Aes at = ot vies oy eeeetha achat hak Mau <3 tS 7 sbert isis Pichi Pepe reeeee tiie ds % Shyeregeds pSeteSt; Fisesat ay terete ars ae ate IETS We sa attest ae ot a +, pe tet ft ite stxtaters 3 ty ar 33 “es or if ri ¥ ee. Ht a 3 tet Sstkts ox Sis wit sEiennes RSet eetet ¢ st = Stat =o preecess hy Staxs REE Sete 533 SEE Se tet ie siete tier eos es i Bt at Sere age 5 : rea3s misses te athe ‘3 on t rere ete feteteceeen oti eaies co we a8 tt} ctatete 30) weetetes a his iit ies sete tts i rt +) Ete 5) if 34 13 hytess 3 a Pte : caches Be cared ie r, the face of the whole earth, and didst send Thy blessed Son to preach to them that are far off and to them that are nigh: Grant that the message of the Gospel may be carried into all the world so that all nations and peoples and kindreds and tongues may be brought to the Great Shepherd and united in His fold; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. 20—The Lord’s Day. GOD, our Father, Who art the Light of Life: We thank Thee for the light which greets us at the dawning of this day. Shine with Thy morning upon our souls. Search us as the sun searches the dark- ness. Scatter the shadows of our selfishness, and make the sky of our feelings and thought clear and bright. May our lives be full of quickening and gladdening light to others, that both we and they may be children of the light and of the day. We would go forth like Thy sun with brightness, seeking only to do good, to learn, obey, and love Thy will, to help and make happy our fellows. Bless to us this day, we pray, for Jesus’ sake. Amen. 21—Hallowing the Lord’s Day. LORD God, Heavenly Father, we beseech Thee so to rule and guide us by Thy Holy Spirit, that we hear and receive Thy Holy Word with our whole heart and hallow Thy Holy Day, in order that through Thy Word we also may be sanctified, learn to place all our trust and hope in Jesus Christ Thy Son, and following Him, be led safely through all evil, until through Thy grace, we come to everlasting life; through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord. Amen. 22—A Morning Prayer. LORD, our Heavenly Father, Almighty and Everlasting God, Who hast safely brought us to the beginning of this day: Defend us in the same with Thy mighty power; and grant that this day we fall into 26 no sin, neither run into any kind of danger; but that all our doings, being ordered by Thy governance, may be righteous in Thy sight; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord. Amen. 23—An Evening Prayer. W* give thanks unto Thee, Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son, that Thou hast this day so graciously protected us, and we beseech Thee to forgive us all our sins, and the wrong which we have done, and by Thy great mercy defend us from all the perils and dangers of this night. Into Thy hands we commend our bodies and souls, and all that is ours. Let Thy holy angel have charge con- cerning us, that the wicked one have no power over us. Amen. 24—Before the Lesson. LORD Jesus, Who hast begotten us by Thy Word, renewed us by Thy Spirit, and dost daily nourish us with Thy grace: Let Thy Holy Spirit be present with us and rest upon us as we read and study Thy Holy Word, that we may do it humbly and reverently, with a mind ready, desirous to learn and to obey, that we may be thoroughly furnished and instructed to every good work, and may strive to keep all Thy holy laws and commandments to the glory of Thy Name. Amen. 25—For the School. O MERCIFUL and Loving Lord Jesus, bless, we pray Thee, all those in this parish who are diligent in Thy worship along with us in Thy holy house; especially do we invoke Thy blessing upon our school. Teach us all by faith to realize and treasure the blessings in which we are permitted to share, that we may be strengthened for the difficulties of our life in the world, and may be perfected according to Thy will, for the life which is to come. Amen. 26—For Pastors. Met Merciful Father, we beseech Thee to send Thy heavenly blessing upon Thy servants, the ministers of Thy Church, that they may be clothed with righteousness, and Thy Word spoken by their mouth may have such success that it may never be spoken in vain; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. 27—For Those who Teach. O MOST Merciful God, Who art the Fountain of all truth and grace: Grant, we beseech Thee, to the teachers in this school the gift of the Holy Ghost, and daily increase in them Thy manifold gifts of grace; the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. | 28—For Those who Teach. O LORD Jesus, lover of men, Who didst take little children in Thy arms and bless them: Grant to all who teach in this school so to love and tenderly protect the little ones committed to their care by 27 word and example they may bring them to Thee, and teach them to know and love Thee and to trust in Thy protection. Amen. 29—For the Holy Spirit. jC aaeeeneaes God, Who hast given us commandment to pray for the gift of the Holy Ghost: Most heartily we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Advocate, to grant us Thy Holy Spirit, that He may quicken our hearts by Thy saving Word, and lead us into ali truth, that He may guide, instruct, enlighten, govern, comfort, and sanctify us unto everlasting life; through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord. Amen. . eehes 30—For Purity. | | LMIGHTY God, unto Whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from Whom no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of Thy Holy Spirit, that’ we may perfectly love Thee, and worthily magnify Thy holy Name; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord. Amen. | 3i1—For Divine Guidance. IRECT us, O Lord, in all our doings, with Thy most gracious favor, and further us with Thy continual ‘help; that in all our works begun, continued, and ended in Thee, we may glorify Thy holy Name; and finally, by Thy mercy, obtain everlasting life; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord. Amen. 82—For Divine Guidance. LMIGHTY and Everlasting God, Who of Thy great mercy in Jesus Christ, Thy Son, dost grant us forgiveness of sin, and all things pertaining to life and godliness: Grant us, we beseech Thee, Thy Holy Spirit, that He may so rule our hearts, that we, being ever mindful of Thy fatherly mercy, may strive to mortify the flesh, and to overcome the world; and, serving Thee in holiness and pureness of living, may give Thee continual thanks for all Thy goodness; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord. Amen. 338—For Protection. ALMIGHTY and most Merciful God, of Thy bountiful goodness keep us, we beseech Thee, from all things that may hurt us; that we, being ready, both in body and soul, may cheerfully accomplish those hua that Thou wouldest have done; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. men. 34—For Spiritual Enrichment. OST Merciful Father, open our hearts, we beseech Thee, and grant us to desire with ardent mind those things which please Thee, to search for them wisely, to know them truly, and to fulfill them perfectly, to the honor and glory of Thy Holy Name; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. 28 35—For Joyous Service. LESSED Lord Jesus, Who art ever teaching us by Thy holy example 4V that we are not living for ourselves alone: Help us to find the joy and fullness of right living in serving Thee in others, in finding and cheerfully doing our daily tasks, in helping those who need, in bringing Thee to those who know Thee not. Amen. 36—For True Religion. GOD, Who art the Author and Giver of all good things: Graft in our hearts the love of Thy Name, increase in us true religion, nourish us with all goodness, and of Thy great mercy keep us in the same; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. 37—For Grace to Use the Holy Scriptures. LMIGHTY God, Who hast granted us Thy Holy Word and revealed Thyself to us therein, and through it dost teach us the way of righteous living: Grant us ever to reverence, love, and treasure the Holy Scriptures; implant within us the desire and purpose constantly to read and study them; and as Thou hast promised wisdom to all who seek it, teach us by Thy Holy Spirit wisdom for this earthly life, so that Wwe may grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus our Lord, and be made wise unto salvation; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. 38—For Grace to do God’s Will. AN aaa God, give us grace that we may cast away the works of darkness, and put upon us the armor of light, now in the time of this mortal life, in which Thy Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility ; that in the last day, when He shall come again in His glorious majesty to judge both the quick and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal; through the same Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen. 5 39—For Love Toward God. QO GOD, Who hast prepared for them that love Thee such good things as pass man’s understandings: Pour into our hearts such love toward Thee, that we, loving Thee above all things, may obtain Thy promises which exceed all that we can desire; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. | 40—For Grace to Obey God’s Commandments. O GOD, Who declarest Thine almighty power chiefly in showing mercy and pity: Mercifully grant unto us such a measure of grace that we, running the way of Thy commandments, may obtain Thy gracious promises, and be made partakers of Thy heavenly treasure; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. 41—For Right Thoughts and Deeds. RANT to us, Lord, we beseech Thee, the Spirit to think and do always such things as are right; that we, who cannot do anything that is good without Thee, may by Thee be enabled to live according to Thy will; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. 29 42—For Contentment. ) LMIGHTY God, our Heavenly Father, Who dost feed the birds and clothe the flowers, and Who ecarest for us as a father for his children: We beseech Thee, guard us against distrust and vain over- carefulness, and help us, through Thy Holy Spirit, to live to the hal- lowing of Thy Name, the coming of Thy Kingdom, and the doing of Thy Will, so that we may cast all our care on Thee, and in unwaver- ing faith abide trustingly in Thee; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. 43—For the Sick or Sorrowing. (\UR Father, we remember before Thee this day those who are absent from us because of sickness (sorrow): Be present with them, we pray, and bless them in their need, that they and we may render thanks to Thee for Thy lovingkindness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 44-General (May be used on Children’s Day). LORD Jesus, Who didst love the little children and lay Thy hands upon them in blessing: We thank Thee for Thy love for us and pray Thee to help us daily to learn to love Thee more and more; open ~ our hearts and dwell in them; fill our minds with Thy truth; keep our feet from wandering from Thy way; make our hands gentle, willing to give and bless; teach us to be obedient, truthful, pure, and faithful, so that in Thee we may be a blessing to others and live to Thy glory. 45—For Catechumens. LMIGHTY and Everlasting God, Who dost always multiply Thy Church, and with Thy light and grace dost strengthen the hearts of those whom Thou hast regenerated, confirming unto them Thy cove- nant and faithfulness: Grant unto our Catechumens increase both of | faith and knowledge, that they may rejoice in their baptism and really and heartily renew their covenant with Thee; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord. Amen. 46—For Confirmands. LORD Jesus, Who hast promised that Thou wilt confess before Thy Father in heaven those who confess Thee before men: Grant to those who have sealed their faith before Thy altar, and have been ad- mitted into the fellowship of Thy religion, grace and strength ever to put away from them all things contrary to their profession and in humble and persevering faith to follow after all things pleasing to Thee; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. A(7—For Our Parents. LMIGHTY God, Who hast strictly commanded us to honor our father and our mother next unto Thee: Grant us of Thy goodness and grace, so to love and honor our parents, to fear and to obey them, to help and to pray for them, as Thou in Thy holy Word hast directed and charged us to do, that both in their life, and at their death their souls may bless us, and by Thy fatherly mercy we may obtain that blessing which Thou hast promised to those that honor their father 30 | and their mother; and that Thou, seeing our reverence and love for them, mayest become our loving Father, and number us among those Thy children who are heirs of Thy glorious Kingdom; through Thy holy Child, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. 48—For Our Neighbors. UR Heavenly Father, Who dost surround our daily life with familiar things and well-known faces, and dost teach us to love our neigh- bor as ourself: We pray for all those among whom we live, our neigh- bors and acquaintances, and for those with whom we work, or study, or play, as well as for our best friends and near relations, humbly com- mitting them all to Thy favor and care, beseeching Thee to guard and preserve them and us from all dangers of body and soul, that by Thy grace and ever present help we may so live now that we may dwell with Thee in the life that knows no ending; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Way and our Life. Amen. 49—For the Holy Ministry. ALMIGHTY God, look in mercy upon the world redeemed by the blood of Thy dear Son, and raise up in our school thoge who will offer themselves to Thee for Thy service and go forth in Thy Name to do the work of the ministry that perishing souls may be rescued and Thy glorious triumph hastened; through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord. Amen. 50—For the Church and its Ministry. LORD Jesus Christ, Who hast founded the Church for Thyself, and hast promised to dwell in it forever: Enlighten and sanctify it, we beseech Thee, by Thy Word and Spirit; endue all pastors with Thy grace that they may with confidence and joy guard and feed Thy sheep; bless all who serve Thee in the government of Thy Church, in the care of Thy poor, in the ministry of Thy praise, and in the teaching of the young. Strengthen them in their labors; give them courage to witness a good confession, and cause Thy Church to increase more and more that every knee may bow before Thee, and every tongue confess Thee, Lord to the glory of God the Father. Amen. 51—For the Ministry of Mercy. LORD Jesus Christ in Whose service holy women of old ministered to the needy: We beseech Thee to raise up those in our midst who will consecrate themselves in body, mind and soul to the labors of Christian love and mercy for the glory of Thy holy Name. Amen. 52—A General Prayer. UR Father, we pray Thee, give us clean hands, clean words, and clean thoughts; help us to stand for the hard right against the easy wrong; save us from habits that harm; teach us to work as hard and play as fair in Thy sight alone as if all the world were looking on; forgive us when we are unkind, and help us to forgive those who 31 are unkind to us; keep us ready to help others even though it be at some cost to ourselves; send us chances to do a little good every day, and to grow more like Thy dear Son; this we humbly ask in His Name. | Amen. i | | 53—A General Thanksgiwing. Man ene God, our Heavenly Father, we, Thine unworthy serv- ants, do give Thee most humble and hearty thanks for all Thy goodness and lovingkindness to us, and to all men. We bless Thee for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life; but above all, for Thine inestimable love in the redemption of the world by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for the means of grace, and for the ‘hope of glory. And we beseech Thee, give us that due sense of all “Thy mercies, that our hearts may be unfeignedly thankful, and that ‘we may show forth Thy praise, not only with our lips, but in our lives; that walking before Thee in holiness and righteousness all our days, | we may enjoy the testimony of a good conscience and the hope of Thy ~ | favor, be sustained and comforted under the troubles of this life, and finally be received into Thine everlasting kingdom, through Thine in- finite mercy in Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. 54—For Answer to Prayer. LMIGHTY God, Who hast given us grace at this time with one accord to make our common supplications unto Thee; and dost promise that when two or three are gathered together in Thy Name, Thou wilt grant their requests: Fulfill now, O Lord, the desires and petitions of Thy servants, as may be most expedient for them; granting us in this world knowledge of Thy truth, and in the world to come life everlasting; Who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, One God, world without end. Amen. 32 THE PSALMS PsAuM 1. Beatus vir. LESSED is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly: nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LorD: and in His law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water: that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; His leaf also shall not wither: and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment: nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the LorD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish. PSALM 8 Domine, Dominus noster. LORD, our. Lord, how excellent is Thy Name in all the earth: Who hast set Thy glory above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast Thou ordained strength because of Thine enemies: that Thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers: the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained; What is man, that Thou art mindful of him: and the son of man, _ that Thou visitest him? | For Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels: and hast crowned him with glory and honor. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of Thy hands: Thou hast put all things under his feet; All sheep and oxen: yea, and the beasts of the field; The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea: and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas. O Lorp our Lord: how excellent is Thy Name in all the earth. PsALM 19. Celi enarrant. HE heavens declare the glory of God: and the firmament showeth His handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech: and night unto night showeth knowl- edge. 33 There is no speech nor language: where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth: and their words to the end of the world. In them hath He set a tabernacle for the sun: which is as a bride- groom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. The law of the LorD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lorp is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the LorD are right, rejoicing the heart: the com- mandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the LorD is clean, enduring forever: the judgments of the LorpD are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them is Thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward. | Who can understand his errors: cleanse Thou me from secret faults. Keep back Thy servant also from presumptuous sins, let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be ace ceptable in Thy sight: O LorD, my Strength, and my Redeemer. PsaLM 28. Dominus regit me. eae LorpD is my Shepherd: I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me, Thy rod and Thy staff they com- fort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LorD for ever. PsALM 24. Domini est terra. HE earth is the Lorp’s, and the fulness thereof: the world, and they that dwell therein. ‘ beet He hath founded it upon the seas: and established it upon the oods. Who shall ascend into the hill of the LorD: or who shall stand in His holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart: who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the LorD: and righteousness from the God of his salvation. 34 This is the generation of them that seek Him: that seek thy face, O Jacob. Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors: and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory: The LorD strong and mighty, the LorD mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye gates, even lift them up, ye everlasting doors: and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory: The Lorp of hosts, He is the King of lory. Seah, PsaLM 27. Dominus illwminatio. nee Lorp is my Light and my Salvation, whom shall I fear: the LorD is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh: they stumbled and fell. Though an host should encamp against me, my heart:shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident. One thing have I desired of the LorD, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LorD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lorp, and to enquire in His temple. For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion: in the secret of His tabernacle shall He hide me, He shall set me up upon a rock. ! And now shall mine head be lifted up: above mine enemies round about me; Therefore will I offer in His tabernacle sacrifices of joy: I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD. Hear, O LorpD, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me. When Thou saidst, Seek ye My face: my heart said unto Thee, Thy face, LorD, will I seek. Hide not Thy face far from me: put not Thy servant away in anger. Thou hast been my help: leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation. When my father and my mother forsake me: then the LorpD will take me up. Teach me Thy way, O LorpD: and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies. Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false wit- nesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty. I had fainted: unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait on the LorD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart, wait, I say, on the LORD. PSALM 32. Beati quorum. [A Penitential Psalm.] Betece, is he whose transgression is forgiven: whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the LorpD imputeth not iniquity: and in whose spirit there is no guile. 35 When I kept silence: my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long. For day and night Thy hand was heavy upon me: my moisture is turned into the drought of summer. I acknowledged my sin unto Thee: and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the LorD: and Thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. For this shall every one that is godly pray unto Thee in a time when Thou mayest be found: surely in the floods of great waters they shall not come nigh unto him. Thou art my hiding place, Thou shalt preserve me from trouble: Thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understand- ing: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto thee. Many sorrows shall be to the wicked: but he that trusteth in the LorD, mercy shall compass him about. Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for Joy, all ye that are upright in heart. PsaALM 36. Dixit injustus. HE transgression of the wicked saith within my heart: that there is no fear of God before his eyes. For he flattereth himself in his own eyes: until his iniquity be found to be hateful. The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit: he hath left off to — be wise, and to do good. Thy mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens: and Thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds. Thy righteousness is like the great mountains, Thy judgments are a great deep: O LorpD, Thou preservest man and beast. How excellent is Thy lovingkindness, O God: therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Thy wings. They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of Thy house: and Thou shalt make them drink of the river of Thy pleasures. For with Thee is the fountain of life: in Thy light shall we see light. O continue Thy: lovingkindness unto them that know Thee: and Thy righteousness to the upright in heart. Let not the foot of pride come against me: and let not the hand of the wicked remove me. There are the workers of iniquity fallen: they are cast aoe and shall not be able to rise. PsaALM 46. Deus noster refugium. OD is our Refuge and Strength: a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed: and pac ue lt the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea. 36 , ae ss —— a “Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled: though the moun- tains shake with the swelling thereof. There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God: the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High. God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved: God shall hel her, and that right early. The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: He uttered His voice, the earth melted. The Lord of hosts is with us: the God of Jacob is our Refuge. Come, behold the works of the LorD: what desolations He hath made in the earth. He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth:.He breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder, He burneth the chariot in the fire. Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. The LorD of hosts is with us: the God of Jacob is our Refuge. PsALM 48. Magnus Dominus. REAT is the LorD, and greatly to be praised: in the city of our God, in the mountain of His holiness. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion: on the sides of the north, the city of the great King. | God is known in her palaces: for a refuge. For, lo, the kings were assembled: they passed by together. They saw it, and so they marveled: they were troubled, and hasted away. Fear took hold upon them there, and pain: as of a woman in travail. Thou breakest the ships of Tarshish : with an east wind. As we have heard, so have we seen in the city of the Lorp of hosts, in the city of our God: God will establish it for ever. We have thought of Thy lovingkindness, O God: in the midst of Thy temple. According to Thy Name, O God, so is Thy praise unto the ends of the earth: Thy right hand is full of righteousness. Let mount Zion rejoice, let the daughters of Judah be glad: because of Thy judgments. Walk about Zion, and go round abouts her: tell the towers thereof. Mark ye well her bulwarks, consider her palaces: that ye may tell it to the generation following. For this God is our God for ever and ever: He will be our Guide even unto death. PSALM 68. Deus, Deus meus. GOD, Thou art my God: early will I seek Thee; My soul thirsteth for Thee: my flesh longeth for Thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; To see Thy power and Thy glory: so as I have seen Thee in the sanctuary. a Because Thy lovingkindness is better than life: my lips shall praise ee. 37 Thus will I bless Thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in Thy Name. My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness: and my mouth shall praise Thee with joyful lips; When I remember Thee upon my bed: and meditate on Thee in the night watches. Because Thou hast been my help: therefore in the shadow of Thy wings will I rejoice. My soul followeth hard after Thee: Thy right hand upholdeth me. PSALM 67. Deus misereatur nostri. OD be merciful unto us, and bless us: and cause His face to shine upon us; That Thy way may be known upon earth: Thy saving health among all nations. Let the people praise Thee, O God: let all the people praise Thee. O let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for Thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth. Let the people praise Thee, O God: let all the people praise Thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase: and God, even our own God shall bless us. God shall bless us: and all the ends of the earth shall fear Him. PsaALM 72. Deus, judicium. IVE the king Thy judgments, O God: and Thy righteousness unto the king’s son. He shall judge Thy people with righteousness: and Thy poor with judgment. The mountains shall bring peace to the people: and the little hills, by righteousness. He shall judge the poor of the people, He shall save the children of the needy: and shall break in pieces the oppressor. They shall fear Thee as long as the sun and moon endure: through- out all generations. He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass: as showers that water the earth. In His days shall the righteous flourish: and abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth. He shall have dominion also from sea to sea: and from the river unto the ends of the earth. They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before Him: and His enemies shall lick the dust. ; The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts . a Yea, all kings shall fall down before Him: all nations shall serve im. For He shall deliver the needy when he crieth: the poor also, and him that hath no helper. oe shall spare the poor and needy: and shall save the souls of the needy. 38 He shall redeem their soul from deceit and violence: and precious shall their blood be in His sight. And He shall live, and to Him shall be given of the gold of Sheba: prayer also shall be made for Him continually, and daily shall He be praised. There shall be an handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the mountains: the fruit thereof shall shake like Lebanon, and they of the city shall flourish like grass of the earth. : His Name shall endure for ever, His Name shall be continued ag long as the sun: and men shall be blessed in Him, all nations shall call Him blessed. Blessed be the LorD God, the God of Israel: Who only doeth won- drous things. And blessed be His glorious Name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen, and Amen. | PSALM 85. Benedixisti, Domine. OED: Thou hast been favorable unto Thy land: Thou hast brought back the captivity of Jacob. Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of Thy people: Thou hast covered all their sin. Thou hast taken away all Thy wrath: Thou hast turned Thyself from the fierceness of Thine anger. Turn us, O God of our salvation: and cause Thine anger toward us to cease. Wilt Thou be angry with us for ever: wilt Thou draw out Thine anger to all generations? Wilt Thou not revive us again: that Thy people may rejoice in Thee? Show us Thy mercy, O LorD: and grant us Thy salvation. I will hear what God the LorD will speak: for He will speak peace unto His people, and to His saints, but let them not turn again to folly. Surely His salvation is nigh them that fear Him: that glory may dwell in our land. Mercy and truth are met together: righteousness and peace have kissed each other. Truth shall spring out of the earth: and righteousness shall look down from heaven. Yea, the LorD shall give that which is good: and our land shall yield her increase. Righteousness shall go before Him: and shall set us in the way of His steps. PSALM 91. Qui habitat. H® that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High: shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LorpD, He is my Refuge and my Fortress: my God; in Him will I trust. : Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler: and from the noisome pestilence. 39 He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust: His truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night: nor for the arrow that flieth by day; . Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness: nor for the de- struction that wasteth at noonday. , A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand: but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold: and see the reward of the wicked. Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my Refuge: even the Most High, thy habitation ; There shall no evil befall thee: neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For He shall give His angels charge over thee: to keep thee in all thy ways. 7 | 7 They shall bear thee up in their hands: lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet. , | | Because he hath set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known My Name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him, and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him: and show him My salvation. PsaALM 92. Bonum est confitert. if is a good thing to give thanks unto the LorpD: and to sing praises unto Thy Name, O Most High. To show forth Thy lovingkindness in the morning: and Thy faith- fulness every night. Upon an instrument of ten strings, and upon the psaltery: upon the harp with a solemn sound. For Thou, Lorp, hast made me glad through Thy work: I will triumph in the works of Thy hands. O Lorp, how great are Thy works: and Thy thoughts are very deep. When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish: it is that they shall be destroyed for ever, but Thou, LORD, art most high for evermore. For, lo, Thine enemies, O LorD, for, lo, Thine enemies shall perish: all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered. The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those that be planted in the house of the Lorp: shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age: they shall be fat and flourishing. To show that the Lorp is upright, He is my Rock: and there is no unrighteousness in Him. 40 PSALM 93. Dominus regnavit. | ee LorD reigneth, He is clothed with majesty: the LorpD is clothed with strength, wherewith He hath girded Himself. The world also is stablished: that it cannot be moved. Thy throne is established of old: Thou art from everlasting. The floods have lifted up, O LorD, the floods have lifted up their voice: the floods lift up their waves. The LorD on high is mightier than the noise of many waters: yea, than the mighty waves of the sea. Thy testimonies are very sure: holiness becometh Thine house, O LorD, for ever. PSALM 95. Venite, exultemus. O COME, let us sing unto the Lorb: let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving: and make a joyful noise unto Him with psalms. ~ For the LorD is a great God: and a great King above all gods. | In His hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is His also. ; The sea is His, and He made it: and His hands formed the dry land. O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our Maker. For He is our God: and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand. PSALM 98. Cantate Domino. SING unto the LORD a new song: for He hath done marvelous things; His right hand, and His holy arm: hath gotten Him the victory. The LorD hath made known His salvation: His righteousness hath He openly showed in the sight of the heathen. He hath remembered His mercy and His truth toward the house of Isrzel: all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. Make a joyful noise unto the Lorp, all the earth: make a loud noise, and sing praise. Sing unto the LorD with the harp: with the harp, and the voice of a psalm. _ With trumpets and sound of cornet: make a joyful noise before the LORD, the King. Let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof: the world, and they that dwell therein. Let the floods clap their hands, let the hills be joyful together be- fore the LorD: for He cometh to judge the earth; With righteousness shall He judge the world: and the people with equity. PsALM 100. Jubilate Deo. AKE a joyful noise unto the Lorp, all ye lands: Serve the Lorp with gladness, come before His presence with singing. Know ye that the Lorp He is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves, we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture. Al Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His Name. For the Lorp is good, His mercy is everlasting: and His truth en- dureth tc all generations, | PsALM 108. Benedic, anima mea, Domino, et omnia. 1G eats the Lorp, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy Name. Bless the LorD, O my soul: and forget not all His benefits; Who forgiveth all thine iniquities: Who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction: Who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things: so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s. The Lorp executeth righteousness and judgment: for all that are oppressed. He made known His ways unto Moses: His acts unto the children of Israel. The Lorp is merciful and gracious: slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. ; He will not always chide: neither will He keep His anger forever. He hath not dealt with us after our sins: nor rewarded us accord-- ing to our iniquities. For as the heaven is high above the earth: so great is His mercy toward them that fear Him. As far as the east is from the west: so far hath He removed our transgressions from us. Like as a father pitieth his children: so the LorD pitieth them that fear Him. For He knoweth our frame: He remembereth that we are dust. As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he fiourisheth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone: and the place thereof shall know it no more. But the mercy of the Lorp is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear Him: and His righteousness unto children’s children; To such as keep His covenant: and to those that remember His commandments to do them. The LorD hath prepared His throne in the heavens: and His king- dom ruleth over all. Bless the LorD, ye His angels, that excel in strength: that do His commandments, harkening unto the voice of His Word. Bless ye the Lorp, all ye His hosts: ye ministers of His, that do His pleasure. Bless the LorpD, all His works in all places of His dominion; bless the LorD, O my soul. | PsALM 111.. Confitebor tibi. RAISE ye the Lorp. I will praise the LorD with my whole heart: in the assembly of the upright, and in the congregation. The works of the LorD are great: sought out of all them that have pleasure therein. 42 His work is honorable and glorious: and His righteousness en- dureth for ever. He hath made His wonderful works to be remembered: the LORD is gracious and full of compassion. — | He hath given meat unto them that fear Him: He will ever be mindful of His covenant. He hath showed His people the power of His works: that He may give them the heritage of the heathen. ~ The works of His hands are verity and judgment: all His com- mandments are sure. They stand fast for ever and ever: and are done in truth and up- rightness. He sent redemption unto His people: He hath commanded His covenant for ever, holy and:reverend is His Name. The fear of the Lorp is the beginning of wisdom: a good under- standing have all they that do His commandments, His praise endureth for ever. PsaLM 116. Dilexi, quoniam. LOVE the Lorp: because He hath heard my voice and my supplica- tions. Because He hath inclined His ear unto me: therefore will I call upon Him as long as I live. The sorrows of death compassed me, and the pains of hell gat hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow. Then called I upon the Name of the LorD: O Lorp, I beseech Thee, deliver my soul. Gracious is the LorD, and righteous: yea, our God is merciful. The LorpD preserveth the simple: I was brought low, and He helped me. Return unto thy rest, O my soul: for the LorpD hath dealt bounti- fully with thee. For Thou hast delivered my soul from death: mine eyes from tears; and my feet from falling. I will walk before the LorbD: in the land of the living. I believed, therefore have I spoken, I was greatly afflicted: I said in my haste, All men are liars. What shall I render unto the LorD: for all His benefits toward me? is I will take the cup of salvation: and call upon the Name of the ORD. I will pay my vows unto the LorD now: in the presence of all His people. Precious in the sight of the LorpD: is the death of His saints. O Lorp, truly I am Thy servant: I am Thy servant, and the son of Thine handmaid, Thou hast loosed my bonds. I will offer to Thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving: and will call upon the Name of the LORD. I will pay my vows unto the Lorp now in the presence of all His people: in the courts of the Lorp’s house, in the midst of thee, O Jeru- salem. Praise ye the Lord. 43 PsaLM 118. Confitemini Domino. ~~ GIVE thanks unto the LorD, for He is good: because His mercy endureth for ever. Let Israel now say: that His mercy endureth for ever. Let the house of Aaron now say: that His mercy endureth for ever. Let them now that fear the LorD say: that His mercy endureth for ever. I called upon the Lorp in distress: the LORD answered me, and set me in a large place. The LoRD is on my side, I Pil not fear: what can man do unto me? The LorpD taketh my vart with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me. It is better to trust in the LorpD: than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the LorD: than to put confidence in princes. All nations compassed me about: but in the Name of the LorpD will I destroy them. They compassed me about, yea, they compassed me about: but in the Name of the Lorp I will destroy them. They compassed me about like bees, they are quenched as the fire of thorns: for in the Name of the Lorp I will destroy them. Thou hast thrust sore at me that I might fall: but the LorpD helped me. The LorD is my strength and song: and is become my salvation. The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the ~ righteous: the right hand of the LorD doeth valiantly. , The right hand of the LorpD is exalted: the right hand of the LorD doeth valiantly. I shall not die, but live: and declare the works of the LORD. The LORD hath chastened me sore: but He hath not given me over unto death. Open to me the gates of righteousness: I will go into them, and I will praise the LORD: This gate of the LorD: into which the righteous shall enter. I will praise Thee, for Thou hast heard me: and art become my salvation. , The stone which the builders become the head stone of the corner. This is the Lorp’s doing: it is marvelous in our eyes. | This is the day which the Lorp hath made: we will rejoice and be glad in it. Save now, I beseech Thee, O Lorp: O Lorp, I beseech Thee, send now prosperity. Blessed be He that cometh in the Name of the LORD: we have blessed you out of the house of the LORD. God is the Lorp, which hath showed us light: bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar. Thou art my God, and I will praise Thee: Thou art my God, I will exalt Thee. O give thanks unto the Lorb, for He is good: for His mercy | en- dureth for ever. 44 PsaALM 121. Levavi oculos. I WILL lift up mine eyes unto the hills: from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LorD: which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: He that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, He that keepeth Israel: shall neither slumber nor Sleep. The Lorp is thy keeper: the LorD is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day: nor the moon by night. | ‘The Lorp shall preserve thee from all evil: He shall preserve thy soul. The LorD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in: from this time forth, and even for evermore. PsaLM 122. Letatus sum. WAS glad when they said unto me: Let us go into the house of the the LORD. Our feet shall stand within thy gates: O Jerusalem. Jerusalem is builded: as a city that is compact together ; 7 Whither the tribes go up, the tribes of the LorpD: unto the testi-' mony of Israel, to give thanks unto the Name of the LORD. For there are set thrones of judgment: the thrones of the house of David. Pray for the peace of J erusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls: and prosperity within thy palaces. For my brethren and companions’ sakes: I will now say, Peace be within thee. Because of the house of the Lorp our God: I will seek thy good. Psatm 130. De profundis. [A Penitential Psalm.] 0); of the depths: have I cried unto Thee, O LORD. Lorp, hear my voice: let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications. , If Thou, LorpD, shouldest mark iniquities: O LorD, who shall stand? But there is forgiveness with Thee: that Thou mayest be feared. I wait for the LorD, my soul doth wait: and in His Word do I hope. My soul waiteth for the LORD more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning. Let Israel hope in the LorD, for with the LorD there is mercy: and with Him is plenteous redemption. And He shall redeem Israel: from all his iniquities. Psatm 145. Ewxaltabo te, Deus. WILL extol Thee, my God, O King: and I will bless Thy Name for ever and ever. Every day will I bless Thee: and I will praise Thy Name for ever and ever. Creat is the LorpD, and greatly to be praised: and His greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall praise Thy works to another: and shall declare Thy mighty acts. 45 I will speak of the glorious honor of Thy majesty: and of Thy wondrous works. And men shall speak of the might of Thy terrible acts: and I will declare Thy greatness. | They shall abundantly utter the memory of Thy great goodness: and shall sing of Thy righteousness. The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion: slow to anger, and of great mercy. The LorD is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works. All Thy works shall praise Thee, O LorD: and Thy saints shall bless Thee.’ ee. They shall speak of the glory of Thy kingdom: and talk of Thy Ower ; i To make known to the sons of men His mighty acts: and the glorious majesty of His kingdom. Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom: and Thy dominion en- dureth throughout all generations. The LorD upholdeth all that fall: and raiseth up all those that be bowed down. The eyes of all wait upon Thee: and Thou givest them their meat in due season. Thou openest Thine hand: and satisfiest the desire of every living thing. The LorpD is righteous in all His ways: and holy in all His works. The LoRD is nigh unto all them that call upon Him: to all that call upon Him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of them that fear Him: He also will hear their cry, and will save them. The LorD preserveth all them that love Him: but all the wicked will He destroy. My mouth shall speak the praise of the LorD: and let all flesh bless His holy Name for ever and ever. PSALM 146. Lauda, anima mea. | adenine ye the LorD: Praise the LorD, O my soul. While I live will I praise the LorD: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being. Put not your trust in princes: nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth: in that very day his thoughts perish. Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help: whose hope is in the Lorp his God; Which made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that therein is: which keepeth truth for ever; Which executeth judgment for the oppressed: which giveth food to the hungry. | i eiye LorD looseth the prisoners: the LorD openeth the eyes of the ind; 46 The LorD raiseth them that are bowed down: the LORD loveth the righteous; The LorD preserveth the strangers, He relieveth the fatherless and widow: but the way of the wicked He turneth upside down. The LorpD shall reign for ever, even thy God, O Zion, unto all gen- erations: Praise ye the LORD. PSALM 148. Laudate Dominum, de ceelis. RAISE ye the Lorp. Praise ye the LorD from the heavens: praise Him in the heights. Praise ye Him, all His angels: praise ye Him, all his hosts. Praise ye Him, sun and moon: praise Him, all ye stars of light. Praise Him, ye heavens of heavens: and ye waters that be above the heavens. Let them praise the Name of the LorpD: for He commanded, and they were created. He hath also stablished them for ever and ever: He hath made a decree which shall not pass. Praise the LoRD from the earth: ye dragons, and all deeps; Fire, and hail, snow, and vapors: stormy wind fulfilling His Word; Mountains, and all hills: fruitful trees, and all cedars; Beasts, and all cattle: creeping things, and flying fowl; Kings of the earth, and all people: princes, and all judges of the earth; Both young men, and maidens: old men, and children; Let them praise the Name of the LorD: for His Name alone is ex- cellent, His glory is above the earth and heaven. He also exalteth the horn of His people, the praise of all His saints: even of the children of Israel, a people near unto Him. Praise ye the LORD. PsaLM 150. Laudate Dominum in sanctis ejus. RAISE ye the Lorp. Praise God in His sanctuary: praise Him in the firmament of His power. Praise Him for His mighty acts: praise Him according to His ex- cellent greatness. Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet: praise Him with psaltery and harp. Praise Him with the timbrel and dance: praise Him with stringed instruments and organs. Praise Him upon the loud cymbals: praise Him upon the high sounding cymbals. Let every thing that hath breath praise the LoRD: Praise ye the LORD. GLORY BE TO THE FATHER, AND TO THE SON, AND TO THE HOLY GHOST: AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS. NOW, AND EVER SHALL BE, WORLD WITHOUT END. AMEN. 47 TABLE OF PROPER PSALMS FOR FESTIVALS AND SEASONS Festivals and Seasons . Psalms TA TYWBIN TT ec ocelcls seccechspetecushheesocueucberduahamarshystecnavenasaeseds 8, 19, 24, 98, 98, 111, 122, 145 GHRISTMAS caceccscsccccssscccvscccscccccccesesscccncsssvcesscesesecosnes 19, 72, 93, 98, 148 CIRCUMCISION (NEW YEAR) ..sssccccssrsecsessrsesessseseeens 8, 72, 122 PODIPHEAN Yes isicosc.-ccacccsnscacodessubsesnoevareacovecsesesgesscesons 19, 46, 48, 67, 72, 100 TRANSFIGURATION ...ccccssossessssssssrsrensrenssersessescsseceecens 8, SEPTUAGESIMA, SEXAGESIMA, QUINQUAGESIMA... ‘217, 67,116, 145 ASH WEDNESDAY ....ccccsssscosscscscccscesssscoscecnssesessssoosees 32, 130 DONT Tce. cl itliehioceacessovacterebsadsccvaupbtiveasestneswcesessssaususs 27, 82, 34, 67, 91, 122, 130 PAT AL SU NDAW | iyupscsloscnertesdeosesosuibontptopebowenateercadsasaent 24 PA OT VAIN BE Ril. icalvcck cc sausage ovspevbeopadensclp anesectesnesasuonsae 27, 67 TOARTER DIA Yihc.certvaccisascoocnertssooptvescatoneteersosegeocienscgaeens 8, 98, 111, 118 FARCE TIDE ii accskccabacnceececoeunedtapdebacsrrsutecssosechanentanyge 23, 98, 100, 111, 118, 146, 148, 150 INSREN SION? DAY hiscstoccsecdebsovesedtessscevaractsbesoascussnstages 8, 24, 87, 148, 150 UTE PP SUIIN TIA Mii. coc ie cideccecsnccdacvouaessdcauseabebu edocs cantdbsstsasce 19, 48, 145 FESTIVAL OF THE HOLY TRINITY ...........cccccssccseeees 8, 93, 1A 148, 150 FESTIVAL OF THE REFORMATION .......ccccccssseseeeeseeees 24, 46, 48, 116 APOSTLES, EVANGELISTS AND MARTYRS ..........00+5 dhs 19, 121, 146, 148 SMUT TUNEL BSE cscs co hap Uae das oa ctokevekd as ecanenpeUads etyuks sakes 148 ty CHRISTIAN, LilPE. ccsccicccaceccsuvesespeteavaseceebapacnyactbes 1, :28, :32,'46,.48, 91, 121 GROSS AND) COMFORT. .ccchccesccccchsacccervocdsqaccecccessnnsoseoes 23, 27, 91, 121, 130 TPA EECA IND) ERUREADI csp cce satus teccstomsasstacsnnceanstseanesctses DO ey 116; 121, 130 INETOSTON Geis ree cic lovee c ciadadeose crashoctanetse taaredet sones pres osies 46, 67, 72, 100 CRISTIAN) ESDUCATION ‘isccecasctecdecsessebasoodiscbescosocseees L; 91 PT AEBS TY chika thc cei clean cag vaddeaececcu hued eveucantacasanuberdeveenca¥es 67, 103, 118 BINED A NICSE VUNG) Wie cuce bes aescnocun sa doaeidnsnos hess ocalbheoaneaayae 67, 92, 100, 103, 145, 148, 150 DAYS OF HUMILIATION AND PRAYER. ......ccscsecceeeees 130 INVATIONAT) (OCCASIONS | .iiccsssccosssencosenteonepsacovoressrconabes 46, 48, 67, 85, 100, 145, 148 IPENITENTIAL PSALMS. ..cccsccsccvostescssosascescccenecsceosvcces 32, 130 CANTICLES THEW DE UM aaa smeasses p. 10 THE BENEDICTUS .............. p. 11 THE MAGNIFICAT. .............. p. 14 THE NUNC DIMITTIS ......... p. 14 48 SCRIPTURE READINGS THE LITURGICAL GOSPELS DAY GOSPEL Sundays in Advent: ae isa oi sa co dvncsts acs shave ses Matty. 21:1-9 RE UR aso isscaesWolestseecessee Luke 21:25-36 SINR RECA VET HG ad. oecensceces aucbioesnves Matt. 11:2-10 7A. NOR EES Fs tk a aa A John 1:19-28 LERTISEMOS: DY. L.ccresediccesoees Luke 2:1-14 ZChristwas Day ........200 Luke 2:15-20 Sunday after Christmas....Luke 2:33-40 DCMI NCCET IS DIY « conssscccesessos Luke 2e2t 2 Sunday after Christmas..Matt. 2:18-23 BAITS) UMTS Pook ves aged lecdeasorssenenors Matt. 2:1-12 Sundays after Epiphany: Bene et is cactincue sth coy Luke 2:41-52 Pry et AUS, chews sdkndabscecassxesas John 2:1-11 PRM utes ou UAV sens cosuesaqinsaas Matt. 8:1-138 eee Teese xkevesshiyasacah Matt. 8:23-27 TRC lenepsossvessascpens Matt. 138:24-30 CMTE cated seochedu'onnysettessges Mattealfis1-9 Septuagesima Sunday ...... Matt. 20:1-16 Sexagesima Sunday ......... Luke’ 8:4-15 Quinquagesima Sunday ....Luke 18:31-43 Ash Wednesday ....screrercvees Matt. 6:16-21 Sundays in Lent: Be TEV OCHUIG) a @ | ge Saeed ant a ees tt —6—) 5g —a — lee —_ See en : BROS gt ed a | 1. Ho-san-na to the liv - ing Lord! Ho-san-na to th’ In-car-nate Word! - 2. Ho - san- na, Lord! Thine an-gels cry; Ho - san.- na, Lo.d! Thy saints re-ply; -” 3. O Sav-iour, with pro-tect-ing care, A - bide in this Thy house of prayer, To Christ, Cre- a - tor, Sav-iour, King, Let earth, let heaven, Ho-san-na sing! ‘ A - bove, be - neath us, and a-round, The dead and liv - ing swell the sound; Where we Thy part-ing prom-ise claim, As-sem-bled in Thy sa - cred Name. _Ho - san - na!, Lord! Ho-san-na i wey est lia rete i t t .. Py 4 But, chiefest, in our cleanséd breast, 5 So, in the last and dreadful day, Eternal!’ bid Thy, : _ When eart and: heaven.shall melt away, And make our secret soul to be : © Thy flock, redegriied froin simful stain, A temple pure, and worthy Thee! ~ Shall swell thé’ yound of praise Sein: Hosanna! Lord! ; Hosanina!), 40 what Hosanna in the highest! “Hosanna i in, ses itn THE CHURCH YEAR 6 O How Shall I Receive Thee ST. THEODULPH. 7 6, 76. D, PavuL GBRHARDT, 1653 Tr. ARTHUR TOzZER RUSSELL, 1851, a MELCHIOR TESCHNER, I6155 G Bea Maas Maid * SSE SEC ATRYN fl row) a | ane San tee crs aea q inom 5 __#§—_—¢ fan § (WRB IEE _ AUREL PDT a —_ PR ee & \30 EGER EA ——4 AO A Ei OE RM REALS — ner 1.O how shall I re - ceive Thee, How greet Thee, Lord, a - right? 2. Thy Zi - on palms is strew-ing, Andbranch-es fresh and fair; 3. I lay in fet-ters groan-ing, Thoucom’stto set me free! ~- #£# +L -@- ¢ Pts x OGY RL EP Ge Experi meh | RAE IIT) 4 4 | ° CUE ae Saas ae Rd PE PETES et ee (5 DAL SA ey ee epee ERR BISe NEaLS *; STE SST) All na-tions long to see Thee, My Hope, my heart’s de - light! My heart, its powers re - new-ing, An an-them shall pre - pare. sf stood, my shame be - moan-ing, Thoucom’stto hon - or me! —- 2 -#f. I~ | fen ay See EERE 1 BN BR OS A HE 7 eR ess : pINAAaEE MEI Arras i? ‘7 BEB GE BO eR Re BEA A LE ed 8 it AE el A TR Ciera (0 a [eee eae | J t | i TE ae ‘ pees t ia DRE BE A au ee 8 '—_—_—-¢—-——--y-——g --+- t Ob ett 2 et g 5; = oon het OQ kin - dle, Lord, most ho - ly, Thy lamp with - in’ my breast, My soul puts off her sad - ness Thy glo-ries to pro-claim; A glo - ry Thou dost give me, _ ees PR EL) Re) PS TET TS TSU EN ES EE) eS EERE! arse ad + oe -@ - “fr a- -B To do in spir-it low - ly All that may please Thee best. With all her strengthand glad - ness §Shefain would serve Thy Name. That will not fail nor leave me As earth - ly rich-es_ fly. A- MEN, ie gay . "oa Ti—y Cay Beri }—-——-@ —-+—-} 4 WaT 2S i __ Le Se ok A A A Ped A fee as cae MMA coeMeeS mss elses ‘ofS EE I U ari 1 a Le 4 Love caused Thy Incarnation, 5 Rejoice then, ye sad-hearted, Love brought Thee down to me, Who sit in deepest gloom, Thy thirst for my salvation Who mourn o’er joys departed, red my liberty. And tremble at your doom; O love beyond all telling, He Who alone can cheer you That led Thee to embrace, Is standing at the door; In love all love excelling, He brings His pity near you, Our lost and fallen race! And bids you weep no more. ADVENT Rejoice, All Ye Believers a LANCASHIRE. 7 6, 7 6. D. LAURENTIUS LAURENTI, 1700 Tr. SARAH BORTHWICK FINDLATER, 1854 HENRY SMART, 1836 au. i | 7-& ra] ean a] a RR 0 Sa a Coys Y ay CR a NE Re TEATOSY OPEB Ae rey aa rH far ny Ba aA Ul - : 8 ASD. ae at 15Ri PAR a SENTEA t 1. Re-joice, all ye be - liev - ers, And let your lights ap - pear! 2. Thewatch-ers on the moun-tain Pro-claim the Bride-groom near; 3. Ye saints, who here in pa - tience Yourcross and _ suf-f’rings bore, 4. Our Hope and. Ex - pec - ta - tion, O Je - sus, now ap- pear; pao d -€ “os * The ev’n-ing is ad-vanc - ing And dark-er night is_ near. Go meet Him as He com - eth, With hal - le - lu - jahs clear. Shall live and reign for ev - er, Whensor - row is no more. A - rise, Thou Sun _ so longed ffor, O’er this be - night - ed sphere! The Bride-groom is a - fris-ing, And soon will He draw nigh. The mar -riage-feast is wait-ing, The gates wide o- pen _ stand; A - round the throne of glo - ry The Lamb ye _ shall be - hold, Withhearts and hands up - lift -ed, We plead, O Lord, to see N ee SA en 2 “eh, igen! Nighi Hees | —s— 4 -—— falda Be, RAE ‘sane @ - pt = ces Se testoat | a +p tes THE CHURCH YEAR 11 Thou Art Coming, O My Saviour BEVERLY. Irregular. FRANCES R. HAVERGAL, 1873 WiiiraM H. Monk, 1875 1. Thou art com-ing, O my Sav-iour, Thou art com-ing, O my King, 2. Thou art com-ing, Thou art com-ing; We _ shall meet Thee on Thy way, 3. Thou art com-ing; at Thy Ta-ble We are wit-ness-es for this; : | N Vat. 7 LS BE eS Pe EL er ae = a a ee eee oe | | | In Thy beau-ty all re-splen-dent, In Thy glo-ry all tran-scend-ent; We shall see Thee, we shall know Thee, Weshallbless Thee, we shall show Thee While re-mem-b’ring hearts Thou meet-est In com -mu-nion clear - est, sweet-est, Sates fe eee re ; Wi éiee EI | : a aan {et feners; H D ERY ora PEt OD ER AY —t— ee oeeen Bee ee ES Nd A oe 9 aes — 9 — ea He 1 NS P} 4 a > APO SEP PES -&- ° Wellmay we re-joice and sing: Com-ing! in the op’n-ing east Her-ald bright-ness Allour hearts couldnev-er say: What an an-them that will be, Ring - ing out our Earn-est of our com-ing bliss; Show-ing not Thy death a - lone, And Thy love ex- A Ls Wg ts i ep 2 Gy le Oo ee its ie ete ipsa a ware >—t ae soak aN. Pipaees rawate | fea) rit. poco () | Y te Wiese av DRAGS BAT, © a oa ap Fx 4 set wee im pte Poa Rosen we Z ; FRAP MBLs ‘SP 7 oT i eer HERO CH slow - ly swells; Com-ing!O my glorious Priest, Hear we not Thy gold-en bells? love to Thee, Pour-ing out our rap-ture sweet At Thine own all-glorious feet. ceed-ing great, But Thy com-ing and Thy throne, All for which we long and wait. A-MEN. l 22 £@ @ py, YUE ICN Siri on P P| . 4 Thou art coming; we are waiting 5 O the joy to see Thee reigning, With a hope that cannot fail, Thee, my own beloved Lord! Asking not the day or hour, Every tongue Thy Name confessing, Resting on Thy word of power, Worship, honor, glory, blessing, Anchored safe within the veil: Brought to Thee with glad accord; Time appointed may be long, Thee, my Master and my Friend, But the vision must be sure; Vindicated and enthroned: Certainty shall make us strong, Unto earth’s remotest end, Joyful patience can endure. Glorified, adored, and owned. Watchman, Tell Us of the Night 12 WATCHMAN. 77,77. D. Joun BowRInG, 1825 LOWELL MASON, 1836 v 4 1. Watch-man, tell us of thenight, What its signs of prom- ise are: 2. Watch-man,tell us of thenight, High - er yet that star as-cends: 3. Watch-man, tell us of the night, For the morn-ingseems to dawn: | Trav - ’ler,o’er yonmoun-tain’s height, See that glo - ry -beam - ing star; Trav - ‘ler, bless - ed-ness andlight, Peaceand truth, itscourse por-tends. Trav - ‘ler, dark - nesstakes its flight, Doubtand ter - ror are with-drawn. \ | Watch-man,doth its beau - teous ray Aught of joy or hope fore-tell? Watch-man, will itsbeams a-lone Gild the spot that gave them birth? Watch-man, let thy wan-d’rings cease; Hie thee to thy qui - et home: Trav-’ler, yes; it brings the day, Prom-ised day of Is - ra-el. Trav-'ler, a - ges are its own, See, it bursts o’er all the earth. Trav-’ler, lo, the Prince of Peace, Lo, the Son of God iscome. A-MEN. “THE CHURCH YEAR | CHRISTMA, 13 - Hark! the Herald Angels Sing MENDELSSOHN. 77,77. D. - With Refrain a eK FELIX MENDELSSOHN BARTHOLDY, 1840 . CHARLES WESLEY, 1730. a Arranged by Witiiam HE, CuMMINGS, 1855 Se | ea ON eee ee Se ee ST I a eneK ee US | 5 4 ; 1, Hark! the her - ald an - gels sing, ‘‘Glo-ry to the new-born King; 2. Christ, by high - est heavena - dored, Christ, the ev - er- last - ing Lord: 3. Hail, the heaven-ly Prince of Peace, Hail, the Sun - of Right - eous-ness! 4. Come, De- sire of na-tions, come, Fix in us Thyhum- ble home; Peis epi tes reste eaten Mee mee cal Sede Sey 2: a cera Sees ee =e Become orc is as Gast we BT OT ai BRAY et rvs Y pec BRBP IN Ss 2." Peace on earth and mer - cy mild, God and sin - ners re - con-ciled”’: Late in time be-hold Him come, Off - spring of a _ vir-gin’s womb! Light and ‘life to. all. He brings, Ris’n with heal - ing in His wings. O,: to. all Thy-self im - part, Formedin each be - liev - ing heart! .Joy.- ful all ye na-tions rise, pein the tri-uaoph of the skies, Veiled in flesh, the God-head see, ail th’in-car-nate De - i .- ty! Mild “He lays His ylo - ry by, Born that man no more may die; - Hark! the her-ald an- gels. sing, “Glo-ry to . the new-born King;- eee eae oe . < With th’ at-gel - ic host pro-claim, “Christ is born in ‘Beth = le- hem’’, Pleasedas. Man with men. to appear, Je - sus, our -Im-manu-el here! Born to raise the sons of earth; Born to give them sec - ond birth, *Peéace on earth, and mer - cy mild, God and sin - ners re - con-ciled!” tie ce 0 foo ge dy: apg os ies 5 =p Sere _ CHRISTMAS REFRAIN Hark! the her -ald an-gels sing “Glo - ry to _ the new-born King.” A-MEN.. S 24 -~»- ea. #. ©. ap -p- setae -@- $: -8 ee (peal ; , : Sa migers | SS Se ee ae aad oo eee | ES Good News from Heaven the Angels Bring 14 VOM HIMMEL HOCH. L. M. MARTIN LUTHER, 1535 Trs. ARTHUR T. RUSSELL, 1848. a Geistliche Lieder, Leipzig, 1539 CATHERINE WINKWORTH, 1855 _ Melody of secular origin Li Sal en aa pace een a —. _—4. ka Gesy oe o—— 1 < 1. Good news from heavn the an - gels bring, Glad ti - dings to the earth they sing: 2. This is the Christ, our God and Lord, Who in all need shall aid af - ford; 3. All hail, Thou no - ble Guest, this morn, Whose love did not. the sin - ner scorn; 4. Were earth a thou-sand times as fair, Be - set with gold and jew- els rare, To us this day a Child is given, To crown us with the joy of heaven. He will Him-self our Sav-iour be, Fromalloursins to set us free. | In my dis-tress Thou com’st to me; What thanks shall I re-turn to Thee? She yet were far too poor to be . A nar-rowcra- dle, Lord, for Thee. A-MEN. 5 Ah, dearest Jesus, Holy Child, 6 Praise God upon His heavenly throne, Make Thee a bea, soft, undefiled, Who gave to us His only Son; Within my heart, that it may be For this His ‘hosts, on joyful wing, aA quiet, chamber kept for. Thee, A blest New ‘Year of mercy sing: THE CHURCH YEAR 15 Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne MARGARET. Irregular, Emaury E. S. Exriorr, 1864 TimoTHy R. MATTHEWS, 1876 (] SE a” amr SET Ft 17 = 97H, = Rye! NILMRat A AH 13s EAR Re TBR ACH abt ‘UGE Bis oR NOL Le Oa On » —t +} et Fe peo et ep pee | a a oa rd — Ferdi Queraniemne BEd Bit a Ee a a AMS Waa SEN 1 PMO En | 5 Re a a SEO sal ML iad wat Zana a aon | heart, Lord Je - sus: There is room in my heart for Thee. A-MEN, o- S- _ + 2 ve i.) C30" SU AA EST PS CR Pe PEN ee oy ar Se We Te fe — 5 a ae SS Ac BR Awa i ' El SU NE EE EL C+ —_}-—_ +} $99 ee 1 (2S CA ST Sf PD Ca ER i Bey a : 4 Thou camest, O Lord, with the living 5 When the heavens shall ring, and the Word angels sing That should set Thy children free; At Thy coming to victory, But with mocking scorn, and with crown of Let Thy voice call me home, saying, thorn “Yet there is room, They bore Thee to Calvary. There is room at My side for thee.”’ O come to my heart, Lord Jesus: And my heart shall rejoice, Lord Jesus: There is room in my heart for Thee. There is room in my heart for Thee. CHRISTMAS Come Hither, Ye Faithful 16 ADESTE FIDELES. 11 11, 11 11. Latin Hymn XVII Century Tr. EDWARD CASWALL, 1849. a Joun F. Wane’s Cantus Diversi, 1751 1. Come hith - er, ye faith - ful, tri - umph-ant-ly sing; Come see in the 2. True Son of the Fa - ther, He comes from the skies; To be born of a 3. Hark, hark, to the an - gels, all sing -ing in heaven, “‘To God in_ the O- -0- e ae IAN | ne ate on VC 2 EE ae Sa ea a = emit fet ea \ | RGR ar, HE fifa BOE” CED 1 ee a eee | ren CTT TP A ATT OS a @ [ye ’ wee Pee Are a A a | | - ger the an - gels’ dread King! To Beth - le - hem hast - en, with - gin He does not de-spise; To Beth - le - hem hast - en, with high - est all glo- ry be given!” To Beth - le - hem hast - en, with hon or through heav-en and earth; True God - head in - car - nate, om - A | +. i. Pi : ~ -6- -6 -§- — + 4 Tt ANSP MN wT LE TA WE ZN 1 See ms Or: 1c San A ER A Sa RL CCN (ew Se ET oe ——F rd ADs eet aN TR Per meMMaWn eens Tee | | 7 Bon cn ae Ca SPM AAT Ce A = Bor At aE eT ia! pa a= ete asad ST Beh wr ri part] Ree ig RC ig ag ag | | fh | joy - ful ac - cord; O come ye, come hith - er, to wor - ship the joy - ful ac - cord; O come ye, come hith - er, to wor - ship the joy - ful ac - cord: O come ye, come hith - er, to wor - ship the ni - po - tent Word! O come, let us hast - en to wor - ship the | | : | In| | yi | l | “|e Nl -o, eg -& ~| armas BEALE Papo pa ———————— a PRES TAS GI STE, DT PLAT T_T ERD t—! Pag A come ye, come hith - er, to wor - ship the Lord! O Lord! O come ye, comehith - er, to wor - ship the Lord! Lord! O come ye, comehith - er, to wor - ship the Lord! ‘ Lord! - O come, jet us hast - en to wor - ship the Lord! A-MEN. THE CHURCH YEAR 17 Once in Royal David's City IRBY. 87,87,77. : CrciL F. ALEXANDER, 1848 . HENRY J. GAUNTLETT, 1849 ‘ae oO . Once in roy - al Da-vid’s cit- y Stood a low - ly cat -tle- shed, . He came down to earth from heav-en, Who. is God and Lord of all, . And, through all His won- drous child-hood, He would hon - or, and o - bey, . For He _ is_ our child-hood’s Pat-tern, Day by day like us He grew: hw HN 4 Where a moth-er laid her Ba - by In a oman- ger for’ His bed; And His shel- ter was a sta - ble, And His cra - dle was a stall; Love, and watch the low - ly maid-en In whosegen- tle arms He lay; He was lit - tle, weak, and help-less, Tears and smiles like us He knew; eke ee ese cee) ~— ee eee eee er Sere errs oS er ini eee tire Ma - ry was that moth-er mild, Je - sus Christ her lit - tle Child. With the poor, and mean, and lowly, Lived on earth our Sav -iour holy. Chris - tian chil- dren all must be Mild, o- bed-ient, good as He. And He feel - eth for our sadness, And He shar - eth in our gladness. A-MEN. 5 And our eyes at last shall see Him, 6 Not in that poor lowly stable, Through His own redeeming love; With the oxen standing by, For that Child so dear and gentle We shall see Him, but in heaven, Is our Lord in heaven above; Set at God’s right hand on high; And He leads His children on When like stars His children crowned, To the place where He is gone. All in white shall wait around. CHRISTMAS The New-born King Who Comes Today 18 MATERNA. C. M.D. b als a oe 1. The new-born King Who comes to-day Brings ti- dings of great joy, 2, He comesnot as a_ king of earth, In| pomp and pride to reign; 3. For us He leaves His Father’sthrone, His sap-phire throne on high, SamuEL A. WARD, 1882 Which sin cannev - er take a- way Nor death nor hell de - stroy. He seeks a poor and hum-ble birth, But free from sin - ful stain; And comes to dwell on earth a- lone, For fall - en man to die. -9- @_. e -@g- ° -@- -@- -9- ee = fe a i &. _@- === = Sa ee a in : os! ere Re - joice, ye Gen-tile lands, re-joice, And hail this glo-rious dawn; Re - joice, ye Gen- tile lands, re-joice, Glad hymns of tri-umph sing: Re - joice, ye Gen- tile lands, re-joice, All hail Mes- si-ah’s dawn; a fee | Ew = _@_ ais ef al i -0- -O 2 ce ‘ PATE For God comes down, frail man to crown—The Lord of Life is born! The Won-der -ful, the Coun- sel - lor, He comes, your Godand King! Our God comes down, earth’s joy and crown: The King of Loveis born. A- MEN. ae 2 ate ve 5: “a be ¢—¢-§ —F— o— f. -9- : Ten grea a nes 11S 2 ey me Be ee See eee sere erect £3. o—+— 4 Glad Gentiles in their eastern home 5 We join your song, celestial throng, ’ His radiant star behold; Whose anthems never cease, To God, their King, they joy to bring We tune our lyres, with angel choirs, ’ Sweet incense, myrrh, and gold. To hail the Prince of Peace! Rejoice, ye Gentile lands, rejoice, © Rejoice, ye Gentile lands, rejoice, ..: In-heaven your praises sing, . And hail Immanuel’s morn;: . : -. Before Him fall, the Lord of all, For God comes down, frail man to crown: ° Your Maker and your King! © - To us a Child 3s born. THE CHURCH YEAR 19 Joy to the World! the Lord is Come ANTIOCH. C. M. : IsAAc WATTS, 1719 T. HAwKEs’ Collection of Tunes, 1833 ei UN 2 I SAL Ce a po, =f x ii + * ( APPoumLa ry ry -6- e Y 1. Joy to the world! the Lord is come; Let earth re-ceive her King; 2. Joy to the earth! the Sav - iour reigns; Let men their songs em - ploy; 3. No more let sin and sor - rows grow, Nor thorns in - fest the ground; 4. He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the na- tions prove | N Oi Mis me a IN E — ES] : imi o WE oA IMEI ETERS Ban ec sigesses eo | RUE a > A ae ° TELAT BEEP WO RET Lic:| | 0 aed MMSE pe MRE . \ r nasrrea _ _—s AT oI Fee En Bde cH Tall ba — Sees ~~ Geaesia ries frSiSess==-——— Let ev - ’ry heart pre- pare Him room, Andheavenandnaturesing, And While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains, Re-peat the sound-ing joy, Re - He comes to make His bles- sings flow Far as the curse is found,. Far The glo-ries of His righ-teous - ness, And won-ders of His love, And : o— —9—a— T_T VE SE Be Cov PvE toate aa a = yy t+ OH -@ , eo poate Cio A i, Ola gare Aa Mes heaven and nature sing, And heaven, and heaven and na- ture sing. peat the sounding joy, Re - peat, re- peat the sound-ing joy. as the curse is found, Far as, far .as the curse is found. wonders of His love, And wonders, and wond-ers of His love. A- MEN. E> cmmmammarmapes he Peis a Boi ~ ——L————— a ppp ep ee eV Seay {eae Mat Para — s - | Spe a Pe rae Racor sree | sing, And heavenand nature sing, 20 Silent Night! Holy Night! JosErH Monr, 1818 STILLE NACHT. Irregular Tr. Unknown FRANZ GRUBER, {818 ai 4 —9-3— $6 3 care —_— Ga a Ga a ir 1. Si - lent night! Ho - ly night! Al 1s: i, Calm eral is bright 2. Si - lent night! Ho ~- ly night! Shep - herds quake at the sight! 3. Si - lent night! Ho - ly night! Son of God, love’s pure light ~- EX, Pile ele CHRISTMAS CG -&- a Round yon Vir - gin Moth-er and Child. Ho - ly In - fant, so ten - der and mild, Glo - ries stream from heav-en a - far, Heaven-ly hosts sing: Al - le - lu - ia, Ra-diant beams from Thy ho-ly face, With the dawn of re-deem - ing grace, -f e | N | () ne = a <——- Ff id} 4} + 1 — ey ea ee ee (i a ATE Se & ASD. E Po GG LL O STIR DEM SL F — Siiiis ites x ~Ca-* Slee in heav - en - ly _ peace. Sleep in heav-en- ly peace. Christ, the Sav - iour, is born! Christ, the Sav - iour, is born! Je - sus, Lord, at Thy birth. Je - sus, Lord, at Thy birth. . o°° 6- e oa > : 2 es ee onl oes AOD ERIE esa Sa AETTS SL) + FL 2 CN SEL PF ae ee gp ttt Soe saeee ceo oe Hark! How the Angels Sing 21 GEorGE H. TRABERT, 1923 TRABERT. 64,64, 66 4. J. F. OHL, 1923 LS) a a a a Page jk Od [ET IT 0 OME 9 age eet —— oe ee ea ee — a . 6 oe 1. Hark! how the an - gels sing On Christ-mas morn; What is the 2. Shep-herds near Beth - le- hem Saw a great light, Bright-ness sur - 3. There in a man-ger, see An In- fant lie; The.’ Son, * of 4. Let us re - joice and sing On Christ - mas morn, Je - sus our ic yy 8 ee pp ees .—_— ARS Bl uit as acon oe he sane SAM OE ARENA SBA LT —— 52> Ee BEI RATE RST 8 Ny EAA BW ETT arma news they bring? Je - sus is born. It rings through-out the sky: round-ed them, Though it was night; An an- gel spake to them, God is He, Sent from on high; There see God’s love re- vealed, Lord and King For us is_ born. That He might save from sin ft. Zs oe -#- -— « a = +o ——$ - SS WEL A wa a (a SR Sw eS AEN eA RET IDET ies SOS A OE ee EUR VHS . Aare ea —e—_ f-4—_|—_+ > _C a... aT gl Le a ee Be Ohh Cok SEIS ONE SANE Mh RRO Tk PS CA RR "6s ——_o—_0—|-0—.—_ ss H+ st Sai a Md Poo be bed \UP bes Si a eee see eee pe DOR MM SRN EGA YC MAI wal AEM FE LE RA Glo-ry to God onhigh, Je- sus is born, Je - sus is born. Go, there in Beth - le-hem Je-sus is born, Je - sus is born. His Word is now ful-filled, Je- sus is born, Je - sus is born. And we might glo- ry win Je- sus is born, Je - sus 1s born. A - MEN, ; oho ae Se bed - 6 @ > a ies "a _ AE ANN A A ANE SF A A SA AS a @ id A eS ae an [ a eo Le Deep et et a a oa Sa ' ort ees eee . THE CHURCH YEAR CHRISTMAS CAROLS 22>. Come! Ye Lofty, Come: ue Lowly | ARCHER T. GURNEY, 1883 Sy Ee OE: 1926, —a—*— 9 o . Come! ye loft - y,; wt ye low - ee Let your songs of glad-ness ring; ee . Come! ye poor, no pomp of stat-ion Robes the Child your heartsa-dore; . High a-bove a_ star is shin-ing,, And the wise men haste from far; masa the heaven of heavens is ring-ing,* Christ the Lord to man is born; ih a -0- a—. e—- i in a Msta - ble «lies the Ho - ly, In a man - ger rests the King. s He, the Lord:-of all sal-va.-tion, Shares your want, is weak and poor. ‘Come, glad hearts and spir-its pin-ing, For you all has risen a Star.- Are not all our hearts, too, sing-ing Wel-come, wel-come, Christ-mas morn? ° en Ma - ry’sarms re- pos - ing Christ by high -est heaven a -dored; en round a - bout, be - hold them, Raft ers nak - ed, cold and_ bare! ee us bring our poor ob - la - tions, Thanks, and love, and faith, and praise; _.. Still. the Child, all power pos - sess - ing, Smiles as through the -a-~-ges past; renee ‘your cir = cle round rae ate - ing, ‘Pi = ous hearts thatlove. the Lesa wees See the shep-herds! God has told them That the Prince of Life lies there. Gome, ye peo -:ple,-come, ye na-tions, All in . all ‘draw nigh to gaze! And the - song * of Christ- -mas bleéés - ing . Sweet- ly ‘sinks -to- rest at> ‘last. : CHRISTMAS CAROLS O Little Town of Bethlehem 23 PuiLtres Brooks, 1868 . Lewis H. RepNER, 1868 1.0 lit - tle town of Beth -le- hem, How still we see thee lie! 2. For Christ is born of Ma - ry; And, gath-ered all a - bove, 3. How si - lent - ly, how si - lent - ly, The won-drous gift is given! 4.0 Ho - ly Child of Beth-le- hem, De- scend to us, we pray; fe: PEER TER SP BF SITU A TSE o—3— a ee | A - bove thy deep and dream-less sleep, The si- lent stars go by; While mor-tals sleep, the an - gels keep Their watch of won - d’ring love. So: God im - parts to hu- man hearts The bless-ings of His heaven. Cast out our sin, and en- ter in, Be born: in«.us to. day, Poe a eet aL i vy a ee cop P ): iad F dA SRE RND Ew Rael ere a Cag Yate asin thy dark streets shin - eth The ev -er - last - ing Light: O morn-ing stars, to - geth - er Pro-claimthe ho- ly’ Birth! No ear may hear His .com - ing, But in this world of sin, We hear tle Christ-mas an - gels The great glad ti - dings tell; a ¢—_ 6" a ; “ aus B rr ae ee Sh The apes and fears of all the years Are met in thee to-night. And prais-es sing) to God the King, And peace to men ‘‘on earth. Where meek-souls will re- ceive Him still The dear Christ en - ters in. O-come to us, °a- bide with us, Our Lord Im-man- u - el. THE CHURCH YEAR 24 While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks Based on a melody by G. W. FInx, 1842 NAHUM TATE, 1700 In SULLIVAN’S Church Hymns, 1874 1. While shep-herds watched their flocks by night, All seat-ed on the ground, 2.‘“‘To you, in Da- vid’s town this day, Is born of Da-vid’s line 3. Thus spake the ser - aph, and forth-with Ap - peared a shin-ing throng The an - gel of the Lord came down, And glo - ry shone a - round. A Sav-iour, Who is Christ, the Lord, And this shall be the sign:— Of an - gels, prais - ing God, who thus Ad-dressed their joy -ful song:— | aiid - 2 o°- » © -” £ » 7, J : —— “Fear not,” said he,— for might-y dread Had seized their trou-bled mind,— The heaven-ly Babe you thereshall find To hu - man view dis - played, “All glo - ry be to God on high, an to the earth be peace; f) fet) ASS SS SS eee ed we ETS J rT <—s— J A | lg i go ee i \S 9 Ailind i fe nr eee Se eee BS BI EE “Glad ti- dings of great joy I bring To you and all man- kind.” All mean - ly wrapped in swath- ing bands, And in a é man- ger laid.” Good-will hence-forth from heaven to men Be - gin and nev - er cease!” te . tr ti es ii Lol Seren es Seon ater meer Nat "ee SEM OM 0 Sef ) ee ————— CHRISTMAS CAROLS It Came Upon the Midnight Clear 25 Epwarp H. Sears, 1850, a. RicHarpD S. WILLIS, 1850 a? ANY 28 cc ee PS (LES UG US ADA SNS RE PN a SARIS WAT NAMI MR TI ’ Sy cil) SE Me IT A a a a TS WOR OME ON ET A RY i —+4—-s iceman fr a Be —t at 3 H h = A MASE | LIL P=) San oa st ia | Soa 1. It came up-on the mid-nightclear, That glo - rious song of old, 2. Still through the clo - ven skies they come, With peace-ful wings un - furled, 3. And ye, be - neath life’s crush-ing load, Whose forms are bend - ing low, 4. For lo, the days are hast-’ning on, By proph-ets seen of old, ] ao ) From an - gels bend-ing near the earth To touch their harps of gold: And still their heavenly mu - sic floats O’er all the wea - ry world; Who toil a-long theclimb-ing way With pain - ful steps and slow;— When with the ev - er-circ-ling years Shall come the time fore - toid, d i i \ i 1 | ‘ i \ l ! | : “Peace on the earth, good will to men, From heaven's all-gra - cious King”’: A -bove its sad and low-ly plains They bend on hov - ’ring wing, — Look now! for glad and gold-en hours Comeswift-ly on the wing; When the new heaven and earth shallown The Prince of Peace their King, POLL EO ES SSL A PR Be CET Me Sa GEREN LET EN ee I EN TS Lid MS ae he a CT A ea EE A a tS 4 (SW VE NTL SS El A SE A EN PE HERR CRT PAD Rh I NSP STOUT JF) CORE Sa «ST TA =“ I~ LR 202 8) sR ePA PN J U oA = eA a C4 on Sse The world in sol - emn still - ness lay, To hear the an - gels sing. And ev - er o’er its Ba - bel-sounds The bless-ed an - gels sing. O rest be- side the wea- ry road, And hear the an - gels sing. And the whole world send back the song Whichnowthe an - gels sing. —~ | “~~ oO a= id Ja >) or = WES a mast DEL cS SO ee | RE BE Ds PT St St en i tte ee eee en | 1.2) at 5——_»~§—_> —___»_+-55—_, —_ > — ++ h ineaers WLU Gal Ge SY Le A eS (ee BOS 01 LO ered RET Pe os THE CHURCH YEAR 26 Joy Fills Our Inmost Hearts Today Wo. CHATTERTON Dix, 1865 SAMUEL SMITH, 1874... 1. Jey fills our in- most hearts to-day, The Roy-al Child is born; 2. Low at the cra- dle-throne we bend, We won-der and a - dore, 3. For us the world must lose its charms Be - fore the man - ger- shrine, 4. Thou Light of un - cre - a - ted Light, Shine on us, Ho - ly Child, | | exec a Se OEE RY Ne OR epee —e + 9-6-8 ee See eS ae oe or — moor aa en — ; And an--gel hosts, in glad ar - ray, His Ad - vent keep this morn. And feel no bliss can ours tran-scend: No joy was sweet be - fore. When, fold- ed in Thy moth-er’s arms, We see Thee, Babe Di - vine. That we may keep Thy Birth- day bright With ser-vice un- de - filed. Re - joice,, . re - joice! Th’In-car - nate “Word '-Has comes on | th earth-to dwell; No sweet-er sound than this is heard: Im-man-u - é 2. : at fan “8- € A o> | || f Pt an ke a ae ee ee ee Se ee ee eibecipeeup et egies CHRISTMAS CAROLS The Joyful Morn Is Breaking 27 BENJAMIN GOUGH, 1873 Epwarp J. Hopxins (1818-1901) 1. The joy -ful morn is break - ing, The bright-est morn of earth, 2. High strains of praise are swell- ing Froman - gel hosts on _ high, . 3. His chil - dren’s songs shall name Him In man - ya tongue to - day; Thro’ all cre - a- tion wak - ing The joy of Je - sus’ birth. And one soft voice is tell - ing Glad? ti - dings fromi the Gesky:; is Church shall yet pro-claim Him To peo- ple far a- way; ae I a Ne a rs SSeS Re ee ——$——— eae —| a es al ee et His star a-bove is glist -’ning, Where Je - sus cra - dled lies, Ti - dings of free sal - va - tion, Of peace on earth be - low; Till i - dols fall be - fore Him, Till strife and wrong shall cease, N -@- -@- And all the earth is list-’ning The car- ol of the skies. Thro’ev - ‘ry land and na - tion ‘The bless - ed word shall go! Till all the earth a-- dore Him, Th’e-ter - nal Prince of Peace! bw THE CHURCH YEAR 28 See, Amid the Winter’s Snow EDWARD CASWALL, 1851 Joem Goss, 1870 P SOLO ? at” mse SNOT TEA Py on ee oe omar | Oy Se ere 1 SSA DRE CLI, TBST HR BOP” OHM TLL US S gobs, Sane em Semenicaer cates ec ees ~~ — * -?- cl = meee mf F Boar aki ra laeeaet (enon I. See, a-mid the win-ter’s snow, Born for us on_ earth be- low, 2. Lo, with-in a man-ger lies He Who built the star - ry skies: 3. Say, ye ho - ly shep-herds, say, What your joy -ful news to- day? 4. ‘As we watched at dead of night, Lo! we saw a won-drous light; | ‘. See the ten - der Lamb ap - pears, Prom-ised from e - ter - nal years. He Who, throned in height sub - lime, Sits a - mid the cher - u - bim. Where-fore have ye left your sheep On the lone - ly moun - tain steep? An - gels sing - ing, ‘Peace on earth,’ Told us of the Sav - iour’s birth.” REFRAIN . N © mar = ae _ # >t ear g a ieh AG, ou . epee a ae ae Hail, thou ev - er - bless - ed morn! Hail re - demp-tion’s hap - py dawn! Sing through all Je - ru - sa - lem, Christ is born in Beth- le - hem. = a ee 2 ——— — a —————— PAGTAGTRADA (rs RNS » mR | Ho Sanaa | ; | ( v | | 5 Sacred Infant, all Divine, 6 Teach, O teach us, Holy Child, What a tender love was Thine, By Thy face so meek and mild, Thus to come from highest bliss Teach us to resemble Thee, Down to such a world as this! In Thy sweet humility. CHRISTMAS CAROLS Like Silver Lamps in a Distant Shrine 29 Wm. CHATTERTON Drx, 1867 CHARLES STEGGALL, 1867 t.7Like > ‘sil -* ‘ver lamps - tant shrine, The 2. No earth - ly songs are a so sweet As 3. The stars of heaven still shine as at first They 4. Faith sees no long - er the sta - ble floor, The stars are spark - ling bright; The bells of the cit- y_ of those whichare fill-ing the skies, And nev- er a_ pal - ace shone gleamed on this won-der-ful night, The bells of the cit- y _ of pave -mentof sap-phireis there, The clear light of heav - en streams Oi a ont Bicgnt & =? | ri sab RN EG ee Lea cores caer! fb TEN SY ENCE 1 senna RIE ZI God ring out, For the Son of Ma-ry is born to-night, The alte, so}, ': fair As: the man - ger- bed where our Sav -iour lies; No God .peal out, Andthe an- gels’ song stillrings in the height, And a tot the world, And the an - gels of God are crowding the air, And » PN Seneca (naa = — feet Saat, ce | : dim tee ae RR eT oT Sc a aad gloom is past, Andthe mornat last Is com-ing with ori - ent light. night in the year Is half so dear As _ this which has ended our sighs. love still turns Where the God-head burns, Hid in flesh from flesh - ly sight. heaven and_ earth, Thro’ the spot-less birth, Are at peace on this night so fair. THE CHURCH YEAR 30 God Rest You, Merry. Gentlemen Traditional . _ Traditional mf et noes Sir os rence estamos eee ; Tay -6- | I. God rest you, mer- ry gen -tle-men, Let noth-ing you dis - may, 2.\ In Beth - le - hem,'»in “Jew. - ry, This bless - ed Babe was born, 3. From God our Heaven-ly Fa - ther, A _ bless - ed an - gel came; eS SS ee ee 2S aeons ere 6: gig = Pas — == = ees wr aa +f y Pe te He 3 i oa : ? oC ‘6 a a be Re-mem- ber Christ our Sav - jour Was born on Christ- mas Day, And laid with-in a man -_ ger, Up - on this bless- ed morn; And un- to cer - tain shep - herds Brought ti-dings of the same: = SE zs SS eee Saco an SO So Eo i Pe etalIDe BEI ETA Ya = ila eae ee geen) ——o—- —9——__y—_3-———_—- Tae ® o_ o To save us all from Sa-tan’s pow’r When we were gone a - stray; The which gts Voth era Mae si) yy Did noth-ing take in scorn, - How that in Beth - le-hem was born The Son of God by Name... -@- pita a Sa Paes Sieber = Sd eat Ae a eae ae Tate aS 44 — + w com - fort and ——— PND WBF Pay ee eae i PTE Was a? Con Sz ee a Sraye it ee eee a rhe ee f enna —y ): \——8——_9 ——}— @ mas» + Ree eT ye Fe © e Roe ere ry Eee Na ON es Rees CHRISTMAS CAROLS 4 ‘Fear not then,” said the angel, 6 And when they came to Bethlehem “Let nothing you affright, Where our dear Saviour lay, This day is born a Saviour They found Him in a manger, Of a pure Virgin bright, Where oxen feed on hay; To free all those who trust in Him His Mother Mary kneeling down, From Satan’s power and might.” Unto the Lord did pray. 5 The shepherds at those tidings 7 Now to the Lord sing praises, Did much rejoice in mind, All you within this place, And left their flocks a-feeding, And with true love and brotherhood In tempest, storm, and wind: Adore our Saviour’s grace; And went to Bethlehem straightway, This holy tide of Christmas The Son of God to find. All others doth deface. Stars All Bright Are Beaming 31 RICHARD R. CHOPE (1830- ) W.R. Hort EEE a ee eo “fp Ss = | I. Stars all bright are beam-ing From the skies a-bove, Na- ture’s face all 2. Here tor us a-bid - ing, Cra- dled in a stall, All His glo - ry 3. Born that He might lead us From this des - ert home,—Guide our way, and gleam - ing, Shines with Heaven’s own love. hid - ing, See the Lord of all! Wake and sing, good Chris - tians, feed us, Till the end shall come. 4 Thousand thousand blessings 5 Glory in the highest, | Sing we for His love, For this wondrous birth; Choral hymns addressing Choir of heaven! thou criest To our Lord above. ‘“Peace to all on earth!”’ THE CHURCH YEAR 32 In the Silence of the Night A. Mary R. Dosson A. Mary R. Dosson UNISON In the’ si-lence- of - the night, . Long, long years’ as =~ g0).7 7ie" Seema soe ee He was born that men might know Joy in an - guish, rest in woe; sn : : ; i . ) <5 See #9 spat ons Re eee: Peace on earth that men might live. Yea, this Child did come to give CHRISTMAS CAROLS HARMONY os (satire q Se 3 ge : vines a A Poe Leer Ow Are a igs nn ero Sta pf px | 2. Shep-herds from the far hill-side, Sought that man-ger rude;..... With the 3. Wise men on the de - sert track Hailed that bea - con bright, . . On - ward 4. We no an - gel’s voice have usu And no star we i Bride ees Yet we Scie Set =e ieee g28 . a= an -. gel’s word to guide, They their way pur - pee .. Saw the low - ing pressed and turned not back, Guid-ed by its light. . Ree For . to seek the fain would trust Thy word, Yield-i a Bile. et. Tree ea. Lo, we come with a ra HM Eee peat aera —? SS = Speer = A ox - en nigh, Where the lit - fe Child did lie; mee vid’s Son come down to King they came, All their hearts with love a - flame, Low - ly kneel - ing they a - hearts a - Bt Through the cold-ness of the snow, For, dear Lord, Thou still dost ? if aye Peace on earth, that men ae five. ored, For that Child was Christ the Lord. ORGAN. pp give | . Peace on earth, that men may live. f ae SoS Seecsces! Spa prs eee eee ee | oa THE CHURCH YEAR 33 Come and Hear the Grand Old Story Horatius Bonar, 1861 J. F. OuL, 1886 SOLO 2 1. Come and hear the grandold sto-ry, Sto - try of the a- ges past; 2. Christ, the Fa-ther’sSon E - ter - nal, Once was born a Son of man, 3. Here in Dav-id’s low-ly cit- y, Ten-ant of the man-ger - bed, : | ae oe ee ee OF a ———————————— SS All earth’s an - nals far sur - pass-ing, Sto -ry that shall ev - er last. He Who nev - er knew be - gin-ning Here on earth a life be-gan. Child of ev - er-last -ing ag-es, Ma-ry’s In - fant lays His head. [i cdaieael Sack nl Me Pa Solo oka, ee a aE en aS POURS Ao eh | | oe he it a a ES Ee REFRAIN | 7 ieee = ee 7 comeet semana on eee P paepe. LEN s ._ oe ear ae fee -6- No - blest, tru - est, Old - est,. new - est, Fair - est, rar - est, > ee ee ee ee ee + ———— 9 ” o—— *): a a ee Se ee ram Ot a Se oS eee ee : a Sad - dest, glad - dest, That the world has ev - ef known. CHRISTMAS CAROLS Good Christian Men, Rejoice -. 34 From the Latin Tr. JoHN Mason NEALE, 1853 Pre-Reformation Melody ek Wee ee east had 2 = Se a a a a a a a ae SS er With heart and soul and voice, With heart and soul and voice, With heart and soul and voice, zt. Good Chris-tian men, fe - joice, 2, Good Chris-tian men, re - joice, 3. Good Chris-tian men, re - joice, Give ye heed to what we say: News! News! Je - sus Christ’ is born to - day! Now ye hear of end - less bliss: Joy! Joy! Je - sus Christ was born for this! Now ye need not fear the grave: Peace! Peace! Je - sus Christ was born to save! Ox and ass be - fore Him bow, And He He hath oped the heaven - ly door, And man is bless - ed you one and calls you all, To gain Hisév: He eo = man - ger now. Christ is born to - day! Christ is born to - day! ev - er-more. Christ was born for this! Christ was born for this! last - ing hall: Christ was born to save! Christ was born to save! THE CHURCH YEAR 35 The First Noel the Angel Did Say Traditional Traditional The first No - el the an-gel did say Was to cer-tain poor © They look - ed up and saw a star Shin-ing in the And by the light of that same star, Three wise men This star drew nigh to the north-west, O’er Beth - le- Then en - tered in those wise men three, Full rev - er - ent - pts atl ie ( ) Sane i. v BSS a RTI IEF OP BONES NeW ET ESTATE TOE RED SPEARS MUHA SP DMMP fx tp en ee ASP, = TA SE A” js : = y- La shep-herds in fields asthey lay; In fields where they lay keep-ing their east, be - yond them far, And to the earth it gave _ great came from coun - try far; To seek for a king was their in - hem it took its rest, Andthere it did both stop and ly up - on the knee, And of - fered there, in His pres = sheep, On a_ cold win-ter’s night that was so deep. light, And so it con-tin-ued both day and night. tent, And to fol -low the _ star wher - ev - er it went. stay, Right o- ver the _ place where Je - sus lay. ence, Their gold, and myrrh, and frank - in - cense. No -el, No-el, No-el, No - el, Born is the King of Is - ra - el CHRISTMAS CAROLS There Dwelt in Old Judea 36 Traditional RosBERT JACKSON (1840-) } ae —) RD, ORE RAN MUNERANG OMIT DEW ET: CEO Hak TELL = Ly Sb EMEDIA" Laie al yt °C 7 3 UM WASTE Fer GS hse EVEN AL ioe PEA? oe Te -~»- 2 2 eS ————————————— GIES DT Tia ee ee $$ —-H | In Unison me —— pf ft 4H ‘én. US hae a a SE? SESE SD Dias —}—_ + SSP. parm o> an ed el 8 ea Seay | ~¢ e ° o- “me 1. There dwelt in old Ju - de = a, A maid - en fair to see; 2,,And as», the In -'fant.,'Je - sus Lay on His low - ly _ bed, 3. The shep-herdsbowed be - fore Him, While an -gelsswift did fly A The Moth - er mild and ie - de-filed, Of: abless - ed Babe was she. A cir - cle bright of heaven- ly light Shone round a - bout His head. On blest em-ploy, with songs of joy, _ fill the star - ry oo 1 a SSS REFRAIN. Jn Harmony 5p" sya ama) Sere === Sing No - el, sing No - el, And mer - ry be al - way; Pas a - + ~~ § #. 9a > Se Sa ET OO 157 a Beater. oe ee ———————————— ed [sage er =| + | N N a= = Se (tie ae ce re a eae aon a, ° i ! (<0 ee sa CLAPTRTS RT aA, a oa pe Rand 3 ees aT te y Wicd lag Aa Tir aaah For Christwasborn, in the ear - lymorn, All on a Christ-mas Day. -o e -6- | Pk =e -f- aoe oe Chee a Cee p28 | J ai 22 Sees w aaa ce OMEN Gace c ERI ET wana | oe oral a a, i 4 For this was Prince Emmanuel, 5 Now Christ, my dear Redeemer, Who laid aside His crown; I give my heart to Thee; And all to win our souls from sin For, by my word, this loving Lord Unto the earth came down. Shail be the Lord of me. THE: CHURCH YEAR 37 When Christ Was Born of Mary Free Traditional a J, F. Om, 1926 eee ele eee o i —_@ > 1. When Christ was born © of Ma - ry free In _ Beth - le-hem, that 2: Herdsmen be - held those an - gelsbright. To them ap-pear - ing 34 This King is come to save man-kind, In Scrip-ture from - ised 4. Grant us, O Lord, for Thy great grace, In . heaven. the bliss to = Fee ee es (ee fair cit - ie, The an - gels sang with mirth and glee, ‘In ex-cel - sis glo - ri-a.” with great light, And said, ‘‘God’s Sonis born this night, In ex-cel - sis glo - ri-a.” as we find. Wethere-fore have this song in mind, “In ex-cel- sis glo - ri-a.” see Thyface, That we maysing to Thy so-lace—‘In ex-cel - sis glo -ri-a.” | “Tn ex-cel- sis ‘ glo '- rite a," «Jn ex-cel-sis glo - ri - a, ioe See CO Se See | fi Oa ee TE ae ee Lee uae, ae haan 2a hl CHRISTMAS CAROLS. ara A = ee 4 SE. asa | 7 ae o- oe __¥9— a ee In ex -cel - sis, In ex-cel - sis 2 Ca ike Sh EAR esas Nils Fey gi o- = teat 2- : Ke Rg A eg een A Eyl eat ws Yul allel pga ): ! ——* “fo — 9 —f to aha Sow 3 ae Se amar oe eA 7 cRORUNTT TB ch IATA DORE PASTE (ERE AE 5, iS 2 ha TS : > ER” AT —— -—s— | peer Te 2a — ah a a Se CAM LAE J a ap es aa ex-cel-sis glo - ri- a, In ex-cel-sis glo - fri- a, : | Copyright; 1926, by J. F. Ohl THE CHURCH YEAR 38 Sing, Sing for Christmas J. H. Ecar W. W. RoussEAu 1, Sing, sing for Christ-mas! Wel-come hap -py day! For Christ is born, our Sav -iour, 2. Tell, tell the sto-ry Of the won-drous night When shep-herds who were watch-ing 3. Soft, soft - ly shin-ing, Stars werein the sky, And sil- ver fell the moon-light pa ! 