afora) secbacbiteeet $ “QUESTIONS ON THE A ; BN ae BB i, pide? poe "ss ¥ DOC LINES OF CHTISTTAN DESIGNED FOR Orn Dex “ys Sabbat' Arbrals amt Bible Classes. thee A * Te Pai Zt on gee | BY REV. RUFUS W. CLARK, - BOSTON: (HUSETTS SABBATH SCHOOL, SOCIETY. : ak Dips No. 13 Cornhill. ‘ses v 2 ~S ae oat Sy BP age gs RR Rpewerr see a ve RS AS PAN PROPERTY oF PRIN 6 TON HEU, MAR 1882 THHOLOGIOAKL LUNAR: ‘PD BrvLos De. Go2 tl bo8 Clark, Rufus W. 1813-1886. Questions on the doctrines of Christianity ‘ ei Ls x ee, rs QUESTIONS ON THE DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. DESIGNED FOR Sathath Schools and Bible Classes, —_—_——____., BY REV. RUFUS W. CLARK. ___ BOSTON: MASSACHUSETTS SABBATH SCHOOL SOCIETY. Depository, No. 13 Cornhill. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1856, by Tur MASSACHUSETTS SABBATH SCHOOL SOCIETY, In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. W. F. Draper, Stereotyper and Printer, Andover, Mass. Ir is obviously of the highest importance, that our youth and children should be thoroughly instructed in the fun- damental doctrines of the Christian faith. As an aid in accomplishing this desirable object, these questions have been prepared. The aim of the author has been to direct the attention of the pupil to the prominent points under each topic, leaving to the teacher the duty of explaining and illustrating the truths, as they are brought to view in the Scriptural references. It is very desirable that the scholar should commit to memory, at least one of the texts referred to in con- nection with each question. Besides the immediate ad- vantages to be derived from such a course, it will be of immense benefit through life, to be able to defend the doctrines of our belief, by appropriate quotations from the Holy Scriptures. ’ An occasional review of the ground passed over, will greatly assist in fastening the great truths of religion upon the mind and heart. A few stanzas have been attached to each lesson, to promote the devotional feelings, and to be sung, when it is convenient, at the close of the Sabbath School exercises. (3) ABBREVIATIONS. Besides the abbreviations of the books of the Bible, the following are used: f. c. first clause; m.c. middle clause; 1. c. last clause. (4) Lessons. »STUDY- OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, . NECESSITY AND AUTHORITY OF THE SCRIP- INSPIRATION OF THE SCRIPTURES, . . . EXISTENCE OF GOD, . THE DIVINE UNITY, . THE TRINITY, | NATURE AND ATTRIBUTES OF GOD, . OMNIPOTENCE OF GOD, . . . OMNISCIENCE AND OMNIPRESENCE OF GOD, . WISDOM OF GOD,. . .GOODNESS OF GOD, ,. » MERCY OF GOD,y 94.00": _ DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY, , DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY AND MAN'S FREE INDEX. TURES, AGENCY, . THE CREATION AND FALL OF MAN, . THE HOLY ANGELS, . THE FALLEN ANGELS, - DIVINE PROVIDENCE, f . NECESSITY OF AN ATONEMENT, . PROPHECIES CONCERNING CHRIST, M4 § “* (CONTINUED) 2. DIVINITY OF CHRIST, § “¢ (CONTINUED) ; 1*. (5) Page. 7 9 ral 14 16 18 20 22 24 27 28 30 82 35 87 39 41 43 45 INDEX. . TITLES AND OFFICES OF CHRIST, . MIRACLES OF CHRIST, . THE EXAMPLE OF CHRIST, . SUFFERINGS AND DEATH OF CHRIST, . RESURRECTION AND ASCENSION OF CHRIST, . THE HOLY SPIRIT, _ DIVINITY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, . DUTY OF REPENTANCE, ._ FAITH, 2 _ REGENERATION, . SANCTIFICATION, . DUTIES TOWARD GOD, . LOVE TO: G0D,">. . DUTY OF PRAYER, . PRAISE AND WORSHIP, . LOVE TO CHRIST, . DUTIES TO MANKIND, . DUTIES. TO OURSELVES, . TRUTH AND FALSEHOOD, . . . COVETOUSNESS, .. . CHRISTIAN BENEVOLENCE, . THE.SABBATH, .. .\. . THE GOSPEL MINISTRY, . THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, . DUTIES IN THE FAMILY, _ BAPTISM AND THE LORD’S SUPPER, . DEATH AND THE RESURRECTION, . THE FINAL JUDGMENT, . FUTURE PUNISHMENT, . HAPPINESS OF HEAVEN 63 . 102 . 105 . 108 . 110 , iis . 115 . 118 . 120 “a. ‘24 y ‘ 7 ¥ \ _ i “J f ? : it e P5323) *2 i P How MANTEL i = * “4 & M1. VY Gier y Ye > D> A pet RA Ww AA (3 & I GC 4 L ys iw ey DOCTRINES. OF CHRISTIANITY. ee LESSON I. THE STUDY .OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. 1. What duty is‘énjoined upon us in John 5: 89 ? 2. Why should we search the Scriptures ? 3. What is meant by the term Scriptures, as used by the Evangelists? 4. Of whom do they testify? John 5:39; Luke 24: 27. 5. What effect did the opening of the Scriptures have upon the hearts of Christ’s companions? Luke 245 32. ; 6. Did our Saviour often refer to the Scriptures in his teachings ? Mark 12:10 and 24; Luke 24: 44. 7. What is said respecting the profitableness of this study? 2 Tim. 3: 16. 8. What is meant by being profitable for doctrine. Romans 15: 4, f. e. 9. What is the method of study pointed out in 1 Cor. 2:13? le. 10. What advantages are derived from comparing one part of the Bible with another ? 11. What proofs can you give of the harmony of the scriptural writers ? 8 QUESTIONS ON THE 12. fs all the language of the Bible to be interpreted literally ? 13. Give some examples of the use of figurative languave. Psalm 18:2; Matthew 5: 13, 14. 14. How will you reconcile the expressions: God is a rock, and God is a spirit ? 15. How can we determine when the words are to be taken literally ; when, figuratively ? 16, What is the best mode of obtaining a knowledge of the doctrines ? John 7: 17. 17. Upon what agency must we rely for assistance in the study of the Scriptures? 1 Cor. 2:10. 18. What principle is necessary in order that the word of God may profit us? Heb. 4: 2, le. 19. In what spirit should we receive the instructions of the Bible ?. James 1: 21. 20. What petitions should we offer to God in con- nection with this study ?) Ps. 119: 18, 27, 33. 21. What effect will scriptural truth have upon the intellect? Ps. 119: 180. 22. What effect upon the affections of the heart ? Ps.119: 97; 1:2. 23. What effect upon the conduct? Ps. 119: 59. ; L. M. I love the sacred book of God ; No other can its piace supply: ; It points me to the saints’ abode, And lifts my joyful thoughts on high. 2 Blest book! in thee my eyes discern “The image of my absent Lord: From thine instructive page I learn The joys his presence will afford. 8 But while I’m here, thou shalt supply His place, and tell me of his love: Dll read with faith’s discerning eye, And thus partake of joys above, DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 9 LESSON II. THE NECESSITY AND AUTHORITY OF THE SCRIPTURES. 1. Why was a divine revelation necessary ? 2. Were the ancient philosophers successful in ob- taining a correct knowledge of the divine character and purposes ? 3. What views were entertained by the heathen respecting the nature and worship of God ? 4. Had they any true account of the creation of the world, and the origin of man ? 5. Had they any knowledge of a scheme of re- demption ? 6. Were clear views entertained of the immortality of the soul, and a state of future rewards and punish- ments ? 7. What is the distinction betweeh natural and revealed religion ? 8. How were the ancient Scriptures preserved ? Ans. By being transcribed by those who lived at the same time with their authors, and handed down from generation to generation. 9. Had the Hebrews any motives for corrupting these manuscripts ? 10. With what feelings did they regard them ? 11. How can you prove that the sacred writings are genuine ? Ans. In the same way that we prove the genuineness of other ancient works; by the style of the authors, the historical references, and the internal marks of truth. 12. Did the Jews receive, as genuine, the books of the Old Testament ? 10 QUESTIONS ON THE 13. Had they any peculiar advantages for testing their authenticity ? 14. What argument would you build upon the great number of persons, places, and lotal circum- stances, referred to in these writings ? 15. Is itin the least degree probable that any of these books could have been forgeries, and the fact remain so long undiscovered ? 16. Are the sentiments of the Holy Scriptures such, as we should naturally suppose a God of infinite wis- dom and benevolence would inspire men to write ? 17. Will you mention some of the principles that bear upon this point ? 18. What internal evidences.are there of the genu- ineness of the books of the New Testament ? 19. Explain what is meant by the harmony of the writers. 20. How many books are there in the New Testa- ment, and by how many authors were they written ? Ans. Twenty-Seven books, and eight different authors. 21. At what time did these authors live ? 22. What is the testimony of contemporary authors in regard to the genuineness of these books ? 23. Did the enemies, as well as the friends of Chris« tianity, receive these books as authentic ? 24. Do these evidences go to establish the divine authority of the Scriptures ? 25. What other proofs of their authority can you adduce? Ans. The evidences derived from miracles, the fulfilment of prophecy, the progress of moral truth in the world, and the beneficial effects of the Bible upon mankind. Cc. M. What glory gilds the sacred page, Majestic, like the sun: DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 11 It gives a light to every age ; It gives — but borrows none. 2 The power that gave it still supplies The gracious light and heat: Its truths upon the nations rise ; They rise — but never set. 8 Let everlasting thanks be thine, For such a bright display, As makes a world of darkness shine With beams of heavenly day. 4 My soul rejoices to pursue The steps of him I love, Till glory breaks upon my view In brighter worlds above. LESSON III. INSPIRATION OF THE SCRIPTURES. 1, What is inspiration ? 2. What text in the Bible directly asserts the in- spiration of the Scriptures? 2 Tim. 3: 16. 3. What is the testimony of St. Peter on this point ? 2 Peter 1: 21. 4. What promise did Christ give to his disciples respecting the Spirit of truth? John 16:13. +i 5. In what manner does Christ bear witness to the inspiration of Moses? Matt. 22:31, 32. 6. Repeat the passage in which the inspiration David is referred to. Acts 4: 25. 7. Does David assert his own inspiration? 2 Sam. 23:2. 8. Does Christ acknowledge the inspiration of Da- vid? Mark 12: 36. 9. What scriptural proof is there that Isaiah svake 12 QUESTIONS ON THE under the influence of the Holy Ghost. Acts 28: 25. Is. d : 1. 10. Mention some of the evidences that the writers of the New Testament were inspired. 2 Peter 3: 15, 16; Ephesians 2: 20; 1 Cor. 2:13. ay What promise is recorded in Matthew 10: 19, 20 : 12. Give, in your own language, the meaning of the word inspiration. 13. Are men inspired now, as were the prophets and apostles? Rey. 22:18. : 14. Is the Bible our only rule of faith and practice ? s. 8: 20. 15. What is the testimony of the early Christians respecting the inspired character of the New Testa- ment ? 16. In their writings, what titles do they give to the New Testament? Ans. They frequently call it “‘ The word of God,” “* The oracles of Heaven,” “ The voice of God.” 17. What distinction did the christian fathers make between the canonical and apochryphal books ? 18. Did they consider the apochryphal books in- spired ? 19. What does Clemens Romanus, bishop of Rome, (A. D. 91-110) say respecting the inspiration of the Scriptures? Ans. He says, “ The apostles preached e gospel, being filled with the Holy Ghost.” “ The Scriptures are the true words of the Spirit.” Paul wrote to the Corinthians things true of the aid of the Spirit.* 20. What says Justin Martyr, (a. p. 89-164) ? Ans. He says, “'The gospels were written, by men full of the Holy Ghost.” * See Wilson’s “ Evidences of Christianity,” vol. i. pp. 274-5. DOOTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 13 21. What did Origen teach? Ans. He taught that “ the Scriptures proceeded from the Holy Ghost; and that there is nothing in the law, or the prophets, or the gospels, or the epistles, which did not proceed from the fulness of the Spirit.” 22. What has been the uniform belief of the chris- tian church, in all ages, respecting this doctrine ? 23. What is said of the purity of the Scriptures ? Ps. 12:6; 119: 140. 24. What argument is derived from this source ? 25. What’ is said of the power of the Word of God? Heb. 4: 12. ' 26. Why are the Scriptures written? John 20: 31. 27. How are we to judge of their true interpreta- tion and meaning? John 16: 13,14; Acts 17: 11. 28. Is it your personal duty to cling to the Scrip- tires 7 2"Tith. 13°09. 29. Have you admitted their sacred truths to your heart ? Cc. M, ILow precious is the book divine, By inspiration given ! Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine, To guide our souls to heaven. .2 It sweetly cheers our drooping hearts, In this dark vale of tears ; Life, light, and joy it still imparts, And quells our rising fears. 8. This lamp through all the tedious night Of life, shall guide our way ; | Till we behold the clearer light Of an eternal day. 14 QUESTIONS ON THE LESSON Ivy. THE EXISTENCE OF GOD. 1. What is the foundation of all true religion ? Ans. a belief in the being and attributes of God. 2. What does St. Paul say on this point, in Heb. 11368 . 3. Can the existence of God-be proved without the Bible ? Ans. The works of creation, the teachings of human reason, and the dealings of divine providence, all unite in proving his existence. 4. How do the works of God prove his existence ? Ans. On the principle that every effect must have a cause ; also, the discovery of marks of design, or con- trivance, prove the existence of a designer. 