| FOOD AN D DRUG a LAWS see tn QMIOLS se eee Be Se Soe Ss — | SANITARY INSPECTION, LIQUOR || TRAFFIC TAX ano WEIGHTS anp ve MEASURE LAWS _ NV a : ea hae by | al RENICK W. DUNLAP State Dairy and Food Commissioner | AD 3000.3) | UsO3) ae. O ) SS CotumBus, Oxnto: F, J. Heer, State Printer. 1910. ad OHI® FOOD AND DRUG LAWS ALSO “Le, SANITARY INSPECTION, LIQUOR TRAFFIC TAX anp WEIGHTS anp MEASURE LAWS Compiled by RENICK W. DUNLAP State Dairy and Food Commissioner CotumsBus, Outo: F. J. Heer, Strate PRINTER. 1910. ~ DAIRY AND FOOD COM MISSIONER — INSPECTORS, BONDS, ETC. LAWS Regulating the Manufacture and Sale of Food, Drink, Drugs, Linseed Oil and Paints and Against Fraud and Deception Therein, \Together with Laws Relating to Weights and Measures and the Collection of the Liquor Trafic Tax, And Law of Procedure for the Violation of Such Laws. GENERAL CODE OF OHIO. STATE DAIRY AND FOOD COMMISSIONER. SECTION 368. There shall be elected biennially a state dairy and food commissioner who shall serve for a term of two years commencing on the first Tuesday after the fifteenth day of February following his election. (97 v. 64 Te SECTION 369. The state dairy and food commissioner shall have an office in the state house in which the books and records of the department shall be kept. He shall have a seal with which to attest official acts and documents. Payye GT SECs-4.) SECTION 370. Before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his office, the state dairy and food commis- sioner shall give a bond in the sum of five thousand dollars, with two or more sureties approved by the gov- ernor, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office. Such bond, with the approval of the gov- ernor and the oath of office indorsed thereon, shall be de- posited with the secretary of state and kept in his office. (88 v. 74 sec 1.) SECTION 371. The state dairy and food commissioner may appoint not to exceed two assistant commissioners, and employ such experts, chemists, agents and inspectors as he deems necessary. He may also employ a clerk, whose compensation shall not exceed in any year the sum of twelve hundred dollars. (97 v. BO secse 1) .4.) SECTION 372. Before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his office, each assistant commissioner and each inspector shall give a bond to the state in the sum of one thousand dollars, with two or more sureties ap- proved by the state dairy and food commissioner, con- ditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office. Such bond, with the approval of the commissioner and the oath of office indorsed thereon, shall be deposited with the secretary of state and kept in his office. (97 Vv. airsec.-.4;,) PART FIRST TITLE Wl. DIVISION 1. CHAPTER 7. State dairy and food com- missioner, election and term. Office and seal, Bond. ] Assistant commissioners, experts and clerk. Bonds of assistants and inspec- tors, Traveling expenses of the commis- sioner. Traveling expenses of assistants. Duties of the commissioner and assistants. Powers of the commissioner and assist- ants, Duty of pros- ecuting attor- ney. Fines, fees and costs. 4 DUTIES OF COMMISSIONER AND ASSISTANTS — FINES AND FEES, SECTION 373. The necessary traveling expenses of the state dairy and food commissioner in the discharge of his official duties shall be paid by the state in monthly in- stallments; but the amount of expenses so paid shall not exceed seven hundred and fifty dollars in any year. (97 v. 64 sec. I.) SECTION 374. The necessary traveling expenses of the assistant commissioners in the discharge of their of- ° ficial duties shall be paid by the state on itemized vouchers approved by the state dairy and food commissioner. Each expert, chemist, agent and inspector shall be allowed such compensation as may be fixed by the commissioner. (97 V. 31 sec. 4.) SECTION 375. The state dairy and food commissioner shall enforce the laws against fraud, adulteration or im- purities in foods, drinks or drugs, and unlawful labeling within the state. The state commissioner, each assistant commissioner and each inspector shall inspect drugs, butter, cheese, lard, syrup and other articles of food or drink, made or offered for sale in the state, and prosecute or cause to be prosecuted each person, firm or corporation engaged in the manufacture or sale of an adulterated drug or article of food or drink, in violation of law. (84 v. 205 sec. 2; O7 Ve 04 seta) SEcTION 376. The state dairy and food commissioner, each assistant commissioner and each inspector, in the per- formance of his duty, may enter a creamery, factory, store, salesroom, drug store, laboratory or other place where he believes or has reason to believe, drugs, food, drink or linseed oil, is made, prepared, sold or offered for sale, ex- amine the books therein, and open a cask, tub, jar, bottle or other package containing or supposed to contain a drug or an article of food or drink and examine or cause to be examined and analyzed the contents thereof. (97 v. 30 SeC.,'3..) SECTION 377. When requested by the state dairy and food commissioner, an assistant commissioner, or an inspector, the prosecuting attorney of any county shall render legal assistance in the prosecution of violations of the laws relating to fraud, adulteration or impurities in foods, drinks or drugs and unlawful labeling within the state. °(07 Vv. 30 Séc: 3.) Section 378. A\ll fines, fees and costs collected under prosecutions begun, or caused to be begun, by the state dairy and food commissioner, shall be paid by the court to the commissioner within thirty days after collection, un- less error proceedings have been properly begun and prose- cuted and in case the judgment of the justice of the peace is sustained the fine shall be paid within thirty days after such judgment of affirmance, and by said commissioner paid into the state treasury to the credit of the general revenue fund. (97 v. 31 sec. 4; amended April 7, 1910.) EXPENSES OF DEPARTMENT — BULLETINS — ADULTERATIONS. SECTION 378-1. If the court fails to so pay such fines, fees and costs, the state dairy and food commissioner shall bring suit in the name of the state, for the recovery thereof and interest thereon, and the court in rendering judgment therefor shall add a penalty of ten per cent. on the amount found to be due such general revenue fund. (Act of April 7, 1910.) SECTION 379. All charges, accounts and expenses, au- thorized by the provisions of this chapter shall be paid by the state on the warrant of the auditor of state, upon vouchers certified by the state dairy and food commissioner. (97 v. 31 sec. 4.) SEcTION 380. At such times as he deems proper, the state dairy and food commissioner shall issue bulletins con- taining such information as he may have, relating to the condition of the various products he is required by law to inspect or cause to be inspected, the results of analyses by him caused to be made and such other information as he deems proper. These bulletins shall be immediately pub- lished by the state and distributed by the commissioner. (97 v. 31 sec. 4.) SECTION 381. The state dairy and food commissioner shall make an annual report to the governor, containing an itemized statement of the receipts and expenditures of the department, the persons employed by him, together with such statistics and other matter as he regards of value. (97 Mes 3i-sec, 4.) SECTION 12757. Whoever refuses to allow the dairy and food commissioner of the state of Ohio, an assistant commissioner, an inspector or his agents, to enter a creamery, factory, store, salesroom, drug store, laboratory, booth, vehicle, steam or electric car or place which he de- sires to enter in the discharge of his official duty, or inter- feres with him in such discharge, or refuses to deliver to him a sample of food, drug or linseed oil made, sold, offered or exposed for sale by such person, upon request therefor and tender of the value thereof, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, and for each subsequent offense, shall be fined not less than _one hundred dollars nor more than three hundred dollars or imprisoned in jail not less than thirty days nor more than one hundred days, or both. (99 v. 386 sec. 3a.) ADULTERATIONS. SECTION 5774. No person, within this state, shall manufacture for sale, offer for sale, sell or deliver, or have in his possession with intent to sell or deliver, a drug or article of food which is adulterated within the meaning of this chapter, or offer for sale, sell or deliver, or have Suits to collect. Expenses of the depart- ment. Bulletins, Annual report. Dairy and food commissioner refused en- trance to factory, etc. PART FOURTN TITLE |. CHaPTER 6 PART SECOND TITLE Il. CHAPTER 1}. Adulterated and mis- branded drugs or food. Definition of the terms “drug” ““Food”’ and ‘“‘flavoring extract.”’ Samples of drugs and food for anal- ysis. What is adul- teration of drugs. Same as to food, etc. ADULTERATION OF FOODS AND DRUGS. in his possession with intent to sell or deliver, a drug or article. of food which is misbranded within the meaning of. this’ chapters °.(99 -v- 257 Sec.e rr) SECTION 5775. The term “drug,” as used in this chapter, includes all medicines for internal or external use or inhalation, antiseptics, disinfectants and cosmetics. The term “food,” as used in this chapter, includes all articles used by man for food, drink, flavoring extract, confec- tionery, or condiment, whether simple, mixed or compound. The term “flavoring extract,’ as used in this chapter, in- cludes all articles used as a flavor for foods or drinks, whether used or sold as an extract, flavor, essence, tincture or by another name. (98 v. 263 sec. 2.) SECTION 5776. A person manufacturing, offering or exposing for sale, or delivering to a purchaser, a drug or article of food included in the provisions of this chapter, shall furnish to a person interested or demanding it, apply- ing to him therefor and tendering him its value, a sample thereof sufficient for the analysis of such drug or article OF f00d.- CST wW.SeC; A,) SECTION 5802. A person who sells, offers for sale, manufactures or causes to be manufactured with intent to sell, wine stamped, labeled, branded or designated as “pure wine,’ either by including the word “pure” with “wine” alone or in connection with other words, which is not “pure wine” as in this chapter defined, or wine stamped, labeled, branded or designated as “wine’’ which is not wine as in this chapter defined, or violates a provision of sec- tions fifty-seven hundred and ninety-six, fifty-seven hun- dred and ninety-seven, fifty-seven hundred and ninety-eight and fifty-seven hundred and ninety-nine, or sells; offers for sale, maufactures or causes to be manufactured with intent to sell, wine of the kind and character described in the next two preceding sections, not stamped, marked or labeled after the manner therein prescribed, or which is falsely stamped, marked or labeled, shall be liable to a penalty of one-half dollar for each gallon thereof sold, cffered for sale, or manufactured with intent to sell or offer for-sale;- (SO-v. 98sec. 5.) ‘ SECTION 5803. Penalties imposed by the next preced- ing section may be recovered with costs of action by a person in his own name, before a justice of the peace in the county where such violation was committed, if the amount does not exceed the jurisdiction of such justice. Such penalties may be recovered in a like manner in any court of record in the state, but on recovery in such case of a sum less than fifty dollars, the plaintiff shall only be entitled to costs equal to the amount of such recovery . (86 Vigo 6607. 5.) SECTION 5804. Prosecuting attorneys shall prosecute actions in the name of the state of Ohio, for the recovery of the penalties allowed_in sectiun fifty-eight hundred and two, upon receiving proper information thereof ; and, in such actions, one-half of the penalty recovered shall be paid to the persons giving the information upon which. such action is brought, and the ther half to the treasurer of the county in which such action is brought, within thirty days after its collection, which shall be placed to the credit of the poor fund of the village, city or township in which the cause of action arose. A judgment. recovered in pursuance of this chapter, may be collected and enforced by like means and in a like manner as judgments in other cases. (86 v. 98 sec. 5.) 