2 ae rz —@_ ~0-. ‘To takeour sins a-way. Sing, sing a joy-ful song, Loud and clear to - day, Their flocks till morn-ing light, Saw an-gel hosts from heaven,Heard the an - gel voice, On = hilland moun-tain high, When sud-den- ly the night Outshone the bright midday, eae Ty ae Bearish aS Ss es es ee = —s —>——-}—-—__ ++ emia a a or ae ee eee ‘Too praise our) Lord “and | Say -uoun Who sin |. thesmane ger, slay. And so were told the ti - dings, Which make the world re - joice. With an - gel hostswho her - ald The reign of peace for aye. Y Cxrorvus A ——— —o—__—_» 6 r -¢ a —— — == === Sing, sing for Christ - mas! Wel-come hap - py day! For ; | | | 3 fe gp at 2 i “a 7 ee y—B wile nak ae pre ee Se Be $_« A o- oa — SSeS ae ee 5 acy VEER, ——-@—____——__ ———_-_@—__—_- Christsvis.. ‘born;sourt:.Savue) oun’ | ’-To take Mourt sine a - Way. ' CHRISTMAS CAROLS 4 Hark, hear them singing, 5 Sing, sing for Christmas. Singing in the sky, Echo, earth, the cry “Be worship, honor, glory, Of worship, honor, glory, And praise to God on high! And praise to God on high! Peace, peace, good-will to men, Sing, sing the joyful song, Born the Child from heaven! Let it never cease, The Christ, the Lord, the Saviour. Of glory in the highest, ‘The Son to you is given! y On earth, good-will and peace. Child Jesus Came from Heaven to Earth 39 From the Danish of HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN MtBOSTsST>) J. F. Ont, 1886 X per BT OAT BOLT DEE eS Saae oan cree a mo Pigumieniys Tle sa Ti tie, 1. Child Je - sus came from heaven to earth, The Fa-ther’s mer-cy show - ing; 20 soul with sin and griefcastdown, For - get thy bit - ter sad - ness! Pea bntee iz am -2- -0- i A ——_—__-—_ —_—_@_@—__@ - SoS Se ee ee ee Sr 2 SA ais | SARI 1 Aa pearal raid Bh 1 PER NTN In sta - blemean He had His birth, No bet - ter cra-dle know - ing; A Child is come to Dav-id’stown, To bring thee joy and glad - ness! = a>, ; PECL eR ies = — A star smiled down the Babe to greet, The hum - ble’ ox - en O let us haste the Child to find, And child - like be in | diay We Seer ee ae Es ad Langan a eS SS ee gg +g a | kissed His feet: tui -le - lu - ia, Ali-le - lu - ia, Child Je - sus! heart and mind: Al-le-lu - ia, Al-le - lu - ia, Child Je - sus! THE CHURCH YEAR 40 Away ina Manger 1.A-way in a man-ger, no crib for His bed, The lit-- tle Lord 2. The cat - tle are low-ing, the poor Ba - by wakes, But lit - tle Lord o—— eae @ Je - sus laid down His sweet head; The. stars* -in> the sky looked Je-sus no cry-ing He makes, I love Thee, Lord Jesus, look SS SSS down whereHe lay,— The lit - tle Lord Je - sus, a - sleep on the hay. down from the sky, And stay by my cra-dle to watchlul - la - by. CHRISTMAS CAROLS ’Tis Christmas Day 41 S. ARCHER GIBSON J. F. Out, 1926 of —— ; ——— g——_ —— 1. Oh, what mean these songs they’re sing-ing? 'Tis Christ - mas Day! 2. See these gifts that we're re-ceiv - ing; 'Tis Christ - mas Day! SciGlol= (ry) be) to God in heav- en, 'Tis Christ - mas Day! eT ciananea Se sich Pan PRM gr sl ity rn 2) saree meat ee aman : ere te SND LC FON SPT “ak Oni tae Sa nat a a = a oa A TTT e——__9—_|—__,-.>—— —? yea —— | Oh, what mean these bells they’re ring - ing? "Tis Christ - mas Day! To - ken of God’s won-drous giv - ing, 'Tis Christ - mas Day! His » Son.) has )gtv,=..cen, 'Tis Christ - mas Day! Oh, what mean these or - gans peal-ing, What this news that they’re re - veal - ing, Oh, that we may not for - sake Him, Oh, that we our - selves may take Him, Loud we raise our hap-py voi- ces, Na- ture adds har - mo-nious not - ses, ee See Se eee cathe actos ammo rit Tens of thou-sands low - ly kneel - ing? 'Tis Christ - mas Day! On - ly gift that we can make Him! Tis Christ - mas Day! All His world in Him re - joic - es! 'Tis Christ - mas Day! f+ a £ fp. -9- rae ui Dean e : -O o Bae: -O- « -9- ———— == SSS —$—$<_—$ 5 Copyright, 1926, by J. F. Ohl THE CHURCH YEAR 42 Carol, Sweetly Carol Fanny J. Crossy (1823-1915) The Children’s Hymn Book, London = . | = oleh ia Le : —_—-—- — a PO [|_—_—— ——__—_——_. mee SE ate _—— e —g—-—___—__. _—_——. ——_—_—$—$ _—_, -§- * | “ “| I. Car - ol, sweet-ly car -- ol, A Sav - iour born to- day; 2. Car - ol, sweet-ly car - ol, As when the An - gel throng, GB) Garis ol, sweet-ly car - ol, The eG py Christ-mas time: NY wre = Peihend Md ML ales nae sitet Segre r= Bear the joy -ful ti - dings, Oh, bear them far a - way! Car - ol, sweet - ly O’er the vales of Ju - dah, A - woke the heavenly song: Car - ol, sweet - ly Hark! the bells are peal - ing Their mer-ry, mer - ry chime: Car - ol, sweet - ly —~———_—_9——_9—_—__ =— =e a Sage ahha aes = cx aca a aa = = esi eee Se aa ee Beak & a ead a A GE cee ey" bi o_|@#=— eo ce ge gp reece ea car - ol, Till earth’s re-mot - est bound Shall hear the might - y cho - rus, car - ol, Good-will, and peace, and love, Glo-ry in_ the high - est. car - ol, Ye shin-ing ones a- bove, Sing in loud - est num- bers, And aie o back the ase Car - ol, sweet-ly car - ol, Car - ol To God who reigns a; - bove. Oh, sing re-deem- ing love. Car - ard Car - 41, Car - ol —|— eae a ee ees esc arer eres wel ly to - 5h Bear the joy - ful ti- dings, Oh, a them fara - an car - ol; se a eee Sweet-ly to - day; . At thename of Je - sus NAME OF JESUS At the Name of Jesus BOHEMIA. 65,65. D. CAROLINE M. NOEL, 1870 = eal —e— — —— hal Sea Ba has el TE | Ev - ’ry knee shall bow, Ev-’ry tongue con-fess Him King of glo-ry now. ‘Tis the Fa-ther’s pleas - ure the hosts of light, Thronesand dom-i- na - tions, Un - to whom He came, Faith-ful - ly He bore it Spot - less to the To the cen-tral height: To the Throne of God - head, I === — ef Who from the be- gin - the heaven-ly oor - Brought it back vic - to - Filled it with the glo - 5 In your hearts enthrone Him; There let Him subdue All that is not holy, All that is not true; Crown Him as your Captain In temptation’s hour; Let His will enfold you In its light and power. 43 Adapted from the Melody “‘Laus Tibi, Christe,” XIV Century _ At His voicecre-a-tion Sprang at once to sight, All the an- gel fa- . Humbled for a_ sea - son, . Bore it up tri-umph-ant, With its hu - man the might - y Word. In their great ar - ray. When from death He passed: that per - fect rest. A- 6 Brothers, this Lord Jesus Shall return again, With His Father’s glory, With His angel train; For all wreaths of empire Meet upon His brow, And our hearts confess Him King of glory now. ces, To re-ceive a name From the lips of sin - ners light, Through all ranks of creatures, We should call Him Lord, Stars up - on their way, last, To the Fa-ther’s breast, THE CHURCH YEAR 44 Jesus! Name of Wondrous Love UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. 7 yr ts Wo. Watsuam How, 1854,a Henry J. GAUNTLETT, 1852 ee TPE =e = aS | | I. Je - sus! Name of won-drous love! Name’all ’ oth -er’ names a - bove! 2. Je - sus! Name of price-less worth To the fall - en sons of earth, 3. Je - sus! Name of mer - ey” ‘mild, ©..Giv -en “to” ther Has ly Child, Name at which must ev - ’ry knee Bow in deep hu- mil -i - ty. For the prom - ise that it gave— “Je- sus shall His peo - ple save.” When the cup of hu - man woe First He tast -ed here be - low. A-MEN, al 2 (2 -2- —— --—} J} Fiat ire 4 Jesus! only Name that’s given 5 Jesus! Name of wondrous love! Under all the mighty heaven, Human Name of God above! ereby man, to sin enslaved, Pleading only this, we flee, Bursts his fetters, and is saved, Helpless, O our God, to Thee, 45 To the Name of Our Salvation TRIUMPH. 37,8 7,87, From the Latin Tr. JOHN Mason N EALE, I851 HEnry J. GAUNTLETT, 1852 I. To the Name of our sal - va - tion Laud andhon-or let us pay; 2. Je - sus is the Name we treas - ure, Name be-yond what words can tell; 3. ‘Tis the Name for ad- 0 - ta - tion; Tis the Nameof. vic - to - ry; l e— 5 -O- Which, for ma - ny a gen - er - a- tion, Hid in God’s fore - knowl-edge lay, Name of glad - ness, Name of pleas - ure, Ear and heart de- light -ing well; Tis the Name for med - i - ta-tion In this vale’*. of mis - e = ry; NAME OF JESUS a A { ARETE TS CE ran 5 a, CAR ATLA WE , ABR EADY 2M a rt) ae a Si sae Ay che ACLEN MASL MNO MO A DH a -~e But with ho-ly ex -ul-ta-tion Wemay sing a - loud to-day. Name of sweet-ness, pass-ing meas-ure, Sav-ing us from sin and hell. , ’Tis the Name for ven-er-a-tion By the cit- i- zens on high, A-MEN .. + DOP a See nan BVP oe 2s Feu cian ES ta 2 a S01 Wat mn" jer TS 1 r ECL el AE pe ane a ee eee ee | 4 ’Tis the Name by right exalted 5 Jesus, we, Thy Name adoring, Over every other name; Long to see Thee as Thou art; That, when we are sore assaulted, Of Thy clemency imploring Puts our enemies to shame; So to write it in our heart, Strength to them who else had halted, That hereafter, upward soaring, Eyes to blind, and feet to lame. We with angels may have part. How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds 46. ST. PETER. C.M. Joun NEWTON, 1779 ALEXANDER R. REINAGLE, 1830 RO ee a =e == a o——- —_—_— Ga am : : 1. How sweet the Name of Je- sussounds In a be - liev- er’s ear! 2. It makes the wound-ed_ spir - it whole, And calms the troub-led breast; 3. Dear Name! the rock on which I build, My. shield and hid - ing - place; 4. Je - sus! my Shep-herd, Sav - iour, Friend, My Prop-het, Priest, and King, | | ey ETN SREY BA PEED a OTT ee es we CSTD ni 1 Petal r r "EL OM CE RET : eis Se ge ae ra prety 80s Se PLAT CA SEN 1 ail BA SRE SAN OA Oa Sa It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, And drives a - way his fear. 'Tis man-na to the hun-gry soul, And {to the wea-ry rest. My nev - er - fail-ing treasury, filled With boundless stores of grace. My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End, Ac- cept the praiseI bring. A-MEN. 5 Weak is the effort of my heart, 6 Till then, I would Thy love proclaim And cold my warmest thought; With every fleeting breath; But, when I see Thee as Thou art, And may the music of Thy Name I’ll praise Thee as I ought. Refresh my soul in death. \ THE CHURCH YEAR EPIPHANY 47 Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning MORNING STAR. 1110, 1110. ® REGINALD HEBER, I8II . Bright-est and best of the J. P. HARDING (1861——) I of the morn-ing, Dawn on our 2. Cold on His cra - dle the dew - drops are shin - ing, Low lies His 3. Say, shall-we yield Him, in cost - ly de- vo- tion, O - dors ot 4. Vain - ly we of - fer each am - ple ob- la- tion, Vain - ly with pie aera psa et | , ea =—=s == =o o——_——_ nea ween Hailes, ine the :;tume> ap:- point - ed, His reign on earth be - gun! To help the poor and need - VY, And bid the weak be strong; And love, joy, hope, like flow - ers, Spring in His path to birth. All na~ tions shall a- dore Him, His praise all peo - ple sing. He comes to break op - pres - sion,) bo, rset) athe. cap - tive free; To give them songs for sigh - ing; Their dark-ness turn to light, Be - fore Him on the moun - tains Shall peace, the her-ald, go; To Him shall prayer un-ceas - ing And dai - ly vowsas - cend; To take a- way trans-gres - sion, And rule in e - qui - ty. Whose souls, condemned and dy - ing, Were pre-clous in His sight. Of right-eous-ness the fount -ains From hill to val - ley flow. His king- dom still in-creas - ing A king -dom with-out end. A-MEN. THE CHURCH YEAR 51 From the Eastern Mountains ST. THERESA. 65,65.D. With Refrain. GODFREY THRING, 1873 ARTHUR 8. SULLIVAN, 1874 VOICES IN UNISON ——__— + | SSS eS | } —_——- —___ — @ ee | | $ ~ COO eee cee eee ORE E RENE EL 1. From the east-ern moun-tains, Press-ing on they come, Wise men in their 2. There their Lord and Say-iour Meek and low-ly lay, Wondrous Light that 3. Thou Whoin a man - ger Once hast low - ly lain, Who dost now in \ eee ge ——— = Sa Sa AAR I s_3 Soe e ee eee oe a a | G/T RACEMIC IER BS TS ere METAS Mme een yumec rater 22 ee eee @ $$. dom, To His hum-ble home; Stirred by deep de - vo - tion, them On-ward on their way, Ev - er now to light - en ry O’er all king-doms reign, Gath - er in the heath - en, rae OER PURE UT SNR Td eet howe 8: eI << SSS SS Tae -g—_*—9— oF 5 re | | o> »~ a. id | | No Vint se ty anad | ae ee a See eee = 2 sae a A S| vite HOS Laas ie Dee eel Se Hast -ing from a - far, Ev - er journ’ying on-ward, Guid-ed by a star. Na - tions from a - far, As_ they journey home-ward By that guid-ing star. Who in lands a - far Ne’er have seen the brightness Of Thy guid-ing star. EPIPHANY REFRAIN en = : Light of Life, that shin - est Ere the world be - gan, 4 Gather in the outcasts, All who’ve gone astray, Throw Thy radiance o’er them, Guide them on their way, Those who never knew Thee, Those who’ve wandered far, Lead them by the brightness Of Thy guiding star. 5 Until every nation, Whether bond or free, ’Neath Thy starlit bannev, Jesus, follows Thee O’er the distant mountains To that heavenly home, Where no sin nor sorrow Evermore shall come. THE CHURCH YEAR EPIPHANY CAROLS 52 There Came Three Kings R. F, Smita GERARD MOULTRIE (1829-1854) In Cuopr’s Carols for Use in Church, 1875 1, There came three kings, ere break of day, All on E - piph - a - nie; 2. The star shone bright-ly o- ver-head, The air wascalm and still, 3. An old man knelt at a man-ger low, A Babe lay in the stall; @____g____@____ : Mr thanias Baila FA - med , ay OG ENC cre S Aid NS NERD AOE ALAR Da ad 2 2 pe Their gifts they bare, both rich and rare, All, all, Lord Christ for ‘Thee; O’er Beth-lehem’s fields its rays were shed, The dew lay on the hill. The star - light played on the In- fant brow, Deep sil - ence lay o’er_ all; —| ——_—— N RGR FOP Ma Ri EM OI ARRDUIOG ASTM NR SND = eae oes pee Gold, frank - in-cense, and myrrh are there. Where is the King? O We see no throne, no -pal- ace fair, Where is the King? O A maiden bent over the Babe in prayer:— There is the King! O 2 ee a Ot ake where? O- where? O. where is the King? O where? where? O where? OQ. where is - the King? O where? there! O there! O there is the -King! O © there! ; . ———— = a SIT RET RY AG ete es CD ADL REUTER PW ARTI Ra Sees Teen EPIPHANY CAROLS We Three Kings of Orient Are 53 Joun H. Hopxins, 1857 Joun H. Horpxins, 1857 aomce = Sana et patric: — - Balke al hee a ic ad ° 1. We threekings of O-ri-ent are, Bear-ing gifts we trav-ersea - far, 2. Born a King onBethlehem’splain, Gold I bring to crown Him a - gain, 3. Frank-in-cense to of-fer have I, In - censeowns a De-i-ty nigh; ——- ———s~— r === —K + menue ET MAS SH he OR ee et wv e ie oc oe eg Field and foun- tain, moor and moun-tain, Follow-ing yon - der star. King for -ev - er, ceas - ing nev - er O-ver us all to reign. Prayer and prais-ing, all men rais- ing, Wor-ship Him, God on high. REFRAIN f Spec eR sus 5 i Pap SS eS a -G- i -6- O star of won-der, star of night, Star with roy - al beau - ty bright, =e — See West - ward lead -ing, still pro-ceed-ing, Guide us to thy per - fect light. 4 Myrrh is mine; its bitter perfume 5 Glorious now behold Him arise, Breathes a life of gathering gloom: King, and God, and Sacrifice; Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying, Alleluia, alleluia! Sealed in the stone-cold tomb. Earth to heaven replies, THE CHURCH YEAR 54 There’s a Beautiful | Star RossiITER W. RAYMOND (1840-1918) FREDERICK SCHILLING I. There’sa beau - ti - ful _ star, a beau -ti - ful star, “That 2. In the land of the East, in the shad -ows of night, We 3. We have gold for trib - ute and gifts for prayer, Sweet wea - ry trav’lers have fol-lowed a- far; Shin-ing so bright - ly saws the “glo = ry “of " thy: new light; Tell-ing to us, in our in - cense, myrrh, and spi - ces rare: All that we have we all the way, Till it stood o’er the placewhere the young Child lay. dis - tant home, ‘The Lord, our Re-deem-er, to earth had come! _ hith-er bring, lay it with joy at the feet of the King. Star, star, beau - ti - ful star! Pil - grims wea-ry we. are; | : : ; Crt este sretamads —— Sane ane Se = — iw ee ewe ee wae) Pay ane RN Vara? mm Es] agrees ee 1 Pa B Be i ae Ree er Fg Bae Ace A. X Jal a Te aS | far aoe, . : Cs : 9 ———— i Ae “ce : oE To Je - sus, to Je - sus, We _ fol - low thee from a ~-_ far. ° ° @& * o timer f a 2s eG ETRE (dD AR ee SH BT Y Batra es! a MPIPHANY CAROLS There’s a Song in the Air 55 * J. G. Hottanp, 1872 J. F. Out, 10926 Geaeas pO ee a Ree ay a re 9. # |_| ¢-+4 ge o> — so Gane OL io ~ Oe St es y ro 1. There’s a _ song in (heer sain! a Lhere sw Ya ebar in the sky! 2. Phere's' atu = mult . of: “joy .O’er the won - der - ful birth, Bu; In the light of that. «stare. Lie the .. a ~-, ges im-pearled; 4. We re - joice in the light, And we ech - o the song oiled Sis Eee Or Oi sy Oe Ay ai |) line ee oma aes SE } a» far Has swept 2.0 w+ sver the world. That comesdown through the night From the heav - en - ly throng. als cated Sa Se Le Ee See ee ee ee ee + —_*—_—_6 —_——9——__9—— g—P-+— 7 a ®- y GT Re nye mon ah Ww (Ne US ES i cates RD | SS Sa ee ee SS ee oe ee ~——__ # _+-6 4-9-6 g—*——_@—__--6 z {j-—— SSS a a aN o oo oi a “And the star ‘rains iis fine wr woe the. beau - ti - ful- sing, Ay! the star rains its fire while the beau - ti - ful © sing, Ev - ery hearth is a - flame, and the beau - ti - ful sing Ay! we shout to the love - ly e - van - gel they bring, 7 a f -o-° -@. e | S: TAGES ae RT LS A ERY BA a aaa el a a Z See ee eae Oe Pe 7 4 v ee Se moro — Ss 2 GANT > ae SADE Whe CNTR rarer mbt -0- -@- -6-° Beth-- le .- hem cra -: dles a King! Beth.-le-- hem cra. -> dles dp ean na - tions that. 4 Je:..-0: sus is King! And = we greet in His © ¢rai\- die our Sav - iour and King! AE CRRRS) LoS) . = sses! | a ee See ee ee ya Copyright, 1926, by J. F. Ohl. THE CHURCH YEAR LENT 56 In the Cross of Christ I Glory RATHBUN. 87, 87,° Joun BowRIneG, 1825 ITHAMAR CONKEY, 1851 cite CS a= TSN, VNU MP" ATA ae REA ES EOE PNY 4—a —— : e,—+-+—_@e—*- -t_2Z—§e-— : 6-— .In theCross of Christ I glo-ry, Tow’r-ing o’-er the wrecks of time; I 2. When the woes of life o’er-take me, Hopes de-ceive and fears an-noy, 3. When the sun of bliss is beam-ing Light and love up-on my way, 4. Bane and bless-ing, pain andpleas-ure, By theCross are sanc - ti- fied; | Jj seca area use ee = me rua i» — eT < — sie es ae ESR gicee ane Be Fes ee . Ser ener eps nvea a rene sear te 2 All thelight of sa - credsto-ry Gath-ers round its head sub-lime. Nev-er shall theCross for-sake me; Lo! it glows with peace and joy. From the Crosstheradiance stream-ing Adds more lus-tre to the day. Peace is there that knows no meas-ure, Joys that through all time a-bide. A-MEN. 57 Sweet the Moments, Rich in Blessing BAD Yeo 07, JAMES ALLEN, 1757 WALTER SHIRLEY, 1770 Adapted from Ringe recht wenn Gottes Gnade, 1745 fe SUT LTEL FA a tee years saetes ee ue —— eae RRM es tiaati ar @—-_6—_ 9 o——-e-—__ 9 eae: 1. Sweet the mo-ments, rich in bless-ing, Which be - fore the Cross we spend; 2. Here we rest in won-der, view-ing All our sins on Je- sus _ laid; 3. Here we find thedawn of heav-en, While up - on the Cross we gaze; an ©) that near the Cross a - bid-ing, We may to the Sav - iour cleave; tet @_ 2 @_ ee ® Life and health and peace pos-sess-ing, From the sin-ner’s dy - ing Friend. Here we see re-demp-tion flow-ing From the sac - ri- fice He made. See our tres-pass-es for-giv-en, And oursongs of tri-umph raise. Naught with Him our hearts di-vid-ing, All for Him con-tent to leave. A-MEN. LENT Hail, Thou Once Despised Jesus 58 SUPPLICATION. 87,87. D. Joun BAKEWELL, 1757 ADAN’S Collection, 1760 AucGustus M. TopLapy, 1776 WILLIAM H. Monk (1823-1889) : 4 : 1. Hail, Thou once de - spis - ed Je. - ‘sus! Hail, Thou.’Gal =) 1:-)le\- an King! 2, Pas - chal Lamb,by God ap - point - ed, All our sins on Thee were laid; 3. Je - sus, hail, en-thronedin glo-ry, Therefor ev - er to a - bide! 4. Wor-ship, hon-or, pow’r, and bless-ing Thou art worth-y to re-ceive; Udita ee Or Ree ge eR @__g __ oe itmamoe ae va —— PSE ANWR 2 TET a ao aes } nee Thoudidst suf-fer to re - lease us; Thoudidst free sal - va - tion bring. By al-might-y love a - noint-ed, Thou hast full a - tone- ment made. -Ail the heaven-ly hosts a - dore Thee, Seat - ed at Thy Fa - ther’s side; Loud - est prais-es, with - out ceas-ing, Meet it is for us to give. 9- o p- - e- a Pipes ieee Remy Jee | Fae CS «A 9 pa end onitrae: eee —+ ane ale: apy ER ARLE = = SS [Oe a Th omen ae ae Hail, Thou ag - o - niz - ing Sav -iour, Bear - er of our sin and shame! All Thy peo-ple are for - giv - en Through the vir-tue of Thy Blood; -There for sin-ners Thou art plead-ing, There Thou dost our placepre - pare, Help, ye bright an - gel - ic spir - its, Bring your sweet - est, no-blest lays, —_—. o—,— 7 et a a A eS pa cra a teh wore : || ‘ Oa i: Sa Ds NR REN ATT aR pe 8 Bence | ae | By Thy mer-its we find fa- vor; Life is given through Thy Name. O-pened is the gate of heav-en; Peace is made ’twixt man and God. Ey -er for us in- ter-ced-ing, Till in glo - ry we ap- pear. Help to sing our Sav-iour’s mer-its, Help to chant Im-mai -uel’s praise. A-MEN. -2- -9- -#- THE CHURCH YEAR 59 I Adore Thee From The Crucifixion ADORATION. 87, 88,7. JouNn STAINER (1840-1901) W. J. SPARROW SIMPSON —_., Pel a - dore Thee, [ a - dore Thee! Glo- rious ere the Zork a - dore Thee, I a - dore Thee! Thank-ful at Thy Buk a - dore Thee, [ a - dore Thee, Born of wo - man, | 4 art AE BO a | world be - gan; Yet more won - der - ful Thou shin - est, Tho’ di- feet to be; I haveheard Thy ac - cent thrill - ing, Lo! I yet Di - vine: Stained with sins I kneel be - fore T hee, Sweet- est ic PWR dels ne i ~~ "| -é- vine, yet still di - vin - est In Thy dy - ing love for han. come, for Thou art will-ing Me. to. par-don, ev-en- me, Je - Sus, I im-ploreThee, Makeme ev - er on - ly Thine. A-MEN. @ -p- a ~~ -— -@. o- -6- SE f= ees rs CAGE Ser waste -—— ae 5 nae | ipMelnoaanstt | 60 Holy Jesus, By Thy Passion PLEAD FOR ME. 87,8/7,77. From The Crucifixion W. J. SPARROW SIMPSON JOHN STAINER (1840-1901) pa I. Ho - ly Je-sus,by Thy Pas-sion, By the woes which none can share, 2. By thetreach-er-y and tri - al, By the blows and sore dis- tress, 3. By Thy look sosweet and low-ly, While they smote Thee on the face, 4. By the hour of con - dem-na-tion, By the blood which trick-led down, mel an ae -9- a Sie #—9-—, 86, 90 2 + rac ioae a ce See LORS Lan 5. OTE 2 | _———— aot q | Borne in more than king -ly fash-ion, By Thy love be - yond com - pare: By de- ser-tion and de - ni - al, By Thine aw - ful lone - li - ness: By ‘Thy pa-tience, calm and ho - ly, In the midst of keen dis-grace: When, for us and our sal - va-tion, Thou didst wear the robe ae crown: ~ , 6-4 -p- —___@_» Sat eal! ! Le *_h__@ MTSisT at? wee, “3 : as — te oe ie SS rece LENT : pip rall, SSS a —— = ig FRE Soe ond | ia ee (sire Cru - ci- fied, I turn to Thee, Son of Ma-ry, yet for me. A-MEN Wide Open Are Thy Hands 61 SALVE JESU. S. M.D. BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX (?), d. I153 Tr. CHARLES PORTERFIELD KRAUTH, 1870, a HAROLD LEWARS, I9I4 =——= === : Sees eee om =a eae 7 fe e -0- % oe i. Wide o - pen. are Thy hands, Pay - ing with more than gold B Wie O%-. pet... are, Thine arms, A fall - en world to em- brace; 3. Draw all my mind and heart Up to Thy throne on high, The aw - ful debt of guilt - y men, For - ev-er and of . old. To take to love and end-less rest Our whole for-sak- en _ race. And let Thy sa -cred Cross ex -,alt My = spir- it to the sky. Ah, et me grasp those hands, That we may nev- er. part, es a Oa | am sad and poor, But bound - less is Thy | grace; To these, Thy might - y hands, My spir - it I. re - sign: And let the pow-er of theirblood Sus-tain my faint-ing hea Give me the soul-trans-form-ing joy Forwhich I seek Thy face. Liv-ing, I live a-lone toThee, Dy-ing, a; lone am Thine. A-MEN. THE CHURCH YEAR 62 Lord of Mercy and of Might IRENE. 777, 5. REGINALD HEBER, I8II, a CLEMENT C, SCHOLEFIELD, 1874 ee s Ped 0—_o— Lord of mer-cy and of might, Of man-kind the Life and Light, Strong Cre - a - tor, Sav-iour mild, Hum-bled to a mor-tal child, . Throned a-bove ce - les - tial things, Borne a - loft on an - gels’ wings, Soon to come to earth a- gain, Judge of an- gels toe of men, ah 2) 3 4. a aaa Seen ee dee ae aaPRL —-— fi grt ———— aS Mak-er, Teach-er, In - fi - nite: Je sus, hear and save! Lord of lords, and King of kings: Je Hear us now, and hear us_. then: Je sus, hear and save! sus, hear and save! A-MEN. Cap-tive, beat-en, bound, re - viled: Je - sus, hear and save! 63 Jesus, and Shall it Ever Be BRESLAU. aN OSEPH GRIGG, 176 evised by ane FRANCIS, 1787 Melody in As Hymnodus Sacer, Leipzig, 1625 = . Je- sus, and shall it ev - er be, A mor-tal man a-shamed of Thee? . A-shamed of Je - sus! soon - er far Leteve-ning blush to own a star; . A-shamed of Je - sus! just as soon Letmid-nightbe a-shamed of noon: . A-shamed of Je - sus! that dear Friend On whom my hopesof heaven de- pend! Ashamed of Thee, Whom angels praise, Whose glories shine through endless days? He sheds the beams of light di-vine O’erthisbe-night-ed soul of mine. ’Tis mid-night with my soul, till He, Bright Morning Star, bid darkness flee. No; ida, I blush, be this my shame, That I no more re-vere His Name, A - MEN. sate as LENT 5 Ashamed of Jesus! yes, I may, 6 Till then—nor is my boasting vain— When I’ve no guilt to wash away, - Till then I boast a Saviour slain! No tear to wipe, no good to crave, And O, may this my glory be, No fears to quell, no soul to save. | That Christ is not ashamed of me. O Lamb of God, Still Keep Me 64 ST. CHRISTOPHER. 7 6,7 6, D. JAMEs G. DEcK, 1842 FREDERICK C. MAKER, 1881 ‘aad a EE ——E Z ae EN Tis t.O Lamb. of God, still keep me Near to ‘Thy wound-ed side! ge. liswon. = ly. in’ ‘Thee, hid’ -° ing, .. I feel my life se-cure; 3. Soonshall my eyes be-hold Thee, With rap-ture, face to face; Pescasce ae {roe ly tie wae ur ale) Nat wa oa a a eae a= aaa Se oe ee ee oar ce ‘Tis on < ly ‘there’ in. safe*- ty And peace Ty can as bide. On - ly in: Thee a - bid -ing, The con - flict can en - dure: One half hath not been told me _ Of all Thy power and grace; ee Ps a o— 5 ANT RAT What foes andsnares sur - round me, What lusts and fears with - in! Thine arm the vic-t’ry gain-eth O’er ev - ery hurt - ful foe; Thy beau - ty, Lord, and glo - ry, The won-ders of Thy love, ee ee ee eee sree = nee er Ra Re at cs es ge The grace that sought and found me A-lone can keep me clean. Thy love my heart sus-tain - eth In all its care and woe. Shall be the end-less sto - ry Of all MThysaints a-bove. A-MEN. ME eg be Spat rt ie V | THE CHURCH YEAR 65 Jesus, Meek and Lowly ST. MARTIN. 6 6, 6 6. Trochaic. HeEnrY CoL.ins, 1854 C. Ett’s Cantica Sacra, 1840 | PE ee waaE Te ee wane a, a ! a : | Sig eae aie pot Je - sus, meek and low - ly, Sav-iour, pure and ho - ly, . Princeof life and SOW - ef, My sal - va - tion’s tow - er, . There be - hold me gaz - ing At the sight a - maz - ing; . By Thy _ red wounds stream - ing, With Thy life - blood gleam - ing, hy ialireealn cue ee ee =e | PON PI Sa Pr ARS PEN aR — ivg seg Ore Fs Fei ari { me On Thy love re - ly - ing, Hear me hum-bly cry - ing. On the Cross I view Thee Call-ing sin - ners to Thee. Bend-ing low be - fore Thee, Help-less, I a-dore Thee. Blood for sin - ners oe - ing, Par - don free be- stow - ing; A-MEN | Pay eee Pei Al Sah paint @ el Sb Sa fe 9: ee ee fhe — 2 — eater =a Farge eed ontanis Sasa suites batate pap Sp agen 5 By that fount of blessing, 6 Lord, in mercy guide me; Thy dear love expressing, Be Thou e’er beside me; All my aching sadness , In Thy ways direct me, Turn Thou into gladness. ’Neath Thy wings protect. me. 66 Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid STEPHANOS. 8 5, 83. EN Mason NEALE, 1853 ased on the Greek HENRY W. BAKER, 1868 JPSroy este es 35" 1. Art thou wea-ry, art thou lan- guid, Art thou sore dis-tressed? 2. Hath ‘He marks to lead) (me . +to ~Him, “If He be = my Guide? 3. Hath He di - a-dem, as Mon-arch, That His brow a-dorns? fee Se Sees ‘“‘Come to Me,’ saith One, ‘‘and com - ing, Be at rest.” “In His feet andhands are wound-prints And His _ side.” “Yea, a crown in ver.- y sure - ty, But of .thorns.’”” A-MEN. LENT 5 If I ask Him to receive me, ;. I find Him, if I follow, What His guerdon here? Will He say me nay? “Many a sorrow, many a labor, “Not till earth and not till heaven Pass away.” Many a tear.” 7 Finding, following, keeping, struggling, -§ If I still hold closely to Him, What hath He at last? Is He sure to bless? “Sorrow vanquished, labor ended, ‘Saints, apostles, prophets, martyrs, Answer, ‘Yes.’”’ Jordan passed.” 67 Jesus, Tender Saviour MAGDALENE. 65,65. D. Joun B. DYKEs, 1857 Anonymous = 4 a! aoeo eae oa ae eg a ae jaa aenY JBDued Rew Io FIRE WA Hast Thou died forme? Make me ver - y thank-ful ; Make me ver -y thank- ful 1. Je-sus, ten-der Sav - iour, 2. NowI know Thou liv - est And dost plead for me em! aN a AD- ——$——_—_}— gg a fn = pete =e SS SS Of Thy grief I read, At Thy side to stand: In my heart to Thee. When the sad, sad_ sto - ry In myprayersto Thee. Soon I hope in glo - ry a S22 Sees —— === é gees - -F- ity Se Make me ver - y- sor - ry For my sins in - deed. land. A-MEN. to meet Thee In that hap - py Make me fit Sel 7) i THE CHURCH YEAR 68 Thy Life Was Given for Me WALTHAM. 66, 6 6, 6 6, FRANCES RIDLEY HAVERGAL, 1858, a WittraM H. Monk, 1889 Su aL | ae —— ae - Sasa a a ina —— 6 — —6 a ATH FET ANAT” RETURN ARONA = eee oars pee | agen Doi lhy vite wasgiven for me. Thy Blood, O Lord, was shed 2. Long years werespent for me In wea - ri - ness and _ woe, 3. Thy Fa - ther’shome of light, Thy rain - bow-cir - cled throne, an | -9- -0- go -& #- -9- -B-* -9- -- = e [eee ee ee | That I might ran -somed be, And quick - ened from the dead. That through e - ter - ni - ty Thy glo - ry I might know. Were left for earth - ly night, For wan-d’rings sad and lone. ee -0- -@- 6. oe - 2. -B-° SUR ORE ah EET BATE, ee Sar ee oe SESS Thy life was given for me; Whathave I giv-en for Thee? Long years were spent for me; Have I spent one for Thee? Yea, all was left for me; Have I left aught for Thee? A-MEN. ay Me 2 ff pond Ut eabcn FA SPN I AN cl BS : : iene Fae | wer Gas 4 And Thou hast brought to me Down from Thy home above Salvation full and free, Thy pardon and Thy love. Great gifts Thou broughtest me; What have I brought to Thee? 5 O let my life be given, My years for Thee be spent; World-fetters all be riven, And joy with suffering blent. Thou gav’st Thyself for me, I give myself to Thee. Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross 69 NEAR THE CROSS Fanny J. Crossy, 1869 WILLIAM H. DOANE, 1869 praes petate sr prernugeenc poate ae we ee ees a, Lameans Sa oe eee rae alae a sper aw : 1. Je - sus, keep me near the Cross, There a pre- cious foun - tain, 2. Near the Cross, a trem - bling soul, Love and mer - cy found me; 3. Near the Cross! O Lamb of God, Bring its scenes be - fore me; 4. Near the Cross I'll watch and wait, Hop - ing, trust-ing ev - ef, preensoy ee Picea tal ent seat viet atlanta oO: —_—_—_9—9 — — Rd a Ac £1 RADE ATE WERT 25-3 — —* SE ye —— ape +f -6- @ o- Free to all, a heal- ing stream, Flows from Cal-vary’s moun - tain. There the Bright and Morn-ing Star Shed His beams a-round me. Help me walk from day to day, With it’s shad-ows o’er me. Till I reach the gold - en strand, Just be-yond the riv - er. = eT eee ee 2p ina wnat ano i y) yy ae Veter oly REFRAIN ea = a fa TEEN “a SS ee ee ee In the Cross, in the Cross Bena mye vi glon- > Ty eV *s2 en Till my rap-tured soul shall find Rest be- yond the riv - er. A - MEN. THE CHURCH YEAR ; PALM SUNDAY 70 -~—™_—s All Glory, Laud, and Honor ST. THEODULPH. 76,76. D. THEODULPH OF ORLEANS, d. 821 Tr. JOHN Mason NEALE, 1854, 1859 MELCHIOR TESCHNER, 1615 The first stanza yeu —— pe ee 4 All glo - ry, laud, and hon - or To Thee, Re-deem-er, King, ‘\To Whomthe lips of chil - dren Madesweetho - san - nas ring. The second and following stanzas | 4 NE ee ee i | (== Sy ey cae ea — 7 ee a Pear armas mI prem perme o—-e——_. a 2. Thou art the King of Is - rael, Thou Da-vid’s roy - al Son, 3. The com - pan - y of an - gels Are prais-ing Thee on high, 4. The peo - ple of the He - brews Withpalms be - fore Thee went; bet DAA A LO Acid REY Ms a ae @ e_ met hed 2 oe ee ——— 2 * —# — Fa ne a EAU ADP ATE cal === | = clei Bacal pe aE eS RN _—————-——_ _- SR AR me ea Port haspotes 4 Who in the Lord’sNamecom - est, The King and Bless - ed One! And “mor- tal’ men .and | ‘all\ things’ iCré.-=(a"= tedyamalce Ueue ply. Our praiseand prayer and an-thems Be - fore Thee we pre - sent. i { All _ glo - ry, laud,and hon - or To Thee, Re-deem-er, King; To Whom the lips of chil - dren Made sweet ho-san-nas ring. A-MEN, 5 To Thee before Thy Passion 6 Thou didst accept their praises; They sang their hymns of praise; Accept the praise we bring, To Thee, now high exalted, - Who in all good delightest, Our melody we raise, Thou good and gracious King, | PALM SUNDAY When, His Salvation Bringing 71 ROTTERDAM. 76,76, D. Joun KING, 1830 BERTHOLD Tours, 1875 ee eg ge : es —s +—_ = ae epee | ie tw aU a TS Ee aed — 6 -g-—. @ a o-— —_—_t-+—— 1. When, His sal - va-tion bring - ing, To Zi - on Je- sus came, 2 And _ since the Lord re - tain - eth His love for child-ren still, 3. For should we fail pro - claim - ing Our great Re - deem-er’s praise, ETE 7 PRL i EE AAO | A uh seat es me The child-ren all stood sing - ing Ho - san-na to His Name. Though now as King He reign - eth On Zion’sheav-en - ly hill, The stones,our. sil- ence sham - ing, Would their ho - san - nas raise. Nor did their zeal of - fend Him, ‘But, as He rode a - long, We'll flock a-roundHis ban - ner, Who sits up - on the throne, But shall we on - ly ren - der The tri- bute of our words? -He letthem still at - tend Him, And smiled to hear their song. And cry a-loud,‘“‘Ho-san-na To Da-vid’sRoy-al Son!” No! while ourhearts are tend-er, They, too, oon be the Lord’s. A-MEN. ~»- eS | ae. THE CHURCH YEAR 72 Hosanna We Sing HOSANNA. Irregular. : GEORGE S. HopGEs, 1875 Joun B. DyKEs, 1875 COGN ne oe f aaron Tareas" Dot maT —|_—- == > RRALURC! SOE MEPS Lammnes Races 3% came me armrica S GNcri te Seen ae ie C104 = Sati = sing, like the chil - dren dear, S/HHG.' = jsans tna we sing, for He bends His ear, : -0- -0- i Biers | bee La | | (ee ISCAS MALT Al A EST eT SE Tale | a gene _—_ Ins, the old - en days when the Lord lived here; And re - joic-es the hymns of His own to hear; | | | e > ___# e paid a IMIS 0 era) aa en _ m eee ae ea aN erate ve E WSFA ONG SLEEP AYR gee SES eee ee SS @ @ 8 oe e a DS SLE Gea PEs bam NSS PMR XR 4 NSIT He blessed lit - tle chil - dren and smiled on them, We know that His heart will nev -er wax cold While they chant - ed His praise in Je cum JT ile 2.589 iaeun ee To the lambs that He feeds in His earth + =). ly fold. PALM SUNDAY ss : at LT SA Gr EEN a rm e ae ee Pe ee ne ea ge ee 3 ae PCCP EA Al - le - lu - ia we sing, like the chil - dren _ bright Al = le «© lu + ia we _ sing, in’, thersChurchyerrwe love, and their rai - ment white, in the Church a> - DO Eu oa a Se OE ONAL Lanes rune CLA NE OEMs: far oe a a ae PET ee at nL neers ee cat wg \S 7 Zi a Zo- 7 oe S o- -6- -@- | +~w : -H : I. When I sur - vey the won-drous Cross On which the Prince of Glo-ry died, 2. For-bid it, Lord, that I should boast, Savein the Death of Christ, my God; 3. See, from His head, His hands, His feet, Sor-row and love flow min-gled down! 4. Were the whole realm of na - ture mine, That were a trib-wute far too small: -~- 2 7~N -? eT | D -¢ My rich-est gain I count but loss, And pourcon-tempt on all my pride. All the vain things that charm me most, I sac-ri- fice them to His Blood. Did e’er such love and sor-row meet, Or thorns com-pose so rich a crown? Love so a-maz-ing, so di- vine, De-mands my soul, my life, my all. A - MEN. cy 1 os Sie a rz cet Banu 3 oa RNa ea ET aT poate a weed EDS & | are | a am aoe oe tt = eee OB | | { | Second Tune ROCKINGHAM. L. M. EDWARD MILLER’s Psalms of David, 1790 Si eer ap gine aes Soa ee Do 1 My rich - est gain I count but loss, And pour con-tempt on all my pride. A-MEN. 2 b | (io% i Inj ‘ a ie Tee : Tere RY a Bl erm Emre es 9 ta Ph i a tie | 2 ATE co HE WE VE A a — oe oe oF A SE | HOLY WEEK © Come and Mourn With Me Awhile 77 ST. CROSS. L.™M. FREDERICK W. FABER, 1849, a Joun B. DykEs, 1861 A : a $d, Sd wee ae fF —f{ —__¢ | 5 —_—_ jeeat ese nae a H Ab] Cea A EET! Za = n 7 Gee ee fo oad D+ See * pa Z 2 1 S30, Z, : A eZ, a Ca a cae Oe eee “| 1. O comeand mourn with me a - while; O come ye to the Sav-iour’s side; 2, Have wenotears to shed for Him, While sol-diers scoff and Jews de- ride? 3. O loveof God! O sin of man! In this dread act your strength is tried; ir il ol | x! Ne ae | ep 7 | | -@G- Bie 5 ame SEE ET AS ZNO TO _ A TATERL mt wit he a el Wer Ia! [seas ee =A i Wr Mia + 2a BCS @ pacar a | CEs Se 8 EASE | O come, to-geth-er let us mourn; Je - sus, our Lord, is cru-ci - fied. Ah! look how pa-tient-ly He hangs; Je - sus, our Lord, is cru-ci - fied. And vic-to-ry re-mains with love; For He, our Love, is cru-ci - fied! A-MEN. ee (Bp oe = vera : as ep fre As Dea ia L, 225 o—_a—o— pep | Bo re By a ii) a in BFA ee 2 FI ey Aaa Zac Se God RCE“ - - 4s Glory Be to Jesus 78 From the Italian CASWALL. 65,65. Tr. EDWARD CASWALL, 1857 FRIEDRICH FILITz, 1847 1. Glo - ry be*+:to' Je =~ sus, Who, in bit - ter pains, 2. Grace and life e- ter -_ nal In that eblood. Py iloaehind : 3. Blest through end - less a -_ ges Be the pre - cious stream 4. A - bel’s blood for ven - geance Plead-ed to the skies; o -9- -6- a o-° 9: Poured for me the life - blood From His sa - cred veins! Blest be His com- pas - sion, In - fi - nite- ly kind! Which from end - less tor - ments Doth the world re - deem! But the Blood of Je - sus For our par-don cries! A-MEN. 8 e - @- 2 p- ee pale -0- a Slant eee Pa eae tec gaeat eee passer Beara cot | J asepeonny ieee Se roan — SREEN ADRS a ee a some Tf wear aR Waal F Po } Jo a | | ie 5 Oft as earth exulting 6 Lift we then our voices, Watts its praise on high, Swell the mighty flood; Angel-hosts rejoicing Louder still, and louder Make their glad reply. Praise the precious Blood! THE CHURCH YEAR 79 O Sacred Head, Now Wounded PASSION CHORAL. 76,76.D. PAuL GERHARDT, 1656, Based on the Latin Tr. JAMES W. ALEXANDER, 1830, @ Hans Leo HASSLER, 1601 () [Pavey ee) STS A ARR MPL CREMP AT i — RI 10 SA TCR a Pee al ee sno oF a RIAN RL A PO A ee er ET) SD, = B a, —_e-_—e = a CZ, SEMOERTEY MTE 21 8 eo — -& a a a -6-* i PEL | 1.0 Sa-cred Head, now wound-ed, With grief and shame weighed down, 2. How art Thou pate with an- guish, With sore a - buse and scorn! 4.) LO, nere< 2 all, my Sav-iour! ’Tis I de- serve Thy place! Now scorn - ful-ly sur-round-ed With thorns, Thy on - ly crown! How does that vis - age lan-guish, Which once was bright as morn! hy Look .on me with fa - vor, Vouch-safe to me Thy grace. L[eJum @ Se! rT O Sa - cred Head, what glo - ry, What bliss, till now, was Thine! What Thou, my Lord, hast suf - fered, Was all for sin-ners’ gain; Re - ceive me, my Re - deem - er; My Shep-herd, make me Thine! () : ea it] 3 : i RS CRTER Te ee = aj | 2 eer a CP Pe t |__-——— a e BME epee es ae ft f+ —_t— - a a Bs a WE TEP a a = cs er oF ter -- nal Of = res )-\ ur ee recs tome light; Let all the worldkeep tri - umph, And all that is there + in; From death to life e- ter - nal, Fromearth un - to the sky, And, list-’ning to His ac - cents, May hear, so calm and plain, In}. grate ful ex =) ul ta \2)"*tion 1 Their notes shat all things blend, I~ GO = Ag- -g- -g- 4 ° re e -<- a. -@_ “o- ca i i: RS LSS ‘ or of” i as ea ae Ios aac Se REM =| Ta eet ~6- o- ¢ Sas Our Christ hath brought us o - ver With hymns of vic- to - ry. His own ‘All hail!’”—and, hear - ing, May raise the vic - tor - strain, For Christ the Lord hath ris - en, Our Joy, that hath no end! A-wMeEN. EASTER Christ, the Lord, is Risen Today 82 : ST. GEORGE’S, WINDSOR. 77,77.D. CHARLES WESLEY, 1739, a GEORGE J. ELvEy, 1858 1. Christ, the Lord, is risen to- day, Sons of men and an - gels say; 2. Vain the stone, the watch, the seal; Christ hath burst the gates of hell! 3. Soar we now where Christ hath led, Follow-ing our ex-alt - ed Head: | -0- {) va cae] ———.— A ee as te ize LEDS ioe, CoH ram bt ee REST z @ IRE A, MN KEE ESAT J oP ; | Raise your joys and tri-umphs high; Sing, ye heavens, and earth, re - ply, Death in vain for-bids His ise; Christ hath o-pened Par- a- dise. Made like Him, like Him we rise; Ours the cross, the grave, the skies. Love’s re-deem-ing work is done, Fought the fight, the bat- tle won; Lives a-gain our glo - rious King; Where, O death, is now Thy sting? Hail, the Lord of earth and heaven! Praise to Thee by both be given; Lo! the Sun’se-clipse is o’er; Lo! He sets in blood no more. Once He died our souls to save; Wherethy vic-to-ry, O grave? Thee we greet tri- umph-ant now; Hail, the Res-ur-rec-tion Thou! A-MEN. -8- d “ N — @. (2 ~9- &. O- 7 O- 2 ake 2 7 a ee aon seem as a aa = 12k ST ee ee ae matt = bef THE CHURCH YEAR 83 Christ, the Lord, is Risen Today RESURRECTION HYMN. 77,77. With Alleluia, Medieval Sequence Tr. JANE EvizaA LEESON, 1851 ees GAUNTLETT (1806-1876) aS teen <_< a = 1, Christ; the Lord, is ris’n to - day: al ele - ju - ia! 2. For the sheep the Lamb hath bled, Al - = - ig - i - ia! 3. Christ, the Vic - tim un - de - filed, Al)’ =) =) 5 '-) le jee dua? 4. Chris-tians, on this hap - py day Al ie ive i Mle tie oli see te: Chris-tians, haste your vows to pay, Als 2h eo ye We le is yt Sin - less in ‘the sin - ner’s stead; Ale ey Se le =) tases God and man hath rec - on - ciled; Al enue) +9 le s=—7 lay aaa Haste with joy your vows to pay; Al) 'e\igtes pele Ti eos Of - fer ye your prais-es meet Al (20:4 7 oeele. la ey aes ‘Christ is ris’n,’ to - day we cry; Alt = 3) why. depletes tt ee While in strange and aw - ful strife Al’ .-. =) “Sule. =u 43 =<)ean “‘Christ is. ris’n,”’ to-day we. . cry; Al Ja 7-8 ele ceria Sees -0- -»- it ~9- Mena Se SOBRE Toad or a =a re ee H is | ! £0 = ea : BAD EP AT I-A ERIE 2 oS WP i HGS g eae ACP IESE VE LS aN UP DET | WO "2 : Te Ora, | r oO At the Pas-chal Vic-tim’s feet. Al - ~~ ley «(la t= sie Now He lives no more to. die. Al - » Wile ote Met to - geth- er deathand Life: Al - - le - lu - ia! Now He lives no more to _ die. Al - - le - lu - ia!» *A-MEN., EET ee ee Z ): 5 Christ, Who once for sinners bled, 6 Hail, Eternal Hope on high! Now the first-born from the dead, Hail, Thou King of victory! Throned in endless might and power, Hail, Thou Prince of Life adored! Lives and reigns for evermore. Help and save us, Gracious Lord. Jesus Christ is Risen Today 84 WORGAN. 77,77. With Alleluia, From the Latin, XIII Century Tr. in Lyra Davidica, 1708 ARNOLD’sS Compleat Psalmodist, 1749, a Lyra Davidica, 1708 | Rar ef Ee | | 1. Je - sus Christ is ris’n to - day, Al ~ le - lu - ia! 2. Hymns of praise then let us sing, Al - le - lu -- ia! 3. But the pains which He~ en - dured, Al - le - lu - ia! le é Our tri-umph-ant ho - ly _ day, Al - le - lu - ia! Un - to Christ, our heaven -ly King, Al - Ile - lu - ia! Our sal - va - tion have pro - cured, Al - le - lu - ia! Who did once, up - on the Crass, Al ~ leas: Tia t |) eatia Who en-dured the Cross and grave, Al - le - lu - ia! Now a-bove the sky He’s King, Al - le - lu - ial! Suf - fer to re-deem our loss. Al - les =" loan’ areata Sin-ners to re-deem and save. Al - let = lust f= 41a! ‘Wherethean-gels ev -er_ sing. Al - le - lu ia! A-MEN. ea se | 2 die e)¢ «££ 2 eee eee ee ieee ee Pe hee erie poet” THE CHURCH YEAR 3 85 Welcome, Happy Morning FORTUNATUS. 11 11,11 11,1k From Fortunatus, VI Century Tr. JOHN ELLERTON, 1868, a ARTHUR S. SULLIVAN, 1872 a fas cera aad or (ane a a § a —-e = LRT FAM OTHE DROR 1aos: <1 —_____@ — @ oa 1. Wel-come, hap-py morn-ing! age to age shall say: Hell to-day is 2. Ma-ker and Re-deem-er, Life and Health of — all, Thou from heaven be- 3: Thou, of life the Au-thor, death didst un - der - go, Tread the path of 4. Loose the soulslong pris-oned, bound withSa-tan’s chain; All thatnow is eee tel) van-quished;heavenis won to - day! Lo! the Dead is _ liv ~ ing, hold - ing hu-man na -ture’s fall, Thou of God the Fa - ther, dark - ness, sav -ingstrength to show; Comethen, True and Faith - ful, fal - len raise to life a - gain; Show Thy face in_ bright - ness, ope ee ES God for ev - er- more! Him,theirtrueCre-a - tor, all His works a - dore. true and on- ly Son, Man-hoodto de-liv - er, man-hooddidst put an. now ful-fill Thy word; ’Tis Thineown third morn-ing:rise,O bur -ied Lord! bid the na - tions see; Bring a-gain our day-light;day re-turns with Thee; SS Hell to-day is van-quished;heavenis won to - day! A-MEN. EASTER CAROLS O Joyous Easter Morning 86 UNISON 1.0 joy - ous East - er morn-ing, That saw the Lord a- rise! 2.0 glad - some East - er morn - ing! Our heartsre - joice to - day, 3. O bless - ed East - er morn - ing! What day so bright as this, O bright and hap - py morn - ing! The clouds have left the skies. The grave and death are con-quered, He is of Life, the Way: When, through His might-y tri- umph, He won the courts of bliss! The night of grief is end - ed, The day has come a - gain; The hosts of sin are van - quished, He is the Vic-tor King! The doors of Heavenare o - pen, The grave no more has dread; 1-4 -O ot -B We fe -p- Cf ates fea coe o—— 98 _ ‘ { Ss ee And Christ has won the vic - t’ry For all the sons of men. Then let us all with glad - ness Our thank-ful prais - es sing. For ris-en is our Sav - iour,, The first fruits of the dead. oe ie oe ae Sane e THE CHURCH YEAR 87 Christ is Risen! Alleluia! Joun S. B. MoNSELL, 1863 FREDERICK C. MAKER, 1876 Unison Harmony oe eee ied ea TELL | ND BS EP NENA ee i Sg ee BM | | Christ is ris - en! Al - le - lu - ia! Ris - en our vic - tor-ious Head! Christ is ris - en! all the sad-ness Of ourLent-en fast is o’er; en! all the sor-row That lasteven-ing round Him lay, en! hence-forth nev - er Death or hell shall us en-thrall; sna mt aa fees conics. i haar ai Unison Harmony } 7 sae A 1 ESOT MMOD PW ——————————— ot Sing His prais-es! Al - le - lu - ia! Christ is ris - en from the dead! Throughthe o - pen gates of glad-ness He re-turns to life once more; Now hathfound a glo-rious mor-row In the ris - ing of to-day; Be weChrist’s,in Him for ev-er We have tri-umphed o - ver all; 2 iw cw | ww +f 0 o @ 2 : mt SNA A AEE TET Tavis Puss i Gute nen aad eet Grate-ful-ly our hearts a-dore Him As His light once more ap-pears; Death and hell be - fore Him bend-ing, He doth rise, the Vic-tor now, And thegrave its first-fruits giv - eth, Spring-ing up from ho - lyground; All thedoubt-ing and de-jec-tion Of our tremb-ling hearts have ceased; e -0- -p- =@— 1° = —- —- G- fp tiee big Ag Np el el ee a es Fone ad ar ; i ars (Bsa PSA ETE SS a v eo bee Sam SES Bow - ingdown in joy be - fore Him, Ris - ing up fromgriefsand tears. An - gels on His steps at - tend-ing, Glo - ry round His wound-ed brow. He wasdead, but now He liv- eth; He was lost, but He is found: 'Tis His day of Res - ur - rec-tion! Let us rise and keep the Feast. -- - . Peat: » 7 pe 2p > tS + —_ ' Cuorvus, a tempo EASTER CAROLS Unison Harmony | ee ee Se ee +2 oe erg : en Christ. is' ris'=,en! Al --le- lu.