5. Do the discoveries of modern geologists con- tribute to the strength of the argument, from this source, of the divine existence ? Ans. They do, as they show distinct and successive acts of creative power. 6. Is the argument from nature presented in the Bible? Rom. 1:19, 20. 7. Why are the heathen. without excuse for not ac- knowledging and worshipping God? Rom. 1: 21. 8. What is the general conviction, among all na- tions, in regard to a Supreme Being? Ans. The belief, more or less distinct, rests upon nearly all the human family that there is a creator and governor of the universe. 9. What is the best definition that you can give of God? Ans. God is a being of infinite attributes, and is the author and preserver of all other beings. 10. What are those persons called who deny the divine existence ? DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 15 11. Is it probable that there are many persons who a? pee and absolutely, atheists ? 2. Why is it not probable ? o. What is a practical atheist? Ps. 14: 1; Eph. 2:12. 14, Will you define a deist ? 5. What is pantheism ? 16. Are either of these systems of error calgulated to promote piety or virtue ¢ cal 17. What is the practical influence of atheism? Ps. 14: 1-3; Rom. 3: 13-18. 18. What views does the atheist entertain of the origin of the world, and systems that surround us ? 19. Why is the doctrine, that the universe is the result of chance, absurd ? 20. Is it possible to advance a greater absurdity ? 21. What views does the atheist entertain of God’s government ? 22. Are his opinions calculated to elevate, or to debase man ? 23. What hege been the practical effects of infidelity upon society ? L. M. There is a God — all nature speaks, Through earth, and air, and sea, and skies; See, from the clouds his glory breaks, When earliest beams of morning rise. 2 The rising sun, serenely bright, Throughout the world’s extended frame, Inscribes, in characters of light, His mighty Maker’s glorious name. 3 Ye curious minds, who roam abroad, And trace creation’s wonders o’er, Confess the footsteps of your God! — Bow down before him — and adore 16 QUESTIONS ON THE LESSON VY. THE DIVINE UNITY. 1. Will you define the doctrine of the divine unity ? 2. Is this doctrine clearly taught in the Scriptures ? Deut. 6:4; 1 Cor. 8: 4,1. ¢.; Gal. 3: 20, 1. e. 3. Does the human reason teach this truth? Isaiah 43:10. 4. Are any of God’s creatures like Him, or to be compared unto Him? Exod. 15:11; Ps. 89:6 : Is. 40: 18.. 5. Do the works of creation prove that there is but one God ? 6. What would be the effect upon the order and harmony of the universe, of having more than one infinite being ? 7. What is the error of those who maintain that there is more than one God, called? Ans. Poly- theism. 8. Has this error prevailed extensively in the world ? 9. Does it exist at the present day ? 10. Among what nations does it exist ? 11. Had the great body of the Jews before the Baby- lonian captivity, a distinct idea of the unity of God ? Ans. Their strong tendency to idolatry, and other cir- cumstances prove that, while they regarded Jehovah as the greatest among the gods, they still recognized the real existence of other deities. 12. Is it easy to account for their readiness to revolt from the worship of the true God, on any other ground ? 13. When did the Jews become the firm advocates of this doctrine? Ans. After the Babylonian captivity. 14. What system has done more than any other to establish and diffuse abroad this doctrine ? DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 17 15. Has the spread of the Mohammedan religion contributed to this end ? 16. Was Mohammed a zealous advocate of the unity of God? 17. To what was he indebted for a knowledge of this truth? Ans. To Judaism and Christianity. 18. Were there any among the heathen nations who entertained just conceptions of the divine unity ? Ans. “ Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and other sages of the heathen world, either expressly asserted this doctrine or regarded it as highly prob- able.” * 19. What ancient nations, in the early periods of their existence, acknowledged one God? Ans. The Persians, Hindoos, Tartars, Chaldeans, Phenicians, Canaanites, Egyptians and Romans. 20. Did these nations, sooner or later, fall into idolatry ? 21. Whence did the ancient ‘nations derive their knowledge of one God? Ans. From traditionary instruction. 22. How did any of these nations regain their knowledge of one God ? Ans. By the aid of reve- lation. ‘ CaM: Among the gods there’s none like thee, O Lord, alone divine ! To Thee, as much inferior they, As are their works to thine. 2 Therefore their great Creator — Thee The nations shall adore ; Their long misguided prayers and praise To Thy blest name restore. 8 All shall confess Thee great, and great The wonders Thou hast done ; * See Knapp’s Theology, p. 92. 9* 18 QUESTIONS ON THE Confess the God, the God supreme, Confess thee God alone, LESSON VI. THE TRINITY. 1. Will you define the doctrine of the Trinity ? Ans. We mean by this doctrine that the Divine Being exists in three persons, called the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 2. Is this a doctrine of natural, or revealed re- ligion ? } 3. Is it not perfectly reasonable, that there should be many things in the divine nature, unlike our own nature ? 4. Is it possible for us to form a distinct idea of any attributes or perfections that we do not ourselves possess ? 5. Have we any just ground for rejecting a doc- trine clearly revealed to us, simply because we can- not comprehend it ? ; 6. Are the three persons of the Trinity equal in knowledge, wisdom, power and glory ? 7. Have they each a distinct consciousness while united to one essence ? 8. Do you mean that there are three beings in one being ? 9. Is it right to charge upon the believer in the Trinity this absurdity ? 10. Is this doctrine properly called a mystery ? 11. Wherein lies its obscurity and mystery ? Ans. “Yn our inability to answer the question, in what sense. DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 19 and in what manner do these three so share the divine nature as to make only one God ?” * 12. Is the divine Trinity a fundamental doctrine of the Christian faith ? Matt. 28: 19. 13. Is it interwoven with all the instructions of our Saviour ? 14. Is this doctrine taught in the Old Testament ? Ans. This doctrine was not clearly revealed until the advent of Christ; although there are some passages, in the Old Testament, which indicate that the Hebrews believed in.a plurality in the godhead, if not a trinity. 15. Will you repeat some of these passages? Gen. L326 213.2 2a ts ‘ 16. Is the Son of God spoken of in the Old Testa- ment ? Ps. 23.7, 17. Is mention made of the Holy Spirit? Isaiah 48:16. 18. What passages refer to the number of persons in the godhead ? Num. 6: 24-26; Is. 48: 17. 19. Can we safely quote any of these passages as proof-texts of the doctrine ? 20. Where do we find this doctrine clearly revealed ? 21. What two classes of passages in the New Testa- ment teach this doctrine? Ans. First, those in which the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are mentioned to- gether. Secondly, those in which divine attributes are ascribed to each person of the Trinity. 22. What texts mention the three persons in con- nection? Matt. 28: 18-20; 2 Cor.13:14; Eph. 2:18. 23. What is meant by being baptized in the name of a person ? 24. Is the united agency of the three persons of the trinity employed in the work of .redemption ? * Knapp’s Theology, p. 180. 20 QUESTIONS ON THE 25. With what emotions should we contemplate this great fact ? L. M. Father of heaven ! whose love profound A ransom for our souls hath found, Before thy throne we sinners bend ; To us thy pardoning love extend. 2 Almighty Son! inearnate Word ! Our Prophet, Priest, Redeemer, Lord! Before thy throne we sinners bend ;— To us thy saving grace extend, 8 Eternal Spirit ! by whose breath The soul is raised from sin and death, Before thy throne we sinners bend ; To us thy quickening power extend. 4 Jehovah! Father, Spirit, Son ! Mysterious Godhead! Three in One! Before thy throne we sinners bend ; Grace, pardon, life, to us extend. NotE.—This subject will be resumed when we consider the distinct divinity of Christ, and the divinity of the Holy Spirit. LESSON VII. NATURE AND ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. 1. What is the nature of the Divine Being? John 4:24, f. e. 2. What is meant by the word spirit? Ans. In this connection, it means an intelligent, free, immaterial essence, or being. 3. In what respects is spirit distinct from matter ? 4, Can matter, under any circumstances, have the power of thought or will ? 5. Can God be represented by anything material, or corporeal ? DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 21 6. What command was given respecting making any images of God? Ex. 20: 4. 7. Is God visible, or invisible? John 1:18; Rom. 1:20; Heb. 11: 27, Le. 8. Can a finite mind comprehend the nature and perfections of the Deity ? Job 11:7; 26:14; 37: 23. loce3e Rom, \11:2'33. 9. Is it true that the divine existence is without be- ginning or end? Ps.90:2; 93:2; Hab. 1:12, f¢.; Jer. 10: 10. 10. What distinction will you make between the eternity of God, and the immortality of man ? 11. Does human reason favor the doctrine that God never had a beginning ? 12. What is meant by the immutability of God ? 13. What proof is there that he does not change ? Mal. 3:63 Jasob: 17; Ps. 102: 27. 14. Is it possible for him to possess at one time, any attributes that he does not possess at another time ? 15. Was he the same, before the material universe rose into existence, that he is at thishour? 2 Peter 3: 8. 16. What bearing has this truth upon the stability of his moral government ? 17. What bearing has it upon our confidence in him as a just and righteous ruler ? 18. Aico does it contribute to the divine dignity and glory ? 19. What would the least possible change in God be? Ans. A change from perfection to imperfection. 20. Were the least change to take place, what would be the inevitable consequences to his mora kingdom ? | 21. Is it possible for God to pursue a harmonious course from age to age, unless he’ is immutable ? 22 QUESTIONS ON THE 22. What evidences are furnished in the works and operations of nature, of the unchangeable character of the Deity? Gen. 8: 22. 23. What proof will you give of God’s holiness ? Lev. 19: 2, ].c.; 20:26; 21:8, le. 24. How is the intensity of God’s holiness ex- pressed? Is.6: 8; Rev. 4:8. 25. With what feelings does he regard iniquity ? Ps.5: 4,5; Hab. 1:13, f. ec. 26. What things pertaining to God are declared to be holy? Ans. His throne — Ps. 47:8. Habitation — Deut. 26: 15. Hill—Ps.3:4. Mountains — Is, 65: 25, Le. L. M. All-powerful, self-existent-God, Who all creation dost sustain ; Thou wast, and art, and art to come, And everlasting is thy reign. 2 Fixed and eternal as thy days, Each glorious attribute divine, Through ages infinite, shall still With undiminished lustre shine. 8 Fountain of being! Source of good ! Immutable dost thou remain ; Nor can the shadow of a change Obscure the glories of thy reign. LESSON VIII. OMNIPOTENCE OF GOD. 1. Will you define the omnipotence of God? Ans. It is that attribute by which he can do everything which is possible. 2. Why cannot Omnipotence perform impossibili- DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 23 ties? Ans. Because an impossibility implies a con- tradiction, and a perfect being cannot act in a contra- dictory manuer. 3. Prove the omnipotence of God from the works of creation. 4. What argument is derived from the number and vastness of the objects of creative power ? 5. What argument can you deduce from the laws of adaptation running through the material universe ? 6.. What light do the discoveries in modern astrono- my throw upon this divine attribute ? 7. How does the government which God has estab- lished over all things, prove his omnipotence ? 8. Can we form an adequate idea of creative power ? 9. Can omnipotence be communicated to a finite being ? 10. In what passages of Scripture is God spoken of as Almighty? Gen. 17:1; 35:11, f.c.; Ex.6: 3; Revi'l : 8,4: 87521 :22 11. In what passages is power ascribed tohim? 1 Chron. 29°: 113° Ps. 62:11; 14725. 12. Prove that God created all things. Ps. 33 : 6-9, 8:3. 13. What is said respecting things, that are impossi- ble with men, being possible with God ? Matt. 19: 26. 14. What is it said, in Titus 1: 2, that God can- not do ? 15. Is there the least inconsistency between these passages ? 16. In interpreting the language of Scripture, what use is to be made of common sense ? 17. Unless we limit the meaning of words to their obvious and natural import, what evils will arise ? 18. What does St. Paul say that he can do ? Phil. 4:13. 24. QUESTIONS ON THE 19. By declaring that he can “ do all things through Christ which strengtheneth him,” does he mean that he can do acts of wickedness ? 20. Would any person, in the exercise of his com- mon sense, charge upon him such a meaning ? 21. Do the sacred writers stop to explain the pre- cise meaning in which they use words, or do they leave the interpretation to the reason and judgment of the reader ? 