7 e7 leew awa Eel SB, + ate en a wien . i = ~ tie Sw Lge eb 3 Sas seine? FI ene aean. 1) OFM > Simi «ge susie “ LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY wil enna 4% : Sy Oe S1Ple five me We nel # < bd \o Gs SO lo WT a> Sy a 3 on PRINCETON. N. J. aera we “- ae | ae, i © Su S08 w ee. * G Sie eae ee Ld ¥ iE. rma Fy od =< Ah ia oe el ee ee =m 9 ees, ee | oye 28 an i2ay (FoR Ee gE Pt Pick 3 nd S18 teilwi, dah amy it tr ay pees in lg, : ; : ee tS = : se Be enemy} morn te beetle f f OTN! SSN arn ed we HE -Btiha ee ‘4 = ri f s ir tras : : ie [ u grate ies Co ett | i i . 5 R ae 4 Gy 4 aa aL Vea ‘ Kage om % ikea Cian ol z me es oH ae ee ets F ; eet La I ea 5 : nae +x Z tien Smiter 7 THM. Bg . ap = cone he Sk on Para Pi?) eas ii vine eoly ia ONT Aad cat petal a ou rae, Peek ms ae AL ci hin. aint rn tn wy om ait can pe FF aati i “3 ai a7. Sige uae 0 : STE ZY ane engi, Urine * aie, © ; d : eh eration Vi ; : Sir, Hie, P A “ a 4 © a. rey 3 er One SNR oe mr a@ie me Ri codhia fiw a, WF Se aN Fr 8 A) a PF) LACS Meal] a a ee . eS eo ray By ‘ we nee vo. vy A es P “= ¥, eo ag Tee sf ae ERE SES ERS = 1924 The first Dictionary FP TB 2153\5—0..\\32 Edited By CHICAGO, ILL. English—Chaldean Rev.S /David wee. ~ All rights reseriiet of ay aed ane" . all =i ty oe fn af Sere so peers ae a . Be, TO te ee > a es Ss tO Pe eS WV SNCS cr ra Ser 2 Zs 3 6 q @ & CEEeeo : vy 3203 \-Lowz liuzs Res, Sannel Dasid Chaldean priest RET ET alt E 0451 Wy AI SPUN UNE ii ntr oduction. in the last twenty three years, there has been. a steady increases of . Assyro- Chaldean immigrants to the Shores of America. In order to obtain the necessities of life,it is necessary for this people to have at least some knowledge of the English language. The arduous work of translating the English _ dictionary into the Chaldean language was undertaken . by the author in order to give his people at least a working knowledge of the English language. Owing to the difficulty of such an extensive under— taking several errors of spélling have been commit— ted.These errors have been corrected and form ..an. appendix of the work. < It is sincerely hoped that. this little book will be of & great value to all who: have the opportunity to use it. 2 Bl & The Chald aic Alphabet The Chaldeans use the same types and in the same order as the Hebrew,with this exception that the Chaldaic types have a round shape, There are twenty five letters silent with five point accents: : *aleph. = bet. \ gamel. > dalet 6 “mi” oS vaye. 9° zen." kheth. ¥ teth. ~ yod. > caph < final. +S Tamed. » mem > final, 3 nun _~ Final. ® simcat. > ai. 3 pé. » sady. » kop. > resh. = shin, tave.a : 6 Q a = : : ) 00 ii 6 a a long AS SOY G 3 vave. 2 kh. \ gh. When the type is accentuated it’ is pronouced in this way: 3 ba, S ba! * 9 Bie * Shon o> boo, -3 bili. : SF Y BS Itt Ud L&esiace CE LF UE TUE SITE 1s —t25\500 125\5—o.\Asi2 13545 .onemaah tsai : Shwe taesasq Li5m0e. 15 Badist tao baddo~ 4-58 od log Az 1345 Lad aBApO iim, 3249 LhaSL 15 244058 14z\\ SAS Aa scr0ns - ~Awelea laess LASo04> Lb ay 1542 lesa of Liisod 13522 «3K 25 235 a—%> 1340 3 2hsS. 20 -Ledisg i549 1A 9agd\ 258% ta2 Lh dodo 1424 i24 wLozeS th03h5 1555 2992 Lasqa lines .3ash\ lsSeees Lhdog 18% Loox thsol LAgdd.wis .Agdno iigeas @i2 eos.rtshopsho 15.54 ritis itt9 2158s t +..48 tT LX So09 Lgsear L828 oh 19842 Ashes : AGSi. ass Lhosiog 32859 £ = raha gad :tadai AS 245805 > I2LE65 Sitwdy 2:22A8 bs 2iGe 1XaG Kase. ake 15205 Liszox ide nz Lint poe ath LidSn\ L6G Lion tkaud ~eeeq Aa Lalo Nes :igX 155 L5. 16.2 51.30.3432 as b paisa \s 1d.Xeq 18. Lyéai “eke N LOE INTLOG (nde eGo e (*) 184°2 t6f3 SSS tg X 1535 13. Lowes oh J these ( 1208" fh L385 ake hoe L Ps) nu a Lads axa§ AS 728s 1 204 ul Lw5So§ LgS rox y wu 0 vl é a 13424 oS On er aS 2 aS geal ont 0.0m, a e@ a L232 ee ot a af i gad 293 LH6AL Lado pwoal LASut na BAS 15% got ey ei ea ay ai=-s aw au oa ee ow=6s 2a, ee ei eo=4 eu ew=0f eee) ou ow=e4 oi Oy=to gues kh= ~ gn= -3 i=to gh= $ Sion=,65 © ph= 4 tion=,6z ch= 5) ys.4 pon-* sh== as ag ae ge L3S55> pal | Lsesko yso LASw2 LitAS? tai> 182i sogiS\ th. Ldaye 5, L£0 25903 S}2 AS fie 1 Ladd Laeger Le2d s ; a Leda, 12§m.A\4s2 2 3x4 cor-respond |ad- here. mA LBS5 AS ' LaASd de—- tach|ac— cept ee- 253x/\S— - LSsog dis-— like jaf- Pix .S— L300 | \S— LE95 equi- distanceianti- dote 4555— th9.555 | \zo5d$— 13939 ex— clude,auto- mobile yD 2b6e5 | pbsXs— LAs Xo¥ e- migrate Di cycle 2 1469 | .3554- 13904 in dorsejcircum— cise VS bEgSQ 2254, ] taddQa4_ 1455 im-— migration|con- nect a “ Lyouxs t ss4— La6a5 im-— moraljcol-— lect .£- LSaa j aS— Lismol 11- legal com—-mensurate Ys ak 1£5004 | as— iS s » ~ } ir- religious/co- operate 13— 123A.304 | a$— 123s Vi cumb re= gain suc— 1>920— L530] hm . $33 un- able en- roll Es eee L§—2| of — 133 L30Na% mono-— logué!|inter— cede Pa LAx§ee | Sos— 1429 Ltiw post-— pone} per— ceive LAdcds— L5Sx | wo OD Toe pro; vide pre- pare La. 13030} nm58 .p— Lasoo suf— fer|red— Sem Naw — 1550 | L599— L454 trans— fer|sub- “ject AoA - Lnoss B mn — Liiso, rO@2S—od\ als Lydon" for- Zive fore- cast 15— thou | LA. 2S b0~ 135. al- mighty /mis— govern out; cast/in- habit 5553_ 1.055 | of — 13834 twi- light |off— spring LisSa— t8er5/ i¥.49 under- Stand/over- work Aw&— LSS52250055) 2554_ 12$8 | re tedses .d80 Lobo Ladyag :43— Logsom ito Sed taweme oX3 Capa—ble +i42%)-ble LA om te cour—age +4o»-~}/—age Méaie 2395 alli-ance. +%04/—ance Lhonsas pulmon~ary?*5SA/-ary Lho~i5 ‘ Vil muscul-ar 4824 )~-ar thonkd anim—ate Lagu! -Ate Loop» degener- tSeie theSS—|Ation t4e7028 ation | ma li- cious'#-5|—cious Lewes pira-—cy Lh 334 | —cy theo3p-k satis-fy Leosse|—fy L333 calor-ic LAsomxa/—ic tho.is class—ical @233;—cal rAonis miss—ion 1ho~.42|—ion Mook numerat—ive L343%)—ive EES amor——ous LiSe~}—QUg-7034> ~X digni-ty tAesoax! —ty LAgz ii L.0s99 ro@ao—oddal Laxyse ea hand—craft 19525|/—craft A253 king—dom LAcais |—-dom Lwsemn bak—er 13283) -er Lge 28 mother—-hood +4e-#-|—hood thax Llamb-kin dedi 8) —-kin. rhedeare know -ledge LASS. . at edgetAsqos brother—shi p*4e~{—| ship *4e-85s4 child—ish +4oeS- l|—ish Lasko hope-less L5n 1i82|/—legsg 405555 lady-like -!4-\s!-lfke therm back—ward +3}. ~?453;-ward 633 like—wise ty 1540 /—wise ber lais r24s2h ~5, ASAE ot 13E\N LAgaids adds az Sox LaAq Layer 155 Nal :LbOR) LaweDE saSe~ > i23m-\\a: Re t | Fa < 2 osm B55 .2x L3h0m 1.450 1eL— m55 ye LAs-45 18. raAs.32 peng 1549 25} - * < ; : . eSo~q7\ aa pOMe2aq735 49 lacoaw MeSel MG 1 238m aoyS Lgas nSetan m55 c 2? LAA” 1§5D ~ rat _ aa Land ereg\ th. Leese O-SAsz. done eN\ado (ennRBqha 45. L3Aq 2K A XAG (-ly) Sere dominant. »292q 216A dominantly . Li3n Poe aq imx0 LAAs MmSiado 23zA5. Lok LS (255. fceNas abuse. LSa@i lan 1s , 255. mW 48% abuse Lidos 23:] 1555 2A. 83892, 1322) Lox personally sehacek personal .N02t96095 i pe b a | LB ANA Shee! 7s. en L5cr0 eee LSA2 1$5z 25OS Ant 1308.99q7\-203A5 1] Lats son: .8%0S et HO3x >knk89m L330 93007 te3qmk 186 0bd 12 26 26G LSOS 185 23ax\5 LiXoos lsixs fe i\ Lnedawd vs F sXoa> L8SmN Ades AoaS 22: $0 2ShO.NA 32 LhaSaho ioe igseaS ask i poyego reemg Soh Asoshs spexbo 425 214284 7owse,. LAvKes 99S90KBIqN of : L&R oh LAGAL9 LRQAKAX mo 2115445 1S4— Li LH6Ni = Laam Lxons | ~Lndden tT hBOd, Lamy wal 1Gf Noo ‘hed OMAN a2 LA aSQ 02 (Le 9O55 gals Lamx~ axad 28 Ba / Po eces “Bas 243A5—m@-~A\ a2 Ss Uist: BRS BA Bis Br Bers Ber Bir —_——~_ A,a ee aback oa mer pa! abacus 24-459 23N0a abaft :;44%55 25A4 ~0X> L250 abandon 24.95 ;2An5x abandoned [Loox L£905 525x000 ! 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T5pe 25X35 rosé abiding 1Axi3 AMShin5 2K55@ Ability 24325:26.¢% abate 140459 :l.o\xx 15é5 betbaceanien t LA.~Xx LAdE5 abject Pee absence abject ‘2802 :24905) aborigines Lads Lid@oxw LBNL Lad 2.55 abjiire LR5A cLeomosl/abortion 2842 Axis% raph LaS9o 244.85 2K259 ablative ce 22=-9\ labortive 2400/2250 er iSspx ~7033S5 rX ablaze 25035 24.5\/ abound 2259 2w5iy 24q503/about => 25>00\ able 135x5 13.g n> 23265248 iublebodied z-aclabove 2xa5 {AAS Lap” /L45x9/above board LinANS abloom +4590 2350 of ALN ablution 28\34) aq brade 2845 ‘t,0A5% abnegate 236~ 52552 LaonAS abnegation ‘+4352!a pbrasion 1k.Xs3% 23X35 A555 1KaS~ LAS BAS [LASAzx abnormai 744535 2Xiabreast ‘24995 2342 LE Sah 245} A\s0055 aboard 23+=2\ 1AsKk.labri LAn%X2 i302 plano abode LXNS0@4a 28.5 abridge ZsONaS9 L~0390 LA.w5z2 1502 2X22 Le -Laho chs abolish 22%4N:t50o-s/abri idgment LA.5a% LAo\S Lahn. 25 LAaA>aSq abolition 1835—5}/abroad 24-5 .» 3434 LAARS t25903 254252542 abolitionist +4545] a brogate 20435 pees bp LA2ae re ta0ixs abominable +2432 2- abrupt ‘2308 122354 2gisol Lsimow pO 23-29 LA~95- 2A 034 abominate +-olex Aoi abomination LA.~S@x abscess 25x00 y2553 2Ae\3 | abscond 23K de ox cboriginal 1.055} LApsa0 LApSx +4502 labsenc e 2Asén% 28 ne absent 3 absent 2% 25445%,25) ~7o90%\ Lxr«S absentee 3954 1355) ~coSoto a~co\ox ~~ L5>~5 | absently NaLiigndso ex absent minded?i4=3» abso lLfite 244293 Lxa00 Lisaq ~coxS45 aecent La0q9 \son35 absurdity 244 :tSLoc 2Khosga 1 LAoAD® 11306 a bundane; ->+h9n9¢ LAsas abundant 23040 :2438 sR i abundantly +9992 NnLSadS absoltition +3430x|abiise 2Xo 255 teAsx Las0o\moS 11. 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B02 ig | 16.5 2 2-202 ploack head i, 24.935 2a bloack house 48. Blunder buss bloack house 4«#3, blower 24+~05%'25493 14933 bloack system 1322 La. x02 LAy 5509 blond 2%3:2459 «356~ blood blooded bloodh@at2»2 2Aso~x 98 Ls 295 rik page DesOe SAS 12 Ba eile 4 « “ 2209 122902 [plat a Deed del -~S. ma ls0q 2d blood hound bloodily AN» 2902 bloodiness 2494%3 aps Wes bloodless +24%2 iS» blood shed 2A.~34 22> blood sho t2i-32 2529 biood stone 2925 2K09352 blood sucker Axi bloody 23302 bioom:+53. Pee bioomery 23¢*$2 2503 2Xy53 blooming: 13in5 bilosom 1L89:LinS biot daons : cas blotch 2&s»:28a939 L2qay those :2Aea2 blot tertd&o- 232 Laga% biouse24242 2X04, 73% bi ow2s4% :tAhxow i ie30e\ 14.43 :2208 blowfly 1539 biowgun a * 3 - z 255.223 2.0X%3 yin Be a! wows . 1399 iNen iS.5 oe * ’ blow pipe [LR nmoS % 90302 blowzy 1S»itos blubber 2539 2554 Lanz blucher Veh ‘10g bludgeon’. 15.5 blue | tXons% 128% biue be11 biue berry+44.;» ten err Pas BAS Bo. Lh Biue b1loods$53¢ 25.8 | 22029 Biue bottie LAo9 255Na:%0 2504 2529 .2a%9 Blue jacket © 23556 4209 Biue lawSié-=2 NSS Blue ribbon +4502 Bluet ~70230 2XAx x0035 Bluff 1305; 23504 2a50/5 2An.S3920 v2 YNos593 tA\o\d : 2X22 Noes Se Blunder 2Ax%N:2$4> Nn15620 ieee Biunder buss 404 6 : “ikNSis eee eS eS SO 230g UN 2554:24.59 blunt A2$39 324.49 blur :2a02X:2Ka%a:258 Lpoons blurt 24504 zX3 Lowe blush 1LAS m3 [LA DH 15843 15% bluster ‘24.85%: ,302 Reotiee Aswad i 3258 blusterous ‘244955 ¢3052 25 boa 250A, Loom 124434 board 12590: LAA 244sa2 1540: 2K \032% boarder-7988o3292338 n20X\ 1Xs05 boarding :245@d4 13Xaix boas ti3eqa4x : 2AaazAx boaster+3054 '243q54x boastfiil 244» :25%5 LK0dS9 4 boat. aA 1 29A2 boating 7X5 134~ bob 2Aa%92 LAn3AN .2Axae ASS> 14h160.L%904, bobbin ea DOAr 22505 bobbine t243¢o4 2552% 22542 bobolink yop ples 139.929 15.42 bobsled 2L=55 bob tail ‘2459 25404 2$0a 25202 2x32 boldness - bob white Li-x3505 255.219 bode Lxoi\ 2.032% dnN239 | bodice 23633 | bodied LsS6 bodiless 254§ 259 bodi Ly 23549 ° boding :1ko\ 55225 LAo»0~23 bodkin gn i2S093 body+se.3$: [LE@02 72549 * Lhond35% ss body guard 28048 7 bogthss4s 149097 2K A585 | LoXcA Lo-2— Leaw0a 1954 boggle Ls0ax2 : 2563: Lows boggy bogus bog wood 12349~ 16.5 15 LS¢=5) 15S smon 2909 A355 wcqolouxs ‘ ‘ ' ’ 4 7 2x095aq 243 “ ] 4 ‘ 245509 - 243A, - Uy ° rT LI— GI LEION © 213.55350 2 44899 10N0\03 20% 2LAZA DOL] 2 onde: 248552559 boiler 24395; 24h3%55% bogy boiling 24a7:26~AKd9" boisterous 233556 Li.5%0 bold -2X035: LdW§ bolid PaAcATaCES rho st boldly ROR Ber Se | boidness 1 Kommy 2K0 050 bole 50 >. boot bole Ld04-23500 wr) : Labs bolero 2443882 1353! bone 2254 24049: 2%d4 bo Ld. 2859552 29\5l bone Set t»d12 LAsK% boll wéevil 24-+\o0% ~So0%4 LASAA 2494 132} bonfire 2303 «Sy boll wor. m2A~5~| bonhomie Lho~Sy Lond 155.9 LastSiodo L1Sox3l bolster 24-2623 | bonne tid.%09 bolt 55212 Go; Law 1) Oy 15%°1%.95 L3a2\ Ld02~0 528542 LNoxiis 1LSbA gale 250254) bonny clabbertAsed Lwoo.0% bonus m254i :1Kksc0% bolus LAaSna kA Ax bony Lavo: bomb 13203] Doo qqen bombard L90M 55 L552 booby 2558 1355 bombardier 1343a|boodle 1ANSL- Noxd 152052 29092 bombardment +8~32| boohoo Lan: 9000 me es m552 25045 LNZd bombas Rares peter oe bookéeper LiawS bomb. proof LA 303.50 L30a%—3 34949 > LaKa9 bookle t2ia6nKo book muslin a 93h LS~052 As0055 bomb shell LS 00> bondsman. 2430%:25~01 | | | = LSA gatw 28-sho LEds0a bona fide 2&03%-9>| boom:2h».s\. tA\zs ne LAoos gat» Laodsh bonanza 15.54, 13-56 boomerang?4»* 134A3 ras? Babe 15 232% bonbon 2-352} boon alisi:rkscox bond?30%~:2hAzx: 13300 boor: iXSos 12305 24.99 26-S55|/booris htkods5es bondage ; 1805-24 | boost 2K 9525 bonded 23.02 boot ~44s ache 135N0. ee ee ee a a Bootée 51 bootée 233 boot jack 25A2 xpf bootless 35 15.50 15.90 boots Logs 145555 booty boo0ze2t.65:250%> Li05 bopéep Lk.Aba boracic i8a\n iX0e borated2Ssxe~ : 24320» | bo tchy LatAw iXoos Boroug bh: ANxu: 250595 LAsS@ :25S@| botany Boulevard ISS43 ita Ser botantze 245 2.63% UNN\ino 255-29 1390. taX.ta LA39- LANA 30 bo teh Ln0d8- 24.58 2Sox\ 23052: 253. 22908: L508 155 2555900 borax :2hsi99 L4\|botfly LAbom2 io52 3258/ both mOd4 border 129.0.145 bother L5ek 219055 bhorderer 235eSl botheration ‘1455 Lom | a3 LE5N 12259 LSh0 d030\: LDoms| a2 2A..948 LA rBom bore 29235: 21S0+3:2503| bothersome .,:2459%2 Rass 1i4p08 | 2359, i Seea5, See boreal Zins | bots 185033 Horedom 1£280|Bottle 128~: Sedo Borer 18095225895 Modes Boric LAsaa9 L4\~9! Bottom Liim: L1Axd Born 1X.0¢ 325.4. 3x20 243qn20 Borne-~ +Asoh:2%,54 Boudoir — NATO TASS 1Ad0S9 LA% ee Borow is0-2%|Bouffe +AssAse 2AMS4 | Bosh LAAAS $907 LAs34\ 20 Bosk L1d045a Bough 2635 Bosky 13605523 /Bouillon +480 265 Bosom 258~—:259¢:1653) | 1532 Boss Lh50 4x 1450 oLes|Boulder +20 irons boss 1 SA 150A, 230739 botanic 2884042! houlevard 2449 2503s “pounce ERTS L506 ‘pounce 4402392 :A~33% bouncer Laioa% bound: 2K.53°245 53 Lom: Lbom 300 = boundary +$+2:2 w A 7 Downes Looms 1X5 ; Ke3a 1X0 be: bounteous 118511389 = boutifal ee Lax ‘2Soas : boun tytdo-~Sy :LKkQ~.O5 . bouquet 1k m50 1Anoz rash et 23569 bourgois 2348s 244i bourgeoisie pipe He Ie Nop WR OIE ENC: -bourgeon LAa93: a dsoihos : DAN aya by 223k. 29 paihenys Se eeeNS - bourse: 2y099 LABS Lyoya LASSu= bout risa0\4 .2N0ox 24K boutonniére isos tA podh> DOVE L2504 “bow SLINGS ar AAO Lea on bowel L»Ss0 bower? 38422) 2545 5.0354 bowery 2ia\09 .-bowie knife -43+9® 5X5.5°25995 ow ’ Prins LANOA .25055264 -bowl wv ———$—$ ———— bracket bowlder 2XodA 145 bowle giS.s\, 18% bowline 2349¢~ 2A34 25N0\5 bowling?2so\s rdos& 16.52 bow man 252A2 23459 2Axo5 bow Spirit? +sAtsoLoe 20X > bow string2Az=59 LAA» © box »linw Lx9q 0445 1502: sN00: 14023 rkaKk a2 boxer LAxow2 Likw0 boxing +4s9~2 LA~t» boy LSA oe boycott tX8:1A\Sn% © :tKkod9-35 2Soxy On Cara 18234, boyhood :Lkoso0\- LKoaA\X boyish LXo20\59 boy Scout 234 Aom-32 LA25S825 La0\so LA W553 LKoms39 Lois 1230: px brace 12550 1 L500~ 200.050 bracelet 124532 24533 bracer 214530 (15.0% rachium 23452 bracing 15336:134}4 bracken 25X25 044 pete ~_ brackish 5 us25 eye LADAADD nee brackish! =S4 : 144202 3202 brad 135 1S. 24.0 bradwal 5O39 11553 brae 1453 ai 2505 brag Lads, LAS Bm LNdNw 135A. braggart brahma ‘24352043. 25.4, Lo 539 braid ») hn 3$\o.5 Laism RELIES. L1A95 :Lboce: LAASA braille 239224) 2.3 brain: © :2hsh.A!2tton Laownd brainless ‘140 2X L&ssmN\0 Li0g 1% brain pant*c»s 1hoS5 brain Sicko» ‘S50 brainy Licwa 13% LAsxmA20 brise tAcx3:2.,04% brake 296%. 0445-284 1550.2 25:9 24,59 brake man Libota 1\vado Landsx LaBs35%0 154.25 bramble :Lz35Xon! | LiSAa 2Sax 12h 0 Lim? ! 1A53: 125d :14S5925-2534 AN STA he et . BA? Ries Wee ew Give -bran branch brand 1358 i lSx05.1559.2555! 26¢935 3 Bread stuff Lox 1530503052645 ” “4 : hr branded L_x5 brandish i5055% 18.6 1399590 brady new 2424 zg brandy 75S:t-52 L420 bran tisess 238 brasier 25032 2463 brass [23549 a0 ikoA SE 1h0L0K brassard gS eo ee a brassie 2ASS\2) 2655 brassiere+33¢2 tXoh 1\8a59 brassy Dn brat Laod~ uLGA bravado ©0353 brave 254.4:255%:22—3 bravery24o25x PLA On bravo wosX i205 brawl 2AW66:2k5656 brawn ae ake i brawny Lath op ae 1Nn8 bray 23045} LASS4 braze 1X9aS 2.094 brazen:AoS$as i> Dawa brazwier © “-soasezsts © 202 L2N8 bré6ach | :240A\A i 20.48 LASSA! A.i50\ 1895 bread Low bread stuff Lam RS paye yee | ’ \ 5 2 ‘ breadth o4 bridging b readth LRowAS bréezy L1X.S0% b reak 114$9x:2N0x| brethren LAds0m2 Lsoh29 mod wA, bréve 155.29 LiesKa breakage :LANSz|bréviar yibolee 2349 Te ots LaaS2 break down :LAs3~) brevity 1S\wmotKo.59 SoKnks0 28: LBAQS> LADNA ~ . bre A€ker24538: 28h od | tyehz LeosXk.Lk_5 25453 135n09\} | brewer yiksdk Aas breakfast RSS | LASAx tHoe> LAAS= be ewin gtk ebh 125 e548 break watereX? 2564. 3 LAZAxD tive An»S 25 2%5| briar L3S5Aq 16-5 bréam Lkoss. 263k. 2A) portfbe — .NOx> i La~0x breast s2o4:248 52525 — tNeadse Add LSa% breast plate +4z24|bribery+A+$e4e LAASx 252¢ArN9599 LANSS5: : LKo\. aS. NOx53 bréat h :@AS23293| brick R958: 2354 166 235A !230293] brickbat¢+9222, 284.5 breathing*4%2 +82)4 |brick kiln 159 br eAt hlés g tL56> YS | Lan ddd m435 1X5 ibricklayersese spd | bréech =< iL bady SLAxt Ladd préeches © 2Xsia--1SeX]/bricole | | 280K bréeches buoy +4530e4) bridale 2X eon L6m02 fK~40 25| bride 2AN5 1 2A5.AM) bréeching Ay? 2224! bride groom :t35 LSo> iSdo ke 1659) 25An bréech loader Sosibrides maid 75-5 ~aKS yo Soi thai 2KNS520 L3Am2 LAd-d5 bréed 1 ye$.2449:2634 | bride wel l+Ase\3 A~3P Lads tsAuz LsAo5t ‘ bréeze 1S 0.3 LA»x3 | bridging 1S.50 LoBo¢ bréeding Leso> 2488) pri dge23si, Leoad- 15x bridle 5 brogan LQzaS ASA ei '|brindled ae bridle 7 Pong. 2302307 | brine :2K050x /2550x oS\ eee L1Kkodox of 2253 bridle pat ht*302; bring PiSoaSugtenee 23355 tsomd¢ 22424\ 1S,045 brief iemoNw'1533| brink LAnad55LK3% briefless . 1X> briny 13.05% 1 225\~ 1X Azo 1634 24.2.3hx0%/] pp ique t 320d brier. L435 iXax brique t>omeas G-955 brig +223 +5: 25003 | bri sk « ){2So\s r2akhe brigade2+s3%.~% 1520 14 Lom. ahi 25, brigadier252 2 250\ | briskness pone ZO Gh ~ 2KeA 359: LK 0od0 dG ¢ ru ’ -Uw - brigand ‘4445042 14534|/bprisket 1iiss9 152% ai bristle 249945 .13N>5 us % vw UA Qe brigandage ‘240344 | bristly Lae Na LRon036 | Hy 4 t, 23033 Lads brigantine “>< |} brittle '25-43:25693 Lao) ~5Aa LAOS, 13 NxeXAx0 Pright © ‘43S\\ASil broach pan 118095 24505 '13555%| broad wad bn LENS brighten :2NoAS 230) 23035035 | broadax2s 33 ;2X as brilliance :24\S\5|proadcast LEMS LAs5a%9 EEA 1.095 }l90555 52555 brilliant 13535%/ broaden (Leo N9% bri tiiantine =. 24x» 1BoodXh '2S0ad 13.553 brocade2433a4 1X6 ~ tSeXa 15GK 24 LiL BO brim 245%°289@/ brocatelis-e: Wok 24699 Leo 22X% BoRs3 2350S 0 or imf'd | \¢ 2532) brocoli 2»S4> 2264 | ~TONGSD | txnd9—15.55 rim stone -28.53a| brochure 240345 230203| brogan Lsoni Log fag 1 brogue 6 Bruskness brogue rXniz L2& broil _izX9:28xX5 | broom tsk LAA LOS | 1A .S8 1k x0359 broiler 24.86:22648| Broth LOdz broke :\X~=| brother LiowL broken 18.0% Brotherhood ¢494°m7 hroker 9 1245e% 225: brother a aw jah 25 1258 Ladma5 brokerage :1621|Brotherly “Astiox+ 1284) 254|Brougham coyad bromidet=isex® rSoae LASBoo ~DND 26.2 1234.30|Brought rSs0\ 12580 bromine zSea:20-| Brow (2pead,) 25-58 LERnb0 LidsOWe Lani bronch 12639(/Brow péat tsoxX LAd>6— 23525 pronchial2436~ 24232 bronchitis rS5% broncho 1Bok Lm. A 23072 15045 br onchus L643 1Ad6m 133532 bronze 150m S-0 bronzine ©-~% 24425 brooch tdseX2 +458 brood Lasgo LAS SS | ay eh + 2SO44 ; 2AhS63535 2190095 brook LA. Ds prooklettA2o43 1K..px broom 24033 broom corn .£o995 | Brusk 24x6342|Bruskness 1h..Xox»50 25533 Brown : 1205 m3S00 2B 250Na03 1X35 prowse 1560 LAS\5 25.93 Bruin LA.in0~0 ® 159 Bruise -21h@S5:216S 3 Land mS: LA mS mS Bruiser 136\5 |Bruit 1408 Xo i'Brunette Ldxox 24..320030 Brunt: +%4532 iS apaeoas Brush 242035 .. LAod PSSanLAeSs Brush hoo ktS2i* | 2SS\.0 LANZ LisX,02 2308 LAo2s0N if brutal 5 brutal Lii606 brutality Lkosdn6 brutalize 2309.3 103030 | -On0 brutish. 28 L3ka5 134033 bubble 230is\: Losol\ bucentaur ron 2532 ol 3 LEK AAW 2X05 eAASo buck 12509 bucket. Liza iXoo buck eye24saXe52 26.5 buckle :22@42 1406 22K 25Kd buckler 1590:,24\s bnekr am?3a\ buck Saw >xx030 buck shot 2532 13.< 1X60 buck whéat254s2 2534 1X69 bucolic baSs fo 5 bud LA3sSN55 525455 budge 2X64 1240558 budget 23092 Lk@> buf f24%4 > 2.20% 25\4 bffalo 253.422 250K buffer 25352 143054 buffet 1KAKx Sa5 buffet . 220A txao0\ Linc buf f'o tasS- 25X\5 buffoon 24X%\5 bulldoze. AAS f2aKux LASSEN buffoonery 24X45 LRoA ZA3 323K LHZASN5 bug bugaboo bug béar buggy Laody 2Aid LAd0r4 bugle bigler db09.xn9 13.” buhr stone 2925 build: 253@:24is building bulb bulbousg-2% 239% ie bul ge ‘245255245435 tm.42 Lh nio@ 16.59 19\5 0 Ac\os 0 \o\os 14555: 25640 905. 52455 < Cr tac aaad bulk Rd a 2 LNQn%02 Laos bulk head L305, Lis m569 2335/1625 bulkness LN0.%9 bulky 2304 a? ¢ ethan % L900 An 6a ‘ bull 72504 :2X05 bull baiting 2AxX3 | iXos was bull dog ALA La -cqxde 2535 LXos2 oaS 143 bulldoze 2X3i LroXdgS 11556 of ¢ ‘ ” ’ bullet 58 burmarigold bullet 3042 204} bunker 1099 L132 bulletin 44+ 532) bunko 505. bull moose 259. | bunny (125008. | (waS) 2325 Ppt LAnSn% x».053 buld ock 2508] bunt L45n35 Litw tax 2$3d2|/ punting +732 45-4 24 bully ‘s A 5.52 A98 (SoA 125854 bulrush AX) bunt line: i. . 93K. bulwark Leon) § ~0X 2 2Ax5\ 35 2.00050 > 4.35 7259S> buoy ZALEN 16.52 25:00 bum 1 Lit XoxO 1K05 Loopms 15 Liwo “2329 03 oN Nua buoyancy L6m~3 UN Seas bumble bée 2255|/puoyant 29-53? 234% 235A 439.0 250\ | burden EEE LADS bum boat244o2242 -»X|purdensome | | 356n3 bump?+or Lid: 2tdondh burdock 2Anz2 2 23 A 1s bumper?44z Rages 195 235 yAd.252¢ bumpkin %839:15004|pfireaucracy LeSS bun 24025 2283 25202 bunch -1k@5il30ns(biirette +%45039 232% 290430: 2453 burgess LS5..90: 25X48 bun combe. 28445) burglar 2A Aa 2554, 3 2302022) burglarly LSosi\, bundle -24~923:25sa|/burgomaster 4304, 2y0n55:25K9 LA3.209 D~ago bung L504, rorOs leyouaabehil LAd0X%: 18550. talos 25|birin oSoS> 22.5 bungalow 2A~.3| burl] 29-52: tS3i2 2369 154K LSd burlap 14903 25h bunion -. Lbems burly ree re tea zNo22 25052]). .. | 160dL 5259309. - pele’ oX 243%99 2309 burmarigold i “Sax bushy ~buskin22-5< 2054: ‘puss +854 butcher burn burner 13295) 23554 burnish2+044% :25053% burnt 23.0 burr2}4z2 24259 1886 burro LAbDm> 15505 burrow Lznoaa Naz | tan oN | coos ‘bursar 2494 :2A.5 35 Durst :2A-S099 12h A Dx 154508 > LA-S£5S bury 1550: 2500 burying. '2450%2 LAa 2% | a bak ce A85355 yard Pee ES bushel (15305 | 19.00 ° 146 bus 26X95 235558 bushing | 1k..69 > pushman LES 08 y > §2354,5025 L35N te a 2hpSs ° ods bust 2A».5>2 15960 hee *bustard 245 25-1204 bustle. tlkowo 184 Sy ae 2¢ 8x 52AxAz busy 18222085 Wit +s Dose tN 952 .taisy ANS ladan LXNn0 1953 o9 by way butchery :2k059 LAA Ro |butler +2590@> 212%% butt -Se4. \Ss0n0 2AhA5 osaé putt butter 2654 butter cap +28s\ 14 iXAxo butter £1y ‘233943855 LASAN ZS S butterine 2504 1455 butter milk Lios ~S5; (202) SSan0,2Akx0S LA..@693 AAs 1554.) LA0054 <= buttoclkis button bttresg 24n0dh5 2805 buxom Brey 2$55..9°29,.05 buy Bias Os Lass >| buzz2%$5d3 g-2% Lsohsh buzzard ‘iSes buzzer %Ad5s03 2X26 by O3N7 2556s by gone by law A$5z8%:80xis by path © ‘:2&0-40~% Lita by: stander: 4-45 2.5.3 20 iooxt 1A n365\ LE502 24h..90.d90 by way cab Cab \somoano2 : LK.3S.92 cabal . 160359 pes oo tAni 3A5 LAnAD cabbage2soAdX 2 2X5 a5. task cabby LS ..a$..920> 13255, Cabin ‘:2450~A L308: LAmodoa Cabinet 24X\es5 Aas CAbLetS x AA AOASE \oASx> Lom» caboose tAoxS5 Axws cachou oaos cack Lie St cackle ‘254A, :1A~5~5 Limo D5 cactus ~70 924 2Xax 2s3Na ~393%0 L~o\S cad eR Y IF ip ae. cadaver Lane 1S. 254 cadaverous 213a54x caddy ~S> son cadence LANSs iXs 2nodns! rXs5o 2hK 2% cadet 1aSA2 25652 1359 ti -59 ca aesura LAmSa%0 ISH: oX @Si4d LA\sxo cage (O55: pan aa Nos calender @45 oX 150539:15.01 AWZ caitiff LX.a5 »oo\5 5: 21590% Saada) cose :2a03% :2a0a0 AS "25 225e5 45 Caj olery2As3z : LAs5O% cajole cake 5359 L.A 1K24 gatw L565 25535. am Ao calabash ae calamitous?i3%0~ 13% calamity 135%0~ calash w2ASoA\S 23558 calcareous 2 5825 et aS calcimine AX iss» calcine 42 3235.8 calcium Agi 25058 calculable +4432A~ calculatetsosz~:i4ix calculated » Lax 235 20™ calculation ‘: 24-3» tAssxi calculator +3i7s4 calculus Liqaxe caldron 23315 :245605n calefactor +43_x2 calender Silaas ~NoL Linco. nN023 LAs in» | Caloric2Ase~=2: ° Li nw Caltrop +143:63514s30a/ cancer . :§30— . sis 515002 1Xoia 1Xo\, bo L335AN0245 : Calumet +++2392 sive ~Calumniadte2*+\!2%5e ~Calumniation +4»5® Becal] 12452324244 :248.55 Camomile | ASX 39 2528 2228502N5 2335. :2A5o camp /tAéSnc5 EN Calumniatory 250K calumny 20S | Calvary?4$535 PRAY. AW @ “Calve 125z Logg Camel 2X04 a a i Calf +452 15@3245x|/cameleobard = ‘2433 oa liber. 2+04°25.23 25.54 ma ~co\S5 6.0 Sosa 2So\D}/camellia- +444 140 calico233\, . (2Khe\ cameo :144.4, 2822 . . 3 2 “2% ‘calisthenics 7A42 3 23-93 2835 )calk s.03 25Sx| camera soz2 2Ax5\ An3 calligraphy L1k3.A2 campaign _ Xone 12K x2 z|C ampaign 12025 calling :248.50 2zN9N 2AS MIS $3.5 ; °o21 Campaigner 2248 callosity +493398 (9350 )25.a8 call Os ey Tes ae Cc amphor LAS3 154935 Baldow 252io= 2238 2Na|tsols tiX.2. pescrAés sus calm (—ly) Pee 22.3/can LEX UX ~n tee Nelins:1h0+\z5|/ can — 2N05S2 252% calm LnoAx%>L.0\z4| canal LAD 20 LmOn350 \naSitiva 128.5 calmness '180.Ax canary 124 Sos \o> LNO mas @459 calomel L6o0\> tXoa cancel (29220-24554 2 ge ANOS Cancerous 93o~2 23 candela brum'24-232 193099 231% candid . pied ou pe candidacy242s22AsS3, ASSN A2 LSoxo candidate2Soz 255\§ 1Ad5\ Aro 2Aaz0 LArmzN 1355505 at candied Raby: candle 2S0x> 25305 cannonade 73642 24.55 cannoneer $6 A> 2493 cann y 235059 '2x054 cance 25635 LSA0\ 154 canon ASbxi1Gowssyoas canoness L&k»asxtwi% cauonisat ton LA sAx Lx.359 15302 canoni Se@ 15995 LooAs | Lxa259 canopy4as2 A\sx9 daN5 ©6303N0 aSe LN LA x§00 tidywo ~S_ tN125x4 candlemas 62 capacity candlemas+e™? +323| cantankerous ‘443592 15% t20\S: 22455 candlstick 232%|cantéen Nagi Lk6s5 253699 ,LmS8o Lk&A\dz5 2A.Kx | candour?Aor92; 2493-55 | rR»oAK candy sara 24-S|/canter 25494:19i5505 © eane 42x5 10.s\~ LX, SEES | cane (19.55 25K canter 16093 249525 | canicular+3>0>3 +4%3|cantharides 15608 canine 12545 | 14555 28 twyaaqs L4\S00— caning 2A5h~)/canticle LAK.moxs . “canister” 24\5:2A05 252003 ok LAd..04 | canker :2435880:2554]/canting *Sie22 242453 pt ta0dAH :2N92} canto L509) ~ eankerous 2442A6|canton23\, 240 126 24 i ant tXoal rmOSAG i LA5n9090 L5AL2 cannibal 15XNaT 124053 L90\ RS 15652|cantonment 28.S\35— cannibalism :++455$ L0S\ Lxils 15039 t&Nal Canvas is 14309 1Xo\ cannon Son L594 Canvass . (LQ00 )299 mech roe convasser eres | Lod> 135\Ke | caoutchouc 1832 143555 L@oa%. cApability+4os* 222 ; capable capacitate oX Lpoza%:L45i LWA 6 : capaci ty?h~»39 24-<¢ -Ccaparison “caparison 1KA\ SS 20D 2.55 LAoAs * ~~ cape oX 2598 14852 2 L ted caper Pa aa aN tS caper 2156x1243 Capillary?+3+36 204 capital La0\,O2 LA.09:248.3A% Capital ‘2450, Xe LX~.x9 5 Lix4 capitalise 40s» L1AL050 L5N0% Capitalist+5%: 25-3 ‘LkX05> capitalization?io: Aas 28.9% 2530 Capito] +4Siz tSs.¢ LA3.350 ~ 2 LSeadme 14..5 35-4905 Capitulart5ho» 2%5¢ Li3q5 capitulate 1.096 P52 LAS [L581 : LAG.a0 . 22SX505H9 capitulation *4-s6 Petr. LaXS ZANT 1aSsa006> Capon 28240» 20035 Caprice [NADA OnOm 1SoX,» has 1533 Capricious ~0~245% 25d— L5SN3905ARDA50 2350X Capricorn 13300 2$2 L5b0 Liiwodioi 63 carbOnize CapSizZersosiy i 280034° vara pes ties capstan 2k Xo4 capsule ~3%2,,250 A\az0S> Captain 24559%:259\2, 2X) captaincy +&e442 =X >. 2355509 | ERoz captainship 2405332 captious 248425" 2Ani d852 25525 captiousness +453~ tigi. 245. Captive ~9092:25.0% captivate +3404 1552 2Li0q 2.50 captivity ‘2hoas6r LAN03~Om% captor 13 839..235m2 captire 652.iAe59 car LBaao 14358 carabin6éer +4433» | £3395? carme | tSzb33 250, carat L343 2Ahho5A Zamnd, E9L930 caraway | Nox carabine | L4.036 carbolic , a Eo 2020052 150~ 22 carbon boom Carbuncule—-—~ 64 Carpet carbuncule Te) LkadmA 0 LAS Lana\ 2829 :234Aco0S Caricaturist 155% aot ta L350~% 152% L\9= 1e3Nao8 Carcass. 23hz LA.n20 u5\3 Card2536.24 ASA, Vm | ) LSms\m Card 725052 LAns Ox | 1508 2550) Card bord 933 236 . . 253A \d0x0 Cardinal12$ex5 §:\5055 284> La5a0 23Aa3 TERED «QS ioxa Care tAx»Snins 1451 tkodbizng.2 F) Caréen ~20X LyowA 2595 152d ~0X t.03\% Caréer 24XAo>, 2A82z Carefal (— Lly)+i<92 LAoddmwaa .2N5 woe»! a2 Carefiilness +451 “USS LAxS9i as Careless (-ly) LAddx50> 2 2350x0 Carelessness2A3%zx% Caress .LAN5= 2 LAs5 0% [Lixsws LA.ix0 AS 25-29 LASizx Caress -Liinw Liz Laoax: :Ls0aOy: LAoax bareoo Ftak> 135% Caricature 1Ad0— 8 Cartes 1640: 2433553 292530 105\5 Carious 15.9% Carking LiSs5 30% Carminative +4%53 1S5a2 LioS\ ETERS Carmine Liinow® Carnage2Sy9: Ash 5h Carnal (—lly) +44593 Anl4503 LAondd Oo | 2X35 Carnality Carnation 23X23 25a9.250359 Carnélian = 24is0»® 23932 Carnival 2%0¢— Carnivorous 23032 1Ld9 : LAS Lmoon~c iLso\sh, Carousal24-Ax2 25249 Carol Carouse *4-Ax 2 2323 Carp 25035 253s 25 isaSo LAsSe 2S Carpenter 244:25X3_ Carpent rythoaX4 Carper 15% AS: 25008 tana LAaSNs 2X 227 carpet 1hOnd9 Loox: 2635 15.19 LASNuz9 L805 carter 2355S> 24554 cartilage?$\si24ond0 Cartoon 2%.S\~ 2550 25562 2LAWA cartridge 24 X\o\ 30A2 2a0S0 cartwright Lacod 25049 235585 Carve :2553:2558:258s at V.er 23x03 325508 carving LAx53 U ‘ CASE 1280235: 2Ah2x 2x24 carpeting 65 castings carpeting 2A559/CasSemate AxA 24.5 LAA Dmd99 SoN- Lou 2A52 carping L\An5S@/ casement 2405 LAA. Nos 25X39-2A.350 carriage P2Ax5A |] Gash .204:25239 Loog 2335S.21KA5X L509 LES39 carrier 23453] cashier 24092 25N0x RATE ESEY pene 250% . 24453 carrion: !245.»~ 234x LSo2aG of 2405 t4=3|cas hmére 5.42025 carrot 2592\ L50X>0 Z~O359 SoA carroty 1354 ~3n00S| cask 2Apon:25\ 03 (ors ah ag isa WA t3Xoa 24X00 Ln 0 90 ~-0s20|/ casket LAdOS, aNOD cart [LAd0S9 25558 ~Non oX La0A%0 23358 255\ |cassation LAARS cartage L944, 145.5092 235582 «59 CasSOCK23$3%0 25204 cartel [2z2N3\ 2A35 5 2x52 149.54 cassowary+4<»3 15.4 ( \50x30N0x) 20434 LAE X 2248.95 pA ee cast 1452 .2.095.24359% 20S 2255 wow . 1290 7950 nel is castanet 1Solds castaway LiS05 202005 : 5954 caste LAw02 - 29.5 Castel lianA?2$2 25% caster [2345x5 DLA6AL2 25455:25500 2AN0@L2 232% castigate + odss castigationtAxssa 250236 1.Xn.-No00 Castings 35455 2252 od oR aeG et vee eae ‘cataract ‘Catarrh cas tle. 245032 La ASS castor a castoro il .43>42 2599 catacombs 26558 Aas oS ‘LSdL Amd Lsa403- 285..2%0 1306 07: “eatalepsy!2ex2 Ns ae ‘Ca talogue 1533 2583 2945242 tfoSw30° 23952 catamount. 44x22 045 cataplasm 145402 As 215529 214..402 24355 catapult 135 \s0 eas “ ' . 1&0 LOmm33 LS9ad 2202 25.42 LAso\ jgitastrophe Hasso i Lsieo LA35—; L50\ | Gea /L50Aa5 1240352 yh 39 253N.45 LLoda4 258m 66 catcher ~po~ Aol LES59 25a ;catching L3aa4 castrate 2593, roe LEN AWS LSd 2 L599 232% 193450 136~| ca tchword?iss2 3264, stration 1&x59)catechise 280\% (28392 Lal%2 Lic m E30 2a9\0~ - casual 243224 | catechism 238\o. “casualty*ss BAN-1Ax3\ Linx - casuist 2882.1 catechist 2.33\% | LéLo\OLAD 22519 LaAnnz0 2380.9 casuistry 2&sa-|categorical( lly) ‘a Hh toLohorne Lxsko = AND Sia dag Sate west aae ca ta Glycmh a> 343505 mA I N\n25590 category 1153 £39 22405 |cater 1965 2539 caterer cateress126s2 243535 catarpillar +5954 caterwaul catgut Axx 2h» cathédral 2aés2 Lidsd 2A.n.%0% 250034 240 nOdis catholic °245.\0As5 53|/catholicismS+\oas 2ho0. ) Catitniatees 2S$ohs0 catlike Catsup 244394582 2643 cattle CaUuCUS tm20q02 15N0% 25232 oXo\ Lined 2305-la530 ye ” ve PCaviller:25X3:24334 eellarage LeBst? Sas, cauliflower G7 cellular: tkengin 73 28-88|cellariies , 7 ack =U t Sey 3 rhe as “= 23294 f ae “tKkdss Cavity *Aozesex'i\3;cellaret . 24353». Caw 2.0005:2353 1X5 125i Naa cayenne pepper?3$4} cel lular*ig: ‘28.093 von cauliflower 2X4 LNG OL? twa: 24350/céase LS Sas ee Causal ‘t44339:14A\3/céa seless(—ly) th» cause 536 :14\4 RadSAS SETA s360 18\3 L5dq/cCédar 2125 288.272 451 causeless 2A; 243 edad 5338 N50 céde m35 Loohn- y Causeway?43z3e3 24202] 156g 2598 caustic 24¢492S29!1 céiling Lboax: 13455 :Li45% , 2828) LASS ATK SS: cauterisation 24-59 1iNis 2808 182.5% celcebrate erent Ccauterise 235 2K24) 1,638 caution :ikedize | ce te bration ‘Likes! ;2AxS55 i Lisox30$ aS LADS: pee tka kob’ 120354 ON cautious(—lLy) ‘>4z¢/celebrity ‘2hoawzx' i LAodizngs: POX OS 94L 556.1 : _t£050x3% cavalcade S540) Celerity,, - “idghode 2AN0B0H3 LNoS, Sa © cavalier Sete colors — 1KSS Ayo add: Cavalry 180355 1ka25k0 cAve tKuodaa:2h.SA!celes bets Aah Lrdtwx caveat doaLzsa6! ¢ celibacy ‘2&o-~40~8 cavern tRaGA | 5.0 abbas \ TN eho n5 see cavernous 134}celibate LES Sane 2893590 L4h.9 Sg 15.4% 4% caviar BAGia yas Cel] 1250443 12h 05 Caviltsgsdaa 45 21454 rl eg theo eae cellule 68 cestus cellule 2ySsn0 Lie, centric(—al) 474s 1£@o0\0x: I Fe centrifugal 13505 celluloid? 33)» 2Xea A. 3p3%0 ssoloso 5-935 we|centripeta | 244755 cement 2460) .s L4de> wesc LeoSh:i1Xkm ~w 24508) centuple tL 5 24 1369:256005 lisa 24 2358 cemeter y +46335 43/centurion 114 xd cenotaphtdss-32 t335/century 43522%:254 censer 105.5 censor LAngare 2335.4.50 LaKa2 censorious(-ly) NAG med 7 Lea N censorship +44 Laem 69 censurable 24633242 censure .2538: LA 4% 20930: Ly oA\SA census 13% A03s54a% cent tions :aS5 L259 22 centaur 24Ah\p%9 2232) 123f gi\So 160% oA AS centenarian 122% +9 +33 centenary sx 22% centennial 22% As» 23x center 1X \9K8.35 2NN9Ku5\ 1.680% central (—lly) ‘246% Aw2d6X 1280.64 centraltse+#3~ (2XASKi55 La0eAxv0 n6XN 1554 ceramic LA SSA 215989 Lalxo cerate 2% &g30n aqix 1Ss90 x0 LSd4 Liz. ~0 =) cére cloth?4s~= 2534, cérement 24+%2 1339 ceremonial (— lly) NnL59h-15050\ ceremonious 15% 13042 ceremony 1KomaXx0 certain(—ly) +3+52 NwLSAdz certainty 2kodnd5% certificate 1549 LA55z209 : LAX02q2 certification >52* COLtiLy. Leodxw0( LA certitude Lh0d453 cerulean +44» 24s: cesarese ant&+3S5 tk »35 cessation rkwXa essible 232A 5A cession 1 4..45: L855: cesspool Lkoe cestus chamber 42402:24.Ss chamberlain 23z»i» [ 250A LA.5a¢A 28029 ¢ hamberlainship \2Kho2> 2Kx0zd changeling cetacean 69 cetacean 254 ~¢+2|chambermaid | chad dS0sn 163) 22 f A\2Kh62t9 LkAnszvE~6 A 1As38\u.3 230d0%|/chamois ‘25045 243 chafe ‘txwx» Léhn% 2869 2354 429636 :1334| champ 243552685 Gl ehet ba BOLLS ER L3sA c hampagne 1Ax3 | (150600! a5 champaigne 13006 chaffer 1335 Le ae Lis5xx9 230396 2355 of champion 2283 2235 chaffinch 2s\ 24 25% Ne 15.44/ chance [Ax G5: ALS n2 chagrin pic tonS4 :Lz04-ADdS chain 1hAzz a3 259A :2i80:253 2AAzz3 1520f chace lL 1935 hes chair +%502/chacellor. 15483 Liioya rA\osX 2954 545 :21560M39i9 chairman 2455\4 nee yaleasa cL obeys Ye at) L5AN0%9 2y5i dLG0 thax chaise +%303/chacery LAdNa Aas chalice 1245032 263 Ledia chalk 1256m— \-\) chandler 13250 93h BRR Ree LaaoS> chalky 238.4 | change LAgS Wu challenge 1K.50} 299\9;2S0\W~= 128SSu% 23XS\ 22550 changéable :2353~Ax» challenger :2x0\5 135\iAy 2zX49\ 13450| changéableness Challis 2tXoA\S rS0erx L&o3S\.xz% changé eblys-:iss~- zw changelessiAsinz Ha changeling Laos Ee: nag I La Bey hee 25.9% oa Lange ’ changer changer 239L~2] C channel = :+*»2 chant chanter 15309 chanticléer 26045 chaos 242554 oi5s chaotic Nad chap PERIL ig Sh Ge L34~ 1Somaxi2.%58 chapel 15049 L508 chapfallen Losin: 1X5 noe 1X..94 chaplain+3%0%? 2405 L5GN9 chaplaincy 2Aor8 —-200% > GiapLet 2 waVd chapter PypolAss pabeat Paces char hae x.) L033: 2305 0: character23+3: LSsd .dsox i 2LAssAa .LA0aL charactertSse2+042% MSA OM2ASO ee 5 Ne soas characteristic Lone 22555050 2 os - F : chartist rargéabletiisyeay ogecae a EY BG, 255230 ~0 ixXso 1S0d charily2%32 t&k»S23 1Koy.305 chariot EEE 24558 2x5\ charioteer LsiaX 14355 charitable: 24%~5»% Laso~ charitableness 1 : % ich 1arita blys=23 ‘har latan EAL me ae ER oy O'S charlatanry 7?A\A 4 L1KoAX5 229339 charm +*Asi\: 244650 .2 2505 234 15401 .L30q9 pay.» Gola char Leary oe: charming charnel house A-3 charade [2Kos02 215039 1LA.05 LSasv2 LAW~S% 1282948) chart Ad. 9% Charcoal] ?$~52 250~% LN550430 charge OR Ye 2544 char tepivo dL 1549 (L852 2AxG0:24LXo> L350x20 LA3G6%3 220951230840. 2h030 5} Lho3 XS 2453 : tas\lchartist 8. Wee ti abo 2554 29Z 25258 Se ee eee ee OC — ———— ——— = chary chary ~NS2 25430] : | Chase*se.236-02 23.2! chéeky isgeo 2 Chasm4o 3A ! 2855 225\a 149-03 2X0 :255ax5 chaste +244 28> !2s92/chéer eee chasten Lisw.itwo\ss | 2025 .2952 LA ~A%0 chatitse + ROrae 295° Lit toa 2A0S3435 | chéerfG]2342~2: LA2~ chastity t8o~99|chéerfullness chasuble 15935 | 2A ~oS SLR 0. dm *Keacs2;chéerfully A-t42« chat NSao® 2A2524 chéering 21hd5. ~209ME > LaodasS 2335 LA..430 chattel iAo\~=|chéerless LARS chatter 2459 05 1A0 ~2— 1X5 2204200; Loog HS . Lassen chéery LA Dm chatterbox :+45254/chéese Lhs0\ 25ar8|chéesemonger 24¢4 chatty 2355 LAsbys0¢ | LAso\> 2345490 chaw 250x9-2530/1chéetah L3iq Lda | La435 gale chemical 2XX3: Liixa chéaprias :1X0Mz es Lids: chéapen +>0e3~|/ chemise 13205 2-4 tsoon\50/ chemist iikwa chéapness +Ao\e\S| chemistry. 2Ke~sma LN03952 i i%.49 cheque Baa 12490959 chéat :tA\S~9:28.588| ehequer w1l3q 24.4 Lioax~s tol~% 52.0245] Cherish LiS5 Loom. chéating 2A3S5|Cheroot S452 23h m 185.5) 2Aa5x check Xs: 185508 cherry LOX\ 2909590 :2L.0\a%. 14.Sa%/ chervil LSS25 02590 i-o05| Chese ‘1435, checkmate 2Aw55 | 1X a5$02 AMS (29305285859 52455] chest i eNom 250236 raohnj! 2595 chestnut V2 chitterlings chestnut 12438051 Childlike?3es+ g-2» 285f> 2hs0832258-2/ Chil 1: 16q2 LAxio LondH Lida LzS5 Chilliness 2403-55 Chilly (22.0; 2Ss0~ ‘cheval glass 20a chew 2As5 26S. chic @ne::23} 24255 13.55 Chime (2459 2An52% Chicanery LA 50% | | Lig LEAwiLROA 2Ay | toh :2h0\%3|Chiméra2s-43 +242 24 Chickabiddy +4993|Chimerical(—lly) rAdo\s SPAS da PRS Chick(en) LASs Chicken hearted 2503 ~71o3h: 258035 Chimney +S:30 +3402 | Chimpanzee Town ~ Chicken pox onldx LESIN 2K 3505 | 143433 Chickory. 70394 244% 23.22 15509 24554505 “au (Pisin LA.w32 China eye eee Chine2s<9 22349 LAAxx Chink23e0\39; 24809 29\4 Chancz LOSS: ps VA Chi p220Ao$ :2S45 250858 Chick wéed Hae: 150m ~9710230 Chide Lmd3% 3 LO0393% 7 -3 1¢3\/Chiropodist +2424 Chief .2504,:24408 233 aamad:LaSoio fez . L455: L5%3 Chirp??-% gnats 1.0202 'Chirping 724.202 Chieftain 2%3:2503, 2x39 2559 Chilblain 24-509] Chirurgeon L3S2% 2Aa5 99 LAaa22 td\> L40x5 ‘Child 1z\5: 25S4}/Chisel 2SodAL.35a% Chi ldbed+Ai\ga 24-3 L353 Chilhood 2horeds | Chit LaXAox 250\% Childis h2204+? 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Pen) 136m. 15SS2 2¥353 is PRES) 2X> 15505 chr omo lithograph choler 1559°: 035) tAa55 LAs 05 LAd0— echolera . 43~=) chronic Lidasy choleric (25%: Peon onic te ‘2RasaA mee 13555: 03552 | - LAaaxda 1955 choose _ 24%5S:2,05X| chronic] erisss “chop TRSS0%5 :1A9 Sq LA asxAo *eSon55. 25045 | chronological sss4 © hoppertdsoss 25.04) (—] Ly) s425hnS28 12558 ~chopping?23¢9 40 46-5\|chronologist 344 iechopstic k 25345 LRnsZA Jg@ehoral. . +80\2/chronology 24:24 |= (22292 25220; chronométert6aqs.4 Chord. = +%te2 24s»/chrysalis LKn59 72929 LA" 920 bane | | aS3 ~2 Lh550599 | cs chubby 74 cirumnavigation chubby :2334e3:26.54|, circle | 723.223 229309 # imdS> 152 chuck Liiimwo LAwKs circlet 2305425 chuckle 13.02 19a Nm15.23 1$00 1~S55 25414 .AS|/ Circuit 3220594 chum N@ene Lba4 Li:2980nN> 2hW—AS LAn3>9 LOANS L5Ai20 LAS.2%2 251, chump = -+®-52 1503; circuitous 245.25 PRAR2S) Ad, eae circular SoA Gourch roan agers churchman churchwarden 1b0n8 28232 ea, Ss ae churchyard Naz circulatory +453 cChur]s-s>0. 2422 3 churlish‘:24023% 2S» LN6550yn330 Churn2s cooks L4.S% LiSwi thom ~-3% 21H\S 25 2152~0n 258s Circuldte2302~2:255~ circulating +452» circulation ‘2&d3~ L8d3—% DA Circume?se2233:25 §\, Na2d-25 circumcision : 24304 1 KoAi0® circumference cider ixzos%> Liw 2hodn23 :2ko\oAL cigar ‘g$a42 2%o\| circumflex 13.33 | 15X92 .oND? g- 2% Lado Lislo Cincture ‘tX%o\s 2¢4 G& rAead rétz 28%, M$ 28.354!circumjacent 24-3: Cinder 250~x>2 22X45 25505): 25995 cinerary +»%52/circumlocution cinnabar 24-+2~ 2004 [2K45424 LAx.jwe 250305 ws cinnamon '~Owos0n wR? ci phertAs-9e@ L&e0at -Q 2425 gat Lisawa 902 L402 2% circumlocutory circumnavigate 025423 ook 2554 -so5z2:2430/circummnavigation cirumnavigdator Cite : CitizenS+33:25a8i 33 Citizenship . +45 Lhe A535 225584 Citrine 43332 2Xs55 Citron 333 Ca. ty. 183430 75D clap are Ee Ee Ne ee RN nD Se Se ee Se Oe circumnavigator Civic LS3..220 Nant5025 -0Xs 25558) civil 1243.0 circumscrtbe LwomAkwrthorrms 15% circumscription Civilian f ‘42AS 39302 LA5K% 1289240) Ci Vi LisAtiontsor* circumspect 23% 1diS2.9\5 thoxs 243925053 / Givi lisetsos9: 3025s circumspection civility -18qx3t 24.959 3 LAodhzq 2240545 Ado 225 5a2 circumstance ‘*22\/Clack +250394:15458 +37 Ansa] Clad 1200225453 Circumstance Claim 2459 :25S\, 2502 2543 L5N0n fp HeLa SY pep Circumstant ial?45 tK.m65:2Kk35S4 -Na23z0\ 1253594 (—-Lly) (Cl aima nt235i¥ ~Circumvallation S85 2452 25455 taddat\ 25eh 2535/ Clam L30a2 163\ 22 Circumvent . ++924S/Clamber 33 2459 Circumvention iClamminess :240s49_ Circus — 24X3e4 A«3)/Clamorous 24459 222420 135054 :2\5o Cistern bime> 2445/ClamourtA~ds% 1AWd5 tases | 2m 90100326005 Citadel 2$\5/Clamp = *24aKa_ LASS Citation. 6-2) 214.35 oX 2359 :2¢8..2A.659 Clan Ao2:28-4:2834 Clandestine +6x\s Clang: 29350 25693 °2N5 23693 Clangorous Clangour 13%y09 246 Clank Clap 1X55 25% s0 Lamy 21§4:245 —~ > > Lwonse 324.555 Cc lapper 76 aR iH fa ¢léever “ clapper LEigdx iss 29030 12.023 clapping +842 14-4» éleanlinees 5: {8on33 claret 693059 sie : LAG gah clarification?4- 5;cléanly R299 ihasse ciléanse Lgor0A Lwoas c larify ‘1392303 :12094(cléar 2292444439505 Lieo 55% 1Sox 106540 clarinet 1h pnedd léar(—ly). +2430 clarion ees (25399 :2ipded ' 25909 195 “Atl J Net Gfae INAUBOS c lash 1289 fipood 7 {Clearance 1k LAxS9 524.555 LA. 859: LK 098 clasp LAmdd8 154453) cléaring LAgoo5 LEEA 214554:24h.35AKN. 1248055 clas sg :1832%2 2520/cléarness 1As5er5 13295 la0Ax 153 ;Lheb.dx ii X08 classic —al .2%32%> 1Ken55 1 2Kh0m92 oer i52@/cléave Lid 28X5 classification | — LSA 1K ..359 LAy cS cléaver 2ha Los .238\5 -classify :29099| Cleft L5s59 °28\5 L052 | clematis 23294 Sax classing etal taS-25° LEASRO clatter :1Awivi! clemency :2403%+>» 23099209: LwoA sod. 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LAxA~ Clinic(—al) +4<\e7/clot :2K0S\.. 1Kowsaq20 Lk0.0i2 SLES. O502 «aes clink -Lb0\39!cloth LAxaaA\t2A04 rkvj0j 185%39/clothier sade clinker 24-05 1k~z| 2tXoA>s 15Xm° tdax4 2N93930 150-22) cGlothing - LKx23 clip .22354 124 050% rAxsisz 43 24552!c loud 103) ae clipper :1hsS5~i;cloudiness +333 1ksSan% Li.x%:1KsS5L 1 cloudless 25-4 24: clipping 1AX39%| cloudy 1i3.: cloak :2K-3S 1 clout 185: 2K4455 LA.3S5 LHda% 2-058 tLa2%\XNu - clove 78 cockatoo clove sar aet od coalition2s23s cloven aL pia 9 ta35— aS 212X059 clover ~J.\0 28M} coaly Li50x : 1E\Sm:2998 coarse 125530: 245Na Clowen :24855°238..3 Wen tAois LAA 23.20! Coarseness :BRond4 Clownish 45455 238.» tKoadx 2X: 180-33 cloy:214S~» 235 : Lode, coast 2465 club-2s32. 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LK mOMd [2a0nq525A2 2AASOS colum2ss= 243505 1558 25N 25q4 i 2s0\5 tXco7 2% 2845S! conforta ble2is-cAx columbine24452 2X35 Lid0~:25A 2500. 2i042/confortably 2434a5 column 1599:2308|conforter »iaahs tASXs 2X N09. 2545.5 ¢aAoe Lasce 15k59 18243! confortless iX > columnar Lido & 25h2 LAASo5 coma Liog> 2A.3x| comic(—al) L35>\% L339 213535 coming LA~K0 22K 8F comatose :2443%| comma {,)2a72> gai 28% onsx|CGommand 235509: 23055 comb :2hx5e0! commandant 14508 185% 24h 05% commander:s339$8 2x42 combat rxX9:2A4xX3 223X9a 14..455 combatant 2z35|commandment 24253 comber 2542 24»5e»| commemo rat e23022A% combination2So225» | commemoration 145200 .24559A% a . 22523502 LAS S.0 Ls L354 28954] commemorative combine :285~| ~135a28% commence 82 commtnicative commence Lodz m 2302 LA35j> wisi commencement :24-~5=| commit: 34\: +5 12696 Li5ox Lo. NAS foe Aa commend [43 2.096/committal oX 24.59 tsol\w: 255. 25.02 Ans commendable 24428942 commodious :2%+—\ a3 Liag iLins commendably +4-$$3|commodity ‘24&02+3¢ ce) LAs N G3 na] LS5XLA 42305 25.09: 2K omns commendation 24-98|common 24548:2456X LNaid i Lhdom i a3 commonalty LAS commendatory ‘455 ~\!| commoner Li0\S *43504|/cCommoness 2hoe~2\S commensurable+A3+52|commonplace: 2%-== °° commensurate ‘:2tSéoa LmA\S> 2509:2LK0% Gace aS 250399! cmmonsense Liog commen t2A2q3% 'La0qa% 2A S232556K 23832!/commonwealth +23» commentator 243932] r\S> Lakao cCommotiontAz{x :2S05 commerce 280a<4! communal: 2K%> commercial ee 219\S2 ~23%2 comminatory :4445299| commiine 1536 235¢2 23k 2 2AD. 225™ ms commingle aa iI85~|/commtinicable commiserate 2x28 LESS SNM 2 25554A0 1925 iS LR45 pepper ech TOE commiseration 24=45|/commfiinicant 24535 LA»255: . Zs LiwS zis. 35. : commissariat2i5 sia communicate he hay f- bay is 5 a i “tr. ™ ix as H ° ed -Ue . 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D9 concomitant +24554|c ondense :L0S\ 50 1aNzxd0ins 2.0x030 concord :283408) condescend ese BS ese ins 1559 1 LAxcXx LANome2! baba concordance? 1£0381E| condescending? 34-3) of Nt 1K 9495 2L3KR we) LESAN concordant © 2383! | condign-2? sss\:t4s-s— mas 259\z0/ condimen trdxS% concourse 3% +X¢:|condition :Lkax 2500 1554 LAwSwX 2 233— Naz Abad ‘concrete bq SAx conditiona ] 124855) !1259x0\ 2: 2Ad0q5 213hox daowzh ttposimwc|condolatory +54 concretion :2&hs2Sians| ~- 2532 LAwOS2.mh8 LES 1LA»d5% condole 22435 2x49 -concubinage LAons$ | Ls 5 119065 :25\ 13045308 concubine 2h.35|eondolence 1Axis concupiscencetdss: Lxa9 LRAmOSi ns LESS concur: 24~ as 2445} e@ondone 1\o~4 13% fe en BN iXox LRN conducive - 24558 concurrencetAs< 3 13XqAq:24S5¥ :iXox eS Loam zis conduct :2234, ope AosX ES SP TF ES »LAANSSN 250544 concurrent 13335 2$o4 12550 135.,i90 2Sex2 2539| conductor 23X54 conduit o a ees aos 25552 2323X Lond. 25454 Poncdiwi t =. 2XoN725Ss2 250\@ ‘Lim cone 19.5 :2Ahx059 2AS35> LKon»a3 coney pT RE Pa %+033 cConfabulate :2XAx» confabtiilationtAM~ confection 2h o54h 339% confectioner 2554) 133032 confectionery 4-3 conféderacy +340! 24352038 itXoS5o conféderation24\65 2L8.35208 LA2n40 confertass: mw L2049% 2a0azx0: ao ‘ ~55 LAsG0%x LSeco! conf'erence-+452 24253) confess, !24S\:2.020% 15x 20638 confessedly '24~50%5 & ~25A4 ‘ 87. conforma tion as 2A0dS0AS2 conidence 24osx~0qx0 pono: L8odS5N82 conident(—1y) Anlinwngw! : Limogyw confiding | Ly) An2LiSS; > aed LA.46 configiration 214.9012 LA9S_5 |confine 2300 N30 LX Sm .l50,03 12023 | confinemenement 150305 2Ax5... L&xsAx confirm 220005 | Lbodxx0 confirmation jconfirmative t- Le Uv uw H % (confiscate confiscation ~3302 2AsXs9 conflagrati on LAnW~GA: 2425. conflict ‘dss confession ‘24.50% Leodun: Laks Lh —50% 28.54 | confliiencess 2Kk.3x confessional +95} conform?4ss:\S 24 49 | 2h03530%2.2K 0342049 gait 2X60 confessor 25420%|/conformable Confident ‘592 2t3405] AS 24d. dAY 115 S23A30 | tavor~{conformably +2403 confidetsss.+3 13095|conformationt<-42% conformity 88 connate ne ee Se conformity +40-»2/Congregdtion : 2%s2 1k0b555 15943 Lan mnd LASAD confound2dsS4o0 283~)Congress 746 2232 250.3% 1 AS 13ale 1L35aA 4 1 2S0w! confraternity *Ae~i!Congruity ‘2hoxo~S confront 2S 25032 LRomaza confuse i2xoix0 Congruous > 220—N 1¥5~ 1 La0aK~ 2 nm Km } confusedly paren as} COnLGK = —al ) 2Xes5 confusion 24h 953% L&3s30 ‘Aga 24%5~-!Coniferous 245% Lassa | Lama LAASO i1XeS5 LAsoS\,> confiite ‘24\> *4e45/Conjectira] :++5%0~ 1kx523 22odzx Lasko, congéal 2021") Conjecttire LAs xm Congénial rT Pe Conjoin Lio09 122004 2 es So Conjugal LEX Gos Congéniality %+—/ Conjugate 190328 LKhosamnd i 2K0% mosses LA\w Conger 189294 L403|Conjugation LA 9h5 Loom gxLx 703395 LKAw2 Lk rSx0 Congest t-0s~fo 2544) Conjunction ‘24244 225~ As LAL 69 Congestionts 24 nS X Conjunctive: +3494 1kXoatw2 14523 15X04 Conglutinate +45=/Cojuncture = .24244— aed L-oSXo ond: 2Axa\ Congratulate? 235~/Conjuration +A4$ Congratulation Lk.~wo%3229229 . LAdo~ Conjures Lo Lin Congratulatory * Sanne LESASS 1 15.52 Con j ure Prsiiwon: LE5.5 Congrate223~ Lasc0d Connate24s34: oX 2t4i69 11 pon een ba Se a. Ove ae : : ee connect :24009:2583/ consent a9> L560): | 220a5 2 2AN0n% | LAxXx As 219Xx connected Ly4+234201 39323556: connexion 282345} consentient 232\s conivance 1899385 | consequence 1£X¢s ria L35N0~: 2Kox—S:2S0x9 connive ‘5553 245} consequent 1444 1839 250% .» eae 2Xoxs cnnoisseur 23525) consequential connubial Lidoes 2Soxa 2895 conquer 25N\ '2%55]/conservation 24-24 conqueror 42055! conservative 2ti.~s conquest 182030 conservator eee consanguineous 22> 2509 Honbancetied Nag consanguinity 235\o0. Andi LAADA 12> 2KOn DG 2Aosim i ~ Dn9059 we { ‘ ’ cy | conscience NS2-)/Consider 23095 | Nsoe7g : LAWS igs; 2AsX\ 155~ 2i02m—AN Conscientious +32 230.n2% A»o9!| considerable conscientiousness :L30\ 5245540. 15% Nsoery: 2A 514 | (ley) NmLaBNOn conscious 24S2i| considerate 15% | 27035633 | | dix - 24.2530 2354042 conscript rey consideration | 935 15240: 93 56 | Lhsdmh 1285550 conscriptiontsakas considering: 2 3i~4 ; 93d02 Adz 2q25 L355 zs consecrate ‘2%024)/cousign ie LK.96 Liosi 10. 26 18n%9 1LA55% consecration?&s3 5| consignéetsas2 25836 | HEY -5 Bae) LAwe.e consigne r 13595 Conseciitive 255ai L3SA%S | ye < consist 90 constr uct. consist?,o 0 25308] constancy :1Kosione 8 | ow LES~0 LEndm se thQan02 124055659 consistence -2a80 t/cons tan t23s0 Bm i213... -p9 LAGSA oO paren ey bl game LIAtion2304, rRon08 | Laa055 LA&S0 consistent +3404~/consternation?&>%> consistory And | .21K3029 yx L345 Anco Lazeaa/constipate ie Sia 2995 523 Ladv2 LSea 25520 consolation +454=|constipdation? 4x3~ 23A> ERS Soca L&Sostw02 L345 :2X5202 consolatory 74305 L.sw5 ge Lisow9:25h2;/ constituency +253 console ,L54 L505 © &Xwo 2a5siho 13258 taorome!constituent 23932 | gonsolidate: Lwoa~% LzndS L962 Leoome! constitute t0ah~ 1LBow50 23035 ‘constitution 203 ASSx consolidation 2A ~6.00: LARS. 20 consonant 285 rie consonance 18\se5 mé i\s2l constrain > L.oAax consort : :1$9A0%m| Lsomds 2gN~ i 2s0h 39 La<5% 1554 4 24Ao0s - Loodx cons trainable conspicuous ‘2a~x Laken Sno 0 conspiracy +423~ LAx.~7 mene enema eee pea el Te LON 23543 Lean: L.odax 135 90—2 23im00 constrictor "1ghe conspire 16 255— 24935 7 Li3m0~ 2440! constringent:tsgs4 constable L504, :23$a5- 242590 1A6G0G2 234~452| construc t*30~s4: 2445 4“ Non ecg a es >LZGo%0s } Laghinw :L5slovAy ] ‘ wo lconstraint ‘2th.Sox) LA Am constrict jae ae 4 construction 91 contendeness construction ‘28-3]/contagion 2A ASA LA eas ; LASBIS Pees ’ 18505 A . 2 ¢ constructive?é «353/contagious ed (ks L3SK L859 constructor 2<35/containeS 2453 :225- construe +@oah~ | contaminate :23a0\~5 L52l.03 LOX | . -Ladmox | : LsoA35 3 toss | consul L355. Aire a 2ado0A\ 23X92: :\oms0n, contamination -econsu lar 152x109 24354: 1h3Ku= 2X yn29 2535.00 | contemn 1-0. ox “Consulate :+4e els-2;}contemplate :23024 135502 Ang “ Lz00—4 consult ‘ye 23095) contemplation+A>44 He Pe iS6x LK amd “consultation +4553! contemplative 20 | 13 SxmAN :155a9Am0 } | - os < Consultative Bord as: © AnlsswmumAAw | 138nSay | ¢ contemporaneous /-consulter 24505 L459 oc d¢ Fconsamable ‘445a242/ contemporary 13%~KA2.0 Lidia, “constime ‘24532 yx» 25034) contempt K~So% | 2835 :248)/ contemptible | consumer . L39n4 HOLS: eenies : Lene : ci AwLit O20 oe any | Cc ontemp tuou giszlon | we Ane: | consummation2&~»2s contend a ae | 14553 22831224 055 Leodow: 22X93 :2455 consumption ‘+A»4A/content 24001232302 140555: LAs5.% a5 hp a 2.033 ~ 5 2! | consumptive +3Salaz/contendeness *4- eon tacte-3 24.44 K > ~~ Ue rel gs > a contention 95 contradictoriness . ee contentio n‘24s52¥|contintiance A 1.6200 1£0d5595 2 LK03.-202 | contentious: 4225%/continfidtion *ASs- L%0d5 545 (= Dye) N.2%0)8| continiie aA N42 contentiousness |contintiedly LANGL 21hou55% NnL5n0L 545 contentment ‘24-45 continuous badgl LKom95 Anl3n202 S545] contest2=33: 2 ~odne| (— ly) NaLidsx 2S) LA 50% 28x89] ¢ contort tNoase :toAnge contestable 2OMAD | LiondS ile301la0As0 132\8a0 '24¢ contortion :L&MA5S context See 4 LAX 558.254 45 LA9so) 224s) contour 254235136594) contexttre -28589/ contraband = 2300 Sony | 252 LOX 1554020) Wate bila Uy :2h00.39 NSdzD \s6.0535 ~3 L48.S8\l contrabandist contiguou s-+ 5,32 mica 135385 NS5x5 Lod3030 1 continence +4+%%;contract -t4e5:2he08 5 Lu | ed ye ian - 2Kodn93 225492 t4h..09 150m3H 1245010399) 1Xses welcontraction ‘24-34 continent L3n9a| 21A_35 218930) 2$45.1460) +e} contractor (13S0m Lasoo 15989 15062 13458 ae at . ’ ° ° ‘ a (—ly) 2454S 245-93) contradict L399 9306) continental +2452 13X5 23X Asondg contingency ‘*4=2\\contradiction onSh\|25X5 25X Asn 2A0s0g contingent 24Z24 |contradictorily (—ly) NeLSz2}, | As6nd9 Lavina continual: — aol | LiXs 148 (-lly) / Antdn~d| contradictoriness ‘contradictory ee pak’ contradictory 23X59 Asond5 ta A Asioisss 1K0§106) | —_ ’ | a > L309 ” ‘ ~7o03X> contradistinction|control 1A.Xs505H0 conralto contrariety Lho\s0n55 Bontrari lyackss<4 contrariness LAo~S36 56 LAx5S 1905 a> 2Xs 1Kond4a Xs005 12K04 contrary ‘4+2Ss05% 1iX560n6 13555 contrast (Koad Lh0053 LaoAs contravene 1249 »2nodan i: As6r55 contravention Asémaan 1LAWX9 12K Sam meontribitory contribitite La0.0 contribution: Lab mG 2 LRaig 93 'controver :LASSS conttimacy (2504! cont fimelious2i+ie~» convene contrive 240A ¢9 2459: 1K94 220 contriver 23 8A5 eas 23555: L000 23209 L358! Lw»0a¢ -LaeDAA a5 oo 1249030. Laoda4 LAaQ5:2AbSN A icontrollable controller controversial 1355340 1Ax5o Ne \s0n59 tible 253253A%0 controversy COnctrover t contimacious Desa: 35055 LAoy35 25550 113556 t4~S591 conttimely K.XS@x0 contribfitive >54» LAdcaw thas. 23S! contitise 16.45 pcontribitor 15895 | hoo. thas 2452.0/contiiston 1£@As contribiitory +44: 1K..49 235-0] convalescenceAnss Contrit 24824:2%523 2S5% of 21hd3@ contrition 24»z8lconvalescent +4432 contrivance +4444 14405 1S5% of toad: 89 :24~85:24828N\ |eonvene 223~) 14404 convenience 94 convulse convenience 2353, convertible :235-34x2 140.366 ap a-4--Y pee 4 L38\..Ax%0 2352504 | convenient -79339S\| convex Liao 153,50 (—Ly) AstoxrX.2hw0mS| (—Ly) NetdQ 5: 82245 n54 convent 1543| convexity :1Kod\e Gonventicle ++=x935 LRomn3i- 2Kodyo convey pn ey convention ‘+44=933 Lpo~x9 . Lord ASdx '265003 conveyance 2As5m 4 Bh EG aes eee o4 + Cm conventiona]++%ons 1Kosxm . LAASS (—lly) Aa1S00ilconveyancer *343_ conventionality Lpdn%0 .Li%x0d 10.805 | convic (2864552552 cConnventfal +4343 ake Sk 12900 convergence 2LK.S0| L045 :2G3L2 15% 28 AS) L%> 22A| Laika 159) convergent 2zs\ | conviction LAdSS tx 224 LGAs 159 LASNGo econversable2s S&0%|/convince +37649:24S4 conversant 1§.\. 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Lass Lijaco coppice LAS oo coo Li0k guise Loca 10.59 cook 2a4x5 :2\0x5 copy we 2S8x cookery 26Ax5 15Ka2 2428 cool LAxo0 i LAxio copy 25h3>2 LAdoy copyho LdyAox»> 2Konds a1 ly) Nalin o copyist Liao k coolertz-ss 15069 Lixox 23802 LAh50_2 coolish?#5t4+:240-3] copyright 2Ba9 coolness 1hob.36 : tahar LAkondo coom b50mz> 2a;coquet ‘2545 23059 coop 19.52 135.05 LAowNON 2554 cooper +2052 24426/coquetery LAdSx% cooperate ‘zs LaSS | 2KowNON 525A 5 2 lcoquettish-aced 2495 coracle 24245 -»f ‘coral 1329 jcoralline +4322 25% cord 934 12855 cordage 24342 2855: cordial ‘L549 cordially Nn254 cordiality ‘2405-55 LA0 2.05 1Lkh0%~5 corduroy 2Xo4 3m ATOANLA cordwain 4843902 PraSOLa 2§Ss075 Na core 2SNoA 2254 conespond ent233< LG3\> 15% ~|coriander LAOA cork Soo 32 2903 corkscrew corkscrew LALANS AoNos>s 12095 Corky edes2 4%039? Cormorant 24045 25.49 Corn :238 224.2 185955 LXnis LA.k0. L344. 5x20 Corncutter EN 525 LA eva L@ak 1A x 233033 2 Corned Liv 15.32 Lidxwso Corneliantix-% 4823 Cornel] A2Xos9 26.5 Corner LAwsd5 Cornet [25093 LAd0%9 309..% Cornice 240A 243 | 230%,30 Corollary 24S Coronation ‘245 2X.Aa> 2AsA% Coroner +49 234a%|Corrigible ‘23¢244z LZ9\ 9° 285500 2abdzAw Coronet :t&s0\~\9|Corroborate ‘230.4 zAd0Os9 ALA L203 _0 Corporal 13@% =3|Corroboration L555\.9 129556 LAwS m0 2 LAs Se faced ve) \-23344|/Corroborative Corporate+}9o9: 220-4 Corporation Corporeal Corpse cL DN 12 96 Sosou9 209 1852/Corpulence 28324 |Corrode LESTSS Zao N\a5 SU5A [2A35 43 corrode a 1G, — Corpulent 233405 | LO.d49 Corpuscle 230345) Correct LSo 525.5% 2woASA S24 AW 24 0A5 .28\9 Correction rk S4 | {Kwai 24 A09_ Corrective 23233409 — 23555807 we og Correctness :2405.5 1&0902 Corrector *4\5 435 Correlative Nolo As tai ios 2562 Correspond LAz Laaw zs Correspondent 43533 , as ts9~S i aS Lssd—% }2asin aitio5n% L630 :2La0ndS 32553 ‘thom S< aNaa LhA\ox0 LAASa05" corrodent 9 corrodent: 23500: . 