ae ot the Cheologing gs. : ott ® Wiha, a ‘y PRINCETON, N. J. Vicsented ty Sine Ourinor BT 121 .M3 1897 . McConkey, James H. 1858- 1937) | | et The three-fold secret of the | lag Holy Spirit Peer 3 as 7. — Ageia Vek ea Ky {OAL - ne DSS jones naan pee ~ eevee Tr as, OT NO Tn bai est} arr ae rips; ¥ dala Acre wm) Pie pase Ee i ny eer i BT i Nah nto" aN Pett ct italy hale th. eda eae) A os yey a , “ f « oa 5 ’ CT. } hen ae Cals ’ y ye’, y a . ain wee tale © eae Tw, 7 n a ear : Be tees af tT = ¢ Che Chree-Fold Secret of the Holy Spirit. By James §. ‘MeGonkey. SECOND EDITION. 30. ele . 1897, Published by Fred. Kelker, P. ©. Box, 26, Harrisburg, Pa. Copyright, 1897, . BY FRED KELKER, Harrisburg, Pa. Che Secret of his n= coming. Union With Christ. This Jesus . . . having received of the Fatber the promise of the Holy Ghost. Acts ii. 32, 33. Sut of him are pe in Christ Jesus. Lk Cormaod: Gn whom . . . pe were sealed With the holy Spirit of promise. Eph. i. 13, 14, R. V. The Hbundant Life. ‘‘T am come that they might have life, and that they might have it MORE ABUNDANTLY.’’—John x. 10. * * * * * * % S the west-bound traveler speeds over the Alleghenies, his watchful gaze can hardly — fail to note the gleaming surface of a little artificial lake whose azure-tinted waters, mirror- ing the skies above, add much to the beauty of the most celebrated curve in the main artery of the great railroad system which spans our native state. This lakelet, embosomed in the depths of the mountains, is the reservoir which furnishes water to a busy neighboring city, and is fed by a mountain stream of modest supply. In the drought of last summer the infilling stream dwin- dled to a tiny thread ; the waters of the reser- voir sank to their lowest limits ; and all the ills of a protracted water famine, with its constant menace to health and home, beset the city. The most rigideconomy was urged by the authorities; the water was cut off save for a few hours per day ; and the scant supply of precious fluid was 8 THE SHORET OF HIS INCOMING. carefully husbanded against emergencies. Not a hundred miles from this city lies a smaller one, nestling also among the mountains. In its very center bursts forth a natural fountain of unlim- ited abundance and maryelous beauty. In the same summer of disastrous drought this famous spring, without abating one jot of its wondrous flow or sinking one inch below the lip of its en- circling embankment, furnished the thirsty city with fullest supply, and then still outflowed over its waste-weir a sparkling, leaping stream of unstinted copiousness, earning right royally the privilege not only of refreshing with its waters, but of christening with its own name the city of “ The Beautiful Fountain.” The larger city, in truth, had water. But the smaller one had it ‘‘more abundantly.” The scanty rivulet that trickled into the reservoir was barely enough to save from keen thirst. But the living, bubbling fountain, pouring out its liquid wealth in prodi- gal flow for its native town, had left still enough to slake the thirst of a city many times the size of its greater neighbor. Even s0 is it with the life of the Holy Spirit in God’s children. Some have His indwelling life only as the trickling stream, with scarce enough to keep and refresh them in times of test and stress, and never knowing what His fullness means. Others there are in whom the words of Jesus are joyously fulfilled: ‘*I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more ABUNDANTLY” (more ABOUNDINGLY). Not UNION WITH CHRIST. 9 only are they filled with the Spirit in their own inner life, but they overflow in abundant, outgiv- ing blessing to the hungry and thirsty lives about them that seek to know the secret of their refresh- ing. Sorrow comes, but it cannot rob them of their great peace. Dark grow the days,but their child-like faith abounds moreand more. Heavily fall the afflictive blows but like the oil well which, under the blow of the explosive, gives forth a more abundant flow because of the very shatter- ing of its rocky reservoir, so their lives only pour out an ever increasing and enriching volume of blessing upon those about them. An unceasing stream of prayer flows from their hearts. Praise leaps as instinctively and artlessly from their — lips as glad song bursts from the soaring sky- lark. Trust has become a second nature: joy is its natural outcome; and ceaseless service springs not from the bondage of duty but as the gracious response of love. They are not like dry pumps, needing to be aided by others through impoured draughts of exhortation and stimulation ere they will give forth their scant supply. They are rather deep-driven artesian wells, spontane- ous, constant, spirit-flowing. In them the Mas- ter’s words have been fulfilled : ‘‘ The water which I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” Such were the lives of the apostles after the eventful day of Pentecost; transformed from timid, self-seeking, hesitating followers to bold, sacrificing, heroic messengers of Jesus Christ ; 10 THH SHORHT OF HIS INCOMING. preaching His gospel with wondrous power, joy, and effectiveness. Such was Stephen ‘‘ ruun of faith and the Holy Ghost ;” and Barnabas “‘ ruLL of the Holy Ghost and of faith.” The men chosen to wait on tables were “‘ ruL1 of the Holy Ghost.” Paul swept to and fro in his great mis- sionary journeys ‘‘ FILLED with the Holy Ghost.” Such was Charles Finney preaching the word of life with fiery earnestness born of a mighty FULL- NESS Of the Spirit. Such were Edwards, and Moody, and multitudes of others; and such an abundant life as this does God hold out to all His children as their birthright, their lawful in- heritance. In His picture of its precious fruit- age (Gal. v. 2%, 83), we see it to be a life of Abundant Love. See the apostles filled with burning zeal to give the gospel of Christ’s love to all Mark Stephen’s intense love for souls. Behold Peter’s glowing heart and fervent testimonies now well attesting his earnest assertion, ‘‘Yea Lord, thou knowest that I love thee.” Mark the man of Tarsus, consumed with such a love for dying men as naught but God could inspire, and none but God could surpass. His great throbbing heart is too small a fountain to contain ; his thrilling, burning words too weak a bridge to convey; his weak, toil-spent body too feeble a tabernacle to incar- nate all the fullness of his passionate love for souls. So too Brainerd toils, fasts, weeps and dies for his Indians, because of the divine Love within him. Judson is driven from the land of UNION WITH CHRIST. 11 his choice; is baffled again and again in hisefforts to obtain a foothold in Burmah; languishes in prison amid unspeakable horrors and sufferings, yet the flame of Love never abates. Livingstone travels through pathless wilderness; endures untold hardships; is broken-hearted by the vision of the infamy and anguish of the slave traffic; yet, dying upon his knees in holy prayer, Love burns mere intensely than in the days of his youth. Paton exiles himself among cannibals ; faces difficulties that would daunt the most dar- ing; labors with patience, prays with mighty faith ; suffers with unmurmuring fortitude, reaps with joy unspeakable ; and then girdles the earth in his travels, his heart all the while pulsating with the Spirit’s own mighty Love. Whose heart has not thrilled at the story of Delia, the sin-marred queen of a Mulberry street dive, and of her rescue from a life of shame # Yet it was the burning love of Christ in her heart which led Mrs. Whittemore to seek to save this lost one. It was love that breathed out the earnest prayer over the spotless rose and offered it to the erring one. It was love that drew the poor girl to the Door of Hope in the hour of her con- viction. It was love that welcomed her, wept over her, and melted her heart with contrition and repentance. And then Love begat Love. For saved to the uttermost, this rescued one broke the alabaster box of her redeemed life as an offer- ing of sweetest savor at the feet of Him whose Love had saved her, and went forth to tel! the 12 THE SHORET OF HIS INCOMING. story of that Love to others. In prisons, in the slums, in street meetings, wherever this ran- somed one told the story of Him who loved us and gave Himself for us, the kindling love of the Holy Ghost so fired her soul that strong, sin- hardened men, bowing and sobbing under her thrilling, impassioned words, were swept by scores into the kingdom of God. For one brief year the love-life of God streamed, brimful, through the open channel of her surrendered being; quickening, thrilling and inspiring all with whom she came in touch, and then she went to Him who was the fountain of her live of Abound- ing Love. In an interior city dwells a friend ‘‘ grappled to our soul with hooks of steel” in the precious bonds of the kinship that is in Christ Jesus. By the grace of God he has been wonderfully saved from a life of scoffing, derisive, soul-destroying infidelity. For days and weeks at a time he will be engaged in the busy, loving ministrations of a secular profession. Then without warning the Holy Ghost will suddenly lay upon him the burden of lost souls. Driven by the Spirit to the seclusion of his own chamber, the love of God for the lost will so fiood his being that for hours at a time he will lie upon his face sobbing out his broken petitions to God for their salvation. Then, going forth into the surrounding country with mighty, convicting messages, from a heart overflowing with the abundant Love-life of his Master, he preaches the gospel of Christ in the UNION WITH CHRIST. 13 needy places. In the few short years since his conversion God has given to this devoted servant over six hundred souls as the fruitageof the life of Abundant Love. Beloved, are we walking in this Abounding Love-life? Do we know its power, joy and fullness? If not we are falling short of the high calling of Him who came that we might have lovenot meagrely, but bhaveit ABOUNDINGLY. Again it is a life of Abundant Peace. ‘The fruit of the Spirit is peace.”’ (Gal. v. 22). The peaceor Gop * * shall keep your hearts and minds.”’ (Phil. iv. 7). ‘‘My peace I leave with you.”? (John xiv. 27.) There rises up here the vision of a lovely mid-summer forenoon. As we lay quietly rest- ing the inside shutters of the window, under the puff of a passing breeze, suddenly opened. Straightway there lay before our gaze a beautiful picture of sky of cloudless blue: green hills stretching away in the dim distance: and noble river smiling and tossing in sparkling waves in the broad path of the sunlight. A moment the vision lingered and then, under the fitful gust of a contrary breeze, the shutters suddenly slammed shut. At once all the glory and beauty of the scene vanished, and stayed hidden until another flaw of wind again disclosed its loveliness, only to be followed anew by its disappearance. Even thus, we thought, is the peace of the natural heart. For awhile, when all goes well and plans prosper, our hearts are content and at peace. But let a 14 THE SECRET OF HIS INCOMING. gust of adverse fortune, a baffling of some favorite purpose befall us, and at once peace vanishes and anxious care broods in its place. Peace indeed we have, but its manifestation is inconstant and fickle, filling us one day with rest, leaving us the next in darkness and hopelessness. What a con- trast with this is the peace of the Abundant Spirit- life! For there is a peace which ‘‘ passeth all understanding,” and, —as one has well said—“‘ all misunderstanding ;” a peace which keeps us, not we it; a peace of which it is said ‘‘ Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee;” a peace which, because born not of an outer calm but an inner Christ, cannot be disturbed by sting or storm. It is the peace of the fulness of the Spirit. The sea has a surface which tosses, and frets, foams and spumes, rises, staggers, and falls under every passing wind that assails its unstable life. But it has also deeps which have lain in motionless peace for ages, unswept by wind, unswayed by billow. So there are for the timorous hearts moveless deeps of peace whose unbroken rest can be pictured only by that wonderful phrase—*‘ the peace of God.” Tue pEacE or Gop! Think of it for a moment. How wondrous must be Gov’s peace! With Him there is no frailty, no error, no sin. With Him there is no past to lament, no future to dread; no blunders to deplore, no mistakes to fear ; no plans to be thwarted, no purposes to be unmet. No death can overcome, no suffering weaken, no ideal be un- UNION WITH CHRIST. 15 fulfilled, no perfection unattained. Past, pres- ent or future; vanishing time or endless eternity ; life or death, hope or fear, storm or calm—- naught of these, and naught else within the bounds of the universe can disturb the peace of Him who calls himself the Gop or PEACE. And it is this peace that is ours to possess. ‘‘ The PEACE OF Gop shall keep your hearts and minds.” Not a human peace attained by self-struggle or self-discipline, but Divine peace—the very peace which God himself has, yea, is. This is why Jesus Himself says, ‘‘My peace I give unto you.” Human, man-made peace, which rises and falls with the vicissitudes of life is worth- less; but the peace of Curisr,what a gift is this! Mark the surroundings when Christ spake these words, and how wonderful this peace appears ! It was just before His death. Before Him is the kiss of the traitor: the hiss of the scourge: the weary blood-stained way to death: the hiding of His Father’s face: the thorn-crowned, purple- robed mockery of His kingship ; and the awful torture-climax of the cross. If ever a man’s soul ought to be torn with agony, burdened with horror, surely this is the hour! But instead of gloom,and fear, and shuddering anticipation, hear His wondrous words, ‘‘ My PEAcE I leave with you!’ Surely a peace like this is worth having! Surely a peace which does not take flight before such a hideous vision of betrayal, agony, and death is an ABUNDANT peace ; is one of which He can well say, ‘‘I leave it with you: it will stay : 16 THH SECRET OF HIS INCOMING. it is the God-peace which abides forever. My children, behold my hour of crisis, darker than shall ever come to any of you, yet my peace abides without a tremor. My peace has stood the supreme test: therefore it can never fail: I pass it on to you.” Some years ago a friend narrated to us an expe- rience of the Johnstown flood which we have never forgotten. His home was below that ill- fated city, and when the flood burst he, with others, hurried out upon the bridge,rope in hand, to rescue if possible any unfortunates who might be borne down the river. Presently,as he waited, his attention was attracted by the approach of a half submerged house which the rushing torrent was bearing swiftly toward him, and upon the roof of which he saw the recumbent form of a woman. With heart thrilling with sympathy and earnest desire to compass her rescue, he quickly made ready, and as the strange craft neared the bridge he cast the rope with eager expectancy, but it fell short of the mark. Rush- ing to the lower side of the bridge, as the house swept under the arching span, he again cast the rope with feverish haste and intensity, but again it failed of its merciful purpose. ‘And then,” said our friend, ‘‘as the last hope of rescue faded with the second failure to reach her, and death became her inevitable doom, the occupant of the roof, who had been reclining on its steep slope with her head resting upon her hand, turned, and a sweet womanly face looked up into mine. Until UNION WITH CHRIST. 17 my dying day I shall never forget the expression upon that upturned countenance! Instead of the fear, horror, and agony with which I expected to see it distorted, it was quiet and calm, with an unspeakable, serene, abiding Peace, and with a kindly nod of recognition of my poor effort to save her, as she swept on to certain death that Peace kindled into a glory that ‘ne’er was seen on land or sea,’ whose radiance was unshadowed even by the awful roar and strife of the elements about.” ‘* Ah, friend,” thought I, as the tears leaped unbidden to my eyes under his touching story, ‘‘ she must have been a child of the Lord; she knew Him; and this that kept her was the PEACE OF Gop.” Then too it is a life of Abundant Power for Service. ‘* Ye shall receive power when the Holy Ghost is come upon you,” said Christ to His disciples. And their lives straightway became a never-ceas- ing record of mighty deeds done in the power of the Spirit. ‘‘ Stephen,” we are told, ‘full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles. among the people” (Acts vi. 8). Charles G. Fin- ney, entering a mill, was so filled with the power of the Spirit that the operatives fell upon their knees in tears before the mere presence of the evan- gelist, ere he had uttered a word. At a camp- meeting where the most learned and eloquent ser- mons had utterly failed to move men to repent- ance, the whole congregation broke down in tears of conviction and penitence under the quiet 18 THE SECRET OF HIS INCOMING. words of an unassuming man who spoke mani- festly filled with the Spirit. A word, a prayer, an earnest appeal, a song that would fall other- wise unheeded, goes home to the heart, filled with some subtle power when issuing from a spirit- filled life. Moody testifies that never until he knew the fullness of the Spirit did he know the fullnessof God’s power in his preaching, but after that his preached words never failed of some fruitage. Neither is the power of the abundant life confined to the preaching of God’s word. God gives to some power in prayer; to others power in testimony; to others power in song; to others power in suffering and affliction. Every soul that knows the Spirit’s abounding life ig touching other lives with power whose full scope and intensity he will never know until the Lord comes to reward. Nor is the fullness of the Spirit limited to abundant love, peace, and power. It is a life too of abundant joy, ‘‘ the joy of the Lord isour strength;” of abundant long-suffering, girding us with patience under trials that we never could otherwise endure; of abundant gentleness, as Christ’s own gentleness takes possession of us; of abundant goodness, abundant fazth, abundant meekness, abundant self-control. That it is not meant for apostles, or ministers, or missionaries, or teachers only, but for all of God’s children is clear, for:—‘‘ fhe promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off.” Wuat Is Its Secret? 19 Che Secret of bis Incoming. OW then shall our heart-longings for the fullness of the Spirit be satisfied? How shall we know His abundance of love, peace, joy, and power for service ? Whatis the secret of this abundant life, this fullness of the Spirit? We answer first, negatively, Zé zs not » that we have not received the Holy Ghost. Seeing the powerlessness, the barrenness, the lack of love, joy, peace, and power in many Christian lives, and knowing these to be the fruitage of . the abundant life of the Spirit, many leap to the conclusion that the Spirit has not been received, else how account for the feeble manifestations of His presence and power ? Wherefore the first thing we need clearly to see is that EVERY CHILD or GoD HAS RECEIVED THE GIFT OF THE HoLy Guost. It is of the greatest importance, in the search for the secret of the abundant life, that this glorious fact should be clearly seen and accepted by the believer. For if he has not re- ceived the Holy Ghost, then his attitude should be that of waiting, petitioning, and seeking for the gift which is not yet his. But if he Aas re- ceived the Holy Ghost, then he must take an 20 THE SHECRET OF HIS INCOMING. entirely different attitude, namely, not of waiting and praying for the Holy Ghost to be received, but of yielding and surrendering to Him who has already been received. In the first case we are waiting on God to do something ; in the other God is waiting on us to do something. It will be seen at once that if a manis occupy - ing either of these attitudes when he ought to be in the other, then confusion and failure are bound to result. For example, the simple conditions of salvation are repentance from sins and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, to keep a truly penitent soul in the attitude of seeking or pray- ing for forgiveness, instead of simple faith in God’s Word that he has been forgiven in Christ, is a ruinous mistake, and leads to darkness and agony, instead of the light and joy that God means him to have. On the other hand, to try to get an impenitent soul to ‘‘ only believe,” instead of first repenting of his sins, will keep him in equal darkness, and make his nominal acceptance of Christ a mere profession and hypocrisy. Exactly so is it with the case in hand. If the absence of the abundant life of the Spirit in us is due, as we are persuaded it is, not to the fact that He has not come in, but that we have not surrendered to Him who zs already in, then it is a tremendous and fatal mistake to keep a soul waiting and seek- ing, instead of surrendering and yielding. It puts him at cross purposes with God. He keeps calling on God to give him the Holy Ghost, to baptize him with the Spirit. *But God has al- UNION WITH CHRIST. 21 ready done this to all who are in Christ, and is calling on him to fulfil certain conditions by which he may know the abundance of the Spirit, not the Spirit who is to come, but the Spirit who is already in him. Have we not known his chil- dren to wait, and cry, and agonize for the gift of the Holy Ghost through long, weary days, months, and even years, from not knowing the truth of his Word upon this point? For it is ‘*the truth that makes us free,” and if we know it not we cannot be free. That all we, then, who are God’s children, have ‘‘ received the Holy Spirit,” the ‘‘ gift of the Holy Spirit,” (as God uses that term) is clearly taught in his. Word, for 1. We have fulfilled the conditions of the gift of the Holy Ghost. What are these conditions? We would expect them first to be very simple and easily comprehended by the most unlearned. God does not, and would not, make the greatest gift of his love to us, next to that of his Son, to hinge upon any but the very simplest and plainest conditions. Through all the ages the great promise of the Spirit was in the divine mind preparing for fulfilment. He would not have a single child of His to miss the way. He has made it a great highway, and set up finger- boards so plain and unambiguous that only pre- conceived human opinions, doctrines, theories, theologies, and darkening of counsel could make us miss it so grievously as we have done. More- over when we fave endeavored to lay aside our 22 THE SHCRET OF HIS INCOMING. own opinions and prejudices, and to seek the light of his Word alone, we have complicated the question by confining ourselves almost en- tirely to the experience of the apostles at the day of Pentecost. Accepting this as the ‘‘ pattern in the mount” for us, we, consciously or uncon- sciously, deem the same conditions needful. Right here note that in our search for the con- ditions of the gift of the Holy Ghost we have confined ourselves too closely to the apostolic expervence instead of the apostolic teaching, at Pentecost. Now a man’s experience of conversion may be most marvelous and impressive in its ac- companiments. But many a man who has had a genuine, glorious experience of conversion utter- ly fails when he tries to lead others to Christ. Why? Because he imports into his directions to the anxious seeker conditions from his own expercence which are not essential seriptural con- ditions for others. Equally disastrous has been this practice in the teaching concerning the glor- lous truths of the Spirit, and that too, by men who have had genuine, striking experiences of his fulness of blessing. They teach us to pray with- out ceasing ; to wait not only ten days but ten years if need be; to ‘‘ wait for the promise of the Comforter,” to look for wonderful experi- ences, etc. How many an anxious soul has thus been plunged into hopeless confusion and spir- itual darkness! The trouble isthesame. They are endeavoring to guide us sclely by the apos- tolic expertence instead of the apostolic teaching. UNION WITH CHRIST. 23 But the former is much more difficult of analysis than the latter, and it may be fairly said to be abnormal to us in these important respects, that, the apostles lived before Christ came, whzle He walked the earth, and after He left it. They thus had one experience of the Holy Ghost as Oid Testament believers: another when the risen Christ breathed upon them and said ‘‘ receive ye the Holy Ghost”: another when the ascended Christ poured out the Holy Ghost upon them, at Pentecost. But this is not true of us. Where- fore, to our mind, the important question is not so much how the apostles—who lived through ihe dispensations, loosely speaking, of Father, Son and Holy Ghost—received the Holy Ghost, — as how men who lived in the latter, As WE DO, received Him. The experience that matches ours is not so much that of the apostles, who had also — believed on Jesus before the gift of the Holy Ghost, as that of the aspostles’ converts who be- lieved on Him ewactly as we do, after the work of Christ was FINISHED, and after the Holy Ghost was given. Let us therefore now ask not so much what did the apostles experience as what did they teach. Not only how did they receive the Holy Ghost, but how did they instruct others to receive Him. And here, as always,we find the word of God wondrously simple, if we will lay aside our own pre-judgements and hear only what it says. Tor on that same Pentecostal day the apostolic teaching was just as clear as the apostolic experience was wonderful. 24 THE SHCRET OF HIS 1NCOMING. If ever there was a time when the presence of God filled a human body, burned in a human heart, and inspired human lips with errorless accuracy of teaching, surely it was when Peter preached his great sermon on the day of Pente- cost. All aflame he was with the mighty anoint- ing of power, and it was the God of truth Himself who spoke through him and answered the pleading cry of the multitude, ‘‘ What shall WE do,” by His own divine word of direction and teaching. And what doesHesay? ‘Then Peter said unto them, Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and YE shall RECEIVE THE GIFT OF THE Hoty Guost. Actsii. 38. It is evi- dent from many passages in the Word that bap- tism was here an ordinance administered upon faith in Christ asa sin-bearer, and thus God here taught through Peter this great truth that :-— The two great conditions of receiving the Holy Ghost are: REPENTANCE, and Farrn in CHRIST FOR THE Remission or Sins. No other conditions are required. Repent of your sins, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, (being baptized thereupon) and ye shall receive THE GIFT of the Holy Ghost. Two things for us to do, and then one thing God does. If ye do these two things ye shall receive, says God. The promise is absolute. Surely man has no right to put any other requirement between the ‘‘ Re- pent and believe” and the ‘‘Ye shall receive,” since God Himself puts none. If any soul hon- UNION WITH CHRIST. 