22. Give an example of the free use of language, where common sense must be our guide in under- standing it? 2 Cor. 6:9, 10. C. M. Great first of Beings — mighty Lord! Of all this woudrous frame ! Produced by thy creating word, The world from nothiug came. 2 Thy voice sent forth the high command, *T was instantly obeyed : And through thy gooudness all things stand, Which by thy power were made. 38 Lord, for thy glory shine the whole; They all reflect thy light: For this in course the planets roll, And day succeeds the night. 4 For this the earth its produce yields, For this the waters flow ; And blooming plants adorn the fields, And trees aspiring grow. LESSON IX. THE OMNISCIENCE AND OMNIPRESENCE OF GOD. 1. What is the meaning of the term, Omiscience ? DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 25 2. Prove from the Bible that God has all knowl- edge. Job 37:16; Acts 15:18; 1 John 3: 20. 3 Is the knowledge of God derived from any other being? Job 21: 22,f.c.; Ps. 94:9, 10; Is. 40:14. 4. Can his knowledge be increased ? Ps. 147: 5, lec. 5. What is the meaning of the word infinite ? 6. What things are known only to God? Deut. 29: 29, f.c.; 1 Kings 8: 39,l.¢c.; Mark 13: 32. 7. What proof can you give that God knows all our ways? Job 34: 21; Ps. 33: 13, 14. 8. Does his knowledge extend to our words and thoughts? Ps. 189: 1-4; Matt. 9:4. 9. Does his knowledge extend to all beings and events ? Heb. 4: 13. 10. Can we comprehend this knowledge? Ps. 139: 6, 11. Does God know the hearts and affections of men? 1 Kings 8: 39,l.c.; Jer. 20:12, f.c.; Acts 1: 24) mise. 12. What practical influence should this solemn fact have upon us ? 13. What great encouragement have we to speak of God and his goodness to one another? Mal. 3: 16. 14. What encouragement have we to fear and love God? Ps. 83: 18; Nah..1: 7. e 15. What encouragement have we to work for God ? Heb. 13: 21; Rev. 2: 29. 16. Does the divine knowledge extend to our wants? Matt. 6: 8, 31, 32. 17. Does the infinite being notice the wickedness of man? Gen. 6:5; Job 34: 21, 22; Jer. 16: 17. 18. Does he notice the hypocrisy of man? Rev. 2:9, m. and |.c.; 3:1. 19. Did God know all that would take place in the world before he created it? Acts 15: 18. 3 26 QUESTIONS ON THE 20. Does he know all that will transpire through the ages of eternity? Ps. 147: 5, le. 21. What is the extent of our knowledge compared with the knowledge of the divine mind ? 22. Whence is our knowledge mostly derived? Ans. From sensation. 23. Are there limits beyond which we cannot pass ? 24. In what respects does the divine knowledge dif fer from human knowledge ? Ans. First, in regard to perfection ; second, in regard to clearness, Dan. 2: 22; third, in regard to certainty, Is. 46: 9, 10. 25. What do we mean by Omnipresence ? 26. Prove that God is everywhere present. Jer. 23: 24; Ps. 1389: 7-10. 27. What effect should this truth have upon our conduct ? 28. What text of Scripture should check us when we are tempted to do wrong? Gen. 16:13, mc. C. M. Great God, thy penetrating eye Pervades my inmost powers ; With awe profound my wondering soul Falls prostrate, and adores. 2 Tesbe encompassed round with God, The holy and the just ; Armed with omnipotence to save, Or crumble me to dust — 3 Oh, how tremendous is the thought! Deep may it be impressed ; And may thy Spirit firmly grave This truth within my breast. DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 27 LESSON X. THE WISDOM OF GOD. 1. Will you define the attribute of wisdom ? Ans. It is the attribute which involves.a correct knowledge of the best ends, and a disposition to select the best means for securing those ends. 2. Does it relate both to the character and conduct of an intelligent being ? 3. What divine attributes combine to form this at- tribute ? Ans. Omniscience and benevolence. 4. Prove from the Bible the wisdom of God’s char- acters od obi0 4, fiers 86 «5,20: © Rom, 11: 33. 5. Prove the wisdom of his conduct in creation. Prov. 8: 19/20; Jer, 10:12: 6. Show wherein the wisdom of God is displayed in the heavenly bodies. 7. What wise ends are answered by the revolution of the seasons ? 8. How is the wisdom of God displayed in the vegetable kingdom, and in the growth and diffusion of the seeds of plants ? 9. How, in the provisions that are made for the wants of ail living creatures ? 10. Illustrate the wisdom of God by the beneficial effects of the law of gravitation. 11. Illustrate it in the formation of clouds, and the descent of the rain. 12. Illustrate it in the adaptation of animals to dif- ferent climates and countries. 13. Illustrate it in the formation of the human body, and the adaptation of the limbs and organs to their several offices. 28 QUESTIONS ON THE 14. Is the wisdom of God displayed in the work of redemption ? Eph. 3:10,11; Col. 2: 3. 15. Is it displayed in the preaching of the gospel ? 1 Cor. 1: 21. 16. What is the true foundation of faith ? 1 Cor. Bird. 17. What is said of the wisdom of men? 1 Cor. 1:25; 3:195 Prov. 21: 30. 18. Does God impart wisdom to his servants? Dan. 2:21, 1.¢e.; James 1: 5. 19. How must we ask for this wisdom? James 1: 6, f. ¢. 20. What are the characteristics of the wisdom received from above? James 3: 17. L. M. Awake, my tongue — thy tribute bring To him who gave thee power to sing ; Praise him, who is all praise above, The source of wisdom and of love. 2 How vast his knowledge — how profound! A depth where all our thoughts are drowned! The stars he numbers — and their names He gives to all those heavenly flames. 8 Through each bright world above, behold Ten thousand thousand charms unfold ; Earth, air, and mighty seas combine, To speak his wisdom all divine. LESSON XI. GOODNESS OF GOD. 1. Whence do we derive our knowledge of the di- vine goodness ? DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 29 2. What is the testimony of the human reason in regard to the benevolence of the Deity ? ' 3. Has the infinite Being any possible motive for being otherwise than benevolent ? 4. Is his own highest glory connected with the manifestations of his goodness ? _ 5. When Moses desired to behold the glory of God, what reply did he receive from the Lord? Ex. 38: 49) five. 6. How is the goodness of God displayed in the present world? Acts 14:17; Ps. 33:5, le. 7. What argument will you draw from the pro- visions which have been made for human happiness ? 8. How does the structure of the human eye and ear illustrate the goodness of God ? 9. Has the anatomist ever discovered in the human body an organization for the production of pain or disease ? 10. How do the physical laws, which govern the material universe, illustrate the divine benevolence ? 11. What is the distinction between amoral and a physical law ? 12. How do God’s moral laws display his love ? 13. What is the great end of his moral government? Ans. To secure his own highest glory, and the highest happiness of his creatures. 14. How do the penalties attached to his laws, illus- trate his goodness ? Ans. By showing his strong desire to secure the perfect obedience and happiness of his subjects. 15. Were there no penalties connected with the violation of his commands, and hence no disposition manifested to enforce his authority, could we prove his infinite benevolence ? 16. What is distinctly asserted in Psalm 145: 9 ? 3* 30 QUESTIONS ON THE 17. Has God any pleasure in the sufferings of his creatures? Ezek. 83: 11. 18. How shall we test the goodness of God? Ps. 34:8, fic. 19. What is the legitimate influence of the divine goodness upon the sinner? Rom. 2: 4, le. 20. What proof have we of God’s willingness to be- stow his gifts upon us? Matt. 7:11. 21. What great and glorious display has he made of his love to the world? John 3: 16. ; ins obligations does this precious gift create in us 23. What is the duty of all men? Ps. 107: 8. Cc. M. Hail, great Creator — wise and good! To thee our songs we raise ; Nature, through all her various scenes, Invites us to thy praise. 2 At morning, noon, and evening mild, Fresh wonders strike our view ; And while we gaze, our hearts exult, With transports ever new. 3 Thy glory beams in every star, Which gilds the gloom of night ; And decks the smiling face of morn With rays of cheerful light. 4 The lofty hill, the humble lawn, With countless beauties shine ; The silent grove — the awful shade, Proclaim thy power divine. LESSON XII. THE MERCY OF GOD. 1, What is the distinction between mercy and good- ness'? DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. Si 2. Upon what classes does God bestow his goodness ? Matt. 5:45, m.and le. 3. To whom does he show his mercy ? Prov. 28: 13, lie. 4. What promise is made to those that fear God ? Ps. 103: 11,17; Luke 1: 50. 5. What promise is made to those who love him? Ex. 20:6; Jude 21. ; 6. What promise to those who trust in him? Ps. 32:10, le. 7. What encouragement has the sinner to forsake his evil ways? Is. 55:73; Jer. 3: 12. 8. What prayer should every sinner offer up ? Luke 18: kook e: 9. How can we obtain the divine mercy? Heb.4: 16. 10. Is this attribute presented in the Scriptures in a great variety of forms ? 11. Repeat some passages which declare the. com- passion of God? Ps. 86:15; 145:8; Luke 15: 20. 12. Prove the forbearance and long-suffering of God. 2 Peter 3:9; Joel 2:13. 13. Show that he exercises pity. Ps. 103:13; James 5: 11,1]. ¢. 14. What duties does the loving-kindness of God impose upon us? Ps. 1388: 2; Is. 63: 7, fie. 15. Is the sovereignty of God displayed in his mercy ? Ex. 83: 19, le. 16. Through what channel is his mercy conferred upon men? Eph. 1: 7. 17. In what spirit should we approach God to secure his favor? James 4:6,l.¢c.; Job 33: 26. 18. ‘To whom is the favor of God denied? Is. 27: 11, m. and 1. ¢. 19. Is mercy an element of man’s depraved heart ? Prov. 12: 10, 1.¢.; Ps. 25:19. 32 QUESTIONS ON THE 20. Is it an element of false systems of religion ? 21. Is mercy a characteristic of heathen nations ? Jer. 6: 23. 22. What feelings should a contemplation of the divine mercy excite? Ps. 63:3; 92: 2. Cc. M. When all thy mercies, 0 my God, My rising soul surveys, Transported with the view I’m lost In wonder, love, and praise. 2 Unnumbered comforts to my soul Thy tender care bestowed, Before my infant heart conceived From whom those comforts flowed. 8 When in the slippery paths of youth With heedless steps I ran, Thine arm, unseen, conveyed me safe, And led me up to man. 4 Ten thousand thousand precious gifts My daily thanks employ ; Nor is the least a cheerful heart, That tastes those gifts with joy. LESSON XIII. THE DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY. 1. Is this doctrine clearly taught in the Scriptures 2 Ps. 115: 33; 185:6; Daniel 4: 35. 2. What words are used in the Bible to denote the sovereignty of Godt Ans. The words, purpose, choice, counsel, pleasure, will, ete. 3. What is said concerning the stability of the di- vine purposes? Job 23: 13; \Eph. 3: 11. 4. Upon what does this stability rest? Ans. Upon the divine immutability. James 1:17, lc. DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 58 5. Did God foreknow whatsoever would come to pass? Acts 2: 23,f.c.; 1 Peter 1: 2, f. c. 6. Did he purpose the existence of certain, beings and events with, or without, adequate reasons? Deut. 32: 4. 7. Are all his decrees based upon justice and good- ness? Neh. 9:33; Ps.'69:14; Rev. 15:3. 8. Will God accomplish his purposes? Deut. 7: 9; Psalm 119: 90, f. ¢. 9. Can a being of infinite holiness and benevolence purpose the existence of anything wrong? Psalm 119: 137; 145:17; Jer. 9:24. 10. Is it possible for God to administer the affairs of his moral government, unless he is a sovereign ? 11. Could he offer to the obedient, everlasting honors and joys, unless he has the control of future events ? 12. Could we have full confidence in his govern- -ment, and his promises, unless we believe in his sovereignty ? 13. To what do those persons leave the administra- tion of the divine government, who deny this doctrine ? Ans. To uncertainty ana chance. 14. If God does not know and arrange beforehand future events, then does any being in the universe possess this knowledge 4 15. And if no being in the universe possesses it, then have we any solid foundation upon which to build our hopes for the future ? 16.~Are there not far greater difficulties in de- nying, than in admitting this doctrine of the divine sovereignty ? 17. If God does not determine all future events, then, may not events happen which he has not de- creed ? 34 QUESTIONS ON THE 18. And, if such is the ease, are there not additions made to his knowledge, and the doctrine of his om- niscience proved to be false ? 19. Must not, also, his views and purposes change with the changing circumstances around him ? A: 20. Hence, is not the doctrine of his immutability overthrown ? 21. Can we conceive of God as knowing how to deal with a creature whose character, conduct, and future history are unknown to him ? c 22. When we consider the millions of beings in God’s universe, what must be the inevitable conse- quence of ignorance on this subject ? Ans. God must necessarily be the most changeable being in the universe. 23. Do not those who deny God’s sovereignty necessarily make him a limited, dependent and changeable being ? 24. Do they not render entirely uncertain the ac- complishment of the great ends of creation ? L. M. Jehovah reigns — his throne is high, His robes are light and majesty ‘ His glory shines with beams so bright, No mortal can sustain the sight. 2 His terrors keep the world in awe ; His justice guards his holy law His love reveals a smiling face, His truth and promise seal the grace. 