, Je- sus must they see; 2. Keep the banner fly - ing, When the faithful fall, Give not up to sigh-ing, Christ is All in all; 3. Keep the banner fly - ing, Christians should agree. With each other vy - iug. Yet in har-mo-uy; 4. Keep the banner lly - ing O - ver land and sea; By your self- de-ny - ing Comes the vic-to-ry; ^-^i— e- -8— 1«- i» I* ^•~H*■ ^ii^ H-& ta: yi» y V • -^=^f=FF=Ff n 1 1 K 1 . 1 K s . s V 1 P "^ 1 1 '*! * '• 1 K 1-—^ . ^ 1 J "* , 1 iCU-U \ a m. \ 1 « ^ A 1 1 ! * \ 1 m * — ■ f^^^^K m J S ! J 1 • 1 n 2 * d 4 ' ' J * s ? m S ' ' m -J 1 ^ J ' i 5 • -1 * • J UJ * # 5 4 * A • 4 * 4 i * 0 S • ^ • ^ . ^ . 1 Un-der con-dem-na-tion, Life will soon be gone; On - ly is sal - va-tion In the Sin- less One. Ral - ly all your forc-es. See, the Captain's near; Trust to His re - sources,There is naught to fear. Working still for Je - sus, Righting human wrong. Till the au-gels greet us With their welcome song. Brighten toil with singing, Bet-ter days will come; To the Saviour clinging, You shall rest at home. ^f-b— 5 tHe U- « . ^* — y— -#---»--- -\ 1 1 \ — is — fc y- J 1 • #.• g_i_ 5- -If — • W- — ^ 1*— -^ • y • » '• i — |i- ^ — 1 — 't — #~i» — ^ -f — f— ■ — ^ -1 ;— 1 — H* ^7 1 !j 1 \j 1 1' r -i —1 > * f 1 ^-' r , 1 b u 1 • i u y 1 1 Chorus. f? ^ Shout, shout the bat-tie -cry. Girt with en - deav-or; Lift, lilt the banner high. Now and for-ev - er; i £ isa ffi -y- -y • p 1 — r Copyright, 1887, by Robert Lowry. :^ :^ Keep the Banner Flying. P i i^ Concluded. ntard. 47 P i r^ --9-^ t^=P^ -0 — 0- -=5^«- Shout, showt the buttle -cry, Girt with en-deuv-or; Lilt, lift tho banner high, Now and t(ir-ev - er. tL tlfl fl. ^•;^;^ i t^ t: t. -t^ I I u f=^ "^^TT-TT r.j. c. Bless Our School To-day. ' BUsH nif. evm me also, O in>//aUter." — Gen. 27 : 34. ^ W. H. DOANE. -:^ ^=^ ^ * *l i< <^ i i i i i 'MzA 9t 1. Fii- tli- ^__^ ^J-J^ :t ifc -/i- r f : r i^ i^ii i /r\ :i: i ?=* ^^ 9t '3 — ' — *—i — *- -*^^— # It will on - ly make the crown the bright-er to shine, When we have the crowu to wear. ^ :f=^ '^- f^ By permission. EMILY 11. MILLEK. 0 Land of the Blessed. ' Come, ye blessed of my i'aUier, inlieril the kimjdom." — Matt. 25 : 34. 49 IRA D. SANKi£V. ^^ % — ^ # -' J-i — • — * • — •— • — '-^iib^ — ' --N-- ^:^ 1. 0 Lund ot the bless - ed ! thy shad-ow - less skies Sometimes in my dreaming I see; 2. Dear lioine of my Fa - ther, thou Cit - y of peace, No shad-ow ot chaiigiug can niiir; 9: ' ,0-^-1^ -^ 5^ £ ^ t^t I j^ rit. Fl.NK. i a ?-f- ^5^ I hear the glad songs that the glo Ifow '^'lad are tlie souls tiiat have last ri ed fied thv sing, Steal o - ver E - ter - ni - ty's sea; joy ! How blest thine in - hab - it - ants are ! iMH -•- A ~r~ -.1^: D. 8. — I catch but a glimpse of thy glo - ry When He who doth love me shall call me ^m and light, And whisper: " Would God I were there!' a - way From all that hath burdened me here. I ■ Tho" dark When wea are the shad-ows that gath ry of toil - ing, I think \^ \/ \ " '^ 7 ? ? 5~ er be-t\veeu, I know that thy morning of the day — Who knows if its dawn-ing 1^ is be fan-; near?— Copyriijlit, 1886, by Ira D. Sanlcey. 50 F.J. C Gird on Your Armor. "Fight the good fight o//aith.'—l Xiiu. 0: 12. Slid. W. H. DOANE. 93: Gird on, gird on your ar-mor, and a -way; Like heroes be firm and true;) Lead on j'our ranks to bat - tie for the Lord. [ Omit ]\ AVho triumphed over i Our foes arestron^'.bat great-er far isHe Whose arm isour strength and shield; / j March on, march on with bold and fearless tread ; [ Omit ] j We'll conquer by His j No faltering step, no faint and fear-fnl heart, No truce with the ho.sts of sin; | ] Be strong in Him, our nev - er - fail - ing trust; [Omit ] j Re-member there's a -» H 1 1 L I p f » f- I I rl •- ' ■ -m — I — ^^ -t- ^^ -h- -^- ^ t= ->— >- p Chorus. S N N I \- i -^-^- death and the L;rave for you. We'll ba-ttle to the end, we'll bat- tie to the end, And then our crown we'll grace, but we'll nev - er yield. palm and a crown to win. wear; We'll £,'ath-er on the shore, re- joic - ing ev - er-moro,With all the no - bio ar -my there. -«- •*• *- ^H: ££= ^f-.-«--t?^44-t^ -»- _ -5—5/- V- -4=--^- ^H^ _,.. 1=^ 1 Copyright, 1873, by Biglow & Main. ROBERT GILUES. I'm but a Little Child. 'He tuuk Ihnni up in his annn." — Mark lu : IG. 51 m M^ ROnERT LOWRV. N I £^ 3 ^^ -&-^ 1. I'm but a lit - tie child, I know, And lit - tlo I can do; But I can sinR the 2. I'm but 11 lit - tie child, I know, And lit -tie I can say; But I can praise Him :!. I'm but II lit - tie child, I know, But lit - tie feet can stray; And so I need a 4. He too wasoncea lit - tic cliiM. As such to earth He came; Tho' seat - ed high in ^ r f_ ' r I r I Refrain. m i i -ai- -4 i • : s ■ g — tf — g : ^^' < Saviour's love. Who died for me and you, in the scmgs I sing from day to daj'. Saviour's hand To t;uide me on the way. glo - ry now. Ho loves uie just the same. lit - tie child, a lit I tie child, I'm m. X m^m^ p m^^^ w^ W¥¥i ^ ^ -•-^ F=l =:=r I bnt a lit - tU^ child, I know; But I will "ivo mv heart to Him, Bo • cause He loves me so. - - ± i: i: "0 X — I: :t:^ e±i ^_i_ 3f_*- -r- ^ Copyright,' 1889, by Diglow & Main. f=f^ IT i>si s 52 JOSEPHINE POLLARD. Jesus at the Heim, "Jesus went vnlo litem, walking on the sea." — Matt. 14: 25. ^^ S_fc S _J . - , HENRV TUCKER. Zg-fr TtlS: '$=1 ut-t itzat -)&- Frail is iiij' b.ivk, and storm - y is the o - ceaii; How can I hope to stem the rush-ing tide? Tho' weak my faith, there's One whose love unfail-ing Will cast a brightness o - ver sight so dim; Frail is my bark, but Je - sus is be-side nie, E'en thro' the night I see His glo-rious form ; m w -0—*- -h- -« f— ^ £^ ¥ 4=^ utJt I I How can I face the bil - lows' wild commotion? Dan-gers arethreat'ning me His strength, for all my frail-ties still a-vail - ing, Will make me feel the love With Him to cheer, to strengthen and to guide me, ;\Iy soul will calm -ly brave on I the ev - owe dark ery side. to Him. ■ est storm. i^ f- r I -0- -t^ m Chorus. m -iEt 3E£ lit. J^- With Je With Je sus at the helm, I shall jour-ney safe sus at the helm, I shall jour-ney safe 9^ 4=V4=^ f^-- ly o - ver. Though the storm is rag- ing ly o - [ Oinil - - ■0- • -0- f^ T^ 4— ■0- -j) — ■'i)-\-?- -T*- •»g- 9^ -6)- -«- -19- T-1 — r S d= :fe^ I ^ ^ -(5>- 22t IZt Lord who comes to me; But when tlie light breaks ou my sight, His face my eyes will see. _^.i^ ■iS>- -f9- -^2- -»■ ' -0- ■»- 9^ iflfeS f^ -)9- T®'- f^ Copyrighl, 1889. by Hij;low & Main. i MRS. KATE SMILING, ^ 4=t ^i=P ^^ The First Commandment. **Thou shall have no other gods bejore me. — Kx. 20: 3. H N K . =f 1. Fa-ther, lend Thy lit - tie chil - dren 2. Id the Li - ble Thou hast taught us 3. Tho'thf hea-thcn bow to i - dols •1. Thou dostfiive us nil our comforts, ^ Ver - y ear- ly to Thy throne; We will have no gods be- All our tho'ts to Thee are known ; Thou canst see us in the Thej' have made of wood and stone. We have Christian friends to Ev - ery-thiuf^ we call our own Comes from Thet-.ourHeav'nly -»9- 0—0 — •- mi ^ ?=F^ :f=fi -19- *^t=f=F -V y- Kkkuaix. mi m £ -rV ^ —t- m ^ T-^r i : 8 m fore Thee; Thou art God, and Tijou a dark-ness; Thou art God, and Thou a • tell us Thou art (iod, and Tliou a • Fa - ther; Thou art God, and Thou a ■ lone. Lead, O lead Thy lit - tie chil - dren Ver lorn-. lone. lone. y f f *- 4t. •<«■ • -0- V f $• \\ r ^ ^ ^ ^^ -r -«•- r^ -K->- ^^m w -St^r^ ^ God, and Thou a - lone. S-=l^ ear - ly to Thy throne; \\ e will have no gods bo - fore Thee; Thou art JS2. jS. J* t^ ^1 CopyrlRht, iSfti, by Billow i Main. 56 MRS. H. W. CHADBOURNE. The Lord is Risen. "JSe in rise7i, as he said."— Matt. 28 : 6. H. W. LANNING. ^f^ s ^ — h^— i Rff 1 1 ^ — Nn ri -III — ^-^ F H — ^H Ph tr *. s 1. He is 2. He is 3. He is ris - ris - ris - ••- • rF — en, Christ our en, Christ our en, Clirist our F S m Lord, Son of King; Seraph I) All; Looking r' r r man and Son of ands their offerings up to Him we ^ 1 p God, Throned on high, ex-alt - ed jring; Saints, with won-der and de - call: Thou, our life, the truth, the 9''i : ; =u 4=^^^ p—. — L L Is-;— i li fe— \Z' c c — — ^ — ^ — m—. — b 1 1 ^ ^ 1 1 +" -v • ' r i^^-" ^ b i 1 ' =5 1 • b ^ ' h P — > 1 9t 3S ^i=^^ ^ now, Glo - ry rest - ing on His brow; Yet for us He car - eth light. Chant His prais - es day and night; Yet, a - mid the ho - ly way. Be our help - er day by day; Guard and guide and keep us m F # ^ -^ 4- # still; "Peace on throng, He will still. Teach us -^- fe fe -«- -6-- Z&: 9i^ earth, to men good will," An - gel voic - es yet pro - claim. While they praise His ho - ly name, list - en to our song; And He hear - eth us al - way, Tho' in fee - ble - we pray, here to do Thy will, Till we there, a - mong the blest, En - ter Thine e - ter - nal rest. -.■*■■#- J ^.- - ■«-*■«-■#-■«- ^9-'^^ ^. h ^ - -,9- , ^ ^^ ± ± Copyright, 1889, by Biglow & Main. Kt)HKKT I,. Kl.ETCHKK. Father of Mercies. ' God be merci/ul to me a ginTier.'' — Loko 18 : 13. 57 ROBERT LOWRV. ^ ^ ±zz& 6h- -Sh- ^ ^ Sh- «^ 1. Fa - tber of mer - cies, 2. IVr-verse and way-ward 3. Thv work of praco, O 4. Help me to claim each ' ■ ' i9- 19- y.\ m m un - to Thee A I have been, A Lord, complete. By proiii-ise mine; My pun - i - tent I come to - day; Tlie blood of wanderer in for - bid - den ways; Now would I wondrous Konl-trans-form-iiig power; Con -trite I deep transgression far re - move; Make me, O -r pEE^^ ^ -pt ^ P" ^ Y^ h- Kkfhaix. Christ my on - ly pleu. Thy precious word my liope .and stay. Out of the depths I cry un-to Thee; turn ft - way from sin. And let my life pro - claim Thy pnise. fall be -fore Thy feet, And look to Thee this sa - cred hour. Lord, en - tire - ly Thine, And till my soul witli heavenly love. -»■ ♦ r-^ -^ o ^^i^ God. be mer - ci - fnl, O God, be mer - ci - ful, O God, be mer - ei - ful uii - to me. I ^)i 5«^^Hf -^> -r J- P 1 ■* \-j s^ i # :,^± ^ ■'"cr Copyright, 1889, by Robert Lowry. in-i 58 FANNY J. CROSBY. Dear Book of Life. • Jfi/ tongue shall speak of thy word." — Ps. 119 : 172. W. H. DOANE. ^ 1 1 — 0r L^^UU-h^±^ss^ s~. ^ It-^r 1^ No book No book O help like the like the us, dear Bi - ble, inspired from a - bove, No book like the Bible, God's message of love; Bi - ble, with comfort replete, Each soul-cheering promise,ho\v precious and sweet! Fa-ther, to walk in its light, That keeps us from evil, and leads us a-right; A ■0- ■»- ^ -0—^- -G- 33: f^:^^ P faHzJ-J j rtj 0 <^ 0 0 0 0 J 0 0 1 ^ H g^ Its pa - ges of wisdom, how brightly they shine ! Its truth is e - ter - nal, its language di-vine. It tells of a Saviour, and shows us the way To realms that are fade-less and brighter than day. To treasure the wisdom its pa - ges un-fold, A wis-dom more precious than sil-ver or gold. :t #. -^ q=t: -f-- m Chorus. I i2=i m^- i 3sS -sj- ^' sf '■ Dear Book of Life, we cling to thee, Oxir guide, our chart, on life's dark sea; ^t.^ 1 -i9- -«?- -I©'- l)ear Book of Life, we chng to theo. Our guide, our chart, on life's dark sea; Copyright, 18S7, by W. H. Doane. Dear Book of Life. Concluded. Dear Book of Life, tlint God lias jjiv'n. Child of Sin and Sorrow. THOMAS HASTINGS. ■.t^^ ^^ ^ ^ Why unll ye die 1 "— Jer. 27 — N S-- ■ 13. J±3 ^ fc*: i THOMAS HASTINGS. — ^ — N- ■ -*-^- 1 1. Child of sin iiml sor - row, Fillt-d with dis-iiiay, Wiiit not for to - mor-row. Yield theo to - day; '2. Cliild of sin and sor - row, Wliy wilt thou die"? Come while thou canst borrow Help from on liiL'h- 3. Child of sin and 8or - row, Thy moments glide, Like the flit-ting ar - row, Or rush-incr tide:' rush-ing tide; Heav'n bids thee pomo. While yet there's room; Child of sin and sor (Jri.'ve not that love Which, from li - bove. Child of sin and sor Ero tinie is oer, Heav'n 's grace im-plore; Child of sin and sor ')'F=f=^ ^ ^^- i row. Hear and o - bey. row. Would bring thoe nigh, row, In Christ con -fide. ^ 3t I 6o Alone with Jesus. KATE SUMNER BURR. When they were alone, he expounded all Udnijs to his disciples." — Mark 4 : 34. kobert i.owry. 1. Will 2. Will 3. Will you walk a- lone with Je you walk a - lone with Je you walk a- lone with Je sus? sus? sus? mM ^-^^- -fi—ft- ->g- -fS>- Is the narrow way your choice ? Will you ^^■alk alone with You will need no bet-ter friend; For His loving hand will Just a few brief, fleeting days, And with glad triumphant :& -i-v -G- % £fe=± -^ ^- -&.- EiE =T fe ^ -+- Je - sus? AVill you heed His gen - tie voice? Hear Him say-ing, "Come to me, Tho' your sins as lead you, And from ev - ery foe de fend; Hear Him say-ing, "Nev - er fear, For thy help will millions You shall join the end -less praise; Hear Him say-ing, "Come ye blest. En - ter now the ^fc -«'- t\\i :£=t I I I i -^ ^^ Kici- :S=5= W^ ^ KAIN. scar - let be, . I will make them white as snow, and set you free." Come and walk alone with I ap-pear; In the hour of greatest dan-ger I • am near." promised rest. And be - side me you shall stand, my own confessed." Copyrijjht, i888, by Robert I-owry. Alone with Jesus.- Concluded. 6i i -*•- -«h- =^ Je - SU8, He -will lead you where the liv - iuj; wa-ters flow; In the land of light and glo - ry, -.-*^_^ -^^-^• -K'-y- ^ Where the angel choirs are sing-ing, All tlie V) of life e - ter - nal in His presence you shall know. 1^3 ^g T : ;-g-^ -7 » -» — » • » — • =r^=^i- ^ail e=t -k ^ — * !•• t^-tJ M r=ff^:pll WILLIAM BENNETT. 5-^3 Li ' t "BE^nm^E^ Thine Forever. " He that doeth the will of God abidelhfor ever."—\ John 2: 17. HUBERT P. MAIN. E? ^-^^: Hf=«= • 4 1. Thine, Lord, for ev-er. Purchased by blood liivin.-: Hescned and saved bv Thee, Lord, I am T 2. Thine, Lord, for ev - er. Tho'deatli shall lay nic low; Etn in that dreadful hour. Thine, Lord, I 3. Tliine, Lord, for ev - er. When safe before thy throne I stand, for ev - er - more Thiue, thine a- Thiu e. know, lone. fchfagdjr-^'-r.M^g^feg^ Tr^t^,-^^ Copyright, 1889, by Bii^low <& Main. 62 Only a Look. F. J. C. " Look thou upon me, and he merciful unto me." — Ps. 119 : 132. ± WM. J. KIKKPATRICK. 1. Ou - ly a look, my Sav-iour, While trembling here I bow; 2. Ou - ly a look, my Sav-iour, Will all my sins for-f;ivo; On - ly a look, my Sav-iour; My Ten-iler - ly now be - hold me, And -^9- \Trk -»- «= Eefuain. I -p JS- T ut=* t* -ij- z-Jl I Ou - ly a look, on - ly a look. On - ly a look from Thee; One heart is break-ing now. bid my spir - it live. I /IN -— 1 1 1!_ 0 .—/y- . • g ' .,< • u- T -«—-•- -• — *■ -f — ^ • f p 1= -1^^ \V- -^—ii—d- -J— J 1 Ti il 4. ^=p ^ EE look from the cross, the blood-stain'd cross, Will bring sweet peace to me. I S S I I ^'''' Verse. — Has brought sweet peace to me. 0 ^__!_ -^ ± S ^f-^.i I'"roin " l*rocioiis Hymns." by per. Joliii J. Hood. 3 Only a look, my Saviour. With joy my heart would fill; Graciously hear my pleading. And bend my wayward will. 4 Only a look, my Saviour; 'Tis done; the work is Thine; Thou, by a look, hast made me An heir of grace divine. irEI.E.N K. YOUNG. * 0 Child of God, be True, Watch ye, stand fast in the /aitli." — 1 Cor. IC : 13. 63 :]=fc=fc KOUIIKT LOWKY i )'U * -:i^-^r-r -IT ^~'~^ 1. 0 child of God, be true, Be no - Mo, strong, aud brave; The' help ers iiiav •2. Foar not to claim His might, The bat - tie is not thine ; Walk not by fee - S^^ES 5 bo fi'W, ble sight. J- m -)^^^ 'ijjEA: ^ fct Kkfuai.v. :^^rj?.l, J I J- -^ f^ » ^^ I i ^ W^ Tliy God is near to save. Jiut trust the grace di - vine. O !-hild of -«f- -6^ God, be true, be c- true; ^S3 Z^ |-±f ^ zd^-r-p r- ^^^ O child of God, - b # =^=^ P. P -'A^ r RiCI'UAIN. ¥ ?-b^-1-^^-^ — I — i — ^ — *r- -t ^ rit. _^ -5^-^- m •^^- 'irV Jo §iL^-^ .sus is com-ing, re - peat there-frain; Je - sus is com-ing, is J ■•-:■#-■•-■♦• ^ - - - - - - .»-± — »_, — 19 — g — »_ Wz Igt 5^—1^- com - lug a gam. -_?)- =F^ liit: -t t./ >o' v,i/ / -;J^>- -t-- a Uyijemiission- WILLIAM COOKE. In Exile Here We Wander. "Bring me unto thy holy hill, and to tliy tabernacU-g."—Pa. 43 : 3. 65 ROBERT LOWRY. 