PERS S Sav ih p, ae aN \’ Ae eos . ney, Sek . " f € », ” ~ . NAS FERS iene SS Cents AS SNe , e BRN RNReRE RET RNC SEO EATON AS AS UV S ARS . “ Re Bese! Re iS y pees aes te os, RES EER NG RS SARS “ 4s ea tore SHAN ~ OR See ae ORY Ne o RE Poh . EAN eS SS ‘ SAS » We eh A aN COLO eR AG AS ht ANS se . ANS : ROAR n SRN at RNS v \) ae Sy a . os meat SS < SRA WAR ARRA Rees SOR SONS SNS SIN R ET RR MASS SY “y SANS As ’ MS \ RON SON Mae i s 1 Y, . ‘ aN . ‘ Say Res . SS SON ER ASO TTS i Te Y Ry S NAGAR ¥ S vst . SNS OTN ‘ \ eAX 5 NOSE AT eee RICAN RAS SAN SY EN SS LSA OE SN SR NO RE re aN NS aN NS \ \ a eee ELLE, SA oo ayy SHS S SN AAR Se RS NN SN St NS ES i oe SNS MEM Be SRR SON SOR SS SRR SAA RRR EN WEN SSA ANNA TONS RRR RAS SSAA WAS ANN K x Sh WN » . RN \\ RRMA RSS QAM Vi Aang ages RASS \ . SS . Re SS \Y MAA NS MAN AN ays . INR . ASN Ys x wt, LL Ze Ce Lae eye AN SON 4 es Ss SSO Ss EN SERNA AWN S SN SY Se \ SAY ri SAN SN RRS NN SES « . YY SO AX SY SS RRR “Digitized by the intemal Archive in 2022 with funding from nceton Theological Seminary Library DOCTRINES DISCIPLINE OF THE Methodist Episcopal Church LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THE METHODIST BOOK CONCERN NEW YORK CINCINNATI Resolved, That the editing of the Discipline shall be a part of the official duties of the Book Editor, who may secure such help as he may require.—J ournal, 1924 DAVID G. DOWNEY, Editor a ASSISTED BY BISHOP LUTHER B. WILSON Card ; — eens ni OO * . 1 | een ow p Mimed : rf Cea ad “= Copyright, 1924, by % % wise THE METHODIST BOOK CONCERN wn otm Han New York yee i rvéd, including that of translation into foreign languages, including the Scandinavian Printed in the United States of America First Edition Printed September, 1924 Reprinted December, 1924; January, 1926; March, 1927 EPISCOPAL ADDRESS To the Members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. DEARLY BELOVED BRETHREN: It is our privilege and duty to recommend to you this volume, which contains the Doctrines and DISCIPLINE of the Methodist Episcopal Church, which we believe are agreeable to the Word of God. Although the Word of God is the only sufficient rule of faith and practice, the Church, in the liberty given to it by the Lord, and following the example of other churches, ancient and modern, has modified its Discipline from time to time in order more fully to secure the end for which it was founded. We believe that God’s design in raising up the Methodist Episcopal Church in America was to aid in evangelizing the continent and “to spread scriptural holiness over these lands.” Evidently God’s blessing has been with us, and we have seen an extraordinary work extending: throughout all the United States and Territories and through- out the British possessions in North America; also the planting of successful Missions in South America and Mexico. The Methodist Episcopal 3 EPISCOPAL ADDRESS Church, in its organic form and spiritual power, has been established in Africa, Asia, and Hurope, where God has given to it great prosperity. During the period in which this work has been extending, the Church has revised its legislation to meet the demands created by its own activities and by the conditions of the different peoples among whom it strives to build up the Kingdom of God. The peculiar Constitution and Administrative Rules of our Church, to which its success is largely due, deserve careful study. The Itinerant Min- istry, the subpastorate through Classes, the Episco- pacy, the District Superintendency, the Confer- ences in their gradation, the Local Ministry, the Judicial Administration, the Interdependence of Ministry and Laity, with the well-defined duties and rights of each, are severally parts of a system which can be truly valued, profitably used, or wisely modified only by those who through loving and faithful study have become familiar with it. Therefore this volume should be found in the home of every member of the Methodist Episcopal Church; and the more so because it contains the Doctrines maintained, in part or in whole, by every Evangelical Church. The Order of Worship herein set forth ({ 72) we commend to your scrupulous observance. In 4 EPIscopAL ADDRESS substance it has been received from our Fathers, and has been approved by the judgment of the Church. If uniformly observed, it will continue to be both a token and a bond of unity throughout our widespread communion. We remain your affectionate Brethren and Pas- tors: BISHOPS EARL CRANSTON, JoHN W. HaAmILToN, JOSEPH F. Brrry, Winu1am F. McDows 11, Witi1aM Burt, LutHer B. WILson, Tuomas B. NEBELY, Wiuuiam F, ANDERSON, JoHN L. NUELSEN, Wixtiiam A. QUAYLE, EKpwin H. Huaues, Frank M. BrisTou, Homer C. Strunrz,* THEODORE 8. HENDERSON, WiutiaM QO. SHEPARD, Francis J. McConneg 1, FreDERIcK D. LExEts, Ricuarp J. Cooks, Wiipur P. THIRKIELD, HERBERT WELCH, THomas NICHOLSON, Apna W. LEONARD, Wiiu1aM FF, OLDHAM, CHARLES B. MITCHELL, FraNcES W. WARNE, * Deceased. JoHn W. Rosinson, Epen 8. JOHNSON, Lavress J. Birney, FREDERICK B. FIsHEr, Ernest L. Waporr, Cuar_Les E. Locke, Ernest G. RICHARDSON, CHaRLES W. Burns, Anton Bast, EpGar BLAKE, GrorcE H. Bicx.ey,* FREDERICK T, KEENEY, H. Lester Sirsa, Cuarues L. Mean, Rosert E. Jones, MatruEew W. Cuarr, Grorce A. MILLER, Titus Lowe, GrorcE R. Gross, BRENTON T. BaDLEy, Wauuace E. Brown. MIssIONARY BISHOPS JosePH C. HARTZELL, IsataH B. Scort, ~— oo wees wi Nip} a aly aegis oe rk NG fe % fhivos Ped i : Maw ti} ‘i ‘ait bi Sa ie i Cees en tee) nie ay M4 Te caer mE STM es rye Te Maa Ait ae * ees ea aN (tevin Ay ‘ai a it ee eae a A a castenied aa a Wa CAT OOGTA, Wi elt rave Gi AR a 0 RR: EE BOGE ERD Pru tana ty ae Ae a “y) qraanys itt i ; Ke eet D8 8] lbp nie 3 \ ir A he, it. Ky : i é: rw he ae RBS oe Ave ti i Asie tit Di ni eae nara He Yh pyaar, a) aa og RCA Stir IES EO Be ply A AE ei OO ern Oty NM Pe ik ary. ME Pathe CN a 2 eae aN ae Sean WdierraMe sh hes) ganar IVE AY Sey suey poe sy 1 hia LY 1 eta Par olive Gide est By HT Gan weet ne RGat DA page a Jy Oe RET Ae ea tesa Dae ; Ry he fae a te ahs ie er 7) x een re HISTORICAL STATEMENT Tue doctrine and spirit of Primitive Christianity have existed at different times and in different de- grees in all branches of the kingdom of Christ among men. They were embodied in a new form on this wise: “In 1729 two young men in England, reading the Bible, saw they could not be saved without holiness, followed after it, and incited others so to do. In 1737 they saw, likewise, that men are justified before they are sanctified; but still holiness was their object. God then thrust them out to raise a holy people.” This was the rise of Methodism, as given in the words of its founders, John and Charles Wesley, of Oxford University, Presbyters of the Church of England. Their evangelical labors were accompanied by an extraordinary divine influence; other Minis- ters and many Lay Preachers were raised up to aid them; and throughout England and in Scotland and Ireland arose United Societies of men having the form and seeking the power of godliness. These sub- sequently became the Wesleyan Churches of Great Britain. In the year 1766 Philip Embury, a Wesleyan Local Preacher from Ireland, began to preach in New York City and formed a Society, now the John Street Church. Another Local Preacher, Thomas Webb, Captain in the British army, soon joined him and also preached in the City of New York and its vicin- 7 HISTORICAL STATEMENT ity. About the same time Robert Strawbridge, from Ireland, settled in Frederick County, Maryland, preaching there and forming Societies. In 1769 Mr. Wesley sent to America two Itinerant Preachers, Richard Boardman and Joseph Pilmoor, and in 1771 two others, Francis Asbury and Richard Wright. The work. thus begun was signally owned of God, so that, at the close of the Revolutionary War, the num- ber of Traveling Preachers was about eighty, and of members in the Societies about fifteen thousand. When the Independence of the United States was acknowledged by the treaty of 1783, the American Methodists, most of whom had been members of the Church of England, according to the declaration of Mr. Wesley, were “totally disentangled both from the State and the English hierarchy.” He added: “They are now at full liberty simply to follow the Scriptures and the Primitive Church, and we judge it best that they shouid stand fast in that liberty wherewith God has so strangely made them free.” The parish clergy had mostly returned to England, and the Methodist Societies were without ordained Pastors. “For hundreds of miles together” they were destitute of the Christian sacraments. As his children in the Gospel, they appealed to Mr. Wesley for advice and help, and he responded by ordaining Richard Whatcoat and Thomas Vasey as Presbyters (or Elders) for America; and jenemoec ob ora deoneungenece!lade q 43 UMPC HIEGEUITL se, cial a saarap bh etek #1. etake les ute ered eile th) aaa. 8 4 44 Per Leer V OFUEE W ko bate Pe Ha oF ok oho to I RELL q 45. X. Powers and Res trict Gu aais te ae ee oe Cae 4 46. XG Aion MEN tSar sn esi cronies el saslsverereWele) syelorstencretess suexetsne:'s 4 47 - LEGISLATION nee 43 Nees Part I any CRAPTER weee Tap CHURCH ae sett) I. MemBERSsHIP °° Php Admission into ‘he GHUTCH SE broly. he hy ea ea AH 48 Baptized’ Childreri and the Church.............. §|4 49-54 Transfer.of, Membership...).. /. 6. 6 be ane oe eh a4 556 56 Affiliated Members 2. sia: .:3 ap: syeremyeees)- ao B88 ake U5 13 ; CoNTENTS CHAPTER PARAGRAPH Nonresident-Inactive Membership........ SORT Se SESS 72 q 58 Withdrawalay ys id disiltdere tox euekela oto bce odes ene ee eee ale q{ 59 Classes and Class Meetings and Units for Prayer and Bervice 10. ine te a eis ot cs ciat lan ek Sako te ea {| 60-64 II. Specrtan ADVICES Slavery oR ee eaneionestises erate Leh I Mone nome oe aa am q 65 OPES SNe eu ey AMON CER e setiay eka ve ee a a hellay ata sb pohereren ens Poveteh ake 4 66 ISA BER ante Fox oR OR IN OY ML AB MNES Siete Stns exponen ene { 67 TDLV.@RGE alas srsass boneenca te eee Ealalelte aero Seca sate ekalee aes {| 68 “AMMUSBCINENES «7 vleraks ss es sicreonel ais, alee) eetete eke ai enone sane 69 Temperance \y «Ma Plowveiescce cusicibieneksneteber as edhe Aude Smepemenere qf 70 Christian Stewardship. u2...1i0 ac itele eicveveleteneus elebensietete {71 {II. Worsnipe Order of Public Worship........... Sh lets olor mrote a orarereuels q 72 Theispirit.and (Druthiot Simpiny 675. csi aie vel erate eudieneens q 73 Part II Tue CONFERENCES CHAPTER I. THe GENERAL CONFERENCE [see {{ 37-47] II. ANNUAL CONFERENCES Number and Organization. .........0....)e08028 | 74-79 Order Of Business xs. yi) ilo 9 Ua baie also lo evens de MO Ne { 80 Powers and Duties). 2. oe we. 1 Se dongs eka neiclal cle aaa {7 81-87 Statistician and) Treasurers acc oe ec aslo oleae {4 88-92 Statistical Reportis | Ge iesaleisr cereschenee teenie S08 Si Sunday School Statistics. .)..: tisas\erats ope bees Osa Conference Treasurer’s Report.........eeeseeceeee q{ 92 Til. Lay EvecroraLt CONFERENCES Htection of Delegates se ooo ticle 6 oie Base die ecebe later ewe ¥F 93 Layamen’s Associations) oc oe 2 ae ota oe, a. axsiedas as atebeliane q 94 IV. CrENTRAL AND CENTRAL Mission CONFERENCES... JJ 95, 95A V. Mission CONFERENCES........0. aval ss cigtate « dnmttis tte c.atebka+ oheaO VI. Missions [see {QJ 421, 422, 449] VII. District CoNnFERENCES Organization and Duties feed... soe cio ences qT 97-101 Orderiof; Businesses ene men eae sus 6 See ee { 102 Discontinuance.) ayers eed Cele tare) «oslo he talere eye ieean nme EO VIII. QuarTERLY CONFERENCES Organization and Duties....... bcs ba etelatn es SMO terre Order of Business..... gaat You cuepeOE tetie cake Sees be atau eioke Ree 108 Auditing and Records... We seis eres « - TT 109, nh Disciplinary Financial Plan... coe cete cage eee ORT CA BOAar a yo ae iw vate ee entere Artes eyer ina durueuet Arn bs 4 it IX. Leapers AND STewaRDs’ MEETING... ..cceecseceese: q 113 [For JupIcIAL CONFERENCE, see § 292] 14 CoNTENTS Part III THE MINISTRY CHAPTER PARAGRAPH I. QUALIFICATIONS AND WoRK Call to -Preachy in cits h clviote so Pe TOA PRL AE RAE q 114 Rules for a Preacher’s Conduct: .........% “ok. YT 115-126 Spiritual.Qualificationss ee nigel ae E 4/4] 127-134 Profitable.Use, of) Time'da dishes ce fhaticds ag ake || 135-137 Necessity of Union Among Ourselves... hf 138,189 Deportment at Conference...............005. 44] 140, 141 WW here:and Howto; Preach ae urer ee ea aia, 4/4] 142-146 Pastoral Bideltty ener. caer tee eres eects 4/4} 147-155 II. Ministers anp ANNUAL CONFERENCES IEVESCD LION OME rig kt Meee eM one Milan Ob AL a lis {7 156-160 Admission into Full Membership.............. 4/4 161-164 Ministers from Other Churches............... 474] 165-167 Ministers in Official Positions!. Fieri 34.58 whee q{ 168 Termination of Conference Membership BYAOCATOTI IE EEE ah Rs ile Mee eg alae Laci tkaae eran ¥ 169 By the Surrender of Ministerial Office............ 4 170 By Being Deprived of the Ministerial Office... ... Serr IBA Wathar awa lye rie Rhianna Tyan: horn suet Name ee. q 172 By UGIGIOlE EROGeGUure aye micet cesta cca atime oe ee crentiatetenae 17S PAR AD Wee act nue dai es MAS SEE ep eae pod he Re {174-176 IV. Eupers....... iduae (eatin egg Ak a get: ei de NG cab i | 7 177-181 V. Pastors (Preachers in Charge) DU LIeS es ters Sato ane cE, ee meee RE casrarteh Suh), cide ane pey oP q 182 TREROLES NCE I, CULE, cil MRE OAR ONL Dade Ce 8 18 Special: Restrictionsys..),..). 2 + o..« deeper Fedenndors {7 184, 185 Vio, LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 50035 5.4 PRETO PORBS Pe URN | q 186 VII. SUPERNUMERARY MINISTERS. 2...) 000 ccc cccscosse q{ 187 Vite Rerreep «MINISTERS. * 0 6'5 Gobi ers Gn ae Ye q{ 188 IX. District SUPERINTENDENTS...... 000500 ce ececces FJ 189-193 Eee, PILES BION AR WTSTMELO PE 2 *.'.'))'s lace e's Dave plone rial tote TJ 194-203 XI. BisHors How: GConstituted...1.4.( is 's tes BT FJ 204, 205 INET ACEH OSUTE nia hes gs tobe ARCO CR RIA oe SR Aaa ERE NES oN he q LTS ia) Aa atest ARR trey AA SSR ANSE AR A Nai oe SPN AB AT SNA Al le {4 207, 208 HAORVCLS eee ater ee hea en ral Nordea MOTT NG pe vate oc 4[*{{ 209-215 XII. Retrrrep BisHors Genera Superintendents. coc scree oils ele eltelevareusr et ¥ 216 NHssionaryieBishops's souls he syetavety si 0 bee enaay e | 217 (Feneral ProVISlOUS Nopckabeterel clots lee) shakes oi 8.8 ovate" abelbteleeeied lets q{ 218 Part IV - cHaprer Locat Preacuers, ExnortTers, DEACONESSES Pe LOCATE REACHERSG yo ete a sere men a ate ect ma , ELF LE XHORTERS Yale Ne: Hea els sell ohn tenehereberanobanie endless 15 » TF 219-226 {J 227, 228 CoNTENTS CHAPTER PARAGRAPH III. DEACcONESSES TICACONERSES Ayo ieys cute her le ae iets aie ers, o areca slelse sella & q 229 The Probationary Deaconess...........++e00++ YY 230-232 The DEaconess. oi siujcjeye oe 6 aREECN UE) (SICA. eee SAE qf 233-237 The, Associate Deaconess. ...... see cc bewilel oc Tie Gh Zoo Thé Retired’ Deaconess suki eV ao eaee ts dak eked. 239 The Deaconess and Temporary Relief...........6.+. 4| 240 Part V JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION CHAPTER I. Trrau or a BisHop : Investigation 6 cbs se 88 ope ee recat Ate aN . TY 241-245 Ra et Petes els ES RE, COLE SEO ue q{ 246 Il. Trrau or 4 Missronary BisHop Investigation aide las lh adatisalos bre sea tintite 4 247-249 Tria ee afi SU ina level Ral airs Tea es ant) 2. oe ia MME Te ts 4{4| 250, 251 ILE. Trrat or a MEMBER OF AN ANNUAL CONFERENCE Preliminary Lnvesti gation. sty atts che acu aan tail {TY 252-263 Maladiministration i y.. aici ei uatae ew ete Mies reais q 264 PE RRAL Peae ck ete ee hy Site ee Oe Tae ee Oe eke atte ten |] 265-269 EV. UEREAT Orcas PRBACHHR ON TRIAL... sashes. fee J 270 Vi DRrAT ORWAs LOCA) PREACHER: sic 44 0.4 af) ae epee qq 2¢1-278 VI. Trrau or A CHouRcH MEMBER Immimoral' Conduct) sis.2 i vse 6 #« 6,8 66 ato a tle eee ee maue q 279 Imprudent: Conducts is Wiis 9 berets eR TE, Pere {| 280 Neslech, of Means) ot Gracens en. sememerieatde deen eens q| 281 Causing Dissension (uitas seat co etelab tease oelchete amet oe q| 282 Disagreement in Business—Arbitration........ {4 283-285 Tmgokviemc yy eaeiiiliis Ger sliie ble lve oie Stereaeinile Sanh Aa 44 286, 287 Pema le Sh pea eee elo MB ce ial Ais lal saute’ ait POLES IE | iB. {4 288-290 VEL APRRATOP AY BISHOP. (AU aie cle eens ee q 291 VIII. Apprau or A MEMBER OF AN ANNUAL CONFERENCE— JUDICIAL, CONFERENCE... ... 5, « « «+s cletelapis peated ali eee OU IX. RESTORATION OF CREDENTIALS When Voluntarily Surrenderedt.0% wc. vis eae nice eee q 301 When Involuntarily Surrendered. :...:.0..0.... {| 302, 303 Xivp APPRAT, OF A LOCAL PREACHER 4. ch oe cr. soe eile qq 304, 305 XI. AppEAL oF A CyuurcH MrmBEeR—Court or APPEALS : {4 306, 307 XII. GENERAL DIRECTIONS estimony,and Notice. ae ase». lense tie eee q 308 FR ECOLAS ay) isha Mreya tgs Sadentne Ged erles's sus sues Re Tae ro ene ere 4 809 Cofpsel Qe, ST TON 53)” OVA AOE ea {310 @harges 6h! Moe a ey Bi SN a ee eee q 311 ARs abet unm anee PN Da Rea aaae Soins Arb oa aaa cli A Aciatllay ro, ity 4 312 Atipealsis cscs eee ees een a ie ook crane haere q 213 ConTENTS Part VI TEMPORAL Economy CHAPTER PARAGRAPH I, MINISTERIAL SUPPORT BEC WHIUS St tee tas ala here LGN Oe he iy ae q{ 314-318 Ministerial Supporeyy TA Wend th, Wane LOU, Bo 4/47 319-322 SUDHOED-AGIeRAs Lora amino. tie Noe iain ait. {4 323-325 District Stewards and Support of District Superin- PCNCCIGA cae bo, AEA ttle aa Selshon cee sown ie ee TJ 326-328 SUpPpPOrt/ol JHIshOpsn mi wpe rie BE wai A rere ts ete: 414, 329-332 Support of Conference Claimants AS Var rry ys rave a ony cl ae a Mel Stag LR at ee: Sees YC Hu ooo Permanent FPindOwmentSop cc te Ave cies cen TT 334, 335 PADLUITV CYSALICS oo so Shea Sh ete ee ene Goce eae een 336 AMPOLTONDICH Us core ole ean era aS eeer p ee eet q 337 Estimating 1 Comm Geeen ets an wets ep st ee oe ae q 338 @onference: Stewards ore ane oteie sadcitrs shah ore oR ane 4 339 Methods of Distriputionm voc 65s eee oats fete e ete 4 340 Annuity, Distribution: wacasaald. wiih. = 6 {4 341, 342 INCECESSINGUS WD ISULIDULIONS ero e et cree ote arate teats q 343 Connectional Relief Distribution. ........6234.. 4 344 [For Board of Pensions and Relief, see {4 484-489] II. CaurcH PROPERTY Trustees—Appointment and Duties........... {| 345-352 Conveyance of.Church Property ..........060. §|{| 353-356 Building Churches... 2... wiikelinedte rane dinette ("| 357-359 Mortgaging and Sale of Church Property....... “| {| 360-363 Building and Renting Parsonages. ~ U4 364-368 Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church. . WM 369-376 Auditing andeBonding .ci0) «sca. «> daeeele } aa Mees os ed PAVE TA DIES AID) COCLUTIEG 21. findsisin elcterrane PA canes em ate fie Ole Part VII CHAPTER INSTITUTIONS, BOARDS, AND SOCIETIES I. THe Boox Concern The Methodist Book Concern.......... 0.0 00.00... q 379 Book 'Committeey 2 ney sh: OCI WG, TROIS qT 380-384 Hxecutive: Committee. ssc. cccc eee helen. Hoke {| 4| 385-387 Publishing Agents 4 Lesa ees IOP MONs ono Bag 4[4| 388-393 Depositories Sah ict fe Soy'oh Bye OLA: NUTS RE AS q{ 394 Hiditorsi: ss 2. 2s 2RS ke BRD ME eh May Cie 395-403 Groalanen of Religious Tractseos Neto Porras 4141 404-406 IT. Worup SERVICE COMMISSION.)....00.00.0 eben eee {4 407-410 III. Boarp or Forrnrgn Missions TNCOMDOTALION cin westerners cin eae cea e we aie eterente q 411 GS RNACAUULELOT |. ae helgustate ¢ See Powe 60 mcgad ice etaieceLe ie 412-419 MOreigne Viisslonaly COCICLYu wee Fan apimcie «cet tre ere q{ 420 Administration of Foreign Missions............ qq 421, 422 Membership of Laymen, Missionaries, in Annual Con- PEFEN CES HAMS a PME rararite stems cere tarts va fee 420 Annual Conterencer Board) Teekay 8 ele q{ 424 CoNTENTS CHAPTER PARAGRAPH District*Board : ars iisscvals eteovals ate paeaueele o Ghenele eit ere eee q 425 District Missionary Seoretariee! ey. oon ae {426 ‘District: Superintendents sy yieiais sels ciel sa tee eee | 427 Pastors and: Churches, .).5.7.). 1. Aaa ee tee aneies eet S28 IV. Woman’s Foreign Missionary SOCIETY........ 94 429, 430 VII. Boarp oF Home Missions AND CHURCH EXTENSION IMGOrPOLatiOls: sees Calls Cee ole teens oe Ruste pe ees ¥ 431 Board of Home Missions and Church Extension.. 9] 432-437 Department of Church Extension..............-.5; 438 Department. of-City W OL koe eiecse eloelols © = the cs eve ag 439-442 Department of Rural Work. sta ta wegen . V9 443, 444 Department of Frontier Work....... sieves a uae erereeaiate q 445 Department of Evangelism............- ovale a's, 2 eee e's “| 446 Annual Conference’ Boards.) woos s.r ieee isa oetemeuaihe {| 447 Boatds:ol Churehehocation eter... wis oe rere wae ee {448 ‘Administration soft Missions ac | ike. cess hes eis eae eae as 4| 449 Woman’s Home MISSIONARY SOCIETY......-.26------ 4 450 Boarp oF EDUCATION The Board? oftWGucation.© eycu cp sypsereh devote sere 9 451-457 Educational Institutions [Department of Schools and Colleges] oF. sie ssc sales oerve che o 6 ME DR ae eee 458 The-University Senate oii: erase ee 4, 459 AnnualConferences itt ei, ae re eee {| 460 District-Superintendents .’. . ) ... Bde ty pe ae 7 461 Pastors os COR Ye TE I eS Ie Sree aa ae | 462 Board of Education for Negroes [Department of Edu- cation for Negroes] Generali Object i itis ts ldbacsee eee, Gi els Re q 463 BoardvoftManagersiine cass. « auescie desueielehe ene torereone {464 OP Cera ar Cee Suk See etn eng etal eh aes acne 4} 465 District Superintendents and Pastors............. 466 NesroiSchools.. i... ee. RICE. is he sien ee 467 Board of Sunday Schools [Department of. Church Schools] i Incorporation’). yee se. owe eae a eee 7 468 Corresponding Secretaryiciat & slaesS bontenstiellen ieee {469 Editor of Sunday School Publications............. {| 470 Other Officers.) eG eo) a eats oy cia bene asa iene 471 Conference Board of Sunday Schools............. ¥ 472 Tecal:Sunday Sehool (Board 27). vit. eaokrobleeeaeeee {| 473. Sunday School Officers and Teachers............. ¥ 474 District, Superintendents’). cruisin. Oh de eis ebieemeoes i 475. Pastors’ sc) Mn ec RAR ope Seater agen an oie ah a eae q| 476 Quarterly Conference Commission on Religious Edu- CACTONN S005 succliey oye eal nicest teas ey Drakes hee ttle leche an eet a 77 Board of the Epworth League [Department of Epworth League] Constitution aac eit oe aelon ee erin ae ¥ 478 Presidents of Local) Chanters. mew in es eiseiere ceuatie { 479 Directors of Social and Recreational Life.......... {| 480: “District Superintendents 71.2 ck wa ts whe ccatela sone § 481 PABLOTB wees 2 aie ee tee atte cl ed ate ane oat ene a qf 482 Tnstitutes err eet eee mes tele ance Oe ete oer ae ena q 483 CoNTENTS CHAPTER PARAGRAPH VIII. Boarp or PENSIONS AND RELIEF ‘Nuthoriza tion wecessie he cee tetie are wes aie TOT ek die q 484 OMieers P15. NEPA RIMS TOM {| 485 AGMINISHLATIONME ree ee te LY Hees ane at cllevarielit oh ota q 486 ConnéctionaleReliek Ae ay Tee Mats nea eel ev {| 487 Administration of Connectional Relief.............. {| 488 EVCDOLUS Hs Hates eek Aeon ate crete a. ae eng NN tee at Stn alg 4 489 TX WAMBRIGAN BIBLE SOCIETY. vacele i cjteanen shea cant See J 576 X. BoarpD oF TEMPERANCE, PROHIBITION, AND PUBLIC MORALS ges a reer Glee ve YH TO STO q 490 XI. Boarp or Hospirrats anD Homes anp Deaconess WorK General Deaconess Board [Department of Deaconess Work] General: Deaconess Board 20. 0. fo. BYE OG q{ 491-493 Conference Deaconess Board. ..........000000 005 q 494 EDIStLLSh SU DEIMVAISIOM Amn Mame eal epee a. pebav sve dateitonesvaltalier © q{ 495 Deaconess#l stitutions he. Py ae BU Sey q 496 Deaconess Work in Mission Conferences.......... | 497 Deaconess: Work iN MUPOHaU Ay . ee ee ae 4 498 Deaconess Work in Foreign Mission Fields........ {| 499 Board of Hospitals and Homes [Department of Hospitals anastiomes) ) hE ESE NEO ke OU. Oma ae {J 500-508 oN te CHARTER EDL UND otc o- + staibtawinbacd tistcie, cote tia 8 - TJ 509, 510 Part VIII CHAPTER BouNDARIES I. DETERMINING BOUNDARIES... 0.00.0. ccc cee ees BORAT E SSSR II. Bounparires or ANNUAL CONFERENCES, Mission Con- FERENCES, MIssIoNs, AND ENABLING ACTS AEDT OS, He Me os gina vg gm AHR AUR MINERE Oy USN CMS HRS q{ 512 Ha SbErn GA Sia 5 TOMO UU ROTATE CIOL ISADORE. | 513 Burope sy PY Seek SWE PU RRL US q{ 514 BatinvAmeri Gaya yrs 1) POM TOU TN AL Oy LOLOL OP RRA, J), 515 Southeastern Asia Oy ami su NEON CaM i, 516 SotithernvA sia PY Ge MORE i SOND shia 517 United States and Territories,.....2000.00% Yee evi... {518 Special | Notation. oy ike. Re aaa Jobim... q{ 523 TIT? CenTRar/ CONFERENCES } 5! 5) 5cs)5 > «yy ersrepno sere’ h'e lege bis {519-522 ' Part IX TAAEree Riruau I. BaptTism Infants. AA SIAg MARIE NE EMCI RCo Or tec mitshals T 524 Adults 2) oe oe eater ar rahe tad te aarhereved Weate i 525 II. Recerrion or MEMBERS Form I—Preparatory Membership............. efits 5. 526 Form II—Full Membership ailiey wees. WeO2e Form III—Full Matiberhine Clildront bye take > p maleatd< eGo 19 CoNTENTS CHAPTER PARAGRAPH III. Tue Lorp’s SuUPPER..........-. 4 ANSGAR ES BO ea Ee ¥ 529 LY 8) MATRIMONY So Oro Des 5's sea ade bb os 6. 3 eh anaeennen q 530 V. BURIAL OF THE DEAD Form forthe Burialot the Dead = 2. nn oan eee Seen Porm tor the Burial’or a°Child teers. ten eee ee {| 532 VI. CoNSECRATION AND ORDINATION ‘Eorm® of ‘Consecratine Bishops... o.ece ss see eee ¥ 533 Horntwot-Ordaining) Hlderss . ei wavasie's cake Seine ¥ 534 Form of Ordaining Deacons .)..4.&).% sth es eee eee 535 Form for Consecration of Deaconesses............+- {| 536 VII. Corner STONE AND DEDICATION Form for Laying the Corner Stone of a Church....... { 537 Form for the Dedication of a Church........... ia are ne APPENDIX CHAPTER I. Post OrriceE ADDRESSES OF BISHOPS AND GENERAL OFFICERS Bishops nana es tenets lores Gs BPs Me ee { 539 Retired tVlissionary) DIShODS «a2 eee ce ete oe eee | 540 Secretary of Genéral Conference..............0-00% qi 541 The' Methodist Book @oncerm.) .:)....025) seu ues qf 542 Editors aha Aye, Ce Vee a Ie ee goal see ene qj 543 Corresponding Secretaries. .. 2.2.4 sa sans ito qi 544 Treasurers and Assistant Treasurers.............00. {545 II. ADMINISTRATIVE BOARDS AND SOCIETIES Book: Committees). wat. sitieme acitiisnetete.. easels fica q 546 Board of Foreign Missions. . Phe S47 Board of Home Missions and Church Extension...... {548 Board of;Hducations£.. fs 5 tk et. a nen te Se ee q 549 Department of Education for Negroes............ {550 Department, of Church Schools. i552. sas shaeiieriek © {| 551 Department of the Epworth League.............. q{ 552 University Senate... -eraievjianeh Mea adeeeee Sousa « {553 Board of, Pensions and’ Relief, ........ssasee ae eee q| 554 American Bible ‘Society #: aemcecin lash senis ace ae eee | 555 Board of Temperance, Prohibition, and Public Morals. 4 556 Board of Hospitals and Homes and Deaconess Work. {| 557 World Service Commissioinyane -2 s+. o- ottte ce aitet eae q 558 —Crustees,of Chartered. indicts «c.c8 . eco teeeie eemene q{ 559 Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church......... ¥ 560 Trustees of John Street Church, New York........4). 4 561 Corporates Names 46 6 1.s< ated acca mone etek antka 2 eT ai ee q{ 562 General Conference Commissions.......... sedlithehs, {563 III. THe GENERAL CONFERENCE Program for the General Conference. ... : Beck tee st Pe G 564 Traveling Expenses of Delegates............-.. ute. 2) S| 565 Rules of Order of the General Conference........... { 566 20 CoNTENTS CHAPTER PARAGRAPH IV. GENERAL CONFERENCE REPORTS AND RESOLUTIONS Examination of Annual Conference Journals..,.. ais. 9.567 Report on Conference Journals. .........2...0.00000. 568 Report of Committee on Revision of Legislation of the Benevolent, Boardasastoot) lash cei aaceent q 569 Report of the General Conference Treasurer......... 4 570 Report of Foreign Language Commission........... | 571 World Peace:.-.6i 9 9 f5 SOQIUIA II IL, OMI IB IE? qf 572 Contiguous and Continuous Episcopal Supervision... 4 573 Area. System. of Episcopal Supervision.............. 4| 574 Hpiscopal Areasasccea ccaverssaverteven severe? , {575 The American Bible Society . Mie o Metal abs che ah cca canae {576 Licensing and Ordaining Women.....:-....0..0-.%- | 577 - Resolutions’ Concerning ‘the Plan of Unification of the Methodist’ Episcopal Church and the Methodist HipIscOpalC@HUDCH OOUUL «su nce enh tion ae > q 578 Report of Committee on Federation. ............... q 579 Union With Churches Other Than the Methodist Hpiscopnmmenurch-soOUtNione umeienerai ce sas ee cee q{ 580 Comity and’ Cooperation ‘With the Methodist Epis- Copal s@hULCH A OOULA aEte ns eed mien rome raare ee 7 581 ’ Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America. {] 582 Ecumenical Conference Continuation Committee..... {| 583 Effectiveness of Actions’ of This General Conference... 4] 584 Sociali@reedsor the: Churches e. amrkc sternly ce biclat sce. q 585 Industrial Relations : Pest sins a Mt ita en: 4 586 Temperance ‘and ‘Prohibition. pote sito stra yrs tab nee a {| 587 Allocation’ of Rural’ Missionary Territory............ {| 588 Distribution of Book Concern Produce to Foreign HVOTLETENCES cho tie eee ce arenes Bre wake euitale crates ts q{ 589 Contribttory “Retirement Reserve.............66..- q{ 590 Change ‘of Name and Duties of Board of Conference “LGR ces = 159 betula sil alu ari 8 Sts team nat op dh ae q 591 Mileck@ Of Prayers tte one. PRES. Sic she Mea bee Beth We lc A {592 Day’ of Prayer ‘for ehiepees: BGA. AG ans aoe ee arty, oa) Ba q{ 593 Family Worship inthe Homes. 20.525 oe en ees: q 594 Commission om Dedconeéss’ Work: 2.2.5 2....6...266-- q 595 ’ Général’ Conférence Historical Society.............. {| 596 ' Inter-Board Curriculum Commission ese. arava tarsi sie {| 597 V. GENERAL CoNFERENCE Dectstons BCOnstiturionaltViOve aes fee wae ee Cia aay ain itera: ¥{ 598 4 MSV et re VeY ON Rc Ain AROS. SU CRIOR EIS PaO ORSINI A ROLLE SRE aio ale { 599 TEE ULAL PE TOCCCOINES sei a Glelslene clelalttercistatereerdlavece {600 PAD DCALS CMRP tiene ate fo anche thatel caters ie isuswurns dha eyo eee | 601 Members of Annual Conferences...............000: 4] 602 OF 96 Eg IE Pas one oats AL or RII RET UU A HARE: Sic eaeRPnT, LS Beak q| 603 Quarterly Conferences yer ta an sie solve ain caeka rare ate eae 4 604 Annual Conferences Continuous............22e+008. {| 605 Legal Notice Concerning Change of Boundaries...... { 606 Consolidationiot \Churcheswaa. heise aeinias tee iareiere 4| 607 Negotiations Between Preachers and People......... {| 608 UnionywithiOther Churches vate seen oe ores scons ° {| 609 Pro Rata Distribution of Ministerial Support........ {7 610 Complaints; and Charges. ios. sate ain eles cena oss boots | 611 Relief ofsupplye Ereacher ic cishs sts ee eioieieid s 6s) oieselars je pole 21 CONTENTS CHAPTER PARAGRAPH VI. Proposed CHANGES IN CONSTITUTION Plan of Unification of the Methodist Episcopal Church and the Methodist Episcopal Church, South...... 4 613 Supplementary General Conference Action...... see FY 613A Laymen in Annual ConferenceS....ccecccscscccseee ¥ 614 VII. Forms anp CONSTITUTIONS Constitution for Sunday School..........e..+-- q 615, § 1 Constitution for Sunday School Missionary So- CIOLY oie cope se sels ob ola ste Petlote le lots’ imate BEL Ley kemcbis Ol wm bob § 3. Let each Leader be careful to inquire how every member of his Class or Unit prospers; not only how each person outwardly cooperates in the work of the Church, but also how he grows in the knowl- edge and love of God. § 4. Let the Leaders converse with their Pastor frequently and freely. {| 62. In the arrangement of Class or Unit meet- ings two or more Classes or Units may meet to- gether and be conducted. according to such plan as shall be agreed upon by the Leaders in counsel with the Pastor. | 63, § 1. In order to render the work of the Classes or Units interesting and profitable, let the 59 q 64 SpEcIAL ADVICES Pastor remove improper Leaders and see that all the Leaders are of sound judgment and truly de- voted to God. Leaders shall be appointed for one year subject to reappointment as the interests of the Class or Unit may require. § 2. A Class Leader or a Unit Leader shall not be approved as a member of the Quarterly Conference on the basis of such leadership unless actually lead- ing a Class or Unit. | 64. Let the Leaders be directed to such a course of reading and study as best shall qualify them for their work. Especially let such books be recom- mended as will tend to increase their knowledge of the Scriptures and make them familiar with those passages best adapted to spiritual instruction. In addition let such books and periodicals be recom- mended as will acquaint them with all phases of Church activity. Whenever practicable let the Pastors examine the Leaders in the studies recom- mended.* CHAPTER IT SPECIAL ADVICES I. Slavery q@ 65. We declare that we are as much as ever convinced of the great evil of Slavery. We believe that the buying, selling, or holding of human beings 1¥or the Course of Study for Leaders, see Appendix, 9624. 60 SPECIAL ADVICES q267 as chattels is contrary to the laws of God and nature, and inconsistent with the Golden Rule, and with that Rule in our Discipline which requires all who desire to continue among us to “do no harm,” and to “avoid evil of every kind.’ We therefore affectionately ad- monish all our Ministers and people to keep them- selves pure from this great evil, and to seek its extir- pation by all lawful and Christian means. II. Dress 4 66. Let all our people be exhorted to conform to the spirit of the apostolic precept, not to adorn themselves ‘“‘with gold, or pearls, or costly array” (1 Tim, 2. 9). III. Marriage 7 67, § 1. We do not prohibit our people from marrying persons who are not of our Church, pro- vided such persons have the form, and are seeking the power, of godliness; but we are determined to discourage their marrying persons who do not come up to this description. Many of our members have married unawakened persons. This has produced bad effects; they either have been hindered for life, or have turned back to perdition. § 2. To discourage such marriages, 1. Let every Minister publicly enforce the Apostle’s caution, “Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers” (2 Cor. 6. 14). 2. Let all be exhorted to take no step in so weighty a matter without advising with the more serious of their brethren. 61 q 68 SPECIAL ADVICES § 3. In general, a woman ought not to marry with- out the consent of her parents. Yet there may be exceptions. For if, 1. A woman believes it to be her duty to marry; if, 2. Her parents absolutely refuse to let her marry any Christian; then she may, nay, ought to marry without their consent. Yet even then a Methodist Minister ought not to be married to her. IV. Divorce { 68. No divorce, except for adultery, shall be re- garded by the Church as lawful; and no Minister shall solemnize marriage in any case where there is a divorced wife or husband living; but this rule shall not be applied to the innocent party to a di- vorce for the cause of adultery, nor to divorced parties seeking to be reunited in marriage. V. Amusements 7 69, § 1. Improper amusements and excessive in- dulgence in innocent amusements are serious bar- tiers to the beginning of religious life and fruitful causes of spiritual decline. Some amusements in common use are positively demoralizing and furnish the first easy steps to the total loss of character. We therefore look with deep concern on the great in- crease of amusements and on the general prevalence of harmful amusements, and lift up a solemn note of warning and entreaty, particularly against at- —— 1The provisions of te paragraph are not merely advisory, A mandatory, see { 264, 62 SprcraL ADVICES 7 69 tendance upon immoral, questionable and misleading theatrical or motion picture performances; against dancing; and against such games of chance as are frequently associated with gambling; all of which have been found to be antagonistic to vital piety, -promotive of worldliness, and especially pernicious to youth. We affectionately admonish all our peo- ple to make their amusements the subject of careful thought and frequent prayer, to study the subject of amusements in the light of their tendencies, and to be scrupulously careful in this matter to set no injurious example. We adjure them to remember that often the question for a Christian must be, not whether a certain course of action is positively im- moral, but whether it will dull the spiritual life and be an unwise example. § 2. We instruct our Board of Temperance, Pro- hibition, and Public Morals to lead the church in a campaign of education which shall reveal to our people, both young and old, the dangers lurk- ing in the amusements against which we warn. We instruct the above-named Board to produce and disseminate from time to time such scien- tifically prepared literature as shall awaken our people to the individual and social consequences of improper and excessive amusements. We direct all our Bishops, District Superintendents, and Pastors to call attention to this subject with solemn urgency in our Annual and Quarterly Conferences and in all our pulpits, and our Editors, Sunday-School Officers, Epworth League Officers and Class Leaders, to aid in abating the evils we deplore. We deem it our bounden duty to summon the whole Church to apply a thoughtful and instructed conscience to the choice 63 | 69 SPECIAL ADVICES of amusements, and not to leave them to accident, or taste, or passion; and we affectionately advise and beseech every member of the Church absolutely to avoid ‘‘the taking of such diversions as cannot be used in the name of the Lord Jesus.” § 3. While we are aware that improper amusements are a “fruitful source of spiritual decline,’ we also believe that the social and recreational instinct is God-given and, if properly guided, will strengthen rather than injure the spiritual life. The Church must no longer allow her youth to “go into nearby villages and buy themselves the victuals of social life,’ but, rather, should say, “Sit down and eat’ of the clean, wholesome things provided by the Church, which seeks to build a social and recreational life that is spiritual and a spiritual life that is social and recreational. We commend, therefore, the successful work done in the Epworth League Institutes and the social and recreational activities conducted by the Sunday School as pointing toward a sane solution of the whole question of recreation and amusement for our young people, and we earnestly urge our pastors and churches everywhere to plan wisely and. diligently for the social and recreational life of the youth of the Church. We plead for the recognition of all in- door and outdoor games and sports that are inno- cent, clean, and wholesome, that they may be utilized to the highest possible degree in gripping not only the social life of our young people, but their moral and spiritual life as well. We advise that whenever possible. our Churches be provided with such space and equipment as, under properly chosen and. di- rected leaders, will build up the finest type of social 64 SPECIAL ADVICES q 70 life, that wide-open doors and wide-open hearts may find the way to foster a social conscience that will satisfy and yet always lead upward, as we thus seriously and prayerfully seek to provide for all our people, young and old, “such diversions as can be used in the name of the Lord Jesus.” VI. Temperance | 70, § 1. Temperance, in its broader meaning, is. distinctively a Christian virtue, enjoined in the Holy Scriptures. It requires the subordination of all the emotions, passions, and appetites to the control of reason and conscience. Dietetically, it means a wise use of suitable articles of food and drink, with en- tire abstinence from such as are known to be hurt- ful. Both science and human experience agree with the Holy Scriptures in condemning all alcoholic bev- erages as being neither useful nor safe. The busi- ness of manufacturing and of vending such liquors: is also against the principles of morality, political. economy, and the public welfare. We therefore re- gard voluntary total abstinence from all intoxicants as the obligation of the citizen and the complete legal prohibition of the traffic in alcoholic drinks as the duty of civil government. We heartily approve all lawful and Christian efforts to save society from the: manifold and grievous evils resulting from intem- perance, and earnestly advise our people to cooperate with all’ measures which may seem to them wisely adapted to secure that end. We refer to our General Rule on this subject (30), and affectionately urge its strict observance by all our members. Finally, we are fully persuaded that, under God, hope for the: 65 7a SPECIAL ADVICES ultimate success of the Temperance Reform rests chiefly upon the combined and sanctified sade A of the Family, the Church, and the State. § 2. We record our solemn judgment that the habit- ual use of tobacco is' a practice out of harmony with the best Christian life. In the interest of a larger Christian influence and service we urge our mem- bers to abstain from the use of.cigarettes and of tobacco in all other forms. VII. Christian Stewardship 771, §1. Life is a stewardship; this is the teach- ing of Jesus Christ. Fundamentally, this teaching throughout the Scriptures is based on God’s owner- ship, both by creation and redemption. Thus, stew- ardship becomes the Christian interpretation of life itself and is concerned with the Christian’s use of all the resources committed to him, of possessions, of personality, of prayer. § 2. The following principles of stewardship should be recognized by the individual Christians: A. Of Possessions (1) God is the Sovereign Owner of all things. (2) God invites men to subdue fa eartit and pos- sess it. (3) Man is a Steward, to acquire’ and administer his possessions as a sacred trust. (4) God’s sovereign ownership and man’s steward- ship ought to be acknowledged. (5) This acknowledgment requires as its material expression the setting apart, as an act of worship, of a separated portion of income. 66 SPECIAL ADVICES q 71 (6) Biblical history records the setting apart of the tenth of income as that acknowledgment, and in- dicates a divine sanction for the practice and the amount. (7) The separated portion ought systematically to be administered for the kingdom of God, and the balance of income treated as no less a trust. B. Of Personality (1) God is the Supreme Person in a world of persons. (2) God invites every person to become a partaker of the divine nature. (3) Man has nothing which he did not receive; he is therefore a steward of every worthy element of personality by him possessed. (4) This stewardship is acknowledged by worship and the giving of thanks. (5) It is administered by rendering personal hu- man service. (6). The stewardship of personality is best admin- istered by setting apart a definite portion of time for Christian service, and by undertaking definite tasks of human helpfulness. C. Of Prayer (1) All authority has been given unto Jesus Christ. (2) Jesus Christ invites his friends to ask any- thing in his name and it shall be done. (3) Christian prayer is therefore a stewardship of authority intrusted by Jesus to his friends. (4) This stewardship is acknowledged when the friendship of Jesus is accepted. 67 | 72 WORSHIP (5) It is administered by asking intelligently ac- cording to the will of God. (6) The stewardship of prayer is best administered by setting apart a definite portion of time for prayer, and by observing a thoughtful program of prayer as one who would know what his Lord doeth. § 3. The following methods should be pursued by the individual Christian who would administer wisely his stewardship of material possessions: (1) Upon receipt of income, the portion intended as the acknowledgment of God’s ownership should first be separated in compliance with the foregoing principles. (2) In the administration of the separated portion, the division should be in harmony with the needs of the budgets of the local Church. (3) Weekly payments, as far as possible; should be offered as an act of worship at the public service. (4) There should. be careful, intelligent, personal, and prayerful consideration of the uses to be made of the remainder of income and wealth; this will require study of the local, national, and worldwide: program of the Church, and of the full responsibilities of life itself. CHAPTER III WORSHIP f. Order of Public Worship 72, §1. Let all services begin exactly at the time appointed, and let the people kneel in silent prayer on entering the sanctuary. | 68 ~2 ca) WorSHIP q I. [VoLtuntTary, instrumental or vocal.]} II. Srneine from the METHODIST HyMNAL, the Peo- ple standing. III. [THe APposTLes’ CREED, recited by all, standing. I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth: - And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary. suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried ; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty ; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic? Church, the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body ; and the life everlasting. Amen. ] IV. PRAYER, concluding with the Lorp’s PRAyYEr, re- peated audibly by all, both Minister and People kneeling. V. [ANTHEM, or VOLUNTARY.] VI. Lesson from the OLtp TESTAMENT, which may be read responsively, the People standing. VII. [The Giorra Patri: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.] VIII. Lesson from the New TESTAMENT. IX. ANNOUNCEMENTS. X. WorsuHipP in the presentation of tithes and offer- ings; during or after which an Offertory may be rendered. XI. Srnerine from the MretHopist HyMNAL, the Peo- ple standing. | XIT. The SERMON. XIII. Prayer, the People kneeling. 1 Parts inclosed in brackets may be used or omitted. 2The one universal Church of Christ. 69 {| 73 WorsHIP XIV. Srneine from the METHODIST HyMNAL, the People standing. XV. DoxoLtogy and the APOSTOLIC BENEDICTION, (2; Cor:343./ 42) f § 2. At the service during which the Sacraments are administered any of the items of the preceding order may. be omitted except singing, prayer, and the apostolic benediction. § 3. Let the people be earnestly exhorted to take part in the public worship of God; first, by singing; second, by prayer, in the scriptural attitude of kneel- ing, and by the repetition of the Lord’s Prayer. II. The Spirit and Truth of Singing 73. To guard against formality in singing: §1. Chocse such hymns as are proper for the occa- sion, and do not sing too much at once; seldom more than four or five stanzas. § 2. Let the tune be suited to the sentiment, and do not suffer the people to sing too slowly. § 3. In every Congregation let due attention be given to the cultivation of sacred music. § 4. Should the Pastor desire it, let the Quarterly Conference appoint annually a Committee of three or more of which the Pastor shall be. chairman, which, cooperating with him, shall regulate all mat- ters relating to this part of divine worship. The action of said Committee shall be subject in every respect to the control of the Quarterly Conference. §5. As singing is a part of divine worship in which all ought to unite, therefore exhort every per- son in the Congregation to sing. 70 PART II THE CONFERENCES . GENERAL CONFERENCE . ANNUAL CONFERENCES . LAY ELECTORAL CONFERENCES . CENTRAL CONFERENCES AND CENTRAL MISSION CONFERENCES . MISSION CONFERENCES - MISSIONS . DISTRICT CONFERENCES . QUARTERLY CONFERENCES . OFFICIAL BOARD - LEADERS AND STEWARDS’ MEETING [For JUDICIAL CONFERENCE, see { 293] CHAPTER I GENERAL CONFERENCE The Composition, Organization, Powers, and Re- strictions of the General Conference are set forth in the Constitution of the Church, Division III, Chap- ter ITI, {{ 37-47. CHAPTER II ANNUAL CONFERENCES I. Number and Organization | 74, § 1. There are now one hundred and thirty- three Annual Conferences, and these shall become severally bodies corporate, wherever practicable, un- der the authority of the laws of the Countries, States, and Territories within whose bounds they are lo- cated. § 2. For the purpose of representation on the Book Committee, the Administrative Boards, and Commit- tees in the General Conference the Annual Confer. ences shall be grouped into as many Episcopal areas as the General Conference from time to time shall determine. For the present grouping, See Appendix, 9 575. 73 {75 ANNUAL CONFERENCES | 75. All Members of an Annual Conference and those on Trial therein shall attend its sessions. q 76. The Bishops shall appoint the times for hold- ing the Annual Conferences; but they shall allow each Annual Conference to sit one week at least. q 77. Hach Annual Conference shall appoint the place of its own session; but should it become nec- essary, from any unforeseen cause, to change the place of its session after it has been ‘fixed by the Conference, the Pastor or Pastors in the place where the Conference was appointed to be held, and the District Superintendent, shall have power to make such change. But this authority shall not be exer- cised without first consulting the other District Su- perintendents of the Conference so far as practicable. q 78. A Bishop shall preside in the Annual Con- ference. In case no Bishop is present, a member of the Conference, appointed by the Bishop, shall pre- side. But if no appointment be made, or if the per- son appointed shall*not attend, the Conference shail elect by ballot, without debate, a FMM from among the Elders. { 79. A record of the proceedings of each Annual Conference shall be kept by a Secretary chosen for the purpose, and shall be signed by’ the President and Secretary; and a copy of said record shall be sent to the General Conference for examination. Journals not properly attested cannot be approved by the General Conference.* Il. Order of Business | 4 80. The business of the Annual Conference is to inquire: 1See Appendix, { 567. 74 ANNUAL CONFERENCES | 80 § 1.. (a) Is this Annual Conference Incorporated according to the requirement of the Discipline? (b) What officers and persons holding moneys, funds, ete., are bonded, and in what amounts, accord- ing to the requirement of the Discipline? § 2. Who have been Received by Transfer, and from ‘what Conferences? § 3. Who have been Readmitted? Nore.—Enter date of Location and the Conference which granted it. § 4. Who have been Received on Credentials, and from what Churches? § 5. Who have been Received on Trial? (a) In studies of First Year. (0) In studies of Third Year under Semi- nary Rule. § 176, § 2. Note § 12 (c). § 6. Who have been Continued on Trial? (a) In studies of First Year. (b) In studies*of Second Year. (c) In studies of Third Year. (d@) In studies of Fourth Year. Note carefully. { 617, § 5. § 7. Who have been Discontinued? § 8. Who have been Admitted into Full Member- ship? (a) Elected and ordained Deacons this year. (b) Elected and ordained Deacons previ- ously. (c) Elected to be ordained elsewhere. (d) Ordained Deacon, having been pre- viously elected by Conference. § 9. What Members are in studies of Third Year? (a) Admitted into Full Membership this year. 75 { 80 ANNUAL CONFERENCES (b) Admitted into Full Membership previ- ously. § 10. What Members are in studies of Fourth Year? § 11..What Members have completed the Confer- ence Course of Study? (a) EHlected and ordained Elders this year. (0) Hlected and ordained Elders previously. (c) Elected and ordained Elders under the Seminary Rule. § 179, § 4. (d@) Hlected to be ordained elsewhere. (e) Ordained Elder, having been previously elected by Conference. (f) Ordained Elder elsewhere under our election. , Note carefully 4 169, §3. § 12. What others have been elected and ordained Deacons? (a) Asi Local Preachers. {§ 176, § 1. (6) Under Missionary Rule. § 176, § 4. (c) Under the Seminary Rule. {§ 176, § 2. (d) Elected by this. Conference and or- dained elsewhere. § 13. What others have been elected and ordained Elders? (a) As Local Deacons. § 179, § 1. (b) Under Missionary Rule. 4 179, § 5. (c) Elected by this Conference and or- dained elsewhere. § 14. Who have been left without appointment to attend one of our schools? § 15. Was the character of each Preacher ex- amined? 76 ANNUAL CONFERENCES { 80 § 16. Who have been Transferred, and to what Con- ferences? § 17. Who have Died? § 18. Who have been Located at their own request? (Cae § 19. Who have been Located? {Jf 169, § 3; 187. § 20. Who have Withdrawn? (a) From the Ministry. (b) From the Ministry and Membership of the Church. (c) By surrender of the Ministerial Office. Te 170: § 21. Who have been deprived of the Ministerial office? 9171. | § 22. Who have been permitted to Withdraw under Charges or Complaints? § 23. Who have been Expelled? § 24. What other Personal Notation should be made? Notrre.—Enter the names of (1) Those whose Orders have been rec- ognized without admission to the Annual Conference. (2) Those whose Credentials have been restored. (8) Those formerly expelled, but now restored by the action of a Judicial Conference or of the General Con- ference. Indicate class by use of numeral (1), (2), or (3), as above. § 25. Who are the Supernumerary Ministers, and for what number of years consecutively has each held this relation? {| 187. § 26. Who are the Retired Ministers? ¥ i188. § 27. Who have been granted leave of absence? 7 186. § 28. Who are the Triers of Appeals? § 29. What is the Annual Report of the Conference ’ Board of Home Missions and Church Extension? § 30. What is the Annual Report of the Conference Board of .Foreign Missions? 77 q 80 ANNUAL CONFERENCES § 31. What is the Statistical Report? § 32. What is the Conference Treasurer’s Report? § 33. (a) What is the aggregate of the Benevolent Collections ordered by the General Conference, as re- ported by the Conference Treasurer? (0) What is the aggregate of the Benevolent Col- lections ordered by the Annual Conference, as re- ported by the Conference Treasurer? § 34. What are the claims on the Conference Funds? For annuity distribution........ years multiplied by the Disciplinary rate of $...... per year, $...... For necessitous distribution, - - ee Total, - - - - - - Siiiites.c §$ 35. (a) What has been received on these claims? From The Book Concern, - - - aR ei From the Chartered Fund, - - é Ses From Board of Pensions and Relief, ke pee From Annual Conference Investments, Rell Ace From Pastoral Charges, - - - b ate oetee> From Other Sources, . - - - SSO, Total, - - - - - : - Siitisban (b) How has it been applied? § 36. What amount has been apportioned to the Pastoral Charges within the Conference, to be raised for the Support of Conference Claimants? { 337. § 37. What amount has been paid by the Confer- ence Treasurer to the Board of Pensions and Relief for Connectional Relief? ~ - - Sask § 3& Is there a Conference Sustentation Fund So- siety, and what is its Report? (See q 324.) § 39. Where are the Preachers. stationed? § 40. Where shall the next session of the Confer- ence be heid? 78 ANNUAL CONFERENCES q. 82 III. Powers ane Duties | 81, § 1. Each Annual Conference shall elect a Committee on Conference Relations. The Conference shall. arrange, as. far as practicable, to constitute the committee in classes to serve three years each. § 2. It shall be the duty of the. committee to ex- amine all applicants for reception on trial as to their age, health, education, relation in life, and it shall secure in its permanent record from each applicant his written answers to the following questions; and in the form herein prescribed: (1) Are you in. debt so aS to embarrass you in the work of the Ministry? Answer: No. (2) Will you wholly abstain from the use of tobacco? Answer: Yes. . § 3. All candidates for. admission to Full Member- ship shall appear before this committee and be ex- amined as in the case of reception on trial. § 4..No member of,the Conference shall have his relation changed until he has had opportunity to have his case presented to this committee, in person or by a representative. § 5. Any case involving ordination or recognition of orders may be referred to this committee by the Annual Conference. § 6. This committee shall make a ee spensiees ram to the Conference in each case, unless the applica- tion be withdrawn. § 7. In Conferences so large as to make it neces- sary, a Committee on Ministerial Qualifications may be elected to which may be referred sections two and three. 4 82. An Annual Conference has power to hear complaints against its members, and may try, re- 79 {83 ANNUAL CONFERENCES prove, suspend, deprive of Ministerial Office and Cre- dentials, expel or acquit any against whom charges may have been preferred. {{ 252-269. { 83. The Election and, so far as it is practicable, the Ordination of Elders and Deacons shall be at the Annual Conference. {f 174-181. 4 84. Each Annual Conference shall appoint an- nually for each District, a District Board of Church Location and Erection, whose powers and duties are defined in 4 448. 4 85. Each Annual Conference shall carefully meet the obligations laid upon it in connection with all our benevolent causes. 4 86. Each Annual Conference shall appoint a Committee on Periodicals, Publications, and Collec- tions, whose powers and duties are defined in { 392, § 1. {| 87. In each Annual Conference, the Bishop pre- siding shall inquire of each Pastor if he has carried out the Disciplinary plan for the support of the min- istry and the benevolent causes; and of each Dis- trict Superintendent, if he has required the pro rata distribution of the moneys received for Ministerial Support and has urged in the Quarterly Conferences the collection in full for all the benevolent causes. IV. Statistician and Treasurer 7 88. That the Statistics may be accurately re- ported and the Benevolent Collections duly accounted for, let the following rules be observed: § 1. Each Annual Conference shall appoint a Statis- tician and a Conference Treasurer one year in ad- vance of the Conference session at which they shall 80 ANNUAL CONFERENCES { 88 begin to serve. Their names and addresses shall be printed at the head of its Statistical Tables in the General Minutes and also in the Methodist Year Book in the year of service. § 2. On the first day of the Conference session each Pastor shall present his Statistical and Finan- cial Reports, correctly and plainly written, all col- lections and other moneys being reported in dollars only, without fractions thereof. Provided, however, that an Annual Conference may direct that the fiscal year of the Conference shall close not less than ten days before the time set for the annual meeting of the Conference, and require the Pastors to send to the Conference Treasurer and Satistician their financial and Statistical Reports so that the aforesaid Conference Officers with their respective staffs may tabulate the reports and have them ready for the first day’s session of the Conference. § 3. An Annual Conference may allow a Pastor to present a separate report for each Church or Society in his Pastoral Charge. § 4. In connection with this report of the amount collected for each benevolent cause, the Pastor shall deliver to the Conference Treasurer either the money thus collected or a satisfactory voucher for the same; and the credit given to his Pastoral Charge shall correspond exactly with the money and vouchers thus delivered. § 5. At the opening of the second day’s session the Bishop presiding shall call upon the Statistician and the Conference Treasurer respectively to read the names of all Pastoral Charges from which reports have not been received, or from which incorrect or defective reports have been received. This call shall 81 { 89 ANNUAL CONFERENCES be made at the beginning of each day’s session until correct reports have been received from every Pas- toral Charge. § 6. In case any Pastoral Charge fail to make a report the Statistician shall insert the report for the preceding year and shall indicate this fact by placing the figures in brackets. § 7. When the name of a Pastoral Charge has been changed the Statistician and Conference Treasurer shall print the former name in parenthesis under the present name. § 8. The Conference Treasurer shall receive and account for such other moneys, additional to the regular benevolent collections, as the Conference may direct ; and an Auditing Committee, appointed by the Conference, shall audit his accounts. § 9. When the provisions of §§ 2 and 4 shall have been complied with the Conference Treasurer shall return the “Conference Treasurer’s Report’? to the Pastor, with the word “Credited” either written or stamped over the Treasurer’s signature, as a voucher to be delivered by the Pastor to the Quarterly Con- ference of the contributing charge. | 89, § 1. The Publishing Agents shall provide: (1) Statistical Blanks for the Pastor and Statis- tician; (2) Treasurer’s Blanks for the Pastor and Conference Treasurer, together with suitable enve- lopes; (8) Blanks for the Accounts of the Statis- tician and the Conference Treasurer. § 2. All blanks and forms for report and record in the Annual and Quarterly Conferences shall be pre- pared by the World Service Commission and shall be in as simple form as possible. § 3. Application for blanks for distribution among 82 ANNUAL CONFERENCES {90 the Pastors and for the Statistician’s and Conference Treasurer’s Accounts should be made to The Meth- odist Book Concern, New York, by the Secretaries of the Annual Conferences. Orders for the Spring Con- ferences should be made by October first, and will be filled by December first. Orders for the Fall Conferences should be made by March first and will be filled by June first. Applications should state the name of the Annual Conference, the number of Dis- tricts, the number of Pastoral Charges, and how many Districts have more than sixty Pastoral Charges. 4 90, § 1. The Statistical Report of the Pastor to the Annual Conference shall be presented according to the form prescribed in § 91. § 2. The several Annual Conferences shall pub- lish both the Statistical Report (except the “Church Schools’ Statistics,’ which are prepared for the use of the Department of Church Schools of the Board of Education) and the Conference Treasurer’s Report. § 3. The Statisticians and Treasurers of the Con- ferences and Missions shall forward their Reports to the Publishing Agent at New York as soon after adjournment as practicable. The Statisticians. also shall send the “Church Schools’ Statistics’ to the Corresponding Secretary of the Board of Education at Chicago. § 4. The amount raised for “Ministerial Support” shall include the several sums raised for the support of the Pastor, the support of Conference Claimants, the support of the District Superintendent, and the support of the Bishops; also house rent paid for the Pastor; or in case the Pastor occupies a parsonage, a@ sum equal to a fair rental value of the parsonage. RQ qvor ANNUAL CONFERENCES Missionary appropriations should not be included. If desired, separate columns may be used for House Rent and for Traveling Expenses. § 5. In making his statistical report to the Annual Conference the Pastor shall indicate the amount paid to the District Superintendent from his Charge, and shall inclose the cash, or a proper voucher. § 6. Nonresident-Inactive Members shall not be reckoned in making apportionments. J 58. § 7. Sums paid to ministerial support from mis- sionary appropriations’ to the charge, and World Service payments not credited on apportionment shall be excluded in the reckonings upon which benevolence apportionments are based. § 8. “Baptized Children” shall not be counted as “Preparatory Members” in making reports of mem- bership. | 91. The Statistical Report shall be in the follow: ing form: § 1. Statistical Report MINISTERIAL SUPPORT Support of Pastor Total Claim, including House Rent. Total Paid, including House Rent. Rental Value of Parsonage. Support of District Superintendent Total Claim, including House Rent and Traveling Expenses. Total Receipts, including House. Rent and Traveling Expenses. Cash Salary Paid. 1 Also in Conference Treasurer’s Report, § 92. 84 ANNUAL CONFERENCES q..91 Support of Bishops Total Claim. Total Paid. Support of Conference of Claimants Total Claim. Total Paid. Total Ministerial Claim Paid. Total Deficit. CHURCH MEMBERSHIP Preparatory Members Number Received into Preparatory Membership. Number now on Preparatory Membership Roll. Full Members Number Received from Preparatory Membership or on Profession of Faith. Number Received by Transfer. Number of Full Members now on the Roll, not in- cluding Nonresident-Inactive Members. Number of Nonresident-Inactive Members. Number of Deaths. Baptisms Infants. Baptized. Adults Baptized. Sunday Schools Number of Schools. Number of Officers and Teachers. Total Enrolled in all Departments, including Cradle Roll, Home Department, Officers and Teachers. Average Attendance. — 1 Also in Conference Treasurer’s Report, { 92. 85 { 91 ANNUAL CONFERENCES Epworth League Senior Members. Junior Members. Intermediate Members. Miscellaneous Number. of Local Preachers. Number of Subscribers to the Advocates. Amount Contributed by the Ladies’ Aid Society. Church Property Number of Churches. Value of Churches. Number of Parsonages. Value of Parsonages. Value of Other Properties, Endowments, Bonds, ete. Paid for Buildings and Improvements. Paid on Indebtedness on Property. Present Indebtedness. on Property. Current Expenses not including Ministerial Sup- port. § 2. Sunday School Statistics See § 90, §§ 2, 3. Number of Sunday Schools. Number of Schools Using Graded Lessons. Number of Officers and Teachers. Number of Pupils Dnrolled. Poth (Please report enrollment in following age groups, whether organized departments or not.) a. Cradle Roll (under 4 years). b. Beginners (4-5 years). c. Primary (6-8 years). d. Junior (9-11 years). 86 I OT oo by ANNUAL CONFERENCES {92 e. Intermediate (12-14 years). f. Senior (15-17 years). g. Young People (18-24 years). h. Adults (25 years and over). 1. Home Departments. School. . Number Number Number Number Number Number Number . Amount . Amount Total Enrollment of Pupils, Officers and Teachers. Average Attendance. . Number of Pupils Who Are Church Members. Accessions to the Church from the Sunday Amount Paid to World Shan ite: Amount Paid for Sunday School Supplies. Epworth League Statistics of Senior League Chapters. of Senior League Members. of Intermediate League Chapters. of Intermediate League Members. of Junior League Chapters. of Junior League Members. of Epworth Heralds Taken. Paid to Central Office. Contributed to World Service. {| 92. Conference Treasurer’s Report DISCIPLINARY, BENEVOLENCES Ordered by the General Conference World Service and Apportioned: Benevolences. (a) On Apportionment. (b) Special Gifts, Annuities, Bequests, etc. Children’s Day Fund. Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society. 87 7 92 ANNUAL CONFERENCES Woman’s Home Missionary Society. City Missionary or Church Extension Society. Total Disciplinary Benevolences. BENEVOLENCES Ordered by the Annual Conference Educational endowments, buildings, ete. Hospitals. @oeeeveeev eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee ee eee Oe eee em Teo Hee He Oe Total Benevolences ordered by the Annual Con. ference. OTHER CASH ITEMS Annual Conference investments for Conference Claimants. Support of Epworth League. Support of District Superintendent.t Support of Bishops (Episcopal Fund).* Support of Conference Claimants.* General Conference expenses. Grand total (including Disciplinary and Annual Conference Benevolences and other cash items). 1 Also in Statistical Report, 4 91, §1. 88 Lay ELEcToRAL CONFERENCES {93 CHAPTER IIT LAY ELECTORAL CONFERENCES The Composition, Organization, and Powers of the Lay Electoral Conference are set forth in the Constitution of the Church, Division III, Chapter LI, Articles III and IV, WT 39, 40. I. Election of Delegates | 93, § 1. The first or third Quarterly Conference of each Charge for the Conference year within which a Lay Electoral Conference is to be convened shall appoint one Judge of Election and two Tellers, who shall constitute the Election Board. of the Charge; provided the said. Charge be composed of but one Church. The Election Board shall fix the time and place for the holding of an election for one Lay Dele- gate to the Lay Hlectoral Conference and one Re- serve Lay Delegate in accordance with the provisions of Division III, Article III, of the Constitution of the Church. § 2. The Election Board shall see that suitable pub- lic notice of the time and place of the election shall be given, public announcement of the same being made at two regular preaching services at least, on different days, within the six weeks immediately pre- ceding the election. It shall take charge of the election, receive and count the ballots, and certify the whole number of votes cast and for whom cast, to the fourth Quarterly Conference, which shall declare 89 | 94 Lay’ ELECoTORAL’ CONFERENCES the result and give to the person receiving the high- est number of votes for each place a certificate of election, which shall be signed by the District Super- intendent and the, Secretary of the Quarterly Con- ference. § 3. In every. Pastoral Charge which.consists of more than one Church or Society, the Quarterly Con- ference shall appoint a Judge of Election and two Tellers for each of such Churches or Societies, and each of such Boards shall proceed as is provided for in the case of the Election Board of a single Church. The Quarterly Conference shall proceed in the same manner as is provided for Pastoral Charges having but one Church or Society. § 4, When duly convened for the sleet) in case of the absence of one or more members of the: Elec- tion Board, the lay members assembled shall have power to fill vacancies. § 5. The Secretary of the fourth Quarterly Confer- ence shall certify the result of the ballot without de- lay to the Secretary of the preceding Lay Hlectoral Conference, or to any other person designated by said Conference to prepare the roll of the ensuing Lay Electoral Conference. Said certificate shall con- tain the names of the Lay Delegate and of the Reserve Lay Delegate elected, the post office of each and the name of the Pastoral Charge. II. Laymen’s Associations | 94, § 1. There may be assembled at the seat of the Annual Conference or elsewhere, a Laymen’s Association organized within the bounds of the Con- ference, composed of Delegates selected from the 90 CENTRAL CONFERENCES 7.95 Charges in such manner as the Laymen’s Association may determine. The purpose of such Association shall be to advance the local and Conference inter- ests of the Church and to enlist all laymen in the general activities of the denomination. § 2. There may also be organized a General Lay- men’s Association of the Methodist Episcopal Church, which may be assembled at the seat of the General Conference, or elsewhere in the interim of the Gen- eral Conference sessions, to federate the various Lay- men’s Associations of the Church. CHAPTER IV CENTRAL CONFERENCES 7 95, § 1. (1) Organization. There shall be such Central Conferences as have been heretofore author- ized, or shall be hereafter authorized by the General Conference, or that may develop from authorized Central Mission Conferences as. set. forth in § 2 (17), with the privileges and powers as hereinafter. set forth, provided that a Central Conference shail have at least a total of 20 Ministerial and 20 Lay Delegates on the basis of representation as set forth in Item (2) hereof. (2) The Central Conferences shall be composed of Ministerial and Lay members in equal numbers, chosen in such manner and with such qualifications as the Central Conference shall itself determine, provided that each Annual Conference, Mission Con- ference and Mission shall be entitled to at least two 91 7 95 CENTRAL CONFERENCES Ministerial and two Lay Delegates, and that no other selection of Delegates shall be authorized which would provide for more than one Ministerial Dele- gate for every six members of an Annual Confer- ence, Mission Conference or Mission, except that a fraction of two thirds of the ratio fixed by a Central Conference shall entitle an Annual Conference, Mis- sion Conference, or Mission to an additional Min- isterial Delegate, and to an additional Lay Delegate. (3) The first meeting of a Central Conference shall be called by the Bishop or Bishops in charge, at such time and place as he or they may select to which all of the members of the Conferences and Missions concerned shall be invited, and at which a ratio of representation shall be fixed by the Confer- ence, provided that in a Central Conference the ratio of representation shall not be greater than one Ministerial Delegate to every six members, except as set forth in Item (2). The time and place of future meetings shall be determined by the Central Confer- ence. | (4) Each Central Conference shall meet at least once every four years at such time and’ place as it may determine. The sessions of said Conference shall be presided over by the Bishops in attendance in such order as they may determine. In case no Bishop is present, the Conference shail elect a temporary Presi- dent from among its own members. The resident Bishops, or a majority of them, with the concurrence of the Executive Committee or other authorized Com- mittee shall have the authority to call an extra ses- sion of the Central Conference to be held at the time and place designated by them. | (5) The presiding officer of the Central Confer- 92 CENTRAL CONFERENCES 795 ence shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Central Conference; and he shall decide questions of law subject to an appeal to the Gen- eral Conference; but questions relating to the inter- pretation of the Rules and Regulations made. by the Central Conference shall be decided. by the Central Conference. | §. 2. Powers. (1) To a Central Conference shali be committed for supervision, in harmony with the book of Discipline and interdenominational contrac- tual agreements, the.educational, industrial, pub- lishing, medical and other connectional interests of the Annual Conferences, Mission Conferences, and Missions within its territory, and such other, matters as may be referred to it by the Annual Conferences, Mission Conferences, and Missions, concerned, or by order of the General Conference. (2) Subject. to the approval of the .Resident Bishops, it shall have the power to prescribe. Courses of Study, including those in the vernaculars, for its ministry, both foreign and indigenous, including Local Preachers, Exhorters, Bible Women, Deacon- esses, Teachers, both male and female, and all other workers whatsoever, ordained or lay. It shall also make rules and regulations for examinations in these Courses. (3) A Central Conference shall have power to make such changes and adaptations as the peculiar condi- ditions on the fields concerned require, regarding church membership, special advices, worship, and the local ministry and shall have power to decide the Official status and ordination of women, provided that no action shall be taken which is contrary to the book of Discipline. 93 7-95 CENTRAL CONFERENCES (4) A Central Conference shall have the power to establish detailed rules, rites and ceremonies for the solemnization of marriage, not contrary to the statute laws of the country or countries within its jurisdiction. (5) A Central Conference is authorized to pre- pare and translate simplified or adapted forms of such parts of the Ritual as it may deem necessary, such changes to receive the approval of the resident Bishop or Bishops. (6) A Central Conference shall have authority to edit and publish abridged editions of the Discipline, omitting such sections as refer exclusively to activi- ties in the United States of America. (7) A Central Conference shall supervise the mis- sionary work undertaken by the Church located within its bounds and provide suitable organiza- tions for such work; provided that when a Central Conference enters upon such’ work outside its borders, it shall first consult the Board of Foreign Missions. (8) A Central Conference, where the laws of the country permit, shall have the power to incorporate one or more Executive Boards, or Committees with such membership and such powers as may have been granted by the Central Conference, for the purpose of transacting any necessary business that may arise in the interval between the sessions of the Central Conference, or that may be committed to said Boards or Committees by the Central Conference. (9) A Central Conference is authorized to interpret Article XXIII of the Articles of Religion so as to recognize the government or governments of the country or countries within its territory. 94 CENTRAL CONFERENCES §: 95 -(10)) A Central Conference shall \ have: authority to make such modifications: of the rules concerning the temporal economy ‘of the local).church. as. to adapt those rules to the conditions existing» in the fields concerned. ) (11): The Central Conference, with the concurrence of the Resident Bishop or Bishops: concerned, shall have authority to supervise such institutions, inter- ests, and properties of. the, Methodist Hpiscopal Church: in the territory within its. jurisdiction as may have been provided by funds raised within, said jurisdiction, or as may be intrusted to it. It shall have the power to make rules and regulations for the purchase, holding, and transfer of any such prop- erty or institution secured or established from, re- sources raised’ within its jurisdiction, and of such other properties as. may be transferred to -it. by the Conferences or such other organizations, local.or gen- eral, holding the same; provided, however, (a) that all procedure shall be subject to the laws of the coun- try or countries concerned; (b) that no transfer. of property shall be made from: one Conference to an- other without the consent of the Conference hold- ing such property; (c) that the existing status of properties held by local. Trustees or other holding bodies shall be recognized. The Central Conference shall not alienate any property or institution, or the proceeds derived from the sale or transfer thereof, from the Methodist Hpiscopal Church, nor shall the Central Conference. involve the, Board of Foreign Missions, or any other organization of:the Church, in any financial obligation without the nihetal approval of said’ Board or organization. (12) A Central Conference may fix the boundaries 95 G 95 CENTRAL CONFERENCES of the Annual Conferences, Mission Conferences. and Missions within its bounds, proposals for changes first having been submitted to the Annual Confer- ences concerned as prescribed in the book of Disci- pline, {| 511, provided, however, that the num- ber of Annual Conferences which may be organized within the bounds of a Central Conference shall first have been determined by the General Confer- ence, and, provided further, that no Annual Confer- ence shall be organized with less than twenty-five members. It may also, with the consent of the resident Bishops, enter into agreements with other Churches. or Missions for the division of territory or of responsibility for Christian work within the terri- tory of the Central Conference. (13) A Central Conference shall have power to fix orders of business suitable for the District and Quarterly Conferences within its territory. (14) A Central Conference shall have the power to organize Women’s Conferences within its juris- diction and to determine conditions of membership and powers of the same. (15) The Journal of the proceedings of a Central Conference duly signed by the President and Secre- tary, shall be sent for examination to the General Conference. : (16) With the exception of determining the num- ber of Bishops a Central Conference shall have au- thority to recommend the number of general officers in all departments of the work of the Church within the boundaries of the Central Conference. (17) A Central Mission Conference shall become a Central Conference upon fulfillment of { 95, § 1, (1) and upon the ratification of the Annual Con- 96 CentRAL Mission ConFERENCES {f 95 A. ferences, Mission Conferences and Missions con- cerned. CENTRAL MISSION CONFERENCES WT 95A, § 1. (1) Organization. When in any of our Foreign Mission fields there is more than one Annual Conference or Mission, if ordered by the General Conference, it shall be lawful to organize a Central Mission Conference, to be composed either of all the members of those Annual Conferences or Mis- sions, or of delegates from the same, elected accord. ing to such ratio as may be agreed upon between the constituent parties, who may also provide for the admission of laymen to such Conference, the number of lay delegates not to exceed that of the: Ministerial delegates. (2) The first meeting of the Central Mission Con- ference shall be called by the Bishop in charge, at such time and place as he may select, to which all the members of the Conferences and Missions con- cerned shall be invited, and at which a ratio of representation shall be fixed by the Conference. The time and place of future meetings shall be determined by the Centtal Mission Conference; provided, that it shall meet at least once in four years. (3) A General Superintendent or Missionary Bishop, if present, shall preside over a Central Mis- sion Conference, but in his absence the Conference shall elect a president from among its own mem- bers. Missionary Bishops have equal rights and privileges with General Superintendents in the ses- sions of the Central Mission Conferences with which they may be connected. 97 ¢ 95 A CrntTRAL Mission CONFERENCES § 2. Powers. (1) To a Central’Mission Conference shall be committed for supervision the educational, industrial, publishing, medical, and other connec- tional interests of the Annual Conferences, Mission Conferences, and Missions within its jurisdiction; but never in contravention of the book of Discipline, or the orders of the General Conference; and it shall have no authority to involve the Board of Foreign Missions in any financial responsibility, nor to hold or control the property of the Board without the official permission of the said Board. (2) Subject to the approval of the Bishops, it shall have power to arrange Courses of Study, including those in the vernaculars, for its ministry both for- eign and indigenous, including Local Preachers, Exhorters, Bible Women, Deaconesses, Teachers, both male and female and all other workers whatsoever, ordained or lay. (3) In cooperation and collaboration with the Board of Foreign Missions and the Woman’s For- eign Missionary Society, it shall supervise the mis- sionary work and policy of the indigenous Church and provide suitable organization for such work. (4) A Central Mission Conference is authorized to prepare and translate into the verhacular con- cerned simplified and adapted forms of such parts of the Ritual as may be deemed necessary; to extend Article XXIII of the Articles of Religion to recog- nize the government or governments of countries within its jurisdiction; such changes to receive the approval of the resident Bishop or Bishops. (5) A Central Mission Conference shall have power to make such adaptations regarding membership, special advices, worship, and the local ministry, not 98 CENTRAL Mission CONFERENCES { 95 A contrary to the book of Discipline, as the peculiar conditions of the fields concerned call for. (6) A Central Mission Conference, where the laws of the country permit, and subject to proper agreements with the Board of Foreign Missions, shall have power to incorporate an executive Board or Committee with such membership and powers as may be determined by the Central Mission Confer- ence, for the purpose of transacting such necessary business as may arise in the interval between the ses- sions of the Central Mission Conference or as may be committed to it by the Central Conference. (7) A Central Mission Conference shall have the power to establish detailed rules, rites and cere- monies for the solemnization of marriage, not. con- trary to the statute law of the country or countries within its jurisdiction. (8) A Central Mission Conference shall have power to make such rules and regulations for the pur- chase, holding and transferring of property, not re- lated to the Board of Foreign Missions and the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, as the local laws allow or require. (9) In the Central Mission Conference the right shall be reserved to vote by Conferences or Missions whenever the delegations from one third of the several Conferences or Missions represented shall so demand. In such cases the concurrent vote of the delegations from two thirds of all the Conferences and Missions present and voting shall be necessary to complete an action. (10) A Central Mission Conference may fix the boundaries of the Annual Conferences, Mission Con- ferences, and Missions within its jurisdiction, pro- 99 q 96 Misston CONFERENCES posals for changes first having been submitted to the Annual Conferences concerned as_ prescribed in 4 511; provided, however, that the number of Annual Conferences which may be organized within the bounds of a Central Mission Conference shall first have been determined by the General Conference; and provided, further, that no Conference shall be organized with less than twenty-five members. (11) When a Central Mission Conference has been duly organized it shall not be discontinued except by order or consent of the General Conference. (12) The Journal of the proceedings of a Central Mission Conference, duly signed by the President and Secretary, shall be sent for examination to the General Conference. CHAPTER V MISSION CONFERENCES 4 96, § 1. Any Mission established under the pro- visions of the Discipline may be constituted a Mis- sion Conference by the General Conference. § 2. A Mission Conference is authorized to exer- cise the powers of an Annual Conference subject to the approval of the presiding Bishop; and its Mem- bers shall share pro rata in the proceeds of The Book Concern with Members of the Annual Conferences, but they shall not elect delegates to the General Con- ference. § 3. The Bishop having Episcopal supervision of a Mission Conference may appoint a Superintendent, 100 Miss1on CONFERENCES q 96: who may also be a District Superintendent where there are two or more Districts. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of the Mission Conference to take the general supervision of the Conference, and yet not so as to interfere with the duties of the District Superintendents; and to represent the state ‘of the work and its needs to the Bishop having charge, and to the Corresponding Secretaries of the Missionary Board immediately concerned. § 4. If there is no Bishop present at an Annual Session of a Mission Conference, the Superintendent shall preside; but if there is no Superintendent pres- ent, the presidency shall be determined as in an An- nual Conference. { 78. § 5. Each Mission Conference or Mission at its Annual Session shall appoint a Standing Committee,. whose duty it shall be, with the concurrence of the President of the Conference, to make an estimate of the amount necessary for the support of each Pas- toral Charge, either in full or supplementary to the amount raised by the Charge. Such estimates shall be subject to modification by the managers of the Missionary Board immediately concerned, and in the aggregate shall not exceed the amount appropriated. by the Board. § 6. A Charge within a Mission Conference may receive aid from the Missionary Board without hav- ing been designated in the estimates made by the: Conference at its Annual Meeting. . Notr.— Under special conditions Mission Conferences may designate a@member to sit with the Standing Committees of the General Con- ference.—Journal, 1920, Report No. 20, Committee on Foreign Mis- sions. é 101 qe Oy District CONFERENCES CHAPTER VI MISSIONS 1. For Missions in Foreign Fields, see J] 421, 422. 2. For Missions in the Home Field, see ¥ 449. CHAPTER VII DISTRICT CONFERENCES I. Organization and Duties {| 97. The District Conference shall be composed of the traveling ministers, the local preachers, the Exhorters, within the District, and the District Stew- ards, the District Presidents of the Epworth League, of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, and of the Woman’s Home Missionary Society together with one Sunday School Superintendent, one President of an Epworth League Chapter, one Director of Social and Recreational Life, one Secretary of Good Litera- ture, one President of a Ladies’ Aid Society, one Class or Unit Leader, one President of an auxiliary of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, one President of an auxiliary of the Woman’s Home Mis- Sionary Society from each Pastoral Charge in the 102 District CONFERENCES q 101 District; also any lay members of our Church sent to any of our Foreign Missions by the Board of Foreign Missions or by the Woman’s Foreign Mis- sionary Society, who are Members of a Quarterly Conference within the District. But if there shall be in any Charge more than one Sunday School Super- intendent, Class or Unit Leader, President of the Epworth League, Director of Social and Recreational Life, Secretary of Good Literature, President of the Ladies’ Aid Society, President of the auxiliary of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, or Presi- dent of the auxiliary of the Woman’s Home Mis- sionary Society, then the Quarterly Conference shall designate one of each for this service. f | 98. The District Conference shall meet once or twice each year as it may determine. The District Superintendent shall designate the time and place -for the first meeting after the adoption of this plan by the District, but the District Conference shall at each meeting determine the place for its next meet- ing, the time to be fixed by the District Superin- tendent. q 99. If a Bishop be present at the District Con- ference, he shall preside. In the absence of a Bishop the District Superintendent shall preside. If neither “be present, the District Conference shall choose its own President by ballot, without debate, from among the Traveling Elders. | 100. A record of the proceedings of each Dis- trict Conference shall be kept by a Secretary chosen for the purpose, and a copy of said record shall be sent to the ensuing Annual Conference. § 101. The regular business of the District Confer- ence shall be: 103 ‘@ 101 DisTRIcT CONFERENCES § 1. To take the general oversight of all the tem- poral and spiritual affairs of the District, subject to the provisions of the Discipline. § 2. To take supervision of all the Local Preachers and Exhorters in the District, as provided in §{ 219- 228, and to arrange a plan of appointments for each ‘until the next District Conference. § 3. To inquire if the support of the Ministry and all the collections for the benevolent institutions of the Church, as recognized by the Discipline, have re- ‘ceived proper attention in all the Pastoral Charges, ‘and, if necessary, to adopt suitable measures for promoting them. § 4. To inquire into the condition of the Sunday Schools in the District, and to adopt suitable meas- ‘ures for insuring their success. § 5. To inquire into the condition of the Epworth League Chapters in the District, and to adopt suit- -able measures for insuring their success. § 6. To inquire into the condition of the Ladies’ Aid Societies in the District, and to adopt suitable measures for insuring their success. § 7. To inquire into the condition of the auxiliaries of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society and of the Woman’s Home Missionary Society of the Dis- trict, and to adopt suitable measures for insuring their success. § 8. To inquire respecting opportunities for Mis- sionary and Church Extension enterprises within the District, and to provide for any neglected portion of its territory by the establishment of Mission Sunday Schools or by appointments for Public Worship. § 9. To provide appropriate religious and literary exercises during the session. 104 District CONFERENCES { 102 II. Order of Business 4 102. The order of business for the District Con- ference shall be: § 1.. To inquire what members of the District Con- ference are present. § 2. To appoint Committees on § 3. r. (he 8. Examination of candidates for License to Preach. . Examination of Local Preachers in each of the four years of the Course of Study. . Examination of candidates for Reception on Trial in the Annual Conference. . Examination of candidates for Orders. | . Home Mission work. . Appointments of Local Preachers and Ex- horters. Program of religious and literary exercises for the next meeting. Miscellaneous matters. To receive Reports: 1. 2. 3. From the District Superintendent, as to the condition of the work under his Charge, and concerning his own work as District Superintendent. From each Pastor, as to the religious condi- tion of his Charge, his pastoral labors, the benevolent collections, the circulation of our Church periodicals and books, and the effective organization of the members and constituents into Classes or Units. From each Local Preacher, according to the form prescribed in { 223. 4. From each Exhorter, including a statement 105 § 102 § 4. District CONFERENCES of the Prayer Meetings he has held, and other work done, especially in destitute places and among the sick and the poor. q 228 ; 5. From each District Steward, as to the tem- poral affairs of the Charge he represents. 6. From each Sunday School Superintendent, as to the condition of the Sunday Schools of the Charge he represents. 7. From each President of an Epworth League Chapter, as to the condition of the Chap- ters of the Charge he represents. 8. From each Director of Social and Recrea- tional Life as to the social and recrea- tional program and activities of the Charge he represents. 9. From the Secretary of Good Literature as to the circulation of Methodist periodicals and books. 10. From each: President of a Ladies’ Aid So- ciety, as to the condition of the Societies of the Charge she represents. 11. From each Class or Unit Leader, as to the condition of the Classes or Units of the Charge he represents. 12. From the President of each Auxiliary of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society and of the Woman’s Home Missionary So- ciety, as to the condition of the Auxil- iary she represents. 13. From each Committee. To inquire concerning Local Preachers? 1. Are there any Charges or formulated Com- plaints? 106 District CONFERENCES { 103 . Who shall have their Licenses renewed? . Who shall be licensed to Preach? . Who shall be recommended for Ordination? . Who shall be recommended for Recognition of Orders? 6. Who shall be recommended for Reception on Trial in the Annual Conference? 7. What work is assigned to each Local Preacher? § 5. To inquire concerning Exhorters: 1. Who shall have their Licenses renewed? 2. What work is assigned to each Exhorter? § 6. To fix the seat of the next District Conference. § 7. To transact other appropriate business. § 8. The order of business may be varied, and the business interspersed with such literary and religious. exercises as the District Conference may direct. Ot we OD bo ! III. Discontinuance 4 103. The provisions for District Conferences shall be of force and binding only in those Districts. in which the Quarterly Conferences of a majority of the Pastoral Charges shall have approved the same by asking the District Superintendent to con- vene a District Conference, as provided in { 98. A District Conference may be discontinued by a vote of a majority of the members present at any regular session, notice thereof having been given at a pre- vious session, with the concurrence of a majority of the Quarterly Conferences in the District. 107 7 104 QUARTERLY CONFERENCES CHAPTER VIII QUARTERLY CONFERENCES I. Organization and Duties 7 104. The Quarterly Conference shall be .com- posed of all the Traveling Ministers, Local Preachers, Exhorters, Stewards, Class or Unit Leaders, Trustees, Directors of Social and Recreational Life, Directors of Religious Education, Secretaries of Good. Litera- ture, first Superintendents of Sunday Schools, Presi- dents of Epworth League Chapters, Superintendents of Junior Leagues, Presidents of Christian Steward- ship Guilds, Presidents of Ladies’ Aid Societies, Presi- dents of Auxiliaries of the Woman’s Foreign Mis- Sionary Society, Presidents of Auxiliaries of the Woman’s Home Missionary Society, and Deaconesses employed within the Charge; provided, that said Class or Unit Leaders, Trustees, Directors of Social and Recreational Life, Directors of Religious Educa- tion, Secretaries of Good Literature, Superintendents, Presidents, and Deaconesses are members’ of our Church in the Charge, and are approved by the Quarterly Conference for membership therein; also any lay members of the Church sent to any of our Missions by the Board of Foreign Missions, or by the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, who are assigned to said Quarterly Conference and regularly appointed to definite work by the Bishop in charge.’ 1For additional members of the Quarterly Conference in Charges under the supervision of a City Society, see 4] 441, § 2 108 ew = < Pg en ao a a oe a ee eee a on QUARTERLY CONFERENCES q 107 7 105, § 1. The District Superintendent shall pre- side in the Quarterly Conference; or, P= may ap- point a Traveling Hilder to preside. In che absence of the District Superintendent, and of the Travel- ing Elder so appointed, the Pastor shall preside. § 2. The Recording Steward shall be the Secretary ‘of the Quarterly Conference and shall take minutes of the proceedings thereof. He shall also be the Cus- todian of the records of the Quarterly Conference. In his absence a Secretary shall be elected from the members of the Quarterly Conference present, and he shall forward the records to the Recording Steward. | 106. In those Districts in which District Con- ferences shall be held the powers given to the Dis- trict Conferences shall not be exercised by the Quar- terly Conferences. In all other cases the powers of the Quarterly Conferences shall remain as herein- after provided. 7 107. The regular business of the Quarterly Con- ference shall be: § 1. To hear formulated complaints, and to receive and try charges as directed in {{ 270-278. § 2. To take cognizance of all Local Preachers and Exhorters in the Circuit or Station, as provided in 47 219-228. § 3. To receive the annual report of the Trustees; to elect Trustees where the laws of the State permit and conditions require (see {{ 347-349); and, at its discretion, to approve for membership in the Quar- terly Conference Trustees who are members of the Church within the Pastoral Charge, but who were elected otherwise than by the Quarterly Conference. § 4. To elect Stewards for the Charge, and to elect 109 | 107 QUARTERLY CONFERENCES one of these as District Steward, one as reserve Dis- trict Steward, one as Communion Steward, and one as Recording Steward. § 5. To have oversight of all the Sunday Schools within the bounds of the Pastoral Charge, and to inquire into the condition of each; to confirm or re- ject Sunday School Superintendents elected by the Sunday School Board; at its discretion, fo approve for membership in the Quarterly Conference Super- intendents who are members of the Church within the Pastoral Charge; and to remove any Superin- tendent who may prove unworthy or inefficient. § 6. To have general oversight of the Epworth League Chapters and other organizations of young people; to confirm or reject Presidents of the Ep- worth League elected by the Chapters, and Junior League Superintendents nominated by the Pastor; at its discretion, to approve for membership in the Quarterly Conference Epworth League Presidents and Junior League Superintendents who are mem- bers of the Church within the Pastoral Charge; and to remove any Epworth League President or Junior League Superintendent who may prove unworthy or inefficient. § 7. To elect where desirable, on nomination of the Pastor, a Director of Religious Education whose duty it shall be, together with the Pastor, to have general supervision of the entire educational program of the Church. § 8. To elect where desirable, on nomination of the Pastor, a Secretary of Good Literature, whose duty it shall be in cooperation with the Pastor, to promote the circulation of The Christian Advocates and to stimulate interest in our books and periodicals 110 QUARTERLY CONFERENCES {107 within the bounds of the charge to which he belongs, and who shall report to each session of the Quarterly Conference of his charge. § 9. To elect, on the nomination of the Pastor, a Director of Social and Recreational Life who shall, with the concurrence of the Pastor, promote the social and recreational life of the young people: provided that, where the above action is imprac- ticable, the Pastor, the Sunday School Superintend- ent and the Hpworth League President may carry out the intent of the above provision. (See § 480.) § 10. To have general oversight of Ladies’ Aid So- cieties and other organizations of similar designa- tion and purpose; to confirm or reject Presidents elected by these Societies; at its discretion, to ap- prove for membership in the Quarterly Conference Presidents who are members of the Church within the Charge; and to remove any President who may prove unworthy or inefficient. § 11. To have general oversight of the Auxiliaries of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society and of the Woman’s Home Missionary Society; and at its discretion, to approve for membership in the Quar- terly Conference Presidents of Auxiliaries who are members of the Church within the Pastoral Charge. § 12. To meet carefully all the obligations laid by the Discipline upon the Quarterly Conference in ref- erence to the support of the Ministry and of the benevolent causes. § 18. To appoint at some session of the Quarterly Conference prior to the fourth, a Committee consist- ing of three or more members of the Church to be known as the Committee on Estimating Ministerial Support. 111 | 108 QUARTERLY CONFERENCES § 14. To appoint at the fourth Quarterly Confer- ence Committees for the ensuing Conference year on (1) Apportioned Benevolences (f 111, § 4). (2) Christian Stewardship (§ 71). (3) Foreign Missions. (4) Home Missions and Church Extension. (5) Tracts. (6) Temperance. (7) Education. (8) Edu- cation for Negroes. (9) Hospitals. (10) Church Records. (11) Auditing Accounts. (12) Parsonage and Furniture. (13) Church Music. (14) HExamina- tion of Local Preachers. (15) Foreign Language Ob- ligations ({ 571, § 9). § 15. Constitute at the fourth Quarterly Confer- ence a Commission on Religious Education to con- sist of one representative each from the Sunday School, the Epworth League, the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, the Woman’s Home Missionary Society, and the Committee on Apportioned Benev- olences, the Pastor and the Director of Religious Education being ex officio members. II. Order of Business {| 108. The order of business in the Quarterly Con- ference, after the Roll of Members has been called, shall be as follows: Note.—Questions, or items under questions, marked thus (-1-) are to be considered at the first Quarterly Conference; those marked (-4-) at the fourth Quarterly Conference; such other questions and items are to be considered at each Quarterly Conference as are practicable. I. DEVOTIONAL EXERCISES. II. ORGANIZATION. § 1. (-4-) What Trustees of Church and Parsonage property are elected by or approved as members of this Quarterly Conference? J 107, § 3. 112 QUARTERLY CONFERENCES | 108 § 2. (-4-) Who shall be the Stewards for the ensu- ing Conference year? {{ 107, § 4; 314-318. § 3. (-4-) Who shall be: a. Recording Steward? b. District Steward? c. Reserve District Steward? d. Communion Steward? e. Director of Social and Recreational Life? - § 4. Is there any change desired in the Board of Stewards, Class or Unit Leaders? §§ 107, § 4; 63, § 2. § 56. Who are confirmed as members of this Quar- terly Conference? . 1. AS Sunday School Superintendents. 2. As Presidents of Epworth Leagues. 3. As Superintendents of Junior Epworth Leagues. 4. As Directors of Social and Recreational Life. 5. As Presidents of Ladies’ Aid Societies or similar organizations. 6. As Presidents of Auxiliaries of the Woman’s- Foreign Missionary Society. 7. As Presidents of Auxiliaries of the Woman’s Home Missionary Society. 8. As Deaconesses employed within the Charge. 9. As Class Leaders or Unit Leaders. 10. As Directors of Religious Education. III. PASTORAL AND SPIRITUAL ACTIVITIES. § 6. Pastor’s report. § 183, § 3. § 7. Discussion of the forward program of the Charge. |. § 8. Have the rules respecting the instruction of children been observed? {ff 49-54. 113 { 108 QUARTERLY CONFERENCES § 9. (-4-) What report does the Pastor make in regard to § 461 of the Discipline? § 10. (-4-) Has the Pastor this Conference year specifically directed the attention of the congregation — to our General Rules and Special Advices? { 182, § 4. 9 § 65-71. | § 11. (-4-) Has the Pastor prepared for his suc- cessor and deposited with the Recording Steward a plan of his Charge together with the order of serv- ices and lists of Officials, the Church membership, the constituency roll and the Units as organized? q 182, §29. § 12. Has the Pastor furnished the necessary data to the Committee on Church Records? {§ 110, § 2. § 13. Reports. 1. (-4-) From Retired and Supernumerary Preachers. {§ 188, 187. 2. From Local Preachers. § 223. 3. From Exhorters. { 228. 4, From Unit and Class Leaders, with special reference to intercession and Christian Stewardship. § 61, § 2. 5. From Sunday School Superintendents. 7. 474,.§ 5. (In absence of a full report from the Sunday School Superintendent the District Superintendent shall ask the questions which are specified for this report in q 479. 6. From Presidents of Epworth Leagues. q 479. 7. From Superintendents of Junior Leagues. 8. From Directors of Social and Recreational Life. 114 QUARTERLY CONFERENCES { 108 9. From Directors of Religious Education. 10. From. Secretary of Good Literature. 11. (-4-) From Presidents of Ladies’ Aid So- cieties or similar organizations. { 378, § 2. 12. (-4-) From Presidents of Woman’s Foreign Missionary Societies and allied organiza- tions. 13. (-4-) From Presidents of Woman’s Home Missionary Societies and allied organiza- TIONS. 14. From Deaconesses employed within the Charge. { 235. § 14. Who have been licensed to preach or recom- mended to the District Conference for License to preach? 219. § 15. (-4-) Was the character of each Local Preacher, Exhorter and Deaconess examined? q{ 220, 228, 235, § 16. a. What Local Preachers and Exhorters are recommended to the District Conference for renewal of License? {ff 220, 228. b. (-4-) What Local Preachers and Exhorters have had their Licenses renewed? {ff 220, 228. § 17. (-4-) What Local Preachers are recom- mended for Orders? { 220, § 3. § 18. (-4-) What Local Preachers are recom- mended for the recognition of Orders? { 165, § 2; 9.220,.8. 3. § 19. (-4-) What Local Preachers are recom- mended for Reception on Trial in the Annual Confer- ence? { 220, § 3. , 115 q 108 QUARTERLY CONFERENCES IV. FINANCIAL QUESTIONS. A. Local Budget—to be answered by the Treas- urer thereof. § 20. (-1-) Is the Disciplinary Plan organized and in operation in the Charge? § 111. § 21. ¢-1-) What amounts have been estimated for, and apportioned to, this Charge this year for the support of the Ministry? § 22. What amounts have been received this Con- ference year for the support of the Ministry and how applied? Has the pro rata division been made for Pastor, District Superintendent, for Conference Claimants, and for the Episcopal Fund? § 23. (-4-) What amounts have been estimated for and apportioned to this charge for the support of. the ministry for the ensuing year? (See § 323, § 1:) § 24. (-4-) Has the apportionment for the expenses of the General Conference been received and paid? B. Benevolence Budget—to be answered by the Treasurer thereof. § 25. What amounts have been received this Con- ference year for Benevolences and how have they been applied? § 26. (-4-) What amounts are officially apportioned to this Charge for benevolent causes for next year? C. Reports § 27. (-1-) Reports of Boards of Trustees. § 350. § 28. (-1-) Reports of Auditing Committee. §{ 109. V. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. § 29. (-1-) Report on Church membership and Church records by Committee on Church Records. vp @ Kb . 116 QUARTERLY CONFERENCES 7 110 § 30. Reports of other Committees. § 31. (-4-) What Committees are appointed for the ensuing Conference year? § 107; § 14. § 32. (1-2 or 3) Who constitute the Committee on Estimating Ministerial Support? § 35. (-4-) Approval of record of Official Boards. - § 34. (-4-) Who is appointed Trier of Appeals? § 35. Where shall the next session of the Quarterly Conference be held? § 36. Is there any other Business? III. Auditing and Records 4 109. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Auditing Accounts to audit the books of the Church Treasurer and of the Treasurers of all Boards or organizations of the local Church or Churches of the Charge represented in the Quarterly Conference, and the accounts of the Benevolent Treasurer or Treasurers of the Charge, and report the same in writing at the first Quarterly Conference. It shall also examine all insurance papers, securities and other legal documents held by the Board or Boards of Trustees and report its findings to the first Quar- terly Conference. 4 110, § 1. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Church Records to examine the records of mem- bership, the constituency roll, the minutes of the Quarterly Conference, the records of the Trustees, the Official Board, and the records of all the boards and organizations of the local Church or Churches of the Pastoral Charge, represented in the Quarterly Conference, and make written report thereon at the first Quarterly Conference. When any of these books 117 q 110 QUARTERLY CONFERENCES are filled and are no longer in use, they shall be de- © posited with the Recording Steward for preservation. § 2. The Committee on Church Records shall also report to the first Quarterly Conference the following items: What is the complete record for membership dur- ing the last Conference year? . 4) Members on Roll and reported one year ago. 2. Members Received after Recommendation. 3. Members Received by Certificate. 4. Members Received from (a) Other Denomina- tions, (0b) on Confession of Faith, or (c) those Re- stored. 5. Total increase during the year. . Members dismissed by Certificate. . Members. Deceased. . Members Withdrawn. 9. Members Expelled. 10. Names of members Removed without Certificate of Transfer. 11. Members placed on Nonresident-Inactive List this year. 12. Total to be deducted. 13. Net Membership on Roll. 14. Total Nonresident-Inactive Members. 15. Preparatory Members received during the year. 16. Preparatory Members now on Roll. 17. Baptized children who have received Instruc- tion for Membership. 18. Have acknowledgments been received from all Charges to which Certificates of Transfer have beer issued? 19. Have all Certificates of Transfer received been acknowledged to the Charges which issued them? 118 CO 1 & QUARTERLY CONFERENCES © § 111 20. Have Charges to which members have removed without Certificate of Transfer been notified? 21. Have all known to have moved into this Charge with or without Certificate of Transfer been visited? 22. Have Certificates of Registration been issued in the case of baptized children who have removed to another Pastoral Charge? 23. The Constituency Roll. IV. Disciplinary Financial Plan 7 111, § 1. Foreword: This plan is based on prin- ciples concerned in promoting Christian Steward- ship ({ 71) and providing financial support of local and world service of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The essential features should apply to every local Church; the details may be adapted to local conditions. § 2. Basic Principles: (1) Every Member should be A Recorded Contributor, not only that the amount expected of him may be recorded but that a definite ideal may be set up for both members. and adminis- tration. (2) Every member should be fully informed re- garding the needs and extent of the local and world service of his Church. Personal and thoughtful giv- ing enhances in the mind of the giver, the cause to which he is giving. (3) Systematic Contributions should be sought and duplex envelopes provided that contributions may be received weekly and credited to Local Budget and Benevolence Budget respectively. (4) Quarterly or semiannual statements should be issued and arrears collected. Contributions made on other than weekly basis if paid early in the fiscal 119 y Oy ae QUARTERLY CONFERENCES year will help offset arrears naturally accumulating in summer and later months of the year. (5) The ideal ‘Every Member a Recorded Con- tributor’”’ may be more nearly achieved when the local expense Budget includes the Sunday School and the Epworth League. Contributions from chil- dren, youth, or invalids, who have no fixed income or allowance, should be the portion of their sub- stance which they wish to share with their Church. (6) Establish the custom of assigning envelopes to each new member taken into the Church, deliver the envelope, before the following Sunday, with an intro- ductory letter explaining briefly the financial plan for the support of the Church. (7) The requisite of any financial plan is control. Control must be based on accurate knowledge. Con- trol of Church finance must further depend upon con- fidence. The Financial Secretary should provide the facts and the Finance Committee be so constituted that it has the confidence and support of every department of the Church. Under these conditions the control of the expenditure of moneys should be directly with the Finance Committee and no appropriations should be made for items not in-- cluded in the Local Budget without also providing additional funds for same, unless the Finance Com- mittee shall have approved such appropriation. § 3. The Finance Committee shall consist of not less than three members. It shall be the duty of the Finance Committee before the close of the fiscal year: J (1) In collaboration with the Financial Secretary, to prepare a Local Budget in the form suggested in 9 111, § 6. 120 QUARTERLY CONFERENCES Fe ie (2) In collaboration with the representatives of the Sunday School Board to prepare the budget for Support of Sunday School. (3) In collaboration with the representatives of the Epworth League to prepare the budget for sup- port of Epworth League activities. (4) In collaboration with the Committee on Ap- portioned Benevolences and the Financial Secretary to prepare the Budget for Benevolences. (5) To present, previous to the end of the fiscal year, the Local and Benevolence Budgets to a spe- cially called meeting of the Official Board for ap- proval or revision. (6) To proceed immediately by personal canvass of the entire membership of Church, congregation, Sunday School, Epworth League and other supporters of the Church, to secure pledges and to determine the probable income for coming year. (7) If probable income is insufficient to meet budgets as made, to report to the First Quarterly Con- ference recommendations as to how the balance needed can be raised. § 4. The Committee on Benevolences shall consist of at least five members with the Pastor as Chairman. The several Missionary Societies, especially of the Sunday School and Epworth League or Young Peo- ple’s Organization, should be represented on this Committee. It shall be the duty of this Committee: (1) To inculcate the. principles of Christian Stew- ardship as presented in § 71 of Discipline. (2) To arrange continual, periodic, and special presentation to the members and various organiza- tions of the Church, of the interests and work in- 121 qi iin QUARTERLY CONFERENCES cluded in the World Service of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. (3) To ascertain apportionments for the World Service, Annual and Quarterly Conference Benevo- lences and with the Finance Committee of the Official Board make up the Benevolence Budget. (4) Wherever pledges and receipts seem to indi- | cate failure to raise the complete Benevolence Budget to report recommendations to the Official Board. (5) The Committee on Benevolences shall con- stitute the Local Church Committee, entitled “World Service Committee” or “World Service Council’ pro- vided for under the Disciplinary Plan for World Serv- ice of the Methodist Episcopal Church.’ § 5. The Financial Secretary. The duties of the Financial Secretary are: (1) To receive and record in approved classified form all moneys coming to the Church, not subject to immediate control of the Trustees. (2) To keep an account with each individual con- tributor. (3) To deposit promptly all funds in Bank or Trust Company approved by the Official Board, in the name of the Church and designated “Local Budget Ac- count” or “Benevolent Budget Account” respectively and subject to draft of the respective Treasurers thereof. (4) To keep the respective Treasurers informed of all deposits or other accessions to such accounts. (5) To keep record of all withdrawals by the re- spective Treasurers, classified under the same terms used in the Budgets. 1See § 410, §2. 122 QUARTERLY OONFERENCES b | i (6) Report to each monthly meeting of the Official Board and to the Quarterly Conferences as required. _ (7) To assist Finance Committee in forming Budget for Local Expense. (8) To cooperate with the Committee on Benev- olences in promoting the Benevolent interests of the Church. § 6. The Local Budget may include in approved classified form, provision for: | (1) Ministerial support, namely, Pastor’s Salary, House Rent (if paid in cash to owners or Trustees), apportionment for District Superintendent, for Bishops and for Conference Claimants. (2) Other salaries for music, secretarial, janitor or miscellaneous work. (3) Sunday School budget framed by authority of the Sunday School Board, approved by the Finance Committee. (4) Epworth League budget framed by authority of the Cabinet of the Epworth League, approved by the Finance Committee. (5) Repairs, supplies and expense carefully classi- fied in few comprehensive divisions. Include ap- portionment of Annual and General Conference Ex- pense. § 7. Treasurer of Local Budget. The duties of the Treasurer of Local Budget are: (1) To disburse moneys from Local Expense Bank Account as ordered by the Official Board or Quarterly Conference or Board of Trustees. (2) To enable the Financial Secretary to report all disbursements to Official Board or Quarterly Confer- ence. 123 q 112 QUARTERLY CONFERENCES § 8. The Benevolence Budget shall include pro- ‘ vision for: (1) World Service Quota asked by authority of the Official Board. Let captions under this item be ‘ worded so as to indicate to some degree the extent of the World Service of the Methodist Episcopal : Church. (2) The quotas or amounts sought by authority of the Official Board for the several Annual Conference : Benevolences. (3) The quotas or amounts sought by authority of the Official Board for Special Benevolences other i bs it fr i than those for which special collections are ordered. j § 9. Treasurer of Benevolence Budget. The duties of the Treasurer of Benevolence Budget are to make disbursements from the Benevolence — Bank Account as follows: (1) Monthly, the Benevolences ordered by the General Conference which shall be forwarded as _ directed by the General Conference. (2) Periodically, the Benevolences ordered by the © Annual Conference which shall be forwarded as directed by the Annual Conference. (3) Occasionally, the Benevolences and special col- lections ordered by the Quarterly Conference or Offi- cial Board and Benevolences provided for by indi- | viduals or organizations desiring to give through Church channels for credit as “Other Benevolences.” (4) To enable Financial Secretary to ‘report all disbursement to the Official Board or Quarterly Con- ference. V. Official Board 7 112, § 1. The Quarterly Conference of any Charge may organize and continue during its pleas- 124 QUARTERLY CONFERENCES { 112 ure an Official Board, to be composed of all the mem- ‘bers of the Quarterly Conference. In the case of Circuits the Quarterly Conference may organize, and continue during its pleasure, Official Boards for the several appointments of the Charge, such Official Boards to be composed of the Members of the Quar- terly Conference attached to the respective appoint- ments. The Official Board shall hold its meetings monthly on a stated day. The Pastor shall be the President of the Official Board and shall preside over its meetings, or in his absence a vice-chairman regularly elected shall preside. There shall also be chosen a Secretary, a Financial Secretary, and two Treasurers, one for the Local Budget and one for the Benevolence Budget. When so organized the Official Board may discharge the duties of the Leaders and Stewards’ meeting. When such action is taken it shall void such provisions of the Discipline, under “Ministerial Support,” as relate to the financial duties of the Stewards ({{ 317, 328). The duties of the Secretary are to make a record of the proceedings of the Official Board and, after examination by the Committee on Church Records, to send the same to the Fourth Quarterly Conference for approval. The duties of the Financial Secretary, Treasurer of Local Budget and Treasurer of Benevolence Budget are set forth in § 111 under the Disciplinary Financial Plan. § 2. The Official Board or where no such Board is organized, the Quarterly Conference, shall further organize by the selection, with the consent of the Pastor, of Committees for the care of Church prop- _erty, finance, music, and any other Committees neces- sary to facilitate its work. 125 § 113 LeappRs AND STEWARDS’ MEETING CHAPTER Ix LEADERS AND STEWARDS’ MEETING 113. The Pastor, as often as practicable, shall hold a meeting of all the Leaders and Stewards of the Charge, to be denominated the Leaders and Stew- ards’ Meeting, in order to inquire, 1. Are there any sick? 2. Are there any requiring temporal relief? 3. Are there any who walk disorderly and will not be reproved? 4. Are there any who willfully neglect the means of grace? 5. Are any changes to be made in the classes? 6. Are there any persons to be recom- mended for admission into the Church? 7. Are there any to be recommended for License to exhort or to preach? 8. What amount has been received for the support of the Pastor or Pastors? 9. Is there any miscellaneous business? 126 PART Ill THE MINISTRY . QUALIFICATIONS AND WORK . MINISTERS AND ANNUAL CONFERENCES . DEACONS . ELDERS . PASTORS . LEAVE OF ABSENCE . SUPERNUMERARY MINISTERS . RETIRED MINISTERS . DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS - MISSIONARY BISHOPS . BISHOPS - RETIRED BISHOPS CHAPTER I QUALIFICATIONS AND WORK I. Call to Preach 4114. In order that we may try those persons who profess to be moved by the Holy Ghost to preach let the following questions be asked, namely: §1. Do they know God as a pardoning God? Have they the love of God abiding in them? Do they de- sire nothing but God? Are they holy in all manner of conversation? § 2. Have they gifts, as well as grace, for the work? Have they, in some tolerable degree, a clear, sound understanding; a right judgment in the things of God; a just conception of salvation by faith? Has God given them any degree of utterance? Do they speak justly, readily, clearly? § 3. Have any been truly convinced of sin and con- verted to God, and are believers edified by their preaching? § 4. As long as these marks concur in anyone, we believe he is called of God to preach. These we re- ceive as sufficient proof that he is moved by the Holy Ghost. é' II. Rules for a Preacher’s Conduct 7 115. Rule 1. Be diligent. Never be unemployed. Never be triflingly employed. Never trifle away time; neither spend any more time at any place than is _strictly necessary. | 7.116... Rule 2. Be serious, Let your motto he, 129 ny ees Bg QUALIFICATIONS AND WoRK “‘Holiness to the Lord.” Avoid all lightness, jesting, and foolish talking. | 117. Rule 3. Converse sparingly and conduct ‘yourself prudently with women ‘(1 Tim. 5. 2). 7118. Rule 4. Believe evil of no one without good evidence; unless you see it done take heed how you credit it. Put the best construction on. every- thing. -You know the judge is always supposed to be -on the prisoner’s side. 7.119. Rule 5. Speak evil of no one, because your -~word, especially, would eat as doth a canker. Keep your thoughts within your own breast till you come to the person concerned. 7 120. Rule 6. Tell everyone under your care what -you think wrong in his conduct and temper, and that lovingly and plainly, as soon as may be; else it will fester in your heart. Make all haste to cast the fire out of your bosom. 7 121. Rule 7. Avoid all affectation. A Preacher of the Gospel is the servant of all. 7 122. Rule 8. Be ashamed of nothing but sin. 7 123. Rule 9. Be punctual. Do everything ex- actly at the time. And do not mend our rules, but keep them; not for wrath, but for conscience sake. 7 124. Rule 10. You have nothing to do but to save souls; therefore spend and be spent in this work; and go always not only to those that want you, ‘but to those that want you most. Observe! It is not your business only to preach ‘sO many times, and to take care of this or that ‘Society, but to save as many as you can; to bring as ‘many sinners as you can to repentance, and with all ‘your power to build them up in that holiness without -~which they cannot see the Lord. And remember! a 130 QUALIFICATIONS AND WoRK q 127 Methodist Preacher is to mind every point, great and small, in the Methodist Discipline! Therefore you will need to. exercise all the sense and grace you have. 125. Rule 11. Act in all things not, according to your own will, but as a son in the Gospel. As such, it is your duty to employ your time in the manner in which we direct: in. preaching, and visiting from house to house; in reading, meditation, and prayer. Above all, if you labor with us in the Lord’s vine- yard, it is needful you should do that part of the work which we advise, at those times and places which we judge most for His glory. 4 126. Smaller advices which might be of use to us are perhaps these: 1. Be sure never to disappoint a congregation. 2. Begin at the time appointed. 3. Let your whole deportment be serious, weighty, and solemn. 