8 Through all his works his wisdom shines, And bafiies Satan’s deep designs ; His power is sovereign to fulfil The noblest counsels of his will. 4 And will this glorious Lord descend To be my father and my friend ? Then let my songs with angels’ join ; Heaven is secure, if God be mine. ; DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 35 LESSON XIV. DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY, AND MAN’S FREE AGENCY. 1. Are there to our minds difficulties in reconciling these two doctrines ? 2. Are they both clearly taught in the Scriptures ? 3. Prove from the Scriptures that man is a free agent. Prov. 1: 24, 25; Is. 65: 12, m. and 1. c. 4, Is our inability to wholly reconcile these two doctrines, proof that they cannot be reconciled ? Ans. Most certainly not. 5. May not a being be perfectly free to act, yet an infinite Creator know how he will act, and influence his action? John 1: 47-49; 6: 44. 6. Is there anything in these two doctrines contrary to human reason? Ans. There is nothing in them contrary to human reason, though the work of fully reconciling them is above reason. 7. Is this an important distinction to be made, in judging of the truth of difficult doctrines of Scripture ? 8. Will you illustrate this distinction by an exam- pa Ans. We cannot explain the union subsisting etween the three persons of the trinity, for the task is above reason, though there is nothing in this union contrary to reason. 9. Can the human mind believe anything that is contrary to reason? Ans. It cannot. 10. In admitting the doctrines of our holy religion, are we required to sacrifice the dictates of a sound judg- ment and an enlightened reason? 1 Peter 3:15, m. and l. ¢. 11. What was one of the peculiarities of Paul’s preaching? Acts 17: 2,l.¢.; 18:45; 24: 25,fi¢. 36 QUESTIONS ON THE 12. Upon whom rests the responsibility of man’s sinfulness ? John 5:40; Psalm 14: 2, 3. 13. Is man conscious of his free agency ? Romans 2:15. 14. Are the appeals which God makes to the sinner based upon this idea? 2 Kings 17: 13, m. andl. c. ; Ezek. 33: 11. 15. Are the invitations of the Bible based upon it ? Is..55 2.1; Matt. 11: 28; Rev.:22:.17. 16. Is it possible to conceive of a moral government being instituted over any other than free, accountable agents ? 17. Would there be a propriety in offering the rewards of heaven to any other ? ) 18. Would there be a propriety in threatening with future punishment any others ? 19. Will not the consciousness that sin has been voluntary, add to the sorrow of the lost spirit? Prov. 1: 29-31. 20. Upon what will the decisions on the day of judgment be based? 2 Cor. 5: 10. 21. Upon what conditions are the joys of heaven promised tous? Acts 16:31; Luke 18:24; Heb. 12:1, m.andl.e. C. M. All ye, who feel distressed for sin, And fear eternal wo, You Christ invites to enter in — This hour to Jesus go! 2 He, by his own almighty word, Will all your fears remove ; For every wound his precious blood A sovereign balm shall prove. 3 His conquering grace shall set you free From sin’s oppressive chains, From Satan’s hateful tyranny, And everlasting pains. DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 37 4 Come, then, ye heavy-laden, come — His instant help implore ; Millions have found a peaceful home — » There’s room for millions more. LESSON XV. THE CREATION AND FALL OF MAN. 1. What is the origin of man? Gen. 2:7; Psalm 119; 73, fe. 2. Of how many parts does his nature consist ? Eccl. 12: 7; Matt. 10: 28. . 3. In whose image was he created ? Gen. 1: 27, f. Cree HeGeliver a 4. What was his rank in the scale of existence ? Ps.°8 205: 5. With what authority was he endowed ? Ps. 8: 6. 6. What was his original moral condition ? Eccl. 7229, f.-e. 7. What are the attributes of the human soul ? Ans. Consciousness, intelligence, susceptibility, and will. 8. In what sense is man mortal, and in what sense is he immortal ? 9. What ends did God have in view in the creation of man? Ans. The manifestation of his own glory, and the happiness of his creatures. 10. What special command did God give to Adam ? Gen. 2: 16, 17. 11. Was this command obeyed ? Gen. 3: 6. 12. What sentence was pronounced against man for his sin? Gen. 3:17, 19. 13. What was the consequence of that sin? Rom. 5: 12. 4. 38 QUESTIONS ON THE 14. Are all mankind sinners? Eccl. 7:20; Rom. 3: 10-12. 15. Was the imperfection of human nature observed and conceded by the most ancient heathen philoso- phers? Ans. The writings of Socrates, Plato, Aris- totle, and Cicero, are full of expressions relating to the depravity of mankind. 16. What is the testimony of history in regard to the universality of sin ? 17. What proof is furnished by human laws and penalties of man’s sinfulness ? 18. What argument may be derived from the prac- tice, among heathen nations, of offering up sacrifices ? 19. What feeling of the heart prompts such multi- tudes to perform tedious pilgrimages, frequent ablu- tions, and penances ? 20. What is the testimony of our characters and lives ? 21. What description is given of the human heart ? Jer.17:9; Matt. 15:19. 22. Is this universal tendency to sin hereditary ? Ps. 51:5; Job 14:4. 23. Is it extremely difficult to eradicate the princi- ple of wickedness from the heart ? Rom. 7: 23. oy What duty is enjoined upon us, in Proverbs 4 23 | Cc. M. How sad our state by nature is ! Our sin — how deep it stains ! And Satan holds our captive minds Fast in his slavish chains. 2 But hark! a voice of sovereign grace Sounds from the sacred word — ‘Ho! ye despairing sinners, come, And trust upon the Lord.’ DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 39 8 My soul obeys the gracious call, And runs to this relief}; I would believe thy promise, Lord ; Oh help my unbelief. 4 A guilty, weak, and helpless worm, On thy kind arms I fall ; Be thou my strength and righteousness, My Saviour, and my all. LHS 6 OW AAV 2. THE HOLY ANGELS. 1. What is an angel? Ans. Literally a messen- ger; but the word is usually employed to designate spiritual beings that occupy the spirit world. 2. Could we discover the existence of this order of intelligences from the light of nature ? 3. What titles are given to the angels in the Scrip- tures? Ans. They are called thrones, powers, au- thorities, cherubim, and seraphim, ete. 4, What can you say of their number? Ps. 68: BR;,)Dan. ‘7:20; 2d elsmHeb: 12 +22, We: Are they superior to men ? Ps.8:5, fic. . . What is their nature ?. Heb. 1: 7. What is said of their strength ? Ps. 103; 20. . Are they interested in the welfare of men ? Luke 15: 10. 9. Are they employed for the good of God’s people ? Ween), 19.2115) 192.2113 Heme 1 218. 10. Do they protect the righteous from evil? Ps. 8457 =) Danz 6: 22, f..c. 3 Matt. BSaiat, 11. Are they messengers from God to men? Gen. SWeliee Reve k lil sds. Luke v1: 26. 12. Do they execute the judgments of God against CON Ore 40 QUESTIONS ON THE the wicked ? 2 Sam. 24: 15,16; 2 Kings 19:35; Acts 12: 238. 13. Who announced to the Virgin Mary the birth of the Saviour ? Luke 1: 28. 14. What delightful vision was granted to the shepherds ? Luke 2: 8-14. 15. Did the holy angels minister to our blessed Lord? Matt. 4:11; Mark 1:13,1.¢.; Luke 22: 43. 16. What transpired at the resurrection of Christ ? Matt. 28 : 2. 17. By whom will Christ be attended when he shall come in his glory ? Matt. 16: 27, f. c. 18. What part will the angels take in the final dis- pensation’ of rewards and punishments ? Matt. 24: 31; 13:41, 42. 19. What is the employment of angels in Heaven ? Is. 6:38; Dan. 7::'10;:m: lk 20. What command was given to the angels con- cerning the worship of Christ ? Heb. 1: 6, I. e. 21. What did St. John behold in the splendid vision that passed before him ? Rey. 5: 11, 12. 22. Is it right for us to worship angels ? Col. 2: 18; Rev. 19: 10. 23. What strong motive have we for confessing Christ before men? Luke 12: 8. 24. To what delightful society is the Christian ad- mitted ? Heb. 12: 22, 1c. 25. To what exalted station will he at last be ele- vated ? 1 Cor. 6: 3. 26. What aspirations should this glorious subject excite in our hearts ? 8s & Ts. Hark ! — what mean those holy voices, Sweetly sounding through the skies ? DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 41 Lo! th’ angelic host rejoices, Heavenly hallelujahs rise. 2 Ilear them tell the wondrous story, Hear them chant in hymns of joy, “ Glory in the highest — glory ! Glory be to God most high ! 8 Peace on earth — good will from heaven, Reaching far as man is found.” “Souls redeemed, and sins forgiven’? — Loud our golden harps shall sound. LESSON XVII. THE FALLEN ANGELS. 1. What sad announcement is made respecting the angels who kept not their first estate ? Jude 6. 2. What was probably the character of this first estate ? - 3. What was probably the sin of these angels? 1 Tim. 3:6; Is. 14: 12-15. 4. Are pride and ambition the besetting sins of man ? ; 5. What should the fate of these lost spirits teach us ? 6. Are they still employed in schemes of wicked- ness ? Matt. 13: 38, 39; John 13: 27; Acts 5: 3. 7. Is there anything improbable in the idea that angels should communicate impressions and thoughts to the mind of man ? 8. Was Christ tempted by evil spirits ? Matt. 4: 1. 9. In what way do they attempt to defeat the de- signs of the gospel? Matt. 13:19; Luke 8:12; 1 Tim. 4: J. 10. Are devils atheists ? James 2: 19. 4* AQ QUESTIONS ON THE 11. Did they know the Messiah when he was upon the earth? Mark 1: 24; Luke4: 41. 12. Is the idea of a mighty leader of the evil spirits distinctly brought out in the Scriptures? Eph. 4.11: 12; 1 Peter 5: 8. 18. Did Christ obtain the conquest over this adver- sary ? Heb. 2: 14,1. ¢.; 1 John 8: 8,1]. ¢. 14. Can Christians overcome the adversary? Luke LOCI a Johnness 14.1. Cas! ip so, Ie C. , 15. By whose aid is the conquest effected ? Rom. 16:20, .¢.; Revs 127156. 16. What are we exhorted to do in order that we may resist the wiles of the devil? Eph. 6:11, 12. 17. What encouragement have we to persevere in this work ? James 4: 7, lc. 18. Are we liable to be deceived by the great ad- versary ? 2 Cor. 11: 14. 19. Into what does sin sometimes transform men ? John 6: 70. 20. What is said of those who commit sin? 1 John Be Oat 21. What is one of the worst forms of idolatry? 1 Cor. 10: 20. : 22. Into what awful companionship wil tha wicked be finally thrown ? Matt. 25: 41. Ss. M. My soul, be on thy guard, Ten thousand foes arise ; The hosts of sin are pressing haré To draw thee from the skies. 2 Oh watch, and fight, and pray , The battle ne’er give oer ; Renew it boldly every day, And help divine implore. 3 Ne’er think the victory won, Nor lay thine armor down ; DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 48 Thy arduous work will not be done Till thou obtain thy crown. 4 Fight on, my soul, till death Shall bring thee to thy God ; He ’ll take thee, at thy parting breath, Up to his blest abode. LESSON XVIII. DIVINE PROVIDENCE. 1. Give a definition of Divine Providence. Ans. It is the power, or agency, which God exercises over all his works. 2. What is the foundation of God’s right to control all events ? , 3. Is the doctrine of divine providence highly im- portant in its relations to human happiness ? 4. What would be the inevitable consequences, should God fail to exercise a watchful care over all his works ? 5. What proof does reason afford of the truth of the doctrine of divine providence ? Ans. We prove this doctrine from the perfections, and infinite at- tributes of the Deity. 6. What attributes are specially called into exer- cise? Ans. His omniscience, by which he knows the circumstances and wants of all his creatures; his wis- dom, by which he can arrange all things in the best manner for their good; and his benevolence, which prompts him to do this. Matt.10: 29-81. 7. What argument is derived from man’s own weakness ? Ans. Man is no more able, of himself, to perpetuate his existence, than he was to create it. 44 QUESTIONS ON THE 8. What texts of Scripture prove that God is the proprietor and ruler of the universe? 2 Chron. 20: 6; Ps..103219;' Dan«4 oS e626; 9. Where do we find his general providence set forth®?)” Ps. 90: 1-3 ; 9Y: dae. 10. What proof is there that the operations of na- ture are under his control? Ps. 104: 13-15, 19, 20. 11. How are the wants of his creatures supplied ? Ps. 104 : 27, 28. 12. What evidence is there that he careth for little children ? Matt. 18: 14. 13. To what extent are we dependent upon the divine care ? Acts 17: 28, f. ¢. 14. Is God often presented to us under the endear- ing name of father? Is. 63:16; Mal. 2:10, fic.; Matt. 6:9; 2 Cor. 6:18. 15. How do we become his children? Gal. 3: 26; Eph. 1: 4, 5. 16. What divine attribute is displayed by this rela- tion ? 1 John 3:1. . 17. What great gift does God promise to his chil- dren ? Luke 12: 32. 18. What is meant by the kingdom ? 19. What obligations are imposed upon us by this providential care ? Matt. 5: 16, 44, 45. 20. What precious promise is made to those that love God? Rom. 8: 28. 8. M. My Maker and my King! To thee my all I owe ; Thy sovereign bounty is the spring Whence all my blessings flow. 2 Thou ever good and kind! A thousand reasons move, A thousand obligations bind My heart to grateful love. DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 45 3 The creature of thy hand, On thee alone I live ; My God, thy benefits demand More praise than I can give. 4 Lord, what can I impart, When all is thine before; ~ Thy love demands a thankful heart ; The gift, alas ! how poor! LESSON XIX. NECESSITY OF AN ATONEMENT. 