15 Penalties un- der last six sections. How penalties recovered. Where penal- ties paid. 16 Exceptions. Manufacture or sale of adulterated wine. Same a nuis- ance. Selling ‘‘com- pounded wine” improperly stamped. Improper use of words “pure wine.” ADULTERATION OF WINES. SECTION 5805. This chapter shall not apply to medi- cated wines put up and sold for medical purposes only; or to currant wine or other wines made from fruits other than grapes, which are plainly labeled, branded or desig- nated and sold, or offered for sale. under names including the word “wine,” and stating distinctly the fruit from which they are made, as “gooseberry wine,” “elderberry wine,” or the like. (86 v. 90 sec. 6.) SECTION 12767. Whoever manufactures or causes to be manufactured with intent to sell, or sells or offers to sell adulterated wine as defined and described by law, shall be fined not less than two hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned in the county jail not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or both, and shall be liable to a penalty of one dollar for each gallon thereof sold, offered for sale or manufactured with intent tocsell: — GSS -ant2qieeeer) SECTION 12768. Such adulterated wine or beverage shall be a public nuisance and forfeited to the state and be summarily seized and destroyed by any health officer, marshal, constable or sheriff within whose jurisdiction it is found, and the reasonable expense of such seizure and destruction shall be paid out of the county treasury in a like manner and amount as costs in criminal cases where the state fails to convict. (88 v. 231 sec. 1.) SECTION 12769. Whoever sells, offers for sale, manu- factures or causes to be manufactured with intent to sell, a wine of the kind and character described by law to be “compounded wine,” which is not stamped, branded, marked or labeled in the manner prescribed by law, or which is falsely stamped, branded, marked or labeled or violates any provisions of law with reference to “compounded wine,” shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned in the county jail not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or. both, and in addition thereto shall be liable to a penalty of one-half dollar for each gallon thereof sold, offered for sale or manufactured with intent to sell or offer for sale. (86 v. 98 sec. 5; 88 v. 232 sec. 4.) SECTION 12770. Whoever sells, offers for sale, manu- factures or cattses to be manufactured with intent to sell, a wine stamped, labeled, branded or designated as “pure wine,” either by including the word “pure” with “wine” alone or in connection with other words, which is not “pure wine” as defined and described by law, or which is not stamped, marked, branded or labeled in the manner pre- scribed by law, or which is falsely stamped, marked or labeled or violates any provision of law relating to “pure wine,” shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned in the county jail not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or both, and, in addition thereto shall be liable ADULTERATED WINES — POISONOUS LIQUORS. to a penalty of one-half dollar for each gallon thereof sold, offered for sale, or manufactured with intent to sell or offer for sale. (86 v. 98 sec. 5.) SECTION 12771. Whoever sells, offers for sale, manu- factures or causes to be manufactured with intent to sell, wine stamped, labeled, branded or designated as “wine” but which is not wine as defined and described by law, or which is not stamped, marked or labeled in the manner pre- scribed by law, or which is falsely stamped, marked or labeled, or violates any provision of law relating to “wine,” shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned in the county jail not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or both, and, in addition thereto, shall be liable to a penalty of one-half dollar for each gallon thereof sold, offered for sale or manufactured with intent to sell or offer for sale. (86 v. 98 sec. 5; 88 v. 232 sec. 3.) SECTION 12772. Whoever adulterates wine made, or juice expressed from grapes grown within this state by mixing therewith a drug, chemical, cider, whisky or other liquor, or sells, or offers to sell such adulterated wine or grape juice knowing it to be adulterated, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than three hundred dollars. (R. S. Sec. 7081.) SECTION 12773. Whoever puts adulterated liquor into a barrel, cask or other vessel having the private stamp, brand, wrapper, label or trade-mark usually affixed by a maker of wine from grapes grown within this state, for the purpose of deceiving another by the sale thereof, shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars or imprisoned not less than three months nor more than twelve months, or both. (R.'S. Sec. 7073.) SECTION 12675. Whoever uses an active poison in the manufacture or preparation of intoxicating liquor or sells intoxicating liquor so manufactured or prepared, shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than one year nor more than five years. (R. S. Sec. 7083. ) SECTION 12676. Whoever for the purpose of sale, adulterates spirituous, alcoholic or malt liquor used or in- tended for drink or medical or mechanical purposes, with cocculus indicus, vitriol, grains of paradise, opium, alum, capsicum, copperas, laurel water, logwood, Brazilwood, cochineal, sugar of lead, aloes, glucose, tannic acid, or any other substance which is poisonous or injurious to health, or with a substance not a necessary ingredient in the manu- facture thereof, or sells, offers or keeps for sale liquors so adulterated, shall be fined not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars or imprisoned not less than twenty days nor more than sixty days, or both. (R. S. Sec. 7082.) ___ SECTION 12677. In addition to the penalties provided in the next preceding section, a person convicted thereunder 2D&FL. 17 Improper use of word “wine.” Adulterated domestic wine. Using vessel with private stamp for wine, Manufacturing or selling poisoned liquors. Poisonously adulterated liquors, Costs and expenses, Putting adul- terated liquors in branded packages. Failing to properly brand packages of liquor. Adulterated liquors. Selling unin- spected liquors. PART FOURTH TITLE |. CHAPTER 6. Definition of adulterated milk. Sale of adul- terated milk, ADULTERATED LIQUORS — DAIRY PRODUCTS. shall pay all necessary costs and expenses incurred in in- specting and analyzing liquors so adulterated, sold, kept or offered for sale. —(R. S. Sec: 7082) SECTION 13211. Whoever puts adulterated liquor into a barrel, cask or other vessel, branded or marked “pure” by an inspector in this state, or knowingly sells or offers such liquor for sale in packages so branded, shall be im- prisoned in the penitentiary not more than twelve months. ° CROSS PS6c.-JO745) SECTION 13212. Whoever, manufacturing and selling intoxicating liquor, fails to brand on each package thereof the name of the person or company manufacturing, recti- tying or preparing it, and the words “containing no pois- onous drug or other added poison,” shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars and imprisoned not less than one month nor more than six months. (R. S. Sec. 6949.) SECTION 13213. Whoever adulterates spirituous or alcoholic liquor, exceptsfor medicinal or mechanical pur- poses, by mixing a substance with it or sells or offers such liquor for sale, knowing it to be so adulterated, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, and imprisoned not less than ten days nor more than thirty days. (R. S. Sec. 6950.) SECTION 13214. Whoever sells or offers to sell spirit- uous liquor, not inspected as provided by law, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hun- dred dollars and imprisoned not less than ten days nor more than thirty days. (R. S. Sec. 4330.) DAIRY PRODUCTS. MILK. SECTION 12716. In all prosecutions under this chapter, if milk is shown upon analysis to contain more than eighty- eight per cent. of watery fluid, or to contain less than twelve per cent. of solids or three per cent. of fats, it shall be deemed to be adulterated. (97 v. 119 sec. 4.) SECTION 12717. Whoever sells, exchanges, or delivers, or has in his custody or possession with intent to sell or exchange, or exposes or offers for sale or exchange, adul- terated milk, or milk to which water or any foreign sub- stance has been added, or milk from cows fed on wet dis- tillery waste or starch waste, or from cows kept in a dairy or place which has been declared to be in an unclean or unsanitary.condition by certificate of any duly constituted board of health or duly qualified health officer within the county in which said dairy is located, or from diseased or sick cows, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars; and, for a second offense, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more MILK — PURE, SKIMMED, CONDENSED. than three hundred dollars, or imprisoned in the jail or workhouse not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days. (99 v. 239 sec. I.) SECTION 12718. For a subsequent offense, a person violating the next preceding section shall be fined fifty dol- lars and imprisoned in the jail or workhouse not less than sixty days nor more than ninety days. (99 v. 230 sec, I.) SECTION 12719. Whoever sells, exchanges, delivers or has in his custody or possession with intent to sell or ex- change, or exposes or offers for sale as pure milk, any milk from which the cream or part thereof has been re- moved, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. For a second offense he shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than three hundred dollars or imprisoned in the jail or work- house not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days, and, for a subsequent offense, shall be fined fifty dollars and imprisoned in the jail or workhouse not less than sixty days nor more than ninety days. (80 vi0-229 sec. 2/) SECTION 12720. Whoever sells, exchanges, delivers or has in his custody or possession with intent to sell, ex- change or deliver, milk from which the cream or part thereof has been removed, unless in a conspicuous place above the center and upon the outside of each vessel, can or package, from which or in which such milk js sold, the words “skimmed milk” are distinctly marked in uncon- densed gothic letters not less than one inch in length, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hun- dred dollars. (86 v. 229 sec. 3.) SECTION 12721. For a second offense, a person vio- lating the next preceding section shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than three hundred dollars or imprisoned in the jail or workhouse not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days, and, for a subsequent of- fense, shall be fined fifty dollars and so imprisoned not less than sixty days nor more than ninety days. (86 v. 229 See. -F) SECTION 12725. Whoever manufactures, sells, ex- changes, exposes or offers for sale or exchange, condensed milk unless it has been made from pure, clean, fresh, healthy, unadulterated and wholesome milk, from which the cream has not been removed and in which the pro- portion of milk solids shall be the equivalent of twelve per cent. of milk solids in crude milk, twenty-five per cent. of such solids being fat, and unless the package, can or vessel containing it is distinctly labeled, stamped or marked with its true name, brand, and by whom and un- der what name made, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, and, for each subsequent offense, shall be fined not less than one hun- dred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars and im- prisoned not less than ten days nor more than ninety days. (83 v. 180 secs. 13, 15.) rere So) Penalty for subsequent offense. Misrepresenta~ tion as to pure milk. Skimmed milk. Subsequent offense. Condensed milk. 20 Delivery of adulterated milk to cheese and butter fac- tories. Impure or unhealthy milk. Milk falsely branded or labeled. Keeping un- healthy cow. Standard milk measure or pipette. ADULTERATED MILK — UNHEALTHY COW, MILK TESTING. SECTION 12726. Whoever, with intent to defraud, sells, delivers, or causes to be delivered, to a cheese or but- ter factory, milk which is adulterated or diluted within the meaning of the law, or from which any cream has been taken, or from which the part known as “stripping” has been withheld, or keeps or renders a false account of the quantity or weight of milk furnished at or to a factory or sold to a manufacturer, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, and, for each subsequent offense, shall be fined not less than one hun- dred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars and im- prisoned not less than ten days nor more than ninety days. (83 v. 180 secs. 9, 15.) SECTION 12727. Whoever sells, exchanges, or offers for sale or exchange, unclean, impure, unhealthy or un- wholesome milk shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, and for each subse- quent offense shall be fined not less than one hundred dol- Jars nor more than five hundred dollars and imprisoned not less than ten days nor more than ninety days. (83 v. 180 secs. 10, 15.) SECTION 12728. Whoever sells, exchanges, exposes, offers for sale or exchange, has in his possession or dis- poses of milk which is falsely branded, labeled, marked or represented as to grade, quantity or place where produced or procured, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, and for each subsequent offense shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars and imprisoned not less than ten days nor more than ninety days. (83 v. 180 secs. BL. yes SEcTION 12729. Whoever keeps a cow for the pro- duction of milk in a cramped or unhealthy condition, or feeds it on unhealthy food, or on food which produces im- pure, unhealthy or unwholesome milk, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, and for each subsequent offense, shall be fined not less than one hundred dolllars nor more than five hundred dol- lars and imprisoned not less than ten days nor more than ninety days. (83 v. 180 secs. 12, Ts.) MILK TESTING. SECTION 12722. Whoever uses a standard measure of milk or cream other than that which is defined in this sec- tion, where milk or cream is purchased by or furnished to creameries ot cheese factories and where the value of such milk or cream is determined by the per cent. of butter fat contained therein by the Babcock test, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. In the use of the Babcock test the standard milk measures or pipettes shall have a capacity of 17.6 cubic centimeters and the standard test tubes or bottles for milk MILK TESTING — MILK LOTTLES — OLEOMARGARINE. shall have a capacity of two cubic centimeters for each ten per cent. marked on the necks thereof. The standard unit of cream for testing shall be eighteen grams. (97 v. 285, 286, secs. I, 4.) SECTION 12723. Whoever offers for sale or sells a milk pipette or measure, test tube or bottle which is not correctly marked or graduated as provided in the next pre- ceding section, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dol- lars nor more than one hundred dollars. (97 v. 286, secs. op4,): SECTION 12724. Whoever, at a cheese factory, cream- ery, condensed milk factory or other place where milk is tested for quality or value, manipulates, underreads or overreads the Babcock test or any other contrivance used for determining the quality or value of milk or cream, or makes a false determination by the Babcock test or other- wise, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. (97 v. 286 secs. 3, 4.) MiLIC BOLTELES. SECTION 12730. Whoever fills or refills with milk, cream or other milk product a glass jar or bottle, with in- tent to sell such milk, cream or other milk product, unless such glass jar or bottle is first thoroughly cleansed or sterilized, shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars. bee. wid su sec2; 100-v.'T7; sec: 3.) SECTION 13169. Whoever fills or refills with milk, cream or other milk product, a glass jar or bottle having the name of a person, firm or corporation blown therein, with intent to sell such milk, cream or other product, shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars. This section shall not apply to a person, firm or corporation whose name is blown in such glass jar or bottle or an authorized agent or employe thereof. (99 v. 454 sec. I; 100 v. I7 Sec. 3.) OLEOMARGARINE. SECTION 12731. Whoever sells, deals in, keeps for sale, exposes of offers for sale or