4. Always suit your subject to your audi- ence, 5. Choose the plainest text you can. 6. Take care not to ramble, but keep to your text, and make out what you take in hand. 7. Take care of any- thing awkward or affected, either in. your gesture, phrase, or pronunciation. 8. Do not usually pray extempore above eight or ten minutes (at most) with- out intermission. 9. Frequently read and enlarge upon a portion of Scripture; and let young Preachers often exhort without taking a text. 10. Always avail yourself of the great festivals by preaching on the occasion. III. Spiritual Qualifications 127. The duty of the Preacher is: 1. To preach. 2. To meet. the Societies and Classes. 3. To visit the sick. 131 q 128 QUALIFICATIONS AND WORK 9128. A Preacher shall be qualified for his charge by walking closely with God, and having his work greatly at heart, and by understanding and loving discipline, ours in particular. 7129. We do not sufficiently watch over each other. Should we not frequently ask each other, Do you walk - closely with God? Have you now fellowship. with the Father and the Son?) At what hour do you rise? Do you punctually observe the morning and evening hours of retirement? Do you spend the day’ in the manner which the Conference advises? Do you con- verse seriously, usefully, and closely? To be more particular: Do you use all the means of grace your- self, and enforce ‘the use of them on all other persons? 7130. The means of grace are either Instituted or Prudential. 4131. The INSTITUTED are: . § 1. Prayer: private, family, and public; consisting of deprecation, petition, intercession, and thanks- giving. Do-you use each of these? Do you forecast daily, wherever you are, to secure time for private devotion?’ Do you practice it everywhere?’ Do you! ask everywhere, Have you’ family prayer? Do you ask individuals, Do you use private prayer every ‘morning and evening in particular? § 2. Searching the Scriptures: 1. Reading: con- stantly, some part of every day; regularly, all the Bible in order; carefully, with notes; seriously, with prayer before and after; fruitfully, immediately prac- ticing what you learn there. 2. Meditating: at set times; by rule. 3. Hearing: at every opportunity; with prayer before, at, after. Have you-a Bible always about you? , 132 QUALIFICATIONS AND WoRK {. 133 §3. The Lord’s Supper: Do you use this at every opportunity? With solemn prayer before? With earnest and deliberate self-devotion? § 4. Fasting: Do you use as much abstinence and fasting every week as your health, strength, and labor will permit? § 5. Christian Conference: Are you convinced how ‘important and how difficult it is to order your con- versation aright? Is it always in grace? Seasoned with salt? Meet to minister grace to the hearers? - Do you not converse too long at a time? Is not an hour commonly enough? » Would it not be well always to have a determined’end in view? And to pray be- fore and after it? 97132. PRUDENTIAL Means we may use either as Christians, as Methodists, or as Preachers. §1. As Christians: What particular rules have you in order to grow in grace? What arts of holy living? § 2. As Methodists: Do you ever miss your Class? § 3. As Preachers: Have you thoroughly considered your duty? And do you make a conscience of execut- ing every part of it? Do you meet every Society and their Leaders? 7133. These means may be used without fruit. But there are some means which cannot, namely: watching, denying ourselves, taking: up our cross, exercise of the presence of God. §1. Do you steadily watch against the world? Yourself? Your besetting sin? § 2. Do you deny yourself every useless pleasure of sense? imagination? honor? Are you temperate in all things? For instance, 1. Do you use only that. kind and that degree of food which. is best both for body and soul? Do you see the necessity of this?) De 133 | 134 (JUALIFICATIONS AND WORK you eat no more at each meal than is necessary? Are you not heavy or drowsy after dinner? 2. Do you use only that kind and that degree of drink which is best both for your body and soul? Do you choose and use water for your common drink, and only take wine medicinally or sacramentally? § 3. Wherein do you take up your cross daily? Do you cheerfully bear your cross, however grievous to nature, as a gift of God, and labor to profit thereby? § 4. Do you endeavor to set God always before you? To see his eye continually fixed upon you? 4134. Never can you use these means but a bless- ing will ensue. And the more you use them the more you will grow in grace. IV. Profitable Use of Time 7135. As a general method of employing our time we advise you, 1. As often’as possible to rise at four. 2. From four to five in the morning and from five to six in the evening to meditate, pray, and read the Seriptures with notes, and the closely practical part of what Mr. Wesley has published. 3. From six in the morning till twelve, wherever it is practicable, let the time be spent in appropriate reading, study, and private devotion. 7136. Other reasons may concur, but the chief reason that the people under our care are not better is because we are not more knowing and more holy. 7137. And we are not more knowing because we are idle. We forget our first rule: ‘“‘Be diligent. Never be unemployed. Never be triflingly employed. Neither spend any more time at any place than is strictly necessary.” We fear there is altogether a 134 QUALIFICATIONS AND WorRK {139 fault in this matter, and that few of us are clear. Which of us spend as many hours a day in God’s work as we did formerly in man’s work? We talk —talk—or read what comes next to hand. We must, absolutely must, cure this evil, or betray the cause of God. But how? 1. Read the most useful books, and that regularly and constantly: 2. Steadily spend all the morning in this employment, or at least five hours in the four and twenty. “But I have no taste for reading.”’ Contract a taste for it by use or return to your former employment. “But I have no books.” Be diligent to spread the books, and you will have the use of them. V. Necessity of Union Among Ourselves 7138. Let us be deeply sensible (from what we have known) of the evil of a division in principle, spirit, or practice; and the dreadful consequences to ourselves and others. If we are united, what can stand before us? If we divide, we shall destroy ourselves, the work of God, and the souls of our people. 9139. In order to a closer union with each other, 1. Let us be deeply convinced of the absolute neces- sity of it. 2. Pray earnestly for, and speak freely to, each other. 3. When we meet, let us never part with- out prayer. 4. Take great care not to despise each other’s gifts. 5. Never speak lightly of each other.. 6. Let us defend each other’s character in everything so far ag is consistent with truth. 7. Labor in honor each to prefer the other before himself. We recom- mend a serious perusal of The Causes, Evils, and Cures of Heart and Church Divisions. 135 4 140 QUALIFICATIONS AND WoRK VI. Deportment at Conference > 7140. It is desired that all things be considered on these occasions as in the immediate presence of God; that every person speak freely whatever is in his heart. | 4141. In order, therefore, that we may, best im- ‘prove. our time at the Conferences, 1. While we are conversing let us have an especial care to set God always before us. 2. In the intermediate hours. let ‘us redeem all the time we can for private exercises. 3. Therein let us give ourselves to prayer for one another, and for a blessing on our labor. | VII. Where and How to Preach 7142. It is by no means advisable for us to preach in as many places as we can without forming any Societies. We have made the trial in various places, and that for a considerable time. But all that seed has fallen by the wayside. There is scareely any fruit remaining. 7143. We should endeavor to preach most, ‘1. Where there is the greatest number of quiet and will- ing hearers; 2. Where there is most fruit. 7144. We ought diligently to observe in ‘what places God is pleased at any time to pour out his Spirit more abundantly, and at that time to send more laborers than usual into that part of the harvest. 4145. The best general method of preaching is, 1. To convince; 2. To’ offer. Christ; 3.° To invite; 4. To build up. And to do this in some measure in every sermon. 7 146. The most effectual way of preaching Christ 136 QUALIFICATIONS AND WORK q 147 is to preach him in all hig offices; and to declare his law, aS well as his Gospel, both to believers and unbe- lievers. Let us strongly and closely insist upon in- ward and outward holiness in all its branches. VIII. Pastoral Fidelity 4/147. We can further assist those under our care by instructing them at their own houses.. What un- speakable need is there of this! The world says, “The Methodists are no better than other people.” This is not true in the general; but, § 1. Personal religion, both toward God and man, is too superficial among us. We can only touch on a few particulars. How little faith is there among us} How little communion with God! How little living in heaven, walking in. eternity, deadness to every creature! How much love of the world! Desire of pleasure, of ease, of getting money! How little broth- erly love! What continual judging one another! What gossiping, evil-speaking, tale-bearing! What want of moral honesty! To instance only one particular: Who does as he would be done by in buying and selling? § 2. Family religion is wanting in many branches. And what avails public preaching alone, though we could preach like angels? We must, yea, every Trav- eling Preacher must, instruct the people from house to house. Till this be done, and that in good earnest, Methodists will be no better. § 3. Our religion is not sufficiently deep, universal, uniform; but superficial, partial, uneven. It will be so till we spend half as much time in this visiting as 137 q 148 QUALIFICATIONS AND WORK we now do in talking uselessly. Can we find a better method of doing this than Mr. Baxter’s? If not, let us adopt it without delay. His whole tract, entitled Gildas Salvianus ; or, The Reformed Pastor, is well worth a careful perusal. Speaking of this visiting from house to house he says (p. 273), “We shall find many hindrances, both in ourselves and the people.” 1. In ourselves there is much dullness and laziness, so that there will be much ado to get us to be faithful in the work. 2. We have a base, man-pleasing tem- per, so that we let people perish rather than lose their love; we let them go quietly to hell lest we should offend them. 3. Some of us also have a foolish bash- fulness. We know not how to begin, and blush to contradict the devil. 4. But the greatest hindrance is weakness of faith. Our whole motion is weak, be- cause the spring of it is weak. 5. Lastly, we are un- skillful in the work. How few know how to deal with men, so as to get within them, and suit all our dis- course to their several conditions and tempers, to choose the fittest subjects and follow them with a holy mixture of seriousness, terror, love, and meekness! 7148. But undoubtedly this private application is implied in those solemn words of the Apostle: “I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appear- ing, to preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all long-suffer- ing.” 7149. O brethren, if we could but set this work on foot in all our Societies, and prosecute it zealously, what glory would redound to God! If the common lukewarmness were banished, and every shop, and every house, busied in speaking of the words and 138 QUALIFICATIONS AND WoRK 4151 works of God, surely God would dwell in our habita- tions, and make us his delight! 47150. And this is absolutely necessary to the wel- fare of our people, some of whom neither repent nor believe to this day. Look around, and see how many of them are still in apparent danger of damnation. And how can you walk and talk, and be merry with such people, when you know their case? When you look them in the face, you should break forth into tears, as the prophet did when he looked upon Hazael, and then set upon them with the most vehement ex- hortations. O, for God’s sake, and the sake of poor souls, bestir yourselves, and spare no pains that may conduce to their salvation! What cause have we to mourn before the Lord that we have so long neglected this good work! If we had but engaged in it sooner, how many more might have been brought to Christ! And how much holier and happier might our Societies have been before now! And why might we not have done it sooner? There were many hindrances; and so there always will be. But the greatest hindrance is in ourselves, in our littleness of faith and love. 7151. But it is objected: § 1. “This will take up so much time that we shall not have leisure to follow our studies.” We answer, 1. Gaining knowledge is a good thing, but saving souls is a better. 2. By this very thing you will gain the most excellent knowledge, that of God and eter- nity. 3. You will have time for gaining other knowl- edge, too, only sleep no more than you need, “and never be idle, nor triflingly employed.” But, 4. If you can do but one, let your studies alone. We ought to throw by all the libraries in the world, rather than be guilty of the loss of one soul. 43S eos q 152 QUALIFICATIONS AND WorK § 2. “The people will not submit to it.” If some will not, others will, and the success with them will repay all your labor. O let us herein follow the exam- ple of St. Paul! 1. For our general business, Serving the Lord with all humility of mind: 2. Our special work, Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock: 3. Our doctrine, Repentance toward God, and faith to- ward our Lord Jesus Christ: 4. The place, I have taught you publicly, and from house to house: 5. The object and manner of teaching, J ceased not to warn everyone night and day, with tears: 6. His innocence and self-denial herein, J have coveted no man’s silver or gold: 7. His patience, Neither count I my life dear unto myself. And among all other motives let these be ever before our eyes: (1) The Church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood; (2) Grievous wolves shall enter in; yea, of yourselves shall men arise, speaking perverse things. {| 152. Write this upon your hearts, and it will do you more good than twenty years’ study. Then you will have no time to spare: you will have work enough. Then likewise no Preacher will stay with us who is as salt that has lost its savor. 'For:to such this employment would be mere drudgery. And in order to do it, you will have need of all the knowledge you can procure and grace you can attain. 7153. The sum is, Go into every house in course, and teach everyone therein, young and old, to be Christians inwardly and outwardly: make every par- ticular plain to their understandings: fix it in their minds: write it on their hearts. In order to this, there must be precept upon precept, line upon line. What patience, what love, what knowledge is requi- site for this! We must needs do this, were it only to 140 QUALIFICATIONS AND WoRK { 155 avoid idleness. Do we not loiter away many hours in every week? Each try himself; no idleness is con- sistent with a growth in grace. Nay, without exact- ness in redeeming time you cannot retain the grace you receive in justification. 9,154. Why are we not more holy? why do we not live in eternity? walk with God all the day long? ‘why are we not all devoted to God, breathing the whole spirit of missionaries? Chiefly because we are enthusiasts; looking for the end without using the means. To touch only upon two or three instances: Who of us rise at four, or even at five, when we do not preach? Do we know the obligation and benefit of fasting or abstinence? How often do we practice it? The neglect of this alone is sufficient to account for our feebleness and faintness of spirit. We are continually grieving the Holy Spirit of God by the habitual neglect of a plain duty. Let us amend from ; this hour. : 47155. In order to guard against Sabbath-break- ing, evil-speaking, unprofitable conversation, light- ness, expensiveness or gayety of apparel, and con- tracting debts without due care to discharge them, 1: Let us preach expressly on each of these heads. 2. Read in every Society the Sermon on Evil-speak- ing. 3. Let the Leaders closely examine and exhort every person to put’ away the accursed thing. 4. Let the Preachers warn every Society that none who is guilty herein can remain with us. 5. Extirpate out of our Church buying or selling goods which have not paid the duty laid upon them by government. Let none remain with us who will not totally abstain from evil in every kind and degree. Extirpate bribery—receiving anything, directly or. indirectly— 141 { 156 MIniIstERS AND ANNUAL CONFERENCES for voting at any election. Show no respect to per- sons herein, but expel all that touch the accursed thing. And strongly advise our people to discounte- nance all treats given by candidates before or at elec- tions; and not to be partakers, in any respect, of such iniquitous practices. CHAPTER ITI MINISTERS AND ANNUAL CONFERENCES I. Reception on Trial‘ {| 156. A Preacher is to be received on Trial by an Annual or Mission Conference. : {| 157, § 1. He must (1) present a recommenda- tion duly signed by the President and Secretary of the District Conference, or, where no District Confer- ence exists, of the Quarterly Conference, of which he is a member; (2) give to. the Annual or Mission Conference satisfactory evidence of his knowledge of the studies prescribed for candidates for Reception on Trial; and (3) have previously deposited with the Committee on Conference Relations ({ 81, § 2) written, answers to the following questions, namely: 1. Are you in debt so as to embarrass you in the work of the Ministry? Answer: No. Norr.—Like answers shall also be required of Ministers coming to us from other Churches. iSee q 617, $ 5. 142 MINISTERS AND ANNUAL CONFERENCES §f 160) 2. Will you wholly abstain from the use, of tobacco? Answer: Yes. | : § 2. Observe! Taking on Trial is entirely different from admitting a Preacher into Full Membership. One on Trial may be either admitted or rejected with- out doing him any wrong; otherwise it would be no trial at all. q 158. While he is on Trial the Annual Confer- ence alone has jurisdiction over the question of his authority to preach; and his continuance on Trial shall be equivalent to the renewal of his License to preach. If he shall be discontinued, he shall be a member of the Quarterly Conference of the Charge where he resides at the time; and, if he is not a Deacon or Elder, his License shall expire within one year unless it be renewed. | 159. When an unordained Preacher is received on trial in an Annual Conference, and, without an ordained colleague, is regularly appointed to a Pas- toral Charge by the Bishop presiding in said Confer- ence; or when a Local Preacher, not on trial, is employed by the District Superintendent to supply a Pastoral Charge, in either case and as long as the above conditions exist, the Pastor or the pastoral supply so appointed shall be authorized to administer the Sacrament of Baptism; and also to solemnize Matrimony, if the laws of the State in which he lives permit. 4 160. At each Annual Conference those who are received on Trial or are admitted into Full Member- ship shall be asked whether they are willing to devote themselves to missionary work; and a list of the names of all those who are willing to do so shall be taken and reported to the Corresponding Secretaries ; 143 { 161 Ministers AND ANNUAL CONFERENCES of the Board of Foreign Missions; and all such shall be considered as ready and willing to be employed as Missionaries whenever called for 4 any of the HEHOS II. Admission into Full Membership | 161. A Preacher on Trial who has been em- ployed in the regular itinerant work on Circuits or Stations, or as instructor in one of our institutions of learning, for two successive years from the time he was received on Trial, may be admitted into Full Membership in the Annual Conference after he has given satisfactory evidence of his knowledge of the first two years of the Conference Course. of .Study, and after the examination before the Conference pre- scribed in § 162; provided, this shall not be so.con- strued as to prevent the reception into Full Member- ship of one who, while a student in some one of. our, literary schools or theological seminaries, has been for the proper length of time regularly employed as Pastor in a Circuit or Station under the appointment of the District Superintendent. 4] 162. In admitting a Preacher at the Conference into Full Membership, after solemn fasting and prayer, he shall be asked, before the Conference, the following questions, with any others which may. .be thought necessary, namely: 1. Have you faith in Christ? 2. Are you going on to perfection? ‘The General Conference of 1924 declared that an applicant is not entitled to election to. Membership in full connection until he has been on trial for the required length of time. (Report No. 16 of Committee on Judiciary, Item 28, adopted May 28, 1924.) 144 MINISTERS AND ANNUAL CONFERENCES ¥ 163 3. Do you expect to be made perfect in love in this life? 4, Are you earnestly striving after it? 5. Are you resolved to devote yourself wholly to God and his work? 6. Do you know the General Rules of our Church? 7. Will you keep them? 8. Have you studied the Doctrines of the Methodist Episcopal Church? 9. After full examination do you believe that our Doctrines are in harmony with the Holy Scriptures? 10. Will you preach and maintain them? 11. Have you studied our form of Church Disci- pline and Polity? 12. Do you approve our Church Government and Polity? 13. Will you support and maintain them? 14. Have you considered the Rules for a Preacher, especially those relating to Diligence, to Punctuality, and to Doing the Work to which you are assigned? 15. Will you keep them for conscience’ sake? 16. Will you diligently instruct the children in every place? : 17. Will you visit from house to house? 18. Will you recommend fasting or abstinence, both by precept and example? 19. Are you determined to employ all your time in the work of God? Nors.—The candidate for Admission into’) Full Membership must again deposit with the Committee on Coptargnce Relations, written answers to the questions set forth in ¥ 157, § 1 4 163. A Missionary employed in a Mission may 145 q 164 Ministers AND ANNUAL CONFERENCES be admitted into Full Membership, if recommended by the Superintendent of the Mission where he labors, without being present at his Annual Conference for examination; but whenever practicable he shall -be asked the questions in § 162, in the presence of the Members of the Mission at the Annual Meeting, other- wise in the presence of the Superintendent. 7 164.°A Minister who has been located at his own request may be readmitted by an Annual Con- ference, at its discretion, upon his Certificate of Location and the recommendation of his Quarterly Conference and of the Annual Conference from which he located (§ 169, § 1). III. Ministers from Other Churches 4] 165, § 1. Ministers duly accredited as in good standing in other Evangelical Churches. until their withdrawal or dismissal therefrom, and having been blameless in life and doctrine thereafter, may be re- ceived into our ministry in the following manner: The Quarterly Conference ‘may receive them as Local Preachers not entitled to administer the Sac- raments. § 2. Upon the recommendation of the District Con- ference, or of the Quarterly Conference where no District Conference exists, the Annual Conference may at any time thereafter recognize the Orders of those thus received; may at any time within two years thereafter, upon like recommendation, receive them into the Conference, either on Trial or in Full Membership; and may, at its discretion, require them 146 MINISTERS AND ANNUAL CONFERENCES §{] 166 to pursue, in whole or in part, the Conference Course of Study. In case a Minister comes from a Church having but a ‘single Order in its ministry, the Con- ference may receive him either as a Deacon or as an Hider. § 3. But the Ministers of the above description may apply directly to the Annual Conference, which may receive their Credentials from another Church, and, finding them of unquestionable validity and suffi- ciency, may exercise in behalf of said Ministers ali the powers conferred in the preceding section. § 4. In all such cases the candidates for Admission into Full Membership must answer satisfactorily the questions set § 162; and candidates who come from other than Methodist Churches. before the recognition of their Orders, must take upon them- selves our Ordination Vows, and give satisfactory evidence of their agreement with us in Doctrine and Discipline. § 5. The Annual Conference may also admit to equal grade Preachers who are on the minis- try of another Methodist Church, using, however, special care that before they are admitted to Full Membership their examination be entirely satisfac- tory. 4 166. Wherever the Orders of a Minister are rec- ognized according to the foregoing provisions, he shall be furnished with a Certificate, signed by the Bishop, in the following words, namely: “This is to Certify that the........ Annual Confer- ence of the Methodist Episcopal Church, having ex- amined the Credentials of the Rev........ Ss i Ate deg? 6! & (an Eider or a Deacon) of the........;. Church, and 147 4 167 Ministers anD ANNUAL CONFERENCES having received other testimonials of his Grace, Gifts, and Usefulness, and being satisfied therewith, has this day accepted and recognized him in due form BSS teil en (an Hlder or a Deacon) in the Methodist Episcopal Church, entitled to exercise under its authority all the functions pertaining to that office, so long as his life and doctrine become the Gospel of Christ. “Given under my hand and seal at ....... ... this Lifts eel’ day of.........., in the year of our Lord...... STE SLIT AL. OS TTS , President.” - | 167. When the Orders ofa Minister of another Church shall have been duly recognized, his Cer- tificate of Ordination by said Church shall be re- turned to him with the following pean OES written plainly across its face: “Accredited by. the.......... Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of...... 5 19.., as the basis of new Credentials. Tee Gt cme onde ere , President. PH Ade pare yh gon HI » secretary.” IV. Ministers in Official Positions | 168. Traveling Preachers who are Aledted to Official positions by the General Conference shall be Members of such Annual Conferences as, with the approbation of the Bishops, they. may select. 148 MINISTERS AND ANNUAL CONFERENCES { 169 V. Termination of Conference Membership 1. By Location* 7 169, § 1. An Annual Conference, first having examined a Member’s character at the session of the Conference when a request for Location is made, and finding him in good standing, may at his request grant him a Certificate of Location, provided such relation be granted only to persons who avowedly intend to discontinue regular ministerial or evangel- istic work, which relation shall be certified by the President of the Conference. Such Minister shall thereupon hold his membership, as Local Hilder or’ Deacon, in the Quarterly Conference where he resides ({ 221, § 4), and may be readmitted by an Annual Conference, at its discretion, upon. his Certificate of Location and the recommendation of his Quarterly Conference and of the Annual Conference from which he located. ({ 164.) § 2. Whenever a Member of an. Annual Conference applies for a Location it shall be asked: Is he in- debted to The Book Concern? If it be ascertained that he is so indebted the Conference shall require him to secure said debt, if judged necessary or proper, be-, fore a Location is granted. § 3. A Member of the Conference who shall fail to complete the entire Course of Study within eight con- secutive years from admission on trial shall be auto- matically located unless extension of time shall be granted as provided in { 617, § 5, of the Discipline. No extension of time may be permitted after ten years in the Course of Study and failure to complete 1 Notr.—See also { 187. 149 { 170 MINnisTERS AND ANNUAL CONFERENCES it within that time shall automatically locate the Member of Conference concerned. 2. By the Surrender of Ministerial Office 9170. Any Member of an Annual Conference in good standing, who may desire to surrender his Min- isterial Office and withdraw from the Conference, may be allowed to do so by the Conference at its session; in which case his Credentials shall be filed with the papers of the Annual Conference of which he was a Member, and his membership in the Church shall be recorded in the Society where he resided at the time of such surrender. 3. By Being Deprived of the Ministerial Office 97171. When it is alleged of a member of an An- nual Conference that he is so unacceptable, or ineffi- cient, or indifferent, or that his ministry is so seri- ously impaired by unministerial conduct, or other reasons, as to be no longer useful in his work, or that without reason of impaired health of himself or his family disqualifying him for pastoral work, he en- gages in secular business, he may, after due trial, be deprived of the Ministerial Office. (See § 263.) 4. By Withdrawal {| 172, § 1. When a Minister in good standing with- draws to join the Ministry of another Church, his Credentials should be surrendered to the Confer- ence, and, if he shall desire it, they may be returned to him with the following inscription written plainly across their face, namely: 150 MINISTERS AND ANNUAL CONFERENCES § 175 “AIR BOR By. sey has this day been honorably dis- missed by the. .......i4 Annual Conference from the “ministry of the Methodist sa dinate Church. “Dated. whe th ‘IIE BN G2Got . , President. LAND, OAT, M02 .o, secretary.” § 2. When in the interval of the Annual Conference a Member thereof shall deposit with a Bishop or with his District Superintendent a letter of withdrawal from our Ministry, or his Credentials, or both, the same shall be presented to the Annual Conference at its next session for its action thereon. 5. By Judicial Procedure {| 173. Conference Membership. may be terminated also by Judicial Procedure. For Causes and Methods, see {§ 252-269. CHAPTER III DEACONS § 174. A Deacon is constituted by the election of the Annual Conference and the laying on’ of the hands of a Bishop. ] 175. A Deacon has authority to preach; to con- duct Divine Worship; to solemnize Matrimony; to administer Baptism; and to assist the Elder in ad- ministering the Lord’s Supper. 151 176 ns DEACONS 176. Preachers of the following classes are eli- gible to the Office of Deacon: § 1. Those: ‘who (1) have been Local bashers for four consecutive years; (2) shall present a recom- mendation for Deacon’s Orders’ from the District Conference or from the Quarterly Conference where no District Conference exists, duly attested by the President and Secretary thereof; and (3),shall have completed, satisfactorily to the Annual Conference, the studies prescribed for. Local Preachers who are candidates for Deacons’ Orders. Norr.—Preachers on Trial in an Annual Conference are for purposes of ordination, as for amenability, considered as Local Preachers. § 2. Those who (1).have been Local Preachers for two full years; and (2) also at and during the same time have been regular students in one of our theo- logical seminaries; (3) shall have been received on Trial; and (4) shall have completed, satisfactorily to the Annual Conference, the first two years of the Conference Course of Study. § 3. Those who (1) have been on Trial in an An- nuale Conference for two years, and (2) shall have completed, satisfactorily to the Annual Conference, the first two years of the Conference Course of Study. § 4. Those Preachers on ‘Trial who shall be ap- pointed by a Bishop to a foreign Mission, or to a remote field in any Conference, or to.a Church in a foreign country outside of the boundary of a Mission or Annual Conference, or to a Chaplaincy in. the Army or Navy, in a Prison, Reformatory, Sanato- rium, or a Charitable Institution, provided, that, the presiding Bishop and a majority of the. District Superintendents recommend such, election, 152 HLDERS | qvtt9 CHAPTER IV, _ ELDERS 9.177. An Elder is constituted by the election of the Annual Conference, and by the laying.on of the hands of a Bishop and of some of the Elders who are present, q 178. An Elder has authority to preach; to con- duct Divine Worship; to solemnize Matrimony, and to administer the Sacraments of Baptism, and the Lord’s Supper. 7-179. Preachers of the foltowipe classes are eli- gible to: the Office of Hilder: § 1. Those who. (1) have been for four consecutive years, Local. Deacons, or shall. have: regu- larly appointed Supply. Pastors. for two. full. years after having been ordained Deacons,. (2). shall. pre- sent a recommendation for Hlder’s Orders from the District Conference or from, the Quarterly Confer- ence where no District Conference exists, duly at- tested by the President and Secretary thereof; and. (3) shall have completed, satisfactorily to the Annual Conference, the Studies prescribed for Local Deacons who are candidates for Elder’s Orders. Nore 1.—Preachers on Trial in an Annual Conference are for pur- poses of ordination, as for amenability,,considered as Local Preachers. -~Notse 2.—The Election of such Preachers to Elder’s Orders: properly precedes their Admission to Full Membership. 153 | 180 ELDERS § 2. Those who (1) have been elected to full mem- bership in the Annual Conference, (2) have been for two consecutive years immediately preceding such election Local Deacons, and (3) have completed, satis- factorily to the Annual Conference, the first two years of the Conference Course of Study. § 3. Those who (1) have been in Full Membership in the Annual Conference for two successive years, and (2) also Deacons during the same time, and (3) shall have completed, satisfactorily to the Con- ference, the Conference Course of Study. § 4. Those who (1) have been received on Trial, and elected to the office of Deacon under the pro- vision of § 176, § 2; (2) have completed, satisfac- torily to the Conference, the Conference Course of Study, and (3) have been admitted into Full Membership. § 5. Those who (1) are members of, or have been received on Trial in an Annual Conference, and (2) have been appointed to a Chaplaincy in the Army, or Navy, or to a foreign Mission, or to the Pastorate of a Church in a foreign country outside of a Mis- sion or Conference, or to a Mission among foreign people within an English-speaking Conference, 4 180. When a Preacher shall have passed his ex- amination, and shall have been admitted into Full Membership, and elected to the Office of Deacon, but fails of his Ordination through the absence of the Bishop, his eligibility to the Office of Elder shall count from the time of his election to the Office of Deacon. { 181. The Annual Conferences in India are au- thorized, with the concurrence of the Bishop presid- 154 PASTORS 7 182 ing, to elect to the Office of Deacon or Elder, Local Preachers who have been engaged in the regular work for two years, or four years, respectively. CHAPTER V PASTORS (Preachers in Charge) 1.. Duties , | 182. The duties of the Pastor of a Station or Circuit are: § 1. To have the oversight of the other Preachers in his Pastoral Charge. § 2. To appoint Class or Unit Leaders; to change them when he deems it necessary, and to examine each of them, with all possible exactness, at least once a Quarter, concerning his method of leading a Class. | § 3. To receive persons into preparatory member- ship and instruct them in the doctrines, rules, and regulations of the Church according to the Prepara- ‘tory Members’ Manual officially provided; to receive persons into Full Membership when properly recom- mended; to receive and dismiss members by Certifi- cate, and to administer the Discipline within his Pastoral Charge. 155 q 182 PASTORS § 4. To read and explain the General Rules at least once a year in each Congregation. § 5. To appoint; Prayer Meetings wherever advis- able in his Pastoral Charge. § 6. To arrange the appointments, wherever’ prac- ticable, so as to give-the- Local Preachers regular and systematic employment on the Sabbath. § 7. To license such persons as he may deem proper to officiate as. the Church, ac- cording to the provisions of the Discipline, ¥ 227. § 8. To hold Watch-night Meetings yearly, and Love Feasts quarterly, suffering no Love Feast to last above an hour and a half; to hold Quarterly Meetings in the absence of the District Superinten- dent and of the Traveling Elder appointed by him as his substitute and to serve as’ President of the Official Board. § 9. To take care that every Society be supplied with our Church literature. § 10. To form Classes of. the larger. children, youth, and adults for instruction in the Word of God, and to attend to. all the, duties. prescribed for. the training of children. §{. 51-54. § 11. To catechize the children publicly in the Sun- day School, at special meetings appointed for that purpose, and also privately; to report to,each Quar- terly Conference the extent to. which, he has done this. work. , § 12. To organize and maintain, if practicable, Chap- ters of the Epworth League and of. the Junior. Ep- worth, League. : § 138. To organize, and: maintain, .if badahcaise. Ladies’ Aid Societies. 156 PASTORS q 182 '§ 14. To organize and maintain; if’ practicable, a Home Department in the Sunday School. § 15. To examine the accounts of ‘the Stewards. § 16. To see that the Stewards provide, whenever practicable, unfermented wine for use in the Sacra- ment of the Lord’s Supper. § 17. To teach the duty of Christian Stewardship in accordance with Special Advices, J 71. 7 ‘§ 18. In the absence of any other financial plan to appoint a person to receive the quarterly collection in the Classes. ~ § 19) To see that public collections be made eR terly if need be. § 20. To call the Committee on Temperance to- gether at least once in three months for the purpose of considering the best means to be employed for promoting the cause of Temperance in the’ com- AULIVICY. § 21. To recommend everywhere decency and clean-' liness. § 22. To attend to the duties enjoined upon Pas- tors. in. reference to Conference Claimants, Foreign Missions, Home Missions and Church. Extension, Edu- cation, Sunday. Schools, Religious Education, Good Literature, Social and Recreational Life, Education for Negroes, and the distribution of Tracts; to form societies and take collections in aid, of these, objects in such manner asthe Discipline shall direct. § 23. To take a collection or subscription, the proceeds of which shall be: at the’ disposal of the Pastor for the distribution of Tracts, if the Annual Conference shall not give other directions on the subject. 157 { 183 PASTORS § 24. To take an annual collection in behalf of the American Bible Society. § 25. To take a collection during each of the as Conference years preceding the session of the General Conference to aid in providing for the expenses of the General Conference, Judicial Conferences, Fraternal Delegates, and such General Conference Commissions as do not relate to the publishing interests. § 26. To take an annual collection in behalf of Sunday Schools, and to see that a collection be taken annually in each Sunday School for this cause. § 27. To register carefully Marriages and Baptisms, § 28. To give an account of the Charge every Quar- ter to the District Superintendent. § 29. At the close of each Conference year to make a Visiting List of members in towns and cities, by streets. and numbers, and: to leave it to his succes- sor, together with a particular account of his Charge and a list of subscribers for our periodicals. 2. Reports 4 183. It shall be the duty of the Pastor to prepare properly and to present the following reports: § 1. To make an exact report to the Annual Con- ference of all the items required for the Statistics of the Conference, and to'deliver to the Conference Treasurer all moneys raised for benevolent causes, or satisfactory vouchers for the same (4 88, §§ 2, 3, 4), using the form prescribed in {§: 91 and 92; and to report in open Conference whether or not he has presented the claims of the benevolent causes ob cdieath ing to the requirements of the Discipline. § 2. To furnish the necessary data to the Com- 158 PASTORS { 183 mittee on Church Records for Report to the Quar- terly Conference ({ 110, § 2). § 3. To make a written report at each Quarterly Conference in the order set forth in the following form: The Preacher in Charge presents the following Quarterly Report OF). . US. Harte Charge stQotheriad. ces. Quarterly } Confer- ence Heald ws ta wise da. 3% EDs tarsi I. Changes in Membership For items under this heading see Report of Com- mittee on Church-Records (ff 110, § 2). II. Sunday Schools and Religious Instruction ° 1. Number and Condition of Schools. 2. Number of Sermons Preached by the Pastor to the Children. 8. Other Religious Instruction conducted: (a) with Children; (b) with Adults; (c) Teacher Training Classes. 4, Extent to which the Sunday School Roll has been utilized for Pastoral Visitation. III. Pastoral Labor 1. Number of Pastoral Visits. 2. Other Items. IV. Subscribers for Periodicals {Nceve.—To be reported only at Fourth Quarterly Conference.] ee ee Oe AIS, Christian Advocate. 2. Methodist Review. 3. Sunday School Journal. 4. The Target and The Portal. 159 Tt 184 LEAVE OF ABSENCE 5. The, Classmate. 6. Epworth Herald. 9. Other Periodicals. V. Benevolent Collections this Quarter See Report of Benevolence Treasurer mo 108, IV; B). ‘ 3: Special Restrictions 4184. No Pastor shall engage an Evangelist other than one of his’. own .Conference appointed .by. the Bishop, or an Evangelist at Large. ({. 208, § 4 °(8); 4 209), without first obtaining the, written consent of his District Superintendent, . ({ 190, § 23.) 185. No preaching place shall be discontinued in the intervals between the sessions of the Annual Conference ‘without the consent’ and \advice of the Quarterly Conference and of, the District,,Superin- tendent; and if thus discontinued, the names of the members ‘shall be transferred to such, contiguous Classes as the members, may select. CHAPTER, VI LEAVE OF ABSENCE 7186. Any Minister who has been in effective rela- tion to any Annual Conference or Conferences for ten consecutive years may have a leave of absence for one yéar without losing his relationship as an Effective Minister. This’is to permit travel, study, rest, etc. This leave of absemce may be granted by the Bishop on vote of the Annual Conference to which the Minister belongs, after.said Minister has» given written notice to his District Superintendent, or after 160 SUPERNUMERARY MINISTERS { 187 “the District. Superintendent has given notice to the °Bishop, not) later than the first day of the session of the Annual Conference, of his intention to request “such leave of absence. It shall not be granted to “any one man more frequently than one year in seven. CHAPTER VII SUPERNUMERARY MINISTERS | 187. A Supernumerary Minister is one who, be- cause of impaired health, or other equally sufficient reason, is temporarily unable to. perform full work, -or who engages in any form of detached service not - listed among the appointments the Bishop may make. ' This relation shall not be granted for more than five years in succession except by a two-thirds vote of the . Conference, upon recommendation of the. Committee ~ on Conference Relations, and a:statement of the rea- sons for such recommendation. He may receive an “ appointment, or be left without one, according to the judgment of the Annual Conference of which he is’ a Member; and he shall be subject to all the limitations - of the Discipline in respect to reappointment and --continuance in the same Charge that apply to. Effec- - tive Ministers. In case he has no Pastoral Charge ‘ ’n ty »he shall have a seat in the Quarterly Conference, and all the privileges of membership, in the place where he resides. He shall report to the fourth Quarterly '*Conference and to the Pastor all Marriages solem- “nized and all Baptisms administered. Should he re- ~ side beyond: the bounds of his Annual Conference, he shall forward to it annually a certificate similar 161 { 188 RevtrReD) MINISTERS to that required of a Retired Minister, and in case of failure’ to do so the Annual Conference may locate him without his consent. He shall have no claim on the Conference funds except by vote of the. Confer- ence; such claim to be paid out of the necessitous fund. CHAPTER VIII RETIRED MINISTERS | 188, § 1. A Retired Minister is one. who, at his own request or by the action of the Annual Confer- ence, has been placed in the retired: relation. § 2. Any member of an Annual Conference who is in good standing and has reached the age of sixty- five years, may ask for a retired relation, and upon his request shall be placed in the retired relation. Any member of an Annual Conference who is in good standing may be placed in the retired relation by the Annual Conference if such relation is. recommended by the Committee on Conference Relations. (See { 81, § 4.) § 3. Every Retired Minister who is not employed as Pastor of a Charge shall have a seat in the Quar- terly Conference, and all the privileges of member- ship in the Church where he resides. He shall re- port to the fourth Quarterly Conference and to the Pastor all Marriages. solemnized and all Baptisms ad- ministered. If he reside without the bounds of the Conference of which he is a Member, he shall forward annually to his Conference a certificate of his Chris- tian and Ministerial conduct, together with an ac- count of the number and circumstances of his family, 162 District SUPERINTENDENTS { 190 signed by the District Superintendent of the District or the Pastor of the Charge within whose bounds he resides, without which certificate the Conference shall not be required to allow his claim, and may, after due notice and due form and record of trial, locate him without his consent. CHAPTER IX DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS 4 189. District Superintendents are to be chosen and appointed by the Bishops. {§ 207, 208. 4] 190. The duties of a District Superintendent are: § 1. To travel throughout his District. § 2. In the absence of a Bishop to take charge of all the Traveling Ministers, Local Preachers, and Ex- horters in his District, as the Discipline directs. § 3. To change the appointments of the Preachers in his District, if necessary, during the interval be- tween the sessions of the Conference, in the absence of a Bishop. § 4. To preside in the District Conference in the absence of a Bishop. J 99. § 5. To be present as far as practicable at all the Quarterly Meetings, and at each to call together the Quarterly Conference to transact the business as- signed to it by the Discipline. § 6. To issue Licenses and to renew them, in ac- cordance with the action of the District or Quarterly Conferences. {§ 220, § 1. § 7. To oversee the spiritual and temporal business of the Church in his District. 163 7 190 DIsTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS § 8. To see that all Charters, Deeds, and other con- veyances of Church property in his District: conform strictly to the Discipline and to the laws, usages, and forms of the Country; State or Territory within which such property is situated. § 9. To see that all Church property is well in- sured. § 10. To promote by all proper means the interests of Foreign Missions; Home Missions and Church Ex- tension, Education, Education for Negroes, Sunday Schools, Conference» Claimants, Epworth: League, Junior Epworth League, Temperance, and Ladies’ Aid Societies; to administer the rules of the Church as to these and other benevolent causes, and to secure conformity thereto on the part of both: Pastors and Quarterly Conferences and to report in open’ Confer- ence whether or not the provisions of the Discipline for the support of the various benevolences of the Church have been. carried out in his District. § 11. To inquire carefully in every Charge if the apportionment for the Episcopal Fund has been paid in accordance with the DrUv isons of the Discipline. § 12. To inquire carefully in every Charge if the apportionments for the expenses of the General Con- ference and other general expenses of the Church have been paid. | | § 18. To report to the Annual Conference the con- dition and statistics of the literary and theological institutions located. in his District, and under the care of our Church. ra § 14. To inquire carefully at each Quarterly Con- ference if the rules respecting the instruction of. 164 DisTRicr SUPERINTENDENTS 7 190 children, including instruction in Temperance, have - been observed. § 15. To make diligent inquiry at each Quarterly Conference as to the social and recreational program provided for the young people. ' § 16. To inquire carefully at each Oliarterl¥ Con- ference if the provisions for the pro rata division of the several claims for Ministerial Support have been observed. Jf 328, § 7; 610. § 17. To see in his District that every part of our Discipline is enforced. § 18. To decide all Questions of Law involved tn proceedings pending in a District or Quarterly Con- ference, subject to an appeal: to the President of the next Annual Conference. But in all cases. the appli- cation of law shall be with the Conference. § 19. To attend the Bishop when he is present in the District, and when he is absent to give him by letter all necessary ape et hatte as to the state of the District. § 20. To furnish to the ‘Bola of Foreign Missions. and to the Board of Home Missions and Church Ex- tension, prior to the annual meetings of the said Boards, a written statement of the condition of the Missions under his care and of their pecuniary needs. § 21. To direct the attention of candidates for the Ministry to the advantages of a thorough training in the literary andtheological schools’ of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and also to direct those: who are admitted on Trial in the Annual Conference to the Courses of Study prescribed by the Bishops. § 22. To explain to Preachers on Trial, as well as to those who are to be proposed for reception on Trial, that the Annual Conference may refuse to 165 7191 DisTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS admit them to Full Membership without doing them any wrong. § 23: To recommend to the Pastors on his District such Evangelists as he deems advisable, provided that he shall not consent to the employment of any lay Evangelist who has not a certificate of character from the official body of the denomination to which he belongs, and that such certificate is not’ over one year old. 4 191. If any Pastor cabient himself from his Charge the District Superintendent shall fill his place, if possible, with another Preacher, who. shall be paid for his labors out of the allowance of the absent Pastor, and in proportion thereto. 47192. A District Superintendent shall not employ a Preacher who has been rejected by the previous Annual Conference, unless the Conference give him authority to do so. 7193. A District Superintendent or a Preacher acting under the authority of the District Superin- tendent may organize a local Church by calling together the persons interested, receiving them into the Church as preparatory members, or by letter, or on profession of faith from other denominations; and by appointing Class Leaders, Stewards, and such other Church officers as may be necessary for the initial period of the Charge, until it is in condition to be more fully organized in the regular way accord- ing to the Book of Discipline. 166 / Missionary BisHopPs q 199 CHAPTER ..X MISSIONARY BISHOPS 4 194..A Missionary Bishop is a Bishop elected for a specified Foreign. Mission field, with. full Episcopal powers, but with Episcopal jurisdiction limited to the Foreign Mission field for which he was elected. 7195. A Missionary Bishop is amenable for his conduct to the General Conference, as is a General Superintendent, and shall receive his support from ~ the Episcopal Fund, as authorized by the General Conference. 4 196. A Missionary Bishop is not, in the mean- ing of the Discipline, a General Superintendent. 4197. The election of a Missionary Bishop car- ries with it his assignment to a specified Foreign Mission field, and such Bishop cannot be made a General Superintendent except by a distinct election to that office. 7198. When two or more Missionary Bishops are located in the same Foreign Mission field they shall have coordinate authority. 47199. A Missionary Bishop is not subordinate to the General Superintendents, but is of coordinate authority in the field to which he is appointed. In the practical application of this coordinate authority, when the General Superintendents are making their assignments to the Conferences, any Missionary Bishop who may be in the United States shall sit with them when his field is under consideration; and arrangements shall be made so that once in 167 4 200 Misstonary BisHoPS every quadrennium, and not oftener unless a serious emergency arises, every Mission over which a Mis- sionary Bishop has jurisdiction shall be administered conjointly by a General Superintendent and the Missionary Bishop. In case of a difference of judg- ment between them the existing status shall continue, unless overruled by the General Superintendents, who shall have power to decide finally. 7200. The names of the Missionary Bishops shall be printed in the Book of Discipline and the Meth- odist Hymnal below the names of the Bishops, under the title, “Missionary Bishops.” 7201. A Missionary Bishop in his field shall co- operate with the Board of Foreign Missions 'precisely as a General Superintendent is expected to cooperate with said Board in a Foreign’ Mission field over which he has HEpiscopal charge. 4] 202. When a Missionary Bishop, by death or for other cause, ceases to perform Episcopal duty for the foreign field to which he was assigned by the Gen- eral Conference, the General Superintendents shall at once take supervision of said field. | 203. The transfer of a Preacher from -a- field within the jurisdiction of a Missionary Bishop to a Conference under the Episcopal supervision of a Gen- eral Superintendent, or from a Conference under the Episcopal Supervision of a General Superintendent to a field within the jurisdiction of a Missionary Bishop, shall require mutual agreement between ‘the two Bishops; and a similar agreement shall be re- quired between the two Bishops having charge when the proposed transfer is between two foreign fields over which there are Missionary Bishops. 168 BIsHOPS q 204 CHAPTER XT BISHOPS I. How Constituted 7 204. A Bishop shall be constituted by the elec- tion of the General Conference and the laying on of the hands of three Bishops, or at least of one Bishop and two Elders. | 205. If by death, or otherwise, there be no Bishop remaining in our Church, the General Confer- ence shall elect a Bishop, and the Elders, or any three of them who shall be appointed by the General Con- ference for that purpose, shall consecrate him ac- cording to the Ritual. II. Amenability | 206. A Bishop is amenable for his conduct to the General Conference, which also shall have power to order the manner of a trial. III. Duties | 207. The duties of a Bishop are: § 1. To preside in the Annual Conferences. 169 { 208 BISHOPS § 2. To form the Districts according to his judg- ment. § 3. To fix the appointments of the Preachers under the provisions and limitations stated in § 208. ! § 4. To appoint the Deaconesses. § 494, §§ 5 (19), 6. § 5. To fix, either within their own Conference or within.the Conference where they attend school, the Quarterly Conference. membership of all Ministers who are left without appointment to attend some one of our schools. § 6. In the interval between the sessions of the Annual Conference, to change the appointments of the Preachers, as necessity may require and the Dis- cipline direct. § 7. To travel through the Connection at large: § 8. To oversee the spiritual and temporal. busi- ness of the Church. § 9. To preside in the District Conference. § 10. To consecrate Bishops, and Ordain Elders and Deacons. § 11. To decide all Questions of Law involved in proceedings pending in. an Annual Conference, sub- ject to appeal to the General Conference. But in all cases the application of law shall be with the Con- ference. ° § 12. Upon transferring a Member of an Annual Conference, to send immediate notice of such: trans- fer to the Secretary of the Conference from which said Member is transferred and to the Secretary of the Conference to which the transfer is made. § 13. To organize such Annual Missions as shall have been authorized by the General Conference. {| 208. The following provisions and limitations 170 BIsHoPsS { 208 shall be observed by the Rishop when fixing the ap- pointments: § 1. He shall appoint Preachers to Pastoral Charges annually after consultation with the Superintendents of the Districts in which such charges are located. § 2. He shall choose and appoint the District Super- intendents annually. He shall not allow a District Superintendent to preside in the same district more than six consecutive years, nor more than six years in any consecutive twelve in the same Annual Con- ference. Nevertheless, if in any District the term of six years shall expire in the interval between the sessions of the Annual Conference, he may continue him until the next session, provided the time shall not be more than six months; but District Superin- tendents in either Missions or Mission Conferences, or in Annual Conferences in foreign fields, may be continued on the same District for more than six consecutive, years. § 3. He may make the following appointments an- nually, provided that no Member of an Annual Con- ference shall be appointed to any form of service outside the regularly constituted organizations of the Methodist Episcopal Church except chaplains in the Army and Navy, unless such appointment is recom- mended by the District Superintendents and con- firmed by a two-thirds vote of the Conference to which he belongs: (1) The Corresponding Secretaries, Assistant Corresponding Secretaries, and Recording Secretaries of our Connectional Benevolent Boards and Societies. (2) The Publishing Agents at New York, Cin- cinnati, and Chicago. PE 7 208 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) BISHOPS The Editors and Assistant Editors at New York, Syracuse, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago, Kansas City, San Francisco, Port- land, New Orleans, and Athens, Tenn., and the Editor of Zion’s Herald. Chaplains in the; Army and Navy, arid to Prisons, Reformatories, Sanatoriums, and Charitable Institutions. Preachers for Seamen: Ministers in the’ service of the American Bible Society, or of any State Bible’ So- ciety: auxiliary thereto; or of the oats Mees League of America. The Presidents, Principals, and Teachers of institutions of learning under our care. The Secretaries and Superintendents of City Missions. § 4. On the recommendation of the District Super- intendents, confirmed by a two-thirds vote of the Annual Conference, he may appoint: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) An Agent to travel throughout such Con- ference for the purpose of distributing Tracts. An Agent or Agents. to promote the cause of Temperance. Instructors in Institutions of Learning not under our care. An Agent or Agents for tHe etl of our Institutions of Learning. _ An Agent for the German Publishing Fund. (6) Agents for other, benevolent institutidna, 172 BISHOPS q 210 (7) Editors of unofficial Papers or Magazines (8) published in the interest of the Methodist Episcopal Church; provided, that in no such case shall the Church incur any financial responsibility. A Bishop may appoint one or more mem- bers of an Annual Conference to do evan- gelistic work on Charges or in neglected territory when requested to do so by the Annual Conference, two-thirds of the mem- bers thereof present and voting. Members of the Conference appointed to do this shall . be Conference Evangelists, they shall labor under the direction of the District Super- intendents; provided, that the evangelistic work done on any Charge shall be done with the consent of the Pastor. It shall be the duty of each Conference Evangelist, at the end of the Conference year, to make a full written report to his Annual Con- ference concerning his meetings, employ- ment of his time, results and compensa- tion. IV. Powers | 209. The Board of Bishops may appoint a lim- {ted number of members of Annual Conferences, who shall be Evangelists-at-large. It shall be the duty of each Evangelist-at-large, at the end of the Conference year, to make a full report to his Annual Conference concerning his meetings, employment of his time, results and compensation. 4210, § 1. There shall be a Permanent Commission 173 q 210 BISHOPS on Courses of Study, to be appointed as follows: Three Bishops, and three other Ministers, to be ap- pointed by the Board of Bishops; three members from the faculties of the educational institutions of the Church, nominated by the Board of Education, to be appointed by the Board of Bishops, and the Book Editor, ex officio. § 2. The Commission shall prescribe the Courses of Study upon which those applying for License to preach, for Orders as Local Preachers, and for Re- ception on Trial, respectively, shall be examined; also a Course of Study for Local Preachers extend- ing through four years; and a Conference Course of Study extending through four years to be pursued by those who have been received on Trial in the _ Annual Conference; it being understood that only such books shall be prescribed as are in full and hearty accord with those doctrines and that outline of faith established in the eonstitution of the Church; and that the Discipline, with some special emphasis upon the Articles of Religion, and the standard ser- mons of John Wesley, recognized as standards in American Methodism, shall be included in the Con- ference Course. It shall bring its recommendation as to the constitution of these courses and the texts to be used to the Board of Bishops for final approval. It shall at the same time communicate them to any member of the Church who may make such request. It may provide means for carrying on the work of the Conference Course of Study by correspondence, and may also provide a Postgraduate course of Study for use in the Annual Conferences. § 3. This Commission shall cooperate in every pos- sible manner with the Conference Board of Exam- 174 BIsHOPS q 212 iners, giving such assistance as may be desired in directing and aiding students in their study, in the matter of the plans and methods of examination, and in any other way that will help to make these courses an effective means of training. 7 211. A Bishop may leave without appointment a Preacher on Trial or a Member of an Annual Con- ference who desires to attend any of our literary or theclogical seminaries, whenever he shall be re- quested to do so by the Annual Conference and it shall seem to him expedient; provided, however, that the time thus spent in school shall not count on that required for Trial in the Annual Conference, except when at least two full years shall have been spent in regular work under appointment by a District Superintendent who, together with the Quarterly Con- ference, certifies to the efficiency of his work. A preacher thus left without appointment may be em- ployed as a supply in another Conference by a Dis- trict Superintendent without being transferred. (See note under § 161.) ¢ {| 212. Bishops are relieved from the duty of in- vestigating and reporting upon charges of erroneous teaching in our theological schools; but when charges of that nature are made to, or laid before them, they may refer the same without action thereon to the Annual Conference of which the accused is a member for such proceeding as such Conference may deem appropriate in the premises. If, however, the Pro- fessor be a layman, the charges shall be sent to his Pastor and he shall be brought to trial according to the provisions of § 256 of the Discipline. But in case the complaints affect the manner of teaching, or per- sonal fitness, and not doctrinal soundness, the 175 {218 BISHOPS Bishops, after due, consideration, shall communicate their judgment in the case to the governing board of the. school directly concerned. | 4 213. A Bishop, when he judges it necessary, may unite two or more Pastoral Charges for Quarterly Conference purposes, without affecting their separate financial. interests or pastoral relations. 7 214, § 1. A General Superintendent. who by reason of impaired health is temporarily unable to perform: full: work may be released by the General, Conference from the obligation .to travel through the Connection at large. He may choose the. place of his residence, and the Bishops shall be at liberty to assign’ him to such work as he may be able to perform... He shall receive his support. as provided in § 329, § 1... This release shall not be granted for more than one quad- rennium. § 2. If a Bishop cease from traveling at. large among. the people without the consent of the General Conference he shall not thereafter exercise, im any degree, the Episcopal Office in our Church. 9/215. In, case there be no Bishop) to travel at large through the Districts and exercise the Episcopal Office, on account of death or otherwise, the Districts shall be regulated in every respect, ordination /ex- cepted, by the Annual Conferences and the District Superintendents, in the interval, of.the sessions of the General. Conference. 176 RETIRED BISHOPS {217 CHAPTER XII RETIRED BISHOPS I. General Superintendents q 216, §1. A’ General Superintendent who has reached the age of seventy years may be released both from the obligation to travel through the Connection ai large, and from that of residential supervision, by giving notice in writing to the Board of Bishops that he so elects; and when a General Superintendent has been released, in this manner, the Board of Bishops shall report the fact to the Book Committee and to the next General Conference. § 2. A General Superintendent, at the close of the General Conference nearest his seventy-third birth- day, shall be released from the obligation to travel through the Connection at large, and from residential supervision. § 3. A General Superintendent at any age and for any reason deemed sufficient by the General Confer- ence, may be released by that body from the obliga- tion to travel through the Connection at large, and from residential supervision. II. Missionary Bishops 4217, §1. A Missionary Bishop who,has reached the age of seventy years, maybe released’ from the obligation to travel through the Foreign Mission field for which he was elected, by giving notice in, writing to the Board of Bishops; the Board of Foreign Mis- 177 q 218 RETIRED BISHOPS sions, and the Book Committee; and when a Mis- sionary Bishop has been released in this manner, the Board of Bishops shall report the fact to the next General Conference. § 2. A Missionary Bishop, at the close of the Gen- eral Conference nearest his seventy-third birthday, shall be released from the obligation to travel through the Foreign Mission field for which he was elected. § 3. A Missionary Bishop, at any age and for any reason deemed sufficient by the General Conference, may be released by that body from the obligation to travel through the Foreign Mission field for which he was elected. III. General Provisions 218, §1. A General Superintendent who has been released from the obligation to travel through the Connection at large in accordance with any of the foregoing provisions shall not preside thereafter over any Annual Conference, Mission Conference, or Mis- sion, nor make appointments, nor preside at the Gen- eral Conference, but may take the chair temporarily in any Conference if requested to do so by the Bishop presiding. He shall be an advisory member of the Board of Bishops. § 2. When a Missionary Bishop is released in any of the cases aforesaid, he shall not preside there- after in any Conference nor make appointments, §3. A General Superintendent or a Missionary Bishop who has been released under any of the foregoing provisions may continue to exercise all the rights and privileges which pertain to the Episcopal office, except as herein otherwise provided. 178 RETIRED BISHOPS 4 218 § 4. The point of time midway between two Gen- eral Conferences shall be deemed to fall at the divi- sion between May 15th and May 16th of the second calendar year following the year of the regular ses- sion of the General Conference. LYY $ XA at papeat ee ') Y oral ¢ Re wh es nikite re, ‘Why Rey ara hey ne Twased as tbe wall pation te tin Far el¢ a MM stan fis ata for’ whieh ea $f) ; omar ye Wishes tat axty): pik ae 1 Parianinn. | he ei aumoiant: by. thee Genta" DS RR yo hase; Ye Bagh psy baa, ts feimeing'e wa thatbody: Prom bat, "4 x yg eet LSrewn ia the. a ire! Meson fle Dus Re eect, ial 2 Poe ret : a vu “geen shew’ og oe ~~ tc .? : a ps y rhs itiaeaat ‘eae Sn ae ae ma $ Bes, §, Ct has Aiea tenpeat HO 4 . poe tevin the 3 OK Bat ek. to weed bat i % if fi ‘ek neitign. ae ha Leade isk a ok sane Repeal: aay Afni Gant, renee, “Mis vio, Fasten | rasa ge aby Oke useeaial 4 MO belie efal ea. t Ot Pnay ut a ‘fhe: Eng Ry COMPOR ees TE requester te. an dase f bei toes pies phil bey any ett ty iLont p | Board ot Betiepe, et ae Bi Aho ee erin “Witesionary ‘Be Hoy te: pate eH eee at the’ eased Ypfornstt a, Be shalt pt ‘pee te apt AT, eins Corlterdr-ce Hd? fiat ye ; nh eae, ae ay ah, iBuper : (nttindést OK: | Bs te ah iy wie ‘Nay b&en: xetonsy; aR ia ith Breve tukorte atay ccna ep, hep aiie , panna ae ii ter od vein Oy PART IV LOCAL PREACHERS, EXHORTERS, DEACONESSES I. LOCAL PREACHERS Il. EXHORTERS Ill. DEACONESSES Loca PREACHERS {220 CHAPTER I LOCAL PREACHERS* 4 219. Wherever a District Conference exists, the powers. hereinafter conferred on Quarterly Confer- ences in relation to Local Preachers and Exhorters shall be exercised only by the District Conference; but it shall not license any persons to preach, nor re- new the License of any persons to preach or exhort, nor recommend any Local Preachers to the Annual Conference for Orders or for Recognition of Orders or for Reception on Trial, without the previous rec- ‘ommendation of the Quarterly Conference, or of the Leaders and Stewards’ Meeting of the Pastoral Charge of which such persons or Preachers are members, and no member of the Church shall be at liberty to preach without a license. 4 220. The Quarterly Conference, where no Dis- trict Conference exists, shall have authority: § 1. To license proper persons to preach; provided, they shall have been previously recommended by the Society of which they are members, or by the Leaders and Stewards’ Meeting; or the Official Board; shall have passed a satisfactory examination in the studies prescribed for candidates for License to preach; shall have been examined in the presence of the Quarterly Conference on the subject of Doctrine and Discipline, and also shall have answered satisfactorily the ques- tions, “Will you wholly abstain from the use of 1The provisions of {J 219-226 include women, except in so far as they apply to candidates for the traveling ministry. 183 q 221 LocaL PREACHERS tobacco?” and “‘Are you in debt so as to embarrass you in the work of the ministry?” (See 4 157, § 1, (3), 1 and 2.) | § 2. To examine Local Preachers in the Course of Study prescribed for them; to’ inquire into the gifts, labors, and usefulness of each by name, and to renew their licenses annually when in the judgment of the Conference their gifts, grace; and usefulness, and their faithfulness and: ‘proficiency in study, warrant such renewal. In the case ofLocal' Preachers who are candidates, for the traveling. ministry, examina- tions may be suspended while they are pursuing reg- ular courses of study: in our theological: seminaries or in) universities or colleges approved by the Uni- versity Senate. | tig § 3. To recommend tothe Annual Conference Local Preachers who are suitable candidates for Deacons’ or Elders’ Orders ({.176, § 1; §:179, §:1), for Recogni- tion of Orders (4-165; §§° 1,: 2), ofor’Readmission ({ 164), or for Reception on Trial. (4157, §1); such candidates: having: been previously examined in the presence of the Quarterly Conference on’ the’ subject of Doctrine and: Discipline. § 4, To try, suspend; deprive of Ministerial Office and Credentials, expel, or acquit any Local Preacher of the Circuit or Station against whom Charges shall have been preferred. 270-277: _ Norr.—For the Licensing, Amenability, and Appeal of Local Preachers in Missions in the United States.and Territories, see § 278, §§ 1, 2. {| 221, § 1. Local. Preachers, ordained or ‘un- ordained, not having a Pastoral’ Charge, shall ‘be members of, and amenable to, the Quarterly Confer- ence where they reside. And when they shall change their residence they shall procure from the Pastor of 184 Locan PREACHERS q 221 the Charge from-which they remove, or from the Dis- trict Superintendent, a Certificate of their Official Standing and of Dismissal, and shall present it to the Pastor of the Charge to which they remove. If they neglect to do this they shall not be recognized nor use their office as Local Preachers in the Charge to. which they have removed; and they shall continue to be amenable to the Quarterly Conference of the Charge from which they have removed, which, if the neglect: be long continued, after due notice may try them for persistent disobedience to: the order of the Church, and.upon conviction thereof deprive them of Ministerial Office and Credentials. § 2..Local, Preachers . appointed to a Pastoral Charge shall procure from the Pastor of the Charge from which they remove, or from the District Super- intendent, a Certificate of their Official Standing and of Dismissal, and at its next session shall present it to the Quarterly Conference of the Pastoral Charge to which they have been. appointed, and their Church and Quarterly Conference membership. shall be in that Charge. § 8. Unordained Local Preachers, only while serv- ing as regularly appointed Pastors of Charges; shall be authorized to administer the rite of Baptism, and when the laws of the State permit, to, solemnize Matrimony, but in all.foreign mission fields, power to authorize them to solemnize Matrimony shall rest with the Central Mission Conferences in which they are Pastors. § 4. Whenever a Preacher. is. located or. discon- tinued by an Annual Conference, he shall thereupon hold his Quarterly Conference membership; where he resides at the time of location or discontinuance. 185 { 222 Loca PREACHERS § 5. Whenever Local Preachers, ordained or unor- dained, shall sever their relation with the Methodist Episcopal Church by removal therefrom by note of recommendation, or withdrawal, or in any other way, they shall deposit their credentials with the proper authorities. q 222. District Superintendents and the Pas- tors are required to arrange the appointments, wher- ever it is practicable, so as to give the Local Preachers regular and systematic employment on the Sabbath. § 223. Local Preachers shall be enrolled in Classes or Units, and meet therein. They shall make to the District or Quarterly Conference a report of their labors, as follows: 1. Number of Sermons preached. 2. Number of Prayer Meetings attended. 3. Number of Class Meetings attended. 4. Number of Sunday Schools attended. 5. Number of Funerals conducted. 6. Miscellaneous Items. They shall also report (1) the Number of Marriages solemnized, with the names of persons married; and (2) the Number of Baptisms administered, with the names and ages of the persons baptized, that due entry may be made by the Pastor in the Church Records. | 4 224. Local Preachers filling the place of Pas- tors, with the approbation of the District Superintend- ent, shall be paid for their time a sum proportioned to the allowance of the Pastor, which sum shall be paid by the Charge at the next Quarterly Meeting, if the Pastor whose place has been filled was either sick or necessarily absent; and in other cases, out of the allowance of the Pastor. | 225. Local Preachers who are distressed in tem- poral circumstances on account of their service in a Pastoral Charge, may apply to the Quarterly Con- 186 EXHORTERS q 228 ference, which may give such relief as is judged proper, after the claims for ministerial support shall have been paid. {| 226. Authority is hereby given to the Annual Conferences to take such measures as they may deem wise to create a Permanent Endowment Fund, or to raise money for annual distribution for Retired Local Preachers who may have served fifteen consecutive years or more (giving their entire time as pastors to the work of the Church), and for the widows and minor children of such deceased Local Preachers. The Annual Conference shall administer the funds and distribute the income to necessitous cases through its Board of Stewards, as. the Annual Con- ference may determine. (Appendix, §f 484, § 4; 612.) CHAPTER II EXHORTERS { 227. Exhorters shall be constituted by the recommendation of the Class of which they are mem- bers, or of the Leaders and Stewards’ Meetings of the Charge, and a License signed by the Pastor. 4 228. The duties of an Exhorter are, to hold Meetings for Prayer and Exhortation wherever oppor- tunity is afforded, subject to the direction of the Pastor; to attend all the sessions of the District and Quarterly Conferences, and to present a written re- port to the same. An Exhorter shall be subject to an annual examination of character in the Quarterly Conference, and a renewal of License, to be signed by the President thereof, 187 $229 DEACONESSES CHAPTER III DEACONESSES I. Deaconesses 7229, § 1. A Deaconess is a woman of suitable qualification who has been led by the Holy Spirit to devote herself to Christlike service under the direc- tion of the Church; and who, after proper training and probation, has been duly licensed and consecrated. § 2. No vow of perpetual service is required of a Deaconess; nevertheless, Deaconess work should be considered a life service, not to be discontinued ex- cept for good and sufficient reasons and after due notice. ‘ § 3. The Deaconess comes, as did her Master, not to be ministered unto but to minister, and to that end she will give herself to any form of service which will - further the kingdom of God. IIl.. The Probationary Deaconess 1230, § 1. Every candidate is urged to take the full course: in one of the duly recognized’ training schools ‘before presenting herself for active training. § 2. A candidate, who meets the following require- ments, may be received on probation by the Con- ference Deaconess Board. (1) She must ‘be recommended by ‘the Quarterly Conference of the Church of which she is a member. (2) She must present a satisfactory health certifi- 188 DEACONESSES { 233 cate, according to the form prescribed by the General Deaconess Board. (3) She must have at least one of the following qualifications; . a, Graduation from a recognized training school. ‘b. Graduation from the training school of a regis- tered hospital.of our Church, or any ‘other hospital approved by the General Deaconess Board, provided she pass. satisfactory examinations in Bible, Church history, and Discipline, c. Certificate of satisfactory examination in the Studies prescribed by the General Deaconess Board. _.. 9/231. A probationer may be continued in: that relation if approved annually by the Conference Dea- coness Board on the recommendation of the form of administration or other. organization. with: which ‘she serves, and will be expected to pursue such Course of. Study as:may be prescribed. 1232, § 1..The wearing of the distinettye garb ‘Shall be determined by the form of administration or other organization with which the probationer serves. _» § 2. She shall be entitled to the same allowance as the licensed Deaconess. III. The Deaconess | 233, § 1. A Deaconess License may be granted by the Conference Deaconess Board to a probationer who has served at least two years and presents a Satisfactory health certificate according to the form prescribed by the General Deaconess. Board; is. un- married; and is not less than twenty-one years of age. § 2. A licensed. Deaconess is entitled to consecra- 189 { 234 DEACONESSES . tion in accordance with the ritual of the Methodist Episcopal Church. § 3. When thus duly licensed and consecrated a Deaconess becomes a member of the Conference Dea- coness Board (See § 494, § 1) and may be em- ployed in any form of Christian work within the bounds of that Conference, in accordance with the rules and regulations of the General Deaconess Board. 234. The wearing of the distinctive garb shall be determined by the form of administration or other organization with which the Deaconess serves. 7235. A Deaconess, if serving a Church, shall be a member of such Church and of its Quarterly Con- ference. In all other cases her Quarterly Conference membership shall be designated by the Bishop, when making the appointment, and necessarily her Church membership shall be in the same Church. | 236. A Deaconess at her request may be granted annually a leave of absence by the Conference Dea- coness Board on. recommendation of the institution or organization with which she is connected. Such leave shall not be granted for more than three years consecutively without the approval of the General Deaconess Board. 4 237. A Deaconess in good standing, and on her request, may be granted honorable discharge by the Conference Board, on surrender of her License and Certificate of Consecration. These credentials may be returned to her after the President of the Con- ference Deaconess Board has indorsed on each the fact and date of such discharge. A Deaconess who has been thus honorably discharged may be restored by action of any Conference Deaconess Board pro- viding she presents a satisfactory health certificate, 190 . DEACONESSES Ge 239 and an acceptance by the,form of administration or _ other organization. with which she desires to be. con- nected. IV. The Associate Deaconess 7.238, § 1. A woman who desires to serve in the ‘capacity of a Deaconess for a limited period of time, or in some special field of service, may. be elected an Associate Deaconess by the Conference Deaconess Board, provided she meets the following require- ments: (1) She must be recommended by the Quarterly Conference of the Church of which she is a member. (2) She must present from a form of administra- tion, or other organization, a request for her services, with assurance of suitable support. § 2. For the continuance of an Associate Deaconess it is necessary each year that she be reelected by the Conference Deaconess Board, after such report of her work as that Board shall desire. V. The Retired Deaconess 239, § 1. A Deaconess when unable to continue her regular work on account of age, loss of health, or other disability, may be retired by the General Deaconess Board on recommendation of the Confer- ence Deaconess Board of which she is a member, and the form of administration or other organization with which she is connected. § 2. There shall be a Deaconess Pension Fund? 1See { 591. 191 { 240 DEACONESSES which shall be controlled and administered by the General Deaconess Board, and which the Board shall seek to increase by contribution, bequest, and other- | wise. § 8. Every Retired Deaconess shall. have a claim upon the Pension Fund, which shall be proportion-| ate to the number of years she has been in active service, including the years of probation. § 4. The amount of the allowance to Retired Dea- conesses shall be determined by the General Dea- coness Board. VI. The Deaconess and cried laa Relief | 240, § 1. A Deaconess who is compelled to cease her work temporarily because of illness shall be suitably provided for by the form of administration or other organization with which she serves. This when desired may be done through the General Dea- coness Board. | § 2. Whenever such temporary relief is given through the General Deaconess Board the form of administration or other organization. concerned shall furnish the necessary funds. 192 PART V JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION . TRIAL OF A BISHOP . TRIAL OF A MISSIONARY BISHOP . TRIAL OF A MEMBER OF AN ANNUAL CONFERENCE TRIAL OF A PREACHER ON TRIAL TRIAL OF A LOCAL PREACHER . TRIAL OF A CHURCH, MEMBER ..APPEAL OF A’ BISHOP) (op li 0 . APPEAL OF A MEMBER OF AN ANNUAL CONFERENCE—JUDICIAL CONFERENCE RESTORATION OF CREDENTIALS APPEAL OF A LOCAL PREACHER . APPEAL OF A CHURCH MEMBER—COURT OF APPEALS . GENERAL DIRECTIONS CHAPTER. I TRIAL OF A BISHOP , Norse.—Throughout Part V of the Discipline—Judicial Administra- tion—the term ‘‘Immorality”’ is used to include any violation of the Moral Law. ; I. Investigation | 241. If a Bishop shall be accused of any viola- _ tion of the moral law in the interval between sessions of the General Conference, the District Superinten- dent within whose District the offense is said to have been committed shall call to his aid four Traveling Elders, which five Ministers shall carefully inquire into the case; and if, in their judgment, there is rea- sonable ground for such accusation, they, or a major- ity of them, shall prepare and sign the proper charges in the case—unless such charges have already been prepared—shall send a copy of the same to the ac- cused, and shall give notice thereof to one of the Bishops, furnishing him also with a copy of the charges. The Bishop so notified shall convene a Com- mittee of Investigation to be composed of the Triers of Appeals, to be appointed as hereinafter provided, of four neighboring Conferences, over which Com- mittee a Bishop shall preside. The accused shall have the right of peremptory chalienge, yet so as not to reduce the number of the Committee below thirteen. The presiding Bishop shall appoint a Secretary, who shall keep a correct record of the proceedings and of the testimony. The Committee thus constituted shall 195 4 242 TRIAL OF A BIsHOP have full power to investigate the charges in the case, _and if it finds them sustained, shall suspend the ac- cused from all ministerial functions and Church priv- ileges until the ensuing General Conference. The President and Secretary shall sign the records when properly approved, and the President shall transmit the same, including the charges, specifications, docu- ments, and evidence, to the General Conference, on which, and such othef evidence as may be admitted, the case shall finally be determined. Additional charges and specifications may be presented to the General Conference; provided, the accused has .been given due notice of the same. 7 4242. In case of imprudent conduct, the District Superintendent within whose District the alleged of- fense is said to have occurred shall take with him two Traveling Elders, and, if in their judgment there. is sufficient ground for such accusation, shall admon- ish the Bishop so offending. If he persists in his imprudence, the matter shall be investigated in the manner provided in ¥ 241, or he may be brought to trial before the General Conference. {| 243. If it be alleged that a violation of the moral law or an imprudence has been committed beyond the bounds of any District, the District Superinten- dent within the bounds of whose District the Bishop resides shall proceed as hereinbefore: provided. 7 244. If a Bishop be charged with disseminating, publicly or privately, doctrines which are contrary to our Articles of Religion or our other present exist- ing and established standards of doctrine, the same procedure shall be observed as is.prescribed in ¥ 241, or he may be brought to trial before the General Conference. 196 TRIAL OF A BISHOP q 246 245. Complaint against the administration of a Bishop may be forwarded to the General Conference, and entertained there; provided, that in its judgment he has had due notice of such complaint. Il. Trial | 246. When a Bishop has been suspended by a Committee of Investigation, or when charges against a Bishop are presented directly to the General Con- ference, the General Conference shall try the accused in due form, appointing for this purpose a Select Number of its own Members, who shall be Ministers, to consist of not more than seventeen, nor fewer than eleven, the accused having the right of challenge for cause. Over this court a Bishop shall preside, and one of the secretaries of the General Conference shall act as Secretary. The Court as thus constituted shall have full power to try the accused Bishop, and to sus- pend him from the functions of his office, to depose him from the Ministry, or to expel him from the Church, as it may deem his offense requires. Its find- ings shall be final, subject to appeal to the General Conference as hereinafter provided, and shall be re- ported to the General Conference for entry on its Journal; and the records of the trial shall be placed in the custody of the Secretary of the General Con- ference, together with all the documents in the case, for preservation with the papers of the Generali Con- ference and for use in case of appeal. 197 q 247 TriaL or A Misstonary BIsHoP CHAPTER IL TRIAL OF A MISSIONARY BISHOP I. Investigation | 247. If a Missionary Bishop be accused ofa vio- lation of the moral law during the interval between the sessions of the General Conference, the District Superintendents of the Annual Conference within which the offense is alleged to have been committed shall inquire into the same. If in their opinion the accusations appear to be well founded, they shail pre- pare and sign the proper charges in the case, and shall send the same to the nearest Bishop or Missionary Bishop, and a copy thereof to the accused. The said Bishop or Missionary Bishop shall call not less than nine nor more than fifteen Effective Hiders, all. of whom shall be Foreign Missionaries of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to form a Committee of Investiga- tion, and a Bishop or a Missionary Bishop shall, pre- side over the same. The: accused shall have the right of peremptory challenge, yet so as not to reduce the number below seven. If this Committee shall find the charges sustained, it shall suspend the accused until the ensuing General Conference. 4 248. If a Missionary Bishop be ‘accused of im- prudent conduct, the District Superintendent within whose district the alleged offense is said to have. oe- curred shall take with him three Effective Hiders, and, if in their judgment there is sufficient ground for such accusation, shall admonish the Missionary Bishop so offending. If he persist in his imprudence, 198 TRIAL OF MEMBER/OF CONFERENCE § 252 the case shall be investigated. in the manner 'pre- scribed in § 247, or the offender may be brought to ape before the: General Conference. ' 249. If a Missionary Bishop be charged arith disseminating, publicly or privately, doctrines which are contrary to our Articles of Religion, or our other present existing and established standards of doc- trine,, the same procedure’ shall ‘be observed: as is prescribed in § 247 or '{ 250. Il. Trial! 7250. When a Missionary Bishop has been sus- pended by a Committee of Investigation, or when charges against a Missionary Bishop are presented ‘directly to the General Conference, the General Con- ference shall try the accused in the ‘same manner as is prescribed for the trial of a Bishop. 4 251. Complaint against the administration of a Missionary Bishop may be forwarded to the General Conference, and entertained there; provided, that in its judgment he has had due notice that such com- Plaint would be made. CHAPTER III _ TRIAL OF A MEMBER OF AN ANNUAL CONFERENCE N otTre.—In all matters of Judicial Administration the rights, Aties? and responsibilities of Members of Mission Conferences are the same as those in Annual Conferences, andthe procedure shall be the same. I. Preliminary Investigation 9 252, § 1. If a Member of an Annual Conference, in the interval between: sessions: of that -body,: be 199 4 252 Tria oF MEMBER OF CONFERENCE accused of any violation of the moral law, his District Superintendent, or the Superintendent of the District © within the bounds of which such acts are alleged to have taken place, shall call not less than five nor more than nine Members of the Annual Conference to investigate the same, and, if possible, bring the accused and accuser face to face. He shall preside throughout the proceedings, and shall certify and declare the judgment of the Committee. § 2. If the accused be a District Superintendent, three of the senior Effective Elders of his District shall inquire into the character of the allegations, and, if they deem an investigation necessary, shall call in the Superintendent of any District of the An- nual Conference, who shall appoint a Committee of not less than five nor more than nine Elders of the Annual Conference of which the accused is a Member, to investigate the case; and he shall preside at the investigation; but in case there be only one District Superintendent in the Conference, or if the other District Superintendents be so related to the case as to make it improper for any one of them to serve, then the matter shall be reported by the three senior Effective Elders to the Bishop in Charge, who shall appoint an Elder to act in the case. § 3. If in either case the charge be sustained, the accused shall be suspended by the Committee from all ministerial services and Church privileges until the ensuing session of the Annual Conference. § 4. If in any such investigation the Committee find that the evidence does not sustain the charge of immorality, but does show that the accused has been guilty of imprudent and unministerial conduct, it may so declare, and may suspend the offender from 200 TRIAL OF MEMBER OF CONFERENCE { 255 all ministerial functions until the ensuing session of his Annual Conference, at which the whole case shall be disposed of as the said Conference may determine. 4 253. Any Member of an Annual Conference who shall hold religious service within the bounds of any Pastoral Charge, when requested by the Preacher in Charge not to hold such service, shall be deemed guilty of imprudent conduct; and if, after admonition by the Superintendent of the District within which the offense has been committed, he shall not refrain from such conduct, he shall be liable to charges and investigation, or trial. 9254. If a Member of an Annual Conference be charged with disseminating, publicly or privately, doctrines which are contrary to our Articles of Re- ligion, or our other existing and established standards of doctrine, the same procedure shall be observed as is prescribed in J 252, §1. But if, after the charge is sustained, the Minister so offending shall solemnly promise the Committee of Investigation not to dis- seminate such erroneous doctrines in public or pri- vate, the Committee may waive suspension, that the case may be laid before the next Annual Conference, which shall determine the matter. 9255. Whenever specific complaint is made in writing and signed by five responsible persons, Mem- bers or Ministers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, charging a Teacher in one of our Theological Schools, who is a Minister, with violating his pledge to the Bishops of loyalty to our doctrine and polity, said complaint shall be lodged with the Superintendent within whose District the accused holds his Quar- terly Conference membership, who shall carefully con- sider the same; and if in his opinion the complaint is 201 {256 Trrau or MEMBER) .OF 'CONFERENCE of sufficient gravity to require an investigation; he shall immediately proceed according to the oe ae of the Discipline in ¥ 252. 7 256. If the Teacher referred to in! 1255 be a layman or a Local Preacher,’ the complaint shall ‘be lodged with the Preacher in Charge of the Church to which the said Teacher belongs, who shall” pro- ceed in accordance with the provisions of the Disci- pline for the investigation or trial of members or ee Preachers. 4 257. If, in the interval between the sessions of his Conference, a Member of an’ Annual Conference fail to do the work to which he was duly appointed, except in case of sickness; serious disability, or other unavoidable circumstances, the District Superinten- dent shall proceed as directed in 252, §1.° If the District Superintendent fails so to do, he shall be accountable therefor to the next Annual. Conference. 4] 258. In cases of improper temper, words, or ac- tions, the Minister so offending shall be admonished by his senior in office. “Should: a second: transgres- Sion take place, one, two, or three Ministers are to be taken as witnesses. ‘If he continue to offend, the sae hla svi idsttaianad shall proceed as directed in 252, ie awhen a Member of an Annual Conference fails in business, or contracts debts which he is: not able to pay, the District Superintendent shall appoint two judicious Members of the Church and ‘one Min- ister to inspect the ‘accounts; contracts, and circum- stances of the supposed delinquent; and if, in ‘their cpinion, he has acted dishonestly or contracted debts without a reasonable probability of paying, the case shall be disposed of according to 7252, § 1. woo TRIAL OF MEMBER OF CONFERENCE { 263 {| 260. Any Member of an Annual Conference re- siding beyond the bounds of his own Conference shall be: subject to the investigation prescribed in 4 252, under the authority of the Superintendent of the Dis- trict within which he resides or within which he is employed, by a Committee of Members of that Confer- ence. If he reside or be employed within the bounds of a Mission, he shall be subject to investigation un- der the authority of the Superintendent of the Dis- trict within which he holds his Quarterly Conference Membership or of the Superintendent of the Mission and a Committee of Members of the same. If he be the Superintendent of the Mission, the Bishop or Mis- sionary Bishop in charge shall appoint an Elder to act in the case. {| 261. In all the foregoing cases the papers, in- cluding the record of the investigation, charges, evi- dence, and findings, shall be transmitted to the ensuing session of the Annual Conference of which the accused is a Member; on which papers, and on such other evidence as may be admitted, and also upon such other charges or specifications as may be presented, due notice of the same having been given to the accused, the case shall be determined. zi 262. An Annual Conference may entertain and try charges against its Members though no investiga- tion upon them has been held, or though the investi- gation has not resulted in suspension, due notice having been given the accused.. | 263. When it is alleged of a Member of an An- nual Conference that he is so unacceptable, ineflicient, or indifferent, or that his ministry is so seriously im- paired by unministerial conduct or other reasons as to be no longer useful in the ministry, or that with- 203 {| 264 ‘Trr1an oF MEMBER OF CONFERENCE out reason of impaired health of himself or his family disqualifying him for pastoral work he en- gages in secular business; his case shall be referred to a Committee of five or more members of his Con- ference for inquiry; and if said Committee shall find the allegation sustained, and shall so recommend, the Conference may request him to surrender his Min- isterial Office. If he shall refuse, and the conditions complained of continue, the Conference, at its next session, by process of trial, may deprive him of the Ministerial Office and require that his Credentials be returned to the Conference (§ 171). He shall have the right of appeal within six months to a Judicial Conference. II. Maladministration {| 264, § 1. A Minister shall be answerable to his Conference on a charge of corrupt, negligent, or par- tisan administration, but not for errors in judgment. The violation of the advice concerning Divorce, in { 68 of the Discipline, shall be considered an act of Maladministration. § 2. Errors or defects in Judicial Proceedings shall be duly considered when presented on appeal. But Errors of Law or Administration connected with in- vestigations under { 252 which are not followed by Trials at Conference, and Errors of Law made by a District Superintendent in cases of appeal, are to be corrected by the President of the next Annual Con- ference on appeal in open session, and the Conference may also order just and suitable remedies, if injury has resulted from such errors. § 3. Errors of Administration not connected with 204 Trrat oF MEMBER OF CONFERENCE { 265 Judicial Proceedings may be presented in writing to the Annual Conference, for its judgment thereon; and the Annual Conference may order just and suit- able remedies when the rights of Ministers or mem- bers of the Church have been injuriously affected by such errors. Ill. Trial 4265. The Annual Conference, at its discretion, may try an accused Member by one of the following methods: § 1. The trial, including the examination of wit- nesses, may be by the Conference in full session. § 2. The Bishop may appoint an Elder as a Com- missioner to take the evidence in the case, in whole or in part; and said Commissioner shall cause a cor- rect record of the proceedings in the case and of the evidence, signed by the witnesses respectively, to be laid before the Annual Conference; upon which evi- dence and such other evidence as may be admitted the case shall be determined. § 3. The Conference may appoint from its Mem- bers a Select Number of not less than nine nor more than fifteen, to try the accused, who shall have the right of challenge for cause; which Select Number, in the presence of a Bishop, or of a Chairman whom the President of the Conference shall have appointed, and one or more of the Secretaries of the Conference, shall have full power to consider and determine the case according to the rules which govern in such proceedings; and they shall make a faithful report in writing of all their proceedings, duly attested by the President and Secretary of the Select Number, to the 205 { 266 Tria or MemBer or CONFERENCE Secretary of the Annual Conference before its final adjournment, and deliver up to him therewith the’ bill of charges, the evidence taken, and the decision ren- dered, with all documents brought into the trial. § 4. But if a case cannot be tried during the session for want of testimony, the Annual Conference may: refer it to one of the District. Superintendents, who shall proceed as directed in § 252, § 1, and the Con- ference shall determine whether the case seems to be of such gravity as to require that the Minister*be left without appointment until investigation shall be held. | 266. When a Minister is tried on a charge of immorality, and the Annual Conference; or the Select Number, shall find that this charge ‘is. not sustained by the evidence, but that the Minister has been proven guilty of “high imprudence and unministerial: con- duct,” it may declare this fact, and. may. by this finding reprove the offender, or may subject him to suspension, or deprivation of his Ministerial Office and Credentials. | 267. § 1. In case any Member of an Annual Con- ference shall have been deposed from the Ministry without being expelled from the Church, ‘he shall have his membership in the Church where he resided at the time of his deposition. § 2. In case any Member of an Annual repaes ict shall have been deposed from the Ministry or expelled from the Church for teaching publicly or privately doc- trines contrary to our Articles of Religion, or our other present existing and established standards of doctrine, he shall not again be licensed to preach until he shall have satisfied the Conference from which he was de- posed or expelled, and shall have promised in writing to desist wholly from disseminating such doctrine. 206 TRIAL OF ‘A PREACHER: ON) TRIAL 9271 4] 268. After a Minister shall have been tried regu- larly. and. expelled he shall have no Privileges of Society or Sacraments: in our Church, without con- trition, reformation, and confession, satisfactory to the Annual Conference by which he was expelled. 269, When a Member of an Annual Conference is accused of immorality and desires to withdraw from the Church, the Annual Conference may permit him. to withdraw; in which case the record: shall be, “Withdrawn under Complaints... If formal. charges of immorality have been presented, he may. be. per- mitted to withdraw; in which case the record shall be, “Withdrawn under. Charges’; and if thus ‘‘With- drawn under Complaints,’ or “Withdrawn under Charges,” his relation to the Church shall be the same as if he had been expelled. CHAPTER IV TRIAL OF A PREACHER ON TRIAL 9270. A Preacher on Trial in an Annual. Confer- ence, in reference to Amenability and Appeal is con- sidered as a Local Preacher; but in his case the Dis- trict Superintendent shall perform the duties which are assigned to the Preacher in Charge in the case of an. accused Local Preacher. CHAPTER V TRIAL OF A LOCAL PREACHER 9 271. When a Local Preacher, ordained or unor- dained, is accused of any violation of the moral law, 207 (272 Trrat or a Locat PRreacusr the Preacher in Charge shall call a Committee of In- vestigation, consisting of three or more Local Preach- ers, before which it shall be the duty of the accused to appear, and by which, if the charge be sustained, he shall be suspended from all ministerial services and Church privileges until the next District or Quar- terly Conference; which Conference shall try the case, and if the accused be found guilty the Conference shall suspend, deprive of ministerial office and creden- tials, or expel him. (9220, §4.) But a Local Preacher may be tried by a District or Quarterly Con- ference without preliminary investigation, provided due notice shall have been given him. {| 272. Should the District Conference having juris- diction in the -case of an accused Local Preacher judge it expedient to try him by a Select Number, it may appoint not less than nine nor more than fifteen of its Members for that purpose, the accused having the right of challenge for cause; which Select Num- ber, in the presence of the President of the District Conference, or of an Elder appointed by him, and a Secretary appointed by the said Conference, shall have full power to consider and determine the case according to the rules applicable thereto; and the Secretary shall make a correct report in writing of all the proceedings and evidence to the Secretary of the District Conference, and shall deliver to him all the papers in the case. 1273, §1. In case of improper temper, words, or actions, the Local Preacher so offending shall be admonished by the Preacher in Charge: Should a second transgression take place, one or two mem- bers of the Church are to be taken as witnesses. If he continue to offend, the case shall be investigated 208 TriaL oF A Locat PREACHER {275 as provided in 94271, or he shali be tried at the next District or Quarterly Conference, and, if found guilty and impenitent, he shall be expelled from the Church. § 2. If, on due trial by the District or Quarterly Conference, a Local Preacher be found neglectful of his duties as a Local Preacher or unacceptable in his Ministry, he may be deprived of his ministerial office; in which case, if he be ordained, the District Superintendent shall require him to deliver up his credentials, that they may be returned to the Annual Conference. §3. A Local Preacher, who shall hold religious services within the bounds of a Pastoral Charge when requested by the Preacher in Charge not to do so, shall be deemed guilty of imprudent conduct, and if he persist, after admonition by the Superintendent of the District within which the offense has been committed, he may be brought to investigation or trial, either or both of which may take place in the Charge and under the proper officers of the Church where the forbidden service has been held. 274. If a Local Preacher disseminate, publicly or privately, doctrines which are contrary to our Articles of Religion, or our other present existing and established standards of doctrine, the same pro- cedure shall be observed as is prescribed in {qj 271, 4 OE Notr.—Touching complaints against a Local Preacher for erroneous teaching in a Theological School, see {J 255, 256. § 275. Ifa Local Preacher shall fail in business, or contract debts which he is not able to pay, the Preacher in Charge shall appoint three judicious members of the Church to inspect the accounts, con- 209 q276 TRIAL or A’ LocaL PREACHER . tracts, and circumstances of: the supposed ‘delinquent; and if, in their opinion; he has behaved dishonestly, or contracted debts without a reasonable probability of paying, the same procedure shall be observed as is prescribed in JJ 271; 272. § 276. If, in the judgment of the. District Sena intendent, a fair’ and impartial trial cannet be had in the Quarterly Conference where the accused holds his membership, the District Superintendent may refer the case for trial to some other Quarterly Con- ference within the bounds of his District. 9277. If the trial is by the Quarterly Conference, the accused shall have the right’ of challenge for cause. If by reason of said challenge or other cause the number of the members of the Quarterly Confer- ence present shall fall below seven, which number shall be required for a quorum in case of any such trial, the Quarterly Conference, if the District Super- intendent so request, shall adjourn to a subsequent date, to be named by him, to try the case; or, the District Superintendent may refer it to some other Quarterly Conference in his District. 4 278, §1. In Missions in the United States, its Territories, and insular possessions the power to try Local Preachers shall remain with the respective Quarterly Conferences; but Local Preachers: so tried and convicted shall have the right of appeal to the Annual Meeting of the Mission. § 2. The Ministerial members of the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension shall constitute a Judicial Conference to hear appeals of Local Preach- ers convicted at an Annual Meeting of a Mission; such Judicial Conference to be presided over by a Bishop. 210 TRIAL OF A CHuRCH MEMBER. { 280 CHAPTER VI TRIAL OF A CHURCH MEMBER I. Immoral Conduct 7 279, § 1. A member of the Church accused of a violation of the moral law shall be brought to trial. § 2. A member of the Church, who, after private reproof and admonition by the Pastor or Class Leader, persists in using; buying, or selling intoxi- cating liquors aS a beverage, or who signs a petition in favor of granting a license for the sale of such liquors, or who signs a petition of consent for the sale of such liquors, or who applies, for a license for the sale of such liquors, or who procures a license for the sale of such liquors, or who becomes bondsman of any person or persons engaged in such traffic, or who rents his property as a place in which, or on which, to manufacture or sell intoxicating liquors, shall be brought to trial, and if found guilty and there be no sign of real humiliation, shall be expelled. II. Imprudent Conduct’ {| 280. In cases of neglect of duties of any kind; imprudent conduct; indulging in sinful tempers or words; “taking such diversions as can not be used in the name of the Lord Jesus”; or disobedience to 1See { 69. 211 ¢ 281 Tran or a CuurcH MEMBER the order and Discipline of the Church; on the first offense, let private reproof be given by the Pastor or Class Leader, and if there be an acknowledgment of the fault and proper humiliation, the person may be borne with. On further offense the Pastor or Class Leader may take with him one or two discreet members of the Church. On continued offense let him be brought to trial, and if found guilty and there be no sign of real humiliation, he shall be expelled. III. Neglect of Means of Grace 4 281. If a member of the Church shall habitually neglect the means of grace, such as the Public Wor- ship of God, the Lord’s Supper, family and private Prayer, searching the Scriptures, Class Meeting, and Prayer Meeting, the Preacher in Charge shall visit him and explain to him the consequences if he con- tinue his neglect. If he do not amend, he shall be brought to trial, and if found guilty of willful neglect, he shall be expelled. IV. Causing Dissension {| 282. If a member of the Church shall be accused of endeavoring to sow dissension in the Church by inveighing against its Doctrines or Discipline, its Ministers or Members, or in any other manner, the person so offending shall first be reproved by the Preacher in Charge; and if he persist in such perni- cious practice, he shall be brought to trial, and, if found guilty, shall be expelled. ; Nore.—For the method of disposing of complaints against a layman for erroneous teaching in a Theological School, see J 256. 212 TRIAL OF A CHURCH MEMBER { 285 V. Disagreement in Business—Arbitration 7 283. In case of any disagreement between two or more members of the Church concerning business transactions, which cannot be settled by the parties, the Preacher in Charge shall inquire into the cir- cumstances of the case, and shall recommend to the parties that such disagreement be submitted to arbi- tration. If this method of settlement be agreed upon, two arbitrators shall be chosen by one party, and two by the other, which four shall choose a fifth. The said arbitrators shall be members of our Church, who have no personal or pecuniary interests in the result. The Preacher in Charge shall preside, and the Disciplinary forms of trial shall be observed. If either party refuse to abide by the judgment of the arbitrators, he shall be brought to trial, and if he fail to show sufficient cause for such refusal, he shall be expelled. 41284. If any member of the Church, in case of debt or other dispute, shall refuse to refer the matter éo arbitration, when recommended to do so by the Preacher in Charge, or shall enter into a lawsuit with another member before these measures are taken, he shall be brought to trial, and if he fail to show that the case is of such a nature as to require and justify such a course, he shall be ex- pelled. 7285. If, in the case of debt or dispute, one of the parties is a Minister, the duties assigned to the Preacher in Charge in the foregoing paragraphs shall be performed by the District Superintendent of the Minister concerned. If both be Ministers, the District Superintendent of either may act in the case. 213 7 286 ‘TrraL or A CHuRCH’ MEMBER VI. Insolvency | 286, § 1. Preachers in Charge are required to ex- ecute faithfully the rules against all frauds, and par- ticularly against dishonest insolvencies, suffering no one to remain in the Church who is found guilty of fraud. . § 2. To prevent scandal, when any member of the Church fails in business, or contracts debts which he is not able to pay, two or three judicious members of the Church, designated by the Preacher in Charge, shall. inspect the accounts, contracts, and circum- stances of the supposed delinquent; and if they be- lieve that he has behaved dishonestly, or borrowed money without a reasonable probability of paying, he shall be brought to trial, and, if found Pee ie sities be expelled. 4 287. In all the foregoing cases of trial enume- rated in this chapter the accused member shall be brought to trial before a Committee of not less than five members of the Church. They shall be chosen by the Preacher in Charge, and, if he judge it neces- sary, he may select them from any part of the Dis- trict. The accused may challenge for cause. The Preacher in Charge shall preside at the trial. VII. Penalties 288. If the accused person be found guilty by the decision of a majority of the Committee; the Preacher in Charge shall then and there pronounce the sentence of expulsion. 4] 289. But if, in view of mitigating circumstances | and of humble and penitent confession, the Committee find that a lower penalty would be proper, it may im: 214 APPEAL OF) A BISHOP, 3 / (9291 pose censure on ‘the: offender; at its: discretion,, or suspend him from all Church privileges for, a definite time. 4 290. An expelled person ‘shall have no Privileges of Society or of the Sacraments of the Church with- out confession, contrition, and Sa. reforma- tion. CHAPTER VII APPEAL OF A BISHOP 7291, §1. A. Bishop or, Missionary Bishop shall have the right to appeal. to the General Conference in case of an adverse decision by the trial court here- inbefore’ prescribed in such. cases; provided, that within thirty days after his conviction he notify the Secretary of the General Conference of his. intention to appeal. All such appeals shall be heard and deter- mined by the General Conference Committee on: the Judiciary. § 2. If during the session of, a General Conference a Bishop or a’ Missionary Bishop shall have been con- viected, the General Conference shall extend the term of service of the Committee on the Judiciary until it shall have disposed of a possible, appeal in. the case. § 3..It shall be the duty of the Secretary, of the General. Conference, on receiving, notice of such ap- peal, to. inform the.senior effective Bishop, .whose duty it shall. be, after conference with the parties in interest, to fix the time. and place for the hearing of the appeal, and. to, instruct the Seeretary of the 215 q 292 AppraL or MEMBER OF CONFERENCE General Conference to give due notice of the same to all concerned. CHAPTER VIII APPEAL OF A MEMBER OF AN ANNUAL CONFERENCE—-JUDICIAL CONFERENCE J 292, § 1. The several Annual Conferences shall at each session select five Elders, men of experience and sound judgment in the affairs of the Church, who shall be known as Triers of Appeals, and also two reserve Triers of Appeals. The reserves shall serve in the absence or disqualification of the principals. § 2. In Foreign Missions or Foreign Mission Con- ferences, remote from other Missions or. Conferences, let there be not less than nine nor more than thirteen Elders selected as Triers of Appeals, and also three reserves, and from these, thus selected, shall be chosen the Triers of Appeals to constitute the Judicial Con- ference for said body. The proceedings to comply with the requirements of § 252. ] 293. When notice of an appeal has been given to the President of an Annual Conference, he shall pro- ceed, with due regard to the wishes and rights of the Appellant, to designate three Annual Conferences con- veniently near to that from the decision of which the appeal is taken, and the Triers of Appeals of such Conferences shall constitute a Judicial Conference. He shall fix also the time and place of its session. He — shall also give notice thereof to the said Triers of Ap- peals and to all others concerned. Such Judicial Con- ference shall be competent to hear appeals which may be presented to it from any Conference conveniently — near, due notice having been given to all concerned. 216 ¥ APPEAL OF MEMBER OF CONFERENCE { 297 | 294. The Appellant shall have the right of per- emptory challenge, yet so that the number of Triers of Appeals present and qualified shall not fall below nine, which number shall be required for a quorum. 4] 295. A Bishop shall preside in a Judicial Con- ference and shall decide all questions of law arising in its proceedings, subject to an appeal to the Gen- eral Conference. The Judicial Conference shall ap- point a Secretary, who shall keep a faithful record of all the proceedings, and at the close of the hearing shall transmit the records made and the papers sub- mitted in the case, or certified copies thereof, to the Secretary of the General Conference, to be filed for use by the General Conference in case of appeal. In all cases the findings of the Judicial Conference shall be reported by its Secretary to the Secretary of the Annual Conference whose membership is affected thereby, and if no further appeal shall have been taken on a question of law, the same shall be published in the Minutes of said Annual Conference. {| 296. In all cases of trial and conviction of Mem- bers of an Annual Conference, an appeal shall be allowed to a Judicial Conference, constituted as here- inbefore provided, if the condemned person, within thirty days* after his conviction, shall signify in writ- ing to the Secretary of the Annual Conference his intention to appeal. {| 297. Appeals from an Annual Conference within the United States, not easily accessible, at the dis- cretion of the President thereof, may be heard by a Judicial Conference selected from among more ac- cessible Conferences. Appeals from an Annual or a 1See § 263, allowing appeal within six months in special cases. 217 (298 Appran oF MEMBER oF CONFERENCE Mission Conference not in the United States may be heard at the discretion of the Bishop’ in charge there- of, due regard being had to the rights and interests of all concerned, either by a Judicial Conference called by said Bishop from neighboring foreign Conferences, or by a Judicial Conference called by him: to meet at or near New York, or ‘by: the» General Conference i through a special Appellate Committee appointed for — the purpose. | 298. When the case of any Minister who has been suspended ior expelled. is remanded for a new trial, his suspension’ from all ministerial functions shall continue until the next ensuing session of the An-— nual Conference. 299. Should a Member of an Annual Conference be suspended by a Committee of Investigation in the interval between the sessions of his Conference, and subsequently be found guilty by) his Conference and expelled, his claim upon the funds of the Conference shall cease from the time of his suspension. Should a Member of an Annual Conference be suspended and afterward be restored, he shall have no claim upon the Pastoral Charge nor upon the funds of the Conference during the period of such suspension. 7300. The General. Conference, on appeal, or on | Complaint, shall carefully review the decisions. of — Questions of Law contained in the records and docu- ments transmitted to it from Judicial. Conferences; and in case of serious error therein, shall take such action as justice may require. The papers submitted | shall. be returned by the Secretary of the Committee on Judiciary to the Chairman of the Delegation of the Annual Conference of which the accused is a Member. 218 RESTORATION OF CREDENTIALS { 302 CHAPTER IX RESTORATION OF CREDENTIALS I. When Voluntarily Surrendered | 301. When an ordained Minister of any class who is in good standing shall surrender his Credentials for any reason, the Annual Conference at any subse- quent time may restore the same upon the recom- mendation of the District or Quarterly Conference of the Charge in which he has membership as a Local Preacher. II. When Involuntarily Surrendered 7302. When a Member of an Annual Conference by expulsion or otherwise shall have been deprived of his Credentials, they shall be filed with the papers of his Conference; and in case the said Member has come to us from another Church, so that he holds the certificate of our Church, and his original Cre- dentials indorsed by our Church, he shall be required to surrender to his Conference both the certificate of our Church and the original Credentials bearing our indorsement. If at any future time he shall give satisfactory evidence to said Annual Conference of his amendment, and procure a certificate from the Quar- terly Conference of the Charge in which he resides, or from an Annual Conference which may have re- ceived him on Trial, recommending to the Annual 219 € 303 ApprEAL OF A LocaL PREACHER Conference of which he was formerly a Member the restoration of his Credentials, the said Annual Con- ference may restore them. 7303. When a Local Elder or Deacon shall have been expelled or deprived of his Ministerial Office, the District Superintendent shall require of him the Credentials of his ordination, to be filed with the papers of the Annual Conference within the bounds of which the expulsion has taken place. Should he, at any future time, produce to the Annual Conference a certificate of his restoration, signed by the Presi- dent and countersigned by the Secretary of his Quar- terly Conference, his Credentials may be restored to him. CA ACA Tray APPEAL OF A LOCAL PREACHER 41304. In case of conviction, a Local Preacher shall be allowed to appeal to the next Annual Conference; provided, that within thirty days after his conyic- tion he shall signify in writing to the President or Secretary of the District or Quarterly Conference by which he was tried, his determination to appeal; and the said Annual Conference, in full session, or by a Select Number of not less than nine nor more than fifteen, shall hear the appeal. If the hearing be by a Select Number, the Appellant shall have the right of peremptory challenge. The decision of said Annual Conference shall be the final determination © of the case, subject only to an appeal to the General Conference by either party on Questions of Law. y 305. An appeal by a Local Preacher from a Quar- 220 APPEAL OF A CHURCH MEMBER { 306 terly Conference within the jurisdiction of a Mission shall be to the Annual Meeting of the said Mission. CHAPTER XI APPEAL OF A CHURCH MEMBER—COURT OF APPEALS 7306, §1. At the Fourth Quarterly Conference of each year each Pastoral Charge shall select from among the members of the Church one person of experience and sound judgment in the affairs of the Church, who shall be known as a Trier of Appeals for Members. ' § 2. When due notice of appeal has been given to the Superintendent of any District, he shall proceed, with due regard to the wishes and rights of the Appellant, to convene a Court of Appeals, which shall be constituted of such of the Triers of Appeals on his District as he shall summon, the number so summoned by him to be not more than fifteen nor less than nine; but the Trier of Appeals of the Charge to which the accused member belongs shall not be one of the number so summoned. The District Super- intendent shall give not less than ten nor more than thirty days’ notice of the time and place at which the Court of Appeals will assemble, and such notice shall be given to all concerned. The Appellant shall have the right of peremptory challenge; pro- vided, that the Triers of Appeals present and ready to proceed with the hearing shall not fall below seven, which number shall constitute a quorum. The District Superintendent shall preside. bay Al q 307 GENERAL DIRECTIONS § 3. Said Court of Appeals shall be competent. to hear appeals which may be presented to it from jany Pastoral Charge on the District, due notice having been given to all concerned. § 4. If the District Superintendent shall find the convening of such a Court to be impracticable, or seriously inconvenient to the parties involved, with due regard to the rights and wishes of the Appellant, he shall have the appeal heard by a Quarterly Con- ference within his District; in which case no one who was in any way connected with the trial shall sit as a member of the Quarterly Conference, to hear the appeal. 