- ia!. Ris - en our. vie - tor-ious Head! N | SES BN a Pease Sey Taal ee 2 === Sees ici LECT a rn | ae rear Unison Harmony a eee Bee Sing Hisprais-es! Al - le - lu-ia! Christ is ris-enfrom the dead. A-MEN. -0-* -0- -@- ? fe 9 -9 PS Oy Se shigi ee -Z- ahs Ds = ae soa ies pee eto Fd rea er ce Angels, Roll the Rock Away 88 THOMAS SCOTT, 1769 J. F. OuL, 1886 ee — ea ea P| I. An - gels, roll the rock a - way; Death, yield up thy might-y prey; 2.’Tis the Sav - iour; an - gels raise Fame’s e-ter -nal trump of praise; 3. PraiseHim, all ye heav-enlychoirs, Strike and sweep your gold-en lyres; See, He ris - es from the tomb, Glow - ing with im-mor - tal bloom. Let theearth’s re - mot - est bound Hear the joy - in- spir - ing sound. Shout, O earth,in raptur-ous song, Let thestrains be sweet and strong. : - Sasso () ers A Sp Soe Seu a Da Ai cearee Se ce ter zal Prin ary oS o—-—__ THE CHURCH YEAR 89 ~=@ Come, _Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain Joun oF DAMASCUS, VIII Century Tr. JoHuN MASON NEALE, 1859 ARTHUR S. SULLIVAN, 1872 ee AN ye et cRNA PE PUD BLE 4 — o—_4 ———_—— o——_o—$ s—— -——_j— 1. Come, ye faith-ful, raise the strain Of tri- um-phant glad - ness; >» All the win- ter of our sins, Long and dark, is fly - ing 3. But to - day a - midst the Twelve Thoudidststand, be - stow - ing WUE te ea) re wee ae joa ee o: i SPY STP _ AEA OEY TSETE "a ENE BPE WE 0 ry a ea” = 5 a = pH ’ Sei af : e- Prete Gee ae cowed PE i ae | Wires. God hath brought His Is - ra - el In - to joy from sad - ness; From His light, to Whom we give - Laudand praise un - dy - ing. That Thy peace,which ev - er- more Pass-eth hu - man know - ing. oP -p- a. - 2 2 fe -»- 2. 'Tis the springof souls to - day: Christ hath burst His prs - On, Nei-ther mightthe gates of death, Nor the tomb’s dark por - tal, Come, ye faith-ful, raise the strain Of tri - umph-ant glad - ness; And from threedays’ sleep in death, As a sun hath fis - en. Nor the watch-ers, nor the seal, Hold Thee as a mor - tal. God hath brought His Is - ra - el In - to joy from ‘sad - ness. pes Ye. Yn Se Yon? D pegs ne LR a 2 32 Ss ee eee Suan se us E— EASTER CAROLS God Hath Sent His Angels to the Earth Again 90 PHILLIPS BROOKS, 1877 James C. D. PARKER (1820-1916) 1. God hath sent Hisan- gels to theeartha-gain, Bring -ing joy-ful ti - dings 2 In the dread-ful des - ert, where the Lord was tried, There the faith-ful an - gels 3. Yet the Christ they hon - or is thesame Christ still, Who, in light and dark-ness, 4. God has still Hisan - gels, help - ing, at His word, All His faith-ful chil - dren, ie lel _—— to thesons of men; They who.first, at Christ-mas, thronged the heavenly way, gath - ered at His side; And when in the gar - den, grief and painand care did His Fa-ther’s will; . And the tomb de - sert - ed shin - eth like the sky, like their faithful Lord; Sooth-ing themin sor - row, arm - ing them in strife, = —-__g—~ Seay r haa o--> i zz i = = Si —p— te Ne Se A (2__—— reat 2 aT CI OOReX 2 . r (ae ee a i 7+ = 4 | | | REFRAIN aaa rr a a Bor re: - : ie ete Tae Now be-side the tomb-door, sit on Eas - ter Day. Bowed Him down with an - guish, they were with Him there. An - gels sing His Since He passed outfrom it in - to vic - to-ry. Op - ‘ning wide the tomb - doors, lead - ing in ~- to life. SHE CHURCH YEAR 91 The World Itself Keeps Easter Day Joun Mason NEALE, 1853 EMANUEL SCHMAUK, 1907 | 1. The world it - self keeps Eas-ter Day, And Eas-ter larks are sing - ing; 2. There stood three Ma-rys by the tomb, On Eas- ter morn-ing ear - ly, 3. But ear - lier still the an - gel sped, The news of com-fort giv - ing; 4. The world it - self keeps Eas-ter Day, And Eas-ter larks are sing - ing; And Eas - ter flow’rs are bloom-ing gay, And Eas - ter buds are spring - ing. When day had scarce- ly chased the gloom, And dew was white and pearl - y. And “Why,” he said, ‘“a- mong the dead, Thusseek ye for the Liv- ing?”’ And Eas - ter flow’rs are bloom-ing gay, And Eas - ter buds are spring - ing. \ 9—-__9—.—s-_0—__ + — ids ia ge AWE SAM ATE ELT ——— . —* =e pat a The Lord of all things lives a - new, And all His works are ris - ing too; With lov - ing, but with err-ing mind, They come, the Prince of Life to find: “Go, tell them all, and make them blest; Tell Pe - ter first, and then the rest.” The Lord hath ris’n, as_ all things tell, Good Christians, see ye rise as well. | ~~» : z ? kana, = ig- 2. 2 ephmety “Be vt 6 # < hy -~- o- eo o Pune @ e- 4 ae Bester s ATS CN be: —# o a wan EA 7 = see a EA mk BUN 1 ort ABE Dak SEITE | Ss AT WO! BC AD wee H Ye eh aS” ENR OAR RS ORES Ate» -le @ lie sefial Al - le - lu - ia! Al = Jes ane 6. oe aad EASTER CAROLS Ye Happy Bells of Easter Day 92 Anonymous Joun S. B. HopcEs (1830-1915) 1. Ye hap-py bells of Eas - ter - Day! 2. Ye glo-ry-bells of Eas - ter - Day! 3. Ye mer-cy-bells of Eas - ter - Day! 4. Ye vic-tor-bells of Eas - ter - Day! Ring, ring your joy Thro’ earth and sky, Ye ring a glo-rious word. The hills that rise A - gainst the skies, Re-ech-o with the word— His ten - der side Was riv-en wide, Where floods of mer-cy poured: The thorn-y crown He lay-eth down: Ring! ring! with strong ac-cord— The notes that swell in glad-ness tell The ris-ing of the Lord! The vic - tor-breath that con-quers death— The ris-ing of the Lord! Re - deem - ed clay doth sing to - day The ris-ing of the Lord! The might-y strain of love and pain, The ris-ing of the Lord! THE CHURCH YEAR 93 Let the Meee Church Bells Ring Anonymous GEORGE W. WARREN (1828-1902) /) He Cer — = mf Se "a oe —— (aw 4 Peat EEETT CET EE H PS 2° I — SP Mis , TED MALLET: a TR ET Sa in 1. Let the mer - ry church-bells ring, ring, ring, ring! Let the mer - ry 2. Let the mer - ry church-bells ring, ring, ring, ring! Let the birds sing 3. Let the mer - ry church-bells ring, ring, ring, ring! Let the past of we -2- ~~ eS ee oases | ba NSLS BP id oak eae —f———— ONS ea AL FGM EBLE y) -o- church-bells ring! Hence with tears and sigh - ing; Frost and cold have out a- gain From their leaf- y chap - el, Prais - ing Him with grief be past; This our com -fort giv - eth: He was_ slain on -p- “t- ~p- oe ——— =e eee EE ad v 7 Sf ——y ae Pe ee ce eg ee ; ra —a San moms EWN Rte ACEO ASP. tet zarmcearreccreme ; lant GUO ene | -e- fled with spring; Life hath con-quereddy - ing. Flow’rsare smil - ing, Whom in vain Sa - tan sought to grap - ple. Sounds of joy come Fri - day last, But to-day He liv - eth! Mourn-ing hearts must ee Aa al ae a | 2 5 > 4 El a Ga ee f t ; v V Vv y v Vv ED NEN NSS a fields are gay, Sun-ny is theweath-er: With our ris - ing Lord to - day fast andclear, As the breez-es flut - ter; ‘He is ris~-en; He’s not here,” needs be gay, Joy now breaks her pris- on, Since the ver - y grave can say: ~~ 8 -» » #- e e 4 - ro eee “a - ts Sea aR Eh! TN a SN PT 7 2 | : ig. ee ee Pe Bt ‘ a | 2 PRENSA ESE iy meen sl rece of Gd | ED ER 2 L haa: ring, 0 ring, ring! Easter Flowers Are Blooming Bright Mary A. NICHOLSON, 1875 1. Eas -ter flow’rs are bloom - ing bright, 2. An - gels car-oled this sweet lay, 3. He, then born to grief and pain, 4. As He ris - eth, rise we _ too, Let the mer - ry church-bells ring, EASTER CAROLS N | All things rise to - geth - er. Let mer - ry church - bells ring, Is the strain they ut - ter. Let the mer - ry church - bells ring, ‘*‘He’s not here, He’s ris - en.” Let the mer - ry church - bells ring, ring, ring, 94 FREDERICK A. G. OUSELEY, I881 Eas - ter skies pour ra - diant light; When in man-ger rude He lay; Now to glo-ry born a - gain, Tune we heart and voice a - new, Pret tours lord is risen ¢ ji Smight; Now once more cast grief a - way, Call - eth forth our glad - dest strain, Off - ’ring hom- age glad and true, Fr oil elle (2 Glo-ry in the high - est! Glo- ry in the high - est! Glo-ry in the high - est! Glo-ry in the high - est! e a ee ce. 2. THE CHURCH YEAR 95 Now All the Bells Are Ringing Anonymous Joun B. DYKES (1823-1876) AIAN SCTE FQJAROECRS SURE DU AE | a thai ——s Se —~o——-@ ——_—— Oiasr Oe @ CEA oA —6——_— v Vine r a Alss ier lus =i peat AT ible vet thi alania) ow neem lu - ia! Dates | | N | } te Ce Pe! fa % an”, ee ed CPA Fa ts 7 —— ——— pommamani 1. Now all the bellsare ring - ing, To wel-come Eas-ter Day, And we with 2-0 hast-en we to meet Him With our com-pan- ions dear, Withlove and 3. Still, Je-sus! we a- dore Thee With faith which may not fail; Still, as we | ar ae B — () x "ES EE” BERS | | _# —|__ Sioa pea uted sure Vacs i (aw oO — Vaan Mana got ioe eats ae wSP ; , | se ~ | | FL A Od: joy are sing - ing Our car - ols sweetand gay; For Je - sus hath a- awe to reet Him, As He is draw-ing near; Of old His friends were kneel be - fore Thee, We hear Thee say ‘All hail’! Thou, Who art now de - =? >. Pry tated P | | ea ¢— —— ; | = See 2 te: -6- act ris - en From Jos-eph’s rock-y cave, Hath burst His three days’ pris - on, bid - den To haste to Gal-1 - lee: Still in His Church all glo - rious, scend-ing To raise us up to Thee, An Eas-ter-tide un - ent - ing | 2 2 2 » #- 2 -o- ae oleae ee 1a LT ’ TAS . 2 Pe 5. =] cae Rett % ime a ee 22h EERE AA SO ES OE Se ie al [oo ep et er ee 4 Thow hast raised our human nature On the clouds to God’s right hand; There we sit in heavenly places, There with Thee in glory stand; Jesus reigns, adored by angels; Man with God is on the throne; Mighty Lord, in Thine Ascension We by faith behold our own. Look, Ye Saints! ASCENSION 5 Glory be to God the Father; Glory be to God the Son, Dying, risen, ascending for us, Who the heavenly realm has won; Glory to the Holy Spirit; To One God in Persons Three; Glory both in earth and heaven, Glory, endless glory, be. the Sight is Glorious 98 CORONAE,. 87,87, 47. THOMAS KELLY, 1899 @ ‘ay . Look, ye saints! the sight is glo-rious, See the . Crown the Sav - iour! an- gels crown Him! Rich the WILLIAM H. MonkK, 1871 Man of Sor - rows now; tro-phies Je - sus brings; I 2 3. Sin-mers in de - ri-sion crowned Him, Mock-ing thus the Sav-iour’s claim; 4 . Hark, those bursts of ac - cla - ma - tion! Hark, those loud tri-umph-ant chords! : ——¢ —— i Pe] " ra ead ot TSAR 7 a ey ar ae. se ae 3 ATS OO eae PRL ed GE ru }—e—— nice i | | From the fight re - turned vic - to In Je - sus takes the high- est sta the seat of pow’r en-throne Him, While the vault of Saints and an - gels crowd a-round Him, Own His Ti - tle, Ev - ’ry knee to Him shall bow; heav -en rings; praise His Name; sight af- fords! - rious, - tion; O what joy the @ + S maz 5 Conn RSS ae 1 Sere Es = a OT Fa ae an | as e= = oe — Soe ee Crown Him! Crown Him! Crowns be-come the Vic - tor’s brow. Crown Him! Crown Him! Crown the Sav -iour King of kings. Crown Him! Crown Him! Spread a-broad the Vic - tor’s fame. Crown Him! Crown Him! King of kings, and Lord of lords. A - MEN. THE CHURCH YEAR WHITSUNDAY—THE HOLY SPIRIT 99 Let Songs of Praises Fill the Sky MEIRINGEN. 8 6, 86, 88. THOMAS COTTERILL, 1819 CuRISTIAN G. NEEFE, 1777 7h Let songs of prais-es fill the sky: Christ our as - cend-ed_ Lord, 2. The Spir - it by His heaven-ly breath Cre- ates new life with - in; 3. The things of Christ the Spir - it takes, And to our hearts re - veals; 4. Come, Ho - ly Spir- it, from a-bove, With Thy ce - les - tial fire; Sends down His Spir-it from on high, Ac - cord-ing to His word. He quick-ens sin- ners from thedeath Of tres-pass-es and _ sin.» Our bod - y He His tem-plemakes, And our re- demp - tion seals. Come, and with flames of zeal and love Our hearts and tongues in - spire. weal A yD Pee e tee Attn a OO hig? tee ul ol | | All hail the day of Pen-te-cost, The com-ing of the Ho-ly Ghost! A-MEN, 100 Holy Spirit, Truth Divine HAVEN. 77,77. SAMUEL LONGFELLOW, 1864 Epwin H. LEMARE, 1889 "a : | ! | | 7 /-b-s3. ee —-— [tt —— ga , fan an) a, ee a sera mA rraga jim a ae > Av sigiS he FEIT ROP RI OCA ae hee 1. Ho - ly Spir - it, Truth di-vine, Dawn up-on _ this soul’ of mine; 2. Ho - ly Spir - it, Love di-vine, Glow with - in this heart of mine; 3. Ho - ly Spir - it, Pow’r di-vine, Fill and nerve this will of mine; 4. Ho - - it, Joy di-vine, Glad-den Thou this heart of mine; WHITSUNDAY—THE HOLY SPIRIT Word of God, and in-ward Light, Wake my spir- it, clear my sight. Kin - dle ev - ’ry high de-sire; Per - ish self in thy pure fire. By Thee may I strong-ly live, Brave-ly bear, and no - bly strive. In the des - ert ways I sing, “‘Spring, O Well, for - ev - er spring!” A-MEN. Holy Spirit, Hear Us 101 ST. LUCIAN. 65,65. Wn. HENRY PARKER, 1880 JOHANN C. H. RINcK (1770-1846) Initio = ly +.Spir-= it, hear us, Help us while we _ sing; 2. Ho- ly Spir- it, prompt us When we kneel to pray; 3. Ho = ly: Spir- it, shine Thou On the Book we _ read; V, a Sane tae Le] = SS a ee eS ee ee cee ee = a j|—! aa. Breathe in - to the mu - sic Of the praise we bring. Near - er come, and teach us What we ought to say. Gild* ats\y ho.) -s ly > ipa’ =. ges With the light we need. A-MEN. pate ere] Pe 2 — =e ahaa 4 Holy Spirit, give us 6 Holy Spirit, keep us Each a lowly mind; Safe from sins which lie Make us more like Jesus, Hidden by some pleasure Gentle, pure, and kind. From our youthful eye. 5 Holy Spirit, brighten 7 Holy Spirit, help us Little deeds of toil; Daily by Thy might And our playful pastimes What is wrong to conquer, Let no folly spoil. And to choose the right. THE CHURCH YEAR 102 GERMANY. - MARTIN LUTHER, 1524 Tr. CATHERINE WINKWORTH, 1855, a Come, Holy Spirit, God and Lord LM. Melody adapted from BEETHOVEN (?) WILLIAM GARDINER’S Sacred Melodies, 1815 1, Come, Ho-ly Spir - it, God and Lord! 2. Lord, by the brightness of Thy light, Be all Thy gra - ces now out - poured Thou in the faith dost men wu - nite Teach us to know our God a - right, Nor e’er to oth- er teach - ers range, 3. Thou strong Defence, Thou ho-ly Light, 4. That we may love not doctrines strange, é On the be-liev-er’s mind and soul, Tostrengthen, save, and make us whole. Of ev-~’ry land and ev-’ry tongue: This to Thy praise, O Lord, be sung. And call Him Fa-ther from the heart; The Word of life and truth im-part, But Je-~sus for our Mas-ter own, And put our trust in Him a- lone. A+MEN. 6 Lord, make us ready with Thy powers: Strengthen the flesh in weaker hours, That as good warriors we may force Through life and death to Thee our course! 5 Thou sacred Ardor, Comfort sweet, Help us to wait with ready feet And willing heart at Thy command, Nor trial fright us from Thy band. 103 Holy Ghost, With Light Divine WEBER. 77,77. ANDREW REED, 1817, a Arr. from CARL M. von WEBER, 1826 5 - ot Ra BR Le Panne te Barrera ees a tte a =o -8- é Tvello,~ i Ghost, with light di- vine, Shine up - on this heart’ of mine; Let me all His beau - ties trace; Cleanse this guilt - y heart of mine; 2, Let me see my Sav = iour’s face, 3. Ho - ly Ghost, with pow’r di - vine, 4. Ho - ly Ghost, with joy di- vine, .. Cheer this sad-dened heart of mine; -0- Y See ae * de 2. de. as Z ee San AE sion ce al Se aioe an fee come | 2 WHITSUNDAY—THE HOLY SPIRIT Chase the shades of night a - way, Turn the dark-ness in- to day. Show those glo-rious truths to me Which areon - ly known to Thee. In Thy mer-cy pit-. y me, From sin’s bond-age set me free. Yield a sa-cred, set-tled peace; Let it grow and still in-crease. A-MEN. pi alae) ah Se at pias ey aa ae Ce ot creat a a eS a A : a (ace ceca i [ORE Ce Fem ater REE pj EE Ses Ores RIMES TSA Bile wat 5 Holy Spirit, all divine, 6 See, to Thee I yield my heart; Dwell within this heart of mine; Shed Thy life through every part: Cast down every idol throne, A pure temple I would be, Reign supreme, and reign alone. Wholly dedicate to Thee. Come, Gracious Spirit, Heavenly Dove 104 . WAREHAM. L: M. Srmon BROWNE, 1720 Bristol Collection, 1769 WILLIAM KnapPpP, 1837 A rare ars cS Fa SPs emer Fe Cae a ey aterniant] = Peed ard > a hg ot te Balped een, (aay, PT lea NH RAN Wa Pi RE TS OI HN JS AE yr Rem TE? Ss tire Sr vce aL >a LA ERTS TA en rg rE Peet mie , | [ | 1. Come, gra-cious Spir - it, heaven-ly Dove, With light and com - fort from a- bove; 2. The light of truth to us dis- play, That we may know and choose Thy way; 3. Lead us to Christ, the liv-ing Way, Nor let us from His past-ures stray; 4. Lead us to heaven that we may share Ful- ness of joy for ev - er there; ” . | = a vy i ‘y + e -p- cad -f@- a : 2 2 [5 a ’ i EE Of ES A Davey ete a ae eget ee tte sei aa wera ay, = 7 A ee ae Leeann. pena: waren ie a v oa se fl P= pare | [See Be Thou our Guardian, Thou our Guide, O’er ev-’ry thought and step preside. Plant ho - ly fear in ev -’ry heart, That we from God may ne’er depart, Lead us to ho- li-ness, the road That we must take to dwell with God. Lead us to God our fi-nalrest, To be with Him forev-er blest. A-MEN, THE CHURCH YEAR 105 Come, Holy Ghost, in Love FIAT LUX. 664, 6664. From the Latin Tr. RAy PALMER, 1858 First Tune HENRY HILES (1826-1904) 1. Come, Ho-ly Ghost, in love Shed on us from a - bove 2. Come, tend’restFriend and best, Our most de - light-ful Guest, 3. Come, Light se-rene, and still Our. in-most bos - oms fill; -6- a 4 lo i | Te 25 ated maven oe ————————— Thine own bright ray! With sooth-ing pow’r; Dwell in each breast; gifts im-part To glad-den each sad heart; noon-tide glow, beams di - vine, On _ Di - vine - ly goodThou art; Rest, which the wea - ry know, We Thy sa - cred Shade, ’mid the know no dawn but Thine; Send forth Thy O come to - day! Peace, when deep griefs o’er flow— Cheer us, this hour! our dark souls to shine, And makeus blest! A-MEN. 4 Exalt our low desires; Extinguish passion’s fires; Heal every wound; Our stubborn spirits bend; Our icy coldness end; Our devious steps attend, While heavenward bound. 5 Come, all the faithful bless; Let all, who Christ confess, His praise employ; Give virtue’s rich reward: Victorious death accord, And with our glorious Lord, Eternal joy! WHITSUNDAY—THE HOLY SPIRIT Come, Holy Ghost, in Love OLIVET. 664, 6664. Second Tune From the Latin Tr. Ray PALMER, 1858 LoweELt Mason, 1832 1. Come, Ho - ly Ghost, in love shed: . Ost USie Proms a= bove 2. Come, tend’r-est Friend and best, Our most de- light - ful Guest, 3. Come, Light se- rene, and _ still Our in - most bo - soms fill; 2 = Sts = eee a ee Thine own bright ray! Di - vine - ly good Thou art; Thy sa - cred With sooth-ing pow’r; Rest, which the wea - ry know, Shade, ’mid the Dwell in each breast; We know no dawn but Thine; Send forth Thy SSS eee See c= -== gifts im-part To glad-den each sad heart; O come _ to - day! noon-tide glow, Peace, when deep griefs o’erflow—Cheer us, this hour! beams di- vine, On our dark souls toshine, And make us _ blest! A-MEN. 4 Exalt our low desires; 5 Come, all the faithful bless; Extinguish passion’s fires; Heal every wound; Our stubborn spirits bend; Our icy coldness end; Our devious steps attend, While heavenward bound, Let all, who Christ confess, His praise employ; Give virtue’s rich reward; Victorious death accord, And with our glorious Lord Eternal joy! 9 THE CHURCH YEAR 106 Come, Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire MENDON. L. M. German Melody Arranged by SAMUEL DYER, 1882 From the Latin Tr. JoHN CosIN, 1627, & a Sa ; $—s— of ee 1, Come, Ho-ly Ghost, our souls in-spire Andlight-en with ce - les - tial fire; 2. Thy bless-ed unc - tion from a-bove Is com-fort, life, and fire of love. 3. A - nointourheart andcheer our face Withthe a-bund-ance of Thy grace. 4. Teach us to know the Fa - ther,Son, And Thee, of Both, to be but One; Thouthe a-noint-ing Spir-it art Whodost Thy seven-fold gifts im-part. En - ablewithper-pet-u - al light The dull-ness of our blind-ed sight. eep far our foes; give peace at home; Where Thou art Guide, no ill can come. That, thro’ thea- ges all a-long, Thy praise may be our end -lesgs song! A-MEN. i Lith 107. Blest Spirit, One With God Above ROCKINGHAM. L. M. From the Latin Tr. JoHN CHANDLER, 1837 EpwArD MILLER’s Psalms of David, 1790 la whe vara. : Oh (PA SS ea Pe Ci tiwAlwrs eel aan a eps] A+ NN AAD EON Re —— i coe tele a Ew re ——-| | —_-__+—_4——-—-& Conn ASAE egg a 3——_# a — o——_s—___e —_ 8 ge aN ed Maw ante Ge ci Howe ly, Ho = ly, Ho - ly! Mer - ci- ful and Might - -y; Cher - u-bim and sera - phim fall- ing down be - fore Thee, On - ly Thou art Orwaet vily.. there is none be - side Thee Ho - ly, Ho - ly, Ho ly! Mer - ci - ful and Might - jy; in Three Per - sons, Bless-ed Trin - 1 - ty! Which wert, and _ art, and ev - er-more shalt be. Per - fect in pow’, in love, and pur - i - ty. God in Three Per - sons, Bless-ed Trin - i - ty! A-MEN, THE CHURCH YEAR 109 Holy, Holy, Holy Lord ST. ATHANASIUS. 77,77,77. CHRISTOPHER WORDSWORTH, 1862 EDWARD J. HOPKINS, 1872 $f > : wet J i te Pia a y > it AOE tmssuaaes opera 2 = — oe a Po eee ee os a SR a 5 arent : CA 2s : : LE | | | 1. Ho - ly, Ho - ly, Ho - ly Lord, God of Hosts, E- tern- al King, 2, Since by Thee were all things made, And in Thee do all things live, 3. Thousands, tens of thou-sands, stand, Spir-its blest, be - fore Thy throne, 4. Al - le- lu - ia! Lord, to Thee, Fa- ther, Son and Ho- ly Ghost, 5 2 - = ELAS Sica s eee v By the heavens and earth a - dored! An - gels and arch - an- gels sing, Be to Thee all hon - or paid; Praise to Thee may all things give, Speed-ing thence at Thy com- mand; And when Thy be-hests are done, God-head One, and Per- sons Three: Join we with the stain host, Chant-ing ev - er - last-ing-ly To the Bless-ed Trin -i - ty. Sing - ing ev-er - last-ing-ly To the Bless-ed Trin -i - ty. Sing - ing ev-er - last-ing-ly To the Bless-ed Trin -i - ty. Sing - ing ev-er - last-ing-ly To the Bless-ed Trin -i - ty. A-MEN -- -§ -#- fy eee : = RELA: ak PE PG enum Bad samp Sawn Ss 5: 7 EG A ae Z2 7 o_o (cae |B SA Oa or eae paid ee Pepin tes Le AED Bra SET IGT EM —> arr i easel C7 110 Hail, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord HARLECH. C.M. CHARLES WESLEY, 1767, a. Ancient Welsh Melody \ ———. , o——_e—_o— o- -6- ss ° 1. Hail! Ho - ly, Ho - ly, Ho-ly Lord, Whom One in Three we know; 2. One un-di-vid-ed Trin-i-ty With tri - umph we pro-claim; 3. Thee, Ho'- ‘ly, “Fac ther, we con-fess, Thee, Ho - ly Son, a - dore; 4. Hail! Ho - ly, Ho - ly, Ho-ly Lord! T his be our song to ‘Thee, Mey fhe ° | | e oF at (Sr 2S ee a Ja peowens t SoLACy EY BS Be a= {os a men cc a ee = ual Ym -wA 4 = ee ae ee iE”, a a Me? wi eal Lal hae a AE EL Gees = 5 ER a We TRINITY SUNDAY—THE HOLY TRINITY By all Thy heavenly hosts a-dored, By all Thy Church be- low. hy u- ni-verse is full of Thee, And speaks Thy glorious Name. ' And Thee, the Ho - ly Ghost, we bless And wor - ship ev - er - more. Su - preme, Es-sen-tial One, a-dored In Co -e-ter- nal Three! A-MEN. Blessed Father, Great Creator 111 REGENT SQUARE. 87, 87, 87. JoHN CAwoon, 1837 HENRY SMART,.1867 Saas 1. Bless - ed Fa - ther, Great Cre-a-tor! Hum- bly at Thy feet we bend; 2. Bless - ed Je - sus, Great Re-deem-er! Sad - ly by Thy Cross we stand; 3. Bless - ed Spir-it, Great Con-sol-er! Make our hearts Thy dwell-ing place; 4. Bless- ed Fa-ther, Son, and Spir-it, Glo-rious God-head, Three in One! Sa” Wa ac (1) q MS Ss RS RS SE SN | Ge CONE Os eee oe a5 oun et Sa tear Beceem) SRS 1 Ca ee = soe = Ee | To Thy thronefor all Thy fa-vors, Youth-ful prais-es now we send. On that Cross Thou diedst to bring us To the joys of Thy right hand. Teach us, guide us, sanc - ti-fy us, And con-sole us. all our days.. Guide us to the heaven of heav-ens, Through the mer-its of the Son. Bless - ed Fa - ther! Bless-ed Fa-ther! To our youth-ful songs at - tend. Bless-ed Je- sus! Bless- ed Je-sus! Bring us to Thy heaven-ly land. Bless-ed Spir-it! Bless-ed Spir-it! Ev-er cheer us with Thy grace. Guide and guard us, Guideand guard us, Till we see Him on the throne. A-MEN. THE CHURCH YEAR 112 Come, Thou Almighty King ITALIAN HYMN. 664, 6664. WHITFIELD’S Collection, 1757, 4 FELICE DE GIARDINI, 1769 Mea Z Peco men po = Ree I) a ai eB GT 7 4 — | —* gee or ee a | Ser oo , o—g a renee ai | TESTIS iy i¢ 1. Come, Thou Al - might - y King, Help us Thy Name to sing, 2. Je - sus, our Lord, de-scend; From all our foes de - fend, 3 Come, Thou in - car - nate Word, Gird on Thy might - y sword; .__£ *: wae ff —- mh aa’ Fer Pe ae Be eae meee ds STI @ _——__—— FATIH A SEE IS SM LITE art es aw he le aa MEL MOTEL A | Help us to praise! Fa - ther all glo - ri-ous, O’er ally wic- Nor let us fall; Let ‘Thine al - might - y aid Our sure de- Our prayer at - tend; Come, and Thy peo - plebless, And give Thy ee eae to - ri- ous, Come and reign o - ver us, An-cient of days. - fence be made, Our souls on Thee be stayed; Lord, hear our call! Wordsuc-cess;Spir - it of ho - li-ness, On us. de-scend. A - MEN. f-+ # 4» Oe meat iee bie 4 Come, Holy Comforter, 5 To Thee, great One in Three, Thy sacred witness bear Eternal praises be, in this glad hour: Hence, evermore! Thou Who almighty art, ; Thy sovereign Majesty Now rule in every heart, May we in glory see, And ne’er from us depart, And to eternity Spirit of power! Love and adore. TRINITY SUNDAY—THE HOLY TRINITY Ancient of Days, Who Sittest Throned 113 in Glory ANCIENT OF DAYS. 1110, 1110. WILLIAM C. DOANE, 1886 J. ALBERT JEFFERY, 1886 F nN pi NMC oT elk Sr a rs ON Eh eee Su a Ps cet MABE ERE ;— 6-6-0 | y | | Ny 1. An-cient of Days, Who sit-test thronedinglo - ry To Thee all knees are 2.0 Ho-ly Fa-ther, Whohast led thy chil- dren In all the a - ges, 3.0 Ho-ly Je - sus, PrinceofPeaceandSav-iour, To Thee we owe the bent, all voi - ces pray; Thy love has blessed the wide world’s won-drous sto - ry with the fire andcloud, Throughseasdry-shod, through wea-ry wastes be-wil-d’ring; peace that still pre-vails, Still-ing therude wills of men’s wild be - hav - ior, With light and life since E - den’s dawn - ing day. To ‘Thee, in rev-erent love, our hearts are bowed. — And calm - ing pas-sion’s fierce and storm - y gales. A - MEN. —— =a! 4 O Holy Ghost, the Lord and the Life-giver, Thine is the quickening power that gives increase; From Thee have flowed, as from a pleasant river, Our plenty, wealth, prosperity and peace. 5 O Triune God, with heart and voice adoring, Praise we the goodness that doth crown our days; Pray we that Thou wilt hear us, still imploring Thy love and favor kept to us always. THE CHURCH YEAR 114 Round the ord in Glory Seated URBS BEATA. 87,87.D. RICHARD MANT, 1837 J. F. Ont, 1886 UNISON ir : Hit Pe ee ee at U -~o- ore | a | 1. Round theLord in glo - ry seat-ed, Cher - u-bim and ser - a - phim 2. Heaven is still with glo - ry ring-ing, Earthtakesup the an- gels’ cry, 3. With His ser-aph-train be-fore Him, With His ho - ly Church be - low, - —— ral. a ra: i LL RTE GEOR HITE SIL PLE -1. |__|. <= = | A eee Filled His tem - ple, and re-peat - ed Each toeachth’al-ter - nate hymn: “Ho-ly, Ho-ly, Ho - ly,’’sing-ing, ‘Lord of Hosts, the Lord most High.”’ Thus u-nite we to a-dore Him, Bid wethus our an- them flow: } ign) é -B- | | Sey peo ou REEL ae i= SS | See a ae eg ee ae CHORUS sprioce? ce were mien Priel eran aaa. Se 2 = moe : RAS SS i | As 1 J ny tt ee i : ~?- fit “Lord, Thy glo- ry fills the heav-en, Earth is with its full - ness stored; conte SS SS = a eee =a Un - to Thee be glo-ry giv-en, Ho-ly, Ho-ly, Ho-ly Lord!” A~-MEN, rat eS cS = a e- | A aR a RI 2 5 | : TRINITY SUNDAY—THE HOLY TRINITY Lead Us, Heavenly Father, Lead Us 115 SICILIAN MARINERS’ HYMN. 87,87, 447. Sicilian Folksong JAMES EDMESTON, 1821, a J. MERRICK and W. D. TATTERSALL’S Psalms, 1794 1. Lead us, heaven-ly Fa- ther, lead us O’er the world’s tem-pest-uous sea; 2. Sav-iour, breathe for - give-mness o’er us; All our weak-ness Thou dost know; 3. Spir-it of our God, de-scend - ing, Fill our hearts with heaven-ly joy, Guard us, guideus, keep — us, feed us, For we have no _ help but Thee; Thou didst tread this earth be - fore us, Thou didst feel its keen - est woe; Love all oth - er love tran-scend- ing, Pleas-ure that can nev-er cloy; ah He SS So eee ee eer ae Mo rae ES area = angebaunn -O-g—+-6 Zr ll Yet pos-sess-ing Ev -’ry bless-ing, If our God our Fa-ther be. Lone and dreary, Faint and weary, ‘Thro’the des-ert Thou didst go. Thus pro-vid-ed, Pardoned, guided, Noth-ing can our peace de-stroy. A-MEN. THE WORD 116 Thy Word, O Lord, Like Gentle Dews ST. LEONARD. C. M. D. CARL BERNHARD GARVE, 1825 Tr. CATHERINE WINKWORTH, 1855, a Henry HILEs, 1867 1. Thy Word, O Lord, like gen - tle dews, Falls soft on hearts that pine; 2. Thy Word is like a flam-ingsword, A wedgethat cleav-eth stone; 3. Thy Word, a won-drousguid-ing star, On pil- grimheartsdoth rise, ada do- ne- : ° ek Lord, to Thy gar-den ne’er re-fuse This heaven-ly balm of Thine. Keen as a fire, so burns ThyWord, And pierc-eth flesh and bone. Leadsthose to God whodwell a - far, And makes the sim - ple wise. Wa-tered by Thee, let ev - ’ry tree Forth blos-som to Thy praise, Let it go forth o’er all the earth To cleanse our hearts with - in, ? Let not its light e’er sink in night; In ev - ’ry spir - it shine, By grace of Thine bear fruit di-vine, Thro’ all the com-ing days. To show Thypow’r in Sa-tan’shour, And break the might of sin. That none may miss heaven’s fi-nal bliss, Led by Thy light di-vine. A-mMEN. &. /h -o- -#. i O Word of God Incarnate 117 EVERTS. 76,76.D. Wm. WALtsHAM How, 1867 German 1.0 Word of God In-car- nate, O Wis-dom from on_ high, 2. The Church from Thee, her Mas - ter Re-ceived the gift di - vine, 3. It float- eth like a ban- ner’ Be - fore God’s host un - furled; 4 .O make Thy Church, dear Sav - iour, A lamp of burn-ished gold, : ee oe eee carae ae fa a ae —@ re Truth un-changed, un-chang-ing, O Light of our dark sky! 1 still that light she lift- eth O’er all the earth to shine. It shin-eth like a bea- con A - bove the dark - ling world; To -bear be-fore the na- tions Thy true light as of old: INN Teak = renga SAW Ga A = ee eee We praise Thee for the ra-diance That from the hal-lowed page, alt is the gold-en .cask - et Where gems of truth are stored; It is the chart and com - pass That o’er life’s surg-ing sea, O teach Thy wan-d’ring pil - grims By this their path to trace, A lan-tern to our foot-steps, Shines on fromage to age. It is the heaven-drawn pic-ture Of Thee, th’ In-car-nate Word. ’Mid mists, and rocks, and quick-sands Still guides, O Christ, to Thee. Till, clouds and dark-ness end - ed, They see Thee face to face. A-MEN. 9 Vien” el o Zz rs -+——_ be os | Ee ce H a 5 SS insret El U itt | SIRE eee not neti Ee eat q THE WORD 118 Father of Mercies, in Thy Word ST. AGNES. C. M. ANNA STEELE, 1760 JouN B. DyKEs, 1866 eee a Ua aCe BUM A aR SORES oe a PAAR i ASS Fey o . a a a ag as | 1. Fa - ther of mer-cies, in Thy Word Whatend-less glo - ry shines! 2. Here the Re-deem-er’s wel-come voice Spreads heaven-ly peace a - round, 3. QO may these heaven-ly pa- ges be My ev-er dear de- light, 4. Di - vine In- struc-tor, gra-cious Lord, Be Thou for ev - er near; re | ——— @-—--, For ev-er be ThyName a-dored For these ce- les - tial lines. And life and ev - er - last - ing joys At - tendthe bliss-ful sound. Andstill newbeau-ties may I _ see And still in - creas-ing light. Teachmeto love Thy sa-credWord And viewmy Sav-iour there. Ba a }——— — 4 4} 1A OA Ta OR es NO e ns Ree ce 1. Lord, keep us stead-fast in Thy Word; Curb thosewhofain by craft or sword 2. Lord Je-sus Christ, Thy pow’rmakeknown, For Thou artLord of lords a-lone; ene 8, Com-fort - er of price-less worth, Send peaceand un - i - ty on earth; Would wrest theking-domfromThySon, And set atnaughtall He hath done. De - fend Thy Christ-en-dom, that we May ev - er-moresing praise to Thee. Sup - port us in our fi- nal strife, And lead us out ofdeathto life. A-MEN. MENDON. L. M. MARTIN LUTHER, I54I Second Tune German Melody Tr. CATHERINE WINKWORTH, 1863 Arranged by SAMUEL DYER, 1828 X oar | EOE cE a ‘eer Re —— a tad at cold tN a ines Ia: 4 oat 3 2a a aa 7 Sa z eee tl FA EN t7- eect ‘ 7 | 1. Lord, keep us stead-fast in Thy Word; Curbthosewhofain by craft or sword ~ et . ‘ 9 129 A Ae i ee ee Paras era Oe 7—9 = H a a s H e aaa ACL Lo, On a Mount a Tree Doth Stand 122 AUF EINEM BERG. C. M.D. Cur. G. BARTH (1809-1862) Tr. HARRIET R. SPAETH, 1884 German —__\—_—_? ENRON NS UN eure oe . o—_4—_o—_ 5, — » | o_o ERR Miles RT AOL Samat = Ase = ee er ee | vb V 1. Lo, on a mounta_ tree dothstand; It bends with weight of gold; > Yet ev - er full the tree is found, Its rich - es. all re- main; And ev -’ry one throughout the land Its glo-ry may be - hold. How-ev-er muchfalls to theground, The fruitstill growsa - gain. Ear - ly and late, comecount-lessbands In search of treas-ure fare; What is itsname,and can you tell Where it on earth may be? Gp setAN I VS ope SLAG ares f AE They shake the tree withea - gerhands, To gath - er fruit so fair. Who knows it? Who can ans - werwell?—The Bi - ble is the Tree. \ — gy N P ©): Pat cE Nt +e—o—_0e—— a tt Pen : : Mines y a ae erat ene ~— a ; THE WORD 123. Thy Word is Like a Garden, Lord ELLACOMBE. C. M.D. Epwin Hopper, 1863 Gesangbuch der Herzogl. Wirtemb. Kath. Hofkapelle, 1784 I. Thy Word is like a gar - den,Lord, With flow-ers bright and fair; 2. Thy Word is like a_ star-ry host: A thou-sand rays of light 3. O, may I love Thy pre-cious Word, May I ex-plore the mine, . iba eo fel 4 abe a Seam wa ae iiiscarea’s 9 Sig Ch Sef: Ey RNR BO EU LE ERS Baal meee oe ee ee et ee ee ee Sr Le & D waged — = aay D8 re EL RE BIE ETS POT ere cee EUS 1 SHED TD ic WEY ME Pe PR Sd OUT : rear = ao ea KAT. me | fed! hs | | And ev - ’ry one who seeks maypluck A love-ly clus-ter there. Are seen to guide the trav - el - er, And make his path- way bright. May I its fra- grant bow - ers glean, May light up-on me shine! oy ~- eo 4: at OE HENRI wT [cae CaN” SING -ua|Gee W semua Pun Deen, i Thy Word is like a deep, deepmine, And jew- els rich and rare Thy Word is like an arm-o - ry, Where sol-diers may re - pair, O, may I find my ar~ mor there, Thy Word my trust - y sword, Store 5 ia : | gig ae oa ea ss oe eee eons awe netieer! neve cose awa og - 5 —F— | | ane [> AT my Are hid- den in its right-y depths For ev - ’rysearch-er there. And find, forlife’slong bat-tle day, All need - ful wea-pons there. I'll learn to fightwith ev-’ry foe, The bat-tle of the Lord. A-MeEN. of o TP 288 Wie ia rs cai” at RES Ae ERs eee ! ur —— "2c SG ie er + F wah Bs Ca] 4 a j i eS en Ses) -— Pn me oe ee a HOLY BAPTISM . i God of Eternal Love 124 THATCHER. S.M. Sea.on’s Church H. B., 1855 Arranged from GrorG F. HANDEL, 1732 au. Vag J DASE DRL OES CS EE a oa De Ear rel Sack MRP i 4 peget fot ar aa icon asa mA ox. (2255S oa aS a oo SIE o ir ealiery al = J Ae, | “4 a od -O- Ch-27- 1. God of e - ter - nal Love, Our Fa - ther and ourFriend, We lift our 2. Bap-tized in-to Thy Name, We all haveChrist put on: O may Thy 3. May earth-ly feel - ings die, And fruits of faith in-crease;And Ad-am's 4. En- soa us, Lord, withstrengthTo tri- umpho- ver sin: ‘That we may #- Lam = | fat: A ome et 2 PS PE | a SOT OS a LT —~ 13a er meet es i225 =f | { —= =a 4 y P -o- a -- hearts to Thee a-bove: Do Thou our prayer at- tend. love our hearts in-flame, The course of truth to = run. na - ture pros-trate lie Be - fore the Prince of Peace. with Thysaints at length E - ter - nal glo - ry win. A-MEN. Lamb of God, For Sinners Slain — 125 PLEYEL ’S{HYMN. 97'74)7.26 James R. WOODFORD, 1852 Arranged from IGNaz J. PLEYEL, 1790 (ee ee ee 1. Lamb of God, for sin-ners slain; By Thy mer - cy born a- gain, 2. By the mys - tic, cleans-ing flood, By the Wa - ter and the Blood, 3. Aid us with Thy dai-ly grace Stead-fast-ly to run our race: 4. Praise to Thee, from all on earth, God,who gav: est us newbirth; ~ #@.- # ».»~ ff & # @.- # -p- 4 Ser hee eens SECS! GUAM cit COURDEN RMON IEE 4 . Joe ae eel RB a aT eet Bet | a ET a ! a St | | y 1.2 gl SE Saas TR A re i eas owe ae 4 ‘ — a ee ee ee ee eee Cy —# al = Pe eee = | ome | io bs For Thy guid-ance still we pray, Lestfromgrace we fall a - way. Washedandsanc-ti - fied to Thee, Ho-ly may we ev-er be. Grant us vic - t’ry in thestrife, And theprize of end-less life, Praise fromall the heaven-ly host; Fa-ther,Son, and Ho-ly Ghost. A-MEN. Cd con ee es SSeS Gay er ee 1 ee ea A ia ee = i SL ST DS A RY a at ye 9 i (Ra A Aa A AT AT = —o— HOLY BAPTISM 126 I Was Made a Christian LYNDHURST. 65,65.D. , Joun SAMUEL JONES, c. 1880 . Harmonized by Grorce H. Loup, 1883 1.1. was made a Chris - tian When my name was given, One of God’s dear 2.1 must, like a Chris-tian, Shun all e - vil ways, Keep the faith of 3. All a Christian’s bless-ings I will claim for mine: Ho - ly work and aii AS RAD WED hag RI SLA ASE ———————_ 6@———-a— i =i i Fi —— chil - dren And an heir of heaven. In the name of Chris - tian, Je - sus, Serve Him all my days. Calledto be a Chris - tian, wor - ship, Fel - low-ship di- vine. Fa - ther, Son, and Spir - it, I will glo-ry now, Ev - er-more re-mem - ber My bap-tis-mal vow. I will praise the Lord Seek for His as - sist-ance So to keep my word. Give me grace, that I Still may live a Chris-tian, And a Chris-tian die. A-MEN. 127 Saviour, Who Thy Flock Art Feeding BROCKLESBY. 87,87. Wn. Aucustus MUHLENBERG, 1826 CHARLOTTE A. BARNARD, 1868 o—__§—___e—_ e——-6 es 8 DRA PSEA = 3 S$ eo Se ee ee 1. Sav-iour, Who Thy flock art feed-ing With the Shep-herd’s kind - est care, 2. Now, these lit-tle ones re- ceiv - ing, Fold them in Thy. gra- cious arm; 3. Nev - er, from Thy past-ure rov - ing, Let them be the li- on’s prey; 4. Then with-in Thy fold e- ter- nal Let themfind a rest - ing - place, HOLY BAPTISM Saree See 6 | Oot fie Se ae aes ee a en : €t& + Sao All the fee-ble gent-ly lead-ing, While the lambs Thy bos-om share; There, we know, Thy Word be-liev-ing, On - ly there se - curefrom harm. Let Thy ten-der-ness, so lov - ing, Keep them thro’ life’s dan-g’rous way. Feed in past-ures ev-er ver-nal, Drink the riv-ers of Thy grace. A-MEN. Baptized into Thy Name 1228 ST. GODRIC. 66,66, 88. CHARLES WESLEY, 1767 JOHN B. DykEs, 1826 I. Bap-tized in - to Thy Name, Mys-te-rious One in T hree, Our souls and 2.0 that our light may shine, And all our lives ex-press The char -ac- bod-ies. claim A sac - ti-fice to Thee; And let us _ live our ter di - vine, The re - al ho .- li- ness; And then re-ceive us faith to prove, The faith whichworks by hum -. ble love. up toa-dore - The Tri -une God for. ev - er - more. A-MEN. THE HOLY COMMUNION 129 Let Thy Blood in Mercy Poured JoHN BROWNLIE, 1907 i Based on the Greek WILLIAM BENBOW, 1014 Jes fie ae 1. Let Thy Blood in mer-cy poured, Let Thy gra-cious Bod - y _ bro - ken, 2, Thoudidstdie that I might live; Bless-ed Lord, Thoucam’stto save me; 3. By the thornsthat crowned Thy brow, By thespear woundand the nail - ing, 4. Wilt Thouown the gift I bring? All my pen- i'- tence . 1: vives Thee: ey ei ees a #. a Psat ome = == ee Be wirto. / 106, yt) gra-ciouS Lord, Of Thy bound-lesslove the to - ken; All that love of God could give Je - sus by His sor-rows gave me; By the pain anddeath,I now Claim, OChrist, Thy love un - fail - ing; Thou art my ex-alt- ed King, Of Thymatch-less love for - give me; pas eas a —— 7 — 4 Ua isa eae Ee or Naeea eam cna | Freel ciate & fan MOS A RAREST 7 MO 2 mk Ae 1 RESGNNE] EXEL Pm on aT {iettamaemec? eth Sanat “AMAR SBE BA | WN | a oe Thou didst give Thy-self for me, Now give my-self to Thee. Thou didst give Thy-self for me, Now give my-self to Thee. I i Thou didst give Thy-self for me, Now I give my-self to Thee. Thou didst give Thy-self for me, . Now I give my-self to Thee. A-MEN. 6 ew“ THE HOLY COMMUNION Lord, When Before Thy Throne We Meet 130 REED. 86, 86,88. TRESSILIAN G. NICHOLAS, 1838 J. F. Our, 1926 as Die eae te ate os ane ea are (ow a ramen 1. Lord, when be- fore Thy throne we meet, Thy good - ness Sey Oe gaa). 100" «OUP, ,- Tan’'~*SOm: --given, Thy Blood in Sewn TO, OF 10 ben ly oor Spir = <2 it... nigh! Ac - cept. the dore, heaven, th’e - ter - nal mer - cy - seat, shed; i this im - mor - tal food from heaven, prayer, con - trite soul’s re - pent - ant sigh, On us Thy bles- sings pour! And make our in - most Lord, let our souls be fed; And as we at Thine The sin - ner’s heart-felt tear; And let our > ad*=.086 souls '--to ~be. A ho - ly tem-ple meet for Thee. al - tar kneel,Grant us Thy quick’ning grace to feel. ra - tion rise. As fra-grant in-cense to the skies. A-MEN. Copyright, 1926, by J. F. OhL THE CHURCH | FOUNDATION AND REFORMATION 131 I Love Thy Zion, Lord ST. THOMAS. S. M. : TimotTHY DwIGHT, 1800, a AARON WILLIAMS, ¢c. 1770 Tat at ey A beat = Sea 3 ——_# -se———. Z— ¢- . love Thy Zi = ae Lord, The house of Thine a - bode, love Thy Church, O God! Her walls be - fore Thee stand, r her my tears shall fall, For her my prayers as - cend; . Be-yond my _ high - est joy zal prize her heaven-ly ways, e_ Sra aie ples Weta Le i as CO ——54— + eee oe a-—-H-—é—_ r a ieeered G== ae = ote =a i The Churchour blest Re-deem-er saved With His own pre-cious Blood. Dear as the ap-ple of Thineeye, And grav-en on Thy hand. To her my caresand toils be given, Till toils and cares shall end. Her sweetcom-mun-ion, sol-emn vows, Her hymns of love and praise. A-MEN. fiver . EMTS 2 . 3 a conn ae ea o— 6-2 aire a Sener Ma Ih SOU — me ia et ren dur 5 Jesus, Thou Friend divine, 6 Sure as Thy truth shall last, Our Saviour and our King, To Zion shall be given ‘ Thy hand from every snare and foe The brightest glories earth can yield, Shall great deliverance bring. And brighter bliss of heaven. 132 O Where Are Kings and Empires Now A ST. ANNE. C.M. 3 ARTHUR CLEVELAND COXE, 1839 WILLIAM CROFT, 1708 oa — Dar aes rad oe. 2 »? rm . 1. O where are kings and em-pires now, Of old that went and came? 2. Wemark her good-ly bat - tle-ments And her foun - da-tionsstrong: 3. For not like king-doms of the world Thy Ho - ly Church, O God! 4. Un-shak-en as th’e - ter - nal hills, Im-mov-a~- ‘ble she stands, oo 6 toed -~- —-p- : FOUNDATION AND REFORMATION But, Lord, Thy Churchis pray-ing yet, A thou-sand years the same. We hear, with-in, the sol- emnvoice Of her wun-end-ing song. Tho’ earth-quake shocks are threat-en-ing And temp-ests are a- broad; A moun-tain that shall fill the earth, A house not made withhands. A-MEN. yee ee cial a eo | ors iw 9a SS Se Zion Stands With Hills Surrounded 133 HOLBORN. 87, 87, 47. THOMAS KELLY, 1806 Tuomas Morey (1845-1891) 1. Zi - on standswith hills sur - round-ed; Zi - on, kept by pow’r di-vine; 2, Ev -’ry hu-man tie may per -ish, Friend to friend un - faith - ful prove, 3. In the fur-nace God may prove thee, Thence to bring thee forth more bright, at a: [Eaten Se 2) Ao