1. What is an atonement? Ans. The word, liter- ally, means agreement, or the reconciliation of parties who have been at variance. In the system of Chris- tianity, it means the expiation for sin made by the sufferings and death of Christ. 2. Why was an atonement for sin necessary ? Rom. 3: 20. 38. What is the meaning of the term justified, as used in this passage ? Ans. 2,. lores 18. What promises are made to those who seek God? Ezra8: 22,m.c.'; Ps. 84: 10,].¢.; Heb. 11: 6, l.e. 19. What threats are made against those who for- sake God? 1 Chron. 28:9, 1l.¢.3 Jer. 2: 19. 20. What is said of those who trust in man rather than God? Jer.17: 5. 21. How is the duty of persevering in our love to God enforced ? Jer. 15:6; Heb. 10: 38, l. ce. 22. With whom are those who hate God, classed ? Rom. 1: 30. 23. What punishment do they deserve? Rom. 1: 22, m. c. ¥ 24. What is said of those who hate Christ? John 15: 23. 25. What led them to exercise this hatred? John 15: 24. 26. Had they any just grounds for so doing? John 15:25, Le. 27. What do those who love the Lord, hate? Ps. 97:10, fie. 28. What should be the purpose of all our hearts ? Ps. 18:1: Hab. 3:17, 18. Cc. M. Oh! fora closer walk with God, A calm and heavenly frame — A light to shine upon the road That leads me to the Lamb. 2 Where is the blessedness I knew, When first I saw the Lord ? Where is the soul-refreshing view Of Jesus and his word? 82 QUESTIONS ON THE 8 What peaceful hours I once enjoyed !— How sweet their memory still !— But they have left an aching void The world can never fill, 4 Return, O holy Dove! return — Sweet messenger of rest! I hate the sins that made thee mourn, And drove thee from my breast. 5 The dearest idol I have known, Whate’er that idol be, Help me to tear it from thy throne, And worship only thee. 6 So shall my walk be close with God ; Calm and serene my frame ; So purer light shall mark the road That leads me to the Lamb. LESSON XXXVII. DUTY OF PRAYER. 1. What religious duty does our Lord enjoin upon us in Luke 18:1? 2. Does the injunction “ always to pray,” imply that we must always be in the attitude of prayer, or that we should always have a prayerful spirit ? 3. Is it not proper to have stated periods for devo- tional exercises? Ps. 55:17. 4, Has not social prayer been practised in all ages of the church, and been found beneficial ? 5. Mention one of the many promises designed to encourage us in our petitions? Jer. 29:12. 6. What feeling should accompany all our requests ? Luke 22: 42, l.c. ,7. Should not Christians rejoice in making their desires subordinate to the will of God? DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 83 8. Have we not reason to believe that prayer is always availing, even though the answer may be dif- ferent from what we expected ? 9. What was Christ’s example in relation to prayer ? Heb. 5: 7. 10. Are we encouragéd to call upon God in times of affliction ? Ps. 50:15; 55: 22, f.c. 11. Is any trouble too insignificant for the divine notice? Matt. 10: 29, 30. 12. What arguments are used to inspire us with confidence in prayer? Matt. 7:11; Rom. 8: 32. 13. In what spirit should we approach God ? Luke 18: 13, 14. 14. As we have, by our sins, forfeited the favor of God, how can we gain access to Him? Rom 5:1, 2. 15. In whose name should we offer our petitions ? John 14: 14; 16: 23, lc. 16. In what state of mind should we approach God? Heb.11: 6. 17. If our faith is weak, how shall we increase it ? 18. What prayer should be the foundation of all prayer? Luke 11: 1, part of 1. ¢. 19. Why is it necessary to seek divine aid in our petitions? Rom. 8: 26, m. c. 20, How does Jude instruct us to pray ? Jude 20. 91. Can we pray thus? Luke 11:13; Rom. 8: 26 f. ¢. 92, How are we sure that the petitions which are indited by the Spirit are acceptable to God ? Rom. Sn@7Z, mandJ.c: 93, What should we have before us as a model, while offering up our petitions? Ans. The Lord’s prayer. 24. Will you repeat that prayer ? 84 QUESTIONS ON THE C. M. Prayer is the contrite sinner’s voice, Returning from his ways; While angels in their songs rejoice, And cry ‘ Behold, he prays.” 2 Prayer is the Christian’s vital breath The Christian’s native air ; His watch-word at the gates of death ; He enters heayen with prayer. 5] 3 Prayer is not made on earth alone — The Holy Spirit pleads ; And Jesus, on th’ eternal throne, For sinners intercedes. 4 O thou, by whom we come to God— The Life, the Truth, the Way ! The path of prayer thyself hast trod— Lord, teach us how to pray. LESSON XXXVIII. PRAISE AND WORSHIP. 1. Is the duty of offering praise to God often en- joined upon us in the Scriptures? Ps. 50:14; 68: 4; 150: 1, 2. 2. Is this duty binding upon all? Ps. 150: 6. 3. When should we praise the Lord? Ps. 84:1; 145: 2. 4. With what spirit should we praise him? Ps, 111: 1,m.¢.; Eph. 5: 19,1. ¢. 5. Through whom should we offer thanks? Rom. 1:8, f.c.; Eph. 5: 20,1. ¢. 6. Why should we praise God? Ps. 63:3; 86: 12, 13. 7. Is praise an important part of public worship ? Ps.'22: 22, 25; 27:6, m. andl.c. DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 85 8. To whom is worship alone due? 2 Kings 17: SG. Ek OD ae 9. How is God to be worshipped? 1 Chron. 16: 29, 8. c.; John 4: 23. 10. Is the worship of the wicked acceptable to God? Ps. 50: 16. ; 11. Is he satisfied with sacrifices and offerings ? = Saat nga 12. What is necessary in order that the worship may be acceptable ? Is. 1: 16, 17. 13. What is said of formal worship? Matt. 15: 8. 14, What are such worshippers called? Matt. 15: 7. 15. What spirit will render our worship acceptable ? Heb. 10: 22. 16. For what blessings should we be especially thankful ? Eph. 1:3; 1 Peter 1: 3,4. 17. What divine attributes should call forth our praise? 1 Chron. 16: 34. 18. What should call forth the spirit of adoration and worship? Ps. 104: 1; 150: 25; Dan. 4: 37. 19. In what manner should we glorify God besides worshipping him in his temples? Matt. 5:16; John 1d: 6" Phil 2. Ty 20. What general command is givenin 1Cor. 10: 31? 21. How can the united worship of God’s children be secured ? - Rom. 15: 5, 6. 22. Is it the duty of all to attend upon public wor- ship ? 23. What promise is made to those that honor God ? 1 Sam. 2: 30, 1. ¢. 24. What prophecies have been uttered respecting the universal spread of Christian worship? Ps. 86: 9; Hab. 2:14; Is. 66:18, m. andl. c. 25. What threats are uttered against those who will not give glory to God? Mal. 2: 2. gs. 86 QUESTIONS ON THE 26. What befel Herod? Acts 12: 23. 27. Have we all glorified God as we ought to have done? Rom. 3: 23. is. Praise the Lord—his glory bless— Praise him in his holiness ; Praise him as the theme inspires, Praise him as his fame requires. 2 Let the trumpet’s lofty sound Spread its loudest notes around ; Let the harp unite in praise, With the sacred minstrel’s lays. 3 Let the organ join to bless , God, the Lord of righteousness ; Tune your voice to spread the fame Of the great Jehoyah’s name. 4 All who dwell beneath his light, In his praise your hearts unite ; While the stream of song is poured, Praise and magnify the Lord. LESSON XXXIX. LOVE TO CHRIST. 1. Is it the duty of all men to love Christ ? 2. Upon what is this duty founded ? Eph. 5: 2; 2hgil. C2 Revo diem. ac. 6. 3. What is said of those that love not the Lord Jesus Christ? 1 Cor. 16: 22. 4. What is an anathema? Ans. A curse pro- nounced against a criminal. 5. What is the meaning of Maran-atha? Ans. The Lord cometh, that is, to execute the curse pro- nounced. DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 87 6. What degree of love to Christ is required of us ? Matt. 10 : 37. 7. What promises are made to those who love Christ ? John 14: 21,m.and le.; 2 Tim. 4: 8; James 1: 12. 8. What is the test of the sincerity of this love ? John 14: 15, 23. 9. How are we enabled to produce these evidences of love? John 15: 4. 10. How is the Father glorified ? John 15: 8. 11. Ought we to allow any causes to break the bond that unites us to Christ? Rom. 8: 35. 12. What encouragement have we to resolutely resist temptation to desert Christ ? Rom. 8: 37. 13. How are we kept from losing our love for the Saviour? 1 Peter 1: 5. 14. Is it necessary that we see Christ in order to love and glorify him? 1 Peter 1: 8. 15. What strong motive have we for steadfastness ? 1 Peter 1: 18, 19. 16. What promise is made to those who forsake all for Christ? Matt. 19: 29. 17. How is the promise of an hundred fold ful- filled ? 18. Was it fulfilled in the experience of those who gave up all for Christ? Rom. 15:17, 29; Acts 13: 52 19. What is the privilege of all the saints? Ps. 13%s 92:1 e: ‘ 20. Was the joy of St. Paul destroyed or disturbed by worldly afflictions? Acts 20: 24, 21. What advice does St. Peter give to those who are severely tried ? 1 Peter 4: 13. 22. How did Christ desire that Peter should mani- fest his love for him? John 21:15. 88 QUESTIONS ON THE 23. What emotions should be excited in our hearts, by a contemplation of the mercies and blessings be- stowed upon us, through Christ ? Col.1:3,4; 1 Peter 1:3 ; Eph. 1: 15, 16. 24. What ascriptions of praise does strong love for the Saviour call forth from the Christian? Rev. 5: 9, 12. 25. In what beautiful benediction ought the friends of Christ to unite? Heb. 13: 20, 21. Cc. M. Jesus, I love thy charming name ; °T is music to my ear 5 Fain would I sound it out so loud, That earth and heayen might hear. 2 Whate’er my noblest powers can wish, In thee doth richly meet ; Not to mine eyes is light so dear, Nor friendship half so sweet. 8 Thy grace still dwells upon my heart, And sheds its fragrance there : The noblest balm of all its wounds, The cordial of its care! 4 T’ll speak the honors of thy name, With my last laboring breath ; Then, speechless, clasp thee in mine arms, And trust thy love in death. LESSON XL. DUTIES TO MANKIND. 1. What great command includes our whole duty to our fellow men ? Gal. 5: 14. 2. Who is our neighbor? Luke 10: 30-37. DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. | $9 8. Does this command extend to our treatment of strangers ? Lev. 19: 34. 4. Does it extend to our enemies? Matt. 5: 44. 5. In what spirit should we love one another? 1 Peter. 1.:,22, 1. c.; Rom. 1229, Tc, 6. What was the earnest desire of St. Paul in re- gard to the Thessalonians ? 1 Thess. 3: 12. 7. Can the love of God dwell in a heart that is not alive to the wants of others? 1 John 3: 17. 8. What kind of love does St. John inculcate? 1 John 3: 18. 9. What is the person called who hates his brother ? 1 John 3: 15. 10. What are some of the effects of true love, or charity ? 1 Cor. 13: 4-7. 11. What important exhortation was made to Timo- thy ? 1 Tim. 4: 12. 12. What particular sins must those lay aside who would be governed by the spirit of charity? 1 Peter 2:1. Eph.4: 31. 13. Is anger specially forbidden? Lccl. 7: 9; Matt. 5 : 22. 14. What is said of him who is slow to anger ? Prov. 16 : 82; 14:3 29. 15. What threatening is made against the conten- tious? Rom. 2: 8. 16. Are we bound to live in peace with all men ? Matt. 5:9; Rom. 12:18; 2 Cor. 13: 11. 17. Are we bound to honor our fellow men? Rom. 12:10; 1 Peter 2:17, fc. 18. Are we bound to exercise the spirit of humility in our intercourse with others? Phil. 2: 3. 19. Are the people of God cautioned against di- visions among tiemsehie Chee. Corel 310. 8 ’ 90 QUESTIONS ON THE 20. How should those who cause divisions be treat- ed? Rom. 16: 17. 21. What principle should govern us in our dealings with others? Luke 6: 31. 22. To whom are we bound to do good? Gal.6: 10. 23. What promise is made to those who do good ? Luke 6: 35. 24. Ought we to exercise the spirit of forgiveness ? Eph. 4: 32. 25. How often should we forgive those who offend ue? . Matt, 13 245722: 26. What promise is made to those who forgive ? Matt. 6: 14. 27. What is said of those who forgive not men their trespasses ? Matt. 6: 15. 28. What command is given respecting the exercise of revenge? Tom. 12: 19. 29. What is the Christian mode of overcoming evil? Rom. 12: 21. C. M. How sweet, how heavenly is the sight, When those that love the Lord In one another’s peace delight, And thus fulfil his word ! — 2 When each can feel his brother’s sigh, And with him bear a part: When sorrow flows from eye to eye, And joy from heart to heart: — 8 When free from envy, scorn, and pride, Our wishes all above, Each can his brother’s failings hide, And show a brother’s love: — 4 When love, in one delightful stream ’ Through every bosom flows ; And union sweet, and dear esteem, In every action glows. DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 91 5 Love is the golden chain, that binds The happy souls above ; And he’s an heir of heaven, that finds His bosom glow with love. LESSON XLI. DUTIES TO OURSELVES. 1. Whom does the sinner wrong? Prov. 8: Soni. Cue Isys4.say esc. 2. Are there trials connected with a course of trans- gression ? Proy. 13: 15, Le. 3. What are those persons called who despise wis- dom and instruction ? Prov. 1: 7, l.c. 4. What is said of their prosperity ? Prov.1: $3, 16. 5. What is it our duty to obtain? Prov. 4: 5, 7. 6. What is said of the man who findeth wisdom ? Prov. 3: 13. 7. How does this treasure compare with silver and gold? Prov. 3: 14, 15. 8. What attractions have the ways of wisdom ? Prov. 3: 17. 9. How does the path of thé just compare with the way of the wicked? Prov. 4: 18, 19. 10. What blessings will flow to us from the posses- sion of wisdom or religion? Prov. 8:18; 3: 16. 11. How ought we to regard tribulations? Rom. 5: 3, 4 tele t 2, mic. 12. Is patience a virtue often inculcated in the Scriptures? Heb. 10:36; 12:1,1l.