7307. Any member of the Church against whom judgment is rendered by a Committee on Trial may appeal from: such judgment to the Court of Appeals for Members as hereinbefore constituted, by giving written notice of his intention to the Preacher in Charge and to the District Superintendent within thirty days after said judgment is rendered. COE AEE HAO ET GENERAL DIRECTIONS I. Testimony and Notice 7308, § 1. The testimony of a witness who is not a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church shall not be rejected on that account. § 2. The testimony of an absent witness may be taken before the Preacher in Charge where such wit- ness resides, or before a Preacher appointed by the District Superintendent of the District within which af 222 GENERAL) DIRECTIONS 41309» such witness resides; »—provided, that sufficient; notice of the time and place of) taking such testimony shall have’ been given to the adverse party. § 3. If in any case the accused person, after due notice has been given him, ‘shall refuse -or, neglect. to appear at the time and place set for a hearing, the investigation or trial may proceed in. his absence. il. Records 7309, § 1. In all investigations or trials the rec- ords should be accurate and full; they shall include the proceedings in detail and all the documents ad- mitted, together with the charges, specifications, and findings, and shall be approved and attested by the President and Secretary. In all investigations the Presiding Officer shall appoint a Secretary to keep a record of the proceedings and documents, of which records, when properly attested, the: said Presiding Officer shall be the custodiam, ‘The custodian. shall deliver the entire record to the President or Secretary of the Conference or Committee to which the case shall go for final disposition. § 2. In the trial of a member -of the Chiral the Preacher in Charge shall’appoint the: Seeretary, and the said Preacher in Charge shall be the custodian of the records, when properly attested. If no appeal be taken, he shall’ deliver the records to the Recording Steward for preservation. If an appeal be taken; he shall deliver the records to the President of ‘the proper Appellate Court, and after they have been used in this Court they shall be returned by the Secretary to the Recording Steward of the’ Charge from which they came. 220 q 310 GENERAL DIRECTIONS § 3. The Secretaries of Quarterly, District, and An- nual Conferences and of the General Conference shall be the custodians of the records, which in all cases shall be made by them or their Assistants, of all trials occurring in their bodies respectively; and in case of appeal, they shall deliver said records to the - President or Secretary of the proper Appellate Court. After the said appeal has been heard, the records shall be returned to the Secretary of the Conference from which they came. Ill. Counsel 7310. In all cases of investigation or trial where — counsel has not been provided for either the Church or the accused, such counsel shall be appointed as follows: $1. In the investigation of a Bishop or of a Mis- sionary Bishop, counsel shall be appointed by the officer presiding; and in case of a trial, counsel shall be appointed by the General Conference. Such counsel shall be either Ministers or members in good stand- ing in the Methodist Episcopal Church. § 2. In the investigation of a Member of an Annual Conference, counsel shall be appointed by the Dis- trict Superintendent; and in case of trial the appoint- ment shall be by the Annual Conference. In either case such counsel shall be Members of an Annual Conference. § 3. In all other cases, counsel shall be appointed by the Presiding Officer and shall be Ministers or members in good standing in the Methodist Episcopal Church. 224 GENERAL DIRECTIONS { 312 IV. Charges 4311, §1. In no case shall charges or testimony be held as privileged so as to protect the aecuser from. the consequences of false and malicious prosecution; and both Ministers and Members should be warned. against making hasty or insufficiently supported. charges. § 2. Amendments may be made to a bill of charges up to the time of the opening of the trial, at the dis- eretion of the Presiding Officer, provided they relate to the form of statement only and do not change the nature of the alleged offense and do not introduce new matter of which the accused has not had due notice. § 3. Amendments to charges against Members of an Annual Conference shall be presented in the Con- ference and ruled upon by the Bishop presiding be- fore the case is committed to the Select Number for trial. § 4, A charge of slander shall not be entertained unless signed by the person alleged to have been. slandered. V. Trials 4312, §1. In all cases of investigation or trial the required notification to persons accused and to such witnesses as either party may name shall be in writ- ing, and shall issue in the name of. the Church and be signed by the President or the last appointed Sec- retary of the tribunal which is to investigate or try the case. Said notification shall be delivered person- ally or sent by registered mail to the last known. post-office address of the person to be notified. 225 { 313 GENERAL DIRECTIONS 2. In all cases, sufficient;time shall be allowed for the person to.appear at the. given place and, time, and for the accused to prepare for the investigation or.trial;.and the President of, the, tribunal to investi. gate or try the, case, shall decide what. constitutes “sufficient time.” § 3. In all cases of ravastientinn or Fea both. par- ties shall have the right. of: challenge for. cause, and it shall be the,duty, of, the Presiding Officer to.see, if possible,, that there be, present a: sufficient, numberof properly qualified persons,as. substitutes to, prevent the number from being. reduced below that. required for, the investigation or.trial. ' § 4. In case of investigation, trial, or bergen the Presiding, Officer: shall, not. deliver. a .charge, review- ing or, explaining, the .evidence, or setting forth the merits of.the case; but he,shall remain and preside until the, judgment, is expressed, the findings com- pleted, and the record signed; but without expressing any opinion on the law or.facts unless. the parties. in interest be called in. VI. Appeals 313, §1. An appeal shall not be allowed in any case in which the accused‘has failed or refused to be present in) person. or, by: counsel at ;his! trial; But appeals, regularly taken, shall. be: heard by the proper Appellate Court unless it: shall: appear to.the, said Court ‘that’ the Appellant -bas, forfeited his right. to appeal by misconduct, such as refusal to abide, by the finding of the Trial Court, withdrawal: from,,the Church, or failure to appear. in person or by. counsel to’ prosecute -the appeal. § 2. The ‘right. of appeal Ba Hp once, forfeited by 226 GENERAL DIRECTIONS { 313 neglect or otherwise cannot be revived by any sub- sequent Appellate Court. § 8. The right to take and jto prosecute an appeal shall not be affected by the death of the person en- titled to such right. His heirs or legal representa- tives may prosecute such appeal as he would be en- titled to do if he were living. § 4. In no case shall an appeal yen as a suspen- sion of sentence. The finding of the Trial Court must stand until it is modified or reversed by the proper Appellate Court. § 5. The records and documents of the. trial, and these only, shall be used as evidence in the hearing of any appeal. § 6. In all cases where an aenl is made, and admitted by the Appellate Court, after the charges, findings, and evidence have been read and the argu- ments coneluded, the parties shall withdraw, and the Appellate Court shall consider and decide the case. It may reverse, in whole or in part, the findings of the Trial Court, or it may remand the case for a new trial. It may determine what penalty, not higher than that affixed at the trial, shall be imposed. If it neither reverse, in whole or in part, the judgment of the Trial Court, nor remand the case for a. new trial, nor modify the penalty, that. judgment shall stand. But the Appellate Court. shall not reverse the judgment, nor remand the case for a new trial, on account of errors plainly not affecting the result. § 7. In all cases the right of appeal shall be ex- hausted when the case has. been heard, once on its merits in the proper Appellate Court; but Questions of Law may be carried on appeal, step by step, to the General Conference. 227 rows (hc! GENERAL DIRECTIONS § 8. If in any case of appeal of a Member of an An- nual Conference, of a Bishop, or of a Missionary Bishop, the Appellate Court is convinced that new evidence has been discovered material to the issue, it may remand the case for a new trial. § 9. If, within sixty days after the conviction of a member of the Church, he shall make application in writing to the Preacher in Charge for a new trial on the ground of newly discovered evidence, and submit therewith a written statement of the same, and if it shall appear to the Preacher in Charge that such evidence is material to the issue involved, he shall grant a new trial. § 10. In no case shall a new trial be granted upon newly discovered evidence which could have been obtained for the trial in the exercise of due diligence, or which is merely cumulative in its effect. § 11. In all cases of appeal the Appellant, at the time he gives notice of his appeal, shall furnish to the officer receiving such notice, and to the counsel for the Church, a written statement of the grounds of his appeal; and the hearing in the Appellate Court shall be limited to the grounds set forth in such statement. §12. When any Appellate Court shall reverse, in whole or in part, the findings of a Trial Court, or remand the case for a new trial, or change the penalty imposed by that court, it shall return to the Annual Conference or to the secretary of the Trial Court a statement of the grounds of its action. ‘§13. The order of appeals on Questions of Law shall be as follows: From the decision of the Preacher in Charge to the District Superintendent presiding in the Quarterly or District Conference; from the 228 GENERAL DIRECTIONS { 313 decision of the District Superintendent to the Bishop _ presiding in the Annual Conference; and from the decision of the Bishop to the Judicial Conference, in case of appeal; otherwise to the General Conference. §14. When an appeal is taken on a Question of Law, written notice of the same shall be served on the Secretary of the body in which the decision has been rendered, whose duty it shall be to see that an exact statement of the question submitted and the ruling of the Chair thereon be entered on the Journal. He shall then make and certify a copy of the said ques- tion and ruling and transmit the same to the Sec- retary of the body to which the appeal goes. The Secretary who thus receives said certified copy shall present the same in open Conference and as soon as practicable lay it before the Presiding Officer for his ruling thereon; which ruling must be rendered be- fore the final adjournment of that body, that said ruling together with the original question and ruling may be entered on the Journal of that Conference. The same course shall be followed in all subsequent appeals. 229 | . 4 ir -aodeitt lk 93 aN Gabi _ odh mon, jeonerginoh, .guaga ont, mi a ono TSO, ipioihyt aot ot qodath eds 99me 1a so) Isioms}) od} of oelwtedios] 3 Bo to, 90950. 8 no aes .2b, oacasgll nodW sta odd to, howrga ad lisde onapa oul}, 10 99}Jonn rasiiaw HbeL noed, aad. Molatoob olft, Hokey andy had edt, tors | _fowxe. 0%, tadt, 9a. ot. od digdey HORA PA aie aallaes, oult . bare hosiiendua, aolieeup, ods i . oH ismayol od} mo bersigs ed ngoredh, sted). ads 30 29UB Ding.ods to yqoa 6 ytitnes bas onset Hoi sede 29R attiagt “png. .adt, dimenst, bas. golly b okt) , 890% igaqan adit doidw ot ybod ont a sda yqoo, hefjitoo bina, eovigogy, apd, ody ituateie2 28, 003 a8 .bag.sogorsigqe) aego at OLiBe adds Sapory Aid, 10% 1g9MQ. zatbigorD edt, oxoted, sh “¥SLoldsokionr¢ “od, bored ser, od dauce. getters doidive. ‘feat pails bisa, ted jbod .isdt> to, dnomeeasotbe,, de sailor, bag, soligoup, lesttgicto OAL ASTD ine aocggrohi1oD), Aga}, to Iagivol.odi we /betsige Groen toad, te si pinuish ad Thc comnen emptied?’ fe pwn lh” gard thie ie uring in the ho uetiteblgoqgn Yh nathan te bhi ids “wehbe gb eh: : delueihcam dele Ke Ne ae 8 ee oe hie: any Appoiate Court Meat ithe a ge sa “hart, cat “4 fitdins a of ae Bi mc r A py Manieier tay Se Sic) ine ay ae ofa Vnpemed by that ode, th eae Cae veine “ape te oul ‘ciate dd yy ob shine ia He Reo ey of saa re *, ey a eee oF fe | a np peal! 8 Oe Quett dng? Hee by at Awa Ep oek Phe deelvign Be hee Mite nese iti: Aa vet Pg te sears ote hie Khe Cee taehy: ar if Mi bite ping miiieaete . & ty) eh 4 w) ‘ ; rae So) , 'p Wee Mar 7 ae y P is hls - Mes h a tate nee gaa ‘PART VI TEMPORAL ECONOMY I. MINISTERIAL SUPPORT Il. CHURCH PROPERTY Ill. LADIES’ AID SOCIETIES CHAPTER I MINISTERIAL SUPPORT I. Stewards 1314. There shall be not less than three nor more than thirty-one Stewards in each Circuit or Station, except that in Circuits or Stations of over five hun- dred members, there may be added one Steward for each additional one hundred members. After each annual election one of the Stewards shall be elected by the Quarterly Conference Recording Steward, one District Steward, one Reserve District Steward, and one Communion Steward, for each appointment. But when two or more Pastoral Charges shall be united the Stewards of the Several Pastoral Charges shall hold office until the newly created Quarterly Confer- ence shall elect. 41315. Let the Stewards be persons of solid piety who are members of the Church in the Pastoral Charge, who both know and love Methodist Doctrine and Discipline, and are of good natural and acquired abilities to transact the temporal business of the Church. 9/316. The Pastor shall have the right to nominate the Stewards, but the Quarterly Conference shall con- firm or reject such nominations. The Stewards elected at the Fourth Quarterly Conference unless otherwise provided by direct action of that Confer- ence, shall enter upon the discharge of their duties on the adjournment of the next Annual Conference, 233 4 qh? MINISTERIAL SUPPORT and shall hold office for one year, or until their suc- cessors are elected. {| 317. The duties of Stewards are: To take an exact account of all the money or other resources re- ceived for the support of the Ministers in the Charge, and to apply the same as the Discipline directs; to make an accurate return .of every expenditure of money,» whether for the Ministers or the poor mem- bers of the Church; to seek the needy and distressed in, relieve and comfort them; to inform the Ministers of any sick or disorderly persons; to’ tell the Ministers what they think wrong: in them; to attend the Quarterly Meetings, the’ Official) Board Meetings, and the Leaders and Stewards’ Meetings of the Charge; to give advice, if asked, in planning the Circuit; to attend committees for the application of money to Churches; to give counsel’ in matters of arbitration; to provide’ the elements for the Lord’s Supper; to write circular letters to the Societies in the Pastoral Charge, exhorting them to greater liber- ality, if need be, and urging systematic giving’ in accordance with Special Advice VII, and also ‘to ‘let them know, when occasion: requires; the state’ of ‘the temporal concerns of the Charge. | 318. Stewards, are» accountable for ‘the faithful performance of) their, duties to the Quarterly Con- ference of the Charge, which shall have power. to dis- miss or, change them at eh came II. Ministerial, Support Notzs.—See also: 9 111 and) 112. 319. The) Quarterly Conference ‘of any’ Charge may .organize and ’continue ‘during its’ pleasure an’ 234 MINISTERIAL SUPPORT 4. 320 Official Board, to be composed of all the Members of the Quarterly Conference. In the case of circuits. the Quarterly Conference may organize, and continue during its pleasure, Official Boards for the sev- eral appointments of the Charge, such Official Boards to be composed of the Members of the Quar- terly Conference attached to the respective appoint- ments. ~§ 320. The ‘Official Board shall hold its meetings. monthly on a stated day. The Pastor shall be the President of the Official Board, and shall preside over its meetings, or, in his absence a Vice-Chairman regularly elected shall preside. There shall also be chosen a Secretary, a Financial: Secretary, and two Treasurers, one for the local budget and one for the Benevolence budget. When so organized the Official Board may discharge the duties of the Leaders and Stewards’ Meeting. When: such action is taken it shall void such provisions of the Discipline, under “Ministerial Support,’ as relate to the financial duties of the Stewards. {{ 317, 328. The duties of the Secretary are to make a record of the proceed- ings of the Official Board and after examination by Committee on Church Records, send the same to the fourth Quarterly Conference for approval. The duties of the Financial Secretary are to receive all moneys coming to the church, keep an account with each individual subscriber, and promptly turn over said moneys to the respective Treasurers and report to each monthly meeting. The duties of the Treasurer of the local budget are to receive from the Financial Secretary all moneys received for the local budget, and disburse the same as ordered by the Official Board or Quarterly Conference and report to each 235 7 321 MINISTERIAL SUPPORT monthly meeting. The duties of the Treasurer of Benevolences are to receive from the Financial Secre- | tary all moneys intended for Benevolences and dis- burse them as follows: (a) Benevolences ordered by the General Confer- ence shall be forwarded monthly to the Treasurer of the World Service Commission. ({ 545.) (b) Benevolences ordered by the Annual Confer- ence shall be forwarded as directed by the Annual Conference. (ce) Other benevolences and special collections as ordered by the Quarterly Conference or Official Board. He shall keep a true record and report monthly to the Official Board or Quarterly Conference. § 321. The Official Board or, where no such Board is organized, the Quarterly Conference shall further organize by the selection, with the consent of the Pas- tor, of committees for the care of Church property, finance, music, and such other committees as may be thought necessary. The Finance Committee shall consist of not less than three nor more than seven members, whose duty it shall be before the close of the fiscal year to prepare an estimate of the current expenses and benevolences for the ensuing year. This estimate shall include the amount necessary for min- isterial support, namely:—for Pastor’s salary and house rent, District Superintendent, Bishops, and Conference Claimants. Also the amount deemed neces- sary for current expenses, such as interest on in- debtedness, heat and light, music, insurance, repairs and supplies, telephone, printing and postage, janitor service, and miscellaneous items. Also for Benevo- lences as apportioned to each Charge by the World Service Commission. This budget of Benevolences 236 q 324 MINISTERIAL SUPPORT | 323 and Current Expenses shall be presented at a special meeting called to hear the report, or at the last monthly meeting of the fiscal year. | 322. When approved by the Official Board, or Quarterly Conference, immediate steps shall be taken by a personal canvass of the entire membership of the Church and congregation to secure pledges to meet these by weekly payments, so that the result may be known on the last Sunday of the fiscal year, and payment of these pledges begin on the first Sunday of the new fiscal year. III. Support of Pastors 323, § 1. It shall be the duty of the Quarterly Conference of each Pastoral Charge at the session immediately preceding the Annual Conference, to determine the minimum amount the charge shall pay for pastoral support for the ensuing year. To this end the Committee on Estimating Pastoral Support, after conferring with the Pastor, shall report the amount of the support agreed upon for the ensuing year to the Quarterly Conference, to the action of which the report shall be subject. To the amount thus determined upon shall be added the amount ap- portioned for the support of Conference Claimants, Bishops, and District Superintendent; and, when the method prescribed in §{ 319-322 is not in force, the Stewards shall provide for the raising of the sum thus required. In case it may seem desirable to increase the estimate, the Committee, after con- ferring with the Pastor, shall report the amount of the support agreed upon for that year to the First 237 ‘327 MINISTERIAL SUPPORT Quarterly Conference, to the action of which the report shall be subject. § 2. The Traveling and) Moving Expenses of the Ministers shall not be included in the estimate, but shall be paid by the Stewards as a separate item. 4] 324. It shall be the duty of each Annual Confer- ence, whenever practicable, to organize Conference Sustentation Fund Societies to supplement the inade- quate ministerial support in those Pastoral Charges which are unable to furnish a sufficient support. 4 325. Should the people among whom a Member of an Annual Conferenee has labored fail to pay him his allowance, he may present a claim for the same to the Conference, and the Conference may authorize the Conference Stewards to pay a part or all of said claim out of funds at its disposal for such purpose, and shall include in its report the name of the Pastoral Charge with the amount paid. In no case, however, shall the Church or the Conference be held accountable for a final deficiency. IV. District Stewards and Support of District Superintendents 4 326. The duties of District Stewards are: To attend the annual. District Stewards’ Meeting when called by the District Superintendent, to cooperate with the District Superintendent in carrying out uniformly in the District the Disciplinary plans for Ministerial Support, and to perform the duties speci- fied in. 9f, 327, 328. PLAN 1 § 327. There shall be held annually, in every Dis- trict, a meeting of the District Stewards ({ 326), 238 MINISTERIAL Suppor { 328 ‘whose duty it shall be, with the advice of the District ‘Superintendent presiding in such District Stewards’ Meeting, to make an estimate of the amount neces- sary to furnish a comfortable support for the District Superintendent; and to apportion the same, including House Rent and Traveling Expenses; and also the claims for the support of the Bishops as apportioned to the District by the Annual Conference, among the Pastoral Charges in the District, according to their several ability. For apportionment for Conference Claimants, see { 337. In all cases the District Super- intendent shall share with’ the Pastors in his Dis- trict in proportion to what they have respectively received. The District Stewards shall determine a date within each quarter of the Conference year to be known as Settlement Day; on which date the Pastors, District Superintendents, Conference Claimants, and Episcopal Claims shall be paid, if not previously paid at the time of the Quarterly Conference, said date to be not later than the middle of the quarter. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer of the Fund for Min- isterial Support on each Charge to make remittance on said date by mail or otherwise to the District Su- perintendent of the pro rata amount due him. The minutes of the District Stewards’ Meeting shall be kept by a Secretary chosen for the purpose, who shall also record the same in a book of which the District Superintendent shall be the custodian. PLAN. 2.—ALTERNATIVE 7328, § 1. Any Annual Conference desiring to do so may by a majority vote, instead of the above, adopt the following plan: § 2. There shall be organized in the Conference a 239 { 328 MINISTERIAL SUPPORT Commission on Finance to consist of the several Se ane District Superintendents, together with one Minister and two laymen from each District. § 3. The commission shall organize by electing its own officers. These shall be a President, Secretary, and Treasurer. There may be a Treasurer in each District to hold and distribute the funds of that District. § 4, It shall be the duty of the Commission on Finance of the Annual Conference to make an esti- © mate of the amount necessary to furnish a sufficient and equitable support for the District Superintend- ent of each District in the Conference. § 5. The several District Superintendents shall be authorized to draw on the Treasurer of the commis- © sion for their salaries monthly, according to the credits of their Districts in the treasury, or each on the Treasurer of his own District, as the commission may determine. § 6. The Conference Commission on Finance shall : apportion the sum required to be raised for this pur- pose among the Charges on such basis as the Con- ference may direct. The Commission shall also ap- portion to the Charges, on the same basis, the amount assigned the District for the Support of the Bishops. For apportionment for Conference Claimants see ine HG § 7. The amount apportioned to each Pastoral Charge for the support of District Superintendents shall be a pro rata claim with that of the Bishops, Pastor, and Conference Claimants. Conference Claim- ants, Bishops, and Pastor shall be entitled to their claims only to the extent to which the claim of the District Superintendent is also met by the Charge. § 8. It shall be the duty of the District Stewards to 240 MINISTERIAL SUPPORT q 331 see that the fund for the support of the District Superintendents be raised and forwarded monthly to the Treasurer of the Commission on Finance of the Conference, or to the Treasurer of the District Super- intendents’ Fund for the District. V. Support of Bishops 7329, §1. It shall be the duty of the Book Com- mittee to make an estimate of the amount necessary to furnish a competent support for each Effective Bishop, considering the number and condition of his family. § 2. It shall be the duty of the Book Committee, in fixing the allowance of Retired Bishops and of the widows of Bishops and minor or helpless children of deceased Bishops, to inquire carefully into the financial condition of each and to fix the allowance in every case at such a sum as may be required for a comfortable support; provided, that the amount so fixed for a Retired Bishop shall not exceed one-half the amount allowed for the support of effective Bish- ops, excluding house rent and clerical assistance. 4330. The Bishops are authorized to draw on the Treasurer of the Episcopal Fund for the amounts allowed to them, inclusive of properly audited ac- counts for official travel, clerical assistance, and house rent or maintenance, as authorized by the Book Com- mittee. 97331. The Book Committee shall apportion the ageregate sum required to be raised for these pur- poses among the Annual Conferences, on the basis of the total amount raised in the respective Annual Conferences for Pastoral Support including rental 241 q.332 MINISTERIAL SUPPORT value of the parsonages, but exclusive of Missionary appropriations, and the Annual Conferences’ shall apportion ‘the same to the several Districts, and the District Stewards shall apportion the amount appor- tioned to the District among the several Pastoral Charges. The amount apportioned to each Pastoral Charge for the support of the Bishops shall be a pro rata claim with that of the Pastor, Conference Claimants, and the District Superintendent; and the Pastor, Conference Claimants, and District Super- intendent shall be entitled to their allowances only to the extent to which thé claims of the Bishops are also met by the Charge or District with which such Pastor, Conference Claimants, and District Superin- tendent are connected, in accordance with [¥ 323, 328, § 7. It shall be the duty of the Annual Conferences to see that the amounts apportioned to the different Pastoral Charges for the support of the Bishops be raised and forwarded quarterly, when practicable, to the Treasurer of the Episcopal Fund. 332. The Treasurer of the Episcopal Fund shall be elected quadrennially by the Book Committee; he shall charge the sums paid to the Bishops, and to the widows and minor or helpless children of deceased Bishops, to the Episcopal Fund; and all collections received from the different Charges for the support of the Bishops shall be credited to said fund. The Treasurer shall report annually to the Book Com- mittee and Annual Conferences the amount received from the several Annual Conferences on account of said fund, and also the expenditures made; and shall also make to the General Conference a full and de- tailed exhibit of such receipts and expenditures for the preceding four years. | 242 MINISTERIAL SUPPORT { 334 VI. Support of Conference Claimants 1. CLAIM 333, § 1. The claim to a comfortable support inheres in the Gospel Ministry and rightfully inures to the benefit of the Preacher in the Methodist Epis- copal Church, when he is admitted to membership in an Annual Conference. Such claim is not inval- idated by his being retired, and at his death passes to the dependent members of his family. § 2. Retired Ministers, the widows of deceased Min- isters, during their widowhood, and while they re- ‘main members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and their children under sixteen years of .age, are Conference Claimants and beneficiaries of the moneys as hereinafter provided. 2. PERMANENT ENDOWMENTS 7334, § 1. Moneys for the permanent endowment shall be held by the Board of Pensions and Relief, located at Chicago, Illinois, and shall be administered through its connectional Permanent Fund. The Board of Pensions and Relief shall also administer all gifts and bequests the custody of which is not otherwise designated, the income of which is intended for the use of Conference Claimants. § 2. Moneys contributed to the Board of Pensions and Relief for the Permanent Fund may be sent to the Treasurer of the Board, Chicago, Illinois, who shall issue a voucher. for the same; or they may be paid the Treasurer of the World Service Commission ; or to the Treasurer of the Annual Conference, who shall receipt therefor and forward the amount so re- 1For relief of Retired Local Preachers, see §§ 226, 612; 484, § 4. 243 | 335 _ MINISTERIAL Support ceived to the Treasurer of the Board of Pensions and Relief. 1335. Annual Conferences are authorized to estab- lish and maintain investment Funds: Preachers’ Aid Societies; and organizations and funds of similar character, under such names, plans, rules, and regu- lations as they may determine, the income from which shall be. applied to the support of Conference Claim- ants. It is recommended that each Annual Conference provide an incorporated Board to administer its per- manent funds. 3. ANNIVERSARIES 1 336, § 1. Conference Anniversary. Each Annual Conference shall hold one service during its session, to be known as the Conference Claimants’ Anniver- sary, for the promotion of the interests of Confer- ence Claimants. § 2. Joint Session. The Annual and Lay Electoral Conferences are recommended to hold a Joint Session quadrennially in the interests of Conference Claim- ants, and, jointly, to adopt such measures as shall promote the active cooperation of Preachers and peo- ple in the liberal support of this cause. § 3. Veterans’ Day. Each Congregation shall ob- serve annually one Sunday as. Conference Claimants’ Day. The second Sunday in May shall be so observed, unless another day be substituted by the Annual Conference, and shall be known as “Veterans’ Day.” 4. APPORTIONMENT 1337. The Annual Conference, through its Stew- ards, shall determine the total amount required to pay the annuity and necessitous claims, first comput- ing the amount required for all the Conference Claim- 244 MINISTERIAL SUPPORT { 339 ants, and then subtracting from such amount the income received during the previous year from the Chartered Fund, The Book Concern and the Board of Pensions and Relief and from all other sources for this purpose, except the receipts from the Pastoral Charges. The remainder shall be equitably appor- tioned by the Conference Stewards to the several Pastoral Charges; provided, however, that the amount asked for the necessitous cases shall be subject to the approval of the Annual Conference. 5. ESTIMATING COMMITTEE 4 338. The Quarterly Conference of the Pastoral Charge to which a Conference Claimant is related shall require its Committee on Estimating Minis- terial Support to estimate also the amount necessary to provide a comfortable support for such Confer: ence Claimant, giving full information in case of special need. After this estimate has been considered and approved by the Quarterly Conference, it shall be certified by the president and secretary thereof and sent to the Secretary of the Conference Stewards for their guidance. 6. CONFERENCE STEWARDS 4] 339, § 1. Each Annual Conference shall elect Conference Stewards, who may be either ministers in the effective relation or laymen, arranged in classes so that one third of the Members shall be elected each year. § 2. The Conference Stewards shall ascertain what Claimants are in special need, 7. €., whose needs re- quire more than can be paid to them from the An- nuity Distribution, and, using as a general basis the estimates received from the Quarterly Confer- 245 q 339 MINISTERIAL SUPPORT ences and other available information, shall make an equitable allowance to them, which shall be paid pro rata from moneys available for that purpose. § 3. The Conference Stewards may also consider and act upon any claim which the Quarterly Confer- ence may have overlooked. | § 4. Each Annual Conference shall determine whether or not its Conference Stewards shall make a preliminary report; and, if so, whether or not it shall be read in open Conference, or the action of the Conference Stewards be. final. § 5. An Annual Conference shall have authority to recognize as Claimants the widow and minor children of a former Member by agreement with the Confer- ence of which he was a Member at the time of his death. | § 6. The amount received each year from the Pas- toral Charges shall be divided between the Annuity and Necessitous Distribution in proportion to the amount asked at the previous session of the Annual Conference. § 7. An Annual Conference may authorize its Board of Stewards to pay the annuity claim of its Claimants annually, semi-annually or quarterly. § 8. The Conference Stewards shall forward to the Board of Pensions and Relief a certified copy of their Report, made on blanks furnished by said Board, in which shall be shown the annuities and allowances made to each Conference Claimant, to- gether with additional data for the guidance of the Board of Pensions and Relief in making its appro- priations for Conneéectional Relief and in preparing its 1See Journal, 1924: Report No. 16, Committee on Judiciary; Ruling 49. ’ 246 MINISTERIAL SUPPORT {341 Annual Report; and. certifying to the total annuity years of the several, Conferences, for the guidance of the Book Committee-({ 393). & 7. METHODS oF DISTRIBUTION -§ 340, § 1. There are three methods for the dis- tribution of moneys raised for the support of Con- ference Claimants, viz.: ! 1. The Annuity Distribution to Conference Claim- ants, by, Annual Conferences. »§) 341. 2, The Necessitows. .Distribution to Conference Claimants, by Annual Conferences. { 343. 8. The Connectional Relief Distribution to Annual Conferences, by. the Board: of Pensions and Relief. q{ 344, 481-482. § 2.. Moneys for the above mentioned purposes shall be derived: from; public collections, private gifts, be- quests, and other sources; and that the Church may effectually meet the sacred obligation to provide a comfortable ‘support for Conference Claimants, the rules and regulations for obtaining and administer- ing, the funds established for. such purpose shall be observed by all: Pastors, District Superintendents, and Bishops, and by all Pastoral Charges, Quarterly, Dis- trict, and Annual Conferences. 1. The Annual Conference Annuity Distribution 341. The Annual Conference Annuity Distribu- tion shall be» made to Conference Claimants by the Conference Stewards pep ond ite to the nepiericte reg- ulations: »§.1. Retired Ministers are entitled to annuities for their years of service in the effective relation’ in the Methodist. Episcopal: :Church,: provided ‘they have 247 q{ 341 MINISTERIAL SUPPORT reached the age of sixty-five years or more at the time of retirement, or have been retired because of disability. Ministers who have been or may be re- tired for any reason other than these, may be granted relief from the funds for Necessitous Distribution, but shall have no claim on the funds for Annuity Distribution. § 2. The annuity claim of a Retired Minister shall be not less than one seventieth (1/70) of the average salary, house rent excluded, of the effective mem- bers of his Conference who are Pastors or District Superintendents, multiplied by the number of his years of service in the effective relation, including two years on trial, as a member of an Annual Con- ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in a pastorate or district superintendency or under ap- pointment to an institution or organization under the control of, or under the auspices of, the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, excepting those institutions or organizations providing an annuity for years of service in them. This section shall not apply ad- versely to years of service rendered prior to the day of adjournment of the General Conference of 1924. § 3. The annuity claim of a widow shall be de- termined by the number of years during which she was the wife of a Preacher while he was in the effec- tive relation, as a Member of an Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, including two years on trial, regardless of any intervening period of widowhood, and shall be three fourths of the an- nuity claim of a Retired Minister for such term of years. The annuity claim of a widow shall take effect upon her husband’s death. § 4. Each widow claimant, unless asking through 248 MINISTERIAL SUPPORT { 341 a Quarterly Conference for relief from the funds for necessitous distribution, shall forward annually to the Board of Conference Stewards a certificate from the Pastor of the charge where she holds her mem- bership, stating that she is not remarried and is 3 member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. A certif- icate shall be furnished annually for each dependent orphan, showing a valid right to the claim, and if between sixteen and eighteen years of age and attend- ing school or college, an additional certificate from the Principal of such school showing enrollment and regular attendance. § 5. The term of a father’s effective service shall determine the annuity claim of his child, which shall be one fourth of the claim of a Retired Minister, for such term. In case a dependent child is con- tinued in school or college, the age limit may be in- creased from sixteen to eighteen years. This provi- sion shall apply to a child legally adopted by a mem- ber of an Annual Conference: The annuity claim of a dependent child of a minister shall take effect upon the death of the father. § 6. The minimum annuity rate shall be deter- mined for an Annual Conference on the basis of the ministerial support of the year during which the General Conference is held and shall be the minimum annuity rate for the succeeding four years. § 7. Whenever a Conference Claimant shall be in debt to The Book Concern, the Conference shall have power to appropriate the amount of the annuity claim, or any part thereof, to the payment of such debt. § 8. For a year at a time and without prejudice to 1 This provision is not to be construed to mean a child adopted after the time of retirement. See Journal, May 27, 1924. 249 7 842 MINISTERIAL» SUPPORT their rights, Conference Claimants’ may voluntarily relinquish their claims. 9 § 9. On recommendation: of the Conference Stew- ards the: claim may be disallowed by action of the Annual Conference, taken after opportunity to be heard has been given. When a claim has been’ dis- allowed it can be reconsidered at any subsequent Con- ference session, but only upon recommendation of the Conference Board of Stewards. } § 10. Failure in Conference: Studies may invali- date claim. See { 617, § 4. | 342. Moneys designated for Annuity. Distribu- tion shall be distributed on the basis of service, and shall consist of: | § 1. The dividends of The Book Concern and the Chartered Fund. § 2. The income from any investments made by the Annual Conference for Annuity Distribution and held in trust for this purpose. § 3. Such gifts and bequests as are made for An- nuity Distribution. § 4. Such proportion of the money received from the Pastoral Charges for Conference Claimants as is for Annuity Distribution. 2. The Annual Conference Necessitous Distribution | 343. Moneys: designated for Necessitous Distri- bution shall be distributed by the Conference Stew- ards on the basis of special need and shall consist of: § 1. The annual. appropriation for Connectional Relief paid to the Annual Conference by the Board of Pensions and Relief. § 2. Such proportion of the money received from 250 MINISTERIAL, SUPPORT q 344 the Pastoral Charges as is for Necessitous Distri- bution. § 3. The income from such gifts and bequests as are made for necessitous distribution. § 4. Gifts and bequests. made for immediate dis- tribution. § 5. Income arising from investments made by Relief and Aid Societies of Annual Conference, if so determined by them. 3. Connectional Relief Distribution — 4 344. (a) For the Connectional Relief Distribu- tion to Annual Conferences by the Board of Pen- sions and Relief; see {| 487-488. (b) For the relief of ‘Supply Pastors, see § 484, § 4, (c) In order to equalize among the several Annual Conferences the Claims for annuities paid by them for years of service rendered in other Conferences than their own, there shall be created an Equaliza- tion Fund, the receipts from which shall be distrib- uted’ among the several Conferences in proportion to their liability for the years of service of their Retired Ministers rendered in other Conferences than their own. Such equalization fund shall become a part of the connectional apportionment of the Board of Pensions and Relief, and shall be distributed directly to the Annual Conferences in proportion to their several liabilities for such years of service; provided that the rate paid to an Annual Conference shall in no case exceed the rate paid by such Confer- ence to its Conference Claimants. The Board. of Pensions and Relief shall determine the processes by which this legislation shall be put into operation. 251 { 345 CHURCH PROPERTY CHAPTER II CHURCH PROPERTY I. Trustees—Appointment and Duties ] 345. Each Board of Trustees of our Church property shall consist of not less than three nor more than nine persons, each of whom shall be not less than twenty-one years of age, and two thirds of whom shall be members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. {| 346. In all cases where the law of the State or Territory or Country fixes the mode of election, quali- fications of voters and trustees, or any other matters pertaining to their election, let its requirements be carefully observed. 4 347. In all other cases the Trustees may be elected by ballot by members of the Church not less than twenty-one years of age, at a meeting called for that purpose at a date near to and not later than the fourth Quarterly Conference. Ten or more members of the required age must unite in a written request for such meeting, and shall present it to the Pastor, Nore.—Wherever the general State law does not meet the needs of our Church administration, the Annual Conference, through its Board of Trustees, or otherwise, is authorized to seek such enactments as will recognize the authority of oureChurch laws wherever they may not conflict with the Constitution of such State. 252 CHuRCH PROPERTY {| 350 or, if there be no Pastor, to the District Superintend- ent, who shall thereupon fix the date and place of the election, and notice thereof shall be given pub- licly from the pulpit for two Sundays prior to the date fixed. q 348. But in Churches which do not come under the provisions of § 347, and when no such written request shall have been made by the members, the Trustees shall be elected annually by the fourth Quarterly Conference of the Charge. One third of the Trustees may be elected each year to serve for three years. In case of failure to elect at the proper time a subsequent Quarterly Conference may elect. Trustees shall hold their office until the close of the Quarterly Conference at which their successors shall have been elected. 4 349, § 1. All the foregoing provisions shall apply both to the creation of new Boards and to the filling of vcancies, whether for houses of worship or for dwellings for the Preachers. § 2. Charters obtained for Church property, in the manner of creating and filling Boards of Trustees, shall conform, to the provisions of this chapter. 4 350. The Board or Boards of Trustees in any Charge shall hold all Church Property, using so much of the proceeds as may be needful to pay debts or to make repairs, and shall be amenable to the Quar- terly Conference. They shall hold all trusts and invest Trust Funds coming under their control, in conformity with the laws of the Country, or State, or Territory, and shall deposit trust funds in savings banks, or invest them only in securities which are lawful for Savings Banks or. Trustees. They shall make to the first Quarterly Conference their annual 253 3851 CHuRCH PROPERTY s report in writing for their last fiseal year, which report should be previously adopted by the Board of Trustees. This report shall. embrace the following items: 1. Number of churches and parsonages. 2: Their probable values. 3. Other real estate and per- sonal property held. 4. Title» by which each piece of real estate is held. 5. Income therefrom and how expended. 6. Receipts from. congregation and how expended. 7. Amount raised during’ the year for building and improving churches and. parsonages. 8. Debts and how contracted. 9. Amount. of. insur- ance on each property and whether restricted by coinsurance or other limiting conditions. 10. Who is custodian of, and where are the legal papers kept? 11. Detailed list of trusts: funds, where invested; incomes, how applied. q 351. Trustees, or other Church Officers, having charge of our Church property shall not prevent or interfere with the legal and proper uses of such prop- erty as intended by the laws and usages of the de- nomination, and they shall not use the property for purposes not in harmony with the law and the inten- tion for which the property was created. They shall not prevent or interfere with the Pastor or other duly authorized Ministers of the denomination in the use of said property for religious services or other proper meetings recognized by the law and usage-of the denomination. Further, no Pastor or other Offi: cer shall abolish or prevent a service in the Church property which has been ordered by, or HOPREHBE to Church law or authority. | 352. In no case shall the Trustees of Church or Parsonage property mortgage or encumber the real estate for the current expenses of the Church. 254 CHURCH: ‘PROPERTY {| 354 I. Conveyance i Church Property , 7 353. Churches may become incorporated in all cases, where the: law of,the land permits, and, deemed that the welfare.of the Churches pro- moted. thereby. The articles. of: incorporation or Charter, shall provide that the corporation. shall sup- port» the doctrine, and shall be subject. to. the law, usages and ministerial appointments of the Methodist Episcopal Church, .as from time; to, time established, made and declared, by the lawful authority of the said Churech....The officers of, the corporation: a Board of Trustees, elected and organized according to the law of, the.Methodist. Episcopal Church, unless otherwise determined by the paramount law of the land.’ The, Charter. shall also provide that: the :cor- poration shall have power to acquire, hold, improve, encumber, exchange, sell and, convey, and dispose of property, both, real and personal, in. fee simple or otherwise. q.354. Property fan Church purposes should.. be acquired and held by an absolute title, in. fee: simple, if possible,' In, the case of incorporated Churches, the conveyance should, be made directly to the corpora- tion: In other cases, the conveyance should be made to Trustees, heirs, and, assigns; or, to Trustees, their successors, and assigns, as the law of the land may require; in either case setting forth the names of the Trustees. . Whether conveyed to: a corporation, or, to trustees, the deed.of,.Conveyance, shall, contain, a trust clause in the following words, or in words to this effect, to wit: “In trust. for the use of the A.B. Meth- odist. Hpiscopal Church [giving the name, of the Church, acquiring, the property, incorporated or ;un- 255 q 355 CHuRCH PROPERTY incorporated, as the case may be]; subject to the doc- trines, law, usages, and ministerial appointments of the Methodist Episcopal Church, as from time to time established, made and declared, by the lawful author- ity of the said Church; and if the said property shall be sold or encumbered, the proceeds of the sale or encumbrance shall be applied to the use aforesaid; subject, however, to the provisions of the law of the Church relating to abandoned Church property; and of that forbidding the mortgaging of reai estate for current expenses.” { 355. Churches, incorporated or not, may encum- ber, sell, and dispose of their real estate for the use aforesaid, when they deem it advantageous; in all cases observing the requirements of the law of the land, and of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In all transactions affecting real estate, Church officers should be careful to obtain and follow the direction of competent advisers, as to the substance, form, execution and recording, of all contracts, deeds, mort- gages and other instruments of writing, involved in the said transactions. | 356, § 1. Wherever it shall be found by any Dis- trict Superintendent that it is impracticable to incor- porate a local Society, or to form a Board of Trus- tees, at places where work should be undertaken and maintained, property acquired for Church or Par- sonage purposes may be deeded to the Annual Con- ference within the bounds of which the property is located, if the laws of the Country, or State, or Terri- tory will permit, in trust for the local Society exist- ing or in contemplation. In similar cases where the law of the Country or State requires Church property te be held by Boards of Trustees, the Board of Trus- 256 CHurcH PROPERTY { 358 ‘tees of the Annual Conference may hold the prop- erty in trust for the local Society until such time as the local Society shall form a Board of Trustees; or until other Disciplinary disposal of the property shall be made. § 2. When a donation is received from the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension in case the property involved is held in trust by the Board of Trustees of the Annual Conference no trust bond and mortgage shall be required by the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension, provided the Board of Trustees of the Annual Conference agrees, with the approval of the Annual Conference, that the property shall not be re-deeded without protecting the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension, and that the annual appropriations to the Conference may be withheld, if need be, for such protection. § 3. For donations in sums not exceeding five hun- dred dollars, the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension is authorized to accept a contract in place of a Trust Bond and Mortgage. III. Building Churches | 357. Let all our Churches be plain and decent, and with free seats wherever practicable; and not more expensive than is absolutely unavoidable. 358. In order more effectually to prevent our people from contracting debts which they are not able to discharge, it shall be the duty of the Quar- terly Conference of every Charge where it is con- tempiated to build a house or houses of worship, to secure the ground or lot on which such house or 257 7 359 CuurcH PROPERTY houses’ are to be built, according to our Deed of Settlement; which Deed must’ be legally executed; and said Quarterly Conference, upon nomination of the Pastor, shall’ appoint a judicious Committee of not less than three nor more than seven members of our Church, who shall form an estimate of the amount necessary to build; and one half of the money required, according to such estimate, shall be secured or subscribed before any such building shall be com- menced. | 359. In all cases where debts for building houses of worship have been, or may be, incurred contrary to, or in disregard of the foregoing recommendation. our members and friends are requested to discoun- tenance such a course by declining to give pecuniary aid to any agents who shall travel beyond their own Circuits or Districts for the collection of funds for the discharge of such debts; except in such peculiar cases aS may be approved by an Annual Conference, or in case of such agents as may be appointed by their authority. IV. Mortgaging and Sale of Church Property 4 360. If the Trustees of Church property, or any of them, have advanced any sum or sums of money, or are responsible for any sum or sums of money, on account of said property, and they, the said Trus- tees, are obliged to pay the said sums of money, they, or a majority of them, shall be authorized to raise the said sum or sums of money, by a mortgage on the said premises, or by selling the said premises, after notice given to the Pastor or Minister of the congre- gation attending divine service on the said premises, 258 CHURCH PROPERTY { 361 if the money due be not paid to the said Trustees, or their successors, within one year after such notice is given. If such mortgaging or sale take place, the said Trustees or their successors, after paying the debts and other expenses which: are due from the money arising from such mortgaging or sale, shall pay the balance, if not needed and applied for the purchase or improvement of other property for the use of the Church, to the Annual Conference within whose bounds such property is located; and in case of a reorganization of said society, and the erection of a new Church building, within five years after such transfer of funds, then the said Annual Confer- ence shall repay the said new corporation the moneys which it has received from the Church or society. | 361. Whenever it shall become necessary for the payment of debts, or with a view to reinvestment, to mortgage or make a sale of Church property: that may have been conveyed to Trustees of the Church corporation for either of the foregoing purposes, said Trustees or their successors, upon application to Quarterly Conference, may obtain an order for the mortgage or sale—a majority of all the members of such Quarterly Conference concurring, and the Pastor and the District Superintendent of the District con- senting—with such limitations and restrictions as said Quarterly Conference may judge necessary; and said Trustees so authorized may mortgage or sell and convey, such property; Provided, that in Countries, States or Territories where the civil or statute law provides any manner of alienation, conveyance, and control of real estate inconsistent with the foregoing, such mortgage, sale, alienation, or control may be effected pursuant to the 259 7 362 CHurcH PROPERTY provisions of the laws of such Country, State or Territory; and Provided, that in all cases the protedas of the mort- gage or sale after the payments of debts, if any, if not applied to the purchase or improvement of other property for the same uses, and deeded to the corpora- tion in the same manner, shall be held by such cor- poration subject to the order of the Annual Confer- ence within the bounds of which such property is located, or of the Trustees of the Conference fund; and Provided, that nothing contained in this or ritive last preceding paragraph shall prevent the establishment and maintenance of an Endowment Fund for the use and benefit of the existing Church Society or Socie- ties, and said fund shall not be subject to the order of the Annual Conference or the Trustees of the Con- ference Fund, except as provided in { 363. | 362. Whenever a local) society in the United States is no longer able to maintain itself without encumbering or making liable its real estate for current expenses, or whenever by reason of the reduc- tion of its membership or the changing character of the community or population which the Church is intended to serve, it shall become desirable or nec- essary to discontinue or abandon such location, it shall be the duty of the Trustees and the members of such local Society, when so authorized and directed by a two-thirds vote of the Annual Conference within ~ the bounds of which it is located, and with the con- | sent of the Resident Bishop and of a majority of the District Superintendents, to sell such property and pay over the proceeds to the said Annual Confer- ence; or at the option of said local convey 260 CHuRCH PROPERTY { 363 such property to the Annual Conference; subject, however, to return in the same manner and upon the same contingencies. as named in § #60. Such disposition of said property or the proceeds of the sale thereof, or the disposition of the proceeds of the sale of any abandoned property coming within the provisions of § 363, may be made by the Annual Conference as in its judgment will best promote the work of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the Con- ference concerned, preferring, if possible, the inter- ests of the community in which, or more nearly to which, the said Church property was originally lo- cated. Provided, the action of the Annual Conference has the approval of the Resident. Bishop and the majority of the District Superintendents, any such property or the proceeds of the sale thereof may be used in the erection or the improvement of other Church property, or may be transferred to a duly organized and incorporated City or Rural Society or to a duly constituted Trustee for such uses. Provided further, that in States; or . Territories where the civil or statute laws provide any manner of alienation, conveyance, and control of real estate, inconsistent with the foregoing, such mortgage, sale, alienation, or control may be effected pursuant to the provisions of the laws of such State or Territory. | 363, § 1. In,all cases where Church property is abandoned, or no longer used for the purpose origi- nally designed, it shall be the duty of the Trustees, if any remain, to sell such property and pay over the proceeds to the Annual Conference within the bounds of which it is located; and where no such lawful Trustees remain, it shall be the duty of said Annual Conference to secure the custody of such Church. 261 { 364 CHurcH PROPERTY property by such means as the laws of the Country or State may afford, subject to return in the same manner and upon the same contingencies as named in §§ 360, 361. § 2. Houses of worship and Parsonages may be removed from one place to another on the same con- ditions as. those on which they may be sold. § 3. When a Church or Society is separated from a Charge owning a. Parsonage, and united with a Charge which does not own a Parsonage, said Church or Society shall be entitled to receive its just share of the value of the Parsonage in which it had invested funds. The equity of said Church shall be determined by a committee of three persons, appointed by the District Superintendent, who shall not be members of either interested Church, and the finding of said com- mittee shall be final. V. Building ae Renting Pasbaniee’ f 364. It is recommended by the General Confer- ence that our Ministers advise our friends in general to purchase a lot of ground in each Charge, to build a Parsonage thereon, and to furnish it with at least heavy furniture. {| 365. The General Conference recommends to each Charge, in case it is not able to comply with the above request, to rent a house for its married Pastor and his family, and that the Annual Conference as- sist in providing the rental of such houses as far as it can; when the Pastoral Charges cannot do it. . 366. Wherever there are two or more Societies on a Pastoral Charge a separate Board of Trustees, consisting of not less than three nor more than nine 262 CHURCH PROPERTY 7 369 persons, shall ,be .elected, by the Societies on said Charge, to. be-the custodians of the Parsonage prop- erty on such Charge. Such Trustees shall have the qualifications required by { 345 of the Discipline. for Trustees of Church property, and shall become bodies corporate wherever practicable under the laws. of the Countries, States and Territories within whose bounds such Parsonage property is located. 4 367. The Stewards: in each Charge. shall. be a standing Committee,, where no Trustees, are consti- tuted for that purpose, to provide houses for the fam- ilies of our married Ministers, or to assist the Minis- ters to obtain houses for themselves, when they are appointed to labor among them. | 368. It shall be the duty of the District Superin- tendents and Ministers to use their influence to carry into effect the above rules, respecting building and renting houses for the accommodation of Ministers and their families. In order to accomplish this, unless other measures be adopted, each Quarterly Conference shall appoint a Committee, which, with the advice and aid of the Ministers and District Superintendents, shall devise such ‘means as may seem wise to raise moneys for that, purpose. And it is recommended to the Annual Conferences to make a special inquiry of their Members respecting this part, of their. duty. VI. Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church 7 369. There shall be an incorporated Board. of Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church, located at Cincinnati, ; composed of twelve members, divided into classes of,three Ministers and three Laymen 263 ¥Y 370 CHURCH PROPERTY each. The term of office shall be eight years. Hach General Conference shall elect one class, and fill vacancies caused by death, resignation, cessation of membership in the Church, or otherwise. Vacancies occurring in the interval of the General Conference shall be filled for the remainder of the quadrennium ‘by the Bishops. {| 370. The Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal ‘Church, located at Cincinnati, Ohio, and incorporated under the laws of the State of Ohio, pursuant to the action of the General Conference, should not be con- founded with local Boards of Trustees of’ Church property referred to in {ff 345-352 of the Discipline, which local Boards have the care only of Church property within the several Pastoral Charges to which they are related, and are amenable to their respective Quarterly Conferences. The Trustees of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church are constituted by the General Conference and made amenable thereto, in order that the Church may have competent representation in legal proceedings and have an authorized body to care for and administer all the ‘property conveyed to it, or committed to it in trust, within the jurisdiction of the Methodist Episcopal Church of the United States of America. 1371. This corporation shall hold in trust, for the benefit of the Methodist Episcopal Church, any and all donations, bequests, gifts, grants, and funds in trust, etc., that. may be given or conveyed directly to the Methodist Episcopal Church or to the Corporation for the Benefit of said Church or for the benefit of Conference Claimants, or for the benefit of any of the benevolent Societies or other Institutions under the patronage or direction of the Church, or for any 264 CuurcH Proprrry | 378 other benevolent purpose that’ the Corporation may judge to be in harmony with the purposes for which it was instituted, and to administer the said funds, and the proceeds of the same, in accordance with the directions of the donoers,-and the»interests of the Church contemplated by said donors; provided; that any sums thus donated or bequeathed, but not espe- cially designated for any benevolent object, shall be added to the “Permanent Funds’; and provided, also, that the Corporation shall not be required to accept any gift, bequest, or trust to which may be attached conditions deemed by the Corporation to be unreason- able or inconsistent ‘with the terms of the trust, or likely to produce’ embarrassment: in administration; and having accepted any gift or bequest: in trust, it shall be responsible only for the careful and econom- ical administration of the same, and shall not be held to account to any beneficiary for either the principal or income therefrom beyond what may be secured by fidelity and diligence. Each trust shall be charged with the expense necessary to its care and admin istration. 372. It shall be the duty of the Pastor within the bounds of whose Charge any donation, bequest, gift, grant, or trust is made directly to the Methodist Episcopal Church, or to this Corporation—the Trus- tees of the Methodist Episcopal Church—to give prompt notice thereof to the said Trustees, in order that they may protect and administer the same with- ‘out delay. 1373. This corporation shall make’ to each Gen- eral Conference a full report in which shall be shown the Funds and Properties held in trust and the re- ceipts and disbursements during the quadrennium. 3265 4 374 CrurcH PROPERTY 1374. There shall be & Fund known as) “The Per- manent Fund;”’» to be! held by the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the: principal of. which shall be intact forever, and which shall be invested by said Trustees on first-class securities, and at: as favorable rates as can be legally secured. 1375. It shall be the duty of all Ministers to ob- tain, as far as practicable, contributions to said Fund, by donations, bequests, and otherwise. 1376. The interest accumulating from said: Fund shall be subject to the order of the General Confer- ence for the following purposes: 1. To pay the ex- penses of the General Conference. 2. To pay the ex- penses of Delegations appointed by the General Con- ference to Corresponding Bodies. 3. To make up any deficiencies in the salaries of the Bishops. 4. To re- lieve the necessities of the Retired Ministers, and of the widows and children of those who have died in the work. VII. Auditing and Bonding 4377. All persons holding trust funds, securities and moneys of any kind, belonging to the General Conference or to an Annual Conference or Mission Conference or to organizations under the Control of an Annual or Mission Conference, shall be bonded in a reliable company in a good and sufficient sum, as the Conference may direct, and the Conference shall pay the expense of said bonding. These accounts shall be audited at least: once a year. 266 Lapras’ Arp Sociertzs 7 378 CHAPTER IIT LADIES’ AID SOCIETIES 1378, § 1. For the promotion of the social and financial interests of the Churches, Ladies’ Aid So- cieties, or Societies of Similar designation and pur- pose, may be organized in the local Charge, which Societies shall be under the control of the Quarterly Conference. § 2. The President of a Ladies’ Aid Society shall be elected by the Society and confirmed by the Quarterly Conference. If a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, she shall then become a Member of the Quar- terly Conference if approved by it for membership therein. It shall be her duty to present to the fourth Quarterly Conference a report of her Society, together with such other information as the Quarterly Confer- ence may require and she may be able to give. § 3. It shall be the duty of the District Superinten- dents when holding District or Quarterly Conferences to inquire into the condition of the Ladies’ Aid Soeie- ties, and to ascertain if they are conducting their affairs in harmony with the purpose and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church. § 4. It shall be the duty of Pastors to organize and maintain Ladies’ Aid Societies, if practicable. 267 Ads pit i te i NES: Pek ld i soo wh LL ; Male: Sali ania ite i sae ‘nia ait fe Har. : ia 7s Tee ee oy Seve er Py OR Ses ET tangs a aaheck ot: the, ih ben ser SBE eg Waa a “ Berra t tse: “urhwelpadastairhiel, ae ae sabi fy HL AGL ERTAD a 1 aieeted ott Ayeanibhs “abtbAE At t fed oC ante ec canto ge aa " re ‘ ut i 4 a (ou H! bee i ml gy it or * ar a ag at ) ys Sov ou Ty ie * é: ‘ ee PART VII INSTITUTIONS, BOARDS, AND SOCIETIES VIL XI. . THE BOOK CONCERN - WORLD SERVICE COMMISSION - BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS - WOMAN’S FOREIGN MISSIONARY = SO- CIETY - BOARD OF HOME MISSIONS AND CHURCH EXTENSION . WOMAN’S HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY BOARD OF EDUCATION 1. Department of Schools and Colleges 2. Department of. Education for. Negroes 3. Department of ‘Church Schools 4. Department of Epworth League - BOARD OF PENSIONS AND RELIEF - AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY - BOARD OF TEMPERANCE, PROHIBITION, AND PUBLIC MORALS - BOARD OF HOSPITALS AND HOMES AND DEACONESS WORK 1. Department of Deaconess Work 2. Department of Hospitals and Homes CHARTERED FUND CHAPTER I THE BOOK CONCERN s The Methodist:Book Concern 1379, § 1. The Methodist Book Concern comprises the publishing interests. of the Methodist Episcopal Church, as set forth in the Discipline and in its articles of incorporation, under the corporate name, The Methodist. Book, Concern, and. consists of the publishing houses located in. New York City and in Cincinnati,,.Ohio, respectively; the Depositories connected therewith; the books, periodicals, and publications of the Church; and such. other prop- erty, equipment, and appliances for their production, sale, and distribution, as the General Conference. or the Book Committee from. time to time may authorize and. direct. § 2. The, objects and 1 purposes faa Saiall The Meth- odist Book Concern was established and is carried on are: the: promotion |of Christian education; , the dissemination of moral and religious literature; .the spread of Christianity by the publication, sale, and distribution of moral and religious literature; the transaction of such other business as is properly con- nected with book-publishing, book-making, and book- Selling; the produce of the same to. be applied for the benefit. of) the Traveling, Supernumerary, and Retired Preachers, their wives, widows, and children, 271 { 380 THE Book CONCERN in accordance with the Constitution and rene ot of the Church. II. Book Committee 7380, § 1. Beginning with A.-D., 1924, the General Conference shail elect quadrennially a Book Commit- tee consisting of one member from each of the Epis- copal Areas in the United States into which the An- nual Conferences are distributed, and eleven mem- bers of the Executive Committee as provided for in § 2 hereof. The Publishing Agents shall be ex officio members but without vote. The Areas ‘shall be arranged alphabetically and numbered: from one to twenty-one. The members of the Book Committee elected from the Areas designated by odd numbers shall be elected for a term of eight years, and those from the Areas designated by even numbers for a term of four years; and hereafter each General Con- ference shall elect for a term of eight years. one member from each Area in the United States, who shall be nominated by the delegations representing that Area, to take the place of the member whose term is then expiring, or to fill any vacancy in the Committee for the unexpired term; provided: that ‘in any such case the person elected to fill such vacancy in an Area membership shall be from the Annual Conference to which the retiring member belonged, or within the bounds of which he resided. Any vacancy occurring in the Area membership of the Book Committee by a member’s’ removal from the Area from which he was elected; or by any other cause whatsoever shall be filled by the Book: Com- 272 THE Book CoNcERN {| 380 mittee until the next session of the General Confer- ence. Provided, however, that the present General Conference District Members of the Book Committee whose terms do not expire until 1928 shall, without further nomination and election, continue in office until the General Conference of 1928 and shall repre- sent the respective Areas to which’ they now belong. § 2. Beginning with 1924 the Executive Committee shall consist of eleven members. The General Con- ference shall elect five members of the Executive Committee from New York City and the territory contiguous thereto, three of whom shall serve for four years and two for eight years; and three mem- bers from Cincinnati and the territory contiguous thereto, two of whom shall serve for four years and one for eight years; and three members from Chicago and the territory contiguous thereto, two of whom shall serve: for eight years and one for four years; one at least of each group shall be a Minister. Each General Conference after 1924 shall elect for eight years, members from the respective territories to take the places of those whose terms shall have expired, and shall fill for the unexpired term any vacancy by the election of a member from the terri- tory in which the vacancy occurs. The Standing Committee on Book Concern shall nominate the eleven members of the Executive Committee. Any vacancy occurring in the membership of the Executive Com- mittee shall be filled by the Book Committee until the next’ session of the General Conference; provid- ing, however, that the present members of the Local Committees whose terms do not expire until 1928, shall without further nomination and election con- 273 7/381 THE Book ConcERN tinue in office and as members of the Executive’ Com-: mittee until the General Conference of 1928. The Chairman of the Book:Committee shall be ‘ex officio a member of the Executive’ Committee, ‘with voice and vote in all of its proceedings. The Publishing: Agents shall be ex officio members. of the Executive Committee, but without vote. 7381, § 1. The Book Committee ‘shall have gen- eral supervision and direction of the publishing inter- ests. The Committee shall meet immediately after: the adjournment of the: General ‘Conference and organize. by the election of a chairman, a secretary, and such other officers’ as may be required by’ the laws of the States: under which its ‘articles: of in- corporation are obtained. . It may: also appoint such other officers and committees and adopt’ such’ rules and regulations for the transaction of its affairs as it may deem necessary. “The officers shall perform such duties as are usually performed by similar officers. § 2. The annual meeting of the Book Committee shall be held..on the third, Wednesday in, April, or at such other time as the Book Committee. may determine, and special meetings may, be held at such times and places as the Committee may appoint, or: at the call of the chairman, or upon the. written, re-. quest of ten members of the Committee. At all meet- ings of the Book Committee a majority of the mem- bers shall constitute a quorum. ™ 382. § 1. The Book Committee shall keep a cor- rect record of its proceedings and shall examine: carefully into the condition of the affairs of The Book Concern and make report thereof to the Annual Con- ferences and to the General Conference. 274 THE Book CoNncERN | 382 § 2. The Methodist Book Concern shall not buy, sell, nor exchange any real estate except by order of the General Conference, or between the sessions of the General Conference except by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the Book Committee; nor shall the Book Committee authorize any new buildings or make any improvements, alterations, or repairs to existing buildings to cost in excess of $50,000, except by order of the General Conference or between the sessions of the General Conference except by a three- fourths vote of all the members of the Book Commit- tee. In either case such vote to be taken by a regu- lar or called meeting of the Committee, and if at a called meeting the purpose of the meeting having been stated in the call. The erection of a new building or the improve- ments, alterations, or repairs of an existing building involving an expenditure of not more than $50,000, may be authorized by the vote of a majority of the Executive Committee. These provisions shall not prevent the making of investments on mortgage security or the protection of the same, or the collec- tion of claims and adjustments. § 3. The Book Committee shall have full power to discontinue any depository, periodical or publication when, in its judgment, the interests of the Church or Book Concern demand it; but said action shall not be taken except by a two-thirds vote of the mem- bers of the Committe, and. after due notice of such contemplated action shall have been given to the Publishing Agents and Editors concerned. ‘The Book Committee shall have power to order, expenses. cur- tailed in any of the departments of The Book Concern, 275 { 388 THe Book CONCERN and when such action as above specified shall have been taken, the Publishing Agents shall proceed at once to carry out the instructions of the Committee. The Book Committee shall also attend to all matters referred to it for action or counsel by the Publishing Agents or Editors. § 4. The Book Committee shall annually fix the salaries of the Bishops, Publishing Agents, and all official Editors elected by the General Conference or the Book Committee, not otherwise provided for, and shall determine the amount and the distribution of the Correspondence Fund allowed to the official peri- odicals. § 5. In case. a vacancy occur in either the pub- lishing, editorial, or other official departments of The Book Concern authorized by the General Conference, it shall be the duty of the Book Committee, two at least of the General Superintendents being present, and a majority of those present concurring, to elect, as soon as possible, a successor to fill such vacancy until the next session of the General Conference. “ 383. The Book Committee shall elect quadren- nially a Book Editor, whose duties are as hereinafter defined. 395. | "384, § 1. At the beginning of each quadrennium the Book Committee shall estimate the amount of money necessary to meet the expense of the next General Conference, and of the Judicial Conferences, General Conference Commissions, and such other ex- penses as the General Conference may have authorized to be paid from this fund. An equitable apportion- ment of the total amount estimated as necessary for the General Conference expenses shall be sent to the District Superintendents in each Annual Conference. 276 THE Book CoNncERN q 384 The District Superintendents, within sixty days after the adjournment of their respective Annual Confer- ences in the first» year of the quadrennium, shall make an equitable apportionment of the amount asked from their Districts for the quadrennium, and send a copy of this apportionment to the Charges of the District and to the Treasurer of the General Confer- ence expense funds. Should any District Superintend- ent fail to make such an apportionment within the time named above, the Treasurer of the General Con- ference Expense Fund is authorized to «make the apportionment on the basis ordered by the Book Com- mittee. One third of the full amount of the appor- tionment shall be raised in:each of the three Confer- ence years preceding the session of the General Con- ference and shall be promptly remitted to the Treas- urer of the General Conference Expense Fund. The Treasurer of the General Conference Expense Fund shall be elected quadrennially by the Book Committee. His compensation shall be fixed by the Book Com- mittee and: he shall report to and be amenable to that Committee. He shall present a final detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures of this fund at each General Conference. § 2. Any part of the apportionment unpaid at the close of the Annual Conference session preceding the General Conference shall be reapportioned and raised within the coming year. § 3. All sums collected by the Pastor for General Conference Expense Fund shall be paid promptly to the Treasurer of the General Conference Expense Fund, who shall give a voucher for the same. 277 { 385 THE Book CONCERN III. Executive Committee 7385. The members of the Executive Committee of the Book Committee, constituted as above pro- vided, shall assemble as soon after their election as practicable and organize by the election of a chairman, a vice chairman, a secretary, an assistant secretary, and such other officers and such subcommittees as they may require. In the absence of the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee, said Committee may elect a Chairman pro tem. As di- rected by the Book Committee, the Executive Com- mittee shall have general supervision and direction of all the affairs of the Publishing Houses and Deposi- tories of The Book Concern. During the intervals of the Book Committee meetings the Hxecutive Com- mittee shall perform such duties as commonly belong to an Executive Committee of a Board of Trustees. (386. The Executive Committee: shall meet bi- monthly to examine into the affairs under its charge, and shall keep correct records of its proceedings, and when requested it shall submit its records to the Book Committee. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the Chairman, or upon the written request of any five members of the Com- mittee. A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. 1387, § 1. At the beginning of the quadrennium the Executive Committee shall value all the real estate under its supervision; which value shall be entered in the records and shall not be changed during the Quadrennium, except as property may be purchased, improved, sold, or destroyed. § 2. The Executive Committee shall have power to 278 Tun Book ConcERN {388 ‘suspend a Publishing Agent or!an Editor for cause to it deemed sufficient, and in: such case a time and place of the hearing shall be as early a date as practicable. Due notice in writing of the time and place of the hearing and of the nature of the charges ‘shall be given by the Chairman of the Book Com- mittee to such Publishing Agent or Hditor, and also to the Bishops through their Secretary. The Bishops thereupon shall select one of their number to’ be present and preside at the hearing. § 3. This hearing shall be before the members of the Book Committee elected from the Areas, who be- tween the sessions of the General Conference, by a two-thirds vote may remove from office said Publish- ing Agent or Editor. IV. Publishing Agents (388, § 1. The General Conference shall elect quadrenially three Publishing Agents who, under the supervision and direction of the Book Committee, shall have authority as the administrative officers of The Book Concern to regulate the production and distribution of the publications and to conduct the affairs of The Book Concern. They shall, subject. to the approval of the Executive Committee, determine the classes of business to be carried on by the several Publishing Houses. § 2.. At the meeting for organization the Book Com. mittee shall designate one of the Publishing Agents, who shall have immediate charge and administration of the publishing interests at New York City, one with like duties at Cincinnati, and one with like duties at Chicago. 279 {389 Tur Book CoNncERN 389, § 1. It shall be the duty of the Publishing Agents to publish, purchase, sell, and distribute such. books, tracts, periodicals, and publications as are authorized by the General Conference or the Book Committee. § 2. Tracts supplied to the different societies of the Church by order of the Book Committee shall be charged at the actual cost of publication. 7390, § 1. The Publishing Agents shall keep the accounts of The Book Concern ‘by such uniform. system as shall be authorized by the Book Com- mittee. § 2. The Publishing’ Agents shall annually take a. complete inventory, including therein all assets of whatever nature belonging to the respéctive depart- ments under their charge, and by a uniform system. accurately determine their cash value; and shall include the real estate at the valuation made by the Executive’ Committee at the beginning of “each Quadrennium, noting any changes made therein and the reasons therefor. The annual account shall be: submitted to the Book Committee at its first ses- sion, and shall contain a full and detailed’ statement. of all assets and liabilities, income and disburse- ments in the respective departments of The Book Concern. § 3.. The Publishing Agents shall deliver to their successors in office such statements of assets and liabilities as shall be ordered, approved and ‘certified. by the Book Committee. 1391, § 1. The Publishing Agents shall keep a separate account with the several departments of The Book Concern under their charge, including real estate, and in their reports of the same-to the Book 280 THE Book’ CONCERN {392 Committee, to the Annual Conferences, and to the General. Conference shall set forth the amount of sales, receipts, and expenditures for books and periodicals, including sales by the Depositories un- der their management. § 2. The ‘Publishing Agents shall furnish to the Executive Committee a full and satisfactory state- ment of the transactions of each month, and when the Executive Committee requires shall present for examination proper vouchers for all payments made by them during the period specified, and shall afford said Executive Committee every possible means and facility for a full and intelligent understanding of the affairs of the several departments under their eare. 7392, § 1.. The Publishing Agents shall send to the Annual Conferences a statement of the accounts due The Book Concern from the ‘several Members thereof and early in the session the Conference shall appoint a Committee on Periodicals, Publications, and Collections, composed of one Pastor for each Super- intendent’s District, which Committee shall assist in the collection of the accounts forwarded, and pay all collections to the Publishing Agent or his repre- sentative, if present; and if not present, the Com- mittee shall make prompt and accurate return for the same to the Publishing House from which they were received, and shall receive a voucher for the same. This Committee shall make a careful canvass -of the preachers in each of the Districts and ascertain what periodicals are supplied by The Book Concern, and what publications issued by other societies in the Church are taken, reporting the names and number of these publications in» open Conference; and shall 281 q 393 THE Book CONCERN also send a copy of said report to the Publishing Agent by whom the accounts are issued. 86. § 2.°Every © District Superintendent and. Pastor, when requested by the Publishing Agents, shall do all in his power to collect debts due The Book Con- cern; and should any Minister or member of our Church who is indebted to The Book Concern refuse or neglect to make payment, or to effect a just) settle- ment of ‘his account, he shall be reported and dealt with in the same manner as in other cases of debt or disputed accounts. § 393. The produce of The Book Concern, after the Book Committee has determined and retained a suffi- cent amount with ‘which to carry on its affairs, shall be regularly applied to the benefit of the Traveling, Supernumerary and Retired Preachers, their wives, widows and children. The division of the produce of The Book Concern available for distribution accord- ing to this paragraph shall be. made equitably to the Annual Conferences upon the basis of the ratio of the total annuity years of the several Annual Con- ferences to the total annuity years of the entire Church, as shown in the reports made by the Con- ference Stewards to the Board of Pensions and Relief, such reports to be carefully checked by the’ Corre- sponding Secretary and properly certified to the Book Committee which shall have charge of the distribu- tion, In making this distribution the Publishing Agents shall forward to each Annual Conference, during its session, a statement showing the amount due the Conference, together with a draft for the same. Nors.—For the division and distribution of the produce of The Book Concern to the Foreign Conferences, see Appendix, {j 589. 282 THE Book CoNcERN { 395 V. Depositories { 394, § 1. There shall be Depositories for the sale and distribution of the books and publications of The Methodist Book Concern at Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- vania; Boston, Massachusetts; Detroit, Michigan; Chicago, Illinois; Kansas City, Missouri; and San Francisco, California. The Book Committee shall es- tablish other Depositories as the General Conference may from time to time direct. All Depositories, sub- ject to the direction of the Book Committee, shall be under the supervision of the Executive Committee. Each Depository shall be supplied with a full stock of the Books of the General Catalogue, Sunday school books, Sunday school supplies, and tracts, to be sold for the Publishing House supplying such stock. § 2. After the expenses incident to the transpor- tation, management, and sale of Books and publi- cations at the Depositories shall have been paid out of the sales, the net proceeds for the same shall be forwarded to the Publishing House by which they were supplied; to which Publishing House full state- ments of the amounts of sales and expenses shall be made at the dates fixed, cash sales being distinguished from those on credit. Statements of the amount of stock shall also be made and sent to the Publishing House, when required. | VI. Editors 4395. The Book Editor shall have editorial super- vision of all manuscripts and printed matter in- tended for publication in book form, or intended to bear the imprint of The Methodist Book Concern, as hereinbefore provided. The Book Editor shall also 283 { 396 THE Book CoNcCERN be the*editor of the tracts published by The Book Concern. 41396. There shall be elected quadrennially by ballot by the General Conference an Editor for each of the following periodicals: The Methodist Review, The Christian Advocate, the Southwestern Christian Advocate, Der Christliche Apologete, the Hpworth Herald, and also an Editor of Sunday School Litera- ture. Nominations of Editors for the foregoing publi- cations shall be sent to the Secretary’s desk in writing. 7397. There shall be elected by the General Con- ference, on nomination of the Book Committee, a Contributing Editor, who shall be responsible for the uniform matter to be published in all the Official Advocates, the Hpworth Herald, the Methodist Re- view, and Der Christliche Apologete not included. 9398. The Editor of the Pittsburgh Christian Ad- vocate shall be elected quadrennially by ballot by the General Conference, on nomination of the delegates of the patronizing Conference. 7399, § 1. The General Conference, on nomina- tion by the several Districts as herein provided, shall elect the Editors of the following periodicals: The Western Christian Advocate, the Northwestern. Chris- tian Advocate, the. Central Christian Advocate, the Pacific Christian Advocate, the California Christian. Advocate, and the Methodist Advocate-Journal. § 2. For the purpose of making nominations of Edi- tors for these Advocates, the Annual Conferences naturally tributary to the several publications shall be divided into nominating districts: as follows: Western Christian Advocate-—West Ohio, Ohio,’ Indiana, North Indiana, Northwest Indiana, a Ken- tucky Conferences. : 284 Tue Boox ConcERN q 399 § 3. Northwestern Christian Advocate.—Rock River, Illinois, Central Illinois, Michigan, Detroit, Wisconsin, West Wisconsin, Minnesota, Northern Minnesota, Dakota, North Dakota, Upper Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa, and Northwest Iowa Conferences. § 4. Central Christian Advocate.—Southern Illinois, Saint Louis, Missouri, Kansas, Northwest Kansas, Southwest Kansas, Nebraska, Northwest Nebraska, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Colorado Conferences. § 5. Pacific Christian .Advocate.—Columbia River, Oregon, Puget Sound, Idaho, Montana, and North Montana Conferences. § 6. California Christian Advocate.—California and Southern California Conferences. § 7. Methodist Advocate-Journal.—Holston, Ala- bama, Blue Ridge-Atlantic, Central Tennessee, Geor- gia, Saint Johns River, and Gulf Conferences. § 8. The General Conference delegates from each of the nominating districts above described shall place in nomination before the General Conference one or more persons for Hditor of the Advocate related to such district, the number thus nominated to be gov- erned by the desire of those representing such dis- tricts and present at a regular meeting thereof to be called by the Secretary of the General Conference. The General Conference shall then elect by ballot the Editor of each Advocate. While the privilege of nomination shall reside in these several districts, the right of any member of the General Conference to vote for whomsoever he pleases as Editor of any one of these publications shall not. be abridged. -§ 9. In the above distribution of the Annual Con- ferences, the former North Ohio portion of the North- East Ohio Conference shall be considered as common 285 ~ 7 399 THe Book CoNcERN patronizing territory for the Pittsburgh and the West- ern Christian Advocates; and the Northwest Indiana Conference, as common patronizing territory for the Western and the Northwestern Christian Advocates. § 10. There shall be published in all the Official Advocates from six to ten pages of uniform matter exclusive of advertising. The Epworth Herald, Meth- odist Review, and Der Christliche Apologete are not included in this requirement. The present names of all the Advocates shall be continued, with authority in the Book Committee upon approval of a majority of the Editors of the Official Advocates, to: change the names so as to secure as soon as possible a uni- form name for all editions with a distinctive subtitle for each of the several editions. The composition of uniform material and the publishing of the several editions of the Advocates shall be determined by the Book Committee and the Publishing Agents, § 11. There shall be an Editorial Council for Con- ference and cooperation which shall be composed of the Editors of all the Official papers, the Contributing Editor and the Editors of such other publications as are named in § 12. This Council shall meet once a year at the time and place of the Annual meeting of the Book Committee and shall be presided over by one of their number elected each year by the Edi- torial Council. Special meetings: shall be called by the president on the request of four members of the Council. § 12. The Epworth Herald, Der Christliche Apolo- gete, the Pittsburgh Christian Advocate, Zion’s Herald, the Michigan Christian Advocate and the Washington Christian Advocate may receive the uni- form matter at cost. j 286 THE: Book, ConceRN 7 402 /§ 13. All costs, editorial, manufacturing, promotion, and selling, shall be budgeted under the direction of the Book Committee and the Publishing Agents, and each department shall be directed to produce definite results at a cost within the budget. § 14. The’ Publishing Agents’ and the Editorial Council shall designate one Sunday each year as Good Literature Day, at which time the pastors’ shall be requested to present the merits of the papers and receive subscriptions. 4400. The Book Committee may elect such Edi- tors of publications conducted by The Methodist Book Concern as have not been elected by the General Conference. 9401. The Editors shall perform such, duties as properly belong to the editorial office, and in such manner as the interests of the Church may require, the General Conference may authorize, or the Book Committee in its business relations to the Editors may direct; and they shall give their undivided at- tention to these duties. 1402. There shall be a Publishing Committee for the Pittsburgh Christian Advocate, elected by the General Conference, consisting of three members from the Pittsburgh Conference, three from the Erie Con- ference, three from the North-East Ohio Conference, and three from the West Virginia Conference. Such Publishing Committee shall fix the salary of the Editor, keep an account of the receipts and expendi- tures of the paper, and report annually its financial condition to the patronizing Conferences... A copy of said report shall be sent also to the Publishing Agent at New York, and any balance remaining after 287 7 403 Tur Book CoNncERN defraying current expenses shall be subject to the order of said Publishing Agent. § 403. The Annual and District Conferences are earnestly requested not to establish or encourage the establishing of Conference or local Church papers, except. such as are approved and authorized by the General Conference or the Book Committee; and where such papers exist the Conferences are requested to discontinue the same, when it can be done con- sistently with existing obligations. They are also requested to, discourage the display or sale of other than our own publications at the sessions of the Annual Conferences. VII. Circulation of Religious Tracks 97404. It is recommended to our people. every- where to form Tract Societies for the distribution of tracts and religious literature. 7405. It shall be the duty of each District. Su- perintendent to bring the subject of tract distribu- tion before the fourth Quarterly Conference in .each Charge within his District; and said Conference shall appoint a Committee, of which the Pastor shall be Chairman, whose duty it shall be to devise and exe- cute plans for local tract distribution. 4406. No books shall hereafter be sold on com- mission, either from New York, Cincinnati, or any Depository or establishment under direction of The Book Concern; provided, however, that this shall not prohibit the Publishing Agents from opening up limited “On Sale” accounts with our Ministers, the same to be governed by the general rules of credit of The Book Concern. 288 WorRLD SERVICE COMMISSION q 407 CHAPTER II WORLD SERVICE COMMISSION 7407, § 1. Composition and Election. There shall be a World Service Commission composed as follows: One Layman and one. Minister from each Episcopal Area ‘in the United States, nominated by the Gen-- eral Conference delegates of the respective Areas and elected by the General Conference; ten members at large, five Ministers and five Laymen, nominated by the Bishops and elected by the General Conference; five Bishops, elected by the Bishops; and one repre-- sentative from each of the general divisions of the field outside the United States to be appointed by the Bishops annually from. such representatives of these fields as may happen to be in the United States at the time of the meeting of the Commission. With the exception of the Bishops no member of the Worid Service Commission shall have official connection with any of the Constituent Boards. As advisory members there shall be one represen- tative of the American Bible Society, two members each from the Woman’s Home Missionary Society and the Woman’s Moreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church and the Secretaries of the Constituent Benevolent Boards. The Commission shall be elected for the Quadren- nium. Vacancies in the Episcopal Membership of the Commission shall be filled by the Bishops. Other vacancies shall be filled by the Executive Committee from the respective group or groups in which such vacancies occur. 289 { 407 Worup. SERVICE’ COMMISSION § 2. Officers. The officers of the World Service Commission shall be a President, two Vice Presi- dents, and a Recording Secretary, elected annually by the Commission... Their duties shall be such as are usually connected with these offices. The Commission shall,,on nomination of the. Sec- retaries of the Constituent Boards and the Episcopal Membership of the Executive Committee, elect for the Quadrennium a Secretary and a Treasurer: who shall be ex officio members of the Commission. § 3. Meetings. The World. Service Commission shall meet annually at such time and place as it may determine. Special meetings may be called by the Executive Committee or upon the request: of one fourth of the members of the Commission. § 4. Hxecutive Committee: There shall be an Ex- exutive Committee of fifteen, elected from the member- ship of the Commission; at least two members of the Executive Committee shall be Bishops. The Gen- eral Secretaries of the respective Boards shall be advisory members of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall meet at least Quar- terly and shall represent the Commission and exer- cise its powers in the interim of the meetings of the Commission, but it shall not take action contrary to, or in conflict with any action or policy of the World Service Commission. § 5. Authority and Functions. The World Service Commission shall have full authority, after due con- sideration of the needs of the field, to fix the total budget of the askings for the Constituent Boards; to fix the plan and ratio of the division: of the funds to the several causes; to determine all questions as to credit to be given for Designated and Special 290 Worip SERVICE ComMissIon { 408 Gifts at home and abroad and to correlate the work of the Boards in the interest of cooperation, economy and efficiency. § 6. Incorporation. In order to give strength and permanency of oversight the World Service Commis- sion is directed to incorporate under the laws of some State. § 7. Report of its Activities. The World Service Commission shall prepare and present to the General Conference quadrennially, a report of its activities. It shall also submit to the General Conference a pro- gram of benevolent activities for the Quadrennium next succeeding. 7 408, § 1. Cooperating Constituent Boards. 'There shall be the following units of service, otherwise called The Boards: 1. Board of Foreign Missions 2. Board of Home Missions and Church Extension 3. Board of Education, including Deaconess Train- ing Schools, with the following departments: (a) Schools and Colleges. (b) Education for Negroes. (c) Church Schools. (d) Epworth League. 4. Board of Pensions and Relief. 5. Board of Temperance, Prohibition, and Public Morals. 6. Board of Hospitals and Homes and Deaconess Work. § 2. The several Constituent Boards are directed to reduce the number of their managers so that no Board shall have less than five or more than fifty members, to wit: 291 q 409 Woritp SERVICE COMMISSION (a) Beard of Foreign Missions, Fifty. (See § 569, $5) ‘ay) | (b) Board of Home Missions and Church Exten- sion, Forty-five.. (See § 569, § 5, b.) (c) Board of Education, Forty-five. (See { 569, § 5, ©.) (d) Board of Pensions and Relief, Seventeen. (See gq 484, § 1.) (e) Board of Temperance, Prohibition, and Public Morals, Seventeen. (See 7 490, § 2.) (f{) Board of. Hospitals and Homes and Deaconess Work, Twenty-three. (See J 569, § 5, d.) All of the above designated managers or trustees to be nominated by the Bishops and elected by the General Conference, for the Quadrennium. § 3. The World Service Commission is directed to appoint a commission of nine to study the needs of further reorganization and closer cooperation of the Constituent Boards, and report to the World Service Commission before the close of the present Quadren- nium; such report to be reviewed by the World Serv- ice Commission and sent to the next General Con- ference. In the event of the accomplishment of Union with the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, this Commission shall act as a joint Commission with the one appointed for a similar purpose by the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, South. 409. Cooperating Administrative Staff. § 1. The Corresponding Secretaries of the Constituent Boards, elected as heretofore, with the Executive Secretary and the Treasurer of the World Service Commission, shall constitute an Administrative Staff to carry out the directions of said Commission in a unified and cooperative manner. They shall promote Christian 292 Woritp Service Commission { 410 ‘Stewardship and coordinate the Life Service activi- ties of the Constituent Boards. All agencies of the Church engaged in these activities shall be required to cooperate in this unified system. § 2. This Staff shall be the central agency for the cultivation of the field, as directed by the World Serv- ice Commission, supplying information, literature, slides, etc., in an economical manner as the needs of the fields may demand. It shall establish a central receiving treasury which shall disburse to the several Boards according to the ratio of funds established by the Commission. § 3. The expense of this Staff shall be reduced to the lowest possible amount. The total shall be deter- mined by the World Service Commission. 9410, § 1. Local World Service Council. There shall be a World Service Area Council consisting of the resident Bishop, the District Superintendents, Ministers, and Laymen from each District, and such other representatives of the Area as may be desired. The Ministers shall be elected annually by the Con- ference or the District which they represent. The Laymen shall be elected annually by the Laymen’s Association or in such other manner as may be locally determined. § 2. There shall be a World Service Council in each Annual Conference, District and Local Church? to be constituted as the Conference, District, or Church may determine. In the Annual Conference Council and the District Council both Ministers and Laymen shall be represented in equal numbers. § 3. It shall be the duty of the Area, Annual Con- ference, District and Church Councils to promote the 149 111, § 4 (5), 293 " 410 WorLD SERVICE COMMISSION program.of the World Service in cooperation, with the other organized agencies of the Church. In repre- senting the needs of the fields for the various, causes it shall be done through these Councils. § 4. When the World Service. Commission: has assembled and determined from the local appeals and estimates the benevolent budget of the Church-at- large it shall inform, through the resident. Bishop, each Area Council and» the District Superintendents what the proportional share for each District would be. These amounts shall then be considered by the Area and District Councils before final apportion- ment to the several charges of the District, at all times holding before the Church the high purpose of providing for others at least as much as for ourselves. § 5. (1) In the fields outside the United States, the geographical unit shall be the Conference, Mission Conference or Mission. The World Service Council of these units shall be selected by the Conference, Mission Conference, or Mission, and approved by the Commission or the Executive Committee. There shall be at least five members in addition to the resident Bishop, in each of these Councils. (2) After the budget has been fixed for the year, the Council shall have power in case of emergency, or unforeseen developments, to change, within the appropriation, the items of disbursement, subject to review by the World Service Commission. (3) In territories that have a Central Conference, authorization is given to create a Central, World Service Council. Such Councils shall consist of the Bishops resident in’ the territory concerned: and at least five other members: chosen in such a manner as the Central Conference shall determine. Such 294 Boarp oF Forrtan Misstons { 411 Council shall have authority to make adjustments in askings, and in distribution of funds for a given country or group of Conferences, Mission Conferences, and Missions within the Territory of the Central Conference; provided that such an adjustment shall not exceed in distribution of funds, the total current appropriation to the whole territory concerned. § 6. All expenses of the local World Service Coun- cils' shall be provided for locally or in exceptional cases, such as items of necessary travel, the expenses may be charged against the budget of the Area. § 7. Each Avea shall determine whether it desires an Area Secretary, and if one is desired he shall be supported by the Area in such manner/as it may devise. CHAPTER IIT BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS I. Incorporation — 9411, § 1. There shall be a Board of Foreign Missions, duly incorporated according to law, and having its office in New York City. Said Board of Foreign Missions shall have committed to it the general supervision of all work in fields outside of the jurisdiction of the United States, in harmony and cooperation with the constituted authorities of the Church in said fields; and similarly, in such places subject to the sovereignty of the United States as assigned to it by the General Conference from time to time and it shall be subject to such rules and reguiations as the General Conference may prescribe. 295 ‘(412 Boarp oF Forricn Missions § 2. Other denominational agencies shall undertake work in the fields indicated only in cooperation with ‘this board. II. Constitution 9 412. ARgricLe 1—Name and Object. The name of this organization shall be the Board of Foreign Mis- sions of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Its objects are religious, philanthropic, and educational, designed to diffuse more generally the blessings of Christianity, by the promotion and support of all phases of Church work and missionary activity in foreign countries; and also in such other places subject to the sover- eignty of the United States, but not on the continent -of North America or the islands adjacent thereto, as may be committed to the care of such organization by ‘the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, under such rules and regulations as said General Conference may from time to time prescribe. 7413. ArgTicLte II.—Life. Members and Honorary Managers. §1. Members of the Foreign Missionary So- ciety who contribute $1,000 at one time shall become Life Members and may attend the Annual Meeting of the Board, but without vote. § 2. Honorary Managers not to exceed twenty in number may be elected by the General Conference, and, in case of vacancies, may be elected by the Board of Managers during the interval between the sessions of the General Conference, said Honorary Managers being entitled to speak in the meetings of the Board of Managers, but not to vote. Norre.—For Charter By-Laws, etc., see Annual Report of the Board of Foreign Missions. 296 Boarp oF Foreign Misstons { 414 9414. ArticLte III.—Board of Managers. § 1. The management and disposition of the affairs and prop- erty of the Board of Foreign Missions, the making of ‘appropriations and the administration of appropria- tions, and all other funds shall be vested in a Board of Managers. This Board shall determine what fields shall be occupied as Foreign Missions and the amount necessary for the support of each, and shall make appropriations for the same, including an emer- gency fund of $50,000, provided that the Board of. Managers shall not appropriate for a given year, in- cluding the emergency appropriation of $50,009, more than the total income for the preceding year. § 2. The Board of Managers shall consist of 32: traveling Ministers of the Methodist Episcopal. Church and 32 Laymen of the Methodist Episcopal Church elected by the General Conference upon. nomination of the Bishops. All the effective General. Superintendents shall be ex officio members of said. Board without vote. In constituting the Board of. Managers, the Bishops shall nominate one represent-: ative from each Area in the United States preserv-- ing as nearly as may be an equality in the number of Ministers and Laymen chosen from the Areas. [The said Board of Managers shall be elected: to serve until the Board of Foreign Missions shall. have accomplished the amendment of its charter as herein directed. The said Board of Managers is hereby directed to reduce the membership of the said Board so that it shall consist of not more than fifty members and shall be composed as follows: The Bishop resident in the city of New York, who ‘shall be ex Officio a member, and twenty-four Minis- ters and twenty-five Laymen nominated by the Board . 297 { 414 Boarp or Forericn. Missions of Bishops and elected. by the General Conference, chosen from the Areas in the United States preserv- ing as nearly as may be an equality in the number of Ministers and Laymen from the Areas, The other effective Bishops shall be ex officio members. without a vote... When and as. soon as the. charter. of. said Board os Foreign. Missions shall have been amended as aforesaid, the Bishops shall reappoint the mem- bership of the said Board of Managers in accordance with this provision to serve until the close of the Quadrennium, See.{ 569, § 5, a.] § 3. The Board of Managers shall meet annually at such time and place as the Executive Committee shall determine. Due notice of such time and nace shall be given to each member. § 4. The Board of Managers shall elect an Executive Committee consisting of twenty-one members. This Committee shall meet. monthly at the headquarters of the Board of Foreign Missions in New York City, unless otherwise ordered by the Board. § 5. Vacancies in the Board of Managers shall be filled as the Charter provides. The Board shall have authority to make By-Laws, not inconsistent with this Constitution or the Charter; to print, books, periodi- cals, and tracts for Foreign Missions; to elect a Pres- ident, one-or more Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, and such Assistants aS may be necessary, a Recording Secretary, and such Assistant and other Secretaries as may be necessary; to fill vacancies that may occur among the officers elected by the Board; to organize departments for the administration of the work of the Board; to invite the coopération of other agencies, where such cooperation will inerease the efficiency of the work in the foreign field. The funds of the 298 . BoarpD oF Forrtagn Misstons 414 Board shall be administered. on the mission field by agencies which the Board shall approve. It shall present a statement of its transactions and funds to the Church in its annual report, and shall lay before the General Conference a report of its trans- actions for the preceding four years, and the state of its funds. § 6. The Board of Foreign Missions shall have power to suspend a Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, As- sistant Treasurer, or any elected officer of the Board of Managers, for cause to it sufficient; and a time and place shall be fixed by the Board of Managers, at as early a day as practicable, for the investigation of the official conduct of the person against whom complaint shall have been made. Due notice shall be given by the Board to the Bishops, who shall select one of their number to preside at the investigation, which shall be before a Committee of twelve persons, six Ministers and six Laymen, none of whom shall be members of the Board of Managers. Said com- mittee shall be appointed by the Bishop selected to preside at the investigation. Two thirds of said committee shall havé power of removal from office, in the interval of General Conference, of the official against whom complaint has been made. § 7. In case a vacancy shall occur in the office of the Corresponding Secretary, the Bishops shall have power to fill the vacancy if the Board of Managers shall so request, and until they do so the Board of Managers shall provide for the duties of the office. § 8. Thirteen members present at any meeting of the Board of Managers shall be a quorum. - § 9. The Board shall have authority to solicit and 299 {415 Boarp or Forricn Missions receive funds for the publication and distribution of tracts. 97415. ArTicLe IV.—Corresponding Secretaries, § 1. There may be two Corresponding Secretaries, having coordinate power, who shall be the executive officers of the Board of Foreign Missions, the Secre- tary or Secretaries shall be elected by the General Conference quadrennially. § 2. They shall be subject to the direction of the Board of Managers, and their salaries, which shall be fixed by the Board of Managers, shall be paid out of the treasury. They shall be employed exclusively in conducting the correspondence of the Board, in furnishing the Church with missionary intelligence, in promoting the work committed to this Board and the general interests of the cause by correspondence, travel, and such other activities as the service in- volves and the Board may approve. 7 416. ARTICLE V.—Election of Officers and Presid- ing Officer. § 1. Election of Officers. The officers to be elected by the Board shall be chosen and hold their office for the term of one year, or until their successors shall. be elected; or, if a vacancy should occur during the year by death, resignation, or other- wise, it may be filled at any regular meeting of the Board. The first election of each Quadrennium shall be held at the regular meeting of the Board next suc- ceeding the General Conference. § 2. Presiding Officer. At all meetings of the Board the President shall preside. But if he should be absent, one of the Vice-Presidents shall take his place. In the absence of the President and of all the Vice-Presidents, a member appointed by the meet- ing for the purpose shall preside. The minutes. of 300 Board oF ForeIGN Missions 418 each meeting shall be signed by the Chairman of the meeting at which the same are read and approved, and by the Recording Secretary. 9 417. ArticLeE VI.—Appointment and Support of Missionaries. § 1. A person shall be acknowledged as a Missionary or receive support as such from the funds of the Board of Foreign Missions only when such person has been approved by the Board of Managers and has been assigned to some definite field except as provided in § 2. Ministerial mis- sionaries shall be constituted by the joint action of a General Superintendent and the Board. Lay mis- sionaries shall be appointed by the Board of Man- agers. § 2. The Board may provide for the support of retired Missionaries and of the widows and orphans of Missionaries who may not be provided for by their Annual Conferences respectively; provided they shall not receive more than is usually allowed re- tired Ministers, their widows and orphans in home Conference. In this matter, the Boa-d shall as far as practicable base its procedure upon provisions. similar to those prescribed for Annual Conferences. 9418. Articte VII.—Field Finance Committees. § 1. In a mission field of the Board of Foreign Missions in which there may be an Annual Confer- ence, Mission Conference or an organized Mission, there shall be a Committee on Finance, consisting of the following members, ex officio: the resident and the presiding Bishops; the Mission Treasurer and the Mission Superintendents. The Committee shall also include such other persons as the Annual or Mission Conference or Mission may elect, subject to the approval of the Board of Foreign Missions. The 301 —4 419 Boarp or Forrren Missions Committee shall elect its own Chairman. This Com- mittee shall be responsible to the Board of Foreign Missions for the administration of the funds provided by the Board. § 2. In territory of a Central Conference or a Cen- tral Mission Conference said Central Conference may prescribe the method of constituting such finance committees, subject to the approval of the Board of Foreign Missions. This Committee shall be respon- sible to the Board of Foreign Missions for the ad- ministration of its funds. 97419. Articte VIII—Amendments. This Consti- tution shall be subject to amendment or alteration only by the General Conference. IiI. Foreign Missionary Society 7420. Auxiliary to the Board of Foreign Missions shall be organized the Foreign Missionary Society, of which all members of the Methodist Episcopal Church shall be members. IV. Administration of Foreign Missions 4421. § 1. When a Mission is established in a for- eign country, outside of an Annual Conference, the Bishop having Episcopal supervision of the same may ~ appoint a member of the Mission as Superintendent who may also be a District Superintendent. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent, in the absence of a Bishop, to preside in the Annual Meeting of the Mis- sion and to arrange the work and take general super- vision of the entire Mission. Also, from time to time, 302 Boarpd oF ForrEIGN Missions {| 422 he shali represent the state of the Mission and its needs to the Bishop in charge and to the Correspond- ing Secretaries. § 2. The Bishop having Episcopal supervision of a Mission shall designate annually a time at which all the members of the Mission and also the native Preachers employed as supplies or helpers in the Mission shall come together for the purpose of hold- ing an Annual Meeting, said meeting having, in all ecclesiastical matters, the duties and powers of a District Conference; and transacting such other bus- iness aS may be assigned to it by the Board or grow out of the local interests of the work. In the absence of a Bishop or the Superintendent, the annual meet- ing shall choose its presiding officer in the manner provided for District Conferences. § 3. When a Mission in a foreign country is organ- ized into a Mission Conference or an Annual Confer- ence the administration of the Board of Foreign Mis- sions shall not be disturbed thereby, but shall be con- tinued as in other Foreign Missions. 7 422, § 1. The Missionaries in Japan while retain- ing their membership in their home Annual Confer- ences and without impairing their relationship to the Board of Foreign Missions and the appointing authority of the Methodist Episcopal Church, shall, while in service as Missionaries in Japan, be free to accept the rights and privileges in the Annual Con- ferences of the Japan Methodist Church as offered to them by that Church. § 2. The Missionaries of the Board of Foreign Missions are authorized to unite the two existing Mission Councils in Japan into one Mission Council for all our work among the Japanese, to be known 303 { 423 Boarp or Forrien Missions as the Japan Mission Council of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. § 3. The Japan Mission Council of the Methodist Episcopal Church is authorized to elect and send one of its members to the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church as its representative— said representative to be accorded the privilege of sitting with the Committees of the General Confer- ence with the right to speak when questions relating to our work in Japan are being discussed. V. Membership of Laymen, Missionaries, in Annual Conferences | 423. Laymen, Missionaries of the Board of Foreign Missions, may be invited to sit as associate members of their respective bodies, and be permitted the privileges of the floor, and the right to vote on all questions not ministerial or constitutional and shall be eligible for election on the Mission or Conference Finance and other Committees. VI. Annual Conference Board 7424, § 1. It shall be the duty of each Annual Conference to organize within its bounds an Annual Conference Board of Foreign Missions. This Annual Conference Board shall consist of the District Super- intendents, District Missionary Secretaries, and Dis- trict Epworth League Presidents, ex officio, and one Sunday School Superintendent, and one Lay member from each District, to be elected by the Annual Con- © ference on the nomination of the District Superin- 304 Board oF ForriGN Missions f 425 tendents. The Annual Conference shall elect the offi- cers of the said Board from among its members, on the nomination of the District Superintendents. § 2. The said Board ‘shall present’ an annual Re- port to the Annual Conference through its President; and shall have charge of the Annual Conference anni- versary of the Board of Foreign Missions, to which an entire evening shall be given. § 3. There shall be at least one meeting of the An- nual Conference Board of Foreign Missions each year for the consideration and furtherance of the interests of Foreign Missions within the bounds of the Con- ference, at which meeting a Secretary or other repre- sentative of the Board of Foreign Missions shall be present if possible, and the said Board shall provide for the consideration and furtherance of the interests within the bounds of the Conference and may arrange for conventions. VII. District Board 7425, § 1. There shall be in each District Superin- tendent’s District a District Board of Foreign Mis- sions composed of the members of the Annual Confer- ence Board of Foreign Missions from the District. The District Superintendent shall be the President of said District Board, and the District Missionary Sec- retary shall be its Secretary. Meetings of the said District Board shall be held at the call of the Presi- dent; provided, that at least one meeting shall be held eachvyeoar. i. § 2. The said District Board shall aid the Pastors in the presentation of the cause of Foreign Missions within the District, and may arrange for conventions. 