2iz\s corrodible :2i5~A cosmopolitain?so 2% ed L5-0d 52.32 aXa oX 2 Ax Xa cossack A2go COSt2%-4 2528 29:2574 costa 25055 Costermonger 24435 | 2345 2ANA wee COStive2iong y5: li LS Sant Gi 7 ) eee Ayal counte rpart A counterpart costiveness 24,iuw 2mSso00 2Nri2 costiliness 2&o».\ costly 13%.) costume *Ax.aA COSY ~TO9n35 cot iX6a- L1Kmodoa cottage 18.5 Nas cottager oX 1355 eee cott on Liéq .23K5 couch 21k a42 325% cough 250%.214A\Sx:1NS5 COUN Cee 52030 Counse LAGS & 4: 24.354 agime 24.834:2553 counsellor LaSq5 N@S S020 1Lh.858a 2543550 count -L305%—m 25a tsomxnilian countenance’ ‘224 25h0..:24..Sa ;LAsia% tXosX i 2.004% :254 counter 2343 9 Azon53:25S5056 counteract ano counterfeit t»omdS% *Lmon2% > LA\o2a 25485 LEON i LH LOM countermand 23008 A562 242550 counterpane +A»+Ax | 19S 135\ .5.d0%> 2x0 > counterpoint ee ee Dn DORE countersign +45}4/courtly countertenor +S84/courtship 345 +4-~S§) 105 xox 13X> Lh~S30 5 250~9 countess 2Aagarx ? LAd0 Gousin LES CLG LD han countervail sass epi tuen un LNG 30 0m Li03| | 2 Koa fed countless +5439 252\cove 105 :2kanaA country 252 28..2%9 2509: 2A505¢ county 1K 1230395 1540 L558 i2s0d5\5 LAd05s|/covenant +4008:2S057 couple?33: Loos. .Xot] covenanter 13X05 couplet LAsosd0e| Cover Lenox ir wear coupling :2KA 69 [Ukad0 11K AS% 11K OSS L500 .L48555 15Kka2 Lh.L00 2555 courage Lkomm9 22554 pa courdgeous2%~3:1434$,c0 vering 1358 1L560 (— ey | Sateen ainda ae teams L&280 courier 23843! covert Lixd, '1S20m taKaa 1aXaX (— Lae) Aga ux iox\, ; course haz :2K445|coverture 2a.Sa9 BAS A atk Mo 3 L509 covet Acer 1340.LA008 SK covetous. 23A0x cours ing *Aes~/28445|covetousness *+As9 court ‘24-2 LA«w3 32853 covey Lasgo rA4,X9 21h38x0.24h.5\% 1853) COW imsoagx, LASON 13X¥ L50Sz%0] coward Moi 2.sm courteous 45%: 2s.05 15596 S308 156.230 L&ox3i cowardice LXo ~35 (—ly) NqL%205 AS.n20 13343 courtesy ‘*&e»x.%3/cowardly NaLssi 2bona0:255.2:2h0n51' cower eS. 98 count erpoint?+s6~¢ courtier 2 oe ‘ hoes cowem ert en cram LA53a2 12421 ve ’ i = ‘ 2Xno0O11l3565Sx e/ ' ¢ 2Xwos Re 99 crave son i LAxe s§\craftsman 23002 212.4% | not 18.e09|crafty 23335 2354538 SWelip d03 feat crag | 165 lis BCOxa 22X32 225i" cragged 125 2L35m * ‘coxcomb 1329:132|cragginess 1493599 coy LaXors: 12995 erake Lad. phi nly) Aw2993 La5a04 15.X5 pcoyness LA0Sai) cram '230954,5212005\,% coz 105 L&os.3\5 L55n0 21542 ,ecozen 24,0 \nvo i 202% cramp .laSh0 Asan ‘co zenage ha Aax : Ee! ; 1h Am 4 Las45 ss LAS Na 7X55: 2e8..020NbS “cozener 123N53 : 2g. 26 2S.95 a 2334 :2443~9| cramberry LSax -erab PLkost .2XE50 LA~kb004 ~codsoS\, x 12455 1888) crane 2-24: t_0%eh crabbed Lins L550n2 LAs%055 sA5 ae [159303 cranium aS EF “erabbednes L.Sos\a 1552 Lh O45 bs fee crank LANG: 25.2 Berackis Sa 24s08°28 4%] crannied 18S % Los%¢ 124989 52842 | cranny 193\q 15% veracker t450521 Grape Leben 1609 = Liles 2anA Li5a030 Berackle — :UAse>5!crash ‘2990a5:i Sox | 4 Ljond%ilSoqus0.2LK.455= LAS x LAAN. 2A | erackling (249855|/ crass A280 2Dnah. | 1 | 14Sn5u LX503 “eracknel is-Sicrate Leeds 1AkNe » Liono Liou 1AAB oS adle L&xo\ 53: 22300 033 erater 1&9 n0a 9300 2 oan5\00 xd50 ; | craft thhs®o0 Lhk03% | tAoaa4 124.545 52035] cravate PIR EF PW 2p Jeraftly +4~4\S5; 29385 | crave 23S, 140955 3 craftiness 1h 3S8 1409.35 | { } | | craven 100 crestfallen a ; craven Ads 242:2499,creditableness craving Asses 5:2X3\05 tb sche ; 245m 248 creditably LAAseis craw L1A50040 BOE, Li O32 Live iXxdo crawfish crawl 250239: iX\os>$ 4 crayon S038 craze 5 Log Sony 1302 .2$S00\5 craziness Crazy voted 18a cr6ak +230 d—3230935 créaking LAS Sd rkdSd4 créam Lk x0509 créamy 23h x0505 crGase 130035:2Ka%55 créate Pagan création 14..55 créative LaAdaA~ Usios créator ° 15555 créature 1h.55 eredence 1ha00 credentials Lada LXoa309 g3020 Lko27So credibi! itytA 300% credible : credibly 44t3»-9» credit 2#93:2 1403 1505: ee ele +033 233 : RUE | (—lLy) creditor 11543 Lioso L3Xnx credulity rhsd0 ~3S70 LAL.=9 credulous Liane 2802\4, LAo\oSS5 1Khadq ;créed 1Kosvag ceréek 1A.pz créée] 23032 45452 LAAs créep :LG0x9=ilz00x Key 2R5E 545 128s créeper '24454 1Saz eréeping*s~2% LAZOZ6 cremate: 13055% rE aos Wa iteood cremation 1K.S5 LAn 2 L549. LAI crenellated Limos. creoso teias 20 21553 erepuscular Na32 2-33 crescent 130% cregs 2tSAhi2pe2 LSos Lava 2428 MS 25 299 crest 12A2K8 2 LAA095! 2504,2 LAS5d5 crestfallen‘+*750¥, eretaceous 101 cross i es it 8 ee ene L300 Zan iXsleritic LAvso- ae ade cretaceous +454) 24 Sm9 28458 crevice 24358:28\s/ critical -Aso2s2 25% crew 2h Oa i2%39 | 1i56S20 Waa el cai (—lLly) ‘Anlabos Crewel 23342 2Ao0e\) LX Soo 283,495 ifod 28/criticise :125% Crib :2tA~od0s 22X48: 2502 | ~dom 24555 255A 2N Sx. LADS, 1£a%2|criticism 1K» 5B 13kaa 2428 po LSdz} croak %455 g-t& L452 cribbage 1A\S4,| croaker 245055 to.>29!|croakery ,tAoaeS crick 4S: 14.552 _- 25845 Latdo 2Ag5h Cricket 23ex3¢:t5er|/crocodile >yhsod eeTter 13205 LKS0e\ LAso9x crime2A= a3:203\|crocus 125.95 2536 criminal E55 | 13 «70339 Ls Ons NanDD LAxa52 234A\8 L604, 21559 ety Criminality LAox.5 croft 1S5on0i rXoc crimp 1LA 2055 2253 LN. 32 “ Roto eee Los Lert ter LASOdE Aas crimson 1 §_ 0035 LAdosy 920909 patra. CEOny L3n5z l.5 Cringe +$0ea~:igoxSz : LAS039 yx 255 | crook ibn SSL Sie iN \ crinkle .t58!13o84 tNoadw: 1545: 1585, if (2889:28S54!crookedness :** cripple :1X.95 | iAo\.53 BxoSz0 72 5.55..2SAs05 crop Leon Y-+22e% Brisis 1Asdere 2834 VASSo: tdem. 2ahe LA~o0%20 as BoaporCr Oppel L435 won crisp papala anata | L289 m6s0d5 Lied | : ist Cr osier:s 809-24 \909 critérion LESOA | 125 deta atacete Lagos: L56Aq crossness 102 15aNy 29%5(—]y)Asts-de eruiser r=Xa5 a0 crossness :4hex—3/ crumb 16K 2250a38 1250 Wiehe 1% «N crotchet \£s5 284! crumble 230858 Lksadap LAsAzg: 5. S0%3/ Crump 154,5:25\09 crouch 1S. L862! erunch +54 240025 2$exSzicrupper Axs? +204 croup :iXexos 1905 i540 ; 2S0\35> 2X55 crusade 1Aon5 Len owdtes23: 22\£-1%590\rusadert+5- ss 123 .— Ms 25$L01 crush LaoNo : 1X2 | Lebar aad 22 253-41 cub ‘toh md: crown 1S.\2} crushing mil ote L8aA~wi crust 1k.05 eae LASNS: 2X Feo Li6n crow’s foot 1k3%55|crustaceous tans Am 2 LaNAO tion 1 ered a. | (243-5) erust Ly ‘2452 25\e ; 235A 5% 53 crucible LsLeiecrustiness Aeo-« : 1Xyad9 LASZ82/ Crusty crucifix 2S.01/erutch2asr da 18\862 crucifixion LASSosi ory Lmoons Loos crucify LSEy4 i ying L1A.WODS | ‘2A Q# crude. (Ly) 248| erypt 1S52 Donk | crudity +Aessa:+8e-4| crystal 034 cruel w_A9:24034| crystalline oe (—k1ly}. 4 ofan rch bois g- cruelty :tkqsoah. crystallisation | bk aaat so\z\ 1k>3. eruet ishosa L202 crystal ise bs cubature 103 curiosity cubature (289588 cumbersome 133 nas 3 2nd92 2453 L50n4 cube aA.NZ 52533] Cumin 2Aas 12343 | teox 28352) cunning 23335 cu bebs-4223¢092 LAODL sp RN Las4$5 eubic 22545 cup e2BNO2 5241452524 cubicle 248.83 | cupboard mee 3 2132242402) 2A452 Awa LAs.Aa .AAS cubit ‘2hSo~304/ Cupidity :LAAOX tinSa 2X53 Lhosnah cuckoo 252 i owo0 cupola gaaolk cucumber 135—/Ccupping 1%22 tAéxdi Bud oX 2b0xS> 2h d0>2% L352 1324350 .L54NO15 thaSan2 2659: chew the curti&mzo 245.3 L5\5 cud 2s0x3/Curable L3%O5A cuddle 2S. 25$~|) Curacy 1X52 LAW SH cudgel 1L5Lo~ 25045 LXox\ Lanta 26.5/Curative LED @3SN0 cuff: 1520¢2 2435; LAxox Z.> 13SaLass LAx00” Laiw i kwdbH Curator a> 1352 Miirase:S+ 23> 2Ax-34} Curb L984 5 2900% culinary 2X\ox5 Nac oo SS Lasm.lsoioys Cull | 2553 :Lnoay oSA : LosA fillender 1352|/Curd LAw® 1,634 12K Ox Anis Latin [Curdle TLeod As L49.555X0 230839: LAaoL Lide eulpability 18431 Core ee 2263529005 cul pable ~aH75> 25% LAOS 324H5 . 24855 3 culpably tasialCurer Lawi 7 2L50OS cul prittt;s: :263\2 25%)/Curfew 2A-s00 2X29 cultivate 22045 2h..%a% 14 2X 292 Gultivation 2As%5 LASASz9 cultivator 24545/Curing 2A»6s LASS Culture 24343:242<5/Curiosity P2A.SS mber ‘230849 ! 2.03, 1Xoxs A235 AnD mn Curious 104 cuttle Curious2:4283 LSA m2 L&o»w. O33 LAS355:2K0 x32 7 (— ay ) zSoxs 18.3853) Curvature > LAS: 2Adh a 2550 iX5 txmx3/CuUStom NADA: 12534 Aare LAS909 1556 oX 25350 +2342 L52¢ Current 2333S: 25S 05 Staak. 2am LAn2\ 25.2 poicustom house 4-7 Curriculum 1S A | maLod od00\ : 529 :1@532:2Asx9 23399|/customarily isl : 28.55>2/customary 24358. Curr Ler ead customer 44348 24459 Clit 2S Set aS 2h tr i - a v rT la 4 . i =U “4 ~4° oO LK 5.09 ' 25032435535) ‘i u . 2hvbd9 182] .2 Nox 1553 .253805.2059) : by a ‘ Curry [L560 1asm_ cutaneous .23\\@ OI nm 253\> L830 Curse rAsxoS:2424| cuticle .LASNg Cursedly LAXoAs 23\\'5° 255 Cursorly Sol Vnda~ cutlasst¢~ > LAs-39 ~ophsa!/ cut ler%)s3s+202 24g548 CUuCsory zXoA5: b§-Som) cutlery LAASABD NnD GUreL 25392/cutlet 250559 2S\5 Cunt gael : Lao dase » LRAoX 28 Curtailment +24-5s%!cutter 1iS\E Curtain 235% :2598| cutting ?As . 2h~S\e Curtsy N10d07 225542 CALIistLe 23032 2S3\ Lz 13 cyclel O5 damper cycle LSA wAr2 see~(cylinder 290aX : Last > | 2X99 codn0x cyclone 203534 cylindrical 1%0aXs cyclopaedia 2589 1595392 243Sa 2440~2| Gymba |! 2434 cyclopaedic +5422!cynic ~o3X> 24435 15350. 238\0..9 LaSmtoa Lisioxwo Cygnet LAso\n3 cynical-cosX> pS SSS ~2Xns2 22s9/cypress 24> 16.5 ae BADES ae dab 2A509;24695 dale 24005: 245.5 Lins 2559.24\6\5| dalliance :LA.Sax dabble 2a003: Laoad 26958 225.29.1AS>x dabbler 244~3:24350S; dally 1493 : 24585 Aad 135 PRASC SAS daffodil ce (Sax! damtsw 355 19.0 :2535 cas LOsi 14. 15402 daft '14%2\ |} damage L135 90~ 2X50mn¢ 235922 450m Liin dagger ofa) damask 1Sy3S0 \2s dahlia 1XAx SPheayey BO 0339 | La4230 Loow® ~7o250/ dame Lox 1 LA>% daily Limos P\Nadoetadeee daintily [Nn25295/damn 2033 15% 2555 ) Naliag Lixo 2L55\9\0 Lh0%S daintiness :+4e 9-93/damnable Lina LKol~s a: Lhow.O3 LAcAAdO : 235o0S\ dainty +%4053:2-37/damnation LA.~3& dairyt334? Less Nes LE50S\0 LAnAAAN: LKO% dais®43|damp L393: Laos daisy 25 tp2 2Saz|damper 2445330 24gd4 | LK..sXd% 2L4d5 2852 28939 dampness a eee dampness r1kos%3 damsel 1 LAs0NdaS LNis. 255.13 Loz damson 250M2 dance 135522405 dancer 15.55 dancing 1Komd dandelion 15505 1S250)2S34) dandle 120053 dandruff LA ae 152 LAdS90 dandy \sz53290~5 danewort 2Ga\, 55%9 25% 213.A20 danger 1So6 dangerous 15% LXaH2 2450~20 :LXoasd 12458 » dangle were dangler 13x55 dank Lids dapper dapple ‘+S 244 2400 2% Ath dare o03x0:2L4859x5 daring 1359x8 dark HEL SA sisas 2D Row darken Ls0ax< darkening LAsSz-% darkle Li&woa iisoa (-Ly) Na2S zon darkness 23 Kam darksom L35z— darling 25y¢2:1i}o% 106 darn LnOdS 22555 | darnel LSA 236-9 25.55 croAsoS\, dart2ises 2§a xd 2524 1228952540 :2559.\458 43 thondh dashing bimy L249 dastard 238094952545 23359 i2535 (—ly) NnLZS> data LS0q~ Lionx— dative 2tAécx0ds :2t500 daub ° a Winona oN LAsK.oz 1 2h..5a9 : L20345) 1kaS\S dauber 2343\5 daughter 133 daughter in law LAnDm3d daughterly 44853 daunt La S0290 daunt Lesst&seay 242 davenport In 25Kha2 L503 davit Li3552 1458 daw dawdle tio\ah dawn LAod49 i232 And Lsons > L559! le0x3 “woe ' O39 L204 7 day a daybreak 107 decAdence daybreak 243, 4-3 déarness :24ho»-\ daydréam Lxoia L%\~ Lhodpa | daylight Lzwx> 2505/déarth +2322 tho daytime tsoia| death rKos daze t4oms5/deathlike 1Ko.% déacon 114.8 22%z/debar 4°230%5 rons Lohan: Lyo~d%0 dead :t40@:1k.0/debarkation +244, ‘ 1XASK.55 ~0X 9 deaden itmoXSe/debase 130—.3%/2909% Leod\eitse-m%|debasement ‘24395% deadeye LRA LAX. LeSga 1~XA9 deahedad +353 2X. 2232 16.52 25302) .c0AN0ng too 1LA2S\ 225905 debatable +42534x debate %eodbn%:1L%52 LA .5n% 2A x59 debater 2535» Sa c5> Ee deadlock -5A2 1354! debauch 12s : L1.Ss0nS 2468.2. LAW52 i L.0dz0 deadly 13h.~%|/debauchery 2Ao~+d= deadness : 2Aas0|debentire DAs SX, t 25192 2LAs35A 2Kosin4g: 2X45 25.59 deaf 23x thotiXoo/debilitate ‘theSz=% deAfentss2 = 2%:21300545 Noda 130A 3% deafness 123353 : 155 76% | 1K~Sez 2Si debility > LKo\ m2 "d6a]124A\504 226: Lh0~.%0 . Lkos034 a USdx0 250%.1AN\Bz0| debit L&A\5q5324553 P2-0SA5:.2 Li05z~\ La0N% OyEatas déaler :25X4 Lindn Laos\s 4 13Sex%0 245c04|debouch .2*8AN:244= “déaling?4 \az0 214\302|/debt L503 2355\AN:250\ |debtor 134.45 6aner y 24e 3%5:2K030\, decadez 30s 25.:1K568 244-4) decadence LAAGs 13.02: LoL oS!) LA Se s 2AR SA decalogue decal oguet;3=¢s 230%/decimation | decamp +803 ,» 146: decant +» +4~2 44286/decipher L351 ooo oX\ 232% 24 decanter 1Xa933 -decapitatet+35 1235 decapitation +43s 1X42 decay ‘2h=9a:245As hpplcee an 25K3.214.Xs5 ACE 1A 4s0! LAAZS dec6ittays~2: LLod~x | decéitfil 25X\~» | ie Leleys) LAS S~25 decéiver soak : 2404 ~» | PES A ET { d e i A: a rat 1 on [LAh.Sa% decéiver': 23 N\..20 December +455 035 decency24o34 2 :t4ke4a3 decennial | +3@3 452 Lax decent 342 25%:2595 decentraliser#? +445 Leaeq AmN cp i AdS deception : LASS. | ¢ K..3AS8 2 LASS deceptive Li X\~s0 decide ee cna iNox L4shn0 decidedly 1A..S\o5 LNoxa dec iditious2434s | decimal decimate ++934.+s -0 108 = decoction. 24.453: 1kn48 1Z5m0 21555 AS ee oS LAg.Aa Lisdso Lwuoam ol] ” wv decision 2A.~SX 0 134450 iXoxo decisive Lasis iNexa 155590 deck -+2X> 25X20 25x\7 declaim L.0920¢ }Lm0050 | PIO alate 4 * a . Ka = f declaimation2A~os» 143 1X55 LAxtwo |\declaimatory ; Lkwtmae. 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LA503 Li,o\0 | L2NdS0aN ee decréase 23¢.3% 2 decrée 124258:233n04 decrepit LSad00 decrial 2K 35 ms Lexa LAX x0 decrier 26.32 24458 LSx> 135d.%0 mecry Laos: 2824 dedicate +%4%¢ 1Lz025 L5200S dedication LAWD.& L52042 | dedicdator y :24%~SAx% i PRES 'deditice NE Aue 3 dedficible +4544x deductr» +X5x0 140\5 deduction 2x54 L¥Xo039 : 24445 deductive ras5% ij | i : oe defect FiBikaw dese (—ly) Knut SnNS NaLxaalo ASSd2s6= wats 2a 28XAo5 déem LaommA .L52— déep 2 Bows (—ly) Nmw2 5020S déepen Leowss déeps 280.0025 déer \251i% deface 1%+2012305~2 LALB> defalcate 241% 255s defalcdation ‘24734, 2i2%9 LASS defamation ikoas lexo LA3b 90526 —3 defamatory +7433 Lsox> defame (2602 253 Lox La045_% default aad 128A. 2353: LAAs: LAS S25 (2X5055\ 2eN5 i 2q55 Lionx~ tX\oaas defaulter L35s0x50 ‘Load a : ‘ 3 15% Ps DG: def@éasance ‘iA\%5 214455 :\s0035 LAsAS iSox2 def'éate tAoX5 HANS 3 28a Loesae LAX ‘defect ‘240bo,35 /2 8A. defective S0B00: Load defective 55% defence 2 25X9 LAdi.a0 defenceles LS ig: LA25 defend Lop aie ass Leodax defender > 245445 24530 1 L35i04 defendant 124946 Leo Laxon defensible 245\44x defensive oaks 1LSa0> defer LAor0 20 deference LAA m0 defiance :LA.S@20 deficiency 2X deficient 15-3 232A. 2S CeCe 1 t :1h0549% 1RdOm:2LK.S0 2S KdeGfT Le .2s0384): Ls024, definable .22~Aax LEAN 20As0 define Leodomilwx definite : Lsoamd LmoNw LiSr0%0 definition ‘A»z5|¢ iLmxols LA.5x: LA.Sa% definitive +3%4< 110 deflect2sos\3: deflection ‘t488% vARaX deflower :Laom 20 e5 tA deform deformity defraud Ls05%63 Los. defrauder 5 defry deft deftness defunct def-v2720q 244i tee 2 degeneracy +ASS~z | 235A0. 2X0 :26s\ ge degenerate *179>~% LNX9 1 Loos x 290A. 28 -\5% LAOxS Sake ° 1$h.0x: ~710 Sak degenerAtionts>3~ deglutinate 155 Lk\oox deglutition 4-59 degradation +A~A# 155.20 2X55 Be degrade ce t\o9s3 degrée déificatio n 111 egies = déification +4233;deliciousness - » -2GS% L0x4,: L505 déify 2@Si 255s delight — eee 255% Liswx delightfal: 28 ae 0 meity LRoaAz | ( Baan Nai nos BeJect ‘Luons0!|delineate 2455 . Les me LBroe 225A de ection wren jeer nes i Lom Thi DENS Ae eS 3 de Taos LAdoua 2Ax5\ delay :2AMen9 12KhA9—|delinquency +4235 . t2Ao~w~9: Reis LAAL SS “ tAoud$ :2A043 4] delinquent TY a ft aw BY (UN be ui: Yo-v Mee ab Verisoszse Le delectation 24» %s%! dilirous L405 delegate: :23N942 2309%|delirium 14.45 2549~2| deliver 1-098 Miesation Lkoaken2 | 26 Laqd0 Leow ins déletérious ‘+4454/deliverance: LAda5 iw se , = = + 2a9.= 24059.25 14..¥ 2050 gelft ware La2%|}deliverer 244498 + Sirk, DE nto 26 LiSqai ns TeliberAte ‘t3e»~4| delivery ‘+3 14-36 “3 | LiiwmA : Laxwmon 1A aKk5S0 L1h053 deliberateness dhoeG yw ih .Lis0x309 1 2Ahs%~A) del | 12K A005 28645 | oa alee i's 2&0 3400 | LKa\02 lelibe rat Lon”, 7 de Lude2tdssa : t40\~% LAs A: Lho0dixg :2h0d-5 DNoom 255) 2 oma Beticac y 1 L%2S05 deluge L24x 52590h = 200.95: LX02.~30 delusion [2A&Nax ‘delicate baag LAN SW 3 494 525.05 52%.05/delusive 1 24So5 licious 19-95 138.50 1a0s4, delve Loads: 253. demagogic demagogic —al NXws 255% demand démarcation:2A»<42 303 La0Ax dem@an Pie pe pip aio deméanour2h-5~:2¥o4 demented 1460 2Xo 1352 demerit 264 2X9 LRoxsco demesne gdon: LAoNa4 demigod tS oiAs demijhon ~akS demise tKhuSx)LA0% ae 2308 demobilis LAd95 aN LNdSi.d democracy L200 LAaxdS democrat +355 La0AS LdD005 democratic +2309 La9N8 demo Lisht esa : 245s demolition ‘?4=A4 LAW 334 démon 1346 demoniac ; L434 252z5 2354503 demonstrable 4% "Laigmwdw 1555 ‘ ’ ” o demonst ra bly” 14 112 denomination demonstrate ‘+701=% L505x%0 LAdSSz 0 i LAW§~20 . demonstrative 2355 x20 DLS S9 mc Fl trator Li5dz0:Lisgn0G demons demoralisation d29%2LK35.0 LAB me te Lams 125500m 2AdLQ LK.~550) demoralise 2Az2~% 25h25 1555:2350> 5.953% demur (Gx LAANSS 12454532: As0 5399 220093007 > 2b0032 A\s0 033: 2A090G demtire-7esX35 593: 14935 demtireness ‘240593 Kosai demurrage 1&kAs5adS Lilw\ oX s»X> 1KXo_ demurrer 135032 Limync ee 13x25 y Souad den 24,055 Ladag> 35 deniable 245500 denial 2435 denizen 246.2542 55) 2502 a denominate -23972=%) denominati onto») 1Ko\~35) denominative 113 depositary denominative depend LAO im LASA Lo 0s R50 LENS 1 2500.4 denominator 23¢»z»|dependant ta LES denote 2s0S22. LDF eo, bebe 0/1k 5 00 wee denounce (1554 Lach dependence -=3 2A.~SA Looz3% / L300 4% \sa LAopns& dense LSonkiih.98:dependency *Aesss teash~/dependent ‘43 +449 density :LAod0 D5 | N Sardis sous LXo0~Sd— depict eT -F epi a=) dent P2Aa2a 12529) tNo=z tga tkata 2e0d8|/depilation 2h\35 dental 15299 | 4 LA 902 dentifrice tXmai/depletion LhnSS 25239 24492 ie s deplorable > 23495 N20 Mentist 22222 Peas | pie ae dentistry 8e58|deplorably TNA ES lak Na bADaAZ dentition tes 24~33' deplore LRan bat denidation ‘2A~3%\|deploy 148A 1254835 25\ 9a 248.S¥ deponent :L8SA% dentde (Laodz LKoac6> Laaas 1549 2254 | depopulate 2.03 denunc idt ion2A>3~% LSA aie ON Sas 250x050 1kesox}depopulation 2A-34 deny 1358 215ANL9 14096: LAd 4350 deodori tse 15003 Sx.» | 143@ 14-2\ deportation ‘t4%A3 déodortser 245305 LBNL yx. 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Lkon~s& deprivetsesos: ySo¥ Ee > depth tKoroms 114 ADE ee et PSU Series ee ee Se L8a%~c72 US Awe LA ee dept Ke ip ton acai depite SLs depity 2444.2: derange cw 24048 depository Nn5 | L55 185% . 1AsS-¢/ derangement 24444 depravation LAB m9 oer 22302 ~ LXoxa3 1235005 2455.60 1299) 25950 deprave 2305~ ~#iderelic ta 2Ba3x i ae Li6e 225509 / 2-095 5255 :2i505 3 At ! 8 | a ys depravity 2835~/dereliction LANeox 18ox.3 : 255092 24.95 deprecate elie deride. a2 1544 Lyolsi. sete S 230.0% deprecation :24.S 2 |derider 155~O% deprecatory:2 PNET E fee pk a5 idaSA 1i8-Slderis Sive | Muss toe Lidnw LS] tam\3.15i0% derivation 1A Aq dérivative. L3z5L N00 3 , Le5a8 de rogate tdo\5 L30—3% derogation LAGS LAdgo% derogatory .245_5x 7 23X\, 550 derrick 2hn3032 Lm 3D coAXalo 2835.0 descant L20906 u 2 & or9lso 2809255 descant ras descend Vi5 despise ee ee Bescend 1% | describe :tie3x~. 1304) designedly Neaa LAd0e30 LAxjvas Pavan L2993 description +44! designer La \8 a LAwiwes rR bad) Ldosz m3 | ‘Lidaqm.LA0sv0t9 ; Ahi LAdoqns | mat: F) 1d t59 mecescriptive —. idesigning 2K 632 : LAmivaa LikynwAw 1934: X95 t85en30;/destrable 23Xai\sax descry tejm:t3S\ldestrably A2%5i¢5 desecrate -t~axidesire t&~Sa:L8\5\5 5 Lx205 ~2320\ Ls0i~4,/destTrous rs ASA5 desecration “+A»z/desist 5.2 2254 :224hx Lhalwi,.ix20x -~230\/desistance “ LAS= Ce a * * AK Oe ee ee ee ee ee ree desert ean Lia5 25229 LAxdSA , 1ph0~ .15.52/24905! desk 25499 ya 1534 /15~20%/ desolate 2305 «9 . LOSS NES Peto, | 133.00 52554 . desert Leeda: eae aa. lation Asba% . deserter Leoas 2485 des Spair LA~S\nolssto | desertion LASS 13369 lands LAnSs despair ing Ly24- SAS | deser vye254-is vance w3¢q 2X3 :153%9 LBS Bose pogpach ans Lo00x ——— oe ‘ “pane Ee desperate 1896 LN3 | desiderate ‘4,545 P4054 25450 L58@.1Se0x| des Speration .) LAsc&ho des ideratum: 138300 202620 15362A.Sh 52 ; EB. Y. Gh We Ear op Siosides Spicable Lisi\oxrn — «6 designtAsog: asa! 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Last 2a nos X ANSS— 53 Seq 18&Aogs0n Seoul LC 1232 ellipses.s3 2Koands —al 22555 | LSS of pwsw7> LA~KS electricity -2s55}elliptic—al 15.05% LNo.5a3 LENSO electrify Seen elm \Xi55 15955 Lo exvolelocution LAASoS electro. 19232 23955 e 2 2Kosasi.iS\wnv eleemosinary +45652/elocutionist ‘24323 elegance LRowo0mS Limene elegant L%0—8 elongate 135 3230.30 (—Ly) AntvomSielongdtion ©*4945% elegiac +44\02 15% 1Aa5. elegret ERE OE EAU elope 224 1285512555 LAAxox2s Lga% elegy Re Nois 18o%,;|elopement 1h 05x Bete t1 eke. woe Son LaNo 1K344 elemental +44®20\221|eloquence LKos3szd elephant 2X..8)/eloquent 235x4 elephantine LES.9 elevate '230@% : 21905 1549.1049 elevator 21499” .1550% eleven >OS9.— eleventh L55OS3 et LAx.3 1503 elfin Lkxaa L5059 14.01 t 712534 j.2-054 0 else elsewhere 2452 2502 elucidate Lsohos elucidation +4350 elide eae eee em -LSAS 5 aX Sood e Liisive2ish<§ 5255340 emaciate .1563.25Xs trol sx emaciation emaciAtion ‘2&>\» LAXos emanate 2454: sae emanation emancipate: emancipation LNo03ia. , . emasculate,. -» L1A\Oa 224824 emba Lm Lan 2850} embank 19. 15i0i embankment 143502 15.90 embargo +9 148.Sa%' DAs esa No Pa NS eo L304 embark RON ALS Ge embarkation itA34./ woX a LA\Lo embarrass RS Sie ; BAe Ty embarrassment LA.~Sa%0 : LAydo embassy LKooX nd embattle +59@2 2440 1xXSo embed 23% 902% :l-ox§ ember 7A5 1Ssblo Leg 1A..353% LAsS2 embers day +5253 2501 Leog> Livse embezzle. 242% 1433 235M) 138 emendation embezzlement +4255 naam 2Asa\ .242%9 LASMAGD embitter L503%0% emblazon :253.1\00% emblem aS LAL emblematic— ‘embodiment 240-653< embody Lsono embogue 1903 15iai embolden PagNs emboss 25x00 2404 Lao5,5 embossment ‘tAocd\ox embrace i eSeeveas tAxSm 2k 59.1225. embra sure 2S95.2th04 S30N5 2A. 2403 embrocation te-0 L230 LAm x20 embroider 2493 2455 embroiderer 24%=4— 2,52 LAXoA 24,532 ?2a0\a5 24.55 embroidery embroil 244 embroilment .2434aAs embryo Lmoax LEA+2 a a ee emerald 139 enamel Racy RINE Wo WC ECR On eee emeralb iA. 1$13a| empiric 1koa9N5 emerge 165s .2545/ empirical 802X352 LES Ass 24h..90, 24 emergency -+8za\ |empiricism 1&9 LA BSA 1A.~90_54 emery 13..~\, Lion 1825 lemploy LA oAs% 1 2..0.48%0 Landa 1s employee Doss emetic 28642:18339 employer La S\9 7 1isM\~ employment ‘*i+A¢ emigran $25505 / 234.20 L3X\ox5 emigrate 14369:240~2%|emporium 24e3Xh az emigration ‘*A\+z*%|/empower ‘'1%20a L3a4 2Anoo | _ L032 s . 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LAai01 enféeble Noose enigmatic—al2+4>- °- enfilAde 7255 1340” Poa, sash i3%0 ; iSAo\ enj oin Laqn~niioos enfilaAde 2755 2704%|enjoy Lad— Soa2 2S\4. | enj oyment LR adm enfold +30 2433.29S%;/enlarge ‘+959:1,085~ enforce 1gS. .ta0d«| 1Moo0545 “a - > % “a a ~ 1X4 145s;/enlargement 24-A5% enforcement ‘+4.3~ 1A@39 11K@635, 2hsSss|/enlightent$er*iso2e3 enfranchise L5a5 | Acris 1hod2—)} enlist Lex LpoANas engage 255s ; thoos L1Kho935aHo 15202 LoSh0 22895 LRon Sh taae engagement ‘+4\e8)/enlistment Lassa tAsS9 2 LAx\S | 15905 igee enliven _ + nl enliven t-02~». aod enmity :1h0.Saz00& LNon3~z3 ennoble Loon.20 enormity :2&oe\, 180-34: 2K0nAS enormous 2393, :224 Ly) NelSAS 50.25. enough 145 enquire ‘23635 :2.03% enquiring 25505 enquiry 242535:14.<8 enrage ee 3 128, enrapture 1334, crt, enrich 2462: basahe L1AXo5> 2 39 enrol Lox bts 259m. oX 2553 @ L524 | ensconce thomnd450 LRoma3 43 oi 22A5 Fase eee bE eer yo oe -enshrine ensign enslave Lewd enslavement 2As33 La-)> ensnare +5235 145 ensfie ‘(245 144£:28$2 L.£X9 enstiing -15505 SAS 4» 232aF enstre _ Laodxse entablature +S.20a Lac\ Bo 142 entire DBRT ECR: GST ar ONAL Lee entail +Achsi0 glow :L50c0 N2%0 LAs.o8 SAS 1254 entangle iso\na LOADS enter ;tbosA sc La5s Ldos55 enterprise 2A\o35 :2Noxo lenterprising +4535 : o | iXox> | (- ly) itXox2 LAn3e5 entertain Lwo®=ax» 252 t\o3585: LArxixas ~% “ entertainer 24X38 LivOa~! 2mais entertainments Lks2H5%0 Laxtwe nthrall L301» La0has -enthrone2szed%e 12054 155.25 ~>0a\ ienthusjiasm +theon2~ | Liogs 1K53 enthusiast /LAdm 24255 .cos0g er 2? - | enthuslastic 4443.0 \(—al ly) Nallios enttce ,l500 ld55 (28S LR9nn%: LA6ak LXo\~2 :theoke ta05X entTcement Ad\qAg LAN AU: 2A=5 S02 LAx xsd entire Nn2L36X 2\5 ent?ireness 1438 6qguation OEE aD ape Rr er pa entireness LKoiS2 | toon (tas ieee entitle i Laocwxs | epic Sn A.3 L507 Le 1.509420 LAADAD enti ty LAoNmL epi cure 4325 entomb 135.0 lepidemic 159 1 a~ALS entomology 1433..| LEZSAK 1Sd9 52495948 AZmd2 Leo?! epigram 2hs39% DIT entrails 1-s9/epilepsy Laasx% 185% TIS el ‘28358 | | nae 145\Ko sols 2 iisSoASlepileptic 185202 entrap S235 1652 | LSiaxe entréat2+es04 240958 | epiphany 1524 .2549 entréaty 284893 | Lada Lis LA2403 episcopacy+4osese 82 entrust 23 2.09S|/episcopal LiSon@Si a3 3097 | episode Landa NAOT Srbel LAd5a5 epis stile LionKa. LAaA2 entwine 730443 .255\ /epistolary LaRSL2 enfimeration :*4s5%%/epitaph «39 LAswAa LA... ou enunciation -2453—9 | LAdax enveloptses2s-229%sa | envelope :242e=30a| aye 13802 1Kh~Som |Spoch PE joi envenon La9n®| 6 "5535 12203 enviable LX mna Ax envious 238.5 aly NaS 5 environs = L303 ‘ wv équally Nn25555 Gqualise 40% 1348 6quality LKo~0ox 6quanimity ‘tAho~-a envoy Laoax envy tXomS 1 LAALS epaule t22$o>2 Loatn3 ephemera | i359 24316 équator équatorial equerry equestrian €quidistant equilibrium Gquine €quinoctial 144 escape ‘tasoz~leradication | 24> 1Sd2> erase Lamm 22454 1435030] eraser 24554 1 24S5< >0Dd38-nl erasure lAa£0/28051 2355/ere ahi tocs Sonoxterect 129045 3L%4;5 LA0n563 | -Lenn L535 i leoum iXea L500 > L250 (2k~26%2/erection ‘192 14.Sa 1250 LA20Sx Nowoz3/ermit LAD mmo LAoS..¥ | erminerts-c » LO 128 6quinox 24-439 thonox LaaasS nooden 1-220; erotic Laon 15%) equip La0393% 13x equipage 2A3s504 | ery r¥S9 22880072585 equipment 1&3594 Lidol x L684 errand U3 NO SDE Danes E€quipoise 1550 2254 tKon0%3 | errant 7 — Ete S505 equitable 44L9errantry Lond, Law equitably Nq2429 | i\saced equity Kosialerrata LAA... equivalence ‘onmcoz/erratic 2§+\~!25.S4 *~-Sierroneous +%A-- 15% equivalent tiozx| (—ly) Nn tS Aun is-S3 error LSS equivocalisias ~345s/eructation +4s6£ equivocate {sci lerfdite re. ee! tedae -Nierfidition +Ahos-s. éra eradicate n+A\3ec4) erfiptionsd—Sx 124.93 beds -~3N/ erysipelast4si2 rS5x q = « zt see AAA A s22;escape ‘2454/2304x9 15.54 2554 18 escape 145 evactiation estrange 230393 Qi escipe ‘th\Ss:24c5s ; estrangement LAX SA 24445 escapement LAXAS Lhqn5905 LAakzSlestiary LENS LOS eschalot LOsh 1s L5a733 L5oks 1 a, thakvlefinucg = 1342. Liwage estate +thaxiléonds 1So% estGem 23082%'255.2!eiiphony +582 tA9-\- stimate tsol\slevactate LEOd® estimation :+432\%/evactation LADS evade La0Nx8: evade evanescent Lo5s DLA oA, 2K.S35\, evangelical ‘ Linn Lave everlasting «+3405» 23332 e€vermore ‘43%a.70.\a every a everybody txil As everywhere 146 —— examination eVict 44047 oX tmoi% eviction oe tkeX» liog evidence (235 L1hoacoaw :Lk0NaS 42060 5 x30 evident, “243432284 LX ago | (— ly} NadS aa Ree ee CEVASLonASSS po LA455/ 6Vil L33500~.ikox~35 6évilly Nalkas evince 155x 20 950 evocation LA ~ $5 evoke Lxosas evolaition 2h@odh tXdan 2X%591K48390 evolve ‘:2@00dk 24435 2poNS= éve 2430 |ewer Lime Lar%.25A4N | exact 2X+As.+02.23 04 1S 32 214%0%..0 0 \oxs beady) Nx L94 exaction LAANa exactitiide ‘tAos.»2 LKorndy: 2403555)335 exaggerate t»o~i\» 2534S 129-190 exaggerationtdA»<\» — 155i 1Aaisv0 exalt: 15.5. :1205% exaltation LAxs% LAd5~ examination :24-é~ ~& LAdba5 Stee 147 exculpatory i i ne —_—_—— examine +3053't,05~g/exchangéable examiner Lakes 138\ Axx | exemple 44» :1e$e\) exchequer a3 505 Fexasperate +70599/exctse Abs: tALa» ee xasperation?ss? Sax tAzAkx AS L83Kaw excavate '1583:235~|exciseman LazsoX . Lio rds L&19%2 excavation ° 1Bd8—| ex 25054 LAYS exectitive tiXwoxlexhiime 2595 yp» 14,6\4 Cxecitordss%oa Likysy ~lexige BGs 2A5KX4, exemplary La5er4 ot heat oee A5A\4, 125.30 15852 25509:1ES90\2/oxTfTle ASG ye 226035 exemp t+5i~ 230 IN tne 15A2 re L&dSD4S0 143593 exemption iKodtm/ exist Loin exercise +4893:2\S5)/ existence ANnk~ 2303; ; 2A\As: F 13.03 existent Laas exertiieiss: tm oS exit 2K 4X9 EAGER “ibseale exodus 1559 exonerati onc rk Sa exorbitance” -44x0« LGomN pro LANG 22504 exorbitant 290—mN oe LEAS Sle50 nz Nn250p4 (yy a i i ee ee eel exoretse ee —_—. exorcise 424% exorcism 2323 exordium LA S20 ULLG expand245$ :2939 :129x 1A@59 ) LA 69x 14,045 2548 LA3303 expanse expansicn LSOnNS | ae bias "2S2ANS5 Ral LEAS: Nw16.55 oly) parte +54 24. x»! expatiate iss expatriate 150205 2582 20 expatriAtion +245%5 25A2 oe Sxupec vu 3X 5..:1550 expectancy LAd3@ expectant 24556 LA55035 fer lay) Ser expectation ‘1453@ LAA»... expectorate 2 55 expectoration +455 expediency e xpedient expedite rbpead expedition LANDIS LAyaAx% expeditious § Ax Ly) AqloaA expel a3 expend i\or4 expenditire 149 expense LAL SS expenSive ‘\ds2 15% LaX5n éxpérience i D3 Cra e tenine Ils ; experimental :+4 ee) experimentalis® taXoxs 25555 expert ‘239k0.= 13.0 Laks 2 ase expertiness +4402‘: expidte 135505 24s58 | 23349 fexpiation Lhe | 13342 L3S5095 \ é ‘ }explatory L3i59» 133A AnD expiration +4\4¢ LA055 LAAs LEL> expire -Lmosk 11k 5% LOZ Lhoxwo~X explain 15625} i205 oe eae explanation LAxxS explanatory *34:4= Gxpletaive iSos% i330% Cos le ht 15x04 explode L2s59 tAos5 1X exploration 150 extinguishment Lore Ss L45N0. expulsion LA505 exploration ‘24-SS)expunge t3e5~%:28iz 1\~5\3/expurgate 122093 ex plore? +o353! 2.035 21X51 2.049% explorer ‘2aGsN exquisite. .4™sc explosion Lh.S2d | Lax [LS explosive 2485949) (—]y) DNnL2.035 exponent ti6x4/exquisiteness export eS Notes Loss LXo\~xa i lAkolas9 3254 .» lLeodnx{extant Lown Lz. exportation +4533%|/extemporary Lao 25Ni oX\ Lida Liss exporter cx» +445-2/extempore A®\ix» 24 /etexmporise (esq expose 470A%0 Looins 1K.55 14548 1525 ta-S ma5iextend 2659:2.0A9% . - en * ° tigen: ay a4: ‘ 2 - expoSition #4-ta9| extension Koss 5 3 , F a ete ' y Hes a PONS. OY 255 md5 LAsAn~olextenSive L3ANG20 expositor TLE AG mt0 | bil ya) N»LENSS0 135x4~0 | extent 16.59 :225A3 expostailate +z53/extentiate 2320A5S¢ expostalation?4=?:| Agi 25581250259 exposure 35 LA34% | extentation -24>2{s% expound 20x38: SLaeodo% | . LAsAdSzy expounder 12558 /ex hard or LA2G$\ 12255 express LAd3% Looax (—ly) N.w255 tAajqho 14,24 °18;-\035;/ exterminate +7638 roe termination+4~4§ lext erna]++5503 :2453 | Cl N_153 extinct ae extinctio 0 twe5Ss i L~od24 expressible +4435» expression ‘24A-S2» LAwjog :LAkoz4 20 tr Pe $ % expressive = +3 ‘—ly AnL45r950! an 2339 !24K.0 expropridte 233; extinguish. 2,0»3% extinguishment LAO AS) ma Da Veo extinguisher Lot facet LA.2O% ; LK x39 iextravagance?s As extinguisher?s4™a% | t8s3~50 14)555 638 yx» extirpdte 1383:143s/ extravagant ‘244793 extirpation :2AAS3;° ~osS yx 28.49 325559 L483 | (—Ly) 2&-S)55 extol 135—:lwed4lextreme: 123%y 2X35 extort 2534 $2b0436 14559551254! | tA\ona$: 28.45 2NSx0/ (—ly) AnLSSs aa extortion :2AMAdS extremi ty NonSs 28.05 LAAs: 2K5As5 28.059 12h54 22455 extortioner; 23445 4 ex tricate 2903 | 234435) € xtberance LAaAs extra = posx 12509 | i tAon5S: 154, eX extract 2259:255\ | exfiberant ew 25..\3 extraction ‘24x53, LESS 2055, LASOxz|exfde LES extradition +4-8®/exult Lad LLgS -24;exultation +A~ LXA%0 _ma3d 235% 13254 fabric NnBilb0n5 : Lid \ 5 2kas 232A5 215054 fabtilous 1 LoS fabricate 12559 25K \az0 Base 2 e0dh lane ) NnLS\Aw fabrication ‘4:4! face :2853%5:142 3 1Axd5 228559) 2425S 24828 23Sa: nox: fabricator ‘2455)|facet n2ax0> 1424 facétious L52 fa lsiafer ns i ce Se ee ee ee SF gc) ai on re = 3X é ~ @ 24 4 Pe Caiee -~300. Lonx3S 2X35: 230m L3—~ S50 facilitate 23535) fairing ©*As590 2As55 ~AiDoo 15.29 LSox e ‘ facility ‘tSes.=3|/fairness 2803-92 facing :AS L802X fairy 15.9% L1A28\ 24248 2Lh.6c1 Faith .Lkosda0 facsimile LN«303%9 1koawogs%0 Mae 2ls tA N0e lam SS Pa thei , LE5 06; fact OT : .X.35 [23043 Lisvoow 15.) L403 faithless .Lanmoga 2 s factionist +244+35 LRos%.q LN2 145-4) falcon rolaon factious+*S%os? 2445a/ Falconer 1i9\% Lh Sm20 roAdSom9 factor 23038/ falconry iksX% Pactory 235% Anz roisous faculty :245350@ 28.4) fal] 288s .2S00%.thoS3% ta9\0. Anzai LA~g0 L18A93 . 24955 fad AnOn0 ~om!| fallacious SE fade tlozs%i25%20| fallacy 2S\o2 fag -2knbox.2h.99/fallibility 2444+ deoxds :i2a9| fallible LEK Lax fagot tos5a 2439|/ falling LAASa ~ ‘ Paul <2o3k 2555255. Pal] gwalekon seacmeeas . LA0S0 1555 ~s00n0® failfre .2¢4\.28\~!| False 2X¥5 285 X 1849.5] falsehood LAoAX, = fain 245~9:23435/ falsification Peddie toa Lasts 255x2 LASA\Wx. CANA u PS ASF CAND ie aoe 1XAoo3 fainting *SAzax\falsifer 13X\m% 19 —— SO eee EEE CU lee Pabe ity falsify fame ‘Sas Lox LH~\5 Lx f ~ oe Py Ss - familiar 42-3: 4¢4S.3 15.55 familiarise ‘i304. LAo.~K@a 21354 familiar ity :t8o-A~4 Lko.~KOz famine iga 2 Famish yx t3005h: 1553 2 famous Los fan B5550% Lno> YP (rhea yeh ih U COPE eee eee ‘LS Sean SD LANo0n.4,35 Lids 2L4359 ‘ tyes ' fanatism fancier L X50 LAD fanciful LiSzom fancy 13 .mm0 1 Lok tXno® .25.95.1Nd04 °) . Ps ea 42 : fang «+90? 23201 dest 2A501 35. fFanged L594, fantastic— 158 fa ye\~8| Fantasy Safes | far Lbnmd.Lbm3 LS SSS one farcical LaS—m\ farewe|iAssxo 25 3x 1&s010 LA0SS1 213.25 farinaceous 23425 fa rm L&ode Nas : LES5¢ farmost 25—5 7S farrago?ssy332 Les 2x35 a) eee | i nnd Oe ’ farriertssi2 Lis» farrow -23036 tB0am 2Xeo L¥S5. 2405 2L 085.) fart farther farthist Farthing 1G LaSaaa 14 LFS BSA 52 ¢-_4395 ere farthingale LNewa | fascinate 27>- 4355 fashion .25@9:2A0%4 LAx~aS3 eis os fashionable La —mA\90AD | 13X@4 a0 co} fashionably -4-24e3 shionably farmer LS054 | 250 9% . L2O¥335 _ L§os eee: 29206 2 4 fast fast 120g LHSy SSN Y2z0 Sm. 250g fasten tS 95) Lek faster a ee fastidious 132% fastnessthsan: 2h A fat25>4: LBod\, 0.2 30334 fatal [235D0~2 15% 148905 525K..0% fatalisms»2®o0> A320 LAn525 LAxa\so0 Fatalists»®s55 Liiveg Fatality LAonh%On fate father fatherhood LSona fa vhnerless 255243 LIONS 1p fo fatherly fathom -23s2 1h9AD LEDS Sea 25 LHR GL VOR aL Sno fathomless rX> fatigue ~*4~255 :24.6\, Loxmos 154 febriftige faul t2¥s~ i 28x.552G54 Fault lys-245) 22845 faultiness Load. faultless +A» iS» Gio faul ty L18\W> 15% La@3\ 50 fauna 1AQd~4,: 24.55 favour PLN Sato, dnNS.: LASL thas favourable 15% 4 222 ea o ~~ 2A 3SNOn ; 2A3x52 favourably ‘A+25% N.~LI5AN0~ Favorite 2433 :15~0n fawn [Laon ! Ly0AL ENS 2s Sg BSN fay me NTG Lioos tts. ~20X> LAmA fealty LAosxsoas2 féar LAXODe! LASS féarful LaiLa9%0 f6arless 2Aso2012 féasibili . L,oxdziliagn |feasible 1335SA%0 fatling +2\0 -i6~4/féast 72324 :2Kods fatness Lko@.>3, 23180 1K0bk 455 fatten ‘tor »|/ f€atiewz»e tXoxo 23353 tso5y5nifGather ‘23-42 238 fattering L£.@3\,% 2585 2\onS:2Xc@ fatty 16254, 24554! f'6athery 2438 fattiity i Xa °2A00.8 féattire :2428> .Xsx 2X0AS5 L0G: 143% 14.22 fattiious "2S, 285 febrifiige 23455 TR Wika ¢ 2h 90%3059 23.553. Febrile 195 ferrule febrile LA s0n2042 yoo LANA 1245555 February (12+ 45=|fellow 133% fecfila tAsS5 224828) fellowship 149-6334 theaifelly 18082 13. fecundaAtion :+4~54%| felon LAxas2 145358 LKkosiamn :2Ahs0s\> LAA\SoaS Fe Lonious Lisoah fecunditv LXos\,3 23590 :2.35 federal SATA aot iXosodh Limaog L35.0mLA0z=3 federAatet%os5 t20-4|felt 1X04 iXoss 14,0: L005 felucea 2And4, 204 federation +A2%#+ 25245 Sosa |fémale 1553 fée 18¢:1599|feminine itiAses feeble 28. 2432503} fen 13.52 5508 Féebleness ?t4o\;0s|fence +4392 294:2430 féebly swtS.os 1.520 féed tNoaixithena/fencing 2942 2Ay3A4 Leossnileomsd|fend 25% 1530 2.0m féeder : 254024 12148510 fender 154,35 2235202 145551234555] fFenneltis~2 2SAA cAaz feel fiat at le esa fermen t 1 Sm 1 L3.m— =~ LAxS5 | LO W50 es feeling ran 2h2S5/ fermentation ‘4-%~ 23255 LA p20 | LA. 50 feign Leowseiln.o2%| fern 138 1330959 LSAz Feint t4~%22::4h.281 ferocious2iead '24055 felicitate 1304) ferocity tSo\038 135..: 2504 1Aho030>4, felicitation+A\3e+| ferret ci6ae :0a4 LAS oe 2S04,| 225 5\ 04,52 th0.nQ5 felicity L&es3oh ts35 ot Sone feline oLe> 12385} ferruginous 1530 fal S|: . LXoSas 2284s | LNedS9 [23054 25.53 ‘1ANas! ferrule L5\q LAB se ferry 156 fiérce eee rons say epemeecarcareercemmeeeerae renee ea Se ee ferry Lkandé 0X | fefidal 234oL%2 glow Liwva LASS: LA WmoL G0 15XislAs.s2 fertile 26-35%) fefidalism +%Ae5-\i LAso\> 159 523Ga\ 50 | L3teq%o E299 fertilise+tsas ‘ts0\ tiond| fidelity ‘Kosmoqx t\5oa2 LA@2 | fidget 20558 :ixz0~55 fetch Lpenn8! fy dgety yiXas: 258305. fetid 2 mn d0m» | 'fie 29 28:2535 155 fetidness ‘Kon wen| Pi8 éf L39a%2 gio» ' 220 15iis L&hn.52 fet lock L1Xz50x uM ried LAxa iiNpd. LAs0\ 12S55 Kado | 2258 A435 iG0> 185) 5850 tAyo2 | fiSldfare 1Kdomx fesse 2393023 Linn LKx33 LaScis| fiend LaX500G 21546 ‘fiendish LEENG Pierce. A tseussess fetters 23021: 22300 HAs BL Filiation Eee Filibus es p is id er Ee agek Dag ys filings rN955> Loa te bl filler Fillet ‘2pez2 L402; Lkonw\% 1135S Lasix fierceness aM firctree mM Arcaness 24h03,035 255A :2A850A00 tAsba:i8es0dh | filling +%th-4~128.S~ fteriness2Asaa2 aca fata Papesteny — 1, .4125550a/ fi LLip ghda9 LA.s% L3q302 | ye Gi bell Baz LN@o@> 1555 Fifteen 2OLEMX. | fitim 359: 2As\5 Fifteenth >2%s2»42;filter moder asge Fifth ix»n2/ fi lthnuess LA mx 2 4 x a, i. « Ka Fiftieth ~2%ed) Pil thy LiAWs Paifty -xe~' filtrable LSAS EANx Pao «fala filtrate 1$o-—% fight 1AxX9:2385/ fin laos. 255 , ht e3 ; ; Sune ¥ Fighter 120\8 | Pinal Lesh L545 figment ZA0SA | 15.590 LAZAA Io finances L3953 Los figirative ‘1445e.;financial Laivos LEKoAL Li5003| financier 29099 1aSe5 Purire eae ee 15.02 ish 12 fi lament2Se+~2 1854 ifine 15sA> 145K205 : } si 245490 tmodiw iiss Laas filber t25239 | 2.055. U3ba9s . esi tad i yi ’ ’ ee » r q ftrch Laomas:i5ii|finedraw Leas Filcher 23424:15i4|fine :2%-x0:15492 ‘13a: Patches Lake itS0b 958 | 5982285020 ~\da> finedrawer2roA>2 23428 fineness 1Kewo.K LdoSea% : Lo ae finger ise. pp Se i 155 fin Leal ESS ls% as A . < a2 f° ANG BE a 2s yee = © finish 15039) Lwows finite 25504320404 fir trée 22252 16.5 iipalp Gian’ 158 7 Flamingo ee eae ne TES TT TT fire 1139s Neon 2 LSes| fitness LNow~m\ Soa 1289/Fitting 12k 26S firelock SoA Lonmd) L&k&0n\% - fireman 15032 Lismax| five Laws fireplace PLbos SAAS | fy gs LAAN 925635505 - LES 2403) fixtire LE eS2 fireside 2503 Aa5 | LKoA~3 LAka50%9 fireworks +3-+55 a8 | fi Z“Zzle ‘Loosxs0 Loo 3%3 | L£¢5 :2N5 24 oAS firing 2K.~39: :8.6\|f Labbiness 2Ko\.Sx SoA2 os 1Koa205 | Lhodsos Firkin2S2320 15542 151% f labby2S-< tASho.cs Firm +2405:24edSA Anwz/|fFlaccild %334:2495 Pirmament 1S.05/Placcidity +4¢e-+95 firmness ROSES fila. & (igexsS dss 280002435959 245.5 5242 :LbodaS first 13236/FlagelAte less first bornitsoa:25905 Leawb3 Lro~nx0 150358|flagitious +3+5~ fanth L5qa> Lvs 1kx.35 fiscal 1k494 Lios|flagon 150+ Aedes fish 2303 Ea aon 243599 teeta ; ge fisherman 73932 234¢ | flagrancy iss fishery Lios> 2Ada¢| 1434, 7240.0:21Kx.59 fishing 23039 15.4 flagrant »L495% £45 hy Lisos | 2552 : L33.5% fissure 1A459:258\a 1 flail L544 325.508 tist res0\, :1Ax0%| Lym LAAZuo a 7 =) 5 no 2 “~ a, _ . A o Pisttrteurfs i~39| flake -2x355 2.035 Las599 2x954:2a0d\5 fistula ta-55(f1aky 23849:232854 Pad L¥a43 1850|/f] ame i365 t5e5ia08 Tale ts :2GoX5 Laoh» : Lvo~Sxo hia BY 250» aA flaming 13255 Woctu.l Lasoo ee amingo- ses flange og Planch rr et se rt flange tX959> 13.0] Lasud 2X Flank24$2:2399\ 1442) flax oXs Flannel 252954 | flaxen ond 23..95 15x21 flay BS Sos 2S cst hee Flap r2R35 195, fléa Paavo tdoxSx:iSoSz/ fledge Leone .2A59 flare SoS T2LOAAN 2459 26 194 flaring AASAS| P16 @ 9 thax 259.2452 Flash LXo iy ae fléece 1504 28504 Flashy ‘tris -as50' Lob n% 25.05 EAs 25204 tas sone flask 205502532 filéeéecy 13 5:04 tebact 14.35.1850) fléer LAd2O0 2524 ,L4049.248.52 14548 a3 Lod PMS Sse SoeeSon if pect pre Ge ah ae Flatness .24&9-o04,3 Ab). 2 .05Sh2 e506 2140.93 :2K0S03 féeting +50dS0 15038 flatten Lo30|/ flesh 2549 2505 flatter L33.53,35 | ~tOLSOS) ZAod LAos% .Lixx ise) fleshings Laan Flattery 14.230 1hxoid5 2 | tA\\ oa. Hsbo't2=92] f Leshiless 153 iS 3 flatting 14K~%9%) fleshy 143 o5 flatilence Lsone|flexibility2Aososs 18on~9%:1653>2 Li0oS21flexible L39.~SA%0 Flexion LASSS, Flicker, 230339 .2458 L5.4,.2an5 290494 tko0d55.L8h05.5B0 flattiil ent2300% : 255.3 Palla t healt ont) tao LAd Bm .LAdA5 Lgo 2d95 Flavour +44-23-2%38) flight +th—2S:2.As5s Lind L375. 22.035 Flighty 15 L3is00) ff limsiness :2hon~ 5@ Flaw *%5s59:2S\9.254 Lkodo\S LaSonS0 ‘Lasohys flimsy 1495: 2N0\5 flawless 12358 2S9/Flinch 2549:23ea34 GN Mr Gu Cea 160 flunkey flounder .+4045 «435 4 Loads: L1AWo43 Los. . | * Clan t O0nR> ae Flinty 24829) f Lourts23 2426: 2h.0 © ij lippancy rLAmg00) 135 hour. sh "y 254 flippant 255 14%42¢ dmo.0S 50 ea tal On ae ..7104X9 14308) flout Lai 0 Lho~o% 4 i ~ 4 et - | ere he aN LADGSC : xN6d LN Sw Uno ' t ¢ ° ‘ ' ' cae h ar he ie 3 ae * “ - 5 2 ot Pata Hag 2SS thou: 2SoN5| flow i LN aDSJOWawoS O1TG . “a _ sub e Ww LXannod Limo LAs950 :2A.9x flirtation 240.03! flower . 2X09 521530 fat BS5s 223.05 12 ons 1259 °2208 fFlitch 255A S\2)floweret 2820230 150903 iflowery LAm.5S-Li09 float LiXd . 162.0 Pe uase flowing Laud C L529 .Lin> 24239 24.Salfluctiiate 230053 floating 144284 249 Lir2 2A2S\ c402/flucttation 449059 floack L503 :1505 tiva LA424\ Floe 2hoL> 28401 fF lie 2Xaol Aaa flog LooASA ~d 4032 flood 13800 14421 fluency yt A L249. Law | 1Koni Sq i Lkon~x3 floor Ba ars 185Ko0 1Ssi fiver. pe a a Bk aa ies fluid 1445 toc floor Ssx58| fluidity EEN Floral “12538 1Lk.2iS00 florist +4259? 24545/fluke pon ato Soe ee — aX ao 258 255, ““ ahs Floss t&rmva Ldaexd0 wade 1X 5a oX> LAod>0 flotilla Lawis LID 2X39) Flunkey 2aXs flounce 25959 | L1Kx33 Lixwen 20 f lummery 1£3039 EAL LOE? Vy 161 foothold we flurry rAx XS: 13 |Foiste Nok 20 rRen9s .Liwa- LAxaxo flush “290A\nx0 —_— se oS ee ee ne eee eee ry 1A18> 1h0%0-lx0ax5 fold” faite ust aa aed tS Ce. aces pace , Lwod, Flute .2z4A \Soa age ee | folding LASS’ LAAAO nN 1gh01 F014 age Sou flutist 1a240|/ folio .Sha9 29a4, LAL AoASa| folks Leoyan: LOSL flutter ?4a4\,:240%25/ follow aAS 2X53 ca eana ae a 2| 230295 :2~002% Plux LK Gx LASS ae follower: ‘283 .vaSis sa, 15853 Ba T2e5 33 | Ms. 23834, 2393|folly 1&kosdlx Eon ,L& 209 1453 | foment2peme - taeda Laaa tteué| fomentat ions 4¢7 foam py ed Loses 1SA\GLe | 14k. t90A5h | fond \"* tod ftS.0% foamy 23Xos0\ | fondle sed\i230—% fob tS. 255 So | fondness 5 1&ASK i&so%9| Font 159 Aw3:23564h focus 1X \s8.55/ food 2A\odiw . 2559 fodder 24055 2834 F:0.0 12588 23205, L352 See tSoA ie 2553. aa 2590 foe rea :24AN50 ).f oo] ery — -T2tKosdix foetus. AS PEEL Lass 2RoSo\s rX.29/ foolhardiness © fog Kaw LAdax5 Be ite: / 1$6G:L5%.0/foolish °° 23422 fogey L508 La0x52 foolscap?556> 2Xon0 .t&d0a4:2%~A> LS\,5 4OS53i ~3 La00 aeSax Noo S i f-0 0-0 LKonKmnA 12 S54 Foible 2493 28.4 2S» 13h. i 2g05=3 da ae 1A.n0 LAL Ss football 124522 LAs0\ hog shyie ll roototd iS5 140% 25345 Pooting 162 Fforemention foot ing®>z [eass a oe footman _ NEN Footpad24+3o022 Liane .5a4 2345 Footpath tSeiz 2904 footstep Sete +30 footstool As: 2493 1Xci fo p-79352 13590. NOL Foppery ee 23X29 LAdaxe | foppish 2N> : 135303 L340 L234, for 2356s iAov 1185 MS NS O35 forage (29055 2 SAL 185220 forager 2X\ih 9 245an¥ 19655 forbGar ‘2302812 \oas 2560 153 Pcatance L\\55 LAS5Q. LS 320. forbid -s3= 23 .isedax PON C Clk <2) SNe abe | LaoXay 285] force méat 135 HAS oes Forceps rXsx> 1% L303 forcible Lagiian forcibly eee ford hoes a 13052 | fordable 1509 tKadaSax| BG he m35 43 I forearm forebcocde pe Meri eae y 3 + ’ re 22038 L3doS\ 1h.055 forecast LA.~S330 anhd29 Loa Lo 32300 forecastle NaS 2.~awXa LASS oe: en ee _ so ee foreclose Ladwe LOA. foreclosure 24»s~ foredoom Las0xm0 InNS39 23.50S\ forefather Lios® forefend . Leola ei 55 2558 forefinger 1S5— forego ,154x >lwoa5 LES 2.03 foregone +5+1%0 ge foreground .% aos 1549 forehead ~es foreign L555 foreigner LaSa03 foreknowledge 23x49 Li be» foreland eT Bes foreloc kktha3039 foreman +3433 15043 foremas xdis Lich t 224 forement ion ‘2303242 foremost — | 163 forswéar LA339AN0 1X¢aa5 2K gdh foremost +4235 xesiforger 2X82 25%34 forenoon B55 ~~] L3N\uw. 55 Looe Lismy OY 15405 forgery L§o%> LA. 2 Forensic. +A+53 .6+292 :2S\o02 tAwihe india forepart 14235 146— LAS Sw forerunner +383 forget [Leoxay 234 94 ee es En forgetful liizan A 9 >% f oresée 5 21 forgetfulness DeomS Lk ad95 | Lkadaw foreshadow +43) forgive 2Lo—S , LASSE ~0 L405 forgiveness LASA8 foreshorten :2+052%| fork +1%~\ 283i. 164A» L30ND86 forlorn: /214906572.52 forestght cS Lendsow.lia.00 LA .%5S30 'forlorness SL. forest LE.% | 1hesaO~ :1aghe: forestall woos» | Porm -iwobA 1 i5iy L.Xoxs | 1.902 2 LAd0q | i f-, 8 lip. Ans on forester 1504,3| formal 2325 9+. LE.09 | 0350 f ores try EROS OSAP OF mality is Xs LEAn0D | 135450 .0350 Foreta ste -298% formation ER eA . 23503. LADS | | ifdbae Foretell Lp0>~~%)| former (LEQDA 11 ieSe 1K..255% | 134% ay ore thought : 4o».25) f* ormerly Nn i deSa , i3z0~| formidable Dhdeergy ‘foretop 240\4e2 33 LiSSa0% Forewarn i202s2\/formiila 23:52 1385 Porféit +tdexe +5048) Formilate ~Soahw Forfeiture +AsSS forsake <+¢93'158s hee :Soee>| forsooth 2893555 forge SaD0 Leoak forswéar iNi.o2\ 1222 CO Os 164 fractaire ee eee eee eee fort 8ss:tie,| fosterertiXaie:1i333 forth : ree hobs aten yell Laoad:lsoAmz 1 ar the omin g | Linda. Lidmgz J he ( forthwith 675 34/foul fortieth +43519/ found -Laa ‘lino LOMtrt 1 Cacta.0n | LOolLAxx 18.600: 2805590) foundation gan s ort ity 299d 30 S@LAZ ae L»coux% wee ee fee Ged) CLC. ae Sas Las o Np EAS 5 Ogee = ‘ LKowm$! L25L05 tdos aN fortintght sane lt ‘ounding 1KdxSx LXya9> fortress 240-:25\9 foundling 2439 182 fortuitous 422.5, oy 1h5z9% Az (aol ye) ‘i a Sey ae soy | ; : 1N599 LAS=x ADMD Od Luna be ~. ee fountain t5> 23.4 (—Ly' A-24504) Four aS Fo forttne :2A403 :25808 1 fourfold pK 1Ss0h aes onsA AmS5lifourscore — | 7394 forty eAnal | fourtéen ° >@Sa52 Forward ‘:2%32\ 2482; fourtéenth 2943342 18295190934 :200-\9) fourth LES8~55 | od forward, .24,3:2235A | fowl tXqNaSo 1h498 LiSa20/ fowler Ppa? L945 (=ly) A-tesokte-2i-\|Powling 23-2 24-2 forwardness ‘?4\#5/ fox LXsA LAd3szB IAA S| |\frac tion Ange pera ns 2_935 Lox 2840: 2A8.8A5 isp oc *30\) fractional 24¥\4» Ae i] xe, 2-90 23245) fractious 23439 192 a9. 2Ao.%02 tings XMS; LKo 53023 foster... +409+~:13033| fracttre LA Asox fracttre | 165 freseo fracttire (*4§»=.t+¢5/fraude PAO a Aye fragile Lakme! fraudulent :2442\5 frag ility*osahmsa» 235A fragment 2845) (—Ly) rh.5\S5 gragmentary 13% Praup it tes cic Al eae +¥S4,09/ fray LAx\s :22XN9 fragrance *2+3¢ 14-3) Préak NADAO 20m i~ 7 H > ui fragrant: 24-32 15% | tinse|fréakle ois6:28\5 i—Ly) Ant3ino1frée ag 1355: Loobscw frail LiXpEAw 945 13x23 Lee iSy> 845) Fréebooter -#36:2354, Praitty Gane fréedom 24o3#t !t8051— frame. ‘tSe3$~::4 98) & péeholdik-sx¢ ete Phone di*eit90°8| Ere cholderxSeze 15% LS50adq9 524599 | LAW ze framer Nasa itte| freeman con i231. 145 franchise "2hod2.| : ~0@05S 1805.52] fréemasonry frank. arose Sage Be ee LXo3:0Ox C39 (282.~K@) Lox05 1X> 15Ra | fréethinker patie 1X5 215ha Ldb00% ~709n5 gadw > (48x-Ke) 25205 | fréeze No 3A.%0 frankness ‘2ho~Se| fréezing LS\3\% L1Kovo. | Greieht « - th5ex 12458 frankincense Laos | LaosSixo 72555 Frantic +*4+50'2420%|/freighter 2333\% (—Ly-) Nw .3 Lidaxo fraternal Tatorkd ‘renzy ‘15532 LAsc4s (Ly) Narsonwd 180.5% frate rnise 1354 Peat 43 1AnSA Lhosomd . Lo X 135 fraternity Ae~L| frequent 43 Lassa Pratrictde LAA S| - taX 155 ed Soe iz-5\ LAS30y fresh 166 frontspiece 2a50i4 Mo Aer 1Xo\3 Lajawo Lasos fresh2i3+55 2494 :2X0.~5 | fri nger,orsd *L3309 (— Ly} :A=thaq:-21Xe-8 | 12305 Nqtzen frippery idol Axp f re shenixos» : Lio.~S% | LA.3AS 2p. NS f Gein tien VME\ | Ppp sgh: .1385:1453 2 256x freshness LKeLo~S | Ago. Lh.43 :2ASOs fret (LR AST TSP ya the | Okt eho etaNes 265021445 529iz raed Léas fretful 14534" (Fritter LagAas Lag.A% ee | 1455.05: 2A 9454 (i p0aR9 (ay) Antighe: | friv OLLty 2hoa230 frtable L335N54Nx0 | Lko\oA\s frtability +9:409| frivolous 25230 Lriar 33 Liom2 | : iSoA\s friction2tAssx:tda5s aie ee see Awl Bnd® | Friday LAsQ>a SEAR G— " © * | hho £ 5226 friend ABor: 130.005 | TCa zZzzZle Lgoa 22x35 (—lLy ) An 5 Lyoaga : : Leoa9a : 2a 050 friendiness 2Koxm3 ety: - abASA fFriendless (2~35 243) Fro@k? 55s :243635 12% frerendshipy, 299243) Prog Leng frie ze243423 t=23; frolic LAO m2 Ls50\3| 12$..122N508 frigate +Asz5e5 ="\lfrolicsome 2am isXs 285 Li59—09 124.59 ~cios00 Fright +430s%:2As0a9| from re te eve A % 4 PF . ry $a@:.¥¢ ae. Porehten -i-s03499) frond 28854 1644 | Lboose front iA+3 335:tgn frightful -Litsaem Frontage LXo~25 Lesa | 14.52 frigid 13.98) Frontal cA rete Va) S.15.28| frontier 2039: lxe~s frigidity 1899238) Frontspiece+se-2345 vipa te ea Laato Ls0e@Slreei thao Lo50n:25tam0 BeOmue Le & 167 functional a garter se —5 SE ES eee Frout el et 589 18 ey fFuddle- i‘; | | len fudge iia er Frost t\erx% 28341 9 | —tALoa 2loM% 12K Naw Frost] y AntSai owl fie] Lksomx 15 154503 frostiness, +*A3b\%) figitive ESS frosty 2iSo iw Figue LAdbwea LAREN froth idedsi:\os0\ | fule rumtd~isx2 14352 rro thy | LS8iLsX) 1AbaG :21Kk935@ { froward E50 5 135\0.. | Clie aah 390304 iro 230 PFrowardiness ‘:6lo~' fulfilment : 18Sgas Lhasa | . LAxxA frown La 3035: 2Kka%55 fy] | Lids | (2p-34) eee oltlevy) Antsdy frozen iXsiox) fuller Laisa Ligod Pr OWZY asgesinee L5SX9 Fructify ++923»: 1288 | fulling 232%2 24,54 f" rugal 15. 1iXai | L595 i, ly F | Be Bn ne fulminate ‘‘t,osts 5 fruga di ty: Seed LADO | Lado Sas :25noxox Prug. | | eet iSSoaix | fulness 180 ~Ax fruit ". 283083/ fulsome 135 u@% fruiterer Li3aq 2S Soka Nae LHsaor\,9 | ' fumble .234235 xoA\S fruitful t&s0s\e ry 13s. 2X6a4 Fraition 180-2 fumblingly +25 2ssy4 opt LAad5NOW ee fruitless iAaos\ aS fue ene Dalen :LaoAsaA ; .3N Prustrate y.» 2534, ¢399 Lee 1305..% 35.520 ERY ->A35 fimigatetssa> LaoAsA teodse 2Sifiimigation A144 frustration LAM S~% 1§%da5 18~Ka9 18) fimigator 2Si\3aK fry t+xw5 tAAS552.0\5 fiun LAAS AS EAA frying pantossA/ function +29:14.As fuchsia +230 2a\5'functional 132\52 functionary 168 FUZZ funetionary ‘2455| ‘LaAqn L2D002 1242: fFurrow 2433 LENS cabanas mya oa hh a | furlong Le5@S\ 32 2A. 215039535 “ ‘ i Lek an a SON furlough £55 xo 1665 | furnace 1L3030an LA.5 62 furnish 24058 Loox 1A.3 Dr ON ” ‘ furnisher ree LaXp60 Dut LAL LNoAnS Furrier +242 24455 fund L1Ax05%0 LXo.%D furry” ‘LS 50 Bs LBD0%0 Lae oX LaoNw i lyoes 23233 tacos 1Soade> | further 1304 x03 fundamen t Nna3 Loong iL SKS fundamental 26h | furtherance :84$99 = Jy }t NnLOLA = | ‘tkd3@: LAS foineral 24-22 2450s, fur ther er 14555 fingous LXo.~w35 - 2588/90 1ib.¢ | 18303934 fir ther more L353 fungus 1£503,3 | +2509 -xom 285.2 funk ‘2AS020°245 1443) furthest Hu} x05 2~so390| fPiurtive 15.3 funnel -\Siiéen3|Pairy ; tAnba 1248.50 funny 2442+ '254.\» E rAksd33 fur 24A4y0 2554) Furze rida: iXax taXgo 29\\ 2,038) PSE Lo0xS0 1 130x39 firbelow 2%-04> 2503|/fisée Ex0572AMAANS Furbish +9038 %tz0a%) _ A¥@2 LhSzz. Firious?222 -» 14-5elfiisel oi] 13%% l+x» vox0. 29055: Ux Len5sd 7 ua ”“ ti i Puss ere ope 15% FASTON .:tAdzS0 525535 LAdEsg fuss Lassa HES ox fussy 13iSa% Pius ud 7249309 12545 futile Pe ergy LAonp~5s futire anNX3 Luturivy 1Ko2-N55 Pia, L5ei2 ASA 21 / gab 469 game ate MER, ; we gab : tAALANS 22 Kwéx0 , | LAo 520% ; 12929 LAsos\, LOSS | tz L3CSs Lwsosxx gabar dinet5,»2 1X0 \gallant Limy 135% | BAH Te Wisse ck 3e rah | (-Ly) | Nalin § Lnoaus -Laohsah, LAca oS | ga llantry . LAo2ax gabbiler sabe LK Qs gabion L1Xm> 2 2 LASS salle ry+sss FY rKASNE gable a~NaAd2 1Kxosd gs 23i\9 2kn59 285A aSh> 640d | aa “24S. 5 LAxi~e gad 5 BYP BN 125 e00/ galling 15.5% i 2ixo 13502 ~30~ 25\ o¢ ‘S| gallipot TTS SoNos 1.5m 1552 1.6359 gaff L50A, AYXs4 galion La iiiwos 1S0.9 gag ox L&sKomn LAad0~S 92 | La~~% .20 L855) 5355 14095 21559 1BSS 12408 | todos SIE Ors on tAaeke | gallop 18.548! Lode gale tyros -28 042 om | 1S0Ba gaily Ar téae| ga allows. 2Ass~—> 26.6 gain | tNnin.L5i5 | gal vanic 2A e5K0 gainer 13ia5 | 28552 LAASoS30 gainless tAn3q LS9 2|galvanise tAo nx gainsi ay Ax6 m5 2 vi. 9 950) gainst S36039| badmi 125% AS gait Adam .245021 9a lyanism 1480. gaiters LoS2 15552 LA g54h5 galaxy +4s590a is ie axon idoah galbanum 18-a5\3<)c¢ambler >2%en2 24Xs¥ (2544) | gamboge 15d 25. gale 25.55 2509 2aX..22 galiot 246542 ~»X gambo | 2425) .236x .2585 gall 243 ¥ wna ) 1A350| game | LAASA, game Ae gather game tXos& garish Ee i fi Ava SA gamesome 245 epi Peepe ae 28.430 LAs05 gimester 1a aes 29399 gammon L5oe~2 L9hs jgarlic LOA :2KkKSxo0wo LAA.z05 ney Ee iim ea! PY Sa LAASS I garner 53324 LiAso 1m 2020— Lo smo garnet Lai 000& 2325 gamu t+359 243289 1Awa Lida 209383/ garnish ion gander 1392 146) garnishing LhA5S gang L34h2 Ama! garrotter Lagat ganger “pad 2409 2i garret n2%02 ganglion NwiN2 Lo x02 garr ison 2S NAS LSA. | TAA gangréne 92o~/ gar rulit y+33 tAxI~e gangway Lond L.aS359 garru LOS Limyner gannet +634, ewes 145953 Loe 15.49 garter 3352 1508. gant le tid2s2 13-2835 | 2553 LAwSsA BAS 2woa> 24055 Soc goal 15.02 Ano gaseous 14959 1455S0q Zap L9sa 52505. L30S5H gash 25392, 190x tkneS LS50L) gasométer tSog 325 gape LAZAS>2 L550: 2b008 Laas garb Bane Eee NO. gasp [O35 225\ garbage mitees oe ©3955 Kms garble 125912552) pastric g23xo0l 2 osXigastritis L3on5 gardeéntar-: adie has 1330\,@23 gardener*35-22 24533) gastronomy +484e- gar dening Te Ge «3. LA5xS920 LAAZ5>2 baSn29 | 1szdoaivs gargle td: L30~>~ gate LB04 2554 L045 of Lin gather :t;o3% pee nen Ao eAdox! tXoes0 5298052544 gargoyle gatherer ee gatherer fathering LAs 1135x0021 gaudi Ae PLaAsA5 gaudiness A gaudy Asis; oénealoical eres s5|goneral : Es o % e Ay 23BNsN3 L300 gentility gelding LN mom gender LSa\ gsenealoy ‘tde~ 45%! gentian +59be2 15a #24439| gentile 1 Ban geld Lse~ipentility tNonnA 5! 2LA0n.O5 | LA oxox 20 ‘ ow , gentle 15.95 319.5 gentleman?>eon» 1242 Pen ben es sy. itNes as LAogwss: LOSS gently AilSm55 gentry L5q00n%0 Lai gentiflection 14+» Bo os5 gentiine Un edt toes Losox geniiineness :2A40\.xa LKodnd% genus | LOs\ géographer L454 2$5i9 14245 géographical +434a> ae ee sha géography sole LAr 4> | zéologial 239\0.~5 1Ssi5 29S coxa | eséologist LaSo5 2$525 21$X.0x\) ~OX2 ENN gzéology 1Sdi0 LANZ99 | raXigsic | géometric—al2isson> germinate 2igesticulation LAS955 4 = a ¢ LADIWES LASaL> gestire LEA 64% | LAxiwes 1.3545 L055 izet 11559515350: 21N5=x 49o5a5;18N.-ts0hs, | 156%. lgetter up 2332 | So 250 Soiep |gewgaw 342 1AM LaoX4 ghastliness 15\e~ | -L335z~0 155 2|ghast Lytissaeg: tide |gherkin Sechrest Pn Shost2stz eA03.5 52205 chostly oA05 65 L032 iSes%2> igTant see AN 25555 gTantess +Aedsat gibberish +Axxwe igh gee: LA35 =~ ae 2. 1o.55 2L2Xa | / géometrician +44-5|) ¢ipbbous L5\on 18529) oT be +Ase%e 130~0% géometry +5512 *4\s2 giblets +1430@9:154% germ S304 1285955 L§2 16530 german 9m 255—2 ciddily NnLSE\ germander 1Saz | |giddiness L&sk\ 1986-3338! pi ddy daz gift ‘i 173 gléaming gif'ttisoz ‘tAscoso ist | ae Lio\». 2iBol: Nod gig :1980a 1325s LiSsSi give \Nest L832 l3c% thon 28 .50im 1560 .tk3s%.03 L504 gigantic Hei Ay | ,15..9%0 Dd re giggle tXodtows WARY giving | 2S Nace gild 25qan Lionx x SiZzzard iXd0029 gilder L3ea5 LiXozrs #25 A538 ue ees Sildind 45095 1A\~exx iglacier US 7zS0) eA gill Loses rSen3| 2XAAao pA gillyflower \..93055, glad Boned 152 Loman d LSas) ee ly) Amaro gilt 13033 sSesow gladden n03- 9-554. gimorack Xs =233% iglade oX> LS os A302 233a0—) | Lins gimlet [2345 soires | pladiator?s- Oa, 1348 2X. S613 | gladness 2X0n20 gimp a-9332 A-Sigjlamour 45-5 tA. gin LXAKx 15352 ..12030a | Lafza03 LHA\W> 130 L2Nd0a5 Ue eneeS glance.t&s £5 .L4545 L345 L30ad4 p05: LoeaS gin eee o265 1853) gland 22303 L504 a mn30 28056) 2545 gingerly -t#.3 lass LNodS5ze3..Ldk0000 glanders +45» .31£:% LHOGoS2 13598 25Ny3 giraffe ~l6 mG: 285L glare (25052 186% 13.54 ~©ol3n 123 2A oAAN girondole?35? 