- na ‘ geen ~ ¥ : Y « . { Y I1UN 3 1910 K <3 wy H OGIcAL SEN Division 74 gh ae Section Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from. Princeton Theological Seminary Library https://archive.org/details/recordsfromurlarOOgric < a ~~). fies) Ee BA Shales y ate bets iv ‘ . ‘Sere ix , - ee! YALE ORIENTAL SERIES BABYLONIAN TEXTS VOLUME V eee rhe ee pbk c— @) 7 . A a ‘ A > ean ne a | ; “s . ; a a ; | } ’ Pa ; . 7 as e 4 Zz 4 &» * a - | ; at . i » i) , ale ; : \ ~ it : . . 5 . , + : 7 ‘ . 1 re ra) a ; ae } ; | alee (ete See chs Tl - ae ~ = ‘oa = - » ‘ i¢ ad s a : i 4. 4 a ¥ Wwe ‘ fi P Fi Ot Mane Raed » aa “ cs ; r iia ; “i ; le '€ é-'' : mt rs a a < agh -) > ye > Las hh Ca of Rei ts - — aA fo a i “sg Ky YALE ORIENTAL SERIES. BABYLONIAN TEXTS Vot. V ITIN a 1010 f ~ Ir. Q NH OGiCAL SEW RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA DATED IN THE LARSA DYNASTY BY. soe ETTALENE MEARS GRICE, Ph.D. MEMBER OF THE YALE BABYLONIAN SEMINARY ° NEW HAVEN: YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON: HUMPHREY MILFORD OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS MDCCCCXIX Q ay q a (25) o _ feof Oo — 1S) BY YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS | To My TEACHER PROFESSOR ALBERT T. CLAY, Px.D., LL.D., Lirv.D. IN GRATEFUL APPRECIATION ® PREFACE. The Yale Babylonian Collection contains at the present time about ten thousand tablets, about half of them belonging to the period usually referred to as that of the First Dynasty of Babylon, in the latter part of the third millennium B. C. A large number of the Yale texts are dated in the Larsa Dynasty, whose power in Babylonia was brought to an end by Hammurabi’s conquest of this kingdom. The kings of - Larsa and the length of their reigns are known from the dynastic tablet published in 1915 in Miscellaneous Inscriptions in the Yale Babylonian Collection (Yale Oriental Series, Babylonian Texts, Vol. I). In this large collection of texts of this period there is a group of one hundred and thirty-six which were found at Mugheir, or Muqayyar, on the site of the ancient city of Ur. The first one hundred and ten texts in the present volume have been selected from this group, and form the first considerable number of texts to be pub- lished from this site. The remaining one hundred and forty-three texts have been selected from the large number of tablets in the Yale Babylonian Collection coming from Senkereh, the site of the ancient city of Larsa (the Biblical Ellasar of Gen. 14:1). The texts in this second group have been chosen with the purpose of collecting the data offered by the Yale tablets for a study of the Dynasty of Larsa, which covers a period of more than two hundred and fifty years in the latter part of the third millennium B. C., and which was for a time the ruling power in southern Babylonia, until its sovereignty was brought to an end by the rise of Babylon and the conquest of Larsa by Ham- murabi, the great king and lawgiver of Babylon (called in Gen. 14:1 Amraphel, king of Shinar). An attempt has been made to include most of the valuable texts in the Yale Collection which are dated in the reigns of the Larsa kings previous to the beginning of the reign of Rim-Sin, the last king of the dynasty (who is regarded by some as Arioch, king of Ellasar, mentioned in Gen. 14:1). To these have been added one text of each of the first thirty years of Rim-Sin’s reign, and a few texts containing representative date formule of the last thirty-one years of his reign, a period which was known as the Isin era because the dates refer to the number of years after the fall of the city of Isin, an event which marked the rise of Larsa to the suzerainty of southern Babylonia. In some cases where no complete or unmutilated date could (7) YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V be found, it has been necessary to copy more than one text of a given year of Rim-Sin. In a few cases, where tablets were badly injured, or where they were so large that they would have required too much space, only the date formule have been copied. There have also been included a larger number of texts of four of the years of Rim-Sin, probably the fifth year to the eighth year inclusive, two of which are designated by formule which have hitherto been regarded as of Sin-idinnam. I desire to express my gratitude and appreciation to Professor Albert T. Clay, under whose direction I have been permitted to study, for his unfailing kindness and generosity in making my work possible. I take this opportunity of expressing my thanks also to Professor Charles C. Torrey, Professor George A. Barton, Dr. James B. Nies, and Dr. Clarence E. Keiser, a member of the Yale Babylonian Seminary, for valuable help and suggestions. It gives me pleasure to thank also in this way my friend Deaconess Ethel Percy, who has devoted much time and labor to assisting me with tedious details in connection with my manuscript, as well as Miss Lucile Graham, who kindly assisted in arranging the catalogue of the texts. ETTALENE M. GRICE. New Haven, JUNE, 1918. CONTENTS. Page Introduction (reneraime naracverZOll une LOXtS sn. y, aais:s lauee cnl Da ess a ae Eee LG (ROCCE CY ACIYALEN AINICS meek 22.7 oth Gok oe ee Fa ea oe 14 ALCOR TA DIICAIMN CLOSNINENGE SMe. Cert aks. Wiehe thy hee fo ha 5 Re eee 14 [eerATCniverorspolmunamineaerers ie. cee ee: he. roe ee eee 15 UCR CIALISICOTITIU La eee mraees iene ee pene Oe NS, Tine ene oer 16 Shaved Wr pood hase TEES, Sys re ee ee rar le eg ee ee Be Se 8 16 Name Indices PETS LEN OTL CS Meee ne te ae eer Re ee ET gee tet INN ae aL HOG SPAT Ce tl DstlcL ves ols te plunie Leann mere cunts fue tari eg et me La 42 ARTA ES cok UN en BLT RO TNOT A are ear Oe no 44 PUPIA STAC OOCCUDA LIONS Peraeee mean e990) the fe cr oy ee omy RN oa 45 EOIN EPICHIAN Ce Gi tlOs eer rae meen mo oe ocean re lee ie lee 47 CATARY oe ua ELE ila a Wicca I ec Aen yee 49 RAAT GT Gch 2 eI nay ge El Oe ee 50 PE TITOLTAD NCU sh CXUSMr eee ite ees oie a ey acd. seo oe ae em Plates I-LXX XVIII (9) te RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA DATED IN THE LARSA DYNASTY ae”. Vee. Sarvs i, € ie a ‘ €. Pe A © >< .. i. INTRODUCTION. There are two kinds of business documents in this volume, Nos. 106-149, 242, and 253 being legal contracts, the rest being temple records of various kinds, from brief notes to elaborate inventories. The contracts include deeds for lands or houses; promissory notes for grain, oil, or silver; partition contracts; and agreements regarding the sale or hire of slaves;—No. 135 even recording the purchase of the right to serve as priest for five days. (Fora full description of the contents, see the Catalogue.) The temple records cover a great variety of subjects, including inventories of the large flocks of sheep which belonged to the temples, and records concerning receipts at the temple or payments from the temple property, referring to gold, silver, dates, wool, grain, bitumen, etc. Hardly any two of them are of exactly the same nature. Nearly all the texts in the volume are written in Sumerian, or in a mixture of Sumerian and Semitic in which Sumerian predominates. Yet there are a few excep- tions to the rule, Nos. 90, 108, 110, 179, 224 (?), 231, 234, and 239, for example, being Semitic except for the date formule. It is interesting to note that some of the numerals were probably called by their Semitic names. For in the texts from Ur the scribes occasionally wrote in full the Semitic loan-words for 1000, li-im (Nos. 19:30; 30:39); 100, me-at or me-a-at (Nos. 5 VII:17; 19:32, 33; 30:39); and 60, §-& (5:8, 32; 7:9; 101:1). In the Larsa tablets the totals are occasionally named in a similar way, though for 1000 the sign lv is used, for 100 the sign me. (See Nos. 196:9; 208 III:13, 19; IV:2; 212:69, etc.) The texts from Ur are nearly all official records from the principal temple of the city, E-nun-mah, the temple of the moon-god Nannar or Sin and his consort Ningal. But there are five contracts, Nos. 106-110, which are similar to the con- tracts from Larsa. No. 98 is possibly an exercise tablet. On any other hypothesis it would be difficult to understand the large number of erasures and the fact that the salutation of a letter appears on one side of a tablet the other side of which contains a list of women’s names. This text, together with No. 105, an exercise tablet containing names of places, suggests that there was probably a temple school at Ur like the one at Nippur. The many exercise tablets among the large collection of tablets from Larsa in the Yale Babylonian Collection proves the existence of such (13) 14 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V a school at Larsa. It seems likely that there were schools in connection with all the principal temples in Babylonia. The Larsa texts are similar in general character to those from Ur, though somewhat more varied in form and subject matter. Several different standard weights are mentioned among the texts. In the Larsa texts are used the standard of the merchants (No. 154:2, 6, 8, 11) and the standard of the temple of Nannar (No. 122:11). In No. 15 1:38, from Ur, the standard shekel is that of the god Nannar, in No. 69:3, that of the sun-god Babbar or Shamash, the patron god of Larsa. The use in Ur of the standard weight of Shamash and of the date formule of the Larsa Dynasty is due to the fact that the documents were written at a period when Ur was not independent, but was subject to its neighboring city of Larsa. Seven texts, Nos. 33, 46, 47, 50-53, record the delivery of sheep to “SA-GAZ, the ideogram used in the Amarna letters:‘for the Habiri. Perhaps the SA-GAZ of these texts may have been mercenary soldiers, according to the suggestion of Scheil in the Revue d’Assyriologie XII, pp. 114, 115. | The purpose of the series being mainly the presentation of the texts that they may be accessible to scholars, a full discussion of the texts, transliterations, and translations are omitted. Nevertheless certain points of unusual interest may be briefly mentioned. A list of gods, including also some epithets, is included for the convenience of those who are interested in the study of the gods of the period. In any effort to use the texts in the present volume to determine the gods most venerated in southern Babylonia during the latter part of the Larsa Dynasty, it should be remembered that Texts 1-110 are from Ur, according to both the testimony of those from whom they were bought, and the contents of the texts themselves; while Nos. 111-253 are for the most part from Larsa. It is noteworthy that the personal names contain West- Semitic gods. These gods, and other Amorite elements in the personal names, show that there were at this time many Western Semites in southern Babylonia, as well as in Babylon and other cities farther north. Still more interesting is the fact that the god Marduk, who a few years later was made by Hammurabi the head of the Baby- lonian pantheon, is not once mentioned in these texts. In spite of the fact, shown by the variety of gods in the names, that the people of Ur and Larsa had wide intercourse with other cities and countries, they had not yet felt the quietly growing power of ~ Babylon, which within a few years was raised by its great king Hammurabi to a position of such importance that its name was given to the entire land. It has been very difficult to identify with any of the signs which were commonly used to describe lambs, the sign ~&, found after sal-sil and sil in most of the lists GRICE—RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 15 of sheep. On account of the frequency with which the sign appears (sal-sil WL and sil Yl. are, next to ganam and udu-nita, by far the most numerous kinds of sheep in the lists), it must refer to some very common variety of sheep. The form, together with the facts that nu-tr, a term which appears constantly in the lists of flocks of the period of the Ur Dynasty, is not found in these Larsa Dynasty lists, and that sal-sil 4 and sil- qi are mentioned in the lists between the full-grown animals, ganam and udu-nita, and the sucklings, sal-sil-ga and sil-ga, leads us to conjecture that this sign is a ligature for nu-uir, and means “‘sterile’”’ or “‘immature.’’ As evidence that ligatures for familiar phrases were actually in use, we may refer to the expression lal-ni, “balance,” which is always written as a ligature ye. See Nos. 13:1, 23; 58:7; 168:12; 209:4; etc. The writing of guskin, “gold,” in these texts, varies. More commonly than the ordinary AZAG-GI is used AZAG-ZI. (See Nos. 41:11; 45:7; 140:24; 168:22; et multa. Compare in these texts the forms of GJ and ZI used in other connections.) Occasionally we have instead AZAG-MU. (NOS. 114:17; 124:26.) The variation may have arisen from the general similarity of the three signs GJ, Z7, and MU, or it may be that we have here variants of the GJ sign. An analogous example of the wide latitude regarding the making of signs in this period is seen in the sign registered as LAGAB+KUL in the ideogram for bitumen (Briinnow 11673, 11674). See Nos. 90:2, 4;:231:1, 2, ete.; 234:1, 6, ete.; 239:1, 2. The sign e has the value rabi, ‘“‘to be great.’’ In such passages as Nos. 13:18; 151:5; 193:8; 207:7; etc., it must mean “‘be as great as,”’ “be worth.”’ The fact that occasionally the names of certain kinds of sheep are included in the inventories of flocks, with blanks before these names indicating that there were no sheep of these kinds in the flocks there listed (see Nos. 5 II:2, 4, 20, 22; IV:2, 4; V:2, 4; 6 II:21, 22) leads us to believe that the scribe copied a regular form, as was done in the Cassite Period. (See Clay, Bab. Exp. XV, pp. 96, 111.) The diagonal marks in No. 15 were not for the purpose of cancellation, because the text is beautifully preserved, and was found in the archives. Perhaps they take the place of check marks,! such as those marking separate items in YBC 7260, ete. The marks on Nos. 31, 32, etc., were probably caused by their being tied to objects. Because of the number and the character of the many Yale texts from Larsa which refer to a certain Balmunamhe, we are led to believe that he was a prominent business man of the city whose private archive has been unearthed. This seems to be indicated by the Yale texts in the present volume, in twenty-five of which he 1 See Clay, Bab. Exp. XIV, p. 16. 16 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V appears, not as a witness, but as an active party to the transactions.1. Ten of these texts record his purchase or exchange of lands or houses; in six he appears as the purchaser or owner of slaves; in four he lends grain or silver; in two he is mentioned as the official in charge; in three he is represented as the owner of property, one of these texts (No. 132) being a tax receipt. It is to be noted that in Nos. 122 and 181 he is mentioned with his father, Sin-ntir-matim. The documents recording all these. transactions are such as a business man would keep among his own records, while those recording his selling property or borrowing money would have been kept by the other party to the contract. His activity was continued during a long period, for his name occurs on Yale documents from the reign of Warad-Sin and throughout the reign of Rim-Sin, the latest which has been observed (YBC wid being dated in the forty-second year of Hammurabi. A very common form of the oath formula in contracts from Ur and Larsa of the Larsa Dynasty is like that of the contracts from Nippur of the same period (see Chiera, Legal Documents from Nippur, p. 18), mu lugal-bi. Yet there is some variation in the Ur and Larsa contracts. Of the contracts among the present texts, sixteen have no oath formula, thirteen have mu lugal-bi, six have mu “Nannar “Babbar u (the name of the king) lugal. Two case tablets, Nos. 121, 125, have mu Warad-*Sin lugal on the case and mu lugal-bi on the tablet, while a third case tablet has mu lugal-bi in both places. No. 130 has mu Warad-“Sin lugal, No. 124 has the oath by two kings, Warad-Sin of Larsa and Sin-iribam of Erech,? while in No. 127 the oath is by Warad- Sin and his father, Kudur-Mabuk. With the data at hand it is possible to come to no conclusion other than that at Ur and Larsa there was no adherence to a single ~ stereotyped form of oath. THe Date FoRMULA. The chief importance of the texts assigned for publication here lies in the his- torical data furnished by the date formule. The full discussion of the chronological material of these and other texts of the Larsa Dynasty is to be found in the mono- graph entitled “Chronology of the Larsa Dynasty” (Yale Oriental Series, Researches, Vol. IV, Part 1); it seems appropriate, however, to mention here a few facts concern- ing the new chronological material of this volume. For the names of the kings and the length of their reigns, see the dynastic tablet published in Clay, Miscellaneous Inscriptions, p. 30 f. 1 See List of Personal Names for references. * This new king of Erech, who bears the same name as one of the kings of Larsa, is of especial interest. GRICE—RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 17 All the texts in the volume which can be placed with certainty are from the time of seven rulers of the Larsa Dynasty, from Nir-IM to Rim-Sin. About twenty of the date formule have not appeared before, others enable us to expand or correct the readings of formule which have been previously published. In the first number of the Revue d’Assyriologie for 1918, Thureau-Dangin will publish the inscription of a four-sided prism which if uninjured would have given a complete scheme of the Larsa Dynasty. In its perfect form, it gave for the first four rulers only the length of their reigns; beginning with the fifth king, it gave the formula for each year, to the end of Rim-Sin’s reign. The lengths of the reigns of the first four kings, which are broken from the prism, can be supplied from the Yale dynastic list, mentioned above. Unfortunately the second face of the prism is entirely destroyed, and the inscription is otherwise considerably injured. An advance copy of most of the text, which has been kindly sent by Thureau-Dangin, shows that there are preserved more or less complete formule for the years from the begin- ning of Gungunu through the twenty-fifth year of Sumu-ilu, and from the seventh! year of Rim-Sin to the close of his reign. In contrast to most date-lists, the prism gives full formule, several of those of Rim-Sin occupying six or seven lines each. There is thus one gap of about fifty-four years, which together with the many fragmentary formule of the prism, must be supplied, as far as possible, from dated documents of the period. . Of the fifty-four years which are missing from the Louvre prism, twenty-nine have been restored, some of them tentatively, from published texts or new formule from Yale tablets. Several unidentified formule of the Larsa Dynasty probably belong also in this gap, but cannot be definitely placed until more evidence is dis- covered. (See Catalogue.) Though according to the dynastic list published by Professor Clay, Sili-IM reigned only one year, two date formule mention him. Besides the usual formula for his first year (see No. 117), eight texts? are dated mu Sv-li-"IM nam-lugal-ta sir-ra. Since sir has the value nasdhu, ‘to wrench out,’ the meaning is probably ““The year when Sili-IM was deposed from the kingship.” Since all the texts which bear this year-name are dated in the twelfth month, while the one which refers to Sili-IM’s first year was dated in the ninth month, it seems reasonable to suppose, 1 Since the total number of years in the rn is given by the prism as sixty, whereas the Yale dynastic list gives sixty-one, the testimony of the prism would be that the first formula on the fourth face of the prism is that of the sixth year. However, since there are two formule of Rim-Sin for which there is no place in his reign except the fifth and sixth years, it seems best to regard the number of years given by the Yale tablet as correct. 2Nos. 8-11, 54-57. 18 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V accordingly, that Kudur-Mabuk conquered Larsa and placed his son Warad-Sin on the throne during the last four months of the year; and that he preferred not to change the year-name entirely, but allowed it still to contain the name of Sili-IM, stating that he was no longer king. In this case “The year when Sili-I[M was deposed from the kingship’? might be called the accession year of Warad-Sin, as distinguished from his first (complete) year, a terminology used in the Neo-Baby- lonian Period. A new formula, found on twenty-two Yale texts, reads more or less fully “The year when he built the lofty platform for the temple of Shamash in Larsa.’”’ This is proved to be of Warad-Sin, not in the usual way by the mention of the king in the date or the oath formula, but by the seal impression. No. 165 states that it is sealed with the seal of the king. The seal impression has slight traces of a standing figure, and a clear inscription: ‘‘Warad-Sin, king of Larsa, son of Kudur-Mabuk.”’ From this no conclusion can be drawn other than that the new formula is of Warad-Sin. The greatest single contribution furnished by the temple records to our knowledge of the chronology of the dynasty is given by Nos. 202 and 207, which give us the order of the formule for the last five years of Warad-Sin and the first four of Rim-Sin, his brother and successor. Since in each text the date formule occur twice in the same order, and since we know independently of these texts, from oath or date formule which mention the name of the king, that the second, third, fourth, and fifth belong to the reign of Warad-Sin (although the order was not known), and that the sixth is the first year of Rim-Sin, it is possible to conclude that we have here the date formule for nine consecutive years, beginning with the eighth year of Warad- Sin, and ending with the fourth of Rim-Sin. The contribution of these two texts is especially important because they give nine years which have been broken from the Louvre prism, which contains no formule of Warad-Sin’s reign, but begins, after the missing second face, with a badly mutilated formula for the seventh year of Rim-Sin. For the reign of Rim-Sin the Louvre date-list and the dated business documents of the period furnish abundant material. For the order of the formule from the seventh to the thirtieth years of Rim-Sin we must depend on the date-list; from published texts and the dated tablets of the Yale Collection, which furnish many examples of the formule of Rim-Sin, with many variants, it is possible to restore most of the fragmentary formule of the prism, about one third of the formule appearing here for the first time. Unfortunately in one or two instances the same part of the formula is injured on the tablets as in the prism, while in three cases GRICE—RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 19 the mutilated form of the prism suggests a fuller form than has yet been found on a dated tablet. A number of conclusions concerning the dates of Rim-Sin’s reign which had been reached before the contents of Thureau-Dangin’s prism were known, are con- firmed by the prism. For example, it had been concluded from evidence such as is offered by a text which contains records for three years; by the names of persons mentioned in the texts, especially shepherds and a certain Balmunamhe,! whose private archive seems to have been unearthed by the Arabs; as well as from the general appearance of the tablets, that two date formule which have hitherto been regarded as of Sin-idinnam, record achievements of Rim-Sin instead.2 The new date-list of Thureau-Dangin confirms this conclusion, showing them to be the formule for the seventh and the eighth years of his reign. Another fact of more general interest can be learned from the two texts which record formule for nine and five years respectively., It has been questioned by scholars when the date formula for a year was determined. Now text No. 207, dated in the first month of the fourth year of Rim-Sin, carries the record as far as the year then beginning; while No. 202, dated in the twelfth month of the third year, refers to grain for the succeeding year, using the date formula for the fourth year. Hence it is shown conclusively that at some time during the twelfth month (the exact day is not mentioned), the date formula for the succeeding year had been _ determined and announced, so that it was used by the scribe. How much earlier the date formula for the following year may have been fixed can be determined only by the discovery of new data. The Yale texts furnish three synchronisms between kings of Larsa and those of other dynasties. The oath formula of No. 124 mentions a hitherto unknown king of Erech® as a contemporary of Warad-Sin. The formula for the fifteenth year 1 See above. 2 The formule are: mu é *Bar-ul-e-gar-ra Sag Adab® mu-un-di-a & alam gu&kin “Sin-i-din-nam lugal Ararma*(-ma) mu-un-dim-ma The year when he built the temple of Bar-ul-e-gar-ra, in Adab, and finished a golden statue of Sin-idinnam, king of Larsa; and mu kd-gal a-a-a-bi M as-gan-Sabra®™ mu-un-dii-a wu e a-Sag Sag-tum-ma 4 kaskal-gid mu-un-si-ig-ga The year when he built the city gate and its adornment in Mashganshabra, and enlarged the canal of field and meadow for four double leagues. They have been regarded as belonging to the reign of Sin-idinnam, as stated; the former because of the reference to his statue, the latter because it has been regarded as a variant of the formula mu 4Sin-i-din-nam bdd-gal M as-gan-Sabra™ ba-di The year when Sin-idinnam built the great wall of Mashganshabra. 3 See above. 20 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V of Rim-Sin (see Nos. 141, 147) celebrates his victory over the armies of Erech, Isin, Babylon, Rabiqum, Sutium, and Warad-NE-NE, king of Erech. Though this formula is badly mutilated in Thureau-Dangin’s prism, the full form is found on several Yale documents. Accordingly we have the relative position of Sin-iribam, a contemporary of Warad-Sin, and Warad-NE-NE, who was reigning in the fifteenth year of Rim-Sin, welcome new material for the Dynasty of Erech, which like the Larsa Dynasty, was unfortunately broken from the king-list found at Nippur. Another new date formula (see Text No. 3), which cannot yet be placed, reads: mu ugnim Nim™-ma u Za-am-bi-va lugal I-si-in™ “tukul ba-an-sig. The year when with his weapon he smote the army of Elam and Zambia, king of Isin. | When it is learned to what reign this formula belongs, we can determine positively the question of the overlapping of the dynasties of Larsa and Isin, and calculate accurately the chronology as far back as the beginning of the Ur Dynasty. It is possible that this formula belongs to the reign of Sin-idinnam. As stated above, in the monograph Chronology of the Larsa Dynasty the reasons for some of these and other conclusions will be given more fully, and there will be a more complete discussion of the materials for reconstructing the history of the dynasty. NAME INDICES. The following abbreviations are used: b., brother; d., daughter; f., father; gf., grand- father; gs., grandson; h., husband; m., mother; p.n., (?) perhaps not a personal name; w., wife; YBC, Yale Babylonian Collection. ‘is written before some feminine names: other names which are probably feminine are given without being so indicated. Personal Names. A-ab-ba-a, A-ab-ba, A-ba-a 1. s. of *Dumu-zi-ba-ni, na-kid, 2 V:26 / 2. Vilsiioi7-/ 6 T1130 7.6 117: 16. 2. s. of HN-*...-ma, en “Nannar, 46: Seal / 50:Seal / 51:Seal. 3. 8. of Ka-...,.2. 1V:8. 4. f. of “Stn-i-din-nam, “%Sin-i-din-na, 1 III:20 / 4 VI:8 / 52:6. Pagans Lie Los 6. nin-dingir, 249:2. 7. 143 Tablet:2, 18; Case:10 / 171:10 / 181:23 / 195:9 / YBC 4748 1:5 / YBC 5784:3. A-ba-am, 110:14. Ab-di-ra-a®, f. of “Sin-na-id, 137:20. A-bi-ia-. . ’-a, 106:9. A-bi-t-li 1. f. of I-ba-ds-Si-ili, 4 V:23 / 15 IV:24 / 50:6. 2. pa KA(?), 141:23. 3. 129:24. : A-bil-a-hi 1. f. of E-la-li, 74:3. 2. f. of Im-gur-4Sin, 4 1:28 / 16 II:2 / 51:6. A-bil-“Amurru 1. s. of A-fi-Sd-gi-ig, IS, arad *Amurru, 106:52, Seal. 2. 108:5. A-bi-li-i, 208 II:5. A-bil-i-li-84, 95:1 / 138:17. A-bil-ku-bi l. s. of “IM-na-si-ir, b. of “Sin-éris, DiIeZ7: 2. s. of “IM-na-si-ir, 18:33. 3. s. of *7M-tab-ba-ni, na-kid, 6 IV:20. 4. s. of Nu-tr-“Sin, 76:6. 5. 207:48 / 242:5. A-bi-il-la-lum, 147:14. A-bil-4Sin, -4Sin(ES) 1. dim, 123:26 / 127:16 / 134:24 / 143 Tablet:24; Case:20._ . . dub-sar, 133:21./ 134:25. . engar, 112:24. . gir, 169:16 / 170:11 / 182:18. - Mis 122° 19 FL OV Es. Wil oe ella aol L405. oy YBC 4750 V:11 / YBC 7260 ITI: 42. A-bi-ma-ra-as, 48:14. A-bi-sa-ri-e. See List of Cities. A-bi-ta-bu-um 1. s. of Mér-Uruma™, 4 VIII:12 / 13:9, 20. 2. s. of Warad-*Sin, 53:4. 3. b.of U-bar-*Sin, na-kid, 1 V:6/9:4, 12. Ae an (118275 28 eb ye39 / toe Lil: 237/216 TVe1S77 aU tere ai i A-bi-um-mu, f. of “Sin-ga-mi-al, 131:27. A-bu-ilu, A-bu-um-ilu 1. f. of Um-mi-a-bu-um, 135:20. 2. YBC 7260 ITI:39. A-bu-um-ha-lum, 117:12. A-bu-ni, f. of U-bar-ru-wm, 2 IV:27 / 18: 36 / 25:31. A-bu-ra-bi, A-bu-um-ra-bi 1. gir, 150:50. 2. na-kid, YBC 5576:41. 3. 175:8 / 184:4 / 200:7. Om Ore W bd 22 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V A-bu-ta-bu-um, 46:5. A-bu-ti-a-tum, YBC 7260 III:40. A-bu-wa-qar 1. s. of I-din-Ir-ra, dam-qar, 141:26. 2. dam-qar, 203:3. 3. 23:4 / 1388:3, 6 / 147:4 / 194:8 / 221: 9. fF 224: 14,30; 32,7 236: 2 ay BG 4748 I[:8. A-da-a-a, 148:51. A-da-lal, 130:3, 5, 11. A-dan-ni-is-i-li, A-dan-ni-is-ili, A-a-dan-ni- 1§-1-li 1. f. of I-bi-*Nin-Subur, 4 V:17. 2. na-kid, 1 IV:9. Pee DEY Ad-da-ilu, 40:6. Ad-da-kal-la, s. of ‘(Da-mu-li-ti, 141:29. A-da-a-a-tum 1. “simug, 119:26. 2. 253: 21. A-di-ma-ti-ili, Ad-ma-ti-i-li, 188:4, 5 / 140:8. A-du-ki-sd, 114:11. A-gu-t-a 1. s. of Bi-in-Na-ru-um, na-kid, 1 11:31. 2. s. of I-di-ia, na-kid, 21V:4 / 5 11:31 / 6 II:8. 3. s. of Ka-na-a-a, b. of A-at-ta-a, 4 V: 39, 46. 4. s. of Ka-na-a, na-kid, 15 IV:10. 5. s. of Pi-i-ir-Na-ru-um, 5 II:12. 6. dim, YBC 6278 Case: 16. T1615 12, A-ha-mar-%i 1. f. of Si-li-*Ba-%, 141:25 / 147:16. 2. arad, 40:3. 3. YBC 4748 II:21; VII:7. A-ha-tum, ‘A-ha-a-tum 1. w. of Sti-ub-na-AN, 110:3, Seal. 2. nin-dingir, YBC 7260 ITT: 23. 3. Su-gé, YBC 4726:15. A-ha-tu(?)-(?), 87:8. A-hi-a-a-am-%1, 34:5 / 131:29. A-hi-E-a, 68:2. A-hi-el-li-ka-am, gir, 205:5. A-hi-ma-a-a, 20:15 / 21:2 / 24:6 / 32:4 / 42: 12 / 66:4 / 82:4. A-hi-Sd-gi-is 1. f. of A-bil-*Amurru, 106:Seal. 2. b. of *Sin-sar-ri, YBC 4726:4. 3. na-kid, 6 1:15 / 30:15. 4, 2 11:14 / 4 1V:23 / YBC 4750 V:13. A-hi-sd-ilu, YBC 7260 ITI: 29. A-hu-ti-a-tum, YBC 4748 IT:14. A-hu-ki-nu-um, t-tul, 3 V:4 / 63:6. A-hu-la-ab-..., 44:14. A-hu-um, Ah-hu-um 1. dub-sar, 126: 40. 2. na-kid, 15 III:9. 3; YBC 7238:32: A-hu-um-ma. See List of Cities. A-hu-um-*Sin, 49:11. A-hu-ni 1. f. of Im-gur-*Sin, 1 1V:15 / 2 III:26 / & JI:32,7 4°1X2238 79218) 262715 EVG1G: 2. 81:6 / 102:19. A-hu-si-na, ™mi-lah, 118:19. A-hu-su, s. of Ka-na-a-a, 3 I1:7. A-hu-su-nu 1. s. of Awil-*Nin-Subur, gir, 17:21. 2. s. of Awil-*Nin-subur, na-kid, 1 III: 25 / 2 V:35 / 6 I1T:15. 3. s. of Ka-na-a-a, 1 1V:32 / 2 V:15. 4. da-gdl, 106:45. 5: 16: EVl1077 *Y BG 48532272 A-hu-ta-bu-um, A-hu-tabum (DUG) 1. dumu lugal, 153:7, 13. 2. NI-SUR, 204:5. 3. 171:28. A-hu-wa-qar 1. h. of “Stin-nu-ri, 88:15. 2. du-gab mu, 141:31. A-ia-a-ni, 42:19. Ak-be-la, 159:6. Ak-be-lum, IS, 112:27 / 123:27. A-ki-ia-ti-a-t 1. na-kid, 233:3, 8. 2. u-tul, 193:11. A-lam-ma-li-a-at, 127:6. A-li-i, f. of “Sin-i-qi-Sd-am, 3 11:13 / 4 [:23/ 61:26 / 19:17)/ 25:18. A-li-a-bu-sd, YBC 4744:18. GRICE—RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 23 A-li-a-ha-ti, 8:2. A-li-a-hu-t-a 1. arad, 253:1, 10. Dim dee SOTO LL e1 5: 1A-li-ba-ds-ti 1. géme, 73:1. 2. YBC 4750 IV:4. A-li-ellati, -ellati(-ti) 1. gir, 185:16. Be 112820 7 e122:5./° 249-3 / YBC*7260 V:35. A-li-mu-sd-li, -mu-sd-al-li 1. f. of Nu-dr-i-li-s1, “Sin-ra-bi, 2 VI: 18k. 2. f. of Nu-wr-i-li-su, 4 VIII:9 / 6 VI:4 / 25:35. 3. f. of *Sin-Se-mi, 6 VI:16 / 25:28. fA-li-tum, 98:13. A-li-wa-aq-ru, -wa-aq-rum, -wa-aq-ru-um 1. f. of Im-gur-*Sin, 132:15. 2. 12:5 / 76:9 / YBC 4861:1. *Al-la-zun-zi-mu, 97:3. A-lu-t-um, YBC 4748 VII:35. ‘A-ma-at-"I star, 98:12. ‘A-ma-at-ku-bi, si-gé, YBC 4739:5. ‘Amat-*Nannar, YBC 4739: 24. tA-ma-at-4Sin 1. d. of ‘Um-mi-ta-ba-at, 28:3. 2. 68:1 / 88:11 / 171:27 / YBC 4726:9 / YBC 4739: 37. ‘A-ma-at-*Za-md-md, m. of ‘Mu-sd-at-4Sin, 67:5. fA-ma-...., d. of “Sin-ri-..., 88:4. tA-ma-at-..., 88:2. A-mur-"Sin, f. of A-na-“Sin-tak-la-ku, 18:8. !A-na-ad-da-“Samag, géme, 95:7. A-na-B-a-tak-la-ku l. s. of A-za-ni-tum, b. (A-ZU), 5 V:26. 2. b. of “Sin-a-ba, Ur-4Nin-gir-su, na-kid, Oll41. 3. 112:26. A-na-ft-a-. .., 118:13. 1A-na-Istar-ad-gal, 72:4. A-na-"Sin-tak-la-ku 1. s. of A-mur-*Sin, 18:8. of “Sin-dst 2. s. of Ur-ra-ni-diig, Ur-ra-ni-dig, na- kid, 2 V:21 / 3.11:26 / 4 11:28 / 5 ITT: by 27.08120; 3. 3 IV:9 / 16 1:14 / YBC 4739:4. A-na-“Samasg-tak-la-ku 1. arad, 42:1. 2. 125 Case:3, 29; Tablet:3, 21. A-na-tum, An-na-tum 1. s. of Ma-a-nu-wm, mu, 141:30. Deol A-ap-pa-a, Ss. 15 I1:30: A-ap-pa-..., 122:29 / 242:13. Ap-pa-tum, s. of “Sin-mu-ba-li-it, YBC 6278 Case: 18. Ap-lum, YBC 4748 II:16. A-gar-ti, f. of Nu-tir-a-hi, 135:19. A-ra-al-la, 201: 2. Ararma™-na-sir, 253:16. Ar-bi-..., 122:27. Ar-si-a-nu-um, f. of Da-qum, 34:4. Ar-wi-tum, 243:3. A-sal-li-tum, f. of Ur-*Nin-gir-su, 3 IV:5. As-lu-v%, f. of “Sin-mu-ba-li-it, 25:32. A-at-ta-a 1. s. of Bi-on-Na-ru-wm, na-kid, 1 II: 26. 2. s. of Ka-na-a-a, b. of A-gu-ti-a, 4 V:44. s. of Ur-R-an-na, b. of Ib-ni-B-a, 4Sin-ra-bi, na-kid, 1 11:15. s. of Ur-B-an-na, 2 1:18 / 3 1:37. 5. dim, YBC 6278 Case:8, 15. . 16 II:14 / 174:10. A-at-ta-. ., 139:16. A-ta-na-ah-i-li, -ali 1. b. of “Sin-is-me-a-ni, 1 V:39. 2. na-kid, 4 1V:31, 36/5 VI:16/6 III: Gypsies 3: 11:26, 29 7 16 IV:7 4 124:19 / 189: 11 / 195:6. A-ta-ni, 127:2. A-ta-tum, st-ha, 174:18. A-wa-at-“Sin, 120:4. A-wi-ia 1. nu-gis-sar, 146:7, 15. ym dav ea Ge of “Dumu-ai-ba-ni, na-kid Se sr or) 24 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V A-wi-ia-tum, 125 Case:28; -Tablet:28 / (?) 139: 2. Avil-*Amurru 1. gir, 166:12, 27. : 2. mi-ldh, 123:18 / 126:22 / 129:13. Avil-“Asnan, YBC 7260 VI:3. Avwil-"Dumu-ai-da, -“Dumu-2 1. f. of Nu-wr-7-li-si, “Sin-pi-la-ah, 6 LIT 32. 2. f. of Nu-ur-7-li-st, 3. 1:28 / 51:9. Awil-ga(?)-tum, 147:11. A-wi-li-ia, 120:2. A-wi-il-ili, A-wi-il-t-lt, A-wi-el-ili, A-wi-el-i-lt 1. s. of Ka-na-a-a, b. of Nu-tr-i-li-s%, 3 11:38 / 5 1:33. 2. s. of Ka-na-a-a, na-kid, 1 JJ:21 / 2 V: 4 / 11:5, 14 / 30:20, 29. 3. s. of U-ba-a-a, 121:10, Seal. 4. arad, 71:1. 5. dam-qar, 129:2, 4, 10. 6. 4 III:39; IV:6 / 16 IV:9 / (?) 76:8 / 108:8./-113:4 7 138!2 7-Y BC 37238: al. A-wi-lim, 171:2 / 172:2, 8, 12 / 204:2. Awil-“Ma-ma, 80:4 / 102:2. Avil-“Ma-.., s. of Gimil(SU)-“Lugal, arad “Nannar-gé, dtb-sar, 47:Seal. Awil-“Nannar 1. s. of Nu-tr-7i-li-s%, 119:22 / 126:26 / 129:14 / 134:20. 2. b. of Azag-[*Innina(?)], 202:34. 3. 84:8 / 102:6 / 128:8. Awil-"NIN-IB, 224:18. Awil-"Nin-subur, f. of A-hu-sti-nu, 1 III: 26 / ZV) OL LO al geole Awil-sd-"Nin-a-zu, f. of I-ba-ds-8-ili, 18:11. ‘A-wi-il-ti-i-li, w. of I-li-tu-ra-am, YBC 4857:11. A-wi-il-..., A-wi-el-..., 194:2 / 217 II:9. A-wi-lum, 207:32. Azag-"En-ki, 149:2. Azag-“Innina 1. f. of Ur-*En-ki-ka, 128:12. 2. b. of Awil-*Nannar(?), 202:27(?), 31, 40(?), 45. 3. 171:19, 21, 22. Azag-“Nannar 1. s. of “Nannar-ta-bi-. ., arad é*Nannar- gé, dub-sar A-RU-A, 47:Seal / 51: Seal / 52:Seal. 2. f. of Gimil(SU)-. .., 50:Seal. SMCLSOG 1022 ie Azag-ni-ia, 49:12. Agag-"Nin-gal lest OF Se-si-lum, 141:19. 2. f. of Ur-“Nannar, 46:Seal / 47:Seal / 50:Seal / 51:Seal / 52:Seal / 53:Seal / 122:Seal. 3. 126:3. Azag-“Nin-subur, YBC 7620 IV:32. ABH tet 19, A-za-ni-tum, f. of A-na-B-a-tak-la-ku, “Sin- dsti(A-ZU), 5 V:27. A-zi-ia, YBC 4853:9. “Babbar-ma-an-si, 111:14. “Babbar-zi-ma-an-st,. 253: 20. “Babbar-zi-mu, 114:10. Bal-mu-nam-he 1. s. of “Sin-nu-tir-ma-tim, 122:9. 2. Written Bal-la-mu-he-hi, 125 Tablet: 10. B. Gtr, LoUsb Lee eo ielos 4, 112:10 / 114:3 / 115:2, 3 / 116:2, 3 / 118:63/ 119277123 0/124 Gal eo Case: L1-/ 126:1077 12833 3129-587 132:4 / 184:8 / 141:6 / 143 Tablet:7; Case:4 / 145:4 / 146:11, 12 / 147:3 / 193::10 /:253:2237 YBCAARI 7. See also List of Cities. Ba-la-(?)-. ., 246:2. Ba-a-na-nu-um, 201:1. Ba-ni-ilu, na-kid, 19:13. ~ *Ba-t-ga-mi-la-[tum], YBC 4726:13. Ba-a-zu-um, na-kid, 196:7 / 233:5, 10. Be-gu-um, dam-qar, YBC 7260 ITI:32. Be-li-i, Be-li, s. of Da-da-a, 142:8 / YBC 6278 Case:3, 7. Be-li-ia, 82:3. Be-li-ba-ds-ti, YBC 7260 III:30. Be-li-i-din-nam, s. of Azag-"En-ki, 149:2. Be-li-ki-ma-tim, 4 VII: 23. Be-li-ki-in-i-ma-tim, 18:21. GRICE—RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 25 Be-lt-ta-a-a-ar, SU-QA-GAB-A lugal, 141: 24. Be-lum-ki-im-ma-tim, 39:9. Be-ta-tum, 171:5: / 172:5 / 178:10 / 205:2. Bi-na-a. See List of Cities. Bi-in-Na-ru-um 1. f. of A-gu-é-a, 1 11:32. 2. f. of A-at-ta-a, 1 II:27. Bi-tim, 171:3 / 172:3 / 194:3, p.n.(?) Bi-tu-ti-a, 128:9. Bitu(E)-ra-bi, 127:22. Bu-bi-qum, 2 III:9. Bar-ia, f. of “HN-..., 112:Seal / 129:Seal. Bar-*Nu-nu, YBC 7260 II: 28. Bur-ra-tum, 129: 27. Bar-"Sin 1. s. of “Nannar-ma-an-st, 118:17. 2. 70:11 / 102:10./ 214:4, Bu-ur-tim, YBC 4748 1:10. Bu-ru-um-mu, 224:25, p.n.(?) Bar-7..., 242:12. Bu-uz-bu-2u-um 1. f. of [s-me-4IM, 1 III:31. 2. f. of Si-li-*Sin, 126:6, 8. Bu-zi-ia 1. pa, 80:18. 2. Sa-tam, 144:18. 3. 81:4 / 102:20 / 130:18. Da-bi-tum, 127:4, 5,10. Da-da-a, Da-da 1. s. of [&-me-Ir-ra, 1 VI:22 / 18:14. 2. f. of Be-li-i, Be-li, 142:8 / YBC 6278 Case:3. _ 8. 97:4. Dam-q-i-li-s%, 223:8. “Da-mu-lu-ti, f. of Ad-da-kal-la, 141:29. “Da-mu-ma-an-si, YBC 7260 III: 47. Da-an-ni-ia, dim, 113:15. Dén-*La-ta-ra-ak 1. na-kid, 11:9 / 15 1:26; IT:7. 2.3 1:7 / 41:9,.14; [X:17//.5 VI:82 / 16 1:18 / 19:19 / 36:6. Dén-*Nin-gal, YBC 4859:5. Dan-nu-li, 130:6. Dén-*St-bu-la Le nu, 124223: 2. pa mu, 119:18. 3. 113:14 / 137:21 / 1611. Da-aq-qum, Da-qum 1. s. of Ar-Si-a-nu-um, 34:3. 2. na-kid, 6 II:29. 3. 1V:43 / 16 1:26 / 26:10 7 39:8. Da-ar-ri-ku, 132:9. Di-ba-bu-um, s. of Za-an-gu-um, 135:3, 4. Di-di-i, YBC 7260 1:41. Di-ma-sum, 4 11:16. Du-ga-qum, kd(?), 140:17 / 143 Tablet:25; Case: 22. “Dumu-zi-ba-ni 1. f. of A-ab-ba-a, 2 V:26 / 4 VII:12 / 5 III:30 / 6 III:16. 2. f. of A-ap-pa-a, 15 II:31. *Dumu-zi-i-..., 171:25. B-a-he-gal 1. b. of B-a-mu-ba-li-it, na-kid, 1 IIT:36. 2. na-kid, 30:37. 3.3 11210) / 4V1li38, 39 7-5 11136 73 / 10:23. B-a-mu-ba-li-it 1. b. of B-a-he-gdl, na-kid, 1 IV:4. 2S TOs a LV:6 7 138715; R-a-na-sir 1. s. of [b-ku-E-a, Sd-tam, 141:14. 2. gir; 169:20 / 170:16. 3. YBCO 7260 IT:15;. T1T:25. B-a-si-lé, 221:4 / YBC 4748 III:19. B-a-se-mi, 14:3 / 120:12. E-a-tu-kil-ti_ 1. na-kid, 6 II1:12. DEULV 28 21 Vendy p LVs15 4. 150:15. -0-Loe Lise: E-gdl-li-ia, gir, 26:8. E-la-a, 109:5. E-la-li, s. of A-bil-a-hi, 74:2. El-la-tum, s. of Wa-tar-*Sin, 137:16. B-mu-t, 129:22. | EN-AN-E-UL, en “Nannar sag Uruma™, 250:8 / 251:10. E-en-da-a, f. of Warad-*Nannar, 119:23. 4Bn-ki-ra-..., 106:60. 4Bn-lil-be-el-1-li, YBC 7260 III: 10. 4Bn-lil-ga-mil, YBC 4864:11. 26 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V *En-lil-it-mah 1. na-kid, 1 T1I:15 / 15 IIT:6. 2 R1II:4 / 40V 15385 (be oe Geko aOstl lal 7: *Bn-lil-i-zu, 107:17. *En-lil-ma-lik 1. dim(?), 137:17. 2. 73:3. 4En-lil-ma-an-st, 111:16. *En-lil-na-id 1. s. of “Sin-ia, gs. of Ha-ba-tum, 131:4, SeaLOML ie 2. pa géme us-bar, 112:23 / 129:16. 4Bn-lil-na-kid, pa géme us-bar, 123:24. *Bin-lil-Se-mi, 127:23. cEN-... 1. s. of Bér-ia, 129:Seal. ZABsLV: 24: EN-‘...-ma, f. of A-ab-ba, 46:Seal / 50: Seal / 51:Seal. En-més-*Sin, gir, 100:6. En-nam-*IM, 110:15. E-nu-um-li-bur, f. of T1-iz-qa-ru-um, Za-ar- ri-qum, 112:3, 6, 16. ‘E-ri-igs-tum 1. d. of “Sin-ga-mi-il, 125 Case:6, 9; Tablet:6, 8. 2, Y BG 472637; E-te-el-pi(KA)-Istar, a-bal, 140:5. E-te-el-pi(KA)-"Nin-Subur, 146:21. E-te-el-pi(KA)-"Sin, 102:3. E-te-el-pi(KA)-“Samaég, 106:11. Ga-gu-um, h. of ‘Ma-ha-ni-tum, arad é-gal, 117:3. ‘Ga-mi-la-tum, 88:9 / YBC 4726:12. Ga-mi-lum, Ga-mi-ilum 1. s. of “Stn-sulili(AN-KUS), 18:27. 2. na-kid, 6 III:36. 3. 143 Tablet:2, 12; Case:3, 9. Gar-ra-“Babbar. See List of Cities. Gar-ra-*Nergal. See List of Cities. Gi-bil, “us-bar, 147:12. Gi-ma-nu-um, 118:21. Gi-mi-lum, Gi-mi-il-lum, Gi-mi-el-lum 1. s. of “Sin-nu-tir-ma-tim, 240:4, Seal. 2. s. of “Sin-pi-la-ah, b. of “Sin-na-tum, 56:6. 3. s. of Ur-"A-tuk-tuk, 131:24. 4. dam-qar, 129:18. 5. gir, 168:14. 67 4.V1°28:°/ 972157 12771487) 166: 0215, 31, 44 / 176:2 / 200:6 / 207:54 / 208° 1:35°7) 217 11: 77240-* L287 218: 297 e221 28.9) toa: yy De 7260 1:27. Gimil(SU)-“Da-mu, 154:4. Gimil(SU)-“Dumu-zi, 133:20. Gimil(SU)-"En-lil-lé. See List of Cities. Gi-mi-lum-i-din, 78:2. Gi-mi-il-ili, 134:4. Gimil(SU)-i-li-8, YBC 7260 III:34. Gi-mil-ki-nu-um, 41:5. Gimil(SU)-“Lugal, f. of Awil-tMa-..., 47: Seal. Gimil(SU)-“Na-na-a-a, -‘Na-na-a, f. of “Sin-1s-me-ni, -is-me-a-ni, 4 VII:16 / 16 III:19 / 18:39 / 42:22 / 43:6. Gimil(SU)-“Nin-mar-ki, 41:1. Gimil(SU)-*Nin-subur, 71:2. Gi-mil-..., 145:13. Gimil(SU)-"...,s. of Azag-*Nannar, dib-sar, 50:Seal. Gimil(SU)-*. .-t, TS, 106:53. Gub-ba-ni-diig 1. f. of “Stn-ma-gir, 135:21. 2. f. of 4Stn-Se-mi, 1 1:33 / 2 V:9 / 3 11:29:55 1387.6) LV 16r 16a. 10. Ha-ba-tum, f. of “Sin-ia, gf. of “Hn-lil-na-id, 131:3. Ha-ab-di-a-ra-ah, 158:3. Ha-a-di-(?)-(?)-(?), arad, 77:4. Ha-am-mi-a-tar, 140:3. Ha-na-bi-..., f. of “Stin-i-qi-sd-[am], 152 Case:7. Ha-zi-rum, Ha-2i-ru-uwm 1. s. of “Sin-i-ri-ba-am, b. of I-li-i-din- nam, arad *Nin-Subur, 106:49, Seal. 2. UM(?) nagar, 148 Case:23; Tablet: 26 / 147:138. 3. 107:18. GRICE—RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 27 Hi-ba-lum, YBC 4748 11:13; TII:11; IV:17; VieSs°Vi1:20: Hi-ni-ir-s%, 102:13. Hi-si-la-8%4i, 175:10 / 184:6. /Hi-is-sd-tum 1. w. of “Samag-ha-zi-ir, 143 Tablet:6, 16; Case:2, 13. 2. 195:8 / YBC 4748 I:20; II:10; ELS LV 51d 6 V4, 262 (V 11:24. ‘Hu-na-ba-tum, 98:3, 14. Hu-na-a-bi, 97:14. Hu-nu-bu-um 1. s. of “Samag-is-ki, 135:16. 2. f. of “Sin-mu-ba-lf-it, 126:30. 3. f. of Si-lé-Istar, 126:25. Hu-nu-ub-tum, w. of “Sin-ga-mi-il, “md-lal, 161:4. Hu-pa-tum 1. s. of “Sin-na-sir, 119: 20. 2. ku-dim, 145:8. 3. Sd-tam, 144:17. 4. 189:5 / 190:1 / 195:3 / YBC 7260 Ilp7. Hu-z2i-ra-nu-um, YBC 7260 III:45; IV:22; V:23, 28, 32. Hu-zi-ru-um, 179:7. Ta-a, YBC 4748 IT:18; VII:3. Ta-a-a-nu-um, f. of I1-lt-sulali(AN-KUS) (-lt), 134:16. Ta-ba-nu-m, f. of Im-gu-ié-a, 124:22. Ta-da-a-a-tum, 189:9. Ta-di-du-um 1. na-kid, 11:20. 2. 2 11:26 / 3 III:36 / 4 IV:385. Ta-ia-um, 156: 2. Ta-ta-ru-um, 151:5. Ta-ut-zi-lum, arad, 72:1. I-ba-lu-. .., 242:11. I-ba-ds-%-ili 1. s. of A-bi-i-li, na-kid, 15 IV: 23. 2. s. of A-bi-i-li, 4 V:22, 35 / 50:5. 8. s. of Awil-Sd-*Nin-a-zu, 18:11. 4. s. of Ku-na-ti, Ku-na-tum, 5 V:19 / 10:13 / 25:5. 5. gir, 166:39. 6. “mi-lah, 126:38. 7. na-kid, 11:18. Sr olsiG 7 is Galy ellie hy 1b 1:21 / 16 I:3, 16 / 19:31 / 21:5 / 2234°/ 23357 26:6 (27-4. Ib-ga-tum, YBC 7260 IT:14. I-bi-ilu, 22:3. I-bi-ik-"Nu-nu, -Nu-nu 1. f. of ‘Nannar-me-du, 53:Seal. 2. f. of “Sin-pi-la-ah, 122:Seal. I-bi-ik-. .., diib-sar, 155:Seal. I-i-“Nin-subur, I-bi-“Nin-subur 1. s. of A-dan-ni-is-i-li, 4 V:16. s. of I-di-Istar, na-kid, 16 1:5 / 47:5. Stl let dod . ki-dim, 118:18 / 119:24. . 41T:10 / 145:9 / 253:19 / YBC 7260 Lizzi; I-bi-*Sin 1. f. of U-ba-a-a, 144:23. 2. 206:3. I-bi-*Sd-ha-an, 114:2. Ib-ku-"A-ba, f. of Zi-ki-ir-i-li-8, 155:Seal. Tb-ku-*Ba-%, 131:22. Ib-ku-*Da-mu, 160:4, 8. Ib-ku-B-a, f. of B-a-na-sir, 141:14. Tb-ku-"IM Lesgine se U-tl 4AXf) 29531) (510529. / 11233 7113324 /15 LVi31/ 216 1V:18 / 30:42 / 55:6 / 57:6. 2. 14:4 / 22:6 / 39:6 / 107:4, 5 / YBC 4748 III:14; IV:22. Ib-ku-Ir-ra, 147:5. Ib-ku-ir-si-tim, 106:61. Ib-ku-I star 1. s. of Ur-Lugal-ban-da, na-kid, 1 III: 10. 2. gtr; 1703138. SOS Ll 21219. Ib-ku-*Na-..., f. of “Sin-ra-bi, 35:5. Ib-ku-*Sin, dim, 145:14. Ib-ku-sd 1. s. of [-ku-un-pi(KA)-"Sin, 118: 20. 2. s. of Ka-ap-sa-nu-um, 18:17. 3. NI-SUR, 204:4. 4. 121:24 / 122216 / 129:21 / 145:10-f 157:2 / YBC:7260 IV: 23. Om wb 28 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V Ib-na-tum 1. ka-dim, 123:21 / 182:13 / 145:17. 2. 125 Case:26; Tablet:26 / 140:18. Ib-ni-E-a 1. s. of “Nannar-me-du, 149:4. 2. s. of Ur-E-an-na, b. of “Sin-ra-bi, A-at- ta-a, na-kid, 1 I1:4. 3. s. of Ur-#-an-na,_ b. “Sin-ra-bi, 25:19. 4. s. of Ur-E-an-na, 9:27 / 104 Tablet: 7; Case:6. 5. b. of “Sin-ra-bi, 3 1:20. 6. na-kid, 15 IV:5. (4 Viste Vittles els og lore y e208, 50:7. Ib-ni-ia, s. of “Nannar-me-du, arad “Stn-i-qi- Sd-am, 123:Seal. Tb-ni-"Sin 1. f. of L-léi-us-ra-an-ni, 123:Seal / 126: Seal. Qereel tees Seep: Tbe 232 122:34; I-dam-ar-si, 120:3. I-di-du-um, 16 IV:8. I-di-ia 1. f. of A-gu-t-a, 2 IV:4 /'5 I1:31 / 6 IT:8. 2. f. of *TM-ra-bi, 4 V:34 / 18:3. I-di-Istar, {. of I-bi-“Nin-subur, 16 1:6 / 47:6. I-din-*Da-mu, 68:3 / 72:5 / 78:3 / 92:3. I-din-E-a 1. gir, 22133: 2. YBC 4748 ITI:25. I-din-*En-lil, s. of Si-li-Uruk™, 126:37. I-din-ia-tum, YBC 7249 IV:8. I-din-ilu 1 s. of Mu-tum-e-el, arad “I-Sum, pa géme us-bar, 123:23, Seal / 126:29, Seal / 129:15, Seal. 2. pa géme us-bar, 112:22.° 3. nagar, 202:338. 4. 125 Case:22; Tablet:20. I-din-IM 1. f. of U-bar-4Samaég, 106:Seal. ° of Ur-‘Bara, 2. f. of U-bar-ru-um, 106:46. 3. 