of. “sal /- By schisms rent a- sun - der, By her - e- sies dis - tressed; She waits the con - sum - ma - tion Of peace for ev - er - more; ; 2 PI Ral ca —hg-—e Se BT 28) ae —fo— SUES — pA A one earuae ae aa SSS Sa Se se a é ome 5 ms Gr SEES ee peter From heaven He came and sought her To be ° His ho- ly _ Bride, One ho- ly Name she bless - es, Yet saints their watch are keep - ing, Par - takes one ho - ly _ Food, Their cry goes up, ‘How long?” Till, with the vis - ion glo - rious, Her long - ing eyes are blest, With His own Blood He bought her, And for her life He died. With ev -’ry grace en - dued. Shall be the morn of song. And to one hope she press - es, And soon the night of weep - ing And the great Church vic -to - rious Shall be the Church at rest. A-MEN 25 CTS) Pee ee La 2 RS ia ee et oT ty ae ee tte e—9—-. | = & | | \. 136 Glorious Things of ‘Thee Are Spoken AUSTRIAN HYMN. 87, 87. D. Joun NEWTON, 1779 JosEPH HAYDN, 1797 |\—_—-- —---~. } _—_—_|___——.. Wat NTR SE PO @ SE US RELI Alc aCIC | 1. Glo-rious things of thee are spo- ken, Tae ON oe Cad uemuc of our God; 2. See the streams of liv - ing wa - ters, Spring-ing from e - ter - nal love, 3. Round each hab-i - ta - tion hov-’ring, See the cloud and fire ap - pear We Say sour att Ol npaedy One Cit: - Ucy I, through grace,a mem-ber am, ————_— =| —__——. - e -@- He, Whose word can-not be bro-ken, Formed thee for His own a - bode. Well sup-ply thy sons and daugh-ters, And all fear of want re- move. For a glo-ry and a cov’r-ing, Show - ing that the Lord is near; Let the worldde-ride or pit- y, I will glo-ry in Thy Name. On the Rock of A- ges found-ed, What can shake thy sure re - pose? Who can faint whilesuch a fiv - er Ev - er flows their thirst to as-suage, Thus de - riv - ing from their ban - ner Light. by night and shade by day, Fad- ing is the world-ling’s pleas-ure, All his bodst - ed pomp and show; 4 | | fe ee With sal-va-tion’s walls sur-round-ed, Thoumay’stsmileat all thy foes. Grace, which, like the Lord, the Giv - er,. Nev - er fails from age to age? Safe they feed up - on the man - na Which He gives them when they pray. Sol - id joysand last - ing treas-ure None but Zi - on’s chil-dren know. A-MEN. Tie tune St. ASAPH on the opposite page may also be used. FOUNDATION AND REFORMATION Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow 137 ST. ASAPH. 87,87.D. BERNHARDT S. INGEMANN, 1825 Tr. S. BARING-GOULD, 1867, a WituiraM S. BAMBRIDGE, 1872 SS 1. Through the night i doubt and sor-row On - ward goes the pil- grim band, 2. One the light of God’s own pres-ence, O’er His ran-somed peo - ple shed, 3. One the strain that lips of thou- sands Lift as from the heart of one; 4. On - ward, there-fore, pil - grim broth-ers, On - ward, with the Cross our aid! Ss Se Se c-—_6.__--6 Sing-ing songs of ex-pec-ta-tion, March-ing to the prom - ised land. Chas-ing far the gloomandter-ror, Bright’ning all the path we tread; One the con - flict, one the per -il, One the marchin God be- gun; Bear its shame, and fight its bat - tle, Till we rest be - neath its shade! Clear be - fore us through the dark-ness Gleams and burns the guid-ing light; One the ob =- ject of our jour-ney, One the faith which nev - er tires, One the glad-ness of re-joic- ing On _ the far e - ter - nal shore, Soon shall come the great a-wak - ing. Soon the rend-ing of the tomb; SS Broth-er clasps the hand of broth-er, | Step-ping fear-less through the night. One the ear - nest look-ing for- ward, One the hope our God in - spires; Where the one Al-might-y Fa- ther Reigns in love for ev - er - more. Then the scat-t’ring of all shad-ows, And the end of toil and gloom. A-meEn. 138 My Church, My Church, My Dear Old Church ATHENS. C. M.D. F. GIARDINI Anonymous 1. My Church, my Church, my dear old Church! My fa-thers’and my own! 2. My Church, my Church, my dear old Church! I love her an-cient name; 3. My Church, my Church, I love my Church! For she ex-alts my Lord. 4. My Church, my Church, I love my Church! For she doth lead me on oOo o—_s—— ST Ow | On Proph-ets and A - pos-tles built, And Christthe cor - ner - stone! And God for-bid, a child of hers Should ev - er do her’ shame. She speaks, she breathes, she teach-es not, But from His writ - ten Word. To Zi - on’s Pal - ace Beau - ti - ful, Where ChristtheLordhath gone. —? All else be-side, by stormortide, May yet be o - ver - thrown; Her moth-er-care, I’ll ev - ershare; Her child I am a = lone, And if hervoicebids me_ re-joice, From all my sins re - leased; From all be-low, she bids me go, To Him, the Life, the Way, ee N re But not my Church, my dear old Church, My fa-thers’and my own! Till He whogave me to herarms Shall call me to His own. "Tis thro’ th’a-ton -ing sac - ri-fice, And. Je - sus is the Priest. The Truth to guide my er - ringfeet From dark-ness in - to day. eee eee eee eee FOUNDATION AND REFORMATION Faith of Our Fathers, Living Still 139 ST. CATHERINE. 88,88,88. With Refrain Henri F. Hemy, 1865 FREDERICK W. FABER, 1849 Altered by JAMEs G. WALTON, 1871 aay Ed SOUR MEE a CTR re — fay} peg gt eee tt aoe bead rane Canna era iS d A EST Ae KS Fada a i a e ik, | Mee 1. Faith of our fa - thers, liv - ing still In spite of dun - geon, 2. Our fa-thers, chained in pris - ons dark, Were still in heart and 3. Faith of our fa - thers, we will strive To win all na - tions 4. Faith of our fa - thers, we will love Both friend and foe in fire and sword, O how our hearts beat high with joy, con - science free, And blest would be their chil - dren’s fate, Uigc@ tO = 1s tnees And through the truth that comes from God, all our strife, And preach thee, too, as . love knows how, REFRAIN 7 n — aaa n 4 —4—-- meen eee ee e eae, fan Bar| ey sara fal = aN o~- F&F ee He- -y- When-e’er we hear that glo - rious word! Though they, like them, should die for thee: Faith of our fa - thers, Man-kind shall then in - deed be free. By kind - ly words and vir ~- tuous life. a OORT EL A erie | WE Gj ae ae HT E27 We Za a2 oS a eS Se ow a -@- Oo zw - ly faith, We will be true to thee till death. Zz EET PRAT t ei 72 Ee Le fxpp 8 gt eee Sine o mar 2 ce ota eg : Pn G G he -O- ~| ~| | 1. O Lord, thy ben - e-dic - tion give On all whoteach, on all who learn, 2. Givethosethat teach pureheartsand wise, Faith, hope, and love, all warmed by prayer: 3. Give those that learn the will-ing ear, The spir - it meek, the guile-less mind; 4. O bless the shep-herd, bless the sheep, That guide and guid-ed both be one, That so Thy Church may ho-lier live, And ev’ry lamp more brightly burn. Themselves first training for the skies, They best willraise their people there. Such gifts will make the low-liest here Far bet-ter than a king-dom find. One in the faith-ful watch they keep, One in the joy of work well done. A- MEN. Teach Me, O Teach Me, Lord, Thy Way 145 ST. CATHERINE. L. M. JAMES MERRICK, 1765, a R. F. SmitH 4 2, 8 Se Eee ee ae eo a ae er tl p—4 a ZA, atonal tee Me et oe re An aot 6 -G- 6 -G&- | a | ~ 1. Teach me, O teach me, Lord, Thy way, That, to my life’s re-mo- test day, 2. In-formed by Thee, with sa-cred awe My heart shall med-i- tate Thy law; 3. Give me to know Thy will a-right, Thy will, my glo - ry and de - light; 4. O turn from van -i- ty my eye; To me Thy quickening strength sup-ply; . 6 | Ohte -& 2 -o = o-* By Thine un-err - ing pre- cepts led, My feet Thy heavenly paths may tread. And, with ce-les - tial wis-dom filled, To Thee its full o - be - dience yield. That, raisedabovethe world,mymind In Thee its high-est good may find. | And with Thy promised mer-cy cheer A heart de-vo-ted to Thy fear. A- MEN. ws, Tei (ED CS RTT RE ET Of iE | Go ee ee) re tiers Bl Pi Fete noe RE” Yad SA ea + & ' MEP bse H Pe 0 Se SS Ses ee ee ee Ee eee = “+E | US 2S) RE A eee ee et f aaa ABE AE SE ES EL ) We ee | THE CHURCH 146 Saviour, Teach Me, Day By Day FERRIER. 77,77. JANE EvizA LEESON, 1842 _ Joun B. DyKxes, 1862 ae PaaSia weenie aie SSS ee . Sav-iour,teach me, day by day, Love’s sweetles - son to o - bey; . With a child’sglad heart of love At Thy bid-ding may I move; I 2 3. Teachme thus Thy steps to trace, Strong. to fol - low in Thy grace; 4 _ Love in lov -ing finds em-ploy, In o - be-dience all her joy; f) | va [vaued ad || (as TDN TS To +H} tiie fad Saeed Sweet-er les-son can - not be: Lov-ing HimWho first loved me. Promptto serve and fol - low Thee, Lov -ing HimWho first lovedme. Learn-ing how to love from Thee, Lov-ing Him Who first lovedme. Ev - er new that joy will be, Lov-ing HimWho first lovedme. A-MEN. 147 My God, Accept My Heart This Day ST. PETER. C.M. * MATTHEW BRIDGES, 1848 ALEXANDER R, REINAGLE, 1830 | + —_—_¢—__¢— — o— o—_ —____—_—___¢-—_ —~ — oS : 1. My God, ac-cept my heart this day, And make it al- ways Thine, >. Be - fore the Cross of Him Who died, Be- hold, I pros-trate fall; 3. A - noint me with Thyheaven-ly grace, A - dopt me* for Thine own, 4. Let ev - ‘ry thought, and work, and word To Thee be ev - er given; That I fromThee no more maystray, No morefrom Thee de- cline. | Let ev-’ry sin be cru-ci- fied, LetChrist be all in all! That I may see Thy glo-rious face, And wor-ship at T hy throne. ‘Then life shall be Thy ser-vice,Lord, Anddeath the gate of heaven. A-MEN. -B- - : & INSTRUCTION AND CONFIRMATION Father, Son, and Holy Spirit 148 HOLYWOOD. 87,87, 47. re J. RAMBACH, 1734 t. CHARLES W. SCHAEFFER, 1860 J. F. Wave's Cantus Diversi, 1751 I. Fa- ther, Son, and Ho- ly Spir-it, I’m bap-tized in Thy dear Name; 2. Thou re-ceiv-est me, O Fa-ther, As a child and heir of Thine; 3. I have pledged, and would not fal- ter, Truth, 0 - be-dience, love to Thee; 4. Gra - cious God, all Thou hast spo-ken In this cov-’nant shall take place; | NE i Vv ‘ CLA ed Rae | 7 | ews i cat 0 : me ! 0 V In the seed Thou. dost in-her-it, With the peo - ple Thou dost claim, Je - sus, Thou Who diedst, yea, rath-er Ev -er liv - est, Thou art mine. I have vows up-on Thineal-tar Ev -er Thine a- lone to be, But if I, a- las! have bro-ken These my vows, hide not Thy face; . [a | - A@——_@ __¢ #2 (2 ___ 2): PEA hae e ——p—"s & ‘Pea GEt, a——_}+-—_—-} I amreck-oned, I amreck-oned; And for me the Sav-iour came. Thou, O Spir-it, Thou,O Spir-it, Art my Guide, my Light di-vine. And for ev-er, And for ev-er, Sin and all its lusts to flee. And from fall-ing, And from fall-ing, O re-store me by Thy grace! A-MEN. 5 Lord, to Thee I now surrender 6 Help me in this high endeavor, All I have, and all I am; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! Make my heart more true and tender, Bind my heart to Thee for ever, Glorify in me Thy Name. Till I join the heavenly host. Let obedience Living, dying, To Thy will be all my aim, . Let me make in Thee my boast, THE CHURCH 149 Hushed Was the Evening Hymn SAMUEL. 66, 66, 88. James D. BURNS, 1856 ARTHUR S. SULLIVAN, +474 ao Se eee ee er oe ee | i wisi - 1, Hushed was the eve-ning hymn, The tem- ple courts were dark; The lamp was 2, The old man, meek and mild, The priest of Is - rael, slept; His watch the 3. Oh, give me Sam-uel’s ear,— The o - pen ear, O. Lord, A - live and a gi Hi ti seein == Jaca ae ¢— : : Soars : -¢— |\#_-—_—_—_@—— OE ii g: —$<$<—— lay é burn- ing dim Be - fore the sa - cred ark; Whensud - den - ly a tem - ple-child, The lit - tle Le - vite, kept; And what from E - li’s quick to hear Each whis-per of Thy Word,—Like him to an- swer | e Voie div vine. Rangithro’ the jist "> lence of the shrine. sense was sealed, The Lord to Han - nah’s son re - vealed. at Thy call, And to o - bey Thee first of all. A-MEN. -4y¥—_—_—__9——8 Pete Seeks AE Ai See ee eee 4 Oh, give me Samuel's heart,— 5 Oh, give me Samuel's mind— A lowly heart, that waits A sweet unmurmuring faith, Where in Thy house Thou art, Obedient and resigned Or watches at Thy gates To Thee in life and death;— By day and night;—a heart that still That I may read with childlike eyes Moves at the breathing of Thy will. Truths that are hidden from the wise. 150 Thine Forever! God of Love INNOCENTS. 77,77. ; Mary FowLerR MAUDE, 1847 The Parish Choir, London, 1850 1. Thine for- ev - er! God of Love, Hear us from Thy throne a - bove; 2. Thine for- ev - er! Lordof Life, Shield us through our earth-ly strife; 3. Thine for - ev - er!O how. blest They who find in Thee their rest! al : INSTRUCTION AND CONFIRMATION —! | on j V | Thine for ev-er may we be Here 2nd in \e). ‘ter - ni'ty. Thou, the Life, the Truth, the Way, Guideus to the realins of day. _ Sav - iour, Guardian heavenly Friend, O de-fend us to the end. A-MEN. | | ‘ @ a, Ses va ras gee iach as ait ay care eae aro iar Pah e a ee ne ee avai a eS ese Sa SSeS eee 4 Thine for ever! Shepherd, keep 5 Thine for ever! Thou our Guide, These Thy frail and trembling sheep; All our wants by Thee supplied, Safe alone beneath Thy care, All our sins by Thee forgiven, Let us all Thy goodness share. Lead us, Lord, from earth to heaven. I Think, When I Read That Sweet Story 151 118,129. JEMIMA LUKE, 1841 Arranged by WiLL1AM B. BRapBury, 1859 | Se ee a = BRIAN Wg [ Soe a | root think, when I read that sweet sto - ry of old, When ea | wish that His hands had been placed on my head, That His 2,1 Y et still to His foot - stool in prayer< I may go, And 4. = ‘that. beau - ti = aye) place He has goneto pre-pare For -@-° -9- w ea ca a Bias 3p rata ai ‘a a= fas ie aoe see er we —— io es PONE AN > GARR OA MENT A cae SaaS Je - sus was here a - mong men, How He called lit - tle chil- dren as arm had been thrown a-round me, And that I might have seen His kind ask for a share in His love; And> ites” now I ear - nest - ly all who are washed and for- given; Full man - y dear chil-dren are SP a ee ae 9 _ »__ op % SSPE F CAEL W MET MY RTE 1 A nits to Hisfold, I shouldlike to have been with them then. look when He said: “Let the lit - tle onescome un -to Me.” seek Him be-low, I _ shall see Himand hear Him a - bove; ga - ther -ing there; “For of such is the king-dom of heaven.’? A-MEN, THE CHURCH 152 Blessed Saviour, Who Hast Taught Me VESPER HYMN. 87,87. D. Joun Mason NEALE, 1842, a Druitri BORTNIANSKY (1751-1815) ee ee pit Oe gl ee gan 1. Bless- ed Sav-iour, Who hast taught me I shouldlive to Thee a- lone, 2.1 wouldtrust in Thy pro-tect - ing, Whol-ly rest up- on Thine arm; 3. So that might and firm-ness gain - ing, Hope in dan - ger, joy in grief, oo 6 -@- Milas stilts ets -« -8- -@- F a ae All these years Thy hand hathbroughtme, Since I first was made Thine own. Fol-low whol-ly Thy di - rect-ing O my on-ly Guardfrom harm! Now and ev - er-more re- main-ing In the one and true be- lief, o— At the font my vows were spo-ken By my par-ents in the Lord: Meet me now with Thy sal-va-tion In Thy Church’s or-dered way; | Rest-ing in my Sav-iour’s mer - it, Strengthened with the Spir-it’s strength, | i eas ae - * -?- -8- - - 2» £& i € - ——_9—__— ——_.— o— 2: . Po —9 — ——— at if P, eoral Sa Eee Exai was a n i A p— = HARES EL GT SANE GE GONE AG) EI eat fares Es ' “7 ___4 g MEN Se Bact ab wees ia er o---__ oY, a 7mm as e 6° -6- | | oe -e' © 6 68 -o- -o That my vowsshall be un-bro-ken, At the al-tar I re- cord. Let me feel Thy con-firm-a-tion In Thy truthand fear to - day; With ThysaintsI may in-her-it All my Fa-ther’s joy at length. A-MEN. INSTRUCTION AND CONFIRMATION Shine Thou Upon Us, Lord 153 BEULAH. 66, 66. D. JOHN ELLERTON, 1889 HeEnrI F. Hemy (1818-1889) I. ShineThou up - on lis-i~) Lora, True Light of men, to - day, 2. Breathe Thou up - on Wiss Sord: Thy Spir - it’s liv - ing flame, 3. Speak Thou for us, Ovialord: In all we say of Thee; 4 . Live Thou with - in iS, Lord; Thy mind and will be _ ours; And thro’ the writ - ten Word Thy ver - y self dis - play; That so with one ac - cord Our lips may tell Thy Name; ACM WeOLdsehMneY ee LO) luvs Word, a Let. all. ourl teach - ing | be? Be Thou be - loved, a - dored, Andserved with all our pow’rs; te te o_o i parent Po ogi dt Bly” ea Thee SAP OR ° 9 cra) cere eae ae EP re Per [ee SS a mec ee eee That so fromhearts which burn With gaz - ing on © Thy face, Give Thou the hear - ing ear, Fix Thou the wan-d’ring thought, That so Thy lambs may know Their own trueShep-herd’s voice, That so our lives may _ teach Thy chil - drenwhat Thou art, Thy lit - tle ones may learn The won-ders of Thy grace. That those we teach may hear The great things Thou hast wrought. Wher-e’er He leadsthem go, And in His love _ re- joice. And plead, by more than speech, For Thee with ev - ’ry heart. A-MEN. of Leiter EN tw Soph Ve Mee fo f_ ge- o- E oa at a e ie 2. THE CHURCH 154 Sing Them Over Again to Me WORDS OF LIFE. 8 6,86,66. With Refrain. Puitrp P. Buiss . Puitip P. Burss (1838-1876) te SoM aS FE A Woes tl Noa While 1 Peet 2 ier i ae - ~#. mn 6 o- 1. Sing them o-ver a- gain to me, Won-der-ful words of life, 2. Christ,the bless-ed One, gives to all Won-der-fulwords of _ life, 3. Sweet-ly ech-o the gos - pel call, Won-der-fulwords of _ life, N N Let me more of theirbeau - ty see, Won-der-ful words of. life. Sin - ner, list to the lov - ing call, Won-der-ful words of. life. Of - fer par-don andpeace to all, Won-der-ful words of life. Words of life and beau - ty, Teach me faithand du - ty; All so free - ly giv - en, Woo - ing us to heav =- en, Jew = sus, (Hon va" Ly Sav - iour, panc’ - 41° 5%fy, . for. =,(ev j=. ser f aay Tot ae Pee yaw lea hae Rauwa > a =r : ‘ } . @ -8- fe ~@- S: STAC A SRR ara TAME We 2a ws Pon ee ee . US me oes SSS So Se ee nr ce EE NEE SO as is GL ALAIN AA POMC dea 28 OS ~ @ #@ @. #@ #@ f -—@. -9- -9- Pica : Sp: PR Fa Cue oa Vee BRE some ta Ais ROR ald Ta Me 22 iba LE — = pe ST a INSTRUCTION AND CONFIRMATION O Jesus, I Have Promised 155 CHENIES. 76,76. D. Joun E. Bove, 1869 TrmotTuy R. MATTHEWS, 1855 TO Je - sus, I have prom-ised To serve Thee to the end; 2.0 ° let me feel Thee near me— The world is ev - er near; aD let me hear Thee speak - ing In ac - cents dear and - still, 4. O Je - sus, Thou hast prom-ised To all who fol - low Thee, a o 1 nok Woe. 2 eee Beworl neuedor. |, 6V ie .er. Tears “ we vs, oe Tella ty out! Tell it out a-mong the Vela se Otte Tell it out a-mong the ‘Leh 4t. er out! Tell vit out a-mong the v na- tions; bid themshout and _= sing! Tell it out! Tell it na - tions; bid them burst their chains; Tell it out! Tell it na-~-tions that His reign is love; Tell it out! Tell ye Tell i out with ad - o - ra-tion that He shall in- crease, Tell i out a-mong the weep-ing ones that Je - sus lives; Tell i out a-mong the high-waysand the lanes at home; "] eee A : That themight-y King of Glo-ry is theKing of Peace; Tell it Tell it out a-mong the wea - ry what sweetrest He gives; Tell it Let it ring a-cross the moun-tainsand the o - cean foam; Like the & -p- | | MISSIONS out with ju - bi - la-tion, tho’thewaves may roar, That He sit-teth on the out a-mongthe sin-nersthatHecame to save; Tell it out a-mong the sound of ma-ny wa-terslet the glad shout be, Till it ech-o and re- wa - sna our King for ev-er-more! Tell ‘ out! Tell it out! dy - ing that Hetri-umphedo’erthegrave. Tell it out! Tell it out! ech-o from the is-lands of the sea. Tela it} outl/ “Bell it out! s Hef 9: aa $- -@. f iets -B- -@-° core mm Li 3: aa ps 9 zea = faa Be ae Ee Ge en TRL AT yaaa 0 (sat Hasten, Lord, the Glorious Time 157 INNOCENTS. 77,77. P HARRIET AUBER, 1829 The Parish Choir, London, 1850 f= ae 1. Hast -en, Lord, the glor-ious time, When be-neath Mes - si -.ah’s sway, 2. Might-iestkings His pow’r shall own, Heath -en tribes His Name a = dore; 3. Then shall war and tu-multscease, Then be ban - ished grief and pain; 4. Bless we, then, our gra- cious Lord; Ev - er praise His glo-rious Name; om - Ft gg LAP AES sot “Eo ae eee —— qatie . 6S es eel Ey -’ry na - tion, ev - me clime ae the gos - pel call o - bey. Sa - tan and his host o’er-thrown, Bound in chains, shall hurt no more. Right-eous-ness and joy and peace Un - dis-turbed shall ev - er reign. All His might - y acts re- cord; All His won-drous love pro-claim. A-MEN. | THE CHURCH 158 From Greenland’s Icy Mountains MISSIONARY HYMN. 7 6,76.D. REGINALD HEBER, 1819 LOWELL MASon, 1824 Aaa aro esta Me Ni LIT SR Hae | ieee ee eer SESS ere ow Vo I. From Green-land’s 1 - cy moun-tains, From In-dia’s cor - al strand, 2. What tho’ the spi - cy breez - es Blow soft o’er Cey-lon’s isle, 3. Can we whosesouls are light.- ed With wis-dom from on high, 4. Waft, waft, ye winds, His sto - ry, And you, ye wa-ters, roll, hat SU a $= BSS — Where Af -ric’s sun -ny foun-tains Roll down their gold - en sand, Thoughev - ’ry pros-pect pleas -es, And on - ly man is vile; Can we to men be-night-ed The lamp of life de - ny? Till, like a sea of glo - ry, It spreadsfrom pole to pole; -9- ols Lea Ce hy) ache Yt Bet ect ee oe See eee TEE Se From many an = an- cient riv - er, Frommany a_ palm- y i piain, In vain with lav - ish kind- ness The gifts of God are strown; Sal - va-tion!- O sal - va- tion! The joy - ful sound pro - claim, Till o’er our ran-somed na- ture The Lamb for sin - ners slain, eatuli Aw —4—_—__§__¢@ ___@ pa AO. ee Ate ge . z = a tees es sees =e 2 eS ee if eo | wet EES “ES They call us to de -liv - er Theirland from. er =- ror’s chain. The heath - en in his blind - ness Bowsdown to wood and _ stone, Till each re - mot - est ma - tion Has learned Mes - si - ah’s Name. Re - deem-er, King, Cre-a - tor, In bliss re- turns to reign. 2 PO Who is On the Lord’s Side? 159 SUMUS TIBI. 65. 12 lines. Frances R. HaveERGAL, 1877 H. Etrtio1 Butron i eed rar SE MAPE ee a ae Tv 1 el sk) nee Len ak Sea idlal ! Saas Ses smees i Suse Sces Deft —— + 3 a 8——g— —— o-— et Se 1. Who is on the Lord’s side? Who will serve the King? Who will be His help-ers, 2. Not for weight of glo - ry, Not for crown and palm, En-ter we the arm- y; 3. Je-sus, Thou hast bought us, Not with gold or gem, But with Thine ownlife-blood, Oth - er lives to bring? Who willleave the world’s side,Who will face the foe? Raise the war-rior psalm; But for love that claim-eth Lives for whom He died: For Thy di-a-dem: With Thy bles-sing fill-ing | Each whocomesto Thee, Ya £ -69- -9- -~_| -B- -0- a , 2 =A —- ——G- @__@ _@_ ____ Oo _ KZ Ouest Aes 2 oe ER ees ee aces! 0 cela o—- t ze || Who is on the Lord’s side,Who for Him will go? By Thy call of mer-cy, He whom Je-sus nam-eth Must be on His side. By Thy lovecon-strain-ing, Thou hast made us will-ing,Thou hast made us free. By Thy grand re-demp-tion, a me 2 : € far ka a AS SG a SO an a Se SS —— 4 maa a eaiws By Thy grace di- vine, Weareon theLord’sside. Sav-iour, we are Thine. A-MEN. THE CHURCH 160 O Zion, Haste ANGELIC SONGS. 1110,1110. With Refrain. Mary ANN THOMPSON, 1870 JAMES WALCH, 1875 Sn ee ae mer i Coe a: 1.0 Zi- on, haste, thy mis-sion high ful- fill- ing To tell to allt othe 2. Be- hold, how man-y thou-sands still are ly - ing Bound in the dark - some 3. Pro-claim to ey- ’ry peo-ple, tongue, and na-tion That God, in Whom they world that God is light; That He Who made all na-tions is not will- ing pris - on-house of sin, With none to tell them of the Saviour’s dy - ing, live and move, is Love: Tell how He stooped to save His lost cre- a - tion, ee Se oe a aT a oe One soul should per -ish, lost in shades of night: Or of the life He died for them to win. Pub-lish glad ti - dings, And died on earth that man might live a - bove. -&- w~ y ) 0): Sonera om 229 ae - r) 7 ei - : mes ese) Be 36 e Sh 4 ee eer a soa se ee pi , Fo pot ea 4 he 4 Give of thy sons to bear the message glorious, Give of thy wealth to speed them on their way; Pour out thy soul for them in prayer victorious; And haste the coming of the glorious day. 5 He comes again: O Zion, ere thou meet Him, Make known to every heart His saving grace; Let none whom He hath ransomed fail to greet Him, Through thy neglect, unfit to see His face. MISSIONS Saviour, Sprinkle Many Nations 161 O DU LIEBE MEINER LIEBE. 87,87.D. ARTHUR CLEVELAND COXE, 1851 THOMMEN’S Christenschatz, Basel, 1745 | a Tt ae ee Mier Baud EME, AAT Dint CTE SUT menu ue ae Pane Aaa Bon ge Oe ly ee oe aly 1. Sav-iour, sorin- kle ma-ny na- tions; Fruit-ful let Thy sor- rows be; 2. Far and wide, though all un-know -ing, Pants for Thee each mor - tal breast; 3. Sav-iour, lo! the isles are wait - ing, Stretched thehand, and strained the sight, -- ef f+ § SAS ers eel ar el Raa | mn oe ger eh ae a eee ——+- PPeretereer tees ene ean is NT ST Comoe oer oe oe ee TER i Artery 0 (SED ea “7 PESERES ONES : eg ee Lg ee SST A SET ANS TE RMR I AY By Thy pains andcon-so- la - tions Draw the Gen-tiles un - to Thee. Hu-man tears for Thee are flow-ing; Hu- man hearts in Thee would rest; For Thy Spir - it new-cre-a - ting, Love’spureflame, and wis-dom’s light. Of Thy Cross the won-drous sto-ry Be it to the na- tions told; Thirst-ing as for dews of ev -en, As_ the new- mown grass for rain, Give the word, and of the preach-er Speed the foot, and touch the tongue, S538 SSS eel Let them see Thee in Thy glo - ry And Thy mer-cy man - 1 - fold! Thee they seek, as God of heav-en, Thee, as Man for sin- ners slain. Till on earth, by ev-’ry crea-ture, Glo- ry to the Lamb be sung! A - MEN. | Pe a ee hare oe? ¢ 5. i . G9 8-8 --S ; 4 sai aoe | aa é Fae ns 9 s 2 +}, s+ a 1 i: BteH Sele ym | a De Pe 2 THE CHURCH 162 Thou, Whose Almighty. Word DORT. 664,6664. Mets MARRIOTT, 1813 evised by THOMAS RAFFLES LoweE.t Mason, 1832 I. Thou, Whose al - might - y Word Cha - os and_ dark - ness heard, 2. Thou, Who didst come _ to bring On Thy re - deem - ing wing Aine a) ae ay A of truth and love, Life - giv - ing, ho - ly Dove, Ae Thole ty! and “bless: -» eds Diree, <\'Glois rt) 2, cous bri eee And took their flight, Hear us, we hum - bly pray, And where the Heal-ing and sight, Health to the sick in mind, Sight to the Speed forth Thy flight! Move on the wa - ters’ face, Bear-ing the Wis - dom, Love, Might, Bound-less. as o-cean’s tide Roll-ing in he ee N SS = See —— poe Poa Eb “JT ER Rae ETE al FS, at pire ae DACRE Fi oN el 23) Ps Mas o— gos- pel day Sheds not its glo-rious ray, Let there be light! in. - ly blind, O, now to. all man-kind Let there be light! lamp of grace, And in earth’s dark-est place Let there be light! full - est pride, Through the earth, ae and wide, Let there be light! A~-MEN. 163 _ Arm of the Lord, Awake TRURO. L.M. Won. SHRUBSOLE, 1795 WivuraMs’ Psalmodia Evangelica, 1790 pasa. : on Ey ee i. Arm of the Lord, a-wake! a-wake! Put on Thy strength! the na-tions shake! 2. Say to the heath-en from Thy throne,I am Je- ho - vah, God a- lone: 3. Let Si-on’s time of fa - vor come; O bring the tribes of Is-rael home: 4. Al- might-y God, Thy grace pro-claim In ev-'ry clime, of ev- "ry name; | MISSIONS ~-~ “—“, n Foe: Pim gers aaa CeBN TRIP: a GATED EB OP weal =a, ENDAgit UF" is COOL Meee a LR eas weal ost 26, RES Mk EL A a oH, HG AA ra ae ot Be ana Tei RE roe AA P9687 So gt ay NS And let the worlda-dor-ing see Tri-umphs of mer - cy wrought by Thee. Thy voice their i-dols shall confound, And cast their al- tars to the ground. ‘And let our wondering eyes be-hold Gen-tiles and Jews in Je-sus’ Fold. | Let ad-verse pow’rs be-fore Thee fall, And crown the Sav-iour Lord of all. A-MEN, Suan ia Sele Piel weet tei PO ee hie) Ee Soa O-4+5--2 ‘ec : 3 See Christ For the World We Sing 164 DYB AF KJAERLIGHED. 664, 6664. SAMUEL WOLCOTT, 1869 J. P. E. HARTMAN 4 esse — z o a-— a eee @ é—+—g-. —_—— _ Paes grat ee fA Pha Z OEM AON SR SRA = Wade | 1. Christ for the world we sing; The world to Christ we _ bring, 2. Christ for the world we _ sing; The world to Christ we _ bring, 3. Christ for the world we sing; The world to Christ we _ bring, 4. Christ for the -world we sing; The world to Christ we bring, vcs re (ease tials WRN nee hares: Says hoa eo = =e Sa Se eet eA. acters a mac Le BREED : With tlov- ing zeal, The poor and them that mourn, The faint and With fer -vent prayer; The way-wardand the lost, By rest - less With one ac - cord; With us the work to share, With us_ re- With joy - ful song; The new-born souls, whose days, Re- claimed from —+}——_—_—__—_— r ‘ @ + uh fhe stel STs ea eee ee Oar 2 _g-+— a — a ——oe--—-@ — o - ver-borne, Sin - sick and sor-row-worn, Whom Christ doth heal, pas-sions tossed, Re-deemed at count-less cost, From dark de - spair. proach to dare, With us the cross to bear, For Christ our Lord. er - ror’s ways, In- spired with hope and praise, To Christ be - long. THE CHURCH 165 Heralds of Christ Who Bear the Kite? s Commands PRO PATRIA. 1010, 10 10. LAuRA S. COPENHAVER Horatio W. PARKER, 1894 | | hs Her - alds of Christ who bear the King’s com-mands, Im-mor-tal ti - dings . Thro’ des-ert ways, darkfenand deep mo - rass, Thro’ jun-gles, slug - gish q Where once the twist-ing trailin dark-ness wound Let march-i ing feet and 4. Lord, give us faithand strength theroad to build, To see the prom- ise in yourmor-tal hands, Pass on and car - ry swift the news ye seas, andmoun-tainpass, Build ye the road, and fal -ter not, nor joy oussong re-sound, Whereburn the fun - eral pyres and cen - sers of the day ful-filled, Whenwar_ shall be no more and strife shall pypit eee rae | pre —_ Fas gas SM p | bring, Make straight,makestraightthe high- way of the King. Stay, Pre. - "pare a- cross the earth theKing’s high-way. swing, Make straight,makestraightthe high-way of the King. cease Kee - on the Beh way of thePrince of Peace. A-MEN. ph eater: | see are i Words by permission of the Women’s Missionary Society. 166 Fling Out the Banner WALTHAM. L. M. GEORGE W. DoANE, 1848 JOHN B. CALKIN, 1872 cane D So Tr. id out Hk ban-ner! Let it float Sky - ward and sea-ward, high and wide; 2. Fling out the ban-ner! An-gels bend In anx-ious si-lence o’er the sign; 3. Fling out the ban-ner! Heath-en lands Shall see from far the glo-rious sight, | \ | \ -9- se ~ 2: £4 MISSIONS The sun, that lights its shin-ing folds, The Cross, on which the Sav-iour died. And vain-ly seek to com-pre-hend The won-der of the love di-vine. And na-tions, crowding to be born, Bap-tize their spir-its in its light. A-MEN. 4 Fling out the banner! Sin-sick souls 5 Fling out the banner! Let it float That sink and perish in the strife, Skyward and seaward, high and wide; Shall touch in faith its radiant hem, Our glory, only in the Cross; And spring immortal into life. Our only hope, the Crucified Look From Thy Sphere of Endless Day 167 MELCOMBE. L. M. Wo. CULLEN BrYANnrt, 1840, a SAMUEL WEBBE, 1782 1. Look from Thy sphereof end - less day, O God of mer-cy and of might! erin peo-pled vale,in lone - ly glen, In crowd-ed mart, by stream or sea, 3. Send forth Thy her-alds, Lord, to call »Thethought-less young, the hard-ened old, In pi - ty look on those who stray, Be-night-ed in this land of light. How ma-ny of the sons of men Hear not the mes-sage sent from Thee! A scat-tered, home-less flock, tillall Be gath-ered to Thy peace-ful fold. A-MEN. 4 Send them Thy mighty Word, to speak 5 Then all these wastes,—a dreary scene, Till faith shal! dawn, and doubt depart, That fills with sadness as we gaze,— To awe the bold, to stay the weak, Shall grow with living waters green, And bind and heal the broken heart. And lift to heaven the voice of praise. THE CHURCH 168 The Whole Wide World for Jesus THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD. 76,76.D. With Refrain. J. DempsTER HAMMOND, 1880 Joun H. MAuNDER, 1804 trae eee a SSS — — © a yg ee re rs ae $- 1. The whole wide world for Je - sus! This shall our watch-word be; 2. The whole wide world for Je - sus! In - spires us with the thought 3. The whole wide world for Je - sus! The march - ing or - der sound: 0. | en ara armen au der ae PB ee —e—__ o_o» 9 r a a ay a AS INT FE ee Bibs shat O22 Ja Na ried eee Uo Petree etaa amet oenaee SS moeeci maa ear e & “5 ea (aE MOSES ae V Ef eo idee: - Up - on the high - est moun - tain, Down by the wid - est sea; That all God’s wan-dering chil - dren Have by Hislove been sought. Go ye andpreach the Gos - pel Wher -ev-er man is found. ——— penis” WAPOA amelie IN Es ak MLL LP tl Bs ee ae SERIE at ret eg a a . | The whole wide world for Je - sus! Him shall- all men _ bow, The whole wide world for Je - sus! O.. faint not by the way! The whole wide world for Je - sus! Ride forth, O con-quering King, In cit- y or in. prai - rie— The world for Je - sus now! The Cross shall sure-ly con- quer In this our glo-rious day. Through all the might - y na - tions The world to glo-ry bring! MISSIONS The whole wide world; Lift up the cross for Je- sus, His ban-ner be un-furled, (SS Till ev - ‘ry tongue con - fess him through The whole wide world! A - MEN. Hoe #- -#- si sits eae Pe yan Seu Po Cha PAG sian. “i222 See _SE=t ae =r Where Cross the Crowded Ways 169 GERMANY. L.M. FRANK Mason NorTH, 1905 Melody adapted from BEETHOVEN (?) By permission WILLIAM GARDINER’S Sacred Melodies, 1815 {. Where cross the crowd-ed ways of life, Wherescundthecries of race and clan, 2. In haunts of wretch-ed-ness and need, On shad-owed thresh-olds dark with fears. 3. From ten-der child-hood’s help -less-ness, From woman’s grief, man’s burdened toil. 4. The cup of wa- ter given for Thee Still holds the fresh-ness or Thy grace; =e Spa earerien ett) A - bove the noise of self -ish strife, We hear Thy voice, O Oe of Man. From paths where hide the lures of greed, Wecatch the vis-ion of Thy tears. From famished souls, from sorrow’s stress, Thy heart hasnever known re-coil. Yet long these mul-ti-tudes to see The sweet com-pas- ae of are face. A- MEN. = De Pe -@- bat al“ Sti pete H -——— bk =e S/R Fees 5 O Master, from the mountain side, 6 Till sons of men shall learn Thy love, Make haste to hear these hearts of pain; And follow where Thy feet have trod; Among these restless throngs abide, Till glorious from Thy heaven above, O tread the city’s streets again; Shall come the City of our God. SHE CHURCH 170 The Morning Light is Breaking WEBB. 76,76. D. SAMUEL F. SMITH, 1832 GEORGE J. WEBB, 1837 i Aare A ner 7 PEO giae q a it 5 eee aT et ib eetlon ee ae ot go Or eee 1 eS ‘ | 1. The morn-ing light is break - ing, The dark - ness dis - ap - pears; 2, See heath - en na-tions bend - ing Be - fore the God we love, 3. Blest riv- er of sal- va - tion, Pur - sue thine on - ward way! 5 =, hd ee . H 2 f meeecaen 3) eae al a PIED SURE £558 = : The sons of earth are wak - ing To pen - i - ten - tial tears; And thou - sand hearts as-cend - ing In grat -i- tude a- bove; Flow thou to ev-’ry na - tion, Nor in thy rich-ness stay! ae ee ee =o Se owe ee eee H | | Each breeze that sweeps the o - cean Brings ti- dings from a - far. While sin - ners, now con- fess - ing, The gos - pel call o - bey, Stay) not (till > all” the) low} -7 ly, Tri - umph - ant, reach their home; Of na. tions in com-mo - tion, Pre - pared for Zi- on’s war. And seek the Sav - iour’s bless - ing, A.“ nai~ tion “in aewday. Stay not itil) all the ho - ly Pro-claim: ‘‘'The Lord is come!”’ THE LORD’S HOUSE Angel Voices Ever Singing 171 ANGEL VOICES. 85,85, 847% FRANCIS Pott, 1861 ARTHUR §S. SULLIVAN, 1872 tr. An - gel voi-ces ev - er s3n# “ng Round Thy throne of light, 2. Thou, Who art be- yond the iazin -est Mor- tal eye can scan, 3. Yea, we know that Thou re- joic- est O’er each work of Thine; An - gel-harps, for ev - er ring-ing, Rest not day nor night; Thou-sands on-ly Can it be that Thou re-gard-est Songs of sin- ful man? Can we know that Thou didst ears and hands and voi-ces For Thy praise com-bine; Craftsman’sart and ie | See Heese -G- -0- -6 live to bless Thee, And con - fess Thee, Lord of Might! Thou art near us, And wilt hear us? Yes, we can! mu - sic’s meas-ure For Thy pleas - ure Didst de-sign. A- MEN. a Sastre eee = Eo a ee eee eT Fico TA eR i REET Be 4 Here, great God, to-day we offer 5 Honor, glory, might and merit Of Thine own to Thee, Thine shall ever be, And for Thine acceptance proffer, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, All unworthily, Blesséd Trinity! Hearts and minds and hands and voices, Of the best that Thou hast given, In our choicest Earth and heaven Melody. Render Thee. 172 Lord of the Worlds Above DARWALL’S 148th. 66, 66, 44,44. JoHN DARWALL, 1779 Isaac WATTS, 1719 *r. Lord of the worlds a - bove, Howpleas-ant and how fair The 2. O hap - py souls that pray | Where God ap - points to. hear! O 3. They go from strength to strength Thro’ this dark vale of téars, ‘Till Wut Soke Wea a |_ 5 Rea CH LY TCA = tt 23 g ae oa eal LS Fz Aa eh a | dwell-ings of Thy love, Thine earth-ly tem - ples are! To Thine a - bode hap - py men that pay Their con-stant serv - ice there! They praise Thee still; each ar - rives at length, Till each in heaven ap-pears. O glo - rious seat, My heart as - pires With warm de- sires To _ see my God. And hap - py they That love the way To Zi - on’s_ hill. Of God our King! Lord, thith-er bring Our will - ing feet! A-MEN. eee eRe fi 3 == csi 173 We Love the Place, O God QUAM DILECTA. 66, 66. Wn. BULLOCK, 1854, a HENRY L. JENNER, I861 () y or q ee eo Ab-(8 —~? Pair ie attiners bade. care Re med Ses? far CMOS Tae Pasa as : a pA eS SZ en oa 6 $ : a WE | | -¢g- | 1. We love the place, O God, Where-in Thine hon- or dwells; 2. We love the house of prayer, Where - in Thy _ serv-ants meet; 3. We love the sa-cred font, Where-in the ho - ly Dove 4. We love Thine al- tar, Lord, Its mys - ter - ies re - vere; THE LORD’S HOUSE The joy of Thine a-bode All oth-er joy ex- cels. For Thou, O Lord, art there, Thy cho-sen ones to greet. Be- stows, as ev - er wont, His bless-ing from a - bove. For there in faith a -dored We find Thy pres-ence near. A-MEN. | N ~- 2 -#- o-* -6- -» -9-* ~~ ; +) (26 S: era ERT ak CFA CAS Va RO Sit 2 a ae ee ee et ee eka Derma mena “ Li CA 0 EEN TWAT Ga ae ae 5 We love Thy holy Word, 6 Then let us sing the love The lamp Thou gav’st to guide To us so freely given, All wanderers home, O Lord, Until we sing above Home to their Father’s side. The triumph-song of heaven! Christ, Thou Art the Sure Foundation 174 REGENT SQUARE. 87,87, 87. Hymn of the Early Church Tr. JOHN Mason NEALE, 1851, a HENRY SMART, 1867 Wi A HOE TL? a ee 1. Christ, Thou art the sure Foun-da-tion, Thou the Head and Cor - ner - stone; 2. To this tem - ple, where we call Thee, Come, O Lord of Hosts, to - day! 3. Here vouch-safe to all Thy serv-ants What they ask of Thee to gain, Cho-sen of the Lord, and pre-cious, Bind-ing all the Churchin one; With Thy wont-ed lov - ing-kind-ness Hear T hy peo- ple as they pray; What they gain from Thee for ev - er With the bless-ed to re - tain, | ace ay Thou Thy Zi - on’s help for ev-er, And her con-fi - dence a - lone. And Thy full- est ben - e- dic-tion Shed with-in its walls al - way. And here-aft-er in Thy glo-ry Ev - er- more with Thee to reign. A-MEN. THE CHURCH 175 Pleasant Are Thy Courts Above MAIDSTONE. 77,77. D. HENRY FRANCIS LYTE, 1834 WALTER B. GILBERT, 1862 1. Pleas-ant are Thy courts a-bove In the land of light and love: 2. Hap - py birds that sing and fly Round Thy al - tars, O Most High; 3. Hap - py souls! their prais - es flow EK - ven in this vale of woe; 4. Lord, be mine this prize to win; Guide me thro’ a world of sin; -p Pleas-ant are Thy courts be - low In this land of sin and woe. Hap - pier souls that find a rest In a heaven-ly Fa-ther’s breast. Wa-ters in the des - ert rise, Man - na feeds themfrom the skies; Keep me by Thy sav - inggrace; Give me at Thy side a place. = O, my spir - it longs and faints For the con-verse of Thy saints, Like the wan-d’ring dove that found No re- pose on earth a-round, On they go fromstrengthtostrength Till they reach Thy throne at length, Sun and shield a - like Thou art; Guideand guard my er - ring heart. For thebright-ness of Thy face, King of Glo-ry,God ofGrace! They can to their ark re-pair And en-joy it ev -er there. At Thyfeet a-dor- ing fall, Who hast led themsafethro’ all. Graceand glo - ry flow from Thee; Show’r, O show'r them, Lord,onme! A - MEN. THE CHURCH TRIUMPHANT Jerusalem the Golden 176 EWING. 76,76. D. BERNARD OF CLUNY, c. 1145 Tr. JOHN Mason NEALE, 1851 ALEXANDER EwInc, 1853 ; zl — — — ——— — 3 a— A a oF 4 BEazi ion jie mr UNS A a 1 p af C . o~ -g- As 4 xs = aaa ca I. Je - ru-sa-lem the gold - en, With milk and hon - ey blest, 2. And when I fain would sing them My pir - it fails and faints, 3. There is the Throne of Va -vid: And there, from care re - leased, Be - neath thy con - tem - pla - tion Sink heart and voice op - pressed: And vain -ly would it im - age ‘Th’as-sem - bly of the saints, The song of them that tri - umph, The shout of them that feast; rt know not, O I know not, What so - cial joys are there, They stand, those halls of Si - on, Con - ju - bi-lant with song, And they who, with their Lead - er, Have con-queredin the fight, -9- . Aj a “2 faint @- 2 s e a: # ee DE : id a) 4 What ra-dian-cy of glo - ry, What light be-yond com - pare! And bright with man-yan an - gel, And all the mar- tyr throng: For ev-er and for ev- er Are clad in robes of white! A-MEN. 177. + Hark! the Sound of Holy Voices SANCTUARY. 87,87. D. CHRISTOPHER WORDSWORTH, 1862 Joun B. DyKEs, 1871 1. Hark! thesound of ho-ly voi-ces Chant-ing at the crys-tal sea: 2, They have comefromtrib-u - la-tion, And have washed their robesin blood, 3. March-ing with Thy Cross, theirban-ner, They havetri-umphed fol - low - ing 4. Now they reign inheaven-ly glo-ry, Now theywalk in gold-en light, Ali. 2h te Shu dali Al'-'Te' = laresa! Al-+ le = ‘1ua'- ial Lord; to 4aihee: Washedthem in the Blood of Je- sus; Triedthey were, and firm they stood; Thee, the Cap-tain of Sal - va- tion, Thee,theirSav-iour, and their King; Now theydrink, as from a_ riv-er, Ho-ly bliss and in - fi - nite; boa omer awe ae ; 1 & g—-—@ 2 2 i teeta a “4 i _F Prava = : : Lo@——_@ - GI) ee ees a » V : | -O- -o- -o- Mul - ti-tudes,whichnonecannum-ber, Like the stars in glo - ry stand, Mocked, im-pris-oned, stoned, tor-ment-ed, Sawn a - stun - der, slain withsword, ~ Glad - ly, Lord,with Thee they suf-fered; Glad - ly, Lord, with Thee they died;, — Love and peacethey taste for ev-er And all truth and knowl-edge see ‘ Clothed in white ap-par-el, hold-ing Palms of vic-t’ry in their hand. They have con-quereddeathandSa-tan By the might of Christ the Lord. And by death to life im -mor-tal They werebornand glo - ri - fied. In the be - a- tif-ic vis-ion Of the Bless-ed Trin-i- ty. A-MEN. oa oie ee pul Ne Papeete eee ae = — : aay 1 aes eT ENN ALITA tA ii FS See RTs a ge Za Ti vem ar THE CHURCH TRIUMPHANT For All the Saints Who From Their 178 Labors Rest PRO OMNIBUS SANCTIS. 101010, 4. Wn. WatsuaM How, 1864 JOsEPH B RNBY, 1860 oa Sig SEC SN AR! 1. For all the saints who from their la - bors rest, Who Thee by ¢. Thou wast their Rock, their Fort-ress and their Might; Thou, Lord, their ae iD may Thy sol - diers, faith-ful, true and bold, Fight as the faith be - fore the world con- fessed, Thy Name, O Je =~ sus, Cap- tain in their well - fought fight; Thou, in the dark - ness saints who no - bly fought of old, And win, with them, the 4{—}— ene EEE as Ch ON NE ae SSS Sea be Poeewamer Diesty Al. le -Tu--- iale Al} Wleie lu < dal Geeaeeemedrne Licht, Ale je:- ht - dali Al tele - lu = Ja! Vie omeratomi Of gold.) Al: +, Je\--lu = iales, Al -) le-= lu = ia! A-MEN. S- -@-. -B- 4 O blest communion, fellowship divine! We feebly struggle, they in glory shine; Yet all are one in Thee, for all are Thine. Alleluia! 5 The golden evening brightens in the west; Soon, soon to faithful warriors cometh rest; Sweet is the calm of Paradise the blest. Alleluia! 6 But lo! there breaks a yet more glorious day: The saints triumphant rise in bright array; The King of Glory passes on His way. Alleluia! 7 From earth’s wide bounds, from ocean’s farthest coast, Through gates of pearl streams in the countless host, Singing to Father, Son and Holy Ghost: Alleluia! THE CHURCH 179 A Pilgrim and a Stranger LLANGLOFFAN. 7 6,76. D. PauL GERHARDT, 1666 Tr. JANE BORTHWICK, 1858 Welsh Hymn Melody 1. A pil-grim and a_ stran - ger, I jour-ney here he - low; 2. Therestillmythoughtsare dwell - ing, Tis there I long to be; 3. ThereI shall dwell for ev - 4, No more a strang-er guest, auc er ie 6 a | o—__4@ 6 A oo oe : Far dis-tant is my coun - try, The home to which I go. Come, Lord,and call Thy serv - ant To bless - ed - ness with Thee. With all Thy blood-bought chil - dren In ev - er - last - ing rest,— Here I must toil and trav - ail, Oft wea - ry and_ op-pressed, Come, bid my toils be end - ed, Let all my wan-d’rings cease; The pil- grim toils for - got - ten, The pil - grim con-flicts o’er, But there my Godshall lead me To ev-er- last-ing rest. Call from the way-side lodg - ing To the sweet home of peace. All earth-ly griefs be-hind us, E - ter- nal joys be-fore! A-MEN. see rez a2 Fe THE CHURCH TRIUMPHANT Hark! Hark, My Soul! 180 ANGELS OF JESUS. 11 10, 11 10. With Refrain, FREDERICK W. FABER, 1854 JosEPH BARNBY, 1868 . Hark, hark, my soul! An - gel- ic songs are swell -ing O’er earth’s green . On - ward we _ go, for still we hearthem sing - ing, ‘‘Come, wea - ry i 2 3. Far, far a- way, like bells at even-ing peal - ing, The voice of 4. Rest comes at length, though life be long and drear - y, The day must fields, and o-cean’s wave-beat shore; How sweet, the truth those bless-ed strains are souls, for Je-sus bids you come;” And thro’ the dark, its ech-oessweet-ly Je - sussoundso’er landand sea, And la-den souls by thou-sandsmeek-ly dawn, and dark-somenightbe past; Faith’sjour-neysend in wel-come to the REFRAIN 7 ng / mag tg op ! Bo — HS Ei Oh Peery ens oe 4 G——g_—- Bot" DAR ad Ee eae eee ee ER”, CH a, = AT ats See | ra ee ee XY a 0 Fal 4 6 a _—_ I—<—_a— tell-ing Of thatnewlifewhen sin shall be no more. ring-ing, The mu-sic of the Gos-pelleads us home. An-gels of Je- sus, steal-ing, Kind Shep-herd, turn their wea-ry steps to Thee. wea-ry, And heaven, the heart’s true home, will comeat last. 181 O Mother Dear, Jerusalem! MATERNA. C. M.D. Adapted from two hymns of the 16th and 17th Century a A. WARD, 1882 Sima === = oe = — Ee 1. QO moth - er dear, Je - ru - sa-lem! When shall I come to thee? 2. No murk - y cloud o’er-shad-ows thee, No cold nor dark-some night; 3. Thy gar - densand thy gal - lant walks Con - tin - ual - ly are green, 4. There trees for ev - er - more bear fruit, And ev - er-more doe iii SD When shall my sor - rows have anend? Thy joys when shall I see? There ev -’ry soulshines as the sun, For God Him-self gives light. There grow such sweetandpleas-antflow’rs As no-where else are seen. There ev-er-more the an-gelsare, And ev--er-more do sing. -~- > i -0-. -6- -9- -0- ree ee tae bee aster PAAR 60 or ea DP Ps— a eT MS JPA i | me Le ASAT cat aah —— ans meen ER. hap-py har-bor of God’s saints!O sweet and pleas-ant soil! O my sweet home Je-ru- sa-lem, Thy joys when shall I see? Quite thro’ thy streets, with sil-ver sound, The flood of life doth flow, Je - ru -sa- lem, my hap - py home, Would God I were in thee; —=— * 9 In thee no sor-row can be found, No grief, no care, no toil. The King that sit-teth on thy throne In Sis’ fe - lic - i-ty? . Up - on whose banks, on eith- er side, The wood of life doth grow. : Would God my woes were at an end, Thy joysthat I might see! A-men. be- @_+ e@ I, 4 Z : | e- pig etapa tt tt eee : THE CHURCH TRIUMPHANT Around the Throne of God in Heaven 182 CHILDREN’S PRAISES. C.M. With Refrain. ANNA H. SHEPHERD, 1836 Arranged by Henry E. MATTHEWS, c, 1841 ) 3. oe 7S SS RS NUT 8 HO HT Se Ke ae eg ge eee a ORT, ga os Baan Pin ea a == — = pa ee eee 1. A - round thethrone of God in heaven Thou-sands of chil-dren stand: 2. In flow-ing robes of spot-less white Shall each one be ar-rayed; 3. What broughtthemto that world a - bove, Thatheaven so bright and fair, We Stet eats Play May, Selo J ee ee ore ae SS ¢—1— r a ies Bo NEEL DEAE MEIN CTSA I ef oo, 8 fSsteeate: a yl ee | Chil-dren whose sins are all for-given, A ho - ly, hap - py _ band, Shalldwell in ev - er - last.- ing light, Andjoys that nev - er fade. Whereall is peace and joy and love? Howcame those chil- dren there? ep tsk 1D Re Sve Ble Po ies | — | 5: ney Em AMES ACT NS NO EEA ete rere oe re te ff - ae ae eae ee REFRAIN Glo-ry be to God on high. A - MEN. glo Sha Yes Sing-ing: Glo - ry, 4 Because the Saviour shed His Blood To wash away their sin; Bathed in that pure and precious flood, Behold them white and clean. 5 On earth they sought the Saviour’s grace, On earth they loved His Name; At last they see His blesséd face. And stand before the Lamb, THE CHURCH 183 When He Cometh JEWELS. 86,85. With Refrain. WILLIAM O. CUSHING Grorcoe F. Roor fe aS ee | 1. When He com-eth, when He com-eth To make up His jew - els, 2. He will gath-er, He wil gath- er The gems for His king - dom: 3. Lit - tle chil-dren, lit-tle chil-dren, Who love their Re - deem = er, | All his jew - els, pre-cious jew - els, His loved and His own. All the pure ones, all the bright ones, His loved and His own. Are the jew - els, pre-cious jew - els, His loved and His own. patas 2 wrsosa ti - ———————— Like the stars of the morn - ing, His bright crown a- dorn - ing, | a S: g @ EH LITO WANA NAT pense a is MRS 1 OSLER NA ZS aad RAR EMAL PGM SLT FA : 1 rece ee ATE Ae ed east pod cma 8 Seam wae Stat eS | | fied They shallshine in theit beau - ty, Bright gems for His crown. THE KINGDOM AND GLORY OF CHRIST Beautiful Saviour 184 SCHONSTER HERR JESU. 557. D. Miinster Gesangbuch, 1677 Silesian Folk-Song Tr. JOSEPH A. SESS, 1873 HOFFMANN VON FALLERSLEBEN’S Volkslieder, 1842 Ln GS SS ee WZ | SPE Pe DN OE AR ALE SE II TE A A FEET. cae é Cd Oo -o oe | Ie bead ti, -) ful) Saviour! yiKing > ‘of; Cre - a. -> tionl:> Son” | of 2. Tair are the mead-ows, Fait are the wood-lands, Robed in 3. Fair is the sun-shine, Fair is the moon-light, Bright the 4. Beau’ - ti - ful Sav-iour! Lord of the na - tions! Son of Ce Sea Sa opi ; a. ars | EADS CNET Ea Orr God and. Son of Man! Tras ly Ldiwevloye. Thee,. piri ly be flow’rs of bloom - ing spring; Je - sus is fair - er, Je - sus is ' stark-ling stars on _ high; Je - sus shines bright-er, Je - susshines God and Son of Man! Glo - ry and hon - or, Praise, ad - 0 - serve Thee, Light of my soul, my Joy, my Crown. DUT eas er? He makes our sor - rowing spir - it sing, Puree: er, ane all the, San sees. oid the sky. tion, Now and for ev - er-more. be _ Thine! A-MEN, © THE KINGDOM AND GLORY OF CHRIST 185 All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name: MILES’ LANE. C. M. EDWARD PERRONET, 1780 First Tune Stanzas 4 and 5 by JOHN RIPPON, 1787 WILLIAM SHRUBSOLE, Cc. 1780 aw .ons ‘Dy ATA ORS AE HORE nary s aioiheitey S070 Dare OMEN PURER waa a ME BLA ee MESCreres aj te FEA Dat SST i <7 7 ae be q “ —¢ -6- “Ge | pn Oi ay ees 1, All hail thepower of Je-sus’ Name! Let an ~- gels pros-trate fall; 2. CrownHim, ye mar-tyrs of yourGod Who from His al -tar call; 3. Sin - ners,whoselove can ne’er for - get The worm-woodand the gall, Bring forth the roy - al di - a - dem, And crown Him, Ex - tol the}. Stem?” “of ~ Jesw =" se’s. tod, And. crown Him, Go, spread your tro - phies at His’, 1éet, And crown Him, r, og GY “a aa, = Maw eee Gs 2 is ; S at eee | = Z = ae iets WI Ty - far C/ ALE, = frm lacs we ees a et ee ee es @ ti, F, PRESEN: wine cia {Pa A a) | CA "Ga crown Him, crown Him, crown Him Lord of all. A-MEN, a 4 Let every kindred, every tribe, 5 O that with yonder sacred throng On this terrestrial ball, We at His feet may fall; To Him all majesty ascribe, We'll join the everlasting song And crown Him Lord of all. And crown Him Lord of all, Second Tune Epwarp PERRONET, 1780 LAUD. C.M. Stamzas 4 and 5 by JOHN RIPPON, 1787 Joun B. Dykes, 1862 “* N 1 2f 5) ARCS GPR CTT Is FD, MEG ET TT Lat oF" We Dat ae <2 tome Mn OR NR, GA Pe Wn OL ee eee era mez : 2. BE _ 8 fea 2a SOP Lai a ae BANGS ROL Eat | -o- : -o-° 6 G 1. All hail the power of Je - sus’ Name! Let an - gels pros-trate fall; : Yr a eee ano }_4 AG AEE SES SE | HN I AN oA ML YL a ae el es ee _Sar See ee es efat o ee s eea ea om EASES ae ae Ley é Pe ee ee eee a | | { THE KINGDOM AND GLORY OF CHRIST Bringforththeroy -al di-a-dem, And crownHim Lord of all. A-MEN. -0- -9- Third Tune CORONATION. C. M. EDWARD PERRONET, 1780 Stanzas 4 and 5 by JonHN RIPPON, 1787 OLIVER HOLDEN, 1793 I. All hail the power of Je -sus’ Name! Let an- gels pros- trate fall: ad ae a ee Sars #. -». a= De — ee es ae aes ee Bring forth the roy-al di-a-dem, Andcrown Him Lord of all. \ au: -tion Cam’st on earth to last-ing Are the glo-riesthere, Whereno;yainor sor-row, Toil or care is fore us, Jour-n’yingon to God, . Leav-inzall be-hind us, h-ay we has-ten =< (2 ——___,_@_*_ " anaese ss Et»? = oes ey be, Bod - y, soul and srir - ie All ne eels ie Thee. die; Thou, that we might fol - low, Hast goneup on high, known, Where thean - gel Je - gions Cir - cleroundT hy throne. on, Back-wardnev-er look -ing Till theprize is won. A-MEN, 5S SS ee 191 My << How Wonderful Thou Art BEATITUDO. C. M. FREDERICK W. FABER, 1849 Joun B. Dykes, 1874 =a hag 1. My God! how won - der - ful Thou art, me ma-jes - ty how bright! 