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Weteerner his 7 bat ee mae baie psy: pepeeiect rarer anit ahs islet Soar Ieteleists ssoritatbisieleisiels ‘e neath? efeepeye aa fed biogas tht its _ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library https://archive.org/details/sacrificeofmassi00macd THE SACRIFICE OF THE MASS Wibil Obstat: G. H. JOYCE, S.J. Censor deputatus. Fmprimatut : EDM. CAN. SURMONT, Vic. Gen. Westmonasterit, die 16 Augusti 1923. THE SACRIFICE OF THE MASS IN THE BiG POO lA Se RET RE AN Dae a TRADITION KS KAY OF PANES Rr. Rev. ALEXANDER MACDONALD, DD. BISHOP OF VICTORIA, B.C. WITH AN INTRODUCTORY LETTER FROM Tue Rr. Rev. Monsicnor LEPICIER LONDON KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., LTD. BROADWAY HOUSE: 68-74 CARTER LANE, E.C. 1924 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY THE EDINBURGH PRESS, 9 AND II YOUNG STREET, EDINBURGH ‘By One Sacrifice He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified.”—Hebrews x. 14. < ; ane Pi We a 4 ‘; 2 , ’ at : 4 .m Ot) ae \ aaa , Vere . ( * Na Joes. ae hig ey Mk” aut I, al ane : , 7 a. res be i] ; Sa naw a } Pe BR) erga! As ei: INTRODUCTORY LETTER By the Right REVEREND MONSIGNOR LEPICIER, the well-known Roman Theologian and Author PrazzaA SAN Nicona DA T'oLENTINO 31, Roma, 5, May 27th, 1923. My Derar Lorp BisuHop, You have asked me to go through your Manuscript on the Sacrifice of the Mass, and to let you know my opinion as to how you have done justice to this great tenet of Catholic Theology. It is a well-known fact that if the whole Catholic Church holds that the Sacrifice of the Mass is the true offering and immolation, in an unbloody manner, of the great Victim once slain upon Calvary for our sins, not all theologians are of one mind in assign- ing the proper nature, or, as the schoolmen say, the “ratio formalis constitutiva” of that sublime sacrifice. For, on the one hand, it must be acknowledged as of faith that the Eucharistic Sacrifice is one with the Sacrifice of the Cross, as far as the Victim and the Principal Offerer, who is Christ, are concerned ; on the other hand, it does not appear how there can be a real sacrifice if no real immolation of the victim takes place. Vill THE SACRIFICE -OF VLA Sida! To solve this difficulty, your Lordship traces back first the true notion of sacrifice in general, as shown to us in those typical sacrifices of the Old Law which foreshadowed the great Sacrifice of the New Covenant; then, taking as your guide the words of the Holy Council of Trent as interpreted and brought into clearer light by the Great Pope, Leo XIII, you show that as Our Lord in the Last Supper offered Himself to the Father in view of the bloody Sacrifice which was soon to follow, and particularly in view of the Kucharistic Sacrifice which was to be offered up by priests to the end of time, so the Last Supper was the Sacrifice of the Cross as begun, the immolation on Calvary was the same Sacrifice consummated, and the Mass is now the Sacrifice of the Cross as continued and applied to us. Hence you justly infer the identity, not only in kind, but also in number, between our Mass and the Sacrifice of Calvary, of which the Mass is at once the representation, commemoration, and application, the only difference being that, on Calvary, Christ’s blood was shed, whereas in the Mass, it is not actually shed, though the shedding of it on Calvary virtually perseveres on our altars, just as the virtue of the plant virtually perseveres in the seed and in the tree which springs from that seed. It may be that, in some minor details, I should not entirely agree with the explanations given by INTRODUCTORY LETTER 1X your Lordship; but, on the whole, your thesis, beautifully worked out as it is, and brought out by the testimony of the best writers on the subject, makes upon the reader the most wholesome im- pression, by bringing him to value, according to its worth, that divine institution, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which, foretold by the prophet Malachi, remains ever as the sun that illuminates and warms up the cold darkness of this land of exile, the un- quenchable source of all good for man in his way to his eternal home in Heaven. Rome, on the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity, 1923, Fr. ALEXIS MARY LEPICIER, Ord. Serv. B.M.V. k # BE T ; 4 5 Pe ie 4 P ave’ rhe x t \ ' t $4 ; ¥ ‘] { 4 - bi i fi cr ‘ } 6 NS inks t ts of >: is FS hit - PS t ' heb ¥ \ “_.Y * : aha fe t s : ‘4 } . 4 & z : g . J f | v5 al : ‘ ‘ Ls i 5 X ( ’ A i. 2 ‘ ” rt t Ae y Bi | ‘ i + , , \ a j a j f Es ’ X 3 , ' 7 . Tie . ae | i . fh ty Rey gi ANT ‘ . 1 c i Sun 4 j ' fe \e , ‘ j fk ie th Be + c Pre. My: oa) eee ' H \y oy a » ai) é Oye “© A ‘ j 7 ; ae ; i . s ir SM tH » j at F ot.#4 - Guts Doin : a ' hs ny , i * t .*- : : ; Vy ' de x a. 2 1 ‘i j . ih i ! 4 A i i J * a + 4 t ‘ i , i af e ( a f i / ; ie | wa : s \ I Potat eae r ‘ ‘ ‘ é y ’ ‘ ay : = ' ' 1 ‘ . a. 4 i 3 ; 4 " i ’ ‘ ; ° . iso é } és 4 a : wy ’ 4 ' wt th ‘ | £ 2 MS ! A i ’ i '