x é - is : > , . Z < ‘ i Pong 7 + > Supplementary Report of the State School Book Commission Olaio : Siete Pork \\ 1927 eee Compiled and Prepared by GRACE REED Statistical Clerk Issued by jek. “CEIFFON Director of Education COLUMBUS, OHIO. THE F. J. HEER PRINTING CO., 1927 Bound at the State Bindery INTRODUCTION According to the State Text Book Law before boards of education may adopt books it is necessary that they be listed with the State School Book Commission. The books named herein have all been officially listed since the publishing of the 1925 Report at not more than seventy- | five per cent of the wholesale list price. A sample copy of each book listed is on file in our office. First, the name of the publication is shown, then the author, and then the Ohio Contract Price at which the book may be sold. First, the name of the publication. is shown, then the author, and — raised during the five year period. Revised editions are considered the same as new books. bo er ° * aces : SECTIONS OF THE GENERAL CODE RELATING ; TO THE FILING AND LISTING OF TEXT BOOKS SECTION 7709. Any publisher or publishers of school- books in the United States desiring to offer school-books for use by pupils in the common schools. of Ohio as here- inafter provided, before such books may be lawfully adopted and purchased by any school board, must file in the office of the superintendent of public instruction, a copy of each book proposed to be so offered, together with the published ‘list wholesale price thereof. No revised edition of any such books shall be used in common schools until a copy of such edition has been filed in the office of the superintendent to- gether with the published list wholesale price thereof. The superintendent must carefully preserve in his office all such copies of books and the price thereof. (104 v. 225.) SECTION 7710. When and so often as any book and the price thereof is filed in the office of the superintendent of public instruction as provided in section 7709 a com- mission consisting of the governor, secretary of state and superintendent of public instruction, immediately shall fix the maximum price at which such books may be sold to or purchased by boards of education, as hereinafter pro- vided, which price must not exceed seventy-five per cent. of the published list wholesale price thereof. The super- intendent of public instruction immediately shall notify the publisher of such books so filed, of the maximum price fixed. If the publisher so notified, notifies the superin- tendent in writing that he accepts the price fixed, and agrees in writing to furnish such books during a period of five years at that price, such written acceptance and agreement shall entitle the publisher to offer the book so filed for sale to such boards of education. (104 v. 225.) SECTION 7711. Such superintendent, during the first half of the month of June, in each year, must furnish to each board of education the names and addresses of all publishers .who during the year ending on the first day of the month of June in each year, agreed in writing to furnish their publications upon the terms above provided. A board of education shall not adopt or cause to be used in the common schools any book, whose publisher has not complied, as to such book, with the provisions of law re- lating thereto. (104 v. 225.) SECTION 7712. If a publisher who agreed in writing to furnish books as above provided, fails or refuses to fur- nish such books adopted as herein provided to any board of education or its authorized agent upon the terms herein 486306— Filing and preservation of copies and price list of school books. Maximum price; notice to publisher. Names and addresses of publishers furnished to boards. Violation of agreement! by publisher. Text books; how deter- mined; five- year term. Text books, of whom ordered. 4 provided, such board at once must notify such commission of such failure or refusal, and it at once shall cause an in- vestigation of such charge to be made. If it is found to be true the commission at once shall notify such publisher and each board of education in the state that such book shall not thereafter be adopted and purchased by boards of edu- cation. Such publisher shall forfeit and pay to the state of Ohio five hundred dollars for each failure, to be recovered in the name of the state, in an action to be brought by the attorney-general, in the court of common pleas of Franklin county, or in any other proper court or in any other place where service can be made. The amount, when col- lected, must be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the common school fund of the state. (92 v. 283 § 4.) SecrIon 7713. At a regular meeting, held between the first Monday in February and the first Monday in August, each board of education shall determine by a ma- jority vote of all members elected the studies to be pur- sued and which of such text-books so filed shall be used in the schools under its control. But no text-books now in use or hereafter adopted shall be changed, nor any part thereof altered or revised, nor any other text-book be sub- stituted therefor for five years after the date of the selec- tion and adoption thereof, as shown by the official records of such boards, except by the consent at a regular meeting, of five-sixths of all members elected thereto. Books so substituted shall be adopted for the full term of five years. (99 v. 460 § 5.) SECTION 7713-1. The provisions of sections 7709, 7710, 7711, 7712 and 7713 of the General Code shall not apply to the purchase of supplementary reading books, li- brary books, reference books or any other books except text books, required by the board of education. All of such books except text books, required by boards of education, shall be ordered, received, examined and paid for in the same man- ner and by the same persons as other supplies and equipment. (III v. 404.) SECTION 7714: Each board of education shall cause it to be ascertained, and at a regular meeting determine which, and the number of each of such books the schools under its charge require. The clerk or, in city school dis- tricts having a director of schools, such director at once shall order the books so agreed upon of the publisher, who on the receipt of such order must ship them to the clerk or direc- tor without delay. He forthwith shall examine the books, and, if found right and in accordance with the order, remit the amount to the publisher. The board of education must pay all charges for the transportation of the books out of the school contingent fund. But if such boards of education at any time can secure of the publisher books at less than such maximum price, they shall do so, and without unneces- sary delay may make effort to secure such lower price before adopting any particular text-book. (99 v. 460 § 5.) 5 SecTIon 7715. Each board of education shall make all necessary provisions and arrangements to place the books so purchased within easy reach of and accessible to all the pupils in their district. For that purpose it may make such contracts, and take such security as it deems ncessary, for the custody, care and sale of such books and accounting for the proceeds; but not to exceed ten per cent. of the cost price shall be paid therefor. Such books must be sold to the pupils of school age in the district, at the price paid the publisher, and not to exceed ten per cent. therefor added. The proceeds of sales shall be paid into the contingent fund of such district. Boards also may con- tract with local retail dealers to furnish such books at prices above specified, the board being still responsible to the pub- lishers for all books purchased by it. (99 v. 400 § 5.) SEcTION 7716. When pupils remove from any dis- trict, and have text-books of the kind adopted in such dis- trict and not the kind adopted in the district to which they remove, and wish to dispose of them, the board of the district from which they removed, if requested, shall pur- chase them at the fair value thereof, and resell them as other books. Nothing herein shall prevent the board of education from furnishing free books to pupils as provided by law. (g9 v. 460 § 5.) SECTION 7718. A superintendent, supervisor, princi- pal or teacher employed by any board of education in the state shall not act as sales agent, either directly or indirectly, for any person, firm or corporation whose school text- books are filed with the superintendent of public instruc- tion as provided by law, or for school apparatus or equip- ment of any kind for use in the public schools of the state. A violation of this provision shall work a forfeiture of their certificates to teach in the public schools of Ohio. (99 v. 460 § 5.) Board of education, . power and duties of. Old books, purchase of. Who shall not be sales agent. ALLYN AND BACON, 1006 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Title of Book. Agriculture — Bliementary Agticulture.. oor ceeals sees Algebra — Advanced sAlgeD iia wienense ccele @loel patenaue tatees elementary, Aleebravscas cco selenite taneens Intermediate Aloebta..ccnlee cto seein nce cn Complete Alzébtas,.. akecka ev iawdetes Phe: New Gera vs dul towwicareom oo oee Arithmetic — Business Arithmetic, Revised............. Brief Business Arithmetic, Revised....... Biology — Biology for High Schools............... Laboratory Manual to accompany Small- WOOUAG a IOLOS Vou hescahis se lhe oe sere ee Bookkeeping— Practical sBookkkeepsocen cei eee s Chemistry — Elementary Principles of Chemistry..... Laboratory Manual for above........... Elementary Principles of Chemistry, DRO VISEU te ney srt NOat ng, demote cite Loose-Leaf Laboratory Exercises to ac- company Brownlee’s Elementary Prin- Cples Of Chemisty: kas ot ence eos Experiments in Chemistry of Common Rtn OS oh ahem ook dene eiavenaatec ot otra tee Seas Chemistry Manual — PADUSPELEA TAS osctan gic hcae ae ha gien Sem mremeays Fomie Binders Cover vias: varsem teen een Haogsehold= Chettistrys.0:....-.--. amb octets pak 75 1926 alessOLva. Wayste INR sc. ccce a see es Lonetellowetes anes one 60 1926 SR ICE TN MeSay Ss dain Stns Sen e eek bea ves Regatta Anse Gee henikt 48 1926 rattena i redsuny cs. thea Te shed kaiks oda ve PAStAVCl cs sow 2 CFR 75 1926 ‘EN 2h) BY, 8 9S rte eet a ee SCO tie nae oe 75 1926 DP MCREEEAIN IRIE: ae aie. atin aah ace cae s Shakespeares. : occ rls. 48 1926 Comedmbh, Rrrorse. iiss. ca 3 «oon vce eee Shakespeare .....:..... 45 1926 uatminercotethe OHTeW it 4 ein oe ck ce ke Shakespeare: ch. sick a tone 45 1926 Medio is teks AT TOW oc.c ao 0% bx beso vw Sfevetisoir eocwre oso ce 60 1926 I AICl. BOOMer ss hanes ot eke es Sh ee 1 cles hor Rea ER a 60 1926 APG RALE SPEECHES i ye as 2 hnn fe oD Sone Te rol 2) aaa Rg aD Tee ak a: 60 1927 The Last of the Mohicans............... OODEE ce eee eae. 75 1927 ome atanderes o.0re. es Sessa sc Copper asc ula star ores @ 1927 Pee eLOhe Wor Cities: stakes. oe oc cke cake DiGhENS Fis eee dakar 75 1927 The White Company............ vost ety: DaViGiet HF ios eee 75 1927 Pobamam Kerus06e 7-7. ic atc s ck ot eT Ey area ee aa ae 75 1927 DEOUCIT SEAVER foc bs ccioed © osaan phic nk GaStOl onic sere chee tas 75 1927 OTE TG RST SAE fc Sie gee Goldstorie sate J seara 75 1927 Washington, Webster and Lincoln Ad- USS: hg yaa ee te Aho Ee oe Brendersoni 7s tena ners nts 37 1927 pe wsestol Adventures... .o7. cc occ ak letAperg 78 gee a omen 75 1927 Boaentrn Wut warde ts. <... 62.0. 48 1927 Commercial Branches — BeICORS LWP econ te te ee WSAVEl com kaian 1 05 1926 marentific. Tl ypewritinig’. 0. ...o0. klk. DERE ack eee 75 1927 French — Le Gendre de M. Poirier................ Augier-Sandeau ........ 60 1926 Conversational French.................. Bierman-Frank ~.,.:... 93 1926 France, Premiere Annee de Francais..... Cametivnele ioe oR. re: 93 1926 Pah CC MOSEL sire cay esi oe 6 Datel corns bee 60 1926 S’instruire en s’amusant................. Delery-Renshaw ....... 60 1926 Les Trois Petits Mousquetaires.......... DISS NCAUK: Mo hsrodnt 6 out 60 1926 Peer de. Wolter. fa tS Dts ghar ae te eee 60 1926 mee ODeMOnsrAntiy, fos. tS BE BIGN YD? Sete tans tito ace ik 60 1926 has Poudre-anxs Yeuxs. 52.0... ..00..., Labiche-Martin ........ 60 ~° 1926 Eight rench Stories......,.............. 1 EVAL a cea ee eR 60 1926 en ne le hes ph uss . oa. een Meérimige SN Oe ahora 60 1926 OS ee a se ee DROMV ET het foe Ne eg 90 1926 ' g Title of Book. Name of Author. Les Jumeaux de l’Hotel Corneille........ ADout: £55 poate se oe she Le: four de WV CSte cesses cierone ets A Short History of Early Peoples....... WW est lace. iv terete eee MV GL Ee PALO SLOSS enw has. ularadhd od a orate eats WieSteinct aire geaaeaaraets Home Economics — Schoolsand Home ‘Cooking........ nes. Greet. “aaa we eee Languages and Grammar — Applied English Grammar.............- Birleson> {oscars BirectivecHuolisht JuMiot sas spices ecto mere Claxton-McGinniss (lear Corrects ENG lishty ii, ox hens encores Johnson: 5.e¢3e07aeaereee Mechanics “of -Fnglish 1. seta. nero Johnson= 2-.5.29ne eee Standards of American Speech.......... ‘Scott. caicmin arenes Crpaiimiar. at. WOLk 255i tiene ge eeoieato eee Wheelers aewinn eee nc Meals Latin — Caesar's ‘Gallic War, Reviséd..2% ace8 ac: Bennett. (0. tee nae Aeneid Virgil Sys. cde tae taaelices vee ieee Comstock 3 aise ae: Mrs Fava tiny saute oat onto ae eee eee Brancotsewtancmaemreete Medieval att. tm aaka see 25 ee tem mee Harfineton i nue deans peLechens trom Ovid. si ».s seas Kelsey: ijn. trast eee Selections: trom: Oyide secc.ad.% orden MRS Kelsey-Scudder ........ PLAS Y. WAU Go ute shonin tie ee peter eee Scudder 73 Su... ema Second. Latin cy rcs soe Sarena ies Scudder as cy .c.s.0terenans Literature — Modern. “KMasays sco. tacactens eae ae AVerite ms smaae SOR American literatures inc ayn Pace. - 35 cc eee eee Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. American Literature with Readings Ce Vise Viet ot risttind ce nce s Saja oe Aes, oles 1k cs a oe ne ag 1 35 1926 English Literature With Readings, RSPR AS CON en hbo Sncthntn ook Ch ne Sao Ve ate Te oe ae Sh teers he ee ee 1 35 1927 PSAP IIOIE TL EOLACIEG 2s eone Oa ice ae one SS hUster: 455% sittseeees 1 20 1926 Mathematics — First Course in the New Mathematics.... Edgerton-Carpenter- eS Gee tps lak cas 75 1927 Music — PIC EACHOOL SONGS. ¢ cca bac lence Pees oe Catan fein tate eo os ee 1 20 1927 Physics — SSRECMICA Re LIV SICS iw iew ns seh i tek sae dss Carhart-Chute ........ Pam? ee, 1926 Practical Physics, (Revised)........... Carhart and Chute..... 1 35 1927 Laboratory Exercises in Physics (bound) Fuller, Brownlee and Baker tecicn sna tere. 60 1927 Loose-Leaf Laboratory Exercises in Physics (Without: cover) vss rs os vas to's Fuller, Brownlee and PSA MCl es Ware eae a hate EN 60 1927 Loose-Leaf Laboratory Exercises in : ieoyeics Wath Over} socc eis pec Sebe. Fuller, Brownlee and Bakeie Ors ae aie ee 90 1927 Science — REM INELAMOCICRCED. ayo5 se. bodes Oe Sb cs whee Bedtord ris eva os oes 1 05 1926 Laboratory Manual for General Science... Snyder ................ 52 1926 Laboratory Manual with Ring Binder FORD ich i PRO cero ee nN oR a Slivtler Ns. cces cove ey hat 82 1926 Everyday Science with Projects.......... BONE said ne holes ks 1 20 1926 Elementary Science Laboratory Manual: PGORSC NRT. Sante. sao ce geome oaks ERS YORE A at soe rah Ge ore so 45 1926 With Ring Binder Cover.............. ak 11,3 & Lo geen Se RS 75 1926 Our Environment : How We Use and Control It.......... Wood-Carpenter ....... 1 35 1927 Spanish — spanish ‘Composition... 7..<.s,. 0c. eas. Broomball, >. ccesaett 90 1926 Boa Omeotes sol. hr eee Be ces VERVAREES Vrs tae ors ay 80 1927 Brief Spanish Grammar.......:........ TIOGVICER cis Feo set ies 1 05 1927 POEHOIA ANG + POP eo ei ah eke bo bk Mscriens ca Sn eee 60 1927 Cuentos, Romances y Cant res.......... | INT: ae a 60 1926 Rompecabezas Espanoles................ MRT Sa me casa cas We 60 1926 Eecciones .Elementales...:......,...3... Ray-Bahret suis.» . oe ot 1 05 1927 Cuentos Hispanoamericanos.............. APMEEGIL Sy hei s ke pase 90 1926 For Espatia.. sess... iE Rs eae (BS RS Se coke a 75 1926 Supplementary Reading — JU SSSA SUES TSS) loys i aa ce i PARIOSOI HL ae Sr ay ts 60 1926 10 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Miscellaneous — Marinerscand \GOnduUct:. scieverct < stelsten eens Smith= .-; sashes sae 30 1926 Ollie SCHOO ANGsY Ollc ci .crrciace aciieevae ys BlisSsssutcu.cacisncoeeees 90 1927 Babies “Speake nes dese anne or eiewnmere er Shurtercacisstesncseueeeeere 90) 1927 F. M. AMBROSE COMPANY, 171 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY Maximum Title of |Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Algebra — Second Course in Algebra...........-.. Johnson-Belcher ....... $0 96 1926 Chemistry — Chemistry Laboratory Manual........... Dinsmore «aa ene eekie 66 1925 Classics — Selections from Browning..........--+++ Barras) caiacack amit 39 1927 Sir Roger de Coverley Papers...-....... Beinerntgeattaa.es seats 48 1925 ed terol. 1 WOnCIUESarc. bs acs ech ene pos Rutledsecrasesex cae ee 66 1927 Tee ACY SOL MN WAKO. oi, cus aati wae Mees Rutledge? sestagsaete ces 48 1927 Commercial Branches — Drills in Business Forms, Business and Social Letters and Simple Accounting.. Houston ..............-. 30 1927 French — . UieeeiietOry.s Ph LONClin ta so, sor cc eae oes Hiéad seein teeters 96 1927 Languages and Grammar — MECELE TTS L1G 1GET ectniaharb Wieceds eibig Tike watson serene Dorey=Stevens(tic-caurea 66 1927 Vital English: ; Book IIl—Grammar and Composition.. Taylor-Morss .......... 75 1927 lene y ke 9 ce EIEN Rg RR SE Cee ir Taylor-Tobey “i. 32s. 60 1927 PEA AnICet:.? BOOK. ov aaccon cdi Oe eer ewe Taviote csi ahe meses eee 78 1926 Physics — Physics for Secondary Schools.......... Séaks: bi ci entre onas 1 26 1927 Laboratory Manual of Physics.......... SGA rsh caine iorem ered caer 81 1927 AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY, 300 PIKE STREET, CINCINNATI, OHIO Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Agriculture — Penis Economies. Jo. 274. sss aav aetna Howe: -S eV eas $0 90 1926 Plant Proddctiot a, co. oar nee Moore-Halligan ....... 108 1926 Animal -Elushandty:uvs2, Sehowee gute aun ee Tormey-Lawry” ..5.004% 105 ~- 1926 II Title of Book. Name of Author. _ Algebra — Elementary Algebra: Second Course (with or without BUSWEESI Cine sans ban ns Pracv we ee vane Lyman-Darnell ..... ADSSES. ae alee ea atte ane ae a Lyman-Darnell ..... Milne Algebra: With or without answers — SECOHG: GOUPSEL se iire. Wel Osc Sean wus MIO Sr ce caine steak ER To Te DED OO lin. stvictel cis Sah DEWers 08 Milticn ieee tet ses Practical Algebra: Without Answers—Elementary........ COlMingo waco tossed With or Without Answers: BiTSew Vicars COULSCR asst are mrsoce les COllINnGantices.: cee Sieleaywa be, \Gohineihy se canen eas arnoe bees cactine ae COMMS en oe cnn oe Second Course in Algebra (with or with- DUE MATIS WEES) rats ister aici cee scicle eGelerdioheye tions INVDEE OG sk st eee High School Algebra: Second Course with or without answers Rushmer-Dence ..... Review of Algebra, without answers.... Rivenburg .......... Americanization — Standard Short Course for Evening PMO Sea here h a sok a caaite eer wales Chanceliog 7S Annes 22 First Lessons in English for Foreizners in ISVEOINE e SCHOOIS.05 552 acdsee oss ches plans FTOughtOn: cesta se Second Book in English for Foreigners in ; PAVORIM OA ICHOONS 8 rine lke dieu ey ooh Figugnton us ocaca se First Reader for Foreigners............. DHALPE? ccs oes oe lees Plain Facts for Future Citizens.......... Siatpecie ncaa cw stoic Arithmetic — Complete Mental Arithmetic, Without ISLE Ta See I Wigs tases = At ots 2 Arithmetical Problems—Without } Answers: aOR os tec aan koe es ee fan es DEMS eae 2 ia so caas SEG AS IAPR ROA Bee ee as Re aa TDS. Gioviara tees Goo mudvanced Arithnetic. 2c... cases sk oe. Eyam ee Nes eae daas Bilianber Priniet chs o,, vii aac Creeks ce ‘Bailey-Germann ..... Essentials of Arithmetic, Six Book Edi- tion: POOR acute ae a ees kas | 2 Hamilton acc cz.ca:. 3 [SECS A 1c gine aS ge a Plaminton: bet os ss ass UO Mf a en a rs Phar tonc taxis, tte« TSS AM EV ER Iya = ee a Blatmiulton 23-e.cices es STOTT TCE ROS Sie aD Piano s.267 4a Sees OO os OW Ne een ee a Blamilton: 3.33% ose, Mental Arithmetic, Without Answers.... Milne eee eer ere eeee Maximum Price. es 42 cm, 33 Sis 33 Year. 1926 1927 1926 1926 1927 1927 1927 1926 1926 1927 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1927 1926 1926 1926 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 12 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Biology — New Givic. Biology. .ircc-s c's ocean eee Hunter. uvc. eons ae 1 26 1926 New Laboratory Problems in Civic PAGO Ysa tines hae Vine Os he ie Hunter =... ane eae 72 1927 Laboratory Problems in Civic Biology... Hunter ................ 90 1926. Laboratory Manual in Biology.......... Sharpere iswreeme ce 90 1926. Botany — Practical Course in Botany—With Cowles and \Coulter’s Spring Flora... .¢e.06s Andrews soonch hes Cees 36 1926 Speeches at Bristol (Bergin)....:......- Butke a3 ks eee 36°. = 1926 Poems—Selections (Venable).......... Burtis 3... op pence 36 1926 Childe Harold (Canto IV) Prisoner of é Chillon, Mazeppa and other Selections CVenable ) ricco ek seek Aa OnE Byton\ secu os oak 36 1926 Essay on Burns (Miller).........0-.0e0- Catiyle: iiss ieee 36.. 21926 Prologue and Knighte’s Tale (Van\Dyke) Chaucer ...........-..- 36 1926 Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Garrigues) Coleridge ........ ae 36 1926 The, Pilot. (Watrous). 2.2 iden eae Cadper- Scien ec eee has «A928 The: Spy: (Barties in aoe xn eee ne Cooper “iscew Senne cane 54. 1926 History of the Plague in London (Syle).. Defoe ......-.-..,.+++- 386° 1926 . re 13 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Robinson Crusoe (Stephens).....++-++-++> 110) Se oS eB ee ete 36 1926 Revolt of the Tartars.......---eesrerrte DesOumceye no). is.5 5 36 1926 Tale of Two Cities (Pearce)..-..------+ Dickenee © aspire cs aes 54 1926 A Christmas Carol, and The Cricket on the Hearth (Wannamaker)......-.++: NB polo Ce aR ge ree eee 36 1926 Palamon and Arcite (Bates).....----++> DEVdeih ih erie es Nene ees 36 1926 Silas Miarner (McKitrick)...-..-+-++++> Pilih vontarciinud eo sire nerd 36 1926 American Scholar, Self-Reliance, Com- pensation (Smith).......-.+e-es+eerres EmersOtt ec Sits ox eirs’s 3 36 1926 Autobiography (Reid)....---+.+++sse05) PPAniehith: Miacailay cs. wicca «e 36 1926 Essays on Lord Clive and Warren Has- tings (Holmes) .......---seeseeeereees Macapiav.ice. osets espe 54 1926 Lays of Ancient Rome and other Poems CAHPISNSON ).svow wnt weicien vos sad ean oles PRO Ray sets cet Santee 36 1926 Life of Johnson (Lucas)....--+++++++++> Macamliy is aac 36 1926 Speeches on Copyright, and Address at Cooper Union (Pittenger)....-.-+--++ Macaulay-Lincoln ...... 36 1926 L’Allegro, II Penseroso, Comus, Lycidas CRUG pet ac srenicehs + so mekat eee sie wees Milton As ies wate east 36 1926 Paradise Lost. Books I and II (Stephens) .....-..eeeeeeeeeececeeeee DA isis is esos Se eres 36 1926 Old Ballads (Morton) ...........-.-+05- $e reeeeceecees 36 =: 1926 Old Testament Narratives (Baldwin) .... ———— ceeeeeeesss seas 36 1926 Selected Poems and Tales (Stott)...... 16. ae Fes eT ah 36 1926 Homer’s Iliad. Books I, VI, XXII and : eS La 2 pa eee ane ements eee te re 36 1926 Rape of the Lock, and Essay on Man (Mars. Dyke) pecs eis Capecucdene +0 PEE tt aeaee pages 36 1926 Sesame and Lilies (Rounds).........-++- PRUE Se pub alvinpiwiess a 8c 36 1926 REET thn fin gr Ride Ase Voge = OSs <8 Scot itn vas wows a anes 54 1926 Ivanhoe (Screiber)..........sseseeeeees POWER Se eae a ie Ses es 54 1926 Lady of the Lake (Bacon)......--.-..++ SGutt staan ba eresceee 36 1926 Marmion (Coblentz)............+2eeee8 SCO en Sabok Ome ces oes 36 1926 Quentin Durward (Norris)........---++: BOO cata ca vated or at 54 1926 oo Po Co Lo ga adr a er Ce a Se LE EPS Ene 54 1926 AS Now like It) NOSE). cz. sare ete ee Shakespeare. a enn e ewe ss PACT ier cher oat area eae: 42 1927 Stories the Iroquois Tell Tneir Chil- eRe Po ok ate Fasc ne hoa a aS Rees IROWeEESia oan? soacxces 57 1926 Ber ep bittles OLRANSCLS ays ess ws a ce betes SCHWALIS= 2 uate etn a ese eee 45 1927 Johnny and. Jenny: Rabbit..........2... gl eee ra nan i A ote 42 1926 Big People and Little People of Other US ee eS a nae oe MAW oc rink Sod eni ee ok 39 1926 le etd OMT SEOTICS «.. v's in a. d ie oh wee oon Silvester-Peter ......... 45 1926 Dramatic Stories for Reading and Act- lS GB Ska tee ie ag ere on Se era Sloiinenetesapscb rth ree tees 45 1926 Tales and Plays of Robin Hood........ SRUMHCE -Svescr ct aie mie aces 54 1926 THERES BA CSI Stare Skinner-Skinner ........ 39 1926 eewrIArthie: TOK. : o6 geet Ga eRe oaagias PINCH Ese aes oe ie re a 39 1927 Menitab sO? Dales... secs ecient che ke es SEARIOV ms walnut neces eerste 54 1926 HG ELOHO. “WALES io .k.ecrcas « oo hate ton an Wilson. ..csasa tuo 45 1926 Famous Men: Bamous wen of Greece. s. sas kun Haaren-Poland ......... 