25 estly repents and believes on the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of his sins, then the heavens would fall ere God would fail to fulfill His promise ‘‘ Ye shall receive.” Wherefore the only question that the child of God, in doubt whether he has received the gift of the Holy Ghost, need ask is: Have I turned away from my sins with an honest heart, and am I trusting, not in my own poor works, but in Jesus Christ as my sin-bearer and Saviour. Then God has given me the Holy Ghost, and the peace I find in my heart is born alone of that Spirit whom ‘‘if any man have not heis none of His.” If we have never honestly repented, or have never simply believed in Jesus Christ, then | we have not received the Spirit. But if we have fulfilled these two simple conditions—a fact easily known to ourselves—then God must have given us His great gift. Albeit He does not leave us to rest alone upon logic even as good as this, but buttresses it with the next great proof that we_ have so received Him, namely, 9. By the witness of the Spirit Himself ; by our own experience of His incoming, when we fulfilled these conditions. ‘‘ Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Do we not, many of us, remember the very day, and hour, and place when, baving repented and believed in Jesus Christ, our hearts were filled with wondrous peace and joy therein? Or, even if it did to others of us come less definitely as to time and place, 26 VTHH SECRET OF HIS INCOMING. yet was the experience of the peace that came into our heart, to replace the distress and unrest that had dwelt there for years, any the less defi- nite or wonderful because it had stolen upon us gradually and quietly? The Spirit bore witness with our spirit. No power in existence could bring the peace that we have concerning past sins save the Holy Ghost. Jesus alone is our peace concerning the past, and the Holy Ghost alone could communicate to our hearts the expe- rience of that peace. The fact that it is there is proof absolute of the Spirit's presence. Let none rob us of this conscious attestation of His incoming. We know He is in us because none but Him could work in us such fruitage as that of which we are conscious. We repented ; we believed ; and He came in, to abide with us for- ever.” Let our hearts be at rest. Nor does it matter much that this is not what we mean by ‘the gift of the Holy Ghost. _ itis what God says. And the sooner we use God’sterms, accept God’s statements, and obey God’s commands, the sooner will the darkness that shrouds this great truth flee away and let in upon our souls the clear shining of the day. 3. Lt is the constant assertion of Gods Word concerning believers. Notice how emphatic this is. ‘‘Know ye not that ye arr the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwelleth in you (I. Cor. iii, 16). Not that we shall be hereafter, but that now we believers are the temple of God, and that -the Spirit divel/s now (present tense) in us. UNION WITH CHRIST. 27 Again (mark the tenses) ‘‘What! Know ye not that your body 1s the temple of the Holy Ghost which 1s in you, which ye Have of God” (I. Cor. vi. 19). Again ‘‘ For ye aRE the temple of the living God” (II. Cor. vi. 16). Also (II. Cor. xiii. 5 R. V). ‘* Try your own selves whether ye bein the faith: prove your own selves. Or know ye not as to YOUR OWN SELVES that Jesus Chrost as in rou? Unless indeed ye be reprobate.” How clear this last passage is upon the points named. Note the simple condition again: ‘Try your ownselves whether ye be IN THE FAITH.” That is, “‘are you believers? Are you simply trusting the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation? If so know ye not as to YOUR OWN SELVES that Jesus Christ 7s 2 you? unless indeed when you examine yourself you find that you are ‘‘repro- bate,” that is, ‘‘not-standing-the-test,” not trust- ing Christ, but something else. How simple all this is, and how harmonious, with the truth as Peter preached it! He says ‘‘repent and believe in Jesus Christ.” And Paul says to these who have repented and are now believers ‘‘ Don’t you know that the only question you have to ask yourselves is: ‘Am I trusting in Christ? If so Jesus dwells in you,in the Holy Ghost.” Beloved, even though we had never had a single emotional experience of the indwelling presence of the Holy Ghost yet we would be bold indeed—to say nothing worse—to deny the glorious fact of His indwelling in the face of the constant, explicit, assertions of God that we Are His temple, that 28 THH SEORET OF HIs INCOMING. He Doers dwell in US, and that we HAVE this great gift of the Spirit from God now. £. Christ and the Apostles always take this truth for granted in addressing believers. Note Paul’s exciamation of surprise that they should for a moment lose sight of this fundamental truth. What! “Know ye not?” (I. Cor. vi. 19.) Are ye ignorant or forgetful of this great and glorious truth that the Holy Ghost dwelleth in you? (I. Cor. iii. 16.) Do you grow doubt- ful of His presence because you are not having any such wonderful experience of it as you ex- pect? Doyou forget that His indwelling does not depend upon your emotions, but upon your union with Christ which has been long since ac complished by God through your faith in Him? (I. Cor. i. 30.) And then again (Acts xix. 2). he says to them not ‘‘ Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?” as in the authorized version, but ** Did ye receive the Holy Ghost when ye believed 2?” showing that he expected all the children of God to receive the gift at ¢h time of repentance and belief in Christ. So too, notice Christ’s attitude toward the same truth in His constant use of the word ‘‘ Abide.” ‘‘Abide in me and I in you.” “If ye abide in me.” ‘‘And now, little children, abide in Him” (I. John ii. 28). What is the truth here? Clearly this: The word “ abide” means to stay, to re- mam in a place in which you already are. Thus when you request a company of people to abide, to stay ina room, we at once understand that UNION WITH CHRIST. 29 those addressed are already there. When Paul said ‘‘except these abcde in the ship ye can not be saved,” we know that they were already in the ship. Now Christ’s word to the sinner is, ‘* Come,” because he is out of Christ. But His word to the believer is, ‘‘Abide, stay,” because he is already, and forever, em Christ. Butno man can be in Christ and not have received the Holy! Ghost. It is impossible. For He is the giver of the Spirit. In Him is /7fe, and the instant xe are united to Him by faith we must receive the Spirit. The wire can no more be joined to the dynamo and not receive the electric fluid; the branch can no more be joined to the vine and not receive the thrill of life, than we can be joined to Christ by faith and not receive His great resurrection gift. ‘‘Z am the vine, ye are the branches.” 80 Che Secret of his Tncoming, (Continued, ) UT some one now says: ‘*I believe that it BR is the Holy Ghost who has regenerated me, and that I could not be born again except by His agency. But I do not believe this is what God means by receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. Is there nota second experi- ence for the believer in which, after his conver- sion, he receives the Holy Ghost for service in great power and abundance, such as he has never known before? Did not Paul say to the Kphesian converts: ‘ Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? (Acts xix. 2.); and does not this clearly prove that one can be a Christian and yet need to receive the Holy Ghost afterward?” To this we say both yes, andno. There 7sa fullness of the Holy Ghost such as does not come to most Christians at conversion, and therefore is, in point of time, usually a second experience, But this is not the gift of the Holy Ghost, not the receiving of the Holy Ghost, not the baptism of the Holy Ghost as God’s Word teaches. The Holy Ghost is received once and forever at conver- sion. He is a person. He comes in then once and forever, and to stay. We receive Him then— UNION WITH OHRIST. 3) though we may not veld to him—for service, as well as for regeneration. The greater experience of His presence and power that follows conver- sion, sooner or later, is not the gift of the Holy Ghost, the receiving of the Holy Ghost, or the baptism of the Holy Ghost as God uses those terms, but a fullness, in response to consecra- tion, of that Holy Ghost who has already been given at regeneration. At Pentecost the Holy Ghost came down to form the church, the mystic body of Christ. On that great day Christ bap- tized the church with the Holy Ghost. Where-) fore, as each one of us by faith becomes a mem-' per of that body, we are baptized with the same _ Spirit that dwells in that body; we receive the} gift of the Holy Ghost. We can not too clearly lay hold of this. For our deceitful natural heart is all too quick to take refuge in prayer, and waiting to receive, and thus dodge the real issue which is an absolute surrender to Him who has been received. So subtle is the flesh that it is glad, by waiting petition, to throw on God a burden of giving, if thereby it can evade the real issue which God has put upon us of yielding wholly to Him who has already been given. It is exactly matched by the case of the sinner who is far more willing to pray and wait on God for a blessing than to make the surrender that will bring the blessing. But how about the Ephesian converts who were taught that they must receive the Holy Ghost a/ter they had believed? Does not this prove that many, though Christians, 32 THE SHCRET OF HIS INCOMING. have not received the Holy Ghost, and that this is the secret of their lack of power and victory? Now, if we will examine this instance in the light of God’s own word and with unbiased mind, we will see that this much-quoted passage (Acts xix. 2) not only does not support the view that this was a receiving of the gift of the Holy Ghost by believers after regeneration, and thus proving our need of the same, but that itis one of the strongest proofs in God’s Word that the apostles expected men to receive the Holy Ghost at con- version. In other words, the teaching of Paul corresponds exactly with that of Peter upon this great theme. We will recall from the preceding chapter that the simple conditions, as laid down by Peter, for receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit were: Repentance, and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. These two alone were necessary. But mark this, that both of these were essential. One was not suff- cient. Men must repent and believe. For a man simply to repent of his sins, without faith in Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, would not bring the gift of the Holy Ghost, for one of the essential conditions would be missing. So also for a man to attempt to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ without repenting of his sins would not, and could not, bring the gift of the Holy Ghost, for the the same reason;—the absence, in this case, of the necessary condition of repentance. We need not do anything more than God requires, but we dare not do anything ess. UNION WITH CHRIST. 33 Every Christian worker’s experience confirms this. How often we meet with seekers after salvation who can find no witnessing peace of the Holy Ghost because there is some secret sin un- surrendered, some specific failure in repentance. Or again some truly penitent one fails to find peace because he will not simply believe in Jesus Christ’s atoning work for the remission of his sins. The evidence of multitudes of such cases confirms then this great truth of God’s Word,— that there are but two conditions essential to re- ceiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, namely, re- pentance and faith ; and that the only reason any one fails to receive Him is that he has not re- pented, or does not believe in Jesus Christ for the remission of his sins. With this truth now in mind consider Acts xix. 1-6. Paul comes to Ephesus and, finding certain disciples, says to them, not as we have seen, ‘* Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed” (authorized version), but ‘* Ded ye receive the Holy Ghost when ye believed” (revised version); thus showing that Paul ex- pected them to receive Him at the time they turned from their sins. When they answer in the negative Paul begins at once to search for the cause, and he does so exactly in line with the conditions laid down by Peter, as already quoted. ‘* Unto what then were ye baptized ?” said Paul; and they said: ‘*‘ Unto John’s baptism.” ‘*Oh, I see,” says Paul in effect, ‘‘ but don’t you know that, John baptized only unto REPENTANCE ? 