2. Yet, I may love Thee too, O Lord! Al- might-y as Thou art; 3. Noearth-ly fa - ther loves like Thee, No moth-er e’er. go mild, 4. My God! how won - der - ful Thow art, Thou ev - er - last -ing Friend! aah eae -2- -9- -p- 2 pees b-4 A EES ANS NE I I, Sa Ps a # How beau-ti - ful Thy Mer -cy- seat For Thou hast stooped toask of me THE KINGDOM AND GLORY OF CHRIST In depths of burn -ing light! The love of my poor heart. Bearsand for-bears,as Thouhastdone Withme, Thy sin - ful child. On Thee I stay my trust-ingheart Till faith in vis - ion. end. A-MEN, Rejoice, the Lord is King! LAUS REGIS. CHARLES WESLEY, 1744 -o~ 1. Re- joice, the Lord 2. Je - sus, is King! 3. His king - dom can~-not fail, 4. He sits at God’s right hand keys of death and hell Are to our up your voice; Re - joice, ——9 — a LF the Sav - iour, reigns, tals, g:vethanksand sing, And tri-umph ev - er- more; Lift up your He had purgedourstains He took His seat a - bove; bow to His com-mand, And fall be - 192 6 6,66, 8 8. WILuiAM E. FIscuer, 1887 Your Lord and King a - dore; Mor- The God of truth and love; When He rules o’er earth and heaven, The Till avallh . His.’ foes. Asub = mites 3. And heart, lift Lift up your heart, lift Je - sus given; Lift up your heart, lift neath His feet; Lift up your heart, lift say, re- joice. A-MEN, | THE KINGDOM AND GLORY OF CHRIST 193. I Know That My Redeemer Lives! DUKE STREET. L.M. | : SAMUEL MEDLEY, 1775, a JOHN HaTTon, 1793 J () #4 \, ay ne) Loe H s omis [ORNS | eae r+S ul te eeeMnna ARSE rel ie Gaal DAT Be AO rat SPL Bann te | a y, y AES eat VSO a C ome: o— A 6 © ay 9 -5- ia ei) oy ~—/S| $ : | : 1. I knowthatmy Re- deem - er lives! What comfort this sweet sen-tence gives! 2. He lives to bless me with His love, He lives topleadfor me a - bove, 3. He lives to grant me rich sup - ply, ‘Helivesto guide me with His eye, Key CS He lives, Helives, Who once was dead, He lives, my ev - er-liv-ing Head. He lives my hun-gry soul to feed, Helives to helpintime of need. He lives to com-fort me when faint, He lives to hear my soul’scomplaint. A-MEN. 1 ey Pare bear : 4 He lives to silence all my fears, 5 He lives, all glory to His Name! He lives to wipe away my tears, He lives, my Jesus still the same; He lives to calm my troubled heart, O the sweet joy this sentence gives; He lives all blessings to impart. I know that my Redeemer lives! 194 Hail, Holy, Holy, Holy Lord! HARLECH. C. M. EDWARD PERRONET, 1785, a R Ancient Welsh Melody at Se Sean me nase ee gta a I. Hail, Ho-ly, Ho -ly, Ho- ly Lord! Let pow’rs im-mor- tal sing, 2. To Thee all an- gels cry a- loud, Thy Name ho-san-nas ring; 3. Hail Him, they cry, ye sons of light, Of joy th’e-ter-nal Spring; 4. Hail Him, ye saints, Whose love for you Has drawn the mon-ster’s sting; A - dore the co - e - ter-nal Word, Re-joice, the Lord is King! A - round Thy throne their myriads crowd, And shout,‘‘The Lord is King!” Praise Him Who formed you by His might, Re - joice, the Lord is King! ren-der to the Lord His due; Re-joice, the Lord is King! A-mEn. Qf -9-° f+ -9- a THE KINGDOM AND GLORY OF CHRIST 5 Cry out and shout, fair Zion’s laiu! 6 Let worlds above and worlds below, Ye priests, your offerings bring; In songs united sing; Watchmen, that on her ramparts stand, And, while eternal ages flow, O shout, ‘‘The Lord is King!”’ Rejoice, the Lord is King! Hark! Ten Thousand Harps and Voices 195 HARWELL. 87,87,77. With Refrain. THOMAS KELLY, 1806, a LOWELL Mason, 1840 N N ep erm nuie pee aN : *—@—-@——__ ¥—_,___ LH 1. Hark! ten thou-sand harpsand voi-ces Sound the note of praise a - bove: 2. Je - sus, hail! Whose glo-ry bright-ens All a- bove, and makes it fair: 3. King of glo -ry, reign for ev - er; Thine an ev - er- last - ing crown; . Sav - iour, hast - en Thine ap-pear-ing; Bring, O bring the glo - rious day, Je - sus reigns, and heav’n re - joic - es; Je - sus reigns, the God of love. Lord of life, Thy smileen- light - ens, Cheers,andcharmsT hy peo-ple here. Noth-ing from Thy love shall sev - er Those whom Thou hast made Thine own; When, the aw - ful sum-mons hear - ing, | Heaven and earth shall pass a - way; N Ye Bl eher Shah 7 MRT Dit @_« 2 @_-« ea We Ee Ra aa Se Sa i ot ee ead rel TURE so sia G7 VV AI EH TAR ALE PADRE UM EER TAT TT Aanar ci am aoe ae xX N N N NTR IN = cata es OL aA ph —— Saas ieee eaters See, He sits on yon- der throne; Je - sus rules the world a - lone. When we think of love like Thine, Lord, we own it love di - vine. Hap - py ob-jects of Thy grace, Des-tined to be- hold Thy face. Then, with golden harps, we’llsing: “Glo-ry, glo-ry, to our King.” . @. @. ££. ne | eae : er DMS ORS 2 cS ee EURAIL AD AT AR —f+ EARS AY NTT DSR 9 RT a 8 I. See, He sits on yon-der throne; Je - sus rules the world a = lone. REFRAIN Alg=Vietemhuiyenial ew ARe= ler“ ly = via hi FAL nens THE KINGDOM AND GLORY OF CHRIST 196 Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus GEORGE DUFFIELD, JR., 1858; Abridged HERBERT S. IRONS, 1875 ue Fee SARL POET z : : oe phate I. Stand up! Stand up for Je - sus! Ye sol - diers of the Cross; 2. Stand up! Stand up for Je - sus! The trum- pet call o - bey; 3. Stand up! Stand up for Je - sus! Stand in His strength a - lone; =a z eka Lift high His roy - al ban - ner, It must not suf - fer loss. Forth to themight-y con - flict, In this His glo - rious day. “ The arm of flesh will fail you, Ye dare not trust your own. 1 as Teac pea . et D Sra tis Soliagla, | dee Nao querer ran emet ont ese | aE SE og HS wh cmiwet sume 4 y PRETO 28 oa ss Ye aoe From vic-t’ry un - to Vite ane, Ly His arm-y He shall lead, Ye that are men now serve Him, A - gainst un - num-bered foes; Put on the Gos - pel ‘ar’ - ‘mor, Each piece put on with prayer; Till ev-’ry foe is van-quished, And Christ is Lord in - deed. Let cour-age rise with dan - ger, And strength to strength op - pose. Where du- ty calls or dan - ger, Be nev - er want- ing there. THE KINGDOM AND GLORY OF CHRIST 4 Stand up! Stand up for Jesus! The strife will not be long; This day the noise of battle, The next the victor’s song. To him that overcometh, A crown of life shall be; He with the King of Glory Shall reign eternally! THE KINGDOM AND GLORY OF CHRIST 197 We March, We March to Victory GERARD MouLtTrRIE, 1867; Abridged JOSEPH BARNBY, 1869 ————— es an ae; ery go g $s I. We march, we march to vic - to - ry, With the Cross of the Lord be- fore us, With His lov - ing eye look-ing down from the sky, And His | |All st. except last | Last st. only : BORE yn Ew, I] Ea PE ESE, P| =e wan EY - 8 W. 4H. Kirsy, 1882 Joun HrEywoop cet Ae a = [SS Se keh en Nie Mn age I. Forth to the fight, ye ran - somed, Might -y in God’s own might, 2. Fear not the din of bat - tle, Fol - low where He has _ trod, - gels a-round us hov - er, Suc - cor in time of need, -9- / -9- @ 2 : ! eet ge é SSS Se SSS Stem - ming the tide of bat - tle, Rout - ing the hosts of night. Per - fect -ing strengthin weak - ness— Je - sus, In-car-nate God. Ev - er at hand to strength - en, Guar - dians they in - deed. i cres. | ITF N nf ——— tf Ltt san Se saa ta a ee =~ ee. TEN Sa PMNS Rs Pars mar a waencne : Sw. to PED. dopp. 4 Arm ye against the battle, 5 Fight, for the Lord is o’er you, Watch ye, and fast, and pray, Fight, for He bids you fight; Peace shall succeed the warfare, There where the fray is thickest Night shall be changed to day. Close with the hosts of night. Laft ye, etc. Lift ye, etc. ; THE KINGDOM AND GLORY OF CHRIST With Happy Voices Singing 199 TOURS. 76,76. D. WILLIAM G. TARRANT, 1888 BERTHOLD Tours, 1872 I. With hap-py voi-ces_ sing - ing, Thy chil- dren, Lord, ap - pear; 2. For thoughno eye be- holds Thee, No hand Thy touch may feel 3. And shall we not a - dore Thee With more than joy-ous song, aati ; al joy -ous prais - es_ bring - ing In an - thems sweet and clear. wu - cai-verse un - folds Thee, rel star - ry heavens re - veal; live in truth be - fore Thee, beau - ti - ful on ines | s A fre! fad aa 3 EE For skies of gold -en splen-dor, For az - ure roll- ing _ sea, Thés-eatth*and all its glo - ry, Our homesand all we _ love, Lord, bless our weak en- deav - or Thy — serv - yes TEE 0. 0, De: afi - eee le | —+--—_}— — SS ee ee ee eae ae Se ee oot re g—l(¢ # ———— ” -o- -@- le -@- oe De Ry — bo For blos-soms sweet and ten — der, O Lord. we wor-ship Thee. Tell forth the won-drous sto - ry Of One who-reigns a - bove. And througi: alllite,for-ev - er, To live our praise to Thee. A-MEN. THE KINGDOM AND GLORY OF CHRIST 200 Brightly Gleams Our Banner ST. THERESA. 65,65.D. With Refrain. THOMAS J. PoTTER, 1867 ArTHuR §. SULLIVAN, 1874 Voices in Unison i baad 1. Bright-ly gleams our ban-ner, Point-ing to the sky, Way-ing wan-d’rers 2. Je - sus, Lordand Mas-ter, At Thy sa - cred feet, Here, with hearts re- 3. Pat - tern of our child-hood, Once Thy-self a «child, Make our child-hood () A es so a SS cs “BEY an Mane ot o— o_-s— EBS eat Rise ope aes on - ward To their home on high. March-ing thro’ the des - ert, joic - ing, See Thy chil - dren meet. Oit - en have we left Thee, ho - ly, Pure, and meek, and mild. In the hour of dan - ger Glad-ly thus we pray, Still, with hearts u-ni - ted, Sing-ing on our way. Oft - en gone a-stray, Keep us, might-y Sav-iour, In the nar-row way. Whith-er can we flee, Save to Thee, our Sav-iour, On-ly un-to Thee? () Viel LGN (OI SN ES PS ee _ EEE PTE Te a reer ras 5 - : ~ 4 = a JS Fu ts 5) ti if ee a; fay ——; p—__@—_—__|___ S| = oe ALS 4 5 ee Ss fy THE KINGDOM AND GLORY OF CHRIST CHorRUS b oe 3 eae eTCLIEERS MERE = be —— ee Reese SSP. 3s Pe eh ee oat Oo pg ee pa o Bright-ly gleams our ban ~- ner, Point-ing to the sky, 0a LED NER | 4 fixP-p—s re Pr come a 3 Pe oe SIAN A SE A ; SAWS NT FEE 1 Wav - ing wan-d’rers on - ward To their home on 4 All our days direct us In the way we go, Lead us on victorious Over every foe; Bid Thine angels shield us When the storm-clouds lower; Pardon Thou and save us oh In the last dread hour. 5 Then with saints and angels May we join above, Offering prayers and praises At Thy throne of love. When the march is ever Then come rest and peace, Jesus in His beauty! Songs that never cease! THE KINGDOM AND GLORY OF CHRIST 201 All the Happy Children HERMAS. 65,65.D. With Refrain. FRANCES BENT DILLINGHAM FRANCES R. HAVERGAL, 1871 | the hap - py chil - dren Glad - ly join our song, Ris- ing to the the sky a-bove us, Spreadsowarmand blue; So God’s love is the hap - py chil - dren Thank Thee, Fa-ther dear, For this day for -9- -0- as . Fa - ther, In a cho - rus strong. Birds are bright-ly sing - ing, reach - ing O - verme and you. Fa - ther dear, we thank Thee chil - dren Out of all the year. We -will still re - mem - ber Leaves are open-ing wide, Flow-er bells are ring-ing Forthon ev- ry side. For long sum-mer days, For the birds and flow-ers, For the grass-y ways. We are Thine a - lone; He Whomade the sum-mer Madeus ev-’ry one, ¢ ‘sect o o-~ 2 chil dren Glad - ly THE KINGDOM AND GLORY OF CHRIST Far O’er Yon Horizon 202 BONIFACE. 65. 12 lines. Frenry ALForD, 1871 HENRY C ADSEY, 1842-1907 = SS ee bare ee -@~ — oO r; ie o'er yon ho- ri- zon Rise the cit- y towers, Where our Goda - bid - eth; 2. In - to God’s high tem-ple On-wardas we press, Beauty spreads a-round us, . Naught that cit-y need - eth Of these aisles of stone; Where the God-head dwelleth, “To th’ e- ter - nal Pa. - ther tee an-thems raise; To the Son ae 2 - it, ——~— He mss ee That fair home is ours. Flash the streets with jas - yer, Shine the gates with gold, Born of ho- li - ness; Arch, and vault, and carv-ing, Lights of var-ied tone, Tem-rplethereis none; All the saints,that ev - er In thes>courtshavestood, Ech-o songs of praise; To the Lord of glo- ry, Fless-ed Three in One, Soo ee - ee eer ae ~ Smaaamt ni cna cea = eee pe — Flows ne ae riv-er, Shed-ding joys un- told. T ies er, on-ward thith-er, So‘t-ened words and ho- ly, Prayer and praise a-lone: Ev-’ry thought up- rais- ing Are but babes, and feed-ing On the chil-dren’s food. On through sign and to-ken, Be by men and an-gels End-less hon-ors done. Weak are earth-ly prais-es; In the Spir-it’s might, Fil - grims to your coun-try, For-ward in - to light. To our cit-y bright, Where the tribes as-sem-ble Round the throne of light. Stars a-mid the night, Forward thro’ the dark-ness, For-ward in- to light. Dull the songs of night; For-ward in - to tri- umph, For-ward in -to light! A-MEN,. pn Ue” Sao pale Ns as 2 eee | Pie teatco o THE CHRISTIAN LIFE CALLING, REPENTANCE,.AND FAITH 203 O Jesus, Thou Art Standing ST. EDITH. 76,76. D. Justin Hernricu KNECHT, 1790 Wn. WacsHaM How, 1867 Adapted by Epwarp HusBAND, 1871 oie See ee eS SSE Ce anaes rian 7 | eZ: | 1. O Je - sus, Thou art stand - ing Out - side the fast-closed door, 210 Je - sus, Thou art knock - ing; And lo! that hand is scarred, 3. O Je- sus, Thou art plead - ing In ac - cents meek and low, + a re mao wedal| a C—g—t-¢ — CE 2 rN, fee ee eae In low - ly pa - tience wait - ing To pass the thresh-old o’er: And thorns Thy brow en - cir - cle, And tears Thy face have marred. “I died for you,. My chil - dren, And will ye treat Me so?’ [ isl Shame on us, Chris - tian breth - ren, His Name and sign who bear, love that pass - eth knowl - edge, So pa-tient-ly to wait! O Lord, with shame and sor - row We o - pen now the door; “auivar, St wea a Pero oa epee ites net HANS KREG et aed) ee f? Hs POSER Bh sees are mannan i sus A - mid theheaven-ly throng, hoO- a. Ws Bgl cae e : i Sa Ge ARNE RYT re) ea - Pe eel cal ieee et pee Oe tet eel | L LE : Li tp eer — obese is jeln abaase stig pr ay —o— ‘-—_o—_ er 2 comers = aA ° “o- -—- White, in His Blood most pre-cious, Till not a spot re-mains. He fromthem all re- leas- es, He all my _ sor - rows shares. To sing with saints His prais - es, To learn the an- gels’ song. A-MEN. 211 My Faith Looks Up to Thee OLIVET. 664, 6664. Ray PALMER, 1830 LowELt Mason, 1832 T.Myit) faith: looks: sipryipto Thee, Thott *Lambof ° Cals svaveiny, 2. May Thy rich grace im - part Strength to my faint - ing heart, 3. While life's dark maze I tread, And griefs a - round. me spread, 4. When ends life’s tran-sient dream, When death’s cold sul - lén stream Sav - iour di- vine! Now hear me while I pray: Take all my. My zeal in- spire; As Thou hast died for me, O may my Be Thou my Guide; Bid dark-ness turn to day, Wipe sor-row’'s Shall o’er me_ roll; Blest Sav-iour, then, in love Fear and dis- ‘guilt a-way, O let me from thisday Be whol-ly Thine. love to Thee, Pure, warm,andchangelessbe, A liv - ing fire. tears a-way, Nor let me ev -er stray From Thee a - side, trust re-move; O bearme safe a-bove, A ran-somed soul. A-MEN. -B- 9: “P- -O Ca A AN NO A RON OA a dea ec is ele Sa a ea Ds ea ek SA moO et" Se 45 ia eS ft tH tt et | 212 Just As I Am, Without One Plea QUEBEC. LM. Henry BAKER, 1866 CHARLOTTE ELLIomTT, 1836 Modified by JAMES PEARCE, 1868 I am, with-out one plea But that Thy Blood was shed for me, 2. hat as I am, and wait-ing not To rid my soul of one dark blot; I am, though tossed a-bout Withmany a con - flict, many a doubt, I am, _ poor, wretched, blind; Sight, rich-es, heal- ing of the mind, CALLING, REPENTANCE AND FAITH And that Thou bidst mecome to Thee, O Lamb of God, I come, I come! To Thee, Whoge Blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come, I come! Fight - ings and fears with-in, with-out, O Lamb of God, I come, I come! Yea, all I need, in Theeto find, O Lambof God, I come, I come! A - MEN. 5 Just as I am; Thou wilt receive, 6 Just as Iam; Thy love unknown Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve; Has broken every barrier down; Because Thy promise I believe, Now to be Thine, yea, Thine alone, O Lamb of God, I come, 1 come! O Lamb of God, I come, I come! Jesus, Thou Art My Righteousness 213 ST. AGNES. C. M. CUuARLES WESLEY, 1740 JOHN B. DyKxeEs, 1866 SSeS ae ae oe ee eee ee oe ACEP AINE Py FY PS a te as | A | | 1. Je - sus, Thou art my Right-eous-ness, For all my sins were Thine; 2. For-ev-er here my rest’ shall be, Close to Thy bleed - ing side; 3. My dy - ing Sav - iour and my God, Foun-tain for guilt and sin, 4. Je - sus, my Strength, my Life, my Rest, On Thee will TI de - pend, Th Pe SS Thy death hath bought of God my peace, Thy life hath made Him mine. This all my hope. and all my. plea: For me the Sav -iour died. Sprin-kleme ev-er with Thy Blood, And cleanse and keep me clean. Till'sum-moned to the mar-riage-feast | Where faith in sight shallend. | A - MEN. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE 214 Yield Not to Temptation PALMeR 1111,1112. With Refrain. Horatio R. PALMER, 1868 Horatio R. PALMER, 1868 1. Yield not to temp - ta - tion, for yield-ing is sin, Each vic-t’ry will 2. Shun e- vil com - pan-- ions, _bad lan-guage dis - dain, God’s Name hold in 3. To him that o’er-com-eth God giv-eth a. crown, Thro’ faith we shall help you some oth-er to win; Fight man - ful - ly on - ward, rev - erence,nor take it in vain; Be thought-ful and ear - nest, cou - quer, though oft - en cast down; He Who is our Sav - iour, dark pas-sions sub - due, Look ev- er to Je-sus, He willcar- ry you kind-heart-ed and true, Look ev-er to Je-sus, He willcar- ry you our strength will re-new, Look ev-er to Je--sus, He will car - ry you >: 6 es aaa N 225% AO Das ER Fy I BR DM Welln DE SgaER ART Ke ————— — — ——— — i. Sed ZT ASU x i Erna si PERUGS LY See ny + REFRAIN aN Ear, os fm oar oan eas ear eS ee 5 i tax ME OPA BOWE. A Tar 4 a fez * R Ng gh = gh Sa a ee a 2A a se H Sa at 2S a oe oe oe ae = ee 2 et 9 REMMI P MEN ¥ EPMA D hated FD Lit se 6) He is will-ing to aid you, CALLING, REPENTANCE AND FAITH —|——-A__A___, 2 ars NO Soe SS es ee o- -o° He will car - ry you through. Jesus, Still Lead on 215 SEELENBRAUTIGAM. 55, 88,55. NicoLaus L. v. ZINZENDORF, 1721 Tr. JANE BORTHWICK, 1846, a. ApAM DRESE (1620-1701) Geistreiches Gesangbuch, Darmstadt, 1698 Pat I. Je- sus, still lead on, Till our rest be won; And al-though the 2. If the way be drear, If the foe be near, Let not faith - less 3. When we seek re - lief From a long - felt - grief, When temp-ta - tions 4. Je-sus, still lead on, Till our rest be won; Heaven-ly Lead - er, lisenamie Ee =) AR - mt PISS a ee Guide us by Thy hand For through many a foe Show us that bright shore Till we safe - ly stand i —-—- | —H ——é FEE way be cheer - less, We will fol - low, calm and fear - less; fears o’er - take us, Let not faith and hope for-sake us; come al - lur - ing, Make us pa - tient and en-dur - ing; still .di'- -rect us, Still sup-port, con - sole, pro- tect us, —— = rae Guumteg Ee ee wal faces : mE a he tate oa wr -@- To our fa - ther - land. To our home we go. Where we weep no more. In our fa - ther - land. A - MEN, THE CHRISTIAN LIFE 216 | How Firm a Foundation ADESTE FIDELES. 1111, 1111. ‘*K’’ in Rrppon’s Sel., 1787 JouNn F. Wabe’s Cantus Diversi, 1751 1. How firm a foun-da- tion, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your 2. ‘‘Fearnot, I am withthee; O be not dis-mayed! For I am thy 3. ‘‘When thro’ fi- ery tri-als thy path - way shall lie, My grace, all - suf- faith in -His’ ex - cel - lent Word! What more can He say than to God, and will still give thee aid; I’ll strength-en thee, help thee, and fi - cient, shall be thy sup - ply: The flames shall not hurt thee; I | i oO -o* you He © hath said, You, who un -+ to: “Je”. /sus eo Mion cause thee to stand, Up - held by My night-eous, om- On eicdly de - sign Thy dross to con-stume, and _ thy DIO ADD WGA SMe vy in PES | | 2) Sesser seen eee = | aires | See | ref - uge have fled? You, who un-to Je - sus for ref - uge have fled? nip - o- tent hand, Up- held by My right-eous, om-nip - o - tent hand. gold to re- fine, Thy dross to con-sume, and thy gold to re- fine. | Ba = ree ee eee CALLING, REPENTANCE AND FAITH 4 “E’en down to old age all My people shall prove My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love; And then, when gray hairs shall their temples adorn, ||: Like lambs they shall still in My bosom be borne. :|| 5 “The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose I will not—I cannot desert to His foes; That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake, ||: I’ll never—no, never—no, never forsake!’’:]| Nearer, My God, to Thee! through Word 217 ST. MARK’S. 64, 64, 664. Henry E. JAcoss, 1887 GEORGE C. F. HAAS, I9I5 1. Near-er, my God, to Thee! Near-er to Thee! Through Word and 2. A - ges on a - ges rolled Ere earth ap - peared, Yet Thine un- 3. Thy Son has come to earth, My sin to bear, My ev - ‘ry 4. Lo! all my debt is paid, My guilt iS as gone. peelir: (He cis Sac - ra - ment Thoucom’stto me. Phy! apracey) iSc yev)L-~b 9 eCoey dear. meas- ured love The way pre- pared; Long hast Thou yearned for me, wound to heal, My pain to share. ‘‘God in_ the flesh’ for me, risen for me, My throne is won. Thanks, O my _ God, to Thee! N | re Thy Spir - it ev - er here, Draw - ing to Thee. That I might near - er be, Near - er to Thee! Brings me now near er Thee, Near - er to Thee! None now can _ near er be, Near - er to Thee! A - MEN. 5 Welcome, then, to Thy home, 6 Surely, it matters not Blest One in Three! What earth may bring; As ‘Thou hast promised, come! Death is of no account; Come, Lord, to me! Grace will I sing. Work Thou, O God, through me, Nothing remains for me, Live Thou, O God, in me, Save to be nearer Thee, Ever in me! Nearer to Thee! THE CHRISTIAN LIFE 218 Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me REDHEAD No. 76. 77,77,77. First Tune Aucustus M. Toprapy, 1776, a. RICHARD REDHEAD. 1853 re — q =e csimie [ Sema A RA UG MEER AL ONY PRGA RNP TI rs EN STL LE he “SRR CISA” DORE NOE Bite ea CC py a ~¢- \ en a )-Sa ) vt w ; we | I. Rock of . Praise Him for His grace and fa- vor a- ther -like He tends and spares us, in the height a- dore Him, 2. °F 4. An - gels Ransomed, healed, Praise Him, still the same as In Ale ten- liv - ia! - Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! Al - le - lu - ia! 3 ane PRAISE. 87,87, 87. Ee Joun Goss, 1869 To His feet thy trib-ute bring; To our fa-thers in dis- tress; Well our fee - ble frame He knows; Who be - hold Him face to face; Who like thee His praise should sing? Slow to chide, and swift to bless: — Res-cues us from all our foes: Dwell-ers in re-stored, for - giv - en, ev - ef, His hands He gent-ly bears us, Sun and moon bow down be- fore Him; all time and space: Al-1le- lu-ia! Praise the ev - er - last - ing King! Al-le- lu- ia! Glo-riousin His faith-ful - ness! Al- le- lu- ia! Wide-ly as His mer -cy flows! Al-le-1u- ia! Praise with us the God of grace! A-MEN. | | Say a ee ” o- 7 Pee tbat : ——_o-#-, |_| #—_¢—_@ ee : omaaeaee ines rete o— rant oa > noel cob r 7 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE 239 Sweet Hour of Prayer WALFORD. L. M.D. Witiiam W. Wa.rorp, 1840 WiLi1aM B. Brapsury, 1830 Moderato 2g — aN sa P 7 Gas 3 = ee oe ee | : i aay -o- o I. Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! That calls me from a world of care, 2. Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! Thy wings shall my pe - ti - tion bear _. vpn Mieke © - @ Se sot a ste asat eee ne | SSeS — ot re ae fee ae 7 And bids me at my Fa-ther’s throne Make all my wants and wish - es known; ~ To Him Whose truth and faith-ful-ness En - gage the wait - ing soul to bless; 2. Ye Deatt see . ae AL AE PU Oh RAR ANE DA PA ~~ SRST ARR ATES PE whys YF oy et ose eas pee —— Fy a OI Goma mr marca ed aa lane ea te nes N a Radian ka oP ROSS A SS SS Sete eer ae IEEE In sea-sons of dis-tress and grief, My soul has oft -:en. found re- lief; And since He bids me seek His face, Be - lieve His Word, and trust His grace, @ fee » 9 _——_,_ > OE ee re Gear et ORAS Te asia br ma are oa ere pare tees ae (ape, in And oft es-caped the temp-ter’s snare, By thy re- turn, sweet hour of prayer. I'll cast on Him my ev - ’ry care, And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer! tA And oft es-caped the temp-ter’s snare, By thy re- turn, sweet hour of prayer. I'll cast on Him my ey - ‘ry care And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer. p. PRAYER, PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING What a Friend We Have in Jesus 240 ERIE. 87,87.D. Josera Scriven, 1855 C. C. CoNVERSE, 1868 1. What a friend we havein Je =- sus, All our sins and griefs to bear! 2. Have we tri-als and temp -ta - tions? Is there trou-ble an - y - where? 3. Are we weak and heav-y - la - den, Cum-bered with a load of care? 0 : ~- -o- EE TE ER - SEAS SER What a priv -i- legeto car - ry Ev - ‘ry-thing to God in prayer! We should nev-er be dis-cour-aged; Take it to the Lord in prayer. Pre - cious Sav-iour, still our ref - uge! Take it to the Lord in prayer. SS what peace we oft - en for - feit, O what need-less pain we _ bear, Can we find a friend so faith - ful, Who will all our sor-rows share? Do Thy friends de-spise, for-sake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer; -~-° -9- 0 -9- -9- -O-_ All be-cause we do not car - ry Ev - ’ry thing to God in prayer! Je - sus knows our ev-’ry weak-ness, Take it to the Lord in prayer. In His arms He'll take and shield thee, Thou, wilt finda sol-ace there. A - MEN. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE 241 Lord, with Glowing Heart I'd Praise Thee SANCTUARY. 87,87. D. FRANCIS Scott KEy, 1823 Joun B. Dykes, 1871 1. Lord, with glow-ing heart I’d praise Thee For the bliss Thy love be- stows, 2. Praise, my soul, the God:that sought thee, Wretch-ed wan-d'rer, far a - stray; 3. Lord, this bos - om’s ar- dent feel- ing Vain-ly would my lips ex - press; | = liga Qe ee | Sadi MOBTAD OE BUSTIER) Se 1 spelt oe ee eee eae] For the par-d’ning grace that saves me, And the peace that from it flows. Found thee lost, and kind-ly brought thee From the paths of death a - way. Low be- fore Thy foot-stool kneel-ing, Deign Thy sup-pliant’s prayer to bless. | D3) 5-8§— es ss eee tei oe a ret ; ! H ee | ] | bya es -i—— eres eee rey i ie oa ee == Se Help, O God, my weak en-deav-or; This dull soul to rap - ture raise; Praise, with love’s de-vout-est feel-ing, Him Who saw thy guilt-born fear, Let Thy grace, my soul’s chief treas-ure, Love’s pure flame with-in me raise; Et ee apes ” 9) ig cee Thou must light the flame, or nev-er Can my love be warmed to praise. And, the light of hope re-veal-ing, Badetheblood-stained Cross appear. And, since words can nev-er meas-ure, Let my life show forth Thy praise. A-MEN. Se ee eee ale neil 2 Se Me 213? Yan 2 ee 3 A” VG IA! oh Se ee ee ee OO — — — —— — PRAYER, PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING Now Thank We All Our God 242 NUN DANKET ALLE GOTT. 67, 67, 66,66. MARTIN RINKART, d. 1648 . Tr. CATHERINE WINKWORTH, 1858, a. JOHANN CRUGER, 1648 a 1. Nowthank we all our God Withheart and hands and voic - es, 2.0 may this bount-eousGod Throughallour life be near us, 3. All praise andthanks to God The Fa- ther now be giv - en, Who won-drous things hath done, In Whom His world re -joic - With ev - er joy - ful hearts And bless - ed peace to cheer us; The Son, and Him Who reigns With Them in high ~ est heav - en: ra oN () 9 sa na cei SRT SST B ed Pn, 7 a == “= =sS=Ss2 dP" OO EET BO — E27 TREE cat BEES BB PRI SSP NTE | Who, from our moth-er’s arms, Hath blessed us on our way Any (keeper tis: | His grace, And~ guide us when per - plexed, The One iE -. ter - nal God Whom earth and heaven a - dore; -2- P_ o- = o- G- 2- 3- 6- With count-less*gifts of love, And still is ours to- day. And free us from all ills In this world and the next, For thus it was, is now, And shall be ev - er- more. A- MEN. een LEBER CoS 243 Praise the Lord, Ye Heavens Adore Him FABEN. 87,87. D. London Foundling Hospital Collection, 1796 J. H. WiLLcox, 1849 N 1. Praisethe Lord, ye heavens, a - dore Him, PraiseHim, an - gels, in the height; 2. Praisethe Lord for He is_ glo-rious; Nev - er shall MHisprom-ise fail; - 2 #-. - -6- -2- 2 -9-° ° > FS DUTT CR 1 _—_@_. —_p—__ o_o _ an i a Seieet re imal mare lea Wat Mesimngen MBean 7 a —s oi SRC” r ees at ee UTTER Peep “4 a8 FSR ONO EGA 6 ee ) ) Wakes a SO areas Sun and moon, re-joice be - fore Him, PraiseHim, all ye stars and light; God hathmade His saintsvic - to-rious, Sin and death shall not pre - vail. 2 -@- -8- t + -g- 9 Beaty Bey Ope Pee A ee be =e TREE ae, - Z ea ee ww , fe EBC (aes ce ee —;_—<— Cie BAP Aree hers Cae ee ean Praisethe Lord, for He hath spok-en, WorldsHismight - y voice o - heyed; Praisethe God of our sal - va-tion; Hosts on high, Hispower pro-claim; 2: -»- £#. é o- ~~ > &. rox SEN : ae ee” a i GST f : Bae ORT | e te ea erry ere | I § Pa" A} 3 FB oooP Bs Os WOR OLDE CS EAE A SI ad ee i RL FE Es + LIE SIRT: EAS PN J AT A Naik tao a eT | ous s ae Le Leal 7, need BOL vy Motiare Raa wath: RTs Ae oe Ay Ag xa iw: a Re Sey a MOS ea A Sue Sa Ce - el ee Ae bb On eo : 5 Laws, whichnev - er shall bebro-ken, For their guid-anceHe hathmade. Heaven and earth, andall cre - a-tion, Laudandmag-ni-fy His Name. A -MEN. PRAYER, PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING Let All the World in Every Corner Sing 244 UNDIQUE GLORIA. 104, 66, 66, 104. GEORGE HERBERT, 1633 : Doxology, Anon. 1872 GEORGE J. Ervry, 1872 1. Let all the world in ev -’rycor-ner sing “My God and _ King!’ / 2. Let all the world in ev -’rycor-ner sing “My God , and King!” 3. Let all the world in ev -’rycor-ner sing “My God and King!’ a. VY JESS SS Rees” oe ES TES) FREI RES CER 2a Ey The heavens are not too high, His praise may thith - er fly; The Church with psalms must shout, No door can _ keep them out; The Fa - ther, and the _ Son, And Spir - it, Three\in One, | re os o 22 Se See ee re er s fa ee The earth" is* not too... low, His prais- es there may grow. But, a- bove all, the heart Must bear the long - est part. One ev - er - last - ing Lord, Be ev - er- more a - dored! Let all the world in ev-’rycor-ner sing ‘‘My God and_ King!” — en | 2 & 6 o- \:4 fe ae, oe a ae CRE MARAE F or ARLE i A Soe aK LOR ine ee oad RRA | PINE: AE as ee poured pasar] arsameas my Soave THE CHRISTIAN LIFE 245 O Worship the King LYONS. 1010, 11 11.' RoBERT GRANT, 1833, a. Based on W. Ketuss’ Paraphrase, 1561 MICHAEL HAYDN (1737-1806) IGEN ON was ED OT OR OE RPO. Pa —+— a eM) Era ec a g = mone aaa) Re ee we (ory Rea a ekg Me ae Ce | ae fare WE ewes Be {__—F_g [gg Go o—_e_o .—_ g — a Saw e, 7 gene | 1. O wor-ship the King, all - glo-rious a-bove, And grate-ful-ly sing His 2.0 tell of Hismightand sing of His grace, Whose robeis the light, Whose 3. Thy boun-ti-ful care what tongue can re- cite? It breathesin the air, it 4. Frail chil-dren of dust, and fee- ble as frail, In Thee do we trust, nor won - der - ful love; Our Shield and De- fend-er, the An- cient of Days, can - 0 - py space; His char-iots of wrath the deep thun - der-clouds form, shines in the light, It streams from the hills, it de-scends to the plain, find Thee to fail; Thy mer- cies how ten-der! how firm to the end, Pa - vil-ioned in splen- dor and gird - ed with praise. And dark is His path on the wings of the storm. And sweet - ly dis- tills in the dew and the rain. Our Mak-er, De-fend- er, Re-deem-er, and Friend. A- MEN. Rr oan Ye ee 2 ae | 246 We Thank Thee, Lord, for This Fair Earth ERNAN. L.M. GEorGE E. L. Cotton, 1856 LOWELL Mason, 1850 vy, Pee hy LPEN eee Se RC a Ea = Le ee oh = [oa ee AWN, SA GORE EE CE i SP" ae +o—t et! r | H \S 4 BBE PEA =. _,___4 —-¢ D CA Mim | (OOo Tf] 2 -o- @ | PWneses I. We thank thee, Lord, for this fair earth, The glit-t’ring sky, the sil -* ver sea; 2. Thine are the flow’rs that clothe the ground,The trees that wave their arms a - bove, 3. Yet teach us still how far more fair, More glo-rious, Fa-ther, in Thy sight, 4. So while we gaze with thought-fuleye On all the gifts Thy love has given, if -—6- - ste ~@_ i : rs eked arse VERE tw awa p< Z !: 12 0S oF > SL r F I sektta o—+ “a Grae at oS Lo Fini 2 EE EA 8 | aS Cae Sa TA r PRAYER, PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING f) Vara), b+ fo KG | anae Se C ae tt pet i “ee Ros eg Gg le |e Ty? eas) = AY ot --g—4—¢ AAT hes IT Ai Dailies SI CH o—sB ii} Se TY OR eR Ea s of. a. = Te oo oe For alltheirbeau-ty, all their worth, Their light i glo-ry, come from Thee. The hills that gird our dwell-ings round, As Thou dost gird Thine own with love. Is one pure deed, one ho - ly prayer, One heart that owns Thy Spir-it’s might. Help us in Thee to live and die, By Theetorise from earth to heaven. A-MEN. A. 5 ac aire 22S SS SS Glory Be to God the Father 247 ST. RAPHAEL. 87,87, 47. Horatius Bonar, 1866 EDWARD J. HOPKINS, 1862 Gres a SS a I. Glo-ry be to God the Fa-ther! Glo - ry be to God the Son! 2. Glo-ry be to Him Wholovedus, Washed us fromeach spot andstain! 3. Glo- ry to the King of an-gels! Glo - ry to the Church’s King! 4. Glo-ry, bless-ing, praise, e-ter-nal! Thus thechoir of an - gels sings, wh ih Glo-ry be to God the Spir-it! Great Je-ho-vah,Three in One! Glo-ry be to Him Whoboughtus, Made uskingswith Him toreign! Glo-ry to the King of na-tions! Heavenandearth, yourprais-es bring :— Hon-or, rich- es, power, do-min-ion! Thus itspraisecre - a - tion brings; -0- Glo-ry, glo - ry, While e - ter-nal a -_ ges run! Glo-ry, glo - ry, To the Lamb that once was slain! Glo - ry, . - i To ee King of Glo - ry _ bring! - Glo - ry, - Glo - to the a of kings! A-MEN. pe ee THE CHRISTIAN LIFE 248 Praise to the Lord LOBE DEN HERREN. 1414, 478. oe NEANDER, 1680 Stralsund Gesangbuch, 1665 tr. CATHERINE WINKWORTH, 1863 Present form sinee 1708 I. Praiseto the Lord, the Al-might-y, the King of cre - a - tion! 2. Praise to the Lord! Whoo’er all things so won-drous-ly reign - eth, 3. Praise to the Lord! Whodoth pros-per thy work and de - fend thee; 4 . Praiseto the Lord! O let all that is in me a - dore Him! O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy healthand sal - va - tion! Shel-ters thee un - der Hiswings,yea, so gen-tly sus-tain - eth; Sure-ly His good-nessand mer - cy here dail- y at - tend thee. All thathath life and breath, come now with prais- es be - fore Him! ee f+ -g- ee = alae a All e who hear, Now to His tem - ple draw near; Hast thou not seen How thy de - sires e’er have been Pon - der a - new What the Al - might-y can do, Let the A - men Sound from His peo - ple a - gain; Praise Him - : Grant - ed in what He or - dain - eth? If with His love He be dore Him. A - MEN, Sl PRAYER, PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING Mighty God, while Angels Bless Thee 249 PRAISE. 87,87. With Alleluia. RoBert ROBINSON, 1774 ALBERT LOWE, 1876 ; if - . 1. Mighi- y God, while an - gels bless Thee, May a _ mor - tal sing Thy Name? 2. Lord of ev- ’ry land and na- tion, An-cient of e- ter - nal days, 3. For the gran-deur of Thy na - ture, Grand be-yond a_ ser - aph’s thought; 4. For Thy prov - i- dence, that gov-erns Through Thine em-pire’s wide do-main, Lord of men, as well as an- gels, Thou art ev - 'ry crea-ture’s theme. Sound-ed through the wide cre- a-tion Be Thy just and end - less praise. For the won - ders of cre-a - tion, Works with skill and kind-ness wrought: Wingsan an - gel, guides a spar-row: Bless - ed be Thy gen - tle reign, Al - le -lu- ia, Alc=" lete= lidiaty ia Alon le? = li So da: A - MEN. . oon sane! & fh uaa or o a MRY UTE - f " ter - WS cee | 5 God, Who sent His Son 6 When in heaven’s bright land To die on Calvary, I all His loved ones see, He, if [ lean on Him, I'll sing with that blest band, Will care for me. God cared for me. Praise the Lord of Heaven 252 DAVID. 65,65. D. Tuomas B. BROWNE, 1844 THOMAS Mor-eEy, 1867 | | . =————— fT TEE RETA : = Je or CA n 2 eee : ~ F&—& +& &- yey |S AU a Ad | I. Praise the Lord of heav - en, PraiseHimin the height, Praise Him, all ye 2. Praise the Lord, ye foun-tains Of thedeepsand seas, Rocks andhills, and 3. PraiseHim,fowlsand cat - tle, Prin- ces and all kings; Praise Him, menand an - gels, Praise Him, starsand light; Praise Him, clouds and wa-ters, Which a-bove the moun-tains,Ce - dars,and all trees; Praise Him, cloudsand va-pors, Snow, and hail, and maid - ens,All cre- at-ed things;For the Nameof God is Ex-cel-lent a - ; ee ag: -B- fen i oy Neg He tet skies, When His word com-mand-ed, Did es - tab- lished rise. fire, Storm - y wind, ful - fill-ing On-ly His de - sire. lone, Ov -- erearthHis foot-stool, Ov - er heaven His throne. A-MEN. 2. 4 Ty Pee ee eT _ TERS VO CERT ET a 7 BET POTTY ER | SS PR “CS: Mepranen (ers Jae , tt oe ee Desen caesctca a acs f EN Patel Se ERODE BSN Taw IE SEES OR REM STD 4 SA RAE LRP EM 8 ST A I 1 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE 253 The God of Abraham Praise LEONI. 66, 8 4. D. THOMAS OLIVERS, 1770, a. Based on the Hebrew Yigdal Adapted from a Hebrew Melody 1. The God of Abra - ham praise Whoreigns en-throned a - bove, 2. The God who reigns on high The great arch - an- gels sing, 3. Be - fore the Sav -iour’s face The ran-somed na-tions bow, 4. The whole tri - um - phant host Givethanks to God _ on high; An - cient of ev - er - last - ing days, And God of love; And.> | Hou-«ly, Ho. ly, Holy cry AS oieh Gey King! O’er-whelmed at His; al-might = e 3% = ee } nt oN , cape Pama Reet eros Sa SM mr ERP 2 28 SURREAL RE AT Eine MONET 4 SCTE RADA F< ATT: SEA Ee came Me AOE Fe “4 | o—__&_ 4 a praise Him in the heav-ens, Praise ye Je-ho - vah. ye old men and chil-dren, Praise ye the Sav § - iour. Son, and Ho-ly Spir - it, Praise ye the Tri-une God. A-MEN. » ~ | ££ 6 ~ 256 ~=God is Love: His Mercy Brightens | STOCKWELL. 87,87. Joun BowrInG, 1825 Darius E. JONEs (1815-1881) \ ———-— : - SEMEN ues" 1. God is Love: His mer-cy bright-ens All the path in which we rove; 2. Time andchangeare bu-sy ev - er; Mande-cays, and a - ges move; 3. E’en the hour that dark-est seem - eth Will Hischange-less good-ness prove; 4; He withearth-ly cares en-twin - eth Hopeandcom - fort from a - bove; ; e JA ‘Cn sm RT oY eR FR LI o_-S Fe Se et ee ee ee ee = aoe Dp 6h ! ———— za “ 1c TS ATE A! v AEA ee Sm eo aS v 4 Re LU y ‘el PRAYER, PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING Bliss Hewakes,and woe He light-ens; God is Wis-dom, God is Love. But His mer-cy wan-eth nev-er; God is Wis-dom, God is Love. From the gloom His brightness streameth; God is Wis-dom, God is Love. _Ev - ’ry-whereHis glo-ry shin-eth; God is Wis-dom, God is Love. A-MEN. e__@ ts RR 2 a Pe Pe | ho See eae oe Cee pe Singing for Jesus, Our Saviour and King 257 BROMHAM. 1010, 1010. FRANCES R. HAVERGAL, 1872 TimoTuy. R. MATTHEWS, 1886 iy— —+——_§—_ + -3 | 6 —_ § } as a —@ -6- x 2. o r —é r RS Pe Souk I, Sing - ing for Je - sus, our Sav-iour and King, Sing - ing for 2. Sing - ing for Je -,sus, and try - ing to win Man - y to 3. Sing - ing for Je - sus, our Shep-herd and Guide, Sing - ing for 4. Sing - ing for Je -sus, yes, sing-ing for joy; Thus will we | Je - sus, the Lord Whom we love; Al ad (0 /- “7a = tion) owe love Him, and join in the song; Call-ing the wear - y and glad-ness of heart that He _ gives; Sing - ing for won - der and praiseHim and tell out His love; Till He shall call us to joy -ous - ly bring, Long-ing to praise as they praise Him a - bove. wan-der-ing in, Roll-ing the cho-rus of glad-ness a- long. praise that Hedied, Sing-ing for bless-ing and joy that He lives. bright-er em-ploy, Sing-ing for Je-sus, for. ev - er a-bove. A- MEN. Bee === = >to — pet THE CHRISTIAN LIFE 258 The Heavens Declare Thy Glory CHENIES. 76,76. D. THOMAS R. BrrKS, 1874 TrmotHy R. MATTHEWS, 1855 y- — Cao: 1. The heavens de-clare Thy glo - ry, The fir - ma-ment Thy power; 2. The sun with roy - al splen- dor Goes forth to chant Thy praise; 3. How per - fect, just and ho - ly The pre-ceptsThou hast given! 4. All heaven on high re - joic - és To do its Mak-er’s will; |. ; Day un-to day the sto - ry Re - peats fromhour to hour; And moon-beams soft and ten - der Their gen - tler an-them raise; Still mak-ing wise the low - ly, They lift thethoughtsto heaven; The stars with sol-emn Re- sound Thy prais-es _ still; Night un - to night re - ply - ing, Pro-claims in ev- ry land, O’er ev - ’ry tribe and na - tion That mu-=-sicstrange is poured, Thy word hath rich - er treas-ure Thandwellswith-in the mine, So let my whole be - hav - ior, Tho’ts, wordsand ac- tions be, | | ro -@+ -6- 6 9——_6——_ : . 4 £ ao Oat eee t poodles exe eal on ee . 7+ Ee ¥ Eee ¢ aes PS A ; re HAEae PEI 4 amt 1 ee eS a far crn ae ae 1 Prat a a a M Rewcamald ket ; ERED 1 Sead KEE * So -@- G O Lord,withvoice un - dy - ing, The won-ders of Thy hand. The song of all cre - a- tion, To Thee, cre - a-tion’s Tord Andsweet-ness be-yond meas - ure, At - tends Thy voice di - vine. O Lord, mystrength,mySav-iour, One cease-less song to Thee. A-MEN. -THE CHRISTIAN LIFE 260 Jesus, Lover of My Soul HOLLINGSIDE. 77,77. D. First Tune CHARLES WESLEY, 1740 Joun B. DyKEs, 1861 p ; =———= : . Soitcareree BA spew aes re al ee aE CENA 7 1. Je-sus, Lov-er of my soul, _Let me to Thy bos-om fly, 2. Oth-er ref-uge have I none; Hangsmy help - less soul on Thee; 3. Thou, O Christ, art all I want; | More than alk in: Thee I. find: 4. Plen-teousgracewith Thee is found, Grace to cov-er all my _ sin; _—<—--—__—_____@_@ oe 2: Sy oe While the near-er wa- ters roll, While the tem-pest still is high; Leave, ah. leave me + not a- lone, Still sup-port and com - fort me. Raise the fall - en, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind. Let the heal-ingstreams a-bound;Make and keep me pure with-in. Hide‘ me,. O my Sav-iour, hide, Till~ the°storm of ‘life is” past; All my trust on Thee is stayed, All my help from Thee I bring; Nusterands NO wolves iss oy Namie Ld am all wun-right-eous- ness; Thou of life the Foun-tain art, Free-ly let me take of Thee; Sear tee Oe peat iia 3 a Sieg py | Da cumes o—--e—-_-6_—"@ a Safe in - to the’ ha-venguide, O re-ceivemy soul at last. Cov-er my de-fence- less head Withtheshad-ow of Thy wing. Falseand full of sin I am, Thouart full of truth and grace, Spring Thouup with-in myheart, Rise to all e - ter -ni-ty. A-MEN. COMMUNION WITH CHRIST Second nd MARTYN. 77,77. D. CHARLES WESLEY, 1740 SIMEON B. Mars, 1834 lou? Je - sus,Lov-er of my soul, Let me to Thy bos - om fly, Ie While the near-er _wa-ters roll, While thetem-pest still is high; Hide me, O my Sav-iour, hide, Till thestormof life is past; A-MEN; a e—§—e— 6 eo See ees Lamb of God, I Look to Thee | 261 EDYFIELCDS77.7s7'7< CHARLES WESLEY, 1742 © CHRISTIAN I, LA TROBE (1758-1836) ee area Aor wi necaeteer meres eae ) + peas Z se 2 — Seal Benoa 8 I. Lamb of God, I look to Thee; Thou shaltmy ex - am-ple_ be; 2. Fain I would be as Thou art, Give me Thy o - be- dient heart. 3. Lov - ing Je- sus, gen-tle Lamb, In Thy gra-cious hands I am. 4. I shallthen show forth Thy praise, Serve Thee all my hap-py days; | BY. Ne fe ae ak an Zz | o : . Thou art gen - tle, meek,and mild, Thouwastoncea lit-tle child. A-MEN, : Thouart pit-i - ful and kind: Let me have Thy lov-ing mind. Makeme, Sav - iour,what Thouart, Live Thy-self with-in my heart. Then the world shall al-ways see Christ, the ho - ly Child,in me. > ral La a ee — La So BE) — 4 se as aia ed 2S i 262 Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All ST. CHRYSOSTOM. 88, 88, 88. Henry Courrs, 1854 JosEPH BARNBY, 1872 f) FAR! 5 Ns DMTEES CANTO MOET ESE PAROLE GSP Se TT WR AROS HEI SORE RAN we eT Peace ot a ee to re te 19 cy OS a A Po th we we i rs ney 1. Je-sus, my Lord, my God, my All, Hear me, blest Sav-iour, when I call! 2. Je-sus, too late I Theehavesought;Howcan I love Thee as I ought? 3. Je-sus, what didst Thoufind in me, That Thou hast dealt so lov - ing - ly? 4. Je-sus, of Thee shall be mysong, To Thee my oak and soul be-long; Piper ye rs P 622 (AZ “7 _2 a » |! A”) 1 a J f i a MN SE oH SA ON <5 Cra) sat abe sn eu Cea ec = oc Woy (ass CIPS TA a my y BO: Sa GE OS A ER NN aA 2 PTA DES ise De Pca CSR Ma A EG A. Dep RES DY = GRASSES 3 Rag vc hd Hear me, andfrom Thy dwell-ing-place Pour down the rich - es of Thygrace. | And how ex-tol Thy match-lessfame,The glo-rious beau-ty of Thy Name? © How great the joy that Thouhastbrought,So far ex- ceed-ing hope or thought! | All that I have or am is Thine, And Thou, blest Saviour, Thou art mine. O make melove Thee moreand more. A-MEN. Je-sus,my Lord, I .Thee a-dore, I Sas Ee me RO A LT a a Sa 263 O Jesus, King Most Wonderful | WINCHESTER. C. M. Tr. Epwarp CASWELL, 1849 | Tuomas Est’s Psalter, 1592 BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX, d. 1153 {| —f} +} — 45 - Pl at ae ee eee eh ee 1.0 Je - sus, King most won - der - ful, Thou Con- quer - or re - nowned, ; 2. Whenonce Thou vis - it - est the heart, Thentruth be - gins to shine, 3.0 Je - sus,Light of all be-low, Thoufount of life and fire, -0- oe ~o- £# # -@-. ARES TES BBY”. ac SDA wr oe A | COMMUNION WITH CHRIST ' SSS Seo oe Cra PL ea a 7 a CMA | ae SSP. @ AL eo wins r 0 JS ea *. iexoat " Roam Tr er Nicaea Aa er SI 2 , iad PRESS Pal 1. My Hope, my All, my Sav-iour Thou! ToThee, O Lord, my soul I bow. 2. Be ThoumyStrength,beThoumy Way, Pro-tect me thro’ my life’sshort day; 3. Cor - rect, re-prove,and com-fort me; As I haveneed, my Sav-iour be; 4. In fierce temp-ta-tion’s dark-est hour, Savemefrom sin and Sa-tan’s power; Ce 8 o-—— COMMUNION WITH CHRIST 6 : . PO NES GT : Soy ae ve I seek the bliss Thy wounds im-part, I long to findTheein my heart. In all myacts let wis- dom guide, And keep me, Saviour, near Thy side. And if I would from Thee de-part, Then clasp me, Saviour, to Thy heart. Tear ev-’ry i-dolfrom Thy throne, And reign, my Sav-iour, reign a-lone. A-MEN, 4 Ee ee en ole ae aa ) Se —§ mesure SSR COON 1 SA Pa Jesus, Thy Name I Love 267 FIAT LUX. 664, 6664. JAMEs G. Deck, 1842 HeEnryY Hives (1826-1904) | | 2 ———— sees SP REIT AT TM | rn SPECS ee ike tis —3— = 2 aaa — a it I. Je -- sus, Thy Name I | love, All oth - er names a - bove, 2. Thou, bless-ed Son of God, Hast bought me with Thy blood, 3. When un-- to Thee I flee, Thou wilt my _ ref - uge_ be, 4. Soon Thouwilt come a - gain! I shall be hap-py then, -o- -0- fa Je - sus; my Lord! Oh,, Thou art all tome! Ndth - ing to Je - sus, my Lord! Oh, how great is Thy love, All oth - er Je -, sus, my Lord! Whatneed I now to fear? What earth - ly Je - sus, my Lord! ThenThine own face I'll see, Then I} \shalt ae —| &-