26:3. T-din-Ir-ra 1. f. of A-bu-wa-qar, 141:26. 2. f. of “Nannar-ma-an-si, 100:4. B.0t0. 1, 41/ 107210: I-din-“Na-na-a 1. sangu “Innina, YBC 4857:13. 2. 108:9. I-din-"Nin-Subur, 2 11:22. I-din-“Sin 1. duéb-sar, 121:26. 2a TL LU: I-din-*..., £. of KA-sd-“Amurru, 116:Seal. Id-ki-te, 146:10 / 246:4, p.n.(?) I-ga-ia, 189:2. Ig-mi-ilu, 107:3. Ig-mi-il-"Sin, Ig-mil-"Sin 1. s. of “Sin-ts-me-a-nt, “Ma-mi-ia, 123:9. 2. nu-banda, 65:4. 3. 83:2. Ik(?)-ku-a-hu-wm, 110:10. I-ku-ka-“IM, 121:22. I-ku-un-pi(KA)-“Sin, f. of [b-ku-Sd, 118:20. I-la-li-. .., 174:7. I-la-ni(or li), f. of “Sin-ma-gir, 141:21. I-li-dén, pa géme us-bar, 126:23. [-li-E-a (or I-li-é-a), pa géme us-bar, 112:21. I-li-e-mu-qi, f. of “Sin-ma-gir, 34:7. I-lé-eri-ba, 103:6. [-li-ga-mi-e[l], 202:47. I-li-ha-[zi)-ri, YBC 4750 V:12. I-lt-i-din-nam } 1. b. of Ha-zi-rum, IS, 106:49, 51. 2. gir, YBC 6505: 42. 3. LISA5 /2156:30/e1bC- ae los ae, YBC 4748 IV:26 / YBC 4750 V:7 / YBC 7260 II:9. I-li-i-ma, YBC 7260 III:36. [-li-i-mi-ti, 113:13. I-li-ip-pa-al-za-am, 106:36. I-li-ig-me-ni, 133:19. I-li-ki-im-ti, 117:13. I-li-ma-a-bi, 238:3 / YBC 4748 II:22; VII:4. T-li-mu-sd-al-li, 92:1. GRICE—RECORDS FROM UR.AND LARSA 29 I-l-pi-di-ma, arad, 40:2. T-li-pu-ut-ra-am 1. engar, 112:28. 2. 143 Tablet:29; Case: 26. T-lt-sultli (AN-KUS) (-l4) 1. s. of [a-a-a-nu-um, 134:16. 2. 95:13. I-li-Sar-ra, YBC 4786: 4. T-li-Si-mu-ur, YBC 4750 VI:6. I-li-tab-ba-e, YBC 4748 III:21. I-lim-ta-ma-ilu, 208 II:4, p.n.(?) T-li-tu-kil-ti 1. f. of “‘Nannar-ma-an-st, 137:18. Beli iels: I-li-tu-ra-am 1. h. of 4A-wi-tl-ti-i-li, dam-gar, YBC 4857:10. 2. YBC 7260 III: 15. I-li-a, 113:16. I-li-us-ra-an-ni 1. s. of [b-ni-“Sin, simug gir arad, 123: 19, Seal / 126:21, Seal. 2. simug gir arad, 119:17. l-lee git, 171217: Tlu-a-hu-t-a-tum, nu-gis-sar, 146:3, 13. Ilu-da-mi-iq, 120:10 / (?)129:19. Tlu-la-at-tu, 97:13. Tl-lu-lu, 12:4 / 42:10 / 67:4 / 73:5 / 77:3. Tlu-mah-um-mi, 89:3. Tlu-pi(KA)-"Ba-v%, s. of Ur-*Nin-subur, ‘Sd-at-“Sin, b. of Lu-dingir-ra, YBC 5420:1; 5, 9, 15, 19, 27. Tlu-pi(KA)-“Sin, 202:24, 70. Tlu-pi(KA)-s% l. s. of Ur-més-Sun(?)-na, arad Warad- “Sin, 122:Seal. 2. 10:10. Tlu-ré’a 1. f. of Nu-tr-a-hi, 15 1:31. 2. na-kid, 2 VI:6 / 5 VII:4 / 6 VI:8. Tlu-si-ba-ni, 148:55 / YBC 6278 Case:19. Tlu-su-ba-..., gir, 168:18. Tlu-si-i-bi-sv, Ilu-su-i-bt-s% 1. s. of *Nin-si-an-na-me-du, arad “Nin- si-an-na, pa géme us-bar, 123:22, Seal / 129:17, Seal. 2. pa géme us-bar, 126:28. 3. 22:2 / YBC 7260 III:48. Ilu-si-na-si-ir, s. of “Nannar-ma-an-st, arad “Nin-Subur, 47:Seal / 50:Seal. Tlu-sti-ra-bi, 80:11 / 81:5 / 102:22. Tlu-8ti-. .., £. of U-bar-*Sama8g, 122:24. Tlu-um-ma, 86:2. “TM-ba-ni, mu, 198:2. Im-gu-ti-a, s. of Ia-ba-nu-wm, 124:22. Im-gur-"Girru(BIL-GI). See List of Cities. Im-gur-"IM, sd-tam, 145:20. Im-gur-“Sin l. s. of A-bil-a-hi, 4 1:27 / 16 II:2 / 51:5. . S. of A-hu-nt, na-kid, 1 1V:14 / 9:18, 267-15 IV: 16. 3. 8. of A-hu-ni, 2 ITI:26 / 3 ITI:32 / 4 IX:22, 30. 4. s. of A-lf-wa-aq-rum, 132:15. 5. s. of KA-sd-*Sin, b. of Nu-tir-..., 3 IV:19. 6. s. of KA-&d-4Sin, na-kid, 15 III:31. 7. 8. of KA-8d-4Sin, 1 V:1 / 4 VIII:4, 14 / 15 11:14. 8. s. of Na-ra-am-"Sin, 77:7. 9. s. of Nu-dr-i-li-su, na-kid, 15 I1:17 / 56:3, 10. 10. s. of Nu-ur-i-li-si, 4 VI:15, 20 / Palio Lisle, 21: 11. s. of Ur-é-gal, b. of ...-ta-a-a-ar, 3 II:32. 12. s. of Ur-é-gal, 2 11:6. 13. f. of “Sin-mu-ba-li-it, 135:18. 14. f. of U-bar-*I-Sum, 141:20. 15. f. of Warad-*Sin, 1 V:19 / 2 III:46 / 4 1X:29 / 9:23. 16. b.(?) of “Sin-ri-me-ni, Ta-ri-bu-um, 148:5, 12, 28, 31, 338, 36. 17. BIR-SU-BU-BU, 171:26. 18. gir, 168:17, 18 / 185:14 / 209:13. 19. Sutug “Nin-gis-zi-da, 132:14. 20. li BAD*, 124:3, 12. 21. 4 VII:25 / 7:6 / 39:5 / 80:6 /.102:5/ 113:12 / 115:11 / 116:11 / 122:18 / 129:25 / 140:19 / 213:4. Im-gur-rum, Im-gur-ru-um, 2 11:44 / 127:25. bo 30 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V Im-gur-..., 16 IIT:10 / 112:30 / 174:6. Im-gur-*..., s. of ...-*Samas, 174:16. "I M-he-gdl, nagar, 191:6 / 194:9. “1 M-i-din-nam, 129: 26. “7 M-la-ma-zi, 78:1. Im-lik-B-a, 127:17 / 130:16. Im-lik-*Sin, f. of Ur-..., 3 III: 40. *IM-ma-an-st, 114:13. *IM-mu-ba-lt-it, dam-qar, 139:18. “] M-na-si-ir 1. f. of “Sin-érig(PIN), 4Sin-a-ba, 4 VII: 3 / 25:38, 41. 2. f. of “Sin-éris(PIN), A-bil-ku-bi, 5 I: 21 / 18:30. 3. f. of “Sin-éris(PIN), 6 II:20 / 15 II: 24 / 56:9. Rael sa). *TM-ra-bi 1. s. of I-di-ia, 4 V:33 / 13:3. 2. s. of Ur-"Lugal-ban-da, 4 III:13, 19 / 25:9. 3. s. of Ur-més-ban-da, b. of U-bar- 4Samaé, 3 III:8. 4. s. of Ur-més-ban-da, na-kid, 10:4, 12. 5. na-kid, 15 1:10. “7 M-Se-mi, 202:32. “7 M-tab-ba-ni, f. of A-bil-ku-bi, 6 IV: 20. I-na-sd-me-e-wa-su, 102:29 / YBC 7260 1a YE In-ba-ba, 123:4. “Innina-za-at, 95:6. I-ni-su-nu, na-kid, 30:10. Ip-hu-rum, 127:18. I-ri-ba-am-"Sin 1. semug, 119:27. 2. 83:3 / 98:18 / 189:10. I-ri-Sd, Sutug, 137:19. Ir-ra-ba-ni, gir, 166:38. Tr-ra-ga-mil, gir. . . sib, 244:3. Tr-ra-ga(?)-se-ir, YBC 7260 II:10. Ir-si-ia, YBC 4748 II:20; VII:8. I-si-ia-tum, 121: 2. T-si-nu-ru-um, 144:3 Is-ru-pa-an-ni, 120:5. I-Sar-a-li-ki, Sd-tam, 122:22. 1§-gu-um-Ir-ra, 189:3 / YBC 7260 1:32. Is-ku-un-f-a. See List of Cities. Is-ku-un-*Nergal. See List of Cities. Iskun-*Samas. See List of Cities. Is-me-*IM 1. s. of Bu-uz-bu-zu-um, na-kid, 1 III:30. 2. 4 VI:19. 18-me-Ir-ra, f. of Da-da-a, 1 V1:22 / 18:14. *T§(?)-pi-um-mi, 98:4. Tstar-ellati, [géme], 132:1 / 145:1. Istar-ilu 1. gir, 121:19. 2.7337 ¢ 118214. Tstar-ri-im-ti-i-li, YBC 4739:11. ‘TStar-tap-pa-..., d. of. .., 42:6. TStar-wm-mi, 88:12. I-ta-na-ah-Uruk™, 121:25. It-ti-2-a-mi-il-ki, -mil-ki, -mi-il-ku 1. Sutug *En-ki, 143 Tablet:22; Case:19. 2. 125 Tablet:29; Case:30 / 140:14. It-ti-“Sin-mi-el-ki, -mil-ki 1. pa dam-gar Zar-bi-lum™, 207:21, 61. 2. 127:20 /-YBC 7260 II:23. It-ti-. ..-mil-ki, 145:15. I-zi-ia-tum, 129:3. *Ka-di-dur-ri, 121:18 / 129:20. KAEn-ki, YBC 7260 1:10, 13, 36; II:3, 16 siete Ka-la-la, 122:2. 4K AT-%4-4Samaé, f. of .. .-bi, 79:4. Ka-na-a-a, Ka-na-a 1. f. of A-gu-t-a, A-at-ta-a, 4 V:40. . of A-gu-t-a, 15 IV:10. . of A-hu-su, 3 1:7. . of A-hu-sti-nu, 1 1V:33 / 2 V:15. . of A-wi-il-i-li, (-ili), Nu-dr-i-li-s%, 3 11738 / 5:12:33. 6. f. of A-wi-il-i-li, (-ili), 1 II:22 / 2 V:4 / 11:6, 14.7,/30:20; 29: 7. £. of Nu-dtr-t-li-8u, 18:15 / 44:7, 16 / 48:17. Ka-na-ra-tum, YBC 4750 V:3. Ka-ap-hu-ma, 167:7. Ka-pi-ia-lum, 48:10. Ka-ap-sa-nu-um, f. of I[b-ku-Sd, 18:17. Ka-ra-na-tum, 108:4. Kas-si-la-s%, 13:21. SA ne mh sh Bh Mh GRICE—RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 31 KA-sé-“Amurru 1. s. of I-din-*..., 116:Seal. 2.,164:3: KA-sé-I star, -Istar 1. s. of “Sin-be-el-7-lié, 137:2, 14. 2. s. of Sti-mi-a-bi-ia, 131:19. a. 110F11. KA-*Samaé, 40:11 / YBC 4859:6. KA-8sd-"Nu-mus-da, f. of 4Sin-ma-gir, h. of !Ta-ri-ba-tum, 141:2, 4. KA-Sd-“Sin 1. f. of Im-gur-"Sin, Nu-tr-..., 3 1V:19- 2. f. of Im-gur-*Sin, 1 V:2 / 4 VIII:5, bool 15; T1232: 3. f. of Nu-tr-7Sin, 2 III: 4. Ieee: 1. f. of A-ab-ba-a, 2 IV:8. 2. f. of Nu-tr-“Sin, 19:9. Ki-es-i-din-nam, 202:3. Ki-ma-bi-li, 2 1V:51. Ki-ma-tim, na-kid, 6 1V:3. Kin-na-tum, IS, 106:47. Ki-is-ti-Ir-ra 1. f. of. ..-t-din-na-am, 162:Seal / 250: Seal / 251:Seal. 20) BU 260 Lie8 LEb: 262 V: 37: Ku-bi-na-id, nagar, 141:17. Ku-du-ur-Ma-bu-uk 1. f. of Warad-*Sin, 165:Scal. Deel 4 tf el 19:30 0/81 2eea le) 5 127212../ 128: 1007 137222 70167 7027) 202:4: 16, 29-61542 7 207: 1B A5C"/ 216:4. Ku-uk-*Su-gal-li-it, 191:2. Ku(or A§)-lu-t, f. of “Sin-mu-ba-li-it, 25:32. Kw-li-..., DU-GAB, 106: 54. Ku-na-bu-um, nu-banda, 126:4, 32. Ku-na-a-nu-um, 119:4, 5, 12. Ku-na-ti 1. f. of I-ba-ds-Si-ili, 5 V:20 / 25:5. 2. f. of “Stn-ma-gir, 16 1:12 / 25:16 / 54:6. Ku-na-tum 1. f. of I-ba-ds-8i-ili, 10:13. 2. f. of “Sin-ma-gir, 1 1:27. Ku-un-nu-rum, YBC 4748 IV:19; VI:15: VIT:31:; Ku-ru-um, YBC 4748 IV:23. Ku-tr-sd-nu-um, 24:2. Ku-su-ul-lum 1. s. of Ln-it-tum, na-kid, 10:9. 2. s. of Li-tt-tum, 6 IT:11 / 18:5. oo 4 11S) 1331 Ku-ti-zu-um, 140:4. La-gi-ma, 97:5. La-ki-bu-um LegireiS2r1 5 200312: 2. 128:10. “Latarak(LU-1AL)-qar-ra-ad, 117:16. In-bi-it-Istar, 178:1 / YBC 7260 1:22. In-bi-tt-“Sin, 103:3. Ii-bur-ba-ni, f. in-law of “Sin-i-din-nam, 141:28. Ini-ik-tum, 171:4 / 172:4 / 194:5 / YBC AT4S Te 2 bee Tel ies TL eOce LV ba av 5.27 VI: 265 p.0.(2) “Ti-lum-dén, 131:20. Lim-mas-“N annar 1. pa géme us-bar, 123:25. 2. 125 Case:23: Tablet:27. Li-sa-tum, 238:2 / YBC 4748 II:24: III: 13. Li-it-tum, f. of Ku-su-ul-lum, 6 11:12 / 10:9 / 18:5. Ii-za-qar-tlu, 125:4. Li-dingir-ra, s. of Ur-*Nin-Subur, ‘Sd-at- “Sin; b. of Ilu-pi(KA)-"Ba-t; Sutug ee ¥ BG5420: 22 107.16; 20,/28 730: Lu-ud-lu-ul-"Sin, 2 VI:33 / 5 VI:37 / 127: 24 / 142:5. Lu-GA-a-a, f. of “Sin-mu-ba-li-it, 155:Seal. Lugal-ban-da, 111:3. Lugal-gi-na, 135:6. Lugal-“Guskin, f. of SAG-lugal(?)-..., 46: Seal / 50:Seal / 53:Seal. Lugal-li-ti-na(?), s. of ‘Nannar-me-a-..., duib-sar, 47:Seal / 51:Seal / 52:Seal. Lugal-nig-gi-na, 149:1. Li-ti-la-di-bi, 125 Case:19: Tablet: 18. Ma-di-ia, 110:12. Ma-di-ka-ar-ku-te-im, YBC 4750 IV:5. Ma-gur-*Sin, 5 V1:26. ‘Ma-ha-ni-tum, w. of Ga-qu-um, 117:4. 32 Ma-ku-ur-"Sin 1. na-kid, 30:34, 35, 38. 22-1V:25 /°3 -1:4l eet Vita. VIII: 26 / 7:2 / 103187247 15 av 327 Los si 1 Ma-ma-nu-um, 102:25. 4Ma-mi-ia, w. of “Sin-is-me-a-ni, m. of Ig-mi-il-4Sin, 123:8. “Ma-mi-tum-ri-me-ni, mm. 42:9. Ma-a-nu-um, f. of An-na-tum, 141:30. Ma-na-a-nu-um. See Ku-na-a-nu-um. Ma-nu-t-um, 32:3. Mér-“Amurru, 41:7, 8. Mér-t-li, YBC 7260 II:25. Ma-ri-‘I star, 108:7. Mdr-"Sin-be-el-. .., 102:9. Mér-"Sin-tu-kil-ti, gir, 17:14. ‘Ma-ri-tum, 88:14. Mér-Uruma*™ 1. f. of A-bi-ta-bu-um, 4 VIII:13 / 13:20. Dio lso: Ma-sa-bu-um. See List of Cities. ‘Ma-ta-tum, YBC 4726: 14. Ma-ti-ilu, 39:7. Ma-ti-nu-ru-um 1. s. of “Sin-ig-be-1, b. of “Sin-éris(PIN), na-kid, 1 III:5. 2. s. of “Sin-ig-be-e, 5 IT: 24. 3. b. of “Sin-éris(PIN), 3 III: 24. 4. na-kid, 15 1:19 / 19:23, 30. Dells, Me-ni-..., 44:11. ‘Me-és-li-ba-tum, géme, 117:1. Me-es-(?)-“Gu-la, 98:5. !Mu-ba-li-it-tum, m. of ‘Sd-at-4Nu-muéda, 70:1. Mu-da-du-um, s. of Ur-"Nin-gi-na, 148:48. Mu-kin-tlu, 49:13. Mu-na-na-nu-um, 3 II1:39. Mu-na-nu-um, 2 11:30. Mu-nu-tuk, 27:3 / 31:4. Mu-na-wi-rum, -ru-um, 143 Tablet:4, 14; , Case:11 / YBC 7260 V:4. ‘Mu-sd-at-"Sin, d. of A-ma-at-"Za-md-md, 67:6. of ’Um-mi-..., 4 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V “MuSs-dingir-ka-ni, p.n.(?), 42:18. Mu-ta-bu-um, Sd-tam, 122:23. Mu-ti-a-ba-al, YBC 4750 V:9. Mu-tum-e-el, Mu-tum-ilu 1. s. of “Sin-éris(PIN), 4 III:6. 2. s. of ..., -mt, na-kid, 19:29. 3. f. of I-din-ilu, 123:Seal / 126:Seal. Ae Vie Lb eet Il<39, Na-bi-“En-lil 1. s. of “Sin-na-si-ir, arad *Amurru, 125 Case:18; Tablet:17; Seal. 2. f. of “Sin-ri-me-ni, 109:13. 3. simug, 134:21. 471206412. 05/ 8 LOU SA: Na-bi-i-li-su 1. s. of Nu-tr-7Sin, 1 VI: 26. 2. s: of ‘Sd-at-4Sin, 144:6. 3. ..., UD, 132:10. 4. 133:5, 6 / 151:3. Na-bi-4Sin, YBC 7260 I:24. Nd-Di-bee elle 72: Na(?)-ab-tum, 98:1. Na-bu-um-M ER(?), 159:2. Na-din-ilu, 3 III:20 / 7:4 / 15 III:36. Na-din-is-ta-al-mu-um, h. of ‘Si-ba-a-a, f. of “Sin-éris(PIN), 121:4, 7. Na-din-twm-"Nin-gal, YBC 4853: 21. Na-ah-lum 1. na-kid, 6 IV:27. 2. 4-VII:42. Na-ki-mu-um, 20:5. /Na-na-a-a-im-gur, sti-gé, YBC 4726:10. “Nannar-a-a 1. s. of A-bi-Sd-"Sin, 2 IV:43. 2. s. of Nu-tir-mas-ku-ku(?), 2 1V:35. 3. f. of “Sin-be-el-7-li, (-ili), 2 IV:47 / 6 IV:8. 4. na-kid, 11V:24 / 5 1V:12 /6IV:12 / 33:8. “Nannar-asarid(IGI-GUB), 73:9. 4Nannar-e-ra-mu-st, YBC 7260 1:26. 4Nannar-ma-an-st 1. s. of I-din-Ir-ra, li Zararma™, 100:3. 2. s. of I-lé-tu-kil-ti, 137:18. 3. s. of “Sin-be-el-i-li, 80:2. 4. f. of Bar-“Sin, 118:17. GRICE—RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 33 5. f. of Ilu-st-na-si-ir, 47:Seal Seal. 6. dim, 143 Tablet:28; Case:25 / 172: 14. . engar, 112:25. . gir, 168:15. . ™KTD, 129:23. . 102:4 / 113:9 / 122:6 / 144:4, 5, 13 / 148:53 / YBC 4739:43 / YBC 7260 1:28. 4Nannar-me-a-. .., f. of Lugal-li-ti-na(?), 47: Seal / 51:Seal / 52:Seal. 4Nannar-me-du 1. s. of I-bi-ik-Nu-nu, 53:Seal. 2. s. of Warad-B-a, 151:8, 9, Seal. 3. f. of Ib-ni-B-a, 149:4. 4. f. of [b-ni-ia, 123:Seal. *Nannar-ni-mah 1. DU-GAB, 141:15. 2. 136:3 / 150:39 / 176:6 / 184:21. 4Nannar-ni-2u, 133:16. *Nannar-sag-gal, 133:2. 4Nannar-st-ga, YBC 7260 1:40. 4Nannar-tab-ba / 50: p— So Oo 0 I l.s. of Nu-tr-t-li-si, 125 Case:20; Tablet:19; Seal. Da lots 22, 4Nannar-ta-bi-..., f. of Azag-“Nannar, 47: Seal/ 51:Seal / 52:Seal. Na(?)-an-na-tum, 143 Tablet:27; Case: 24. Na-an-..., 122:26. Na-ap-li-is-ilu 1. gir, YBC 6505:41. 2. YBC 4748 III:12; IV:18; VII:30. Na-ra-am-f-a, YBC 4748 1:15; II:27, 35; LIS oO LVS) Veoh VIT: 21, Na-ra-am-"Sin 1. f. of Im-gur-*Sin, 77:8. rey BC 72600 1Ir1 OV 122, V2 18, Na-ra-am-ta-am, 110: 2. Na-ra-am-tum, 202:46. Na-ar-bu-um, dub-sar, 126: 24. Na-wi-ru-um-i-li, 122:4. PNaqv + ce 11-18: Na-...-im, f. of Warad-“Nannar, 132:11. *Nergal-ki-i, f. of “Sin-ma-gir, 126:34. “Nergal-KU-UB, 133:18. Ni-bu-um, 201:3, p.n.(?) Ni-di-it-tum, 39:2. Ni-ig-ma-nu-um, 155:4. Ni-ik-ka-a, 88:8. Ni-ki-..., 118:2, 3. “Nind(?)-t-ra-bi, 8:6 / 102:15. “4Nin-gal-la-ma-z2i, St-gé, YBC 4739: 13. Nin-gal-mu-ba-li-it, YBC 4739:25. “Nin-gis-21-da-ga-mi-il, 80:9 / 81:2 / 102:26 / 161°7. “Nin-kar-ra-ag-ba-la-tu, Si-i, 124:20. . “Nin-kar-ra-ag-mu-ba-li-it, YBC 4739:40. !Nin-kar-ra-ag-um-mi, YBC 4739:6. “Nin-si-an-na-me-du, f. of Ilu-su-i-hn-su, 123:Seal / 129:Seal. 4Nin-subur, 133:7. Ni-in-nu-t-a, 178:3 / YBC 4748 IV:21; VI:17; VII:33. Ni-si-i-ni-&%, nin-dingir, YBC 7260 IIT: 28. Nu-na-a 1. f. of “Sin-ma-gir, 2 VI:37 / 5 VII:15. 2. na-kid, 6 VI:19. Nu-na-bu-um, f. of Zi-2i-bu, 117:14. Nu-nu-t, 148:54. Nu-tr-a-hi 1. s. of A-qgar-ti, 135:19. 2. a. of Ilu-ré’4, 15 1:31. 3. 41X:14, 15. Nu-tir-“Amurru 1. gir, 169:18 / 170:14 / 246:14. oO dee Nu-ra-tum, 44:5. Nu-tr-"Ba-%, na-kid, 33:9. Nu-tr-*Da-gan, 103:4. Nu-tir-E-a, YBC 7260 V:38. Nu-tr-i-li-s% 1. s. of A-li-mu-Sd-li, b. of “Sin-ra-bi, 2 Vee LUs s. of A-li-mu-sd-li, na-kid, 6 VI:3. . s. of A-li-mu-sd-al-li, 4 VIII:8 / 25: Sip 4. s. of Awil-“Dumu-zi-da, b. of “Sin-pi- la-ah, 6 III:1. 5. s. of Awil-"Dumu-zi-da, 3 1:28. 6. s. of Awil-“Dumu-zi, na-kid, 5 1:8. bo w 34 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V 7. s. of Ka-na-a-a, Ka-na-a, b. of A-wi-il- 4-U, -ili, 3 II:41 / 5 I1:6. 8. s. of Ka-na-o-a, 13:15 / 44:6, 15 / 48:16. : 9. f. of Awil-*Nannar, 119:22 / 126:26 / 134: 20. 10. f. of Im-gur-*Sin, 4 VI:16, 21 / 15 II: 18; III:11 / 16 III:15, 22 / 56:4, 11. 11. f. of ...-NJ-*Nannar, 129:14. 12. f. of ‘Nannar-tab-ba, 125: Seal. 13. na-kid, 212:42, 73. 14..7:7 7 97:8 //128:Seal. Nu-tr-i-..., 145:12. Nu-tir--IM 1. lugal, 152 Case:11 / 153:15 / 154:15. 2. master of Zi-ki-ir-t-li-su (=lugal ?), 155: Seal. See also List of Cities. Nu-tr-"Kab-ta 1. yi7,5126:39 7 246215. yee: a PP Nu-tr-ku-bi, 148:50. Nu-tir-mas-ku-ku(?), f. of “Nannar-a-a, 2 1V: 35. Nu-tr-"Nin-subur, 77:6. Nu-tir-*Sin 1. s. of KA-Sd-4Sin, 2 III: 4. 2. s. of Ka-..., na-kid, 19:9, 18. 3. f. of A-bil-ku-bi, 76:6. 4. f. of Na-bi-i-lf-su, 1 V1:27. bes 1520170162: 5591 Ga4 ol 7b. Nu-tr-*Samag, 23:2 / 227:16 / YBC 4748 ITs 19; Nu-ur-ub-tum, 171:32. Nu-tr-... 1. s. of KA-Sdé-“Sin, b. of Im-gur-4Sin, 3 IV:23. 2. 122:30. Nu-tir-*..., f. of Ta-ri-bu-um, 149:3. Pa-lu-lu-tum, 98:10. Pa-a-qum, Su-ha, 97:7. POV 122732: Pi-i-ir-Na-ru-um, f. of A-gu-ti-a, 5 II:12. Pi-ir-ni-du-um, 41:9 / 42:2 / 73:10. Pi-su-Ir-ra, 137:6. P7i-is-ti-ia, 171:8. Pi-it-ti-ia, 171:31. Pu-ul-ra-am-i-li, 189:6 / 190:2 / 195:4. Ra-bi-a-nu-um, 133:4. Ra-bi-a-(?)-at-¢Samag, 106:55. Ra-bu-ut-“Sin, gir, YBC 6505: 40. Ra-ha-bu, Ra-ha-bu-um. See List of Cities. Ri-’-(2), b. of “Samas-ga-mil, 134:19. Ri-ba-am-*Sin, na-kid, 6 IIT:30. Ri-ba-tum, 253:5, 12. Ri-im-*Sin, *Ri-im-"Sin, *Ri-im-Sin(ES) 1. f. of U-bar-*Sama¥, 125 Case: Seal. 2. lugal, 103:16 / 106:48, 67 / 107:12 / 137212 .0/-:138214-57 7149: 1197 150-5. 11, 56 / 200:10 / 202:14, 54 / 207: 9, 36 / 2171210; 254 LV:29) 7/1 218:4° AZ of 220: 30) 22k ecoriade toes. 5 / 224:37 / 22525 / 226:2 A22¢:197/ 228:5. 7 246:20. / -248:5,7 YBCO 4857: 16. Ri-t8-Ir-ra, 121:20. ‘Ru-ba-tum, 88:16. Sa-bi-a-nu-um, 110:3. Sa-bu-um-ga-mil, 115:10 / 116:1C. SAG-lugal(?)-..., s. of Lugal-‘Guskin, dib- sar, pisan diib-ba “Nannar, 46:Seal / 50:Seal / 53:Seal. ‘Sa-la-tum, 8:5 / 29:3 / 88:10. Sa-mu-um 1. na-kid, 208 1:11; A felch Oe LL Lye 29192759137 21212 Ao wore Ss on Sa-pi-ra-tum, 89:2. Si-’-mu-ug-ra, f. of Si-li-“Samag, 172:7 / 174:9. Si-di-un-ma-na, Sd-'am, 119:16. Si(?)-lam-ni-du-a, 147:8. “Sin-a-ba 1. s.of “TM-na-si-ir, b. of “Sin-értg (PIN), 4 VITI:6. 2. s. of “7M-na-si-ir, 25:38. 3. s. of “Samas-he-gdl, nagar, 141:18. 4. b. of Ur-“Nin-gir-su, A-na-B-a-tak- la-ku, na-kid, 6 11:37. 5. 37:4. “Sin-a-bil-“En-lil, gir, 170:15. 4Sin-a-bu-st, 12:7/67:9/ 72:7/ 74:4/ 102: 23. T2153 1Ve1307, GRICE—RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 30 “Sin-a-da-lal, 107:16. “Sin-a-hi-i-din-nam, YBC 4864: 2. “Sin-am-ta-ha-ar, 98:2. “Sin-dsti(A-ZU), s. of A-za-ni-tum, b. of A-na-B-a-tak-la-ku, 5 V:33. 4Sin-a-sd-ri-id, Sin(ES)-a-8d-ri-id 1. pa mu, 141:12. 2, 134:23, “Sin-ba-la-ti Pena-kid. vist V¥ 219) 6 11:4 7/ Llisil: / 30:24. 2. 41V:5 / 5 IIT:24 / 16 IV:11. “Sin-ba-li-it, 106:56 / 120:11. “Sin-ba-ni 1. na-kid, 6 IIT:33. 2. 41V:167/ 16 IV:6. 4Sin-ba-..., 1 V:31. “Sin-be-el-ap-lim, 241:2. “Sin-be-el-i-li, -ili 1. s. of “Nannar-a-a, na-kid, 2 IV:47 / bi Ved: 2. f. of KA-8d-IMar, 137:14. 3. f. of “Nannar-ma-an-st, 80:3. 4. 119:25. *Sin-bi-. . .-ki, 139:17. “Sin-éris(PIN) l. s. of “IM-na-si-ir, b. of A-bil-ku-bi, a AE 2. s. of “IM-na-si-ir, b. of “Sin-a-ba, 4 RRM ire 3. s. of “IM-na-si-ir, na-kid, 6 I1:19 / 15 I1:24. 4. s. of “IM-na-si-ir, 25:41 / 56:8. 5. s. of Na-din-is-ta-al-mu-um, ‘Si-ba- a-a, 121:6, 9. 6. s. of “Sin-iq-be-i, na-kid, 1 I1:36 / 2 11:1 / 54:10. 7. s. of “Sin-na-be-t, 4 11:34. 8. f. of Mu-tum-ilu, 4 III:7. 9. b. of Ma-ti-nu-ru-um, 3 III: 28. 10. na-kid, 15 1:19 / 19:23, 30. 11. li Umma", 166:7. 12. 16 1:8 / 175:9 / 184:5 / 209:2. “Sin-ga-mi-tl, -ga-mi-el, -ga-mil 1. s. of A-bi-um-mu, dim, 131:26. AaesOlal tees loa: 2), 3. h. of “Hu-nu-ub-tum, md-lal é-dib(?), 161:5. 4. f. of ‘H-ri-ig-tum, 125 Case:7, 10; Tablet: 9. 5. f. of Zi-ia-tum, 123:Seal. 6. 48:5 / 134:3, 9, 11, 15. “Sin-ga-ti-sa-ba-at, gir, 169:17 / 170:12 / 182:14 / 185:15. “Sin-ha-zi-ir, YBC 4750 V:8. “Sin-ia, s. of Ha-ba-tum, f. of “En-lil-na-id, 131/374) 513.178 1Stn~ia-tum, “SE, 123:20. 123:Seal. *Sin-i-din-na, s. of A-ab-ba, 4 VI:7, 9. “Sin-i-din-nam 1. s. of A-ab-ba, na-kid, 1 ITI:19. 2. s. of A-ab-ba, 52:5. 3. f. in law of Li-bur-ba-ni, 141:28. 4, lugal Zararma™, 140:24 / 168:22 / 173:9 / 174:29 / 212:4. 5. lugal, 111:19 / 169:24 / 170:21 / 213:8. 6. dumu lugal, 153:10. 7. 171:7 / 194:10 / YBC 4748 VII: 15. 4Sin-i-din-na-d&, gir arad, 152 Tablet:4, 6; Case: 4. 4Sin-t-din-na-sv, 151:1. 4Sin-i-din-..., 16 II:10. 4Sin-ilu, 191:4 / 235:3. 4Sin-im-gur-ra-an-mi, -im-gur-an-ni, YBC 4750 V:5 / YBC 7249 III:26 / YBC 7260 IV: 20. 4Sin-i-mi-ti, s. of ...-i-din(?), arad “Stn-i-ri- ba-am, 155:Seal. 4Sin-ip-pa-al-za-am, 144:19. 4Sin-igq-be-i, -iq-be-e 1. f. of Ma-ti-nu-ru-um,.1 TII:6 / 5 II:25. 2. f. of *Stn-iris(PIN), 1 11:37 / 2 IT:2 / 54:11. 4Sin-i-qi-Sd-am 1 s. of A-li-t, na-kid, 6 1:25 / 19:17. 2. s. of A-liz, 3 11:18 / 41:22 / 25:13. 3. s. of Ha-na-bi, 152 Case:6. 4. s. of Ur-més-Sun(?)-na, 2 1:32. 5. lugal, 62:14 / 160:14. Cf. Zi-ia-tum, 36 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V 6. master of [b-ni-ia, 123:Seal. (=lugal?) 7. a-bal(?), 140:6. S21 5V 1:07 / "64:10 ee Sleaze om, YBC 7260 Tl2ls sive 4Sin-i-qi-Sam (written U) (?), lugal, 159:7. “Sin-i-ri-ba-am, -e-ri-ba-am 1 s. of Za-a-a, 134718. 2 f. of Ha-zi-ru-um, 106:Seal. os lugal, 183'14, "2407 155: Sif lootie], 157:7 / 158:6 / master of “Sin-i-mi- ti, 155:Seal. . lugal Unug™, 124:15. . na-kid, 196:5 / 233:4, 9. . nu-gis-sar, 146:4, 14. , 22:5 / 69:5 / 80:12 / 118:16 / 131:7 / 138:16 / 189:4 / YBC 7260 IIT:33, 50. “Sin-is-me-ni, -is-me-a-ni 1. s. of Gimil(SU)-“Na-na-a-a, (-‘Na- na-a), 4 VII:15 / 16 III:19 / 18:39 / 42:21 / 43:5. 2. s. of “Sin-ri-me-ni, 126:36. 3. s. of “Samas-na-si-ir, 126:27. 4. h. of “Ma-mi-ia, f. of. Ig-mi-il-“Sin, 12570" ve 5. b. of A-ta-na-ah-i-li, 1 V:35. 6. “simiig 1197228 7. 3 III:48 / 20:6 -/ 49:4 / 102:8 / “IO Or > 139:4 / 208 11:36 / YBC:7260 II:26. 4Stn-it-ti, 76:7. “Sin-i-..., 148:6. *Sin-ki-ma-i-li-a, 133:17. “Sin-li-ta-la-al, 84:6. “Sin-li-ta-am, 109:4. “Sin-ma-gir 1. s. of Gub-ba-ni-diig, 135:21. s. of [-la-ni (or li), nagar, 141:21. s. of [-li-e-mu-qi, 34:7. s. of KA-§é-"Nu-muésda, !Ta-ri-ba- tum, 141:1. . of Ku-na-ti, na-kid, 54:6. . of Ku-na-ti, 16 1:12 / 25:16. . of Ku-na-tum, na-kid, 1 1:26. . of “Nergal-ki-i, 126:34. . of Nu-na-a, 2 V1:37 / 5 VII:14. . of [Um]-mi-a-hi-ia, 162:Seal. sie at SOMNAS Nnnannn in _ 11. s. of Ur-“Nin-a-zu, na-kid, 6 III:40. 12. s. of Wi(Pi)-ra-a-a, arad ‘En-ki, 106: Seal. 13. dam-gar, YBC 7260 III: 21. 14. na-kid, 15 1:16. 15. sumug, 114:14. 16. 3 11:4 / 411:24,.30 / 6 IV:24 / 45:3 / 82:297 9810175 Boye Gal 184:20) 22 9/ = 253:10 7 ¥BOS7260 11:12, 24. “Sin-ma-ha-as (perhaps “Sin-ma-gir) Lossabra sy BG 260 272 2a 2571 1; 4Sin-ma-ilu, 242:3. “Sin-ma-an-st, 136:11. “Sin-ma-(?), 73:8. “Sin-mu-ba-li-it 1. s. of Ap-pa-tum, YBC 6278 Case: 18. s. of Hu-nu-bu-um, 126:30. . of Im-gur-*Sin, 135:17. . of Ku (or A8$)-lu-t, 25:32. s. of In-GA-a-a, arad “Sin-..., 155: Seal. 6. na-kid, 6 VI:42 / 15 II:5. 7/42 VI329 (A 1TX27,'8 (SVILS Gl sop 224: 16. “Sin-mu-pa-hi-ir 1. na-kid, 104 Tablet:6; Case: 5. 2. 4.V:12 / 132:8. “Sin-mu-us-ta-al, Sd-pi-ir Zararma™, 227: 12; “Sin-na-be-t, f. of “Sin-éris(PIN), 4 II:35. “Sin-na-id, s. of Ab-di-ra-ah, 137:20. “Sin-na-kid, 146:22. “Sin-na-si-ir, -na-sir 1. f. of Hu-pa-tum, 119:20. 2. f. of Na-bi-*En-lil, 125:Seal. 3. f. of Warad-*Nannar, 144:21. 4. 16 IIT:13 / (?) 246:1. 4Sin-na-%, 2 III:30 / 189:3./ YBC 7260 IJ: 20. “Sin-na-tum 1. s. of “Sin-pi-la-ah, b. of Gi-mi-lum, 56:5. 2. 4 VI:25, 32 / 43:4. “Sin-na-wi-ir, 113:3, 6 / 174:8. hh on peck Le Nn nM W GRICE—RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 37 “Sin-na-..., 34:10. Sin-nu-ri, w. of A-hu-wa-qar, 88:15. “Sin-nu-tr-ma-tim 1. f. of Bal-mu-nam-he, 122:8. 2. f. of Gi-mi-il-lum, 240:Seal. 3. 162:4 / 165:3 / 250:5 / 251:3. See also List of Cities. “Sin-pa-la-s% 1. f. of Ta-a-tum, 126:33. 2. f. of Za-a-su-us(?), 147:15. 3. 2 1:13. 4Sin-pa-te-ir, 121:21 / YBC 7260 III:31; VI:10. *Sin-pi-la-ah 1. s. of Awil--Dumu-zi-da, b. of Nu-tr-i- li-u, na-kid, 6 III:5. 2. s. of [-bi-ik-“Nu-nu, pa dam-qar, 122: Seal. 3. f. of “Sin-na-tum, Gi-mi-lum, 56:5. 4. f. of Zi-na-tum, 1 IV:38 / 3 II:22 / 45:5. 5. 131:28. 4Sin-ra-bi 1. s. of A-li-mu-sd-li, b. of Nu-tr-i-li-s%, 2 VI:16. 2. s. of Ib-ku-4Na-..., 35:5. 3. s. of Ur-B-an-na, b. of Ib-ni-B-a, A-at-ta-a, na-kid, 1 II:10. 4s. of Ur-B-an-na, b. of Ib-ni-P-a, Ur-*Bara, 25:25. 5. f. of T1-iz-gar-ru-wm, 137:15. 