54 1926 Famous Men of Rome.............0. Haaren-Poland ......... 54 1926 Famous Men of the Middle Ages...... Haaren-Poland ......... 54 1926 Famous Men of Modern Times........ Haaren-Poland =.....5%... 54 1926 Trigonometry — Pliges UtigOnometly...<)skiesastasee aoke FRODSINS cae ans Nya Fee 69 1926 Plane Trigonometry, with Tables........ IRODDINISs at titowice ce aerece iP ot 1926 Zoology — Textbook in General Zoology........... ag cA ae ek AO ees ne ar oy 1 05 1926 Laboratory Exercises 1n General Zool- BYR FE ang ae eee eee ie Berrickatuet ontniccnt: car 60 1926 Miscellaneous — Sociology and Modern Social Problems, New. Paition, Revised....3.......0055 Ellwood ee visas echt wane ats Tad 1926 = Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Manual of Observation and Participa- CON we onc Roce Eee Oe Myers-Beechel ......... 99 1927 Public Speaking for High Schools...... Watking: 277 eee 75 1926 AMERICAN SCHOOL OF HOME ECONOMICS, 58th AND DREXEL AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. HE cH OUSE Free wc eno SE Bevicie sss tachmas eee 94 1926 Household -Hypieney.. UA. as st aoe IRGUES 25 tise comes 94 1926 ousehold= Bacteriology, %. c+. ..4 tena Eliiett.sahcte ec eee 94. 1926— Household Engineering (“Efficient ~Housekeeping’”’) .............. Fredérick <2. Skiceaaecee 1 87 1926 Personal = bly ciené. oySas. ae saa. pekinese Le Bosquet....2 ok < miscas 94 1926 Suinpiitied Cooking... s,s. ces seine eee Peterson-Badenoch ..... 1-18 1926 Home, Care OL thé ‘Sicko Qe eee Pope nic Soe eae 94 1926 Lesson in Cooking Through Preparation OEP CAST. ut catenin ae ae ee Robinson-Hammel ..... 1 &7 1926 Household Management................. shetrillectee tee ee 94 1926 “Health Work for Girls” (Household Hygiene—Personal Hy- giene—Home care of the Sick, in one COVER) FO 26 aa ajo chains vsnram ends wie Reunite ee ona aeae aie ee 1 50 1926 - AMERICAN VIEWPOINT SOCIETY, INC., 13-ASTOR PLACE, NEW YORK, N. Y. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. We and Our Health — BOOK: L beke H23 alo fas sek cae on eta Payne’ |. joao eae eas $0 75 1925 BOOKS| EL ah setae aa wee aoe PRVHE fy cence aaa 85 1925 BQO ITV 8s AN Se ea Poe a eG Paynes: tae eee ele 944 1925 D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 29 WEST 32ND STREET, | NEW YORK CITY Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Agriculture — An Introduction to Agriculture.......... Upham-Schmidt ....... $0 90 1927 Laboratory Field and Projective Guide... Schmidt ............... 93% 1927 Algebra — A Second Book in Algebra............0. Baker. occ. een eee 99 1927 A Second Book in Algebra with Answers Baker ....:......e.ee-- Lett 1927 “7% be 25 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Botany — : Elementary Studies in Botany........... MEXMILEGE ctr oot Bestest Se 1 29 A Textbook of Botany: ......00sewenesees COUMCE” Reswiea es.cbsce sts 1 29 Commercial Branches — Essentials of Business Law..........-+- BGiCicke terra pines Pavciets 1 50 A Commercial and Industrial Arithmetic Hart-Watts ............ 1 123 Elements of Accounting...............- Klein Ban fos Bienen races 1 50 Bookkeeping and Accounting: TEA ete earn ater is. sath dies x ove wte.6 9 LES ES Ti miles ts cone gai earn 1 874 RIE DRUCUOFY oc whos Fe Sat < visite Kiate oo Pol eitiethe tiak oe See ns 1 32 TB os VERS ais a oy Beith me ad Baty wnt ee wie 1 32 Laboratory Practice: [EArt Leos eee ay ee te ae ar PI Tletinger eae Scie coat 75 [ERay he cl Le aes ee oan et ae i Klein ote ees hoa on 30 Mocational Arithmetic. . 3. .06d cee. cee Paddock-Holton ....... 1 12% Economics — Introduction to Rural Economics........ OLE Otek 5 dvih Geel e aes 1 35 Geography — An Introduction to Physical Geography.. Gilbert-Brigham ....... 1 35 Laboratory Manual of Physical Geography Brigham ............... 75 A Commercial Geography.............. IAGBONS Vo seat Sccieet wise hs 1 29 Elementary Commercial Geography..... CLANS 2 eras aironatorle eanieks 1 05 Human Geography by Grades: Book fi The World... o.ss os ce cas Fairgrieve-Young ....... 72 Book IV—The United States.......... Fairgrieve-Young ...... 84 Book V—The New World and the Old. Fairgrieve-Young ...... 87 Book VI—Europe and the British Isles Fairgrieve-Young ...... 90 Story—Key to Geographical Names...... Von Engeln-Urqhart.... 1 123 Geometry — ATT COTICEL You: siecle ieccieie al ovasa ave™bielaere Young-Jackson. .a....... 90 History — Builders of Our Country: Preto aegis Gecien tare ia aM ob0% DOULMVGOEU Gia Shas seks 66 eee St cra ne ERGs uaa Se alae waite DOGE WOE Lance ne es 69 Our Heritage from the Old World...... Greenwood \ iscees coeds 93 Economic and Social History of the (LIAL GES age oie a ee Lippincott-Tucker ...... 1 35 History of the American Nation......... NOCD anehlin 255 th ces es 1 35 Beotoryof the Ancient Nations... Wreéstermari since Sich ¥-067 ps ELRO WIM is ce see oe 073 1927 The Tanglewood Animals............... PMG Rao en canc See Dae oe jos 2 1927 Festival and Civic Plays from Greek and PMTIRARM CIES s, ccorctteccy tovio tale a ee 506 0.8's PEGE OE See ioe tas sg ee 93% 1927 The Hygienic Pig and Other Stories..... Le aibhions vaaian a ee erates 524° 1927 Pee EIN CAGET op etico ne vie eo vee es TSAO aise Sask ea 524 1927 Better Health for Little Americans...... ANUS Oricese sere tals tisrine 524 1927 we Child’s Robinson Crusoe<3...5......-.. DE ila (Bon, cores yal rote 483 1927 Hunt and Find: A Book of Silent Read- OE ARS i MAGE ee rae a 12S Tape pe ea ere ee 24 1927 Brores- of Agiitmal Viliage. sf. oc ce IRPCM Gye Stine hie es Oia 523 1927 Nixie Bunny in Holiday-Land........... Sigklel ai oaus bate Cackee sa 524 1927 Nixie Bunny in Faraway-Lands......... SRO ERIS dere tis ates da 524 1927 Adventures in Storyland—A Primer..... COE otras Sate wacko a8 Oe 45 1927 Two Indian Children of Long Ago...... Le igo ae, Bah eee ea ae 524 1927 Peremeapiteand Other Lales on. bis. 2. veh ass ack es kaclee os a eee 074 1927 Miscellaneous — Silent Reading Seat Work for Lower Grades: ce C1 CS aS oe ra ae IDeItie fete = 25 nao xe 224 1927 Sets 502, 505, 506, 507, 508............ Penge ior es. « aan ote 30 1927 UREN och ee shea uae Sk, FS eon bos Pes Ein 7 oe URE Ca Viea vee 18% 1927 Progressive Number Seat Work No. 550. Cushing ................ 30 1927 30 C. C. BIRCHARD AND COMPANY, 221 COLUMBUS AVENUE, BOSTON, MASS. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Music — Senior Laurel Songs, Students’ Edition... Armitage ............... $1 26 1926 The Laurel Glee Book (part songs for : DOYS TVOICRS) «Saeco ae anes Benes Armitage: scan chic Serer 75 1926 Twice 55 Community Songs: Rose Book-Treble Voices, Vocal Edi- ENO peed he, oo ped ated eR Oo ee ee Dykeniays tutes eee 16 1927 Rose Book—Treble Voices, Complete BIG = tires tate oo ace eet kate Pe eis Dykenia ive ore eee 75 1927 Blue Book—Male Voices.............. ‘SDyRema rt Fee 40 1927 P. BLAKISTON’S SON AND COMPANY, 1012 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Arithmetic — Modern Applied Arithmetic: ACA RO Wino peer eee MOY ge PEPE RE noe Neely-Kallius +... .0.05 $0 52 1926 RelGthe Aton tS ce ar rain. hea eed eee Neely-Kallius e.cadvk cos 75 1926 Industrial Arithmetic: POMS OVER. Contre dow ai ee ROraycreor tases ee 7d 1926 Bee (GE Seon ances. aie ae ae ee ROLay \\cieax Okan eats 75 1926 Biology — BOO utes 08 en NEE Dass ha en Necn ioe eee Atwood.’ sintias tne toate 1. 296~. -91937 Elements of Animal Biology..........+- Holmes: 31.5 ses eniomeee 56 1926 SOutisAmMeriCatacc. use sone ee Paitbanksooimcn hiro 41 1926 TEU ODE ton Seo uwiits.arae ee ee ee eee Batrnatikcuern rience 56 1926 GME aN te YRS RMR il Gah PRY Pe Se Fairbanks: so: cesewoteae 4] 1926 Africa, Australia and Islands of Pa- CULE hr kta ws ciate CL Fairbanks 4s ncaseeniee 4] 1926 Combined — North and South America: Clothier. tian eee hak ees Fairbanksocik t.cceceee 1 eS 1926 Vebtstie ties sex ecnenas Sata a See Rairbarnks-s. ¢ 2s eee 86 1926 Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and Islands of the Pacific: | Cloths hate mamas Ree eek ae Fairbanks: ; yao eee Toil 1926 Velumet a) vodstciet eee Fairbanks: Accqceeae 1 16 1926 Po ae 31 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Physiology and Hygiene — American Red Cross Textbook on Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick: Third Edition — Braga Peach ads care ssoeta es pe einesa GINO teas conte as 63% 1925 STREP aE PPO eee PR at ea Dea tiarh cata cixe ee cis 1 124 . 1925 New Edition — (EE Sa ee nt i ee a oe Delano sacank cies wets 63% 1926 SS 5 Pg a as og ie ore aa PISLATOV WS ois cee ee Sater 1.123 1926 Home Nursing and Infant Care......... Nudes wich coi eae 932 1926 Physics — Practical Physics dfanval.. che. oes oe: Ahrens-Harley-Burns ... 93% 1926 sHinsic Gumetarateyacvarsicvie cities etebeteaererere: caches lela Tower-Smith-T urton- Copeman sls 12361 1926 Trigonometry — Plaiieas ECICOUOMELLY sc «coc ced che onde des Barkeposns oo owe en 75 1926 Petar TL TIGONOMELTY < «is 35 Eavaieus Waaee ae Keasey-Kline-MclIlhatten 96 1927 THE BOBBS MERRILL COMPANY, 18 EAST VERMONT STREET, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Algebra— The Bobbs-Merrill Algebra, Book One.. Krickenberger-Whit- crait-Welchons ....... 93 1927 Reading — penile tita sess ATM Sum teerciye aan eta. a cae Baker=Baker ve. steencrie- $1 60 1926 BRIEF ENGLISH SYSTEMS, INC., 200 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price... Year. Shorthand — BPW TATITIO = Geis or er care cL cial cence oa Dearborn uve 2°25 1927 Speedwriting Dictionary...) ....0...0<... 0s Smith-Dearborn ........ 3 00 1927 PREERINTTON VOU cote Senet tae) Ae ccd bs Rarlettetsac eee cones 50 1927 Twelve Examination Papers—set........ Dearbortieswerncns aoanes 75 1927 THE BRUCE PUBLISHING COMPANY, 354-364 MILWAUKEE STREET, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Art — Free Hand Drawing: TN SSS et ee ee or Beem-Gordon .......... $0 66 1926 1 SEL PON a ae Beem=Gordon ..5<) vo 78 1926 32 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. . Year. Problems in Architectural Drawing...... Bush-Townsley :i.23.-... on 1926 First Steps in Water Color Painting..... GleasGtin. nee aan tee 1 31 1926 Coloc> Tabletys oo sea: few ieee eee James-Benson <2... fs) 28 1927 Electricity — Electro sGrattic. = cniesarcimcsassiten tee ees Baxtérys cates a ameecaate 112 1926 Laboratory Manual for Electrical Science. Buck-Frost ............ 1 08 1926 Automotive Electricity Books: Part I—Essentials of Ignition......... Burling-Grambsch ..... 59 1926 Part II1—Automotive Ignition Systems. Burling-Grambsch ..... yy 1926 Part IIIl—FEssentials of Starting, Gen- erating and Lighting System........ Burling-Grambsch ..... 81 1926 Part JIV—Starting, Generating and Lighting: Systems. o..56. one we eee eee Burling-Grambsch ..... 1 08 1926 Light-and* Power: Wiring. tchs0 0s a ee Burling-Lauerman ...... 1 00 1926 Elementary: Kléctric® Wiring... c. co ease Burling-Karweik ....... 60 1927 BecsentialsyOu Letitiot «ic bat nue tek ae eae Burling-Grambsch ..... 60 1926 Job Sheets for the Practical Electrical SOD esas ea aiee aio eee oe Ge LT RuStiSOnaee: sacumee See ol 1926 Home Economics — Card Text System of Cookery: fcecine sCards Only... see Setoe elie Borrowmaiy.)...a 'T Oy ix on. oa ceetean dears Kumite saan eae 1 01 1926 Handcraft Projects: ; ORANG) Alek BAe oe Sh oe he pa Solar saa. nte soa cutee 94 1926 TSO Srarsense aia eatas-ogsuary ape ok Renee Solar skin ccsneeenemes 94 1926 Construction Work for the Primary (SAdeS es Soko ns ave ocaean ae ee Worst’ ocakh cae 169 1926 Industrial Work for the Middle Grades.. Worst .....-.2.--.eeee: 2 63 1926 Lettering — Lettering Exercise Manual — Industrial Editions [nclined=Gothics. +e a eee Bright-Paberssnememenes PAl 1926 Lettering Exercise Manuals: Inclined = Gothic’ Letters... o Gothie> etters’;-..00 sane Bright-Paber cree aseenen 42 1926 Simple Architectural Letters.......... Bright-Faber- a eanceare 42 1926 Exercises in Lettering: Slants Gothics pres. s ieok aires Greene. 2 saceg cae 12 1926 Mestieals: Gothices pace. aoe. eee Greene. x. occh een ees 12 1926 Aiphabets.” isc 20 us wnceve Oh ee eee Greene-: ic dus eee 12 1926 Beginner’s Course in Show Card Writite Fc ee ee ee Mataseloic oss; ine 44 Mathematics — Geometry Reader 5 33 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Mechanical Drawing — Pest ear on ate Re ean cose ca oka bee Ermeling-Fischer-Greene 36 Seconds V.Gaty ation ecto toreiees aie, cst be heals Ermeling-Fischer-Greene 48 Mechanical Drawing Problems.......... aienRc ta sett Nat eal tras 2 00 Introductory Mechanical Drawing Prob- DES tere sk hte earn area Gene he eos Bae 8 Shacitene sacs sarees 21 Note and Record Books — Shop Teacher’s Class Record Book Two Year’s Work: | B2 t Rae ce CGae Page ok 8 EO Gannon fusca ae ee 60 IPA DE Ie Soltis tere ate ett ees Apa Gr Tin! 9) | WeecPey apg ta ee ea 36 BLOMmGR IN OCG) OOK ry. sighs Vel San cutee ats KGOle ati. oe wna those 28 Daily Lesson Plan Book I: Vorational-. Péachers*. 2009 ake ESD DS vars Peaches Ke 64 meademnics Instructors a... vce cs me « LES Whe Ra Arne SPEC ete 64 Hatmnonop secord Boole...) vc. ncocc OGL etre errane reeks oes 40 eae MON OO lon hist ae ooh iatetren TROGI Mu Rate acctc ce iiocteetore PARIKE, Penmanship — Pagers r cnaianship.-.etesvasci sino ee. PRLELS OHM seco isiote con he 1 20 Reading — . Pete aes RELOIG Ge fo oes ch oa we are Arnold-Beém 3.) eee. 72 Course in Phonics for the Intermediate (SLL ARCS ORE ge ENOL eS ae a a WVGIESS 008 Shas oe a eoek AQ Science— the-Laws of Living Things. ....0.002.; NECHZ Oise ee es 1 29 Vocational — Elementary Concrete Construction...... Baler Sarcasm vcenon sg 1 08 Course in Sheet Metal Work.......... DRM Ginter: arose 66 Elements of Sheet Metal Work........ WV Cl Chicora eta ctsaracn seats 88 Textbook of Printing Occupations—New BABI pL oie yk ess ESA See othr gh ti PARR He ate aticee Sen teres 80 Automotive Trade Training............. PROMS eStore oct sates oe 2 80 Automotive Electrical Practice.......... SETA 4 AM Bere ot eae 2 80 Par BeGRY ARCNOITING).., siuie tou bank hd oe ese Peer hae es sortie oe mk, 1 00 PEISCON MOE S>4 8 Fi ree Be, 6) a aor ee ae San 60 Job Sheets in Home Mechanics......... ESL ie) Oe lee eee ee 48 Job Sheets in Home Mechanics Set II.... Tustison ............... 39 Woodworking — Job Sheets in Practical Woodwork..... Brown-Tustison ........ 42 Problems in Artistic Wood MEIC a eS RSI EL Sp pabice Ose oh ws 1 00 Wood Pattern Eb aah Se a a PP ee OL ANION dein patse Pach yin gly cighe L 08 A Course in Wood Turning............. Milton-Wohlers ........ 1 20 Problems in Woodwork................ 1 AICOL CL ee a gaan RC rey i Wer an: Maken Year. 1926 1926 1926 1926 34 THE CENTURY COMPANY, 2126 PRAIRIE AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Agriculture — Practical Activities in Animal MHus- handtyce in ast cx Swale eon Rea sates Schmidt-Bray- fii... 6 lene $1 50 Civics — ‘thes -Aimericatia |) emocracycnkre sere ease Forman 2. f.ccstectseraees 1 31} Governmentsin .Ohiors recs. cad aes eeaine Forman: soon tense 264 French — Elementary French Grammer — Revised.. McKenzie-Hamilton ..... EME; Peasy tb rerich =] Bastion sic sa some nties n ee ee Moriticueee nie: pentane 834 Geometry — Pe GE OITIEL Lyset ecco neces (cle rsis alee toatverouerele ote Ieorige=Brenke te: Sean oe 974 History — First Lessons in American History...... Ronmanicscncae ae 824 Home Economics — The Home and Its Management......... Kutttred Sec ovaneien neces 1 50 Literature — Introductory Studies in Literature....... Hosic-Harfield:..s. <6 8 1 50 History of English Literature.......... Fiinchimgi cnc alseen eee 1 50 Facts and Backgrounds of Literature.... Reynolds-Greever ...... 1 123 Classified Types of Literature........... Riche ® =22ctngs eter toes 1 683 Greek and Roman Mythology........... Tatlock .. scase cee ee 1 50 American and British Literature Since PSO er ratekeals ine eiac esa ate cones coe eden athe Van Doren-Van Doren.. 1 123 Reading — Chadsey-Spain Readers: SUCH ae ae ok a Ie ee Chadsey-Spaine....eee 78} Seventh. isa wee ae marae eae Chadsey-Spain .......... 864 Right Sache iat ner ake eet ces Chadsey=S pait.2. uc tamiaers 90 Spelling — The Century Vocabulary Wordbook..... Greever-Bachelor ...... 72 Spanish — Elementary Spanish Reader............. Galland-Mesen ......... 932 Supplementary Reading — Exolprers: and Settlers: it 55sec wus vate Barstow... vaca geaee 63% Colonists and the Revolution............ Barstow-c8.« stuns 634 A: New Nations Sieitiecken.ciston wie icin css eee EXCL STOW ieee eee 634 The Westward Movement.............. Barstow: ict 63% hes Civile Vato: atiticee ciate eine Barstow ace eee 633 | Progress of a United People........... Batstow nds cieeeatieem 63% Year. eT ern=. - es aid 2. 35 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. mete RIESSMt ir ates oo hoes Oe cae as IDEN) ON ae coe Se AA Eee 483 1926 oune America’s First Book... 0.0 ss Colbert-Baylor ......... 57 1926 SiOhy ebOOk Of SCIENCE is. coe eee eek ose 1 EX2Y) ay af hale area Oe nea eae 1 874 1927 Stories of Useful Inventions (School US TT ATS) Jeg ote ret Sear ena pe AE DR EOC Mba Wie ian ue ey 674 1927 WEeEIOL
    sa0i «ane 1 50 1927 = Latin — ARapid=Latin ‘Gourse:s.ic¢5,.00 ssa nee Ripman: < 22 = see 68 1927 A Piatig “Readers cc. ays inane eee aes Ripman ii a2 eeaes 68. . 1927 Excerpta Diplica vc cca cuss ase oo eee oe Willis-Stephen . 64-1927 Music — Singer's: Frenchie. os 524 1925 Bemeroy OG aes ou A oie cos eee ah eerore « urs soe Weskchell cay sas Gags tie sls o% 1 50 1925 Teachers’ Books — Prmuary “GyIhastics.. 0.6. cane seca Bishi eters neo seins tes 1 50 1927 MP RUSICIIGG a ete pe tatwtas Fe ok sf aes BAAnigide. ota aes be 1 50 1927 Mental Growth of Children............. FOHNSOM sak ta tora... oF 2 624 1927 _.Experimental Practice in the City and DESC E TG OCNODN Getic fais voto Same vee ae ve 8 Piatto n: .a eee as 1 874 1927 Miscellaneous — Documents Illustrating the History of ... Civilization in Medieval England...... DR WICR oc thag ole a: hs AE Oe 2 44 1927 BIAS OCIOLY <5 a .u Soe s oe. c' aed obec Diets eee ays ate 1 50 1927 - History of Sciences in Greco-Roman An- RAEI occa c's gy owe c, oibsbiesce se 06'S Re VMNONG Us Oxccetunnerere o's 2 44 1927 - Scenes and Scene Painters..,........... Roseti 23 eeces cs caus ae 1 20 1927 Mdies Boy SuOwMat«: oss isecassectscas Rose cree eee eee 1 50 1927 Marvels of Modern Mechanics........... WA icin ti tera acct Fees + 2 25 1927 | ee Sao eae ee ge OR gos ee ee : _ARTHUR L. FOOTE, LANSING, MICHIGAN. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Bible Selections for the Public Schools... Foote ..............05- $0 20 1927 R. L. FOUSE, 350 IDO AVENUE, AKRON, OHIO. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Western Reserve and Early Ohio........ Ghetrv-Fause: ices $1 50 1926 FUNK AND WAGNALLS COMPANY, 354 FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY. All listings of this company were printed in error in the 1925 Report except Desk Standard, High School Standard, and Concise Standard Dictionaries, and How to Live. 40 GINN AND COMPANY, 199 EAST GAY STREET, COLUMBUS, — OHIO. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Agriculture — Plant and Animal Improvement........ Roberts-Davenport ...... $0 99 1925 Animals uspandbyire sn tae eine te ntees Wraters=)satlomeae peer 1 29 1925 Agriculture Laboratory Exercises in Bi- GK BISTNGEH oo Bok eek aa ie nee eae tee Waters-Ellitizsna see 1 20 1926 Algebra — Higher Algebra yc.n o> act cen cea Hawkes osice tae L 4t . 929 New Complete School Algebra........... Hawkes-Luby-Touton ... 1 20 1926 New Second Course in Algebra: = PE(CL 5 FOQUEOUE Gate vache ears aromas eee Hawkes-Luby-Touton .. 96 1926 Balareed Edition tcc veao tase tee Hawkes-Luby-Touton ... 99 1926 Exercises and Tests in Algebra.......... Smith-Reeve-Morss .... 45 1926 Arithmetic — Smith-Burdge Readers: PG IITIAT ssa odieestes keds es ee Soe Smith-Burdge .......... of 1926 Riterinediaterte. «fo hts. 7 vos Soar aie Smith-Burdges.. am case 60 1926 PC CANGEM Se Ociacisivacth cs catunie Ra Cn eine Simith=Burdge susie 69 1926 Searchlight Arithmetic : ; SOOKE SERS Ae Che on MER ER Oa aden Buckingham-Osburn .... 57 1927 BOOKA Ge Us sadidehisciisionshas ore Raines Buckingham-Osburn ..... 57 ~—-:1927 RCO K teeal Lay spn cats dyes canta einioe bathe ete Buckingham-Osburn .... 72 1927 Boake CVG Reins Bo aint see Buckingham-Osburn .... 72 1927 Practical Exercises in Rapid Calculation. Powers-Loker .......... 42 1926 School Arithmetic: SHORE site Oe or Toi tid oR ae OE Wentworth-Smith ...... 48 1927 Backer Lie Aatse ree cee now Gate ete oan Wentworth-Smith ...... 5] 1927 POM nts cartebrhade Vian Ge teh va Peo Wentworth-Smith ...... 60 1927 . Pdvanced* Pook 2-5 1%, sities cian oho ns Wentworth-Smith ...... 66 1927 Highers Arithmetion<: ciccususn a fem eecee sk Wentworth-Smith ...... 90 1926 Biology — Experiments and Projects in Biology.... Gruenberg-Robinson .... 48 1926 Elementary Biology Manual of Exercises fora Students 20.3 cere easter ete Gruenberg-Wheat ...... 72 1927 Bookkeeping and Accounting — Rirstr Courses ss abt ose eee Elweli-Tonéfs S'0.<. sm 96. 1926 Pleméntarit Courses of oe ok eae ee Elweéll-Tdfier’ cpyesscsine 120 1926 Intermediate Courses. vvoc Tales-from Shakespeare, Rev.......... Tyan ocho eee ee 60 1926 WSSEa VS. Oly Ha hist: pop orate ie wtyreaata Lambeau hater 51-1926 SRIEETIONS* is ain ake eee om eiaea anaes ok Lincolnss ssc o ee ee 42 1926 Essays of Clive and Hastings......... Macaulay 207, woncersnite 42 1926 Eiievot, Samuel Johnson iv silos vc srestes Macaulay-s2h sae ae 36 1926 Matior. POGinS 0s so.4s Sols scum s ae Milton siz oie aon cee 30. 21926 Paradise Lost, Books I and II........ Milton ...d. ses ees 42 1926 The Peasant and the Prince............ Martittealis esse aarti 60 1926 Golden Treasury, Complete............ Palgrave. ic... che axes 57 1926 Oresoire rat 2 as hap eee Cone hae Parkmancsccedaten sacar: 5 1926 Select Poems and: Tales iineev unemeeesé POR +7 oe Renee 45 1926 Iliad = Books 1; VICI 6. od (ORG ae ae ee 39 1926 Rape of- the: hociereatextiee atin a oera Pope inioith eee rae 42 1926 Divess Revins. 2 sae aw ee eee . Plutarch. seasons 81 1926 King of Golden River, Rev............ Ruskin seaccoues ee eres 39 1926 Seame atid: ilstesz.5.c cee anc te eee ee Ruskin ti Seen eee 42 ~ 1926 Lady of “the: Lake, Revs.vo-ee tence aeee SCOtE: occas eeeanteeneas 51 1926 Qtientin=Durward6:27 ; Acye.eees ee ae Scott: 26 aces 60 1926 Guy Manuerine’-.... osc. oe atoneh aes Sceott. 2c as See eee 75 1926 Lay of ‘the: Last Minsttel -.% Aatam eens Scott ss. See eee 45 1926 Marmion ee ee se Scott. Md eee 45 1926 Tales. of a. Grandtathets:.. . etc Scott): i socs ae tee 54. 1926 Palismates cyst AER eee ee Scotts. cits cee 60 1926 Tales of a Grandfather, New Edition.. Scott .......-eeseseeees 54 1926 King Joting. 20s aen oe aon ieee Shakespearc ..,......-- 42 1926 King, Isear x. 3itet tt cow can ee eee Shakespearess 3:4 »..00ues 42 1926 King Richard the Second.............. Shakespeare .......-+-- 42 1926 Macbeth | 0 s:0ss) cpt re ang en eae Shakespeare .......-.-- 42-1926; gee 43. = Maximum . Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Merchant of Venice..........-+-+eeee: Shakespeare.<..+7.....- 42 Midsummer Night’s Dream......--.-- Shakespeare. ss .0. i2. 42 Much Ado About Nothing............-. Shakespeare? javs ors... 42 ROMEO and? JULCE.. .2)- 6s see wien eee Shakespeare: soc on son 42 EP RENTCSE. oie eres oe lore be wt 88 cwinen nes Shakespeare. a0. t's% vale 42 SE Werth © NIGNC nucter. wasn co bes eee tos Shakespeare. cic « s0ivele 42 Antony. and Cleopatra...........80000. Shakespeatecta ccerrco fe 42 BeVINNCURe oc we scies tah daa chron ea oes Shakespeare .......+-%. 42 STC AS SCa ee A eee ia Geren tine Oar ea nian a Siralcespeatia =< cies. i 42 Pere relia os <0 wh. dy wedi eure 56,0 Shakespeare ........... 42 PETE SAN LET SC DALC™