¢c.; James 1:4; we 7, 1. & 92 QUESTIONS ON THE 13. Is it a Christian virtue to exercise contentment ? Phil. 4: 11; 1 Tim. 6: 6, 8. 14. What virtues are urged upon Timothy, in 1 Tim..6¢.40@ 15. What is said elsewhere of meekness? Eph. Ais Ti Deve ee @ 202, 1. es 16. Is the virtue of humility inculcated ? Rom. 12:3; 1 Peter 5:5, m.c. 17. What promises are made to the humble? Is. 5715 2) Matt. 18250 23.1204. 18. Is the virtue of temperance inculeated ? 1 Cor. 996. fe. 312 Peter 1 2 Oo. hc. 19: What course did St. Paul pursue in regard to keeping his body under? 1 Cor. 9: 27. 20. With what feelings should we receive the boun- ties of Providence? 1 Tim. 4: 4. 21. What warnings are uttered in regard to intem- perance? Prov. 20:1; 23: 29, 30. 22. What is the inevitable effect of wine drinking ? Prov. 23 : 32, 34. 23. Against whom are heavy woes pronounced ? Is. 5:11, 22. 24. Isit proper to associate with a drunkard? 1 Corso :"4 4: 25. Is it possible for a drunkard to go to heaven ? 1 Cor. 6: 10. 26. What is said of the man who entices another to drink ? Hab. 2: 15. 27. Are we required to guard the heart as well as the outward conduct? Prov. 4: 23, fic.; 23:19; der. 4. 14. 28. What command'is given in Ezekiel 18: 31 ? 29. What is said of the pure in heart? Ps. 24: 3, 4;'Matt. 5:8. DOCTRINES Oy CHRISTIANITY. 93 30. Are we required to have a perfect heart? 1 Kings 8: 61; 1 Chron. 28:9; Ps. 101: 2, l.c. 31. Why should we so carefully guard the heart ? Ps. 44: 21; Acts 1: 24, m.c.; Prov. 4: 23, l.¢. C. M, How oft, alas ! this wretched heart Has wandered from the Lord ! How oft my roving thoughts depart, Forgetful of his word ! 2 Yet sovereign mercy calls—‘ Return.’ Dear Lord, and may I come ? My vile ingratitude I mourn: Oh take the wanderer home. 8 And canst thou—wilt thou yet forgive, And bid my crimes remove ? And shall a pardoned rebel live, To speak thy wondrous love ? 4 Almighty grace, thy healing power How glorious—how divine! That can to life and bliss restore A heart so vile as mine. 5 Thy pardoning love—so free—so sweet ! — Dear Saviour, I adore ; Oh keep me at thy sacred feet, And let me rove no more. LESSON XLII. TRUTH AND FALSEHOOD. 1. What is the ninth commandment ? Exod. 20: 16. 2. How does God view a false witness? Prov. 6: 16, 19. 3. Will a false witness go unpunished ? Prov. 19: 5; 21: 28,f¢. 94 QUESTIONS ON THE 4, What specific commands are given in regard to the sin of lying? Lev. 9:11,1].¢.; Ps. 34:13; Eph. 4:15, 25. 5. Is this sin an object of the divine abhorrence ? Prov; 12 : 22, f. e. 6. Who is the father of lies? John 8: 44. 7. Who tempts men to be liars? Acts 5: 3. 8. To whom is one compared who deceiveth his neighbor? Prov. 26: 18, 19. 9. What will be the doom of liars? Rev. 21:8 Sie 22 LOL dae 10. Why should the tongue be specially watched ? James 3: 5. 11. What is said of its destructive power ? James 3:6, 8, 9, 10. 12. What gives character to our words? Matt. 12: 84, 1. c. 35. 13. What does Christ say about idle words? Matt. 12: 36. 14, What does Christ say, calculated to impress us with the vast importance which is attached to our words? Matt. 12: 37. 15. Are we allowed to speak evil of anyone? Ti- tus 3:2; James4: 11, fic. 16. Are we cautioned against using an excess of words 7) Prov. 10 893) d7 227) L046 /26hie.s 29 : 11; James 1: 26. 17. Are we cautioned against flatterers? Prov. 20: 19, le: 29:5. 18. What is a slanderer called in Proverbs 10: 18? 19. What threat is uttered against him who slan- dereth his neighbor ? Ps. 101: 5, f. e. _20. What is characteristic of the wicked? Rom. 3: 138-17, DGCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 95 21. What command is given respecting evil com- munications ? Eph. 4: 29; 5:3, 4. 22. What is the effect of these communications ? 1 Cor. 15: 33. 23. What excellent example does David set us? Ps. 39:1, 24. What ought the conversation of Christians to . be? Phil. 1: 27, f.c.; 1 Peter 1: 15; 2 Peter 3: 11. 25. Upon what topics ought they to converse ? Phil. 3: 20. 26. Who listens to religious conversation? Mal. 3:16. 27. What rewards await those whose conversation is holy? Mal. 3:17. 28. What is the duty of us all? 1 Tim. 4: 12, m. and I. ¢. 29. What prayer ought we to offerup? Ps.141: 3. 30. Is it not an imperious duty to exercise the greatest vigilance over our words ? L. M. Who shall ascend thy heavenly place, . Great God, and dwell before thy face? — The man who loves religion now, And humbly walks with God below: — 2 Whose hands are pure—whose heart is clean ; Whose lips still speak the thing they mean ; No slanders dwell upon his tongue ; He hates to do his neighbor wrong. 8 He loves his enemies—and prays For those who curse him to his face ; And does to all men still the same That he could hope or wish from them. 4 Yet when his holiest works are done, His soul depends on grace alone :— This is the man thy face shall see, , And dwell forever, Lord, with thee. 96 QUESTIONS ON THE LESSON XLIII. COVETOUSNESS. 1. What is the tenth commandment ? Ex. 20:17. 2. What is covetousness called in Col. 3: 5, |. c.? 3. With whom are the covetous classed ? 1 Cor. 6: 10; Mark 7: 22. 4, Are we not required to struggle against this sin ? Ps.'119°3/36: 5. What threatenings are recorded against covetous persons ? Mic. 2: 2,3; Hab.2: 9; Eph. 5: 5. 6. Can earthly riches afford full satisfaction to the soul? Eccl. 4: 8, m.¢.3 5: 10. 7. What temptations beset the rich? 1 Tim. 6:9, 10. 8. Can we rely upon wealth as a permanent good ? Provieet 2 20: See m6 1 th. IC, 9. Can we carry any of our riches with us to the future world? Ps. 49:16,17; 1 Tim. 6, 7. 10. Does wealth bring with it many cares and per- plexities? Yccl. 2: 115 22: 23; 5:11, 12. 11. Does it secure to us the favor of Heaven ? Job 34:19 + 36:32:19; Proy. 11::4, fc. 12. What is said of those who trust in their riches ? Prov. 11: 28, fic. 13. Do riches tend to draw off the thoughts from God and spiritual things ? Deut. 8: 12-14; Matt. 13: 22. 14. Is it difficult for a rich man to give up all to Christ ? Matt. 19: 21, 22. 15. Are not the rich oftentimes greatly disturbed, when the progress of truth and righteousness inter- teres with their gains? Acts 16:19. DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 97 16. Is it usual for them to invoke the protection of law to shield their wicked traffic? Acts 16: 20, 21. 17. What principle of human nature is illustrated in the conduct of the mob who rose against Paul and Silas, as we find recorded in Acts 16: 22, 23 ? 18. What was the trouble with Demetrius, the silversmith ? Acts 19: 23-28. , 19. Did the mammon-worshipping multitude sympa- thize with Demetrius? Acts 19: 29. 20. What warning does James give to the covetous ? James 5: 1-3. 21. May not riches be wisely employed, and grate- fully enjoyed? Eccl. 5:18, 19. 22. What prayer should we all offer to Heaven ? Prov. 30: 8. 23. What motives should prompt us to offer this prayer? Prov. 30: 9. 24, What promises are made to the righteous ? Dent: 7. 4224 Fp E 190 16. 8s. 3023s) ie. 88:15, 16. 25. In what is the example of Solomon worthy of imitation? 1 Kings 8:11, 12. 26. What did God give to him besides wisdom ? 1 Kings 3: 13. 27. What are we required to seek first? Matt. 6: 33. 28. Where ought we to lay up our treasures? Matt. 6: 20. 29. What important lesson does Christ give us respecting anxiety for the future? Matt. 6: 25- 29. ) 88 & 7s. Sicilian Hymn. With my substance I will honor My Redeemer and my Lord ; Were ten thousand worlds my manor, ry All were nothing to his word. 9 98 QUESTIONS ON THE 2 While the heralds of salvation His abounding grace proclaim, Let his friends of every station, Gladly join to spread his fame. 8 May his kingdom be promoted ; May the world the Saviour know 5 Be my all to him devoted ; To my Lord my all I owe. LESSON XLIV. CHRISTIAN BENEVOLENCE. 1. What charge is given to those who possess world- ly goods? 1 Tim. 6:17, 18. 2. Are all bound to be liberal according to their ability ? Luke 11:41, f'c.; Prov. 3: 27. 3. Is God honored by our charity ? Prov. 3: 9. 4, What is said of those who are kind to the poor ? Pei 5. Who is most blessed by an act of charity? Acts 202 35,.1.:c. 6. Does liberality to others impoverish the giver ? PYOV. LAL t Bani 2D. 7. Shall we ever receive back what we give away ? Prov. 295.1%, 8. In what manner will the Lord repay the charita- ble? Luke 6: 38. 9. What effect has kindness and charity upon our happiness? Prov. 14: 21, 1. ¢.; Is. 58: 10. 10. What effect have they upon our prosperity ? Prov. 3: 10. _11. What caution is given against ostentatious charity ? Matt. 6:1, fc.; Rom. 12: 8, m.c. 12. Can we claim the promises made to the benevo- DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 99 lent, unless our motives in giving are pure? Matt.6: Lye. 13. What classes of persons are we bound to assist ? Luke 6: 30, f.c.; Gal. 6:10; Rom. 12: 20, f. c. 14. What promise is made to those who assist their enemies? Luke 6: 35. 15. Does God notice small favors that are conferred upon his children? Matt. 10: 42. 16. Upon what ground will Christ, on the day of judgment, welcome his disciples to a heavenly king- dom? Matt. 25: 34-40. 17. Upon what ground will he reject those on the left hand? Matt. 25: 41-45. 18. What rule to govern our charities is laid down in 1 Cor. 16: 2? 19. What are some of the instances of charity re- corded in the New Testament ? Rom. 16: 2,1.c.; Phil. 4: 10, f£¢.; 2 Tim-1:°16, 18,1. c¢.; Heb. 6: 10. 20. What instances are given of collections for the poor? Rom. 15: 26; 2 Cor. 8:1, 2. 21. With what spirit ought we to give ? 2 Cor. res 22. What remarkable instance of charity is recorded in Mark 12: 42 ? 93. What importance did Christ attach to this gift ? Mark 12: 43. 24, What is said of those who are wanting in charity ? Prov. 21:13; 28: 27,1. ¢. 25. What is said of those who mock the poor ? Breve Lao it ic 26. What is said of those who oppress the widow and the fatherless ? Ex. 22: 22-24; Mal. 3: 5. 27. What is pure religion? James 1: 27. Cc. M. Father of mercies, send thy grace, All-powerful, from above, 100 QUESTIONS ON THE To form in our obedient souls The image of thy love. 2 Oh! may our sympathizing breasts That generous: pleasure know, Kindly to share in others’ joy, And weep for others’ woe. 8 When poor and helpless sons of grief In deep distress are laid, Soft be our hearts their pains to feel, And swift our hands to aid. 4 So Jesus looked on dying man, When throned above the skies, And in the Father’s bosom blest, He felt compassion rise. 5 On wings of love the Saviour flew, To raise us from the ground ; For us he shed his precious blood, A balm for every wound. LESSON XLV. THE SABBATH. 1. Repeat the fourth commandment. Exod. 20: 8-11. 2. Did the Sabbath exist before this command was given ? 3. What evidence is there of its existence and ob- servance previous to this time ? Exod. 16: 25, 26. 4. What is the meaning of the word Sabbath ? Ans. This word, in Hebrew, signifies rest. 5. When was the Sabbath instituted? Gen. 2: 2. 6. Is the word Sabbath ever used to designate a year ? Lev. 25: 4. 7. Is it used sometimes to denote all the Jewish festivals ? Lev. 19: 3, 30. 8. What were some ‘ae these festivals called ? Ans. The Passover, The Feast of Tabernacles, etc. DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 103 9. How did the Hebrews observe the Sabbath ? Exod. 20:10; Jer. 17: 21, 22. 10. What prominent duty was discharged on the Sabbath ? Ezek. 46: 3. 11. In what light did the Lord regard the Sabbath ? Exod. 31: 13, m. ec. 12. What was the penalty for violating it ? Exod. 31: 14, 15. 13. Was the Sabbath designed to be a temporary, or a perpetual institution? Exod. 31: 16. 14. What promises are made to those who keep the Sabbath holy ? Is. 58: 13, 14. 15. How did Christ observe the Sabbath ? Mark 6:2, f.c.; Luke 4: 16. 16. What else did he do on this day? Matt. 12: 10, 13. 17. How did he argue the case with the Jews ? Matt: 12» 11, 13, 18. Were they convinced by his reasoning ? Matt. 12: 14. 19. What did he wish to impress upon the minds of the multitude ? Matt. 12:7; Mark 2: 27. 20. Had he a perfect right to act as he did? Mark 2: 25. 21. How did the disciples employ the Sabbath ? Acts 13:14; 153,49: 22. What effect did the preaching of Paul and Barnabas have upon the people? Acts 13: 43, 44. 23. How did the Jews regard them? Acts 13: 45. 24. Were the preachers silenced by this opposition ? Acts 13: 46. 25. Why was the Sabbath changed from the last to the first day of the week? Luke 24: 1, 6. 26. Upon which day did the disciples come together to break bread? Acts 20: 7. g* Te: QUESTIONS ON THE 27. When did the risen Saviour appear among them? John 20: 19. 28, What were the Christians at Corinth required to do on the first day of the week? 1 Cor. 16: 2. 29. Are we not all under solemn obligations to keep the Sabbath day holy ? 7s. 61. Safely through another week, God has brought us on our way ; Let us now a blessing seek, Waiting in his courts to-day ; Day of all the week the best, Emblem of eternal rest. 2 While we seek supplies of grace, Through the dear Redeemer’s name,— Show thy reconciling face ; Take away our sin and shame ; From our worldly cares set free, May we rest this day in thee. 8 Here we come, thy name to praise ; Let us feel thy presence near: May thy glory meet our eyes, While we in thy house appear: Here afford us, Lord, a taste Of our everlasting feast. 