34 THE SHORET OF HIS INCOMING. Now repentance is not enough to bring the gift of the Holy Ghost; you must also BELIEVE IN Jmsus Curist.” And when they heard this, they believed on Jesus Christ and, baptized into Mis name, received the Holy Ghost. They were not believers al all as we are believers. They were practically believers under the old cove- nant, not under the new. They can be classed only with John’sconverts, who did not, and could not, receive the gift of the Spirit, inasmuch as they fulfilled only one condition: that of re- pentance. So far from being believers as we are, and being cited to prove that believers must receive the Holy Ghost as a second experi- ence after conversion, these men, we are dis- tinctly told, had not believed in Jesus Christ at all up to this time. Paul simply supplied the missing condition of salvation under the New Testament—faith in Christ, which should have been taught them when they repented. They stood in the place a penitent stands nowadays who has honestly repented of his sins, but has not been instructed to believe in Jesus Christ for the remission of his sins. This failed to bring the gift of the Holy Ghost just as it would fail now. ‘Then, too, the scriptural context, tell- ing us exactly how this happened, seems to us forever to settle this mooted passage. If we go back to the preceding chapter we find an ex- planation that makes the whole episode as clear as sunlight. In verse 24 we are told: ‘‘a certain Jew named Apollos..........came to UNION WITH CHRIST. 35 KEphesus..........being fervent in the Spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord, knowing only the baptism of John,” that is, only the baptism of REPENTANCE, (chap. xix. 4). While he was mighty in the Old Tes- tament Scriptures, yet he evidently did not know God’s full plan of salvation, and thus Aquila and Priscilla, when they heard him, ‘* took him unto themselves and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly,” (v. 26) doubtless teaching faith in Christ for remission of sins. Apollos now goes to Corinth, and Paul, coming to Ephe- sus, finds Apollos’ mis-instructed disciples, a— dozen men whohad not received the Holy Ghost. Why? Simply because they had not believed in Jesus Christ. True, they were believers in the sense that John’s disciples were believers, hay- ing ‘repentance toward God,” but had not ** faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” Paul therefore simply supplies the missing condition of New Testament conversion, and they receive the Holy Ghost, not as a second experience of full fledged believers, but as the first experience of those who had not believed in Christ at all as we believe in Him. Instead of proving that the Christian man does not receive the gift of the Holy Ghostat conversion, but as a second endue- ment, this passage is one of the strongest proofs in the Word of God that the apostles expected men to receive the Holy Ghost at conversion,and, if not received, they simply proceeded to show that some one of the two simple conditions of 36 THE SECRET OF HIS INCOMING. new covenant salvation kad been neglected at the time of professed discipleship. Again, take the case of the Samaritans record- ed in Acts viii. 5-25. ‘‘ Here,” it is said, ‘* we are distinctly told that they believed Philip as he preached Christ, and that they were baptized.” (v. 12.) True, there certainly was at least an intellectual belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. Why then was the Holy Ghost not received? Since, as we have seen, God distinctly says that He will be received if men but repent and believe, the fair inference would be that they had not honestly repented. We believe this to be a case where the other condition of a true heart repentance was lacking, even though they professed faith in Christ. This was surely the case with one of them. For Simon the sorcerer, had professed belief and been baptized at this time (v. 13), and yet Peter declared to him ‘‘Thy heart is not right with Ged.” A careful examination of these, the two chief passages cited to prove that the sift of the Holy Spirit comes as an after experience in the be- Hever’s life, will show, we believe, that they have no application to us as believers, but only prove that seekers after Christ must both repent and believe, in order to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. It follows too from this that every child of God has also been baptized with the Holy Ghost. The receiving of the gift of the Holy Ghost, and the baptism with the Holy Ghost we conceive to be UNION WITH CHRIST. 87 absolutely synonymous, as God uses these terms. Jobn baptized with water telling his disciples to believe on Him that should come after, and that then He would baptize them with the Holy Ghost. This was to be the distinguishing char- acteristic that was to mark baptism by the res- urrected Christ. When men turned to God under the preaching of John he baptized them with water. But when they turn to Him in this gos- pel age Jesus Christ baptizes them with the Holy Ghost. There is not a single instance that we recall where ‘‘ baptism ” with the Holy Ghost is made a subsequent experience of the believer. The apostles were again and again ‘‘ filled,” with | fresh anointing,as it were, of the Spirit, but they were never baptized again. Nor are any con- verts who have received the Spirit in regenera- tion ever said thereafter to be baptized with Him. The reason is clear. Baptism was plainly an initial rite. It was administered upon entrance into the kingdom of God. Both baptisms stand, in relation of time, at ihe same place, whether John’s with water, or Christ’s with the Holy (chost, namely, at the threshold cf the Chris- tian life, not at any subsequent milestone. Wherefore when the baptism of the Spirit is urged now upon delievers we may all agree with the thought behind it, namely, that of a fullness of the Spirit not yet known or possessed, for such a fullness is our birth-right. Yet the ex- pression itself is not a happy one in that it is never, to our knowledge, so used in the Scrip- 38 THE SECRET OF HIS INCOMING. tures,and therefore misleads men in attaching to acertain phrase a different meaning than God himself gives to it. Two speakers using a word to which each attached a different meaning would soon land in hopeless confusion. So has it been with this great theme, and it would clear up mar- velously if we would not only study God’s truth upon it, but adopt His phrases in describing it, using “the gift,” ‘the receiving,” ‘the bap- tism ” of the Holy Ghost exactly as He himself does in His own inspired Word. In fact the receiving of the Holy Ghost depends upon onesetof conditions, and the fullness of the Holy Ghost upon another. Because we have not His fullness, we leap to the conclusion that we have not rececved Him. The truth is that we should accept forever the fact that we have received Him, and press on to know the secret of His fullness. Beloved, let your heart go out no longer in petition to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, but let it be filled with pratsE that you have received Him, and that He is dwelling in you. Read againand again God’s positive statements concerning it. Weigh them carefully. Recall your own experience of joy and peace when the Holy Spirit entered. Notice the con- stant statement in the epistles that the believer is the sanctuary, the ‘‘holy place” where the Spirit indwells. Then remember that he who stands with God stands on sure ground. Let no one shake your confidence at this point. »If any would, then repeat again and again His word, UNION WITH CHRIST. 39 “Ye are the temple of the Holy Ghost, which zs in you,which ye have of God,” until you are for- ever settled in this glorious truth. Then, if notwithstanding you have received Him, you are painfully conscious of powerless- ness, joylessness, fruitlessness in your life, know that there is a fulness of the Spirit who is in you; a life of abounding peace, and power, and joy, and love ; a life of liberty; a life of victory over self and sin; that this life is for every child of God who will learn, and then fulfill, its conditions ; that, therefore, itisfor you. Then, knowing the secret of His incoming, the glorious fact that He is now in you, patiently waiting for you to act, press on to know the secret of His fulness. To recapitulate, we believe God’s Word teaches : That every believer has received the Holy Ghost, the gift of the Holy Ghost, the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That the simple secret of His thus incoming is—Repentance and Faith. That there is a fulness of the Holy Ghost, greater than that usually thus received at con- version. That there are certain conditions of this full- ness, different from the conditions on which the Holy Ghost is received (that is, one may receive the Holy Ghost, yet not know His fullness); lastly: That the secret of His fullness is—what ? ah Gl” ay pe ark hey SOON ob Mal nina Rat eh we tap VN TY Ce Tank Ure + A, Goa aia oN: en nay ON pnb ARS Mas’ * IMAG r The Secret of Mis Fullness. Dielding to Christ. Dield pourselves unto Good. Rom. vi. 13, [present pour bodies unto * * Gop. Rom) xii 1 Paul, a Pond slave of west Christ. ae Rom. i. i Nae ease 43 Whe Secret of this Fullness. Cae then, that we have received the gift of the Holy Ghost; that we have been baptized with Him; that He has come into our lives to abide forever ; what then — is the secret of His fudiness, of His abundant life of Peace, Power, and Love? We answer: THE ABSOLUTE, UNQUALIFIED SURRENDER OF OUR LIFE TO Gop, To DO HIS WILL INSTEAD OF OUR own. Thus, when we surrender our sins and believe, WE RECEIVE the Holy Spirit ; when we surrender our LIVES and believe, we are FILLED with the Holy Spirit. Tur recervine of the Spirit is God’s answer to repentance and faith ; THE FULLNESS Of the Spirit is God’s answer to SURRENDER and faith. At CONVERSION the Spirté enters ; at SURRENDER the Spirit, ALREADY ENTERED, takes FULL POSSESSION. The supreine, human condition of the fullness of the Spirit es a life WHOLLY SURRENDERED TO Gop to do Lis will, This is true: 1. In Reason. To our mind, all the clouds that have been hindering the clear outshining of 44 THE SECRET OF HIS FULLNESS. this great truth into our souls will vanish away before him who will ponder carefully the great scriptural and experimental truth of: THe Two- FOLD NATURE OF THE BELIEVER. Note first the situation of the sinner. He has but one nature —‘ the old man.” He is declared absolutely to be dead in trespasses and sins. He bas the self- life, but not the God-life within him. He walks in the flesh, and in that only. The Spirit may and does strive with him but is not éa him, for only “the who is Christ’s” hath that Spirit. But how comes a wonderful change. He repentsand believes on the Lord Jesus Christ. What hap- pens? He is born again, born from above, born of God, born of the Spirit. And what do these phrases signify? Simply that a new life, a divine life, the life of God has come into him. God Himself, in the person of the Holy Spirit, has come to dwell in him: he has received the Holy Spirit. He has now what the sinner does not have— anew nature. But when the new life, the Spirit came in, did the old life, the ‘ old man,” goout? Alas, not he! If he had, then, To rE- CHIVE the Spirtt would be at once and forever To BE FILLED WITH Him, for He would have FULL possession. But this is not the case. The old life doesnot go out when the new comes in; upon this God’s word and our own experience are painfully clear. But now, as a believer, he has, as it were, a dual nature. In him are both *‘ the flesh ” and ‘‘ the Spirit”—the old life and the new. These two co-exist. Both dwell in YIELDING TO CHRIST. 45 him. But as deadly foes, they struggle for the mastership of his life. ‘‘ The flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh. For each wants not only to be za him but to have full possession. ach desires to fild him. The prob- lem is changed. It isno longer how shall he re- ceive the Spirit. Thatis settled; he Aas received Him. But he finds him a joznt-tenant with the flesh. Wherefore the question now is, having fwo natures within him, how shall he de filled with one of them? How shall he know the full- ness and abundant life of the Spirit, and be de- livered from the lifeand power of the flesh? The answer seems clear. How else could he be filled save by YIELDING HIMSELF WHOLLY to that one which he would have fill him? He has the power of choice; he can yield himself to either. Is it not clear that whatever life he yields himself to, _ that will fill him? When he once yielded him- self a servant to the flesh (Rom. vi. 19) was he not ‘filled with all unrighteousness”? (Rom. 1. 99). Even so now just in proportion as he yields himself to the Spirit (Rom. vi. 19) will he not be filled with that Spirit? It isas though the sweet, fresh air of spring-time should enter a ten-roomed house full of foul odors. You open up one chamber to it, but leave the rest closed and in possession of the old, fetid atmosphere. Truly the pure air has entered, but how can it fill the house until you yield that house wholly to it, throwing open every nook and cranny to its fragrant breath? Or it is as though a foun- 46 THE SHORET OF HIS FULLNESS. tain were fed by two strong springs bubbling up from the ground, one of water, the other of oil. There is no doubt that the fountain has received water, for it is constantly inflowing. Yet how can it be jil/ed with the water save as it yields itself wholly to its life-giving stream, and refuses to yield itself to the oil? Even so is it with the Holy Spirit. True He has come into every believer’s heart, and abides there, and will abide forever. Yet every believer thus co-indwelt by the flesh and the Spirit may so continue to yield to the flesh as to thwart, choke up, and clog all manifestation of the fullness of the Spirit whois within him. This fact that, even after the Spirit has been received, there may be a master- ship of Self in our lives through failure to yield to the Spirit, is a full and sufficient explanation of all lack of fullness of the Spirit. He who knows the awful power of that self-life in him- self; its enmity with God; its carnality; its grieving and quenching of the Spirit ; its deadly blighting of all the blessed fruits of the Spirit ; its fierce and desperate resistings of his efforts to enter into the full life of the Spirit, needs no other explanation of the failure of fullness of the Spirit than the fullness of Self. The trouble is not a Spirit un-entered, but a spirit un-yielded to, and thus shorn of opportunity to manifest the very fullness He desires. The remedy is clear, logical, inescapable: a refusal to yield the life longer to the mastership of self, and a surrender to the Spirit, that ‘the law of the Spirit of life YIELDING TC CHRIST. 