exchange, a substance other than butter or cheese made wholly from pure milk or cream, salt and harmless coloring matter, which appears to be, resembles or is made in imitation of, or as a substi- tute for, butter or cheese, without keeping a card, not less than ten by fourteen inches in size in a conspicuous place where it may be easily seen and read in the store, room, stand, booth, wagon or place where such substance is, on which is printed upon a white ground in black Roman let- ters, not less in size than twelve line pica, the words ‘‘oleo- margarine sold here,” or “imitation cheese sold here,” and no other words, or sells oleomargarine, suine, imitation cheese or other dairy product at retail or in any quantity less than the original package, tub or firkin, unless he shall 21 Selling or offering in- correctly marked meas- ures, Manipulating the Babcock test. Cleansing milk and cream bottle. Refilling milk or cream bot- tle having the name of an- other blown therein. Placards to be displayed by dealers. Placards to be displayed by hotel propri- étors, etc, Coloring mat- ter in manu- facturing oleo- margarine prohibited. Selling oleo- margarine con- taining same. “Oleomargarine defined. Notice to guest or pa- tron of hotel, etc, OLEOMARGARINE BUTTER AND CHEESE, first inform the purchaser that the substancé18 not butter or cheese, but an imitation thereof, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, and for each subsequent offense shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars and im- prisoned not Jess than ten days nor more than ninety days. (83 v. 180 sec. 15; 85 v. 74 sec. 6.) SECTION 12732. Whoever, being a proprietor, keeper, manager, or person in charge of a hotel, boarding house, restaurant, eating house, lunch counter, lunch room, boat, railroad car or other place, therein sells, uses, disposes of, furnishes, serves, or uses in cooking, a substance which appears to be, resembles, or is made in, or as an imitation of, or a substitute for butter or cheese which is not wholly made from pure milk or cream, salt and harmless coloring matter, without keeping a card in a conspicuous place therein, which shall be white and not less than ten by four- teen inches in size, upon which shall be printed in plain, black Roman letters, not less than twelve line pica, the words “oleomargarine sold and used here,” or “imitation cheese sold and used here,” and no other words, or sells, furnishes or disposes of stich substance as and for butter or cheese made from pure milk or cream, salt and harmless coloring matter, when butter or cheese is asked for, shail be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hun- dred dollars, and for each subsequent offense shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hun- dred dollzss and imprisoned not less than ten days nor more than ninety days. (83 v. 180 sec. 15; 85 v. 75 sec. 7.) SECTION 12733. Whoever manufactures oleomar- garine which contains methyl, orange, butter-yellow, annatto, aniline dyes or other coloring matter, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hun- dred dollars, and, for each subsequent offense, in addition to the above fine, may be imprisoned not more than ninety days: (Or vi274,"275 Sees) 1 ) SECTION 12734. Whoever, not being a manufacturer thereof, offers or exposes for sale, sells or delivers, or has in his possession with intent to sell or deliver oleomargine which contains methyl-orange, butter-yellow, annatto, aniline dyes or other coloring matter, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. (or W274, 275 SECS. dee) SECTION 12735. The word “oleomargarine” as used in the next two preceding sections means any substance, not pure butter of not less than eighty per cent. of butter fats, which is made as a substitute for, in imitation of, or to be used as butter. (QI v. 275 sec. 4.) BUTTER AND CHEESE. SECTION 12736. Whoever furnishes, or causes to be furnished, in a hotel, restaurant or lunch-counter “filled cheese,” or “skimmed cheese,” or a substance made in imi- * IMITATION AND ADULTERATION OF DAIRY PRODUCTS. tation or semblance of cheese, or as a substitute therefor, not made entirely from milk or cream, with salt, rennet and harmless coloring matter, to a guest or patron thereof, instead of cheese, and fails to notify him that the substance so furnished is not cheese, shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. (92 V..53 Sec. 7.) SECTION 12737. Whoever sells or offers for sale, to a person asking, sending or inquiring for cheese, an article, substance or compound made in imitation or semblance of or as a substitute for cheese, not made entirely from milk ¢ or cream, with salt, rennet and harmless coloring matter, and containing not less than ten per cent. pure butter fats, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hudred dollars or imprisoned in the county jail not less than ten days nor more than thirty days, and, for each subse- quent offense, shall be fined not less than one hundred dol- lars nor more than two hundred dollars or imprisoned in the county jail not less than twenty days nor more than sixty days, or both. (97 v. 253, sec. 3.) SECTION 12738. Whoever peddles, sells, solicits orders for the future delivery of or delivers from a cart, wagon, or other vehicle, upon the public streets or ways, “filled cheese,” “skimmed cheese” or a substance made in imita- tion or semblance of cheese or as a substitute for cheese, not made entirely from milk or cream, with salt, rennet -and harmless coloring matter, not having on both sides of such cart, wagon or other vehicle a placard in uncondensed gothic letters not less than three inches in length containing the words “‘filled cheese” or “skimmed cheese” and no other words, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars or imprisoned in the county jail not less than ten days nor more than thirty days, and for each subsequent offense, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than two hundred dollars or im- prisoned in the county jail not less than twenty days nor more than sixty days, or both. (92 v. 52 sec. 6.) SECTION 12739. Whoever sells “filled cheese,” ‘‘skim- med cheese” or a substance made in imitation or semblance of cheese, or as a substitute for cheese, not made entirely from milk or cream, with salt, rennet and harmless color- ing matter, from a dwelling, store, office or public mart, without having conspicuously posted thereon a placard or sign in letters not less than four inches in length “filled cheese sold here” or “skimmed cheese sold here,’ and no other words, shall be fined one hundred dollars and one hundred dollars for each day’s failure thereafter to con- form to such provision of law. (92 v. 52 sec. 5.) : SECTION 12740. Whoever manufactures out of any oleaginous substance, or a compound therecf, other than that produced from unadulterated milk or cream, salt and harmless coloring matter, an article designed to be sold as butter or cheese made from pure milk or cream, salt or 23 Selling or of- fering imita- tion or substi- tute when cheese called or. Failure to placard sides of vehicle. Posting of placard at place of business. Restrictions on manufacture of artificial dairy products, 24 Restrictions on sale of artificial dairy products. Selling or offering imita- tation or sub- stitute with- out proper brands and placard. Branding “full milk cheese”? and “Ohio state full cream cheese.”’ IMITATION AND ADULTERATION OF DAIRY PRODUCTS. harmless coloring matter, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, and, for each subsequent offense, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars and imprisoned not less than ten days nor more than ninety days. This section shall not prevent the use of pure skimmed milk in the manufacture of cheese. (83 v. 178, 180 secs. 2, 15.) SECTION 12741. Whoever sells, exposes or offers for sale or exchange, a substance purporting, appearing or represented to be butter or cheese, or having the semblance | thereof, which is not made wholly from pure milk or cream, salt and harmless coloring matter, unless it is done under its true name and each vessel, package, roll or par- cel of such substance has distinctly and durably painted, stamped, stenciled or marked thereon its true name and the name of each article or ingredient used or entering (into) the composition thereof in ordinary bold faced letters, not less than five line pica in size, or sells or disposes of such . substance without delivering with each amount sold or disposed of a label so marked, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, and, for each subsequent offense, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars and imprisoned not less than ten days nor more than ninety days. (84 v..182:sec. 13/83 v. 180 sec. 15.) SECTION 12742. Whoever sells or offers for sale, an article, substance or compound made in imitation or sem- blance of cheese, or as a substitute for cheese, not made entirely from milk or cream, with salt, rennet and harm- less coloring matter, not marked and distinguished by all the marks, words and stamps required by law, and not having in addition thereto upon the exposed contents of every opened tub, box or parcel thereof, a conspicuous placard with the words “filled cheese” or “skimmed cheese,” as the case may be, printed thereon in plain, uncondensed letters not less than one inch long, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars or im- prisoned-in the county jail not less than ten days nor more than thirty days, and, for each subsequent offense, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than two hundred dollars or imprisoned in the county jail not less than twenty days nor more than sixty days, or both. (92 V..52 sec. 4.) SECTION 12743. Whoever puts a brand indicating “full milk cheese” upon cheese made of milk from which any of the cream has been taken, or uses such brand with- out having obtained from the dairy and food commissioner, in conformity to law, a stencil brand containing the words “Ohio state full cream cheese,” or uses such brand upon other than full cream cheese or a package containing such cheese, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars or imprisoned in the county jail not less than ten days nor more than thirty days, and, for ADULTERATION OF CHEESE. each subsequent offense, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than two hundred dollars or im- prisoned in the county jail not less than twenty days nor more than sixty days, or both. (92 v. 53, sec. 8.) SECTION 12744. The next preceding section shall not prohibit the manufacture and sale of full skimmed cheese from pure, wholesome and unadulterated milk that is skim- med. (92 v. 43, sec. 8.) SECTION 12745. Whoever sells, exposes for sale or has in his possession with intent to sell, an article, substance or compound made in imitation or semblance of cheese, as a substitute therefor, not ‘made exclusively of milk or cream, with salt, rennet and harmless coloring matter, or containing fats, oils or grease not produced from milk or cream, without having the words “filled cheese” stamped, labeled or marked in printed letters of plain, uncondensed gothic type, not less than one inch in length so that the words can not easily be defaced, upon the side of each cheese, cheese-cloth or band around it, and upon the top and side of each tub, firkin, box or package containing it, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars or imprisoned in the county jail not less than ten days nor more than thirty days, and, for each sub- sequent offense, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than two hundred dollars or imprisoned in the coyinty jail not less than twenty days nor more than sixty days, or both. (97 v. 253, sec. T.) SECTION 12746. Whoever sells, exposes for sale or has in his possession with intent to sell, cheese made ex- clusively of milk or cream with salt, rennet, and with or without harmless coloring matter and containing less than twenty-one per cent. of pure butter fat, without having the words “skimmed cheese” stamped, labeled or marked in printed letters of plain, uncondensed gothic type not less than one inch in length so that the words can not easily be defaced, upon the side of each cheese, cheese cloth or band around it, and upon the top and side of each tub, firkin, box or package containing it, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dol- lars or imprisoned in the county jail not less than ten days nor more than thirty days, and, for each subsequent offense, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than two hundred dollars or imprisoned in the county jail not less than twenty days nor more than sixty days, or both. (97 v. 253 sec. 1; amended Mmprie: 7 TOTO.) . SECTION 12746-1. Whoever sells, exposes for sale or has in his possession with intent to sell, cheese made ex- clusively of milk or cream with salt, rennet, and with or without harmless coloring matter, containing twenty-one per cent. or more and less than thirty per cent. of pure butter fat without having the words “Ohio Standard Cheese” stamped, labeled or marked in printed letters of plain uncondensed gothic type not less than one inch in Skimmed cheese. Sale of ‘‘filled cheese.” Sale of “skimmed cheese.” Labeling of “skimmed cheese.” 