24,245) 9]aring LAS Stan 23635 glass 2503 .150x gird +70254.2s+ 5:eflolassy Lixex girder LAdSe\ 24.55 glaze tit~.taree 23.2 aot ha 440 Bi e Ld5iofs Lem | sax Li53 j2a2 0A 19 om girl 1&3 35 | s1azier Lzox> 13455 girlhooh tAeada gléam iSeq4ileos\s girlish 12855 118359 13.3079 (tALSS5 Lande arrest 1X32 LAxOA| 9] Gaming tA e SAS g 1éan f eléan:t6aX tikvz 245s 2B gléanins t4sz2 tAo5s glebe land $59:30¢ glée LRG nba LD on eleetul . (—lly) Naha on 2&aX\09 32 LAdg08 glib BE Pia eS g LT detacerx42H 5x: sek glimmer 125085 L5e75 14% La0sad glimpse Tells ee glint 23342 LK85 glisten 2aay L095 glitter Laodex g loaming rAs3xi gloat NOT TSR SOLS globe 2SoSo\\ one 2852 globtlar ERO 1NoA\A\ globtile SoA so ais sloom Lem: L3r— gloomness = ‘24es5z- Roxas gloomily DANal53zm™ glorification**>5~ Si Ww Ba BBS glorious +3552 15» (—ly) Nalidom glory 255. i35c0% :La0q3% gioss glossary glossy , ~ 6. % oP gf 2O1C 35 hike Pie. (45550 oanl goblin g Lee G6 wialancees lzlover Li5s40 1558 ns 1a.i45359 ake 1Asix Lk .5N Vex las dare PxS0 LEGA: Lasoo 2 Loze Laxm Liaw 13X LhoSzx glue Lk&Nooxa 12034 tA.on 28\oox 2 | um Ls5x Lidio~ 2Xo glut (22845222850 2A02450 glutinous ‘+iS\oex '@lutton 24434,:258045 gluttony ikeso\5 rhos~ah glycerine+tizz2 Soe Asa ba 2>|/gnarl 16.52 1540 ignas h Bo29) 2 oases enat LAsz gnaw 1X50 11585 25Kk3 ..1959 gnome B-N-~ LA=05 2852 Nawdd LNSgad ig ra) 2Re01255872NG2 | Look i Leos LMorah»:tsonx ipand LyoS305 L565 18095 Lyodaea.Ld0A -| goal ASSoLS—5 goat Lis LBA goblet rtdAoL LAx»5 105 x / Lege Soeee gonorrhoea LS5%0 | Lama 2&9X32 good US axe oly good ]Ly+4X aidan i5~\35 goodness :2KkoaX goods goose gooseberry 2959 24 Sore? 4993 :Lia3e02 gobble evi gorerace gobble thboitzsS5| —t«=<«ést LSD God 165i | pore LeSAs 2 Sons goddess 1K oi | 1aXw0 124350 godhead LhocSi goreous L3KsA2 15x godless 1¢Si 289) gorillathssws .on~x godliness tRes32953| LzaiN godly 252958 |gormandi se2see ©9395 godsend. LoSi re + 252 ox} gor ge! t4.5 Limo 24h igSis AEN goshawk *Ad0\, .elsos goer 24842) pos LimtiBo. tase :2i096 goggle eye Bea == SO Sp ed cond X302 Laado *hnkSe/ Bossa amer 2LSSo 255 going LAMGZ F 2AN 23S | 493 1So\G2e505 gold 13a goss gS] PtAxring: ihadaS golden Loox» i isosc3 | LAAN Beat: Lw09~g ) LaodSaS goldfinch25.% xe aad Nad oN goldsmith eae 1458) pothic 22K0\ iXo3 Sol ftsr0h2 2KhA\S32 15% gouge L554 5 255A 70058, golosh: — 4At42 theg| N.2XoSA gondola L53—ma nt gourd 1S$d5 gondo liers»%? +3454) gout tNnl3. L5044 255 oK5 gouty tAsis 250.09 15% gone ‘/25.53 ,tN ek govern L505 A: L203 governable :ta%2acAx L35a\ AN governess [LAsvaG iKa55 AA government ;L92300 LAxSe governmental?4»30a governor 245344 | aac gowntss.22 2304 .i%.03 grab 1X85 12204, grace ~ aw graceful rAd: NoSs: LkoaS graceful ‘58x. 215% 2306 a5 Ly) NaL90—5 A a ome Jats graceless ‘A84x 142 PSOSN PENS aL 00 SS 15ihe grampus 176 grate granary2331: Lim Ans grand Ld0\ 1 15035XK ayy) NwLS0dX grandam 1A3% grandée 155.25 Lao0k grandeur 1Xhod0\ grandiloque 3 ie gracious ‘NoBSxa 15% | coo) Ew Limyoe cee | 2d0\ L150, gradation 1A04® | grange ised} AwS _ Peers : Z , Aaa 2X39 3) gr anite Lo..03 ise ‘grade 1520: 93 | granny tXsosi gradient 239 28.3 grant 15a :1LhA\S505 eRe a mse 250A\% gradtal +4332) prantilare 259 i ey} Na13520. 1523002 gradtiate 842 prandlate L649 tAaQ\ 2453 .3 Lge”) grape 1333 gradation *Ae22igraphic—al tAs-Aa9 EX SoA) LN 55° (3 LN EO a0 | fey) NalS.N5 graft 2Sox0 74045 +333) grapnel Ld0X¢ aoXah NOxdS 255232425 5 DAE ES 2 achoese ase erain Leoxse 285035 / orapple ‘:9 zea 2852 1859559 ePEN La0dad itzolsA grammar -S-y202\ |orasp ‘thAAaithzeh grammarian +\%~3\, iX Sa: 2254 ee grasping *Lax0X grammatical +\2»»34, 3342 \, (s5frTass Pal Sok, eLly) 5-23.) grasshopper ‘2¢»« Wak ak rey gramma phone?s33224% | grassyti-5 tXS\> L532 i352|/ grate b950 15.56 Lscsy 153 wdioa2 14959 :2Ne592 ae grate L177 gréeting grate taken Jeb k pes ord j Vy 159S0 LN 353 eratful +832 24434) srayhound agik (-lly) t&ama tAsS\a) grAyish 239$9 2X352 erater 72232 10233/ orAyness 158$> Aad L355< graze (hasan L.0d4% eratification2Asss, | LSS Nae 15 :28a.00 grazier. L325 3'S%0 gratify .i&a20 IS NO Lasana L4GS5i,v0 tka 149186 t304|erGase taosdd:2Sa4 93 1933) oréasy 23554 erating .15S> 2459\) great 150A. 235999 °245-4loreatness +Aodo\ are vis" ~pom|orGed ‘423892 tAnxs zratitude LAaS\, |- LXodSS0\ Lkax03 | er é6éedily Soe gra tuitous Se. gréediness :thoso\5 gratuity Lko~S0— | LAoddSnK | LNos~3s\, grattlate 155. gre Sedy Laas; 24S0A5 155.2 139 *;gréen L&GS-0 7 tine gratulatory 2350 «| gréenbac ck2As~0 1509 L5.c—2 Ladjos 1556 erave LAOAAN 12553 | gréegage 23022 S:ai\oréengrocer 14433 grave 2555) 2ASA > grave -t84~~4:25004|) g9réenhorn 359 desis LSa0i,.0 245 1X 2X6. nae tenses Tice Beg \.15694 | 7néenhouse NnZ gravel 16.03 1X tang 2Aax graveless +538 14>|créenish Lino gravelly 1sS@| sréenness 2Koaa0 gravitate ~oXA 243) | gréensward : 2X55 gravitation KAS cna mOXS LA35 550 eréet LoXx 1452 gravity 18§es0n+|/préeting 22x eravy 25@a9 15.= toSx2 L4h..59 gregarious aliyése gross gregarious ‘450>5| grinning LaasSAxv LA@daa er 1pe :2850\ 35 : L&o55 grenade Lhso0w>S . L845 14352 LS55 grenadine LAso%0>S9 1X50 L532 .2¢<.. al OA SAY L5SS0 ‘Sa? grisicin Liton 1505 greyhound 42h L509—9 gridiron +438) 2155S) grisly LES 239% H&-tHs0% thOxS LSlorist 229 '15909 1h rea eR Ss tAwkS 234 \oristle LZogd0 griévance [2350S | Lingdoe [25052 L355 Dom app bav Lingus Lins griéve 8 PTE Yor 2SoA 52559: 1S @30 eriévious LEAD Lasas 2K \ 95 = Loans Ealy Lza2 LA\SoSa gritty LASS ho Sens griffin '+5%0~ total grizzle 4 t*\52 1X35 ~7OZ30 24519 ~cod\S groan 2mosk ) 8.3K t5x35 ~7018So\0 gcroat Lmok Liss grig 1k 3505 L303 croats L539 2458 Looms | grocer 2352 14454 eat IE) en ee LSSi2 Ls4eaz0 1X955> grocery LAs39 Ans grim ~odtSs 15\\ Laizas20 ~39 53359 15iSa9%/ 240505 psoas grimace L6\~S$\% grog Lsiodio LASAx 18282 15\\ 1hndd5| orogey 2565 grimalkin +436 o\s!groin eA grime baoAmzitknz|oroom 24660@2 24545 criminess 2RaK.ux 25.A3, 25k. grimy 24k~z/ oroove 72h.94 grin ‘254A tats 165~ L1%o~..29\a 12850000 tha-\ 5242909 LA%5 grind 135, grinder 2354 grindstone 1425 dond?2 | z¥5..1 18S Lxrowx2 ri eAdS grope grossness MED guilt EASTER ok Et ST RN grotesque S84 | guano 15-h9 14hx frotto 18.94 | puarantée Livoos ground 2612834 sXdAL 215.55 Ah@1Ax 1501 12k x9 cuard .LkdNa 5505 2ae\S SomScipoias| . 2543 . LAa5N5. 2Aso groundjess 1 Xp | 130943: 2.60% LiGS%0 Liog Ae hers? guardian 235545 groundlesness i guardianship 2 Pepi : ‘komad 1hor0X5 group lide ioe guava 245.1. 16sh 14 LADS. LxaailAa 2| gudgeon L1A50.. Laos na bgeLaE 16s A 28 RAS Soe LAX Au 0 LAdsOs%e grove LAdods 224%) ouerdon Aowmjs 156 erovel M3 tS$0xSz|oyerilla 1&x\3 1952 guess 150—5 52355~ grow - 2305 :2@00dL 143.23 ) Asx 15X35 guesser 235.5 ok ps Fae grower +4345:215034|/euest Lidi growel -285959/futdance ;+hoss2ex 1@Om4 .L3005% Lidols LA.4.-2 growth LAs dum 12k wd5h guide +34» 13220 grub tees Die te on 51 2A L502 Lrogmn. Lie RRS Lasw 1568125Ku2 | oy ild :2th0eSK0x.1Kk0~' Srudge ‘ead. LA.3 Laeoes LRaxd se wattage had lit ste Lso~3 eutle 2Aom5A 2 2A 5A5 gruel] +3592 1652 :2554| sutleful (LaS045 eran tat 23555 23539 | ta (<1 y) \-243929|) gutleless 1X» geruffnes Lkossae| 2&.3A8 Lks5a guillotine 1Kx059 grumble aowas LAwSd9 L3.2%.iN5n0 2woX 55, | iX352 grunt ‘tyo0c0.tboxs%! oui] tress Load 1X5 Lisa 245555 guilty iis 134|/ rurnet LAwox® L503 guinea +3@$2 L808 gush LAxX xX 11k 2424 i\sdz) Lxol xk :2x04x35 3 Lins guise :tA-Ss: iSsss%| pushing Lia \.6 -3e9 | gusset 2524 5235 rods guitar SA. 0 | LASbAs out LAW eR | gust DaNnioy a oe Bey: gull :448$~2°2534) susto 12s Benet s Pears) Buel y r3035 15% Sullet 2&sess 28085) oy ¢ LaoS 2N6\8:2.3% gullibility bRAGE Leds 15696 Suldiuble ) .23552 ae Zutter 2983: A50x° gully t4~9 2A ee) guttural tSe\3> gulp LASAn0 2124Ns guy tANa x fos ieee L5i@00 235Aa\ 2x52 gum tsS.29 1As9 guzzle i535 LZAx LASS LAoSKh 7 Lkosnsiz gummy LaK9 | gymnasium Nes ue oe pierre! 2123549 25X\os5 LAado A tiom2) evmnastic 2aX\o>> gun Soa L255\3 sunner $eA2 24553) py psum AwA At gunnery LaS\o. EyPSy \24>5 25445 240N9 Lae Sass eyr Nn25a29 L550 xunpowder en ra ha 1453~ Zunsmith 29eA2 24g5A 16.3025 gunvale PN BN LSA | o eyi LAXonis 1AAzxx aoXs H haberdachery a es ee gurgle: twols\ i L500540 ate me raberdasher habiliment 181 hand te eh Oe habiliment 24x35. halberd 24~%65:244, habit 2358:21X0\ /halberdier 154\$% 25$aa. LALA 1i0655 habitable 135~Sa~!haleyon 1355 25.4 habitat Nas 2228S 25504: Lda 235039 tASNo talé-¢ A~3:15eSS/ hale 13H :23K..5 habittal 23s 23045 el by.) Ae 323! hal f tN SSS TENS habittiate -$ 288.[hnalfway ‘225019 2X\% 2525 1a, 1X X Ag habitide ee hall ldap Ans hack Fe) a Bi 2AunS2 2K NOMS hack ;284q 524 aa 2;hallo god LoXx ue 5 | halloo t4~oxn% - i moon hackle 183s 2880 hallow .23653:2x695 1X93 28 zs 1533 hackney ~392 150%! halo 135429 18.A5 haddock 2Sah 24] {hox.3520 23035 halt LAS 22eR5 iatat LANG LSA sod 3 La0a32 P2NoA ak hag tAxz4:2355/ halter (LKx0s haggard ‘2434 :14=5ex/halve ‘aPAX 220345 qps Linda ~cosS 1¥A$125N5 22 haggle (L38$0:282..|/ ham L50ym2 18.25 1505 tasn\ 235 1440! hamlet :LA5045 LAS haggler 23Xx.s | 1§0594 tAsto 132~9/hammer , 249A94:%604 ha—ha +@ Lé}hammock 24\230A 233 hail -ixAx i iaXx 2359 hamper -2AA5 5 2X6 2555 2258:5 aad :tAA5 of La0Am hailstone 203X255) | LSxan 2259 hair (‘Aw :taeg::g6a|hamstring »3 15.36 hairless. Léoa 22K L S45 39:228 x3 hairpin +*A»®ea2 ~Xsg/hand 14352:25.24 2: hairy LaSew 12342525 29q75523.25 handcuff's 182 harm Lats TAs. : La elas 5 hap 1.224 fon9A handcuff's 24332 ‘25 hapless : 23900 handful :tk&xomwol A\tS5i i289 Pa sy 2AxSS haply onSAz Liog 1a handicap :2389~:23449/ happen 2e3A 22594 129355 :2wo\am happily NwLaSo0\, handicraft ‘+&e3%02| harangue Lo 9306 ASa& 150935 ‘1405920 handily Lis 134) har ass :Laogd so | eee Rage 252 18550 15075 handiness s=3}/ har binger 25M 05 handiwork23+22 mane L3Xy.2 5 1h058 handkerchief +48~Sé; harbour ‘14422 s-3 handle :thoo\y taco itiwto 2420\ LAN5 i 160399] hard LOOX lion! lixgs handling 28~A9% harden 140909”: l.ox0% handmaid +955: 14»2|hardihood -Lko x09 handrail akon LAdazn handsome — 1%0-Sl har Ci ly\-te-6 2525 ‘eagd katad Nd 0m oS hardines 3S 280.5@38 handspitke eras tors 1honxn handwriting?43-45, hardness > LXownAg 23523 2hognan!lAo.S handy 04S 523-29/ hardship ‘tagAo2 dices eet 1350S hang LXoassA : 2488 | hardware LAs35§ Ans hangar 2&33\3. 53 rhonnsz hanger 5 Sa SLSESA hardy L3Nw2 tld hangings iss2an|/ hare tAxa9 x.042 tAgsoac :2\4/ hark thorn i liswx hangman:4Ssio iit M4 | harlequin taade 2xalo xP Y | hank+23~S 2250~ 233\ |harlot 1305 hanker 5435 Lmosh harm 1235 00~ pared) hans 3OmLSS0A ndN2 23358 try Ye. 13500. Harm Ul 4 183 ha wk } harmful2sseom2 252~e{hAaste 2Agdoitdsad (eanled Vs ) NnLsSeom—/hASten 4o+\912444 harmless +143@0~ :S>|hastly None (—Ly)}) NwLis@0~ 1So>;/hAastiness LRognd harmonic Lic 1859 thasty Lindow i2g.S harmonics L.§0529/ hat 1k. @09 155— ms 2ASa/ hatch LAXAS 20045 harmontse La0a4% ; rasa Lim 245) hatchet LA mS6 3 harmony!3so~o 2Ao~S-/hatchment Loss L152 14.205 harness i602 L»2Alhate Lk w4m11Zz4i2@ hateful 2443Gay : 1.30 hate prasad hatred Naa O eons hatter L3iD¢0 Leena harp 1539 harpist (54)5 t34—% harpoon ?44s9 2523 ~m25 03493 ‘ aw rau haughtily . t- 7 o vu bay > (2) harpy ?4&-3%e~ 28as/haughtiness ‘:Ao»> 150 1%3f2 c7OA25 | < } taSdoloa haughty 1529, 21305 harridan LAz® rn 20 haul LAxDdA jc leae tly harrier Ldo2 «248; haunch -2SS harrow ; Lso\ 3% [33% haunt Nao Liswd harsh (i40a4 :24z5j haut boy Lidog La5a0 : 15.5% have AwL harshness :280.201/ haven 25S4 5 252s0\ 1&0d..350 Lx x5 hart 8-4 haversack tAsx harves t 25S 2 23dg— by529 hash :2ANzW ‘ Lads :2NXxz~}/havock 24.9458 ; 1435 ae 24259 | haw *Saxa Sah 215 hasp 2558 '5aX5a | hawk :po don rOA dona L3kg hassock 1h3a>39 ~ 2302 hawker 184 héat cere hawker :230\30s9 oS 1LBOSy 1Xi> 23N%2 25454| LSo0@> Lina Bho 1204 hawse ,3502:t50a9 285%| heady (25250524554 hawthorn Lai, areal La. 59N% 2A 2 omy . ~Xazolhéal 10095 :12xO5 hay | 2§055 2SA\A\ | ppGaler Le505 hazard?+52: 2594 :onS4 \nealthiness L3%\0~ 235@0~ of 15K, LKo1 O36 hazardous+s320~2 25%) heal thy +242 :t%.05~< (—Ly )24520.2 Lz2eis LS5s0 haze i-2/héap Lion lLiog Lake hazel Leo i Lg0A> 1da5 héar LAwS0x | Linex hazy | 132.0/héarer LiSwx he ool héaring 2KnSmx head - 229029000 2nOg héarken LAO wm — 0 Shae ed shéarsay nak La headache © 2332 2S5xihearse LAd.34 headdress LED a9 heart 258 header 125},:24%2 =) heartfel ttss_ ~cosh oX 215800 24253 15. heart LALOR | 4s0A;heartstone +2402 headiness (2h0~38 230\5 285925 heartily 130.55 head Land259$ 2x3:245m% 2354 ata :25\5 t headship 1Xo0az3/}heart’s Gage +1%045 headsman ‘2239 25”34 Saxo 14= , 3955.20 hearty LE.92N2asy headstall 1K.202 héat Ligowx» !LAso mx héaten 185 henbane héaten $3, heirloom 1Koads héathenish 12434|heirship ~Kohods hé€ave :2A»s5 252¢:2045 heliotrope 545 da%, rAdAy eteaiol .2%04 heaven Lax} he] 128303 52555 1 Lag Ad heavenly LaSox/hellish Le5q4, heavily L&odon4s35 | (—ly) Nadig’d heAviness e004) hel m moXo ASMA heavy 15655 helmet 1.h..B03 .oXaa& héabrew 154553 1S9aS0 hecatomb 22%2 24%33/helmsSman 135A (Lao 2Nyada 2LAh.@009 hectic 1Ss0 7242454 |e ly i ncoy Loe Lisotw|/ helper L55a0 hector 185i .23059%| helpful LAdaq2 15% tasq|helpless hedge 94435 Lwords 2545 helpmate hedgehog :243023|/helter—skelter re dons ose. 2495405 héed LAobaxe 2X Aa), 2O Ons ae (—ly) LKodazqa| hem .22095.2%099.2305 héedful Az Soa La0A% héedless bazar $l hemi sphere 2.X¥\3 LASp=x | LNA On9 h6el ‘2542 2452:23A2(hnemlock +24%® tSax 1445/hemorrhage + A\9i hégoat 23h 23496 yy 229 heifer 2h=%.1K\o\;/hemorrholds 44»4»3 height LAox5 ees LAxi> Lidmo heighten 905% | hemp 1835 22059x : 2Loway hempen : 283.52 ae 234.9:28f431 hemstich2XaX2 2XAs (—ly) os 24h..0 2202 heir ikoah) hen 2KKo heiress 1KA0as henbane?ix® LSAx hence 186 Hidtus hencer® 44..%xse 2512) H6retofore 23M Xe 243% ~«42/Hé6reupon 2GL2 A$ hencefort tee re; HErewith Laila ws ASA ecreane LKonas henchman itneas 2X23|Hermetic 253 2 anon henpeck23o0Ads :23a04,355 (—ly) Nn LA ote 235m2\ | Hermit e539 SLES ann her 7o-2-972|Hermitage honda. herald 233930.233-s5|Hernia +450 Aas. ae 0: 2AkscGe%> LAxL5 Lidimwd heraldic Likatws Hero 25534 tpaxesz/heroic— a] 442553 heraldry LA&A\5Sq3! (—a lly): NAL5SSX tos%-39|Heroine SS ERY herb Linn 2X\4 ‘Heroism 1&od35< herbaceous +:3\ineron 28 Pass. k herbage 24859 :2A\K\ | ASAXA 2ASA\ 5 L4iSa% heronry LAwSod Nas herbivorous = 234ai ASASS 235305 23.42 herbalist 1X\A5 herpés Me ke herd. 25995 \253..° L595 /hery cingtioss tears herdsman25®4$9 23is55 | hers Ona nds hére ~3S herself 763X353 H6reabout 234502 23i5|hesitate Ldonai Héreafter24a 445 .~ hesitation rAdSsi Héreatoa? 24.t4%2 14! heterodox 128A. Héreby 355 Lain 23n5x 28 Hereditary rhads heterogéneous Hérein 1Gin oX 2x.59 234 H6reof 234." 24% wolhew 82a of 13535245. Héreon : hoa .ld2o As hexagon rosod ~KnAx fee hexagonally 6i0\ nea Heretic 1845,3¢ Nd.p2 L334 Rae Heretical 245-\3ehtAatus @$i> 26\sx hibernate 187 hive @« a —— hibernaéte26s® 230534) hinder Les Sh hiccough2Asek 224004 tnoas hickory +$oA2 28-5/nindrance 24.~Ss% hidets\oq~x 233} ‘25024 hindermost 73 hideous2ssAsk 22358990 ped lp (Ly) *&-So195 tantivas hinge 233—..29So0X hiding LEWES 2154 ocr\o 2a5S hieroglyph +43449)/hint 295 22634 145032 LAc.ANS tA ¢ 10> 2K, ak higgle:-542 24K 23035 hip i099 lsh lsc hipped 13z5 ~ Las50\, higgled—piggledy hippodrome Na PSsos th2S5' Lois olys 296502 LK.540 higggler (4x32 24335 hippopotamus 2359 135.24 :214k50%0 22203 1S02: Noxnas ” high 228 225. |here 2595.25530 21305 i—ly)} aqtsd$el hirling 15q75 15.59 highland -+tA~3 243i/hirer ES ome sens ta50ho 255/hirsute 2349s La5N2 highlander +415»$ihis ~70 => die hiss 2503:<39 highness Ko. 4s ;hist axe. 288% highwater 242 2&5 *;historian 2345 259 | . LAA highway t2ed 144502 Ih istorica] 14445424 highwayman 18453] (-11y) NndiK.smA —¥3G 2250209 his tory LAWSZA hilarious?4-+90 242-/historic LSaKAS24 hill L&h205 Hae 11559.1%53 .Liinw Das ock tX a5 1555 .28d.59. 2A. S20 hilly 13405 hitch 0%9:25305 hilt 14.02 24A5] O450 Lasod Liin him aFONS: ed ee 234 Ao himself ~7neaXsl|hitherto2tsas taia \o hind e348] hive tdwodrox oX 125. hoar 188 . homespun ee oon ate 2550] hoe 90323. 290594: 190955 22539 2.3.5 hog 1500~ hoar 1500950 L230 hoggish LS509~ hoard . 1394. 2i0n/ ay Nal 9— hoarding*+o+2 14.~5%|/hogshead 15,05 (430590! hhoiden Aos3§502 hoarse 155. LB G5 Oa | ihoist Lw0h% 2329 / ho 1d2h-S4: 2849: Ln ds0S hoars iness 1Aaa5a ' Awd. Sas | holder So Peo pee 23.553 hoary 230% L2550m| 15023! 15% soho ho Lding ‘24424: 24 539 hoax 2342 LAr 23538 hoax hob 1205°5¢9 2828) hole 1895 ‘Kadiz holiday ‘22425 2404 hobbie «Ae 2424 1835 rsp ee tAoAsA: 233 1h 10 lily NnLkeo5 Eeppledenoy. M2 7ailieliness LAgx.28 2 Somes S\57 12S: Nia95 42 / hollow 7 2500S : Lc xs apes P L1AS\: 2.5523 245 hobby+3o%? 2Gem.23 °3z| hol lowness 1K9 nos hobgoblin phe e rod ey tNAzs: 2O3h 55 | 14223392! hollyhock® 295 16.5 hobna j Ltkn5m202 Lonwntd | 22509 hob- nobyee-4-yo2e~2/ holster 243982 24 3\5 hock L8a4 :240348 ' holy 12.98 ‘ : $%% |. in 2% hockey—stick 2903 | homage Ba Tacs LAAS63: 144n@Sia|home 1Kh.w6e72 L5AL-24.5 hocus declared 1% ? 155 ads | homles 14.5 2X» hocus—pocus+262 2262 Sets ee LkoAl S28 hod 222953 212545 faa 215S0x0 2925 1X2 hodge—podge _+4%03| homely -tSnm 1X: hodman 13533 283 AD qanx 213.355 22! homes pun?4~32 505% homewards 189 horticultiral he ee tee oe a homewards24~32 23\\/hoopoo 28-4 24h30aa s homicide tS$5/ hoot :2hson gal% 2255 homily , 1409034 2KSon2 1k.55 homoeopathic?&»$52|/hop +4ag ,elsoa 136 LSds09 oe ae en 13 3595 =x 13 2079230 gp 23id9 homoeopathy © +&»63 a2 res LK 5SSgn2 LESkuL 134595 hope 152 :20%02 :2535 tAaiorw 29-24 1X\AF hopeful itege homogenous 2434 442/hopleéss 235 1N> ae +8s2|/hopper 2539422450 Tas er horison 180 -5m3 honesty 1KoS93 rAnjma 1825.23 honey Li59 | horisontal Savon honeymoon?+#35 2452) SaAS SAS Ve 2LAdSSA9 | Cie) n92 1A \asA5 honeysuckle 2SAsz noAN MAS honorarium 2599/hornet 152 Lh nbs 18q:29523| hornptpe rAdxem2 131% honorary :1390x20| idoS ~3S54K0 13.2420 155.29 horny ‘2355 gai dios honour 235-2. aaa: 1355 wo Led0d honourable %35e.2'!horrible? _ ASS34% 135p2anlhorribly LNL69¢> honoura bl y4+45s0-»| horrid? Liszi~ hood 72x35 LRErs| { Ly’) AwLSSS300 1322 2AzeaSa |horrific L3isaen hoodwink ‘43-3 43s@f\/horror . 1K s00% Lno2d5 |horselsood LBA. t Oo hoof LSsia 1%! horseback?om? 9344 hook “AXs4 :285029' horseman 1338 AX 335 snare ‘horsemanship +49345 hoop 285i $a: - jhorticultiral | tase rAd 2333)/hovel t&9499 hosiery +9532 pa Oven Leqasi 255s ho Spital+gges \-7 | how 3ohs hospitality 24~5= Fie ety ra Sa i2552 2.519 Laoas gene host (24350922451 [howitzer 153305 13Ss006.2530z00 2X.) how 1 Lmo909: 2.9005 hostage .-~8!25.%20/ howl ing2A~565 51h ~58s hostelry Lodi Nas hoydent&,34 2A5s0 1X5 hostile LiS5606!1 hub L8645 4309 (Ly) \.245656|hubbub PaSash i oek hostility24&o-~4s0n6 huckster 25094 L3isg hot. Mee 2Gemthyddle :t4\605 1532 hotbed2Aszex i402 LAxX3 2Mv=x 2Slhue Arsx%\5- 2428. 2X55 hotchpotch .Szex pa udtese Saar [25539 Laws m LA.52 2A3 4 hoe ey s) hotel Lwdaos Nw ?| hug + 72k 59.2 240955: 259. hotspur 1g8k 144,555 hound Lae est huge L350 :25A9 hour: “8 22334 (—ly) Nmtiand hourly 243 S| hugeness ‘1K9nN9 house “is 2hodod 16.5 of L8Hal hulk -~2X2 24522 254, household = :2490a+5|)hull rAgh8:28\5 *Ko-S8.3 | hum :290590 :230Na, householder 23e4| L&wa9> 2A 9590 5 2As hah LAwT2 tsseso | hoiman 1.32 housekéeper = (—ly) NaLESL . nf Be beet housekéeping**+ htimanity 191 hy brid himanity LAoxii L3Q20A himankind 2492353) hunger 134532390 humble 230a»%:24.0% huagril Nn25.53 humbleness 2Kea.s% hungry 28-95 18955 | hunt ta6nc lds humbly As2t4.a% hunter 1555 hambug !t&»348 :2,02A5 hunting Laoag 283235 /huntress LArc¢ humdrum 243:.4243/huntsman_ LaR< oa! 135.00 LA.039 hurdle 2X9555 255 c humid Lana 2S.,.820 humidity 1£os%3 | hur d-gurd 162 4a4 24 humiliate 2p0D:0% | h hur 1 2.035: 220205 humiliation2442% hur lyburly23449 2 rsp humility 180-499] hurricane ¢3e humming bird 25.$/hurry LAgaN LA g tS Liobdode L9onA% hiimo ur24&3si39:,25k0m)| hurt tXoabA: LAA SDA 243 c840 hurtful L&A 5549 humorous 25%:235.45| husband 1534 t42— 28A0m2/husbandman 2£655 (—Ly) Nptsomianrsdo husbandry © 2403333% himourist 24\0~2 23%] hughizeaxs: (LGAs I LGkx 445e\%lhuskiness :2hocex hump 2AboXLon 2ReSh5i2 240353% hunch2Adsogson5 2h..5.00 husks rks Ss xoAs 1$N,5:21805h00 husky :2aSkc: 13x03 hun chback L5hon L35a@ hundred 22%/hussar 2XoAS 2555 hundredfoldtgX ~5\|hussy tKesaa 1X5 1235 42)/hustle LSo09a5 hundredt 2i22%9 hut2Axaa 24.5 La moos hundrédweigt 2%3s0./hutch 2394, 2299 hyac tnt 255.5 1550 hung- béef't5eK> 253 |hybrid 43509 hydrant 192 idéal yay t@ah, =bAa) es 1a3.59 hydrant Lisos besos | (— —al ly) +359 LA@odis hydraulic 2&=5\2|hypercritical . 2S | 155 1LAwam hidraulics 24x54 hy phen Ldoe02 2X5h LZs09 oj ones hydrogens 2X2 tSoa pane ee 235\4% Lizato 14038 hypnotism LAS % hydropathic LIMOS Lxa—5 Line 1550.5 ihy pochondriac++»4 hydropathy LA»63 tAnows 125 154 of Liwe 1550-5 hypocrisy+4e925-3%4 hydrophibia +A~}e\/hypocrite +*$25794 14X52 L¢g0-a5|hypocritical , hidrostatics +433, 124is505 2402 1300-2/ hypothesis Ads hyena sLoa|hypothetic 12hds hygiene 1433.) al (>ly) Karkds 25\52 230\0m2/hySssop 2SAA 32505 hymenéal LaXd09 Lima 1K B32 hymn 2Aboe itn hee hyst tterical +5529 hyperbole TOPRAS toiXo 24935 Lose hysterics2im5 1S5s hyperbolic Lidoss| LaSA> =O oo S31 ies I 132 {Tciness LASSA% fambic 24 tA~oes» icy 23S.o4 6¢ 2450 qolsS [idea 1hd0_y 1 2550~ 15.55 1351 Liog> ice tYoods i 25224 | Tdéal :240q> LAhd0_2 ichnetimon o2X> 2634 LES HIN: L3nHA 1 LESZO~ icicle ~X.a\. 1tX0ess5 (—lly) 44256904, 24 Ttdentical LoS illtsory Tdentica]2isna ‘tate, 2ho0d 45 ( —L1ly) 44938-2440) jonoran t 1X505 identify L2onam| (—lLy) N.2X30n identity 1140. sol ignore UsSowees 1&0. | L020 >40 idiocy carnal ag Wa\ tors S si 24 idiom243$ Sa2 2Ah0.X+2 | bann L550 idiomatic2#34..9 2851711 LS d—_° 2545 5 L5a50 idiosyncrasy (—Lly)S_2l48o9 8225.5 © ASOA2 LKhOA~X23) 7 1Llegal 260235 gatw 24 idiot S393 :2Sa6) AX5x5 A\s0553 Ce Oslcl 22¢_No%0 2aX¥\ 2S 22554 / L3m505 imbtie 185m :2i~p03|immobility2A Xe 2% tin ~e 148500| ijmmoderAte2Sao04~ 2X imitate +9»2%:L42! (—ly) Nni Sot iX imitation 724.92) jmmodest 28a3 18 280.203 2 Lh.%9% (—ly) Nw248o3 i imitative Liam3S0!immodesty 40905 tS imitator+54~2%:'is~3|immolate 159 immaculate 120» So) immo lat ion LAWS 13No immaterial +See 243 immoral 83 :24a9)2% immorality 1S 1Zfé6A\x0 1Kolwi, "1Kend 23 immatire 2$:24.5|/jmmortal 24o-.% x immortalise 195 imperfect [Ee FE Ce ae ee ee immortalise -+70~% es ee ae 1.3952 Ln om L505 impassioned merce ; Tat rs LANOZ30 13595 immortality | Rie Ox ae LXoA\o-%|/impassive +29x+ of immovable S/impatiencetAs2~ +5 LiXo\wav/ impatient +4404 iS ' x Se Gi LAS2~ 2N5 immovably | a (ey) pee 7 anit 724 ks no 330 immunity Pil are aaa :he52../impéachment ‘4-+» i U = ea 712 iSni\ immure +42939~:430.q%0 ds5el\n|impecuniosity ; 4 1 1atx s 99 LAow, immitability 23} 14083 He 219X0x pL ~XosSd\nWA 20 | | impecunious 2-2 immitable 28] meh 25S\_Ax ee mpece Loy a 0h tAols 2 ry oe | . TNCs immitably ‘Sy in mpediment fins A.L3SNAZ2 | LA.Aa% aay oa ioe peetean: ays imp 2345 5130049 ea impel uae ea 2950). Likdox: L50%49 impend ~ Leah 2241 ' one impact (28559: vetlel Oa eee ee ux co a ty Reta ‘ impersonate 44.54 | implicate ‘239448 impersonation *49¢8 ms 245~ impertinence 2S implic&tion24s54 Leda 185% LAN5e73 11562 mS. LAS impertinent iS>}implicit LES 18599 135045521561 oX 15.50 impertur bability |implore LeQa04 LAxXxx 21% imply 2$%> imperturbable +S/impolicy 2S e Lax xwAw LKewsoxdsoS impervious Alimpolite +24025% 2X2 1$554Am 28:155~58~] (—Ly) Nmlikoras 2X 23igp55A20/ impoliteness 214 {-=ly.) KnL5dmSA0 241 Lho2d% impe tuosity+*%-++.335 tmp OL Et LCs iene impetuous2iS-+: 235555 Sa0x50S0 (— =) NaS a9 import25a2z oX LA553% import import 1 tSA»% Leyss Li5a04 15a oX bd 4X < - | importance: -280a5ih0 180.33A0.: Lond S important zn 9SX dene ci greta 154i of ‘importiine +852 13a 20D»: 2x52 importtinity *A2se% impose ESSG\ Taos! ser impos La5Ax% impossibility LkA.60 Ne be ae impossible impost 2A 434 impostor YSsoX6 imposture LKnSAS LAY Sn impotence LA.X0 2X LAwgwo iNnso impotent Pies LS t= ley} Naligs 18 impound LE5a ‘lsoXa9 197 A$: \Se) impression impropriety impoverish 130A» impracticability. LAerdasaw 218 impracticable 24 2355S pT LAXSA rx L334 59AD impregnate LNs Lroslw‘tlonzxo impress imprecate >} imprecation impregnable brome (2 ES LA pdm tA gSox: 1As4_3 impressionable LaSw_SANM LEgso“AD 135A SAx 1283s at Ligsa® impressive Lsomes (is 5s oX imprisonment 2Az3~ 15.01 Aaa of improbability 4 LKoaxithnwda ps 1h-¢ improbable Log pA ea 2 improbably ++e pak LA ine ~7O33% 1Xo imprint imprison pie is Be 4 > Lion improper ! improve 198 inappreciable i rs th a EN, A AR improve : 112504 t\osS in : oX thorslinability +A-s» tA improvement 2454 LASz50 1£a94:1955\/ inaccessible +4 improvidence +48 L43555\~ 1Ay855 28594| jnaccuracy ‘t&e\-+23 improvdent +333¢ 24 tAge nah 25 ary ok el 13}ga50|/ inaccurate iiS.as (-Ly) Nntdnoq 14 Lewsn ita improvisation +4|(—ly) Nalgesd 2S thed.20;jnaction ‘th~\s iS improvise +30¢ 18) LSo\.4,5 imprudence 1X inactive 18.45 Lh0.30%5090 moh mish inet Kees be Hae URSA aes imprudent °:>4=¢ S| inadequacy 1S Vesoxbos| LK ~XSx%0 LNonox 4 (=Ly} Asttsezse2 2S2) inadequate +40 2A impudence +A$~+s 2S 232\%0 | 1SaAco/inadmissible _ uA impuden a 1AGms 2X5} LiXs Gan 7, ‘ “ bal) A-28S~3 2N2/ inadvertence 2S impugn ~3 LE4N i1255 L1Kod ACO LASS — “impulse :tk\osc | inadvertently rX “LAS9dS 1 LAaSd,4 ee HS Pet impulsion +2493;3+/inalienable 2A impulsive ‘24S¢3q 2aSmi\ Lisasaw 238954: 245559 inanimate AE ie impunity LAvsae 2S! jG nanimation iS imptre++92 BAY LL Laon (—ly) Naiiws | inapplicable iS impfirity *Aetxs 140~Say impiitaton +t&-~5:}inapposite ‘4592 1X3 1NSn\ LAsAxO ~7O302\ 1X impiite*zosxe 1259 inappreciable LS2 2.X3on4 215950 L9.\ inaptittide 199 inclination ee inaptittde 24 incarnate L\Sx inart ichlate2:s 1X} ine Barr an LANex 2honSeD | thoxdd5am 25\ 35 (—ly) AntAd, LAdO 2Slincdse OL ites inasmuch .2 2% ,.2| 18033 . . “4 f at . ~% of - inattention af incautious 2352s Loss (—ly) Nmlidswxx inattenti ve>+z¢ 23 | incendiary 14504 inaudible2ss~Aze 2h) | incence "1923 inaugural R30 Owmd | L225 Laos 150 selec 4 cent ive :2aAqAq = cs inaugurate oe: L4Ses'uo thwod Lxo2Gol incessant 242\s 2A inauguration +4341(—ly) Nqis\x id L508 tAza50/ine est L022, inaus spic Lous N«wAb pe ms. 15099 LA~L 605 Ais ob “S| incestious 250 tae inborn L\ oo mca Lins ~7105NL oX | tio) LA» 5— LAolwhs incalctilable 14) inch tionwaiiS0n 14 rahe z incandescent ‘23a, tasAo\; incident o39h:2%24 “ t~ $y aN 4 6 | aed incantation +434\2/incidental +4i%eA Lx5—_5 liom} (oleh) AwLSEQA incapability S| incipient 22odz thosigwan incise oX 2553 incapable 13460 24) incision oX 28553 incapacitate teosx|incite 4634: thoole 1S. pw Evoais o23NS Lronn incapacity Sify Rewer ee Teiety 2 2h Ad ax 2h05 5.420 incarcerate 225~/inclemency 2A»2tNA5 incommode 29005 | inconsiderable+4? incommdious +3552» | L35N0~ i YRS hee k : a incomparable *\;inconsiderate 32S L34203A 20 13545 L449S0 LaammA incomparably 2 LadmZ9 NaLiv02|(—ly) LANAgweD 2A inconsistency 3 Lkostoimw incompatibility +3) LAASS LN: 2h0m0x% incompatible2iss5 *S/inconsistent 24 incompetense uA Liioix tloxa 2Lh02\5 (—ly) NalLiioss 24 incompetent 245 24;inconsolable 3A 20 a inconstancy rAd ae incursion 255 213Xps | LA@odx . A255 28.55 TREO at ancy ea Sos ByCreo Lot UiLuy, LS inconstant 1235453 LAs2e incontestable lineredipie us L3xd55ANx | LismaA%0 incontestably +Sj/incredibly LS NaLIXd5N0 Naliwngs incontinence 2S! incredulity is 25495 Ldowodaa 24.95 1Kos%n9 incontinent ‘S| incredulous*siz¢ 2S -70bA9> L&owda>2 23404) jncremation LA\a~ incontrovertible Pans L502 2S5| increment (18.58 inconvenience <4 LA~55% Lkow0~Xo LA 0 nse om ine riminate inconvenient rx 2 ~ 2) LAS ON Eee L49~N) incrust L465 (LV) No L2-~d reas inetibate :2S00905 incorpora Ate L453 das LLAMAS 255~ 255.5 inetubus L455: LAoSS incorporate Lon3% rha0n4 2350m2 255%/inculcatecs t,os2% incorporation Lig Lho.655~ | incumbency kore incorporal i5\s LX> gow. incorrect +545 ?<\}ijncumbent L15A0% (—ly) Naddads 1X ~2 2Ns5\ Lisxo~o incorrigible 2S} incur Nut 1X33 LaLdNDA0 153A N mio Lko\o0L@x incorrupt ibility|inctrability rS incorruptible 24/incfirabletisessx +8 2455440/inctirably mas incréase ‘2344 245s Nnl3SO5AN 2@00d5M $230.92} | ncursion LRo@sK incurvation re tat deo i incurvation :24334,8 1K Sia indebted 24443 25.3 indecency +4093 24s 1KkoxzSio indecent 2834 2 bree toyy ) Na2tGoi 2% indecision2A-s\x 21Xox2 tAkx»dKo indecisive 24449 2S L2200N0 indecorous 2599 2S» (—ly) Nn25Sox 2X indéed2-Ay% '2405.553 ' indefatigable 1S ERS. 4 indefensible 2X 23330 235N58%0 indefinite 2X 220-0 Ns0 Natdom&0 2X ‘ Ly.) inde lible2i$~zAx» 2355. Aw0 indelicacy +242s% 24 25.0 indelicate 2%s& 249 354, indemnification 255B0—2 LA. q <_ fo) indemnify indent indentation LASaLa S|indescribable 202 | indigestion indenttre t\o005 LAa.A95 2A S050 inde pendence2Aoa2— | independent24:252~ 23524 L5n3® (—ly) An25L— rs 23inc0 LASAN35A%0 1X| indestructible 2353400 LELMAAwD 2h indeterminate LaS2d0N0 2 be ‘ ss ANawcaA t ‘ ~ (—ly) indicate indication indicative indictment indifference 2ANS~ 248:1N52 L1Kk»Bx 2XSoxs indifferent 24% 24 254, (= by) indigenous indigent indigestible 1k \o0a205 135x394 ndi estion oS ineffable indignant 203 indignant 15252/indivisible LS indignation 24350 Lass\Saw indignity Si indivisibly . 28 indigo +A\+» tAsese/indolence +Aed324 indirect 2%:4+25425|]indolent \Ss4 243432402 2403|indorse 2459 2251, (—ly) 442859:4..25.,25 13854 indirectness?*io> 2S/indfiibitable 1X» 2805224 :2Kk0409 CEO 1XXos Terese ret 445 0>, 2S 29 indiscretion 2X 5O> LA.95 1hons0x503 aX indiscriminate 2S> 2i30x50S50 L1Aond3 indispensable 25.53K 20 indispens sably Amd 13 334.220 indispose Lasdx $4525 /A.28.A\5 indisposition 2AXOAMG LAsS a0 indisputably iN indistinct 22458 24 19.x50 indite 2»o~Axo 2345 = individtial (—lly) individtiality 2h0~90 4.55 indice: Loans: > 2a05S% La0gq oX Lwodor0 inducement LAN SS L&SadaG indictive LEK\45 LX wad LEZ sgt | oes indte Leon i 2254 indulge 2}0~8:2%55 indulgence LiGOm 2AA545 indulgent = .24%~32 235<..9 (Ly) Anti. An LiGom indtrate LroS nx 2.0 %OS0 industrial +45%02 industrious ‘24%02 25x35 ea (—ly) Nxt do2 industry L1No3%02 23\92 LA5z5 inebriate 72565 2.903% ineffable Laz 2X5 ineffective | Longs ineffective 2X2 L SaKono, LS SS inefficacious ?+3 3 - ae ae ¥ la & inefficiency inelegant + | inequality +&o-oz 24) ineradicable 1iSeSay | NnLsSoSA% Ae Lr) 204 ee 2X| infamously infamy infer me eB eS Se LanpxSAs ' “ soTtbLec es LazaaswaAn f ' cer ” inexpres inextricable ra 245A53SAx0 inte ULE Dido y LkoaSAiAx pe infamous: reve 1d eOD TOW bf ' ‘ ” 2X5 Cristea oF PLwxo LASS LA050u5 TILT LNs i isos 1X2 | infancy 2Xoa0\- iA Van laupane 150M inertness: heSeh) infia nta iX20S5 180% Lis :829| infanticide Lasgo inest imable+339 el So0\s2 135.10) infantine 2Xox inexcusable 1X2 150\4 Laas 139:LK.Su% inexcusably ‘+#4is &.238\s 21S inexhaus stible eS oe) pe Lis ~dANq0 | « = s% inexorably ey Mere 2X] Lasnoua poexpedience rex per Lence L&o02NSo0 L3i@a | inexpiable 24N4ax0 L485 48.0 infer inexplicable 2S | ?) inf antry 23399 :2+A4 > infatuate Phe Ct : Lipo x30 infection ‘LA cI~%90 tSa%2 Lh.8Ko LAWN .X| inf'ectuous 23254 18502 ele 7 J gna rt eed Bi 1S509 2A-SA5 LX WANS NES Nox 2¥Ns\0 Hebe sates boas) infirmary infirmity imix. $ inflame Lacon. * rLESs ~ * a4. & = Nett phe Liciox inflammation ikob. tk oSox inflammatory inflate int latron ann sg LmoSad : 239 “ ' inflect ‘+Seax:2 AAD setae » ” Tos3eD rey 50s) informant tH—Av iN 2559 :28\9| information infirm%.os:28.. 282) informer Lasde A~3|) infrequent:¢% :+%9+ .hosess| infringe Leechs 1i6\) inffiriate inflammable :+3+3442)| infiise fos») ingenuity inference 205 ingénuity inference. 18-$0) inflection : 148549 Poros 1852 LAdAS5% inferior ‘24A~A:290a|/inflexible iS 1X¥AGK.95 125049 LidavAw 14:255..SN am inferiority ‘+&e%0s ‘|inflex xibly a infernal 2taqh) inflict 2534 i504 oe Lehi ¥e) A-t4¢\ infliction Axds4 infest ‘leow—~/ influence ‘tAey3< Lxooxo Loss infidel tdvoew 2Xi influential +:3%s-+ infidelity 2X) influenza 24352 +S5s :Koawoaw| influx 2442: 1h~S0¥ infinite taz.K 2181 1309, 15m A> Li09 Pe) ~ 2X0 PA ernittasc LAd0e 2X Poaby} 1 eats ‘S|}informal +A3ex% 2S» 3 aay .¥ a a x j .¥ infitesmal +243 1303s) informality iS LNo22%9 LAoea\~ tassws 1kd5.% pa Ya eee 15520 US ox As oad L208 os no IRS sce Lomo & SSC oe ‘ :tSat|) inftision:o*% :A~Sx» o ~o NCS i ‘ -35\0z} ingathering ‘444s Sees PLAS, ingénious ATOS0C ~o7o030dn LAoS05+ 9% > Lio0gs ingle 206 inkstand TE a — ingle23es9 ; £5.05 taa7X ingraft :230-5 245s Lao%e3 225.53 ingrai LaSoze® ingrate eesoS ey ae Soya Ae 0 ARAN eld LKaw2 2LS5SK, 2S ingratiate +2eSx% 23K Lrolnvo ingratitfide 2S 24.59 22K a%09 LKAsSK 2NaN9 254 <0 2Ax.59 ingredinet 1% 2: pada ingress oX 24553 ingulftssos ea inhabitoX 245x0 2153 ImraDpietant 13504 inhale (OSs 225) inharmoious 1X mS 2454960 LABS 293— inherent ‘oX 24444 a) LSiAx beh) ~s LAnkx5 inherit 21435. inheritance ‘2443. Konda inheritor 23455 inhibit 15G— L.o\a% inhospitable IR twats 14855 181255 0h inhospitability2% twdodis 2A\55 inhtiman LET ees L305 inhtimanity24oxsi 2% 2No3054, inhiime 2535 yx LX0A\4 inimical 12Xs056 (—lly) \nrS3655 inimitable eas L3i02A%0 iniqui tousisés:2za5 iniquity :Lhoxa5 LAodd& Trista Bal: Li50x2 Ina tiate 120d initiation :24h..5% L550x5 injecteX 2408390 2.035 injection 24.95 oX 24495450 injudicious 24.2 24» 1Asi20 (Irv) LS .5at a injunction LAL 04 injure :L3500~ tesa eaed 2354 ‘230555 injurious L3in% 24558 1233555 3 255@0~2 ; a Oe injury 1q3\ 2245 %0~ * PAD OES injustice +4oxq 2S ink LKonaa :2h0~3 inkling 803s hes inky 207 insensibly inky - 2340. 23| inopportine 1X inlaid 2S2a0\,0: eS ~70202\0 ~710355. inland 2$55\| (—Ly) wlaoS\ Uys inlay Lxou3 :2\onG eee oS inlet 2ANoNS 2245558 L§a090 1Sa0\,0 inmate 25K~35} (—ly) NatGatwo 2S inmost 140K xos/inorganic 2236 2X2 inn LAWK= Nas inguire LeOeme ' 25005 innate2sssaioX t500 inquiry LAn omg 1 Lh545 innavigable *Slinquisition 24.s% awXsa 21355SA% inquisitive 234s%ax inner 240K] (—Ly) Na LZSE Ax inning 2508/inroad A\oxnS42 Lh.r.4n innocence 2&o~59/ insane 23522 22534 innocent 2459|(—ly) Nalidix ly) \-239/ insanity 1ho35i innocuous2s5%0~ 2X>/ insatiable 25456 2X Cay.) Noli5@0~— 2S) inseribe ‘2x La0Na% innovation :24a3«4|" tLoos 2A50m! inscription: 2tAz4h>% innovator L5KN9~ 21K 3K> innuendo '24905/ inscrutable rX Nox LA »§ 2007 23S3\5Ay: 255 —a4A0 innumerable 2S/insect 2545 1343080 |/ jnSectivorous2issi inoculaté25\45 r4in 25450 t£a02 22X5006 25455! jnsectre ta5050 2X inoculation 24+» S30 N INAo BACT Y7.) 1355 25\ 45 insecurity 2X 2£5509 LRosmX dn5 inodorous 24-3 1X2/insensAte ‘230d 2X» inoffensive 2X LSngNLAzS5 LN> 1554 2450 22:14530%/insensibility 2S inoperative EX LRoaasd : LA x45 252\SA% AnLSn58 insensibly inseparable inseparable is L3=335N0 nseparably insert of 2x59 insertion oX LAx3 inside insidious+43=s9 instte LAoxX 528545 insignia Lakes insignificant +449 ~239 029 1S50043235N0~ insincere 25-5= iA (—-ly) ry Sere on) PSM insencerity 23 2Koyon0 2h0345x . . aoe insintate 29305 dado i2554 14905\% insintiation 2433\% 1A~Srx%9 2155.43 aN eet ee ASE ESS (—Ly } Nn2354, insipidity ox pS o3xi i LKowsh 24\0.0535 Tee insipide insist insolence anata \—ly) insoltibility tNoxa LAW~SXn0 LAWS= 26 208 fund e nstantaneous a ye net insolible2iz2=Ax2 phan 23X50 insolvency+4A-¢» tS 13 oie Wag insolvent: 23425445 2525 2758594 insomuchs-? L3Aq a 19> nspect DLeOgme Lioxz tnoxd inspection {24-45 inspector L3kems inspiration LAW83~ ano oX 25059 inspire tao sti ae mad Yow inspirit +405 2504 eC) instability ‘+4243 Sox 22\ LAxis ih tSox 25\0 7230a3 LZ0A% tNox\o installation+434% : LADSA a2, aan ~2>02% Lanxv> LAME install 255.215 ins tance2tso%~%0 2504 LAsAS, I 2USS0L, gul% 2Non005 instant 13,25 25.2 2855 605 >¢ (—ly) 14219595 og5 40 LAA 5S instantaneous?+\x» instéad 20 9 I1nsurrectionary instéad = +? 45, instep instigate. Lx0axd:LAog\g : 24039 twos instigation -*4seA< LAxax5 instigator 23894 | 135525 -ueiop Ou ka bab LS0\3% instinct 246X 2805 LRiG.0 Latad LA..S59 instinctive 8092 (—ly) NntSo§ instittte (itis 234357155039: la0N0 institition ‘*24988 ; tKo~6535 Nagi lLAsKS 2539$\0. Aad ec t :L203% 1-os2% instruction: , 2493S» instructive 1550 2138\0.> instructor 149% instrument ) 242%0 LSAR 2 25%920 L4S\95 instrumental] ‘2432 LiaKN5 instrumentalist ~Hx»Sow? Liinw instrumentality 1A0e~5A\5 insubordinate 1X seh tSolo.255 insubordination LANie mw LS insufferable LS 213855 18:25 Sa5an0 Be cite insufficiency +4 LAo~Ax insufficient 1S L3iAxn insufficiently +4 NwLidso insular LaKd9X insulatetsosmo 2253 LSA LA insult +AdX_itposs insulter L4dN¢ insultingly +2A5S S30053 insurmountable iS LESA\K Aw LN: 1 beiAD insurrection +4»<+s Lxa0q2 \50055 insurrectionary intact 210 interlocution oe ee te _ 192000 Sg 545 13429) intentional gp Gan intact N55 ¢9 00 13 Bie dO rag Nm2dSa5 intangible2i53n22X)inter | Lgo0X integral 248332] intercéde 195% 1 Lay, Nalbned ‘X/intercept Lsaio Nn LDA | Lwgdae : 25S integrity ‘24ode,5 els aperces cite 4 2Kobaw\ | 1RomSey integument 18\slintercessor ‘24S. | 139%/ interchange :+90\~x intellect 2SS0@ 2S0\.% L4imdS 1.2] intercourse LASS as intellectial mS LALoZo 128300 interdict nee intelligence 14-254) interdiction t&-Sex 25949 rAASa75 | LAA 5a intelligéncertiSe2| interest ‘2450. 235500500 | 12a5 02 | [1905s 24454. 528055 intelligent 1iks034 | 2135n0n9 L385: Laos intelligible Ladunt> 135034an/ interesting 15% intelligibly 235NOm9 An2iswd9e0! interfere 1X5. intemperate a Leoqdaw Ladenl3 iXoxs 13053 !-cosXo 145~5/ interference 2%A43~ intend rAaa 2a54 tasnia. 2Soxs 152—%°725S5] jnterimt+za 24N% 22158 intense ‘:2448:23S.4 Liseo 255:250X}intérior et LY intensify :La0A< 16X2 2rX0x Ls033¢!2@0054 :i-0ASS| interjectiontAmon» intent 125545 Naa 1.02! ot gad 1AwsdSAlinterlard +423 243~ (—ly) \.24585|interlocution =a. —s. interminable 185 interloper 211 | intestinal ASe6@ 1233~ Sas rAwieg | interregnum LaNx interloper +4443 LAawSG ADA Lz Ladun29 rXoxXo L503 sk interrogate 156055 interlude +4239; interrogAtion +455 134; oX|interrogative +3535 intermarriage+<¢e 145 0Sax ae A bene be) dl in terrogatory intermarry?*-- yea 155055 intermediate. +455) in terrupt Bape 2AL3 ee cente <2 LAmino> 24.5 a0 interment 183301 in terruptedly LA» §x02 1&..Ns25 aa n terruption 1AWSLp intermingle iQS—| Lkwiwes 14.Xax0 LadSmLo Aotbas aaae ae inte CTR Lesion L4..5n0 Thee “S| 245.1 oa intermitte nt Pe ee 143038 23593 Lida LAAs . LXASSx0 internal zoX | intersperse :LeosdS (—Lly) sae 290533 interpel lation jinters stice 25S 2LA.3A9 525 50m4 LAxdA Te ete Ree 15046 interpolate 140\~2| intertwine | L554 Lada | LzodAS0 interpolation | interwal 155 Lakae LKX Lu | intervenelsalo 2iX~% interpose\ sss +355 \N5S\ interpos HAN ane eh ate LsXis AAads | LEERY LAsBio interpre t2349 tnox4!| interwie vieSso 254 ———— interpretation Lagns tsKha> L1AnxS| intestate 255 SSeS itterpreter *+%cx NAB 235x9|/ intestinal dm S%2 intestine B12 | invade inthrat Ams Lio lantrepidity 4 Lioaog | LASODd¢e inthralment +--+») intricacy LAaXaa twaog AmN| intricate ‘1830s intimacy - Lkow~5 iao\Na 1£o~K8~3 | (—Ly) 2&aXa5q intimate :244-5.:5~3/ intrigue LacdS 1505m20 | Lmosas aS Do PaA Se Lh01 4% iihoxaa2 intimation 2A53~.0 LSoxsaa % a + i : : * of 4 twaogs 1A+550) intrinsic Li6X intimidate ++302™)introdfice ‘1023s into oX Lmodas intolerable +X! introductiont4~£25 L3XN55Ax0 1X0 L253 Ax LAosS30% intolerably +X5/ introductory LAASS Lk ~So09 intolerance+4S35 2S|/ intrude tXexS 230435 intolerant 23425 1X 3003 intonation ap hee? Bao en her La5N59 15%99 288 1AA\5q% 23350! L9D0c9 intone °+3¢4:2~0>55s/ intrusion LAsXay 15049 145 Lan! 123009 * “a. Pee Rd ea le F tite Pa intoxicate *-63;Gntrust ‘43 1-058 intoxication +4~65 22 laoxe intractable ‘3; intuition oS Bes LA55ANNw LN 23 5aNDAy | LA ~6 9m intransitive 13] intuitive LO4ond 1353S] (—-ly) N26 9p intrench +4X 16z8!inundAate 2402 1309s 553—. of | inundation LAWS 5 % Lnure Ltom: lacs yan -U Bask its intrepid +4242 2S) jnutility+&ossrc- +X LDxW9 Laisoe tXo invade 2542 oX 1A5x invader 213 inviting 145903; invertebrate 2X5 invader 7542 Liisa; Lens Lot 245903 invest 1.096: Lxosl» invalid (iNshe 1S|2502:-as2 MS tz0a% -5 Peso otSe 3.2 N5 LAaS\ Ad Laa00% invalidate <:4o\3!investigate ‘1e6s% Invalidity ‘‘4255/investigation 2Kolssa 2X) LUN ion ete One invaluable *+*-% +43) investitire L3a invariable an 1805% LEG\..4 ior Stiment 24443 invariably LNd gam: LE~3504 LAdion ue eteer peace teracy 2X5 invasion25af9 LAésLay Lindos 245303 inveterate Lsesas invective LAOS3% invidious 24.5 inveigh tyovwr| invigorate Laodc tKonxn> l®oase0/invincible 2% inveigle ‘Ly0gs 135\ Xan toi) invincibly 2X invent -t\odSo 2.035) NwLi0> 0A LAds eseeeiniv dig 1 abie 2X . . Kk ‘dis | 2 4+ a invention L858 | 2aharnAw 18es%02| inviolate 2¥a%0~ 2S > “s 4 4S qh 2 a inventive taSAS/invisibility a L&qs%ol9 2Kosisedn inventory 329 | invisible+itiag 2X iXAn2 13459) invisibly Lx inverse Nw an on | NnLSSgnAw t= Ly} Pek ecea invitation ‘24.55 inversion 2&oh+55—! L&aia invert-oXA ne2-# invite 13in 525355 . * S-mdedo) inviting ti2 22-44) 135A 9A a9s9> 14.44) ij rrecovrable 2S involuntarily ica LaAgwAx LEsaa 18: \;ls455) irredéemable LS involuntary 1S LE5a%A2.0 4h% LiaasAx Ling 281255 iszy) irrefragable LS involve eae? Lise hay : a 4 invulnerable 2+] met gul aa “3 2355598 Ad | {— y) al3035 bX z adh : inward. ~ rey Hand ea ty LS inwardly, Nad XA} 1ho~3035 iota Kosi 20-/ irrelevant 1S irracible 24532242) | L3505a 14: 133nx4a0 13624/irreligion us Tre Leave 1h. | L1hoSs— : LA..2048 iridescence +494~2\irreligious -3 1X50 | LESA.2048 iridescent +34}3=5)(-ly) NqtiK.20K 2S 1Xs52/irremediable 1S irk 2559] - | LES baa% irksome 185h94/irremediably +4 1ro0n 2Nga3 i N»L54039An Tronclad 24s33 as-2\)irremissible LS Tronical neater | LiS5Ax» (—lly) \-15499|irremovable 2S ironmonger dking] LaXoA SAW 214:255,59An 149aS2/ irreparable 2X irony ‘1805509 L3h95An -3 i8oi\/irreprochable 24 irradiate2Soz i305 La SaswvAw0 ‘s-se90/ irresistible +4 irrationa]2i0a iX3 LSA, sas 182255 nk9N0 = io - sort aa cinta etal ait ee a a es Vet 99 ahs esis Vb 215d jack irresistibly iS opdke iid0s 1148s NaLsahsoannl igi aglass L&Asoox irrsolute2ian~A 2X | ( ~34) LB ~.0 2a5 5 L305 (eral) LAs %mAw eel ey 1K59X irresolution +S!islanderz&ssXo2 + 45x08 LAs isle LAd9X irrespective +S/islet L&doSy 1h39X 1hosbS 283 :24295 ae san Tsolet 245% 24\ 2555 irresponsibility!isolAtion L&sax tKhorlot@n 2X 2$5% 25A irresponsible Fave lin ° 1 LAaN4: . 254 as seas ea |} jaw . ~0X> L232 | jéalous } Zit jackal 43 #3) J jéalousy jackanapes my ee Tr j ackass LS> os, 15%. j elly jackdaw 1Gai 24) jeopardi 2559 jacket ~3204, | jeopardy ck jasper L&5%00 LASaL on 2550% LOAD iSoBtos se 1So5 jade Lacs, 1500 j erk LSOASA YE9s WENaol [2h 053: LASASA jaded ESRs) goo | LESS o 28954 J ag LA edh0 2 .oaA Jest LAASA 2 Kosd istatal jester 145A x jail 19-0) dAna| jestingly 245-12 jailor Lp.@i35) jet Lima 145499 j am 2350: ORES 2 Tra 20 30 | jyetsome L202 LA. jangle Aty LdS> ° a~ a aed j ° a sA4 = janissary 952 jetty ofa 19229 L50\ vAteme Lax» bas D2 | PEE te oP janitor 13S56 | J ew Lisson. January LAda2 ro33| jewel Lax-s, 1915 <, a 2c ~ | yS jar LAoAOA (185.5) LaLBIxO oX LaoA0 ; LAx» +43359) j ingle 2X¥y:2hahsy 250 Laolsyil5 ods j aunt tk&xa oX 1554 j ob 13X\oxa :25iA\s es ie a — ——_— jobber — ip br jujube es ee eee sete jobber (2283, journalistic $9 jockey ‘240@2 1425\% Ld04 _ Lyotme i tnordS) journey La Lid02 joc ose Lida | 233~\, 50 Lm ao0ly 1892 52904 J ocoseness :LhoiA 0 j ourneman?#o+2 pian | LNucai on 50 er St, LE5>0 2Ax5> jocular t49_:25—.2 | LAwS3%9 (—ly) Nn hon’ | jovial LR J ocund 24439 « O30 07 | (1 1Ty) Nwtheoen LAO 02-5 joviality LAo0n2~ j og Lrosxs: LAxSz | joy LAond~ john dory +34 +4) joyful 2ad— L3oa3 | (~Lly) Naliow OLN |: 22q—-:2i008 joyless +Aons— 28: joiner (2X3) 25X43 7255 Setl J joyous Yan joinery 180984| jubilant +595 155 joint 121X009 224 83 Vubilation LBo nda 18508 LAd0\ heh ) _&-2X001) jubilée 1550. j ointure LAghss 130 | judge 23 -5)cna.5 LAS | judgement24s49: 2343 joist 138) udicature 240343 joke 23-4 :2824)| judicial 13.99 joillification b(—-l Ly) Naldns Lkonrm.2Xe\~} judicious :24422 45% jollity 2Ronrm| Likod jolly Laam|(—Ly) Anvdaqe Out 2Ae93 52658 jug LAmaAdA .L2\M4 jorum tSas|juggle 2239 L403 jostle + }oeSa2'250s5« LLo\% jot 85902:2Kheal 20~| juggler 22392 24438 j ournal Lwoi5Se 1 vice LA2 123¢ jump ‘2A4dox .2253:236 1t4a25 2A~3a) just Lots etee tes juncL Lon | Lada» 13.23 juncttre. *340—| (—lLy) Nata do June et-| justice L&oala jungle txa0! Justifiablets\zoxAx junior 130x9|justfiably +A%xex2 juniper +40d52 16-5) justificationtAszes junk AX | justificativelifzo» junket > (4AwSan|justifier +49 23250 Nad30~\ eae ads justify Li,oxax junketin ae 1kwS5%|justle tso9s%!29005« junta 135% 150%|juStness :2Konod ent 1Kolaxo juridicalt+i49 t%20a| jut 223909 L&éd03 jurisdiction?»30/ jute 28a 24-22} juvenil Nod, :20S3, jurisprudence juvenility ‘1haSa 280342/ juxtaposition Le St ASSx> 24Sd4 t95—~ oat 2143555 kale 13530 2435/kéen 1489552905 keleidoscope >0°Az Laisa om tzn59 14352 L4504)k6enness 2hoS0d< kalender N5z390) k6ep ;Leodow Laos Lmd nO 126.94 52583 :La02\5 kangaroo Nald ~l6n0 Ans. :285h5 *7039% Aw 2524 od kéeper sLisme 2230N4 kedge 15049 5X34 13)035 kéel awa ne a eee 135\ kéeping LAdN3 224.92 kéepsake 219 kleptomaniac ea ead ee SE aaa kéepsake ~~ +*2999es kin Liogm LES mt keg r50a9 LAX05/ kind 449% :5a4 12634, ken L&x3. 1 LAnb— 19.035 :Lk3N9 kennel 15455|/kindle [239 1,694 kept Liwom Laodq3ilLeog\%i25in kerb2&.339: 22349 12024 |kindly of tp ee BN LSo\S5 NaL9.05 kerchief +S3e9 1¢+| kindness ‘28038 kernel 2Sdo\, Lho0. 25 kerseymere 1So\ | kindred 1309 ~ s.0xd2ikine Lasso kestrel oldoni/ king . 133% ketch 15A6\ kingcraft 1£953 ke tchup+34. 23? 23-5; L&oadx3 kettle 1243905:23395|) kingdom L&oaix key tS-asikingfisher 4s 25%, keyless LSnan 2X2 2aoa kick2093:28953 242~/ kin 1Ass9 28\a kickshaw reoae Soi kinsfolk Losi 23048539 kinsman LO 1~ kid 23042 22424 | kiosk 2Kk~oLo3 kidnap 2334251) /kirtle 13232 1520® 130 ods2 kiss LAoxa i l5%5 kidnap Berane kissing tAsoxsx taodso; kit 72Adea9 ~od0~0 kidney 18aad2 L3h4> 141% kilderkin 23403) kitchen L8\z35 A-3 15044 kite 143259223045 est Ba 288s kith and kin a killer 2Xoi,5 | ixilo killing AMelkitten t:om0~:+Aseys kiln t36z5:23ea9 23e3/kleptomania *4o332z L500 of raza 2 kilt 13655|kleptomaniac +>» kimbo 29-34:24}.s08 LkxaX> 14035229 Kon al Gas te Ze ay lacquer Rano tase LAasaS knit TEPER : knackér 122392 3454| knitter 15B% knapsack -AsS knitting 1&3 59 knave Now PSUS SSA kno bitzes4: rXoA\, PL5N5 Lassi | LSdha LANG knavery 28esi4 | knock tKwSs Lair knavish 1354 20354, :LAxowo Ly) Aw 2534 knocker tesi: 154354 knéad aaah oie dN knéading trough ‘| knocking LK. Sot stad LA mad, knée — 1383/knoll 2&x003 knéell +385 knot2&molos: 258922545 knell LA» 292 Nelknot ty L4dN9 knickerboekers ‘knout Gans 1233204 | know LES3. knicknacks LAnox | knowing Lasoo knife :Sa798| knowledge 1&3}. knight?335: 23535 LaOgn a\knukle 250a90 LEosA 5 | thong: tXnio knighthood +409355 knightly Nn2SS5 L=> Ld0a% label LHsxeaitAsn.da| Lac tASoes qeradz 15ax-s 230%: 2925) ] Ace :2X0g9 2454 labial LAS @> tdogs 21A5\ 1555 g “ - wo. laboratory \-3) lacera te+20232 : 2458 245m@05|/ lack t&enas0:2hd5¢E5 Labour 14245 °2458/ lackadaisical labourer LAS LSSZS5 laburnum 243.2| lackey L350\> Lixwzx 2259 ~70230| laconic 256_5:2455 labyrinth *3433|/ lacquer ‘:232%9 5. LMA 2hAS n~coAthédS Sg eRe we “< “ 4, ——— = lad 221 lapwing lad (2.48 52535] Lancet L1Ks0m2005 ladder 1h\»2| Land dgaa 150d 1259S lade LOSS, | Lia aS hee ae lading | 1ksSSo! landing ttapi 24.X, ladle :2&x0~355 116.5%) landless 259% 2X0 Lh x0.05 15985 Lh0dAS% 2XN> Lady -859|/ Janlord giox> 15% ladylike ~*5%2/ lanlubber 135% ladys hip-4>%2 258,2/24i5 24S 28:15004 Lédae lag tosh: 240098 | landmark 2932 !140~A laggard ‘24X55 | Landscape !tAssem LAx> 145434] landslip 1h 5A, lagoon -3en: 18.55 13aS0 1KhXa laic—al LZ9\S|]1Ane LANoAS Perinhy) Nr2228| LanguagetS i=» : Aviwe lair +3%6-92 2459/2493) languid2s=sex 24.40 laird a3iiaz} (—Ly) Neting laity 18o SAS languis hiser>s:tsaa lamb 1529 languorts~29 : 18435 lambkin 18252$/ Lank—y 1295 525.45 lame -\Sqa:15-4~| Lankness LKod.A5 LS4z : 2405: 240A 34 lantern 13.29 29S lameness L8AKsS| LaptSess :2Az.5k2 134% lament ‘:24+44:24\s5 ;LESS,:24852 2854 : rdS\ 223A°225\ 5 1.0095 lamentable +34\442\lapful 14\~ ~cokedz lamentation ‘+4++5| lapidary 12825 tK-SoL; lapis lazuli +82e lamp LSS 135.5, lampoon +3£\.) lappet 23695:24% 23 Lhashe lapse LAd5S0 LAd4hx5 Lamprey+ios2 2634 24 1558: Lis92 LASOAS lance SS9a 222.005 1KoX\o\Ss Be a 2Sah 24 lLancert4~ga2 244495 | 15. Llarboard 222 laughtingly larboard 23S99| last LS552 aoX 9 LXanoo (—Ly)} NnLS AL larceny LXesah larch trée 1aX.2 L&a.55 ~TGONSOLA, 155A 1230558 lard larder | aes ila téen rigged +5 Omms | larding pin 1524 134.3|1ateness 1&0 52 Lar getsag 126055 1304, latent Liz, (Ly) set2a8{lateral 13822 :2238 largeness ‘+&o3e\.|(—lly) Na2592° 1Ko~NS 2 2480005X | Lath yo—12G.59 L50~ largess rXend8)/]Athe 342 2Xo\\od lark ‘24\4s%:2850e2a/lather 53%? Los0eA rhosh,:2AMSN| Jatin Deans) 2axk larkspur 28Az| latitideé LKonAS ALi» acoAsosS/latitidinal 444% larva Leo} (—lL ly) AaLSaS Laryngitis $50] latitidinarian Laaw20 Lanann2 acoNaE™ gain Liive larynx 2S$0\5} latrine 1kxmz Anz lascivious ‘24+5=|latter 14542 xox iimS:S98/ lattice 543 22554, (—ly) Awlind= aaN 2X54 :2Ngas5 lasciviousness laud 135m Lmony 1kom.d=| laudable L552 lash iA~swo0 154”) laudably ikbg—2 a3 yn PONG LAdS¢: Laavos laudatory vs 13504 lass ee laugh PEA, py Ra lassitude - ‘1495e\laughable +5~? 1A~S2| laughably +*4+A2 lasso. +49+54:244) laughter 2351, Lasttiesss:1494 1225] laughtingly +2443 VAS ingtszsc 15 23x49 lateh 1ksz\:2A8NorXon 13332 late LA. | REE Psp (Ly) aKaee 25339 213 lawless L160n3s LN0 lawn. Sena vada lawSuit 2220a3 24A50 lawyer NSbZ2 25894 lax LS950m0 ° 2595 ‘laxative 2449550 laxity. LK.829 : Lh0..93 lay :230N0 i La03ax L392 [152m : 1Ka%2 : ates (28d Nam: ao at LA Ce layer L35A%0 2395. LSN0m0 18.94, 1634 SES SED D4 ii a 0 eA are t launch 220 léarn launch 24.930 tages fon ne Lassa 2h5X.. Lavo 248294) layman LZ0AS lLaundress LAs. Ox | lazily Aa2Sxa0x rdoda| laziness :2KoAS34 laundry 4-3:24.52| L1KANZa% LAaB~| 1A ZY LSxsox iNcIsh laureate LSdo3 PAG laurel «0230 13X.1)/]6a Peep inpom®) | ead B~x0nds0n:2551 lava oanSioos 1820 Maronsona Loss lavatory L& AS. Nee ect PENO aS GES Go \eeee oes lavender-~coea30 2445 LE5 Lida ilxoragn La cnd | LeoASL 2aQD AA lavish:24So5 240555 | leaden B-x0D2002 1&\042 25959] |] €ader ‘235944: 254aqm (—Ly) L1&\o052 244533 ME eae ap law ASdx 5 LBoOm4 leadding2+S$o0h2 14504 lawful L2toni| ] Ga f ERG bral ley.) A\-iSoxi| 16afless 2954, tSe lawfulnes giko 6603 léafy 145%, 1éa agfyue: :23i0~0: 150 D> tech eee ee Soe ‘ | teager i34.n3 La0me léak LA9O4,3 52985 léakage LASS 3 léaky 23945 1léan 295@:225\ léan ER ANE, léanness L&odnA5 léape 5256 5245s 1450= PLAS53 1léapfrog 1855. 156x:( LASSA, 289.55 L35mnL O72 L529 Lem ASr :28S.. \léarn LSs9. léarned léarned 252d. léarning?4s3- ‘24s, léGéase 1858 1302524856 1léash tAdzzo 2X33 leather 24420» 15\\| legate LeAthern24\~0» 25\\2| legation Léave 2X42 Lamas 1 engl 1155952 léaven S Llécherous 2 lection Lecture lecturer ledge 215ka2 L439 :2§55 13042 28.4 1309X%m2 ' “ne 13355 254558 ledger 14Ka led horse 2X3e2 t808 lée sitde2+oS> 234, .» Lu 29 léech odo 1éek 225 Léer New ~30 Looxk tKoad0525.S2 LA.sbD 24.42 lées 2500: 25.48 Léeward tAo8s 2544] - 3x3, 19 left LaSSwom leg 1X5io 2153 legacy LHnADX «23% legitimation MAM05 1éga]ssoz gn iwe Lisowi (ey) Nai Boi Jégalise tsosn% LSowis légality +Ac-omi L985 2549.42 t8oaXyn2 Legend Nae legendary AADC legerdemain +4453, LAzaX tee LadX ~2S0 L5e23 roads LAX S80_ leggings 730A 2562 Legibility2ées 3i55Ax legible Lacd5Aw legibly = = 24.555 legion +35a0 14: cond A 2422 150A 1@omi2 LAZASO legislative 14iAz» 10243 legislator L45N% : £02050 legislatfire +340% L@dwin 24558 grcraeon 1Ao0A5 5% 325 L303 5\ ASdz5 be mate Los af s 2ico4s ASS5z5 « “ip he vias iXs ro» 13325 23055 NSdzz legitimation +4\50% 28 oe a a a ee leguminous leguminous 13834, leistre leistrely A«t5~\5 lexicon / lethargic 2Aszd L&om> 1Lkd0n5 lethargy 285605 Lhax Laxok 1350 lemon Xs535i letter '24542:258a lemonade 4342 24% Loe5> LHdAi lend b4.52 1574) lettering LA3K9 lenth t4Ax:thea-54! lettuce +2552: 25\4 23392 levant 2439%:240.5 Lénthentsod\,% ‘230.50 16850 1X52 205% 235. 255/levantine +44a2% lenthy2+-4» :24430%] | evyGe 12542 Lsn0 14.9h Lenient+isac% : 233554 | - ty5dHo LAh059 Lenitive 13X.99] level 1908 | 2LKon0x Liins% \S% 225094 lens LEox2 LAsx\ 1903 2405 215Xx» 13054 ASH 2453 lent 250, 2%0¢/ Levey 15.52 2§q\ lentil 1333, 1Xy90 Leontine (25552 leveragetA~s> : 28.50 leopard 3x3} leveret 24509 x.0d0 leper 235\| leviathan : Asod léprosy L80a5ah L949 25 ol Laléne leprous 13554) Jevyite 126 lesion 143333/levitical 24042 less 13065! levity 2Kodods lessée ada2 25555|/levyy leone: \as 188x lessen — Lb0_5% 19356 lesser 25065 xo3|/ lewd Ling (LS.5= Lesson 153: 252% penny) Nealon dx LAS330)} Jewdness :1Komndx lessor 2399 13505 2Kon30\ lest 99 liog 2S lexicographer 1545 let :2889 2304:255x rota SaqaX9 23055] lexicon ponnBaqd liability liability LASS thosXthxxw 2326X)> liable 18505 :2L3NLAxe 22642 liar 2XX5 Libation++5os2 iS-s3 libel] +4333~% 245-40 Lex 2505.4 L225 LAsnNo3 | libelier +%x2 1353~ libellous 1355.2 Lox liberal] 246529 24958 Liberalism LAoSS 136519 liberality 2ASsaz 146529 Lliberat elacars 1225x 152 ow Loos Liberation ‘14x58 L&0d.@1%0 LAL3x libertine +04 :24.5= libertinism*so~-5s liberty 24o2iZ:2hodt— libidinous 13.0% Lhomnd235 librarians-3? 4504, Laka library taka Aws lice Lode licence !y+3i' 1683" 1663 i3q% Licentiate eagh tFocm licentiousy-3}2 45% [13.03 ‘lteter ( PE Tr he es i ~ Nal S.08 Lichen??. tiacn 2SAA L325 AS. m25 iene | (2664 72254 licking LA wm I LADEN Licoriace Liox fe ; Ladn ~7O30> Silo | baer wtp ee DaDi> 220d Lid L345 284: LA ABS bia Weg LS\o2:L\044 liege 13504: 2550.2 155.15 iawen LKondae (hone a>; lieu of np LGXpe% lieutenancy+AoSos~4 Tieutenant 2404 Tafet 2h045° thoS oe tee lifeless bone ANS peer One Dhonbi Lac Lacd Lavo Aas lifetime isso 2+A» e . aos + 4 Pig ewe eee Lift '29+5 :LceS.»: 22052 La Xan 2 LANES 52454 14.652 5280592 ligamen t2So\.:2500- Fe, LX.0x 15i@> ligature LADS ® light ‘25389 (250: Lbq5 (20% lLaqiilaosaqs 13aSy 525805 24h..055 Light. SApa 1-390 :2Xo\s (~ly) naLSoXs lighten Lions 2303035 lighter ‘25032 23484 2NoA5 5259. lighthouse 2270 lighthouse 24042 twi oX 150750 lighting L&s5q5 lightning 1S02: 2853 | lightsome ial lioness L5.05 2234.55 limpid L355 :2SsXo04 Linch pin 26-52 14&s3 oX L&dsS5s0n0 LNya930 2265 xd linden «0230 25.2 like [Llosa ls0m0 224 15 1.\800 2156 seis: 55a5 225505] ine 23422454 12556 likelihood ‘+&e-»2 130226 :2N,359 L502 | Keo tacis 155 :2Xh5 Lrolow Likely aoe] Led ay ltken BS L50529| lineage LAAN G36 Li%9:L.003| )] ineal peat likeness. :}Saz:28.%9 SOsG2:2XN5XN0 18de~| (—lLly) NnL3322 likewise2s 1440:298f/lineament +4o-‘~> liking (LAs LA219> 15A2 24A545) linen oic2 2Xo\ lilac (*KsS+1):.5-S] Tinger .2}es5$ :2h0\a4 Lliliptitian LSox4 Li5opai ashy L1Kd50~ L3xo=x linguist LaxAo LaSo5 limb 2439/linguistic 243-9 limber AESREEY: E5258 Lak > Sos> 558) 1] ining 242 Limbo Nouwx | Link Laonha.L5ial lime 1Ssh 14:2%\5 1do. LknXG: LAAxz Ladm »c10939 235.29 130%. 15.250 Lx\a>5 1.0325] linnet 15633 25.4 Wim t 5039 ilL%9~S| J inséed o52 25955 12O—Ax%0 linsey woolsey limitation LA AAx0 L5wiro ooo L50n9 limn piNsoar2s ha Lint tAaaa) 232013 iso LNSoweeo hainte L 21£5A9 3356 limner A345 23%03!] Ton Libi limp © :t4AXsS:240\s3) 1foness LB n adh lip 228 loafer lip $599:24% 24S@)]itigdtion ‘14x52 Liquefy 123500 21458 LA.35% | LooxS 115239 litigious 159524255 liquid basa A yy Lae LA .b002 liquidate meSe] Litter 28\j> 24.02 24-5 2245350 DN@DK 2LG0B Amd liquidation 24-8¢ Lede LXeNS = 2A ol . tX\oszAs st 12123596 L549 Listen: 2592: 249+._.> listless ‘234+ .x iS LiSyx% litany +24445$:2234) literal Lehoai ( —] ly ) Anrkoal Literary shoal 18398 literature +49-54@ Lithe 138.44 :25.95 lithograph 4% 245349 [28205 2428 .» 28520 we LA&ASxo As LAsAa 28295 21424 Lithographer . +4585 19295 1428 x» L3X5zo lithographic 29299 LAs4.Aa2 lithography 2434s L425 As i bi EE ¥ igan t23e5 ps: 13x55 little TLR A125 0N, Littleness ‘2&0, thon. liturgy +9300 Lo LAdS> hive ¢tsesitts:2535. livelihood 302 liveliness 289» livelong ‘29554 254 livély liver2Aémoa sXA 52356 livery +4%z05 2So\ {Go2 15335 :24d6K259 1 ivid r£ s45230% Lio living tA.km: L550 135.4125 lizard LAqoy% CPs hc Ler tAoa: agm loach 23032 263i 214 Load 2458: 2544: 2a084% loadstone ?4%~ 334 Loaft4aeaS :2268 : 25554 litigate 1,0bn% :1389| loafer tSN50 25694 a loam | 229 | longitudinal a ee loam 1AsX303 ee. Lode 3202 13.256 LA3%.. <0 lodge Nasi 2hmoles Lloan24340%:25.35 150% 2iSa 521598 5 25a Loath2ssAsX 229855 2S 180% lis Loathe +704%2:23043%) Lodger 2595 14.5 loathing 2K yf aX lodgment LkaoS loathsome oaths \ | 1502 2345 LAn~3~ Lobby :t4X6AS: knoS®| loft ~2x02 ake 2455 Awasl/ loftiness :2£ 003 lobe Aas 2N6SA 20% 1K0d55: 2K0~Ss 1439 1958:245¢) lofty L355 (2952555 Lobélia2Saze 2634 Aa} log 1309/1625 155 1250— Lase a> d.12| loggerhead “rb et LA..x0 Lone EE AY lobster A504 1Sé55/ logic L&s9 9306: LKo A. Aw ‘ LAsone olious local 25584 | logical rX.Aw localise LwomSeo! logician Xs Ld0a. L555] logwood 138.2545 locality 1544:230 1Anow® LAs65~—2 locate La0N0°20%5] Join: Lemo LA\zzx> 25935 1502 L5i35 LydKx09 loch 160.1! loiter .LSSa lock 5x3: wi SSA 18.905 Algal BS 1390.59 :525\9 Looxd 13.0: LAab0S: SoA. lollipop LO_54 Lasdx earns 1$54 15S !25~0 3552] ]one 1350.