4Y in Christ Jesus may make us free from the law of sin and death.” It is true again. 2, In Revevation. God’s word is clear upon it. Paul again and again calls himself the ‘‘bond slave” of Christ, yielded to Him wholly to do His will, not his own. ‘‘I beseech you there- fore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice * * unto God. (Rom. xii. 1.) Hear Paul thus exhort- ing believers. ‘‘ YrrLp yourselves unto Gop.” ** NEITHER YIELD * * untosin”—‘*To wHomM ye YIELD yourselves servants, HIS servants ye are.” (v.16.) ‘‘As yeHAVE YIELDED * servants to in- iquity, even so YIELD * servants to righteousness unto holiness.” {v. 10.) ‘‘ But now being set free (Greek) from sin (God’s act in Christ) and become servants to God (your act of surrender, needful to make you realize that freedom which is in Christ), ye have your fruits unto holiness” (v. 22); % é, ye know the power, blessing, fullness and fruitage of the Holy Spirit to whom you have now yielded. Notice both the impressive repetition and the significant position ( of his exhortation to yield ourselves to God. It follows the fifth chapter of Romans. That is, as soon as the believer, justified by faith, has re- ceived the Holy Ghost (v. 5) he is urged to yield himself to God, wholly and absolutely. Why? Because Paul knows the two-fold nature of the believer : knows that with whatsoever he would be jilled, to that he must yield: knows that if he 48 THE SHCRET OF HIS FULLNESS. would be filled with the Spirit he must yield to Him, otherwise he will go on living in the power and fullness of the flesh. Thus the abso- lute yielding of our lives to God és the first great step after conversion urged in His Word. Upon every convert, having received the Spirit, and while his heart is glowing with the love of Christ who has saved him, should be pressed home, earnestly and tenderly, the claim of that Christ upon his redeemed life, and His loving call to him to yield it to Him in absolute, unreserved surrender. There is no other way in reason, in revelation, or in practice. Alas for our blindness! Converts are exhorted to study the word; to be diligent in prayer; to abound in good works; to give of their substance to the Lord ; to be faithful in church services ; to join her various societies, and to busy themselves in her countless round of activities. But, (woe unto us!) in omitting the one supreme condition which God reveals, we fail to lift the single flood gate which alone will let into our lives His coveted fullness, That this act of surrender is the pivot upon which the gate of His fullness swings open is also seen in 3. Tne Experrnce or Gop’s CHimpRen. Is it not true of all of you beloved who walk the pathway of the blessed life? The Holy Spirit painted in your secret soul pictures of a walk with God which persistently refused to fade, even amid all your failures and falling short of them. There were yearnings after a YIELDING TO CHRIST. 49 richness and fullness of life in Christ which never ceased to haunt your soul. There were voices that called you for years to untrodden heights of communion, privilege and service. “You made many mistakes ; you were misi!ed by false teaching ; you groped earnestly in the darkness aiter the truth. But now, with the peace and joy of an established life in Christ Jesus filling your soul, as you look back over the past do you not see that the pivotal point of blessing and fullness was the surrender of your life to the Lord Jesus Christ? Whether long years in com- ing to this crisis, or reaching it at a single bound, every consecrated child of God knows that this act of surrender to God was the supreme step that brought him into the fullness of the closer walk with God. Your experience may have been complicated, confused, difficult to interpret; but that this act of surrender was the culmination of it all, and this fullness of the Spirit the out- come of such act, God’s response of grace to that act, all will testify. The lives of such men as Carey, Martyn, Paton, and Livingstone vividly show forth this truth. The fullness and power that marked their lives from the divine side went hand in hand on the human side with an un- qualified, unwavering surrender of life in its fullest sweep, to do the will of Him that sent them. Only such can bring His fullness. Again, that surrender is the secret of fullness is proven by ;— 4, Tar Resistance OF THE Fiesa. We may 50 THE SEORET OF HIS FULLNESS. be assured thata step which theself-life supremely opposes is the supreme step the Spirit would have us take. That point at which the Flesh masses its most desperate resistance must be the point to which the Spirit is most desirous of bring- ing us; must be the key-point of the situation. Above all else is the deliberate resolve to sur- render the life to God this step, this point. How clamorously the hostile Self-life protests against it! We will lead meetings; sign pledges; fill official positions ; draw checks even to the half of our fortune ; yea, do anything else; but how vehemently and desperately the Self-life opposes our yielding our life to God in full surrender ! Does any one question that self-will is the strong- hold of the Flesh, and that the act of surrender . storms the stronghold and is the act which the Spirit most desires and the Flesh most resists ? Then let that man or woman try to make such a surrender. Let them say to God ‘*‘ Here Lord I give up all my plans and purposes, all my desires and ‘hopes, and accept Thy will for my life. Whatever Thou dost want, take : whatever Thou wouldst have come, send: wherever Thou wouldst have me go,lead: whatever Thou wouldst have mesurrender, reveal. ‘‘Lo Icome todo Thy will.” Immediately how the powers of the Flesh will assail this decision! What clamorous pro- tests! What fierce hostility! What agonizing struggles ! What deathly swoonings of the soul at the mere thonght ! What bitter tests of pride and reputation! What sweeping sacrifices loom YIELDING TO CHRIST. 51 up unthought of before! The pulpit: the mis- sion field : yielded idols : surrendered professions, or occupations, or possessions : how these all start up like spectres before the trembling soul ! That day on which a child of God decides to yield his will to God will searce have passed its meridian ere he will stand appalled at the revelation of his own unwillingness to do God’s will; will be astonished and humiliated beyond measure at the desperate and repeated onslaughts of the self - life, to drive him from the new stand he has taken. Just as the frantic cries and wild flut- | terings of the mother bird prove that your dis- turbing hand is near her nestlings, so does the passionate resistance of Self to the consecration of your life prove that through that act the self- life is in deadly peril of overthrow under the mighty hand of God. Child of God, does not this very shrinking, this fierce enmity of the flesh, prove that his stronghold is unmasked; that his secret is betrayed ; that the very thing which he most vehemently resists is that, above all others, which God wants you to do? Have. you done it? For: 5. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR YOUR ACT OF SURRENDER. When God states a condition of bless- ing,no other condition, however good elsewhere, can be substituted. This is why all your crying, and waiting, and petitioning—yea, even agoniz- ing before God—have accomplished naught but to leave you grieved, disappointed, and dazed at lack of answer. You have been praying instead 52 THE SECRET OF HIS FULLNESS. of obeying. Prayer is all right w7th obedience, but not enstead of it. ‘* Obedience is better than sacrifice.” So is it better than prayer 7f 7 zs the thing God is asking. We are not petitioning God ; 7/e is petitioning us! Hear Him through His servant Paul: ** 7 beseech you, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice.” Have you done this? When we petition God to do something for us, we ex- pect Him to act. When God petitions us to make Him a present of our body as a living sac- rifico He expects us to act. But lo, we turn to and begin to pray, for, we say, is not prayer a good thing? Forsooth, it is, but not well spent if used to dodge obedience! How subtle the flesh is! How in our blindness we do play at cross- purposes with God! ‘‘ Abraham,” says God, “because thou hast done this thing, I will bless thee.” (Gen. xxii. 16.) And what was this thing upon the doing of which the blessing of God came to him,as never before? It was the yield- ing of his all to God in the surrender of his son. Child of God, have you done Tus thing? No other thing will avail. Constant prayer, impor- tunate entreaty, wearisome waiting, attempts at believing, reckoning it done—all these are of no avail if you will not do this thing. This un- yielded life is the very citadel of Self. God will not force it. But when its key, the Will, is vol- untarily banded over to Him, then He floods the life with His fullness of blessing. Would you know His ‘‘] will bless thee?” then ‘do this YIELDING TO CHRIST, 53 thing.” Absolutely, unreservedly, confidingly yield yourself, your life, your all into His hands for time and eternity. It will not do, in lieu of this, to give money, to give time, to give service, only. Thousands are trying thus to silence conscience and rob God. We must needs give ourselves. How grieved would that true lover be whose betrothed would answer his petition for her heart, herself, by proffering her purse, houses, or lands! How much more must God be grieved by our poor attempts to bribe Him by giving Him every- — thing else except the one thing he wants—our- selves. ‘*My son, give me thine heart.” There is a giving which is znstead of ourselves: and there is a gift of ourselves. One is the poor bribe of legalism to Love : the other the joyful response of love to Love. So in falling short of giving ourselves to God we fall short of the one supreme gift He desires. For God gave Him- self, gave all to us. If our response to the Lover of our soul falls short of the true-hearted surrender of ourselves we thereby show that we do not fully trust Him. But the shadow of such distrust haunting the unsurrendered heart is the barrier that keeps it from the fullness of God. For God cannot give fullness of the Spirit to him who does not have such fullness of trust as to yield his life to Him. Wherefore, beloved, knowing that naught but this can bring to your heart His fullness of life see to it that you omit it not. Know too, that 34 THE SECRET OF AIS FULLNESS. 6. THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THIS FULLNESS OF THE SPIRIT 18, IN A TREMENDOUS SENSE, IN YOUR OWN HANDS. ‘The question now rests with you. Not that it is not all of God and of grace. Verily it is. But in Christ Jesus the grace phase of it is complete. That is, God has already done all He can do for us in giving Christ. He ‘‘hath blessed us with every spiritual bless- ing in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus.” Do we want God to pour out the fullness of the Holy Spirit? He has done so in Christ. ‘*In Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily ” (Col. ii. 9). Do we want God then to put us ‘‘en Christ” where the fullness dwells? He has done so:—for “Sof Him are ye in Christ Jesus.” (I. Cor. i. 30). There is but one thing left, and that is yours. It is to so yield yourself to the Christ to whom you are united as to give Him opportunity to pour forth His fullness in and through you. This you must do. Do not attempt to throw the responsibility on God. If you do He will throw it back upon you, and rightly too, Jor that is where vt belongs. All these years He has been doing this. Have you been too blind to see it? He stands pledged to give you to know His fullness so soon as you surrender your life wholly to Him, but He does not stand pledged to surrender it for you, or to make you surrender it. He will not coerce your will. There He stops, and waits—as he has been waiting all these years for you. Do not say, either, ‘‘I have prayed; I have waited; I have wrestled and YIELDING TO CHRIST. 