List of Coal, Limestone Fire Clay, tron Ore and Gypsum Operators NX WITH P. O. ADDRESS Of The State of Ohio, for the Year 1915 PUBLISHED BY The Industrial Commission of Ohio Division of Mines © List of Coal, Limestone, Fire Clay Iron Ore and Gypsum Operators | WITH P.O. ADDRESS OF ‘THE STATE..OF OHIO FOR THE YEAR LOLS PUBLISHED BY THE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION OF OHIO DIVISION OF MINES © CoLUMBUS, OHIO: Tue F. J. Heer Printinea Co. 1915 Bound at the State Bindery. \ LARGE COAL COMPANIES IN OHIO, FOR 10915. WITH ADDRESSES, Name of Owner or Operator. P. O. Address. ATHENS COUNTY. ET iMME NO LITPRGORL oO nes coats oss, sia a- ts dears UE aac ee oe td Broadwell. IBaevelkdr AIDS eyankovaye (Crop) UN 0 ae cee eeu nines Pacha preeeahaisecee fer mirg cas Columbus. LE Go ERASE A, Oe a le Nor eRe | Columbus. Gaara CO Ale Orie neice sites arse thd Sgle Nie uataicsbive, Scher tenorate Athens. Gampont lem Coal COs cies ose wt tec cek se tea Meas Carbondale. MG litctinenitce (CO abet Onscrs Gare ols cusicnats cas ars wee dial ar ota eB tee Nelsonville. Roane NTO TD CO odie ie nken anon aotecaruan ls ot areaeale Nelsonville. [BS cl ATAU AKG oot ON Clay and SAR Se etary PO PRR al eee PU Nelsonville. PPM INO Chalo ale Comers aan See fect: cus Rela enere ee ame Nelsonville. Ra NCO AN Clea py aniainls a0 oe hood Cnieigd ean hres Columbus. Pare AMe UVEITIS WO tats nso Sica iiciss Pate 32s Sy a ements Athens. PROeningiey AME ys Ie Clay COs ie os ions neler Wis frets 0 Nelsonville. CRI W AN EU WE SOCIO. LON «5 ace virus Ss icici suns blnes eta oleh Nelsonville. Meee MUN AN at des, Pee eT Gay dE eid gi a'o% wae ote aea aes Stee Nelsonville. Exptic Coal swashmg & Mining-Co. .. ooo. s5 ee oe Charleston, W. Va. INitinatiatraCOdl mCOn aaron. cos ct cots a aoe ace Columbus. ONE ESA SS Le Cg OC EO aa ont Le aT ae aa Nelsonville. Bie ernie Gin COANE Oh acicoe! ss siaie'n sce wise 2 ene ae WS | Nelsonville. INGISOn mi emtetd CkmU Gu lnt swe Jo. hie c onde aoe eet notes Nelsonville. Newarlbittsbeumom (Coal @ Oy. fale dats deco hte, hae tetas Columbus. RAMA ericany GOAL s © Otrdiyn rate in ws, bss Akai e Mabe Zanesville. Poston Consoudated (Coal Co trs.!...4's ios ss gaa deems ee Athens. Pe HATH UUO WVins pb Sarere Siciatd wiaicls Ste wee pa Saas eee tia carobe'y Dayton. PIEPER OA UCOec fo xiv athe Els aiecie ON v Sie vie aicinc we RG cette a NS ISORVAI Gy er etre ane tetas Well ee yal, iiacninn Our ae Hvis Ha euler IS Sharpsburg. CE TOTTI Os US OR 2 a de Sen Sane aR A REP eae oie Nelsonville. PICO LCM@ Odin COMIC pear one. Waste iene iat an Sciam te eva Nelsonville. tee CECIC WE ONED ASO ati sine a sioie aT DED cmos sen | Columbus. Otic ragade WHNIe GOA. 261 Gres en babs cade Fate ou Nelsonville. BELMONT COUNTY. Punericam spect Fin Plate: Cocoa sac 0k ceded Pittsburgh, Pa. OR SUERCOT tON Gre C29 [GT GEM Bir ee a CR a a Pe Bellaire. IT e O(a | on lO in a ae aa vr Cleveland. MOATIL Depa VMTN TOR CL OM hs ah ets tases hsthe, Samia dsciorem Meee Toledo. Dea MOLE MO clei cosas. 