1. In ex - 2. Thro' mil - 3. O Christ, our -f- ile m P ^^ta liere we wan - der, In heaven is sore tenip-ta - tions, hy mix - ny Joj' and Glad - nt-ss, To Thee for our a - bode,— The cit - y of the sor - rows torn, We strive to r- 1 sin and woe oppressed ; There Go,l will give the sons of li»ht E - ter - nal our e - ter - nal home; An.l hopp as-sures that realm of light, When we have with Thy saints, in bright ar-ray, Shall in Thy bod -ips like to Thine, And joy o - glo. and rest, ver - come, ry shine. «r W>- ^ =F ^^- ^^^^^^^ ^ Copyright, 1889. by OIkIow & M.iiti. 66 Trusting and Hoping. FANNY J. CROSBY \V. H. DOANE. 1. I 2. I 3. I ^ b8 -' — ^- am re - joic - ing, trust-ing and hop - ing, Looking to Je - sus, Sav-iour di - vine; am re -joic -ing, trust-ing and hoj) - ing; He is my Sav -iour; what shall I fear? am re - joic -ing, trust-ing and hop - ing; In -to the man-sious wait -ing a - bove, ^ r r 5 ^ZIZ^ T-r s -H ^ iv 1^ ^ ^ 5=:=?=^ r^ -# — ■ n • "i He is my ref - iige; soft-ly He whis - pers, I have re-deemed thee, child, thou art mine. He , like a shepherd lead-eth me gen - tly, Close by the wa - ters flow-ing so clear. Cloth'd in His brightness, He will re - ceive me. Heir to His kingdom, child of His love. • ft — t^ ifeSi 9^ +- F 1 H- r V I I M ^^fe S Rkfuain. i^ ^ -^ I am re - joic N N N ] JL A. ^ ^' I ev !r re - joic ing, Trust - ing and ^i i will • joice, ev Copyright, 1889, by Biglow & M.-iiii. re • joice, Trusting and Hoping.-Conduded. 67 hop - - inp; all i ^ ^ all the daj' K)ug;. mill l^P^ ' y — p — ? — i b — 1/ u Trust ■ lug lu ho\w all the Je ^ ^ •*■ — — sus; He is -•• ■•• ■•■ •♦.-#■. ^^ Ilim. REV. S. BARING-r.OULD. J5: EE £ my ref - tige, corn-fort, and song. t^ lo llini: f= I ^m Now the Day is Over. " I will both lay me doion in peace, and sleep."— Pa. 4 : 8. HUBERT r. MAIN. 1. Now tho ilav is ., r .1 " ■ ^''''- /!>'',-''*"* 'Ini^'^ ■ ing nigh, Shad - ow« of the pveu • ine Steal a -cros^ tho skv "• wi. ".. ■;H"'- '^'™ ■''" '"''} ■ "■•'■ ^j.''"' "■"* ""■"«' "■" • l"'"": ^^i"' Tl'v l.l..8.s - inf JIavV, „". "'l' « close J. U hen the nioru-ing wak • ens, Then may I a - rise Pure anil au.l siu - l.-s*; I„ I'h" 1/., . h eve- Copyright. 1877, by Biglow & Main. 68 Simply Resting. MRS. ANNIE S. HAWKS. 'Jxest in the Lokd.' -Ps. 37 ; 7. ROBERT LOWRY. s ^ =*^ =i=^ :^zf!-=i r-r^ 4^^ ^ ■^F^ -■:^- There have been full ma-uy tri - als, There are ma- lt may be that clouds will gather Till my skies Ma - ny joys of earth are facl-ing, E - yen now ny yet are o - be- fore to be; ver-cast; my gaze; In my And the I am path are days to read-ing slip-pery come be oft and plainly places dark-er ^tf= t=^z -«Sr -G- m^ -pz r^-r m i^ -i- • -i- -f^ ^ 5* ^ -- That my eyes can nev-er see; Than the days al - read-y past; That His ways are not my ways; =? 5ti: But I know the Lord, my keeper, He will hide me from all- ill: But I know the Lord is o'er me, And His face is shin -ing still; But I know the Lord,myshepherd,Leads thro' pastures green and still; ! > - I ... m -^ Si -^ t: -«9 — t^ Refhaik. X -£i-r(g- • g-qt i^t — # -!»- i J. fi=E ?^ Copyright. 1889, by Biglow & Main. r i 70 ROBERT L. FLETCHER. P We Have Found him. We have found the Messias." — .John ] : 41 KOBEKT LOWRY. S 1. We have found the long-ex-pected, Christ the Saviour, Prince of Peace; He has come with grace and 2. O hov? sweet to know His fa- vor, and how precious is His name ! "The Mes - si -ah T' we have 3. Would you find this lov - ing Saviour and His wondrous grace adore, Come to Him hy faith be - ^ £ E^ £=t t: Uti E i fc fe^^ -^^ ^^^ par - don, ev - ery cap-tiveto re - lease; In the sun -light of His pres - ence we're a found Him whom the prophets did proclaim; There's a beau - ty in His pres - ence nev - er liev - ing, en - ter now the o - pen door; He'll re - ceive you, for the prom - ise is re ^ ^ JL ^ ' ■*■ -f- ■•■ -t U — I— # » • -i» , L - t I L ! L- ' ' ■ J 'J bid - ing day by day. While He tells the joy - ful ti - dings of the new and liv - ing way. yet by mor-tal told, And a joy in ev - ery les - son which in tell - ing ne'er grows old. cord-ed in His word. And yonr soul will know the gladness of ac - ceptauce with the Lord. mia^: =^= ±1 Copyrig^ht, 18S9, by Robert Lowry. ^==f We Have Found Him. -Concluded. 71 Chokus. ^ 3^ i -^ -^ ^EF ^m Hill - le 9IS t±±: ti't: f: t: j:ih ! snints ft - dore Him, Christ the Saviour, Prince of Peace; fci^t -5<-V-V Hill ■ )o - III - jiili '. Hal ' It' • lU'jali ! saints n - dore Tlim, saints a • dore Him, ^ J ^ ^^ -<5H IS All the an - - - gels fall be - fore Him, and their prais-es nev-er cease. -!j~V—J> J J- '^^SS-. V^^r^-4 ^ w All thu au ■ gels, all the an • gels fall be • foro Him, fall be ■ fore Him, f=P EVEN ME. m frr^ ropyrlclitsd 1 Lord, I hoar of showers of blessing Thon art scattcrint; full and free — Showers the thirsty hind refreshing; Let some droppings fall on me — Even me. 2 Pass me not, O God, my Father! Sinful though my heart may be; Thou might'st leave me, but the rather Let Tliy mercy light on me — Even me. 3 Pass me not, O gracious Saviour ! Let me live and cling to Thee; For I'm longing for Thy favor: While Thou'rt calling, O call me — Even me. 4 Pass me not, O mighty Sjiirit ! Thon canst make the blind to see; Witnesser of Jesus' merit. Speak some word of power to me — Even me. MRS. ELIZABETH CODKER. 72 EMILY S. OAKEY. =i=;=^ What shall the Harvest Be? " Whatsoever a man soiveth, that shall he also reap."— GaX 6 ■ 7 h-^ '- W. H. DOANE, ^ — ^ -V- -#— *- ^^ m 1. Some are sow-mg their seed in the day-light fair, They are sow-ing seed in the noonday's glare- 2. Some are sow-mg their seed both of word and deed, Which the cold know not, nor the care-less heed' 3. Whether sown m the dark-ness, or sown in light, Whether sown in weakness, or sown in might; Jee£ ■-^ m *- • H«- =F -^ =F=F -i)- :t t u ± :S= -f *i^: ^r-i- 17— p- They are sow-ing seed in the soft twi-light. They are sow-ing their seed in the sol-emn night With a ceaseless hand in the earth they sow, And the fields all are whitening where'er they go Whether sown in meekness, or sown in wrath. In the broadest highway or the shadowy patl y path. What shall the harvest be ? What shall the harvest be ? What shall the harvest be ? What shall the harvest be ? ■^-1 iSEQ^ vU^ ^^^" r-^' ^ EE *— #- ^5=^ :t =F^ ■ze^L t*=t££ -ir- -^2- --a- Copyright, 1867, in I'm; LiTI LE SUNBEAM, by W. H. Doane. We are Pilgrims of a Day. '■ Stranyers and pilgrims on tite earth.' —Uuii U • 13 73 ROBERT LOWRV. :gr~y^j~^i ;:;vr'';;;:'';;;;:;:;''i?i;,'t:;;r!i;i!:^;:;';^;;:::?i;;:;';;;:"'V,»'^ -.i .»»,,„„„„„. ■# — #- _^_ Ciioiius. M^^ mnvanUUlI, <) yo hopeful pilgnma; ForwanI, no ill. Yonder is o iTfSte ^a^^M^aS^R^^^ iir lioiiio; Wc journey, l.a,..l m l,™d, To <■»,„,„•, l,„„.„r I,,,,,,, "•■<»™.!<-fri.....l..,„l„isH,„,,.A,„lf„l„,l„,,.II.Tim'l™i _ XJ Copyright. 1887. by Robrrt Lowrv. ' 74 Firm in tlie Right. F. J. C. j_n \y-\~i 1 ■A ->, The ways of the LoKU are right.' 3 — Ho3. 14 -1 — ■ . :9. 1 N ^ ! W, H. DOANE. )L\},H J — '. — "^"^^j -^ =^ — f'' r'' N S' ! • 1 -^ — p / ^ — ^- —\ — 1 — r— ff\/\? r. m » . * *i 1 i W W di J »' *i 1 ^ ^ • • * 1 . .. V- ) '4 1 ^ J J m f ^ • « . • ~ J J J ^ J « i ,_* ^. ■ - V * 1. Firm 2. Firm 3. Firm in in in ■•• -1 — tlie right let as cheei the right let us nev - the right let us nev - ■•-■♦• •#•■#- ^ -H • 1 .— P • * • • # -^ * - ' - ' ' - 51* j- - -i - ly go, and bold- ly. Marching to-geth-er, faith-ful, true ; er be faint or fear-ful; What tho' the tempter's host appear? er lay down our ar - mor. Not till the coutlict here is past; _# p — 0-s — ^—0 — « ,-jf: — « . 4 "^ .-* — « t^f-frfe^H \ \ 1 ' -y- W „ W W • ,_i»" 1 1 L M — n — i — r^ — ~^ \y\^ 't - ~ ; i 1 :> L ' W . 0 1 V \1 '*. m • » > p v V V 'J V ■ r ^ 1 > * i > '> / > =' ( 1 '^ 1 1 l^- :3=1 -m «< ' -^-^ * Firm in the right let us t'ol - low the roy - al bau-ner, Read-y the Saviour's work to do. On let us go where the bat - tie is wild - ly rag-ing, He, our De-liv - 'rer, still is near. Then, thro' the grace and the mercy of Him who loves us, We shall go home to rest at last. -i9- f p f ' ^ ^ ias m -5. — fe-i-ii m I ^ ElCFU.VIN. ^ i^t E3: i Sr Hiiil Him, O hail Him, Tho Cap-tain of our sal - va - tion; Joy - fnl in cho - rus, His ■0- -0- f^ -0- -#--#--1— ■#- 1^^— .|_Jl iite -» — *- -* — 0 — *- ^ -!©- -m P w r=r -> — >- Hail, O liiiil Uiui, hail Hiiu all. Copyright, 1889, by IJiglow & Main. Jov-ful now ill chorus loud. Firm in the Right. Concluded. 75 m m t -K- ^ i -0.40 * • — ■■ P 3*.-^- ^ -«^ lovo to the world we sing; Firm in the right let us fol - low the roj- - al ban-ner, Still with ii n?=»- -^-^--^ £ ^ ^^^fe^ -^^ m -■^ SES -# — 0~ shout j>ro - claiming Glo - ry, nil .t;l< ry to Him, oiirlledoemer, Lord, and King, 4= ■^ •#-■•■ r: ■»■ ♦■■»■:£: J ^ ♦ 9t^ E £3 9-n~ (;i<> - ry, glo • ry, glo - ry slug, — / >- I NEED THEE. ?^fetlJJg 2^ 1 I need Thee every honr. Most gracious I,ord: No tender voice like Thiuo Can peace iift'ord. Kef. —I need Tliee, O I need Thee, EviTV hour I need Thee; O 1)1pss nie now, my Saviour! I come to Thee. rojiyrifciht, 1873. Ity R. l^wry. 2 I need Thee every hour; Stay Thou near by; Temptations losi> their power ^Vhen Thou art nigh. 3 I need Thee every hour. In joy or pain; Come ([uickly and abide. Or life is vain. 4 I need Thee every honr. Most Holy One"; O make me Thine indeed. Thou blessed Son. MKS. ANNIR S. HAWKS. r 76 T4r=i=-*—\-^^^^ — ^ — ^-r-^ — g — p — t Cast thy Bread upon the Waters. " Thou Shalt find it after many days." — Ecc. 11 : 1. H. W. LANNING. -^- =i^ i 1 Oast thY bread up - on the wa-ters, Thinking not 'tis thrown a - way; God Him-self will \n<\ thee 2 Cist thy bread up - on the wa-ters; Why shouldst thou still doubting stand ? Thon shalt gam abundant 3' Free-ly give of all thy substance, O'er the field the Lord doth reign; Cast thy bread,and toil with l&E -- N- Kefrain. -f- ^ ^ gatb-er From th^ field sol^e fut - ure day. Cast thy bread up - on the wa - ters, Thinki 1;. bar - vest, Sow - ing now with lib-'ial baud, pa -tience, Thou shalt la - bor not in vain. 9 ^= Jf^fc^ — t #- 1; ^ =^=5= =Bi -y- -ti^ — I 4^ Eg (5'- ^ . s s — ^ BE^a^J^ U 1^ not 'tis thrown a -way; For the bar - vest will be glo - rioiis, Thou shalt reap some fut-ure day. — w— ^ F :P=P= ::fc r? Copyriffht. 1889. by Biglow & Main. The Islands are Waiting for Thee. 77 w. o. CUSHINO. the islands of the sea." — Isa. 11 : 11. W. H. DOANF,. ^=^=f ± i 5 3 ^^^ 1. O Saviour, we pray Thee, send out Thy sweet light, Far o - ver the wide heaving sea; 2. In - K|)ire with Thy i)reKence, O Saviour di - vine, Thy pco-ple who know of Thy love, 3. O send now, we pray Thee, some her - nld of Thine, Somesoul that with peace Thou hast blest; 'I^ i^M^ * % u \ I FlKB. —I m ^^ T=s^5 ^): The nations in darkues.s are long-iiig for day. The islandK, the islands are wait- inf; for Thee. Tluit forth to the heathen a - far may be borne The message, the message of grace from a- bove. O bid him go forth to the na - tions iu chains, And tell them, and tell them of Je - sus and rest. 0 m 4=3^ f: Thee, P D.8. — 0 Sdvionr. ice pray send out Thy sweet light, The isl - ands, the isl-ands are loait- ing for Thee. W^^^JWm- 3^=3t BB i m -m — ^ m m » -•--o They arowaiting for Thee, They are waitini; for Tliee, In the night of tlieir sadness,Thi\v are waiting for Thee; -y-V v— ^- f^'-r- • — ^ ^M:^ CopyriKllt, l888, liy W. II. Doanc. 78 Latin, tr. _w JtJt—' " Hallelujah! " Praise ye the Lord." — Ps. 148: 1. ROBERT LOWRY. i ^ ? ^5=^ - — w)-i—^—i^ ^ 1. Hal - le - lu - jah ! song of gladness, Song of ev - er - last- ing joy ! Hal 2. Hal - le - lu - jab ! church victorious, Thou canst sing this joj'-ful strain; Hal 3. Hal - le - lu - jah! sup-pli- ca-tion, God of grace, we raise to Thee; Hal -^—^ -*~- lo - In -jah ! le - iu -jah ! le - lu - jah ! song the songs of in Thv TtZ^JEI -^ =t:^ s m ,^=t:3=T=3=^ ^^^ ^--^I^T^r le - lu - le - In - le - lu - > sweetest That can an - gel-hosts em - ploy ! tri-umphWell be - fit the ransomed train; kingdom Make us all Thy joy to see; Hal Hal ■ Hal- jah ! jah ! jah! •*■ hal hal hal le - lu - jah ! Hal - le • le - In - jah ! Hal - le ■ le - lu - jah ! Hal - le • lu - jah ! lu - jah ! lu -jah ! pS: *= fe^ r-r-r p f f~ 1 , 2 'lA T— t ^ m ->&- T -^ — ^ -25»- I praise the Lord ! Kound the throne the an - praise the Lord ! We our song must raise praise the Lord ! Then we'll sing our Hal - I gels gath - er, in sad - ness, le - lu - jah,- Sing - ing praise wlth-out al - loy. While in ex - ile we re - main. -Sing to all e - ter - ni - ty. m ^ m =t- :t=1= P^ i ^ • # \— A i Copyright, 1889, by Biglow & Main. GRACE J. PRANCES. Praise to the Mighty Lord. " Thoii hast girded me with strength unto the bcUtle." — Ps. 18 : 39. -^-N— t. K ^— I 1 J I 79 HfDERT P. MAIN. ^^ J I J J. nN-j^r ^ . ^^^=' — --i-r S— N J 1. As the host of God, to bnt - tie with the foe, lu His might went forth ftnd laidtheirthousiindslow, 2. As the host of (lod press'd fonvard to the fight, With their swords that waved aud sparkled in the li^ht, 3. We will trust in God wher-ev - er we may go. Aud in ev - ery place our col - ors we will show; ^ i J J ^ ^m J .'JiUf H TMi=^ Fine Ciioiius. r 3 ? To the field of life with val - or we will go, Sing-ing pn^ise to the might-y Lord. From the Let us onward march lor vie - to - ry and right, Sing-iiig i)r,xise to the might-y Lord. We will work for Him with gladness here be -low, Sing-ing praise to the might-y Lord. ^^ ^^. ■m m — r— r * -»-^ :-•- t=\ ^ \J '^ iqhl - V Lord. D. 8. — Saviour's name we'll conqwr hy and by, Simj - ing praise lo the might - y ^ ^ r^i=i ^3 g • » » ^y=si* ^_|^> t=t=t ^ --0^^i 9^ Sun-day School we shout the bftt-tle-cry, From the Sunday School we lift our banners high; In the i*^ 1^ !>' Copyright. i886, by Billow S: Main. 8o MRS. E. L. PARK. Only the Crumbs. '* . of the crumbs which fall/' — Matt. 15 ; 27. W. H. DOANE. 1. Sav - iour, be-hold in Thy mer-cy now, Hun-gry and poor at Thy feet I bow; Send me not 2 Sav - iour,' I know I am least of all, Yet to the feast , I have heard Thy call: On - ly to s! Ma - uy the souls Thou hast kiud-ly fed, Here at Thy ta - ble so rich - ly spread; On - ly the 4. Ou - ly the crumbs from Thy ta- ble give. On - ly the crumbs that my soul may live; On - ly the ■»- -»■ -/^ ^ f- f- -^ ^ ^ ^ .^ H- -«- —I — -^ ^ s- -»- ^ ^ ^ — I \ 1 — £ m Eefkaik. =^E 5 -t- &^^ i— # « « *■ « ^ ^ S 9t hence or I faint and die. Hear Thou my cry. gath - er the crumbs that fall. Glad I shall be. crumbs to re - ceive from Thee.Blest I shall be. crumbs would I ask of Thee, O hear Thou me. On - ly the crum'os from Thy ta-ble. Lord, V- ^ -Jl. -G- -^ t=^ -^ -fS*- "V -u„l tZ'\.J^'^J . ' ^-"^ bur-den will seem hght-er For the consciousness of hrm and tiue, Naugh can e er H.s gracious purpose al . ter, AVho iu ten - der love hath l.ghtwill come; All the past His precious love will cov - er With the joy of end - less ^E^ __^ zit: E Kkfhaix. 3t i ^^ -g m :i S du - ty done. Bear the cross, bear the cross; choH - en you. rest and home. BE All the bright-er will be the crown m^=&3^^ ^ * Copyright, 1888, by Robert Lowry. i 82 MISS ELIZA M. SHERMAN. In the Vineyard. " Go ye also into the vitieycird."—iiiitt. 20: 4. B. C. UNSELD. r * ■0- -0- •0- -0- 1. Long, O Mas - ter, in Thy vine-yard, Thro' the dust and heat of day, I have toiled, and 2.' Tan^-'gled vines and fad - ed flow - ers Hid - den lie among the sheaves ; Look'st Thovisorrow- 3. Gath-ered I the love - ly flow - ers. With their dew I lay 4. Purge, Thou, then, the sheaves so worthless, That * ^f: Hi^ ♦ . - . . . ^^ T feS y fragrance sweet, Hoping that a at Thy dear feet, So they yield Thee Chorus. m with my bur-den Come I now thro' sbad-ows gray. Toil ful, O Master? Is there nothing else but leaves? mid their beau-ty Thou might'st find some grains of wheat, at the har-vest On - ly fin - est of the wheat. in Thy vineyard All day ^i fe * S^ ^^ S . . . 1 1 1 T" Toil - hig, toil - iug, toil - iug, toil - ing. m r. 9^ long with wea-ry — » — I F — *- r"" * ■*i(*A *~^^~^ W^ feet. Glad to rest when evening com-tth, And the hours are cool and sweet. r:\ L j:^ -f- r f T r-f^-f — r — ^ • — • — = — ----= ^ ^ By perniission. =F=F E m MRS. E. U PARK. Humbly Confessing. "Stake cott/cfsion unto the Lokd.."