4 May the gospel’s joyful sound Conquer sinners, comfort saints ; Make the fruits of grace abound ; Bring relief from all complaints: Thus let all our Sabbaths prove, Till we join the church above. LESSON XLVI. THE GOSPEL MINISTRY. 1. What tribe was set apart, among the Hebrews for the office of the ministry ? Deut. 10: 8. DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 103 2, What were the duties of the Levites? Deut. 32:10; Neh. 8:8; Mal. 2: 7. 3. Did Christ appoint apostles and teachers ? Mark 3:14; Eph. 4:11. ; 4. What powers did he confer upon his apostles ? Mark 3:15; Matt. 10: 7, 8; 18: 18. 5. Were they instructed to make any provision for their maintenance ? Matt. 10: 9, 10. 6. How were they to be sustained? Luke 10: 7. 7. Did Christ send forth others, besides the twelve Apostles? Luke 10:1. 8. What kind of a reception were these servants of the Lord to anticipate among men? Matt. 10:16; Luke 10: 3. 9. What course were they directed to pursue, if the people were not willing to receive them? Luke 10: 10, 11. 10. What great commission did Christ give to his disciples? Matt. 28: 19. 11. What promise did he make to them ? Matt. PBs 20 lee: 12. Was a minister appointed to the Gentiles ? Acts 26: 16,17; Rom. 15: 16, f. c. 13. What were the specific duties that Paul was to discharge ? Acts 26:18. ‘ 14. What is the duty of all pastors? Jer. 3:16; Acts 20: 28. 15. Are they required to be bold in proclaiming the truth? Is. 58:1; Ezek. 2:7; 2Tim.4:2; Acts 18: 19. 16. Are they required to be sincere? 2 Cor.2:17; 4:2. 17. In whose place do ministers of the gospel stand ? 2 Cor. 5: 20. 104 QUESTIONS ON THE 18. With whom do they cooperate in their labors ? 1 Cori8s'9, 5a 19. Are they powerful in themselves for the ac- complishment of good? 1 Cor. 8: 7. 20. What character should a minister, or a bishop, sustain? 1 Tim. 3: 2-7; Titus1: 7-9. 21. Ought he to use great care, and preach only sound doctrine? 1 Tim. 4:16; 6: 3-5. 22. What important exhortation was given to Timo- thy in 2. Tim. 2:15, 16 ? 23. What promises are made to faithful ministers ? Dan..42:.8.. Mathibeil 9 lie si nke 12-40) 48. 24. How should such be regarded by the people ? 1 Thess. 5:12, 43. 25. Should the minister aim to please men, or God ? 1 Thess. 2: 4,5; Matt. 10: 28. 26. What prayer ought we to offer up to the Lord of the harvest ? Matt. 9: 38. Ss. M. How beauteous are their feet Who stand on Zion’s hill ! Who bring salvation on their tongues, And words of peace reveal ! 2 How charming is their voice ! How sweet their tidings are ! “ Zion, behold thy Saviour King, He reigns and triumphs here.” 3 How happy are our ears, That hear this joyful sound, Which kings and prophets waited for, And sought, but never found ! 4 How blessed are our eyes, That see this heavenly light ! Prophets and kings desired it long, ; But died without the sight. DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 105 5 The watchmen join their voice, And tuneful notes employ ; Jerusalem breaks forth in songs, And deserts learn the joy. ee LESSON XLVII. THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. 1. Is the word church used in a variety of senses in the New Testament ? Ans. It is sometimes used to signify the whole company of Christian believers ; sometimes, to designate an assembly of Christians in the habit of meeting for public worship ; and, in some instances, it signifies the faithful in a family, with those who meet with them for worship. 2. Give some examples of its use as applied to the whole body of believers. Matt. 16:18; Col. 1: 18, Set 8 3. Give some examples of its use as applied to single assemblies, or congregations. Acts 13: 1, fred; 1 Cor. 4: 17,1. ¢.; Col. 4: 16. 4. Mention some passages in which the church in the house is spoken of. Rom. 16:5, fc.5 1 Cor. 16: 19, l.c.; Col. 4: 15,1. ¢. 5. What do you understand by the church in the wilderness ? Acts 7: 38. 6. Who is the head of the church? Eph. 1: 22; Col. 1: 18, f. c. 7. Were Christian churches very early established throughout Judea, Syria, and other countries ?) Acts 9:31; 15:41; 16:5; Rom.16:4,lc. 8. Were the believers in Christ required to come out from among the wicked, and be separated from them? 2 Cor. 6:17, 18. 106 QUESTIONS ON THE 9. Did they make a public profession of their faith in Christ? Heb. 4:14, 1.¢.3 10: 28. 10. Were they required to do this by the Saviour, and the Apostles? Matt. 10: 32; Luke 12: 8; Rom. 10: 9, 10. In these passages the original words should be translated profess, profession. 11. Are believers bound to enter into covenant with God as were the Israelites ? Ans. As the Jewish church was but a continuation of the original, or pa- triarchal church, the same obligations that devolved upon the latter, obviously devolved upon the former. 12. Do we find this ancient covenant frequently referred to in the Old Testament ? Deut.4: 23; 29: 1,12; 31: 20,l.¢.; 2 Kings 23: 3. 13. Did Jeremiah prophesy that God would make a new covenant with his people ? Jer. 31: 31. 14. Does St. Paul refer to this covenant ? Heb. 8: 8-11. 15. What are the conditions of church membership ? 16. Ought a wicked man to be allowed to enter into covenant with God? Ps. 50:16, 17. 17. What are the officers of the Christian church ? Eph. 4: 11; Acts 14: 23; 15: 6. 18. Have the offices of apostles and prophets long since terminated ? 19. Have we reason to think that the titles pastors, elders, and bishops refer to the same class of officers ? Ans. We have, because they are instructed to perform the same duties. 20. What is the duty of a pastor? Jer. 3:15; Eph. 4: 12. 21. What is the duty of elders? 1 Peter 5: 1-3. 22. What is the duty of bishops? Ans. To over- see and regulate the church of God, as the meaning of the term indicates. DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 107 93. Were the elders distinctly instructed to dis- charge the duties of overseers, and like pastors to feed the church of God? Acts 20:17, 28. 24. Is the duty of ruling well, made equally binding upon a bishop and an elder? 1 Tim. 3:43 5:17. 25. What other officers were appointed in the church? Ans. Deacons. 96. Give an account of their origin. Acts 4: 1-6. 27. Are they spoken of in connection with bishops or elders? Phil. 1:1, 1. ¢. 98. What character should they bear? 1 Tim.3: 8-10. 29. What duties are required of all members of the church ? Eph.4: 1-3; Phil. 1: 27; Col. 1: 10-12. S. M. I love thy kingdom, Lord, The house of thine abode, The church our blest Redeemer saved, With his own precious blood. 2 I love thy church, 0 God ! Her walls before thee stand, Dear as the apple of thine eye, And graven on thy hand. 8 For her my tears shall fall ; For her my prayers ascend ; To her my toils and cares be given, Till toils and cares shall end. 4 Beyond my highest joy I prize her heavenly ways, Yer sweet communion—solemn yows, Her hymns of love and praise. 5 Jesus, thou friend divine, Our Saviour, and our King, Thy hand from every snare and foe, Shall great deliverance bring. 108 QUESTIONS. ON THE 6 Sure as thy truth shall last, To Zion shall be given The brightest glories earth can yield, And brighter bliss of heaven. LESSON XLVIII. DUTIES IN THE FAMILY. 1. What general duties devolve upon the members of a Christian family? 1 Tim. 5:4, m. Cis" itup’e : 5, (ie. 4, Colkeins-29% Eph. 5: 25. 2. What duty devolves upon the head of a family ? LiDim5 58, 3. What command is given to parents in regard to their children ? Eph. 6: 4. 4. Are they bound to impart to them religious in- struction ? Deut. 6: 7. 5. What promise is made to those who are faithful in this particular? Deut. 11: 21. 6. What is said respecting family government? 1 Tim. 3:4. 7. How must discipline be enforced? Prov. 13: 24; 19:18. 8. Ought a parent, when under the influence of passion, to punish a child ? 9. Ought parents to pray fervently for their chil- dren ? 10. What instances can you give of a parent’s praying fora child? Gen. 17:18; 2 Sam. 12: 16. 13. What encouragement has the parent to train up bis child aright ? Prov. 22:6; Deut. 4: 40, m.¢.; Ps. 3.72225, Lele, 3 DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 109 12. Are the wicked punished in the calamities that befall their children ? Exod. 20: 5; Jer. 32: 18, m. ¢. 13. What duty do children owe to their parents ? Exod. 20: 12. 14. How do we honor our parents ? 15. Why is the fifth commandment called the com- mandment with promise ? 16. What other duties are specified as belonging to children ? Prov. 1:8; 3:1. 17. What advantages will flow from receiving in- struction? Prov.1:95; 3:2; 6: 22. 18. What is said of the duty of obedience? Eph. 63, 1. 19. What benefits do parents derive from dutiful children? Prov. 10:1; Mal. 1: 6, fc. 20. What feelings ought children to entertain to- wards parents who ‘correct them? Heb. 12: 9. 21. Are children bound to exercise a tender regard for the welfare of their parents? 1 Sam. 22: 3. 22. Are they bound to do all in their power to pro- vide for them, when aged, or in want? Gen. 47: 12. 23. What course did Christ, when he was on the cross, pursue, in reference to his mother ? John 19: 26, 27. 24. What laws were given to the Hebrews in regard to wicked and disobedient children? Exod. 21:15; Deut. 21: 18-21. 25. What is said of him who curseth his father or mother? Exod. 21:17; Matt. 15: 4,1.c¢. 26. What is said of those who mock their parents ? Prov. 30: 17. 27. When disobedient children grow up to man- hood, what character do they usually sustain ? 10 110 QUESTIONS ON THE 28. Have you observed, in your experience, that good children make prosperous and happy men and women ? Eph. 6: 3. Cc. M. How large the promise ! how divine! To Abraham and his seed !— “T°ll be a God to thee and thine, Supplying all their need.” 2 The words of his extensive love From age to age endure ; The angel of the covenant proves, And seals the blessings sure. 8 Jesus the ancient faith confirms To our great father given ; He takes young children in his arms, And calls them heirs of heaven. 4 Our God—how faithful are his ways! His love endures the same ; Nor from the promise of his grace Blots out our children’s name. “LESSON XLIX. BAPTISM AND THE LORD’S SUPPER. 1. What are the sacraments of the gospel? Ans. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. ' : 2. What do they represent? Ans. The latter represents as a sign, or symbol, the atoning sacrifice of Christ for the sins of the world; and the former represents the purifying and regenerating influences of the Holy Spirit upon the heart. DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 111 3. Have these ordinances power in themselves to renovate and save the soul ? ‘| 4. While they are binding upon the church, is the mode, in which they are to be observed, definitely prescribed ? 5. By what authority do the ministers of Christ administer the rite of Baptism? Matt. 28: 19. 6. To whom should the rite be administered ? Ans. To believers in Christ, and their children. 7. Can you give any instances of the baptism of believers and their households ? Acts 16: 15, 33; 1 Cor. 1: 16. 8. Can you cite instances of the baptism of con- verts to Christianity ? Acts 2: 41. 9. Is it at all probable that these three thousand eonverts were immersed ? 10. What was the Jewish mode of purifying the altar, the sacred vessels, ete.? Ex 24:6,1.¢.; Lev. 14: 7,f.c.; Num. 8: 7; 19: 18. 11. Isit not reasonable to suppose that the rite of baptizing by sprinkling was continued, rather than a ehange made in the mode? Heb.9:19; Is. 52: 15, fe: ie 12. What is meant by being baptized with the Holy Ghost ? : 13. Will you give an account of the institution of the Lords Supper ? Matt. 26: 26-28. oirht 14. Is it the duty of all Christians to celebrate this ordinance ? Luke 22: 19,1. ¢. 15. With what feelings should it be celebrated? 1 Cor. 5: 7, 8. ait #* Several very excellent works on Baptism have been published by the Massachusetts Sabbath School Society, to which we would refer the pupil, for a full and candid presentation of the whole subject. 112 QUESTIONS ON THE 16. What preparation of heart should we make for it? 1 Cor. 11:28. i7. What is said of those who eat and drink while in a state of sinfulness, and who consequently are unworthy to receive the sacred elements? 1 Cor. 11: 29. 18. Was this ordinance frequently observed by the primitive Christians ? Acts 2:42; 20: 7. 19. What great truths should be the subjects of meditation at the table of our Lord? 1 Cor. 11: 24, 25. 20. What great historical fact is shown forth, or exhibited, whenever Christians eat of this bread, and drink of this cup? 1 Cor. 11: 26. 21. Is this institution a strong proof, to all genera- tions, of the advent and mission of our Lord Jesus Christ ? 22. Is it not also a prophecy, and a memorial of his death ? Matt. 26:18; 24: 28. 23. What influence is this sacrament calculated to exert upon the minds and hearts of believers ? 24, What influence has it in promoting Christian union and brotherly love ? 25. What offering should we make to Christ when- ever we approach his table? Rom. 12:1. 26. Will the blessed Saviour ever celebrate this ordinance again with his disciples ? Matt. 26: 29. L. M. ?T was on that dark, that doleful night, When powers of earth and hell arose Against the Son of God’s delight, And friends betrayed him to his foes— 2 Before the mournful scene began, ' He took the bread, and blest and brake: What love through all his actions ran! What wondrous words of grace he spake ! — DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 113 3 “ This is my body, broke for sin: Receive and eat the living food ; ?— Then took the cup and blessed the wine :-— * oT is the new coyenant in my blood.” 