26 Sale of “skimmed cheese’”’ not in original pack- age, Erasing or canceling label on filled or skimmed cheese. Fraudulent shipments of dairy products. Falsely marked imitation dairy products. ADULTERATION OF DAIRY PRODUCTS. length so that the words cannot easily be defaced, upon the side of each cheese, cheese cloth or band around it, and upon the top and side of each tub, firkin, box or package containing it, shall be fined not less than fifty dol- lars nor more than one hundred dollars. (Act of April 7, I9IO.) SECTION 12747. Whoever retails “filled cheese” or “skimmed cheese,” as provided in the next two preceding . sections, not in the original package, without attaching to each piece or package sold and delivered, a wrapper or label bearing in a conspicuous place on the outside of the package the words “‘filled cheese” or “skimmed cheese”’ in printed letters of plain, uncondensed gothic type not less than one inch in length, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars or im- prisoned in the county jail not less than ten days nor more than thirty days, and, for each subsequent offense, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than two hundred dollars or imprisoned in the county jail not less than twenty days nor more than sixty days, or both. (97 V. 253 sec. I.) SECTION 12748. Whoever sells, exposes for sale or haS in his possession with intent to sell, an article, sub- stance or compound made in imitation or semblance of cheese, or as a substitute for cheese, except as provided in the next three preceding sections, or with intent to deceive, defaces, erases, cancels or removes a mark, stamp, brand, label or wrapper provided for in such sections, or falsely labels, stamps or marks a tub, box, article or package so marked, stamped or labeled, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars or imprisoned in the county jail not less than ten days nor more than thirty days, and, for each subsequent offense, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than two: hundred dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail not less than twenty days nor more than sixty days, or both: =(O2"v.i51; sec 2,3 SECTION 12749. Whoever packs, boxes, incloses, ships or consigns a substance as butter or cheese made from pure milk or cream, salt and harmless coloring matter in such a manner as to conceal an inferior article by placing a finer grade of butter or cheese upon the surface of. it, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, and, for each subsequent offense, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hun- dred dollars and imprisoned not less than ten days nor more than ninety days. (83 v. 180 secs. 8, 15.) SECTION 12750. Whoever sells, exchanges, exposes or offers for sale or exchange, disposes of or has in his pos- session a substance made in imitation or resemblance of, or as a substitute for a dairy product which is falsely branded, stenciled, labeled or marked as to the place where made, the name or cream value thereof, its composition or ADULTERATION OF DAIRY PRODUCTS. ingredients or in any other respect, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, and, for each subsequent offense, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars and imprisoned not less than ten days nor more than ninety days. (83 ¥.*170, 180 secs. 4, 15.) SECTION 12751. Whoever sells, exchanges, exposes or offers for sale or exchange, disposes of or has in his pos- session a dairy product which is falsely branded, stenciled, labeled or marked as to the place where made, date of manufacture, name or cream value thereof, composition, ingredients or in any other respect, or cheese wholly made from skimmed milk not having on the box or can con- taining it the words “madé from skimmed milk,” shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hun- dred dollars, and, for each subsequent offense, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars and imprisoned not less than ten days nor more than ninety days. (83 v. 179, 180 secs. 5, 15.) SECTION 12752. Whoever manufactures, mixes, com- pounds with or adds to pure milk, cream, butter or cheese, animal fat, animal, mineral or vegetable oils, acids or other deleterious ingredients, or manufactures an oleaginous or other substance not produced from pure milk or cream, salt and harmless coloring matter, or has in his possession or sells, offers or exposes it for sale or exchanges with in- tent to sell or dispose of it as and for butter or cheese made from unadulterated milk or cream, salt and harmless coloring matter, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, and, for each subsequent offense, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars and imprisoned not less than ten days nor more than ninety days. (83 v. 170, 180 secs, 3, 15.) SECTION 12753. Whoever places on a package, roll, parcel or vessel containing an imitation dairy product not made wholly from pure milk or cream, salt and harmless coloring matter the words “butter,” “creamery” or “dairy” or any word or combination of words embracing them, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, and, for each subsequent offense, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars and imprisoned. not less than ten days nor more than ninety days. (83 v. 180 sec. 15; 84 v. 182, See; T,) SECTION 12754. Whoever, in a charitable or penal in- stitution of the state, having charge of the purchase of butter or cheese, knowingly purchases any butter or cheese which is not made wholly from pure milk or cream, salt and harmless coloring matter, and permits it to be used in such institution, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, and for each subse- quent offense, shall be fined not less than one hundred dol- 27 Selling falsely branded dairy products. Mixing im- proper articles with butter or cheese. Improper use of words “butter,” “creamery,” etcy Use of imita- tion butter or cheese at pub- lic institutions. 28 Branding “full milk cheese.’ “Ohio state full cream cheese.” Registration. Skimmed cheese. Manufacturing or selling “renovated butter” or “process but- ter.” CHEESE — RENOVATED OR PROCESS BUTTER, lars nor more than five hundred dollars and imprisoned not less than ten days nor more than ninety days. (83 v. 180, secs. 14, 15.) SecTIon 5781. A manufacturer of full milk cheese may put a brand upon each cheese manufactured by him indicating “full milk cheese,” with the date and year when made, but a person shall not use such brand upon a cheese made from milk from which any of the cream has been taken. (92 v. 53 sec. 8.) . SECTION 5782. The dairy and food commissioner shall procure and issue to the cheese manufacturers of this state, upon proper application made on or before the first day of April of each year and under such regulations as to the custody and use thereof as he may prescribe, a uniform stencil brand bearing a suitable device or motto, and the words “Ohio state full cream cheese.” Such brand shall be used upon the outside of each cheese, cheese-cloth or band around it and upon the box or package containing it, and shall bear a separate number for each factory. Such brand shall not be used upon other than full milk cheese or packages containing it; provided, that no cheese shall be so branded unless it contains at least thirty per cent. of pure butter fat. Stch commissioner shall keep a book in which shall be registered the name, location and number of each manufacturer using such brand, and the name or names of the person in each factory authorized to use it, and he shall receive one dollar for each registra- tion according to the provisions of this section, such fee to be paid by the person applying for such registration. (92 v. 53 sec. 8; amended April 7, 1910.) SECTION 5783. The next two preceding sections shall not prohibit the manufacture and sale of pure skimmed cheese made from milk that is clean, pure, wholesome, and unadulterated except by skimming. (92 v. 53 sec. 8.) RENOVATED OR PROCESS BUTTER. SECTION 12755. Whoever manufactures for sale, of- fers or exposes for sale, sells, exchanges, delivers or has in his possession with intent to sell, exchange or deliver, butter that is produced by taking original packing stock butter or other butter, or both, melting such butter so that the butter fat can be drawn off or extracted, mixing such butter fat with milk, cream, skimmed milk or other milk product and reworking or rechurning such mixture, or manufactures for sale, offers or exposes for sale, sells, exchanges, delivers or has in his possession for any of such purposes butter which has been subjected to any pro- cess by which it is melted, clarified or refined, and made to resemble butter, and is commonly known as boiled, or cold extracted process or renovated butter, and which is hereby designated as “renovated butter” or “process but- ter,” unless it is branded or marked as provided in the next sticceeding section, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars RENOVATED OR PROCESS BUTTER — CANDY. nor more than two hundred dollars, and, for each subse- quent offense shall be fined not less than one hundred dol- lars nor more than three hundred dollars or imprisoned in the county jail or workhouse not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days, or both. (99 v. 243, 244 secs. I, 3.) Section 12756. Whoever sells, exposes for sale or has in his custody or possession with intent to sell, “reno- vated butter” or “process butter,’ as defined in the next preceding section, unless the words “renovated butter” or “process butter” are conspicuously stamped, labeled or marked in one or two lines and in plain gothic letters, at least three-eighths of an inch square, so that such words can not easily be defaced, upon two sides of each tub, firkin, box or package containing it or exposes such butter for sale uncovered or not in a case or package, unless a placard containing such words in the form above described, is attached to the mass in such manner as to be easily seen and read by the purchaser; or sells such butter for such package or otherwise at retail, in print, roll or other form, unless before delivering to the purchaser thereof, it is con- tained in wrappers upon the outside of which is plainly printed or stamped the words “renovated butter” or “pro- cess butter” in one or two lines in plain gothic letters at least three-eighths of an inch square without other words or printing thereon and in plain view of said purchaser and not concealed, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and, for each subsequent offense, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than three hundred dollars or imprisoned in the county jail or workhouse not less than thirty days nor more, than sixty days, or both. (99 v. 244 secs. 2, 3.) CALF UNDER FOUR WEEKS OLD. Section 12761. Whoever, for the purpose of selling, kills a calf less than four weeks old, or knowingly sells its meat or has such meat in his possession with intent to sell, shall be fined not more than fifty dollars or imprisoned twenty days, or both. (R. S. Sec. 6928.) CANDY. SECTION 12762. Whoever manufactures for sale, sells or offers for sale, candy with an admixture of terra alba, barytes, talc or other mineral substance, or with poisonous colors or flavors or other ingredients deleterious or detri- mental to health, or, being a manufacturer of or dealer in candy, refuses, upon demand and a tender of payment therefor, to furnish a sample thereof for analysis, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars or imprisoned not less than thirty days nor more than one hundred days, or both, and shall pay all costs and expenses incurred in inspecting and analyzing 29 Labeling and packing such butter. Selling meat of calf less than four weeks old. Manufacture and sale of adulterated candy; ples. sam- 30 Feeding un- wholesome offal or flesh to swine, etc. meple sugar and syrup de- - fined. Adulterated maple sugar or syrup. Fraudulent use of word “maple’’, Package must bear label of packer, - the maple tree. CANDY — UNWHOLESOME FEED — MAPLE SUGAR, AND SYRUP. such adulterated candy which shall be forfeited and de- stroyed under the direction of the court. (83 v. 119 secs. L 2,30) FEED TO ANIMALS. SECTION 12779. Whoever feeds to animals, used for human food, the flesh of an animal which has become old, decrepit, infirm or sick, or which has died from such cause, — or offal or flesh that is putrid or unwholesome, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both, and, for each subsequent offense, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars or im- prisoned not more than six months, or both. (R. S. Sec. 6928-1. ) MAPLE SUGAR AND SYRUP. SECTION 12763. Maple sugar or pure maple sugar and maple syrup or pure maple syrup are the unadulterated product (produced) by the evaporation of pure sap from The standard of weight of a gallon of maple syrup of two hundred and thirty-one cubic inches shall be eleven pounds. A substance purporting to be maple syrup or maple sugar not made in compliance with this section shall be an adulteration of maple syrup or maple sugar, and maple syrup of less weight than herein required shall be an adulteration of maple syrup. (97 v. 46 sec. 1; 98 v. 201 sec. 2.) SECTION 12764. Whoever manufactures for sale, of- fers for sale, has in his possession with intent to sell, or sells or delivers, as and for maple syrup or maple sugar, an adulteration thereof shall be fined not less than fifty dol- lars nor more than two hundred dollars. (97 v. 46, 47 secs. ay Ge) SECTION 12765. Whoever offers for sale, has in his possession with intent to sell, sells or delivers an adulter- ation of maple syrup or maple-sugar in a box, can, bottle or other package having the word “maple,” or a compound thereof, as the name or part of the name of the contents thereof or a device or illustration suggestive of maple syrup or sugar or the manufacture thereof, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dol- lars. -(07.