    ai pr oka sas 6 Coa es Briggs-McKinney-Skeff- HIP EOS ners Caton Raa iaate 84 LN CUETO Sule) 3) 1S he a ra Briggs-McKinney-Skeff- FUME A ct ct twice aie 90 ee RIOR We, oe at ocd GA wavs eve wade BIB WER fo oes tee Sct Pat Year. 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 i926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1927 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1925 1927 1926 1926 1926 1925 1926 1926 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Economics — Blementany i conomicse: acne Carver Secreta eee 1 29 1926 French — a Prerre’ des Foucher ae 3a wae ee Augier-Sandeau ........ 48 1926 Elementary French, Revised............. Aldrich-Foster-Roule..... 1 17 1927 Premiere Anne de Francais...$.. +... <2. BOvéers nection 1 23 1927 Deuxieme Annee de Francais............ Bovee-Goddard ......... 1 05 1926 Contes et Saynetes, with Exercises...... ‘Colirntiwes sorta tee o4 1926 UNO Bei [Se soe RN eee on oF cheese Bete eo Corneille 3.3 vcapes ances 48 1926 Morceaux Choisis, New Ed.............. Daudet-o255, sc erarannie 54 1926 Le Belle-Nivernaise, Revised........... Dawdet a Seacoast eee 45 1926 tecebPeritichoses nt er ot) fan aa i= Dalgety, meagre anaes 48 1926 iartatin des Tarascon, revs: luca ota oe Datctet se cr eee 54 1926 La Francais pour Tous, Deuxieme Livre.. Dubrule ............... 84 1926 ber Beewas > Greyes a. hls oh sewn itis Kevalenn Shy aon eas aoe 63 1926 EoAbbe Cor staritatl «5 wurw..+ scares ce toe ae Haley 25 oct exes pores a4 1926 Un Marriage d’Amour, with Exercises... Halevy ................. 42 1926 Notre.Dame.dé:Parisean.k soe oen ieee fon Tha s0Scece pate cee 90 1927 Le-Voyage ‘de’M.: Perrichon; .37 2.7. ffs. Labiche-Martin ......... 39 1926 Lectures Faciles pour les. Commencants.. Lazare .:...... 0.000... 42 1926 Le Plus Jolie Contes: de. Fees, 2st sucsn 2% TAZA PES aaah eet eee 42 1926 Recheuncdeylslariden: Asa tes, nce he ns Sr RP te aes 54 1926 fa 0] ene ~Siberienne 2. sen, oc he eek Be Maistre > sainceen aeoek hoes 42 1926 Rosalie ands be“ Chaufheut’.,.,.2). s.s3s) eee 48 1926 Lebean Pays de France nd vniet coates SDM youn: erahatte eee 63 1927 Manual of Elementary French with Ex- CECISES ro CS. alc oes FBLE Roa ee EE Splers. (Acie v come 60 1926 Selections from Guy Maupassant........ Ten Short Stories...... 54 1926 Geography — Geographical and Industrial Studies: North Americas s. 7.3. oes Ae Alen ene ats Dee ee eee 75 1927 The New. ENrope.. of. oi stoke oe eae Allen 333 aie eee 75 1926 Wnited States, “Revisedss.. chore ee Atleiv.. 2.239. ence 69 1926 Practical Map Exercise—Geography and History : Western Hemisphere. ......20...0.0c00 Atwood-Allen-Robinson. 42 1926 Eastern. Hemispher€és .<2s.\hc etc. ueee Atwood-Allen-Robinson. 42 1926 New Geography : Book I Part.1 wine noe eae Frye-Atwood .........-. 57 =: 1927 Part, Ui wy, ae setnaey os eee Frye-Atwood .......... 84 1926 45 : Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Book II in ee a a a ers To er oes Frye-Atwood .......+..! 96 125, Sail adh eye ae oie Sonu era key RIO BryesAtwood. nevis ote: 96 Home Geography and Type Studies...... Dara Oe trina? ce SeR Rates enti 51 Test in Map-Reading Abilities Eo ks RRS Othe beac vende Fae 45 Geography of Ohio........-..e- ee eeee ees Gregory-Guitteau ....... 72 Geometry — Solid “Geometry... nee ces weet ees eee coors Bietee Web. vireo eee ses 93 Plane and Solid Geometry.........+-+++- Betz-W ebbr sac cite-- con ane 1 20 Plane Geometry... 6... 6... ee Sve cece eees Hawkes-Lube-Touton.... 99 GA ORAGOUIGILY oor aics cscidie ws Wiwrae's see 8's Hawkes-Luby-Touton.... 93 German — First German Grammar.:..........0-+05- Allen-Phillipson ........ 1 20 (eerie shalisetinae ter. eieistan cieceshe oi= sle's weir a's» erstacher au exc se tenon kee 51 Gluckauf, New Edition.,.............. Muller-Wenckebach . 90 History — Practical Map Exercises in Medieval and : Modern European History........---- Bishop-Robinson ....... 42 eM TIES 8. yin Sead reac Geen toe es en Pireasted- oss cece 1 50 History and Geography of Ohio.......... Gregory-Buitteau ....... 72 History of American People-............ Niaz trees Reon 1 59 General History, Second Revised Edition. Myers ................. 1 50 Bri suoty es Oty LOUISE Mig Sc 5 e's ccd seep hs OsSeROd) oe eas tes hee 1 29 Medieval and Modern Times............. IRODITISONl ea ene ee aera] Hae Medieval and Modern Times, Revised.... Robinson .............. 1 50 General History of Europe.............. Robinson-Breasted-Smith 1.65 History of Europe, Our Own Times..... Robinson-Beard ......... 1.47 History of Europe, Our Own Times, IRAVISEU> ale. «hose ict a eee ahs casas Robinson-Beard ........ AT Development of Modern Europe: BMRINISTEIICS ERA: Petre Aas Sues Newhall Robinson-Beard ........ 1 50 Nea lites sateen crime nore aid aero ret als Robinson-Beard '........ 1 62 School History of United States........ Stephenson as os wees ak: 1 20 The American People and Nation........ Tryon-Lingley ......... 1 29 Home Economics — PRO OW IMG i atc hacdiel la actip e oek pe eA PREP EO Its aes anh soi 1 20 Bactesians! east; ands oldsyin the Home: (Comm s,s icse.s 0s ase a's teat School Needle Work, Revised Edition SPRAINED) AAC teh cep was stat ow oe ee ene Fla pwoodnesc cc eheda des ke 63 rnat ceed ANS OOK DOCS aia (IN GW) cx sShsck tee otk eee ee Fassett-.: 5.0.3 Rtas soe 45 Introductory Second.c oy. 4 ern eee Fagsétter i otaeny os tete 48 cur tiv Redder sikes owas, Be Ack ceive eae Massett= sass Setiecea eon 57 eachers” Matual is Sse ee Sullivan! oe ees (BAO: Field Readers: PG TOOE ane lhe Rhea te tee. Riel; 2 seter ea eres 45 Pitst deeaders Os Reta oa Pa Ares. PIG eh ean 48 Second: Reader s..aw es ee eee eee Pield os pas ee ee 48 EXCL “ROAGerOt: Senin s-.n Lat eee Fieldy Since aie es 69 Hill Readers: IGOR oe ia ok assur aoe ee PD So he Be ye reiterate 42 1575/0) 201 EL eae Ae eee hoes BR ge oe oe Be Ne CD ee ea Minted So 45 DEORE REL nhc hee cc Sele are te ee Ebsll och ces aoe ele ee 48 COE IA Aas a aap MR oR A iis ls Ramen pn tay Tee Gee Bui PION ote aici oo he eink ne AE eat Be Pag Vy ne eee eed 60 - Learn to Study Readers: PRE EE LESSOR htc nate ae eo ae As Horn-Cutright-Horn ... 48 20) el OS Gan nn Ci RR ele Hlorn-Moserip «ic? 2054. 66 BNO RII Sik nee eae eo cS ker ty tore Floticatcnn ener te eee 72 Reader by Grades: PROG Ia len no a ode oats” ne eae \Gtiegnnuiteces moun eee 45 | Poa) << Sh Wl Sy Dae RR ca RT RE eS AS 3 JOUgSi in var eee eee : 45 Op ills wer ee arnt aie ccf te guee PORES 25 as Sine See 51 Wer parca Aie Pek ori er 5 Ae JONES Ses ee 51 ESOOIEAM so Glace TA Pec sie's cuhe Sep ee vem a JOnes-x cs. eke ree 51 PUOUC EN Cais wie PEN ee Ao Ee Janes iin os i eee 51 SO NODE ra Aten 22 ha ge RS JONES 2) OS ene ae 51 GAD ALLL eset tala st. seek RA ae TOMES. S foe cane near eee 60 SEITE aI ant te SN A NG, ORE ce McCloskey> Fst ca ei. 45 Magce-Reader, Book]: 2. decol$ oe bs eee Matea a7. soe hom bee 45 Parst DayovatSehoolica aes, eee ‘Moeller-Tormey ....... 45 107 BGR Rel 2 ec SRR RUC RS as RIES BO sullivan Con whence 15 sate fOr Reacting aie +. a cals ee Sul vans Cox tase ne 45 Whird Reader; Graded... 2.442 23 2 Bete Wade-Sylvester ........ 54 Materials: Beacons Word Builders. anche oe Fassett: Sk ts St res 60 Silent Reading Flash Cards—Shorter Ete ia Meee Rete Wier te aise Horn-Shields .......... 8 00 Crate ards eee Goin ee hee Sullivan: Gox* ss eee 24 Blaeh Cand son sich. hy ase tnbes cae ahaa Sutlivan Sacto 3 36 Literary Readers: Boole. Ty: Biss yy sais aed cee ree: Young-Field ..... eee 45 Bale Vc Asso yetealtaees ae ee eee ae Yourig-Fields 700 ave 60 Bowe 1s ican ete eee Yourie-Mield-o55 yan eee 60 Year. 1926 1926 1926 1926 1927 1926 1927 1926 1927 1927 . 1927 1927 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926. 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 . 1926 ASS Bs. C, 49 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Science — Elements of General Science, New Edi- | tion with Experiments........00.c-se0s Caldwell-Eikenberry- Glenn: Sees Sate te! 1 26 1926 Elementary General Science Laboratory Prob'ems, New Edition (Spaced for Answers) : AE Pastas SEAT. eos wikca a eteeteree an Caldwell-Eikenberry- CICA oan ces Oke 96 1926 ROM eae Pita k Tease whee eh eo e ew ae Caldwell-Eikenberry- RSLGTITY Sc Motes ee gine eck i 45 1926 Laboratory Problems in General Science: RENO EMM se osu tacos a as eeonets ameanG Ga halons Caldwell-Eikenberry- Glee Sa ee ee a 54 1926 RPO eek tnahe OIE MCs ia et F Gate kee caine da Caldwell-Eikenberry- (Glevitities sk hikee oe oe 27, 84 1926 Open Doors to Science, with Experi- SIEMLG, Arve oe.ya SEU U SR Sele eee cee cealy Caldwell-Meier ........ 96 - 1926 Ber OIONCES Che wire os Ss cece oa aie eons FIGIIGH Seer Set See ee 63 1926 Chemistry and Jts Uses, Revised......... McPherson-Henderson . 1 20 1926 RETOCSES slIP MSS CICTICRS ois Shier fuk ae ace baie sae Nise ieee coe aioe seed 42 1927 PRA OR CLAVING AL DINGS < occas oe ake a odes Meter cies ts eet 60 1927 Spanish — * ae || ea Mierunslide: NOftias: acc . ceakw ice es PIAtGOne@ poe. Voces Sees 75 1925 MUM VOLAS we OLLAS. sac ss es cp oes fo0 8 Sees Fo AISECON Seecthe, tear e he as 75 1926 Cuentos de la America Espanola....... COCSIEES Arn. mia ee er, 72 1926 BODISNEOCOLOS =. 2. Loree fobs dan oes Dorado-Rayru.s conn 63 1925 eater lal Sa: VMAS «shy, cues Soak okerem Hartzenbash=s:: «252 54 1926 Vistas. ucleramericatias..... css occas vs LDANER Sie oe ee 75 1926 Ey SITES Ra aan = le ae eialgee eS aera eS Weabae aes ba: Alea eye any aa 63 1926 Five Sainetes of Ramon de la Cruz Bae NGOs ante tel sat haute Se Oo See REAM b tae iee ie Pee 84 1926 Spanish Humor in Stories and Essays Morley ................ 75 1926 EOUMLG ASIN IDB GE a steer sic sa eee ks Mlotatio fiers Ch Se 57 1926 ed CO SANCHEZ iceuerset ects peas ca Sue Pietetae tes cate weet 90 1926 El Palacio Triste with Benavente’s eapatse le Vidas < cP saree oem can Sao t Werte OA Colenatee 54 1926 riret header Ini Spanish «sc. se oes SEMEVIT Sodan ts tt ae 60 1926 Pim ajaro.VeLGeigs ane. toele oo Weal r te on otc teas 48 1926 Spelling — Common Word Speller: ROC pRomares ait Vorcdeek ivwenk eae. Lewis) 2.65%: Given ie Soe 42 1926 LY ONG E NOng sae Be eae eee a nS PeCWISM thir me we Ce 45 1926 Common Word Speller for Junior High VES SID Bee ea ne ean BOWie Ach Gucci. 39 1927 Hil oy ROUSE) a a a cn a Bek Werth cacs ee 39 1927 Year. 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 "1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 50 Maximum - Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Supplementary Reading — Lisbeth Longfrock.....0.0. 00 «0sees , Aanrud ...-...e.. eee 48 Pahies cRev.gbacecreeree ieee wae ACSOP vere seers eee ee ees 54 Fairy Tales, Rev. Birst- Series. fcr nt se eee cere Anderson ........++.+5. 4 Second. Seriesy. oP. asts ssmeeae tome Anderson ...-..-.+.++-. ov Stories Mother Nature Told.......... Andrews ....-..+s..0+5 48 Ten Boys, New Edition.............. Andrews ...++.++++++5- 48 Bach andsadis cco ass eerie Andrews ..---6....+++. 48 Sévene Little SISterss co oeeereee tees : Andrews .-..-.+-..+0- 48 With Pencil and Pen..........+eee0s Arnold ........05ee eee 39 Starland Revised vc cose ts wares nee Ball 1.2. ..-.ee eee e seers 1 05 Hero Stories from American History Blaisdell-Ball .......... 60 Short Stories:from American History Blaisdell-Ball .......... 4 Short Stories from English History Blaisdell .........+-+--. o4 Alice in Wonderland..............-- », Carroll .....ee eee e sees o4 Little Folks of Many Lands.......... Chance .........6+.00:. 48 In the Reign of Coyotes............0 Chandler... 02. e4s0s 1s 48 Pinocchiog in -eAiriCar ais ere es eee tel: Cherubini ives e us 48 Stories of the Old World, Revised..., Church .....-....+-++.- 63 Heroes Of: Everyday Inte aac: de sas C0) en nee 54 Pinocchio-Adventures of a Marionette Collodi ................ 48 Adventures in Science........eeees ... Cunningham ........... 54 Stories of the Day’s Work..........- Davis-Getchell ......... 72 Boys and Girls of Garden City........ Dawson .......++-+e05s 75 Telit Again’ Stories..:...u<-. tases Dillingham-Emerson . 54 Hans: Brinker... 23..clers See aes Dodge 2.5 sewrepe wens 60 Friends and’ Helpers..........0.20-088 Eddy ....c0.+seeceeeees 72 Jackanapes xis cents vc cae eee Ewing .....-.2se+seeees dl Makers of Our History’. ¢..see%... Faris’. saan 51 Fairy Tales, Volume 1........5..-.. 008 Latising. eure 48 Fairy Tales, Volume II................ Lansing “i Seceeeene 48 Life in the Greenwood..........cseeeees Lansite 6 Ata 48 Page, Esquire and Knight............+- Lansing i. sick oat eens 1926 51 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. PPE Oil. “SUGLIES Sern cae ol Fev eles LAUGRES .Cnkaghobweye eee 48 Perv eS ALG e OLOTIOS oar re Mav ano ove ek os GzaINGUIE. Ce ee ve cs 48 CRE Ege oot © Us bed oh ota Ue ole Ra Lats es sista ere Re enmreoe 48 Commmbnus:-and: Magellan si. ese. asic... TAMET? 8 ut oe pees aa ae 45 eAtELG@OEOLNeENtOma BOAT A cts tis cereale iaie-s ERM oe aw ee 51 Northern Trails: EVO fe SS] Be EA sees et indeed tai WOtiraages is Pea oa ey wl 48 LS AO RSA Ge = Peter OR ae ae a eT War eat raie tae ci oe Soon 48 Erecrers fF. thes W OOS; «Ack: Fa uce tues aes igs (aa Ree ae PS 54. Ways of-the Wood Folk... sc.) sae. fg oe 8 eee Seti Pe 8 ie Re 54 MEE IIOSS Encharited -Past......2..\.os-..0... Pigeon set weds ss: : 66 HLS Ga ee Hudspeth s)).ciren acne a 60 SO TO SE ae a rr See i oe 54 stories Old atid New, .<.curs i. scseeses; SEIN? Dg ie aye ea ea 45 Short Stories, Old and New............ SMB Saree ites aN. 51 igesbOxnin-the. Sand: .v....:.s<.ecca ss DIE GA Ninna ante Jeep as 54 Year. 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 §2 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Teachers Books — Rural Life at the Crossroads...........- Campbell++: ¢.450.0n- ates 1 47 School EMcieney icc. Odeon os monceke baer Bennett a::% aatke ses owt 1 ii Teaching of Geography........-..+ssee8 BEANO cosines oe eee 1 11 Complete Records, for Grade School.... Comings ........+.++:. 36 Teachers’ Class Book: IN Ou at errata s Bee ir aap ners HES er eIeEs Ginn and Company..... 48 INGESTED S, Siw secwatees ase ee onic rtna ree Ginn and Company.... 57 AT wenity W COKE sagt. sents leks nyt etree Ginn and Company... 48 School Speaker and Reader............. Piydesc 5 Siam ee tee 90 Education by Plays and Games.......... Johnson 48% 2:i baat eee 1 08 Teaching of History in Junior and Senior: Mich 2School: ae... sss emis THYVOR SG ivawaGiew ee Rem at Exercises for Methods of Teaching in Fish =Schools Revised tse cag ols es oe Parkeraienasteseeocn ee 96 General Methods of Teaching in Ele- mentary Schools, Revised Edition.... Parker ...... ws ct See 1 20 Trigonometry — Plane and Solid Trigonometry and Tables Wentworth-Smith ...... 1 38 Plane Trigonometry and Tables......... Wentworth-Smith ..... 1 20 Typewriting — Ty pewriting ~ Studies.<. 5.8./05.b ue sew ake ot Harhede: attnnicroner 1 05 Junior Typewriting Studies............. Harned sian hora toncatetrte 99 Intermediate Typewriting Studies........ Harnedsnc etn octrenncoetne 1 02 Writing — Handwriting for Broad-Edge Pen: HOGS lV Sats tessa Se halk el aaitets Moore—Per Dozen..... 1 50 BOOS Vie Vidas cls Sao erie een Moore—Per Dozen..... 1 38 Miscellaneous — MADEL: Alia. PIMISH Sc: hic 6c ean ee pelea Daddios este tee 60 Bench Work in Wood, Rev..... oP eca anes GOSS so Ral tiet okren ls 90 Year. 1927 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1927 1926 GLOBE BOOK COMPANY, 175 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Title of Book. Name of Author. Biology — RSTO ORY S117 oe esc 5) tals Safa sod kin’. ala ba yeaa Gramet. <0. ae een Gtiide to, BiGlOSY. isisaiare alec’ slants pee aes Graiiet weenie Briel Bwlogy iirc ce vee ae ca eee Vessee som Grametyraccntnee cites. Globe Laboratory Sheets, (bound)...... Welsatts ack teacs ot Bookkeeping — Elements of Bookkeeping and Account- ING? waren acct area Niele eal igs Bate eo JABGONe initnets pane Maximum Price. ae 50 ¥ 25 are 50 re 50 xe 87 Year. 1927 1925 1927 1927 1927 53 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Chemistry — New Type Questions in Chemistry....... FAO OMs eben Gaby beds Sirs artiara 60 1927 Chemical: Calculations ¢. 6.40 co... coe Te ye TGSINOLE LE oa cease 90 1927 CHEMIStry) csi cute sees cheer ener eceen ees RSSSED nie sieturecevare nt a 50 =: 1925 Cri eNEOt © HCMUSUTY sas eee ek nee o> esse) Leote he tiene een ns 25 1925 Graded Exercises in Chemistry.......... Brendel fagccewre es ots 40 1927 Digest of Elementary Chemistry........ ML CTING an sie a Carew es 50 1927 Applied Chemistry Experiment Sheets.. Mendel ................ 70 1927 Civics — BUI ee eget Neue aa ecco kph eras Kole DGSHEl eee onror eae e 50 1927 Economics — BP EOMOMUCES oe than cxleiies es 6 6g a acs aoe die es 8 Riley ak, Pao aenee eka 45 1925 PUG £0 « EECOHOMICS isos feds del meee nels RYAN Ne sane eee ee A() 1925 French — French Pronounciation Charts........... Oowissitat w.tern neuer 1 00 1927 Le Voyage de M. Perrichon............ TAANGE < coo oe eee Se ee Pe Teeventhalen.2.t io ues 40 1925 Physics — [BASKiS (COM ent ahy Peeae pgs, ROS RTEA ote la e rete eats Kesselaee esate Rien 50 1925 Spanish — yf ze PISS what och hus wists pee ionic chlo oie = NET Gal opines Soe wae a 45 1925 . Exercise. Book in Spanish: .... 05. .00000 Wilkins-Alpern ....... 69 1925 Teachers Books — Pememiles on. feducatton. 2. 5.004.2os certs GUPOO sek tek ee ae 90 1927 GOODYEAR-MARSHALL PUBLISHING COMPANY, CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA. Maximum Title of Book. . Name of Author. Price. Year. Arithmetic — Inductive Commercial Arithmetic........ Marshall-Goodyear .... $0 75 1926 Business English — Business English and Letter Writing.... Marshall .............. 69 1926 Biysiness Speer.) cvwade agen chee Marshall 23.0 %.ueee an 57 1926 Bookkeeping — American Bookkeeping Series, parts as follows: Principles, Rules, and Definitions for Bookkeeping =. 5.5.45 icant Good year awstats 60 1926 Pamphlet and Outfit: i Uniteh ss io ginivet ounces Gees GGgadyear’. sdae wae 36 1926 Wnit-4 5 oi fesseeiie oa eee Goodyear -\< sar cata 39 1926 Unitit-Ai Sticsdeep eames -.3 Goodyear. a. seue oases 1 02 1926 Unit 4-Ce 3 Le Goodyear 30, Ja. ahtpecios 39 1926 HARCOURT BRACE AND COMPANY, 161 EAST ERIE STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Civics — ‘The ‘Constitution Explained 24:.%. <.ie.s es Atwo0od=. si acuitie eee $0 66 1927 Composition and Rhetoric — PEXPELIMIetS Ll UVVTItItiOi mie tran cients Cook™-x.tra rte eee Tealit 1927 Handbook of Correct Writing............ Carpenter-Maulsby- ITN Oh crs ten rae 60 1927 Journalism for High Schools............ Otter’: Fak a eee 123i 1926 French — First French’ Composition Book and ; Grammar. Reviews: 5. ae: kode. de eae Mera! tis: arhscen eae 81 1926 Ls 8S “59 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Literature — --LAterature Dramatized ..........seseeeee Pele tei oN P's TS 1926 Essays Old and New........++eeeeeeres ETAMIDEP LAITY |. Sey ae casts. e 75 1926 More One Act Plays by Modern Authors. Cohen .........+-+++-. et 1927 Modern Biography 0s. 62 sn nescence | ee (a ar ge er Sac ee 84 1926 Five Plays of Shakespeare............06 Schweikert -c.ic.0s ieee s 75 1926 Heiss SIN IMG AV OL Levee tic ee piclokelecete stereo’ Uintermeéeyer= %.c.cde no 78 1926 Yesterday and Today............-+eee0% DME nOeVven: ica Garathorn « 78 1926 Mathematics — Cumulative Mathematics : Book Seven..... apes astieneg, ot Aa RRS Car Merremeyer ..........- 69 1926 PP ALIGUc es as wae fatwa aa cee kee. Merremeéyer. a5. v5.0.5. 72 1926 aie Niet crc pirreie. Catto Tale os ss Merremeyer .........-- 90 1926 KILROY HARRIS, FINE ARTS BUILDING, 3226 EUCLID AVENUE, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Kangaroo-Land—Glimpses of Australia... Harris .........-..-+5- 1 00 1927 THE HARTER SCHOOL SUPPLY COMPANY, 2046 EAST 7Ist STREET, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Algebra — Work Book in Algebra: ; Witslaiimeaemnatee srettoetaci ac tress iets cratic wie en Myers-Thomas-Persing . $0 60 1927 Arithmetic — My Work Book in Arithmetic: RGRAIES HES OTIGL)a ic seh Ci cm elas £35 Ce Myers-Myers .......... 45 1926 Piaeinee HSA ER Poros entation Sk jona ee ae ol Myers+Myers... 2.5.4. 45 1927 1.50.7: SUR ts Ug Opa ah A ee RS ro gre ane Myers-Myers .......... { 1927 Self-Improvement Exercises in Long Di- Pte CHROMO tan OMe pe cle tak wale ive alara RETEZEtIO eet oc a, eee poaicw eae aN 18 1927 Percentace Applied | hy. og oo iss Fen oes COOK em eek tat ie 45 1927 History — My Work Book in Early American His- 0) 12 pe ee ce ee ee AE oe Tey Bucks-McNealy ........ 36 1927 The Making of the American Nation.... Martz ............0005- Bl 1926 ' Harter History Source Studies (Six in Re Pa ice Fal olay Seis cee wee IM itt dos pees teat es: 224 1927 A Review of American History......... Niet oc ei wae AS Bs 45 1927 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Our Nation Since Washington (1795 to PLESENE} :......¥esne. Carlyle. aac. wen 1 14 1926 Selections ron f2 ow iat kus cs Maree eS Carlyle. scascctelnseees 1 08 1926 BEISCHONS oe Pa tances wen Meee Ee Chaticer aacsant-aae sae 93 1926 Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Brief Edi- EOIN) ins Sea isis Soc are SE Goleridges ta pene se 30 1926 east of the Mohicans nt os) ccavcon eee Cooper: 14 i.cushostsaeee 66 1926 Confessions of an Opium Eater.......... DeQaincey se. oueea es 51 1926 Flight of-a:Tartar--‘Tribew,...s1 asyaniestonts DeQuincey ©. ..vavwe cane 33 1926 61 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Joan of Arc and English Mail Coach..... eOnincey ss. cst 36 Belen OR LW Or G1tleS. ctateelte sirun alone see's DIC en Seep tween iets 66 Palamon and-Arcite. 0%. ose we oe ee ene Devcd eiieneeencivise secs re 36 aie TApliy 72 scabs Shorr snore ee es | grey od 9 ee Rey ce ora see rae 66 leisy NEAETIOIY oc cstitens ries clsth aie ae lnleretessuere i Di bel ape wee DNC Set a anne 60 Deserted Village and Traveler........... Golcissnitth eee scien ns or 36 Wicarsor. Wakefield :cecmcscaine ei «sive ss Goldsmith sat eaiaete os 60 Beowulf— RENE Bee ahah ciclo eee Ose eek Pale hee cde hooey 90 1 ES Re a ay MR ne PRE ee a ELAN ee tistes saraleae svete. © Pre 51 RRC: PESOOIC ait Sistas ac an Guinea sites es iA hat aacatereeree re ars See sr 69 her ar Goldcmitlh wa oo os seo tree ta eens PE WR edatics sw erect ewes oes 63 CES FSR OS De eg cg ae Pambes ares ere cae” 63 Select Speeches and Letters.............. Lincoln sie tierce oe 42 PNCCHS ONES. Brera rea is. Ses ohaje sar oroenete oe whe Miatcaiilayeetnartieass see 42 Pea USSOM CUVEE o 5s cyti h ace eiGieh oe was Miscula yo score cntar nee 42 ssayaoilevV atten tlastingS. a5... tac < Macaulay it aes cote cen 45 ESSA van Onew Vit EON tac tra een cis tare one titans 4 cake Marca Ulavim runrinccren s aie 39 PeaVSuOteANCIELE WR OME ss sic sccaciSacate sees IMacatilavines ¢otaccrs seis 36 Nan Teter OCIS fost nicl. cna ie aero wis ane IMG Uhgo) Meike CAE 48 Paradise Lost: Books I and II with portions of the’ EN TST ala ec] aol sae a ae a Wilton 705 Rees hore 63 Books I and II Briefer Edition....... Miltonies ee siete ee 42 BelecheLOEMIS tine emia Sites Garon ane Fle Maltotiat 2¢ sts rosntnercore 1 02 Pde le VL tTAOSEE ANOGK REV Ss Ooi ck Popes fas cee ete sone 42 |PraySiaatS,ctewatel ll (Seat nies cn cin Re eee POG Ese act att ears es 51 esate SES aco uta d coe Sta cece ss RAS Ke hae heise wa 45 Mineitin Durward: a. on pec neree eyes cae Scottie cine hai ee 72 I ANhOeen erica hoA ee oe cae aee SCOtite wera ee cease 72 MeV SRO tithe eKANes see urs ics Ronteteinie «lo « MOUNYSOlices ae ka ek ene 42 Enoch Arden and the Two Locksley Halls Tennyson ............. 42 ESiedisa@btiinorists was meen csc ieee eee PRaCkerayon se ses 45 Farewell Address and First Bunker Hill RPE APA a erarcn Se ee ra ee Oe aoe ome ante alae Washington-Webster ... 36 AISI CSS RR Spe ca Ror ic Ree Sha See Wordsworth aaccnies - ral Arden Shakespeare : PLOERIEL a2 Med hed le ls Wa a DHaKCSPCATGe (esas neta es 45 INIACDEtvateG nist es etree ace eR ee Shakespeare Pics 5c... 45 Mss ASAT cu eta bay ahicalats teenie Goa Shakespeare: nese ie. 45 Ee MUENOES EC LAty cxiae ssid ge aiots oo) Oo ea Shakespeare vnc s ke 45 The Merchant of Venice... 22. 05.....: Shakespeare. sever. 2s 45 A Midsummer Night’s Dream.......... DHAKESPEALe s..'vos 0's acters 45 Doves Lapaur Lostys so: 2a, eco ok. SHakeSpeater w6 eccewmar ws 45 PAIOIAMIAN ese eh nee RV ero Shakespeare “s...0.06,<. 45 PUN ORINUATICO MEE Na eta ct, ona piscine ache Shakespeare .......,... 45 PE WPLIMONAD TPL heeds ti osces tbls cow otis ce Shakespeare: tii $i vw 45 UB GM ee oo ke Villiers o's Shakespeare <<... «dbev ees 45 RRA Rr Oat Anat da tiileR ofa ve bass shakespeare’: v0. 450k 45 PROM sehr sKRK sleies ho boos Shakespeare. ~ sacs saves 45 erent Lane te ri rely iraitle sit Mccu'as* 3 Shakespeare. sus os sew 45 Year. 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 “ WE Goo 62 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author.. — Price. Richard=bh ks Sanaa en ae eae Shakespedre.j.¢.ccnt yoke 45 Romeotand: Julieteckat sy niente eloeters Shakespeare? :9- jaca aot eeeen ADOit sec ca ey ae 66 Ee>Gendre_de-M..Poirieri;< Listes ss Magers! resi. oto cae 54 AR GA SCRNES 75:0 ns ke i ee Se ee ke BalzaGet: sapere eee 81 BauveniecGrandet... ck cncniecote en Balza cx an. eet ere 81 Contes: CHvisis sic: 6. deck ences aes BAZin > teens stecieieeeee 60 ice, Basbier de, Seville. 2s. acme ee ee Beatimarchaisecs steer 60 ieee Eatants “Patriotes. -cos seca Bropoccnvcercns oe eee 45 Tour dela France par: deux Enfants: .: tices ees Eenauit:s).250 cts rae ee 60 Lister otc un: Pay Sains. Sn taki nee Erckmann-Chatrian .... 45 Roman d’un' eune homme pauvre....... Petillet: ois. dtec nae 72 Fleurs der Francesca oe ee Fr Onbaries saree i -econtee 60. Historiettes Modernes: WGMIMG ALG ss on Ss Pag te eee Fontaine .. ee eee ee (Guerhet: “Venic. chee eee Year. 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 43 Title of Book. Mariage d° Amour. so. so. cists tives ein Glatite toe Souter eter et Salers Tameene Oe Eerns Quatre-vingt-treizé: . 