6. b. of Ib-ni-B-a, 3 1:24. PO AM Gab eet Raley cabs bese 4 Sin-ri-me-ni 1 s. of Na-bi-4En-lil, 109:12. 2. f. of “Stin-is-me-ni, 126:36. 3. f. of Si-li-Istar, 141:13. 4. b. (2) of Im-gur-"Sin, Ta-ri-bu-um, 148:13, 17, 22, 41, 43. oe) YBC 4748 IV: 20: V1I:16; VII:32; “Sin-ri-im-Uruma™, 28:6. 4Sin-ri-..., f. (2) of 4A-ma-..., 88:5. 48in-suldli(AN-KUS) 1 f. of Ga-mi-lum, 18:27. 2. 35:3 / 102:24. 48 n-Sd-mu-tih, 224:15. “Sin-Sd-mu-. .., 218:25. “Sin-Sar-ri, b. of A-hi-Sd-gi-is, YBC 4726:3. “Sin-Sar-i-lf, 66:3. 4Sin-Sar-Uruma*™, 127:15. “Sin-Se-mi, -Se-me-i, -Se-me-e 1. s. of A-li-mu-sd-li, na-kid, 6 VI:15. 2. s. of A-lt-mu-Sd-al-li, 25:28. 3. S. of Gub-ba-ni-diig, na-kid, 1 1:32 / 2:9 (3 11:29 7-5 11237 7 6:1V:16/ 16 E10: 4. b. of Sdé-“Amurru, 2 V1: 24. 5. dim, YBC 6278 Case: 14. 6. gir, 153:8. 7. 136:4/180:4/199:5 / YBC 4750 VI: 4. “Sin-ta-a-a-ar 1. na-kid, 6 1:22. 2. uwkus lugal, 144:22. See Le LO toa OF *Sin-... 1. master of “Sin-mu-ba-li-it, 155:Seal. (=4Sin-i-ri-ba-am?) Ze asia LVel eee Lick fon fia os 4Sin-...-NI, na-kid, 5 1:15. Su-ka-ki-ia, 154:7. Su-um-ma-tlu, 222:28 / YBC 4748 III:16; IV: 24. Su-mu-a-ra-ah De ite liz ia. 222: 11:40 47:8. Su-mu-..., 16 III:6. Sa-ab-..., 122:338. Si-ia-tum, ku-dim, 145:16. Si-li-“Amurru, 2 1V:18 / 106:4. Si-li-"Ba-% 1. s. of A-ha-mar-si, dam-qar, 141:25. 2. s. of A-ha-mar-si, 147:16. Si-li-“B-nim-ma, 205:3. Si-li-ilu, na-kid, 217 1:21; III:36. Si-lt-"IM 1. lugal, 9:34 / 10:31 / 11:36 /:15 1:8; IV:28 / 54:19 / 55:9 / 56:16 / 57:9 / 117:19 / 167:4 / YBC 4726:L.E. 25127221 (YBCO 7260 II:27, Si-li-[ star 1. s. of Hu-nu-bu-um, 126:25. 2. s. of “Sin-ri-me-ni, Sd-tam, 141:13. 38 3. nu-banda, 65:8. 4. 167:9 / 234:3 / YBC 5784:2. S7-li-"Sin 1. s. of Bu-uz-bu-zu-um, 126:7, 9. meelos 1247 116: 124 5¥ BGA 739.50: Si-li-“Samas 1. s. of Si-’-mu-ug-ra, 172:7 / 174:9. 2. gir, 166:12, 27. 3.171712, 1 76:6 7 18130 182.407 186:2 / 191:5 / YBC 4864:8. Si-li-Uruk™, f. of I-din-*En-lil, 126:37. Si-li-Uruma™, DIN, 148:49. Sd-“Amurru, b. of “Sin-se-mi, 2 V1:20. Sd-ma-a-a, 24:3 / 107:14. Sd-ma-al-lu-um, 144:2, 20. 4Samas-ga-mil, -ga-mi-il, -ga-mi-el 1. b. of Ri-’-(?), 184:19. 2..70: 30/7 (121323.97 WY BO AT48 sie i. IV:25. 4 Samas-ha-2i-ir 1. h. of “Hi-i8-Sd-tum, 143 Tablet:5, 15; Case:1, 12. 2. gir, 246:13. 3. YBC 4748 VII:36 / YBC 7260 III: 19. 4Samas-he-gal, £. of “Sin-a-ba, 141:18. 4Samas-idinnam(MA-AN-STI). See ‘Babbar- ma-an-st. 4Samas-ilu, 242: 4. 4Samas-i-pu-us, IS, 106:50. 4Samas-is-ki, f. of Hu-nu-bu-um, 135:16. 4Samas-iskun. See List of Cities. 4Samas-ki-ma-ili-Si, 103:7 / YBC 7260 IV:33. 4Samas-mu-se-zi-ib, YBC 4864:7, 10. 4Samas-napisti-idinnam. See ‘Babbar-zi- mu, “Babbar-zi-ma-an-st. 4Samas-na-si-ir, -na-sir 1. f. of “Sin-is-me-ni, 126:27. 20138219, 4Samas-nu-ri, YBC 4744:7. 4Samas-ra-bi, 139:5. 4Samas-Se-mi, 125 Case:25; Tablet:23. 4Samas-tu-kil-ti 1. nu-banda, 65:12. 2. YBC 4748 IT: 17" VII:2. YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V Sd-ma-a-a-tum, Sd-a-ma-a-a-tum 1. na-kid, 212:68, 74. 2. 192:10, 14 / 208 1:12; III:8; IV:14. Sar-hi-ilu, na-kid, 1 V1:19 / 6 I1:25. Sar-hu-um, 1 VI:15 / 3 10:46 / 4 VI:31 / 5 11218 °/56:7: | Sarru-aplu(TUR-US), Loe. Sarru-daidn, 109:10 / 111:18. Sarru-ra-..., 122:31. Sar-ru-ut-4Sin, md-lah(DU), 143 Tablet:23: Case: 21. Sarru-ut-4(?), 102:1. ‘Sd-at-B-an-na, 88:13. Sd-at-tEn-lil, YBC 4748 IV:15; VI:6, 28; VII: 27: Sd-at-ib-bi, 171:6 / 172:6 / 194:4 / 195:7. ‘Sd-at-Istar, w. of U-ma-a-a-tum, 137:5. Sd-at--Ma-an-na, -’Ma-na, 127:4, 5, 10. Sd-at-“Nin-Subur, 194:7. (dumuesal.) 1 S§d-at-"Nu-mués-da, a. of ‘Mu-ba-li-it-tum, 10:2. 1Sd-at-“Sin 1. w. of Ur-*Nin-Subur, m. of TJlu-pi (KA)-"Ba-t, Lu-dingir-ra, YBC 5420: 4,17, 21. . 2. m. of Na-bi-i-li-su, 144:7. 3. YBC 4744:14. Se-in-gdl-lum, YBC 7260 II:29. Se-ru-um-i-li 1. gir, 169:19. 2. 148:34. Se-si-lum, s. of Azag-“Nin-gal, nagar, 141:19. Ses-pa-tuk, 8:3 / 102:14 / 111:4 / YBC 7260 I:12. SHS-9--PADAliielo: 48H-(?)-GAL-GA, s. 250:Seal. ‘Si-ba-a-a, w. of Na-din-is-ta-al-mu-um, m. of “Sin-éris(PIN), 121:5, 8. Si-bar(mas)-. See Lim-mas-. Si-ip-4Sin 1. gu-za-lal, 119:15 / 122:17 / 124:17. 2. 41(?), 131:23. 3. 206:4. Si-ri-im-tum. See List of Cities. Sti-ub-na-AN, h. of ‘A-ha-a-tum, 110:4, Seal. of Warad-“Nannar, GRICE—RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 39 St-ka-hi-ia, 213:5. Sti-mi-a-bi-ia 1. s. of U-bar-“Samag, 18:24. 2. s. of U-sa-du, 6 III:23. 3. f. of KA-Sd-“TStar, 131:19. 4.0. ¥ 712: Sum-ma-a, 138:18. Sum-ma-ilu, 131:21 / YBC 7260 III: 18. Sti-um-ru-za-ku, 148:52. Sti-um-sti-nu, 21:9 / 127:3. !Tab-bi-ni-I star, 88:7. Ta-ha-la-su, 113:5. !Ta-ri-ba-tum, m. of “Sin-ma-gir, w. of KA-sé-"Nu-mus-da, 141:3, 5. Ta-ri-bu-um 1. s. of Nu-tir-*..., 149:3. 2. s. of Ur-“Nin-a-zu, b. of U-bar-ru-um, JE Ape & 3. s. of Ur-*Nin-a-zu, 13:7. 4. b. of Im-gur-"Sin, “Sin-ri-me-ni, 148: 11, 14, 29, 36, 41. Dar gar, 172.6. . na-kid, 6 III:27 / 15 III: 16. eae 2 a 24e eoeV el 2e/ 016. 1V:4 30:16 / 46:4 / 125 Case:5, 8; Tablet: 5, 7 / 126:5 / 128:4 / 169:4 / 191:8. Ta-a-tum, s. of “Sin-pa-la-s%, 126:33. Ta-wi-i-la-at-ilu-sv, 106: 6. Ti-1z-qa-ru-um, Ti-iz-gar-ru-um 1. s. of H-nu-um-li-bur, b. of Za-ar-ri- Thi id WER Ele 2. s. of “Sin-ra-bi, 137:3, 15. U-ba-a-a 1. s. of I-bi-“Sin, 144:23. 2. f. of A-wi-il-7-li, 121:Seal. 3. YBC 7260 II:4. U-bar-*Ba-t, YBC 7260 V:3. U-bar-*Dumu-zi 1. gir, 244:4. wary DC. 4/45 31216; 11:28)36>" III: 4, BieeLy 9s V 1-22: VIT*22: U-bar-"Gu-la, 115:5, Seal. U-bar-ri-ia, 167:6. U-bar-"I-sum, s. 141:20. U-bar-*Nin-subur, YBC 7260 III: 20. for) of Im-gur-*Sin, nagar, U-bar-"Sin 1. s. of Warad-*Sin, na-kid, 5 V:39 / 30:5, 6. 2. b. of A-bi-ta-bu-wm, na-kid, 1 V:11 / 2 ITI:17 / 9:9. 3. 4 IIT:34, 35. U-bar-*Samag 1. s. of I-din-“IM, arad “IM, 106:Seal. 2. 8. of Ilu-Si-) 05, 122:24. 3. s. of Ri-im-“Sin, 125 Case:21; Tablet: 24; Seal. 4. s. of Ur-‘Lugal-ban-da, na-kid, 4 VIII: 22, 24 / 15 IIT: 28. 5. s. of Ur-més-ban-da, b. of “IM-ra-bi, oLiied 2; 6. f. of Sti-mi-a-bi-ia, 18:24. 7. arad *“Amurru &% “GU-AN-NA, 129: Seal. 8. arad “Amurru, 126:Seal. 9. 16 III:8 / 98:14 / YBC 4748 II:12; TTS LOL VietG OV 127529 — VIL: Geos: U-bar-ru-um, U-bar-rum, U-bar-wm lest of A-bu-nt; 2: IV:27-/ 18:36 / 25:31. 2. s. of I-din-“IM, 106:46. 3. s. of Ur-"Nin-a-zu, b. of Ta-ri-bu-um, 1 V:23. 4. s. of Ur-*Nin-a-zu, na-kid, 2 V:12 / 6 III:19. 5. arad, 40:1. 6. gtr, 168:16. Tron Ve 40g 2420 9151226). Y BG 4748 VIT:13, 37° / YBC-7260 ITI:5, 38. U-bar-"ZU-GAL, 114:5. U-ga-a-a-nim-ma, 117:2. U-la-a-ra-an-“Sin, SU-QA-GAB-A lugal, 141: 27; U-ma-a-a-tum, h. of 4Sd-at-Itar, 137:4. Um-mi-a-bu-um 1. s. of A-bu-ilu, 1385:20. 2. 242:8, p(t) [Um|]-mi-a-hi-ia, f. of “Sin-ma-gir, 162:Seal. ‘Um-mi-ta-ba-at 1. m. of ‘A-ma-at-“Sin, géme, 28:1. 2. 88:1 / 98:2 / YBC 4726:16. ‘Um-mi-..., d. of “Ma-mi-tum-ri-me-ni, 42:8. 40 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V Un-nu-ba-tum, 179:3 / 211:3. Ur-“Amurru, 92:2. Ur-"A-tuk-tuk, £. of Gi-mi-al-lum, 131:25. Ur-“Bara 1. s. of Ur-B-an-na,_b. 4Sin-ra-bi, 25:22. 2. s. of Ur-B-an-na, 34:12. Ber 204.4 Ur-E-an-na 1. f. of A-at-ta-a, Ib-ni-B-a, ‘Sin-ra-bi, 1 Lis 2. f. of A-at-ta-a, 21:19 / 3 1:37. 3. f. of Ib-ni-E-a, “Sin-ra-bi, Ur-“Bara, 25:19. 4. f. of Ib-ni-E-a, 9:27 / 104:8. 5. f. of Ur-“Bara, 34:12. LG 120: Ur-é-gal . 1. f. of Im-gur-“Sin, . . .-ta-a-a-ar, 3 11:32. 2. f. of Im-gur-*Sin, 2 I1:6. Ur-*En-ki-ka, s. of Azag-“Innina, 128:12. Ur-"GAL-..., 4 V:3. Ur-*Lugal-ban-da, Ur-Lugal-ban-da 1. f. of [b-ku-Istar, 1 III:11. 2. f. of “IM-ra-bi, 4 III:14 / 25:9. 3. f. of U-bar-“Samas, 4 VIII:23 / 15 ITI: 28. Ur-més-ban-da 1. f. of IM-ra-bi, U-bar-*Samaég, 3 11:8. 2. f. of “ZM-ra-bi, 10:5, 12. Ur-més-Sun(?)-na 1. f. of Ilu-pi(KA)-su, 122:Seal. 2. f. of “Sin-1-qi-Sd-am, 2 1:28. SV Looe aa Ur-“Nannar 1. s. of Azag-“Nin-gal, Sutug simug(?) “Nannar, pisan dtb-ba “Nannar, arad Warad-“Sin, 46:Seal / 47:Seal / 50:Seal / 51:Seal / 52:Seal / 53:Seal. 2. s. of Azag-"Nin-gal, Sutug simug(?) pisan dib-ba “Nannar, 122:Seal. 3. 207:48 (dumu-sal). 4..67:8 /- 69:7-/ 72:37 (6:2 7-07-12: Ur-"Nin-a-2u 1. f. of “Sin-ma-gir, 6 III:41. 2. f. of Ta-ri-bu-um, U-bar-ru-um, 1 V: 23. of Ib-ni-B-a, jor) 3. f. of Ta-ri-bu-um, 13:7. 4. f. of U-bar-ru-um, 2 V:12 / 6 ITI:19. Ur-"Nin-gi-na, f. of Mu-da-du-wm, 148:48. Ur-*Nin-gir-su 1. s. of A-sal-li-tum, 3 IV:4. 2. b. of A-na-B-a-tak-la-ku, “Sin-a-ba, na-kid, 6 II:33. Ur-*Nin-gis-zi-da, 142:6. Ur-"Nin-si-an-na, 154:9. Ur-"Nin-Subur, h. of ‘Sd-at-“Sin, f. of Ilu- pi(KA)-"Ba-t, Li-dingir-ra, Sutug “Ba-t, arad “Nergal (Nér-Uru-Gal), YBC 5420:3, 17, 21 (written here Nin-ZU), 26, Seal. Ur-"Nun-gal 1. gu-za-lal, YBC 6278 Case:17. 2. YBC 7260 I:19. Or-ra-ni-dig, Ur-ra-ni-dig, f. of A-na-*Sin- tak-la-ku, 2 V:22 / 3 11:26 / 4 II:29 / 5 III:18 / 6 1:7. Uireaes 1. s. of Im-lik-*Sin, 3 III: 40. Ze 16s U-sur-a-a, 89:4. U-ga-du, f. of Sti-mi-a-bi-ia, 6 III:23. U-zu-a-a, 113:11. Wa-qar-a-bu-s%, 149: 5. Wa-gar-tum. See List of Cities. Warad-"Amurru 1. na-kid, 217 I:20 / YBC 7249 III:10. 2. 26:9 / 74:1 / 81:7 / 102:21 / 240:5. Warad-“Ba-%, 189:8 / 190:4. Warad-E-a, f. of “Nannar-me-du, 151:Seal. Warad-i-li, pa géme us-bar, 146:19. Warad-i-li-sv, 107:2. Warad-I star, 49:9. Warad-ku-bi, 97:2. Warad-‘Nannar s. of H-en-da-a, 119:23. s. of Na-...-im, 132:11. s. of “Sin-na-sir, 144:21. . f. of “SE-(?)-GAL-GA, 250:Seal. . nagar, 141:22. . na-kid, 196:3, 12 / 233:2, 7. . simug, 145:19. . “simug 84 @ A-ab-ba-a, 195:9. ONAWRWNE GRICE—RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 41 9. 109:11 / 125 Case:27; Tablet:25 / 126:31 / 136:10 / 140:15 / 142:7 / 143 Tablet:21; Case:18 / 145:18 / 147: 10 / 175:20 / 180:2 / 186:12 / 199:4 / 253:15 / YBC 4748 IT:15. Warad-NE-NE, lugal Unug™, Unug*(-ga), 141:36 / 147:21. Wa-ra-ad-"Nin-gal, 86:3. Warad-"Nin-subur, 140: 2. Warad-"Sin 1. s. of Im-gur*Sin, na-kid, 1 V:19 / 2 ITI:46 / 4 IX:28 / 9:23. 2. s. of Ku-du-ur-Ma-bu-uk, lugal Za- rarma™(-ma), 165:Seal. 3. lugal Zararma™, 124:14. 4 tiga, 12s11/ 1o,IV:34 f° 121:17 / 125 Case:17 / 126:19 / 130:13 / 161:10 / 199:10. 5. [lugal], 122:Seal / 127:12. 6. master of Ur-*Nannar, 46:Seal / 47: Seal / 50:Seal / 51:Seal / 52:Seal / 53:Seal, (lugal?). 7. f. of A-bi-ta-bu-um, 53:5. 8. f. of U-bar-“Sin, 5 V:39 / 30:5. 9. arad, 69:1. 10. 48:11 / YBC 4726:19 / 4750 VI:10. Warad-*Samas, YBC 7260 II:30. Warad-sarri, 41:6. Warad-ti-tu-ri-im, 89:5 / 91:8 / 94:19. Warad-"..., 242:14. Wa-ar-da-a-ni, Wa-ar-da-ni, Warda(-da)-ni 1. pa géme us-bar, 134:17. 2. 119:3:/:125 Case:24; Tablet: 22. Wa-ar-da-nu-um, 151:4. Wa-tar-“Sin, f. of El-la-twm, 137:16. Wa-tar-“Sama§, nagar, 141:16. Wi(P1)-ra-a-a, f. of “Sin-ma-gir, 106:Seal. Wu-t-ur-ru-ki-im, 212:35. Za-a-a, f. of “Sin-i-ri-ba-am, 134:18. Za-li-lum Mena-kid, 12227 6.0:11. 2a 212302) 5 ViI6:/, 64:9. “Za-md-md-mu-sd-lim, 189:7 /190:3 / 195:5. Za-am-ma-a-nu-um, St-1, 122:3, 28. Za-am-bi-ia, lugal I-si-in™, 3 V:9. Za-an-gu-um, f. of Di-ba-bu-um, 135:5. Za-ni-ik-pi(KA)-“Samag, IS, 106:48, Seal. Za-pi-i-pi, Za-pi-i-pi-t 1. na-kid, 6 1:19. 2. 5 V1:20. Za-ar-ri-qum, s. of E-nu-wm-li-bur, b. of T%-iz-qa-ru-um, 112:5, 8, 18. Za-ar-ri-. ... 139:15. Za-a-su-us(?), s. of “Sin-pa-la-s%, 147:15. Zer-va-kul-ti, is Unug™, 124:21. Zi-ba-tum, YBC 4750 IV: 10. Zi-b-na-tum. See List of Cities. Zi-ia-tum 1. s. of “Sin-ga-mi-il, 123:Seal. (=4Sin- ia-tum, 123: 20.) 2. “SH, 132:12 / 143 Tablet:20; Case: 17 / 146: 20. 3. 19722 (253218. Li-ki-vr-1-li- 1. s. of Ib-ku-"A-ba, arad Nu-ur-1M, 155:Seal. 2. 101:2 / YBC 7260 III:24. “i-l-..., 140:1. Zi-na-tum 1. s. of “Sin-pi-la-ah, 1 1V:37 / 3 II:22 / 45:4. 2. (?)-na lugal, 113:10. Zi-zi-bu, s. of Nu-na-bu-wm, 117:14. Zu(?)-ha-a-a, 140:7. Zu-ki-im, 121:3. . Zu-ni-ba-la-..., 122:21. Zu-ru-um, YBC 4748 ITI:15. ...-a-a, f. of Nu-tr-i-li-s, 13:15. 22.5 008 1. s. of “7 M-na-si-ir, 18:33. 2. s. of “KAL-sé-“Samas, 79:4. ..°€ris(PIN), 6 VI:22. ..-ga-"Nannar, 136:9. ...-i-din-na-am, s. of Ki-~is-ti-Ir-ra, arad “Nergal(Nér-Urti-Gal) , 162:Seal / 250: Seal / 251:Seal. ...-la-ti, 3 III:16. ...-ma-lum, 107:6. ..-na-id, pa géme us-bar, 129:16. ..-nu-um, 81:8. ..-ra-ht, s. of Ur-més-ban-da, b. of U-bar- 4Sama8g, 3 III:8. ; 42 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V ...-ru-um, 4 [X:35. : .-“Sin 1. dam-qar, 51:Seal. 2. 41:38 / 16 IV:2 / 19:18 / 202:59 / 212:33. _..-4Samas, f. of Im-gur-*..., 174:16. ...-ta-a-a-ar, s. of Ur-é-gal, b. of Im-gur- *Sin, 3 II:35. ...-ti-ilu, 142:2. ...-tum, 98:9. ...-ta-bu-um, 2 IIT:13. ..-ut-tum, 98:10 Gods and Substitutes or Epithets. 4A-ba, in names under [b-ku—. A-bi, A-bu, in names under A-bi—, A-bu—. Ad-da, in names under Ad-da—. A-hi, in names under A-bil—, A-hi—, Nu-tir—. A-li, in names under A-li—. “A ]-la-zun, in names under “Al-la-zun—. 4Amurru, 106:Seal / 125:Seal / 126:Seal / 129:Seal; and in names_ under A-bil—, Awil—, KA-sé—, Ma—, Nu-tr—, Si-li—, Sdé—, Ur—, Warad—. Ana, 106:64 / 139:21 / 149:8 / 150:9, 53 / 218:40 /219:24 /221:12/222:32/223; 2,7 | 224:346/ 22572 /, 229224 230: 2 / 242:16 / 246:17 / 247:2 / 248:2. A-nu-um, in names under Ar-si—, Ku-na—, Ma—, Ma-na—, Ra-bi—, Sa-h—. 44 Snan(SE-TIR), 221:14 / 222:34; and in names under Awil—. 44-tuk-tuk, in names under Ur—. 4Babbar, 69:3 / 106:42 / 107:12 / 126:18 / 183515 foslii2e 13813 aloreio. in List of Temples; in List of Offi- cials and Occupations; and in names under “Babbar—, Gar-ra—. ‘Bara, in List of Temples; and in names under Ur—. 4Bdar-ul-e-gar-ra, in List of Temples. 4Ba-v, in Sutug “Ba-% in List of Officials and Occupations; and in names under “Ba-ti—, Ib-ku—, Ilu-pi—, Nu-tir—, Si-li—, U-bar—, Warad—. Be-li, Bi-li, Be-lum, in names under Be-li—, Be-ium—, Ki-ma—. “Da-gan, in names under Nu-tir—. “Da-mu, in names under “Da-mu—, Gimil—, Ib-ku—, I-din—. dingir-ra, in names under Lu—. “Dumu-zi-da, “Dumu-zi, in names under Awil—,*Dumu-2i—, Gimil—, U-bar—. B-a, in names under A-na—, bg Ib-ku—, Ib-ni—, I-din—, I-N—, Im-lik—, Is-ku-un—, It-ti—, Na-ra-am—, Nu-tr—, Warad—. 4#-nim-ma, in names under Si-li—. “Ein-ki, 46:Seal / 47:Seal / 50:Seal / 51: Seal / 52:Seal / 53:Seal / 106:64, Seal / 122:Seal / 139:21 / 149:8 / 150: 3)L9; Don e2livliSaco ei Veet aeloe 2) 7219324 / 220:1'/ 221:12 / 222: 32 / 223:2, 7 / 224:34 / 225:2 / 229: 2 / 230:2 / 242:16 / 246:17 / 247:2 / 248:2; in List of Temples; in List of Officials and Occupations; and in names under Azag—, ‘En-ki—, KA—, U1—. "En-lil, “Hn-lil-ld, 79:28 / 106:64 / 139:21 / 149:8 / 150:3, 9, 53 / (2?) 167:13 / 203:6 / 204:11 / 217 I:3, 8, 23;-1Y: 27. /#-218:2; 40 / 219:24 / 220:19/ 221:12 / 222:32 / 223:2, 7 / 224:34 / 225:2 / 229:2 / 230:2°/ 242:16./ 246:17 / 247:2 / 248:2: ‘and in names under ‘%Fn-lil—, Gimil—, I-din—, Na-bi—, *Stn-a-bil—, Sd-at—. E nu-um, in names under E-nu-uwm—. “Gii7u (BIL-GI), in names under Jm-gur—. 4GU-AN-NA, 129:Seal. “(Gu-la, in names under Me-es-(?)—, U-bar—. GRICE "Guskin, in names under Lugal—. Ha-am-mi, in names under Ha-am-mi—. Ta, Ia-a, in names under Ja—. Ta-%, in names under A-ki—, [a-ti—. Ib-bi, in names under Sd-at—. i-li, wi, in names under A-bi—, A-dan-ni- iw—, A-di-ma-ti—, A-ta-na-ah—, A-wi-il—, A-wi-il-ti—, Gi-mi-il—, I-ba-d8-i—, I-li—, I&tar-ri-im-ti— Mér—, Na-wi-ru-wm—, Pu-ut-ra- am—, “Sin-be-el—, “Sin-ki-ma—, “Sin- sar—, Se-ru-um—, Warad—. i-li-s%, in names under A-bil—, Dam-qi—, Gimil—, Na-bi—, Nu-ta—, *Samas- ki-ma—, Warad—, Zi-ki-ir—. ilu, e-el, in names under A-bu—, Ad-da—, Ba-ri—, I-din—, Ig-mi—, I-lim- ta-ma—, Ilu—, Istar—, Li-za-qar—, Ma-ti—, Mu-kin—, Mu-tum—, Na-din—, Na-ap-li-is—, Su-um-ma—, Si-U—,*Samags—, Sar-hi—, Sum-ma—. tlu-su, in names under Ilu-si—, Ta-wi-i- la-at—. ilu-mah, in names under Jlu-mah—. “TM, 106:Seal / 218:26; in List of Temples; in List of Officials and Occupations; and in names under Hn-nam—, Ib- ku—, I-din—, I-ku-ka—, ‘IM—, Im- gur—, Is-me—, Nu-tur—, Si-li—. SIMUL dl: Lapel (eal Lore 19451; 7-207: 57; in List of Temples; and in names under Azag—, “Innina—. Tr-ra, in names under Ib-ku—, I-din—, Tr-ra—, IkXgu-um—, Iime—, Ki- 1s-ti— , Pi-su—. Rr-1s—. Tr-si-tim, in names under [b-ku—. 47 §(?)-pi, in names under “Is(?)-pi—. “Tstar, Istar, in names under A-ma-at—, A-na—, E-te-el-pi—, Ib-ku—, I-di—, Ista—, KA-sd—, Li-bi-it—, Ma-ri—, Si-i—, Sd-at—, Tab-bi-ni—, Warad—. 4T-Sum, 123:Seal / 126:Seal / 129:Seal; and in names under U-bar—. “Kab-ta, in names under Nu-tir—. “Ka-di, in names under “Ka-di—. “KAL 8d “Babbar, 79:4. RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 43 “KAL 84 ‘Nin-..., 79:16. Ki-es, in names under Ki-es—. ku-bi, in names under A-bil—, A-ma-at—, Ku-bi—, Nu-tv—, Warad—. ‘*La-ta-ra-ak, “Latarak(LU-LAL), in names “under Dan—, ‘Latarak—. “Ti-lum, in names under @Li-lum—. “Lugal, Lugal, in names under Gimil—, Lugal—. Lugal-ban-da, Lugal-ban-da, in names under Lugal-ban-da, Ur—. Ma-bu-uk, in name Ku-du-ur—. “Ma-ma, in names under Awil—. “Ma-mi, in names under “Ma-mi—. “Ma-mi-tum, in names under “Ma-mi-tum—. 4M d-an-na, “Ma-na, in names under Sd-at—. mas-ku-ku(?), in names under Nu-tir—. Més (-ban-da, -sun(?)-na), in names under Ur—. “Mus, 46:Seal / 47:Seal / 50:Seal / 51:Seal / 52:Seal / 53:Seal / 122:Seal; and in names under “Mus—. 4Na-na-a, “Na-na-a-a, 171:1 / 172:1; and in names under Gimil—, I-din—, “Na-na-a-a—. {Nannar, 12:3°7 28:10 / 38:7 / 47:Seal ./ 51:Seal / 52:Seal / 69:6 / 71:5 / 72: Deas 2 /A106:42) 77 107212))/ 122: Tee 12671 See 18ans 7) loii2y 138: 13: / 149:9 / 150:10, 54; in List of Temples; in List of Officials and Occupations; and in names under Amat—, Awil—, Azag—, Lim-mas—, “Nannar—, Ur—, Warad—. Na-ru-um, in names under Bi-in—, Pi-i-ir—. NE-NE, in name Warad—. 4Nergal (Nér-Uri-Gal), “Nergal (UGUR), 178:6 / 202:35 / 250:Seal / 251:Seal / YBC 5420:Seal; and in names under Gar-ra, Is-ku-un—, “Nergal—. ni-du-um, in names under Pi-i.r—. 4Nind(?), in names under “Nind—. 4Nin-azag-nun-na. See Sutug “Nin-azag- nun-na, in List of Officials and Occu- pations. 4Nin-a-zu, in names under Awil-sd—, Ur—. 44 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V “Nin-é-gal. See List of Temples. 4Nin-gal, 70:9; in List of Temples; and in names under Azag-—, Ddn—, Na-din-tum—, ‘Nin-gal—, Wa-ra- ad—. “Nin-gi-na, in names under Ur—. “Nin-gir-su, in names under Ur—. “Nin-gis-zi-da, in List of Officials; and in names under “Nin-gis-2i-da—, Ur—. 4NIN-IB, in names under Awil—. 4*Nin-kar-ra-ag, in names under ‘Nin-kar- ra-ag—. *Nin-lil. In List of Temples. *Nin-mah, 225:3. *Nin-mar-ki, in List of Temples; and in names under Gimil—. *Nin-si-an-na, 123:Seal / 129:Seal; and in names under ‘Nin-si-an-na—, Ur—. 4“Nin-Subur, 46:Seal / 47:Seal / 50:Seal / 53:Seal / 1C6:Seal; and in names under Awil—, Azag—, E-te-el-pi—, Gimil—, I-bi—, I-din—, *Nin-subur—, Nuwta—, Sd-ai—, U-bar—, Ur—, Warad—. ‘Nu-mus-da, in names under KA-&dé—, Sd-at—. “Nun-gal, in names under Ur—. “Nu-nu, Nu-nu, in names under Bir—, I-bi-ik—. Sa-bi, in name Sa-bi-a-nu-um. Sa-bu-um, in name Sa-bu-uwm-ga-mil. Si-’ (=4Sin?), in names under Si-’—. 48tn, “Sin(ES), Sin(BS), in List of Temples; and in names under A-bil—, A-hu- um—, A-ma-at—, A-mur—, A-na—, A-wa-at—, Bir—, En-més—, E-te-el- pi—, I-bi—, Ib-ku—, Ib-ni—, I-din—, Ig-minl—, I-ku-un-pi—, Ilu-pi—, Im-gur—, Im-lik—, I-ri-ba-am—, It-ti—, KA-sé—, Li-bi-it—, Lu-ud- lu-ul—, Ma-gur—, Ma-ku-ur—, Mér—, Mu-sd-at—, Na-bi—, Na-ra- am—, Nu-tr—, Ra-bu-ut—, ki-ba- am—, Ri-im—, “Sin—, Si-li—, Sar- ru-ut—, Sd-at—; Si-ip—, U-bar—, U-la-a-ra-an—, Warad—, Wa-tar—. 4Su-gal-li-it, in name Ku-uwk—. Su-mu, in names under Su-mu—. 4§4-ha-an, in names under J-bi—. 4Samag, 98:21 / 132:10; and in names under A-na-ad-da—, A-na—, E-te- el-pi—, Ixkun—, *KAL-sé—, KA—, Nu-tr—, Ra-bi-a-(?)-at—, Si-li—, 4Samas—, U-bar—, Warad—, Wa- tar—, Za-ni-ik-pi—. Sarru, in names under Sarru—, Warad—. 4§#-(2), in names under “SE-(?)—. 48%-bu-la, in names under Dan—. Sui-mi, in names under Sti-mi—. Su-nir-da, 61:12. 4Za-md-md, in names under A-ma-at—, 4Za-md-md—. : “7 U-GAL, in names under U-bar—. Temples. E-an-na, in names under Sd-at—, Ur—. E-babbar, E-babbar-ra, E-bdr-bdr-ra, 5 VII: 28 / 38:3 / 44:18 / 63:11 / 69:9 / 75:6 / 80:17. é “Babbar, 13:27 / 20:18 / 21:10 / 23:7 / 37: 7 / 40:14 / 41:12 / 45:8 / 64:14 / 74: 6 / 82:7 / 84:11 / 86:6 / 92:6 / 93:8 / 100:10 / 109:19 / 114:18 / 119:32 / 122:39 /128:16/131:32/135:26/148: 58 / .151:3 / 160:16 /165:8 / 166:5, 30, 35, 43, 49 / 200: 11 / 202:5 / 237:2. é “Bar-ul-e-gar-ra, 140:22 / 148 Tablet:31 / 144:26 / 168:20 / 169:22 / 170:19 / 171:36 / 172213 /178:7 £174:27 /175: 38 / 199:8 / 212:3. B-gal-bar-ra, 137:23 / 199:11. é “En-ki, 201:8. é “IM, 199:7 / 202:15, 57 / 207:12, 44. GRICE—RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 45 é “Innina, 171:16 / 172:8. é “Innina *‘Nannar & “En-ki, 202:18 / 207: 19, 63. E-kalam-ta-ni-gir é@ “Innina Zabalam™, 253: 25-6. é Ke&s*, 226:3. B-kiir, 149:10 / 150:10, 55. ev vannar, sc inh, ~Vizl /~ 4. VIII:28: Xoo Po Virose: VII:20'/.6 V2 / 15 1:3 / 16 IV:17 / 18:41 / 47:Seal / 51:Seal / 52:Seal / 54:17 / 56:14 / Oi jaeoo: 04 OU belie 7 122711 ./ M6239 alia 2) 202329177. 01,912 7 207:15, 50. é “Nannar *Nin-. ..¢Babbar-ra, 124:27-8. é “Nin-é-gal, 237: 4. é *Nin-gal, 4 [X:39; X:6 / 5 VII:16, 21. é “Nin-gal “Babbar, 125 Case:34-5. é *Nin-lil + EY, 127:29 / 202:13, 49 / 207: 6. é “Nin-lil nim-ma, 201:9. é *Nin-mar-ki, 201:10 / 202:73. B-nun-mah, E-nun-mah @ ‘Nannar(-s), 15 1:4./ 122:14 / 253: 24. é “Sin, 169:9. kisal-mah “Babbar, 7:12 / 22:8 / 24:8 / 26:12 / 27:6 / 33312 / 39:11 / 42:24 / 43:8 / 47:9 / 48:19 / 67:11 / 70:13 / 13:12 41 10 8087 771045 14, kisal-mah “Nannar, 118:24 / 120:16. Officials and Occupations. %q-bal, 42:4 / 140:9. #q-bal”™*, 40:8. arad, 40:1, 2, 3 / 42:1 / 46:Seal / 47:Seal / 50:Seal / 51:Seal / 52:Seal / 53: Seal / 71:1 / 72:1 / 77:4 / 1C6:Seal / 115:2 / 116:2 / 122:Seal / 123:Seal / 125:Seal / 126:Seal / 129:Seal / 155: Seal / 222:1 / 250:Seal / 251:Seal / 253:2 / YBC 5420:Seal. See also sag arad. arad é-gal, 117:8. #BIL(?), 219:16. BIR-SU-BU-BU(=barda), 171:26. DA-GAL, 106:45. dam-gar, 51:Seal / 129:4, 22 / 139:18 / 141:25; 26 / 154:2, 6, 8, 11 / 203:3. dam-qar”*, 186:7. dim, 113:15 / 123:26 / 127:16 / 131:27 / 134:24 /.(?) 137:17 / 148 Case:20, 25 / 145:14 / 172:14 / YBC 6278 Case: 14-16. DIN (muttaggisu), 148:49. dib-sar, 46:Seal / 47:Seal / 50:Seal /51: Seal / 52:Seal / 53:Seal / 121:26 / 126:24, 40 / 133:21 / 134:25 / 155: Seal. dib-sar A-RU-A(?), 47:Seal / 51:Seal / 52: Seal. DU-GAB, 106:54 / 141:15. DU-GAB mu, 141:31. en “Babbar, 152 Tablet:8; Case:12 / 153: 16./ 154:16. en dub “IM, 177:4, 12 / 183:8. en “En-ki, 194:11. en “Nannar, 28:10 / 29:6 / 46:Seal / 50: Seal / 51:Seal / 250:9 / 251:11. engar, 112:24, 25. ertm dumu lugal, 151:7. erim Sag-ga. See Sdg-ga. géme, 73:1 / 117:2, 10 / 194:6 / 207:39 / 222:2, 8-11, 15, 18. géme™, 178:9 / 207:27 / 222:19, 23, 26. géme-arad", 175:25 / 178:2 / 184:10 / 222: ata géme us-bar, 77:2. See also pa géme us-bar. gir, 17:6, 12, 21 / 26:8 / 100:6 / 121:19 / 126:39 / 150:50 / 153:8 / 166:12, Dindee alos elOasLOre 110s 11 / 171:17 / 182:13 / 185:14 / 205:5 / 209:12 / 221:3 / 227:15 / 246:13. gir arad (=sakkannakku), 152:4. gir dam-qum, 166:8. 