\ locker +43402:-Se8] (—Ly) Aw236~\ locket (+4252 24\zz/loneliess +40o-56~\ locksmith ae long © 243) 2532:25.252 194.022| longevity 1Koa.54 locomotion 2S0§ Lands led i Lasgo LoL; longing | LKASA5 locomotive :+4X94%| longitiide 1Koa.54 LAm3Sng00 153.x0 2£529 locust t¢~h|/ longitudinal —-+>+> look 230 lowness * Sais, thea); loth 2323802455 2S AS=LLy): Apieaae 1432 Look (L493 iis0xX |) lotion , 2KASS 12h.%2 1 LknzX i 230-5%| lottery Pras LAsz miso loud 295 1X55 5295 looking glass >°\3|loudness 14352 14.52 2 Aa~ Nao 2LAsG05h lounge rX¥5 loom L&sS50:214034/| louse Leo LA @05K lousy Lasko loose 1249500 °2595! lout Lass V2 a2 koo | - 25x Lho2d% 2Na 324300 Loosen “:2+0929:22455|] outish ? 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LAxws 29oDNo | - ise eae lucid 135530 5235075 linacy 21&£o0352x LiimdSAw :L5q59 2538.00 528.5500 Slag: Nn233503| linar 1445078 :2550% lucidity24s5o3 °25e3|liinatic 245506 1532 licifer match25=$9| lfinatic L572 luck ‘A\352:ax@5:0058| luncheon 2A»S4 2254 21438] lunch 18084, luckily ‘An2925| lunge 29.92 LK eS Nw~23504, lung s2&so~ sAM: 1Kods luckless ‘240s52450(]lurch 245435:24\5s 34. Aw@5 2S} Jurcher 1545:233..% Lucky+24s5e0\, :ASni2 25% 15.69 licrative /235NLA0 Lire2zdzsio 2rz5\ LAosz < L453 | :2A\5% 129032 1K.33K0~ luicre Lhond5:LA.30 243, SW20 lficubration eel Lon 13K Leoxh 14-55 255A95 239X0.~> Luscious2ssy : 2as3sq% Pndicrious | <432}madman 23E\ 115515 2550. Liam 15 pido madness > LNosdix machine Linx» LAadz i214 93K x04 29 magazine 233 maker magazine ‘+S4% s-3|mahogany 353% 16.4 120559 15 14\S0n Lioxo maggot <:tto\2 th.50 1.20 13.0302 15n5— 13358: .0~:2¢52| maid x655 2A. magic 225~2:/tAex3../ maiden LAws-LAS5 magician LES LKxnXS magisterial **45%|maidenhood +4&ox»~Ss Lx20q2:250\9 LALeAS ery} ».84|maidenly [AmLSoas magistracy ‘140% Naldos tanrd.As LA00.29 | mai Ll LaKa0 ~Nov magistrate2oA,.255 | 129K9 !axoSa BnI7 > L5NL9 | - 2$eaS>2 2Ax.5\ magnanimity +AcsS!maim 1Nosza: 285 LA03%.50 52159550 Liogs' LAdo\ magnanimous 495? L052 Li558 52295 magnet tAa.: eis wNeado 15%5X magnetiC®ssiw2 255) magnetise Liouxx Neat LNGs OL 5l os magnetism LAsXaq Lixs, 1X3 1i5 Lio \ magnificence 035 255.2 magni fy ‘L@o034 155.15 L205% magnitiide ,2&es0A\, 1X55 NonXs ; 155 9155 Dm magnolia 23X12 1355a019 142.50 15.95 magpie Main -24359 525395 2525 mainly ‘A-2%35:4.2%3 L3qAi maintain ‘2330: Leows maitainan tf - 6 ur ~-U bw oe ee tT Pe U maize ad majestic 250A majeSstyt&odr0\ t&oSs LA.5\5 majOlicga tHs4% La2% Daz2 L~Xd0 major taza L50\ 25.455 3.90 :255.250 majority +%6:t&o5eA t~A\S> 145N5 make Paso cots, 2eoad LAoSS (2K 054 125455 maker makeshift 234 management 22053: Lagdh malignance é 1Koxa3 makeshift Liddoxn L35@0~3 LA~Aw 9: 25A 0 Li3§ pp i) malignant 135.60 makeweight 4s 24ssem)/maligner +375» es 234354|malignity +A0d-5% making ‘t&<5&:2425s 155.. 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AW25 oh AS\ |) mane Laronq2 AS manes ‘44422 24405 £852 A.N5 LoS manful L%m.9 > 2353 (-lLly) Nn135 manganese?<\s>5 ES ison wma Lx o> LELwzA WO mangetsie rX9t2 255% mangle t4~+»2 13.2% mangy BACT EEN manhood 1RKow.As Lkoxi mania Ass9!ikes425 m9sXSo ro 250% maniac—l 13522 manifest :24303:25S4 Leodax: AHS 155=1 manifestasion LHASA 2h S95:24.S\ manifesto . S+24A4 235 LAASS mantifactory aq 1355 ” manifold * Lx.d8 manikin ~2Asea 24ex4t manipulate 1503-42 Lae Manipulation +4337 mank tnde 1Soxi55 LEK42 263\, manliness +5554 1554 5 pein NaS se Noizal isons 4 - Xd mannerism eee oe EB 6 LAmK.w0 mannerly tKonais mannerist 7 <4? manoeuvre :2d05A 4 2KA 6X0 LASSAASLAOOS manor LAOA: magol%o 1545 LAx39 3 Noga» manslaughter ?+4\5 Lxaia /lzsa 028 2502 mantelpiece 1ho~055 150A. =520352 mantle Mb svat Oe :2Ab.09 LALLAS 2545 Lm0Aa% mantial 15.20 mantifactory Aas 213453 :234A95 manufacttire 286 marry manufacttire ‘++S3/marina Liss 1k edKo LA.AS 7Le0D4 mariner g3>o0. L231 234935903 Weg? 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A 4 marchioness2Asto2 mare LA Box: LS04 margarine +9308 2553 ner kesiates acy margine #520 1hs@ 15Kad marginal L1Ado2 L5Kha5 1L§d30 marigold +Ssz:58~45) marrow 2533099 lAo.wwas oe! 2 ' w marly batAartoes marmalade 155020 LALAoAND marmoset23oss $0 0a0 marmot 2634 24 1424 L550n%> maroon +4s¥@a> LAsos\ marquée tX.»455. 1594 *|marqess LAas¢o2l= marquetry 1.20 LA0N.39 marquis OabOLE marquisate hers marriage 255 :2X60,4 marriageablets K 05 9x 2305\ 92 2.02 marry a marsh marsh2 SALA 2502 TE) marSsha]23~s550 245 A nainey Atgprtnunesibsensisusinnstinietiians’ > a2 Liole 21KmodG2 LAsoAd, marshy LaX SAA ‘ mart 2Gox L50\% martenc?s-¢:2~08 229) masterful 244.58 2XS4\ 2305 149\%2 2Xox 1 Ligag martial 13X95 masterly 135555 martin LKA5 WZ LA.s038 Nn239\%0 A.25054 martyr *Sea%-qe 1806) master piece 1524s martyrdom LKoaqG 138\55 1893%~¢2/mastership L&od% marve] ‘4394S :2ho5AS$)- i&oa4\x +30AS=/ mastery — LAwSE marvellous +4433\42 Lkodso0\ :2KosA4 (—ly) S2i35As9!/masticate 15$\ masculine 144599|masticAtion l&oSN masculinity+4o-4593a|mastiff 230\ 2545 mash 13520 rks. 150,50 mask2&-~ 62 :21424 L.oxr¥ | mat Lexa 2559°25.0¢ *8282/match ‘1429@:148\.a8 masker t&®450ex «7024 L1AxX4: 94205 LAnS9 mason ~ 1930:255 Lio09.130a 1.694 18e300392|/matchlesss-$ 243 24 masonry tKo~55 a~70-2 Se 18036®539|matchmAaker 23454 masquerade 1A..3K 153\ Some laxd@> 14292] mAte 155...2X0§ 535 masquerdder -a0a24 230359! 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Lid— * 26a0 218S.023 1433.3 me shisessa:235h9 2y9Ss3/m6téorology +Aas- mesmerise schneioel 19S..0x2 LZ3in 134A45 28.25; méthinks ~o~ 13k—5 mesmerism 248\0./method LAdoL 1aG4 24x5< 1S.25 190955 Lhgnd%:2S0x9 mesg2ss a't&\oa2~}/ methodical LiAdoro radals iXox> message 13x :255)/methodise 2 oak,» messenger - 2355.0 Lid02 1545 290.550 143~2»|Methodist 1eag 2% metal 143530 Xo” 2ho~Ss¥,o4,0952 16490 1352400) m6 thought patEe metal lic2+isas 2Sec2/méter tSo.9 :245452 metallurgy +4s34|metrical ‘280-92 gai 1245535 LXogs 25A4500 -bro iSgaS0 2509 metropolis LA S252 me tamorphose2se4~x Leingw> 1%. 185.930 tA525 1544 2h0A-2 154!/metropolitan —3\.» mettle 14.03 mettle :2hommy.2Koends i ' } ' mettiesome PSPS e| 2595 swc7oak 5 156.22 mews LadSoo> 3X4 microscope Léox Lsqd\ G2 25545 microscopic—al 2305\ 35 mid AASS5 (24 A\5K45 middle LiSew : LXASA~5 middleman?=42 :12S.» AMbS2 PASSA oe go 8 1 middling L3A22 midland 242 million migratetsst yw» L.0s% migration -~ %*A-55 250i migravory r2 LA.WAAED 25AL0 2h.5 milch iAsSoe :2ha54N5 1aA-2 miid 14.93 '25.a0 AADG3 mildew 2494 :28.Am05 mildness ‘ LNoanax NADA2 LKOw.~O5 mile 2S +90 1N.0i22 2S5o-%12 L435> 1760 ‘mileage LS.0 Lio 256 } “- Hiab Go hie (ei LSsi LS | 1Saxo nd 1 tant 9336:2x0M5 military :tk0~AS9 240952 militate 224 midnight 2-4 ‘AA$/militia LSSAL2hnw midst 2XSS4h.3 | milk 25K%..:25h6 midsummer2S~52 2X33 | milky L35\2 midvife ?435:245%/mmi]]- 240554 sng itsd2 Lass eon Gey ene midvifery 23$S0~-/millenium 23x 284 Lhasa Lk\Eend | 13235 mién 1Gho~/miller 1444, might iS.~|/millet Liws mightily © 4+234\. LA.§~95 2300 93007 134 549 as & Sona: mincingly ° tAnSnas 1Aax :1A0oX\OAS= :thoA giz minority L&odod4 Ax NS eee a) LASx 152 52 AmAX» mind Lisodo0N:Li0g)/ minster 15.49 15005 is 255A :1s0~~Alminstrel 15052 305 2N0 m6 aa mindful : LSSx0d L548 mint »24099 1A..A.20 Na3 Sea LEAS} Lyoe Liiwilias mine 7 2+2|mintage 2y099 LAWL» mine 22 :°2454..:255.) ee 135030 miner *S52 Ama. 1584 Rane 125.25 235) mineral 2545s%:2458 ~|minus LBag2 250.5 mineralogist +459 Anuar :2Ko-5a5 23545 Ladin 993) 25.09 mineralogy . 1&3. | (—ly-- AXas°A.2 8.03 233895|minuteness ‘240en-53 mingle DSO ct 2 ln 214056.05 miniattre*s93? 2As53/minutiae Lsinaw LaOS4 Lon03 mini m:23649 293 1Xo.2 minx aosXa LAsissy tson-d|/ miracle LASo024 minning 1454. | LkosAS minion ‘23¢hSx° ea9| miraculous 24S\ a0 ASBSs 10.03) (—Ly) NwLSSA Sm ministerAcse t3mee! miragethys\s.rha08s mire B Ada misléad 1a-S3/ mischievous 15% mire 15500: 1544 L335 @0m2 mirkiness i32—)misconception+ssz~ mirky 135z— Labo 1K.~ddS0 mirror 136s ;misconduct 135. mirth — A639 'th0~2. 135m LEGA 1 LA59~0 mirthful isa—/misconstruction mirthlessthe~2, 242 13m 1k 058 miry 235502 : 2335-4 |/miscreant ® 2¥-3 :2&4 misadventiire +294 misdéed Lobe L555 1z-3|misdeméanour 2654 misalliance *4>5\;misdoubt . <3 +3624 hee Lea 21864592, miser ged bas, 18d5\ ~5, t3)miserable ‘4252 +44 misanthrope dasa! L3aM20 1koxid$o | miserably 432492 misanthropy LA.3& misery 1Kosaop 1524L LOos\oi misfit Lo.und 25 misapply +35++-94S2|misfortine L33@0~ misapprehension |misgive+4} vw tse Sax 155 LA 953 mi sgiving LAAGa% misbehave +35 254— misbehaviour Pea) 155. 1550 Whe miscalctilation Libeiw 2L,o\50 LHS. th.50 mischap 2154 Lx24, miscarriage 24535 28 L35D0m09 | -~8./misinform Leosa® miscarry- 4s is0xz5 1% L53— 250550 mis pac LLanone ‘h3-|misinterpreta— misce Hen Cee ‘S|misjudge +35- 234: mischance :2$95| mislay +55+ ted» tSe\Sni 2S3| misléad :235- 220344 mischief L35%0.| iL25092 pw 2880 2X5 SS — se SIT 6 eR LD mismanage 245 mixtire mismanage +2e=\4)misspend +35 tXed+ 1Soz\ 255—-/misstAtement +34 misname ered LyeAx LRA oases misnomer morol\/mist nse misogamy (6.ielmistake %4~:28\5 24805 -5A2 2855\2} mistaken Sado misogynist. 234:$/mister +304 '-23'-5% LA a3? - imistiness Lkosk~¥ misplace 1S tz0eAm|mistletoe +SA4'252 ~7023034 15a 13g.%0 Lissd— misprint 74— 439%.» 13N.25 tfi~o}/mistress Lox) wd mispronounce-§8, +8)_ tAsBSe.24h952 15-12 ra 3ko 18.55) mistrust 1 LAs be 2X misquote 26s. 2455 Laowe, 2S Korg33| mistrustful2iivg 2S misrepresent. Leosssimisty 13520 txii\ 155. Leormvo|misunderstand. 2% misrifile +4360 Lpeae Lnowdss Sy 135~|/misunderstanding miss: LAnSA : 2hd¢5 1A.958 aS zs | LAwESD| mistigerd~S\90 Lwoddy miss Lox i .Ns0435 | 235. 14552 18.22|mite Sip L30A55 missal 15> 2695 |mitigate dron\s misshapent3}>~ LAsisa% 130050 >1..0+3%90° 15.50. 290.552 i: Laon» missile +Ssoio 22th} mitigation ‘+494~% missing. *Azsa:250"5 2&..t3% :1ANSNE mission tRoweSz 1 nitre 42K :28.\5 missionary - REAR 18onm39i> LiaSzi mittent+> 13% 15.2855 missive +43:0x 1454s S36. misspel 1245s Leoler mix. 2Ngse i 2245~5 1$35~ LSs—e/mixtiire Aen LAy5~ moan 246 monarchial moanz—3& : LA.zA22EE4 modificat iont&hsSns moat pe 365935 p33 modify L$o\~—2 Ree -232;modishness +4%~ox mobtzeisd :2z04= 1239) modfilate ido\us lzsa5n itis 15442 ~NS\ Lx0~S00 mobilisation modtilation ?A&si~= Lisoxon 1X9 LALoAn 13492 rXsA LK wm mobilise tAoo\s| mohair Mz 24254 mnoioty LAoAAS mobility 280A | moist 2323 moccasints\> 2023)moisten t30m5 L309 LOdm ) da. ae moisture LA3%5 mock!-3 t&asho 1344 molar 133 ‘LeeSSs0ilze~eimolasses thz0 AL. mockeytisssihs 145.0% 33.52 mocking bird t%imole 24tp2 250A :l%0x LAdomx2 LSs\ tbo 2as0nS 29S w550 ae Soa Swi iXes molectile+5-53 L305\ 5 LAA» 28839071335] moles skin “*330n%> 23\1\ model 240~»2 28904, | i599 240094! molest AP OAS A eco me modeller 43354) molestation ‘LA ade Laiwo%0 , LSdo0y2 LANs moderate2rsss :2%02$~|mollif'y L302a3% 14285 2930 Aaimollusk 22~3:14h.\0% moderation +A®S5\» 18\5 oX 2.4 Las ros 53 iSex Nal molten 25045 15x50» modern 1§4 :2425) moment 2455 moderniseg-t¥ +5024/momentarly 4+244s s-i52 2328|/momentary 2433s modest -2%-s9:2893/momentous :25536a% modesty -t8e493|/momentum 2452 L4a» ‘SoX~=3|/monarch 13\% modicum +44|/monarchial 125Ax monarchy 247 moralist. monarchy L8o5A9 |} monsoon LAoS monas tery Land .A@23072 @osirnols monastic 22543/monster 24432998 26.6 Monday 15253238 263X money Lior} monstrosity 2AerSa6 moneyed BAAS rKownK§ mongrel ‘293\ «325Nimonstrous 3-46 :54546 43502/ (—ly) Nn dsond§ monitory 13530 / month ries 23%355/monthly Nn dSdS monk 14509 52454~-|/montiment LiZas monkey 6ox-9/montimental ‘:t44ia3 monogmist 2542 25%) — 125 12504 723K5 2425) mood 235923074 :25\0~ monogamy +342 18354, LAAs» 1 S25 |moodiness +482 25i0~ monomaniac?+> 24522|mmoody 135 \0~ ~242/ moon 15a monomaniacal?43235>/moonlight25e%o 1305 ~23% 242/moonshine LAoS monopolise 18352 mss: iSlooa Lim ) L503 L5Aia 1Sa0\ 15X23|moor Lmoa :oAS: 4.5005 Na2tZ0m\ 243.2090 -0X Ln000% 1235920 monopolist 13633 2X35.5 702535 15Xi3/moorish +»0ad ee monopoly23 moot LA paon: 2A 53; 2559 Nm25Oud mop 2X\oAx: Nelo rXod monosyllabic Lao a L900 monos Snes o 14.59 :25Ax: Eye 154 SosSio 24>.}/moral PLS La oe monotonous 2 LAs LhsSaN! had ny 1XEalmoralise :23s0a5\ mono tony2S42 baGK Lil, taX, 25502 290\%0 234990|/moralist 234450 259\% 24 morality ta, 295022 morality2ese2 Nea-Sz 8 moulder 16X5 “LR 9 Ads Lko4Ah0z320 mortmain morass ~305/mMOSailc LS$io5 1As%55 morbid shania 2is5 2As50. 25034 more La5—1 52509 zo3} mosque 249% morGen Seams 264 14/mosquito tans moreover ‘es sonx!|mMOSS ASa 28cm) XN 43930 LSia morganatic ie Ldn.5 2XA\>o 15% AaS5 ASS ws aajso0i.za{most 2355 xox morning+=36e%.28»§-5/mote 24595 90K 7 L034 morose +445 «aonto~ Lassa (ly) 18 0~| moth Leds 18-85 morphine y#4:s+s4;mother 12 morrow +442 L»ren:4%)|motherhood LAOnD~ morsel 2S\2:244 24/motherless 12%. 245 25039|motherly Nahin mortal 1A6-4/motion :2A\od 12804 (—lly) Nalhond 3zO~ mortality ‘2&h0se-s|motionless i404 24> LsKox 2KAoLo mortar P2AMOxils6g motive Leas LASS LAws2 SON; MOtivate+2o07sx0 2z5\ mortgage '244z2|motley L352 055 La0Ne 165: o35¥ 2x395—L5259 mortgagéeosis rakes motor L255 1 LIS.930 mortgageresis L3a5ar5 ! L3L oA montification mottle. +8845 225: LkaBm—o LASX>%0 LAdoaD t\abo 24359 ikXoain .~ 25152|/motto 1Go55 2aia5 mortif'y 24%~0 t}00a% Lonod 2SESo04 LK \oalw =) 28454) mould ‘s4A55 2555 mortisetdssia y Lassa LAA Laenice 2830 3 mouldery :2-\53 1355 b mouldiness 249 multiplication yORN 25312 5e0n9 mouldiness 2384 mouldy moultrasse 254 1. mound isos: ide Tae >. . mountainée6ér +2550 mountainous 2 3 ‘-mountebank 24 Laban L5554 ° ” v sd i ¢ bo tye : mourn «94 2553:2 mourner2iias i253 so sx mournful 15s (—L ly) Neale mourning?4.~S5 : 14h. mouse 253008 mouser Lazeuts 13559 moustache LASs30 1355 :2X5:2503 2OS\..21N5 mouth mouthful] t+.t%0S 24) mouthing 2h.mdi | | 285454 Ona Sey 2%e0S x thw jxg : ERED Lke4s move :2$34:28484, Laqmes- LAocAg :2xoxd% : movable L13XoL nan movéables LRoN5 o gies movement 2A394 22508 mover 24432» :1iXeAs moving P2AN OA 25A2 LAdan LAL OLS mow Ie ssh Ne ey oe 2 KSA. 5 2/Mr Mister a) Mrs-Mistress-— «5% much ee | micilage 1&\oox muck tRmz i Loos micous 255.05 mud 25509 525.4, muddle - 2tg0\Ko 2185. 2142554 o4se: 2a0k\ 1 AS mudd y 2384. L53.4 muff hy L3K9s0 25d LAS~29 Aaix murfle [LEA Laends LrAossAs 230354 mug 2 SQ@2 mulberry LaXw2> L&o0A mulet L-dX i 20d % mule 23905 mailetéer Liiws 232059 LaiiSx0 mull ‘203953 Noo Lo0mm ) 2450500 i Loolox mullet t30a2 2634 24 2x33 Lza35 * - pet multifarious multiple multiplicand 253. multiplicatio 92030 ' ” multiplicity Aaa multiplicity—se2e: 4 LAo. multiplier +1455» multiply 120.9% 2559 22.0584 multitide2zs2 2A0~53 reek multidinous 15% mum LE.9 xow:25.Ax mumble Leoas3 LSSA 21 MELOSA mummer :2A28% 655 mGOAL99 L3ixXo L3Ga% mumme ry 24..=X%0 LA BAD LA24> mummy +X%s3:2X-s— 2544 Linas Lé\GQ0 Ld0Nb09) mummi fy Lan Lh3— mump %468% oX Lwoaws mumps L50a90 S50 2X3i2 L5Q49 i Laan. munc h Loorma : Nx. mundane Les22 municipal : NA LASm202 : LAoqaiws muni Cipality?»2ea munificence :tA»Ssx L1AsXo ApS thoSs munificent 23338 tkosX>o 150:2Lk5X> munition LA\oaly roxond Lansol mustache 200 mustache murder 1S\5:2k85 murderer 13X\6 murderess LAXoNS murderous 1Xo\s muriatic +X+» tea | ms 18.5— L52590 EY) murky 2S Axe murmur tAmh ah ; 520530 two ah murmuring ly4s22454 murrain 1Xo4,5 185m Lslongs muscate] +4540 tas 235nA4 muscle 1S25.255\ muscular eae muse Laowmmto 2.01 ¢ LAKE iioAmw LE} ILEAES Lwisodsoms LAqS2:25Nz5 o ‘ ‘ Md ‘ museum 469.08 Anz mushroom LA>645 music 159 misical 25299 musing tRadmA musk 144.23 Loe! gxox ea-L2 1593 ce 2Anox musket LAXOAS SoA musketé6éer Se 24449 2AAoAS musketry %e2 24.59 muslin 25+9z0 993 .Aa mussel 24032 2634 24 must mags: 45K L1\Xsa@ mustard eo namely mustard 4334) (—Lly}) AnLssudag muster :2355@ L~ossoX muzzle 194 LAD Lis0x05 2S.04 LA Src ak musty (LBABON Lens 23X0S02 225.94 mitability —S\.-Az» L403 LOBA 314095 Wy. 72 myosotistAo-~was iXax adi pent l5a0nS2 1h5s ° * - 29055 LXos myriad 2524118055 mutation 2495.02 2gXi 145505 r LAS XW% myrrh 25020 mute LowaNx 7 28sh myrtle is. Live LSAx mutilate :290095 tain 29500 13% tioosis myself a3X3 230 mutilation 2403S |mysterious 223552 1KY E48 (Ly) WOETEY! mutinéer ‘2449224454 | mystery 5@ 12535 As6552 255\4|mystical 23.50 matinous DRONA 1GS2 mS 1LAs9—A5 FSi) S2220\3 i mystification mutiny +4426\x t»on% LAA SS 1 LAsSN85 24x04 |mystify AsA tgeax mutter :243538:2A»393 | 1XS5085 2459 55a -2869@ of 2903503 myth t\\oap LA Sax. 190935 ny thological 12k Sg~ mutton 1554 my thology . SAa mutual Lad Aas 293.5 LaX tH a0 5 wee N Bist we nab tifv 159\4|/ naked 21iikox 2545 gate 2494) (-ly) N»Lidox LoS nakedness 24e~Ahoz nabob 25.9$/namby pamby 2i3q34x nag 1X52 15.3 2160 & name. Laomuxn : 25x nail Li m2 Lindo LOxiu2 So Hea sere namely t4adi:a.1%z Lead 33> 1h95 55 namesake 252 navy namesake 1s=53 nattiralise 1354 nap DA aga AXONS LAss L5AL 35 1Av~lnatiralist LaSa5 nape LSSnN5a2 LAd040n | LAnzso Lal6wga Laiod naphta 4£S52inature Laka napkin Does naught LSaq + +230 9o7 narcissus *Xe4 PA>sinaughtily :+4o%.5es narcotic GaSD LAASyo 2LSs narrate 2-on7! naught ines sthos;5e natnrd lLoL 14..867 naughty 15.22 ‘narrative Lizegse|nausea ‘2542 2LAA5L, narrator 13406 2Sb5 55 pw LA@ASA narrow LB.s:Lc0-s9| nauseous LASAsA (Ty) NaLB@S : aL Bas 1X59 55 =" L3gaga0 narrowness LKones nauseate LOoNaA nasal 13.4049 tks 55 om nastily Aa2tSAmz | nautical +~“X2:24%4 nastiness ‘*hoshuz/nautilus 2s, 24 2 aK 23039 nasturtium 2Saz|naval 0X2 t\..0 nox ~co250/nAve ua03° LSen nasty LaAwx | L5204> LX¥A9K.5 2239002 natation %6~, 14--»/navel LAdox nation s L36 olnavigator :13a\2 nativityt%s cy tA-da aX a 25255 nattral 1335 navvy LanSo 1285 (—lly) Aaliia Lim 25 Llhu3z20 Loaqsso nattiraJisation navy L¥a9 :LA05S42 12X35 2L.0Xs nay . 2538 nepenthe nay ‘tXa:taaq aq 28:2S|néedy PE pee oN Pe nefarious 44-5 73 LAL 2L:2AS.330 nuéar (155902230535 | Bas ~0 Loo gngd negation LA=3® Laas0 we ww né6éap+oe2 LAdAuWZ 12809 22 Laden A5 2% 9.. | néarness LKon~Sa02l negative 15056:155e néat, 1503 | PSY ~~ * . 2 G EH Fe néat te §e2402 (1 ¥:) NwaL505 ieely)) Hetsde -An2593|(neglect Laosx% néatness :2Koa93 L5x 020 thonde neglectful .2350x% nebtila Zari LSS Laixsy: 235 550 x SoA 30 233092 L332 negligence 14>» nebiilous +3%42:135-S|negligent +45,z# necessairies*4$»+32/ (-Ly) AniiSyxs necessarily N»L5.3 negotiable: +33\AA» necessitate ‘to3:%% LAL dca 1¢48..5253 negotiadtetso3%e 2354 necessitous ‘+5-:%|negotiadtion :t4oaX4 13636 :22.A.. LAsSjo 135% necessity LAoaes®|négress %Awor 1435 neck 1835055 négro i909 2E52 neckerchief Les|neigh neighing 1X3.52 [ Looms :iknqaq nectarine 1£43352|neighbour 133 néed kos @ 154% neighbourhood L330 LhosSx néedful 2545 neighbourly AWLSSx LidaNow 5155.50 'i neither 550 Le oo (—lly) SnLinskov néology L&~LS% n6ed 1 yh425432 24215065 | LADS LssewoD> néediness +Ass436;/néophite ‘23944, néedle 2X0. tAna0kS 25.9 LAh35 néedless +Aon+s@ 249|nepenthe -3+42 n6eds 1565438 214630535! S530 LE nepew 254 4 nigh nephew dom) 55/new 2A DS nepotism 2AemZ 35 (—Ly) Natkos nerve i4..<.:225\ newness Kodo. nerveless:29s\ 243/news LR." 12555 1X14 1X2|newsagent L3ase nervous 23h m3 L205 59%» ~7o3s XS i2KoN 0 i 2z4.42 newspaper L355 nest 23.49 Lig next O07 LES m2 on nestle Lap\ 1845) 145555256 2KS e202 255009 nestling 2309 1435 | ni brs%so Lae [290593 net 23-% 25592 2454 |nibble t+4~:.4 1%4 tadh 2,054 223050 L§05Sa5 net 25a3:2+5,/ntce 24.05 :L4054x nether LEKmA L805 13.307 :LiISO3% netting néedleyo%| (—ly) Ne linsase 12649i\niceness :246».05 nett lLe2sax :2$5q :2ESs L&osiaere txS5Long90 25602 235dalniche LAwn5 Aas netiralgiatisyag L839 /nick ‘t»dsonS%:2.sd\95 oe ep Lado > LSA¢ neurotict2*\> 2£542/nickel LEmn> Loos netter 2So £592 25! | La95 154, 244 22.54:2353/nicknacke 1hnom netitral .» 24404 28! nickname -zio.noN 134 ga ta0N%:Lbé052 Lox neitralise i353 mo.n0S thas aBA Laz 1he-0%/nicotine B2Y neiitralitytss3~ 2% rOADD L52m0 2950 1a5 14..X5 3 2X0x 32> iniéce L3on2 A535 never nae epee a SIA oo niggard g235.0 5 535S04, ®\30|niggardliness nevermore 234 2X HoT 2hoynsd0:Lh0d5Sm4, 145.2 +e iniggardly NnL5SSx04 nevertless $9'23-t/nigger Lsoa 2x52 Lézog 215 nigh La5% night | night nightgown? 3-42 2520. /nocturnal 255 nonsense 13-5 nobody LziL i Gor LaXa8 nightingle Jonde> | nod Scan ilkas Ljmd nightly N_2S.4) LAS5%0 2A 955255 nightshade2ix® 2Sax 14952 Tals Lid4o0n nimble tSoA5 2A a59 nimbly 2AoAsdya nimbus EE Fe PAE txnau2 LAkbeq nine LEAS ninefold to 2543 ninepins 22432 24ASy, 19.5 ninetéen SOLENS ninetieth LEARO ninety aZNS ninny 2589 : 203305 ninth LENS LS nip Liaxo 1559:2450 1&ady nipper 13505 nippers 230xx:lxL% *So5n09 nipple Loox nitrate aye nitre paome 2i\x0 nitric rhOxm> 15% nitrous 1436= no | 2X nobility LhonnA5 nobless 2z312 22s Be 23245 nobly AntS2A5 Leta i LRdo noise ‘AsbSAS: 2X85 285 153s noisily 2835 L&oS4S3 nois sines giXso 1AaS3 noisless 2425s 28> 1X5 > noisome 135m 25 5S520% nolens volens +33 inominal boxe: Live Gar leh ye.) LOx5 i Awlox nominate ‘Lago x2 Lx LiS5 nomination :Aqq»ix tsx2 Lh.50 nominative ‘iiquin Ligoxs» nominée LaxOxs%0 non 23 nonage lax LENS 95 nonagenarian 35 | ret eee st) nonce 2Soi 26 nonconformist iS (Oss ¢a22 2333 ES nonentity LRo ARAL nonplus 236, 28 nonsense L30gq tX> nonsensical 256 novitiate not chi4hsSas 23044 L5aS) : Sism aeiweia sie or nonsensical #43302 nonsdit :2A4%5 :2k ash 2AASzuN LA0d 50 Loko nate [26akns La0AN% | LAS Sm% | ct6e2s (nothing 3239 $2: “Sag noodle +3393:258Sinothingness Lko-Saq nook ‘:t&.355:28.\a05!\ notice [mone [La5 23\3 LAazd >: Lo0a~ noon £58059 2453 L394: LhdS5 0% noonday paola noticeable +2324» noose 19AN30Q 12542 Pee area :LAwz> L2ANd0Q9 21259.25Ka LA5 5050" nor 2S $9 notify 229 3m0 iL -od2% ° ts) North ina {notoriety . LAoc wx. northerly ‘244554 LRosna~ -taaas =< in otorious ‘Lg Es Pee ican, aie Ld notable 1529 novelis ttaSsaio 1a SAS notarial 15452 LA2m Ld9%2 1§>.29 / 129009 novelty LAND notary > Leea007> L545 November 24342 ~215 Lja.%0 notat Lont&sa&s: L&sx5 L145! 253%.32 novice ‘240% 145-~. novitiate ‘2ho~0d% 32 = 4230 %o :2Ase now 257 oak :Lh02d4 2525802 1450x|/numeral 15555 :2£02-034| numeration rAnis now taei|numérator Liism% nowadays ~2%042|/numerical 14552 nowhere 1433 r623|numerous ‘234322 25% nowise 2333 ga5 Lid3 noxious 12335@0~2 +5%|/numskul1 234 (—ly ) \..2350—/nun 14355 nozzle LjoaSa 2603 | nuncio24S .d%2 2544922 nucleus 1 p93007> Lhao nunnery L\355 Nas ~230 \a> 22%50 Li50x nuptial L&osaS\9 nade s2h0x|/nuptials tKoaSh, nudgetAso,3ons Law.» nurse LAsinvx~o LA 3555 nudity Lio~sLox 23055 / 2.00% '2.4509 nigatory 2629@|/nursery +232045 S-+3 15590 r2Aax Ans :L.owD> nugget 13qa2 2SA® | Laos Anz ladSmi 2a3s020/nursling 24959% Ld0\s nuisance 1K~Lelnurtire 136235: t\00L% 13300~3 14235 .LhS032% null A230 40 ~S\os}nut 223052 2S0x:290\ nullify 24045 |/nutmeg 230904 nullity ‘t4sq:28345/nutriment :25509 1A0n~5 LAdo0aL%0 numb LmSS, 220452) nutrition LEGION pls IN bath LAB 0 , LA..Ba4h 2X Ado02 nutritious 124494 number rss Liisw nutty L393, 523404 numberless?i+az 2Xa|nux vomica 24%S1404 numbness LEA Xai nymph Lima Lo Si LAd5 <2 2LA3s54A0 2AX~2020 oy, m,, Apes A oaf 2598 : 203005 oak LAnwoS5. 16.5 \ oaken 258 obsequious ; oaken 24™0d4 > 16.52 oblation Marre oakum?$s43 LonNS 2A5\ “L3550n30 L532 14 35.5% Oar, =, 28x905/obligdtion Lh9\ Se OaSisgok> LAsHx~q 1502 | 140553545 4a5/obligatory ‘23439s% oath LAnAw0D | ys 405533459 oatméGa ] >0\x3 2AXLoalx obl ige (2¢gX.i2hos% oats (24-2 }50Ax | ae Ce LAs< GiSSS obdtiracy?332 4&o-x2 Léon 2%5:2h0555 obdurate L-ox oD EXSos nS ea 55% Pee obédience | 24ss_% obédient — 244a.—% obeisance L852 LAS950: LAN em : 1SSx2 2539 Obelisk 25.254 2825 obésit :LhomnS3 135E48 e150 18592 Leds, obey LNOn 20 obittary 1Ad5..% tAko2d> © O bject: PDS NC Sis = STE To) Aso 553 1X5 Lwogn i Leohaw:iXosas objection LAAs 'LAASS 18 :24.X5005 iXS50s objectionable L3idaAD objective :LR—39 obliging (1aQ54 LA5X 3 1455S. 02s e Nun (-ly)} ; LAoA SA5 obligingness 18oN SS | oblique \4+9:1482 55 obliquity [280.499 55 a Kol San obliterate 24354 obliteration ‘242A ? 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LS Lise yah lo pakdhaq5 Bas P B88 Bake i pabulum +4929 :2494) paddock pace rXni :2X525 LAx2 | pacer Xio:iSsis a XGz 2B002 14435 OyStertAshod i raoka Ozone painting Lh0.2a5 LXoe ’ “ . :LAd0\ 2555 LA3%.5 1502 paddy 23552 «45: oaks padlock: *23+35 2.054 pachydematous AS5 LoS NS ~co2d\, plows pagan 293~ pacific Rs a ae pk paganism LANoSi~ pacification :24s3%) page +%423:25ka2 1428 eee tXnom pacifytsA rent faechse péageant sane pack 2g0055 2230033 2xr2A package "189%35|péageantry ‘2435 1453 }1An0059 32149555 L2H4h2 1A955 packcloth +32. pal ging 1520 Litin LKaqwda2 | ZA6A299 packer 234956:233~35) nail 2536 packet a0X 1 th300d5 pain :24.3591353:2329 L&odX A> Leodak iipsodsuy packing 289955 | painful Liisd0m packtread 243\ | (—lly) AnL5Xs04 2200332/painless 1£a%9 1X2 . Pa Bee > 5 a 2 2 pact LIAO md 25.54 1805 painstaking ee NS pad tXaaa5 LA.@00% 942 235Aa 21380495 1X00 24362 paint ‘24s :2\s5 tii eye 24505255253 1602 2X35 L3As painter :2\s32 23i~% paddle +Ax=305:2hx6~5 3x54 tAxdodn 2254,:2480\d painting LAx5s j9% 22 aie i 268 panel pa Thy a3 21X09 i2h 005 tLolu% pairing time +439/palmistry 23. thXo59; 288M 1£55Xh5 Lyi06.5d palace Ree / 5 ig palatable t2-25/ palm Sundays 43332 | . LX oxA Avan palate 145s palmy 2305042 13544, palatinate gSex| LoSx2 155.2% aiintt2! palpable +44\4as palaver LAXS~5) palpably 45232539 ax *$e\~5/ palpitate 1noSs 133 pale sippan ona ne aeene 24.85 230255 235\> pale 5442 1250) palsied i<9% paleness 243359! palsy tkoA.sx palfrey %Xse2 260o|/naltriness ‘theses 2A\Na5 25 LNoS0a < 2.054, paltry 1iSb0n 31502 paling +t&,3ke : pamper ‘2493@% : 240A, 2S6A5 23X~% *|pamphlet 2X 230aKa 3. Bie Nm 30 yy eR Hees “kaiba | L30nKa2 palliadte:ta3 12628) pan L6SA0 151% LA nS 243%, / panacéa As 25 215%59 palliation 25K, | Sd: . 2K.5..29 | pandemonium Naz palliative +5As| L386 | L1hAL9 pander +2493> 26s, 24 pallid ik =e? pander = :23545 235s pallor | 133) LNSNOZA LeSouoy palm :2d063 LS.0 ts5mf9 Lx.o 123429 24.4 51%59.. panel 20.5:2508 (2559°23.25 Ld03~50/] 24255 MSr LaNox pang © ; AG} aa parent pang LAsSked 33 paradox 2XAxs panic :LAS0A4 LASbd, ~c703X> 1Xk5056 *Az<%) paradoxical 2S\»23 pannel PANY Spee Va _ sc7e3kX2 22383006 pannier ‘2456:2lidem|/paragon +t%-x9 160% ~0939: 1X50 paragraph 15005 pannikin Lkdoo0n LA.555 2555 pancrama LA n§ on | ‘parallel LwdSso 5A 2502 222 2Ah.54M5 LX of La0N% i 20} 145K 0 pansy 225355 2Saz|paralyse L\oSzxx pant 2 Lh Bey paralyses :LRoAWSx Limes ; SSepae 2AS4z pantechicon Naa arab y tC 1A.$x s ANONaS paramount “295 AS, panther © ‘25x32 2303 paramourtso 3 25a: 1h.593 | paraphernalia: 1sa4 pantomine LAxj0G 1A..3538 ASS) paraphrase 130s pantry tad Ang parasite La S,WA pap LaNo ate L020 LZn5:2a5L> 1590, 230A23 135dy papa 255 | |parasitic :LEm59 Papacy tNos5 : 24033 (3x0 29A\5 gals papal 2235!parasol tkex2 s-44 paper Em0> 30s L530 parboil 2no\zx tAgaNa5235359 2556 parce] ‘t&\5:2As0x52 paper 2556 1.094 La Lod 254s papist 2485 145.5 © parch (L535; taeh us Papistry -2A098) Lode 28053 | parchment 23-443 2344 par >235S¢ a 2%-%| pardon 2AN.25:2\0~8 parable 24&9q~»2°tSa%|pardonable tiS~4az parade ree aNeed pare UL onda 12565 LEH8 125XK509 514055 LmodX 22505. paradise 16.354 parent LoS parentage 2iv0 partition x ae Aa a a EST eee Pe ening ian ee Oe ce parentage +4e95L! parsimonious 23424 parental L203 ada \se parenthesis +354) parsimonyt4s 2445+ AAN5S5 25N0n 235.5 125 parsley 2S\\ ~0d43 wee ( )2tsito gat Keck wns 1X4i , parenthetical+3sq~ parsnip2? 253ie 2S\4, tASsAx5 Aono 259A \ 2305 parer L509m9 LoS parson Ans5%2 155 pariah “252035 La Km 14) parsonage; 1305 Sas Lxala partisesss 118495255 parish 245052 24-35% tS parishioner +%4¢|partake +XSz:23053 ae 2kS555 12H parity 24093555 :28¢e.0% partaker. 135.6dx park . ‘4502 2344 24404 partial] 2425X :2262 2KaSo, Aw5255593: =7oskK 25 parlance 2&s0$0¢ | (—l1y) [Ant SANS parley 1X S5 5 aSe60' Ka2S E55 LAxj~e3 partiality L1A34% | parliament Anst Ko.4393 525 X5 235N0. L%a0q7>2 25N0%: 242007 participate. 2305: parliamentary 4-3?/participation 1220072 L3N0% thorndz parlour tA»$xq Aszi participle 1425 parochial 28.509 re 2x51 0 par ody+4-%2%0 25¢"2%| particle Lies\o tAd992!partichlar 2434.2 paroque t!453 zenhoes! 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Le persevering ‘23445 Lads Aq 13805 persist tAen~ons 153s iXox\ persistency ?4-+As iXox\ 1Khow~o5s persistent iSox\ 2&0.003 180.43 2.32N45 person personage 255s» 1231 personal 2590.58 (—liy) No296.55 personality 9-40.53 personal ty*Ao0A-3 (24 personate Lwowsx 240 .53\ personation +Ao-»3 personification LA.~220 personify L.owrx perspective: rXox 142 21885 perspicacious 135~3 Liogs 2805 +8 od L33—_5430 erspicacity +4e405< L80d0~5 313002 perspicuity +3433 perspicuous 277 pew A ee a a en 13%39%0 Li3q 73|perversity 1hoAna3 perspicuous ‘242382 Lkox-3 asa4ipervert %4429:2S.4 Hagen ON) NnL4305 Ee 1335 perspiration +44$2|pes LSS9A L850 525 ~2 pespire 1883 ees eet L3amz persuade Ls9xa% | pestilence Linz persuasion (4sso~/pestilent 2 24394 persuasive +iixq~ Linz (Ly) S-244nm%| pestle 2Soxs pert rtSohsite5|pet 23452 282 52,0\% Asd9 i 2455 petard SoA pertaind-+2:i5 we A 8 he LAd0O‘, AS 240N5@3 oh) petition rA3M4, pertinacious +£55}petitioner 235\4 aby) A-1258/petrel tia 15.4 pertinacity +4o<55|petrification pertinency 25 LAX 0 1A.60: 2§29\ 1ASSW= | -2 -2a~(petrify 234-0 L46q pertinent +5 14% 232 rG2a\ pertiness ‘tke~4!/ petroleum tAse~ 2433 LAo\ ads petticottAo~s2 L520q perturb Lzoix» LaKa50 perturbationt&=425|pettifogger 44S perusual L554% thong3a> 244358 peruse rAcdizgs 22521 \péttifogging L&a55 peruser 1izaé | Ld0x He ae Lkodizas pettiness tXodoxs peruvian bark+949 | Li0g> Ld0\0\50 pervade Pesan kta i NnzADmwD 1$00 re tAouxn LidXAox :235da% perverse 728.95 petty tides :250_5 513041 13ax pe 28-49) petulance LS.XS perversion 244§3%/ petulant 2ii\ox qe 2 oa 5 : -33> ~| pew 23200429 24.0505 pewter pewter 255 28459 13.050 phalanx 1955@2 152% Lan9s0 phantasmagoria 1X5xn55 1Xoz0 LA ng 2 mON205 i phanthom Bees a ae pharisée La%.39 pharmaceutic peesk 239329 ey ee ee pharmacy 723252 A«3 phase LAGALS> LAsaisxD Laq@> | phéasant?8~3492 25.4, phenominal +53z-+s2 Lisa5 phenomenon LEsx. 1kSia phial LXe philanthropy +434» Lixal 1Ss\> philanthropic2s5+» 22551 163\5 philological 24955 Lazio philologist DSS5e 2azXo philol Ogy+3#2 LASS. philosopher 5024.5 | philos sophic—al 278 phisician philosophitse 2SoA\xn La900KN..5 philosophy?2#se#4-3 150.9 LAXLGAGA phlegm aXas phlegmatic~—al 25% a{S52 ma Pane he Sa LAsS\ns 2865 phosphateises iXoa Lax9G x253 23.45X0 Pais tSoas agho’ 1380 usupnewols L5 so Liislo 155035 LXooe |phosphorus iXee 23s \0 13505 photograph Lz5\, tXax 2Xax photographer +3%5< 1Xsx0 phtographic +4z3\» tjo%9 photography +A>x Lxa5\ phrase LASK> L20mAsx hraseolo LA aA Dahrhrth dR LADK390 LADEED phthisis 2XA2 2S» LA50— physic phis eee physician Pe ke bo vb “Uv he oe 7 y vu 5 v De oes, atg pimp Ay Sa oenome 2432. pi Pepa tses) tins 2 2425S tAoxXs Nn Dod DECCG (243455 205 s physiological 154 1285 1Nk35>9 Lita? 1439-9] piéceméal 25 % physiologist +24%4 L5s\09 (24S\ 52 1Nd59 Lisod| Diér L220N Lida physiology LAS3~ oLence Lisa | Lh4552 24504 piércingly LAwAS§335 pianist 03495 lis~»!pynTety 240352953 piano ea2S| pig 1509 pibroch 15%92 242% pigeon 1304 L-KoSS2/ pigment 1hsoay 1905: \a0h00 /290\5 52551 piked La§n5:290d5 picked 138005) pilaster Li0\,2 picker '23%:X :244a¥ 230A oX ~coAAS 19654 25\90 2h ~ picket 16.52 LAs pickings r2ghc LASwoAz pickle Liws 1559 .19N30a5 1459 °Lilws0 Lond> LoiwliLa5ox Liw picklock pickpocket 244745 eer LA \5i 2 LAx20S3%0 oX LA.n§—02 picnic LA pictorial tAaxa pic ture 1Ad0~:LNax pictiresque ‘24542 15.9% pietrdssosy Lido Lo.5 2otox ptleitsed :ta5—S 259A LoD piles Live Sei Sac pilfer 494 +44 2554, pilgrim LizQn%0 pilgrimage?4o~%25% Dele 130 pl 1 lage LAs ae pillager 2135\6 aoa Loire Lio\@ pillion2Adoss LAn295 pillory 2%.5.2SA\4 LAoasA 1 255— 52k nam pillow 18.265 pilot pao X 255h7 pilotage-»X> L454 pimento 25.5 pimp LAd O49 L303 pimperne! p imperne Jett a5360 ZNSS LaSnaKo 32 pimple LXgaa LAadbe pin Lhab i aX3e pinaforetzo4s2 443655 pincers eah5dS 112% pinch taa95 12Aa0 LooX ah 2gS~ LA Aw LR Sab pinchbeck LK.~D2% L3ca\ Lads pine 13450 205 254.2 L067 pinet 034 A t\oxsx 255 pinion 2152 1655 LAZdLD2 pink ‘L&ILBome® 21X35 ; 24-29 30 Lah Leody LeSya Lisa 1Nd3 pinnace 2asSo ~»X pinnac]e+i4332 245¢s pint Nesose 2XA\S pintail A3502 ga 705504, pionéer .154i35 15035 Ladel 15 Lidbole LaLn8 pious 530953 (Ty) Nn2559953 pip tASAp 2585955 pipe 5 1Xso0i :2X0\ f ponds L&akeas 22.93: LAaKeAn piper piping 1h wS0: 2X03 L4.~6% LE DKOAS 280 piteous |}pipkin Lima L495 pippin 34-2 2x0s4 piquancy /180S0d¢ Nt tad piquant L30d¢ pique ‘tyesS95:24%5 12ha dD 2A9SS9S | 230300 1Ah..35205 piquet Lado. LKASL ~SA Aus piracy SM» tKexss Laws pirate ‘4424 Ase 2554 Las As 1hosah 2353 piratical 153i Lavi SS$2 pish Li9 143 Peete LX§oXS i Lidax piss 1554.25 12555 pistachio 18939 pistol 13338 piston LAx5\9 L530 Lise pit 250A 12555 :lison LsAson 2554 pitapat 255 1h iw dem> Linwildhiaia pi tcher L1S$05:2130235 LAAoL> 1585 :24%2 pitchfork :264Ax% to—L> AXs8 pitchy 235.0 piteous +25}: 2455 35 pith 281 plaster —ly) 1542 142545 plaid L322 1X04, pithtS-< 2238.22 240% tan955 19.955 pithily *8.65/ plain 1So<:2hxa pithiness 2KoskS.W% plain: 14229 i909 lLiok pithless +40» 2%» 13505 pithy 25S.6i28400] (—ly) An2t¥.29 18.2505 pitiablet5} 2359%0~%/plainess Lkonod pitiful La @0 LKRohaxS pitifulness +4282! plainspoken +4%)%¢ .L&93am0 1 25A> 13.550 23505 pitiless | tp=5 2S2|plaintiff 13X38 pittance +2445:259 5 26n9S pitted +4-32.24% 244 |plaintivetizs :25%38 2ZQ250502a3 plait 2834 2984, pity -t5h9 tAate © 2BNOK : 28088, 195. LA0s%~20 plan :tSoxs:2%@8 2555 pivot 23535 180.925 :2Xo5 pax LAS%50S9 241% plane 2533 :a09% 240% placability +e. 902 24548325455 Liiin placable 144az40/plane tréGedtia2 16.4 placard+433~2 2mOL8 planet LAmoson. LKM0% Lhd5m5.230\4 153092 place t8ms9.,2303) planetary 12X0% ~TO202\ La0N% 513435 Lisaoa placid (223.2! plank %4—A L240 :1Ah.K Fett Pag. Nalank plant ‘2A x5920 2Xax plagiarism 1534, 24449 Acz r 90 ‘ plan si .L4355 [LONE plagiarist +145:X 1A Deas e9O72 plantain-~954 23 N.2 plague 25% i: Lsew0l 23359 2Ko~095. Lod Lewols 1L~6948>25594 plantation LANA plaguily?4»—_s:25345/planter 24545 :2iSa plaice 255A :240052 t\aze tsoaa LAaSe3;/ plaster AL Lehn: AX plasterer 282 pliant plasterer AS? 245-5| pléadtwens:2428 1245 plastic 2344852545 as L53\, 23a Doan tee plasticity ‘249 plate Lionx»0 Shee z Leta i&eoob: LAL xO 583!pléader Led Lixos 3183\pléadings 12H As nx platform: 22405 th505 tNSA55 LhnBehnd\OS . 83) pleasant [139055 platinum tteon .34%] Lk m0 L2lLo\ Laima | (= 1*y') ‘ NwLIDOs%0 platitude ‘t&~e\S|pledasantness?4-~3~3. 1kwimqa Ld0S03 | :1kwba% pla toon: 254: 2NoA Nod 193300 LA@d d platter (232%) 130) pl éasing L3903% plaudit Pas LAL S20 | Litou.% 1A54~/pnleasurable —3%42 plausibility *Asis% Live 1h0b.5z9 LAh..0.0%0 | \pleAsure L»2Gos plausible 134.5% plebéian 2E90N8 os Lito: 155=5 | pl edge La0A%0 : LSo plaus ibly t&sSa%o | o5A 52593 52805: 1543 205 15525 2Kk..on450 plenary 23.204 2 25dm0 play ae ‘thos$/ plenipotentiary 125X505: 2AASA 155X5 Ld200 m\ Nard player aetel ta enitude ‘24&e~A» play ful2izea% :24Xs45 | 1hond3 playfulness :2A\s3% piéntiful LAx LA .55 | | plenty24o~33 : tho ~\» playmate2AssX> 1554, ‘plethora LKon30205 play ting. t34299| ple thoric 15% AAS | 24303095 pléa 16 2i¢%.28\8/yleuresy 15252 2S5% 1hA235 LAnAy pliable -pliant pliancy 283 poetic uae 134.5%) plumpness LRo@nay pliancy KeSesX|/plunder +4240:15Se 18o3.23| plunderer 245A5 pliers 144|/ plunge LE), plight+5>~ 140-4342) nlungeon A502 234 Nas thoon:25\S> plunger BARC 1432548 plod 12X90 133m ~oro3sX\ 18o.x59|pluperfect Lise plot: Pa ¥_ Bee Lend: 1550 Looers m2 1359: LAs.3 2Ss| plural 1242151 L1Axa5 33) pluralist 15359 725e=5 plotter 280 La 533 | tsXox LAxos Paves laicty, 1&0 32 SN plough [2459 1253, plush L3hs0 Lhoh phos '2445| pluvial L35\x ploughshare LKa® ply LAoddiwisa 1449 ~Aea20 23559/P-M- post meridien pluck >2X£Xx 5284s 15805 SKS yy '2A\Ss 52500 158s :2035 | pneumonia aX Soe2Sas0 LAS A= | @Si2a LAx5\s0 1LAd5~ plug: +XoAs LwoS 21559 poach 2KASN> LAsah 1NyaS90 16.52 L403 poacher LANS My Das X plums 955: 240A2 pock onizxa t43335 plumage . +2-<> 224|/pocket oX 130Ax% plumb :4+2953055 LmoSh| EDN He AN B-zons05| pod LAwoAx 1 2A9N5 plumbage 2Aa9A poem LAnWoxx Baronsons/ poet L3xsc0 23K5 plumber L3i94 1K..9x0> BxrOn05D poesy LAW0x0? LAsKa 3 ee SA tg 6 © a any: plume 23-42 258:2232|/poetaster 4s 34 plummet AoAéx| LANL zom2 1i90—d% plumb BPS AS aloes poetess LAs 123a405 526.54, : LL ozs | LAGXOWDds0 \ 1¥$z50x|poetic—al 12K nox poetise ashley) poetise +44xo»s 1545 poetry. *ASzow2 LAg3A poignancy (LA gS5 NnLK mo x0 poignant 1LE SAS L3LA5s050 point: > 21353 :2905.% - Leogme i L984, La0dx [gant 29056 125 2356 1284, 195.0% point pointed pointer [taka 1590 LASoA 254% 2545 pointless 42:22) 2S, pointsman LE 2n4 L3nn%2 Lidols 2\qasd poise LS50KS VERSA a938 1 2550.:248.62% 902 L&.OL02 polson 12: son poisoner L 45m poisonous 132 poke 729095. :Lx0AN\S L344 :L8x020:2545\ poker iXs599 26605 polar LS5m5X 2558 polarity 1ho.~S5d4 pole [23899 15.9 :2S5\N L£905 24.5159 16.5 ~ at polecat iLm0n 128 O53 193.600 Lea. Livss polemic 284 pollaition police +4445" t%200 policeman Leal Lxa0c> policy Lhon55.1 21380 :24855\ 4a thmmd LANOSWN SO rene ‘ “ ~ » z\.9 2938 polish : LEA20%0 2 99359 '1 28699: 1 5350% polisher : LESSQ% Lisd3% polite +3%:25553% L&oads0_ politeness :*4o35» LAona2 politic :25i0d :tsea4 LeDAS Lhoxs 14525 political i&carns it\oxs politician LaSos LAoa\x2 thoxs LAdz50 politics Lsox LXoaksa poll %3%32 1526 :2%5 169 2153..:1358> LAx5S5 pollard 200 23X.2 pollen +Se\> 2440 1hd42 Lins: iX@o0s polltite ‘230 Nmx L5\.4\ rs0\94 polltiter 133494 ~705\ Gs € polltiition - 2223 LAWSK.S8 243X558 — Poltroon poltroonsdss 24222493 polygamist ~3A2 15% 1H493 polygamy polyglot +3%) ~3<% ° 3 polygone 64eA 3X polygonal ~3X%> CECE polyp 1X5 140 Lewd 2133455 ~3sX 0 15.950 Ld “ . ‘ ‘ oe ‘ rT) ‘ polipus+3-~s oX> LAs polysyllabic -ixs cBip72 Las polytechnic ?4Ax5eo% 238\0. 3X62 pomade?=}2 Liiixy» SnAL pomegranate +Asomas pomme 1 (18.62 thse 13533166 pomp (L240): 258s4 pompion L5049 L855 pomposSity 2555, 24As4 pompous LaAkad>d 15% ‘(—1Ty) NnLEKSA pond Ao ponder L5005 :21N5A 2 aq: ponderable :24XsAax L5n0n9 15% ponderous 1 50p5 (—ly) NnlSone poniard Lisw dan + 4@@ - Danone pontiff 21520035 285 poptilarity pontifical] +30255> pontificals +054 Lasoamb> pontificate +A» LNa% xbo 254Axnnz4 pontoon tAn~Ssoxn 0X 2 SA cr eae pony 2903 1S50® poodle L3Kg~ 2535 cosaqe3 pooh poo Lynas 2A ASA: NON poop 0X2 Lh56 poor Liaow poor Laan O20 Nad poorly Nxw»lL59 00 poorness LAeia@x pop tons L3693 2X6 2=5\ Pope 295 popedom 2409S popery 280.35 popinj ay XOBAOA popish 21845 135.2 poplar 93~44>2 6-5 poplin -co-s= iXo} L3x04 ~coAno Ti. 03> Poppy a poptilace L»A3 popular Looms: Ls N8: LolSs (—Ly) Asqtéwzn:.12\5 poptilarise +50.» to\S5 Lx Lijo\So poptilarity *Sec»x» Lo\kz> populate 286 possibly popal Atersrsa L-@53%0 port folliotssés 242% popilation tral ey cea ber oS LiQS34 L5A29 portion?2® Lacs 1106 poptilous +3542 25%/portionless 1%% 14> poptilousness —*\S/portliness +A~+4» 1&on; portly Liacoes porcelain oe 432% portmanteau 259236 porch ($23 28.00 | tsols porcine LS30 tm |portrait ) 28x porcupine t8\ea2| portraiture LAxdA pore 1544:23\\>5 1893 | DAD 25 MS ts-S) nortray Anz 2254, pork Lb01m> 15@3/portrayert ox? 1425X porker +83\0~ 2509! portressth-32 LAdes,3 poros Sity LNosh43 pOSe2558 23055 !ls0~5% 23 Aa \As% porous LgSe32 25%) poser \As 14533% porphyry ios tS position :2Sox:2Aox LA»wSs 03 1502 porpoise +853 404424) positive i Lionex porridge +235: :iXzo= 245520 porringer LAxom3 | (—Ly ) ghelands port teeX2 232~\)/positiveness 255= portabie LiksSan posse L5n930 pS Eas portal LSB4 | 29a0q2 portcullis aX 09 possess [2250 :2A5.. LNydS9 25% 236 portend Leoso~| possession ‘'2AeAd4 Qehsa9 L3S0x\ 2140.55: 14052 portent 3a. 25s%e5 possessive Liss portentous 2455299! possessor?5s: LSo0ds porter 28542 +3643 | possibility—+s#% \2s%c7 ° LESdA LKossogaw i ikos porterage 22 :+Se\t%e¢) possible +isodax porteressith~3>2 rAds0\K,5 possi bly+254ocAw post 237 powerlesness post '2$aS 2385 1.695|potent L350% 2a50\5 2056 1.094 potentate Li%200 post~2(-94zx09) :28¢5! potential L3X.ia 130, :iX0ox Awa: LAh0oL aS (—lly) \n23S., postage 24\5%2 24-%) nother 1433:45%\6 15ha> \S52\5 postdate +4593 2425; potion 2K.~Kx5K 258a2|potter ta2%2 24¢54 poster 2A55~—00 L353% 159X> posterior L552 pottery 232%. 21K, posteriority40~522 | 2159S posterity 3232! pHouch 25.3 :21K mo postern +3852 t8>Ai poulterer Lisws posthumous) .% t4oc LykKO2 2355 ~K0d 385! poul tice ods postilion +44sX:2469 | 2394 \S 2h3K0m 13892] poultry LNZHha postpone 2\os0~50 pounce Lyo>5%02 1&5 postponement +43] 1Am35 L40h5%:2Kon95\ LAM Sa0 :LASL LE 18on95\ postscript 244304! pound dbo! mdd2 postulant aN tAskz ~5@S2 LS30\A 32 1Aaz20 rXoxs pound Lod 4, : 2X5. posttlate [LR @LNz pounder 2Xox | ssag/pour Lmadzs posttre 2K.Sao aah pout L&5i0 LSS 5 25\04 13\49| poverty LkossOw0 posy tadoa LA m5 powder LA-5.82 2A05 pot L30N9: 28305! powdery L3h.03 Adon oX 1 mow power 1¥.4: L200, potable LESNZA% powerful L3230¢ potash isn2 Lin} (—I ly) ESTER potatio nt&-Ax|powerfulness 144+ potatoz aX~25!powerless 13.4 2%» potency +4-~¢»:2%3e/ powerlesness 2X5 pox 238 precipitate 1AosKAW% préaching LAyaa% pox ookz | préamble : 2380s practicability 1&esS20% 1Kos53San| prebendary Lid practicable L455SA% 1% 25 1595 15.592 practicably —3%4» 15,08 \-233/ precarious LX practical LADS4S9| L55O\ LzE.~S AWK HA (—lly ) Dataset Nn2350 aS 235.29 practice +4238:2343| precariousness practise nas 2553 La5.1> 155A LAxs3 practioner Ls iAS% precaution :LAobaxe ~7 08030029 L1AaacG pragmatic 235392 precautionary 15% prairie Nag: LX 5x0 " 2&edzzer9 1435) precéde 283s 528585 praise dmODS 115.5 15458 1460:21%55N LA.W.0354 : LAS Bo precédence LAonwan praiser 2445%:21350+ 158.29 praiseworthy. ?+-+s~| precéding 13Xs3 L5.5~u\ 125-2555 007:255\ prance 1h n33 1 1K30x precentor Lasoy x prank +403423:280a%\,| precept +5509 ‘2ti4xn0S prate +9383:23e253| preceptor 13308 pratt letdsjuq ‘txowe ata ci 2ho\oS55 oe prawn ; \. pray 18od\~ “L0%¢ prayer LAody prayerful L3idE 280 \.2 préach Lyodase préacher L3$ba% preciousts-s9: 4 preciousness ie Se Ldodans: 2Kos precipice 1304 precipitancy ‘444s LAS9d.4 2 2Ky5N 21h ec Am precipitate 230-\» 36 precipitation 239 préfectire a 128 950m: > 290305 precipitation precipitous eae precise ‘~7090x4 402 L5a008 preciseness 24A.Ss LApicA 22958: 90> precisian 23543 1248925589 230355 Li Sach precision LAwaDA preclude 2554,:230%05 preclusion rAd%5 precocious 72535 %003G precocity ‘:240345 LRox65G préconcéive ELT) préconception?433a LASS ~9 L3aZS50 <9 ow préconcert rp 22Sz précursor eoA qd predatory 25Xe@o prédecessor 290\~4 23955 126-50 predestinate 2502X. 18..95.5%0 | Lad 25iA5 predestination 218..5X Aowriw predicament 2430292 15% hoz 252 4:2S0954! predicate :2302|préfectire predicaétion:24~s 9% 1k y5a% predict L035 prediction 14.53 predilection +434» ce Lass prédispose ‘toat» L1K.%55 .0 29054 prédisposition [28.955 2 L& @5 <0 PPE OES ci predominance 21K0d% 3 2h0~X8 predominant sa» 2443 predominate +3054 preeminence ?4&oe~33 AsA 155.22 preeminent 2Xs 155.1350 Loogs preemption tXoncg 24..95.5 ni LAsS9> preengagement2A\04 | LA.~%55 preexamination 24939. LK Acme preexistence 24+4~ 214.4355 ce preface ~hosSa0% LAwiwaq> prefatory +493S20%2 préfect 23008 255 AwaD " Lho20n4 prefer 1555:2358 preferable ‘2425942 2 preferably 4-22-35 preference +40x.53 preferment 245% UsSs 255.20 2453\ préfix LAOAL 2154 15% 55 1% LAsKox0 9007 pregnancy 2Xoi 2AsX5:2Lhb05% pregnant L&s.\5 préhensibletiszjan préhistoric z5.5%0 LAaSZA pre jugezsss- PSonl aos 255x\ prejudice tAska tAovgs 25437187 ¢~~ 2X0 prejudicial] :244\2»% Likes 15% prelacy 155.20 L~2a00q 14000915 prelate +205 ALS Liahos preliminary +45o= LAwsiwa> preltide ‘23032G:L 0~5% 2155099 LAsa520 prématitre 2355» tii» x005a » 235% prémattreness24-~$~ 2353 w550 | prémeditate Laommd prepossess LA.25 5 2 prémeditation 16.455 ~w0 LksdW~K prémier prem S Big hees 1.03% premises 7232»2» «5s pie See 1453 5 2x5029 prémium ~— :25G 25a, m23si prémonition +2435. 14.955 premonitory +433~% ere | vir?) preocctipetion2AiAs 23X\o5 preocctpy LX Xz preordain 220040 preparationy» 24534 1K.055 preparatory ‘24590 18590 prépare L000 pré pay t4~258 20 2353 prépaymentr» 28.553 BN $56 preponderance 1hod6n5 preponderant +305 preponderatéi3o35+ preposition Noxmn25 LK.~551: 290g 20s prépossess 25% lice prépossession 291 présuppose 1k..055 ~w 18545 prépossession preservative ‘23424 2359 m55 pw LANDd~ L35\5 preposterous 30533 28X43 .24003 preserve :25¥3 ‘tons 25300 2th0x5 prerogative 1243ex | preserver Hea L534) 2155002 13Sx5 présage L&xS50 1883 | preside Lido Lsosl& Presbyterian 32-55 LidAwAK presbyterian?+i423 presbytery An3 L1Sosaa5 préscience o»x>520 LAS36 préscient yx 24S04 1AK.05.0 prescribe 22OS2% LATaA SS prescription 24~S2% 2A34N93 presence . 1805.36 LAo3~\,0: 24030007 ae “ ‘ ‘ o“ present '25490:25.{~ 4 dn907 presentable2sizsaax LiSanSA0 presentation +43}5% LR.~§—0 2243555 presentiment +4=x$a 2AS0393 presentment t4«s~» preservation +4-»4 L355\A 235 presidency L&oakd president 2=3:*455\4 LAS BOSL> press ap Mee Pa AE Liiw 2305395150934 L3.x5: LAA i .d025 2939 pressing :Laghs DahoLls 145m LIjnAD 133005 pressman Liiv.s pressure 2K eam prestimableisx~—»Ax prestmably 32-»Ax NnwLS prestiime _ Lgox~» prestiming 143522.50 presumption +4332 2A 3060 presumptivetisz~sxz presumptuous - Li5ax5 présuppose: ‘2379%~+% L&kw5Hx Laowgx présupposition 292 présupposition LASS mm LK .n§ m3 1An59:25X5 pretence 230502 pretend 2 nOymnm 23g 1959 :15i9:5235X pretend eCdpxts 25.2 pretended ly ‘4+2343 Reiger: pretension ‘2480549 21S.45 2155. pretentious 2559 25054 pretermit25s3s% 2439 préternatiral -4; 13i5 prétext L4G LAX prettly NnL5.95 prettness) ‘1405495 15S90x pretty 15.95 prevail dsols 15 255% prevalence ‘A344 Asx 2405s 123545 Maw 25X45 prevaricate ‘254s 255x\ 2550 prevarication 255x2 LA35@:24599 prevalent prevaricator :23534 155x2 214556 L2oAax LA.Sax prevent prevention preventive prévious 14055 Lis92 PLS Ser, 2A oi SoS prey Laldxnqa Lh\oal»0 132% price L—%, priceless ee prick (25495 560-3 5945 \oisis Leo, 2 eae pricker 24g+3:13aa pricking +3432 2¢0-s prickle 2383 prickly LaSN9 pride 21355 Li6ai:lkomd prier 1Se@X :2355\5 priest 23075 priestcraft 2A0os0 1Ka5x35 priestess LAsaS 2&ko0305 priesthood priestlike2ioS g.2% prig 238s2:225\:21\006 1530 SAS martes = priggish aE Tiere) 6 ts prim}: 150530: 23 primacy24o-~225: 2Aos P Lxa0q50 155.235 primarily 4202.5 NnL%3 primary 24%36:223} primate 53.0055 prime (2ix5 125095 SoN imozis ilsoma5 primer 293 proboscis primer 24Xoa2 1545|private LZ5000N primeval 25235 tazx2| (—ly) An t5dnK a privatéer ‘22432 +» priming :2453q :24435..% LAS AS5 i primitive 14935! privation hah. primnesstszxy2 tA~L» 13X9 18.S5%| privet 26642 16ah 24 privilege !2444: 2440s 220920 primogeni tire—2e5 L805 primrose ‘,-32 1550|/privilytéz45'A-1ixh~ 25.5079 eA/a 55 LkonmS :2kxoxA> 201 90305 privy LAs Nad prince ofot%:1s5z0|prize L8G 12S.% princely :Lisaxy | - Lsol\s LaadsoLZ| pro 22253 pelle princéss 1&29022| probability —eday princi pa] ++2355 ‘25% ikos (—lly) Aen2%3/ probably AA»2isecax principality+4e%3 probate LAs.A9 1h0.%25 L&b5z0: 2435522 principle :*4®taz/ probation LASS zx Nn3z LNa gas print L%e3Lae%. 3) probationary tA23zx9 DrLiceT Liived re Bee printing 183405] probat ioner+ise~sax DC Lor 130A :23458| probe 1Xo.o Dl koeee 25.439 Zax ilsio LAE DwS> prioress?5-32 24304 LasSo 1k. geo priority 1h0.495] probity :1Kk0493 priory 15.3 1kod.n5 prism 2Kax54 s0\5 problem LG@S Las0s prison 13-01 S-3/problematical +494 prisoner 13.01) (—lly) AnLEOS pristine =~25/ proboscis 9h 30~ 2X93 privacy L1Kho~30mS professedly procéditre 294 procédtire LANES) meererer) eténa2 tox 245 2AM4s prodigal “1246955 procéedcy 2443 125% Lass procéeding ‘24%28|(—Lly ) *&\942 2408393 :284N8|prodigality 24954 — Sioa el sox SNS LAASs procéeds ‘24ox> r¥Xa 232499 LA.35 proce S51 +992 stAskes et nod LAASs: rSox> Beeson LALO proclaim 195 1X45 L-os2% proclaimation 195 2X55 14.890: 1khW05% proconsul24\+5 -293~ procrastinate 1 LNewdS ! LAow so oX LsopAS procrastination oX 24s5A$ : LAA Gm procreate 2 pod 1825 +2350 —246\G0 procreation +4.34 Lko% ~2390 LA M40 proctor LiSew pl6nod 23X55 proctorship +A9-S LR205 profaneness pro-— profanity +4- ~70SS.0x35 LSd02 LAWS professor L33\% program LA9h5% 252m professorship progress it 2K8 3% 18o0s8\% LmoNso i L0s5o\ LAMGL proffer ‘tAs5n2|progression 2A.ks% 2A\Sq5]/ progressive 244% proficience 24-4s9] (—]y) NaLiSAs% proficient +4443%|progressiveness profile 2428) 25\ 24 rKoainas 236394: 2X0x96 prohibit Lmoday profit +&-45:233ae-|prohibition 14~So% profitable 184! prohibitory 244\a% L3i35ANw : 145049 project :2Xe9 2455 profitableness ‘1S@9:.289 Looym% Lhoasa baw : LKoadha%0 Nas: AY) profitably 4+23540-|projectile tAS\oi profitless+s5se~ 2%2| projecting dios profligacy ‘403054 ce 28-\s0 LKolwS,:2kox.3 projection 24..95 profligate Bh r2N92 2K .59:055\ profound 1500s projector 23454 (ly } An HOWS 2.345 7232895 profundity ‘%Serexs/proletarian. :142\< profiise :2345% : 255555 LAS0a 1K0~355450 L250 £39 prolific 21559 135q% proftsion Lk935d5] Sos :2hs03\ 280259: 1A N55 prolix LA3K30 LAx§067 progeny AYE) L&s50M%0 1&h9..52 PrOgnoSsistSdx2 2433. prolixity LN9 2550 prologue LA HOM) ~9T2 prologue = ‘+4oaSz0% L&onda3 LKh.Sa% prolong 120.-5% prolongat ion249752 prominence +49-Ss 158.290 25099 prominent 2253 255.25 (—ly) NnLsSs promiscuous 2443~ ats ce promise 12S05:2l\005 LAGS promiser 13So8 promising L508 promisingly 4+t4os promissory ‘2446452 1Xo05o promontory?+*2 2350» 245 oXS 159485 25459 promote [Long (Loss Lweso\ 255 promoter 244594:2483.4 1955\ iXoxs promotion LA~54, L05.5% 1Xoxs LAASSo prompt As3gilnds ( > Lay ) AnLSo\5 prompter LAd0\ 2303 prompti ttide :?AoSoAs LAo9439 1.032% prowtlgate proper AnlLx05 10330290 ASdzA\ promilgation +4-S2% ASdz9- LKwdz0d LA.WSHZ0 prone BASS 12hSmq 023k proneness prong those pronominal +4»zS\~ pronoun Lexa pronounce ifhoxn595 Lw090TO pronounciation 1Kox~595 LAwjwgo 1A.50 proof prop LAd5x%52304z% 12539: 120390 LAw%S% 1 LAh93O% propaganda +48 2A\S oX 2LNoxs propagate fad 22053 propagation propagator propel propeller awii>) 13558 2458); propensity proper: ate J Pesan NO H-ta a tee a a Fert eae 37 property | 297 prostrate ee Ne eR EE er Nett Nn property :tRonds | ~719 063 *8e~S.2!prorogation +4033 prophecy Sarcte, L3N0%2 tSox2 LA\g540 prophesy t= 23/proroguecsoz\ 29058. prophet thas) LSN0%> prophetess 14.33) prosaictAs.~~z LAsKo prophetic == 2443:| 1K.Woxr 2X9 propinquity t8e35%! proscenium LASN@x LKOnD pon: LAOWS505| LS A\SN9 2358 w5S5 propitiate ‘t30~8%/proscribe 283 2»e\s4 LidoW 2554 Lmodax i tAsi2 Matinee oven pan LALLS= LK.Sa%5:2Aka55 1X0 propitious 234|proseth~oz~ 2X3 254s 135..8: 254040: 2260—3 prosecite 7dAS 2X33 proportion ‘280-02; 225% 2gomex:y8S 2553 9355 2593 1803552 |proseciition 144s proportionable | oS 2&o5a 585 3353 Liiog .LiL0hxx% prosecttor LaX95 proportionate .tscx 9339 24558 2545 | 9355! prosectitrix tAs532% Aaa aa ey AnLiog | Lm2.0q3 12412 proposal 1A335%|proselyte 126:150.\ . 1S S040 | Lkw20KN 1523 propose +3504 iz050%| prosody +1Xi»%2 246 proposition 435s» L£55\ 05) aS\e2|prospect -S, i%Xs propound LeoNn% iXoxa . LAnvgmed prosper 1» @ M330 poprietary 2440a54|prosperity +A-As% proprietor 18052) prosperous 2344: propriety *Koads i prostitiite Ads 144, propulsion eam S Lees? LA.dc tArSx, LAS 535, prostitition 24o.a§ pro rata *Asi\ 22 Aa/ prostrate La033% prostration 298 provoke 1553: Lii0 LH0S5%0_ L5Na prostration 28953 | protaberant Li5x0% 2Sb5N 21385 26..85:25500] 235A9 prosy L355 proud 15.49 :2455 protect ‘'2530:243543|(—lLy) NaLSZ5 Laeng prove ‘tesex 2.00.0%0 protectingly 1A dsc és apap protection 14326 | povender: god 2SA4 LA35\5 2553 protective ‘+45.7|/proverb 2Xa% 233943 | proverbial 2XA% protector 233401 (—L1ly) NntSao_ 233243! provide L269 13026 protest :Asond5 22X5 ~23%0 A\sona2 LA.Sa provided24 5 Laqis protestant 13235] providence :24oA-\5 \30.055 todo 24550 protestantism provident22692 25536 L&omLs 45,055 ancien Pi ) protestation +4-45/(—-lly) N2 25596 \s0555 provincesta»:2 2355 ~ol protocole 1343|provincial :2435~¢2 ixX4 LHX. Ae 213X265 prototype 18505} provision hie 14.255 L& Loaix protract +155 :z03\%/ provisional aaah Liss Ladisyg protraction A Six | proviso2td—Asz LAwK.W 1359 2555 2Xox2 protractor 28234 | provisory 2r2hd5 13Sy38:-585\| provocation 24.55 protriide +}6=5:2$0094 t&ks3a% 225554 LAS§D LAX=5 . 4 (23x02 portrusion prottiberance provocative +453a% provoke’ :23554 2455 239399 —~ SS. psalm 156094! puffiness provokingly 299 puffiness provokingly +4s}2%>|psaltertiows. 194s provost +4222 4504 | pseudonym: *SS~ 2% provostship 24933} 15ka9 14x5392| psichological prow w2X2 L£0.955 GoAnm30 L3Xa LASS a9 prowess LRovwm9 pSsichology +35\0- prowl baa Nha aa GOSa59 L3X> prowler 13624 1534) pntarmigan Libs proximate 153z/piberty Laem SS proximity LAe35= | piibescent 1X Hehe: public Lebhs proxy :1%20c2 155 lisow (—ly) NnLBAS 28o-~Se~? 2449 / publican 734%3!269% prude b2$:2993/pnublicdtion *As%-5 pridence 1kon3s0x509 LoA\S 18 1495455 1&ed28| publicist L34%_e3 prudent :24sez50S> 15% 1oAS 25 Loai0 si$;publicity +4355 prudential Lisoxdso09a LAdsu9 1 LHS 25 135.42 prudery *2530%5 eee 230025 1keazs| 19\S 25 2505~20 prudish 235398/publisher ‘144%e<5 miatsS> 0 1509 ~cosX> taka L355 prune 24032: 0855 puce LM.049 bard Ls. 238.2 1.093 LaiXsds 28355) mn. 552 prunello eee tASs3 | puck é\slos pruning *++¢+39 LAwAD pucker?439239! 23003 5 tasz2| pudding +$*9s 28.54 pruriency +3499 1892 15Ahi0 lasilind yy prurient 8852} puddle %2¢a—z0e 243- prussio i5owe AeA avoniliw pry Laem‘ t-02\5|piiertle .SoAs 2284 ta5mio tSox= 285~) puff [Leomge 224s prying +44+2-:: L335A\5| taO5: S590 155521445 L3on6 puffy 300 pupa puffy LaSadg i235] ie) Sa ae ys pug 7 aa: paeeGs ro2-%) punctilious Loanok f LBOA4 ~cooxy pugilism+4zo-s 284%] puncttial t%32 1540% pugilist+4xems 145% ~coXox\ pugnatious 2x039/ (-]]y) 84. ikxbo5 puisne L400 :\SSS2 punctiiality+od-\s pile 220909 mena 26N52 puling?*iSon0 ‘23ig09 punctiate:sss LaoAx pull [225452885 LAsS= 11633 2889 leosX | pullback :28B508 tKosga pullet 2&sj 259593 190A pulley pulmonary *450~ 5XA> pulp t\ega 29\5 pulpit+tArsass 1dsXox pulpous 13945 pulsationtims. t&.Ax pulse 13.56: $203 13092 LA.W2209 pulverisation?4xa pulverise Lno2n3 pumice 1345K 2825 sin pump LAS5O0 :2 LA28 2X> reels pumpkin LON L655 punch Leodd ! 125895 LAsS¢5 15.2%! LNZ92- at§5 55h LALAx puncheon iSo05 punchinello 7+3¥\8 LN5SS49 LAni Ds punctilio | punctfiation: tAsk» uae See | punc tire +4%0-+3 242005 pungency [LA gas . LA.wSb200 /pungent LS Gn5 LIiN3 200 punic. 245248555 124s puniness ikoSo05 LAxens punish LooASA punishab]e2i»issax punishment :24&~Xs4 2338 punitive L934 punster 244495 25X34 py 9x0972 punt 132%9 ° 23N6\ 'tXpis tkxeL2 LhwS0 oy Py bg hs LXsis LAAN punter ‘:25Ao\e 25558 tXnis r~kdoAd 15iu% p EKAEY, pany No 525605 > 250N4 pup 25639 1545 ‘| pupa -coS\b oX 2545 RDU Dt 1 301 pusillanimous pupil ilazs L50N,9 purpot apa 125445 L1iS80a01 pupilagetazs tAedds, pupilary 14335 156S90 puppet Knox puppy Beira puppism 47247 2A0}-§ purbiitnad 442® isd00\ purpose [atom Ass aS\,5 purr arabes 5 : 28595 1485255 : ‘ purchase +4354:2439| pursetzoas :tyor 1h@2 pire 2533 | 1K@> oX purgation t&.45i purser 'tA@sa 13453 . Lesswo LAAN Lgo9o L35SaX purga ttve Li 593% jpurs lain 13.9305 purgatory 4-7 :56\% (2AMAzLa 2X4) 14..53 pursiiance: 7545 2ANGs purge 24»xo0\e} 2. wei tx3Z9 2Asa\ 2% %o}purstiant rSox> 1£Xs purging Lh. ~33| purstie:3i\: S85 25095 L500\4,215 |pursui t., ‘AS. 24595 purification :24.~43 DEN — *8S8) pfirelence*Ss32 14-54 porify +*sox4:2.693) pirelent 23Nes pUris t-c0ossi0G2 13255 purvey L509G0 15352 puritain LiB29~ 7 Lads a792X> purveyance L&sa¢ ptiritanic— €12389)20| 23542 ~00382| purveyor Lids¢ pux ODay , : L&ona0 L&\oa202 pur] 242555: 235 n% pen pus 1Xqs "225093 2Se\ 259] push L2K9 2190935 purlieu | 2333 L303M0 Laz0s: 24hxo0i 539 purloin 15Sm:2354 purple L8993.:295.5S pusillanimity 4332 97 Nos Lh~S34 -jpusillanimous 2395 2258695 pussy 302 gqualm nussy LAs0N 5: 1x3 py gmy Anos pustile L&aSd9 pyramid pa Lio\& put 220500: L30N% 24299 putative in Sie 18295 Lesa Nis Liol,B20 putrefaction L1An». pyre L34pi0 Lion putrefy 1S—|/pyrotechnics +Sex putrescent +552~%, 14035 LkxI0G: 15039 pitrid LE mcm | Lhxm~—0 putty 13904. 232-\) py thon Lanad puzzle eX 2452.23e495| pythoness 1&s338 eam 2g25 LASonS Lxdan2 2&s845 | py x LAsz504> 1519 ae pcs fete ey ae quackery 140539 1AaS AR es -La.x905 LAA 0202 LAcos Si mosdS, . 2% eu c J quadrangle ~$s5~/ quaint 25544) rGh04, LASSD ~7o3aX2 quadrant ‘44.33 24}/quaintness ‘thsS Aue dr Lat See ee: a eae 133: LzSx LASS quaker?33492 LASs0m4 tS$s5i> 215 oP | quadrill quadroon +458+=5 LA> L20D L229 aad > qualification 1§X~n0ox '2ho~S.> quadruped +4851 ~$.55|qualify ‘Lo mA% quadruple te r4552 Laoih» :lLioxas $554 | quality ‘2&9 Sao quaff lS 255 LZAx | 1£o\,.z5 Lavo5 15% quagsy qualmn 23 Aa5 AASA | quaimish —©-808 | quick N2007 92 265206 | LAS Laelavo ER ETS qualmish oY Sata] quay 7~X2 LASieLf3 2502 25}> 1454 iquéasiness 2854. quandary 2kears| _ 2Sm04@L2 L1Azox4 | quéasy 2342 19Xsa\% quantitative +44%3/quéen 1Ka\s% quantity 1K0~%2} quéen] y N.LkaXx 3 A . 26; > quantum 249 | quéer 5X5.6 quarantine LAW0'quéerness rAorXSs-¢ 1855 Nos x3 Que lil zsoMse i Lwolzxx quarre 124348: 2h b0% | 2@or3%9 1 21G8\, 1389 15930 quench : 2 mods quarelsome TSR 88 | Lice LA 0-9% 12643; guenchless 1X0 quarry 1h05s US) LAL 59% 2$292|querist 13208223505 quartrost? 243-53 125) querulous "2208S quartan 22 thas |(—Ly) Narzed3 ts%02 24551/querulousness quarter 28.55 25 1KhoxoS quarterly ay \e2}/query L249 2l5005 mn oe LA505 -L&z0zA5 quartern ,os%> ?X\8/ question 2&xks besa quartet LSadbLa 1529 £58 125005 :2hzoxd quarto 2954 Sadi L559 L8x0xAz 25362/ questionable quartz 50.859 2829 | 12455540 quash 2NSx°245N/questor L44s0% :162% 230d 2.602%: Lacijsy 1X2035 quasi LAa LSb0n\ questorship LAW~S0X rat 1X 035 quatrain i&moxe)/ quibble 102 tz00eX 2X Lise 1X54: LAS tS5529 LAX.a3 LAs0X 225d03\ quaver °%? 2% 24653|/ quick Asay 255 1$55130:.5N20 LX {(—ly) LKo2AXK 5 3 quicken feeder ere ig ays quicklime pe 90 quickness :tKon% SoA Sze quicksand +483 138 LAX NA Ao quickset hedge >4§ quicksilver +604 tafsya LhoozH: ( .335) quid rOAND LK Sos\0% quiddity LKo~20% quidnunc 9 23:24a~a4 930 As\ 2so50 245 quiescénce ‘2&0: LAomas quiescent Lins [2SAx Lind, quiet ‘250Sxx‘Laolxn 25aNx 5 25Ax | quiteness 2Ko~\x quitesome LSAz quietude :2Ko~nd\ LAho.Az quietus LAca3% | Lhoo LAX quill *3-%2 230 128 PSonn tae nN quilt 13 \.. quilting CAN aos LAsAd4 quince 04 —— 1S\8e) quiz guiz ee ee quincunx 9-2» 45585 234 58a quinine Laasa quinguagesima L50\ LH0g mS 152594 quinquennial 4s: Zaz Lawn quinsy Lads—_a LSd5x 1X3n2 29555790 quintal 22% 1Se.a Lwin ye 223008 quintessence (+439 nas 155 2NeiS quintes tia 25%, 1\5 quintuple *7i 2204 LR quip —1Lks5a%0 Lond, quire 163569 2535 152 ?95S, 255572 foes quir k:t& ods: 2938 LA0AX5 quit °22095 :2Ao5x 5 255x 2\6~8 : 24.95 quite mah iais Na quits +5)