305 q 426 Boarp oF Forrian Misstons VIII. District Missionary Secretaries 4] 426. The presiding Bishop, on nomination of the District Superintendent, shall appoint a Member of the Annual Conference as. Missionary Secretary for each District Superintendent’s. District, who shall serve without salary, and whose duty it shall be to assist the District Superintendent in carrying out the plans in the interests of Foreign Missions on the District; and who; by correspondence and otherwise, shall aid in securing the distribution of missionary literature in every Pastoral Charge, cooperate with the Board and other agencies of the Church in the promotion of Missionary education, and keep the Board informed as to foreign missionary: conditions on the District. IX. District Superintendents 7427, § 1. It shall be the duty of the District Su- perintendent to see that the provisions of the Disci- pline concerning Foreign Missions are faithfully ex- ecuted in his District, and in order thereto he shall inquire at each session of the several Quarterly Con- ferences, what has been done toward raising funds for the support of Foreign Missions during the preceding quarter, and particularly what has been done in the Sunday Schools for this cause. § 2. It shall be the duty of the District Superintend- ent to see that there be appointed at the fourth Quar- terly Conference of each Pastoral Charge a Commit- tee on Foreign Missions, consisting of five or more persons, including one Sunday School Superintendent and one Epworth League President, of whith Com- 306 BoaRD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS { 428 ‘mittee the Pastor shall be Chairman. Its duty shall be to aid the Pastor in. disseminating missionary in- formation, planning for the Annual Foreign Mission- ary Day, and securing a thorough canvass of the members of the Churches and Congregations in the interest of Foreign Missions. \ X. Pastors and Churches 7428, §1. The support of Foreign Missions is com- mitted to Pastors, Congregations, Sunday Schools, and Epworth Leagues. § 2. It shall be the duty of the Pastor, aided by the Committee on Foreign Missions, to provide for the diffusion of missionary information among the mem- bers of his Church, Congregation, Sunday School, and Epworth League. § 3. It shall be the duty of the Pastor, aided by the Committee on Foreign Missions, to institute a monthly missionary prayer meeting or missionary address in his Pastoral Charge, for the purpose of imploring the divine blessing upon Missions through- out the world, and for the diffusion of missionary intelligence among the people. § 4. The Pastor, aided by the Committee on Foreign Missions, shall arrange for an Annual Foreign Mis- sionary Day when the Pastor or some one invited by him shall present the cause of Foreign Missions, at which time it is earnestly recommended that a self- denial or thank offering be taken for the work of the Board of Foreign Missions exclusively. § 5. It shall be the duty of the Pastor to see that each Sunday School on his Pastoral Charge is organ- ized into a Missionary Society, and that at least one 307 {| 429 Woman’s Forrien Miss’y Society Sunday in each month is observed in the interest of Missions and a collection taken. It shall be the duty of the Sunday School Missionary Society, with the consent of the Sunday School Board, to provide brief missionary exercises on the day that is set apart for the monthly missionary collection to be taken, to cause suitable literature to be distributed in the Sunday Schcols, and to arrange for occasional mis- sionary concerts. The Sunday School Missionary Society shall include Foreign Missions, Home Mis- sions and Church Extension, and the Board of Sun- day Schools. § 6. It shall be the duty of the Pastor to organize Mission Study Classes on his Charge where prac- ticable. ; CHAPTER IV WOMAN’S FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY 429, §1. For the more successful prosecution of the missionary work of the Church among women in foreign lands, there shall be an organization known as the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to be governed and reg- ulated by its Constitution, which may be altered or amended by the General Conference as the necessities of the work may require. § 2. This Society shall work in harmony with, and under the supervision of, the authorities of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The appointment, recall, and remuneration of Missionaries, and the designation of their fields of labor, shall be subject to the approval of the Board 308 i Woman’s Forrten Miss’y Society § 430 of Managers of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church; and annual appropria- tions to Mission fields shall be submitted for revision and approval to the Annual Meeting of the Board of Foreign Missions. i $3. All Missionaries sent out by this Society shall labor under the direction of the particular Confer- ences or Missions of the Church in which severally they may be employed. They shall be appointed an- nually by the President of the Conference or Mission, and shall be subject to the same rules of removal that govern other Missionaries, and they shall be members of the Church and Quarterly Conference and the Dis- trict Conferences where they reside. § 4. All the work of the Woman’s Foreign Mission- ary Society in foreign lands shall be under the direc- tion of the Conferences or Missions, and their Com- mittees in exactly the same manner as the work of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Epis- copal Church; the Superintendent or District Super- intendent having the same relation to the work and the person in charge of it that he would have were it a work in the Pastoral Charge of any Member of the Conference or Mission. 7430, §1. The funds of the Society shall not be raised by collections or subscriptions taken during any of our regular Church services, nor in any Sun- day School, but shall be raised by such methods as the Constitution of the Society shall provide, none of which shall interfere with the contributions of our people and Sunday Schools to the treasury of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Episco- pal Church; and the amount so collected shall be reported by the Pastor to the Annual Conference, and 309 { 431 Home Misstons AND Cu. Exrenston be enteréd in a column among the Benevolent Col- lections in the Annual and General Minutes. § 2. The provisions of § 1 of this paragraph shall not be interpreted so as to prevent the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society from taking collections in meetings convened in the interest of its Socie- ties; nor from securing memberships and life mem- berships in audiences where its work is repre- sented; nor from holding festivals or arranging lec- tures in the interest of its work. CHAPTER V BOARD OF HOME MISSIONS AND CHURCH EXTENSION I. Incorporation 1431. There shall be a Board of Home Missions and Church Extension of the Methodist Episcopal Church, incorporated under the laws of tke State of Pennsylvania. Its headquarters shall be in the city of Philadelphia. Its purpose shall be to prosecute missionary work in accordance with the terms. of its Charter, in the United States and its possessions, not including the Philippine Islands. II. Board of Home Missions and Church Extension 7432, § 1. The Board of Home Missions and Church Extension of the Methodist Episcopal Church shall be composed of the Bishop resident at Phila- delphia, the corresponding secretary elected by the General Conference, who shall be ex officio members, 310 Home Missions AND CH. EXTENSION J 433 twenty Ministers and twenty-three Laymen nom- inated by the Board of Bishops and elected by the General Conference. In constituting the membership of said Board the Bishops shall nominate one repre- sentative from each Area, preserving as nearly as may be equality in the number of Ministers and Lay- men chosen from the Areas. All the other effective Bishops resident in the United States shall be ex officio members without a vote. The superintendents of the five departments shall be advisory members. The terms of office shall begin at the adjournment of the General Conference and continue for one Quadrennium or until their successors are chosen. § 2. The Board may declare vacant the seat of any member for inattention to duties or other sufficient reason, and any vacancy, however caused, shall be filled by the Board of Bishops. § 3. The annual meeting and special meetings shall be held as the Board may determine, and special meetings may also be held at the call of the Execu- tive Committee; provided, that the Corresponding Secretary may call a special meeting of the Board within three months after any General Conference. At all meetings of the Board twenty-five shall con- stitute a quorum. 4/433. The Board shall consider plans for increas- ing its receipts and extending its work; shall receive reports from the several Departments; shall deter- mine what total amount shall be appropriated for the work during the ensuing year, provided it shall not exceed the total available net income for the pre- ceding fiscal year; shall determine what amounts Norr.—For Charter, Constitution, By-Laws, etc., see Annual Report and other publications of the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension. 311 {| 434 Homer Misstons anp Cu. ExrENSION shall be -appropriated for (1) Administration; (2) Publicity; (3) Contingent Fund; (4) Work in Col- leges and Universities; (5) The Education of Mis- sionaries for work in foreign languages; (6) The several Departments of Work, subdivisions of these Departments, and Annual Conferences. 7434, §1. The Board shall constitute an Execu- tive Committee of twenty-five, of which the Corre- sponding Secretary shall be a member ez officio. The Superintendents of Departments shall be advisory members. § 2. The Executive Committee shall have authority to administer such appropriations as may be referred to it, and to perform such other duties as the Board may direct. 7435, §1. The officers of the Board shall be a President, five Vice-Presidents, a Corresponding Sec- retary, a Recording Secretary, five Superintendents of Departments, and a Treasurer. § 2. The President, the Vice-Presidents and the Recording Secretary shall be elected annually by the Board, from among its members. § 3. The Corresponding Secretary shall be elected by the General Conference for one quadrennium. § 4. The Superintendents of Departments shall be elected by the Board, with the concurrence of the Corresponding Secretary. § 5. The Treasurer shall be elected annually by the Board. | § 6. Vacancies in these offices shall be filled by the Board, except that a vacancy in the office of Corre- sponding Secretary shall be filled by the Board of Bishops. §7. The duties of the President, the Vice-Presi- 312 Home Missions AND CH. Extension { 436 dents, the Recording Secretary and the Treasurer shall be those usually performed by such Officers. § 8. The Corresponding Secretary shall be the gen- eral executive officer of the Board. He shall under the provisions of the Discipline and the direction of the Board promote and supervise the work of the Board to whose authority and control he shall, in all his official conduct, be subject and by whom his sal- ary and that of other salaried officers shall be fixed and paid. He shall communicate to any Bishop as- signed to the presidency of a Mission, Mission Con- ference, or Annual Conference, at the time of his assignment and during his presidency, such informa- tion as the office may possess, touching said Mission, Mission Conference or Annual Conference, for the guidance of the Bishop in administration, especially concerning the appropriation of missionary grants to Districts or Charges, the appointments of Superin- tendents of Missions, and other appointments to Dis- tricts or Charges receiving Home Missionary Appro- priations. In the case of a vacancy in the interim of the General Conference, the Board shall have power to provide for the duties of the office, until it shall be filled by the Bishops. § 9. Each Superintendent of a Department shall Have supervision of the particular Department o1 work for which he was specifically chosen. 7 436, § 1. The Board shall have power to provide for and administer a Loan Fund, and Annuity Funds, either in connection with or separate from the Loan Fund, as it may determine; to take and hold in trust for the Methodist Episcopal Church any real or per- sonal property; to dispose of the same for the use and benefit of the Methodist Episcopal Church; and 813 {| 437 Homer Missions AND CH. EXTENSION generally to do all and singular the matters and things which shall be necessary and lawful in the execution of its trust; provided, however, that all amounts received on the Loan Fund shall be used only for loans on adequate security; and provided further, that the aggregate amount of annuities which the Board shall assume to pay shall never be allowed to exceed the annual interest receivable on the loans made. The expenses incurred in the admin- istration of such funds shall be charged to and de- frayed out of the income received therefrom. § 2. The Board shall organize and administer a Trust Department, with a Trust officer in charge, which shall have custody of all trust funds: held by the Board, and of all its deeds, securities and col- lateral. Separate books and bank accounts shall be kept of all transactions in this Department. § 3. The Board shall have authority (1) to organize such bureaus as may be necessary for the successful prosecution of the work; (2) to elect Field Secre- taries, with the concurrence of the Corresponding Secretary; (3) to aid either by donation or loan, or both, the building of Churches and Parsonages; (4) to make By-Laws for the regulation of its proceed- ings. § 4. The Board shall report its proceedings and thé state of its funds quadrennially to the General Con- ference. 9437, §1. The more effectually to accomplish the purposes of the Board there shall be organized five departments of work, viz.: the Department of Church Extension, the Department of City Work, the Depart- ment of Rural Work, the Department of Frontier Work, and the Department of Evangelism, 314 Home Missions AND CH. EXTENSION § 439 § 2. Hach Department, as organized by the Board, shall consist of the Superintendent, five Ministers and five Laymen: The Board shall have power to add to the membership of any department at the request of the Superintendent. The members of the Depart- ment may or may not be members of the Board. § 3. The Board may organize a Bureau for Work among Negroes, which Bureau shall cooperate with all the Departments as their activities may affect the Negro populations of the country. lil. Department of Church Extension 7438, § 1. The Department of Church Extension shall encourage the erection of churches in new com- munities not already adequately supplied; shall as- sist in the building of churches and parsonages where assistance is most needed; and shall give special at- tention to church architecture, helping all our so- cieties, when erecting churches, to build structures adapted to their requirements. § 2. All applications for Church Extension aid shall be made through the Annual Conference Board. Ap- propriations shall be granted by the Board or the Executive Committee, upon recommendation of the Department. IV. Department of City Work 7439, § 1. The Department of City Work shall further in every practicable way the organized re- ligious and social work in places having City Socie- ties, aS hereinafter provided. _§ 2. It shall promote the organization of City So- cieties wherever opportunity offers. 315 4 439 Home Missions anp Cu. ExTENSION § 3. It shall aid in making surveys in our cities with special reference to the religious conditions of foreign-speaking people, the necessary changes in the location and adaptation of Church buildings and the relation of the Church to needy and congested communities. It shall also aid in the organization and development of adequate religious centers in the heart of great cities. It shall administer such ap- propriations as shall be committed to it by the Board. § 4. All City Societies duly organized shall report annually to this Department their requests for ap- propriations, indicating the special purposes for which grants are to be used. § 5. All askings for work in cities shall be re- viewed by the Department of City Work. Appro- priations for such work shall be administered by said Department and shall be paid to the Treasurer oof the Conference Board, except where there is a City Society duly organized and in active operation, in which case all appropriations shall be payable to the Treasurer of the City Society. § 6. All City Societies shall be auxiliary to the Board, and shall make each year to the Department of City Work a detailed statement, which shall in- clude, (1) Number of Ministers or Missionaries sup- ported in whole or in part, the amount paid ¢o each, and the kind of work in which each is engaged; (2) Expenses of administration; (3) The total amount raised by the Society and how expended. The report shall also include such other items as the Depart- ment shall require. The summary of such reports may be published in connection with the annual report of the Board. 316 Home Missions aND CH. Extension § 441 § 7. The Department of City Work shall maintain a Bureau of Goodwill Industries. The Department of City Work shall constitute the Board of Direc- tors of the Bureau. The object of the Bureau shall be to provide for the religious, educational, social, and industrial welfare of the unfortunate. The Bureau shall support and indorse only those local industries which are organized and conducted ac- cording to its established rules and regulations, and these local industries shall be administered as far as practicable in cooperation with local City Societies. 7440. City Societies. In order to promote evan- gelization and to coordinate the work of our Church in cities and in their contiguous communities it is recommended that, wherever such centers of popu- lation shall have three or more Pastoral Charges, and where, in the judgment of their resident Bishop or Bishops and the District Superintendent or Su- perintendents concerned, it is deemed advisable, a City Society shall be organized, under such name and control as it may determine. All Bishops, District Superintendents, and Superintendents of Missions or Mission Conferences having jurisdiction in the geo- graphical territory covered by the Society, and all Pastors therein, shall be ex officio members of said Society or of its Board of Managers. Each Quarterly Conference shall also be entitled to at least one Lay representative in the Society or Board. 9441, § 1. The City Society may include in its work the organization of Churches and Sunday Schools, the aid of weak Churches, the acquisition of real estate, and the erection of buildings, the adapta- tion of downtown Churches to their altered environ- ment, the securing and holding of endowments for 317 4 441 Home Missions anp Cu. ExTENSION the City Society and dependent Churches, the con- ducting of missions among foreign-speaking peoples, the development of well-organized open-air Evan- gelism, the maintenance of kindergartens and indus- trial schools, the promotion of social and settlement work, the support of rescue missions, and of institu- tions for the relief of the sick and the destitute. A City Society may also devise plans for promoting the connectional life of Methodism, and for coopera- tion and federation with other denominations. § 2. A City Society may elect, either from within or from without its membership, not more than three persons, members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, as members of the Quarterly Conference of any Church under its supervision or the object of its benefactions. The persons so chosen shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of Quarterly Conference Membership. § 3. In Annual Conferences, where there exists a City Society, having an executive official giving his entire time to the work, it is recommended that said executive official shall be invited into consultation with the Bishop and District Superintendents in the consideration of the appointments that affect Missions or Churches administered or aided bv said Society. § 4. A City Society shall have authority in the territory covered by its Constitution or Charter, to make apportionments upon the Pastoral Charges, and to collect and disburse moneys for all the objects con- templated in its organization. § 5. It is recommended that any Church within its territory expecting to receive aid for building or improvement from the City Society, be required to secure, as a condition to receiving such aid, the 318 Home Missions AND CH. Extension { 442 vapproval of the City Society with respect to location, plans and methods of financing. § 6. A City Society, in order to receive appropria- tions from the Board, shall meet the following con- ditions: (a) it shall be organized according to the Discipline; (b) it shall have an Executive Committee Meeting at least once every quarter; (c), it shall be actively at work; (d) it shall have made a report as required by the Department of City Work; (e) it shall raise annually by collections or otherwise an amount at least equal to that appropriated to it by the Board, exclusive of appropriations made for work among foreign-speaking peoples. § 7. There shall be a Council, or Councils of Cities, composed of the Corresponding Secretary, the Super- intendent of the Department of City Work, and two delegates from each duly organized City Society. The Department of City Work may convene the Coun- cil or Councils annually at such time and place and under such conditions as said Department shall de- termine, at least four weeks’ notice having been given to the City Societies. 7442, § 1. It shall be the duty of the District Superintendent whose District covers in whole or in part a city, or contains communities contiguous to each other in which there are three or more Churches, to cooperate with the Department of City Work in securing, whenever practicable, the organization of a City Society as herein provided. Churches in com- munities adjacent to a city, and not attached to any other Society, may be included in the Society of the adjacent city. § 2. It shall be the duty of each Pastor whose Charge lies within the territory of a City Society, 319 ¢ 443 Home Missions anp Cu. ExrEnston once each year to present the interests of the Society to his congregation, take a collection for the same, or provide for the amount apportioned in the benevolent pudget, and report the amount received to the Annual Conference. ; § 3. The Annual Conferences are directed to take such friendly interest in the City Societies within their bounds as shall promote their efficiency and facilitate their work; to arrange for the publication of their reports in the Conference Minutes and to provide a separate column in connection with the statement of the General Benevolent Collections for the itemized report of the offerings for this work. V. Department of Rural Work 7443, § 1. The Department of Rural Work shall have the following powers and duties: ‘To encourage the organization of Rural Societies as hereinafter provided, and to cooperate with them when estab- lished. § 2. To make surveys in rural Church fields in or- der to ascertain their resources and needs and to determine the centers where permanent Church enter- prises might be established which would serve the whole community. § 3. To apportion such funds as may be appropri- ated for this purpose to strategic centers widely dis- tributed throughout the country for a given period of years and thus to demonstrate the service such a Church enterprise can render. § 4. To recommend to the responsible organiza- tions cases where denominational exchanges should 320 Home Missions anp Cu. Extension J 444 be made and where cooperative or federated plans could be worked out to prevent overlapping by com- peting denominations, and also to point out where Churches of our own denomination should be united. § 5. To promote the study of rural sociology among our Ministers, and in our Colleges and Theological Schools, and to plan complete Courses of Study in our denominational Colleges for the preparation of those who catch the vision and feel the eall to life-work in the rural field. § 6. To cooperate with all the allies of the Church in the great task of improving the economic, social, educational, and religious life of the people in the rural sections. § 7. To have such further powers and duties as will help to keep our Church fully abreast of the best thought and experience of the day concerning rura! life. § 8. All askings for Rural Work shall be reviewed by the Department of Rural Work. Appropriations for such work shall be administered by said Depart- ment and shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Con- ference Board, except where there is a Rural Society duly organized and in active operation, in which case all appropriations shall be payable to the Treasurer of the Rural Society. 9444. Rurant Societies. § 1. Rural Societies with the District Superintendent as a member, ez officio, may be organized on any District of any Annual Con- ference. They shall be auxiliary to the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension, and report to the same. § 2. Such Societies may select their own name, determine their own organization, and prosecute 321 q 444 Home Missions anp Cu. EXTENSION such work as they deem best, under the advice of the Superintendent of the Rural Work Department. § 3. In order that all Conferences, Missions, or other interests concerned in Missionary Work shall have representation, all Bishops, District Superin- tendents and Superintendents of Missions having jurisdiction in the geographical territory covered by the District Rural Society, and all Pastors therein, shall be ex officio members of said Society or of its Board of Managers or Executive Committee. Hach Quarterly Conference shall also be entitled to at least one Lay representative in the Society or Board. § 4. These Societies shall give special attention to the survey of their fields, to the development of a more efficient rural ministry, to religious and social work in neglected communities, and especially among non-English-speaking people, to the establishment of new Churches where needed, to the consolidation of Churches in over-churched communities, to the en- couragement of a spirit of unity among our own Churches and cooperation and federation with other denominations. § 5. There shall be a Council or Councils of Rural Work composed of two Bishops to be appointed by the Board of Bishops, the Corresponding’ Secretary and the Superintendent of the Department of Rural Work and two Delegates from each duly organized Rural Society. The Department of Rural Work may convene the Council :or Councils: annually at such time and place and under such conditions as said department shall determine, at least six weeks’ notice having been given to the officials of the Rural Socie. ties. 322 Home Missions AND CH. Extension {| 446 § 6. These societies may, wherever it is desirable, create a Comity Commission, composed of the District Superintendent, and of Ministers and Laymen in equal numbers, for the purpose of meeting and con- ferring with like Commissions, or bodies, of other evangelical denominations, to make such arrange- ments and agreements as may be necessary either to vacate, or take over, or exchange charges or proper- ties, in order to promote the religious care: and welfare of such communities. Such arrangements and agreements shall be made with due regard for the denominational investments and interests involved in such properties, and shall be subject to the ap- proval of the Annual Conference. VI. Department of Frontier Work 7445. The Department of Frontier Work shall have for its field of operations the newer sections of the country, as defined by the Board. It shall study the conditions and prospects of such sections, encourage the organization of new Churches where desirable, recommend the changing of the location of Churches as shifting populations may indicate, avoid planting Churches in communities already ade- quately supplied, recommend such appropriations to Missionaries as will best further the work and de- velop local support, and shall cooperate with the Board of Sunday Schools and with other denomina- tions in the most friendly spirit. VII. Department of Evangelism 9 446, § 1. The Department of Evangelism shall be 323 q 447 Homer Missions anp Cu. ExTENSION established for the purpose of promoting aggressive evangelism throughout the home field. § 2. Its special mission shall be to inspire the Church to more earnest pastoral and personal evan- gelism, including intercession and family worship; to prevent as far as possible the loss of members through the nonresident plan; to cooperate with Dis- trict Superintendents, Pastors and city and rural Societies in evangelistic campaigns where most needed; to assist the Board of Hducation in prose- cuting evangelistic work in colleges and universities and secondary schools; to promote and assist the work of chaplains in the army and navy, and reli- gious work among coast guards; and to establish a Bureau through which to utilize the services of ac- credited Methodist evangelists. § 3. The Board of Home Missions and Church Ex- tension shall cooperate with the Board of Education in providing for the religious training of Meth- odist students at tax-supported, independent, and other educational institutions not under the control of the Methodist Episcopal Church, by naming three of its members to serve with a like committee of the Board of Education, to have general supervision over all such work and to make grants of money from available funds, or to assist in campaigns for raising funds for the support of such work. The Corresponding Secretaries respectively of the Board of Education and the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension shall be members ex officio of said Joint Committee. VIII. Annual Conference Boards 447, ; 1. In each Annual Conference there. shall 324 Home Missions AND CH. Extension § 447 be a Conference Board of Home: Missions and Church Extension, composed of the District Superintendents ex officio, and an equal number of Ministers and Lay- men elected by the Annual Conference on nomination of the District Superintendents. Such Board shall have a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers, together with the District Superintendents, shall constitute an Executive Com- mittee, with authority to recommend contingent or emergency appropriations, and to distribute all Home Mission Funds at the disposal of the Annual Confer- ence. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Annual Conference to send the names of these officers to the Board of Home Missions and Church Ex- tension, and to publish them in the Conference Minutes. § 2. The Conference Board shall hold its Annual Meeting on the call of the President, and other meet- ings may be called by the President, or any three members, on due notice. The transactions of the year shall be reported by the President to the Annual Conference. § 3. The Board of Home Missions and Church Ex- tension, in making payments to meet appropriations, shall send drafts to the Secretary of the Conference Board, payable to the Treasurer, except in the case of duly organized City Societies or Rural Societies, in which ‘case remittances shall be made direct to them. § 4. In Mission Conferences there shall be a Board of Home Missions and Church Extension constituted as in an Annual Conference, and having the same duties and powers. 325 { { 448 Homer Missions anp CH. EXTENSION » IX. Boards of Church Location 9448. There shall be, in each District of an An- nual Conference, a Board of Church Location, con- sisting of the District Superintendent and three Ministers and three Laymen, nominated by the Dis- trict Superintendent and approved by the Confer- ence. It shall be the duty of this Board to prevent the selection of improper sites, and consider and determine all questions relating to the selection of new Church Locations which may be referred to it by the District Superintendent or by the vote of any Quarterly Conference. The decision of said Boara shall be final, unless overruled by the Annual Con- ference. It also shall be the duty of this Board, when requested by the District Superintendent or the Quarterly Conference of a Church contemplating the erection of a new edifice or the extensive remod- eling of an existing one, to consider carefully the entire situation, and report to the District Super- intendent and the Quarterly Conference its opinion as to the feasibility of the enterprise. X. Administration of Missions 9449, § 1. A Mission shall meet annually at the time and place appointed by the Bishop in charge, who shall preside if present. In the absence of the Bishop the Superintendent of the Mission shall pre- side. The presiding officer shall bring forward the regular business of the meeting, and arrange the work. This Annual Meeting shall possess the func- tions and powers of a District Conference, although the authority to license Local Preachers, and to renew 326 Woman’s Home Missionary Socrery { 450 the licenses of Local Preachers and Exhorters, shall remain with the Quarterly Conferences. § 2. In Annual Missions using a language other than English examinations of local and traveling preachers shall be held by the Mission, and certified to the Annual Conference concerned. The Mission shall also make the recommendations for Admission on Trial in an Annual Conference. CHAPTER: VI WOMAN’S HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY 7450, § 1. There shall be an organization known as the Woman’s Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church for the purpose of en- listing and organizing the efforts of Christian women and young people in behalf of all native and foreign groups, needy childhood, and community welfare throughout our country, and to cooperate with other societies and agencies in educational, missionary and deaconess work. § 2. It shall be governed and regulated by its Constitution, which may be altered or amended, when presented in proper form, by the Board of Managers, such. changes to be approved by the General Con- ference after having been approved by the Annual Meeting of the Board of Managers of the Society. § 8. Its field of labor, general plan of work, and its appropriations shall be submitted for approval to the Board of Home Missions and Church Exten- 327 € 450 Woman’s Home Missionary Sociery sion of the Methodist Episcopal Church at its Annual Meeting. § 4. The appointment of missionaries serving with the Woman’s Home Missionary Society shall be made by the Board of Trustees of the Society. Deaconesses serving with the Woman’s Home Mis- sionary Society shall be appointed according to the provisions of the Discipline of the Church. § 5. The funds of the Woman’s Home Missionary Society shall be raised by receiving Annual, Life, Honorary, and Perpetual Members; by gifts, annui- ties, bequests, and devises, and by collections in audiences convened in the interests of the Society. The amounts so collected shall be reported to the Annual Conference through the preachers in charge, in order that they may be entered among the benevy- olence collections and published in the Annual and General Minutes. CHAPTER: VII [The General Conference has ordered the merg- ing of the following Boards, to wit: The Board of Education (including Deaconess Training Schools), the Board of Education for Negroes, the Board of Sunday Schools, and the Board of the Epworth League, under the style and title of the Board of Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church. It has also directed that the Board of Hospitals and Homes and the General Deaconess Board be merged into one Board under the general style and title of the Board of Hospitals and Homes and Deaconess Work. See J 569.] 328 Boarp oF EDUCATION q 451 BOARD OF EDUCATION I. The Board of Education [When the merger of the Board of Education, the Board of Education for Negroes, the Board of Sunday Schools, and the Board of the Epworth League has been consummated as directed by the General Conference, there shall be committed to the Corpora- tion thereby created under the name “Board of Hdu- cation of the Methodist Episcopal Church” the work now committed to the Board of Education, the Board of Education for Negroes, the Board of Sunday Schools, the Board of the Epworth League and the Deaconess Training Schools heretofore committed to the General Deaconess Board. The membership of said corporation shall consist of 45 members to be appointed by the Board of Bishops, to serve until the close of the next General Conference. 569, $1550] 7451, § 1. It is the object of the Board of Edu- cation to serve as the officially authorized agency of the Methodist Episcopal Church in behalf of minis- terial and general education, seeking to diffuse the blessings of education and Christianity throughout the United States, and to cooperate with other Boards in educational work under their care. § 2. This Board shall have an advisory relation to the business and educational management of all the 329 q 451 Boarp oF EpucATION schools,* colleges, and other educational interests or agencies of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States; shall devise ways and means for the aid of institutions; and shall receive and dis- burse such funds as may from time to time be committed to it. It may serve as a Board of Refer- ence or Arbitration and when necessary may take measures to protect the property interests of our educational institutions. It shall seek to promote general and theological education and religious train- ing of students at institutions of the Methodist Epis- copal Church and of Methodist students at tax-sup- ported, independent, or other institutions, It shall promote the cause of education throughout the Church by collecting and publishing statistics, by furnishing plans for educational buildings, and by giving coun- sel with regard to the location and organization of institutions. It shall also serve as a general medium for communication between teachers desiring employ- ment and ‘institutions needing their services. § 3. In furthering ministerial education as ‘pro- vided in § 1 of this paragraph, this Board shall co- operate with the Board of Bishops in the: work of the Commission on Courses of Study and shall nom- inate to the Board of Bishops three members from the faculties of the educational institutions of the Church to represent the Board of Education on said Commission (210, § 1): The work of the Commis- sion shall be reported to the annual meeting of the Board of Education and the Board shall serve as the repository of the records of this Commission. The Board shall provide funds as’ may be found neces- sary, and as may be approved by the Board, for the work of the: Commission. 330 BoarpD OF EDUCATION 4 453 7452, § 1. The management of the affairs and properties of the Board of Education shall vest in a Board of Trustees consisting of thirty-six members, of whom one half shall be Laymen and at least three shall be Bishops. The said Board of Trustees shall constitute the Board of Education of the- Methodist Episcopal Church, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of New York. One third of the Board shall be elected at each General Conference on the nomination of the Board of Bishops, to serve for a term of twelve years; provided, however, that the terms of all of said Trustees shall cease when the merger of the Board of Education, Board of Educa- tion for Negroes, Board of Sunday Schools, and Board of Epworth League shall have been consum- mated either by obtaining a charter for a new cor- poration or the amendment of an existing charter. § 2. Vacancies in the Board shall be filled by the Bishops or a majority of them, the persons so ap- pointed to serve until the next succeeding General Conference. 97453, § 1. The officers of the Board shall be a President, one or more Vice-Presidents, a Correspond- ing Secretary, a Recording Secretary, and a Treas- urer, and such other officers or agents, paid or unpaid, as the Board may from time to time deter- mine. The officers, except such as are elected by the General Conference, shall be elected at. the annual meeting of the Board. The salaries of all officers and employees shall be fixed by the Board, and the By-Laws shall prescribe the duties of each. § 2. The Corresponding Secretary shall be elected by the General Conference and, subject to the pro- visions of the Discipline and the direction of the gat q 454 BoarD OF EDUCATION Board, he shall conduct the correspondence and busi- ness of the Board. In all his official conduct he shall be subject to thfe authority and control of the Board. His time shall be employed in conducting its affairs and in promoting its general interests. § 3. Any vacancy in the office of Corresponding Secretary caused by death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled temporarily by the Board until the Bishops or a majority of them shall fill the vacancy, and the person so appointed shall hold office until the next succeeding General Conference. 9454, § 1. The Board shall hold an annual meet- ing at such time and place as it may determine, sub- ject to the conditions of its charter, and may hold such special meetings as from time to time may be necessary. Twelve members of the Board shall con- stitute a quorum for the transaction of business. § 2. The Board may appoint an Executive Commit- tee of such number as it may determine and may commit to said Executive Committee such business or confer upon it such powers not inconsistent with the charter or with General Conference legislation, as the Board may determine. § 3. There shall be appointed annually by the Board a Standing Committee on Finance, consisting of five members of the Board, with whom may also be associated as advisory members, two additional persons not members of the Board. To the care and management of the Finance Committee shall be in- trusted the funds of the corporation, the preparation of the annual budget, the fixing of the official bond of the Treasurer, and the proper investment of the moneys of the corporation under the direction of the Board of Trustees. No investments or Securities 332 BoarpD oF EpucATION § 455 shall be changed by the Treasurer without the con. sent of a majority of the Finance Committee first obtained by resolution adopted at a regular meeting thereof. Minutes of all the proceedings of the Finance Committee shall be kept and submitted to the stated meetings of the Board of Trustees for approval. § 4. The Board may also appoint a Local Admin- istrative Committee of such number as it may deter- mine, composed of members of the Board residing within convenient distance of the general offices of the Board. Said Local Administrative Committee shall include members, respectively, of the Execu- tive and Finance Committees in such numbers as may from time to time be determined by the Board. It shall be empowered to transact such business as may be referred to it by the Board, by the Execu- tive Committee, or by the Corresponding Secretary of the Board. Its action shail in all cases be fully reported to the Executive Committee and by the Ex- ecutive Committee to the stated meetings of the Board. ; 97 455, § 1. The Board of Education shall receive and separately invest the moneys contributed prior to the first day of January, 1885, for the Sunday School Children’s Fund, commenced during the: Cen- tenary of 1866. ‘This fund shall be known as “The Sunday School Children’s Fund of 1866.” The income thereof, aside from such sums as may be appropri- ated for expenses of administration, shall be de-- voted to the purpose of assisting meritorious Sunday school scholars, members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in obtaining more advanced education, pref- erence being given to the aid of young persons preparing for the ministry or for the Home or 333 § 455 Boarp oF EDUCATION Foreign Missionary work of the Methodist Episcopal Church. § 2. The Board shall receive the moneys derived from the Children’s Day collections taken annually in the Sunday Schools throughout the Church, which moneys shall constitute ‘‘The Children’s Day Fund.” This fund shall be appropriated year by year to the aid of needy students who are members of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church; and if any surplus remain in any year after appropriating so much of the principal sum received from the collections for that year as may be necessary for the aid of students, such surplus shall be added to “The Sunday School Children’s Fund of 1866,’ described in § 1 of this paragraph. § 3. Each Annual Conference of the Methodist Epis- copal Church shall be entitled to share equitably in the income of the Sunday School Children’s Fund of 1866 and in the distribution of moneys annually re- ceived from the Children’s Day collections; provided, the annual collections for the said purpose are taken in the Sunday Schools within its bounds and are forwarded to the Board of Education. § 4. Aid from the Sunday School Children’s Fund of 1866 or from The Children’s Day Fund shall be granted only in the form of loans; but, by a two- thirds vote of the members present and voting, the Board shall have authority to cancel said loans in part or in whole for causes which seem to it suffi- cient. § 5. The Board shall receive and securely invest the principal of “The Centenary Educational Fund” as distinguished from ‘‘The Sunday School Children’s Fund of 1866” and shall appropriate the income there- 334 Boarp oF EpucatTiIon {| 455 from to the aid of universities, colleges, academies, biblical or theological schools, or other educational agencies under the patronage of the Methodist Epis- copal Church which are now in existence or which may hereafter be established with the approval of the General Conference through the Board of Edu- cation; provided, that no institution not now in existence shall be aided by the Board unless the Board shall first have been consulted and shall have ap- proved of the establishment and organization of such institution before the project was undertaken. The Board shall seek to augment the Centenary Educa- tional Fund for the aid of educational institutions under its care. § 6. The Board of Education shall receive such funds as are contributed for educational purposes through the general benevolences of the Church and shall appropriate the same for the aid of institutions and educational foundations under the patronage of the Church under such rules as the Board may adopt, provided they ‘are in accord with General Conference legislation. In making appropriations from this fund to individual institutions the Board shall give due consideration to their actual current needs as shown in carefully prepared reports presented by them on budget forms provided by the Board. Small col- leges with limited endowment but rich in their con- tribution to the religious leadership of the Church are especially commended to the favorable consider- ation of the Board. In case an official apportionment is made for the cause of education to any Confer- ence, any excess which may be raised by the Con- ference above this apportionment may be retained by it for the benefit of approved educational institu- 335 q 455 Boarp oF EDUCATION tions. under its patronage, as the Conference may de- termine. § 7. The Board of Education shall hisive especial care of the schools of the South which were com- mitted to it for maintenance and administration = the General Conference of 1908. § 8. The Board may solicit, create, and administer a fund which shall aid in providing retiring allow- ances or pensions for the presidents, professors, and other members of the faculties of the educational institutions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and may adopt rules and regulations for the administra- tion of such fund. § 9. The Board shall have power to administer any and all other funds, gifts, or bequests, committed to it for educational purposes, and shall be authorized to solicit and. create any special funds deemed wise in the carrying out of the objects and: purposes of the Board and to administer the same under such rules and regulations as it may adopt. § 10. The Board of Education shall cooperate with the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension in the care and religious training of Methodist stu- dents at tax-supported, independent, and other edu- cational institutions not under the patronage of the Methodist Episcopal Church, by naming three of its members to serve with a like Committee of the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension to have general supervision over all such work. The Corresponding Secretary of the Board of Hducation and the Corresponding Secretary of the Board: of Home Missions and Church Extension shall be addi- tional ex officio. members of this Joint Committee. The Board of Education may make grants of money 336 Boarp oF EpucATION q 458 from available funds for the support of such work; provided, that any institution or foundation thus aided shall have first submitted to said Board .care- fully prepared reports on budget forms provided by the Board. § 11. No educational institution or educational foundation of the Methodist Episcopal Church shall hereafter be established or receive support from the Church funds without its plans and organization having been first submitted to the Board of Edu- cation for its approval. 7456. Educational societies or foundations cre- ated by Annual Conferences may be recognized as auxiliaries of the Board of Education when their objects and purposes, their articles of incorporation, and their methods of administration are approved by the Annual Conference within whose bounds they are incorporated and by the Board of Education. All auxiliaries thus formed shall be required to send annually a report of their fiscal and administrative affairs to the Board of Education. 9457. The Board of Trustees may from time to time adopt By-Laws for the regulation of the affairs of the Board not inconsistent with the Charter or with General Conference legislation. II. Educational Institutions [Department of Schools and Colleges of the Board of Education, J 408, § 1, 3(a)] 7458, § 1. The educational institutions in the United States under the patronage of the Meth- 387 q 458 Boarp oF EDUCATION odist Episcopal Church shall be classified as fol- lows: 1. Primary Schools and Religious Day Schools. . Secondary Schools. . Colleges and Universities. . Schools of Theology. . Auxiliaries and Foundations. . Training Schools for Christian Workers. No institution having been classified by the Board of Education shall change its classification without having first secured the approval of the Board of Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In the foreign mission fields, where the classifica- tion of schools under the national educational sys- tem differs from that in the United States, the tabu- lation and description of schools shall harmonize with the national system, and in official publications in the United States appropriate explanatory notes shall be published with the tables. § 2. In mission fields or other localities in the United States where provision for elementary instruc- tion is inadequate, primary schools may be estab- lished, under the supervision of the Board of Hdu- cation. The Board of Education may cooperate with local churches or interchurch groups by advising as to the courses of study for religious instruction in community day schools. § 3. Wherever conditions are favorable an Annual or Mission Conference may have under its patronage one or more secondary schools, colleges, universi- ties, theological schools, or other educational insti- tutions or agencies, provided such institutions have the approval of the Board of Education and meet the requirements of the University Senate. 338 SD Om co bo BoarpD oF EDUCATION | 458 § 4. An Annual or Mission Conference in the United States may not establish or acquire a secondary school, college, or university, except in case of ciear necessity and with the prospect of sufficient finan- cial support for its permanent equipment and main- tenance, and with the approval of the Board of Education. § 5. (1) The theological schools of the Church shall be those whose professors are nominated or con- firmed by the Bishops, and they shall exist for the benefit of the whole Church. Since they exist for the benefit of the whole Church, the Church therefore recognizes its obligation for their maintenance and support. (2) The theological schools of the Methodist Hpis- copal Church, located within the boundaries of the United States, shall be under the advisory supervision of the Board of Education, from which they shall re- ceive such financial aid as said Board shall deter- mine, after giving due consideration to their needs as exhibited in carefully prepared reports on budget forms provided by the Board. (3) It is the duty of Bishops, District Superin- tendents, and Pastors to direct the attention of quali- fied candidates for the ministry of our Church to our theological schools and to secure their attendance at such schools. (4) No theological school, or department of the- ology in an existing institution, shall be established without first securing the consent of the Board of Education. § 6. Auxiliaries and foundations established for the promotion of educational work under the patron- age of the Methodist Episcopal Church may be rec- ~339 { 459 BoarD oF EDUCATION ognized by the Board of Education and be listed in its reports when their objects and plans, their ar- ticles of incorporation, their methods of administra- tion, and their educational standards are approved by the Annual Conference within whose bounds they are established and by the Board of Education. § 7. The Board of Education shall publish in its annual report a list of all the educational institutions under the patronage of the Methodist Episcopal Church, classified in accordance with § 1 of this par- agraph, and the findings of the University Senate. It shall be the duty of the President or other admin- istrative officer of each educational institution to fur- nish to the Board of Education such statistics or other information as may enable the Board to make a report of the standing and equipment of each of the institutions; provided, however, that in the case of educational institutions in the foreign field, the information desired shall be secured through the Board of Foreign Missions. III. The University Senate 7459, § 1. The University Senate of the Methodist Episcopal Church shall be appointed quadrennially by the Bishops, and shall be composed of twenty-one per- sons actively engaged in the work of education. If, in consequence of the retirement of a member from educational work, or from any other cause, a vacancy occur in the body during the Quadrennium, it shall be the duty of the Bishops at their next semiannual meeting to fill such vacancy. § 2. It shall be the duty of the University Senate 340 Boarp oF EDUCATION { 459 to protect the educational standards of the Church. The Senate shall have authority to establish stand- ards for the various educational institutions and foundations under the patronage of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and shall have advisory oversight of the educational work conducted under the several Benevolent Boards of the Church with a view to ascertaining its quality and effectiveness. § 3. The Senate shall determine and at least quad- rennially revise the minimum requirements to be maintained for admission, for graduation, and for promotion to baccalaureate degrees, in the educa- tional institutions under the patronage of the Church. The requirements thus established shall provide in all cases for the historical and literary study of the Bible. § 4. At the request of the President and Corre- sponding Secretary of the Board of Education or at _the written request of five of its own members the University Senate shall investigate the scholastic re- quirements and methods of any designated educa- tional institution or foundation claiming or adjudged to be under the patronage or supervision of the Board of Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church and shall report to said Board its decisions as to whether the requirements and methods of said institution are such as to justify its official recognition by the Church. The Senate shall report at least quadren- nially to the Board of Education a proper classifica- tion for each educational institution or foundation under its supervision, and on the basis of this report the Board of Education shall prepare its official lists of institutions and shall be governed in its adminis: tration. 341 { 460 BoarD OF EDUCATION § 5. At» the request of the President or the Cor: responding Secretary of any of the Benevolent Boards of the Church, or at the written request of five of its own members, the University Senate shall ex- amine the quality and standards of the educational work done under the auspices of such Board and shall report to the Board concerned its estimate of the merit of such educational work, and its recommenda- tions as to what changes or improvements, if any, should be adopted. § 6. The Corresponding Secretary of the Board of Education shall be the Executive Secretary of the University Senate, and the necessary expenses of the University Senate in the conduct of its work shall be borne by the Board of Education, except that expenses incurred on behalf of any other of the Be- nevolent Boards of the Church shall be borne by that Board. § 7. The University Senate shall meet in regular session at least twice in each quadrennium. IV. Annual Conferences 9460, § 1. It shall be the duty of each Annual Conference to organize within its bounds an Annual Conference Board of Education. This Board shall consist of at least one and not more than four Min- isters and an equal number of Laymen for each Dis- trict, as the Annual Conference may determine, to be elected by the Annual Conference and hold office for three years. The Board shall be divided into three classes, each containing approximately one third of the Ministers and one third of the Laymen, 342 Boarp oF EpucATION { 460 one class to be elected at each session of the Annual Conference upon nomination of the Conference Com- mittee on Education, unless otherwise determined by the Conference; provided, that at the first elec- tion one class shall be elected for three years, one class for two years, and one class for one year. All Presidents of colleges or universities, theological schools, principals of secondary schools and official heads of auxiliaries of the Board of Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church, which are under the patronage of the Conference, shall be members ex officio of the Annual Conference Board. § 2. The Ministerial Members of the Conference Board of Education shall report the acts and affairs of the Conference Board to the Annual Conference, and shall transmit the instructions and acts of the Annual Conference relative to education and educa- tional institutions to the Conference Board of Edu- cation. § 8. It shall be the duty of the Conference Board of Education: (1) To organize by the election of a Chairman and a Secretary-Treasurer to serve for one year or until their successors are elected, and to appoint such committees as are necessary to accomplish its work. (2) To hold at least one meeting each year for the consideration and promotion within the Annual Conference of the general and local interests of education, at which meeting the Corresponding Secre- tary or other representative of the Board of EHdu- cation of the Methodist Episcopal Church: shall be present if possible. (3) To provide for the visitation each year of the approved educational institutions within the bounds 343 {| 460 BoarD OF EDUCATION of the Annual Conference or under its patronage, in cases where Conference Visitors are not provided for by Charters or other established method of the An- nual Conference. Conference Visitors to the respec- tive educational institutions shall report upon the same to the Conference Board of Education, and the Conference Board shall report upon such institutions to the Annual Conference and, upon request, to the Board of Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church. (4) To review the financial reports and budgets prepared by educational institutions under the pat- ronage of the Conference for presentation to the Annual Conference and to the Board of Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church as a basis for requests for appropriations from the Public Educa- tional Collection, and to make recommendations thereon. (5) To provide for the presentation of the cause of education within the bounds of the Annual Con- ference and to assist as may be found possible in taking educational collections. (6) To secure lists of the members of the educa- tional committees of each Charge within the bounds of the Annual Conference and as far as possible to coordinate the work of such committees. (7) To have charge of the anniversary of the Board of Education at the session of the Annual Conference and to arrange for conventions and other public educational meetings. (8) To assist in formulating the plans and pro- grams of the Annual Conference in furtherance of its educational interests; to serve as an agency of the Conference in carrying into effect such plans and 344 Boarp or Epucation {@ 462 programs or other instructions of the’ Annual Con- ference; and to make a report at the Annual Confer- ence session of the acts and affairs of the Confer- ence Board of Education for the year. § 4. The Treasurer of each’ Annual Conference at the close of each Conference session ‘shall report to the Board of Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church the amount of all moneys raised for educa- tional purposes and the objects to which they have been applied. V. District. Superintendents 7461. It shall be the duty of each District Su- perintendent to bring the subject of education before the fourth Quarterly Conference of each Pastoral Charge within his District, and the Quarterly Con- ference shall appoint a Committee on Education, con- sisting of not less than three nor more than seven persons, of which Committee the Pastor shall be Chairman. This Committee shall aid the Pastor in canvassing the Charge for the purpose of stimulating interest in the higher education of our youth, by distributing the catalogues and circulars of the sec: ondary schools, colleges, universities, and theologi- cal institutions of the Church, and by seeking to secure the attendance of our ONE people upon these institutions. VI. Pastors 462, § 1. It shall be the duty of every Pastor to cause each Sunday School under his charge to — 345 { 462 Boarp oF EDUCATION observe the second Sunday in June or such other day as may be more convenient, as Children’s Day, and on that day as a part of the service there shall be taken in each charge a collection to be devoted to the aid of worthy students in educational institu- tions. The Pastor shall forward the money received from this collection to the Board of Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church and all such moneys received by the Board shall constitute the Children’s Day Fund to be administered for the purposes for which the collection was taken under such rules as the Board may adopt subject to General Conference legislation. The Pastor shall report the amount of the Children’s Day Collection to the Annual Confer- ence among the Disciplinary Benevolences. § 2. It shall be the duty of every Pastor to take a public collection annually in each Society in aid of the general work of education in addition to the Children’s Day Collection referred to in § 1 of this paragraph. The moneys received from this collec tion shall be forwarded by the Pastor to the Treas- urer of the Annual Conference and shall be reported among the Disciplinary Benevolences under the head- ing “Public Educational Collection.” The total amount of the Public Educational Collection shall be forwarded by the Treasurer of the Conference to the Board of Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church to constitute a fund for the aid of institu- tions to be administered for such purpose under such rules as the Board may adopt subject to General Conference legislation. In case the Public Educa- tional Collection in any Conference in a given year © shall exceed the official apportionment for this cause, the excess may be retained by the Conference for 346 | _— BoarpD oF EDUCATION q 463 the benefit of the approved educational institutions under its patronage as the Conference may determine. ({ 455, § 6.) BOARD OF EDUCATION FOR NEGROES [Department of Education for Negroes of the Board of Education, see {| 408, § 1, 3(b)] I. General Object 463. The work of the Board of Education for Negroes shall be the establishment and maintenance of institutions for Christian education among the colored people in the Southern States and elsewhere. The instruction in these institutions shall include such literary, professional, and biblical courses of study and such industrial training as will tend to develop the highest Christian character. These in- stitutions shall be located with reference to an edu- cational system comprising collegiate centers and cooperative preparatory academies, so that with the greatest economy the educational needs of the people may be most fully met. Contributions shall be taken through the Church for the maintenance and support of this work, and for this purpose Lincoln’s Birthday shall be observed wherever practicable. The schools shall be made self-supporting as rapidly as the finan- cial conditions of the people will permit. Special efforts shall be made to secure permanent endow- ments for the various institutions, and the Board of Managers, whenever it is satisfied that the support 347 { 464 Boarp oF EpucatTion will be .ample and that the property will be main- tained and perpetuated, may convey the control of said schools to local Boards of Trustees, II. Board of Managers 9464. There shall be a Board of Managers consist- ing of six General Superintendents, twelve Ministers, and twelve Laymen, to be elected quadrennially by the General Conference, upon nomination by the Bishops; their term of service shall begin on the first Wednesday in June following their election, and continue until their successors shall enter upon their duties. The Corresponding Secretaries shall be mem- bers of the Board ex officio. Ad interim vacancies shall be filled by the Bishops until the session of the ensuing General Conference, and the absence of any member from four consecutive meetings of the Board without reasonable excuse shall create a vacancy. The Board of Managers, being incorporated according to law, shall be subject to the control of the General Conference and the provisions of the Discipline, and shall have such powers and prerogatives. as are needed to conduct the work of the Society, to designate what institutions shall receive aid for the ensuing year, and, as far as practicable, the amount each school shall receive; to determine the total amount to be expended in the support of the schools and for ad- ministrative purposes. Eleven members shall con- stitute a quorum for the transaction of all business, except the purchase and gale of real estate, in which case a majority of the members. shall constitute a quorum and the concurrent vote of eleven. members 348 Boarp or EDUCATION { 465 shall be necessary to complete any such transaction. The Board shall make a quadrennial report to the General Conference, and shall publish quarterly, or oftener, full information concerning its work. Ill. Officers 7465, § 1. The officers of the Board shall be a President, three or more Vice-Presidents, two co- ordinate Corresponding Secretaries, a Recording Sec- retary, a Treasurer, and an Assistant Treasurer, all of whom, except the Corresponding Secretaries, shall be elected by the Board at its annual meeting each year; but a vacancy may be filled at any meeting. § 2. The Corresponding Secretaries shall be elected by the General Conference, and as Administrative Officers shall be in all official acts subject to the authority and control of the Board of Managers. Their time shall be occupied, under the direction of the Board, in promoting the interests of the Society by conducting the correspondence and office work, traveling through the Church, giving general super- vision to the institutions of learning under the care of the Society, and rendering other needful forms of service. In case of vacancy by death, resignation, or otherwise, the Board shall provide for the duties of the office until the Bishops shall fill the vacancy. The Board shall fix and pay the respective salaries of all its salaried Officers. § 3. The Publishing Agent at Cincinnati shall be the Treasurer of the Society, and the Board of Man- agers may appoint such Assistant Treasurers as it deems wise. 349 | 466 Boarp oF EDUCATION IV. District Superintendents and Pastors 7466, § 1. Each District Superintendent, as early in the Conference year as possible, shall inform each Pastor in his District of the amount to be raised in his Pastoral Charge, and he shall also inquire at the third Quarterly Conference if the amount asked for has been raised, and if not, he shall urge that it be secured before the close of the Conference year. § 2. At the last Quarterly Conference of each year a committee of not less than three nor more than nine shall be appointed, of which the Pastor shall be the Chairman, to be called the Committee on Edu- cation for Negroes, whose duty it shall be to aid in carrying into effect the provisions of the Dis- cipline and the plans of the Officers and Managers of the Society for the support of this cause, so that at least the amount asked for each year from the Pas- toral Charge shall be secured. The Committee shall also see that information concerning this work is diffused among the people, using as one means for this purpose the literature published by the Society. § 3. The Pastor, aided by the Committee on Ap- portioned Benevolences and the Commitee on Edu- cation for Negroes, where such Committee is con- stituted, shall provide for an annual day in the interest of this cause, and whenever practicable this day shall be the Sunday nearest to Lincoln’s Birth- day, when the Pastor shall present or shall have pre- sented the Cause of Negro Education in the public congregation. On this occasion offerings and pledges may be received to meet the apportionment made by the World Service Commission, unless such appor- tionment has been already provided for by the 350 Boarp oF EpucATIoN q 468 Every-Member-Canvass budget plan. This apportion- ment being a minimum asking, a free-will offering may be received in addition thereto. V. Negro Schools 9467. To promote educational work for Negroes and to avoid duplication, the Board of Education for Negroes, of the Methodist Episcopal Church shall have authority, on such terms as by majority vote of its entire membership the Board shall approve, to co- operate or to unite with schools of other denomina- tions, or those under independent control. BOARD OF SUNDAY SCHOOLS [Department of Church Schools of the Board of Education, see J 408, § 1, 3(c)] I. Incorporation 7468, § 1. For the moral and religious instruction of our children, and for the promotion of Bible knowl- edge among all our people, there shall be a Board of Sunday Schools, duly incorporated according to the laws of the State of Illinois, and having its headquarters in the city of Chicago. The said Board shall have general oversight of all the Sunday School interests of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and Shall be subject to such rules and regulations as Sok {468 Boarp oF EpucaTION the General Conference from time to time may pre- scribe. | § 2. The Board of Sunday .Schools shall, until merged with the Board of Education, be composed of the Corresponding Secretary of said Board and the Editor of Sunday School Publications, who shall be ex officio members thereof; one effective Bishop, and twenty-six members at large, lay and clerical, expert in Sunday School work. All the members of said Board except the two ex officio members shall be elected by the General Conference upon nomination of the Board of Bishops. § 3. It shall be the duty of said Board to found Sunday Schools in needy neighborhoods; to contrib- ute to the support of Sunday Schools requiring assist- ance; to educate the Church in all phases of Sunday School work, constantly endeavoring to raise ideals and improve methods; to determine the Sunday School curriculum, including the courses for teacher training; and, in general, to give impulse and direc- tion to the study of the Bible in the Church. It shall also be the duty of said Board, after consultation with the Editor of Sunday School Publications, to recommend to the Book Committee the kind and character of literature, requisites, supplies, etc., needed for use in our Sunday Schools; and the Pub- lishing Agents shall provide and publish such litera- ture, requisites, and supplies, as, in the judgment of the Book Committee, the best interests of the Church may demand. It shall also be the duty of said Board © to promote such organizations of men as the organ- ized Bible classes, Brotherhoods, and kindred or- ganizations. § 4. It shall be the duty of the Board of Sunday 352 Boarp oF Epucation { 469 Schools to revise annually its list of members. In case any member representing a‘ General Conference District remove therefrom, it shall declare his office vacant, and in case-any member be inattentive to the duties of his office, or guilty of improper conduct, it may remove him by a majority vote of all of the members of said Board. All vacancies in said Board may be filled by..a majority vote of the remaining members thereof. § 5. The executive officers of the Boand shall be the Corresponding Secretary and ‘the Hditor of Sunday School Publications, whose duties shall be as herein- after defined. § 6. The German Editor of Sunday School Publi- cations, in Cincinnati shall be the German Assistant Secretary of the Board of Sunday Schools, without additional salary. He shall also be an advisory mem- ber of the Board. II. Corresponding Secretary 7469, § 1. The General Conference shall elect quadrennially a Corresponding Secretary of the Board of Sunday Schools. Under the provisions of the Dis- cipline and the authority, direction, and control of said Board, he shall conduct its correspondence and business, except in so far as they relate to the duties of the Editor of Sunday School Publications. It shall be his duty to recommend to the Book Committee the preparation and publication of such Sunday School requisites and supplies as in his judgment may be necessary. His salary shall be fixed by the Board of Sunday Schools and paid out of the funds thereof. He shall be ex officio a member of the Board. 353 q 470 Boarp oF EpucaTion § 2. The Corresponding Secretary of the: Board of Sunday Schools may be suspended by said Board for any cause it may deem sufficient. In case of such suspension said Board shall fix a time, at as early a date as practicable, for the investigation of his con- duct. After such investigation, said Corresponding Secretary may be removed by .a two-thirds vote of the entire Board of Sunday Schools. § 3. Any vacancy in this office caused by death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled by the Board of Sunday Schools subject to the approval of the Board of Bishops. Ill. Editor of Sunday School Publications 97470, § 1. The General Conference shall . elect quadrennially an Editor of Sunday School Publica- tions. § 2. He shall prepare and edit all books and litera- ture included in the Sunday School Curriculum, and all other required Sunday School publications. § 3. He shall be ex officio a member of the Board of Sunday Schools, but his salary shall be fixed by the Book Committee and paid by the Publishing Agents. He shall be amenable to the Book Committee as provided in the Discipline, IV. Other shinee q 471, § 1. The Board shall elect from among, its members a President and two Vice-Presidents;. It shall also elect'a Recording: Secretary, and a Treas- 354 Boarp oF EpucATION 7 472 —urer. It may, at its discretion, elect an Assistant Cor- responding Secretary and such other Assistants as it may deem necessary for the proper efficient con- duct of the’ work of the Board. § 2. All these officers shall be amenable to the Board for the faithful performance of their duties and may be discontinued or removed by a majority vote of the Board. Their compensation shall be fixed by the Board and paid out of its funds. V. Conference Board of Sunday Schools 97472, § 1. It shall be the duty of each Annual Conference to organize a Conference Board of Sunday Schools. Said Board shall consist of the Superinten- dent of each District ex officio and an equal number of Laymen and Ministers from each District. The Conference Board shall be auxiliary to the Depart- ment of Church Schools of the Board of Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church and shall have oversight of the Sunday School interests of the Con- ference, and shall cooperate with said Department in promoting the Sunday School work of the Conference and of the denomination at large. The Conference Board may add not to exceed five members at large in order more adequately to carry forward its work. It shall be elected annually by the Annual, Con- ference. : § 2. The District representatives on the Conference’ Board of Sunday Schools may act as a District Board of Sunday Schools when they so desire. § 3. Among the duties of the Conference Board shall be the holding of Sunday School Institutes and 355 1 473 Boarp oF EDUCATION other meetings of Sunday School workers, the presen- tation of standard requirements for Methodist Epis- copal Sunday Schools, the recommendation of the lesson helps authorized by the General Conference, the distribution of literature issued by the Board of Sunday Schools and the Methodist Book Concern, the stimulation of effective Sunday School organization, instruction and equipment, the promotion of Sunday School growth and extension, the encouragement of wise plans for Evangelistic efforts in the Sunday Schools and the promotion of the financial interests of the General Board of Sunday Schools. This Board shall take the place of the Annual Conference Com- mittee on Sunday Schools and make an annual report of Sunday School conditions and progress to the Con- ference and to the Corresponding Secretary of the Board of Sunday Schools. VI. Local Sunday School Board 97 473, §1. Every Sunday School of the Methodist Episcopal Church shall be under the supervision of a Local Sunday School Board, and shall be auxiliary to the Board of Sunday Schools of the Methodist Episcopal Church. § 2. The Local Sunday School Board shall consist of the Pastor, who shall be ex officio Chairman, the Director of Religious Education (when there is one), and the Committee on Religious Instruction ap- pointed by the Quarterly Conference, the Superinten- dent, who shall be ex officio Vice-Chairman, and all other officers and teachers of the Sunday. School elected or confirmed by the Local Board. In case of 306 BoarD oF EDUCATION 474 the withdrawal of Officers and Teachers from the school, they shall cease’ to be members of the Board. § 8. It shall be the duty of the Local Sunday School Board, wherever practicable, to organize the Sunday Schools into Temperance Societies, under such rules and regulations as the Local Board may prescribe. The duty of such Societies shall be to see that tem- perance instruction is imparted in the Sunday School, and to secure, so far as possible, the pledging of its members to total abstinence. , § 4. It shall be the duty of the local Sunday School Board to promote the standard requirements for Methodist Episcopal Sunday Schools as determined. by the General Board of Sunday Schools, and espe- cially shall it be the duty of the Local Sunday School Board to provide’a class or classes for the training of officers and teachers in the principles and methods of religious education and Sunday School work. § 5. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent, together with the Local Sunday School Board, to observe Sunday School Rally Day in each School under his charge as provided in J 476, § 6, and to take a collection in said School at least once a year for the Board of Sunday Schools. VII. Sunday School Officers and Teachers 7 474, §1. The Superintendent shall be elected an- nually by ballot by the Local Sunday School Board, subject to confirmation by the Quarterly Conference at its first session after such election, and in case of a vacancy the Pastor shall superintend or secure the superintending of the School until such time as a 357 474 BoarpD oF EDUCATION Superintendent elected by the Local Sunday School Board shall be confirmed by the Quarterly Confer- ence. § 2. The other Officers of the School shall be elected annually by ballot by the Local Sunday School Board. § 3. The Teachers of the School shall be nominated by the Superintendent, with the concurrence of the Pastor, and shall be elected annually by the Local Sunday School Board. § 4. The place of any Officer or Teacher habitually neglectful, inefficient, or guilty of improper conduct, or of teaching contrary to the accepted doctrines of our Church, may be declared vacant by a vote of two thirds of the Local Sunday School Board present at any regular or special meeting. When a Teacher ceases to teach, without the consent of the Superin- tendent, his membership in the Local Sunday School Board shall thereby be discontinued. § 5. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to report to each Quarterly Conference: 1. Name of Sunday School. 2. Number of officers and teachers. 3. Scholars—not including Home Department and Cradle Roll. 4. Members in Home Department. 5. Children on Cradle Roll. 6. Total enrollment in all departments, including - Cradle Roll, Home Department, Scholars, Officers and Teachers. 7. Average attendance. 8. Members of school who are Church Members, or Preparatory Members, (a) Teachers and Officers; (b) Home Department; (c) other scholars not including Cradle Roll. 358 BoarD OF EpDUGATION {475 9. Professed conversions of Members of the Sunday School. 10. Accessions to the Church from the Sunday School. 11. Current expenses. 12. Given for Missions. 13. Given for Board of Sunday edauole 14. Other benevolent collections. 15. To what extent are the schools graded? 16. Are the Sunday Schools furnished with the publications authorized by our Church? Graded or uniform lessons? 17. Have the Sunday Schools Afisston ary Superin- tendents and Committees? 18. Are they organized into Temperance Societies? 19. Miscellaneous. Nore.—He shall also, at the Fourth Quarterly Conference, render an annual report on the above items. VIII. District Superintendents 7475, §1. It shall be the duty of the District Superintendent to aid in all possible: ways in devel- oping the efficiency of the Sunday Schools of his dis- trict. He shail be especially required to promote graded organization, graded instruction, teacher training, and evangelism; he shall also urge in all Schools the use of the literature authorized by the General Conference published by The Methodist Book Concern. He shall provide an annual institute for the instruction and training of the Sunday School workers of his District in the most effective methods of Sunday School work. § 2. It shall be the duty of the District Superin- tendent to bring the subject of Sunday Schools before 359 { 476 BoarD oF Epucation the fourth Quarterly Conference; and said Quarterly Conference shall appoint a Committee of members of our Church: not less than three nor more than nine for each Sunday School in the Charge, to be called the Committee on Religious’ Education, whose duty shall be as hereinafter. described ({ 477). - IX. Pastors ~ 1476, § 1. It shall be the duty of the Pastor and the Director of Religious. Education,, aided by the Superintendent and the Commission on. Religious Education, to. decide as to what books and other pub- lications shall be used in the Sunday Schools. § 2. It shall be the special duty of the Pastor, with the aid of the other Preachers and the Committee on Religious Instruction, to form Sunday Schools in all our Congregations.where ten persons can be collected for that purpose, which Schools shall be auxiliary: to the Board of Sunday Schools of the Methodist Epis- copal Church; to engage the cooperation of aS many of our members as he can; to, visit the Schools,as often. as practicable; to see that regular instruction in Christian Stewardship shall be given,.in the Sun- day Schools under his charge; to preach on. the subject of Sunday Schools and the religious instruc- tion of children in each Congregation at least once in six months; to form classes, wherever practicable, for the instruction of the larger: children, youth, and adults in the Word of God; and where he cannot superintend them personally, to see that suitable Teachers are provided for that purpose. 360 BoarD OF EDUCATION | § 476 § 3. It shall be. the duty. of the Pastor. faithfully to enforce upon parents:and Sunday School Teachers the great importance of instructing children in the doctrines and duties of our holy religion; to see that our Catechisms be used as extensively as possible in our Sunday Schools and families; and to preach to the children and catechize them publicly in the Sun- day Schools and at public meetings appointed for that purpose. § 4. It shall be the duty of the Pastor in his Pas- toral visits to pay special attention to the children; to speak to them personally and kindly according to their capacity on the subject of experimental and practical godliness; to pray earnestly for them; and diligently to instruct and exhort all parents to dedi- cate their children to the Lord in Baptism as early as convenient. § 5. Each Pastor shall lay before the Quarterly Conference, to be entered on its Journal, the number and state of the Sunday Schools in his Pastoral Charge, and the extent to which he has preached to the children and catechized them, and shall make the required report on Sunday Schools to his Annual Conference. § 6. It shall be the duty of every Pastor to cause each Church under his Charge to observe the first’ Sunday in’ October, or such other Sunday as may be more convenient, as Sunday School Rally Day, and upon said day as part of the service he shall take a collection to be devoted to the maintenance and ad- vancement of Sunday School work throughout the bounds of the Church. The Pastor shall forward the said collection directly to the Corresponding Secre- tary of the Board of Sunday Schools. ~ 361 q 477 Boarp oF Epucation X. Quarterly Conference Commission on Religious Education if 1.477, § 1. It shall be the duty of the Commission on Religious Education appointed by the Quarterly Conference to be in regular attendance at the Sunday School session, and to assist the Pastor and the local Sunday School Board in organizing and correlating all practicable forms of both Sunday and week-day religious instruction; to secure needed supplies and requisites for the Sunday School; and to cooperate in providing facilities for the week-day recreational life of the young people. § 2. It shall further secure adequate time for the Sunday School session; provide for a Sunday School anniversary in the Church service every year; pro- mote an annual house-to-house visitation to increase Sunday School membership, Bible study and family worship in the home, and also aim to secure every member of the Church as a member of some depart- ment of the Sunday School. BOARD OF THE EPWORTH LEAGUE [Department of Epworth League of the Board of Education, see {| 408, § 1, 3(d)] I. Constitution |478. For the purpose of promoting intelligent and vital piety among the young people» of our 362 Boarp oF EDUCATION {| 478: Churches and Congregations, and of training them in works of mercy and help, there shall be an organ- ization under the authority of the General Confer- ence of the Methodist Episcopal Church and governed. by the following Constitution: CONSTITUTION § 1, Articre I. Name. The title of this organiza- tion shall be “The Epworth League of the Methodist Episcopal Church.” § 2. ArTICLE II. Object. The object of the League shall be to promote intelligent and vital piety in the young members and friends of the Church, to aid them in the attainment of purity of heart and con- stant growth in grace, and to train them in works of mercy and help. § 3. ArtricLte III. Standard Organization. With a. view to carrying out the objects of the Epworth League there may be organized local Chapters, and District, Conference and Area Leagues, each conform- ing to the standard of organization set forth in this. Article. A standard Chapter shall be constituted of a group of young people organized with a President,. Secretary, Treasurer, Superintendent of Junior League and four departments, namely, (1) Spiritual work, (2) World Evangelism, (3) Social Service, (4) Recreation and Culture; with a Vice-President. and committee at the head of each department, and with a Cabinet composed of the President, the Sec- retary, the Treasurer, the Superintendent of the Jun- ior League, the four Vice-Presidents, the Director of Social and Recreational Life, and the Pastor ez officio. The Chapter shall be under the control of the Quar- terly Conference and Pastor. Any young People’s: 363 7 478 BoaRrD OF EDUCATION Society may become an affiliated Chapter of the EHp- worth League provided that it adopt the aims of the League, that its President and other officers and its general plans of work are approved by the Pastor and Official Board or Quarterly Conference and that it is enrolled at the Central Office. Any group of young people not naturally affiliated with an existent Chapter may become a separate Chapter under the provisions of this paragraph. A standard District League shall be composed of the Chapters in a District, organized with the same officers as a local Chapter, who shall be elected at a delegated convention, and together with the District Superintendent ex officio, shall constitute the District Cabinet. A standard Confer- ence League shall be composed of the District Cabi- nets within the Conference. They shall elect officers corresponding to those in a local Chapter, and these together with one District Superintendent chosen by the District Superintendents of the Conference shall constitute the Conference Cabinet. A standard Area League shall be composed of all the Conference Cabinets in the Area, and the Area member of the Board of the Hpworth League. The Area Cabinet shall be elected by this body and shall consist of the same officers as those of a local Chapter, together with one District Superintendent chosen by the Dis- trict Superintendents in the Area League, and the resident Bishop ez officio. It is understood this Article does not prevent the organization of ‘city, county. or State Leagues where such may be de- sired. § 4. Articte IV. Government. The management of the Board of the Epworth League, until merged with the Board of Education, shall be vested in a 364 Boarp oF EpucaTIon § 478 Board which shall consist of a Bishop, the General Secretary, the Editor of the Epworth Herald, and twenty members at large. The members at large to be nominated by the Board of Bishops and elected by the General Conference. The Bishop shall be President of the Epworth League and of the Board of the Epworth League. The Assistant Secretary of the Junior League and the elected field and Departmental Secretaries shall be advisory members of the Board. In case of a va- cancy in the office of General Secretary during the Quadrennium, the same shall be filled by the Board of Bishops. Any vacancy occurring in the member- ship of the Board shall be filled by said Board of Bishops. § 5. ARTICLE V. Officers. The Officers of the League shall be a President, a Vice-President, a General Sec- retary, a Recording Secretary, and a Treasurer. The President shall be chosen as hereinbefore provided. The Vice-President and Recording Secretary shall be chosen. by the Board of the Epworth League from its own body. The General Secretary shall be elected by the General Conference, and shall be the execu- tive officer of the League. He shall have charge of the correspondence, shall keep the records of the League, and may speak or provide speakers for An- nual Conference anniversaries, and perform such other duties as the Board of the Epworth League may direct. The Editor of the Hpworth Herald shall be elected by the General Conference, and shall per- form such duties as relate to the editorial depart- ments of Epworth League publications. The Treas- urer shall be elected by the Board of the Epworth League. These Officers shall be elected quadren- 365 7 478 Boarp oF EDUCATION nially, and shall hold office until their successors are chosen. Vacancies in any of the above-mentioned positions, except the Presidency, the General Secre- taryship, and the Editorship of the Hpworth Herald, shall be filled by the Board of the Epworth League. § 6. ARTICLE VI. The Board of the Epworth League may elect, upon nomination by the General Secre- tary, such field or departmental secretaries as may ‘be deemed necessary. § 7. ArgTicLe VII. Finances. The salary of the Editor of the Epworth Herald shall be fixed by the Book Committee and paid by The Book Concern. ‘The salaries of the General Secretary and of other Secretaries and the administrative expenses, such as may be authorized by the Board of the Hpworth League, shall be paid from contributions from the local Chapters and Churches and the profits on Hp- ‘worth League publications and supplies and other ‘resources. § 8. ArtictE VIII. Central Office. The Central Office of the Epworth League shall be in Chicago, Illinois. § 9. ARTICLE IX. Local Constitution. The Consti- ‘tution for Local Chapters shall be determined by the Board of the Epworth League; provided, however, that no enactment shall be made which shall in any manner conflict with this General Constitution. § 10. ArTicLtE X. By-Laws. The Board of the Epworth League shall have power to enact such By-Laws for its own government as will not conflict with this Constitution. § 11. ArticLE XI. Amendments. This Constitu- tion shall be altered or amended only by the Gen- eral Conference. 366 Boarp oF EpucATION q 481 II. Presidents of Local Chapters 9479. The President of an Epworth League Chap- ter must be a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and shall be elected by the Chapter and con- firmed by the Quarterly Conference, of which body he shall then become a member if approved by it for membership therein. It shall be his duty to present to the Quarterly Conference a report of his Chapter, together with such other information as the Confer- ence may require and he may be able to give. III. Directors of Social and Recreational Life 9480. Whenever a Chapter of the Epworth League is organized and maintained the fourth Vice-Presi- dent of the same, or wherever there is a social and recreational Director of the Sunday School, or any other social and recreational Director, such Vice- President or Director, when confirmed and approved by the Quarterly Conference, may be designated as. Director of Social and Recreational Life. IV. District Superintendents 4 481. It shall be the duty of the District Superin- tendents when holding District or Quarterly Confer- ences to inquire into the condition of Epworth League Chapters and such other Young People’s Societies as may be under the control of the Quarterly and Dis- trict Conferences, and to ascertain whether they are conducting their affairs in harmony with the pur- pose and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church. - 367 { 482 BoarD. oF EDUCATION V. Pastors » 7482, § 1. It ‘shall be the duty of Pastors to organize and maintain, wherever es Nal, Chap- ters of the Epworth League. § 2. It shall be the duty of the Pastor to cause each Church under his charge to observe Epworth League Anniversary Day on the second Sunday in May, or a Sunday as near thereto as’ possible. Whenever convenient the Anniversary shall’ be ob- served at the regular preaching hour. § 3. It shall be the duty of the Pastor to appoint Superintendents of Junior Leagues when needed who’ shall continue in office until a successor is au pointed. § 4. It shall be the duty of the Pastor. to cause to be transmitted to the Central Office a complete list of the Epworth League officers of his Charge immediately after each -election. VI. Institutes 7483, § 1. It shall. be the duty of the Central Office to organize and maintain Institutes wherever practicable. § 2. It shall be the duty of the Central Office to fix a standard curriculum and qualifications for the faculty of all Institutes both summer and midyear. All Committees or Cabinets arranging for Epworth League Institutes shall communicate or advise with the Central Office. Only such Institutes as meet the standards fixed by the Central. Office shall receive its approval and be known as standard Institutes. 368 Board oF PENSIONS AND Retinr { 484 CHAPTER VIII BOARD OF PENSIONS AND RELIEF’ Successor to the Board of Chnkerence Claimants I. Authorization 7484, § 1. There shall be a Board of Pensions and Relief, nominated by the Bishops and elected by the General Conference, consisting of one effective Bishop, seven Ministers and eight Laymen; also the Corresponding Secretary, ex officio. No Annual Con- ference shall have more than one representative on the Board. § 2. The Bishop and the Corresponding Secretary shall be elected quadrennially by the General Confer- ence. The other members of the Board shall be divided into two classes: Class I shall consist of four, Laymen and four Min- isters who shall be elected to serve for eight years. Class II shall consist of four Laymen and three Ministers who shall be elected to serve for four years. The General Conference of 1920 and subsequent Gen- eral Conferences shall elect for a term of eight years the class whose term of service expires and shall fill vacancies in the classes. Vacancies occurring during the interval of the General Conference shall be filled until the session of the next General Conference by the Board, on nomination of the Bishops. § 3. The Board of. Pensions and Relief, shall be ‘See 591. | 369 {485 Boarp or PENsIons AND RELIEF duly and legally incorporated, according to the laws of the State of Illinois, with such powers and prerog- atives as shall be needed for the accomplishing of the objects of the Board, as herein stated. This Board is authorized to adopt such measures asin its’ judgment are necessary to build up and administer a Connec- tional Permanent Fund which is hereby established, and to increase the revenues for the benefit of Con- ference Claimants.” Seven members shall constitute a quorum. The office of the Board shall be in Chi- cago, Illinois. § 4. The Board of Pensions and Relief is hereby authorized to take such measures as may be necessary to establish a Permanent Fund for the relief of Aged and Disabled Supply Pastors who have served as Pastors for fifteen years or more, ten years of which shall have been consecutive, giving their entire time as Pastors to the work of the Church, and for their widows. The income of such fund'shall be distributed directly to the beneficiaries on the basis of neces- sity, the allowances to be approved by the District Superintendent and by one of the Officers of the Board of Conference Stewards. Il. Officers 1485, § 1. There shall be a Corresponding Secre- tary who shall be elected by the General Conference, and shall be the chief executive officer of the Board. Under the provisions of the Discipline and the author- ity, direction and control of the Board, he shall con- duct the correspondence and business, and promote the general interests of the Board. § 2. The other officers of the Board shall be a Pres- 370 BoarD oF PENSIONS AND RELIEF { 487 ident, a Vice-President, a -Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Assistant Treasurer, who shall be elected annually by the Board and shall perform the duties usually pertaining to their respective offices. The Board may elect a Recording Secretary, a Treas- urer, and an Assistant Treasurer outside of its own membership, or may elect as Treasurer any. respon- sible bank or trust company, duly organized and _in- corporated under the laws of the United States or of any State. lil. Administration 7486. The Board of Pensions and Relief at its annual meeting shall determine what amount shall be required for maintaining and promoting the work of the Board and shall present this amount to the World Service Commission to be included in the askings of the Commission, in common with those of the other Boards. IV. Connectional Relief 7487, § 1. Connectional Relief for Conference Claimants is established that the Preachers and people of the stronger Annual Conferences may be united with those of the weaker Conferences in one connectional or general plan in order that, by such cooperation, a more equitable and general support may be secured for Retired Ministers and other Conference Claimants, especially for those in the more needy Conferences.. § 2. Such Connectional Relief shall consist of (1) The income from the Connectional Permanent Fund; 371 § 488 Boarp or PENSIONS AND RELIEF (2) The income from all other sources the use of which is not otherwise designated and which is not required for the maintenance of the Board. V. Administration of Connectional Relief 7488, § 1. Moneys for Connectional Relief shall be distributed by the Board of Pensions and Relief at its Annual Meeting, to the Annual Conferences severally and not to the individual claimant. § 2. The Board of Pensions and Relief, in deter- mining the appropriation for Connectional Relief, shall ascertain from the authorized reports of the Conference Stewards of the several Annudl Confer- ences what Conferences are in need of Connectional Relief, and shall make the distribution to such Con- ferences according to their need as this shall appear from such reports. § 3. The remainder of the available funds shall be distributed among the other Conferences as the Board of Pensions and Relief may determine to be wise and equitable in view of all the data in its possession. VI. Reports 9489. The Treasurer of the Board of Pensions and Relief shall send to the Treasurer of the Annual Conference a draft for the Appropriation for Con- nectional Relief, together with the last Annual Re- port of the Board, in which shall be shown the re- sources of the Board, the amount and distribution 372 ee ees Boarp oF TEMPERANCE, Ero. 4 490 of its income, and such other information concerning the work of the Church in behalf of Conference Claimants as the Board may obtain. CHAPTER IX AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY (See § 576) CHAPTER X BOARD OF TEMPERANCE, PROHIBITION, AND PUBLIC MORALS 97490, § 1. In order to make more effectual the efforts of the Church to create a Christian public sentiment, which will relate the principles of the gospel of Christ to the economical, political, -indus- trial and social relations of life, and which will crystallize opposition to all public violations of the moral law and to all attempts to undermine or destroy established civil and religious liberties, the General Conference hereby authorizes the organiza- tion of a Board of Temperance, Prohibition, and Pub- lic Morals, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, with headquarters at Washington, D. C., and the Board shall incorporate under this title and work under the following constitution: § 2. ArticLE I. The object of this Board is to 313 { 490 Boarp oF TEMPERANCE, Eto. promote “voluntary total abstinence from all intoxi- cants and narcotics, to enforce existing statutory laws and constitutional provisions that suppress the liquor traffic, to secure the speedy enactment of such legislation throughout the world, and to promote and maintain established civil and religious liberties. § 3. Articte II. The management of this Society shall be vested in a Board of Managers consisting of a Bishop, who. shall be the President, and twenty persons, at least two thirds of whom shall reside in the territory near or convenient of access to Wash- ington, D. C., and ten advisory members. The Board shall be nominated by the Board of Bishops and elected by the General Conference. The Board of Managers shall meet annually, and at such annual meetings shall fill vacancies in the Board caused by death, resignation, or otherwise, and shall enact such By-Laws and shall employ such representatives in its work as it may deem necessary. § 4. ArtictE III. The officers of the Board shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and General Secretary. The President shall be a Bishop, chosen by the Board of Bishops, and all other officers shall be elected quadrennially by the Board of Managers at its first meeting, which shall be held within three months of the adjournment of the Gen- eral Conference. The General Secretary shall be elected quadrennially by the Board of Managers and shall be ex officio a member of the Board and its executive officer. This Board shall have power at its annual meetings, on the nomination of the Gen- eral Secretary, to fill any vacancies in these offices other than that of the President, and to employ such additional field and office representatives as it shall 374 Boarp OF ‘TEMPERANCE, Hc. q 490 need. An executive Committee consisting of seven members of the Board of Managers shall be elected by the Board and shall have power in the interim to fill. any vacancies in the field and office representa- tives, and to transact such business as is necessary in the interim of the annual meetings and report its work for confirmation annually. § 5. ArTIcLE IV. It shall be the duty of the Board of Managers to represent the Church officially in every wise movement for the promotion of voluntary personal total abstinence and the securing of legal prohibition of the liquor traffic; to promote public morals; to publish, approve and distribute literature on the liquor traffic, the use of narcotics and manu- factured articles containing a large per cent of alco- holic liquors; to devise such plans and make such advices as shall enable the Church most successfully to compass the overthrow of that great foe of society, the legalized liquor traffic; to make such use of the money paid into its treasury as the work demands, ‘and to. publish an annual report of its work and to make a quadrennial report to the General Confer- ence. § 6. ARTICLE V. Each Annual Conference shall form within its bounds a-Conference Board of Tem- perance, Prohibition, and Public Morals, which shall elect its own officers who shall be subordinate to the General Board and in harmony with its plans shall promote reforms within’ said Conference boundaries. It shall elect a Conference Committee in each Dis- trict consisting of the District Superintendent, and two others nominated by the District Superinten- dent and elected by the Conference. .It shall be the duty of the District’\ Committee to cooperate with all 375 § 490 Hosprrats anD Homus—-DEaconess Work reliable ‘reform: organizations and’ to give ‘all ‘pos- sible aid in movements for human betterment: . At each session of the Annual Conference an anniver- sary or mass meeting shall be:held, if, practicable, in the interest of public morals under the direction of the General Board of the Church: § 7. ArTIcLE VI. It shall be the duty of Pastors, with the aid of the Committee on Temperance, to present annually to each congregation the. cause of temperance and to: ask a public collection. and. con- tribution for the support: of the same, which collec- tions and: contributions shall; be paid over to the Treasurer of the Board of Temperance and reported to the Annual Conference in the same manner that other benevolences are reported. It shall be the duty of Pastors to see that each Sunday School: is organ- ized into a Board of Temperance, that. temperance instruction be given, and that, as far as possible, the members of the School and the young. people within the reach of the Church shall be pledged to total abstinence. The District. Superintendent, at the fourth Quarterly Conference, shall inquire’ if. the requirements of this article have been observed. CHAPTER XI BOARD OF HOSPITALS AND HOMES AND DEACONESS WORK [When the merger of the General Deaconess Board with the Board of Hospitals and Homes shall be consummated, the Board of Bishops shall appoint 376 HospPiraLts AND Homus—Draconrss Work { 491 the managers of the Board of Hospitals and Homes and Deaconess Work, consisting of three Bishops, eight Ministers and. twelve damp two of whom shall be Deaconesses. When the merger of: the Board. of Hospitals and Homes and the General Deaconess Board’ has been consummated as directed by the General Conference under the name of Board of Hospitals and Homes and Deaconess Work, there shall .be committed to the corporation thereby created the work now. com- mitted to the Board of Hospitals and Homes and the General Deaconess Board, excluding Deaconess Train- ing Schools. § 569, §5d.] GENERAL DEACONESS BOARD [Department of Deaconess Work, see (569, § 2] I. General Deaconess Board 491. Incorporation and Functions. § 1. For the promotion of Deaconess work throughout the Church there shall be a Board known as the General Dea- coness Board of the Methodist Episcopal Church. This: Board duly incorporated shall, until merged with the Board of Hospitals and Homes, have general supervision of all Deaconess work in the Church and control of all the Deaconesses. The General. Dea- coness Board shall be composed of twenty-three members, and the Corresponding Secretary, who shall be a member ez officio, without vote. The elective members shall be nominated by the Board of Bishops and elected by the General Conference and shall in- 377 {492 Hospirats anpD Homres—Dracongss Work clude one Bishop and at least two Deaconesses. , Any vacancy in the Board which may occur during the Quadrennium shall be filled by the Board of Bishops. § 2. The General Deaconess Board, on request of the Conference Deaconess Board and the Annual Confer- ence, shall have power to authorize the establishment of a Deaconess institution. Should the proposed institution be a school, authorization shall be given only after approval by the Board of Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The General Dea- coness Board shall satisfy itself that there is need of the proposed institution in the locality designated; that the site selected is suitable for the work in- tended; that it would not be likely to affect unfavor- ably any existing institution; that there is good prospect of its adequate support; and that its prop- erty, of whatever form, is not unduly encumbered. § 3. The General Deaconess Board shall establish a standard for entrance into training schools, provided it shall be equivalent to a high-school course, and shall prescribe the Courses of Study for Deaconesses. It shall have authority to determine and settle all questions arising between institutions and individ- uals. It shall seek to promote general interest in this work, approve rules for the government of both institutions and Deaconesses, prescribe a distinctive garb for Deaconesses, determine the minimum allow- ance for active Deaconesses, fix the amount of pension for retired Deaconesses and perform such other serv- ice as the work may demand. 9] 492. Officers. § 1. The Board shall elect its own officers. § 2. The Board shall elect quadrennially a Corre- sponding Secretary who shall be its executive officer. 378 Hosprrats AND Homes—DeEAconEss Work § 494 §3. A vacancy in any office may be filled tempo- rarily by the Executive Committee. 7 493. Maintenance. § 1. It shall be the duty of every Pastor to see that his Charge makes an annual contri- bution for the work of the General Deaconess Board. § 2. The means and method of securing and paying this contribution shall be in harmony with the plans of the Church for its Benevolent Boards. Il. Conference Deaconess Board 7494. §1. In each Annual Conference in which there is Deaconess Work there shall be a Confer- ence Deaconess Board consisting of all the licensed Deaconesses within the Conference, the District Su- perintendents and four other members of the Con- ference, and two representatives from the Board of Managers of each Deaconess institution within the bounds of the Conference. The elective members shall be nominated by the District Superintendents and elected by the Annual Conference. § 2. The Conference Deaconess Board shall have the oversight of all Deaconess work within the bounds of the Conference. It shall have authority to receive probationers and continue them as probationers; to license Deaconesses and approve annually their stand- ing as Deaconesses; to select associate Deaconesses annually, and to transfer Deaconesses on recommen- dation of the institutions or forms of administration concerned, the transfer to be consummated only when reported to the General Deaconess Board. It shall encourage and promote Deaconess work within the bounds of the Conference. It shall see that all Charters, Deeds and other conveyances of the prop- 379 {494 Hospirats AND Hommes—Duaconerss Work erty of Deaconess institutions conform strictly to the Discipline, and to the laws, usages, and forms of the State or Territory within which such property is situated, It shall see that all property is well insured. § 3. The officers of the Conference Deaconess Board shall be a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secre- tary, and a Treasurer; each to be elected annually and to assume office with the adjournment of the annual meeting. The President shall preside at all meetings. He shall secure information concerning appointments, certify to the General Deaconess Board answers to the membership questions, and perform such other duties as his office may demand. The duties of the other officers shall be such as are usually performed by such officers. § 4. There shall be an Executive Committee com- posed of the officers of the Board, and others if the needs of the work should require. The Executive Committee shall have power to act in the interim of the annual meetings of the Conference Board: §5. The Conference Deaconess Board shall meet annually, preferably at the seat of the Annual Con- ference, or at a time and place to be fixed by the Conference Deaconess Board in consultation with the General Deaconess Board. Order of business at annual meeting: Devotional Service. Roll Call. Organization, Appointment of Committees. Membership Questions. 1. Has the standing of each Deaconess been approved? 380 Hospirats AND Homes—DEAconEss Work § 494 2. Who have been received by Transfer and from what Conference? 3. Who have been transferred, and to what Con- ference? 4. Who have been received as probationers? 5. Who are the probationers? a. In studies of the first year. b. In studies of the second year. 6. Who have been licensed as Deaconesses? 7. Who have been consecrated as Deaconesses? 8. Who have been elected Associate Deaconesses? 9. Who have been reelected Associate Deacon- esses? 10. Who have been readmitted? 11. Who are the retired Deaconesses? 12. Who have been granted leave of absence? 13. Who have received honorable discharge? 14. Who have been discontinued? 15. Who have withdrawn? 16. Who have been suspended? 17. Who have been expelled? 18. Who have died? 19. Where are the Deaconesses appointed? Reports of Committees. General Business. Adjournment. § 6. The appointment of Deaconesses to their re- spective fields of labor, or to an institution, shall be made by the Bishop presiding at the Annual Confer- ence upon recommendation of the officers of the form of administration or other organization with which they serve. These appointments should be read by the Bishop. § 7. The minutes of the Conference Deaconess 381, 495 Hosprrats AND Homres—Deaconess Work Board._shall be reported to the Annual Conference for publication in the Conference minutes. Hil. District Supervision 495. The District Superintendent shali include the Deaconess work on his District as under his care and supervision. He shail make such report and suggestion to the Conference and to the Conference Deaconess Board and to the form of administration concerned as he may deem advisable. IV. Deaconess Institutions 7 496, §1. A Deaconess institution is a home, school, hospital, or other organization, permanently established, administered by Deaconesses or main- tained for the care or education of Deaconesses, or for the promotion of the Deaconess work of the Methodist Episcopal Church. § 2. No institution for the prosecution cr mainte- nance of any form of Deaconess work shall be recog- nized as a Deaconess institution of the Methodist Episcopal Church until application for recognition has been made by the Conference Deaconess Board and by the Annual Conference, and authorization given by the General Deaconess Board. § 3. All property for Deaconess institutions shall be held in trust for the Methodist Episcopal Church, and this may be done by a corporate body authorized by the General Conference, or by a local Board of Trustees. In whatever name property is held, all deeds of conveyance shall contain the clause, “To be held in trust for the Methodist Episcopal Church.” 382 Hospirats AND Homes—Deraconrss Work { 498 ..§ 4. Training schools duly recognized as Deaconess institutions of the Methodist Episcopal Church shall be as free to secure students from the whole Church as are other educational institutions. § 5. Each Deaconess institution shall report to the Conference Deaconess Board before the annual meet- ing such information as may be requested by either the Conference Deaconess Board or the General Dea- coness Boardc. V. Deaconess Work in Mission Conferences 4 497, § 1. In Missions and Mission Conferences in the United States the form and method of Deaconess administration shall be according to such plan as may be arranged by the General Deaconess Board. § 2. The relation of each Deaconess assigned to work in Missions and Mission Conferences in the United States shall continue in the form of admin- istration and Conference Deaconess Board from which her assignment is made; to which shall be sent annually a report of her standing. VI. Deaconess Work in Europe 498, § 1. All Deaconess work in Europe shall be under the general supervision of the General Dea- coness Board and the interested Mission Board. § 2. In those parts of Europe where the Deaconess work is legally incorporated with an inspector ap- pointed by the Annual Conference, any of the fore- going provisions not compatible with the articles of such legal corporation shall be inoperative. 383 {499 Hosprrats aND Homrs——DEaconzss Work VII. Deaconess Work in Foreign Mission Fields 7 499, § 1. All Deaconess work in foreign mission fields shall be under the general supervision of the General Deaconess Board and the interested Foreign Mission Board. § 2. For the administration of Deaconess work in foreign mission fields there shall be a Commission of Deaconess Work composed of a Bishop and four other members—two at large and two from the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society. § 3. The Commission of Deaconess Work shall be named by the Resident Bishop having jurisdiction in the field where the Deaconess work is conducted. § 4. Any vacancy in the Commission on Deaconess Work may be filled by the Bishop having jurisdiction in the field where the vacancy occurs. r BOARD OF HOSPITALS AND HOMES [Department of Hospitals and Homes, see 7 569, §2] 7500. ArticLte I. Organization and Purpose. For the promotion and general supervision of an advis- ory character for all hospitals, homes, or other or- ganizations and institutions for the care of the sick; incurables, other dependents, and child welfare work, there shall be a Board known as the Board of Hos- pitals and Homes, incorporated according to law and subject to the control of the General Conference. 4501. Articte II. Affiliation. All institutions or organizations seeking to affiliate with this Board 384 Hospirats AND Homes—DerEaconess Work § 503: must have the indorsement of the Annual Confer- ence within whose bounds they are located. — Insti- tutions or organizations of similar character operat- ing under other Boards seeking affiliation with this. Board, must secure the consent of their Board, the recommendation of the Annual Conference within whose bounds they operate and the approval of. this. Board. 7502. Articte III. Government. § 1. The man- agement, until merged with the General Deaconess Board, shall vest in a Board which shall consist of twenty-three members, including one Bishop. ap- pointed by the Board of Bishops. who shall be Presi- dent. of the Board. The additional members shall be nominated by the Board of Bishops and elected by the General Conference. The term of office shall be one Q@adrennium. 7503. ARrTIcLE IV. Officers. § 1. The officers of the: Board shall be a President, Vice-President, Corre- sponding Secretary, who shall,be ex officio a member: of the Board, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and. such other officers and agents as the Board from time to time may determine, § 2. The Corresponding Secretary shall be elected quadrennially by the Board subject to confirma-: tion by the Board of Bishops. He shall in all his offi- cial conduct be subject to the authority and con- trol of the Board, by which his salary shall be fixed and paid. His time shall be employed in promoting its general interests by traveling or otherwise. | § 3. Any vacancy in this office, caused by death,,. resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled by the Board. until the next succeeding General Conference. 385 {505 Hosprrats AND Homus—Dzaconzss Work: 7 504.Articte V. Meetings. § 1. The Board shal hold an annual meeting at such time and place as it may determine and such special’ meétings as may from time to time be deemed necessary by the’ Hx- ecutive Committee. Nine members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. § 2. The Board shall also appoint an Executive Committee of such number as it may determine, and may commit to said Committee such business or confer upon it such powers as are not inconsistent with the Charter or this Constitution. 7505. Artictxe VI. Activities. § 1. This Board shall sustain an advisory relation to, but shall not provide direct supervision over institutions or organ- izations within its jurisdiction except wher idea’ cally requested. § 2. It may make surveys, disseminate informa- tion, suggest plans for securing funds, maintain a bureau for the’ purpose of securing experts in all lines of work, provide architectural data, and render assistance in the. promotion and establishment. of new institutions. It shall encourage and assist all institutions within its jurisdiction’ in’ attaining the highest possible standards. This Board may .admin- ister any and all funds vested in it for general or specific purposes and shall have power in’ coopera- tion with the other benevolent boards, and'in the same manner; to secure special poe ve Re out and execute its purposes. § 3.:Hach Annual Conference shall form within its bounds a Conference Board of Hospitals and Homes, which shall elect its own officers, and shall ‘exercise under the General Board such authority within the bounds of the Annual Conference as is necessary to 386: CHARTERED, FunpD 7 509 promote the interests of the Hospitals and) Homes within the boundaries of said Annual Conference. 7506. Articre VII. Finance. At the annual meet- ing the Board. shall prepare a budget of administra- tive expense of the Board, and shall submit the same to the, World. Service Commission for its considera- Sion in determining what shall be the askings for hospitals and homes.) 97507. Arricte VIII... By-Laws. This Board may from time; to time adopt by-laws for the regulation of its affairs. not imconsistent with the Charter or Constitution. | 7508. Arrictre IX. Amendments. This Constitu- tion, may be amended ‘by the Board with the approval of the General Conference. CHAPTER XII » CHARTERED FUND 9509, § 1. To make further provision for distressed Effective Ministers, for the families of Effective Ministers, for: Retired Ministers; and»for the widows and.orphans of. Ministers, there shall. be.a Chartered Fund, to. be supported by voluntary contributions; the principal of which shall be funded under the direction of Trustees chosen by the General, Confer- ence,. and, the interest. applied under the. direction of the General Conference, achonding to. the following regulations, namely: 387 7 509 CHARTERED FuND § 2. The District Superintendents and the Pastors shall be collectors and receivers of subscriptions for this Fund. — § 3. The money shall be sent to the General Pub- lishing Agents, who shall pay it to the Trustees of the Fund. Otherwise it shall be brought to the en- suing Annual Conference. — § 4. The interest shall be divided into as many equal parts as there are Annual Conferences, and each Annual Conference shall have authority to draw one of these parts out of the Fund; and if one or more Conferences shall draw out of this Fund in any given year less than one of these parts, then in such case or cases the other Annual Conferences, held in the same year, shall have authority, if they judge it necessary, to draw out of the Fund such surplus of the interest as has not been applied by the former Conferences. The Bishops shall bring the necessary information of the state of the interest of the Fund, respecting the year in question, from Conference to Conference. § 5. All drafts on the Chartered Fund shall be made on the Treasurer of the said Fund, by order of the Annual Conference, signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary of the said Confer- ence. : § 6. The money subscribed for the Chartered Fund may be lodged, on proper securities, in the respective Countries or States in which it has been subscribed under the direction of deputies living in such Coun- tries or States respectively; provided, that such secur- ities be accepted and such deputies be appointed as | shall be approved by. the Trustees in Philadelphia, and the stock in which it is proposed to invest the , 388 CHARTERED FUND ¢_ 510 ‘money be sufficiently productive to give satisfaction to the Trustees. 