Loner Saas {| ya KMRL CH RCN ee With the Cross of Je - sus Go -ing on be - fore. A-MEN. 71a’ Be \ THE CHRISTIAN LIFE | 294 O Christians! Leagued Together LUTHER LEAGUE HYMN. P.M. LILLIAN WEAVER CASSADAY, 1803 Refrain by MARGARET R. SEEBACH, I9I5 GrorceE C. F. Haas, 1893 ———- 1 O Chris- Bae) leagued to - geth - er, To bat- tle for the right, >». Then on-ward be the war- cry And on-ward still, so long 3. We proud - ly ae as ban- ner A cross with-in the heart, N e se $$$ ————$_——— eg ge eee === ae -G- @ A - rise and don your ar - mor, Put the foe to flight. As we have self to con - quer, Souls to cheer with song. To show that we havecho - sen Christ, the bet - ter part. We've giv - en our al - le- giance, To serve with-out sur - cease Let sound the mar-tial mu -_ sic, Ring out the bu- gle call Then joy and peace and com - fort Shall blos - som as a ‘rose, S: } eee ead (2? | ee BESO fae! : a XT: es on _ be- fore. all our boast! Him we wouldpraise, with all His ran-somed host! lives with good; “Quitye like men,” be strong in broth-er-hood. A-MEN. ZB A, i ' + —__# oe He -}— > St —— Sarna aoe ae — e—+——— i ~ eee ey 3 : He —+—H ‘THE CHRISTIAN LIFE 296 Christian, Dost Thou See Them ST. ANDREW OF CRETE. 65, 65. D. St. ANDREW OF CRETE, d. 732 Tr. JoHN Mason NEALE, 1862 Joun B. Dykes, 1868 —¢ o— —e-——_o—_|--6—_—_ rasan oar senna 7 tree wey PEE >~——_——1— ees fe 9 re aC \A Suet seamereere —|F———— — OMSL wees mera as Bese —— == sS a @ -e- -Z- And guard me with a watch - ful eye: My noon - day walks He My wea -ry, wan - d’ring steps He leads, Where peace-ful riv - ers The bar-rem wil - der- ness _ shall smile, With live-ly green and at -tend, And all my mid - nighthonurs de - fend. soft and slow, A- mid the ver- dant land - scape flow. herb - age crowned And streams shall mur - mur all a-round. nF RS RT RTC BIRR AER YN ERC es ee ae ee sania Kz 7} tS = of Aaa. AD SMP WRASENP WEG - 2 be Per - ish ev - ry fond am- bi-tion, All I’ve sought, or hoped, or known; O, ‘tisnot in grief to harm me, WhileThylove is left to me; Think whatSpir-it dwells with-in thee, What a Fa-ther’ssnaile is thine, Soon shallclosethineearth - ly mis-sion, Swiftshall pass thy pil-grim days; 2. Yet howrich ig my con-di-tion: God andheavenarestill my own. O,’twerenot in joy tocharmme, Were that joy un- mixed with Thee. Whata Sav-iour died to win thee; Child of heaven, shouldst thou re-pine? Hopeseonchangeto glad fru - i-tion, Faith to sight, and prayer to praise. A-MEN. hig, Wak TDF tee Ppt, tek aay 3 he Saar Tar cseea ce mmm cues et nome Pre San ous Zo oe SE TRUST Ii thesHour’ of Frialat 301 PENITENCE. 65,65. Ds AMES MONTGOMERY, 1834 evised by Frances A. HuTTON, c. 1875 SPENCER LANzE, 1879 Fenln 4the yout) of trig’ =” al; Je. - sus, plead for me, 2. With for - bid - den pleas - ures Shouldthis vain world charm 3. ShouldThy mer - cy send me Sor - row, toil, and woe; 4. Whenmy last hour com - eth, Fraught with strife and pain, @ ——_»———-» : z aes Leste byw base de = ni. = 1 er a | de - part from Thee; Or its tempt-ing treas - ures Spread, to work me harm, Or should pain at - tend me On my path be - low; When: my dust re-turn - eth To the dusty. ay = pain’ -9- ff. -6- -p- -_ *+ o oaipr ce eee 4 aera 7 aa When Thou seest me wa - ver, With a lok re- call, Bring to my re - mem-brance Sad Geth-sem - a - ne, Grant that I may nev - er Fail Thy hand to _ see; On Thy truth re- ly - ing Thro’ that mor - tal strife, as -8- . a. ~a- Nor for fear or fa ‘- vor Suf - fer me to _ fall. Or, in dark-er sem-blance, Cross-crowned Cal-va - ry. Grantthat I may ev - er Cast my care on Thee. Je - sus, take me, dy - ing, To e - ter-nal life. A-MEN, i et See yates -(2- +— ~ Le ioe THE CHRISTIAN LIFE 302 My Jesus, As Thou Wilt RESIGNATION. 66, 66. D. BENJAMIN SCHMOLK, 1704 Tr. JANE BORTHWICK, 1854 J. F. OHL, 1926 (\ # a SRE va". : oe Se) aie (Sa TS BE - ni cca fete ee ee ED Pig th ee ree Thity woe v= sisi” casi sChoup wiltl:: +O may Thy will be mine! 2My Je fogs UO Thee. Is brought, Phy - si - cian, Com - fort - re, to Thee. Thy oy ers last'- ing “home™ ef'>. peace” and love. A- MEN. THE FAMILY Sleep, Baby, Sleep! 307 SCHLAF, KINDLEIN, SCHLAF. 4,6, 88, 4. FERDINAND f. BUERMEYER, 1876 LouisE REICHARDT (1780-1826) SET “ERLE POEM - NS | I. Sleep, Da: d-i aby, sleep! Thy moth - er watch doth 2. Sleep, ba-.. by, sleep! The an -* gels watch will 3. Sleep, ba -_ by, sleep! God grant thee slum - bers 4. Sleep, bea= 2. by; sleep! No wear - y watch we'll keep, With love that knows no wea - ri = ness, Un - keep, And whis - per as they hov - er nigh Of deep; And peace - ful - ly as dews of heaven Lie keep; When Je - sus calls us to His breast ' There tir - ing in its ten - der - ness. Sleep, ba - by, sleep! heaven-ly love be- yond the _ sky. Sleep, ba - by, sleep! cra - dled in the flowers at even. Sleep, ba - by, sleep! sweet - ly we'll to - geth- er rest. Sleep, ba - by, — sleep! TIMES AND SEASONS OPENING HYMNS 308 Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty NEANDER. 87,87, 77. BENJAMIN SCHMOLCK, 1732 Tr. CATHERINE WINKWORTH, 1863 JoACHIM NEANDER, 1680 OSA TIEN MUS a a wa PCA AAC ST LS A WO A AUR ™ EIS a CE ¢ Ng! -@- -e- o- a o- ig -O- ‘me! 1.O- pennow thy gates of beau-ty, Zi-on, let me _ en - ter there, 2, Gra-cious God, I come be -fore Thee, Come Thoual - so down to me; 3. Here Thy praise is glad -ly chant-ed, Here T i seed is du- ly sown; omer re eee Pee Sakae —. -8- ae “ar o25e pease ale fees es = 2 ae ea tre ees ———— eS 6. SSS rae == -g- e Cc -g- | | Where my soul, in rh: - ful du - ty, Waits for Him Who an - swers prayer. Where we find Thee and a - dore Thee, There a heaven on earth must be. Let my soul, where it is plant-ed, Bring forth pre-cious sheaves a - lone. O howbless-ed is this place, Filled with so-lace, light and grace! To myheart O en-ter Thou, Let it be Thy tem- ple now. So that all I hear may be Fruit-ful un- to life in me. A-MEN. ~- 2 ee earn te aia a 4 Thou my faith increase and quicken, 5 Speak, O God, and I will hear Thee, Let me keep Thy gift divine; Let Thy will be done indeed; — Howsoe’er temptations thicken, May I undisturbed draw near Thee May Thy Word still o’er me shine, While Thou dost Thy people feed. As my pole-star through my life, Here of life the fountain flows, _ As my comfort in my strife. Here is balm for all our woes. OPENING HYMNS God Himself is Present | 309 ARNSBERG. 668, D., 33, 66 GERHARD TERSTEEGEN, 1729 Tr. F. W. Foster and J. MILLER, 1789, a. Joacnim NEANDER’S Bundes-Lieder, 1680 SSS cs Sas Hee r 2 . ° “> . . 1. God Him-self is pres - ent: Let us now a-dore Him. And with awe ap - 2, God Him-self is pres - ent: Hear the harps re-sound - ing! See the crowds the 3. O Thou Fount of bless - ing, Pur-i-fy my spir - it; Trust-ing on - ly & @ @ @ 2. pear be- fore Him. God is in His tem - ple— All with-in keep si - lence, throne sur-round-ing. ‘‘Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho -_ ly,’’ Hear the hymn as-cend - ing, in Thy mer -it. Liketheho-ly an - gels Who be-hold Thy glo - ry, 2. @ (2. 2. . Ss 'Pros- trate lie with deep-est rev - erence Him a - lone God we _ own, An - gels, saints, their voi-ces blend-ing! | Bow Thine ear To us » here: May I cease-less-ly a- dore Thee. Let Thy will Ev - er. still Him, our God and Sav - iour; Praise His Name for - ev - er. Hear, O Christ, the prais - es That Thy Church now rais - es. Rule Thy Church ter- res - trial, As the hosts ce - les_- tial. A-MEN. i. SONG Wiping Ee 2 eat Ppl af cf, a aa e TIMES AND SEASONS 310 Father, Again in Jesus’ Name We Meet LANGRAN. 1010, 1010. Lucy E. G. Wuitmore, 1824 JAMES LANGRAN, 1861 [:) y, ERTS TTR ES EN OTP PAERTLTS BP SeeDwits SE NOE SUSE AG LS OR BN Pm cA nerve Banas rat rum onal 7 PENS EIT RACIAL SRO NEN SEH - : CEE GRE RE i DA Cae pa a a S29" Pee tte G aa PETS | | -o- 1. Fa- ther, a- gain in Je-sus’ Name wemeet, And bow in pen - i - 2,0. we would bless Thee for Thy cease-less care, And all Thy work from 3. We are un- wor- thy of Thy bound-less love, Too * oft with care- less 4.0 by that Name in which all ful-ness dwells, O by that Love which tence be-neath Thy feet: A- gain to Thee our fee - ble voi-ces raise, day to day de-clare! Is not our life with hour - ly mer-cies crowned? feet from Thee we rove; But now, en-cour-aged by Thy voice, we come, ev -’ry love ex - cels, O by that Blood so free - ly shed ‘for sin, ' bite eth S| Sees eee eee ee To sue for mer - cy, and sing praise. | Does not Thine arm en - cir - ae us ae - round? : Re - turn - ing sin ~- ners, to a .*¥Fa_- ther’s ). home: . O - pen blest Mer -cy’s gate, and take us in. A - MEN. : be ot o- 311 To Thy Temple I Repair PLEYEL’S HYMN. 77,77. JAMES MONTGOMERY, 1812 Arranged from IGNAz J. PLEYEL, 1790 ee 1.To Thy tem-ple I. re-pair, Lord, I love to _wor-ship there, 2. While Thy glo - rious praise is sung, ‘Touch my lips, un - loose my tongue, 3. While the prayers of saints as - cend, God of Love, to mine at - tend: 4. While I heark - en to Thy Law, Fill my soul with hum-ble awe; a. -9- _ 2. a f »- _ a 2 -9 oe oo @Mnimics a Sie BRS SST sea aa ee oo Samu fiers Pr Oa yams x H OPENING HYMNS When, with-in the veil, I meet Christ be-fore the mer - cy - seat. That my joy - ful soul may bless Thee, the Lord my Right-eous-ness. ' Hear me, for Thy Srir-it pleads; Hear, for Je - sus in - ter - cedes. Till pea a pel bring to me _ Life and im- mor-tal -i - ty. A-MEN, oe | 5 While Thy ministers proclaim 6 From Thy house when I return, Peace and pardon in Thy name, May my heart within me burn; Through their voice, by faith may I And at evening let me say, Hear Thee speaking from the sky. I have walked with God to-day. God of Mercy, God of Grace 312 HEATHLANDS. 77,77,77. HENRY FrRANcIs LYTE, 1834 . is | ih Reseach eh gd iy o EP" LE eh TL AMT OL RT IRI Ge Ss SS 1,God of Mer-cy, God of Grace, Show the bright-ness of Thy face; 2. Let the peo - ple praise Thee, Lord; Be by all that live a - dored; 3. Let the peo - ple praise Thee, Lord; Earth shall then her fruits af - ford: ~ HENRY SMART, 1867 Shine up - on us, Sav - iour, shine, Fill Thy Church with light di- vine: Let the na- tions shout and sing Glo-ry to their Sav - iour King; God to man His bless-ing give, Man to God de - vo - ted live; | Ke | pT AA 0 (2. : Aa SG Raia ate o—,4e “ @ a Eee (Gola ome See Se SY i eat PC SRR RTD NNN EY HS, ad ae y= eee. = 2 And Thy sav - ing health ex- tend To the earth’s re - mot - est end. At Thy feet their trib- ute pay, And Thy ho- ly will o - bey. All be - low, and all a- bove, One in joy, and light, and love. A-MEN, " TIMES AND SEASONS 313. Behold Us, Lord, a Little Space BEATITUDO, C.M. Joun ELLERTON, 1870 Jouwn B. DYKEs, 1874 (fA re ea rne o— c ea aT te Behold as. “Lord, | ay ab. tle space Fromdai-ly tasks set free, _A-roundus rolls the cease-less tide Of busi-ness, toil and care; _Yettheseare not the on - ly walls | Where-in Thoumayst be sought; _ Thineis the loom, the forge,the mart, Thewealth of land and sea; I 2 3 4 Gene | A oo |— sae Scale aml -+—+ SP (ARTS WT CT Py Sra were ee er Grae wang peas : erty ds) 4 ibs r * -G- And met with-in Thy ho - ly place To rest a-whilewithThee. And scarce-ly can we turn a- side For one brief hour of prayer. On home-liest work Thy bless - ing falls, In truth and pa-tience wrought. Theworldsof sci-ence and of art, Re-vealed and ruled by Thee. A- MEN. a a os os saan > LG aoe 5 Then let us prove our heavenly birth 6 Work shall be prayer, if all be wrought In all we do and know: As Thou wouldst have it done; And claim the kingdom of the earth And prayer, by Thee inspired and taught, For Thee, and not Thy foe. Itself with work be one. 314 Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now HERR JESU CHRIST, DICH ZU UNS WEND. L. M. WILHELM II, DuKE oF SAXE-WEIMER, 1648, 1651 Tr. CATHERINE WINKWORTH, 1863 Cantionale Sacrum, Gotha, 1651 | a 1. Lord Je - sus Christ, be pres- ent now, And let Thy Ho - ly Spir - it bow 2,0- pen our lips to sing Thy praise, Our hearts in true de - vo - tion raise, 3. Un - til we join the hosts that cry: Ho-ly art Thou, O Lord Most High! 4. Glo-ry to God, the Fa- ther, Son, And Ho - ly Spir - it, Three in One! f. -#- -0- OPENING HYMNS All hearts in love and fear to - day, To hear the truth and keep Thy way. Strengthen our faith, increase our light, That we may know Thy Name a-right; And ‘mid the light of that blest place Shall gaze up -on Thee face to face. To Thee, O bless-ed Trin-i-ty, Be praise through-out e-ter-ni- ty! A-MEN. Te Se eS | es ee = JOR SIR SR Rl EO MRM ASE BSLA soc ORL EET ey a Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word 315 LIEBSTER JESU, WIR SIND HIER. 78,78, 88. ~TosrAs CLAUSSNITZER, 1663 Tr. CATHERINE WINKWORTH, 1858 JOHANN R. AHLE, 1664 : "5 I, Bless-ed Je - sus, at Thy word We are gath-ered all to hear Thee; 2. All our knowl-edge, sense,andsight Lie in deep -est dark-ness shroud - ed, 3. Glo-rious Lord, Thy-self im - part! Light of Light, from God pro-ceed - ing, Bp HB ee es abe Me o- Let our hearts and souls be stirred Now to seek and love and fear Thee; Till Thy Spir-it breaks our night With the bears of truth un- cloud - ed. O - pen Thou our ears and heart, Help us by Thy Spir - it’s plead - ing, | -~2- ts als am ~- & fF ~¢ : &__»9_@ \H__»- 2 g 6 i daha 2S ee SS By Thy teach-ings sweet and holy Drawn from earth to love Thee sole - ly. Thou a - lone to God canst win us, Thou must work all good with-in | ous, Hear the ery Thy peo-ple rais- es, Hear, and bless our prayers and prais-es. A-MEN. ed TIMES AND SEASONS 316 Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart MARION. S.M. With Refrain. =e Epwarp A. PLUMTRE, 1865 ArtHuur H. MESSITER, 1883 . Re - joice, ye pure in heart! Re - joice, givethanks and sing! : . Brightyouth and snow-crowned age, Strong men and maid - ens meek, : » With ‘all. the (an -- gel’ choirs, With all the saints-\onearth, : Yes on thro’ life’s long path, Still chant-ing as ye _ go; . Still lift your stan-dard high, Still march in firm ar - ray, wb ® N 5 SALSA ve prs f Your fes - tal ban-ner waveon high: The Cross of Christyour King! Raise high yourfree, ex - ult - ingsong, God’swon-drous prais-es ‘speak. Pour out the strains of joy andbliss, True rap-ture, no-blest mirth! From youth to age, by nightandday, In glad-ness and in woe, As war - riorsthro’the dark-ness toil Till dawns the gold-en day. REFRAIN ()\ #4 fees i ay, 5 SITS BER Wy" kal Sh PRED os ie — ey Kas co y$ 5 ___ . a eee Bicol SS 2h “ia Re - joice, re - joice, Re-joice, givethanksand sing. A-MEN. Re - joice, re = joice, CLOSING HYMNS Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing 317 SICILIAN MARINERS’ HYMN. 87, 87, 47. Sicilian Folksong Joun FAwceETtT ? 1773 J. Merrick and W. D. TATTERSALL’s Psalms, 1794 1. Lord, dis - miss us with Thy bless-ing, Fill ourhearts with joy and peace! 2. Thankswe give and ad - o - ra - tion For Thy Gos - pel’s joy - fulsound. 3. So, when-e’er the sig - nal’s giv-en Us fromearth to call a-way, Let us each, Thy love pos-sess - ing, Tri-umphin re - deem-ing grace. May the fruits of: Thy sal - va - tion In ourhearts and lives a-bound; Borne on an - gels’ wings to heav-en, Gladthesum - mons to o-bey, ete ae is Bo o . ao Sips eg oi Cen See Reo easaeiaen A iulivsy iF O re-freshus, O re-freshus, Trav-’ling thro’ this wil-der-ness. Ev-er faith-ful, Ev-er faith-ful, To Thytruthmay we _ be found. May we, rea-dy, Maywe rea-dy, Riseandreignin end-lessday. A-MEN. | Ga Vg.» 22 as een oe ese eee ee | i 3 yw eS a 318 Abide With Us, Our Saviour CHRISTUS, DER IST MEIN LEBEN. 7 6, 7 6. JosHUA STEGMANN, 1628 : ‘Tr. UNKNOWN, 1848 MELCHICR VULPIUS, 1609 eee ee ee ee eae 1. A'- bide with us, our Sav’ -.iour, Nor‘ ;let’ Thy mer = cy cease; 2. A - bide with us, our Sav - iour, Sus- tain us by Thy Word; 3. A - bide with us, our Sav - iour, Thou Light of end- less Light, tS a ara eg —— From Sa-tan’s might de-fend us, And grant our souls re - lease. That we with all Thy peo- ple To life may be re- stored. In - crease to us Thy bless- ings, And save us by Thy might. A-MEN. ~~ 319 May the Grace of Christ Our Saviour STUTTGART. 87, 87. Adapted from a Melody in Joun NEWTON, 1779 Lupwia@ and Witt’s Psalmodia Sacra, GOTMA, 1715 rn ) —— —= ey a . ane as , 7 ND OE eT | aR : 1. May the graee of Christ our Sav -iour, “And the Fa - ther’s bound-less love, 2. Thusmay we a- bide in un-ion Witheachoth-er and the Lord; 6 Cl \-# i 4 : cane shaw aan a PEE SoA th RIN urs 28 Pl ec) BL tee L , PLES aan eet re) Pitot tame A MAA i anata A | GLOSING HYMNS = Se ae o ea ro da Oi gs With the Ho - ly Spir-it’s fa - vor, Rest up-on us from a - bove. And pos-sess, in sweet com-mun-ion, Joys which earth can-not af- ford. A-MEN, Joun ELLerton, 1866, a. EpwarpD J. Mopxtns, 1869 -o- Saviour, Again to Thy Dear Name 320 ELLERS. 1010, 1010. —< P cpa ama a = I. Sav-iour, a-gain to Thy dear Name we raise With one ac-cord our 2. Grant us Thy peace up - on our home-ward way; With Thee be - gan, with 3. Grant us Thy peace, Lord, thro’ the com-ing night, Turn Thou for us its 4. Grant us Thy peace through-out our earth-ly life, Our balm in sor - row, a ; Rggtkne Flies a | ce ee ere part -ing hymn of praise; Once more we bless Thee ere our wor - ship Thee shallend the day; Guard Thou the lips from sin, the hearts from dark-ness in - to light: From harm and dan - ger keep Thy chil - dren and our stay in strife; Then, when Thy voice shall bid our con - flict Then, low- ly bend -ing, wait Thy word of peace. That in this house have called up - on Thy Name. For dark and light are both a- like to Thee. Rall usii) O-> Lord, tow. Thine / e)+/ter’- ‘nal peace. A-MEN, TIMES AND SEASONS a 321 On Our Way Rejoicing HERMAS. 65,65,D. With Refrain. Joun S. B. MONSELL, 1863 A FRANCES R. HAVERGAL, 1871 Sie Saar e 1. On our way re-joic-ing, As wehomewardmove, Hearken to our prais - es, 2. If with hon-est-heart-ed Love for God and man, Day by day Thou find us 3. On our way re-joic-ing Glad-lylet us go; Conquered hath our Lead-er, 4. Un - to God the Fa- ther Joy-ful songs we sing; Un - to God the Sav - iour a sph binb tite ate a 4 ike : < -6- abba a ae O Thou Godof love! Isthere grief or sad - ness? Thine it can - not bel Do - ing what we can, Thou Who giv’st the seed-time Wilt give large in- crease, . Vanquished is our foe! Christ with-out, our safe- ty, Christ with-in, our joy: | Thank-ful hearts we bring; Un - to God the Spir- it Bow we anda- dore, Nis aris eve Pade . ines oa ee hie te paige pepe Sear ay Gumi REFRAIN ie = ge cae = ee a SS Sa Is our sky be-cloud-ed? Clouds are not from Thee! Crown the head with blessings, Fill the heart with peace. On our way re - joic - ing, Who, if we be faith-ful, Can our hope de - stroy? On our way re-joic-ing Nowand ev - er - more! -2- 9 | j 1» 8- -G- See ee == ===— A ae | | ~@- i oo y | as we homeward move, Hearken to our prais- es, O Thou God of love! A-MEN. CLOSING HYMNS God Be With You Till We Meet Again 322 DEUS VOBISCUM. 98,98. With Refrain. JEREMIAH E. RANKIN, 1882 WitiraM G. Tomer, 1882 a o—e— be with you till we meet a - gain, By _ His counsels guide, up - be with you till we meet a - gain, "Neath His wings se-cure - ly be with you till we meet a - gain, When life’s per-ils thick con - be with you till we meet a - gain, Keep love’s ban-ner float-ing & @ @ @ @. ee a ee ‘ —_— Saree Nee NS tee eee a V 4 hold you, With His sheep se.- cure -. ly fold you, hide — you, Dai - ly man- na still di- vide you, found you, Put His arms un - fail- ing ’round you, o’er you, Smite death’s threat-ening wave be - fore you, eee a. -e- : eo > —_ EL aff ATs i CATE aa AS + Db e—— ——— ——__——_ |} + — Fee o—st aa a RACES ie RS op _ Saat er ca V ps REFRAIN — | Pa SOP a tac ORIEN SOF Ml MITE BENE aE LT IPT —— fh cag ae Loam =e 3 ss g—$ PR’ | $ A ee vy) oe Y V God. be with you till we meet a- gain. Till we meet,...... till we Till we meet, till we aa 6—3a— pa eas, a os ae aes amelie ee Raat Oks Moony Teas —s ie ee ee eee @ F -6~ ° @ ° meet, ilk we .meéet- tat) Je"-7 sus’ feet, Till we meet a - gain, Till we meet, Ba — = ae N, wos a ee ae ae Se = ee ies oer 3 mae sted i ipcpe ane $9 #5 3 — 2 as >! | an a RE Yev Pals Ze IMEC 4d ote... till we meet, God be with you till we meet a - gain. A-MEN. Till we meet, till we meet a - gain, 0 @.2 @ 9 @ @. 0 @. a ae a eae Fo Ae (ae pra MAM aA PH P- -CPTA — +--+ —S = = ae pee eet 2 ———__—___ 5 (ee a RY, cy -L} ea Fr te Pore Los) eres ‘a v TIMES AND SEASONS THE LORD’S DAY 323 Safely Through Another Week SABBATH. 77,77,77. Joun NEWTON, 17744. LowELL MAson, 1824 1. Safe - ly through an- oth - er week, God has brought us on our way; 2. Mer-cies mul - ti - plied each hour © Through the week, our praise de - mand; 3. While we pray for pard-oning grace, Through the dear Re- deem - er’s Name, Let us now a_ bless-ing seek, Wait-ing in His courts to - day; : Guard-ed by Thy might-y power, Fed and guid-ed by Thy hand; "J Show Thy re - con - cil- ed face, Take a- way our sin and shame; Day of all the week the best, Em - blem of e - ter - nal rest; Though un-grate-ful we havebeen, On- ly made re- turns of sin; _ From our world-ly care set free, May we rest this day in Thee; Day of all the week the best, Em-blem of e - ter - nal rest. Though un-grate-ful we have been, On - ly madere-turnsof_ sin. From our world-ly cares set free, May we rest thisday in Thee, A- MEN. ig a 5 3 THE LORD’S DAY 4 Here we come, Thy Name to praise; 5 May the Gospel’s joyful sound Let us feel Thy presence near; Conquer sinners, comfort saints; May Thy glory meet our eyes, Make the fruits of grace abound, While we in Thy house appear: Bring relief for all complaints. Here afford us, Lord, a taste Thus may all our Sabbaths prove, Of our everlasting feast. — Till we join the Church above. This Day the Light of Heavenly Birth 324 LUFFENHAM. L. M. WILLIAM W. How, 1854, a. GEORGE A. MACFARREN, 1872 I. This day the light of heaven-ly birth First streamed up - on 2. This day the Sav - iour left the grave, And. rose, om + nip- 3. This day the Ho - ly Spir- it came With. fier - y tongues 4. O day of light and life, and grace! From earth - ly toils © “edzord, this -ie day O - gus, may we rais - ed O flame; - it, fill eur hearts this sweet rest - ing - place! Thy hal- lowed hours, best gift af And fill our souls with light From death of sin to life day With grace to hear, and grace to pray. love, We give a= jgain to ~ God a - bove! A - MEN, TIMES AND SEASONS 325 O Day of Rest and Gladness DAY OF REST. 76,76. D. CHRISTOPHER WORDSWORTH, 1862 James W. ELLIOTT, 1874 | O day of rest and_ glad - ness, O day of joy and_ light, Ie) 2. On thee, at the cre - a - tion, The light first had its birth; SUNG uCay JO ta Weems LY. na - tions The heaven - ly man - na falls; 4. New gra-ces ev - ef gain - ing From this our day of rest, i Pie -o -6- ee 6 O balm of care and sad - ness, Most beau- ti - ful, most bright; On thee, for our sal - va - tion, Christ rose from depths of earth; To ho- ly con- vo - ca - tions The sil - ver trum- pet calls, We reach the rest re = main <- ing To ‘spir - its of the blest. 3 tile aD la att Ms wll ae Tae a Pee te On thee the high and low - ly, Be - fore th’e - ter- nal throne, On thee our Lord, vic - to - rious, The Spir-it_ sent from heaven; Where Gos-pel light is glow - ing With pure and ra-diant beams, To Ho - ly Ghost be prais - 6s, To... Fa = ther, ands, to goons 7S Voices in Unison ~- & -» — F / es gleeE Pab ie Li a BA Sing: Ho-ly, Ho-ly, Ho - ly, To the great Three in One. And thus on thee, most glo - rious, A tri - ple light was given. And liv- ing wa- ter flow - ing With soul - re- fresh-ing streams. : The Church her voice up - rais - es To Thee, blest Threein One. ‘A-MEN. ec ee r -~ ~9- = Gesnraie on oe 29 aia : Peer rre = : ee aes. | Poet han Wesel Coss ee ) | | THE LORD'S DAY This is the Day of Light 326 DOMINICA. S. M. JOHN ELLERTON, 1867 HERBERT S. OAKELEY, 1875 Basted ai ld bas DAs aig i ing Let. there, “be. light to-day; Our fail - ing strength re - new; Thy peace our ‘spir - its . All; Send forth Thy quick - ’ning breath, O Day-spring, rise up-on our night, And chase its gloom a - way. On wea-ry brain and troubled breast Shed Thou Thy fresh’ning dew. Bid Thou all ill and dis-cord cease, The waves of strife be still. And wake dead souls to love and praise, O Van-quish-er of death! A-MEN. Sweet is the Work, My God, My King 327 TRURO. L. M. Isaac WATTS, I710, a. WILLIAMS’ Psalmodia Evangelica, 1790 * Tay 4 heed haa —\—| ab eves amt =e = are out on | GELACe ET Bh NT Sg Sa Re eel g = e- E- : Aa ea ey I. Sweet is the work, my God, my King, To praise Thy Name, give thanks and sing, 2. Sweet is the day of sa-credrest; No mor-tal cares shall seize my breast: 3. And_ I shallshare a glo-rious part, Whengracehath well re - fined my heart; 4. Then shall I see, andhear,andknow All I_ de = sired or wished be - low; NS To show Thy love by morn-ing light, Andtalk of all Thytruthat night. My heart shalltri-umph in my Lord, Andbless His works, and bless His Word. When doubts and fearsnomorere-main To break my in - ward peacea - gain. d ev-’rypow’rfind sweetem-ployIn that e-ter-nal world of joy. A-MEN. Py atr: Ota Te = PP s ‘ 5B sa J Or bal Soars A NM wo a3 oe ery ae 2 Pt — ps — a a © Gi2e GEE Le EM CS A i Leo a on Lt mem one ii) ease =f | f TIMES AND SEASONS MORNING 328 When Morning Gilds the Skies LAUDES DOMINI. 66, 66, 66. Anon., 1828, Tr. Ropert Bripass, 1899 St. I, vr. 1-3, EpwarDB CASWALL, 1854 jJoseran anik 1868 FRO pea SS) EE a NTT ana I, When morn-ing gilds the skies, My heart, a- wak - ing, cries: 2. When mirth for mu - sic _ longs, This is my song of songs: 3: No tove- lie an - ti - phon In all high heaven is. known | eo et - us “4 2 3 ~ ir ar ea aaa ace —? om Pa Sa Sanne Soe —t ne ‘nt —}--— | 0 50a ad ' _————— ——}—H] May Je - sus Christ be praised. When eve - ning shad - ows fall, May Je - sus Christ be praised. God’s ho - ly house of prayer’ Than: Je - sus Christ be praised. There to th’e- ter - nal Word This rings my cur - few call: May Je- sus Christ be praised. Hath none that can com - pare With: Je - sus Christ be praised. Th’e-ter-nalpsalm is heard: May Je- sus Christ be praised. A-meEn. 4 Ye nations of mankind, 5 Sing, suns and stars of space, In this your concord find: Sing, ye that see His face, May Jesus Christ be praised. Sing: Jesus Christ be praised. Let all the earth around God’s whole creation o’er, Ring joyous with the sound: For aye and evermore May Jesus Christ be praised. Shall Jesus Christ be praised. MORNING one My Soul, Thou Must Be “Waking 329 HAYDN. 847. D. FRIEDRICH R. von Canttz, 1708 : Tr. Henry J. BUCKOLL, 1841, a. Arranged from JosEpH Haypn, 17091 I. Come, my soul, thou must be wak- ing; Now: is break-ing O’er the 2. Glad -ly hail the sun re - turmn- ing; Read-y burn-ing Be the 3. Pray. that He may Pros - per ev - er Eachen-deav-or, When thy oP I ays —» eh 4 ‘nt MES oA, 2H wa + | ott ETE i ’ a” —$$—$$—__. ok My, >, eee Y ‘ earth an-oth- er day, Come to Him Who made the sgplen - dor; in- censeof thy powers; For the night is safe - ly end - ed; aim is good and true; But that He may ev - er thwart thee, See thou ren - der All thy fee - ble strength can pay. God hath tend - ed With Hiscare thy help - less hours. And con-vert thee, Whenthoue - vil wouldst pur - sue. A - MEN. = 4 Only God's free gift abuse not, 5 Glory, honor, exaltation, Light refuse not, Adoration But His Spirit’s voice obey; Be to the Eternal One; Thou with Him shalt dwell, beholding To the Father, Son, and Spirit, Light enfolding Laud and merit, All things in unclouded day. While unending ages run. TIMES AND SEASONS : 330 Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies GOUNOD. 77,77,77. CHARLES WESLEY, 1740 CHARLES F. GouNop, 1872 1. Christ, Whose glo - ry fills the skies, Christ, the true, the on- ly Light, 2. Dark and cheer-less is the morn, Un - ac-com -pa- nied by Thee; 3. Vis - it then this soul of mine: Pierce the gloom of sin and grief; Po: eh Re |; —_} —___4_|_4-,—_3-§—_6—g @ o——_,—|-e-$—o-*__6_ aoa RL I ae Sun of Right-eous - ness, a - ise, Tri-umph o’er the shades of night; Joy-less is the day’s re- turn Till Thy mer- cy’s beams I. seé: Fill me, ra-dian-cy di- vine, Scat-ter-all my un - be - lief; Waa Sheed aaa! Mga Ree Mik Yat od “ -0- 0. 5a wii Tiaa alin ee MAL Ps pet wo Abertae borat "Sd ee ee eee eee oo Smee ARERR ATER ———$$$ iota San er ea ra ase te | ge tasae Saris Day-spring from on high, be near; Day-star, in my heart ap - pear. Till they in-ward light im-part, Glad my eyes, and warm my heart. More and more Thy-self dis-play, Shin-ing to the per - fect day. A-MEN. ————e ay ee sips te. od 331 O Father, Hear My Morning Prayer EVERSLEY. C. M. FRANCES A. Percy, 1896 ARTHUR COTTMAN, 1875 | Fa - ther; hear my morn -ing prayer, Thine aid im- part to me, 2. Maythis de- sire my spir- it rule, And, as the moments fly, 3. Some grace that seeks my heart to win, With shin-ing vic- t’ry meet; 4. That so through-out the com- ing day The hours shall car - me MORNING aa That I may make my life to-day Ac-cept-a- ble to Thee. Some thing of good be born in me, Some-thingof e- vil die; Some sin that strives for mas-ter - y Find o - ver - throw com-plete; A lit - tle far-ther from the world, A lit - tle near-er Thee. A-MEN. bie -9- e- Do. -9- Sz se ea reo Saas Min as See ee ssa ae a Scena ae Every Morning Mercies New 332 FOE SOS o50 7417 2 GREVILLE PHILLIMORE, 1853 Epwarp J. Hopxins, 1872 | IN N g a —|—__S__} Abe Sr eSeee gene ae ea ee SP, ENG GR REM OSLO CEA SSDP Ab e226 ae saaiecre 1. Ev -’ry morn-ing mer - cies new Fall as fresh as morn-ing dew; 2. Stillthe great-ness of Thy love Dai-ly doth our sins re- move; 3. Let our prayers each morn pre - vail, That these gifts may nev - er fail; 4. As the morn-ing light re-turns, As the sun with splen-dor burns, l l Se erst Ha : pial @___@ _@ @ a pre Ore oe ee =f Ll BLE ON PEROT RNIN Wee fede Nera art ——___—— _ e—+——_ ——_— Ev - ‘ry morn-ing let us pay Trib- ute with the ear - ly day; Dai -ly, far as east from west, Lifts the bur - den from the breast, And, as we con-fess the sin And the tempt-er’s power with - in, Teach us still to turn to Thee, Ev - er - bless -ed Trin - i - ty, For Thy mer-cies, Lord, are sure, Thy com-pas-sion doth en - dure. Gives, un-bought, to those who pray, Strength to standin e- vil day. Feed us with the Bread of Life, Fit us for our dai - ly strife. With our hands our hearts to raise, In un ~ fail - ing prayer and praise. A-MEN. TIMES AND SEASONS 333 Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun MORNING HYMN. L. M. THOMAS KEN, 1695, 1709 Francis H. BARTHELEMON (1741-1808) 1. A- wake, my soul, and with the sun Thy dai- ly stage of du- ty run; 2, Wake and lift up thy - self, my heart, And with the an- gels bear thy part, 3. All praise to Thee, Who safe hast kept And hast re-freshed me while I slept: 4. Lord, I my vows to Thee re-new; Dis-perse my sins as morn-ing dew; sie eer coca = --| |_—_____—---|___— —_—_g@—-— EAN 6 | hed Cf, “oy Shake off dull sloth and, joy-ful, rise To pay thy morn-ing sac - ri - fice. Who all night long un-wea-ried sing High praise to the e - ter - nal King. Grant, Lord, when I from death shall wake I may of end-less light par-take. Guard my first springs of thought and will, And with Thy-self my spir- it fill, A-MEN. 5 Direct, control, suggest, this day, 6 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; All I design, or do, or say, Praise Him, all creatures here below; That all my powers, with all their might, Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; In Thy sole glory may unite. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 334 God, Who Madest Earth and Heaven GOTT DES HIMMELS. 87, 87,77. Hernricu ALBERT, 1643; Tr. JoHN CHRISTIAN JACOBI, 1720 ARTHUR TOZER RUSSELL, 1848, CATHERINE WINKWORTH, 1855 Heinrich ALBERT, 1642 God, Who mad - est earth and heav-en,— Fa - ther, Son, and Ho - ly Ghost, Who the day and night hast giv - en, Sun and moon, and star-ry host, = 2-1\My om - nip - o - tent De- fend - er, Who from ill doth set me free; & —_ eon eee Je - sus, in - to Thy pos - sess - ion M4 re- sign my-self to-day. In —__@___¢ r . f | | | Praise to Thee my soul shall ren - der, Who this night hast guard-ed me, \ Let the night of my trans - gres - sion With night’s dark-ness pass a - es. —— MORNING AREA MCRD ROR BUS ET Reet [pasa] ete RS TEL Oa 2 Z 5 amt ee te Fi re oe a ae me (——aea= Ss aS ernie! St carrer oe ae le rs | Thou Whose might-y hand sus-tains Earth and all that she con-tains; i Free from dan - ger, an - guish, woe, Free from the in - fer - nal foe. ‘In Thy wounds I find re-lief From my great-est sin and grief. A-MEN. | | ! | ee a aceon rae pees a pe SS aie | 4 Let my life and conversation 5 Wholly to Thy blest protection Be directed by Thy Word; I commit my heart and mind; Lord, Thy constant preservation Mighty God! to Thy direction To Thy erring child afford. Wholly may I be resigned. Nowhere but alone in Thee Lord, my Shield, my Light divine, From all harm can I be free, O accept, and own me Thine! Forth in Thy Name, O Lord, I Go 335 CANONBURY. L. M. CHARLES WESLEY, 1749 Arranged from RoBERT SCHUMANN, 1839 (== ee ee | —} rt] ‘ sh dt \ rl % I. Forth in Thy Name,O Lord, I go, My dai-ly la-bor to pur- sue, 2. The task Thy wis-dom hath as-signed, J, let me cheer-ful-ly ful - fill; 3. Thee may I set at my right hand, Whose eyes my in-most sub-stance see, Thee, on-ly Thee, re-solved toknow In all I think, or speak, or do. In all my works Thy pres-ence find, And prove Thy good and per-fect will. And la-bor on at Thy com-mand, And of - fer all my works to Thee. A-MEN. 4 Give me to bear Thy easy yoke, 5 For Thee delightfully employ And every moment watch and pray, Whate’er Thy bounteous grace hath given, And still to things eternal look, And run my course with even joy, And hasten to Thy glorious day; And closely walk with Thee to heaven. TIMES AND SEASONS | 336 Evening and Morning DIE GULDNE SONNE. 55,55, 10,56, 56, 10. PauL GERHARDT, 1666 Tr. RICHARD MASSIE, 1857 ; JOHANN G. EBELING, 1666 = @ 1. Eve-ning and morn -ing, Sun- set and dawn -ing, Wealth, peace, and glad-ness, 2. Fa-ther, O hear me: Par-donand spare me; Calm all my ter - rors, 3. Griefs of God’s send- ing Soon have an end - ing; Clouds may be pour - ing, oe -- -@- Com-fort in sad - ness, These are Thy works; all the glo- ry be Thine! Blot out my er - rors, That by Thine eyes they may no more be scanned. Wind and wave roar - ing; Sun-shine will come when the tem-pest has past. aie | | —}—|—_ pa ace SS a8 Times with-out num-ber, A-wake or in sltm-ber, Thine eye ob-serves us, Or - der my go-ings; Di- rect all my do-ings; As it may please Thee, Joys still in-creas-ing, And peace nev-er ceas-ing, Foun-tains that dry not, From dan-ger pre-serves us, Caus-ing Thy mer - cy up-on us to shine. Re-tain or re-lease me; All I com-mit to Thy Fa-ther-ly hand. And ros-es that die not, Bloem-ing in E- den, a- wait me at last. A-MEN. oe & @ EVENING Now the Light Has Gone Away 337 MUDE BIN ICH, GEH ZUR RUH. VA day 9 FRANCES R. HavERGAL, 1869 FLIEDNER’S Liederbuch fiir Kleinkinder-Schulen, 1842 = eae Ramer s 33 —__ 3—_— : I. Now the light has gone a- way; Sav- iour, lis- ten while I pray, 2. Je - sus, Sav-iour, wash a - way a = et Sawer Pm 2 RCW: Joun B. Dyxgs, 1862 ae Peri ES IER BE SS PEM Ps CIN: aE OMT LOnae PR a a ae a | ne? day yis) "past ‘ands: ‘oO ~>-ver: All thanks, O Lord, to Thee! 2. The joys of day are o - ver; I lift my heart to Thee, 3- The toils of day are o - ver; if lift my heart to Thee, 4. Be Thou my soul’s Pre - serv - er, O God, for Thou dost know yume Pa eo: PA4CG = [~ ial e o— sa SSE ME A EN UI DE ae eT SUM ATC LETS Rs —— sacs BUEN fr ATO Rea ERR a I pray Thee that of - fence - less The hours of dark may be. And call on Thee that sin - less The hours of gloom may be. And ask that free from per - The hours of gloom may be. . How ma-ny are the per - ils Thro’which I have to go. 7 a eo a a Sea eres < a ch. caeeh O Je-sus, keep me in Thy sight, And guard me thro’ the com-ing night! O Je-sus, make their dark-ness light, And save me thro’ the com-ing night. O Je-sus, make their dark-ness light, And guard me thro’ the com -ing night! Lov - er of men, O hear my call, And guardandsavemefrom them all! A-mMEN. TIMES AND SEASONS 345 God, That Madest Earth and Heaven CHORAL EVENING HYMN. 84, 84, 88 8, 4. REGINALD HEBER, 1827 St. 2, RICHARD WHATELY, 1838 JAMES TILLEARD (1827-1876) 1. God, that mad-est earth and heav - en, Dark - ness and _ light; 2. And whenmorn a - gain shall call us To run life’s way. 3. Guard us wak-ing, guard us sleep- ing, And, when we die, 8. -G- -p- ty -9- -@. radia sgt o_o as Who the day for toil hast giv - en, For rest the night; May we till, what-eer be- fall us, Thy “).will 0) ¢=a8 pew May we in Thy might- y keep - ing All peace - ful lie. >: 7 AIC WAG AN OR RE A TP i Ti’ Bae o Oe ee ie te eee a Rae maura eS ' 2 SS a a EE Le 7 I SL , a TA: Manone y | May Thine an - gel - guards de-fends us, . Slum - ber sweet Thy mer - cy send us, From the power of e - vil hideus, In the nar-row path-way guide us, When the last dread call shall wake us, Do not Thou, our Lord, for- sake us, | t¢$ + @& I’ «a Ho - ly dreams and hopes at - tend us, This live-long night. Nor Thy smile be e’er de- nied us, The live-long day. But to reign in glo- ry take us, With Thee on high. A-MEN. EVENING Abide With Me; Fast Falls the Eventide 346 EVENTIDE. 1010, 1010. HENRY F. Lyte, 1847 WILLIAM H. Monk, 1861 1. A - bide with me; fast falls the ev-en-tide; The dark-ness deep - ens 2. Not a brief glance I beg, a pass-ing word, But as Thou dwell’st with eral need Thy pres-ence ev - 'ry pass-ing hour; What but Thy grace can 4. Hold Thou Thy Cross’be - fore my clos-ing eyes, Shine through the gloom, and ae See ae el 9: — ———___}—,-— Lord, with mea - bide; When oth - er help - ers fail, and com-forts flee, Thy dis - ci- ples, Lord, Fa. - mil - iar, con - de - scend-ing, pa-tient, free, foil the tempter’s power? Who like Thy~- self my guide and stay can _ be? point me to the skies; Heaven’s morning breaks, and earth’s vain shadows flee; Help of. the “help -less, ..O+ . a= bide with me Come, not to so - journ, but a - bide with me. Through cloud and sun- shine, O a - bide with me In Mie, pith, o Gente -. Lord, aves pide with me A-MEN TIMES AND SEASONS 347 The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, is Ended ST. CLEMENT. 98,98. JOHN ELLERTON, 1870 CLEMENT C. SCHOLEFIELD, 1874 1. The day Thou gav- est, Lord, is_ end - ed, The dark - ness 2. We thank Thee that Thy Church, un-sleep-ing, While earth rolls 3. As over each con- tin - ent and is- land The dawn leads soy i ce sri of. ¢_¢ 2 ae HP p—e——? Z Sn ee | Se EEE WSU SMU AIA PN NS SENT se G Aarmenny Ae -— aca rs ogg PO Ww | | falls at Thy be - hest; To Thee our morn ~- ing hymns as - on - ward in - to light, Throughall the world her watch is on an -oth - er. day, The voice of prayer is mev = er } Cans J zm S TR NGA TE a ED aot | cend - ed Thy praise shall sane - ti - fy our rest. keep - ing, And rests not now by day or night. si - lent, Nor dies the strain of praise a - way. be An - oth - er year of trust-ing, Of qui- et, hap - py rest; An - oth - er year of prov-ing Thy pres-ence all the days; On earth, or else in heav-en, An- oth -er year for Thee. A-MEN. TIMES AND SEASONS yi 352 Our God, Our Help in Ages Past ST. ANNE. C. M. IsAAC WATTS, 1719 WILLIAM CROFT, 1708 a Bild a | seve i eta eer ~e. ie a ae EER rena} 3 ry 1. Our God, our help in a- ges past, Our hope for years to come, 2. Un - der the shad-ow of Thy throne Thy saints have dwelt se - cure; 3. Be - fore the hills in or - der stood, Or earth re-ceived her frame, 4. A thou-sand a- ges in Thy sight Are like an eve-ning gone, ” -0- -0- | 2 p . i fe ies estas ee Selesae es: = a Sane a : Pare A ne Our shel - ter from the fel ae blast, And our e- ter-nal home! Suf - fi - cient is Thine arm a-lone, And our de-fence is sure. From ev -er-last-ing Thou art God, To end-less years the same. Short as the watch that ends the night, Be - fore the ris-ing sun. A-MEN. 5 Time, like an ever-rolling stream, 6 Our God, our help in ages past, Bears all its sons away; Our hope for years to come, They fly, forgotten as a dream Be Thou our guard while troubles last, Dies at the opening day. And our eterna! home! HARVEST 353. We Plocehurne Fields, and Scatter _ WIR PFLUGEN UND WIR STREUEN. 76,76.D. With Refrain. MATTHIAS CLAUDIUS, 1782 Tr. JANE MONTGOMERY CAMPBELL, I861 Jouann A. P. Scuutz, 1800 1. We plough the fields, and scat - ter The good seed on the land, 2) He on- ly is the Mak - er Of all things near and far; 3. We thank Thee then, O Fa - ther, For all things bright and good, ‘ ; HARVEST hPa OHA wil Dt" RA a : ee ge OE Ps EAC Ne ae ‘ Kes But it is fed and wa- tered By God’s al-might-y hand; He paints the way - side flow - er; He lights the eve-ning star: The seed-timeand the har - vest, Our life, our health, our food; + — —+—_ ———+—} -= —— o——¢ ——I——_@——6 a He sends the snow in win - ter, The warmth to swell the grain, The winds and waves o - bey Him; By Him the birds are fed; No gifts have w of - fer For all Thy love im - parts, e to rae NVRIEIRE P P aS eee PIS ALOE SN OB a. The breez-es and the sun - shine, And soft re-fresh - ing rain. Much more to us, His chil - dren, He gives our dai - ly bread. But that which Thou de - sir - est, Our hum - ble, thank-ful hearts. REFRAIN Ao ETT A el | —— = a Sager ome anaes All good gifts a - round us Are sent from heaven a - bove, A little slower eee 4{—i— SEASIDE Saas ay See pet et A oo a a Ee == Be Regs gg ry ee fo pat meet Sarat ee V -G- Then thank the Lord, O thankthe Lord, For all His love. A-MEN., TIMES AND SEASONS 354 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come ST. GEORGE’S WINDSOR. 77,77. D. HENRY ALFORD, 1844, 1865 GEORGE J. ELVEY, 1858 SSS Se 4 1. Come, ye thank-ful peo - ple, ‘come; Raise the song of har - vest-home. 2. All theworld is God’s own field, Fruit un - to His praise to yield; 3. For the Lord our God shall come And _ shall take His har - vest home; 4. Ev - en so, Lord, quick-ly come, To Thy fi - nal har - vest- home; @ 2. : Beye BP isles All is safe-ly gath-ered in Ere the win - ter storms be - gin. Wheat and tares to-geth-er sown, Un - to joy or _ sor - row grown; From His field shall in that day All of - fenc - es purge a- way; Gath - er Thou Thy peo- ple in, Free from sor - row, free from sin, | N eri Eetoey gem eacaitted a4 Enos Pe ced CY ! = BAAD EO OSES EE SANIT | God our Mak - er doth pro - vide For our wants to be sup - plied; First the blade’ and then the ear, Then the full corn shall ap - pear; Give His an - gels chargeat last In the fire the tares to cast; There for ev - er pur - i - fied, In Thy pres-ence to a - bide; ea oy Come, to God’s own tem-ple come, Raise the song of har-vest- home. Lord of har - vest, grant that we Whole-some grain and pure may be. But the fruit-fulears to store In His gar- ner ev- er - more. Come with all Thine an-gels, come, Raise the glo - rious har-vest-home! A-MEN. Praise to God and Thanks We Bring 355 CULFORD. (7 7,.7°7.D: Wo. C. GANNETT, 1872 EDWAkD J. Hopkins, 1867 ——__—___——-. | _——-————_———— |} ———~ [{_—_————_-—. _—_——. — * oe ae Detar Te eae oa = a——_6 4 Fare = > ie s~- ws ¢ ae -o- -9- G- 1. Praise to God and thanks we bring,— Hearts bow down, and voi- ces sing 2. Praise Him for His sum-mer rain, Feed-ing day and night the grain; 3. Praise Him for the snow - y_ rest, Fall - ing soft on _ na - ture’s breast; peeee es : > fA a ace Speen renter cesar 22 oS Ro Sore ee a” z o Vii Oran ee ee Prais-es to the Glo-rious One, All His year of won --der done! Praise Him for His ti- ny seed, Hold-ing all His world shall need; Praise for hap - py dreams of birth, Brood-ing in the qui - et earth! Praise Him for His bud - ding green, A - pril’s res - ur - rec - tion scene; Praise Him for His gar- den root, Mead-ow grass and or-chard fruit; For His year of won- der done, Praise to the All-glo- rious One! Lightnin” el ae ne a -o- o- re ade rte ooo i Wea alae j= Sobre pee = _——+— ae $$$ — S| py |}, | ___ 3 | Praise Him for His shin-ing hours, Star-ring all the land with flow’rs! Praise for hills and val-leys broad, Each the ta - ble of the Lord! Hearts bow down, and voi-ces sing Praise, and love, and thanks-giv-ing! A-MEN. o eo #. o 9 o- f- eit mM a JV 3 ‘ : erecteien " Lo i = rT) — a Bae ! ‘ peer | >a ea at ET Na ER eaten aed D Bas patois iD eeatans seo R TIMES AND SEASONS SPRING 356 For All Thy Love and Goodness SPRINGTIME. P. M. FRANCES JANE DOUGLASS, 1848, and WiLtiAmM WALSHAM How, 1871 Arr. by ARTHUR S. SULLIVAN (1842-1900) | 1. For all Thy love and goodness, so bounti - - ful and free, 2. The spring-time breaks all round about, wak-ing from win-ter’s night: 3. A voice of joy is in all the earth, a voice is in all the air: 2. ga 2. Thy Name, Lord, be a-dored! On the wings of joyous praise our hearts soar Thy Name, Lord, be a-dored! The sunshine, like God’s love, pours down in floods of Thy Name, Lord, be a-dored! All nature singeth aloud to God; there is glad-ness 2. Last verse. Slower. up) torr Thees tGlo a) eo | a ; verte ASNT CREATE UW ELT AN AA ica And all na- ture ris-ing, break Glo-riousfrom its win-try tomb. And our flesh in hope shall rest Till there breaks the end- less spring, TIMES AND SEASONS NATIONAL 361_ » My Countay: "Tis of Thee AMERICA. 664, 6664. ; SAMUEL F. SMITH, 1832 Harmonia Anglicana, c. 1742 2 eee 1. My coun - try, ’tis of thee, Sweet land of lib - er- ty, 2. My na - tive coun - try, thee, Land of the no - ble free, Of thee I sing: | Land where my fa-thers died, Land of the pil-grim’s pride, Thy nameI love; I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and tem-pled hills; ~— From ev- ‘ry moun - tain side Let free - dom ring. My heart with rap - ture thrills Like that a - bove. A - MEN. 3, Let music swell the breeze, 4 Our fathers’ God, to Thee, And ring from all the trees Author of liberty, Sweet freedom’s song; To Thee we sing; Let mortal tongues awake; Long may our land be bright Let all that breathe partake; With freedom’s holy light; Let rocks their silence break, Protect us by Thy might, The sound prolong. Great God, our King. 362 God Bless Our Native Land AMERICA. 