Litaw Lid R-A- royal academy | L&~3\% Lh x52% rabbes 24-4. 24.58 rabbi 139\% : aAS» 15300 rabbit LAWRAS x%2055 rabble22sS> 2403 Lxad rabid § -t4+59:24420~ rabies 1t&s5e#0 1k~5@ 25\55 race (2h02 :\@s0:263h Lém> Lhd i 28.2: 2.KY 2d race 1823 racer 2608 524K 5 Li Ld\% raciness 24.842 acon rack :584 :5As%:24aXsX ‘220Asx rackes 25426: 2A nk vk :1&NoXs 2K\SKo tpoxnx :2n0ADA racking 2505S:2305\, racy L3N.%0 2405% radial 23£0%:245.505 L35—2 ‘radiance LNo3~30749 LAA SAN radiant 145-5079 Lig AAs radiate . LAoA\AS radiation LAA SAX radiator2sodsa t3450% radical 2%34\8i2256s ~70\ 50553 (lly) 42393; (2X 5058 radicalism LAX5 radish 2Bon® iS\4 radius 15.5075 raffle’ * 222583 ts0ss Lass raft $2 2@-sa -95 Laws 2423 rafter LaOdy LHLd5 raftSman -43952 23454 1.52 rag eras 2dod 25S ah, ragmuffin i354ah, TAGE wR t45H]! Llaodw« 1533328052595 raggedneéss raggedness 24eas\ah raging 213942 143095 ragingly K.~1350733 raguot iXz05 raid 159 14..95 raider 15ks rad. 15845584 Litiv Li50L2 244955 railing?4}39? 1X\o% [22502 215 10.590 a3 135.0% raillery . 43 .2A24\ railroad 259292 24502 raiment L&x-3\9 Ltdod rain 254.0:254.0 L558 rainbow ,:23\.22 tAxs 2 ahz5 rainy L35\,% raise 285A 1 239005% i335: 25000 raising ~ 11K 25% + 255595 249.5 raisin Lxa20x> rake :243\: 5 Aa 2505 Lrond5.L50\ 3% rakish rally xlS.5~ 51 5.2— Lgonde i 2~osnXt ht o eA OS ram = ‘4 poze i leer POE SAE PRD EY fe J A Fee tha easn, ramble * \tAda.—0 255~ 25\.. ogo, 235A cid rambler ramification 24.53 306 _s02 15024! ransack ransack “2ASaa ramify ~S\85° 255 Yammer 2345X:25302 ramp ‘tA36x.\$ 256= 24.353 52253 rampant DMS 24.454 Ep he 235x95 rampart (35.2504 rampion LAXGo NAL ramrod S0N> 15302 ramshakle ee EY LASAeS ranch 2205 \ se tANAS Sra rancid-cexs : i» so» 2925 o coma rancidity LAwS\ 5 1 29SN 9 r anc Orousr-3? +3535 2A39~— rancour oa randome2Sh3:is-s 24> range ‘tgea$e:tse2$ 2925 22K 55 252m ranger .2%-%2 Liins 15.69 15\5:2560% L.o\a%0 2=S5 ERY Wey ACA rank rank LUSco\ wha See LAsos\> 155%:2500S 25..5~ L440 rankle L\ova% rankness Lk wSN% Losf> LAd3— “2.2035 .145X2@ 2\0955:24.33 oe: ransom 307 ratify ransom Mhsseil4S5s/parity 1 téeAnds Lo.@10 2KoX\.w\e5 rant 135330 28238) rascal Lair AS 2So\ idk 1X a5 ranter 1$X9 23438 lrascality LK.~538 *Se\;rascallion 24> ranunculus) ‘243023 155 2S\ox0 :21Kh025% iSp@a 15506 ta) ¢ ‘ rap ~oa0.2A\NoAS 2A 14540. 2X5 rapacious -tXoAs tXo5S% 23536 (—ly ) SeLAoA5 rapacity LAYAs L459 rape tAagS = LAE 2X3 rapid \ady :2X0A5 (—ly) A..2Xo0\5 rapids 2349 1X3 rapidity >LAoSoAS LKoA shy rapier 13n5< 28.5 Agio rapine LAsX@ 221A 55h rapt 15.30 Lxnd\ Lapeer. L30q5 LASS 26 gum rapttrous Likoms Liog> 132590 rare Ang! 1S..A\5 ( —] y )2hoA.~55 PNaLNAA5 rarefaction 24o\.\4 rarefy 2Ao2h3 rascally ‘4445 2405 -~S0thSu3 2XN3125\@0%0 aS e~*2S4x:255\ 225a54 rash * “+ 2&A92° 245% is Che ws pan etoe fn DAE: 2X8-72559an052429\ rasher t5@32 134 24 rashness ‘245325 fee 2Aosxi rasp tito LAS 15083 m.555 raspberry 2$322 2404 rasping~~345 1h.i» Tate 25S 2No5s5): 255605 * %eerxra. ~ Lweh5 L35A9 2 z32 ratable LiSi\waw ratably ratchet ratio 308 réappéar ratio L1Kon%> 115295 ray 15.5079 ration ifo 13 | raze Laa5\ “S\o9l¥2| rasor LAs5A% rationa]2ii00 : 23005 (—lly) | ioe rationalism ?&32® ~2sx0 Ao tApxho: 1450552 ? 5 tf “ bp u o Ao Ls0oq3 ratsbane : 2004.55 Loa0nh2 12H rattan L9d0~2 20.5 ré6éach 243A, 22552 : Las RE NaS Deal eae react ttXSoxN 1554 1538 Lda reaction LAAaA Loox LXox>2 142540 reactionary +4445 L»D30q2 450555 ratt6éen =<050c4 Aoos|rGaqd 188.:15ha +1450 45.2!/réadable Lat>.GAx rattle ‘2009s isezox/réader Lisds 13550 :14.59% :.Aoxo0x readily LAXNolAS5o0n5 ravage +303~2) 2853.» 2Ko\3595 ravager +453—0/readiness ‘2A0d~00 rave Liss LKo\a5y rave] <36¢ 24353523538 réading 24.5.9 1@d5 raven 1X25) ready23+2e :A354:\5on ravenous +33:2%25035/réal 15.55 | 14eak13-Sai réalestate qiox (—ly ) N_22O305 | 1598 ravine?+=> tXe\5:24~3) réalisAation +435» raving (‘4430 %13Ae-)/réalise L205%2 ~7ON090O3 realty LXod.d= ravish 1544 :24NalrGalm °25425:2K0a\% ravisher LXoAS Li5—02 ravishingly 4-+\o43| réam 16362 2332 ravishment +833 | reanimatet+52 ‘:,0-% L30q9 -t&XaX 228.25 raw 135 Ata es Sorte ~ SG ae, Vis q oN Sy 1X: Liegs on» rawness ‘+Sos\3 ‘280-3! réaping 180255 iS! réappéar S5.0 21359 :20 23X r6éap 1703 :28f0:15¢~ r6aper +44at:taes réappéarance = ee land 55 Lian r€appGaranc etAss5% land m5 LAWS réar #aASA 228554 réar :2o00d\ 215045 1&92325 Lens r6arward 253) ~543% P6AaASON :A+L340G Laow~K 14.9549 52555: 250g réasonable — ‘240s LiiogAx réasonableness r 2403300 r6éasonably 4-+2340¢ ré€asoner:ioas Linyng réasoning 2k} 2007 LAsi00 réassure 2353 li.oons ss SAS “ ’ ’ owl ou rébaptiset32~ 22¢ns% rébate :*Adg5%:2h\18 29099 1Kon0d 25% ep saS rebel Ss0nd5 212XN5 2565922550 rebellion 140203 rebellious 1505% Lasky; ) Nn2305% rebound 2156x%:225s rebuff :24\8.~2 : 1h.@33% tXoSm%0 13605 :2K.Nax% rebuild +0540 243s th99% : La 2% rebiike 133% :1p¢93% rebus) ,»»q2 LAA\S\% rebut 1 e905 25005 309 recession recalcitrant 234,54 210952 recall] <«3AS\ 2Lb09% recant ‘:25545 15%: LAod& récantation 14+» LKASA 3255435 récapittilate +2444 LAxiwg\ Lh0.50935 récapittilation L&x0§xaS 180.395 LAASN recapture 1532 recéde Lz5\ 11555 ripe receipt 21556 :24A\55 21XSon2 recéiver 25X55 receiving house tXSon 425523632 Ans Cec. 13K :2Aa2 recentness ?4oarss receptac letso> ‘tit» LAnD a2 reception 26358 receptive :L3S5 5a 0 LiiwiAw YeECESS 'S@L50n! 1Anid recession 25.29 LAxd5\ recipé 310 recourse recipé LASANas LA~S30 recoil tz5hLo LAxsi recipient .23A55 UNS aa aLao5sd cows F Lsaiws reecoin 25930 ios Le reciprocal 1a5042/recoinage LK cx Rado. mas LaNpnx0 Leo Léoee reciprocate +3¢4!recollect ‘}%+39 ‘2334 taa— mas LS5x0 Lnoswd reciprocity +A42¢s|recollection ‘24»+$ iaam_ aX LA\sxo 1.305304 recital] +5)» 18-482 recitative reeite LAAs reck Lai scan fe Qe POO a LAx2B no L000 122g i2Ss mi. No LEao reckless 2As LaoAs : LAwBSx00 reckon Liss Pate AUP NCS OBEY pe tLsias LAaXo "LAK 4as0 isS5c reckoner reckoning 2303 Vet $é: rA3N5 LAx2% | reclaim -iLodAx Lkonéd 1534: Lm0eahx 2330: n5 1251 ry e\ -70%935.25\ recline recluse Lend Lod 2.Ax5\ TAN reclusion recocgnisable AE tee yt ” recogni Sance :*52>4 HS 90N oNA9~ recognise L358 ye AS ee /recommend irecommendation recommence?!32¥ 27652 iXoxs 1K.60%9'.3 LA~96 recommendatory ad L359SN0 (recommender-3 24349 recompense '+5¢ Lacs HROLS A! —gl LA SAAS oss 138509 .i5¢ reconciliable reconcile LpolsS— reconciliation LASX 9H: LK 0Xx recondi te2Sao».rszo\ eh reconnoitre Lisa. dxiid record 1959-255N -2i3033504 recorder 1359244 recount 1399 Ls05¢ recoup 135@0~ 215358 recourse LAs), recover recover 2-0a%:inS3s L5.AN 2330 iXs5x0 recovrable ‘23293a» La iiawran recovry ‘Lknag0i Lines recreant 45-99 :2355 1koas.a5 PeECreat : tA0dH 2 Lmo~s% Lwomax recreation ‘14~ss» LAxSa5 recreative ‘+34-3» 132030 recriminate +0\% tGilsa 255 recrimination24~34 Lqaio recrudescence haha [2k.60:18-20| reddish Gecruit. | 4253222-o5X 2953503 LApoI30 recruiiin g L&nsa 195502 regtangle #9332 -+o0z régtangular ~ROX3 . LA399 rectification 1902 LAd540 GeEctity [909 2553 244. 2LoAS rectilineal | ++ox 152 rectittide ‘24og~5a 1Key02 Ba 2&d20:28ase9/ rector redress Lik tee recumbent +3 15+32 rectiperate .» 265 1$520 reciperation 14s L353 39 rectiperative L3A0O35Ax0 recur Bono. Bote Loa 2.AkLo recurrence ‘t&s§Sa LKWKio th dS recurrent 135.5 235948 ' 245820 irectisant EAT red LEowe redbreast Ay 25~% L500® ~7o\350 redden Lox Lis now rdeem +9023:232% 145; redeemable >; LasaeAs . J o 68 13.5550 redeemer 234,.$:25054 redemption '2Aa59 14053 redness L1Konow® redolence an AZ redolent epee redoubt L&d53a2 redoubtable 234s29» redoundSs 224xz0 1N4s redress ‘tge54:ihoax i LmOn305902 Lohan LKm23%0 :LANa% refractory redressor Bie redressor 2ER ADS 73 s5S0u reduce SONS [250 y30 c? 2093022554 re dificible ‘243,354 re LiXs3%A0 reduction 1 1LAde550 eo LASSE LAA Sx redundancy = ‘+4+54 rediplicate tok’ .5a 2558 redtiplication?4?34 LASSSiLoK ~5A rediplicative L395\A0 redwing i528 L5090® ~7osS\o\, reecho2As Lpe2a%0 t5a5 13709309 reed AY reedy 2X, reef [290055 }2A0wd5 1469053 32483055 reek © ‘tLoog:taosss reeky ree ]244i2 LAsS%0 15hka cASeX: fSod Ags reenforce tsohs reeve L5A refection LASS, refectory 25048 4-3 refers 220120 $2.00» referee 24S.» 15.35 reference ‘Sea +8355 1Kor7:Lkon~Sew Geli Leowh 22Si3 2.095 refinement : LA yA 1AS50%:248..55 refinery tA,¢34 A-s 23505 refit :Lrmomdo LAODK L\on& reflect ‘:25a5\ 25022 13095: LaownA 250% Lsa5 reflection reflective 235: ~KN20 "250 reflector 25075 13592A» reformation reformatory?i442-Ax reformer LEKNDS reformist refract 4303S 2\0a4% refraction +4S4S% ~TOmd0L ~x9 15059 refractoriness 2hodeo:2LKh0\-a939 refractory ‘+4;38 LANDOW 39 ~~ ~~ oe ey LTP Re ON © refrain 313 rehabilitation | rig a LX: ge regenerate Lh024 refresh Skok Peis | 248 2353 .Lee-selregent ti5s\4 240.5 refreshment. 1KA 28% |regictdetsis> LAM on 1knia% régild +t30573 tae» refrigerant 4%5%/regimentdoz? LAdyn5% refrigerate Lmonx regiment? 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L550S iXoxs 24545 ‘ seven ‘3 seven Lisx seventéen soS3z seventh Lasioz seventy wax sever L3qSA L5sho0 1¥6..:2.85x0 several 12.4% Lai23% 155 severe Ltoni line Laoad, Lance severity :LkonxD Lhoa0dh . Lkowog sew . Sam sever 253si0 iXod LAmz2 sewing LX San. LAL Rm S@X 25n3200 l§5022 iSsah sexagenarian <=Ax? ram Sexennial +x das Laz SE€xton %5nqd 25038 sextfiple +4 29K 14s sextial Lérol 21Hah9 135320 Shabbily NnLis ow shabby Li\3 i Lise» Shakle, i44Axxzs 2459 234202356 we Shakless 13309 :1502- shad 23032 163, 13 Shaddock Ssh Ls « & t\sba0 shade 1533 2A .a Nk, LAnaSk, shadiness LAs35S5 shadow :tseax% : 24.383, LAW~sS4, Loss Shadowy ‘t&-sSy0 25% Lidx~ Shaft... 2438: «300.2524 LAb4...LSs0n shag Lage: LEKis iXo\ igso 1346 ; t&ws.d~ ; Shagréen tps 1534 shake :2AxSx LESx ‘22015 : Lacan 1h2L56 1hoX 5x shaking shaky L308 15 tee ke shal ]5o2\~ ri6e¢.2%$5A shalilop \o6 shallow Liooguys zNeASo 28 x93 Lios shallowness .2404A Lioda: rd0Xo\S Sham = *2}0A~2. 250238 LA.5AS. ; LAA. : Laowew Ishamble 1223 2Sif | LAX GSN S Awa: Lavas | Sham bling 15652 rAMgis .LS9m3% 283 shamefaced ‘t8s~s L&sas ~TONLS Shaéemful :24$—32 15% shame shameless. 339 shelve (—Tly) -- antkGms|Shéaring?3>$2 LA\son shameless +*ASms 182) shéars+z3$2 22o\ 145% shamelessness %32/shéath ?4=62 r&s\z tAqand—3| sShéathe oX 230\x shammy L50\,> rhs ras. LAs\. Shampoo 15355155 shed a 25 sae: shamrock LS55 LSS\ 09% 1240555325 L1kxx0t > ae Liso 1o9k shank tSo\ 32443] shée ep 2554 shanty Lk .oSe2 |\s shéepi iX5e5 :15e5 shape 114@5:2Ad0q | - Lisoos ‘LpO ade . 1ydas. eta S L30N3% L1KoSo§ :218@S305 shapelesst4se, iXs |shéer:tt9 2:14 2554 shapely | LaddO~m ee share [La99de.2-08N9! chGet :tako 15562 1854 Lode .198 LAn.nd LAA sharer *34349:2335z|shéeting +4592 14 shark 1ksSS5 23 2¥3f9| shel fot Asko LA. 5 sharp 1058:2305.)— Liga L80S9x:25.0\ LBods shell , Rae aa los Sharpen 1905.9 | (2$05:25N.29 LAWodx Sharper +54\- 234.48 22 8\ 52965 sharpness +4eSeb4/shellac +4 LAs0n3 Lbo05 . 2531 1294505 shéaf 2455:29b2 2834] Lzoam.thax ~w LhoSame shéar nda LLodax Lgno\ oX LK.58 Shelving 340 - shorten shelving LkakS|BHTre LdbaLéa hose Lamy 15.04 of LA.589 shepherd LES5 sheriff teXx2 1234 Liwmaoe shirt 15305 Shirting +t520e¢2 2458 Shiver ‘24593 :2405N5 : i: sherry 6X4sio 13%i Siiiwerdng? 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Laoass tNng@ 1124 1228505 | Shrove tide Lamot shower : 284.09 LAdSzd= [256z5x ;tAmesk L540 | shrub 1AsX.1 QA BOs F | shrubbery ‘Lax Showery Laborde | ANZ Sas showy ‘tikeS: 288959) shrubby r4Saz L25x059 13% shrug LaZ905 L2Sx Shrapnell shell Ls#90d2 LAxds tes tka\» 1SS0\) shrudder LAAs LAsaSo LS:o%0% Shred :28uboqx:24.53 | shuffle ‘tpedsg M43xiigessz) 2A9S.5:1A5k55 t¢0hu5 ShrewiAso~x2 1634 24) gh 1uffling 1&aS53 shrewd 23338) Shun AddS~ 288s 52845 Ss shunt LAdS x0 LSoA\..5 13.22 L4959> shrewdness | L&eoaS shrewish -2355945 Sightios- : 166.8: este $0AD thong LEK i LNox sightiess ‘Lastyeets L502 a sightlesness*oedea | 342 shutter Silk worm shutter oX> 2404 sightly ‘24+4.\ 25.92 13ha8 iSauk shuttle 902% sign: : 23859 225A°: L%%5 shy - 294352563] :Lasoaa0d: or Lox a 2 “ | “ e c=Ly? aoe o4) signal :ABaksa Shyness +*45334::8503/ signal +4%p¢~!1%>x5 sick £591 (—l1ly) Awl Bskea Sicken 24503» 128505 ignalise 1.053% S ickening LSisSd5 0% 1832.35 sickle Sie, signalman ~ 243389~% Sickliness +4«S» LSazes3 sickly 13859| signattire LAxdA sickness L829 | Las590 stde b§ay 525452489) signer L3S509 L5%5X% ~D° Peale Lada! Signet ao60 LONG tdeboard 132% 43 |\s significance LAMBS 18809: LA0ns4% sidlong ~\55|significant 13% Sider LAs ono bad a | Loaiwa Sidwaiys *#30t2 +450\|/ signification siding 2Xo§ 24995 LA.~S3%0 23..2%9 | signify ‘44542 1505 sftdle Lgssom 1N52 Leesa tas0la| stlence 2BAZ siége LAdeore | sTlent LBsAzx Sieve 2&S2.50 | (—Ly ) NaLSaAx sift 155% :1Nis| oilex sSmQ2 Lion 1425 siftings 1X~3/ silhouette2sse> 2Xax sigh Le Aamnak: Leno s& 130X5 13035 iSeAA 15% Lion 28BLa9 silicious Silk B~935 silk worm L&sNoa B.~O5>59 wu silky 343 sinking fund Silky B.Oso\ Lisedi since ee Xa gill : pS; hwd5e/ sincere p09; 25.55 154082 14~K~8 1399) sincerity ‘h0d.d5 Saek Daly Nw lied L&o902 Silly 1896;2324 | sfgnechreisas LANs Silver [22% 1aada 2X5 L%1O5 Ltlosz»| STNedTa Lixo iSo Silversmith mS LaSoO% L2lei sinew ESN silvery t\olos iXsxox Sinewy La5a\ Similar 134e3/ Sinful Lada Similarity tho-w2|Ssinfulness Kons Simi] @2Ao»~Xvo LA0.2023 Sing 159 Ssimilitfide +240-»3 | Singe 1t.ons»:2505~% Simmer t4.3 2~0432|/singeing - Limnos simony L&a5j§o LAsSe| L1Kh..25% oes LE30n 2239: | singer L533 simoon m2 1408) singing LAd%9 1255S32|single : LAd0m4 Simpe Sako LdA4 LNnz9:25,5\ 28 +324) singleness. 1A0~40~3 simple 1$-x8)/singlestick ;2%eas Simpleness Aoi.xs Lada0 bdedly 2645 simpleton 18305] singly Nnthoud simplicity \Aosoa | Singularts5aos: 2445~ Simplify 2353/ (—ly) Nnld5 om 7 -3¢0 18-28/Singularty ;t40~i4~ simulate | Lng 209% | | 1£0.~5903 155m Leoa%-tasdul sinisterde\o129:Aw4 SimulAtion tA~E8 i Sink 258,_.25S%, 2212558, 135x3| 2X83 i 2d0a%:2A x24 Simultaneous +43%2X) thohss 252:258.2 Vx 2a39 605 5a 14539Ko Lal ean iy? 123—_ BS 09943) sinking fund — Lise» & + Sin tAaN om 158 L4nd Looe as 16 Ld. Sinner 344 skip Sinner LaSN «| L&Asozs 1.688 sinuosity 1k..601 Sised iXona 249 tAad LAAS2 | Skate :2h.045 Laos sinuous Ling eb os LSobi a: LLodXH9 21990A 2asS'Skein +45\2 A odol sinus 2S.95 28404} Skeleton L&S8d6 24% oX\N 28225 159K> | 2g6a5 Lwdto Sip time rAndz0 1é5=/ Sketch 1 .uSs 1 2Ab0. Siphon++»* Lx5\> tai ia eos Li59 i LaeNd~ sippet Lion 1%~\) Skew (2S.ag th b.0 Sir ‘LB0A: 15% Loads sirloin gs. LA-04,|Skewer 28a 3X35 sirup LAZsoS4,2 1545 SSsss sister 1k% 1 Skid 286A Leeda sisterhood ;L80d4 LB0N_ LAh.Sax2 23953 LA3a559 140.6554 /5Skiff 15004 sSisterly A282) Skil ful :2So%. 24525 =a ta B LSqngH 25HN1258— | Liamol site t$02:254 |Skilfulness 24543 sitter Lada tSoz> sitting 1A34h../ Skillet 2638 situated 18.53 | Skim Aeneid: tkxedexn esa Las LaA0m0 1659. Tx0KSK. DUEL Ro Situation shane 13h5 2428 taX\ou-24502|Skimmer2Ssi2 142045 Six Ax Aosol Sixtéen s@sAx1 Skin 12hSN5 22534. Sixtéenth IBSAxd igo\5:213\4 24Sx Sixth 12K.ax)Skinflint245 28.93 pox ore th ax9 | Lana :iho05 224405 Sixty ~\=|Skinned? s$As. 2a5\4, Size ; Amon: 2Xo~a | Skinny 15.1.5 1kose\ | Skinner tar\o taass Size :L&A6ox| Skip ‘Leogaw i543 43 skipper 345 sléeplesness skipper +4350%.24403 skirmish 13% skirmisher +14+~» L5Ra9 skirt ‘tSesz Se Lja%:.N03x Skittish 15604 (—ly} ha25604 Skittle :2Aashe 16.5 Los skulk SAS La0n—% skulker 1 Xa i229 skull] LZ52 LASS55 Sky Li.05 Slab 142058 2AWA taonaSs Slack2Sous : A534 12495 Slacken .2.035% 2485 laqamn ila 155) slackness :LA.8 LAaBam - LA0~95 Slag?%\5.25%9a92 1h slake Lmadax Lacie Lio~Sx0 Slam sos LZ4h90 lois Slander +x0%:ix%%\ Slanderous = 14».4 (aby Nntiv.S Slang +tA~5e%? seme Slangy +X .ss9q> 15% LAw26~S slant Lawak 2502 L2Aax4So Slanting2i$ays:2sah Seren SS a slap (280845 21342 LAdS_: 1S096 slash '2h.544 515095 ~a»5s Llonwm > i.ond4h slate -1Bias 144 L959 LawAS 1063% slAting 126300 19Xi 49232 LymAS slattern aNaSd L405 Slatternly At4439 slaughter ‘LS40S te6aditeods828h0 Slaughterer ‘246,58 13534 SlAve:25.0i gatn 1.448 ( 15.02 slaver L1&sSaS ek twoaa LAs4AN.00 slavery 2kod.01 slavish 15.01 15.3 Slavishness 244A3 1£95.045 slay LSN oi LN0.we slayer 1N04,5 525k. sledje Lda sléek $03% > Ladoas S16ep2s+Ss :2hsz 1 2K.88 sléeper 23Kax sléepily NwLiKax sléepiness +4oshax sléepless +4sz 242 sléeplesness LS 2£oshax sléepy sléepy Slé@et2oxS= L360 :50xKN% sléeve : sleight i4.3 1938 Slender 25545 :2364a sl Se Se LKoades 1£05.\5 slice’ L2380:1453 1$\5:2%39 Slickso:%:tiiz» 2334 slide LAA Eas sliding LAN SAS slight . Lb0sx50 tAszo 18:253., 2% Slight 25059595 :2Xo\s5 tly) Aatkois Slighting +245x2 28 el ao LA5 5 2X5 slily rA5AS5 slim xox i213.p3 slime 23.4 :A4 slimeness LAs5ax slimy sf east sling LroSd:. LBoy 2403 slink ACE SEEN slip 280: LASS (2854 .2AN Sx. hak x5 2\5= :2a0ax8 Slipper +thog:rafay 13-42 slippery :L38bAm 2434.2 Slipshod 2342 thog 346 L2\Nj Slit a on LNo34%0 slur LAAS33: ‘T2Xomsi Slobber 22652 \osol\ sloe ao%:t50\i Sloop 2380\ Slop ‘245% 2Xo\> Lin Lagad slope 22404 1509 sloping t4x5oxi2ish Sloppy 134 12353 sloth LAoAS34 Slothful A334 Slouch ?2£32 1A.~s\% 1GEN 28jL2254 228 i133 ~GX0 153 Loom? LK.~odx slough sloven . 245025 26.\G 1X5 slovenliness iXs5Q> Lkos5ex% Slovenly rt eae slow 258438. 25005 (—ly} Anw250n5 Slowworm({290~)box305 slug Loom. 14.35% (2AsKsx0 LA noxd 104) Sluggard 4534:24.\5 sluggish :tXxb0x 254 Nox Ssluggishness LAodSs4 Sluice t&-Azsza 21434 Live 285A\ L449 i Limo slumber slums slur LAmis ils 23h..x rXods 235N 3 2300K slut 347 snaffle glk. thavdos ' 283550 1Sya59 sly 23428 .235438| smitten MS 15.~ smack 246892 24+55=/ smock L1NKa59 15205 Loxsm50 Lkpzss smoke LEA Lae SA Smal]121a+:2Awens 25045 onde” 235 smalliSh :2495049| smokless 134 24 t3eqa ‘L302S| smoking LAsAsA smalliness +&eboss pon5> 2Ax54 smalt isisa d-=21 smoky EET smart: L38\ 0x 1 Li5 0% Smooth: 245039 ‘'2.00x% oAsgs tholsf 2245438) - Laodzy:lLaca®» smart 1389s °240~4| smooth Sog% 13.:24n05 iXzv0e L3.05 :Lioxow (—ly} antSno® 'A.Li cox smoothing LA.6z% smartness :2Apksk 1&a5% 992 1RoS.n@| smoothness ‘tho-S? Smash Lmod mS LSE. 2£oa435 Lohme :tSo2~|smother ‘45¢~$ 239 smatter-ing +433, 1345 168%, r&X\ah\s smoulder La0 5% sméar 25S: tsoah: Ls0dumz ~Kedodss smell iXsx 1 m0 00 smug 2~Xnos0 i 15% snaky %99~2 14025) snooze tAwas lois Snap ‘*Astez:th2ai54/ snore PO md SoN> LANDS LAszs LA555.40 So 2554 LA55 250293) snout Lsloaco LgoS t~0S5 2552|/ snow 2XAA 2259:2KM4 Snappers +93, 24|snowdrift 1Aox8 i30sa 2X Mo Snappish 4055 :2¢g0.35 Snowdrop +5450 iXazx Ssnappishness | 236238239 tAMSn2 1h0A30| snowflake | 22833 snare ‘1%8$023 2532 | LX AA» S38] snowy 2aXN4 Snar1+549 g-t» twelsi |snub 24432! 1e003% snarler 239453) snuff 2251 Nesb5 snatch LASAs: LAaSy L3seS x5 Likxw!.Aba55 254s 2534 °25Ssl|onuffPers Lth.¥0> 12% sn6ak 2802 L805 213N42 23309 x5 25 1$9x9z'253\ 15|/snuffle LmoAwA ara snug La4u%0 Leoln snéer 120~22/ SO aa 45 t8dL@%0| gggktsews 12.0dA% 11545, snéeringly S40 | S0ap LOE 77] Soapery ,e3g> tAg3A4 snéeze peed ea Gap L3303% nicker Sea ee Gi 1564 soar ised 14590 1425 LkS..O%> Soaring i6¢\ 218.59 sniff L6G ion L254 SOD‘ t30302 / 24.09 ‘J « . Lyonns lias:2 sober tp 493 sobriety ee ee ee 349 hr ep peer eee solitarily sobriety 1803.93) solar Lixwx sociability SOlder i4+8&o 2,694 1Kos355A% LNsa95 sociable 4359452! soldier 1556 11548 sociably 4+2559449/soldierlike:3>6 glx social 1&q-859231 soldiery iKomSS Socialism: +40-é633« LS945ao Socialist 930) solett3o~A:285i9 2542 society i8eSSo%|solecism LASS. sock 'tAoAs thog LAsSaz0 Lkwiveas ts59 2054] solemn trios sockett45034 :1&50n09/ solemnisdation socle Xi Awd L519 2Kunn90 1h0-52/solemnise LanOn 9x0 Sod 23.5 LSS; gahoa3h solemnity Leases soda 7465 °=3245| solicit 13452554, 1SS4. 1he solicitation -24s%y sodium 22% LAoia soever t£0% Tom) SOLICItor2s3-4 /235\¥ sofa 13424 -®302a/solicitous ‘sAzxex Sof'ten+soi~9'239025%|solicittide ‘24os5X; softening ;24345% wa itSS2 1kKxd% 14.8.5] sqolid tion: 2Le0\~ Ssoftiness ‘1499.93|(—ly) Anteqde tKond. solidify Leoone:2¢S.. SOL] = :43qSm#'21Kh~2| S0lidity 1Rogah Lsodsy. 259432 1Ssy LAowon sojourn ‘2398'235z|soliloquise nome L8do3 LAh.3x =cosX Bad *8&\3e35|soliloquy 7h Lise Solace ‘253; L§ss0\ 22345 Solan goose 4 sos. 13k solitaire L550~3 SOlitarily 4+250~\ ee eee S solvent ‘23+42 24$3 235=9 some somebody . somehow ve 2% 4e29 135.2 o02 somersault '+#045™: toc, eX 2Ad4>5 something 7239 ++ sometime +4435 2349 somettmes *gX 24945 Somewhat t4!5ah 145 a939 ae somewhere 2592 ~933 somnambulism 233+ thax oX somnambulist +5524 m~TONSE od somnolence *4#33+ LAsx> somnolent Li330m Solitariness 300 soprano —— rrr solitariness AhazS 1hond0~ son 13055 solitary 1350~5| sonant LSs2 Lise solitide 1832 %h-S2/sonata t&+—» tAbe, solo LE50unA L5%9 635335 solstice 1£o.5~3| Song LAdiog L551 Lmsd 1203 re Lixo songster 13304 solubility?4es3=4s~/Sson in law +44%~25 soluble 1352449 / sonnet Laos solution +4+=5=.+4225) sonorous L35h34 L$qnx~2 25499) (—Ly) NnLdSA 39 Solve %eos2%:496258/soon 2449 24 243 ue solvency*3-4? 24...8595 2255 rhSa%,thvz8| sooner ++ 253 ~% 32 1255 LAA soonest2sf2 229 ga4 soot dq 1 bSanx 5 250% sooth :24-Sexh LAoadD Ls9aO2i2303z0 soothingly L&siivs soothsayer = sooty tiSeasen ! Libwz sop LEnwh,: LSa500 ! L204, gsophism +tSX5 rSiss 155x2 LAd0e5 Lxsiow sophist tSiwe2 +4534 155x9 2AS0q 5 LSLo> sophistical +S» 13X53 sophisticate +71 155x> tAdoya LALo2 sophistry LASS O% 135x>2 LAd0y5 LS\o22 155 1X5 soprano taaley sounding. i sorcerer 351 Spaniel sorcerer L555. Lisa tkonowS\ LA\Sa Sorceress 14x5=/ soundness i L3m\0~ sordid 12590 23An2 LAornD5m~ bSSs0%, soup i652 .15035 Los (—ly ) hatih nx LKAOLE AwtdSS00/ sour 18055: 2g0ns sordidness :+4esKmz|(—ly) spt8ode:aatgows 1h9dSSunS source (lama Lins sore LANjax 22555 LAAS 2802: Lidex sore ‘2i4n%:liS\cz|/sourness — :thoxows 135552050 tKhoSod¢ (—ly ) A-l35inz/] SousE .LiAwe Liwidox soreness :2Andoz | d0x5 285 —1&-8>e/ South LisnA sorrel :(2%\} jose») Southerly LikwnA 150K 2X35/Southward 2isonAA sorrily \,2324/ sovereign ‘2350S sorrow (AAmES 255 13956: 2aNs «tS 2828] sovereignity :240~%s sorrowful ri Hen LAS tel Ty ) Ant3ES |) SOW 2450 9a sorrry 2424:24.25| gow Ladd, 0 | ee Pe bak . 1635, sower 2354 1So2Xh~'13059% 515 52 sowing LAnd59 sorter 2353»: LG \,20 spa ego 24.5 Sortie kai 24.85 Space Lhe mind 3215S sot 25652554 spacious L5N9 32458 sotish »s#~1:.»3%5|(—ly) NaLESS soul te :238X | SPACLousSneSss2AonsS SOund ‘2%}x04:2»99»)| spade L520 L1koxowse 180.20 1X2 Span ‘tqoS iS u2 25s LRon\ 2Ssy2 25h Xia Spangle 1243090 Sw Spaniel 15% 25\5 2mONS LHSNID Spanish fly 352 Speculation 16008 Limwodn Liin Spanish Ply 4s 2 24059 15 LidsSow Spank .LKx22 148.98 2SoSam 2Ax2t\ Liiw Spanner b&S Spar LéaA Spare Ladme .L38~ 9302 Lilwe . Lane a | aise d 9S. a pn Spa Lng tN e2 whe , Sparingness. «+4555 LAn0% Spark L¥oX 22555 Sparkle 1239 i. oS3 2534 Sparkler Laday . fe Sparrow 1585 Spasm taiis Asan Spasmodic 1A9359 Load? Spat: 15205: laoca > 1Xx~ faa Liwm Spatter LaqNmz.2a0a4 Spatula Nae .bzo XX 2.00292 Spavin 1az\ om 1S52 1SoB> hae oXX i»valis Spawn : Lao0aa rx. .2g5s LSx—2 Lass L,o\8 | ‘ * J eaglts Spawner Spéak tpAS 215 Looe Spéaker Spéaking LADize SpéarSXs4 134 :24205 Laoas LiSAd Speculation L553 Laos . i\Spec trum Lidy~c|Speculate [Lakoo wea Sn5 LaqA1 Spec jality. pre ce | Aon kd Special Sbecialise Specialty '**#74~ Noe 124S..50 253, L5031, Spécies Specific Specification 2h0.5S.2 ) LA0 44 S54, Spec Lf yrntdxd Nq288..90 =) —— oSa%0 Specinen is oe Speciouss-?9 +: Spectacle Spectator Specter Lésism. oN055 mess S045 oX Lawxd LaowaA :2S8ox\ AnwLai0g LSBN0 Lowi rA\S350— 44’ Sspectilative "5a spiritual ve 1Xoxz\ 2A\bA Laooas Spectilativetss%-A2; spicy 13695 “spectlator +4i»-S| spider LemoarXys # Liogs iXoxs LaXpdKo Spigot 19093 16.5 speculum L503 Las spéech Lasine spiketsswirs—s5 Lins Lmoad .Lmoyne -spéechless2Ss.2ks LA ge SpGed , -tA:a4% 5249-32 | ~Lh.830 2 Landa: 130x5 spéedily ~ L&olSoas Spéediless .i&o5on LkoodX spéedy A334 : Adon : aAx Spel] ‘told .tknSs% spelling LKR.~XG spelt boAx spelter 1334 Spend i-css4.ihoas spendthrift ‘+issa5 eae sperm LSA 42 2185955 | 124626 spermaceti =22 2454 Loa spew LOA sphere >2AoSok\ . £522 . as 15.25 Spherical 2Xoha (=—1ly-) &n2Sod\ sphinx LaSam% .l6.07 18952 -c103250 -79x3 Spice hand Logs 16.09 LAs spikenard pas Lamnd 2 ok SO oe Spill tress» .tfar5 Spin 1S3s 2845 255, Spinach ~i2S@1 (23322 2S\1\) Lese LhSEz2 Spindle :2NGs0 LE502 LHSOL9 aX Spinetese tAdzz:2559 Spinner LaNgS 22555 spinning 2435541285, LA35®G 2855 LAdaa\ L350 22550 LANx spinster spiraéa Spiny antéater LAND basta age spire spirit :Laqmag gf LS 2m 7oas., 2aX-LA05 ~ Oa 50 spirited t~).15k.< spiritless:t4~+ 24 Lae tka Lindos, spiritual Lato (—lly) spirituality 354 spread spirituality i4¢5,spoliation Lae ee ; | 2how 1&ahe spirituous 13438| Sponge ‘t}edso 28-8 Spirt ‘239axt5 :1Ax5225 13.85 Lakwo Lode 254 sponger :LarsSAx spit 12h s05. LKae. max | 2aSot9 2590. _) Lama 3~4 ae} o XaxD L250! spongine ess LAoasans- spite 5) Hf ney = spongy 135.2¢ 1535 Lliiw Sponsor ‘346042 Spiteful +=}? b3553| Lh..200S%9 15.56! doLo» ; 135530, spontaneity +A»ds spittle +&s0>.1905 LAwdAS0}4 sSpitton 2Ase52 4424/ spontaneous +4%96 splash LAWS? LAS (—lLy } Nalisob splay -288x : Nodak Spoon 1504 : aqoSo% ~~ LxdX> 2A AS] 5 spoonful 2404 2h spléen “> 2433072545 sport: toad: LASSS, 24245 Lakeu: LAax Lwo@a» splendid 288445) sportiveness+A»63» 24-2=3/ sportsman Limon splendour235-2 :t408/ spot !1%x0> 2400 splenetic 1138.03 taoad:25N: 2$n0a La5Lom spotless. r34 18> Ssplirce 230885 | spotty 2434 Splinter 15heLl>s LAWN spouse LAs. AX 250d LAL ax iXni spout :LAso 2Xo\ split +5}: raah9:284q Loexdz i L50xde spl itter 1384 LESNG sprain [1k @ie i Bin splutter >LdoanA5| LA.S520% A252\6 sprat 1kgea2 L503 spoil LeOdE | LSS sprawl LooxSo 1545 LroNmnk: LAs ; LA SX 1315 spoke L800: L46A9 -8-~) spray Fe ae 1638 spoksman Lidyno | Liw> 15894 spoliate xii Lwods spread LLh$ ilnoek sprée SONY Gee LoL» x2» 2yonas LA~AS sprée Lendz L463 Sprig 1$5 2.0 [2853 erie A sprightliness: oe Sprightly os Spring ria LHSd i Lag-Xw: 14255 Spring ‘24.39:28&:045 he Pee tAakzy bap S| 3Oe35n5 | springe Eset [LBAboa | spri nginess: LkezaXp 1&ysno 28935) squally sprinkle 1Oond2 sprinkler+?)* L352 190-359 sprinkling (‘445s Sprite L5Lx Sprout LS$33!Lag~ox spruce -cost> 1453x% spruceness LAbSx% Lis Spud 990955 Spume LSoloaik i Losol spunk LG.Hix09.05 L3SaS80 15.90 spur LSmg\ ~54 > Sols ey SoAsia 252% > 1.945 spurious 245:24-5 Pate ‘1993s LizAw L LoL Ox eprpay 1490998 i Leoara - koude 1X5 Loge ose i is | | | squint spy 1 Soo}, :1G0@4 Squab +? 274 24.48 -LA43 LAm290 : Lb.5S0 tAoa Lae SO Lads squable Leodne 28 op B39 {eRe 19352 145 | “|squadron + aA AvEeaS 1xX4o kwon 1e845 squalid S45 SAsw LgAwus Squall 2%3¢99§:220A555 squaller isoeaos LE5gd9 e2032 15% squander LeoSrs ~o30 Lrodze LJ ” . square !Laodsdn : iS>5x0 1S9500.254389. Lkox (Ey) N_iSa5x squadreness *Aes5 x squash 16S squat 139..: 259m squatter La5x0% 14.3203 LAaeos ~y} 24> squaw hadeag 1Ka3 Squéak 243556: tbosds squéaker 133505 squéal Loowhe squ6éamish 13.5® squéeze 1Aa5i0 1 L43% squill (2S8\\)+4»3 squint 955 Asst ‘eta La ERS squire 356 stalwart ‘Len Loox 1kob3H55 Squire ‘:o§teltx> Laxwx0' stain Lins: LASony Lkoahwo| 125332 3a094.244:249—5 squirrel L300 1149654 LA s55 Squirt ¢AASs> 13t4/stainer 1358359 Stab LAnwLI0 Liin | ‘eXai5 Stability 11h 93.050 ae Lis 21&.Sa table ic LidSaitizéa 180m LAs LeA5 5255050 + LAéGom2 14S stack 2z5\ .L£.90\ stadium fa oe Livoad Staffiisa ‘150q'2545) ¢ rOzOn> Ls50\o stag \15% stage 1509: 143K 0% Lwo 9020 LaaSo 1A%05 stager 129385 2L5XN8 1H\S 15 Lid~wo Stagger +}osss:13Xs staggers +t4if4 285% | LAG Heoa s tagnancy Lkn\5 . 190% Lis stag nant 245N5 1$0% Lin LiL 50 stagnation LAN 2qoS9S i LaS%0 Lholin i adws stainless Stair rand staircase (LSS 135X3 stake Liog : NAL tO 98 Liiw i LKASL oS Lonen Leos LaoAs 2395 LESS, OX stalactite SADA 1Nt96N55 L82Las “2825 o4,a35 Lexan stale eke LBAAS 2285 Lida i LaonAS : 2489005 stalemate tAn39 LAs54o2 LASS, oX 15m stadleness LAWSs 1&02485 stalk 1554 : xSoaa 133 535550 xox LANGE Stalking horse L3q% 2 2KA\S52150%2 LAdoy stall >2hmoh00 2X5 Landi LOms Stallage 1X49" 235 L&.Wooase Stallion t4»o~.260a LN G02 LAZS5% 215 stalwart Rod \x0 stamen 357 statistical stamen 1599 2£5935 | Ss tarredz2cas iXoxegx 920 1N.s AsasilewS$al gtartiiox\s 25483: one stammer- pet RP tXox\ 2LAN53 124.5% ta0hS3i startle SS. stammerer A348) starvation +4s65% stamp {LBwaKm i 2oN5| 2355+ .2 L4.490 Lahm: laowes LHhm| Starve 244590 La00dX Lroax5.L8n.Am ae 24499 .» Stamper!$»-S@> 145-s/starveling + 2438 stanch ‘tges~itsen, 1655 Lom leolow®.laooms/ state ‘2h0~3402 1hox Lida Lb20 Aid $255.2 .159 tand c3% 12502 1248s | [Lb05\ 4 2 m0ah~ 135.0; 25X02 L545 | Lang :La6sh 128s :1z044|stateliness LSedod Standard ei. | L3~ed0 ~2302 2N40,~0 lox stately 155.i5 1.5 Standing .+59? 16S statement Stéo} L3hoGw :LiN9 + 233)9 Li Ns9 Ld.So% 118.50: iSoxs ; staple 'L5AL9 1sAn| StAtesm antissé 1532 L5ox | 1Sonnd,~059 iA ‘ -o - H = 4 star 139062 pe RI UES EH stAtesimanshipt44- starboard pees ASE i \o=2 starch | RE | Tae " L1K@zxs isiw station ‘24a. 2505 starching 1An Ad 1K25% Aas 1hSz39| Stationary Lida stare Oeste LASZAN I: 1$0%. lis lwxeles 43-3) stationer = r44ss stark pd ing. 1556 Lgdbdao i303 sAao Starless +$36= 1%» stationery Naa starlight L8q5 195630 Laoshap 14335 139002|Statistical Liorzs Starling +2454 :2A50~ Lixsw20 Statistician statistician?i3e% Liiswoo Liqsx~2 SLatistics Liquxe. ~ L%MASo LiSswo Sta tiie 2 Aw. 5 -stattre L&wson stattite tases :25o23 staunch +¢s~.tsox| stAve ‘t5\one Lh~s LAwAS Lod9s stay _ :1hashm:ih 8s 1549 .23S5°1Ax-28 SteAd tSh1l4509. 180% | ‘tione~! stem steadfast 55555: 142.0% Gey } Nal ROOD N~255555 tseadfastness 1Kod3855! 180.05 steady 55555 ition 55555 24353 .2.000% steak 1332 1559 stéal 1343, stéaling L&aad stéalth +Ko334 stéalthily ‘++34) stéalthy 1333 stéam tXog:ibier / teedd tas thOx5 awX 255h,: 1400 stéamboattfor> ~~ stéed LX6~3 159o stéel :9No9:1Ny)3 Leoons > Lwoxme 3 . o8 stereopticon stéelyard 1h1b% i S292 stéep Laoms :LED4 i 92 stéeple 1X9 Any >}stéeplechase +4391 LA6SoG2 1X59 Lh359m stéepness 52 2599 stéer [253.0 Low aeX Leones stéerage iResioam ~2i 2 stéerings»X>2 L4ssi4 stéersman Liisaqw 2X2 239: 215p4 52500 \3z0no5 215XNa:2So0a0 Stench 1520 stencil 2#45\>. 2536 thax stenographer 724345 1Ah0+.593 ™% a “ stenographic?43-42? 14.59 stenography +43-,43 LA.b30n step 214355: 2h\o303 step brother +3e+% 2Xo2 —daughter +e: 143s —father 1X¥or 155 —mother 1X¥ol 2%. ~sister 2Xor ro —son iXe2 Liosd stereopticon Lah 2~¥oXS tAaz2Q 2LA385 stereoscope Ba eee. rey Sereda AXA LaAdAis sterile th.08 sterility LAE - sterling thoy:t5.52 sternness ae: LAownd§ stethoscope cpa? 15\5> TAae—c 15 1A43 stew steward 165x thox5 :265% WELT PW OREPSE: LAnS9 stewardship +4o5+s4 stick 1160954! 26.0 :2AXGoza 1.694 22485 230554 (25395 Stickiness ‘44-5 i 22m Ok stiffen:tton:as Lidg LaXd5o05 stiffness 720 Lasd LASS stiffle 399 >| stingily stipend %#: Stigma 3:'25539 280% StigmatTse ‘029 LsoAm stile Land00 216.5 LH2~ i Ldo02L4 Linxa NSHo Istil] 235 1E8\: KOSS Stil] 148s :25.0% :25Ax 2 ,@Az% 5p ier 1298:285 Stillness :t&o-Az : LRomas stilts Landi 10.5 (239903) 445 L559 Lawad aqodSoi 15.4%, stimulant LaXoAg, 1389595 1 2595.% stimulate ‘thoare oA 2$0d~—0 : LS90505 stimulating +343>~» oAxta 23XcAco stimulation oARLI LASS ux Stimulus :43:25695 bok 2255 ‘Fisting [dwdd LgodSs [Awe LAMdaz iL e005 stinginess tAo435 Stinging+i3a :Lagas stingy gnu LB r0 1 1 Bm Lem | LQ mx 264%) stipendtisig, 1ida0s stipendiar ae ee 360 stoutness stipendiary 1i$0|stomached 15.55 L462/stomacher +59@? 2X0\ Stipple 1950 1$5\| stomachic L385 .% Stipuladte +406 1553) 145 ed\o2 + 13m0e23 stipulation ?+4234|/stone :2¥0e\05 72829 13062 Pos. Usd bee oe stir Leod Sw LESz 2X0 LX048 2230255 (LAzSx%.1l5029%:220455| Stoneware daX2 252% LARA RD stoning :LA@\5 Stirrup Aol ss stony 23825 SPiton . .tats7is0s5z listool..atgs 239) wads | LKoad tRaSes | | Ledioa LA.54 stiver LAs ~© $s | stop 1ASin 152825 asXoe9 155.2 2 23a stoat nn 2X, stoopingly NalSno stock :s4\2:1400:1503/ stop iLadmwe Lao how tXoA iLgo9o LAL rSsah 725053 :..240: 18459 | L.KAoal»« Leona stockade +34:59 28a stocking Lodd, stoic Oanjo 15.0342 L36a@K..3 stoical oats t38\0~> | 1800.5 Stoicism 65-13 249\0~ $6.5 stoker i308L2 Lisode stoletsaSs 14552 2550~ Stolid 24S\a4:25052 stolidity ‘tAesos2 LAAN at Stomach : 235264, 02 2A.45 1955 1422 1909 1555 stoppage :2h..Sa% 1AABdS stopper ;Lal%9 «L205 Lsidax (store . 2435) aan :533: L3$\ i-93% Aas , La5m\ 2.6320, 0 storey LAwamA > LoSsK \stork A SAS storm ~5o0m storminess : LAos50m fee 133505 |story Lada Aine stout Diem 2aSA4 15550: 23504 i Lion stoutness L&orm—§ 2405554 45 Stove = 361 strenuous ae ER a rn stove | abhos =|strangles 1&5: stow isan: PS eA ye Noe 32530: LB nm42 toni srangilation stowage ran 20 LADGA Lavi. 2h53— Lnen strap 2S0dm% . LDOA stowaway 14a LSDAZ L3..x% oX a7oaX9 strapping 238..4.5255 25359 155 oe aa Leo439 2Ss~: 5562 straddle +3444 2445' stratagemt#399 .14$ straggle oas 155~ Istrategic pikse straggler Soaz ate 12445 tsSisz0!lsrtategist 15355 | straight KOLO $03] rz490 et XSa straightense? +3945%|strategy 2592 44-52 straightforward'e L£SS2 L2s5X' stratum th +0x:1ka%9 strain SVUsBon HER e el, LaH20 18513 2355e5 Lose 1S... 1sAni straw xSoa.2458 strain ‘tAgS~°25.+/ strawberry LK 19607 12802 504 - 184295 252 «-ASSee Ses] stray rp r¥Xso0 28.48 srainer :25¢\4:2425< 15X45 25502 2559¢ | stréak ~\sh0 LASoy strait LEDS ; (GS stréaky tASo9—2AXos (—ly) Rarsosinwrs.rtstréam ‘2Abo\ 24.05 straiten Leen | Leobis: HELD BA: straitness ‘*Ace-s,stréamy LaSaS 2 dae gpd :zhonas|stréet — BXOAS strand 1549:2145%.28.o) strength 1S.0. Libsai strengthen .24304% strange +tSoxo +242 1290 5% 12390s|strengthener 1435+ strangeness ‘Ae-52es strenuous 12535 stranger Lid503 Lixioux strangletsos—po 255 | (—Ly) AnlssLS strenuousness 362 studied Strenuousness stroke L&w%d 225.03 LAqmm9: (LAs Ss 1»XSs stress tAvssa:2hoh~i gtrol] thSSah :th05a4 28.02/stroller 18894 stretch: t-oAss 2245 elas 23% .LkoxS: LgoxS: 290455 ly ) eure LAW 1 LAAAS: iaeya| st vougholl LAs0e> stretcher TAOaK LA.0.50m 235x950 :255N 4 strop 2ASix0 L9ix strew Lyomd3: 1.698 strict Str CLure Lh15D LA n3..529509 stride +2As4&%0 Lz0A% L935 LAsci2 strike kMS a, 1K.n ix 12885 ,2440:2A4..49 28 yegs My hg Bee neo. ris Gp dee Pedhe MOT (2A3A5 140954%.204 stringent 2igss Lisouws stringy 13553 strip two: 2653 2A.33 :2hAM% stripe LAsb 23X04 f Leawis LSi0:L\ 35 strive (LSnm Lats ads300 lide :tSox 1305f striving 1A. x0 tioxs Lh25K 228.42] studied 15AA\ (28.54 4 Strophé24.3ss LA Wa3% ee be ke ee Oe zi struggle ++" -23¢ i. y yg or - strugling Bar strum 280804 :250A34 -DaDO2 Laiw ~d. 2Xo strumpet srut?dhoxrss LANjLo 2X9L 1505 StryCchine +38 240A stub 1503%:2500 stubble zSoaiiSya stubborn 259:2345 stubbornness isos stubby 13Xy5 Stucco rina AS stud Lida 250 Liinw Lad tad 2Q00d4 Lh345)0 Ras 725S0x5 2432023 student24=4ax> 23455 13.\. rl studio 363 sublime Studiotsoz2 tAmd\ Ana stye —s- 23S? 26038 studious 1903. | 1agk 12803 (—ly) Nat So\5 LAr study | 1288012386 | stylisl LAs3.% stuff :rLLo\we 2 2Sa% stuffy 16.9% |suave 1634, :12%0 52259! anne 1A2% Sega stultify +342 4392%| sub Naas 3 tumble t&S>4 : 139524] subal tern2*4~§ 24552 stumbling 135X054) subdivide’ L-9SA8 stump 1X52 52565 25659 LwO\ 1kodoni3|Subdivision +A-S3$ stumpy 255¢ LA.SN$9 stun ts0kS| subdtie 2339 AeA tite stunt?9qodX cp tgesox tagh34 stupefaction:t4s\$ subdter 1098 :255NK stupefytze4s :tzeAs% [A285 .L34509 3203500 6 ” ‘ . _stupenduous +5533» Ld30q Awd L240 Stupid . X50: t8e3 | subj ect 25058 (—ly) \sLS9S subj ection rans stupidity rAod03! 2AsX39: L230 Amt Stupor 135 | subjective +3034 sturdily ‘Aqitzé|subjoin v# 229-88 Salsox 134543 sturdiness ‘t4e-=5| subjugate LES20 Lion 25.3 Boal sturgeon 1634 24/subjunctive +4339 L3039 LAA» L5Ad= stutter tteohod\|ssublimate +*hee9 | rhonkSs| sublimAtiontA\soSs sty L30ym2 239) sublime 15:25 sublimity 364 substraction sublimity 1Se-5:/subservient +isss sublunary ‘2308 Ama LAxsoxs2 223852 | oubstde 2téN%:29k5 submarine —, aX | subsidiary +4556 iz Sasi subsidise trong submerge of L383] s25050 Lyoss LED4lesondhe lini subsidy +2305 thse submérSion ‘44s5%/subsist t-45 2243 is tat Se | subsistence ,2A.~s~ SubmisSive ti4p.9 1RaSioy 1Aaie (—ly) Nn2t3keeol substance . t&ov-2 Submissiveness Substantial¢*Aos~2 LAAs ew (—lly) Nnikodnt submit *henee/ substantiate ° ‘244s subordinate Nand | tpQ2Kw i aSe L3042 2335080 1342) substantive 2303% subordination24-éo LAAw2 13L\59 {Soin Lxa00 MeN] Substantively Suborn +3973 t-qmow Nal3Zoa8 subornation *4-%0%) substitution subpoena +4334 4w=S/ substratum L538 subscribe 154, LER mat t\os bo LoSx 225355 Ssubterfuge:ry tAsds subscriber taxdsX L5cqm> Lh..45%95155z B55 134855 :5L4S\2 525459 Subterranean Nod 2 subscription2A=34 2So} LAAS5 2253590 S10 ei~95 Subsequence +S48/subtle 1284S. 235 tSox> Liegs 2405+ < Subsequent Hi2s!| subtle tytiea LhoS0di Adin Lixt0X : | wo L4,0Mo subtraction +4=5\, ee LAX MGo © subserve t4zepzs 1453 subservience +4:5s LAxwozdo suburb 365 Suicide suburb 144230355 sudorific Lakso% suburban Lise suds yO3SQ Low LAD o 2| sie Lyd0q5 Lyon Subversion LA Aa ron TO subversive +34 sulphur .- 25005! Sunny Lixwz sulphuric ssoioss|/sunrise L=~x9 thn sulphurous +345e\9>3|sunset +232 14.34 sul triness1i3% t2+|/sunshade ‘ts sas sultry 183505 sq4 os sum :tk~Sjo. 1h0e.%2/ sunshine LAA SAS \a . L1&onS5 Lxwx> summarily s.2545| sunstroke 1K. A0 summarise > 2=3~ Le0xs thowda> sup [Lima 14939 Summary NowiSs 195%: moadon 154 L442 180.2932 Super re? 136): As summer LQas siperabound?3+:. 1253 superaboundance 367 a nr ne ee Supera boun dance | 289-33) superintendent superaboundant+5$| Nn2id8 supérior 14.59 L50\ S$ l20-0%| supé6rioress Pooky superadd superadditiont2si# AS; sup6riority: superannuadted+4+35 7920 ~~; superlative i} (—Ly ) 2340 yw LAdS% Superannuation superb 1245 248s 2Sox\ 258xX LAd0\ Supernatural PE Pe et 1$-29| Supernum erary236+ supercargo Lavoe wwXo iSans 2.855 superscribe Supercilious :24%5 phe ear Superogation +4233 1&0d5335.35 e9 136% Superoyatory ‘256s magsSn oo superficial :245 tXen pp 13533 superficies ‘24283 LAs, 4 superfine wa. Osi superfluity+4o-39205 superfluous .¥# 2469 m49359 Ssuperhiman .» 43 2231 13.4 superintend 246xX 2XoxA\ superintendence 1382 2545 maa Superscription 23h x25 2A385 supersede ‘4335 254. 235..f9 280x\ 2X5x superstition 3 24.45 238h0.5 LAsdq0 superstitious+iizxa A255 tRoxs Pa 23 a superstructure EPEE BAe eet supervene 24X30 xda L251 0 supervise +393\4 Supervision +452% 1Xox\ supervisor +45=< 2Sox\ Supine +%d4S 15,2 ASa4 } won 2 Supineness 368 Surmise Supineness ‘t49%=%) Suppression LN SRS 2AoAS34 95 tAaaS Supper LSSi i Leeds | Suppurate :Lh0 938 2&5 5 2893 L.03\% Supplant - :L8$nid 224~|Suppuration +AAia2 as300 Lidar: 1A0os%6 2558 Supremacy Sond Supple 25.93 L>3500 Supreme [lsseq Ss Supplement ‘+424 . 0 aia ee La sae Supplementary?i*x§ LaDAS Suppliance +4898 Suppliant 13X38 Supplicadte +3 +3035 Supplication LEM oS pps Bs =] Ss Supplicatory*4- i033 Supplier Supply LA a GaA tLao® LA ne: Supportable +4335Ax 13X35A0 Supporter 12543 1sX55:15505 ) L30\., = 1282 :24.Sx Sure sw\ ban 525.55 (—ly) Nald.d5 Sureness- -44eaxom» Surety Surfeit ‘:246+ 144» 2AN52 22509 28522285) zAXoatw>s cAxin: 150 Surge 123h9 1225 Lava Lhdi9: 2K 055 Surgeon LXwxon.90 205A 5 Surgery*S$=232 2hox-.a¢ Surgical +45? maao> speed Melis, [Ant BX0m Suppose 14% 25 2152~ NwlD.x9 LS L5N0 et erie Surliness LA2S5 Supposition ‘t43~ 15Xo~2 Law», 23Aq 28355|Surly 15.09: Loi,05 Suppress :24645|Surmise Thode 25 2554 ez r\oaS surmount surmount usas LS5ani 2584.25 235 \ Gog surpassing surplice LA.d2 259 23q5> LAd es Surplus’ +350$:24a¢ . Surprise :2KaX sm ° 2 Surprising 245,» Cy) iS \s% Surrender 23X 2.4696: 2LAxSx Ladin 15 22320 surreption surreptitious: aka, surrogate » 120.5 Lahom. 2 ‘surround bs8, trae surroundings Ladd survey Aasrhemeuse -bing Lidg.LB0Hh 1Ah0d04,5 :21h0diza Surveying>4=9 LA.60 SUrVeyortisns.tisums 25043 surveyorshi pt4o50h4 survival5ss yp» 25-8 2352 25.2 rho» “survive L-i35 LES 369 susceptible a3 L5x~S5N0:258\.Ah 2% suspect Gz? 254 s,Suspend 240238.24Sa Suspenders LkaA 23530A> suspense 7 2An38 2K..Xax suspension 1rA\334 suspicion LA xoxA suspicious +234zo0x9 (—ly ): AnLikzoxy Suspiciousness 2AonGAxoZA SuStain ‘250»4:15i9 2\655 sustainable :23535Ax 253X554 sus teiner ee sustainance Sutler24 4332 13455 29538 suture: 133\2 228akse Lax Swab tXolLo 25300 2 swaddle 370 Swish e080 8 8 OO swaddle+2325 ‘-0235|swéeten ‘Leodene Swagger ; A. 91255 Lronad i ilo.se swaggerer t30n4|sweetener ‘244;8» swaggering +As5~ Liz\ue i LEoeae swain 1b.—112-S3|swoetening -18139% swallow ~. [2k.3038 24.5. 1zsX5:21S0\5| sw6etheart 7 2a55 Swamp 132\,..300 Lksnmd 12A335 »s0n oX|swéetness > 2Ao nd Swampy ._... Lifs0n L1KownO5 Swan etSc5| swell 123593 LmodaS swab 190A mx 2399.5 Lhasy: LA 435 sward 13.5 2SM4 swelling 159-9 Swarm |. 24592 > 1Ax exé|swelter 122009 Hee 1534, !La0d90 swarthiness'49-ixe>| swerve LESAN 51543 swarthy Liiwmoa|gwift i.3459 t&-3032 swashbuckler +3054 domi Aad) i 2S0ds Swath . 13252 50]/ swiftness ‘tAo\ors swathe «22333 1209234 rKolads sway a: 22903 a: Looa\~ swill Lshux LAD: 1265 | LA0d0 5: 12300 LAAN 9 swéar 2boseilise swim penn swéaring +Ao$_:1A.40| swimmer 2240 Swéat.. - rAaSo i 2AhS9 swimming LAnd® swéep Leia !1Asia swimmingly 472448 swéeper . 1235} swindle 2+ \ swéeping . tixa5] swindler LS swine: 202 1509— swing 234492290055 :2zSz ASO2 1590N0 swinish L550 9— swipes Lh. 53% swish 1$5~ 224% sweepings Sekt swéeps taketss ox igor swéetbreadds 2 1502 L&dz9 L455 iD = @) D c ie e Tae u q “8 u o = tf 0 be Le Y

t4805' Sympathetic‘sx243~ 1532 Lis0l0 L550 LAS lagen e tiodsis» switchman . LiiAS L3-_x03 LA35015 Swivel LS.n> 215553 2843920 swoon tsax SLA53= Swoopts+so: 13 ~\)3 9 LAK Sword 19. Sworn, *S-sA lLiwow! lin. Sybarite-ood\$ t4.32 Sycomore . +4503 10.5 LaLad Sycophancy »LA\33 LAsax DLAsS oO» Sycophant,. 1235a% LaSmia L3inox Syllabic ‘tisosS\e eeymcs Lskiw ®. Syllable *~¢> 1% Syllabus sy llogism aKadS& thokaa 1XAx0% Syloh_ . 1Ad509% Liod 2&35\,2 Lh95:160 of Sylvan Lag symbole Lkqnws symbolic Symetrical (ally) Lindox s 2923 [2A¢s ay Symetry 2 “ e + ws . ' * - oe ' 254 3 . sympathy 4349 1Sh2 LASS L 30 Symphony 245A t5%s 1453 sympthom LAaisw LAsisayse sympthomatict#s2-4 Liisay0 Synagogue LNxO39 ; 2230042 Syncope fake LAwEmR ESR Gf 230 K3X4 Synod LA.WSd39 LixXOS3 synodal tinesss3 L234 ~S 330 synonym Latiawos Synonimus 2433253 = Synonimy +the~333%33 er aie ca As Synoptical 1545 223 Syntax synthesis— tXnxS 146 ~o Liogs " Laadss nai 185% syphilis LitbSe idaca 2145394 syphilitic LSA syringa LAGua9 L850 Ly syringa (2+2$)235.4 S0AD5 Syringe 142332 ta 372 tallow Syrup ‘t44s0S\2 254 System 21923 521550% systematic({ally) LiGoahwil§la52459 a oe ow B06 WET RSS bb, | :BnOo52 LX0\ Anon rfo\~ tabby LSah 24: tabernacle 143)34=% table 235452 Dam tablet tA&:242055 LAdSoSs taboo +t4+Sax:t~ola» tabular 1242955 tabulate teaad 230596 :1452655 Tacit LoAxS Liss taciturn L5-Ax taciturnityAos-Ax tack aqox> Liinw taxeXs 94h :2S0\43 L.conainwX2 LA\Aae to. 5 tackletsqSy_i 25252 a0X> tact LAxjwgs Lisox509 tactful 2439x5098? 25% tactician 25 2353 tactics +%Ss2 2314s tadpole 15593 Lex taffeta rKoXod\ a0X9 LAd49 tag?5562 rAsAA 1Ax0635 taffrail tail 25908 Ga, 2) OFS 1Hs4 tailoress LAY5 tailoring Aed++ taint : taintless 254 253 take 2Xéz taker LiSps taking = +Adsx taking 143444: 24z2\s LAx.33 tale LAMA» talent LAdz35 talented 255x3 talisman!4s43S 14 talk gq talkative Lisoyog 1i5a55 talker 235920 :1SXAx tall LAxwon3 125 tallow L5xS00 21554 tally 373 tally Pin den 2OsE LsoazK. i Lios rm talon La.%2 LAd0ha4 tamable L3iazan tamarind +9230 235.2 LninowBo Lax tamarisk 24% 254.2 tambour :2X003 iXs033 LinAw tambourine 1544 tame ~o5 clone Lsoax tame Lidax 13.35 tameress +23~3 2425s tamer yiOnge Lidazx tammy L§29¢7 LAL LS tamper+3o>~% 25 +%4~/tapster tantalise tartan y pL ao ke 13933” tantamoun t2335 !ii0z tantrum 445% tap tXosa5%1A559 [L%d0m NbL°26.59 . ‘ afs % on? 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Laci: LOaxka5 liz\o\eltaryet } zo tangle tA3Xs3: LsaoAs tariff Aosx0i9 LA2L3% tank voor ‘Ao\ | tarlatan LSoS5 tankard ts05!tarnish Lowa tanner tay L3%\s0s0 tarpaulin Li5.0 Sod tanner yth-S»2 s-«3 tarragon iXss LadSiz a3 i§aH2 tannin +44)? 14~S»%| tarry L352 tansy ~TO~-> LXaz tarry : t$eac/tartan +4342 564 15 ‘tartar 374 technicality ‘tartar ‘taa9 AsSy tavern 4-3) 2+Aea4 | 25.59 9503 ( LAA tartish Lskbowa| taw LAaSayo 1A.Xex tartness 1Ao~5a605 23\L> task: 2836 :282\9:2N0x|tawdriness '24155% 2£3n\ 1X0x ts0A5| Lazo\S Ln tassel :3-%359 ties tawny +%4ise»to 14.x 213365 :25503/ tax S\b5s0 2AL355 taste racer ot Pe N55 B55 | bs0dS | taxable 2S 1343202 tasteful : LiSsy, taxAtion 4242 L4-52 tasteless +*% :S2/taxidermist +*3£54 taster: ‘+232 143%! 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Lkowd2 théologian +4Xodory théological ... odoty ae th (—~Liy) 9 AatsLorory théology * t4ie\or théorem:: 158x 28355 théoreticaltAcosxots < LA.wi06 théor istticds 25 NS ‘153s 2X0 théory"- Lage L3do3 15345 2X0 théosophy rhxjng 2GSi ws thesis ie te cee om thérapeuti ics +&»S32 1S309 there ixAS thereabouts ~3is 1365023 ? tae thereafter t2 136 345 theréat 135X535 thereby ise eeos o} ADs eG. wos therefor 2Gi vox therefore :£2a0q ay tes 13q 25 therefrom -ta%> .» itherein - :24% oX rqis AS thereinto © taie of thereof iaia thereon: 2éZa M thereto Lais 25 Epereberons | x0 thereundessus 1AX etag aarti As Laie ANd wo 23 therewith ti ms therewithal iso re? nomx: 12509 thermal LAsomx2 thermométer 425 LAO mx théSe tai thesis t42zx0d 23503 thew 379 threatening thew 22554 18.5, thither 228\ © they ast thong LS24 thick 19.s5~| thorn 1349 thicken Loot. thorny La5N9 thickening L&wS\n% thorough ssshe Lid thicket Ase»s 1s-4|thoroughfare +399 thickness +Aoxr-si~ 1o\So thief 233i | those asi thieve 233\ | thou asi thievish ~ LaaaX though =9= L552: 290% thievishness+Aexshi Sa: 1309 thigh 14%) thought L3z0~ thimble 2$3e853| thoughtful List thimbleful Lko.%9 bought ines LAR040 Liiwnd ) : eee thin :18..03 !Lp95n3 thoughtless — iS 23,45 12863155 2230\5%| thoughtlessness thine 50-2 rans. 28 thing LSox:23%| thousand 19\i think 1$2~.429-Althousandfold +542 thinker L335 0—4 La X thinking?432~:243%-4|thousandth +4532 thinness ‘2400.55 |thraldom 1hod.0) Lkod.os 2 tAo3d93 'i805-A35) thrall 25.01 third 2s4.AN) thrash. ty 2359:iXs~ thirst lige iliog| thrashing :LAAZH thirstily PAmLETS tX—2 28559 -Anlinah | thread 250.52 .2454 thirsty Lion thread ts0~520:21N45 thirtéen absA\5|/ threadbare ‘+igses thirtéenth 24449 1549309 :12\5 thirtieth ~So2/t hreat -SyA 1 15de thirty -Sa}thredten ++) +552 this 2a Ladq0 thistle (25sa)2s54¢='thredtening +43! thrée Ce ipdsqa0 insho thrée pes thréefold *9X 15% thréescore fig a eb threshold L1Ano9® thrice tok 283, thrift 18%. LE 5— thriftly +34 *4\43~3 thriftnessta+ +443~ thriftless ‘246938 1aLb4 thrifty Lan La Sds thrill 240543: 22e\a% thrilling ~ ‘+33,5= LEAKDN5 thrive iLaqhas Lod :L50x5 thriving 14530 throat Lomd— > 2S6\5 throb:2342zsAm0 150595 Ljx3a0 25\> 24.85 throe LAsS.G2 t45~ throne 1435. «505 throng rasah7LeS. las. 1A gsW 1X30 i tSox throstle iSsh LS 1Ads06450 throttle ‘tSedSq tSeS through ‘ep lin Leh Aox throughout ‘o% 26% 2kn59 Ao throw 1 Lwoaws 214055 380 ticklish 1499552 28..85 2 LES thrum: ‘433502 .5-99% ne rAd\oaSS 1x. r2AsA LiAx3 1A»35 thrushis52: ar rh fxn $2552%2ta4an2 LSd\5> thrust ee 2 :290%3% 11630 .1259 52¢8~ eag Lig ee fo thumb rSon thump :LAz0~ Lis LAxas thunder Lwonde ths S55 thundering La2055 Thursday *3723»+ thus agGA L6L5:135NG thwack?4~3>% : LxwosSsh, thwart +4540 2555 LXASA.~3% thy $9432 thyme L5A thyself gost 15X5 tiara 2885 1X.\9 tick *%Adx:25\52 25922 ticket 1SSen2 L556 ticking aison tickle LAOSD5 tickling 1ky555 ticklish L8ADD5 ticklishness eae ee ticklishness ee tide LAwsa ASI 2555 1@osiwnola 14s zh..0 L24x tidewaiter 1%5i \odxols tidily Anwli635 NaLisa tidiness 1th36a5 (1K9493 tidings tsto—» tbrs tidy ‘Leoodf 11.095 1Sae\0*y.0A 2599 tie 15N0 22545 tier Xd. 250 tert 1K359: 21h .55% tiffany tXox Bm O232 133073 tiger 230A 2525205 tight ‘pei 2goln (aT ite LSS tighten tsoone:1¢S. tightness ‘t&epos~ tights 84% L35s04 tigress 1Ad.03 tilbury 23558 29568 A335A tile PibRie 15.955 15295435 15X72 ‘LeA ti ler La.9555 213655 at 2 tiling +30» boxe timorous tallabl 2a tillage LXaiy LASLS Chi ver: it3:\aitanes (18353 /@.02 -Aqn a2X> Lsingw 15.35 Clit. 22852 Pao A ae LAxAS 325393 L.o95 i 2lé33 1523 14.850 a5 eae LASXkS0 LAWSL 1£5i5 7216.59 LAA LOoaD 2540 tilter tilth timber LAWA timbering 2.058 LALSA time L353 2K itis timed timekéepéer L35A99 2353545 aS Pei ie LSnXB timeliness Lazes 1505 timely i a7osa§5 ~71033545 timepiéce +49\> Ass timid LiSd05 (~ly} NnLiSS9$ timidity rhoskdr5 timorous [L53290% LaSD4 tin 382 toast tin 24385 Lhenx%:2334|tTresomness tincture :LAsd5— rkhagds LAG Lesodes (22535 |/ tiring room Nes tinder LANLAS > 209:05 24255 LAAN tinea ‘tNehs Lh.5e|/ tissfie . °t550:2N5\ LaSnt20 L259 2LA04\95 2Soh 2250.5 tinge 2335-_ /tAhS65—0/ titbit ~-2405-4: 253 tingle 135A 7280452). ©: tha 1500 tingling?4s3a : 2448511 tithe (11553 tinker bgis> 29358). LSS pw LS tSed$o)titillate *4e> tinkle +3¢a39/23e\s4/titlarke ‘1&30R8 DLASaR] \X35 tinkling?4s4s9:)4sX33) title 13ha2 loz 12haX sh LASS [theme 2599:255-120 tinman 13382 2288 1824 L304. lsocwiw tinny P35 5A. 2 4, LAonrds tinsel lines tSoX | titmouse +34 24 L38A\.u0 25S0x '25ea5 L59u9 tint %5h65—%0 tAsose| tittertAs+lo 1524 tAoXo\S5} °° LkodiD» tiny t4de3:543/ tittle Lie dd, tip -a9a~2 223|) titular 22 15% LAwkse4 Las 1Kong> 1534920 tippet — 4a%$e2 tSeA| to s\S:oo\.28 tipple Pp0Oa2 Lhixe|toad tAsKsSqa 2559 L3tnzitgX 1355:2324s|toadstool 24204 tipping 212652320 | i Rah tipstaff ~cox>? 18-8/toady t+=~2 +34i-~% LSax0q> 1252:2X958 toadyism 2K. Ss0 tipsy L568 rOx9 ,O29.Lizyd tire [2198082 esoS! toast Le\on 195 Leorde i tSG\ [£g654 528555 lixzyws tiresome . 13ixdz tizws 1.015 Litaois LSon> 2154 toaster -. 383 Topmost toaster 180\5, Tomfool] soomd 12344 Tobacco coheN/ Tomfoolery ‘240348 Tobacconist L3isy LRoavad rehesa/ Tomorrow +2422 2200 Today moni! Tomtit 288.2 2r6ah 22 Toddle 240538 / Ton 23 Nom 325.34 Toe iSnis iaes|/ Tone 2353 Toffee 2282 tAdea2n/ Tongs 28h. LEH Toga ta5el> L450. Tongue 2x .25%\ Togather 2932. m5 | - LAL S02 iXs~ > 2haxd Toggerytase\2 ths-5\ Toil ,2499.22489 1h499 2 25m0x Toiler LeSH Toilet .£%52 Lando 14282 2A MS Toilsome © - 234xz Token hajaxitsazas Tolerable 24X Tonsure t&\os32 24.54 Too LE5. 52902 Tool 254483 1325 Tooth 1435: 2525 1525 2555 Toothless 2923 2Xa Top :tho~S3 2%: 249695 : 42302 1425 :14h005 214@ 3 LKn8SL0 Top : 250555255 :25Ns Shs 15K Topaze Lidn4, 2825 L45k.w0 2359 Tope LAwbak Aq 25hx Tober L265 Topic Nia 1 LOA ‘yis~c> Li50x Topica] tA»I~a2 L332 Topmost 1895555 Topographical | 384 toxicology Topographical totter '}oss$:25X> tAno02 1542 242189 2ZAsAd2{/touch 75 rAd50 1552 Topoyg rr aphy .Aah9|/ touchiness- LAx\S L&a0> 1559 14239 touchy a 23%.85 Topological LAwixe| tough Ld5Az%i2i0n tAaqs 215% Nos - 2459@249 L3dK0 Topple 20S\ 2583) toughen ps Lida isos 1EAxw toughness [LA.65 topsil (A982 1502 a3 LA.Ss topsy turvy 25002} tour 1A55..:253~ 1A.SNa| tourist 15034 torch: t30an S22%/ tournament 132s torment - 12ha5a35] ~ . 29352 “oda h:t8Xs04} tout tainy 102% tormenter 145 SS ‘touter 2323599 Laan Ladmfs | tow . 08302 1A..0\3 tornado LosA2e ~ A&&bOd, i545. 20k 25354 <3032/ towage qoX> 14x5\ torpedo 7X2 +Ste4 | rhd6ay 1543 Law AwAT]/ towards +? *S5i4:e2\ torpid +44%:t4A3e2| towel tAr8>2 d-ixd torpor 184 X34) towelling rad , 2%3¢2 LK~SL0 -be\ x40 torrent +2S.5:3f3.6|] tower [tAbea: LXaA% torrid Lens 125509 Pe Se 1925 tortoise = t4~> 2835/towering ACN tortuous 2349 2448/ towing rAdor5 0X torture 125Xs0] -2thdok awk 25 2LAs55x 2heonxom La0Xs\| town 24%: tkdoss LAS .220 torturer 145\a\] township ‘L&QAS toss Lao la: Lh2L5 Lik L300 total 12339! townsman LAs2 | 1251 (e271 'y ) s-1480/ toxicology LAMa> totality 1£0.4XN5 -710393330 122 48 toy 385 tranquillitse toy. LAOS: LA cos Lsosyo 145, 2Aso2z3|trafficker LaXA trace ‘sat:tSolie 1.90 tragediant-<2 24584 Sei 29 LS0x5 2452 Loondy tXoxq 355k Luoa% tragedy Zens ees trach6a e842 2X) L2 abs trachéal 832 24e42/ tragical La\2 trachéotomy +4»s5 25335 LXoAs trac Pops Ae 13Xox £4925 '24Aha9 1415 .»~ trail tXoxe ¢o2 ; 2tAr0~2 gal AS 28352 track gai. 25502) train .tdoaX 2254 trackless 24501 2%» LAaXsS 13.2%:2190\5 gaLo 159 CEACie Hos. L555 12|trainer Nie 239989| training+AsSe. 24254, tractable +3S=Ss9/traitor 13596 138.0%. L530L5 L&caXSa 1.45558 tractableness traitorous 23495 LANL eS traitress L&3296 tractably 4-+2i4s.