0 s)d' ate, Oy Lan Kent PEM OA As Armstrong’s Mills. NEAT NEOTE MO TCOIMNO) iad rer rad cin Silva oie une toc eN Pittsburgh, Pa., and | . Moundsville, W. Va. ee Pn ROL CnC NE ees aha eran Doekte fk ea e ee aas Columbus. Pm MER ONO LO dite Waits ieas (Ge acts ones g aase teeter Bellaire. CN TSIEN STR CI sh aly a Po Flushing. PS REM ESOL Cl nny hia ge oy pint ce aah stiuisde aaee wus oe Elyria. er Ce MeN Oa tily Lies Xu: ks | oe dosnt hee ek | Pittsburgh, Pa. RMR DSA E TLC TO ei a 1 Ts, hea e's oe 'dhe hoes akc ha eieen Stewartsville. TTC GE UE 208 a a SA la at Bellaire. UOTE ER” Ca 8) i a ee a Barnesville. re RmMMINENT CITT Ors A Ae ised bay cov osc Ree Fairmont, W. Va. emnteritie Me RMON Pies dot u soo Rene ei ae eee Bellaire. 0 SE UGGS) Gs GS OR a ee READ Bellaire. 4 LARGE COAL COMPANIES IN OHIO, WITH ADDRESSES, FOR 1915— Continued. Name of Owner or Operator. BELMONT COUN T—Concluded. Keno Coal Be iting: GO sae a tse ak a ab) re aN Cleveland. Deere PIS ss as eos eo ale oe Fibele vee Chicago. GS REO Cre el BE Cae be PS nt nae AE a Ie ema Cambridge. WEEP Hha' CURD Ey G4 ui Bite Vera ay ge a a LL a re Cleveland. Nicholson Clay Pro. Co. BS ES as ages ge cueeel on Wes tae Cambridge. Preemie An, iD cc ora ialace ane ols Ronee eee com Cambridge. HARRISON COUNTY. Blair Mining Co., A.’ Gi eG iu i toate: cade tories clahane Toledo, Hutson Coal Co... ... ana Sse stane gadind * gihy geen Mus aes Cleveland, .«- -+ ye Newton Coal & Mining Co SU ES ee OR WO ee Dennison. eye ih ree ANNO thy CA ROME cary ids 6 Pie e ahmed Nats ta ae Pittsburgh, Pa» . » : RNAP YO Ne MRI Ev! oe wslstaheiitts vei garde wt | Cleveland. eae Stillwater Coal Mining’ Co. isd Fond Moc ache a e Re | Cleveland. Y 5 6 LARGE COAL COMPANIES IN OHIO, WITH ADDRESSES, FOR 1915— Continued. SEAS he RUN YL Rep rwasle Mien Ow ST | ile See 8 | P. O. Address. Name of Owner or Operator. | . HOCKING COUNTY. } BOY ley Ha et aid cs aAV. s Dees Ge eae oe ea a ee ae New Straitsville. RCAC RR ane hs vo hes old ie was attest dh ofc nm ace eee ae ee Murray. _ eaapons GOal COs. onare awe nied coam Deen nee Carbon Hill. Genttal Hosking Coal Co 2c5 2, ies bos suike pee Se Columbus. OC SOA IRA Cikae cue edie, Git es.s siea fede Speen ee | Columbus. Commnbus VVIRRERs bo cinere e's wisi ae ene dh ae os pig ae Steubenville. Me OG Ne Men aah att C.F cna K NER ete ooo e Bergholz. IMIGERISaUStOR NCO CM4O mite co trdehn: vaadte bss cole cue nee eee Cleveland. INGenolSone Coal MG oe BRE e ei crest Ncus cd caettans joe nine Gat eee Dillonvale. Oilers. Pennsylvania (pal CO. o hooked a eck aw lowe wns | Cleveland. LUTE ih Crh Sal ON, Pa SRI Re RS AN rs eee Rayland. PLES CRSIGTE |S Sy le Sea OP ADR ea a Gere Ara Se UPR Orci Cleveland. POOL? COAL O> 5. 