4 “To this,” he cried, “‘ till time shall end, In memory of your dying friend ; Meet at my table, and record The love of your departed Lord.” 5 Jesus, thy feast we celebrate, We show thy death, we sing thy name Till thou return, and we shall eat The marriage supper of the Lamb. LESSON L. DEATH AND THE RESURRECTION. 1. What solemn prayer does it become us all to offer up to God? Ps. 39: 4. 2. Why should we offer up this prayer? 1 Chron. 29:15; Ps. 103: 15,16; James 4: 14. 3. Is the length of each human life determined by the supreme Sovereign? Job14:5; Acts 17: 26,l.c. 4. Is our death certain? Job 30: 23; Ps. 89: 48. 5. Does bodily strength, an exalted position,wisdom, wealth, or any worldly advantage protect us from the king of terrors? Job 21:23; 24:24; Ps. 49:6, 7, 9, 10. 6. Does death terminate man’s probation? Eccl. 9:10. . 7. Does it terminate the pleasures of the sinner ? Prov. 11: 7; Luke 16: 25. 8. Does it terminate the sufferings of the saints ? Job 3:17; Rev. 14:13. | jd 114 QUESTIONS ON THE 9. What gives the sting to death? 1 Cor. 15: 56, fic.s Rom 12: 10. Is death an exhibition of God’s abhorrence of ‘sine Pw Genser Qega?,: 1. cx; eJobedien 20.24 Brov. 2A: 32,\f. e: 11. Is it an awful event to the impenitent sinner ? Is. 14:9; Heb. 10: 31. 12. Is it gain to the Christian to die ?. Phil. 1: 21, 23.4 2E lin 4 AS 13. How is the victory over death obtained? 1 Cor..15 : 57. 14. What prayer should we offer up in view of the termination of life? Ps. 90:12. 15. What purpose should we form in view of this ? John 9: 4. 16. What desire will be cherished in every Christian heart? Num. 23:10, 1. ¢. 17. How does God regard the death of the saints ? Ps,116245. 18. Is the doctrine of the resurrection taught in the Old Testament? Job 19: 25, 26; Dan, 12: 2. 19. We it taught by the apostles ? Acts 4:2; 23: 6, 1.¢ 20. How are we to be raised up from the grave ? 1 Cor. 6: 14. 21. What. explanation does St. Paul give of the resurrection of the body? 1 Cor. 15: 35-38. 22. What change will the body undergo at the resurrection? 1 Cor. 15: 42-44, 53. 23. Will the glory of these bodies be equal ? 1 Cor. 15: 41. 24. What agency will Christ have in the resurrec- tion? 1 Thess. 4:16; Phil. 3: 21. 25. What will be the condition of different classes of men at this solemn period? John 5: 29. tS : DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 115 26. What will become of those who are alive upon the earth on the morning of the resurrection? 1 Thess. 4:17. 27. Was the doctrine of the resurrection received by the heathen philosophers ? Acts 17: 18, 20. 28. Is there anything unreasonable in this doctrine to a candid mind ? 29. What assurance has the true Christian 204 2 Gor; 5:5 Is a And must this body die? This mortal frame decay ? And must these active limbs of mine Lie mouldering in the clay ? 2 God, my Redeemer, lives, And frequent from the skies Looks down and watches all my dust, Till he shall bid it rise. 8 Arrayed in glorious grace Shall these vile bodies shine, And every shape, and every face, Look heavenly and divine. 4 These lively hopes we owe To Jesus’ dying love— We would adore his grace below, And sing his power above. 5 Accept, O Lord, the praise Of these our humble songs, Till tunes of nobler sound we raise With our immortal tongues. LESSON LI. THE FINAL JUDGMENT. 1. What proof can you give that there will be a judgment day ? Acts 17:31, f.c.; Heb. 9: 27. 116 QUESTIONS ON THE 8 2. What vision appeared before St. John, as re- corded in Rev. 20: 11, 12? 3. Can we know when this important day will come ? 2 Peter 3:10, fic. 4. What awful events will accompany the approach of this day? 2 Peter 3:10, m. and]. c. 5. Who will judge the world? John 5: 22; 2 Tim. 42:1; 2 Cor. 5: 10, fe. 6. Upon what principles will the transactions of that day be conducted? Ps. 96: 138, 1. c.; Rom. BZ. 7. What class of actions will be examined? Eccl. a Regs Eented UPd 8 8. Shall we be called to an account for our words ? Matt. 12: 36, 37. | 9. What classes of persons will be judged? John 5: 29. 10. What division will Christ make in the vast as- sembly ? Matt. 25: 32, 33. 11. What will he say to those on the right hand ? Matt. 25: 34. 12. What will he say to those on the left hand ? Matt. 25: 41. 138. What sins are to be avoided in view of the ap- proach of the judgment day ? Luke 21: 84; Titus 2:12, 13. 14, What duties are we bound constantly to dis- charge in view of the judgment ? Luke 21: 36; Matt. 24: 42, 44. 15. What command is given to all men, based upon the solemnities of this day? Acts 17: 30, 31, fie. 16. How can we most successfully prepare for this day ? Eph. 6: 10-13. 17. What special promise is made to the saints when Christ shall appear? 1 John 3: 2. ‘ DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 117 18. Why should they be willing to suffer for Christ in this world? 1 Peter 4: 13. 19. How will men view the riches and honors of this life, when they stand before the judgment seat of Christ ? 20. Will there be many persons sadly disappointed at that time ? 21. What cry will the wicked utter when they see the Judge approaching ? Rev. 6: 16, 17. 22. For what will the righteous look ? 2 Peter 3:13. . 88, 7s & 4. Day of judgment—day of wonders ! Hark ! the trumpet’s awful sound, Louder than a thousand thunders Shakes the vast creation round ! How the summons Will the sinner’s heart confound ! 2 See the Judge our nature wearing, Clothed in majesty divine ! You, who long for his appearing, Then shall say, “‘ This God is mine !” Gracious Saviour, Own me in that day for thine ! 3 At his call the dead awaken, Rise to life from earth and sea ; All the powers of nature, shaken By his looks, prepare to flee: Careless sinner, What will then become of. thee ? 4 But to those who have confessed, Loved and served the Lord below ! He will say, “ Come near, ye blessed, See the kingdom I bestow: You forever Shall my love and glory know.” 118 QUESTIONS ON THE LESSON LIl. FUTURE PUNISHMENT. 1. What is the doom of the finally impenitent ? Matt. 25: 46, fic. : 2. Do the inspired writers use very strong language to describe the condition of the lost? Ps. ii G: Matt. 22: 13; Mark 9: 44. 3. What passages of Scripture prove that the pun- ishment of the wicked will be without end? Mark 3: 29s Sudelwarh, en 718s v2 Peter 2:4 Fak. 0.8 ev. 14:11. 4. What classes of persons will suffer this severe punishment ? Rev. 21:8; Ps. 9:17. 5. What is said of those who worship the beast and hisimage? Rev. 14: 9, 10. / 6. Will the angels cooperate with Christ in punish- ing his enemies ? 2 Thess. 1: 7,8; Matt. 13: 41, 42. 7. Will the sorrows of the lost be increased by their rejection of the Saviour ? Heb. 10: 28, 29. 8. Is it not better to make great sacrifices in this life, rather than be finally lost ? Mark 9: 43-47. 9. Will a formal religion enable us to escape pun- ishment ? Matt. 5: 20. 10. May it not be possible for one to manifest some of the evidences of love to God, and yet be destitute of genuine religion, and finally perish? Matt. 7: 21— 23. 11. Can the justice of God be vindicated in the punishment of the wicked? Neh. 9:33; Ps. 129: 4; Rev. 16:5. 12. Would it be right to admit the wicked into Heaven? Gen. 18: 25,1.¢.; Rev. 21: 27. DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 119 13. Could the happiness of Heaven be continued for a single day, if sinners were admitted ? 14. Does not the benevolence of God require, that he should have a severe penalty attached to his law ? 15. Could human governments be sustained without laws and penalties ? 16. Does the Sovereign of the Universe take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? Ezek. 33: 11. 17. Does he desire that all should repent and be saved ? Ezek. 18: 30, 1l.¢.; 32,L¢. 18. Upon whom rests the responsibility of the sin- ner’s destruction? Is. 1: 2, 4. 19. Do not our Christian privileges greatly increase our responsibility ? Matt. 11: 21-23. 20. Ought we not to fear God, lest he at last cast us off? Matt. 10: 28, ].¢. 21. Can the lost man expect any sympathy from an offended Deity ? Prov. 1: 26-28. 22. Why cannot he expect it ? Prov. 1: 29, 30. 23. Will his character change for the better in the world of despair? Rev. 22:11, fc. Cc. M. That awful day will surely come, Th’ appointed hour makes haste, When I must stand before my Judge, And pass the solemn test. 2 Thou lovely Chief of all my joys— Thou Sovereign of my heart— How could I bear to hear thy yoice Pronounce the word—“ Depart.”’ 3 Oh! wretched state of deep despair, To see my God remove, And fix my doleful station where I Must not taste his love. 4 Oh! tell me that my worthless nam Is graven on thy hands ; ; Show me some promise in thy book, Where my salvation stands. 120 * QUESTIONS ON THE LESSON LIII. HAPPINESS OF HEAVEN. 1. Can you describe the happiness of Heaven? 1 Cor. 2:9; Is. 64: 4. 2. What does Christ say of it? John 14:2; 17: 24. 3. What does David say of the pleasures of Heaven ? Ps. 16:11. 4. What did St. Paul hear when he was admitted to the third heaven ? 2 Cor. 12: 4. 5. What effect did the vision have upon his mind ? 2'Cor, 123.105! Phil. 121, 28. _ 6. What vision did St. John enjoy of Heaven? Rev. 21:1, 2; 10-12. 7. What does he say of its glory? Rev. 21: 23, 24. 8. What view did the martyr Stephen have of his future home? Acts 7: 55, 56. 9. What is one of the conditions of our admission to Heaven? Acts 16: 31. | 10. What is another condition? Heb. 12: 14. 11. Mention still other conditions? Rev. 2:10, 1. €.5 Os Lay aks 12. What element of the happiness of Heaven is specified in Heb. 4: 9 ? 13. How is this to be obtained? Heb. 4: 11. 14, From what trials will the redeemed be free ? Rev. 7:16; 21:4. 15. Whose society will they enjoy ? 1 Thess. 4: Tis) Reveal t 1é. What glorious being will they be permitted to behold ? Matt. 5: 8. DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY. 121 17. What effect will a view of the Lord have upon the saints? 2 Cor. 3:18. ‘ 18. Will the knowledge of the redeemed be greatly increased ? 1 Cor. 13: 12. 19. What will .be the character of their com- panions ? Heb. 12: 22, 23. 20. Will this happiness be transient, or enduring ? Heb. 9 2152); G:+5 19:08 fy 21. Will the redeemed constitute one family ? Eph. 1:10; 3:15. , 22. What will be some of the employments of the saints in Heaven? Rey. 7:15; 15:3; 20:6. 23. Will a great number be found at last around the throne ? Rev. 7: 9, 10. 24. Will there be different degrees of felicity in that blessed world ? Matt. 25: 20-23; Rev. 2: 23, lc. 25. Who will occupy a high rank ? Dan. 12: 3. 26. Can we expect to gain the glories and honors of heaven without great efforts? Luke 13: 24. 27. Can we reach that world while encumbered with sin? Heb. 12:1. 28. What spirit should animate every Christian ? Phil. 3: 18, 14. 29. Will you, dear friend, in conclusion, accept of this benediction ? “Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ: to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.” Heb. 13: 20, 21. it 122 QUESTIONS. Cc. M. Jerusalem ! my glorious home! Name ever dear to me! When shall my labors have an end, In joy, and peace, in thee? 2 Oh, when, thou city of my God, Shall I thy courts ascend, | Where congregations ne’er break up, And Sabbaths have no end? 8 There, happier bowers than Eden’s, bloom— No sin, nor sorrow know: Blest seats ! through rude and stormy scenes I onward press to you. 4 Why should I shrink at pain and wo? * Or feel at death dismay ? T’ve Canaan’s goodly land in view, And realms of endless day. 5 Jerusalem ! my glorious home ! My soul still pants for thee ; Then shall my labors have an end, When I thy joys shall see. ee! . od : Ee ns hoe 5 ae % MASS. SABBATH SCHOOL Ss ct rt M aa AND KOR SALE ‘AT THE ¥ 2 * re ; @ ese _ DEPOSITORY, 13 CORNEAL. eS 30) jae H. SARGENT, "TREASURER. | kes Mz o oie ‘ i | a xs SCRIPTURE QUESTIONS. oe Vou. T-—On the Epistle of Paul to the Romans. % « Vou. IT.— Qn the First Epistle to the Corinthians. oan Vou. Tif. —On the Gospels in Harmony. Part I. and I. cH be Vou. IV. —On Second Corinthians, Titus and Jude. Part I. and II. 3} You. V.—On the Book of Genesis. Part I. and IT, Vou. ¥VI.— On the Gospels i in Harmony. Part I. and If. Vou. VIL.—On the Para! les of the New Testament. Fart I. and Il. You. VIII. —On the G spels in Harmony. Par! T, and II. ; REE * Vou. IX.— On the sek of the Apostles. oy Vou. X.—On the °>°' of vob, pi You. XT.— Or the History of David. ; 32 Vor. XIT,—- On the Book of Psalms. f Meet Ola ATE — On *.c¢ History of Christ. ay ost) Vou, XTV. —On the Miracles of Christ. ‘ A "2 Vou. XV.—Onthe Prophecies relating to Christ in the 01d Testament. : Vou. XVI.— On Scripture Biography. Vou. XVIL. — On. the Books of Exodus and Leviticus. Vou. XVIII. — On Scripture Biography. Part I. Pastor’s BinLe CLASS QUESTION Rook. First Question Boor. Vol. I. Topical. First Question Boor. Yol. Il. ‘Yopical. THEOLOGY FOR SABBATH ScHocLs. ‘ MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. ~ A DoctrRinaL Toxt-Bpook. Part I. INFANT ScHoot QuEsTION Book. INFANT SABBATH SCHOOL QUESTIONS. INFANT SABBATH SCHOOL QUESTION AND Brus Prorure ¥ Bisiuic', Catecuism. No’s 1 to 6. Designed for Tngant & Schools. rab WESTMINSTER ASSEMBLY’S SHORTER CATECHISM. Withent Proofs, or Notes, or Comments. ae ane Wrsrminater ASSEMBLY’s SHORTER CATECHISM. With prool ExuReises ON THE SHORTER “ATECHISM. : T: 2 New ENGLAND PRiMER. Sabpatit ScorooL MeLopist. oe ; VESray 5oxGs. Sappaty Sci on Sons. sie i Sabpati Scuort Hap. as : JUVENDLE Mut: 4 ears iy ~ oa Ne Se t ars Ee in”