% tram Sowoae 1355¢ tractionzAs3s. are txalg 243 NaX30 trade .2403%02 2802541 trammel 259_0 TER LAadXKh aby Pea eee trader n0X 25X48 | 2Roa kh tradesman LEXA trading La5XA tradition ?4es+s6 traditional] +444436 a Rg NaLisSS tradiice Lda L6e5 2555 traffic t4obXA:130% ” 9 Pa ppaencomedy LA nj 13oX5 1553.045 5 2Ls0420 tramp ‘4202%3.139993 149395 :2Axax5 trample LxooxS trampling LA x3x5 tramway 2AsXsX 13555 Lxilo trance 440g) 2rAzi\ tranquil L3Az tranquilliset-soisz» tranquillity i) ke es: AASS transgressor transact Laoly® 2Xox\ 2Ad0L5 i\ezXo 1Ao aX 42 transaction tA5Xs6 2AqaX82 2S9xS transactor +4345] 2Nox\ Lis0235 2LaXsho | LAadX Ad transatlantic -«4 Mosinolrs 2413 transcend pea transcendency 21Ko.wSs transcendent 1+2S3| Saw transcribe Ls03~—9 i5Ka transcriber +452=:% 15892 transcript iX.ox L3ha2 2A1S .» transcriptiontass= 25a 1425 0 transept transfer 1A~ik 'Le03% transferable 2G 49 mse transferrer =2329 transfiguration ld.adis r~ASKW= transfigure $9 4~5 386 transmigration ed tranquillity+e-\s|transfix L935 2A28 Lag transform -290 Nm 23502 .3930 L454 153 transformation apaws 2L8d3~0 ASX Wz 135.4 transfuse Li3@ transgress L333 ASS5zh0 LwomAS transgression?443s NSbxko L20mA3 23555 ASdzio LH9-AN transient 15038 oye) Naldoas | transit. L5psq~ s2s% L3530a 25015 transition :243a transitive +455Sap transitoriness2s3: 15638 transitory 15038 translatable ~»4»x translatei3As 2s0x8 translation +tAozx& 15hs4> translator 15528 23ho3 translucent ‘24305 t3q5> 2355 S330 transmarine aad teins 21428 transmigration ‘ transmissible transmissible transmit transmutable transmutation pegs transparent +333 1305? transpire L883 1205 1ALs%x transplant LYONS transplantation LASSE transport thon rAd\G So transportable 4¥ 135% CHCA Sereno KASS transpose LSodmx tAaoa\o0 1520S tranposition*ss*~3 135024 transubtantiaticn 155 R0dat L542 2L453~ 139 aca gate: LA51 L350 hod ne! 2K~5%) transverse 387 tréasurer a LkXo Lmds0L of NatSod_ trap 1533 :L04db0a Les pe ga Beebe Ze L3nd00 16.8 LAxSx 22 Weer Rees 145m i1Xnee trash i5N0 2489 trashy 1Z35N0~ 15 travel L302 yo 258i 153.. 7) La0a5 Itraveller 13558 Libols travelling SEN 5552 traverseoX oe 235s travesty?Si, tAox8 15Ahaa tray miXdn9: Lael x tréacherous ‘8X3 Ee L329 (—ly)° NLS NS tréachery +4939 tréacle aah LAus tréad 'td23<4, rAdos08 1KXoaS i Lx0ax3 tréadle 21Xn2> LAS 135002 1A~AS% 14 tréason tréaty *hodXsG2 2808) thdsh5 1kedSS20/ tribal 135. treble 145 iXs5 tribe iN5x :25.8 193 19 X 28, 1355 ‘362.32 tribulation 2ises trebly +93 t9X 28N) tribfinaletés22 +e302 ' trée 2342 tribiine LaboomX x5 tré6efoi]l ‘tX\So.8 Lkwieg Aww 11h .S609 (23d, )isdy 254 a; LAN trellis AS? 1@-5/tribifitary ‘Ass 24658 LAS\ tm5n0%0 LA\S tremble +*99543°:3X5| tribfite 138.1:2Asqos trembling SoL5i trice L8.S2 LASS SN 28388! trichina 3432 1252 tremendous :233\>% 1326202 18445 , 233S39%| trickt2s9> tAeSss0 2455 (—ly) ‘A2l3545%) trickery LAS NAS S»LGSsa—% ta345 tremulous *3048/trickle 18%s. tous; trench sgae°tA0d! trickster tis» LA&oG 15538 L534 trencher +2998? X93} tricolour 2435 -~A-\a .3e2|/trident tASaLS ~KadA trepan +4-S132 30@356)tr¢ennial tax ~A-\As LAg535 Lise0 2495552 trter 13555 (23 en5 trifle - 125.5% 18.50 basgau3 2538 Loossy Se ‘ss 235435 trtfler 24452 238y5 trifl ing 18540. 2% triflingness 389 trollop triflingness ‘Ans | trisyllable— —ic ties ihoxs Li Gmdodd ' e499 trigger 22542 13se\ trite ES Ses2|triteness ‘:%&eudz trigonometry Aisa thowiux eoaod aA.Aan triturate PE EE trilateral ~AmAN tSjm 2532: 2L500m4 ty | trituration:2434, tril] tha sso Laedde . Lijmnd LAds0 1 1Apapa 1$62/ triumph 11K6a3 trim ‘24909: 28anen:2584 '2ihog: LA0ad4\ -t§onn i tSs0@:1530 4 Loans 439526: 100a%~t | rfumphal :LAm3.09 trimmer 12iSa\» 233596 : Lotz, trimming L8A5S 214955 triumphant L355 trinitdrian L340q oe Ly )AstASo9: &nL%05 5 LAZ.95 LkonKSAS triumvir 13920 uss Trinity 1Konk.S 106.075 Lax 298 triumvirate t%30¢ trinket LAnos Lana 1S\.9 Liox trio 2\5 2545 treivet L5L% tr ip Se : LAA SAS | ‘2omaA: 7293..: LBA SSA Les. tripartite tssA08/ ( —J]ly) Nal Bnd 2883 triviali ty ‘tken.de mee te trivial 1 LD mm tripe Linio 223)! ‘Wiseshegae triple . +k 2S% troglodftecX 1824 tripleti3s *Sy_ 1825) bases 6052 LK ASS - tripod *45S 200 4309) tro] ] toons 3130954 tHS0i 2540) trolley ach 234. tripos tzils Lx35 et LaS3k> trirém 1863) trollop thsduz i895 2 2d0q -AnAA| S330 troop Peis pe aL) trustée troop :t5e3:tk@3itksa LAgags 123 Lanp0 1AM 2560) truculent Bedf ino trooper 2555 trudge 1SoxSxz 2X92 trophy LS-@ +949 2$oxSx tropic 1$aia 154591 trifie 1 3mocw 15.5% tropica 12265» #92) truffle 1ohbz 1$s$9) truism tAod_dz:155x Ero t t&a$030 239293) truly Nal5-55 : 15029] trump mod S0m 5 509n= trothAodsad4 : tAqamecw 23955 1855:23.99 trotter 7235293 2A AL E5 , thoie 125] trumpery 1K&.3N8 trouble :txe£%| trumpet Liiw 1508.5 Lebo USdH:1AzKR| LHASA L_SowsH 1509.5 troublesome 233e@%) trumpeter - Lak md L542 L850 “Skat S3Q2 138\9:509.55 troublesomness itruncdte ‘ts3es 2555 1Sas%0 L&ASas LAs DoS Et gc 2$2x 2=501/truncheon . ?254<4 troublous 1324.23 | 15\%3 13L0~ tigde~ 1825~/trundle = ‘430284 ‘trough ieveae mans iXnig 1h30908 trousering 2455) trunk ‘25993s8;21509 La3s0h9 154 4:18.92 moeddo~ trousers L35aqh| Lz> 2S> trout t4eas 2634 24} trunnion %S242 25959 trove 72502 18.4) truss Lg~on0 1349 trowel 1252 1a\..s| L3S80 L992: LAo4 truant A334 215.45 L303 truce +t4.383f 14.S=xe, trussel bed A056 L1xXSo LASMAS L&\.2\ truck 234: ~o2dh 524552) trust LAsse0 Laome truc ktssinso 1390942 LaSmis 185nf 125 -33n2/trustée : Lasoo truckletseas :tSex9 LkodSoaals 15% 391 tiréen A eee trustily trustily trustiness eae trusty Lamecw | Ca te Bei OF 255= 5 2405.95 truthful 1505 try :tpox9nitsoz i305 Leomis } 1359114035 trying t4sads: Lasko | tryst 23302 LAASoS trysting place 4-3 L380 tub25 02: 2l5¢.8 Lire Lxw2 ttibe Lisa 2rX0\ tibercle ebm 2269 15.52 L3n9 | Lox0~ tiberculosis 13580: La5x0Q” tiberous ve Lidw L3%020 tiiberose ~a¢250 iSsz Seta AN SET tiibular LaXoA! tuck 25S NG tHOSA Ledsodog tucker 1XSn2 Lixd 152053 Tuesday 25z5a5a CULL = (2Aghon: LAOS 13305 tufted 134205 tug 7X2 LAxdio 1251 tuition 1h aXe 15g 2254 (2839) 2486 tulip ators | tumble Laoaa : tLosnal 12X43: 2Ad5aL : rALSas LANSSA: tdoed& : 18M tumbler be i tumbril & ltamify | ttimor timular aly) tun tinable tine tineful tineless :45~ 18 245 | 2AdD9 LAD ¢ 3S Nee wo tiner 1842 LiSaq% tinic 15204 ; tunnel L604 :2Xa0\ | LB0X Lidga Lisgs tunny 24039 263k 24 turban HERE a = ikv= Sao, x turbot tAdso\ 2403 turbulence .24~\: Lixo = turbulent :245\Ao0x Paced tiré6éen 26533 LAdSon 392 Twine - turf. :taonn%:2Khos.5| Turret iiohsen LAS GoeBs n> Turtle Limes LS5n turfing?t4&s+ m.ihatow|Tush ged8 -din0 165 turfy i325! Tusk L50gm> 25Ax5 turgid 159309:2549/Tussle .sszx0s tAa32 Li4303 2AxA\3 turgidity 245435 Tut BOANx i x2 2A..335 Titelage LASS turmeric 2609359 L50%9 25X30 2A nd50 turmoi 1425245 :22204%,Tutelar L3aL dad turn [Lbodm% 5 L55— 2865452 t&d858 1299955 /TAt 123043 :258\% turncoa t 1.3507 | fh 2So\x0 30035 pAb Sis) ENS A a es 1X3 Looe turner eet coaoaX turning ‘2439580 1352+|Twain adh LAe.b05 Twang Lidga 245 turnip see] 152~530 turnkey L\ng02 Lites | Tw6ak L425 15.02 S.29/Tw6ezers 15055 Lilm turnpike L3N930 ome dOABND eee 145024; Twelve 2OLN turnplate 1S4| Twenty =3@ | 2435354) Twice to X a5 turnscrew 245/Twiddle tzondS turnsole c*25iol | Twig (2345 1638 turnspi t, 25Xx5 iXax ° iS33 zexa lLAso\s Twilight bmu32 Aad turpentine L5ax LixS> L5a50 Li53 15 LidSon taS.t2} Twill -703054 LSod turpitude . :4X9>45x \ 5.5 thdmaa 1h03.~z|Twine 12X0} tiank turqoise 443k.» 2415 LANDA 525850 2853, 134.0 ta5.. oX LAd540 49 twinge 393 - un twinge | LARSbo LES5 tympanum LAGS 1453 Leq~aso 15Xaeh tdbes/ Ly pe LAdo, | LAONL Leia: lLooA ak 128559 } LAw9. twinklesé 128) t4095/ typhoid LA i.30i40 sta leche phn, iat Log A 2) HELLO) Be aoe twinkling 10-35 | typhus’ Law St LASS SS tdanS w5H 29349 typographer 13h e3 r4ad2| typographical twirl . tbea~»: 239954] LKsve5a Laas | ty pography LAsdes twist ‘tgenke (285\ /tyrannieal ‘240542 2Ka kas 28434 stsqknd indi twit LOoaax 'L95S (—lly) Aatdods twitch LAgan ijie tyrannise 2553 :124, LAxSx :2AaXdm0 :Lan562 L&osos\, twitter ‘teene3 | tyranny Léwod; | Lh~§03 | tyrant — bBOdA, two -2s| tyro 219045 125055 twofold eX ~38|/ tyromalArpe 15ny0 1Sd% ol ibiquity L500 Ee ais 2469,2425 ~&\ udder Boers ultramarine ~oX ugliness £3 L5ho0~ t~iod L424 ugly (gitatiats ultramontane - ulcer 1395 beh 24145 ulcerdtetsers ‘130223 / umber Lasdm05 1595 uleeration ‘143553/umbrage rh..3 84, LéSja>|/ umbrella Por) ulcerous S439 125593 154,00 1A.aX\> ultérior poe PC x02 umpirage .1£0+S ex ultimate 2.25 2i£ LAdK9H ultimatum 24542 2534/umpire 245416: 14S<~ L505 un rs }timo unbashed 394. undersell unbashed 9 ‘tAs~s :Xo|}uneonscious 2S unabated t4Sesox 2S sogo 1433. unable 14i5% 18) unconstititional2% unaccented «%, 245 166i g.ln L4s0N8/ uncouth 95 :A@a unaccustomed 1Sjuncouthness horas finanimity Fr oces unctuous Liiize Laisd— LaawkD unarmed?#S$e t34) ?Xo{/uncurl L3daos 25 unassuming | 142 | rX.2\0 Lsa30x;undaunted +439 24 unavowed +3/underpin 135i uncle -sowS/undersell Lae>y uncommun LES SMES Sole 15.45 undernéath undernéath Nod understand +1,05$ understanding 1K..953 understate +3¢s3% understrapper 1285 135) Amd? undertake -+Sex 255? tXo6H. 28554 2394, undertaker=*5 14598 Lam? 25553 .2N0x undertaking +4553 Ly.09 Lkaba.iNex 055 undertone +802 285 underwood Lig underwork taXox 186.5 LSqa 2445 .2r4045 underworker +3448 underwrite 154, 23455 undo tX\o\S .2%09955 undtilate LS\ 15% undiilating Lisi 1942 undfiilation rand» Lom. Lhask :19Sd undfily2-+s4° ww 2509 unéarth 288. unéarthly +43%5/ 28 unéasinesst4oaa> 28 unéasy LE@s uneven 2i5a0.23542 395 unless eel uneveness 24enox 28 unexpected 45,3® 25 unfair 2 18..4, 2 unfit PPS N EES Las eo unfortunate LX | 23504 ungodly 16Si 2X> unguent +3==2 ‘zig Aso uni 1Rond— uniform finiformity +494 . LXo9> unify LI0n~ tinilateral L542 | L592 inion 1551 .2550~ L1kodX 56 tinionist 13524 tinique LES anon Theale Lido unite LIQ nm tinitedly Nata Som tinity LAond~ universal 1546X (—lly) N2256X tiniversality universe LasQ ada tiniverSity +A=32” 1&5 unléss aS gop DAL ee ee HOsx i liog unliéked unlicked -44-+24 155+ / 13S0x 2X» unlike 396 tisable upraise +4052: 25 52. uprigh LLits?¥o>s “2255 (23i05 23) (—-lLy) AwLK25 Lioass 14 :22.59 uprightness :44ests unlikeneess Ls Lkoson tXone2)uproar ... +4045 unlively 30z4/uproarious +648 unlucky ‘Lenrdorw uproot 2554:2N5s5 ~ALSeLeas upset tResaee (L9993~ unmerciful 4»~3 2% | KwAS ungutet [Lfiz 15.5 upshot __ LAD 0 r.£Ss5 . Sa ey + oxo uns potted 134 iS>/upside down++s~234 unstable t4408an 28 upstart “250.5 L252 up PNniSV 2 545% Ads | | 155.25 Lady upbéar Leowsit3im upward ~ 23X SMS upbraid L@meas~\franitim . 156= 340 upbraidingly % Liono NaliOasm urban 223.9% upcast S335 22085/urbane +tho25~m2 15% uphéaval ‘+4251.24»45/urbanity ‘Ao»-%3 Lixolixo thwin LkoxSi uphéave S25! iwddslurechin '2242 LAXossS uphill td&seX% iisex “23042 uphold L888 L3seluréthra 2292 2Xod upholder _—_:*4232lurge ‘Lhookea 11 gS 138.0 5244367 21h.55) _. » bhyQu te upholstery t3e>4/urgency ‘¢s4+ eds 134503530 idkox> Anns L33s5 2x30 urgent LiXkss» upland Lidwed 2582) Grinal . Lao\e uplift 180: t~o5%/(irine he upon 4$)urn 154: 1%SA upper Line us . ph Bi paat uppermost 285 so>| fisable Lit AseAy usage isage fisance +3%0% ~Xaq 1546 M552 14.859 15 2K AS% 22358 397 vade mecum tisury +4&5552 1A\5x UstensiltssAsa 237% LloxSa20 ise L3539:24509.°255s] fiterine ‘2452 1542 ASS 155: 1.949% iS opens iseful L235h0-/fitilise 25% 2353 (-lly) NalddN0~ : L33Non2 usefulness +49sas»/fitility | L304 iseless 14380- 2Sa2lutmost :i5eA xes fiselessness 1S] Bando L534 x05 Aal&os3hix fitter ‘Lmosk i Lw0ywe usher ise. Lm 09 m0 mms ado So Li8ss2:tzeA%o La02s%/utterable %55s24% tzilo LiSamolutterance Lavine usual La52s L&239% fisurer thwndo 23Xnzl yvyula Amdo rAsz\ fisurious LAwzb> 15% L359 25.55. fisurp 4939 laoh=s/uxorious 245% Gisurpation 1ka859) weysSo .~ 1304 ~7oh252 72ay2/uxoriousness uisurper LEaN 35 t309.tkasa 1K 5~% fisurpingly 4443435 mayo.» Bi be vacancy tAoneS@/vaccine °nix2Liss2 133..:25.5@ 16.5!\vacillate TiA6Sa9 2S0n> | “130059 vacant ‘25-45:24.9e/vacillAtion ‘24\4:5 L5dm9 | t&2055 vacate .S%5:15086/ vacuity ikon. Ie re 28-1 2254 | vacuous L5-9e vaccinate 043 244»/ vacuum 15.9% vaccination ‘&-4»|vyade mecum ‘'7»s Si usz> 213892 Lsz vagabound vagabound 28x:25004 vyaluer 14S94°155245 vagary*i0a2 tRowXGd3 vagina is53% vagrancy 2Ad3 1ko-o2s vagrant 409 23094 vague L33x—_ 5255590 215 vain L550! 2N 43 vainglorious vain glory Loom LAwox> 2 135Xa; - (48h08)2855 thot valance vale valentine _ LAseAS>2 LAxbS5 valerian Li%d9 is L350» LSAx2 valet Lh.5> Ma et A valetidinarian ~7os55 of 13.435 1s 1s valiant t2m) 22558 valid 1S cs0!}" (—ly ) diSs om validity L£oAs an valise +#,2 r4s¢ valley 1Sa08 valorous !%=$'t32-% valour *Aow~s'1%. valuable 14.4, valuation LAsiL © value ‘tpothw:isnd La Q a0 valueless +535 1%: iwaho 398 varicose ee We) valvular 1 %$04~3538 vamp Laobds vampire LA.~Si238 Mao 13¢.%:2K50\ van 1355S) .oxon> Lén LkeA~53 L&k&ada%> vandal :1£8556 12$5um0 2188N6 vandalism LAa5—® vane LAaisow LK WK Liods LA.9092 Bakes eit Lisagqm rgzon? Len9 vanilla 254.) LSaz vanishts0->» 25:25SNa vanity ‘LAe@Se Lkon.~d& vanquish +%35:28S\ vanquisher 155N¥ vantage grotnd '5¢9 LAS vapid EP IAT DO ES LhomL0 vapidness 1%2:1404.8 tAowsh vaporous Lise vapour 1XoG:Lx\¢_ variable LaS\~Nxx variableness EK tor fa variably 4-2i$\~Sz~ variance Lkgnd3 vAriAtion 1A9h.5 VAYICOSe +%58300!: L509 variegate oD vender variegate +435 4455/vaunter 254): 250n4 tksd/ySal 24542 2500 :2255 variegation A23s;vy6er t4d02\ r50\.3 thas 2435 2120S variety +s? sex-55|/vegetable 43-9 23\\ variola 14m2 onkz|vegetarian L355 Various 22.58 22.59 tseg LAAs abe) &nLEn99 varnis h:2Andsme 5.2 vegetarianism LaS5AS bax Licw vegetate Lag. om S-=alvegetation +*Asisw vegetative +tii,o» Vary ‘2304 tags 21455 veheménce th-«'535 L&bol ~w 1LNN95299\~% vascular oiLiwol vehement b2N-5 32359 tadnqa;/vehicl wAskd< 2555s vase 1324) vehicular L335S2 vassal 143825 i001 varnishing E ; Laonis veil '256%;2359:24554 13h 25 Yb. 1553:25385 Lodas vassalage LAwWS38 xk Leoxk 'L4aq% 1$\5 15 Lieaiw> Ldseli vein 25256 vast Leanod [LAA | veined 155.56 (—ly)A-2 4508:8.24a5|/ vellum 244~ex 25h vastness ‘thom-03/velocipede +4-34 tAq~8 (Ao@.5)2dois vat 28-6S|velocity +t&eisos vault :2405:2545| velvet 20% 'L20d4,0:2450% :24.55/ velvyetéen > Dd 256% 52258; LSon L353 velvety gndw £5.25 vaulter ‘2530s: 23.555 dm 235554) venal N6xpm Liwox vaulting ‘2545 tAa5sivenality rA\Sx 14534 A6ZS5 tKa590 vaunt 12549:255~/ yen 23633. Laoqah= vender Liisy vent. ; > LANOAS 3 15er35 ventilate venéer 400 verjuice ven6er 2522654 1.695) venture 1hbd5 ) tg hbse thoz 19533 1309%90 venerable LS2a%0 LS G02 venerably 4+%58+=/venturoustid@o~> 13% veneradte . tson-2/venturousness {URNS LAb oie «LEB Row venéreal] 13494 155=/|yentie LEoh,9 1502 ‘esau Lh Sao | Land And. LISS BOW venétian blind iveracious 15 ade : 25X38 ws0d Las&el (—Ly}. NnL3a5% wéageance 14488 veracity LSod.5% Pe: » 2Msen 25532) yeranda coos v6nial © :15094:246\45!) verb LA Ss0 eas wi eee TEN verbal 143x100 :25k\x~ venison y3-$2 1302/(—11ly) hat RS venon Looms Lx ; Nn Lido" venemous °° +3®®/verbatim -beee venemousness14es% ys reywoD beet LA05 verbenatsss? 183i am —2bol 2070250 Lm&asoi L443 verbosity thine 135 - its6si/verdant 26¢ aad verdict 23492 LAwsh0 La.c Lede mg tLEsy | 22655 verdigris $~20>2 > nn ventilation res es hip: “LA ventilator eer Lio0%> Lised verger ventricle L3}2 ventrilogquism baad latane Latwn Ldvjeg| verify ventriloquist isiaos LaS205 Lindy, 24.55 ve rdure ~43 verge »~e|verjuice L&osa5 1G.5:18.\5 LAsAzyi ling: lLxs0m2 —2MBoa 135414380 L$.8,02 14555 verification?s5zx eo. 2 LAS5 x20 verily And .nd% ta-o lass 30 vermicelli 401 viaticum vermicelli LAwmaSS vertigo LAs Sh LEAL 29 vervain LSax) 2832 vermiciilar ++44s409 (ma Awp> vermifige 13352 / very mz ibSS 5 28.bx 2 stopeivesicadtory zee 4s vermilion >®-z0 iXs5 25493 1h.SS 00 Léen2) vesicle oA» verming-2” 22-5224); wesperes téxbe Lack, lgisivessel aX (282% vernactilar ‘°4436%,vest 13606:225\ 525244 5501 1.4.) vyesgta pSwzo 1hS.a3 vernal laSnsKaz2/vestal t5ees2 thed> versatile Lidepecivestigerct:tisie 2Box peAwo 24ie! vesting ‘tHaade 248 3 3 rehvo Siw) vestry ‘the Ang verse t&moxw:2X5h LtAS20 LSw0S2 LSA0% versed 1a.A.. vesture LAxesd versification vetch 2430. :Lh@8o LAmgznwa LAwS\o| veteran ‘'254@39 13% versifer Livmd 2Xox of Lindos iASxow>|veterinarian 14285 versify Le mS LapAoS 214542 LASzow/ veterinary 183% version +A33~%0 LAoxS LoANS 25852/vyeto sSSdoa 324.3304 verst 145%e5 1S.» ti} vex LeoAS hBOASS versus 430059 vexation L&dA sy vertebra +> LA\xgz/ vexatious 1358 3% vertebral 2449 2%342/(—ly) NnLSSASS vertebrate*ai> 134) vexing 1&aha¥ tesalviaduc 24 ap2 t8xh vertex 79392 L455)5/yTtal Lioxox vertical] tsieX¥e 2X58 /viand +tASeat%.268@5 vertiginous +3x0\ yviaticum L3Sden vibrate : 402 vindicatory t.3302;victuals LAseaLy vibrate L2015~|/vicuna Lga0 LOs\ p Lae Lzoxs90 videlicet Lass vibration (\Aakoe| vie Jae DNs LAxzEzS20 wh300 Lise viburnum (2443 }o45~| view :booak .255~ 18650422 LitK5) LA. eae vicarage +80S~4 s-3/vigil rAbars 130% LAwSd0Q LAS Nae LiaAa% vigilance rAMSz LS0\~A3 1Kodizg . Hiwd vicarious r§0\WA2 vigilant LivO» 1 dixe Liaha3 “S555 vicarship eet vigorous 13S. i304, ed ae ee Sam vice 1230072 PAUL ee L900: Lio» wicinity .t80352!(—ly) NaLs\@Q0n L&o~350n vileness ++: LAoSoD vicious 135—_/Viliffy td¢er3%:t,clon feck -y) Awld a>: Na lSd on v14iia LX.5 Aas viciousness oro village LAS LA onda villager LGN victim thag2th92/villain +i44).1%.s victimise 1239/villanous ‘t&ex-s9 Victor 1%055:235\< 16..S@%0 victorious 4sSk2/villany +42 t&eSe ioedty.} Nn2%055|vyindicAte 15ie0 1443 victory rA5A\, , rkoad\ victual LoseX{/yindication +Aaie 1&oalx LAong A victualler 144595:8;/yindicator 15336 L1A\oalw»2 :2h000> victualling +4:5:5)vindicatory +4436 } LA&\oaL«2 LSouaa vindictive 403 vista vindictive ?74*4S8s,virtu LKhedwn vine 1394 virtua ]24-+ of 15.53 vinegar 1350254 (—lly) Nei See vinery — 26494 dna] virtue LKgdbAs0 tASSo/ virtuous LiiSALw vineyard 1454 | (-Ly) Nw LSSNSm vinosity L1hoa5e5 virtuoso - LIS u% vinous L3AS\ . 235204 Noam Lains02 Vintage +4-39.248$sivirulence ‘24ex% 15.049 SAqze_s :th0d.59 vintager 23845) virulent 134% Vintner +3942 1335)/ytrus L1b® violdte AS 2S.2 235 isage 1418 violation ee viscera taX ASdzq LAX: AS 28.2 2|viscosity tAosSam vtolator - 245-49 jiaze Viscount oatols &Sdx\ 25558 25358 14855 violence tS.2/ viscountess vA2jotz violent 2339:23%.5 viscounty ‘SorHe1 violet (2843 )22335/ viscous 135. violin 23323 visibility tSoststay violinist L55..0; visible LitySAx 483252/visibly #Lit;tan violoncello +4:%4\yigion LK jan 265m 18d0\ lvisionary L284 viper 14% L00.~ L3aai Visit : 140.54 Landa viperine Ldasa2 as 1830 virago AossisolLl yisgitant 2554:15894 virgin LAdoas visitation ; LASSA virginal 1sSoas| visiting 1AnaA virginity Aeress|/visitor LassA viridity LAosan 25086 i r451 virile L3555X Mer ASso4 virility: ?‘4esss Lasas iSexA i38i55 vouchsafe Laoag voluptuary +2695? 15$3 :AG8z5 133544| vow 152432533 voluptuous Libm%l vowe LissS5 tQ6aZo 1934 1455A.4 Le Soa Voyage 545K HAY pBee en (—ly) AntSSo5|Vulean +3%6c2 Lei voluptuousness Lg an 2.4344 tySos9 ihS5z|Vulcanise Lee@xox volfite +t4&-i LASoR Lss\s Vulgarity LAeSoa voracity t&o4,058 lgzs30 Lacs a4 oer -2Soa% vortex Lira Lhoagbt 2za6X'. 2994 riXelhsos Vulgate Lk.502i> Los votary 135390: L503 ve tkoxe0S L1K..3 55 vote Lis L&x59>2 263 LaSok2 619 16$5 1339:186598| Vulnerability voter 1695 L353 Lho35553A0 voting 186.542 +4:88|/Vulnerable 1iiz234¥ 1693|Vulnerary 1359 votive '%5528:tSeem|/Vulpine 24339:244> vouch ‘Lodz: 130%/ Vulture 1Xbon ma) Loi ce Laoo\ Vulturine LiXsen voucher ‘tXoz2 140%/Vying 20% Re CAV ER wad eX 25A0~ rXoh ere Las2s203 LiXx :LX3m Soh> 2SohAo 1LX504 406 wadding wadding +X5#>2 24-\» waistcoat Bodh Lkwozr20/waistcoating +455 waddle Lata LAGL | 152hd2 1sSi0/ wait 1Ab520 155 wade lie ok» 285slwaiter LisAwxe 14556 wafer 12&325¢9:2A43635 twats 2390" waffle ?4Aie> 24s s23|waiting 1hd5m 1N,559 2452055 ~5A S37} wai tress LA3538 waft tXheddmo 2.055% Lawn 2428 Asn, waft +42 1A28\ 25A\5 wag 135A 4%! Lrosxw wage La9cdd : tkga ke wager 15As9 tAho52 5226 wages L4G: 1838.6 :1£0234 waggary t&zan AAS: LAW SAE waggish t5\Sox ‘28-5 waggishness +A\S% LAz.35 waggle rAsoas4 waggon Liaxdo 1455S waggoner L2Sa89 “25555 waggonette 13538 tAsho> Lash Aaz5s Wagtail 25-4)25494 de waif 28 rk =33%9 beat wail LASS9¢: 2 ANS. Wain 25556 wainscotisswo thkain La3QAN ha? waist 184955 LE4 | L15S$0u9 LAsSawo waive ee thank LESL, 22eS> waiver LAx5\ Eye 182855 25.2%5 Nee thax ps 2eS4 ) LAxS3o0 wakeful 1.35 waken tteara:tzossx waking Abas wale -iime ilSx05 L5axss walk 1Kd5~5 153. walker 15095 walking 1455..: 24M i wall ——-L99234::2894 233e\5 jpwallet LAs: 1h m9 | 15.5029 wallow +3954 :2}o~a4 walnut rSNoA :2464 walrus Lwk> ~l6ng tiws 2535 Ao~w25 waltz Fy 1355 155425 wan ‘wand wang = * wander 407 waste wander 24630 1625, warmtinni!LiSz 2 isomz% L355 { --. —ly) Naliawe wandererts-\a 13024|warmer 425314642 L3L% wandering 1Aa2~. warming tAsix:ih&size 13303 233093) warmth Lh so mx wane '2849 : 2308584 / warn 139 ont L&vens LAS59:21K.5\ warning LAaS AS wanness +4o25}| warp 93A:248\xx want [Lhom.3D 51538) L934 255; anoks — -L&0b0e5 L545 .LAoAS» wanting LSK~8 25.30 warrant LAnS2%0 LSA wanton LS5xiLindz | LAh0r0l2 rtK027S2 154s wantonness 2Aomede) rAgsw\snc Lh258 12495 war 2283! Lada\02 izS5 [2307@ SSL —AS , 1554 warble 230434: L.oR0R 150250 warbler?Adoaa : 234202 |warrantable warbling thnhba| 133a6N0 2 2359)a% ward :25%3:Ls0.q.25im warranty LRoswi ans :thQbONT Awd 135042 LA.d200 t§0a 5 2AdN5 warren LAb% 3 Nas warden :2%025:243%3} Laldnq> 1Lh.39%0 1240135 135334) warrior 12X35 warder L3043!l wart Lhasa wardmote +4%2 13480%/ wary Lisezd0%9 15% wardrobe 283402) ° Lawjuga tAoL> 18023| wash /2422:Li60: LAodc wardship tAes0X3 LA.50 : LAASS. LAcoxwons washing L&AS2: 14.510 ware dt5322 24..:2S0% waSshy Lidbdow L395 ware house 2SA% 4.3 1S Na warily /Li202508>5 ‘wasp 155.03 LN od9 Liogs waspis h2S> LEOn5 wariness ‘24o«3:0x305 15855 >2A9—5 Lhoakod | wASt e@ : 210234: La0d.4% warlike tzSa) 14.324 12h 55 om wasteful 408 wéariness wasteful lisg—m: 285253 24S (—lly) AntiXada/waver 14%5:2}se834 wAstefulness wavering LiSsga L44559 1 tkdgd = LAMS834: .70345335 watch ‘342¢ LS6q 5L5Ss Jrows ta-49 486:16dN3 | wavy 1384 watcher 13644) wax ban: L&s0% watchful 14543 |waxen Lissx (-lly) NaLBONS Way tSaAase : 28393 12 Sb92 watchfulness+hod045 | wayfarer Leki5 watching LAdqx maLaS watchmaker LagaQ| wayward 25-5 '2¢56 LASO9 | we ie ; cand watchman LAwS> 13033 weak iX.os 18.4 rX> watchword *3-S2 »xs27|w6aken 30039 ' 256s water Leodxeiise|wé6akening +tAr>os% Liw 13531100-5%| w6akness LAod~os waterage 72397 tASSS/wéal 1AoqAagp: tAgazes LANSS2 Lo_di laws waterfall+4»2 t5exd3 watering LALAxS waterlogged Lads Linn waterman 1tdhose Lisay waterproof t3i,5 1% watershed 136x335 waterspout Liole 1Noaa5:24im9 waterway ~ASox Lita watery wattletssy :tpzgs 184 Namat 2 LA28 526.82 166355 1335 wAve :?S\2 LA~Sme0 Létw 1&3: L5a03 wealth EE ES ARES LETTS A Te wealthly N_L&S03 wealthiness?4od-s$ wealthy 13.05 wéan r5ah0. 1X6. tsh2 oP wéaling ee t4a\5 Liz weapon Lanyo Lark 12X50 wear LE5\ 3220392 :L8.S$5% Lon LAxS\. 14.43% wéarable ‘t3i34ax LI LAS Aw wéariness ‘t25e ot wéaring apparel 409 whatsoever t4.555 (24.64) weft 20002 Sod wéaring apparel (weigh taodna i 18h 2Axno\ weight 1500~:2ANonA wéarisome +432%%/weightly NalSond w6ary ‘*4x50x'25.52/weightness tAodoni Laem» weighty L3550~ weasel o\}welcome ‘23.z5 tho548 weather L6& Li.z5 2A4A55 w6ave bwoNdh 155+| weld 28,9 1.694 wéaver L45$|welfare ‘:tker.o3~< wéaving , 2Ado% ; rhoasoX, web 2359:.805 2554 | well ae Para ; 15055 ta SX5 22305 webbed 25% toXsi|welt wSeia 2rA3so 23552|weltertiany oX rthowat wed 253A, 2454\4, 255} wen 15x00 wedding 2Xo\.:28354 wenchsé54 wedge : 2SN5°2LE54 wend S45 24852 29853284559 15x40] West L5aS% teob8:2gh...0-5 Westward 255454 wedlock 1Xdos| wet .tAoads.LhoS.AA Wednesday L5z5S8552 2so3: Lams 7 2N.M4 wéed 28342 233} wether 255% 3 ; 24.02 L402; wetness toads wéeder 25% 2855) whack Lah: Lkz0% wé6eding hook .-3e255 LaAxox 24.532 1As.9%) whale 153 weedy tdS\2 155:245s) whaler Lois 13555 wéek t8a=z wharf Litw\ wéekly 1thazlwharfage t30a2 -52 wéep 1243 ~2i3 wéeper 14:95 |wharfiger L504,3 wéeping willow Li2wds LataS 283.2% ; 9020 wéevil Lind LS5 - = . - ~ -« a LS.452 iSox> eee whéat ata whéaten : whéedle 3029s: nee i whéedler Lis» whéel 12995913025 whéeze 2Axsis Lxeobxs 453 whéezingeSi> 2h55x5} whelk LA\jox LAS% whelp Lise9. Lioskd Lads when 22503: pOdmd : cal whence ro EB whencesoever 423 Lioq3 1503 whensoever As 252 Lak where 24\525.2\ whereabout 2503 «a5 whereas S255) 1259 L3Nq35 a2 gals Nox Laie whereat 2 205 .» Lado Aos whereby :+20»3:teis wai wherver 2502 Aas 2x42 wherefore cues 220% Ads 410 whine wherein :15-2:-20n5 m3nita of whereinto P2304 =200 oX 25\ o> yx whereon : aL ENS. n2oxw AS wheresoever Ass -2 i502 \whereto Sapo 25 _ whereupon Leia As aXin wherewithal] :+39» zs ret ot ah ted wherry tAdn5i aw LA uWoXS0 whet 2Aom\a i tS0d—0 whether TOm HIS hal Fes ie teeoey whetstone Lixw whey +3¢3:(293)2\e9 which asai whichsoever As wlog> ~23%0 whif fos .2zA\6\5 214.93 whig t1Koaiie 2144235 while [93 2 .%A2 133 Lbons% whilist 94:235s5 whim BADL0 20m whimper? +335 L40aa5 whimsical’ ~o~2 28% NA2O%30 P LAg393 2 LAwh ay, whining 1830365230030 :L40383 whining 14350: 234353 whip aax5in.anw5n lLiin whipper—in LARDR EES ANS whipping— top L3isca L2D: 14.501 whipple—trée 4434 23.202 LA.3502 whir 150030 whirle +4585$:13¢953 whirligig 25955 LAAMSX whirlpool thesnsoit whirlwing tSon55h whisk 2Axo0a5 Lziaillol> whisker t\S330 whisper t1g0Sa521h LH6S3 t0S48 whispering +4434 whist %9-%252 24SS% whistle [1A m3 Loodz%:lA.n9az0l~005: whit 13055, white 1256 whitebait?4>ess 23es whiten '2b00~% whiteness L&od6~ whitewash 7A Lseoma: Na 1A56~ Ais whither 13.2 whithesoever 432 wickedness Liog> 21502 whiting 2436~%2 \-4 whitish whitlow 12456. ondx i LAS% 13542 taz534 Whit—Sunday tAsig |KSd Whit-—Suntide LLoonhss whittle *ods%.1%5s8 whiz LA 969051999090 who ain’ . =32 whoever log> »® whole Koa i\5 ‘wholesale LAsSy Lops wholesome +%493s§ wholesomeness ~s 91.3 wholly aXe As whom asnid 23% whomsoever +942 4a4. whoop ‘th=65:143$355 LboS>55 whore LK.34 whortleberry rm9S4, whose a3i\ whosesoever ~X5 nog «si why L321. 43905 wick LX3x9 LK\.AS wicked ‘+5439:25,48 Laas wickedness ‘t4o4-+38 LAox~3 wicker 412 winter wicker +427)9 2g5eS|}willingness ‘t4.Ss 2\G2 Las0 2455 13515255 wicket o> 240354) willow 158.5 te 2858) willw-nilly +533 wide Lins 2235 2% (ly) dq22041 wily aga widéawake 1634 14|wimble 59235 LAa0-% ~TION 950 e869) in Li30310355 widen Toda wince t453 5&3 255 widgeon tSs\ L2lwinch t44x%> 24359 A55023/wind t540:295:2405 widow tXowdd . 2K.) (ASH 28495250545 widower tSnwdi} tent akS 18$L: 250035 widowhood ' = 2&eA..%3i 230155 +25S0\.% width tko-AS winded L4zv00 its. wield :thoaX 1552 winder rato 1202—%)windness Lkqai04 wife Lads winding tag ihes wig 143369 .218~S65| windlass : 2205 wight (2232) 2455 1254: LAM6A5 wigwam LA~o\03 | window 25X35 wild ADE! A02 windpipe ?@9i5 1Xok wilderness 2455 15 nd wildfire :235.4 2503/windward t+o4s 235i tgd522 28345] windy 25204 wilding 2 25 91,2 x03. wine 15+. wildness: ae -oawing 13305 :25k0 wile tAossd 224.445 2439 :i39\0\ LxXxi190A9 wilful 1255) wink rta-$ 1S0498 wilfulness +4ox.34 L&y5X0 LASK SK 225454 wilily LA»3\S5 Lands wiliness rA.aMS winking Lins LA9N5% will Ld25—0 52585 winning LAASN> LAxd55 23492 :24.S> | winnow L90\5. 21.035 willing t3a5| winter Lboaiw i LGN wintery ore LOAD wintery Lsda2 wipe LA.z0.L5a0 wire An& 2553 :L\oAS% wiredraw Laoas% 2eSoas Loans wiry LiXoass wisdom +4 03500 :Lkn9~ wise Liiog wiseacre: L3z\ wish £3$5 52K 85 wishful 13235 wisp Lkzowo 15h 15 L345 wistful 430 :255n.4 (—lly) AwliswuA Wit 26.258:24035:2i0g witch LAx355 witchcraft Aox< witchery LKoxd< with AN35S5. 5 ios withal LySo2 withdraw 2z5\ 2645 ,.5A85\ 1585 withe bss: wither Lkada 1443 withers iXowon Wil thold Lows L~o\an witholder Lisws Las\ox within Saziof..é% without . ‘249.28 2 +2 dash.2r506g rX oo withstand tion 2248s 413 woo 133 Sox withy pOSbx2 1S.5 L22390 witless L30q 1X witness Lang witted Liodds Lisox50S9 18% wittily NnLiiodg wittiness :t4esi0g 180x505 wittingly Aass witty 1869 :2445W0% Wizard Le5ie Woad = 18342 2634 24 26 L~\Son ~codds Woe 1835320 Woeful pee (—lly) Nm LEES Wold 2453:2h.085 14x20 Wolf 1525 Wolfish LiSlo Woman Lka5 Womanhood LXeaas Womanish Lihas Womankind 1S3\, L939 Womanly NatKa5 Womb ixsa5%0 Wonder LAs XSi ised s Wonderful L3SAs% i~lly) Anis Ass Wondrous iNnxa Wont L&ownn : LsEs Woo 23X Lory wood 414 wréath med Law ILEAD| Lga5 LAzad:le43 woodcock op02| worse 135 3 (24~2 258-%) |worship +440'2494e woodcut 26-5) 2h3Salworshipful +424 wooden +#%-52:1i3-,worshipper +3448 woodpécker +}6A43)3|worst '4534255> zes (245.4) a55 -) iXsx woodruff ~7995% 2Aax| worsted (23445) wort workhouse +34A9 A-3 workman workmanship +49434|/wrangling workshop 24345$2 24502) wrap LAS 32.39 wrapper world worldiness +A9-2AS worldling?+222 +45-»% worldly NalSds worm? aobh® i 2S\o4 wormwood 235.0 wormy LaSLoA worry :@oA3S9i |wréack 129 :1y0-34| wréath 15.50 L50h 2pS0xi2Aax. 1500 woody 135.8 isknNd 25 25045948 wooer 4Axsg3 2S.~) worth ‘hqn.e-!2954 woof 2%56n92 2434..2542 1S. VNerS os wool 150S)worthily st4sz~ woollen 125uSlworthiness +tAo~-z~ woolly 135% worthless Lanza rN word tyeg:~siy7 worthilessness +5 wordiness +69-293| LR omar eer? worthy Bee oe wording'!s2se¢2 +4534) would Ag wordy co9eg>2 25%} wound 2533 i2a0533 work 14X35 :252\9| wovet+sza Lahwow 2544 worker 1283 wrangle: thine :2Ahx\38 teodoe:Lz5s 259 wrangler Lido: 2548 2rAx\s 240934 3290053 :Lha0%050a wS3nea A252 1hmS54:148~Son wrath 1554 11h». wrathful 12339525035 LA x0. | Lak 20 ns - 255350 2395) -29562 24.\5 wrathe wrathe 24.As 283A) 20934523502 wreck t_oX9 2A nS tSS2 155; LAN os w rec kage ‘2453~ 1350. wren 2405.4, : LG09\% wrench 24x5\:245As5 1XAS9 .oA5M 1 2S.55 -2b0A35 2 2N9599_ tdoS 2843 :28.25 225) wrest tg%~1:2%5\ 32845 wrestle ‘22892233 235s wrestler +x992 13535 wrestling-xe99 24.5052 wretch 233As\i2¥.58 wretchedly 4+235\s\ 415 wriggle 23X5incqosX\ Lr00d5 og 8 ’ wrig ht2i%o02 22834 wring 120539 32255 wrink]e240™~55:ta0nb5 wrist 1Kxow:2090\ writ LAanN95 write Sk 5 writer 15K5 writhe tiowdss writing L1AsAa wrong 1q3\ 325590. wry wryness 2X00: L2AH304 :2hoLnws Lesa 0 LAX 0d5 X xebec +0i | xy lography 13i5 2594 28a 26.5 AS thax Be BAY EF Be yacht As5, yarn tSays L308 yak 150A5 2S3h 2x yarrow 23i303° 2Xax Lh9.55 acoNyx 25900A yam (28529 Leos yawl aoX AS3 25A04 tede 290435) yawn 23008 yankée 235.%2> &ad5 yé cONSL yap Liss yea Leila yard 22459 52455 yan 2319 Lo eG B~\\329 yéar 416 zéro Vy far LAS VS. rats yéarling 2342 rt6-0/ yielding LAS LASx LixD3% yéarly LASx Aas yoke 15201325. yearn S45 Lmoad Lao\ss 15435 y6arning 244 14.34! yolk 2Asa> 2355 yéast 15.0—/ yon exhS tsa yell LAn§09i2n0909| yore tax wala iLXag yellow 23502 18550: L5b5 young taza L549 yellowish 24305)|/ you cOnaL yellowness 2Ko239| younger 15044 xo5 yelp LASA gents 2.03 903 ee yelping +Ss42 24.808] youngish Lioaa yeoman cozom? 255/younyster 1439:Agy ‘ ®~\\s2> 24..3\%0 oX3 2X: .c050583\ yes 2a) your £09092 yesterday*3?35? 4»205/yours pO26n99 yet 23.21°295; 1X4, yourself eOdSL yew LaX.25 2Sah 1 poaoaks Liq LX.H youth LAoda\ 3 AonAL yield ‘So@exs 28\5c4/ youthful LEA, \$qhim582 LASA%|yGile—log t4a\o~ 2500 [255 La0N%: owas 29059. OBS a eens Rye 3 7, BSB Rive zany :2SoAS ~cqsoa] {-ly) N3_pa 1Nn255% 150% zébra-~c0adh a) L52~ zal M5a0:2334,| Lwodo 256—~ Lo-di rhNoy z6alot 5.02 254| zenith L1S.0d2 Lh0» anysS2 ~p 1305 vF? ye Ads? z6alotry A#r52 24254) zephyr 122723 2404 mingiXs ~x 1509 L&.20K2 135302 Z6alougrdsn2 154:2355| Z6ro0th5-90 LKhOST 155 — 5 2 417 zest Zigzag 2 \.N8 LAXSo, 29Q—2 “tol gals zing 2534 zodiac LA\jox LhA3k\ on Zone LXw+ 10304 21319 24232 LH53445 L6G aSo33 +434) zoologist oe vasa 2326202 Lad ZoOlog yie+ \ 2435. 2alo.c7d zoophyte plong =SSi5 LAc.%25 ZOOAVE 245-%A25 45am ZOund § 25532 14.68 zoological 143302) zymosis i$dm0 2405 2316.02 dmed 232.38 8 2 32 BaSNaio L3z\5 Lb.an thSn2 L8S500 7252 & 39 S549 133, Leo Lox ros 15445 add 15.205 abide abode abode am was bée n arise. arose arisen awake awoke awa kead backbite backbit backbitten- béar — bore: bare born béat béat béatten bécome bécame > become béfail béfell béffallen béget. bégot bégotten begin — began begun begird begirt begirt behold beheld be held bend bent bent bereave bereft bereft beséech besoug htbesought beset beset beset Lxoxi Lox bpétake bid bind bite bléed blow break bréed bring jokes oo otel burn burst buy can cast catch chide choose. . cléave Cling eLothe., come cost SLeCeD crow roe BBY dare déal die dig dip do draw dréam 418 ch 232s De akg miss L355 ‘bétaken | bétaken . bad bade bidden bound bound. Daint bitten bled bled blew blowen broke . broken bred bred brought brought built built burnt burnt burst burst bought . bought could ae cast. . cast cought cought chid: . chid ,chatiden chose chosen cleft:cloye. clelt:ciloyeu clung clung GLA Gig clad ,~came .. come .,. COSt.. cost crept’ crept crew.. crown | ars cut durst dare d déalt déalt _died died dug dug di pt dipnt..s did . done drew drawn dréamt dréamt ct L3a3 mi252 Li3y drink drive éat fall féed feel fight find Fliée fling fly | forbéar forbid forecast forego foresée foretell forget forgive. forsake — forswéar fréeze freigt geld get gild gird give zo grave grind Zrow hang have 419 S545 Lisy op LrOx~ LOX ’ ‘ drank. drunk drove:drave driven Ate 6aten Tek. fallen fed — fed Ps od a) Rely fougnt fought found PoHnes*, fled — fled Flung flung flew | flown forbore forborne forbad forbade forecast forcast forvent forgone foresaw foreséen foretold foretold forgot forgotten forgave forgiven forsook forsaken forswore forsworn froze frozen frought frought gelt gelt got got gilt gilt girt girt gave — given vent gone graved graven ground ground grew . grown hung hung had had > tSHS MiGs Liss hoave how hide hit hold hurt inlay interweawe kneel keep knit know” lade lay lead lean leap learn leave lend let lie lose make may mean meet melt methinks misgive mishear mistake mow must 420 15539 Lis hove hove hewed hewn hid hidden hid: hidhidden held held hurt Hist inlaid inlaid interwove interwoven . knelt knelt kept kept knit knit knew known laded laden led led Led.* led leant leant leapt leapt. learnt learnt left left lent lent Aache let lay lain lost lost made made might — meant meant met met — melted molten methought eh misgave misgiven misheard misheard mistook mistake moved mown mus t rane > txoxrs Lox eo L558 Bis> 1335 owe partak pay pen put quit read rebuild rend rid ring rise rive rot run saw say see seek sell send set shake shall shape shave shear Shed _ shew shine shoe shot show shred . 421 55435 Lis, ’ , 4 ought epartook paid pent put quitted read rebuilt rent rid rang rose rove rot ted ran sawed Said Saw sought sold sent set shook should shaped shaved shore shed shewed shone shod shot showed shred Leex. l>=z owed partaken - paid pent put quit puitted read rebuilt rent oe AG rung risen riven rotted run Sawn Said seen sought soid sent set shaken shapen shaven shorn Shed shewn shone shod shot shown shred ve t53 wLB> Lise sink sing sit slay sleep sifde Sling slit smeli smite. Sow speak Speed spell - spend spilt Spin Spit spit Split Spread spring Stand stave steal stick sting strew stride strike string strive swear sweep 422 $43 Lisy sank Sang sat °° = slew slept = Sat slid “slid slung’ SH Brig smelt smote — sowed ~ spoke’ - sped spelt’ - Spent ~ spits Spun ~ Spat — Spitted sp lite? spread sprang” stood |” Stove stole > stuck ** stung” stewed strode ™ struck strung strove - swore Swept” Lom lox sunk sung sate Slain slept slidden. slung — saat?” smelt Smittén sowen spoken sPed spelt. spent spilt Spun Spat _ Spitted split Spread | sprung stood stove stolen stuck stung strewn stridden struck strung striven ~ Sworn Swept se 2583 mis Liny swell swim swing take teach tear tell think thrive throw thrust toss tread wake wash wear weave weep will win wind wis work wring write sB 423 S335 L335 swelled swollen swam swung ook tought tore told tought throve threw thrust tost trod woke washed wore wove wept would won wound wist wrought wrung wrote Be six LAdaACS LAx.25 LAondnSao tAsl Bo LAmOaZA Lgodm40 2355. 2290562 LAodio aA cnet Lzox« Lox swoln swun swung taken tought torn told tought thriven thrown thrust tost trodden waked washen worn woven wept won wound wist wrought wrung written 38 a png t & 4 Se } noes ‘ A 3 , oe LS oe . ¥ Yat ~ “Appendix LA.S35% 425 is F E errors +3453 corrections toa Se Renee tS page abatoir : A abattoir 1 eboriginal aboriginal 2 abundane : |abundance 3 acaccursed laccursed ae achive achieve a adjcent ladjacent 4 adjuge adjudge ‘e adjuged adjudged % abverse adverse 9 advisabl iadvisable 9 agroud ‘aground 12 amphiteater |ampltitheater 17 ante chaber lante Chamber 20 appendex appendix 22 approch approach 23 aquaduct aqueduct 24 arboreseent arborescent 24 archibishopricjarchbishopric 24 archtect larchitect 24 archtecture architecture 2. arqubus larquebus - 24 assessement assessment 25 astitutness astuteness 28 awakining awakening a9 pagatélle B bagatelle 33 bankrupticy |bankruptecy 34 basketery ibasketry 5 Ws biliomania bibliomania 37 blimb blimp a7 bloack block AG bloackade blockade 47 bloack head block head 47 bloack house block house 48 errors 434x3¢ bloack system bautiful brise bronch prowse bttress cameleobard candlstick cance cauonisation convasser card bord changeebly catarpill celcebrate chivalerous chivalery clowen rei) bi BBLS clumsiy cockroch cockcomb codicile eogitation coercieve conbustible conbustion cumonsense conidence conident confinemenement cojuncture 426 ; orrections *s#e4 page block system 48. bountiful 52 braise 52 bronchi 56 browse 56 buttress 59 Ccameleopard 61 lcandlestick 62 canoe 62 lcanonisation 62 canvasser 62 card board 64 changeably 69 arcaterpillar66 celebrate Tea chivalrous ‘73 chivalry aS ‘clown 78 lcluck 78 ‘clumsy 78 icockroach 79 cockscomb rat codicil 79 lcogitation 79 lcoercive 79 ‘combustible 81 ‘combustion 81 ‘commonsense 82 lconPidence 87 confident 87 | Son Pindmen tee conjuncture 88 427 errors ‘3433 corrections tySos | page Ccnnoisseur connoisseur 89 contendeness contentness 91 conralto contralto 93 Gowmtr at contrite 93 conespond corespond 95 cosmopolitain |cosmopolitan 97 costiliness costliness O7 craftly craftily SS, darksom D darksome 106 deahead | dead head 107 declaimation ‘declamation 108 dilicious delicious gah & dilirous 'delirous Lato: devove |\devolve 14.7 dinitary |dignitary ee dilema dilemma LO diphteria diphtheria 119 diphtong diphthong aa dilomatic Giplomatic 120 disloge |dislodge 124 dissatifaction dissatisfaction dovered | dowered 123 drukard drunkard 132 dundgeon dudgeon 132 dublicity jduplicity 133 earle E earl 123 easment easement 134 ebullution ebullition 134 ejaculton ejaculation 136 - emeralb emerald 139 enchass enchase 140 eunuc eunuch 145 exemple |example 147 428 errors ta2zx3 corrections ‘s3es page evning evening 147 exeede exceed 145 exclaimation|exclamation 147 fanatism. F fanaticism 1538 farthist Ifarthest 153 fattering Pattoning 154 fesse fetter 156 fibre fiber 156 fFilhtnss filhtiness 157 fistticuffs |fistcuffs 158 feeting ace ware 159 floack | Flock 160 Lomlinigh, -)toncpnagns 164 frish /frisk | 166 frontspiece |frontispiece 167 frontelet ifrontiet 167 frostly frostily 167 frowardiness|frowardness 167 goal G gaol 170 gavot gavotte Cu genealoical |genealogical a bi gs genealoy | genealogy rte genteele genteel 171 geologial geological 172 gimorack gimerack 173 girondole girandole 173 girlhoon girlhood us”) Os gleanins igleaning 174 gloamness gloominess 174 gosilin gosling 175 grammaphone | gramophone eS: granulare granular | 176 gratful grateful «3° 177 4295 errors ‘3433 corrections ty2o4 page grievious igrievous 178 growel eee gyi, gunvale igunwale 180 hastly H hastily 183 healand headland 184 heart 3 hearth 184 heaten heathen 185 Heabrew Hebrew 185 hemorrholds {hemorrhoids 185 hemstich hemstitch 189 heggled-piggledy 187 heggledy—piggiedy higgglier ihiggler 187 hoarsiness' |hoarseness 188 hobbledenoy |hobbledehoy 188 homogenous (homogeneous 185 hopless j|hopeless 189 horison horizon 189 horisontal horizontal bois, hambug huynbug LE hundredth undredth eS hi hungril hungrily ates Nat hurd—-gurd hurdy-gurdy Pa hyacint # hyacinth 194 hydrophibia |hydrophobia 192 hystterical hysterical NS idyle Lotta yl 193 impovident ,improvident 198 (—1) i(-ly) 198 incompetense/incompetence 200 infitesmal infinitesmal 205 ingrai ingrain 206 ingredinet ingredient 206 430 errors +343 corrections 25304 | : page inharmoious inharmonious 206 insipide [insipid : 208 instill }instil beaker insite ‘insight 208 itterpreter ‘interpreter 211 interwal jinterval 211 irreprochable jirreproachable 214 irracible irascible 214 irrecovrable j;irrecoverable 214 isolet isolate 205 irrsolute _ |irresolute 215 journeman J journeyman 217 juiceness [juiciness . 217 juvenil | juvenile S218 kin K kinky Sic hewn oe knell (iene@) iG am ai ee ae lanlord Ldianid Loe ca seems ate lankness |lankiness ~*, 221. lanlubber ed An rhb Deis. a mead lad _jlead 4G Wee leager |jeaguer 2 225 leape |} leap 22a: lenth length 225 lenthen _-beng-t hen 4) 4.9225) lenthy jlengthy . 228i libelier j|libeller My licoriace —11icorice 226 lonliess | -|lonliness | 22%. manifestasion M manifestation 235: | meusure _ [measure 239 metaphisis .|metaphysics .. 24h mischap .. |mishap ees ——= = 431 errors 23453. - eorrections Lydon Sg page miscéllanous |miscellaneous244 moioty Ja tae ‘|moiety 246 -monogmist — monogamist 247 montification mortification24 mrcec tyra 7 ~ Nuiced 1 ly 253 nicknacke | ~ |nic¢knack 254 .occurence’ | @occurrence 259 Hott eas Chosen 260 ospray. osprey 263 orthodoxe _ orthodox 263 a eore ee Pochyder np tense a “packtread> *" ‘|packthread 67 peageant ~~ |pageant ae pearvean try. ~ pageantry 207 past board {paste board 271 pantomine — pantomime 269 pantechicon pantechnicon 269 -peliss pelisse 274. -penniwise -lpennywise 274 Spar Lod. wee rper tod 209 PAee pare. 7 oP pens pine 277 -permptoriness|peremptoriness275 ie ae | ane ‘Tpertness 207 perusual* ~—|perusal 277 Hetticot+ "i phantom 2° 4" 278 -pharisical - \|pharisaical 2? “plainess iplainness 231 ‘ playting |plaything 282 “PLueLe Sy pleurisy 282 polygone | polygon 285 polipus polypus 285 prejuge iprejudge 290 432 errors +3433 corrections ‘g3oa page preoccupetion! preoccupation290 pretermit preterit 292 prettly prettily 292 prettness /prettiness 292 precession procession 284 proclaimation! proclamation 294 protocole protocol 298 povender |provender 298 psichological |] psychological299 psichology psychology 299 purpot purport ead puréslence LBueu beg Ce 301 purélent j purulent 301 puritain |puritan 301 quadrill Q quadrille 3802 quarelsome quarrelsome 3803 quiteness quietness 304 _guitesome iquietsome 304 qnoth iquoth ‘305 rabbes R rabbet 305 rackes racket 809 ragmuffin raganuf fin 305 raguot iragout 306 recente recent 309 recovrable recoverable 31] recovry onc? Very | 311 recreat jrecreate 311 rdeem redeem 311 regtangle rectangle 311 regtangular jrectangular 211 redressor redresser 312 remedless remediless 315 remotness remoteness 315 433 errors corrections page rhineceros rhinoceros sie yond rhytmical] rhythmical] 322 roack rock 325 ros bud rosebud.rosmary rosemary325 rottenesss rottennes 325 rounhand roundhand 325 sabre S saber 327 scrample scramble 332 scrib scrip 333 scutch scutcheon 333 Seperate | Separate 336 seperation Separation 336 seperator Separator 336 sever sewer 338 sewrage sewerage 338 Shaemeful Shameful | 338 Shilling shally|shilly shally 340 sidways sideways ~ 342 Simpe simper 343 singularty Singularity 343 sledje sledge — 345 sock soak SaSa 8 Slimeness sliminess 346 smalliness Smnallness 347 Saltiness Saltness 349 sorrry sorry 351 specialty speciality. 355 spoksman Spokesman 354 stiffle stifle 359 strugling struggling 362 strychine Strychinine 362 ssublimate sublimate 368 succed Superaboundance Superaboundant swab symetrical ~~ Symetry Bympthom synonimus tameres teste titlarke tiresomness togather tober topsil tranposition © trirem. tut uneveness unlikeneess: — venon venemous Viaduc waggary wealthly wharfiger wherver whirle whirlwing willwnilly wrathe Pougnt forcast stewed 434 succeed 365 superabundances367 superabundant 367 swap symmetrical symmetry symptom Synonimous - T tameness test titlark tiresomeness together LODGE ~~ 1topsail ~ (transposition trireme tutor U unevenness |unlikeness V venom | venomous “|viaduct '- W waggery |lwealthily - |wharfinger ‘jwherever | whirl] whirlwind willy nilly wreathe fought forecast strewed 370 3871 371 371 a0 873 Loehters 382 382 383 Sie 384 387 389 392 395 396 400 400 401 406 408 409 410 Saat 411 412 415 419 419 422 435 L428 ad5 LALS 230 87 defeatedtixinx 95 female L553 87 whiteness +t4~55%/72 East Lisax 87 heartily '3~4 .3-'74 hirsute 2444» rebelliousness Lose 79 to refuse tic$m5 88 alleviate %»~5—|80 shudder 30s» 99 rhythm tzhoa 14~oz»/81 to dig 5§34— 91 apricot ties. | 82 satiator +i+s30% 909 apostatise tao Azie i8i numbered Lis 90 arinunciationtA2+=2| 83 record LAaq Sx 94 to be quiet +++3/84 sheep bods 94 vanishing | 2/85 one’s mind++es9% (94 to keep 28S: — 187 womb LSsbx 126 darn’ BtA=s 75 infant’ S$ skul1t&»e~ HOEY ESS ot RE GiSe ae otetyys Lsiza ; (1554 SLs eo a@acds). 2 181-806 ged 1982) | 4! tbwing Lkowe 230 250s whee d0\5] 81 131X% 15X5 275 Lond. Die iesal4 ih zeSos LA Xo 276 tAXSq% 0 S508 42 2Kd0\ | 364 287 thd yatAs 51 ole 5 a2 5) fone 306 23643 2aSa L359 63 Lax5 re Leto 306 236359 i “1MSaa 1A..59 }73, Lin 303 LiinxD>- 329 L&.Sd\ 9 LA.5\9 j 74 2359 | ~m2A%0 383 thonSa thes 75 245 |_. 14..65 389 tXod 252 | Lads 112 LAS a2 LASL> 389 rt5a\o3 S809) 116. 258.5. 123... 392 245955 133929/1417 rw&A\sas LAA\ss3 402 tz0Sz% LgoxS%/119 1&\eaind 1d mealwe 410 +2 253 | 130 12s | 1@8a LXSs 411 2A | 00405 (127 126 LhSA 29— FEQ~9) 149535 411 190096 2990090 | 133 rAa Sx hadi 412 23539 23529 | 146 t4iom 13a 9 416 21558 135 |155 tisvaoq | ret Ex pe 436 LedBeSial Lasewq Likoa> Laiza + B-Si3ai—158A5 rODnD3q7d5 eden ~55 A238 L¥AW .9C Lai (23. 2&3.5a 39 strength 334 41 Sunday = 43z52<(| ) 42 u|nanimity *40e-3— 45 dreamer | Livia 46 putrefaction!4sx~— 47 arrageément 2495. 49 jewelry LASz- 50 unripened Ats 1.504 a35 ; LALS 2 foreman Stk Bo: 7 terrestria]t+issi 8 without 43 8 doubtless qe- 10 hemorrhoids 2~2%05 liwatercour | serti-3 12 evening Liws Aus 15 juniper Leds 18 stock Lznvd pillar’s|cowl]t4ei 59 happiness ?+404504)/20 threateningiAs»s\ 66 complete 4-23 }20 to threaten?#$) 61 cutter 1269 20 strength 2-4. 62 repudiation +4985/21 majesty ASX 62 to rattle Leeacs!21 scythe ~2aSi 62 chatter 1992-21 strength L521, 62 unripened 2363/21 diarrhea tAwexrlk 63 dirtiness +4393 6 deceitful 454 coceproachable | +4%0% 68 candlestick:3~sxS 70 watch tower: ai» 7i Comparison ‘37433— 95 hamock daa 95 horse’s shoes:4:3 22 strength t&od3ai 23 bridging ?&d21. 27 trouver: 133293 30 behold Lo 31 bramble LN\o 32 provoke theaic 35 jackal DEO 38 maniple) Laas (Nam? Lk2S-cGS 18. Lhd ~ywos 1XAG LS~ Loor20/( | ) a - ae) Se 140 LR ABD to tack, tz0454 wetness LAASA to stitch, trillion poe das to baste 2 hawk ead tacker, 185994 topsy turvy +64 stitcher to féed L mosh stitch 1haddA | PSeder Lac@ad to be LmoddA| PBed LA Bd4 ashamed door LSdA ashamed 1gSNaN/t0 bréach LESSA shame LA~K54| breacher LEZSd4 to be hoarsetsess4| breach LAnSSN hoarsely 135454 | twelve >OSSA hoarseness ~AdAbS| twelve LASOLaN caterpillar +5555|Aposties praise t\Amwoses(to move LAOSDA doubt thxoz4|/to wink hand slut, (2isn)e-z4lto be restored +454 slattern to get right ninth LéSzN) restorer LagdQ service Lksezdh|restoration +tAspA torment, 1S-3z\!1to button 155A — torture to stumble rLond4_ nine _2Szs5/stumbler 23 hmd4 history 14.sz48] stumble LAA 534 narration : to be pale Laqxdh Pag 185! paleness 1K a5d4 Box eD2045 « oe) LEZSA bess Eas Xe L.oSk © knocker 1454e8/to gtick, Lnos& knock thohwS ito join to embellish*se354/to light L33eS— embellisher *45394/to be lighted ?+5s adornment LAos54/to moles Gade; fat.tallow. +5>4/to be sticky (+4s=x- geréase sticky L3S9K to gréase +3¢3>4:molesting _3— gréasy 13554 | adhesion L&..8K gréaser L33554/molesta—- +3 4&-~4a gréasiness +4s354/ tion Monday 13295\/mildew.mould +435 to give up. +io>4;/to mould LSA to desert to visit. LB8a to interpre t'ei4/ to happen interpreter +5%3*4|chnace 9254 interpre— +4»X4/visitor La68A tation | lvisit.m6eting*4254 coward L454} wedge LE94 to crumble 135A/ to sné6éeze LASA crumbler 13454 / snéezer LaAsK altar BOsoss snéeze LAade throne L5\%3—/ down Aasy truly; - Lg0ebs/to patter. teas verily to béat button AoosSinatterer. 158594 cypress 4958|béater an edible o~b8i patter . 2AS894 vegetable single L158 two ~>S| plummet (oiox)tSoxk to be wet 2458|weight L&\ona annals ~->| weighed 1S.oa opium ¢454| weigher LaXnA second L325N|to weigh LAGA juice 18235 to knoek Loovnd — 1h.96 138 taka cee es eainsinin SAN ret A EL gauze \eaA |] thrée La Xa groan A348] thirtéen SOLES to repéat 2x3\/ there Lok repéater t4ss8/ Jul 90x08 boa 23434] to cléan, yom saying (184348!) to cléanse repetition Se eh carters La ds08 Cin 2334; cléanly smoky 1448 /c]1é6éarance L& 9 oh Gaus tc . 133h;ecléanness +*4es-~4 Sarcastic perfect. 1302204 trony .sarcasm?i44| complete cord,rope $iKki perfection Aer. horned (4%\ 093 )4*z34/ eighth LidnwA owl yesterd&y A2s to murmur ‘30434; complete A murmuring <%44)34/completely +1224 murmur Lh yKah | completion LkoARa4 to drizzle +%es4| gaze L3ayh drizzly L3O5a4 | eighty +304 drizzle LAmkaSh| Show. spectaclet#x4 strap 12®4) to spéak Laonwh fox 1Ss4|\ through the nose to punish ?‘¥¢454| smoke 13h punishing +3454) punishment 15a4 punishment +4434) lazy A534 to be craftytzes4| lazyness Lao ASsh vixen 1A~S34/ to hang. Lhooah — cock’s comb +434| to suspend to scatter *+°S4/hanger | LaSaas to pour out, +4*~-|hanging Lh A334 to spill to sigh . Lpoak spiller 1si84/to groan effusive ;to tell,to say L2oaX effusion LASS | oven Le oa8 rAaSa 437 Noms Tuesday tszaSs|under. NQad snow .£\A) undernéath to sn ow tao\MAl vice.change +8044 suowy 138SAlplank,board +44 hung grapes ‘+ee|slate LSLa9— to pull down; 128allower part 124-4 to destroy; \pennance. 4e74s to overthrow irepentance destroyer +44+4/lye a8 destruction ‘4~Ss' to plant 13a demolition itelegram Lands to pant: Loo~SA|} telegraph aidan to be compressed |to wire 1333— to hang. 1288/1 South Lawes to suspend ‘Southern Labwad wet. r\.34/ large ra> damp.moist cauldron hanger 18a\4 |firine Land hanging rh.~SN 1 side L528 third 124.48! long furrow %#932— Praruty Lhenkada ihe goat LeaA carelessly 1388 only. alone.one. 94 made|he goat 134 water jar Loh | morsel 134 discipli- +i4=4)steu (1338 narian would that 1Sa4 discipline +42=44| fringe. LAAaN to instruct?2e*44| border to discipline to thrust. LOSa to be sore ,'%e»4ito prod to wrinkle thruster Li S34 disciple +4-»4/thrusting © *493a so eness 14e2\4|/ suspenders Lhag to perish +54s;hill Ss perdition +4s%s!trap,snare 154 border , bound wild garlic as LmOmA 136 LdLo chamber ,roomiés class, LSA sharp.tart 308 | d ivision maxim.story'+iosiabyss,depth Los repetition +4-is;to be LEGA revenge 13308 | confounded cannon So8/confusion Liad gun SoNikind-manner. aa whéel.axle +804) form POLE _ 28362—/again.also- JON necklace Lé08 | repentance La0K plate fron 1868) religion Lam 2048 of water mill |confession Ox 2508/ dust go twig.shoot LSen | Pine net. 1338— bag e508! muslin LXHdser : 18K 500 dusty LS90K scandal jorigin Lomod comment, tx3/to share truly Pare turnip Swi az truth Lée3~5% | spawn L§osz beginning £821 to start. Leods remainder. 3sx/to commence. rest,et cetera to begin participa- 14a3x/ beginner L£oae tion whistle Lanodss law ASoz | lunch LAoas to shred 143=/ spawn Lj dx shred 1AS5x/to shred Lgax to swarm L¢3x sh red LAgax swarm Lg5z)/to debauc Lisx to suck 143z/to be Ranh sucker 1ig5x;to be lustful suction tkxd= |) calf Leas to crack. t.onst/ heifer thn de to crackle, [to slip 1N5x to snap islipper LaSds to break L$ondzi slipperiness?*4 S\bx indecent LeJonszito loose: Liss words ) to reléase | crack pee ee Lingndz breakage (ASS) wanton. Lon2= to confirm +3¢2%| lustful truth.verity +28| lust LR Om2d% root 125z/debauchery . to droop. i4es5i | partaker , L325 to dangle isharer droop 1445=| company rhoandz to spout lboxde° loosser Litas aia ie ne Pg nee ipolozx 1335-5 | L3Aszx flatterer 24393/sléepy L3Asx flattery 24355) balm LAGSx to adorn; +30>5%/to plaster, Lass to béautify to sméar adorner 1iisss| plasterer LSisz adornment. 1+4358# | plastering (t4Sx decoration lto balance Lekx to glide. +*$ex3s/to wave. Las to shuffle re fluctuate | shuffler 13853 /hour, thse shuffle LAS=$x | immediatly | water melon 445%3/| flap ikosx péach 9392) to overflow . t#§=s rigid.erect »x/to overwhelm ?S-+— hale ~s-loverflow (2KA9x brittle Lse%!_péautiful 28-93 Slap Lex} bSauty LAod.~S= leg.shin 18z/to sob. ideA\ss foot’s ‘Xon?/to fret,to sigh large bone supplicant L38\s% wretched, 52) Sob, LasSss miserable ‘supplicAtion brook; | FREE. level taoSz channel |to overwhelm tS.+s— to run away +44=/harrow LaSx run away eee eae Laigs stréam \knné! Level LAs Sz to take. ‘85x! splendour, L595 to substract peepee ta | take 8A 5x | Shining, LibSx Sub— tA-+524madi_| bright straction grace Ags Sycomore ‘S=s/to pléase - 2138x_ dandelion :#52i/knife 1895 to smart ‘setsx/elegant ,dandy+ie>4z w Ce ER SENS nr rn ts NR NN sléep ‘Ass! to listen i5S= héarer Lisw? to be scalded, +44: héaring 1&.Ssx/to perboil sun +£2/ smallpox oudx déacon lv. 1x2imBasles, tAsqns— servant 1#§$2-| scarlatina of mass pitted LigAx Pir trée 2t~eziwith smallpox solar Ltzszi gléet boxSz woon 15eH-x~z|/nAme, Los light ireputation.fame ray of 1kaxo%/to defame. +395~2- -the sun to slander spléen ‘iz/mole Lox to depart. i-03%/palate.gums ‘X%% to go away. ichéek 1k 00% to move imite L&ows to kéep quiet+:o:z/fracture, iw to kéep péace. breakage to tame. t3'6-7-/to break, |= = +%%= to Paint t2ax/ to fracture fainting 13232/ breaker La Sw moving L332) Practure LA Sox movement (&.32|/ heaven _ rsmx Paint 1Au3z/ Pat. fertileti-+ » = tamer t3sx/heA@venly. 520m tameness (833) celestial garlic (t&siz/Pertility, ‘4os-%3 bulb’s root |Patness to droop ~—_ + e=s=/ adamant LS .s0% to dangle ‘+teX\~|squill LAwy to drawl 1S5—!small and Looe to waddle +33~s—|smelling red melon dangle LASZsxl wax, béeswax ‘%S»z yéar 183z/to héar. Liswx LX Sx 131 16.2 to pluck up ‘<%«'¢rafty Lehi plucker 12X35 large whip = <#34:— pluck 14. 5=) trumpet L8eSax carcass, 3S=|erdser.rubber L§8.% cadaver | rub LASix flame lé.a¢73z/to be in love +45= to spoil. tee ee eee Lex to take away l{to make (18Xx )i5zx to bark lone fre bark 14W9x| enamel S95 swarm t2\2/ juice Léa spoiler +8232 | flatterer obas spoil thd S| bonbon LeadaX to be quiet. '+4x|/fron rod Zax to céase doubt qe apostle Lies8i ant LEgss apostolic Lsh.4x/cailing looax ruler. ik-\e1¢o give Lhéas governor He ithanks , to praise quietude. +4-8 téaser t442%/Gar of corn téase 1\A.82} Seven enticer 24S92/seventy enticement +4432|/seventéen madness tAs5z/to léave off. sender 2459x|/ to abandon dispatch +453zt;o forsake, question 1Xtox/ to forgive interroga—24\lex| abandon tive forgiveness Dts L5iz LAd6m IE lS5x tAosS=x 3505 ’ ’ Luwosk Yo we = Leox jae fee Was Laos % L$.52 LiSn5% 4 )138% LAASx 1855 23% 30393 LoSx z LARS 135 firmament +5.55/to be awake Asx pe Gh ig 16.05/sensation LAxS5 thinly AqlS-05/awakening +433 .»— thinness hoe psren roost 295 ee € yoe d oa le Loodo5 soaked 120395 head \=3/to reject Langs beginning ‘%4oz2-| to scintillate?ssy— chiefly , 4.225) to be loose- 2235 principally tor pe slack 1Xox— principal. +4*3)loose : 1599 chief, slack © ASox— first Crisis looseness LAo~35 to mark. 1%=5/slackness 2 Soxa— to sign rejection. 14.85 property ‘Soap scintillationtpsy>— prince.chiefti3}/palpitations +5}2— principa- *4e3%3|looseness _—_—‘*4--83 lity kick 1593 ascent 1sSsx5|to kick 1545 piece of kzalwatered groud 2633 chéese kick =, 1h@ds POL DO UL 1445! second 1945 to ferment +5»<—!moment Li5s0— boil 2483/to hover. 190395 fermenta— +*+5»<2:—-|to brood tion wing’s flap 149595 to rhyme 1»45| pavement 189205 rhyme L2s3} lead ss? rhymer L3m05 1 otiff oS to shiver. ¢'6545/to stiffen Lébe— to tremble foolish 255 shivery, t34545!' to dance 13.55 tremulous ‘dancer 15.55 shiver rdnd05! dance 13.05 Be obstinacy +52 127 right handed?!