¥./A7 Secs,-6. @, ) SECTION 12766. Whoever offers for sale, has in his possession with intent to sell, sells or delivers as and for maple syrup or maple sugar, an article which does not bear the name and address of the packer and also the state, ter- ritory or country in which it was produced, in plain legi- ble type upon the label, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. (97 v. 47 sec. 4.) e CANNED PRODUCTS —- LINSEED OIL. CANNED PRODUCTS. SECTION 12775. Whoever, being a packer or dealer in preserved or canned fruits, vegetables or other articles of food, offers them for sale unless they bear a mark to indicate the grade or quality, and the name and address of the person, firm or corporation packing or dealing therein, except stich as are brought from foreign countries, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars if a vendor, nor more than one thousand dollars if a manufacturer or packer. (82° v= 163 secs. 1, 3.) SECTION 12776. Whoever falsely stamps or labels cans or jats containing preserved fruit, vegetables or other articles of food or knowingly permits such false stamping or labeling, shall be fined not less than five hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars; and whoever sells or offers to sell such cans or jars shall be fined not less than fifty dollars. (82 v. 163 sec. 3.) SECTION 12777. Whoever manufactures, sells or of- fers to sell “soaked” goods or goods put up from products dried before canning, without plainly marking them with an adhesive label having on its face the word “soaked,” in letters not less in size than two line pica of solid and legi- ble type, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars, if a ven- dor, and not less than five hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, if a manufacturer or packer. (82 eee cee, 2282", 163 sec. 3.) SECTION 12778. Every board of health shall prose- cute a person, firm or corporation which it has reason to believe has violated any provision of the next three pre- ceding sections; and, after deducting the costs_of trial, re- tain the residue of fines recovered for the use of sttch board. (82 v. 163 sec. 3.) LENSEED OIL. SECTION 12790. Whoever manufactures, offers or ex- poses for sale raw flaxseed or linseed oil unless it is wholly obtained from the seeds of the flax plant and fulfills all the requirements recognized by the eighth decennial re- vision of the United States pharmacopoeia, shall be fined not less than. fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dol- lars or imprisoned not less than thirty days nor more than ninety days, or both. (92 v. 418 sec. 3; 99 v. 64 sec. 1.) SECTION 12791. Whoever manufactures, offers or ex- poses for sale boiled linseed oil unless it has been prepared by heating pure raw linseed oil to a temperature of 225 degrees Fahrenheit and incorporating not to exceed four per cent. by weight of drier, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars or im- prisoned not less than thirty days nor more than ninety days, or both. Such boiled linseed oil must also conform to the following requirements: tst. Its specific gravity 31 Unlabeled canned fruits and vegetables. Falsely stamp- ing fruit or vegetable packages. Label of “‘soaked”’ goods. Board of health to prosecute under three preceding sections. Manufacture and sale of raw flaxseed or linseed oif. Same as to boiled linseed oil. 32 Selling same under false mame or with- out proper ‘branding. Falsely label- Ing tank cars or vessels containing same. Duty of dairy and food com- missioner, PART SECOND TITLE Il Chapter 24. Label must not be de- ceptive. Adulterated turpentine; how labeled. LINSEED OIL — PAINTS, ETC. at 60 degrees Fahrenheit must be not less than 0.935 and not greater than 0.945. 2d. Its saponification value (Koettstorfer figure) must not be less than 186. ard. Its iodine number must not be less than 160. 4th. Its acid value must not exceed Io. 5th. -The volatile matter ex- pelled at 212 degrees Fahrenheit must not exceed one-half of one per cent. 6th. No mineral oil shall be present, and the amount of unsaponifiable matter. as determined by | standard methods shall not exceed 2.5 per cent. 7th. The film left after flowing the oil over glass and allowing it to drain in a vertical position must be free from tackiness in not to exceed twenty hours, at a temperature of about 70 degrees Fahrenheit. (92 v. 418 sec. 3; 99 v. 64 sec. 1.) SECTION 12792. Whoever sells, exposes or offers for sale, flaxseed or linseed oil unless it is done under its true name, and each tank-car, tank, barrel, keg or other ves- sel containing such oil has distinctly and durably painted, stamped, stenciled or marked thereon in ordinary boldfaced capital letters not less than five lines pica in size, the words “pure linseed oil—raw” or “pure linseed oil—boiled” and the name and address of the manufacturer thereof, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned not less than thirty days nor more than ninety days, or both. (92 v. 418 secs. 2, 3.) SECTION 12793. Whoever falsely stamps or labels tank-cars, barrels, kegs, cans or other vessels containing flaxseed or linseed oil, or knowingly permits such stamping or labeling, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned not less than thirty days nor more than ninety days, or both. (92 v. 418 sec. 3.) : SECTION 12794. The dairy and food commissioner shall enforce the provisions of the next four preceding sec- tions. (92 v. 418 sec. 4.) PAINTS, WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE. SECTION 6331. No person, firm or corporation shall expose for sale or sell within this state, paint, turpentine or linseed oi! which is labeled or marked so as to tend to deceive the purchaser thereof as to its nature or compo- sition, or which is not labeled as required by this chapter. (99 v. 118 sec. 1; amended May 10, Ig1o.) SECTION 6331-1. No person, firm or corporation shall manufacture, mix for sale, sell, or offer for sale, for other than medicinal purposes, under the name of turpen- tine, or spirits of turpentine, or any compounding of the word turpentine, or under any name or device illustrating or suggesting turpentine, or spirits or turpentine, any article which is not wholly distilled from rosine, turpentine gum, or scrape from pine trees, and unmixed and un- adulterated with oil, benzine or any other foreign substance of any kind whatsoever, unless the package containing eh rE Dye oN ES: AND eLURPENTINE. same shall he stenciled or marked, with letters not less than two inches high, adulterated spirits of turpentine. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as prohibiting the manufacture or sale of any such compound or imita- tion, providing the container shall be plainly marked, and the purchaser notified, as aforesaid. (Act of May 10, IQIO.) SECTION 6332. The term “paint” as used in this chap- ter shall include oxide of zinc, red lead and white lead, dry or in any kind of oil, and a compound intended for like use, colors ground in oil, paste or semi-paste paint, and liquid or mixed paint ready for use. (99 v. 118 sec. 2°) SECTION 6333. The label required by this chapter shall clearly and distinctly state the name and residence of the ménufacturer of the paint, or of the distributor thereof or of the party for whom it is manufactured, and show the name or names of any substance or substances used_in quantities sufficient to be dangerous or injurious to human life or health whether through absorption, contact or in- halation. The label shall be printed in the English lan- guage in plain, legible type, in continuous list, with no in- tervening matter of any kind. (100 y. Iot sec. 23) SECTION 6334. The label on paint sold by measure shall show the net measure of the contents of the con- tainer, and on paint sold by weight, the net weight of the contents of the package. (99 v. 118 sec. 4.) SECTION 6335. The possession of an article or sub- stance improperly marked or inaccurately labeled, as pro- vided in this chapter, by a person, firm or corporation dealing therein shall be prima facie evidence that it is so kept in violation of this chapter and the penal statutes re- lating thereto. (99 v. 119 sec. 6. ) SECTION 6336. The dairy and food commissioner of Ohio shall enforce the provisions of this chapter and the penal statutes relating thereto, and such commissioner, his assistants, experts, chemists and agents shall have access and ingress to the places of business stores and buildings used for the sale of paint, turpentine or linseed oil, and May open any package, can, jar, tub or other receptacle containing an article that may be sold or exposed. for sale in violation of such provisions or statutes. The inspectors, assistant (assistants) or chemists, appointed by such com- missioner, shall perform like duties and have like author- ity under this chapter and the penal statutes relating there- to as is provided by law in other cases. Stich commissioner shall publish bulletins from time to time giving the results of inspections and analyses, with such other information as he deems suitable. (99-v. IIQ secs. 7, 8.) SECTION 13168) Whoever violates any provision of law relating to the labeling of paints, mixed paints and similar compounds or white lead by manufacturers or dis- tributers thereof, shall be fined not more than fifty dollars, 9.0% FT: 33 Paint defined. Label, what to specify. Measure or weight to be shown. Possession. Duty of dairy and food com- missioner. Violating Jaw relating to paints. 34 Unsanitary bakery, creamery, packing house, etc. SANITARY INSPECTION — WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, and for each subsequent offense, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars or im- prisoned not less than thirty days nor more than one hun- dred days, or both. (99 v. 119g sec. 9.) SANITARY INSPECTION. SECTION 12797. Whoever, being the proprietor, owner or manager of a bakery, confectionery, creamery, dairy, © dairy barn, milk depot, laboratory, hotel, restaurant, eat- ing house, packing house, slaughter house, ice cream fac- tory, or place where a food product is- manufactured, packed, stored, deposited, collected, prepared, produced or sold for any purpose, fails to place it in a clean and sanitary condition within the time stated in the notice provided for in-the next succeeding section, or fails to keep it in such condition thereafter, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, and, for each subsequent offense, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than three hundred dollars or imprisoned in the county jail not less than thirty days nor more than Duty of dairy and food commissioner, PART SECOND TITLE V. Chapter 11. State sealer and standards of weights and measures, cne hundred days, or both. (100 v. 14, 15 secs. I, 3.) SEcTION 12798. If the dairy and food commissioner or any of his assistants, inspectors or agents, is of the opinion that a place named in the next preceding section is being operated in violation of such section he shall notify the proprietor, owner or manager thereof, in writing, to place it in a clean and sanitary condition within a reason- able time to be stated in such notice, which time shall not be less than ten days. (100 v. I5 sec. 2.) WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. STATE. SEAGER. Section 7965. The state dairy and food commis- sioner shall be state sealer. The standards of weights and measures adopted by the state shall be deposited in a suit- able room at Columbus, and be by him kept in suitable cases, to be opened only for the purpose of comparing them with such standards the copies which by law are furnished for the use of the several counties, cities or villages, unless by joint resolution of the general assembly, or upon a call of either house for information, or by order of the gov- ernor for scientific purposes. The state dairy and food commissioner shall, upon the passage of this act, and once every three years thereafter, require each county auditor and city or village sealer, in this state, to present all stand- ards of weights and measures in their possession to him for comparison with the standards adopted by the state, and the dairy and food commissioner shall condemn and de- stroy all of such standards as do not conform with the WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. standards adopted by the state. Each county auditor and each city and village sealer shall be required to procure copies of all the original standards adopted by the state named in section seven thousand, nine hundred and sixty- six of the General Code, except such standards now in their possession as the state dairy and food commissioner shall find to conform with the standards adopted by the state. It shall be the duty of the state dairy and food com- missioner to advise and assist all county, city and village sealers, and generally be charged with the enforcement of all laws relating to weights and measures, and in the per- formance of such duties he may use the services of any persons employed under his department. The state dairy and food commissioner or any person employed by him for that purpose may try and prove any weights, measure, balance and any other weighing or measuring device, on request from any person, and when the same are found or made to conform to the state standards shall cause the same to be sealed and marked, as provided in section two thousand six hundred and sixteen of the General Code. (R. S. Sec. 142; amended May Io. 1910.) SECTION 7966. Copies of the original standards of _ the following materials, shall be procured by the state sealer for the use of each county in this state, not already fur- nished, in pursuance of law, and be delivered by him to the auditor thereof: One-half bushel measure, of one-eighth inch copper, with brass rim; one gallon measure, of one- . sixteenth inch copper, with brass rim and handle; one-half gallon, one quart, one pint, and one-half pint measure, to be made in the same manner and of the same material; fifty, twenty-five, twenty, ten, five, four, three, two and one pound weights, avoirdupois, to be made of cast iron, turned, polished and trimmed; and one-half pound, one- quarter pound, two ounce, one ounce, half ounce, and quarter ounce weights, troy, to be made of brass; one brass yard measure, graduated into feet, inches and tenths. Ch S; Sec: 143.) SECTION 7967. The state sealer shall cause to be im- pressed on each ‘of the copies, so to be delivered to the counties, the letter “O,” and such other device for each county as he directs before its deposit in the county auditor’s office. Such device shall be recorded in the state sealer’s office, and a copy thereof furnished to the auditor of the proper county. (R. S. Sec. 144.) SECTION 7968. The state sealer shall furnish like copies of the original standards to the sealer of any city or village upon application therefor, and payment of the cost thereof, by such city or village. (R. S.