7510. The Board of Trustees shall have power to fill any vacancy or vacancies that may occur by death, resignation, or otherwise, subject, however, to the approval of the first General Conference that may be held after such vacancy or vacancies shall have occurred. i 389 ‘! ye) 4 ee ‘abibtrtoe v0" ‘StwORT dowa' Roy ey, os eed) De, ee Ce i ae misty Betee i pate’ Bt py Axithas Pes ea: Sonspeihcok 1 oben thal hare: | ae ' mt § Uae e(2 bien ‘nth of rene, ORES pi Do imine Coaitnes | "Out ie) thet a seh ae Je Gat { a oY Shen ait ! caus el anges aL Gia Sun tal | eae wn nga, sant tna: gates hing } | ie: Nt ator, 3 AG, il Ray ts of, ‘thes fins | | “Ga deve af Me ben. we, Arey anes dane Nontoxene eu, ie hie Tsnutt Len AM att be n yo: aise of fe slate df 8G Ne We a el ae oa ee 2 heey fait ii the. a ive & tae at We iam Aad ; ix! aia eyes ia hn ie te Pi eng } } if a Ut , rae ah aes) Ws, ne H ae u i 4 ‘sig his i An 44 mm ve anna PART. VIII | BOUNDARIES | I. DETERMINING BOUNDARIES Il. BOUNDARIES OF ANNUAL CONFERENCES, MISSION CONFERENCES, MISSIONS, AND ENABLING ACTS Ill. CENTRAL CONFERENCES CHAPTER I DETERMINING BOUNDARIES* 9511, § 1. The General Conference shall appoint a Committee on Boundaries, consisting of two mem- bers, one Minister and one Layman, from each An- nual Conference, to be nominated by the delegations severally, over which one of the Bishops shall preside, of which one of the General Conference Secretaries shall be the Secretary, and of which Committee thirty- five shall be a quorum. All matters pertaining to the Conference and Mission lines shall be referred to this Committee; and when the Committee shall have fixed the boundaries of all the Conferences and Missions, it shall submit its report to the General Conference, which shall immediately act upon the same as a whole without amendment and without debate; provided, however, that in accordance with the provisions of {{ 95, § 2 (12) and 95A, § 2 (10), Central Conferences and Central Mission Confer- ences may fix the boundaries of the Annual Con- ferences and Missions within their bounds, the Gen- eral Conference first having determined the number of Annual Conferences that may be allowed in that field. § 2. Any two or more Conferences or Missions which may be mutually interested in the readjust- ment of their common boundaries, may at any time 1See J 523 (2). 393 ORs DETERMINING BOUNDARIES raise a Joint Commission, consisting of five members from each Conference or Mission directly interested; and the decision of such Joint Commission, in which it ‘shall be necessary for a majority of the five mem- bers representing each of said Conferences or Mis- sions to concur,, shall be approved by the Bishop or Bishops who may preside at these Confer- ences or Missions at their sessions next ensuing, shall be final. The boundaries thus established shall be reported immediately by the Chairman of the Joint Commission to the Secretary of the General Conference, together with a copy of the proceedings of the Joint Commission: provided, however, , that the Conference or Mission desiring the readjustment of. their common boundaries, may bring the matter directly to the General Conference by means of memorials concerning such readjustment. § 3. No division or absorption of Annual Confer- ences or Mission Conferences, or the organization of new Annual Conferences, out of the territory already occupied by organized Conferences, shall be effected until the General Conference shall have approved such division, absorption, or organization; except in the case of Central Conferences and Central Mission Conferences as provided for in 7§ 95, § 2 (12) and 95A, § 2 (10); and foreign language Conferences, Mission Conferences, Missions, Churches, or Mission Centers in the United States, being merged with or transferred into English-speaking or other Confer- ences. . tenets . Oca § 4. No petition, resolution, or memorial involving readjustment of boundaries. of Annual Conferences, or Mission Conferences or Missions, or the division or absorption of Annual Conferences or Mission Con- 394 DETERMINING BouNDARIES qf 512 ferences, or Missions or the ‘organization of new Annual Conferences or Mission Conferences or. Mis- sions out of the territory already occupied by organ- ized Conferences, shall be entertained by the Com- mittee on Boundaries until legal notice’ shall have been given by the Secretary of the Annual Confer- ence or Conferences, the Mission Conference or Mis- sions desiring such change, or by a majority of the District Superintendents and Mission Superintendents thereof to the Secretaries of all the Annual Confer- ences and Mission Conferences or Missions affected thereby; provided, however, that upon a petition of a majority of the delegates representing the Annual Conference or Conferences to be affected thereby, the Committee on Boundaries may adjust the matters involved in such petition, subject to the approval of all the Annual and Mission Conferences or Missions named in ‘such petition at their annual sessions next succeeding the General Conference. CHAPTER II BOUNDARIES OF .ANNUAL CONFERENCES, MISSION CONFERENCES, MISSIONS, AND ENABLING ACTS I. Africa 7512, § 1. Annual Conferences LIBERIA CONFERENCE shall include the western alah of Africa north of the dnc 1See Appendix, ] 606. 395 4 513 Bounparies or CONFERENCES, ETc. § 2. Mission Conferences and Missions (1) Conco Mission CONFERENCE Shall include the work in the Belgian Congo. (2) RuopEsIA MIssIoN CONFERENCE Shall include work in Rhodesia and in that portion of Portu- guese East Africa north of the Sabi River. (3) SouTHEAST AFrRicA MISSION CONFERENCE shall include the work south of the Sabi River in East Africa. (4) ANGoLA MISSION CONFERENCE shall include the work in West Africa south of the equator. § 3. Enabling Acts (1) Liberia Conference, during the next quadren- nium, may divide and form the Kru. Coast Confer- ence under the usual Disciplinary conditions, with bounds as follows: extending from Sanquin on the north to the French boundary on the south, including the interior from the beach back to the boundary line of the Republic of Liberia. (2) Rhodesia Mission Conference, during the next quadrennium, may organize as an Annual Conference subject to the usual Disciplinary conditions. II. Eastern Asia 7513, § 1. Annual Conferences (1) CENTRAL CHINA CONFERENCE Shall include Cen- tral China, with its central station at the city of Nanking, on the Yang-tse River, excluding the Ki- angsi Annual Conference. (2) CHENGTU West CHINA CONFERENCE Shall in- 396 BouNDARIES OF CONFERENCES, Ero. {| 513 clude the counties: Chengtu, Whayang, Gintang, Jienyang, Tsiyang, Tsichung, Se tg Lochi, Anyoh, and Chungkiang. (3) CHUNGKING WEST CHINA CONFERENCE shall in- clude the following counties: Bahsien, Kiangpeh, Pishan, Yungchwan, Jungchang, Lungchang, Hoch- wan, Wusheng, Tunknan and Suining. (4) Foocuow CONFERENCE shall include the Fukien Province in China, excepting so much as is included within the Hinghua Conference, and the Yenping Conference. (5) HincHusa CONFERENCE Shall include the coun- ties of Putien and Sienyu and the adjoining territory where the Hinghua dialect is spoken. (6) KIANGSI CONFERENCE shall include the Province of Kiangsi and that portion of the Anhwei Province west of a line drawn north and south through the west wall of the city of Anking, the capital of the province, and also the Hwangmei County in Hupeh Province. (7) KoreA CONFERENCE shall include Korea. (8) NortH CHINA CONFERENCE shall include that portion of the Chinese Republic including the south- ern part of the Province of Fengtien and the northern part of the Province of Chili and the northern parts of the Provinces of Shantung and Honan. (9) YENPING CONFERENCE shall include the Yenping Prefecture and the Kweihwa County of the Ting- chow Prefecture, all territory being in the Fukien. Province. § 2. Mission Conferences and Missions (1). South FUKIEN MISSION CONFERENCE shall in- clude the counties of. Yungchun, Tehwa and Tatien. 397 4 514 Bounparies oF CoNFERENCES, Etc, 7 § 3. Hnabling Acts (1) The North China Conference, during the next Quadrennium, by a two-thirds vote and with Epis- copal consent, may organize the Shantung Confer- ence in the province of Shantung.. (2) The South Fukien Mission Conference, during the next Quadrennium, may organize as an’ Annual Conference, subject to the usual Disciplinary’ con- ditions. , § 4. Councils (1) Japan Mission Council shall include our work among the Japanese in the Japanese empire. Ill. Europe 1514, § 1. Annual Conferences (1) DENMARK CONFERENCE shall include the King- dom of Denmark. (2) FINLAND CONFERENCE shall include the Republic of Finland. (3) Iraty CONFERENCE shall inelude the Kingdom of Italy, and those parts of contiguous countries in which the Italian language is spoken. (4) NortH GERMANY CONFERENCE shall include all that part of Germany north of a line running from the northwest to the southwest, between the Prov- inces of the Rhine and Westphalia, and from the southern point of Westphalia to. the northern point of Bavaria; thence by the north and northeast boundary of Bavaria, between Bavaria on the one side and the Turingen States and that of Saxony 398 BouNDARIES OF CONFERENCES, Erc. 9 514. on the other, so as to include the present districts of Berlin, Bremen, and Leipzig and the Circuit of Cassel. (5) -NORWAY Donita as shall include the ane dom of Norway. (6) SouTH GERMANY nue teil he shall include all of Germany not included in the North Germany Con- ference. ; (7) SWEDEN serine cai shall mea the King- dom of Sweden. ' (8) SWITZERLAND CONFERENCE shall inode the Re- public. of Switzerland except the. work among the Italian-speaking people... § 2. Mission Conferences and Missions (1) Austria. Mission ; CONFERENCE shall. include Austria. (2) Battic Mission shall include the Baltic and Slavic Republics contiguous to Russia. (3) Buxtearta Mission CONFERENCE shall. include Bulgaria. it (4). FINLAND SWEDISH MISSION CONFERENCE shall in- clude the Swedish work in Finland. (5) FRANCE Mission CONFERENCE shall include the Republic of France. (6) HuNnGaaARY MISSION shall include Hungary. (7). Jugo-SLAVIA: MISSION. CONFERENCE shall include the work in Jugo-Slavia., twee (8) NortH AFRICA MISSION CoNFERENCE shall in- clude the work in North Africa. (9) Russta MIsstIon CONFERENCE Shall include, the Republic of Russia. : wey (10) Spain Misston shall include. the work in Spain. ey 399 { 514 Bounparies or CONFERENCES, Etc. § 3. Enabling Acts. (1) Baltic Mission, during the next Quadrennium may organize as a Mission Conference under the usual Disciplinary conditions. (2) Bulgaria Mission Conference, during the next ‘Quadrennium, is authorized to organize as an Annual ‘Conference, subject to the usual Disciplinary condi- ‘tions. (3) Finland Swedish Mission Conference, during ‘the next Quadrennium, is authorized to organize as ‘an Annual Conference ‘by whatever name may be ‘chosen, the action being subject to the usual Dis- wiplinary conditions. (4) France Mission Conference, during the next Quadrennium, is authorized to organize as an Annual Conference, subject to the usual Disciplinary condi- tions. (5) Hungary Mission, during the next Quadren- mium, may organize as a Mission Conference under ithe usual Disciplinary conditions. (6) North Africa Mission Conference, during the next Quadrennium, may by a majority vote of its members present and voting, organize the Madeira Islands as a Mission, the Bishop in charge con- curring. (7) North Africa Mission Conference, during the next Quadrennium, by a vote of a majority of the members present and voting with the concurrence of the Bishop presiding, may be organized into an An- nual Conference. 1 (8) North Germany Annual Conference, during the next Quadrennium, is authorized to divide into two or three Annual Conferences by a majority vote of 400 BoUNDARIES OF CONFERENCES, Eto. § 515 its members present and voting and with the con- currence of the Bishop or Bishops presiding, or in conjunction with South Germany Conference, may divide into five Annual Conferences. (9) South Germany Annual Conference, during the next Quadrennium, is authorized to divide into two Annual Conferences on a majority vote of its mem- bers present and voting and with the concurrence of the Bishop or Bishops presiding, or in conjunction with North Germany Conference, may divide into five Annual Conferences. (10) Russia Mission Conference, during the next Quadrennium, may organize as an Annual Conference under the usual Disciplinary requirements. (11) Should the Conferences in Europe desire to organize during the Quadrennium more than one Cen- tral Conference, authority to do so is hereby given when the necessary action of the Conferences in- volved shall have been taken and the Bishops resident in Europe shall have approved. IV. Latin America 9515, §.1. Annual Conferences (1) CHILE CONFERENCE shall include the Republic of Chile. | (2) EASTERN SOUTH AMERICA CONFERENCE Shall in- clude the republics of Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Brazil. (3) Mexico CONFERENCE Shall inelude the Republic of Mexico, except the States of Chihuahua and Sonora 401 § 516 BounpaARins oF CONFERENCES, Ero. and the_territory.of Lower California; it shall also include Central, America, except Costa Rica. § 2. Mission Conferences and Missions /(1) Boxivia esa CoNFERENCE shall include the Republic of Bolivia. (2) CENTRAL, AMERICAN Mission. shall ape Pan ma and.» Costa Rica. (3) NortH. ANDES ; MISSION.,CONFERENCE. shall -in- clude Peru. and--Ecuador and all parts of -South America not included in other organized Conthnenges and Missions. Vv. Sieh en aisctr Asia 7516, § 1. Annual Conferences (1) Mauays CONFERENCE shall include the Straits Settlements, the Malayan Peninsula, French, Indo- China, and such adjacent islands or portions thereof, including Borneo, as are under British Be in or protection. (2) PHILIPPINE ISLANDS CONFERENCE shall include the Philippine Archipelago and the Sulu Islands. § 2. Mission Conferences and Missions (1) NETHERLANDS INDIES Mission GONFERENCE shall include the Islands of Java, Sumatra, and such .ad- jacent islands or portions thereof (including Borneo) as are not under British government or protection. (2) Norra Sumatra Misston—Boundaries . not given. | § 8. Hnabling Acts. (1) Netherlands Indies Mission Conference, dur- 402 Bounpartes of Conferences, Erc. § 517 ing the next Quadrennium, by a vote of the majority of the members present and voting, and with the concurrence of the Bishop presiding, may be organ- ized into an Annual Conference. (2) Philippine Islands Conference, during the next Quadrennium, may divide into two Conferences to be known as the Philippine Islands Conference and the Philippine Islands North Conference, the section from Manila to the Ilocano towns to constitute the former and all that territory north of said line to constitute the latter. This action is subject to the usual Disciplinary requirements. (3) North Sumatra’ Mission, during the next Quadrennium, may organize as a Mission Conference, provided it fulfill the Disciplinary requirements. (4) West Borneo, during the next Quadrennium, by a vote of the majority of the members of the Nether- lands Indies Mission Conference present and voting and with the concurrence of the Bishop presiding, may be organized into a Mission, with such name as may be adopted and with boundaries to be named at the Southeastern Asia Central Conference. VI. Southern Asia 4 517, §.1. Annual Conferences (1) BenGAL CONFERENCE shall include Bengal and Assam, and so much of Bihar and Orissa as do not lie within the bounds of the Lucknow Conference. (2) BompBay CONFERENCE shall include that part of the Bombay Presidency embraced in the city and island of Bombay;: that part of the civil districts of 403 § 517 BounpARIES OF CONFERENCES, Ere. Thana, Nasik, West Khandesh and Hast Khandesh which lies south of a straight line drawn from Dahanu on the Arabian Sea Coast northeasterly through Amalner to the Tapti River, and then east along said River to the eastern boundary of the Bom- bay Presidency; the civil districts of Poona Ahmed- nagar, Kolaba, Ratnagiri, Satara and Sholapur; to- gether with the Native States lying within these districts, south of the line above named and of the civil districts of Belgaum and Bijapur, and includ- ing Akalkot State. Also that part of Berar which lies south of the Gawalgarh Gange, and such part of the Central Provinces as is included in the civil districts of Wardha, Nagour and Bhandara and that part of Chanda civil district which lies north of parallel 19° 45’ north latitude. Also that part of the Nizam’s Dominions included in the civil districts of Aurangabad, Bhir, Osmanabad, Parabaini and Nan- ded; that part of Adilabad civil district which lies north of parallel 19° 45’ north latitude and west of the proposed Changa-Warangal Railway; and that part of the Bidar civil district through the towns of Kanlas, Miraj Buzurg and Mlanga to the southwestern cor- ner, leaving Kanlas and Miraj Buzurg in South India Conference, and Mlanga in Bombay Conference. (3) CENTRAL PROVINCES CONFERENCE Shall include all of the Central Provinces and the Feudatory States under the supervision of the Central Provinces Govy- ernment except that portion of Berar south of the Gawalgarh Hills and Wardha, Nagpur, Bhandara and Chanda Civil Districts; it shall include also such portions of the Central India Agency as lie south of the twenty-fifth parallel of north latitude and east of the seventy-sixth meridian of east longitude. 404 BounDARIES OF CONFERENCES, Etc. § 517 (4) GusaRAT CONFERENCE Shall include Gujarat and all territory which is bounded on the north by the twenty-fifth meridian of latitude proceeding west- ward to the boundary of Sindh and eastward to the seventy-fifth meridian of longitude, thence south to the bounds of the Bombay Conference, following that boundary westward to the sea. (5) LucKNOW CONFERENCE shall include such parts of the Presidency of Agra and Oudh, as are not included in the North India Conference and the Northwest India Conference, the dividing line to the north and east of the Ganges to be the boundaries of the Unao, Lucknow and Barabanki civil district, leaving these districts in the Lucknow Conference; to the south and west of the Ganges the boundary is to be a straight line from Farakhabad through Etawah to the border of the Gwalior State, said state to fall within the bounds of the Northwest India Con- ference; also Champaran, Saran, Muzaffarpur, Patna, Gaya, Dharbhanga, Monghyr, and Bhagalpur civil dis- tricts of Bihar, and such parts of the Shahabad civil district of Bihar as are not included in the Bhabua Mission. (6) NortH Inpra CONFERENCE Shall include all those parts of the Presidency of Agra and Oudh that lie between the Gogra and the Ganges Rivers, and north of the civil districts of Unao, Lucknow and Barabanki. (7) NortHwest INDIA CONFERENCE Shall include the Province of Delhi; such parts of the Presidency of Agra and Oudh as lie west and southwest of the Ganges River and do not fall within the boundaries of the Lucknow Conference; such parts of the Raj- putana and Central India Agencies as lie north of the twenty-fifth parallel of latitude and east. of the 405 4 517 BouNDARIES OF CONFERENCES, Ero. seventy-sixth meridian, of longitude; and such part of the Punjab as lies to the south and east of the Patiala State from the point where the seventy-sixth meridian of longitude touches its southern boundary line. “4 (8) SoutH INpDIA.CONFERENCE shall. include all that part of India which lies to the south of the Bengal Conference, the Bombay Conference, and the Central Provinces Conference. § 2. Mission Conferences and Missions (1) Byasua Mission shall include the Bhabua sub- division of Bihar. (2) Burma Mission CONFERENCE shall include Burma. (3) InpDus RivER MISSION CONFERENCE shall include Baluchistan; the Province of Sindh; such other parts of the Bombay Presidency as lie north of the twenty- fifth degree of latitude; such parts of the Rajputana and Central India Agencies as lie to the north of the twenty-fifth degree of latitude; and west of the seventy-sixth meridian of longitude; and all of the Punjab save the portion which lies to the east and south of the southeastern boundary of the Patiala State from the point where it is intersected by the seventy-sixth meridian of longitude. § 3. Enabling Acts (1) Burma Mission. Conference, during, the’) next Quadrennium, is authorized to’ organize as an Annual Conference, subject to the usual Disciplinary condi- tions. (2) Central. Conference of Southern Asia, during the next Quadrennium, may organize the Bhabua 406 BouUNDARIES OF CONFERENCES, Etc. § 518 Field in the Shahabad Dis strict of Bihar into a Mis- Sion. ul pat (3) Indus River Mission Conference, during the next Quadrennium is authorized to organize as an Annual Conference, subject to oe usual Disciplinary conditions. (4) South India Conference, during the next Quad- rennium, may, on a majority vote of the members present and voting and with the concurrence of the Bishop presiding, divide into two Conferences with such names and boundaries as may then be adopted. VII. United States and ¥ erritories 97 518, § 1. Annual Conferences (1) AtaBamMaA CONFERENCE Shall include the work among the white people in the State of Alabama and in part of the State of Florida west of the Apalachi- cola River; and also the work among the white people within the territory of the Upper sans ligis weigh Conference. (2) ATLANTA CONFERENCE Shall include the colored work in that part of ‘the State of Georgia not in- cluded in the Savannah Conference. (3) BALTIMORE CONFERENCE Shall include the Dis- trict of Columbia, the western shore of Maryland (except that part of Garrett County lying west of the dividing ridge of the Alleghany Mountains, Grants- ville, Swanton, Bayard, Blaine, and Gormania);. so much of the State of Pennsylvania as lies within Hancock, Flintstone,’ Union’ Grove, and Hyndman Circuits; the counties ’of Jefferson, Berkeley, Mor- gan, Hampshire, Mineral, and Grant in the State of 407 { 518 Bounparies or CoNFERENCES, Etc. West Virginia; and that part of the State of Vir- ginia lying between the Wilmington and West Vir- ginia Conferences. (4) BLuE RipGE-ATLANTIC repel nde shall include the work among the white people in the State of North Carolina, and in the counties of Mecklenburg, Brunswick, Greenesville, Southampton, Nansemond, Norfolk, and Princess Anne in the State of Virginia; and in the counties of Oconee, Pickens, Greenville, Spartanburg, York, Chester, Union, Anderson, Lau- rens, Abbeville, Newberry, and Fairfield in the State of South Carolina. (5) CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE shall include all that part of the State of California and all that part of the State of Nevada lying north of the northern boundary of the Southern California Conference. (6) CALIFORNIA GERMAN CONFERENCE shall include the German work within the State of California. (7) CENTRAL ALABAMA CONFERENCE shall include the colored work in the State of Alabama and in that part of Florida west of the Apalachicola River. (8).CENTRAL GERMAN CONFERENCE shall comprise the German. work within the States of Ohio, West Virginia, Michigan, and Indiana except those appoint- ments which belong at present to the Chicago Ger- man Conference; also the German work in western Pennsylvania, and in the Southern States not in- cluded in the Hast German, Saint Louis German, and Southern Conferences, exclusive of Emmanuel Church, Williams County, Ohio. (9) CENTRAL ILLINOIS CONFERENCE shall embrace that part of the State of Illinois north of the. IIli- nois Conference and south of the following lines, namely: beginning on the. Mississippi River at 408 BOUNDARIES OF CONFERENCES, Etc. § 518 Albany; thence southeasterly to the northwest cor- ner of Bureau. County; thence east to the southwest corner of Lee County; thence south to the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railway crossing of the Chi- cago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway; thence along said railway to Bureau Junction; thence to the Illinois River; thence up said river to the mouth of the Kankakee River (leaving Albany, Leon, and Ottawa in the Rock River Conference, and Bureau Junction. in the Central Illinois Conference); thence up the Kankakee River to a point directly west of the north line of Kankakee County; thence east to the Indiana line. (10) CrntTrant Missourt CoNFERENCE shall include the colored work in the States of Missouri, Iowa, and that part of the State of Illinois lying west of the following line: Beginning at the city of Cairo, and running north along the Illinois Central Railroad to the city of Mendota, and including all the towns on said line of railroad; thence north to the Wiscon- sin State line, and thence west along said State line to the Mississippi River and all the colored work in North and South Dakota and Montana. (11) CENTRAL NrEw YorRK CONFERENCE shall be bounded on the west by the west lines of the towns of Williamson, Marion and Palmyra, in Wayne County, and of the towns of Farmington and Canan- daigua, in Ontario County, and of Yates and Schuy- ler Counties, and of the towns of Hornby and Caton, in Steuben County; and in the State of Pennsyl- vania by the railroad running from Lawrenceville to Blossburg, including Mansfield and Blossburg Charges; on the south by Central Pennsylvania Con- ference; on the east by Wyoming and Northern New 409 { 518 Bounpartes of ConrerEencess, Ero. York Conferences; on the, north by Northern New York .Conference and Lake: Ontario. (12) CENTRAL, PENNSYLVANIA) CONFERENCE shall be bounded as: follows: On the south by the State line from the Susquehanna River to the west boundary of Bedford County, excepting so much of the State of Pennsylvania as is included: in the Baltimore Con- ference; on the west by the west line. of the coun- ties of Bedford, Blair, that part of! Cambria County not included in the Pittsburgh Conference, namely: Patton, Bakerton, and Barnesboro, including Cherry Tree and, Glen: Campbell. and, Smithport’ in’ Indiana County, Clearfield County, north to; Saint Marys, excepting. so much of Clearfield’ County as is em- braced in the Erie Conference; on’ the north by a line extending from Saint Marys eastward to Em- porium, including Keating) Summit Circuit; thence by the southern: boundary of) Potter and Tioga Coun- ties, including, Austin, Costello,. Wharton Circuit, Cross Fork, Hammersley Fort Circuit, Morris, Black- well, and Liberty Valley Circuits; thence’ through ‘Sullivan, County north of Laporte to the: west line of Wyoming, County; thence on the east by the present, limits of the Wyoming, Conference, being the east line of Sullivan County, to the north line of Columbia County; thence a line southeasterly through Luzerne County to the north line’ of the. Philadel- phia Conference; near White Haven; thence on the south by the northern line of. Carbon, Schuylkill, and Dauphin -Counties to! the Susquehanna River, includ- ing Hickory Run, Weatherly,’ Beaver Meadows, and Ashland; and thence by the Susquehanna River 'to the place of beginning, including. Harrisburg and: that additional part of Dauphin County east from the 410 BouNDARIES OF CONFERENCES, Htc. § 518 city limits on the north to and including Paxtonia, thence southward to Rutherford, thence west to the city of Harrisburg. (13) CENTRAL SWEDISH CONFERENCE Shall include all the Swedish work within’ the States of’ Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio, the city of Racine in the State of Wisconsin, and also the Swedish work in the State of New York west of the Genesee River, and in the State of Pennsylvania west of the Susquehanna River. (14) CENTRAL TENNESSEE CONFERENCE Shall include the work among the white people in all that part of the State of Tennessee west of and excluding the counties of Marion, Grundy, Van Buren, Cumberiand, and’ Fentress. (15) CuHicaco GERMAN CONFERENCE ‘shall include the German work in the State of Wisconsin, except those appointments along the Mississippi River, and in that part of the State of Illinois north of an east and west line passing along the north line of the city of Bloomington, excepting the territory now in the Saint Louis German Conference, and east of a north and south line passing through the city of Freeport: and in that part of the State of Indiana west of the line between the Counties, of Saint Joseph and Elkhart, and north of the ‘line. between Stark and Pulaski Counties. .It shall also include Danville, in the State .of Illinois, and the Upper Peninsula of. Michigan. . - (16), Cororapo; CoNFERENCE. shall include. the State of Colorado and, Chama, in. New. Mexico. .. .. (17) COLUMBIA RIvER.CONFERENCE Shall include all of the. work, in the State of Washington : east, of, 411, § 518 BounpDARIES oF CoNFERENCES, Etc. the summit of the Cascade Mountains except Apple- ton, Goldendale and White Salmon in Klickitat County; and in the State of Idaho, the Counties of Shoshone, Kootenai, Beneway, Bonner, Boundary, Latah, Nez Perce, Clearwater, Lewis, and that part of Idaho County lying north of a line running par- allel with the Salmon. River, ten miles south of said river; and in Oregon, Milton and Sunnyside (other- wise known as Roher Memorial). Charges. (18) DAkoTA CONFERENCE shall include the State of South Dakota. (19) DELAWARE CONFERENCE shall include the col- ored work in the States of Delaware, New Jersey, and New York, excepting the colored work in the Boroughs of the Bronx and Manhattan in the City of New York; all of the eastern shore of Virginia, and all of the States of Maryland and Pennsylvania not included in the Washington Conference. (20) Des Mornes. CoNFERENCE shall include that part of the State of Iowa west and south of the fol- lowing lines: Beginning at the southeast corner of Wayne County; thence north to the south line of Marshall County, leaving Knoxville in the Iowa Con- ference and the Monroe Charge in the Des Moines Conference; thence west to the southeast corner of Story County; thence north to the northeast corner of Story County; thence west to the northeast corner of Crawford County; thence south to the north line of township eighty-three; thence west to the east line of Monona County; thence south and west on the line of Monona County to the Missouri River. (21) Derrorr ConrereNce shall include that part of the State of Michigan in the Lower Peninsula east of the principal meridian as far north as the 412 BouUNDARIES OF CoNFERENCES, Etc. § 518 southern boundary of Roscommon County; thence west to the southwest corner of said County; thence north to the southern boundary of. Charlevoix County; thence east to the southeast corner of Char- levoix County; thence north to the Straits of Mack- inaw including Mackinaw City. It shall also include the Upper Peninsula. (22) East GreRMAN CONFERENCE shall embrace all the German work east of the Alleghany Mountains including all the German work in the State of New York. (23) East TENNESSEE CONFERENCE Shall include the colored work in that part of the State of Tennessee which is not in the Tennessee Conference; in that part of the State of Virginia west of and including the counties of Carroll, Floyd, Montgomery, and Giles; and in the counties of Mercer, Wyoming, McDowell, and Raleigh in the State of West Virginia; and the counties of Whitley, Knox, Bell, and Harlan in the State of Kentucky. (24) HASTERN SWEDISH CONFERENCE shall include all the Swedish work in the six New England States, the States of New Jersey and Delaware, and the ter- ritory included in the New York, New York Hast, and Philadelphia Conferences. (25) Erte CONFERENCE. shall -be botindeat! on the north by Lake Erie; on the east by a line com- mencing at the mouth of Cattaraugus Creek; thence up said creek to Gowanda, leaving said town in the Genesee Conference; thence to the Alleghany River at the mouth of the Tunungwant Creek; thence up said creek southward, excluding the city of Brad- ford on said creek to the ridge dividing between the waters of Clarion and Sinnemahoning Creeks; thence 413 { 518 BounpArtEs oF CONFERENCES, Ere. southward to Mahoning Creek; thence down said creek to the Allegheny River, excluding the Milton Society, but including Valier and the Horatio Society, in the Grace Church, Punxsutawney Charge, and Hamilton in the Valier Charge, the Putneyville So- ciety in the Putneyville Circuit, and that portion of the borough of Punxsutawney lying south and east of Mahoning Creek; thence across said-river in a northwesterly direction to the southwest corner of Lawrence County, including Wampum; thence along the Ohio State line to the place of beginning, exclud- ing Orangeville: Church. (26) FLORIDA CONFERENCE shall include the ‘colored work in the:.State of Florida except that part lying west of the Apalachicola River, and that part south of parallel twenty-nine. (27) GENESEE CONFERENCE shall include all that part of the State of New York lying west of the Central. New’ York Conference except that part of Chautauqua and Cattaraugus Counties which is now included in the Hrie Conference. It shall also in- clude Gowanda and Corning, in the State of New York, and so much of Tioga County, including Tioga Charge, in» the State of -Pennsylvania,.as is. not embraced in the Central New York Conference; also so much of Potter County, in the State of ‘Pennsyl- vania, as is not included in Central Pennsylvania Conference;, also including. so. much of McKean County, in the State of Pennsylvania, as is embraced in the Olean District, including the city of Bradford; also the Norwegian and, Danish, work in the city of Buffalo. yp vf (28) GrorGiA CONFERENCE shall include work among the white people in the State of Georgia... . ‘414 BouNDARIES OF CONFERENCES, Eto, § 518 -<(29) GuLF CONFERENCE shall include the white Eng- lish, Italian, and French-speaking work in the ‘State of Louisiana: also that portion of the State ‘of Texas separated from the Oklahoma Conference by a line beginning at the City of Brownsville, Texas, running northwest along the’ Rio’ Grande River to Devil’s River, a point on the Southern Pacific Rail- road;' thence east along the Southern Pacifie Rail- road to San Antonio; thence northeast along the International & Great Northern Railroad through the city of Austin to Hearne; thence north along the Houston & Texas Railroad to Ennis; thence north- east along the Texas’ Midland and the Frisco Rail- roads to the Red River, all intermediate points to be in the Gulf Conference; also the work among the white people within the territory of oe Mississippi Conference. (30) -HoLSTON CONFERENCE Shall include the work among the white people ‘in that part of the State of Tennessee not included in the Central Tennessee ’Con- ference; and including that part’ of the State of Virginia embraced’ between ‘the West Virginia and Blue Ridge-Atlantic Conferences. (31) IntER-MounTAIN CONFERENCE shall in¢lude all the State of Idaho not embraced in the Columbia River ‘Conference, together with the following named territory of the State of Oregon; namely, the coun- ties of Baker, ist ahd ae eys Grant, (PATON) and Union. (32) ILnINors. CONFERENCE: shall anid that part of the State of Illinois ‘not within’ the Southern Illi- nois Conference, south of the following line, namely: Beginning’ at Warsaw, on ‘the Mississippi River, thence to Vermont; thence to the mouth of the Spoon 415 -§ 518 Bounparies oF CoNFERENCES, Evo. River; thence up the Illinois River to the northwest corner of Mason County; thence to the junction of the Illinois Central and the Chicago & Alton rail- roads;. thence to the southwest corner of Iroquois County; thence east to the State of Indiana, leaving Bentley, Vermont, Manito, Mackinaw Circuit, and Normal in the Central Illinois Conference, and War- saw and Bloomington in the Illinois Conference. (33) INDIANA, CONFERENCE Shall be bounded on the north and east by a line beginning where the Na- tional Road intersects the west line of the State of Indiana; thence along. said road to Terre Haute; thence. along the Vandalia Railroad to Maywood Road, West Indianapolis; thence north on Maywood Road and Tibbs Avenue to West Tenth Street and thence east to the LaFayette.and Indianapolis Rail- road; thence north on said railroad to the. Michigan Road, thence on said road to the north line of Marion County; thence. east on said county line to the north- east corner of said county; thence south on: the east line of said county to the National Road; thence east on said road to State line; on the east by the State of Ohio, including Elizabeth, Hamilton County, Ohio; on the south by the Ohio River, and on the west by the State of Illinois. (34) ) Iowa CONFERENCE shall be bounded on the east by the Mississippi River; on the south by the Missouri State line; on the west and north by a line commencing at the southwest corner of Appanoose County; thence north to Marshall County, leaving Knoxville in the Iowa Conference and Monroe in the Des Moines Conference; thence on the south) line of Marshall County due east to the Iowa River; thence down said river to Iowa City; thence on the 416 EE \ BOUNDARIES OF CONFERENCES, Etc. § 518 Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad to Daven-. port, leaving Davenport and Iowa City in the Upper Iowa Conference, and all intermediate towns in the Iowa Conference. (35) KANSAS CONFERENCE Shall include that part of the State of Kansas lying east of a line travers-- ing the west boundary of Chautauqua, Elk, and Greenwood Counties; thence along the south and west boundary of Chase County to the south and west border of Morris County to the south boundary of Dickinson County; thence west to the sixth principal meridian; thence north to the Nebraska State line; excepting the Solomon City Circuit lying east of said line. (36) KEeNTUCKY CONFERENCE Shall include the work among the white people in the State of Kentucky. (37) LEXINGTON CONFERENCE shall include the colored work in the States of Kentucky, Ohio, Michi-- gan, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin and Minnesota, excepting so much of the State of Illinois as is included in the Central Missouri Conference, and excepting Whitley, Knox, Bell, and Harlan Counties. in Kentucky. (38) LINCOLN CONFERENCE shall include all the work. among the colored people in the States of Nebraska,. Kansas, Oklahoma, and Colorado. (39) Lirrte Rock CoNFERENCE shall include the colored work in the State of Arkansas. (40) LovIsIANA CONFERENCE shall include’ the colored work in the State of Louisiana. (41) Mating CONFERENCE shall include the State of Maine, and also that part of New Hampshire east. of the White Hills and north of the waters of Ossipee: Lake, and the towns of Gorham and Berlin. 417 { 518 Bounpartes or CoNFERENCES, Ec. (42) MicHIGAN CONFERENCE shall include the State of Michigan in the lower peninsula west of. the prin- cipal meridian as far north as the southern boundary of Roscommon County; thence west to the southwest corner of said county; thence north to the southern boundary of Charlevoix County; thence east to the southeast corner of said county; thence north to the Straits of Mackinaw. (43) MINNESOTA CONFERENCE Shall include that part of the State of Minnesota lying south of the follow- ing line: Beginning at the eastern boundary of the State at the northeast corner of Washington, County; thence running west to the northwest corner of said county; thence south to the northeast corner of Ramsey County; thence following the line of Ram- sey ‘County to. where’ it: strikes the east line of Hennepin County; thence following the east and south lines of Hennepin County to the point where the Hastings & Dakota Railroad crosses the line of said county; thence following the line of the Hastings & Dakota Railroad to Ortinville; all towns: on the Hastings & Dakota Railroad to be in the Northern Minnesota Conference. It shall also include the for- mer’ Northern German: Conference; the charges. lying outside the: boundaries of the Minnesota Conference are to be transferred to the respective Conferences within; whose boundaries they lie. (44) MISSISSIPPI CONFERENCE shall include all the colored work in the State of Mississippi south of a line beginning at the northeast; corner of Kemper County, and running along the northern border of said county, and of the counties of Neshoba, Leake, Madison, Yazoo; Sharkey, and Issaquena to the Mis- sissippi River. 418 BOUNDARIES OF CONFERENCES, Etc. § 518 (45) Missourr CONFERENCE Shall include so much of the State of Missouri as lies north of the Mis- souri River. (46) Monrana STATE CONFERENCE shall include all the State of Montana. (47) NEBRASKA CONFERENCE shall include all the State of Nebraska except that contained in ‘the Northwest Nebraska Conference. (48) Newark CONFERENCE Shall include that part of the State of New Jersey not included in the New Jersey Conference, with the Borough of Richmond, City of New York, in the State of New York, and such portions of Rockland, Orange, and Sullivan Counties, in the State of New York, as lie south and west of a line extending from Tompkins Cove, on the Hudson River, intersecting the New Jersey State line at a point south of Sloatsburg; thence along said State line to the Wallkill River; thence due north, intersecting the Erie Railroad at a point west of Middletown; thence in a northwesterly direction to a point where the Port Jervis & Monticello Rail- road crosses the northern line of Forestburg town- ship, in Sullivan County; thence southwest to a point on the Delaware River below Lackawaxen, in Penn- sylvania; also such portions of Pike and Monroe Counties, in the State of Pennsylvania, as lie north of the Philadelphia Conference and east of the Wyoming Conference, the same being now included in the Matamoras, Milford, Dingmans, and Coolbaugh Charges. i (49) New EINGLAND CONFERENCE Shall include all the State of Massachusetts east of the Green Moun- tains not included in the New Hampshire and the New England Southern’ Conferences. 419 {518 Bounparigs or CONFERENCES, Etc. (50) New ENGLAND SOUTHERN CONFERENCE shall include that part of the State of Connecticut lying east of the Connecticut River, the State of Rhode Island, with the town of Blackstone, in Massachu- setts, and that part of the State of Massachusetts south of the towns of Wrentham, Walpole, Dedham, Milton, and Quincy. (51) New HAMPSHIRE CONFERENCE Shall include the State of New Hampshire, except that part within the Maine Conference; also that part of the State of Massachusetts northeast of the Merrimac. River ex- cept that part of Lowell north of the Merrimac. (52) New JERSEY CONFERENCE shall include that part of the State of New Jersey, lying south of the following line, namely: Commencing at Raritan Bay thence up said bay and river to New Brunswick, at a point opposite the easterly boundary of the Borough of Highland Park, thence along the easterly, north- erly, and westerly boundaries of said borough respec- tively, to the Raritan River, thence along the Raritan River to the westerly limits of the city of New Brunswick, thence southwest in a straight line to Lambertville on the Delaware River, including the city of New Brunswick, the Borough of Highland Park, and Lambertville Station. (53) New Mexico CONFERENCE shall include the State of New Mexico. excepting Chama; also the county of El Paso in the State of Texas and the State of Chihuahua in the Republic of Mexico; it shall also include the work among the Spanish- speaking people in the States of New Mexico, Arizona, east of meridian 112 degrees west longitude, and Colo- rado, El Paso, Texas, and the States of Chihuahua and Sonora in the republic of Mexico. 420 BouUNDARIES OF CONFERENCES, Etc. § 518 (54) New York CoNFERENCE Shall consist of the territory now in the New York, Poughkeepsie, New- burg, and Kingston District, and including Five Points Mission. (55) New York East’ CoNFERENCE shall include Long Island; those Charges in Manhattan and Bronx east of South Ferry, Whitehall Street, Broadway, Park Row, Chatham Square, Bowery, Third Avenue to Pelham Avenue; west to the Harlem Railroad track; north to Mount Vernen; thence including Mount Vernon, New Rochelle, Mamaroneck, Harrison, and all between them and Long Island Sound to the State of Connecticut; thence following the State line, including Pound Ridge, to Sharon township; east to the Housatonic River; north to Canaan township; east to Winchester, excluding North Goshen; north to State line; east to the Connecticut River, and fol- lowing the river to the Sound, and also excepting Five Points Mission. (56) NorTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE shall include the colored work in the State of North Carolina and in that part of the State of Virginia lying south of a line beginning at Cape Henry and running to Hamp- ton Roads; thence with Hampton Roads to the James River; thence with the southern bank of the James River to Chesterfield County; thence with the north- ern boundary of the following counties: Prince George, Dinwiddie, Nottoway, Prince Edward, Char- lotte, and Halifax, to the northeast corner of Pitt- sylvania; thence in a southerly direction to the north- east corner of Henry; thence with the county lines of Pittsylvania, Franklin, and Bedford to the corner of Bedford and Roanoke; thence with the Blue Ridge Mountains to the North Carolina line. 421 { 518 BouUNDARIES OF CONFERENCES, ETc. (57) NortH Dakora CONFERENCE Shall include the State of North Dakota. (58) NortH INDIANA CONFERENCE shall be bounded on the north by the State of Michigan; on the east by the State of Ohio, including Union City; on the south by the National Road from the State line west to Marion County; thence north to the northeast corner of said county; thence west to the Michigan Road; on the west by said Michigan Road to South Bend, excluding Lowell Heights and River Park Churches, South Bend, and thence by the Saint Joseph River to the Michigan State line, including Logansport and all the towns on the National Road east of Indianapolis. (59) NorruH-East OHIO CONFERENCE Shall be bounded as follows: Beginning at the north point of the line separating Ohio from Pennsylvania; thence south along said line to the Ohio River, including Orangeville Church; thence down said river to the Muskingum River; thence up the Muskingum River to Dresden, excluding Marietta, Zanesville, and Dresden; thence westerly to the main road passing through Delaware and Marion, including Utica, Homer, and Galena Circuits, and excluding Stratford; on the west by the main road passing through Delaware and Marion to Upper Sandusky, and by the Sandusky River to its mouth; thence due north to the State line, including the towns of Tiffin, Port Clinton, and Lakeside, and excluding so much of the town of Delaware as lies west of Sandusky Street, yet including Asbury Church in the city of Delaware; also excluding the towns of Marion, Fremont and Upper Sandusky; thence east on the northern line of the State of Ohio to the place of beginning. 422 BouUNDARIES OF CONFERENCES, Etc. § 518 (60) NorRTHERN MINNESOTA CONFERENCE Shall include all of the State of Minnesota not included in. the Minnesota Conference. (61) NortHERN New YorK CONFERENCE shall in- clude so much of the county of Franklin as is not within the Troy Conférence, and the counties of Saint Lawrence, Jefferson, Lewis, Oneida, and Her- kimer, and all of Oswego County except Phoenix, and so much of the county of Madison as lies on and east of the New York, Ontario & Western Railroad, to- gether with Cherry Valley, Springfield, and Richfield Springs in Otsego County, Saint Johnsville in Mont- gomery County, and Lassellsville, Oppenheim, and Stratford in Fulton County. (62) NorTHERN SWEDISH CONFERENCE shall include all of the Swedish work in Minnesota, northern Michigan, Wisconsin, except Racine, North Dakota, and that part of Montana lying east of the Rocky Mountains. (68) NorTHWEST GERMAN CONFERENCE Shall include the German work in the State of South Dakota; and in that part of the State of Iowa north of an east and west line passing along the.south: line of the city of Clinton; and in that part of the State of Illinois lying west of the Chicago German Conference; and all appointments in the State of Wisconsin south of and including the cities of La Crosse and Tomah which are not included in the Chicago German Con- ference. (64) NorTHWEST INDIANA CONFERENCE Shall be bounded on the north by Lake Michigan and the State line; on the east by the Saint Joseph River and the Michigan Road, including Lowell Heights and River Park Churches, South Bend, Indiana; on the 423 { 518 BounpartEs oF CoNFERENCES, HTo. south by the Indiana Conference, and on the west by Illinois, including all the towns on the Michigan Road except Logansport; and all the towns on the southern boundary, excluding Washington Street Church in Indianapolis. (65) NorRkTHWEST IowA CONFERENCE Shall include that part of the State of Iowa west of the Upper Iowa and north of the Des Moines Conferences. (66) NorTHWEST KANSAS CONFERENCE Shall be bounded on the west and north by the Kansas State line; on the east by the sixth principal meridian, but including the Solomon City Circuit; and on the south by the south line of township seventeen as far west as to the east line of Lane County; thence north to the north line of said Lane County; thence west to the State line. (67) NortHwest NEBRASKA CONFERENCE shall in- clude that part of the State of Nebraska lying within the following boundary lines: Beginning at a point where the west line of range twelve west of the sixth principal meridian meets the boundary line between Nebraska and South Dakota; thence south to the northeast corner of Garfield County; thence west to the northeast corner of Blaine County; thence south to the southeast corner of Blaine County; thence west to the southwest corner of Grant County; thence south to the southeast corner of Garden County; thence on the county line to the southeast corner of Morrill County; thence west on the south line of Banner County to the Wyoming line; thence north to the South Dakota line; thence east to the west line of range twelve west of the sixth principal meridian. (68) NORWEGIAN AND DANISH CONFERENCE Shai in- 424 BoUNDARIES OF CONFERENCES, Etc. § 518 clude all the Norwegian and Danish work between the Alleghany and Rocky Mountains except in the city of Buffalo. (69) Onto CONFERENCE shall be bounded as follows: Commencing on the Muskingum River north of Dresden; thence down said river to the Ohio River, including Zanesville and Marietta; thence down the Ohio River to the mouth of Ohio Brush Creek; thence north to the southeast corner of Fayette County; thence northwest to the west line of Fayette County, not including Center Church; thence north on the west line of Fayette and Madison Counties to the Springfield branch of the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chi- cago and Saint Louis Railroad, leaving Vienna, Dum- barton, and Sinking Spring Circuits west of said line; thence east on the southern boundaries of the former Central Ohio and North-East Ohio Conferences to the place of beginning, including Milford Center and Stratford, and Saint Paul’s Charge, Delaware, Ohio. i (70) OKLAHOMA CONFERENCE shall include the State of Oklahoma, except the three counties of Beaver, Texas, and Cimarron; also the entire State of Texas, except El Paso County and that portion included in the Gulf Conference and in the Southwest Kansas Conference. (71) OrEGOoN CONFERENCE shall include all of the State of Oregon not included in the Columbia River and the Inter-Mountain Conferences. (72) Pactric GERMAN CONFERENCE Shall include the German work of the States of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana. (73) PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE shall be bounded on the east by the Delaware River, on the south by the 425 { 518 BounpaRies oF CONFERENCES, Etc. Pennsylvania State line, on the west by the Susque- hanna River, excluding Harrisburg and the adjoin- ing part of Dauphin County, extending east to Pax. tonia and Rutherford included in the Central Penn- sylvania Conference; on the north by the ‘north line of Dauphin, Schuylkill, Carbon, and» Monroe Coun- ties, excepting Ashland, and the Beaver Meadows Circuit. | (74) PrrvrspuRGH CONFERENCE shall we bounded on the north by the Erie Conference; on the east by the Central Pennsylvania Conference; on the ‘south by the West Virginia Conference; on the west by the North-East Ohio Conference. (75) Puget SounD CONFERENCE shall include all that part of the State of Washington lying west of the summit of the Cascade Mountains; all of Klickitat County except Bickleton and Alderdale, and all the work in the Territory of Alaska. (76) Rock River CONFERENCE shall include: that part of the State of Illinois north of Central Illinois Conference, except East Dubuque. This Conference shall include the work among the Welsh sme of the States of Illinois and Wisconsin. (77) Saint JoHNS River CONFERENCE shall include the work among the white people in the State of Florida, excepting that portion lying west of the Apalachicola River. (78) Saint Louris CoNFERPNCE shall include that part of the State of Missouri lying south of the Missouri River and the work among the white people in the State of Arkansas. (79) Satnt Lovrs GERMAN CONFERENCE shall in- clude the German work in that part of the State of Illinois south of the Chicago German Conference, and 426 BouNDARIES OF CONFERENCES, Etc. § 518 in the State of Iowa south of the Northwest German Conference; and all of the German work in the State of Missouri which is not within the West German Conference. (80) SAVANNAH CONFERENCE shall include the colored work in that part of the State of Georgia lying south of a line running east and west on a line of the northern boundaries of Richmond, Me- Duffie, Warren, Hancock, Putnam, Jasper, and Butts Counties; that part of Spalding County embracing Liberty Hill Circuit; all of Pike County except the Church known as Free Liberty; that part of Meri- wether County embracing Greenville; and that part of Troup County embracing La Grange Station and La Grange Circuit: (81) SoutH CAROLINA CONFERENCE Shall include the colored work in the State of South Carolina. (82) SouUTHERN CONFERENCE Shall include the Ger- man work in the States of Texas and Louisiana. (83) SoUTHERN CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE shall in- clude that portion of the State of California lying south of the line beginning at the mouth of the Carmel River on Carmel Bay; thence in a direct line to the northwest corner of Fresno County; thence north to the northwest corner of Merced County; thence east and north along the north boundary of Merced County, including the Newman Circuit, to the point where said boundary intersects the middle fork of Merced River; thence, following the middle fork of Merced River, to the summit of the Sierra Nevada Mountains at the northwest corner of Invo County; thence along the north line of said county to the California-Nevada State line; also that por- tion of the State of Nevada lying south of the line 427 {518 BovuNDARIES OF CONFERENCES, Eto. beginning at the point where the thirty-seventh paral- lel of north latitude intersects the California-Nevada State line; thence east along said parallel to the west line of Lincoln County, State of Nevada; thence north and east along the line of Lincoln County to the Nevada-Utah State line. It shall also include Lower California and the State of Sonora in the Re- public of Mexico; the State of Arizona; and Needles in the State of California. (84) SouTHERN ILLINOIS CONFERENCE shall include all that part of the State of Illinois south of the following line, namely: Beginning at a point on the Mississippi River at the northwest corner of Cal- houn County; thence east along the north line of said County to the Illinois River; thence down the Illinois River to Columbiana; thence east to the northeast corner of Jersey County, leaving Carroll- ton and Rockbridge in the Illinois Conference; thence in a southeasterly direction, leaving Chesterfield in the. Illinois Conference and Litchfield in the South- ern Illinois Conference; then to Hillsboro, leaving Hillsboro in the Illinois Conference; thence to the northwest corner of Fayette County; thence along the north line of Fayette County and Effingham County to the west line of Cumberland County, leaving Herrick and Holiday in the Southern Illinois Confer- ence; thence south to the southwest corner of Cumber- land County; thence east along the south line of Cumberland and Clark Counties to the Wabash River. (85) SoutrHwrst KANSAS CONFERENCE shall include all that part of the State of Kansas not included in the Kansas and the Northwest Kansas Conferences; also Beaver, Cimarron, and Texas Counties in the State of Oklahoma. 428 BOUNDARIES OF CONFERENCES, Etc. § 518 (86) TENNESSEE CONFERENCE shall include the colored work in that portion of the State of Ten- nessee west of and including the counties of Franklin, Coffee, Warren, White, Putnam, Overton, and Picket in said State. (87) Texas CoNFERENCE shall include the colored work in so much of the State of Texas as lies east of a line beginning at the Gulf of Mexico on the east line of Matagorda County, and running along said line and the east line of Wharton and Colo- rado Counties to the north point of Colorado County; thence north until it strikes the Central Railroad at Calvert; thence along the line of the railroad to the northern boundary of Texas, excluding Calvert. and all the towns on the line of said road. (88) Troy CONFERENCE shall include that portion of the State of New York embraced in the counties of Rensselaer, Washington, Clinton, Essex, Warren,. Saratoga, Schenectady, Montgomery (except Saint Johnsville), Fulton (except the towns of Oppenheim and Stratford), Albany (except Coeymans Hollow, and South Bethlehem), Scoharie (except Blenheim, Charlottesville, Eminence, Gilboa, Livingstonville, and Summit); in Columbia County, the towns of Stuy- vesant, Kinderhook, New Lebanon, and Chatham (except Chatham Village and Hast Chatham); in Franklin County, the towns of Standish, Saranac Lake, and the appointments connected with Bloom- ingdale Circuit; in Hamilton County, the towns of Benson, Hope, Wells, Indian Lake, Long Lake, and Blue Mountain Lake; and in Otsego County, Center Valley; also that portion of the State of Vermont embraced in the counties of Addison (except the towns of Granville and Hancock); Bennington (ex- 429 { 518 BouNnpaRrigs. oF CONFERENCES, Htc. cept the towns of Landgrove and Peru), Rutland (ex- cept Mechanicville and Cuttingsville, Mount Holly, East Wallingford; Summit, and Healdsville), and in Chittenden County, the towns of Charlotte, Hines- burg, Huntington, Williston, Shelburne, Burlington, and Winooski; also in the State of Massachusetts all that part of Berkshire County lying upon the line of the Boston & Albany Railroad, and north: of said line. (89) Upper LlowA CONFERENCE shall be bounded as follows, namely: Beginning at the northeast: corner of the State of Iowa; thence down the Mississippi River to Davenport, including Hast Dubuque, in the State of Illinois; thence west onthe north line: of the lowa Conference to the southeast corner of Story County; thence north to the State line, s0'as to include Iowa Falls; thence east’ on said line to the place of beginning. (90) UprprerR MISSISSIPPI inertia! shall include the colored work in the State of Miles iadibad not included in: the Mississippi Conference. (91) VeERMoNT) CONFERPNCE shall include the State of Vermont, except that section lying south of the Winooski River and west’ of the Green Mountain divide; said boundary to leave Winooski Charge in the ‘Troy Conference, and Mechanicville and Cuttings- ville in the Vermont Conference. (92) WASHINGTON) CoNFERENCE shall include the colored work in western Maryland, the District of Columbia, the State of West Virginia, except: the counties of Raleigh, Mercer, Wyoming, and McDowell; so much of the State of Pennsylvania as lies west of the Susquehanna. River, including the towns on said river; and so much-of the State of Virginia: as 430 BOUNDARIES OF CONFERENCES; Eto. § 518 is not included in the Hast Tennessee, Delaware, and North Carolina Conferences. | (93) Wrst GERMAN CONFERENCE Shall include the German work in the State of Kansas, Nebraska, Colo- rado, and Oklahoma, and so much of the State of Missouri as lies west of a line commencing at the southeast corner of the State of Kansas; thence direct to the southeast corner of Morgan County, Missouri; thence north to the northeast corner of Charlton County, Missouri; thence to the northeast corner of Worth County, Missouri. (94) West Onto CONFERENCE: Shall be bounded on the north by the north line of the State of Ohio; on the east by the North-East Ohio Conference to the junction with the Ohio Conference at Delaware, excluding Asbury Church; thence west by the Cleve- land, Cincinnati, Chicago and Saint Louis Railroad to the west line of the Ohio Conference; thence south by the west line of the Ohio Conference; on the south by the Ohio River; and on the west by the west line of the State of Ohio. (95) Wrst TrExas CONFERENCE shall embrace the colored work in that part of the State of Texas which is not included in the Texas Conference. (96) West VIRGINIA CONFERENCE shall be bounded as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Pennsylvania; thence along the west line of Penn- sylvania to the northeast corner of Ohio County, West Virginia, so as to include Dallas Circuit and. Tria- delphia Circuit; thence by the most direct way to Short Creek so as to include Short Creek and Liberty Circuit; thence down Short Creek to the Ohio River; thence down said river to the mouth of the Big Sandy River; on the west by the State line; on the 431 { 518 BouNDARIES OF CONFERENCES, ETc. south by the Kentucky and Holston Conferences, ‘in- cluding the counties of Highland, Augusta, Rock- bridge, Botetourt, Allegheny, and Craig in the State of Virginia; on the east so as to include Bayard, Blaine, Gormania, Swanton and Grantsville Charges, to the Pennsylvania State line; thence westward along said line to the place of beginning. (97) Wrst WISCONSIN CONFERENCE Shall include that part of the State of Wisconsin not embraced in the Wisconsin Conference. (98) WESTERN NORWEGIAN-DANISH CONFERENCE Shall include the Norwegian and Danish work in the States of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Cali- fornia. (99) WESTERN SWEDISH CONFERENCE shall include all of the Swedish work in the States of Iowa, Mis- souri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, and South Dakota. (100) WILMINGTON CONFERENCE Shall include the State of Delaware, the eastern shore of Maryland, and all that part of the State of pseiggeastids east of. the Baltimore Conference. (101) Wisconsin CONFERENCE shall include all that part of the State of Wisconsin lying east and north of a line beginning at the southeast corner of Green County, on the south line of the State; thence north on the range line between ranges nine and ten east, to the north line of township twenty; thence west on the said line to the east of range three; thence north on said line to the Michigan State line ex- cluding Avon Church, McFarland, Goodman Church, Brooklyn, and the town of Pine Grove in Portage County. (102) Wyomine CoNFERENCE shail include that por- 432 BouNDARIES OF CONFERENCES, Etc. { 518 tion of the southern part of the State of New York which is not included in the New York, New York Hast, Newark, Central New York and Genesee Con- ferences; and that part of the State of Pennsylvania which is bounded on the west by Central New York Conference, including the territory east of the Sus- quehanna River, and on the south by the Central Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and Newark Conferences, including Narrowsburg, and on the east by the Newark and New York. Conferences. (103) Wyomine STATE CONFERENCE Shall include the State of Wyoming. § 2. Mission Conferences and Missions (1) Hawatr Mission shall include the Hawaiian Islands. (2) Latin AMERICAN MIssIon: shall include the Mexicans, Spaniards, Italians, Filipinos, Portu- guese, French, and other peoples speaking the Ro- mance languages in the territory included in Cali- fornia, Lower California, Nevada and that part of Arizona lying west of the meridian of longitude 112 degrees west. (3) Pacitric CHINESE Mission shall include all the Chinese work between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean. (4) Pacrric JAPANESE Mission shall include all the Japanese work west of the Mississippi River. (5) Pacrric SwEDISH MISSION CONFERENCE. Shall in- clude the Swedish work in the States of California, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, and Ari- zona, and that part of Montana west of the Rocky Mountains. 433 {518 Botunparizs or CONFERENCES, ETc. (6) Porto Rico Mission CONFERENCE shall include Porto Rico and the adjacent islands belonging to its civil jurisdiction, together with any work which may be established by our’ Church or come under its care in any of the islands known as the West Indies. | (7) SoutH FLoripA MISSION CONFERENCE shall in- clude the ‘colored work in that part of the State of Florida lying south of parallel twenty-nine, including New Smyrna, Daytona,’ Ormond, and DeLand. (8) SOUTHERN SWEDISH Mission CONFERENCE shall include all the Swedish work in Texas. (9) SouTHwEstT SpaNIsH Misston. (No boundary description given.) . (10) Urau..Misston shall include the. State of Utah. § 3. Hnabling Acts (1) The discontinuance of the Alaska Mission as such, is hereby authorized and the boundaries of the Puget. Sound Conference are’ hereby enlarged to in- clude our work in the territory of Alaska, so that it may be incorporated in such district and placed under such superintendency as the presiding Bishop may determine. (2) Blue Ridge-Atlantic Conference, during the next Quadrennium is authorized to adopt for itself some appropriate name shorter than the present one. (3) California German Conference and Pacific Ger- man, during the next Quadrennium may unite and form one Conference ‘with such name as may be adopted, the action being subject to the usual Dis- ciplinary conditions. (4) Chicago German Conference: and the North- west German Conference, during the next Quadren- 434 BoUNDARIES OF CONFERENCES, Etc. § 518 nium may unite under such name as may be agreed upon. (5) Central Missouri Conference boundary is hereby extended to include such work among Negroes as may be developed in the ensuing Quadrennium in the States of North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana. (6) Central Swedish Conference, during the next Quadrennium may with the consent of the English- speaking Conferences involved and the Bishops in charge, transfer any portion of its work to an English- speaking Conference or form Swedish districts within any one of these Conferences. (7) Colorado Conference and New Mexico. Confer- ence, during the next Quadrennium, may merge the English-speaking district of the New Mexico Con- ference with the Colorado Conference. (8) On application of delegates of both the Georgie and Holston Conferences the boundaries of these two Conferences are hereby changed, making the State line the boundary between the two Conferences and transferring the Copper Hill Basin from the Georgia to the Holston Conference. (9) Gulf Annual Conference and Southern Annual Conference, during the next Quadrennium, may unite under the name, Southern Conference, under the usual Disciplinary conditions. (10) Illinois and Central Illinois Conferences, dur- ing the Next Quadrennium, by a majority vote of the members of each Conference present and voting and the. concurrence of the Bishop or Bishops. presiding, may unite and form one Annual Conference. with such name as may then be adopted. (11) Idaho Annual Conference is hereby duthoticed to change the name of the Conference to Inter-Moun- 435 { 518 BovunpaRies oF CoNFERENCES, Ere. tain Conference, the change to go into effect imme- diately and to appear in all printed reference to said Conference. (12) Iowa and Des Moines Conferences, during the next Quadrennium, may unite as one Conference under such name as they may agree upon, their action being subject to the usual Disciplinary re- quirements. , (13) Latin American Mission and the Southwest Spanish Mission, during the next Quadrennium, are hereby authorized to merge into one Mission to be known as the Latin American Mission, under the usual Disciplinary conditions. (14) Missouri Annual Conference, during the next Quadrennium, is authorized to transfer to the Saint Louis Conference the counties of Montgomery, Lin- coln, Warren and Saint Charles under the usual Dis- ciplinary conditions. (15) Nebraska Conference and Northwest Nebraska Conference, during the Next Quadrennium, are author- ized to unite as one Conference, under the name “Nebraska Conference,” the action being subject to the usual Disciplinary conditions. (16) Northern German Conference is hereby merged with the Minnesota Conference, the charges lying outside the boundaries of the Minnesota Con- ference to be transferred as soon as possible to the Conferences within whose boundaries they lie. (17) Authorization is hereby given for the organi- zation of the Norwegian-Danish Mission in the Eastern States subject to the usual Disciplinary conditions, action to be taken at any time during the ensuing Quadrennium. (18) Ohio and West Ohio Conferences, at their 436 é BoUNDARIES OF CONFERENCES, Ero. $1513 sessions in 1924, on approval of each Conference, may unite and form one Conference to be known as the Ohio Conference. (19) Puget Sound and Columbia River Conferences, during the next Quadrennium, by a vote of a major- ity of the members of each Conference present and voting and with the concurrence of the Bishop or Bishops presiding, may unite to form one Annual Conference to be known as the Cascade Annual Con- ference. (20) Saint Louis German Conference, during the next Quadrennium, may merge with the contiguous English Conferences whenever it may deem it wise to do so. (21) Saint Louis Conference is authorized to merge with its territory the German work of the Saint Louis German Conference in the counties of Warren, Lincoln, Montgomery, and Saint Charles. (22) South Florida Mission Conference, during the next Quadrennium, may, by a majority vote of the members present and voting, organize as an Annual Conference. . (23) Southern German Conference is hereby author- ized to change the name of the Conference to South- ern Conference, the change to go into effect imme- diately and to appear in all printed reference to said Conference. (24) West German Conference, during the next Quadrennium, may discontinue its organization at any session by a three-fourths vote of its members present and voting, whenever it may deem it wise to do so, and provided the merger with the contiguous English Conferences can be accomplished equitably for all concerned. 437 q 519 L) CENTRAL CONFERENCES CHAPTER III CENTRAL CONFERENCES 97519, § 1. Central European Central Conference (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) AUSTRIA MISSION CONFERENCE, BULGARIA MISSION CONFERENCE. HuNGARY MISSION. JuGO-SLAVIA MISSION CONFERENCE. NortH GERMANY ANNUAL CONFERENCE. Russia MISSION CONFERENCE. SouTH GERMANY ANNUAL CONFERENCE. SWITZERLAND ANNUAL CONFERENCE, § 2. Mediterranean Central Conference ITALY ANNUAL CONFERENCE. FRANCE MISSION CONFERENCE. NortH AFRICA MISSION CONFERENCE. SPAIN MISSION. § 3. North European Central Conference Batic MISSION. | DENMARK ANNUAL CONFERENCE. FINLAND ANNUAL. CONFERENCE. Norway ANNUAL CONFERENCE. SWEDEN ANNUAL CONFERENCE. FINLAND SWEDISH MISSION CONFERENCE. 7520, §1. Eastern Asia Central Conference (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) CENTRAL CHINA ANNUAL CONFERENCE. CHENGTU WEST CHINA ANNUAL CONFERENCE. CHUNGKING Wrst CHINA ANNUAL CONFERENCE. FoocHow ANNUAL CONFERENCE. HINGHUA ANNUAL CONFERENCE. JAPAN MISSION COUNCIL. KIANGSI ANNUAL CONFERENCE. 438 CENTRAL CONFERENCES {522 (8) KorEA ANNUAL CONFERENCE... . (9) NortH CHINA ANNUAL CONFERENCE. (10) YENPING ANNUAL CONFERENCE. § 2. Southern Asia Central Ue euaseacs (1) BencaAL ANNUAL CONFERENCE. (2) BHaAaBUA MISSION. (3) Bompay ANNUAL CONFERENCE. (4) Burma MISSION CONFERENCE. (5) CENTRAL Provinces ANNUAL CONFERENCE. (6) GUJARAT ANNUAL CONFERENCE. (7) Inpus RivER MISSION CONFERENCE. (8) Lucknow ANNUAL CONFERENCE. (9) NortH InpIA ANNUAL CONFERENCE. (10) NorruHwestr InpiA ANNUAL CONFERENCE. (11) Sourn InpiA ANNUAL CONFERENCE, § 3. Central Conference for Southeastern Asia. (1) Maraya ANNUAL CONFERENCE. (2) NETHERLANDS InNpiIns MISSION Gerona (3) North SuMaATRA MISSION. (4) PHILIPPINE ISLANDS ANNUAL’ CONFERENCE. 9521. South Africa Central Conference (1) Ancota MISSION CONFERENCE. (2) Conao Mission CONFERENCE. (3) RHODESIA MISSION CONFERENCE. (4) SovuTHEAST AFRICA MISSION CONFERENCE. 9 522. Central. Conference, for Latin America (1) Bortvia Mission. (2) CENTRAL AMERICAN MISSION. (3) Cutz ANNUAL CONFERENCE.) (4) EASTERN SouTH AMERICA’ ANNUAL CONFERENCE. (5) Mexico ANNUAL CONFERENCE. ' (6) NortaH ANDES. Mission CONFERENCE. 439 { 528 CENTRAL CONFERENCES 97523. Special Notation § 1. Enabling acts are in force for one Quadren- nium only and provided that the number of members in any adjoining Conference or Mission Conference shall not be diminished to less than twenty-five. § 2. The Chairman and Secretary of the Commit- tee on Boundaries shall be the final authority in any question as to what the action of the Committee on Boundaries has been. § 3. Any and all acts of the Commission on For- eign Speaking Conferences in the United States that relate to boundaries are endorsed by the Committee on Boundaries. See § 571, §§ 6, 8. § 4. The Committee on Boundaries accepts and approves the report of the Commission of the South- ern Asia Central Conference’ submitted by D. G. Abbott, Central Provinces, a copy of which is filed with the Secretary of the Committee on Boundaries. § 5. The Committee on Boundaries by a count vote authorized the transfer of the following churches from one Conference to another: 1—-Wyandot Church, from the North-East Ohio Conference to the West Ohio Conference; 2—Tenth Street Church, Oshkosh, Wis., from the Chicago German Conference to. the Wisconsin Conference; 3—Roanoke Church, Kansas City, Mo., from the Western Swedish Conference to the Saint Louis Conference; 4—Copperhill Church, from the Georgia Conference to the Holston Con- ference. § 6. On the application of Bishop H. Lester Smith, the Committee on Approval of the Report of the Committee on Boundaries recommend the discontin- uance of the English-Speaking Mission in India. 440 PART IX RITUAL The Ritual of the Methodist Episcopal Church Copyright, 1916, by The Methodist Book Concern PART IX RITUAL I. BAPTISM Il. RECEPTION OF MEMBERS Ill. THE LORD’S SUPPER IV. MATRIMONY V. BURIAL OF THE DEAD VI. CONSECRATION AND ORDINATION VII.CORNER STONE LAYING AND CHURCH DEDICATION CHAPTER I THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM [Let every adult person, and the parents of every child to be bap- tized, have the choice of either sprinkling, pouring, or immersion. We will on no account whatever make a charge for administering Baptism.]} 9.524. Order for the Administration of Baptism to Infants The Minister, coming to the Font, which is to be filled with pure Water, shall use the following: DEARLY BELOVED, forasmuch as God in his great mercy hath entered into covenant relation with man, wherein he hath included children as partakers of its gracious benefits; and our Lord Jesus Christ saith: Suffer the little children to come unto me; forbid them not: for to such belongeth the kingdom of God; I beseech you to call upon God the Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ, that having, of his bounteous mercy, redeemed this child by the blood of his Son, he will grant that he, being baptized with water, may also be baptized with the Holy Spirit, be received into Christ’s holy Church, and become a lively Member of the same. Notr.—We call upon all our ministers to make faithful use of the forms and orders here provided, and without other deviation than that here indicated as permitted. We urge all pastors to encourage and train their congregations to participate audibly in those portions of the service provided for this purpose, particularly in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. The portions to be used by the congregation are specially indicated by lack face type. The Scripture quotations, excepting the Psalms, the Lord’s Prayer and forms of benediction, are from the American Standard Edition of the Revised Bible. Copyrighted, 1901, by Thomas Nelson & Sons. 443 q 524 BAPTISM ~ Then shall the Minister say: Let us pray. Almighty and Everlasting God, who by thy well- beloved Son Jesus Christ gavest commandment to go into all the world and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; we beseech thee, that of thine infinite mercy thou wilt look upon this child: that he, being saved by thy grace, and received into Christ’s holy Church, may be stead- fast in faith, joyful through hope, and rooted in love, and may so overcome all evil that finally he may reign with thee, world without end, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then shall the Minister address the Parents or other Sponsors as followeth: Dearly Beloved, forasmuch as this child is now presented by you for Christian Baptism, and is thus consecrated to God and to his Church, it is your part and duty to see that he be taught, as soon as he shall be able to learn, the nature and end of this Holy Sacrament; that he shall read the Holy Scrip- tures and learn the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Com- mandments, the Apostles’ Creed and the Catechism; and that he be instructed in the principles of our Holy Faith and the nature of the Christian life. And ye shall call upon him to give reverent attendance upon the appointed means of grace, such as the ministry of the Word, and the public and private worship of God; and that in every way, by precept and example, ye shall seek to lead him into the love of God and the service of our Lord Jesus Christ. 444 BAPTISM {524 Do you therefore solemnly engage to fuifill these duties, so far as in you lies, the Lord being your helper? Answer. We do. Then shall the People stand up, and the Minister Shall say: Hear the words of the Gospel, written by St. Mark. [Chap. 10. 13-16.] And they were bringing unto him little children, that he should touch them: and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was moved with indignation, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me; forbid them not: for to such belongeth the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall in no wise enter therein. And he took them in his arms, and blessed them, laying his hands upon them. Then the Minister may take the Child in his arms, and say to the Parents or other Sponsors: What name shall be given to this child? And then, naming it after them, he shall baptize it, saying: N., I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Then shall. the Minister offer the following Prayer, the People kneeling: O God of infinite mercy, be pleased to grant unto this child an understanding mind and a sanctified heart. May thy providence lead him through the 445 q 524 BAPTISM dangers, temptations, and ignorance of his youth, that he may never run into folly, nor into the evils. of an unbridled appetite. We pray thee so to order the course of his life that, by good: education, by holy examples, and. by thy restraining and renewing grace, he may be led to serve thee faithfully all his days, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Almighty and Most Merciful Father, grant unto these, thy servants, the parents [sponsors] of this child, thy Holy Spirit, that they may command their household to keep the way of the Lord; that their whole family may be united to our Lord Jesus Christ in the bonds of faith, obedience, and charity; and that they all, being in this life thy holy children, may be admitted into the Church of the first born in heaven, through the merits of thy Son, our Saviour and Redeemer. Amen. Then may the Minister offer extemporary Prayer. Then shall be said by the Minister and People, all kneeling: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. » Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. 446 BapPtTrisM q.525 525. Order for the Administration of Baptism to such as are of Riper Years | The Minister, addressing the Congregation, shall say: DEARLY BELOVED, forasmuch as all men have sinned and come short of the glory of God; and our: Saviour Christ saith except a man: be born anew he cannot see the kingdom.of God, and also. gave commandment saying: -Go-ye, therefore, and make disciples ‘of.all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit:. I be- seech you to call upon God the Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ, that of his bounteous. goodness he will grant to these persons that. which by nature they cannot have; that they, being. baptized with water, may also be baptized with the Holy Spirit, and, being received into Christ’s holy Church, may continue lively Members of the same. Then shall the Minister say: Let us pray. Almighty and Everliving God, the aid. of all that need, the helper. of all that flee to thee for succor, the life of them that believe, and the resurrection of the dead: we call. upon thee for these persons, that they, coming to thy Holy Baptism, may also be filled with the Holy Spirit. Receive them,..0 Lord, as thou hast promised by thy well-beloved Son, saying, Ask, and ye shall receive; seek, and. ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. So give now unto us - that ask;. let us that seek, find; open the gate unto us that knock; that these persons may, enjoy the 447 525 BAPTISM everlasting benediction of thy heavenly washing, and may come to the eternal kingdom which thou hast promised, by Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then may the Minister read the following lesson: And Peter said unto them, Repent ye, and be bap- tized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ unto the remission of your sins; and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit... For to you is the promise, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call unto him. And with many other words he testified, and exhorted them, saying, Save yourselves from this crooked generation. They then that received his word were baptized: and there were added unto them in that day about three thousand souls. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and the prayers. [Acts 2. 38-42. ] Or this Now there was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: the same came unto him by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that thou doest, except God be with him. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except one be born anew, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb, and be born? Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except one be born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which 448 BaPprTisM {525 is born of the flesh is flesh; and that.which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that. I said unto thee, Ye must be born anew. .The wind bloweth where .it. will, and thou hearest the, voice thereof, but knowest not whence;.it cometh, and whither it. goeth; so is every one that is born of the Spirit. [John, 3. 1-8.] Then shall. the. minister speak to. the Persons to be baptized on this wise: Well Beloved, who have come hither desiring to re- ceive Holy Baptism, you have heard how the Congre- gation hath prayed that our Lord Jesus Christ would vouchsafe to receive you, to bless you, and to give you the kingdom of heaven, and everlasting life. And our Lord Jesus Christ hath promised in his Holy Word to grant all those things that we have prayed for: which promise he for his part will most surely keep and perform. | Wherefore, after this promise made by Christ, you must also faithfully, for your part, promise in the presence of this whole Congregation, that you will renounce the devil and all his works, and constantly believe God’s Holy Word, and obediently’ keep his commandments. THE BAPTISMAL COVENANT Then shall the Minister demand of each of the Persons to be baptized: Dost thou renounce the devil and all his works, the vain. pomp and glory of the world, with all covetous desires of the same, and the carnal de- 449 { 525 BAPrisM sires of the flesh, so that thou wilt not follow nor be led by them? Answer. I renounce them all. Dost thou believe in God the Father papel Maker of heaven and earth: And in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son our Lord; and that he was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary; that he suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried; that he rose the third day; that he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;. and from thence shall come again at the end of the world, to judge the quick and the dead? And dost thou believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic! Church, the communion of saints; the for- giveness. of sins; the resurrection of the body; and everlasting life after death? Answer. All this I steadfastly believe. Wilt thou be baptized in this faith? Answer. Such is my desire. Wilt thou then obediently keep , God’s holy will and commandments, and walk in the same all the days of thy. life? . Answer. I will endeavor so to do, God hein my helper. Then shall the Minister say: O Merciful God, grant that all sinful affections may die in. these persons, and that all things belonging to the Spirit may live and grow in them. Amen. Grant that they, being here dedicated to thee in holy baptism, may also be endued with heavenly Vir- tues, and everlastingly rewarded through thy mercy, oe TThe one universal Church of Christ. 450 BAPTISM | q. 525 O blessed Lord God, who dost live, and govern all things, world without end. Amen. Almighty, Everliving God, regard, we beseech thee, our supplications; and grant that the persons now to be baptized may receive the fullness of thy grace, and ever remain in the number of thy faithful and beloved children, through Jesus. Christ our Lord. Amen. Then the Minister, asking the name of each Person, shall baptize him, saying: N., I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Then shalt be said by the Minister and people, all kneeling: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgve us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for- ever. Amen. . Then may the Minister conclude with extemporary Prayer. 451 { 526 RECEPTION OF MEMBERS CHAPTER II RECEPTION OF MEMBERS © "| 526. Form for Receiving Persons into the Church as Preparatory Members [The use of this form is discretionary with the minister.] Those who are to be.received into the Church as Preparatory Members may be called forward by name, and the Minister, addressing the. Congrega- tion, shall say: DEARLY BELOVED BRETHREN, that none may be-ad- mitted hastily into, the Church, we..receive persons who. seek fellowship with us on profession . of faith into. a preparatory. membership; in which. proot may be made, both to themselves the Church, of the sincerity and depth of their convictions and of the strength ,of their purpose. to lead | life: The persons here present desire to be so.admitted, You will hear their answers to the questions put to them, and if you make no objection they will be re- ceived. Kis It is needful, however, that you be reminded of your own responsibility, as having previously entered this holy fellowship and now representing the Church into which they seek admission. Inasmuch as they should find in you holy examples of life and loving help in the true serving of their Lord and ours, I A452 RECEPTION OF MEMBERS 7. 526 beseech you so to order your own lives that these new disciples may take no detriment from you, but that it may ever be to them a. cause for thanksgiving to God that they were led into this. fellowship. w Then, addressing the Persons seeking Admission as Preparatory Members, the Minister shall say: Dearly Beloved, you have, by the grace of God, made your decision to,follow Christ and to serve him.. Your confidence in so doing is not to be based on any notion of fitness or worthiness in yourselves, but on the gracious promise of God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who loved us and gave himself for us. That. the Church may know your purpose, you will answer the following questions: Have you an earnest desire to be saved from your sins? Answer. I have. Will you guard against all things contrary to the teaching of God’s Word, and endeavor to lead a holy life, following the commandments of God? Answer. I will endeavor so to do. Will you give reverent attendance upon the: ap- pointed means of grace in the ministry of the Word, and in the private and public worship of God? Answer. With the help of God, I will. The Minister shall then welcome the Candidates as Preparatory Members, and may assign them to classes. Then may the Minister offer extemporary Prayer. 453 {527 RECEPTION of MEMBERS "|527. Form for Receiving Persons into the Church from Preparatory Membership after Required Instruction Has Been Given On the day appointed, all that are to be received into the Church shall be called forward, and the Min- ister, addressing the Congregation, shall say: DEARLY BELOVED, the Scriptures teach us that the Church is the household of God, the body of which Christ is the head; and that it is the design of the gospel to bring together in one all who are in Christ. The end of this fellowship is the salvation of men and the establishment of the kingdom of God upon earth. As helps thereto the Church is charged with the maintenance of sound doctrine and of the ordi- nances of Christian worship, and with the exercise of that power of godly admonition and discipline which Christ has committed to her for the promotion of holiness. The duties of those united in this fellow- ship are to continue steadfast in the faith and prac- tice of the gospel; to promote the peace and unity of the Church; to labor for the spread of love and righteousness; and by word and deed to bring others into the fold of Jesus Christ. Into this holy fellowship the’ persons before you, who have already received the sacrament of Baptism and have been under instruction in the doctrines of Holy Scripture as taught by the Methodist Episcopal Church, come seeking admission. We now propose, in the fear of God, to question them as to their faith and purposes, that you may know that they are proper persons to be admitted into the Church. 454 REcEPTION OF MEMBERS q 527 Then, addressing the Persons seeking Admission, the Minister shall say: Dearly Beloved, you are come hither seeking the great privilege of union with the Church our Saviour has purchased with his own blood. We rejoice in the grace of God vouchsafed unto you in that he has called you to be his followers, and that thus far you have run well. You have heard how solemn are the duties of membership in Christ’s Church; and before you are fully admitted thereto, it is proper that you do here publicly renew your vows, confess your faith, and declare your purpose, by answering the follow- ing questions: Do you here, in the presence of God and of this Congregation, renew the solemn promise contained in the Baptismal Covenant, ratifying and confirming the same, and acknowledging yourselves bound faith- fully to observe and keep that Covenant? Answer. I do. Do you receive Jesus Christ as your Saviour, and do you confess him as your Lord and Master? Answer. I do. Do you receive and profess the Christian Faith as contained in the New. Testament of our Lord Jesus Christ? Answer. I do. Will you be loyal to the Methodist Episcopal Church, and uphold it by your prayer, your presence, your gifts and your service? Answer. | will. 455 4] 528 RECEPTION OF MEMBERS Then, the Candidates kneeling, the Minister shall say: Defend, O Lord, these thy servants with thy heav- nly grace; that they may continue thine forever; and daily increase in thy Holy Spirit, more and more, until they come unto thy ‘everlasting kingdom. Amen, Then the: Minister, extending the right hand. of. fel- lowship, shall say to the Candidates: We welcome you to the communion of the Church, of God; and, in testimony of our Christian affection and the cordiality with which we receive you, I hereby extend to you the right, hand of. fellowship: and may God grant that you.may be a faithful and useful Member of the Church militant till. you, are called to the. fellowship. of the Church triumphant, ‘which is “without fault. before the throne of God.” 4] 528. Form for Receiving Children’ as Members tot the Church after Required Instruction Has Been Given We regard all children who have been baptized as standing in covenant relation to God, and as preparatory members under the special care and supervision of the: Church. Whenever baptized children shall understand the obligations of religion, and shall give evidence of piety, they may be admitted into full) membership in: the Church. See Discipline, paragraphs 49 to 54. At the appointed time, the Minister shail. read the 456 RECEPTION OF MEMBERS {528 names of the children tio be received; and, after they have come forward, he shall.say to the Con- gregation: DEARLY BELOVED, these persons ‘here present before you are baptized children of the Church, who, having arrived at the years. of discretion, desire now to con- firm the vows of their baptism and to enter upon the active duties and the full privileges of membership in the Church of Christ. They have been duly instructed as to the truths of the Christian faith, and. have been examined,as to their fitness for such member- ship. Before they assume the required vows, let us invoke on their behalf the gracious blessing of God our Father, and the continued presence of the Holy Spirit who hath inclined their hearts to this end. Then shail the Minister say: Let us pray. Almighty and everliving God, who hast appointed unto children a place in thy kingdom, and through thy well beloved Son didst give unto them thy bless- ing, we beseech thee that thou wilt visit with thy favor the homes of this congregation, and fill the hearts of all parents with the fear of God and the spirit of wisdom and love. We pray that thy church may be faithful in the nurture of those committed to her care. Let thy blessing rest upon these, thy children, whom thou hast graciously inclined to thy service and to the fellowship of thy people. We beseech thee, that thou wilt so further them by thy grace and direct them by thy Spirit, that they may 457 {| 528 RECEPTION OF MEMBERS be faithful servants in thy kingdom on ‘earth; and finally reign’ with thee. in thy kingdom above, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then shall the Minister say: Hear the words of the Gospel as written by St. Luke (Chap. 2. 40-52). And the child grew, and’ waxed strong, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him. And his parents went every year to Jerusalem at the feast of the passover. And when he was twelve years old, they went up after the custom of the feast; and when they had fulfilled the days, as they were returning, the boy Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and his parents knew it not; but supposing him ‘to be in the company, they went a day’s journey; and they sought for him among their kinsfolk and acquaint- ance: and when they found him not, they returned to Jerusalem, seeking for him. And it came to pass, after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both hearing them; and asking them questions: and all’that heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers. ’ And when they saw him, they were astonished; and his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? behold, thy father and I sought thee sorrow- ing. And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? know ye not that I’ must be in my Father’s house? And they understood not the saying which he spake unto them. And he went down with them; and came to Nazareth; and he was’ subject’ unto them: and his et et kept all these nhs in sahil heart. 458 RECEPTION OF MEMBERS 4,528 Then shall the Minister address the Persons seeking Admission as follows: Dearly Beloved, we rejoice in the grace of God in that he has brought you to this place, and by his Spirit has confirmed you in your purpose’to serve him and to live in the fellowship of the Church of Christ. It is needful now that you should declare your faith and purpose in the presence of this con- gregation by answering the following ‘questions: Do you here in the presence of God and of this Congregation renew the solemn promises contained in the Baptismal Covenant, ratifying and confirming the same, and acknowledging yourselves bound faith- fully to observe and keep that covenant? Answer.. I do. ' Do you receive Jesus Christ as your Saviour, and do you confess him as your Lord and Master? Answer. I do. ? Do you receive and profess the Christian Faith as contained in the New Testament of our Lord Jesus Christ? Answer. I do. Will you be loyal to the Methodist Episcopal Church, and uphold it by your prayer, your presence, your gifts, and your service? Answer. I will. Then, the Candidates kneeling, the Minister shall say: Defend, O Lord, these thy Children with thy heav- enly grace, that they may continue thine forever, and daily increase in thy Holy Spirit more and more, until they come unto thy everlasting kingdom. Amen, 459 {529 ‘Tur Lorp’s Supper Then the-Minister, extending the right hand of fellow- Ship, shall. say to the Candidates: We welcome you to the communion of the Church of God; and, in testimony of our Christian affection and the cordiality with which we receive you, I here- by extend to you the right hand of fellowship: and may God grant that you may be a faithful and useful Member of the Church militant till you are called to the fellowship of the Church triumphant, which is “without fault before the throne of God.” CHAPTER III THE SACRAMENT OF THE LORD’S SUPPER, OR THE HOLY COMMUNION [Let the pure, unfermented juice of the grape be used in admin- istering the Lord’s Supper.] [Let persons who have scruples concerning the receiving of the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. kneeling be permitted to receive it either standing or sitting.] 1529. Order for the Administration of the Lord’s Supper {If the Minister so desire, he’ may here use the Ten Command- ments, with responses by the people, as contained in the Hymnal, Number 738.] The Minister shall say one or more of these Sen- tences, during the reading of which the Persons appointed for that purpose shall receive the Offer- ing for the Poor: Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust consume, and where thieves break through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust 460 THE Lorpd’s. SUPPER 7. 529 doth consume, and where thieves do not break through nor steai: for where thy treasure is, there will thy heart be also. [Matt. 6. 19-21.] All things therefore whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, even so do ye also unto them: for this is the law and the prophets. [Matt..7. 12.j Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father who is in heaven. [Matt. 7. 21.] Zaccheus stood, and said unto the Lord, Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have wrongfully exacted aught of any man, I restore fourfoid. [Luke 19. 8.] He that soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he that soweth bountifully shall reap also bounti- fully. Zet each man do according as he hath pur- posed in his heart: not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. [2 Cor. 9. 6, 7.] So then, as we have opportunity, let us work that which is good toward all men, and especially toward them that are of the household of the faith. [Gal. 6. 10.] ' Godliness with contentment is great gain: for we brought nothing into the world, for neither can we carry anything out. [1 Tim. 6 6, 7.] Charge them that are rich in this present world, that they be not highminded, nor have their hope set on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; that they da good, that they be rich in good works, that they be ready to distribute, willing to communicate; laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on the life which is life indeed. [1 Tim. 6. 17-19.] 461 q 529 THE Lorp’s SUPPER For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and the love which ye showed toward his name, in that ye ministered unto the saints, and still do minis- ter. [Heb. 6. 10.] To do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. [Heb. 13. 16.] 'Whoso hath the world’s goods, and beholdeth his brother in need, and shutteth up his compassion from him, how doth the love of God abide in him? {1 John 3. 17.] He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto Je- hovah, And his good deed will he pay him again. i Prov ‘19: 174 Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. [Psa. 41. 1.] Thou shalt surely open thy hand unto thy brother, to thy needy, and to thy poor, in thy land. [Deut. 1 aa Re After which the Minister shall give the following In- vitation, the People standing: If any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: and he is the propitiation for our: sins; and not for ours only, but also for the whole world. Wherefore ye that do truly and earnestly repent of your sins, and are in love and charity with your neighbors, and intend to lead a new life, following the commandments of God, and walking from hence- forth in his holy ways, draw near with faith, and take this holy Sacrament to your comfort; and, de- 462 THE Lorp’s SUPPER 4 529 voutly, kneeling, make your humble confession to Almighty God. Then shall this general Confession be made by the Minister and all those who are minded to receive the Holy Communion, he and all the People de- voutly kneeling and saying: Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Maker of all things, Judge of all men, we acknow!l- edge and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness, which we from time to time most grievously have committed, by thought, word, and deed, against thy Divine Majesty, provoking most justly thy wrath and indignation against us. We do earnestly repent, and are heartily sorry for these our misdoings; the remembrance of them is grievous unto us. Have mercy upon us, have mercy upon us, most merciful Father; for thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ’s sake, forgive us all that is past; and grant that we may ever hereafter serve and please thee in newness of life, to the honor and glory of thy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then shall the Minister say: Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who of thy great mercy hast promised forgiveness of sins to all them that with hearty repentance and true faith turn unto thee, have mercy upon us; pardon and deliver us from all our sins; confirm and strengthen us in all goodness; and bring us to everlasting life,, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. This Collect shall then be said by the Minister and: those intending to receive the Holy Communion: Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, 463 q- 529 Tne Lorp’s Supper all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid, cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily magnify thy holy name, through Jesus Christ our. Lord. Amen. Then shall the Minister say: We do not presume ‘to come to this thy table, O merciful Lord, trusting in our own righteousness, but in thy manifold and great mercies. _We are not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under thy table. But thou art the same Lord, whose prop- erty is always to have mercy. Grant us, therefore, gracious Lord, so to eat the flesh of thy dear Son Jesus Christ, and to drink his blood, that we may live and grow thereby; and that, being washed through his most precious blood, we may evermore dwell in him, and he in us. Amen. Then the Minister shall offer the Prayer of. Conse- cration, as followeth: Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who. of thy tender mercy didst give thine only Son Jesus Christ to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption; who made. there, by his oblation of himself once offered, a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice for the sins of the whole world; and did institute, and in his holy Gospel command us to continue, a per- petual memory of his precious death until his com- ing again: hear us, O merciful Father, we most humbly beseech thee, and grant that we, receiving these thy creatures of bread and wine, according to 464 THE Lorp’s SUPPER q 529 thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ’s holy institution, ty ae it remembrance of his death and passion, Minister may™@Y be partakers of his most blessed body take the plateand blood; who, in’ the same night. that he of Bread inwas betrayed, took bread(1); and when he his hand. had given thanks, he broke it,.and gave it to his, disciples, saying, Take, eat; this is, my. body which is given for you; do this in remembrance. of me. ; Likewise after supper he took (2) the A 2 Here. he cup; and when he had given thanks, 2h Ray hale whe gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all Ofeup in his this; for this is my blood of the New Testa-hand. ment, which is shed for you, and for’ many, for the remission of sins; do this, as oft as ye shall drink it, in remembrance of me. Amen. Then shall the Minister receive the Communion in both kinds, and proceed to deliver the same to the other Ministers, if any be present; after which hé shall say: It is very meet, right, and our bounden duty that we should at all times and in all places give thanks unto thee, O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty, Ever- lasting God, Then shall be said or sung by all the people: [The Hymnal, 741] Therefore with angels and archangels, and with all the company of heaven, we laud and. magnify thy glorious name, evermore praising thee, and saying, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts, heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Glory be to thee, O Lord most high! Amen. 465 4 529 THE Lorp’s SUPPER The ‘Minister shall then procéed: to administer the Communion: to. the People in order, kneeling, into their uncovered. hands; and when he delivereth the Bread, he shall say: The body of our ‘Lord Jesus Christ, which was given for thee, preserve thy soul and body unto ever- lasting life. Take and eat this in remembrance that Christ died for thee; and feed on him in. thy heart by faith, with thanksgiving. And the Minister that delivereth.the Cup shall say: The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was shed for thee, preserve thy soul and body unto ever- lasting life. Drink this in remembrance that Christ’s blood was shed for thee, and be thankful. {If the Consecrated bread or wine shall be all spent before all have communed, the Elder may Consecrate more by repeating the Prayer of Consecration.] [When all have communed, the Minister shall return to the Lord’s table and place upon it what remaineth of the Consecrated elements, covering the same with a fair linen cloth.] Then shall the Hilder say the Lord’s Prayer; the People kneeling, and repeating after him every petition: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. After which the Minister and People shall say: O Lord our heaveniy Father, we thy humble 466 THE Lorp’s SUPPER 7 529 servants desire thy Fatherly goodness mercifully to accept this our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving; most humbly beseeching thee to grant, that, by the merits and death of thy Son Jesus Christ, and through faith in his blood, we and thy whole Church may obtain forgiveness of our sins, and all. other benefits of his passion. And here we offer and pre- sent unto thee, O Lord, ourselves, our souls and bodies, to be a reasonable, holy, and lively sacrifice unto thee; humbly beseeching thee that all we who are partakers of this Holy Communion may be filled with thy grace and heavenly benediction. And although we be unworthy, through our manifold sins, to offer unto thee any sacrifice, yet we beseech thee to accept this our bounden duty and service; not weighing our merits, but pardoning our offenses, through Jesus Christ our Lord; by whom, and with whom, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all honor and glory be unto thee, O Father Almighty, world with- out end. Amen. Then shall be said or sung by all the People standing: [The Hymnal, 742.] Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace, good will toward men! We praise thee, we bless thee, we worship thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee for thy great glory, O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty! O Lord, the only begotten Son Jesus Christ: O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the A467 §| 530 MATRIMONY sins of the world, receive our prayer. Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the Father, have mercy upon us. For thou only art holy; thou only art the Lord; thou only, O Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. Then the Minister shall let the People depart with this ‘Blessing: . The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord: and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you, and remain with you always. Amen. [The Minister is expected to use the full form, but, if straitened for time in the usual administration of the Holy Communion, he may omit any part of the service, except. the Invitation, the Confession, and the Prayer of Consecration; and in its administration to the sick he may omit any part of the service except the Confession, the Prayer of Consecration, and the, usual sentences in delivering the Bread and Wine, closing with the Lord’s Prayer, extemporary sup- plication, and the Benediction.] CHAPTER IV MATRIMONY 530. Form for the Solemnization of Matrimony [The parts. in brackets throughout may be used or not, at discretion.) At the time appointed, the persons to be married— having .been qualified according to law—standing together, .the.. Man on the. right hand, and. the Woman on the, left, the Minister. shall say: DEARLY BELOVED, We are gathered together here in the sight of God and in the presence of these wit- 468 MATRIMONY {| 530 nesses, to join together this man and this woman in hoiy Matrimony; which honorable estate, insti- tuted of God in the time of man’s innocency, signify- ing unto us the mystical union that exists between Christ and his Church; which holy estate Christ adorned and beautified with his presence, and first miracle that he wrought, in Cana of Galilee; and therefore is not by any to be entered into unadvis- edly, but reverently, Seiki ni and in the fear of God. — Into which holy estate these two persons present come now to .be joined. Therefore if any can show just cause why they may not lawfully be joined to- gether, let him now speak, or else hereafter forever hold his peace. [And also speaking unto the Persons that are to be married, the Minister shall say: I require and charge you both, that if either of you know any. impediment why ye may not be lawfully joined together in matrimony, ye do now confess it: for be ye well assured, that so many as are: mar: ried otherwise than God’s Word doth allow, are not joined together by God, neither. is their matrimony lawful. ] If no impediment be alleged, then shall the Minister say unto the Man, using his given name: M., wilt thou have this woman to be thy wedded wife, to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love her, com- fort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all other, keep thee oak unto her, so long as ye both shall live?. 469 7 530 MATRIMONY The Man shall answer: I will. Then shall the Minister say unto the Woman, using her given name; — N., wilt thou have ;thigs man. to be thy wedded husband, to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love him, com- fort him, honor, and keep him, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live? The Woman shall answer: I will. [Then shall the Minister say: Who giveth this Woman to be married to this Man?] [Answer: I do.] [Then the Minister shall cause the Man with his right hand to take the Woman by her right hand, and, using the given names, to say after him as followeth: I, M., take thee, N., to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my faith. Then shall they loose. their hands, and the Woman, with her right. hand taking the Man by his right hand, shall likewise say after the Minister: I, N., take thee, M., to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, 470 MatTRIMONY { 530 for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love’and to cherish, till death us: do part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my faith.] [If the parties desire it, the Man shall here hand a Ring to the Minister, who shall return it to him, and direct him to place it on the third finger of the , Woman’s left hand. And the Man shall say to the Woman, repeating after the Minister: With this ring I thee wed, and with my worldly goods I thee endow, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.] Then shall the Minister pray thus: O Eternal God, Creator and Preserver of all man- kind, Giver of all spiritual grace, the Author of everlasting life: send thy blessing. upon these thy servants, this man and this woman, whom we bless in thy name; that they may surely perform, and keep the vow and covenant between them made, and may ever remain in perfect love and peace together, and live according to thy laws, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. | Then shall.the Minister join their right: hands to- gether, and say, using the given names: Forasmuch as M. and N. have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same be- fore God and this company, and thereto have pledged their faith either to other, and have declared the same by joining of hands [and by giving and receiv: ing a ring]; I pronounce that they are husband and wife together, in the name of the Father, and of the 471 { 530 MATRIMONY Son; and*of the Holy Spirit. Those whom God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Amen. And the Minister shall add this Blessing: God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, bless, preserve, and keep you; the Lord mercifully with his favor look upon you; and so fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace, that ye may so live together in this life that in the world to come ye may have life everlasting. Amen. Tren. shall the Minister and the People together re- peat the Lord’s Prayer. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. 7 The peace of God, which passeth all understand- ing, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord: and the blessing of: God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you, and remain with you always. Amen. 472 BURIAL OF THE DEAD q 531 OPTA TE Deo BURIAL OF THE..DEAD [We will on no account whatever make a charge oe burying the dead.] ; 9531. Form for Burial of the Dead» The Minister, going before the Body, Shall say: I am the resurrection, and the life: he that be- lieveth on me, though he die, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believeth on me shall never aie. “John: 1125," 260] For we know that if the. earthly house of our tabernacle be dissolved, we have a building from God, a house not made with’ hands, eternal, in the heavens. [2 Cor. 5. 1.] And‘I saw no temple ‘therein: for the ord God the Almighty, and the Lamb, are the’ temple thereof. And the city hath no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine ‘upon it: for *the glory of God did lighten it, and the lamp thereof is the Lamb. [Rev. a1. dg 23.) cm the House or Church may. sake read one,.of the following. Psalms: Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley af the 473 {| 5381 BURIAL OF THE DEAD shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 90. 1, 2, 4-6, 12, 14, 16, 17 Lord, thou hast been our. dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting thou art God. ‘For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it. is past, and as a watch in the night. Thou carriest them away as with a flood; they are as a sleep: in the morning they are like grass which groweth up. In the morning it flourisheth, and groweth up; in the evening it is cut down, and withereth. So teach, us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. oO satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. Let thy work appear unto. thy servants, and thy glory unto their children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us; and estab- lish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it. Then may follow the reading of the Epistle, as follows: 1 Corinthians 15. 41-49, 53-58 There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for 474 BURIAL OF THE DEAD {] 531 one star differeth from another star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: it is sown in dishonor; it is raised in glory: it is. sown in weakness; it is raised in power: it is Sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body. So also it is written, The first man Adam became a living soul. The last Adam became a. life-giving spirit. Howbeit that is not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; then that which is spiritual: The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is of heaven. As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. But when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy vic: tory? O death, where is thy sting? The sting of death is sin; and the power of sin is the law: but thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Wherefore, my beloved breth- ren, be ye stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye Know that your labor is not vain in the Lord. Or this: John 14. 1-3, 15-20, 25-27 Let not your heart be troubled: believe in God, 475 Teast Burtaty or THE DEAD believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. -And if I go and prepare a place for you, I'come again, and will re- ceive you unto myself; that where I am,: there: ye may be also. If ye love me, ye will keep my commandments. And I will pray the: Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may be with you for ever, even the Spirit of truth: whom the world: cannot receive; for it beholdeth him not, neither knoweth him: ye know him; for he abideth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you desolate: I come unto you. Yet a little while, and the world beholdeth me no more; but ye behold me: because I live, ye shall live also. In that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you. These things have I spoken unto you; while yet abiding with you. But the Comforter, even'the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name,- he shall teach you all things, and bring to your remem- brance all that I said unto you.. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give’ I unto you. Let not your heart» be troubled, neither let it be fearful. Or this: Revelation 7. 9-17 After these things I saw, and behold, a great multi- tude, which no man could number, out of every: :na- tion and of ail tribes and peoples and tongues, stand- ing before the throne and before the Lamb, arrayed in white robes, and palms in their hands; and they cry with a great voice, saying, 476 a ae Buriat or THE DEAD {| 531 Salvation unto our God who sitteth on the pha ane and unto the Lamb. And all the angels were Mt a round about the throne, and about the elders and the four living crea- tures; and they fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God, saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen. And one of the. elders answered, saying unto me, These that are arrayed, in the white robes, who are they, and whence came they? And I say unto him, My lord, thou knowest.. And-,he said to me, These are they that come out of the great, tribulation, and they washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore are they before the throne of God; and they, serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall spread his tabernacle over them, .They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun strike upon them, nor any heat: for the Lamb that is in the midst of the throne, shall be their shepherd, and shall guide them, unto fountains. of waters of life: and God shall wipe away every tear from their eyes. At the Grave, when the Body is laid in the Earth, the Minister shall say: Lord, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is; that I may know how frail I am. | In the midst of life we are in death: of whom may 477 (531 BURIAL OF THE DEAD we seek for succor, but of thee, O Lord, mains for our sins art justly displeased? Yet, O Lord God most holy, O Lord tioat: mighty, deliver us not into the bitter pains of eternal death; but grant us everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Saviour and Redeemer. Amen. Then, while the Earth may. be cast upon the Body by some standing by, the Minister shall say: Forasmuch as the spirit of the departed hath. re- turned to the God who gave it, we therefore com- mit his body to the ground earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; looking for the general resurrec- tion in the last day, and the life of the world to come, ‘through our Lord Jesus Christ; at whose second coming in glorious majesty to judge the world, the earth and the sea shall give up their dead; and the corruptible bodies of those who sleep in him shall be changed and made like unto his own glo- rious body; according to the mighty working whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself, Then shall be said: I heard a voice from heaven saying, Write, Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth: yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; for their works follow with them. Then shall the Minister say: Lord, have mercy upon us. Response Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Then the Minister may offer this Prayer: Almighty God, with whom do live the spirits of 478 BURIAL OF THE DEAD G°531 those who, depart hence in the Lord, and. with whom the souls: of the faithful after death are in joy and felicity: we give. thee hearty thanks for the good examples of all those thy servants, who, having finished their course in faith, do now rest from. their labors. And we beseech thee, that we, with all those who are departed in the true faith of thy holy name, may have our perfect consummation and bliss, both in body and soul, in thy eternal and everlasting glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Collect O Merciful God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the resurrection and the life; in whom whosoever believeth shall live, though he die, and whosoever liveth and believeth in him shall not die eternally: we meekly beseech thee, O Father, to raise us from the death of sin unto the life of! righteous- ness; that when we shall depart this life we may rest in him; and at the general resurrection on the last day may be found acceptable: in thy sight, and re- ceive that blessing which thy well-beloved Son shall then pronounce to all that love and fear thee, saying, Come, ye blessed: children of my Father, receive the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world. Grant this; we beseech thee, O Merciful Father, through Jesus Christ our Mediator and Re- deemer.. Amen. | Then shall the Minister and the People together repeat the Lord’s Prayer . Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come.) Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this: day our daily 479 {1.532 BuRIAL OF THE DEAD bread. “And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the Pigtail tay the ‘glory, soresers Amen, The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the aul of God, and the communion of the wails Spirit, be with you all. Amen. 91532. Form for the Burial of a Child The service may begin with a suitable Hymn, after which the Minister may offer the following Prayer, saying: Let us pray. Almighty God our heavenly Father, the refuge of all thy saints and the sure defense of all who put their trust in thee, lift upon us the light: of thy countenance and give us peace. We know» not: thy counsels, O Lord; for thy thoughts are not our thoughts, nor thy ways our ways. Thou art infinitely holy, wise, and good, and thou doest all things wel). Thou dost teach us in thy Holy ‘Word that all things work together for good to them that love God, and that our light affliction, which is but for a moment; worketh. for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight. of glory. Comfort, we beseech: thee, the hearts that sorrow in the death of this child; grant unto them the strengthening grace of thy Holy Spirit, that they and all we who trust thy fatherly goodness and care may rejoice in the promise of eternal life; and that. we may be united again with our loved ones in thy heavenly and eternal. kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 480 ~~ BURIAL OF THE DEAD Gf, 532 Then may be read any of the following: Scripture passages: Mark 10. 13-16 And they were bringing unto him little children, that he should touch them: and the disciples re- buked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was moved with indignation, and said unto them, Suffer the lit- tle children to come unto me; forbid them not: for to such belongeth the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall in no wise enter therein. And he took them in his arms; and: blessed them, laying his hands upon them. Psalm 23 The Lord is muy shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths. of righteousness for his name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art. with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and merey shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. ; Psalm 103. 13-18 Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him. For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust. 481 {532 BURIAL OF THE DEAD As for. man, his days are as grass: as the flower of the field, so he flourisheth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more. But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his right- eousness unto children’s children; To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them, Revelation 22. 