+%23 cantle to browse, to graze to rain pastor shepherd Ssiibject, vassal browse raininess to tremble. thunder thin bread to féel-> ~ L2S5 12 soft.tender Sts softly N13 to be soft, 1335 to be tender | softness Lh255 maccaroni L&a3 high 1205 height LKqw5 pride Lh. \ sign L&s.Ad2 Ltd wink. L4~S2— typical. Lii}%03 symbolical proud. 13205 haughty evening Lx03 worm Lx colour tXs> plane (2335 right hand +3 6 LAxmi5 love,mercy ?A»4s to be far away?54 far .afar L Bm remoteness t&o-5~3 to move. Lx+5 to créep reptile > Lem move LAxn5 to darn 1545 barn 13045 smel]1-odou rian? fragrance +43-Sf2— to smell 1Sex— advice.counsel 3-5 unicorn Lad to arise Li ascent LAws5 to sprinkle ++: sprinkler 13O05 sprinkling +4#+5 to roost. 1925 to perch flock of birds+$-5 roost 24935 to spit Lod Sys 4 oe L1AnS5 juice of L525 plant mucus 12-2 mucous, 15545 sniveler, slobberer rider L535 to ride 1553 to set on \$— L5945 L265 LXer Par.distant to run LXer to be intoxi- +465/runner L4a5 cated | run | LXor5 drunkard £65! resin, storaxtio> drunkenness +4e-65/rhetor. 23405 wide tA-03/orator widely AalSeob/rhetoric, t&od\o5 wideness ?4o~-05/eloquence letter’s 15505! to £aze Lic aspiration — \gazer Likod altitude, 1203] pAaze LA~dd hetght _ quiet .éasy Ag spéar tswo>iquietness. tora pomegranate +3i*%05| €éasiness hill ‘Ames | Punnel she8 shoulder tzSo5/noise 1305 spittle. +po>/muffler. ve i]23303 saliva €arthquake 14305 mark. tex05/to rejoice. 2465 Ssign.signature to be glad rice +93!daily news 2490 willing. -'5!rejoice LK 4965 content _jto be enlarged+=6s will.desfre ++%>?/to be relieved Willingness +4o-$2| spirit.ghost.?+e3 runner i(No~S! evil Spirit +As-s— paramour 120-3 scfatica tws\ oXs— distant ‘50~3'/ Holy Ghost t=30s9- to run 1%45/ nephritis LA po» m— course.caré6éer!\~?/mercy i505 mercy ‘y=5/incorporeal 1tiso: friend is—Si relief. 43465 to love. 124)|Sasiness to be merciful Spiritual 24440 merciful Lsmn5/ afar. L505 Liox3a> 124 x55 dried milk +4:8/fire wood 1538 GOs aT Eaegaeb ake L&as vehemently © priest 125 raining t&xax5/to dare Lboaxe vehemently daring L8d3x8 bow tAzsito be thick. 2425 rain bow ,-?* -4=5/to be curdled handle;hilt La6 catholic 15.\0A5 whey LSh5 to be obsti-— ?54s- nate).priest 2-245 ira) Ud ® Ue ay to. shiver, 23X5 to tremble Shiver rKaX5 trembler 1503 torrent rSo\5 Foot 2X footman 22 S\5 to stone 12X53 to be Lad Lo frozen stoner La9A\5 frost Law X5 sense, féeling+=\3 sensation L&s\s finished 25 persecution 443025 to approve, ++ to like approver L3ia5 approbation +4435! Liove> 548°; pledge dandy a4x5 order, L§ld arrangement lung. LAL5 liver Lkx0a— great 35 steward SP Ge fe general Se high priest t305— archangel +9t\s— great, 155 older.elder ‘3==- ten thousand *4&o>> master, téacher->3 Fourth... LiSaad quarter interest L1An3> monk ad celibate +5+5\ 25— celibacy Lh0355 nun LAs55 man servant a) vermin,reptile+5\3 oe eek 52 1ka\5 te —_—_—_——a—— crimson — saernleurdle LAs 55 cochineal tO CED Gn L255 gillyflower 4+5334)/to réad L5Ka— horn.trump ?+455/neighbour 13255 to die LeSa—| godfather t&~20ns 42— projection bs20|\ stranger. 125.55 stingy. 9-395| foreign curmudgeon . strange 2330 — to dash 1852 / godmother LAn.d5 to buffet ‘*+e9>55; lection. Lisbon buffet 140325) lesson munch 143835/vocation — 42¢4i— obstinate te55/cold 13.55 to rake ‘¢55/ tobacco juice =+>9 rake these) béam _ rkn58 dirt.filth *55s/call 1K.55 to pack up,‘#o»>4|ré6éading L5Aa5— to prepare. (235.4, t819)2320d5 to get ready agate to thunder: 2°555/to wrinkle = +#e355 to butt ison55\ wrinkle Lkw355 to caw, 120555) unripened Lhadn to croak. melon to bubble plum.damson Ao lead m-x0522/t9Q win L255 preparation?4s555|to wrap. Lsod— thunder ° +4~55)5|to cover, dirty. filthy+i5>2|to overlay dirtily aqtishs| winner Liddo butt LASmdo/vyictory Lkx55 cr 0ak s555!covering 1Xo42— noise ss5elto have 24,0035 rattle 3555! colic dry t4055—/having ColictiX,>s to be crisp +%5=/colic LAL SS LAYS 122 LAS OSS bedstead | 8334 cluck LAs 5S5 Communion, tha50/ front. Lee communication forehead crow,raven iMs5)/sugar cane 58 ricinus 1355/riddler LeOeH communis defect 0 en to be old, ‘-e2s|defection %Aodenn to crouch [divination tA»Eon old age, |= (+4~95s\ fracture Nisgx Pie Ligen cae eae lgréen fodder'3-.4 cock ,rooster 469>5| barren Sayed turkey cock r-3s¥2—| barrenness t&oda5|to riddle | ?%§» maid,servant *%55/riddle,enigma’»:s créam tAxoss(/to bruise tyenes to be white L455) bruise Ay o_o to be ~Kowo L8dA3_| castle, palace 435% bald mattter, Nes POD Cr, 1M50laffair, subject to gnaw Ifraction L&go bite 1$50/Fucharis—(tss3exn2 )— to roll up %se%8s) tic to curdle ($0455! pelican 165 document. 26-$55,bonbon,fruit +84 chart. partridge L3555 | diploma 244\0~2—| gourd, pumpkin +255 certifi- +4e27%:—|to take Holy 7235s cate Communion roller 134455/to approach, 1430334 roll up 14.8551 to draw néar cartola 18855/approaching +4435 bite LAXxBe approch LAs3b6 1$o 094 shrinkage 121 (Lh SN5 to nmidevinie réed.calamus ?4:5/allevidtion?45545 to possess, Li45/ Stare LAnkxs to 6arn.to gain anthem tAN5 possessor 1532)Small basket?AAs possessive. Lez-|dagger 12s genitive to be burnt +4%=5 animal tsi30!/ slightly possession 18~i5/to gobble Lado Sanctuary ta38/ flour Lass sacristan L1i535|/twist L1Xswon hemp 1435/to twist re -) 6ar ring LAxac|twist 1kN on kernel 16a5|/ twisted iYawo to eradicate ,2?30435!to pinch, 1545 Oe pute On 4 to nip eradication ‘Ao438!pinch.nip La05 cassia 1se5)/whip (5QMe to foretell 1%S0|/ locust ob gs8 enigma, LAw2oinest bis riddle first born x5— rule 19-$5) sugar 235 clucking hen ?2$5!candlestick!%-+235 to gripe LiSn person lxoan gripper o-Ss|/personal, 24030 padlock 4-55} proper . gripper +3495| persona] ly4-+t%0a5 grip LA.~So perso- 1ho.%030 chapter rotASo|nality cageoss rule,canon, i635 to cage. 168s) regulation, to contain’. Canonical .t43¢635 to gather regular gathering tA@Ss/to shrink. (sis to cluck; {Sen95|to contract tAosis 120 L54..0 tee -45| guitar 18Ran Lettie AwS5) stickiness LAaBis quickness, *4ot-\s/to cut off LéAn spéed Cuteo Lr LAwRn climate.zonet»+\5/ to wring. L945 dense - e-S3ito pluck. parched t6236/to pinch séeds wring t1h955 roast 14.36) voice ,sound iss chaff \atsito cry. LSSa=— pen tsS5' to proclaim poplar trée -%®-s—-|to sound, Laqs— louse - teS5) to ring noise, - 45935) ]o0ud voice Lob. dispute - i /counterfeit: sss noisy 1iS6%36| Palse vocal 14386) mould ahé castle. 1$\5) matrix LHSNL2— fort, stroghold to turn aside 253s sling (,S809)2S\5/ perversion LAsXx skin, péel ‘2855! to roast LOSS to be péeled t8%s light.quick 2Seds. to be barked |to péel; isos scab 146-385) t0 bark skinny L396 inl l ets L305 bark LAS\6! bread to fade. tsec48| shield cake to languish | to curdie LeoXS5 languishing+4is45|curdle LAS A languor tAseiolroasted méat 24\5 to gaze. t6Scj;alkali , x3sks to stare potash Squinting Lo\n smoking pipe road to lighten +tox\5|/évil.bad 92\5 15 ee LAA\X 9 pha 119 LOWri sé, t»is|slaughter to stand up assassinationt43{»5 risen ix-~niashes Lo\5 trellis ix~5/piece. 1<\o rising (142-5/to cut, Lash resurrec— +t4»45/to cut down tion | to stop eer statue 4n25/staff.rod L545 rocky | 1355/cut,stop rh.S N05 goldsmith 143.5| fragment stick.wood +6-5\fraction +45-\%s3i- to be 185i-|to gather 19X05 bastinadoed grapes palm trée +%>o~2—-|vintager 25,5 flax stalk 'i4s2—|vintage 1&3 5 small L30O-51t0 tie 13X05 Stick to wreathe +tS.As— to bruise, Les5/arch 15\5 to be bruised. |backbone 15h to be stunted ;bundle, L5h0 to wink 13.3—|wreath bruise 1hetolto arch Ls05\,6 wink 23.52-/to be 1.x3i— oblique. ¢5-9!hunchbacked slanting bent 1As4\5 pitch 2-5! rock 135 z6al As-9/ Slander N5-5 to be 2x81\—|to be burnt L3i0 z6éalous burn l3o.0 to be cold L#i9/puardian. 120-5 cold +#-5/supervisor cool Axio briar. 156.5 to. stick to '?4+5/bramble sticked to %4+5/summer 14.5 lace A-s!aestival LiXa5 LS 118 14.300 box sSon,cluster 19.8305 solan goose ;Aosjof grapes gander $8)well;pit Lisox goose 14495! bud 24365 measure (t1S0.3) 2595 consul \o@s05 fun. (235-\%)25395/ stewing pan +43%en hoax basket Lox harm Lreni tar 15405 pick; pickaxe’*'5/ quail LinxSon bridle crownes52— owl LkSon i5ox marigold cauldron to cackle, ens to warble lase¢ yn large 5 5 6éarthenware pot to caw. Lnonon to croak.to howl cackle 1k~O~5)/ howling Laivon tom cat SS} howl tAn86n to dress L3S5;key’s ward +Adoxzen oneself jar Lhorex dress t&sh$0/cask’ vine jar “Ases cat o.S/unripened grapetses Plax yfhlax oX4s/néar L5305 séed holy communton+35395 knitting 65lnéarness Lko.s3500 néedle quick,swift «<\3es murderer. +%°\5|4ged 1Aodo8 murderous |jmouthless jar +50 kitten 143045! elbow 1ASon50n hump tA>0N9| blue thistle +i-<3es hand’s 3..5| stomach worm. 43550" hollow tape worm | to kill. 1k85/ obstinate LSbo0 to murder. obstinacy 189.5500 to slay. crust Lkxodou to assassinate |army yOzOs murder. 28.5 hardening Lizon p3305 147 Lison thumb ‘400! arched Lison bridal crown!*202 reception ’ ‘XSon promise. Sos! accéptance convenant | accepted. iSaon bracelet tsion|/ received armlet ‘ASite5/ opposite ‘Aszox ball i(Xionjnoise.tumult os of cotton to make noise +454— service.fée \ctoo/ fetter (o43)2305 COC Ssclonl| yesterday *32%> tw20n colony *$26A02/ to. morrow LaLts— bed stand +i-\So=;/determina—. ‘450205 praise (Son) tion | lump (t4en)iSSomn/holy.saintly. t#2es eyelid ELGN Seal nena wane ties Liden gangrene tSonon| to promise Leos jax tSscn| promiser Lixon snare {sN>0a~' promise LSAGE pledge. ‘SSou| strength. Neen promise ‘power. force to occur. 1008) cotton pod fon to happen ‘heap.ptile Lop Stature. 108! pole L505 height ihump L&do\on bomb. 135~05|hunch backed 25\es Cannon ball BZ be hard,. Lions hip bone 1Xexeni to be sticky. gambling >*e5|to be srong accident, ('4*65;hard.strong, +05 event sticky stature tswes/hardiness, © tSe-on corner ‘\-\sos| stickiness peril, 032365 preservation. t*+o9 danger establishment LAw65 gun stock pss0n' hardiness Soren 116 13455 holily déed.léase holiness. *4oz-28 receiver Lidse Sane oye. complainer Late large eo ascer yon LASSE éarthenwarec ‘omplaint L&A30 neck | grave. i538 collar 1320,2—| tomb. sepulcher mountain t&MEn/to bury. 1335 pass to inter before ,in enemts sepulchral 12355 presence of burier i555 front _ 2235|/ burying. ika5n Pirst.prior ++%35|/interment. priority Lhe nbs sepulture in the front4-!235; young sprout tos morning nse that 25 calamity. $25|/niece of timber245 misfortune cree. 1X35 quantity s24/interdict estimation 1325, the holy 22265 xz025 cooking pot § +53 2| of holies Gone ccnatn oniecste to consecrate 12625 adulterer ‘3¢0%' to join L535 adultery Lkenes F joiner L3595 harlot t&-5c8! join 1huw20 coffée iéoe| key 1Xsor to be Lien) prepo— tet® se».28 blunted.to be Sition set on edge ancient? a25 Set on edge. ‘4o5/antiquity $435 blunty former Lim.o5 setting on +t4-%2 antique;ancient. edge;bluntness /|formerly A 1225 dome .arch ‘Sestholy,saintly +2428 cube e305 Saintly. Nel3.98 2835 T4 5 rABeag a sparrow 28S. smart LAG ERE hen sparrow. *45$s/ jaw Bay he goat ss| smoke thay chéek ts¢/dulcimer L5s0S~— cricket. 13ey/pipe;flute ‘A>0Ss grasshopper to be cléar. +44¢ balm (+4s4-2 2433)2655/to be pure crocodile « +4+293s— to be pungent *43s'cate Bagh pungent (8.5./suppliant., +35}$9¢ pungency 1&495¢/ supplicant caterpillar +3¢es>¢|sob — -LASX36 to scr6éam. +43¢s3=!Suppli7~ (t&AG59— hoe eh auth a. cation thyme ibs5 morning 15S8¢ m= WV obstinaéte +349055, for 65 ark ‘\Aoza}why. -2090 25 constipated 55! wherefore constipation:401358 mug.cup +35 sect.tribe perayecce iphis \oss sectt Sos-35!to accept. +4035 vessel 18-351 to receive to complain iS3e/funeral - 3930 contract, L335! rib LXsoa5 AetSade 7 Wig La5u —_—_— a limpid | to chase cléarly, s-t5-4¢/to fish Lsoa— limpidily _|to snare L2N30Q5— cléarness +40\-3<¢/hunter Lada limpidiness+4~»2-|fisherman a tt ss statue, 12s) hunting L&dA~ figure fishing baqaa- to shine ta%e/to fast. Lda — splendour, +#*;/to abstain from brightness fasting Lins shining Litws/fast Lavin sunshine 1Kn%elto be dry up 2S4y revexl ta hee o43se, dried. Lan. gripes | Strained , box ,chest +5023;/dryness LASS coffin —24§-229—| gridiron %S to stand in +3024¢)block, lump L5¢ the presence of |to crucify waXy standing uptiSesacjcrucifixion *A34, standing up*443s<:|to pray Leod< hook, 1Ad0a-/ prayer LAod. Fish hook 430e22—|to chop tm S crafty tS-ae/Slaughter 73 eS to burn 433-/house.stock yard | in cooking | slaughter LR mS bad smell 133.' to descend, Lady of cooking to go down to abuse. L505-/descent LAWS. to revile cross, Land. reviler 1453¢/ crucifix abuse L83S~/to become cléar2ios< to pour thovse!to get well +552 .»- out.to flow... |to be sobert3»+ .2~— Plow 1ASE3¢/to be limpid +4»— to smart t$o5n3¢/cCl@ar.sober+ ‘-\~ Lane 4118 L343 mnatérial twister LiXAS to fall ty0SAS/turn away L1AS43 in pieces twist LAMAS falling 13A399/guile.plot L3ad in pieces plotter LA3a9 poultice >43/asp.adder L3a9 collection %3a3|fine cotton +4298 Be BS < 3B drake Liog Rye porch. 1Ses, sOap rose anti room soapy Ladong fléece (45504)t3S0clmatter, kos, dining table +35e,' business hush s¢s/baby.infant +455 scab Lgoe i infancy Ko W35 to wéep teosoe| Pinger LSa5 comet (+3302)23-,ey/antimony (t3~9) L3-d¢ lock tA-~covi/alms.offering +53¢ of hair chest. breast +55 cartilage, +307>—|west LAdDE gristle thirst LOG .s (16.5)ti-c50-/to be thirsty ‘4%: thistle thirsty Laas image, 450-\ f'6ar,terror of picture.form unmarried +53 °¢s méeting tSoe/ shirt — 1bdoe sound.safe. ~¢/conversation37°%¢< unhurt ‘incontinence ito: cléar i6~-/of urine weather shoes thos section LtA-|/fast, Lxo0g hunting. 15~s/abstinence hunt horrible, L36¢ to hunt. 14i-/P6arful.terrible LALWAS is be Lloaas dissolutiont4=4:8 to cur ]i3e3- willow 246x938|to wind RY to stretch L528/storm L36Na9 oneself twist L&A\AdS stretch \Aozs/wind SS$Sa— to be melted +5#3|SaAviour 15055 gléaning \e5=8)to extend iLox3 melting LAdzS | simple iXoxs loins tAz$) small round t4s0x4 pieces +83/ bread decanter 1X48 Jukewarm , 16S0x3 béehive LSA\KS| tepid NnLi20d— honey— 22522 135-|Gasy.plain LBox3 comb : to explain Loox$ answér. toXas|/to streteh tdLoA— clause. to melt Loox3 death’s L685] to digest t&\oare— sentence extension LAX = oOpen?=0AS to split 2539 dining table +3654/ lot L359 to open, 1289 ' dung Lioxg to uncover splintery 133x5 opener L3ISNS| Split L1Kk9%3 treadle L1A~ASi to repent. Losy of a loom to regret. to expand t283/to be sad wide t4a3/penitent. Lax width Lko-3| sorrowful to turn, iS8S| sorrow; Lh0x8 to twist, {penitence to turn away to melt. x09x5 twist 1Xa3/to dissolve wick 24.851 tO gush LxoSx3 large screwtiXs2—| gush Lk x4x8 14 coe ~Aonnd a Wes Bs | 1553 top 18958, to expand. 1639 butterfly +43+58-|to spread whirl 245838|/ expansion 1A @53 snow Plake +2394)2$ English +4054 to crisp ta0053|/miles person 2$0655! to pay 3 235353 personal +48e,38/to repay : DeErs on th0-90559| payer 13558. nality pay 1A.Sa9 personal ly24ox33!purslain +47~09>4 occasion; S253} to rinse. 1.0539 opportunity to cléanse to be saved, +55S!rinse 14.938 to be finished to tear Li,0533 old cloth si5>3i|violently | difference +40555|to suppli- +4059§ finisher 13458/cate.to beg. Saviour £35238|to beséech , end. Lh533|supplicant +4535 salvation supplication<$3$ pavement =>8|/to disperse .+903958 furni— (4es-3)-|to dissipate ture to destroy +4«3- to separate +*35|prodigal 136924 paving stone +#+3|destroyer +3437?— to pave - ts0x34|/dissipation!Aosss . divider 13258/destruc— +434332- division, 1&x5S| tion | separation to gargle. ++95S38 sift 1453S gargle LA~S$995 dung 2433/to whirl. 130954 swéarer e438) to twirl ras mtte.crumb 240433/to brandish 2$+%— to crumble +39455/light. 13458 to twist tdenas' trifling 143135 ead LKX55 rent 2%23| looking L459 spend thrift o49$|/with pleasure tearer 13858) provocation 2939 fléa 243455) bran Laoas to abound, +438/flying 1059 to be abundant dandruff 1K..035 to tet Flow .44"—|voracious. 14059 abundant 2235S/ravenous abundantly %-+++>3/Protestant +205 abundance +4e-3$/ skin eruption?42¢24 carpet 1-59! cutting .sharp!*o>5 chosén. 23455) Jambkin L305 distinct to save. L5o5Ss distinct ly4-+'=+>5/to finish to tear 1553| sA€viour 16058 to chafe. 13595|/book marker +2054 to rub clever 154— crumb 159$|plAte Lkx038 stuff. 1398 lung 1Kods matérial to cut L043 chur] e259/in piece §s tte 2&30358| mite Liogds crumb cutting 14954 tear 14933; in pieces friction (4935|/ fron TET: to cut,?»3s ‘to fly 1258 to slay. flyer L259 60. GUutcoL ft. Riccen LmdS slice 1433! odoriferous herbs understan— -°e»>4/ bat LK.3238 ding flying Liss to under- ++e»54|/birds LA W548 stand flight 1&.33 intelligent+i+=94| bat .vampTre!}-$1+55 Slaughter +4=55|to téar 1459 tA 054 109 LAs imperative +3655! nut LKOS mood burning cloth +424 oversight 1Xe2028!t6 be suffoca—'Xs3 to blossom. 12839! ted ,to suffocate to bud.to bloom |suffocAtion LASS flower 1429) branch 1634 bloom ‘A~53/ workingman Sas tadpole 1h.ns\efficient: Ss to explode. +4355/to yawn Ldosg to burst yawn LAasg crack ‘4.03!Pope 144 explosion. +4-S=5 Roman catholic++$s burst papyrus co395 to burst toods5$}/to shun. Lega in laughter to avoid fedAther,quill ‘'34l|avoidance 1AW~¢S spoke. 18052-|to rejoice ++¢3 felloe Passover <8 millet 1X58) rejoicing 1A~<9 to exter-— tyoX3S/ to shape, LlouS minate to fashion extermina— +4454’ shaper 14X.4 tion ‘shape. 1SAGS NL pair of 2X94! fashion compass iwhéezing, sie to flée 1338/asthmatic pounded 1353'to hiss. LeoSed whéat ‘to whéeze | foot’ s web 1354 whéezing L3eSe9 tympanum ‘\io— wh6eze LAL S59 lath 160235/ frog 159 paradise 1g4294) to. command: ‘#2988 flight ‘€235/to order to look ‘ae*4) commandant, 13308 with pleasure ‘commander LAdeos 108 1S.95 so and so -43 crooked 1X.95 plan. “$1to be crooked +%4s scheme.project |crooked—‘4e\.a3 :1Xa3 radish ‘S\siness to fight. +#%3/to gaze, 13038 to dispute to -think fight LAxX9 | pAzer 145935 to stammer +'30s\8/¢4ze 14338 Stammerer +355\3/to search 12S stammer 2828\9/ search 1A..X8 stout \$x4|} slice 158 to exter- 12038) half LXAS minate strife, L&e AAS window: 35X38/contest trick.wile 238' dregs. husks sols to dam t~e2aS| Fighter L£0A4 dam 140334/oak trée 1&~oA3 crafty .wily 23538!to work. 124 Filbert tp23$8!/to labour phantom t208a9/ workman. 12X35 to be 1239) worker exterminated soldier LAS extermi- 28-39; work, labour ?+44\3 nation work Lk..Ss to stagger .+30334/togo out. LX Ss to réel to come out Staggerer +44$35/ outcoming 2Xox2— stagger (&S438| cloak. O48 paper 18.539) overcoat béetle 1$0@5/ nlanet 28-45 to step 14393| staircase (3X8 step ‘A\oxe4!1 to be crooked. +23 section 15024/to be distorted crop. tAd0039/ distortion2*3$:tAx\s gizzard packsaddle (48 ey 107 rhe to be fresh. +448;lustful to be cool to forgive ‘36-8 freshness ‘§1i3|fForgiver 2358 saltless 14.-8)forgiving +4348 diarrhoea t-S}verdigris. >-~8 screw 24-~)-|copper rust to be insipid +3+4/to think tSis unsavoury ; 15-S| thinking. 14~S insipid resemblance to insult 28:3! potter 1524 with open hand 6arthenware 1525 insipidity +S943/hand’s palm +4~§ elephant .X.3 | EIST 12044 phial.cup :Sz3'contuse (A\ea)— paten :6S-s' fuel cake 1LOXS philoso— +8¢#4-S mushroom LAs0\5 pher |Flatness. iA3 philo- 1XeS0@X-8| contusion sophy to be flat Lig © philoso— ++8eo%-3/melon Li _S phical unleavened +5-\$ (234-4 2829 )1403-8| bread turquoise to whisper .++°$%$ censer ~ ?%3-8\/to mutter to be; 12:8\whisperer +3 LAse)th-308 plough 24538 pimple.pustule j/nasal mucus t205 nostril L509! mucous Lises amusement «© 44X3eS}/to yawn Laoed reward. 148505] snout 1903 recompense spout Lalva— ordinance +4603/pouter Livos commandment +34503, wind Lio§ command | powdered pons salvation 135509 | whGat difference?+sex503| pardoned iX~os distinction forgiveness +S+os offering. L4zd0S|/ atonement host L&szb05 windy 142095 shéep dung LAd0S| stove (zXaol )25i035 yawn 28304) pipe tinder xeS;assembly 15-05 turban 14209) chaff 1359S epi 4 23x08; division 1XSNos conditiona]++5%e5/ doubt (gz) — squib. rocketi3z05|stéel aXos interpre— \sz05|/work, labour %i++e3 tation.méaning |péa.péanut i403 post.mail 4=08|/mouth Ld08 ( tAso5—9 LSS) 2409 opening Latwo— madder gobbling Limes apron t&soS!|candle.taper +4308 to'squirt 290593) bud rh 9h o— squirt 1493994) tick tadSa— trap.snare —=248/extermination?+ies libidinous. 2t~Slanswer (3004) — wanton. lewed. cooked food 1403 L855 105 1dd5 Aa CAEL A Ried eb cea ee ee rival wife 1A58 | bed 1635 inde— (A5oxi) 5-28 Hver LA.202— pendent ee jto roll LSoS53 snow drift, %A-2S|over,to die avalanche darkness | rXa3s future = (2479)2-45|dying., L& NBS time rolling over ancient, isaaslwhisky , Pry antique alcohol.spirit antiquity +40%-43|to flée. 2553 rich 134431tO run away, rust (AsX) Soa} to escape to grow old t30=85|flight Lands 1005S nine LES | FO tarrys Londs ninety nzAs{/to delay | ninth Lszas/delayer LaXpds ninetéen soszas|delay LABS i MnO R-LUT tye ace lamb 1523 to convict, 72e»-|face 1428 to put to shame |to importune L£52— to impor tune+es2— créam LS de2— impor 1&.600- |chéek LEOS wa tunity to be partial3=+— to be ms4—|partiality +%4-§-— excused to support mass young €éwe \ +3 LSka2— Wee ee ake | to copy eo JOd~ mischievous ito insult. of >3>4- stable .X§| surface ~2302— rue (2843 )2343|to intercede?+*>— body 1549/ for corporeal ++3545|to disapprove>2*— 24.55 Shi 104 L&o news mee eee pg Raa ein eae to be embarrassed|deepness 1Kenoms hard, teh} to dwell. L508 GLEE ew. to inhabit hardship. L&ones| woo! L308 embarrassment inhabitant 135»S heel 1553/woolen. L45x04 mouse L5sa0n8 woolly to dig up 446s/habitation thoes to root 2503 .~-/ aunt LAs»s out |}chimney 1303K2— root 553/to answer. LSas scorpion 55051 to reply digger i508 | grape LA.nsa% radical L24503/ dead, ib sa digging up ‘Abs! departed barren 18553) cloud 1343 space 254) tenth Li5.O4 interval] 23592-(/to be hard. 156s sheep +553/to be difficult responsible 1553! difficult, LB@S — sieve,riddle $353 /hard, perverse carriage. wears dee ei cul ty . téosas wagon,cart ‘hardship Friday 2A30d4 ten LSS Fugitive .8038| decimal Liod@r booth. («X09 )2Sf53 | fraction cottage - ~ |tenth part thes to fart, 1¥5stdoubled ».. ~2Ssgs to mend 2-058) earth, 159s to hold 1253/ zround.dust to rain L340 — earthly. 13598 holy day 2453} dusty rainy 1445S! to make a reparation 24W%5sidifficult. 13 LBows 103 13003 narrowness t&es-S;church. |. 152008 angel (25249) 23-3} habitation watcher 2334i—-/antiphon Lédos turn screw 545! Puneral 2280s on.upon.over Miaffliction; isos to deceive. ++024S|misery to chéat [raven LS350s deceiver. 234248 /uncléan. 1Sbo0s deception 144335 uncircumcised high L283) impediment +4%5des highness 1&o.Ss she goat Lis stréet 2So\S! compass (o%iSa5) 2598 lane. 1hA\0MS | aloes 2698 narrow passage vehement. Longs 1léech. (od )t5o4S| terrible blood sucker young =» Baas upper room +4+\s|she goat meet above,up. AAs} yarn oe1Ses upwards loom (28034) 2499 science 2\s;}to spin oes eternity aSS|spider tzzeatkys people. t2ASi spinning . i&\¢Gs world.men ring,signet LApgs lay. LivAS thigh ~ Ld>Ns layman.wordly cloud _ t5a8 wovcdlin. 180.23S!e@loudy - 13505 ness wéeder 2B SS for ever ees j/ habit 13553 adverb LAdwAS | Arcturus L&ons cause;réason +&\s/eye. Lins with aS! spring. Liva— nation.people +4; fountain.sourée | to be 1343/to be narrow +44s baptised narrow L5as déep tSomSiaffliction -os-% tKonwos 1G2 2550 torn down 43080 to grow léan %5Xs— to pull down +542| basket LASona® protection. +54®!carding 13.556 hiding place skill LAx2& curtain 25a%|/ winter L600 pull : LAdk@ wintry LE6AD wéeder aoe: 1328 time 4333/ féastival wéedy (23838 2333] wood. forest 158 contender 1353! servant 1338 custom.habit 3S;to do:to act 2435 churcht?423 | doer L4aa8 ecclesias~- +4i42:/agent.active 24634. tical subject 2\Sx2— mentioned, +4-eS/action LAoas aforesaid food. 13094 bosom 2503; provisions torment. t5308/ transitory 13038 sufferings cloak 2a58 together — +}3eS!to pass, 1358 help.relief235208/ to ~=cross record 143¢03/to surpass 1 5— remembrance. passing by, Laags commemoration, |passenger inact y 1XeS) entrance LkSSs wickedness to be 1 3X wicked 1565) astonished bushel (+435)23\03| miracle LAooA\S iniquitous +4365) agtonishment?4=S3 cholera 1%os| weed (2SS\9) 233 depth.abyss +4»04|contest 133 depthness +4e5~»03/to wéed 153% 1580 shaking shakines to riddle, CO°SifLt riddler, Sifter Salt Grell lintel crab sieve to be stinker stinker. ugly ugliness mysterious whéel 104. LhSm — 235436) brim Lils2— st42X39] bank; 13q39— 133/ shore Lpso— legging 15S 1455/ sackcloth (152 wéariness L135 16230) to be tired 1450 50%350| ttred 13.2 2356/adorned. 1k.00 2345%/ embellished 23-561 to crouch, %%8o 225%/to squat to die 235 gate— ‘459/crouching +i$s6 +234_/t0 embellisht\ons rh .82@ to adorn iXso +330; oneself. -3>9\ to dress up cradle cover!33>® jadornment. t%s5® to purify 1$e329;)full dress by fire.to test embellish— 24456 to decline LA\e—| ment ‘a verb dressing t}eods— ‘purifica— LASS5/ to blame. 1250 tion to scold ‘declension ('&\»2-|scolder Lisns ‘Seraph (2324%)2852/blame. Ldn So to sup up 183/ scold sup 1485 mystery.secret® still 995% to deny 1330. blotter (2536)!585%) soldien 9558 serious theni—| renegade 13556 drinker 13834/ dental LA55o. to card. 153>| saddle LA b& to comb to shake Lo0\56 Aart So Sad Bs Se “em Sone this oe, ers iit Probes - LA8D eet 4 ei 8) LE clock. ruddiness L Bx0m watch 23-\2—| brambles L538 repéater +AxS592—| jujube sma pillow, 28.9490] +0? léan 154 bloster against. to betray ‘205S'to support 235~2\- to 43 43088/to strengthen +5}— recommend trunk 150938 to draw out 1+482®/sarcophagus 24-»2— tréason: 14.4Sl anvil 33 betrayal Strengthener 244:6 recommen—-> 44~86/strength L&oam dation snuffer 16e32 draw K.82| swallow LAns03® sapphire 1X96) limit, 303% traitor 13296!) frontier recommender -2-/to hate. Liio tradition +&o3436|/+to abhor.to loathe omelette 13-9%| hateful L3ish sphere 15.$inéedfulness *4on-30 rotteness LSS2nhna te LAn50 to rot 164%| thorns Lis LA~s® rotten 1$-5%|/to be in want. 1432 Clover 186282/to want voyage. *86/néedful; 13536 journey.trip want iKn5m scribe 1386! organ, BoN3& book 13$92|/ harmonium quince 1S\s8>l/archdfocesan 13046 written L&0.356|/ visitor language Sacristam +5»ves>_ clerkship +49-599| hair 153 lip SY) barley 214.546 edge, 1$492—/hour,time NSS ledge.rim pendulum. L20\2— Ce — ee quail -olSisilver string=-2 hoarfrost. >64>/to ordain 12io rime ordination +45-»42 POO Cima s ‘$6 | ordainer 1im.% management treasure 1k2.2 sandy : ete ea 13m béé6troot, ‘sL>|to ascend, +44@ béett OSS OUD poison.venom +**%/ascension 152m hoof ‘3>1to tfe. 15.2 to become +4*2;to bind blind eh the target 15. to betdea— , of a gun extinguished | binding LAdi@ blinduess Lande | inscription 25% moustache +3595%2|to: coin. Li cwo— red 1 b00@ to mint rhus _. tgex@|coinage Lha 2x0 reddish ‘sico2>)/al thoug hese red-— 1Ao.in0e®! raised Qae dishness + Be Planar Sable 15000) Sty (td0%— Nasa )t5695 (2552 1513) + [inde 23,20 flint | foolish. 1Sae fein ty tay ee bed fine flour Li-~e!the shot oft4 ( L&nést)is Snd|a gun socket | /rough. unéven?ts5a@ the left ‘32> peg 1kay band ploughshare+3s3- left handed ++S%2/| basket LSS ladder 18390! to plunder, +t3%0 poisonous. 144S/to pillage venomous pillager La5\6 to be red 155) pillage Lasko 1.8 98 Aoios tonsure 1382; beloved,déar Solos dining | ace swéatheart td&d\oXLos table | hy mn LA..Lo& dining 7345302|/new born. 136 room unmatured L&sos\,— waiter 425300) trade 1306 Calendar (<5Xiee|/to trade 136% declension?§$20®/ vernacular L436” of verb {Charming L3306 péaceful 245%) sudarium Ldéioe agréementAork Ss) the last Laiex to visit +2305~0) prayer visit 1453~S!roof’s border Lice swimming 26~9) branch 1506 Dae tite tSnps—! int elligence 1X50m cléar inteltectual , 24XSee Swimmer 24255/abstract to swim, LED dunghill So to bathe syl lable BoaSom Swimming 444®/conduit pipe ti;ies pillar; t3eh@) ascension LBxoe support dung stratum 24rloe to Swoop. 24%@/ramrod 15:0 to dart |ruby 150% to destroy .?*%2| synod Bo9q30m to ruin Synodical 2462¢30@ devil | 13X65 néed 135300 bad report?4es$6| circumctsed N30 devilish 12486! circumcision?derios 2 Of a yard 24®lhorse Looe old age 1£03.6| dul] purple +3602 patience | t4d5.5|swéat aaaSGoe Pence tX2@! smelling herb Span 1S-2|/mare 1ABee torrent s-S act 145S09@ to fall as 1843 offspring 1San3 léaves great La \ aNd léaves’fall +4543| grand daughter SB M2 o BB 3 to worship. +34®|silver = +228 to adore charge. — LA t® worshiper 1354.6) burden worship rA2X2| bushel oS \ ae adored 28-42/0ld.old man 7:36 much.many. -\®!cause.réason 236 great | freckle Soils many tL-19) grand Lied plural 143516/ father | plurality *40-3416/lyeed raisin tis© Sindona, ti02®/ roof’ s border?*:-3® linen cloth tréfoil? XS3@ line.row, 45221to be filledt+sse List with food. to to line 53m/be satisfied ordinal t4452,/ to satiate witness i306) satiated. LSA58 martyr L1koas-72—| Satisfied Pa 3 testimony. *4ee% satiety 1h i30 witness isa tisfac-— 2&¢.93— nartycdom*ess-72—| tion Bey part,portion ‘*c%/hope 1558 terrible LixeS|/to wait. . 155 moon L3e|to bé patient crescent, LioseS/ waiting. 13536 ornament waiter.patient lunar Liis0| wait 1kd50 annuntia— +%330@/annuncidtion?433@ tion old woman LAs& . | | : | Xana 96 158s band of 1333 to be thin 134s brigand thinness 1&2 a3 Salt amoniac; >2%3/ tattoo LAbons sodium Semantron Lzon4 kiss tAnex3s/to peck, Liga the refuge >o~x3}/to shoot of animal food |shooter Lagoa to skin. 2833/ shot 1A9 Gs to fl&y thin, 13.04 skinner 24823) slim.Slender bay oo LAY Zs ‘thinly Aal5.04 to forget sz31slfce of méat 6x; forgetful 23525 |dfmond LAs pa fine flour +8-=3/to engrave. 15.53 Porgetful— +A-%3/to hew 1825 oX— ness to béat ee) to blow +»23/engraver 218.55 gently chisel 13.85 blow LAwxs butt L553 starch LA@za engraving LAd53 to kiss L6z3/ to hit LkGa kisser 145x3/ to paint LA sa see kiss tAnss/to embroider. tSo\— to butt. 2523) embroidery 2%ohoteo3— to hit paint L¥35- 6agle 13x3/ painting 1£z5s béating 148=3/mAale camel 133 butt t65z3/ axe. chopper 1Xd5 Fasting o&z3) spotkénard aed lancet S423}/backyammon 1 dAdi éar L143} quotation mda unwillin—t5>% .»-/he goat Lidad gly ,necessarily|orange 4sp4 conclusion ?2X-Ai 15%3 snare ,gin 21 1303 95 to blow 143 modest 1$33 blower 24383/modestly AwiSa3 blow tA~S3/ modesty t£oS23 kerosene oil ?iS$3:/a mite i523 trumpet (36$-2)25-33/sample. i3ox3 to fall down +483) pattern to start ont+=3e2i-/| law iSowi a@ journey legal LiSows fall 24483 | lawful breath O83 wet.damp L353 cardig wool ?8S3!tiger. 3x3 to shake 1283! leopard clothes.to béat j|tigress tA23x3 clothtes. 23293 ; mammy 255 shaker hammoc Las expenses 28i/mint Laz béak i$0593 hypocrit 2Siss@i soul 2283) hypocrisy *4esi-3ai natural 33233/relAtion ASe@s Sparrow hawk tgsicredit ti@3 abeys Ascesitemptation tie-23 xcellent t+>e3/to Saw 23a ey ane LRomaes sardnet 133 whale 3 sawer 1563 to make Ls 3a | | Saw 24353 libation bad,unlucky 43 libation iS.5a/rayen (2¥55)2Sa3 to make tS53j;hors’s shoe ?4s3 a hole.to bore ostrich 1233 the eye 353;/peppermint +343 femal 2353;to bite ress small adz atte sting Axo y— feminine 1553! bite A Ss cash money a sting Axoy2— thin ¢303/ forked stick?<¢e3i | 1833 94- rS93 biting 130-3] pus idgs bite 1¢o-2/ festering Laos bayonet Lé23|to-whine Lyosss to rest. tsalwhiner Li fs95 to be quit whine LAg395 quiet, Li-3/to abstain from!5$s tranquil Nazarite L593 quietly pee eee: LAoda93 rest tAmes| from to nod iets i bashful Lhend noder 83-8) nose LB nas nod tKesaito sift 1X45 hen roost 50i mixture of ‘8303 prandson tXod lime and orpiment|grand LAX o§ thin.slender +*3693/ daughter stewar d>+93| lightps L303 Stewardship ' 2a e 14.$53 92 tzeh0 telling story4Mw tale LALA to bring 2eoshs. to spéak merchandise, Sa» stuff.ware dividend L134 \SAn to bring LHe 9x» to the rencounter bringing to 145sa% the rencounter rencounter ‘Ax%a% to charge = ?S4s\- GO Honour soc 2.02 to estimate Tncarna— +4924553\% tion astoni-— L520 Shable eternal. Li96A~ everlasting to stretch. 244s to expand. expansion +4+~A» a drill s£s%/diring 2x cotton \5A0|/definite Loam Aw material Lbmi ted Sfinwwt to awake tsesseito make L3099h% awakening . *4>ss%/to commemorate. to make 140540! to remind to desert desertion ?4\$s» to moisten. *430545»/to tell story?%A» to wet story .parable2Sss moisture 18549 story teller /i X30 L.orx%0 eS Christi- anity engine. machine railroad to make smooth Smoothness wiper wipe level béan to: find: to invent find. invention to injure. to harm harm.injure tabernacle to thank, to praise to calm. to quell gueller. quieter quietness to make to strip nopber,:™. Spoiler | spoil. robbery to apostise.t»oeizx to become _ 90 LAS lady .mistress2A:% li-se/degrée.rank +545% {cake made tm5922—/ of Flour,butter tSe-z~/and water -LA@ ABs» ftdv bot 1woNdS pens Oat er LEA Nd Latz>|/ boiling LAmA 5% 14%) tongs LE% 14.24/to make L.cozs t4-2%/plain.to make Lmoazs|leve] level Lk.W.6=% 1A.ax%|measure LK moxs rhyme. Lska5— Lsoax>|/rhytm to measure Lak~ tAs5z0|to anoint t4z2y3— Laaxn|/oil Li xx tbeaxSlunguent. 1393 9— ointment Leelz~) sunny side ox to announce ,+20e~=% 1444251 to préach to emigrate *\o~z» 1h.S3%' oily; gréasy t~o\z%! announcia- tion. préaching bee Lan X30 6 ener (234\z~, emigration tAX\sx% ointment LA mz20 L&mAx0/ to wipe out L2%s0 anointed L Sm 20 Christ Linxx christian Lic. %20 to clé@anse. ads ~A50 89 L5§.5% growler 135~52/to put in order marble 5%22/ preparer 135.5% growl 1Md534/ strategistrozos2— Our Lord +?*| preparadtion24s+>% dominical 145% strategy rOx0D3— illness, +330! to prolong; 220-32 sickness to lenghten to be sick -4sb2 | prolonga- 1k 923% to be ill tion sick 14359(to sprinklet2o~>% Sicky 23852; sprinkler 146252 _ sickness LA..S550 sprinkling LA DLdx to féed 1-033%/to make 199n5% pasture, 14352/to be sl6epy pasturage |making LASLd% pastor L32s5=/to sléep féeding LAWS50| bitter. 15.5% diocese 14.352| galling flock ‘pds2—| scurf LK .520 to loose 1.o950|/ to crush. 1453s to divorce 1495-|to squash, looser 134852/to press divorcer (§959—/ crusher 1453 looseness 14.935 / crush LAaSs divorce-— 1&8953—| saddle 1435% ment.divorce compound LSa3%0 to pluck 1.5520 to place ontze25% tsexs—! chariot: to scour,to cléan coach postage.stamp +56» déer 2455%/to purr. cléanser, cléaner to murmur, 1A335% \S$% Laows%0 cléaniless *hn5e/to growl. lady madame -85%/to brawl, my Lady mas ~55%/to mutter LyQn5% 88 135% to lift up. 2~05%\)to revolt. 235% to remove ito rebel to promote.?35-:=—!to rub 135% to exalt. brave. 133% to honour generous bold. the hight tmosm) to Satisfy. t;e2d% lordship. :8e3%, to reconcile dominion ‘to educate Laoodrw elevator 13554) to defile L302b% lifting up +4»53/to dfe ibang — side.edge. 245%, satisfac— Liiodx margin. 1£99—| tory border iSatisfac— 24.45% bold 1439! tion boldness 1Ko~54 education L&e25% to make thoms%! rebellion L&>3x to run. defiler 13395s to accelerate defilement 24544» accelerator?i<~95/impurity. 40452 accelera— +t4\45%/filthiness tion rebellious 13.05% to make tpom2%!/rebllious— ?4e20>% to be friend. ness : to be merciful .to intoxi-— 25004» merciful— +4»+5%) cate ness lintoxica— Litodx to cause tzo~>% | ting the abortion lintoxica-— LK.~63% pallium Soha~| tion to make bald ?S3=!to Spread 1-00.30 my lord ~32'to relieve, t»~5— lord. 1434 to alliviate Lord God relieving 13203% to arrange. 130->%' relief LK 93% 11 LAnaSde 87 Lxon% shéar t35s9—-l productive. tSiAs>s— to loss tyosne! fruitful defaited +4%:2%/to refrigerAtetzor= loss LAvsne | resuscitAtiontd»4s to quarrel tsodn% production 2S\},>— to dispute. cooking pot Sox to strive perverter LaS\oy quarrelsome!ig25% perversion LasXa% quarrel 26<350/to pervert tse\ne quarrel— 2t4e,55x!to bloom, Lao.0% somness to sprout forceps =5>|/bloom Lasivs to condensetsoz5%ito make L-olne condensé— +4-is%|to be roasted ion to make t4~55— refrigera— +4&=5»'to run fast ion 'to make tSm\ eo mirror, 1232!to laugh heartly lord.master %4*%)scissors e5o owner 725~2—|Shé6arers L539— looking glass snuffers 233059— vomb 1355/1 to téach Lnodns bet 454) téacher Lisaow to bet 1832-1 téaching 1A..3.0% méadow..- ‘Xa0ito offer Laodm0 pasture offering LA33 px to toss. tR0L5H!1toO be bald t~odn» to shiver to be white, 1t56~- toss. LheXde/to be parchedty+— shivering whitheness 2w4.55% cauldron *S\a%!to clip Liodm% arsenic, zomis0!/to shéar 135$— mouse killer lclipper L3Xan% -coral.ruby rho’! Shéarer Ladho— pearl tAnsX52/ clipping LAN SnD (—— to get Garly 3 in the morning. to auvance anticipa- tion,advance Sanctuary to set on edge setter on edge distressful the set on edge to «fortify to affirm. to command SLC bat ye to confirm Fortifier fortifica- tion confirmation?4>+2—/| fury LOSCIVs OWL. . to clamour clamorous clamour perhaps to raise up to réar. to grow, to produce to make GO tt i raiser, producer thw} 52) larynx Ke 86 PHS lowering +4452 jadvice' ags.% counsel LHL AnALS ill tempered v¥s¥ 2=250|/to be hushed? se*s* Loose | hush 1A poy mediator. reser tisqn%| intercessor. ,intermediary 1434—-/to burn L30d.28 18.45%! by cooking to afflict +3 2-gons midst LKS Gx 4535—ito strain, '308s% to filtrate strainer al strain 1&8 .% Lisoom/to mike Lwor em * et 1A~de%) to cry, to enrage }enrager Lit .% LA nnd ge -woone/ to make L405 —% - j to be pungent Lit00%) pungent 13495 —% Amon] nungency LAS3 em» tso5~iaccetaple es» twone|to make Liosox 13045—/acceptable acceptabi— tS\ss» 2SSA—l lity tLexox/to burn L20n% burner Ligon» 1ioeeito antici— tyes» pate. Lrol_x 85 229935 x0 ttre me RR a a a ee Se Mee hd on’s mind multiplication to divert °+50: .~»-|to let - mo S90 diverter © ee Coofal y diversion ‘AAS82/ causing 1K 39% to make tsomemi to Fly to be thirsty res make - L9059% thirstiness *A-4.2) to be cut off. fire shovel ia execute high *SoS$e%!to explain. '»0s5% platform ;to inculcate to be able. **seiexplainer 4%33% to can ‘executioner 12342 to watch. ‘20-~% intellipent2isss63 to lie in,to explanationts~»53% wait for.to spy | execution | 1&:03S% Spy 133268 | tO escort. +t4oxS» able | fibgh {0 accompany espionage rice! g companion 2tiX¥xs» ability ‘&-£3/ accompani- LK ZS % to wring; ‘$o-0%) ment to filtrate, \to grieve. twozss to drain . to distress filter. “Mose dig tressfultisssg wringer distress tAwEss filtration. t832c%' to melt 120 xS:x0 drainage © to digest 2&\oaly~_ to obey, ‘Seneelmelter Li5x9% -.to listen.to | di SSclution?4>2xS8% pay attention | to widen. :,0sss obédient; 3A--8/ to enlarge. obédience ==+44:.=|to spread maté6rial, ‘s<>/enlarger LiZAS~ stuff enlargement ?tdA-A3% to bring ‘se\velwire oa Sx down to change LAoa ds L1A.54% 84 Lrows% particles ‘to p6éople; 230~s% to refresh. +i9-38/to colonise to refrigerate to build. 1t4&.5— to appéase. *e-8%|/to construct to calm habitation. 23~s% to laddle +t&z0~S5— dwelling refreshing ‘if{.s% building LAS S20 “refri- (tizgs)ritnay méaning, Lady gerant PSienLlfaca ti on Prefresh-“ags 24\z Soe et une 13.58% ment robe,cloak 1583% refri—(t4249)14 ~z9%/vine press tA&sgss geradtion noble, As asx laddling *kz0~53—| honouréd to stop. 10-39! we] ] 223ay— to impede, to mike 2503Sm to retain ECO ran to cause 12i5—/to mend ~ tyoA— Sorrow clothes impediment ‘+4zis2/19 féed 1335.— to use, ‘reise! shéeps to operate to repair’ t}og— to purge ‘X=2—/ shoes to task 13~0x~/ West LBdac0 pur-—. ‘Suto 18X82 / Western tA53S— gation to allow '49958% to destroy. +27039%/ to escape to exterminate Causing LAnSsa% extermina— +4&-iss! the escapement tion {pustule exodus | 13592) 9rdApe 27332— to multiply, +4959%)to make L2ods to incréase to be baked multiplier +4353%)/ bellows LK 29 9% incréase. LAW S% grammat iGal\os% Lanxsx 83 L509 2Bx0 auxiliary to redden (59x2x to recorde, 429732/to put t&4ms pe— to remember jto shame recorder 143030] reddishness?42%ox recorde ‘Aads~/to bear up, 120328 togeher tA3e3%/ to Support to churn L459] Support LA23@%0 bowe 1+% to empty Leod@x churning ‘AnSelemptiness ‘Assex churning jar‘4:=—-|;! of ounce \S2x to press. (+59-32/to make L293 Ox to squéeze undispléased to distress. +5}-|to be sad. +4\o~— to trouble ito pout from the top, 3~/to make 1g0s0% accross,from |to be combed over;from off iglue.cement 4332» entrance +2391 Comb Land Ox» evident. mosseicurdled milk 2422 certain |to kéep L2053% entrance AAS | busy , to baptize +20» 2(to operate baptist t4amse/Qperation 142532 baptising ?4®2s%/t0 bring in, ‘430332 uncle 2887110 introduce baptism 1h-2003%/1leAding in +%4353% to bargain. *}9»5%|to wonder +2e\4% to barter. toastonish. to value wonderful +45A.% bargain. LK\S% | wonder valuation, 1h ad bea By business ‘Svs / metal interest tgos2—|mine, +52 to déepen tnowse/ quarry ,ore digging déep‘4»32/helper. jest,joke +&e5t2% suddenly 234\zay mockery LES» to mend Loo os istruments rule sho to wash Lid clothes jug. ( Aw ) 19.0% flagon washer; Lizkosd bléacher laundress LAsi@% washing La. Sx eae to present for ordination presenting tAx»+to» for ordination to make (120.05 be binded causing LAs. @% the binding habitation. 52» domicile. dwelling to be poor = 3922 to hush Laosx— poor Lia Dw poorness LAsS50% poorly N»liams0 parable. 1X35 byword to despise treriex despiser Lizlox despite LA.~Sox LH% par example s 82 L3hAxsy thanks LAs» to thank L3S\- thankful 2344,— to prospere+sesay prosperous 234835 prosperity 24.435 a bride’s LaKax dress Slippers Lox goad (2S095)L55% balance LAL Sx because 33x to Satiate t-os5e%5 to SatisPyr*s~xq5— to saturate tixs- Satiater (+iis5@% Satisfac— .%sxqs— tory | satiety LA~S3D% Satisfac— .»9xqs5— tion saturation ?tiss— to take 235 lLwoeas care icareful] t852 tives care- t\5> tAwSs fulness a through Li Ox to water LnomOD to mock. 230 m3 to deride watering LA~L Bx mocker L35..0% jester 150% to digg tattoo bastinado to forget Pens 6 Of: forget— fulness to give a kiss. kiss sudden Lgoxan LArcoxsx j ar ta\xay! pound Lilzsy 81 LA .33% numbred Lés9 i throwing up 24-53» to number; idan again, =2239 to calculate © Over again calculator t3432!/to pléase teense number Meee pléasing +3ioax numerical (2its~/ pleasure LRAGax calculation 1&-32/to light Lpowas to rebuke. ('%033»/to comment, !343- to scold to explain rebuker tiSaaxienlightenertiiaax rebuke tkoSax% i commentator?ssa2- manna ; tise | light L&aqa% to shoe horse +3054%| comment, taAaa— shoer +4S3a%) commentary shoeing LA\Sanl weaver’ s 136a% to over— t\oSs%|béam throw lto gather, tiers» . throw 18A\Saei to fester | Chafing dish *53x|/gathering +A\jax to (245003 )220n3s0/ the late. Le iw tattoo reposed in péace to cause tee~»»-!to rivive | tyo~ax the bastinado ireviver 23 —m3%0 to make mass—i revival, t&xtix resuscitation to put LSom3% to shame Shameful 39a» shame tkSLax to sprinkletS$oe\a% Sprinkler 1tiS\s» sprinkling ‘A3Ms» who.whom ~3% Lian lias yi, a, ky wap Pa Si 1S.9a% 80 Lando shiver t&ySn0|/smel] LA mS % shudder +4369) .»—-/to bring tolt-se\se to sukle rsome ito help pee Ne wet nurse tAscexito tan r5AN— suction —+&yS2!to make merry3-4— to make leoemei to offend 1§X\— capable.to enable/to report 25 ability 1&.20%/ reporter LESS, 10% to fix 120592) helper 25.L9— Pixture t80500/ of Fender 23£3— to make tlobes/] tanner 13S 9—- bitter report L&nSs% to afflict +%4—/help 13 m29— affliction 24\52%|offense 1a X\_ to injure LndOd 20% tanning 13A\9— hurtful 13538902/to make blue tho~»% injure 1KaSdm0/ tO put Looms who.whom | <=!to death, from.out of ,of vito execute on the 25205— slayer 23802050 right hand Slaye Law. 3% pulpit 2=3%i midwife 19%% to rake t20A3s~/to humiliatetsoa»s rake ,harrow 2-+\.»2 screw press +ifs2 raker L35iAs% rake LAbXa5 again ; cAzi se over again an edible herb?2s4= to throw up ++073% thing ~ B30 things Lsipay mantle 1S.23% to chastise humiliation24~5 25 to make suPficient sufficiency 24.Sx% Leodsi to salt 2 0 Asozo Saitness Lh m Awe speach, LSAx% to shiver Lyosxw to shudber 2444992— Shivery LE §S20% 10 kingdom rho2\2/galve | néXe royal 24<345/salt Lioix stalwart AesSix; the zodiac +#6\x» quéen Lkads| ga] re LALx» 1 Ds HENS oe S284! salpeter ( ~30x)— the brim large fork 1544» mud used LAsSHi to Pit 220 Ss POR noon to frame to téach. ‘$e42/to compose +342— to instruct |compoSitor 232—\» - to induce +t4o4-»—-|composition!4»4sx bed’s sheet +8!%8|salty 2B» teacher. 43835) to fill L£Sx instructor \full Lidx teaching L6si0)/Pullness tko~\xw to imitate ‘+;¢954/ filling LS ..$30 to taunt.to mimic |million ronda taunter 142939] to urge Lyonde taunt 14.8\5] urgent Ligands pincers 1S$ei%l/urgently A.139.\% nation. aSolurgéncy thy idm nationality rational, ‘tS-A= verb ‘Ain réasonable bow’s ‘Axze2—/r6éasona— t&od.d» string /bleness. logic participle +%a%|/causing LAS Sax to plaster persecution plaster 1i283a91t0 Gover. Bo2% plasterer +25!-/to shut L£d4— plastering?+4-22%|/to bend: Ldgam to lower tze03~/to lower Leas to pay debt +43+-3-|to humiliate +33/- lowering tAx5% i republican 1Gax payment 11.33 | shutter 12S 3 & of debt icOvering | Kms to justify *Nex=%/to be lazy thoma% justiPi- ?t4\:54) indolent cation Lazy .indolent+tiSeas rowel 18>! indolence. LEAS x6 poisonous +45399-|]laziness insect to offend.to 23¢Sa% Flood, tt\nl make to pageants torrent offende Lidda% angel 132A2| 1 ue hg we L&..3595m0 to Clothe. +s034%! offense L&agdax to dress ito provoke L39dam Clother. ?24=2\2|provocation +4A35a% dresser to shorten. '+¢3a% dressing theehS| to make short to pluck 1XSeito abre- LAx§aq— Pluck .. SAS eviate to pant tg00h%| Shortage 1k 30% to set teomA>labreviation +3349— Pire on to proclaim. +3054» pant 1Asq\%/to préach burn L&-G%! préacher Ligdow to turn down. Lagwae V7 L&sS3,%0 inheritance. charge Br ercus fog,mist X-%/ rain 253,00 forest.wood 1.4] t0 gallop, +7024» misty,foggy +5*-»/to drive wooded, 13£..% |rainy 235S,20 Sylvan ‘water od De eo to dfte 1ki0%;/to dissolve tXs» to bring. toe@h-%/ in water to bear dissolution? 4\s» bearer isthe! square placeri-2_. dying 234.9|mortal Lkon die LAS nail Lona muscle 184) clove \As2 maize 13% aa LX~30953,.% shuttle 2% politan instrument ?+4e-29/inelindtion .* for applying desire eye paint blue 1S.x méek 49422 |mile Lm9922— gentle 166 = bluisht+s\.2:25S.20 méekness t&kea-2%|blueness *4osS.2 to blister 43e28%/ monkey cOmnt blister ‘As3a%/apish Lisomas handy stick 4a9%|/watery Liiw to stop. 22¢422/to suck Leds to impede. suckling La ga% to hinder. suck LA csx to inhibit to honour. +3052 to set up 1X=i\—|to revere stop. 14.59%! reverend L5n4%0 impediment. reverence +4353» Suspension secretary, +$5.» to put out. 45¢22%/ serfbe to extinguish heir aX s5.2 heritage +4o5Xs3.. seni 76 “Ly gwas a “ e. to estimate to make sour ‘yo»~» valuation .*43145/to overturn. 2.03~2 estimation to cover to cause ++94549/to refus tLos. to sink to neglect Submersion?4-S345/+t0 make Lped~w printing +4354%\to dig. (tion press Permenta— 2A.jSnm» purgatory beS> | covering 14a Son to calm, +794”! postponement? to reconcile neglect,refuse; to arrive, 124% digging 135.0% to réach to corrupt. +705~% to rfpe 1&aeS8%~—| to destroy to receive *3+t\-|/to make L403 m2 to be angry +44\-|to scoop arrival 1A-S9/to singe | taedms to arrange +®e5%"/to excommu—‘veo>~s to regulate nicate arrange- +4®3%2\corruption +A33~% ment Scoop LAS3.0 shield, 1S$2| singe LAD 3 a3 buckler excommuni- 24~»3~s purpose. >“4%)/ cation subject opinion LA3z~% Siving tk=S2/to make LOX —% in marriage to think to give t3e4Ne/to make thox~» in marriage to pound. to make t20mS/to Cause to to be buried be béaten burying LAdS4% | WAVE 1Sqx—s to be rancid‘ves4\%!/loins;rein ices rancidity +4»3\2|poundig Lk E43 t° load Ls044e! to value: La0L\%0 f I i] i to conso- Adat conso-— lidator consoli- dation to make sw6et. to pardon to deceive to change, ee ipoam® to béat facad to die = (t&4») 24nh— Liga-v|to take tAoi— care of 18e5~%/to store up 23si— | ; ems t= i|to, hinder. AX az— t-o4~9/ to impede to lighten (53- Lidsers— ‘So\~=lcfle;:to transact \So\nu"1 to catch coldtdAss— to exchange to vaccinate osatz— deceiver LiN3—~~2]/to revive. “pO ~2 deceit. Pera ha revivify deception reviver tains pardon ‘A.S.»/pbéater L359 to con- ‘posin~wrlunited 13.420 dense to unify +20 --n20 to harden the heart -33—/unificAtion 142.4» to make to sew4o-~» condensaé— ‘A»S\~"|causing LALA 20 tion the sew , exchange, (A8k%~- | causing Laaage revolving 1+453-»|the swelling translator ‘34a9-/| psalm 150109 x revolution 1423-2 |Causing L kdb om promenade '35~2— the song translation +3429—;diminutive LBS90 to love. 130-9) tOp (2A.3@20)1h.59m to like to glitter La039% demong-— Lisoiv) bril liancy LAad9x trative arable Pieldg2ssis% demons t\Aostoan/ to make L50349% tration to shine hooked ‘Aso~S/ cushion for n3 9% and plated Spreading bread instrument causing Lk.xd 9% to whiten 13e0~»/ the brilliancy Fullerttol> 2450-2) hair LA 9x Calciminer +953—|hairy:hiarsutetidde white 1836~5/ to darken Lrey—2 plague ihe~2} to inform, L203—~%0 to show ieoy~~e/ tO warn shower 1349-0) ]loveliness LAs.cm show £.§~9/ darkening LA. Sonso -% L&nS299 73 ASecéx ecclesias— +523~|kindness rere tical féast delay.time, Aico® pilgrin -202nD0>|respite.reprieve myrrh L5ex Stamp.s6al boo % jam. preserve233e~/constella-— tAdjox an 6vil sex550n/ tions spirit lender 13890% chrism :ob02/ brain.marrow ?+°* vacation. 2+5e~/sparing Lis cow léave.permission|full of Liiow Sstlent zox/ morrow desolate. %>+»xe~/skull Lh 9% oileloth. Sezex/charge.load +4¢% raincoat -|wooden Lado tumour, boil .+8xe»}large cover fist -Szow/ humiliation .235e~ handful 2S\42—|humility deceived LSAzexiheap of L$a0% death 180} stones congress. L380%|/barn.granarytto » assembly.council!birth LaXo% mortality Likes| father 135\0% dying +23i-i to beget. La0L0% appetizer 464/to give birth to tumefy +2039! property. landyite~ to affirm, +4059%| promise Lidkox to prove blemish 20% tumefactionts-39%|oath 1&.20d prove, :8459%|) possible r73wO~ affirmation possi— +Aeseaxow to mix up 1X9! bility mixture LéELimi fant’ Stkw2ow to terrify. *.40292/skullin to Prighten a kind LpdSox thaSriof herb Pright Lascon r t9 produce tdsosy— generation ld-sex produc— = t&sos\a- tion.product from the Lz50c% beginning | morning On52— to morrow + 2205- woolen mate-Acas Gad eunuch Lim. G30 to neglect 2-0exc= neglect. LA.xvoD negligence excuse, Lic pretext touchstone Aséx product \ouoe plentiful L5ox calf, bullockitSo~ large dish, t60% platter to confess; t+020% to reveal; to profess acknow- L&.30% ledgment confes— 2l&0sis0% ‘Sion preface : 1SosSn0% introduction a wh 18 le 3030 gift Lkace% 9 fe Le the grinding to make L30D2% to remember remembrance tsd43% muitipede LS3% |strange, L»2Xa% scarecrow to make 1.0250 to be alike. to compare comparison 24.%a% to put to bed 220225 copulation 152% causing Lkaxo% the sléep Orient.Fast Lisox oriental, Liisrs eastern COsint orm: Loox to declare, to make known to calm. La0iL0% to extinguish t3ea— |declaration 24.$a% 6xtinction LKaSom overagain.again+?>» school, college:s32% hymn LiB2% return L1455x0 vomit Lh SA — conversion t4&o3%#~7i\— perver— = t&essaq Sion).to begetisceceax to engender LAns2% 1 LAsi\s to compare +34>-|bloom 1Asi\s junction ?+4»5592|sickle iS\% joiner =: Lisz2%| to soften. ‘sedsis arrest tzils_|to use comparaison'74>2—|softeness. . t&-SA% to make 50590) wéar : to shut.to close |tray.salver ‘@2\*x to make t4~—ito incline, 2+03\s to thresh to léan closure L1Ad5a01to be Tdle t#os- threshing ?‘t\+2-;léaness L&~i\% to suffice. ‘++02%/Tidleness » 1%052— to find time magnet; Dail» having time+4~63%|loadstone to send back 23202%/sickle LSA sx to draw back. small sickle ?42\»x to render; | to cause Leod\x to turn away to flow to vomit +&-2\—-|to shed téarsts»2a— to repay. tyov—ito make L-od\x 1Ko34-c\—| to shave to convert to make Los hx 1Kkoss~cx—ito fine to pervert | flow 1h.54% to cause ti%o-2#/razor LA~3Ax to give birth shaving 183A % to borrow 430-92/causing L&wd\% causing . ?+4&Sio»/the fine the birth to prolonge. .+=95i% citizen 1£in2~¥/to make to drive city L&3.a~ | prolongation24x3is town LASoSs—laltar. LAs20 to make 280-25! sanctuary to powder to join Loow2» ob dee causing iknsa~i to arrest Lx 1S\% to make bright to polish 2 3o¢- brilliant. 15535» bright brilliance +453s% to give in 23es\% marriage giving in +45» marriage bladder Lkasol Aa air bubble %6a2— indéed.verily2A¥ certitude Aor» to fréeze; tor\% to make tO fréeze to make?isis thors to braid tower. 1Xo\x watch tover frost tKA\3\% making L&AS\ w to braid magus, Lz0\ x wise man magic. LKoxo\ x black art berea€ve— = 24o~s\ ment.orphanage to inform 230\» against information?4343\% against to bloom. +30-\»% to sprout 70 LAA 5 to put away. to make null, to stop Stopage L1KA\Ka% to appéar, Lse.3% to be séen app6arance 9 +4s3is% to pass the 240-5» night to fast “AohosA— fasting Lassa to enjoy LwoOa% onself. to pléase 9 135i\_ to cause Lisoso— to héal LAnmGa0 enjoyment healthiness?4s5x2- to despise. *3ees» to ravish &95\—\ to dishonour. to diminish +23»— dishonour +4d¢>% diminution +3322— to make dry— 2405>*% to beget +7095% to invent 42320 — dryness LAgSa% invention LA.33% to cause Ld055% to knéel to humiliate humiliation 2455" jyenuflection-— to brighten; —!5053% Llo\ae 69 a a ts carcass. nate L243) speckler vulture. xomzX! embroidery glutton peck tongue, 2\/ to lap up language eee lap sp6éech,dfalect to rumble, loquacious, +#3\!to rattle eloquent.orator eloquency +4es324| to confla— eloquently A243) grate stave.tenon to trample trampler 288305] looseness iAsXok trample -83aS/Q11’s vessel tick MW» We section lwhat ,how is bowl,vessel. ‘its|what is it God 1% basin,dish. hundred lls fo raise. s0St~/ from now Lislw to take up hence-— 7a\S\_ raiser Lisol», forward assumption +4=®t~/according, gaiw to make trosiwlag like baked whenee. LS.Lx baking ‘&.Si~/by which way spade +5:~/ from here, L3L» instead of 45=/this way for the sake of |to féed t\oaix twilfght. 1%25%/ féeder LiSsiw éarly food {KX al» source. 2So5~/| fodder iXaix fontain.origin j|spéech L5xlx to make t\ohz5|/ division. L So oa +8324] conPlagra— ‘tseAA5| tion). crane tyokok 23X5X% a eek LAYoA $92— Lao LA.WSA -toodnS to make loose?go\sS L503— LoXoX tNoX 68 tsoas up.upwards; 4° tes\/ to you: pr. id exéeding] to stain, tagaX jawabone, ‘Ses$l to spote. to masticate. 26S\/to deffle to mince to prod taqhaS to chew 1As9—| pricking sada mastication %&eS\ignotty 1354 chew 1A332-| towards: to oa farnet ASSiTexicon. ,és.es0\ dumb tX38| dictionary bit:bridle #/fo0] 253 to gnaw to\@S\| tutor “St to masticate. night monstertd-\s masticAtiontso%esy slime ay to pollute (‘228\!\ harbour Lilws pollution *6xS\' nulse 2 § x08 wave LSS Felt L$0k to gobble up. 284) to mutter. txelwS to Gat greedily to mumbie Gating LALBAN mutter L&hxX-o§ eréedily why' 2304 to munch +$e\s%/ lamp 2504 to mumble candelstick 15-8» wavy 4388) pitch fork 408 handful *88Si to suck up. +53 addle »S!ito blot addle he&ded +4238_|blotter (1536 )1igwS before ,in a35\lwe;us.tous v the presence lame ,hobbling?+<:4 to gather, 1$4\|to hobble. tdoAsS to pluck _ {to make lame. to peck 2—|to lame.to halt to embroider, 2253— to w6ave embroidery 1X08 lm&eness LAA X38 anchor aX38 t45es\ together 2a 67 moxnod Oe TS 0 EE ees es Cor nuyny nickname mono haste.hurry+4s44} lexicon 1XBod to curse 1%i\|boiled whey 250\ one pound (<34-\)/flap of brefd +263 curse AXA | Skiff .wherry 50S to lament; +44\|quaking LX 9X to wail must.necessary 734% lamentation’4-+\|delight. ag you.to you ,>-4)pleasure night t\~S’ alone 7120 mS twilight tgo\-S) particular ++440~S toblame, {%\| pnarticu- Aztdo—\ to accuse larly large 13-S/elegant. 10S Garthenware jar |fit,proper to distress,‘é4\!lto sniff LmoiA to be distressd jabout distress 2&eS3| sniff LA mA aS turquish lira!5-5| bread © bso to knéad ‘z4\i to fit, 1i\ dough 1z-Ai to suit ? doughy 13¢-\!Shewbread | ?3ix~\ knéading tSxit\} suitable, Lid~S there is not 4-S|fitting | nullity L&o-A.SN) FE t Law a4 shellac 4!me.to me + token Lullaby ~\.4 thou. ~23 to hasten. rgd 230A 66 LAS to flame. _24aN flash | Lam Sd to burn roasted Logo Sai burning Lad péas burn 18.c¢\| carriage. LASS First milk 1504) conveying fléece 4se$2—/ large brick+tis\ splendour, ‘XoSlcourageous 145i brightness we cunning; 235% tamarisk 2404) tricherous trée to wéar, izSi tablet 440\(to put on curse LAxoX clothing, LAxs\ so be it tk05/ apparel Leviathan rAso\| backwards-~ae2K5) thou,to you 9941to; towards 235A unripened . t5oh into.in oXS cotton | Lo“lap, vEDs you,to you -seaeS) to lick up fist’s blow 12503 legion cond udder .udder bag+4>04 | lap ee fat oS} stork ASA pipe, tube. tSo\/ to Shine .