- Sec. 145.) SECTION 7969. The state sealer shall render accounts to the auditor of state of all moneys by him paid or liabili- ties incurred in procuring and delivering copies of the standards to the counties; and the auditor shall audit such accounts and draw his warrants on the State treasurer for the amounts he finds due, which must be paid by the treas- 35 Copies of standards for use of coun- ties. Device on county stand- ards, Like copies to be furnished to cities and villages, Expenses, 36 Inspection of gas and meters. PART FIRST TITLE X DIVISION Il. Chapte 3. County sealer. Duties of county sealer; weights, méas- ures, etc., must be sealed. County sealer shall deliver copies to suc- cessor, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES — ‘COUNTY SEALER. SECTION 7970. The state sealer of weights and meas- ures shall have charge of all the apparatus and property, belonging to the state, intended for the inspection ef ilumi- nating gas and gas meters, and the testing of the registra- tion of meter-provers; he shall test the registration of all meter-provers that may be presented to him for that pur- pose, and stamp and seal all such meter-provers, so tested, that are found correct. For testing the registration of gas | meter-provers, to be paid by the persons requiring such ser- vice, he shall be allowed the sum of five dollars for each meter-prover tested. (R.S. Sec. 147. COUN TY: SEALER. SECTION 2615. By virtue of his office, the county auditor shall be county sealer of weights and measures and shall be responsible for the preservation of the copies of the original standards delivered to his office. It shall be the duty of the county auditor to see that all state laws relating to weights and measures be strictly enforced throughout his county and to assist generally in the prosecution of all violations of such laws. (R. S. Sec 1054; amended May IO, 1910.) Section 2616. The county sealer shall compare ail weights and measures, brought to him for that purpose, with the copies of standards in his possession. When they are made to conform to the legal standards, the of- ficer comparing them shall seal and mark such weights and measures. No weight, measure, balance or other weighing or measuring device shall be used or maintained for weigh- ing and measuring in this state unless such weight, meas- ure, balance or other weighing or measuring device has been sealed or marked by the state dairy and food com- missioner, or any employe of said commissioner detailed © for that purpose, or by the county sealer or by the sealer of the city or village in which the same is used or main- tained, by stamping upon each the letter “O” and the last two figures of the year in-which it has been compared with legal standards, adjusted and found or made to contorm to said standards, with seals to be provided by said dairy and food commissioner for that purpose. Whoever vio- lates any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for the first offense and for each sttbsequent offense shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars and imprisoned for not more than ninety days or both. A justice of the peace, police judge, or mayor shall have final jurisdiction in such cases as in cases of violation of law relating to the adulteration of food and drink and dairy products. (R. S. Sec. 1055; amended May 10, 1Q10.) SEcTION 2617. When a county sealer resigns, is re- moved from office, or removes from the county, he shall WEIGHTS AND MEASURES — COUNTY SEALER. deliver to his successor in office the standards, beams, weights, and measures in his possession. In case of the death of a county sealer his representatives shall, in- like manner, deliver to his successor in office such beams, weights and measures. (R. S. Sec. 1056.) SEcTION 2618. In case of neglect or refusal to de- liver such standards entire and complete, the successor in office may maintain a civil action against the person so re- fusing or neglecting, and recover double the value of such standards as have not been delivered, with costs of suit, which shall be by him appropriated to the purchase of such standards as are required in his office. (R. S. Sec. 1057.) SEcTION 2619. No surveyor shall give evidence in a cause pending in any of the courts of this state, or before arbitrators, respecting the survey or admeasurement of any lands, unless such surveyor makes oath, if required, that the chain or measure used by him was conformable to the standards of this state. (R. S. Sec. 1058.) SECTION 2620. If any person hereafter uses any weights, measures, or beams, in weighing or measuring, which do not conform to the standards of the state, or any other measures established by law, whereby a dealer in, purchaser, or seller of, any commodity or article of traffic is injured or defrauded, such dealer, purchaser, or seller, may maintain a civil action against the offender, and if judgment is rendered him, he shall receive double dam- ages and costs of suit. (R. S. Sec. 1059.) SECTION 2621. The provisions of the preceding two sections shall not be enforced in any county, unless it has been furnished with copies of the standards of ‘this state, at least six months previous to'such measuring or surveying. ER.'S. Sec. 1060.) SECTION 2622. Each county sealer of weights and measures shall appoint by writing under his hand and seal, a deputy who shall compare weights and measures brought to the office of thé county sealer for that purpose, with the copies of the original standards in the possession of the county sealer, who shall receive for the performance of that duty, the compensation in each case provided by law. Such deputy shall also be employed by the county sealer to assist in the prosecution of all violations of laws relating to weights and measures. (R. S. Sec. ro61; amended May 10, 1910.) SECTION 2623. Each sealer may receive for his ser- vices, the following fees: For sealing and marking every beam, ten cents; for sealing and marking measures of ex- tension, at the rate of ten cents per yard, not exceeding twenty-five cents for any one measure; for sealing and marking each weight, five cents; for sealing and marking liquid or dry measures, if of one gallon or more, ten cents, and if less than one gallon, five cents; and a reasonable compensation for marking such weights and measures, so as to conform to the standards. (R. S. Sec. 1062.) 37 Penalty for refusal. Surveyors’ chains, and testimony. Penalty for using false weights and measures. When not to be enforced, Deputy sealer of weights and measures. Fees, 38 PART FIRST TITLE Xi DIVISION V SUBDIVISION II. Chapter 7. Sealer of weights and measures; appointment and term. Qualification and compensa- tion. Oath and bond. Comparison with county standards, Comparison and sealing of weights and measures, PART SECOND TITLE ll. CHAPTER 32. Standards, those furnished by United States govern- ment; metric system. By what standard con- tracts con- strued. a” Yard, the standard measure of length and surface. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES — CITY SEALER— STANDARDS. CITY SEALER: SECTION 4318. The mayor may appoint.a sealer of weights and measures, who shall hold office co-extensive with the term of office of the mayor who made his appoint- ment, and until his successor is appointed and qualified, unless otherwise removed from office. (R. S. Sec. 1783.) SECTION 4319. The sealer of weights and measures _ shall be a competent person for the position, and shall re- ceive a salary fixed by ordinance, to be paid by the cor- poration, which salary shall be instead of all fees or charges otherwise allowed by law or ordinance. (R. S. Sec. 1783.) SECTION 4320. Before entering upon his duties, the sealer of weights and measures shall take the oath of of- fice required by law, and give bond to the corporation in such amount as is prescribed by ordinance, with security to the approval of the mayor, and conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties. (R. S. Sec. 1783.) SECTION 4321. At least once in three years, the sealer of weights and measures shall compare the copy of stand- ards in his possession with those in the office of the county Sealer, <-C Ri Si pecs 19830) m= & SECTION 4322. The sealer of weights and measures shall compare.all weights and measures brought to. him for that purpose with the copies in his possession, and when such weights and measures are made exactly to agree with such copies, he shall seal and mark them. (R. S. Sec. 1784.) STANDARDS. SECTION 6403. The standard weights and measures furnished this state by the secretary of the treasury of the United States under a resolution of Congress, approved June 14, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, shall be the legal standard of weights and measures throughout the state. This chapter shall not: prevent the use of the weights and measures of the metric system, authorized by congress of the United States, as it appears in the revised statutes of the United States. (R. S. Sec. 4428.) SECTION 6404. Contracts for work to be done, or for anything to be sold by weight or measure, shall be con- strued according to the standards hereby adopted as the standards of this state. (R. S. Sec. 4429.) SECTION 6405. . The unit of standard measure of length and surface, from which all other measures of ex- tension, whether lineal, superficial or solid, shall be de- rived and ascertained, is the standard yard, in possession of the secretary of state, and furnished by the government of the United States. The yard shall be divided into three equal parts, called feet, and each foot into twelve equal parts, called inches. -For the measure of clothes and other commodities commonly sold by the yard, it may be divided into halves, quarters, eighths and sixteenths. (R. S. Sec. 4430. ) WEIGHTS AND MEASURES — STANDARDS. SEcTION 6406. The rod, pole or perch shall contain five and a lialf such yards, and the mile, one thousand seven hundred and sixty such yards. The chain for measur- ing land shall be twenty-two yards long, and be divided into one hundred equal parts, called links. (R. S. Sec. 4431.) SEcTION 6407. The acre for land measure shall be measured horizontally, and contain ten square chains, and be equivalent in area to a rectangle sixteen rods in length and ten rods in breadth. Six hundred and forty acres shall be contained’ in a square mile. (R.S. Sec. 4432.) SECTION 6408. The perch of mason work or stone shall consist of twenty-five cubic feet. (R. S. Sec. 4433.) SECTION 6409. The standard measure of a cord of fire-wood or tan-bark shall be one hundred and twenty- eight cubic feet, well stowed and packed. (R.S. Sec. 4434.) SEcTION 6410. The units or standards of weight from which all other weights shall be derived and ascertained shall be the standard avoirdupois and troy weights fur- nished this state by the United States government. (R. Se O&Ce 4435.) oe. SECTION 6411. The avoirdupois pound, which bears to the troy pound the ratio of seven thousand to five thousand seven hundred and sixty, shall be divided into sixteen equal parts called ounces. The hundredweight except of pig-iron and iron ore, shall consist of one hundred avoirdupois pounds, and twenty hundred weight shall constitute a ton. The troy ounce shall be equal to the twelfth part of a troy pound. -(R.°S. Sec. 4436.) SECTION 6412. The unit or standard measure of capacity for liquids, from which all other measures of liquids shall be derived and ascertained, shall be the stand- ard gallon, and its parts, furnished this state by the gov- ernment of the United States. (R. S. Sec. 4437.) SECTION 6413. The barrel shall contain thirty-one and one-half gallons, and two barrels shall constitute a hogs- head. Barrels, for the purpose of containing apples, po- tatoes, onions or other fruit, produce or vegetables, shall be made of staves of seasoned timber, twenty-eight and one- half inches in length with cut heads of seventeen and one- eighths inches in diameter and shall measure at the bulge not less than sixty-six inches in circumference, outside measure. Such barrel shall be known as “the standard barrel,” and on the outside of one or more of the staves thereof shall be stamped or branded the words “State of Ohio, standard,” the name of the cooper or manufacturer thereof and the name of the city or-town nearest to which the cooper shop or place of business of such manufacturer is located. (92 v. 406 sec. 2; R. S. Sec. 4438.) SECTION 6414. The unit or standard measure of capacity for substances other than liquids, from which all other measures of such substances shall be derived and ascertained, shall be the standard half-bushel measure fur- -nished this state by the government of the United States, 39 Contents of a rod, pole, perch, mile or chain, Contents of an acre. Contents of perch of ma- son work or stone. Contents of a cord of fire-wood or tan-bark. Standard weights. Definition of a pound and its subdivi- sions. ton. Gallon the standard measure for liquids. Contents of barrel and hogshead and branding thereof. Half-bushel the standard measure for substances other than liquids, Subdivisions of half- bushel. Heaped measures. How dry commodities measured. Standard weight of. dushel. Bushel for measuring stone, coal and lime. When coal sold by weight; when Dy measure- ment. Person selling coal in vio- Jation of pro- visions, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES — STANDARDS. the interior diameter of which is thirteen inches and thirty- nine-fortieths of an inch, and the depth is seven inches and one-twenty-fourth of an inch. (R. S. Sec. 4439.) SECTION 6415. The peck, half-peck, quarter-peck, quart and pint measures for measuring commodities other than liquids, shall be derived from the half-bushel measure by dividing it and each successive measure Ly two. (R. S. Sec. 4440. ) SECTION 6416. Articles usually sold by heaped meas- ure shall be heaped in a conical form as high as such articles permit. (R. S. Sec. 4447.) SECTION 6417. Measures for measuring dry com- modities not usually heaped shall be struck with a straight stick, with the edges rounded. Commodities other than liquids, when sold by the gallon or less, shall te sold by the dry measure. (R. S. Sec. 4442.) SECTION 6418. A bushel of the respective articles hereinafter mentioned shall be the amount of weight, avoirdupois, in this section specified, viz: of wheat, sixty pounds; of rye, fifty-six pounds; of timothy seed, forty- five pounds; of hemp seed, forty-four pounds; of’ millet seed, fifty pounds; of buckwheat, fifty pounds; of beans, sixty pounds; of peas, sixty pounds; of hominy, sixty pounds; of Irish potatoes, sixty pounds; of sweet potatoes, fifty pounds; of onions, fifty-five pounds; of dried peaches, thirty-three pounds; of dried apples, twenty-four pounds; of flaxseed, fifty-six pounds; of barley, forty-eight pounds; of malt, thirty-four pounds; of Hungarian grass seed, fifty pounds; of lime, seventy pounds; of coke, forty pounds; of bituminous coal, eighty pounds; of cannel coal, seventy pounds; of corn, shelled, fifty-six pounds; of corn in the ear, sixty-eight pounds; of popcorn in the ear, forty-two pounds; of tomatoes, fifty-six pounds; of apples, fifty pounds ; of peaches, forty-eight pounds; of turnips, sixty pounds ; of carrots, fifty pounds; of beets, fifty-six pounds ; of -oats, thirty-two pounds; of clover seed, sixty pounds. CRS. Sec, 44430) SECTION 6419. The standard bushel of stone coal, coke and unslacked lime, shall contain twenty-six hundred and eighty-eight cubic inches; and the measure for measuring such articles shall contain two bushels, and be of the fol- lowing interior dimensions: twenty-four inches diameter at the top, twenty inches at the bottom, and fourteen and one-tenth inches deep. (R. S. Sec. 4444.) SECTION 6420. Sales of coal shall be by weight ;* and two thousand pounds, avoirdupois shall constitute a ton thereof; but where coal can not be weighed, it may be sold by measurement. (R. S. Sec. 4445.) SECTION 6421. Whoever sells stone coal in violation of this chapter shall be liable to the person to whom such coal is sold and delivered in treble damages. If the de- fendant in such action does not reside in the county where the mine is located, service may be had upon him by leaving WEIGHTS AND MEASURES — STANDARDS. aa copy of the summons at his place of business. A judg- ment recovered in such action shall be a lien upon all property of such defendant in the county from the day of service. This section shall not apply to a person or corporation mining or selling less than fifteen thousand “bushels of coal annually. (R.S. Sec. 4446.) SECTION 6422. The standard of measurement for a bushel of charcoal shall be twenty-seven hundred and forty- eight cubic inches. (R. S. Sec. 44442.) SECTION 13106. Whoever, in buying or selling any property, or directing or permitting an employe so to do, knowingly makes or gives a false or short weight or measure or whoever has charge of scales or steelyards fixed for the purpose of misweighing an article bought or sold, or, having scales or steelyards for the purpose of weighing property, knowingly reports a false or untrue weight, or whoever uses in the sale of a commodity a computing scale or device indicating the weight and price of such com- modity upon which scale or device the graduations or in- dications are false, or inaccurately placed, either as to weight or price, shall be fined not more than fifty dollars. (RS; Séc-7067. ) | SECTION 13107. Whoever sells and delivers stone coal except at legal weights and measures, shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars or im- prisoned not less than five days nor more than thirty days. CReS* Sec?