— Ezra 10 • 11 83 W. H. DOANE. k -1. • c fcsH^T, T V ■ ''• "/^""'^ "fj'"-'^' 1'^-^' '",« T^V I>r«M.i.e.We co.uc iK-lon. Thy throne; :i. llM - , V r - Vss M.'r T .^ , ' " ;r " <;.-;;;f"t «"'f'e,Tau.'ht by Thy ^oo<1m.ssTo cast our <-ar.- „u Tlu <• : ' ..on in- 1 h,. greatness 01 I hypoWr.O Wp us faiih-lnl, And grautour'srcquest ; Wh'i'i;M!.''wav;;nr";;": i":' ^iil",!" "."i^h n'^-wir- "^^-^^-^^^ »"■• -"""? l^.tB.Ever Thine a- h.n... May Thvtnnh M,-h, ,1 r May T ine -m. • fo^r >^ I'hou our joyful eyes, Life beyon.I to see. ' ' "'"■•' "'""^•'"usenlol.l U.S. lill wereacliourliome at last, In the vale of rest. ^>j^i^ :£: ^ -#— #- -* f y < -i©- -.»- P ■» P '■7l=t ^^ :*-#_^ a=5E=:?2: -# — # 4^-i^Jt 1^- Kepkalv. ms3^mmm &BiiS nm^l.lycon-fes«-ing,LowbeforeTheenowwehen.l:Makeo,,rwi.Ii„,M.earts.OSaviour,EverThinetobe £ Cop)Ti;.'ht. 1876, by W. II. 84 JAMES MONTGOMERV. White Robes. "A great multitude, which no man could number." — Rev. 7 : 9. WM. B. BRADBURY. ^^* i=^ :^ -(«- ^ -^^ -f^ fe^5^ ^isfet 1. Who are these in bright ar - ray. This es-ult -ing, hap-py throng.Koiiiultheal - tarnightand day, 2. These thro' fie - ry tri - als trod, These from great afilictioiis came; Now, be-fore the throne of God, ■I J f f-T ^^ r -^^- :«= r r=^ -/-^ ^ Chorus. t^^^Bi I-> — -1^. i ^-^ i&-# 1 Hymning one triumphant song? They have clean robes, white robes:Wbite robes are waiting for me Sealed with His al - might-y name. 1 5^ F H i 1 — H f-* — * bp=^ t: :K fc=^ qt=pi d2i O 1^ Yes, clean robes, white robes,'Wash'din the blood of the Lamb. # y- T ^ -I — -^ 3 Clad in raiment pure and white, Victor palms in every hand; Thro' their great Redeemer's might. More than conquerors they stand. 4 Joy and gladness banish sighs; Perfect love dispels all fears; And forever from their eyes God shall v',pe r.way their tears. Copyrighted, 1864, in " Golden Censer," by Wm. B. Bradbury. MRS. M. P. TUSTIN. ^^ -■3. Let me Die in the Harness. " Thett all died in/aftt."— Hcb. 11 : 13. 85 ROBERT LOWRY. -♦ ♦ ^ -♦ ^44^-0^ ^ I . Ut a. Let 3. Let me IIU! lUU .lie die die 111 in ill the liar-iiess When luy work on earth is done; Let nie toil for tlie Mu.sler Till the tile liar-nes.^*, Niv - er i - dly loit'riiig liere; Fielilsiire white for llieharvcst:Haste.yo tlie har-neti.4, Val - iant sol - dier of llie cross; Ev - er faith - fill to dii - ty, Le.>it my :?^ ^»— •- 1 » »■ f=^ -» — •- m set - ting of fea]i-ers, iicv Cap-tain siif - er fer ^ ^YT^ siin : With ar - mor fear; (Jo. d""' hjs.s; A star Bel or on and girded I'll a - wait the or-der I eometli, He-holil, the liridegroom eometh. He-hold, tin' liridegrooiii eoiiieth," Go to meet your Lord in lieav'ii. eonieth. lie-hold, the Mridegrooiii eometh, He-hohl, tlie Hridegrooiii eometli," Go to meet your Lord in lieav'ii. eometli. He-hold, the Hridegroom eometh, He-h(dd, the Bridegroom eonieth," Go to meet your Lord iu heav n. ^ ^^^ t=:^ -e^nf^L t .L^ ■0- *■ •-^ F^^^FS^ fes# F^.3^Eibf m Copyright, 1889, by Di){lo\v Ar Main. 86 FANNY J. CROSBY. Home Beyond the Skies. 'A place wliere there is no -want of any thing."— Judges 18: 10. WM. B. BRADBURY. ^ ->,^-N- H 3 m —d — *- :lzj=t --N- ^r^ a eJ t^ 9^ 1. We lire go-ing, we are go-ing, To a home beyond the skies, Where the fields are robed in beauty, 2. We are go-ing, we are go-ing. And themu-sic we have heard Like the ech-o of the woodland. 3. We are go-ing, we are go-ing, When this mortal life is o'er. To that pure and hap - i)y re-gion ^ f r .-^ ' "^ »— #-,-f^ c — f f ^ ^ 1"^ ^-» ^-^ -«<- Ht-#- :t /- > -N— N -/ — / ' - -«-=- -«?- 1^=^ I ^.^^ ^ S^ -9—t~ -J— ^-4- :^ 3 A—A- ^ -^2 And the sunlight nev - er dies; Where the fount of joy is flow-ing In the val - ley green and fair Or the car-ol of a bird; With the ros - y light of moru-ing On the calm and fra-grant air, Where onrfriends have gone before; They are singing with the an - gels In that land so brightand fair: —} •_? 4 ^ %^ -/—/- t^ ^- -^- ± m -G>- z^—^ Kefkain. We shall dwell in love to - geth - er; There will be no part-iug there. We are go - ing, we are Still it mur-murs,8oft - ly mnrinurs, There will be no part-iug there. We shall dwell with them for-ev - er; There will be no part-ing there. go-ing -^-^ -Gt- ^t=t -Jz=£l ^^m -19- -»>- :ii=a: By permission. N- N- ^^^ E Home Beyond the Skies. -Concluded. 87 m t t ^^ ^1 ^ r :^ ^;3^ 5? To Ji 111 •lUf lieyond the skies, Where the fiflds are robed in beauty, And the smi-liyht nev-er dies. "*""*""*" *"— « g I (fi' • . I - — ~ f f 1 P 1 1 1 iT" — t f-i-^ ^5^^^ r^— g~g"TT -&-i^ ± i^^^i^^ il ^ Golden Rule. GRACE J FRANCES i 2^ ■4» !/« would that men should do to you. do ye alto to them." — Luke 6 : 31. hlbert p. main. S I . S N S J^ I . >. S I . ^ N fci^3=i=r^ ^ 3 I ^- ^ 1. Nev-er lose the gold - en rule. Keep it still in view; Do for oth - ers as you would They should '2. Hell) the fee - bio ones a - lonj,', Cheer the faint lUid weak; To the sor - row - la-den heart Words of 3. Love the Lord, the tirstcommancl.Witli thy soul and mind; Love thy neighbor as thy-sdf, Both in ' ^i=^^Et tz ^ ^ ±=k ?i=fi ^ fe^^-^,%-r=4i=4=^ m ^ Ei N-S- ^ :^q=i: 3^^ />. C al fine 1st verge, I N V ». s. -I — •- ^ i do to yon. Kind-ly, gen - tly. In their burden bear a part; Meek-ly chiding, With a lovinp; heart, coiulort speak. Free-ly, free - ly. From the bounty of your store. Cheerful giv-ers, Help the humble poor, one combined. Just-ly, just -ly, With each othorstrivc- to live; Ev - er read y, Willing to for - give. ^,ggpj^3^^^3=S:BZQz:|^^ CopyriKht. iSW, by Hubert P. M.iiii. 88 WILLIAM HURN. Arise, 0 Lord. ' Thy saving health among all tuitions." — Vs. 67 : 2. ROBERT LOWRV. P te IS i -«'-r- -e^- i^ix I 1. A - rise, O Lord, and sliine In all Thy sav - ing iiii,t;lit, And prosper each de - sign 2. O bring tlie na - tious near, That they maj^ sing Thy i:)raise : Let all the peo - pie hear ■ I J' ' 1 . - I ^M -t5>- m m^ :t *-• ^^=^if tmmkM ill ^ To spread Thy glo - rions light; Let heal - ing streams of mer - cy flow, That all the earth Thy And learn Thy ho - ly ways; Eeign, mighty God, as-sert Thy cause, And gov-ern by Thy ^ . . . ' - I ^ ?: ^ . J ^ ^ =t 4= =F=^ 1 — r I -^ We^ :d^: *-a^ r" truth may know, That all. . right-eous laws. And gov the earth .... Thy truth may know, ern by Thy righteous laws. g%BEi -m. ffiH F Copyright, lR88, by Robert Lowry. Put forth Thy glorious power; The nations then shall see, And earth preseut her store In converts born to Thee; And God, our God, His church shall bless, II : And earth be filled with right- eoiisness. :|| F. J. CKOSIIV. Only Thou. In him will I triuil.' —Pa. 91 ; 2. 89 W. H. DOANE. 1. Tiioii wliose liloocl was 2. Thou whose grace up ^^^^^^^^^ fihed for holds me luou cauKt hide my me, Btill, soul . . f ^-^ m spir-it I'm rest - in;,' in Thee- , me ev-er a child of Thy will ' Sale from the tem-pest and bil - lows that roll; Calm- 1 y Mak-iiu TrtistiN),' Ihy prom-ise, what-ev - er be - fall I'n - d.T Thy shad -ow how i)eaceful my wav' I mnst .... _ ter the val - ley so ^^^§ Tho' I must en -« ^ Thou niy Re - deemer, mv Eef-uge, mv Ail Mng- ing Thy goodness from day un - to day • Ihouwiltbo with me, uo e - \-il I foar; On On On Thou my strength shalt be; Tliou my hope shalt be; Thou my theme shalt be, Je - BUS, my Saviour, I'm trust - ing Je - SHs, my Saviour, I'm haj) - py O - ver the riv - er in <,'lo - rv in Thee. in Thee. with Thee. £ ^ :t CopyriRht, 18S9, t>y niirlow * M.iin. ^ f=f ^m 90 C VV. KAY, D.D. Loyal to Jesus. ' JJe thou faithful unto deafft."— Kev. 2 : 10. CHAS. EDW. PRIOR. 1 Lov - al to Je - sus, our Sav - iour and King, Loy - al and trust-ful, Hi's prais-es we slug; 2 Fiith-ful toJe-sus, His cause to main-tain, Faith-ful in serv - ice, a crown to ob-tain; 3 Tnist-ing in Je - sus, tho' fee - ble and frail, Trust-ing His proin-ise, we nev-er can tail; i r J^— I I N h FiE=H Loy-al and grateful, our trib - life' we bring To Him whom tbe an -gels «; - dpre. Faithful andho-ly a king-dom we gain. When toils aud temp-ta - tions are oer. trusting ffis fa-vor. we'll sure - ly pre^vaU If we shall His mer - cy im - plore. nev-er shall fall ; We'll stand for the right ev r :^S g er - more. ^m^^ l—l . 1 '<- D. s. -al — *- i to*^ Je - sus, what-e'er shall be - fall. Loy - al to truth and hu - man - i - ty's call, =K: 3 E^ Copyright, 1885, by Chas. Edw. Prior. rrf HELEN R. YOUNG. ^ ^ Lord, I Believe. "Help thou mine unbeliff." —y,\a,Tk 9 : 24. 91 KOBSRT LOWRV. =c ^s=J i^ 3i ^^p^^^ii ^ KKI'IIAIN. "'1. I he - Hf-VP- J .^r.t Til- _ ') Lord. I Lord, I l,e - liove; Lord. I be - lieve;belpThoumyun-be-lipf. Copyright, 1888. liv Rol»Tt I n,™. Copy-right, 1888, liy Rolicrt I.o,,Ty ri-, -^ ii The Lord's Vineyard. " Go work to day in my vineyard." s= — te: :^ >_.± ■Matt. 21 : 28. -«- J^ ^ ^ A WM. B. BRADBURY. 1 Go work to-day in the vineyarcl of the Lord,Work,wodv to-day, work, work to- -^- ig -# — G- ^ ill I Copyright, 1889, by Biglow & Main. F=F=F=F -*— pi^ a- - 1^ --^=^ y=4 -#-v £j #-i-* In - to the Saviour' .s fold! Won-der-ful love of Je - sus ! Tell it in thank-ful song; JIak-eth the sun to shine. •*•■•- -^ « ♦ ♦^ ■0-' ■»■ ■»■ J^3 ^ ■»■ . ■»- J- ■* :2=K -;'-?- £H .5J- ^ ^-ri=^ arnzn fe Tell of its ])<)w r and greatness: Sing it the whole day long. 1" -& f^F- ^. 3 Wonderful love that keeps us Near to the Saviour's thrcno ! Dropping in tender blessings, Filled with a joy unknown. 4 When to the gate of Eden Gathered in peace we come. Wonderful love our password Into the soul's dear home. Copyrii;lit, iSSH, by W. n. Doone. 96 In the Glory. " Thou shall kiiuw hereafter." — Johu 13 : 7. DAVID COLVIN. t^^_g- K_M Ff=^ J^^ ^ . -i ^ — N 1 — ^ K ^ 1— 1 i- — - 1 -^^" 1^^^^ — «-M-a « \ — ■ — i F>i- -^ 1 -^ !-#-,; 0 0— —i k^ 1 '■ m #— L# !# 0 0 S 0— -0-T-0- 0-' 0^ i-'^ 1. By and by we shall meet in the glo - ry, And un - derstand ev - ery-thing there; We shall 2. We shall then know the beauti- fill mean-ing Of things that so wor-ried tis here; We shall 3. Shall we wish that we nev-er had miirmured When ev-ery-thing seemed to go wrong? That we ■»-■»- -0- IS. , — . « • 4— -(— -1 '^^t^-tt— fe b- -L 1 E=?=f=^ F?-^^— r- ^_^ — g e 0 p - p -f-^*»—f — ^ — • — *-h — t- — ^ ^ 1 "> — K~ 2-bi7»-5— 5- -^ :- ^ ^ ^^_ ''^ -^ — ^A-> " ^ ^ L-^r ^ H KEKltAIN. i ^fc^EfL^lEEf^jEgEE^ U -w-i — #^ -- fv- E^ ^^ -0-^0- t then see the King in His beau-ty, And thank Him for all His kind care. siJellout their wonderful "wherefore," In let- ters all ra - diant and clear, then had dispelled all de - lu - sions With glad hal - le - lu - jahs of song? ^^-^-t^^l^- '-^ ^ -^ #— --=a By and by we shall -0- i ^ g^ ^^ES ^ :^=S: meet in the P 2fc glo We'll meet on that beau-ti - ful 5=tc 3^ fepE shore ; We shall fe^ meet, shall meet in tlie glo - rj', beau - ti - lul shore; Copyriijht, 1889, by Bijjlow & Main. In the Glory. -Concluded. 97 ^ ^1 5^^ ^ ■) — •} — " — ^ — V lli^n wee llio Kinii in Hi ^^^ ^ s beau I ty, And dwell with the saints ev - er - more. w^^m. :e King, the King iii His beau • ty, BERTHA MASON. Forgive Us. " O hord. /«r(/ir(!."— Daniel 9 : 19. W. 11. DOANE. ^-=4E=:t5= -^ 4 4 ■» -^ ^ i — * J 1 1 ^ i — X- S Yoiitliful hearts, with mu-sie ring-ing, Come to-day; Gratefnl souls, tlieir tribute lirinf,'ing, Humbly Youtliful hearts, with pleasure glowing, Come to-day; Grateful souls, their love bestowing. Humbly Youthful hearts our Father's blessing Ask to-day; Grateful souls, their need expressing. Humbly Meet us iu our Siibbath dwelling. Lord, to-day ; Heart and soul. Thy mer-cy tell-ing. Humbly pray, jn-ay. pray, pi-ay. i i -i»4^ f=^?=^ ± Kkfhaix. Forgive us, dear Father, O hear our earnest praver; Forgive us, for-give us. And take us in Thy care. \ 1 1 rif^^rrif ;rirr::i3EgEg| ^ -• — •- :Si=(t ^ ^■' 1/ g g " ^ ft ' ; !:^ "i? 7^-57 Cop>tinht, 1889, by Blglow * Main. 98 i F. J. C. ^4 =l=f^ m Looking Unto Jesus. 'Run with patience the race that is set before us." — Heb, 12:1. T. E. PERKINa •+ -^J^ =? ^ ^ m 1. Weary not, mj' brotli-er, Cheerful be thy song; Is thy bnrden lieav-y, And the journey long? *2. Seek,and thou shaltflndHim.Still in faith be- lieve; Call, audHe will hearthee, Ask Him. and re-ceive; '.i. Tri-alsmay be - fall thee, Thorns be-set thy way; Nev-er iuiudthem,brother,On - ly watch and pray; 4. La-bor on, my broth-er, Thou shalt reap at last Fruits of joy e - ter- nal. When thy work is past; ^^i^ J: k Z^^=$=fL #^^^«- ^PP Sl± R^=^JT^ X V 1^ ri iti: *-i-t ^ ^r* i ^ ^ =?i EES ->^ •— f- =1= Wf Doesthe weight oppress thee? Cast it on the Lord; Run thy race with patience, Trusting in His word. In the deepest night. He will give thee com -fort. He willgivethee light. Once the Saviour trod; Kuu thy race with patience. Pressing on to (lod. View thee from the skies; Run thy rac; with patience. Yonder is the prize. 4^^ 1— H 1 rl \ 1 1 H 1 i-l S — 0- In the dark-est moment, Thro' the vale of sor - row Crowds of shin-ing an - gels =F 5 ^ "^^^^^^^^ ^^^^E^E^^^^^E^-^ Kefuain. i ^ -J-j{-/ ^^F» -#-i^^-#-r -*— * __ Looking un-to Je - sus, Hehasdiedfor thee; Oh, glu-ry be to Jc -sns! We'llshoutsalva-tion free. 0 » *■ J ^ # . ^ *- -f- f- ^*- *■ pi f=M j!-_Jj^_ I :?-^ ^^ I —I ?5f By permission. T^ Jesus is Here. 99 HELEN R. VOUNG. " There am I in the midst of (Aem."— Matt. 18 : 20. ^ ^^E ROBERT LOWRY. S 1- ^^^^^ ^ a?=5t 4 ' J ^'^^ * 'J.J. ^ 1. We stand on lio - ly ground — Je '- bus i.s here; 2. Sill - va - tion now is nigh^ Je - sus is here; 3. O bless - ed, hallowed hour^ Je - sus is here; ^lityjt- 3^ "^^^^ His glo - ry shines a - round- O soul, for ref - uge fly— O day of sa - cred power- ^3 i iP ^ ^ :^^t=^ 4 4 •^J.'^ 9 0 4=i Je - sus Je - Kus Je - sus I— I > I here; The Lord is hereto save and bless; O lost one, come, thy here; For now in love He c.ills to thee, O wand'ring one. come here; Come, has - tt-n now and seek His face, Be - lieve His wonl of ■^^^^ ^^ f- f -^^ ^ -1^ r~r "^ ^ m m ? ^ § ^ • 4r 4 ■ 4 4 4 ■* ' J..J. gnilt con - fess; Be clothed in His own right - eous-ness un - to Me; From sin's dark bond -age now be free- sov - ereign grace; The pre - cious mo - uients fly a - pace Je - sus is Je - BUS is Je - sus is here, here, here. IS £==$: m E ?3 I f= Copyright. 1888, by Robert Lowry. 100 C. R. BLACK'ALL. »J .^ .0. My Sabbath Home. ' It shall be a sabbath of rest unto you." — hcv. IC ; 31. 4^=U ^E^m m W. H. DOANE. 3^ 3 TtTt w-»- r— —rr -<5'- T^ST 1. Sweet Sabbath School! more dear to me Than fair-est pal - ace dome, My heart e'er turns with 2. Here first my wil - fnl.wand'ring heart The way of life was shown; Here first I sought the 3. Here Je - sus stood with lov-ing voice.En - treat-ing me to come, And make of Him my a^ 9^^- ±w^ p?^ t=F=F i I I Chorus. ^^m i g * a: =?=^ -w-r ^*r joy to thee, My own dear Sabbath Home. Sabbath Home ! bet - ter part, And gained a Sabbath Home, on -ly choice. In this dear Sabbath Home. -s»-^ Bless-ed Home! Sabbath m-^ -s>- -r~r- m^E^ PTfTT^^P^ f= Sweet Home ! Sweet Home! t te t ^r\ -s^ I K,-> ^^ fete Ttat g^ -t&- -^-"^- ^^ Home ! Bless-ed Home ! My heart e'er turns with joy to thee. My own dear Sabbath Home. -# — • — 0- -^5>- sg «~«- p^ 1^ 4=¥ qiZZ^- Sweet Homo ! Sweet Home ! Copyriglit, 1871, by Biglow & Main. Wonderful Words of Jesus. lOI I.IZZIB EDWARDS. k. N TVAogoei'iT It i//, Ul liim take .1 ,N 1 J-nclij:- ■liev. 22:17. JNO. K. SWENEV. *■ s r N d d m , : ' r» 1 1 ^ p . ^ ■ itr tf " J T d 1 J J J « ■' /r^ ffc 1 « i 8 • J J J S 4 d s 5 " # • 4 4 f^ 2 f^ l^ ; n 1 1 1 • • & • # • . • » f • r' 8 S 9 ' 5 1. Who 2. Who 3. \Mio 4. Who - so - ev - er - so - ev - er ! - so - ev - er - 80 - ev - er * f- ^ will come to me, — Won-der-ful words of 0 there I cling. Trusting ii - lone in a - thirst may be. Come with thy heart to will faith -ful prove, Do - ing the will of ^^^, -. ^ J^ > . _♦' Je- Je- Je- Je- *-' sus !