00.5. . Fe tee es Le Chevalier de Blanchefleur........... antes ede se CES. regres sie Sie ols ales heres Dalraeance quistravaille i. wes sig) La Mere Michel et son Chat.......... Hea aGACNOltG rc i, ceriniy wens le ewtelees See Lael teeheatyabhgon) ee oe OR MeN Oth Lae ee Voyage de M. Perrichon, all French PCNCRCIS dette oe inl. OURS ve Rime eee ee ace ee Graziella MCA Ere UtAT Grande tals a eicroare er eM coe PEG URNIEIGE —P LATICAIS@s ais c-guc oo a8 oo ks Memoires d’un Collegien.............. Heme Ol etre ery ae chars noon ater la CEOS TI pn Oe eee ies Be Cee Ne ee ee a Shs 0565 6 6. 6 et eue viele. ws) 2 uel ale & uo.d 6 Panache Mu: petityPierress « .. scce beso Pe eUNe OIDEFIENTC Ss ress eka ooo PR EAE snc. t ates foe Cees woes Benitiett: 2: Sate eee 39 1927 Spanish — Texts: Soapishe Reade cs oscon. ct aie alee wont eee Pransey-s5 antl cater eis 75 1926 Spanish Composition........-.sseeeees Bord: scacintrotncrencs ee 36 1926 Spanish: Aneedétes .>. 7.1. anteater bo ore sores Giese-Coolessste meena: 60 1926 Spanish) Grammar e.. enue sae SS DLELGe fae hae aoe eee ances 45 eer rd STIS ALCS co Crate, else Y= SPiehsee Nia bavlacs 1 oa 24 Practicale. Methods ins Spanishive. mic cc. Mbatio accuse sites race e Heelel Classics : SHOWERS CORLAS TO ovine scence ee ees EMAL BOTh? Miah erie oh vc 63 PRO VACA res Be nice ate ecto kn Ge ws PULA eANO MG free ava oe 57 RPL iment, Spada Ys. A Aa ee ea Co POSEN ae op eek tap eet 63 PRES VRCCICUIAS £7225 Secic Tc coe ne ee PENAVERTA Ss eater ses Go Eerie Del Warnes od ho leeds Sete os eee Diasea Lhanez oc Seis 2, 75 Pao Maimposa-Blanca: <8 ono. secs CAPEASCOls Bask os aie 60 Cuegtos. \eastetlanoss. isa. cake cowie Se Carter=Bloomes o..3 9.04 69 Don Quijote: Selections............... Cervantes: ica as cee. 8&4 SEMENLOS + INOUErTIOS vse Pe oad moc x eae DeHaan-Morrison ..... 69 Peetures. modernass.3..2 0 cecries eas ct Downer-Ehas .. 2.0.0... 69 Pita 2V pLabaclieta soc BSCrichin: Soyo edioe renter 75 Spanish Fables in Verse............... RGEdisee gi imt hs oe te 60 WIETS C1 Gy iit alee nea Cea RnR RAMOS ww areata tees 93 PAGER N ns as ae? Bore 2) Sas Grad OS ote eat vice as 75 PME ONAN ORR is ood kag Pie Gailerres Sa se nk o4 Los Amantes de\Teruel...,....:...... Hartzenbuseh 2.520...2. 63 spanish Short Stories....<.......:.... 3... gr. See, Vein iee 5 Pa rete eS 78 Miscellaneous : SERS Some PAE aa EE Delay mre tts aae och ce fe. 75 Pe ISA ES SS, 00k aN ier ah, eo Oe REN teks RR Me 84 EL ESSE I aie ER Re ned aa TSdaGame ee eit aes 84 Nociones de Literature Castellana..... LOLPerOR tk Hahn ees: 75 er aid ee rey Cae en eee oie eh cr, MisgtiVOle wets tance fol) 69 Tres Sainetes en Verso............... Morley-Entwistle ...... 69 BTSIROE Tattich, x. 04 kee pparras Phas le ee Hele Miscellaneous — pee becshinan, Girly. y. ss os des ar, os: Jameson-Lockwood ..... 1 08 The Freshman and His Colleges. fv... sw BCRP OOM os as occ 90 Introduction to ‘Saft 3) (05 a WYGUMAINGOR ce. ses Sues 1 20 Year. 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1925 1926 1926 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 His Si 1926 1926 1927 68 S. F. HINKLE, PUBLISHER, SANDUSKY, OHIO. CARE THE “REGISTER.” Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price... Year. Fertility and Crop Production............ Hinkle* =. seein caus $2 25 1926 HINDS, HAYDEN AND ELDREDGE, INC., 5-9 UNION Eaeeee WEST, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Music — Supplementary Sight-Singing Exercises. Damrosch-Gartlan- Geélirkenss 2% Wests $1 20 1925 HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY, 2626 PRAIRIE AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Biology — Biology for Beginners, Revised......... MOOR spine stir oie $1 29 1926 Biology for Beginners, New Edition.... Moon ...............+. $1 29 1927 Chemistry — Laboratory Exercises in Chemistry (New TEATRO ak aie areas tel e.cik wees ee wets OTs Dullt A420 = Arava 75 1926 Civics — 3 Organized Self-Government............. Dawsoni-vespae een 1 05 1926 American LIGmocraty, scien cues see eae’ Haves s cceandrs ates Pet 1926 Citizenshipae Oramatized.« eevee eniceds McPheters-Cleveland NiOUES:. Kora ners 90 1926 Classics — The Bent Twig, School Edition...... toe oe Cantieldia. et eyes ere 72 1926 Baglish aby tics. ec. ROR tra ACU Ae ek Dryden- Burns: “a. eersae 39 1926 AO DIGETADAY. co. > ole Se bate eeerloie ete Franithinicias Ga cuneate 45 1926 Modern: Verse i oie cen, net eahcsemememiee Korbes: noes kee Oe 72 1926 House of Seven Gables..............6.- Elawthortemc. stem terete 57 1926 ELEN ryan Vic ais cieie ove arstorsts dara re Ghent Shakespeare) < de%ayecle dee 39 1926 BAUAGS 2 stale aa seis Caen Stenipeli@ “acer were 63 1926 BISSAV Se ean arnnn a Ne te eecceinioele Wianchesterin acnccaee 66 1926 Commercial Branches — Modern Business Arithmetic: BYiet eCourse ay vac. ben ty ee Finney-Brown ......... 90 1926 Complete. Gouitsen tans con ose cues Finney-Brown.......... int 1926 Typewriting with Business Training.... Neuner-Bowman ...... Tepe 1926 Commietcial Law. carci pe us oo oan Townley ii icaox ets oa Paid 1927 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Composition and Rhetoric — PROM titer: Sulnd ex + aac ene oie okeken se Manly-Rickert .:....... 96 1925 French — First French Composition............... ALed=Schoells ss sce ae 84. 1926 Le Gendre de M. Poirier............... Augier-Sandeau ....... 48 1926 Gringoire-La Luthier de Cremone....... Banville-Coppee ....... 60 1926 Lee eTUL MeCVIVER. Sf Geek os one on ene. BOrgeaxes cathe wees re 66 1927 French ‘Composition... %...... i deeeaaees Coindreau-Lowe ....... 1 26 1926 Points in Written French............... Coindreau-Lowe .../... 27 1926 pepe. Comedias Modernas: i. 2.) cree anh PIO SAI ZO Sine ioei hy ties ae 72 1925 Exercises on French Irregular Verbs and Mer epeianks vas sreueoce ies. PESAUZ EG ottiasetect eas Sek 60. 1926 Paktatia- de) arastona.. )eaeierde ocak ISAM etE: teary dye tak me ao 60 1926 Les Trois Mousequitaries............... A EUNASSE auc fpienay Bere: ye 66 1926 Ber Conte de Mi Cristo i... sts oS See scce c TENA Scotter ecned = eae 84 1926 Le Livre de mon Aimi.oo.. oss <0. hn $k EAMCE ces rs wre ec 4 1926 Peomriances We.” Soleil 25.) utc. es ck PORE oe cas iar a 72 1925 MEAP LGC E ek cy AAS ens tet he Pe, MEUESO) osasen sks aes Mente Sen) 1926 ivoctires. i lementairess.. 42. ascseac keke Luria-Chankin ......... 69 1927 French Phrases and Questions.......... BEE, emit te pean e en BAS: 60 1926 Prench. sComposition }.. 6eo eth bo aes eck ReuN io.2 st mame keane 3 84 1926 Rclaimba= Flaw kins o55. 20 ataahevcrec cen Menineess sie aan chnaouieee 60 1926 M le Vent et Mmme la Pluie........... MTISSEE AR Oana Gren e oes 54. 1926 Paris, Centre de Culture Intellectuelle... Matisse .............6. 75 1926 French Composition and Conversation... Olmsted-Barton ........ 1d. 1926 Beginners French Grammar............ Olmsted-Sirich ........ 1 20 1926 Pirst. Course in Préench>. 2:63 465 gaact-. es ree oe Burroughs: a onset Birdszand Bees netstat cet Se ae Burroughs <2... Nature Near Home, and Other Papers.. Burroughs ....... Sharpe iy eset Cheri tect .ce mee ieee ate Burroughs jee Birds and Bees and Sharp Eyes........ Burretichise aman Phe Nat = Or a) DUCK. ease neater eee Burroughs)... ofc.3 Childe Harold Canto IV; The Prisoner of Chillon’ and “Mazeppas <../a2.sce ses Bryans snr ce The Prisoner’ of Chillon and Other IPGGHIG? Secateurs Ree ee Bayona, caene Lochiel’s Warning, Ancient Mariner, etc. Coleridge ........ Essay on Burns and Selected Poems by ESEVOARS mosis rt sare Beate Mi cio ee ane hails EL aS Varlvler sawenaos Own Story for Boys-and Girlsy<)..ces.. < Garmegie ceamcreee Bien PrOlomues Lot Ae hee meee aoe Chatiesr’ <2. saleaen The Knight’s Tale and the Nun’s Priests ale Res oases de tivacen blues Ae Chancery irs Jattter Ancient Mariner—Vision of Sir Launfal. Coleridge-Lowell.. College Requirements in English for ACC Se a nere at gee ete” Nhe Pr eC Soe Ste PEt 3,5 Ac lttfesot “Columbus tecucsacte oercmire nae ae Moote 25 Netcare Mast Ore them ViioniCanserssces cies cee crete COOPCH ys Dickens Reader sn iiic's Okc acldies oo eo aa eee Abrahant Laneoln-..s o,.fernse cess Rae Drinkwater ...... Robert? Riz Lees wcttacass tadace aoe Moarees Drinkwater ...... Palamon sand Arcites.. sss geo en eek Drydeny seh arin en Early Plays; Second Shepherd’s Play, Everyman, sete; ) tian. carervsneeas 2° Vigobs tw ieiky sRoeaiareerc eee Maximum Price. BS" 42 ie 42 21 33 2A 33 7 42 Dail a 33 4? 21 21 re 21 42 21 4? 21 3 9 21 Re 21 33 .. 60 21 & + 49 21 21 21 of ie 42 24 ral 21 2 = a 60 33 21 Year. 76 Title of Book. Democracy and Other Papers........... PP Aisles bor® Critics. «av vac afer atanterete toes My Garden Acquaintance, A Moosehead Journal and A Good Word for Winter. NW ISION, FOL molt AUT allenic inate outer ee Vision of Sir Launfal, Evangeline, and Snowbound, one volume.............. Life and Writings of Addison........... Bysgay Ott Lord Chives vaisrers, cen. o.coses anaeyace Hssay, Ons Warren blastingse.: orn eee care Essay on Johnson and Goldsmith....... ecays one Jolt sNintOn 27 ts or wteawteoe se 2 Lays of Ancient Rome. . Sss40c0 eins vie Speeches on Copyright and Cooper Union AP eset Giak ay shines cae ee Ae Book of Merlin and Book of Sir Balin.. CIO SATENUE? StOLICS oc clu bates > alee cae Tamburlaine, The Great and Doctor TEASE iS epacaci tne ee eel tie aese ae omen rae tes Peasant: ande ine serine cic. set-e «c Memorizing;) Poems :'fOfiss. ae. s ss sides Being Good to Bears and Other True AMIN AUER SLOLIES aeernw caters hea eaters alee Story of a Thousand Year Pine and Oihrard lesson ost tewe yawns so eee WWibtstohwatal olen ere nee ee Get e O re Paradise Lost and Minor Poems, BOOKS settee ptom cae tena ane ee tee The Life of Christopher Columbus for Boyer and Girls once, goers rs tare e st The Life of Abraham Lincoln for Boys ATIGae! Catisl Scans hcvencier ac, cuadederenate tomeiersereyapecne Boyhood of a Naturalist 02.20. heec te SICK COT ic Ie Lah ter nae suas ot este Menekere cen neere Selections from the Prose and Poetry of Gardinala Newnan sree pete cotrteictoess New York Requirements for Reading and Memorizing: Poems for: Gtades sean cliley Retr heen wes ce Tarades LL bee hak. oe toe ae Gerad eg Vat ma ce. Gece on eretita roars ete ae eae ae Kite cask ek teenie ee CSAC tIN lie cranetont hee tarele Rhee emetN ears Grades valle mae aioe ctleta oie ete a Grader, VALUE, fees ta. Soc ackoer eae aearers The Nibeltinwetited + ot. oc warn Oaae wera Nitie Selected Poems.......... Be kcrageteemate Sketch of Longfellow’s Life............ Old Testament: Narrative: .trecicsas1eaver ace Old? Testaments |Stortes ss tae aos eee Name of Author. Kowellicacs Aoenee: Trowell eee oe TEO Wel lieetsteameeoraae Rowellaeccmeran ieee © /e)\d, © ae elds e 0l*: Bae 0 eLe Mratcalilaivaanwy-en se IVa carttl avant tererens Macaulay ss cree ac Macaulay so ostsss Macatilayen ccs sc WIEKRROER CRs sano. Macaulay-Lincoln. Miatlowets. tries Miartineatescicierre Ce WE Gers i is eters Miltonestsdcm cess Milton ns.) oe ees MAR ok. cerca Ns a ee ee ec Ce ©.0 ¢) ae 6 'b, e686) «eee @ eeneee Ce rar Yer eC Ie WR Yaa TY Yr Yee Se s/s) eau 6 ww ele ers) S18) 4s o's 08 U Syo 9,04 # eferee ¢ Sree Maximum Price. oi 21 Al AY 21 33 a 60 21 21 21 ce 21 33 ath a. 21 33 oF Bo 21 & Bp 42 42 oe 42 24 36 24 36 21 33 21 42 24 36 2 36 24 36 24 36 60 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 rf ‘A 81 a me 21 Be ia 81 2 Year. 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 77 Title of Book. Name of Author. A Dog of Flanders and the Nurnberg SESE OR oes, © Rete SOc tey Renae aes Onda a he sends Odyssey—Revised Edition..........+e++- Palinetyc cmir-wstearsts etemor VA LICE. PREEMAI fer sereielt s clese siete oes Paltneraeic sien ss, Self-Cultivation in English and the Glory One tllesml tn PELLECke sapere tiem rut rceiet ete stents Ralmetuecw nse Brien Goldet UTeasuty-nas. ase uF dees tikes Palstaven sean toler Bene HEC ON, bP LAN Mis nici side Ores ee vi emrale IRaiilsoarhal ey seen Shere ata ias Ot LM NStE Vac ws vie Slee Sahai wae PSCkInaN oust h es OldiGreek Ole (Stories: f..c5 404 >. kes Peavodyy 5. os BAEC ens «ita a Nae Oe Ry POA DOUYIL fox, tes SrctcunoL-W hittter’s: Life... 2: cetsebiend v's POrey teaew reais wudement- of ~Soctretes.. v/s foc bv ese wo 0 ale Plato (More) .... The Raven, The Fall of the House of Usher, and Other Poems and: Tales..... -Po€ .....05 5205s The Gold Bug, The Purloined Letter and @ptlerge Tales. nts ee dete eerste otros erences POG ee trae ae ae The Raven, The Purloined Letter, etc.. Poe ............. The Raven, Snowbound, and Courtship of Miles Standish—one volume. ....... ve ess cccecvecseces Migd: Books 1 Vi; XX; XXIV ee. lass Pope Cotes: The Rape of the Lock, Essay on Man, and Epistle to Mr. Arbuthnot.......... ODG rt. conn Gee tere yer oie SSN BOOK, cna syicdniind cae 8! Naim ne oe mee wate TEAS AS folnaere rep intl wal Eyake Rte nak Ren eRe yan Si eiree oom itn race King of the Golden River and Other BN Giidler: “Stories co..\ re lolol vcore ek cae INeskine:anaennee ae atid OL ALCS oe ss «cop ae nw waco te PAISKAN tot eae: sities Car OlMniatlcersciis ee tas ceiaicahrece teas Sabatittiness: sateen Avraham Lincoln, Cts... Fass oye eu ese DCHUCZ Wa aidaeores MCG eee ree ot x sie ea ic Soe hoe SCO ve eas cute sae Res oairthe LAKE. hice tiv ce dese ewan: SOC me nes won Lay-otthe Last. Minstreli...2 2... cosas. SOOM ae Oe aes Mer tie UT WATS clos lao re Pe hoa GOR ste hee PERE OL CCR EMUS 2A oon tv cosets bbe weer Rae Scudte ter Oa2 acre a Papleswatid @Polk™ Stories> ssi. cree cae oe os em RMMO ET She shay eae ne (SEOLOE AVVASINOTON en fos eee ccite bee wis Scuddersn. teases Verse and Prose for Beginners in Read- RMR Nae TAT eke A sch Siarecerh.sie & seth on SOUGUER tes os vaccine PPSRe POUR RO Ol Vonks alu ya cee s rire was ele Shakespeare ..... SEAT EAST AS Re a a ey a eT ea Shakespeare ..... BEVIN, ot tacareo eet eate Seid caeisee eden e Shakespeare ..... pinaiirewes esate). y 5, 3 este faces AG Pee Shakespeare ..... Marmara Mar Ser N ia ot fa altos, GM esa es Shakespeare ..... TIER tt tat Bee Rey Gs Ura sacle ate ware bee Shakespeare ..... NetChart Of? Venices, «is \Senee ceeded oon Shakespeare ..... A Midsummer Night’s Dream.......... Shakespeare ..... omeonana’s lalieti0. oo. css oc cto ee ce Shakespeare ..... BEAT CHANCEL Mir oer iiss cteda eee ekak og Shakespeare ..... PAREN RIA PISPINE Tih! disis @adarccns no co Gs gee 8 Shakespeare ..... ae ve & Shee) @ 06 State VU OOUS cic. cy’ p'e sea ove hae Sharp Maximum Price. 21 33 81 81 24 nS 60 oe 60 24 36 24 36 36 5 21 21 21 33 21 42 42 21 oe aL Bo 21 33 Pp 42 21s 53 33= 21 33 a 69 24 42 Sf 69 | 33 4 oo e; we 69 — 21 33 en 42 oe 42 x 33 21 33 Bie > ae 21 33 a1 33 21 33 21 33 21 33 21 33 21 33 21 33 21 33 24 39 Year. 78 Title of Book, Name of Author. ¥éare-Out-of-Doors.aisces aan cae Shap” ease eee Selected Addresses of Lincoln........... Shape see senha Pisies SIRT ya sit Wee. an ets an ae ahah pereR a iMod Shenidanz eso Southern HP GSH a. esis eho a los RO ee Keentilr eee The Faerie Queen—Book I.............. DPenSefk..5 Gaon i Fa 9 eb Rae mee en er aA ere ae ER on SARE Oe SpPVit sch cee pineasure. diglan din. scoot om eet etek Stevenson ssmeacte ince Doms Tahinn sncocut occ se eee StOWe ci cemeMitatee eithiver'an Traveleys oan os ocs eee Ek SUVELC anions os leaner a (tnete. EP OeimMSis. eee ae cee one avo canyon ene The Coming of Arthur and Other Idylls = | iy Vl. J CMMI Te SDR ok ie he eas OR Pennysone...esate The Coming of Arthur, Gareth, Lynette, Lancelot and Elaine, Passing of Arthur, BUC AY Bos that ot amet ee Via lua a Renta vas. GH YSORM Le smc Bech Ardenss...S.5.% rein oer oe Lennyson coccae.s ' Gareth and Lynette, Lancelot and Elaine, ‘ E Meee OF AN TENIT, «< coo vache scan kee . Tennyson’. 20%. Eee EiNCOSSL Mr. fic muir tees ik, frre ee VEMUYS OI Sse BPO SIMON Scns s coke ace wey onc meee Thackerway ..... Camping in the Maine Woods........... PnOreatt: Siren tues How to Teach English Classics......... PROMS eR aa. we The Succession of Forest Trees, Wild: Pees. WH? SOUNTSS od. n ood aeak ete EhOReaig. Gh Tao re The Succession of Forest Trees, with Birds and Bees, and A-Hunting of the Deer—in off volume.... .........0005 Warner-Thoreau- Burroughs ..... (UN EE” A re ERE cee ee Phoreaa acs ake mreastiry GF War Poetry.......c:cclnce. Clarke-editor WINE CAENORT. oo. aus ok ee Williams ........ A-Hunting of the Deer, etc............. Warner ncaa A-Hunting of the Deer, with Birds and Bees, and Forest Trees...........cc00. Wa ERer tokens. biee SIGMA OE. 65. or. 360 os scl ee Waterss cotesece fir thes Waldetitess oh. nace conc eee eee eee The Teaching of English Classics in Grainmar Grades iz... osc. ue Ree Warrinersos 5526: Rules of Conduct, Letter and Addresses Washington ...... Washington Farewell Address and Bun- eet radi the -Ora tote: sane on cae pees Washington-Web- SCI arta gcc stearenmates First Bunker Hill Oration and Adams and: Jelterson. 2. usw sek Sak eee ee Webster vst cane First Bunker Hill Oration and Farewell Address: 3e. aitacti ch nee. ee eee Webster-Wash- ington: so Reatetson i a cctadeccse ee Whittier’ sc. 4vese Autobiographical Poems........0ce.ee Wihittierts. «oper Mabel Martin and Other Poems......... Whittier sake Snowbound and Other Poems........... Whittier 2c G.tes Nae Maximum Price. a 39 33 42 21 33 21 33 33 ts, a 60 33 45 69 is 42 4 TAG 21 | 33 42 21 33 21 33 Be be Ke 81 21 33 21 21 60 60 e 60 24 81 21 ae 69 a 42 24 36 9 2 21 33 Oi 83 21 33 a 42 21 21 33 Year. 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 79 Title of Book. Name of Author. Snowbound, Evangeline, Vision of Sir NREL EA ea corcesin a eaclels 5 oho on 6 dons ie Whittier-Long- fellow-Lowell .. Snowbound, The Raven, and the Court- ship of Miles Standish..........-...++ Whittier-Poe- Longfellow .... The Tent on the Beach, and Associated Ley sa ete (Oe rae ae eee ie om iD tac Ris Or Walid tiletves sheeeentens BirdseaGhristimas.. Carls 2. wi ames «oe 6,006 Wie oinitenn wen cet Pindiig a HOME s,s ve sle ws lows ae ave tive WWM ste ea 5-0 He See PA RAISING’. g wesc x so caw wre ee e's AWG revetiiaineen ss pneu Polly--Oliver’s: Problent xo. esc Secon WV torrie ces 3 aes Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.......... Eid ahs paren On the Intimations of Immortality...... Wordsworth ..... Selected Lyrics and Essay on Words- WUC ater ar carte c etc eta tie arate aes cals © Wordsworth-Arnold Collections — Little Book of American Poets from GEMGAU On pL U0 ss acyare seve aie’ sstete statae d Rittenhouse ...... HELIS ER CCeNDELITOT ATO tet one ae eis eee e coka. cio. wi taeenens otdmeereteue sees Poems for Study of Language: Panes uhirdsand “Mourtie Yeate. av. 0) co csc cen easion: tite = rit eae isct Wee Callies rates sro canie acelonstatarsters steps kes PP oreittl=-oeventh and tmiehth. Yeats. vis.c.. ss ness mses SGOT E CEL USGAYS of titan a’ ck 05s oye a nlaséie sree Fuess Selected Lyrics from the Golden Treas- ury, Wordsworth, Keats and Shelley... Thomas Selected Lyrics from the Golden Treas- ury, Dryden, Collins, Gray, Cowper Bfalal oJ esbhnel se aan Pee CRM arte! Twa O aC (BhOMaStrn=:. ste Selections for Study and Memorizing, New. Mork: Regent's Requirement. ..06 2c cisineee Buccs SHO LEE TOLICSree rare once owl a cies ote creare Motultonvets. cee A Selection from Child Life in Poetry.. Whittier ......... A Selection of Child Life in Prose...... Wali teats eine A Selection of Child Life in Prose and Pe ae ke RAL Pe ee Ee ctes Whittier sec. Gri" Commercial — ae Mites B simesse CttOn tsa asc of0't!> eevee © ovelete’e DRIVEL Aiaiec ckon eee brs Composition and Rhetoric — Practical English Composition: [DOO Ka Meeeniterermaresting o citi olese taiaielotarer ace, 5-000 Mitllennatts cee wth eons. [Bravelts (bis ees OS ceahn Dae bleh a Niner co a ee ae fi EU ES er eee ea VOC ewe Ream tren eei een Saas Papaicors see, 0b 1S Aa a a ae SS) Oe i ee re ne en SCOUT OME) cine Fgh cig eos Newspaper Writing and Editing ........ Bley iiy cst ha eee? Maximum Price. 60 21 21 o Be 36 24 36 24 36 42 ES 60 21 33 PA 33 60 38 21 24 24 ou 33 42 21 30 21 33) il Ba 33 42 21 21 42 man 96 Ree 45 + teal oe we 48 Pee 51 te feel '09 Year. fe foal a 6m Oo oO OO Lo SS bo SS ~ ~~ =] — re ~o bo +) 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 Title of Book. Name of Author. French — atClasse: ei Francais; .schoccn eae GoUurgziO eek eae eee Literature — Prose Literature for Secondary Schools.. Ashmun ............ Modern Prose and Poetry .........2... Ashiitiit cic cot et Literature in the Junior High School: : OOK OE ont. eine a ce Bolemusii47 44 cae BOO dds so ichk es cede Bee eee Bolewditiss civ hs coe BCHOOL Caar c oe oN ce Int ee ee eee Weber-Webster ..... Mathematics — Junior High School Mathematics: Book I—Seventh Year................ Barber.2ur3.. Laas Book? Tl—Biohth VY ear ance ee Barbertac cicae we ates Book III—Ninth Year ...:.......... Barpete: sc ceione sae Physiology — The New Handbook of Health ......... Hutchinson 2, . ee ‘Hygiene of the School Child ........... Derma ova kone Reading — Silent Reading: OOK PLDs acseceiete heeds Sates, Ek Poe Sloe s. Sp exer eee BOO EVE warktr, Cer ft ee ke een EOROK,. csc come eee IBOOK Vi soar Nar ean et eee pe eee Mek Stopes gine eaten Science — Everyday Science Projects ............. Santino 2 ae eee Spelling — Universal Speller: RCAIMIDICLO eae ck ig kee ae Phillips-Powell ..... Part l—GradesIe4 Go. ache ee epee Phillips-Powell ..... Part -ll—Grades 5-8: <3. ..-kbescus wees Phillips-Powell —o.. -. SAD UOTE oe rnae avers esther Phillips-Powell ..... Supplementary Reading — The Basket Woman Stories ....:....... Adstin’ wae caloee Bird Stories from Burroughs ........... Burroughs) <.ces cage: Squirrels and Other Fur-Bearers ........ Burrourhs--c5 ee PLOLIES Of + ParmOtisns ton, ar Soe Saeeen Deming-Bemis ...... iS ttens atid Gate vou te Rae ane Grover scan moe Money, What It Is, and How to Use It... Platrwards cc. crete SU SVN Dorn, 1 ae et ari apne ae er Elopking =, jcceus ee PAIRETASa: Sey Varies a | hy) noi: prea Husband. .2%e nuns Heroes Every Child Should Know ...... Mabie» cues gamer Home Life Around the World.......... Mirick-Holmes ..... ’ The Twin Series: Primer: CD uteh 15 sak pee ee Perlenys: se aac cana eras Maximum Price. Bete 72 cox 45 ae 36 Ps 39 ite 15 ae 75 ae 75 2 69 inte 39 =e 60 sak 96 ae 72 ee 60 5 69 ase 60 rae 48 Year. 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 ' 1927 ws 81 Title of Book. Name of Author. DUChiphet adc Cat ere eee hee Ber kitisiec tee te see GT One create hc orterers anit secs eee or lale EGRINS Biase ae ts 20k ¢ Li SEIU) AG gS Sort Cae athena Hoe A aba oe Lee Perkinsmeacs cose iseen PPAUOS Cae’ wees ison cares cele ck oeeks iPerkinisty s-sspaeercnen oie BEAR Garner sisioet 3 vs hale Meee AS vee 48 Perkins oy x; isa see Brahe tees sc: ANaveeeas 6s Bien vies Perks an ncie: vvies Oe 4 WOMEN Te oc 8. ric Woe eae GAC aN Mien oe ath Renkinstarcien aoc. 2 ES GON CITaR Seen ue ek eon ae occ hes Pelembiens AT he PenkInSi s)eeh a ele RCUTOIMMON RES isA. Reiki beer ais PEEK INGe eae COANE RS AOS OPE bis tier aol ails, oo wens ke Lesa lahals) aeagsreree ncaa RRS AIL ID dee GeO sealed Sark TOS nce Ber ktniswyere: sects ase os Golonial- Twins of Virginia ......0.600. PeREMISIO AR ood «et via PEAR CONG WANE BAN sche Re sen Soe Ber RiikSterstgns oe rere fhesAmerican Twins.of 1812.0): 7. <.:.; Perkins, fei occia ins The American Twins of the Revolution Perkins ............ Children’s Classic in Dramatic Form: PIR RAEL e cre laa oe ee Dic deh ca aN Ee StevensONwercs. eae aoe Bebe er etree ska AS Tso Mites aan crates or, Stevenson’ = /sau, eet RMD ve eae ace oF ,ih, ee eae. a a eS Stevenson... c. ste oct PESPRONE ete eet cj Nene, SiG « ota eertian oh StevierlSoni a. ne se ea a ee Et oe ent 2 Shevensoliws navc cata s Dramatized Scenes from American His- LAO Iaareatetiotnsstonitalanel ofa acsseiaaneas Maximum Price. .: 66 ice 66 Pe iA 66 Year. 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1926 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 82 IROQUOIS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC., SYRACUSE, NEW YORK. : Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price.- Year: Arithmetic for School and Life — | Book I—Grades Three and Four........ DeGroat-Firman-Smith. 57 1926 Book II]—Grades Five and Six.......... DeGroat-Firman-Smith. . 63 1926 Book III—Grades Seven and Eight..... DeGroat-Firman-Smith.. 66 1926 The Iroquois Arithmetic— Two Book Series: Elementary — Grades 3, 4 and 5 includ- ing a review of grades 1 and 2....... DeGroat-Firman-Smith.. 72 1927 Advanced — Grades 6, 7 and 8......... DeGroat-Firman-Smith. . 81 1927 Series by Grades: Grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, each........ DeGroat-Firman-Smith. . 45 1927 History — A Student’s Guide in American History SIG EAU S! PAM cron cen Se peas ine wee ae Reed-Southworth ...... 36 1926 Reading — The See and Say Phonetic Series: Teachers Manual— Arnold-Boney-South- BOOK L- chiln fAtaaionceke einen alginate yee worth’ <. toc crdaeaees 90 1926 Arnold-Boney-South- PD eyiicio lesen it ose Suet erat lard erates otmtehes Mee WAPrth ic puets eens 90 1926 Arnold-Boney-South- tare, ig 0 GaN tr ok 5 See ee ne RAN Po haa | Worth: “Stiwace paioares 90 1926 Science — A Student’s Laboratory Manual and Notebook in General Science ......... Clement. on cooscteton ames 51 1926 Supplementary Reading — Roosevelt—A Knight of the Nineteenth Pn 0 5 pe Ee Re Mates decries tre ig AE Rte Sree BYOW! casa Gos een aan 60 1926 JOHNSON PUBLISHING COMPANY, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Language and Grammar — Doorway to English: Boole Too oF sh Mtns walaee a eaten eee Rader-Deffendall ...... 