55 Bakcls sc pidgin Pid CraeaAs UAE ERIE od Cleveland. inttesely (coal Mining Rhee Poke naar Cleveland. SA GUY NEL EEN NN LIMEIYS Me Ohara p: gen ies dodenee. Ironton. MIT NLS Mn Ve Pits sides avesdisk. sore as Saiotew dum ncn Fire Brick. RN MMM tne ta iets A s)5 5 8 oc n'a d vdnhhd 2 ouinlelne leaks Strobel. OIE AVE ISIS S eG TO 2 SR a a ea Nl Olive Furnace. RAIN cat bib ty oclc trig nc to Kamewecw eee cusirans Pedro. ortemouml Retractomies Co... soc. skcwoeds ooscncc coe Portsmouth, 5 pea LARGE COAL COMPANIES IN OHIO, WITH ADDRESSES, FOR 1915— Continued. ; ee a OO SS ee Name of Owner or Operator. | ‘P. O. Address. | LAWRENCE COUNTY—Concluded. | Superior Portland Cement Co.........+ 2s ee eeeeeeees Superior. \hy LA hye RRS SP) SN See Sarah, ee ber Ok pra eran aor Ironton. MAHONING COUNTY. Me ala tiath COAL ec ees Ce pills, duoc b nie toa W7 ie ig’ « ho ca alin ital meet Salem. rerrell. COA Opal tees meas de ies shor ncy achg wos aeupn! ode whol 1 et Oe SOE en a Rear aS Pa PR Se Columbus. PEMA RIRERM AL. Ors cle a arms ks AUER, £4 CK Sk wha eg ow ath wae A Racine. MORGAN COUNTY. Rew TERI LO Frc rendeRe NG gianni cg ee wnt nde ale oiaes Gide Columbus. Tropic Mining Co...... ha MORUE MSE Serer ee ny ai at MTG as pe a: Toledo. MUSKINGUM COUNTY. 15133 Fe tA Co e23 Wee Oty? as oat ai -aendeseir Bina ee Usa athe an MARIS Malm CAE Snr Columbus. LASTS Ves ca] Ebates Eee ee an pe RC BRN a RAYE ey SUN EL a 8 Zanesville. etait reekx Cog! CO. ay i aiie a veka Oe oy ated as elaaere ns Pittsburgh, Pa. MC Ca AT VeVee i SAG oon en. SSNs ip gse eae eroken Wate » oe | Philo. iy lana ar bral CfohN Bol Coy, take Suauree Di aGtk Ne are Pete cane int anh at oe | Columbus. eUBCNG CUS LON SAGO! ie M os va te ate m tiala Riera goer | Zanesville. mio Michigan CGalr CO sod « oiomik gcc COL eel eenae | Detroit, Mich. Bane MIeTICat oss CO. oc Mis ok SLES Os poke ohare | Zanesville. HORNA LOG . CC ajc bh tates © dcahns < steals iin state hee eke | Cannelville. | NOBLE COUNTY. | Caaridge Coleties) Ca of 53. 0ee . eee ee he eae Cleveland. PIRI DALES OA Mie ches <3 adit ake Geeee hen hs a ok eeloe Hiramsburg. Meridle: States Coal’ Corporation.:.c0 +. «24% dea eee cane Chicago. ‘4 PERRY COUNTY. Coming YMinihge Cid, oss at ka ow to ase Pe De Corning. PSO RHC DAAC Oe ies i Soc. Vom nO itsvi Goaline & Coy W. Arnos loi ele Granger Coal Conca, ee oh 2 Ae ae Shawnee. nas gtoa Mentebe ak Y > OER a Ae ee New Straitsville. sy 9 LARGE COAL COMPANIES IN OHIO, WITH ADDRESSES, FOR 1915— Continued. Name of Owner or Operator. P. O. Address. PERRY COUNT Y—Concluded. BRS SS inlers situs usilorellen Ker ile Grown es on te cre lobe ici octet ca New Straitsville. neki Valley sar © CUCES™ COs. via susions, csttiel oth am sone plac ne. Columbus. IT pevIOL SM es TC KyMe O-statin.. 