— sus; sus; sus, 4t • Shall not per - ish. but There my comfort aud Drink the wa - ter of Life e - ter - nal shall A ■••■*■ -ft -f- fi*" «■ 1 1 1 1 1 r r '11 1 1 1 )"'j-" L L L L L • La* « ■ u • m m m » '» ■^ iw r r ^ ^ r ^ J J * r ' r * r r "n ' J 1 ' 1 \ 1 ^ J '^ ^ 1 ^ 1 J 1 'J 'J J ^ ' ^^ Rkfuain. ^ ^ ^s 9^ ^ =^=n=g -.J — •^ savetuU 3^ t=c a T S£ -t— ^^ =r 9— ^i^«^ i-T^ -'^-^ r^j^" ev - or will Christ receive, Who-so - ev - er will look, shall live;— Wonder- ful words of Je - sus! m^^^. St ETE ^=f=^ii==i=i=s^^ f^^ ii l-rom "Joyful Wing," by per. of John J. Hood. 102 WM. STEVENSON. m^ Jesus, My Rock. The rock - I ^^ ^ ^ Eefkain. Ifei -^h->^ ::i=it ^^^^t^^ife^-i*Pi? -«• ■♦ -^ -♦ ^ -^ iSi^ -#— #- •#— *- :^=^g;5: In the shadow of the rock I am resting, I am resting; From the storm and tempest's shock I am resting, I am ^^ -i«?~ f= -^e-H*- u u u y Copyright, 1889, by Biglow & Main. Jesus, My Rock. Concluded. 103 :f.fet^^=r i ^ T^ -N ^ « — *■ * rcsfiiii;; I Ciar no liarm IVdiu tlic iiiidiiiKlit'.-i dread alanii; I know I am slieltprcd in tho shadow of tbe rock. ^^m^^mm^^^^^'^frmff^ F. J. C Fold Thou Me. " As a veMure shall thou/old them." — Hob. 1 : 12. .N__^_._J ^^ S 1^ -»T-'- j g Jl^SiZZ m W. H. DOANE. ^; s« • £^ 1. Lov-iiii; Sivionr, bend Thine ear; Lov-ing Spir-it, hoy'ringnear, Draw my wea-ry heart to Thee, 2. Lead me Ken- tly by Thy hand, In Thy counsel and command; How I wander, Lord, from Tlicc ! 3. While I jonmev on - ward still, Climbing nianv a rugged hill. Let me ev - er lean on Thee; f » t * ^^^■- m^ *^ i^ t-t t=1?=t tt Rkiiiain ^ t^— r H— M- I =r=^ I.J . - ^ ^ ^=*^ In Thy mer-cy fold Tliou me. Fold Thou me, fold Then me. In Thy mer-cy fold Thou me. In Tliy mer-cy fold Tlion me. In 'I'liv inor-cv foM Thou mo. -t- =^^^^4= ^^^^ * » — • — • Copyrisht. 1889. hv niv;l(i«- * M.iii 1^ 104 Heavenly Land. REV. L. HARTSOUGH. "A better country, that is, an heavenly." — Heb. 11 : 16. WM. B. BRADBURY. P^ «= T 1. I love to think of the heiiveiily hiuil, ^Vilel•e white-robed an-gels are; Where many a 2. I love to think of the heavenly land, AVbere my Re - deem - er reigns: Where rapturous 3. I love to think of the heavenly laml, The saints' e - ter - nal home. Where jjalms.and 4. I love to think of the heavenly land, That jiromised Innd so fair; O how my i^ ^ ^^=^ -"/ -^^ Kefuaix. ^Si i-H-r^ --^ -*-»- friend is gath - ered safe songs of tri - umph rise robes, and crowns ne'er fade, rapt - ured spir - it lougs From fear, and toil, and care. There'll be no In end - less, joy - ous strains. And all our joys are one. To be for - ev - er there. part - ing, m^ S3 :d^ ^ 1 tfii fct=a^ -»-» ^ ^ i^^ There'll be no part - ing, ^J f-_ H«- ■#-• ■»-. * ^ There'll be no part - ing. There'll be no part - iug there. ±: "giS E t^ ={= Copyright, 1861, by Wm. B. Bradbury. C. W. RAV, D.D. Longing for Christ. "The very God nj p,ii<;- utiiicli/i/ i/on nliiiUi/.'—l Tliess. 5 : 23. ROBERT LOWRY. 4^ t 4 ^ ■ V: V -1 My heart is sad and wea - ry, My Hky is o - ver - clond-ed From sin Thou canst de - liv - er, s s t> s Mv Mv And way is durk and drear- y; jiuth with shad -ows shrouded; break its bonds for - ev - er; O quench my cense Dis - ))el the mock O let me nev - ):te ij-t^t mm T • less ■ ing er ^ M ^ i r^ =t5: 5:1 ~ir~' — *- lont,' - inps With Thy rich prace phan-toms, And drive a - way wan - dor And grieve Thee, I and the 7" love ; gloom; A im - plore; Un - "With =r?=r Thine own arm up - hold me, And balm for ev - 'ry sor - row From ho - ly tho'ts sub - du - ing, My *=* TTT i g^^m e 3E^ ^-^^^-r i I fvir to Thy l)rtast en - fold me; O sane - ti - fy me whol - ly, And bring me safe a - bove. Thee I fain would bor - row; For Thee my soiil is long -ing, And waits to make Thee room, sin- fill heart v<' - now - in','. O guide me to Thy glo - ry. .\tid Moss me ev - or - more. JL • -0- .M- — JL M. M. _ JL M. JL ^ IL M.^ _ .-«■•♦. =!t=P^ :f=f= -i»-^ ^ "V" ~T Cop>'ri(;hl, 1888, by Robert Lowry. io6 FANNY J. CROSBY. Onward Go the Sunbeams. •' Tlie Lfiuii thy God shall bless thee in all thy workn."—Deut. 15 : 10. W. H. DOANE. * * g »- iC :t^ ^ ^— I- -i — tf '^^•—0 — « — #— ^ 1 On - ward go the sunbeams, Shining all the day; Looking down up -on us, Now they seem to siiy*: 2. Hearts and hauds to Je - sus, Glad-ly we will give, In the path of du - ty, Walking while we live ; -»- REI'liAIN. ''J ],) V 'J D. s. — On-ward (JO the sunbeams, Shin-ing all the day; Looking down up - on us. Now (hey seem to say : m Fink. i -i&- 5g± m 1- _*^-5 ^-0—0- ^a m\ Let your smile be cheerful, Ev -er warm and bright; Make the hearts around you Happy with its light. Cheering on the sad ones, Lifting those that fall, Shiu-ing like the sunbeams, Do-ing good to all. -f -f- 4- f- f- 4- . -*- lE -t u y TV It Let your smile l>e cheer-ful, Eo - er warm and bright ; Make the hearts around you Hap-py with it,s light. -^1-^ — fi-'-^-m-JZ — ?- T ~j^^=i l^fe — N— ^ 3e Itdiziz^ ^ :'=^7 ^ Marching togeth-er Thro' this fieet-ing world be-low, Help one an-oth-er On-ward as we go; Marching to-geth-er. Dropping words and kindly deeds.Close to the Saviour Follow where He leads; 9^ipF -» 0- i*=f — ^ 'm^ -0 0~-~-0 — 0 »— pM i ^ -I h -^' — I 1 0 0 hr- 7*- E Copyright, 1889, by Biglow & Main. =^=~ Onward Go the Sunbeams. Concluded. ^ N : ►,. K l^__ INN ' _|S sv|;||;| s£ &- -- - sr^»s* sf 5£ss-is is' 2: S:"±£ i - - V ^ ""= xnenuo lor otb-ersAll the good ^ve cau Father, Lead Thou Me. iif Icadclli me." Ps. 2;i : 2. —A — _^-, . _ ^. _ _ ^ ^ J ROBEK i I.OWKY. ^^I=J^S ■t^ 3. Out of my sor-rowana.lreur-vnStI. - t^^hv S°t „f iT'?^^ '^ [''^ 9''"g>°g t° T^^ Sj-— •_^_,_, g - T»- ♦ y-"^ . ^^ J^.V K^ulness ami R^non^ lisht.On to the heftv'n-ly fci::fc z^ .-V Kl'.l-ilAlX. rstron.'. F.itlier.leaflThonn.A t,»o-itv„„ _. t ,^. ~ _^ I '■*•-•■• -#V F^^lan:iS^;StK?S-:-^-'^Tho. rne.LeaaThou rJe; Fathc, Lw;e::'^:u"^ mansions liriRht, Father, lead Thou me.' Copyright, il!S8, by Robert Lowiy, Lead Thou me. Lnad TIioii mo;' io8 Onward Now! MR5, VAN ALSTYNE. tf » 3^ ' Tlie children of Israel went onward." — Ex. 40 : 36. li^ -^-N THEO. F. SEWARD. T 1. On - ward now ! t.lie trumpet call is soiinding; On - ward now ! with ho - ly rapt-ure bonndiug; 2. On - ward now ! be val-iant, brave and daring; On - ward now ! tlie Christian ar - mor wear-ing; 3. On - ward now ! the King has gone before uk; Strong in Him, onr triumph will be glo-rious; 4. On - ward now ! be firm and faithful ev - er; On - ward now! our eour-age fail -ing nev-er; ^e ^^a X — I V 5J ■• ^ b^ ^ T ^*=^- :-i^ 0 • :^ Heart and voice in bar- mo-nj- re-sound-ing. Sweet -ly join the cho - rus of the skie.s. On - ward now ! the roy - al standard bear - ing, Let our songs in hap - py con - cert rise. On - ward now ! His lov - ing care is o'er lis; In His hand be - hold the heavenly prize. ; Look- ing home be - youd the si - lent riv - er, Look - ing home where pleasure nev - er dies. mm t Si =g= J*— ^- "F^" Refraix. 3 ^ — 5^- S=^ 1 J—; Pi Pi Pi — ^^ Praise our God, who reign-eth ev - er -more; Praise our God, His bless - ed name a-dore; Copyriglil, 1883. by T. F. Seward. T JiA Onward Now!-Concluded. On ^^ i" -ward now! His might -y love pro-claim -i^g, Sweet- ly jTin tte cbo - nis of the ^es ?^ tir — <-h — !?=; CIIAKUJTrE M. TUCKER. Save, Save One. ^^^ That I miijhl h;i all nteaiia save si»ne."—l Cor 9 ■ ^ S. V. K. FORD. J ( Souls lire per-ish-in,!:; be - lore thee; Save, save one ' | I It may l,e thy crown of glo - ry ; ( Omit ) | Save, save one ! From the waves that o'er thee 2 ^ w! "'" '''"'■*'' "* *'°"^'' ^'^^ measure ? Save, save one ' ) ® • I Who can count the priceless treasure ? (Omit ) \ Save, save one ! Like the stars, shall shine for- ')•■ r." or' Koso wLT-lr? n " "°'" r ''■ ■ "■' ^'■°'" .'I'-strnotion's fiory sbow-er. Save, .lave one ! . r lho^c ^^ ho faithfully en - deav-or Dy - ing sinners to de - liv - er; Save, save one ! i-J^^-^ Copyright. 1886, by Billow * Main. -tS- ~ -.«=- ^^ i no E. S. PORTER, D.D. We Love to Sing Together. "I/et us exalt his name together." — Ps. 34: 3. WM. B. BRADBURY. ^ We We We I -^ :^ =F love losing to-geth - er, We love to sing to-geth - er, Onr hearts iind love to pray to-geth - er, We love to jjray to-geth - er. To Jo - sus love to read to-geth - er, We love to read to-geth - er The word of J N s > ._♦•_■#-: -0- -0- -0- ' -0- ■•- I -* — t — ^ — a — ' -^tH — ' :15: ^=^=^ voic-es on His Bav-ing I I one; throne, truth, ^i^ ^t^t- E -»-^#- ^ -&^ 21 2^ ^ ^^S :^=^ -Jr^pf b ' ^ To praise our heavenly Fa-ther, To praise our heavenly Fa - ther, And His And ask that He will ev - er, And ask that He will ev - er Ac - cept Whose light is shin-ing ev - er, Whose light is shin-ing ev - er To guide h N e - ter - nal us as His our ear-ly Son. own. youth. ^- -s.-^ ^ :£: '^ ^ 21 Chorus. -^ 1st. Snd. =t i r £1^ 5-^ ? ^r^4^r We love to sing, we love to sing, We love to sing to - gether; (^ ) j We love to sing to - gether. Wc love to sing, we love to sing, ( Omit -i=zJ- ■0- ■0- -^ . ^ t=t ^*-#- -^>- By permission. ^ f^ Great Is Jehovah. Ill FANNY J. CKOSBV ' For thuu. art great '—I'a. .-(J : i 10. W. II. DOANE. -«--5 rt ^:)^ 1. Great is Je - ho - vah, Kinp; of kin<4s; O m(\<^ -ni - fy His 2. Gniit is Je - ho - vah, Kiiif,' of kings; The stars to - geth - er 3. Glo - ry to Him whose boundless h)ve The debt of sin has jl^-g-^-y- = ^ « « ^«— "^ r name; sant;; paid; Praise Him, ye na - tions Sweet - 1}' the new ere - Glo - rj' to Him whose It ?^ £ m M^ m ^ i^f^ -N— 1 ¥ -^ of the earth, His great and might-y a - ted earth In haj) - py, joy - fill pre-cious blood Onr liv - ing sac - ri g ^=Mr ^~ :^- works pro-claim; Wlien darkness hovered o'er the deep, And con-cert rang: But (), onr souls! in won-der lost. Be - fiee was made; Witli Him wi- die, thro' Him wo rise: To ^^ „ t. ± ^ ^ ^ ^ - p^ ^i -A- i 113 t^^ -■*-— t=^^N 5CS=* i -)^. tx all was veiled in night hold, by faith sub-lime. Him all jiraisc be given At His command in beau - ty smiled .K morn of pur - est light. In m;in's re - dcmption from the fall, God's greatest wisdom shine. Who lives, ex-alt - cd and a - dored Bv all the host of ^heav'n. Copyright, 1871, by Biglow Ac Muin. 112 w. o. GUSHING. Homes for the Children. ' He shall gather the lambs with his arm." — Isa. 40: 11. ROBEKT LOWRY. =t --^" ^ -*— *- 1. Homes 2. Homes a. Homes for the for the for the children cluhlren children our Lord our Lord our Lord IS pre- is pre- is pre- par par par ing, ing; V » • » 2 »— Homes where the lil-ies bloom, fade-less and fair; Homes in the E- den Land, brighter thau day; Safe in the fold of God, naught shall they fear; i^ ♦• -^ #- I ^i n'^=t: -i- f -tv->r S S ^^^^ ' K 2;*~ Homes by the riv - er where the an -gels are weaving Garlands of beau-ty for the bright ones there. Homes wiiere the children with the angels are dwelling, Children as beau-ti-ful and fair as thej-. These are my jaw-els that I love, saith the Saviour, They shall be with me in my glo - ry here. tt i t SgE^;±E?E^E3 ^ i -^22- f W f y lUcruAix. |r-1 N- t^ir ^-Jir _j_y r-" ^^^~ftW PS ^ -«- Homes for the children, in mansions e-ter-nal. Shin -ing in gib - ry on the heavenly shore; -• 0 » — » #- -^61- 'Tt r- Copyrijjht, 1886, by Biglow & Main. ^^ : ,^ Homes for the Children.^Conduded. 113 -f, IS -P P !S_ .__ ?^ II JOHN COLERIDGE. "£nto- into hu tjiUes wiUi Uiank^^givini/.'—Vs. 100: 4 DORSEV \V. irVDH, Once Again. kfffivin J ( Om-0 n - KHiu to meet tlie ,luy, Time hasbmuKbtus on onr way ) ^Onoe„-,a.nto Go.l -bnn. Prayer ana pn.% our of - fer - i.^^ Once „,^^^^ on™ a - ,ain. 1 ij 1 " , ■ ^ "'"'o ^ "M CI ana praise, our 01 - IVr - inir 2 Round us al- ways as we move, Fol.l - orl lie Thy ten - ler ove I ^^.. wan- der rom the way,Lea,l „s back, O ' Lord, we t mv I ■ 1 — ^ — I — y Once a - gain. Z-^r-8 d -0 — f , I -^ I I— V=^i 1— t^i Oiico a t;ai:i we greet the day; Once a- gain, V ones a - gam. Once a - gain we nie.^t to ,,ray. j^ •- * i ics a - giiin. On gain wo greot. wo greet tlio daj Once a - gain, Cop)Tichl, 1886, by D!i;Iow * Main. oueo a - gain wo incot, wo meet to pray 0 •J ■.^ 114 We are Marching On. CLARA M. WILSON. n u 1 k K 1 ' Tfcej/ shall march with an army." — Jer. 4(5 V N 1 1 , : 22. \V. H. DOANE. V ■ '' b '< h 1 'ill ^ N ).. * m -^r^\ /mK hap-py, hap-py hearts to - day ; fol-low at the Lord's command; gath-er in the morn -ing lair; m m ^ m J • rv* k 1 '< ' T \ \ P \ . \ f 0 P » -^ 1' vh'* 1 r 1 S m m h» « U U 5 S ; i -^ \i\y 1 > « f f * V* r ~ r • r 1 V\) i\, \» I* w w 1 ^ 1 ^ V L- V ' y 'J 1 1 1 -^ L' i ^ ^ V For the lamp and light of a Sav - iour's word Is cheer-ing us a - long the way. And we work for Him where the fields are white, And read-y for the reap -er's hand. Then our sheaves we'llbring, and our songs we'll sing. To Je - sus otir Ke-deem - er there. i%^ -J^—J^ >= =tiF :fc=f: =!•= r- Eefhain. f<-i ^ V ' b 1 ■' J r^ • r ■'" J r-i ' p p 1 ifc A/—J-0—i^ -^ . J-* S- -w-=- r — ^ -? — y- — f — s — ? — s— — # — • — • — ^^2=f=^*- _(5L_.! W^^^^P- "^ b — ?~ "F — r — ^ — T — ^ — -*—rA H »^ 1 March-ing i 1' on, march-ing on, Look-iug up-ward by faith to a home a - bove, tl fl p ^ tL 1L ^ ^ \ r-v» 1 , r- r • » * * • f 1 " ■ 1 r P ■ 1 F 1 P i 1 1 • "I'l P b J ' K ' J J 1 P 1 1 J 1 1 P 0 ^ b^," ^ J \^ \ \ > 1 J w \ J J 1 L^ 1 L- '^ / 7 1 u '' 1^ W Marching on, niiircliiug ou. 1 "* Copyright, 1889, by Ilifjlow .V Main. We are Marching On.-Conduded. 115 May wo trust nrul i.rny, marching on each clay, Re - J 8 -■♦ •- T^: m ^ f=5= joic-inc; in a Sav-ionr's love. ^^^^ ± ^ m KEV. JOHN LOVE, JR. Jesus, I Love Thee. / am with you oJionj/."— Matt. 28 • 20 I ^^^^ ROBERT LOWRV. ^^^Pl^5^ PS^^p g=t ^^^i^^iJ -O- ' 'I I CopjTight. 1888, !.y Robert I.owry. ■^ --^- Si I Ii6 GRACE J. FRANCES. Behold the Lovely Spring-Time. ' The time of the singing oj birds is come."— Sol. Song 2 ; 12. HUBERT P. MAIN. 1 Be - hold the love-ly spring-time i'We hail its ros - y hours, V^e wel- come back the sun - shme 2' Our youth is lil^e the spring-tiuie, Our hearts are like the fiow'r.s; Our smiles like pky-tul sun-beams 3' Each "ten - der bud and bios - som, From out its dew- y leaves, Gives back to God who made it EE^^EE -A~ T" -1^--- ->-f^ :t P — (&- s i^E^EE^d -^ -+- i And cool, re-freshing show'rs; There's beauty all a - round us, That cheer its passing hours; And may our deeds of kind-ness. The sweet perfume it breathes; Then let us give to Je - sus And mu - sic As one by Our youth -fill ev - ery- where; one they fall, hearts to - day, O praise our great Ore - a - tor Who makes the earth so fair. Be like the gcii - tie rain-drops Our Fa - ther sends to all. And in life's happy sprmg-time.Be - gin th^ heavenly way. Come, children, join the cho-rus, =t ClopyriKlit, 1876. by Biglow & Main. F ^ Hh-H:j Bjhold the Lovely Spring-Time. -Concluded. 117 ^as i T^ F^ Bin;; out in joy-fnl strain A song of love to God a - bovn; The Spring bus come 11 - gain J^^^ - - - 1 1 1 1 W — Lh a^ rj i p HORATIUS BONAR, D.D. L Jesus is Mine. ' He that hath the Son, hath li/f." — I John 5 : 12. THEO. F. SEWARD. ^ ^=t i 2^^ ^^^^i -^f^ s i-y-i-^- >' 1. Fade, fade each earthly joy, Je - sus is mine; Break, ev-ery ten - der tie, Je - sn.s is mine; 2. Tempt not my sonl u -way, Je - sus is mine; Here would I ev - er stay, Je - sus is mine; 3. Fare-well, ye dreams of night, Je - sus is mine; Lost in this dawning light, Je - sus is mine; J5 ^ '^m ^ /»- 1=1:: g ->- --2Z& T K tr S5 i=fe i I I 1^ 1 I I I r -»•- t^ X -# — a> B^ I-'* P5 5 25: -• — # ^ir-f ^ 4^^sg Dark is the wilderness. E:irth hiis no resting place, Je - sns a - lone can bless, Je - sus is mine. Per-ish-ingthingsof clay. Born bid for one brief day,Pa8s from my heart ft - way, Je -sus is mine. All that my soul has triud Left but a dis-mal void; Je - sus has sat - is - fled, Je - sus is mine. I ^ ^-i ■f f 1* — r^5^ I 9: 5> _ • 0 H^ By pcnnis^on. E r i Ii8 FANNY J. CROSBY. :^^=^ When the Heart is in Tune. " With my song loill I praise him." — Ps. 28 ; 7. -— ^ ^^^ 1. When the heart is in tune, its 2. When the heart is in tune, its 3. When the heart is iu tuue, it — m^-^/ — >l; :ai i W. H. DOANE. " 3 ,*- trem-bling chords Swell the name ot Je - sus; on - ly song — Praise and love to Je - sus: wea - ries not, IStill it sings of Je - siis; t ■^m -# — ' — »- a « — &-« m — ■ — "^ ^i^ Then the strings that were mute with joy ex - pan d At the touch of His mas - ter - hand. With a ho - ly de - light its chords ex - pand At the touch of His mas - ter - baud. For its strings are iu tune with harps a - bove And the songs of re - deem-ing love. 9^ s :£=t =?