-7070.) SECTION 13108. Whoever, in selling berries or other small fruits, uses a meastire other than the standard dry measure bushel or a fraction thereof, shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars. (QI v. 134 sec. I.) SECTION 13109. Whoever, being a commission mer- chant, miller, dealer, grain inspector, corporation, firm, as- sociation or person, or an officer, agent or employe thereof purchasing or receiving wheat in barter or exchange for flour, or otherwise, from the original producer, his agent or employe, for testing or determining the weight, grade, milling or market value thereof, uses a measure other than the standard half-bushel or uses a measure that is a frac- tional part of such standard half-bushel, furnished this state by the United States, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars or imprisoned in jail not more than thirty days, or both. Fines collected under this section shall be paid into the county treasury to the credit of the county fund. (gr vy. 47 SeCS. T; 2.) SECTION 13110. Whoever, being the owner or occt- pier of a mill, or his representative, agent or miller, takes a greater proportionate quantity of toll than is allowed by law, shall be fined not more than twenty dollars and be liable to the party injured in damages. (R. S. Sec. 1068.) 41 Standard of measurement for bushel of charcoal. Selling by false weights. Selling stone- coal by un- lawful weights or measures. Measure for small fruits. Miller, grain- dealer, etc., must use standard half- bushel. Taking illegal toll at mill. 42 Selling ar- ticles having forged stamp, brand or label affixed. Making or using false gas meters, Failure to mark weights on packages; transfer of brands; re- packing. PART FOURTH TITLE Il. CHAPTER 1. Special juris- diction of justices, police judges and mayors. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES — PROCEDURE, SECTION 13111. Whoever sells or keeps for sale goods, merchandise, a mixture or preparation, upon which a forged or counterfeit stamp, brand, imprint, wrapper, label or trade-mark is placed or affixed, intended to represent such goods, merchandise, mixture or preparation as the true and genuine goods, merchandise, mixture or preparation of another, knowing it to be counterfeit, shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars. (R. S. Sec. 7069.) SECTION 13127. Whoever, with intent to defraud, con- structs or uses a false meter for measuring and registering the gas consumed under a contract with a gas company, shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars or im- prisoned not more than thirty days, or both. (R. S. Sec. 7071.) : SECTION 13128. Whoever puts up or packs goods or articles sold by weight, into a case or package, and fails to mark thereon the gross, tare and net weights thereof in pounds and fractions thereof, or, with intent to defraud, transfers a brand, mark, or stamp placed upon a case or package by a manufacturer, to another case or package, or, with like intent, repacks a case or package so marked, branded or stamped with goods or articles of a quality inferior to those of such manufacturer, shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned not more than six months, or both. (R. S. Sec. 7072.) PROCEDURE. JURISDICTION. OF~- JUSTICES: .OF .THE -PEACIS ETC. SECTION 13423. Justices of the peace, police judges and mayors of cities and villages shall have jurisdiction, within their respective counties, in all cases of violation ot any law relating to: 1. The adulteration or deception in the sale of dairy products and other food, drink, drugs and medicines ; 2. The prevention of cruelty to animals and children; 3. The abandonment, non-support or ill-treatment of a child by its parent; - 4. The abandonment or ill-treatment of a child under sixteen years of age by its guardian; 5. The employment of a child under fourteen years of age in public exhibitions or vocations injurious to health, life or morals, or which cause or permit it to suffer unneces- sary physical or mental pain; 6. The regulation, restriction or prohibition of the employment of minors; 7. The torturing, unlawfully punishing, ill-treating or depriving any one of necessary food, clothing or shelter ; 8. The selling, giving away or furnishing of intoxi- cating liquor as a beverage, or keeping a place where such liquor is sold, given away or furnished, in violation of any PROCEDURE. -law prohibiting such acts within the limits of a township and without the limits of a municipal corporation; 9g. The shipping, selling, using, permitting the use of, ‘branding or having unlawful quantities of illuminating oil for or in a mine; 10. The sale, shipment or adulteration of commercial feed stuffs; 11. The use of dust creating machinery in workshops and factories; 12, The conducting of a pharmacy, or retail drug or chemical store, or the dispensing or selling of drugs, chem- icals, poisons or pharmaceutical preparations therein; 13.. The failure to place and keep in a sanitary con- dition a bakery, confectionery, creamery, dairy, dairy barn, milk depot, laboratory, hotel, restaurant, eating house, packing house, slaughter house, ice cream factory or place where a food product is manufactured, packed, stored, de- posited, collected, prepared, produced or sold for any pur- pose. (R. S. Secs. 306a, 3718a; 97 v. 397 sec. 9; 99 V. 32 sec. 3; 99 Vv. 507 secs. 77, 78; 100 v. I5 sec. 4; 100 Vv. 64 sec. 6.) SECTION 13426. In all cases of summary conviction before a justice of the peace of an offense punishable by fine or imprisonment, the defendant shall have the right to except and to have a bill, containing the exceptions, signed by such justice and made part of the record. Such con- victions may be reviewed by the common pleas court on proceedings in error and reversed or affirmed. CRS Oueee: 614.) SECTION 13427. For signing a bill of exceptions, a justice of the peace shall be allowed ten cents, and for copying and certifying the transcript of the proceedings and a bill of exceptions, ten cents for each hundred words, to be taxed in the cost bill and collected as other costs. [te sec, OLS...) : SECTION 13432. In prosecutions before a justice, po- lice judge or mayor, when imprisonment is a part of the punishment, if a trial by jury is not waived, the magistrate, not less than three days nor more than five days before the time fixed for trial, shall certify to the clerk of the court of common pleas of the county that such prosecu- tion is pending before him. (R. S. Sec. 3718a. ) SECTION 13433. Thereupon the clerk, in the presence of representatives of both parties, shall draw from the jury wheel or box containing the names of persons selected to serve as petit jurors in the court of common pleas in such county, twenty names which shall be drawn and counted in a like manner as for jurors in the court of com- mon pleas. The clerk shall forthwith certify the names so drawn to the magistrate, who, thereupon shall issue to any constable, chief of police or marshal in the county, a venire containing the names of the persons to serve as jurors in the case and make due return thereof. CR. S. Sec. 3718a.) 43. CHAPTER 2 Bills of ex- ceptions in summary con-- victions. Justice’s fees for such bills.- CHAPTER 3. When impris-- onment is a part of the punishment a: jury shall be impaneled. Clerk’s dutiess. 44 Jurors. Second or subsequent of- fense. _Jurisdiction and power of constables, etc. “New trial. Fees of jurors -and witnesses. ‘Costs. PROCEDURE. SECTION 13434. The jurors shall be subject to like challenges as jurors in criminal cases, except capital cases, in the court of common pleas. If the venire is exhausted without obtaining the number required to fill the panel, the magistrate shall. fill the panel with talesmen in the manner provided for criminal cases in the court of common pleas. Eo, DEC a7 bead SECTION 13435. In such prosecutions, where a dif-, ferent punishment is provided for a second or subsequent offense, the information or affidavit upon which the prose- ~ cution is based, must charge that it is the second or sub- sequent offense or the punishment shall be as for the first offense: Ke, see. 371ea) SECTION 13436. In pursuing or arresting a defendant and in subpoenaing the witnesses in such prosecutions, the constable, chief of police, marshal or other court officer shall have like jurisdiction and: power as the sheriff in criminal cases in the common pleas court, and he shall receive like fees therefor. (R. S.-Séc. 3718a.) SECTION 13437. In such prosecutions, if there is a verdict for conviction, a new trial may be granted for like reasons and subject to like conditions as a new trial in criminal cases in the court of common pleas. (R. S. Sec. 3718a. ) SECTION 13438. In such prosecutions, the jurors and the witnesses shall be entitled to like mileage and fees as in criminal cases in the court of common pleas. .(R. 5. Dec. 271Gds) . SECTION 13439. In such prosecutions, no costs shall be required to be advanced or secured by a person author- ized by law to prosecute. If the defendant is acquitted or discharged from custody by nolle or otherwise, or con- victed and committed in default of paying fine and costs, all costs of such case shall be certified under oath by the trial magistrate to the county auditor, who, after correct- ing errors therein, shall issue a warrant on the county treasury in favor of the person to whom such costs and fees are payable. All moneys which are to be paid by the county treasurer as provided in this chapter shall be paid out of the general revenue fund of such county. (R. S. Sch s718a, ) ELOQUOR] DRAPPIC: TAX, LIQUOR TRAFFIC TAX LAWS. SECTION 6065. The phrase “trafficking in intoxicating liquor’ as used in this chapter and in the penal statutes of this state, means the buying or procuring and selling of intoxicating liquor otherwise than upon a prescription issued in good faith by a reputable physician in active practice, or for exclusively known mechanical, pharmaceu- tical or sacramental purposes. Such phrase does not in- clude the manufacture of intoxicating liquor from the raw material, and the sale thereof at the manufactory, by the manufacturer thereof in quantities of one gallon or more at one time. (84 v. 224 sec.:8.) SECTION 6071. Upon the business of trafficking in spirituous, vinous, malt or other intoxicating liquor there shall be assessed yearly, and paid into the county treasury, as hereinafter provided, by each person, corporation or co- partnership engaged therein, and for each place where such business is carried on by or for such person, corporation or co-partnership, the sum of one thousand dollars. (98 V.-100 Sec: 1.) SECTION 6072. Such assessment, with any penalty thereon, shall attach and operate as a lien upon the real property on and in which such business is conducted, as of the fourth Monday of May each year, and shall be paid at the times provided for by law for the payment of taxes on real or personal property within this state, to-wit: one- half on or before the twentieth day of June, and one-half on or before the twentieth day of December of each year. (B2evT5S. Sec 2.) SECTION 6073. \ When such business is commenced after the fourth Monday in May in any year, such assess- ment shall be proportionate in amount to the remainder of the assessment year, except that it shall not be less than two hundred dollars, and such assessment shall attach and operate as a lien as provided in the next preceding section and be payable upon the date of such commencement. (98 Wir hOO séc, 3.) SECTION 6074. When a person, company, corporation or co-partnership, engaged in such business, has been as- sessed and has paid the full amount of such assessment and afterward discontinued such business, the county auditor, upon being satisfied thereof, shall issue to such person, corporation or co-partnership a refunding order for a proportionate amount of such assessment so paid, but ~ the amount of such assessment so retained shall not be less than two hundred dollars unless such discontinuance of business has been caused by an election under a local option law or a lawful finding of a mayor or judge on a petition filed in a residence district as provided in this 45» PART SECOND. TITLE 1. TAXA- TION. CHAPTER 15. INTOXICATING LIQUORS. SUB-DIVISION I.. DEFINITIONS. Meaning of phrase “‘traf- ficking in in-- toxicating liquor.”’ SUB-DIVISION II.. TAXATION. Tax on liquor business, Tax a lien; when; time ot: payment. Tax for part of year. Refunding: orders. 8) Railway com- panfes operat- ing buffet cars. Penalty. LIQUOR TRAFFIC TAX, chapter, in which case the proportionate amount of such tax shall be refunded in full. (85 v. 56 sec. 4; R. S. Sec. 4364-20d ; 98 v. 74 sec. 9; 98 v. 100 sec. 3; 99 V. 37 sec. 4.) SECTION 6075. A railway corporation which main- tains or conducts dining or buffet cars upon a train in which spirituous, vinous, malt or other intoxicating liquor is dispensed within this state or permits them to be so maintained or conducted, shall be assessed annually by the . auditor of state and pay into the state treasury on or be- fore the tenth day of June, the sum of one thousand dol- lars if such railway corporation maintains, operates or con- trols not to exceed two hundred miles of railway within this state, and the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, if it maintains, operates or controls over two hundred miles of railway within this state. (98 v. 100 sec. 3a.) SECTION 6076. If such railway company neglect or refuse to pay such assessment when due, it shall be liable for stich assessment, with a penalty of fifty per cent. in addition thereto to be recovered in an action brought in the name of the state of Ohio by the attorney-general in any court of record in any county of this state in which a _ line of such railway corporation runs. (08 v. 100 sec. 3a) © ‘Collection of tax in case of non-payment, Levy. on goods and chattels. Sale. SECTION 6077. If a person, corporation or co-part- nership refusés or neglects to pay the amount due under the provisions of this chapter within the time therein speci- fied, the county treasurer shall forthwith collect such amount with the penalties thereon, and four per cent. col- lection fee and costs, by distress and sale, as on execution, from any goods and chattels of such person, corporation or co-partnership. (84 v. 158 sec. 4.) SECTION 6078. The county treasurer shall forthwith call at the place of business of such person, corporation or co-partnership, and, in case of the refusal to pay such amount so due, shall levy on the goods and chattels of such person, corporation or co-partnership, wherever found in such county, or on the bar, fixtures, furniture, liquors, leasehold and other goods and chattels used in carrying on such business. Such levy shall take precedence of all liens, mortgages, conveyances or incumbrances hereafter taken or had on such goods and chattels so used in carrying on such business; and no claim of property by a third person to such goods and chattels so used in carrying on such busi- ness shall avail against such levy by the treasurer. No property, of any kind, of any person, corporation: or co- partnership liable to pay such amount, penalty, interest and costs shall be exempt from such levy. (83 v. 158 Sec: id.) SECTION 6079. The county treasurer shall give like notice of the time and sale of the personal property to be sold under this chapter as in case of the sale of personal property on execution. All provisions of law applicable to sales of personal property on execution shall be applicable to sales under this chapter, except as herein otherwise LIOUOR ERAPPIC “TAK. - provided; and all moneys collected by such treasurer under this chapter, after deducting his fees and costs, shall be paid into the county treasury. (83 v. 158 sec. 4.) SEcTION 6080. If the county treasurer under the levy heretofore provided is unable to collect the amount due thereunder or any part thereof, the county auditor shall place the amount due and unpaid on the tax duplicate against the real estate in which such traffic is carried on, and it shall be collected as other taxes and assessments on such premises. (83 v. 158 sec. 4.) SECTION 6085. The county auditor shall make and preserve duplicates of the assessments, alphabetically arranged, showing the amount and date of each assess- ment, by whom to be paid and the premises whereon it is a lien. Upon receiving satisfactory information of such business liable to assessment or increased assessment, not returned by the assessor, he shall forthwith enter an assess- ment thereon and place it upon such duplicate and upon the county treasurer’s copy thereof. By the first Monday of June of each year, he shall make out and deliver to the county treasurer a copy of such duplicate, charging him with the full amount of such assessments to be collected, with any additional. assessments or increased assessements and penalties thereon. (R. S. Sec. 4364-14.) SECTION 6087. The assistant commissioner and in- spectors appointed by the dairy and food commissioner, by personal visitation or otherwise, shall make investigations to secure the names of all persons, firms or corporations liable to such assessment or increased assessment, whose names are not already on the duplicate, and report such names to the dairy and food commissioner. (R. S. Sec. 4364-14. ) SECTION 6088. The dairy and food commissioner, upon the report and information submitted to him, shall determine and forthwith certify to the auditor of state, the names of all persons, firms or corporations liable to such assessment or increased assessment, whose names are not already on the duplicate, together with a description of the real estate upon which said business is carried on. He shall keep a record of all such cases so certified by him to the auditor of state. (R. S. Sec. 4364-142.) SECTION 6089. Thereupon the auditor of state shall cause all of such names to be entered upon the assessment duplicate of the proper county by the auditor thereof, to- gether with a penalty of twenty per cent. thereon, which shall be collected in like manner as other assessments. Upon the request of the dairy and food commissioner, the auditor of state and county treasurers shall forthwith make a report to him of their action upon all cases certified by him to the auditor of state until the duties and penalty thereon are paid into the county treasury. (R. S. Sec. 4364-1 4a.) 47 Tax collected from real estate. Auditor’s duplicate. Duty of as- sistant com- missioner and inspectors. Duty of the dairy and food commis- sioner. Duty of the auditor of state. 48 ; LIQUOR TRAFFIC ~ TAX. tis Sen te SECTION 6090. Ten per cent. of the amount so placed lection, on the duplicate and collected shall be set apart and paid into the state treasury .to the credit of the general revenue fund, the remainder thereof shall be distributed as pro- vided in section sixty hundred and ninety- pres CRissn Sec. 4364-14a.) ! mee een SECTION 6o91. The auditor of state, with the con- sent and approval of the dairy and. food commissioner, may correct any errors or remit any such assessment or in- reased assessment, together with the penalty thereon, if it is found to have been erroneously or illegally certified. (Re-S-Sec.. 4364-144.) ee by SECTION 6092. The county treasurer shall collect and proof of pay- receipt for all assessments returned to him, and, if an Bent ot Us 8. aeeeserientsis a10t paid when due, he shall forthwith pro- ceed, as provided in this chapter, to collect it. If he fails to satisfy such assessment from the goods and _ chattels therein described, he shall forthwith proceed as provided by law for the collection of unpaid taxes or assessments levied against lands, lots, or parcels thereof, to enforce the lien for such assessments with the penalty thereon. The provisions of law relating to such unpaid taxes or assess- ments levied against lands, lots or parcels thereof. and all other provisions of law relating to the assessment and col- lection of taxes are hereby made applicable to the enforce- ment of such liens and penalties. The county treasurer shall charge himself with all such assessments placed in his hands for collection, and shall account for them to the auditor, with all penalties collected thereunder. The fact, that the person, firm or corporation, against whom suit may be brought to enforce the collection of such assess- ment, has paid the special tax required by the laws of the United States for engaging in the sale af intoxicating liquor, as shown by the public records in the-offices of the internal revenue department, may be offered in evidence as proof that he so engaged for the time for which such spe- cial tax was paid, and shall be prima facie evidence that such person, firm or corporation is actually engaged in the business of trafficking in intoxicating liquors as defined in this chapter. Nothing in this act shall be construed to apply to a regular druggist selling intoxicating liquors upon prescription, issued in good faith by a reputable physician, in active practice, or for exclusively known mechanical, pharmaceutical or sacramental purposes. (R. S. Sec. 4364-15.) tN DEX. ACETIC ACID, at least 4% by weight, to be in all vinegar.............. ACIDS, DRUGS, ETC., introduced in Apple Cider Vinegar, prohibited. . Beer ena tn OFSFOODS AND DRUGS. ...... )less.4bideben a Peete to, In intoxicating ligtors, prohibited: «..4.s). <05.<35.-0sc5i6sdeh: vet Mintooicating® ligtors. prohibited: « ...4s%....<4.c% eos. aude hone In wine, prohibited ..... ae Med Ma ere ne ON, Rt Sy te ins he eR cag EWHSINE DYE, in Oleomargarine, prohibited... .... 0.0... .ceeo% arises: eer envio fed von unwholesoine -fO0d. .. 22.20 cays Secs ooveeekes PAT TO. in 08 ae SRST SSE SS A, aA ee ee a ee 9 Pe MEME: Airset Poot EAU at. 5b ens hie ok adh oot eee 10 EXPENSES — EE ASD eee 2 cS UI a EN CNP ie toe ol EE aN ONE 4 HIS TOU STS cc ost cline nt coil eae ak Oe one a OR See 4 ee eo emtroy ent OF See hy ac vas LEER RS coe se ln eRe eed 3 led CEN ICG ie ic ss oo Meee ea etiwh be lec ube 12 Pete ee AN NOOO Silt toa ka ade ce co ies oe eka vw ce 4 Bete mE RN RI Ce Leas Retry are CSL sate Sa 21005 vise ihre eee cel Lecce, BER 4 ee sarees ecient ss se” vga beh co thee eh eee 5 Pee etre PN DRAG ESS defined: 6.0 so cccorns bo oon det ee cease 6 Se UGRACHDNOE Senha G Paty ee lg eats cunt ey oy cee oe ee ee 7-8-9 Ba a upc 3D | cc cise eae Binks gv OR OR 9-10 ALENT GS IES Sak, to Rete OY PRR AD ery Re Artis be 10 FLAVORS, or ingredients, injurious, in Cardy; promibited Manutacturing, penalty-2. 94.000) se ee oe ee 30 Wisdemeanar 3.55 2, nea ee ace Tae eo ene ees 30 Oifering or sale. ge 4. how Vo Fs Sek TE ey eee 30 rail Fi), ee ones ome ai ares eine ate eter Crit pc eu BN eS TS 30 Label, contaming packer’s-address,-Ctes 46s. an ee 30 SCAMAAT CU OF WEIOUIE es oc cc oohs a e oun tee maby eee evel ee ~ 3 DARTS OWEN BCR ek AP ove Roldhed ORE Ee eee ee ee Me ee a pies MALT LIQUORS — ERI ONC PASC Ss acl Suee 4 5 gydoeceriteam here fe MURA tai Aer re een ee “ene oe 45-48 MAYORS — UMEISCLCLIO NT. etatah Mace ste ESE edocs ene eo = ys ee oe ee 49-44 MEASURES, WEIGHTS, ETC. — aa DEAIO AT OS Cg 5 cg FER 4 ek RR Tn age Ue ee epee eee 35-88-41 Seat he asa ane Siar has bk Med whee Ma See Ce ee ae ee 35-36 SCAT Oe sccals sclera hyo Behe Ae tectetees Autateal ge yearn Nee nine mena 35-86 METHYL ORANGE, in oleomargarine prohibited.............6..-..... 22 MILK — mdulterated mille detined,, < v.05 send acted) pwlegaeas Se. eee 18 Mondensed, + WOW eMAGG eae pac heroes beseah oh ald eee Siete her uae ae oer 19 Diluted — Salenok, prohibitedes ws gee owes 2 eee ee 18 PeAeiy: (abeled so S081 oka rig ou ia os ne elo cde ah ee ee Petialies: oo. ho oko Pepe hw Vaan ee ee ee 18-20 STE Se eis ccne OR cle toot ee tnd oot ease ch Che a eee ee 19 INTC G 0 See Rear ee DRE eae Sarr AOR te ea My cS RE MN eR erie ee A 20-21 _ Halsexsunla wihttle oa, ici, ee eck keen pee cei ce a ee 20-21 — MINERAL SUBS TANCES -in-candy--prohibihed: 230. <5 27. ess meer eam 29 OFFICE OF DEPARTMENT, location of. 7.2... 0:c... miele ems sshauats 2 OLEOMARGARINE — Amimerdye- colors prope. 6G fee cee ee 22 beaters, waist display: placards... os i... 4 eis toe ee 21-22 sie eS Ge caso ieee oR ay uno Ke eee 22 Hoteles eter “miust= display, placards... fas% «sh, hice ee eee 22 Pipe anstitiutions, wse- inaprohibited: ©. .4.0ci4-i-ae4 a 27-28 Methyl butter yellow, annatto; prohibited........,..0..... 00. ees... 22 mete he tOt COUELET, mas o5.aych Pica cee an ae 32-34 PARADISE, GRAINS OF, in intoxicating liquors prohibited..... areas 17 POISONOUS COLORS; in candy ‘prohibited?s47. {ian eee 29 POISONOUS INGREDIENTS, in all foods prohibited ae a 7 POISONOUS SUBSTANCES, in intoxicating liquors prohibited........ 17 INDEX. 53 POLICE JUDGES — PAGE eee MME RUCEATER Sg hnt le sc lrinc tay oe tales. vs aha. 3 haha aia a peate wa ara way 42-44 ee er En ois, flv eats eit wee cong es ee ane adloteDnS'e ek aS a A 42-44 ee a SN eT new ye edie sashes ai ed vate sen widene aa gtaalame’ atte 28-29 a ee Ne eect oy, eo faver eon oh FME Ge Cige 2 Soph a dae ashe 4a. p waren 42-44 a eam foie Bere A. eviteees 2 eg Sea) 4dr ss tel siek # wna wad ve Obata Re 43-44 eer ae eh eed ME TE OU, ced a herd ca oes Vibe ao awE Awe aw oe 5 Poy Les (ote CHEWS Ea PACTORERS ¢ acct. cons copa velinets 40d 28 CTS 9 150) 9 0) 5 iad i BS 28 So a a 28-29 Peron art O° GOVERNOR, ANNUAL «cc. cies ob eve aes dee ow enane 5 eee Gl. in wife prokipited 4.0.04 0%. «ps dew is ois oda cee basen 13 ee esl AV MTS PEO ITDIRE A i.0, ators dro Sacetine Goce ws dpe ve voy be powneceneun 13 Soe DEA Dan wine prohibited. .o0s sce Sook 0 ls eben bev es 13 eee ee eat PO. LON Se tre ho hoes he ee ee SSK neuen ua divaa ban adees 84 SEALER, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES — ree NER te Nee as ESAS lg fen Adobe Firetdets Lk ee ans Oe ees 38 DO ei Anan heh nee ee Fe eat RG ae OIE Rae PO 36-37 PP ieee eI. iy, < cet i Re ee 36-37-438-44 State. ¥..5: eee RE Bice ee ee ee ERA ie ee BAS ee ee ER 34-35-36 mLAL OF DAIRY AND FOOD COMMISSIONER........i.ccec0c¢ele 3 Seer UINW HOLE SOME “PROVISIONS 4. crtcv ors cet dha 10 SUGAR OF LEAD, in intoxicating liquors prohibited..............2.05. ie eee Me BET UMN Ort oe Be cede too rete oie nc aoe ce re 30 ‘TANNIC ACID, in intoxicating liquors prohibited........ Ea EES MEE WA. te 17 “TERRA ALBA, admixture of in candy pores 5 as ie Vere: cae uae ae 29 emer etre YE basa sata ira a po yc ree oe Lee a Be sce ee ee 4. 20-21 TRAFFICKING IN INTOXICATING LIQUORS, defined.............. 45 UNSANITARY CONDITIONS — CSSD) ET salt May Be Seeger Rt on oR P= 34 eae) eee ernie. baleen vs sd ot Neo et ae ee 34 RLS ag IS CEP area Rie ee A RR a Ee ROY Re dN 34 ee GPM ny ay cot od rma P ROOT. oie xed ok tp ene a ee 34 “UNWHOLESOME FOOD — Pe eg Me Sane hot cin Ped Goa oe kk oe 10 eC reR MEE ore i pag PI geen