4s tue hea te aie RIES eroed Wari tay Sea Airs | New Straitsville. Dr ON ART EICET nthe, na of nein Te metas. vin walters Wialsed! ob ahr Columbus. MG RESNOOAlE CO aia cok chet ne care ce uct tiy aia mcliters. chtkors New Straitsville. Whaat © Oa leC Ont Goole serie tie ot ates ete Gerla ca ani Hemlock. Mirayvn reemlock-Cnal Cats say kios cathe et ate a oh olds Murray. Racenay Gib OOS WS MUSTO «se ye rualateee Sadan plenctar aka). Shawnee. Rear Ocive COal mC Ore ttre. trt ie tot aikiete Uh creme, eee e fee Chicago, Ill eninec OUI ye COAL CO eet enum poled aa howe eile ee Wert Moxahala. SAE VECO ale 5 BO Mane cu aaed uae kadha ch thiol scence ie ee ans Columbus. Shrawileen alasne Bricks Cons cata. crit. sorrah sehr gee eee ee Columbus. SILOS Ra SOL) A rere ae ene nti: «gue Sted ouet teave ace biel antes Redfield. SS MECMENEOS SR ar COS terete mee ty RUINS neck ati maen Shee ae New Straitsville. Standard cirockine Goal GO. vs. lod Pal eo eledisig hb Suchege Chicago, ‘Ill. PSV PEC RT CO We xe Wey Der eo ak 4 hy Mian lare mn niaratee Cau Columbus. Winsome Goat wariimino CON. seu k is ths cca mae ee Newark. eA OAT SCCM ts Mid rus om GRle sa alee Swede x eee a Ae fy Zanesville. PORTAGESCOUNTY, TATES OM pe Ode Otero wether ne Fa hte ie here BRR chee Cleveland. SEC GUMISEA rahe ge Chor) Bl Glo [ein aaeit Pata mney a cur St ane gee wo ire ode ae Cleveland. Pe OTOS OAL eka. Ce GE Parecielid me ek bee | Atwater, R. D. No. 14. SCIOTO. COUNTY. buckeyesuireorick’ & Clay Gori. .ocek es cutee ees Scioto Furnace. easimen Davine tO tek 40 ois wa ok he guy peeves Bape me Portsmouth. flarpison-Walker Refractories. Co. 6.51) 20 cesar oes Pittsburgh, Pa. Te AT UCO MERON LOI) oy Var nick as Nines fis oa kee Gare s Hae ti, Eifort. STARK COUN EY: mgrculciral se Commercial Lime: Gow ihc ca ose ees Canton. arpereviining=«- Fertilizer Cos) OC. . uc ik awa, ghee Canton. eT IC arte PM eon wake AE A we he eA A ee CLS oes Aultman. CMAN IC TAV AO Ar ties (id. CR e rab oy tienes stiaamih | Massillon. CMTE UME AAICCOT Cle goo, di Lerten dine Keates ols ear Canton RGR oS AUPE COCUCELC O vou dains oo na men nek SAEN Mineral City. LealSybnyeraye ated Ree Oh Peet ce) eee Ree eee ag eas ee Massillon. — Peers CCI ee Leal. 5G cet te co he 44 Bx we atta Velo k Meee Louisville. Re Ie CE kre ae whic setubi: Wels +7 paca Meee Wee RE’ Canton. SSS AMOR AS STC) aed Br (Con: 9k ae ne ak Sa Louisville. (LE roe Or 2 G7 A eR