— J EE|^ ^=v\XtV^ 6 Rekuain. ir— n^ N- WE^- ->9- Sweetest mu =i=a= sic, sweetest mu sic. When the bless-ed name we love— from the l> f H: ^^ -^ — #- -^-^ J i>— c^ fiH-J-4-S-i Sweetest music, Sweetest music, Copyright, iSSg, by Biglow *& Main. When the Heart is in Tune. -Concluded. 119 PI fnll heart breaks ; Sweetest luu - sic, sweetest mu - sic, When the mel-o - dv of song He wakes. t Sfe ^ f f Y *^ ^ X J "J '> '> -• — p — •- I I I - I* ^ I f — f-^ =M^ ->— > — >— > Sweetest music, Sweetest music, y U ' ' Jubilee. "Consider the i/ears." — Dent. 32 : 7. i t ROBERT LOWRY, by per. Pi i -<5»- ^ 4=^ 'ihat The That Our T 1. With joy-ful hearts we hiuT the day 2. Here we re - call, with sweet ac - cord, 3. Here we re - count the deeds of grace 4. Lord, as Thy gra - cious haud we view. finds us trac - ing faith- ful serv - ants made our house a for - mer vows we ^1 ^ f *^ . — . — ffl Ig- ^* r^=M' r- ^^ ixiirhA ^ -^ w s 3= TImt hills us lift our eyes and see Who now from all their toil are free, That taught our souls from sin to flee, May all be found at last with Thee, ^ -0- f= wm The And And And love that crowns our sing with us our gave us songs of join the heav'n-ly —^ — #— (g — L— 120 F.J- C. Never be Afraid, ' Fear thou not; for I am with thee." — Isa. 41: 10. WM. B. BRADBURY. b—b: i=p ^^ £ 4 s: d i S i » ^ — K N- f^ i -i=£^ g i i— g— » ^E^£ Nev-er be afraid to speak for Je - sus; Think how much a word can do; Nev-er be afraid to work for Je - sus, In His vinej-ard day by day; Nev-er be afraid to live for Je - sus; If you ou His care de-pend, Nev-er be afraid to La-bor with a kind and Safely will you pass thro' m 9^ V ^ i>r~Jr =g=^=r=r -J — p- -> — -J- -^ — I m Refrain. m -# «- — « #- — I ~, 1 — ■ — ^ ^ own your Saviour; Je - sus loves and cares for you. will - ing spir-it; He will all your toil re-pay. ev - ery tri - al; He will bring you to the end. Nev-er be fraid. nev-er be a- frer.oyi„,pe„r.ed; I^ ^|^=^=?^=fc=J:^ night, Tis Je - SU8, the Light of the woTTd. ■». ' " "^ .ijif,"'' "I me world Co|,>TiK'hl. lasu. I,y nijriw * Main. ^ I =] 122 Work While 'Tis Day. " The night cometh, when no man can work." — John 9 : 4. ROBERT LOWRY. -I — ^ — •- -*\ — * § 3 -Tt^ e- ^ 1. 'Mid Chi-istiau lio - saii-nas, O'er con-quer-ing banners, There, breaks on om-shoiitiiis a des -o - late cry: a. Oil. up and be do - iug, Our dn - ty pur -su - ing.Nor drown witli re-joie -ing the wailing of woe; 3. With watching and praying, No lonji-ei' de - lay -illg,We'll fol - low wilh' the voice of our Lord : if£ r-'S' 1 it« F^^- T=^^^r=f # — • — » — •- ti r I Pf=F=t t^£Et^=^EHEE^ m feSl^ I 5 ^ ^ — 9 — *~J^ — * — r--* — • — ^^» — « — ^- a* ■ With pit -i - ful nioan-ing, With sor-row - ful groaning, The guilt -y ini-plore us for help ere they die. Onr hearts -will be light - er, Our path will be bright-er, The near- er our Mas-ter's own footiirintsw'e go. The field is be - tore us, The crown is just o'er us. And working for Je - sus brings precious reward. m 1^r r=M^=r=T='T=F ^ -i — I — r-1 Chorus. Oh, work while 'tis day. For the light flees a - way, And the hand of the toil - er will soon work no more; 9±pfci /TV ■^ .^ f^ -'5'- •^T-^ :tq=f ^^^ -«^ -tS"- Copyright. 1889, by Bijjflow & Main. d2r- Work While Tis Day.- Concluded. ^^s . . ^ ^ FANNY J. CROSBV. Spirit of Love. " Let my supplication come be/ore thee."— Vs. 119 : 170. W. H. DOANE. Tl,..„ ( ,. . U: . „,,1 D„v,..X„w fro,nTl,.v throno^bov" M . t\™ rj:; 'V"P''"'''T= " ^'''■•"- '•"""■• _«^-_-^_. <'i<> < >■ CopjTijjht, 1876, by W. H. Doane. ^& ^-•fe^ Save, or I Perish. -Concluded. ■ ■ ^ ^ ^ Leave me not hope-less, Hear Thou my cry Ihou that hast If.l me Safe thro' the storm l.oave mo not hope-less, Hear Thou my cry ' Mas-ter. I per - ish, Save, or I All Ihou hivst promised Thou wilt per """-""• ^ per - ish. Save, or I Miis-ter, I (liTT' form, die. P P s i2^=:^ 1^ i3t -j- -j- HENRV K. CIIORLEV. Grant Us Thy Peace. ' Peace shall be upon Israel. '—Vs. V>r, -'»: ^ -t- ^^^ ibrri:- ROBERT LOWRV. :ES 3. BO ^■^^y'^^..^..,.^..,^!:'^,^^^^^^^::^^:^-^^ S=^. ^^^m I ^=^ in] Lord, fnl Lord, fill Lord. ^ 5^ Copyright, 18S8. by RolK-rt r.o»T>. I I ^iiii 126 MRS. CHARLOTTE E. MERRITT. „it_ s, -N— ^ ^ Christ is King. "Jesus u'as born in Bethlehem."— Ma-tt. 2 : 1. H. p. DANKS. ^p =1^-= 4^ ^ ^ :^ ^ T e3 — ^~^' ^ 1 Lit - tie chil-dren, come and learn, Learn the sweet old Bto - ry; i Stars and an - gels sang a - loud, "Peace on earth, and glo - ry 3: Stars and an -gels sing a- gain, "Tell the glad - some sto - ry ! ^. JB. -«■ -^ -^ -^ f- ^1^1=^ -y- -^- 4=1; -^- I -I — Christ was once ' a To the God who An - swer to the Chorus. Child like you. Now is King of f^o - iT Ring, bells, ring, Christ is King, Christ is King of from a - bove Sent this wond'rons sto - ry. ioY - ous bells, Christ is King of glo - ry. » « - - 4L ^ ^ ^ S" m ■ — • * r -» •-?- -i ^ — y — i' Ao Hfef ry; Christ was born in Beth-le- hem, Christ, the Rin? of ^^^= =^ ^- Copyright, 1S89, by Biglow & Main. ^^534 n- C. D. PIKE, D.D. ;iiii On to Jesus, on to God. He will guide you into all truth. " — John 16 : 13. 127 ?^ ROBERT LOWRY, — S' —I H m K 3E -#-!- 1. Ho - ly Spir - it, com -fort me, I nm sad - ly stained with sin; Help Thou my in - 2.1 have grieved Thee oft and sore, Quenched Thy gen-tle, kind - ly voice; Take, O take me 3. Fin - ish Thou the work in me, Now so gni-cioiis - ly be - gun; Thanks and jirnise mj' ^^ ^^ ^ Ml Kkfumx. ^ 3E f firm - i - ty, Lead me where the Lamb hath been. Thou canst guide me o'er the road, Ou to ev - er - more, Let my soul a - gain re - joice. song shall be, To the bless - ed Three in One. P i 5 I 9^ -?— r T ^! — ^ ^f^ ^ 7-=5=^ f "Ji Je - SUK, on to God; On to Jo - sus, on to Je - sns, On to Jc - sus, on.-:^ to God. p^pSl3^ f=? ^ Cop>T{ifht. >88!>, by Bii;low Ac Main. 128 p. J. c. The Sunday School Army. " An army with banners." — Sol. Song 6 : 4. H. DOANK. w - 9 -■ 1. The chil-dren are com-iiig, u - nit- ed and strong, And now like au ar - my are marching a-long; 2. Their ban-ners up- lilt -ed are wav-ing in air, While onward, still onward, their col-ors they bear; 3. Go " forward, young soldiers, and trust in the Lord; Go forward to du - ty, j'our coun-sel His word ; t y f ^•— ^ ^ -*-3-f' ~xr- -0 3 #- ^=^ rt= V- -l-^^T- a=e Si*—* ?=^ -N=; -^ j^-^ > '• ^ J With bright, smiling fa - ces in cho - rus they sing. Ho - san - na, Hosau - na to Je - sus our King. Their hearts with their voices keep time while they sing, Ho - san - na, Hosan - na to Je - sus our King. O'er o - cean'swidebil-low the ech - o shall ring. Ho - san -na, Hosan -na to Je - bus our King. P f f #— f- 9^ r -#-3— »- =^l:^ -^ -V— >- ~.^' — y- Kefrain. rl^ 1 \-^- ^g^3 rifci- -^— »^T— a -* •- To Je - sus ourKing, our Sav - iour andKing, Ho- san-na, Ho -sau- na to Je - sus we sing; 9S^ ,*_*_ =ti= -^! Copyright, 1886. by Biglow & Main. The Sunday School Army. -Concluded. 129 ^ ¥^^^^m 33 I -N-K i ^=f: ^ tizi- "• — ir - f=5=^ ZMIZMZ O'er Mil - ley and mountain the cho-ms shall ring, Ho - san-na, Ho - san -na to Je - susonrKing. J- 53E^ i^ ^^ »■ 0 T r ; r -T^-^- lE=5i= =F= :p=f: y— g^ -p Si*— ^ ■ -1 r ;> 1 « K— K— —J m f ' - —^^— — K i^ —N- — —J — P K i ^■«~ri J — N— 1 -^ « 1 V^ — P hi — — 1 — -J— g r — j — J" ^ 4,. -#■ -t -€■ J- -^ ^ ^ V -0- ^ ' i ^: 1. Out on the des - ert look - lug, look - ing, Sin 2. Still He is wait- ing, wait -ing, wait - ing; O 3. Lov - ing - ly jilead-ing, plead-ing, i)lead-ing, Mer ner, tis Je - Kus look - ing for thee; what com - pas - sion beams in His eye ! cy, tho' slight-(;d, bears with thee yet; M 9t£ t^— ^ y /T\ I :|t -^ V ^ * "^ Ten - der - ly call-ing, call - ing, call Hear Him re - peating, gen - tly, gen - Thou canst be hap - pj% hap - py, hap _j__^ *^*^ -ing, Hith - er, thou lost one, 0 come un - to Me. tly, Come to thy Sav - ioiir; O why wilt thou die? • py; Come ere thy life - star for - ev - er shall set. ^ t: KEI'HAIX. g H«— #= is call-ing; Why dost thou lin-ger? ^Vhy tar - ry a - way? Je - sus is look - ing, Je - sus ^^=^^;=J: iii ♦ ♦ h ^ 1^ 1^ ZZI Ik~- p ? :^-^ Copyright, 1880, by John J. Houd. Iroin "Ark of I'raist." Coming To-Day.-Conduded. 131 -* ,1 1" r =£i Run to Him qtiidc - ly, -h N ^tJ sav -S~* 0 - ' to Him glad - ly, Lor.l, I nm com-ing, com-inj,' to - ilny. -V- . , -f- ■*■ - h N N WE PRAISE THEE a^^ MORE LOVE TO THEE. 1 Am I a soldier of tlic cross? A followiM-oCllrc LaiiiU? AikI sliiill I IVar to own Mis cause Or lilnsli to speak His uuiue ? ' 2 Must I lie cnnicd to tin; skies On tlowi-i V lulls of ease. While otlieis foii-ht to win' tlie prize And sailed tlirou^jh bloody seas ( 1 We prais.! Thee, O God. for tbo Son of Thy love, For Jesus who died, and is now gone above. Clio.— Hallelujah! Thine Die, fjlory : Hallchi.j:.hl Amen: nalleliijah! Thine Iheglory; re- vive us a;j;aiii. 2 We praise TbecO God, forTby Spir- it oflijit, -* ' Who has shown us our Saviour, and scattered our nijjht. I "n&S-j;;Tr" ' "-' "-i"-M;^;;;'=,;'- ■ ' "" ri:;';,,",?"" ■ "" ""•'■ '"""'■ »"'■ 1 ■• ">: ■''"• '•• ■■•« 'i-- ■-<■•"-" "■», ^,,,. „ , I With fuit lis (hseerninneyr. 'SAAC WArrs, v d. IJ4 n\ n flit C. p) nelit. 1 Jlore love to Thee, O Christ, Moi-e love to 'J'liee! HearTliou the prayer I make On bemh'd knees This is my earnest plea, More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee! - Once earthly joy I craved, Sou;rht i)eii(e"and rest; -Vow Thee alone 1 seek, (Jive what is best; This all my prayer shall be. More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee! ■1 Then shall my latest breath Whisper Thy praise; This be the pariiii;; ery My hiart shiill raise; This still its prayer shall be— .More love, () Christ to Thee, More love to Thee! MKS. EI.12ABSTH PRENTISS. II 132 BF.KTHA MASON. Hearts Full of Gladness. " I will sing and give praise." — Pa. 108 : 1. _S SI I W. H. DOANE. =3=-^ i5El=#=z*EjtEib fc3^ — N- -f=^ =^ ^ 1. Hearts full of gladness, once more we gather Here in our cheerful Sabbath dwelling; Anthems of rapture 2. Hcai'ts full of gladne-s, once more we gather Where our Uc-deeui-er oft has told us, Un-der His waleh earo 3. Hearts full of gladness, O may we ev - er Fol - low the fiot-priuts now be-fore us ; Then will our Saviour, 1 — y— u-i — r-'i — 7—'>-r — hS— P- :?=P= S^=M^ -H*—#- Eepuaix :^E^ =J=^ 4- 5 :^ ^IJ 1 I \ while we are swelling. Praise we of - fer Thee, Lord, our King. He He will en-fold us, The.v tliat fol - low Him safe shall be. uow^ watching o'er ns, Kiud-ly welcome us home to Him. crowneth us with blessings rare- How great His lev - ing kind While mci-ey, like an an - gel fair, Leaves not a 0 , bow groat His lov - iug kind-ncss, Mer - I'y liko an Coi)yrij;Iit, 1K89, by Biglow & M.iin. T \ r~ au ■ gel kind - ly Hearts Full of Gladness. -Concluded. 133 -r — !- I ^^ ± ^ J — ^-^- 4 — *—i-it- ^ i »-«- »-T-# uliad - (uv or 6a—>—'-/ L- > V ffot. Wlu'ii llin jimr - ucy of lifr is oVr. On the heart, Ami its jjort - als aro bri;;lit anil fair; Tlicrp aro coino.s, W'c must watfli. for tlif Lour draws uenr; \Vc must sure; It is prom - ised, 'twill soon be ours; In a # * * « » . • ^-* — ^ «. 3ffiE^ I 'ir ~^~ t==t 1=^t: -^r ^^^ ^ mount - ain gar - mcnts (irav. and i)(:in - ti - of Olid where Flis made white in the not faint, while re • fill limil 1)V the ')i^ -t- peo • blood Kiv tL P— jde shall stand, And " all jiraise of the. Lamb, And a erown in;; in hope Ami well wait ir of Life, In a car - tL * iL . . t. if,,, I far till din for the His of cv - cross voiec fad<- - or - we we 1 1^-ir- -+- i— =F=F*« more, bear, hear, flowers. la By perml^ion. 134 W. O. CUSHING. March On, 0 Banner of Jesus. "Lift yc vp a banner on the high mountain." — Isa. 13 : 2. W. H. DOANE, '=^=^ 1. (> I5iin - HIT of Jc- - sus, in tii-uuiiiU ud - vanc-ing, Thy folds in the snn - liijlit of bean - ty >in - 'j. (* say, can yon set) wlierc tlie ranks arc now iiiai-chiug i Wi'tli bannin-s of buau - I'y like coutjnero'rs tliey 3. Be - hold where tbey stand on the green hills im-nior-tal, Their weai>ons nu-heed -eil, they rest on the 9iiit-i ^ U-. L ^_ti, F*-»= E3 I P i=i T -A B. ^ J • 1 * — ^ — -1 — \ 4 0 d J fnrhd ; From the hill-siilcs a -far to the isles of the o - cean, Thy ub) - ry sliall float till it come; They have fought the .n'Hxl fight, and in peaee are re - tnru- ing, Thi^ ransomed of Zi -on; O shore; There with heroes and mar-tyrs in nlo -j ry ro-jjos'- ing, Th^ir war-fare is end - ed, they Sipfc^ Kei.-uain. £ =f=: II i^ Is lizat ^ - On ward, On I ? ^ r ward, Ev - er true and faith -ful, trust - iug the Lord; s— «- ■^/ — > — >- — ^y — ^ Ouwanl.liappy sol-dicis, Oil - ward let us }ro, Copyright, 1871, by Biiilt>w & Main. l^=t= Zion's Happy Soldiers. -Concluded. m 137 H ^ t- On wnrd, ^ ^ ti On •ward, Ev - er true and faith - ful, trust-inR the Lord. :t=f= f r -J^ -> — ^ -p — ■.? ? ? — I — ' We are iiiarch-iiig on - ^ard, trust-mg in the Lord ; "^ r* [- :^=^ C. PESNEFATHEK. i^ •He Not Now, My Child. . prayed him that he might be with him." — Mark 5 : 18. _^__S_ . __, I _ N N_ I ROBERT LOWRY. ^s^ :EE ^ ■M . #' -M-i P — H — rv->. — =*^ -»- fc^^ — it 1. Not no«', uiy child; n lit - tie more rough tossintj, A lit - tie lonp; - er on the billow's fonm, 2. (io with the N inio of Je - kus to the dy - inp;, And spenk that Niimo in all its liviu'j power; 3. One lit -tie hour, and then the ^^lo-rious crowning,', 'I'ln- pohh-n harp-strings and the victor's palm; Jt — t" • 0~^-»-- f" .if 0 0 »■ " it. ^=¥ IH^ ^ T- m -<>- •—0- -^- -t^v— s^- 3 5 ^^i^ ^ And then— the sunshine of thv r i A few ini>ri' journevings in the des-ert darkness. And then— the sunshine of thy Father's home. Why should thy liiinting h art grow chill and wearyVCanst thou not watch with me one lit-lle hour? One lit - tie hour— and then the hal - le-lu - jali ! All thro' e - ter - ni - ty one grate-ful psalm. Copyrijyhl, 1888, by RoljCTt Lowry. 138 The Son of God goes forth to War. REGINALD HEBER, D.D. " The liOUU mighty in battle.' i '-A- -^7 «- '— Ps. 24:8. =^=z:t ?-r HENRY S. CUTLER. ; — E A J. 1. The Son of God goes forth to war, A king - ly crown to gain; 2. A glo - rious baud, the chos - en few, On whom the Spir- it came; 3. A no - ble ar - my, men and boys, The ma-tron and the maid. ^tf5 His blood-red ban-ner Twelve valiaut saints, their A - round the Sav-ioui's m^. -Tr[r4: HE- *-«-< P=»- ¥^- ^^ 5 ~N- *-^ s BE ^ streams a - far; Who fol - lows in His hope they knew. And mock'd the cross and throne re-joice. In robes of « ^ ft • * :t 4- light ar - ray'd; i train ? Who best can drink his cup of woe. Tri - flame; They met the ty- rant's braudish'd steel. The They climb'd the steep as - cent of heav'n Thro' f- f- -^ --^-.. iS* — « '4 — * — ^H-^=i=dd: y__= umph-ant o- ver pain; Who pa - tient bears his cross be-low, — He fol - lows in His train, li - on's gor - y mane; They bow'dtheirnecksthe death to feel; — AVho fol - lows in their train? il, toil, and paiu; O Lord, to us may grace be giv'u To fol - low in their train. per A ♦• ■•- m By permission. N^ O- JAMES J. CUMMINS. TllIO OR Sk.MI-CIIOUI?8. -1, ^^.-1 _VJ Hymns of Grateful Love. Wlwin having not seen, ye love." — 1 Pot. 1 : 8. 139 WM. n. nRADBlJRY. 3. Shall they .dore.the Lord Who bought. henrwS mi bl^.l.A'^Vlll'th^Vorr?^^^^ T;:r hem" ■1. Then spread thojoyf,,! sonnd. The Saviour's lovn p,o.aai,„. An.l publish all a - rZn\ Sal va tion idH- Flix Chorus, ff dz=tJ^ -r-^ by"' hIs kS ? "^'^ '^''" """^ '"'" *'^' "1' ^^-^ ''''■''^'^' ^'^'^ ^-^"^^ "'« ««>^-« l'^^'^ «""i" ? A,rd send the ec^ homo to God? thro' His iiaine. By pcrmiMion. 