57 1926 Boole Tai ge cae tinge Pew eet eieiesalteatamiates Rader-Deffendall ...... 60 1926 Books LIers 3 tne tac ee ee eerie Rader-Deffendall ...... 72 1926 — 83 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. ~Y ear. French — Tableau Synoptique des Verbes Francais Goodyear ............. 36 1926 Latin — us taeiveea tg lectin eon cts See ae Seas com arecave: tic BOStGi= NETISS aecca etter 96 1926 Literature — Roosevelt — A Knizht of the Nineteenth BSC LaO eee Senta edad on di care oa areas ss PVEEADS oes oo Seca bs 60 1926 American Literature. (Revised Edition).. Metcalf ............... 1 20 1926 Spanish — : fETIESTOGEE VLE I@ATOG:=5 af tyic isch a oteisens GOrnV nha ae emer sae 96 1926 MARSHALL JONES COMPANY, 212 SUMMER STREET, BOSTON, MASS. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Art — Great Artists and Their Works—Illus- cS i alg ce SO BLrOOKS, das seule e cutee 1 87 1926 Phe eswosiance 01 Gothite conc. oda cee Creare aa. Cia aren tase. eee 1 87 1926 The Meaning of Architecture ........... Ponder ee 1 69 1925 Language — The Children’s Own Book of Letters and SSHOTCN eS) ee SM ERRNO IM BENS Nieaey neta Ela rding Sosa wrasse 90 1926 History — Me sstory of America, Ttalian-Pnelish. .° Pécorint 3.30. 3b Seca. s ode 75 1926 Ww hetstory-of America, Polish-English.... Pecorinmi: ccc. ccs esas 75 1926 Science — Birds and Their Attributes... 2c... 252. Sol ty Nee Soe eat ee cart eee 2 62 1926 iThesstvolution-ot- the: Horse ... 3. es Ss a LGONIS Sie ce ee res 2 25 1926 Mines Comino Ot: Neat 4%, .ecvats ortte oouatt ene DRS iA CES! eR TRC ho 1 50 1926 Supplementary Reading — The Pilgrim Spirit: SUNNY Wi ete IT A oboe 9s tale: Soo oe iv ain ore Bakeioarn ce sks. itso 1 12 1926 JESU org: Saas etewapsa ate ae Raa Ba kcCrareirereiiirs ate shaven o's 33 1926 Naturecraft Readers: ‘On Shiny Wings (Fourth Grade)..... FAGERIN GS nccae vai eats 66 1926 Up The Mazaruni for Diamonds...... TevertersBe oa aa mnigse e os Fe 1 12 1926 Stories from Mythology (North Amer- eR ing ey ea NM OPiIS rest aaeao citi ays 1 33 1926 Peay iia colonial Home. si. ....ss. Prescottih:.icast einen mee 48 1926 waes-orr | her Mayflower... 055 cess ewes BGtivers aint indimeon eres 81 1927 WME IGATIC LY ALO pv bin oral a ts tiee'se’a oclsies FEVER wide ata nuke! 1314. 1927 84 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Miscellaneous — Letters from a Business Woman to Her Do ter sya cl, vo as aa ee eee Wilkins. )ok auc ces tee 1 12 1926 Some Makers of American-Literature... Phelps ................ 1 87 1926 Causes of War and The New Revolution Turner ................ 1 50 1926 Home Making—A Profession for Men and Women ..... PENN Pos er rer ia nen gS Mac Doral dient 1 50 1927 KEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY, MEADVILLE, PENNA. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Prereading “Booklet Setiéste.3 iow s,s ccs ZivbeSw am cote ere ees $0 36 = :1927 The Story of Milk: EAC NeES — FditION 2h op2s beds ep co een Zirbes-Wirley 60 1927 Piper UWI «2, Ve. es Me OC oe Rhee OPE Zirbes-Wirley ......... 51 1927 ANNE B. LANMAN, 1447 FAIR AVENUE, COLUMBUS, OHIO. ~ Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Handbook of Réceipts ©...¢.t aoe seca str s nls 45 1926 AV Licaty thet sean ee ee ker Penns Pans iac re cacsisvery st « Wig tei Sirs etevereratovonater ene pe 60 1926 Silent Reading Tests in Sets of Twen- PU TIVG tied ar ere ale Kiara csstaenats cao ace 3% Watkins tera ios «crits 2 00 1926 Spelling — Lippincott’s New Horn-Ashbaugh Speller : Two-Book Edition— Pair deaf dGes 2-6 io iis edie ede ene a0 Horn-Asbaugh ........ 39 1926 PATA lest adGs HO. 4 cr rvdsen se ene ae Horn-Ashbaugh ........ 36 1926 86 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Complete—Grades. 1 to 8.......0.20053 Horn-Ernest-Ashbaugh. . 45 New Horn-Ashbaugh Spellers: ‘ Three-Book Edition— Book —Gradés 1-40... 25 Ton oie nae elec Horn-Ernest-Ashbaugh . 36 Book IJ]—Grades 5-6 .....6......... Horn-Ernest-Ashbaugh. . 36 Book IlI—Grades 7-8 .......5.00.65 Horn-Ernest-Ashbaugh. . 36 My Record Spelling Tablet, per package re) a eer ER Were ey De RA ct es Se Horn-Ashbaugh ....... 2 25 Supplementary Reading — Children’s Classics — Fairy of Intra 45.0 s0cenhase es aia re WDFEICS Ss. cs aR es 45 Peppa! Weems. « als cae ee ai SW OMAR hcp, WONT aneiae ae ee 45 Rrancesca sat. Hinterwalde snk ask coe or SPREOs tae rae ee 45 Year. 1927 1926 1927 1927 1926 LITTLE BROWN AND COMPANY, INC., 34 BEACON STREET, BOSTON, MASS. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Home Economics — ene: Tiouse sand: list Cares, ion tsa eens Matthews (secs wean $1 123 Elementary Home Economics Revised... Matthews ......... te tye eee Cistiing ama’ Dexileson sist sents ae tea Matthewsicnc nyse. sdeta 823 Foods: and Cookery—Revised <..:..2...«- Matthews: <4 Fr. eae 824 Food Study for High Schools ......... Wrellran® sinc a4n5 ee ae felts Language and Grammar — Die Sattler GEamMora ry (oe ars «ee ee eee CYGSS Fea ee 60 Little Book of English Composition...... Ceage os Or ha Pome 60 Latin — edt OP Piunet i. ah ace eee ee eee Gslesson,- oy erase te rie 932 Literature — Famous Stories by Famous Authors..... Deming-Bemis 2: ova. 75 Kontempotary —V ers ouas.¢. kucksre eee Merrill-Sprague ....... 93% Atlantic Prose dnd Poetry: sisi. soya cen Thomas-Paul"\ coca 75 Precis Writing for American Schools... Thurber” «22% 04, 673 Modern *Fantlmr Esgaysioy is ci aeees Darien oS aston 1 31} Supplementary Reading — Little: Men 5 ve unet a dtee Sess wT Alea? ara nae ee 63% hes, pelpies: . spr. bewiotnlkpcas x Gee Blaiederl< am oe aera 483 Peyail-iiakereng tis 3 ear tatorae a ees Meyer os Cnet ta chee «664 The Brownies’ Health: Beele. 0... 4...050% Moulton: isun Stee 56} Drinis. of “Morning -wsaseckh = eee WNeutnanir evant clas 60 . Oust isthe Kitchetice:07is ve canoe eee ee Sherman. \4'. eye ceees 524 Eskimo- Legends so. on fice nie epee ae Snell. 23. wies oe 60 Year. 1927 1927 1927 1927 1926 1926 1926 1927 1926 1926 1926 1926 1927 1926 1926 1926 ~ 1926 1926 1926 1926 87 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. The Atlantic Readers : Book I—The Understanding Prince... Condon ....--.++-++.++5 63} Book II—High and Far -.......+-++- ROUNaCWie tte ener twee 2 634 Book I1J—The Wonderful Tune ...... (Condon vo... eee eee 63% Book IV—The Great Conquest ...-.--- andes coun rapa 634% Book V—Outward Bound ........++-- aC ate Fels lige PES an 634 Science — The Science of Things About Us........ IDUETA SEN WERE arm Oa ae 674 Year. 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1926 Note — Little, Brown and Company have purchased the publications formerly listed by the Atlantic Monthly Press of Boston, Mass. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Arithmetic — Book I—Third: Grade .......%.ss..ceee- Alexander-Dewey ...... $0 39 Boolwlil—Pourth: Grade <.i.. J. .1¢5 = 5.6 Alexander-Dewey ...... 39 Book 4ll—Fitth Grade. ic... ics ecces es Alexander-Dewey ...... 404 alc dE Sate STAGE wae soo ys cpaieie oe ne Alexander-Dewey ...... 404 Book V—Seventh Grade .........--+++: Alexander-Dewey ...... 42 Book Vi—Highth Grade 5.604 sens Alexander-Dewey ...... 45 Elementary Arithmetic ..........-.++++- Alexander-Dewey ...... 54 Intermediate Arithmetic ..........--006- Alexander-Dewey ...... 54 Pda GEC eA TIT MITetHG® «eis. cyis) aes e. 8 ese ces Alexander-Dewey ...... 63 Classics — Sanrab.and Rustam... . 2.5. sees sescceces ArnoldiGrccucnsrteme ere « 39 Nr EP OUTAS Coo ae a ahs ache ppais ¢ Sac ere woke ESTMUMAS SD ate o ie ox a. nse 39 Bilovind'S- PIOgress. <.ccc. ke wcssjee chic hoe Began oer tacetah saat 39 Speech on Conciliation with America.... Burke ................. 45 trier tarOilal Vrs de elec Soc elo id Sania ee RYTON °c ONE Ten a 36 Heroes and Hero Worship .....:......+.-. Catlivle » tiecram: sertien oor 36 PL SRON MMA SHES: asig secs, ost Pe ten ed URIYr ils itrg eae aaee Cour 45 mCi REM arise a. svn vi.c.0 0108 aise Swen eGIOPIGS Om ivencete hs ojala s 42 engi iat tae MOnGdaNS vez. sect ee cs wh oes ODES eat ee arma eae 63 CE eS eae Wt Wed Re (3 ee eee WeQuineey is atu ale ease 48 Joan of Arc and The English Mail Coach DeQuincey ............ 39 ALS RE AVO VCHEIOS aol eke Pas wine 8 Dickens cane sweats. as 63 PalaMGW- ANG TAECHE. Jacke es vada scien | OF pia lors baa Ae eg ge Pern ca es 42 I MM EISICT 2 ce Nihon ap sisi oo oe caste oS POUGP ot Stan nian az .. os 45 Mpaay ron MANNGLe cate ce ecw tees igo SEMEL SOM © Serena cole a0 che 39 SeRAUOTMOREADIY <>. cic bicicia ons 4 ah fa betas Loe Macaulay: 2 25 eeee 39 1927 spescnes: on Copytight-tss sess. -.e eee Macaulay: ui ae 36 1927 Ven Lei rh astincsug oe Tax, eee nate Macatilay-ta>. cae ine 36 1927 Pega SL) Penserostastion he a Milter cece tes 45 1927 Pat aciser OGt 7, Shawne, dee ott fel Sear Milter A5 1927 Phe Goldene Treasurys ts. L ones boas eee Palgrave 2 eee 63 1927 heniifeson tail ica. $2i.c'cimh eee Partkimane ie tee ae 54 1927 Conte patil VAIES 4S doc. kis ow Gta aiese On Ruskin eee 39 1927 | CAO oI ess See Oe Ange Oe ETAL ETON Scott 4-42 ee oe ee 63 1927 Badyc or ties Laker. 2) 86. coe eae ee Scott: tyre Bere ee 89 1927 PERU UMOMT SR e555 scans ire eRe ON Scott: 25) ee eee 45 1927 Senin DUT wart... las «ceca Ee noses Scottat mur 2 nem es 60 1927 Peet Obs RAKE AE. 5 0.iy fs, his sacdcnyume ater Shakespeare. 0.420. ons 45 1927 PRICE es ciao Sy. e's he, ne eek ee ee Shakespeare ........... 45 1927 BICHON S Ne oak oie Siva AE re ee ae Shakespeare. 2.2 >> & 45 1927 Peis CACGATY Nous, 4 son cL te eow a koe Shakespeare “5 vosnete 45 1927 ACAI: Pato Ayn cic Nie tN ban aha peel hae shakespeare cis.5s0 oes 45 1927 Merchant-of Venice <0 <03.2 22 ose beeen. Shakespeare Am See Oe, 45 1927 A Midsummer Night’s Dream ......... Shakespeare... 5. oe8 45 1927 SEV LEe INEGI cnc do) de. de Se Ae hI ee Shakespéare <. o.ca ee 45 1927 pat nosen dé~Overley' Papers, x wigs.) cee tail pee 45 1927 BSIP CS ESN GLEE.) chen cds caster ah Ae ee Southey Vics see eee 45 1927 Faerte- Queene (Selections) ......0.2.45 Sretiser 2 Sareea 39 1927 veacute- sland, 23 jena ccrmenae eee Stevenson scene ee 45 1927 SLU ace ee dy | aOR EMC, os opined LENRYSON cst rvenk tee oe 39 1927 Saarethizaml: Lahette: vie. 4: cas. eee P ate Lennysnn- ce hie ene ae 39 1927 Ait i BIR CEG SARS fei BK) emote raat Merced TLennysoir sy os ae eee 45 1927 VG AILRT eat gh Sicea dit es Dike, dens ethene Whore - ccc. eee 45 1927 Hirst Bunker Hill’ Oration «02 f2 4.5. 006 Webster! - Jc3 cia bie 42 1927 Composition and Rhetoric — Gate to English: BORD ic pcr ata eas ak Sah OE ee eee Howe-Pritchard-O’ Hair. 66 1927 BOO MCEL 2) ruta ted, Shes. peek a ees Howe-Pritchard-O’Hair. 75 1927 Elements of High School Eng‘ish ...... Pragks> cose anions a 96 1927 High School Exercises in Grammar ..... Peake 7... eee 90 1927 Practice: Wotkin English, 0% ssi ace es Kaehts fo So aes 72 1927 Composition and Literature ............ Mtsereves he aeae nen ey, 1927 89 Title of Book. Name of Author. Histormy — Beginner’s History of the United States. Woodburn-Moran ... Elementary “American History and Gov- LELICIIC MeN ee ee Matancera ie ear Woodburn-Moran ... The Makers of America—New Edition, Revised: andwltmtlarcedor curse siet.s os ME ay ef eerste christs POTS OAL yc 16% sc ca se vo cv oeok Mat iniet ann ies. en hot. Maximum Price. sists 66 “is 66 Seem tes at's Ce 51 Oats 51 ous 51 ee 51 Ane 54 ean 54 arse 54 ae 54 eu 54 te 54 HA 57 tne 57 as 57 oe 57 ay 63 hE 63 aoe 48 aay 48 ce 51 a 60 pn 63 rae 66 ee 72 ase 75 rr 75 he 75 Year. 1927 1927 1926 1926 1926 1927 1927 1927 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 - 1925 1925 1925 1927 1927 1927 1927 1926 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 go : Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Teacher’s Edition: INewecPrimer 2s. sc aces ee ee Manin” serv ace seen ont ere 1124 1927 New First Reader tc oss aars el ees As een RR ae en cy 1124 1927 Introductory Second Reader ......... 1 Ee Pa et Ries ys An ats 1123 1927 Introductory Third Reader ........... Me attieg =. ‘cn een eto eel 1123 1927 New. Third. Reater if cinco re vee SE hes ah eras ten 2m ten 112% 1927 Spanish — Practical Spanish Gtamimnar sews nee Seymour-Smithers ..... 1 12% ~~ 1985 Miscellaneous — Studies in Vocational Information....... Bate-Wtison’ 2.2 25.45 90 1926 Eistory dt Commerce m4 oe eae TIAN S Sh as cette ee 1 874 1927 LOOSELEAF EDUCATION, INC., 40 S. THIRD STREET, COLUMBUS, OHIO. — Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. _ Year. Near EE ho 5 sia a gee TL ee ae Wartishi p28 sci eee reas $0 10 1926 Pr MS Oe Sx cle vod eee Laie ae Wiattshinn. &.ic tees ae 4 00 1926 Ore OOO Mor oc yvs a ne a Wanshin tea goa apa 30 00 1926 Eighteen Needed Lessons on Constitution... Allen ..........0....0 15 1926 DOK AW A dcchntaes kos EP ee ee PURE. 5 Saw ocak eae 5 00 1926 Petr COU ee oan hah cae ene CL ee (A Weeinrs tac ahh Rae ade 40 00 1926 Our Constitution In My Town and Life..... Leighton ...........00- 15 1926 Bae Oc Uo a Oe a ae OE Leiokton Soh oofeees 500 1926 rere Otte m7. sed Pon eae ee Align Pike deat Ee 40 00 1926 piecewise Chstling <7. 3 oo he pe eean Stafi-( per year )acoe, cnd 30 1927 LYONS AND CARNAHAN, 221 EAST TWENTIETH STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. : Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Arithmetic — Modern Arithmetic: Biementary——Dhirdvand Fourth Grade. > (Cox Se, euay aoe ee 51 1927 Advanced : Part i, Frith and Sixth Grades. .8. COX Salle ee 51 1927 Part H. Seventh and Eighth-Grades:.. "Gor": 4) U.. 2. eau 63 1927 Two-Book Edition: Elementary—Third and Fourth Grade Cox ..........4....e00s 51 1927 Advanced—Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grades aeeem a eee (COs: cca gene ere eee 66 1927 Arithmetical Essentials : Minimum Course—Book Three........ Drushel-Noonan- Withers, 66 1926 gi Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Maximum Course: OO OE n acride ce errne ce ae is sre Drushel-Noonan-Wihters. 60 BOO ew OF ec iae Pee eT eae Tey ss Drushel-Noonan-Withers. 66 Bieler een ranch coe ee ee aes Senet Drushel- Noonan-Withers. 72 SNL elds ava (eee nae acim arrears aes Drushel-Noonan-Withers. 45 Rio urehin GRAadGs sir uct ienree ayers ata tohg xerelans Drushel-Noonan-Withers. 45 iktlaear aces sept ere imines eacers Drushel- Noonan-Withers. 45 Siig il atk Gee VG ea see wage rire cece eC Drushel-Noonan-Withers. 45 Seventhe Grad ete vac ap erscanens hein eo: Drushel-Noonan- Withers. 48 PNET PACES coi GS 3 oo Sima Rea ees Drushel-Noonan-Withers. ol Mathematical Essentials : Book Three: ;... ONE ore die waa ak Ce Cee Drushel-Withers ....... 96 Practice Exercises in Arithmetic......... Add Sana ee ae ee 45 Practice Exercises in Arithmetic—Man- MMR 28 en hice nm cheats BE Sesh when Ladd (no charge to teachers ) Principles and Methods of Teaching JAGR Gant 6 loos eatin aR ee tee DE i NOR eon Overman A Course in Arithmetic for Teachers and Teacher-Traming Classes. ...2...05-0 0. OW ELIAS Bien Deel Arithmetic of Business, New FEdition..... Srithieecss etrok ain teste: Bookkeeping — Bookkeeping and Accounting : Berrie LEK Geo. 7 i einisnie sont Sobre cvs ws Ty Glisten hota Sate agtnG) Oras, cet, oe eee eae Foe Col davons EVOns=SMiith ten oc vee < a RO a oie eee LAV ORS SEN ton arene oratnte vi OTE AS STS © 70111 aaa eo ee ee Bear Panes Spiithi< oes es hs aie MwOnC tilts sccsdk. 8s noe oud eRe ee Exe Peyote Senithiss gu ctyrod stk Wholesale Accounting ..3.....5.0-6.ec08es Eyons-Simsth =e. eat Banking and Bank Accounting........... NiO PiGiakeaste cia hee saris Modern Bookkeeping Practice: Ml eteae Lex tee a ans peeks bees Altholtz-Klein. ...5%... Outfit : ; ET TL gS eS Re ae Altholtz-Klein ......... atte awiOnme mares eon mean rasiel cust esinS Altholtz-Klein ......... Chemistry — Applied Chemistry : Pe PUNTE erick eh Shee cg Me A ak wie ence Emery-Miller-Boynton .. PEM MOU Sie aay See eater ss oow aes Emery-Miller-Boynton .. Chemistry in Everyday Life — New LE CTT sh So fre a perder St ann nS Emery-Miller-Boynton- Do winieveen elas soe) Classics — CRD RE AE (a oS a a Renickertocker is cere cone UMMM DA ARIE es oe ois cack div grace ce ed DACDETIBGN Sa naes. ne nea Smiidgen Of Pes Pines 2005... oe ee ee ee os METS oped ce er a eae The Rime of the Ancient Mariner........ Golenidees, Hv irat as he VT hn SDR Rated Sar ave a ee MBCUbe cai ats Res oe ian uaa” 75 Year. 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1927 1925 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1925 1925 1926 1926 1926 1927 1927 92 Title of Book. Name of Author. Short Stories for High School........... Plee=- Miller eee eee a welttr, Nights. 2.46.02 ees a ee Shakespeare ........ Geometry — Plane Geometryc. 4) coon ee Williams-Williams .. Sold sGeometty 70 oad eee ie Williams-Williams .. Home Economics — Domestic Science: BOOK OIE Sin aol hone ee Mee CUStINGES. sh eet ee BOOK A WO Bass oo, cue acon bee een AUStihs ator ree Book One and Two combined.......... ACUStiny estate seeeens Language and Grammar — Practical English: BOGOR AD ies Cp baht: oo een eerie Miller=Paul 2.00. 5.5. Bgale wy me seer cet eee Me PE Miller-Paul-- BOOK Hrees ale 4 Uy net crab oneal Oe Millers Pathe ot een Seventh Grade Book, Maximum Course Miller-Paul ........ Eighth Grade Book, Maximum Course Miller-Paul ~........ Practice Cards in English: Snits Det NOs d's v.con ia Lape Pribble-Brezler ..... Wt Set NG; 275 202 ab puede ae Pribble-Brezler ..... Cabinet Form: Set One Pera ih aed FO Ve Ge eee Pribble-Brezler ..... oe eee th Ae Oe a eg Pribble-Brezler ..... Set Two Pea a ba Aiea a oes He OR ee Pribble-Brezler ..... Pease tke ane Se oe te eS Pribble-Brezler ..... Work Pad: pet Cie ha. ert.) eo Veen eee —$— oo. eee eee Seta P Wr sn. 5 ony mbar ake ee ——————_ eee Manual—No charge to teachers. English Essentials for Foreigners........ Rose-Shprentz ...... Latin — story ‘of -the ‘Gallic Wars. 2s. 01% . anes Bishop-Johes ....... Latin Text for Story of the Gallic War.. Bishop-Jones ....... Physics — Physics in Everyday Life, New Edition.. Henderson .......... Applied Physics, New Edition........... Elendersonmecasse set Physiology and Hygiene — Health Happiness—Success Series: Health Habits by Practice............ Burkhard-Chambers- Maroneyescra wae Health Habits, Physiology and Hygiene Burkhard-Chambers- Maroney. 7 conta: Maximum Price. By 48 von 72 As! 75 Year. 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1926 1926 1925 1925 1925 1926 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1926 1927 1925 1927 1927 1925 1925 1925 1925 93 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Reading — Child-Story Readers: PPE TTRIOL Gene ioe eres ie sat aeaten ic ale ovete, «.ateiete\ Freeman-Storm-Johnson- Erenchecaaeciaes. anor. 45 1927 TUES Cate cs crete ore iteredone Clecosec oN, elie Freeman-Storm-Johnson- Prrehic eee dee week aes 48 1927 Saeeyale te hee aU GEL ECE ese aI Freeman-Storm-Johnson- Brenchie se issisencs ares 60 1927 SLeEniccltgret ree eee als cle Dees Sees helo sszol oneal's Freeman-Storm-J ohnson- ; iE irench eects asses sais 66 1927 Easy Road to Reading: PELCeD Ole CALs ec ae es pede shee ce ees Sttthweectecceee dene etiee 1 50 1927 LITO TOM al Set ceiarcer crater acts ale rn select a Simithivengcoeeeraceeen ae 45 1927 Sentence Building Cards.............. Smithipresscmewaee wena 15 1927 PER AGEM CALS. oh door Ft don Pace ea es is OH Smithwetes one neat eens 1 50 1927 ehivdit Gm CALS ta pat rnt eee erat euerere een Simi hig wror eter oo esas nrtees 75 1927 Spelling — Breed-French Spellers: Three Book Edition: BOOM ROI Gath Salers sale cick wb citi Breed-French .......... 36 1927 EVOO Ketel W Obeter are are ance: wes ates ehiaee 6s Breed-French .......... 36 1927 | ENS ORR sot Soa A en Breed-French .......... 36 1927 Otitp Ele teras moc ein Rota ercee tials DRI B Breed-Prench:..25...... 54 1927 Sichtnspeller. Combined. tec. esses clon Via yitletiens sass seo cteretncetrate-e 42 1927 Shorthand — Pupils’ Exercises and Review............ WieiSeMan vst tucson 24 1927 PA enor PUIES tes) uns cy Nowa ke tases MOS6f, Ghent oodles 1 20 1927 Primer of Munson Shorthand............ MeCredieg ac nreien ol 1 05 1927 Supplementary Reading — Stories of belle RiVer lsc See e dates seine se Clarice asec oh tie ae 60 1925 Never-Grow-Old Stories... ..0...0..0.00- Grover eee 57 1925 Prom Lincoln*to -Coolidge «cisco. a es UG Gare tees sgn taiss ee oks 72 1925 PAGAL SCE EMUS cterocicne thet istrine tle Seine te nes EDEN ede te oceans See 72 1925 PGE CALMED R cer tenn fas a tae a amet Misreomi: Sanne ssa 5 buco 45 1927 Miscellaneous — Eucationeiie blealtiimune te rces.ct coe se el iors Payiies: Meche ce ee os 94 1927 Patvamentarwe Gide. %s 0c d eed ea haw Wiehitneyrs ccs eka 75 1927 MBORNTIOL CLA MSaMiie, taste cteschsceds oueiarate esis ene ie Bue ress tee ses cee ei Lett 1926 MianiiglehoreapOVvier: cms ces sae veces ere = Biro ecsesea. obebrnee cole: 45 1926 McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, INC., 370 SEVENTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Drawing — Mechanical Drawing for High Schools.. French-Svensen ....... $1124 1927 94 é : Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. . Price. Year. Electricity — - Industrial Electricity : PALE s liticia ee tos ee hoe ee ee Dawes. See 1 70 1927 PAPE EDS So cy Ay chk ons Rohe ee DAWES Se nea eeen 2 064 1927 McKNIGHT AND McKNIGHT, NORMAL, ILLINOIS. ; Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Geography — SHORELE HA MICTIOR nuks.os a aoe eto ea Ridgley-Dexheimer .... $0 18 1926 BSHIE ODON ctl ney dM cen re in oe ae ee Ridgley-Dexheimer .... 24 1926 BASED OAS Nude Sere ee Soe ae ee ee ie Ridgley-Dexheimer .... 18 1926 Physics — Laboratory Studies in Physics............ Bargef~ 255.08: cee 60 1926 THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, PRAIRIE AVENUE AND 25h STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ° Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Agriculture — NOEL: Flatt shires css ce. cones Fa a Cunningham-Launcelot.. $1 20 1926 TAIT WM ALIN 6 aca eee ante See Eckles-Warren ........ 1 20 1927 PraductuvexAgrienittiress. . 6 Seca eneoe GOhgs: eo, McMurry-Benson ...... 36 Practice Tests in Arithmetic............. Fowlkes-Goff ......... 51 Self Proving Business Arithmetic........ CLE cise a aor aiken whe wpe eis "2 90 Exercise to Accompany Arithmetic...... (Gotta cents oem ts 36 ReP CAIOWIA TION «cic. cu cro vPhe a2e.n Searaaitlo a Bye RCAC = OS mee ees eoeiery ars 45 BSyChHOlOs VOL ATIthinetiss »a eae cigesee oe digtinigy ling a oeapee ier see Ar ee 1 60 Chemistry — Practical =Chemistry, Revised............ Black-Gonant.*.. c2<<..«.< 1 35 Biementsvorn. Chemistry |. soos sicaseane aco 0 0s Holmes-Mattern ....... 1 35 Civics — MMe CAVICS os ie eam css oe. Ses Nmmes=ELired=tnycnie’ ao ahes 99 Mh em ConsttitiOli mOdave errennn ior 3c sane 524 1) a ee RE RE EE 90 Practice of-Gitizenship cose. cies eee cote SANG etd ok cnn rn! Stacy) za a0 ie Lth PRE IN OVE CAVICS, IREV, Sool craks ac 'diawee = PFUSIOY rigs peare se .ain sits yo aes 1 20 Sonnnceaingd Citizensitipy <6. 64. iss Je Brooms-Adams ........ 90 Problems of American Democracy....... Burch-Patterson: ....... 1 29 ReOrMSMASIL Ye LVICS ho sicy weenie dg v's Gade vs a Field-Nearing -.....:.. 75 Vocational Civics, New Edition.......... IS TIES = as one tine ees 1 05 Wit pmac let yinOac none atte risers sdecure cabs LYON" 55% see ee oe 1 20 SAGGING ei Sets eos ari cahs ot ae ee Munro-Ozanne” 3. ...2.- 1 29 Making of an American, School Edition... Riis ...........+eeeees 60 Social Problems, Revised Edition........ “POWNE Siiecc secure terete 1 26 Classics — Macmillan Pocket Classics: Twenty Years at. Hull House.......... Addanist 6:5) sos ae an 36 Seieogersde: Coverley... -..ou os seals Ad disonieaucacnn sonnets 36 Eitisue TI GeLsGirr sana en ses Peachey-Dulcken ... 36 Oldebnmish= Balladsvs ater sos ons acne: sAHITMES s cectsieunl rites acre rate 36 Old Festament Selections.............. PAUITIES Pave oks ites acetone es 36 SS OMGA ALLEN TISt It etCyser. seins cia eccrice = Vaviriate Wal Pee ses GRAS eon Or 36 Pride and Prejudice........ Piet eet Sve Amsten-s Maris Goh eee 36 SCIISEPAld SENSIDLALY scone pavme whe we Oa arote ANISEED aise Sido esie ose 36 RAISE UNS ane Art et a PREP goal ™ rape Bacon tense ee 36 Peper, te NOP land. 00s aed ese wv é-we «0 Bakers camucmo ence 36 Short Stories and Selections.......... Baker ise truce castes 36 Br OOUE. siasclscie wie monushictass ss Blackinote “cs ces scscws 36 PRO UMERINEOR Soe iris Oe otis wakes ws Bos wed iawtle vv sieieh- < o 36 SME OEINS. oa cias's ce 2 Sieg oe chin dos Browning? scis i oc towe ee 36 COUTTS ot) a 9 ea IBTOWIiioue cate ore fe see 36 cE Mamta SEMA ELC. sie ts cele cies BIYant Yara how seadintots « 36 Bryce on American Democracy.:....... Bryce-Foltone soe. 5. 