55 agonized ; I have tried to believe it done,” and the like. Do you not see that in all this youare calling on God to do something instead of obey- ing His command to do something yourself? The question is, have you YIELDED? Bought with a price, and not your own, have you taken your hands off your own life and consecrated it wholly, unflinchinely, eternally to the Lord Jesus Christ, to be His loving bond-slaye forever? It is not now a question of His fullness : that zs limitless. It is a question of your receptiveness, your sur- render. Is He worthy cf trust, of ABSOLUTE - trust? Then how child-likely will you trust Him ? ‘How absolutely will you yield-to Him? With what self-abandonment will you throw yourself upon Him? How far up toward the height of fis perfect surrender will you climb? He will meet you where you meet Him. The only limit to His fullness is that which you impose in the lim- itation of your surrender. The more absolutely, sweepingly, irrevocably you yield yourself, time, talents, possessions, plans, hopes, aspirations, purposes, yea allto Jesus Christ, avouching your- self His loving bond-slave to do and suffer His will, the more shall you know the blessed fullness of His Spirit. You may have all the fullness you will make room for. In a profound sense it rests with you. What a tremendous thought! To go through all the long years of life with the privilege, peace, and power of the blessed life within your grasp at any hour and yet to have missed it ! 56 THE SECRET OF HIS FULLNESS. And are you faint-hearted, timorous, slow to trust Him so absolutely? Are you loth to surrender your will, and afraid of Zs will? Think a moment what that will is for you.; The bleeding Son of God hanging between heaven and earth for you; translation from death to eternal life; sons and daughters of God; full- ness of His Spirit; peace, joy, fellowship in Him; instant, jubilant glorification at His coming ; triumphant sharing in His Kingship ; eternal ages of unending bliss in His presence—‘¢his is His known will for you. And yet you fear His will / The soul’s high treason, this, against its lawful, loving Lord! Beloved, at the very core of thy spiritual life, nestles a deadly cobra of unbelief which thou would’st do well, by this one deliberate, trustful act of surrender, to crush ere it strike its fangs deeper into thy heart. The daring cliff-climber, trusting a frail rope, swings out with dauntless heart over the dizzy abyss, while beneath him the cruel rocks and roaring, treacherous sea, eagerly wait to slay him if he falls. But thou, beloved, when thou dost this day swing thyself out in blind and simple trust in Him, will find no cruel fate awaiting thee, but the strong hands that catch thee were plerced—for thee; the side to which thou art pressed in loving embrace was riven—for thee ; the heart that throbs with joy at thine obedience once broke—for thee. Yea, the Christ who be- seeches thee is the Christ of love, desiring to fill thee with His own fullness of love. Therefore fear Him not, but, entering into the secret place, fight the battle; endure the suffering of the cross; cease not until you have honestly laid your life at His feet ; and verily, ‘‘ He will give thee the desire of thine heart.” 57 Crust. HERE is but one attitude that the life sur- rendered to Him dare take, to know His fullness, and that is: to Trusr and Opry. Upon the necessity of obedience we need hardly dwell here, but may simply say that it is the | very essence of surrender, which is naught else but an absolute yielding of our wills to obey the will of another—even our Lord and Master. As the whole catastrophe of the fall is wrapped up in the doing of our own will, the whole blessed- ness of the new life is involved in ‘‘ Lo I come to do Thy will.” In surrender is obedience ; in obedience is surrender. That surrender which is a supreme act of obedience, marks and means the beginning of a habit, a life of obedience to the Holy Spirit to whom we have yielded. So clearly is obedience inwrought in the very idea of sur- render that we shall not dweil long upon it in our brief limits, but pass on to some thoughts upon ~ its mated truth of—Trust. 1. Trust Him as Indwelling. There is, as we have seen, an erroneous teach- ing which essays to meet our spiritual powerless- ness and barrenness by asserting that we have not recelved the gift of the Holy Ghost, have not 58 THE SECRET OF HIS FULLNESS. been baptized with the Holy Ghost, and that what we need is to wait for the promise of the Comforter, and then, when He comes in, all this will disappear. We have endeavored very sim- ply to show that this is unscriptural, confusing, and misleading; that the believer does not sur- render his life in order to have the Spirit enter but because He jas entered; that the believer's life does not climax in the incoming of the Spirit but starts with it; that such indwelling is not the cap-stone but the base-stone of the entire structure of his inner life and outward service. Yet so accustomed have we become to the former view of this subject that the first thing we do after we yield our lives in surrender to Him isto begin to look for Him to enter, to wait for the promise, to expect His indwelling. Nowitisas against all this that we urge the child of God to trust in His indwelling. Do not await it, belzeve it; do not expect it, accept it; do not seek for it, recognize it; do not build up to it, build upon if as a sure foundation. ‘‘What,” you say, ‘‘accept the indwelling of the Spirit as a fact before surrender without any conscious incom- ing after it, without any feeling or emotional experience of Hisacceptance of my yielded life?” Precisely. Accept the fact of the Spirit’s in- dwelling exactly as you accepted the fact of the remission of your sins when you believed on Jesus Christ, by evidence a thousand fold more certain and reassuring than your shifting feelings, namely, the eternal, immutable word of God. YIELDING TO CHRIST. 59 That word is plain. God asks of you only one thing, namely, that you examine yourself and see whether you are in the faith, that is, a be- hever (II. Cor. xiii. 5). If so, then He assures you that He dwells in you; He reiterates again and again that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who zs in you, whom ye have of God, who dwells in you forever (I. Cor. iii. 16, etc.). He does not ask you to inspect your emo- tions for this, but to take His word for it. He does not ask you to wait for a feeling but to rest upon a fact, accepting His plain word as the evi- — dence of that fact. Then, apart from any con- sciousness of His indwelling, as you believe in, accept, recognize, and act upon that indwelling, you soon find it to be a glorious fact. A good old colored saint when asked howhe had become so conscious of the Spirit’s presence in his heart, replied: ‘‘Jess you believe He’sthere and He 7s there.” And so beloved ¢rustin His indwelling. Do not deny or await it, but believe and accept it. Like good old Brother Lawrence, ‘‘practice the presence of God” and you shall soon ex- perience it. ‘‘Act as though I were in you, and you shall know that Jamin you.” Right here it will much aid this trust in His indwelling if we will but grasp the important truth that is here in place, namely :— Distinguish between THE INDWELLING of the Holy Ghost and V2® MANIFESTATION Of the Holy Ghost, in His fullness. By indwelling is meant His presence in us; by manifestation the con- 60 THE SHORHT OF HIS FULLNESS. sciousness of that presence. Now the indwelling of the Holy Ghost depends upon our union with Christ, through faith, aswe haveseen. But the manifestation of the Holy Ghost depends upon our obedienceto His commandments (John xiv. 21) (in this case the call to yield ourselves to Christ). Wherefore the Spirit’s indwelling depends upon our standing, His manifestation upon our state. The first is a question of union, the second a question of communion, (in this case through obedience.) The first is accomplished by God, and is a per- manent fact in the believers life independent of his feeling about it or consciousness of it. As- suredly! ** Of Gop are ye In Curist Jesus.” (1. Cor. i. 30.) It is God who united you, child of God, to Jesus Christ, and united you forever. At that union the Holy Ghost came into you, and came to indwell forever (John xiv. 16). That the Holy Ghost indwells in you forever is as much a fact as that Jesus took away your sins forever. Ifyou are a child of God the Spirit dwells in you: if you are an obedient child the Spirit manifests Himself in you. Your birth does not depend upon yourself ; you were born of God ; but your walk does depend upon your- self and with it the Spirit’s manzfestation. In- dwelling should be associated with sonship ; man- ifestation with obedience and communion. Now sonship is the gift of God and zrrevocable, and so is the indwelling of the Spirit. But obedience and communion being largely in our hands are variable, wherefore, so is manifestation. Thus YIELDING TO CHRIST. 61 one of the deadliest errors we fall into is to make manifestation the test of indwelling, instead of the test of obedience to, andcommunion with, Him who is already indwelling. Never doubt the in- dwelling of the Spirit because you do not feel His presence, any more than you doubt that Jesus died for you because you do not feel that death. If we are saved only when we feel saved, and the Holy Spirit indwells only when we are conscious of His indwelling, then woe unto us, for the Spirit ceases to dwell in us, and we are lost men and women whenever we stumble or dis- — obey in our walk with God! What a disastrous and appalling error to fall into! Whereas when we see that His indwelling depends upon an unchangeable fact—our eternal union with Christ by faith—but the consciousness of that in- dwelling upon a changeable state—namely, our walk with God—then any decline in that con- sciousness of His presence will never lead us to doubt His indwelling, but only stir us to scan our lives if so be that we may be following Him so far off in the path of communion and obedi- dience asto have lost the shining of His manifested presence. We see from this also our need to: 2. Trust Him as to Manifestation. Do not dictate to Him the kind of feeling of fullness you desire. Do not insist upon a sudden flood-tide of emotion. Do not pitch upon some other man’s experience, heard or read of, and expect God to duplicate itin you. Trust all this to Him. We are prone both at conversion and 62 THE SECRET OF HIS FULLNESS. consecration to come to the Lord with a pre- viously formed conception of the exact sort of an experience we are to have. And are we not almost invariably disappointed? Why? Because God knows far better than we just what feeling to give us. Does not our very surrender to do and receive //¢s will, instead of our own, carry with it a loving submission to Him in this matter of manifestation, as in all others, accepting sweetly just such individual measure of fullness as He deems best? Paul had such wonderful manifestations of spiritual things as to need a thorn in the flesh ‘“‘lest, he should be exalted over- much.” Thereis asuggestion herethat the Lord knows just what form and degree of fulness to give each one of us, to keep us from spiritual pride, or exaltation. ‘Therefore leave it all to Him. Whether sudden or gradual; quiet or jubilant ; great peace or great power ; it matters not. Let us be concerned to meet the conditions of promise, and God will always take care of the fulfilinent of the promise. He who yields him- self most fully to the cross of Christ in surren- der, leaving the whole question of experience of fullness with God, will come sooner and more abundantly into its blessedness than he who, ignoring the conditions of full discipleship, spends his time awaiting tongues of fire and sound of rushing, mighty wind. Nothing is more hurtful than to be constantly inspecting our own inner lives to see if God is fulfilling His promises in our experience. It is YIELDING TO CHRIST. 68 iike the child constantly digging up the seed to see if it has sprouted. The question of the ew- perience of fullness of the Spirit belongs to the Lord. It is His gracious work alone. He has promised ‘*/ will manifest myself”; ‘‘this is A/y part; leavethis to Me.” The supreme thing for us to do is to fulfill the conditions placed upon us, through which God’s blessing comes, and trustfuily leave His part to Him. The less we are concerned and anxious about the manifesta- tion of His fullness the sooner will it come. Perfect faith in God, as we have seen, isall essen- — tial to knowing His fulness. But is there not in this scanning each pulse of feeling as it comes, a subtle unbelief, a fear that perhaps Ged will not be faithful even though we are? And back of it all are we not perhaps more anxious for the blessing, the joy, the feeling of the Spirit’s full- ness than eager, and willing, and quick to yield our lives to our blessed Lord even though no feeling should follow it? Wherefore,beloved, be occupied with an honest, complete, heart-search- ing surrender, and leave all else in God’s hands. 