140 CAKOI.INE DANA HOWE. Soi.o. — 1st Vvice. Sentinel upon the Heights. " Watchman, what of the night ?"— Isa. 21 : 11. Snd Voice. W. H. DOANE. i^d ^m ^ fa 1. On the heights why standest thou, Sen - ti - nel, with sleepless brow? lu the serv-ice of our 2. On the heights what seest thou, Sen - ti - nel, with sleepless brow? Sin and crime, with heedless £pEl.f _h_ Duet. g ^^r-^ -4- :;;;;;3* — r^ — « — »— Lord, I am keep-ing watch and ward; Sleeping nev - er, guarding ev - er All the bound, Send their fore- es all a - round; Nev - er sleep-ing, ev - er keep-ing Faithful i5-Eitet ^s 1.= r^«^*^ ^i ^ ^ ^^J=^ ^— hf— — 1»-^— *— P^|-a^ ^ fs 0-r^^T-w^^ posts of dan-ger near. Lest our cit - y should be captured, Lest the en - e - my ap - pear, guard the' foes ap - pall, Christ Him -self our arms will strengthen, Mighty to encom-pass all. Ciioitus. I a^^^ ~ I ^ h=i J^'^ -N^-J^ Hit. /7^ /"Ty /TN N I SI -1^ ^^ -^. ^ * Tho' the night be long and wea - ry. Cheer thee,sol-dier, yonder distant ray Shall dis- pel these war-clouds CopjTight, 1873, by Biglow & Main. Sentinel upon the Heights.-Conduded. 141 drear'- y; Thou Shalt soon be-hold the l2-:*= i^ :t. ii m^m JOHN MARRIOTT. Let There be Light. "And there teat light."— Gen. 1 3. On the heights what hearest thou, Sentinel, with Kleepless brow? Slill the foe, in i)l]uliinx broad, Arms himself iij,'iunst tlio Loni; Armor Rlancini,', swift advancin'<,', ^yiien \ve thought salvation near; Waken, soldiers ! march to battle, Christ the Lord is Captain here. ROBERT l.OWRY. t 3. Spir - ,t of trnth and love^' L feiv inV ho ^^ n°"' l^'^'V'.'^ Tl ""'''^'^^ """1^'' '° ^be 4. lio - ly and Bless- edThrc\Go-^ri:ouf' fc " ^f ^r^' f P'^'^^l '"'11' ^Xv AiKl't; Move on the ce, urio ri ous Inn- I - ty, Love.wisdom.might ! Boundless as hum - bly pray, And where the sick in Hiind, SiRht to the wa - ters' face, JJear - ing the o - cenn's tide Koll - in>' in Gos - pel day Sheds not its glo-rious ray ID - ly bh'ad, O now to all man-kind' lamj) ot Brace. And, in eartli'sdark-, st place lull -est pride, O - ver earth, far and wide," I Let there be Let tliere be Let there be Let there be liuht ! light ! light! light ! Copyriirht. 188S. by Robert L.owry. 142 BERTHA MASON. Who will Follow the Saviour? "And he sailh unto him. Follow me." — Matt. 9 : 9. \V. H. DOANE. 9 ^ JEJEE S ^ u 1/ 1. Who will 2. Who will 3. Who will m fol - low the Saviour'? O come, wea-ry heart, You are al - most fol - low the Saviour, and fol - low Him now? At the foot -stool fol - low the Saviour? the choice is your own; He has laid down - - - - ^ ^_,_f^^^ — f- r ^ ^ per - suaded this of mer - cy we His life for your -1- ->- Sg 3^ ^ 3 start; You are troub-led and care-worn; how bow; You have noth-ing to do but re - tone; And the words He has spok-en, how glad pent sweet you and ■ly would be - they be lieve, fall! If your And the There is -«- ^- -^- :f^=J5: liKFItAlN. m 1231 -^ » — n ~ ~ t ^ soul, hcav - y - la - den, from its bur-den were free, best of all blessings you may free -ly re - ceive. room in His kingdom, and a wel-come for all. \ Who will fol - low the >Who will fol -low the Sav - lour? Sav - lour? Who ^^'ill Who will ^^ -V — ^- Copyright, 1889, by Bijflow & Main. Who will Follow the Saviour?-Concluded. i'43 ± Int. Snd. i ^ fol - low the Saviour? To tho Spir-it now pleiidins. Rin-ner, wlmt will you sny? ) fol - low the Siiviour? He is wait - in<^ your answi-r, Do not grieve Hiui (OmiV ) ( ii P=^ I^E 5^ -^ — ^ i ^ ^ iE ■=^'=B -«'- ^^ FANNY J. VAN AUSTVNE. Jesus, My Lord. " Thete ouijlit ye la hare done." — Liikti 11 :42. ^ ^ THOMAS J, COOK. ^ ^^ 1. What linve I clone for Thee, Je - sns, my Lord? Yet dost Thou c ire for nie, Je - stis. my Lord ! 2. What have I done for Thee, Jo - sus, my Lord? Yet hast Thou bled for me, Je - sus, my Lord ! I!. What have I done for Tlicc, Je - sns, niv Lord? Yet hast Thou died for me, Je - sus, mv Lord ! 3rE e=i qii:- ?= 0 — ^— Ff- S p-^EEi^r4zzi^^i^=^£g^i^3^ig^^pppi} Wiien I was far a-stray. Gently T heard Thee Ray, I am the Liv - ing Way, I am the Lord. () my un - grateful heart! Clfivnse it in ev - ery part: Thou my sal - va - tion art, Jesus, my Lord. O how the crini>ion tidr Streams from Tliywonndid side !J;ht, i886, by Bij^low Sc Main. f-r 'J I4'4 HEV. J. N. FOLWELL. At Thy Feet. I will give you rest. ' — Matt. 11 : 28. ROBERT LOWKY. f' N 1 V ' r J 1 ■^ ■ ^ N 1 ^ ^ j^, 1 " 1 N 1 ic 1 A. (7 'J • ji' J J ' J _ 1 1 , 1 rv . 1 ' 1^ J N ^^-»-* — 2 — 2- •^- • * 5 • : • * 5 # #. J ' ' . 1 # J • • ^ • '-5-:— s « 1 •/' 1 1^1 1. Bless - ed Je - sus, God the Word, Sin -Hers' Sav-iour, Friend and Lord, With my sin - 2. Take a - way my guilt and shame, (Jn my heart in - scribe Thy name; Like Thy uat - ure 3. Make me feel Thee ev - er nigh, Draw my heart to Thee on high; Be Tliou my su - 4. By Thy Spir - it let me be banc - ti - hed, to dwell with Tuee; Then, with all the ■•-■«--»■ . rj^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ± \ _ ^.^ ^ " a m \ - - V : T* '• , > ' * * \ r * '-a \ ' \ m -^ — ^ b« "^ '1 ' ' ■ i - • ■ H f /O 1 y 1 1 • ! r ^ \^ 1 ■ ' 1 r 1 ' , 1^ 1 1 ^ 1 1/ 1 w -^- -,--. — f^- i= -^- RKFK.1IN. =157 8^ -H*- :^ heart distressed, make my own, preme de-light, hosts a - bove, ^ ^ Lo, I come to Let Thy blood for Help me walk as Will I praise re , ^^^» -* » * #- Thee for rt^st. me a - tone, in Tliy sight, deem-ing love. ±: ^ Lend, O Lord, a list-'ning ear. Drive rit w ^ lay my plea: Thou, O Christ, didst die ^ Copyright, 1888, by Robert Lowry. Soldiers of the Lord. "A good soldier of Jetni* Vhrist."- ■2 Tiui. 2:3. 145 1. Uo are soldiers of the Lord, 2. We !ire 8trivm<,' for the lost 3. With the hosts of sense uud siu, 4. Wo shall o - ver-come our foes ^ 15 I ^^M t>. a. PURINTON. -^-^1 4-. Marcnng on wUh shield and sword, 'Xeath the bnnner bright Of In the ranks ot Sa - t,m's host. Till the cmtives be F mm Foes without and foes uith- in, We will bat - He still With rho the powers of hell op - pose. For the Right is stron>l\> ~1 Truth bond rny - con - and Right; We • ajje free ; For 111 will; We quer Wron^, Tho shall con-quer in in Christ is lib shall fear no com the bat - tie may 4L • His er - iui,' be might. ty. ill. We'll march. we'll fight. For Truth "V c-— 1- , ^ and tUo Uigbt ; Well marcl. aiul fixht. In God's own mighl, Copyright. 18S6, by Bi|;low * Main. 146 FANNY J. CROSBY. Army of Jesus. "And he sent forth his armies." — Matt. 22 : 7. 3 - 3 ' ' IS^ 1. Ar - my of Je - sus, marching to conquer, List to the war-cry, hear it re-sounding: 2. Ar - my of Je - bus, marching to con-quer. Growing in num-bers, ev - er pro-gress-ing, 3. Ar - my of Je - sus, marching in triumpli, Bold and con - ra-geous, do - ing and dar - ing, % 0-r-P (^ i % =->-• -5^ • ^ - - ^ -^ i=i: I^ =?=f i ^^ Forward, ye brave ones, du - ty is call -ing, Sig-uals are fly - ing, trump-ets are soimd-ing Stead-i - ly mov-ing, firm-ly ad - vauc-ing, Peerless in graudenr, crowned with His blessing, Now you are draw - ing near-er the Home Land, Nearer the mansions He is pre - par - ing; -• — i — •-,-# — (^ — s — » — '-^- — <- — "^ — f — ---^ — " — • — * *i=re — ^ S =?^= I :^ ->- -/— ' :p ^ -0 • •— '-•-T • 0 -j-^- i ■^^ 9Efe^ Keejj-iug your ar - mor bright with the Gos - pel light. Go ye forth in your Saviour's might — go! Cheerful - ly bear the cross, count the world but dross. Go ye forth in the Saviour's name — go! On to the strife once more, soon 'twill all be o'er; Go ye forth witli a stead-fast faith — go! # ^-r-f-^— » B 0 ^ ^m m X i ^ I > Copyright, 1889, bv Biirlow & Main. :^ m Sf Army of Jesus. -Concluded. 147 •«- 5-«=r Still He is wiitch-iiif; teu-der-ly o'er you; Car-ry His stimd-urd proudly be -fore you; Rul-ly a- L<'<,'ions of dark-uess cannot a - lariu you; Led by the Sav-iour, nothing can harm you; Fearless and Then by the riv - er, btauti-ful riv - er, Kesting withJe - sus, hap-py for - ev - er, Greeting the ■2m^zi^ 4- "M^ -I-: — h — 1-7- :?=^ W ^ F -i*-^^ -V— 5<— >- ->—>—>- • ■ I ( II U i.' U' ^ ' ' I I l^ V u D.s. — Then will yoH fjlwl - hj tell the old slo - tij ; Onnt was Ike con-flict, boundless (he lfnine will lii» thf worils of love: O v- =F= 1 MRS. MAKY A. KIDDER. My Home is There %ther's houi "In my Father's Jwuse are many mansions "—John 14 : 2. WM. B. BRADBURY. ir rjyt -^' r ^* 1. A - bove the waves of earth-ly stiiie, 2. A - way tVom sor - row, doubt and pain, 3. Be-yond the bright and pearl -y gat-es A - bove the ills aud cares of A - way from world - ly loss and Where Jesus, lov - ing Sav-iour, U life, Where all is gain. From all temp ■ waits. Where ail is ^V * -0- -^iP :=r ;/_ i n=fi- :t^t=^s= tl =&£ 5 I 1/ Elf.FltAIN. t^r i ^i^ peace -ful.bright and fair; My home is there, ta - tion, tears and care; My home is there, peace- fal,bright,aud fair; My home is there. _#.±-)e t- 1 I ^ - — I tH • €" -^— I my home is my home is my home is there, there, there. My beau -ti - ful home, -1»-^H^ -7—^ :^ -=i- ->— My beau - ti - ful ^EJ ^=^ my beau -ti- ful houn;, . ==^ :t=:t ^: 4^ g v— In the land where the glo-ri- tied ev - er shall roam, h h —J- home, . my bea u ■ 1 1 =^=S lul homo, lu tlio laud wlierc the glo Copyright, 1867, by \Vm. B. Bradbury. flL'd — /- ov -i---£ m er .shall roam. My Home is There.- Concluded. 149 ^m H^ =^ 3^5 ^1 WliiTc an - gels bright wear crowns of light. My home is thi-ic, my Lome is there. aSE* 1^ :^=i»~li — y=ji= T Where an - geU, angels bright wearcrowns.\ve.ircrowiitioflislit. My home is there, my home is there. MISS MARY J. MASON. It Saviour, Who Died for Me. ' Pretent your bodies a liviny lacrifice." — Rom. 12 : 1. W. M. DOANK. 4q 3 ^aE ^ :i=^ 1. Sav 2. But 3. S:iv ionr.who .Lord, the ion !■ with clied tiesh me for me, is weak; 11 -bide; I Thy Be prr^ir^ «^ ^iteE £ give my -self to Thee; Thy love, so full, so frae. CMaimsall my jjow'rs; graciousiiid Iseek.Fi)rThon the'word mustspeakThut iiiakcsmcstrong; ev-er near my side; Su])-j)ort, defend, and guiiU-; I look to Tliee; j^. t: jt- -t- ■ .0. ^s>- -, J2- ^ I ^=t -t- -o^ isi ?^ -*■■• r 4, \ ^ .jS,. ^ f^^^¥^^ E£ / I -p l-H— r-t-id t IS =r ^El; -X-g!- -* — KH- -V-* s> • ^ — ^ — p * • * ■y^jg r- Be this my purpose hit^h. To serve Thee till I die. Whether my ]iath shall lie 'Mid tliorns or flow'rs, Tht-n let me hear Thy voice. Tiion art my on-ly choice; O bid my heart re-joice,Bi- Tliou my song. I lav mv hand in Thine. And fl.i ting joys re-si^n. If I may call Thee mine E - ter-nal - ly. Hfi ^t=F ^ .a. ?E=^.-:^- ■^ -«- _L i ^j A ^ By permlsirion. r-TTiTTT a 150 EDWARD A. BARNES. The King in His Beauty. " Thine eyes shall see."— Isa 33 : 17. ROBERT LOWRY. i=i ±zi: ^ -tji ZMZ ZMU E^^ET gi -A- ^ 1. Wc sli - sot' Him in the bet - ter land, We shall see Him where no shadows fall; Wo shall see the 2. We shall see Him by the crys-tal sea, We shall see Him where the saints a -bidi; We shall see the 3. We shall see Him in e - ter - nal light, We sh 11 see Him in His joy and love; We shall see the ■ * ^ * me. 4 ■0-. -•■ Jf ^ ^' .#. -£2. ^ ~^^^ ^ ¥=^ -ltd ■^'-v ?^ -o — o~ — »- -^--i^ King on His shiuingthroue,Whcii wchcar the angels call. King in His j)al-aec bright, When wc cross the si-lent tide. Kiugwhereile cv - cr reigns, When we sleep. to wake a - bove. Yes, O yes, we shall see Him,The King in His Tfc=?= #- • ■»- A- -^ *. -0- e *- - ■^• ^=^=% S^ :px^ =f= m PT^-^U- 1=;^ f=^ i=jE^-:^^ i f9- ^s ^^ ^r~f-^^ -^ q-_ I beauty we shall see: When wc pass a-way thro' the gatesofday.Tho King in Ilisbeauty we shall see. PIES^ V— .^ ^^M^H*- =>^=l= ♦■ - , * #• A A' •». -i«-^ 5 wo .shall see; I f V-^" \>- 'J-'J- r- Copyright, 1888, by Rubert Lowry. VICTORIA FRANCES. 0 Wondrous Name, ' Wondcr/ul, CouiucUur, the mighty Oud." — Isa. 0 : C. 151 IKA U. SANKbV X ^f^-h-*-i~i~\~i^ 1. O wondrous Name, by proph-ets beard Long years be - fore His birth; They saw Jlim com-ing 2. O glo-rious Name the an - gels praise, And ransomed saints a - dore, — The Name a - bove all 3. O pre-cious Name, ex- alt - ed high, To Him all pow'r is given; Thro' Him we tri-umph ,: « r t .1- 2^ ^m i f^ Chokus. P^ ir-M.J: i i^^ T ^ ^f=f=^ T from a - far. The Prince of Peace on earth. The Won - der - ful ! The Coun - sel - lor ! The oth - er names, Our ref - iige ev - er - more, o - ver sin, Hy Him we en - ter heaven. ■0- • -0- ■•■■•-■•-. ^ a >«. ^ -• •- i= 3C ± V^=i=^ r-r ^ ¥ i eS _^_J -N- ^^m^ •^^ * ■■ * \-3r^ r I I I I I ' ' II Great and Mi^ht-v L(ird ! The ev - er - last-ing Prince of Peace ! The Kinu. the Son of God ! i ^ r ^ *- ^ -0. .-*i5t. gg=RT-Tgg3 gjs^ Copyri({ht, 1886, by Ira D. Saiikcy. 152 Saviour, I Have Promised. JOHN ERNEST BODE. "Wliere I am. there shall also my servant he." John 12 : 26. DORSEY \V. HYDE. r- u o o o Sav-iour, I have prom-ised Sav-iour,Thou bast proiii-ised let me see Thy foot-prints, To serve Thee to the end; Be Thou for - ev - er To all who fol - low Thee, That when Thou art in And ill them plant my own; My hope to fol - low -■a- ■;+*■ -i) — -^- ^ near in(% glo - ry, ly ■ft. -» — t— clu n +f- k- N \ K V ^ "^ > ^ V r>» k. P 1 ^ ' ^ k. k. ii. \ m ^ N ^ ' ; i 1 i»L. S ' N J 1 1 ' 1^' N ^ N ' J ^^-g ^ —t ^ sJ- -'^-—m- -g , J- — s- -f — i— __*_ _J ^ # •_ -rM tr — *— i*- s • — ff^— _4-; — * "-g S 5- My Mas - ter and my Friend; I shall not fear the bat- tie If Tbon art bv my side. Thy serv -ant there shall be; And, Sav - iour, I have prom-ised To serve Thee to the end; ^ Is in Thv strength a - lone; 0 guide me, call me, draw me, Up-hoU me to the end; ^ ^^ » ^ ' ^ m m. y. ■f- ■^ ■*- #- -*- -(t 4t-- ^•SjJ. a • ' tr f mr ^ ^ * \- \ 'm » -m m r 1 ■m -m m \ « '• « m m :- 1 • J» i—\ y '^^t * " U ' .■" I J ' J ' n ■" 1 y y V > » • ' 1 > '' ;^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ • I ^-- :ff=? -g- KlUMtAIX. -s — \— Nor wau - der O give me And then in m. from the path - way grace to fol - low, heav'n re - ceive me, #- i«- f- *■ If Thou wilt My Mas - ter My Sav - iour -*■ # — be my Guide. Sav-iour, I and my Friend, and my Friend. have promised. Copyright, 1886, by Biglow & Main. ^ — Ms= Saviour, I Have Promised.-Conduded. u: , — f^— — ^ 153 Sav-ionr. I have prom-ise.l, Sav-ionv. I have prom-ise.l ; O keep mo -0 #— t ,__±| to the end. MRS. JULIA W. SAMPSO.N. So 1,0. Pilgrim, Halting, Staff in Hand. -Arise, take thy journey before the people."— Bent 10- U Ciioms. Solo. f H WM. I). BRAUBURV Crioiius. N -S ^^^^^^m i^ ^^P^^i t==t: n- EVlitliispjifti wlicntlioiuldst.staiKl Eiul ctli in n l,„f ♦ 1 1 i- By permission. i 154 Nearer to Thee. WM. STEVENSON. 3=^ T 'Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you." — Jam. 4:8. i^ N hjzj ^-^T- ^ ^ — \ ^ ROBERT LOWRY. It w ^ • * p- ^—^ :^ -t- 1. Near - er, 2. Near - er, 3. Near - er, » * • » *~|-^ Je - sus, to Thee ! Thou hast suffered for me, For my sins Thou didst die to a - Je - sus, to Thee ! Since \ny soul was made free.All my longings in Thee have an Je - sus, to Thee ! Thou art dear-er to me Thau when first ou Thy name I be - i tone; end; lieved; U-tr =?E= ■'^ ^^ ^^=i ^ EEi E^ ■«-^ -•^ -j- -g--*- Mine the sin and the blame, Thine the cross and the shame; What compassion and love hast Thou shown ! Nev- er. Lord, from my heart For a mo-ment de-part; Ev-er reign there my King and my Friend. Ev - ery day, more and more, Do I love and a - dore For new mer-cies and ble_ssings re - ceived. ^ii I n ■19- Eefkain. ^ ?? -^ Near - near - er to Thee, 9*^ O to be near - er to Thee! 'Twill be t F^^=f =^ Near - er, near - er, r f'_, 1 — 1 LJ^ near Copyright, 1889, by Biglow & Main. -M) V- uear - er to Thee! Nearer to Thee.-^Conduded. Klo - ry to lue When Thy face I shall s?o, A.ul for m^ ^^ff!^ to Thee. ^^^m r- RESCUE THE PERISHING. CopjrijkL* ^ Cop>rlckL I Kcsciic tlie i)cri,sliin!;, CiHf for tlic il.viu;;. th.iii ill jiity from sin aud the jiriivc; \\ cell o'er tlic rrriiig one, I-ift ii|i till' falliii. T<'11 llinu of .l.sii.s, tin- inif^lity to save. CHO. — licSCUC tlic piTiKllilliT, Care for tlic S^-r -^ -• 7^ -* Kneel at His feet and His maj-es - Bring all thy guilt to His bless-ed Thou shrtlt obtain joy and gladness, ty pro-claim ; Sac - ri - fice and worship uii - to mer-cy seat; Par-don, peace, and comfort shall be and at length Win the crown of glo - ry and with Him thy Je- ^ be- long, re - ward, sus reign. g 9= -^ -G>- liF.FIiAlN. %t J J J — -^ L>- KCIIll, \ name, Wait on the Lord, O my soul, I _^_-._ b -t H« 3 O my soul, And give thanks un-to His name, nn-io iXrrf His name; —• 0 iSSLir z^ __, — j- 3= Copyright, 1886, by Biglow & Main. Wait on the Lord.