36 hastave-of, Pompeii. oi... s). ys5.2 55. as Bulwer-Lytton 36 PeMer ty Sot TORLESE «oc h-s cls loc uec nie Buinyatlavestes tan armies eta stereo 36 speech, on Concilation with America.. Burke ........ss+0..00% 36 mimlectur oeths and Songes.....4:...cece. Bin Setecich hk salsph ote 36 Epoch-Making Papers in U. S. History. Brown ...........0000: 3 Year. 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1926 1927 1927 1927 1926 1927 1926 1927 1927 1927 1926 19216 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage............ Byron “Swe 36 1926 Shorter Poems, inc. Prisoners of Chillon and Mazenpa tc ou: oes ee eRe BYLOR wok eee 36 1926 Selected Poems for Required Reading in: Secondary. Schools! sien BOyRtONs ns ore 36 1926 Selections from American Poetry...... Carhart: ue eee 36 1926 Canterbury Tales , Selections from Modern \Readings}..c 328 eras coeee. Chauncer-Ziegler ....... 36 1926 Essays on Burns with Selected Poems of Bute tii ct ee A oe ee Catlyle-l ic tee 36 1926 Heroes and Hero-Worship............ Cafivle.. accor ane 36 1926 Police. in VWeorder land thee eee Loe CAProlinn, jad ene kee 36 1926 Prologue to Book of Tales of Canter- bury; Knight’s Tale, and Nun’s Priest ALG ie Rms Ss, ot POR a ee (Chaticer aes er cere eee 36 1926 pion oO the dlind..« 6: fens ee Ghurchawtesec eee 36 1926 Story -ol-the: Odysseye on. Ade al ees Church: n ae eget 36 1926 POLE CISIB ER ec tn) Ce onan ea Charehifl’ ssc 2% sae 36 1926 muichare Carvel © -. os. tote eee Chistthilt oo at eee oe 36 1926 Ancient Mariner, Kuble, and Christabel Coleriive= 2.2 ioeean ae 36 1926 phe, Jcene law era: siete een Fe Cooper sais wets eee 36 1926 The Last of the Mohicans............. Cooper a A saer acters eee 36 1926 Prue and I and The Public Duty of plicated “Menino ccc .« ). sn ene CULTS sah ce ee 36 1926 STA Os CURL Rare a sia nein an ASR Churchill 36 POMIOWwOOW wl Ales. 25350 facies vk eats oe els Thawthorne 23S stasis 36 PEMMACe MPOIE LAICS ore odaecaedees deus EavithOnnessscesenttie eters 36 ST LS! 2.06) ee eo FlawthOene- sis cares es 36 Early American Orations.< é. 0. fc. 6 0% Peiet oe artice kre vote 36 Autocrat of Breakfast Table........... Flolmes. hy ccesxk a taretele 36 eleiter WW Oets face me ck or SEE cate Sake Holmes 2.5. oars oe 36 [BEETS hd cS acre (ects EQMe Sagi Ge he gase ee eR ae SP LOMO ds. asasaactie'g whe as a hs 36 iiad; translated:by Pope... : 2.0. )os 0s Home Fx cas eecek wae 36 Odyssey, abridged or translated by Pope Homer ............ each 36 Tom Brown’s School Days........... PAUSES resets ove roe een 36 Les Miserables...... abe Regan St So Pia tac ep co cae 36 Select Essays and Addresses........... Huxley (2. Nese sae ges 36 EMIMALINDEL A cote st hen Poko wae ts Oke Re beyine, eee eee ee 36 Knickerbocker’s History of New York.. Irving ................ 36 INGE SNGOLASINIEN S155. 0..ck crake oaiene Tey se ao er eae» 36 aie tEe SOONG oee et 522 ioc cis aoe was ca eit TiNaie™ fob etre ee wee 36 pales Of a. Lraveler Soc nac drei se LENIN Rae hehe nie eee a 36 Arabian Nights Entertainment......... OUIATS (UY sw ease aew ote, eres 36 ak OSES S02 | SRS rc i KGAtS bsp cud ee at 36 BARPORS OF ASPATE we cics ss ca gate keen ie BS Wg eg ev aire a 36 PAAR UO ee OE a Coats ght, tip it eh tha Kenia: 26s ace sere eras 36 miueteward, ties Waketioss.as evs notte oe. JCINGSley i colces alee he 36 The Heroes or Greek Fairy Tales...... ICG ROW ot eal re a's bs oan 36 WSR MNAEED ELC 6 er Saale tee oe os ICIP SEY, acs Gre bercs 36 BRAC Metin ahr wae ai ya ce oe Leaimboseenc came eas 36 Males Trom-shakespearecis os0scse cs. TOAD wares Sate tiniest os 36 Litervat Sir Walter Scott cvs. Ceed kines 3 LOCATE Sey eas vw Bei 36 arsmicthe Wilds ahatras oa ek ceo k s BOGS Ss, Src Ay Gare. 36 Courtship of Miles Standish........... orotellaw —..2% Yee ene 36 Courtship of Miles Standish and Minor PRI el Cntr SOE ES sok ace ch LONGLCIOW, 2) ais-sre stescr 36 OST VETS) TN ORS ae: De a ae a a a Lotetellow Si. Gc. osieowios 36 Bone or ela wathad sv ost pee.) Ono Tella Wamcate ies 36 1s Be IC, Year. 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 Title of Book. Name of Author. Tales-of 2 Wayside Inna 5.0.0. ea eee Lengtellowe ace as wee Barlierobissays sinas o PP inc tenth eer Lowell »4.. 09-2 sepanee WISTOM ROL soit s lectin t als eae sede eerie eee Iho wellenact a ceeeceend : HESSANS pON” ACCISON. errant eae meee Macaulay> <2 eu eaake EGSSaVS VON CVn mss Pret ere pemeaes Macaulay os tacts ssayscon: avin tonteas seeenee ae ere ere Macatilay Pin avers Essays on Warren Hastings............ Matatlay =? aeveme eee Lays of Ancient Rome, etc............. Macaitidy — ce hited Sanuiel 7ohivconnc. «tine. ce eee Matatlay~ 24. eee pire Morte: d{Arthtt rasnetra: cere one Malory rack oy aeceen "Moby Dick or White Whale........... Melvilles< (2-8 ’ Comus, Lycidas, etc. and Mathew Arnold’s Address on Milton......... Miltog s5ve race ce ee Paradisewleost books: leandsl lease Milton’ s90-dttes oe Selection; Seatherm Oratoriwc i, cacse <3 MeConnell= 7 f224-5% Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics.. Palgrave ........... a hesOregone st rail GreOMetLy- Sara caie oe cetxters slate ee Smith oe eoneis aan cates 96 1927 History — History of the United States, Revised.... Beard .............008- 1 47 1926 Our Old World Background, Revised.... Beard-Bagley .......... 90 1927 Young People’s History of the World War Benezet ...........++-- 90 1927 History of the. United: States, Revised. .- Elson... si. cou. fee een 1 89 1927 A Source Book in: American History.<.< “Hart. -4. oi ese ere eee 1 05 1927 StonyeOretiuman. brosnéssass ss.acr sees. 6 Miarshiallliee.cs)-7o terse ol ataze Ais ll 1927 Readings in Story of Human Progress... Marshall ............-- 1 35 1927 How the Present Came from the Past: EUGUCOM a Po ee cho hicn ass aietels & wins ae eG Wells: Pvc cacwae neecis 60 1927 Ee Y ter ae tate re Sa ee eh ek ES Wrelteticeaae vig ncatinns 60 1927 Home Economics — MAMNM CRA ei S a ass oe ceasing oe «cae IBGy ile eed Som oe met 1 20 1927 Dextilesoand. Clothing osc sG. cs sccwcs ss McGowan-Waits ....... 99 1927 Fundamentals of Dress Construction...... Manning-Donaldson .... 1 20 1927 Dietetics of High Schools................ Willard-Gillette ........ 1 05 1927 Language — Puridamentais- in. English: 2.0.0 .56 dese. Crossics nates toiats ain koe 1926 Grammarand: Practice.2: 0.46 80is sceen Frazee-Wells .......... 68 1927 Mew srnolsn (Graninat 5. la.0eca8 saa ces Leipery ee topes 90 1927 A Guidebook in English................ Sandison-Lowery ...... 90 1926 WA ay ta MS S¥ie 0 hide Rs sea pepe aoa raat an aoe ae Satine, siskeenstaeneritteren 48 1927 Latin — OCENNI CAL’ At ys. cs en we ar ees Sg as Ullmari-Henary. i. 0.2 es 1 26 1925 Caesar : PECUPOMIAIN SMV AL ys soe Sas whl oa ae ires nes ad he Ca Aba bie Mee AVES 36 1927 Wea AREER ATO DEL AMA arta enw rok pin one = eek iad Fo Lee Ca eee ARS ge 36 1927 Literature — Readings in Literature: Peck OG aa 5 ase ea Le tee es Hanes-McCoy .........% 1 50 1927 POOR Lance pete ne tes rica otin-«> aya 'e.8 Hanes-McCoy........... 1 50 1927 History of English Literature........... Neilson-Thorndike ..... 1 20 1927 The Story of American Literature...... Tassin-Maurice ........ 1 20 1927 Modern Reader Series:.............0.0% Different Authors, each. . 60 1927 102 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Mathematics — Junior Mathematics: Book FeLi cent wes So Foner lees eee ‘Bréshicheence.. cea 72 BOOK LLL .4% hoes seen sila Pate groans Breslich; >see 75 Physiology and Hygiene — Foodseand -Healthse i. t- 5s Gace Kinne-Cooléy .<.. 2.2%. 72 Health: and Ethciency...2..sewes ae sere O’Shea-Kellogg ........ 72 Health and Cleanliness, Revised.......... O’Shea-Kellogg ........ 60 The Body in Health, Revised........... O’Shea-Kellogg ........ 72 Keeping the Body in Health............ O’Shea-Kellogg ........ 66 ‘Bailding Health Habits... 1. eas. cae O’Shea-Kellogg ........ 60 Reading — The Easy Book (a: Pre-Primer ss vis <..ce ACRE ee ce ees ieee 21 Child Late -Primér ss: sok see te oe Blaisdell 2 S23! perce eee 45 IESE, ead eEiesieacc iste ade vostro eeu amo Blaisdell) eee eee 48 Everyday Classic Readers: PPT TS vic. Late, Bs ero okey oo ie ees Baker-Thorndyke ...... 45 BOOK es Oe awcinn een NAO ae Os eh ie Baker-Thorndyke ...... 48 Book a's asthe eal ee ne ree Baker-Thorndyke ...... 51 Modern Reader Series...........6..000- Different Authors each.. 60 Science — General. Social Science. ........0. 0.000 Finney os. .4. eee 1 20 Elements of Social Science............ Panrchildst sa aire 1 26 Practical Social Science.............006 Lappss occ ox crac ene 1 20 Science of Home and Community, Rev.. Trafton ........-...++- 1 20 Spanish — Veinticinco Episodios Biblicos.......... Marinoni-Cherkis ...... 45 isaac s-e Marian. i. von co eeiam cee Pens Pitcher a -2 ea ee 90 Spelling — Vocabulary Building Speller............ Meyer sida eadeprentes 45 Supplementary Reading — Merry England... his. ees oun eae Best, ones Reet 60 WVGESEQITT OES TOBE iirc. die crores Se ae eae Best: lscns $1 12 1926 Costume Design and Home Planning.... Izor ............000000- aes 1926 Applied SDrawiig cee oa weeny eae Brow. Minin eateries 1 12 1926 Latin Mediaeval and Late Latin Selections..... Clark-Game 23 ist 1 20 1926 oteral nL Aterabures.c. oka. ot aes ee ke Game 325i > sheen wae 1 20 1926 Reading — . Columbia Reader, Book Four .......... Bonser-Beckington ..... 66 1926 POG TEV: BE cie, atisatln eo vad ow One e ae Bigham-Youngquist .... 51 1926 Lin ale DONE + ssa sa ae a He OO Gare xs irene 48 1997 Out and Playing........ Deka: Gee oerees Gaceur ly. s sae ee 48 1927 Nature Stories for Children: SOT 55's soa ac ie Pe «oe Seren el ae WERE CaN ae a Cn aM meee 54 1927 NATECTERTYD eos Pais els seo Ta Te ECR eon Se Tee eLLoT a Ou ia nae alte Za cartes shiase tor ce katone 54 1927 Great Pictures and Their Stories: BOO oO eich es ecetieat Mamta ce aneurin Wester co ere eee 54 1927 Book woes ca, tn eaine vo mou Bao LEst6ts. ch eae aeaae 54 1927 BOOKS stench ence ees decleeereeatens Lester: he kee eeee 54 1927 BOG OURS: Sc ccaaacea te at NA Fore Lester*..v. enue ace 60 1927 Booka Wer... tn Be ted eed eee Lester) sal ae se eee 60 1927 BOOK SS nen. ee eee mas eéster? 2a oe oa oe 60 1927 PBOOK Ss SEVEN fa cin c nee re errr Rees TWweSter: teens eee 60 1927 Beale ENS hE ices Wis oe Wen he Pree hester= nan ticcte cutee eres 60 1927 Playing to Will darts oe ed eae he Smith: 4 Chien ene 48 1926 CHARLES E. MERRILL COMPANY, 440 FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. ~ Year. Algebra — First Book in Algebra) ........+..6-se% Durell=Arnold Anes ees $0 99 1927 Second Book in Algebra ........+-:6+95> Durell-Arnold ........- alm! wl 1997 105 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Arithmetic — Durell Arithmetics: Pelementary- ooo ot css oss voewag neces Ee eORILEL Acaskitedwussstenater eee ace 63 PNA ATIC Ee Uonuene tira carpe erel root ane orecersia vs miensie AD tirelie ee eecrg ectetonersts. coe 87 OOK MOE ads aed oa aie tnd SORES Durell sss. Meteora 66 De Woe oe eens ss Drei api eae tetas tyres: 69 PIONS ECE. Site talon atacs aie ot hee bie ea. Durelepacto cece hetiecees 72. Bookkeeping — Elements of Bookkeeping, Second Unit.. Cowles-Starkey ........ 20 Civics — : : Byeryday ‘Citizenship... 25. eine este Blachly-Oatman ....... 60 Classics — The Sir Roger de Coverley Papers....... Addison-Steele-Budgell. 45 Sohrab and Rustum and The Prisoner of Chilfor (combined ) viv y cieecie cna wu ee eree Arnold-Bytroneun-. 6.6 37S BIER OCIS cca td cyt eeeeeedes sees Browse eee eee 373 Pealerim’ sr PrORTESS 2 PEINErSOne ctccce rece Te 564 Franklin’s Autobiography ............+ Brann 2:\.0sec4 cnet sa 564 Short Stories of Various Types ......... Rrech Shoe de i eae 56} Selected= ShOTts StOnlesS, ater esisiete's-aisiels acer Besse. Gar ac tin ares 564 MR RE OES era fk oe dike aD te eS ORES Che CGASGlS Scone Mie eer 564 Selections from American Poetry ....... Gaston-Abernethy ......, 564 The Deserted Village and Other Poems.. Goldsmith ............. 373 She Stoops to Conquer and The Rivals.. Goldsmith-Sheridan ..... 564 hemVicat Or VWViakelteld wannntieces west cs:s Goldsmiths :eecesaee aretecere 48} Elegy in a Country Churchyard and De- oan BETLEd. Village Luis ode va chee ee hits 9 ie Gray-Goldsmith ........ Al}. The Man Without a Country and My cio o Double and How He Undid Me....... } EWE ing Shen meee, Bye) Hougsevot Seven: Gablés 3.3069. sos ka. PLA Weh Orne eh wie c teers 60 The Odyssey—Books VI to XIV—XVIII eA Winton Ns, Bein do sca pip Chce Wigan ecdroce PUG Mei wat coh ncak cue ey 56} SBR EEGIN TAODIC (co cheia-s vie’ siawiace eas «he's BOVINE Sse ay pode See 674 11926 Year. 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 106 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Representative British Poetry ....-.--+- Keyes. sf tc: eemapae 374 1927 Essays Of -Elia .....cceseesecccccvcedee Lambsc.%.u fee, eee eee 674 1927 Selections ..... PERE ie ee ie Lincolac ke ct aae eae 374 1927 The Vision of Sir Launfal and Other Poems (Longfellow-Whittier)......++. “Bowell ecicewae acne ae pee gi EE § Evangeline ......--..cccececccveccececs Longicllow Sve bs.cam ate leek Ballads: a: vrcnrstas caisitteretererercier setae eeeees Macaulay -s. eeetni STs. 1927 Essays on Lord Clive and Warren Hast- FACS wk a Va ea ene ace Tey Ole meee Dale Saree, WMACAULAN cise s someon hae 564 1927 Lays of Ancient Rome, Other Poems, and Sohrab and ‘Rustum. .«..... 0005 seca Macaulay-Arnold ...... 45 1927 The Life of Samuel Johnson .........-- Macaulay =<. : 315.03 eee 374 1927 Lycidas, Comus, L’Allegro, Il Penseroso Bid. Other PoOenis “ wou 45 1927 Farewell Address and First and Second Bunkers Hill *Orations tar sects atresia Washington-Webster ... 374. 1927 Snow Bound—The Vision of Sir Launfal : —Courtship of Miles Standish ......-- Whittier-Lowell-Long- fellow Rekasikeees 37422 Toe Composition and Rhetoric — High School English: ee Book“ One Sse ieee eas Sue eRe Brubacher-Snyder ...... 1 20 1927 Book ‘Tots eer ee viene Brubacher-Snyder ...... 1 20 1927 French — Complete French Course .......-++-+++ Greenbero cwcemte waned 1.23 1925 First French Book .........csseeesceees Greenberg: ssicaknanee 75 1927 107 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. (PST Be ae er rE nce a McGill-DeLautreppe 45 1927 Le Pari d’un Lyceen .......-..ee cece eee Chancel oo eases pcewres 3 524 1927 apace tiie ce ore wo bsietennigce Shean e's Merinied si. ces caps he enc 562 1927 Geometry — Plane Geomerty .........002e sce eeeeeees Durell-Arnold -......... 1 05 1927 Sid AacOMetr ys, 66 Vicar se even’ tnee «is Durell-Arnold ......... 93 1927 German — Der Schwiegersohn ......-.-++s++seeee BatiaWach cake cre ees etc 72 1926 Die Journalisten ............--- eae TCV tao Mins scucsiee aay ee 72 1926 Germelshausen ....c.csscccercssecceces Gerstackefics 2, sea ee veers 60 1926 Hermann und Dorothea .........+eeeees K0ethe— se e.e co aee Cea 72 1926 Pochziet-aut Gapri. gics.csteecs csevercs Peyse Sciex sovce seme 60 =: 1926 Hoher als die Kirche ...........eeeeeees Hillern* 2 oan tee te 69 1926 “Minna yon Barnhelm 2.0.00... J ege oe sees LOSSUIGT git ote eee nein 72 1926 German Review and Exercise Book .... Mankiewicz-Leuchs ..... 75 1925 Der Neffe als Onkel ....2....ccccescees Solrerie ae cme s ocak snes where ome babies Wilson-Winship ........ 33 1927 Interinediate: 5.0. vbr. nde +a bee seeds Wilson-Winship ........ 36. - 1927 Pavaneedee sf £06. hee ghee arte Eee Wilson-Winship ........ 33° 1927 Miscellaneous — » America’s Roots in the Past...........+. Beeby nc ats set ee 75 1927 THE C. V. MOSBY COMPANY, 3616 WASHINGTON BOULE- VARD, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Personal and Community Health ......... EUITN OLE kate He ore $1 874 1926 NEILSON DRAWING BOOK COMPANY, POCATELLO, IDAHO. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Pupils’ Edition — BOGS aa ton Rio. hersnvs we serena tae tinker rales Neilsonert care ase each 25 1927 Handbook for Teachers — Books? 1:56 8 kes aes deo ae Neilson:><. ance. tos each 25 1927 THOMAS NELSON & SONS, 381 FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CIP YAN iy Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. “Year, Supplementary Reading — RolleGalitofsbronorlccsern cae ae ene Ounller=Gouch> +. ese 1 124 - 1926 Old Mother Goose, With Anne Anderson td (od tLe Be AE eRe REG EPA xy ROE res SEER - 66 1927 Busy Bunny and Cuddly Kitty........... Dennis > sc. nace eoren 56 1927 Podgy Puppy and Naughty Neddy....... Definisisccsnisn saute 56 1927 RBC of Animals. on sentence vo ace eee, WSN sy va ats atecanelece ae stems 56 1927 ASB Cot Bids... sikh ee eee iS |. bate ete cance 56 1927 Ansinals 7We Know... '.. id scc.,i0s ie OF tL OUIN 2 site ae aees ane 56 * 1927 Moninats. By oligg’ «326 cc. aioe ee wee Kiso | sie tacaeteeae es 56. .. 1927 SOMO? Zaid orc cack cice tsa eee eee LAwis ck ca meee 66: ~* 1927 Adventures of Chippy Bobby.:73...:.... Batchelder ............. 56. =;°1927 109 Maximum Title of Book. ' Name of Author. Price. Year. Tittle: PictureS swe soe dae ee el idee elelewes Sfeedinai aie ct icicte< see si = 56 1927 Victors of Peace..........- Beaten Pen tetera Quiller-Couch .......... 45 1927 Mary and Peter in Italy........--++++++: Barlonineec: sahiee serrate cine 45 1927 Teachers’ Books — Teaching of the English Language.....-- Jd (ioe Sea men MO ie cr ae 1 20 1927 Successful Speaking........+-- see ee eee Sanford and Yeager.... 1 05 1927 (All Books Quoted F. O. B. New York) NEWSON & COMPANY, 73 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY. % Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Language — New Aldine Third Language Book (Pu- pils’ and Teachers’ Edition) .....-++-: Spaulding-Bryce- ; Buehler-Caverly ...... Shales bo! 1927 Reading — Aldine Reading Series: Learning to Read .....:...+++seeeees Spaulding-Bryce ....+.. 57 1927 BRIT CL cr eee eiccnee Cnet eter ered cio ekaderehorelis ase) Spaulding-Bryce ....... 51 1927 1B¥a\oi kat Oya (aha ame icieaet ea wy SOU cai a Spaulding-Bryce ....... 51 1927 PC oman WO BEER NG cain aoa ose ce abials ieca tenes. ome ates Spaulding-Bryce .....-. 57 1927 BOOT CE LN Aosta cure ieee lawsiateys slelelsicreve Spaulding-Bryce ....... 69 1927 Newson Reading Series: : Peeimler— Playtime somes muses elec © ectele oes BrycesHard ye ens ol 1927 Book One—Good Times .........+..- BrycesHardy =. ses. eo 51 1927 Boow Two—The Open Door ........- Brycesbiar Gye oes seein 57 1927 Bok Ehree—otoryland iht.e cc cis ncna ss Beyce- Hardy vavcnen sao 69 1927 Manuals: PETINER iis te Fda he hese een tape wee Bryce-Hardy ey.cacons +: 57 1927 a ENNR sm 2. 2 uk ae aha ee ees as Bryce-Hardy ......... 57 1927 Acie, Card> Ouart .< eor vaqnie< oes »pere's Bryce- Mardy = cease ear 2 40 1927 Supplementary Reading — Good. rimeseat Grandpa's ..¥2. 1927 Arithmetic — Book One—Formal and Problem Percent- a AGG ra ats ack Pata eis ln ad Abe ee ator aig aa ee Warder wise deere es ee 60 1927 Book Two—Application of Percentages... Ward ...........sccees 632 1927 Book Three—Mensuration <5 ....6s.0.05 Ward: Aiduaues acoder as 674 1927 Civics — INVES OCIA le CLVICSiee citelete a aise ele ieerereretstens Phillips-Newlon ....... 1.124 1927 American Citizenship .........0. recess Evans-Patterson-Sim- WUGTISO suk aon onde were 93% 1927 Commercial Branches — Banking and Business Ethics .........++ Borden-Hooper ........ 1014 1927 Geography — Elementary Geography ......--.seseeees Dodge-Eackey, ect sersue 1 314° =-1927 Geography for Beginners: BRC MODES aos 0 Lio ais bete toad peda iol oe ata ee Shepherd 4 evee seis nace alate 674 1927 BOOT EWOnsn a ries ine cick eeter stoners Shepherd: patere niin 90 1927 Geometry — Vata KOT ova geo pet eoteg ce hanO MO Oca Sykes-Comstock ....... 90 1927 Plane and Solid Geometry............++: Sykes-Comstock ....... 1-35 1927 ~~ History — History of the United States (1926 Copy- IGE ocowe ew othe a hae Sew Ga Ree ween eRe Mace-Bogardus ........ 1 314 1926 History of the United States (1921 Copy- FISH P tis oe Luisa Rae eee Re Mace-Bogardus ........ 1 20 1926 American High School History ......... MS Ce ee Uc kta cetnes 1 80 1926 Story of Old Europe and Young Amer- ica (Enlarged) ......cceseccesccccces Maceslannerctleceess 1014 1927 Beginner’s History: Revise tic ioes te tall eh Sa edswe Ceew Mace. piidaecaxtes tiie 93% 1927 Palarged) Sec ctivesiv cas cas oes Cetera Ma eee ist hanes eRe 1 014 1927 A History of European Peoples........- Perking ace. are anes 1 95 1927 Language and Grammar — McFadden English Series by Grades: Book One—Part One si... cceesccscees MeFaddén |... o0.20F005- 414 1926 Book One—Part Two ......seccsecees McFaddét “on sniwesstnws 41} 1926 Book: Fwo—Part One: jviics a paisneeeews McFadden 2:34) woke ean 45 1926 Books Two—Part Two dine pew-surtonis McFaddetiv,taiavencenaue 45 1926 q 113 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Book Three—Part One .........+e00- MGR addetics ac ciecrie iis 564 1926 Book Three—Part Two .......eeseees MICHAGGEAO Ns stemipercsek d's 564 1926 Answer Books to General Language..... CGS Sera ys ohh ee ee 374 1927 The Gateway to English—Pupil ......... WOMENS isthe sok ts wae 75 1927 Mathematics — The Thorndike Junior High School Mathematics : 1 SYO\O Ss EL CMe ge a a "TRGICIRE | hick sacs tet 60 1926 LATO) > SINS (co ete ae Sa eR Pena a ae EE OCIRIIRS io fecte airs, a0 Pils 60 1926 BOOK MEE NEEL is gave cre ois.e 0 6 fo, s\etersp nate sta7arety : SDH OEIICIK es nates sees ceeholers 933 1926 Printing — BEMOO aE LITESHOD) pors'. ois ood cals, « ote iat se wh Stiwells vine. ance ween 101% 1927 Supplementary Reading — More Mother Goose Village Stories..... Bighiatin a eroapisnescttet ct 633 1927 sinponnet Babies in Italy Bodlke-s ate ues ies cae oe oe Bates ie eck et eee 60 1926 ritShay OM BUTNS sox say aidectlnaamneew pews Garlylé/nt sacside oemateles 45 1926 Introduction to Writings of Ruskin.... Scudder ........-..++++- 66 1926 Composition — When You Write a Letter............+ Clarke se oak pase. 84 1927 Publie"Speakines Poday s....2-.-ys toes se. Lockwood-Thorpe ...... 1 05 1927 French — , Easy French Composition and Conversa- HROUC esi ka hole eK Qa entree ata ta arene Espinosa-Sellard ....... 72 1927 Gontes ida." ‘Petit! Parisien’ i. saccucs ons-+ Ktthne-Hooke ...+ss0 0 69 1925 Fluent French for Beginners............. ROg6rg 8 nigeen oe eaten 84 1927 Voyage de M. Perrichon (Levi)......... Labiche ..............- 84 1927 Colomiba =CManley) Sera Saag rr are 1 47 Mathematics — Junior High School Mathematics: ee T SEC. \ nth on or ae eo ee ees Stone oth, scree bei anroes 90 New Mathematics: , Bones One eis sanaviccepacbin eee Stone ete ctiet deviate warner s 42, REL WO ect tS ee cic kis ea are ale age Sioned nee reine’ oes 75 Book OUNCE. c-ses owe c ce vale we aro Jeete’; HOMES worst We so Bele se seals 90 Reading — z9 Talks About Our Country ............. Chalnerss xs, 0 ee wean xe 54 Eithe tome Workers. ...¢. es en ste etn. Hinley seen utes acc ae 48 The Children’s Own Book ..........000- Hall tetvals, enka mies 57 Billy: Boy's Book. ....... ss cceecgevcces Hanthoriin gees akwes aos 54 Little American History Plays for Little PU TTEGP IC ANS tig ol ces cio-ore dW bce ete Hubbard s0:.<; aries 63 A: Realistic First Reader ...........000. WAvtOW tos hai ee lee "48 Elementary Science Readers: ECS OOK Sots Gale ors ace Walbn eke > cee Payne-Barrows-Schmerber~. 54 SS GR Tela) er ek ee one ee ee Payne-Barrows-Schmerber 54 City and Town Readers: nina RSS? Re ANG S aot eee TIO Reaiteremesmretciotts sauces 54 LECT Eda ety ee EEE aC OUCNOME Gar Raitensssauttec sas wne 57 Serre Pi naias | LOUGY ns ck siev ew hpvescs ye SSyvRIOU ross cists kas Suse 63 @ura National Parks, Book: 1s. cs... -=0 RGMEr ates Arcee eice nes 75 Science — , The First Year of Science, Revised Edi- tion: Marre, halle se a eral TET a ee es Tessleh Ae tata stant eset 1 35 Ba SSIte Pah Petre a ay ve oR ans Bia k seb TeSSleP ase. Gab at is Ges ys 45 Junior Science: ROOKME WO tae Srinctee chine meimece vies MES Elesslepir waa neces ieee 84 SDI AOE Ra SAIL SE CORES age I A, oP NL RA, EH ear ae TP 1 20 Spanish — BiteaIna Cet lav Casa. Sieg ets. osha pens Oats oe et er na erin 84 Navarro - Tomas- A Primer of Spanish Pronunciation..... FSOta Osa tre niy eis Pas oes > 84 Mickiespanisn Radel ee isaseuscevaseacs BADINOSA fesse fice oh kl 84 Mn amitan VEAWENO. epics keamaetsceewse Burietis ons cess oesae 84 aA MURCA Cex WERT uitia heh xe 6a 6 abd A 0c RR Re need eens 84 BAA BMGRF AICS. srk cs cow ices soc sosisncc Adams-Starck ........-. 63 Year. 1926 1926 1927 118 Trigonometry — A Plane Trigonometry with Practical Ap- PlCatONS Gan cee ees ik bee Se ee Dickson’ <.icae eae ya Ee 1927 W. B. SAUNDERS COMPANY, WEST WASHINGTON SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. . Year. Personal FIVGIENe ©. kl. clei Williams «s,.5aec eee $1 50 1925 SCOTT, FORESMAN AND COMPANY, 623 SOUTH WABASH AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Arithmetic — : Arithmetic. Work-Books: Pupils’ Edition— ; Grad EoD en soared lw Laat es Knight-Studebaker- Ruch ss Coo eee aaa $0 27 1926 EL AOe Oss. 2 Oe taamus ae eee ee rae Knight-Studebaker- [Rites Hager vere he ee aes Seon 27 1926 Greadesocnc, this: oe aa whe esloean cae Knight-Studebaker- Rushes: Rio ecae 27 1926 RaTathen Es ts i.e ee ee aa ds aeons Ree Knight-Studebaker- RipGhice. 