*Aos 4S barrel of gun 40es2:—|to glitter. Shank. tXsie—}| to flisten; shin bone to glister r6éed’s and *XSo3} sunshine 2A, SA wooden pfpe basin ris hinge +6SoS! ewer. vessel] ..viis blame.repraoch +%oS/he him, to hime} reproachful ta40Xto her aS clod 1o\| flame 3&% two yéars LAAso\ gas.vapour iXaSX old cow to them, them,oas thréads’ 2So\/ they. cotton crowbar Lg aN the heart. pete Xx tor love =: rT BERLE Se gon EL ed ee 252K to have L435e-| deceit. tréachery stomach pain tréacherous, +452} to displease deceitful to take i.\05~"—/where Fe care lworthy , pars touchy, 59i—) serving to faint 2553—|here 132A to be touchy?#+s—/ below Kw sA2A to be L4s59—/| heart 23N frightened he is willingos 4+!— to enjoy 1443—-)/he intends to pay tse4e—-|to desfre 13835— attentifon to be fas— Ls — by heart r9?—| tidious.to vomit to be ‘z2e—|to desire txe»<_ unwillig lheartless — 1Sa— broken 1$s—lunwill ing hearted | unmanly , 136—6— to be iS6z—| cowardly consoled | to be sad. 2 eS outside 2353) to be homesick to confort: tse74/to console, +2%344— to encourage to encourage incense -As05\/ consolationtd\ses- vestment, +%03\)/encouragement garment to be-voseas 254. _ to carry. txonS| satisfied to take away. |moody, ibor_ to conduct melancoly ,morose to catch fire'=34|to béat as Se 2358 64 e329 writing tAukalfPAace’s paint £52 writer, L545 | GO tangle, 2oAdS scribe to intertwine copyst 148 -2—-| tangle L&XAb 5 tistle.thorn 2343! load.burden 1434 booklet. 146542' to dislocdte 243s pamphlet dislocation +438 library 7i<389/ shot.snap SoN2— thorny. L4358a/ yellow 155 spiny wild 1éek 1dn— porcupine, +Sdosa | potato 196—a5 hedgehog | file mab harsh, eens Snap; fit Paty 924 astringent ifine.good L1§..x5 Cistie Ct. te rr*4lenergetic 13.25 hard mole 1324 hardly Satand3|)Pesgtival \gaxS difficulty +Aeapas |prayer’s book umbrella A3ito scare Lxoaxd parasol ix~2—j) birds parachute 14Ss2—lto set dogs 2333— hen *k-€3lon to Fight to whimper 249085 eyeglasses L0xd linen cloth cela raisin LAxn02 cotton L345 sample, =ax4 to tfe. 1343 patern to bind the cap SqAa— to Stop +545 eX—/of a gun in the throat selfsown whéat2t44 knot.bond 2543) book 15K 5 riddle. 45aa/ letter toXxo— bundle, band to write L545 knoty L83a0/to copy L419 p~— testy .wil fult=zst_| Scerip— lena L5h5 8 tures kidney 1894293, to prick 1535 CLUES ENS yee aera LA935 gint?a>3 | Ronan windlas~53 pubhey: AS 2595910 climp L590 scréam 2483428) factory ,mil1ti+s9 turban... t89539|climper Lisa4 nitre tgeni2—| candclestick-9~4s blouse As+2/climp LAWS vineyard 1ms3/rent ,hire a2 to roll. — 230%35,to0 be short 2439 to wrap up short 1555 _ LoOsucolil to sputretyie Li5a belly. 1653! putrefyed, 1555 abdomen ret christian +44¢\e:>; angry, LSnd9 christia— +4ess\e25|indignate nity’ autumnal Lido dung _ . .ti@seldisfigured 485 eg lutton: 18652 shortening 14.82 gréedy es ruption, +&~394 butter 2853; putrefaction to dash © 1883 to-roll L330 switch © 26095a/to shroud LAn0— to fence 4aeS53/roll,scrsll 4432 | to carry 130955/yolume 15ha9— away shrouder:4-»2 2554 brick {-93a/ rhinoceros ,-35>3 a shot 143828 to soil, L20955 of a gun -to make dirty gathering LAxS35/to tickle taba away to cry oOut,23e234 bride’s 255a/to scréam veil to gin 23h35— sledge L2b9/ tickle LAS 3533 = veil 0X53 large boil e435 to plough anger quarter A853 w6aver,s comb'<>4 coarse -<22!unbeliever 13555 jacket blasphemous +5534 dressfastner 4X34 seth cnei sie ee crab mt repudiaton vegetable bed '423/blaspheme L&ads plot 4332/pelette LASS snowsshoes +235/cross eyed. LED large spade 9253|/squinting spud 9235| rattle LA=9 booth of e428; to chrat tle ,t#e304 branches to crackle to kindle +309755/to talk 18:0} q3— kindler tisgaa/Tdly.to quack kindle 183653!1to chatter 1399— {1]1%4.35 crackle L&mAo cherub ‘seas(hatter 129: angry 13055! jackale S52 celery e343 unriped fruit 2443 préacher 4033; bée catcher xouSn§ sermon, t8e1053' stéel. nn préaching ‘lock of a gun $049— climper +4653! dandelion 185.208 sandals *~655leffPect 25 hare x033|déaf 155 shawl 15068|méans . remedy +53 caravan ‘Salto be angry, +339 chro- Lg\oSosceaaito be indignant nology janger . 1558 half a 2952) indignation million langry 13555 53 Furrow 1539 vine press *s49—/toO blaspheme ? 1ha5a1to deny. 62 28a 2555 ( 155)21545 to renounce. to repudiate 255 61 Simoad manipul Lis5a9— Synod strainer d2195 synodical Liixosd scar SoA] Synagogue Axess Slap 1X083; broom rkz6a3 camphor s¢$4| quinine L3a39 ruel.tyrant, +3635;pinnacle 1830 apostate, *'4oss-c>-| wing 13..$9— infidel plane trée 339 blasphemy 1s5093|Jyre.harp, +849 apostasy. ©+&es%-c2-'cithara anfidelity to swéep Lxas to hem. 12695!myltitude. +4232 to stitch jassembly to collect 12695) sw6eper. 1£45 hem.border tesa) jand tor to clap 299253) cup ) 1¢5 clap 148544! ehalice 1SX.90— polluted;dirty 453 #| pruning 1KuO@5 left hand 138) knife to pollute. +3944) to prune. Lisa to defile to. cut left handed L<898) pruner.cuter?+%4 pollution 2AsX545) cut LaAmEd to be hungry 13391q cover Li®a hunger.famine +!52/to cover Lia coarse tha851 covering LX .65 overcoat ‘coral LA.19 menses 1639 ankle joint. 4534 menstrua 18.3939 knuckle woman to be smooth 24S . the post 243, smoothness +4-Sa mail 2343—!to shut LxSa postman, 13i-| shut LAX mailman | palm of 185 edge.fence 5§a'the hand tixoso ee fiddle Sash.belt ;54 girdle expulsion 1Aa945 mine;quarry ,3 a base ina ia game chin 214935 :255 to hang, ‘30234 to iet down hang 1&\535 to téar 239033 to Stink +t4z2— téar 143434 stink : Lizs903— te tinkle 239233 tinkle LAaa35 VinOL ah. L3,as3 stirf As4 handful HAVE) cymbals t$a5 to bend tdoi sh to be bent curve 2AANaS to swing ‘+4zeis3 rag;tatterst3\s2 ragged. La5\s5 tattered swing LAsXsa welon 250935 COnro1 1, 230935 roll LAd335 December?4535,635 January +4541,034 assembly. 144x939 3 rare ee ete re ane eae AY ay HAUS 302302 Ue $y aD 3S ow ah, Ut 60 prey reerenneey weenenree quite,very a3 how much Lao willow; osier LSA corn’s heap 13504 bag (424 cummin LigwS to persecute; +'326»5 to drive out . péar 13N6%05 to be Lika extinguished Sum.quantity. +Aq~%s quotient Liiswo— perfect ,complet4-~4 perfection 4e\+»4 emecine tion 1&9 extinguishment to fade. LA%5 to wither spoon 13x35 mucus of taxa the nose to cast out. +4%092%4 to cast off. to throw to blacken. t»0:~3 to be charred sténch sO4%4 steep place 2=4%3 throw LAxa204 char LAS 05 to be perfect. +S%oa to grow up perfection tadwmo sr Bt 6 Oe lg LP 133045 ya) 59 1&5093 to pierce ‘Saito be wéared pierce LAsSa) lark L&30a5 daily _ me-%9/tiresomenness?4~4a every day '#o+\9|mole.rate 1435 crown ‘S\s/01d shoes 1358 garland +2592—| scabby 1553 kidney 1Ke\al bald 15nd\— raft 53! boot tK3023 fiber.string +4429/tooth of comb 1422 stringy 28333;cog,prong +2%65<>— a woman’s +4z0a\3a/ talent 1523 cap - junriped A25 turban. »2\8/all,every Aa eye band root iSa cabbage.kale +*35 hollow. .; 235 wooden bars +39! concave ; of yoke buffalo 2X5 poplar ora ank +a\p all of us -A3S3! séal L523 — entirely; 4-++349|wéal; pimple*4~92\4 universally, to. birch ;: teosX\5 totally to Slash universal. +44%Selslash.birce hth-3434 total.entire Preueh: LASS coach. ‘534! pincers. rossi chariot iforceps to split, 18Sa\fang.tusk Li53—- to cléave to rob L$ Sa split,cleft +5\a|robbery LAAN family sS\oleaxtortion rupture -8SSa bride 9A3 chalk stone s+#4?/ bush oS bride 1833} switch LisoAs rice field 90438/robber: rX¥ods séldom.little 72=;/extortioner Lido 58 1Adea crudge c79|conic heap Lhdoa vengence of fuel porcelain v2] puppy 1S.ab00 epaulets tanaisnare;trap t2»Adrea nature 4843| spindle Lioo naturally An2asn}/ store room laxes natural Ligia wrestling aNX0D Boned ca wives’ £isohplane 13kxoe vengeful hod Lana purse 28-9! blemish ibaa pleasure §-5;plough rhoa enjoyment dinner.noon 25404 téa pot; 0544 to paint the: tts to sulk, 1ialeyes. to pout eyes paint 1 Suna sulky 48eallittle stones thm plough’s béam +8-2)stony HEY. erat raisin Lzravzena/¢da_ wh to pay. (282)2%49/boil.ulce B08 to be paid © 3 Soo Par I Leanod to subside. t8e-.-/ter.to frizzle to bring Si to crash Lmoramd to boil away - Ftles Cut; Lagagn to dry up . |to téar in. pieces colico tA.2/to reprehend , +#6~4 armour, wéapons st53/to reprimand tooth _192/reprimand ‘Lh O24 funeral timoas | reprehension banquet rz i ;teapot pang little yirl -Ka0a9/meadsure tdons hammer lock of hair. cock’s comb?6e>52— to be tired, :2+4s5 pouter.moroset3o-4 to shut, waa to be black Lia pleiades Ld meadcw end Lhe 57 LSd9 a measure of 302; heap Loa whéat black.negro +%02 bin,chest 1569 negress Lasoo kiln 15932 2502) club LAL S65 Porge +230232-|coal do1063 blind Sealcharcoal +6.52— blindly a-t3e9| chicken S62 blindness 1&9509|diséace he goat 13.02| blackish Lives donkey 13505/ guilty. LAI Sse mude.mire 135500! shameful he shéep SoS; guilt, LAgALSxeS Chom t8onmsis6s ishame episcopls; pontiff. 13x02 auxiliary bishop |high priest white fox =3502|cummin 1A..A202 dry trée, \303|/ inks tand Laoag rotten : bellows Ao503 fickle. Lobe3 imbecile FicklenesstAolodoa iliness L3q>05 shroud 15500 ossifrage 502509 pale. 122503 crocus without (1%305)2»5e5 a nose folded shéet t3ea of paper throne.s€at +4200 sé6e 1S$onOSi2— second LAd0Q chance ina game fetter (28\xx } 13305 nave ,felloe+soaa— because 19303 hair 1503 béardless LSos mummer ea iX Soo hat ,cap L&..002 ground 15205 flax séeds smooth Lidoa low.lowly’ +5ea humble lowly alSoa lowliness +Ao3ea shepherd.s +5804 crook.crutch thong ¢30a hem; border 22502 Seo ae a cere D6 L£5q)5 . quarter Bacerdotal Liias root 1505| priestly A Lied to take -832—|/ priesthood ?éeaas root amber 15305 star *3905/ square Lio saa sideral, +45905/door casing 1$0abaa stellar.astral Plower 1XSo0a to twitter; 20,02 Crating. Li0a03 little twitter Lk ~309 large LAa305 wooden spoon sultry L&aS5e5 millet bre&d24205 emigration. thaés migration wilderness, \o3 desert witty, iXoa turbulent horse blanketiSiea bath place 23ea lame,maimed ASea woman’s coat 2§4oea capin, L&ngoa hovel pickaxe. Asohes mattock coronation, Ses crowning straw; xioa stupple, thatch no one,nothing ga round window Lod border .hem L592 Spindle Lz305 Loot 1Spi arao— stool sulphur; 230he2 brimstone obtuse 363 blunt,dull thods_ mule 15303 she mule LAadgo grudge. ‘5200 daltew to) manure Loo live coal 705 chaff. d§0a coarse litter store room 24~o02 dwarfish t1XSoq2 Savage 03 Savagery thowoa cauteri—tA~59 Lh.65a sation to emigrate. 1465 to migrate ladle La04 Street.lane tem fi L305 55 tKoands aS vegetables mildew LaGo- to inherit, (%A5- to be heir heir LAds inheritance +44}- heritage Lends to sit down = 34. sitter, LaSN5 sitting site.seat L&sK.. orphan Lpons orphanage LERowossS longitude +A02-%+ longevity ae oblong, LeS942% longitudinal, prolate to get long. 145+ to expand expanse. 1Aad- expansion indigenous, 249+ native to rise up 13- gréens. Loo ER BS > SS Se edible (355 vegetable a prefix La denoting the caper ®535\/habitude of perhaps 13533|doing some thing sulphur, 4-352) whether Lo brimstone just ,upright +3t9 to thrust in. +25°|justly Naldid to intercalate stone 42a to eat 2£42—| silex ni o§ 2_ greedily stony 148L5 intercalation?4=32/autumn Ledls season \8}liver 1333 when ,while 2?| lung 1Ad6 —— cake | 134) pold.angry +4332 hedgehog 25023/to séar; Liana pitcher tiosa|/to Cauterise tent a4 (29.62 LAX...) S35 endine,lettuce +945 shéath priest Li03| hood L&a50 15.454 54 me eyks - bond tpaeaa— hastily a fetter haste Lag Se jasmine coM@eiolutton. ~Ss to ascend. +'5%-|voluptuary *49~520— to go up foolish, Ligm de to bind.to +3%./turbulent . connect,to joinlhandkerchief +4~Ss furrow L332) mane aA that is +355; to lament. 1555 to gay to wail to bake 123.| lamentation 14.4. baker 153$i ithe sail pars glue (25295) chéek “eS stubborn, 2¢sito léarn. LSS. obstinate ‘to be accustomed nature M305 léarning LASS. to burn 36+ to distress, +<- burner 1332+/to be anxious fuel 1$45:/distress, =O eis jacinth 230i! young girl LKAG burn 24554! mother Lion heawy 13052; step mother +Xe1— surely. <794/86a Lope certainly .truly/maternal 125. precious, 45+5:/sailor.séaman 2425 honorable to swear Lid herb,grass +35+/motherhood Lo a2. to make ta03n2 right hand Lines heawy , swearer Liiws to be heawy jerboa(t5x43)} tSes52 inheritor, 24653 heir month Lise long 15.53 right handed +48-»: rhubarb Lense swear LA 3 a lake LA&m2 or.else,then wt band 139D~ 2.§S. 03 An léxh hiding Brerk secretly slézx4 tray;dish sxi/to hide Lox meet we | (03) heavy. L4zpe~/ 0 2s w eighty yes | L borrower 18092) packhorse aa to borrow Ss¢/a long grass 143, borrowing 1AS§-imandrakes 123+ only begotten:+3-~-|dry land Lz36 hermit, +#3-|clever; 1X02 solitary craft ,wise captive. 9-~i|chameleon 23424 prisoner to know LaS3- captivity +4e>.%~2! knowing LiSo4 crude 34*4/to pamper LyoSh avarice +49245s“Sidew 2Sody litter Lani! dewy 1iNod3, littered 13921 to lose 1 BoA cotton ctinning. (+4438) L0\\ to sink down+5*4|cringing burying 183% !adulation LAySS, sinking down!4>*\;boy.child LeAX to dip 124% /to sléep. Liky, dip (tARdS| sléepy LZd4, side 438) bridegroom +54 to delay treX\ah | bride LkaAS to buzz; taeSs%jisléep LASS to hum.to croon |sléeper ERS hum t&sXs%) shady stde Lis, z6al 1434. | shade: shadow+4--334 zéalous 2354) talisman , a~ Od, z6alously 4-+*43%/woundering cup, bowl 6X} lentils tn SAX bait 103%) to be lost. 1533, Fruit; 1As08%' to perish produce ‘loser (1a6\S fold.flap +5e5\! loss LdwSS LAkdX, productive. bios | Shaving LAx SS fruitful poesia | Livy to taste 1»3%! abominable; Q 154 5 iSdLe highlander stratum 2$52— mountainous?i3o4| shéet 16369— hidden +-ze%igood;benefit thas méal tio~S/ noon L3 aK, to crush.++e%~S/good things, 150s, to bruise blessing (:&sz 14.20)1528/happy, blessed Lise\ spléen blessedness, +40ca5o\, to grind 4384S lhappyness, grinder. 142% | beatitude miller snail 14.403, baby 244/to0 roast Lid speck.stud . to shipwreck +53~/inside out ragged garment:45~|la@the 5% to deceive 125 to Scoop isn wizard. Leas to put out 2and— soothsayer turner LX. dumb 125~| groove ore deception iAzdmielephant’s wed sorcery t£03384| trunk witch. LAzd peas Lav \. sorceress to cack. L5m termination’ +45>4/to go to stool end last ith< sorrow, passion +z ' to be sorry 243s- to suffer Los 5— large and Ls coarse bag to think LSi~ to reckon, 305%. to number ton COUNT. to estimate Opinion i Liossm account consideration+4sz~ soft cotton Lomi. thinker Looxs pestle iXoxsS mortar t&X\oxs passive Lioxs to be worthy, 1+2~ to Lit 6 controversy . +445. dispute Sharp LSnd% cacking ye to be singed , +45~ to be parched Singe 155. scaffold’ 145. anathema Lod adder ({ Logm) Lawd.. supper L205 <. spindle Lon ad— bowl eio~ to discard 165. the teeth scab,mange 2765. dumb 1O>~. rockfish 1353.<. to be sharp +48~ sharpness L§5.. Ps «if - LS and ” ii to recommend honour.glory boaster boast, honour?435~ s 47 13 Dw | rere $.. ae lto fall inside?+5~ - Lao AsS— to brood, to incubate bare foot L559~ to deterio—- +33~/falling down 24-3~ rate incubation +33 4$— ruin.desert +53~/to hug. (1686 bad,evil 155—ito embrace sword 1354/arms.bosom +55~ to mix up +43933+|embracing Lhd badness rAqnS>—/to dig. 135 ~ ruin. 1A35—/to excavate tax,expenses 45+/digger 1685 to spend. 145~' digging. LAagm to expend |}excavation locust, Sois+| back Len cricket behind sh5— mustard 4324)/to take Liiw— blight. 150s+/ refuge scorching to run away +2¢2"- sharp 18852! to support ,+7°52— 25 bathmans s632)to protect deceiver 1265+) to reap. 23g to arrange 81 £0 harvest unlaid eggs ‘-!harvester, t3¢4 to push. $015) reaper . te throw down harvest whip ~4;ito dig out. rrangement +A8~/to castrate to snore La0~5—/adze,axe to gargle +S0452—|castration to ripple tix—-|boaster to flow field to purr e%¥5—|to boast. windpipe 3 to honour. heathen — ‘432, to stink unbeliever s tink 1 Bro héathenish. +44:4/putrefica— Ash to strangle. +*43~/tion).vine 45»+ to choke -lass,dunkey +3%= to drown t405—|/ trestle 1 Ga52— déep,profound °*3+|béad 2 220 profundity, ‘A4e=3+/she ass +, Se depth . 34) ‘five 7 bites strangula- 1Khoimn! Thursday 25%3%04 tion FL Et y Em drowning © t4~s—ififtéen. 6x24 far be it -*% >“ anger .warmthts»— to breathe *+0~®-|/mother in law+4%~ hard marrigeable *A»+ hoarsé6 SS | maiden hoarseness - 4®4e+/Fyurious © Lidw» lacking . 25.24!henna Lin character =. A224] lap 135% to spare,to 135..| mandralkes!9o\\s~ grudge,to deny ltrench Baas sparing L840) throat Léanoss Spdringness +A2%sl/isgthmus +#33— to wean . 186) loom these weaning S SUAS S. to embalm, 1S 3% to suffer . 286—/t0 mummify loss,to fall short!to be happy ++i» the last tin 5S2i hand — | Last hatched happiness LSSe wooden peg L8iinalate Loa. hovel i8i/relAated by -+i~ stuffy,close. +4+|marriage pickaxe © h3esijaffinity Ae..in~ nightmare tAoSi) merciful, Lai fog.mist ‘Aes! compassionate 15 ©. A5 15h... somewhat +4ise~s|dréam Lsodnn sourdréamer Lawds Sourness *4Aeyex+ (2851 LSA} ) 16 0¥s sour sw6éet!+ise~4)| purse lane ma idenhood, +4o»+| containing L452 girlhood vinegar care— 1Kedsm0-) to become . 2%s<~ fulness thick,to be tense néedle i$%-| thikening tos 5 éatable o4%~/robe of honoursss+ vegetable to be changed .?$%.~ to be tisv—)/ to change preserved instéad of 243~ 18S, hot Lo-95) pronoun Lezak. father lisw~/ to press; Le Sn in law te be in low | +4}- leaven Lane~/ Spirits firth Lsz-0~/ to conspire +349s— preserva— +4-%4/to lock up,to +5%- tion. bolt: tosquéeZe, holding to tighten to endure. +%%~/dross NAW to be patient sediment L399 patience” +4\%~/shéath, 18-2 r4\+ to be Lise~| scabbard leavened maternal aunt 4A\4 to be sour +&%~!honorific oAS< to be angry +333»—|title of woman sour food Lee~! drossy 148A. rennet t5h52—/hot Lue sorrel] 9%~>ito kéep, Leos (29200) 1A.\e0~/ to preserve. Salsify to conserve, souriness (+As*~/to maintain to putrefy, +5%~ sour + 1X... 44 LAosnnd firm; teelmitréachery Acasa taut.tight rut Lsléunq>2 LK».sm oyster.slug tieSa! to take bathe 144~ to wash tXowS.c | bathing LAS So away to fetter L Gam to decay 1595— | to look 1522. anklet. As\4ito gaze washing (ALN) look; gaze: rhein away ; decay benefit. Daa troop. crowd'4~\~|/advantage, profit to err.to (S3~cucumber L3in make mistake wild cucumber ¢°454~ nistake 1NA~jimidwife (a§%)th.2 error ‘Kowstinl armpit | wa mistaken 148\~lto be strong. is9« mistake L164, 5. to rule Carpet sA\Siwige tee to be yess. seldom Lok lps swéet ; rule.strenght+4»3. to taes3-|/ruler L§S92 pléase wisdom 14x50. swéet t3\—/ vinegar sSia swéet— Lhondin maternal L60A\5 ness | uncle} .to milk23S. (22532 4.3) 24.3. milk {SS béehive milky. Lasds quilt 1S.5.! lacteous innocent, eqs (2533) 26.553. 295k. frée galbanum inno- 1Koenmd\il mole (2$0eS) 254. cence; cancer (Gd0~ )2h 8c acquittal dance LSo\W crown land +¢-44) hole (2£95) 2AXoAW clout t4ateio to dréam +#%~/to be strong (nee ee nt a ee ee to séw LS Som sewer LQ ss to live Liban tiving RLES to curry to 132 scratch.to tickle | spoke re currycomb onnd 1tchness Py epee multitude ene opinion: Sin thought fa5.< , Force;strength 24~+ to béar eXsi— a strain to : OD ihe Aer Ane to make an effort to force 1353a_ strong, Lidn6 powerful abstract, 15S. mental] wil Low $$5u 5 shéath LAN» om scabbard mighty tiKA..% \limighty LGS2 — to become hot ++ to be 13l6a09— in héat hot We on fervent LAoS,3~— pepper —_ ($94)ty-4 Garnestly Bn baa tréacherous ean 43 Lb} to have Lojm relationship kinsman, 180 9m relative relation—‘4e-s1~ ship nose ring +A» treasury Ligs treasurer 3394 to gird, <0 28h to tighten whéat dso gsin.faulkt. 40% | wrong rapacious. +S04+ ravenous rapacity .?+5e\~ plunder pounder 150 Sinner LEG sus to sin. = :244~ to do wrong Sin. LEAS on wrong.fault grain 2K nda of whéat to plunder 28$+ plundering+43%~ | to pound 1383 pounding +4>h~ testicles Lad life.lives +++ sewing. iSons stitch scratch Ldo. a rere if. 155% 42 Asdui 189 elder. Lin2d0~ Ey Se . /lagiles ne FY) to damage, .*++"—/agility‘ L&eda54 to injure quickness tosuffer +4%5\-/orpiment LAmnad4 injure — \ |to sow 1£3, lead (=+=92 bon )y230| seed 1S; cake hildescendant 2t£iis-- a we ~ e RA disturber 2834 one,a,an Loe beloved 45.5~/to ineite Loss hot bread te-3~!to urge imbibed with ‘jdisturber ihoss butter to have cold toss millet gruel?s-5+|chilly person?Xos+ 2155. LA +32. L33— to darken darkening to mix, -to join;to _ introduce into LAs. ef ope pangs ,pain rope 1354 creeper odson Fellow, companion to be aware 283.| to accompany | s-idisturbance 74s. apple Liens imprisonment ?4zes~ to disturbe 145. to mix up ts to interfere of- to mingle ax confusiones\s* ohss diligence {mixture (43)- urgency LASS urgent LaSsc Gu LAY 35 39 184055 pressure beaten 253304 short spear t%)'swollen (23a9)— yellow bead Weyl beate 199 (24654) 284045)! chubby .plump LB anh slipper receipt, 15035 yellow t5}lacquittance yolk 1As3z2—|.to defile 13H, jundice24s) tAxs2—| defiled 154 bile 233)/match Lazy a yellow 46545;|leather bag aT) flower big.large. 15) turmeric, +6e435)/ powerful saffron knukle’s L$o33— to be © 230235| bone yellow to laugh aloud?tsoss} yellowish, 2459255 to prepare. ?jods to get ready sower 1£635 plantation2ésods glittering ,*+505»s blue yellow thistle to be ready 235% to bray 259035 preparator 24} 215Aa— ready Loads preparation2Asss wild Lady partridge to scratch, *S$s to scribble line ,tittle2%5; scratch?A\35y buff .woven, 15059 web, knitted cross,crucifixts-ss to crucify 1354 crucifixion LASS, to weave,to knit254» weaver 15.55 weave LA‘, spike, peg L&xy drivl ditch 255 microscope 2e359 strenght, a9 force ,blow giraffe, 153, came lopard to prevail, 23633) to press,to speed strong, 13554 powerful speed, Lh35 54 isess 38 LAxjm4 evil eye sound.ring 2A»jx evil eye LAsesy/to Fill LXos fron hook +*43933/to the brim fornicator +44|/filling up tAX%» to commit 2339! to the brim fornication surety,bail +» fornication tons; harlot tha s5 kicking. taay plunging effeminate. 2333 womanish to be sulky. 230335 to swagger the flesh Las under the chin blow 1835) to diminish 1284s Tittle. 18044 Small. young t355— very Liqddsy Ssmall.slim to make LaqAdSy small diminution -2&d%y young of LSs9 animals to hatch 2404- eges weak.feeble. 333 delicate saffron ody to beat 2394955 to, swell (2339)|to cast pledge LA 93208 song LAbmx% sullen 13.209 to be sullen, +45: [to be stilky sulleness L&ax9 to sing L305 song L350 singer 135 emerald L3Lb%9 song Lhdiny conscience Ax, lough.marsh 233 infini-— td~A» 218 35, tive mood of verb to tear Lyos3) SOmersault solsay joints of méat ‘Xs; stirrup Sods, ginger 455935 to ring. taoday to ring.to cling cling. LAdXsy cluster LAdAay of grapes Spark. maniple +433 Sparkling L993) 37. innocent 443) victuals innocence ‘t&e-35| to gaze, LSeds small lunch 242 2 to stare réed iS;i stare LESS, 9 pennis +ticedo:24539/to incréase. +549 animalium incréasing. +Aeis 1éech_ o\}| growth | to be limpid +364)| growing Lidnj oppressor. +#6M/ltare.lollium tid. tyrant Swelling.’ L3qms race protuberance tyranny sliding, eet) to oppress. +*%|direct $92— to tyrannize straight ) a piece tesy) armour Lins oppression +A»%, damage .injury ,*+4+: tyrant, a-té| mischief unjust waste.wastful. >+5 to tear 1341) destruction chaff. L3h9(shirt’s collarzS-s fragment of wood|to swell Ley rubbed smooth. 33 crafty Lxi2— erack LSd,g to crack LEsS, crack LKASNG zephyr (2205) ig, to divtde in 25%! t wo halves dried péars 7544 and apples to stare 1535 stores doi209 of whéat to sound Lwogny turgid Lon small tray. 2745-3 salver cellar eopibay pilgrimage apay iswelling L&aSs olive; LAns olive trée alum 9) wizard Ey) 28oas to be. proud sees. proud. haughty+34) : haughtness +4¢»3s— victory 25 “sn 36 Ladog a a ra to marry cracked.injured marriage 1¥éorlafraid Linas union.joint +4\4)/to féar LES55 coin.money Lion! fBar 2&.X9 financial t23409] Tvory button 2153 financially 4s23fo)/right. Sey procéssion. +4i9/stipendia. 248is— solemnity ,pomp honorarium | Stripe,stréak!*o|copyright °154a:— limpid *SXer| gréase Lens Rerbed tixori to -gréase = tze=a} gradual hymn +5%9)|gréasy Lixo s€aling wax ?¢5"e1/toil.trouble 42a: zone ,climate6s0+/talent: | i} girdle 180+ intellect 6arthquaéke, +Sei/intelligent. Lika; movement bclevers* wovel — *RodLa— | Ay 13.5079 fSelings, +44532-|pair.double +03 passions both FSet 2&oroi hyssop +1 at a time sling 4eo/cornel . AXos oppressive, 30 ¢ dog wood Strong,terrible /more L305 generation, %+3¢9! provisions Loot offspring better. 23304 hautboy 14509! superior locust. *Muslinterest; t4txov04 crawling usury bold. 1-9 abundance. tho-~s0205 energetic abundant Lisoj to bestir t39»~)|incréase onesel? apeeeae Locray bravery Ase to join. © L\o05 2 ee a al to associate. L3ag 85 1439230 where the grapes jeye’s 2630730 are dryed bloodshot vein;artery +3+3¢/bush LK.309230 sinew 1$532—-|to whir 39036 heir. 2636/whir 145939 inheritor a machine to%5630 paper 2656/help children agate t2x0/to walk jckal.lin xe20|vine dresser +4939 countrya cA6|the place <$36 Bese BS Ge purchase 14339; also.too Ly to pile up 153s5|wéak.féeble +63) fuel . to sell Laosy pile of fuel +53};wéekness. +&ese3s piling up :An3)|féeebleness fuel bowl 23035 copperas .§; Ayisubject 435 sulphate of fron |to swell L559 bell tX9; basket L534 cliff;cleft 2X+lswelling 24.53 cooked food 2}/seller, eEET) crack 234/ salesman timid. 2$625|} manure.dung; 4533 frightened mess.litter Féarful 23$02}/to manure; +9459 féar tAso2s/to litter just.holy. ?+4-3:|fertilizing+As4s» righteous time.séason +439 justness tXon223/t0 buy 135% justly, An28-2)|te mporal. 243439 righteously séasonable broken. 134s/purchaser +443} 2356 34 An25.3 84 God forbid tee /heretic— aaLs-\5a border.edge t+zso/ally) .unlawfulzié vigilant. 2420) bastard L3j03q watchful anger,wrath., e390 Vigilance, thesiza|rage watchfulness \hold dog L183q shameful L524) furious, Lids_ thus.so,such 254¢/angry to be ashamed 44q shame L3aq shamefulness2thake blacking to lament, ooo to wail -lament;wail +2%6d\6 wailer 13 Xo\o lamentation tA Ado to yelp 1290%6 to whine Velperr 1§S0m0 yelping thas appointment 24s06 patch 1Ss0 ewe L336 to be 250050 Scrupulous scrupule 22640 Scrupulous 2t3gox0 nerve; 2X0 vein.limb rose 2546 woe visa deputy. advocate,attorney deputation Shoe polish, laugh, (15~\)1hes34 joke yet,as yet, xo7 oh 26 ought 36 veil 1Xr0 ganders (295) 290 to whiz, £90090 to buzz buzz 249696 vizir 396 vizirship 12405496 cartridge L390 baptistery 25%s2— vermin 2x0 birthplace, rs domicile ,country «OO 2G.0 A236 Lda tibai So ! 33 m6 mother 12X06) bath nog generation ‘Adza|to believe +t39x¢ Fortress sea) believer Li3ne right.just o¢|blieve.indéed.29 wages.reward, *#7|belief LAs%e pay lalways.ever +tx*¢ tonarrate. +765¢|perpetual. +4#%¢ to relate Conte ua , justice | pean per pe tua Lyi zo narrator Liscw) joke L&o lia tale.story Sing handle{ 24s) thSAsg narration 1h..5641t+0 be pléased!+ia just,exactly 57; with space betwéeen 437|pléasant tinsg furrows |pl6asantly 4424357 thréat 155c | pleasure thnda thréatening +4557/what is it Lisa never.not isa) stop Ber at all straw 16a Be to play tHE howls matting © boisterously Casy ~iso to burst taomhg| Sasily NaLiSe into laugh vaueatie MBD@or burst thacaq| Sager into laugh |Gagerness LAgsive to neigh lyease| Sagerly Na LkS eq neigh Laxgda | ENpact. r499a aroma.spices +¥e59|continuation precocious xs54}about four +A%¢a precocity +49xé5¢) pounds lewd; imp. Lisc|mixture of +444 mischievous flour and putter heretic 15.450 | product SoeG heresy thoned3o|/to generate. *XEo heretical +45+55¢ |to bring forth 4,20 32 tSang of course temple Sang to grow ALomlAa | deceit. LS. rotten.to putrefy/craft.trick to inctte. tloosa| Faith LAgavag COP Stir up, |gage.trust l&s2.¢g to provoque lwondering pba a inciter Laseic/ help Lads; provocation Adela nothing .none —$¢ putrefaction*sa3@/ not méat of té\o/nonsense. 469 ga treacle and flour blackberry 1a9¢\¢| branch good. lawful Méitributary 842 tulip ~S8G 140 govern. Lwbag Halleluya t20\kc ito rule vapour.st6am +%57/go0vernor. Bde ring.link 18\o0 ruler to twist tagpio | mayor L45..2309— annular 154g | phisycian. nd) ring 180%G | doctor also.both.and x4 govérnment. 4»5¢6 Salsify ty~c |rule contem— Lasser | til.until.up tode porary how long peat — to talk twos {hitherto bial to speak. how often. how 4%2-— to tell much .how many word |dwarf Lon5 to mention grinder 14505 male 30a\very dwarf. +3053 ram 1393|/ small masculine +443592| grinding Laws» mention; 18339|to return LSi remembrance monastery. 13.09 without -Sai convent woof ,weft, tSa/present. 3d thréad offering on héat; 353 /monk 153.03 on mares return LAdZ9 protection. +343/to tréad down +3 shade; shield to tramble to thin tAe2S3/trambler. L§za5 to shield; +3¢249/trambling tAxte to protect evil spirit+s423 +%-4 protection?4s443| supposed to hunt hall; 28033) pregnant women antechamber kite .hawk thud léaky S0\3/ eonvenant. apyio eloquent; 2639/ testament talker stéep 92 elown. \SA3/Pist 139 buffon to cléan. 12695 > — + el i EE millet Lim rot thrust Loins in.to pierce piercing LADS mother.mammy +55 demon.devil 16.4 judgement demoniac+36-5 judgement iséeo hall Sowed land Ln Be : 20m hp -3 26 LaS\ oe tailless 15302, deceitful Ladies short tail of the same tes rebellious 4304/parents world 4-302/ to cement Laem wordly iissoo/ fat. Lige@> prisoner ~See|er8asy cement prison 7i202/biceps; 33609 Priend. lovers®o04| pitchfork coffin, t§802/ large drum 1X00 mummy ,case just,straight 9 é6ra. 253:1809/equitable.right generation at par, 909 Lios field glassr+3>e2|straight forwards wongrel. \35e2|/loyality L&ov02 hy brid iplace. t&3e3 L305 Sandwitch +i5e2/abodé; room hymn 4?0?/memorial day .+45aee investigad— +£39,/offering tion bucket tXo5 - waggon: 45230?/to be in héat:; Xe slap 148302?) spé6ecking of dust tien3/the shéeps produce. 1845 /walley LSé5 food.provisions/plane trée L3L09 Spinning whée1+3%o> cupboard LasXo05 divorce 1S$$oo stuffed edibles\o> wealht;richesgisi\04 mushrooms Lakssoa likeness; Limes type ,shape fog,mist e208 place cléared 2302 from snow 23@9~39 29 1399 to pine 130252 weaver’s comb away;to faint side 1892 aching; 24352; record. 495 diseased register threat 183352) small Puel 152 one pound mG a2 yreat gate 19659 Scamp. x%032 worthless disputant 22653 sheaf.bundle +459 to ventilate. ++054 to scatter to dilapidat e+?:7- to pour in 155 = to make smal ]2s02»4 stone pestle +4655 minute.sma]].25-»9 smallness. *4o».53 minuteness beard Live small beard (<4ss2 to cost. 15.59 to be worth to attack. 15.59 to contribute. to knock.to bump to put.to cast. |butt.beating 25s: to begin +3-.—-|worthiness +A» to delay. +43 285—| powder 1&np to adjourn ulcer: wound. 2553 to trust in 3 -7¢7-|railing. 1353 to kick +233—!| balustrade to procure -449—| to wound L3qmd3 abortion wounded ° 13559 to startle +}4+—/uleerous to impor tune+4t5\—| wounding 1&3559 to lay snare '3=3-|degree.rank. +434 to cry out +35~'mark to mock Az—'step.stair; +93 to pacify 1Xx—| condition; order to send twix—| cradle LAxoA59 greeting clergyman 12X59 to shoot So\—| disease; 232 silk material ~+34|pain; Ache daric. 2309-59'to threaten 239253 i = x — 233 28 2545 téar 14303] sprig 123 bait: food t?/Small. little, 1%-\; for chickens grain;unit i Of a miskalis3 135 share’s wood 24s grain;unit 24a234 fulcrum 13339 Epiphany 432 towel. \Ltsh@5 napkin band, 2A@9 Socitety.class Shavings. L525 firelighters permission, 26423 léave méan broker ,pedlar; %3 crier perboiled,soft+2%4 to drip,to 1léak‘4%» léaking , 14935 dripping blood isp to stigmatise, +X%> to séar. customs ,duty LX s03 cicatrix, ikl so Stigmatisation to bléed Lxoawd bléeding LkxSs05 strife, 2°39/Pool,foolish ~»323 fight ,war, foolery, Lkonx399 dispute foolishness,gabble to abate 13$2/to be like, Lids to extinguish, |to resemble extinguish- ~2Kass resemblance, 1t4e-», ment likeness to prick} LESo farewell, tKonxd 09 ; to pierce. goodby to indent to lie down, 1352 piercing +4s%2:!to go to bed to sweat. 14S%2/sléeper 133303 to perspfre laying, LKa%9 gum. chewing: ?4&$3)518eping gum.resin sap |bloody 14% sweat. 1£2S2/1éast £43 perspiration to shed 23203 weaver’s béam?43|téars; to wéep Lead wise, prudent 31 air.weather 264 wisdom t&oaiog | will. bequest+sea skill sion} steam.mist. toa skillful 2355300| vapour ecclesi- Lans$eq |needs.wants .t4°e astical province |necessity subdeacon +395240¢|spelling LiXoc patience tSgor|vapoury . LiXog rung Log misty.gaseous inkstand Lsominote. aLoa attack, 1Seci/acceptance. charge receipt.lease. reverence, Sobor; to air. Looe respect to ventilate herb of L550¢7 airing, LAL6o a bitter taste ventilation sense, xeo7gitune.air soe consciousness hyena feo abyss, L1kog | to be Liber chasm, pit to be born?*+ .»— pleasure ‘7; being Lander presence 2es0| birth Lidm —0— present ,ready 3°37| power. Ld200 brample — SNe lautority ,order she,her,it -“|powerful § %4%300 bashfulness isa} psalm. 1SSoe then.after +aX-4/psalmody that so much Ldog animal.beast -6-7/suddenly. +4sx0a beastly Amtél6.q|g lowly impudent 136.9/mfnd,raigon tiod to help. Lhe~7|qgerial 1360 to assist fearlessAso2s 132— surfeit Lj40|/ mortar Aso indigest. glut intelligent , *3iea Opportunity against; opposite adversary. opposed 450233! cinnamon +4332 drachm S§53/ventilator 436559} ventilAation 24.83 abortiontssI9 24.32 La255 waged 139332 to apply oppositione-S3en93| medicines: to argue.to LE39 to poison 1Sh5 15 dispute.toquarrel|physician 144 dispute. ‘&s$9/ medicine Lim 50 quarrel poison Sexe courtyard. +*433/1ate.lately Asse premises Wild béast, +5532 to tread dovn?z92=3/rapacious enemy .hostil +»*2/lesson @32 hostility +4e-ieza/at once. ASO33 treading tAx353/ quickly; field.plain~ +x immediately melon field Szalyard:meter 24389 To ay instrument ° +44\3$2-/lo.beholb Le thus.so.such § 44@/since ve te hoopoe t3e20]yes Le thus.so.such +324/pill 13e member.limb ‘3c }/hope.trust in-3¢ membership +4e-%3¢/futile.vain. %3¢ to prepare 3c/Putility, +Sesse to be ready vanity readyi..” 18.27/40 spell Leolé preparatory +532¢/spelling LAAXG preparation t4&bscl/attack. Boke he;himn. om/agssault that.it +249-/Cause;raison.4{¢ LSioe 25 15.28 taker t3533/circle 13023 food,forage 4333|)sort.so that, +24? fodder what, to thresh, °2332|b6éar 232 threshing +4532|powder flask +59 to stick 1=32|/to feed, Lboss honey 135a/to govern bée 1253|/ gadfly, LAbo33 to trot,totxesi\3l béefly strike,to béat |ticky LEQ39 trotter 14Xalalito sacrifce 159 trotting, ‘4\4\3|sacrifice, La32 strike offering to lie Lso45| sacrificer 144353 liar ,chéater!3X3/intransitive +5-53 lying. 24A\X5|/ to equivocate2725 73 fly 23221/t0 sew LooAn3 mother 125|/roughly row rh\023/ cake of honey +4475 gold 1303| track 1233 golden 133503/to catch, 1530 to gild Laoze2(to seize, butter (tie2)te23!/to hold,to take, milk to cast up Lead — cléar honey '5°4/fault against doubting. 2302/to protect Lea disputing to make an 230% — act,.déed, +45502| excuse | manner to bet Lsiso \bx— doubt, 14053032/to take turns?so3— dispute to be in painedsss— liar. \itgea/to supplant +4553— deceiver. to restrain 1t53s— Antichrist to do L595 lie.falsity t*iea honour to LXio 24 205 to shave +83. coarse, large L1603X to shear t35s—/hand mill 21h @oaXk barber, 2885 lwooden shove] 2462s shearér, clipper |sliding 1.905% Shearing ~— 444351 | shaft 1zoaXk to shovel 4834 |to slip RE BY to slip, 1854) slip LANL to slide to drop, Ls8A, to glide to flow,to strain shoveling +As5\ flowing L3k5X slide L885.) Flow LAW5% sliding 24954) castor oil EERY glass,jug +Xs35\) plant to draw 4254 /to be silent 2#5< to distill s3S—| bone i%a< drawer. 2825X/ to wallow 2AowaX drawing 1Ax3\ to grasp Lxowsh geptis78tionsis:— | grasping LAx25¥ to bubble, soi) grammar ~BaS,03\ to pur] gramma— 1245.\%05\ to be dizzy 230% rian): bony Lissk dizzy 142. |Tvory 18.9 Sh dizziness 14sis | to grind 1654 to bridge 432\ basilisk 165X bridge sx i split pea L ods constructor. +435=\|/wild pear 1494 of bridge l\grinder LEGdX briging aes gr inding LAes\ female wolf +4312|come now. Lo to seal, 1$i9|/be off to mark |wolf Lal. + one librum’5s65\) to rub, Leb0oX 23 24..04, cobweb 7495 145S/vomit _ LA..2A, whirlwind+}923>4 | kid . LSo\ gouge o23\ | spying LA DSL whéat boiledo»Aitrouble,labour +34 with butter purantse Sel 29h milk to bubble. isi si Cart, 92> | bubble LAsi si cartload cave,cavern 24+S4, rounded L354, knéading eae: Lisi. loaf vine LAS wide iS~229X ration 254, mouthed jar leprosy 2354 eraser, 1352X/sock,stocking +55} scraper cotton’s 1524, erasure 18e2\|}coarse clothe scraping 18254 1t0 be leprous 30354 necklaceiss ito starve 1395. wéasel o15X)North rsa5t pledge. pawn, ¢33|Northern . 265554 mortgage mangy. py Cunsy 245>d\ Gort ry % 23054) leper to tempt starvation © 14s3sS temptation *4>>\|must , ought, ASX pumice 13054 important stone line LXsf to scratch +433/to gurgle, Lwol sk scratcher, +4°54|}to murmur harrow to thunder 1.32— scratch 2ha5\ i murmur rAw KX 5X to wallow, +454. | threshing X54 La+rol1 machine axle, 1205X/ to strip 135A, axletree joff,to scratch 135A to grow up'geo2X | to scrape,to erase rhsX 22 Laoswod to rust tzeAshtlo gather; tres - rusty 4iXsh/ to collect: to torment -t20A3\} to assemble torment RASA gathering ; AS) playing -.°-2$\sX/addition card PeIST | to ticken+ vasa Carcass A534! to tan L5NA_ LOebtiT ts + 2beasX | tanner LiB.X Loero Ll tanning LA bod clod wtSopay to squéeze ;22%\ a smelling © 2%4:4/to wring edible herb © handful tz»ol iz0\ rolling 28533\ | squéeze LAxS\ fault,crime 244. | soul, self 15x wedding - tdoa\!l shéep tick? . if hotise nace to stéal Lad monster _ ($0331 to snatch 2584 to deprive, 248A |to rob, to abdtict to debar +3. to pursue de priver 14a | thief ERY deprivation L484 1 to pol 12 hossX to léan, 24\}rolling2A\ 33K to incline. robber L333 torecline,to set/giant,hero 18334 inclined -tZa,i;strengh t2&0d535X st6éaled +3234] secretly Aza}. incline 1&5. /robbery. LA35h agr6able,fine, A /abduction nice stéalingt&si \ gender ,form, 2:\/rust As\ kind to abhore, *s:e\sk generic 126s; to loathe bag , knapsack ,*4:\4 |abhorrence. 1AsXaX wallet loathing garden L&sX abhorrent2atisX sok to uncover disclosure wéeriness revelation 1léek honour. magesty robber robbery cythe; sickles c halk twin: Conta. ins To°-ruin: to destroy destroying to squéeze strenght strong squéeze republic dysentery, diarroea live coal vessel,ship, boat to press inside buffalo female falling in inner stde sum,amount., total ad Ladase 2S rosemary *4i-f2 234, sé6amew Laos LAL to conquer; © +334 te overcome conquest conqueror to widen 2 $54 to round LdeA SA cotton réel tSersy rounding rAN\ KAS volume a\k quick:quickly 24 1eaSS | LAS rasd4 L12.\X ASX thon hk 13S\X “ASX 29a), | 2933, 14 hide’ skin 154, temoseX | JeAther ts\»ev— | te Lay Leo gdh te remove 1hk~SoS|quickness thors 142\) removing; +4-444 i5»\ | bridle oS\ Ls3>A i coil of tLoSS ‘22d leotton Ls500~A | round rSoA4 1860S | ball .Zlobe 1S.\4 Spherical +t£4\eA4 LAdqx\ Captivity. 2KoA\X -»<} servitude to. téar. 12S Limi ' to bark;to pluck ‘pluck © rh.SS 1hx.\ | plucking rh SS walley.ravinetss\ 16.51} to w6ar out. wttSh to fade to reveal. to disclose. va ~ S204, reX\ 1S4 20 15304 island 24354 |/temptation 13304 ewe.chéep = 24X urine teed laughter 1+50-~e\ |} wall L504 custom 34Xe>~e\/skin bottle +4\\2— house coat 2500), handfull txxe\} leprous. Loved brambles roX | defiled muslin | +30; blasphemy 183o\ turnsol. e=Si04\ |} mercury. Loo\ heliotrope ‘quicksilver 3 colour t4oX answer aided pipe t1Xaoh\ito answer L300h torment. L543s04 |/mercurial Lidod torture walnut, | Liok large greato»2se\ |nut ,nutmeg grape Flap.fly net A464 PnAty-. s5c30\ | stock.stem LSvoh condemned to hiccough ?Seof gut 1t. 1kod5cie\ | hiccough LAL 64 condemnation inner ,interior2+6\ confusion 430\|/fist 12304 angle. *4a04) nond. lake. doX right angle puddle universal. +44é6X/bullet. tXSo4 general canon ball univer-— 4.146X/ clothes Soy sally. sack. bag 1564 generally fishing bird ,X4o\ adolescent +44364/ spiny tinLodoy youth, tionsolLj} edible vegetable young man kernel ts\o\ adoles— t&exso\| wing 15\o\ cencecowl. pillar’s rA&Xo\ chéese t€SoA | capital erey t50X fold.shéep 104, according to+50\| fold ted 18 : L&x02X piling up +43\;pass —- happening*4zs3) 4 /milking L&x60X time tod }wessel to tire. 2504! leprous. took to wéar contaminated tired.wéary tso\/kid Lisa Lech w6ariness '&~4\} contaminate. 223h dowry i74;to be leprous youthful. S74} tee 1Sna4 young twisted, tS.24 youthful- t&ode\ |} braided ness Stack.heap. tx hell L304) stoak hellish. +44e4 | contamination2&«34 PaPerna ls. capricorn LA n24 inclina— 1A&sG\1to braid; aa tion, to twist supplication string; 1S5\ colt tzoX4/ thread; yarn in.into oS! braid 1Soh inside LoS |wéaver,. braider2iS2X within > braiding, LAABA inwardly A7264 | in terwéaving pit.den So\lto abrevidte L054 scum Jose labreviadtion LA»35\ to stir. 2464 /Gethsemany peBah to move to blaspheme — 1434 to coo. t-e\o\ | blasphemous Lado i to prattle. blasphemy LAS5\. to crow to stack up. 2554, prattle t&-XoX/to headp.to pile up moving 28X64} to happen 2x54 vine stock.*%¢\.}accident Lza4 portion chance behavior. +Xol\/accidental Liazo\ Look 187 2e95L0L4 me as men and cattle |geography +293\0:3 formation +4454 | geographer ++493\014 womit +45}: 24354) geology Lsdohory man,husband 4334|geologist 2t44\odo24 to marry; 283\ | geometry Lad\024 to wed geometri-— +4455\%024 little man +49554|/cian wedding manti35\/to commit 13i\ virago 14.3534 adultery wedding LAS5\ | arrow 1524 gypsum; it isitide He a plaster foam oak wooden spud +— cheque a33|déep cooking!4,35 daughter; gir1t483/ pot having a white’%5|blesseq 13.53 patch blessednessg2Ao3.5 mélon . x; 14.25) wound cabs to be cooked. 2S35/roast méat esd cooked iSox5|/creAtion 2h..35 cook t8z5leotton L455 cooking 14335) thréad pegs plate;dish =24:5/creature 1hxd3 future teng S3ito knéel 1455 bath (+Xen9 )a5/knée L355 virgin iSoas| bravo 1S\455 Virginity tK0oas knéeling Lkass virgin L&\oas whirlpool ,2XeAss hem 453|barrel 15.035 $2 pounds 683i ram L335 by chance exSA3/brass Vaasa accidentally snuff ahoads after;behind 443/flagh; lighten 245s afterwards 134 ><3/to stiff 185 183s | 2 the neck 935 15 2825.9 sister 1Anvm2S) printing +4+%¢5 in law office man 12353/printer ~ 243223 collar 133555/ printing 'A3%<3 shirt’sfront+525 >3;reverse, nag ally iesesa;adversity carpet 1835; onat 183 ditch,channel +53|/to bubble +ses55- collection 0253' bubble LAnS a5 to disperse to grow up slowly dispersion growing up equal ,lfke barbarian packhorse, hach, bad man 2e0253/to inquire, +3¢55 1.0555|/to ask for grocer, 453 144555} chandler 14.835|pebble, io ters 2885! oravel 133=55/large béan +4;423 >.155/ flamingo rsa3 logwood m55 rub 1555/half shekel +453 hail LaosiPlock,herd 4553 rub 1A053/ throat’s LAtbo5 dry Lj0551/9]1and,tonsils withered herdsman La505 Créator 15053} inquiry LAb55 beryl 2Se53|mosquito Land bdellium 14\os53| fruit ,side 5 son 24053/ s30n 23 soup of x623| ffellow+5st 23 lentils countryman gunpowder ; aoss namesake 1355 salpetre companion +65 cypress; 1£023| s6ed, L$3435 j"niper trée descendant stuborn; 585) brother Li%nd3 obstinate; in law taone3 14 1535 refuge 4235 cook 125° familiar, 143) builder Aisa5 friendly people.men +2535 plat fron bar -423| bank 1335 familiarity?4e-4e3/ spring 136 osha bedding Ae3'fFoundation 4433 melon field *34e3/erection L&33 eggs ‘s31 edification dung Lpes=icook woman. 24.45 petition, 14035) to crown LeeSa5 request to éat iienss to love 12$5) crown S85 beloved tésaiviolet 12935 lover +835/alone 72935 love 1Kads|sléeve 1ka5 married L8S42=21 then. therefore? woman enough 165 egg 28335} pillow LAo3Sz gratitude, ‘4s5/agréable. Le2O5 appreciation pleasant.kind braid 148685/to be agréabletssz coal {3903} tg31to be healty disgraced, Se3lagr6ably 441%. ashamed to héal L605 inferiority*4$>0,5|/pleasure. *4¢»-05 inferior, 13024! pDleasantness less,little healthiness +4»: small,méan (25+.3/tuft.lock of %495 to be small +453) hair to vant incense L2O= smallness +*45>/nail 13525 onion 1Se3/} basket stand29%%z printing 1423/Plesh,méat L3e press gums 4392— to print fleshy ,carnal2i3e; Leas. 13 to be idowrs digging eee helter skelter|méanes LASAs helter 28\35| black cherry 24345 skelter drum yaks to bruise. +545; to be busy. 1X5 to oppress to engage bruise. t8@Ss;trace.track. +3. oppression clue to swallow 144335 phlegm. mLLAS swallow tA.S\5 l\catarrh to stare ‘SSslengaged.busy +-s peckled L4\5|/business LAS Ss to dazzle +e=33;acquainted. 2S balcony (oH33| skilled | daze LAS535! acquaintance t4Ao2X% Star ring tAnSs' oack 5 iXoits axe.chopper +443 throat sas torpid a7 )glutton LaS0\5 bricklayer. +33)loop.button +Aséis mason hole.noose IT am in tasnierystal 3043 your service alone 73 6—\35 faucet. tSess5/ upper room oiiks jug.spout wood’s worm (?4+\A3 icicle tSs22-) billion pondg bank. iy dao place evning 1x5 Aas house Lh.5 Complete rOAss furniture tAgs.s familiar 2154.5 to weep 253 wéeping 1A.33 twig.sucker. +43 offspring woman.wife 2tAas little LAsoNaS woman WOmanish., 2t3Aa3 effeminate without iXs front.mind. 283 memory.atten— tion) to payzes— attention to care to mind. F529 — resolve towéar. Lsk5 todecay worn out Lids decay 1A.X5 Spark i$SA5 to dig.to tsesds search.to poke | to teoslSiioal\s Sparkle. Spar—t4é,535 LANSAS kling 12 family .house prison 25.01 fatherhouse 23: hostelry 23203 correction?s-Si house hostelry ey archive. L552 cattle L35m place Chancery. tos council -house refuge 1SoX asylum house igX treasury - wedding Lids\ house lZymnasium 22309 ink Ltkoxws jugement Lino house }aurora, 232 Epiphany appointed +1436 place water closets; bawdy housetAéaj vine cellar?3»« BCS Vitae. i tase Christmas ~ library taka hospital +5 FeLectory, 2s baptistery +4: 14 7 LLo-5 NSS pregnant L34a1to envy Lpo~5 pregnancy L&sS5| cooking scul]+#e~5 to become +392453!ladle LAn9 5 Fat jealous. is..5 Fleshiness +4s:533|envious at.with -2|envy LASAS watercourse '3-+3|jealousy *4e4+~5 hole to séarch. 130 tulip liezu5/tO examine. red pepper 93-5/t0 prognosticate wineyard’s -+ti+3|searcher 45.435 watercour Sesearching *4>47 by through 2-0} luck; fate. N39 ensign.flag. 43-3|good fortune awl.bradawl. ‘'+2|lucky: a68.5 sharp.pointed fortunate bastard (4->/long sulphuric’)? self sown t+ —2—|matchs corn bread baked. +°°X5 betw6en,; \~s{upon the live among; including |coal | wrist \X-3}to abolish. *%}°%5 ‘stage; pulpit; 4-2 throne mortgage. Aad pledge coverlets. +t4d-s cloak evil.wicked. +=-+3 naughty wickedness t4ex-5 ci co hp Roig Be Ba Be LAx.D misfortune. ill déed stale (24-4$)s35 to invalidate idle.unused. 24-3 vain fdleness +404-+45 to be idle: 1SX> to c6éase cessation L433, stop c&asing +4\S= tere— ;thAwhp dz benth to conceive.+4s = to be pregnant conceived Li.\5 oe 10 | t&9d295 borax 5303 birthright t4oaes more zos/Kucharistic 2Ass0x more than. 2301 se5| loaf especialy | Gar of corn, ?.Sos better “Se se3|wisp abundance. *he-fes/nightingle esos excess babbling LS5Xoz barrel 23203; occupAtion, 1iX\es potage of 1$205/business curdled milk and vegetables for .because. concerning bush.clump. +4se= thicket.shrub to L5¢s Loess scatter last y6éar. next yéar piercing linen drapper. calico seller t6at.breast stem Layee b3yS pipe’s tub ,6-d452— to pierce. LS) Nos Léys co°ari lie tor hole piercing Lh aS9s hole iSss dispersion 2Asjs castor oil 1595 linen oil Li id95 miit together 125—3 ons tether | puck oX6d6n hemmorrhoidg 5.265 pleasure. LeSos delight melon field Likeon plot,ambush. 2¢es conspiracy question 250% doll. puppe t Lager belief .trust 263 POOL. L505 uncultivated t$3i— land tower L$dox auger ~Adoz jar. jug.ewer 44-302 wedding L355 benediction blessing F LAabou benediction screw Lvdes twist.cur] 2%043s— faucet LSx03— storm.tempést <2e= stormy LiSos stew of gourd-3¢5 13505 9g L1A5ho fame.report .44|léaness Aah about orchard. 13\5 concerning. garden leprosy (239\)24.503|cultivdation+As<{3 light 48a3;to talk idly 244s to enlighten 439503|/delirous Lasos luminous 13595|delirium tk.32 dawn 185¢3)misfortunes?55225 to be ashamed *443/turbulent 26035 astonished. +4¢3/firebrand. 16625 stupefyed wooden poker shame Acs} to scatter. +3625 wineyard’s row +°3/disperse tassel 13303|/delirium Li23 bull ‘t£e>| bowl La25 joint.knot, wzete>|/to change. 1X35 armpit to take place of hawk. owl t»o3| change 1AM ignorant. .S305| chasubleé 1X25 idiot tomato ri hvos ignorance +4eMoes/wall.rampart 43 plait.fold ¢3|gréedy. @$4o3 bundle. 18~02/gluttconous wrapper glutto— 4+'63325 lamb’s skin +434e3/nously stove; -s405/gluttony +%tAc@siss A535 fire place dispersion + examination’ 2i3~0>/ scatterer Ladas serching full moon 3525 Calumny. Amon] faded.livid \s325 slander unlucky MOx25 Slanderer 543S-03|/dim light t5ea3 better Se=|brighten. teas dying shop) #4+405/i]lumine firstborn 43003; behemoth Ao»az i PANE | :; 05535x1 seine rr a eee aes bottom -+2a~2 242:/the chéese o395x2 anus te3i2—-/of the first sole tSoio— milk appetite eck&xticléar. eee | to come te8ilevident. plains to follow 283—| public coming 1K-ALlacacia LSbax2 furnace L402 acre LSdaazx2 type. letter L&ons [purgative. Lwadz2 spices. 13-42) cathartic | perfumes middling. sox 2 athlete 1Nedsi]/ tolerable. country. 13ai/convalescent continent cook 9Sxi Cerri torial 2eshi cookery LdosSxi continental kitchen wAligSxi = 8 2% the eye |withhout > Patherhood?se -34/ impolite 33i_ male Sparrow+3235| shameless Lag — attentive 245i careless aA diligent.intent unwell. §~3— 1d LO oXs)indisposed. : to crawl +}e2\5|displéased crawling +(4\5\5|doudtless Ge ant ‘$o45) threshing tSabs to Cultivate22043|fFloor to grow. 2345 }well.pit Lola to prosper to pass night 23 emaciate 13X3/ father 155 emaciated. 43-\3istep father tXe1— léan pupil of L\55 1 Noxd 4 ED Ee i G5 lioness tdnndi| cured “2kaSka 2S0h arith- , 5.4431! diarrhoea metic pregnant. +8>053— arith— 124.\,%932| pregnancy metician trigger. SoAa— arch- 1860094031| space. interval? bishop déalings +40d%362—- arch— 24es6se9fai/ four 1Sst bishopric , fourth Lisoai arch- -6043054|Wednesday 3235254 déacon forty ainsi princi- dioasi' fourtéen 56x51 pality.chief to numb tXoiad power numb L&A Kab mediator. +25Z| purple rida intercessor alms.charit y*i6>2 mediAtion +4e+23ilmass.mystery .?#32 midst. \\sil sacrament. méan.middle Imysterious. +43452 barren \ow52| sacramental pomegranat +&3e~34!cedar Ljad widower 1S.052' around. Lasnyad widow 143.251) neighbourhood widowhood +4e\s»5i;)chéap. rind hare (x.0b2) 24354) inexpensive 6éarth.land wai chéapness?4e- agal 6arthly. 12iSsi} guest. Lisi terresterial passenger ortho— +4-:6a0a454/féast LAo mai dox grinding mill? ortho- Lkoms0rhdi| secure. eq ead doxy confident testicle 24x21 security .tAes_+>4 purpose. \ax2/ confidence méans lion Ladi Se a 2A.$8 2X52 6 es 2S\ 35402 maps % conjunction +5%:|/Capital La SA seh ot binder ta50eLfl letters lining sS@t) physiscian Leet trust. * 33932; medicine thon od confidence prisoner 15.4 also.even silslavery tAob. ad not even 14st) school iXoaey ephod 23092 scholar tatoamb altough. ¢ f/student 4 even scheme. 1-92 serpent -230%31|/plan.schedule. sharmer | appéarance. bishop 18on0$1|nattern. form episco- Li8one9) pier.jetty ae palian _|landing place gall.gallnut‘sst auburn ,; arbol Teather strap‘ss}’ ‘Sponge LoS mt codex. (Rag | Snler eta 15.90} manuscript spinach Ait Sor nature.originAst/asp Bor original. 1<3.t/wooden cross *5S0i natural ‘|piece of spade natural 123het spirit. S2S@2 naturally 4-++iSel;essence.alcohol. epilepsy | 2! proof AtSeL barn.store +45 \ef/ analogy rehoAat logy analysis momsal astro—'+iielo5yof|/ necessity Load logist necessary Li6aal astro— 40s:0shelinecessity *e-5s4i nomy gift.prize misai astro—'+4vesooXol! present. nomer heron.crane +832 1 d | SS a Se Lost itching éating t&Aai devil Lgonioi farmer 153i husbandman but;yet; 182 neverthless especialy tardz immediatly 2543 certainly ;+43\2 of course God: god LeSi Spécial; 13qM4 particular; Individual. « divine Lsq 53 goddess t&orSd Godhead; +4&eaS Divinity prune;plum 24eS2 narrow: deadd confined narrow-— *Kex-Ai ness shéep’s tai]t&-A2 diamond: m% Ni adamant rib 2SN2 boat; ship LSA2 thousand 19S thousandth 2483 half done +242 work: toil ; Axi care spout; who,which, . s3=2 what quality, 4.6.3 Sameness rock,cliff . the! praise, L55a2 honour ,dignity May St funny; ohSad grotesque; monstruous; improper there is; there4-t are then;aftér 1&2 essence; LNeAnL being; personality Divine being2ss-2 being clay’s arcade?4eat of the earth oven glutton; iSeai devouring héel;ankle 1534 bone ;thres' hold to 6at;: consume?43i to thréaten +*429i— to deny to embezzle to be basti—-+9-5s— nadoed to take Sox3— bribes; graft moth;cancer +e ~ 9 s0o7 — \ “oom 290 9— PAS ead . 3 ~592 4 whenever road,way Lindel only;just sa~ilmilky way +*z4,e— we c~ii traveller +4430 at last,well a~f/ Old 14.362 excrement, 12~2|/ Testament dung girth e302 last.hindmost++34Z|itch 1h.nS09302 other, 185-21 stole 23302 another,again Hosanna Laszot- gelding 160 18-i/ Hosanna trée castrated room chamber3?462 Sapling +S83-4 24~:/Plat fron peor choice, didn) | frée a9Z portion,pleasure j|fréedom, tro2%l atom Loh: | liberty orange, t-Xo542/ torment, naek SL tron ill tréatment ah,o,ho -iito go 285i hand | 2342) f0er — taNyl path track, ers | going LAAGL trace sore ome ambassador, 2341+4/léave, it messenger permission about,néarly,. xs-tlalas ks like ,according, throes, rer rat as; tO anguish where 5-4) brother L3qmd locality 180.52 brotherhood, *Ac~4 situation confraternity PerG:, 15.2 Almighty, \535~2 September So4-2 omnipotent trée igh lel AT aires taint daylight,day +**-/:relation— *49s4~2 but,yet ii.tlwhen, coqn2 ~i —- Aosxiso2 — —_—— so,so much, i3~e2 such alas not petticoat +%-0 lamenta-— LAnSo2 tion,elegy affliction +4g\o2 cholera Low6l topsy turvy +5201 hope,trust 29~%o2 Sk EL Led 13902 workman gospel rondX302 evange— 18o~\X302 list substance, 724902 essenc eessential t4iee2 master SLA @o0l workman ,forman skill, 2805454201 workmanship, archtecture also,even Sol store room, 25,0 grenary | ocean @oaicor manger 24502 2502 duck 45562 packing Lirdoz néeddle male L§d02 pistle, 2X §d02 stamen,pith virago Aosmjdso2 2 Wo.32 to day mb no husband’ gisxe2 brother husband’ s L& 042 Sister adamant mowS5k redat.Lon— LAg~%22 shiP of woman to her husband claim 1X32 claimant 25$o2 March 552 tetter ras2 Gencerqus 25502 scabbed scabbiness +Aos524 this: ithe’, Lend she this time, taX rai now baggage, Logi odds and ends condition, Asai state lime,cement qa fool,foolish sat step 1Xo2 BLE TY 1Xe A X¥o2 descent success, holo good luck | small oven LA~X 02 oh,ala S702 alas mol aha ~<0L Sa Se RR SB ESS 38 pO BaBaqd 58 Re NAat—255\5 : 7 SST RR, IB ASE : reddish August 33 ebony mos5i|/ Father 213i 7 Sandstorm Lé5i eternity asi ‘ variegated 1354; hell roasi : shawl eternal L505 silk mort eternity paasl | conflict, 4seX\2/ eternity tAo-423i contest everlasting 7 hamlet 1S20\l|destruction +4534 hired 8-42) privy,water Aeisi . servant closet precisely t3\\3/ parents Lo 3h | mob,crowd S*4:/Fathers of 1tAé3si fée, pay, 1332) the Church reward fatherhood t4ea32 roof,terrace +2\t/episcopus, ties rental hire, 4542/bishop interest,léase_ |paddle staff, tAe> epistle tAd\t | bricklayer’s mother ,mammy +42}/rule island,isle +4i|marsh Lead good manners, 344|plough béam +3é3i propriety gréen, sky ant good manners+4e33i| colour ae aromatics, Lori | Foolish, iSad Some Spices,perfumes |loquacious now ti2i niebald, nisi SUN LaSin 255.2N SZ Us SB L35N0n\0 UE W Ud Ud .rhwols Ls0352 Coane SS DS \ \ 1 (OSTREAM LSS es CR EER SES CREO CAO Sic See ,OD~ D204 aX A a2 aa Lb~so200 LSao0ix 2 cad a The Chaldean—Fnglish Dictionary Improved And Enlarged By Samel atid Chaldean priest Wi 1924 We Chicago. Illinmis oASax RECESSES ee ees * = Fi ry aa A omieibe F, Smile bo. i Je et (Bie) dale Se hd ; 0 tt or am an rie = rl i < ey vial ea en” .- iN! h'@ %, Bis lL aw, 04 Bt "ay mite, me é ». +? is = a ‘8 Sonim. = eect hd) Eee ee ‘yanie ei ben ai, 7K mba : asi : in, “aif a os Negomed mie 'e a i 2 os Ae te < ‘ eel “A 8 he KR ae . 2B on ounenee oe ene Se ee fh) teracad a . Se te A. mw, ay ene a Sug mu S Ce Tr site Y Shen TuRHE. > 1 se om 7 Fume < y a 4M : ' J . caer ore) Sake wa 5 cae AE ae oie dite a wits a Aim Tih He gut ie Tach e r > < 2) >) = 50) os = — Oo #3523P| “ts > ssa i en | PJ5805 .D24 The first English-Chaldean dictionary > — o — 2 =i . vu w ro ° Pa) SS £ = vu 2) 6 4 a 2 ° a x= a ° 2 wv =] c ‘ a