- Concluded. ov - er, ov ■ or W. BENNETT Let Me be Thine. "Peace, be «HW."— Mark 4 : WILLIAM BENNETT. 1. Tliine, Lord. O nmy I be, Te.ich me Tliv will- 2. Keep me in (lander's hour Near to Thy side- J. 1 hus shall I sweetly prove, While hero be - low -< > V ]/- God Bless Our Native Land. " The LOKi> our God be with tw, a* he was with out fatherii."—\ KincH R : 57. REV. CHAS. T. BROOKS, alt. ROBERT LOWRY. 3 i 4= =1= r t=^ t ^!«: 1. God bless our nil - tive land; Firm may she ev - er stand, Thro' storm and nif^ht; When the wild 2. Lo, our hearts' prayers a-rise In- to the up - per skies, Re - gions of light; He who hath 3. For her our prayer shall rise To God a - bove the skies; On Him we wait; Thou who art i^ 3: Si f=f^ f^ I ^^ i ^t=Ty=i i=r 7*" niitjht. Ri;.illt. state. tem-])esf 8 wve. Rul - er of wind and wave, Do Thou our coun - try save By Thy great heard each sigh, Watchith each weeping eye; He is for - ev - er nigh, Ven-ger' of ev - er nigii, Guarding with watchful (ye. To Thee a- loud we cry, God save the ^— r--^ * ^ 1*0 S * , •-?— # . ,-.# # « r-». .-- 1- £ 1 — h M^=F= 1 Cop)TiKht, 1&B9. by Bii;low & Main. i6o Praise ye Jehovah. ' Let everything that bath breath praise the Lord." — Pa. 150 : G. ROBERT LOWRY. B^s^ 1. Praise ye Je - ho - vali ! come with son r;s be-fore Him, 5I;ik-er, Ke-deeui-er, mighty Lord of all; 2. Winds of the val - ley, temp-ests of the mount-ain, Thunders a -bove us — voic-es of His will — 3. Great is Je -hovah ! heav'n and earth will praise Him, God ev - er - last-ing, ev- er - more the same; -^ ^ !^ h> L* C « •_!_# am ^ ■*- m -^ ^ 2^ * — 1-» — »- '19- a J 'J &^- pta^i -t- T — r ^ ^ t> -«- i_ -\ Fixe. €r-^_g_ — 9 — • — :ir^* * M'hile all the an - gels joy - fnl - ly a - dore Him, Let all the world be - fore His foot-stool fall. liil - lows of o - cean, wa - ters of the fountain, Jlove at His word and all their works ful-lill. 'J'his be the song our hearts shall ev-er raise Him: Mak-er and Saviour, glo - ry to His namo; ! D.s. — Spread wide the sio - ry, give lUm all ihe glo - ry; lie hath re-deemed us, we io Him he - long. ^ -It- r izSi z^ -\- X: z^ Cnouus. m *~zMr -*H-ah -Ji~ > Jv ^- -» — 9- -^-^ si= p^ Praise the Lord, all ye nations ; Praise the Lord, all ye people ; Come before His presence with a shout and song; ^i±=t-± r- t-^^^^t- -j — J- Copyright, 1E79, by Biglow .^- Main. Bear the Message Onward. ■■ Preach the gospel to every creature. " —Mark 16 : 15. i6i W. H. DOANB. Z ]<>'!>' 1 0*00 \-^ ^ 1. Hear the message onward, Spread it far ami wide; Let the dis - tant nations Know that Jesus died, — 2. l)i'ar the ines8a- Copyri^ht, 1889, by Billow & Main. l62 MRS. MARY A. KIDDER. ll4= Some Good to Do. "Let IIS do good unto all." — (Jal. G : 10. >-, — I 1 1 N N-, — I 1 \ !- WM. n HRADBURY. -+- ^i^ gi , — , — ^ — ^ — *— ■-^r 1. Bright is the joy of the girl or boy, Who in earnest keeps on 2. Help - ing the weak with a tem-per meek, Is a da - ty laid be 3. ]^rave-ly We'll stand in a lov -iug baud, And in ear-nest keep on -^ Kr^^ ■7T try - iug Some good to fore lis; A - void the try - ing Some good to ^={^ =f==f=F -l5>- ^g i Ref. — Some good to do. ]=Fi EE -<&- is ^^*=j= -r Pi^ do, tho' the years are few. And time on wings is fly - ing. Some good to do, some good to do, In wrong as we pass a-loug. For Je - bus watch-es o'er us. do, tho' the years are few, And time on wings is fly -ing. Zft=Z^ tB i=ni—!^ 4:=t: ?^ I I I I I I I - LJ joy UK well :,s sor - row; Some good to do, somegood to do, To - day, and tuen to - mor - row. m-- -T-t- 4Z. -X^ n — :t=t: *- ■#• ^ -•- *- -I f— Copyright, 1869, in " Bright Jewels.* =^ im FANNY J. CROSBY. 0 Come, Dear Saviour. " The light shineth in darkneKii. — ■John 1 : 5. 163 ROBERT LOWRV. 1. O Saviour, we ask that Thy Spir- it may come.Aml fill with Thy glo - ry our dear Sabbath Home; 2. WethaukThee I'orallThy pro-tec tion and care, For blessings and mer-eies we con-staut-ly sliiire; 3. Wepray Thee,dear>aviour, our hearts to prepare To dwell in those mansions so love-ly and lair. ^ izi^ ^^ it 2C ^^^ m ^±^ ^^ r We ask that Thy presence by faith we may see, While gathered to ren - dor our hom-age to Thee. But most wo a - doreThee that we may re-ceive The joys that are promised to them that be - lieve. WhichThouhastpro-vid-edlbrthosewho'have heard And followed the trnththat is taught in Thy word. ± S: ^ ± ± m it:^: :t: 3=P ^ I I Krfiiain. "^m^^m O come, dear Sav-iour, O come, we jiray, .\nd shine on this word r,B we rea 9S3 a^^ -a- -^ — p — ^- r^ d it to - day. * • • -X- Copyright, 1883. bv BUflow & Main. 1 64 MRS. M. A. KIDDER. At Jesus' Side. Where J am, there ye may be aluo." — John 14 : 3. W. H. DOANE. 1. Sav - iour,keep me near Thy side, Hum-ble, meek, and low - Ij'; In Tbj' love may I a - bide, 2. With my eyes still fixed on Thee, Oh, di - vin - est treas-uie ! I would sit and be con-tent 3. I would cast my sins on Thee While I seek Thy fa - vor. Trusting in Thy precious blood, it ^- •#- • •#• P^ :«: 5^£=«^ Eefuain •> -#• Ear - nest, jiure, and ho - ly. With Thy love's lull meas-ure. All - suf - fi - cient Sav - iour. At Thy side, at Thy side, Pu - ri - fied, lor - giv - en, C ^ i AV 9* -1»--— I*-?— Let lue ev - er dwell, dear Lord, With the saints in heav-en. ilE^E ■^ F .—I — ^^^^ 4 Saviour, keep me near the cross, Clingiug, fondly clinging, Till I hear death's welcome call, And the angels singing. 5 Till I pass on pinions soft. Through the golden portal, t| And my raptured soul shall know By pcrinisiioii. Joys that are immortal. Evening Praise. 165 UARV A. i.ATHBi'RV. " It i» toward evening, and the day is far spent." — Luko 24 : '.'9 Ql'AHTKT or SKMI-CHOHUS. WM. F. SHERNVIN. '^ i=t: I J. sJ i -,^^'^trj^ 1. Day is dy - ing iu the West; Heav'n is toucbingenrth with rest: Wnit and w()rsliij)\vliile tlionight 2- Lord of lite, be-neiith the dome Of the U - ni - verse, Thy home, Gather us who seek Tliy face Fri.i, Cnonus. P J I I bi ^^te?^ ii=± -«<- =8?: -# — <5^ Sets her even-ing lamps nli<,'ht Thro' all the sky. Ho-ly, ho-ly. ho - ly Lord God of Hosts! To the fold of Thy eml)race,For Thou art nigh. WS^^^ I > — t- §i^^g^^J^Ef :^ i=i -* — *i -^^ :?5=^ :^ t|n|£?: Heav'n and earth art! full of Thee! Heav'n and earth are praising Tlioo, O Lord most high I 9-t^^i>: S=*-^ Copyrighl, 1877, by J. H. Vincent 1 66 F. J. C. i te ^^E3E^ Marching on to Victory. " This is the victory that overconieth the world, even our faith." — 1 John 5 : 4. ROBERT LOWRV. -^^ -*-r» -0-3 Sr ^^-^_' 1. March on, luareli on 2. March on, march ou 3. March on, march on 4. March ou, njarch on -#-T-»-^4 0 ^•-T-*^^^ #-«-• 0 • 0-^Si~-i—0^^^ to - ry, With courage bold anil brave; Hold to - ry. The, trump-ct call o - boy; As - to - ry, With Goii's he - h)v - (■Son; And to- ry, Nor once at case sit down; And =^ ,0^-0-^^0 0 — y-0 — tiS-#-*^# — s — *-<^- ' vip the cross of Christ the Lord, Its roy - al ban - ner sured of this — what - e'er may come. Our Sav-ioiir leads the ncv - er fear to tell the world What He for man lias thro' the grace of Him wo serve, Let no one take our wave. Its roy - al ban - ner wave, way, Our Sav - iour leads the way. done. What He for man has done, crown, Let no one take our crown. '■^^ Pg m J f S: * J * * — r!« 0 ^ A\JL,ii :H5 Cnoufs. P 2HE5 ^E^13 i Be strong • IP in the Lord -f-^*- u y :i=i= ->- ^m ^^^^=mm and the power ^. -0-. 0 '-<5'- of His miglit; March on. s 3 march -icrp ^ lie strong in the Lord, in the Lord, and the power of His luight ; March on, march on, march Copyright, 1887, by lii^jlow & Main. Marching on to Victory. Concluded. 167 a^fei March on, dr-fcinl Ihc^ n;;bt. on,i..arclion,Maivl.on,niarchon,marcho«,,„ar.,arcl.oi. FOREST. L. M 1 O tliat my loiid of sin wen; Roiiel O tli:it I (•iiulil fit liist siibiiiit At Jcsii.s' f.'ct to lay il ilowii — To lay iiiy soul at .fisiis' feet! 2 Rest for my soul I Ion;; to fliid ; Siivioui-orall, if mine Tlioii iirt. Give MIC Thy nicrk and lowly niinut the blood of Jesus. 3 Xollnu'sonn for sin atone— Nothin;: but Ilie l.loo.l of Jesus; Naught of 1,'ood that I have done— Nothiug but the l>loo(l of Jesus. 4 Glory! Rlory! thu.s I sing- Not Inn'; but t]w blood of Jesus; All iny praise for this I biin^- Nothiug but the blood of Jesus. REV. K. LOWKV. MARTYN. 7s. ■51^^^^ Jesus, lover of my soul. Let me to Thy bosom fly. While th(! raging billows 'roll, While the tempest srill is high; Hide nu', 0 my Saviour, hide," Till tlu! .storm of life is jiast: Safe into the haven guide; (.) receive my soul at last. I Other refuge have I none; Hangs my helpless soul on Tjiee; Leave, O leave me not alone; Still support ami comfort me; All my trust on Thei- is stavM; All my hel)) from Thee I bring; Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of Thy wiug. KKV. CHARLES WKSLHV. i68 MAUY J. CAPPEL. ;2^ We are Glad. I wUl sing of mercy." — Ps. 101 ; 1. ^ V S_ __N. ! W. H. DOANE. ^ h^ ^ r ^ A^L Z&, ' ' ' ' , - 1. We are glad 'tis the Saviour's voice, Ten-der- ly our footsteps guid - iug, Bids 2. O what joy in our hearts to-day, Gathered in our Sabbath dwell- ing; Here 3. We are glad there's a home a- bove. Where we all may dwell for- ev - er; Ther --------!2-^* -♦- -,9- fe^fS- our hearts we learn e to sing # ^ — in His of the of the 5IS ■^9-^ -v—tr =M^ ■^ d: t±±!±±^: I S! Refrain. -^ N N / J 1-r-H -X-, \ — H- JV^h_ _N ^ 12^ ^ -<&- rzf- ^ =^=t^ ^ ^ S S d =^ love re - joioe. Safely in His mer-cy hid - ing. We are glad, we are glad. Glad Jesus said that He nar-rowway Faithful ones tons are tell - ing. Saviour's love Flowini' like a boundless riv - er. 9fc -(2- — I f- f >_,,^, 1?=:?=?= £ ^ P P f=F^= -i)—v) 1/ :> -i^- -(^- r^ — r -• — • — f- -b-H^ N- N N- H ^ 1 1 « — « — «— -* 1 d 5- -^- -S d 4^ -tJ ^.— - ' -r:rr-^ 3 3 3 ' I ^1 came in -to the world, In-to the world to seek and save us. In -to the world to seek and save us. ^^ V->V-^- V^z^ 3 vv-v- H 1 1::: - - ^ -• — %* -1 1 1 r 1- ^^ -I -J—ii—iHr^r^ »— P- ..-5-^-Ve I f= Copyright, 1889, by Bijjlow & Main. i Waiting for the Harvest, Lei me now go to the field, and glean." — Ruth 2: 2. 169 HUBERT P. MAIN ^^ r-7- 1. We are hap- py glentiers In the field be 2. Wp ftie hiip-py f^lenners, Findiiii^ ev - ery 3. When our days of toil-ing One by one are ;? — ?— P — ? • — *— r^l^r-zi: low, Work-ing for the Mns-ter, Sinq;inf< as we ro; day Oold-eu sheaves of pladness Fall-ini,' by the way; past. When our blessed Mis-ter Calls ns home at hist, f f f. 4- V- ^mm %=^ ->- v=^3: pi ^m =(=?: M -^-^ ^'4 -^ ^- We are mer- Faithful in May we go r>' gleaners. In the suminor bright, Working from the mornin':: Till the dew - y night, our la - bor. Pa - tient let us be; Then a precious harvest Soon our ej-es will see. re-joic-ing To the world a - bove, Thereto glean for-ev - er Fruits of joy and love. ^i^f^^f^ i-^-t-rf PI ^ J=4 ^ it^ ItEFIlAIN. Er=#=F ^FJ^^^gfe ^— y- -# — •— i?*= nt rn i: -#-^# — • — 0 — •-■-* — ^ Sing-ing with the sunshine. Laughing in the sky, Waiting for the harvest Coining by and by m m -t- -./ — y — j- -•-^ A=%^zti -V — >■ ?=^ ill CopyriKhl, 19R9. by nii^Iow A- Main. 170 Hosanna Sang the Children. w. o. cushing "And they that went Injure, and they that followed, cried, saying, llosanna.' -Mark 11 : 9. W. H. DOANE. :S- :3^ 1. There were ma - uy euildren's voices, In the songs the Hebrews sang, When they crossed the mighty 2. They were marching thro' the deserts, Thro' the biiru-ing tier - y day, But they sang the songs of 3. There are ma - ny children's voic-es In the grand tri-umph-al song Of the ransomed ones of ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ti I^I.^^t i i: ifczd -b I I 1 — I — r f- 3 33i ^ -4- wa - tei's, And the loud ho - san-nas rang; tri-umph As they marched a-long the way; Je - sus. As they sing and march a - long; They were fleeing from op - pres-sion, From the tyrants Oh, the cru - el horse and rid-er, They were wreck'd up- They have heard the voice of Je - sus, And, a faith-ful ^^m^ m f ^«-^«- mm p— ,-Iore than lile tome, ! Whom liav<- 1 on earth beside Theo ' ' V\ honi in heaven but Thee? KANNV J. CROSBV. , Hlest be the tie tbnt bind.s Onr hearts in Christ Ian love: Ihe fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that, above. ! Before our Father's throne We i>our our aiilcnt pravcrs; Oiirlears.ourhopes.ouraimsareouP Unr comforts and onr cares. We share our mutual woes. Our mutual burdens bear; Aiiil often tor .aeh other liowa I he sympathizin;.' tear. UKV. JOH.M FAWCKTT. DOXOLOGY. 1 ToOod. the Father, .Son, And Spiiit. (),„■ in Three, lie glory, jis it was. is now And shall forever be. JOHN WESI.EV. 172 Place a Lamp in the Window. And they shall light the lamps— that thct/ may give light." W. H. DOANE. 1. Place a IdLnp in the win 2. Oh, how ma - ny that wan 3. Place a lamjj in thy win m dow, Pray'rfnl- ly, constant -ly light -ed; • der Down where the tempter is lead - ing, dow; Think of the good thou art do - ing; Love aud pit - y u - Thro' thy lamp in the Love's kind la - bor jjur- n ii 1 1 N N k. ^ ^ 1 — ■ ' 1 N ."^ S V . 1 1 ^ to=i=izr -* ^ — [ — h — ^ 4 ^ ----^-i— r-1— •— r- "^^- -J—^ 1^ *' nit - ed win - dow, RU - ing, i 0-^ — #-— , m #— Ask it a Res - cued from Bring-eth re - L* r 1^ — «• du - t ru - i ward n €■ • — y from a. may n - to 1 1 1 —m—' » ' -• * • • •— thee. Place a lamp in the be. Send its rays to the th(^p^ Keep a lamp in the ' -^ • -^ #- •#■ - . ■•- , — 1 h ,— m • 1-, — , «'in - dow; J^ome poor wea - ry, Hun - gry, win - dow, Till thy ^ Tf-^-^- 1 — 1 — 1 1 1 — ^H^ -« P F F F— i 5 ? 5 ■T' =r^ ±=t- ' > k— —Ji « — V 1— 1 ' -F — ^ — Pi boy may dis - cov - cr, Far a - way from his moth - er, Light that a safe - guard will be. friendless and drcar-y; Oh, what joy it will give them, Light from thy win - dow to see. i}ns - sion is end - ed; Tlicn for - ev - er with Je - kus. Crowned with His love thou sh;dt be. i^ #■ f- ■!«■ jg- ^' . t: t: ^ ^ A- ti ^' -t -\- *ES rf^^ -I- -F i»i I Copyricht, iRSj). \;yi. d; -(5^- -5^ 1^ i~E££S«aSS=r Hi^^ ^^ Copyright, 1889, by W. H. Doanc. =FF M 176 K. L Arise and>Shine. 7-*- -«-T-» * '9~^-» " Arise, shine ; fur thy liylU is come." — I»a. 60 : 1. ^[=t ROBERT LOWKY. =J=S^M^ 1. A - rise and bail the d:iy, Put oti tlij' strength, O Zi-ou : Go fortli to meet the, fray, The battle-hour is ooiuc. 2. Fear not to smite the foe, Lift up thy head, U Zi-on ; For men and au-gelskuowTlie testing-time isconie. 3. The Lord is on thy siiie, Re-joico in Him, O Zi-on; Proclaim it far and wide. The triiiuii)h-day is come. -^ f- • ■«- ♦• ^ -^ ■^^■#- IvEFUAlX. #=S: H «- ^TTT fc£ lN-:i- :it-* -^■ ^fli^ -N-#- A - rise, arise and shine, Behold, the light is beauiiug ; The glo - ry, all di - vine, Around thy path is streaming; 9^ ->—■;'-/—>- T: ~0 •- t^i=:tabz.^- .^•^ ^-hC-^-'A J«-#- 5=# -/ — >— > V V q=:=q-qvr-i^T H^— N— I v-|— n— ^-45=^;: — N- -VJU^ :?=5=^ ~* — •- ^1^ tzwni -# — * A - rise, arisoaudshine For Him whoselovehas won tliee; ISehold.lheglory of the. Lord is ris-cn up - on thec. 1 1 — #— "-^ — ->— I — i'~'->' — I — ^j-^^ — ''- ^ ^ •<' I ^ Chimo on, sweet bells, swoot bells. Chime On.- Concluded. i i8i ^ >-t7-?- *- i^^^L^^*^^^^ 3^ :J:s- Chime on, chime on, Chime on, chime on, Chime on, sweet hells. Chimeon, sweet bells, Chime 1 K I -#■ z!J2=;d-U U-HJ-l— l-^-l I I ^J| I -F- ^ 1= Chime on, chime on, H=^ S .ST ^=^ T^ » •(• •-^*-= , on, sweet bells.Chinjeon.sweetbells.Chimeon.sweet bells, Chime on, sweet bells, chime on. m B T^t ^^±F=?