5s ose ee 27 1926 ESPAE As Fi cssio mis bs Oe Agee ee ean Knight-Studebaker- Ruclyescccncom nae Aa 27 1926 pager el ake el iekae Ueda oae as Knight-Studebaker- ~ Ruch lat Stes ee 27 1927 Teachers’ Edition— SCAUG oO. iia cal Ge aac tee ee Pe ee Knight-Studebaker- BUCH Aa gee eae ee 36 1926 (rr aden ae Pere SA aie ahtie gti rte eee ee Knight-Studebaker- = BREET ee alate Ie See 36 1926 oracle He le a aie toe ete nae a ee oon ee Knight-Studebaker- Rags eset pete 36 1926 MST adh Gone ober kols ere eee cee Knight-Studebaker- Ruch ss Foret meek 36. 1926 GPA eT hr Ee oe Bee cel anne ... Knight-Studebaker- RCH scales ees 36 1926 Fea e aks ba kin Sa'a a Sees Oe i Knight-Studebaker- Ruch veteteee tent ee ey ~36 <..-192T Standard Service Arithmetics: 4 Grade. “hres: cave os; Gan een ese Knight- Studebaker- Rich ih es kG ee Grade: Rout? Vlad nk eee Knight- Studebaker- Roach Lx Seca eee 60° i [1SoF Grade: Hive (4ts.ce ate eae Mind Pete Knight-Studebaker- Pte Ruch sckecerieme BR pee i i i Venue? oP . 4 119 Title of Book. Name of Author. (Re SSS Sane re ee eae ... Knight-Studebaker- Rite liciperastet eae netetens Lake English Classics — Essays, English and American .....---- der el eee eos Sir Roger de Coverley Papers ...-+-+-- Addison-Steele. ..... Selections from the Tatler and the Spec- oS Se eee en ere rater Uae Addiston-Steele ..... -Pride and Prejudice ......--.eeeeeeeeee NUR leeds ar ae Selected Poems ......20+-eceessccoeeses Beroiwiitin Osericre train's wots The Pilgrim’s Progress ......-.+++++++ Swhapaiil, goneemnanonds Speech on Conciliation with America..... [BY bhg don Meare meee ee Selected Poems and Carlyle’s Essay ..... BirnSrce recast Selections from Chaucer......-+++++++5: Ghancers Hoagie vane os The Ancient Mariner and the Vision of Sir Launfal—One Volume ......--.-- Coleridge-Lowell .... =A Book of Modern Plays .......0...++- Gofimanre, cece SINUS ei isc sit ycleroigin Se snow Oe vere ne we COBDEES Fhe Two Years Before the Mast ........-++- Dandiea.twrytrcorse os ReGiniSOllM CLUSOC (sc ciserseslasicws aeuyee DELO Gm caine eters Flight of a Tartar Tribe ........+++++ De Qumeey icc yas Joan of Arc and Selections ......++.++-- De. QOuinceyait, se: MNGiimistinas: CarOles. socks cs a» clos sone DiGkKenS Pawel qs PAGuale OT eInWOn CITIES) os. .iee'. sia sie ome ois Wickens eisehtets once: David Copperfield .......6--eeeeeeeeees DIGKENS yt wrvastopten b Palamon and Arcite-<.. 06.6002. cce ewe Drydei nara. waeees Essays and Addresses ...-.----++++++005 Emerson 4... 4-aaes Autobiography ......--sseeee ee ceeeeeee ARRAN hor mcsaa orncetat Orie (: ei Ue Gaskell (Mrs.) ..... Reta Marner ois as co wade taps iene ies in SISO Ra Suet ore Giada The Vicar of Wakefield .........-.+++: Goldsmith «ivs.is0 ea. The House of Seven Gables ..........+- Hawthorne? t. 7... .%i. Sa Gee EOC LALeSt tao. win ele saeiclofearie wile es Hawthorne: .3 ocr. % Tom Brown’s School Days .......-+++++ Figohes. feat eae Tite of. Goldsmith | 2.0... cts bee ce enees AEVIFE ences oe «aie PERSE SICEICINDOOK yp ols lets 6 o.aneeel ae wenn ene Pevitvthe acts nclic some MaleGhOr An EFAVGLLeto a se. o's cfersisinie serene oo e~ Igaialileeee ciety AA emnegd Gee. Essays of Elia 2... specs cava cenecesencs eemilicnass opie Ries os Nartative Poems si h.eeclece odes escees Poneiellow: a. vie e 3 _ Essays on Addison and Johnson ......-. Macatilanantismrds hare Essays on Clive and Hastings ........-- Macantays severe Essays on Goldsmith, Frederic the Great, and Madame D’Arblay ..........+-0+. Maratiay tines sis _..Essays on Milton and Addison ........- Wiacailayr iti. dere POET Y Of LOUAY: ve ije sale teeny eep ace nn.e Mikelo-Shoup ....... MIVEITLOT ME OCHISE iscincacle «cou Re oe © we Ril ators Wilton sess cree Pee Sais Paradise Lost, Books I and II.......... IMIS EO sme se skartierere lstecek Old) Testament. Nafratives) ......<-%0.-%. Rhodes ho vc.cnvictisccs One Hundred Narrative Poems.......... IRGERES to ea iv det na peen aye Geil) a TP Ca oe ea Palerave:.; fs .sovuat CHONG SE TAN costes gets hc sp sina ncc esis PAN ee tei a: xcaahs ..Poems and Tales ........:seeeereeeees Gt De ae, hak ase ak Maximum Price. aa 63 bite 54 aot 89 Ae 45 us 48 ih 48 ae 42 ve 45 ees 45 eae 54 Year. 1927 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1927 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 I20 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Homer's Iliad, Books I, VI, XXII; XXIV Pope 7. wee 33 1926 vurneticain Short) Stories: yscss ae cea ok Royster jace.4 Sorc tae eee 54 1926 meSATUC Aid LANES cing 20 ea ok ee ae Ruskin-°j034>-os5 oun 36 1926 he, Lady ‘of “the: Lake’ ue ccuseneeiars SCOtl 4 cna eee 42 1926 The Lay of the Last Minstrel ..... ihe vere SCOtt: te, eva yeeneie eine 39 1926 DESY SION oo vy Ske EN VR Oe ee CRE Ss heereat een nay 42 1926 PN AHAGES” atu Ws Teulon miemiemteta ds oe ede See PaCOEt Suns tee Ge ape ee 54 1926 Brelish. Poems cho ce eae caeke ee ore DSCHOETs: Sue cess 60 +1926 Piglet doy pil BYU, oh § iiagaeee OR ee PaO NAAR RR Tate shakespeare yoshi. 89 1926 PA ASTLODE Coos SORE btn Petes neem e Srna Mea Shakespéate: o.i5 o2iec. 389 1926 PLOUTY: tae | Pabths oko ee caterers Shakespeare (2540.25.03 F< 39 1926 PUNE MACSEL cexily ic oie eae ee Shakespeare ......+00-- 39 1926 SCORE ice seas eth one ow Caen b ER ee whakespeate oi: Sos ase 39 1926 A Midsummer Night’s Dream .......... phakespeares. ucts eciece 39 1926 ROmIeo rand -)tliet 2 os. yeudec cose ee Shakespeare. 62. pene 39 1926 MU Ie SpE EINPESE 16s E's < oes ag ee Rete on Shakespeare =. ccsugines é 39 1926 pelts Nightice acne ues cae peas ae Shakespeare .4.2.cs00 «5 39 1926 the Merchant of Venice: . dices ceancucee < Shakespeate:.i-souen.¢ 39 1926 An Inland Voyage and Travels with a TOMBS Fcc. ey Sa wee Oe een Lee Stevenson)..c- ake ee we oe 45 1926 A PCTGENE ay S1c¥e Cae pe OM ogee 8 A cog SE ers Stevenson os... sasneee es 45 1926 Mereastbe Shari 25 ONG on bata cele vas Stevenson rnc waar eee 45 1926 Selected Poems (including The Idylls of PE HII) WG saa ten korea na aetahns ees Pentiyson Shox see 48 1926 Muli © TIN CCGS ae wits ns ase ot gute so dS gE ory. tr ati eee eae 33 1926 PLO BT MET OINOTISTS mc .cysc os sure eae ee “Enatkeray- Sik «eee 42 1926 PEGE CESHIONG Wola cs 5 SKS am Dect aei Gene yee Lhacketay.-:.c.n suisenie ee 60 1926 murees American: Poems ini o iN ise ee os Greever 77.2.4. ks eee on: 33 1926 “eypes-Gt the: Short Story 20 0 fc eine ea Hlevdrick oc meee 45 1926 Washington, Webster and Lincoln ....... Denney cin koe eres 39 1926 Composition and Rhetoric — Junior Highway to English ............ Ward-Moffett .......... 75 1927 Geometry — A Laboratory Plane Geomerty ......... PLUSH Sania eal ete 1 05 1927 Plane Geometry, Revised ............008 Palmer-Taylor-Farnum . 90 1927 Solid. Geometry, Revised: 2...) .vcacscy 5 a2 Palmer-Taylor-Farnum . 90 1927. Plane and Solid Geometry, Revised ..... Palmer-Taylor-Farnum . 1 35 1927 History — Founders and Builders of Our Nation.. Davidson .............. 66 1927 Stories of Greek Gods, Heroes and Men Harding ............... 66 1927 The City of the Seven Hills ........0+5: Harding 75.00 cers eben 66 1927 The Story of the Middle Ages .......... Parding si. is cae oes 66 1927 Home Economics — Science of. Home Making .....csscceeees Pirie: iin Seen sani 1 05 1926 Language — Tee MsOsS.: Book s.4 tro na savertoorte Wa td oe need einai 45 1927 121 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Latin — New Second Latin Book ............-+: Beeson-Scott .....+...-- 1 20 Elementary Latin ..........0eesseeenees SCO aia eines telat e core Wie 99 pete eatin LESSONS) 0... cos ue hive oe SCOR Siena ca nck kip thee 90 PORES check sats beet a hea she bene ee INGER 5 eon cw e's bis oe 90 Caesar-Gallic War, Revised Edition: Hote BOOK ECitiON F... cavers et oder WW GRR ee sy calachie go 1 20 SEV DOG. CItION sive vee. te eb onde MV AiG fs Neca eae y alec «eats Gk MEF Literature — Junior High School Literature: Mee. ass jwise kaa es kas Elson-Greenlaw-Keck... 1 11 BOOK DL ean oe ie ee oe Se ee eee rican Elson-Greenlaw-Keck... 1 35 Literature and Life: LS 2 ae ee ee nice SiC er ae Elson-Greenlaw-Keck... 1 35 Music— Lyric Music Series: Priner,torcd Grades - 4.5, cee bee ee Johnstone-Loomis ...... 45 First Reader, for 3d and 4th Grades... Johnstone-Loomis ...... 51 Second Reader, for 5th and 6th Grades Johnstone-Loomis ...... 54 Third Reader, for 7th and 8th Grades.. Johnstone-Loomis ...... 63 Reading — PRIMED oc c5 ss. RES LR acta Saree Mask eats HisGit=. Cases eae oe ee 42 Oe OO aie cee RS RO ee SAE Wa Elson eocra aso oie 45 GIMME fs <3, os hace) Wah is s Soak BOW Rese Plsonicat sore cosas aaeek ol My ET POG reine bang a oie. 0 daw Ried Om bach, b, wc bce Hishtied.cseenes theta 57 BURST te si ickaic wie wb ans SOR pias Kas Ye FASORs Caos aa tixetoe te 3 60 Berne ag weg tas cae Bw We ElsOig taiesae eas viele Games 63 MSAK ec Weaie baie Nain cole «ORCS Lib iy bb Ayo Pls ena nt cek wes ees 63 POEUN bok. vc cs eva EER ecb es katy FUROR Eide ra wae Maes 72 MG WSHAC DT cn ton sete here AK iy Merb abe. e FilsOniesats cinsienteiceenoree 72 Child Library Readers: PAIR Ge ne OA we ice sea COLE Sb bie ok eae Ss Bisons Kellys ss ssa ns 3.08 51 LN 57} 09 Fy RS i cm SO a PON ae ae nee 57 i Byoyes FAVA A Ea oe A eh a ET A elsO tints ek oe cn ees 72 Science — Everyday Problems in Science ........-. Pieper-Beauchamp ..... 1 20 Spanish — Laboratory Exercises for the Warshaw- Bonilla Elements of Spanish ......... Roehm=Manchester ..... 45 Vocational — Mechanical Drawing for Secondary BEHOOIST eect «ty. PCCD tao cea ae »»++ Crawshaw-Phillips ..... 1 20 Year. 1926 1926 1927 1927 1927 1927 1926 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1926 1927 1926 1926 1927 1926 tae CHARLES SCRIBNER’S SONS, 597 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YOR CITY. Title of Book. Name of Author. Agriculture — Our Trees and How They Serve Us..... Maddox-Parkins .... Algebra — Practical, Algebra 3.7: ,025ics << aig Vile os Brookman ......... oe Americanization — Second Book in English for Coming Cit- WENCH E sows dae t a hehete ws Sri emaene Goldberger ......... America for Coming Citizens ........... Goldberger ..... i ae Art — The Nature, Practice and History of Art UStident stEdition)= ce. toacsa ok es Magonigle .......... Civics — The Spirit of Independence ...... eee io CATION. fio oe ee enone The Story of the Declaration of Inde- PRION O ste. nt eva Cir i nos wernt \Carltonisivest oaesene cat Preparing for the World’s Work ........ Doughtom -ececeaee American Ideals—Book Five ............ Greetie cr, inane Classics — Selections from the Spectator .......... INTCISON I creme ae Speech tor: Conciliation "+ 2s... 08 be. Burkes eee GIGCE ROBINS i. o4 oe SRE ic tee eee Lee Byrotncr seed SG hee ROOMS.) iting peta’ Wont oa eae Browning? = scion A EARS OM OEMIENS 2.5 has es cee Catlyigy dsieie er pumnieilt Mariner os.) 1s. 0 pe acaeans Colésidge' % cin ionen SUAS MATHER. Acy icatu ost eee Seb tee Fiesta: 5 eaves LE TaaRT OF = Boy lho a pe ee ae Gaskell ys wh deems Selections from Sidney Lanier .......... Lanier? 47) oe ae nae Selections from Old Testament ........ Houghton eee Lays of Ancient ‘Romé...0.2s%, os ee Matadil ay “a Soe water ee Life and Writings of Addison, and: Es- BAN Oia POMMSOM: 3). F.'r ade ee ee ieee Metcatilayesante ence SHOMen ce Gets: 3% uc. gees Lene es Milton™ nf ee Seas Macbeth: eis ont g Stat Sore Shakespeare i asw 4 Wilts Catsare 005 3 ke spheres terns arenes Shakespeare ......... : Merchant ot. Verce <4 yn, sro 0 SHAKES PCATE! |< ae Lad y"ot Perl ake acces eee te deve COLE. Lisa a grammes "Ereagurée. cists cus octane ere Stevenson Jars Travels with a Donkey ......... eve tes LENMEHSGtH stig eae atand* "Vovage 1926 Causes and Meaning of the Great War.. KSORC YS: asad sean ine 66 1926 History of the United States, New Edi- ROTI, cok een aint gk vera eee Del pe Gordyicaias saree ee 1 20 1927 SY GAN EAMG R Paty cle SORIOr, a iacas Bee Nie ae! National Board for His- torical Service ....... 66 1926 Report of the Committee of Eight...... American Historical As- SOCIANION os airs ialaton 60 1926 American Citizenship Course in United States History: Cotlor aly Course i... jas ays aes eet aay aan a ee ae 75 1927 With Type Studies: OOOH as cart eek aig settee Went Lene rent een eee 90 1927 POO TSE WO? Je occ Sr crm ee Walgett POS ee 75 1927 PHONES SURICE cig oe ema aT RTO ORT Le ee 75 1927 BOGE HOUT fni45 sare l evil Mist ay Oe Oe opts Hens pncecy age eee 90 1927 History of the Hebrew Commonwealth. . Bailey-Kent ............ 1 50 1926 History of the Hebrews................. anders - ot 57 1926 Paver Storyy Pook -1, «pee ee eh Page: tas oe eee 54 1926 Some Merry Adventures of Robin Hood Pyles 365 eee 57 1926 Stories of Thrift for Young Americans Pritchard-Turkington .. 54 1926 RMOSECELE + HOOK G5, bah pc aehr es her ie eae Roesevelt 73" cece 60 1926 Krag and Johnny Bear...............0-. Sétoni Can: Soe eae 54 1926 Lohee das -and - Viten®. Pb sic. we ee Sctons.uecemens ee 54 1926 Around the World in the Sloop Spray»): Slocumicc: ae eee 66 1926 sant w cuales Onto, to ee an ae Stoektoir 0.4 (oa erase 54 1926 Child’s-Garden of Verses....i+..0:..000. Stevenson “2.4 es Se 48 1926 Cougitw Life Reéatler 5 i. A argh Steverison Ocoee ea 66 1926 Bains Dy cee BOOK. crn a 6 ein eee ke Van Dyke. 2c ee 66 1926 Safety First for Little Folks............ Wallets eacces reas 48 1926 Talks to Young People on Ethics........ Wilsoet.6.c015. eee ee 60 1926 eririne ilack: Beaty: i...) ects Wirightoy 4 eouk eae 66 1926 His Soul Goes Marching On............ Andrews-. 302 gees 56 ~ 1927 A Dutch Boy Fifty Years After........ Boke tae eee 60 1927 Latidof--the cane: Niet tea eee oe. Du -Ghailin= a ee 1. 87% -... 1927 A Newcomer in Penny Lane............ EAT Shs, os we 93 1927 ,DIOHIALS Days =... cent | tan eye ae or Gordy accent onesies oe 60 1927 Abraham bincola 52S su... 4 eee, Ord year he eed 75 1927 Wealth of the World’s Waste Places.... Gilsot) us oan eee 66 1927 Nature Study....... Ce a eee Holtz: ieee en 1 50 1927 Adventures of a Grain of Dust.......... Hawksworth >. eee 90 1927 Strange Adventures of a Pebble......... Hawksworth, 2i2e 90 1927 Jack O’Health and Peg O’Joy.......... Herben-. 0 eae Ree 33 1927 Return. of tie! Native ct Ses) eee Hardy <6. 32 eee 75 1927 Some Forgotten Heroes................ Powell's. so eee 60 1927 Africans Gamer Prals 60.0 see Roosevelt 3) io i ae 4 50 1927 All “Around Asia )3.0\/c-oes cu ee tei ee Red way-.2:o..S3 eee 66 1927 Nursery Tales from Many Lands........ Skinners isc een Uae 54 1927 Wild Animals I Have Known............ Setoh= 25's hitseernen ies 1 874 1927 Teachers’ Books — Reveries of a Schoolmaster ............ Pearson niin 932 1927 ea 127 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Junior-Senior High School Administra- NOt carat eo Knee wale Fan ohn es PORMST ON catches ers ois cia tes 1 41 1927 Writing — Manuscript Writing Lessons: Pape nie eupils. Edition. .o5. o.cc. es. Stene=-Smalley 7s... « 12 1926 Boor —rPupils” Edition ©... 5. 0...%,- Stone-smalley, a0... 12 1927 Mocgret-—teachers Edition... :.......:.. Stone-Smalley ......... 21 1926 Book II]—Teachers’ Edition .......... Stone-Smalley ....0... 21 1926 Miscellaneous — PEICCEETGDICHIS S05 oso) ve vse Biss ee es Brooksed een teat ee 26 1926 A. G. SEILER, PUBLISHER, 1224 AMSTERDAM AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Pee sTOPT CACHING 54 25-0 vs fete he DO riikke 5 ria le crete $1 28 1927 A. W. SHAW COMPANY, 660 CASS STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. ~ Year. Salesmanship Applied ....+..... 20... c cece byeyres te wueioruar’ 2 25 1926 SILVER BURDETTE AND COMPANY, 221 EAST TWENTIETH 5 STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author, Price. Year. Americanization — A First Book in English for Foreigners. Wallach ............... 60 1927 A Second Book in English for Foreigners Wallach ............... 69 1927 Enzlish for New Americans: SRP SS eine aw ais tos te ele Se a ods Bicider emer cacti 84 1927 Edition Without Vocabulary........... PGi ee A Ae oak sauttatkne-< 60 1927 Chinese and Japanese Edition.......... Hieldtaca. tee eae 99 1927 Nitat is AMericanism: o. duty: sea etal so WitlSOtlaeas wsaeetanie watotiins. +7 87 1927 Arithmetic — Anderson Arithmetics: (Three Book Ed- ition) : MMR a ei tre tne adie. iy hols ok ess PNUCTSON Gee Yoon, vis sitet aleve 54 1927 er et a Rm: PhS soa ye ka watecece > ANGELSOD ihnA. ks Greisie ah es 57 1927 NST oy ER aoe Sa a PATIL SON ors cs winis scale SS 60 1927 128 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Anderson Arithmetics (Two Book Edi- tion) : BOOK Te Shock hs chacseean bie ee Andérson: se ee 54 1927 Granimar. Grade Books. v5.2 banc see Anderson? 3 ee 72 1927 Mathematics for the Seventh Year....... Andersons. eee 51 1927 Mathematics for the Eighth Year....... Andetsof’=. 5S 51 1927 The Clapp Drill Books in Arithmetic: Fourth. Year ice an ieee Clapp nnke se eeeeee 33. 1997 Prins Ved oes onthe es Capp. aie eee 33 1927 SESE CAP ee aise cist ee eae Clapp 3.6 oe 36 1927 Seventir Ver atte a.c.oe eens pee Clapp; i Race cee 86 1927 PSTN VERE One nko pre acer Clap see eae 36 1927 “beacher’s:Manials-.0iccc. cov ote apps ie eee 30 1927 First. Days’ in Number >. 7.2.2. 22 2 Van Amburgh ......... 57 1927 One Thousand Problems and Exercises in Arithmetic: Pith FY Gat st lie hae eS am rene Felter 2s52), 6.208 eee 91 1927 Sixtne Neate. cay eee Felter's 420022 eae 21 1927 MeV ELEN AY CAT toc cone Wes Pe Belton: cn.7 tat tee oo eee 21 1927 PORE Vator, to cri te: eth ees ee ee Felter: 223 ote ee 21 1927 AS Were BOOKS. 4 2s. Sotiiat ee Relter 7. > jocuermto each 07 1927 Silver Burdette Arithmetics : Three Book Edition— FCM Ai eta ner aa ee Oe Sete Phillips-Anderson ...... 60 1925 Book I (Enlarged for Teachers).... Phillips-Anderson ...... 75 1927 DUGIMED ste coy Mate eae Se oo Phillips-Anderson ...... 63 1925 POO TEL Ste, 6. Ssynce Se ee Eee Phillips-Anderson ...... 66 1925 Two-Book Edition— BOGIES OND Cus ay Sue Te er ee Phillips-Anderson ...... 60 1927 COMPS rae Oe. eee eee Bee Phillips-Anderson ..... 78 1927 Biology — An Introductory Study of Biology...... Copinn. [37ietee ne cee 1 50 1927 Civics — How: the People Rule... 5: fc5s.ch 00. feck Hoxie: (7 seas eae 63 1927 Classics — (Silvet Series of English Classics) Sir Roger de Coverley Papers........... Addison y (Tacos Sore 30 1927 Dolitab and, Rilstiim .* 2. Geshe hn oe ASO a5) ce. cathe meee tas 86 1927 DhesB@oelkoat Klesies'.5..5 widae sk oe, eaes Baldwitt 2260. Gs eecnae ee 45 1927 Choice-English Lyrics. 6.4.05... oed Baldwitt Ack pane ae 45 1927 Six Centuries of English Poetry ........ Baldwin y'.i018 acne eee 45 1927 The Famous: Allegories 2.5.5 .0..-:seenk Bald wit... eee 45 1927 Speech on Conciliation with the American Colonigs £7 ie kek aor eee eee Burke. oe ewe eee 30 1927 meletted | Poeniscs ase eens ae oe Barns vit scan 30 1927 Migsayon: Burnes shied one ae eee Carlyle atin oer oe ee 42 1927 Letters to Fis ’Sons.c ste ee Chesterfield .7...<..... 39 1927 Rime of the Ancient Mariner ........... Coleridwe: 5 Foe eeu 30 1927 129 Maximum + Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. +: The Last of the Mohicans~.............. Goa erre Sareea ta ws 48 1927 7 Revolt of the Tartars........c..00000+0% DeOuMeyeessaveiraks ous 30 1927 3 err erae) PANG VAT CLC.) . oven occ ae uec cesees DEVENS salons sie.ais a's aces 30 1927 REE RE ar Wire Sk is oe 2 oes Vn 0's TOE Sctact dncarencs stern Gets 45 1927 The Traveler and the Deserted Village.. Goldsmith ............. 33 1927 es Vicar ot Wakeheld ...fe.e sce dee Goldsmith +35 532. sess 42 1927 MIME SCLCH. BOOK Scsiicccwccecescleecses DENIES Dae se ote an ee 48 1927 Mee ve Ot ot. ATES. 2.5.00. ecdeeweees KGa isthe teh oe ee 30 1927 SEES FS 2 0s ga WAATO Sted See ee ces 28s 30 1927 ze NE 7 hogs 55 Sonic iwwew es’ Tianhe pease cha ciece s 30 1927 a SE Ee NCI SOME ieeccdeeicha vp scice a0 sis eo «4 © Macanlayocs. ance tn 30 1927 — Bret MOM SVUEOG Coa wu Wiie sins ean wet Seco He's ACAI AY: rc sctasy Pree ciate 30 1927 The Lays of Ancient Rome ............ MACBUIANE. ..cc wenaaner me 30 1927 Paradise Lost Books I and II.......... MiG eis. teen aaak ss 30 1927 = Selected Minor Poems ............0000: MiLtotiat ant cet Maes 33 1927 = Selected Poems and Tales of Poe........ Doe ket ee ate 36 1997 » Essay on Man and Essay on Criticism.. Pope ..........-+eeeees 30 1927 = Translation of Homer’s Iliad, Books I, a NL Ge ee SO, Gk Ge Rn ag aS pe Poe er inecins anon 30 1927 BncelkapevOt-toe LOCK oo necks Sis cote POpESi-aek sone thse ies 30 1927 : eae t AIM: LANCE! vcccc ces cbccendise Teas Riteleitie <9) Faso ones 30 1927 om Mu eCStATNENE. tOFIES ©. 2.04 6.000 was vies Rivtlandmtaeesy ace eroaieteies 51 1927 : Ballads of American Bravery .......... Scollard? sh acon sense. 45 1927 RemVOUe LIKE [Ey (Sprague) icc.4.04 cs. + la “Maison Francaise.:..0....%2e0-- Cardon-Weeks ...... A Krench: Reader a ndiace cscs oe ae ae Dogayce ee oe eee ViMNIOL GE Tench woe aac eioe a oe Mercierin.ansiraeen +a Campagne de Waterloo.... 0... 2.60 Thiers*icnacneeeeer pybOnsicut - DEYPerein.& ave coe ss as atacle a ess Dikes ce eee Selections from Jean Richepin........... Cameron Saco ae Geography — ~-Europe—A Geographical Reader........ Clatlets wasn, sete “Uinited-States and Canada... ... css%..-. Barrows-Parker .... -Europe and Asia....... sets prc ares fe re 6 eat Barrows-Parker .... History — _Our Ancestors in Europe: (PLeACHEL S Nianllalais. cote c.cesc a cea es Hall oastiinlece eae Our United States: SSREAGHET ASM Vlas Ula lee connencre kerecterere tinct Guitteatier son eneen First Steps in History of Our Country.. Mowry Latin — Caesar’s Gallic War, Enlarged Edition... Cunnison-Harley .... - Cicero’s Orations, Revised Edition....... Cunnison-Harley .... Language — Essential Language Habits: -Book .JJ—Grammar Edition........... Cowan-Charters-Betz The English Language arid Its Grammar Mead Literature — Classical Myths That Live Today........ Sabini sikes any eee Judith Pheonix and Other Anglo-Saxon PORINS tan coos Caio Ieee Cae ieee Fall ict fae wae Mathematics — Minimum Essentials of Mathematics..... Werremeyer-Lake ... Music — SOMES AVE HaIKe “TOMI anc horns aca iehmciens Alexandér-c7 5.5 etn The-Halévon Song Books ys; scacu. ate Marshall. 22 aoa High-Schaal)-Song Book isnt man ve et Parsdnsetey oe sehxeaes Kdationec . Sou mds ae awe eres Miessner-Fox. .3.....:. 24 Glee and Chorus Book for Ma'e Voices.. Towner-Hesser ........ 90 Philippine Folk Dances and Games...... Ramas *i35,...ev comets 1 20 The Symphony Series of Programs for School and Community Orchestras.. Stock-Dasch-McConathy Program One, Instrumentation Ist violin, 2nd violin, viola, ’cello, bass, flute, Ist clarinet, 2nd clarinet, Ist cornet, 2nd cornet, trombone, drums, CRM it aackG i o's os sas URling a hba sd RARE TW, Se ob Sk tee ene el PAN Sasi wsy ssa fs elle etacein ia he Gagne wore atte chaise en eo Optional Parts: oboe, Ist horn, 2nd horn, bassoon; cachic ts. use pees keane oo Salis SH, es SR Program One, Conductor’s Scores: 1,- Dance of the Happy Spirits........ Glock ic uave ee mee Cun Pit ono thes Gal Sting oot asioees Bach tann facvte oe 3. Menuet, from the F major Concerto Handel ................ 4. Andante from the Surprise Sym- PUD « cinraone wee remy Cai eee Hagdit “ccs orien ae Mairy. Dolls: Waltz: se ovaw peace Beyets. s5.5.% ea eee Da pL AUMICLOL. ied wes One a Seog CCN cate Sehumann:: encase toe Norwemrian Dante, sa as.e seaneatien Grieg Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. MR argo, Xerxes....... 1 ve 02s seers Ptelet aay ee ie 123 1927 9, March, Athalia...........04. Eins Mendelssohn ........... 150 1927 The Symphony Series of Programs for School and Community Orckestras.. Stock-Dasch-McConathy Program Three, Instrumentation: 7a Ist violin, 2nd violin, viola, ’cello, bass, - Ist flute, 2nd flute, oboe, Ist clarinet & 2nd clarinet, bassoon, Ist horn, 2nd horn, Ist cornet, 2nd cornet, trom- Pee CAT UTMS; CACHE Fyn. seco eg occ cee eee eet pense leer ences ones 674 1927 2 ae te PRC Geo e's 6 ot MRI W Vga We 28 TEM ge ae 1124 1927 Programs Three, Conductor’s Scores: Teme eertare 11) LD). acnvioks cause eee PATHOL |i Gee ae 54 1927 Little Helper: FoOO RA Ee R Ee N aeetcein ee ore on ene tae Bate c3sc..0 eae 54- 1927 PO Editar shite Sac cahs tatdlevece Sal Boneh eee Baunn. -. ca steele 54 1927 DU VeP Ik BEATS OG york oe, yh hens See \Colesian LOZ Phrase Cards, Sets A, D, and E...... CCH Gleaner eens 33 1927 DOS ANG AG. hte or da'x nee estates 6ach «<9. cont eee eee 30 1927 Word Cards— SOE Aree ct itels v cslete Pacew eee aur koe Cok RS ear ee 33 1927 Sete atid Det. kee ee Gach. Ove a eee iN 36 1927 Sets My Oil Thn ts soviet eeaare e ae ie ache. enone eee we a 20 1927 Phounetic” Element: Cardsid2.oh swe oc ee tains eee . 86 1927 Sentences Cardss ary ces. cewans bce GF: til ete oak Agere eee nee 24 1927 First Reader— Teachers Mamual..0% 7 ccpae ccc oo 9 «ain itis balemts Saleata re itaaees 36 1927 Phrase Cards— Ot Ta vo sisie hissy pratolein’e ein Gale oa ew cceheeenas eet eae 27 1927 135 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. 