tsa i Hille pinta : isthe f bg eriey tts cs Mrs ia “ha tis . Estey "4a Pee pu Phi tabs Division ST Section PR ; SS Digitized by the Internet Archive In 2022 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library https://archive.org/details/famousnewyorkfunOOstra THE FAMOUS NEW YORK FUNDAMENTALIST—MODERNIST DEBATES THE ORTHODOX SIDE , SU, aes é ' Sm hy ke ty fan yes tehs eT Suk bh Sac Pe ; | OSU aa nei i" a! es Hf ¥ (4, ‘ ' aed Oto St i (ihe wed mit Pur ‘ a hy ye » ie Zh) ie ae 4 ik ad ¥ evi ) 1, te Ps ts oF he le HF ty Sb ATR Bi ty ty! tA ( y We y FUNDAMENTAL MODERNIST DEBATES THE ORTHODOX SIDE BY if REV. JOHN ROACH STRATON, D.D. Pastor Calvary Baptist Church, New York Y YORK GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY COPYRIGHT, 1924, 1925 BY GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY THE FAMOUS NEW YORK FUNDAMENTALIST-MODERNIST DEBATES APISES (Manas PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INTRODUCTION By Rev. John Roach Straton, D.D. In this volume the main addresses and the rebuttals from the orthodox side are given in the four debates held in New York between Dr. Charles Francis Potter, the Unitarian pastor, and myself. Dr. Potter’s addresses are not given, as his line of thought is sufficiently indicated in my side of the debates. Any who desire his presentation may obtain it, as the full debates are in printed form in separate booklets. Victory for the Old Truth I am glad to be able to say that these debates in a very true sense seem to have vindicated the great fundamentals of the Christian faith in open and widely noted ways. I am glad to be able to say that out of twelve votes cast by the judges in the four debates, the views that I championed won eight of the twelve. In fact, the only clear-cut and unanimous decisions won in the series of debates were both won by the side which I had the honor to represent. The debate on Evolution and the debate on the Deity of our Lord won the unammous decision of the judges, two of the judges in each case being judges of the Supreme Court of New York and the third judge being a lawyer of world-wide reputation and former Chairman of the War Industries Board. In the case of the other two de- bates there were split decisions, and in the case of the debate on the Virgin Birth there were certain irregularities discovered after the debate in connection with the selec- tion of the substitute judges, who were called upon at the v INTRODUCTION last moment to serve, which seemed to demand that even that split decision be either set aside or the question be redebated before the regularly selected judges—men who met the requirements of the original agreement for the arrangements of the debate. Is it Biblical to Debate? When Dr. Potter challenged me to this series of debates on the great fundamental questions of religion, I promptly accepted his challenge. As to the desirability and value of religious debates there can scarcely be any division of opinion. The Bible enjoins us to “be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you” (I Peter 3:15); and we are further exhorted to “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3). The ancient prophets were constantly debating and contending against error, as witness Elijah on Mount Carmel against the prophets of Baal. The New Testament is full of accounts of debates over the great truths of revealed religion, and periods of discussion and debate of such issues have always been periods of growth in the church. We may well be hopeful, therefore, that great good will finally come out of the widespread religious agitations of today. And certainly it is undeniable that if the great truths of religion cannot stand discussion and vindicate themselves on their merits, then they have no right to claim the allegiance and support of the human race. Answering Modernists’ Publicity The New York newspapers have naturally given much space, for years now, to the revolutionary religious views of the radicals, or “Modernists,” as they call themselves. vi INTRODUCTION I felt that the debates would give an opportunity to get the other side—the conservative, orthodox, believing side— before the public, and so it is proving. At the time that Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick, a Bap- tist, preached his radical sermon against the undamen- talists, in which he took the side of the “Liberals” or “Modernists” against the true inspiration and authority of the Bible as God’s word, against the Virgin Birth of our Lord, His substitutionary atonement, and His second coming, he also really caricatured the orthodox belief on some of these great questions. I felt, there- fore, that he ought to be willing to face in the open a representative of those whose views he had misstated and distorted in the interest of his radical propaganda; and so, as President of our Baptist Fundamentalist League of New York, I challenged him to a series of joint debates on these questions. He declined and ex- cused himself, under circumstances that made me feel that he was really running to cover. Again, when Dr. W. H. P. Faunce, President of Brown University, a Baptist institution, came out with books and articles in magazines having a world-wide circulation, in which he also expressed views that it seemed to me amounted not only to a repudiation of our age-long Baptist beliefs, but to a denial of the very essentials of evangelical Christianity, I expressed the desire to meet him in debate for a frank public discus- sion of these vital issues. Nothing came of this either, however, as Dr. Faunce declined even to give the news- paper men an interview over these matters. A Consistent Modernist When Mr. Potter, therefore, challenged me to debates on these very questions at issue, and said that Drs. Fos- vii INTRODUCTION dick and Faunce were friends of his, I felt moved to accept his challenge. I was really glad to debate with Mr. Potter because he is an out-and-out Modernist, who is not afraid to show his colors and who does not, like the Modernists within the orthodox ranks, resort to verbal ambiguities and the use of religious language with a double meaning. He calls a spade a spade, and is honest in his beliefs, or, perhaps I should say, his unbeliefs. The debates demonstrated to all people just what Modernism is and just how radical and revolu- tionary are its views. I am frank to say that I have no respect for the radicals in the Protestant denominations who insist on staying inside and tearing down the faith of the church while they still eat the bread of the church! I cannot regard them as either consistent, courageous or honest men. Robert Ingersoll was, in the beginning, a son of the church; but when he lost his faith he had the fair- ness and courage to step out of the ranks and carry on his propaganda on a self-supporting platform of his own making. Therefore, while deploring and even execrat- ing his views, one could, nevertheless, respect the man for his consistency and honesty. I, therefore, though pained by his views, nevertheless respected Mr. Potter because when he lost his faith in Baptist and evangelical views of religion he left the Baptist church and joined the Unitarians, I feel, too, as a Baptist, some sense of responsibility for Mr. Potter, since he is a product of one of our oldest Baptist universities and one of our most famous Baptist theological seminaries. But Mr. Potter was honest enough to step out when he could no longer conscien- tiously walk with the Baptists. Therefore, I could con- scientiously meet him in debate because, while there was Vill INTRODUCTION absolutely no religious fellowship possible between us, I did feel that he was sincere, and I earnestly hoped that he might be turned back to the faith from which he had been led astray by false teachers in Baptist schools. And I still hope that such may be the case. Good Fruit from the Debates I am happy to say that a flood of letters and messages from all over the world, some of them from some of the greatest and noblest of the Lord’s servants, praising God for the discussions and thanking me for the hard work I put into them, far more than offset any misunderstanding or misapprehension. One of the greatest evangelists and Bible expositors, and one of the most thoroughgoing Fundamentalists in our country, for example, in addition to other kind things has this to say about the debates: You did the greatest work of your life in accepting the challenge for these debates. It means more for the truth than any other thing that was ever done in New York. And the in- fluence reaches far beyond New York. Best of all, however, I rejoice with joy unspeakable over the fact that there were conversions as a result of each one of these debates. There were some very precious and notable instances of the direct working of God’s Holy Spirit in regenerating the hearts of some who perhaps had never heard the true Gospel before they listened to it during these discussions. I recall the case of one young man—a very able and lovable lad and the son of a widowed mother. I had known her in a former pastorate in another state, and I knew that her heart had been long burdened for the salva- ix INTRODUCTION tion of that dear boy. I did not even know that he was present in the vast congregation that attended the first debate. I had been quite ill and got out of a sick bed to come to the debate. When it was over, therefore, I hurried out as soon as possible, and while I was waiting in my automobile for the other members of my family to join me—they having been held up by the crush of people inside—this young man came up to shake hands with me and to thank me for my effort in the debate. I saw that he was deeply moved and that he seemed to be touched by what I had said concerning the Bible as God’s Word and the glory of the old-time faith. So I invited him to come into the automobile, and he sat down beside me. I soon saw evidences that the Holy Spirit was dealing with him, and I was then led to ask him if he would not go farther than a mere expression of appreciation for the truth that he had listened to, and act upon that truth by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour from sin. Shaken with profound emotion, and with tears upon his cheeks, he told me that an arrow of conviction about his own sin had come to him during the debate, and he then and there made a full and joyful surrender to Jesus Christ as Redeemer and Lord. I baptized him the following Lord’s Day, and found the soul-winner’s reward and joy not only in the evidences of peace and grace that had come to him, but in the rejoicing of his mother over answered prayer. There are other such instances that might be given. A brother pastor, for example, wrote me following the last debate—that on the Deity of our Lord, in which I laid great stress on the atonement of Christ and his present power to save sinners—that he was baptizing the follow- ing Sunday a woman who had been turned from her errors and had been converted at the debate. x INTRODUCTION “Carry On” The messages that have come in from the great host of people who heard the debates over the radio have con- tained evidences of widespread good accomplished by these discussions. Like evidences are also beginning to come in now that the debates have been put into printed form, and the books containing these debate messages are carrying into ever wider circles the saving truths of God. Best of all, I have had the witness of the Spirit in my own heart that I was within the will of God, and I cer- tainly know that I was proclaiming the truth of God in all these debates. They meant to me a colossal amount of extra labor, and yet I found a joy in it all which enabled me to carry these extra burdens in addition to the respon- sibilities of my church and editorial work. May I make, therefore, in closing, a personal appeal to all my readers that they will pray the Lord of the harvest that he will enable his true children to garner in the precious sheaves wherever the seed has fallen and produced a harvest from this sowing, and that we may all follow the proclamation of God’s truth in these debates with such faithful personal work for the lost that many others who may have been influenced by these old- fashioned truths may be brought into the peace of God that passeth all understanding, and service in the kingdom of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ? Study of Calvary Baptist Church New York CIty. xi CONTENTS PAGE Latin). DATTLRAOVER) THE “DIBLE (ss civied 22 eo uiine s I bt EVOLUTION VERSUS \GOREATION: Giiicala tients satus 56 III: Tue Vircin Brrtrp—Facr or FIicrion?....... 129 eee ve hee ay Ee Det EB Pell &4. bie hy Sa nt am “ ONE: THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE I FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE Question. RESOLVED THAT THE BIBLE IS THE INFALLIBLE WorD OF Gop “Bring me the book!” exclaimed Sir Walter Scott on his death-bed. ‘‘What book?” asked Lockhart, his son- in-law. And the greatest literary genius of the Scottish people turned his eyes upon him and answered gently “There is but one book! Bring that!’ Lockhart under- stood and handed him the Bible. We are to deal with that book in this debate. I come to this discussion with a certain degree of pleasure, because it gives me an opportunity to say a good word for the Bible. J am much indebted to it, as it has been the greatest formative influence in my life. My father was a Scotchman before he became an American, and he had the old-time devotion of the Scotch for the Scriptures. I was reared, therefore, on a mixed but well- balanced diet of oatmeal, Bible precepts, and hickory switch. It is not a bad combination as a developer of youth. I think that the earliest memory of my life is the pic- ture in my father’s home where, every morning and every _ evening, he gathered the family around the wide-mouthed fireplace for the family worship. Father sat at one end of the circle and mother at the other, and the children and the servants in between, and father read to us from the Bible, and then sent up to the Throne of Heaven a fervent prayer, either of thanksgiving for blessings received or petitions for the needs of the new day. The last words 1 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE that my sainted mother uttered were a quotation from the Bible, and in a time of recent bereavement that fell into our present home, when my wife and I had to say the long good-bye to our only daughter—a precious child of twelve and a half years—the teachings of the Bible were our only comfort and stay. In this day, therefore, when so many preachers even are criticising the Bible and tearing it to pieces, 1 am glad of an opportunity to say a good word for the old Book. It has proved itself a true and tried friend. I have often put it to the test, and it has never failed me. To me it is God’s word, and it has proved itself infallible. So it has one honest vote to begin with. The way in which the subject for debate is stated, “RESOLVED THAT THE BIBLE IS THE SiN-= FALLIBLE WORD OF GOD,” assumes the existence of a living God, capable of revealing Himself to men through a book. In championing the affirmative of this question, I do not, therefore, have to argue the existence of God. I begin merely by pointing out a reasonable presup- position, namely, that God would necessarily reveal Him- self to men. Can you conceive of a king undertaking to rule an earthly country without prescribing laws for his subjects? If such a thing would be unreasonable in an earthly king, then how completely absurd is the thought that the King of: Heaven would not provide an adequate code of laws and directing principles for His subjects in this wonderful world of ours? The thought of God leaving either His vast material or moral universe to drift without law and without in- telligent direction is a thought which, upon its face, is so impossible that it is unthinkable to an intelligent mind. It is not remarkable, therefore, that we have a revela- 2 FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE tion from God. It would be far more remarkable if we did not have such a revelation. Consequently, the only real issue before us is the ques- tion whether the Bible is that revelation. If the Bible is the final and complete revelation from a wise, power- ful, holy and loving God, then it must be infallible and authoritative, and with that established, the affirmative has won. I ask you, now, in the beginning of our thought to- gether, to consider with mea group of facts, entirely out- side the Bible’s claims about itself, which seem to indicate that it is a book so absolutely unique that it cannot be accounted for on any ground other than that it is an in- fallible revelation from the living God. The first of these facts is: I—THE FACT OF THE BIBLE’'S MIRACULOUS PRESERVATION AND INCREASE Now no one can deny that the Bible is here. It is an objective reality and not a subjective idea. Here it is! I hold a copy of it in my hand. It has not only existed for thousands of years, but it has existed in the face of efforts of all sorts to destroy it. Not only has it been subjected to the vicissitudes of fortune and the catas- trophes of history that have utterly destroyed other val- uable books, which were former treasures of the human race, but calculated and definite steps have been taken from time to time to wipe it utterly from the earth. Toustal bought and burned the whole of Tyndal’s first edition, but he utterly failed to destroy the Book or to prevent its circulation. Tyndal took the money from this first edition and with it printed a far larger edition, and the Bibles were shipped into Old England wrapped up in bales of cloth, in barrels and kegs, and even in coffins 3 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE used as packing cases! It is said that in one century 150,000 people were butchered for reading the Bible. The jailer’s key, the headman’s ax, the rope of the gal- lows, the fagot of the bigot, the powder of the poisoner, the dagger of the assassin have all combined in the effort to annihilate it. Intellectual pride, too, has often rejected it because of the vanity of man’s mind; and infidelity has battled against it with a relentlessness worthy of a better cause and a malignity unmatched elsewhere in the dark realm of prejudice, hatred and spite. What has the result been? Always victory for this venerable and noble old Book! It has successfully resisted the sophistries of Hume, the misguided eloquence of Gibbon, the rational- ism of Rousseau, the ignorant blasphemies of Thomas Paine, the satirical mockery of Voltaire, the idle quibbling of Strauss, the shallow witticisms of Renan, the cheap buffoonery of Bob Ingersoll, the audacious assaults of the Communists of France, and the insidious duplicity of the rationalistic theologians of Prussianized Germany. As with Moses’s bush, the Bible has burned, but it has not been consumed. Phoenix-like, it has risen from its ashes to new heights of usefulness and power. 500,000,000 BIBLES In the 18th century the great French infidel, Voltaire, prophesied that, within a hundred years from the time when he wrote, the Bible would be an obsolete book. He declared that it would go entirely out of circulation and that it would be found only as a curio on the shelves of antiquarians. As a striking comment on this prophecy stands the fact that the house where Voltaire wrote it is now owned and used as a storehouse by the French Bible Society, and the very walls that looked down on the 4 FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE sneering sceptic as he penned his prophecy are now lit- erally lined with hundreds of Bibles! One of the most remarkable facts of modern times is that the Bible is still the world’s “best seller.” In some quarters there is a tendency to discount the Bible in favor of science, but I would point out the significant fact that while there is scarcely a scientific text-book that is ten years old that is not already out of date, the Bible after all these thousands of years is still doing business at the old stand! Yes, while a decade usually sees the death and burial without hope of resurrection of the average text-book or popular “best seller,” and while even the masterpieces of antiquity line the shores of time like pathetic wrecks, this marvelous old Book lives on from generation to generation, conquering and to conquer! How do you account for it? The rate at which Bibles are now being printed by the American and British Bible Societies alone represents an average of one every five seconds, twelve every minute, 720 an hour, 17,280 every day in the year. At the cen- tennial celebration of these societies in Washington dur- ing President Roosevelt’s administration—a meeting that was attended by the President, the British ambassador and other dignitaries representing the great civilized na- tions of mankind—facts were given showing that those two societies had printed and circulated 250,000,000 Bibles in that one hundred years. Let your minds, my friends, dwell upon that tremendous truth for a moment. Supposing all of these Bibles should be brought together at one spot upon the earth’s surface. With them you could construct a skyscraper beside which the Woolworth Building would dwindle into insignificance. I have es- timated that the weight of that number of Bibles was at least 47,000 tons. To transport them would require a 5 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE train 25 miles long drawn by 225 locomotive engines, and if the pages of that number of Bibles were spread out upon the ground they would afford standing room for three times the present population of the earth! Nor is that all. It is said that there are now at least 500,000,000 Bibles in the world. Averaging them at eight inches high each, it means that if they were laid end to end they would reach almost three times around the earth, and if you piled them up one on top of the other they would reach up 63,131 miles into the air! Why, now, this marvelous record? What is it that has caused the Bible to live on in perennial youth and ever-increasing power until it has now been translated into over 700 languages and dialects of the earth, and seven-tenths of the children of men can read it in their mother tongue? What is the reason and the secret of it all? Jesus Christ said, “Thy word is truth!” Must that not be the secret of it? It is in the very nature of an error, delusion or lie to destroy itself. The lie carries in its bosom the seed of its own destruction. The poet has well said: “Truth crushed to earth will rise again, The eternal years of God are hers; But error wounded, writhes in pain And dies among her worshippers.” This old Book has not died, but has lived on and on in ever greater vigor. Must this not be true because the Bible is the divine and infallible revelation from a wise and loving God? Have not men clung to this old Book because they have found in it the very bread and water of life? And is it not monstrous to suppose that a maze of myths or a cun- ningly-devised tissue of errors, superstitions and lies could so have gripped the human race? 6 FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE II—THE FACT OF THE BIBLE’S UNIQUE UNIVERSALITY Closely akin to what I have just been saying, I wish to call attention next to the fact that the Bible has a quality of universality which stamps it as infallible and divine. The Bible is not for one age, but for all time. Neither is it for one nation, but for every tribe and tongue. It speaks to the man of the twentieth century with the same appealing and compelling power as it did to the man of the first century. It speaks to the universal human heart, and that heart responds to its utterances as it does always instinctively to the voice of truth. Its truths convert the Chinaman or the Hottentot in exactly the same way that they convert the Englishman or the American. This cannot be said of any other of the world’s so-called sacred books. The Koran or the Vedas, for example, have no appeal to the universal human mind and heart, but the Bible has, and this fact in itself stamps it as a book apart. The very difficulties of the Bible constitute a part of this element of universality, and were doubtless, there- fore, included deliberately in God’s wise and loving plan for revealing Himself to man. The mystery element of the Bible troubles some minds, but mystery is a neces- sary part of any permanent religion. We are greater than anything which we can fully understand. We have mastered it, and, therefore, we will not worship the thing that we can understand completely, but will pass on and leave it, in the search for something higher. If we could fully explain all the mysteries contained in the Bible we would soon lay it aside. There are problems in nature that constantly challenge scientific faith and effort, and we know that we will never fathom all of the mysteries in this infinite universe. The Bible is a revelation of an # THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE infinite God, and so we will never fathom all of its mysteries. The mystery element is a designed and essential part of the divine revelation. The difficulties, the seeming contradictions about which my opponent will probably speak, the accounts of the miracles, etc., which the Bible contains constitute a constant challenge to interest and faith. It is said that.a writer once undertook a compila- tion of a list of the numerous works written about the Bible, and, having collected the titles of 60,000, he gave up in despair and quit. What other book ever existed about which a hundredth part of this could be said? And today the interest in the Bible is deeper and wider than ever before. The presence of this great crowd of people here at this debate is in itself proof of it. Yes, the best thought of the race is being given to the study of this old Book. It holds the center of interest even for many who do not follow its teachings. But few men study the Vedas or the Koran, but the best scholarship of the human race centers in the study of the Bible. The keenest in- tellects of all civilized nations, the men of profoundest patience in research, men of supreme genius in the fields of literature, archaeology, language and history are dig- ging down for new treasures of truth in this inexhaustible gold mine. They cross-examine and exhaustively analyze every important word in each Book, and they weigh the meaning and setting of every phrase uttered by prophet or priest or spoken by the Man of Nazareth amid the hills of Judea or beside the limpid waves of Gallilee! The age-long discussions which have raged about this venerable old volume constitute in themselves a source of its perennial life, and we are seeing already that God is overruling the efforts of modern rationalism and of destructive criticism for His glory and to bring new 8 FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE strength to the Bible. Even the efforts of sceptical critics have but served as the furnace which has purified the gold. MODERN CRITICISM Concerning the modern critical difficulties connected with the Bible, a word should be said. We are not to underestimate the part that scholarship plays in our re- ligious interests. Those who love the Bible owe a debt to reverent scholarship which they can never pay. We may be sure, too, that down the ages new light is to break from the sacred page, as the Holy Spirit leads us into all the truth. But it has also become now perfectly evident that much of the criticism of the age has been born of vanity instead of humility, and that its work has been carried forward in the spirit of doubt rather than that of devotion. In opposing the destructive criticism those who love the Bible are not opposing the search after truth. All should desire the truth from whatever quarter it may come. But the sober second thought of the world is com- ing to see that the methods of the destructive critics are, for the most part, unfair, vain and presumptuous to an astounding degree. These men complain of “dogma,” and yet they themselves are the greatest dogmatists that the world has ever seen. And they dogmatize, too, not on the authority of a Divine revelation that has justified its claim for centuries, but only on their own hypotheses, theories and beliefs of what they think ought to be right. They are working on the assumption that the theories of evolution are true, and that they apply to the Bible, and they strain every point and even manufacture evidence when necessary to try to prove their theories. The book of Dr. Reginald Campbell of London on “The New Theology” is a conspicuous example of this truth. 9 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE One other illustration will suffice. Wellhausen as- serted flatly that Moses could not have written the Pen- tateuch, because in the age of Moses society was very crude and writing, if known at all, was known only by a few! Therefore, he concluded that the idea of a carefully elaborated code of written laws coming under such cir- cumstances and at such a time was unthinkable. On this dogmatic assumption Wellhausen proceeded to erect a mighty fort from which to bombard the battlements of revealed truth. A few years after he wrote, however, the “Code of Hammurabi’ was discovered. Here we have an elaborate code of written laws, coming from the same part of the world in which Moses lived, and ante- dating the time of the Hebrew lawgiver by hundreds of years. Thus, position after position of the critics has been overthrown and destroyed, and they are everywhere on the defensive today. In Germany, the home of scep- ticism and criticism, as well as in England and America, we see the plain signs of a conservative reaction, which is to usher in a new era of faith and devotion to the Bible. The difficulties of the Bible, as a part of its quality of permanence and universality, also form an inexhaustible storehouse of food for faith. We said before that diffi- culties and mysteries are an essential part of any true and permanent religion, because if we could see all the way and fully understand everything connected with the religion we would leave it. The highest reach of moral grandeur in the entire Old Testament is that where the servant of God, though suffering in body and sorely be- reaved and perplexed, nevertheless exclaims, “Though He slay me, yet will I believe in Him.” It is easy to re- main loyal. when the sailing is clear and.smooth, but moral 10. FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE “~~ grandeur is developed when we remain loyal even though the way is rough, uncertain and dark. This noble ele- ment in human character God has sought to develop, seemingly, by leaving some things dark in His Revelation. The mere fact that we cannot fully understand all that is in the Bible or fathom its mysteries has kept it as the center of interest and devotion generation after genera- tion. If, therefore, at this hour I had it in my power to clear up every mystery connected with it, and reconcile every alleged contradiction in it, I would leave it ab- solutely untouched, for the wisdom of God has planned it as it is, and it is sufficient. III—THE FACT OF THE BIBLE’S REMARKABLE UNITY IN DIVERSITY The next concrete and understandable fact to which I would invite your attention is the remarkable unity in diversity which characterizes the Bible. This fact, as I shall show, argues that there is but one author of the Book and, of necessity, that this author is God. We hear from many sides today this assertion: “The Bible is just like any other book.” And following this is the assertion that we need to regard it merely as “literature,” and to give it its place in the other literatures of the world. But the Bible is not “just like any other book.” As well say that a telescope is “just like any other brass!” It is not. True it is brass, but brass in a peculiar relation and shaped for a specific and unusual purpose. The man who uses up his time analyzing it, that he may determine its chemical composition, or who spends his energies in speculations concerning the half- effaced name of its maker, would fail to get any benefit from the telescope, even if he did not completely ruin the instrument. The telescope is not like any other brass, 11 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE and a man who uses it in the wrong way really abuses it, at the same time that he denies himself a most uplifting and inspiring experience. He might be gazing with rapt vision and leaping heart upon the before unseen glories of the midnight heavens. The critical attitude toward the Bible prevents many a soul from catching through it the visions of eternal glory. Yes, the Bible is perfectly unique. There is not an- other book on earth'like it, nor is it like any other book. Indeed, it is not one book, but a library of 66 books com- posed by 40 different writers from all ranks of society, and requiring at least 1,500 years in its composition. It took 20 years to give the world Gibbon’s Rome; Clark’s Commentary required in its composition 26 years; Web- ster’s Dictionary, 36 years, but it required 1,500 years to produce the Bible; and its authors came from every walk of life. Shepherds, fishermen, priests, warriors, states- men, husbandmen, kings contributed to it. Amos was a vine dresser; Solomon was an illustrious king; David was a shepherd; Moses was a great statesman; Peter was an unlettered fisherman: Paul was a ripe scholar. Yet throughout this Book there is a marvelous unity. Though it was written by these different men from almost every walk of life, and, though it was 1,500 years in the mak- ing, it is, nevertheless, a harmonious whole. One spirit breathes through it all; one great ideal and purpose shines with ever-increasing brightness from its beginning to its end. Though in 66 divisions, the Bible is one Book. Why? There is but one answer to the question. The answer is because the Holy Spirit of the Living God was the real Author! Suppose that forty-eight men should walk into this church tonight. One man we will say comes from Maine, another from California, another from 12 FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE Georgia, and so on from each state, each bearing a block of marble of peculiar shape. Suppose I pile up these blocks in order, until I have a beautiful marble statue here, perfectly symmetrical and faultless in its grace. If then I should ask: “How did these men, who have never seen each other before, chisel out that beautiful statue?’ you would say: “That is easily explained. One man planned the whole statue, made the patterns, gave the directions, and distributed them around; and so, be- cause each man worked by the pattern, the work fits accurately when completed.’ Very well. Here is a Book coming from all quarters, written by men of all classes, scattered through a period of fifteen hundred years, and yet this Book is fitted together as a wondrous and harmonious whole. How was it done? “Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” One mind inspired the whole Book! One voice speaks in it all! Behind each of the writers, though making use in each case of their individual temperament and style, the Holy Spirit stood down the ages speaking God’s message to the needy hearts of sinful and lost men. “Whence but from heaven could men unskilled in arts, In several ages, born in several parts, Weave such agreeing truths? Or how or why Should all conspire to cheat us with a lie? Unasked their pains, ungrateful their advice, Starving their gains, and martyrdom their price.” The Bible is a glorious temple of truth, with its broad foundations in Genesis, its majestic columns rising in the record of patriarch, prophet and priest, its roof-tree in the Gospels of Jesus Christ, and its majestic dome in the Revelation of a New Heaven and New Earth wherein will dwell righteousness. The miraculous unity in di- versity of this Book argues conclusively to the thoughtful 13 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE mind the oneness and divinity of its origin and, there- fore, its infallibility. IV—THE STRIKING FACT OF THE BIBLES FULFILLED PROPHECIES There is another most conclusive proof of the divine origin and infallibility of the Bible, and that is fulfilled prophecy. Prophecy is the foretelling of events before they happen, and only God can do that as it requires omniscience, and God speaks, therefore, through the prophets. Amos said: “Surely the Lord Jehovah will do nothing except He reveal His secret unto His servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7.) And in the Acts of the Apostles it is written: “God hath spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began.” (Acts Bert) God Himself, through the Book, challenges us to faith in it because of fulfilled prophecy. He says: “I am God, and there is none like Me; declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done.” (Isaiah 46:9-I0.) And even Christ based His claims to faith and obedi- ence upon the correctness of His prophecies. He said: “T tell you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye may believe that 1 am He.” (John 13:19.) These Bible prophecies are not like the prophecies of the Delphic oracle, for example, where either one of two events would prove the prophecy, as in the answer the oracle made to one of the old kings that if he crossed a certain river with his army “it would bring about the destruction of a great nation.’’ But either his nation or that of his foes might have been meant. The Bible prophecies are not like that. They are specific. They are so explicit and definite that they all but take one’s breath 14 FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE away, and their fulfillment has been so remarkable that one thoughtful mind has said that “prophecy is the mold of history.” Listen to just a few of them, by way of illustration : Assyria, with its proud city of Nineveh, flourished in Zephaniah’s day, yet he prophesied its utter destruction by God. This prophecy was literally fulfilled, and Nineveh has lain in desolation for ages, her very site forgotten for centuries. (Zeph. 2:13-15.) Again, God speaking through Ezekiel prophesied not only destruction for ancient Tyre, but certain peculiar things about it that are most striking in their literal ful- fillment. Listen to God’s prophecy spoken through Ezekiel. He said: “Behold, I am against thee, O Tyrus, and will cause many nations to come up against thee, as the sea causeth his waves to come up. And they shall destroy the walls of Tyrus, and break down her towers: I will also scrape her dust from her, and make her like the top of a rock. And they shall make a spoil of thy riches, and make a prey of thy merchandise: and they shall break down thy walls, and destroy thy pleasant houses ; and they shall lay thy stones and thy timber and thy dust in the midst of the water. : And I will make thee like the top of a rock: thou shalt be a place to spread nets upon; thou shalt be built no more; for I the Lord have spoken it, saith the Lord God” (Ezek. 26:3, 4, 12, 14). Here was the prophecy. Was it fulfilled? Yes, lit- erally, in every detail. First came Nebuchadnezzar and took the city and spoiled it. The old city lay in ruins. The remaining inhabitants moved away to an island half a mile from shore, and there built a new city. Then came Alexander the Great, who besieged the new Tyre built on the island. He planned to attack the city by building a causeway from the mainland through the half 15 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE mile of sea to the island. To build this causeway, Alex- ander took the walls and towers, and timbers and the ruins of ancient Tyre’s palaces and literally laid them “in the midst of the water.” So great was the demand for material that the mounds of ruins from the ancient city and even the ‘dust’? was scraped from the rocks and laid in the sea! So it became literally “like the top of a rock... . a place to spread nets upon.” And Tyre’s history stands today. as a dramatic monument to the in- fallible truthfulness of the Bible. Take, again, the case of Babylon. Jeremiah and Isaiah alike prophesied that that mighty empire, then in the heyday of its glory, would be utterly destroyed. It would cease to exist, be forgotten, mould into dust, and be desolate forever. God said through Isaiah: “And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldeans’ pride, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation; neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall shepherds make their flocks to lie down there. But wild beasts of the desert shall lie there; and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures ; and ostriches shall dwell there, and wild goats shall dance there. And wolves shall cry in their castles, and jackals in the pleasant palaces. I will also make it a possession for the porcupine, and pools of water, and I will sweep it with the besom of destruction, saith Jehovah of hosts.” (Isaiah 13 :19-22, 14-21.) These prophecies have been marvelously fulfilled. Jeremiah prophesied about Babylon that its destruction would be so complete that “they shall not take of thee a stone for a corner, nor a stone for foundations.” (Jeremiah 51.) Mr. Rassam remarks upon the fact that the natives living near the site of ancient Babylon use the bricks for building purposes, but always burn the 16 FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE stone thus discovered for lime, which fact wonderfully fulfills the divine words of Jeremiah. And as to the literal fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy, it is worthy of note that he knew thousands of years before our days that the Arabs would survive even down to modern times as a nomadic people, still living in tents. Furthermore, observers have commented again and again on the num- ber of wild beasts, reptiles and insect pests that abound among the ruins of ancient Babylon; and Rawlinson, in his well-known book on “EGYPT AND BABYLON” (page 206), says: “On the actual ruins of Babylon the Arabian neither pitches his tent nor pastures his flocks, in the first place, because the nitrous soil produces no pasture to tempt him; secondly, because an evil reputation attaches to the entire site, which is thought to be the haunt of evil spirits.” I would like to ask why have not the Rationalists and the infidels, whether in the church or out, who are so eager to disprove God’s word, gone and inhabited Baby- lon? God’s fulfilled prophecies on multiplied millions of Bible pages stand a challenge to them to prove that the verdict passed on Babylon is untrue! So I might go on for hours tracing out before you the prophecies of the Bible and their amazing, literal fulfill- ments. I might cite the case of Egypt, about which Ezekiel prophesied, not that it would become desolate and uninhabited as in the case of Tyre, Nineveh, Babylon, etc., but that it would become forever a subject nation, and soit has been. I might cite the marvelous prophecies of Daniel about the world empires that followed his day. {I might cite to you the prophecies concerning Israel, or, as we call them, the Jews. Quite wonderfully, every part of their history was foretold: their prosperity and greatness when they obeyed God, their decline and ex- 17 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE pulsion from their own land, when they disobeyed Him, their tragic and unparalleled sufferings, persecutions and sorrows, and yet their miraculous preservation, their multiplication in numbers, wealth and power, and finally their restoration to their own land, and glory to them and all mankind through their final obedience to God when Christ comes back again. Already in the “Zionist move- ment” we are seeing enacted before our yery eyes the beginning of the fulfillment of the prophecies concerning their return to Palestine. Listen to but one of these ancient prophecies: In Deuteronomy, the 28th chapter, it is written: “And Jehovah will scatter thee among all peoples, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth, . . . And among these nations shalt thou find no ease, and there shall be no rest for the sole of thy foot. And thy life shall hang in doubt before thee; and thou shalt fear night and day and shalt have no assurance of thy life.’ (Deut. 28 :64-66.) This has been literally and tragically fulfilled. There is nothing in all history so pathetic and so terrible as the history of the Jews. Two millions were killed or starved to death or sold into slavery worse than death in A.D. 70. Over half a million more were slaughtered by the Romans sixty years later. Other millions have tragically perished in Poland, Italy, Russia and other lands. Even here in free, democratic America thoughtful Jews have had to express their apprehension for the future, in the light of Henry Ford’s propaganda and such movements as the Ku Klux Klan. No wonder that Milman says, in his “History of the Jews”: “Massacred by thousands, yet, springing up again from their undying stock, the Jews appear at all times and in all regions. Their perpetuity, their national immortality, is at once the most curious problem to the political inquirer; to 18 FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE the religious man a subject of profound and awful admira- tion.” (Page 398, Vol. 2.) Frederick the Great once said to his Chaplain that if his religion was true he ought to be able to prove it in one word. He demanded that he so prove it, and his Chaplain said: “Yes, sire, it is provable in one word— Israel!’ If there were no other proof of its divine origin and infallibility, the Bible would stand proved forever by its fulfilled prophecies about the Jews! And what shall we say about the prophecies connected with Jesus Christ Himself? Think, first, of the many prophecies about His coming to this earth, even includ- ing details as to place and miraculous manner of birth, as to His mother, the deeds of His life, the peculiar and most unusual incidents of His death and burial and resur- rection, all of which were literally and exactly fulfilled. And think of the prophecies that Christ Himself uttered, and how they have been fulfilled. Though its golden beauty was still sparkling before their eyes, He prophesied to the men of His own day that the Temple would be utterly destroyed, and that not one stone of it would be left upon another. Amazing, yet it was literally fulfilled! At a time when Rome was mistress of the world, He foresaw the break-up of her power and prophesied not that nations would rise against Rome, but that “nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against Kingdom.” The political history of the world, He said, was not to be one Kingdom ruling all, or nations rising against that empire, but numbers of nations and Kingdoms, all in strife and warfare against each other. In the light of those prophecies, we can but stand in awe and wonder as we read in the pages of history the unending movements of kingdom against kingdom and nation against nation for these two thousand years. 19 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE Christ prophesied the history of His church, its trials, sufferings and sorrows and yet its glories and its final victories. And all of this has been fulfilled and is being fulfilled before our very eyes. Christ and the apostle John prophesied that near the end of the age, the Gospel would be preached ‘“‘to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people” on the face of the globe. (Matt. 24:12; Rev. 14:6.) At the time the prophecy was uttered its fulfillment seemed an im- possibility. Only the invention of printing and the con- sequent increase in the number of Bibles made it pos- sible. Yet the prediction was made, and Paul and other apostles proceeded to act as if they believed that an im- possibility would be accomplished. It has been accom- plished, and we have seen it in our day. While there are many thousands of other books in the world, how does it happen that not one of them has been translated into one-twentieth as many languages as the Bible? And how did those ancient prophets know that this would be the case? In the light of all this, may we not see the absolute infallibility of God’s word? And may we not know that Jesus spoke only the truth when He said: “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away!” V—-THE FACT OF THE BIBLES OWN CLAIMS CONCERNING ITSELF This leads me now to point out the fact that the Bible claims to be the word of God, and, therefore, it claims infallibility. It boldly states its own right to instruct and lead the children of men. I designedly bring this argument late in the discussion. I did not argue in the beginning that the Bible was the revelation of God be- cause it said it was. I have marshalled the facts from 20 FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE the outside first. But now, in the light of those facts, I make bold to introduce the Bible that it may speak for itself. What does it claim for itself? Almost on every page the claim of its divine origin and infallibility is either implied or asserted. To be sure, it does not elab- orate any formal theory of inspiration or infallibility, and yet inspiration and infallibility are implied from one end of it to the other. All through the Bible run such expressions as “Thus saith the Lord,” etc. This phrase, “Thus saith the Lord,” or its equivalent, is used in the Old Testament fully two thousand times. Allow me to give you now a few of such expressions, taken almost at random from among the many that might be quoted. In the case of Moses we are told that, “God spake these words” (Exod. 20:1). “And Moses wrote all the words of the Lord” (Exod. 24:4); and in repeating them to the children of Israel he was able to say, “these are the words which the Lord hath commanded” (Ex. 35:1). David said, “The Spirit of the Lord spake by me, and His word was in my tongue (2 Sam. 23:2). Isaiah said, “Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth, for the Lord has spoken.” And he refers to his writings as the words of the Lord “at least twenty times.” Tsaiah said, again, “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” (Isa. 8:20.) Jeremiah, over one hundred times in his writings, said, “The Word of the Lord came unto me.” (Jer. 1:4.) Ezekiel wrote: “The Word of the Lord came expressly unto Ezekiel.” (Ezek. 1:3.) He used such expressions sixty times. Daniel tells us he received his message in vision (Dan. 7:1); and from the lips of Gabriel (Dan. 9:21.) Amos says he wrote “the words . . . which he saw concerning Israel,” etc. (Am. 1:1.) 21 FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE John says what he writes is “the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him.” (Rev. 1:1.) When Jeremiah was first inspired he seemed for the moment quite unconscious of the fact, so that God had actually to tell Him—‘Behold, I have put My words in thy mouth.” (Jer. 1:9.) Peter said, “For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man; but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” (2 Pet. 1:21.) Paul said, “For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.’ (1 Thes. 2:13.) And the great classical text still stands: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profit- able for doctrine for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” (2 Tim. 3:16.) These new Testament utterances concerning the in- spiration and infallibility of scripture refer, for the most part, to the old Testament, and thus declare its full in- Spiration and authority. But the New Testament makes for itself the same claim. The Gospels are full of in- ternal claims to be the inspired record of the Son of God when He was in the flesh. The Book of Acts is avowedly the history of the Holy Spirit’s work in and through the early churches. The book of Revelation explicitly claims to be just what its name implies, a real revelation from God. That leaves, then, only the epistles to be accounted for. Fourteen of these epistles are from the pen of Paul. He declares explicitly and repeatedly that what he writes is not of man but of God, and that it is to be received “not as the word of man, but, as it is in truth, the Word of God.” (1 Thes. 2:13.) To the Galatians he wrote: “But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. For I neither received 22 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (Galatians 1:11-12.) And so again and again he repeated. What he testifies of his own writings, Paul equally affirms of the writings of the other apostles. In his letter to the Ephesians he says truth not heretofore known has now been revealed to the “holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit.’ (Eph. 3:5.) In this he is in accord with the Son of God, who assured these very apostles that when they should speak (and therefore when they should write) it would not be themselves, but, as he said, “the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.” (Matt. 10:20. ) Without hesitation it may be said the Apostle Paul claims full inspiration for the writings of Peter, James, John and Jude as made by the Spirit in and to them. The Apostle Peter, speaking not only for himself, but in the name of the other apostles, gives an added testimony to the inspiration of Paul’s epistles. He says: “Even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him, hath written unto you; as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.” (2 Pet. 3:15, 16.) This is an unequivocal declaration by Peter that the writings of Paul are to be received upon the same authority as “the other Scriptures” of Israel; and it is this same Apostle Peter who, speaking of the inspiration of the Old Testament, says the men who wrote it “spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” (2 Pet. 1:21.) It is he who also declares that the spirit of Christ was in them as the source and inspiration of their testimony, leading them to write “beforehand the sufferings of 23 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE Christ, and the glory that should follow.” (1 Pet. 1:11.) Thus, it is plain that the entire New Testament claims to be the inspired and infallible Word of God. Jesus Christ has left His record as to His faith in the Bible as the infallible Word of God. He prayed the Father and said: ‘“Sanctify them through thy truth; thy Word is truth.’ He was constantly speaking of “the scriptures,’ and He said “the Scriptures cannot be broken.” Indeed He proclaimed Himself to be the theme of all scriptures. On the walk to Emmaus and in the upper room at Jerusalem He announces that He Himself is the unique key to the understanding of the Bible, and there we may well let the matter rest. We can only ex- claim, like that distressed disciple of old, ““Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life.” (Compare Luke 24:13-35 and 36-49.) Here, then, is the Bible’s testimony concerning itself. The old Book comes into court with a good reputation as it makes these claims for itself. In the light of the won- derful record of its influence and its power, which I have tried to bring to your attention, I wish to ask who will dare to impeach it? Who will dare rise up in the face of this noble record and say that this old Book is a liar? VI—THE FACT OF THE BIBLE’S SELF-AUTHENTICATING AUTHORITY If, now, the Bible is truly the Word of God, then it is infallible and should be received as a final self-authen- ticating authority. There must be in every field of human activity and interest some court of last appeal. It is true in the scientific world. Though the human consciousness continues to play a great part, and the activity of the human mind in the discovery, analysis and classification of new facts goes forward constantly in the science of 24 FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE mathematics and in every other science, there are, never- theless, final and axiomatic principles and truths which can never be transcended and which stand, therefore, as ultimate authority. A straight line is forever the short- est distance between two points and twice two will make four to the end of time. In medicine the need of authority exists. While the different schools of medicine vary among themselves and are constantly developing and perfecting their science, there are, nevertheless, great general principles of heal- ing and established facts underlying them all. While the individual consciousness and skill of a given doctor have a large room for play, his talents are, nevertheless, cir- cumscribed by the things that are established, and that are true forever. Let every doctor begin practicing medicine according to his own whim and impulse, and the undertaker and manufacturer of tombstones would become speedily the most prosperous citizens in the com- munity! In the law there must be a seat of final authority and a court of last appeal. While the law is a science that is progressing, still, there are, nevertheless, a group of principles and truths that are established and that are absolutely final. The fundamental axioms of the law—the axioms of justice, equity and righteousness in the relationships be- tween man and his fellows—are irrefutable and un- changeable. The consciousness of the individual does not create these authoritative standards and principles. The individual consciousness merely recognizes them as true when they are presented, and must act upon them in obedience unless disaster is to follow. Upon this truth of authority, therefore, the whole vast structure of modern civilization is builded. 25 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE RELIGIOUS AUTHORITY. Dare anyone say, then, that in the field of religion, where man’s most vital interests for both time and eter- nity lie, there is no dependable authority, no infal- lible guide? Shall the highest interests of our na- tures to be left to caprice and chance? Are we to grope forever in darkness and uncertainty? Are there no fixed standards? No solid and enduring ground on which we can build our individual lives, establish our homes, order our society and found our hopes of Heaven? Is each one of us to be left to believe one thing one day—and that thing perhaps different from everything our neighbors are believing,—and another thing tomorrow, and another thing the next day, and so on and onp The modernists and the rationalists exalt the indi- vidual consciousness as the seat of final authority. But this only means that God has been dethroned and man put in His place. Now, my friends, let us look at it frankly and honestly. We do not wish to be offensive, but we must be loyal to the truth, and the truth is that this whole modern philosophy, when it is logically followed out, leads in- evitably not only to atheism but also to anarchy! A man who becomes a law unto himself and declares that he will do only what he thinks is right and what he wishes to do we call an anarchist. With sober hearts and earnest minds we need to face the question whether this truth does not apply also to the man in the religious world who says the same thing. If the consciousness of the individual is the seat of authority and the court of final appeal, then we have anarchy in the religious world. Every man will be a law unto himself. Conflict- ing authorities mean that there is no authority. 26 FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE If it is argued that the Bible is fallible in part, then the question arises: “What part is fallible and what part is infallible? What part is true and what part is false? And who is to be the judge?’ Is it not evi- dent that such a contention leads to absolute religious anarchy ?—that it makes every man a law unto himself? If we do not accept the Bible as authority, then we have to accept our own individual judgment as the final authority, or the judgment of some other man, expressed in a book or otherwise, and we are still utterly at sea; we still have no real authority: For, look you, one man may accept his own judgment as authoritative or the judgment of some other man or book, but you and I may not accept his conclusions or the conclusions of the other man or book at all. And so it comes down to it that we have no binding authority: that is to say, we have anarchy. Is it not perfectly evident, my friends, that we must have some authority outside of ourselves, some absolute and unchanging standard, some court of final appeal to which all must submit, or there can only be confusion worse confounded in all matters of religion? The whole matter of religious authority reduces itself to the question whether the infinitely holy and wise God has a right to rule His own world and His finite chil- dren. We must believe that He has. God’s righteous will, then, is the ultimate source of authority in the religious world, and that will is revealed in the Bible. In this Book, either explicitly stated or clearly implied, there is every truth, precept and principle that the indi- vidual or the race can ever need. “But,” it is asked, “is there then to be no new truth? No progress in thought?’ And we answer: Yes, there is to be constant progress in thought, but this is to come 27 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE because the individual will learn better to think God’s thoughts after Him! There is to be more and more new truth, but it is to be new truth that breaks out of the old Word. That Word is ‘forever established in Heaven,” and we are not to add to it or take from it one jot or tittle. The heart of it is One “in whom there is no variableness nor shadow cast by the turning.” One who is “‘the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Man’s chief glory is in learning of Him, and not in trying to surpass Him nor supplant Him with our feeble finite thoughts. New truth will come, but it will come burst- ing out of the eternal and infallible Word. The im- provement must be in man and not in the Word. The Holy Spirit has been given us to lead us into all the truth, and He will not fail us if in prayer and humility we look to Him for guidance. The enlightening of the individual mind and the deepening of its power of per- ception merely enables the mind to enter into the deeper treasures that lie forever at the golden heart of Truth. The supreme need of this age is that we shall reestablish respect for authority everywhere, and that can come only through reestablishing respect for the Bible as God’s Word. INFLUENCE ON THE INDIVIDUAL Now the striking thing is that the Bible actually exerts a vital and authoritative influence over men. It has a mystical power through which God speaks to men in a way that is mentally illuminating, inspiring, and to the individual, final and infallible. Let me quote to you, in this connection, no less a man than Hon. Winston Churchill, the great English statesman. Beyond any question he is one of the most practical men and one of the most gigantic minds of today, but in his book on 28 FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE the great war,—“The World Crisis of 1914-1918,”’— which I have just been reading with profound interest, and which many competent critics have declared the greatest of the books on the war, I found Mr. Churchill relating a striking incident. In speaking of the tremen- dous sense of responsibility which came upon him when he was selected to serve as the First Lord of the Ad- miralty at the outbreak of the World War, and of his uncertainty and apprehension about assuming such colos- sal responsibilities in the face of the known strength of Germany and her vast preparations for war, Mr. Churchill relates an experience he had with the Bible. He says: “That night when I went to bed, I saw a large Bible lying on a table in my bedroom. My mind was dom- inated by the news I had received of the complete change in my station, and of the task entrusted to me. I thought of the peril of Britain,—peace-loving, unthinking, little prepared—of her power and virtue, and of her mission of good sense and fair play. I thought of mighty Ger- many, towering up in the splendor of her Imperial state and delving down, in her profound, cold, patient, ruth- less calculations. I thought of the army corps I had watched tramp past, wave after wave of valiant man- hood, at the Breslau maneuvers in 1907; of the thou- sands of strong horses dragging cannon and great howitzers up the ridges and along the roads around Wurzburg in 1910. I thought of German education and thoroughness and all that their triumphs in science and philosophy implied. I thought of the sudden and successful wars by which her power had been set up.” Then, with these thoughts in his mind he turned to the Bible, without any plan of reading any particular passage, and it opened to a passage that greatly cheered 29 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE and strengthened his heart, and encouraged him to go forward with his new duties, and responsibilities. He says: “T opened the Book at random, and in the gth chap- ter of Deuteronomy, I read: “Hear O Israel; Thou art to pass over Jordan this day, to go in to possess nations greater and mightier than thyself, cities great and fenced up to heaven, A people great and tall, the children of the Anakim, whom thou knowest and of whom thou hast heard say, Who can stand before the children of Anak! Understand therefore this day, that the Lord thy God is he which goeth over before thee; as a con- suming fire, he shall destroy them, and he shall bring them down before they face; so shalt thou drive them out, and destroy them quickly, as the Lord hath said unto thee. Speak not thou in thine heart, after that the Lord thy God hath cast them out from before thee, saying: For my right- eousness the Lord hath brought me in to possess this land; but for the wickedness of these nations the Lord doth drive them out from before thee. Not for thy righteousness, nor for the uprightness of thine heart, dost thou go to possess their land, but for the wickedness of these nations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee, and that he may perform the word which the Lord sware unto thy fathers.” (Deut. 9:1-5.) This message from God’s word did thus infallibly guide that great statesman in the hour of his supreme need. THE BIBLES MORAL POWER The Bible has also proved itself the infallible word of God to a great multitude of individuals in the field of morals and religion. The avowed purpose of the Bible is to point the way to salvation, and the fact that it does this proves that it is infallible and divine. We have in the membership of this church young 30 FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE men whom I have baptized during this pastorate, some of whom have come from lives of crime and shame and have been made over into lives of purity, honesty, and noble service. They delight in nothing more than to quote from the Bible and tell how its truths saved them, and how its precepts guide and keep them in the way. Some of you have doubtless seen that picture which sets forth the purifying and uplifting influence of the Bible on the individual character. The painting \s entitled “The entrance of Thy Word Giveth Light.” The artist had pictured the interior of a humble and poverty-stricken home. Upon the bed in the corner lay a young man. Evidently he had been a youth of right impulses and noble purpose, though his fine face was now marred sadly by the deep lines of sin. The young man lay upon the bed in the early morning after a night of drunkenness and debauchery. Beside him sat the venerable old mother of the wayward lad. A tear was upon her wrinkled cheek; the old family Bible was open upon her knee, and with her drawn, crooked ‘finger she was tracing laboriously and reading the words of counsel and truth from the Book. And with marvel- ous spiritual insight and skill the artist had managed to suggest the dawn of hope upon the young man’s face. Realizing his own weakness and his own inability to stand amidst the temptations of human life—convinced at last of his own moral impotence—there came to his penitent soul the revelation that there was another power, a Beneficent and Divine Power, that would strengthen his weak will and correct the sad abuses of his life, and so the entrance of God’s word gave him light. That picture is true, and that experience has been repeated, in essence, many million times upon our earth. Because, therefore, of the fruit that this blessed 31 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE old Book has borne we know that it is truth, and that it points the way to everlasting life. Talk about the divine origin and infallibility of the Bible! Are not such experiences final and conclusive as to this question? I submit that they are. So far as the question of infallibility is concerned, | bear my testimony that the Bible has been infallible for me, because it has been the greatest purifying, guiding, and inspiring power in my life. It has never failed me. Churchill found it so in his life, and a great multitude of others have found it so in their lives. Coleridge, the poet, said that he knew the Bible was true because “it found him at a deeper depth than any other book.” Gladstone called the Bible “the impregnable Rock of Holy Scripture,’ and acknowledged that he shaped his life by its teachings. Daniel Webster paid his tribute to the influence of the Bible upon his life and character, and he admonished all men to accept it and follow it. He said: “T believe that the Bible is to be understood and received in the plain and obvious meaning of its passages; for I can- not persuade myself that a book intended for the instruction and conversion of the whole world should cover its true meaning in any such mystery, and doubt none but critics and philosophers can discover it. If we abide by the princi- ples taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity neglect its instruc- tions and authority no man can tell how sudden a catas- trophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity.” I wish to add to these views of practical men of the world the following words from one of humanity’s great- est scholars, the late Dr. James Orr, of the Free Church College of Glasgow. In speaking of the Bible, Dr. Orr says that it has a “saving and sanctifying power that 32 FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE wield the best proof of its divine origin.”’ In his great book, on ‘The Problem of the Old Testament,” he then says further: “The Bible has a character and power of impression which belong to it as a living Book. Who, coming to this sacred Book with a sincere desire to know God’s will for the direc- tion of His life, will say that he cannot find it? Who desir- ing to be instructed in the way of salvation ‘through faith which is in Christ Jesus’ will consult its pages and say it is not made plain to him? Who, coming to it for equipment of his spiritual life, will say that there are still needs of that life which are unprovided for? Who, seeking direction in the way of life everlasting, can doubt that, if he faithfully obeys its teachings he will reach that goal? The Scripture fulfills the ends for which it was given; no higher proof of its inspiration can be demanded.” These are noble and significant words which I have quoted from some of the great minds and hearts of earth, and they all argue the divine origin and in- fallibility of the Bible as God’s word. AUTHORITATIVE PREACHING A new understanding and a practical application of this old truth will bring renewed power to the modern pulpit and the church today. Why is it that with greater wealth, enlightenment and numbers than ever before in Christianity’s history many of her churches, especially in our cities and centers of culture, are declining? The reason is not far to seek. A question mark concerning _ Christ and the Bible has gotten into many pulpits. Its _ poisonous roots reach down through the soil of uncer- tainty to the subsoil of doubt, and even into the dark, deadly mold of infidelity itself. Its fruits show in the preaching of the day. The trumpet is giving “an un- certain sound’ and consequently few are “preparing 33 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE themselves for the battle.” The silly sensationalismn, the “ragtime” religion that is seen in many of our churches, and the puny little essays that are delivered from many of our pulpits, and dignified through courtesy with the name of “sermons,” are pitiful in comparison with the grand preaching of the past, which gave forth a sure note of warning and promise by the very author- ity of God Himself, speaking through His Holy Word. The rejection of authority in the civil state, in the home, in social life, and in the church, is the greatest and most menacing danger of today. Half of the world has been already plunged into anarchy, and the other half seems trembling upon the brink of that dreadful precipice, because the truth of authority has been re- jected by the superficial thinking of the times. In the home, parental authority has waned, and the result is the wreck and ruin which is falling already upon the younger generations, which is the theme of magazine writers the world over, and the distress of thoughtful minds everywhere. In society the old-fashioned author- ity of decent standards of dress and conduct has been partly rejected, and the result is a reign of sensuality and the clogging of our divorce courts with the tragic tales of violated marriage vows, the setting adrift of little children with no hand to guide them upon the storm-tossed seas of human life, and the utter disrup- tion of multitudes of American homes. And all of this has come about because of loss of faith in the Bible as God’s infallible and authoritative Word. I hope that my opponent realizes that a solemn re- sponsibility rests upon him in this debate because, at last, these questions are the most important questions that are now engaging the attention of mankind. The supreme religious issue of this age is: do we be- 34 FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE jieve God? Not do we believe about God. Every man who has any capacity for thought must believe some- thing about some sort of God. The real issue of to- day is: do we believe God? A great multitude of de- vout and faithful souls the round world over hold that God has spoken to man in this venerable Book, and we believe God and what He says to us in the Book, and we believe, too, that the supreme strategy of the devil, whom Christ recognized as His arch enemy, centers to- day in his subtle attack upon the Bible. The devil’s plan from the beginning has been to discount and dis- credit God’s word. It is recorded here in Genesis that when the tempter came to our first mother, “he said unto the woman: yea, hath God said?” The very first step in the seductive sophistries of the devil, therefore, was to raise a question in the human mind concerning God’s word. Then his next step was to deny God’s word. When the woman told him that they were per- mitted to eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden except the fruit of the tree which was in the midst of the garden, for, said she “God hath said: ye shall not eat of it; neither shall ye touch it lest ye die,” the devil made his master stroke. It is recorded here, “and the serpent said unto the woman: ye shall not surely die, for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods, know- ing good and evil.” (Gen. 3:1-5.) First the devil raises a question as to whether God has really spoken—whether He has given us His word, and then he goes a step further and boldly denies God’s word and declares God to be a liar. And that, my friends, is what he is still doing; and all of the sin and the sorrow, the suffering and the shame, that have come upon mankind have fallen upon the race because they 35 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE have believed the devil’s lies rather than God’s word. Let us beware, those of us who lead the people, lest in these latter times we ourselves allow ourselves to be deceived by the adversary and to fulfill what Paul said: “And for this cause God shall send them strong de- lusion, that they should believe a lie.” (2 Thess. 2:11.) FAITH AND SPIRITUAL VISION There are but one or two other practical things that I need to say in this connection. In establishing the affirmative of this debate, I do not have to prove that the Bible is fully understandable down to its minutest detail. I have already pointed out that there are some difficulties, some mysteries and some seeming contra- dictions in the Book, but I showed that these difficulties have probably been left in the Bible purposely in the wisdom of God, as a perpetual stimulus to interest, and a constant challenge to faith! We should not allow these few minor difficulties, however, to decide our judgment about the Bible. In fairness, we must look at it as a whole. The question is: “Resolved that the Bible (the united whole) is the Infallible Word of God.” Again, in establishing the affirmative in this debate, I do not have to prove that the Bible is infallible to all men. I have shown that it is infallible to many—indeed, to all who will accept it; but, as with any other valuable gift, it must be accepted be- fore it can be enjoyed. Now, as with any other gift, faith is the way by which we must accept the Bible, because of the undeniable and self-evident truth that spiritual things are spiritually discerned, just as physical things are physically discerned. I can discern the pul- 36 FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE pit here only by looking at it with my physical eyes. I can determine that it is smooth only by running my physical hand over it. Likewise, it is true that there must be a spiritual eye in order to behold spiritual beauty and truth. Those who, through lack of faith, have no spiritual vision, and therefore do not accept the Bible, are like a blind man who at mid-day declares that the sun is not shining! The Bible “worketh effectually (only) in those that believe,” but when there is the small- est degree of humility, of the spirit of teachableness, and of vital faith, it becomes the very word of God and an infallible guide to all who thus accept it! Our first business, therefore, is to seek the leading of God’s spirit that we may approach it in such a way as really to reach its beautiful and saving truth. It is not the proud and egotistical spirit of the critic, who comes to the Bible with an attitude of superior wisdom and condescension, but, rather, the humble and teachable soul who will find its richest treasures. Its message is to the heart and conscience as well as to the intellect of man, and faith is the open sesame by which we enter in. The Bible is not an iron safe that can be opened only by some key which we are strong enough to forge or some combination that we are shrewd enough to figure out. The Bible is rather a beautiful flower which can- not be forced open, but which will open of itself in the sunlight of faith and love, and give forth a beauty and sweetness that are divine. We need, above all things else today, that warmth of appreciative atmosphere and of humble devotion which will cause its deeper spiritual beauties to unfold for us, and to exhale the rare perfume which so sweetened the lives of those in the generations that are gone. 37 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE GOOD FRUITS And surely its fruitage has been blessed down all the years! Queen Victoria was once asked the secret of the greatness of the British Empire. She lifted a Bible from her table, opened it on her out-stretched hand and said: qaerceitt is!” Whatever else anyone may think about Him, there 1s one principle that Jesus of Nazareth laid down which cannot be denied by any man. It is the principle that a good tree bringeth forth good fruit and an evil tree bringeth forth evil fruit. ‘Wherefore,’ said He, “by their fruits ye may judge them.” Judged by this simple, safe, practical standard, what of the Bible? We know it is true and good because its fruits have been right- eousness and truth and holiness down all the years. Think what this old Book has done for our modern society. It has secured the acceptance of those principles and ideals which heathenism ignored and rejected, as, for example, the importance of the individual; the law of mutual love; the sacredness of human life, and the need for identity between belief and practice, or the doc- trine of internal holiness. It has liberated womanhood and glorified childhood. It has taught the nations the value of monogamy, the sacredness of the marriage vow, the religious equality of the sexes and the sanctity of the home as the foundation unit in the organization of en- lightened society. These and other forces of wisdom, purity and progress have their fountain-head in the Bible! And particularly are these considerations applicable to our own country. The very foundations of the Ameri- can Republic were laid down upon the open Bible. The most significant fact, at last, in the history of our coun- 38 . FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE try is the fact that the Plymouth Fathers, before ever they left the Mayflower and set foot upon these wild shores, opened the Bible in the cabin of the ship and drew up the first charter for their colony in the light of its teachings. The foundation stones in this country’s greatness were not laid by men who doubted the Bible, who desecrated the Lord’s day, and who neglected the church, or by women who were more regular in at- tendance on the playhouses than they were on the serv- ices of the sanctuary, who knew more about [bsen than they did about God’s word, who wore their complexions in the bureau drawer, who were past masters in the tango, the turkey-trot, and the grizzly-grapple, and who preferred to mother a mongrel puppy rather than a coo- ing baby! No, the greatness of our country was founded by men and women who held to the old faith, who lived lives of usefulness and service, who walked in the light of God’s law, whose sorrows were comforted by the truths of His word, and whose hopes of Heaven were the main-stay and anchorage of their souls! Wendell Phillips once eloquently exclaimed: ‘The answer to the Shasta is India; the answer to Confucian- ism is China; the answer to the Koran is Turkey; the answer to the Bible is Christian America!” Because, therefore, of the fact of its miraculous pres- ervation and its increase, the fact of its unique uni- versality, the fact of its remarkable unity in diversity, the marvelous fact of its fulfilled prophesies, the fact of the overwhelming claims it makes for itself, and finally, the fact of its self-authenticating authority and its power over the individual and the race, I claim that it is demon- strated and proven, that this book 1s divine in its origin and infallible in its content. 39 II REBUTTAL FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE I want to express my admiration for the adroit man- ner in which my opponent has handled his side of the question. I confess to a degree of distress, however, over the autobiographical parts of his address, particu- larly the portion where he referred to his early predilec- tion for prevarication, and his disappointment as a lad in not finding a prohibition against lying among the Ten Commandments. It recalled to my mind the story of the pious old Quaker who had a worldly minded brother who greatly burdened and distressed him. This brother was given to such exaggeration that it got sometimes into gross prevarication. On one occasion he had ex- ceeded all bounds. The older brother had caught him in glaring misstatements, and he said to him: “Jona- than, I do not desire to deal harshly with thee, but, Jonathan, if the Governor of Pennsylvania should say to me: ‘Bring me hither the greatest liar in the State of Pennsylvania’ I would come unto thee and say: ‘Jona- than, the Governor hath need of thee!” I will not say that my opponent has deliberately misstated the truth about the Bible in those alleged contradictions which he quoted. Nor did he actually call the Bible a liar. Like the old Quaker, he put it in a little more diplomatic language, but it amounts at last to about the same thing. I prefer to believe that he is just honestly mistaken about these things. I confess to some personal disappointment over his presentation. I am loath to believe that my opponent is - one who finds more enjoyment in the companionship of 40) REBUTTAL FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE pale and sickly doubt than in that of strong faith and robust affirmation, or that he is one who is only happy when stumbling into some blind alley of alleged Scrip- ture contradiction, or one who prefers to pick out the spots upon the sun rather than to see its full-orbed glory at noonday. SEEING ARIGHT I am very sure that my opponent does not handle the other important matters of life as he handles the Bible. I am sure that he doesn’t deal in that way, for example, with Mrs. Potter. At least I know that I cannot so deal with Mrs. Straton. If I should follow the policy of trying to find the flaws in the wife’s character, if there are any, if I should come to her constantly and say: “Now this is wrong, and that is wrong with you,” and “what on earth did you do that for?” etc., etc., I know that there would be trouble in my household. Nothing gives forth its best under the spirit of criticism and mere fault-finding, and so far as the wife is concerned, I see only the nobility of character and the wonderful charm and beauty which are an increasing joy and delight to me as the years come and go. And is not that the proper attitude to take toward the Bible? Who in looking at a great impressionist pic- ture would single out a particular lump of paint or a place where the weave of the canvas perhaps showed through the pigment, and judge the entire picture by that? The Bible, as already remarked, is a unity, and we need to look at it as a whole; and, viewed as a whole, my contention is that the claim is established that it is the infallible word of God. If not, then we have no guide and no fixed standards to which all must submit, that is to say, once more we have anarchy! If the Bible 41 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE is true and infallible only in spots, then once more I ask who is to pick out the good spots? If one man has the right to tear from the Bible the pages telling of the Virgin Birth of our Lord, and if another has the right to tear out the pages teaching the transcendence and real personality of a living God, and if another has the right to tear out the pages containing the record of the bodily resurrection of Jesus, and if another has the right to tear out the pages that teach the inspiration and authority of the Book, and if another has the right to reject bap- tism, and another has the right to throw overboard the teaching about divorce and the substitutionary atone- ment, and if another has the right to reject the miracles and the full deity of our Lord, then have not I the right, if I so desire, to tear out the pages carrying the ten com- mandments and satisfy the lusts of the flesh, and do otherwise according to my own sweet will? If we are to say that the Bible is not infallible, then I ask again, who is to be the judge between the infallible and fallible parts of it? I want to point out that my honorable opponent has not answered one single one of the tremendous facts that I presented in my opening argument. He has only regaled us with a lot of the old stock objections and arguments of scepticism and unbelief. ALLEGED CONTRADICTIONS If time permitted, it would be very easy to answer every alleged contradiction and every supposed error which my opponent has undertaken to point out. I will have to hope that all who are really interested will take the time after this meeting to look up these matters in any good Bible dictionary or commentary, or to consult some competent Bible student. In the meantime, I will 42 REBUTTAL FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE have to content myself with calling attention to only a few of these alleged errors. Take, for example, what he said about the supposed contradiction concerning the inscription on Christ’s cross. There is no contradiction at all. The Scripture states that the inscription was written in three languages: Latin, Greek and Hebrew. It would be, therefore, far more accurate to speak of the “inscriptions” rather than the inscription. Here they are: Matthew says: “This is Jesus..... King of the Jews’ Mark says: “...... Peete tates The King of the Jews” Mucessayss) LMS isiish elu, the King of the Jews” John says: “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews’ Total—“This is Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.” Evidently, then, the Holy Spirit, in inspiring the Gos- pel writers, was pleased to lead one evangelist to quote from the Latin, a second from the Greek, a third from the Hebrew, while a fourth was led by the same Spirit to give the substance of the whole; and this is exactly in line with what we find throughout the Gospels in other connections. A full view of Christ and His teach- ings can only be obtained by taking the four Gospel ac- counts together, as Matthew views Christ from the standpoint of a King, Mark from the standpoint of a servant, Luke from the standpoint of the Son of Man, and John from the standpoint of the Son of God. So far from these alleged inconsistencies proving the untrustworthiness of the Bible, they prove the exact opposite. It is a well-known fact in all human testi- mony that different witnesses see different views of the same thing. In giving an account of an incident often statements seem to differ in surface detail, and yet they 43 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE are in absolute accord as to the essential fact. If they agreed in minute detail, it would arouse suspicions of collusion and, therefore, possibly of designed deception. Secular literature and history are full of illustrations of this truth. There is considerable difference among historians, for example, as to just when the battle of Waterloo began. The Duke of Wellington, the victor in the fight, declared that no man could tell when the battle commenced. One historian says that it started at eleven o'clock, and another declares that it began at’ twelve o'clock; but shall we decide because of these dif- ferences among witnesses that no battle was fought at all? I stood during the past Summer on the great mound of earth at the center of the Waterloo battlefield, which has been erected as a monument to commemorate the battle, and as the details of the tremendous contest were explained to me by a competent military man, I knew that a world-changing event had occurred on that spot, regardless of differences over minute details in it. Let me give you another illustration of seeming con- tradiction from secular literature: In Winslow’s “Journal of Plymouth Plantation” there is a statement about a ship which is alleged to have been sent out by “Master Thomas Weston”; but Bradford, in his narrative of the matter, mentions it as sent by “Mr. Weston and another man.’ Both were right, and each narrator simply gave the account of the matter at the point where it made most emphasis on his own mind. John Adams, in his letters, tells the story of the daughter of Otis about her father’s destruction of his own manuscripts. In one letter she says: “In one of his unhappy moments he com- mitted them all to the flames,” yet in the second letter she says: “He was several days in doing it.” Now, this looks like a flat contradiction, and would be so regarded 44 REBUTTAL FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE if we employed the methods adopted by the sceptics and destructive critics in connection with the narratives of the Bible. A clearer understanding, however, of the conditions will make plain her meaning. She meant that for several days her father was in a melancholy and pessimistic mood in regard to his literary work as set forth in his manuscripts, and finally, as a climax to this spirit of melancholy, “in one of his unhappy moments he committed them all to the flames.” So, if we had a full understanding of all the condi- tions of life and the circumstances under which the several narratives in the Bible were recorded, we would doubtless find that many of these difficulties would dis- appear. Those of us who hold to the infallibility of the Bible believe that the original manuscripts were ab- solutely accurate. No man would question the possi- bility of minor errors through copyists slipping in, how- ever, and as I said in my opening speech, it seems evi- dent that God may even have permitted some such diffi- culties to enter, to hold the interest of the world in the Book through all the ages, and in order to challenge and stimulate faith. If everything in the Bible was absolutely plain and simple we would have no faith in connection with it, but would walk by sight and not by faith. Many of the alleged contradictions and mistakes, however, are either misquotations by those who allege the mistakes, or are palpable strainings of interpretation. My opponent thinks, for example, that Romans 2 :11— “For there is no respect of persons with God’—contra- dicts Romans 9:13—“As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.” This is due to a mis- understanding of the meaning of the words. When the Bible states that God is no respecter of persons it means that God does not “kotow” to any individual be- 45 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE cause of his wealth, position or eminence, but treats all men with equal justice and fairness. Or, take again, what was said about the hare chewing the cud. It is almost laughably apparent that the Bible did not have in mind the American hare or jack-rabbit in this case, and it has been scientifically shown that the hare found in Palestine today uses his incisors in masti- cation, that he chews his food twice. But it is by no means certain exactly what animals are meant in the Levitical law by “hare” and “coney.’”’ In one connection in Hebrews the coney seems to be an animal with coarse and porsine-like hair which would explain the interdic- tion of his flesh for food purposes. My opponent said that the same mistake is made in the Bible in connection with grasshoppers, locusts and crickets, which are spoken of as going on all fours, when they have six legs. But while it is true that the Palestin- ian locust has six legs, it walks on only the four forward legs, the hinder and longer legs being used only for springing. The passage to which my opponent refers guillotines his argument at a stroke. It is Leviticus 11:21, and reads as follows: “Every flying, creeping thing that goeth upon its fours, which has legs above its feet (or fours) to leap withal upon the face of the ground,” It is well known also that the ancient Hebrews spoke of any animal that did not walk upright as going “on all fours.” Think, too, of the utter incongruity of put- ting over against the moral grandeur of God as pictured in the Bible and the age-long influence of the old Book, a question about a grasshopper’s legs! And what shall be said of my opponent’s confusion in the case of Michal, the daughter of Saul, and the sometime wife of David? He says that at one place 46 REBUTTAL FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE the book of Samuel says that Michal never had children, but that at another it is stated she had borne five sons to Adriel, but this shows a lack of knowledge of the text of 2 Samuel 21:8 which*says: “The five sons of Michal, the daughter of Saul, which she brought up for Adriel.” (Authorized version.) Now, Michal was never the wife of Adriel, but her sister Merab was. ‘The authorized version, therefore, shows her as foster-mother for her five nephews, the sons of her elder sister. The Chal- dean version has this reading of the verse: ‘The five sons of Merab which she bore to Adriel and which Michal, the daughter of Saul, brought up.” But it would seem that the Hebrew word means bore rather than trained, so such scholars as Dr. Hastings, and Dr. Schaff say that the name Michal in the passage is a scribal mis- entry by a copyist and should be Merab, which is per- fectly consistent. The Syriac and the Arabic have Nedab which is the equivalent of Merab just as Uzziah is the equivalent of Azariah in the historical books of Israel. And so of the references to the sun standing still. Some most interesting astronomical calculations have been made as to the possibility of just such an effect as that at the very time the incident occurred. But apart from that, who would say it was untrue if I declared that “I saw a beautiful sunrise this morning.” Now I really saw no such thing. What I actually saw was an earth-roll, not a sun-rise. The sun doesn’t “rise,” yet we so say. ‘The essential fact in the Joshua incident was that God miraculously prolonged the daylight, and to anyone who believes in miracles there is no difficulty whatever in accepting that as truth. I myself once saw such a wonderful after-glow, because of the peculiar atmospheric conditions and cloud effects, out in Cali- 47 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE fornia, that I read a newspaper out of doors after nine o’clock at night! A CONVERTED RATIONALIST Let me take one more important and specific case in which my opponent asserted positively that there was an historical error. I refer to the matter of the taking of the census at the time of the birth of Jesus, as re- corded in the second chapter of Luke. My opponent asserts that there are three errors of history in that passage, and argues that no such census was taken. Now I hold here in my hands one of the greatest and most recent books dealing with the Bible times. This book, “THE BEARING OF RECENT DISCOVERY ON THE TRUSTWORTHINESS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT,” is from the pen of one of the greatest men of our age, Sir William Ramsay, a recognized au- thority in his field. In the book he makes something of a confession concerning his own early doubts about some of the alleged historical errors, etc., in the New Testament. He tells us how he refused to swallow the theories of the German rationalists, however, and deter- mined to go and see for himself. Thus he journeyed over the New Testament lands and searched out the rec- ords on all disputed points, and he tells us how he was overwhelmed at last with the conviction of the accuracy and the literal truthfulness of the New Testament in all of these things. He deals with this matter of the census at length. He says that the theories, implying that Luke invented this story, “destroy themselves in the light of the facts.” He quotes from Roman records the edicts, “That all who for any reason whatever are away from their own Nomos should return to their home to enroll themselves,” and 48 REBUTTAL FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE in connection with the return of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem at the time of the birth of Jesus, he says: “From modern discovery it now appears that the order to return to the original home, though in a sense non- Roman in spirit, was the regular feature of the census in the Eastern provinces. * * * From a fair, un- prejudiced and rational consideration of the evidence of Luke, Pliny, Tacitus, Clement and Tertullian, we conclude that the statements of Luke are all probable in themselves, and that the theory either of invention or of stupid error on his part is unreasonable and un- justifiable. * * * This theory is an astonishing ex- ample of modern European capacity for making false judgments.” (Page 253.) And in speaking a little later of this same false scholarship, which presumptuously sets itself up as superior to God’s word, Ramsay says: “T confess that, when I see the self-satisfied and pre- tentious ignorance of the critical theologians miscalling and vilifying this most wonderful little gem of historical insight and word painting, I find it difficult to restrain my indignation. These are the dull and blind savants whom the modern world has accepted as ‘learned,’ and to whom so many have humbly bowed down and done homage and worship.” So much, then, for my opponent’s flat assertion that there are three errors of history in this one passage. There are no errors. The old Book is vindicated by facts, and it has been thus vindicated again and again over all such contested points. Dr. Sayce, another one of the world’s leading archaeologists, has said truly: “Every turn of the spade has unearthed corroborative evidence of the minute truthfulness of Scriptural his- tory.’ And Professor Sayce said further in acknowl- edging a mistaken conclusion that he had reached on a 49 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE point of Biblical history, “We must write our history of Elam all over again. We have been wrong and the tenth chapter of Genesis is right after all.” I can never forget the impression made upon my own mind as I stood before the inscriptions on the wall of the old temple at Karnak, Egypt, and saw there the account of Shishak’s campaign in Israel, and the list of the names of the cities that he had conquered. The two accounts—one written upon the page of the Bible and the other carved in enduring stone—are in agreement! I can never forget, either, the thrill which I experienced in connection with the discoveries of Petrie at the treas- ure house of ancient Egypt, dating back to the time of the Israelitish bondage. He found there in those walls some brick made with straw and other brick made with- out straw, suggesting in a way that was dramatic and overwhelming the literal accuracy of the Bible account of how the ancient Israelites were so driven by their task masters. Some of the bricks that they made, of necessity, had to be made without straw. THE MORAL CHARACTER OF GOD Just a word, in closing, in reply to the aspersions which my opponent casts upon the moral character of God as He is pictured in the Old Testament record. Take, for example, his reference to the suggestion about giving defective things to strangers and aliens. How trivial and unfair was his interpretation! Apart en- tirely from considerations about the peculiar customs of the Hebrews, which differed radically from the cus- toms of other ancient peoples, was it indeed not better to give to the poor that which was not of use to its owner than utterly to discard it without having it serve anyone? Does not my opponent know that thoughtful 50 REBUTTAL FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE writers have commented again and again upon the nobil- ity of the teaching of the Old Testament in connection with the “stranger”? We find the care with which God directed just treatment and consideration for strangers one of the most unique and noble elements in the Hebrew writings. While, of course, it is well known that the Bible is a progressive revelation, and that the full-rounded view of the character of God can be obtained only in the light of both Old and New Testaments taken together, never- theless, the aspersions cast upon God, as revealed in the Old Testament, are without warrant in fact or justifica- tion in ethics. It is certainly a strange paradox that faith in the God of the Bible, whom my opponent claims was an immoral Being, has produced the highest morality that the human race has ever known! While the fore- most nations of antiquity were bowing down to dumb idols, while Egypt was worshipping the crocodile, while Athens was giving tens of thousands of women to the licentious rites of Venus, and Alexandria was rotting in sensuality through the worship of Aphrodite, while Rome was adoring the bloody god of war, and while even the Parsee could rise no higher than to turn his face eastward and adore the sun, the ancient Hebrews were worshipping a spiritual God—holy, just, righteous, and true. The alleged immorality of God in directing the chil- dren of Israel to “borrow” from the Egyptians is entirely beside the mark. The revised version makes it per- fectly plain that they “asked” gifts—not loans—and that the Egyptians ‘“‘gave’’—not “lent,” as in the old version. God was the owner of all that silver and gold, and the children of Israel were His own chosen people, called out from among all others to bring God’s truth sad a 51 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE Savior for the whole world. If God, therefore, directed that enough of the silver and gold which He owned in Egypt be asked for to later adorn His Tabernacle and Temple, He had the full right so to do. Further, it is well known that ancient peoples were accustomed to asking and receiving gifts from one another in connec- tion with their religious rites,—and that there was an abundance of gold in ancient Egypt—enough and to spare for all—is proved by the recent discoveries in Tut- ankh-amen’s tomb! The Bible, too, says explicitly that “the Lord gave the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they gave unto them such things as they required.” (Ex. 12:36.) Evidently, God’s spirit moved the Egyptians to a sense of justice in remember- ing the long years of labor which the Hebrews had given them as slaves. And now as to the alleged immorality of God in hard- ening the heart of Pharaoh, that also is beside the mark. The Bible says in other places that Pharaoh hardened his own heart. Every student of Scripture knows that there is a difference between a case where God permits men whose wills are already turned from Him, as was the case with Pharaoh, to be hardened in heart, even because of the fact that that very hardening opens the way for possible redemption when judgment has fallen upon them and they see the futility and sin of resisting God, and a case where He plans and brings about the hardening. It is well known, too, to all fair minds who come to the study of the Scriptures, that God had to deal with ancient peoples and conditions as they were and not as they should have been in some ideal state. Just as Jesus said about divorce, that Moses permitted it because of the “hardness of the hearts’’ of the people, so the stoning 52 REBUTTAL FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE of children and all of that has to be interpreted in the light of the age. There were no reformatories, etc., in that time, and the Hebrews were a nomadic people. Obedience to parents, therefore, was vitally necessary if any semblance of order was to be maintained in the families and the tribes. One such incorrigible and hope- less degenerate as is described in Deuteronomy 21 :18-21 might not only pollute all the other children in a family, but spread ruin far and wide throughout the tribe. Those nomadic people would either have to take such a son, with his moral contagion and ruin to himself and others, along with them in their journeys, or else dispose of him in some other way. The influence of such a char- acter would lead to things worse than death to other children, and so the parents were authorized to bring iim for trial before the “elders of the city’ (verse 20). The custom was for the elders to meet in “the gate” of the camp or city for the trial of all cases, and verse 19 here proves that parents were to bring any incorrigible, gluttonous drunken son to the elders for trial. They were authorized to punish with death by ston- ing, the customary form of execution. The purpose of it all, however, was a moral purpose from God’s side. The object was “so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear and fear’ (verse 21). Evidently the purpose of the stern judgment was to prevent crimes among the young through a wholesome fear, and the fact that we have no record of any case of such stoning in the Bible shows that it worked out just as God planned that it should. Furthermore, the fact that Judaism and Christianity are the two religions that have protected and glorified childhood is a sufficient answer to the libel that God was cruel in His attitude to the young. 53 THE BATTLE OVER THE BIBLE THE SUPREME NEED TODAY And as regards the much trumpeted “imprecatory psalms,” a discriminating student of Scripture can plain- ly see that such psalms, when rightly understood as a part of the divine revelation, cannot be said to be faulty in ethics. In some cases they were ebullitions of per- sonal anger and the desire for vengeance which is a part of the weakness of universal humanity, and in other cases they are fore-tellers of God’s righteous wrath against His foes and expressions of His judicial indig- nation against evil-doing. The surgeon is not immoral when he amputates a putrid limb in order to save the life of the entire body, and God was not immoral when He ordered the cutting off of rotten individuals and groups to save the masses of the people from utter corruption and moral death. It would be well, too, for us, in this lax and easy-going age, if we had a little more of the moral stamina which Separates sharply between God’s friends and His foes and which would pronounce divine wrath against in- iquity ! I come back once more, therefore, to re-emphasize the thought that the supreme need of this age is a reassertion of the authority of a wise, holy, and loving God. The youth of today are falling increasingly into moral decay and loose and silly ideals of life because parental authority has been relaxed and the right dis- cipline of homes has been abandoned. An appalling wave of lawlessness is sweeping over America and the world because of disregard of constituted governmental authority. The blight of divorce and the ravages of sensuality are wasting our society because the authority of right social standards has been lightly and jauntily 54 REBUTTAL FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE waved aside by the rebellious spirit of today. The ke, to all these dangers 1s the fact that men have lost the fear of God and the reverence for His authoritative word, which characterized former generations; and we will see obedience to parents and respect for laws and the purification of social ideals brought about only when first of all men everywhere are willing again to bow their wills to the will of a heavenly Father and, in joy and strength, to walk in the way that He has laid out. The Bible has survived all of the foes of the past, and it will prove once more victorious against the foes of the present. The coat-of-arms of the French Bible and Tract Society is the picture of a Bible in the form of an anvil, around which numbers of broken hammers lie upon the ground, and the motto is: “The hammers break; the anvil abides forever!” 55 TWO: EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION I IN THE NEGATIVE QUESTION : RESOLVED, THAT THE EarTH AND MAN CAME BY EVOLUTION. There are but two notable theories concerning the origin of the earth and of man—one is creation by a living God; the other is evolution by dead force. Evolution is not a fact of science, but a dogma of philosophy. Both its history and its essential nature prove that it belongs primarily to the realm of subjective speculation and not to the field of demonstrated fact. Even Professor Conklin, of Princeton, while declaring his acceptance of the theory of evolution, nevertheless says that “evolution must ever remain a theory.” (“The Direction of Human Evolution’’—preface.) Now a mere “‘theory” cannot be a science. Hence the term “the science of evolution” is a misnomer, and evolution should not seek to gain vogue by running on the prestige and popularity of the exact sciences. Those of us who deny the theory of evolution, there- fore, have no antagonism to true science. We only object to having that which is merely an hypothesis proclaimed dogmatically as though it were really fact. So far as I am personally concerned I am ready to accept evolution if it can really be proved true. Every man ought to be willing to accept truth from any quarter, however destruc- tive it may be of former convictions. It is significant, however, that many who at first are fascinated by the plausible generalizations of evolution, turn from it after 56 IN THE NEGATIVE fuller examination of its alleged evidence and more mature consideration of its claims. The great scientist, Prof. George Romanes, of Oxford, had such an experience. For a period in his life he was an infidel and extreme evolutionist; and it is highly sig- nificant that during that time he wrote and spoke strongly against the Bible teaching of Creation, and against super- naturalism in all its forms. But later in life, through the letters of a Japanese missionary friend, dealing with experimental and practical religion, he changed his views entirely, accepted the Bible, and died in 1894, confessing his faith in God and in the full Diety of Jesus Christ. (“The Other Side of Evolution,” p. 109.) I, also, have had a similar experience. For quite a period of my life—extending into a part of the time that I have been a preacher—I was an evolutionist; or at least I thought that I was, and accepted that view of the universe and of man; but fuller study, both in the field of science and philosophy, not only convinced me that evolution is a colossal error, but that when logically fol- lowed out, it is utterly incompatible with the Christian religion. My honorable opponent, before the first debate of this series, remarked that he had some advantage over me be- cause before he became a Unitarian he was a Baptist, and therefore he thought he knew about what my arguments would be in the debate on the Bible. I now profess the same advantage over him. I was once an evolutionist and sceptic, but I have come back to the truth of Creation by a living God rather than evolu- tion by blind chance. Therefore, I can speak with a deeper degree of conviction than if I had not passed through such an experience. We have agreed to accept LeConte’s concise definition, namely that evolution is “continuous progressive change, according to fixed laws, and by resident forces.”” We have the privilege, however, 57 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION of turning the light of other and fuller definitions from authoritative sources upon the question, that we may see clearly just what evolution really is and what it leads to. ANTI-GOD AND ANTI-BIBLE It is highly significant that the idea of evolution orig- inated in pagan and heathen minds and was not a native product of the Christian intellect. The Greek phi- losophers speculated about the origin of the world in a fire mist, and Aristotle developed some of the main ideas of evolution long before Lamarck or Darwin or Spencer lived. The Century Dictionary and Encyclopedia defines evo- lution in mechanical terms and as “opposed to creation- ism.” Huxley specifically declared: “It is clear that the doc- trine of evolution is directly antagonistic to that of cre- ation—as applied to the creation of the world as a whole, it is opposed to that of direct creative volition. Evolu- tion, if consistently accepted, makes it impossible to believe the Bible.” Huxley’s discussions with Gladstone and others were all based on the idea that the theory of evolution was incompatible with the Bible and the God of the Bible. Sir Oliver Lodge says: “Taught by science, we learn that there has been no fall of man; there has been arise. Through an ape-like ancestry, back through a tadpole and fish-like ancestry, away to the early beginnings of life, the origin of man is being traced.” (“Ideals of Science and Faith.’’) In his article on evolution in the Encyclopedia Britan- nica, Professor James Sulley defines evolution as a “natural history of the cosmos, including organic beings, expressed in physical terms as a mechanical process.” Lamarck, Darwin, Spencer and the more recent evolu- tionists, even those who try to hold on to faith in some 58 IN THE NEGATIVE sort of God while still holding to these theories, all define evolution in purely mechanical terms which really, of necessity, exclude God. And Darwin lost his faith in a living God through these evolutionary ideas. Ernst Haeckel, the most logical, consistent and thor- oughgoing of modern evolutionists, the only legitimate successor to Darwin’s place and greatness, argued that evolution could completely dispense with the supernatural in any form and with any sort of personal interposition. He explicitly denied the existence of a living God. He said: “This notion [of a personal God or creator] is rendered quite untenable by the advancements of Monistic science. It is already antiquated and is destined before the present century is ended to drop out of currency.” (“Christianity and Anti-Christianity,’ p. 189.) Another frank evolutionist, Carl Vogt, says: “Evolution turns the Creator out of doors.” PANTHEISM AND MAN-WORSHIP My opponent, therefore, cannot claim God as the “resi- dent force’ under our definition, as he tried to do, unless, indeed, he is willing to admit himself a Pantheist, and say that God is wholly locked up in nature. If we admit any god outside of nature, then we must say with Genesis: “In the beginning, God.” A living God, therefore, must be before the material world which He made. Hence, He cannot be wholly in that material world. A living God must be transcendent as well as immanent. He is before and above the world, and yet in it through His providential control and directing care. The engineer cannot be in his engine. He is the maker and driver of the engine, and his skill and controlling power are in it, but the engineer himself cannot be in the fire and the steam that drive the engine. The idea of any sort of “spirit” or living God locked up in the earth as it passed 59 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION through stages of gaseous nebulosity and then of molten fire, etc., is simply unthinkable. It is an absurdity. The only possible god of evolution is the god of Pantheism, not a living being at all, but merely the “principle” or “law” of nature. Now since the only god possible to evolution is Pantheism—god in nature as a mere “principle” or “law” or “eternal energy,” as Spencer put it—it is proper that we should point out that Pantheism always has and always will lead to ruinous moral and social results when it is accepted by mén. For one thing, it leads to the worship of nature— principally the sun. And the awful immorality and the social decay of ancient Egypt, and other countries through the worship of the sun and of nature, should be a suffi- cient warning to us. Another inevitable and immediate result of Pantheism is that it leads to the deification of man, and hence to self-worship, with all the vanity and moral and social decay that inevitably follow such colossal error. Therefore, the issue in this debate is not only an issue between creation and evolution, but between God and no God. No “THEISTIC” OR “CHRISTIAN” EVOLUTION Furthermore, it is evident that there is no possible compromise between these two systems of thought. There is no middle ground. Either creation is true and evolution is false, or else evolution is true and creation is false. Either we must accept the revelation of a living God, and His creative and redemptive activities as given in the Bible, or we must utterly reject this and turn to the infidel philosophy of chance and materialism. In other words, there is no such thing as so-called “theistic” or “Christian” evolution. Such terms are mis- nomers. Christianity is a religion founded on definite 60 IN THE NEGATIVE historical facts. These facts—including the creation of the world, and the creation, fall and salvation of man— are recorded in the Bible. If, therefore, the Bible is rejected, Christianity itself is rejected. In the face of the essential nature of evolution, and in the light of defi- nitions of it already given, the terms “Christianity” and “evolution” are mutually exclusive and self-contradictory. If it is Christianity, then it is not evolution; and if it is evolution, then it is not Christianity. The mixed teach- ings of such men as Henry Drummond, Lyman Abbott, and others, prove that they did not think these evolu- tionary theories through to their logical and inevitable conclusion in unbelief. Such men either do not know what real Christianity is, or else they do not know what real evolution is. They are manifestly self-deceived if they try to hold on to both evolution and Christianity. THE QUESTION FOR DEBATE The question for debate is, “Resolved, That the Earth and Man Came by Evolution.” There are two parts in this resolution. The first relates to the origin of the earth and the second relates to the origin of man. The subject, therefore, involves first a consideration of inor- ganic evolution, or the alleged evolution of matter until it reached its present form in our earth; and the second, the question of organic evolution, with its alleged origin of life upon this planet, through materialistic natural forces, culminating in the coming of man. My opponent is championing the affirmative in this debate, and because of the fact that he is seeking to establish a theory which is exactly contrary to the Reve- lation upon which Christendom has founded its life and institutions for thousands of years, the burden of proof is upon him. He must prove two things: first, that the earth originated or “‘came’”’ by evolution; and, secondly, that man originated or “came” by evolution. He must 61 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION establish these two propositions by facts that are intelli- gible and convincing to the reasonable mind, and these facts must come in the form of credible evidence, and not mere supposition, guesses or hypotheses. Unless he can establish both of these propositions by facts, then he has lost the debate. My task in the debate is merely to point out the impossibility of his so doing, and to show that there is a far clearer and simpler way to account for the origin of the earth and man than by so-called evolution. The question for debate is not, therefore, primarily a question of method. It is primarily a question of origins. Method cannot begin to work until something has origi- nated for the method to work in or on. Hence a begin- ning must precede any evolution. The very name of such a book as Darwin’s “Origin of Species” shows that. The real issue in the debate is whether the earth and man originated, or came, by design through the creative power of God, or by chance through the haphazard operation of evolution. It is the issue between naturalism and supernaturalism; between calculated planning and mere fortuitous circumstance. It is to be clearly noted that there is a difference be- tween evolution and development. The principle of development in human life, social institutions, and even animals under man’s selective skill, is freely admitted. It is in this sense that the word evolution is often used by newspaper editors, speakers, magazine writers, etc. But this is radically different from evolution in the technical and scientific sense in which we are to consider it in this debate. In the technical sense it must be re- stricted to the alleged origin of matter and life through mechanical forces and without divine creative power; and, after such origin, the descent of all inorganic matter and all organic life from their simple primitive origins. I ask the careful attention, then, of the judges and 62 IN THE NEGATIVE the audience to the exact form of the question for debate, and the full content of the definition of evolution upon which my opponent and I have agreed. The question is “Resolved, That the Earth and Man Came—that is, Originated—by Evolution.” The definition is that of the geologist LeConte, that evolution is “continuous progres- sive change; according to fixed laws; by resident forces.” This means that evolution is (1) “continuous progressive change”; that is to say, its operation must be going on progressively now just as it is alleged it has always gone on in the past; (2) “according to fired laws’’; that is, there can be no change in the controlling laws and prin- ciples; evolution cannot be one thing in a former age and another thing today; and (3) “by resident forces’; that is, there can be no outside interference—all must come from within, however great the modifications and changes in outward forms may appear. And, since it is claimed that evolution is a universal law that accounts for all things, and that it is operative everywhere, there ought to be an abundance of facts on all sides to prove it if it is really true. But when we turn to look for the facts, we find, strange to say, that they are simply not there. ParT ONE How THE EartH CAME Let us take up first, then, the question of the origin of the earth. Notice, to begin with, that the scientists frankly admit that they do not know and therefore can- not tell us how the earth originated. Darwin himself said, positively, “The beginning of the universe is an unsolvable mystery.’’ Notice that he admitted that it was not only a mystery, but an unsolvable mystery. Tyndal declared: “Evolution does not profess to solve the ulti- mate mystery of the universe.” Prof. Clifford states it still more bluntly. He says: “Of the beginning of the 63 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION universe, we know nothing at all.” Prof. Edward Clodd says: “Of the beginning, of what was before the present state of things, we know nothing and speculation is fu- tile; but since everything points to the finite duration of the present creation, we must make a start somewhere” (“Story of Creation,” p. 137). But when we enter the so-called scientific field we are plunged immediately into a morass of speculations, hy- potheses and guesses about alleged facts, on which no two of the scientists agree among themselves. THE SLIPS OF SCIENTISTS VS. THE ““MISTAKES OF MOSES” My opponent, in our last debate, pointed out some alleged contradictions and supposed mistakes in the Bible. I wish now to point out some of the blunders of science. For instance, the temperature of the interior of the earth is stated to be 1,530 degrees by one scientist, and 350,000 degrees by another! Herschel calculated the mountains on the moon to be half a mile high, but Fergu- son said they were fifteen miles high. Lyell estimated that it had required over 35,000 years for the Niagara River to eat back to the present position of the falls, but he was later cut down to some 7,000 years. Lyell also calculated that the delta at the mouth of the Mississippi River had been 100,000 years in forming, but General Humphrey, of the U. S. Survey, estimated it at only 4,000 years. Glance now at the startling variations in scientific guesses concerning the probable age of man. Myers says that the Old Stone Age of man is to be measured not by thousands but by millions of years. M. Rutot says the relics of man which have been found date back to 139,000 years ago. Osborn places the first real man 500,000 years ago; James Geikie, 200,000; Croll, 980,000; Sturge, 700,000; Townsend, 6,000; while Prof. LeConte 64 IN THE NEGATIVE says: ‘“The time which elapsed since man first appeared is still doubtful; some estimate it at more than 100,000 years, and some say 10,000.” All the way from “mil- lions” to 6,000 years! Well! well! And when it comes to the question of the age of the earth, there is a variety and liberality of estimates, and a prodigal waste of ciphers, that fairly stagger the mind. No two of the scientists agree, even in their guesses, and when their estimates are brought side by side there is such a wide difference that the comparison becomes posi- tively laughable. Prof. Ramsay, for example, estimated the age of our earth at fully ro,o00 million years. Sir Charles Lyell estimated it at four hundred million years. Charles Darwin said that it was more than three hundred million years. Dr. Croll, in his book on “Stellar Evolu- tion,’ said that “at most it was twenty millions of years,”’ while Prof. Tait, in his “Recent Advances in Physical Science,” said that the age of the earth is “at most ten million years.’’ Now, my friends, here is a little dis- crepancy between the highest and lowest estimates of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety millions of years! Well, that is a right considerable slice of time, we must all admit. When we hear people say, therefore: “I would believe the Bible if it agreed with science,’ we have to ask: “What science?’ How can the Bible possibly agree with both Professor Ramsay and Professor Tait, or with both Darwin or Lyell, when they themselves are millenniums apart? I quote these figures not in a spirit of levity nor be- cause I am lacking in respect for true science, when it stays in its appointed field and remains on solid ground, but I merely give these figures to show that the scientists really know nothing about the origin of the world, its age, or how it came into existence. 65 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION SOME SCIENTIFIC GUESSES But as Prof. Clodd says, the scientists and philosophers must make a start somewhere. Not having any real facts and no true knowledge, when they turn from revelation, they are driven to guesswork. As I have anticipated my opponent’s argument in its main points in preparation for the debate, I will take up in passing some of the points he made, reserving a consideration of other points for my rebuttal. This will be an economy of time, and as the main lines of alleged evidences for evolution are comparatively narrow, it is really necessary to handle the matter in this fashion. I congratulate my opponent on the presentation he has made of his side of the question. To have such a weak case, he has done well. Let us take up, then, some of the guesses which the scientists have made in their effort to account for the origin of the earth on a materialistic basis. We will consider, first, the so-called “nebular hypothe- sis,’ which is the main effort that the mind of man has made to account for the beginning of the earth on naturalistic grounds. In this connection, my opponent referred to some of the spiral nebula which have been observed by astronomers. I only say in passing that astronomers differ widely among themselves as to just what these spiral nebulz are, and as to their real signifi- cance. Certainly, they have no direct connection with the proposition that our earth originated in a mass of nebulous matter that threw off portions of itself which became the planets with their satellites, etc. All of this is not only a mere guess, as the very term “nebular hypothesis” proves, but it must be admitted when the simplest facts are known that it is a bad guess. It is founded upon a series of assumptions so gigantic that they stagger the rational mind of man and stretch human credulity to the very breaking point. 66 IN THE NEGATIVE No two scientists agree about it. Tyndal says that the world began in a “fire mist” that contracted as it became cold; but Spencer says it was a cold cloud which became heated as it contracted! Which shall we believe? Well, we cannot believe either if we follow true scientific expe- rience, for the gases (or fire mists) that we know any- thing about do not act in either of those ways today. Further, there are now facts sufficient to throw the “nebular hypothesis’ entirely out of court. The simple fact that some of the bodies in our solar system, as, for example, our own moon and the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, revolve from west to east, while the moons of Uranus and Neptune revolve from east to west, explodes the theory that the bodies in our solar system were thrown off and set revolving by some cen- tral, revolving parent mass of matter, for in that event they would all of necessity have to revolve in the same direction. Furthermore, it must be self-evident that if the bodies of matter in our solar system were all thrown off, re- volving rapidly, from a revolving mass of “parent mat- ter,” they would all naturally revolve with at least some- thing like the same approximate speed, due regard of course being had to size. But this reasonable expectation is not met. Two of the eight principal planets in our solar system—namely, Mercury and Venus—have almost no rotation at all. Both of them move around the sun with the same side practically always toward that central object, just in the same way that our moon moves around the earth. Mercury occupies 88 days in its orbit and Venus 224 days in its orbit. Mercury only turns upon its axis four times in a year, while Venus is slower still, and takes seven or eight months to make one complete rotation. Yet, despite these facts, the evolutionists—and espe- cially the popular writers of today who, through their 67 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION “Outlines of History,” “Outlines of Science,’ “Stories of Mankind,” “Stories of the Bible,” etc., are so pro- foundly influencing our children with their skepticism— build their entire structure upon this impossible “nebular hypothesis” in some one of its numerous forms. GUESSER USED DOGMATICALLY Take, for example, Wells, in his book, “The Outline of History.” Wells builds the entire framework of his book upon the nebular hypothesis as a beginning, and then he goes on, in the accepted fashion of evolutionists, to account for the origin of the earth, the beginning of life, etc., and then gives his sketchy outline of human history, and bases his skepticism and also his dangerous socialism on this foundation. On the very first page of his book, Wells speaks of the sun. He says that “it is a mass of flaming matter,” and then on page three he gives his version of the nebular hypothesis and the origin of our earth. I call attention to the dogmatic tone of his assertions. Accepting the conclusion of the “scientists” to whom he refers, he says: “Vast ages ago the sun was a spinning, flaring mass of matter, not yet concentrated into a compact center of heat and light, considerably larger than it is now, and spinning very much faster, and that as it whirled a series of fragments detached themselves from it and became the planets. Our earth is one of the planets.” So there we have it. One is moved to inquire, but how does Mr. Wells know all this? He speaks with such cock- sureness that we might well imagine that he was present and observed these remarkable gyrations of the sun, and the striking origin of our earth, which he so emphatically and dogmatically asserts. One is inclined to apply to Mr. Wells the questions the Almighty asked Job: “Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will 68 om alge ES IN THE NEGATIVE demand of thee, and answer thou me. Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? . . . When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days; and caused the dayspring to know his place? MKnowest thou by what way is the light parted? Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? Hast thou an arm like God? or canst thou thunder with a voice like Him?” And because of the intellectual pride and cock-sureness of some so-called “scholars” today, we greatly fear that Mr. Wells would not answer, as Job did, and say to God: “TI know that Thou canst do everything, and that no thought can be withholden from Thee. Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.” Now as to Mr. Wells’ assertion, and the teaching of other evolutionists, that the sun is “a mass of flaming matter’ and that our earth came from it, I wish to say that the latest scientific thought has reached the conclu- sion that the sun is not a mass of flaming matter at all. It is now believed that the sun is simply a gigantic center of electrical energy. Professor R. A. Milliken, winner of the Nobel prize, for example, late of the University of Chicago and now doing such a wonderful work in the West, is one of the greatest living authorities on radio- activity. He asserts that real scientists long ago gave up the idea that the sun is a white-hot body engaged in cool- ing off. He says that the scientists have good evidence that the sun has existed much longer than such a process could possibly take. The assumption that heat waves could travel from any fire, however large, across 93 million miles of frozen space is impossible on the face of it. The new theory therefore, is that the sun is not “a mass of flaming matter” at all, but that it is simply a center of electrical energy—a great electro-magnetic field. The power of radio active matter, as these scientists point out, is indicated by the fact that, while radium is in the 69 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION process of disintegrating into lead it gives off 300,000 times as much heat as a piece of coal gives off in burning up. The scientists, therefore, are now arguing that the light and the heat that come to us from the sun are both electrical. Therefore, the hypothesis that the sun, as the nebular, or parent mass of matter, threw off the earth and the other planets, breaks down completely. THE PLANETESIMAL THEORY Other hypotheses to account for the origin of the earth are just as unsatisfactory as the nebular hypothesis. My opponent did not touch upon the other theories, but as he may do so in his second speech, I anticipate him here. Perhaps the most popular theory, after the nebular hy- pothesis, is what is called ‘the planetesimal theory.” Prof. Osborn seems to pin his faith to this particular theory. He says: “According to the planetesimal theory as set forth by Chamberlain, the earth, instead of consisting of a primitive molten globe, as postulated by the old nebular hypothesis of Laplace, originated in a nebulous knot of solid matter as a nucleus of growth, which was fed by the infall or accretion of scattered nebulous matter (planetesimals) coming within the sphere of control of this knot.” (“The Origin and Evolution of Life,” p. 25.) So, according to this, we started in a knot that had other matter dumped upon it, instead of a rotating ball of gas! We were created by a bombardment instead of a whirligig! Well, we remark in passing, that the old earth is cer- tainly tied up in a knot now, and all the gas—whether hot or cold, of statesmen, scientists, philosophers and debating preachers does not seem able to untie it! But notice that this “planetesimal theory” is open to just as many fatal objections as the other nebular hypothesis. For one thing it is nothing but a guess. 70 IN THE NEGATIVE For another thing, there is absolutely no explanation of how this solid “knot of matter’ got there, and that is the question in this debate. Nor can this theory adequately account for the spherical form of the earth, or other vital phenomena—so we may just dismiss it as an incompetent witness, with the thanks of the court. CHANCE VS. GOD All of these theories try to substitute blind force or mere chance for the creative power of a living God, and I confidently submit that it is irrational so to do. It has been calculated, for example, that if the twenty-six let- ters of the alphabet were thrown about promiscuously by chance force, they might fall together in the present order of the alphabet—-A-B-C-etc., once in five hundred million, million, million times that they were thus tossed up and allowed to fall by chance. What then would be the probability of the countless combinations of nature coming together in the wonder- ful order of our earth if they had depended on the chance happenings to which evolution has to attribute them? Not only is it true that scientific and philosophical speculation have not and cannot account for the origin of matter and force or energy, in our earth, but it is also true that there is no real knowledge concerning even the nature of matter and energy. The old “atomic theory,” that matter is composed of minute indivisible particles, called “atoms” has had to be abandoned because.the dis- covery of radio-activity and other facts about electricity seem to prove that the ultimate division of matter is not a solid particle, or “atom’’ at all, but rather a minute center of electrical energy, now called the “electron.” The “electron” has simply crowded the “atom” off the stage! Therefore, the origin of the earth as a mass of matter is not only still an unsolved mystery, so far as science is concerned, but the origin and true nature of the a EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION simplest component parts that make up matter are now confessed to be a greater mystery than ever before. Because of the established laws of the indestructibility of matter and the conservation of energy, it is now known that the quantity of both matter and energy in the world is fixed. No means are known to science by which either matter or energy can be either increased or dimin- ished. Now, since the accepted definition of evolution is that it is “continuous progressive change,” we would have to expect the continued origination of both matter and energy by the “fixed law” of evolution today just as it is alleged to have produced them in the past. Since no such thing is going on, but, on the other hand, since it is known that the quantity of both matter and energy are not now being increased, therefore evolution with its “continuous progressive change,” must be abandoned, and we are driven, of necessity, back to the truth that the matter and energy now in the world came in the beginning by creation. Furthermore, since it is admitted that the earth had a beginning, unless we accept the fact of God as the Creator in that beginning, then we are driven to the absurdity of thought that nothing made something out of nothing. Part Two How Man CAME Coming, now, to the question of how man came, I remark merely that over against the evolutionary hypoth- esis is the plain statement of the Bible that ‘God created man in His own image.” That we may get a contrast between the two ideas of the origin and nature of man, I wish to give you first the picture of the Bible Adam and then the picture of 72 IN THE NEGATIVE the scientific Adam. I give you first the condensed Bible account as follows: “And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness. . . . God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created He them. ... The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. . . . God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion. And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.” (Gen.1:26, 273.11: 7, 15.). There it is,—all beautiful, inspiring and ennobling. Here, now, is the evolutionists’ account, as stated by Darwin: “Man is descended from a hairy quadruped, furnished with a tail and pointed ears, probably arboreal in its habits and an inhabitant of the Old World. This creature, if its whole structure had been examined by a naturalist, would have been classed among the Quadrumana, as surely as would the common and still more ancient progenitor of the Old and New World monkeys. The Quadrumana and all the higher mammals are probably derived from an ancient marsupial animal, and this through a long line of diversi- fied forms, either from some reptile-like, or some amphibion- like creature, and this again from some fish-like animal.” (Darwin’s “Descent of Man,” ii, 372.) Professor Edward Clodd, in his book, “The Making of a Man” (page 126), goes a step further than Darwin and tells us that this creature was changed from an ape into a man largely by learning to throw things with his front feet. I am not exaggerating it one whit, and Professor Clodd is not writing in any humorous vein. He is most serious when he speaks of our arboreal ancestor. Hear him: “While some for awhile remained arboreal in their habits, never moving easily on the ground, although mak- ing same approach to upright motion, as seen in the sham- 73 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION bling gait of the man-like apes, others developed a way of walking on their hind legs which entirely set free the fore limbs as organs of handling and throwing. Whatever were the conditions which permitted this, the advantage which it gives is obvious. Jt was the making of a man” (page 126). So we were made, not by God as Genesis says, but by learning to throw things with our front feet. A “CLOSE-UP” OF THE SCIENTIFIC “ADAM” Let us see, now, a yet fuller description of this our illustrious first father; a “close-up” as the movie people would say. Professor Morris gives us a full detailed description of this unseen, yet seemingly well-known ancestor, in his book on “The Destiny of Man” (page 55). He says: “It was probably much smaller than existing man, little if any more than four feet in height, and not more than half the weight of man. Its body was covered, though not profusely, with hair; the hair of the head being woolly or frizzly in texture and the face provided with a beard. The face was not jet black, like a typical African, but of a dull brown color; the hair being somewhat similar in color. The arms were long and lank, the back being much curved, the chest flat and narrow, the abdomen protruding, the legs rather short and bowed, the walk a waddling motion somewhat like that of the gibbon. It had deep-set eyes, greatly protruding mouth with gaping lips, huge ears and general ‘ape-like’ aspect.” Now, remember my friends this is not from “Puck” or “Judge” but from the pages of a supposedly serious book. Professor Morris speaks with such confidence, and gives us withal, such a detailed description of this Adam of science that we really ought, I suppose, to feel indebted to him. And yet, despite the fact that even the color of this creature’s hair and the set of his eyes is given to us, strange to say, neither Professor Morris nor any other man was there to see him, for he was the father of us all! 74 IN THE NEGATIVE And it was this beast that was “The image of God” and to which God imparted His spirit, if we are to believe the ‘‘theistic evolutionists.” Yea, this strange creature was the Adam of “theistic evolution.” And this creature, described by Darwin, Morris, and others, is the one who, according to “theistic evolution,” fell. But, let us inquire, from what did he fall? It is certainly difficult to con- ceive of such a monster falling. With his protruding abdomen, his bowed legs, and his thick sensuous lips, it would seem that he was about as low as any creature could get without any further fall. A thing has to be at some elevation before it can fall, but how did this awful creature, who had had no elevation, fall? A SCIENTIFIC GENEALOGY This, too, is the creature which, according to “theistic evolution,’ is a type of Christ, who is “the second Adam,” and through whom Christ’s lineage is traced back to God himself. Listen then to the genealogy of Christ, as given by the Bible, and then by evolution. The genealogy of Mary the mother of Jesus runs along in its close as follows: “Which was the son of Noah, which was the son of Lamech, which was the son of Mathusala, which was the son of Enoch, which was the son of Jared, which was the son of Maleleel, which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God” (Luke 3:36-38). But the “theistic evolutionists to run along as follows: “Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of an ape- like beast, which was the son of a reptile, which was the son of a fish, which was the son of a protoplasm, which was the son of a chemico-electrical reaction, which was the son of God.” Yes, that is about how the Adam of “theistic evolu- 75 > 9) genealogy would have EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION tion” got here. And, as for Eve, why they say nothing at all about her. Will the women of today stand for that? Some women have complained about the “Eve” of the Bible, but evolution simply ignores woman all together; it does not dignify her by giving us any ac- count of her origin whatsoever. It is always the “ape- man’ who is pictured. Now a woman can stand a rea- sonable amount of criticism, but to be utterly ignored usually makes her furious. How will the women, then, vote in this matter of evolution? THE ADMISSIONS OF SCIENTISTS Unless the Bible account of the creation of man is true, then, as in the case of the origin of our earth, we know absolutely nothing about the way in which man appeared upon this planet. The gap between dead matter and sentient life has never been bridged except by guesses. Sir William Thompson argued that life came to this planet on a meteor. It just rode in on a free ticket. This, I suppose, we ought to call the “Shenandoah” or “Dixmude theory.” I wish to quote from the scientists and philosophers themselves explicit admissions that they really know nothing about the origin of life. The great philosopher Kant said: “Give me matter, and I will explain the formation of the world; but give me matter only and I cannot explain the formation of even a caterpillar.” Huxley says: “Of the causes which led to the origin of living matter, it may be said that we know absolutely nothing.” Huxley, further, in his article on biology in the Encyclopedia Britannica, says: “The chasm between the not living and the living, the present state of knowl- edge cannot bridge.” Herbert Spencer, in his work on biology (Vol. I, page 182), says: “The proximate chemical principles or chemical units—albumen, fibrine, 76 IN THE NEGATIVE gelatine, or the hypothetical protein substances—cannot possess the property of forming the endlessly varied structures of animal forms.” And Charles Darwin him- self admitted that “spontaneous generation” was an im- possibility of thought. And now, to bring these admissions of scientists that they really know nothing about the origin of life strictly up to date, J wish to quote from Professor Edward Clodd. Professor Clodd is an evolutionist of recognized standing, yet he says: . “The absence of facts forces us to confine ourselves largely to suggestions and probabilities’ (“Making of a Man,” page 188). I wish also to quote from Prof. Henry Fairfield Os- born, one of the most aggressive and prominent propo- nents of the evolutionary idea in America today. As we all know, he is at the head of the American Museum of Natural History. His admissions, therefore, that the scientists really know nothing about the origin of life must be considered final and indisputable. Listen, now, to what he says in perhaps his greatest book, “The Origin and Evolution of Life.” He says, on page 67: “The mode of the origin of life is a matter of pure specu- lation in which we have as yet little observation or unt- formitarian reasoning to guide us, for all the experiments of Butschli and others to imitate the original life process have proved fruitless.” He then puts forward what he himself calls “five hypotheses” in regard to the origin of life, but all of this, note, he himself admits is “a matter of pure specu- lation.” In other words, it really proves nothing. It only proves, I submit, that evolution belongs, as I said in the beginning, to the realm of subjective speculation and not the field of established facts. Darwin, in his works, used such terms as “it may be supposed,” etc., over eight hundred times; and to show you further how 7 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION completely scientists are in the realm of what Osborn admitted is only “pure speculation,” let me quote again from his book a typical sentence. He says, on page 132: “The evolution of the articulates is believed to be as fol- lows: From pre-Cambrian annelidan (wormlike) stock arose the trilobites with their chitinous armature and many- jointed bodies... . Out of the eurypterid stock of Silu- rian times may have come the terrestrial scorpions .. . in- cluding the existing scorpions. It is also possible that the amphibious, terrestrial, and aérial Insecta were derived from the same ... articulate. The true Crustacea also have probably developed out of the same pre-Cambrian stock.” Here, then, in this one brief quotation there are four may-have-beens, or mere possibilities, suspended one from the other! In this one quotation, Dr. Osborn dan- gles before us a hypothesis, on which he hangs a suppo- sition, to which he attaches a guess, on which he pins a bare probability! It reminds one of the Scotchman’s definition of scientific metaphysics. He said: “Imagine a fog bank. Now imagine a hole in the bank. Now imagine the bank gone, and the hole still there. That is metaphysics !” SCIENTIFIC GUESSES ON THE ORIGIN OF MAN There have been guesses many about the origin and development of life upon this planet. They have been even more varied, and, I say with respect, some of them more grotesque, than the theories about the origin of the earth. I wish to say here that I do not speak with any disrespect of science or scientists, nor am I preju- diced against the schools. I have been a student of science, to a limited extent, for many years, and rejoice in the great contribution which the exact sciences have made to the sum total of human knowledge and happi- ness. It was my privilege also to teach in two of our American universities for several years before I devoted my time entirely to the work of the ministry, and so I 78 % IN THE NEGATIVE desire the prosperity of a true and righteous educational system. But no man, however friendly he may be to science, and to the schools, can blind his eyes to the fact that a little group of men in this country, especially, seem determined to put over the evolutionary hypothesis, and thus to make good on their own theories. Their training in German universities, some elements of commercialism through the printing of textbooks, etc., and other con- siderations enter into this determination, and we have a full right to turn the light on and to demand facts rather than these wild guesses and theories, which are being dogmatically given to our children in the schools today, as though they were established truth. Now, what is the state of the case as to the origin of man? Briefly it is this: the scientists have failed com- pletely in their attempt to bridge the chasm between dead matter and sentient, ethical life. They have failed sig- nally to make out a case for the evolutionary hypothesis, so far as the origin of life is concerned. Dr. Alfred R. Wallace, who was really the co-discoverer with Darwin of the theories of evolution in their modern form, frankly admits that there are gaps in the evolutionary scheme which are not only unbridged but are unbridgable. He says: “There must have been three interpositions of a Divine and Supernatural Power to account for things as they are. The agreement of science with Genesis is surely very striking. There is a gulf between matter and nothing; an- other between life and the non-living; and a third between man and the lower creation—and science cannot bridge any of them.” I submit now that my honorable opponent has scarcely touched upon the real issue in this debate in all of his opening address. The issue is how the earth and man came—that is, how they originated—and not what hap- pened after they got here; but my opponent has done all 79 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION that he could do in this connection, and he has done all that the scientists and the evolutionary philosophers of today have tried to do. Having failed to account for things in any rational way, or to produce any facts prov- ing either the origin of the earth or the origin of man by natural forces, they have turned their attention to an effort to prove that evolution is a true process as applied to the development of life upon this planet, regardless of how it may have gotten here. They hope to make out a good case for the proposition that higher forms of life have evolved from lower, and then to urge that as presumptive evidence that the evolutionary process was continuous as regards the coming of life out of dead matter, even though that fact cannot be demonstrated. I will meet my opponent, therefore, at this point, even though most of his arguments in these matters were not strictly upon the subject for debate. There are at last but two great arguments for the evolutionary hypothesis as it relates to the development of life upon the planet. The first is the argument from biology and the second is the argument from geology. It is possible, therefore, to group my opponent’s argu- ments under this broad and simple generalization. Let us take up first the arguments that lie in the field of biology. THE ARGUMENT FROM BIOLOGY Darwin’s labors were largely in the field of biology. Darwin’s theory of the origin of species, which has been and still is, in its broad outlines, the main theory, was founded on two ideas: one was the doctrine of “natural selection” through the brute struggle for exist- ence and the “survival of the fittest”; and the other was that of the inheritance of acquired characters. He held that the fittest survived in the life struggle because they had gained certain advantages over their weaker fellows, 80 IN THE NEGATIVE and that their naturally acquired characteristics passed down by heredity to their offspring. Thus, too, through the development and inheritance of many characteristics different from those in past generations, species origi- nated in great varieties, and man finally emerged at the head of the procession. But neither of these ideas of Darwin’s has been proved true. No “NATURAL SELECTION” Though admitting that there are over 2,000,000 species upon earth, Darwin himself had to say (Life Gas Letiers, Vol: Til) p25):) There, are’ two’) or three million of species on earth—sufficient field, one might think, for observation. But it must be said today that, in spite of all the efforts of trained observers, not one change of a species into another 1s on record.” This statement can be made with even greater confidence now, after a lapse of over half a century since Mr. Darwin made the above admission. Dr. N. S. Shaler, Department of Geology, Harvard, says: “It begins to be evident that the Darwinian hypothesis is still essentially unverified. ... It is not yet proven that a single species of the two or three million now inhabiting the earth has been established solely or mainly by the operation of natural selection.” And John Burroughs, although an evolutionist up to _his recent death, said of Darwin, in the August, 1920, “Atlantic Monthly” : “He has already been as completely shorn of his selection doctrines as Sampson was shorn of his locks.” If these statements from scientific men mean anything at all, they mean, at least, that pure Darwinism is alto- gether unproven, if not that it is dead. 81 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION If now there is no “natural selection,’ then we ar driven, of necessity, back to supernatural selection, but that violates the theory of evolution and is, therefore, contrary to the definition upon which we are going in this debate. NO ACQUIRED CHARACTERS Furthermore, the theory of acquired characters has not been proved by the scientists. The forms of vegetable and animal life. that man succeeds in improving by human selection revert rapidly to type as soon as man’s directing skill is withdrawn. This undeniable fact makes very reasonable the inference that there are certain estab- lished types and species which can be simply extended somewhat within the limits of the species, but that no change into a new species can come about either by natural or artificial selection. The scientist, Weismann, did some monumental work in this field, as did also Mendel. But no scientist has ever been able to bring forth a new species nor to demonstrate that acquired characters are hereditary. My opponent referred to the work of Luther Burbank, but his assertion that Burbank has produced new species is not true. The loganberry, for example, is not a new species but simply a combination that comes from two berries belonging to the same species. Burbank and others have done wonderful things in producing varieties within species, and we rejoice in their work, but none of them have been able to leap over the bounds of species nor to prove that acquired characters are hereditary. The very latest voice on this important subject was a statement during the recent sessions of the American Association for the Advancement of Science held in Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Dr. D. T. MacDougal, General Secretary of the Association, and Director of the Laboratory for Plant Physiology of the Carnegie Institution, declared 82 IN THE NEGATIVE during the meeting of the Association, as quoted in the “New York Times” of January 2, 1924, that the in- heritance of acquired characters had not been established. Later in an article under his own signature in the “Times” of January 20, 1924, he repeated these state- ments. In referring to the claims of Dr. Kammer, the Austrian scientist, who asserts that he has proved that characteristics induced in salamanders, frogs, etc., by the action of temperatures, water and other agencies, are fixed and transmitted to the progeny, Dr. MacDougal said: “His proofs are not regarded as adequate.’ Not only do American scientists refuse to admit the claims of Dr. Kammer, but Dr. MacDougal says that the English scientists take the same position. He declares: “He has presented his results to biologists in England and their attitude is in accordance with that held here.” So far, then, as facts for establishing “natural selec- tion” and the inheritance of “acquired characters” are concerned, there are no such facts. SIMILARITY OF STRUCTURE Taking up morphology, it is found that there is a general similarity of plan between the lower animals and man. It is pointed out that the fin of the fish, the wing of the bird, the flipper of the whale, the leg of the animal and the arm of man are similar in structure. It is argued, therefore, that all of these forms of life have come from some remote common ancestor. There are also certain other resemblances between man and the lower animals that, it is said, point to the same conclusion. This argument, put into simple language, may be stated as follows: That man and monkey are so much alike that man must have come from some sort of remote monkey ancestor. Thus, the argument from re- semblance is to the effect that similarity argues oneness of 83 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION original parentage, that similarity in structure and organic function is proof of common descent. But in the name of all logic and all common sense and of sound reason, even granting for the sake of argument that such resemblances do exist, do they really prove the astounding conclusions that are founded upon them? I emphatically and without fear of successful contradiction declare that they do not. Resemblance proves nothing but resemblance. Similarity proves nothing but simi- larity. For example, I myself have been often accused of resembling ex-President Woodrow Wilson. I do not know whether our honored ex-President was ever given the affront of being told that he looks like me or not. If so, he possibly felt like one of the two friends who were given to joking each other because of their homeliness. They met on the street one day and one said to the other: “Jim, I met a man today who told me that I looked like you.” Whereupon Jim doubled up his fist and said: “Where is the scoundrel? I want to maul him.” “Oh,” replied his friend, “you can’t maul him. I killed him!’ Seriously, my friends, I have been mis- taken again and again for Woodrow Wilson, and once, while living in Baltimore, soon after Mr. Wilson married his second wife, Mrs. Straton and I together were mis- taken for the President and Mrs. Wilson at a musical concert in the Lyric Theatre. I submit that the argument of the evolutionists from resemblance proves only resemblance and not succession of descent. I have not descended from Woodrow Wil- son, and I feel very sure that, staid Presbyterian that he is, he would emphatically disclaim any kinship what- ever with a militant Baptist parson! There are so many dissimilarities between man and the apes that the similarities are negligible—especially is 84 IN THE NEGATIVE this true in the realm of the mind, the moral and religious instincts, etc. Virchow said: “The differences between man and monkey are so wide that almost any fragment is suffi- cient to diagnose them” (“Smithsonian Report,” 1889, page 5606). RUDIMENTARY AND VESTIGIAL ORGANS So, also, as to rudimentary or unused organs that are found in man and lower animals alike, and that my opponent discussed. They really prove nothing but resemblance, and no man can say that they are not really useful. As we begin to push back the borders of our ignorance about these things light breaks in upon us. Professor Arthur Keith, in his address as President of the An- thropological Section of the British Association, meeting at Bournemouth (“Smithsonian Report,’ I9g1I9, page 448), said: “We have hitherto regarded the pineal gland, little bigger than a wheat grain and buried deeply in the brain, as a mere useless vestige of a median or parietal eye, derived from some distant human ancestor in whom that eye was func- tional, but on the clinical and experimental evidence now rapidly accumulating we must assign to it a place in the machinery which controls the growth of the body.” Of the thyroid gland, whose removal entails myxoe- dema, Huxley said: “The recent discovery of the impor- tant part played by the thyroid gland should be a warning to all speculators about useless organs.” And as for my opponent’s references to Mr. Bryan’s anatomy, I must express my surprise that he assailed our great commoner after that fashion when he is not here to defend his own tail! Prof. A. Wilford Hall, in “The Problem of Human Life,” so tersely refutes these false theories, that 1 must 85 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION quote him. On page 374: “Now, as regards the ‘little tail of man,’ about which Prof. Haeckel and Mr. Darwin have so much to say, and which is regarded by all evolutionists as such a powerful proof of man’s descent from tailed ancestors, I wish to remark that a more manifest and inexcusable misconception was never harbored by men.” Then the author goes on to state that the spine in all vertebrates develops first and the end protrudes until the fleshy portion develops to cover it. The fish, which according to evolution, did not have a tailed animal for an ancestor, also has this embryonic tail. Thus, the whole theory breaks down. CLIMBING OUR OWN ANCESTRAL TREE The same general arguments apply to embryology in other respects also. It has been found that embryos of different forms of life are somewhat alike. Therefore, it is argued that they all came from some original common ancestor. Furthermore, it is known that the human embryo passes through several distinct stages in its de- velopment, and it is claimed by some that these stages recapitulate the steps in the alleged evolutionary journey of the race upward from the original protoplasm to man. Haeckel confidently asserted these claims. He even named this process the “biogenetic law.” He had us climbing our own family tree while we were still embryos! I pointed out, in the beginning, that this is all nothing more than assumption and, as Osborn put it, lies in the realm of “pure speculation” and not of demonstrated fact. I now point out, further, that the idea that man has evolved from lower forms of life because the human embryo passes through a series of stages which are sup- posed to reflect the several stages in evolution, is not consistent with the accepted principles of the evolutionary hypothesis. for one thing, as to the rate of develop- ment, evolution presupposes a slow and tedious process 86 IN THE NEGATIVE covering, as Wells and Osborn and all of the others of them say, “millions and millions and millions of years.” But the human embryo passes through its stages of de- velopment with tremendous rapidity, and in the case of the embryos of some other forms of life the progress is so rapid that it seems almost miraculous. The evolu- tionary hypothesis, therefore, which scorns miracles in other fields, cannot invoke a sustaining miracle in its own behalf and to prove its own claim. These ideas have long since been exploded. An object lesson is sometimes most useful in bringing to our minds a conclusive demonstration of truth. I have brought down tonight and I hold here in my hands two victrola records. They are exactly alike. They are made of precisely the same material. They weigh the same. They are the same shape. Their circumference and diameter are identical, and even if you look at them through the microscope you see the same succession of little scratches and indentations upon both of them. And yet if I put one of these on a victrola it produces an inspiring solo from Caruso’s glorious voice. If I put the other on the victrola it produces one of the disgusting pieces of ragtime jazz which libels the holy name of music today. What does it mean? It means, my friends, that the resemblances between the two victrola records are merely superficial resemblances at non-essential points. It means that the essential characters of the two records are vitally different, and the final result from them con- clusively proves that. While they look alike and feel alike and are the same size, etc., nevertheless, they are in essential nature absolutely and radically unlike. Now I submit that the argument is conclusive that the same thing is true as regards the similarity between the human embryo and the embryos of the lower animals. The two are absolutely different and distinct in essential nature. They are vitally different one from the other, 87 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION despite surface resemblances, and, as with the victrola records, the final results from the two forms of embryo establish the fact that they are essentially different from each other even while still embryos. Professor Fair- hurst, in his notable book “Organic Evolution Con- sidered,’ states the case clearly and conclusively. He says: “Taking the embryos of man and fish the argument of the evolutionist is as follows: The embryos of man and fish, at a certain stage of development, are closely alike in appear- ance; therefore, man and fish had a common ancestral origin. The conclusion which the evolutionist draws is based upon a mere seeming and very transient resemblance, while the fact that the two embryos are essentially unlike is shown by the vast distance apart at which they arrive by development. ... The egg which can be developed into aman is just as different in nature from the egg of a fish as the man is from the fish. The eggs are essentially unlike. The essential qualities of eggs are beyond the power of the miscroscope to reveal. The human embryo is produced by human beings only; and whatever may be its miscroscopic appearance, it is at every stage of its development strictly human. Embryology, as applied to evolution, fails in that it deals only with the surface of things.” I submit that there is no possible rational reply to his conclusion. Embryology has been considered one of the very strongest arguments for evolution, and yet in the face of the real facts, it breaks down completely. Indeed some of the facts as already remarked in con- nection with the time element, are really the reverse of what the theory of evolution calls for. So far as the human embryo is concerned, it is now admitted that the entire first half of the supposed evolutionary progression is not repeated at all. In speaking upon this point, Pro- fessor Fairhurst says (“Organic Evolution Considered,” page 147): “There are radical differences between the embryos of 88 IN THE NEGATIVE vertebrates and invertebrates. Worms and other articulates in embryo lie doubled backwards around the yolk, while all vertebrates are doubled in the opposite direction. Accord- ing to the theory that the embryonic condition is a recapitu- lation of the stages of organic evolution, this fundamental fact of invertebrate embryology ought to have been pre- served by the vertebrate. Evolution gives no account of this reversal of position by the vertebrates.” The author of the article on Embryology in the Ency- clopedia Britannica, Oskar Heurtwig, Erich Wasmann, and other embryologists have completely shattered the “fish-like gill slits’ of the human embryo, and other similar false inductions from embryology. WHY GOD MADE ANIMALS LIKE MAN Is there, then, any rational way to account for the resemblances between man and the lower animals? Yes there is. It is the fact of creation of all by one God. This resemblance of parts is just what we should expect in things originating from one intelligent operator, whether Creator or manufacturer. It is found in every factory. The wheel is the same in the wheelbarrow, the cart, the carriage and the locomotive. In fact, uniformity of plan proves unity in the cause, and not the diversity which chance evolution would necessitate. The Bible teaches that God made the lower animals before he made man. We may regard them, in a way, as understudies. Every sculptor makes models before he carves his final statue—so, perhaps, God made the lower animals. He found that a heart and circulatory system, lungs, brain, etc., all worked well. Looking with satisfaction upon these dumb creatures he had made, we may imagine Him saying: “Now, let us make man in our image, after our likeness!’ The mere fact that all forms of animals have to breathe air and exist on the same sort of food largely necessitates more or less similarity between them. 89 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION THE ARGUMENT FROM GEOLOGY, THE ROCKS AND FOSSILS The other great argument for evolution has been the argument from the rocks and fossils:—the argument from geology and paleontology. The argument here is that there has been a succession and ascent of life up to, and including man through lower forms of life, because of a succession of fossil life forms, which it is alleged are found in the rocks of the geological eras. Dr. T. H. Morgan, of Columbia University, rests his faith in the theory of evolution on this geological foun- dation. He says: “The direct evidence furnished by fossil remains is by all odds the strongest evidence we have in favor of organic evolution.” My opponent spoke with great confidence and assur- ance on this subject of the rocks, the “ancient life,” in them, etc. But it is not true, as he asserts, that these matters are settled and proved. On the other hand, the methods and data on which the scientists ground the calculations behind their guesses and hypotheses are fre- quently so flimsy as to be utterly untrustworthy, espe- cially as a foundation for sweeping aside the age-long faith of the race in the Bible as God’s word, and in substituting for it the dogmas of speculative philosophy, and of what the Bible itself terms “science, falsely so called.” I wish to point out, in the beginning, that geologists and evolutionists who rely upon geology, convict themselves of begging the question or arguing in a circle. You ask the geologist, “How do you determine the age of the rocks and arrange your scheme of stratified rocks?” He answers: “Why, by the fossils that are in the rocks. We know that the simpler forms of life came first, and when we find these simpler forms in a given stratum of rock, we know, thereby, that that sort of stratum is the oldest.” You ask the evolutionist upon what he founds his theory 90 IN THE NEGATIVE of the succession of life, beginning with simple forms, coming up to the more complex and culminating in man, and he answers: “Why I found my conclusion on the record of the rocks. The simplest forms of life are found as fossils in the oldest rocks, and the more complex forms of life in the more recent rock formations, etc.” Here, then, I submit, you have a complete case of beg- ging the question or arguing in a circle. On both sides they assume the very thing that is to be proved. The geologist says the oldest rocks are the oldest because the simplest forms of life are in them. The evolutionist says that evolution is true because the simplest forms of life are in the oldest rocks. There could not be a more com- plete case of arguing in a circle, and neither argument, therefore, can be of any force. FRAGMENTARY AND INADEQUATE EVIDENCE Not only is this true, but the scientists themselves admit that the fossil remains and the evidences of evolu- tion from the rocks are really fragmentary and obscure in the extreme. So much so, that thoughtful observers are more and more having to reject such evidence. When confronted with the absurdity of their evidence, in fact the practically complete absence of any evidence, the evolutionists fall back upon the incompleteness of the geological record. They say that there is evidence to support evolution if they could only find it. Darwin, again and again, so pleaded on behalf of his theory. He said : “Looking not to any one time, but to all time, if my theory be true, numberless intermediate varieties, linking closely together all the species of the same group, must assuredly have existed; but the very process of natural selection con- stantly tends, as has been so often remarked, to exterminate the parent-forms and the intermediate links. Consequently, evidence of their former existence could be found only among fossil remains, which are preserved, as we shall at- 91 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION tempt to show in a future chapter, in an extremely imperfect and intermittent record” (page 184, “Origin of Species’). Darwin admits that there are some two or three million different species on the earth, and he tried bravely to get over the tremendous fact that no missing links between any of these species have been found. He says that the number of these intermediate varieties which have for- merly existed must be “truly enormous,” and then he appeals to the imperfection of the geological record to account for the overwhelming fact that none of them have been found. He says: “Why then.is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely-graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objec- tion which can be urged against the theory. The explanation lies, as I believe, in the extreme imperfection of the geolog- ical record” (page 334, “Origin of the Species”). The evolutionists, then, are like a litigant who comes into court with strong and positive evidence against him, but who says that while he has no evidence in his favor, nevertheless, such evidence ought to exist and no doubt does exist, but he has never been able to find it, despite diligent search; and yet, while he has no evidence, and while his opponent has strong evidence, nevertheless, he ought to be given the verdict because of his undiscovered evidence. NO ‘‘MISSING LINKS” Furthermore, the alleged ‘“‘missing links’ evidence is utterly inadequate and even laughably absurd. If the principle of evolution were true there would not only be missing links in the fossils, just as Darwin had to admit, but there ought to be living links on every side around us today. Instead of fixed species, with their several varieties, we would have a heterogeneous mess of living 92 IN THE NEGATIVE forms upon the earth, each grading into the other. We would have budding legs and developing eyes and sprout- ing wings and other transitional forms all around us. For if it is true, then upon its fundamental principle of conformity, evolution ought to be still in progress on every side. Herbert Spencer gives away the case, in fact, by admitting this. In his work on “Ethics,” in speaking of further social evolution which may be anticipated, he lays down a principle which must apply to all phases of evolution, including organic evolution. He says: “Tt seems not only rational to believe in some further evolution, but irrational to doubt it; irrational to suppose that the causes which have in the past worked such won- derful effects will in the future work no effects.” Precisely so, and if evolution were true we would see it in progress on every side. What we do see, however, is not the development of one species into another, but a fixity of species which is guarded by the universal law of sterility. Even branch varieties of the same species produce only hybrids when they are crossed. THE APE-MEN Now, we find the same striking limits to species when we turn to the fossils in the rocks. No “missing links” connecting one species with others have ever been dis- covered, and the scientists in their frantic efforts and deep desire to find such links, in order that they might prove the evolutionary hypothesis, have been at times pathetic and at times amusing. Take, for example, the so-called ape-men, the alleged missing links, replicas of which we find in the humorous department of the American Museum of Natural His- tory, namely, the “Hall of the Age of Man.” As for the alleged ape-men or “missing links,” they are few in numbers and far between. Even Prof. Osborn has to 93 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION admit this. He says in his little book on “The Hall of the Age of Man”: “Five cases in the center hall are devoted to the story of man, and that it can be compressed into so small a space is an indication of the scarcity of his remains, for here are displayed reproductions of all of the notable specimens that have been discovered” (Leaflet No. 52, page 3). Well, if evolution is a universal law, working in all past time and everywhere, why is there such a scarcity? And even in the case of the few so-called specimens they have, only minute bits of bone were found in each in- stance, and from these small fragments, imaginary re-cre- ations have been made, and even then the scientists did not agree among themselves as to just how the restored men should have looked. These so-called “ape-men”’ are figments of the heated and overly enthusiastic imagination of evolution’s dev- otees. The “Piltdown man,’ for example, was no “man” at all. All that they found in the gravel pit in Sussex, England, near Piltdown Common, were two or three bits of skull-bone, a piece of jaw-bone, and a canine tooth. And these few fragments were not found all together and at one time by the same person. They were scattered widely in the gravel pit, some of them were found by one person and others by another person, and some of them were found in one year and others in an- other year. With these few little scraps, that a juggler could conceal in the palm of one hand, and found under these loose conditions, the scientists “reconstructed” the “Piltdown man” and proclaimed it as a new genus, which they called Eoanthropus or ““Dawn-man,” and they named the species ““Dawsoni” in honor of Mr. Dawson, the Eng- lish scientist. But after the first reconstruction by Dawson and Dr. A. Smith Woodward of the British Museum, Prof. Arthur Keith, Curator of the Royal College of Surgeons of London, took up these fragments of bone and 94 IN THE NEGATIVE made a reconstructed man much higher than the ape-like creature that Drs. Dawson and Woodward had produced. Prof. Keith declared that the capacity of the Piltdown skull was nearer 1500 c.c. than 1070 as Dawson and Woodward had made it. And the climax was capped when Prof. Hrdlicka reached the conclusion that the Piltdown jaw and tooth did not belong with the frag- ments of skull at all but really “belonged to a fossil chimpanzee.” THE GREATEST HOAX OF ALL And as for the “Java Ape-man,”’ the case is even worse. Dr. Eugene Dubois, a Dutch physician, claimed to have found these bones in the Island of Java in 1891, but scientists have been suspicious about the genuineness of the find. There are only three fragments of this gentle- man—the Java, or Trinil, Ape-man who, as mentioned by my opponent, has been given the overwhelming name “Pithecanthropus.”’ ‘There is a part of a skull, a part of a femur bone, and one molar tooth. The bones were not found at the same time or altogether in one place. The femur bone was found a year after the bit of skull was picked up. The bones were scattered far apart in a gravel pit on the bank of a rushing stream. The femur bone was fifty feet from where the skull was found. When Dr. Dubois discovered these pitiful bits of bones he announced his belief that they belonged to a being between the man apes and men. Other scientists, however, who examined these bones asserted that the fragments did not belong to the same individual at all. The geologist, Dana, took the position that the bones, if they belonged to the same individual, belonged to a low-grade man or to an idiot. Virchow rejected them, and finally, another authority of the first rank, Prof. Klaatsch of Heidelberg University, declared that the creature was no missing link at all. And ina 95 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION recent magazine article, to top the whole matter off, one of our American writers, as before intimated, throws a doubt upon the honesty and genuineness of the frag- ments. And yet the authorities at the Museum have made up not only a cast of this imaginary creature, but a bronze bust, and he is shown to our school children as one of the links in the ascent of man! And as for the few other alleged specimens in the “Hall of the Age of Man,” a few words will suffice. As for the “Heidelberg man,” nothing of him except a piece of jaw-bone was found. He is one-half of one per cent. original and 99% per cent “restoration.” The case is as bad with the others. The Neanderthal skull has provoked from competent authorities a dozen or more opinions concerning itself. Here are a few: the skull belonged to a human idiot (Blake, Vogt, Hoelder, Zittel) ; to an old Celt; to an old Hollander; to an old Frieslander, and last, but not least, to a Mongolian Cos- sack of the year 1814. It was of these remains that Huxley said: “In no sense can the Neanderthal bones be regarded as the remains of a human being intermediate between men and apes.” Dr. Thomas Dwight, Parkman professor of anatomy in Harvard University, says: “The Neanderthal man is not a specimen of a race ar- rested in its upward climb, but rather of a race thrown down from a still higher position.” The “Cro-Magnon” man proves nothing, as it is ad- mitted that he is not a “missing link,” but is the equal of men of today. Then there is the Talgai skull, still shown in the case at the museum, but about which little is said these days, and rightly so. For Mr. Archibald Meston, of Australia, 96 IN THE NEGATIVE former Chief Protector of Aborigines, has shown that it is the skull of one of the Australian black boys shot and buried on the spot in 1848. I have been many times in the American Museum of Natural History. It is a great and wonderful institution, and there is much of first-rate interest and value to be seen there. But frankly, the “Hall of the Age of Man,” as before suggested, ought to be labelled “Our Humorous Department.” I was up there a little while ago for a long period with Dr. William Gregory, Dr. Osborn’s right-hand man, and a professor in Columbia University. I asked Prof. Gregory, after we had gone over the data about the Java Ape-man, how old scientists estimated these fossils were, and he told me that the estimate was 500,000 years. I now ask the judges and this audience, as I asked Prof. Gregory, if any thoughtful mind can really believe that those old bones laid there undisturbed, right beside what is now a rushing stream, for 500,000 years? Is it not the most remote chance, in the face of earthquakes, fire, and flood, and the radical changes in climate and condition through which our earth has been known to pass, that for 500,000 years of time those old bones, which were assumed to belong to the same individual in the beginning, had really stayed in that one position? This, then, is the “evidence,” so far as “missing links” are concerned, of the evolution of man from the beasts. That idea is a libel on man, and an insult to Almighty God. So fragmentary and unreliable is this “evidence” that no judge or jury would convict even a horse-thief on such evidence, and certainly we ought not on it to convict man of a brute ancestry or convict the Bible of lying. I verily believe that if the little basketful of musty old bones and fossils, which have been found, after all these years of search in every part of the world, were 97 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION brought together and presented as evidence for the evolu- tion of man in any court of law, they would be thrown out of court with utmost scorn by judge and jury alike. They are simply not evidence according to any rules of evidence, either in law or true science. ARTIFICIALITY OF THE GEOLOGICAL SCHEME Not only is their alleged evidence utterly fragmentary and entirely inadequate, according to the admissions of Darwin, Osborn, and other scientists themselves, but it has now been demonstrated, as a result of recent research in the field of geology, that the whole arrangement of the rocks im the old geological scheme ts altogether artificial, contrary to now known facts, and, therefore, that it must be repudiated entirely. I do not have to argue this matter, but will leave it to the most up-to-date voice of science itself. I have here the very latest book on geology. It is just off the press. It is called ‘““The New Geology,” and it is by Prof. George McCready Price, Professor of Geology in Union College, Nebraska. Prof. Price is a member of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science, and other scientific societies. For over twenty years he has been engaged in gathering the data for this great and monumental book. The very name of the book is significant. It is “The New Geology,” and Prof. Price argues that the time has come when the entire science of geology will have to be made over on a new and really scientific basis. He shows from facts gathered in every part of the world, accompanied by adequate diagrams, tables and beautiful illustrations, that the ar- rangement of the different sorts of rocks by the older geologists is not only a purely artificial and arbitrary scheme, but that the facts that have been discovered since that artificial arrangement of the rocks was worked out, utterly overthrow the whole scheme. He shows that the stratified beds containing the fossils 98 IN THE NEGATIVE are, as he puts it, “of quite limited extent, varying from a few square yards or a few acres, to a few hundred square miles in area,” at most. He shows us from the facts, that the old “onion-coat” theory of the building up of the strata—the only logical theory, by the way, if evolution were really true—is not only utterly smashed to pieces and given up by scientists, but that their de- pendence upon these fragmentary beds has had to be given up because, as he says: “The various kinds of fossils, which were so long thought to be found only in the same relative order all over the globe wherever they occur, are now known to occur in practically every con- ceivable order” (Pages 17-18). MAKING “FACTS” FIT Instead of the older rocks being at the bottom, with the most primitive forms of fossils, and then the slightly less old on top of those, with the slightly higher fossil forms, and then the less old on top of that, and so on until the “younger” rocks, with the highly complex forms of life of recent times, on top, as was argued by my opponent, and as should be the case if there had been an orderly evolution, and if the different forms of life starting in remote ages had fallen down into the soil and been caught in the stratification as the deposits were made, and so on up to the age of man and his fossil remains, which should be right on the top of the whole series,—instead of all of this, Prof. Price shows that often the so-called oldest rocks are right on top of the strata and the so-called youngest are down at the bottom. He shows that some of the oldest rock stratas are up at the top of mountains, for example, and the youngest forms are down at the bottom of the mountains, and all in perfect order. He gives instances of this reverse order in stretches of territory in Europe and America, some of them as much as 1,800 miles long, containing as much as 20,000 square 99 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION miles of territory, making the thought of an “over-thrust”’ impossible. He shows that these examples of reverse strata are found almost everywhere, a notable one begin- ning in our own state of New York, and running away up into Canada. And upon these undeniable facts, written in the record of the rocks themselves, and now discovered by fuller research, he reaches his conclusion, namely, that the old order of the rocks, as classified, have been thus classified in a fanciful and* unnatural manner, because of the dominating prejudices in favor of the evolutionary theory. He says: “The dominant idea, of course, in the minds of those who arranged the geological series was the evolution theory re- garding the development of life, and this theory is embalmed in the arrangement which was thus made.” He shows how the arrangement was rearranged from time to time, known facts being made to fit into the sub- jective scheme of evolution. ‘Therefore, he reaches his conclusion and says: “In many ways, the current system of geological classi- fication seems absurd for those who realize the fanciful— we might almost say, the farcical—character of the reasons behind such an arrangement” (Page 283). He further says: “We could arrange all the books in a library according to their titles, from A, B, and C, down to X, Y, and Z; but it would be a purely artificial scheme, and to say that this arrangement proved that the books arranged under A, B, and C must have been written and published long before those arranged under X, Y, and Z, would be absurd” (Page 19). GEOLOGICAL FACTS AGAINST EVOLUTION Prof. Price, therefore, as a result of his investigations in the field of geology, as well as of embryology and the other sciences involved in the theory of evolution, reaches 100 IN THE NEGATIVE in this great book the definite conclusion that the theory of evolution is not only unproved but that it is demon- strably false. He says, explicitly: “The net results of all modern scientific investigation seem to be that the plants and animals now alive could never have originated by any such method of gradual development as has been pictured to us in the name of natural science. Certain it is that modern biology, and geology also, for that matter, have simply developed a complete negative demonstration against the easy assumptions of the earlier scientists that plants and animals probably originated by a gradual progression from the lower to the higher types by processes similar to those which are now going on” (Page 606). In the light of the undeniable geological facts which have now been assembled, Prof. Price, therefore for- mulates “The great law of conformable stratigraphic sequence,” which, he says, may be stated as follows: “Any kind of fossiliferous bed whatever, ‘young’ or ‘old,’ may be found occurring conformably on any other fos- siliferous beds, ‘older’ or ‘younger.’ ” Then he adds: “This law forever puts an end to all evolutionary specu- lations about the order in which the various plants and animals have developed, in the minds of those who are correctly informed regarding these facts. This law alone is quite sufficient to relegate the whole theory of organic evolution to the lumber room of science, there to become the amusement of the future students of the history of cosmological speculations’ (Page 638). These, then, are the conclusions of a thoroughly up-to- date scientist, in the light of well-known and most recent facts. FALSIFYING “‘FACTS”’ Indeed, so flimsy are the alleged “facts”? which have been assembled to bolster up the tottering theories of evolution, that some of its zealots have resorted to actual 101 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION falsification in their efforts to make good on their theories. Ernest Haeckel, for example, was caught falsifying, schematizing and forging certain diagrams by which he was endeavoring to prove his evolutionary theory. He was tried by the Jena University Court and the charge against him was proved. In reply, he said: “T should feel utterly condemned and annihilated by the admission, were it not that hundreds of the best observers and most reputable biologists lie under the same charge. The great majority of all morphological, anatomical, his- tological and embryological diagrams are not true to nature but are more or less doctored, schematized and recon- structed.” No wonder, therefore, that Professor Price, in speak- ing of the frantic way in which the evolutionists twist and stretch everywhere in their effort to make facts fit in with their fancies, says: | “The astonishment which I feel is due to the amazing power of a preconceived theory to blind the eyes and stultify the reasoning power of the shrewdest observer when con- fronted with a series of facts for which their theory has made no provision.” In reaching these conclusions, Dr. Price is merely mov- ing in line with other great scientists and thinkers who have been forced finally to reject evolution. Sir J. William Dawson, the great geologist of Canada, utterly rejected it and says: “It is one of the strangest phenomena of humanity; it is utterly destitute of proof’ (Story of the Earth and Man, page 317). UNDERSTANDABLE SOLUTIONS There are rational and easy ways of accounting for the phenomena of the fossils in the rocks and other such problems. ‘The fossil remains of the lower and simpler forms of life found in some geological beds, are easily 102 IN THE NEGATIVE accounted for because of the well-known fact, that lower forms of life live for the most part in shallow water or at the edge of the sea, while the vertebrates, the fish and the great sea monsters, live in the deep water. Walk along the sea shore today and you will find the simple shell fish, the little fiddler crabs, and other simple forms of life there in the shallow water, and then you will look out and see the whales spouting several miles at sea. If, therefore, the animal life in one section of the sea, with its shore, were to be now changed into fossils, and these fossils should be discovered in some after age, the dis- coverers would find the remains of the simple forms of life in one place and the remains of higher forms—fish and other sea monsters—in another part. Furthermore, just as we see around us today different forms of life, from the simplest one-cell animal up to and including all the other animals and human forms, living side by side, so the simplest forms of animals and human life lived side by side in the ages that are gone. There is absolutely not one scintilla of proof from real facts that the lower forms of life came first on this earth, or the higher forms evolved out of the lower. It has been claimed that we can arrange the past races in an ascending order as they worked in stone, bronze or iron, in their successive history. This is a false theory. We have all these “ages” existing today. On the other hand Dr. Livingstone found no stone age in Africa. Dr. Schliemann found in the ruins of Troy the bronze age below the stone age. The early Egyptians used bronze, the later ones stone tools. In the Chaldean tombs all these are found together. Europe had the metal age while America had the stone age (“Creation and Evolu- tion,’ by Prof. Townsend). Professor Price, in his great book from which I have before quoted, because of the now known facts, there- fore, reaches the conclusions which I gave from him. Not 103 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION only so, but he goes further still and gives facts which demonstrate that there has been a great universal catas- trophe, which overwhelmed most of the life whose fossil forms we now find. He gives, for example, the fact that mighty schools of fish are found today embedded in rock strata as fossils, and he shows that there is absolutely no evidence that these fish quietly sank down into the mud, and that sediment through long periods of time formed about them. On the other hand, he shows that the fossils of the fish are found. with all their fins extended, which is always the case when they die suddenly. He, therefore, shows that the wild guesses about the time required for the formation of the rock stratifications, the fossils, etc., is absolutely exaggerated, and he takes his position with Dawson and other geologists upon this matter of the time. His argument is overwhelming, that the phenomena which we find in connection with the fossils in the earth, are all to be accounted for most rationally on the ground that there was a universal deluge, arising, as he points out, perhaps, because of the change in the inclination of the earth’s axis to the plane of its orbit, which change sent great floods of water, tidal waves, sweeping in from the sea, overwhelming all forms of life and piling mud and sediment upon them, which in the course of time changed into coal and rock. This great scientist, with many others, therefore, is led back to the account of the Bible teaching about the deluge and the other facts that go with the whole record of Bible truth. POSITIVE FACTS PROVING THAT THE EARTH AND MAN DID NOT COME BY EVOLUTION Having shown from the admissions of the scientists themselves, and also from known facts, that the earth and man did not come by evolution, I wish now to present certain concrete facts which show that evolution is not {O4 IN THE NEGATIVE only unproved but that it is unprovable and impossible as a theory to account for the origin of the earth and man. . If evolution is true, then we have two mutually self. contradictory and conflicting forces at work—one to preserve species without change, and the other to con- stantly change the species. Both of these things cannot be true. 2. There is no natural or “spontaneous generation.” Having no real knowledge about the origin of life, the scientists first tried to make out a case for “spontaneous generation”; but they utterly failed in this, and had them- selves to disallow this theory. The very term “spontane- ous generation” is a begging of the question by evolu- tionists. It assumes the very thing that is to be proved. As we know the world now, matter and spirit, are two absolutely different things. They are as wide as the poles apart. Mud and mire and slime and stone are not only totally dissimilar from reason, and hope and faith and love, but they cannot in anyway be compared one with the other. If, then, we are told they were originally one,—that the first life germ awoke out of dead matter, we naturally look for clear and overwhelming facts to prove such an incredible miracle. But no such facts are forthcoming from evolution, and it has to be reluctantly admitted by the evolutionists. Since, then, spontaneous generation of life is con- fessedly impossible, and therefore did not occur, we are driven back to accept the only other alternative, namely, the creative agency of a Living God. 3. Furthermore, since “evolution” means an unfolding or unrolling, it is self-evident that whatever is evolved must first have been involved. Our accepted definition is that evolution is by “resident forces.’ No creative forces therefore, can be allowed anywhere along the 105 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION upward path of the alleged evolution. All must come from within. That means that in the first life cell, germ, or protoplasm which appeared on this planet, all the phenomena, wonders, and glories of all after-life were potentially contained. This is too much to believe. REPRODUCTION BEFORE EVOLUTION Not only that, but on this whole matter of the alleged evolution of life, I wish to point out another most sig- nificant and really conclusive fact. It is self-evident that there could be no evolution with- out the power of reproduction in living things. Since, then, reproduction is a prior condition to evolution, it, therefore, cannot be the product of evolution. Hence, we face the logical necessity for direct creation as a start for all developing life. Furthermore, the power of reproduction is not in the embryo but only in the mature parent. Therefore, a parent form of life must have been created in the begin- ning to have produced the embryo from which offspring alone can come. An egg does not produce an egg. It produces a chicken, and that produces another egg which produces another chicken, and so on and on. Not only is it true, however, that an embryo cannot produce an embryo, but it is also true that an embryo is not improvable. Im- provement can come only in the matured form, and not in the germ or single life-cell, or embryo. The simplest form of multiplying life is the amoeba. The amoeba multiplies its kind, not through an embryo, but by divid- ing itself and thus forming into two amoebas, and they in turn divide and form into others, and thus multiply. But the two amoebas that came from the single amoeba are each exactly like the first amoeba. They have no resident force of self-improvement. The most serious obstacle in the way of the theory of ascending life is the 106 IN THE NEGATIVE impossibility of explaining how the so-called protozoa— minute animals composed of a single cell,—ever passed into the metazoa,—animals composed of many cells. Nothing but evasion and the most impossible guesses has ever bridged this chasm in life’s alleged development. Since, then, the power of reproduction is not in the embryo or single life cell, and since the embryo is not improvable but only the mature product, therefore, life could not have developed by evolution. The proposition that life started from a single cell, which in some unex- plained way awoke out of dead matter, is utterly unten- able and irrational. The first protoplasmic life cell would either have died because of the harsh and inhos- pitable conditions around it, or if it had lived it could have had no power of reproduction, as it was only a cell or embryo. And even if it is conceived of as having the power of increasing by division like the amoeba, it could only have produced other amoebas, and they in turn others, so that the only form of life on the earth would have been amoebas. Since, then, these low forms of life have no resident power of self-improvement, therefore, we are again driven to the plan of outside forces operating upon them to produce higher and more complex forms of life. But that is a violation of evolution, according to our accepted definition, and therefore, we are driven again to accept creation, or the operation of a Power outside of the original life forms, to account for all living things. 4. The human mind is not simply greater in degree than that of the lower animals, but is generically different in kind. This cannot be harmonized with the theory of evolution, and points to direct creative power. The distinctive characteristics and capacities of man, especially his moral and religious endowments, are so impossible of explanation by the theory of evolution, 107 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION that truth demands recognition of direct creative purpose and power in explanation of man’s origin and progress. DEGENERATION VS. EVOLUTION 5. Many other positive facts could be cited disproving evolution—I point out only one more, namely, degenera- tion rather than evolution. There are ample grounds for the belief that both vegetable and animal life is in a process of degeneration and decay on this planet, rather than a process of evolution and improvement. And this only goes to prove the teaching of the Bible that man is a fallen being and that, therefore, the world is moving toward judgment and the final re-creation of all things in a “new heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.” There is such a thing as evolution of a kind in human affairs, but this also only proves that man is a fallen being who is frantically struggling to regain a lost estate. A RATIONAL VIEW Is there, then, any escape from these contradictions and absurdities into which speculative philosophy and an essentially godless materialism would plunge us? Is there any solid ground on which we can build our lives and found our hope of immortality? Yes, I answer, with all confidence, there is ample ground. There are ways very near at hand by which we can solve the riddle of the universe and know the nature and destiny of man. I appeal first to a right view of the material world as a whole. The Bible says: “Speak to the earth, and it will teach you.” When we view nature as a whole, and not in little scraps and sections as the evolutionists try to do, certain great overwhelming facts stand plainly out. One of these is the fact of harmony. As we observe the world around us, there is harmony 108 IN THE NEGATIVE everywhere. Now there can never be harmony without design. The fact that the universe is a cosmos instead of a chaos proves this. But if there is design behind the universe, there must also be mind, for mind only can design. Dead matter cannot design. Blind force cannot design. The chair here cannot design to give an address; nor can the steam that operates the locomotive design to make the machine which it runs. Only mind can design; and when we see, therefore, design behind nature and the life of man, we must conclude that the Creator has, or is, Mind. This leads us to another advance step, namely, that if there 1s mind there must be personality, for mind is al- ways one of the characteristics of a person. Thus, as we contemplate the great Mind behind the world we know that God must be a living person. Not, indeed, a person such as you and I. We are finite and limited person- alities. God is the infinite, unlimited and eternal per- sonality. “We are broken lights of Thee— And Thou, O God, art more than we!” Man is a living, loving, intelligent personality, and since it is inconceivable that the Creator should be less than His creation, we know that there is a God who is a living, loving, intelligent being! But we can come home closer still in our thinking. We can turn to the very nature of our own minds and find the answer to the question of the origin of the world. The first dictum of the old Greek philosophy was “man, know thyself.’ I appeal to that. We havea sure foundation for rational appeal in the very nature of the human mind itself. Our minds are so constituted that we cannot separate between cause and effect. When we see a given effect we have at once to think of an adequate cause to produce this effect. We cannot avoid doing this. 109 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION It is written deep down in the very constitution of our beings so to do. Here, in imagination, we may see a beautiful house standing in symmetry and majesty among its green trees —with its stately columns before it; its broad verandas and hospitable doors, and the inspiring symmetry of per- fect walls and a noble roof. As we look upon such a scene as that we instinctively ask ourselves, “How did the house get there?” Now, we know that it did not come by chance. We might imagine all the materials of a house brought together in a great pile—all the braces and beams and boards and nails and shingles brought and dumped in together; and we might imagine, too, some unseen and mysterious force blindly stirring those ma- terials, tossing them about, lifting them here, yonder and everywhere, but we know that a house would never result from any such process as that. No sleeper would find its position. No upright would reach its place. No weather- boarding would be nailed on, and no roof tree would rise above it all. Never can we have a house until there is a designing architect to plan it in his wisdom and execute it in his power. And so as we look out upon the great house we call the world, carpeted with the greenest grasses and the never-resting sea, walled in by the sweet air, domed by heaven’s eternal blue and lighted by flaming sun and silvery moon, and the everlasting stars—as we see this great and beautiful home of man we must think of the Architect who designed it in His wisdom and who exe- cuted it in His love and power! And we have to violate the very constitution of our minds to do anything other than that. We cannot separate between cause and effect. Notice, now, we do not say there is no existence with- out a cause. I have here a chair, and as I see that chair I instinctively ask what caused the chair. But the moment I see behind the chair the cabinetmaker, who designed and executed it, I am satisfied, and my mind 110 IN THE NEGATIVE goes no further. It rests content in the creative pos- sibility of the cabinetmaker’s personality as the cause of the chair. So when we see behind the phenomena of the material world an existence who is all cause for the reason that He is infinite, then we may pause for we have found the First Cause. But that is precisely what our Bibles have been saying to us for all these years. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,” and God “created man in His own image.” 111 shel ay + Ars II REBUTTAL FOR THE NEGATIVE My friends, I will dispose of the humor first. I am glad that my honorable opponent was honorable enough at last to substitute me in Mr. Bryan’s place. So I must now defend my own caudal appendage. My defense is this: My worthy opponent is free to believe that he has come along the route he has been arguing for tonight if he wants to, but he cannot make a monkey out of me! My opponent may admit these simian characters to his family tree if he so desires, but I confess I am a little more particular. I have a certain pride of ancestry. We have had five children in our home, and I have tried to instil into them the truth that, while they should not have a false pride, nevertheless it is true that blood counts and that they have something to live up to. I do not want to have to say to them, “While it is true that, on your mother’s side you come from the Hillyers and Greens of Georgia, and on my mother’s side, from the Carters and Lees of Virginia, and on my father’s side, from the Douglasses and Stratons of Scotland, remember if you take a few more steps backward you will have to shake hands with a gorilla as your great, great, great grand- father !” Now I know that when you go too far back you some- times run into skeletons in the family closet. In my own family I have learned that more than one of those old fellows back there was strung up for loyalty to God and King. So I have to admit that some of my remote an- 113 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION cestors hung by their necks, but I am willing to stake my life on the proposition that none of them ever hung by their tails! Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen, it is time to come back to the subject of this debate. The subject is, “Resolved, That the Earth and Man Came by Evolu- tion’; and the definition is, that evolution is “continuous, progressive change, according to fixed laws, by resident forces.”” And I submit, in all fairness, that my opponent has not established the proposition that the earth and man came by these means. The burden of proof is upon him, because he is seeking to discount that theory and that belief, drawn from a definite Revelation, which has been the foundation of our society for thousands of years, and which will finally produce the highest and most glorious civilization that the world can ever know. Yes, the bur- den was upon him, and to overthrow the accepted belief of Christendom it was necessary for him to produce facts that were acceptable to rational minds, and I submit that no such facts have been given. No facts have been given, first of all, to bridge the gap between dead matter and sentient life; and then to bridge the gap between the alleged beginning of life in its low forms and its higher forms; and no argument and no facts have been given to bridge the tremendous gap between the crude instinct of the beast and the God- ward aspirations of man. Let me, therefore, just in rounding off our thought together, point out several things, meeting my opponent upon his own ground, that will answer, I think, satisfac- torily the points he made, even though they were not directly on the subject for debate. THE RELIABILITY OF THE BIBLE He referred to the fact that the Bible ought not to be authority, and that we have no more grounds for 114 REBUTTAL FOR THE NEGATIVE believing what the Bible says than we have for believing these theories of evolution. Now, I submit that we have adequate grounds. We have the very facts of nature and life themselves, and we have also the long experience of the human race, verifying the teaching of the Bible! My opponent harped much upon what he called the “absurd, grotesque story which we find in the first chap- ters of Genesis.”’ But other thinkers do not share with my opponent his poor opinion of the Bible. Jean Paul said: “The first leaf of the Mosaic record has more weight than all the folios of the men of science and philosophy combined.” This is true, and hair-splitting over differences about the alleged “errors” or the infallibility of the Bible does not at all change the fact that it is the greatest authority at last among the children of men. The Bible has been the great moral mentor and spiritual guide of the en- lightened nations of the earth for thousands of years. Its influence is simply immeasurable, and its teachings have proved themselves to be truth because of the pro- found and uplifting power which they have exerted on the human race. It will take something more than the unsupported hypotheses of the materialists and the vague speculations of skeptics to overthrow it. The proposition that only a good tree can produce good fruit is undeni- able, and the Bible comes to us with the credential of an age-long influence for righteousness and truth. Whatever theory it sets forth, therefore, concerning the origin of the earth and man, has far stronger pre- suppositions in its favor than the wild and constantly changing theories of philosophers and the mutually contradictory ideas of scientists, because the Bible comes into court with a good reputation and a good influence, which could spring only from truth-telling and right character. 115 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION My opponent answered my remark that Wells really knows nothing about how the earth began because he was not there when God made the earth. He replied by say- ing that I do not know anything about it either, or about God making Adam and Eve, because I was not there. It is very true that I was not there, and Mr. Wells was not there, and Mr. Potter was not there, but there was One who was there! Jehovah—Christ was there, and He has told us through inspired men just what happened. Thank God, therefore, that He has not left us to grope in darkness, and to become doped with doubt, but has given us a Revelation that answers the eternal questions of human life and destiny, that satisfies the longing soul of man, and that is a “lamp to our feet and a light to our pathway”! So far as my opponent’s characterizations of the God of the Bible are concerned, and so far as his re- peated thrusts at the teachings of the Bible are concerned, I have time only to say that the God of the Bible is not at all the one-sided and ridiculous being which my op- ponent pictured Him. The God of the Bible is both im- manent in nature and transcendent to nature. ‘Therefore, He is a real God, and has all power in both the material and spiritual worlds. I would say, therefore, to all the vain and intellectually proud Modernists, just as Jesus said to the self-satisfied and skeptical Sadducees of His day: “Ye do err: not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God.” And the point which my opponent made about the other creation myths and stories means merely that there was in the beginning a true understanding about the creation of the world, which was given, of necessity, by Revelation, but as the races scattered and became more and more sinful and degraded, the early purity of this tradition was perverted and corrupted and changed into many ridiculous forms. The mere fact that there are sa 116 REBUTTAL FOR THE NEGATIVE many common elements, as, for example, the use of clay, etc.—in these distorted creation stories which, as my op- ponent admitted, come from all parts of the earth, shows that they all must have had a common origin,—that they were all true in the beginning but were then perverted, as before remarked, and changed with the passing years into their later foolish forms. THE BLOOD PROOF The Bible teaching has been vindicated at many points. My opponent, for example, referred to the blood. Now the Bible teaching about the blood is verified by the real facts of science, and it also completely disproves the theory of evolution. The fact that there is a great variety of blood in the different species of animals negatives the theory of evolu- tion, the foundation of which is uniformity. Science agrees with the Bible that the life is in the blood, and if all forms of animal life had come from a common an- cestry, then the blood of all would have to be the same. But we find the blood of birds and reptiles and men so different that if the blood of one of these be injected into the veins of the other, death immediately follows. The blood also makes the type of flesh. Science again agrees with the Bible that “all flesh is not the same flesh; but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds” (I Cor. 15:39). But if all animal life had sprung from a com- mon ancestor, then all flesh would have to be the same flesh. The Bible says, further, that “God hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth” (Acts 17:26). The distinction, therefore, which the Bible draws between man and beast at the point of blood and flesh is confirmed absolutely by science, and it completely disproves the theory of evolution. The 117 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION Bible is vindicated, by known facts whenever they are really discovered, and established. THE FIXITY OF SPECIES The teaching of the Bible stands vindicated and proved at another point, namely the fixity of species. Right here in Genesis the statement is made that when God created life—both vegetable and animal life—he ordained that all forms of life should bring forth only “after their kind” (Gen. 1:21), and according to their “seed’’ (Gen. 1:11). Now, so far as all human observation and ex- perience go, that law of God, as recorded in the Bible, has been obeyed during all the ages of time! Every form of animal life that we know anything about brings forth only “after its kind.’ Baboons do not produce peacocks, and acorns do not bring forth apple trees. No! each produces after its kind, just as the Bible says; and when all the theories and sceptical speculations are done, I am here tonight to say that the fixity of species answers the evolutionary hypothesis completely, absolutely and forever! The species are fixed, and the life forms are fixed, and whatever varieties may have developed within the bounds of the God-made species, have come about through God’s wisdom and power, and according to the potentialities which He implanted in vegetable and animal forms, and because He commanded them to increase and multiply and replenish the earth. If evolution were true, let me repeat, we ought to find everywhere not only the fossils of endless intermediate forms in transitional stages, recording the change from one thing into another, as I showed you, but we ought now to see all around us, if evolution is really a “con- tinuous” process, these intermediate forms of life. We ought to see horses developing into super-horses, and men sprouting wings with which to fly, and so on ad infinitum. Why is it that we have come up in each species, just so 118 REBUTTAL FOR THE NEGATIVE far and stopped, if evolution is really “continuous pro- gressive change’? If it is that, it must go on! But it doesn’t go on! Thus we find in the deep truth of life itself—the closest and most obvious thing to us all—the reality of the Bible’s teaching that each must increase “after its kind.” There is a boundary which nature, or God, or whatever the power is, has fixed, and when that line is crossed, sterility is the result. Even when different branches of the same species are crossed, only hybrids result—and there is no offspring at all from crossing truly different species. The navel orange results from the grafting of two different types of orange, but the navel orange produces nothing from its seed. The mare and the donkey produce a mule, but the mule can produce nothing but a laugh! Bob Toombs, the Georgia statesman, said that “the mule is the most pathetic of all animals, in that he has neither the pride of ancestry nor the hope of posterity!’ And that fixity of species, that fact of sterility when species are crossed, is a definite and everywhere present proof that the Bible is true and evolution is false! I will admit that we have variation, and very wide variation, but because of this fixity, which is obvious and which science confirms, we know that it is variation only within the bounds of species. And this takes care of the question of “geographical distribution” that my opponent touched upon. The fact that the remains of elephants and other tropical animals have been found, in North America, and that the remains of animals now found only in Australia have been found in England, goes to prove that the present continents were formerly all united, and this, with known changes of climate adequately accounts for the varieties of animals now found in different parts of the earth. We not only see no changes in species now in progress, but there have been none, so far as men have been able 119 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION to observe, for thousands of years. We have the mum- mies of apes which have come down from ancient Egypt, but those apes, living over three thousand years ago, are the same as the apes of today. Not only so, but we find this same survival of species over even “millions of years,’ if we accept the long-time estimates of the evolu- tionists. There are forms of life, called bacteria, living and acting today just as they lived and acted when they attacked the bodies of mastodons and other animals in remote past ages. The scientists have found evidences of the work of these bacteria in the bones of those ancient fossils, showing that the bacteria lived and acted then precisely as they do now. This proves that species do not evolve but stand still, and if there is any change, facts prove that they degenerate rather than evolve to higher forms. CREATIVE DESIGN Another point at which the teaching of the Bible is vindicated by what we see around us, and by which the theory of evolution is completely disproved, is the fact of design in the wonderful adaptations of instincts to organs in many forms of life. I touched upon design in my first speech but give it now a somewhat different application. The thought of a halfway beaver, for ex- ample, surviving in the midst of many foes, and doing the wonderful things that a beaver has to do to live at all, is an absurd thought! The individual could not have survived for a day, and thus the species must have perished ! The idea of transitional amendments is, therefore, con- tradictory to the fundamental principles of evolution. Darwin teaches that any evolution in nature, any new bodily organ or feature, must be profitable to the indi- viduals of a species in order for the species to survive (See page 77, “Origin of Species”). But a half-formed 120. REBUTTAL FOR THE NEGATIVE wing or a budding leg or an incomplete eye would not be useful to the individual but an impediment. Only completed organs are useful to the individual. One principle of evolution is that nature abhors useless things and throws them off. Therefore, this other principle cannot be true that a useless half organ would be pre- served by nature through long stretches of time, until it developed into a perfect organ through successive indi- viduals! Take again the water spider. Here is a creature so wonderful, and with habits of life so extraordinary, that it cannot possibly be conceived as coming from any process of evolution. The water spider is a true spider, yet it lives much of the time and builds its nest under water, though it is an air-breathing animal like the other spiders. It first goes under the water and spins from its own body a water- proof silken envelope or bulb, which it attaches firmly to a rock or other object at the bottom of the water. The mouth of this bulb is downward, and of course in the beginning is filled with water, though it is waterproof on the outside. After making this home for itself, the water spider then goes to the surface and, because of the pecu- liar formation of the hairs on its legs, it can catch a bubble of air, which it carries down into the water and turns loose under its newly constructed home. The bubble of air rises until it strikes the top of the inside of the bulb, and there it stays, driving out a proportionate quantity of water. The spider then goes back and gets another bubble of air, and continues this operation until it has filled its house with air and driven out all the water. Then it lays its eggs, attaching them to the inside top wall of its house, and there rears its young in safety. Now the spider could not possibly live and do these things unless it had a perfect instinct, and all of its organs were perfected for carrying out its instinct. The thought 121 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION of a half water spider in the process of evolution is an absurdity! It would drown if it did not have all of the organs for spinning its waterproof house, on the one side, and all of the instincts through which it uses its organs and protects its young, on the other. In Job God claims that He gives “the goodly wings unto the peacock,” provides food for the ravens, causes the hawk to fly by His wisdom, to “stretch her wings toward the south,” and the eagle to mount up at His command and “make her nest on high” (Job 39). Thus the Bible teaches that God’s designing wisdom and watch- ful care is over all things, and we see His handiwork in the wonders of nature on every hand. EVOLUTION IMMORAL There is another point at which the Bible is proved true and evolution false, and that is in the field of moral influence. Beyond any question, the evolutionary phi- losophy is a brutalizing and essentially immoral thing and it is utterly contrary to Bible teaching. Now I submit it as self-evident that nothing can be mentally true that is morally false. Truth is a unity, and nothing can be intellectually right that is ethically wrong. Now the theory of evolution is ethically wrong and it cannot, therefore, be intellectually right. My opponent referred to God and the recent World War. He said that the war disproved the fact of a living transcendent God such as the Bible pictures. But his reference was not only untrue as to God, it was also most unfortunate for himself and the cause he is cham- pioning tonight. A Living God was in the war. He saw to it that it was rightly won against overwhelming odds. He finally brought victory out of defeat for human liberty and eternal righteousness. Yes, through Christian America God triumphed in the war. 122 REBUTTAL FOR THE NEGATIVE But I ask you to look at the really significant fact about the war, namely, the moral wreck and ruin which came to Germany, through the evolutionary philosophy, which really produced the war. The old Germany of Goethe and Schiller and Luther—the Germany of the Christmas tree, of neighborly kindness, of music, and art, and true science—was miseducated and debauched by the im- portation, through the Prussians, of the godless and destructive evolutionary philosophy. The military lead- ers of Prussia, encouraged by the Junkers, and the vain and ambitious Kaiser and his equally vain and ambitious forefathers, accepted and acted upon the teaching of Darwin as truth. In one of the summaries of his “Origin of Species” Darwin speaks of evolution as the “one general law lead- ing to the advancement of all organic beings—namely: multiply, vary, let the strongest live and the weakest die” (p. 297). Here is “the survival of the fittest” with a vengeance! And this teaching bore its logical and inevitable fruit in Germany. The half-crazed Nietzsche, who ended his days in the insane asylum, seized upon this teaching of Darwin with avidity, and from it he evolved his idea of the “super- man”; and he taught the Germans that they were the supermen. He referred to the German proudly as the “blond beast.” He glorified war and declared that it is a necessity. He utterly repudiated and rejected the Christian religion. He taught that Christ was a weak- ling, and that His religion was an enemy to the human race; that such things as love and sympathy and mercy are vices and not virtues, and that the strong ought to trample on and destroy the weak in order that “the fittest”’ may survive! Treitschke and Von Bernhardi took this teaching of Darwin and Nietzsche as the basis of their philosophy, 123 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION and they deliberately glorified war as Nietzsche had done. Their books were printed in cheap popular editions and spread by the Junkers and military masters of Germany throughout the empire, and thus the German nation was miseducated and misled. Yes Germany took Darwinism literally. Darwin had taught the “survival of the fittest” in the brute struggle for supremacy, and Germany said: “That is true, and we propose to demonstrate that we are the fittest!’ So she formulated her philosophy that “might makes right,” which is simply a practical expression of Darwin’s “sur- vival of the fittest,” and thus she sprung at the throat of an unsuspecting world! Now, if Darwin taught truth, Germany was right, in 1914, and we cannot complain at the tearing up of treaties like “‘scraps of paper,” at the wholesale raping of women, at the bombing of hospital ships, or the sending of the Lusitania to the bottom of the sea! Nor is that all that is to be said of the moral ruin wrought by Darwinism and evolution in general. The wave of animalism, with its corrupting influence upon morals, has come through this philosophy of animalism, which is prostituting and destroying the human race. If we are merely highly developed beasts, then why should we not live like beasts? Monkey men make monkey morals! The glorification of the flesh over the spirit, of animal- ism over idealism, through the brute philosophy of evo- lution, is the real key to the moral decay of the times! That talented Englishman who writes under the nom de plume of the “Gentleman with a Duster” did not overstate the case when, in his book on “Painted Win- dows,” he denounced Darwinism as the fountain-head of these modern ills. It is true, my friends, that all of these dangerous and disgusting wrongs of today can be traced back, so far as their rapid increase is concerned, to the 124 REBUTTAL FOR THE NEGATIVE time when the dark and sinister shadow of Darwinism fell across the fair fields of human life! The truth of the creation as revealed in the Bible is an ennobling and inspiring truth. It links man to heaven and to God. The falsehood of evolution is a degrading and demoralizing one because it drags man down to beasthood and the mud. THE TWO FUNDAMENTAL FALLACIES In closing, I point out the two great fundamental fallacies of the evolutionary philosophy. The first is that nothing is fixed or final, but that all things are in a state of constant “flux and change.” It is this false notion that is behind the mental weakness and the moral laxity of this philosophy. Because of this false idea, it is argued that there are no fixed and unchanging moral standards, and so the Ten Commandments are jauntily thrown into the discard, and the youth of today are left to do as they please! The last sentence which is thrown on the screen in the film, “Evolution,” which is being widely exhibited, is this: “The only unchanging thing is change.” It is as false as hell, and as ruinous as death! There are many things that are absolutely unchangeable. The proposition that twice two equals four is eternally true. The proposition that a straight line is the shortest dis- tance between two points cannot “evolve” nor change nor alter forever. The true principles of physics and chem- istry are unchangeable and eternal. The unchangeable- ness of “natural law’ which the evolutionists invoke in their behalf negatives this other fundamental plea which they make of “continuous progressive change.” The great ethical principles of justice, righteousness and truth are all unchanging. Likewise, the Word of God is “established forever in heaven.” It cannot change, and 125 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION the Christ that it pictures is “the same yesterday, today and forever!’ The philosophy which teaches that all things are changing is not a true philosophy, and there are great enduring realities upon which we can build our lives, establish our homes, and develop a sane and noble society. The other fundamental falsehood of evolution is that strife and struggle are the way of life. It is not true that the brute struggle for existence and the “survival of the fittest” are the profoundest facts of nature and life. There is another higher and greater truth, a more uni- versal principle than the principle of conflict, competition and war, and that is the fact of co-operation, helpfulness, and sacrifice in service. Despite our superficial prattle about the “survival of the fittest,’ the fact stands that the forces which make for union and harmony have always been greater than the forces which make for dis- union and strife. The fundamental fact that the universe is a cosmos instead of a chaos proves that. The cohesive forces are stronger than the disruptive forces; the cen- tripetal forces are greater than the centrifugal forces; the sunshine is superior to the storm, and the light has the power to drive darkness away. So the struggle for life is not the greatest factor, nor is it the factor that should be most stressed. The struggle for the life of others is of far greater prominence in nature, when we but see the truth deeply enough. The little bird will battle more fiercely for its young than for its own food or life, and everywhere self-sacrifice for others is seen. Nature is not prevailingly, therefore, “red in tooth and claw.” Nutrition is accompanied by reproduction, in order that life may continue, and the sacrifices of father- hood and motherhood throughout all of nature are, in themselves, eloquent of the truth that unselfishness and concern for others is infinitely greater, as well as more beautiful and more important, than the selfish struggle 126 REBUTTAL FOR THE NEGATIVE for the “survival of the fittest.” All of which is but proof of the cheering prophecy that “the meek shall inherit the earth, and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.”’ There is a great tenderness at the heart of the world, and this expresses itself in the highest truth known to man, namely, that “God is love.” The supreme expres- sion of that love in human history was the cross that stood on the place called Golgotha; and the One who was nailed to the cross has taught us that God is not a heart- less force, but a heavenly Father who, because of His infinite love, gave His own son to die that we might be saved from sin and enter into everlasting life. It is the philosophy of the cross, with its great teaching of self-sacrifice in service, which is needed today, and not the philosophy of the brute struggle for survival, the philosophy of the shambles, which is the apotheosis of self and the mother of all wars, immoralities, hatreds and wrongs. It is not true that we came up from the slime and the beasts through the jungle, and that we pass out into a night of oblivion unlighted by a single star. It is true that “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth’ and that He made “man in His own image.” It is true that we came from God through the Garden, and that we are destined by obedience to Him to an eternity of joy in a land that is “fairer than day,” where we will meet again our loved ones who went before, and upon whose blissful shore there falls no shadow and rests no stain ! The great need of the times is not self-assertiveness and arrogant pride, but humility, gentleness and self- sacrifice in service. With the simple faith of a little child, therefore, we can say with Cecil Frances Alexander, in his exquisite 127 EVOLUTION VERSUS CREATION poem, to which I have ventured to add a closing verse of my own: “All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all. Each little flower that opens, Each little bird that sings, He made .their glowing colors, He made their tiny wings. “The purple-headed mountain, The rivers running by, The sunset and the morning, That brightens up the sky; The cold wind in the winter, The pleasant summer sun, The ripe fruits in the garden, He made them every one. “The tall trees in the greenwood, The meadows where we play, The rushes by the water, We gather every day. He gave us eyes to see them, And lips that we might tell, How great is God Almighty, Who has made all things well.” The Bible as our Helper, And Jesus as our friend, To die on dark Golgotha To make us good again. God gave us hearts to love Him, And tongues His praise to tell— How good is God Almighty, Who maketh all things well! 128 THREE: THE VIRGIN BIRTH—FACT OR FICTION? I FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE QUESTION: RESOLVED, THAT THE MIRACULOUS VIRGIN BIRTH OF Jesus Curist is A Fact AND THAT IT IS AN ESSENTIAL CHRISTIAN DOcTRINE. The heart of our nation has been recently touched by the death of two Presidents of the Republic. It is very significant, as [ shall show a little later, that both Warren G. Harding and Woodrow Wilson before they died de- clared themselves as being in sympathy with the Funda- mentalists and as opposed to the Modernists in the pres- ent religious situation. This proves not only that the old-fashioned views of religion appeal to both the schol- arly and the practical mind, but also that the religious issues of today are being recognized more and more as of vital importance. I wish to present my side of the debate tonight under three very simple but, I trust, comprehensive heads. I ask you to consider first—the possibility of the virgin birth; secondly, the probability of it; and thirdly the positive proof of it. This will naturally lead us then to a brief consideration of its essential character. I. THE POSSIBILITY OF THE VIRGIN BIRTH In asking you to consider the possibility of such an event as the virgin birth of Christ, I shall try to show that it was possible, first in the light of science, and secondly, in the light of faith. 129 THE VIRGIN BIRTH 1. To begin with, then, notice that there is no known natural law and no real fact of science, that would make such an event impossible. The author of a recent little book on ‘Science An Aid to Faith” concludes a scholarly and scientific discussion by saying: “Modern science affirms nothing that discredits the doctrine of the Virgin Birth. To assert that there is anything in biology or in any other modern science that discredits the Virgin birth, considered as a physiological event, is to display lack of knowledge of the latest advances of science.” One of our New York radical preachers said in a ser- mon some time since that “The virgin birth is not to be accepted as an historic fact,” because it involves “a biological miracle that our modern minds cannot use.” But, we may ask, “Whose modern minds?” This state- ment is merely an illustration of the colossal vanity and self-esteem of the religious radicals. The wise men of old are not the only wise men who have come to bow before Him who was born of a Virgin and who was first laid in a manger. Such men as Orr, Dorner, Mor- tensen, Osterzee, Godet, Bishop Lightfoot, Bishop West- cott, Tholuck, Lange, Luthardt, Delitzsch, Rothe, Dr. Sanday, of Oxford, Dr. Sweet, of Cambridge, Principal Fairbairn, of Warfield, Sir William Ramsey, of Aber- deen; Bishop Gore, Canon Ottley, Dr. Robert Dick Wil- son, of Princeton University; Dr. E. Y. Mullins, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and also President of the Baptist World Alliance, and many others, have believed and taught the virgin birth. Are not these minds “modern’’? Indeed, the whole great body of the Christian Church from the beginning, includ- ing multitudes of clear thinkers, distinguished scholars and great scientists have had room for this faith in their minds. In addition to such writers, the famous scientist Ro- manes declared, even while he was an agnostic and before 130 FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE he came back to the Christian faith, that there was no known physiological law which would prevent belief in the virgin birth. On the other hand, there are some known facts of nature that shed some light on the possibility of such an event. For one thing, parthenogenesis, that is generation by a virgin, is a well known fact occurring occasionally among bees and other such creatures. Viewed scientifically, there are two sides to the concep- tion of new life: one is the psychological, or thought side, and the other is the biological or material side. As to the psychological side, it is well known that thought pro- foundly affects the conception and development of new life. The records of prenatal influences, such as fright, joy, etc., and the reaction of dreams on sex functions, have long since proved this. Boris Sidis of Harvard, and other investigators, have proved not only that thought may be registered electrically, but that thought even causes chemical changes in a body. Intangible though thought is, it is now a well known fact that anger turns loose certain poisons in the human system. Fright has been known to produce such radical chemical changes that death followed, and joyful thoughts also profoundly affect the body. Then, as to the physiological or biological side, it has been demonstrated scientifically in recent times that gen- eration of new life among certain creatures can be brought about without the usual sexual union. Scientists have demonstrated by their experiments that the eggs of sea urchins, star fish, and other such living things, can be and have been fertilized and made to reproduce their kind without the operation of sex forces. Dr. Jacques Loeb, of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, one of the foremost authorities in the field of biology, in his book on “The Dynamics of Living Matter’ (page 165), says: “Eggs which naturally develop only 131 THE VIRGIN BIRTH when a spermatozoid enters, can be caused to develop artificially by certain physical and chemical means.” The scientists have demonstrated that certain forms of elec- trical energy or light rays are capable of thus stimulat- ing eggs into activity and development, and that these light rays can penetrate living matter and may be def- nitely directed to produce specific effects in a living body, as, for example, the treatment of cancer by radium or the fertilization of an egg within the body. Further, the amazing announcement was made by Dr. Charles Russ of England a little while ago that, as demonstrated by experiments, the human eye in vision emits a ray that, varying in strength according to health, etc., can actually move ponderable matter. Because, then, of these scientific truths about the power of thought and the power of light, we may draw a parallel that may help our thinking in connection with the Virgin Birth of Christ. It is this: Since man’s limited understanding and finite power can send rays of light through matter which will fertilize eggs, and since thought has tangible transform- ing effects upon matter, which bring about actual elec- trical and chemical changes, and are particularly in- fluential in conception, then what shall we say of the effects of God’s light and the application of God’s in- finite and unlimited power of thought? When we are taught that the Power of Almighty God moved upon a virgin’s thought and overshadowed her, that the radiant light of Heaven shone upon her, and that her submissive mind was centered in obedient willingness upon this blessed enterprise of bringing forth a Savior for man- kind, even our limited minds can catch some faint glimpse of the way, both psychologically and physiologically, by which God may have brought about the divine conception and virgin birth of Christ. Dr. Howard A. Kelly, of Baltimore, one of the most 132 FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE famous physicians and surgeons in the world and a pro- fessor in the Johns Hopkins University, in expressing his full acceptance of the virgin birth of Christ, says: “The Virgin Birth upsets, as the coming of God to live on this earth ought to upset, all our preconceived notions. In this age of discovery it is folly to cry ‘impossible,’ because the thing proclaimed is new and outside of our own limited experiences. Only a few years ago radium was declared ‘utterly impossible’ by distinguished scientists, and yet the explanation—that the phenomena of radium are due to the breaking up and setting loose of enormous forces locked up in the ‘indivisible’ atoms (‘those foundation stones of the universe, unbroken and unworn,’ of Clerk Maxwell in 1875) —is now universally accepted, and ‘the indivisible atom’ is not only divided, but found to be made up of many component parts.” Another one of the most famous biologists in Amer- ica tells us, through the well known publicist of Mil- waukee, Mr. L. C. Morehouse, that from the scientific and historical standpoint the virgin birth is easily believ- able. He says emphatically: “To the biologist, the method of reproduction known as parthenogenesis is a perfectly familiar one and he finds no difficulty in virgin birth as such. That parthenogenesis in the case of a human being would be unique, and that con- sequently the birth of Jesus Christ from a virgin mother is unique, | am ready to grant; but then, Jesus Himself was unique, and I am inclined to argue that a unique phenomenon requires a correspondingly unique producing cause. As a scientist I may go farther and say that if the Virgin Birth had never been mentioned in the Gospels I should be com- pelled to assume it as the only reasonable explanation of what is affirmed and accepted regarding the character of Jesus. But when I find the fact of the Virgin Birth actually recorded by two biographers, one a business man and the other a competent physician who had taken pains to inform himself accurately concerning every detail from the very first; when I find the mind of the church accepting the record at a very early date and affirming it as her continuous belief and as the only reasonable explanation of the fact of the incarnation of the Son of God in the person of Jesus of 133 THE VIRGIN BIRTH Nazareth—then I am compelled to adopt, on historical grounds, the position which I had already reached on scientific grounds.” THE LIGHT OF FAITH But these considerations have to do only with method, and I do not seek to avoid the fact of miracle in the vir- gin birth. There is a deeper and more satisfying view of this matter than any naturalistic explanation, inter- esting though these scientific side lights are. In con- nection with the virgin birth, the angel declared that “Nothing shall be impossible with God,” and it was God’s love, backed by His miracle-working power, that gave a Saviour to mankind. I will just say, specifically and emphatically, therefore, that I believe the virgin birth of our Lord was a miracle and should be accepted as such. There are not only good grounds for believing that miracles are possible, but that in an infinite universe, ruled by a Living God, they are necessary and inevitable. Indeed, every birth is a miracle, in that it is a mystery entirely beyond our human knowl- edge or understanding. HARDING AND WILSON FUNDAMENTALISTS As I remarked in the beginning, it is significant that both Warren G. Harding and Woodrow Wilson expressed themselves as believing with the Fundamentalists and as opposed to the Modernists in the present theological turmoil which is rending the religious world asunder. Some months before he was taken sick, President Hard- ing openly declared that he was with the Fundamentalists in their defence of the old faith, And Mr. Axson, the brother-in-law of Woodrow Wilson, gave in the New York Times of February 7th, the day after Ex-President Wilson died, a touching and most intimate character sketch, in which he referred to the Fundamentalist-Mod- ernist discussion. He tells us that he asked Woodrow Wilson first what he thought would have been the attitude 134 FOR THE AFFIRMATIVE of his preacher father on these issues, and Wilson, he said, replied with emphasis, that his father, if alive, would have been a Fundamentalist. Then Mr. Wilson added, for himself, that his father would have been opposed to the Modernists, even as he was, because, as he, Woodrow Wilson, put it, “they are seeking to take all of the mystery element out of religion.” This remark showed Woodrow Wilson’s profound in- sight into the real religious problems of today. We can- not reduce the world to a narrow system of bald ration- alism. To do so, would really destroy all of the poetry and vision, the romance and religion of life. We cannot measure an infinite universe with the yard stick of our finite minds. Eternity cannot be comprehended by time. Shakespeare was right when he said, “There are more things in Heaven and earth than are dreamed of in our philosophy.” Modern life is not being broadened and truly “‘iber- alized” but rather, it is being unspeakably narrowed by the rationalism and scepticism of the times. The noble scientist Pasteur, on the occasion of his re- ception at the French Academy, said: “He who only possesses clear ideas is assuredly a fool.” Pasteur well knew that if he had had from the beginning only clear ideas to lead him, he would never have been able to make the great discoveries in science which have crowned his name with glory. He well knew that he was led on and on by intuitive belief that the things after which he was striving were real, and thus he won by faith. We cannot rule out the mystery element. Life and the world are too filled with miracles for us so to do. MIRACLES ENTIRELY RATIONAL Now my contention is that the virgin birth was both a fact anda miracle. That is to say, it was a miraculous, fact. 135 THE VIRGIN BIRTH But what do I mean by that? Well I do not mean that it was a violation of any natural law. No law of nature can be violated. God is a God of Law, and the laws of nature are His laws. It is inconceivable that God would violate his own laws.