1-5 And he showed me a river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb, in the midst of the street thereof. And on this side of the river and on that was the tree of life, bearing twelve manner of fruits, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the trees were for the healing of the nations. And there shall be no curse any more: and the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be therein: and his servants shall serve him; and they shall see his face; and his name shall be on their foreheads. And there shall be night no more; and they need no light of lamp, neither light of sun; for the Lord God shall give them light; and they shall reign for ever and ever. At the Grave, when the Body is laid in the Earth, the Minister shall say: Almighty and Most Merciful God our heavenly Father, from whom our spirits come and to whom they shall return, grant unto all sorrowing hearts the consolation of thy grace. Amen. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, who didst give thy life for our redemption, and who didst 482 CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS {| 533 promise the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to thy people, strengthen, we beseech thee, the faith of these be- reavyed ones, that they may contemplate with peace the blessedness of that eternal home which thou hast prepared for all whom thou hast redeemed. Grant that they, and all others whose joy is turned into mourning, may not murmur nor faint under their affliction; but, cleaving more closely unto thee, O blessed Lord Christ, who art the resurrection and the life, may be led by thy Holy Spirit through all the trials of this uncertain life, till the day break and the shadows flee away. Amen. Here the Minister and the People may unite in the Lord’s Prayer. Then shall the Minister dismiss the People with the Benediction. - CHAPTER VI CONSECRATION AND ORDINATION {| 533. Form of Consecrating Bishops [This service is not to be understood as an ordination to a higher Order in the Christian Ministry, beyond and above that of Elders or Presbyters, but as a solemn and fitting Consecration for the special and most sacred duties of Superintendency in the Church.]} When the day appointed for the consecration of Bishops is come, the service shall begin with hymn and prayer, after which shall be used the follow- ing: The Collect ALMIGHTY Gop, who by thy Son Jesus Christ didst give to thy holy Apostles, Elders, and Evangelists 483 | 533 CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS “many excellent gifts, and didst charge them to feed ithy flock: give grace, we beseech thee, to all the ‘Ministers and Pastors of thy Church, that they may diligently preach thy word and duly administer the ‘godly discipline thereof; and grant to the people ‘that they may obediently follow the same, that all “may receive the crown of everlasting glory, through .Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then shall be read by one of the Elders: Acts 20. 17-35 And from Miletus he sent to Ephesus, and called ‘to him the elders of the church. And when they were come to him, he said unto them, Ye yourselves know, from the first day that I set foot in Asia, after what manner I was with you all the time, serving the Lord with all lowliness of mind, and with tears, and with trials which befell me by the plots of the Jews; how I shrank not from declar- ing unto you anything that was profitable, and teaching you publicly, and from house to. house, testifying both to Jews and to Greeks repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. And now, behold, I go bound in the spirit unto Jeru- salem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there: save that the Holy Spirit testifieth unto me in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions abide me. But I hold not my life of any account as dear unto myself, so that I may accomplish my course, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God. And now, behold, I know that ye all, among whom I went about preaching the kingdom, shall see my face no more. Wherefore I testify unto you this day, that I am pure 484 CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS { 533 from the blood of all men. For I shrank not from: declaring unto you the whole counsel of God. Take heed unto yourselves, and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit hath made you bishops, to feed the church of the Lord which he purchased with his... own blood. I know that after my departing grievous wolves shall enter in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them. Wherefore watch ye, remem- bering that by the space of three years I ceased not to admonish every one night and day with tears. . And now I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you the inheritance among all them that are sanctified. I coveted no man’s silver, or gold, or apparel. Ye yourselves know that these hands min- - istered unto my necessities, and to them that were with me. In all things I gave you an example, that so laboring ye ought to help the weak, and to remem- ber the words of the Lord Jesus, that he himself said, . It is more blessed to give than to receive. Then another shall read: The Gospel. John 21. 15-17 So when they had broken their fast, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of John, lovest thecu me: more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs. He saith to him again a second‘ time, Simon, son of John, lovest thou me? He saith. unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee.. He saith unto him, Tend my sheep. He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of John, lovest thou 485 { 533 CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep. : Or this: Matthew 28. 18-20 And Jesus came to them and spake unto them, saying, All authority hath been given unto me in heaven and on earth. Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: teaching them to observe all things whatso- ever I commanded you: and lo, Iam with you always, even unto the end of the world. After the Gospel and the Sermon are ended, the Elected Person shall be presented by two Elders unto the Bishop, the Elders saying: We present unto you this Elder chosen to be conse- crated a Bishop. Then the Bishop shall call upon the agin se Ee present to pray, saying: Brethren, it is written in the Gospel of Saint Luke, that our Saviour Christ continued the whole night in prayer, before he did choose and send forth his twelve apostles. It is written also in the Acts of the Apostles, that the disciples who were at Antioch did fast and pray, before they laid hands on Paul and Barnabas, and sent them forth on their first mission to the Gentiles. Let us, therefore, following the ex- ample of our Saviour Christ, and his Aposties, give 486 CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS {533 ourselves to prayer, before we admit and send forth this person presented to us, to the work whereunto we trust the Holy Spirit hath called him. Then shall the following Prayer be offered by the Bishop: Almighty God, giver of all good things, who by thy Holy Spirit hast appointed divers officers in thy Church: mercifully behold this thy servant now called to the Work and Ministry of a Bishop. Re- plenish him so with the truth of thy doctrine, and adorn him with innocency of life, that both by word and deed he may faithfully serve thee in this office, to the glory of thy name, and the edifying and well governing of thy Church, through the merits of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen. Then the Bishop shall say to him that is to be Consecrated: Brother, forasmuch as the Holy Scriptures com- mand that we should not be hasty in laying on hands and admitting any person to government in the Church of Christ, which he hath purchased with no less price than the shedding of his own blood; be- fore you are admitted to this administration, you will, in the fear of God, give answer to the questions which I now propound: The Bishop. Are you persuaded that you are truly called to this Ministration, according to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ? Answer. I am so persuaded. The Bishop. Are you persuaded that the Holy 487 ‘T'633 (CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS Scriptures contain all doctrine required of necessity ‘for eternal salvation, through faith in Jesus Christ? And are you determined out of the same Holy Scrip- ‘tures to instruct the people committed to your ‘charge, and to teach or maintain nothing as required of necessity to eternal salvation, but that which you :-shall be persuaded may be concluded and proved by the same? Answer. I am so persuaded and determined, by ‘God’s grace. The Bishop. Will you then faithfully exercise ‘yourself in the same Holy Scriptures, and call upon »God by prayer for the true understanding of the _same? Answer. 1 -will do so, by the help of God. The Bishop. Will you be ready with faithful dili- gence to withstand, and to defend the Church against all erroneous and strange doctrines contrary to God’s Word and to use both public and private monitions -as need shall require and occasion be given? Answer. I am ready, the Lord being my helper. The Bishop. “Will you deny all ungodliness and worldly lust, and live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world, that you may show yourself in all things an example of good works unto others, to the honor and glory of God? Answer. I will so do, the Lord being my helper. The Bishop. Will you maintain and set forward, -as much as lieth in you, quietness, love, and peace among all men; and faithfully exercise such dis- -cipline in the Church, as shall be committed unto “you? Answer. I will so do, by the help of God. ‘The Bishop, Will you be faithful in ordaining and A88 CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS ]. 532: appointing others; and will you ever seek to deal! justly and kindly with your brethren of the ministry over whom you are placed as chief pastor? Answer. I will, by the help of God. The Bishop. Will you show yourself gentle, ard be merciful for Christ’s sake to poor and needy peo- ple, and to all strangers destitute of help? Answer. I, will so show myself, by God’s help. Then the Bishop shall say: Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who hath given you a good will to do all these things, grant also unto you strength and power to perform the same, that, he accomplishing in you the good work which he hath begun, you may be found blameless at the last day, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. {After this the Congregation shall be desired secretly in thcir Prayers to make their humble supplications to God for all these things; for the which Prayers there shall be silence kept for a space.] Then shall Veni, Creator, Spiritus, be said: Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire, And lighten with celestial fire. Thou the anointing Spirit art, Who dost thy sevenfold gifts impart. | Thy blessed unction from above Is comfort, life, and fire of love. Enable with perpetual light The dullness of our blinded sight;-- Anoint and cheer our soiléd face.. With the abundance of thy grace; . Keep far our foes, give peace at home;.- Where thou art Guide, no ill can come. 489 4 533 CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS Teach us to know the Father, Son, And thee, of both, to be but ONE; That through the ages all along This may be our endless song: Praise to thy eternal merit, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. That ended, the Bishop shall say: Lord, hear our prayer. Response: And let our cry come unto thee. The Bishop shall then say: Let us pray. Almighty and Most Merciful Father, who of thine infinite goodness hast given thine only and dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ to be our Redeemer, and the author of everlasting life; who, after he had made perfect our redemption by his death, and was ascended into heaven, poured down his gifts abund- antly upon men, making some Apostles, some Pro- phets, some Evangelists, some Pastors and Teachers, to the edifying and making perfect of his Church: grant, we beseech thee, to this thy servant, such grace that he may evermore be ready to spread abroad thy Gospel, the glad tidings of reconciliation with thee, and use the authority given him, not to destruction, but to salvation; not to hurt, but to help; so that as a@ wise and faithful servant, giving to the family their portion in due season, he may at last be received into everlasting joy, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who, with thee and the Holy Spirit, liveth and reigneth, one God, world without end, ,Amen. 490 r CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS {533 Then the Bishops and Elders present shall lay their hands upon the head of the Elected Persons, kneel- ing before them, the consecrating Bishop saying: The Lord pour upon thee the Holy Spirit for the office and work of a Bishop in the Church of God, now committed unto thee by the authority of the Church through the imposition of our hands, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. And remember that thou stir up the grace of God which is in thee; for God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and of a sound mind. Then shall the Bishop deliver to him the Bible, saying: Give heed unto reading, exhortation, and doctrine. Think upon the things contained in this book. Be diligent in them, that the increase coming thereby may be manifest unto al] men. Take heed unto thy- self, and to thy doctrine; for by so doing thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee. Be to the flock of Christ a shepherd, not a wolf; feed them, devour them not. Hold up the weak, heal the sick, bind up the broken, bring again the outcast, seek the lost; be so merciful that you may not be too remiss; so minister discipline that you forget not mercy; that when the chief Shepherd shall appear, you may receive the never-fading crown of glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then shall be offered the following Prayers: Most Merciful Father, we beseech thee to send down upon this thy servant thy heavenly blessing. Endue him with thy Holy Spirit that, preaching thy 491 4 534 ORDINATION OF ELDERS word, and exercising authority in thy Church, he may not only reprove, beseech, and rebuke with all patience and doctrine, but also may be a@ wholesome example in word, in conversation, in love, in faith, and in purity; so that, faithfully fulfilling his course, he may receive the crown of righteousness laid up by the Lord, the righteous Judge, who liveth and reigneth, one God with the Father and the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen. Prevent us, O Lord, in all our doings with thy most gracious favor, and further us with thy continual help, that in all our works, begun, continued, and ended in thee, we may glorify thy holy name; and finally, by thy mercy, obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ: our Lord: and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you, and remain with you always. Amen. 1534. Form of Ordaining Elders [When the day appointed by the Bishop is come, @ sermon or ‘exhortation may be given, declaring the Duty and Office of such as come to be admitted Elders.]} After which, one of the Elders shall present unto the Bishop all them that are to be Ordained, and say: I present unto you these persons to be ordained as Elders. Then, their names having been read aloud, the Bishop Shall say to the People: : BRETHREN, these are they whom we purpose, God 492 ORDINATION OF ELDERS q 5384 willing, this day to ordain Elders. For after due examination, we find not to the, contrary, but that. they are lawfully called to this function and ministry, and that they are persons meet for the same. But if there be any of you who knoweth any crime or impediment in any of them, for the which he ought. not to be received into this holy Ministry, let him come forth in the name of God, and show what the crime or impediment is. If any crime or impediment be alleged, the Bishop shall desist from ordaining that person until such time as the party accused shall be found clear of the same. Then shall be said the Collect, Epistle, and Gospel, as followeth: The Collect Almighty God, Giver of all good things, who by thy Holy Spirit hast appointed divers orders of ministers in thy Church: mercifully behold these thy servants now called to the Office of Elders, and so replenish them with the truth of thy doctrine, and adorn them with innocency of life, that both by word and good example they may faithfully serve thee in this Office, to the glory of thy name, and the edification of the Church, through the merits of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen. The Epistle. Ephesians 4. 7, 8, 11-13 But unto each one of us was the grace given ac- cording to the measure of the gift of Christ. Where- fore he saith, When he ascended on high, he led captivity captive, And gave gifts unto men. 493 {534 ORDINATION OF ELDERS And he gave some to be apostles; and some, proph- ets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, unto the work of ministering, unto the building up of the body of Christ: till we all attain unto the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a fullgrown man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. After this shall be read for the Gospel part of the tenth chapter of Saint John: John 10. 1, 2, 7-16 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the fold of the sheep, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. I am the door of the sheep. All that came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door; by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and go out, and snall find pasture. The thief cometh not, but that he may steal, and kill, and destroy: I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd layeth down his life for the sheep. He that is a hireling, and not a shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, beholdeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth, and the wolf snatcheth them, and scat- tereth them: he fieeth because he is a hireling, and careth not for the sheep. I am the good shepherd; and I know mine own, and mine own know me, even as the Father knoweth me, and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep. And other 494 ORDINATION OF ELDERS 4 534 sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and they shall become one flock, one shepherd. Then the Bishop shall say unto the Persons to be Ordained Elders: You have heard, brethren, in your private examina- tion, and in the holy lessons taken out of the gospel and the writings of the apostles, of how great im- portance this Office is whereunto ye are called. And now again we exhort you, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye have in remembrance into how high a dignity and to how weighty an Office ye are called: that is to say, to be messengers, watchmen, and stewards of the Lord; to teach and to admonish, to feed and provide for, the Lord’s family; to gather the outcasts, to seek the lost, and to be ever ready to spread abroad the gospel, the glad tidings of reconciliation with God. Have always therefore printed in your remem- brance how great a treasure is committed to your charge. For they are the sheep of Christ, which he bought with his death and for whom he shed his blood. The Church which you must serve is his spouse and his body. And if it shall happen, the same Church, or any member thereof, do take any hurt or hindrance by reason of your negligence, ye know the greatness of the fault, and also the fearful punishment that will ensue. Wherefore consider with yourselves the purpose of the ministry toward the children of God, toward the spouse and body of Christ; and see that you never cease your labor, your care and diligence, until you have done all that lieth in you, according to your bounden duty, to bring all 495 q 534 ORDINATION OF ELDERS such as shall be committed to your charge unto that faith and knowledge of God, and to that ripeness and perfectness in Christ, that there be no place left among you either for error in religion or for vicious- ness in life. Forasmuch then as your office is both of so great excellency, and of so great difficulty, consider how studious ye ought to be in reading and learning the Scriptures, and in framing the manners, both of yourselves and of them that specially pertain unto you; and how ye ought to forsake and set aside, as much as you may, all worldly cares and studies. We have good hope that you have weighed and pondered these things with yourselves long before this time: and that you have clearly determined, by God’s grace, to give yourselves wholly to this Office, whereunto it has pleased God to call you: that, as much as lieth in you, you will apply yourselves wholly to this one thing, and draw all your cares and studies this way; that you will continuaily pray to God the Father, by the mediation of our only Saviour Jesus Christ, for the assistance of the Holy Spirit; that by daily reading and weighing of the Scriptures ye may wax riper and stronger in» your ministry; and that ye may so endeavor to sanc- tify the lives of you and yours after the rule and doctrine of Christ, that ye may be wholesome and godly examples and patterns for the people to follow. And now, that this present congregation of Christ here assembled may also understand your minds and wills in these things, and that this your promise may ‘the more move you to do your duties, you shall answer plainly to these things which we, in the name A496 ORDINATION OF ELDERS 1 534 of God and his Church, shall demand of you touching the same: The Bishop. Do you think in your heart that you are truly called, according to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, to the order of Elders? | Answer. I think so. The Bishop. Are you persuaded that the Holy Scriptures contain all doctrine required of necessity for eternal salvation through faith in Jesus Christ? And are you determined out of the said Scriptures to instruct the people committed to your charge, and to teach nothing as required of necessity to eternal salvation but that which you shall be persuaded may be concluded and proved by the Scriptures? Answer. I am so persuaded, and have so deter- mined, by God’s grace. The Bishop. Will you then give your faithful dili- gence always so to minister the doctrine, and sacra- ments, and discipline of Christ, as the Lord hath com- manded? Answer. I will so do, by the help of the Lord. The Bishop. Will you be ready with all faithful diligence to withstand all erroneous and strange doctrines contrary to God’s Word; and to use both public and private monitions and exhortations as need shall require and occasion shall be given? Answer. I will, the Lord being my helper. The Bishop. Will you be diligent in prayer, in reading of the Holy Scriptures, and in such studies as help to the knowledge of God and of his Kingdom? Answer. I will endeavor so to do, the Lord being my helper. The Bishop. Will you be diligent to frame and fashion yourselves, and your families, according to 497 1 534 ORDINATION OF ELDERS the doctrine of Christ; and to make both yourselves and them, as much as lieth in you, wholesome ex- amples and patterns to the flock of Christ? Answer. I will apply myself thereto, the Lord being my helper. The Bishop. Will you maintain and set forward, as much as lieth in you, quietness, peace, and love, among all Christian people, and especially among them that shall be committed to your charge? Answer. I will so do, the Lord being my helper. The Bishop. Will you reverently obey your chief Ministers, unto whom is committed the charge and government over you, following with a glad mind and will their godly admonitions, submitting your- selves to their godly judgments? Answer. I will so do, the Lord being my helper. Then shall the Bishop say: Almighty God, who hath given you this will to do all these things, grant also unto you strength and power to perform the same; that he may accomplish his work which he hath begun in you, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. [After this the Congregation shall be desired secretly in their Prayers to make _their humble supplications to God for all these things: for the which Prayers there shall be silence kept for a space.] After which shall be said by the Bishop, the Persons to be ordained Elders all kneeling, Veni, Creator Spiritus, the Bishop beginning, and the Elders and others that are present answering by verse as fol- loweth: Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire, And lighten with celestial fire. 498 ORDINATION OF ELDERS { 534 Thou the anointing Spirit art, Who dost thy sevenfold gifts impart. Thy blessed unction from above Is comfort, life, and fire of love. Enable with perpetual light The dullness of our blinded sight; Anoint and cheer our soiléd face With the abundance of thy grace; Keep far our foes, give peace at home; Where thou art Guide, no ill can come. Teach us to know the Father, Son, And thee, of both, to be but ONE; That through the ages all along This may be our endless song: Praise to thy eternal merit, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then the Bishop shall pray in this wise, and say: Let us pray. Almighty God our heavenly Father, we bless and magnify thy holy name for the gift of thy most dearly beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, and for all his Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Teach- ers, and Pastors, whom he sent abroad into the world. For these so great benefits of thy eternal goodness, and that thou hast called these thy servants here present to the same holy Office and Ministry, we render unto thee our most hearty thanks. And now, O Lord, we most humbly beseech thee to grant that by these thy Ministers, and by those over whom they shall be appointed, thy holy name may be forever glorified, and thy blessed kingdom enlarged, through 499 { 534 ORDINATION OF ELDERS thy Son. Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen. Then the Bishop and the Elders present shall lay their hands severally upon the head of every one that receiveth the Order of Elders; the Receivers humbly kneeling, and the Bishop saying: The Lord pour upon thee the Holy Spirit for the office and work of an Elder in the Church of God, now committed unto thee by the authority of the Church, through the imposition of our hands. And be thou a faithful dispenser of the Word of God, and of his Holy Sacraments; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Then the Bishop shall deliver to every one of them, kneeling, the Bible into his hands, saying: Take thou authority as an Elder in the Church, to preach the Word of God, and to administer the Holy Sacraments in the Congregation. Then the Bishop shall offer the following Prayer: Most Merciful Father, we beseech thee to send upon these thy servants thy heavenly blessings, that they may be clothed with righteousness, and that thy word spoken by their mouths. may never be spoken in vain. Grant also that we may have grace to receive what they shall deliver out of thy Word as the means of our salvation; and that in all our words and deeds we may seek thy glory, and the increase of thy kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Prevent us, O Lord, in all our doings, with thy 500 ORDINATION OF DEACONS {| 535 most gracious favor, and further us by thy continual help; that in all our works, begun, continued, and ended in thee, we may glorify thy holy name, and finally, by thy mercy, obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord: and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you, and remain with you always. Amen. {If on the same day the Order of Deacons be given to some, and that of Elders to others, the Deacons ‘shall be first presented, and then the Elders. The Collects shall both be used; first that for Deacons, then that for Elders. The Epistle shall be "Ephesians 4, as before in this office; immediately after which, they who are to be ordained Deacons shall. be examined and ordained as is below pre- scribed. Then the Gospel having been read, which shall be John 10, as before in this office, they who are to be ordained Elders shall like- wise be examined and ordained, as in this office before appointed.] 41535. Form of Ordaining Deacons [When the day appointed by the Bishop is come, a sermon or ex- hortation may be given, declaring the Duty and Office of such as come to be admitted to the Order of Deacons.] After which, one of the Elders shall present unto the Bishop all them that are to be Ordained, and say: I present unto you these persons to be ordained as Deacons. Then, their names having been read aloud, the Bishop shall say to the People: BRETHREN, these are they whom we purpose, God willing, this day to ordain Deacons. For after due examination, we find not to the contrary, but that 5OL | 535 ORDINATION OF DEACONS they are lawfully called to this function and ministry, and that they are persons meet for the same. But if there be any of you who knoweth any crime or impediment in any of them, for the which he ought not to be received into this holy Ministry, let him come forth in the name of God, and show what the crime or impediment is. [If any crime or impediment be alleged, the Bishop shall desist from ordaining that person, until such time as the party accused shall be found clear of the same.| Then shall be read the following Collect and Epistle: The Collect Almighty God, who by thy divine providence hast appointed divers Orders of Ministers in thy Church, and didst inspire thy Apostles to choose into the Order of Deacons thy first martyr, Saint Stephen, with others: mercifully behold these thy servants, now called to the like Office and Administration; so replenish them with the truth of thy doctrine, and adorn them with innocency of life, that both by word and good example they may faithfully serve thee in this Office to the glory of thy name, and the edifica- tion of thy Church, through the merits of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. The Epistle. 1 Timothy 3. 8-13 Deacons in like manner must be grave, not double- tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre; holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. And let these also first be proved; then let them serve as deacons, if they be blameless. Women in like manner must be grave, not slanderers, 502 ORDINATION OF DEACONS 7 535 temperate, faithful in all things. Let deacons be husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well. For they that have served well as deacons gain to themselves a good standing, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus. Then shall the Bishop, in the presence of the People, examine every one of those who are to be Ordained, after this manner following: The Bishop. Do you trust that you are inwardly moved by the Holy Spirit to take upon you the office of the Ministry in the Church of Christ, to serve God for the promoting of his glory and the edifying of his people? Answer. I trust so. The Bishop. Do you unfeignedly believe all the canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments? Answer. I do believe them. The Bishop. Will you diligently read and expound the same unto the people whom you shall be ap- pointed to serve? Answer. I will. The Bishop. It appertaineth to the office of a Deacon to assist the Elder in divine service, and especially when he ministereth the Holy Communion, to help him in the distribution thereof; to read and expound the Holy Scriptures; to instruct the youth; and to baptize. And furthermore, it is his office to search for the sick, poor, and impotent, that they may be visited and relieved. Will you do this gladly and willingly? Answer. 1 will do so, by the help of God. The Bishop. Will you apply all your diligence to frame and fashion your own lives and the lives of 503 7 535 ORDINATION OF DEACONS your families according to the doctrine of Christ; and to make both yourselves and them, as much as in you lieth, wholesome examples of the flock of Christ? Answer. I will do so, the Lord being my helper. The Bishop. Will you reverently obey them to whom the charge and government over you is com- mitted, following with a glad mind and will their godly admonitions? Answer. I will endeavor so to do, the Lord being my helper. Then the Bishop, laying his hands severally upon the head of every one of them, shall say: Take thou authority to execute the office of a Deacon in the Church of God; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Then shall the Bishop deliver to every one of them the Bible, saying: Take thou authority to read the Holy Scriptures in the Church of God, and to preach the Word. Then one appointed by the Bishop shall read the Gospel: Luke 12. 35-38 Let your loins be girded about, and your lamps burning; and be ye yourselves like unto men looking for their lord, when he shall return from the mar- riage feast; that, when he cometh and knocketh, they may straightway open unto him. Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find 504 ORDINATION OF DEACONS { 535 watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them sit down to meat, and shall come and serve them. And if he shall come in the second watch, and if in the third, and find them ‘so, blessed are those servants. Immediately before the Benediction shall be said these Collects following: Almighty God, Giver of all good things, who of thy frreat goodness hast vouchsafed to accept and take these thy servants into the office of Deacons in thy Church: make them, we beseech thee, O Lord, to be modest, humble, and constant in their ministration, and to have a ready will to observe all spiritual disci- pline; that they, continuing ever stable and strong in thy Son Jesus Christ, may so well behave them- selves in this office that they may be found. worthy to be called into the higher Ministries in thy Church, through thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ: to whom be glory and honor, world without end. Amen. Prevent us, O Lord, in all our doings, with thy most gracious favor, and further us with thy con- tinual help; that in all our works, begun, continued, and ended in thee, we may glorify thy holy name, and finally, by thy mercy, obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ.our Lord. Amen, The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his son Jesus Christ our Lord: and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you, and remain with you always, Amen. 505 { 536 CoNSECRATION OF DEACONESSES FORM OF CONSECRATION OF DEACONESSES 7536. The following Order of Service may be pre- ceded by a sermon or address, with such other exer- cises aS may be desired; after which the President of the Conference Deaconess Board, or some one named, shall present those to be consecrated Dea- conesses to the Bishop or other Consecrator. Then shall be sung Hymn 411 or other appropriate hymn. Then shall the following be read by the Leader and Congregation responsively: For the gift of thyself in Jesus Christ, We praise thee, O Lord! For the life, the death and the resurrection of our Lord, and for His holy example, We praise thee, O Lord! For the abiding presence of Thy Holy Spirit, We praise thee, O Lord! . For the glory of Christ’s Kingdom and the assur- ance of its triumph, We praise thee, O Lord! For the high privilege of being co-laborers with thee, We praise thee, O Lord! For the purpose of the Church to extend thy Kingdom over the whole earth, We praise thee, O Lord! That thou wilt continue thy favor to us; that 506 CONSECRATION OF DEACONESSES § 536 we may be in harmony with thy will and fitted for thy purposes, We beseech thee, O Lord! That thou wilt save us from uncharity and selfish- ness, from vanity and self seeking, from dullness of heart and sins of the spirit, We beseech thee, O Lord! That thy richest blessing may be given to these who in this place and in this hour dedicate anew their lives to the ministry of their vocation; and that they may ever walk in the light of Thy truth, in the power of thy love, and in the fullness of thy life, . We beseech thee, O Lord! Then shall be sung the Consecration Hymn (Tune, Gratitude, 410) O teach me, Lord, that I may teach The precious things thou dost impart; And wing my words, that they may reach The hidden depths of many a heart. O fill me with thy fullness, Lord, Until my very heart o’erflow In kindling thought and glowing word, Thy love to tell, thy praise to show. O use me, Lord, use even me Just as thou wilt, and when, and where; Until thy blessed face I see, Thy rest, thy joy, thy glory share. 507 { 536 CoNSECRATION OF DEACONESSES After which the Consecrator’ shall say: Let us pray. O Eternal God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who didst call Phoebe and Dorcas into the service of thy Church look upon this thy servant who is now to be set apart to the office of a Deaconess and grant her thy Holy Spirit, that she may worthily dis- charge the work committed to her, to the blessing of mankind and the praise of Thy Christ, our adorable Saviour. Amen. Then shall the Consecrator address the Candidates, saying: Dearly Beloved, we rejoice that a door of useful- ness has been opened for you in the service of the Church. To you are accorded peculiar privileges and priceless opportunities. Released from other cares, you are to give yourself without reservation to the service of the Christ. Like him you will hence- forth go about doing good. The Church now solemnly sets you apart for this special service. You are to minister to the poor and the rich, the ignorant and the educated, the sick and the dying, the orphaned and the sorrowing, the wandering, and the sinning. To you is committed instruction of the youth of the Chureh and the performance of many of its sacred services. Take good heed therefore, to its doctrines and to your own manner of life that you bring no reproach to the Church of the living God by precept 508 ys: CONSECRATION OF DEACONESSES { 536 or example. This service confers a great honor, but also lays upon you a solemn responsibility. What you have done alone with God, in consecrating your life to this service, you are now to do formally and publicly in the presence of the Church. Consecrator: Do you believe that you have been led by the providence of God to engage in this work, and to assume the duties of this office? Answer: I do. Consecrator: Do you, in the presence of God and of this congregation, promise faithfully to per- form the duties of a Deaconess in the Church of God? Answer: I do. Consecrator: Do you fully accept the Holy Scrip- tures as the Word of God? Answer: I do. at Consecrator: Will you strive so to live that you may convey the blessed sense of God’s presence to the hearts and homes of those to whom you minister? Answer: I will. Then shall the Candidates kneel for a brief season in silent prayer, after which the Consecrator shall say: May the Spirit of the Living God descend upon you and abide with you evermore. May He impart to you grace for every trial, and strength for every service. May His presence be to you a pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night; and may the blessing of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit be with you now and evermore. Amen. 509 7 536 CoNSECRATION OF DEACONESSES Then shall the Candidates rise, and the Consecrator, taking the right hand of each one, shall say: I admit thee to the office of a Deaconess in the Church of God, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Then shall be given the Deaconess Pin and the Consecrator shall say: This pin is presented to you in the name of the Methodist Episcopal Church. It symbolizes your call and commission as a servant of the Lord Christ. It is a visible expression of the confidence the Church has in you. May you wear it worthily. Then may be sung the Deaconess Hymn of Service (Tune, Lancashire, 408) We thank thee, God our Father, For all thy love and grace, That service in thy kingdom Finds everyone a place. We thank thee for the favor That marks our work and call, That makes our life vocation A ministry to all. We pray thee give us guidance To save lives gone astray; And strength to share with others The burdens of their day; 510 CONSECRATION OF DEACONESSES . { 536° And music for the children Their songs of life to sing; While to the homes of sorrow May we thy comfort bring. In homes and halls of mercy Where love with knowledge shares The joy of healing bodies, And sickened minds, of cares; We pray! Oh Great Physician, Thy knowledge of man’s needs; That service be made perfect And faith be crowned with deeds. To thee, O gracious Master, Thou Christ of Calvary— This life of love and service Our off’ring glad shall be. Be thou our guide and pattern, Be thou our strength and stay, Till earth shall end in heaven, And time, in endless day. Benediction That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God. Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abun- 511 {537 . Lavine a Corner STone dantiy abo¥® all that we ask or think, acearding to the power that worketh in us, unto Him be glory in the Church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, worlé without end. Amen. CHAPTER VII CORNER STONE LAYING AND CHURCH DEDICATION 7537. Form for Laying the Corner Stone of a Church The Minister, standing near the place where the Stone is to be laid, shall say unto the Congregation: DEARLY BELOVED, we are taught in the Word of God, that, although the heaven of heavens cannot contain the Eternal One, much less the walls of temples made with hands, yet his delight is ever with the sons of men, and that wherever two or three are gathered in his name, there is he in the midst of them. And in all ages his servants have separated certain places for his worship: as Jacob erected a stone in Bethel for God’s house; as Moses made a tabernacle in the desert; as Solomon builded a temple for the Lord, which he filled with the glory of his presence before all the people. We are now assembled to lay the Corner Stone of a new house for the worship of the 512 LayING A CORNERSTONE 7 537 God of our fathers. Let us not doubt that he will favorably approve our godly purpose, and let us: now devoutly unite in singing his praise, and in. prayer for his blessing on this our undertaking. Let one of the Hymns 656-666, from The Hymnal,. be sung. Then shall the Minister say: Let us pray. Most glorious God, the heaven is thy throne and the earth is thy footstool; what house then can be builded for thee, or where is the place of thy rest? Yet, blessed be thy name, O Lord God, that it hath pleased thee to have thy habitation among the sons. of men, and to dwell in the midst of the assembly of the saints upon the earth. And now, especially, we render thanks unto thy holy name that it hath pleased thee to put it into the hearts of thy servants. to erect in this place a house for thy worship. We thank thee for thy grace whicn has inclined them to contribute of their substance for the glory of thy name: and we pray thee to continue thy blessing upon their pious undertaking. Amen. Grant, O Lord, we beseech thee, that peace and. harmony may prevail in the counsels of thy servants, and that no selfish or divided aims may find place: among them. May the work of this building be com- pleted without hurt or accident to any person, through. Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen, Grant that all who shall hereafter worship thee in. the temple here to be builded, may so serve and please: thee in all holy exercises of godliness, that in the end they may come to that temple on high, even to 518 We53t LAYING A CORNERSTONE the holy place made ‘without hands, whose builder and maker is God. Amen. Accept these our prayers, we Deseech thee, O Lore, for the sake of thy dear Son; and to thee, the only true and living God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be honor, praise, and glory, forever and ever. Amen. ‘Then shall the Minister read the following Psalm, or the Minister and People may read it in alternate verses: Psalm 132, 1-9, 13-16 Lord, remember David, and all his afflictions: How he sware unto the Lord, and vowed unto the ‘mighty God of Jacob; Surely I will not come into the tabernacle of my ‘house, nor go up into my bed; I will not give sleep to mine eyes, or slumber to ‘mine eyelids, Until I find out a place for the Lord, a habitation for the mighty God of Jacob. Lo, we heard of: it at Ephratah: we found it in ‘the fields of the wood. We will go into his tabernacles: we will worship at his footstool. f Arise, O Lord, into thy rest; thou, and the ark of ‘thy strength. Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness; and ‘let thy saints shout for joy. For the Lord hath chosen Zion; he hath desired ‘it for his habitation. This is my rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I ‘have desired it. I will abundantly bless her provision: I will sat« ‘isfy her poor with bread. 514 LAYING A CORNERSTONE Trd3% _ I will also clothe her priests with salvation: and her saints shall shout aloud for joy. The Lesson. 1 Corinthians 3. 9-17 For we are God’s fellow-workers: ye are God’s hus- bandry, God’s building. According to the grace of God which was given unto me, aS a wise master- builder I laid a foundation; and another buildeth thereon. But let each man take heed how he buildeth thereon. For other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. But if any man buildeth on the foundation gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay, stubble; each man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, be- cause it is revealed in fire; and the fire itself shall prove each man’s work of what sort it is. If any man’s work shall abide which he built thereon, he shall receive a reward. If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as through fire. Know ye not that ye are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man destroyeth the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, and such are ye. Then shall follow the Sermon, or an address suitable to the occasion, after which the Contributions of the People shall be received. [Then shall the minister, standing by the stone, exhibit to the Con- gregation a box to be placed in an excavation of the stone. Itmay contain a copy of the Bible, the Hymn Book, the Discipline, the Church Year Book for the year, Church periodicals of recent date, the names of the pastors, trustees, and building committee of the Church, with such other documents as may be desired. A list of these may be read, after which the Minister shall deposit the box in the stone and cover it; and the stone shall be laid and adjusted by the Minister, assisted by the Builder.]} 515 | 538 DEDICATION OF A CHURCH Then shall the Minister say: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we lay this corner stone for the foundation of a house to be builded and consecrated to the service of Almighty God according to the order and usages of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Amen. Here may be offered extemporary prayer. Then shall the Minister and the People say: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy mame. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trepasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: fer thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. The service shall conclude with a Doxology and the Benediction. 7538. Form for the Dedication of a Church The Congregation being assembled in the Church, the Minister shall say: DEARLY BELOVED, the Scriptures teach us that God is well pleased with fhose who build temples to his name. We have heard how he filled the temple of Solomon with his glory and how in the second temple he manifested himself still more gloriously. And the gospel approves and commends the centurion who built a synagogue for the people. Let us not doubt that he will also favorably approve our purpose of 516 i DEDICATION OF A CHURCH 4. 538 dedicating this place in solemn manner, for the per: formance of the several offices of religious worship; and let us now devoutly join in praise to his name, that this godly undertaking hath been so far com- pleted, and in prayer for his further blessing upon all who have been engaged therein, and upon all who shall hereafter worship his name in this place. Let one of the Hymns 656-666, from The Hymnal, be sung. Afterward let extemporary Prayer be offered, concluding with the Lord’s Prayer, the Congrega- tion all kneeling. Then shall the Minister, or some one appointed by him, read: The First Lesson. 2 Chronicles 6. 1, 2, 18-21, 40-42; 7. 1-4 Then spake Solomon, Jehovah hath said that he would dwell in the thick darkness. But I have built thee a house of habitation, and a place for thee to dwell in for ever. But will God in very deed dwell with men on the earth? behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house which I have builded! Yet have thou respect unto the prayer of thy servant, and to his supplication, O Jehovah my God, to hearken unto the cry and to the prayer which thy servant prayeth before thee; that thine eyes may be open toward this house day and night, even toward the place whereof thou hast said that thou wouldest put thy name there; to hearken unto the prayer which thy servant shall pray toward this place. And hearken thou to the supplications of thy servant, and of thy people Israel, 517 7 538 DEDICATION OF A CHURCH when they shall pray toward this place: yea, hear thou from thy dwelling-place, even from heaven; and when thou hearest, forgive. Now, O my God, let, I beseech thee, thine eyes be open, and let thine ears be attent, unto the prayer that is made in this place. Now therefore arise, O Jehovah God, into thy resting-place, thou, and the ark of thy strength: let thy priests, O Jehovah God, be clothed with salvation, and let thy saints rejoice in goodness. O Jehovah God, turn not away the face of thine anointed: remember thy lovingkind- nesses to David thy servant. Now when Solomon had made an end of praying, the fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt-offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of Jehovah filled the house. And the priests could not enter into the house of Jehovah, because the glory of Jehovah filled Jehovah’s house. And all the chil- dren of Israel looked on, when the fire came down, and the glory of Jehovah was upon the house; and they bowed themselves with their faces to the ground upon the pavement, and worshiped, and gave thanks unto Jehovah, saying, For he is good; for his loving- kindness endureth for ever. Then the king and all the people offered sacrifice before Jehovah. The Second Lesson. Hebrews 10. 19-25 Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holy place by the blood of Jesus, by the way which he dedicated for us, a new and living way, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; and having a great priest over the house of God; let us draw near with a true heart in fulness of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience: and 518 DEDICATION OF A CHURCH {538 having our body washed with pure water, let us hold. fast the confession of our hope that it waver not; for he is faithful that promised: and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good works; not forsaking our own assembling together, as the custom of some is, but exhorting one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day drawing nigh. Then shall one of the Hymns 656-666, from The Hymnal, be sung; after which the Minister shalt deliver a Sermon suitable to the occasion. Contribu- tions shall then be received from the People. Then shall the Minister read the following Psalm, or the Minister and the Congregation may read it alternately: Psalm 122 I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord. Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusa- lem. Jerusalem is builded as a city that is compact to- gether: Whither the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord, unto the testimony of Israel, to give thanks unto the name of the Lord. For there are set thrones of judgment; the thrones: of the house of David. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall pros- per that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within. thy palaces. For my brethren and companions’ sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee. 519 - ‘| 538 DEDICATION OF A CHURCH Because of the house of the Lord our God I will seek thy good. Then let the Trustees stand up before the Aliar, and one of them, or some one in their behalf, say unto the Minister: We present unto you this building, to be dedicated as a church for the worship and service of Almighty God. Then shall the Minister request the Congregation to stand, while he repeats the following Declaration: Dearly Beloved, it is meet and right, as we learn from the Holy Scriptures, that houses erected for the public worship of God should be specially set apart and dedicated to religious uses. For such a dedication we are now assembled. With gratitude, therefore, to Almighty God, who has signally blessed his servants in their holy enterprise of erecting this church, we dedicate it to his service, for the reading of the Holy Scriptures, the preaching of the Word of God, the administration of the Holy Sacraments, and for all other exercises of religious worship and service, according to the Discipline and Usages of the Methodist Episcopal Church. And, as the dedication of the temple is vain without the solemn consecration of the worshipers also, let us now dedicate ourselves ‘anew to the service of God. To him let our souls be dedicated, that they may be renewed after the image of Christ. To him let our bodies be dedicated, that they may be fit temples for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. To him may our labors and business be dedicated, that their fruit may tend to the glory 520 DEDICATION OF A CHURCH {| 538 of his great name, and to the advancement of his kingdom. Then shall the Minister say these words of Dedica- tion, all the People standing and responding in the words printed in black face type: O God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, our Father: To thee we dedicate this church. Son of God, the Only Begotten of the Father, Head over all things to the Church, which is thy Body: Prophet, Priest, Redeemer, and King of thy people: To thee we dedicate this church. God the Holy Spirit, proceeding from the Father and the Son, our Teacher, Sanctifier, and Comforter: To thee we dedicate this church. Eternal, Holy, and Glorious Trinity, three Persons, one God. To thee we dedicate this church. Then, the Congregation kneeling, the Minister shall offer the following Prayer: O Most Glorious Lord, we acknowledge that we are not worthy to offer unto thee anything belonging unto us; yet we beseech thee, in thy great goodness, graciously to accept the dedication of this place to thy service, and to prosper this our undertaking. Receive the prayers and intercessions of all those thy servants who shall cal] upon thee in this house; and' sive them grace to prepare their hearts to serve thee with reverence and godly fear. Affect them with a due apprehension of thy divine majesty, and a deep sense of their own unworthiness; that so approaching thy sanctuary with lowliness and devotion, and com- 521 {538 DeEpicatTion oF A CHURCH ing before thee with clean thoughts and pure hearts, with bodies undefiled, and minds sanctified, they may always perform a service acceptable to thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Regard, O Lord, the supplication of thy servants, that whosoever shall be dedicated to thee in this house by Baptism may ever remain in the Humber of thy faithful children. Amen. Grant, O Lord, that: whosoever shall receive in this place the blessed Sacrament of the body and blood of Christ may come ‘to that holy Ordinance with faith, charity, and true repentance; and, being filled with thy grace and heavenly benediction, may to their great and endlless comfort, obtain forgiveness of their sins, and all other benefits of his passion. Amen. Grant, O Lord, that by thy Holy Word which shall be read and preached in this place, and by thy Holy Spirit grafting it inwardly in the heart, the hearers thereof may both perceive and know what things they ought to do,.and may have power and strength to perform the same. Amen. Now, therefore, arise O Lord, and come into this place of thy rest, thou and the ark of thy strength. Let thine eye be open toward this house’ day and night; and let thine ears be ready toward the prayers of thy children, which they shall make unto thee in this place. ‘And whensoever thy servants shall make to thee their petitions here, do thou hear them from heaven, thy dwelling place; the throne of the glory of thy kingdom; and when thou hearest, forgive. Grant, O Lord; we beseech thee, that here and else- where thy ministers may be clothed with righteous- ness, and thy’ saints rejoice in thy salvation.’ “And may we all, with thy people everywhere, grow up into 522 DEDICATION OF A CHURCH { 538 a holy temple in the Lord, and be at last received into the glorious temple above; the house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. And to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be glory and praise, world without end. Amen. The service shall conclude with a Doxology and Benediction. 523 eae pee aie Glavine potions it cate a it ' 10 pe torr t he Rayne. “hieu, raat he. dpe Heo" aR Ovo. 8 a di il foittitny tat Mu, |) Mabon d ms ia | Nias. O Lids ahaa witdirowein cust oad rt shoal Aare! “ofthat Gi by aak ea Neate. fas) bass pole € fainhy ett aie (re rep ieamoy Clk Cage gma daw, edith: eemmwaUly barge i ‘ori a! be Pe tee a ae Pa Les oy bia , eae ON oe Ah: Pop ay ial. | ne OARS BuO: ba ahi place rel ie tthe it Uw ately ba thet lworeat aiaih, mothe ‘perseidd” ai aay ay DUAN £6" do, aid ise have: OM on am! Rai | therafory,’ aria id ae har na ae! a Brand Or thy - ‘Heat, thuny tne The ‘erly ee fab en" aig. iy? ‘open toward hye inva RHA At Hitne are tg Ri 16 , OF Uke oe ehniigvaty May thaw! snarl: hale, Rie Paw OAR Wikia doy) Oe We ane Ree, tine Pen rigpay: Baila Her . a . wal reat the ‘welling’ piers a0 isi “ti Nehaneedlbiod aah we tte es Tove, Pre! dan aipaed APPENDIX Note.—The matter contained in the Appendix to the Discipline is sufficiently important to justify publication. Much of it is taken from the General Conference Journals, and is therefore the action of the General Conference. Some portions have been here inserted by specific direction; other portions are suggestive and useful, such as Post Office Addresses, Administrative Boards, Forms, and the Rules of Order of the General Conference. ‘The Courses of Study have been prepared under the authority of the General Conference, and are inserted for convenient reference. While unnecessary changes have been avoided, students of the Book of Discipline will note with pleasure a more distinct separation between THe CONSTITUTION and the LEecisLaTIoN; and also the reference by paragraphs (¥]) instead of pages in both the ConTENTS and the INDEX. The statistical scheme has been greatly simplified and improved, and the Rules of Order have been restated by the Committee appointed by the General Conference. Davin G. Downey, Editor. - POST OFFICE ADDRESSES OF BISHOPS AND GENERAL OFFICERS - ADMINISTRATIVE BOARDS AND SOCIE- TIES . THE GENERAL CONFERENCE - GENERAL CONFERENCE REPORTS AND RESOLUTIONS GENERAL CONFERENCE DECISIONS - PROPOSED ‘CHANGES IN CONSTITUTION — - FORMS AND CONSTITUTIONS . COURSES OF STUDY CHAPTER I POST OFFICE ADDRESSES OF BISHOPS AND ~ GENERAL OFFICERS | 539. Bishops Names of Retired Bishops in Ttahes Earl Cranston, 420 Plum Street, Cincinnati, Ohio John W. Hamilton, American University, Washington, O35" C. JosEPH F’. BERRY, 1701 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Wiiiiam F. McDowELL, 2107 Wyoming Avenue, Washington, D. C. William Burt, Clifton’ Springs, New York LuTHEerR B. WILson, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York Thomas B. Neely, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania WitiraM F. ANDERSON, 581 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts JOHN L. NUELSEN, 69 Badener Street, Zurich, Switzerland William A. Quayle, Baldwin, Kansas Epwin H. HuGHss,, Chicago, lllinois Frank M. Bristol, Washington, D.C. THEODORE 8. HENDERSON, 420 Plum Street, Cincinnati, Ohio WiILuiAM O. SHEPARD, Portland, Oregon Francis J. McConNELL, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Freperick D. LErrn, PORE OA DOE: Indiana Richard J. Cooke, Athens, Tennessee Witsur P. TurrKIreELD, 1120 Hamilton Bk. Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. HERBERT WELCH, Seoul, Korea THOMAS NICHOLSON, 34 Elizabeth Street, East, Detroit, Michigan Apna W. LEONARD, 202 Morris Avenue, Buffalo, New York WituraMm F. OLDHAM, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America, CuHarvLes B. MitcHELL, Manila, Philippine Islands Francis W. WARNE, Bangalore City, India JoHN W. ROBINSON, Delhi, India EBEN 8S. JOHNSON, Capetown, South Africa Laursss J. Birney, Shanghai, China FREDERICK B. FISHER, Calcutta, India Ernest L. WALDORF, Kansas City, Missouri CHARLES FE). Locke, Saint Paul, Minnesota ERNEST G. RICHARDSON, Atlanta, Georgia. CHARLES W. Burns, 3 City Hall Avenue, San Francisco, California ANTON Bast, Copenhagen, Denmark Epgar BuLake, 89A Boulevard Haussmann, Paris, France 527 { 540 ADDRESSES Freperick T KE&ENEY, Omaha, Nebraska H. Lester Smits, Helena, Montana CHARLES Ly Map, Denver, Colorado Rosert E.. JoNEs, New Orleans, Louisiana Marruew W. Cuair, Covington, Kentucky Grorce A. MILLER, Mexico City, Mexico Titus Lowe, Singapore, Straits Settlement GEORGE R. GRosE, Peking, China Brenton T. BapLeEy, Bombay, India Watuace EF. Brown, Foochow, China | 540. Retired Missionary Bishops Josepa C. HarTzEuu, Blue Ash, Ohio IsartaH B. Scort, 125 Fourteenth Avenue, North, Nashville, Tennessee {| 541. Secretary of General Conference Raymonv J. Wave, 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois 542. The Methodist Book Concern PUBLISHING AGENTS New York: Joun H. Races, 150 Fifth Avenue Cincinnati: Groree C. Dovuatass, 420 Plum Street Chicago: O. Grant MarkuHam, 740 Rush Street GrorGp P. Mains, Emeritus, 2301 North Holliston Street, Altadena, California Henry C. Jennines, Emeritus, 64 East 18th Street, North, Portland, Oregon DEPOSITORIES 581 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts 105 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 28 Elizabeth Street, East, Detroit, Michigan 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois 1121 McGee Street, Kansas City, Missouri 7 City Hall Avenue, San Francisco, California | 543. Editors § 1. ELECTED BY THE GENERAL CONFERENCE GrorGE Exitorr: Methodist Review, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York James R. Joy: The Christian Advocate, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York Henry H. Meyer: Sunday School Publications, 420 Plum Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 150 Fifth Avenue, New York Joun J. WAuLAce: Pittsburgh Christian Advocate, ‘ 524 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ERNES? C. WAREING: Western Christian Advocate, 420 Plum Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 528 ADDRESSES 7 544 A. J. Bucuer: Christliche Apologete, . 420 Plum Street, Cincinnati, Ohice Dan B. Brummitr: Northwestern Christian Advocate, 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois Ciaupivus B. Spencer: Central Christian Advocate, 1121 McGee Street, Kansas City, Missouri L. H. Kina: Southwestern Christian Advocate, 631 Baronne Street, New Orleans, Louisiana Epwarp L. Mutts: Pacific Christian Advocate, 304 Artisans Building, Portland, Oregon w.E. J. Gratz: The Epworth Herald, 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois E. P. Dennett: California Christian Advocate, 7 City Hall Avenue, San Francisco, California J. M. Mevear: Methodist Advocate-Journal, Athens, Tennessee Hatrorp E. Luccocx: Contributing Editor, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York § 2. ELECTED BY THE BOOK COMMITTEE Davip G. Downey: Book Editor, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York H. E. Wootever: The National Methodist Press, 100 Maryland Avenue, N. E., Washington, D. C. 4 544. Corresponding Secretaries § 1. ELECTED BY THE GENERAL CONFERENCE Ratpy E. DirrrenporFeR, | Board of Foreign Missions, Joun R. EDWARDS, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York Davip D. ForsyrH: Board of Home Missions and Church Extension, Seventeenth and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania WituraM 8. Bovarp: Board of Education, 740 Rush Street, Chicago, [linois Josnru B. Hrncetzy: Board of Pensions and Relief, 820 Garland Building, Chicago, [linois § 2. ELECTED BY THE BOARDS Raymonp J. Wave: World Service Commission, 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois Frank Mason Nortu: Secretary-Counsel, Board of Foreign Missions, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York CLARENCE TRUE Witson: Board of Temperance, Prohibition, and Public Morals, First and Maryland Avenues, N. E., Washington, D;.¢. N. E. Davis: Board of Hospitals and Homes and Deaconess Work 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois 529 { 545 ADDRESSES {| 545. Treasurers and Assistant Treasurers Orrin W. AumAN, Treasurer: World Service Commission, 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois Morris W. Eunss, Treasurer: Board of Foreign Missions, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York W. J. Evuiorr, Treasurer: Board of Home Missions and Church Extension, Arch and Seventeenth Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ALBERT W. Harris, Treasurer: Board of Education, Harris Trust and Savings Bank; Chicago, Illinois JoHn H. Race, Treasurer: Episcopal Fund, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York GrorGE C. Dovatass, Assistant Treasurer: Episcopal Fund, 420 Plum Street, Cincinnati, Ohio FRANKLIN I. Bovine, Treasurer: Chartered Fund, 129 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ‘W. A. R. Bruen, Treasurer: Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 420 Plum Street, Cincinnati, Ohio GILBERT Daruineton, Treasurer: American Bible Society, Bible House, Astor Place, New York Rospert W. CamMpsBELL, Treasurer: Board of Pensions and Relief, 820 Garland Building, Chicago, Illinois Oscar P. MiLuER, Treasurer: General Conference Expense Fund, Rock Rapids, Iowa WitiiaM T, Garuimer, Treasurer: Board of Temperance, Prohibition, and Public Morals, First and Maryland Avenues, N. E., Washington, D. C. L. M. Porter, Treasurer: General Deaconess Board, 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois J.T. Brapury, Treasurer: Board of Hospitals and Homes, 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois 530 ADMINISTRATIVE BOARDS { 546 CHAPTER II ADMINISTRATIVE BOARDS AND SOCIETIES ELECTED BY THE GENERAL CONFERENCE OR APPOINTED BY THE BISHOPS UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE {| 546. Book Committee § 1. Area Members Area iN . John M. Arters - ‘Louis. M. Potter. on We . George T. Saxton Ler . Claude C. Hall . J. Luther Taylor.. . M.S. Davage . Dorr F. Diefendorf.... James S. Todd.... se J..M..Emert te M. Henderson. C. A. J. Walker H. S- Hamilton . ae . Horace M. Havner.. jl Ywkl Koaahis f . William F. Conner. _ R. L. Brainard . Joseph 8S. Ulland . Frank S. Wallace . M. J. Naylor wees 8 e ae eee oe eee sees ce ee ee eae ole lois ee see eye. ia) ehhe: ee eae ee ee eevee Term Address Expires 1636 Davis Street, Jacksonville, PL Orta Te senesced 932 South Portland hg EOE oh Ae 1928 SU NSN, ton te rehiide NMR EO HL 1932 2534. watidthon Avenue, Knoxville, ALANNEBSSEMNI SRD NAKED. Luca RU 1928 213 East Jefferson Street, Spring- HeLAPH EN OIS oe Meee eeu aieaty 1932 1511 South Union Avenue, Alliance, Qhigi ge ae Ok setrvrsict mcptiet .tyaey 1928 1015 Division Street, Texarkana, Arkangasagzy tt. dc. cere hgsll. chavnbvimue’ 1932 824 North Tejon Street, Colorado Springs, Colorado 905 First National Bank Building, Cincinnatix, ObiG oP myers. nots 655 North Hayes Avenue, Pocatello, La DORT: RA, Matos OTS ARPA SNE ERE 1928 1715% Wes Broadway, Mount Ver- TOL MPUPED OTSP Ree ere alia s clares calls 1928 Pittsburg, TS AT SAS Brat eet emis nis 1928 Clark University, Atlanta, Georgia .351 William Street, East Orange, iNew Jersey eciuwinn . A vahuiae . 1928 re Marengo) Towa iiss Quwneh Wah Beko ee 1932 .. Princess Anne, Maryland. .s..0... 1928 The King Edward, Pittsburgh, : Pennsylvaniaghienwth F.2d... 1932 Kellogs Vidahovwn aud. 14 dee 2... 1928 Fergus Falls, Minnesota,../..1.... 1932 1263 South El Molino Avenue, Pasa- dena; Califomniaw.!% ..08. awit... 1928 5302 Scheuly Avenue, Bittabitch, HATING PALIT 5.6: oles s wslerald aie teneliepal's 1932 531 q 547 ADMINISTRATIVE BOARDS § 2. Executive Committee Members « (1) NEW YORK AND CONTIGUOUS TERRITORY rank A. Lornes eee 161 Chambers Street, New York, INGWLY OLE AAies co are ree ee James E. Holmes........ 50 e Sixth Avenue, Brooklyn, New Morris 8. Danicls........ 150, Fifth ‘Avenue, New York, New OD othe ee Pate ce eet tne HZrasoe Gapples ascii Drew Theological Seminary, Madi- SO, New Lerseyzat oie Wie oEeh semen ome ete ce 200 High Street, Boston, Massachu- BOCLEBasrescceorinre otegele cvensce. sor oemneometere ttc taes (2) CINCINNATI AND CONTIGUOUS TERRITORY CAMEVan Peltr cw at cis 146 Woolper Avenue, Clifton, Cin- emmiiati, OHIO A. en ae ee ee eee Ayectereyd itl Olde UN dss aioe 2909 Vernon Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lewis N. Gatch.......... 2215 Union Central Life Building, Cincinnati Ohiow. «eee eee (3) CHICAGO AND CONTIGUOUS TERRITORY John L.. Hillman. »).. 4... Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa... Charles E. Bacon......... 3106 North Capitol pac: Indian- : apolis, Indiana. Henry 8. Henschen....... ior ou La Salle Street, " Chicago, IDOIS ULES 5. b's 2 10 aoe eee | 547. Board of Foreign Missions Orrice: 150 Fifth Avenue, New York President, Bishop LutTHEeR B. WILson. Honorary Vice-President, W. V. KELLEY. Vice-President, FRANK A. HORNE. Corresponding Secretaries, RALPH E. D1IrFENDORFER, JoHN R. Epwarps. Secretary-Counsel, FRANK Mason NorTH. Treasurer, Morris W. EXNES. Assistant Treasurer, GEORGE F. SUTHERLAND. Recording Secretary, WILLIAM B. Tower. MANAGERS The effective Bishops ex officio without Vote MINISTERS James A. Beebe, Stephen J. Herben, R. E. Brown, Herbert A. Keck, Albert E. Day, John W. Langdale, Elmer A. Dent, Halford E. Luccock, Dorr F. Diefendorf, Wallace MacMullen, David G. Downey, Allan MacRossie, M. B. Fuller, S. K. Mahon, L. O. Hartman, John H. Race, George W. Henson, W. E. Shaw, E. E. Helms, Ralph W. Sockman,, Ezra S. Tipple. Ba? ° 1928 1928 1928 1932 1932 1928 1928 1932 1928 1932 ADMINISTRATIVE BOARDS { 548 LAYMEN S. G. Armstrong, C. A. Binder, Ira D. Blackstock, J. B. Bradshaw, W. W. Carman, Charles W. Evans, Charles Gibson, G. B. Hodgman, Frank A. Horne, Frank D. Howard, James A. James, James R. Joy, E. M. McBrier, , Watson S. Moore, C. A. Ogren, E. L. Phillips, Louis M. Potter, William H. Rometsch, Howard W. Selby, William J. Stitt, A. J. Stock, W. H. Van Benschoten. AREA REPRESENTATIVES Area Name Atlanta—R. N. Merrill, Boston—J. I. Bartholomew, Buffalo—F. E. Baldwin, Chattanooga—W. F. Pitts, Cincinnati—T. H. Campbell, Chicago—W. T. Jennings, Covington—B. F. Abbott, Denver—F. R. Hollenback, Detroit—D. D. Spellman, Helena—H. J. Roan, Area Name Indianapolis—O. W. Fifer, Kansas City—W. F. Burris, New Orleans—W. J. Echols, New York—J. B. Morrell, Omaha—C. C. Cissell, Philadelphia—W. E. Massey. Pittsburgh—C. E. Welch, Portland—F. A. Hazeltine, St. Paul—J. E. Bowes, San Francisco—John Tunnicliffe, Washington—J. P. Hand. {| 548. Board of Home Missions and Church Extension Orrice: Arch and Seventeenth Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Corresponding Secretary, Davip D. Forsytu. MANAGERS Ex officio without vote, all effective Bishops resident in the United States: 4 EX OFFICIO The Bishop resident at Philadelphia. The Corresponding Secretary. AREA REPRESENTATIVES Area Name Atlanta—A. R. Howard, ‘Boston—E. W. Sharp, Buffalo—F. H. Ryder, Area Name Indianapolis—W. W. Wiant, Kansas City—W. W. King, New Orleans—J. T. Miller, Chattanooga—Mrs. John A. Patten, New York—G. G. Vogel, Cincinnati—E. H. Cherrington, Chicago—John Thompson, Covington—E. A. White, Denver—George L. Nuckolls, Detroit—W. R. Fruit, Helena—C. L. Bovard, Omaha—O. M. Bond, Philadelphia—Alexander Corson, Pittsburgh—E. L. Kidney, Portland—R. C. Hartley, St. Paul—E. D. Kohlstedt, San Francisco—G. B. Oxnam, Washington—F. R. Bayley 1 Resigned. 533 {1 549-552 ADMINISTRATIVE’ BOARDS AT LARGE MINISTERS G. Bickley Burns, H. K. Hillberry, M. E. Snyder, J. G. Wilson LAYMEN C. D. Antrim, W. 4H. G. Gould, M. G. Baker, B. G. Moore, H. 8. Baldwin, Miss E. Jean Oram, S. D. Bausher, W.S. Pilling, William Boyd, H. L. Price, E. G. Budd, M. B. Rich, tA Ii Crawford, E. P. V. Ritter, F.C. Dunn, A. P. Sloan, Sek. ve ort, Jr. J. G. Townsend {| 549-552. Board of Education Orrice: 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois President, Bishop W. F. ANDERSON. Corresponding Secretary, W. 8. Bovarp. Recording Secretary, MERLE N. Encuisn. Treasurer, ALBERT W. HARRIS. DEPARTMENT OF EpuUCcATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Corresponding Secretary in Charge ABRAM W. Harris in charge of New York Office, 150 Fifth Avenue. DEPARTMENT OF EpucaTIonat InstiruTIons FOR NEGROES P. J. Maveery, Secretary, 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois. I, GarLtanp Penn, Secretary for Raising Endowments for Field Activities. DEPARTMENT OF CHURCH SCHOOLS Matrurw J. TRENERY, Secretary, 58 East Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois. DEPARTMENT OF EpwortH LEAGUE Buarne E. Krrxparrics, Secretary, 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois. TRUSTEES BISHOPS William F. Anderson, 581 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts Theodore S. Henderson, 420 Plum Street, Cincinnati, Ohio Frederick D. Leete, 307 Hume Mansur Building, Indianapolis, Indiana 534 ADMINISTRATIVE Boarps | 9§ 549-552 Thomas Nicholson, 34 East Elizabeth Street, Detroit, Michigan ‘Adna W. Leonard, 602 Genesee Building, Buffalo, New York Ernest G. Richardson, 63 Ponce de Leon Street, Atlanta, Georgia Robert E.. Jones, 631 Baronne Street, New Orleans, Louisiana MINISTERS President A. F. Hughes, Evansville College, Evansville, Indiang Foster C. Anderson, Mansfield, Ohio Fred Winslow Adams, Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, Springfield, Massachusetts H. E. Hutchinson, 1717 Jackson Street, Sioux City, Iowa H. G. Goodsell, Fort Collins, Colorado W. E. Hammaker, Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, Youngstown, Ohio President C. E. Hamilton, Cazenovia Seminary, Cazenovia, New York President L. M. McCoy, Rust College, Holly Springs, Mississippi W. J. King, Gammon Theological Seminary, Atlanta, Georgia I. B. Schreckengast, University Place, Nebraska President F. C. Eiselen, Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, Illinois Merle N. English, 320 North Oak Park Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois J. C. Baker, Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, Urbana, Illinois D. L. Marsh, Smithfield Methodist Episcopal Church, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania President Tully C. Knoles, College of the Pacific, Stockton, California W.&E. J. Gratz, 740 Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois John H. Race, 150 Fifth Avenue, New York City Eugene Weiffenbach, Warrenton, Missouri President E. 8. Tipple, ; Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, New Jersey J. C. Nicholson, Frostburg, Maryland LAYMEN Leonard D. Baldwin, 27 Pine Street, New York, N. Y. J. I. Conklin, Miami, Florida L. N. Gatch, Union Central Building, Cincinnati, Ohio R. F. Raymond,! : Newton Center, Massachusetts Dix H. Rowland, Tacoma, Washington W. E. Carpenter, Brazil, Indiana 1 Resigned. 535 { 553 ADMINISTRATIVE BOARDS H. S. Magill, 5 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois H.iA. Chafiee, Box 2101, Bridgeport, Connecticut W.S. Ebersole, Mount Vernon, lowa John W. Jenkins,! 1013 Walnut Street, Kansas City, Missouri Katherine Sisson Phillips, Mrs. E. L., New York City 116 East 53rd Street President J. R. Harker, Illinois Woman’s College, Jacksonville, Illinois William Boyd, Care Curtis Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania T. F. Holgate, Library Place, Evanston, Illinois A. C. Monagle, 409 Grand Avenue, Brooklyn, New York Mrs. Peter F. Stair, Monroe, Michigan Judson G. Rosebush, Box 87, Appleton, Wisconsin E. P. Bliss, 170 Summer Street, Malden, Massachusetts §| 553. University Senate Name Institution De EAs VEUT Te toe ee aN, aici ts hh eae Boston University CSW Elinte ae eee BEBOP Ley GOED Syracuse University ArlosASi Brown F.KTis toed oe. bls israel. University of Chattanooga du BuamRandolphe cet fn syctctunck Ritts daanenrnee: octane: Claflin College Word PD awa SOME ton, tte tte senna tn ate ae Illinois Wesleyan University JOUONW Se LLOt man em eee eee eee Ae eee Ohio Wesleyan University Heberi Radtameér vom). Lacaaiedl. deiikictialé ows University of Denver John, day Heatomyna ate. docyeieel?> jaihav tides fae eee Albion College GW ke ODN EY arnt eke, ol aaa eda. bracken a ART eae eee Gooding College EAB o Dong dona ee ace eee cue ay see eee DePauw University ROONE Brooks eee dees 2, OIF. SY BEE. eee Samuel Huston College Walliam Ol bo 4, 5. § 3. CoURSE oF, Stupy FoR First YEAR . New Testament History.—Rall. . Evangelism.—Hannan. The Work of Preaching.—Hoyt. The Art of Writing English— Brown and Barnes. Human Behavior.—Colvin and Bagley. . Directions and Helps for the First Year. (See § 1.) ateral Reading and Study: . Jesus in the Experience of Men.—Glover. . The Pastor-Preacher.—Quayle. . Citizenship and Moral Reform.—Langdale. . Steps in the Development of American Democracy. —McLaughlin. . Francis Asbury.—Tipple. . Wesley’s Sermons. Vol. 1. ) ‘Naas . Special Homiletical Work... (See Homiletical Direc- tions in Directions and Helps.) § 4. CourRSE oF Stupy For SEconD YEAR . Dietionary of the Bible (One Volume Edition) .— Hastings. . History of the © Christian © Church. Goat (Omitting pages 1-41.) .. (a) The Pupil and the Teacher. Les Wakes (b) The Graded Sunday Sehool in psa and Practice.—Meyer. The Pastoral Office.—Beebe. Directions and Helps for the Second Year. (See § 1.) Collaterial Reading and Study: uf 2. The Christian View of the Old Testament.— Hiselen. The Organization and Administration of Religious — Education.—Stout. 652 “IO Ob CourRsES OF STUDY—ENGLISH § 620 . (a) The Church in the City.—Leete;, or (b) The Rural Church Serving the Community.— Earp. . History of Methodism. (Vol. 1.) Stevens. . Life of Luther.—McGiffert. . Wesley’s Sermons. (Vol. II.) Special Homiletical Work. (See Homiletical, Direc- tions in Directions and Helps.) § 5. Course or Srupy For THIRD YEAR . Beacon Lights of Prophecy.—Knudson. . Foundations of Christian Belief.—Strickland. . The Church and Industrial Reconstruction.—fed- eral Council of Churches. . Religions of Mankind.—Soper. . Neely’s Parliamentary Practice. _ Directions and Helps for the Third Year. (See § 1.) Collateral Reading and Study: ao pe te Studies in Christianity. — Bowne. . Jesus Christ and the Social Question.—Peabody. . History of Methodism. (Vol. II.) Stevens. Life of Phillips* Brooks (briefer edition).—Allen. The Art of Preaching.—Brown. Modern Premillennialism and the Christian Hope Rall. . The Methodist Review. Special Homiletical Work. (See Homiletical Directions in Directions and Helps.) § 6. Course or STuDY FOR FourtH YEAR . Paul and His Epistles.—Hayes. System of Christian Doctrine.—Sheldon. (Except Part I and Appendix.) . Wreedom and Christian Conduct. = "Waas. / he Book of Isaiah (Vol. I-II). Expositor’s Bible. —Nmith. _ Directions and Helps for the Fourth Year. (See § 1.) 653 7 621 . Courses or Srupy_Licrnsx Collateral Reading and Study: . James W. Bashford.—Grose. . Outline, of Christian Theology.—Clarke. , Good Ministers’ of Jesus Christ. —McDowell. . Church Cooperation in. Community Life. Vogt. . History. of Methodisin’ (Vol. IIT) Stevens. , . The Methodist Review. pea . Special Homiletical Work. AOIIS Homiletical Diree- tions’ in. Hiechions and Helps.).. Se Fe «621. freon to) ie a Candidates ‘for Ticense to preach ‘are ‘to’ be éxXamined in the common branches ofan English’ education, ‘and on their general knowledge. ofthe Bible, and’of* the: Doe- trines and Usages of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Notr.—In the case of Local Preachers who are oan thiaiee ge ‘the Traveling Ministry, Examinations. _may- be, suspended while they are pursuing regular Courses of Study in our Theological Seminaries or in Universities or Colleges approved by our | University ‘Senate, until paey shall become Candidates for Deacons’ or Elders’ orders. 1622. Teen] Preachers: nd 4 a | Directions ay Helps for the Four Years,one>volume. This book is a: part of the regular: course’ in; moon year. Read carefully J 620, § 1. ” § 1. First YEAR 1. Doctrines and Discipline of the Methodist, aie pal Church, 1924. 2. John Wesley, the Methodist. 3. The Pastoral Office—Beebe.. .. . 4. The Graded. Sunday School in EPP, and, Prac- : tice.— Meyer. Collateral Reading and Study : 1. Selections from the Writings of Fate Wesley, tll edition ).— Welch. 2. Tongue of .Fire. —Arthur. bo EI 3. The Making of the Bible. —Vernon. 654. Tr" CouRsEs OF Stupy—LocanL PREACHERS {| 6238 . §.2, Seconp.. YEAR “pas wo bs Life of :Christ:—Stalker. 2. Human Behavior.—Colvin and ceded 3. The Work of Proakhine -satteyt: Collateral Reading and Study:’ 1. A’ Compendious History | of American Methodism.— Stevens. 2. Understanding ‘the Scriptures.—McConnell. 8.(Réligious Education: in. the: Home.—Folsom. § 3. TuirD. YEAR . Paul and, His Hpistles. —Hayes, . A Short History of Te Christian Chicco crief. ap The Church . and Industrial etinet rae —Fed- eral Council of Churches. Collateral Reading and Study: 1. Evangelism.—Aannan. 2. Jesus in the Experience: of herd —Glover. ‘8. The, Rural Church Serving the a emia Tiara § 4; FourtH YEAR — af Religions of Mankind.—-Soper. 2. Christianity in Doctrine and Pxperience —Buck. 3. The Prophets in the Light of To-day.—Hull. Collateral Reading and Study: 1. The Bible—Its. Origin, and Nature —Dods. 2;.The Art of Preaching.—Brown. 8. The Pastor-Preacher.—Quayle. oe {| 623. Local Preachers Who. Are Candidates. for Orders . § 1. Deacons’ ORDERS Local Preachers who. are candidates for “Deacons? Orders must bring to the Annual Conference satisfactory evidence that they have passed in the Four Years’ Course 655 § 624 Courses or Stupy—Crass LEADERS of Study for Local Preachers, and must also pass a satisfactory examination at the Annual ‘Conference on the following. books: 1. Outline of Christian Theology.—Olarke. 2. The Bible and Life-——Hughes. 3. Good Ministers of Jesus Christ. McDowell. 4. John and His Writings.—Hayes. § 2. EnpErs’ Orprers Local, Deacons who’ are: candidates for Elders’ Orders must pass a satisfactory examination at the Annual Conference on the following course: . 1. The Christian View of the Old ‘Testament. Eitselen. . Francis Asbury.—Tipple. x Modernism and the Christian Faith. —Faulkner. 4, Religious Experience.— Mains. 1624. Class or Unit Leaders. See 4. 64 This. course is’ also earnestly recommended to ix: horters and to other lay workers. . The Primer of Christian Doctrine. —Terry.. . The Making of the Bible—Vernon. . The Bible, Its Origin and Nature.—Dods. Npkap watery Lessons for Church Membership.— Bugbee. . John Wesley, the Methodist. . A Compendious History of American Methodism. —Stevens. - The Drill Master of. Methodism.—Goodell. . Individual Work for Individuals.—Trumbull. . Modern Meaning of Church Membership.—Ver- steeg. 10. Organization and Administration of the Sunday School.—Ouninggim and North. 11. Twice Born Men.—Begbie. 12. The Tongue of Fire.—Arthur. 656 o> Ot Ho CO DD OOrN Courses or Stupy—-GerMaw (§ 625 GERMAN COURSES ) J 625. Reiieoradizer § 1. ZULAsSSUNG AUF PRoBE : 1. Der groessere Katechismus ;) der Bischoeflichen Methodisten Kirche.—Nast. 2. Kirchenordnung. (I-IV Teil.) 8. Life of Wesley.—Winchester. 4: Selections: from the Writings of! the Rev. John Wesley, M.A.—Welch. 5. Geschichte des,‘ deutschsprachlichen | Methodismus. —Roser. _ Anmerkung: Kandidat soll einen, Aufsatz, von 1,000 Woertern ueber den wichtigsten Beitrag des, deutsch- sprachlichen Methodismus fuer, Kirche und Staat liefern. 6. American History.—James and Sanford. 7. Die Christliche Erfahrung.— Merrill. 8. Aufsatz—Bericht’ von; dem Kandidaten ueber Bil- dungsgang, Bekehrung, und Berufung, zum Pradistamt. Aufsatz, ueber einen ‘pihhechen Gegenstand.. § 2. Erstes JAHR 1. Hinleitung in die Heilige Schrift (Neues Testa- ment) .—Weber-Deinzer. 2 New Testament History.—Rall. 2° Human Behavior—Oolvin and Bagley. 4. Evangelism.—Hannan. 5. Homiletics—Munz or Burt. Zum Lesen: Geschichte des Methodismus.—Nuwelsen-Mann. Jesus in the Experience of Men. —Glover. _ Citizenship and Moral Reform.—Langdale. - Good. Ministers: of ‘Jesus Christ: McDowell: _ The Boy Problem.—Forbush. Steps in the Development of American Democracy. Pare Toughiit. SE a 657 {625 Courses or Stupy—GurmMan § 8. ZweErtes »Jaur: P: Hinleitang’’ in die ae Beige: (Altes Testa- ment ).— Weber- Deinzer: 2. Church History.— Walker. (Omitting pp. 1-41.) 3. Die religidse-sittliche’ ‘Erziehung. Hertzler. 4. The Pastoral Office: —Beede. ‘aon Zum Lesen: 1. The Church in the City. D0 ort The Country Church. Serving: the Community — Earp. 2. The Christian View of the Old ‘Testaiient.— Hiselen. 3. The Graded Sunday School in Principle and Prac- tice—WM eyer. : 4. Jugendlehre.— Foerster. 5. Der Religidse Wille.—Pfennigsdorf. § 4. Dritrtes” Jane - Das Christliche Heilsleben—Paulus. . Foundations of Christian Belief —Strickland. . Introduction to: the Study. of Sociology. ees: - Beacon, Lights: of Prophecy. Knudson. ' He CO DD et Zum Lesen: 1. Persoenlichkeit und Christliche Lebensphilosophia -—Pfennigsdorf. ~ ia . The Church and Industrial Reconstruction. . Luther’s Leben.—Rade. % . Das Glueck.— Hilty. . apne Review.) © OU Co bo § 5., VIERTES JAR ") . System der Christlichen ! Lehre. seins a . Paul and Hig Epistles. —Hayes.: . The Book of Isaiah (Vols,' I- -IT). . The Religions of Mankind. —Soper. 658 Hm OF ho Courses or StubY—GERMan F626 Zum Lesen : 1. James W. Bashford. Grose. 7 2..“Kennst du das Land?’—Schneller. 3. Das Problem des Lebens.—Hucken. 4. Outline of Christian: Theology. eh 5. Methodist Review. | ee. ferme § 1. BEVOLLMAECHTIGUNG ZUM PREDIGEN Die Kandidaten fiir Bevollmiichtigung zum .Predigen sollen.eine Priifung bestehen tiber ihre Bibelkenntnis und Bekanntschaft mit den Lehren und Gebriiuchen der; Bis- chéflichen _Methodisten Kirche, § .2:\ ERSTES: Sitre f Oth .G 1. Lehrbuch der Heiligen Geschichte. eee (Altes Testament. ) 2. Der’ © groéssere’ Kaetechismus’ der’ Bischoeflichen Methodisten Kirche.—WNast, 3. Die Kirchenordnung. Zum Lesen: 1. Die Christliche Erfahrung auf den Ne ear a Stufem,des Gnadenwerks.—Merrill. ) | a Wesley und: seine, Mitarbeiter. Nast. § 3.. ZWEITES JAR - ‘ 1. Lehrbuch der Bove Mgrs ae —Kurtz. (Neues Testament. ) od Wesleys Ee es (Dantsehe selenide a £ re, 33 Predigten.).: 3. Christliche Kirchengeschiehte PE Ngee Verein. Zum Lesen: : Geschichte | Deutschlands ; oder der Vereinigten Staaten’: von irgend einem “anerkannten Verfasser. : §. 4..DrirTEs: JAHR 1. Die feurig Zunge.—Arthyr. 659 {62% Courses or Stupy—NorWEGIAN-DANISH 2. Wesleys Predigten. (II Teil, 35 Predigten.) 3. Christliche Vollkommenheit.— Wesley. 4. Glaubensartikel und Hauptlehren.—Sulzberger. Zum Lesen: 1. Das Christliche Heilsleben.—Paulus. 2. Das Leben Jesu.—Weitbrecht. > § 5. VIERTES JAHR Wiederholung des vorhergehenden dreijaehrigen Kursus. Zum Lesen: 1. Geschichte der Bischoeflichen Methodisten Kirche, 2 Biinde.—Stevens. 2. Die Hauptlehren des Methodismus.—Paulus. 3. Biblische Altertiimer.—Kinzler. NORWEGIAN AND DANISH COURSES FOR CONFERENCES IN THE UNITED STATES 1627. Studiekursus . for Norsk-danske Methodist Praedikanter i Amerika ; § 1. OpTAGELSE PAA PrRrOvE 1. Grammatik.—Hofgaard. 2. Stil—Ténnessen, 2det Trin. 3. Retskrivningsregler.—Hikeland ‘og Rolvaag. 4. Norges, Danmarks og Sveriges Historie. — Petersen og Aubert. 5. English Grammar.—Buehler. 6. American History—James and Sanford. 7. Doctrine and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 8. Life of John ‘Wesley:—Winchester. - 660 Courses oF Stupy—Norwecian-DANisH § 627 § 2. ForsTE AAR . New Testament History.—Rall. . Evangelism.—Hannan. The Work of Preaching.—Hoyt. . The Art of Writing English—Brown and Barnes. . Human Behavior.—Oolvin and Bagley. . Geografi.— Haffner. Doe DH Collateral Reading and Study: 1. The Art of Preaching. —Brown, 2. Selections from the Writings of the Rey. ohn Wesley, M.A.— Welch. § 3. ANDET AAR 1. Dictionary. of the Bible ,(1_Vol. Edition ),.— Hast- ings. 2. History of the Christian Church -_ Watker. --(Omit- ting pages 1-41.) 3. (a) The Pupil and the Teacher.—Weigle. (ob) The Graded Sunday School in Principle’ and Practice.— Meyer. 4. The Pastoral Office.— Beebe. 5. Verdenshistorie—Raeder. : Collateral Reading and Study: 1. The Christian View. of the Old, Testament. Eiselen. 2. Compendium of American Methodism.—Stevens. § 4. TREDIE AAR ‘i 1. Beacon Lights of Prophecy.—Knudson. 29. Foundations of Christian Belief—Strickland. 3. The Religions of Mankind.—Soper. 4, The Methodists.—Faulkner. 661 §. 628 CouRsEs or Stupy—NoRWEGIAN-DANISH Dd. Litteraturhistorie-—Broch og Seip. Collateral Reading and Study: 1. The Church and Industrial i Raconapeactions 2. Modern Premillennialism and the Christian Hope. —Rall. oo, FyERDE AAR 1. Paul and His Epistles.—Hayes. cD . 2. System of Christian Doctrine. oe eon (Omit- ting Part 1 and Appendix.) rn 3. Freedom and Christian Gonduer wena 4. Logic. —Jevons. Collateral Reading and Stuliyis 1. James W. Bashford.—Grose. 2. Outline of Christian Theology.—Clarke. { 628. For Lokaldiakoners Ordination 1. Kristelig. Erfaring—Merrill. 2. Ledetraad i KirkehistorienFr. Nielsen. | 3. Norges, Sveriges og Danmarks Historie.—Petersen og Aubert... 4. Grammatik. —Hojfgaard, . Metodistkirkens Disciplin. . Laerebog i Bibelhistorien.—Asperheim. . Skreven Praediken over Daaben. 1 o> OU} | 629. Lokalzldstes Ordination a . Presten Hjemme og i Kirken.—Spurgeon. . Verdenshistorie.—Raeder. . Litteraturhistorie-—Broch og Seip: . The Work of the Preacher.—Hoyt. . Skreven Praediken om Nadvaeren. OUR Ob 662 Courses oF Stupy—Norwecran-DanisH ( 630 ‘FoR THE ‘NORWAY CONFERENCE ‘630. Foi Lokslilidetey Ordination Konference g oe OPTAGELSE PAA Prove . Grammatik. —Hofgaard Alls. Geografi-—WNorris. (For Amts: og sian ae) Norges Historie ——Peterseén. . Nordens Historie.—Hriksen, Methodismens : Historie—-Smith and Mahood. . Sammendrag af Theologien.—Binney. Ankwonwr cf § 2. I AARSKLASSE 1. Theologii— Wakefield..(Side 1-146.) 2. Verdenshistorie.—Rader. , (Oldtiden.), 3. Kirkehistorie. gad Nielsen. (Nullematore Old- ‘tiden). . 4.0 Pastoraltheologi.—Vinet. 5. Bibelnéglen.—Jensen-Fogh. 6. Methodistkirkens Disciplin.. (I-V Del.) go Te Hevistelis Erfaring. —Merrill. »§ 3. II, AARSKLASSE. : Theologi: Wakefield. «(Side 147-404:) . Homiletik.— Burt. Acai hee . Verdenshistorie.—Rader. (Middelalderen.) FO a comet mean nati Se a ai Logik:—Jevons.) Hthik.—Martensen... (Den alm- Del) - Methodistkirkens’ Diseiplin.»: (VI-VII Del.)»: . Skreven Preediken om Retfardiggjorelsen. DADA Wr g 4; IIT AARSKLASSE . Theologi— Wakefield. (Side 405-645.) .| Verdenshistorie——Rader. (Den nyere ’Tid.) ° 663 Lo {631 Courses or Stupy—NorweEcIAN-DanisH OO I o> OU 09 Tae Se . Kirkehistorie—PFr, Nielsen, (Den nyere Tid.) . Literaturhistorie.—Broch og Seip. . Sjele og Tenkelere—Fr.-Nielsen. (Side 1-63.) . Ethik,—-Martensen,,..(Den,,Specielle Del,;I Bind.) . Pastoren Hjeme og it Kirken. —Spurgeon. . Skreven Preediken om ‘Helliggjérelsen. § 5. ‘IV AARSKLASSE . Theologi—Wakefield. . (Side 645-780.) Lectures on Preaching.—Simpson,,.. “ss Sjele og Tankelere——Fr.. Nielsen.:: (Side 64-96:;) Ethik.—Martensen... (Den Specielle Del, IL Re.) Modern Sunday; School.—-Vincent. . ) . Evangeliets Seiersgang. —Ussing. . Skreven Afhandling om’ Inspirationen. ~ 9631. For Lokalpreedikanter Fos? at blive bemyndiget som lokalpridikant kraeves almindelig god folkeskolekundskal feraden eksamtén.b" liren og Piscib Unga £9 fa Boh Ch oho § un Ce see . Theologii—Binney. (Férste Halvdel.) . Methodistkirkens Disciplin. (I-III Del.) . Kirkehistorie.—JF'r.,: Nielsen. , (Oldtiden.) Si 2enld A ARSKLASSE : Theologi — Binney. (Anden Halvdel.) : . Methodistkirkens Disciplin. (IV-VI. Del.). . Kirkehistorie—Fr. Nielsen. eMiddelalderta ) . Skreven Afhandling om Daaben. § 3. III WNW ey . Bibelnéglen.—Jensen-Fogh. (Forste Halvdel.) . Methodistkirkens Disciplin. (VII-VIII. Del.) . Kirkehistorie,—Fr. Nielsen. (Den, nyere, Tid.) « 664 CO bh Hm CODD Oh = Coursss or Stupy—DantsH § 635 § 4. IV AARSKLASSE . Bibelnéglen.—Jenson-Fogh.. (Anden Halvdel.) . Methodismens Historie-—Smith and Mahood. . Kristelig Erfaring.—Merrill. . Skreven Afhandling om Naadens' orden. 9|632. For Diakonordination . Foérste. og andet Aars Studie. . Disciplinens Haandbog.—WMerrill. . Sjele og Teenkelere—Fr.. Nielsen. (Side 1-63.) 7633. For Aldsteordination . Tredie og fjerde; Aars Studie. . Helliggjérelsen.—Fletcher. . Sjele og Tenkelere.—Fr. Nielsen. (Side 64-96.), 7634. DANISH COURSES. HEksamensraadet vil, livor det akke er gjort. anvise hvilke Béger, og hvor stort et Afsnit i de enkelte Boger, Kandidaterne skal lere.—Der gives et kort skriftligt Resumé of de til. Lesning anviste Boger. ATO OUR 09 bo 635. Rejsepredikanter § 1. OPTAGELSE PAA PROVE . Dansk Sproglere. . Geografi. Samfundslere. Verdenshistorie. . Kirkehistorie. . . Metodismen.—Gaarde en fl. . Sammendrag af Teologien.— Binney. 665 {635 Courses. oF Stupy—DanisH 8. Katekisme. 9. Disciplin. (Nyeste Udgave.) 10: Skreven Selvbiografi. Lesning: 1. Jesu Livy.—Farrar. 2. Metodistkirken : Danmark. —Gaarde. § 2. I AARSKLASSE 1. Teologi— Wakefield. (S. 1-146.) © 3 2. Bibelsk Arkeologi. (Bibelhaandbogen. H. P. Hansen.) | Sie 3. Kirkehistorie—Bergmann. (1.) 4. Pastoralteologi.—Vinet. d. Indledning til det gl. wheal _ (Bibelhaandbogen. H. P. Hansen.) 6. Skreven Prediken,. hvortil opgives Ban kt of' Eksa- mensraadet. : Leesning : 1. Wesley’s Pridikener. 2. Helliggérelsen:—Fletcher. 3. Verdens Evangelisation.—WMott. 4. api. a pana JS. J. Jansen. §. 3. II AARSKLASSE i. Teologi— Wakefield, (S.. 147-404. ) 2. Kirkehistorie-—Bergmann. (II.) 3. Indledning til det nye Test. _ (Bibelhaandbogen. H. P. Hansen.).; 4. Sjele og Jishoopag ree ii en pi 5. Literaturhistorie. 6. Skreven Preediken, hvortil Tekst: OpEEV EH of ‘Eksa- mensraadet. Leesning : 1. Apostlen Paulus.—Farrar. CT.) aren 2. Hvad er Kristendom?—J, C.., Petersen. 3. Sociale Sporgsmaal.—Schach. 666 Courszs or Stupy—DanisH 9 636 § 4. ITT AARSKLASSE . Teologi—Wakefield. (S. 405-645.) Htik.—Martensen. (8S. 1-300.) + Logik.—Jevons. . Lectures on Preaching.—Simpson. . Eksegese efter Wesley’s Notes on the New Testa- ment. (Mundtlig.) 6. Skreven Pradiken, hvortil Tekst. opgives of Eksa- mensraadet. ot Oo ND eS Lesning: 1. Apostlen Paulus.—Farrar. (II.) 2. Evangeliets Sejrsgang:—Ussing. 3. Presten hjemme og, i Kirken.—Spurgeon. § 5. IV -AARSKLASSE Teologiim— Wakefield. (S. 646-780.) . Etik.—Martensen. (8S. 301-590:) ° . History of American’ Methodism.—Stevens. . Eksegese efter Godet: Johannes Evangelism. (Minding ) | 5. Ekreven Prediken. HEmnet opgives of Hksamens- raadet. OO DO be Leesning: 1. Den Sociale Uavikling. — Kidd. 2. Pastoral Evangelism. —Goodell. 3. Haanbog for Séndagskole-Arbeide-— With. | 636. Lokalpreedikanter 8 1. LOK ALPREDIKANTBEMYNDIGELSE . Katekisme. . Sammendrag of’ Teologien.— Binney. Hvad er Kristendom?—L. C. Petersen. Haandsrekning til en Lokalpreedikant. . Metodismen.—Gaarde en. fl. . Disciplinen I-VI Del.—Nyeste Udgave, 667 Dap why pe { 637. CouRSES oF STUDY—SWEDISE. Lesning: i, Metodistkyrkans historia Bey anp ay § 2. Kursus FOR LOKAL-DIAKONERS 0G LOKAL-OLDSTE Lokalpredikanter der dnsker Ordination, vil faa anvist Studieplan samt Béger af Elksamensraadet. SWEDISH COURSES FOR CONFERENCES IN THE UNITED STATES {| 637. Resepredikanter § 1. ADMISSION ON TRIAL . Trosartiklarne.—Sulzberger. . Kyrkoordningen, 1924. . Svensk spriklira.—Sundin, . English Grammar.—Longman. . General History.—M yer. . American History.—James and Sanford. Collateral Reading and Study: 1. The Meaning of Prayer.—Fosdick. 2. Kort Lirobok i Villisning—Lindvoll. OO pp wh § 2. First YEAR 1. New Testament History.*—Rall: 2. Evangelism.*—Hannan. 3. Manual of Teacher Training.—-Barclay. 4. Kyrkohistoria.—Johansonn. 5. Avhandling: Kristendomen och den sociala fragan. Collateral Reading and Study: i 1. Selections from the Writings of John we Welch. 2. Jerusalem.—Selma Lagerléf. 3. Francis Asbury.—Tipple. 668 4 CouRsES oF STUDY—SWEDISH { 637 § 3. SEconpD YEAR 1. The Christian View of the Old Testament.—LHiselen. 2. Freedom and Christian Conduct.—Haas. 3. The Graded Sunday School in» Principle and Prac- tice.*—Meyer. 4. The Work of Preaching.—Hoyt. 5. Avhandling: Nattvarden. Collateral Reading and. Study: 1. Metodiskyrkan: Danmark.—Gaarde. 2. How to Teach Religion.—Betts. 3. Pastoral and Personal Evangelism.—Goodell, § 4. Turrp YEAR . The Bible in the, Making.*—Smyth. The Pastoral Office.—Beebe. . Antropologi.—Sjéberg och Klingberg. Paul and His Epistles.—Hayes. . Beacon Lights of Prophecy.—Knudson. . Avhandling: Fdrsoningen. . The Art of Preaching.—Brown. Collateral Reading and Study: 1. Vittra skrifter.—Vikner. 2. Life of Phillips Brooks.—Allen. AHWR wD § 5. FourTH YEAR: . Studies in Christianity.*—Bovwne. . The Religions of Mankind.*—WSoper. . Outline of Christian Theology.—Clarke. Den Allmiinnéliga Kristna Tron.—Aulén. . Avhandling: Svenska Metodismen i Amerika, CHR Oo ND ee Collateral Reading: 1. The Church and Industrial Reconstruction. 2: Good Ministers of Jesus Christ.—UcDowell. 3. James W. Bashford.—Grose. 669 {638 CouRsEs or Stupy—SwepisH In connection with books marked with a star (*), the student must prepare and hand in to the examiner. ‘The required written work” called for by the “Directions and Helps,” which go with the volume in question. Students not graduates from the Seminary must. take the complete course as given in the Discipline... Graduates from the Seminary are exempt from’ examination only in subjects for which they bring certificates from the Semi- nary Registrar. (See Discipline, § 618, §§ 1, 2.) » 4]. 638..Lokalpredikanter For erhallande och férnyande af fullmakt skall lokal- predikanten, drligen examineras, till dess han efter fyra ars férlopp statt godkiind examen uti foljande: imnen : . M. E. Kyrkans katekes. Kyrkoordningen. -(Delad pi 4 ar.) . Biblisk historia, . Liirbok i bibelkunskap. cade bider, . Kyrkohistoria.—Légren. (4 Delad pa 3 ar.) OR oo bo 9 639. For ordinering till diakon . Katekes.—WNast. . Anvisning till Bibelkinnedom.—Welander. . Svensk sprakliira i sanmmandrag. —Sundeén. . Avhandling: Férsoningen. He OS DOD 1.640... For ‘ordinering “tilbuAldeté 1. M. BE. Kyrkans trosbekiinnelse .—NSulzberger. 2. Ofversikt af de bibliska béckerna -—Brodén, 3. Kristlig. fullkomlighet.—Fletcher. 4. Doctrinal Aspects of Christian Experience Merrill. 5. Avhandling: Bibelns inspiration. 670 Courses oF Stupy—Swepish 641 FOR THE SWEDEN CONFERENCE {] 641. Resepredikanter § 1. For INTRADE PA PROV . 1. Metodistkyrkans katekes ..och pet etal atl trosbekinnelse med forklaringar.—A, Sulzberger. 2. Kyrkoordningen. 3. Bibelkinnedom.—P. Welantoe Ooh C. E. Benander, 4, Bilder ur kyrkans historia ——C. Fr, Lundin. . Metodistkyrkans historia.—J. Porter. 6. Liirobok i> fiderneslandets apt i sammandrag. —Grimberg. 7.-Allmiin historia.—Pallin. 8. Svensk: sprakliira i sammandrag.—D. A, Sunidén! 9. Riknebok.—Larsson, Méller, Lundell. 10. Naturkunnighet.—Berg och -Lindén. 11. Skolgeografi, 1 kurs.—Carlsson.’ 12. Muntlig dversiittning av littare engelsk tixt. 13. En ‘skrifligen avfattad piles ay den intrides- sdkandes eget liv. Att lisa: Wesleys 53 predikningar: © § 2. FoOrsTA ARETS. STUDIEKLASS’ 1. Den kristna trosliran :._Inledning.—A.. Sulzberger. 2. A Popular History of Methodism.+—J.,,Telford. : ‘3. The Christian .Pastorate._J;, Kidder. 4. Recruiting. and. Organizing, the Sunday, cries Hurlbut. 5. Det avgiérande dgonblicket i den kristna. missionens historia.—WM ott. 6. Novum Testamentum : Teene Evang., 7. Avhandling om dopet. Att lisa: Kristlig fullkomlighet.—J. Fletcher. A Plain Account of Christian Perfection—J. Wesley. 671 7 641: Coursss-or Stupy-—-SweEbDIsH § 3. ANDRA ARETS STUDIEKLASS Den kristna trosliiran.—A. Sulzberger. (Del. 1.) Sjilslira.— William James. The Preacher and his Sermon.—Htter. (Del. 1.) Biblisk fornkunskap=“Skarstedt, > — . Lirobok i Pedagogik.—Sv. Lundqvist, Novum Testamentum: Apostlag. ) ; Avhandling om ‘nattvarden. LSUTA Att lisa:'\A’New History of Methodism: _w, J. Town send, H. B. eae? G. Eayrs. (Del. 1:) STOOP ON ‘§ 4. Trepsk ARETS STUDIEKLASS 1.;Den, kristna. trosliiran.—A, ‘Suleberger. (Del, 2.) 2. Litteraturhistoria— Warburg. 3. The Preacher and his Sermon.—Htter. (Del. 2.) 4. Inledning till religionsvetenskapen-—C.. P. Tiele. (Del. 1.) 5. Bibelstudiekurs.—v. Rinman. (Serie 1-4.) 6. Novum Testamentum:. Matt. Evang. 7. Avhandling om férsoningen. Att lisa: A New History of Methodism. “wy. J. Bercas send, H. B. Workman, G. EHayrs. (Del. 2.) Pastoral and Personal Evangelism.—Goodell, § 5. FaArpEeE ARETS STUDIEKLASS 1. Den kristna trosliran.—A. Sulzberger. (Del. 3.) 2.-Hermeneutik.—EHdgren. 3. The Preacher and vhis Sermon.—#itter. (Del. 3.) 4. Inledning till religionsvetenskapen.—C. P. Tiele. (Del. 2.) 5. Novum Testamentum: Galaterbret. 6. Avhandling om_helgelsen. | Att lisa: The Church and the Social Crisis.— Rauschenbusch. Filosofiens historia.—S. G. Youngert. 672 CoursEs oF Stupy—SweDIsH J 642 {| 642. Lokalpredikanter § 1. FOrsta ARETS STUDIEKLASS 1. Metodistkyrkans katekes. 2. Palestina, det heliga landet. 3. Kyrkoordningen. (Del. 1-2.) Lasning: Wesley och hans samtida. Wesleys predikningar.. -(1-sta Bandet.) Biblisk historia. ; Metodistkyrkans historia: Verksamheten i England.— J. Porter. § 2. ANDRA ARETS STUDIEKLASS 1. Metodistkyrkans trosbekiinnelse.—A. Sulzberger.. 2. Seder och bruk de i Bibeln omtalade folken. 3. Kyrkoordningen. (Del. 3-4.) Lisning: Wesleys predikningar. (2-dra Bandet.) Metodistkyrkans historia: Verksamheten i Amerika.— J. Porter. § 3. TREDIE ARETS »STUDIEKLASS 1. Liran om frilsning fran metodistik standpunkt.— 0. A. Stenholm. 2. Anvisning till Bibelnskinnedom.—P. Welander. 3. Kyrkoordningen. (Del. 7-9.) Lasning: Kyrkohistoria: Till reformationen.—N. Lovgren. Kristendomens. salighetssanningar.—Luthardt. § 4. FJARDE ARETS STUDIEKLASS 1. Studium av Pauli brev till Romarne.-—A. Clarke. 2. Repetition ay kyrkoordningen. ‘Lisning: Kyrkohistoria: Nyare tiden.—N. Lovgren. Lirobok i virldshistorien.—C. A. Zachrisson. 673 { 645 Coursns or Stupy—FINNIsH | 643. For Lokaldiakon-examen . Metodistkyrkans katekes. . Anvisning till Bibelnkinnedom.—P. peat . Svensk spraklira i sammandrag.—Sundrén. . Avhandling om f6érsoningen. Hm Co DD | 644. For Lokalaeldste-examen . Kyrkoordningen. . Metodistkyrkans trosbekinnelse.—A. Sulzberger. . Biblisk fornkunskap.—Skarstedt. . Kristlig fullkomlighet.—J. Fletcher. .. Avhandling om. helgelsen. em oo hoe . FINNISH COURSES 9,645. Traveling Preachers Swedish-speaking preachers are permitted to choose corresponding books in Swedish, according to the direction of the Board of Examina- tion. § 1. ADMISSION oN TRIAL Norre.—Those who have graduated from one of our seminaries need only to pass an examination in the Discipline and Doctrines of the Methodist Episcopal Church . The Doctrines of’ Methodist Church. . Introduction to the Bible-—Welander or Waaranen. . Discipline of Methodist Episcopal Church. John Wesley.—McDonald. . History of Finland,—Schyberkson or Foratrom, . Stylistic—Sjdberg and Klingberg or eee ie . Elementary English.—Afzelius or Braekke, . Written Sermon on Call to Preach. . 2 674 DAHA WHH Courses oF Stupy—FinnisH 645 § 2. First YEAR 1. Dogmatics. (Introduction. and Part I.)—WSule- berger. 2. Introduction to the Holy SAR le —WSchlatter. (Old Testament. ) 3. Pastoral Theology.—Kidder. 4. Church History. (The Early Church.)—Lundén or Gummerus. 5. General History. (Ancient Times.)—Hstlander. 6. The Dissenter Law and Related Statutes. 7. Etymology of the Mother Tongue.—Sundén- or J dnnes. 8. Etymology of the English Language.—Afezelius or Braekke. 9. Written Sermon on Conversion. To be Read: 1. Wesley’s Sermons. (1.) 2. Bible Studies. (Ancient Times. )—Godet. 38. Church History. (The Harly Church.)—Fabricius or Nissen-Gummerus. 4. The Pastor at Home and in Church. —Spurgeon. § 3. SrErconp YEAR 1. Dogmatics. (Part II.)—Sulzberger. 2. Introduction to the Holy Scriptures (New Test.)— Schlatter. 3. Primer in Homiletics.—Hdwards. 4. General History. (Medizval Times.)—Hstlander. 5. Church History. (Medizval Times.)—ZLundén or Gummerus. 6. History of Methodism. (a) Methodism in England. (b) Written Essay on John Wesley.—Hurst. 7. English. Translations from the Mother Tongue.— Afzelius or Braekke. 8. The Syntax of the Mother Tongue.—Sundén or Setald. 9. Written Sermon on the Witness of the Spirit. 675 7 645 Coursrs or Stupy—FinnisH To be Read: 1. Wesley’s Sermons, II. 2. Bible Studies. (New Test.)—Godet. 3. Church History. (Medieval Times.)—Fabricius or Nissen-Gummerus. 4. A New Life of Christ. (Part I.)—F. W. Farrar, or Christian Hvidences—Luthardt. § 4. Tuirp YEAR 1. Dogmatics. (Part III.) —Sulzberger. 2. Hxegetical Studies in the Synoptical Gospels.— Godet. 3. General History. (Modern Times to the French Revolution. ) —EHstlander. - 4. Church History. (Modern. Church.)—Lundén or Gummerus. 5. History of Methodism. (a) Methodism in America. (6) Written Essay on Bishop Asbury.—Hurst. 6. Psychological Principles’ of HEducation.—Bozstrém, or some other corresponding book in Swedish. 7. Ethics—W. Herrmans. 8. Philosophy.—Knut Barr. 9. Written Sermon on Christian Perfection. To be Read: 1. Church History. (Modern Church:)+—Fabricius or Nissen-Gummerus. 2. Pedagogy.—H. Martig or Soinen. 3. The Ethics of Jesus.—H. Grim. 4. Christian Perfection.—Fletcher. § 5. Fourta Yrar 1. Exegetical Studies in the Epistles of Saint Paul.— Godet. 2. Biblical Archeology.—NSkarstedt.. 3. General History. (Modern Times from the French Revolution. )—Hstlander. 4, History of Methodism. (a) Methodist Missions ; 676 Courses oF Stupy—FinnisH { 646 (b) Written Hssay on the Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church.—-Hurst. 5. History of Modern Missions.—Henry Ussing. 6. History of Philosophy.—Wégner or W. Jerusalem. 7. Introduction to Science of Religion—dQC. P. Tiele. 8. History of Literature of the Mother Tongue.— R. Steffen or Godenhjelm. 9. Written Sermon on any Subject. To be Read: 1. The Gospel of Saint John.—Godet. 2. General History of Literature. 1646. Local Preachers § 1. First YEAR 1. Biblical History.—Sundvall. 2. Standard Catechism. 3. History of Methodism. (The Work in England.)— Porter. 4. Discipline. (Parts I-III.) § 2. Srconp YEAR 1. Bible Introduction.—Velander or Vaaranen. 2. History of Methodism. (The Work in America. )— Porter. 3. A Short Grammar.—Lagerblad or Setdlda. 4. Discipline... (Parts IV-VI.) § 3. Tuep Yrar 1. Theological Compend.—Binney. 2. Wesley’s Sermons. (Vol. I.) 3. Pastoral Theology.—Spurgeon. (Vol. I, or some other. ) 4. Discipline. (Parts VII-IX.) 5. Church History. (Harly Church.)—Vaaranen’ or Lundén. 677 { 647 CoursEs or Stupy—RusstIan § 4. FourrH YEAR 1. Wesley’s Sermons. (Vol. II.) 2. Pastoral aeicey —Spurgeon. (Vol. II,’ or some other.) ~ ; 8. Church History. (Medieval Church.)—Vaaranen or Lundén. | | 647. Local Deacons The entire Course for Local Preachers. 9 648. Local Elders 1. Church History... (Modern Church.)—Vaaranen or Lundén. 2. History of Finland.—Forstrém. 3. General History.—Palin. 4. Life of Christ.—Stalker. 5. Life of Paul.—Stalker. Norte.—This course is to be read in four years. RUSSIAN COURSES 7649. Traveling Preachers §1. ADMISSION ON TRIAL . Russian Grammar.—Bogdanoff. History of Russian.—Platonoff. . Geography.—Kruber-Grigorieff. Discipline. (Parts I-IV.) . Standard Catechism. * Life of Wesley.—Telford. . Written Sermon on the Call te Pecans 678 SU OUR Go bo Courses oF Stupy—Russian 649 To be Read: 1. Sermons. (Vol. I.) —Wesley. 2. Life of Christ.—Farrar. , 3. Handbook for Probationers.—Burt, § 2. First YEAR 1. System of Christian Doctrine. (Parts I and II.)— Schneider. ; . History of World. (Ancient.)—Karjaeff. . Bible History. (Part I.)—Kurtz. . Russian Rhetoric.—A bramof. . Homiletics.— Burt. Discipline. (Parts V-IX.) - Written Sermon on the Atonement. SIO TP wh To be Read: 1; Sermons.’ (Vol. II.)—Wesléy. 2. How to Speak in Public.—Spurgeon. 3. Science and the Bible.—Bettez. § 3. SEconp YEAR 1. System of Christian Doctrine. (Parts III and IV.) —NSchneider. 2. History of World. (Medieval.)—Karjaef. 3. Bible History. . (Part II.)—Kurte. 4. History of Church.—Kurte. 5. History of Russian Literature. (Part I.)— Nezelenoff. 6. Logic.—Chelpanoff. 7. Written Sermon on Justification by Faith. To be Read: 1. Wesley’s Journal. 2. The Tongue of Fire.—Arthur. 8. Decisive Hour of Christian Missions.—Mott. 679 7 650 Coursres or Srupy—RussIAn § 4. Turrp YEAR 1. System of Christian Doctrine. (Part V.)— Schneider. ; 2. History of World. (Modern.)—Karjaef.. 3. History of Russian Literature. (Part II.)— Nezelenoff. 4. Psychology.—WNechajeff. 5. History of Methodism. (Part: I.)—Bulgakoff. 6. Ethies.—Paulus. 7. English or German Grammar.—CGaspey-Sauer. 8. Written Sermon on Regeneration or Sanctification. To be Read: 1. Life of Francis Asbury.—WMains. 2. One Thousand Questions on Methodism.— Wheeler. §. Pilgrim’s Progress.—Bunyan. § 5. FourtH YEAR 1. System of Christian Doctrine. (Part VI.)— Schneider. . History of Methodism. (Part II.)—Bulgakoff. . History of Russian Orthodox Church.—Smirnoff. . History of Philosophy.—Paulsen. . Political Heonomy.—EHschupoff. . Sociology.—Kovalevsky. . Grammar of Native Tongue. (If candidate is other than Russian. ) 8. Written Sermon on the Sacraments. To be Read: 1. Apologetics.—Luthardt. 2. The Russian Sects.—Margaritoff. 8. Europe and Methodism.—Burt. “1 Ol CO bo 7650. Local Preachers § 1. First YEAR 1. Bible History. (Part I.)—Kurtz. 680 CoursEs oF Stupy—ITaLran { 651 . Standard Catechism. . History of Methodism. (Part I.)—Bulgakoff. . Discipline. (Parts I-IV.) § 2. Srconp YEAR . Bible History. (Part Il.) —Kurtz. . Russian Grammar.—Bogdanoff. - History of Methodism. (Part II.) —Bulgakoff. . Discipline. (Parts V-IX.) § 3. Turrp Year . Theological Compend.— Binney, . Sermons. (Vol. I.)— Wesley. .. Homiletics.— Burt. . Life of Wesley.—Telford. § 4. Fourtn YRar . Church History. —Kurtz. - History of World. (Abridged.)—Karjaeff. . Grammar of Native Tongue. (If candidate is other than Russian.) 4. Sermons. (Vol. II.)—Wesley. Hm 0 he He CO hS bt rR CO bo CO bh ITALIAN COURSES 7651. Predicatori Itineranti in Italia N. B.—1. La cultura generale che si richiede usualmente ai candidati yorrisponde a quella necessaria per ottenere la patente di Maestro Ele- inentare Superiore o l’ammissione all’ Universita. 2. Per l’intiero corso lo studente dovra presentare delle dichiarazioni scritte che affermino se egli abbia letto o no attentamente tutti i libri assegnati per lettura, e presentera un riassunto di qualche capitolo odi qualch’ una delle questioni contenute in ciascun libro che anteceden- temente gli esaminatori sceglieranno ed annunzieranno a mezzo dei verbali della Conferenza od altrimenti. § 1. AMMISSIONE Sotto Prova 1. Compendio di Storia Heclesiastica.—Hurst. (Tra- duz. Burt.) 2. Teologia Dommatica.—Bovon. 681 {651 Courses or Stupy—Irantan 3. Discipline della Chiesa Metodista Episcopale. * 4. Vita. di. Giovanni Nepelen (Leliévre): e Storia. del Metodismo.—Piggott. 5. Il eontenuto della Bibbia. (Studio direito.) 6. Catechismo della Chiesa Metodista Hpiscopale. 7. Omiletica.—Burt. 8. Relazione scritta della propria conversione é » chia- mata al Ministerio. £9) Notes Pro 1. Introduzione all’Antico Testamento. (Libro 1o, Parte 14.)—Gauthier. as 2. Storia Ecclesiastica. (1° Periodo: dal 1o al “40 secolo.) Testo: Historie du Christianism, par Jules Guidrauw. (Genéve-Jeheber, Ed.) ; 3. Storia civile-—Rinaudo. ©(Impero Romano fino a Costantino. ) 4. La Palestina ai tempi di Cristo. ate 5. Omiletica.—Vinet. ye 6. Storia dell Religioni. (Chautepic de la Saussaye.) 7. Sermone scritto. | pret § 3. ANNO SECONDO 1. Introduzione all’Antico Testamenta. (Libro 1o, Parte 2a.)—Gauthier. 2. Storia Ecclesiastica.. 20 Periodo: dal See, IV all’ VIII.)—Guidrauz. p 3. Storia civile—Rinaudo. (Medio Evo. Vol. ITI.) 4, Teologia Pastorale.—Vinet. | 5. Introduzione al Nuovo Testamento.—Godet. (Vol. II, Evangeli Sinottici.) 6. Sermone scritto. Da leggere: Esquisse d’ une philosophie de la Religion.—Sabatier. § 4.. Anno TERzO0 ° mio 2 1. Introduzione all’Antico Testamento. (Libro 20, Parte 1a,)—Gauthier. 682 Courses or Stupy—Iranran 652 t * 2. Storia Ecclesiastica. (80 Periodo: dal Sec. VIII al XVI.)—Guidrauz. 3. Storia civile—Rinaudo. (Medio Evo, Vol. IV.) 4. Introduzione al Nuovo Testamento. (Dal IV Evan- gelo all’Apocalisse, escluse le Epistole Paoline.)—Godet. (20 Vol. Studi Biblici. ) 5. Sermone scritto. § 5. ANNO QuUARTO 1. Introduzione all’Antico Testamento. (Libro 20, Parte 2a.)—Gauthier. 2. Storia Ecclesiastica. (40 Periodo: dal Sec. XVI al X X.)—Guidrauc. ! 3. Storia civile—Rinaudo. _(Tempi moderni, Vol. V.) 4, Introduzione .al Nuovo Testamento. (Epistole Paoline e Vita di Paolo. )—Godet. 5. Storia dei Dommi.—Harnack.. (Précis d’Historie des Dogmes.—F%schbacher. ) 6. Sermone scritto. Da leggere: Epitome di filosofia italica.—Caporali. 91652. Studii Preliminari peri Ministers Italiani in America N. B.—Per studii preliminari richieste, vedi DiscipLina, ultima edi- zione il Nota Bene, articolo 598. Si insistera’ in modo speciale sulle seguenti materie: Elementi di Grammatica Italiana, di Rettorica, di Letteratura, di Filosofia, di Scienze Fisiche e Naturali, di Storia Americana, ed una conoscenza pratica della lingua Inglese. § 1. Corso PRELIMINARE 1. Grammatica Italiana. JFornaciart. 2. Rettorica (elementi).—Fornaciari. 3. Letteratura (elementi).—Adolfo Bartoli. 4. Filosofia (elementi).—Augusto Conti e Vincenzo Sartini. 683 {653 Courses or Stupy—ITALIAN 5. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali.—a. A. Gavanna. db. Poli e Tanfani. ec. Geikie (traduz. Stoppani). 6. Storia Orientale Greca.—C. Rinaudo. 7. Diritti e Doveri dell’uomo.—G. Mazzini. 8. I Promessi Sposi.—A. Manzoni. 9. Componimento Italiano.— (candidato.) 10. Saggio Italiano-Inglese e Inglese-Italiano (candi- dato). 11. American History.—Montgomery. 12. Speech on Conciliation.—Burke, Libri da leggere: Le mie prigioni.—Pellico. Vita moderna degl’ Italiani.—Mosso. . La Riforma dell’Educazione.—A. Mosso. Roma Papale.—De NSanctis. . Sermoni di Wesley, Traduz. Italiana. Cte oo be {| 653. Predicatori Itinerante in America § 1., AMMISSIONE 1. Compendio di Teologia— Binney-Steele. (Trad. Ital.) 2. Disciplina M. E.—(ultima Edizione). 3. Vita di G. Wesley.—Leliévre. (Trad. Sciarelli.) 4. Dottrine della Chiesa M. E.—Sulzberger. (Trad. Polsinelli. ) 5. I1 Compagno d. Bibbia.—S. Beruatto. 6. Perfezione Cristiana.—Wesley. (Trad. Italiana.) 7. Omiletica—William Burt. 8. Relazione scritta della propria a Conversione e Chiamata al Ministero. Da leggere: 1. Vita di Savonarola, 2 Vol.—P. Villari. 2. La lingua di Fuoco.—Arthur. 3. Il Dovere.—Smiles. 684 Courses oF Stupy—ITALIAN { 653 4. L’Idioma gentile-—H. De Amicis. 5. Rinascita.—S. McGerald. § 2. Primo ANNO Introduzione A. T.—Revel. (In Italiano.) Storia Ecclesiastica.—Hurst. (Trad. Burt.) Storia Civile—Rinaudo. Vol. II. Omiletica.—Vinet. (Trad. Inglese.) Geografia Biblica.—Pons. (In Italiano.) Il Cristianesimo e le Chiese Cristiane.—Professor G. Bartoli. La prima Pagina della Bibb‘a.—Fr. Better. (Traduz. div kev Sermone scritto. (Da portarsi alla Conf.) D roo) leggere : . Sermoni ed Allocuzioni.—William Burt. . Mens sana in corpore sano.—A. Mosso. Il Risparmio.—Smiles. Christianity and the Social Crisis —Rauschenbusch. . System of Christian Doctrine.—WSheldon. . Digest of Methodist Law.—WMerrill-Downey. ODOR ote § 3. SEconDo ANNO 1. Evidenze del Cristianesimo.—Mcllvaine. (In Italiano. ) 2. Storia Ecclesiastica.—Fisher. 3. Storia Civile-——Rinaudo. (Medio Evo.) 4. Teologia Pastorale-—Vinet. (In Inglese.) The Pastor-Preacher.— Quayle. 5. Discorsi Sinottici del Nuovo Testamento.—Fraser. (Trad. Sciarelli.) - §. Sermone scritto. (Da portarsi alla Conf.) Da leggere: 1. Gli Eroi.— Carlyle. 2. Sul Limitare.—G. Pascoli. 3. Vita e lavoro.—NSmiles. 685 { 653 Courses oF Srupy—I Tartan 4, Scuola e carattere—Fr.\ W. :Forster, (Trad. Italiana.) La 5. Jesus Christ and the Social Question.—Peabody. § 4. Terzo ANNO 1. Introduz. A. T. Divine Library of the O. T.—Fitz- patrick. . Testimonii di Cristo.— Backhouse-Taylor. Storia Civile-—Rinaudo. Vol. IV. - Introduz. N. T.—Godet. (Trad. Inglese. ) . Fatti Apostolici—G. Luzzi. Hpist. S. Paolo ai Romani.— Whedon. . I Miracoli di G. C.—Trench. (Trad. Meille:) One Thousand Questions on Methodism.— Wheeler. . Sermone scritto. (Da portarsi all Conf. ) CHAD MB ow Da leggere: 1. Il Carattere.-—Smiles. 2. I Martiri del Libero Pensiero, 3. Pastoral.and Personal Evangelism.—Goodell. 4. The American Commonwealth.—Bryce. § 5. Quarto ANNO Storia Primitiva.—Backhouse-Taylor. Storia Letteraria A. T.—Revel. Il Papa.—Labanca. Storia Civile—Rinaudo. (Tempi Moderni.) Introduz. N. T.—Campbell Morgan. Saint Paul the Traveler, Roman Citizen —Ramsay. Hermeneutics.—Terry. . Storia d. Riforma in Italia.—Comba. . Filosofia d. Salvazione.— Walker. 10. Sermone scritto. (Da portarsi alla Conf.) CONAHIUR WH Da leggere: 1. Il bel Paese.—Stoppani. thn) 2. Cristianesimo e lotta di Classe.—Fr, W. Forster. (Trad. Italiana.) 686 Courses oF Stupy—ITanIan : § 654 I Nostri Protestanti.—Comoba. . Lectures on Preaching.—Brooks. ro 1654: Predicatori Locali § 1. AnNo Primo . Nuovo Testamento: nozioni. dirette e generali. . Storia del] Metodismo.—Piggott. . Catechismo della Chiesa Metodista Episcopale. . Compendio di Teologia.—Binney e Steele. . Lingua di Fuoco.—Arthur. . Relazione della propria conversione. Dor We § 2. ANNO SECONDO 1. Disciplina della Chiesa Metodista. Episcopale. (Dalla Ia alla Via Parte.) . Storia Moderna.—Bragagnolo. . Vita di Giovanni Wesley.—Leliévre. Storia Ecclesiastican—Hurst. (Traduz. Burt.) Chiesa Primitiva.—Backhouse e Taylor. . Antico Testamento. (Nozioni dirette e generali.) . Sermone scritto. AID OU Go bo § 3. ANNO TERzO 1. Articoli di fede a Dottrine della Chiesa Metodista Episcopale.—Polsinelli. 2. Disciplina della Chiesa Metodista Episcopale. (Dalla VI Parte alla fine.) 3. Storia della Riforma in Italia.—Comba. 4. I testimoni di Cristo.—Backhouse e Taylor. 5. I sermoni di Giovanni Wesley. 6. Sermone scritto. § 4. ANNO QUARTO 1. Le verti fondamentali del Cristianesimo.— Luthardt. 2. Il Piccolo compagno della Bibbia.—Jahier. 3. Omiletica.—Burt. 687 { 655 ° Courses or Stupy—SPaANISH 4, Del Metodismo Episcopale.—Ferreri. 5. Sermone scritto. COURSE OF STUDY FOR SPANISH-SPEAKING PREACHERS (Adopted by the Central Conference of Latin America for the Quadrennium 1924-1928.) 1655. Curso de Estudios para Predicadores del habla espanola § 1. Para ADMISION A PRUEBA Para examen: 1. Educacién Primaria—Gramatica, geografia, arit- mética, historia patria, e historia de las Américas.— Estévanez. 2. Disciplina de la Iglesia. (Constitucién y Parte I.) 3. Relacién escrita de la conversién del candidato y de su vocacién al ministerio. 4. Serm6n escrito o predicado. ®. Hl candidato tendré que estar preparado para escribir un articulo sobre uno de los temas siguientes; de no menos que 1,000 palabras._ El tema sera escogido por el examinador el dia de examen. La Vida de Moisés Lia Vida de Jestis, segin San Marcos La Vida de Pablo, segin Los Hechos. Para leer: 1. El Evangelio del Espiritu Santo, par A. F. Wesley, o La Vida de Plenitud, por Moisés Torregrosa. 2. La Suprema Vocacion, por Jorge A. Miller. N. B. En todos los afios el estudio de la Biblia ser guiado por el libro titulado “El Cristiano y su Biblia,” segin la porcién asignada, pero el examen ser4 en la materia biblica m4s bien que en dicho libro. N. B._ El librito titulado ‘‘Direcciones y Auxilios” se exigira en tcdos los afios como guia el estudio del curso. N. B. El estudiante tendr4 que leer La Revista Evangélica todos los #fos y cumplir lo requerido en cuanto al informe sobre dicha lectura. 688 COURSES OF STUDY—SPANISH J 655 § 2. PrimeR ANO Para examen : 1. Biblia — (Genesis a Ester.) 2. Historia de la Iglesia— Hurst. (Partes I y II.) 3. Disciplina de la Iglesia. (Partes II-IX.) 4. Pedagogia Psiocolégica.—A. Osuna. 5. El Ministerio Ideal—RJohnson. (Primera mitad.) Para leer: 1. Juan Wesley, su Vida y su Obra.—Lelievre. 2. La Salvacion Personal.—Tillet. 3. La Magia Bianca.—A. F. Wesley. 4. Trabajo Personal con los Individuos.—Trumbull. § 3. Szeunpo ANO Para examen: 1. Biblia. (Job a Malaquias. ) 2. Historia de la Iglesia—Hurst, (Partes III y IV.) 3. Los Principios Sociales de Cristo y su Aplicacién.— Edwards. 4, El Ministerio Ideal.—Johnson. (Segunda mitad.) 5. La Fe Practica del eaten —Lynn H. Hough. 6. Sermoén escrito. Para leer: 1. La Fascinacioén del Libro-—H. W. Work. 2. El Ministro como Pastor..—C. H. Jefferson. 3. La Vida. de Cristo.—Stalker. 4. Los Metodistas.—Faulkner. § 4. TrrceR ANO Para examen: . Biblia. (Mateo a Romanos.) La Hermenéutica Sagrada.—Terry,. . Hombres sin Temor.—R. H. Walker. . Elementos de Etica.—Muirhood. . Sermon escrito. on 69 be 689 > { 656 CouRsES or Stupy—SPANISH o Para leer: 1. La Personalidad del Divino Maestro—H: 2#. Fosdick, } 2., Vida de Pablo.—Stalker. 3. Analisis del Romanismo.—Phillips. 4. Las Ensefianzas de Jests.—H. F. Rall. § 5. Cuarto ANO Para examen: 1. Biblia. (1. Corintios a Apocalipsis.) 2. Las Creencias de la Humanidad.—Z. D. Soper. 3. La Vida en, su. Proceso de. Formacién. me ocs autores.) 4. Bosquejo de la Doctrina Cristiana.—W. N. Clarke. 5. Sermoén escrito. Para leer: 1. La. Ciencia al Dia. 2. El Hombre de Galilea.—Haygood. 3. Jesucristo, su Realidad y su _ Significado.—P. Carnegie Simpson. 4, Job, Drama de la Vida Interior.—R. G. Moulton. 1656. Curso de Estudios para los Perdicadores Locales § 1. CANDIDATOS 1. La Biblia y sus Doctrinas—Conocimientos Gen- erales. 2. El Catecismo Primero de la Iglesia Metodista. 38. La Disciplina. (Constitucién y Parte I.) § 2. Primer ANO Para examen: 1. Biblia. (Genesis a Ester.} Condirecciones del libro: “FE Cristiano y su Biblia,” durante todo el curso. 2. Vida de Cristo.—Stalker. 690 CouRSES OF STUDY-—-SPANISH f 656 3. Hl Predicador.—Braden. 4, La Disciplina. (Partes II, III y IV.) Para leer: 1. La vida de Plenitud—WM. Torregrosa. __ 2. Juan Wesley, su Vida su Obra.—Lelievre. § 3. SzeguNDO ANO Para examen: 1. Biblia. (Job a Malaqufas.) 2. La Fe Practica del Cristiano.— Hough. 8. Los Metodistas.—Faulkner. 4, Sermon escrito. Para leer: 1. La Disciplina. (Partes V-IX.) 2. Trabajo Person con los Individuos.—Trumbull. § 4. TerRcER ANO Para examen: 1. Biblia. (Mateo a Romanos.) 2. Vida de Pablo.—Stalker. 3. La Extension del Cristianismo.—Pablo Hutchinson. Para leer: 1. El Hombre de Galilea.~—Haygood. 2. La Magia Blanca.—A. F.. Wesley. | 8. La Personalidad del Divino Maestro.—Fosdick. § 5. Cuarto ANO Para examen: 1. Manual de la Doctrina Cristiana.—Banks. 2. La Hermenéutica Sagrada.—Terry. 3. Sermon escrito. Para leer: 1. La Fascinacioén del Libro.—Work. . 2. Andlisis del,,.Romanismo.—Phillips. 691 7 657 Courses or Stupy—SpanisH 9657. Curso de Estudios para las Diaconisas § 1. ADMISION A PRUEBA Para examen: 1. Educaci6én primaria—Gramitica, arithmética,, geo- grafia, historia patria e historia de las Américas. 2. Catecismo Primero de la Iglesia Metodista. 3. La postulante tendré que estar preparada para escribir un articulo de 1,000 palabras sobre uno de los temas siguientes, empleando solamente la materia encon- trada en la Biblia: La Vida de Moisés La Vida de Jests La Vida de Pablo. Para leer: 1. La Vida de Plenitud, Torregrosa, o El Evangelio del Espiritu Santo.— Wesley. § 2. PrrimeR ANO Para examen: 1. El Cristiano y su Biblia. (Sobre el Antiguo Testa- mento. ) 2. La Vida de Cristo.—Stalker. 3. La Fe Practica del Cristiano. Hough. Para leer: 1. La Extensién del Cristianismo— Pablo Hutchinson. 2. La Fascinacién del Libro.— Work. 3. Trabajo Personal con los Individuos.—Trumbull. 4. El Hogar Social.—WMiller. § 3. Szgunpo ANO Para examen: 1. El Cristiano y su Biblia. (Sobre el Nuevo Testa- mento. ) 2. Vida de Pablo.—Stalker. 3. La Hermenéutica Sagrada.—Terry. 692 CouRSES OF Stupy—PortuauEsE { 658 Para leer: 1. La Personalidad deb Divino Maestro.—Fosdick. 2. La Magia Blanca.— Wesley. 3. Los Metodistas.—Faulkner. 4. El Hogar Higiénico.—WMiller, N. B. Todo este estudio esta basado en las Direcciones y Auxilios para este curso. PORTUGUESE COURSE 1658. Curso de Estudo Para os Pregadores Portuguese § 1. Para ApmissAo OM HEXXPERIENCIA 1. Educacéo elemental—Portuguez, Arithmetica, Geo- graphia. 2. Disciplina, Capitulos I e II. 3. Historia Nacional e Universal. 4. Catecismo Primeiro da Egreja Methodista. 5. Sermoes de Wesley, sobre Justificacio pela Fé e Testemunho do. Espirito. 6. Relatorio escripto de conversaodo eee e da vocacao para ministerio. § 2. I ANNO 1. Historia, Doutrina e Interpretacéo da Biblia (An- gus-Green), Caps. 17-21. 2. Principios da Interpretacaéo da Biblia, por Barrows. 8. Manual de Evidencias de Christianismo por Fisher, 4. Disciplina, Caps. III-VI. 5. Vida de Christo, Stalker. 6. Sermfio escripto sobre arrependemento, Books to read: 1. Sermoes de Wesley, Vol. I. 2. Noites Com os Romanistas. 3. Historia Eeccelsiastica.—Thiago Whary. 693 { 658 Courses or Stupy—PorRTUGUESE § 3. II ANNo . Historia, Doutrina e Interpretacio da Biblia, Caps. Manual de Doutrine Christiana.—Banks. Escola Dominical om Actividado.—Faris. Homiletica.—Burt. Disciplina, Caps. VII-X VII. . Vida de Sao Paulo.—Stalker. . Serm4o escripto sobre, Justificacao. NPR ON Op Books to read: 1. Wesley e 0 Seculo Pelle-—Fitchett. 2. Translation, ‘“‘Personal..Salvation.”—Tillett. 3. Innovacdes de Romanismo. § 4. III Anno 1. Historia, Doutrina e MInterpretacio da _ Biblia, Caps. 10-16. 2. Ethica.—King. 3. Historia de la Iglesia Christiana (la e 2a Parte). —Hurst. 4, Disciplina, Caps. XVIII-XXVII. 5. Sermfo escripto, sobre Testemunho do Espirito. Books to read: 1. Esboco de Theologia.