46 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V gir lugal, 232:2. gir ma-ldh-gé, 17:4, 11 (?), 19 / 61:6 (2?) / 161:3. gir nagar, 166:9, 16. gir..., stb, 244:3. gir..., u-tul, 3V:5 / 4 X:7 / 9:31 / 10:29 / 11:33 °7.13:247 1b1V:319416 TV 2187 30:42 / 55:6 7 57:6 / 63:6: gu-za-lal, 119:15 / 122:17 / 124:17 / YBC 6278 Case: 17. hal, “hal, 26:7 / 62:3, 9. il, 126:35. inim-ma, 106:62 / 107:19 / 109:14 / 111: ies SRV ERI sb istale 77 ge Sales, +! 115:13 / 116:13 / 117:17 / 118:22 / 119: 28570120; (Ati ie leo cese, 124:24 / 125 Case:31; Tablet:30 / 126:41 / 127:26 / 128:13 / 129:28 / 131:30 / 133:22 / 184:26 / 135:22 / 136:12 / 138:20 / 139:19 / 140:20 / 141:32 / 142:9 / 144:24 / 145:21 / 146:23 / 147:17 / 148:56 / 253:22. IS, 106:47, 48, 50-53 / 112:27 / 128:27. KA(?), 140:17 / 143 Case: 22. KAL, 40:4. KA-zi-(?), 184:14. “KTD, 129:23. kat-dim, 118:18 / 119:24 / 123:21 / 145:8, 16, 17. “KU-MAL, 54:3 / 166:22, 32 / 174:19. “*KU-MAL"@, 174:21. “KU-MAL 8&4 al-ta-ra-am, 181:26. "“KU-MAL Sd Sig il-bi-nu, 181: 25. “kur “hul-gdal, 227:20. lu, followed by personal name, 178:1. lugal, lugal-e, 3 V:10 / 12:11 / 15 IV:34 / 62:14 / 103:16 / 106:438 / 107:13 / 109:9 / 111:20 / 112:20 / 113:8 / LISt4 VIG T7219 aS 5 oe 119:6./ 121217 9f91238:174/) 124:5. 14, 15 / 125 Case:17; Tablet:16 / 126:18: / 129712: 1130545513 4/0131<6: 18 7° 133:14; 2407 134513 yeis5: 16s 136:8 / 187:12 / 1388:14 / 189:12 / 140:25 / 141:36 / 143 Tablet:19; Case:16 / 144:16 / 147:21 / 148:47 / 152° Gase:11 4/0 153:7; sisi Lowe 154315 7/155:8) 7. 156:3 75157674, 158°7 /4159:7 5/160: 1416s 165:6, Seal / 168:23 / 170:21 / 173: 10 / 174:30 / 199:10 / 202:14, 54 / 20739; °32) 6369/8212 24 9 P2202 227:19 / 228:5 / 253:4 / YBC 5420: Oe. Mmd-i(?), 181:24. ma-léh, 143 Case: 21. “mad-lal é(?), 161:6. mi-lah, 118:19 / 123:18 / 126:22, 38 / 129: Lee mu, 124:23 / 141:30 / 191:3 / 198:2. nagar, 141:16—22. na-kid, 1 1:3, 18, ete. / 51:8, 15, ete. / 6 I: 6, 11, ete. / 9:4, 9, ete. / 10:4, 9, ete. Jl115 711 Peten/slb- 1-10 a 16se ree, 16 1:5 / 19:5, 9, ete. / 30:5, 10, ete. / Bo2l op Al) 60476410 50 toe aLOt Tablet:6; Case:5 / 196:3, 5, 7, 12 / 208 e111 eI LS sm Le Se Vl ce 212:12, 13, 42; 68, 738, 74 / 217 1:19- 21° T3173 ITI6/364// 218238 "7.2338 7-10 / YBC 7249 IIT:10. NI-GAB, 101:3 / 163:23. nin-dingir, 249: 2. nin-dingir IM, 232:6 / 233:13. NI-SUR, 204:4, 5. NI-SUR-e-ne, 40:5 / 93:5. nu-banda, 65:4, 8, 11, 12 / 126:32. pa, 124:19 / 151:8. pa dam-gar, 122:Seal. pa dam-qar Zar-bi lum", 207:21. pa géme us-bar, pa geme (SAL) us-bar, 80:7 / 102:17, 31 / 112:21-23 / 123:22-25 / 126: 23, 28, 29 / 129:15-17 / 134:17 / 146:19. pa KA(?), 141:23. pa mu, 119:18 / 141:12. pisan diib-ba “Nannar, 46:Seal / 47:Seal / 50:Seal / 51:Seal / 52:Seal / 53: Seal. pisan dib-ba sag é-gal(?), 227:17. sag arad, 15 11:13; III:29 / 106:17 / 115:1 / PLG21 yy 124s ee ads Lie, 255. 1s GRICE—RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 47 "SA-GAZ, 33:7 / 46:2 / 47:4 / 50:4 / 51:4 / 52:4 / 53:3. sangu “Innina, YBC 4857:13 stb, 106:67 / 149:11 / 150:5, 11, 56 / 2171: 10, 25; IV:29 / 218:4, 43 / 220:3 / 221:15 / 222:35 / 224:37 / 225:5 / 246:20 / 247:5 / 248:5. stb-e-ne, 3 V:4 / 4 X:4 / 13:1, 23 / 15 IV: BU MeOSLV 1b -00-097, Of20 7, OL 7 63:5 / 181:20. stb db-udu-e-ne. 175:11 / 184:7. simug, 114:14 / 119:21, 26, 27 / 134:21 / 145:19. simug gir arad, 119:17 / 123:19 / 126:21. “simug Sd é A-ab-ba-a, 195:9. gabra, YBC 7260 III: 27. “Sag-ga, “'™Sdg-ga, 175:6 / 181:4, 10, 16 / 184:3. §d-pi-ir Ararma™, 227:13. Sar-ra-ni(?), 149:6. Sar-ri-im, 208 I:31 / 212:32, 61 / 217 II: S02 LV= 1b. Sd-tam, 119:16 / 122:22, 23 / 141:13, 14 / 144:17, 18, 20 / 163:14. §d-tam-e-ne, 1. VI:30 / 3 V:6 / 5 VII:22 / 93327 / 51028) 718-84" /013:249/ 15 IV:32 / 16 IV:19 / 19:34 °/ 25:43 / 30:43 / 33:10 / 46:6 / 47:7 / 50:8 / 51:7 f, 5247-7 babe 00-17 09:6. / 96:11 W102 soe 2 7 155:6 «/ 162:6 / 214:6 / 250:6 / 251:8. SE, 123:20 / 132:12 / 148 Case:17 / 146: 20. “SE-tl, 166:18, 23, 34 / 170:8 / 185:10 / '209:8. ”SH-KIN-KUD, 181:5, 11, 17. mSB"* 34 Ni-in-nu-t-a, 178:3. §u-gé, YBC 4726:10 / YBC 4739:13. Sti-ha, "Si-ha, 97:7 / 174:18. §t-ha-e-ne, 97:9. Sti-i, 122:3 / 124:20 / 163:24: SU-QA-GAB-A lugal, 141:24, 27. Subuge isos ela 7219; Sutug..., YBC 5420:2, 10, 16. Sutug “Ba-t, YBC 5420:Seal. Sutug “En-ki, 148 Case:19. Sutug “Nin-azag-nun-na, 135:1. Sutug “Nin-gis-2i-da, 132:14. Sutug simug(?) “Nannar, 46:Seal / 47:Seal / 50:Seal / 51:Seal / 52:Seal / 53:Seal. Sutug simug(?) pisan dib-ba “Nannar, 122: Seal. ukus lugal, 144:22. UM(?) nagar, 143 Case:23 / 147:13. us-bar, “ugs-bar, 147:12 / 177:6. ui-tul, 193:11. See also gir... d%-tul. Countries and Cities. uru™ A-bi-sa-ri-e, 175:32 / 184:16. Adab™, 140:23 / 143 Tablet:32 / 144:27 / 168:21 7 169:23 /-170:20')/.171:36 / 172519 Velio veg 1 743285/ 175:39 / 212:3. uru™ A-hu-wm-ma, 106:8, 10. uru Al-gu-um, 17:25. uru™ AN-BAR, 153:2. AN-ZA-QAR Bal-mu-nam-he, 181:18. Ararma™, Ararma™ (-ma), 16 IV:22 / 17:5 / as Usa cuca. Soi.) 00:5. +/ 106:3 / 109:16 / 124:14 / 140:25 / 164:6 / 165:Seal / 168:23 / 172:21 / 173:10 / 174:30°/ 186:3 / 199:7 / 202:15, 57 7.208:5' 7-207: 12, 19; 44, 63° 208°1:34 / 21224. 34-/ 227711; and in sd-pi-ir Ararma™ in List of Officials and Occupations. Bébilu (DIN-TIR-K1), uru* Bdébilu (KA- DINGIR), 38:5, 13 / 141:35 / 147: 20 / 181:13. BAD'(?)", ld BAD, 124:4 / 204:12. Bal-mu-nam-he. See AN-ZA-QAR Bal- mu-nam-he. 1To be read BAD(?). Cf. Strassmaier Warka, No. 18; Meissner All-Bab. Privatrecht, No. 108; Langdon in Babyloniaca, VII, p. 43. 48 uru® Bi-na-a, 196:13. Du-un-nu-um™, 218:41 / 219:25. B-SU-*8Sin-na™, B-SU-“Sin-na, 243: 6 / 252: 2. uru" Gar-ra-*Babbar, 132:17 / 145:23 / 146:25 / 192:16 / 193:13 / 194:16 / 195214 -/3196:15 7-197: 65/0 195367 208'1:5;.32: 11:34; 1V:16 7 231313. uru™ Gar-ra-“Nergal (Nér-Ura-Gal), 235:5. wu" Gimil (SU)-“En-lil-ld, 202:7. Ur LAL OLDO (oye el Tale lene aU ae 22039. uru™ I-di-"IB, 166:40. IB bea Vay Be aU Eg Ge uru Im-gur-“Girru (BIL-GI), 107:21. I-si-in™, I-si-in™, I-si-in-na, I-si-in-na™, T-si-in*-na, 3 V:10 / 83:7 / 95:16 / 106:65 / 139:22 / 141:34 / 147:19 / 205:8 / 206:6 / 218:42 / 219:26 / 223:9 / 249:5. uru™ Ig-ku-un-E-a, 175:27 / 184:12 / 188: 4 / 193:9 / 201:6 / 244:2. uru** [s-ku-un-*Nergal (GIR-UNU-GAL), 234: 14. Iskun-“Samag. See Gar-ra-“Babbar. uru™ KA, 148:35. uru™, KA-*..., 168:2. uru™ KAB-EN(?)..., 38:9. Ka-sal-lu™, 4 X:11 / 14:6 / 16 IV:21 / 30:45 / 31:7 / 32:6 / 46:8 / 49:15 / 505107 51:9 722107 53:8 bor2ly 68:9 (72:9 /-78:5-/ 81212: 7 88:18. Ki-sur-ra™, 203:5 / 204:9. uru™ Ma-sa-bu-um, 170:17 / 185:2. Mas-gan-sabra™, Mas-gan-sabra, 99:2 / 112: oo7 118.204 127330 elGor5 yoko: 11 / 177:14 / 178:14 / 179:10 / 180:8 / 181:32 / 182:18 / 183:10/ 184:25 / 185:20 / 186:14 / 202:13, 49 / 207:6 / 209:16 / 210:7 / 211:5 / 212:6, (032135907 21l4eS oo he oe 216:10. uru™ Na-za-rum, ““Na-za-rum, 236:4 / 237: 9 / 238:8. “Nergal-iskun. See Gar-ra-*Nergal, I§-ku- un-"Nergal. 1So read Delitzsch Sumerisches Glossar, p. 218. | YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V Nibru™, 5 VIT:25-/- 25:45 7 613100 63:99 (AR calet is Sy Say eae ku Nim™, Nim™-ma, ™Nim*-ma, 2 L.E. / 3 V:8 / 18:48 / 36:9 / 60:7 / 76:12. uru™ Nu-tr-"IM, 212:32, 61. Ra-bi-qum™, 141:35 / 147:20. uru“ Ra-ha-bu-um, ““Ra-ha-bu, 172:12 / 217 IV:18. Ru-um-ma, uru™ Ri-um", 152:5 / 202:73. uru™ sag mah. See Du-un-nu-um"™. uru SAG-PA-KAB-DU-GA, ““SAG-PA- KAB-DU, ““SAG-PA-KAB-DU", uru* SAG-PA-KAB-GA, 58:12 / 115:15 / 116:15 / 126:43 / 129:31 / 164:9 / 202:11, 43. uru 4Sin-nu-tr-ma-tim, 181:7 / 182:2 / PAVAY OSE EACLE EU WG i2 VM DIS AAS Su-ti-um™, 141:35 / 147:20. ‘Samasg-iskun. See Gar-ra-“Babbar. Sir-bur-la™. See List of Canals. uru® Si-ri-im-tum™, uru™ Si-ri-im-tum, 114: 7 / 181:19. Umma", li Umma", 166:7 / 233:11. UNU* (-ma) =Zararma™ (-ma)(?), 22:9 / 39:12. Unug", Unug™ (-ga), Unug(?), li Unug™, 19:29 9 /.124:15) 21 1415345506 147:19, 21 / 149:12 / 150:11, 57 / 172:957 21721343 Uruk™, in personal names under J-ta-na-ah—, Si-li—. Uruma™(-ma), Uruma™, 103:2 / 121:29 / 123231 4/0149 21 Sal 50s 2a Oe ods 28 / 174:12, 17; 19 7 201:8 7 202:8, 38 / 214:3 / 250:9 / 251:11; and in personal names under Mdr—, “Sin- ri-im—, “Sin-sar—, Si-li—. U-zar-pa-ra", U-za-ar-bar-ra, 243:7 / 252:3. uru Wa-qar-tum, 106:7, 12. Zavalam 172: ties 207s (2038220. Zar-bi-lum™, 26:7 / 199:9 / 207:33 / 218:3 / 224:35 / 225:3; and in pa dam-qar Zar-bi-lum™ in List of Officials and Occupations. uru™ Zi-ib-na-tum, 107: 22. 106:5 GRICE—RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA 49 Canals. ‘4Buranun-na, 149:9 / 150:10, 54. 4Sir-bur-la™, @Sir-bur-la, 136:14 / 142:11 / DA, 236:4 / “DA-KI-MES, 237:8 / “DA-_ 187:9 / 188:10 / 189:16 / 190:9 / MES-KI, 238:7. 191:11 / 208 1:3. td edin-na td he-gdl(-la) , 239:6/ 240:8 / 241:4. fd ul-di-a-ta, etc....“Hl-la, 150:4, 6 / 217 “47 digna td dingir-ri-e-ne, 244:9 / 245:10. 1:95 11 2524-326 -4L Vie 2830. 4K A-NUN-SA, 246:18 / 247:3 / 248:3. id ud ul-a-ta, etc... .“El-la-a-ta, 220:2, 4. “4M as-tab-ba, 221:13 / 222:33. id ul-ta ba-ra gdl, 242:17. “4N 1G-SI-SA, 138:22 / 229:3 /.230:3. 7 A-ar(-ge), 133:3. CATALOGUE. The following system of notations and abbreviations for the list of dates has been adopted: Figures indicate known years of definite reigns; as, W-S 1 is the first year of Warad-Sin. Dates with Roman letters, like W-S a, belong to Warad-Sin; but the order in the reign is undetermined. Dates with a Greek letter, like W-S a are only conjecturally assigned to the reign. Ua, U b, etc., indicate unindentified formule which probably belong to the Larsa Dynasty. Text. Reign. Year. Month. Day. YBC. Description. 1 Sin-idinnam(?) a = e 4752 Record of sheep and their shepherds. 2 Sin-idinnam(?) a 12 ¥ 4746 Record of sheep belonging to the temple of Nannar. 3 Sin-idinnam(?) a 11 30 4728 Record of sheep brought in by shepherds. 4 Warad-Sin a iz oy 4747 Account of sheep belonging to the temples of Nannar and Ningal. 5 Warad-Sin aanuey tl ae 4837 Account of sheep belonging to the temples of Nannar and Ningal. 6 Date broken off .. a bi 4749 Record of sheep and their shepherds. 7 Warad-Sin c 13 22 4737 Summary of sheep. 8 Sih-IM(?) a - Me 4846 Round tag for dates. 9 Sili-IM a 12 a 4735 Record of flocks and their shepherds. 10 Sili-IM a 12 ms 4731 Record of flocks and their shepherds. 11 S2i-IM a 12 ss 4724 Record of flocks and their shepherds. 12 Warad-Sin 1 7-9 oe 4813 Receipt for dates. 13 U f 4 14 4733 Balance of sheep brought in by shepherds. 14. Warad-Sin a 5 16 4796 Note concerning a calf. — 15 Warad-Sin 1 8 ai 4743 Shepherds’ account for one year. 16 Warad-Sin(?) a 2 # 4838 Summary of sheep brought in by shepherds. 17 U e 5 LG, 4734 Account of payments in sheep. 18 Sin-idinnam(?) a 12 4742 Temple record of sheep. 19 Date broken off .. f3 .. 4738 Account of sheep and their shepherds. 20 Warad-Sin c 8 4810 Record of sheep and cattle for sacrifice. 21 U f 9 4816 Note concerning cattle. 22° U(W-S?) i 6 4827 Note concerning cattle. 23 U f 4 oe 4822 Note concerning cattle. 24 Warad-Sin c 8 16 4807 Record of cattle for sacrifice. 25 Warad-Sin(?) BULLapeL 4732 Record of sheep brought by shepherds. 26 Warad-Sin c 4 a 4860 Account of payments in cattle. 27 Warad-Sin c 4 21 4814 Note regarding cattle. 28 Warad-Sin d 8 18 4798 Note regarding two female slaves. 29. Warad-Sin d 3 18 4791 Note concerning a goat. 30 Warad-Sin a 12 13 4741 Record of flocks. (50) Text. 31 32 33 34 35 GRICE—RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA Reign. Year. Month. Day. Warad-Sin a 12 Warad-Sin a. 4 can Warad-Sin c ey 21 Warad-Sin b 1 6 U f 12 . Sin-idinnam(?) a 12 20 U f 6 U(Sin-idinnam?) d io . U(W-S?) i 6 U f 7 LE, f 12 Warad-Sin c 8 -Warad-Sin c 9 Me Warad-Sin c 2 1(?) U g 1 23 Warad-Sin a 9 a: Warad-Sin c 10 13 Warad-Sin c 3 29 Warad-Sin a ii Warad-Sin a 9 Warad-Sin a 7 Warad-Sin a. 7 Warad-Sin a tf Sili-IM a 12 ae Sili-IM a 12 =s. Sili-IM a 12 5 Sili-IM a 12 Warad-Sin 11 12 Gungunu(?) 14 12 Sin-idinnam(?) a M3 i Sin-igisham c 12 14 Sin-igisham 1 13 Warad-Sin a(?) 1-12 U f 12 Warad-Sin a 8 Warad-Sin b if Warad-Sin c 1H Warad-Sin a yi U f 9 Warad-Sin Cc 4 Warad-Sin(?) DC?) it Warad-Sin a 7 YBC. 4801 4802 4865 4722 4842 4855 4849 4832 4836 4784 4790 4782 4817 4783 4763 4854 4772 4804 4823 4771 4862 4769 4762 4776 4847 4765 4833 4839 4834 4848 4835 4851 4794 4826 4781 4845 4841 4844 4856 4773 4811 4815 ol Description. Note regarding sheep. Note concerning two cows. Note in regard to sheep for SA-GAZ. Record of sheep. Note regarding a sheep. Account of payment in goats. Note regarding sheep. Certificate of inspection of sheep for sacrifice. Note concerning cattle and sheep. Record concerning three slaves. Account of slaves. Account of slaves, cattle, and sheep. Note concerning sheep. Record of sheep and cattle. Note regarding sheep. Square tag for sheep for SA-GAZ. Square tag for sheep for SA-GAZ. Account of sheep. Account of sheep. Square tag for sheep for SA-GAZ. Square tag for sheep for SA-GAZ. Square tag for sheep for SA-GAZ. Square tag for sheep for SA-GAZ. Account of wool. Round tag for records of shepherds. Account of wool. Round tag for records of shepherds. Round tag for reeds. Round tag for records of sheep. Round tag for records of sheep. Round tag for records of sheep. Round tag for the receipt. of sacrificial sheep. Round tag for records of sheep. Account of sheep. Account of laborers. Note regarding a cow. Note concerning female slaves. Note in regard to a female slave. Note regarding a slave. Record of female slaves and silver brought for Ningal. Note concerning a slave. Note concerning a slave. 52 Text. 73 74 75 76 77 78 hk) 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Sh 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 we 112 113 Reign. Warad-Sin U U(Sin-idinnam?) Sin-idinnam(?) Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Rim-Sin U Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Rim-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Broken Undated 10f Warad-Sin Undated Rim-Sin Undated Undated Undated Rim-Sin U Date broken Date broken Rim-Sin Warad-Sin Undated Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Undated Sin-idinnam Rim-Sin Rim-Sin YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V iw) F ep Nf OR OO ot) RD © 33(?) 38 18 10 11 4 1a 10 % 12 8 ie 12 Year. Month. Day. 21 3 1 Broken Broken 7(?) 30 14 30 11 20 WBC. 4840 4812 4805 4785 4858 4829 4730 4767 4825 4787 4818 4852 4806 4830 4828 4779 4780 4824 4766 4789 4799 4736 4797 4820 4778 4729 4821 4850 4800 4740 4721 4777 4745 4751 4774 4819 4809 4803 5315 5567 4458 Description. Account of female slaves. Rece’pt for a slave. Temple record. Receipt for slaves. Receipt for slaves. Note concerning a female slave. Account of silver and gold for gods. List of payments. List of payments in grain. Temple record. Receipt for silver. Receipt for grain. Temple record. Note with regard to a cow. Receipt for grain paid for reeds. Account of dates paid to women. Temple record. Record of bitumen. Temple record. Note concerning a slave. Account of sesame. List of garments. Account of sesame, oil, ete. List of garments. List of laborers. Obverse, list of payments to women; Reverse, beginning of a letter. Date formula. Note concerning a boat. Record concerning reeds. Account of grain paid to overseers of women weavers. Account of grain for various cities. Account of wool delivered. Exercise tablet. Partition contract. Deed for storehouse. Promissory note for grain and oil. Promissory note for loan, without interest, of silver and sesame. Contract respecting penalty for non- delivery of slaves. Contract for the return of a boat. Deed for improved property. Partition contract. Text. 114 115 116 Lg 118 113) 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 Reign. Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Sili-IM Warad-Sin Warad-Sin W arad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin W arad-Sin W arad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Rim-Sin Sin-iribam Warad-Sin Warad-Sin(?) Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin 1G; Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Nirv-IM Nir-IM Nirv-IM Nir-IM GRICE—RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA Year. Month. Day. 9 11 11 8 oO aco. c. 8 5 9 5 13 iI 4 x 12 e 4 rag, 13 4 ae 9 20 8 7 a3 Broke 6 ee 10 Dh 13 13 11 11 az 1 12 ry ib 14 5 6 a a 12 18 11 1] 6 11 6 9 8 x+3 1 10 8 7 12 iy: 10 4 YBC. 6170 6225 6226 4760 6166 5686 8762 6152 5709 6153 5979 7475 6147 5726 5698 heaed 8763 4275 6208 8755 5721 5369 5427 8746 5175 8760 8757 7226 5448 6146 8759 5584 6111 6205 7076 5363 7098 5326 4282 4300 4761 53 Description. Contract for the payment of a debt in sesame. Contract for the hire of a slave. Contract for the hire of a slave. Contract for the transfer of a female slave. Deed for real estate. Deed for improved property. Deed for an orchard. Deed for improved property. Deed for a storehouse. Deed for real estate. Slave sale contract. Deed for real estate. Deed for real estate. Deed for improved property. Contract for loan of grain without interest. Deed for improved property. Deed for real estate. Deed for an orchard. Receipt for a female slave paid for taxes. Contract for purchase of orchards. Contract for exchange of real estate. Contract for purchase of right to serve as priest for five days. Contract for loan of silver without interest. Deed for granary. Deed for unimproved property. Deed for a fie!d. Contract for the transfer of slaves. Contract for the purchase of a slave from his parents. Deed for improved real estate. Deed for granary. Deed for real estate. Contract for the transfer of a female slave. Contract for delivery of produce of orchards. Promissory note for silver. Partition contract. Witnesses, etc., from contract for hire of a. slave. Record of cattle for two years. Receipt for slaves. Receipt for silver. Receipt for sesame. Record of payments in silver. 54 YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V Text. Reign. Year.. Month. Day. YBC. Description. 155 Sin-cribam 1 4 3320 Receipt for lambs. 156 Sin-iribam a 5092 Receipt for silver (?) in payment of a debt. 157 Sin-iribam 5 5093 Receipt for grain in payment of a debt. 158 Sin-iribam 5215 Receipt for silver in payment of a debt. 159 Sin-igisham(?) 5091 Record of payment in grain. 160 Sin-igisham 5650 Record of payments in silver. 161 Warad-Sin +f 4985 Record of the transfer of a slave. 162 Warad-Sin 16 6197 Note concerning garments. 163. Warad-Sin et 5418 Account of food and drink for workmen. 164 Warad-Sin 21 7188 Record of grain paid out. 165 Warad-Sin 16 6978 Receipt for garments. 166 Warad-Sin 10 5586 Balanced account of grain. 167 Warad-Sin(?) 29 4405 Record of payments of drink. 168 Rim-Sin 29 5494 Balanced account of grain. 169 Rim-Sin 4 7187 Balanced account of grain. 170 Rim-Sin 27 7310 Balanced account of grain. 171 Rim-Sin 30 6143 List of payments in oil. 172 Rim-Sin x+6 7185 List of payments in oil. 173 Rim-Sin. 10 24 5529 Record of receipt and delivery of grain. 174 Rim-Sin 5 Broken 5829 Record of payments in grain. 175 Rim-Sin 12 Ay 7195 Account of payments in grain. 176 Rim-Sin 13 6 8761 Record of grain paid out. ‘177 = Rim-Sin 10 19 4415 Receipt for wool. 178 Rim-Sin 10 1 8758 Record of silver paid to laborers. 179 Rim-Sin 7 23 5518 Receipt. 180 Rim-Sin 10 14 4446 Receipt for wool. 181 Rim-Sin 2 7211 Account of grain paid out in one year. 182 Rim-Sin 1 #e 5580 Balanced account of grain. 183 Rim-Sin 4 8 4414 Receipt for grain. 184 Rim-Sin 12 Se 7202 Account of grain for one year. — a) Ww _ STR BP Or WB Or i KD co - —_ — et o-~, ~D Neage” RPwhRWNRhDN OO SNS SSS FO. OO Oe a _ ar bo OMmOmMDMMMHMH MA B® OC jon i) 185 Rim-Sin 4 6 6985 Balanced account of grain. 186 Rim-Sin 9 8 5568 Receipt for sesame, wool, and sheep. 187 Rim-Sin 10 1 Li 7308 Record of grain paid out. 188 Rim-Sin 10 ef 10 5768 Record of grain paid out. 189 Rim-Sin 10 10 5 6216 Record of grain paid out. 190 Rim-Sin 10 6 9 7032 Record of grain paid out. 191 Rim-Sin 10 9 17 7190 Record of grain paid out. 192 Rim-Sin 11 12 30 5583 Record of balances of sheep and wool. 193 Rim-Sin 11 12 18 . 7182 Record of payments in sheep and wool. 194 Rim-Sin 11 2 30 6219 Record of payments in oil. 195 Rim-Sin 11 3 9 7313 Record of grain paid out. 196 Rim-Sin 11 12 25 6209 Account of sheep and their wool. 197 Rim-Sin 11 9 a 5535 Note recording the receipt and delivery of silver. Text. 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 Reign. Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Sin-idinnam Sin-idinnam Sin-idinnam Sin-tdinnam Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin IT. Rim-Sin II. Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin GRICE—RECORDS FROM UR AND LARSA Year. Month. De 2 12 io) —_ mp 9 © © 0 000 WH © © fon ee) bo bd bo Or Or 25,26 . oo bb =O 0 © © en ee oe ee LO AS) OOomrrRrRwWNAN ee Day. 10 10 2 5 ig 14 3 5 12 11 28 2 5 7 19 3 LD 1 29 12 ae 5 6. 13 a He 8 13 4 LWW Ats 1G ¢ 30 9 Ar 12 14 12 Broken 8 Broken 4 4 5 a 6 8 1 2b 2 10 10 23 5 29 12 8 ie i) 8 7 ey L 10 1 20 9 19 Be 1 ae 2 6 YBC. 8775 7030 7184 8756 7477 5793 8744 8731 4465 7473 7478 8774 4413 4445 7476 5170 4969 5276 5265 7261 7099 7183 7260 5814 7214 7249 5836 6505 7238 5701 6588 5420 5576 5534 6571 7179 5360 4422 3339 8748 8747 or or Description. Note recording the receipt and delivery of silver. Receipt for wool for garments. Receipt for cattle. List of payments in grain. Account of grain delivered during nine years. Receipt given by a merchant. Record of sesame paid out. Receipt for silver (?). Receipt for silver. Account of sesame, slaves, garments, etc., delivered during five years. Annual account of sheep and their wool. Balanced account of grain. Receipt for wool. Receipt for wool for garments. Annual account of sheep and their wool. Receipt. Note concerning payment of sheep. Date formula. Record of payments. Annual account of sheep and their wool. Annual account of sheep and their wool. Account of food for cattle and sheep for one day. Date formula. Receipt for gold. Annual account concerning slaves. Date formule from an annual account. Account of garments. Date formula. Date formula. Temple record. Note from temple records. Date formula. Date formula. Record of bitumen. © Record of payment. Account of receipts from shepherds. Record of bitumen. Receipt for bronze. Note recording the delivery of silver. Note recording the delivery of silver. Record of payments in silver. 56 Text. 239 240 241 242 243 244 Reign. Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Rim-Sin Warad-Sin Warad-Sin Rim-Sin Warad-Sin YALE BABYLONIAN TEXTS, VOL. V Year. Month. Day. 17 17 FF 27 19 20 20 28 1 —= Pp COO COR PDD DD WwW — 15 20 24 16(?) 10 13 25 27 wastes 6188 6195 7036 8730 6593 8754 6292 7305 5573 5784 7835 7037 6178 6278 5728 Description. Note concerning bitumen. Receipt for sheep. Receipt for one talent of wool. Promissory note for silver. Temple record. Record of the delivery of sheep. Record of payments. Balanced account of dates. Date formula. Date formula. Receipt for dates. Record of a payment. Record of payments. Date formula. Contract for hire of a slave. AUTOGRAPHED TEXTS PLATE I 1 OBVERSE Cou. tt. Cou. tt. BL ESTE RY Sa ) Nae ies T on aS a a at AD (et Lay iy wy Ey Pry AA TY P = Gal yey. a FR te aia ay yy b—V IS 10 VV V EA = b : p , LXV PYY ETY Wy ho V yA Pa We > c y 70 vy ix VY As e A rarara'ay =4 Twa cry \ Lary A ey tC ¥ V7. 15 15 UVY VVV VV UYVU A PY VY YA Oy Ae b> A VV VV VYYY ; Pry EY YYYY qu nN Woy KY OY 2ANTY Vb LLYN Le ay YY t : 7 qi KP A — ie “ae: y IH : para hie VY ; y ‘ VYV WAY “)) bil ili "414 WA WLLL x D iB ake REG HG sh Ue =] tite YY ip (1 waa Gat(=His ray We VYYYV VV 1's" iD 7 ay a EY & aes y SAI Ww PY a mut a CY V a 7 = EX) Le Pn 30 30 ey — I 3 | a os eG = : wy = Faas (om hed ey pry & aa é p L i ‘ A LV Pyry ATV -VVVY / 0M vy 7} VY Al ir ALYY TH Yiu wy WA WwW eee = 0 ~ —— ZK —s PP yf Mf ff / VPYV 7 VPV VY V V 7 4 aE IRE (a bal BT EH 36 Omit, mistake of scribe. PLATE Il 1 REVERSE COL. Vv. chart ee atest A oe acard h\ VV 1K? 7 It, q i . : Wy 7 Ag Peis fi HE ni\ TT FE van - y Yo 7; YY VYY ih ae | IY MING 0 yy —— 2 HMiypy he C4 E44 sf MIAME rg UL ALL, : os é v 7 fe ry . rT, vat ‘ LAY ; a Wp me r ae fa Ly - - i, Wi - h ‘ 20 JAY | Fa irlaiiyinl WY pla MAME Love HL, (Fal WS T, Ws, y r] iy) iy ys anett Yi /, “MY. “Men Mf YAN, i Lan a Vil, 20 25 oe POR ss Al! YY ‘ RT Y ii, HY TyYy = yf d 4 hipy Wes Nyy ig 2 4 pli! WY VY ye i a iy Vevieh £2 rA = LL Mf a e = = — = TY YY Poy — /."sn a an eee. =v Gyitinity if y Wifi, RY SS a RI Os 4 th aS a’ = LEVY F/ Yy TT YTY Y —— f me ST TM iY MEG 25 ‘ 7 Aa Se - f ‘ssa Dp ae en 28 AI y "pe A -YYY Wee Mel, rot } AI = : ay y IY ¥ ¢G BY Y a Wy 4 ‘he's =64's “TINY y Sa Ny 1G Ty YY 304 vy P a TV Ry —y TH G7, He, oe Z 2 it ‘t iy Siti Sh) 2 |=" | RS “aly UM HEY d - Wij, parca ag = — > BRS Ga! - oP == Al =a War it eS ot 7 sg Sees) Shi cVYY VALY (a= 35 is / aus N 4 f Wf My Moy Vb) } HY /. I A ¥ELY Vy, ee { Wi by YY Uf hi (Mago bt ; Y ( : rH A Omit, mistake of scribe. 40 PLATE 2 OBVERSE COL, !, tae Pes ihe MEO AVOMEMGAYL MM LAME Wigs "1 AMY fs Hf Hr UHUEM GG Ny 7” hh ul a MOT hai MN Me HMMM = TLL i= tH MMMM MiMyity ae FF =e Sil Bi ide [I NA? if OTL Whit till ILM Oy yi yeni HL, Yelp lia NY, = hi ANN Me MUMS Tp be eas ee _ : AE MAM ME tay = 4 "i ia pce 4 4, iil Uh ai Y : omitted by scribe. Ty ; BO = 30 35 35 ra : ip LE DIN LLALLLE NO eV 4 a i My “ys Woh WIL N AAU, V 4 s A 40 \ | Wit fet tf YU LD OG 5 A Wir PS ma Yat POO NNMMHELTL YY IA fe Wl 407 “yt WLM 4 UT JAAS a POTTED | iy i Lie yt — AY Ly. {fi ae A +s BAL.» a) = EE i, pies LR : Why "1'fP as Hi i/ LM Hii eps hheet Hina} Mts sare ay, Ty 5 ci A= emit fe TH iy ae Hs yias Mey, A aa ct . — Yi, Mie) LMU ET SM wr wy ——. A Wt CSET, Tv y 5 ant = > vent Diets Whips bis? MYM, LA 7 (AY P KA > i DL NEG v , < . VV ‘2 7. 45 HI PLATE 2 REVERSE cou. Vi. YA ee ae ees Cou, tv. A TY IY EY AY] AT Sy Se 6a 6 ER-ALY ET =a! p= AP ry 7V mm =| VY, wy YA Sy pt 5 e = mH V YPYy V YVXxny ell "4 y VV vy : . yt eA] VYYY Y A ara’ : MW) TA AE eS BE Eo v ey Yul fy VYYTY Pry AI YY Prd a 1 (( was tdy yy LA VAY Md) ATT _EB sail oe, lass Ti ay mS s 4i¢ vy > df BOY VY vP> m4) ey es ta a i rR 07/ Willi a fs 7 Ain-coemme Scom oa Uf 10 YVV yyy =a ie ite=0S YY, rae y Y mS 5 = 15 . . yt Mii lpury ‘e'A' Y yy VM, AA te (X) EH bee Si Mya a har L Y Minn SEL, eit VY 4 ce 1 (a e Y TV EY vy } ca CT ae TYVY a TY CARS VV ti +—7 ry ry Me | 2h ryy WPT YY Ry <= 15 is +p y = = —— 7 o> v + VVY bY YY rw QL Ey ry yt Wi 20 VV By Be VV yr nies =i ‘ANY ee YY are Ee cs =. ae _f nN bf. dan = 5h is fr , te é ee f" (A-VYY V ht i ra" ay TVY HS she iy FKP 114 Vir ae mies, (ft is 1 yp y hill i Ye, Yip, Mj Yip iy | LYN Wit, Wits Seiya Mt —s Minima on Le Sip =p =i iy 4 Wy, Wd, - " Vuswiih, XR : LY yy Weil AY Wily Mili ; Te E lyf Ui, i WM tips 7 j j ‘ A . ee ae: = AE is re fpf mA Up y WEIL Ss Af th, i ; ft TTT Vi WH ton s ws WriX 7 - t WEY Vey _ ue 25 YY if y AE i S LA ACY y bd I Ya LY Tan sy yp BY pr XY ra ei OMI? Ys 1 WO TTALED Veer “i aN a) FH EE - is va'a'at TAY ery id y Berea - ae NE Mines > Uy NG Vie " Cin a, yo ; VVY . bait we : a aa) se ere as TVY y vVY ie | a YY A kts re TYY oy oN MG, ie WUVYV TU IV =~ » Fs 6 = mee y a 2 * ‘ = a Ths ap ' =O, — w Pies "Powe ice 1 - - Ww 8. =i PLATE AT TS. A Med GRE met ADELA ag Ai 7 VYY WLY YP Vy Srey “iy TA ATTY SAE EE ROA Wy y — VY Wig f Lt Wyn My TVYY . oa " Uy pan TA i 2 Ga OLY UN @ a v “ ny TAY VV 5 4 = a 1 V in 7 % y; (20 Pyy Hs 5 =a vac a‘ rVy pa 5 5 Wa cam eese: Aa Al Nal = es \ “ints LVM y eit ye Wnty Py Yay PY inte igi aaa HN eee oa oe ; g VV ¥) p b Tiina 4 wage ja AYES = if 4 = 4 ay : o>: HE WG VY bee : : i, f 1a'A' YY) AHR 7, VV VYV ry} Ne ‘= naninthi tit VYY ¥ vu FA YY TY a ™ A 1 He ps. le A Utfuntinetan Uy iV ty 10 : a atlid! TED me we (A) YY ALY (RY P I ane TE oa 134 Uy) | FES HY 10 V8 XI, Erasure. \\e Heal vy —yyy = 7 Hey yf ya AT "4 4h = yy Nisa Wh WUD Stele Lt =f AY aot) Ii} VANE =F: ‘ = Lame b— Me y EY Ary SY augux, 7H } VV yin ‘ a Wy | LAY a: ashy Ay 6 Hy - ar eT ETRE é MN MMM MYT re8 WY 1A Me B Wie Wy, MIM V tA mY) GATAN PY Ws tap A A bf MAEM ELEY We OME, yy ins MWijjae 15 iy) wnt ue ; rt ay HHO HOY Yury, iil il 4 UMMM C16 tt =" yPyy is = PH Vi YYY y ty —A yey vy ALi % mY, ey a K3 V Maeda ae | asst TVVV b ny Yyy AY ry MY 20 A ‘ A rY Y on i =e lth rR 7 v “a” AC EA A TY ; j by { VY Ry AY ees ° E> omitted 20 = by ANp- ey AS == soothed i YVY ALY YY W y Pry AY YY rh he = 25 vy as Ye Vii ML, = yy “e omitted by scribe. YYV) VY YY - MY, ae HUD YY WA YvyV is — OHI LU Te as : a AA BS eucities siiW Ca a\=0 i) YY ess ol FA AY WEE hb 30 ry cA es PA b on iy Uf Ys iy TAS q PAY LYMM Yi wy) VasV VYVV A VY } wiih Yh My YV ae Fy Wh MMi} LA-VV . aw —ry VY Sy AY LEXY an WH MM "4 0 WA TT ASS is ee TECETE a aaa i TN as YVYry & Try | == ¥ ates ly TM, l A Mr y . MMA Uy, aay 7 ATV VYVE-F yey 3 by hia ie Y A a ay ry FH A aa! AYEAP?? a: (Fy ph Mini ly ip Ary ¥ b or +e Y] HH Ly Wf Hy Mi . ou Yyy AVY z VFATYTY “y Wy MN fy yi fh HY Win KA (A py AA TY (A ", ~ F-} ith My My Wiiliyy “Wy, Wg Yyuff - me v fe : 4 Yi fb y MMM, My i LY -V VV iY AY Aor OT ATN D YY] , =y try YG Muy ns yy ry Ny “TTT off, — LU) Yy iil Ye Yi Ll iden 1 Wy, Wil ae Nj i = . UU MN if MUAY rt a i) ) ¢ v Lr Vr Ui) v VY Wy We bra i Ta aaa, AE Wr x y > ; rp AA VY AA YY ie by Ly iif Wy MY By) 0" a" eas Wy, Wii tip, y ih rt he i Wy tp Wig i), ts v re Uf Wh yyy, Pry vy A TV 45 PLATE 3 REVERSE COL:V, COL. tv. Souuinit AIA SeamPL isa == OO SO es = a E s rE | Py AQ Ty i RAY Dry iit ae HD GALL } x : xz . - > CAEN @ P any. VAN, | yA FA =a MMMM HALLS Wy, Ln YYW ALiLS BWI — UM, Hy Hh TY YY Uh yy thy f Wy / e bing ip WP by id Yi Hin yn Y y : Wy TY, WOM pA, | Yi Liifth i rom My My HY iene CUM) MUM My, iy WY WAY Mtl yp Mii a HA Ni age Hy HE VU MMII Wii upp Wen Mtl TALL He iy VA LY WAN Hy) YM if, ooh 77 i/ Uy YY i UA TT Ht YU 144, MUM i 1, Milt HM tht WY, Wy Way SULIT Vir / sy W777 Lo 10 i MN, YU yy Lyf, YIN C1 TOU Wii iif i Persian MONTY ymiyyift y 1 // UUMLY OR LE Wit fy WM My yf CSA tule aa VY MMM. Iii) Mey MMIC jyfy WifIff TN Att Wi HAL | Hy HU MWh Uy YL SHR OLE LY TLE Lyiiey MY Ly Wy) ALOT anitiliiy Why Wy nee EME aa a ae S778 ‘ iy) y 5 " Mf ¥ TY vo / - 7Y/ % ba (AY Ue, as YY PRY ALY 1 Pay ce RN | MY UL TW Wi Ly ASV 15 iy ™, ara'A’ . y. ae ro 16 Yoni YY UD, : My Wy UW iyjy Gy, iy Y vy) yy YY Wy ie V va “IV spn ye HT. r V "AY "4 VV UNTO, LX VAY A NY LM PH \, iy Masel ig v mitt HO vay ua LAA HH WE rargitt! | BEA /) Fr Mn The p : i a YY Vay YY4 ML. iy hs ‘ tinal : 20 JA re — YY MiNi {ly aii, AX > iit senttg 20 W Hamas Z Ca OTT ws YVY Yay YY A f V rasure. MMMM, Ny, 4 Ay % fe: rin b a awe — Mi yift; id YY, Vy TY Vy Erasure. GN all! ", ey UY, Mil Prt px E ame An Rey Wii CN | ot Ey” TM Tey AM Vy > MI} Va Mi. ie Aga =| pul; Wy ly YU YY TY vy TZ i WH 1, PY YA SV mV, pA be Ly Wii/), TY a EY ~ UNM b om MN fy VV YVY NY VV Y rH p> YVVVY VY 1% VYVV WELLS - pAXY A WH wy eae 30 Ui MU wip Whe VY Wien WHA PVV vy y, Mahe ay HIT RAOTLER * A ii Mm inan HLM Ory 4 > Say tty HAL a WN MA OIME Dataee ‘a / Ea r UAE , ° 15 Mistake of scribe for AY 10 haf Mn ele Lo “yl fi), Wty Lip Ny Toa Wi yf yi YY yi We Wi, PY UM My) Hy Hts Milt Ly why , hee lip if WNiy, MN Ue, Mami by) Hh HS Hd ial hh ly Tih Ho Naif WU Nig it MM ny hy YM iyi) ET ie HM Wy 20 15 Yt AM rir MIM 1, Hey bea AM ih i HU 7 Mh H WNL Whilly Uy TIMELY) 25 hhh Uf SY Y AN “ ‘ ~~ . - Wy Hy f j . Me Aig ert 9 ol = a or 1 OEY Wy i v Yi : ry Mihi) YE TY ! HO Wy =| a a Re BAY 7 vy . 30 " Wtifer ry 17> an! Hs Whip lif Mp TX aay ; 1 TE ay Li S Te Nn yt 4d RN in Wy My ] WM) “UMli “ben i THO vf) AHN <2 UY) He] Mitta ‘nin Hy f Y MUL, ini Hf u Wisif Y LA Uf NYU ty fi iiar EY Wy Wy Wh MD ss bas YM Wy Wi PLATE VIII 10 yy ae WW AT BLATT real rr) Jon =z ae weaker AME oY PY pet 15 ve //) yi My Hi Hy t, Uy by SV WM) f/) Hen MG YY 25 RY Y) Up a7 . > ae ie ae ALY Wie> 4 VA/il) — ST CAA HF A hat = Ad 30 . TY FANT GU Viapsigp,f iy MN ipy pe aor oe Wy WY Hy SEY A V4 Ye Mitty WHY ns Y wih Catic DAY Fat } Lippi Mp ae / 4 v4 Mf UY) f! Mi Ny, 1 Milt G Wt Ny fy VY, EMMY LL Thi, y} va) aH Wy / / 7 35 / Mii I i, 4 Vif Vipy PLATE IX 5 oBvVeERSE i 682s SOL co cou. Wining %, 7 "a are SESS SLY 1] fp Vip yy YY TH, . f Whey WO yy yy 7 r = NWI 1 My =7 WIMMiinyf Wy WWW UGH ty AVM /y Wa A WY wisi fe E aN Wiyp/ MY) VV Rig | ; =e TLL y G MMMM yy, H i VYY =! Yj Writ 4a" ; MURS VV p bi 1? MLN LM HX 7. AY ‘a SAI Hes ihe > at fii: iianyl < a MA Pa trarrums Ue eB Tap WN (¢ Wel: YY “, Ys wii ct TL yi) a YY A, MMe Lis my LT iit hii te MLL te ip / sii) Myr LLL LY Hf, ULL Hier Gift vil} Me Lae sail Vy, Lip “ih VALLE i = LEED EE uy OE hi FY WG, Yygiiyyinp ingeeq VN Hatin ON Pay WN) TE Wy aa let Yee Ye Yip we ” i UU BE TA Ne Vip LU Yi HE Lily Wh Spee Ss irs WN iff HUY Ly Y hip Vy hy UY, Mie “Mh Geil Aa YY: Wij Lo Ys Yifla Willi Me OREN Ni, ease pag. HEY hy oH Vy “7 7, <= de VU /y 177 Ii VVV 5 as 7 iY V Wig D - YUN 17, Wuyi Von) byY <$ 4 UA WMA if r LG IMM tt if MMV, Wi1/) 20 CF 15 VV Uy PIxT p ma Hy Q a et| AL WL OY V ihe oe asia Vv VY i re ptf ny Wi ASS So TSN / Nf e. an > WHY i, "bt lus hy LM it, = Hoy, 20 i LM t=! tf pati WN UEOE b — "svat yun Y =" aa iN iW TOA = = eg oi, 25 V y YVV O VV Y 3 A Bay A ‘aa A VY VV 35 z= |ral ee. 40 PLATE X ‘5 Reverse COL, vil. COL. vi. COL. Vv. cOL, iv. 4 Wai rt BMT Mr — a b AG) li b a Mini, Meng TV civ i YY HH ut vv I ENP AY aii ants Ly VV r bY 5 yy gue | rT ce VVV L—YV wt : calla sige “= = 10 VV Vv YYy VV 10 A ey RY S V PVY ALY (SHS au EY 4 VV 15 15 TH Ex EAT bp | ry V Ti Uhl “Utlh Vy, “LL “fi ee, STL iS ri 20 Pry “if, ‘ br LD pil ba? 3," TVVY *, 3 mt aULA Visily Yj Uy MAM My CULM Ws yf tidy 20 Y_ Py A\ PLATE XI 6 osveRSE ry v +7 7 eal Ay me re aa ryyyy Sey yy A rey VE he WV yV BY naa 4 ee ae en 'he'a a wt My yoy, an A LAK TY) BV RY Onin (hite WD Ly AAT EE ‘ Wali tile : “Wy SS aa by Tbe ihe LP V p ry 5 y L—7 VV be ma —y/ Bo | 1 20 VYVLAY yy A 70 PYY LY aes PH +A Te je 25 Wy ay ey A yy 15 AL 30 ra VY = PV = A VY VYV / y V = YX ‘SEs me le — - ¥ 7 C Vi vi 4 yP = = V far TBA ie. \/ > UD a 7 PPVV ALY ‘as iD =X YY ‘OR aa =. 20 a EA ‘an 35 AT = wy v [YY Ry YY V8 YY wy AY wy Vy Yu & VY KA Y VAY yyy ~ VY VV a an AD Y V pot AX Y HH IY ry pd 40 “Ee IHW a= Yo PLY py A Py & Ae] BRYA +H ~~] EO RER Be 6 REVERSE Cou. Vi. VY a qT al yy yy ATV UUY boy VY ry Ea =e YY iY Pry Vy wo WY PHN TY et an lo. UV PLY rYy FH eel W PY An 20h , ra La RSA fe "4 Y h—Y Cou.vV. = pe ma Hy, od Oe cou, IV. th MEM MMS Y PH MMM Ay WHE “th AYA WH Iti WIth. HALLO, Lea fis Ventre ty yyy _Y Yl Wes < PT as: Y - > Yr & REET Ae se = = YYY VY - — S vat k VSYY¥ M7) VVV Pc L-VVYp PATI ABH] ao iy EY YY rue bAY as OY ery VY FX iil a 1 YYYyY (HY try VY JA Prt & ry . Y v KVP PAY FF LE SAY VY YP VV ry TY YY ey Alt ONG HALLOW A lat Ue ae 4 iff ‘/] YN be iy iy: a) TIS : Wy y winaason LUN. AI re 25 Mf Ta} had 4 Uf WEL Ai USN L Xi PLATE XIII % ag n if Ar A aly Wi if YM 1/1) fi HANI ILM f AOE / “ Willy Wits A rY p> bi Way ea KIh\YS LITA, Keys f ey ey Wy on wee ee ‘t ; ] ny ad Vip MMT, ments 30 RT - LITORIOES, 4 ” Mish ai ARLE BS ere : SOT TA neypan ie Ae dl AES FE ares ] A 35 - [S eb omitted by scribe. ; PLATE! XIV Uy o. VY TE y We REY eG aN mips tl 0 Ay EP hi, ° Lyi pp a Wy % y ‘ae C| 12 , SO Hy Wy Le YYY Te 6 yy Wy y nest = Te tar ics met ge ae ere i A a 5 v HE Wf WN rf} FY AY y, Py AV}, = 5 HME f \ b b : ° Wyld AND } Me, Y asta. AN AN ae Y RAE I rer aA AK iy y v ee wR YF My o 7] WIAA ta aV VVY Ey Ty WY P b A) A A WY? a TH : ce vV y re AY Sy; bik it “n= ie Loe pal a 77 YU VICV Vrv KY a MI Hy YN, A AA ravi fe FH A — 10 ; 10 Mitty " Wy Y > oa i { MM Ny Mid in re > EAS Kita My, YY en =" =) V pee Z| “a= a) { ry bt rv ; dM Indistinct seal impressions. 13 ATE EE ny Dery Tee YT ree UY, Mit hy) ifyiffys Z 4) MW yy NN fyi, Mh Wi YL IMM Vi enj Wh ii Uy Ni, Wi! Nitti Duy 25 V4; ry Wi) qh , Li/Mif; lig fi (i tM, Gof, Wye it LLL =“a May hint I/4 "i Uys Hi Ly pl ny, Yay Myf lh ln lpyff'y Wy My} bi, Wy sth pense Ha FB BY pt 4 , ie , 2 i <: a Sy vA a eee WAS: is _ ae ’ F 10 OBVERSE COL. VV V aa wet V = HV VY AY 2a AVY Bay EVV VYVY = rH op AY X\ -y ry VAY VY a YAY NI lay VY A YY FA aa plis} ai VY >} ie a . \ ae TY YVAPy VY Prey .yY Y " rt vv YL eas (kM A Ay, 25 7, if uh GREY, LY Mi! Wilh We MALIN GG uM ig) ¢ 4 tet WMifjaf +7 Mp Wilf tiye <= SAY V to = } A D ANG vy ro VV 14 15 REV OBVERSE TT FAY SH | TY ae TT BAT Y Yay ry yyy] > = ange FY &A V cil Ax rot A} FEN Y oe RITE _ TE Y a ey V7 rt Art za lone ERSE COL. tt. —— Wy YL i 1 iit VE } b Mi {CNet 219 V7 VA Y ni&t VV VPVY LY eH Ay FY is AY 7, V V wry WAY =u, Erasure. v —— VYV PeV¥ Vy, = eet bb EVV Vryvy YY Sl rH AL vv AE TH PERE aE Cea Wy BY Y Y hry aA aig. VV Pot & 7 a, VPVV A x at ies alles &s =a 7, WY @,' YVVVV V’y y VVV a ae PLATE 10 20 aa’ 25 XV 15 COL. Iv. REVERSE foo 3 oe Ue al ANG W REA Th. ¥ VV ER ry ate falas W ele THEE Y vi ues VEY "aaa YY 1) om —7 i Ny i/f in ‘= A My i, Frasure. V7 VP 5 aN . ‘wa au at TEA poane al k — m a nm ey YY YVYVY UTY A VYVYVY (A) > aa a TE an 10 3s Y VV-z i y \yry wy . an ro Fy 10 bAY EL ] ‘as st Bon (ush (a=: a: Cat re =| TY -Viy Ly YY AEYLYLYY Pe AY VV WO bt : Naa b+ fb at pA v7 E 7 v VV Age er bt. a 6 y= Mare V 4 a= - _ b 4 — “aay = a am 7 uP p V rer V VY Vv) YP VY ALBYY YrY AVY We Wy AY AY TAM Te 3 arn ‘aa Res TY EY AY ry Y Y QLEWA YY ay a TZ NY VY vryy A YY} - 9 ; LANG fF b f LS VicV YS an iees Pays au \ AY pF ca 15 b ‘ e, Nai C| a i L\ et et H ary i YVVYV —y Y Yryy t = RA Wy AE IC BY a Vly > Vy TU VT Y VUVY vy VV wy — NY Ey FE RE REY =: VXV VV EVV Y CATV mICLLY re Tey Pp ra VYV vy 4 pis ri VA Ly YPVY A VYS— UYYVY i SME GASES 7 ] Vy VV (2G aN THAT MAY YA RY LY Y i z UW Tl & Yry 4 S 5 x B kA YY P| fe & og SY PF PY Y RY vy p _ me / a = HH \ p Be YYYY, : VAY a qs TOW Ey / 4 ~ Ya y Se y = "3 t KX jae 26 LY V YY) S VV YY se al & a7 aK EY ANY KD 30 35 PLATE XVI 16 Cok, t. COL. I! om Y 2 Af JE HINEIASTT Eas." oes EIS | ATTA SRST TA Ki VVVY th bu Wit UA Uf} Tih Us Wily Mf ar, ip 4 Li Ni fj ily Nyy aan Witizy V 4 V IMS io wid Miiiy MW Mtt4 10 t Witty fuity MYY sataae=ts ws VN jaw Ke \ ~ Tay SEAR > > Ui I; aa 2 WM y) Sil Up P= I | \ Mijpuf! “ae Wh, P / iy 41, Livi it iy) na “lth Mb = \ HUTT tae Sep NTU! \ TT a7 HY Hy Z > \a HONG ix Lom Ny Wha PT 4 Wf; Hi | Hie WN Met y //, i) WY, Hf ify AY y Yi WiinifyT "7 aN vi " Wi LAA AA 5 Uy Wap WM Milifi Vif ys Wit Why Hy Up Dy UN yiypiyie Wi YU Wy OITITT es “ee WA ie OTL TK ud 15 sen 2 ele VV AY VV b—AYV wa Ly . : Rev. at fh 4 70 SN: Hy nva'a’ "Wy MYM AR Tel Ye if / AY Oy, tis pit WOOD, (Mt) Le YU Mf, ‘yf Vo % PLATE XVII * . ’ x : . ; { } : ! ) ’ uM ’ ‘ fed + - | a >, “~ 7 * ° 7 i @ _ ‘ : Tian 6 we or P . b+ V tv aA, ot - aya YATE by TY ey wer : Was - é =) yl es we x : VVVV " A YY pA AY Ye vy hy A A p VV eG Serta rail 1h p p YY YYYY ry dara’ q VY VV UMM LEE VT) 1 YYY ss eape- y AAS M11 Wh an V Py HL hat Wi WMT 5 FE: CY 2 —) P Wt Y bh A / Hi} US UMA MAGE ’ a . 2 i TUNE Mh WL HL, IMA ELE Witte fyi hau, f Y b- IMMUN i AMM TY Ni thy ee 4 ; Mili LE Dil, UE rnin,” YYY Cy VE-y a WEG MM ULL, “ili LL = bY “ WO tage Yin) yf Wises i niet 30 = PT be ‘ Yi yh HT] yt, Pe Ae fin Wh dips nu vf iyi Wyttf tet ttt heer yy eal ACE aN EE LACM TE ALN Sarthe NAAM AY wud Ie Py Ad Teen eee NY " ihe ' WM MY Hea eet bthilewet PLATE XxI "care ile = ingen ee Yes, V 23 I be TH, a Dietitian Pst tag 0. Baer PY PE i What P (22 rR 1" KY . GN Witte 15 HI a f hy Aull a I GY, a fly v-V; ii TEE AR KR N eA 7 an: alee VTA Pp Y a r++— wea acy = iY TY V hry YYY Ei V 1h lars A Line & Fata = eas A b y YT My V VYY YY yy yP VY bi ry pal PY Wty r é 1 —Miia— r -— Y, yvY as MUNMy WAT L V VY Se) V < SEER ys MBP Bee Whi, “Wy — - VL TV} I, ry VV VY Wry BT VY YYYV RV VY 20 A EWA Ke AY EEA YAY EY Ming é s YM | VYVV Y VAY YYY YP VY Wy ew. Y D Ae ae e, Wy . " VARA VV YY > omitted oy scribe. ; » MURR ET - TER Y Ree RTT EAT et Te ay later Oa 5 Jie! Vo i W0 iyy 1 A once n e we WAT Pa A aly ah ML) id} hie wy ‘ Bypir a = f Win Vail 7, V s I | A Ris A PN aH 85 Benepe Hed | ua WER Wer N =e << » 2 a4 ss 4 7 : ; er ie pal be 7 a aries sve Ire f U's erie Pe eis | > Pe of fl | . 4 : ‘ q = x ' - Ss Gay ? oe ‘ag ‘ « ” i s - ‘ Zz ' ‘ Y as i, 4 . = : I % % ov i, oo ‘ £2 - , ov i= + 5 - > eo 5 4 : = @ , 7 - 7 ee > ‘ ° »* ae | ~ ss a vc e ‘ é ‘oa Le a Ly) i 7 / / g / tht? ae GE iP ATPAL AT 2 TESA TBE oA 1 Wty) YUH “lif f Mf Ne Why Ly 1; M1, A Wide hoa ta TT “iy Tif) yy i PI Z 20 Wii MMA a CYL Wy Uy S] “ii, Aly 7 Pe Mi] Luh ik } IT NUIT LM yt Sys y ag MY Ts oh 1, 7 Mh) UNIYUMIN LY ent K aa S| Bee PLATE XXIV OSs Nr a e AEE HARASS TT TT A bald Y {///f i/ AY MD, at = / A alt} Wy (aia) AK Ys) ‘Wher VG TMM St 34 : (ARLE o AW BA AAW ET - aa YW ‘ Wy May) VINNY MUM TS Bo / LEAR Hi ie ij el, Ny Ss fs A adj VY VViry b Vy) VY = a a . ely 1) é 4 | F ¥ Y\A4 a $ ‘ ify Vi f; i Gees f P . y be } Y Wry k= +4 ae = A Thre 4. My 1iify 3 > A | A: oad NM yl iy, i; S17 Z1ill} a VYIMAUTT 1 fh 1 é é PPUIMMAM YIM pie c—V-V 7 ULL VAULT fy B4 Ml, MMM WU | Ui MM hip! : iG VLMUT MIG typ YAY VY Vb_y A pica “yaa, p if bY UVM MMI MUL Myf, 10 ah 4S fs AMS i, Hy “1, WMATA WYiif, z MUM \ t Vi yA, ex Yeu-Vap MMU MY Pt p cé rly b LA ML EE = ENG Wty) LULL call za é H ’ "= J XA eure & = aa ie mnel Tie = tel/ tt b ni1) is “ples 4 4 SS Nsee ee i 4 titel EXT TRY ’ weed He ~ 4 ala nel Uy HAD A ag mee nas che: = ae rasure. 40 0 p- Art sila By A ~ be yes WE RY YYY Ni Ly ®--0 erasure. WIA); ae) ela 27 Hee Mi. | “if ae Hit Ee iti A= YG le Wy eae kB Le ez a = - = Ege tera PLATE XXV ° rb] rest erasure. J 7 ; : Ra de ed iy * ZN ve ." PLATE XXVI HED ws TAG © fiff VHMUCY ANS tif had / Nair lip ae eererecas MMMM yy Wh lig fist A YMUf A itil MME : S. Wy ML Erasure. BD 4 WW git wy ih VA ttt i} Yaiites MIE), MT) AN LL HAT Mi i VM GL main LLL LL NIM UL Mp ofty MMMM by yy Mishaent shh MMMM HV MEE YASH IMG “Wy yamnnnan il! WISN nilhiiinn MON UALS Y fi MM / ts Wi od CO LE Nha 4 ee tint AMAIA MA fef WIIG ss ‘in Nee ies ee HH MAMA MMMM NN fy i 7 iy VET Ll why, Mn Wf NN VE, VMI (6 fy Msi, yy INCOM ANL E ff Wfliy f AK, Pennie! MMM), Ye, “yf. We / UD V4 AN 4 | | | BY Wy na 1 oe ONE Gh HT \ h, ty Ny 1) MTT LL MS LY y WIN{HT Wi iit (Ae i} yy Wop Ue hj i life f 1H nly Hy ye ry l Me Wh, if yy} 7 Hi, i t 4, init rel Yj MIMI MANS SM /, WY TM My 11, 1) Mh Wi) 7 / Wi; MM Wit Hy Yh ws Vester Hed Md HOHE: 11, Toran Ee a) ; ob ; ae & Geo aioe 8 oe + anyone ter ne a! i =) 7s Vosie > ¢ 44 - rue as PLATE XXVII ty oe aE ATT A ui oe + EC) I Contains also seals 50¢, 54a, 53% 47 ae ; «AB AEs » eg Ee ee EST ADL 49 Ty EL aa “flees 6 OTE TA As Ki I / 7] Ui f J Bey / l , P 7, 4 "jj Nas ba Uy Hy Vied J WMistise i I By a RS AT ‘ aE EP HL 51 $53 ranean ace nm RA ere Contains also Seals Hoa, H6US2H,SVE PLATE XXVIII yi, ART Contains also seals HCL, SIL, also 53 impressions. ATTY Fa ye so eunbys AeriN, Wea y 5 Ber hy PY oT ay pre ot Ay Contains also Seals Ao’, 506,524 thay yi ’ ite iL} 56 ASF B AT EY AYER FAT 7 2 o-- pee es Yr 4, ie O--0 Erasure. i See “PET Ae ATS wees a Hh nn Wh Wh it AH f ae if ited My iy Mi LNT yj} i yy Wh YA ti Mh ZL MW MLL, <= itd eae S 1ST ie lesa rel fet HP Ay ae UCN Sr a BRE nT a Td ey RET Has 0 at aller ver | ae a Nal oe these BA 4 HRS peor? PN we Ws er Ye hae iNet % Mire bal ABE pe Tine oN EL NOT ME / Wh TV TRL My WI OA (MLM STILL! I Muy With He Be MISLED Mt Hy Wg : tes Wy We yh ae 5 A im. y Erasure Bey susan HL ( es ' , ’ + : ‘* ‘ 7 7 | >» & . } U) 4@ yl? t _ Ls 7 : ? + . * we ‘ * . ap © ; a= he e 4°. A1G US tea he a» PLATE XXXII YL //j i TMG Wise Me iy / WEE 711 Mit Pay My, RL Y, Wil H 1 i y A/) AMAL 5 be Wy tH he I, IN Hite ( / Ai Hit) Ain HH Hp EAL ALL eh WN He PS Be i = AM i HS A Y ie }) H i} ; ! @=<6 bhi fe Oe REE Erasure. Ar as ba ‘ nlite fer tates BIL ALLEL (Wii HOMME yi 111M) iu 10 \ ING Way TE, MAMI Wi } MAM Ay, ys asi MM in i ‘ Je LMS Ly 4p x SOTA Hi peae Vf i A BUN : MA; Nea, -&. ' / i bY ! GALT ITH I///, ; MAMSG Mt By ACT RLE S Wat WA fm 17 y iy th ne nee Nl Li iy Hh ex 5 Duyn : hay Me At } / 5 br SN pi ye A re = A WHAM IPH YS pay A HH ayy iy Vit AUUMNSM Mi / mA SOS Yes yi MUM MAMA V/ {ty MLN VINS SS MIMI AMA ie 0. ee weal (Cutts Eee 5 YY Lh] fi j! Wf] My gj i, II) ily Seay ae es RR PATTER, Sa Eke de EE oy oa + a ou 7 Sa ' ec ‘ * 7 my gu wey” t+ SS ; my b i if “ ae wg ae el aes ee Min > req bl ps h/ HH Mi Wh WM TV yt BEE IN TRG DAY erasure, "TAL WE es 4B By R ee b> hy ‘ ‘a Visa ea| Ba ‘Loy eae: WAR PLATE XXXiIll aan) : ji) wit V orn), ° cA: y oy rA hii) Erasure. — ee ee mek DER WES Ps Le By Aa HE a He AS PLATE XXXIV 79 Why Shit yey DUDIDINLLML OLIVE ALD WH WY WANS Me MA Ahine ii fet: SUI TEL LY YY a WL) oO LAHAT abd Meilientinn en y Uy ~y/ fs be i / Lh NINN Hii ft ff ft f, Wf ¢s LL, Mile ya hay huis, ¥ V Ny LLL i ry ae NWNMIINMNNGY MN A Hy MM y MYL, We Mi) /! a “nin Hee Uy, hon i MN Si Hi) N/MM aS WY ame Ui, rY> bt b bd "f Shhh SED b WH rest sam * WHT yy YY / MN Uy ih h VY . VA § If Wily b 4 Wily 4 Within. 