5. Lrust the Spirit as He works 0x you. At no point is a simple, unwavering trust in Him needed more than just here. For consider first how utterly incapable you yourself are of shaping, fashioning, purifying the life you have just yielded into His hands. How full of errors and failures it has been! How far it falls short even of your own human, not to speak of His divine, ideal for it! How sinful, weak and incon- 84 THE SECRET OF HIS FULLNESS. sistent! As you have striven, labored and bat- tled in your efforts to develop it, how colossal has seemed the task, how hopeless the outcome ! You are wrestling not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers; against the rulers of darkness ; against those who laugh in scorn at your self-efforts to overcome them. You know not the power of evil ; you know not the might of the self-life ; you know not God's power to cope with both. Apart from God you know not what armor you need ; what weapons to wield; what battles must be fought; what crisis the unknown future will bring ; how the old man shall be ‘‘ put off ;” how the new shall be put on; where your lot shall be cast; nor what field God has prepared for you. As you sit and pouder how hopeless it is for you, a mortal inan or woman, to try to mould and shape a life that is immortal in its service, scope and destiny, sweeping far into the mystic depths of eternity in its outcome, do you not realize how foolish you have been even to attempt to possess and control that life instead of yielding it at once to the Holy Spirit who brought it into being? Can you do anything else than trust Him wholly and absolutely with it, in view of your utter failure and inability to fashion it for the ministries, not only of this life, but of eternity ? But on the other hand mark how simply and absolutely you can trust the Spirit to work in the life you have yielded. Did He not bring you into being? Does He not know you as only the YIELDING TO CHRIST. 65 all-seeing God can? Is He not acquainted with your sins and weaknesses; fleshliness and fail- ures ; powers and talents ; regretted past, un- satisfied present, and unknown, eternal future? Does He not know just when you need chasten- ing, and when rebuke? When to press hard with the cross, and when to comfort with His own joy? When to usethe knife and when to pour in the soothing ointment? Just how to mould and fashion ; chisel and cut; straighten and strengthen ; pound, hammer and polish until the statue is as He would have it—like the Son? Wherefore rrust Him. When He leads you into paths that wound your faltering feet; con- fronts you with a future that lowers dark and threatening ; hems you in with providences that seem harsh and mysterious ;—in all these stand still ; whisper to yourself, ‘‘It is God that work- eth,” and—rrusr Him. For the Spirit must needs work in you ere He can work through you. He must needs purify the gold ere He can send it forth as sterling coin, the choicest of His mint- age. And if you will not stay under His hand, even when He works ever so strangely, how can Heaccomplish His deepening, enlarging, enrich- ing purpose in your life? Wherefore rrusr Him as He works iy you. It matters not that His dealings with you are strange, mysterious, even confusing : that this is not the way in which you would like Him to work ; that He is not sending you experiences of the kind or degree you ex- pected. You may not indeed understand all 66 THH SHCRET OF HIS FULNESS. this but He does, ‘‘for itis God that worketh zn you.” But you would not dare take your case out of His hands even if you could,—would you? Therefore trust Him while He inworks. 4. Linally trust Him to work THROUGH you. It is one thing to work for God ; it is another to have God work through us. We are often eager for the former ; God is always desirous of doing the latter. One of the important facts in the surrender of the life is that it is the attitude which gives God a chance to work His perfect will through us. For it is God that is working to evangelize the world; it is God who has laid the plans for it; it is God who has the power to successfully execute them. Now the God who is the ruler of the universe does not want us to plan, and worry, and work for Him. For while He appreciates our purposes toward Him, yet they may be all athwart His purposes for, and through, us. What He wants is not our plans, but our lives, that He may work //is plans through us. Now God will certainly do this through every life that is yielded to Him, if we simply trust Him so to do, and follow Him as He leads us on. His word upon this is clear. ‘‘For we are.... created in Christ Jesus UNroO GOOD WoRKS which Gop hath BEFORE ORDAINED that we should WALK IN THEM” (Eph. ii. 10). God hath an ordained plan of good works in Christ Jesus, and as each member of the body of Christ yields himself or herself to Him absolutely to do Zs ordained YIELDING TO CHRIST. 67 works, He will give to, and reveal to,that individ- ual member his or her particular works, so that they may walk in them. This is a plain promise of guidance, not only into a practical life-work for each one yielded to him, but ¢he life-work which God has ordained for each one of His children ‘from before the foundation of the world.” Is this incredible to you, beloved? Nay, anything else ig incredible! For that God should have a purpose for every drop of dew glittering in the morning sunlight : for every blade of grass that - upsprings from the earth: for every flower that blooms on hill or heath: and yet not have a plan for the lives of the men and women for whom these were created, is indeed in the last degree incredible! And do you reply that there are myriads of lives of His children apparently afloat upon the stream of a purposeless existence? Alas, yes. But it is because God can not reveal His will to an unrenounced Self-will; can not make clear His plans to a life full of Self-plans. Such unyielded Self-plans and Self-will become the fleshly cataract that veils the spiritual vision to God’s plan and God’s will. But when you yield your life wholly to Him,God will take away that veil and sooner or later show you your life-work. This is true, it matters not how dark the way is now, how hedged in by adverse circumstances, how trying or complicated your present position. You may have to wait: you must needs be patient: but God will assuredly extricate you from all entanglements,and work out His blessed 68 THE SHCRET OF HIS FULNESS. will through you, if you will but trust,wait, and obey as He guides. Many a life once so hemmed in as to seem beyond hope of freedom, is now witnessing for Christ inthe distant dark-lands. We have a dear friend who, soon after being saved, was led to see the truth and glorious priv- ilege of the surrendered life, and gave that life simply and trustfully to God. He was a busy man, shut in all day behind a counter, in a posi- tion that seemed to bar him absolutely from being led into any life work God might have planned for him. Yet mark theresult. Reading one day an interesting item ina religious journal, he was led to write the author, and ask permis- sion to print and circulate it free, in tract form. This was willingly granted, and the little leaflet began to go out on its errand of blessing from the hand-press of our friend, who was an ama- teur printer. As the months went by other leaf- lets were added; voluntary offerings began to come in for the work; the few hundred tracts crept up into thousands, and hundreds of thou- sands ; stories of conversion of sinners, and bless- ing to God’s children, poured in from the logging camps of Michigan, the prisons of Wisconsin, the country at large, and the mission fields of dis- tant lands. In the two or three years since this work began one million tracts have been sent out free ; the Word of God has been circulated to an extent, and with results, that eternity alone will reveal ; and our busy friend is one of the hap- piest of the great King’s servants, in the con- YIELDING TO CHRIST. 69 sciousness of being in a work which God has planned for him, and gave to him when he yield- ed his life to Him. Even so will God assuredly lead every surrendered child of His out from the place of darkness, inquiry, and uncertainty, into the light and joy of that God-planned, and God- empowered service which is to be his glad life- work, if he will only rrusr Him who works zn us, and desires to work mightily through us. eer = ae OR ACR RE, Te, a oan edi ci dmDantfestation. Y Indwelling is meant, as we have seen, the presence of the Spirit in us as believers : by Manifestation is meant the conscious- ness of His presence; the inner revelation of the Spirit to our Spirit. Concerning this, notice, 1. Lts Certainty. Will there be such a mani- festation of the fullness of the Spirit when we yield our lives to Him? Will we be aware of a great inner change in those lives? Will there be a conscious transformation, a conscious new estate of christian experience? ‘To this we an- swer :—Is the sluggish, stagnant river conscious of the inrushing waters of the sea, as it feels the throb and rush of her cleansing tides? Is the dark, gloomy old castle conscious of the fresh, sweet air that fills its wind-swept chambers, as they are flung wide open to it? Are the sightless eyes, that have been veiled for years in hopeless darkness,conscious of the bright light of day, when it first breaks upon their enraptured vision? So, assuredly, is there a conscious manifestation to the soul that has given itself, for all time and all things, to God. There must be, there will be, a YIELDING TO CHRIST. 7 change: arealization of His presence to a degree never known before: a consciousness that the greatest crisis in the spiritual life has been passed. Nor does it matter whether such manifestation of His fullness bursts upon us like the sudden out-flashing of the sun from behind dark clouds, or steals upon us like the slow-increasing olow of the morning twilight, gradual but sure. Enough for us to know that such manifestation does come: that He does reveal Himself in fullness, power, and blessing never known before. His beseech- ing us to present our bodies to Him was not idle entreaty ; our yielding to Him was not vain ex- periment. He fulfills His promise, ‘‘I w7/d man- ifest myself, as I do not unto the world.” Hence- forth there is height and depth, peace and power, joy and blessing, communion and service, prayer and praise, such as the past has never possessed. To that soul who gives himself wholly to God, life is transformed beyond his fondest hopes : the blessings of the Abundant Life become richer and fuller as the days go by: God does exceeding abundantly above all he can ask or think. He is ‘‘ strengthened with might by His spirit in the inner man”: *‘ filled with all the fullness of God”: made to ‘“‘abound more and more”: and out of this abundance overflow ministry, testimony, and blessing to those about him. 2. Lis Individuality :—Manifestation will vary with the individual. Two men,absorbed in con- versation, stand upon arailroad track, not noting the approach of a train swiftly bearing down 72 THE SECRET OF HIS FULNESS. upon them. Just in time both are snatched, by friendly hands, from the awful death impending. To both, as they turn away with blanched faces, the same event has come, namely, rescue from terrible death under the wheels of the rushing, roaring train. But mark how differently it af- fects them. One’s eyes fill with tears ; his voice trembles with suppressed emotion ; and his heart is quietly uplifted, in profound gratitude to God. The other, fairly ecstatic in his emotion, leaps for joy, embraces his rescuers, and exultantly recounts the story of his deliverance to all whom he meets. ‘he same blessing has come to both, but the experience manifests itself diversely, because their individual temperament is differ- ent. Just so is it here. Two of God’s children yield their lives to Him in entire surrender. In response to that surrender the same event will come to them both—a fullness of the Spirit never known, never thought possible, before. But the manifestation, the experience of that full- ness, will not be the same in both ; it will neces- sarily vary with the individual temperament. For God not only gives the fullness, but He also made the vessels which contain that fullness, and has made them all slightly different. The cup, vase, and goblet of gold, are all full, but the water within them takes shape from the fashioning form of the vessel. ‘The light which streams through the electric wiresis all the same, but it takes its tints from the many-colored globes through which it glows. Paul and John YIELDING TO CHRIST. 