^ iei We loftve our book-; and phiy. To read that Book Divine; 'Tis there we learn the way To joys that ne'er decline; The inu'-ic of the Sabbath bells. How sweetly on the car it swells ! Chime on, sweet bells, your welcome ring Shall tune our hearts God's praise to sing. .3 We leave o>ir earthly liome. To seek that blest abode. Where loved companions come To lift their hearts to God; O hear with joy the sound that tells The music of those Sabbath belk. Chime on, sweet bells, long may you ring. And call our hearts God's praise to sing. l82 leek and Lowly. CHARLES JEFFERVS. " The greatest of these is charity. STEPHEN GLOVER. I 1. Meek and low - ly, pure aild ho- ly, Chief a-mong the bless-e.d three; Turn-ing sadness in - to 2. Hop - ing ev - er, fail - ing nev-er, Tho' de-ceived,be-liev - ing still; Long a - bid-ing, all con =5^= D.c. — 3[eek and low - ly, pit7'e and ho - ly. Chief a - mong the hh- ,'d -O^ * — ^ i;t=d three; Tnrn-hiq sad-ness in - to B ijEj^ Fink. O^Sh $ lil —i — gladness, Heav'n-born art thou, char - i - ty. fid - ing To thy heaven-ly Fa - ther's will; Pit - y dwelleth in Nev - er wea - ry of thy bo - soin, Kindness well - do - ing, Nev - er §^ fe -4- ^ T- glad-ness, Heav'n-born art thou, cliar - i - ty. P :t5=i= izit -0i -&- ±14= D. C. Cfiouit reigneth fear-fnl o'er thy heart; Gen -tie thots a - lone can sway thee, Judgment hath in thee no part, of the end; Claiming all mankind as brothers, Thou dost all a -like be - friend. ^^ e >- RIAN A. DVKES. Through the Valley and the Shadow. "I'ea, thowjh I walk through the valley of the shadow." — Vs. 23 : 4. 183 IRA D. SANKKY. i^l— l-^-^-J N- -"^T— "^ f^-— ^ h* N-^-h S l»T-! ■ 1. I must Wiilli thio' the v;illey and the shad - ow, But I'll journey in a lov - ing Saviour's cnre: 2. Tho' I wiilk thro' the viiUey and the Khn- :^z Copyright, 1887, by Ira D. Sankcy. 1 84 Soldiers of Zion. Tlds is the victory, even our faith. ' — 1 John 5 : 4. KOIIERI LOWKY. ^-* i=i z*-^^-^ =^ 5S p p -f2- » w 2? * ir-v-» Brave are the hearts that face the foe; Vic-t'ry awaits us, ,See how the flag goes on be - fore,Look how the ranks swell When gi - ant Wrong will end his sway, Bond-age and Er -ror -#-+- ^ S -«»- fefcl^^^-J^I -J — J — ^-* — J"i Fixe. i f=i ri=^ ^ Ri- -N tr for we know We more and more As flee a - way, And f P P • hi^ •Hf-jF— * •— ' fol-low the Lord our Je - sus the King leadfe earth to the Lord bo - 1 ^ ^ » "T" King; Not by the might of hu-man arm. Not by the on; Strong are the hosts of Sin and Death, Strongerthe long; Cour-age, ye souls who fight and plod, This is the (\' li 1 1 1 P m m • a" i m II u U M ■ « L W « • '■ 1 — T"l ^ F W F • P 1**1 lliBr * II r ^i_b j j 1 L ^ — y :^-H — P- ^ ll^-l ^ ^-^ i -J- * -^ 1 1 1 / 1 ■ r — ' 7—^ s ±^^ 1>. C. 1st. V. forCHORUS ^T^£f=^ =^= :^= pow'r of earth to harm. But by the Spir- it's ho - ly eharm, Shall we the tri - umph might of Him who saith, "I will consume theiii with my breathl'Then will the field be path that worthies trod; Gird up your loins, E - L-ct of God; Soon comes the vie - tor's sing, won. song. S -^ : f -^ r .f -{r-^ ^ ->?- ^: rzK =JJ= p£^^ d=t Copyrijfht, 1882, by Hi^low & Main. Hymns. 185 WEBB. 7,6. S^p^ Morning Light. 1 Tlic iniiriiiiiK lifjlil is tiiciikiiig, Till' ilai'kiics.s tlisaiiiHiirH; Tlip sons III' caiih lire waking 'I'd |>i-iiilcnl lal ti-ais; Kacli l>rrc/.i- lliat kwccjis the ocean l!riiii;s tidings from alar, Of iialions in coniinotion, I'rc parrd lor Zion's war. 2 Seo lioatlicn nations bcmlinj; I{< lure tlic (ioil we love, Anil llioiisaiiil liraits asccndinjj 111 ;;ratilMilf al>oV(>; Wliilc .siniirrs. now fonfi'ssing, The }xospi-I call oliey. And si'ik ilio Saviour's lilessin^, A nation in a day. 3 Hipst riviT of .■ialvation, Piiisiii' tliinr onward way, Flow tliou to cviTV nation. Nor ill tliv riclini'SR stay; Stay not till all tin- lowly Triiiinplianl riarli tlii'ir liouir ; Stay not till all tlif holy Proi'Iaini, "Thr Lord" i,s ponio!" SAMUEL F. SMITH, U.D. Missionary Hymn. 1 Prom Grcfiilanil's iry nimintuins, From India's i-oial strand; VVIiiMf Afiir's siiiiiiy fountains KoU down thtir j;oldL'u saud ; From many an aiifiont rivor. From many a iialniy jiluin, Tlii'V I'all ii.s to lU'livrr Ttu'ir land from rrrors chain. ii Shall wc, wlioso souls arc lighted With wisdom from on liiRli, Shall wc to men liciilKlitcd The lani)! of life deny f Salvation! ( » sah atioii I The joylnl .sound |iriielaiiii. Till earth's remotest nation lias learned .Messiah's name. 3 Waft, waft, ye winds, Ilis story, And yon. yc waters, roll. Till, like a sea of f;lory. It s])reads lioiii |)oli' to ]iolci Till o'er onr ransomed nature Tile I^aiiili for sinners slain. Kedeeiiier. Kill';, Creator, In bliss returns to reijin. KECINALU HEDER, D.D. LENOX. H. M. ^ -r-» ^ 1 Blow yc the triim)iet. hlow The ;;ladly solemn sound; Let all the nations know. To eaitli's remotest hound. The year of jnhilee is come; Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. 2 Jesus, our great Ili'^h Priest, Has full atonement made; Ye weary spirits, rest; Yc niouminj; souls, be glad; The year of jubilee is come; lieturu, ye ransomed sinners, home. 3 Exalt the Lamb of Ood, The sin-atoning Lamb; Kedemption by llis blood Ihrongh all the world proclaim; The year of jubilee is come; Ucturn, ye nvnsomed sinners, home. KKV. til. MILES WESLEY. LYONS. los, lis. 1 Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim. And iiiihlish abroad llis wonderful iiaiiie; The name all-victorious of Jesus extol ; llis kingdom is glorious, and rules over all. ',> God nileth on high, almighty to save. And still lie is uigh ; llis ])resciice we have; The great congregation His triumph shall sing. Ascribing salvation to Jesus our King. 3 "Salvation to God, who sits on the throne,'' Let all cry aloud, and honor the Son; The praises of Jesus the angels jiro- elaiiii. Fall down on their faces, and worship the Lamb. KEV. CHARLES WESLEV. i86 Adapted. Shall we Know each other There? "Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom, oj heaven." — Matt. 8: 11. ROBERT LOWRY. i I^SEE^^ *=*: 1. When we hear the mu-sic ring-ing In the bright ce-lestial dome, When sweet an-gel voic-es, P :?=? \ — I- -N h ^ 5 ^n -«<- -<&.- 1=5 0 9 sing - ing, Ghid-ly bid us welcome home, — To the land of ancient sto - ry, Where the ^ _J_ -^ t: ^ S m W- -±± U=^ %^ -^-±-51- -0 — 0 — 0— I feg^r=r-g :^ "^^ *: s^ spirit knows no care, — In that land of light aud glo - ry, Shall we know each oth ■ Shall we know each oth ■ er there? er there? s m- -te^-^^ \J 'J- m '^^. / ^—f>- ±1 ^ ^=b=r=T ^^ ^ Shall we know Arrangement Copyright, 18S9, lliglow & Main. each oth-er there? Shall we Know each other There?-Conciudcd. shall wo know each oth - er? Shall wo know Shall we know each oth - er? ^ - >^ J, ^ ;ludcd. 187 each oth - er? Shall we know each oth - er? Shall we know each oth - er? Shall we know each oth - er there? Shall we know each oth - er? shall we know each oth - er there? Shall we know each 2 When the holy ones shall meet us, Ah wo rpach the heavenly land. Shall we know the Iriends'wlio gro( t uh Whtn before them we shall stand? Shall we hop them as we saw them When they bore the form of men? To our bosoms sliall wi- draw tli>-m. And our loved ones tiud again? oth - er? Shall we know each oth - er there? 3 Yes. my weary soul rejoices. And my heavy heart grows light For I hear the angel voices Sinf^iriK in the heaveidy height; And the bright ones wait'ing for ua Are the loved of long ago : We shall join the blessed chonis, And each other sweetly know. I88 0 the Bitter Shame and Sorrow. REV. THEO. MONOD. n ^ "Jesus only."- 1 -Matt. 17: 8. l'^ 1 1 L. M. FOSBERRY. fet=t=^ — 1 :zi \^=U — J-^ A ~\ — — u -* — ^ — #- -J u -i — • — ^~ — 1 -A \- ^=^-i^ H- nS^ 1 -* 1 #— ^^ 1 — s ' — — j— =^= r ^ ? f---- ~-^ — =r t %^ 1. O the bit - ter shame and sor - row, 2. Yet He found me ; I be - held Him iS^ f: ^-Uirf That a time could ev - er be When I let the Bleed- ing on the curs- ed tree; Heard Him pray, "For- 1 1^ it ■«- €: e£e£ F -iS'- E -^ m :t=± ^fe^ ^ ^ -iis' siDK 164 At Th V FEET 144 BiCAit line citoss 81 BlCAU run MKSSAr.lC ONWAUn 161 UlCCAl Sli HlO I.'lIJSl' l.OVIil) MB 178 Behold a host to victory led 4 JJlcsseil host iif tlio Lord 14 Ulesseii Jesus, (ii)d the Word 144 BKIIOI.I) TilE I.OVKI.Y Si'UING-TlMK 116 Bl.KBS OlJIt SCMOOI, TO-DAY 47 Bmcss Till.; Loiii), 0 .mv soui. 174 Blest he the tie that hinds 171 Blow ye the trumpet, blow 185 Bkightauuax 4 Bhight cnovvN BriKht is the joy of the girl and boy' By and by we shall meet in the glory CaUUY the STANDAltl) ItRAVELY Oast I'HY BKEAIJ I i'0,\ THE WATF.RS CA.Vr YOUlt CAKE O.N JksLS (;H1M) OK SIM AM) bOUROW ClIlME OX ] (JllUlsT ClClj'ClKIEI) GHlilST JS lil.NG Ci.osEit, LoRii, TO Tiir.;K Come, let us sing with the sacred . . Co.ME 10 THE MERCY SEAT Coming touay PAOB 48 16:i i)0 35 . 76 . 17.1 . .'59 . 180 . '21 . 126 . 23 . 174 . 25 . 130 D Day by day the Lord to you is .saying. 34 Day is dying in the West 105 Dear HOOK OK Li |.K sg EVENINO PRAISE liVERGUKEN SHORE lOO 165 44 F Fade, fade eacli earthly joy 117 FaI TH LIKE A ROCK , . '. 69 Faitli like a solid Kock 69 Fahikr, i.iiAi) Thou Mij ' 107 Fatlier, lead Thy little children '.'. 55 Father, look upon us now 47 Fa I HER OK MERCIKS [" ' 57 Father, on Thy holy morning . . 31 Firm i.\ the riuht * 74 Firmly stand for God, in the world's 158 Foi.i) Tliou ME 203 FORGI VE us 97 Frail is my bark, and stormy is the 52 FrIE.M) EVER near 19 From kaiiii to sight 54 From Greenland's ley mountains 185 G Gird on, gird on vour armor, and 50 Gird o.\ your aumou 50 Glad tidings jg Gi.ORV EVER iiK to Jesus ........ 6 Gi.ORv, MV God. to Thee 17 God liLi.Bs oi.R xAi'ivE land 159 God, the all-terrible! 125 Golden RULE gy INDEX. 191 Oo work today in llie vineyard of. . Go YK AXIi 1; A ill Kit CllAXT IB 'i'llV I'KACB Giti'.AT 18 Jehovah H ! Balliiliijali! 8on<; of cladnesn Hink, 'tiH tlie ;r')''I)i'I trumpet . . . HkaIIIs KUI.I, (IF Cl.AUXESS Hl< VVHM.V (;aXa AN Heavrnlv I. and Hi? is risen, Christ our Lord Hoi.i) voitit i.iciir MKuii'ii Holy Father, siMiil lliv Itlcssiujj- . Holy Spirit comt'ort me HOMK iiinoNi) niK skiks HOMK Ill'.VONI) TIIK TlliM HOMIS l-OK THIv CIlIl.DltRN' HOSV.NN ». SA\ mixk '_][ x]7 I Jeans is tenderly calling thee home '. 3S .lesiis, lover of niv soul 1C7 I Jk.sus I.ove.s m 1: ' 135 I Jesls, »iv LfiRii 143 JksUS, .my ItoCK " ] . " 102 ' Jl'.SUS, Ollt RkiiEEMEI! in ' JK.SIIS SAVI-S \[][ 7 I Jesus. Thou Lamli of God 41 Jesus, the mght of the would . . . 121 Mrnii.KK 119 Justified by faith in Thee 13 . 78 . 7,S 150 132 30 , 104 . 50 37 24 127 8G 26 ll'J 170 83 139 I 1 am rojoicins. trusting and hoping.. GO I heard the voice of Jesus gay 45 I know that .Fesus lovud nie ' 17fj i I love to ihiiik of tlie lieavenlv land. . 104 I love to wait at mercy's '^ate' 54 I'.»i m.T A I iTir.i; ciiii.i) 51 i I must Hulk thro' tlie valley and the. 1^3 I need Thee every lir)nr ^^ 1 I.V KXII.E HKI1I-: WE WANl>RB ...... 6.5 In inr. cLoiiv 90 In the VINEVAIII) 82 I rest in the sliailmv of Jesns 102 I will not be afraid at ni;;bt 179 jKSltH AT THE IIKI.M JKSI:!* ( AllES KiMC KVRN MR JTBSL'S, I LOVE TlIKE Jesus is caluno K ElBSr THK BANNEU FLYING Let .Ml'. ME Thine Lkt me iiiK IX the harness......!.., LeP TIIKIIK tli: I.ICIIT Let tlie .shadows round mo gather. . . Li'.r vorit I ii:]ii hiiiNE Little children, come and learn Lo\<;ixr, Koit Ciiitisr ]] Long. () .Master, in Thy vinevard . Lodkixi; INTO ,Ii:8U8 ." Lord, I adore Thee Loitli, I IIEI.IKVE Loud. I come Lord. I hear of showers of blessin"' LOHII. IN TllV NXMK. I COME " .! Lord, let my liL'ht so shine Lord, wo lieseech Thee, come in Thy Loving Saviour, bend Thine car Loyal to Jesus 46 - rASB Maiich ox, O bannkr op Jebus . 134 Mkek and lowly 182 '.Mid Christian liosannas ' 122 More love to Thee. O Christ .'.'.'. 131 My heart is sad and weary 105 Mv HOMK IS THKIIK " ng MV SAIIUATII 1IO.ME 100 N Nearer, Jesns, to Thee! 154 Nl-.AIiKIt TO TI4RE '"' 154 NkVEII HI'. AFKAIl) ...'.'.' 120 Never lose the golden role 87 No book like the Bible, inspired .'.;" 58 IsOT NOW, .MV CHILI) 137 Now our pennies bringing . .. 28 Now TIIK DAY IB OVIiU: '.'.'" 67 157 80 141 135 20 120 105 82 98 17 91 94 71 41 29 43 103 90 52 32 38 M Many precious souls are groping M VNV I klAI.S I'VI'. MKT MaikHIVi; ox TO VKTOUV . March on, march on to victory. . 37 40 160 166 I ° ' O Banner of Je.sns, in triumph . 134 O CHILD OF God, mk trlb 63 O COME, DICAU Saviodu 163 () come to the mercv seat ..'.'. 25 O KOU THE HOME OF WliriKNESS . .... 129 () lIKAIir. AWAKE 11 () LAM) OF THE IH.nsSKD 4>| O LET l.'.S LIVE .\EAliKU 175 OXCK AliAIN J13 OvcE a<;aix with 8 One .moke day OF lOILI.NG .... 18 Only A LOOK ' g.i Om.Y THF CIlUllllS 80 Only Tiioi- so On, MAKCHixr, ox .....'.'. 27 On the heights why stnndeat thou. . ! . 140 Ox Tllr, SIIOIIE OF Gai.ilkk 80 Ox this holy MOllNIXn [ 31 Ox to Jesus, ox to God ...'. 127 OnWAHI) CO TIIK SUNUKAKS ...]. 106 OvWAliD NOW ! J08 O Saviour, I have promised . . 152 O Saviour, we ask thnt 'I'liv Spirit . Hi3 O .Saviour, we piav Thee, trnd out . 77 () that my lo:id of sin were ^oiio 167 O THE UlriEU SHAME AND bOKItOW 188 192 INDEX. O to think the Lord of Glory 32 Our boat is on a stormy sea 36 Ouit Fathku in heaven 3 OUU I'RNMliS mtlNGIM! 28 Out on tlie desert, looking, looking. . . i:j() O WONjJitouB Name 151 Pass me not. O gentle Saviour . . . pli.guim, iiai.tkng, staff in hand Place a i.amf in the window . PliAI»E TO THU MiGHTl' LoliD . . PlUIhlC VE JBHOVAH PltKCIOUS WOUHS OF JkSUS Precious words that Jesus said 171 153 172 79 160 5 5 R Kescue the perishing 155 ItOHJil) IN WHirE 16 liock ot Ages, cleft for me 171 Save, or I picuish 124 Save, save one 109 Saviour, behold in Thy mercy now . . nO SaVIOIIU. I HAVE PROMISED 152 Saviour, Iceej) uie near Thy .side 164 Saviour, who hik.I) for me 149 Send the ulessing 24 Sentinei, lii'os the heights 140 Shall hymns of grateful love 139 ShM.I, WEKNOW each OTHER THERE ? 186 Shining in dai'kness, by faith we 121 SHOWI'.ltS OF IH.ESSING 43 Simply resting 68 Soi.DIEIts OF THE LORD 145 SOI.DHCKS OF ZiON 184 Some are .mowing their seed in the. ... 72 Some (joou to lio 162 Souls are peri.shing before Thee 109 SPI kit OF LOVE 123 Stand on the Kock 158 Step isv step 33 Sure rest' 133 Sweet Sabbath School, more dear 100 T The children are coining, united 128 The FiKsr r 55 The golden sii(.>iie 36 The islands are waiting for Thke. 77 The King in Jlis heauty 150 The Lord IS risen 56 The Lord's vinlyahu 92 The morning light is breaking 185 The narrow way .' 39 The palm of vicioitY 15 There have been full many trials 68 Tliere is a fountain filled with blood . 155 There is a land of \nire delight 30 There is a way, a narrow .« ay 39 There is rest for our pilgrim feet 133 Tliere wore many children's voices . . 170 The Son of God goes forth to war. 13S The Sunday School army 128 Tlie sun will pale before Him 42 The voice of Jesus 45 Thine fouever 61 Thine, Lend, forever 61 Thine. Lord, O may I be 157 Thougli the davs are dark with 19 Thou, whose almighty word 141 Thou, whosi' blood was shed for me. . K9 TmioiGii THE valley and the 183 Thy wii.i, HE done ■">■! To G(iD ON high 177 To God, the Father, Sou 171 TUU.S1 IXG 179 tru.sitng and hoping 66 Trusting in Jesus 10 V Victory hy and isy 14 ■Waiting for the harvest 169 Wait on the Lord 156 We aregl.M) 168 We are going, we .are going „■ S6 We are bai)py gleaners 169 Wo are joyously voyaging over the. . 44 PAoa We are little children 9 We are marching on 114 We are again 42 Whbn the heart is in tune 118 When we hear the music ringing 186 Whether the journey he short or 107 White roues 84 Who are the>e in bright array ) 84 Who are tliese, robed in white 16 Whosoever will come to me 101 Who will follow i he Saviour? 142 M'ill vou walk alone with Jesus? ... 60 With'joyful hearts we hail the day . . 119 Wonderful love 95 Wonderful WORDS OF Jesus 101 Work while 'tis day 122 Wrecked on tlie billow 124 Y Ye servants of God, your Master . . . Ye valiant .soldiei-s of the ci-oss Youthful hearts with music ringing. ZiON's happy soldiers. .. 185 48 97 136