7] t iY ie: YH, Yh D> > 3 i) aw y) Wh TM a Wf fi, WISE WUT fp ; PY ty, / Md Te iy, YY YW, eh aipgas AH AA Mi thf MY Gil Ty fran iy Ly, Mii oe Lym 4, LLL, Ws, Wy, Y att WY Y Hy WM MY NY Wy HTD Tne MM WY EMM YM YL Myfys Wey Wat My Hp LLL iY Wy iy TN (MMI Mit , é A (ANN fe i YVYY y (/; Mant YW, a He iWin hy ytly / U) COUPLE GUISE y yy Hy fyi Cae ‘tf WM [MIM f, eM isn Bi - =: Yvy i ity Ree LYE 4 voit yh aie b WML MIL {iy BE Nis, eda wv iy /yslity 10 Aint ihe “ie iby ie VV v7 B Y Vew-¥ /// ’ Ly =a WY 2 PAY Nai ea pt wey MMi, ee ‘A ° y GMM Mi “, fh Vy Wiit'14 CMM, , = Wy tii VMN We eS Woy, =f a: Wit Mi iyft h i“, Vai oy tify 7 WU iy Yi My] ‘i Wi WM (jf, MMMM, SWIM MMY MN LG MY tit) Uijfih V WM 17/1), WI Uf i, Vit fla VVV = N Wh Wiis y Mf, Wiyppe Wie YG be 7 a ‘esca, ey LU tify , YYY Wr] 3 Sec: FAY \_b YY, ; 15 re vv = a oy AS Se ad Wee | aa tll My Ys ising | my } : ECV =e, Cy on i My ft), i V Liv be va a eS a2 Wniiifh WW 7 : Y P Wh Upon fa fA STTY TTT mpi We ATE pazek 3 4 Wy TLE WH 44h Wy Wty! UY Wii MMM) ty yi Yip Vig Wr Vihiz, YY WWM Lp Wy Yi tess’. “YY 7, LY TMi fy Uf WM ijl 4 HO WAMU MULYY YY yy ) 1 YU EMM fy / VN fh yyy Lf Mf, Wit Wy Yi} NMA WM WIS YY Wi YY My -3 ae rest erasure. 17 Why Lf, WIL ff 8 1 iy ts YY by Yy MMMM 1G MIN YM IMAM WALLED 20 WHE YY i) i$ yy ity 4 YM WD iy Witt lt, VMS 6, MM UM MA yy 0 : UM y Wii YH lly Wy Mp Yy WME MME YH, YY ty 5 Vy WASLL 7 11 ty i Ming, Hi IVAW / /! “ ITI) i) yj ie TOM Up WT Uinities yal : “WN ity st iy “yntitle “14 4 mS ESTEE I TY, WILE UM LAY) on Wi Wen UM My 14 Wg HIM UH hy ee LY Wey “4 sf yy Mt Sa ie ro VM “ff “hia pi DL aK Erasure. aD 4 ae Me yl er. Ti Ge) Mig rai 4 stl le en RaQ Gu sult (seas aed al aac =Ovees| Hit! Ly Me Mi rok A ¥ YL mye Vee Hl Mi Beat, i a Te Wes 7m MMehe iM 4 = L Wie mit pe ‘f, tir pe, a hy cal 1 Chee, = Bets + ata xs eae 7 af ‘5 ' - ) oa ‘ 2's ‘ st 5 | - . * . ' ie s ar 1 i Pi : -) + » Fi “a [/ ab a a ‘ ‘ bres bd i % m " oh 4 ’ ’ ' 2 <—e a | . ' - he ' _ : * - 4 . s i a . i - . ry s i “1 , : . : + J - . s ' . . : . i . ! be © ‘ . , . a . ‘ . ‘ ry . La i j ‘ ’ 4* " : ; t ieee, } < hey, oy Oe - ¥) 7 « 7 - x ry —_ © oe oe con Rs PLATE XXXV 85 82 : of My x ny +3 Wi) ee MILT Ly if Ae Wy Shy Nias HH ti ‘; f My a Ee Ty Wtk stk BES aE TR | . ot A ER ee Roi ote yee ne Poni eta tS at ) =F Cu ea aA : ae an !) IX We be 5 ek WoT XA tity HW, Anta TY MV) Roy 5 if Wig pr? { f c Pe vel My Lm, ee ET BT aH pi aie y ee + ne TT pase ERAT TARR RS i=) ran ig Yin, Mil, YY Wb Uy WAN ILA Hh Wy fi j ME Hy ‘] Ds 1 Be ye PLATE XXXVI 8 . 91 V 1] Ad IT; a 4 LL LL 0. bn ‘a aH) bey A NA QUTARE | Oa | wy jatsam a : br / YY i) y LAG HUY MIM o i 00 1 gma UMMA WTA PRY VV si BY ULLAL) UAW UH, ‘ates AY Sutin yah Mi Miuql Wi p> MIMS UNMLL Os ----9 Wi Ue V "4 My iyi J a1aB My Op gern = UOT! — DOT T/TI TTT IN ALTE a a yyy HaNV, AMI YH NL A | rit UHM IMAM NN rT II MI wy COU Oa! / VYVVV : 5 | | : : ru 5 ii L Peat ae a , W ey p l, V a of j Why Nit - NALS With Miah by TS ry A | fl b Ron, ; I | aS TI OST AE RRR Le Ue PP ay a = = el a MORTAR Ne ey Aare rey A LUT LU Se TT OAR LL aE i hy)" Vy tT ( ri y, ON LAV Ly ;- Tay ey Yi rp eb d A If | Wy 11 Wi LLY) Wy MAT] My 8. YH HEA WE Bek ess Pe aye r Ley aN aes Ma PYe Ly bh ae b [PT “j 15 0. With j "4 aly Yi pre Abi LA / Tay BE By i: eS ‘y vy Y We h ) ‘ NY yy th fy 1G / uth ttre MMM Not OMY LLL pt Miya: iI Uy} LULL Mth TMM WM WY UM My TLL Indistinct seal impressions. PLATE XXXVII = ; ame v be V V V\7 by AY it HME Tae tf Mh AL, = “ ‘a. / U piifiist tts LP p P77 7 Jin t a The Hy rppod ¢ rea a Te ie ee 7 < Oy Ah «b Cry. / J) b Re RS P!i |. iH ral! / , Erasure. Wi VU EL “ig ttt tt R. - ik a acaeallit a WY pi V eda s WALT AT 6 pe AIT OK RENT VT BS a: ah SG cans 4 aE BS pe) VW Via PLATE XXXVIII 98 OBVERSE |_| TAL Sy ERR Miiy an 4 a Fata ome t Rare Ay Wace YY j / YE Wf Wife. “yy VI) ULLAL Ny) Hi) Uf Mbyyp MUI hts Way fy LM f Mp / YYW, hh Wis Uy) | WY, Wy UY YY My, 10 WE he UG MN ip sh; WHT Hare, if | Al (ils i, : fe -O Erasure. 98 Reverse : YY AIA! (Al I) enemy he TU Ney) ae gla F [®) Ny = = Y Ni (fr <— x; Wifi, Wd we ith Lt eels a y asure. Wiis Er voith Bek W141 1/¢ Wfpiett Whe “his ona) ( of Samal Agia a ot atlas th 7 — *ainensz / I] Thin 7p hha = ES Hi bear v/ y Fi Y Mi Vy Wolf Ali / wy. M My TN MOL MM Ahi 1H vin HEY iB ' 4 e/a CUNY RAL Se Mt tA Ha HLM MAEML, : Parry} YJ Hi) 7 1) aes Indistinct seal impressions. a Lin PTL 4, R LUI hit Wary 0. b Wiese Myr a, Wee re Un Metts th pth MNT 1 a yen HOt Y f PLATE OV} iy orp = — bt >> aa Lf VVV 3 aan TV 7 o Mer’ Wi p MMi VV = (AA s vert AK [he J =e VV Vy rk LWT} a 7? NM VYY "VV ait i naeaaee ye Nees ao, Uy Ip aE Ty / TT, Dy H iy My ip Y Lp UIT mle TT SM tes 10 AY YY Ww -£ VV 8 ,A 4 a ‘ Uian, uy Vi VY VY VV 5 aay, ¥ 15 |} - = — Ad . = Za af WN, aun = yb J - / 7¢/ ZENA NISL 4 ¥ Ais) Lo. E- Wi ihst{ Mt Mit {hdr a ice rest mistake of scribe. MET BY Myf) Mitel ALLIES YLT Uy fe! Wp JHMM MSA OUMM TY KG 4. LANDAU MYT = ee cae (=) R. ae =a let eal aa es Pat bb VV 1] J ¥ Lt a y , As ms fi 4 Ht " D> v y Pp VVV VVV = tae YVY YY any, TAY, =, Vir NANT EAR TRY TY 2-2 ? Ltt Ns YVV Y, 4 YY ' : : ©, y Y = = pas cane ome | SIAN RO ere er. YV KAA b VY e Lk yy = ; aa b ead hr yy /; yyy yA VIL pYVe rth, bgp, WijpiMiy LEM Wii, Hy Wf Ly UP Lp Wie =e a Gh YY, Hf My iy Wy Wy iff Wy Hy i), “1 Yi Yi ji Wise Hy My Wy Wy Wy Ts ry iy Wy, UE yy Me yy Wy Y Yyyp YH, He hy Uy Wy Yih M4 iy Yuf Tt ny, b+ ae VVV vv AA — AA LL, U Wee Ne, Wy Vise - iY j) Nee Vieerhiges YYV VVY be 7 v Lie 7 , Ye s wae Try AY At ‘ a “ W EVR SAY RE D Tt XXXIX ; - me be ee , ay Pau ¥h. eS eS fy ed ‘ ’ ; ‘ ‘ : . ‘ Hs ¥ 7 ‘ i ‘ ‘ ' a | ° ; . ° »D : : S Ay F 7 g . - é 7 ° oe, _ =~ 4 - : See ew a de i y ir 4 Ps 7 r) ‘a e. f lh 2 > h yen . PLATE XL a, cM hide GH Uh eM iy cm MA ' ( 6, 6AM //, vy Witt 1 f OT a qi), Lignin WTS Z WE LAM nif, Ct OH WWM nti pitt Mitte wh if be MANN Pg 7 { aan —V, Mey Wf, LY ae ‘AN AKA bt V . Zh 14s b LA YAM py, Lh, yt VP A Ak 1 Bp li i Yphs i Qe“eaayy y es itt Wt “, Wy WMO yg £\ V 1) Te “a bth YUEN, a ee Mi MW te sa Hf, ‘hh fy y Yr Lh Ny VAT ; J ? fier {ty : Mer hilt, Wnt ity Wilts Wty, ¢ His faltanar crite premea thy, ky Hin MIAN T LALA ALAS TN LA ae Prades AT i WM yi pide Atti Li _ P Vs b 15 ; eS) ese rr A aad ee 104 raster 104 case 0. 25 “UUM 105 ‘ ULE NEA ee ey 3 LTT emt VTE eee DRLLELS SLES Say / Lint etihoy MMI S Mp peter aes TTA Bh con a9 Wi MNT! i dpe Abagsteet ' Te tht wh WIL, i iit hl Hi ap TAL Vf, Hain ee We fl MINY hithihy if! My}, MOT iy ‘fs 1A, ledge v Hy TER hs Wilt WEG, F yi My fy IMAI i Manni itt Yay i Martin Ninh ui bt Whitt {2 MING, 1 LL MKMUL tans Ir b istaint ay VY ery iI, L114 iin’ H UES y WMA yifel Wii, i AE 7 Te ane "4 A 2 A 1TY 4 iif ada ZN / ¢ fi til ip V7 i } V WY, “Hy Ya / Mp Wile, AELLI NM, Whitiapeiam: ds Nit tis ° — i . V b ‘a Y WE Yr Ee ETE WM YIN? VEL) HE 7p Uy AIG Nyy Wy, vi, CL CE Wi Ty, YN ite / Wb fy ‘Ny Wii) Sis ti sy Wig! y Yi Whi by, er thy, nag MW Wie YM be We ; PLATE XLI PLATE XLII 106 OBVERSE AE ph SR. VT RAY AP aL AAR er te DAY ry = YY eA ET aie hy whe pa Kk Se a ey ee eee al anh = ae ae BELTS Te eT afin TAT DETHEEY PTA Be Trt ARR Ba EY Pe LB Rey eA a cage mene Wee We ge > Uy Wimp ‘ ie 15 AAT RSY FT AY MIM Mga yyy AMMA, YUM iy Wy VY Yy Vif) YW, Mh) YU f Hes 50 hii ie SI Y ww ery EY Myf i} WNT iii 10 MINN Wf thas ae Op ts iN . Gi ae sb zat “MY, Nes p Wit MN) wh UML Si STV : Wy Upp ts YY} LUT HY J SUM ai YA ( Mit) Mi, ij ff aii tt V PET ee / MM NW 777, hy TMT =) (i a bom My ‘ MMe TY MMM il Ls \ bs MM OOS MLA MNY ML yy ft Ui NEY VIL Cf /, AH HUY WAU AIA Hf YY di Mj Ui WM xe = f, 4, F if, 1 ML. Wie Uh Wy Ys Gy Y VY, WH, ps tipsy Wy in iL if fp YEE, Wye yy Vy) If, ij Yes VW, Y LE Wi hig Lif {A YM, y] ELLLL | Hy Lilly, Wy 1 Yi YY La, ibid WLLLM, Yh Wie Wilf LL 1, “fy 7, Y 1a/4 MG i y “db fy Nee «Ye - iif y Vi fy ino V1, TM MM 7 LLY MM hy, ML Her - LMU MMe WG, TMM UM NC HH Hh TY np LN MN iy YY ge FAY MY Wy yl 25 ye iat UY fee 4 aay Y¥ x p— ip Ly Hy Y HUM / YU Wu, MOL, Ys yy, ji AVALSE 7 Ml = ERs 30 Nii “i NY — We a rite pey = RY EBTBAS Ade Weery PST RAPE ME OE AT 03 YT By edt nm EE as a Pee aes te SSeS TA ETH ORT Ora CE Ee AH BT Fe eeslicratizes(aifciena KaPEELY 35 rest mistake of scribe. LMA A. raaliiitn WHY! Be ETT ey TO RST IH 0. 0. WH Mi 1//, WH) Hay) TUE Ming h M1), TAL WYN. 108 /ndistinct seal impressions, MY) 1 LAU, Par cheng GLJIINS WI i, Mth PLATE XLIII a Tez (A ai Wy, my at PRA Mi i Me My ay nos fi — R. ,Y BY | 7 . 4 Tih SSS 5 EA] HEAT) (ity, Jey EET] Dy Ae ne CE a 7 IE Wy, Wi tihiy 1) Wit Aint Erasure. AY tt eee MAH tee Nii) Wi iffj, My Dif MiiH jae a nae Ir mh MM) jj 15 Bab’ WW Mi IN Ry La aL ) XK eli FE i 20 > — tine TV VV i) Hy ANY W rh a hi} fy Milf Piiy Wy Hi, Ii) (i ing hiil) TT) HY / Vii) bk ry Ys NE Via Wily iy poi | (ee i) a HNiiH, /y ME, hn ih wien ey EE A Hl a iy! i wm he ) Mh ) Wri YY AHN Nn OTT He, ua = i Cay = WM Wy |) re) if y ae ELEY M YY hy A Aa Bill ply t M DAE ir i Wy dy My Me i TT WMiX_p a, 10 Moat Uns lad ce hind / “iy e . r A [Ny Nip “ny ry ae > il Vy; “iy, ua VY Nj V eA WE ee A sae ees 25 a" i 0. PLATE XLIV ] Mi 7 My iI HY Hs ‘lg My mii WME i fines FON te an a sf ‘ y Wa MWY May Wi oe He if Wee ty Ly Y ph) Vy) Hy iy Wi If; Y My Mi Wy Mit A FRAC Ne 2 ENS YY eile Uy ay i/; WI / My My i} Wj HY WML, HOD Wy Yj xt > MN Indistinct seal impressions. 44 13 NSS UL i] i MINA TY UMN IMME if e Mint) ms ce En ; CTE a eS a Me ry WA iy is te WN px Ys \\ aa aa rac rae IB i} ; BR F yo Uf Hye i > ip 1 nen Me ONY ax ne i eet ee uf Mi/f Eh ms a ioe Indistinct seal impressions. PLATE XLV n= a eres wie cel ei re cI sag ias pea: BS evo Se = 1 Re gS WACK PRA REESE ane ieee gl Whe es fe epee eae js Be HA ae es aay es RO MYER Ror sesape LA et Vy a 7 S ee oie FP r MERE yee eer ae Aa ie yak Ne sume an eal eal HRA AREY OT ETN phy ah Indistinet seal impressions. | } eaigorcni(aat RE RMP Ar be BET Te BR A EL REE oa ATE A pS eas ae : ‘ais Vaile wey Bt ir PLATE XLVI a aten=Cdcaac tengo eet py AL aaa AC wet EL ROE Eek din 20 AU EMRE IAN ee {- BIRMEHIS e188 I BA ee ANE ERE M Ales be Br eT i Peter bei ie a2 h- SIE AR > WAIT HE Sey BEAM BUPA. SIE 2 ee ie rail es Sa “Bs inh He A ST feces I WT) AE Sgt eee - SERA Re te FE RE We BAR 1 Teak ce ey See A the AH 20 om NC Masia BEAM Indistinct seal impressions. Ae cen i ag nels eye (jitls ee re SP Bo SORTED hte acme a Indistinct seal impressions. INS | ipa: are oe 5 x >t BT bi isc 119 hy on VY RR mS—- io at Gar b ai A= | ee ay BURT ET er cece oals ait eae th ae 2 ae ai See te Aes. “Tyee, ee - = hi ag ica aa 10 hoes fs es a oe ce BS Sec WMT ee PSE AMT mi ARE ER ORT cine einen, PLATE XLVII “ine a &y tty \ Ly (type Wh / Nwral “shia ro A del et ie My) LMLMAG MG mera Wh MMe ry TUNG MM yt MANATEE Ny MINTY LLL MH Mid itr ULL 4 YY iy IH WW it! A Laan MUG LUT ALAA f, WS UMMM AYO OY ie hit /t "/, CELE , if - WAM S, 4; Mj, Mie b Wii MM TT i Wy PAN AE tt 0 Whi, HY a4 WITT OAL Ug Vil IN [I Wn e ty Vig Mey Be sefcsl(=| = Fel) LE Mi Bhi) White. Uf MEL ft ‘ii + FRE Se wey Wt ML Ih ie we mS REE pot er ak Y f lay fse 20 ; é 7At f] Y}; ih mail | WUE ge tl o Mtl y, ulitt tattle wlithewp NM MINS SE WW j4 = WEE, Miiyf WAR ML WAG ' Yt eH TH Mi QM WLM ie Mie R. Wetealte ; Miley “wt baa be HAGLEAETE HED TL b- AY iti Hite 19K i +|- HE Why! ee oie " Gath Ut y i) WH WM Ny XGA UM MUM ae PL DEM Oh) Wi yg inn is 25 \ as 7 HAYLEY Min it Inf WYO ih b~A HM LL, aN hihi! Ma Ta Mi] WL LL TH IMME LE PUM eatin. MWY, UMM hey Ma CU RDO Bias ws i IMA HAMMAM AA } eee las -K 4 if WU WYP NG . PY IMHO, WM Ny tn WINN NY MAM PLITTE p69 Al " b> Wf SYM JNYWY ALY fy Sih Yi le MAY MY OL JOG we MMM hy Ugh, yt HIE WILY tht TT AMT YIM LT IMAM if banss" tht / hy i /, Dr nte Hy Sain 30 a Ee TLE MIL GM laa yp Mihy hl UH MM fo 15 relays ig Aili {fy WIN d Wainy Ly, sa! i / YT UUM MMU A HOM bry bint UN) ME garde f " 25 A ERY AY, a ee Ui pedsyialDy ETRE ‘a Nuy) Y yy Wt { | GG i Al fay PY SN oN MLL Miss Mint, WEIL if EINVAL LYLE Y AA ALES LTT MGT, 35 Wh TH TL 1, Weds Wi MyM Ae AN Vy Way Wi LL WAY MMT UN AILAAEM A pte ; rit WL QU YOM YL MEL LAL Wy YG MALIA AYMAN HI MIMMA LIM Wht pHi sale yy, re pha Wh Her | Vb My HY ELL Miliyy, ILL nail WMO CAA pty PL WLI YN AM LMM AAYLE Mit, 30 WAL OLLLAG Willi DWN SDM et Ny Ay rif LUA OM YIY MAYA ALLY A pte MY fi LTT UN MUMUL AUOL ALLEL . foi ith WMS AE Indistinct seal impressions. Hite y ta hag sthattey yt i Mt a fe Willd AYMAN MAA AE = S MEDS ML EMAL AE , nie, b— yi yy [AB LL AIL. Zt UN LUD Re Wy pele YUMA Ji ( tao Wy A y es ! huliguets 4 ; 0 AA THis Ny 7 ! wt Hy ne, ae 7 { foes ¥ Lt ERY [Scapa | Pe 5 ea Mr Wit i bien ipypog a WE ASH ET A BSE } ER] ther intatnee est San WY Be AO al E yt- tex a ¢ PLATE XLVIII n eal My Neeat “4 Wf 0 £ + , r MOA, WLLL ss ‘uy Nitin} ULE Lu, A 4 ; + Wp Gut inny Ht ly fe Y + Ny MY y Un 1144 A ty Ny P _ b “ip fii» 3b iL Wtf AMUN Wt Me A Pia Ad Bey AY op Uma CULO 4 4 ’ ee So Al ae ane‘ | aepraeeetesmne an late toed any lan | i my WET a 15 ieee UN aT SON Tad hy sah HUNT ak rh paps pk TP onene. LB IE BEARD chi rs Y R. ak pS OH mrs a ae A BE TAREE > ABER | RAR van ATT Arena a Ta ea ke 7 SPREADS EE A nese caves & fy ie ia i 25 a i ics ue HE RAIA ane & ar Oe ee et een cee vena ies coe BL nal pelos pei 30 - A 2 HEAL AA PRET as =| oe BA SNES ndistin ressions. Eat > eke PLATE XLIX Mp be A ee aC WI 1 “ih Wh MUN LI > t ) y WM YI Li) MI iyy Hs if “f 7 it if MT II 1) y) HEA HE MW . nee Rbk Ss, Ny ae i z 20 ho an Ik ae : Hh S SS, Bye gees Hy ne ? , / st) S = 75 ach ey oui aha aR lyf f tf Me {| 4, 4 SONGS: i a (/¢ Mt Win Islet 17 e i wae Vel VAMLLY MLL AL PLATE L rat BAIN EAN fiat PIS ee Jee 0 TELE HE PE kr IT Ek LE ASRS er Cua e eT OK ze IM th 4 a shee Naa oy eee eat *. MAVEG Lr rE ARN Fi zee Wee ATER Ta al ry] Indistinct seal impressions. se a apes yee ea | XH —d BY yi ~ S > PEATE EI et, A Tu 15 ok PRA Yel ALOE fe the P= A Ti dl FARE A> INET oT Indistinct seal impressions. ‘ 3 Oo ry 129 F / i] dT M1, i ee y y MEUM AL Ij; WIM Nem ly} Vt WLI 1 Wi), NSF hf Hitt Milf Ze Y, M CHEE Nf TG 10 Ia afl BY RAN dekh ok ech ae ia or eae ist ~? , : 74 4 ‘ . RA te od i ‘ if # , 4 Sy i a) : o5 , . { 4 ae yh, :~ pts ory vy ? 78 5 : — c oe ~~ A>“ j . - ‘- . ay fp! ah 7 % ‘ m ea ek ‘ake e. . oA : ' oy o" Ae A 2 ' ; a “S ' ‘ . nS Wes rag re Brey % a. 1 PLATE LII 131 5 Nites 0h RALT ART EE HT p actuiiaialie i i i Dr F ae te + Tas NTL LULL LAL Fig (AMM OM NTN pals B Sees ae UMN SOOM Sy, ALLL i Sy i MMMM AMM yaa Nigypyypy Oi LMU NAG IGMMHG Whi Mitty 4 ( TILA 3 LA LMM NLA gp HN byfiin! HEE CP lla MUM YMA f yj GAGA TIA DMG PX, inns qj my Uff rit qh yi t ry WN Whi yi, YY Wf i TA Mhiy Tae u WYN wise I Hai Siti I Heh z Ni A VM MMe A erat LT A TU AL if, iH png Liiptitingiihd Mug if, Fai Y / VMN G4 ve ALLE ; DDN THY WTA j IMA MY v4 NOLL EE f TTT 15 ei &< iN rata i HAY Wh UNI TH Wa puss inser (Meg USA Witag ! Tf fcrg Y WY i Pee : a if, Fr 133 aa Mittgadie yu, yy A) WL f (4 Uav Al ET, MMMM ML, 7 mah {) ! MMMM ti init a li ty 0. HIM PIMA MALU IY peasy arm 1; CVG eer i Wi) A AL hi ee \ Cin i Wisi : He i WSN IL LIN) = b A Ly) tl, Tay / NT KH} TO LL LAA TULUM LAM LE VM MAME SALMA : Mt Be bebe lyr | MIN UM AMAA AGS Wi Mie MN HN TELA SS MY “Ty. MM MY MV IH MAN Uy iN $7) 771 TA TP ON TL, Mi iu! MUM OY, Mitliny yh Wi, h j Wt WEIL ld f WILE ph Vi RYH ANA Vi/ [Sti / i! iy indistinct seal impressions. WR i LE. ify PEUEY TY eA Heh 134 PLATE Lill WypWAyity Mir MMMM ieineyy | ep 0. Y ATT < } jee nivil | | Mien WHIT Mi Wigs gals Wy LEY LULU YM Bi orga 10 « MMMM " WM WN iy 4 Uhl! A WMiyinhnshiy Wifi ONAUMMUMM ELLA {It f, Lo. £7 i 7 V4, YaST Tiel SASS ARE HS WT ~ nan Wi, jfj Vf MY im Yn hy Myst 11, TENA Uji, vie Mea ltinty yp itc yy Md MN G Els IEMA ] iin easily GSI NM ST! Ares, Villitilt; Wt 4 LTT PA -{ 5 WUT TH, ‘ aul 1 P ~ LiF IY ARH ial nf ski BRR EAR HT a ey: : Kp YR A Te: ee AR Hk Vek FRR el | 10 Bp wy AR R a= We BK 20 LF é ag ices HW eT pA Ky, a ete Lie —- > 16 | uf EE i k & — BER AUP 7 ° bk 25 TN, SY pk” ERT WIM ET May ! Be HT WN ALAS ey RE Mpeytites ruin {i Tee Lintr hte Mati Ty APU TLE i ne: = uae USE; ANH //, fi HU ° omitted by scribe. 20 A dsb f : indistinct seal impressions. b— = 136 NS o. HINT, CPR SE by = rE a he Ty RE HL ARN > Sr WE: WW 5 rr rE ~N en mr A Tl / Indistinct seal impressions. 2 4 ihe ease adds arg VN LN CL Ey ru MMMM ey R. A THT | oo eat MMO Mller { 3 5 Me he LY LA AD i piri ] if HOT Minis Mt Wil 7 ey le} fame sil ray 10 Hl HP BRA i 1 BUT ps Hoy | N, wh 5 DE TY ee 1 yd “ph U.E. ny elt ht li 15 b ed Ty GAUL ve swe nae /ndistinct seal impressions or case. PLATE LIV U.E. las jist tat bh Vaan My Whips 20 - WU pig Ml UN ty Nf L4d,¥ 46 10 ian aE Key pnrenagatenine rn HoH rh RAH ETT ty I }4 f y “ al ae Hy AYA at 139 an 1'P b= ath he “iy y A whi OTM tt eC a Bi LAMM ty my MAMMALS py VU LAMLLEA AT a Wbte¢ Yh mm MMe q AM: Mitintly y lal, Ae rh AY Tn : ; TL PA a VED eT airy oe EY . UT ft ls - a o< HALL — Det MME ODI LLY, AED OAL LLM LAE Tit t ill OMMM Ei in WMV LE 4 UT Aa ca b— Pr acani Ld 10 f Niitht, 2 ‘ ny ts iy LL WA Mts / 7 TS oe oe bo) ° Tit MMMM yg 1 TAU a, any Nae, —— PLLA CMe arpa OTT pe UT ; f (Lad MMMM eee g (HAE WAH MMII bay TT / a “y Hea sf MMMM “ ae tae H aa ae Uhl at Vee b- 7 . 15 TLL MCU MM pik GUL | be MMM ay MMT LWA! bat : HH q mae tay “Wey, 4, 5 My Meal rn, Mihai f Ma attitngy te Wun Min iy Ny Ny, ay | OEE ee PN Ynyp MM", it ty } Width CUM iy boat Wifey ian |S “ Jottte Lee Near i: Ty Wy ni ae Vi; MU fl y 4 in Wt MMM b— ; Aare ; MALTA CRIA ET | ire Hpy Wh LL } J wn ie f St HANG WN Uh ' 20 Na su yw is 22 4 I / 4 ff) (i \ wii Lo. E. Y Ti 1 We Ny ge ny boy Hl so v Mi L i sd ea) Wy 10 i i> hy = Nr in) Nat 7vN rts yl HW finns és4 Vien R. eat cay ioe MMMM LY he righty My af ud, My UG) i ly Is indistinct seal impressions. PLATE LVI Indistinct seal impressions. pel Hy SY Ay f> & Ve PN in TAN J WY ene Hi! (- = ARH FL ; RA Lh ilts / Vi fi{ Mt {, : ll, N77 he WAMU Ht Hy BRAS Wl rg Nfs] eh,» > fh es 3° a PLATE LVII 7D TL LL ae MHA ET Meant Wy WIN Le AE y Yj i} Yi t W 4 Hine Hi WHIM a np Ay ye vin A AED ma Yow Mi MAY WK Uae hed byt ihe TAWA i TA WU Aha WM MU ng tte Tip YM UMN Ninny ‘ htt Wy hhy THEE “ ayy Vali “MY WY, YALA Whitty Ninny ert “Mf oy mi Mghe " ui Mn MY, Up 144 y if Wij ; 4 7 fil 4 Wa ittite uF Iyptrtieg ‘it YUM 4 Minin y TI aC wit sat fg ' Hs a Vili ut ti) ln i a ew LAY (ee [EEE ar y a 10 i an Tif Biv me & Be Rs 4 4 7 /P%7 / MW TAM LY 0 7, Mh |! De - F LE Ly Mey Myf fi) ff TH Indistinct seal impressions VAY YM MY yyy pt fit MLN hg Li ly Ui fyi MMM, Whiyy) KY, MLL LY MUTE, MMIII hu Pi LUM MWe j WMA GM ae Gey ali sige Y) f WHA ALU MUI}. Mey: eh | yin ) oh y TT Vy WAAL MPA TfH7 y VR aMh hile HIS =~ 0. YY Mpls fy. t t ' wit hii WS, Aa RE] ea \ a r | 3 aN AE ie i} i! , } 11 Duy Yi : BA myo a Wak at YE Ree > Pe] BO yom “My [1 “acy I Tat Wh i 3 bee ie A Ue E- /1VE ia Y T MAM 25 HGR —~€, 3 pal ¥i wy i ft 1 Sie ALPERT PERT, i HL Aah Bab = Wit /, AML ea Wilifi.a, Huy, f dhe aac es Mf HE ! iin? MSI, 7 , Vhitlte putin Mth X BR TRL WN 774) co Oo a ; Leet ean. at fae T at i ¥ a Z - tat : Tot, in } Nfs oes yy Mii ", 5 yy Nyy, ry {en Ty TK RN, Rs >— Uh WN ayy Wd! ain, Ent LE +H m E fi z it Ea, 2 BEER WT Bel 10 A\y— Nec PR TT oo U. E. A By a K i) YPM PUPAL was ae ° ; We ttt HLL indistinct seal impressions }— (yU LU OU YH Ky thi LL PLATE LVIII LA WERILVALLUL i) YM i} AT EAT 25 / 7 th V as VV y ro TT AT NRT BS AY BO e oe TW kG ‘ \ fl td cen Riese Vii OG Woe Ay i rat ne at AS A iS ce ined ey abs he YA _ F Wr Sees ar a PW Hi thp ees b Uy t a VY VY VES TE BE TAA oe s Ye aval AY ko ay A Ra EH Ss, 7 Ack = Fal o uN 2a yI>—Y > 6 SLE LEE eae TRE A a bay Ge ph ane hae Gitne \E 40 indistinct seal impressions TS M/ Lt 148 ph i KY 2 ¥y Oy: Pry) Nr yy, MY Ii, "i a, i TONY Hi, bi Myyin 717 Hf ji/ ULL HHL AY, H/ / YT js ip TR VM asl Vi eatin My y WM LANL! Yassinsityas f MINIM HI ME OAL ML SOMA LL hity WYLIE PASTE AM iy WJ EMT, MN IIRL Misti Mltilfiry WHY ANE Ny UHM HY) Mig yyf Mi, / ffi, Wily Mish HY, WMT HH YO Ae UO Ng ERE NTC U0 Ll Ht pace WRU | 45 UAL When WAI Wily LYNE IE UTA, Le Myf pry Why My Witla PY LLL myst ug UMiy! MEAT TULL Aff Mihi VY VY rT). (2Rsec: MYLES TM YY MN yin . MMM EL YM / Y MMA yg HY LM MIT 7 f IN MLL WT Midi A PUL MAY MLL TY GA 1g eT YL Gf Wty CULL iy MMOL IAT WM =? aCe Waly DAR MAMA VMI ME EYLS ian 77, a ms MMMM VLE 7, Wi TT Me We My ULL Y VV bly, V VV - FH V b Uf Wi MAM MAMMA yy Uf Wy AL LT MIMS I, Y DVM MLA ee PMU Ys thy) MAM ME Wij Liu TALL WH Hudedey Anne qin My, iy Milt Wy TT with 1 iM: nh ys, YN AA, i Ys Vi ify AM ni niiinenlin TTT MUN iy P Mnly Ms en MWA UUs WLM ‘Nhs WIN hj, tt ty a y My if ‘ \) WIN Ue MY MMe ed Wily 'y } ib LN a ll di Cp Ha Winn dy re yy i — Ty Wipf My Cleny: / ia al Mipiliy WI tit M114 HUMNTTO Aly Usury MMM Ahi, y vl (fil, (MMA LAT Wifi fp V 7 Ky TY 10 iM Ai jib LLL Vii) nO V V AS oa ee ae | Sale Ta* 7 OD DATE LEIS eet A NG MO A ON OE V \ cn Cie My! t 4 VMN fyi My {I LUMA MOTE Myf DAMMAM TEM gale) =; a TV ry Voy ==, + OH He Ligne hil Wis With ta AY p : = Onin EA Ade i Util - Mi nin any PH LLL A “i aNlfe: LA an ate f Tr au Ac, ir PALS DH EER OP * HERE fi ae We TEAS. eAa|fsal=|: (0c) eari(matiigee ES ee ECO Ebr AAAWTARTAT STE WNT AN LRM LY AUINUM UL, Laas Uy MIU TH TINY LT S 7 muy ty TLL YY) This AY = me Mh) A MAN a NY Wi HY ; d WU fee i \ HH ge ff Se a : iH 2 bs rrhbr) Watt My f uy b ry VALE LAL, Wf if! " iy B a iz EW ui te 15 lig p ae ey bb 15 YY pty Wtf TY WMUNY Hy tndistinct seal impressions Naz ry yy WIN p AA r pS an ——T7 o 6 b+ b oWY WIV "a's 20 YVVV UH wy) aw (Me . b Wh Mt A VV ily Wg Hy ‘ VV My VV WY tuys, V my, A Wis Ty 7. y, Whiyy i A Wit VV it MN Se SRS a, TH MM Hiysel ths 7, Mash LL RR \VV D | Tel) rY ae HS vp VYV . eae a 4 nt ‘ / ni @ : ih He Tin wih Mites MMT HES this NM A va VA, UT ite ti Wu esy HU erie Bp MU Wil OH iy UUM, Tit f ny Ye NU Renee TTT u — WWMM Ny WL . 30 (i LMA i, a) A Ri wy ORL it {ii hs Mite y R. AX % CVV i b ) VVVY D y “aaa bh} > BV NOV 8 aia math > TT MTOR is fii Y, pal om rT MMI ATE iy pe ie: J ; Wi y) ae nH YT MLA TH é yy'\ HAD CTT Wit ANI yh Hg) YYY es TV iy NM e iui, HM, j 1 WiNbxh “a a’ My wimiiniy UV Gy Wh, D> WE WT D Vy G UMN ing, YN/) bp VVV L Wii (f! LU WAL (righ ft Penile 35 VVV \— PH & AK pin “Ny Vis p> ‘ = Mt iy \ TRL HUG Sef d j : aya! Malang AAO My re ‘{ aD Lah saat ‘eal oe e 7 > ftin ) jus Ay bain hey ; Hy hte HH ea 0. initibisan tt Phi tty | Wf Other indistinct seal Impressions. re tla 163 A oSiOae Ni tentaieaa esa sm © yey hee rs S| = 7 /, UMA LAMONT WMT YMA My aa WAN attL TT "KYM Uy WIM To Mf KN, Sin 4 TTT? ML MM titty, "fi VV Y rey Er% Mini tins = e | LGM }4 MUM an if YMA, b Q f ; MM ty gg Nyy SS : s TTL UM ty Ly 4 : AA MMA yy, ny, hy itty WML y / ty, Vth fh . MYM Nyy ON yy, TPA: /ndistinct seal impressions Wy, ATTA HAC MY LOU, Wintec tee ILLUMI ay PLATE LxXIil 5 same Vir TAT 166 ney W RET NERS a wean TA SAA STAY i it tf Ni bee pute Age FY gia Liga i ane 45 eeallilg Ey tet A WY WY SEY) BY eR GN wey AK =i ie aM or "ay, [ AY | oat V hy (2fex= at ESSN ASL oe EA i, My UE TTR SLT oA ED MSE yy ai) mah Fiala ash Him Niji i 15 wi WIL) alt cl Nii y PLATE LXIV WMT Ja tg A ae A DMM MEM MOMENT EN 1 1, Pr fm My, “hy 4 Wes W ROU Aah // Wy WIN iif pe, wey MM TOMA MILO INAH WYLLIE! 