73 were both men mightily filled with the Holy Ghost; yet how strikingly His manifestation was modified by their individual temperaments. Paul is exultant, fiery, and vehement. He breaks forth, time and again, into shouts of tri- umph, praise, and joy. His wondrous life burned, and flamed, with love for Christ, with an intensity that seemed about to consume it at any moment. Life seemed all too short for his eager soul to compress into its fleeting moments all the devotion, zeal, and enthusiasm, of the highest-keyed, widest-ranged life the Holy Ghost has pictured in the early church. Paul was assuredly full of the Holy Ghost, and thou- sands of martyrs and missionary heroes, gifted with that same intensity of temperament, and in- -spired by the vision of that spirit-filled life, have set before them the Pauline type of Chris- tian experience as their own desired ideal, and, yielded to God, have marvelously attained to, and exemplified it, in service and sacrifice for the same Master. And yet that man who thinks he is not filled with the Holy Spirit unless enjoy- ing the same kind, and degree, of manifestation as Paul, may be far astray from the truth. For, on the other hand, turn to John. No man was closer to the heart of Jesus Christ than he. He leaned upon His bosom ; he felt the throb of His Master’s heart-life as none other ; he inter- preted the inmost secrets of His soul. His writ- ings breathe out the very spirit of Christ, and bring us into the very presence chamber of a holy 74 THE SECRET OF HIS FULNESS. God. Quiet, contemplative, devotional, his soul does not seem to break forth into exultant shout, like Paul’s, but to be rapt, absorbed, lost in the vision of the Christ. Yet John, the be- loved disciple, the confidant of Christ, was as surely fall of the Holy Ghost as was Paul, the great apostle to the Gentiles. In the holy, quiet, close walk with God of John’s life, is given for us a type of manifestation of the Spirit which has reproduced itself in thousands of godly lives, whose constant communion, ministry of prayer, and quieter forms of service, are unspeakably precious in God’s sight, and bear the assured mark of His fullness. The Johns, and Ruther- fords, and Bengels of God’s fold, are as surely filled with the Spirit as the Pauls, the Judsons, andthe Patons. Let us therefore, when we have yielded our lives, be grateful to God for just stich individual manifestation as he may, in His grace, vouchsafe us. In envying some other man’s type of experience, because it comports more with our idea of what the manifestation of the Spirit’s fullness should be, let us beware lest we disparage, and dishonor, what God has bestowed uponus. If He grants us wondrous visions, fills us with spiritual ecstasies, catches us up into the third heaven ;—it is well. But if He apportions to us a quieter experience: pours out upon us the spirit of supplication: fills us with a peace as profound as other men’s joy is rapturous: anoints us with power in prayer, instead of power in the pulpit ;—this too is well. For He knows, YIELDING TO CHRIST. 75 and **the Spirit divideth asunder severally as He will.” 3. Its accompaniment;—Suffering. In. Peter iv. 1, 2, this truth is stated: ‘‘Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind : for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin ; that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.” ‘The flesh—the carnal nature— which in Christ was sinless is in us sinful; is the sphere in which sin works, ‘‘the body of sin,” as it were. Wherefore, in yielding our lives wholly to God to do His will, the old self-will, the flesh-life, must feel the touch of the cross of Christ, for it is only as it is put in the place of crucifixion with Christ, through surrender and faith, that we can cease to do our own will, and come to do the perfect will of God. This means suffering, and the Word tells us plainly that we are to ‘‘arm ourselves likewise with the same mind,” and expect to suffer in the flesh, in order to ‘‘no longer live the rest of our time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.” Now in seeking to know the fullness of the Spirit, we nieet just such an experience. When yield- ing our lives to God, instead of the great mani- festation of peace and joy of the Spirit we an- ticipated, we are troubled at finding one totally different. We come instead into a place of struggle, and of soul-agony : a consciousness of fierce resistance, and of keenest suffering: of tur- 76 THE SECRET OF HIS FULNESS. mou, uncertainty, and distress. Instead of light is darkness: instead of peace, a dire unrest: in- stead of fullness, a seemingly utter spiritual void, and barrenness in our souls: instead of advance, én apparently backward step. All the whilecon- tinues this sense of intense,awful,inward suffer- ing, which we can neither define, describe, nor understand, save that it is so utterly diverse from our expectation as to throw us into almost hopeless confusion. And yet this experience is absolutely normal, explainable, and to be ex- pected in every yielded life. ‘We do err not knowing the Scriptures.” If wehad known them we would “arm ourselves with the same mind,” we would expect, in advance, exactly this experi- ence. Let any believer who comes into this crisis be not confounded, or discouraged thereby, for it is sure evidence that God és going to bring him into the place of Suliness for which his heapt yearns. The journey to the upper room of Pen- tecost must needs be by a place called Calvary : God has the self-same place for self as for sins —the cross of Christ : The man who cried, ‘* It is no longer I but Christ that liveth in me,” first cried, ‘I have been crucified with Christ.” But it hurts to be crucified even with Christ! And so there is darkness, and struggle, and agony, and suffering. Nevertheless, ‘‘ fear not, only believe,” for ‘* if we have been united with Him by the likeness of His death we shall be also by the likeness of His resurrection,” and out of it all will come God’s own rest, peace and power. YIELDING TO CHRIST. Th 4. Its time:—the time of surrender. As has been stated, we are not, the instant we have yielded to God, to begin to scrutinize our inner experi- ence to see if He has fulfilled His promise of manifestation. For the moment of professed surrender is not always the moment of real sur- render to God, since there may be something in our lives concerning which there is conscious failure to yield, and which will thus hinder the Spirit’s manifestation at the moment of apparent surrender. Yet, as we look back over our lives, we clearly see the general truth that the experi- ence of the Spirit’s fullness was God’s response to our surrender, and we definitely link the two together in the time-records of our spiritual life. This clears up the mooted point whether the manifestation of the fullness of Christ is, or is not, an after-conversion experience, a so-called ‘** second blessing.” If, as has been seen, the experience of the Spirit’s fullness is linked in fact, and in time, with the surrender of our life to God, then the only question is, when did we so surrender it? If, at conversion, we not only trusted Christ for salvation, but also yielded our lives to Him in entire surrender, then we not only received the Spirit, but came also to know His fullness. But, if an interval of greater or less length occurs between our salvation and our consecration to God, then of necessity the full- ness of the Spirit must be, as it usuaily is, an experience subsequent to conversion. Log- ically, such an interval is always necessary ; 78 THE SECRET OF HIs FPULNESS., practically, it may be so short as to make the two experiences almost simultaneous ; usually there is such an interval, long, weary and need- less, in which the soul gropesafter the unknown, or resists the known, truth. Logically, sach an interval is needful because the appeal to consecration presumes salvation, and is grounded upon it. ‘* I beseech you brethren, by the mer- cres of God.” (Rom. xii. 1.) Itis the love which springs up in our heart because Christ has saved us, that prompts us to yield our life to Him. The yielded life is the response of the redeemed to their Redeemer, and it is not until after they have experienced the love of *“ Him who first loved them,” that their own hearts can be kindled with the love that prompts to surrender. There- fore conversion must of necessity precede con- secration. Practically the interval may be so short as to be almost unnoted. The same flood of grace that bears a soul into the kingdom of God, simul- taneously fills his heart with such responsiveness of love as can find vent only in the instant sur- render of the life. Happy are such! Paul seemed hardly saved until, in the attitude of con- secration, he was crying out ‘* Lord what wilt thou have me to do?’ Charles G. Finney, after he had found Christ as his Saviour, testities that as he emerged from the depths of the woods, and walked toward his law-oflice, he found himself repeating aloud: ‘‘I must preach the gospel.” Almost unconsciously he had, in the very hour YIELDING TO CHRIST. 79 of his conversion, surrendered his life to God, and the vision of clients, briefs, and professional ambitions had fled away, before the vision of Him who died for him. The result was that the same night, while alone in his office, there came to him such a manifestation of the fullness of God as has been given to few men since the days of the early church, the mere reading of which fills the heart with reverential awe at the vision of what God can do with the wholly yieldedlife. Usually, . there is a considerable interval between conver- sion and entire surrender to God. Yetitisa needless, and unhappy one. Itexistsnot because | God desires or plans it, but because we are ignorant of this great heart-truth, or knowing, keep resisting Christ’s call. Finally, after years of darkness or disobedience, we yield, and come into a haven of rest which we might just as well have entered years before, instead of long toss- ing on the troubled sea without. 5. lts Progressweness:—Manifestation of the Spirit's fullness may be progressive. Not that the will to surrender is a process. Itis a definite act, done once and for all, and it is well-pleasing to God as such. Yet few believers realize at the time the significance and sweep of a complete surrender to God. Wherefore the perfecting of this surrender is measurably a process, and there is a progressiveness of manifestation with it. In some lives this is less, in others, more marked. Some men and women give up their lives to God in an instant, with asweep, absoiuteness, and 80 THE SHCRET OF HIS FULNESS. intensity of consecration that takes the breath of cautious, tardier souls, and God’s seal of mani- fested fullness is as immediate, and im pressive in its response. Others yield slowly,and by degrees, to God, and their experience takes alike more gradual and progressive cast. We may illus- trate, somewhat like this: You own a valuable landed estate. Deciding, after due deliberation, to sell it, you did so in good faith, and are now about to transfer it. Strolling over it some day before the transfer, you discover, to your sur- prise, a fine, living stream of water of whose existence you had not known before, and which much enhances the value of your estate. It costs you considerable of a struggle to let this go with the land, for it was not in your knowledge when sold. But you are an honorable man, and finally yield, for the estate was sold “‘ with all its appur- tenances.” Soon after this you discover out- croppings of coal upon the same farm, and wake up to the realization of the presence of a valuable coal mine. But it is now too late, and after a severe struggle you decide that the coal mine must go too, inasmuch as the sale was absolute and without reserve. As the day for the transfer comes, you one day discover traces of gold in the river bottom, and are soon astonished with the tidings that your vanishing estate is one of the richest gold-bearing tracts on the continent. And now comes a mighty struggle, a supreme test. You try to persuade yourself that gold- mines were not included in the sale: that the YIELDING TO CHRIST. 81 price is wretchedly inadequate: that you are not in honor bound to complete the transfer. But in your heart you know that the sale was without reserve: that it included every- thing, even to the air above and the earth be- neath that farm : and your God-given conscience pleads without ceasing until, at last, after a ter- rific struggle, you yield, and set your hand and seal to the deed which sweeps away so much more than you had ever forseen. Even so it is in many lives. We yield ourselves absolutely and without reserve to God, and this, acceptable to Him, brings manifest blessing into our souls. But we do not begin to know the full scope and significance of such consecration to Christ, and, if we did, would perhaps shrink back appalled from a full-orbed vision of its meaning at the outset. Our blessed Lord knows this, and how compassionately and tenderly He meets it! Well pleased with our yielded wills He soon reveals some cherished idol, and shows it to be involved in our surrender in blank, as it were, to Him. Perhaps we struggle and resist, but our act of surrender was honest and sincere, so we yield it. Step by step He now leads on, showing us, as rapidly as we are ‘‘able to bear it,” how this act of surrender includes everything we hold dear. Finally,with added faith in His love from these experiences, He brings us face to face with our gold-mine, our Isaac, some treasure of self- will, affection, or pride, than which we would rather yield up all else in life, yea, our very life 82 THE SECRET OF HIS FULNESS. itself. But the deed has been drawn: there is no reserve ; all must go. And so, out of the struggle, comes that perfecting of surrender which brings into our Hearts His coveted fullness of manifestation. It should rejoice us much that there are intrepid souls whose challenge of, ** Lord what wilt Thou have me to do,” He an- swers by a revelation of the sweep and scope of surrender, whose instant, fearless acceptance brings instant manifestation of His fullness. Yet how beautiful that He should thus, lovingly and patiently, lead the more timorousand shrink- ing souls up the golden staircase of the yielded life until, step by step, they too have attained to that glad height, which others conquer at a bound. ee ee Gn" If. The Secret of this Cone= stant Manifestation. Abiding in Christ. Ebdide in me and iin pou. Hs the branch cannot bear fruit of itself ercepft it abide . . . nomorecan pe ercept pe abide John xv 4. ibe that abidetb . . . bringeth forth mucb fruit. John xv. 5 85 Rbioing. E cone now to the last phase of the three-fold secret of the Holy Spirit. Its importance will be recognized in the following type of experience, not uncommon among believers.