2 TU I SDS ee op gt a a mre Parc ee cae 24 1927 ere Ae Se, ON atte a as RED sig tts wee ce tans Mearns ake 36 1927 Word Cards— EPA ATIC LO enie ov wees waiestee «Wee GACH oe othr ee a eee 33 1927 SE ES ie ae RE re eh eee LIE De eRe NT Os 36 1927 REN fate eis oeaily Somties 5 gh) soace ect, aie S's ord. # e kobevintaa Woes 24 1927 rtm rlct iene Meads nce teen co kink ce oes Pa haw bhemuhs Coes 33 1927 Second and Third Readers— ogo ENTE TE SRE ANS eg ce a 42-1997 Phonetic Element Cards for Second Rages Sb ig GRO E CUO Cn an OneCare sue ane aac Fe 24 1927 Phonetic Element Cards for Third eee Se aN rok wn, cate ee SK caries ga ale) FE hee coms ees 24 1927 The Progressive Road to Reading, En- larged Edition: OAS SC pl a ee Fe, Hen Burchill-Ettinger-Shimer 45 1927 RUM A ho Maho ees cc's ore rene ke Burchill-Ettinger-Shimer 54 1927 MAGN leer eet eis nas co Sie a Sw late wesw Ne irs Burchill-Ettinger-Shimer 57 1927 Preoie 1- (Introductory )eccess. ced ees Burchill-Ettinger-Shimer 57 1927 i vara tha i 2 Raa See et enn eee ee Burchill-Ettinger-Shimer 60 1927 Proper Ve Introductory ) oe nase oe Burchill-Ettinger-Shimer 66 1927 US aes eae ee Ine a Burchill-Ettinger-Shimer 69 1927 OS og i 5 CE ARS etree sei eae Burchill-Ettinger-Shimer 72 1927 ACYL VALU R Seon cats aie Loot re ies aletcaaty oacs.e Burchill-Ettinger-Shimer ts 1927 Teacher’s Aids to accompany the Pro- gressive Road to Reading: Story Steps— Phrase Cards: 2 Sa ON 6 es i @ Dike DS Seer a GACH AK ote huni ae 36 1927 ena ERs oe Aurea hare, Sealed Say Sod on Wie LTS Me gee nal alana 42 1927, Word Cards: SYST) SA By Onc D nent enh a arena EACH Se niet atere eee 36 1927 RMR ee ince: oh ekg nae Paes wee cles Gin obte ater winle ysl TaN age sR sa nap ats 42 1927 Res eee tte Pane sce Coben od Seg arate piety Stain tne w A aeeeiacgreieass © 48 1927 Te SR AEN EROS Sipe te ines Ped age ral ee Sentient 98 ice Ee a 60 1927 One C se mlenientGAards soetoArs. 2 1927 Day by Day with Sam and May.........- Setl-E-vans.9. 4 otha ae 54 1927 Dramatics : Everyday Doings at Home............ Serlsrgt cee titowantseck se 51 1927 NCE Oa hes once eK RE Stitt-Goldberg ......... 72. wh087 PRG SCOVICS Gs siece ec acs dior elsle caiwls oars sin Foster-Cummings ...... 54 . 1927 ree lue birdstor Childretics:.c...0 2. ss Maeterlinck-Perkins ... 69 1927 Beat el aAtiG ni Peds Sek... fe nloe Gabo winnaetess DEE oes Re eh eras 54 1927 MeO MAIC’ SEONC. c'k oa vn cee tos of tee aes BrentanOs sennceite one 54 1927 AerMiother Goose: Reader... 003 ce sige ees Mickens-Robinson ...... 54 1927 REE MM fe oats Sint o © civ whla ave'aie a XG vue ywrarane Perkiig’\ on ca etnecenen 69 1927 Along the Mediterraneon Shores........ Walla rd asetvacnt otter 60 1927 > ' Around the World Series: AS a ea CACrOll <.25 cian cai 57 1927 PURGE aed ce as sechw Sears) are > seis Carcollrecctat ies aoe 63 1927 LOKOVOIES TLE Weert BSR oe See ri er ie ra Carrollevnc cae tries 69 1927 Payot, INR i eae te te een Car roller wae teen Aes: 12 1927 MERRIE ot co Rick ehsisw oe one oe Carroll, wasniee a eet 75 1927 _ History: American Heroes and Heroism........ Mowtryerie eect 63 1927 The Bird Woman of the Lewis and RTE ES KOC IETON mayne’ s'w.cuel stale eters etatere Ghandlerssi25 27 aio. Pace BY 1927 Bret the ~REVOLULION Nc. a.ce cca.» ML OMMRINSONS acute eerie 60 1927 PRNEEOSR EOL COUIV alt Yisaso tans amie ets cas afattla nde ah; iis Ae Sete 69 1927 , . Historical Readings Illustrative of .* merical PatriotisSttin ss esi. teas vos oe Ellissota ako ednor ee 66 1927 Aico t Ot LeSiscc ckessiarevelaved acetiee acetals tints INewWelles ae arr ek 66 1927 Eads and Lassies of-Other Days...... EV IC@ue Seek anc gh, Ment 60 1927 ati Cw OLR CLs. a000't.0n Caves be acve see Thompson-Bigwood .... 60 1927 mewateo:. “Che - Little: Indian (Boy... ». “Wiley? wc. c os 0s. cn iwvye 54 1927 Story of the Indians of New England.. Burton ................ 81 1927 Bioties of Our Holidays.i..43..- 0s... FROES EOE strmancy Peete 5 54 1927 Where Our History Was Made: MEDICS veto ari. sa ats vis Geass «ew kok Laie t eit annabe ae ongr wert A gma 72 1927 7 Book AL ORB cata deta tn reas oiWiia' sD. ol ace Ranis eae nih wt hn ae nee 81 1927 - OS SE OT a oa an a Thompson-Bigwood 60 1927. Industry and Manual Arts: Pipe ePOE CLAM: OORT o's. o's icecog cds Wells-Cushman ..:..... 60 1927 My. Cut-a-Pictire. Book.,..:.'.0:.... 4926 Volume II (Series A Edition).......... McKinsey -s7.%5 eee 1 50 1926 Volume I (Series B Edition).......... McKinsey - scion arco anes 1 20 1926 Volume II (Series B Edition)......... voMeKinsey<..cocenes oo 1 20 1926 Volume III (Series B Edition).......... Mick insey-1.7.4295 sone 1 20 1926 Practice Material for Use With Above Texts: Blanks for: Exercises in. Volume [i000 sot ee vees ace eae eee 36 1926 Blanks: foriPractice Sets: and: TEs... oh. aus paneer loan ee eee 45 1926 Vouchers’ for: Practice: Sets Ti fuse oi oo vu ale cee ee ee 60 1926 Blanks tor: Fexercisesssn> Volume-1it <<) Saccs ae eee eee 36 1926 Blanksvfor Practice Sets) liens «einen eee ene ee eee py ye 60 1926 Vouchers for Practice Set Wi]... 5 ii5,..ce. ce oe eee (65) 1926 Blanks for PracticecSetek V v0 mw. eoct-ne cae Ew ag aw Carries 60 1926 Commercial Branches — Twentieth Century Touch Typewriting : neal eat DeRts jyca. aaa eae Lessenberty sc.2scecu fee 90 1927 WO ex CARE XEN aoc eee ee Gessenberry sence fot 1927 Fundamentals of Advertising............ Rowse-lishi-= sie sere 99 1927 Elementary Business Training........... Carkin-Haynes 22. 1/2... 90 1927 Introduction ‘td Business, ).3.0.ses a pans hha Zu avetne anion ee 90 1927 Junior Business Practice Set....... SME Pe AOE Ce OTe oo big AS 90 1927 STANDARD PUBLISHING COMPANY, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Reading — Standard Bible Story Readers: Primer 4 iatcs cha oe ees Fart 2 tities cee 60 1925 The. Firstv Reader 5 ica. a eee Faris, 205 See 674 1926 The Second Reader...i;.aisaes ohana Faris: Jjoncnane opens 674 1926 The Third Reader. 24.2232). hoe Paris: isc. eee eee 72 1927. & 139 MARIA A. STEVENSON PUBLISHING COMPANY, HAYS, KANSAS. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. What I Found in Numberland: MPA Clee ane ewe Sr, cea sa nae e wists SEEVENSOl orate aces 52 1926. erie ente pecn yess) een aceetyateet os ese wes Stevenson cnn mer sete 52 1926 G. SULLIVAN, NEW LONDON, WISCONSIN. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Music Note Manual — Sensory Music System—Eye, Ear, and al CURIMLeRt eye eR CNS ew Cn ete Rg 455i od Suillivannge sponte thie its 42 1926 Sensory Music System—Eye, Ear, and Hela iG N Once sie eee ero sn aele ieee 6 ate a Silhivatieinacn ae ee 24 1926 MitISIGER DOO KSCINO} toitecsSs vetoes fed ee Sallivanksye setiacce 21 1926 Bemretcetatt NG. Gio irs ictal s « wba vid Bre nlernie Sallivaticseio a ee 21 1926 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. A New Approach to American History.. Bailey ................. Nests 1927 UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING COMPANY, 2126 PRAIRIE AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Agriculture — school and- Home Gardens............5+ RIMOAR ine ced Gry cavboee 60 1926 Arithmetic — Wilson Survey Test in Arithmetic: LEfas Siglo a] Maca ga a inc ee ga ee Wilson edi ae oe ok 30 1927 WERaat Nae Sete tat acs. crea c Mieke oes Meotstaves el Soe Wit SO fisute sce nl een es 30 1927 Civics — American Citizenship Practice, Revised UClattOile sth kectearm ers cite oc Me eee areas Harman-Tucker-Wrench 1 31 1926 Classics — Repent TORUS Tok tA os ie osc bah sca ens’ BPOWeOlte: Rio ota Caan 51 1926 RLS WE CAUIES* Cook ca od cays kecate DICkene ie ay as hv ee 72 1926 aT aS PS Sed at ae SEO santa tects, olen re 72 1926 TS Sn ee WW RDN Xa a Rercunenreeses uterre ee cers 42 1926 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Arete Violet La kelabpivce sce: gie aye te Sie eee ouearebons Shakespeatescnsn canis 42 | oP nal cl re eua ok Wee ae RNG ues cotta cr Biaic 5.6 Shakespeare = i. sn eee 42 Midsummer Night’s Dream.............. Shakespeare® sonueae os 49 SRReasiirem Lolaid:. creme sucere ees) oi iene salou te teees cask Stevenson! sane eres 51 University Classics: Lady of thet Lakes 73 sin trits «dsc tk ee avehy ameter nether ee 42 Poe's. Poems cand. alesaaceco sours sstontiersecnane aes soe eat eee eee eS 42 Slats ® MVCAE TOL i ocacs ate sca ohe aim cat ho We ol by oa certhe tem gk olerene eT eter een aes ere ae te 42 Browning's Selected “Poems. sieves stare os oe aid ge ee ee ee 42 Tatewot. “Pwo Cities ceca Necks wrece a eo chose ie Ten ent tar tate eet 42 Matto Ge 2/2 S awccctas reverse caters lo ilies cts ae Siero Oh et erate Ae Teeestedonel ae eer ane 42 Treas reer l slats ccycccts, oh cieng dur atake whe lainey aon oeescasteetror tenes tea tierce wants 42 Leisure Reading ‘Reports... 3.2... 0% « 0 ER aVS* 7ove scat toteictete ch ecneenaae 21 History — Dramatic Moments in American History.. Hague-Chalmers........ 87 Students’ Outline in American History: HIGGt we SEMEStET Oicc uc Sorsioomtoninesiahoneinee Persinger 7a tiecweanee 21 Seconds Semester acs, tewine secre mplagis ores Pérsingét c.ceusa cle 21 Language — OUEe le vino Sancta ante wouter ceelimaeterey hors Drigasai anata eae 1 20 Lesson Tests and National Composition SOR OS ter irae. ce Sartre aistelh ta hier cM Eee Driggs-Mayhew ........ 25 Live Language Lessons—Three Book Series : AE Sanes cet hat sit sestretaen weston hte stale. oe Oa aie Driggs: oes. esata eae 54 SY ECORI occ oko ein, Sik Rae ga te hate whem Driggs tc ease ne os eee 54 RMLs Ane hint {caren tants, a eet tenateierete Dress: 2x2 camtaee eee 72 Live Language Lessons—Six Book Series: hinds Grades. cnctec nctehrercentecpianreretiels Drigiesie ts Soh serrate 38 RO Usst se Grad Oe rer ceotaetee teow seas haters hae Priges "cect ee 38 Mitten Ga Gas atasahte atrasemtiee aeeirater Dribgs sa eee 38 Sixfhetaraders .o 0c c< beet Geom caeitnae DPives icc Sa eee 38 Seven this rade. kh wiie-ac titroncracanin alee Drifgs:: 2 aed eames 48 PIG aC ACC <4 uc tvnicea eed Aan DEE OSLO. an metas tebe 48 Teachers’ Manual for both series...... Dripes.t sss ae cen 75 Progress Language Form Test: MQENE NG ak in dio. cory Rica sictuns Adee ere Lefler-Goodrich-Beattie- MOPHDEG hic. cereus 30 PCG TANT ares eee Pia ov SR ET ae Lefler-Goodrich-Beattie- MePheée “eee tee 30 Literature — Elements of Literature and Composition... Sherman ............+. 1 50 Music — Normal Music; Methodsinnsaendaaatie ete Nohavecs:c 2 rtneinite. 90 Year. 1926 1926 1926 1926 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 1926 -I41 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. a Music Appreciation Readers: ee ES GS PRA a nina ie SOS Kinscella +; css «cedae 2 =f 45 1926 = ON Oa caring er ae eee Kidsectla coun bavi 54-1926 BOOT ee scien oe oe ce ee eins eee cute s Kinscellaiiieccaccoyraties & 60 1927 Reading — Thought Test Readers: Prout-Baumeister 2 GUS eg te cea Ea aaa gr Mischler-Renner ....... 45 1927 Second Grade Supplementary Sheets: . In envelope containing 25 of a single 3 ESE MS 5vaais fia obese eo tee ys ake D> > per envelope .........+: 074 1926 a (Complete set of 44 lessons) in en- 4 RIE tater Foe ir oes ahh dette. Sree pale per envelope ........++% 15 1926 : Third Grade Reader...........0+-e00 Prout-Baumeister 4 : : Mischler-Renner ....... 57 1926 ; Third Grade Reader (In envelopes ; containing 25 of a single lesson)... per envelope ate sciecds am 07% 1926 (Complete set of 66 lessons).......--- per envelope .....--++++ 21 1926 Studies in Reading: = EM ACU pe sett aw scot hee veep cees eel Searson-Martin-Tinley. . 45 1927 3 Aidditional SPLiMer <. <0. sane nelnnces os Searson-Martin-Tinley. . 45 1927 iY REG tHG Aen cincciitcre che coe. k rid ciovnnn blevey oie ue) Searson-Martin-Tinley.. 48 1927 eR OIGe at Ad ers wart flctrce «/o ecletekn a so Searson-Martin-Tinley. . 54 1927 dhicd Grade... .:. Pig bindedee oie v wives nes « Searson-Martin-Tinley. . iy 1927 Pattethe Grade os +. As. shee. aoa eas oe Searson-Martin-Tinley. . 60 1927 é [ied iM Ganete (Saenger in) Peer Ceo Searson-Martin-Tinley.. 63 1927 zs EePERSE AUC vcs siisls vinie'b ervey six a0" e's s Searson-Martin-Tinley.. 63: ey 10ze be ewelth Gatades s2.0<)sccee ew ca cease Searson-Martin-Tinley.. 66 1927 @ Ba Tae ac een vey et Cathars « «ae Searson-Martin-Tinley.. 72, 1927 = Memoirs Seanad vic conv ws vena sic oa woe Séarson-Martin-Tinley. . 7 1927 a Cards Heips: i us SR At a aR aaa ae SN arene Aerio eae Cr 225 1927 2% Perception: GAT OGG hawies ok case nek Gsleietne cee cee Penne et ols Hes ied 1927 : Phrase Cards....... EOP a Ste OO dee a eat gO en ee 1 50 1927 PER AUNTIE Se Zn to Pi Sa at ane ne on anes Prarie e ni hag ar 1 69 1927 Ee RE OE OBEY 5 eens geltaed tonneie Apes eons yA ae eee Ee SIC 1 31 1927 € ee ePaper ae Colon neck eae sos en Ch ee os 30 1927 SET 30g RB EAT aie ro ee ea Se an Per CP aa 23 1927 me Teachers’ Books — = Teacher’s Plan Book: CARR PRE tees tice ene «ae Aan cee ery eke ee ee 50 1927 TRemigtanl SS ae ee ac reiate. cn Sears CE a ine? ka Tae Ro hea ar eS 50 1927 SNE POO Ae NN aos we neces ae wy en yeep ibe oe iss 60 1927 Record Books NE-SS-HO: Bee eee OTT ema talgrare Viera gs aca. y Vives vougeo 8 Urata mete ot aut ce Work 35 1927 OSV ES A INS yo Ee 35 1927 PAN E/EIEG = TEUON VOT RCS Suey oy cin Sach ACS ORE RR cc ce er 35 1927 Teacher’s Organization Book: Petnentatye SCHOO Ss. 6 eek uccce eee ss Junior and Senior High Schools Me Ee hin Be oes oes Ok 60 1927 Said iad toh Raha) esmn gs foals hee 60 1927 142 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Lesson Tests and National Composition Seales 25 Ore, ae Gn tn ha he Driggs-Mayhew ........ 25 1927 Projects in Observation and Practice DORON Ine 05, 40S ten pce een Hahacie, ketenes 60 1927 Essentials-of Child \Study¢:os.e. 7. Luckey 5 ee eae 1 50 1927 Phe Man Motion ve. 20 on. cee eee slaker..2.Gusse eee 75 1927 Essentials of Teaching Reading.......... Linley (octane eee 1 20 1927 D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY, 8 WARREN STREET, NEW YORK CITY. Maximum Title of\ Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Chemistry — Elements of Chemistry.............0.04. Foster 7. cata sen eee 1 50 1926 Laboratory Exercises in Chemistry...... Pioster-Heatnce. yc eae 94 1926 uantitativevAnalysis: .002.. ooo. Sen ee Olsen 4A von eee 3 00 1925 Qualitative Chemical Analysis.......... SCRtEE Tens a Re eee 2 25 1925 Drawing — Elements of Machine Design............ Berard-Waters ......... 1 87 1926... Pgenine Reading... <5: * ste a oes Brahdy 242 2 eee 1 87 1926 Construction “Drawing. 2..2s220. oso nees Brahdy-Landsman ...... 1 87 1926 Escentiais of Draftiig x... oo oy chee SVEVISGHS .Se cae eae 1 31 1926 Pitt ee Ieeterme cn)... . ss ccc Cte Svensen’ J: . toes eee 2 62 1926 Peele ratting. i. 5.03/00 ce ee LADO TICK 352, Roce ee 1 20 1926 Electricity — Electricity and Automotive Vehicles.... Stone ................. 3 00 1926 ELACHIOAL PEASCITICILY.. 03 o.0 oe eek ee ee SWOGDE: 562 eee 1 87 1926 Lessons in Practical Electricity.......... Swoope.s A ..cse nee 1 87 1926 Practical Laboratory Tests for Electricity Johnson-Earle ......... 1 87 1926 Mathematics — Industrial Mathematics...........ece00. Farnswotth=. aoe 1 87 1926 Practical Mathematics Pad.............. Sampson x gu reecenetee 94 1926 ~ Plate: Tovonometry sac. ov csusn hes ees Rider-Davise.i; 222. e220 1 42 1926 Miscellaneous — Motor Vehicles and Their Engines...... Fraser-Joneés ........0.00 1 873 1927 Elementary Machine Shop Practice.... Pratt .........-cc.e00.. 1 87 1926 Elements of Radio Communication...... Stone nic 4 cee ee ee 1 87 1926 VARSITY SUPPLY COMPANY, 1600 NORTH HIGH STREET, COLUMBUS, OHIO. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Elementary Treatise on Qualitative Pnalysis 55,5 /2 ge wee ae ee McPherson,’ (?aeemoen 90 1926 143 WHEELER PUBLISHING COMPANY, 2831 SOUTH PARK WAY, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. . Year. Arithmetic — Teaching and Practice Exercises in Arithmetic : Oo Er Se Buswell-John .......... 27 1927 PIO thea ACOs due oes oak aws.ee neds Buswell-John .......... 27 1927 SUBIR TCI ated bie ley ica lot icolecs Gace abe Buswell-Johho sacceae a. 27 1927 Sofi, (GUS Kee See oe Buswell-John=. ..cs,-ce: 27 1927 Language and Grammar — Better English Habits : Book One (Third and Fourth years).. Blount-Northup ....... 63 1927 Book ‘Two (Fifth and Sixth years).. Blount-Northup ........ 66 1927 Book Three (Seventh, Eighth and RUPERT SDS vic ie ais ex nis e Acie ye oreo 0s Blount-Northup ........ 72 1927 Teachers’ Manuals: MERIDEN Coe. ca, oS ere Sipve cinmoalecie aioe’ > 00 Blount-Northup ........ 36 1927 00 SES oe A ra Blount-Northup ........ 36 1927 Hvenio Kame I @CGin. oc stot oy oie o's bata are is. eee ve hehe Blount-Northup ........ 36 1927 Supplementary Reading — Child’s Own Way Series: Was and Puff, A Primer...........+.. Hatdycn os6ve. de wees 45 1926 Surprise Stories, A First Reader...... Pandy cco are eit 45 1926 Best Stories, A Third Reader........ Hatiy {nooo eee 63 1927 New Stories—A Second Reader....... Faye cw ain catecui ce oT 1926 Manuals: > First Grade Manual— + Spear Binding... 0... .sas lh. cess Pimdg } vorrei pny 80 1926 Se EES SEG 1 a rr oa PATO Ges ria neds es 60 1926 as Second and Third Grade Veoe ee te Hardy eet encaace 80 1927 hs The Silent Reading Hour: ae Ee ONG irc er actors x ae crea oa Bae we lla. eo. bias aanee 09 1927 g@ JOHN WILEY AND SONS, INC., 440 FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY. Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Agriculture — Crop Production and Soil Management... Cox ................--. 2 064 1925 Byerematic Fomology ssc. iccees dceesec.. Cai 2s Fey ese EN 2 064 1925 Biles 201 - Dairyine’s i... co cebc cece TU oee eke ae chante 1 50 1925 Practical Poultry Management.......... Rice-Botsford .......... 2 064 1925 Principles of Plant Growth.......... Sie HEEL DERE: gotten. Sst", Pn eG 1 68% 1925 Insects Pests of Farm, Garden, and VOT DoE ee nee ene a Sanderson-Peairs ...... 3 374 1925 144 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Beef Cattle+Their Feeding and Man- agement in the Corn Belts States... Snapp ....:..........05 3 00 Animal (Breeding... 5.2 = sos scree oie es Winters*. 22.8: oe aes 2 064 Mer SOLS e-.25 2) Soa eA ae ee “ Wottheniiccts.4 en eee 2 06} Bray Cattles soo 2s cain as pene eee Yapp-Nevens .......... 1 68% Architecture — Orders of wArchitectirésn%. © otsaes ata Halstead: -7edanos.s eine 2 20 muchitecttrat Details, 26 24 saceacee ee Ealstea daa ce ae 2 623 Architects’ and Builders’ Reference Book. Halstead .............. 2°25 Chemistry — Outlines of Organic Chemistry.......... Moore ees 2 e eee 1 874 Commercial — Business Geography, Second Edition, Re- WiSCe stn) errata Le ee Huntington-Williams 2 623 Geography — Principles of Human Geography, itera Se eashson br: a ateevcees aateioe st Huntington-Cushing .... 2 25 Science — elated “Science. Mariyal =. a.cv2..2 ce, dee Ellts-Giles> xe noes 1 20 Vocational — Care and Operation of Machine Tools.... Barritt ...........e0ecee 2 064 Mathematics and Machinist’s Job........ Cushman’ > ost iaeaeen 1 31} Elementary Practical Mechanics, Third IOI ah eae ot Vek ae Jameson c) > ...2 ou emude Englehardt-Haertter Arithmetic — Texts: . Parts: TTIALV oosccrs oy ete eee Elerz=Brantsamcy noe Partss ViVi ee Herz-Brants*o.eeehi Parts VELISV LT Tahoe os ea ee Herz-Brantsec.o ina Maximum Price. 1 02 re 57 a 60 hee Year. 1927 1926 1926 1926 145 Maximum = Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. Manuals: (Ay Es GI ag PS aan ae ag aa FICLZa Db AMIS. Visa ecas\e ids 27 1926 ere SID Ee Vinee sets scat aig Sta Se dace’ aly ales "Herz-Brants’ 5.01.0 sc oes 27 1926 RMN aC UA cia Kin at otaio.ciohe. dre S80 Betz-Brantses? er ee coms 27 1926 Bereta UY LIL oes aie cree . Sievers a’ehs 6p dis-a's epee este AME SUS CI y= veg aie 60 1926 i. The Winston Companion Classics: Es : The-Last of the Mohicans............ COOpET eeciee abn ty 66 1925 os The Merchant of Venice.............. Shakéspearse bo Cadwallader *. 0 v...2 90 1927 a Budget of Exercises for Above.......... Cadwallader ........... 30 —-:1927 +. Bookkeeping for Modern Business: ss Petar ary —INCY ves. ce svg cele buaes oc Hark Streets sus aieek ey 60 1926 3 Peimanced -COUTSE,” TEXt. onc osceee vanes iinkeStreetest acerbic 84 1927 Be; Junior Training for Modern Business: Be Arithmetic Supplement................ Kirk-Waesche>.4.c0ts. 21 1927 ae cercnet o Mantal,... 2.3: tie. vs ve vas Kirk-Waesche ........% 75 1927 ss Perc Informational /2s/c0e..s- ss < Kirk-Waesche ........- 75.» 1927 Dictation for Modern Business: : ; Teacher’s’ Edition Manual.../......... Kirk-Mumford ........ 30 1927 be *Junior Training for Modern Business, = Budget of Business forms: ay ; MOGs a Saigo ess Shige hiab cn whe eo Kirk-Waesche ...... pie ts Oe estar! ¥ z- MTL ELORIA Dene 8 sc wo vio. 8a ata 0 dow Sa Seine Kirk-Waesche .......... 45 1925 ~ MEA Ne Pfis Soy in cet crite Se ae ae Kirk-Waesche .......... 51 1925 P. i a Dictionaries — on The Winston Simplified Dicdonaey: R Advanced Edition (1926 Edition)...... Canby-Lewisiiscs. techs. 198-7 198% a. Advanced Edition, Indexed (1926 Edi- ea BicntM Nf, 2 Miah BC ohess ci Ae a Sal B69) 6,078 Canby-Lewis 23.2 1 12 1926 Le Voyage de M. Perrichon.............. Fotre-Poure, ofacssseee 57 1925 Manual for Cours Pratique de Francais (Phe Cleveland:.Plan)< <5 steers DeSatize itive eee 30 1927 Geography — Human Geography: Book I: Peoples and Countries: PALE Ltt cates eines Ser ne rie Sinith: “.-13 eee Genabastee 69 1927 LSet gree i SR nas en ea eR ep ht Cm Smiithscoicy esas cae 69 1927 Complete seine oo ee eee Smilthtii rece ae ae 1 02 1927 Book II: Regions and Trade: EASELS oa Baste Oa warns wip a oe me Smiths cad.anck) oe 78 1927 Ae EE, MIO erent aie daneie iter Smith “<3. A. sees 78 1927 Gompleteticg. 245 bing aroe ee Chia ee Smith- 6.23 ewe vee 1 29 1927 Cioumupplement. 2.15.9: caoe Baek aes Olsétt= 5 ett ean ee 15 1927 Reference Books and Supplementary Youngstown Public Li- Readings (for above).............- DIgiy cette ee Cee 45 1927 Meme P LTOLIS f4-< c's, <4 oe dco rin Ga sae Warnes so) mpttiat Lagat ae eee ela 87 1927 Winston’s New and Complete Atlas...... Forbush-Allen ......... 1 87 1927 Geometry — Pelanie® Geometry s.o. ca coset ene aakaees Strader-Rhoads ........ 1 05 1927 History — The Making of Our Country: EOE tar a5. cco at G PORE ae ee Bucnbhaith ste eecrat eee 1 26 1926 PAP eMOO MORE SY oc ena ae eae Se ee Barihani: o.ncaea eccmee 75 1926 1 ee, OB La 6g a RR eet, ite OF Aloe 5 Burnham. oe cate< eres 75. 1926 Heto* bales-from - Hist0ry..osceuion se Biaretibatn vce. eee eee 67 1927 Language — The Mastery of English: OObsad aaa atk Oe ce an pais Ca kao Allen-Harvéy: icisnccsees 4 OR 1925 DOOM -Llrsene ers ee A Or ae er STR he Allén=Harvey=a..neeecek Lott 1925 Better English for Speaking and Writ- ing EMIEL Sens oie, acai ais ahah Rete Bite cited Orr-Simons-Given ..... 57 1926 TF QOR pli eedan ae cues ps CRUE I aa ee Orr-Simons-Given ..... 60 1926 bs Fees "Ah Ui WSs Sa A RD py eel Ps Orr-Simons-Given ..... 66 1926 English for Use: Bisel tram tiens: 62 « «tens 8 oa ee ee Beveridge-Ryan-Lewis . 57 1926 BOO ka Geos tee tn ators ooh kas ce ee Beveridge-Ryan-Lewis . 60 1926 BOOM TGS cs ate sO eee Beveridge-Ryan-Lewis . 66 1926 Geraminar to iisex .2..oa eas eae Seah Lewis-lynchy A. tae 54 1926 Music — The David Bispham Song Book........ Bisphasi. rican eoees 75 1927 The Community Chorus Book.......... Downes-Marshall ..... 12 1927 Reading — Pupil’s Permanent Reading Record...... Chamberlayne-Ahles .... oT 1924 147 Maximum Title of Book. Name of Author. Price. Year. omance of Science Series : = Our Bird Friends and Foes............ PPD UY sink carmen ons Onis 60 1925 - Our Animal Friends and Foes........ Wp 125 aun eas cee ore 60 1925 The Winston Readers ; Test and Practice Material— Primer SUmtl..°.. PRR WS troche: of sug ae FENTICKSEIP = scciate. aoe 12 1926 RRM WP ret as, 5 a choo) ace 08 wixiaces Frenrick seit. ia aces 12 1926. First Reader err iMPlerete are ho accion Seocs sos aleve do 0k IEVermiclk Seite aces oon Sees 15 1926 =F Ue ican waa Flenticksen (G8 de «> 15 1926. Meee Pateetse Maniial. os... cece eee eee PIGHIER SEM ci Rica ese an 15 1926 : The Winston Readers : Rd nictaiel gd vce, s Geico a bie a ve Ceres Pairman=Malthy =... ses 42 1925 oo OE a Firman-Maltby ........ 42 1927 SS a CEs (2 Mirman- Maltby... ois. 46 1927 eS Cr Firman-Maltby ........ 49 1927 I Firman-Maltby ........ 55 1927 RRO eco o6i5 avs acs ¥ 0:3.558 «cle oitjee'e « Firman-Maltby ........ 60 1927 “The Winston Companion Readers: SRR MS Sele ie Se ci ssc. s-tc bpecsee a oo es Firman-Maltby ........ 42 1927 The Silent Readers Meee Orrin. Reader. 2.26.0. ce cease Lewis-Rowland ........ 58 1927 eeltasth Reader............ neces ase ain Lewis-Rowland ........ 61 1927 MEE RIGT aes. Sivas ob ben ec at vee obs Lewis-Rowland ........ 63 1927 : 08 Oe SEY: (Sr Lewis-Rowland ........ 64 1927 ae Eighth Resco) oe 2s Soe ieiece de oe Wewis-Rowlatid 2.25. 2.4 66 1927 pas