—Clarke, pages 1-226. 2. Historia da Reforma.—Lindsay, Leia-sevida de Luthero. 3. Translation of Bible Dictionary.— Davis. § 5. IV ANNO 1. Consideracoes Sobre a Biblia.—Rodriguez. 2. Psycologia. 3. Historia de la Iglesia Christiana (38a e 4a Partes). —Hurst. 4. Disciplina, Caps. I-X XVII. 5. Serméao escripto sobre Regeneracao. 694 CoursEs oF Stupy—Butcartan J 659 Books to read: 1. Esboco de Théolbeta’ ¢ por Clarke, pages 227-482. 2. Translation of ‘Our Lord’s Teaching.”’—Robertson. 3. Translation of ‘Skilled Labor for Sk Master.’’— Hendriz. 7659. BULGARIAN COURSE § 1. RECEPTION ON TRIAL Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Bible History. (New Testament.)—South. — Life of Wesley.—JLelievre. (First half of the book.) Ancient History.—_-Dermancheff. Bulgarian History.—Bobcheff. . Bulgarian Syntax.—WMercheff. . Bulgarian Orthography.—Oonstantinoff. . Catechism Number 2. A short written statement of the Christian ex- perience of the candidate and his call to preach the gos- pel. ID OV bp § 2. Fisr YEAR . Apologetics.—Luthardt. (Part I.) . Life of Wesley.—Lelievre. (Last half of the book.) History of the Middle Ages.—Dermancheff. Theory of Prose.—Angeloff. . Binney’s Compend. : . Evidences of Christianity. (First half of the book.) . Homiletics.— Burt. . A written sermon on the Fall of Man, or on the Atonement. To be read: 1. Imago Christi.—Stalker. 2. Natural Theology.—Tsanoff. § 3. SEconND YEAR 1. Apologetics—Luthardt. (Part II.) 2. Exegesis.—The Gospel of Luke.—Riggs. 695 MAH op wre { 659 CoursEsS oF Stupy—BvuLGARIAN 3. Evidences of Christianity. (Second. half of the book.) ) . Life of Christ.—Stalker. | . Modern History.—Dermancheff. . Theory of Poetry.—Angeloff. . History of Bulgarian Literature.—Mircheff. . The Person of Christ.—WSchaff. . . A written sermon on Justification by Faith. To be read: Is the Bible the True Word of God?—Holway. Oot Oe § 4. Tuirp YEAR. . Psychology.—Plechanoff. . Christian Baptism paar . Ethics.—Janet. Contemporaneous History cong yas . Church History.—Giesler. (First half of ‘the i OV 09 bo poe) 6. Logic.—Plechanoff. (First half of the book.) 7. Life of Saint Paul.—Stalker. 8. How to Bring Souls to Christ.—Torrey. 9. Exegesis. Gospel of John.—Riggs. 10. A. written sermon on Regeneration, or on Sancti- fication. § 5. FourtH YEAR . Logic.—Plechanoff.. (Last half of the book.) . Church History.—Giesler. (Last half of the book.) . History of. Civilization —Guwizot. Fundamental Truths of the Christian Faith. . Pastoral Theology.—Kidder. . Exegesis: Epistle to the Hebrews.—Riggs. . Exegesis: Epistle to the Romans.—Riggs. . Tongue of Fire.—Arthur. To be read: 1. Valor.—Wagner.. 2. Heredity.—Bradford. MAHI WSDe 696 Courses or Stupy—FrrencH ¥ 660 FRENCH COURSE ]660. Program des Etudes et Lectures Pour les Evangelistes § 1. ADMISSION SOUS EPROUVE 1. Catechisme (y compris les Doctrines et Principes de lEglise Méthodiste Episcopale). 2. Discipline de |’Hglise Méthodiste’ Episcopale. 3. Histoire Biblique. A. Jéovah.—Westphal. B. Le Nouveau Testament, par Paul Fagues. 4. Histoire de l’Kglise Méthodiste Episcopale-—Jer- rert, (Traduction.—Lieure.) 5. Doctrine Chrétienne.—Rabut. . 6 Sermon écrit. A Lire: 1. Sermons de Wesley. (Vol. I.) 2. Vie de Wesley.—Lieure. 3. Discourse.—Finney. 4. La langue de Feu.—Arthur. (Traduction Francaise.) 5. Les Pionniers Américaine.—Leliévre. § 2. PREMIERE ANNEE 1. Introduction Biblique; Ancien testament; Le Penta- teuque, les livres historiques.—Schlatter. 2. Homilétique.—Vinet. 3 Philosophie, Histoire de la Philosophie-— Weber (300 pages environ.) 4, Histoire. Cours complet d’Histoire—Malet. (Vol. I. Antiquité. ) 5. Littérature francaise—Doumic. 6. Théologie dogmatique-——Bovon. (Lére moitié.) A Lire: 1. La Vie de Jésus.—Préssensé. 697 { 660 Courses or Stupy—FRENcH 2. Traité d’Homilétique.—Burt. 3. La Palestine.—Bovet. Zi § 3. DEUXIEME ANNEE 1. Introduction Biblique (Ancien ,Testament: Hagio- graphes, Prophétes) .—Schlatter. 2. Histoire, cours complet.—Malet. (Vol. II.) 3. Philosophie, Histoire de la Philosophie—Weber (fin du Vol.). 4. Histoire de 1l’Eglise.—Chastel. 5. Théologie dogmatique-—Bovon. (2é@me moitié.) A Lire: 1. Histoire des Protestants de France.— Felice. 2. De la Révocation 4 la Révolution.—Leliévre. 3. Exquisse de la Philosophie de la Religion.—A. Sa- batier. 4. Experience Religieuse——James. (Traduction Abau- zit. ) § 4. TroIsIkME ANNEE 1. Histoire, cours complet.—Malet.. (Voi. IIT.) 2. Introduction Biblique: Nouveau Testament.— Fargues. 3. Philosophie.—Boirac. (p. 1 4 812.) 4. Théologie morale—Bovon. (Vol. I.) 5. Exégése Saint Paul.—Bonnet. (Hpitre aux Ro- mains. ) A Lire: 1. Le Christianisme Social.—Fallot. 2. La Philosophie de la Croix.—Gindrauza. 3. Histoire de la Bible en France.—Lortsch, § 5. QUATRIEME ANNEE 1. Histoire, cours complet.—Malet... (Vol. IV.) 2. Apologétique. Mission Historique de Jésus.—H. Monnier. ; 3. Théologie morale-—Bovon. (Vol. III.) 698 CoursEs or Stupy—Dzraconzssrs § 662 4, Exégése Saint Paul.—de Faye. 5. Philosophie. Boirac. (812 4 516.) A Lire: 1. Saint Esprit.—Tophel. 2. Valeur de l’Experience religieuse.—Bois. 3. Apologétique du Christianisme.—Berthoud. 4, Le Christ et la Pensée moderne,—Gindrauz. {| 661. NOTE—OTHER COURSES For Courses presented in Ojibway, and. in. the lan- guages of Africa, India, Malaysia, China, and Korea, see the Year Books of Annual. Conferences. and Mis- sions. | 662. FOR DEACONESSES [Prepared by The General Deaconess Board] This Course of Study went into effect May Iist,, 1921., “Directions and Helps” for the Course are now available and these ‘‘Directions and Helps” .are to be regarded as among the requirements of the ‘‘Course.” Graduates of recognized Training Schools are. exempt from these studies and certificates of credit covering any of the following books or their equivalents may: be ac- cepted by the Conference Deaconess Board. A graduate of a registered hospital of our Church or of any other hospital approved by the General Deaconess Board, is exempt from this Course of Study except: those sections on Bible, Church History, and the Discipline. § 1. ADMISSION ON PROBATION The candidate for Probationary Deaconess, who is not a graduate of a recognized Training School or registered hospital, is expected to meet the following ‘requirements : 1. Pass examinations in the following books: 699 { 662 Courses or Stupy—D£EACONESSES Art of Writing English.—Brown-Barnes. The Life of John Wesley.— Winchester. The Bible—Its Origin and Nature.—Dods. The Deaconess Movement.—Golder. . Directions and Helps. OU oo bo 2. Write the following: 1. An essay of one thousand words on Sunday School Work based on Organization and Administration of Religious Education.—Stout. 2. The candidate shall be prepared to write a paper of not less than six hundred words upon one of the following subjects, using only the materials found in the Bible: The Life of Moses. The Life of Paul. 3. During the period of probation pursue the following Course of Study: § 2. First YEAR THE Brsat—E—NeEw TESTAMENT. For study: New Testament History.—Rall. To be read: Paul and His Epistles— Hayes. CHurcH History AND CHRISTIAN MISSIONS. For study: A Short History of the Christian Church.—Moncrief. To be read: Social Aspects of Foreign Missions.—Faunce. The New Home Missions.—Douglas. RELIcIous EDUCATION. For study: Childhood and Doeeracr —Hartshorne. To be read: How to Teach Religion.—Betts. 700 Courses oF Stupy—DEAcONESSES { 662 » SocroLoGy AND SocraL SERVICE. For study: Society, Its Origin and Development.—Rowe. To be read: Jesus Christ and the Social Question.—Peabody. EVANGELISM AND CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. For study: Everyday Evangelism.—Leete. To be read: Selections from John Wesley.—Welch. § 3. Srconp YEAR THE BrstE—OuLpD TESTAMENT. For study: Studies in the Old Testament—Morgan-TYaylor, To be read: The Beacon Lights of Prophecy.—Knudson. CuurcH History AND CHRISTIAN MISSIONS. For study: Abridged History of Methodism.—Stevens. Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Edis tion of 1920. To be read: The Faiths of Mankind.—VSoper. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. For study: Religious Education and Democracy.— Winchester. To be read: The Graded Sunday School in Principle and Prae- tice—M eyer. A Working Program for a Local Church.—Cook. SocroLogy AND SOCIAL SERVICE. For study: Christianizing the Social Order.—Rauschenbusch. 701 { 662 CoursEs or Stupy—DEACONESSES To be read: Christianizing Community Life-——Ward «and -Hdwards. Friendly Visiting Among the Poor, au eebRinond. Curistian DoctRINE. For study: . The Theology of a Methodist. —Huse. To be read: The Main Points Ph Fede 702 INDEX aut nia Wiiting sree Fe. Ah > Gitar eres Tha seh ens windy: iis F theolage at “ Meth TURN EY Ce vi “ hig, Titwia, Phe “B ies q 663. INDEX {Numbers refer to Paragraphs unless otherwise indicated.] A Absence: Leave of, Conference Question, 80 §27; to Effective Minis- ter, 186 Pastor from Charge, 191 Abstinence: Evidence of Desire for Salva- tion (General Rules), 32 Acquittal: Power of Annual Conference, 82 Administrative Boards and Societies: American Bible, 555 Book Committee, Area Mem- bers, 546 §1; Executive Com- mittee, 546 §2 Chartered Fund, Trustees, 559 Corporate Names, with Names of States, 562 Education, 549-552 Department of Educational Institutions Department of Educational Institutions for Negroes Department. of Church Schools Department of Epworth League Foreign Missions, 547 General Conference Commis- sions, Church Music, 563 §6; Courses of Study, 563 §1; Federation, 563 §5; Federa- tion of Colored Churches, 563 §3; Unification, 563 §2; World Peace, 563. §4 Home Missions and Church Extension, 548 Hospitals and Homes and Dea- coness Work, 557, page 525 John Street, Trustees, 561 Methodist Episcopal Church, Trustees, 560 Administrative Boards and Societies (continued): Pensions and Relief, 554 Temperance, Prohibition, and Public Morals, 556 University Senate, 553 World Service Commission, 558 Admission into Church: Affiliated Membership, 57 By Certificate, 55 $1, §2, §3, §4, §5, 182 §3; when Given, 56 §1 Duty of Pastor, 48 §5, 182 §3 From Orthodox Evangelical Church, 48 §4 Full Membership, Reception of Baptized Children, 53; Re- ception of Baptized Mem- bers under Instruction, 48 §3 Pastor’s Family, 55 §6 Preparatory Membership, chil- dren, 50, 51; Duty of Pastor, 51, 182 §3; Instruetion dur- ing, 48 §2; Privileges, 48 §2 Recommendation for Full Membership, Official Board or Leaders and Stewards, 48 §3, 53 Records, Examination by Com- mittee, 110 §1; kept, 48 §5; preserved, 110 §1 Report, to Annual Conference, 91 §1; to Quarterly Confer- ence, 48 §5, 110 §2 Ritual for Reception, Adults as Preparatory Members, 526; Adults from Prepara- tory Membership, 527; Chil- dren as Members, 528 Two Forms for Reception, 48 1 Admission into Conference: By Readmission, Conference Question, 80° §3; of Located Minister, 164 705 { 663 INDEX {Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Admission into Conference (continued): By Transfer, Conference Ques- tion, 80 §2; from: Missionary: Field, 203; Notice by. Bishop, 207 §12 Into Full Membership, Admis- sion, 161-163; Conference Question, 80 §8 On Credentials, from Other Churches, Conference Ques- tion, 80 §4; Manner of, 165 - §$1, 3,4 On Trial, by Annual or Mission Conference, 156-160; Con- ference Question, 80 §5; from another Methodist Church, 165 §5 Readmission, 164 Advices, Special: Amusements, 69 Christian ivauedl Bes (of Pos- sessions, Personality, Prayer), ae Pastor’s Duty, 182 §17 Divorce, 68, 264 §1 Dress, 66 Marriage, 67 Power of Central Conference, 95 §2.(3) Power of Central Mission Con- ference, 95A §2 (5) Quarterly Conference Question, 108 §10 Slavery, 65 Temperance, Beverages, 70 $1; Tobacco, 70 §2 Advocates: Conference or Local Papers, 403 Costs, 397 §13 Contributing Editor, 397 Editorial Council, 397 §11 Editors, Duties of, 401; Elec; tion of, 396,.397 §1, §2, §3, $4, §5, §6, $7, §8, 398, 400 Good. Literature Day, 398. §14 Names of, 397 §10 Pittsburgh Advocate, Election of . Editor, 398; Publishing Committee, 402 Post. Office. Addresses: of Edi- tors, 543 Secretary of Good. Literature, to circulate, 107.§8 Advocates (continued): Uniform Matter, Cost of, 397 §12; Pages of, 397 §10 Affiliated Members: Counted in Home Church, 57 When at School, 57 Africa: Courses of Study, 661 Episcopal Area, 575 Post Office Address of Bishop, 539 Aid Societies: Annual Conference, Income from, 343 §5; Preachers’, Establishment of, 335 Ladies’, Inquiry of. District Conference, 101 §6; Inquiry of District Superintendent, 378 §3; Organization, 378 §1; Pastor, Duty of, 182~-§13, 378 §4; President, Member of District. Conference, ‘97; President, Member of Quar- terly Conference, 104, 107 §9, 108 §55, 378 §2; President, Report to District. Confer- ence, 102. §310; President, Re- port to Quarterly Conference, 108 §1311, 378. §2; Quarterly athe! Oversight, 107 Alabama Conference: Boundaries of, 518 §1 (1) Alaska; Mission: Discontinuance of; 518 §38 (1) Alcoholic Beverages: - Special Advice on, 70 §1 Alms: ’ To the Poor (diticle), 24 Amendments to Constitu- tion: No Minister voting twice, 38 3 ' No. Minister voting unless Present, 599 §3 Recommendation and Vote of Annual Conference, 47 706 INDEX { 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] American Bible Society: Advisory Council, Representa- tive on, 555, 576 Appointment to, 208 §3 (6) Appropriation to, 576 Collection for, Annual Presen- tation, 576; Pastor’s Duty, 182 §24 General Conference Report and Recommendations, 576’ Office and Officers, 545, 555 State Auxiliaries, Appointment to, 208 §3 (6) Universal Bible Sunday, 576 World Service | Commission, Advisory Member on, 407 §1 American Methodists: Liberty after 1783 (Historical Statement), page 8 Amusements: Reproof and Trial, 280 Special. Advice on, 69 Taking of Diversions (General Rules), 30 Angola Mission Conference: Boundaries, 512 §2 (4) In South Africa Central Con- ference, 521 (1) Anniversaries: Conference Claimants, 336 §1 Edueation, 460 §3 (7) Epworth League, 478 §5 Foreign Missions, 424 §2 Temperance, 490 §6 Annual Conference: Absence, Leave of, Conference Question, 80 §27; to Effec- tive Minister, 186 _ Absence from Charge, by Pas- tor, 191 Acquittal, Power of, 82 Administration, Errors of, 264 Admission, into Full Member- an 161-163; Question, 80 8 ' Admission on Trial, Comple- tion of Course within Hight Years, 169 §3 Agents, Appointment of, 208 707 Annual Conference (cont'd): §4 (1), (2), (4)-(6); for Debts on Churches, 359 Aid Societies, Establishment of Preachers’, 335; Income from Investments, 343 §5 Amendments to Constitution, no Minister voting twice, 38 §3; no Minister voting un- less Present, 599 §3; Recom- mendation and Vote of An- nual Conference, 47 ei so ey: Subject of, 69 Anniversaries, Claimants, 336 §1;, Education, 460 §3: (7); Epworth League, 478 §5; Foreign Missions, 424 §2; Temperance, 490 §6 Annuity Claim, Time of Pay- ing, 339 §7 Appeal, Death during, 598 §2; from Bishop’s Decision, 207 §11, 313 §13;,Grounds of Re- versal, 313 §12; in Conference not Accessible, 297; in Con- ference not in United States, 297; of Conference Member, 292-297, 300; of » Local Preacher, 304; on Question of Law, 313 §14; Order of, on Law Questions, 313 §13; Right of, 46 §5, 263, 296; when deprived of Ministerial Office, 263 Appeals, Triers of, Conference Question, 80 §28 Appointments, by Bishop, 207 §3, 208; Conference’ Ques- tion, 80 §39; Deaconesses, 494 §$§59, 6; in Interval of Session, 190 §3, 207 §6; left without, to attend School, 80 §14, 211§ Preacher entitled to, 602 $1; Special, 208 §§3, 4; Two-thirds Vote neces- sary; 208 §§3, 4; under City Society, 441 §3 Areas, Contiguous and» Con- tinuous Episcopal. Super- vision, 573; Groupings of Conferences, 74 §2, 575 Attendance required, 36, 75; no Vote for Delegates or Amendments without, 602 $3 { 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs, ]} Annual Conference (cont’d): Annual Conference (cont'd): Auditing and Bonding, Persons holding Funds, 3 Auditing Committee, urer’s Accounts, 88 §8 Benevolences, Forwarding by Local Treasurer, as directed, 111 §9 (2), 320 (b); in Be- nevolence Budget, 111 §4 (3), Treas- 111 §8 (2); ‘Inquiry by Bishop, 87; Obligations of Conference, ' 85; Question, 80 §33 (a), (b); Pastor, 88 §§3, 4 Bishop, Appeal from Decision, 207 §11, 313 §13; Appoint- ments by, 207 §3, 208; er- roneous Theological Teaching in Schools, 212; Obedience to Law, not to submit Question of, 600 §1; Presidency, Duty of, 207 §1; when Absent, Duty of District Superin- tendent, 190. §§2, 3; when no Bishop, 216 Boards, Church Locdtion and Erection, 84, 448; Deaconess, A494; Education, 460 §§1,-2, 3; Foreign Missions, 424; Home Missions, etc., 447; Sunday Schools, 472; Temperance, etc., 490 §6 Book Concern, Accounts due, 392 §1; Committee on Peri- odicals, Publications, and Collections, 86, 392 §1; Debt of Claimant, 341 §7; Debt of Member locating, 169 §2; Debt of Minister, 392 §2; Draft due Conference, 393; Produce to Foreign Confer- ences, 589; Report of Book Committee, 882 §1; Report of Publishing Agents, 391 §1; Vacancy in Book Committee, 380 §1 Boundaries, Bishop’s Approval of Readjustment, 511 §2; Di- vision or Absorption of Con- ferences, 511 §3; Enabling Acts, 512 §3, 513 §3, 514 §3, 5160 §3). $517#9$3919518 §3; Enabling Acts in Force for one Quadrennium, 523 (1); English-Speaking Mission in Report of 708 - Character, India, Discontinuance, 523 (6); Foreign-Speaking _Con- ferences in United . States, Commission, 523 (3); Gen- eral Conference Committee, Appointment and Report, 511 §1; General Conference Committee, Final Authority, 511 (Note), 523 (2); in For- eign Countries, 512 §1, §2, 513 §1, §2, 514 §1, §2, 516 §1, §2, 517 §1, §2; in Latin America, 515....§§1,).;.2;;;in United States and. Terri- tories, 518 §§1, 2; Legal Notice of Readjustment, 511 §4, 606; Mutual Readjust- ment, 511 §2; Supernumer- ary and Retired Ministers, Membership unaffected by Change, 599 §2;° Southern Asia Central Conference, Report, 523 (4); Transfer of Churches authorized, 523 (5) Central Conference, Delegates of Annual Conferences in, 95 §1 (1), (2); Number, of '‘Con- ferences in, 95 §2 (12); Or- ganization of Annual’ Con- ference in, 95 §2 (12); Power to fix Boundaries of Con- ferences, 95 §2, (12); Ratifi- cation. of Central ‘Mission Conference as, 95 §2° (17); Supervision by, 95 §2 (1) Central Mission Conference, Annual Conferences in, 95A §1 (1), (2), §2 (10); becoming a Central Conference, 95 §2 (17); Power to fix Boun- daries of Annual Conferences, 95A §2 (10); Supervision by, 95A §2 (1); Vote by Confer- ences, 95 §2 (9) Chairman of Delegation, Papers from Judiciary Committee, 300 Examination of, Question, 80 §15 Charges, Refusal to Entertain, 608 §3 Charges, United, 213, 604 Chartered Fund, Dividends from, 80 §35 (a), 509 §4; INDEX | 663 {Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Annual Conference (cont'd): Annual! Conference (cont'd): Drafts on, 509 §5; Informa- tion regarding, 509 §4; Sub- _ scriptions for, 509 §§2, 3 Church Location and Erection, District Board, 34, 448 Church Property, Deeded to Conference, 356 §1; Endow- ment Fund, 361; Mortgage and Sale, 360; no Bond by Trustees, 356 §2; Parsonages, Building and Renting, 364- 368; Parsonages deeded to Conference, 356 §1; Proceeds of Abandoned Property, 362, 363 §1 Churches consolidated, 213, 604 City Societies, Interest in, 442 §3 Claim of Suspended or expelled member, 2 Claimants, Antibes aegto 336 §1; Apportionments 5 Charges, 80 §36, 337; Col- lection in ‘Ministerial Sup- port,’ 90 §4; Connectional Relief, 487-489; Draft from Board of Pensions, 489; Joint Session with Lay Elec- toral Conference, 336 §2; Questions at Annual Con- ference, 80 §$§34-37; Report of Board of Pensions, 489; Representative on General Board, 484 §1; Support of, 333-344 Collections, Aggregate of Be- nevolent, 80 §33 (a), (b) Collection of Accounts, Com- mittee on, 86, 392 §1 Commission on Finance, 328 §$1-6 Complaints, Dismissal no Bar, 611 §2; New, 611 §2; Power of Conference to hear, 82, 611 §3; Refusal to Entertain, 608 §3 “Complaints,’’ Meaning of, 611 LARSEN OR, Amendments to, 4 Continuous Body, 605 §1 Courses of Study, 620-662 Credentials, Delegates to Gen- eral Conference, 40; Recep- 709 tion into Annual Conference on, 980.0" $4, #165. §33)4 167; Restoration of, 301-303 Deaconesses, Board of, 494; Consecration, 536; Inspector in Europe, 498 §2; Institu- tions, 491 §2, 496 §2 Deacons, Election of, 80 §8& (a)-(c), §9 (b), §12, 83, 174, 176, 181; Ordination of, 80 §8 (a)—(d), §9 (b), $12, 83, 207 §10; Ritual for Ordina- tion, 535 Deaths, Conference Question, 80 §17 Delegates to General Confer- ence, Election of, 38 §2; no Minister counted or voting twice, 38 §8; Number of, 38 §1; Qualifications of, 38 §2; Reserves, 38 §2; to Extra Session of General Confer- ence, 41 §3 Discontinuance, Question, 80 §7 District Conference, Record from, 100 District Superintendent, \ Ap- peal from Decision, 190 §18, 313 §138; Appointment of, 189, 208 §2; Certificate to Preacher }gon seiraletgn21 1: Debts due Book Concern, 392 §2; Employment of Preacher on ‘Trial, 211; Employment of — rejected Preacher, 192; Errors of Law, 264 §2; Foreign Mis- sions, District Secretary, 426; Place of Conference Session, 77; Report on Ministerial Support and Benevolent: Causes, 87; Report on Lit- erary and Theological Insti- tutions, 190 §13 Conference _ Divorce, Violation of Advice, 264 §1 Education, Anniversary, 460 §3: (7); Auxiliaries of Board, 456; Conference Board, Duty of, 460 §§1-8; Conference Board, Organization of, 460: $1; Income of Children’s. Fund, 455 §38; Official Ap- { 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Annual Conference (cont'd): Annual Conference (cont'd): portionment and Excess, 455 86; Schools, Colleges, Uni- versitieS, 458 §§3, 4; Treas- urer to report, 460 §4 Elders, Election of, 80 §11 (a)—- (d), $13, 83, 177-181; Ordina- tion of, 80 $11, §138, 83, 177- 181, 207. §10; Ritual for Ordination, 534 Election and Ordination at Conference, 83 Epworth League, Anniversary of, 478 §5; in Annual Con- ference, 484 §3 Errors of Administration, Pre- sented in Writing, 264 §3 Errors of Law, Corrected by President, 264 §2 Evangelists, at Large, Ap- pointment of, 209; Confer- tt Appointment of, 208 §4 8) Examinations, Certificates in, 615; Method of, 616 Expense, in Local Budget, 111 36 (5) Expulsion, Claims after, 299; Continuance of, 298; Power of Conference regarding, 82; Question, 80 §23 False Doctrine, Member dis- seminating, 254, 255 Foreign Conferences, Book Concern Produce to, 589 Foreign Language Conferences, Report, 571 Foreign Missions, Board of, An- niversary, 424 §2; Committee on Finance in Foreign Field, 418 §1; Conference Board, 423; District Secretaries, 426; Mission organized as Confer- ence, Administration of, 421 §3; Missionaries in Japan, 422 $1; Report, Question, 80 §30 General Conference, Election of Delegates to, 38, 39 §§4, 5; Expenses of next Conference, 384 §1 General Conference Commis- sions, Expense of, 384 §1 Home Missions, Board of, In- formation from, 4385 §8; Re- port, Question, 80 §29 710 Hospitals and Homes, Confer- ence Board, 505 §3; Indorse- ment of, 501 Incorporation, Conference Question, 80 §1 (1); wherever Practicable, 74 §1 Investigation, Preliminary, 252-255, 257-261; Trial with- out, 262 Irregular Proceedings as to Church Membership, 597 §§1, 2 Japan, Membership of Mission- aries, 422 $1 Joint Session with Lay Elec- toral Conference, 336 §2 Journals, Examination of, 79, 567 §11; Report on, 568; Return of, 567 §12; Standard Table for, 567° $$1-10 Judicial Conference, Expense of, 384 §1; Findings in Min- utes, 295 Law, Application of, 207 §11; Decision of Questions by Bishop, 207 §11; Errors of, 264 §2 Lay Male Missionaries, as As- sociate Members, 423 Laymen in, 611 Leave of Absence, Conference Question, 80 §27; Granting of, 186 Local Preachers, Appeal of, 304; Endowment Fund for Retired, 226; Ordination as Deacons, 80 §12 (a), 176 §$1, 2; Ordination as Elders, 80 §13 (a),/179 §1; Recogni- tion of Orders, 80 §24 (1), 165 §1, §2, 220 §3; Relief of, 609; Return of Credentials, 273 §2 Location, at own Request, 169 §1; Book Concern Debt, 169 §2; Conference Questions, 80 §§18, 19; if Course of Study not completed, 169 §3; Quar- terly Conference Member- ship of Minister, 169 $1, 221 $4. Maladministration, Minister answerable, 264 §1 Membership terminated by INDEX {| 663 {Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Annnal Conference . (cont’d):.. Annual Conference. (cont'd): Judicial Procedure, 82, 173, 265, 266; by Location,; 169 LraSha by. Surrender of Office, 170; by Deprivation of Office, 80 §21, 171; by Withdrawal, 80.,.§20, §22, 172, 269; for Unacceptability, 17], 263 Ministerial Qualifications, Committee on, 81 §7 Mission Conference, Powers’ of ‘Annual ‘Conference, 96 §2 Mission, Foreign, Organization as Conference,’ 421. §3 Missionaries, Widows, and Or- phans, Support of, 417 §2 Missions, Recommendations for Admission on Trial, 449. §2 Negotiations discouraged, 605 ‘Number, in Central. Confer- ence, 95 §2: (12); in Central Mission ‘Conference, 95A §1 Ms fea §2 (10); in Church, Medes in Central Mission Conference, 95A §2 (10); requisite for Organization, 46 §2; Status not affected by lesser Number, 605 §2 Office and Credentials, Depri- vation of, 82 besiieis bonded, Question, 80 1 anes Positions, «Ministers in, 168 On Trial, Continuation on, 80 6 Order of Business, 80 . Orders, Preacher not passing Examinations, 600 §1; Roman Catholic Priest, 600 §2 Ordination at Conference, 83 Organization by General Con- ference, 36, 46 §2 Other Churches, Ministers from, 80: §4, 165 §3, §4, 85, 166, 167; Union with, 609 Papers, Conference or Local, 403 Periodicals, Committee on, 86, 392 §1 Personal Notation, Other, Con- ference Question, 80 924 Postgraduate Course, 210 §2 President of, 78, 207 §1 Pro Rata Distribution, Inquiry 711 Publications, of Bishop, 87; Plan for, 327, 328 $7 Committee on, 86,392, §1 Quarterly Conference, Minis- ters from other Evangelical Churches;: 165..§2;: Ministers located, 169 §1, 221 §4; Min- isters without Appointment, attending Schcol, 207 §5 Readmission, Conference Ques- - tion, 80 §3; of Located Min- isters, 164, 169 §1 ‘Reception on Trial; Committee on Relations to Examine, 81 §2; Conference. Question, 80 §5; General Statements, 156— 160; Studies required, 617 §2: Records, Kept, 79; examined, 567, 568; of District Confer- ence, 100 Rejected. Preacher, ment of, 192 Relations, Committee on, Du- ties of, 81. §§2-6; Election, 81. §1; Recommendation of Retired Relation, 188 §2; Recommendation of Super- numerary Relation, 187 Reproof, Power of, 82 Retired Ministers, Certificate to Conference, 188 §3; Change of Boundaries, Mem- bership not. affected, 602 §2; Conference Question, 80 §26; Distribution of Moneys, 340- 344; Relation granted, 188 §$1, 2 Rights of Ministers, against Errors of Administration, - 264 §3 Rules, Adoption and Amend- ment, 602 §1 Rural Societies, 444 Secretary, Certificates of Elec- tion to Delegates, 40; Cus- todian of Records, in Trials, 309. §3; Documentary Evi- dence in. Trial, Preservation of, 596 §2; Drafts on-Char- tered Fund, to be Counter- signed, 509 §5; Notice of Appeal from Condemned Person, 296; Presentation of Employ- { 663 INDEX {Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Annual Conference (cont'd): Annual Conference (cont’d): Appeal to Conference, 313 §14; Record of Conference Proceedings, 79; Statement from Appellate Court, 313 §12; Transfer, Notice of, 207 §12; Trial, in Presence of, 265 §3; Trial, Record of Pro- ceedings to, 265 §3 Sessions, Length of, 76; Place of, 77, 80 §40; Special, 41 §3; Times of, 76 ar saan Report, Question, 80 Statistician, Appointment of, 88 §1; Blanks for, 89 §§1, 3; Duties of, 88 §2, §5, §6, §7, 90 §3 Statistics, Pastor’s Report, 90 §1, 91, 183 §1 Stewards, Duties of, 339 §§2-4, §§7, 8; Election of, 339 §1; Report to Board of Pensions, 339 §8, 488 §2 Supernumerary Ministers, Cer- tificate to Conference, 187; Change of Boundaries, Mem- bership not affected, 602 §2; Conference Question, 80 §25; ana defined and granted, 18 Surrender of Office by Member, 80 §20 (c), 170 Suspension of Minister, Claim during, 299; Claim, if guilty, 299; Continuance of, 298; Power of Conference, 82 Sustentation Fund Societies, 80 §38, 324 ‘Temperance, Conference Board, 490 §6 Transfer, Conference Ques- tions, 80 §§2, 16; from or to Mission Field, 203; Notice by Bishop, 207 §12; Right of Preacher to Appointment, 599 $1 ‘Treasurer, Appointment of, 88 §1; Blanks of, 89 §§1, 3; Draft from Board of Pen- sions, 489; Duties of, 88 §§2, 4, 5, 7-9; Hducational Col- lection, Forwarding of, 462 §2; Payment to Board of 712 ’ Pensions, Question, 80 °§37; Report, 80 §32, 92 Trial of Members, Amend- ments to Charges, 311. §3; Finding, 266; Power of Con- ference, 82; Procedure, 265; ‘Right of Ministers to, 46 §5; without Investigation, 262 _ Trial of Preacher on Trial, 270 Triers of Appeals, Conference Question, 80 §28; Decisions reviewed, 300; Selection and Service, 292-297 Trustees, Donation from Board of Home Missions; 356 §2;' Holding of Church Property, 356 §1; Mortgage or Sale of Church Property, 361 Unacceptability, etc., Member- ship terminated, 171, 263; Right of Appeal, 263 Unification, Plan of, 578 §§2, 5 Withdrawal, Conference Ques- tion, 80 §§20, 22; when in Good Standing, 172; under Charges,’ 269; under, Com- plaints, 269 Women as’ Local Preachers, 219-226 (Note), 577 | §2; Licensing and Ordaining, 577 World Service Council in, 410 §§2, 3, 5 Annuity Distribution: Basis of Service, 342 Claim, Child, 341 §5; Retired Minister, 341 §§1, 2; Widow, 341, §§3, 4 Claim disallowed, 341 §9 Claim lapses, 612-A Claim relinquished yearly, 341 §8 Debt of Claimant to Book Concern, 341 §7 Equalization Fund, 344 (ce) Made by Conference Stewards, 341; Regulations followed, 341 §§1-10 Minimum Annuity Rate, 341 §6 Moneys from Book Concern, 46 §6, 337, 342 §1; from Chartered Fund, 337, 342 §1; from Investments, Gifts, Be- quests, and Pastoral Charges, 342 §§2-4 INDEX 1 663 [N umbers refer to Paragraphs.] Annuity Distribution (cont'd): Moneys designated for; 342 One of Three Methods of Dis- tribution, 340 Receipts divided, 339 §6 Time of Payment; 339 §7 When Needs are Greater, 339 §2 Antigua: Missionary work in (Historical Statement), page 9 Anti-Saloon League: Indorsement of, 587 Apostles’ Creed: In Adult Baptism, 525 Promise to teach, in Infant Baptism, 524 Recital in Order of Worship, 72 §1, III Apparel, Costly: Putting on (General Rules), 30 Appeals: Bishop, before Judiciary Com- mittee, 291 §§1, 2; new Trial on new Evidence, 313 §8; Notification to Secretary of General Conference, 291 §1; Records of Trial, 246; Right of, 246, 291 §1; Secretary of General Conference, Duty of, 291 §3; Time and Place for Hearing, 291 §3 Church Member, before Quar- terly Conference, 306 §4; Records, 309 §2; Right of, 46 §5, 307; Right forfeited, 598 §1; Trier of Appeals, 306 §1; written Notice to Preacher, 307 Decision of Bishop, Appeal from, 42 §3, 313 §13; De- cision of District Superin- ae Appeal from, 313 13 General Directions, 313 Local Preacher, Challenge, Right of, 304; Court, Annual Conference, 304; Court, in Mission Conference, 278 §1, §2, 305; Right of, 46 §5, 304; Written Notice of, 304 Member of Conference, Chal- 713 Appeals (continued): lenge, Right: of, 294; Death pending ‘Appeal, 598 §2; Decisions reviewed, 300; Grounds’ of Reversal; 313 §12; in Conferences not ac- cessible, 297; in Conferences not in United States, 297; in Mission Conferences, 297; . Judicial Conferences, 292- 297; new Trial on new Evi- dence, 313 §8; Notice of, 293, 296; on Question of Law, 313 §14; Procedure, 292-297; Questions of Law reviewed by General Con- ference, 300; Return of Papers, 300; Right of, 46 §5, 263, 296; Time and Place of, 293; to General Conference, 295, 300; to Judicial Confer- ence, 296 Missionary Bishop, before Ju- diciary Committee, 291 §§1, 2; new Trial on new Evi- dence, 313 §8; Notification from Secretary of General Conference, 291 §1; Right of, 291 §1; Secretary of General Conference, Duty of, 291 §3; Time and Place for Hearing, 291 §3 Preacher on Trial, considered as Local Preacher, 270 [This is part of the whole sub- ject of Judicial Administra- tion, which is elsewhere e fully classified] Appeals, Triers of: Annual Conference, for Local Preachers, 304; in Mission, 305 Annual Conference, Question, 80, Committee on Judiciary, for Bishops, 291 §§1, 2 Court, for member of Church, 108 §34, 306 Judicial Conference for Minis- ter, 292-297 Appendix: Corporate Names of Organiza- tions, 562 q 663 Index [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Appendix (continued): Courses of Study, 617-662 Forms and Constitutions, 612, 613 General Gieitipence Commis- sions, 563 General Conference, Decisions, 595-609 General. Conference, Program, Traveling Expenses, and Rules, 564-566 General Conference, Reports and Resolutions, 567-594 Post Office Addresses, 539-545 Proposed Changes in Constitu- tion, 610, 611 Appointments: Annual Conference. Question, 80 §39 By Bishop, Board of Exam- iners, 616 §1; Commissioner in Trial, 265 §2; Commission of Deaconess Work, Foreign Fields, 499 §3; Deaconesses, 494 §5)!9, 6; District Mission- ary Secretary, 426; District Superintendent, 189, 208 §2; Elder, for Investigation, 252 §2: . Preachers, 207°, §38; Preachers to Charges, 208 §1; Representatives to Fed- eral Council, 582; Special Ap- pointments, 208 §§3, 4; Su- perintendent Mission Con- ferences, 96 §3; University Senate, 459 §1 In Interval of Conference, 190 §3; 207 §6 Left without, to attend School, 80 §14, 211 Preacher entitled to, 599 §1 « Two-thirds Vote necessary, 208 §§3, 4 Under City Society, 441 §3 Apportioned Benevolences: Committee, Appointment of, 107 §14 (1), 108 §31 Duty of Committee, 111 §4 (1)-(5) Number on Committee, 111 §4 Arbitration: Submission .of Disagreement, 283-285 Area Secretary: Determination regarding, 410 ashes of, 410. §7 Areas; Episcopal: Boards: and. Commissions grouped by, 74 §2 Book Committee, Election ac- cording to, 380 §1; Hearing in Trial, 387 §3 Contiguous and Continuous Supervision, 573: Epworth League, 478 §3 Foreign Missions, Managers elected according to, 414 §2 Grouping of Annual Confer- "Qs ences, 74 §2, 575 Presidency of Conferences in, 563 §4 System justified, 574 Tenure of Bishops in, 573 $5 World | Service Commission, Election according to, 407 §1 sie pean Council, 410. §§1, 3 Army and Navy Appointment Of ‘Chapeinss 208 §3 (4) Articles of Religion: Adopted by Church abficalsicat Statement), page 9 Article XXIII in Central Con- ference, 95 §2 (9); in Central (eee Conference, 95A §2 4 Doctrines contrary to, dissem- inated by Bishop, 244; by Local | Preacher, 274; by Minister, 254; by Missionary Bishop, 249;. Conference Member deposed or ex- pelled for teaching, 267 §2 Emphasis in Course of Study, 210 §2 Enumeration of, 1-25 Not to be revoked, altered, or changed, 46 §1 Prepared by Wesley (Historical Statement), page 9 Asbury, Francis: Consecrated Bishop (Historical Statement), page 9 714 INDEX € 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Asbury, Francis (continued): Sent. to America (Historical Statement), page 8 Superintendent in America ae aa Statement), page Asia: ; Conferences, Mission Confer- ences, and Missions in, 513 §1, §2, 516 §1, §2, 517 §1, §2 Episcopal Areas in, 575 Residences of Bishops in, 539 Atlanta Conference: Boundaries of, 518 §1 (2) Auditing Committee: Annual Conference, Treasurer, Accounts of, 88 §8 Local Church, appointed by Quarterly Conference, 107 §14 (11), 108 §31; Duty of, 109; Report to Quarterly Conference, 108 §28, 109 Auditing and Bonding: Annual Conference Question, 80 §1 (2) fart holding Trust Funds, 3 Austria Mission Conference: Boundaries, 514 §2 (1) In Central European Central Conference, 519 §1 (1) B Baltic Mission: Boundaries, 514 §2 (2) Enabling Act, 514 §3 (1) In North European Central Conference, 519 §3 (1) Baltimore Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (3) Baptism: Administered by Deacon, 175; by Elder, 178;, by Local Preacher, 159, 221 §32) Dy Retired "Minister, 188. §3; by Supernumerary, 187; by unordained’ Preacher on Trial, 159 Baptism (continued): Children, Duty of Pastor, 476 §4; entitled to, 4 Freedom of Choice (Historical Statement), page 10 No. Charge for (Prefatory Note), 524 One of two Sacraments (Ar- ticle), 16 Register by Pastor, 182 §27 Pen of Regeneration (Article), 1 Ritual, for Adults, 525; for Infants, 524 Baptized Children: Brought up in Conformity to God’s Word, 4 Certificate of Peale 51 Christian Training, 54 Not counted as ‘“‘Preparatory Members,” 90 §8 Benevolence Budget, Genera!: Estimated for the Church-at- Large, 410 §4 Benevolence Budget, Local: “Account” in Bank, 111 §5 (3) Collaboration of Financial TGA 111.§3 (4), §4 Cooperation of Financial Sec- retary, 111 §5 (8) Disbursements by ‘Treasurer, 111 §9 (1)-(4) Bove provided,..111 §2 Every Member a Contributor, 111 §2 (2) Failure to raise, 111 §4 (4) Inclusion of, 111 §8 (1)-(8) Making up, 111 -§4 (8) Official Board, Approval of, 111 §3 (5) Preparation, 111 §38 (4) Systematic Contributions, 111 §2 (3) i Treasurer, Choice of, 112 §1; Duties of, 111 §9 (1)-(4); Report to Quarterly Con- ference, 108 §§24B, 25; Sep- arate Treasurer, 112 81 ene Service Quota, 111 §8 1 715 { 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Benevolences, Apportioned: Bishops (continued): Annual Conference, Obligation of, 85 Apportionment Year, 108 §26 Budget, ‘Account’ in Bank, 111"§5"' GC) Cooperation of Financial Secretary, 111 §5 (8); Failure to raise, 111 §4 (4); Inclusion of, 111. §8; Making up, 111 §4 (3); Preparation of, 111 §3 @); Report to Quarterly Confer- ence, 108 §§24B, 25: Treas- urer, Choice of, 112 §1; |Treasurer, Duties of, 111 §9 (1)-(4); Separate, 112 §2 Committee, Appointment by Quarterly Conference, 107 §14 (1), 108 §31:; Duty of, 111 §4 (1)~(5); Number, 111 4; on Commission of Reli- gious Education, 107 §15; Report, 108 §24B; ‘World Service Committee’ “Council,’”’ 111 §4 (5) Every Member a Contributor, 111 §2 (2) Official Board, Care of, 112 §2 Receipts for Present Year, Quarterly Conference Ques- tion, 108 §25 Report of Pastor, 88 §§3, 4 World Service, Apportionments for, 111 §4 (3); ‘‘Committee”’ or “Council,” 111 §4 (5); Quota, 111 §8 (1) for coming Bengal Conference: Boundaries, 517 §1 (1) In Southern Asia Central Con- ference, 520 §2 (1) Bhabua Mission: Boundaries, 517 §2 (1) Enabling Act, 517 §3 (2) In Southern Asia Central Con- ference, 520 §2 (2) Bilingual Mission: 523 §3; 571 §8 Bishops: Amenability, 206 American Bible Society, Ad- visory Council, 555, 576 Amusements, Subject of, 69 §2 OF i: 716 Annual Conference, - Appointments, Presidency of, 78, 207 §1; Time of, 76 Another Bishop, Investigation of, 241 Appeal, after Investigation, 246; after Trial, 291 §1 Appeal of Conference from Decision, 207 §11, 313 §13 annual, to Charges, 208 §1; Board of xaminers, 619 §1; Comity and Cooperation with Church, South, 581. §2; Com- missioner in Trial, 265 §2; Deaconess’ Commission in Foreign Fields, 499 §3; Dea- Conesses, 207 §4, 494 §§519 6; District Missionary Secre- taries, 426; District Superin- tendent, 189, 208 §2; Elder, for Investigation, 252 §2; Evangelists, 208 §4 (8), 209; Federal Council, 582; Fifth Ecumenical Conference, 599; Fixing the, 207.§3, 208; Hos- pitals and, Homes, 502 §1; In the Interval, 207 86; Leaving without, 211; Spe- cial, 208 §§3, 4; Superin- tendent Mission Conference, 96, §3; . University Senate, 459 §1 Areas, Episcopal, Changes in Presidency of Cenferences, 573 §4; Contiguous and Con- tinuous Supervision, 573; Groupings of Conferences in Areas, 575; Maximum Ten- ue 573 §5; System justified, Asbury consecrated (Historical Statement), page 9 Benevolences, Inquiry as to, 87 Board of Examiners, 619 §1 Book Concern, Investigation, 387 §2; Vacancy, 382 85 Boundaries, Approval of Re- adjustment, 511 §2; Pres- idency of Committee, 511 Central Conference, ’ Approval of Changes in Ritual, 95 §2 (5); Approval of Courses of Study, 95 §2 (2); Approval INDEX { 663 {Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Bishops (continued): Bishops (continued): of new European, 514 §3 (11); Calling extra Session, 95 $1 (4); Concurrence as to Supervision, 95 §2 (11); Con- sent to Division of Territory, 95 §2 (12); first Meeting, 95 §1 (8); Journal signed, 95 §2 (15); Number of Bishops not determined by, 95 §2 (16); Presidency of, 95 §1 (4); Questions of Order, 95 §1 (5) Central Mission Conference, Approval of Courses. of Study, 95A §2. (2); first Meeting, 95A §1 (2); Journal signed, 95A §2 (12); Pres- idency of, 95A §1 (3) Charges united, 213, 607 §1 Chartered Fund, Drafts signed, 509 §5; Information as to, 509 §4 Church Property, Consent to Sale, 362 Churches, Consolidation of, 607 §1 City Societies, Members ez ' officio, 440; Appointments under, 441 §3; Organization of, 440 Claim for Support, 327, 328 §7, 331 ‘ Coke elected (Historical State- ment), page 9 Commissioner in Conference Trial, 265 §2 Commissions, Membership on, Comity and Cooperation with Church, South, 581 §2; Courses of Study, 210, 563 §1; Deaconess Work in For- eign Fields, 499 §2; Federa- tion, 563 §5; Federation of Colored Churches, 563 §3; Fifth Ecumenical Confer- ence, 599; Unification, 563 §2; World Peace, 563 §4 Committee on, 578 §1; Memo- rial Session, 564 Complaint against Administra- tion, 245 Conference Claimants, Funds for, 340 §2; Membership on Board of Pensions, 484 §1, §2, 553; Nomination of, 484 717 $i ie ieea A by other Bishops, 204; if no Bishop remains, 205; by other Bishops, 204, 207 §10; Ritual, 533 Courses of Study, Approval of, 210 §2; Commission, Ap- pointment of, 210 §1; Mem- bership on, 210 §1, 563 §1 Deaconess Board, Membership on General, 491 §1, 557 §1; Nomination of, 491 §1 Deaconesses, Appointments of, 207 §4, 494 §§519) 6; Conse- cration of, 233 §2; Quarterly Conference Membership,235; Ritual of Consecration, 536 Work in Foreign Fields, 499 2-4. Sa Election, Deaths during Quadrennium, 566 (Rule 1 (a)), 573 §3 Disability of, 573 §3 District Conference, Presidency of, 99, 207 §9 District Superintendent Ap- peal from Decision of, 313 §13; Appointment of, 96 §3, 189, 208 §2; Attended by, 190 §19; Duty in Investiga- tion, 241 Districts, to Form, 207 §2 Education, Membership on Board, 452 §1, 550; Nomina- tion of, 452 §1; Vacancies, 452 §2 Education for Negroes, Mem-- bership on Board, 464, 549= Nomination of, 464; Va-- cancies, 464, 265 §2 Election of, 42 §1, 204, 205 Episcopacy, not Done Away or Destroyed, 46 §3 Episcopal Address, pages 3—5;: Signatures to, page 5 Epworth League, Board of, Membership, 478 §4, 554; Nomination of Members at Large, 478 §4; Presidency, 478 §5; Vacaney, 478 §4 Erroneous Teaching, 212 Evangelists, Appointment, 208 §4, 209 Foreign Missions, Board of, { 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Bishops (continued): Bishops (continued): Membership on, 414 §2, 547; Ministerial Missionaries, Constitttion of, 417 §1; Field Finance Committee, 418 §1; Nomination of Board, 414 §2; Vacancy in Secretary’s Office, 414 §7 General Conference, Adjourned Session, Calling of, 578 §3; Appeal from Decision, 42 §3; Constitutional Amendments, Announcement of, 47; Extra Session, 41 §2; Place of, 41 §§1, 2; Presidency of, 42 §2, 566, Rules 3-6 Home Missions, Board of, In- formation to Bishop, 435 §8; Membership on Board, 432 §1, 548; Nomination of, 432 §1; Rural Work, 444 §§3, 5; Vacancies, 432 §2 Hospitals and Homes, Board of, Confirmation of Secre- tary, 503 §2; Membership on Board, 502 §1, 557; Pres- idency, 502 §1 Impaired Health, Release for Quadrennium, 214 Investigation of, 241-244, 310 §1 Judicial Conference, Call of, 293; Conferences not Acces- sible, 297; Conferences not in United States, 297; Presi- dency, 295; Rights of Ap- pellant, 293 Law Questions, Decision, 207 1 Lay Electoral Conference, Ex- tra Session, 41 §3 Ministerial Support, Inquiry, 87 Mission Conference, Approval of Powers, 96 §2; Presidency, 96 §§2, 4; Superintendent, Appointment of, 96 §3 Missionary Bishop, Supervision on Death of, 202; Joint Ad- ministration with, 199; Re- tirement, Notice to Board, 217 §1; Transfers, Mutual Agreement, 203 Missions, Home, Annual Meet- ing, 449 §1; Information to Bishop, 435 §8; Presidency, 449 $1 718 Missions, Foreign, Annual Meeting of, 421 §2; Deacon- ess Commission, 499 §§2-4; Presidency, 421 §1; Superin- tendent, 421 §1 Missions, Organization of, 207 §13; Quadrennial Visits, 199 Negotiations, Preachers and People, 608 Nominations, Board of Edu- eation, 452 °§1; Education for Negroes, 464; Epworth League, 478 §4; Foreign Missions, 414 §2; General ‘Deaconess, 491 §1; Home Missions, 432 §1; Hospitals and Homes, 502 §1; Pensions and Relief, 484 §§1, 2; Sun- day Schools, 468 §2; Tem- perance, 490 §3; World Serv- ice Commissioners, 407 §1 None at Conference, 78; None remaining, 205 Obedience to Law, no Submis- sion to Annual Conference, 603 §1 Officials, Annual Conference Membership, 168 Ordination of Deacons, 174, 207 §10; of Elders, 177, 207 §10 Oversight, Spiritual and Tem- poral, 207 88 . Pensions and Relief, Board, * Membership in, 484 §1, 553; Nomination of, 484 §1; Nomination for Vacancies, 484 §2; quadrennial Election, 484 §2 Presidency, Annual Confer- ence, 78, 207 §1; Central Conference, 95 §1 (4); Central Mission Conference, 95A §1 (8); Committee on Boundaries, 511 §1; District Conference, 99, 207 §9; Ep- worth League, 478 §4; Gen- eral Conference, 42 §2, 566, Rules 3-6; Mission Confer- ence, 96 §§2-4; Missions, Foreign, 421 §1; Missions, Home, 449: §1; Temperance, Board of, 490 §3 Post Office Addresses of Board, 539, 540 INDEX § 663 {Numbers refer to Paragraphs.]} Bishops (continued): Fo. rata. Claim, Apportion- ment by Annual Conference Commission, 328 §7; Book Committee Apportionment, 331; Inquiry at Annual:Con- ference concerning, 87; Quar- terly Conference Question, 108: §22 Quarterly Conference Member- ship, Deaconess, 235; those Attending School, 207 §5 Quarterly Conference, Uniting Charges in, 213 Questions of Order, Decision on, 42 §3 Rent of House, nance, 330 Resignation of, 573 §3 Retirement of, 216-218 Salary fixed, 382 §4 Sunday School Board, Mem- bership in, 468 §2, 552;’Nom- ination of Board, 468 §2; Vacancy in Office of Secre- or Mainte- tary, 469 §3 Support, apportioned, 323 §1, 328. §6, 331; charged to Episcopal Fund, 332; esti- mated, 321, 329 §1; in Local Budget, 111 §6 (1); included in “Ministerial Support,’’ 90 §4; of Retired Bishops, Wid- ows, and Children, 329 §2; Settlement Day, 327 Temperance, Membership on Board, 490 §3, 556; Nomina- tion of Managers, 490 §3; Presidency, 490 §3, 556 Theological Schools, erroneous Teaching in, 212; Nomina- tion or Confirmation of Pro- fessors, 458 §5 (1) Transfer, from or to Mission Field, 203; Notice of, 207 §12; Preacher’s Right of Ap- pointment, 602 Travel, at Large, 207 §7; Ceas- ing to, 214 §2; Expenses of Official, 330; None to, 215; Release, for Impaired Health, 435 §§6, 8; Sunday, 214 §1 Trial, Bishop, 242—244, 246, 310 1 Trustees of Methodist Episco- Bishops (continued):: pal Church, Representative in Board, 560; Vacancies filled by Bishops, 369 Unification, Submission to An- nual Conferences, 578 §2 Vacancies, Book Concern, 382 §5; Education, 452 §2, 453 §3; Education for Negroes, 464, 465 §2; Foreign Mis- sions, 414 §7; General Dea- coness Board, 491 §1; Home Missions, 432 §2, 485 §§6, 8; Pensions and Relief, 484. §2; Sunday Schools,’ 469° §3 — World Service Commission, Area Council, 410 §1; Mem- bership on, 407 §§1, 4; Nom- ination of, 407 §1; Vacancies in . Episcopal Membership, 407 §1 Blanks, Annual Conference: Application for, 89 §3 For Pastor, 89. §1 (1), (2) For Statistician, 89 §1 (1), (3) For Treasurer, 89 §1 (2), (8) Preparation by World Service Commission, 89. §2 Blue Ridge-Atlantic Confer- ence: Boundaries, 518 §1 (4) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (2) Board of Examiners: Appointment and Duties, 616 Boardman, Richard: Sent to America (Historical Statement), page 8 Bolivia Mission Conference: Boundaries, 515 §2 (1) In Central Conference for Latin America, 522 (1) Bombay Conference: Boundaries, 517 §1 (2) In Southern Asia Central Con- ference, 520 §2 (8) Bonding, Auditing and Annual Conference Question 80. §1 (>) verte holding Trust Funds, 719 { 668 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Book Committee: Book Committee (continued): Accounts, System of Keeping, 390 §1 Advocates, Costs of, 397 §13; Names of, 397 §10; Uniform Material, 397 §10 . Alterations in Buildings, 382 §2 Assets and. Liabilities, State- .. ment: of, 390 ,§3 . Bishops, Salaries of, 382 §4; _. Support of, 329-332 , Book Editor, Election. of, 383 Buildings, Improvements or New, 382 §2 Chairman, Ca of . Special Meetings, 38! §2; Election of, 381 §1; Member: of Exec- . utive Committee, ex. officto, , 380 §2; Notice of, Investiga- tion of Publishing Agent or Editor, 387 §2 Commissions, Expense of, 384 1 5 Committees, 381 §1 Conference or Lo Papers, Authorization of, Correspondence Pand. Deter- mination of, 382 §4 Departments, annual Account from Publishing Agents, 390 §2; Expenses curtailed, 382 $3; Reports. of Publishing Agents, 391 §1; Vacancy in, 382 §5 Depositories, Discontinuance of, 382 §3; Establishment and Direction of, 394 §1 District Members, in Office till 1928, 380 §1 Editor, Contibitinie! Maina tion ‘of, 399 Editors, Council, 397 §11; Di- rections to, 401; Election of, 400; Suspension and Investi- gation of, 387 §§2, 3; Sal- aries of, 382 §4 Election, according to Areas, 380 §1 Episcopal Expenses, Authori- zation of, 330 Episcopal Support, Apportion- ment for, 331; Allowance for Retired Bishops, 329 §2; Al- lowance for Widows and Children, 329 §2; Estimate 720 of Amount necessary, 229 §1; Treasurer of Fund, Elec- tion of, 332 Executive Committee, Chair- man, Absence of, 385; Chair- man Book Committee ex officio Member, 380 §2; De- positories, Supervision of, 394 81; Duties of, 385; Editor, Suspension and Investigation of, 387 §§2, 3; Election of, 380 §2; Local Committee in Office till 1928, 380 §2; Meetings, bimonthly, 386; Meetings, special, 386; new Buildings, Authorization of, 382 §2; Nomination of, 380 §2; Number of, 380 §2; Or- ganization and Officers, 385; Publishing Agents, Approval of Service, 388 §1; Publish- ing Agents, Monthly Trans- actions of, 391 §2; Publishing Agents, Suspension and In- vestigation of, 387 §§2, 3; Quorum, 386; Real Estate, Valuation of Committee in Inventory, 390 §2; Record of Proceedings, 386; Supervision and. Direction; General, 385; Vacancy in Membership, 380 §2; Vice-Chairman, Absence of, 385 Expenses, Commissions, 384 $1; General Conference, 384 §1; Judicial Conferences, 384 §1; Miscellaneous, 384 §1 General Conference, Expenses of next, 384 §§1, 2 General Conference : Historical Society, Representation on, 596 General Superintendent, Notice of Retirement, 216 §1 Inventory, annual, 390 §2 Investments, on Mortgage Se- curity, 382 §2 Judicial Conferences, Expense of, 384 §1 Matters referred by Publishing Agents or Editors, 382 §3 Meetings, after General Con- ference, 381 §1; Annual, 381 §2; Special, 381 §2 INDEX { 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Book Committee (continued): . Book Committee (continued): Missionary Bishop, Notice of Retirement, 217 §1 Nomination of, 380 §1 Number of, 380 §1 Organization and Officers, 381 §1 Periodical or Publication, Dis- continuance of, 382 §3 Post Office Addresses, 546 Produce of Concern, Distribu- tion of, 393; to Foreign Con= ‘ferences, 393 (Note), 589 Publishing Agents, Advocates, Uniform Material, 397 §10; Designation of Places of ‘Ad- ministration, 388 §2; Inven- tory, 390 §2; Members ex officio, 380 §2; Salaries of, 382 §4; Supervision and Di- rection of, 388 §1; Suspen- sion and Investigation of, 387 §§2, 3; Statements to Suc- cessors, 390 §3 Quorum, 381 §2 Real Estate, Purchase, Sale, or Exchange of, 382 §2 Record of Proceedings, 382 §1 Records of Executive Commit- tee, 386 Repairs on Buildings, 382 §2 Reports, from Publishing Agents, 391.§1; from Treas- urer Episcopal Fund, 332; to Annual Conferences, 382 §1;.to General Conference, 382 §1 Rules and Regulations, 381 §1 Salaries of Bishops, Publishing Agents, Editors, 382 §4 Secretary, Election of, 381 §1 Sunday School Editor, Recom- mendation from, 469 §1 Supervision and _ Direction, General, 381 §1 Term of Office, 380 §1 Tracts, Authorization of, 389 §1; Cost of, 389 §2 Treasurer, Episcopal Fund, an- nual Report from, 332; Elec- tion of, 332 Treasurer, General Conference Expense Fund, Compensa- tion to, 384 §1; quadrennial Election of, 384 $1; Report from, 384 §1 Book Concern, 721 Vacancy in Committee, 380 §1 eae in Departments, 382 5 The Meth- odist: Annual Conference, Committee on Collections, 86, 392 $1; Debts to Book Concern, 392 §2; Drafts to, 393; Periodi- cals supplied. to, 392 §1; Produce to, 393; Statement of Accounts due, 392 §1 Assets and Liabilities, annual Inventory, 390 §2; State- ments of Publishing Agents to Successors, 390 §3 Book Committee, Authoriza- tion of System of Accounts, 390 §1; Examination of Af- fairs by, 382 §1; Report to Annual Conferences, 382 §1; Report to General Confer- ence, 382 §1; Supervision and Direction, General, 381 §1 Book Editor, Duties of, 395 Books on Commission, 406 Buildings, Improvements New, 382 §2 Collections, Annual Conference Committee on, 86, 392 §1 Debt, of Conference Claimant, 341 §7; of Minister or Mem- ber, 392 §2; of Preacher lo- cating, 169 §2 Departments, annual. Inven- tory, 390 §2; annual State- ment as to Assets and Lia- bilities, 390 §2; Expenses curtailed, 382 §3; separate Accounts with, 391 §1; Va- cancy in, 382 §5 Depositories, Books on Com- mission, 406; Discontinuance of, 382 §3; Establishment and Direction of new, 394. §1; Location of, 394 §1; net Pro- ceeds from, 394 §2; Part of Book Concern, 379 §1; Su- pervision of Executive Com- mittee, 394 §1 District Superintendent, Debts due Book Concern, 392 §2 Dividends, Annual Conference or 7 663 . InpEx [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Book Concern,’ The: Meth- odist (continued): Question, 80 §35 (a); to An- nual .Conferences, 337, 342 §1, 393 Editors, Committee, 400; Supervision of Manuscripts, '395 Executive Committee, Nomina- tion of, 380 §2; Supervision and Direction, general, 385; Supervision » of Depositories, 394 §1 Good Literature Day, 397 §14 Imprint, Matter bearing, 395 Incorporation, 379 §1 Inventory, annual, 390 §2 Investments, on Mortgage Se- curity, 382. §2 Mission Conferences, Proceeds in, 96 §2; Objects, 379. §2; rapes and Literature, 379 “On Sale’’ Accounts, 406 Periodicals supplied to Annual Conferences, 392 §1 Post Office Addresses, 542. - Produce, for Benefit of Claim- ants, 46 §6, 379 §2, 393; for Benefit of Traveling Preach- ers, 46 §6, 379 §2, 393; to Foreign Conferences, 393, 589 Publishing Agents, annual In- ventory, 390 §2; Authority of, 388 §1; Designation of Good Literature Day, 397 §14; System of Accounts, 390 §1; separate Accounts with Departments, 391 §1 Publishing Houses, Location of, 379 §1 Publishing Interests of Church, comprised in Book Concern, 379 §1 Real Estate, Purchase, Sale, or Exchange, 382 §2 Tracts, Editor of, 395 Book Editor: Duties of, 395 Editor of Discipline, page 2 Election by Book Committee, 383 Member ex officio, Commission Election» “by Book Book Editor (continued): pts Courses of Study, 210 §1; 3 §1 Post Office Address, 543. §2 Books: None on Ginthineicnt 406 Unprofitable (General Rules), 30 Borrowing: | Without Probability of Pens (General Rules), 30 Boathens Denbatary. at, 894 §1, 542 Episcopal Residence, 539 Boundaries: Annual ‘Conferences, Africa, 512 §1; Kastern Asia, 513 §1; - Europe, 514 §1; Latin Amer- ica, 515 §1; Southeastern Asia, 516 §1; Southern Asia, 517 §1;. United States and Territories, 518 §1 Central Conference to fix, 95 §2(12), 511 §§1, 3 Central Mission Conference to fix, 95A §2 (10), 511 §§1, 3 Commission on Foreign-Speak- ing Conferences, Endorse- ment of Acts, 523 (3) Committee on, 511 $1; : Pres- ident of, 511 §1; Report im- mediately acted on, 511 §1 Division or Absorption, Enter- tainment by Committee, 511 §4; General Conference Ap- proval, 511 §3 Enabling Acts, Africa, 512 §3; Eastern Asia, 513 §3; Europe, 514 §3; Southeastern Asia, 516 §3; Southern Asia, 517 §3; United States and Ter- ritories, 518 §3 English-Speaking Mission in India, Discontinuance of, 523. 6 (6) Final Authority, 523 §2; Legal Notice of Change, 511 §4, 606 Force of Enabling Acts, 523 §1 Mission Conferences, Division of Absorption, 511 §§38, 4; Organization of new, 511 §4; 722 INDEX { 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Boundaries (continued): Readjustment of Boundaries, 511. §4 Mission Conferences and Mis- sions, Africa, 512 §2; Eastern Asia, 513 §2 (Councils in Japan, 513 §4); Europe, 514 §2; Latin America, 515 §2; Southeastern Asia, 516 §2; Southern. Asia, 517 — §2: United States and Terri- tories, 518 §2 Missions, Division or Absorp- tion, 511 §3; Organization of new, 511 $4; Readjustment of Boundaries, 511 $4 Readjustment, Entertainment by Committee, 511 §4; Gen- eral Conference Approval, 511 §3; Mutual, 511 §2; with Approval of Bishops, 511 §2 Supernumerary and Retired Ministers, not affected by Change in, 602 §2 Transfer of Churches, 523 (5) Brawling: Avoidance of (General Rules), 30 Budget, Benevolent: [This matter is already classi- fied under Benevolence Bud- get] Budget, Local: ““Account’’ in Bank, 111 §5 (8) Control an Essential Requisite, 111 §2 (7) Disbursements by Treasurer, 111. §7.(1),.@) Envelopes provided, 111 §2 (3);. to. new Members, 111 $2 (6) me Every Member a Contributor, 111 §2 (2),-(5) Financial Committee, Duty of, 111 §3 (1)-(7); Number of, UiTSS3,. 321 Financial Secretary, Choice of, 112 §1; Duties of, 111 85 (1)-(8), 321 Inclusion of, 111 §6 Official Board, Approval of, 111 §3 (5); Care of, 112 §2 Pledges for Year, 111 §3 (6) Budget, Local (continued): Preparation of, 111 §3 (1) Quarterly Conference, Care of, 112 §2; Questions, 108, §§20- 24 Quarterly or Semiannual State- ments, 111 §2 (4) Separate Treasurer, 112 §1 Systematic Contributions, 111 §2 (3) . Treasurer, Choice of, 112 §1; Duties of, 111 §7 (1), (2); Report to Quarterly Con- ference, 108 §§19A—24; sep- arate Treasurer, 112 81 - Bulgaria Mission Conference: Boundaries, 514 §2 (8) Enabling Act, 514 §3 (2) In Central Huropean’ Central Conference, 519 §1 (2) Burial of the Dead: Liturgy appointed for (Histori- cal Statement), page 10 Ritual for, 531, 5382 Burma Mission Conference: Boundaries, 517 §2 (2) Tinabling Act, 517 §3 (1) In Southern Asia Central Con- ference, 520 §2 (4) Business: Arbitration, 283-285 Buying of One Another (Gen- eral Rules), 31 Debt of Minister, 259, 285 Disagreement in, 283-285 Failure, of Local Preacher, 275; of Minister, 259 Helping Each Other in (Gen- eral Rules), 31 Insolvency, 286 Trial, if Arbitration be Re- fused, 284, 285 Buying or Selling: Many Words in (General Rules), 30 Cc California Christian Advo- cate: Editor elected, 399 §1 Nominating District, 399 §6 723 { 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] California Christian Advocate’ (continued) : Post Office Address of Editor, 543 §1 California Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (5) » California German Confer- ence: Boundaries, 518 §1 (6) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (8) Catechism: Pastor to teach Children, 182 §11, 476 §5 Promise in Baptismal Ritual for Infants, 524 Central Alabama Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (7) Central American Mission: Boundaries, 515 §2 (2) In Central Conference for Latin America, 522 (2) Central China Conference: Boundaries, 513 §1 (1) In Eastern Asia Central Con- ference, 520 §1 (1) Central Christian Advocate: Editor elected, 399 §1 Nominating District, 399 §4 Post Office Address of Editor, 543 §1 Central Conferences: Board of Foreign Missions, Re- lation of, 95 §2 (7), (11) Central Mission Conference to become, 95 §1 (1), §2 (17) Central World Service Council, Authorization for, 410 §5 (8) Europe, Authorization for more, 514 §3 (11) Finance Committee, 418 §2 Journal of, 95 §2 (15) List of, Central European, 519 §1; Eastern Asia, 520 §1; Latin America, 522; Mediter- ranean, 519 §2; North Euro- pean, 519 §3; South Africa, 521; Southeastern Asia, 520 §3; Southern Asia, 520 §2: Central Conferences (cont'd): Meetings of, 95 §1 (3), (4) Membership, 95 §1 (1), (2) Powers, 95. §2.(1)—(17) Presiding Officer, 95 §1 (4), (5) Ratio of Representation, 95 §1 3 Southern Asia, Approval of Report, 523 (4) Central German Conference: Boundaries, 518 (8) Central Illinois Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (9) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (10) Central Mission Conference: Development into Central Con- ference, 95 §1 (1), §2 (17) Discontinuance of, 95A §2 (11) Journal of, 95A §2 (12) Finance Committee, 418 §2 Meetings, 95A §1 (2) Number of Annual Conferences in, 95A §2 (10) Organization of, 95A §1 (1) Powers, 95A §2 (1)—(12) Central Missouri Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (10) Enabling Act, 518 §38 (5) Central New York Confer- ences: Boundaries, 518 §1 (11) Central feren Bound 518 §4 (12) Renner yates Con- Central Province Conference: Boundaries, 517 §1 (3) In Southern Asia Central Con- ference, 520 §2 (5) Central Swedish Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (18) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (6) Central Tennessee Confer- ence: Boundaries, 518 §1 (14) Ceremonies: Not necessarily alike (Article), 22 724 INDEX { 663 (Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Certificates: Charge: Baptized Children, on Re- moval, 51; Report of Com- mittee on Records, 110 §222 Church Member, Reception of, Duty of Pastor, 182 §3; Report. of Committee ‘on Records, 110 §23, 19, 21 Church Member, Return with- out Contrition, 600 §4 Church Member, Transfer of, Acknowledgment from an- other ‘Pastor, 55 §§3, 5; Duty of Pastor, 182 §3; Form of Certificate; 55 §1; Notice to Member, 55. §2; Pastor’s Family, 55 §6; Rec- ord of, 55 §4; Report of Com- mittee on Records, 110 §25, 18 Church Member, Removal without, 58, 110 §210, 20 Church Member, Union with another Denomination, Note . by Pastor, 56 §2 Church Member, when given Certificate, 56 §1 Conference Examinations, Ac- ceptance of, 618 §§1-3, 5; Issue of, 618 §7 Conference, Annual, from Re- tired Minister, 188 §3; from Supernumerary, 187; on Re- quest for Location, 169 §1 Deaconesses, Certificate of Con- secration, 237; Health, 230 §2 (2), 233 $1, 237; honor- able Discharge, 237; in Ex- “ » aminations, 230 §2 (3c) General Conference Delegate, 40, 43 Lay Electoral Conference, Delegate to, 93 §5 Local Elder or Deacon, Res- toration of, 303 Local Preacher, appointed to Church, 221 §2; on changing Residence, 221 §1 Ministers from other Churches, 166, 167 Preacher on Trial, 211 Chaplains: Appointment of, 208 §3 (4) Office of Deacon, 176 §4; of Elder, 179 §5 How constituted, 34 ° Quarterly Conference in, 35 Charges: Against Bishop, 241, 246° Against Conference Member, 252 $1, §8, §4, 255, 261, 262, .264 $1,’ 265 §3, 266, 269, 311 §3 Against District Superinten- dent, 252 §2 Against Local Preacher, 271 Against Missionary Bishop, 247, 249, 250 Asstt Preacher on Trial, 611 Amendments, 311 §§2, 3 | Forms for, Directions, 616 81; Immoral Conduct, 616 §2; Imprudent or Unchristian Conduct, 626 §3; Neglect of . Means of Grace, 616 §4 Hasty and Insufficient, 311 §1 Included in Records, 309 §1 Refusal of Conference to en- tertain, 611 §3 Slander, Entertainment of, 311 t [This topic is a part of the larger subject of Judicial Administration] Charitable Institutions: Appointment to, 208 §3 (4) Chartered Fund: Annual Receipts, Conference Question, 80 §35 (a) Collectors. and Receivers. for, 509 §2 Corporate Name, 562 Drafts, 509 §5 Dividends to Conferences, 337, 342 §1, 509 §4 Information to Conferences, 509 §4 Moneys for, 509 §§3, 6 Office and Officers, 559 Purpose of, 46 §6, 509 §1 Securities in Countries or States, 509 §6 Treasurer, 509 §5, 545 Trustees, 509 §§1, 3, 6 Vacancies, 510 § 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Charters: Conformity of, 190 §8, 349 §2 Duty, of District Superinten- dent, 490 §8 Chengtu West China Confer- ence: Boundaries, 513 §1 (2) In Eastern Asia Central Con- ference, 520 §1 (2) Chicago: Depository, 394 §1, 542 Editors at, Appointment. of, 208 §3 (3) Episcopal Residence, 539 Epworth Herald, Editor, 543 §1; Office and Officers, 554 Epworth. League, Central Office, 478 §8; Correspond- ing Secretary, 544 §1; Editor, 543 §1 Executive Committee Mem- bers, Book Committee, at, 546 §2 Northwestern, Editor and Office, 543 §1 Pensions and Relief, Board of, Office and Officers, 484 §3, 553; Secretary, 544 '§1, 553 Publishing Agent, Appointment of, 208 §3 (2); Designation of, ae §2; Post Office Address, 542 Sunday Schools, Board of, Headquarters, 468 §1; Office and Officers; 552; Secretary, 544 §1 Chicago German Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (15) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (4) Children: Baptism, .Entitled to, 49; urged, 476 §4 Classes for, 182 §10 oD Superintendent, 190 §14 Instruction of, 108 §8, 182. §10 Members of the Kingdom, 49 Vere ea Catechize, 182. §11, 476 - Ritual for Burial, 532 Children Baptized: Certificate of Registration, 51, 110 §222 > Church. Membership, Admis- sion to, 53; Ritual for, 528 Classes, 52 Covenant Relation to God, 50 Deprived’ of Chistian Guard- ianship, 54 Duty of Parents or Guardians, 49 Instruction for Membership, 110 §2"7 Junior Leagues, 52° Orphans, 54 Preparatory Members, all bap- tized Children, 50, 51, 528 (prefatory Note); not count- ed as, 90 §8 Register of, 51 Children Unbaptized: Classes or Junior Leagues, 52 Children’s Day: ‘Conferences''to share Income, 455 §3 Fund, how constituted, 455 §2 Loans, 455 §4 Object of Fund, 455 §2 Observance of Day, 455 §2, 462 1 i Pastor’s Duty, 462 §1 Chile Conference: Boundaries, 515 §1 (1) In Central Conference for Latin America,’ 522 (3) China: Courses of Study, 661 Episcopal Residences, 539 Christ: In Unity of Godhead (Articie), it sre rata through (Article), Made Very Man (Article), 2 Oblation of (Article), 20 Resurrection of (Article), 3 Very God (Article), 2 V eo Church of (Article), 726 INDEX { 663 {Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Christian Advocate: Address-of Editor, 543 §1 Election of Editor, 396 Christian Man’s Oath: When the Magistrate requires (Article), 25 Christian Stewardship: Advice on, 71 §1 Committee on Benevolences, - to inculcate, 111 §4 (1) Disciplinary Financial Plan, based on Principles, 111 §1 Methods pursued, 71 §3 Pastor to Teach, 182 §17 Principle, of Personality, 71 §2B; of Possessions, 71 §2A; of Prayer, 71 §2C Promotion by World Service Staff, 409 §1 Quarterly Conference Commit- tee, Appointment of, 107 §14 (2); Report on, 108 §131 Christliche Apologete, Der: Address of Editor, 543 §1 Election of Editor, 396 **Christmas Conference’’: At Baltimore, December, 1784 (Historical Statement), page 9 ~— Chungking West China Con- ference: Boundaries, 513 $1 (3) In Hastern Asia Central Con- ference, 520 §1 (3) Church, General: Comity and Cooperation, with the Church, South, 581 Federal Council, Churches of Christ, 582 Federation of; Commission, 563 §10; Federation of Colored eee Commission, 563 3 ; Ministers joining Another, 172 Rites and Ceremonies (Article), 22 Social Creed of, 585 Union with Other, 609; with Other than Church, South, 580 Visible, The (Article), 13 Church, Local: Consolidation’ with Another, 607 §1 Corner Stone, Ritual, 537 Dedication, Ritual, 538 Location, Selection of, 448 Member ‘from Orthodox Evan- gelical, Reception of, 48 §4 Organization of a, 193 Records, Committee on, 107 $14. (10); Report of, 110 §2 Relief of, 28 §1 (8) Trustees, Election and Duties, 345-352; Removal of, 604 §1; Report, 108 §27, 350 Temporal Economy, Authority of Central Conference, 95 §2 Union with Another, in Quar- terly Conference, 213; sep- arate Lay ‘Delegates, when supplied together, 607: §2 Church Location and Erec- tion: District Board, Annual Con- ference, 84, 448 Church Papers: Approval and Authorization of, 403 Church Property: Agents for Debts, Aid to, 359 Building, 357-359, 438 §1 Care of Official Board, 112 §2 Charters to conform, 190 §8 349 §2 Committee on, 112 §2, 321 Conveyance of, 353, 354 Endowment Fund, 361 Home Missions and Church Ex- tension, Aid’ from, 356 §2, 438; Contract in Place of Mortgage; 356 §3 Incorporation, 353 Insurance, 190 §9, 350 (9) Mortgages, for Current Ex- penses, 352; Quarterly Con- ference Concurrence, 361; ‘Trustees’ Expenditure, 360 Parsonages, Building and Rent- ing, 364-368; Church Exten- sion’ Aid, 488 §1; Equity in Property, 363 §3: Removal, 363 §2 727 § 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Church Property (continued): Removal of Churches and Par- sonages, 363 §2 Sale of, Consent of Bishop, 362; Consent of Conference, 362; Consent of District. Superin- tendents, 361, 362; Consent of Pastor, 361; Consent of Quarterly Conference, 361; Proceeds, 362; when advan- tageous or necessary, 355, 360, 361, 362 Trustees, Duties. of, 350, 356 §1, 363 §1; Election of, 345- 349, 353; Members, Quar- terly Conference, 104, 108 §1; Report of, 108 §27, 350; Removal of, 604 §1; when None, 356 §1, 363 §1 Church Schools: Copperpondin Secretary, 544 Statistics of, 90 §§2, 3 World Service Commission, Cooperation with, 408 §130 Cincinnati: Book Concern at, 379 §1, 542; Executive Committee, Elec- tion of, 380 §2; Executive ee Members at, 546 9 Books on Commission, 406 eheetliohe Apologete, Editor, 543 §1 Editors, at, Appointment of, 208 §3 (3) Education for Negroes, Board of, 544 §1, 545, 550; Corre- sponding Secretary, 544 §1, ae Treasurer, 465 §3, 545, Episcopal Residence, 539 Haus-und-Herd, 543 §1 Publishing Agent, Appointment of, 208 §3 (2); Designation of, 388 §2; Post Office Address of, 542 Sunday School Board, Editor of Publications, 543 §1; Ger- man Assistant, 468 §6 Trustees of Church at, 369, 370; Office and Officers, 560; Treasurer, 545, 560 Cincinnati (continued): Western Advocate, Editor and Office, 543 §1 City Societies: Annual Statement, 439 §6 Appointments under, Consulta- tion regarding, 441 §3 Apportionments. to Charges, 441 §4 Appropriations for, Payment to Treasurer, 439 §5 Auxiliary to Board, 439 §6 Bishop, resident, er officio Member, 440 Collections for, 441 §6 (e), 442 2 Conditions for Appropriations, 441 §5 Conference, Interest of, 442 §3 Council, Delegates to, 441 §7 District Superintendent, Rela- tion of, 440, 441 §3, 442 §1 Drafts to, 447 §3 Managers, 440 rganization when. Possible, 439 §2, 440 Pastor, Duty of, 442 §2; Mem- ber ex officio of Society, 444 3 Quarterly Conference, Repre- sentatives of Society in, 441 2 Secretaries and Superintend- ents, Appointment of, 208 §3 8): fixing Appointments, 441 3 Work of, 440, 441 §1 Classes and Units: Changes in, 113 Change in Leaders, 63 §1, 108 4 Children, baptized and unbap- tized, in, 52, 182 §10 Composition of, 61 §2 Design of, 60, 61 §1 Division of Society into (Gen- eral Rules), 28 Heheraes, Recommendation of, 22 Leaders, Appointment, in Or- ganization of Local Church, 193; Conversations with Pas- tor, 61. §4, 62; Course of 728 { 4 INDEX { 663 {Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Classes and Units’ (continued): Study, 64, 624; Duty of, 28, 61 §§2,:3; Members, District Conference, 97; of Judgment and Devotion, 63 §1; Re- moval of Improper, 63 §1; Report to District Confer- ence, 102 §3!!; Report. to Quarterly Conference, 61 §2, 108 §13*; Subject of Amuse- ments, 69 §2; weekly Report, 28° §2; when Member of Quarterly Conference, 63 §2; yearly Appointment, 63 §1 ~ Local Preachers enrolled in, 223 Meeting together, 62 | Neglect of, Trial for, 281 - Number in, 28, 61 §2 Origin of, 28 Part of System (Episcopal Ad- dress), page 4 Pastor, Appointment of Lead- ers, 182° §2, 193; Conversa- tions with Leaders, 61 §4, 62; Quarterly — Collection in Classes, 182 §18; Supervision of Leaders, 182 §2 . Preparatory Members, Instruc- tion by Leaders, 48 §2 Quarterly’ Conference, Ap- proval of Leaders, 108 §4; Confirmation of, 108 85; Leaders, Members of; 63 §2, 104; Report from, 61 §2, 108 §134, 9 Coke, Thomas: Joint Superintendent with As- bury (Historical Statement), page 9 Presbyter of Church of Eng- land (Historical Statement), page 8 Recognized as Bishop (Histori- cal Statement), page 9 Set apart as General Superin- tendent (Historical State- ment), page 8 Colleges: t Certificates from, in Examina- tions, 618 §§3-5 Day of Prayer for, 593 ae of Rural Sociology, 443 os 729 Colorado Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (16) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (7) Colored Churches: pica abt on Federation, 563 Columbia River Conference: Boundaries, 618 §1 (17) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (19) Commandments, Ten: Promise to teach, in Infant Baptism, 524 Commissions: Church Music, 563 §6 Comity, Home Missions, 444 §6 ourees of Study, 210 §1, 563 1 i Deaconess Work, Members of, 563 §7; Recommendation of Commission, 595 Deaconess Work in Foreign Fields, 499 §§2-4 Expenses of General Confer- ence, 182 §25, 384 §1 Federation, 563 §5 ad st of Churches, 563 1 Federation of Colored Churches, 563 §3 Finance, Annual Conference, 328 §§1-6 . Foreign Language Commission, Report of, 571 Inter-Board Curriculum, 563 1 1 Religious Education, 107 §15; 475 $2476. $1) 477 9815 Report to Quarterly Confer- ence, 108 §139 Social Service Activities, 563 §8 Unification, 563 §2, 578 World Peace, 563 §4 World Service, 407-410; Mem- bers, 558 Committees: Appellate, Special, 297 Apportioned Benevolences, Ap- pointment of, 107 §14 (1); Duty of, 111 §4 ()-(); { 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs:] Committees, (continued) ali Committees (continued): . 2 Number of, 111 §4;,0n Com- mission: of; Religious Educa- tion, 107 §15; Report, 108 §24B; ‘World. Service. Com= mittee’? or ‘“World Service Council,” 111 §4 (5) | Auditing, Annual Conference, 88 §8 Auditing, Local Church, Ap- pointment of, 107 §14 (11); Duty of, 109; Report of, 108 §28, 109 , Be Central Conference, 95 §2 (8) Central Mission Conference, 95A §2 (6) Christian Stewardship,., Ap- pointment,of Committee, 107 §14, (2); Report of, 108. §134 eee Music, 73 §4, 107 §14 } ( A Church Property, 112 §2, 321 Chureh Records, Appointment, 107 §14 (10); Data from: Pas- tor, 108 §12; Duty of, 110 §1; Nonresident-Inactive .Mem- bership, 58; Report, 108 §29, 110 §2 Collections, Annual Confer- ence, 86, 392 §1 Credentials of Delegates, 5651, 566 (Rule 411) District Conference, Appoint- ment at, 102 §2; Report of, 103 §318 Ecumenical Conference, Con- Ennatien Committee, 563 12 Education, 107, §14 (7), 461 gn oey for Negroes, 107 §14 8 Estimating Ministerial Sup- ‘wet NOTH, LOZ. $13, 108..§21;5 §32, 321, 323 $1, 338; Report, 108 §22, 321, 323, $1, 338 Federation, Report, on,.579 Foreign Missions, 107 §14 (3), 427 §2, 428 §§2-4 r General Conference Commit- tees, 566 (Rules 35-52) Home Missions and Church Ex- tension, 107 §14 (4), 447 §1 Hospitals, 107 §14 (9), Investigation, of Bishop, 241- 244; of Local Preacher, 271; of, Minister, 252-255, .257-- 261; of. ‘Missionary Bishop, 047-249. : Local Preachers, Examination of, 107. §14 (14); Investiga- _y. tion of, 271 . Ministerial. Qualifications, An- , nual.Conference, 81 §7 Parsonage and Furniture, 107 §14 (12) . Periodicals and. Publications, , Annual. Conferences, 86, 392 §1 Quarterly. Conference, Com- mittees appointed, 107 §§13, 14; Report of; 108 §§29, 30 Relations, Annual.Conference, 81 §§1-6 : Religious Instruction, 475. §2 Temperance, 107 §14 (6) Tracts, 107 §14 (5) Trial, Church Member, 287 Complaints: Against Local Preacher, 611 §1 2 Against. Member of Quarterly Conference, 611 §1 (3) Dismissal of, no Bar, 611 §2 Meaning of, 611 §1 New, 611 §2 Power of Annual Conference to hear, 82, 611 §3 [This is part of the larger topic of Judicial Administration] Conference Claimants: Annual Conference, Anniver- sary, 336 §1; Apportionment to Charges, 80. §36, 337; An- nuity Distribution, 342 §2; Claims and Receipts, Ques- tions, 80. §§34, 35; Duty of, 340 §2;, Investment Funds, 335; Investments for An- nuity Distribution, 342 §2; Joint Session, in. Interests of Claimants, 336 §2 Annual Conference Stewards, Annuity Distribution, 341; Apportionment to Charges, 337; Duties of, 339. §§2=8; Election of, 339 §1; Necessi- tous Distribution, 343. ~ INDEX {663 {Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Conference Claimants (cont'd)! Conference Claimants (cont'd): Annuity Distribution, 340 §1, 341, 342; Time of Payment, 339 $7 Apportionment to Charges, by Conference Stewards, 337; Conference Question, 80 §36 Bishop, Inquiry at Conference, 87; Observance of Rules and Regulations, 340 §2 Book Concern, Debt of Claim- ant, 341 §7; Dividend sub- ’ tracted, 3387; Dividends for Annuity Distribution, 342 §1; Purpose of Produce, 46 §6, 379 §2, 393 Chartered Fund, Equal Parts to Conferences, 509 $4; Dividends for Annuity Dis- tribution, 342 §1; Dividend subtracted, 337; Purpose of, 46 §6, 509 $1; Receipts, Con- ference Question, 80 $35. (a) Children, as Claimants, Age Limit, 333 §2; Age Limit in- creased, 341 §5; Child legally adopted, 341 §5; Determina- tion. of Claim, 341.) §5; of former’ Member, 339 §5; recognized as Claimant, 46 §6, 333 §2, 379 §2,' 393; when Claim takes Effect, 341 §5 Claims, Annuity, 341 §§1-10; Conference Question, 80 §34; Disallowance of, 341 §9; if beyond Conference Bounds, 188 §3; if overlooked, 339 §3; not invalidated by Retire- ment, 333 $1; apses at death, 612-A; Settlement Day, 327; voluntary Re- linquishment, 341 §8 Connectional Relief, Amount paid to Board of Pensions and Relief, Question, 80 §37 Contributory Retirement Re- serve, 590 Distribution, Annuity, 340 §1 (1), 341° 342: Connectional Relief, 340 §1 (3), 344, 487; 488; Necessitous, 340 §1 (2), 343 District Superintendent, Duty of, 190 §16, 340 §2 Equalization Fund, 344 (c) 731 Estimate of Support, by Sige Finance Committee, 321; Local Budget, 111 §6 (a): Quarterly Conference Ques- tion, 108 §2i, 323 §1, 338 Funds, Annual Conference In- vestment, 335; Board of Pen- sions and Relief, 334 §1, 484 §3, 487 §2 Gifts, Bequests, etc., Moneys received, 340 §2, 342 §3, 343 $§3, 4; through Trustees of prethediae Episcopal Church, Income, from Board of Pen- sions and Relief, 834 §1, 337, 340 §1 (3), 343 §1, 344 (a), 487, 488; Book Concern, 46 §6, 337, 342 §1, 379 §2, 393; Chartered Fund, 46 §6, 337, 342 §2, 509 §1; Conference Investments, 335, 342 §2; Gifts and Bequests, 340 §2, 342) 1$8, 7343 9 §8 $4, 10371: Pastoral. Charges, 342 §4; Public Collections, 340 §2; Relief and Aid Societies, 343 5 § Orphans, as Claimants, Age Limit, 341 §4; annual Cer- tificate, 341 §4; Certificate from School, 341 §4; of Mis- sionaries, 417 §2; Provision of Chartered Fund, 509 §1 Pastors, Duty of, 340 §2 Preachers’ Aid Societies, Estab- lishment of, 335 Produce of Book Concern, 46 §6, 379 §2, 393 Pro Rata Apportionment and Claim, Bishop’s Inquiry, 87; Book. Committee Apportion- ment, 331; Commission on Finance, 328 §§6, 7; District Stewards, 327; District Su- perintendent,’ Duty of, 190 §16; Law binding, 610; Quar- terly Conference Question, 108 §22: Settlement Day, 327 Quarterly Conference, Estimate of Committee, 338; -Ques- tions, 108 §§21, Pepa 32 Relief and Aid Societies; In- come from, 343 §5 7 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Conference Claimants (cont’d): Retired Ministers, as Claim- ants, Amount. of Annuity Claim, 341 §2; Certificate, if beyond Conference Bounds, 188 §3; Claim for Support not invalidated by Retire- ment, 333 §1; Condition for Annuities, 341 §1; Debt to Book Concern, 341 $7; rec- ognized as Claimants, 46 §6, 333 §2, 379 §2, 393,.509 §1 Retired Missionaries, Provision for Support, 417 §2 Settlement Day, 327 Supernumeraries, as Claimants, Produce of Book Concern for, 46. §6, 379 §2, 3938; Vote of Conference | necessary. to Claim, 187 Support of Claimants, Bishop’s Inquiry, 87; Conference Questions, 80 §§34-36; Dis- trict Superintendent, Duty of, 190 §16, 340 §2; in Local Budget, 111 §6 (1); in ‘‘Min- isterial Support,’ 90 §4; Quarterly Conference Ques- tion, 108 §22 Time of Payment, Claim, 339 §7 Trustees of Methodist Episco- pal Church, Benefit through, 371 Veterans’ Day, 336. §3 Widows, as Claimants, annual Certificate’ from, 341. §4; Condition for Claim, 333 §2, 341 §4; Determination of Claim, 341 §3; of former Member, 339 §5; of Mission- aries, 417 §2; recognized as Claimants, 46 §6, 333 §2, 379. §2, 393, 509 §1; when Claim takes Effect, 341 §3 Annuity Conference Evangelists: Appointment of, 208 §4 (8) Conferences in Gradation: Part. of System (EHpiscopal Address), page 4 Confirmation: Not a Sacrament (Article), 16 Congo Mission Conference: Boundaries of, 512 §2 (1) In South Africa Central Con- ference, 521 (2) Consecration: Bishop, Consecrators of, 204, 207 §10; no Bishop remain- ing, 205; Ritual, 533 Deaconess, Entitled to, 233 §2; Return of Certificate of, 237; Ritual, 536 Constituency Roll: Kept by Pastor, 48 §5 Quarterly Conference Question, 108 §11 Report of Committee on Rec- ords, 110 §2% Constitutions, Forms for: Sunday School, 615 §1 Sunday School Missionary So- ciety, 615 §2 Constitution of Methodist Episcopal Church: Amendments, Methods, 47; Minister not voting unless present, 602 §3; Minister not voting twice, 38 §3 Articles, 1-25 Careful Study (Episcopal Ad- dress), page 4 General Conference, 37-47 General Rules, 26-33 Pastoral Charges, Quarterly Be Annual Conferences, 34— Preamble, page 25 y Contributing Editor: Duties of, 397 Election of, 397 Nomination, 397 Post Office Address, 543 §1 Contributory Retirement Reserve: Resolutions on, 590 Conversation: Uncharitable or Unprofitable (General Rules), 30 Coordinate Authority: Missionary Bishops, 198, 199 732 ‘ INDEX { 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Coordinate Authority (cont’d): ~ Secretaries, Education for Ne- groes, 465 §1; Board of For- eign’ Missions, 415 §1 Corner Stone Laying: Ritual, 537 Corporate Names: Of Organizations, with Name of State, 562 Cotresporidence Fund: Amount and Distribution of, 384 §4 Corresponding Secretaries: Annual Appointment, 208 §3 (1) Elected by Boards, 544 §2; by General Conference, 544 §1 Post Office Addresses, 544 Costly Apparel: Putting on (General Rules), 30 Council:' Federal, Churches in Christ, 582 Mission, in Japan, 422 $2, 513 §4 (1): Courses of Study: Africa, 661 : Annual’ Conference Questions, 80 §§5, 6, 9-11 Bulgarian, 659 Central Conference, Power of, 95 §2 (2) , Central Mission Conference, Power of, 95A §2 (2) China, 661 Commission on, 210 §1, §2, §3, 563 $1 Danish, 634-636 Deaconesses, 662 District Superintendent, Duty, 190 §21 English, Annual Conference, 620; Class Leaders, 64, 624; License to Preach, 621; Local Preachers, 622; Local Preachers for Orders, 623 Failure, Within Eight Years, 169 §3 Finnish, 645-648 Courses of Study (continued): French, 660 General Statements, 617 German, 625-626 India, 661 Italian, 651-654 Japan, 661 Korea, 661 Malaysia, 661 Norway, 630-633 Norwegian and Danish in United States, 627-629 Ogibway, 661 Portuguese, 658 Russian, 649, 650 j Spanish-Speaking, 655-657 Sweden, 641-644 ereigh in United States, 637— Cradle Roll: Enrollment of, 91 §2%%, 474 Nee ke Credentials: Delegates to General Confer- ence, 40, 43; Special Com- mittee on Credentials, 566 (Rule 41 (1)); Traveling Ex- penses determined by Com- mittee, 5651 Local Preacher, Deprived of after Trial, 271, 273 §2; Re- turn when Severing Rela- tions, 221 §5 _ Minister, Deprived of, 82, 263, 266; Surrender of, 170; With- drawal at Conference, 172 -§$1; Withdrawal in’ Interval of Conference, 172 §2 Minister from another Church, Reception by, 80 '§4, 165 §3 Restoration of, 'Deaconesses, 237; Local Elder or Deacon, 303; Minister, 80 §24 (Note), 301, 302 Cross, Daily: Expected of Those in Societies (General Rules), 31 D Daily Cross: Expected of Those in Societies (General Rules), 31 733 {663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs:] Dakota Conference: Deaconess Work (continued): Boundaries, 518 §1 (18) Dancing: beri Advice on Amusements, 69. §1 Deaconess Work: Annual Conference, Authoriza- tion of Institutions, 491 §2 Commission on, 595 . ‘Conference Board, Annual Ap- proval of Probationer, 231; Appointments read,.494 §519; Charters and Deeds, 494 §2; District Superintendent, Su- pervision by, 495; Executive _ Committee, 494 §4: Insti- tutions authorized, 491 §2; Institutions recognized, 496 §2; Institutions, , Report. of, 496 §5; Meeting of Board, 494 85; Membership, 233 §3, 494 $1; Minutes, Publication World Service Foreign. Mission’ Fields, Work in, 499 ., evict: Conferences, Work in, 49 Institutions, 496 Pastor, Duty of, 493 Training Schools, 230 §2 (3) a,b, 491 §3,.496 $4. . Commission, Cooperation of Board with, 408 §1°; Report of Commit- tee, 569 an rie brie 1O.4 Deaconesses: of, 494 §7; Officers, 494. §3;. Order, of Business, 494 §5; Powers of Board, 494. §2; Reception of Probationers, 494 §2; Reelection of , ¢; Quarterly Conference Rec- ommendation, 230 §2 (1); ‘Reception of, 494 §2 ‘Quarterly Conference, Charac- » ter examined, 108 §15; Mem- bers of, 104, 108 §55, 235; Report. to, 108 §1314 Restoration of, 237 Retirement of, 239 §1 Temporary Relief, 240 INDEX { 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs. ] Deaconesses (continued): * Transfer, '494: §2. Vow, 229 §2 Deacons: Baptism, Authority to Admin- ister, 175 Conference Question, 80 §§8 (a), 12 . * Credentials Restored, 303 Election of, 80 §8 (a-c), .§12, 83, 174 Eligibility to Orders, .Chap- lains, 176 §4; Local Preach- ers; .176 §1; Preachers. on Trial, 176 §4; Two Years on Trial, 176. §3; under, Mis- sionary, Rule, 176 §4; under Seminary Rule, 176 §2 Examination, Course of Study, 623 §1, 629 §1; Satisfactory, 176 $§1-3 India, Local Preachers in, 181 Loeal, Eligibility to Elder’s Or- ders, 179 §§1, 2; Filing and Restoration. of Credentials, 303 Lord’s Supper, Author‘‘y to Assist, 175 Matrimony, Authority ti )Sol- emnize, 175 Ordination, at ‘‘Christmas Con- ference” (Historical . State- ment), page 9 Ordination, at Conference, 83; by Bishop, 174, 207 §10; Con- ference Question, 80. §83—4, §12 4d ; Ritual, 535 Dead: Annual Ae eee Question, 80 §17 . Bishops; 566 (Rule 1 (a)), 573 3 - Ritual for Burial, 531, 532 Debt: Church Member, 284, 285 Churches, 359, 360, 361 Claimant, to Book Concern, 341 $7 Conference Member, Case of, 285; Debt Contracted, 259; Locating, Debt to Book Con- cern, 169 §2 Local Preacher, 275 Debt and: Tobacco: Candidates for Full’ Member- ‘ship (Note), 162 Candidates on Trial, 157 §11, 2 Local Preacher, 220 §1 - Decency and Cleanliness: Recommendation of Pastor, 182 §21 Dedication: Ritual for Church, 538 Deeds: Conformity of, 190 °§8 Duty of District Superiuten- dents, 190 §8 Delaware Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (19) Delegates: Central Conference, 95 §1 (1), 9 Central Mission Conference, 95A §1 (1), (2) Fraternal, Expenses of, 182 §25 General Conference,-None’ from Mission Conference, 96. §2; Reserves, Election. of, 38. §2, 39 §4; Traveling Expenses, 565 §§1, 2; Traveling Ex- penses; Reserves, 565 §§3, 4 General .. Conference. (Lay), Ceasing to be Members of Church,: 39. §5;\ Certificate of Election, 40,43; Challenge of, 43; Election of, 37, 39; Extra Session of Lay Con- ference, for Election, 41 §3; how Chosen, 39 §1; Number of, 39 §4; Qualifications of, 39 §5; Reserves, 39° §4; Vot- ing by Orders, 45 General Conference (Minis- terial), Chairman ‘of Dele- gation, Papers to, 300; Chal- lenge of, 43; Certificate of Election, 40, 43; Election by Ballot, 38 §2; Minister’ not Counted or’ Voting twice, in Election, 38 §3; No Vote for Delegates, unless present, 602 83; Number of, 38 §81, 2: Qualifications of, 38'§2; Re- serves, 38 §2; ‘Voting by Orders, 45 735 { 663 INDEX {Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Delegates (continued): Lay Electoral Conference, Dele- gate to, 39 §1, 93; Election of Delegates to General Con- ferenee, 39 §§4, 5; Session of, 39 §§2, 3; Session, Extra, 41 3 Laymen’s | Associations, Dele- gates to, 94 Denmark Conference: Boundaries, 514 §1 (1) .In_ North European Central Conference, 519. §3 (2) Depositories: Addresses, 542 Discontinuance, 382) §3 Location, 394 §1, 542 No Books on Commission, 406 Part, of Book Concern, 379 §1 Proceeds of, 394 §2 Sales at, 391 §1 upervision of by Book Com- mittee, 385 Des Moines Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (20) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (12) Detroit: Depository at, 394 §1, 542 Episcopal Residence, 539 Detroit Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (21) Diligence and Frugality: Expected of Those in Societies (General Rules), 31 Directors: Religious Education, Duty of, 107 §7, 476 §1; Election of, 107 §7; Member of Commis- sion on, 107, §15; Member Quarterly Conference, 104, 108 §5!9; Report to Quar- terly Conference, 108 §139 Social and Recreational | Life, Confirmation of, 108 §54, 480; Designation of, 480; Duty of, 107 §9; Member of Quarterly Conference, 104, yise §54, 480; Report to, 108 13 Disagreement in Business: Arbitration or Trial, 283-285 Disciplinary Financial Plan: Basic Principles, 111 §2 : Benevolence Budget, 111 §8 Benevolences, Committee on, 111 §4 Bishop’s, Inquiry at Annual Conference, 87 Finance Committee, 111 §3 Financial Secretary, 111) §5 Foreword, 111. §1 Local Budget, 111 §6: Treasurer, Benevolence Budget, 111 §9 Treasurer, Local Budget, 111 [The fuller enlargement of this topic is found under the subject of Financial Plan, Disciplinary] Discipline: Agreeable to God’s Word (Epis- ~.copal Address), page 3 Agreement of Other Churches with, when uniting, 609 Assent, Baptized Children 53; Ministers from Other Churches, 165 §4 Central Conference, Powers of ; 95°§ (1), (3), ©), (12) Central Mission Conference, Powers of, 95A §2 AD asic) Contents (pages 13-22) District Superintendent, En- forcement by, 190 §17 Editors of (page 2) Examination, at Conference, 624 §§1, 4; for License to Preach, 220 §§1, 3: in Courses of Study, 210 §2, 620 §21, etc. Inveighing against, Church Member, 282 Ladies’ Aid Societies, in Har- mony with, 378 §3 Names of Missioriary Bishops to be Printed in, 200 Gee: Administration by, 182 3 Discontinuance: Central Mission Conference, 95A §2 (11) 736 INDEX { 663 {Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Discontinuance (continued): Conference Probationers, 80 §7, 190 §22 District Conference, 103 Preaching Place, 185 Dissension: Reproof and Trial for, 282 District Conference: Appeal from Preacher’s De- gision, 813 §13; of Local Preacher, Notice of, 304 Benevolent Collections, 102 §3? Benevolent Institutions, 101 §3 Business fixed by Central Con- ference, 95 §2 (13) Class or Unit Leader, Report of, 102 §31° Conference Claimants, ‘Funds for, 340 §2 Credentials, Restoration of, 301 Discontinuance of, 103 District Stewards, Report of, 102 §35 District Superintendent, Ap- peal from Preacher’s Deci- sion, 313 §13; Call of Confer- ence, 98, 103; Presidency of, 99, 190 §4; Report of, 102. §3! Epworth League, Inquiry as to, 101 §5, 481; Report. from, 102 §37 Examinations, Committee on, 102 §21-4 Exhorters, Attendance at, 228; License and Work, 102 §5!,2; Report from, 102 §3+; Super- vision of, 101 §2 Foreign Missions, as a District Conference, 421 §2 Ladies’ Aid Societies, Inquiry as to, 101 §6; Report from, 102 §31¢6 Licenses, 102 §21!, 102 §42,3, §5!, 190 §6, 220 §1 Local Preachers, Examination of, 102. §2?; License, 102 §42,3; Orders, 102 §4+4,3, 176 §1, 179 §1; Reception on Trial, 102 §46, 157 §1; Report of, 102 §33, 223; Supervision of, 101 §2, 219; Trial of, 271-273 Meetings, 98 Members of, 97, 429 §3 District Conference (cont'd): Ministers from Other Churches, 165 §2 Mission, Annual Meeting ag District Conference, 449 §1 Missionary and Church Exten- sion Enterprise, 101 §8 Order of Business, 101, 102 Pastor, Report of, 102 §3? President, Bishop, 99, 207 §9; District Superintendent, 99, 190 §4 Record to Annual Conference, 100 Sunday Schools, Inquiry as to, 101 §4; Report from, 102. §3¢ Support of Ministry, 101 §3 Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, Inquiry as to, 101 §7; Report from, 102 §31 Woman’s Home Missionary Society, Inquiry as to, 101 §7; Report from, 102 §312 Young People’s Societies, 481 District Stewards: Apportionment of Bishops’ Support, to Charges, 331 District Conference Members of, 97 Duties, 326, 327, 328 §8 Election of, 107 §4, 108 §3>, 314 Meeting, annual, 327 Records, Custodian of, 327 Report to District Conference, 102 §35 Reserve, Election of, 107 §4, 108 §3 , 314 Settlement Day, Appointment of, 327 District Superintendency: Part of System (Hpiscopal Ad- dress), page 4 District Superintendent: Absence of Pastor from Charge, 191; Notification for Leave of, 186 Admonition of Minister holding Service against Request, 253 Amusements, Subject of, 69 §2 Appeal, Errors in Cases of, 264 §2; from Preacher’s Decision, { 663 InpEX _ [Numbers refer,to Paragraphs.] District Superintendent. (con- tinued): 313 §13; from Decision to Bishop, 313 §13; Notice from Church.Member, 307; Notice from Local Preacher, 304 Appointment of, 189, 208 §2; to Superintendency, in Mis- sion Conference, 96 §3..°, Appointments, in Interval: of Conference, 190 §3 Reise on Bishop, 190 Benevolences, Bishop’s Inquiry concerning, 87;, Promotion of, 190 §10 Bishop, Accusation against, 241-243; Attendance on, 190 §19; if no Bishop, 215; in Absence of, 190 §§2, 3; In- vestigation of, 247 j Book Concern Debts, Collec- tion of, 392 §2 Chaplains, | Recommendation for Deacon’s Orders, 176 §4 Chartered Fund, Subscriptions for, 509 §2 Charters, Conformity to Laws, 190. §8 Children, Inquiry concerning Instruction of, 190 §14 Church, Equity in Parsonage, Hes §3; Organization of local, 193 Church Location, Member: of District, Board, 448 Church Property, Insurance of, 190 §9; Mortgage or Sale of, 361, 362; Parsonages, Build- ing and Renting of, 368 City Societies, Appointments under, 441 §3: ex officio Member of Board, 440, 444° §3; Organization of, 442 §1 Claim, Estimate of District Stewards, 327; pro rata, 328 §7, 331 Class Leaders, in Organization of local Church,, 193 Conference Claimants, Inter- ests of, 190 §10, 340 .§2 Conference Evangelists, Direc- tion of, 208 §4 (8) Conference Session, Change of Place, 77 District Superintendent «(con- _., tinued): Courses of Study, Direction of, 190: $2455 Court of Appeals, Convening, 306 §§2-4 Credentials, Local. Elder» or Deacon expelled, 303)... Deaconess Work, Member of Board, 494 §1;. Supervision of, 495 Decision,. Appeal from, 313 §13 Decision of Preacher, Appeal from, 313 §13° Deeds, Conformity to Laws, 190° §8 WEN Enforcement of, 190 vee $1 District, Travel through, 190 §1 District Conference, Appeal from Preacher’s Decision, 313. §13; Call of, 98, 103; In- quiry Epworth League, 481; Presidency of, 99, 190 §4; Report to, 102 §31 District Stewards, Estimate _\ by,'327; Records of, 327 Education, Duty as to, 461; Interests of, 190 §10 » Education for Negroes, Duty regarding, 466 §1; Interests of, 190 §10 Episcopal Fund, Inquiry as to Apportionment, 190 §11 Epworth League, Duty as to, 481; Interests of; 190 $10; Member ex officio, District Cabinet, 478 §3° Errors of Law, in Appeals, 264 Evangelism} Cooperation in, 446 §2; in Sunday Schools, 475 §1 Evangelists, Conference, Direc- tion of, 208 §4 (8); Engage- ment by Pastor, .184; Rec- _ommendation of, 190 §23 xhorter, Renewal of License, 228; Oversight. of, 190 §2 Foreign Missions, Duty: as to, ' 427; -Interests of, 190 §10; Member Conference Board, 424 §1; Nomination of. Dis- trict Secretary, 426; -Pres- ident District Board, 425 $1: INDEX { 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] District Superintendent (con- District Superintendent (con- tinued) : Statement to General Board, 190 §20 General Conference Expense, Apportionment to Charges, 384 §1; Inquiry as to Pay- ment, 190 §12 General Conference. Commis- sions, Apportionment for Ex- pense, 384 §1 Judicial Conferences, Appor- tionment for Expense, '384.§1 Home Missions, Church Loca- tion, Member of Board, 448; City’ Society, Duty as to, 442 $1; City Society, ez officto Member of, 440; Con- ference’ Board, Member of, 447 §1; Evangelism, Coopera- tion in, 446 §2; Interests of, 190 §10; Statement to Gen- eral Board, 190 §20 Investigation of, 252 §2 Investigation of Conference Member, 252 §1, 253, 255, 257-260 J caine League, Interests of, 190 6) Ladies’: Aid Societies, Duty as to, 378 §3; Interests of, 190 §10 Law, Appeal from Decision, to Bishop, 313 §13; Decision of Questions of, 190 §18; Errors, in Cases of Appeal, 264 §2; Notice of Appeal, Church Member, 307; Notice of Appeal, Local. Preacher, 304; Preacher’s Decision, Ap- peal from, 313 §13 Licenses, Issue and Renewal, 190 §6;° Renewal of Exhor- ter’s, 228 Literary ~ Institutions; as to, 190 §13 ee Church, Organization of, 1 Local Elder or Deacon ex- pelled, Credentials of, 303 Local Preacher, Certificate to, 221 §§1, 2; Credentials re- turned, 273 §2; Employment of, 222; fair Trial for, 276, 277; holding Religious Serv- ices, against Request, 273 §3; Report 739 tinued): Notice of Appeal, 304; Over- sight of, 190 §2; Pay for Services, Approval of, 224; Quorum in Trial of; 277 Minister, Absence from Charge, 191; Appeal from Decision of, 313° §13; Change of Ap- pointment, in Interval, 190 §3; Counsel, in Investiga- tion, Appointment of, 310 -§2; Employment of rejected, 192; holding Religious Serv- ices, against Request, 253; Investigation of, 252 §1, 253- 255, 257-260, 265. §4; Leave of Absence, Request for, 186; Neglect to investigate Fail- ure, 257; Oversight of, 190 §2; Quarterly Meetings, hold- ing in Absence, 182 §8; Tes- timony of absent Witness, 308 §2; ‘Trial for Debt ‘or Dispute, 285; Trial referred by Conference, 265 §4 Ministerial Support, Inquiry concerning, 190 §16; pro rata Division, 610 Mission ‘Conference, tendency of, 96 §3 Missionary Bishop, Investiga- tion of, 247, 248 Parsonages, Building and Rent- ing, 368; Equity of local Church in, 363 §3 Preacher on Trial, Deacon’s Orders, Recommendation for, 176 §4; Employment of, when without Appointment, 211; Refusal of Full Membership, no Wrong, 190 §22;' Schools and Study, Attention. di- rected to, 190 §21; Trial of, 270 Preaching Place, ance of, 185 Pro Rata Division, Book Com- mittee’s Apportionment, 331; Commission on Finance, Ap- portionment, 328 §7; Dis- tribution of Ministerial Support, Bishop’s Question, 87; District Stewards’ Appor- tionment, 327; Division of Superin- Discontinu- { 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] District Superintendent (con< tinued): Amounts to be made, 610; Quafterly Conference Ques- tion, 108 §22, 190 §16; Set- tlement Day, 327 Quarterly Conference, Pastor’s Account of Charge, 182 §28; Estimating’ Committee, 323 §1; Pastor to hold, in Ab- sence, 182 §8; Presence and Direction at, 190 §5; Pres- idency of, 105 §1; pro rata Inquiry, 108. §22, 190 §16; Questions at, 190 §§14-16 Religious Instruction, Commit- tee on, 475 §2 Rural Missionary Territory, Al- location of, 588 Schools, Attention to, 190 §§13, Social and Recreational Pro- gram, Inquiry as to, 190 §15 Spiritual and Temporal Busi- ness, Oversight of, 190 §7 Sunday Schools, Duty as to, 190 §10, 475 §2; Evangelism, Promotion in, 475 §1; Quar- terly Conference, Committee on Religious Instruction, 475 § Support of, Apportionment in Local Budget, 111 §6 (1); Duty of District Stewards, 328 §8; Estimate of Confer- ence Commission on Finance, 328 §§4-7; Estimate of local Finance Committee, 321; Es- timate of Quarterly Confer- ence Committee, 323 §1; in Pastor’s Report, 90 §5; in Total for ‘Ministerial Sup- port,’ 90 §4; monthly Pay- ment, 328 §§5, 8; Settlement Day, 327 Temperance, Interests of, 190 §10; Member of District Committee, 490 §6; Nomina- tion of District Committee, 490 §6; Quarterly Conference Inquiry, 190 §14, 490 -§7 Theological Institutions, Re- port as to, 190 §13 World Service, Member of Local Council, 410 §1 740 Districts: Annual Conference, formed by Bishop, 207 §2 Board of Church Pnestion and Location in, 84 esha Service Council in, 410 y/ Diversions: Special Advice on, 69 Taking of (General Rules), 30 Dividends: Book Concern, for Claimants, 46 §6, 342 §1, 393 Chartered Fund, for Claim- ants, 46 §6, 342 §1, 509 §1 Conference Investments, In- come for Claimants, 342 §2 Connectional Relief, for Claim- ants, 340 §3, 488° Divorce: Special Advice concerning, 68 Violation of Advice, 264 §1 Doctrines: oer in Courses of Study 210 Dissemination of Contrary, by Bishop, 244; by Conference Member, 254; by Missionary Bishop, 249; by Teacher of Theology, 255, 256: Inveighing against, and Trial, 282 No new Standards, 46 §1 Of every Evangelical Church (Episcopal Address), page 4 Pastor to Instruct in, 182 §3 Relicensing Minister teaching Contrary, 267 §2 Reproof Doctrines and Discipline: Agreeable to God’s Word (Epis- copal Address), page 3 Assent, Baptized Children, 53; Ministers from Other Churches, 165 §4 Examination, at Conference, 624 §§1, 4: for License to Preach, 520’ §§1, 3; in Course of Study, 210 §2 Inveighing against, 282 Stewards, Qualification, 315 INDEX § 663 {Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Doing Good: By those in Societies (General Rules), 3 Doing to Others: As we would not (General Rules), 3 Dress: Deaconess Garb, 232 §1; 234, 491 §3 Gold or Costly Apparel (Gen- eral Rules), 30 Special Advice on, 66 Drunkenness: mvgidance of (General Rules), E East German Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (22) East Tennessee Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (23) Eastern South America Con- ference: Boundaries, 515 §1 (2) In Central.Conference for Latin America, 522 (4) Eastern’ Swedish Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (24) Ecumenical Conference: Continuation. Committee, 563 §12; Report on, 583 Report on, 583 Editorial Council: Good Literature Day, Designa- tion of, 399 §14 Meetings, annual, 399 §11 Meetings, special, 399 §11 Membership, 399 §§1, 12 Editors: Amusements, Subject of, 69 §2 Appointment, Official, 208 §3 (3); Unoficial, 208 §4. (7); Zion's Herald, 208 §3 (3) Contributing Editor, Duties of, 397; Election of, 397 Correspondence Fund, 382 §4 Editors (continued): Discipline, Editors (page 2) Discontinuance of Publication, 382 §3 Duties of, 401 Editorial Council, 399 §§11, 12, 14 Election, Epworth Herald, 396, 478 §5; Official Périodicals, 396, 399 §§1-9; Other Publi- cations, 400; Pitisburgh Ad- vocate, 398; Sunday School Publications, 470 §1 Investigation of, 387 §§2, 3 Matters referred to Book Com- mittee, 382 §3 eet gt of, 396, 398, 399 § Other Publications, 400 Post Office Addresses, 543 Removal of, 387 §3 Salaries, Epworth Herald, 478 §7; fixed, 382° $4; Pittsburgh Advocate, 402; Sunday School Publications, 470 §3 Vacancies, 382 §5, 478 §5 Education: Annual Conference, Anniver- sary, 460 §3 (7); Auxiliaries, 456, 458 §6; Board, Duties of, 460 §3; Excess over Ap- portionment, 455 §6; Income of Children’s Fund, 455 §3; Secondary Schools, 458 §§3, 4 rears recognized, 456, 458. OT $15, 86 Board, By-Laws, 457; ‘‘Centen- ary Hducational Fund,” 455 §5; ‘Children’s Day Fund,’’ 455 §2; “Children’s Fund,’’ 455 st, 3; Committees, 454 §§2, 4; Corporate Name, 562: Catiespenaite Secre- tary, Election, 453 §2; Courses. of Study, Representatives on Commission, 451 §3; Evan- gelism in Colleges and Uni- versities, 446 §2; Foreien Missions, Aid in Preparation for, 455 §1; Home Missions, Aid in Preparation for, 455 §1; Home Missions, Coopera- tion with, 446 §$2, 3, 455 $10; Institutions, 458; Loans, T41 { 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Education (continued): Education for Negroes (cont'd): 455 §4; Meetings, 454 §1; Members, Reduction . of Number, 408 §2 (c), 569 §5¢; Merger with Other Boards, 451 (prefatory Notes), 468 §2; Merger, Re- port of Committee, 569 §3; Objects, 451 §§1, 2; Officers, 453 §1; Other Funds, Admin- istration of, 455 $9; Pensions, 455 §8; Post Office Address of Office and Officers, 544 §1, 545, 550; Quorum, 454 °§1; Report, 458. §7; Schools of South, 455 §7; Students in non-liethodist.. Institutions, 446 §3, 455 §10; Trustees, 452 §1; University Senate, a Vacancies, 452 §2, 453 Central. Conference, | Super- vision of Education, 95 §2 (1) Central Mission Conference, Supervision of Education, 95A §2 (1) Children’s Day, 462 §1 Corporate Name of Board, 562 District Superintendent, Duty of, 461, 190: §10; Report to Annual Conference, 190 §13 Institutions, Current Needs, 455 86 Pastor, Duty of, 182 §22, 462 Public Collection, 455 §6, 462 2 Quarterly Conference Commit- tee, 107 §14 (7), 461 Secondary Schools, 458 §§3, 4 University Senate, 459 World Service ‘Commission, Cooperation of Board with, 408 §13; Report of Commit- tee, 569 Education for Negroes: Apportionment to Charge, 466 Board of, Corresponding Secre- taries, 465 §2; Incorporation, 464; Managers, Election and Powers, 464; Merger with other Boards, 451 (prefatory Notes); Merger, Report of Committee, 569 §3; Officers, Election of, 465 §1; Post Office Addresses, 544, 550; Quadrennial Report, 464; Quorum, ‘Treasurer, Election and Duties, 465 §§1, 3; Vacancies, in: Board, 464; Vacancies, in Case of Offi- cers, 465 §1; World Service Commission, Cooperating Board, 408 §1%6 Corporate Name of Board, 562 District Superintendent, Du- ties of, 190 §10, 466 §? Institutions, Establishment and Maintenance of, 463 Lincoln’s Birthday, Observance of, 463, 466 §2 Pastor, Duties of, 182 §22, 466 §2 Quarterly Conference, Com~ mittee on, 107 §14 (8), 466 §2 Schools, Union with other De- nominations, 467 orld Service Commission, Cooperation of Board with, 408 §§1, 3(%); Powers of Commission, 569 §7 Education, Religious: Commission on, 107 §15, 475 §2, 476 §1, 477 §1 Director, Duty of, 107 §7, 476 §1;. Election of, 107 2 Member of Commission, ex officio, 107 §15; Member of Quarterly Conference, 104, 108 §5; Report to Quar- terly Conference, 108 §139 Pastor, Duty of, 182 §22 Elders: 742 Authority of, 178 Spire es Question, 80 §11 a —_— Bishop, Gharies against, 241; Consecration of, 204, 205 Commissioner at Trial,’ 265 §2 Credentials restored, 303 District Superintendent, vestigation of, 252 $2 Election of, 83, 177 Eligibility to Office, Absence of Bishop, 180; Chaplains, 179 §4; Deacons, two years, 179 In- INDEX { 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Elders (continued): Enabling Acts: ') ©’ roe §3} Local Deacons, 179 §2; Local: Preachers, 179 | §1; under Missionary Rule, 179 §5; under Seminary Rule, 179 Examinations for’ Ordination, 179 §§1-3; Satisfactory, 179 §$1-3 General Superintendent, Elec- tion from, 42 §1 India, Local Preachers in, 181 Local, Filing and’ Restoration of Credentials, 303 Matrimony, to Solemnize, 178 Missionary Bishop, Charges against, 248 Ordination, at Conference, 83; Assistant at, 177; by Bishop, 177, _207 §10; Conference Question, 80 §11 (a)—(f), 13 (b), (c); Ritual, 534 Ordination, ‘‘Christmas Con- ference’ (Historical State- ment), page 9 Presidency at Conference, 78 Sacraments, Administration of, Baptism, 178; Lord’s Sup- per, 178 Superintendent of Mission, In- vestigation of, 260 Elections: Annual Conference, Delegates to General, 38, 602 §3 Bishops, 42 §1, 204, 205 Charge, Delegate to Lay Con- ference, 93 Corresponding Secretaries, Elected by Boards, Post Office Addresses, 544 §2; Elected by General Confer- ence, Post Office Addresses, 544 §1 Editors, 396-399 §1-§9, 400 Lay Electoral Conference, Dele- gates to General, 39 Orders, Deacon’s, 174; Elder’s 177; Preacher not Examined, 603 §1 Embury, Philip: Preaching in New York, and Formation of Society (His- torical Statement), page 7 743 “Africa,'512 §3 Eastern Asia, 513 .§3— ‘Europe, 514 §3.° In Force one Quadrennium, §23° (1) Southeastern Asia, 516 §3 Southern Asia, 517 §3 Y eis sereaion and Territories, Episcopacy: Not. to be lout away, 46 §3 Part of System (Episcopal Ad- dress), page 4 Episcopal Address: ie eer of Church, pages Episcopal Areas: Book Committee, Election ac- cording to, 380 §1 Contiguous and Continuous Supervision, 573 Grouping of Annual Confer- ences, 575 Justification of, Report of Com- mittee, 574 Hearing, in ‘Investigation of Publishing Agent or Editor, 387. §3 World Service Area Council, 410 §§1, 3, 4,6, 7 Episcopal Fund: Apportionments to, Charges, 331; Pro Rata, 331 District Superintendent, Duty of, 190 §11 Quarterly Conference Question, 108. §22 Support of Bishops, 329-3382; of Missionary Bishop, 195 Treasurer, Drafts on, 330; Du- ties of, 332; Election of, 332; Post Office Address, 545 Episcopal Residences: Bishops, 539 Retired Bishops, 540 Epworth Herald, Editor: Election of, 396, 478 §5 Member of Board of League, 478 §4 Post Office Address, 543 §1 { 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Epworth League:; ©... Amusements, Subject of, 69 §2 Anniversary Day, 482 §2 Board, Central Office, 478 §8, 552: Cénstitution, 478; Fi- nances, 478 §7; General Sec- retary, Election of, 478 §5; Government, 478 §4; Insti- tutes, 483; Junior League, Assistant Secretary, 478 §4; Meetings, 478 §4; Merger with Other Boards, 451 (prefatory Notes); Merger, Report of Committee, 569; $3; Object, 478 §2; Officers, 178 §5; Organization, 478 §3; Post Office Addresses, 544 $14, 552; Title, 478 §1; Treasurer, 478 §5; Vacancy in Board, 478 §4; Vacancy as to Presidency and Editor- ahip, 478 §5 ‘Corporate Name, 562 Directors, Social and Recrea- tional Life, Confirmed by Quarterly Conference, 108 §5 (4), 480 District President, Member of Annual Conference Board of Foreign Missions, 424 1 District Superintendent, Duty of, 190 §10, 481; Member District Cabinet, ex officio, 478 §3 Leagues, Annual Conference, Area, City, County, District, State, 478 §3 Local Chapter, Canvass by Fi- nance Committee, 111 §3 (6); Constitution, 478 §9; Control of, 478 §3; Expense in local Budget, 111 §2 (5), 111 86 (4); on Committee on Benevolences, 111 §4; Or- ganization of, 478 §3; Sup- port of, 111 §3 (3) Pastor, Control by, 478. . §3; Duty of, 182 §12, 482; List to Central Office, 482 §4; Superintendent Junior League, Appointment of, 482 §3 President, local Chapter, Con- firmation by Quarterly Con- ference, 108 §52, 479; Duty, Epworth League (continued): 479; Election, 479; Member District. Conference, . 973 Member local Committee, Foreign Missions, 427 §2:; Member Quarterly Confer- ence, 104, 108 §52, 479; Re- port to District Conference, 102 §3’; Report to Quarterly Conference, 108 §136, 479; Social and Recreational Life, 107 §9 Quarterly Conference, Control of Chapter, 478 §3; President, Member of, 104, 108 $52, 479; President, Report of, 108 $138, 479 Religious Education, Commis- sion on, 107 §15 Superintendent Junior League, Appointment of, 482 §3; Member Quarterly Confer- ence, 104; Report to Quar- terly Conference, 108 §137 World Service Commission, Co- operation of Board with, 408 a Report of Committee, Erie Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (25) Estimating Committee: Appointment of, 107 §13 Duty of, 323 §1, 338 Report to Quarterly Confer- ence, 108 §21, 323 §1, 338 Evangelical Churches, Other: Doctrines of (Episcopal Ad- dress), page 4 Members from, Reception, 48 4 Members joining, Note of Rec- ommendation to, 56 §2; with- out Note, 59 §2 Ministers from, 165-167 Union with Other, 609 Union with Other than Church, South, 580 Evangelism: Board of Home Missions, De- partment of, 437 §1; et ei of, 446 §$§1, 2 INDEX § 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Evangelism (continued): Board of Sunday Schools, Duty of District Superintendent, 475 §1; Plans for, 472 §3 Evangelists: Accredited Methodist, Bureau of, 446 §2 At-Large, 209 Annual Conference, Appoint- ment of, 208 §4 (8) Recommendation of District Superintendent, 190 §23 Every-Member Contributions: A ‘Recorded Contributor,’’ 111 §2 (5) 2 ep for weekly Payments, Education for Negroes, 466. §3 Information as to local and world Needs, 111 §2 (2) Evil: aver tpl of (General Rules), Falsely Spoken, for the Lord’s Sake (General Rules), 31 Return of (General Rules), 30 Speaking, of Magistrates or Ministers (General Rules) , 30 Examination, Journals: Approval of, Condition, 79 Report of Committee (1924), 568 Standard Table of Contents, 567 Examinations, Conference: ‘Annual Missions, 449 §2 Certificates, 618 Class or Unit Leaders, 64, 624 Courses of Study, 620-662 Deaconesses, First Year, 494 §5#, 662 §2; Probationary, 662 §1; Second Year, 494 §5>, 662 §3 District Conferences, 102 §2: First Year, Conference, 620 §3 cherie Year, Conference, 620 § General Statement, 617 License to Preach, 220 §1, 621 Local Preachers, 220 §2, 622 Examination, Conference (con- tinued): Local Preachers for Deacon’s Orders, 176 §1 (8), 623 §1 Local Preachers for Elder’s Orders, 179 §1 (3), 623 §2 Method of Conducting, 619 Orders, Examination necessary, 603 §1 Reception on Trial, 157 §1 (2), 220 §3, 620 §2 Second Year, 176 §3 (2), 620 §4 Seminary Students, Deacon’s Orders, 176 §2 (2), 620 §3, §4, 621 (Note) Seminary Students, Elder’s Orders, 179 §4 (1), 620 §5, §6, 621 (Note) Third Year, Conference, 620 §5 Examiners, Board of: Appointment and Duties of, 619 Executive Committee (of Book Committee): Alteration in Buildings, 382 §2 Chairman, Absence of, 385 Chairman Book Committee, Member ex officio, 380 §2 Depositories, Supervision of, 394 §1 Duties of, 385 Editors, Suspension of, 387 §2; Trial, 387 §3 Election of, 380 §2 Improvements in Buildings, 382 §2 Local Committee, in Office till 1928, 380 §2 Meetings, bimonthly, 386; Spe- cial, 386 New Buildings, Authorization of Erection, 382 §2 Nomination of, 380 §2 Number of, 380 §2 Publishing Agents, Approval of Work, 388 §1; Members ex officio, 380 §2; monthly Transactions from, 391 §2; Suspension of, 387 §2; Trial of, 387 §3 Quorum, 386 Real Estate, Valuation in an- nual Inventory, 390 §2 745 4 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to. Paragraphs.] Executive Committee (of Book Committee)’ (continued): Records of Proceedings, 386 Repairs in Buildings, 382 §2 Supervision and Direction, gen- eral, 385 Vacancy in Membership, 380 §2 Vice-Chairman, Absence of, 385 Exhorter: Central Conference, Courses of aN prescribed by, 95 §2 2 Central Mission Conference, Courses of Study arranged for, 95A §2 (2) Class, Recommendation by, 227 Constituted, How, 227 District pea el tees Appoint- ments, 102° §2 (6); Attend- ance, 97, 228; License, 102 §5!; Powers of, 219; Report to, 102 §34; Work assigned, 102 §52 District Superintendent, Su- pervision by, 190 §2 Duties, 228 License, by Pastor, 182 §7, 227; Renewed, 102 §51, 108 §162,>, 228, 449 §1 Missions, License in, 449 §1 Quarterly Conference, Charac- ter examined, 108 815, 228; Member of, 104, 228; Re- newal of License, 108 §164, > Report, 108 §133 Extreme Unction: Not a paseatvent (Articles), 16 F Family Worship Department of Evangelism, in- spiration of, 446 §2 Evidence of Salvation (General Rules), 32 General Conference Report, 594 Fasting or Abstinence: Observance of (General Rules), 2 Father, The: Sy of Godhead (Article), Father, The (continued): . One hiving and. True God (ar- ticle), 1 Federation: Commission on: Colored Churches; 563 §3 Commission on Federation and Interdenominational Pro- nouncements, 563 §5 Committee on Federation of Churches, 563 §10 Federal Council, Churches of Christ, 582 Report of Committee, 579 Fighting: Avoidance of (General Rules), 30 Filth and Offscouring: Being as (General Rules), 31 Finance: Annual Conference Commission on, 328 Committee on, Appointment, 112 §2; Estimate of Expenses and Benevolences, 321 Financial Secretary, Appoint- ment of, 112 §2 Mission Field, Committee in, 418 §1 a aa Appointment of, 112 2, ; Treasurers, Appointment of, 112 §2 Financial Plan, Disciplinary: Annual, -Conference: _Benevo- lences, Apportionments, 111 §4 (3), 111. §8 @) Annual Conference Expense, in Local, Budget, 111 §6 (5) Arrears, Offset of, 111 §2 (4) Basis of, 111 §1 Benevolence Budget, Duty of Treasurer, 111 $9 (1)-(4); Failure to raise, 111 §4 (4); Making up, 111 $4 (3); Pro- vision for, 111. §8 (1)-(8); ARE Contributions, 111 §g 3 Benevolences, Quarterly “ Annual... and Conference Ap- 746 eo INDEX { 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Financial Plan, Disciplinary Financial Plan, Disciplinary (continued) : portionments, 111 §4 (3); Committee on, 111 §4; Com- mittee on, Duty, 111 §4 (1)- (5); Cooperation of Financial Secretary, 111 §5 (8) Bishops, Apportionment for, in local Budget, 111 §6 (1) Committee on Benevolences, Cooperation with Financial Secretary, 111 §5 (8); Duty of, 111 §4 (1)—(5); Members of, 111 §4 Conference Claimants, Appor- tionment for, in Local Bud- get, 111 §6 (1) Contributions not on weekly Basis, 111 §2 (4) Control an essential Requisite, 111 §2 (7) District Superintendent, Ap- portionment for, in Local Budget, 111 §6 (1) Duplex Envelopes, 111 §2 (3) Envelopes to new Members, 111 §2 (6) Epworth League, Canvass by Finance. Committee; 111 §3 (6); Expense in Local Bud- get, 111 §2 (5), 111 §6 (4); Representation on Commit- tee on Benevolences, 111 §4; Support of, 111 §3 (8) Every Member a Contributor, 111 §2 (1), (5); Information to, 111, §2 (2) Finance Committee, Confi- dence of Every Department, 111, §2 (7); Duty sof, 1f1 §3 =) Financial Secretary, Coopera- tion with Committee on Be- nevolences, 111 §5 (8); Duty of, 111. §5 (1)-(8) General Conference Expense, in Local Budg?t, 111 §6 (5) House Rent, in Local Budget, 111 §6 (1) Items not in Local Budget, 111 §2 (7) Janitor, Expense of, 111 §6 (2) Local Budget, Inclusion in, 111 §2 (5), 111 §6 (1)—(5); weekly Contributions, 111 §2 (3) (continued): Ministerial Support, Inclusion G Local Budget, 111 §6 Miscellaneous Work, Expense of, 111 §6 (2) Music, Expense of, 111 §6 (2) Official Board, Benevolences in Local Budget, 111° §8 (2); Disbursement of Benevo- lences ordered by, 111 §9 (3) “Other Benevolences,’” 111 §9 3 Pastor’s Salary, Apportionment in Local Budget, 111 §6 (1) Personal Canvass of Member- ship, 111 §3 (6) Quarterly or Semiannual State- ments, 111 §2 (4) Quarterly Conference Appor- tionment for Benevolences, 111 §4 (3) Repairs and Supplies in Local Budget, 111 §6 (5) Secretarial Work, Expense of, 111 §6 (2) Sunday School, Canvass by Finance Comm‘ttee, 111 §3 (6); Expense in Local Budget, 111 §2 (5), §6 (3); Represen- tation on Committee’on Be- nevolences, 111 §4; Support. of, 111 §3 (2) Support of Local and World Service, 111 §1 Systematic Contributions sought, 111 §2 (3) Treasurer, Benevolence Budget ; Duties of, 111 §9 (1)-(4) Treasurer, Local Budget, Du- ties of, 111 §7 (1), (2) World Service, Presentation of Interests, 111 §4 (2); Sup- port of, 111 §1; Quota, 111 1 8 “World Service Committee”’ or ‘“World Service Council,” 111 §4 (5) Young People’s Organization, Representation on Commit- tee on Benevolences, 111 §4 Finland Conference: Boundaries, 514 §1 (2) { 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Finland Conference (cont'd): In North European Central Conference, 519 §3 (8) Finland Swedish Mission Con- ference: Boundaries, 514 §2 (4) Enabling Act, 514 §3 (8) Finnish Courses: Of Study, 645-648 Florida Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (26) Foochow Conference: Boundaries, 513 §1 (4) In Eastern Asia Central Con- ference, 520 §1 (4) Foreign Language Commis- sion: Report of, 571 Foreign Language Publica- tions: Committee on, 563 §9 Foreign Missions: Administration. of, 421 Annual Conference Board, Duty of, 424; Report, 80 §30, 424 §2 nin ree Lean aed Day, 427 §2, 428 §4 eee Foreign Missionary Society, 420 Bishop at New York, Manager ex officio, 414 §2 Board of, Cooperating Mem- bers, etc., 414 §5; Corre- sponding Secretaries, 415, 544 §1; Executive Commit- tee, 414 §4; Honorary Man- agers, 413 §2; Incorporation, 411 §1; Japan, Missionaries in, 422 §§1, 2; Lay Male Missionaries, 423; Managers, 414 §1, §2, 547; Managers, Reduction in Number, 408 §2, 569 §53; Meeting of, 414 §3; Merger . of Boards, no Change, Report of Commit- tee, 569. §1;. Missionary Bishop, Member of Board, Foreign Missions (continued): 201; Missionary Bishop, Re- tirement of, 217 §1; Name and Object, 412; Officers, 414 §5, 416, 547; Other Lenom- inational Agencies, 411 §2; Post Office Addresses, 544 §1, 545, 547; Presding Officer, 416 §2; Quorum, 414 i Support of Missionaries, 417; Tracts, 414 §9; Vacancies, 414 §§5, 7; Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, 429 §§2, 4 Board of Education, Aid, 455 §1 Central Conference, Relation to, 95 §2 (7), (11) entral Mission Conference, Relation to, 95A §2 (1), (3), (6), (8) Corporate Name of Board, 562 District Board, 425 District Conference, Lay Mis< sionaries in, 97 District Secretaries, 425 §1, 426 District Superintendent, Duty of, 190 §10, 424 §1 426, 427 Epworth League, District Pres- idents on Conference Board, 424 §1; Duty, 428 §1; Infor- mation to, 428 §2 Headquarters, 414 §4 Japan. Missionaries in, 422 Lay Missionaries, in District Conference, 97; in Quarterly Conference, 104 Seer pea Joining Conference, Mission Conferences, 96 §3, §5, §6, 421 §3 Mission Study Classes, 428 §6 Missionaries, how Constituted, 417 §1; Support of Retired, 417 §2 Missionary Information, 428 §2 Missionary Prayer Meeting, 428 §3 Pastor, Duty of, 182 §22, 427 2, 428 Quarterly Conference Commit- tee, Appointment of, 107 $14 (3), 427 §2; Duty, 427 §2; Lay Missionaries in, 104 mares in Foreign Fields, 463 ¥ 748 INDEX | 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Foreign Missions (continued): Frugality: Sunday School, Duty, 428 §1; Information to, 428 §2; Mis- sionary Society, 428 §5, 621 2 World Service Commission, Cooperation of Board, 408 Bo Report of Committee, Forms: Charges, General Directions, 616 §1; Immoral Conduct, 616 §2; Imprudent and Un- christian Conduct, 616 §3; ‘Neglect of Means of Grace, 616 §4 Recognition of Orders, 166 Sunday School, Constitution, 615. §1; Sunday School Mis- sionary Society, 615 §2 Transfer of Membership, 55 §§1—4 Forward Program: Of the Charge, 108 §7 France Mission Conference: Boundaries, 514 §2 (5) Enabling Act, 514 §3 (4) In Mediterranean Central Con- ference, 519 §2 (2) Fraternal Delegates: Expenses of, 182 §25 General Conference Committee on, 566 (Rule 41 (2)) Frederick County, Maryland: Early Societies. (Historical Statement), page 8 Free Will: Through Grace of God (Ar- ticle), 8 French Courses: Of Study, 660 Frontier Work: Department of, 437 §1, 445 _ [This Department is a Subdi- vision of the Work of the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension, to which Reference is elsewhere made] 749 Expected of Those in Societies (General Rules), 31 Full Membership, Church: Reception, 48 §§3, 4 ° Ritual for, 527, 528 [This topic is more fully in- dexed under the subject o Membership, Full] Full Membership, Confer- ence: Admission, from Trial; 80. §8, 161, 162 Conditions for, 161 Committee on Relations, Ex- amination by, 81 §3 Conference Question, 80 §8 Ministers from Other Churches,. 