6 64,6664. Based on a German Hymn by Sicrrrep AUGUST MAHLMANN, I8I5 CHARLES TIMOTHY BROOKS, c. 1833; Revised by JoHN 5S. Dwicut, 1844 1 God bless our native land! 2 For her our prayers shall rise Firm may she ever stand To God above the skies; Through storm and night; On Him we wait. When the wild tempests rave, Thou Who art. ever nigh, Ruler of wind and wave, Guarding with watchful eye, Do Thou our country save To Thee aloud we cry, By Thy great might! God save the State! NATIONAL God of Our F athers, Whose Almighty Hand 363 NATIONAL HYMN. 1010, 10 10. DANIEL C. RoBERTs, 1876 GEORGE W. Warren, 1892 I. God ‘of our fa - thers, Whose al- might-y hand Leads forth in beau - ty 2. Thy love di-vine hath led us in the past; In this free land by 3. From war’s a - larms, from dead- ly pes-ti-lence, Be Thy strong arm our 4. Re - fresh Thy peo - ple on their toil-some way, Lead us from night to +—- ee a —t—, Spe all the star-ry band Of shin-ing worlds in splen-dor through the skies, Thee our lot is cast; Be Thou our Rul - er, Guard-i ian, Guide, and Stay; €v - er sure de-fence; Thy true re - lig - ion in our heartsin - crease, nev-er-end-ingday; Fill all our lives with love and grace di - vine, et SS = ae Our grate - ful songs be - fore Thy throne a - rise. Thy Word our law, Thy paths our cho - gen way. Thy boun-teous good - ness nour - ish us in —- peace. And glo - ry, laud, and praise be ev - er Thine. A - MEN, TIMES AND SEASONS 364 From Ocean Unte Ocean WEBB. 76,76. D. GEORGE J. WEBB, 1837 RoBeRT Murray, 1880 1. From o - ceanun-to oO - cean Our land shall own Thee Lord, 2.0 Christ, for Thineown glo - ry, And for our coun-try’s weal, 3. Our Sav - iourKing, de - fend us, And guidewhere we should go; And, filled with true de -vo - tion, O - bey Thy sov-’reign word, We hum - bly plead be-fore Thee, Thy-self in us re- veal; Forth, with Thy mes- sage send us, Thy love and light to show; Sao ———— =e aaa Seer ee = Our prai - ries and our moun - tains, For-est and fer - tile field, And may weknow, Lord Je - sus, The touch of Thy dear hand; Till, fired withtrue de - vo - tion En-kind-led by Thy word, gig i Our iv - ers,lakes, and foun -tains, To Thee shall trib - ute yield. And, healed of our dis - eas - es, The tempter’s pow’r with-stand. | From o - cean un - to o - cean Our land shall own Thee Lord. A-MEN. NATIONAL O Beautiful for Spacious Skies 365 AMERICA, THE BEAUTIFUL. C. M.D. KATHERINE LEE BATES, 1893, 1910 2 WILLIAM W. SLEEPER, 1908 N \ SS o @ : s—_"_, a é = —— iat ae SEE . MELO ante CCL oe I. O beau -ti-ful for spa-cious skies, For am - ber waves of grain, 2. O beau -ti-ful for pil - grim feet, Whose stern, impassioned stress 3. O beau-ti-ful for he - roes proved In lib - er - at - ing strife, 4. O beau -ti-ful for pa - triot dream That sees be- yond the years, nae Nae Ns | N Bee ee ea Fee pif gh Sa Sa | | dees. eI ‘ Rees oe ae aM STS For pur - ple moun-tain maj - es- ties, A - bove the fruit - ed ae A thor - ough-fare for free - dom beat A - cross the wil - der - ness; Who more than self their coun-try loved, And mer - cy more than life! Thine al - a- bas - ter cit - ies gleam Un-dimmed by hu - man tears; A -mer-i-ca! A - mer - 1 - ca! God shed His grace on __ thee, A - mer-i-ca! A - mer -i - ca! God mend thineev - ’ry flaw, A -mer-i-ca! be ba 7 —--6—— a oe See EDeDE : ig PM PEO eae See : ee Ful - fill the prom-ise of her youth, Her lib- er-ty de- fend; : The vir- tues of her min-gled blood In one new peo-ple blend: Bring down the proud, lift up the poor, Un - e- qual ways a - mend; O’er hill and vale, from sea to sea, Thy ho - ly reign ex - tend; 7 Wee See tyt GRETA EARS We I ———— Sheeee Ss = SESE i- ca be-friend! 1 - ca __ be-friend! By law and or-der, love and truth, A - mer By u - ni- ty and broth- er-hood, A - mer By jus - tice, na-tion - wide and sure, A - mer By faith and "hope and char -i-ty, ) edd! sy eh 4 Negi ees aa a4 INDEX OF TUNES NAME METER NUMBER RESTE Ge gI AE? GA ei I ee PMS ASUS ee iis i's oe ae Se ee 144 CAPITIS gage ad apt aR a i a Se BOIGLO AN Doctor utr. soy alae tee 73 PPS OEN ACCES F605. Of aa. i ha Ey GBS ee Se te NS ye! 16, 216 LENS fe ell Re 7 a a BP ESS, A1 Aye ee ee en oe Caylee 59 JOP OSE ULES i Co a a OD oes saci one. oe 291 Mulelina, dulce: carmen. : 2. ..... 6... oe cc eee, SUS pe Ol ves heme eck | pee ee 250 Ream fe ny. a BOO HEE cto lead a sc tiem erereTy che ste ea. See 283 OASIS" SB, ORR en Pre tay ae Keita Sn heey Woke Ley an ay 8 Amen, Jesus han skal raade................. TCR VER PUREE Pee a aR OR ARERR URED 298 aeRO er eh Ae OOS GOOF Foc str tthe ne socale Shui Yo cae 361 Poomenieascane Beautiftl.... 2. ss... ics cnt so eete C. M. Deli nme sree eed bet eee 365 BAPE ATES YING 252s es. Poa are Sone TOSTO Sel On LOR rite ccs Tena eee, 254 OTIOUMMNT EEG or oS ie. sas oe ee hottest 78, 78, LL EROS HER EE ORL ee 129 Ancient’ of Days. .....:... PaaS oe aie’ Aahove lors PA VOSSL I TO so trae. Youre Sa ee ee 113 CM OP RAE SO Se a a eC rot RT, tee Rie eaeripee Line Sie hme Un ate Uae LEN 171 RUPIPLICMSORES SOE ee hes eo Sccc hc cue ech PO sed 1 210; with Refrain yee. fe Stare 160 SEEMS IIE Rl oe Sees oe we eee LOMB OD Detect a he nema ae heres Sete 269 PUMOIBBOEMIESUS cco. se soc cco cc we Liglo ite 10): with-Refrain: 224% occ. 180 (OVE 2 IIMA ae CR eC ae ee C. M. Mer icg, See sia ae oes Calais ae e st ee 19 OS YSIS: ES a Re Sa Tee LD Man Cees se eae AER: oo, 0 SP tes 220 ETE 2 7 5 i a ae a 668, D. ne GGsrenrs sedi erent bialette «cs a ont 309 RNAS 5 5 i SARE ea CoV Die k iocny oe. ie Raines. oka tats 138 PORPIDOME BOL oo as Sohbet keke. C..M. é bho MEP peau ES ABD Regehr 122 Rn cls ow eddies Woon oe ek AOraL Ore LD) eenet 2. ceed eee coe ee SO}F135, 2351 PRE EATIMRER TONED 2 oy.0 orgies ure cance ve Sek ST eat cts Gee Fae d dolvache Paty DU ee ee 136 Be Oe asso. os ile's vee vee ccna, CORMPUERS catenin cb inde Sete Mee ee eames 1892 MaRS ere a's ese cia cccseceaceve WAY As rk han MR vO BE ie Bein De mpiting 57 eC cee kk a cc s sc wh aro eho ccs eels Con Mihi tara ce Gates, (id leery EE ee 1891, 191, 313 eM i sc se nas coe se caecases Bl SOLE LL eae as Metts wigs coe etre tae ee 2242 Pa aREy ee occ ce eve ec daes G4 HOF OOF cette ees oo ce tks det en ae 299 CS AEST OE oy a ee Sak VM eh ree ieee ada tig sa tice eens 4 ee MCS TAI a on is cle o'n ie ove-wie's Oude GOOOMID Ae cee oh keris ce cd ween Mae One 153 PME IN Mere oe tise Gin Ss. c's. -e sec e sc Cgble das SETFOR WAP coe Ae Lote sie ieete oe ee 11 UMM es oils gay ah Soc «5.0 2 oa ovine «bb ve oe GCoeOO LI Mase ce dhe Ceuk meee eat 43 BRONTE MME AS Iie’ TS sf cis cess as snes chatcs GS LANES sate ere era ie oo at site torte 202 CU CS Di ea a GA EGA ELI aS tet Gate cere ss, bate seme Be dane 273 Serenen Irene eo re Ba Dee VER trie we etic, Wie de te ek ae 63, 76 PROMS aan isle eke ow oe sous 4 ein sare ST VGA a Pos ee rad Pak Le chee 127 GIMME RS TENGE Sele 0, ov 'o.v0 ace er olloveiempn b BOMLO sn Os1O mas Secs cite are a oe ame eran 257 TUTE. Ve RSS ES Ao ea OF ROS PA OELO fois octal alctystolare tba tineies otwis 272 SEMITOUDUR OE Soy civ o's siciea co ve hate da sieves Be WL Weer aG 5 ciate cane Senos nates een 20S ae ERATE SEs os, 6 th o's o oc es oTE ono oe. ore Bare kc OS OS teeter ca ct cons ae coals be eee tate 78 MRAM eee See ces vc cial vive occ Lamhnet 1d, (Ld bor, WIC: REITRIN ovo vccidene aide coe Co 348 MENTORS Mee coils is e¥p 4, Soka 4's tie sco cc bleed 76, POM SNe PAM. Bi tush te a ae cea ete erate 155, 258 USOT oo aS A oe GEM aaron ie ey Ss otca tes Bea eee ie ace tet ne 3 MCAS ST PAINS S'S Ys lets os sjt.0t avnloo cow chee Cu Morwitht Refrain, toc ok cree eet cae ote 182 Choral Evening Hymn..... Mpa shure 7s etetthetetele trata Ba aa NOD G4 s oatery Melede ty cletese «she eee ee a 345 OE SS aa EP RO te Sl OMA! SEN EROS SA Veltese-e ths sable lat ee Christus der ist mein Leben................. LOvEDieraetns chee Recteceaeee ao Mistara chee s Meena Ee Clarence ....;. Mei dieie's's So'einec's ca saiels cleans SEGRE TS Soke ob iat ae Cassese roe e tae eeeen et eeraon ¢ INDEX OF TUNES NAME METER NUMBER Confidence ........ Od See Oe ey irate: Ue RS COO VEE ee TUS MME MLD plied! SFO 74 Coronae )2iy 0 ee ee ae aR SO, Bg A Raine alts airs + Wide nls ola aitlsi aa Rinne 98 CHLGNAtioOn ior ike amends Tere Oo 48 im satay ake CM eee SB AD clade shee aera een 1853 Pras by We PA BRUNO s MRR Slay » ye noel erent 10.°7) 107% with Refrain... ©./9., 2303s 221m PEulbach 733. si 0uot.0i ile vas japan whibicts ple ahem ale 715 TT RC Vole ae cdetel og Uk heen een 350 MAOVITE OEE ee cca ts eae wished ital Pas ane poratng ote a aah et TTS TT Dinas <0 eet yaks a aay Darwall’s TST Rev eae SE torreon ee Press eee 66, 66, 44, 442.2... cece cece essences 172, 366 DAVIC seo eee ERE NSE at kaneis 65,905: Las ig sos Ba eles SR SRE oe Soe PAVGOL Reston hire demi wg te ole AA falas SEOs) EO e Ma's tein la les ele boom, lel em 2 el ea 3259 PISCICATION Y/ sre Gi. v lee widlala, shale yo pa ese imate as Sa Ba heat ee ner Mer eg or ‘gs ye 2a Devs WobisCun 6 is Pet ne ee aeons 2 98, 98. ‘with Refrain: x): aoe fod patho oad DESCOCTIIACE ere vr du teta atutcle ates: rane eaten arial SMe Des ie a ee US Dies sidney’ Sonne ss. .f i. voles) eteletaste y eheisieeieee’e 55555510, 56, 56) 10d. oo eis eee 336 TPS CRN ete elf eee eae Soha Ge wee ale ALY hay ibe 71, Ba odd drain, Taal s aaa he dees ame PO TLIC Sie are AE ahr. Cs ele ate kale eae oes Se icc Re ee Re erate - 3264 POM US! TESIb WIE. epee falas 'n/aerwtahal tthe em eta 879.87. Tainbie,\..9 i /.). sea So eae An Grate Maa PE ch, Lie CB bd Wile Pe Mapa p eaten Mera a 664, 6664 oc Seok eines boy els tee Sie 162 ED AST TRAN iso ol ee Puna a oe Re ne hay Sie ba acl Pa te L. M. Pa hcalaly ly lotenbna de ord ancl bles 193, "937, 349 © Dyb; af: Kjaerlighed..s\.0:\.'/.'.' oa. Ba eds 664; 6664 elit ea atts clalete te Aimee ea 164 — BEAVHOLC Au aak eco, 2 cleo ca a getaua'e INO (Abst TROT a Aaaicola paolo xs hoa a 261 | Hinveteste Bure +. 1.3 wis omep tt syst Pale ettigestets 87,87) 5596; Tales cole vies ole ee tee taco aa ‘134— Briliacombe) ieee ac, os ee guceo 4p rien ete Pde CoM Da ee a oe , 1238 RRCLIOES! Wind igs.o a's 5 ekki aera eto eats ee Se 10°10;:10° 10-9). ae ee ee = eee 3208 -Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort........... DM ee a a 12119 Beri n heer fies Ss alee Caw og oa i Cg eA a B90 87 Div ehaak delta hee Met . 240° ASE AT NY hate od sea hg he bien rete oie lanes alee Vee | Daioh! Wyle PAP aN awn Le Gah re Bucharicticd vce ce toes tet ae tale ei tae peee ee 87°87. Dat. eae ie eh ee ones i Fh: Ea W (ny A eae mi ang GA a Lee ge A cs Roa Ce Mit a ei ee 1 BVENING ik ok Ue odes op eae eas CE Fey, AAG. De os 0 lee ae la 338 Evening) (Prayer, . ss.) ee ee eh ree ns iigslyhoarks BT BT es iso cis a cled shia fee eS oe ‘S..5, 7 ORE FEVETICIO Go is 2 ee Disasters bo ciole oats Bit laly Whe tows, at hte ma asahlauegie: » 10 10, 10 TO. fi. 2 qlee. 50s oa 6 sew ee 346 TV OLts hg ioe Cie cheer cl & cs Sue Se satis, Peake iets artes Oak 76, 76. | Pete ven at ae pe deb Des he “117, 259% EGVELSIO VIN oss) nel MA hans sn Meg ops te hee Ol Me a Fite ele St hie Sale ae 4 oe Me Wavaehee os 500 Thess asees MU etath. obese T a S OPRIBTA) 705°: 76e! Did AG 2 fo une pee eee PSE ea Py gti so pie SARA Ne ok oer we eae stasis SUS is Lyrae etek ratte ena J, ea 7am BET GN age sa See feo bin a eee ain ee B75 87 Doe fal ee len leta erl 300 Parra rite obi anc pth vein aie shore aes e10!eleae etatatno a apes CM he PAR Piece rate street. oa cack stale chk oy selavt oats Wk ale oun meus > Bee Ms to aa 142 TP OLTIOL? oe oe eo hake oe eee Ularacetel siaelags Wh eam TITTLE hee Va Pia lt ie er 146 Bestal SOUR ieee sake Sa sig pues heh atime ipa Ar SIM atin fae pla tena 289 BSRITUAIX Pig ccc ths slebinin oe ae ema tcstiate, a Ne agua 664, 6664055000 Pile aa ea 105, 267 MAS CLs ee aha de tess coteMed eh Siar sum, he poet Bist aN Ra to Me 655 655 De esi oreo lece ald eee are sa aN ete 190 Flemming vee evs hanes cite pues mbes cage Pega P1111 ADS Se. ee ee ee a Forth, tom he Sent vy .cas 0. ee seein neice + stint 76, 76. with Refrain.’....'.... 2's. ee ber ~~ 198 PROTUUTIALUIIS 5 icc cw ohare Res Pin mss oe 0 5.8 hie Wa elpbip alan 11.11, 11 Td ALS cs eels ils Sei ee : .- CSalilBe lst ay ss vialb ic Up me SoatN, wie pte yf Sintale BT ORT ve etal lt sn sulle biog olele tine gamma 2204 CeerimiaGy Sissi oy Vad So oes teen ep eae aes 1 Rd ae eer en rk a ee Ly She a Ye God, Who made the earth.........--.+--+e+- BFA GAG ALOE «pl ode lak eee Je oe Terr aTatt Foe tied cock | bea Ohh oe aa e ay eee id Gre: ware Pc (274 Gott des Himmels und der Erden...........- BT. BT OTT” i oinca tes Sine eae es: Gott sei Dank durch alle Welt........-....- Tl OTT ee ein piel ns een eee i alee 1 CUGUTOE Gc aah ee rae wakes AF LP hy oaeoee VAT, TT Oe ae ous ea So es eke ere, Grace Church ss. s sci ces cer sicqee ves see cued | Pi EAA AMR el iar 34 Green Hill oo... eee ccceee sven er secenns CG M. BM ee AOR Se ee ee 010 estates tell li INDEX OF TUNES NAME METER NUMBER PI Ace MES Sa. N ong ka LEM eae Gt PO RLO. LD) With Refrain Oates uaa t 285 Seer ens SC eee ey en tele) Mi Carl haa Bs Peay sew a 110, 194 Per Wels, eh oer tr OA hes Af bets 87, 87177. with’ Refrain... 0 auene ee 195 LCST | OM Saale al ea ae ee dene ae te Rann 77, PP leat) ot hee A ae le eae 100 | PED ee 8) a Me Pia ce WE Dae Bia Baba Bh Ee as 7 BRI D6 2 Ree AY He Hé ‘leadeth me...) 400: a 2 el peg cade eX Dvd Pe with Refrain’! 3 bo Sts nan ears 304. Heathlands ........... $0. Sg Paes Cum) pO RORY A CR AEE Coat Gel Re A eae Seg Pec ha yy ioe Pay oted SL naiae ae vanbeeeys 77, SMI SEA HISE L Lipe gt NOAM PI ise 278 | OST ER i AD ih Oe a a 65, 65. D. with Refrain Egy Aebeh sane 96, 201, 321. Herr Jesu Christ, dich’ ‘zu uns wend......... 1p a ee Sate Dai oe ZO Ae Se RIES UR.) Ae bE Hs LY el AN sie Ne Aaa ee RR ce OMA LSTA | te cok Seay Sine we Het SF le) AAC ay Ptingy hoe Hollingside NAC SS a RPT ia) 77, Re DMR hs RAE Ac ae Gaal 3 AP 260! OTE ES 15 0 0 IR Si a Blea isy lise |e bevels bir estaree ees caret oe 10, 148 BeeOUUrCN are oe eo ys eye. Sage BF TEP Udo Saad Dp Pid tot ale Re a Cag 141, 303 BesAtiiia ir) fetes. 2°. puetny WAe tse. Se Ag COM OBE OAT sil Ou erect nrateratobeds 6 Sr. Prosanna stl se... PE PAM Ee ow a seks Ute ye | Ls (ice LES Sap LOD We re ui ad i EEL 72 StUTSIey soo. eh beatae et BAN AN tak aay ae Miag rorert de dos atte gobi e ttc ss ls cy tal 343 Wyneed: Thee every hour... -..2.. 006. 620. Ga Otwwith: Réfrainy Ui ea erect se aan 236 I think when I read that sweet story....)... EI vog ee Oleg seh os oe Ph eee Ga ia 151 iN SSE ale San ar READ QUE ORR AB yo ale 7 a 150, 157 Te 4 ARES SRT Ee ea ae SEARLE ILL eal ae hak Sale teh ena Eee 17 i NU ES aa fig VF ick 4 Dee VORA ge Rn ean Mea Men 62 Italian Hymn EMER ORES aire abt ite a ee oa 664, GOOAr Ne hat eh tal tial aimee sic ARE 112 Jewels ....... Wied Bek itary y We tee iano 85, 85. with Ret rary Soy wrong td on ahaha 183. Just for to- Blea Shee a ee PL So Nelle a Sloe with. Refrain ay ca). pasdiaeaaceal spy: 233 TES A SS aa ‘asec spb atthe TITLE Pit a pike THRs a eI LA 332 apy. RS Lye ne ar oh he tei att DOF ROO ORM. Shami Ady eee oie Tae 225, Lancashire SAE 1 LET A A er ROCLO SLIDES ee Nn eens seca eet 7, 81, 290 Langran Mh ee RTOs BO RLOP LOR ate rcen. ) a mer ert Sette eae 310 CEN SS Ee an Irregular UNE PEO! aly ence oat cde a aistale .. : 80- ee nnn ie A ER) te a RR Hi RAE A ROA stoke? ETI SOE an DOOD WOO tal ACO WIE ne thas tok Gots SPEAR PA.© Laus (OSG IN Sa eae nny Y 66, DOM ARC SI eER RC ed Moathebers | a i sheers «0; 192, TES BOT OY AS Se Ra el ea GOmOGmn 1 rOCuAicicte a ys cite aoe ees LES OE ISU TE 0 ilapttee co7e B Aree iat 41 ig AnSernnmaraa nS Ss # ee TA ste ae Eiebster Jesu, wir sind hier................ Spe iS A A He aa Ne a al etioe VR e eg cL oe it te | Se he Tk Ss ee ee Ghar One ears. Eats eke rie oc Mie ns toe 235 eet ee ei Re. bine ke bane ca Vee Ost lees ace ine CnNitic et Sea aiiaee: seks Brg ve th PEOMURIMILEIIM Gt. eek wenn cee uvee ERA AGN A Ow Sete en Pe eed ae ae eee ae RE 25 OS RS A ea needs ULAR NIG Tee ny Sab SRR alee feauney League Hymn... v.00... cs ce oon. aa eeea VES eta etre a: Leah iene enya erat Bes “294. ENCE ee ate Ss Ses hc oe Cas We See OTA LONLOE LA Nero oRe sel e Sha ee eave «GL Ta oe Pi ROD eR OSS AD Aa haat See LMbbee Sialstiig pee re PeZONSY oe ya IE PE Pe Ske Nas sea ha ubirs Os wees MORAOM BL eal Lite cw soles Colonie Lee rae to cky Ae Magdalene ....... ti Aa Sek ah LA hig GOMOD tee eal MRA eas pee eater ete 67 Maidstone ...... ere ea On ee Gy ay ptr PMN Ieee dear ess vee RMSE hE Pa iy ge' RE Ms Vc so sk Ske boos RELIES Ula aetys cote uae s aiatacinL sid bone ma a ee rehuelt MUMIA hs hw. gos... Se ice, Sic, Meme Bol paid SAVE IEE e RRELLAIN D topenre e ee Sey ant on Oe 316 RI IAN he's) eins Chote o's. eele son Ulite o's FEY chee tarek ie eaaiay eee 2602 SN i RSA a a Ge EADY rao ns w Neate er ae Sine 18, {181 te CED So oe 5 vin ace! t al Ayaire oo wth Ca ee ake h.e ery wet ahe es aLy Re Rs 282 TG a tafel th wie «bic win oe sic sa'b css aatrekaly bea SOs GOOEY chic cen diee oe ation tee eee eee 99 (A APR PS Sime IN DN SRT ara Dag Sop Git Miaih niin abla ts teins bet le ee Rega a Cy NS wre ii a cis este yes cig ede ty 88, 88, 88... ccseeeeeeteeeeeseescgaeerey: 370 ii, INDEX OF TUNES NAME METER NUMBER Meticlelssobin a ssciiyts oe viet onake to wttle tie bible pe hve 71,17. D. with: Refrain foo 3.s Sin st ee eee 13 Mend On atin ick deowale cake ois we ce eelnlens ace taiedere ise LM Sayan et bale pie see 106, 1212 Meeribalisees co. Stes te 05 wielele Ws aieiera ate hos etal S86. Dl iy re cance ane mC AUR le a aceee ee re ae 281 INGCTTIAL ic tie choise &oahe ea teedk eo hrnretens Stata enorae 8 65; 65. sie Ssiels slave oud opie 59) 0 lam ony te a) 340 Miihes* Lane Fel ibs ce esis ote Sin gialsialeier abt gert Cs CMS Ceuta accel Be Satase-s testis ie ane . ie en Missionary Hymn ..........secceeceevccece 76, 76. Dy eociciee a's a kcetete cla 016 nie gene eee 158 Morning (Hymn yeas isle < oe poles ess vies eae Le Me oP ee ais nes ee oe ae 333 Morning (Stari ..Fs o2 sci 3 fee rhc. ocaby als see ale LP 1O0s;S 1110 ee sel iat awit ie oe tee 47 WEOSCOW ee cre heir ie cee He Tae oie ieiedd ssele ane 76, "6 Die) keh s Ce eee 210 VEO ZALES ec eive ole oUgtin sits fee elgits eloan wheels tea e Te Mane io he elec es lle b'2 4 ot ce ale ape en 209 Mtr Airy heer. t Sits Sateen a ee males baie wr yies | PD COA MOR ARPES st 264 Miide bin ich, geh zur Ruh...........--eeee- 77, LT 25 isu la dae tie Miers niet aies lave cota 337 National (Hymn 6 ois: coi se otiaie se tle eateblelele 10°105:10 10.25 ei sheers anne aL ee a 295, 363 INI BAT COD re ookto ys Wik ode ockue: ois Rbepevece.e Goloua erst ana 87) Sig td dsc 2 ile sielalaip siete to boat el ote ole) maaan 308 Near the: Cross cic dou sic cists bts boo ba os cle Svat us eeivleiae as o,d'p bes 4s sinielgis ase 9m a/Hielb sinus a) ean 69 IN COSA AEE elles os Becta ied Bey wUnae ered fe at cieien fe Trregular (0). o)ojc.5 vis ales Woe bids croid’s aie alate en 108 Nun danket All’ und bringet Ehr.......... Gs Me dene ie b's ee cot 0 ale see Gt nanan 1877 Nun’ danket’ alle Gott.3. i... neo. eevee ets 67, 67; 06, G65, 500 vie egies, c 88, 88, 88. with Refrain.............. 139, 297 Stee tet NePine.e (OMEN) eve secs casts dew eee eae P.M ay ig rea ioes a antale, cae ee Peery Cae 145 DEP Christopher |. gaa ode fe weg c sh cae cg eee ss 70. LOM Lett catameca thal ole ete eee 64, 268, 369 St. Chrysostom (Barnby)..............00 506 BB 88h BS rye ve ee cle tet a cece mol coeracetene aprerela eers 262 Strecmrvsostory (OM) 6 ois ais i oe ve wae etes Vt oat W Raa kPepeasn at ea ate EI Dir fo ae 284 RP ERSIOIION UG eiies Fina ae tele: 6818 «0a ance 9 a Pareeles QR OB ie arcic ee aon eae erates otal wisl's! ofsw ca canna er ota rate 347 Sis OF TLOS SR eae tae ARPT abe Tey MS te he octets Ba Salle seed of Soper 77 “ROT: Say AR a pt Se nr SLE i 1010, 4) sete Se Ue TRE eae in hoe a eae 203 RAPER, law's; aici k vive ¥ieis one peiare’ © SEM reso he ce ad ert es ticlane © eared 2 Sears 280 St. George’s, Windsor... ........ccceseceseces 1a Rd Bree ae re eid! EC Aer iCw ee: 82, 354 PME ORETINOGH SE . fon sv cikors oo ite the tf te co aoe ® 65) 65. Dwwith Rerraitcrs. . ss nee 293 RB PORMEIETC tt. Wis hive onc ake oS are miele dope so aula aypele GOS O0 ss Soci cn ctersiic delesinies sales aicvars Sakura 128 TSG URS SE Se on ee re are ee SER ot Lo hace eee hele sales oft ee Maina i ote scene aa 2 SiAMES 5 ci. 3 x3 Wipe naAt Nite o Sl gayatas timaltie os | Os Lod RAGS pga bp aan Said Sh ery a ge Cent Pa 231, 270 SEPP ISCONATO ch nicl, o's > sisi dio ce fd te Pod Wet indies CMe Dee ee ee Se, ert eredite 9 49, 116, 287 RRPPIETAC IAT Merete, hee ras, are Galea cies Gere owic,« CSatO5 ated cil a Weel arule: Gites nls cake oi 4,25 see eee 101 SEIVATOATCU atte. yo a na. os occ ne es sa eels sn p's SRT BRO Silane arnt ache ee aietehn abel. « tnlan ehetene wiaam 275 MIEN Sate EGE ci a'e Gk hvsiele’ s a )a.e stare ee sieves O4104, G04 oi acy as cts epae's stb os etiam ZiAs INT RELI Cee it) aes cic cow eke wat o's wees HOP O00 LOCH AIC. wie eters cies sities Ag o.¢ mi ermiate aietes 65 BPR TBIEEY «op NOs oi, os oan ete pier BS wicle* Sia,0 epee oye CBM ieee pat pele arene sos nae eeky 46, 147 BATA OL oe aie kee ab 4 Hains e's s 5-0 hn 49 ones SMe nA Shc Ue eae ate o Wis ala so 4 yeieye sane 247 MTT OS. Co OE hc ie at pieiangis' sso 3s @ts.pi eho neal s 65.165... with Refrain os. 2. wpe eee 51, 200 BESUMCOOUIDI 2d. 5 cloes eb ce esc ees ace thles ws TOM OM) ics cleaners ie cance erat a\s cate § stata 6, 70 SHEED OMIAG. o-. s is,s so + sls cide 6 elsleied nial Siecle oe See Meee ea itoue slo oe icici: thaeelamemra 131 RMN go's dels patie ows p aie 95 Wate cites tae. MOLE CMEL she: 57k caste, oN, 8s Moola! aye at as naa eke 323 LOIS a, .e!c. caw he: sso c’eiehe yp = suse yy aie oie» SMG Lp tes she anghenn o Haw arathate ditels cee «onion 61 RTRIATORI ey oo5:5.2 cc .wiclalorcie ob. earns et ee sieie's BGO SS sus s. 8 cistern stcre facial ccotese stars a) etc lerame 149 MMTMC CMM SONG sk as. o dieiee ss ee seneescceey BPS Ta Deets v's epee Oe ote cher oth Mie ea rat 177, 241 MR Ri eo < oe Sloe cots aeseavess TER a es Socata cae eh rs create ace 288, 371 Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf..................--- AP ONSS 4 aoe . «team 256 PUILOORTIGR Gee criaits « dele oofste wane frecsaase ys BIER Ate chs cd viell om wiaie’s bare asia es 8 319, 359 Parvmtin PLDI. coi sik'e «3-8 < <6 a0 aJocbie, 0 BvD eT ea loka ore Ge STE EMNES soe ts toaketcpeiele. + Gina = 715 51 ee 159 SUPpHCation. 5.6... cscs cece see cccessccceses Sy Dace “Vialalalo: e1eilthy oposite ones ie meets 58 Pale CANON fof case ce sce sce cscsenceseeses PRM oe aie ko Seas cake deel teus Sere artes 339 Mallia CPFCINAlS: vcr a's os ov o.cs chive veluccenceoms CMB Aae He as ii cane coe eae ee ene 143 OTP ISP Princ oc nis-a oxen cin 8 waves cecaveses 1 acd) Bea ea ara Secbriely cathy one LPAI A = Pee Aes 156 Thanksgiving ........seeeeeecereceeeeeeees Te Me ae a a cited Sera leads Ce eit end Met arate 266 TRANCE TSS wi sc alecaae'e sia'esw ese ye sles ay SAMY OE OE ee Aelia oie aaa en escent 124 MeOdOrel och ches cn ccc ttccuaceveseccscess S7SAS Tc oie ee eels siiuin so ms ae we aie A preteeae The whole wide world.........-.sseeeeeeees 76, 76. with Refrain. .........-e+eeeeeeees 168 Toplady .....-+-- ee EMPL ee ew Lt Re waka ahd y PL Le sien oa a ee aiave 88 Ca aceaa <8 Shel Pan aie2 v _ INDEX OF TUNES NAME ,; METER NUMBER RE OMIT S ae rte a) ory MENTS whe Ae eet spetielbietta « Shotae OSL at Oe LEA wien era tpele’alele 6's bie pipttien eames ae PEER OTE Py Seas Side hd tte te a eam ni 6455.04" 664... Sue < eel Lace ae ee yee eae ae AB echtiss ja) NGM Mein Anan ree SRO Malay lL et te cn] SBT 87, 187 oh ytisetiey Mee eth) a aaa Re ie 45 RERUT chy A oere''s: cuentas ce oot vaiall a AU baeap a ade ie ae 1 PIR RE SPR INA ENE US i “163, Sat Min aiguie ts Gloria et es Su sy ioe ene ee ieee 10 4066; OO, TOUA 2 a eee Siti jek» hate aa am 244 ‘University College See en yee rie aan 17 ib aed. gieRiea etal a edie daw Mites a eagann we ek” 44 MSTIOS VDCALA Cun oan ate hai hr eaten Ril, BPS i. De eee es eis Weigel dl gthaby mary anep meee Veni} vent Emmanuel: / 3.0.05 8e3 eae esac bP 88) 1885 88 ie siete dia <'e'vis is 6 Dt arate +o sro sterem une aed Vesper Hymn Re PS SEA RRS ye RR WS AH Slo Devin vraen pave lie cee sin man wean SHS F182 PVAGN MA sre He SAGE Dei esse ee ts nos Oe eee CVE ET oS Sa ddd oF Oi Bee al Oe 3a Re ee pos Von Himmel:hoch: jeccui ei xsi cities ae OF LM, alate Sid Sevins type ate fe te eee AR Eel f! Ned, Oe 26) (ole RRM Ay or Nn AL MCE RP eg ef Gis MEDD cael ala gist ota saa eles 30 bis cee sw 206 WV PIDTO EGE E ah oo Ma Pak Tue mee ae g Wehd pen Le Ms Dr Seie Pie Sra eee eee Sos eral eee WWialtbarn aC Ion ) aya arcteleg aie as iate cere arn 66766; 660.2. 28 oy. ort es VN acidity a Chabiciry iL Sor tk ONE TUS lene tae Le Mee god Hata t eh Seats hy Sa es es Nuarehanio se PoP UNNoee Sky NES an, LUMO eter a th eee ACORN ey Acie s Wh, Loans Sikh a neh Boge oe eee NY TIT Digi eer aS ee ES 12 DVEDD Vidal Si atnadivsise sce heen ree oie Bain cy 105° 70. DEM ON tes ete ee ‘Fit +170, 364 AME Or mm Canin iy. Ak oy! La toey Ame, ee ie eee Sel NS Ge eek ce ere ° 4103, '234 We march, we march to victory............. seers INE ad Sree tik Sie wee ae i hye Lab sae sa Lite 197 VENCH) PEACE MREIAITIVEr, ys tAisi an lee cate ak neers 11, 3,:.11°9-owrth Retrain, fob degees eee es 3 BOS MMi iter Ate oe iy cs.) inary Ree oo Eran 86,' 8862 2:.20e! see) Bh eles a ten ee) 223 WVIAC OSUCE Uaiuicl, au he Nstste wip ow ols, ses SO SAO Rare CoM fantats PIT PREM TEE ail be * ere 0s, IVDO etn ssid oy eeu Woe ae ye dlels eta ines shay 11 10, 11 Loses ea sara TSS aac -Wir pfliigen, und wir streuen............ Paty TY 76, D. with Refrain, .»..s.....he. BES a a OVAL GS SOL MING, ictlts ony'ats ainsiuviooe & erat tin Semen: 86, 865'88, with Refrain, 7... timers Fag PAVOEREITs wh Ah ould na tige Weaker a olen Reo) 77, 01, witht ‘Allehtiat 23 3: sie een Oy 2a CRON ia Gt tin ag = Mlole:t Ne aint eintage Wie Ss tleiele he OI MD B Pa Se SUR Eo a UGS Sra seceee 140 i ty Lghgoe” i eer S shacwe S : Mite si. a7 iter “ 3 < , ZF aperd imoe = INDEX OF FIRST LINES AS A mighty Fortress is our God..:....:.. .134 Awpilgrima’ and a stranger: 2.6.53. ...5% 179 Abide with me; fast falls the eventide.. 346 _ Abide with us, our Saviour............% eH Rs: uelie dy sing? to Jesus. ac. oa. sess eee 186 Alleluia! Song of gladness...... alt 250 All glory, laud, and honor.............. Mor fe) All hail the power of Jesus’ Name!..... 185 All praise to Thee, my God, this night... 339 All the happy children... ........ thd ae 201 Almighty Father, God of love.......... 371 Ancient of Days, Who sittest throned in Se GS LS “jal cle folie Sida, ood ves 113 Angel voices ever singing...... Puc weg VED 171 Angels, roll the rock away.............. 88 #@mother year "is dawning. .........)...06- 351 mimaitne Lord, awake... 0.660% ves e' 163 Around the throne of God in heaven.... 182 Art thou weary, art thou languid....... 66 As pants the hart for cooling streams... 226 As with gladness men of old............ 48 mime iames, Of JESUS, ©.) 50 .e. ees Tee asAS Awake, my soul, and with the sun...... 333 Awake, my soul, stretch ev’ry nerve..... 286 PAV PAIULATINANCCT s*.'-..cecote eae sels beck as 40 B Baptized into ‘Phy Name. :°22..0....3.. 128 PE i Loe 9 Ta) Fg SG 184 Before the Lord we bow....... 60.0604. 366 Behold us, Lord, a little space......... 313 Blessed Father, Great Creator...°.2.... il Blessed Jesus, at Thy word......... Pete 3.15 Blessed Saviour, Who hast taught me. 152 Blessing and honor, and glory “and power 254 Blest are the pure in heart..... a gh As 274 Blest Spirit, one with God above....... fee 107 Rreak Thou the bread of life........ BE. MelS Brightest and best of the sons of the STIMITREET PED aha) pe co's c's 5.2 ews ees 47 Brightly gleams our banner..... Magy tats Eh eOO we | C Caso areas PALO ea cos cia die oye fe 4 sods ae Child Jesus came from heaven to earth. . ' 39 Christ for the world we BING ihe eicigs yp ence) LOF Christ is risen! Alleluja.... 6... +27 OF Christ,. the Lord, is risen today: ‘Christians - 83 Christ, the Lord, is risen today: sons of” nA aha MSE Gey W's oth win b Sb ca,0 wie ope bie 82 Christ, Thou art the sure Foundation... 174 Christ, Whose -glory fills the skies. . 330 Christian, dost thou: see them... ......2.5 ».296 Come and hear the grand old story...... 33 104 oi wVevbave Come, eracious eae avira Rees awe Come hither, ye faithful.....%..7)..... 16 Come, (Holy Ghost}/in® ldvey wneion ne 105 Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire.... 106 Come, Holy Spirit, God and Loru...... 102 Come, let us join our cheerful songs..... 187 Come, let us join with faithful souls..... 282 Come, my soul, thou must be waking... - 329 Come, Thou Almighty Kang yee. sees 112 Come, Thou long-expected Jesus..:..... 2 Come, ye faithful, raise the strain....... 89 Come! ye lofty, come! ye lowly........ » 22 Come, ye thankful people, come........ 354 Crown Him with many crowns.......... 188 D a) Day is dying in the west................. 348 Dear Lord and Father of mankind...... 223 E Easter flowers are blooming’ bright: ..... ' 94 Eternal Father! strong to save....../... 370 vening’ and morning sd: e705 Eee 336 Every morning mercies new........... 332 F Faith of our fathers, living still........ 139 Far ‘o'er: yon: ide bse os a 202 Father, again in Jesus’ Name we meet... 310 Father of mercies,,in Thy: Word........ “118 Father; Son,-and Holy Spirit... 5....... 148 Feeble, helpless, how shall: I...:........ 208 Fight the good fight with all-thy might.. 209 Fling out the banner aba NRO J Oat Sale 166 For all the saints.who from. their labors TOSLE Mote ete Ws oiie eaie aboraeh Pr nee pet 178 For all Thy love and goodness.......... 356 For Thy mercy and Thy grace.......... 350 Forth in Thy Name, O Lord, I go... ... SoD Forth to the fight, ye ransomed.......:. 198 Forward! be our watchword........... 292 From Greenland’s icy mountains........ 158 From, ocean: unto ocean... : ..0/5/- <4: «:saueon 364 From the eastern mountains............ 51 G hae Give to our God immortal praise........ ey Wy Glorious things of thee are spoken....... 136 Glory be to God ‘the Father cas oun oes a 247 se tint cat 54 WEY ig visi a0) e's ol'sinel oie ete ouoiceheuerenels «eit oboe cama 305 There’s a song in the air..... AONE LS Ves Where cross the crowded ways......... 169 There’s a wideness in God’s mercy...... 2290 While shepherds watched their flocks:.:. 24 Res torent baie fatigues tal nie 480°: Who is. on; the Lord’s (sides i220 fares ‘SE bores This day the light of heavenly ake ia ae Who, O Lord, when life is o’er........ 14 205 This is the day Of Tig hina cen pot gees os . 326 Wide open are Thy hands.........++.+. 61 Thou art coming, O my Saviour........ 11. Winter reigneth oler the land 4.5 6.38. gay ese Thou art the Way; to Thee alone...... - "979 With happy voices singing. ..%.%.....5% 199 Thou didst leave Thy throne....... ae hetenyhae rene Y earn > Thou, Whose almighty Word.-.. «....5. AOD ied iA 4 rn: aia Through the night of doubt. and. sorrow. 137 Ye happy. bells of Easter Day.........0 (92 Thy life was given for me...... Par se le, .6& » Yield temptation.7t. °. 2a2) lee ee Thy Word is like a garden, Lord. . PPR VR ner om 3 Thy Word, O Lord, like gentle Aovan LLGOg es Z To: the Name of our salvation. . wayne dee’ 245 Zion stands with hills surrounded....... 136 Tow Tby temple (1) repair 44-02. ss aie ee GEL : : CHRISTMAS CAROLS Away in a manger.......... FT UNA ALN. ULE eg ode at argent g la adhe ANE cee eens Fada. bial Ooh Gk Carol, sweetly:carol.,.....4.. ie Lg i thal Pade ae EL REPT asta 0a. Lier tey qh £245. yea soa Child Jesus came from heaven to. earth. . wel S Pagel tt ud oe ol poe ais She MOR s Rimi ae nnn Come and hear the. grand old. story, d-ie: fates ec UM ONCE Les eae ae Gry aE SES Sad. Se Come! ye lofty, come! ye lowly sya tee: SH age ate! BeMeatsaeata | ye Vee Slee Sra Ee pias God rest you, merry. gentlemen. Sil sal Agta hee eee oe OE SMES apets Sivoo s ba SEALY eae ee Good Christian men, rejoice. .. eipeais'Yy ¢aathte a ae a A oO. Us eh on by ee In the silence of the: nights. Didi Pa ik ak scontt sent ARM hairs SUA WIA Saal alae It came upon the midnight clear... cate Lukran, Ww are tes giete 5 YOR Pe TS a ae Joy fills our inmost hearts today.../.5......... BE PsN bay oye olaad slots Qe WIR gen nn Like silver lamps in a“distant shrine............ DUE) Fe ete, MERE Day Ss Ad witht » 29 Qalittley town’ of Bethlehem. \¢ 2. uae 22 o's eee babes bdo neat cae 5 dated. Migsciaace eee See, amid. the winter’s. snow. PRGA Spe MOE hha Le ian Cearaiey ele wa eee mrs 28 ing, sing for Christmas... : Per adie Ta bee cot vig wAtb aie On CRC alie vas ooh tues at _ 38 tars’ all bright’ aré-béeaming Sr Se MBS es. as oe BRE acis Uisoeeeea eee 31 The first Noel the angels did: PAV te ean, Ser all ales Coe pal Ve hate ene as ade ok Toate ae The joyful’ morn ig’ Rreakingeprcseeue etree: acy YTS pated a of da Be ele sien oa eee er iuer), Thére ‘dwelt in’ old Judea... + poo Pee RET Ue Pia amin be cinig bse Rbaeie One am ata 636s *Tis Christmas Day..:..:. VR eirideey dk ese ceinke Bae Oe dia Sie'hiahaid elle ata atti lier oa dk Sas _4t When Christ was born~ of: ‘Mlaty- Pree Pee Hee ce owl w tense ec cui e le Vereitiag os cial sae While shepherds watched: theit: flocks, weiss : boo Uilis cate ndegens ova ones coed? heeteneyemeem pa Rtg ges yo Me ne 274 PUR sy ' wr wae ——- ; 7 =“ . w.. é Se eS ee Se oO INDEX OF FIRST LINES EPIPHANY CAROLS ATI OT SS STV EV 0 aod 1 A RR RP a a Ae a a 52 Oe SURREAL SUR a serie ALO aten/ Fe bot Me a A ge ee 54 BONN ID NIUE Ala it ane Mera ios. s 66's. cociau Raa eee ee ee ers 55 ERMC UC ReO PM OIONE TATE) oi MCU C's ck alee oc whey Pe ee eee) Cpe Se OR 53 De eMC OCKS AWAY oo 50's asd 4d utbes sleteige eres oseterste sth, eatonenevelbMete’otdbe aidiulgraiate Oitts 4.4! 688 Bre eee SIE LITc sy sh 0) fie, Wah, ween ors Rh, OS vik oo SUR MR CERES cocicly So NOR 87 Denman a thyeraise ‘the Strain. 2 tn), ain aver vs 4k os aes be Ra dete. Us. coe Late 89 emeenvers ate DloOMIng Dright i. Chaat csi. iaclecee aioe Gece Avis wrdlolotohheres cheno eo aoe 04 Serrmmumecutessis angels to.the earth. apain ois. es. Suboweee ric eee bees ble OPS 90 POLE EC HUTCH DENS FING Sir as str ch ote i len ed cbc Ath a aru oa Re ae 03 MEM eRe listarorrinioing wii bee tees ed ge. cote et a) Bre he aeh ic.: So TaD 95 REI CASON 11k) ae eh Vn) tah ot eC aehatd (Ae rg es Eg 86 Semone tse eKceps aster’ Day pers isc vaso hs tise do ASL Od hae pe elcidwe vac downy ae 91 Ye happy bells of Easter Day......... iiheoks Retethmtaena sedi Uote’ AUbhats Ware Weeb alchatete ake dk A dieice ks whem rete 92 a xi INDBX OF SUBJECTS SUBJECT NUMBER Abiding of Christ with Believers... 0. cece ec c eee teen teen nee cnes 2, 298, 318 Activity, Christian....... 68, 128, 155, 160, 165, 166, 168, 169, 184, 190, 277-279, 281-289, 300 Ativent ee cee ey Ca sea ek FE eee Sas Bah Bia a Behalf tae ao 1-12 Mier rma rir eet 3 uae A Rl ee ae NPN Chay See ae 169, 277, 279, 280 ARES tice tae See en chess NS 4 op d: pipieRA aT OIIRANS bag pon My ri 13, 14, 21, 88, 90, 114, 171, 180, 250 PAT TMIOL GIPISCR IN oa". 5 we a Ssele oles ocalete ain Mle ele tplebelnte afeper asa, niet WaPRG Leloly tel gia etny saat eCeae 198, 289, 293 PASCENSION Gl) Reo SUT Vint Pitts ghee & abit e tw wc ots Re erccanatatiatet ae pes ae tat eee ae 96-99 ASSURED CO 5 ees ile Se Rb Salen ie fone WR eon le ee ele orouele Jokes ce bag hea ere AG ete al anor 219, 287 PALOUEMOM ets yh che Recs wae 'o s pril noe etsttvate aeiele eee ate ate 56, 57, 61, 67, 68, 129, 208, 210-213, 218 iting ae ake Sie yoo AC ie do rake erin «GOR oe cl CD la Baten ie 358, 359 BA Peisrie ee ae Fe Fs one Lae Baie A dws alba peisls Baie Wier «aha 518 cht Wis weit en 124-128 BEHELCONCE ee ne Se UO es o PE ace hace pate ents eMlotacers, m pdebe wrelle tire ore. aisietet ole einem 169, 277-280 BLDG te ere oa ry a ig Oe ee cenere, RANT a > sasteadlaceishevelped ohahalg atiets ig ste ann eee 116-123 Blessedness of the RighteouS. .\... 2.00 stin cee so okie ee es eye pnw ewe din oni cle 144, 265, 274, 305 BrOCHerly LL Ove te 2 oe este ie tie ale ie ue US wie ete et wae sbalehel elo lix o's it cin ehh oo BUCS ta eee 282, 294, 306 MERLIN SS ieee kes hare SO asereNsieit ce Rib ngs Toe acetate alle © olcueveluepotoseig a ae et ateeenns 151, 158, 203, 204, 206 Calvary iodo) en) See OR Radiance See Wie os olececote orto hays 4s ORO 0 a0 hi Cie a AGEL IIR dey ee eh es woucra eis Aelalel ein jo & & Granted prate.e ein'e shee «isl fre wiaEate 127, 219, 251, 255, 297, 298 Chanve’of: Fleart fo. tits ahs tla ees moira ee b dues OS tin a etn eens 205, 274 Charity es Cys Te ER AL ate Va "chet tg ea 169, 277, 279, 280 Coasteritig eo Ne coed ote aie ie Ie Satie Ue BR ib icthsade etacs p eieiarelt tale! eee svele Ghee | Stallone SUntenarae 169, 277-280 Choosing tC Drist ay ia o5 6 ok nak ho wee erase Whe 22, 63, 129, 155, 159, 164, 210, 212, 236, 261 . Christ, Kingdom and Glory of.............-eeseeesceees Me: FA OA? acs 184-202, 330 Christain Life....... 2, 56, 57, 69, 115, 119, 124, 126, 128, 143, 145, 152, 179, 203-288, 306, 335 CCHTISUIATIVSNELVICE fort Sate okies et su5idiy Wie @ elec 2 oteleie mind steretele 141, 160, 165, 166, 169, 184, 276-295 Christmases 2. oe Bh Nor ne acs oe ee adie Raelgga ae oie e alate bole Sia sete wake wid ascte. shale Sie eee 13-42, 47 METHUEN reek WG coes fons) pooh es ARtiis ots gia we he! Creel @ 117, 120, 121, 131-142, 160, 197, 198, 294, 308 Church viriumphant fs. 0655 ibe voces ials icicle orcas be e the loltis bie wing fiode geger? ae ote 176-183, 250 Glosing Hymins 0028s 2 ipa s pce ete piece one cele 2 sic eit tials c5 «lpr ckemes ieee ea 317-322 Communion, The; Holy si. ssa sce eee en ree rene en 129; 130, 28255205 Communion with. Christ's. ¢ oiciys as ood o'ec ies od orateiels o wimp ave wind», ccalemetehale pie wee eam 259-276 Gonfession of ‘Faith. ic: occ boa re So wo aje e's 0b Wb. WE aye 4 Pherae ns > a) 5 aaa «eS 147-155 Confession cot Sime. acess oc fe bs x Sie clevd Oe o0lelh d te gbelolsiahe © ue deial ebony nl etapa we eee 268-301 Manhidence aves 2 chee ae be heaps tes Ne Oe UE aie ane Ate ce 134, 303 CONATMAtION eer iaic.c Nereus. oce/abele os etae! © dieiete see's we¥ieen aisipes 8.8 70, 72, 126, 138, 144, 155, 221, 263 Conflict; Christians o-i5.1c 2% sstelew «1 ecetele cis isi 134, 155, 159, 196, 198, 200, 209, 290, 291, 295, 296 PEO NSOCTALIONS oc oe Sniwls a eee clete'ls aio nts kiate are, ee.% 67, 68, 76, 79, 124, 131, 138, 145, 147, 148, 150, 155, 205, 217, 221, 259, 261, 272, 279, 284, 287, 299, 300, 302 GROMSOIACION oo aa ake do ie alee ore eleiaze cevege vache alin e's ol a hiteteinte rar We oearnioms 66, 220, 297-299, 301, 302 PONStABGY felbioiet. ona vie «Pate! s.0 brats wie a eeniara po aus Walle & ele aa Gina ex sigh et keane 125; 126,355 (COR VETSEDD 6 eickee cowie! brn diece Rib bh iatahe ofafe ce are loleva Jet a via'e © o:s'p iin e1et saqpain yp «thy conan 210, 212 OUTAGE aes vine piston ae sae A Sn gir ae hn hs ON at: 63, 159, 196, 198, 209, 214, 215, 289, 295 6 EO gE RRR te Ogle aOR tog are RNID Roe GEMS Ros pits fy hab ts 138, 144, 155, 263 Cradle Hymn oo. eisai a deveies co tele abn esewnlee ne sti cess opie merge. te seams 307 Somat tT aden eye Dull Rungiem par tay a0. Cae Bee 56, 57, 69, 76, 218, 277, 289, 300 Death’ and Eternal Life. (2. oct sido oisteie Ns 0 eo laige € whales che cle oe acthe 016 lal Ay Ber eee 176-183 Dikigence. 2. i.e ccc eo deen cass cee bale « Ses bits Wks Gea a tori biel ie Saat ee 121, 215, 278) 28iy ace Doing Good 0. oi. Sole cee he ced ewe thon vie tie aoe one nese pule dp nthe ene ae kee sone Ae 281 Pe te ee See MORE Len Ieee” aie ren eee eT Me TN 81-95, 193 WpiDbany oo nis 6 yas sine cine vie vache e's og sivas d= © nia beim moral otter sera camo paegn ieee 47-55, 156, 158 Eternity oc... cece ccc ce ccc neesen ces ereceensctceccerenassiees ees cece ae 77-183, 217, 299 EVERING loc cd ees ecco eec econ eeettacccensercewneetse pers en ncn apietces ss a csn esas 336-348. PUD SR RTS AS APY Sri 6. were he Wr 121, 132, 134, 137, 139, 193, 211, 216, 218, 260, 298, 303 Faithfulness........---+- ater: Cacatets RUT aly Arica catiiiel sae % 9 AAS chee se . 69, 121, 216, 276-281 INDEX OF SUBJECTS SUBJECT POV TO? oD A ak pen Big rane Felomihip ovo beeeeeveneeensueteeieirieeciescesesetesssereeys 306, 307 2 EE SFG 0 a een Ht 294, 322 OOS as ES Oot Sa a 145, 155, 225, 228, 270, 288 Orgiven ess. «oso. soseseseeseesescseeseesecececetasscesssscesseeseeetee: 218, 223, 287 CEN A Gael 2 aR ae Toe miauaat iat 260, 262 eet ee 277-280 ON rea a Sec eee EOE 56, 218, 260, 299-301 ee a ~115, 242, 247, 249, 251-256, 258, 299, 309, 312 Gospel ones eee ee sees eeeeeeeeseeeeenteeee rst eenenenten ents tesete eee eg 33 Graces ase eee eee eee tese sense eeeteteeeseeerereeteteteseserere genes, 125, 262, 319 RISC SCE eae ah a 115, 215, 227-232-290 Harvest... ee veceeveeerseseseetsssesesesssessseeestseeten 141, 246, 249, 353-355 Hleart oss. ses eevee see eeeeesesesesteeseeeeretetetsetseer et eenceteeg 147, 264, 276, 284 Heaven .... tee ntett tessa 176, 177, 218, 217, 299 a ot a IPRS ee are a 128, 274, 316 et ree 116-123, 151, 154 (oy SR Es fe 2 Re 99-107, 142 TO AS SSE a aa aaa 74-80 UM er gn Oe 306 2 NSS aaa PRET 222 (ou (ith oe ee eae ara 171-175, 308-316 DE ea 65 ta 6s a “97, 180, 8 TE ES a aCe IVAN S10" 42°37, 39, 151, 176-183 Reset cis. ieee. 2 70, 78, 127) 129, 13, 164, 174, 184, 202, 43-46, 0, 58, 60, < eee yee, 208, 210, 213, 222, 228, 230, 240, 257, 259-273, 276, 314 I gp i as 26, 34, 192, 316 Ce ere 12, 176-183 ce Sol cate iad 0c geet a Ann Sa Ee Nea eae ene ae way ma oe Pena Ree NRE ORIG. COPS Siete AG Crake’ Sabet abl wie eapekgra wlaishiee§ 184-202 ESE ett aes a eee aes 56-69, 74-80 MOM ere eee 277-280 UM icy erie 323-321 OES NS a a i ive = Hae oe aE, Bie oF ot) We Ns pach aiaieteiaudie,e-alopetas aXe on) d lonei ea eto 207, 208, 259-276 Dee ee Luther League Pee we Ae a Oe, BOC = OA, ae ae SPIN ih be a eh oe We wegen Sem 369 ai eke of Grace “OG emg 116-123, 126-128, 151-154, 216, 217, 273, 285, 333 (oo SIS SOE eR DO 220, 237 We gto 141, 142 RM ee 51, 120, 141, 156-170 De eS ee dine Weems ee Eg ae. 361 368 Nativity, The MMI eck hu Cn MMi eeu eS Nie 13-42 47, 50 Need of Christ Di pe Rie es a ee Oe 135, 236, 240, 264-271 oa soe CEM SE oO SRC ae ak 349-352 © 7G As) gaan aon Cees Se Eee es oe 279, 281 Opening Hymns So. ge ee 16, 101-108, 111, 112, 114, 133, 172, 187, 224, 225, 308-316, 366 cas Me oy crate ct che oie oe Paige gia pintint wien eo 1 Sine einiein elmie, thin sles wee Fe tabs 70-73 2 a ec rea Sear eabse etn ASO OREN eg oe 210, 212, 226 TBA GPUT TN. 1), 3c cen eden wos cceescinssceesecancsseraess 226 os = CERNE Ait See RSS STOR SERED RSIS 66-107, 156-170 et les A ei 121, 152, 196, 205, 229, 286, pape -... 121, 152, 196, 205, 229, 286, 292-295 INDEX OF SUBJECTS SUBJECT | ‘NUMBER Powerrot Jesus! Naie.s 0 VM vis fede ek eae yaa ey Cre ance 188, 189, 192, 194, 195 ra isee thes A) arg Paty on trehal Aetna 70, 99, 186, 189, 194, 237, 238, 243, 247-249, 252- 258, 283 BO VORG Guin hs vmy Wale het bi aan T EN Lith tis! 124, 221, 224, 227, 231, 233-236, 239, 301,'322, 331 fitesence DEVE DrSED Ao aly we SO WA na ON MR 236, 240, 260, 265, 271, 288 Processionals ATA sae 2, 7, 13, 16, 18, 26,49, 50, 70, 71, 81, 82, 84, 86, 87, 89; 108, 111, 135, roe 136, 140, 137) 159, 174,. 176, 188, 196, 197, 198, 199, 201, a s 2242, 241, 249, 250, 252, 254, 258, 269, 291, 292, 293, 308 BE DVIGON CE sash aes at wees flees tie Ua este on aU Gh Ne 207, 345 Purity Mrs MiP ALS 8) ahaha ain nde ARIA Nal dah ol eiadei mibarelond Bie gen Meta Weve int ad 274, 316 BSPOCIIDLION A ayant ik heb aies Puln: May ere ade ee Rte ARON | 129; 193, 262, 287; 305 BSGFOLIA MOD Hi ai Paid oc, OECTA LAE Ha ahi Oi pee 121, 131-142, 159, 242, 294 Bee MOT SIGS y AUNT nS ae tol A de toca eb Lage vt 63, 203, 208, 210 211, 212, 218, 260, 321 BERRA UOT is pole» ous ow aly adaiied ehidn wie £5 siGulg Callan ao ee a ie Eel 302, 305 Resurrection ....... Ee) sna wi 4 aun af oy eh ANGUS eal oh nm “on ego bpL Oke Leu oh aa EE Tk Ise eon 81-95 Sacraments, Baptism, Lord’s SUPPEI NG i S% sie tage io nied ange ee eel ane ae Ne ag 124-128, 217, 273 BA LCARIOEE duane Sela ior clan t Shale aa Rach Ge tele ae URL SUR Danas 45, 68, 71, 222, 273 CLERC ALOR 15.05 essinage wikishnge olathe wots ud seca eENE UI ip acd dhe wT on ean a 218, 4 Nae RETA ELEC A 1. 0-'p Dusst icity A 6 oh! wyhannah om MAT aU LR ae eae 116-123,;° 151, 154 PPARONS Lien eat eiiNo set Au ayaa a nh ek ees ean, Ae eNO ke rc 28 POU IGMMAL Viale fats) Sioe Seta Ue otis 48h gh De hae erate oD oH) Senay At na ‘S277 NeRMICec. 82) co te 68, 128, 155, 160, 165, 166, 168, 169, 184, 190, 259, 277-279, 281- 289, 295, 300 Sy EE AD A Ed Sle ORME NL vert WiC Mera AEN IUEM oil Wa ese slag Vio ay" 210, 268, 287 meldiersior) Christ ain due P22 ee eed ak Ka Sr eee Oe 254, 289, 201- -296 HAR Homie een Gio wad ee Ahm RS EV Tee eer ye by oe #10. 816) 6 aves e's .6 id's lols gave @ A Cen 356 SUUTTIGE 1 As islnlp ia weve avin aldinisitigsecsla alt sok g'sheil'y cncw eh nie ta.t Fen oak nie oot MHDDHCAHOR i. Whe ES Ss cra eR ylkt CNG Le bo kale ® tle aC ie tlie Pai o Le 167, 226, 262, 266, 272 Rempetance beds. SN. ER yay UU LE La bi eee pee) 214- -215 Temnitationi: , Aa far. SEARO RNOE A AMEN Ar erases Me TOME on teh ON 167, 214, .215, 266, 296 PSII DAY rips! o's sate ane Fulscae coud ee Pek te: Nee CLE 242-248, 254. PARAS So ie cia Wala dhe rly 2 a etd BUMS IME YEU ul Wega a Sm 240, 297, 300, 302. MPIOIEV Sch He CHOY thai a pt Nok) uy Ca Mine tae MOE adh Peleg Nae aca 108-115, 128, 247, 248, 253. fy ah LO SAS ADO Ua EOE NN ORO eee SATIN ICR AWS Ne EIS NS 121, 134, 242,.251, 297-305: OWES ache oo uts BLS SARS S ltn FEW, ate 4) isle Led pti Sarina 2 Bie ya eet eR See Nein Gee ee 276, 20e,9a1S NURIA WaLH UOC ti yn acer Gly Ua ci bel he Sa 227, 228, 229, 230, 232, 288, 290, 299, 300, 304 Wanderng «from (God. 12. vim. sSupisianein aye in droiacodey Maen, chap Rey Gh ana meen er 169, 229 UMS EC g GA ea ema MARION, RON Ae Rm Ny CS Fog LEN « 166, 198, 205, 209 Watchtniness tis da. Die Vetdell ewe ca ta Heel Quite by, Wek sn fill ta ear 121, .205: NW PULSE AY 9 Uh ond aia wieinya ole vo tos ogo eared Tat iat telecns SION mee ha ae ee 100-107 MEISE i eitarh Seeres art nde star didlo b nih ope oly! ojo abe wierd oe aN oribare ak aks RRS ate ee : ~=§360! NR ne hose ont bo WOK De Rtas chs Saline 33, 116-123, 151, 153, 154, 216, 217, 229, 373, 285: NRO re MODIS AT Fay sci dea hss & ss tals day clp einen Gtehy Cea nea de aire ee 169, 276, 279, 295: PV ORS any cine co nw defies a giao uk Cae oth cet a ye ee ae Po eae ee a 171-175, 245; Pe ANON SOR Pe Seiley Ah a Paes SMM ee Rega toed pol A gh ges 160, 165, 166, 285, 286. ey" xiv - © | ie —_—_—_—_ ew) 0 no =) ce") S @ | : il | hte tte ase sein a i me wha . = ax esribs hates deste 2 + Aeieiie See rT, 1 soles a SSS art Se SS ES oe pests She tate! . ite Baba! wet tette tS eH ! tf y, * bie ih Tety't 2 My itt 4 7 $477: ait ‘i is te} iti rid 4 tit ij 747. iH) if at itt tnt i + ett Tateiett rst i ? +t i erat a tat fy it itt it. iste Fshete 7 att + sit; bongs ts cf s-3 is Saerey seysteste S2P EEE oes TIPE $f Titht coast tat : Tit satetet ht rat i : T f Hts ihe tf. i Teh dass apes treet f. 1st, a t ¥ tater, uit ie i 23 f if th tf iif * ii nt $f383 if si : f. ‘} sft $3 tr rte ait o it 3 7; sft iy at if 3% < af; it 45 i $3 ut $f Lyfe sh tisht id Feigiginite rititatit Tei3 i He Tel eth s ate sate certs sists Te et ee aaa a rarer rss Se ae es nae el er ee Sesees Tes + Sst t Si tt) ¥. y; ses FeFett. rae vis shat ‘+ ty i, ty, i f; 7 3s tts etetet 3 Ete ot Sa Prhptete =: su sisioe sts ree 3 =. ai Sis3 et