7p MMM OLA UN MM / VILL) NWMMYAU NGG Hf lf I WX EL Teal WAS MS EY UE ‘ng yy iti I egiatty ily ye bet Li Ry yy Wnt QUE Pra tiptes, VY 7 WI MEIN fy tL I i b LA : fj Vf : 70 WARY =| TE WARY NGM Wil VULCAN , uf ILO WA , : i/ ; ‘ {\ / Ad Mh j M, - IH, fii} 25 WG, UL, In Mi 5 Ma nei tty b—¥~ ip 4 g Wns WA a b Mbit mat v Vote MUM (LL //) HAMM HAL Leh P r Nii ph Lit WY Ht YE ey Ny MMA OM yr NE 17, HA LL ‘ Yi, TMMING jputy ll AA br R cy wy ny ° Ayhte 7 | | | ( esau Ak V V Ad i. rN, b Ss PTT al aT ) WILLING, GAIL Wy Many WMI YAY Wii GD My TTT WAN WMT WWI TMMIUN AMAA Yap OTT LAL of ~ A 7 @ : ~ a * ow ("ars iv pm faint ony PLATE LXV 171 Withers Wy fi hd Wis YNiNiAt, Ky M ) 0 My vA Wits A . \ | i Mfr bys “tf Wh NOOO Wir Ve, ye WG iyi MM N44 qiree aI Pith ieee Tay Piety hi i ‘ ae aaa Hie cast 777, yl A Oy iti. UML Ly / Wa UM iin i Vip yj My tiatiite Mie Maes iy YAU yt Wiidiley if} Wh tdy LLL WAG GPT Le fr TH IL HH | Th : Hn area 15 ‘eR muly \ Uri ety Mi ah ' i a br) ry, 7] ny "4 HL Me i MN yy, lt Phe YL AM AINE uf wittig hig Pritt) uhlipl fy j 1 "OS if “ Whiff AL WIM LAT Yj + Lo. E. Min y anni W iE nM Mey WM best WY, a Hi MAY MMM LLL OG MLL AY AY fH MON RAMA G AH ML YUL LAL OAL if) fies pers J PIMA Wy GUILT Me LALA Re WiKi CHOU 4 Mstiaily EEL ETL LM niacin YLT 4 \ My itl MMH MUL UA AU Vt MILO SAUQUMM AE, 20 Wy Hy LS TL ON en GOTG ULL Mpa fa iunaiale Mell, IAAT | minull, Voritae Mill Tuli Mt itnipoy ecu Myierep isi SOU AM (iti MI Sa 16 ue tf / HEM Me SN te AMIS Ly ETT TOD oi, Wes LUMLELdtiterttetes Ry g MUA IYI, UE TOR et hiypedpite i CORNEAL WAN MMMM MMMM p14 /5 A WRU AIMEE Ma Ng sft MELA fp LOPLI Wt MUL yp eqAH{Lti4 id MW iii WEMEA “ HULL Wa MAG ib Qa OL 20 iit Mig bail Yd. UMS at i WU Lt 7 Mitr Ws Gib {f HUY Mts UE Hy ns hia wi ey TT, PH MATA 13 WLM {NL E TL, Ua wy th Me qe, ELL Mn auLdy Say ULE te WAN vn. COMI H ena itat WN chntlttht ME { (Us alt ty Yi Hi HAUTE tri Wen a i] id Uy INLAY waa ailliiy 7. 3 Ii 1 Thy yiitl Nay ny Bl Mithun VM v G VU] Y TD NM te / Q = 4 }; rf 30 Wii ijiy ip Ca YN Ki A ray S SHAY Way ny oe ye” PA, TR Soaeastas ne) (atecees t= (aul MD TWmepy RAMA Se Mee tHe lf Ut tes yay Mey Nf 95 wr de nG=\ EER aN G b ™ fais ry hi peinttiatan sh gectees V yan lits pert WELLL Na ES Hy y S| 10 Aba tray Xt ie Te otiee 4 th bed PLATE LXVI UTA EEALAL LI ULLAL Wy nttG tet pn Wha MW He Ue MAM ty Wit) Wty} nt my) Ce, if / Wty / Wy y minX YE nhiey With WN 7 mitt J LM hia fiiip TMUIMSY, wu AY MUNUILGM Wie Vinita nits a NUIT MEE NY Hy IMMUN 4 fini) / MMU Heintty Hi RM LUA) Yih Ty Ml Wy Ui /) 4 if Lait), MY, LL, Mf WH, yy W414, i, WH i HS ft Wit Hil, Vi hot fi ne > U1, WL Yip ay Wy My a 4, WANT; Vy LG Pa a Me YY) b/ Bea ey Tipe Wp alt tok: == ‘af ey tute E rf sala fg Le v, AR Myiih igs AD Hyp! y My ey Hh ee Wipy hy My mH wall Whe Py stile, MyM hibit, a. MI Wee Muniniy ty Wit. Yi /] WLW AT, iG 15 NOM LL, Wy, HY hii Tf, WY “i nif TY Mh “, 10 ih pitty) nit YN HUUnlY 25 Witny 4 A VLG hig A ty MI Ly WMI iy, 1 MMith inl Vi; =| Whilnye b Wis BEI 47) i Yi) 176 wy Ui ft) Mh 0. WY my) by ea MTT th}! VEIL (fil I; ths Wh s p-$ bb hi S MOMMA Wit y Wri em OTA ARPA ETF BR PRT A Ly / BY Pe R. Wt tt, NAMA MMAA 10 Mulan MMI My) Inning “) 179 EE ath as Ty, MULLIN MMMM Ny Daina Nibig\ Y— \ ane bay PAM Mary /} Wig TE rk I> —l{ Mu Momus IVIL Le / hefy Asari — Heh veh ba | be Bey b> Life TU He Wis V vas RY iil// ah ih KYY ¢. vy EY . AA ‘a (34 KAb— Fit = V = ram i hy) HH Wid I aI A Vian b BEV VT VV VY T4 ry i, BA VAvA Ro} VIN iv Gm 5 | ‘Si eq! (er) Prey aos AY VY qehatss “i ex HAW A & le iy 178 vy / MN) Hf WH NM yf HY Ut Hf Wt Wi nye, nea pala PLATE LXvVII BRAN TA beh a BA MS RSs Becca PLATE LXVIII 181 Ce YA FY ack aenal eam, BAT BS Be “ Minne TD mis Mig Ah di fu fae FTULALLA Gr UY HL Ha bu, SG Wa iL G9, C4 tes I EOVERRGb, Rr aa Wea eR ETE TF SE TE BEET IDR EVE ATS ES a RT 7 iM ry htgtaye Wada | > /! Hite 7 CHG 4 AM GGS A. Min INS Bishi 183 VV VV UT LEA nl; rH ~ vy F 0. ET ion H < a b as Coes ie Mitt VAUNMM Mit . : (FETS SF Te A =i) fall AY BRR ER BRON Pe SN 1o ETE TT| RT ETTIELA a 8 anes PT] ah CO Pein TAT OR SA UIE ATS 8 AES Sy vide PIF be th tk Vek bet ALR irk 35 / al PPAtg " per _ ’ “? AAS eee we PLATE LXIX 184 KN” EAA 7 TARE FE AA A aac tllstates 5 AIA WE iy KY ae “bh MU) ino Mii le / Ee 10 2k Bute? 15 Tibi yy hihi, MU, ft dining ‘ie “iy itt «uy Me Yeni 0. MOUN EE Util a =a" VY] [ANY IX bby we i) 4 mm) Tat 2 at a PITTS AGE PTAA et 0 se dss commer ont Ki acai en Be EY NG hi HAA, EY VY EY by ey ¥ ire LOH Blk Rh PLATE LXX ac el sare BE 5 a RE wit Will > WW YY ET 10 ity a ‘ ry He me | eet | ie it ee : euetaa bee ESTE 191 avg We + oH BAe t/ Why, / in WM Uy YY Le 189 5 HHS Ate RE Ane ei i aN tals: (¥/ Vii) Hae a= ih aaa \ mer A i ed Up vere NF etait calc PLATE LXxXIl MUTI TAN TM ey Oo. * MIMI TL IGS Mt ALLA met Ny} TENTIAL NaN Whitt Qe ws \) / LAGI (9h id: eds so af ym PLEA HAMAS ee ee 0 = EME WY Ad hi WEN R. eu fi Dai tay iN 15 pe ii i 7 7H { ae if Mira y LAW Y, ni “7 AM (F My; Mtdy > 193 1, Heyy east LY UE! Misting phi, YUL 0 4 Y WM [CMM MG MAMI LM UAT > MS MWAH fg MALE, MMA TTA LL IML tT { Mi} ME WD HALE Tie Virilt dh iat Wi i il hig i ia TH TEAM ne AT 70 PLATE LXXIl 196 . ae ag ee i 3 : aCe HES Nt TERR ROW | AIT [TEA ss it | EU. RAT EER 10 hk AN alll ecqesaia ee AWE AS z agree ays vee Ao = veh ed a ‘ ere oS Ee . ar “oy A det . ‘ Yeh ee OP: fy Yam ee ae bs Avy) p Cae | i s » AEN ; . 4 , ma, a . eh aey Pag Sy 5 Se - oie v7 © ‘ é a = iM "Gl ale o e% : r by 4 - ‘ti 2 ey hl ° . ” ‘ 7 ‘ . i ” ‘ * ‘ ' y - By . ’ we PLATE LXxXiIill 202 iamcsae clea: Bitsaae AAR ee EE, WV TL Wit Lf “ 1 (i Hi Wid yy Wade MODY a 0 MMM AMO EY UAT MATT A Ny SM MPN, WAM nny $//. uM HA HY WJ IMA AWN; PUTT, hy MA lg fin Wt the, ee an Hitt WAN | Ny fin UMM hyip, Nj, My, MM MMA Hy LW Masy lt Li ae gee ory rn WY ARE ay aU My Wh Wp Nh; WMS A i} ey /M, 7 SS a WIG VWiy, R. ! 8\an bi// TT YY MW aii rm € TOE “ty pny 1 ag 8 ey ae GLU ALM Ie hy, = (YY + AY }A ME MYM y p & A L B—~ } A l CELL TT UN, g = Uff | WM yHliygl it A MUMS, WM os MLL Why Wi, : TSAR ERCP ket prin > Ah @ TM BVA LED oH -_ MMM yy ie cal WEA stig by Ad ) HU "Mill MH MN MN yy Hy 41/ ab] po ei MALL yf Wah rl / fj NMG Tay) iin MYM SOY WA Ui y Win in Legy Wy M44, Nay 4, My it MW TH Wy “ INI MY Wy Vie My Wan, eg WME Nyy G Mi Wi Win iM 4} Wp Wf Mines Mgnt ine Vite, “ifs Mit UU “MG ff LEAVE — ee Paya Ae aS TH wy is b RO) p-f Ue a LEE, Wt/ V CyV BG xe ie 5 eve rr : Wife 30 ee Y A PA 753 J Sia PS EY Wi Mi V y V VV ae VY b p\"' UT, Wij, MANN ys MiMi 4 STR MMi Mn v7, Ws 835 Vy! hy fy / “ie iy) YM, My WMniMyyfit TT e/ Wii bifits lus, LY YM Ht TELL SMALL TM NUM ON iy MILA Wi it Gai iff LE WUfpity LL A “Mb titfig Nii {Migr vl Mey i Mii try Nii MME HM ATTY WY Minn t] pil! TL, MMU Mla) : VINTLLLLLLL Nii his WLLL, Hiacsteod et » Eee aae CONTINUED iA eit MAMMOTH, put TERIAL LALA ELA 40 VM MMMM MOMMA MM ini lely EAM MALLY LS MUM MMM Gey MAM LLU LOM MLL Uthd WMS !L Spit VV LAY KV UAT AA MAM Ya YN U/, 4 Vy a > DP VE MLL MUM at UMAMAMM AMT MMU Wi, Le UMN LM MY fy LY) OU MEM LATO fa Vey Wy ty Ml fiitori pe Yih pM MY MAUMOM TERLY HALE MMi i/hiiy yf ALLL LS LEE LLL Vy ipi 1) mY MM ffit! LMUMS {Uf Vf es WMH LH OMY MY YL, Wf VAY PV MMMM MILA VAG, ght eT UE EAS WT Ma PR MI, Pe Vr Li /4 WAM | (NP PN DBL Ai MW sift Wiidhiiites WAM MMM (-Y yp Lill hignrk lis 4 Uli) Mi, WI yp} MAYA MAMMA iy, YM AMY afd jy WM MMMM if frpuf jy) VW ffi WY UM WU yp oT IMMUN ML ff, LMM ff Vt MMMM Nig Mii MMA AMMIN MMA Ye, Mify AMM, LMU 4 Wf 4 Vin YY MMMM LY ATLAS SY MMMM AMI) TTT, ULL vT) “iby HMA My 3 WSN WMO thy T i ty) TF LLL GM f yt WWMM YMtIY Uf, UM 7 Wf MMMM fi fh WU lp MEH YY /, , 4 MMM W414 INT 0. TUAAL Lyi MUNA iy WMH h, CALL y HME UMMM NYY iy MMM LY LLL), = y MIN yy SM SMU MN MMMM WM diy Ny WNMMMUANY WOM diy, Rs WLict JUNOT MIU iy, WU MUM yy MMA LY MM Gy i, MIMO MMMM My SMM NOMA iy, MMMM AMY UMMM i, MMM YY MUMMY LM, VAL ; Bs YUMA fy HSV SS Mi MME, WIM Mit, WMG IMMUN Ii, Ni MMMM UM gy TY AAW. MM IMM Lae PB heyy Wy MMM iy b Wiig Mi YUMMY Ubdig U. E. b>} ; TTT SLL « TON TTT UL GLLLLLEA i wy MMMM Y tie ATLA 60 WINS LMU NG WM i MY iy, WW inl, MAMMA 0.. BV) A \ Mt Yin Bl be EMM MM icy BSA ; PVN My , UTTTOML, WMH MM te} Ti Tt i/ Mt, {ti CY LS LE 4 Wy) Yi MALL, ii WHAM MMU NLM WME byy tht titiplet/ mm TLL) MMU UMM fy TALL AaTZ MMMM LYM VMN WMH ty) milly MMMM pray, LE VYyY WLLL BY MLe MMM big ROWE Wy 11/ HIRES VIC Mya ele, 5 MMMM MMM ag ft MMMM MOL, MMMM MY MOMMY yy Wit MATA MMMM SHY WHI, ULL LE R Ni MOMMY MMMM LEM ULM YIM YIU LIL OY NA ange sara CY, TM ME Me Mn Wty 65 wy AN! A Aha MLL MW MANLII MAA 0 WME 14 th, Nwi/igmugis MM MMMM UUM yy iy ; MMMM Gy Haye MAYUMI MMT MEUM A gy 4 TT ELE “i, 4 WHAM MOMMY OMA MYM AL /if WW fy J Vig LLL ELL S14, UNI! MMMM Uf WM UML LE f WYYLM ALM, ; AWN WMS ity, CML i MMS a AY (ne) MAMA LL HEME fo LE { Why LV VBR MMMM UY a, G Y Wee HMMM if Mili 0. P MMPLMI MULLEN Mig, p VVVV Seas v TV MA LAM b-V vy DH, Wah AY r ay an wilful ey iy b V VW A aas JOM MYM Uy BY VY p_y ieee ee 7o ht LAR LY veal Si MULIMEIEL § 5; LUMA ay, Fb SPER TATED tp ta PHAR ETE ESE A ERT a PLATE LXXIV a HAART RAE FR a8 B= o> Hy A A (ndistinct seal impressions PLATE LXXV 207 REVERSE ral Vi , METAL ia, aim AL Mn rr a “4 f AAG f iy win inigt » ail mi } ge hp LL OE MM Wi Wh {teh Wl pets HTD, Risch i Wh (fi Mn LN MeL yg My fh MAM LUMLMUE MM Myf ory et My Gtr tll MEL yy Ye nih MPU MY tay PE MMM TA Waiting “tt HMMM YY VWI MuUyiffh Wy, WT ") He HY HLL Hi ‘tam AUN IMM yyy, UW) Wf Hitt HY Mail ) any THM Wifi thf Me yy OU MY ify, pasta, Witt My LL) WN let WMO Yili) MMMM, YE MMM SUMMA Yigg LY My typ TIM) WAM MUM fff A MMO Wild “Wiha Milt fey WOE Wy, Mf NM {I LT 11 ih “HH MME Nh Wit, WHEL MLW if Y ay) Mh MAL fiy, “) HUM MMM ntti MUG (MMU fei Wifi pire ete tig LY) i MMMM HL 17 WA i bt pee, ye i WMG S, UN) TMT , y Ab $e lady ly tiny 7 Mies! Witt bum y UM fiy) F / LYy = WALA MM Lyi) PN TOOL | WN Wii! MSV, MUA yy Th ALT WH UU My, Vai Mies We “ity UMS MMM My CEE zi MAT ee My VV “// Nu (nth Mu Win, Xf aT Vii MM gy NU YVY. VoY V b BAYV b > V a V V Vina Us 4 v, V Wi 1P-| ts Ww] Min gy TAA LOTTA Mi ye a IMAM LF My, Wh Wy el | ff / MMM Ly Mild Willy, Hy ; MAMAN YY , / j V +_V LA V MEME MMS A ry AA.» AY “a, L R WLM MLN Wh X ayy BN: WN ENG YH TYAN 7 VY A EY YY Aa 4 Hy! Hy; rf BI AYY A Hy iT) ‘ P in ify’ YWVV b_Y V ¥} Bia) O a MOLE: Es “, 4 : p Mii ST th) th adres I CL TANK LT dlp VVY x TL AY, MEM AEN i Li YYY AY WIND May NF Hii eeeee l hes i VViny AVA Py ASV i= AY PA LB ty. v 50 Jett WWM) Wien A ee Aa 20, Ak aaa AA in Beh A asl YY VY KA V V YVY Vv jy. \ VYV | p by Vain ‘a > Dp i VVV hy I YYXy win VV VY = A VYVYV V YY tty V Arr pA TA FON yt iN va AT ral BUS SPS ics e= My if oT) AUT Lily Ui fj PLATE LXXVI 208 OBVERSE cot lt. cOL tl tk WIN YY YW VY x} TU UV Wily WWM Va A unt / b “OW Ay, iy B Be HK ap oo ay Vif ' =f y ITN 7 Bay ay : oy 4 =| & vi vi 3 2 ET BT, Y SES, ra}, Sct sae a . == i, t K PH ae 7 te V Vv . » pl, BA R>y_V DV AY ry by 5 YY St ST. Gh TE Q awe ‘ 1 ry ae CHS AY YAY P ‘ N p t| Myst cP TOMY) = Al is & 10 a S 10 |SY Mt Mh HM D TULL minty fit VVVV D Y VY iP . Wy KAA ip p 7, aoa TAF i b > i, IS) Vx LNYIAT. p— KAA YY A REY Vo. Wiyp We A> y F L Nin S V " , = Ls > Vi y b A ~ | 15 hy ALE wr "SA bb is WM, om ‘a > Hie i Wiki YY ry Lb he NAST X OY Via WAY MW PP iI / ¥ we VINA WT R k—V WL MN KS AY, ¥ Ye P ere YN, i/ WM YN, Mit b YY TAM KLY Bainiitiy Phy > yf Vi / V A A VI/I//1 Hf WY / . fi ry YY f>— WW Nig Mili \ RP . Yi Uy 7 WML YL Y V > $$ $$ ily We MY Wit YA Ui, Mh Yi WN fif, Vy ld f sosa Ta"a "as v UT TTT “INN hi Wf) Wy YH hy yy au) aaa a Uy! Mats ayy MAN UY fee Mp 20 GG Migedy yy) aS taut “Mid Uy “Uy Ue le si YMA VY HH Wi Mitty UH TT ‘al MM Witte y Ri, TY Wy l; Mp x > Byniehie Py) TLL 1g / ys Wit Misys ALY p Y= 25 | Poe eH FA ACE % carey aaa p 4 yy Mi By KA bt Co mn hh FS Vi yy Mie Mir. \ pear WG iS) HH LM A 4 aCe - ; 30 aii, WM Mlilyy Wn We b ty (/ HH, MMM Vij AN j Wh Hy ~ V Wi, “il! nthe MM ti7y¢u, Miya, A/, “bok | 5) //V//) MLA Mf wnuimupey hoes \ ENV WLLL / 3 CIEE ESE AE ES LMM y PWililly “NSF + He Us, /tisj “, " / : Nhe mt MME WURGNLL/, Meetings iy lini p > Wi, Yy Wi Mili Wp PAG en's: mh : fa] NH) Mi MOONM fs tf CT Ph ry by Ay War My th Me HOLY is WH Mit | Wir KT Ry SY her hauiny aff > wy ah; . B Tile CT “Myf Wifi MN Mag Vy =i c GOMMUL) vin OM 7), Win) i VU LiplNitis, Cannes fps iy, AG N: ‘ TY. Uh UR CR PER be | . ig TSE ene uN A bY sale "OM 35 Alb i 35 et wt PLATE LXXVII REVERSE COL. IV. CGO Le itis CML AEE UH) haba SMM LIU UY POUL LMG ie” wie : MMC A LUM MMM AY Li Mey a [UMM MLYL IAM Vy WLU fia “ap OTT Ut, Wy Yd Ms MW AMNIOAMIY TOLL Wi WWMM OY iy MM Ui, Wh HY HUY YL, A LLL ULE Y YI I, iy Up Ht Wide : NUL J hin mnie iy Was iv Oy 4 TA Ae Uf eM bin, Danny ttt HY Ml TY IVS b—Ad MY pri up ii) TY, CTT LL MELA Uy Wyle nnn ay MUL MILLI UY) WMYIMLLL y Mery My MYM yy 4 Yi, YE MM ii YL WH) if “yy ava Va M1 yyy oy MN Yy WML rly My MEY YN Ei { Gt I TYE mipithy fay Wh, WN MY “ty (fh rues Vhs TUNY WULETS, m7 we a WL SAU UMMA Y YN Wit WMI WLLL i WLLL Wis YI th Wt LLL IT HAY WOM 1 | ! MUMIA City We WA i aa It LAMY nimi Wi) UE RALA Te Linnie? mm Nii wun, Wie Yiy, WIN; 4 wil init mel MMM, J ITI Wy ini Te tt ith 1 ta NIMITH YMA MEY TALL YN) WILL, MMS G1 MMMM, Wh YY, YOULL If ULL, Wy} WM fA ling Yi) My MING Ab, MMM itir¢, iT Mia) INE Wy WHEY Ny ? VVYVY VYY, DV ME ‘a Huis VVVV AA "YVV LHW UMD - MTL, ULE hy ws yey he VY KAA On > Ni; Dn + a iia itty | < WY, i. } a Wy, 20 Ye “YVVY ABE SS FELT Be eed Use ‘ a a = i a ety ae y . - A wer Pat hats So ie ae 149 Se > v1 wee . 4 via ' . « . - y i , i iy Cu , i ( i oy ‘ oo & 7 , < ? : PLATE LXXVIII : gon maimnonymumnrineates Yihty eerie m es Msgs Mt Mieigife as } " ytis , TB | y et rd} a Mp my AN, a AL UMM AMY Ho So 144 4," = yy MMM FBO 4: We Yi Her te Vii ddd LL 0 ely ft iy > Wain ip TT TT Wy Wiis Mit Mie, Whi MUM y WUE IY iy MSM iy CU UE ti Min itig See WI, Minis Wii WMG y i} Me nll Mii Miia 4 UN ZZ YUE C4, YY TY i WHE tj a1 Mi Wei aah Daas Wining “MM Nyy, MU SOVU TH 7 4 unttunyy WAY, MUSA NIU IMM ty M), Pails HU WMishipst Mi Lig My cee TT, Cie? eR EA RTE, ai WYN into “4 Mente CMM Uh UL if Lig Witt ty, HUily Yi “neta, “iy iy bs k Sarma ii 1 MW aNy TT Tal Wa Ub Mh jl MMMM His yy yun tlhe Y by ma MAM DAY MUM ML a MLL SATE, hye WM yy, b+. TF ata ain MUM Wynn Mi MDM yin ya, MMi itty Te ie ‘Mey bh HMM mM Me iaMMNy WML iy ha Ee a “1 YOM MM ALY, Wy, MALLE EAH AL YEE, V/s ME Wf 11, Mein neal “Wid Y) yh Ye uManiayy Why Winiiin Rs Winypeg i tiring YU LL Wf), YY yy Mii bp py Le! Migs Mit MMM y Mii, ee, Y, 19 Z TNT te WM UMMM UYU), iy hy yy b Yi, YH ULL, if thy Hh MYL Hit MMi YY HELL Myf My MMMM Wi MULL, YU ffit Ws, MMU Li ff Mh, Ty iti YL HL WWMM C10 KA LY 20 25 MIM My Mail THD Us Y My VY : ee - wy YH) q Gy LMTY 30 OD MM, Uy Yay MMs acs Ly MMH |p: Boennys latch yack Wit MG LYY Wi), witty VY ME i) be My vi Mi RE Hating, RN, 5 HME, > TOR A A ks —— LUA Yaka tian an tat WH Ui, 0 tinge TE yy Ui TTY Muh Vi); YM "if; Whi Wty Witt tt 4 Listihilut, qneabtidses toon , ty hi igi MN ty) Hs MMI Ti MMM AY, He Wii tv yy t Ue b MTs ue mM a Pore Wad 6 cae, pee MMM MMMM Mh, hy ME tify MMOMMMD ip, Vbhiall inj wHly WINS tte Mp MALU Gf. MUM id j Mt VMAS, WU Myth li My WMA iif, Wiff PLATE LXXIX CONTINUED ae eG} Tay iE ace 0. VA 7, VVV * rt | ant 7, YVY VV “Tay 7 "% UALS WATATT TM ay r Hi Me kei an WNW iif digs DMV, AULT) pe: hi lin) Wi I, VVVV vVV VV AA "SEL BICY ee M/ 4 er Wy a TaN CU aase My 1 Si ta “ole y rae i Wh _ a a Hy this UN ae | ed 7, = Ainy AN Aah (ass a y) f Lit} MMM! Mi A Sy YX ina ee MMA MM i AP UMS /UI Wf); Win WM NUMA) WiMy HLL My, MLO Wye he ay Yl He a Http WMA yyy, Ayn i Ninp si ihn! MMMM LHL Weipa) wy WIN any | WINN auf TD i Wey Mi Yd v b - MUON yl MW Ly Mii MEMES ihe Mittefpnrediiny = TRIE ese PRTG 70 "Ree 216 ‘eT ve ey fie Ui) p— S ti ahi Pw ae {1 YAY Te dl My y 4 wa a MN, Be mL LAY Yh 10 ati OBVERSE cou! ae VEY ar 7. : RK CY RT ey Secs hh Uo ! q eA RR) A Ri Mer yiliy {i . ULE i i b TT ; "wun iP SA AY GA Ura ET ro ‘ . Wilh, bah WMH ina | rw. ¢ f fi WM " t a aS A Ui/, oh (1th nti Wty, WML LL “if hin oF Sere ec SAREA ate ican RDP YT TE RIDE chs RETR RES TY caf pees en eae x NLT LCT ED iil; SAY Ws Mr CUE ”, wi " Wii TU ALLLAAA EAE MMMM A | MMOLE OLN ey hy RYMAN MMO hig MAMMA LMI Vg My DAMM MMS OG “ty ALLEL Wty PUM MMM MY MYM MG YOM WM ty TMA [HM MUTA AYE Ms WYN “hy THLALL ULL Wh, MAMTUMELL HMM MA Mth My VIM MAM YASMIN UMMM YL TL OLY UMS OMY MMM MMMM MYM iM ty Wh y UT . 0 AML MI MMMM LY ve Ru b HL Uf is NM nity WIN Mie AA TL EL hyena Miliy Dyess) ML MANY UNH ML Wy is My 7 7] TT PAY A YA MUMS AUMALGE A “ft WM My Nh UT MASALA AULELD Mit MMM WS, CH f Uf YE MMMY LEY, HMA MM A yy Wi wm ee YL #4 It Wh HH “UM dy YA UCHI TY UT ALLL WIMMIM hi fs YAK My) Gy NY WIM) YO A iM MMMM 1 ULLAL Md G CHM Mey WU i pamtitiritings UL MUM UMM te — Mf WM LMU YY ge AY MMMM IU Ue a= 5 KS TMU LES LLLLLLLEL Aa 0 RSM i, Min un! Mnputinmdedi fy) Ul i, Ld MMMM YH a Minnie MY, YM If ML HO HOW yl Ny Hl hina WY! MT} Y Anas = HLL Wy My y VS 1 sel V — pb. } . L4 i | h : ti us : yaa KR 4 LS v v V UV = Wy] A alors Hf "YYXY VYVY¥ TM il), VY ee MU MIM P Y LRA YY Migs MDE) pL. a YYY Ya 1k =| . Te aa j HUGE . PY 7 Be 4% 8 ty Ay TY A i Q Er oean eta ue ae Lessin eee PON vad TS ANTI VR Tt ‘i Baul Eleascicacnalll =f eaas Sy WUVYV YVy YYYY oa W ih RR BORA TEA % N Vs HD v0 TE ry aM _) Ki Ys 7 HAT / Yi d y Muga 7y Ss: bh Wh . nm b 4 i , "4 Ides \y— \ pA YY x EE by pay Wie Aya, wi WHILE) - °o HA omitted by scribe. yy TTY ~ 5 20 PLATE LXXX ay | ae # a * ‘a 7 PLATE; LXXXI REVERSE COL. Iv. Cow ttl. reareerie ORs Mea tet ee UY HD GRULLLELERL LLL LE UAL UML . AAG HE MUNIN aid WAL MUN HAMM UML, “A MAMMAL ANAM LSA UOT}. > Wt MMMM VM MM UG Wig pr ALLAAH UY, VAAN VE SHI A UML WLLL MUMMY apa MMC TY AAT LAI EITY ‘ fegfttet Mh UMMM Mey U, Wee VLA MUMMY Iain OTA Mittin Mie 4 MAMMUY I HN th Hee WIM MMU yd yyy NM yt ML, CHEM yp MG Hp Myf f ; Mh WMMUUMM MS hy IMA SMS | MMM MIU LLL YY MOYEN winiy, WLLL TAMALES MUM YY MITTHU A, My yy / Mf, MUM MIM yap MEMES Sie Up f 4 Iay, WN YN 1147, Wy biped AGEL M PIN LMM [174 WM MOMMY ML P My INMATES A Ie WMI Mi ify Mt wn ial Mf, PMU A AMM fy AMM sf MMM yy /, / 4, "NAAM LA ; MMMM MME Mitts Wy LILEE: UMA AUNTS MYM Uniti yy YH] nT) WiHiA CM Lif iy Mit, i cGy ji Y I VAMISS Sif f Ub ‘4 f Hiss MMi GUTTA ge =, YAU 4 ALEL MUMS ip 6 = bY ¥ J BUT SUM yj fy Wits YUMIUL UTM fag tM p WML UL fy | MY Wy iy WLLL A ALD, VW f WN bint pdg Vy Wp MMSE if dy, Of Y YUH “py MLV Wily Wake Wi, YXY AVY MMMM pyyig WWM yy LU by / TET Y WHAM LEE Whi}, Mihi UMM yo y : t4 Wf, hiby ys ome iG : 1 Ne RE TRS AAW DEEDES ANS BY IS NAMES Acca crt aie Te HE ae ; =(iermie: =e ne ae n ARTA Te AY RE SULT HE esac ey Ay LAAT aN ils | ra = Y o 20 Silas SWS ats) allies Be ESS ps Wey yy I v4 TT AF VV 1Ada 20 4 ys ALU 30 MyWii bt rs i 4 : y a ‘ v Mi, pb vy ral MAM MMA Gy TULLE MAUNMUN YY) yall MEUM MN ayy RU hy MMMM YN ty jy, UY AMMEN YY Mi 44, MUTI MN Ng fy jy A FUR TER aA a AEA sii A i YM a MMM AMM MEMO C44 bitin y OTT MLL WM M My UMMM hivite WUT A i yy WIN M Abe f, Wh Ma, Nii hd WU ddd ~ 218 IT TLL LULL LAE LAGE LO HAMMAM Pe aiiiisinnsyes “any HY TE RMN Tr LL aa LTA Me a TEEN UT He gy Ni thin + MT! Wiperassuanene sail De eth eee NY phent, yps MME TOL ie LD TLE, eae WN BAS CAL bs tT Uaedeg niet a Fd Wid % esas etbory Mii 1) o WES aye yap A Sbare Nitin lien, (LL _ at abn syst yy) (ONY nindaith 15 LY TTT INL EMM YY Haj Hf MIM niga ip WML EM WALT MMU MN YN Ee LAMA OVI yy iy CANYON Mihi, Way, sus: MATL YE Westy f “LY Viysh VET], Uh LMM OM, od . 7 LL) i VV i Gay UM ne f lat Wig phi oa Wingy fie Wi PMY Ly NAS bey 7 THs 44 il ] aR. POL LAAT YMA NIELS BU SAUL NC IM pH! 25 MAMAN NAL TLLA OE MMS WA HD Ii ANY vj UV V1 gases PUY tj YW) fi TT A é i LV Vilar Py Mii st By Vr = an Wi pelill77, Wine Mf, ihn VY 7 VIV-YVIY WY Lin i i, - =e YA b YAY imi DT > i penpeZ PLATE LXXxXIli TAA eae WAM ah WAY HMB IATL OTL AML LG, HELM GT? Vt ATT LELL LT a GUMMY ily UT ALAA UMMM OEM ef (Fy TUM L ON NM gy HOHE GG ALORA GI HAT, I Mfinipin AMUN et AANA MAMMAL EM. WAL yi WLLL fyi Ge MON ayy HT YUE MM pri Jur tity td YNHIUUS fig? MYA Han OO gy AMALIA DOA yy Myliny VANE yy 4 MUM AL HUST fy ay LUM NIUMOMALLLL AL bi fas NON MAMMALIL Oe sn tlltsmgueal daunting OMIT LL LAL ae, A TL HOMAY MALEL LEA WAU AAT Uh AMY HU AMA Ua WVHA IHE ME NAMM OMUGH UL TY MALHALUMMEEODN, MWMLMY MEAG TLL A MNUALAUAT I Mere ty ‘Gs TT igh MiMi hilt Ly til Uy, WY hy VVY VV >—D YYY —_ ait Sal, 4 an WM iL WERT Rp ey ka et Aihara lithe Ye Vipul MULL a ae) ox . ‘4 jeer m2 ~~ Sy es : _s as rig oe BaP ea Ch ae ee Sn : PLATE LXXxXIiill 220 Q gy ie AEN Anew] AR Py 16 fi TH EERAMIM SAE ATIVE THERA PEARS URE (Nips SAE BOR DE BOAR ° Erasure. MMi, Ty 7 ft IY Yi GN G \ \; HD YM yy mip Wansiy Vii OY i 1 71441 Ca7 ALE LLL, Minn Ni//n) wid LL, Ms s : “UMMM MY Witiiny ly Thy, WU Wie MMM Mp a, WH HY, iy PNM 1; MYL hii! Me Myphin Yili b Yi / I, WWMM MM Tidy (MMM 4 YY MM MLA = , , “Vi, AMM UY ITITIIHMN AH, wee ONT Mi MM AAALT Md Wij MMU Mt) (M1 / Luitvigianin, 20 MYM, Uh Un ‘a “Mis, CUM IUEAY Gen Hil ractiealifny: ite Hiv ULLAL YUH YY NY id, iy CC WMI Win 7 WIM MUMIA hy WL MMMM fay Mi 1 Min yf ny AMA SLIM WHE WU MAL, Mity p HALAL NA fi LL, He Ry VW xe head EY PT YY ART > 5 ih é at a YY YVV RO ° Y¥ ° omitted ui) be by scribe + V4 70 H a Vi =a gNeee: we NPY: My, iy! Map (pp oe amen’ 14 4f Wh, Yep Wry ) ~E an14), = ed = ‘ TLR k YY, ieee ie A > Hats (0 ie WS VV 5s) Tee WR r Tee ey WED Ww MY pt fey AVY PY Wyse PETA aM 227 [| ), Wek + TW MET | ee ER OE A We ry WS REED liar htc serdar bh ease ; f eee Rec , 5 nit . : Hy Z b by RY Rv OW ey REY ory mi Vy A TAR VE WAAR Y ayy ey ee oe Been 30 / ft ay" jp) Mila MOD Hs /, Wy 15 bb vf re PLY + YVAY bY TEVVLA Gay ea WU BOE IA TV AT Be ih nebodfca(s Genta 10 228 s mnifan ese BA on 229 fit Ly th " Ag f Wh ) Ny, Wh i] Wy, Pally, If f MINA AN YVY UI MALU UY Minin by TM ox Wht 7 Min, YR Joh i] Vea, i L Wiiyp | HH GY hy yp | m yA jeenshie: Ay A ite XT EE Tan Es a ay Vy MAY nae PAY Nt AY ww. -~ = TRY » i ; e Vs Whe “Ut indistinct seal impressions. PLATE LXXXV | ae Mae ae es aa J : oe we - 7 cf 7 t oo, i » oe Pa > wv PLATE LXXXVI Siete ct veh ET teat TT BRC IE TEREST SRA perp a SATE ETT Reet inant CE AAA toe > EEL hal He. bay AT WRASSE IA a ae ait Bittle Ly Hi yey U. E. b TY PT iii) iti YL Y— UA My 7 y , Wy Upsittisite ah fe PLATE LXXXVII 246 a Behe henna co YY Dial “ TT Mi pi TA; hy he Willd Wii iy HRI ish y 20 HA Avy tere e ome if TB Ly ey Vy hilt; We Li } PUI if fh Wit}; Wf, WAT hop Nethill] mh iM ht yy, Vth re bay YUN ify, YY AM 7 etn, LL Wily ti Yibenbe Mier ey Hany yin Mh i, ; watt hi HN ily: le tlhy /\, J PMH AN WA MAM it ut Ugey, qj baA nM! LA AY, ; Mt full qu Wyss ’ et ae a fae yy, WW) fy te) Sh 54 Wp yes wip wait Usagty SUNY Line ah PLATE LXXXVIII 249 Bay Tay iS 4) EEA i b> Su = ace | TB Be : eT byerre oe \ oh eye. et BARBS feist o. Y\\ eae x hae ¢ oa A) Hath ~% $ ae ; i A ; f 3 ; } : ‘ ‘ rs re ; be ‘¢ Ny ‘ n & 4 ;