165 §§2-4 Missionary, Admission in Ab- sence, 163 Readmission of Minister lo- cated, 164, 169 Funds: Annual Conference Sustenta- tion, 80 §38, 324 Auditing and Bonding, 377 Board of Education, Retiring Pensions, 455 §8 ‘ Centenary Educational, 455 §5 Chartered, 342 §1, 509 Children’s Day, 455 $§2, 4 Conference, 335, 361 Conference Sustentation, 324 Correspondence, 382 §4 Deaconess, Pension, 239 §§2-4 District Superintendents’, 328 8 Endowment Board of Confer- ence Claimants, 334; Char- tered, 342 §1, 509; Confer- ence, 335; Episcopal, 108 §22; Local . Preacher, 226; local Society, 361 Equalization, 344¢ General Conference Expense, 384 §§1, 3 Home Missions, Annuity, 436 §1; Loan, 486 §1; Trust, 436 2 § Local Preachers, 226, 612 Member of Conference. Ex- 7 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Funds (continued): General Conference (cont’d): pelled or restored, Claim on, 299 Methodist Episcopal Church, Funds in*Trust, 371 Ministerial Support, 327 Permanent, Trustees of Meth- odist Episcopal Church, 371, 374-376 Sunday School Children’s, 455 §§1-5 G Garb, Deaconess: Determination of, 232 §1, 234 Prescribed by General Board, 491 §3 “General Conference: Actions, Effectiveness of (1924), 584 Adjourned Session (Conference of 1924), 578 §4 Amendments to Constitution, Annual Conference, Number requisite, 46 §2; Organiza- tion by General Conference, 36, 46 §2 Appeal, from Decision — of Bishop, 313 §13; from De- cision of Presiding Officer, 42 §3; from Judicial Conference, 300; of Bishop, 291 §1; of Local Preacher, 304; of Mis- sionary Bishop, 291 §1; on Questions of Law, 207 §11, 313 §7; Right for Ministers and Members, 46 §5 Areas, Boards and Commis- sions, grouped by, 74 §2; Book Committee, Election by, 380 §1; Managers, Board of Foreign Missions, Election by, 414 §2; Presidency of Conferences in, 573 §4; Re- moval of Publishing Agent or Editor, in Interval, 387 §3; Tenure of Bishops in, 573 §5; World Service Commission, Election by, 407 §1 Articles of Religion, ho Revo- cation or Change, 46 §1 Auditing and Bonding, Trust Funds, 377 750 Benevolences, Disbursements in local Church, 111 §9 ise Gy Bishops, Election of, 42 §1, 204, 205; if Ceasing to Travel, without Consent, 214 §2; In- vestigation in Interval, 241; Power of Conference to try, 206; Presidency, 42 §2; Ques- tions of Order, 42 §3; Records of Investigation, to General Conference, 241; Release from Travel, for impaired Health, 214 §1; Retirement of, 216; Trial at General Con- ference, 206, 241, 242, 244- 246, 310 §1 Book Concern, Election of Book Committee, 380 §1; Election of Executive Com- mittee, 380 §2; Election of Publishing Agents, 388 §1; new Buildings or Improve- ments, 382 §2; Produce: of’ Book Concern, Appropria- tion of, 46 §6; Report of Book Committee, 382 §1; Reports of Agents, 391 §1; Real Estate, Purchase, Sale, or Exchange, 382 §2 Boundaries of Annual Confer- ences, Approval of Changes in, 511 §3; Committee on, 511 §1; fixed by General Confer- ence, 511 §1; Legal Notice concerning Change, 606; Re- adjustment, Memorials on, 511 §§2, 4; Report of Com- mittee, 511 §1 Central Conference, Authoriza- tion of, 95 §1 (1); Number of Conferences in, 95 §2 (12), 511 $1 Central Mission Conference, Discontinuance by, General Conference, 95A §2. (11); Number of Conferences in, 95A §2 (10), 511 §1; ordered by General Conference, 95A §1 (1); Powers Subordinate, 95A. §2 (1) Chartered Fund, Produce of, 46 §6; Trustees. chosen or approved, 509 §1, 510 INDEX { 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] General Conference (cont'd): | Church Papers, local, Approval and Authorization, 403 Churches, Union with Others, Appointment of Pastors, 609 Commissions, Entertainment of Conference of 1928, 564; List of (1924), 563;:on Dea- coness Work, 595; Place of General Conference, 41 §1 Committees, Ecumenical Con- ference, Continuation, 563 §12; Federation of Churches, 563 $10; Foreign Language Publications, 563 §9; of Gen- eral Conference, 566 (Rules 35-52); on Credentials, 5651 eS a hae of} 37;'38° §1, 39 Conference Claimants, Benefit , of, 46 §6 Conference Papers, Approval and Authorization, 403 Constitution, Alterations or Amendments by, 47 Contributing Editor, Election of, 397 Decisions, Annual Conference continuous, 605; Appeals, 601; Commission on Dea- coness Work, 595; Com- plaints and Charges, 611; Consolidation of Churches, local, 607; Constitutional Vote, 598; General Confer- ence Historical Society, 596; Inter-Board Curriculum, 597; Irregular Proceedings, 600; legal Notice | concerning Change of Boundaries, 606; Members of Annual Confer- ences, 602; Negotiations be- tween Preachers and People, 608; Orders, 603; pro rata Distribution of Ministerial Support, 610; Quarterly Con- ferences, 604; Relief of Sup- ply Preacher, 612; Testi- mony, 599; . Union, | with Other Churches, 609 Delegates, Certificates of Elec- tion, 40, 43; Challenge of, 43; Credentials of, 40, 43; Elec- tion of Lay, 39 §1, §4, §5, 41 §3; Election of Ministerial, 751 General Conference (cont'd): 38, 41 §3, 602 §3; Extra Ses- sion ‘of, 41 §3; Minister not counted twice, in Voting, 38 §3; None from Mission Conference, 96 §2; Number, 38 §1, 39 §4; Qualifications of Lay, 39 §5; Qualifications of Ministerial, 38 §2; Re- serves, Lay, 39 §4; Reserves, Ministerial, 38 §2; Traveling Expenses, 565 Depositories, Establishment of, 394 §1 Doctrine, No New Standards, 46 §1 Education, Board of, Election of Secretary, 453 §2; Election of Trustees, 452 §1; Vacan- cies, 452 §2, 453 §3 Education, for Negroes, Board of, Control over Managers, 464; Election of Managers, 464; Election of Secretaries, 465 §2 Election (Bishops), 42 §1, 204, 205 | Election (Boards), Chartered Fund, 509 §1, 510; Educa- tion, 452 §1; Education for Negroes, 464; Epworth League, 478 §4; Foreign Missions, 414 §2; General Deaconess Board, 491: Home Missions, 432 §1; Hospitals and Homes, 502; Pensions and Relief, 484 §§1, 2; Sun- day Schools, 468 §2; Tem- perance, Prohibition, and Public Morals, 490 §3; World Service Commission, 407 §1 Election (Book Committee), 380 §1 Bieodon (Contributing Editor), 3 Election (Corresponding Sec- retaries), Education, 453 §2; Education ‘for Negroes, 465: §2; Epworth League, 478 §5; Foreign Missions, 415 §1; Home Missions, 435 §3; Pen- sions and Relief, 485 §1; Sunday Schools, 469 §1 Election (Editors), Contribut- ing Editor, 397; Official Peri- {663 INDEX [Numbers refer. to Paragraphs.] General Conference (cont'd): odicals, 396-399 §1-§9, 400, 401; Sunday School Publica- tions, 470 §1 Election (Kxecutive Committee, Book Concern), 380 §2 Election (Publishing Agents), 388 §1 General Conference (cont'd): Lae a (Trustees of Church), | Election (World Service Com- mission), 407 §1 Entertainment, Commission on, 564 Episcopacy, not to Do Away, 46 §3 Expenses, Apportionment for, 384 §$1, 2, 3; District Super- intendent, Duty of, 190 §12; in Local Budget, 111 §6 (5); Pastor, Duty of, 182. $25; Quarterly Conference Ques- tion, 108 §24; Report of Treasurer, 384 §1, 570 General Rules, No Revocation or Change in, 46 §4 General Superintendents, Call of Roll, 566 (Rule 1. (b)); Election of, 42 §1; Extra Ses- sion, General Conference, 41 §3; Plan of Superintendency Unchanged, 46 §3;. Pres- idency of General Confer- ence, 42 §2; Retirement of, 216; Vote on Amendments, Announcement of, 47 Home Missions and Church ' Extension, Board of, Election of, 432 §1; Election of Secre- tary, 435 §3; Report of Board, 436 §4 Hospitals and Homes, Board of, Approval of Amendments, 508 Japan Mission Council, Rep- resentative from, 422 §3 Journal, Approval of, 566 (Rule 40 §1); of Central Confer- ence, 95 §2 (15); of Central Eran Conference, 95A. §2 12 Journals, Annual Conferences, Examination of, 79, 567 §12; Report on, 568; Standard Table of Contents, 567 §§1-11 752 Judge of Elections, Returns, and Qualifications, 43 Law, Decision of Questions, 42 Lay Electoral Conference, Ex- tra Session, 41 §3 Memorials, Resolutions, Requests for 1928, 564 Merger of Boards, 451 (prefa- tory Notes), 491 (prefatory Note) Mission Conferences, Consti- tution of, 96 §1; No Dele- gates from, 96 §2 and -Missionary Bishop, Election of, 46 §3; Retirement. of, 217; Trial of, 248, 250, 251 Orders, Voting by, 45 Organization of , 43, 566 (Rule 1) Papers, Approval of Conference or Church, 403 Parsonages, Recommendation as to Renting, 365 Place of Meeting, 41 §§1, 2 Powers and Restrictions, 46 Presiding Officers, 42 §2, §8, 566 (Rules 3-6) Program for 1928, 564 Questions of Law, Decisions on, 42 §3, 313 §7 Questions of Order, Decisions on, 42 §3 Quorum, 44, 566 (Rule 1 (c)) Ratio of Representation, 38 §1, 39 §4 Reports and Resolutions (1924), Actions of General Conference, 584; Allocation of Rural Missionary Terri- ‘ tory, 588; American Bible Society, 576; Area System, 574; Areas, Groupings of An- nual Conferences, 575; Book Concern Produce, to Foreign Conferences, 589; Conference Claimants, Change of Name of Board, 591; Day of Prayer for Colleges, 593; Ecumenical Conference Committee, 583; Episcopal Supervision, Con- tiguous and Continuous, 573; Family Worship. in’ Home, 594; Federal Council of Churches of Christ, 582; INDEX q 663 {Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] General Rules: General Conference (cont'd): Federation, Report of ‘Com- mittee, 579; Foreign Lan- guage Commission, Report of, 571; Industrial Relations, 586; Journals, Annual Con- ference, Examination of, 567; J ournals, Annual Conference, Report on, 568; Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Comity and Cooperation with, 581; Retirement Re- serve, Contributory, 590; Re- vision of Legislation of Be- nevolent Boards, 569; Social Creed of Churches, 585; Temperance and Prohibition, 587; Treasurer General Con- ference, Report, 570; Unifica- tion with Church, South, 578; Union with Churches, other than Church, South, 580; Week of Prayer, 592; Women, Licensing and Ordaining, 577; World Peace, 572 Rules of Order, 566 Secretary and Assistants, 43, 566 (Rule 1 (c)) Session, Extra, 41 §§2, 3; Place of, 41 §2; Time of, 41 §2 Session, Quadrennial, 41 §1; Place of, 41 §1; Time of, 41 §1 Traveling Expenses of Dele- gates, 565 Treasurer, Report of, 384 §1, 570 Trial, Right not Denied, 46 §5 “Two-thirds Vote,’ Meaning of, 598 Unification, Proposed Changes, 613 §1 Voting as one Body, 45, 566 (Rules 25-28); ‘Two-thirds Vote,” 598 Voting, by Orders, 45, 566 (Rules 29, 30) General Minutes: Statisticians and Treasurers, Printed in, 88 §1 General Officers: Recommendation of Number, ae Conference, 95 §2 1 Admission to Conference, Ques- tions as to, 1626,7 Enumerated, 26-33 Not to be Revoked, 46 §4 Pastor, Duty of, 182 §4 Penalty for Breaking, 33 Quarterly Conference tion, 108 §10 Read. yearly, 108 §10, 182 §4 Ques- General Superintendents: ape pene Announcement of Vote, 4 Annual Conference, Call of Spe- cial Session, 41 §3 Book Concern, Vacancy, 382 §5 Central Mission Conference, Presidency of, 95 §3 Coke, Thomas, set. apart as (Historical Statement), page 8 Election of, 42 §1, 46 §3 Episcopal Address (1924), 565 Foreign Missions, Board, Mem- bers of, 414 §2: Missionaries under, 418 §2 General Conference, Extra Ses- sion, 41 §2; Place of, 41 §1; Presidency of, 42 §2; Ques- tions of Order, Decision of; 42 §3 Lay Electoral Conference, Spe- cial Session, 41 §3 Missionary Bishops, Amenabil- ity, 195; Death Ota, .2023 Powers of, 194, 196-199, 203 Plan not to be Destroyed, 46 §3 Genesee Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (27) Georgia Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (28) Enabling Act, 518 §38 (8) German Publishing Fund: ane of Agent, 208 §4 5 God: 753 Glory of, Not doing (General Rules), 3 One Living and True (Articles), 1 Taking Name in Vain (General Rules), 30 7) 668 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs. ] Gold: ‘9 Putting on (General Rules), 30 Good, Doing: By Those in Societies (General Rules), 31 Good Literature: Day for Advocate Subscription, 399 §14 ' Pastor, Duty of, 182 §22 Secretary, for. Advocate Circu- lation, 107 §8; Report to Dis- trict Conference, 102 §3 ; Report to Quarterly Confer- ence, 108 §13 a Goods: Buying or Selling, Duty unpaid (General Rules), 30 Christian Men’s (Article), 24 Taking without Probability. of Paying (General Rules), 30 Good Works: Pleasing to God (Article), 10 Guardians: Bringing up Baptized Children, 49 Gujarat Conference: Boundaries, 517 §1 (4) In Southern Asia Central Con- ference, 520 §2 (6) Gulf Conference: Boundaries, 518 §3 (29) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (9) H Hawaii Mission: Boundaries, 518 §2 (1) Health Impaired: Bishop, Released for Quadren- nium, 214 §1 Member of Conference, With- out Reason of, 263 Hinghwa Conference: Boundaries, 513 §1 (5) In Eastern Asia Central Con- ference, 520 §1 (5) Historical Society: General Conference, 596 Historical Statement: “Christrnas Conference,” page 9 : Liturgy appointed, page 10 Ministers and Communicants, page 10 . re Object of Rules, Regulations, and Usages, pages 10, 11 Origin of Methodist Episcopal Church, pages 7-11 Rise of Methodism, pages 7-9 Holiness, Scriptural: Design of Church (Episcopal Address), page 3 Holston Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (30) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (8) Holy Ghost: In Unity of Godhead (Article), 1 One with Father and Son (Ar- ticle), 4 Holy Trinity: Faith in (Article), 1 Home Department: Pastor, Duty of, 182 §14 Puperintend ema Report of, 474 §5t,6 Home Mission Work: District Conference, Commit- tee on, 102 §25 Home Missions and Church Extension: Annual Conference, Applica- tion for Aid, 438 §2; Confer- ence Board, 447 §§1-3; Dis- trict Board of Church Loca- tion, 84, 448; Interest in City Societies, 442 §3; Question, 80 §29 Annual Report, 433. (Note) Board, Annuity Funds, 436 §1; Bureaus, 436 §3; By-Laws, 436 §3; Churches and Par- sonages, 436 §3; Correspond- ing Secretarics, 4385 §§3, 8; Departments, 437 §1; Exec- utive Committee, 434; Field Secretaries, 486 §3; Head. 154 INDEX { 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs. } Home Missions and Church Home Missions and Church Extension (continued): quarters, 431; Incorporation, 431; Loan Fund, 436 §1; Meetings, 432 §3; Members of Board, 432 §1; Members, Reduction of Number, 408 §2>, 569 §5>; Merger | of Boards, no Change, Report of Committee, 569 §1; Offi- cers, 435 $1; Post Office Ad- dress, 544. §1, 545, 548; ' Powers of, 433; Purpose of, 431; Quorum, 432 §3; Re- port of, 486 §4; Trust De- partment, 436 §2; Vacancies, 432 §2, 435 §§6, 8 Board of Education, Coopera- tion in Training, 446 §3, 455 10 § Charter, Constitution, By- Laws, 433 (Note). City Societies, Appointments under, 441 §3; Apportion- ments on Charges, 441 $4; Appropriations, 439 §4, §5, 441 §5; Auxiliary to Board, 439 §6; Council of Cities, 441 §7; Organization of, 439 §2, 440; Representatives in Quarterly Conferences, 441 §2; Work of, 441 §1 Comity Commission, Creation of, 444 §6 Cooperation with Board of Education, 446 §3 Corporate Name of Board, 562 Council of Cities, 441 §7 Department of Church Exten- sion, Applications for Aid, 438 §2; Donations to Churches, 356 §§2, 3; Pur- pose of, 438 §1 Department of City Work, Ap- propriations to, 439 §5; Bu- reau of Goodwill Industries, 439 §7; City Societies, 439 §2, 440, 441; Council of Cities, 441 §7; Duties of, 439 Department of Evangelism, Bureau, 446 §2; Cooperation in Campaigns, 446 §2; Co- operation with Board © of Education, 446 §3, 455 §10; Purpose of, 446 §$1, 2 Extension (continued): Department of Frontier Work, 445 Department of Rural Work, Powers and Duties, 443; Rural Societies, 444 Departments, Five, 437 §1; Superintendents, Duty of, 435 §9 District Superintendent, Duty of, 190 $10, 442 §1; Location of Churches, 448 Mission Conferences, Board in, Missions, Administration | of, 449; Superintendent, Ap- pointment in, 435 §8 Pastor, Duty of, 182 §22, 442 §2 Quarterly Conference, Com- mittee on, 107 §14 (4) World Service Commission, Co- operation of Board, 408 §1?; Report of Committee, 569 Hospitals and Homes: Activities, 505 ee ae of Institutions with, 01 Amendments, 508 Board, 502, 557; Merger with Deaconess Board, 491 (pref- atory Note), 491, 502; Re- duct’on of Members, 408 §2 (£), 569 §5s «By-Laws, 507 Executive Committee, 504 §2 Finance, 506 General Conference, Control by, 500 Meetings, 504 §1 Officers, 503, 557 Organization and Purpose, 500 Post Office Address, 557 Quarterly Conference Commit- tee on Hospitals, 107 §14 (9) World Service Commission, Co- operation of Board with, 408 §15; Report of Committee, 569 Hungary Mission: Boundaries 514 §2 (6) Enabling Act, 514 §38 (5) In Central European Central Conference, 519 §1 (8) 7 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Hymnal, Methodist: In Order of Public Worship, 72 Missionary Bishops’ Names, printed in, 200 I Idaho Conference: Name changed to Inter-Moun- tain, 518 §1 (81), §3 (11) Illinois Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (382) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (10) Immoral Conduct: Form for Charges, 616 §2 Trial for, 279 Immorality: Meaning of Term, 241 (prefa- tory Note) Imprudent Conduct: Form. for Charges, 616 §3 Trial for, 280 Incorporation: Annual Conferences, 74 §1, 80 §1 (a); Officers bonded, 80 a $1 (b) L ; Board of Pensions and Relief, 484 §3, 562 Chartered Fund of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, 562 Churches, 353 Corporate Names of Organiza- tions, 562 Education, Board of, 452 4, 562 Education for Negroes, 464, 562 Epworth League of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, 562 Foreign Missions, 411 §1, 562 Funds for Claimants, 335 General Deaconess Board, 491 Home Missions and Church Extension, 431, 562 Hospitals and Homes, 500 Methodist Episcopal Church, Trustees of, 562 Sunday Schools, Board of, 468 §1, 562 Temperance, ete., Board of, 490 §1, 562 Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 562 ° Incorporation (continued): Woman’s Home Missionary Sc- ciety of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, 562 World Service Commission, 407 §6 India: Bishops resident in; 539 Conferences in, 517 Courses of Study, 661 Episcopal Areas in, 575 Mission in, 520 Mission Conference in, 520 Orders in, 181 Indiana Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (83) Indus River Mission Confer= ence: Boundaries, 517 §2 (3) Enabling Act; 517 §3 (8) In South Asia Central Confer- ence, 520 §2 (7) Industrial Relations: Report on, 586 Infant Baptism: Ritual, 524 Insolvency: Dishonest, 286 Instruction, Religious: Committee on, Appointment, A75 §2 Insurance: District Superintendent, Duty of, 190 §9 Trustees, Duty as to, 3509 Inter - Board Commission: Members of, 563 §11; Plan of, 597 Curriculum Interdenominational Pros nouncements, etc.: Commission on, 563 §5 Recommendation of Commit- tee, 579 756 INDEX { 663 (Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Investigation (continued): Inter-Mountain Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (31) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (11) Name changed from Idaho Con- ference, 518 §1 (31), §3 (11) Intoxicating Liquors: Special Advice on, 70 §1 Iowa Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (34) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (12) Investigation: GBisboy) Challenge, Right of, 4 Charges, and Additional, 241 Committees, 241 Complaint against Adminis- tration, 245 Counsel, Appointment of, 310 §1 Disseminating Contrary Doc- trine, 244 District Superintendent, Duty of, 241 Imprudent Conduct, 242, 243 In Interval of General Con- ference, 241 Offense beyond District, 243 Presiding Officer, 241 Record of Proceedings, 241 Secretary, 241 Specifications, additional, 241 Suspension till General Con- ference, 241 Triers of Appeals, 241 Violation of Mora] Law, 241, 243 (District Superintendent), Com- mittee, 252 §2 Presiding Officer, 252 §2 Suspension of, 252 §3 (Editor), Book Committee, by, 887 §§2, 3 (General), Absence of Accused, 308 §3 Challenge, right of, 312 §3 Committee, 309 §1 Counsel, 310 §3 Notification to Accused, 312 1 Presiding Officer, 309 §1, 312 §4; Custodian of Records, 309 §1 Records, accurate and full, 757 309 §1; Custodian of, 309 §1; Final Disposition of, 309 §1 Secretary, Appointment of, 09 §1 “Sufficient Time,’’ 312 §2 Testimony, 308 §§1, 2 (Local Preacher), Committee, 271 Disloyalty to Doctrine and _Polity, 256 isseminating Contrary Doc- trine, 274 Failure or Debts, 275 Holding Religious Services against Request, 273 §3 Improper Temper, Words, or Actions, 273 §1 ‘ Neglect of Duties, 273 §2 Suspension, 271 Violation of Moral Law, 271 (Member of Church), Causing Dissension, 282; Disagree- ment in Business, 283, 284; Immoral Conduct, | 279; Imprudent Conduct, 280; Insolvency, 286; Neglect of Means of Grace, 281; Violation of Doctrinal Teaching, 255, 256 (Member of Conference), Com- mittee, 252 §1 Counsel, 310 §2 Disloyalty to Doctrine and Polity, 255 Disseminating Contrary Doc- trine, 254. Failure or Debts, 259 Holding Religious Services against request, 253 Improper Temper, Words, or Actions, 258 Offense beyond Conference Bounds, 260 Presiding Officer, 252 §1 Records to next Conference, 261 Suspension, 252 §§3, 4 Nepean of Moral Law, 252 1 When employed in Mission, 260 (Missionary Bishop), Challenge, Right of, 247 { 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Investigation (continued): Charges, 247 Committee, 247 Counsel, Appointment of, 310° §1 Disseminating Contrary Doc- trine, 249 District Superintendents, Duty of, 247 Imprudent’ Conduct, 248 Interval of General Confer- ence, 247 President of Court, 247 Suspension, 247 Violation of Moral Law, 247 (Publishing Agent) Investiga- tion by Book Committee, 387 §§2,3 ' (Superintendent ‘of Mission) Elder to act, 260 [This subject is more fully treated “under Judicial Ad- ministration] Investments: Annual Conference Question, 80 $35. (a) Italian Course of Study: Outline, 651-654 Italy Conference: Boundaries, 514 §1 (8) In Mediterranean Central Con- ference, 519 §2 (1) Itinerant Ministry Part of System Cnttaeonl Ad- dress), page 4 J Japan: Courses of Study, 661 Japan Mission Council: Boundaries, 513 §4 (1) In Eastern Asia Central Con- ference, 520 §1 (6) Organization of, 422 §2 Representation to General Con- ference, 422 §3 Work among Japanese, 513 §4 John Street: The early Society (Historical Statement), page 7 Trustees, Board of, 561 758 Joint Session: Annual and Lay Electoral Con- ferences, 336. §2 Missionaries in Japan, 422 §1 Journals: Annual Conference, Examina- tion of, 79, 567; Report on, 568; Return from Commit- | tee on Itinerancy, 567 $12; Standard Table of Contents, 567 §§1-11 Appeal and Ruling, 313 §14 Central Conference to General Conference, 95 §2 (15) Central Mission Conference to General Conference, 95A §2 (12) General Conference, 566 (Rule 40 §1) Judicial Administration: Acquittal, of Local Preacher, 220 §4; Power of Annual Conference, 82 Appeals, Bishop, before Ju- diciary Committee, 291 §§1, 2; new. Trial on new Evidence, 313 §8; Notifica- tion to Secretary of Gen- eral Conference, 291 §1; Records of Trial, 246; Right of, 246; 291 §1; Secretary of General Conference, Duty of, 291° §3; Time and Place for: Hearing, 291 §3 Church Member, — before Quarterly Conference, 306 §4; Records, 309 §2; Right of, 46 §5, 307; Right for- feited, 598 §1; Trier of Ap- peals, 601 §1; written No- tice to Preacher, 307 Decision of Bishop, Appeal from, 42 §3, 313 §18; De- cision of District Superin- “pect Appeal from, 313 13 General Directions, 313 Local Preacher, Challenge, Right of, 304; Court, An- nual Conference, 304; Court, in Mission Con- ference, 278 §1,. §2,. 305; INDEX § 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Judicial Administration | (con- Judicial Administration (con- tinued): Right of, 46 §5, 304; Writ- ten Notice of, 304 Member of Conference, Chal- lenge, Right of, 294; Death pending Appeal, 601 §2; Decisions reviewed, 300; Grounds of Reversal, 313 §12; in Conferences not ac- cessible, 297; in. Confer- ences not in United States, 297; in Mission, Confer- ences, 297; Judicial Con- ferences, 292-297; new Trial on new Evidence, 313 §8; Notice of, 293, 296; on Question of Law, 313 §14; Procedure, 292-297; Ques- tions of Law reviewed by General Conference, 300; Return of Papers, 300; Right of, 46. §5, 263, 296; Time and Place of, 293; to General Conference, 295, 300; to. Judicial Confer- ence, 296 Missionary Bishop, before Judiciary Committee, 291 §§1, 2; new Trial on new Evidence, 313. §8; Notifi- cation from Secretary of General. Conference, 291 §1; Right of, 291) §1; Sec- retary of General Confer- ence, Duty. of, .291° §3; Time and Place for Hear- ing, 291 §3 Preacher on Trial, considered as Local Preacher, 270 Appellate Court, Appeals from Decision to General Confer- ence, 313 §13; Appeals regu- larly taken, 313 §1; Appeals, Statement. of Grounds, 313 $11; Consideration. and .De- cision of Case, 313 §6; Find- ing of Trial Court, Modifica- tion or Reversal, 313. §4; new Evidence, 313 §§8-10; Questions of Law, carried to General Conference, 313 §§7, 13; Reversal of Findings, Statement of, 313. §12; Right Exhausted, 313. §7; 75 Q v tinued): Right. once forfeited, 313 Arbitration, Agreement to or Trial, 283-285 Caeraeet Against. B’shop, 241, 46 Against Conference Member, 252: §1, §3,..§4, 255, 261, 262, 264 §1, 265 §3, 266, 269, 311 §3 Against D’strict Superinten- dent, 252 §2 Against Local Preacher, 271 Against’ Missionary Bishop, 247, 249, 250 Against Preacher on) Trial, 611 §1. Amendments, 311 §§2, 3 Forms for, Directions, 616 §1; Immoral Conduct, 616 §2; Imprudent). or’ Un- christian Conduct, 626 §3; Neglect. of Means. © of Grace, 616 §4 iia and Insufficient, 311 § Included in Records, 309° §1 Refusal. of Conference to entertain, 611 §3 Slander, Entertainment of, ‘811 §4 Complaints, against. Bishop, 241-245; against’ Church Member, 256; , against. Dis- trict. Superintendent, 252 §§2, 33.4 against Local Preacher, 256; 271-275; against Member of Annual Conference, 252: §1; §3, §4, 253-255; 257-261, 263; against Missionary Bishop, 247-249; against Preacher on Trial, 270; ‘‘Withdrawal un- der,’’, 269 Complaints and Charges, against Local Preachers, 611 §1. (2); against Members of Quarterly Conference, 611 §1.(3); against: Preachers on Trial, 611 §1 (1); Dismissal of Preliminary no Bar, 611 §2 Complaints, Power of Annual Conference to hear, 82. { 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.]} . Judicial Administration (con- Judicial Administration’ (con- tinued): Counsel, Investigation or Trial of Bishop, 310 §1; of Con- ference Member, 310 §2;. of Missionary Bishop, 310 §1; other Cases, 310 §3 Debt, Trial for, Church Mem- ber, 284; Local Preacher, 275; Minister, 259, 285 Deprived of Ministerial office, 80 §21, 171, 173, 263; Power of Annual Conference, 82 Dispute, Church Member, 284; Minister, 285 Documentary Evidence, 599 §2 Elder as Commissioner in Trial, 265) §2 Erroneous Doctrinal Teaching, Bishop, ; Conference Member, 212, 254, 255; Lay- man)! 2125°':256;' Local Preacher, 256, 274; Mission- ary Bishop, 249 Errors, in Judgment, 264 §1; in Proceedings, 264 §2; of Law or Administration, 264 §§1-3 Expulsion, Church Member, Membership irregularly re- gained, 600 §4; Pr'vileges of, 290; Report of Committee on Records, 110 §29; Termi- nation of Membership by, 59 §2 Expulsion of Member of Con- ference, Claim after, 299; Conference Question, 80 §23; from Church, 267 §2; not from Church, 267 §1; Power of Annual Conference, 82; Rights after, 268 Immoral Conduct, Bishop, 241; Church Member, 279; Con- ference Member, 252, 266; District Superintendent, 252 §2; Local Preacher, 271; Mis- sionary Bishop, 247 Improper Tempers, Words, or Actions, Conference Mem- ber, 258; Local Preacher, 273 §1 Imprudent Conduct, Bishop, 242, 243; Church Member, 280; Conference Member, tinued): 252 §4, 266; Missionary Bishop, 248 Investigation (see page 757) Location (Member of Confer- ence), Conference Ques- tion, 80 §§18, 19; Certifi- cate of, 169 §1; in Good Standing, 169 §1; of Re- tired Minister, 188 §3; of Supernumerary, 187; Quar- terly Conference Member- ship, 169 §1, 221 §4; Readmission to Confer- ence, 80 §3, 164, 169 $1 Debt to Book Concern, 169 §2; Failure to complete Course of Study, 169 §3; for Unacceptability, Ineffi- ciency, or Indifference, 263 Judicial Procedure, Termina- tion of Conference Member- ship by, 173 Maladministration, Errors in Judicial Proceedings, 264 §2; Errors of Law or Administra- tion, 264 §§2, 3; Minister answerable, 264 §1; Rights affected by Errors, 264 §3 Membership, Church, irregu- larly regained, 600 §4 New Evidence, 313 §§8-10 New Trial, Bishop, 313 §8; Conference Member, 313 §8; Member of Church, 313 §9; Missionary Bishop, 313 §8; Remanding of Case by Ap- pellate Court, 313 §12 Part of System (Episcopal Ad- dress), page 4 Penalties (Bishop), Deposition, 246; Expulsion, 246; Suspen- sion, 241, 246 Penalties (Church Member), Censure, 289; Expulsion, 279 §2, 280, 281, 282, 284, 286 §2, 288; Expulsion, Priv- ileges following, 290; Re- proof, 279 §2, 280, 282; Suspension, 289 Penalties (Editor), 387 §3 Penalties (Local Preacher), Admonition, 273 §§1, 3; De- privation of Office and Cre- INDEX q 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Judicial Administration (con- tinued): ’ dentials, 220 §4, 221 §1, 271, 273 §2; Expulsion, 220 §4, 271, 273 §1; Suspension, 220 §4, 271 Penalties (Local Elder or Dea- con), Deprivation of Office or Expulsion, 303 Penalties (Member of Confer- ence), Admonition, 253, 258; _ Deposition, 267 §2; Deposi- tion without Expulsion, 267 §1: Deprivation of Office and Credentials, 80 §21, 82, 171, 263, 266; Expulsion, 80 $23, 82, 267 §2, 269, 298: Loca- tion, 80 §19, 169 §3; Mem- bership terminated by Judi- cial. Procedure, 173; Priv- ileges after Expulsion, 268; Reproof, 82, 266: Suspen- sion, 82, 252 §§3, 4, 266, 298, 299; Suspension waived, 254 Penalties (Missionary Bishop), Admonition, -248; Suspen- sion, 247 Penalties (Publishing Agent), 387 §3 Preparatory Members, no Part in Judicial Proceedings, 48 Questions of Law, Admissibil- ity of Evidence, 599 §1; Ap- peal from Judicial Confer- ence, 295; Appeal from Trial of Local Preacher, 304; Ap- peal to General Conference, 207 §11, 295, 300, 304, 313 §§7, 138; Bishop’s Decision in Annual Conference, 207 §11, 313 §13 Records, Accurate and Full, 309 §1; Final Disposition of, 309; in Hearing of Appeal, 313 §5; to General Confer- ence, 295; Return from Com- mittee on Judiciary, 300; Return to Secretaries, 309 §3; Secretaries as Custodians, 309 §3 Reproof, Power of Annual Con- ference, 82 Rights, affected by Errors, 264 $§2, 3 “; 761 Judicial Administration (con- tinued): Select Number, Appeal cf Local Preacher, 304: Trial of Bishop, 246; Trial of Con- ference Member, 265 §3; Trial of Local Preacher, 272 Sentence not suspended by Appeal, 313 §4 Suspension (Bishop), 241, 246; Church Member, 289; Local Preacher, 220 §4, 271; Mem- ber of Conference, 82, 252 §3, §4, 266, 298, 299; Mis- sionary Bishop, 247 ied soe (Church Member), Suspension (Conference Mem- er), Claim ceases with, 299 Suspension (Editor), 387 §2 Suspension, Power of Annual Conference, 82 Suspension (Publishing Agent), 387 §2 Testimony, Absence’. of Ac- cused, 308 §3; absent Wit- ness, 308 §2; Admissibility of Evidence, 599 §1; Docu- mentary Evidence, 599. §2; Witness not Member, 308 §1 Trial, Absence of Accused, 308 §3; Challenge, Right of, 312 §3; Counsel, 310; Notifica- tion, 312 §1; Power of Annual Conference, 82; Powers of Presiding Officer, 312 §4; Right of, 46 §5; sufficient Time, 312 §2 Trial (Bishop), additional Charges, 241; Appeal, 246, 291 §1; Challenge, Right of, 246; Complaint against Ad- ministration, 245; Counsel, 310 §1; disseminating Con- trary Doctrine, 244; Impru- dent Conduct, 242; new Trial, S8La003s: ordered by General Conference, 206; Presiding Officer, 246; Rec- ords, 246; Secretary, 246; Select Number, 246; Suspen- sion, Deposition, or Expul- sion, aa Violation of Moral Law, Trial (Church Member), after { 663 INDEX [Numbers Paragraphs.] Judicial Administration (con-) Judicial Administration, (con-. tinued): Arbitration, 283, 284; .Chal- lenge for Cause, 287; Causing Dissension, 282; Committee, 287; Counsel, 310 §3; Debt or Dispute, 284, 285; Dis- agreement in Business, 283; Immoral Conduct, 279; Im- prudent Conduct, 280; Insol- vency, 286; Intoxicating Li- quors, 279 §2; Irregular reception no Bar, 600. §3; Neglect of Means of Grace, 281; new Trial, 313, §9; Pre- siding Officer, 283, 285, 287; Right of, 46 §5; Theological Teaching, 255, 256; Violation of Moral Law, 279 §1 Trial (Editor), by Book Com- mittee, 387 §3 Trial (Local Preacher), before District Conference, 271, 272; before Quarterly Conference, 220 §4, 271, 276, 277; before Select Number, 272; Chal- lenge, Right of, 277; dissem- inating Contrary Doctrines, 274; Failure or Debt, 275; fair and impartial, 276; hold- ing Religious Services, 273 §3; Improper Temper, Words, or Actions, 273 §1; in Missions, 278 §1; Neglectful of Duties, 273]$2; Theological Teaching, 256, 274; without prelininary investigation, 271 Trial (Member of Conference), by Commissioner, 265 §2; by District Superintendent, 265 §4, 285; by full Session, 265 §1; by Select Number, 265 §3; Chairman, 265 §3; Chal- lenge, Right of, 265 §3; Coun- sel, 310 §2; Findings in Min- utes, 295; for disseminating Contrary Doctrine, 255; for Debt or Dispute, 285; for Unacceptability, Inefficiency, or Indifference, 263; new Trial, 298, 313 §8; Powers of Conference, 82; Record, 265 §§2, 8; Right of, 46 §5; Secretary, Withdrawal under Charges or Complaints, 265 tinued): §3; 80, §22, 269; without pre- vious Investigation, 262 Trial. . (Missionary Bishop), Complaint against Adminis- tration, 251; Counsel, 310 §1; disseminating Erroneous Doctrine, 249; for Imprudent Conduct, 248; Method at General, Conference, 250; new Trial, 313 §8 Trial (Preacher on Trial), 270 Trial (Publishing Agent), by Book Committee, 387 §3 Triers of Appeals (Bishop), 241 Trier of Appeals (Church Mem- ber), 108 §34, 306 §1 Triers of Appeals (Members of Conference), 80.§28, 292-297 Unacceptability, .Deprival of Ministerial Office for, 80 §21, 1414 1.78 263 Unministerial, Conduct, De- prival of Ministerial Office for, 80 §21, 171, 173, 263 i ae (Church Member), Withdrawal (Member of Con- ference), 80 §20,.170; Under Complaints or Charges, 269 Judicial Conference: 762 Appeal allowed to, 296 Appeal from Bishop’s Decision, 313 $13 Appeal to General Conference from, 295, 313 §13 Conferences not Accessible, 297 Conferences not in United States, 297 Constituted, how, 292 §2, 293 Death of Appellant, 601 §2 Expenses of, 182 §25, 384 §1 Law Questions. reviewed: by General Conference, 300 Minister deprived of Office, Appeal of, 263 Notice of Appeal, 296 Papers returned, 300 Procedure, 295 Records to General Conference, 295, 300 Right of Challenge, 294 Triers of Appeals, 292-297 ! ae INDEX { 663 {Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Judiciary, Committee on: Admission into Conference Membership, Report of 1924, 161 (Note) Appeal of Bishop, Heard and Determined by, 291 §1 At General Conference, 566 (Rules 35 II, 36) hange of Boundaries, Report of 1920, 606 Complaints and Charges, Re- port of 1916, 611 Duties of, 566 (Rule 40 §3 (2) Records returned, 300 Service extended, 291 §2 Supply Preacher, Relief of, Re- port of 1916, 612 Jugo-Slavia Mission Confer- ence: Boundaries, 514 §2 (7) In Central European Central Conference, 519 §1 (4) Junior Epworth League: Assistant Secretary, 478 §4 Chapters for Children, 52 Pastor, Duty of, 52, 182 §12, 482 §3 Quarterly Conference, Superin- tendent, Member of, 104; 108 §5°; Report of, 108 §137 Justification: Sin after (Article), 12 Through Christ, by Faith (Ar- ticle), 9 K Kansas City: Central, Advocate of, 543 §1 Depository at, 394 §1, 542 Editor, Appointment at, 208 §3 (3); Election of, 399 §1, 4; Post Office Address, 543 §1 Kansas Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (385) Kentucky Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (36) Kiangsi Conference: Boundaries, 513 §1 (6) In Eastern Asia Central Con- ference, 520 §1 (7) Korea: Courses of Study, 661 Korea Conference: Boundaries, 513 §1 (7) In Eastern Asia Central Con- ference, 520 §1 (8) L Ladies’ Aid Societies: Discipline, Affairs in Harmony with, 378 §3 District Conference, Inquiry concerning, 101 §6, 378 §3; Report from President, 102 §310 District Superintendent, Duty of, 190 §10, 378 §3 Object of, 378 §1 Organization of, 378 §1 Pastor, Duty of, 182 §13, 378 §4 President, confirmed by, Quar- terly Conference, 107 §10, 108 §53, 378 §2; Member of, 104, 107 §10, 108 §5°, 378 §2; Rejection or Removal by, 107 §10; Report to Quarterly Conference, 108 §13, 378 §2 President, Member of District Conference, 97; Report to, 102 §310 Quarterly Conference, Over- sight by, 107 §10; Report from President, 108 §13 1 Latin American Mission: Boundaries, 518 §2 (2) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (13) Law, Going to: Avoidance of (General Rules), 30 Lay Delegates: Central Conference, 95 §7 (1) Central Mission Conference, 95A §1 (1) General! Conference, 37, 39 Lay Electoral Conference, 39 §1, 93, 607 §2 Lay Electoral Conference: pan aR Di to Constitution, 4 Certificates to General Con- ference Delegates, 40 763 { 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Lay Electoral Conference (con- Leaders, Class or Unit:. | tinued): Challenge of General Confer- ence Delegates, 43 Delegates to, 39 §1, 93 Election® of Delegates to Gen- eral Conference, 37, 39 §§1, 405 Extra Session, 41 §3 Joint Session with Annual Con- ference, 336 §2 Meeting of, 39 §2 Membership. in, 39 §§1, 3 Organization of, 39 §3 Place of, 39 §2, 41 §3° Reserves, to Electoral Confer- ence, 93 §§1, 5; General Con- ference, 39 §4 Rules of Order, 39 §3 Time of, 39 §2, 41 §38 Laymen: Associations, 94 Board of Conference Claim- ants, 484 §§1, 2 Central Conference, Member- ship in, 95 §1 (1), (2) Central Mission Conference, Admission to, 95A §1 (1) Conference Board of Home Missions, 447 §1 Conference Board of Sunday Schools, 472 §1 Conference Commission on Fi- nance, 328 §2 District Board of Church Lo- cation, 448 Erroneous Teaching in Theo- logical Schools, 212, 256 Laymen in Annual Conference, proposed Constitutional Change, 614 Leaders and Stewards’ Meet- ing: Baptized, Children, orphaned, 54; Recommendation for Full Membership, 53 Holding of, 113 Official Board, as a Substitute for; L281. 320 Order of Business, ‘113 Recommendation, for License, Orders, Reception on Trial, 21933220: $1227 Stewards, Attendance of, 317 Admonition of Member, 279 §2 Change desired in, 108 §4 Classes or Units, Meeting to- gether, 62 Conversation with Pastor, 61 §4 Course of Study, 64, 624 District Conference, Members of, 97; Report to, 102 §3u Duties of, 28, 61 §§2-4 For Baptized Children, 52 For Preparatory Members, 48 §2 Improper, Removal of, 63 §1 Local Church, Appointment at Organization of, 193 Quarterly Conference, Changes by, 108 §4; Members of, 63 §2,.104, 108 §5°9; Report to, °61°>§2, 108 §134 Report ne at and Stew- ards, 2 Yearly reece 63 §1 Leave of Absence: Granted Evans Minister, 80 §27, 186 Left Without Appointment: To attend school, 80 §14 Lexington Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (37) Liberia Conference: Boundaries, 512 §1 Enabling Act, Fe §3 (1) License: 764 Deaconesses, 233, 494 §§2, 56 District Superintendent, Issue or Renewal by, 190 §6 Exhorter, License by Pastor, 227; License renewed, by District Conference, 102 §51; Renewed by yam od Con- ference, 108 §16 Local Preacher, License given, by District Conference, 102 §21, §43, 108 §14, 219; by Quarterly. Conference, 108 §14, 220 §1 Local Preacher, License re- newed’ ‘by District Confer- ence, 102 §42, 108 §163, 219; by Quarterly Conference, 108 §16>, 220 §2 INDEX q 663 {Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] License (continued): Missions, Licenses in, 449 §1 Preacher on Trial, 158 Women, 219 (Note), 577 Life Service Activities: Coordination of, 409 §1 Lincoln Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (38) Lincoln’s Birthday: Observance of, 463, 466 §3 Liquors, Spirituous: Buying, Selling, or Drinking (General Rules), 30; Special Advice on, 70 §1 Literature, Church: Duties of Pastor, 182 §9 Little Rock Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (39) Liturgy: . Appointed for Sacraments, etc. A aati Statement), page 1 Local Budget: Inclusion in, 111 §6 [This Topic is more _ fully treated under Budget, Local] Local Deacon and Elder: Conference Questions, 80 §12 (a), §13 (a) Credentials, returned by, 303; Restoration of, 303 District Conference, Recom- mendation for Deacon’s Or- ders, 176 §1 (2); Recommen- dation for HElder’s Orders, 179 §1 (2); Recommendation for Ordination, 102 §4¢ Minister in good Standing, lo- cated, 169 §1 Quarterly Conference, Recom- mendation for Deacon’s Or- ders, 176 §1 (2), 220 = §3; Recommendation for Elder’s Orders, 179 §1 (2), 220 §3; Recommendation for Orders, 108 §17 Local Ministry: } Part of System (Episcopal Ad- dress), page 4 Local Preacher: Acquittal of, 220 §4 Amenability, 108 §15, 220 §2, 221 §§1, 2 Appeal, in Mission, 278 §1, §2, 305; to Annual Conference, 304; to General Conference, 304 Baptism, Administration of, 159, 221 §3 Central Mission Conference, solemnizing Matrimony in, 221 §3 Care of Standing, 221 Character examined, 108 §15, 220 Conference Questions as to Or- dinations, 80 §§12 (a), 13 a) Course of Study, as Supplies, 619 §7; for Four Years 102 §22, 622; for License, 621; for Orders, 623; prescribed, 220 §§1, 2, 622; Suspension of Examinations, 621 (Note) Credentials, after severing Re- lation with Church, 221 §5; after Trial, 273 §21 Debt and Tobacco, 220 §1 Deprived of Office and Cre- dentials, 220 §4, 221 §1 District Conference, Examina- tion by, 102 §22; License by 102 §43, 219; Report to, 102 §33, 223; Supervision of, 101 §2, 102 §4 District Superintendent, Em- ployment by, 222; Oversight by, 190 §2 Doctrine and Discipline, Hxam- ination in, 220 §§1, 3 Endowment Fund for Retired, 226 Enrollment in Classes or Units, 223 Examination, by District Con- ference, 102 §22, 3; by Quar- terly Conference, 220 §2 Investigation of, 271 License, by District Confer- ence, 102 §43, 219; by Quar- terly Conference, 108 §14, 220 §1 License renewed, by District | 663 INDEX {Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Local Preachers (continued): Local Preachers (continued): Conference, 102 §42, 10& §16>, 219; by Quarterly Confer- ence, 108 §165, 220 §2; in Missions, 449 §1 Marriage, Solemnization of, 159, 221 §3 Membership, in District Con- ference, 97; in Quarterly Con- ference, 104, 221 §§1, 2 Ministers from Other Churches, as Local: Preachers, 165 §1; Orders recognized, 165 §2 Orders in India, 181 Orders, Recognition of, Dis- trict Conference, 102 §45, 219; Quarterly Conference, 108 §18, 165 §2, 220 §3 Orders, Recommendation for, District Conference, 102 §44, 176 §1,.179. §1, 219; Quar- terly Conference, 108 §17, 176 §1, 179 §1, 220 §3 Payment as Supply, 224 Quarterly Conference, Exam- ination by, 220 881, 2; Li- cense by, 108 §14, 220 §§1, 2; Report from, 108 §13?, 223; Supervision of, 107 §2, 108 §15, 220 Recommendation for Recep- tion on Trial, by District Panis ni: 102 §46, 157 §1 (1), 219; by Quarterly Con- ference, 108 §19, 157 §1 (1), 220 §3 Relief, after Service, 612; in Distress, 225 Retired, Endowment Fund for, 226, 484 §4; Relief of, 333 §2 (Note), 612 Removal, Certificate in, 221 §§1, 2 Report to District Conference, 102. §33, 223; to Quarterly Conference, 108 §132, 223 Supervision of, 101 §2, 220 §4 Suspension of, 220 §4, 271 Theological Schools, Erroneous Teaching in, 256 Trial of, 220 §4, 271-278 Women included, 219 (Note), bd7 P82 Work, arranged by District Superintendent, 222; by Pas- 766 tor, 182 §6, 222; assigned by ane Conference, 102 §26, 7 Location of Minister: Certificate of, 169 §1 Oe Questions, 80° §§18,? Debt to Book Concern, 169 §2. Failure to complete Course of Study, 169 §3 In Good Standing, 169 §1 Quarterly Conference Member- ship, 169 §1, 221 §4 Readmission to Conference, 80 §3, 164, 169 §1 Retired Minister, Located with- out Consent; 188 §3 Supernumerary, Located with- out Consent, 187 Lord’s Supper: ahedy ome on (Genbrdl Rules), Choice of Method (page 10) Communion Steward, 107 108 §34, 314 Cup for all (Article), 19 Deacon to Assist, 175 Elder *to Administer, 178 Elements provided for, B17 Not. reserved, or worshiped (Article), 18 Redemption by Christ’s Death (Article), 18 Ritual, 529 Sacrament of Redemption (Ar- ticle), 1 Sacrament, one of two Sacra- ments (Article), 16 Sign (Article), 18 Spiritually taken (Article), 18 Transubstantiation not Proved (Article), 18 Trial for Neglect of, 281 Unfermented Wine for, 182 $16 (prefatory Note), 529 Louisiana Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (40) Love Feasts: ae of Pastor to hold, 182 INDEX { 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Lucknow: Conference: Boundaries, 517 §1 (5) In Southern Asia Central Con- ference, 520 §2 (8) M Magistrates: Speaking Evil of (General Rules), 3 Maine Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (41) Maladministration: By Minister or District Super- intendent, 264 Malaya Conference: Boundaries, 516 §1 (1) In Central Conference for SE Saami Asia, 520 $3 Malaysia: Courses of Study, 661 Marriage: Advice on, 67 Central Conference, Rites for, 95 §2 (4) Central Mission Conference, ~ Authorization to Pastor, 221 §3; Rites for, 95A. §2 (7) Deacon to Solemnize, 175 Elder to Solemnize, 178 Liturgy appointed for Matri- mony (Historical Statement), / page 10 Local Preacher to Solemnize, 159, 221 §3 Not a Sacrament. (Article), 16 Of Ministers: (Article), 21 Pastors’ to Register, 182)'§27 Retired Minister to Solemnize, 188 Ritual, 530 Supernumerary Solemnize, 187 Unordained Preacher to Sol- emnize, 159 Preacher to Mears of Grace: Instituted or Prudential, 130- 134 767 Means of Grace (continued): Neglect of, Leaders and Stew- '. ards’ Question, 1134 Trial for Neglect of, 281 Membership, Full: Affiliated, 57 Another, Denomination, Note of Recommendation to, 56 He : am San Ii without Note, Appeal, after Trial, 306, 307; Right of, 46 §5 Approval of Pastor for, 48 §3 Arbitration in. Disagreement, 283, 284 Baptism, Freedom of Choice pha Statement), page Baptized Children, Admission of, 53; Ritual for Receiving, 528 Causing Dissension; 282 Central Conference, Powers of, 95. §2.- (3) Central Mission } Conference, Powers of, 95A.§2 (5). Certificate, when Given, 56 §1 Classes ‘or Units, Object of Distribution in, 61 -§1 Condition for, 48 §3° ee ee Roll, 48 §5, 108 il Counsel, in Investigation in Trial of Bishop, 310. §1; or Other Cases, 310 §3 Death, | Membership .. termi- nated by, 59 §2; Report of Committee, 110 §27 Delegate to General Confer- ence, 389. §5; to Lay Elec- toral Conference, 39 §1, 93 Disagreement in Business, 283 Expelled. Member,’ Privileges of, 290; Membership: irregu- larly Regained, 600 §4 Expulsion, 59 §2; Report of Committee, 110. §29 From Orthodox Church, 48 §4 Immoral Conduct, 279 Imprudent Conduct, 280 Inactive, 58; not counted,.58 Insolvency, 286 Irregular Reception’ or Expul- sion, 600 7 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Membership, Full (continued): Leaders and Stewards’ Meet- ing, Recommendation for Ad- mission, 1136 mbes eof Means of Grace, Non-Resident Member, after one Year, 58; not in Appor- tionments, 90 §6; Report of Committee, 110 §2u, 14 Note of Recommendation to another Denomination, 56 §2 Pastor, Reception and Dis- missal by, 182 §3; Report of, 108 §11, 183 §2 Quarterly Conference, Report of Committee, 108 §12, §29, i §2; Report of Pastor, 48 Recommendation for, 48 §3 Record Kept, 48 §5 Relief of Poor (General Rules), 28 81 (3) Removal without Certificate, after Three..Years, 58; Re- port of Committee, 110 §210 Rights affected by Errors, 264 3 § Ritual. for Reception, Adults, 527; Children, 528 Transfer, 55; Certificate not Refused, 56 §1 Trial, Causes for, 256, 279-286; Forms for Charges, 616; gen- eral Directions (included in), 308-312; Method of, 287; new Trial, 3138 §9; Right. of, 46 $85 § Trial of, 279-287 Withdrawal, Method of, 59; ener of Committee, 110 28 Membership, Preparatory: Baptized Children, Certificates of Registration, 51; Enroll- ment of, 51; not counted in Reports, 908; Regarded as Preparatory Members, 50; Register of, 51 Condition for, 48 §2 No Part in Judicial Proceed- ings, 48 §2 Not Members of Quarterly Conference, 48 §2 Membership, Preparatory (con- tinued): Quarterly Conference, Report of Committee on, 110 §215,16 Reception and Instruction by Pastor, 182 §3 Registration, Certificates of, 51 Report of Leader, 61 §22; of Pastor, 108 §11, 183 §2 Ritual for Reception, 526 Mergers: Boards. of Education, Educa- tion for Negroes, Sunday Schools, .. Epworth League, Deaconess Training Schools, 451 (prefatory Notes), 468 §2, 478 §4, 569 General Deaconess. Board and Board. of Hospitals and Homes, 451 (prefatory Note), 491 (prefatory Note), 569 Methodism: Rise of (Historical Statement), page 7 Methodist Advocate-Journal: Election of Editor, 399 §1 Nominating District, 399 §7 Post Office Address of Editor, 543 §1 Methodist Episcopal Church: Articles of Religion, 1-25 Baptism, Modes of (Historical Statement), page 10 “Christmas Conference’’ (His- torical Statement), page 9 Constitution and Administra- tive Rules (Episcopal Ad- dress), page 4 Constitution of, 1-47 Divine Commission (Historical Statement), page 11 Ceremonies, Orders, and Gov- ernment, Difference in (His- torical Statement), page 10 Doctrines and Discipline (Epis- copal Address), page 3 Episcopal Address, pages 3-5 General Rules, 26-33 ae Statement, pages 7- 1 Liturgy Appointed (Historical Statement), page 10 768 INDEX { 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs. ] Methodist Episcopal Church *, (continued) _Lord’s Supper, Method of Re- | ceiving (Historical State- ment), page 10 Ministers. and Communicants eeeieet Statement), page Order éf Worship (Episcopal Address), pages 4, 5 Origin of (Historical State- “- ment), pages 7-9 Ordination, Liturgy for (His- torical Statement), page 10 Organization at “Christmas Conference” (Historical Statement), page 9 Rules, Regulations, and Usages (Historical Statement), Ob- ject of, pages 10, il Sacraments, Form for (Histori- cal Statement), page 9; Lit- urgy for (Historical State- ment), page 10 To ‘Spread Scriptural’ Holi- ness” (Episcopal Address), page 3 Unification, Plan of, 613, 613A Union with Church, South, 408 §3, 569 §7 Methodist Episcopal Church, South: Comity and Cooperation with, Report of Committee, 581 Unification with, 613, 613A Union. with, 408 §3, 569 §7 Methodist Review: Hlection of Editor, 396 Post Office Address of Editor, 543 §1 Uniform Matter in, 397, 399§ 10 Methodist Year Book: Names and Addresses, Statis- ticians and Treasurers, 88 §1 Mexico Conference: Boundaries, 515 §1 (3) In Central Conference for Latin America, 522 (5) Michigan Christian Advocate: were ts Matter at Cost, 399 Michigan Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (42) Midyear Institutes: Establishment of, 619 §5 Minister: Absence, from Charge, 191; Leave of, 80 §27, 186 et Bet when in Mission,. 1 Aid Societies, Preachers’, 335 American Bible Society, Col- lection for, 182 §24 Amusements, Subject of, 69 §2: Annual Conference, Admitted into Full Membership, 80 §8, 81 §3, 161, 162; Attendance at, 36, 7e5y Change in Place of Session, 77; Character Ex- amined, 80 §15; Deportment at, 140, 141; Location, 164, 169, 187, 188 §3, 268; Re- admission from Location, 80 §3, 164, 169 §1; arise am on Credentials, 80 §4, 165- 167; Reception on Trial, 80 §5, 81 §2, 156-160; Report to, 88 §2, §3, 91, 183 §1; Surrender of Office, 170: Termination of Membership by Judicial Procedure, 173; Withdrawal from 80 §20, 170,. 172 Appeal, after Trial, to Judicial Conference, 292-297; from Judicial to General Confer- ence, 300; Right of, 46 §5 Appeal, from Preacher’s De- cision,. 313 .§13 Appointments, by Bishop, 207 §3, 208; Change by District Superintendent, 190 = §3; Change in Conference Inter- val, 190 §3, 207 §6; Confer- ence Question, 80 §39; Left without, 211; Right to, 602 §1; Special, 308 §§3, 4 Baptisms, by Unordained Preacher, 159; Registration of, 182. §27 Benevolences, Chairman of local Committee, 111 §4; Disciplinary, Duty as to, 87, 182 §22, 340 §2 Book Concern, Conference 769 q 663 INDEX [Numbers refer, to, Paragraphs] Minister (continued):, Minister (continued): Committee .on Periodicals, 86, 392 §1; Debt to, 169 §2, 392 §2; Member of Executive, Committee, 380... §2;, “On Sale’ Accounts, 406 Call to Preach, 114 Central Conference, Local Min- istry in, 95 §2 (3) Central Local Ministry in, 95A Mission ORES RIE: 2 (5 ) Certificate from Quarterly or Annual Conference, 302; Cer- tificate surrendered when ex- pelled, 302 Charge, Account sph 182 §28; Plan of, 108 §11 Chartered Fund, Collector for, 509 §2; Purpose of, 46 §6 Children, Approval for Mem- bership, 53; Catechism of, 182 $11; Certificates of Regis- tration, 51; Classes or Leagues for, 52, 182 §10; En- rollment as . Preparatory Members, 51; Full Member- ship, Approval for Reception, 53; Instruction of, 48 §2, 108 §8, 182 §10; Provision for Orphaned, 54; Register of baptized, 51; Special At- tention to, 476 §4 Children’s Day, 462 §1 Christian . Stewardship, Teach, 182 §17 Church. Literature, to Supply, 182 §9 Church Location, on Board of, 84, 448 Church Membership, APRON AL : by’ Pastor, 48 °§3,.53; Con- stituency Roll, 48 §5; Trregu- lar Reception or Expulsion, 600; new Trial for, Member, 313 §9; Nonresident-Inactive Membership, 58; Note of Recommendation, 56 §2; No- tice to Pastor of Appeal, 307; Reception into, 182 §3; Rec- ord of Changes, 48 © §5; Report of Pastor, 48 §5, 9L §1, 108 §11, 183 §2; Richts of Member affected, 264. $3; Transfer of, 55'§1,. §2, §3, §4, §5, 182 §3; "Transfer of Fam- to 770° ily, 55 §6; Trial of, orponeT, Withdrawal of, 59, §1 Church Property, Notice. of Mortgage or Sale, 360; Sale, Consent to, 361; Use of, Sal Church Records, Data to Com- mittee, 108 §12, 183 §2., City Society, Duty as, to, 442 §2; Member..of Board ez officio; 440 Classes or Units, Appointment or Change of Leaders, 182 §2; Joint Meeting, 62; Quar- terly Collection in, 182 §18) Collections, Quarterly, 182 §19 ore a) Expenses of, 182 2 Conduct, Rules for, 115-126 Conference Claimants, Duty as to, 182 §22, 340 §2 Conference Commission on Fi- nance, Member of, 328. §2 Conference Relations, Comumit- tee on, 81 §1-6 Constitutional Questions, Pres- ence necessary, 602 §3;, Vot- ing twice on, 38 §3 Courses. of Study, 190 §21, 210 §2, 617-662 Credentials, Deprivation of. 266,302; Inscription on, 167; 172 §1; Restoration after Surrender, 301, 302; Sur- peader by Minister, 170, 172, Deacon, Authority as, 175; Conference Questions, 80 §8 (a)-(d), §12; Eligibility.) to Orders, 176: how »Consti- tuted, 174; Ordination. .at ~ Conference, 83 Deaconess Board; four ‘Mem- bers of Conference, 494 §1 Death of, Conference Question, 80 S17, Debt and Tobacco, 81, §2, 157 §11,2, (Note), 162 (Note); Trial for Debt, 2159; 28Gb oixo! DeENt to Concern, ‘169, §2, 392 Ben and Cleanliness: Rec- ommendation of, 182 §21 Deposed, License after ,: 267 §2; Membership after; 267. §1 Deprivation of Office and Cre- INDEX { 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Minister (continued): dentials, 80 §21, 82, 171, 173, 263, 266 Disagreement in Business, 285 Discipline, Administration of, 182. §3 District Conference, Mémber of, 97 District Superintendent, Over- sight of, 190 §2 Doctrine, teaching Contrary, 254, 255, 267 §2 rpm Instruction in, 182 Duties as Pastor, 182 §§1-29 Education, Duty as to, 108 §9, 182 §22, 461, 462 Education for Negroes, Duty as to, 182 §22, 466 Elder, Authority as, 178; Con- ference Questions, 80 §§11, 13; Eligibility to Orders, 179, 180; how Constituted,. 177; Ordination at Conference, 83 Episcopal Fund, pro rata claim of, 331 Epworth League, Control of, 478 §3; Duty as to, 107 §9, 182) §12, 482 Evangelistic Campaigns, 446 §2 Evangelists, Conference, 208 §4 (8); at Large, 209; Engage- ment of, 184 Examination, Courses of Study, 617-662 er ag to License, 182 §7; Expulsion, Claim after, 299; Conference Question, 80 §23; from Church, 267 §2; not from Church, 267 §1; Rights after, 268 Failure in Business, 259 Finance, Committee on, 112 §2 Foreign Mission, Duty as to, 182 §22, 428 Fraternal Delegates, Expenses of, 182 §25 General Conference, Delegate to, 38 §§1, 2; Expenses of, 182 §25, 384 §3; Not counted twice in Election to, 38 §3; — Not voting twice in Election, 602 §3 General Rules, Reading, 180, §10, 182 §4 71 Minister (continued): Good Literature, Duty as to, 107 §8, 182 §22 Holding | Religious against Request, 253 Home Department, Duty re- garding, 182 §14 Home Missions, Duty as to, 182° §22, 447 §1 House for, 368; Rent included ee “Ministerial Support,’’ 90 4 Imprudent and Unministerial Conduct, 252 §4, 266 Insolvency, 259 tavewiastee of, 252-255, 257- Services Investigation of Bishop, Elders to serve, 241 Investigation, Superintendent of Mission, 260 Judicial Conference, Expenses of, 182 §25 < Junior League, Duty as to, 52,182 §12 Ladies’ Aid Societies, Duty as to, 182 §13, 378 §4 Leader, Information from, 28 §2 (1) Leaders, Appointment and Change of, 182 §2; Conver- sation with, 28 §2, 61 §4; Examination of, 64, 182 §2; Improper, 63 §1 Leave of Absence, 186 reigns He Duty as to, 182 aod Church, Organization of, Local Preacher, Admonition of, 273 §1; Certificate to, 221 §§1, 2; Employment of, 182 §6, 222; Failure or Debt of, 275; Investigation of, 271; Payment as Supply, 224 Location, Certificate of, 169 §1; Conference Questions, 80 §§18, 19; Debt to Book Con- cern, 169 §2; Failure to complete Course of Study, 169 §3; in Good Standing, 169 §1; of Retired Minister, 188 §3; of Supernumerary, 187; Quarterly Conference Membership, 169 §1, 221 §4; Readmission to Conference, §| 663 INDEX Minister (continued): Minister (continued): 80. §3, 164, 169 §1; Request for, 169 §1 Maladministration, 264 §1 Marriage, of Divorced Party, 68, 264 §1; of Minister (Ar- ticle), 21; Register of, 182 §27 Membership, Termination of Conference, 169-173 Ministerial Office, Surrender of, 80 §20 (c), 170 inisterial Qualifications, Committee on, 81 §7 Ministers from Other Churches, 80 §4, 165-167 Mission Conferences, Member- ship in, 96 §§2-5 Missionary, Full, Membership of, 163 Missionary Work, Questions as to, 160 Music, Committee on, 73 §4, TZ 82, Negotiations with Churches, 608 Official Board, President of, 112 §1, 320 Official Positions, Membership of Those in, 168 +, Ordinations, at Conference, 83; Committee on Relations, 81 §5 Other Personal Notation, 80 §24 Parsonages, Building, 364, 368; Renting Houses, 365, 367, 3 Pastoral Fidelity, 147-155 Periodicals, Publications) and Collections,. Committee. on, 86, 392 §1; List of Subscrib- ers, 182 §29 “Permanent Fund,” Contribu- tions for, 375 TTATSt Meetings, Appointment of, 182 Preacher on Trial, Attendance at Conference, 75: Deacon’s Orders, 176 $4; Discontinu- ance, 158; without Wrong, 157 §2, 190 §22; Left without Appoint- ment, 80 §14, 211; Quarterly Conference, if Discontinued, 158, 221 §4; Question as to Discontinuance, 80, §7; Re- Discontinuance ° ception on Trial, 80 §5, 156- 160; Recommendation for Reception on Trial, 102 §4°, 219, 220 §38 Preaching, Where and How, 6 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] | x : Preaching Places, Discontinu- ance of, 185 Preparatory Membership, Duty as to, 48 §2, 51, 182.§3.! ro rata Apportionment of Book Committee, 331; Ap- portionment of Committee on Finance, 328 §7; Appor- tionment of District Stew- ards, 327; Division binding, 610; Duty of Pastor, 87, 610; Quarterly Conference Ques- tion, 108 §22; Settlement Day, 327 Quarterly Account, to give; 182 §28 Quarterly Conference, Mem- bership in, 104; Membership of located or discontinued Preacher, 158, 221 §4; of Min- ister without Appointment, 207 §5; Report of Pastor, 108 §6, 183 .§3; Report of Retired ‘Minister, 188 §3; Report of Supernumerary, 187 Rejected Preacher, ment of, 192 Relation, Change of, 81 §4 i wey (General Rules), 28 ii Religious Education, Duty as to, 107 §7, §15, 182 §22, 476 Religious Services, Holding against Request, 253; Use of Property for, 351 Retired Minister, Change of Boundaries, 602 §2; Confer- ence Question, 80 §26; pro rata, 87, 108 §22, 327, 328 §7, 3381; Produce of Book Concern, 46 §6, 379 §2, 393 §3;. Quarterly © Conference, 188 §3; Relation Granted, 188 .§§1, 2; Setthement Day, 327; Support of, 333-344 Rules, Instruction in, 182 §3 Res Sociology, Study of, 443 Employ- INDEX 7 663 Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Minister (continued): Settlement Day, 327 Social. and Recreational Life, Duty as to, 107 §9, 182 §22 Speaking Evil of (General Rules), 30 Serial Appointments, 208 §§3, Spuriieal Qualifications, 127—- oteveapel Report, 88 §2, §3, Stewards, Examination of Ac- counts of, 182 §15; Informa- tion from, 817; Meeting of Leaders and, 28 §2; Nomi- nation of Stewards, 316 Sunday Schools, Duty as: to, 182 §22, §26, 472 §1, 473 §2, 474 §1, 476; Home Depart- ment, 182 §14 Superintendent of Mission, In- vestigation of, 260 Supernumerary Preacher, Change of Boundaries, 602 §2; Claim of, 187; Confer- ence Question, 80 §26; Quar- terly Conference, 187; Re- lation granted, 187 Support, Claim, 353 §1; Divi- sion binding, 610; Duty of District Superintendent, 190 §16; Duty of Pastor, 610; Estimate, 107 §13, 108 §21, 177° $6 (1), $827, 323 §1; in Total of ‘Ministerial Sup- port,’’ 90 §4 Suspension, after Investigation, 252 §3; after ‘Trial, 266; Claim during, 299; Power of Conference, 82 Temperance, Duty as to, 182 , 490 §7 Termination of Membership, , 169-173 Theological Schools, Duty as to, 458 §5 (8); Erroneous Teaching in, 212, 255 Time, profitable Use of, 185-137 Tracts, Duty as to, 182 §22,§238, 405 Transfer, Conference Ques- tions, 80 §§2; 16; Notice’ by Bishop, 207 . §12; Right of Appointment after, 602 §1 Treasurer’s Report, 92 Minister (continued): Trial, at Conference, 262, 263, 265 §§1-8; by District Super- intendent, 265 §4; Case’ re- manded, 598, 313 §8; Power of Conference, 82; Reproof after, 266; Right of, 46 §5 Trustees of "Methodist Episco- pal Church, Notice of Dona- tion to, 372 Unacceptability, Inefficiency, or Indifference, 171, 263 Union, Necessity of, 138, 139 Visiting List, 182 §29 Withdrawal, Conference Ques- tions, 80 §§20, 22; Joining another Ministry, 172; Sur- render of Office, 170; under Charges, 269; under Com- plaints, 269 Ministerial Office: Deprivation by Annual Con- ference, 80 §21, 82, 171, 173, 263, 266 Surrender of, 80 §20¢, 170 *‘Ministerial Support’’: Inclusion in, 90 §4 Official Board, Duty of, 112 §1 Pro rata Distribution of, 87, 327, 328 §7, 331, 610 Quarterly Conference, Commit- tee on, 107 §13; Questions, 108 §§23, 32 Ministry and Laity: Part of System (Episcopal Ad- dress), page 4 Ministry, Local: Part of System (Episcopal Ad-* dress), page 4 Power of Central Conference, 95 §2 (3) Power of Central Mission Con- ference, 95A §2 (5) Ministry of Wor Attendance on Tedterdl Rules),. 82 Minnesota Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (438) 773 { 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] - Mission Conference: Mission Ceuncil, Japan: (con- Annual Conference, Exercising Powers of, 96 §2 * Appeals from, not in United States, 297 Bishop, Approval as to Powers, 96 §2; Appointment of Super: intendent, 96 §3 Board of Home Missions, In- formation and. Appropria- tions, 435 §8 Book Concern, Proceeds of, 96 fe es Conference, Powers of, 95 §2 (1),) (12) Central Mission Conference, becoming Central . Confer- ence, Ratification of, 95 §2 hoy Powers of, 95A §2 (1), 1 District Superintendents in, 96 §3 v Enumeration of, . Africa, 512 §2; Eastern Asia, 51S) §2's Europe, 514 §2; Latin Amer- dea ito Southeastern Asia, 516 §2; Southern Asia, 517. §2; United States and Territories, 518 §2 Finance, Committee on, 418 §1 General Conference, No Dele- gates to, 96 §2; Representa- tive on Standing Commit- tees, 96 (Note) ‘Mission, as Mission Conference, 96$1; ‘Administration of Board of Foreign Missions, 421 §3; constituted by General Con- ference, 96 §1 Missionary Board, Aid from, 96 §6 Powers of Annual: Conference, 96. §2 Presidency of, 96 §4, 435 §8 Secondary Schools, or other Educational Institutions, 458 $3 Soni) Superintendent of, 96 §3 Support in, 96 §§5, 6 Mission Council, Japan: In Eastern Asia Central Con- ference, 520 §1 (6) Organization of, 422 §2 Representative to General Con- ference, 422 §3 tinued): hey among Japanese, 513 §4 Mission Fields: Central Mission Conference, Organization of, 95A §1 (1) Committee on Finance, 418 §1 Matrimony, Solemnization by Local Preacher, 221 §3 Schools in, 458 §$§1,'2 Missionaries: Japan, Privileges of Annual Conferences in, 422 §1 Retired, Support. of, 418 §1 Widows and ‘Orphans, Support of, 417 §2 Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, Workers under, 429 ’ Missionary Bishop: Amenability, 195 Appeal to General Conference, 291; Right of, 291 §1 ‘Assignment, specific, 197 Ceasing to Perform Duty, 202 Central Mission’ Conference, Presidency of, 95A §1 (3) Complaint against: Administra- tion of, 251 Coordinate Authority, 198, 199 Death of, 202 Doctrine, Disseminating er- roneous, 249 Election of ; 46 §3 Foreign Missions, Cooperation with Board, 201; Notice of Retirement to, 217 §1 Investigation in Mission, 260 Investigation of, Charges, 247- 249; Counsel, 310 §1 Joint Administration with Bishop, 199 Name in Discipline mid Hym- nal, 200; In Organization of General Conference, . 566 (Rule 1 (b)): » ot a General Superintendent, 196, 197 | Post: Office Addresses, 540 Powers and J urisdiction, 46 §3, 194 Retirement, Conditions» for, INDEX q 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Missionary Bishop (continued): 217; Powers, Limitation of, 218 $2; Rights and priv- ileges, 218 §3; Support, 329 §2 Support of, 195, 329 §2. Transfer of Preacher} 203 Trial, at General Conference, 250; Case remanded, 813. §8; Counsel, 310 §1 Missions: t Administration of, 449 Board of Home’ Missions, In- formation. and Appropria- tions, 435 §8; -Represénta- tion on Board, 444 §3 Central Conference, Dsions in, 95 §1. (2), (3);.Power,..of Central Conference, 95 §2 (1), (12) Central. Mission Conference, Missions in, 95A §2:(1), (2); Powers of, 954 §2 (1), (10) Finance, Committee on, 418 §1 Foreign Fields, Chapter VI (1), 421, 422 Foreign Aiton: Administra- tion of, 421 Home Field,Chapter V1(2), 449 Investigation, Member of An- nual Conference, 260; of Superintendent, 260 Local Preacher, Appeal of, 305; Judicial Conference to ‘hear, 278 °§2 Mission Conference, Organized from, 96 §1,.421 §3 Missionaries, Members of Dis- trict Conference, 97; of Quar- terly Conference, 104 Missionary, Admission into Conference, 163; Orders of, “176 §4,.179 §5 Organization by Bishop, 207 §13;. into Mission Confer- ence, 96 §1, 421 §3 Other than English, Examina- tions in, 449 §2 Presideney of, 435 §8, 449 §1 Trial, Local Preachers, 278 §1 Mississippi Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (44) Missouri Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (45) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (14) 775 Montana Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (46) . Mortgages: Current Expenses, 352 Money advanced, 360 Reinvestment, 361 Moving Expenses: Not included in Estimate of Support, 323 §2 Music: Committee on, 73 §4, 107 §14 (13), 112 §2 Spirit and Truth of Singing, 73. N Nebraska Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (47) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (15) Negotiations: Between Preachers and People, 608 Netherlands Indies Mission Conference: Boundaries, 516 §2 (1) Enabling Act, 516 §3 (1) In Central Conference for Southeastern Asia, 510 §3 (2): Newark Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (48) New England Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (49) New England Southern Con- ference: Boundaries, 518. §1. (50) New Hampshire Conference: » Boundaries, 518 §1 (51) New Jersey Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (52) New Mexico Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (53) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (7) New Orleans: Editor at, Appointment of, 208 §3 (3) 4, 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs. } New Orleans (continued): Episcopal Residence at, 539 Southwestern Advocate, Elec- tion of Editor, 396; Post 41 BeBnbeskan of Editor, 543 New Testament: Canonical Books (Article), 5 Old not Contrary to (Article), 6 New York: Department of Schools and Colleges, 544 §1 (1) | Episcopal Résidence, 539 Executive [Book] Committee, 546 §2°(1) Foreign Missions, Board of, 547; Corresponding Secre- taries, Post Office Address, 544° $1;> Headquarters, 414 §4; Treasurer, Post Office Address, 545 No Books on Commission, 406 Publishing Agent, Appoint- ment of, 208 §3 (2); Designa- tion of Administration, 308 §2; Post. Office Address, 542 Publishing House at, 379 §1, 542 ‘New York Conference: Boundaries, 518 $1: (54) ‘New York East Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (55) Nonresident Membership: After three years, 58 Not counted in Returns, 58 Not reckoned in making Ap. portionments, 90 §6 When recorded, 58 Nerth Africa Mission Confer- ence? Boundaries, 514 §2 (8) Enabling Act, 514 §3 (6), (7) In Mediterranean Central Con- ference, 519 §2 (3) North Andes Mission Confer- ence: . Boundaries, 515 §2 (3) In Central Conference for Latin America, 522 (6) North Carolina Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (56) North China Conference: | Boundaries, 513 §1 (8), Enabling Act, 513 §3 (1) In Eastern Asia Central Con- ference, 520 §1 (9) North Dakota Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (57) North Germany Conference: Boundaries, 514 §1 (4) Enabling Act, 514 §3 (8) In Central EHuropean Central Conference, 519 §1 (5) North India Conference: Boundaries, 517 §1 (6) In Southern Asia Central Con- ference; 520 §2 (9) North Indiana Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (58) North Sumatra Conference: Boundaries, 516 §2 (2) Enabling Act, 516 §3 (3) In Central Conference for Southeastern Asia, 520 §3 (3) North-East Ohio Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1.(59) Northern Minnesota Confer- ence: Boundaries, 518 §1 (60) Northern’ New York Confer- ence: Boundaries, 518 §1 (61) Northern Swedish Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (62) \' Northwest German Confer- ence: Boundaries, 518 §1 (63) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (4) Northwest India Conference: Boundaries, 517 §1 (7) In Southern Asia Central Con- ference, 520 :§2 (10) Northwest Indiana Confer- -. ence: _ Boundaries, 518 §1 (64) Northwest Iowa Conference: Boundaries, 516 §1 (65) Northwest Confer-=- ence: Boundaries, 518 §1 (66) Kansas 776 INDEX { 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs. ] Northwest Nebraska Confer- ence: Boundaries, 518 §1 (67): Enabling Act, 518 §3 (15) | Northwestern Advocate: Editor, Appointment of, 208 §3 (3), Election of , 399 81: Nom- inating District, 399 §3 ee ped Si Address of Editor, Rea 2 Conference: Boundaries, 514 :§1 (5) In North European Central Conference, 519 .§3. (4) Norwegian and Danish Con- ference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (68) Norwegian-Danish Mission: Enabling Act, 518 §3 (17) Nova Scotia: Missionary Work in (Histori- cal ptatement)s page 9 O Oath, Christian |Man’s: When Magistrate requires (Ar- ticle), 25 Official Board: Baptized Children, Recommen-, dation for Full Membership, 53; Orphaned baptized Chil- dren, 54 Benevolences, Annual Confer- ence Quota, 111 §8 (2); Budget, Making up, 111 §4 (3); Budget presented, 111 §3 (5); Deposits in Bank, 111 §5 (3); Failure to'raise, Rec- ommendations, 111 §4 (4); monthly Report, 111 §5 (6); occasionally Ordered, 111 §9 (3); Special, Quota of, 111 §8 (3); World Service, Quota asked, 111 §8 (1) Benevolences, Committee on, ascertaining Apportionments, 111 §4. (8); Making ‘up Budget, 111 §4 (3); Recom- mendation on indicated Failure, 111 §4 (4) Church Membership, Nonresi- dent-Inactive, Committee on, TTT { Official Board Eettistiliss eon Church, Property, Committee on, 112,82, 321 Composition ‘of, 112 §1, 319 Current Expenses, Budget of, 321; Report, 112 §2, 321 Disciplinary . Financial Plan, - Annual Conference _Benev- olences; Quota, 111. §8 (2); Benevolences and Special Collections ordered, 111 §9 (3); Finance Committee, Making up of Budgets, 111 §4 (3); Finance Committee, Presentation of Budgets, 111 §3 (5); Financial Secretary, Deposits in Bank, 111 §5 (3); Financial Secretary, monthly Report, 111 §5 (6); Financial Secretary, Report. of Dis- bursements, lil §7 (2); Treasurer,Local Budget, Dis- bursements, 111 §7 (1); World Service, Quota, 111 §8 (1) Ewvery-Member Canvass, 322). Finance, Committee on, Com- position, 321; Making up Budget, 111 §4 (3); Presen- tation of Budget, 111 §3 (5); Selection of, 112. §2 Financial Secretary, Deposits in Bank, 111 §5 (3); Duties of, 111 §5 (1)-(8), 112 §1, 320; Election of, 112 §1, 320; monthly Report, 111 §5 (6); 320; Report. on Disburse- ments, 111 §7 (2) Full |» Membership, mendation for, 48 §3 Leaders and Stewards’ Meet- ing, Duties of, 112 §1, 320 Meetings, Monthly, 112 §1, 320 “Ministerial Support,’’ Pro- visions for, 112 §1, 320 Music, Committee on, 112 §2, 321 Officials, List of, 108 §11 Organization, 112 §1, 319 Presidency, 112 §1, 320 ' Records, Approved, 108 §33, 112 §1, 320; Examination by Committee, 110 §1 Secretary, Duties, 112 §1, 320; Election, 112 §1, 320; Rec- ords of, 112 §1, 320 Recom- 7.663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Official Board (continued): Stewards, to Attend, 317 Treasurer of Benevolences, Du- ties, 112 §1, 320; Disburse- ments for Occasional | Be- nevolences, 111 §9 (8); Elec- tion, 112. §1, 320; Report, 111 §9'(3),°320 (c) Treasurer of Local Budget, Du- ties, 111 §7 (1), 320; Dis- bursements as ordered, 111 §7 (1); Election, 112 §1, 320; Report, 112 §1, 320 Treasurers, Two, 112 §1, 320 ' Vice-Chairman, 112 §1, 320 Young People’s SY Ap- proval of, 478 §3 Ohio Contereives: Boundaries, 518 §1 (69) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (18) Oklahoma Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (70) Old: Testament: Canonical Books (Artistey!'8 Not Satay to New (Arti- cle), 6 Order of Public Worship: As appointed, 72 Commended (Episcopal Ad- dress), pages 4, 5 Orders: | Deacon’s, Eligibility to, 176 Elder’s, Eligibility to, 179 Examination for, 102 §2!, 176, 179: §§1-4, (English) 620 §2, §3, §4, §5, §6, 623, India, Conferences in, 181 Local. Preachers, 80 §12 (a), §13 (a), 220 §3 Ministers from Other Churches, 166, 167 Not a Sacrament (Article), 16 Preacher not Examined, 603 §1 Recognition of, Annual ‘Confer- ence, 80 §24 (Note (1)); $os- trict Conference, 102 . §45 219; Quarterly Conference, 108 §18, 165 §2, 219,220 §3 Recognition of, Reference to Committee on Conference Relations, 81°§5 Orders (continued), Roman Catholic a perks Orders not Recognized, 603» §2 Orders, Voting by: Concurrence, with Exception, 45 ~ General Civ farses Regula- tion, 566 (Rules 29, 30) Ordinances: Attendance Rules), 32 Ordination: At» Conference, ticable, 83 Committee on’ Conference Re- lations, Reference to, 8 §5 Liturgy appointed (Historical Statement), page 10 Recommendation for, 102 §44, * 108 §17, 219, 220 §3 Whatcoat and Vasey, by Wes- ley (Historical Statement), page 8 Women, Ordination of, in Cen- tral Conference, 95 §2 (3); Provisions to include, 219 (Note); Report. on; 577 upon — (General when > prac- Oregon Conferences Boundaries, 518 §1 (71). Organizations: orporate Names of, 562 Original Sin: Corruption of Nature (Ar ticle),.7 Orphans: Missionary, wil of, 417 §2 . Provision, for baptized, 54 Other Evangelical Churches: Members from, 48 §4 Ministers from, 165-167 Note of Recommendation to, ' 56. §2; without Note; oa §2 . Union with Other, 609, P Pacific Chinese Mission: Boundaries, 518 §2 (8) 778 INDEX Sa) GBS {Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Pacific Christian Advocate: iditor, Appointment of, 208 §3 (3); Election of, 399 §1 Nominating District, 399 §5 Post Office Address of Editor, 543 §1 Pacific German Conference: Bourdaries, 518 §1 (72) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (8) Pacific Japanese Mission: Boundaries, 518 §2 (4) Pacific Swedish Mission Con- ference: Boundaries, 518 §2 (5) Papers, Conference or Loca!: Establishment of, 403 Parents: iced up Baptized Children, Parsonages: Building and Furnishing, 364 Deeded to Annual Conference, 356 §1 District Superintendent, Duty regarding, 368 Equity in Property, 363 §3 Minister, Duty regarding, 368 Quarterly Conference Commit- tee, 107 §14! Removal of, 363 §2 Renting Houses, 365 _ Stewards, Committee on, 367 Trustees for, 366 Pastor: Duties of, 182 §§1-29 [This word is used interchange- ably with Minister and Preacher and is fully indexed under the former Title] Patience, Running with: Evidence of Desire for Salva- tion (General Rules), 31 Penance: Not a Sacrament (Article), 16 Pensions: In educational Institutions, 455 §8 Pensions and Relief, Board of: Annual | Conferences, © Distri- bution. to, 488 §1; Receipts from Board, Conference Ques- tion, 80° §35 (a); Receipts subtracted by, 337; Report and Data of Stewards, 339 §8; Representation on Board, 484 §1 Annuity Years, Total of An- nual Conferences, 393 Change of Name and Duties, 569 §1, 591 Connectional Permanent: Fund, . Establishment of, 484 . §3; - Income of, 487 §2 (2) Connectional Relief, Adminis- tration of, 488; Appropria- tion for, 487 §2; Distribution to Conferences, 340 §13, 344 (a), 488 §1; Income, 488 §2; Paid by Annual Conference Treasurer for, Question, 80 §37; Purpose of, 487 $1 Cooperation, 408 §4 Corporate Name, 562 Corresponding Secretary, Elec- tion of, 485 §1; Member of Board, 484 §1 Duties, Change of, 591 Estimate, 486 Incorporation, 484 §3 Members, Nomination’ and Election. of, 484, §§1, 2; Present Board, 554; Reduc- tion of Number, 408 §2 (d); Two Classes, 484 §2 Merger of Boards, not affected by, 569 §1 Moneys for, 334 §2, 340 §2 Name, Change of, 569 §1, 591 Office, Location of, 484 §3 Officers, 485, 554 Post Office Address, Board, 584; Corresponding Secretary, 544 §1; Treasurer, 545, 554. Quorum, 484 §3 Report, from Conference Stew- ards, 488 §2; of Board, 489 Treasurer, Duties of, 489; Elec- tion of, 485 §2 Vacancies, 485 §2 Periodicals: Conference Committee on, ‘86, 392 §1 779 { 663 ». INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Periodicals (continued): Correspondence Fund, 382 §4 Discontinuance of, 382 $3 Permanent Fund: Board of Pensions and Relief, 334 §1 Of the Church, Duty of Minis- ters, 375; held by Trustees, 374; Purposes of, 376 Philadelphia: Episcopal Residence, 539 Home Missions, Headquarters of Board, 431; Post: Office Address, 548; Resident Bishop Member of. Board, 432 §1 Trustees, Chartered Fund, 509 $6; Post Office Address, 559 Philadelphia Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (73) Philippine Islands: Board of Home Missions, not in, 482 §1 Episcopal Residence, 539 Philippine Islands Confer- ences Boundaries, 516. §1 (2) Enabling Act, 516 §3 (2) In Central . Conference for Southeastern Asia, 520 §3 4) Pilmoor, Joseph: Sent to America (Historical Statement), page 8 Pittsburgh: Advocate, Patronizing Terri- tory, 399 §9; Uniform Matter at cost, 899 §12 Depository at, 394 §1, 542 Editor at, Appointment, 208 §3. (3); Election, 398; Post Office Address of, 543 §1 Episcopal Residence, 539 Pittsburgh Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (74) Plan of Charge: Pastor to prepare, 108 §11 Poor, The: © ares of (General Rules), : 28 3 Stewards,- Duties of, 317 Portland: Episcopal Residence, 539 «Editor Pacifie ‘Christian Advo- cate, Post Office Address, 548 §1 Porto Rico Mission Confer- ences ' Boundaries, 518 §2 (6) Post Office Addresses: American Bible Society, 555 Bishops, 539, 540 Book Committee, Area Mem- bers, 546 §1; Executive Com- mittee Members, 546 §2 Cpaaered Fund, Trustees of, oS Commissions, General Confer- ence, Church Music, 563 §6; Courses of Study, 563 §1; Deaconess Work; 563 §7; Federation and Interdenom- inational | Pronouncements, 563 §5; Federation of Col- ored Churches, 563 §3; Inter- Board Curriculum, 563 §11; Social Service Activities, 563 “$8; -Unification; 563.” §2; World Peace, 563° §4 Committees, Ecumenical Con- ference Continuation, 563 §12; Federation of Churches, 563 §10; Foreign Language Publications, 563 §9. Corporate, Names of Organiza- tions, 562 Corresponding Secretaries, 544 Depositories, 542 Editors, 543 Education, Board of, 549 HCPA WO} for Negroes, Board, 55 Epworth League, Board of, 552 Foreign Missions, Board of, 547 Home Missions and Church Ex- tension, Board of, 548. Hospitals and Homes and Dea- coness Board, 557 John Street Church, ee of, 561 780 INDEX | 663 {Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Post Office Addresses’ (cont'd): Methodist Book Concern, 542 Methodist Episcopal Church, Trustees of, 560 Repeioas and Relief, Board of, 4 Publishing Agents, 542 Secretary of General Confer- ence, 541 Sunday Schools, Board of, 551 Temperance, Prohibition, and Public Morals, Board of, 556 Treasurers and Assistants, 545 University Senate, 553 World Service Commission, 558 Postgraduate Course: Provision for, 210 §2 Prayer: Day, for Colleges, 593 Family (General Rules), 32 Lord’s Prayer, Children to learn, 524 Private (General Rules), 32 Trial for Neglect of, 281 VM eek of, 592 Prayer Meetings: Pastor to Appoint, 182 §5 Trial for Neglect of, 281 Preacher on Trial: Amenability, 270 Appeal, 270 Attendance at Conference, 75 Baptism, Administration of, 159 Oa of (English) Study, 620 3,4 Discontinuance without any Wrong, 157 §2, 190 §22 District Superintendent, Duty of, 190’ §21 Matrimony, Solemnization of, 159 Quarterly Conference, if Dis- continued, 158 Reception on Trial, 156-160 Trial of, 270 Preacher: Rules for Conduct, 115-126 [This word is used ‘interchange- ably with Minister and. Pas- tor. and is’ fully indexed under the former Title] Preachers’ Aid Societies: Establishment of, 335 Preaching: Call, 114 Deportment at Conference, 140, 141 Pastoral Fidelity, 147-155 Rules for Conduct, 115-126 Secon Qualifications, 127— Time, Use of, 185-137 Union, Necessity of, 138, 139 Where and How to Preach, 142-146 Preaching Place: Discontinuance of, 185 Preparatory Membership: Baptized Children not. to Re Counted, 90 §8 Condition for, 48 §2 Instruction, 48 §2, 182 §3 No Part in Judicial Proceedings, 2 48 §: Not Members’ of Quarterly Conference, 48 §2 Privileges, 48 §2 Reception by Pastor, Ritual, 526 Report of Committee, 110 2), 16 Required, 48 §2 (Note) Prisons, Chaplains in: Appointment of, 208 §3 (4) 182 §3; Proceedings, Irregular: Reception or’ Expulsion | of Member, 600 ' Prohibition, Success of: Report on, 587 Pro Rata: Annual Conference,’ Bishop’s Inquiry at, 87 ‘Book Committee, Apportiocn- ment of, 331 Claims of Bishops, Claimants, District Superintendents, Pastors, 327, 328 §7, 331 Commission on Finance, Ap- portionment of, 328 §7 District Stewards, Apportion- ment of, 327 781 { 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] . Pro Rata (continued): Publishing Agent (continued): District Superintendent, Duty of, 87, 610; Inquiry by, 190 16 § Divisionsto be Made, 610 Mission Conferences, Members to Share proportionately, 96 §2 Pastor, Duty of; 87 Payment to Bishops, Claim- ants, District Superintend- ents, Pastors, 327 Quarterly. Conference Ques- tion, 108 Settlement Day, 327 Public Worship: Attendance on (General Rules), 32 Order. of, 72 Trial for Neglect of, 281 Publications: Conference Committee on, 86, 392 §1 Discontinuance of, 382 §3 Sale at Conference, 403 Publishing Agent: Accounts of Concern, Keeping of, 390 §1 Advocates, Cost of, 399 §13; Uniform Material, 399 §10 Agents Emeritus, Post Office Addresses, 542 Annual Conference, Accounts due, 392 §1; Periodicals taken, 392 §1; Statement and Draft to, 393 Appointment of, 208 §3 (2) Authority, 388 §1 Book Committee, Matters re- ferred to, 382 §3.. Books on Commission, 406 Charter Fund Money, Sent to, 509 §3 Chicago, Designation of Agent at, 388 §2 Cincinnati, Designation © of Agent at, 388 §2; Treasurer Board of Education for Ne- groes, 465 §3, 545, 550 Departments, Separate Ac- counts, 391 §1 i Depositories, Notice of Discon- tinuance, 382 §3; Sales to be Reported, 391 §1 782 Duties of; 389-392 Election of} 388 §1 Expenses curtailed, 382 §3 Good Literature Day, Designa- tion of, 399 §14 Inventory, annual, 390 §2 Investigation of, 387 §§2,3 Monthly Statement to Eixecu- tive Committee, 891. §2 New. York Agent, Designation of, 388 §2; Report of’ Pitts- burgh Advocate Committee, 402; Reports of Statisticians and Treasurers, 90 §3 ‘On Sale’? Accounts, 406 Periodicals ‘and Publications, Notice of Discontinuance, 382 §3 Pittsburgh adypogts, Report from Committee, 4 Post Office Address, 542, Real Estate, Accounts of, 391 §1; Inventory of, 390 §2 Removal from Office, 387 §3 Reports, to Book Committee, 890 §2, 391 §1; to Confer- ences, 391 §1; to General. Conferencé, 391 §1; to Execu- tive Committee, 391 §2 Salary, fixed, 382 §4 Sales, Receipts; and Expendi- tures, 391 $1 Statement to Successors, 390 §3 Sunday School Literature, 468 Statistical Blanks, providing, 89 Tracts, Duty as to, 389..§1 Treasurer, Annual Conference, Blanks for, 89 Treasurer, Education for Ne- groes, 465 §3, 545, 550 Treasurer, Episcopal Fund, 332, 545 ) Puget Sound Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (75) Boundaries Enlarged, 518 §3 (1) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (19) Purgatory: Doctrine unwarranted by oi ture (Article), 14 INDEX { 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Quarterly Conference (éont’d): Q Qualifications: General Superintendent) 42 §1 Lay Delegates, 39 §5 Ministerial Delegates, 38 §2 ‘ Preacher, 114-155 Stewards, 315 Trustees, Church Property, 345 Quarterly Conference: meer Report of Pastor, 108 Amusements, Subject of, 69 §2 Appeal from Preacher’s De- cision, 313 §13 Auditing Committee, Report of, 108 §28, 109 Benevolences,, Amounts re- ceived, 108 §25; Apportion- ment next year, 108 §26; Committee on Apportioned, 107 §14 (1); Disbursements of, 111 §9 (3); Obligations as to, 107 §12; Treasurer, Re- port ‘of, 108 §24B, 320; Voucher for, 88§ 9 Blanks for, 89 §2 Business Order of, 108; Regu- lar, 107 Canvass, Every-Member, 322 Central’ Conference, Business of Quarterly Conference, 95 §2 (13): Charges, to Try, 107 §1, 270, 271, 273-278 §1 Children, Instruction of, 108 §8 Church Property, Committee on; 112) §2, 321; Erection or Remodeling, 358, 448; Mort- gage or Sale, 361 Church Records, Report = on, 108 §29, 110 §2, 183° §2 City Society, Members of Con- ference, 441 §2; Representa- tive on Board of, 440 Class or Unit Leaders, Change in, 108 §4; Confirmation of, 108 §59; Report of, 61 §2, 108 §134; when Member, 63 §2 Committees, Appointment of, 107 §14, 108 §21; Report of, 108 §§28-30 Complaints, Hearing of, 107 §1 Composition of, 35, 104 Conference Claimants, Support of, 108 §22, 338 783 Constituency Roll, 108 §11 Deaconess, Associate, recom=- mended, 288 §1 (1); Charac- ter examined, 108 §15; Con- firmed, 108. §58;; Member of Conference, 104, 235; Pro- bationary, recommended, 230 §2 (1); Report of, 108 §1314 Disciplmary Financial ‘Plan, Benevolences, 111 §4 (8), §9 (3); Finance Committee, Re- port, 111 §3 (7); Financial Secretary, Disbursements, 111 §7 (2); Financial’ Secre- tary, monthly Report, 111 §5: (6); Treasurer, Local Budget, Disbursements, 111 §7 (1) District Conference, Discon- tinuance of, 103; Powers of, not Exercised, 106: Recom- mendation to, 108 §14 District Superintendent, Ab- sence of, 105 §1; Benev- olences, 87; Presence at, 190 5 Each Pastoral Charge, Organ- ization in, 35 Education, Committee on, 107 §14 (7), 461; Quarterly Con- ference Question, 108 §9 Education for Negroes, Com- mittee on, 107 §14 (8), §2; Inquiry of District Superin- tendent, 466 §1 Election Board, Delegate to Lay Conference, 93 Epworth League, Control of, 478 §3; Inquiry of District Superintendent, 481; Over- sight of, 107 §6; President confirmed, 108 §52, 479; President, Member of Con- ference, 104, 479; Report of, 108 §136; 479 Every-Member Canvass, 322 Exhorter, Attendance at Quar- terly Conference, 228; Char- acter examined, 108 §15; Cognizance of, 107 §2; Exam- ination of, 228; Member of Quarterly Conference, 104; Recommendation to District Conference, 108 §169; Re- newal of License, 108 §16>, ¥ 663 INDEX [N hinders refer to Paragraphs.] ‘Quarterly Conference (cont'd): Quarterly Conference (cont'd): 228; Report to ,.Quarterly Conference, 108 §133, 228 een Committee on, 112 Foreign Missions, Committee on, 107 §14 (3), "427 §2; Sup- port of, 427 §1 Forward Program, 108 §7 General Conference Eixpenses, 108 §24 General. Rules and Advices, Report of Pastor, 108, §10 Good. Literature, Secretary of, Election, 107 §7 Home Missions and Church Ex- ariresy Committee on, 107 §14 (4) Hospitals, Committee on, 107 §14 (9) Junior League, Confirmation of Superintendents, 107 §6, 108 §53; Report of, 108 §137 Ladies’ Aid Societies, Over- sight. of, 107, §10, 378 §1; President confirmed, 108 855, 378, §2; President, Member of Quarterly Conference, 104, 378 §2; Report of, 108 $130, 378 §2 _ Lay Electoral Conference, ate gate and Reserve, Election to, 93 Lay Missionaries, Members of, Licenses, Examination for, 220 §1, 621; Granted, 108, §14, 190 §6, 220 §1; in Missions 449 §1; Recommended, 108 §14, 219; Renewed, 108 §16>, paweeU. seh 229 Local Budget, Approval. of, 112 §2, 322; Every-Member Canvass, 322; Treasurer, Du- ties of, 112 $1, 320; .Treas- urer, Election of, 112 wt 4 320; Treasurer, Report of, 108 §19A. Local Preachers, Amenability to Quarterly Conference, 221 §§1, 2; Appeal of, 304, 305; Certificate when Removing, 221 §§1, 2;, Character, ex- amined, 108 §15; Cognizance of, §2; Committee on Examination of,, 107, §14 784 (14); Deprivation | of | Office and Credentials, 271; Exam- ination of, 220. §2, §3,.449 §2, 622; Expulsion of, 220 §4, 271; License in Missions, 449 §1; License of; 219;\220 §1, 449 §1; License renewed, 108 §16>, 220 §2, 449 §1; Membership’. in Quarterly Conference, 104, 221 §1; Membership when Removed, 221 §§1, 2; Orders, Recom- mendation for, 108 §17, 176 §1, 179 §1, 219, 220 §3; Or- ders, Recommendation . for Recognition of, 108 §18, 165 §2, 219, 220. §3; Reception on. Trial, Recommendation for, 108 §19, 157 §1 (1), 219, 220. §3; Recommendation to District. ‘Conference, _ 108 §162,. 219; Relief. of, 225; Report; of, 108 §132,. 223; Suspension of, 220 §4, 271; Trial of, 220. §4, 271, 273- 278 §1 Located: Minister, Quarterly Conference Membership, 169. §1; Recommendation: for Readmission, 164; 169: §1 Membership, Complaints against, 611 §1 (3))) Membership (church), Changes reported by Pastor,.48 $5; List prepared. by Pastor, 108 §11; . Nonresident - Inactive, 58; Report by Committee, 108 §29, 110 §2 Ministers, Discontinued, . 221 §4; Located, 169 (1), 221 $4; without Appointment, to at- tend School, 207 §5 Ministers from Other Churches, 165 $1 Miscellaneous Business, 108 Missions, Licenses in, 449 §1 Music, Committee on, 73 §4, 107. $14 (18), 112 §2, 821 Official Board Organization of, 112 $1, 319 ‘Officials, List of, 108 §11 Order of Business, 108 /Organization,, of, ge ig Te quired, 35. INDEX { 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.| Quarterly Conference (cont'd): Pastor, Member of, 104; Pres- . idency of, 105 §1; Report of, 108 §6, 183 §3 Plan of Charge, 108 $11 Powers of, 35, 106 Preacher on Trial, Certificate to, 211; Membership, if dis- continued, 158 Preparatory Members not ; Members of, 48 §2 Preaching Place, Discontin- : uance of, 185 President of, 105 §1 _ Records, Examination of; 110 $1; Report on, 108 §29, 110 §1; Secretary as Custodian, 105 §2, 309 §3 Religious Education, Confirma- tion of Director, 108 §519; Election of, 107. §7; Report of, 108. §139 Religious Instruction, Commit- tee on Appointment, 475 Retired. Ministers, Claim over- looked, 339 §3; Members of, 104, .188 §3; Report, 108 §13!, 188 §3; residing without Bounds, 604 §2 Rural Society, Representative in, 444 §3 Secretary, Certification to Lay Conference, 93 §5; Custodian of Records, 309 §3; Election of, 105 §2: Recording Stew- ard, as, 105, §2 ‘Services, Order of, 108 §11 Social and Recreational Life, Confirmation of Director, 108 §54; Election of, 107 §9, 108 §3e;, Report of, 108 $13 Stewards, Accountability of, 818; Change. of, 108. §4; Communion, 107 $4, 108 §34, 314; Dismissal of, 318; Dis- trict, 107 §4, 108 §35, 314; - Election of, 107 §4; 108 §2, 316; Members . of. Confer- ence, 104; Nomination of, 316; ‘Recording, 107 §4, 108 §32, 314; Reserve District, 107. §4, 108 §3°¢, 314 Sunday Schools, ‘Oversight of, 107 §5; Report of Superin- tendent, 108 §135, 474 , §5; Quarterly Conference. (cont'd): . Superintendent. . confirmed, 108 §5!, 474 §1 Supernumerary Ministers, Mem- bers of, 104, 187;, Report: of, 108 §13!, 187; residing without Bounds, 604 $2 Support of Ministry, Commit- tee on Estimating, 107 §13, 323 §1; Quarterly Conference Questions, 108. §§22, 23, 32 Temperance, Committee on, 107 §14 (6), 490 §7; Inquiry of District Superinten ent, 190 §14, 490 §7 Tracts, Committee on, 107 §14 (5), 405 Trier of Appeals, 108 §34, 306 $1 Trustees, Approval of, 107 §3, 108 §1; Election of, 107 §3. 108 §1, 348; Members of Conference, 104; Mortgage or Sale of Property, 361; Re- moval of, 604 §1; Report: of, LOTMS3s LOSRS2 ie O00) Units, Lists, of, 108 §11 Withdrawal and Retraction, Church Member, 59 §1 Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, Missionaries as Members, 429 §3; Oversight of, 107 §11; President con- firmed, 108 §56; President, Member of Conference, 104; Report of President, 108 §1312 Woman’s Home. Missionary Society, Oversight. of, 107 §11; President confirmed, 108 §57;. President, Member of Conference, 104; Report of President, 108 §1313 World Service Commission, Blanks for Quarterly Con- ference, 89 §2 Young People’s Societies, Con- trol of, 481 ' Quarterly Meetings: . District Superintendent, Pres- ence at, 190 §5 Pastor, to Hold, 182 §8 Quorum: Appeal of Conference Member, 294 7 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs. ] Quorum (contintied): Boards, Conference Claimants, 484 §3; Education, 454 $1; Education for Negroes, 464; Foreign Missions, 414 §8; Home’ Missions, ete., 432 §3 Hospitals and Homes, 504 §1 Book Committee, 381 §2 ° General Conference, 44, 566 (Rule 1 (c)) Standing Committees, General Conference, 566 (Rule 43) Trial of Local Preacher; 277 R Railing: Avoidance of (General Rules), 30 Rally Day: Local Board and Superintend- ent, Duty of, 473 §5 Pastor, Duty of, 476 §6 Readmission to Conference: Conference Question, 80 §3 Minister located, 164, 169 §1, 220 §3 Reception: Church Membership, by Cer- tificate, 55 §1, §2, §3), §4, §5, 110, §23- by Confession of Faith, 110 You (6); by Res- toration, 110. §24 (¢), 600 §$§1, 2; from Other Denomi- nations, 48 §4, 110 §24 (4); into Full Membership, 48 §3'5'1535) 110 §22;' 527% 4528; Irregular, 600 §§1-3; Pastor, Duty of, 182 §3 Conference Membership, 80 §8, 161, 162; by Readmission, 80 §3, 164, 169 §1, 220 §3; Mis- sionary in Mission, 163; on Credentials, 80 §4, 165 §§2-5 On Trial (in Conference), Com- mittee on Conference’ Rela- tions, 81 §2; Conference Question, 80 §5; Recommen- dation of District Conference, 102 §45, 219; Recommenda- tion of Quarterly Conference, 108 §19, 219, 220 §3; Re- quirements, 157 Reception ‘(eontinued): Preparatory Membership (Church), baptized Children, 50; Condition for, 48. §2; Pastor, Duty of, 182 §3; Re- port of Committee, 110 §2%, ; Ritual, 526 Recominendseiene District Conference, for Dea- con’s Orders, 176 §1 (2); for Elder’s Orders, 179 §1 (2); for Orders, 102 §44, 219; for Reception on Trial, 102 $46, 157 §1 (1); for Recognition of Orders, 102 §45, 219 Pastor, Note of Recommenda- tion to Church Member, 56 2 Quarterly Conference, for Dea- con’s Orders, 176 §1 (2), 220 §3; for Elder’s Orders, 179 §1 (2), 220 §3; for Orders, 108 §17, 219; for Reception on Trial, 108 §19, 157 §1 (1); for Recognition of Orders, 108 §18, 219, 220 §3; to Dis- trict Conference, for License, 108 §14, §164, 219 Recording Steward: Custodian of. Records, 105 §2, 309 §3 Duties of, 105 §2 Election of, 107 §4, 108 §38, 314 Pastor's Plan and Lists, 108 §11 Trial. and Appeal’ of Church Member, Records, 309 §2 Records: : Annual Conference, Journal Examined, 79, 567, 568; Sec- retary, Duty of, 79 ‘Appeal, Church Member, 309: 2 Appeal, Conference Member, from Judicial Conference, 295; Decisions reviewed by General Conference, 300 Appeal, Records used in, 313 §5. Church Records, Accurate, 48 §5; Committee on, 107 §14 (10); Committee, Duty of, 110 §1; Committee, Report. of, 108 §29, 110 §2; Non- resident-Inactive Member- 786 INDEX —_ 1 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Records (continued): ship, 58; Pastor, Duty of, 108" §12, 183. §2; Pastor’s Family, 55 §6; Secretary of Official Board, 112 §1; Trans- fers, 55 $4; Withdrawals, 59 District Conference, Records of, 100 Investigation, Bishop, ‘241; Member of Conference, 261 Judicial Conference, Records received by, 295, 300 Official Board, 108 §33, 110 $1, 112 §1, 320 Quarterly Conference, 105 §2, 110 §1 Trial, Bishop, 246; Church Member, 309 §§2; Local Preacher, 272; Member of Conference, 265 §3; Records, General Directions, 309 §1 Trustees, Record of, 110 §1 Reformatories: Chaplains to, 208 §3 (4) Relief: Conference Societies, 343 §5 Deaconess; ceasing tempora- rily, 240 §1 Local Preacher, 225, 226, 333 (Note), 484 §4, 612 Religious Education: Commission on, 107 §15 Director confirmed, 108 §510; Election of, 107 §7; Report of, 108 $139 Pastor, Duty of, 107 §7, 182 §22 Quarterly Conference Commit- tee on, 461 Removal without Certificate: Entry after Name, 58 Report of Committee, 110 §21° Reproach of Christ: Bearing the (General. Rules), 31 Reproof: Annual Conference, Power of, 82 Resurrection of Christ: From the Dead (Article), 3 Retired Bishops: Limitations, 218 §§1, 2 Release from Travel and Super- vision, 216, 217 Rights and Privileges, 218 §3 Support of, 329 §2 Retired Deaconesses: Inability to Work, 239 §1 Question of Conference Board, 494 §5 Retired Ministers: Annual Conference Question, 80 §26 At sixty-five, 188 §2 Baptisms by, 188 §3 Boundaries, Change of, 602 §2 Certificate. to Conference, 1&8 3 Claim, Dependent on Certifi- cate, 188 §3; overlooked, 339 §3; under Apportionment of Book Committee, 331; under Apportionment of Commis- sion on. Finance, 328 §7; under Apportionment of Dis- trict Stewards, 327 Marriages by, 188 §3 Missionaries, Support of, 417 §2 Pro Rata, under Apportion- ment of Book Committee, 331; under Apportionment of Commission of Finance, 328 §7; under Apportionment of District Stewards, 327 Produce of Book ‘Concern, 46 §6, 342 §1, 393 Quarterly Conference, Mem- bership in, 104, 188 §3, 604 §2; Report to, 108 §131, 188 §3 Support of, Annuity Distribu- tion, 341; Connectional Re- lief, 344, 487, 488; Contribu- tory Retirement Reserve, 590; Estimating Committee, 338: Necessitous Distribution, 343; Produce. of Book Concern, 46 §6, 342 §1, 393; Settle- ment ‘Day, Bede yh Rhodesia Mission Conference: Boundaries, 512 §2(2) Enabling Act, 512. §3 (2) In South Africa Central Con- ference, 521 §3 187 { 663 Riches: Laying up, 30 Rites and Ceremonies: Breaking of*(Article), 22 Ditference in (Historical State- ment), page 10 Not necessarily alike (Article), 22 Ritual: Baptism, Adults, 525 Baptism, Infants, 524 Bishops, Consecration of, 533 Child, Burial of, 532 Children, Reception of, 528 Church, Dedication of, 538 Corner Stone, Laying of, 537 Deaconesses, Consecration of, 536 Deacons, Ordination of, 535 Dead, Burial of, 531 Elders, Ordination of, 534 Lord’s Supper, 529 Matrimony, 530 Members, Reception of, 527 Preparatory Members, Recep- tion of, 526 Rituals: Used by the Universal Church shsHon es Statement), page Rock River Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (76) Roman Catholic Priests: Orders not recognized, 603 §2 Rulers of United States: Enumeration of (Article), 23 Prayer for (Historical State- ment), page 9 Rules: Administrative (Episcopal Ad- dress), page 4 General Conference, 566 General, Nature and Design, 26-33;* Pastor, Duty of, 182 §4; Quarterly Conference In- quiry, 108 §10; Instruction in; 48 §2 Restrictive, 46 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Running with Patience: By those in Societies (General Rules), 31 Rural Work: Department, Organization of, 437 §1 Department, Powers and Du- ties, 443 Rural Societies, 444 [A Department of the Board of |‘Home Missions: and Church Extension] Russia Mission Conference: Boundaries, 514 §2(9). - Enabling Act, 514 §3 (10) In- Central European Central Conference, 519 §1 (6) 3 Sabbath Breaking: gate of (General Rules); Sacraments: Baptism, One of two Sacra- ments’ (Article), 16; Regis- tration by Pastor, 182 §27; Ritual for, 524, 525; Sign of Regeneration. (Article), 17 Liturgy appointed for (Histori- cal Statement), page 10 .. Lord’s Supper, One of two Sac- . raments (Article), 16; Our ~ Redemption (Article), 18; Ritual for, 529 Number. of (Article), 16 Privileges for Expelled Mem- ber, 290 ° Privileges for Expelled Minis- ter, 268 Purposes of (Article), 16 — Wesley’s Forms for (Historical Statement), page 9 > Saint Johns River Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (77) Saint Louis Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (78) ‘ Enabling Act, 518 §3 (21), Saint Louis German Confer ence: Boundaries, 518 §1 (79 Enabling Act, 518 §3 03° 788 ; “et INDEX 7 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs] San Francisco: California .Christian Advocate, Address of Editor, 543 §1 Depository at, 394 §1, 542 Editor; Appointment» of, 208 §3 (3); Election of; 399 §1; Nominating District, 399 §1 Episcopal Residence, 539 Sanatoriums: Chaplains in, 208 §3 (4) Savannah Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (80) Schools: Committee on Education, 461 District Superintendent, Duty of, 190. §13, §21, 461 Mission Fields, in, 458 §2 Preacher without Appointment, to attend, 80 §14, 211 South, of the; 455 §7 Birobpelcat Heresy in, 212, 255, Scriptural Holiness: Design of Church (Episcopal Address); page. 3 Scriptures, Holy: New Testament, The, (Arti- cles), 5, 6 Old Testament (Articles),.5, 6 Reading the (Infant Baptism), 524 Searching the (General Rules), aye, Sufficiency: of (Article), By Trial for Neglect of, 281 Seamen, Preachers for: Appointment for, 208 §3 (5) Seats, Free: Wherever practicable, 357 Secretaries: Annual Conference, Appeal to Judicial. Conference, 296; Certificates to Ministerial Delegates, 40; Chartered Fund, 509 — $5; Election of, 79; Judicial Con- ference, Findings of, 72955 Officers, Conference Board of Drafts on Secretaries (continued): Home Missions, 447 §1; Rec- ord of Conference Proceed- ings, 79; Record of. Trials, 265 §3, 309 §3;. Transfers, 207 §12; Trial of Ministers, 265 §3 Appeal (Bishop), 291. §§1, 3 Appeal. (General) Question of Law, 313. §14 Appeal (Local Preacher), 304 Appeal (Member of Confer- ence), 295 Committee on Judiciary, 300 Corresponding Secretaries, Ap- pointment, 208 §38 (1); List, as Elected by Boards, 544 §2; List, as Elected. by ‘General Conference, 544 §1 District Conference, Duties of, 100; Election of, 100; Rec- ord of Trials, 309 §3 District Missionary Secretar- ies, Appointment of, . 426; Duties of,,426; Members of Conference Board, 424 §1 District Stewards’ Meeting, 327 General Conference, Appeal of Bishop or Missionary Bishop, 291 §§1, 3; Assistants; 566 Rule 1 (c);, Boundaries, Re- adjustment of, 511 §2; Call of Roll, 43, 566 Rule 1 (c); Election of, 566° Rule 1 (c); Judicial Conference, Record of, 295; Nomination of Ed- itors, 396, 399: $8; Records of * Lrial, 909 §3;.. Trial of Bishop, 2 General epee -“Document- ary Evidence, 599 §2: in all Investigations or Trials, 309 §1, 312 §1; Reversal by the Appellate Court, 813 §12 Investigation (Bishop), 241 Judicial Conference, Appoint- ment. of Secretary, 295; Findings to Secretary, An- nual Conference, 295; Rec- ords to Secretary, General Conference, 295 Lay Electoral, Certificates to A Delegates, 40; Election; 39 §3 Official Board, 112: §1 Quarterly: Conference, Ballot of Election Board, 93 §5; Cus- 789 { 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Secretaries (continued): todian of Records, 105 §2, 309 §3; Recording Steward the Secretary, 105 §2; Res- toration,*of Credentials, 303 Salaries for Secretarial: Work, 111 §6 (2) Trial (Bishop), 246 Trial (Local Preacher), 272 Trial (Member of Church), 309 2 Trial (Member of Conference), 265 §3, 309 §3 Secularity: Deprivation of Office, 263 Select Number: Bishop, Trial of, 246 Local Preacher, Appeal of, 304; Trial of, 272 Member of Conference, Trial of, 46 §5, 265 §3, 311 §3 Self-Denial: By those in Societies (General Rules), 3 Self-Indulgence: Ae anne of (General Rules), O Settlement Day: Determined by District Stew- ards, 327 Sick: Leaders and Stewards’ ing, 113! Stewards, Duties of, 317 Visiting and Helping (General Rules), 31 Meet- Sin: After Justification (Article), 12 Original or Birth (Article), 7 Singing: In Order of Worship, 72 Spirit and Truth of, 73 Unprofitable Songs (General Rules), 30 Slavery: Advice on, 65 Buying or Selling Slaves (Gen- eral Rules), 30 Slaveholding (General Rules), 30 Smuggling: Pyetante of (General Riles), 3 Social and Recreational Life: - Director, Confirmation of, 108 .§54, 480; District Conference, Report to, 102 §38; Member Quarterly Conference, 104, 108 §54; Report of, 108 §13% District Superintendent, In- quiry of, 190 §15 estos Duty of,107 §9, 182 N Social Creed of Churches: Make Report on, 585 Societies: Condition for Admission (Gen- eral Rules), 29 Conference Sustentation Fund, 324 Evidence of Desire of Salva- tion by Members (General Rules), 30-32 In Frederick County, Mary- land ite Statement), page Local, ‘ Pastoral Charge, 34 Rise of United (Historical Statement), page 7 Young People’s, 478 §3, 481 Society: Division into Classes (General Rules), 28 John Street (Historical State- ment), page 7 Privileges for Expelled Mem- ber, 290 Privileges for Expelled Minis- ter, 268 ere of apie (General Rules), Mares As Rural: Promotion of Study, 443 §5 Softness: che nan of (General Rules), 3 Son of God: Made Man (Article), 2 South, Schools of: Special Care, 455 §7 790 INDEX { 663 [Numbers refer to: Paragraphs.] South, Carolina.Conference: Boundaries, 518 $1 (81) South Florida Mission Gon- ference: Boundaries, 518 §2 (7) Enabling Act, 518 §3 \29) South Fukien Mission Con- ference: Boundaries, 513 §2 (1) Enabling Act, 513. §3 (2)... South Germany Conference: Boundaries, 514 §1 (6) Enabling Act, 514 §3 (9) In Central European Central Conference, 5219 §1 (7) South India Conference: Boundaries, 517 §1 (8) Enabling Act, 517 §3 (4) In Southern ‘Asia Central Con- ference, 520 §2 (11) Southeast Africa Conference: Boundaries, 512 §2 (3) In South Africa Central Con- ference, 521 §4 Mission Southern Asia: Episcopal Areas, 575 Episcopal Residences, 539 Southern California Confer- ence: Boundaries, 518 .§1 (83) Southern Conference: Boundaries,/ 518 §1 (82) Finabling Act, 518 §3 (23) tanec Hdabling Act, 518 §3 (23). Sduiteerth Illinois Gonfituhce: .' Boundaries, 518 §1 (84) German Confer- Southern _ Swedish Mission Conference: | Boundaries, 518 §2 (8) Southwest Kansas Gantere ence: Boundaries, 518 §1.(85)...,) Southwest Spanish) Mission: Boundaries, 518 §2.(9) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (13) ° Southwestern Christian Ad- vocate: Editor, Appointment of, 208 §3 (3); Election of, 396; Post Office Address of, 543 §1 Spain Mission: Boundaries, 514° §2 (10) In Mediterranean Central Con- ference, 519 §2 (4) Spanish-Speaking Preachers: Courses of Study, 655 —657 Speaking Evil: Of Magistrates oh Ministers (General Rules), 3 Speaking in pace Cop In Tongue not Understood (Ar- ticle), 15 Special Advices: Amusements, 69 ; Christian Stewardship, 71; Pas- tor, Duty of, 182 §17 Divorce, 68 Dress, 66 Marriage, 67. Quarterly Conference Question, : 108 §10 Slavery, 65 Temperance, 70 §1 Tobacco, 70° §2 Special Sessions: Annual Conference, 41 §3 General Conference, 41 §§2, 3 Lay. Electoral, 41 §3 Standing Committees: Annual Conference, Conference Relations, 81 §§1-6; ‘Minis- terial Qualifications, 81 $7; Periodicals, Publications, und ‘Collections, 86 General Conference, 566 (Rules 35-39, 43) Quarterly §§14, 15 Statistics: Blanks: provided, 89 “Church School's’ Statistics,” 90 §§2, 3 Conference, 107 791 { 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Statistics (continued): Conference Question; 80) §31 Pastors, Report of, 88, 90, 91 Reports, Form ‘of, 91; Pub- lished, 90 §2 Statistician, Appointment of, ra} $1; RB epoct of, 88 5, §6, Stewards, Conference: Claim. of Conference Member unpaid, 325 Duties of; 339 §§2-8 Election, 339 §1 Report to Board of’ Pensions and Relief, 339 §8, 488 §2 Stewards, District: Annual Meeting, 327 District Superintendent, Sup- port of, 327 .. Duties, 326, 327 Election, 107 §4, 108 §3>, 314 Settlement Day, 32 Stewards, Local: Accountability, 318 Accounts, 182.§15, 317 Change in Board, 108 §4 Communion, Election of, 107 §4, 108 §3¢, 314 District, Duties of, 326, 327; Election of, 107 §4, 108 §3>, 314 Duties, 112 §1, 317 Election of, 107 §4, 108 '§2, §3, 316 Full Membership, Recommen- dation for, 48 §3 House for Minister, 367 Leaders and Stewards’ ing; L183 Sey on daca Church, Organization of, 193 Meeting with Leader and Min- isters, 28 §2 Ministerial Su ppHorts 323 §§1, 2 Nomination.o Number of, 314 Pastor, Examination of Stew- ards’ Accounts, 182 §15 Qualifications, 315 Quarterly Conference, Election by, 107 §4, 108 §§2, 3; Mem- bers of, 104 Recording, Election of, 107 §4, Meet- Stewards, Local (continued): 108, §39, 314; Secretary Quar- terly Conference, 105 §2 Reserve District, 107 §4, 108 §3¢, 314 Service, Length of, 316) Traveling Expenses of Minis- ter, 323 §2 Two or’ More Charges, 314 Unfermented Wine; 182 §16 Stewardship, Christian: Advice, Special, 71 Methods Pursued, 71 °§3° Pastor to Teach, 182 817. Personality, 71: 52B Possessions, 71 §2A Prayer, 71 §2C Quarterly Conference Commit- ve 107 §14 (2); Report, 108 Strawbridge, Robert: Preaching and Work i siibcida _ Statement), page 8 Gengeen cee ings Appointment to, 208 “Sunday Service,’ prepared by Wesley and adopted by Christmas Conference (His- torical Statement), page 9 Sunday. Schools: Amusements, Subject of, 69 §2 Auxiliary to Board, 473 s1 Board (Conference), Organiza- tion and Duties, A72 Board (General), Composition of, 468 §2; Corresponding Secretary, 469; Correspond- ing Secretary, Post. Office Address, 544 §1%; Duties of Board, 468. §§3, 4; Editor of German Publications, 468 §6; Editor of Sunday School Pub- lications; 468 §2, §3, 469, §1, 470; Editor of Sunday School Publications, Post Office Ad- dress, 543 :§b;>Election of Board, 468. §2; Frontier Work, Cooperation with De-. ‘ partment: of, 445; German Assistant Secretary, 468 §6; Incorporation, 468 §1; Offi- 792 INDEX 1 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Sunday Schools (continued): Sunday Schools (continued): cers, Executive, 468 §5; Offi- cers, other, 471; Post Office Address of Board, 551; ‘‘Sun- day School Statistics,’ 90 pe, ay Vacancies in Board, Hus (local Church), Auxil- iary, 473 §1; Composition of, 473 §2; Constitution, Form of, 615 $1; Cradle Roll, ATA §53,5, 5.6.8(¢)s..; Dutysof, 473 §3-5; Home Department, 474 §53,4,6,8(6);| Missionary Society, ‘Constitution for, 615 §2; Officers and Teach- ers, Election of, 473, §2, 474 $2, 6ay0LD 90% ArticleIV: Offi- cers and ‘Teachers, Vacan- cies, 474 §4; Rally Day, 473 §5, 476 §6; Religious. In- struction, Appointment of Committee, 107 §12 (5), 473 §2, 475 §2; Religious Educa- tion, Commission on, Duties of, 477: Standard Require- ments, 473 §4; Superintend- ent confirmed, 108 $51, 474 §1, 615° 81, Article IV; Su- perintendent, Duty as to Rally Day, 473 §5; Superin- tendent, Election of, 474 §1, 615 §1, Article LV; ‘Superin- tendent, Member of Local Board, ‘473 §2, 615 $1, Ar- ticle IIT; Superintendent, Member of Quarterly Confer- ence, 104; Superintendent, Report. to Quarterly Confer- ence, 108 §13°, 474 §5; Super- intendent, Vacancy, 474 §1, 615 §1, Article IV; Temper- ance Societies, 473 §38, 490 §7; Training Classes, 473. §4 Canvass ‘for Local Benevolent Budget, 111 §3 (6) City Society, Organization of Schools by, 441 §1 District Conference, Inquiry by, 101 §4; Superintendent, Member of, 97; Superintend- ent, Report to, 102 §38 District Superintendent, Duty of, 190 §10,,475 Home Department; Duty of Pastor, 182 §14; Report of Quarterly Conference, Superintendent, 474 §53,4,6, ya with other Boards, 451 (Prefatory Notes), 468 §2, on Officers, Election of, 473 §2, 474 §2, 615 $1, Article IV; Mem- bers, Local Board, 473 §2, 615 *§1, Article IIT; Neglectful, etc., 474 §4; Vacancies, 474 §4 Pastor, Duty of, 182 §22, §26, 476; Constituency Roll, 48 85; Home Department, 182 §14; Missionary Information, 428 §2; Report, 183 §3 II, 476 §5; Temperance, 490 §7 Over- sight by, 107 §5; Pastor, Re- port of, 183. §3 II, 476 §5; Superintendent confirmed, 108 §5!1, 474 §1; Superin- tendent, Report of, 108, '§13°, 474 85 Rally Day, 473 §5, 476 §6 Religious Education, Commis- sion on, Appointment, 107 §15, 473 §2, 475. §2; Duty of, 477 “Sunday ‘School Children’s Fund of 1866,” 455 §1 “Sunday School Statistics,’ 90 §2,°§3, 91 §2 Superintendent, confirmed, 108 $51, 474 §1,.615 §1, Article IV; Duty as to Rally Day, 473 85; Election of, 474, §1, 615 §1, Article IV; "Member of Local Committee on For- eign Missions, 427 §2; Mem- ber. of District Conference, 97; Member of Local Board, , 473 §2, 615 §1, Article III; “Member of Quarterly Con- ference, 104; Report to Dis- trict Conference, 102 §38; Report to Quarterly Con- ference, 108 §13°, 474 §5; Vacancy, 474 §1, 615 §1, Ar- ticle LV Teachers, Election, 474 §3, 615 §1, Article IV; Members of Local Board, 478. §2, 615 §1, Article III;. Neglectful, etc., 474 §4; Nomination, 474 §3, 615. §1,. Article IV; Vacan- cies, 474 §4 7 668 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Sunday Schools (continued): Temperance Societies, 473 §3, 490 §7 World . Service: Commission, Cooperation with, 408 §1%:; Reduction of Managers, 408 §2¢, 569. §5¢ Supererogation, Works of: Cannot be Taught (Article), 11 Superintendent: City Missions, Appointment of, 208 §3 (8) Foreign Mission, 421 §§1, 2; Mission, Investigation in, 260; Recommendation |: of Missionary, 163 Mission Conference, 96 §§3, 4; Member Board of Home Missions, 444 §3 Sunday School, Confirmation, 108 §5!, 474 §1, 615 §1 (Arti- cle IV); Election, 474 §1, 615 §1 (Article IV); Report, 108 §13°, 474 §5 Supernumerary Ministers: Annual Conference Question, 80. §25 Baptisms by, 187 Boundaries, Change of, 602 §2 Claim on Funds, 187 Marriages by, 187 Produce of Book Concern, 46 §6, 342 §1, 393 Quarterly Conference Member- ship, 104, 187, 604 §2; Re- port to, 108 §131, 187 Supervision, Episcopal: Area System of, 574 Contiguous and Continuous, 573 “l Episcopal Areas, 575 Support: Bishops, Effective, 329-332; Retired, 329 §2 Conference Claimants, 333-344 Deaconess: (Active), Minimum Allowance, 491 §3; Tempo- rary Relief, 240 Deaconess (Retired), Pension Fund, 239 §2, §3, §4, 491 §3 Re Superintendent, 326- Support (continued): Local Preachers, 224—226, 612 Ministerial, Pro Rata, 610 Missionary Bishops, 195 Pastors, 323-3825 Retired Ministers, 46 §6, 188, 333-344, 342 §1, 393 Supernumerary Ministers, 46 §6, 187, 842 §1, 393 Supply Preachers, 224, 612 Traveling, Supernumerary, and Superannuated Preachers, 46 §6, 342 §1, 393 Suspension: Power of Annual Conference, 82 Sustentation Fund Societies: Organization of, 324 Swearing: Avoidance of (General Rules), 30 Sweden Conference: Boundaries, 514 §1 (7) In North European Central Conference, 519 §3 (5) Swedish Courses of Study: Conferences in the United States, 637-640 Sweden Conference, 641-644 Switzerland Conference: Boundaries, 514 §1 (8) In Central European Central Conference, 519 $1 (8) Syracuse: Appointment of Editor at, 208 §3 (3) Systematic Giving: Principle of Christian Steward- ship, 71 §2 (7) Urged by Stewards, 317 T Teacher: Heresy in Theological School, 212,255,256 Retiring Pensions, 455 §8 Temper, Improper: Local Preacher, Case of, 273 §1 Member of Conference, Ad- Hea and Investigation, 25 794 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs. |] Temperance: Advice, Special, on, 70 §1 Agent, Appointment of, 208 §4 2 ' Annual, Conference, Anniver- sary, 490 §6; Conference Board, 490 §6; District Com- mittees, 490 §6 Anti-Saloon League, 587 Board (Annual. Conference), Anniversary, 490 §6; Forma- tion of Board, 490 §6 Board (General), Composi- tion of, 490 §3; Duty, 490 §5; Election, 490 §3; Executive Committee, 490 §4; General Secretary, Election of, 490 §4; General Secretary, Post Office Address, 544 §2: Head- quarters, 490 §1; Meetings of Managers, 490 §3; Object, 490 $2; Officers, Election and Powers, 490 §4; Post. Office ae 596; Vacancies, 490 eZ District Committees, 490. §6 District Superintendent, In- quiry concerning Temper- ance Instruction, 190° §14, 490 §7; Member of District Committee, 490 §6 Drunkenness (General Rules), 30 Facing the Future, 587 General Conference Report, 587 Liquors, Buying, Selling or Drinking (General Rules), 30; Trial for, 279 Pastor, Duty of, 182 §20, 490 §7; Sunday School Instruc- tion, 490 §7 Post Office Address, Board, 556; Corresponding Secre- tary, 544.82." "4 Prohibition, Report on, 587 Quarterly Conference, Commit- tee on Temperance, 107 §14 (6); Inquiry at, 490 §7 Sunday School, Organization in, 473 §3, 490: §7; Pastor’s Duty, 490 §7 Wine, Unfermented, 182 §16, 529 (Prefatory Note) © Woman’s ance Union, 587 World League against Alcohol- ism, 587 795 Christian .Temper-' { 663 Temporal Economy: . General, Conference Commit- tee, 566 (Rule 35 VI, Rule 40 §3 (6)) Part VI of the Discipline (Min- isterial _ Support, Church Property, Ladies’ Aid So- cieties), 314-378 Ten Commandments: Children to learn, 524 — Tennessee Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (86) . Testament, The Old: Canonical Books, of the (Arti- cle), 5 ae Wises to New (Arti- cle), Texas Conferénce: Boundaries, 518 §1 (87) Theological Schools: Bishops, Duty as to, 458 §5 (1); Erroneous Teaching in, 212; Professors nominated or con- firmed, 458 §5 District Superintendent, Re- port, 190 §13 False Teaching in, Conference Member, 255; Layman or Local Preacher, 256 Study of Rural Sociology in, 443 85 Time, Use of: Profitable, 135-137 Tobacco: | Advice on, Special, 70 §2 Full Membership in’ Confer- ence, Promise to Abstain, 81 §8, 162 (Note) Local Preachers, to. Abstain, 220 §1 Reception on Trial in Confer- ence, Promise to Abstain, 81 §2, 157 ‘§12 Tongue Understood: Speaking in, 15 Tracts: Agent, Appointment of, 208 §4 1 Cost, of , 389 §2 { 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Tracts (continued): District Superintendent, ‘Duty of, 405 Editor of , 395 Pastor, Diaty of, 182 §§22, 23 Publishing ‘Agents, Duty of, 389. §1 Quarterly Conference Com- mittee appointed, 107 §14 (5), 405 Societies recommended, 404 Training Classes: Provision for, 473 §4 Transfers: Conference Questions, 80 §§2, 6 1 Member of Church, on Re- moval, 55, 56; Report of Committee, 110) §23,4,6,10,11, 18_21 Member of Conference, Ap- pointment after Transfer, 602 §1; Notice of Bishop, 207 §12 Transubstantiation: Not proved: (Article), 18 Traveling Expenses: Bishops, audited Accounts for, 330 Delegates to General Confer- enze, 565 Ministers, not Included in Estimate, 323 §2 Treasure upon Earth: Laying up (Article), 30 Treasurers: Annual Conference, Appoint- ment of .Treasurer, 88 §1; Blanks of, 89 §§1, 3; Drafts for Connectional Relief, 80 §37, 489; Duty. of, 88 §§4,°5, 9: Form. of Report, 92: Report to Conference, 80 §32; Reports to Publishing Agent, 90. §3 Benevolent Budget, Treasurer of, 111 §9, 112 §1, 320 Episcopal Fund, ‘Apportion=" ments: forwarded to Treas- urer, 331; Duties of Treas- urer, 332; Election. of, 332; Treasurers (continued): Payments to Bishops, 330; Post Office Address, 545° - General Conference Expenses, Compensation to Treasurer, 384 §1; Election of, 384 §1; Post ' Office Address, 545; Remittances to, 384 §1; Statement of, 384 §1, 570 Sete Budget, 111 §7, 112 §1, 0 Ministerial Support, 327 Triais: Annual Conference, Power of, 82 Bishop, Church Member, Local Preacher, Member of Con- ference, Missionary Bishop, Preacher on Trial, 241-290 [This subject is a part of the larger topic of Judicial Ad- ministration, and is’ there fully treated] Triers of Appeals: (Church Members Qualifica- tions, 306 §1 Quarterly Conference Appoint- ment, 108 §34, 306 §1 (Conference Member), In Con- ferences not Accessible, 297 In Conferences not in United States, 297 In Foreign Missions or Mis- sion Conferences, 292 §2 Investigation of Bishop, 241 Judicial Conference, Constitu- tion of, 293; Proceedings of, 295; Right ‘of Appeal from, 295; Right of Appeal to, 296; Right of Challenge in, 294 Qualifications of, 292 §1 Reserves, 292 §1 Selection’ of, 80 §28, 292 §1.. Trinity, The Holy: Faith in (Article), 1 Troy Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (88) . Trust Funds: Auditing ‘and Bonding, 377 Trustees: (Annual CBazereneals Relation to local Society, 356 $1, §2, 360, 361 796. INDEX {€ 663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] Trustees (continued): (Chartered Fund), Approval of Securities, 509 §6; Chosen, 509 §1; Payment to, 509 §3; Post Office Address, 559; Vacancies, 510 (Deaconess Institutions), held in Trust, 496 §3 (Local Church), Charter for Property, 349 §2;.Creation and Filling of Boards, 349 $§1, 2; Duties, 350; Election, 346- 348; Incorporation, 353- 356 §1; Insurance on Church Property, 3509; Laws of State as to Election, 346; Mortgage and Sale, 360, 361; New Boards, 349 §1; Num- ber of, 345; Parsonage Prop- erty, 366; Qualifications, 345, 366; Quarterly Conference, Election or Approval, 107 §3, 108 §1; Quarterly Confer- ence, Members of, 104, 107 Sees eke Records of, 110 Shik Removal by Quarterly Conference, 604. §1; Report of, 107 §8, 108 §27, 350; Sale of Property, 360, 361; Sale of abandoned Property, 362, 363 §1; Use of Property, 351; when no Trustees, 356 §1, 363 $1, 367; Vacancies, 349 §1 Methodist Episcopal Church, Amenability of Trustees, 370; Corporate Name, 562; Do- nation, etc., to, 372; Duties, 370, 371; Election of Trus- tees, 369; Incorporation, 369, 370; Location of, 369, 370; ‘Permanent Fund,” 371, 374-376; Post Office Address, 560; Report to General Con- ference, 373; Vacancies in Board, 369 U Unacceptable Preacher: Local Preacher, Trial of, 273 §2 Member of Conference, Trial and Deprivation of ’ Office, 263 Unction, Extreme: Not a Sacrament (Article), 16 Unfermented Wine: In the Lord’s Supper, 182 16, 529 (prefatory Note) Unification, with Church, South: General Conference, Commis- sion on, 563. §2 Plan of, proposed Changes in Constitution, 613 Plan of, Resolutions _concern- ing, 578 Supplementary General Con- ference Action, 613A. World Service Commission, 408 §3, 569 §7 Union among Ourselves: Necessity of, 138, 139 Union with Other Churches: Committee on Federation, 563 10 Resolution on, 580 United. Societies: Rise of (Historical Statement), page 7 United Society: bag ee of’ (General Rules), oy Rise of, 1739 (General Rules), PAGS Parl United States; Enumeration of Rulers. (Arti- cle), 23 Prayer for Rulers (Historical Statement), page 9 States a Sovereign and Inde- pendent Nation (Article), 23 Units: Composition of, 61 §2 Design of, 60 District Conference Leader, Member of, 97; Report to, 102 §31 Leader, Approval of, 63 §2; Confirmed, 108 §59; Duties of (General Rules), 28, 61 §§2—4; Improper, 63 §1; Re- port of, 61 §2, 108 $134 Meeting together, 62 Pastor, Appointment of Lead- ers, 182 §2, 1938; Hin of Units, 108 $11 797 “9 663 INDEX [Numbers refer to Paragraphs. ] Units (continued): Quarterly Conference, Change in Leaders, 108 §4; Con- firmation of, 108 §59; Leader a Menitber, 104; Pastor’s List, 108 $11; Report from Leader, 108 §134 Subpastoral Oversight, 61 §1 University Senate: Appointment of, 459 §1 Composition, 459 §1 Corresponding Secretary, Board of Education, Executive Sec- retary of, 459 §6 Duties of, 459 §§2-5 Educational Institutions, Classification of, 458 §7 Meetings, 459 §7 Post Office: Addresses, 553 Upper Iowa Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (89) Upper Mississippi Confer- ence: Boundaries, 518 §1 (90) Using Many Words: In a Nee or selling (General Rules), 3 Usury: Avoidance of (General Rules), 30 Utah Mission: Boundaries, 518 §2 (10) V Vasey, Thomas: Ordained Presbyter for Amer- ica (Historical Statement), page 8 Vermont Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (91) Veterans’ Day: Observance of, 336. §3 Visiting: From House to House, 162?’ List prepared by Pastor, 108 §11, 182 §29 Voting: By Orders, in General Géiiter- ence, 45, 566 (Rules 29, 30) Member absent’ from Confer- ence, 602 §3 Two-thirds Vote, 598 WwW Washington Conference: ' Boundaries, 518 §1 (92) Watch Night: Pastor’s Duty, 182 §8 Webb, Thomas: Preaching in New York and vicinity (Historical State- ment), page 7 Week of Prayer: Resolution on, 592 Wesley, Charles: . A Founder of Methodism (His- torical Statement), page 7 Wesley, John: Founder of Methodism (His- torical Statement), pages 7-9 Origin of United Society (Gen- eral Rules), 26, 27 Sermons, 210 §2 Wesleyan Churches: Origin of (Historical State- ment), page 7 West Borneo Mission: Enabling Act, 516 §3 (4) West German Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (93) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (24) West Indies: Missionary Work in (Histori- cal Statement), page 9 West Ohio Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (94) Enabling Act, 518 §3 (18) West Texas Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (95) West Virginia Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (96) 798 INDEX {663 [Numbers refer to Paragraphs.} West Wisconsin Conference: Boundaries, 518. §1. (97) Western Christian Advocate: Editor, Appointment of, 208 §3 (3); Election. of, 399 $l; Post Office ‘Address, 543, §1 Nominating District, 399. §2 Western Norwegian - Danish Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (98) Western Swedish Conference: Boundaries, 518 §L (99) Whatcoat, Richard: Ordained Presbyter for Amer- ica » (Historical. | Statement), . page 8 Will, Free: Through Grace of God (Arti- cle), 8 Wilmington Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (100) Wine, Unfermented: Pastor, Duty of, 182 §16 Prefatory Note to Ritual, 529 Wisconsin Conference: Boundaries, 518 $1 (101) Withdrawals: Church Member, 59. §1; With- out, note of ' Recommenda- tion, 59 §2 Member of Conference, in Good Standing, 170, 172 Member of (Conference, ‘under Charges,” 269; ‘under Com- plaints,’ 269 Questions, at Annual Confer- ence, 80 §§20, 22 Woman’s Christian Temper- ance Union: Commendation of, 587 Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society: Board of Foreign Missions, Ap- proval of, 429 $2 Central Mission Conference, 95A §2 (3), (8) Deaconess Work, 499 §2 Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society (continued): Direction’ of . Foreign Work, 429 §4 District Conference, Inquiry as to Auxiliaries, 101,§7; Presi- dent a Member, 97; Report from President, 102 §312 Funds, 430 Missionaries, 429 §3 Organization of, 429 §1 Quarterly _ Conference, Presi- dent a Member, 104; Presi- dent confirmed, 108 §55; Re- port of, 108 §1312 Woman’s Home Missionary Society: District Conference, Inquiry as to Auxiliaries, 101 §7; Presi- dent a Member, 97; Report from President, 102 "9322 Organization and. Work, 450 Quarterly Conference, — Presi- dent a Member, 104; Presi- dent confirmed, 108 §57; Report of, 108 §1313 Women: Admission to Annual Confer- “ence, 577 §1 In Central Conference, 95 §2 (2), (3) 14) In Central Mission Conference, 95A §2 (2) Toca, Preachers, 219 (Note)— Organization, 219 (Note); Re- port of Commission, 577 Word; The: The Son made Man (Artile, 2 Words, Many: In Buying or Selling (General Rules), 30 Works: Good (Article), 10 Of Supererogation (Article), 11 World Peace: Resolution on, 572 World Seryice Commission: Area Secretary, 410 §7 Benevolences forwarded, 320 (a) (99 $663 INDEX {Numbers refer to Paragraphs.] World Service’ Commission (continued): nape Member of Area Coun- cil, 410 §1; of Commission, 407 §1 Blanks prepared by, 89 §2 Commission, Authority and Functions, 407 §5; Composi- tion and Election, 407 $1; Executive ‘Committee, 407 §4; Incorporation, 407 §6; Meetings, 407 §3;' Officers, 407 §2; Report, 407° §7 Commission, to study Needs, 408 §3 Cooperating Staff, 409 Cooperating C onstituent Boards, 408 §1; Reduction of Managers, 408 §2 ° ‘District Superintendent, Duty of, 410 §4; Member of Local Council, 410° §1 Every-Member’ Canvass, ‘for Negro Education, 466 §3 In Central Conferences, 410 §5 (3) In Fields outside United States, 410 §5 (1 Local Committee on Benev- olences, 111 §4 (2), (8) Local Council, Annual Confer- ence, District Conference, Local Church, 410 §2; Duty of, 410 §3 Local Council, Area, 410 §1; Duty of, 410 §§3, 4 Payments not credited in Ap- portionment, 90 §7 pee Post Office Address, 45 Unification with Church, South, 408 §3, 569 §7 Administrative . Worship: ' eae on (General Rules), Commended (Episcopal Ad- dress), pages 4, 5 Neglect, Trial for, 281 Order of Public, 72 Singing, Spirit and Truth whe Ue: Wright, Richard: Sent to America (Historica Statement), page 8 Wyoming Conference: — Boundaries, 518. §1 (102)... ...», Wyoming State Conference: Boundaries, 518 §1 (103) Y Year Book, Methodist: Statisticians and shnepsurereyy printed in, 88 §1 Yenping Conference: = Boundaries, 513 §1 (9) In Eastern Asia Central Con- ference, 520 §1 (10) Loy Young People’s Societies: Affiliated Chapter of Epworth’ League, 478 §3 District Superintendent, Duty of, 481 Z Zion’s Herald: Appointinent of Editor, 208 §3 800 hed 7 h {i ibe ® ) il 5 . ! . Mae i + Le he aS ara Res wie Days.) i be i t eae ay i ieee Bi; , A gba mae age e Park a) ~ es Bifiok Nt Pea te i i eerie h i) nal Co ii Se oy G7 os : \ RS OS os ae ae eee CA toe a Z SK RAR INRA SAN RR SN oN PON WY SS LAX SN WY \ SS ANS ie \ , SRN Sy ‘Y us Sa \ NAA \ AS SRO RN SOS Sa 3 WAY NAY SY On << AAG ARK IX tS ef AS AN Ae S SRR : Neen SS RAS : SAY \ WN SQ . RAH MY SN aN \ RAV AN RRR QQ RRA SEY RAY AS UX \ \ RAV Va wea MAAR SSAA RAMA VI ayrvr LAAN ANIA RAK . SES SOA » . SQA S SN We Sh SS \ SAMA SOS N < SN SS x we . NS NG SS SS WY SS SN RN AY SNS AR Re SOON SOY ecco SN a SORA S, BOY NRRL NHS ACA AG. Cn SON WY SAAN SNS RAR \\ WS ES ‘Y NX WS QQ MAM MOA wo oe rhe SAY an NX SNS SON WOH Aaa ‘ SRS . WY SY . Ros SE \ RMAs \ ws ONS WS SY \ RR SS . AS . s\ SS S IX AAA SY Sy RRA y LANK SS WY ~ ~ SS \ eS > AY sf SON ~ . . SSS SAN AN SERN VARVVTag es S IN ‘ WS AS . SN Ny SENAY ~ SS AA SN \ eS OR Swe ys SO SS MAAK AAA SS oS SN WN RSV Qe SRA CK SS \ Wn SAS aN . Os SS ONY AN Aen OI SN RAS Rass Wee SESS SONY ROS SEAN SS NS IN SEN «< / y e uy } Ppa) wes A ah t : ‘ ee ‘ SHEN SS ; Nt NS RAN