rea nT ie Massillon. PAAeeOmeC Oat, WINE COs | os hic kd ond kenhe ncek oak Cleveland. ieaman iit InN Coal CO. ei, sinc etches UN eke oes Cleveland. Massillon Stone’ & Fire Brick Goxs.: sic eke oa Massillon. NEST 3 alata Oc ea Se Canton. atonal irenroonnd «Cos 20. dado sek eetdik ae theese Canton. MIRAI 5. Mike os orate oe ne enone Cleveland. CaM ele Bere were hctna oc elas o a ew Soe Petrol Oe et -Aultman. Cmrre. (hiver Od COs ts ts. venga iy sal Me South Akron. USGS sr GLE Wa gcc 6% ae near ine Pri eer rinapch tc, eh a ; Akron. TUSCARAWAS COUNTY. © | INOS a sin. Cray d a GO oe gic area tN ee ar ee NO MOA ey 3 Le Akron. NIM CEICAT A SEW CL MIDE Ons OS c.0 'aablol aut) econ cade adnate oy aracte meen aan SaineiicAnsoneetwe lant Plate Cow. iene... Seed teri Pittsburgh, Pa. New Philadelphia, 426 PRC Mi Re Car i ties) tee clas Sera Vion S Benoa eRe |. Beaver Ave. TOU CMC SIT ORO LAV Nee coed sale vid fine aac eae ea Uhrichsville. PO EER PIS PEC IRLE Orareae satan isis a ogy Lavon or 0G Be Re Strasburg. Pivans clavcveaniracturine °C a6 o.. a. nto-ae vines ome Uhrichsville. Goshenu Gentra nC Oak Go .casea ss ohivcied tie dt eae ee Massillon. sete a eA CO eR cis) ys an nd eidiss aie woot eee eb ree? Cleveland. DEL IAS GH ER «(3 Grok. SA O08 aaa a a eer ene ee Uhrichsville. er est Mave Merah Call GO 40h vss ok kes kas oR eee Were New Philadelphia. Pele OA CONS 5 NGie yd sen scl dp eA Keecade Ra Uhrichsville. WER Y Rea TOOUD Echo orewols Io nas be awh wae aE aS Mineral City. Massiloiie, | ticcatawas Coali G0 ois i. vind ss 2 eeha oun Massillon. MIA PORT Ts cyan Lh ok kw vai Silesccss Gate oe wis New Philadelphia. [VBS Gist SSA a. UPA Oc OAR ee ce a Stn eA Oe Midvale. Driver Grose COA CGte he oa) ovin nyt disc eee xe Cleveland. DiS COANE OH HAS erect oak both ooo orc A te ee ae | Cleveland. Dhgty Cave rie - pCOalth Gti. os dy bp vjn we ag eee New Comerstown. A TECSICT Bie Tr fo CA Seen ig | a ee UN | New Philadelphia. UCC Noe GGG SM 5 AR ee Pe eR Rea Canal Dover. Besse eG lay NT OGUCE (O.. 4 .'c ccs sioee cinta ian alin venue Akron. hobinson-Graves*Sewer Pipe Cov...) eos Coe Uhrichsville. GOB ACA GETS lc ion Sng Btiaden & seen Aelcnee caeees Canal Dover, R. D. 1. |S repteah MEI e425) VM Cfo WY re eS ot Re aialreD i New Philadelphia. Rufenacht, BAI s CPM S gc Eick A lads tee Re Pee New Philadelphia. US TOC GEE Bey URUR 9 Ng eT ele fo Re Tie ei 2d) New Philadelphia. Bee Teme WN ANAIIISS ONocidieS 0 Sa Vis waco eka. oka ee | Dennison. | VINTON COUNTY. PaCS NAGA OME ea.) okey Rhian eae wee ‘Cincinnati. Bae OPEC CA Sec = L/D. ie SEN at ye en le | Wellston. LOSS SG Tels (ohh Saha ee ADR Re RE LORE I Columbus. ae ECS Ip Nt tesla tae ak AP Bera eae eae me McArthur, Merce Cr, CUT Cie dae ec 50k ol anal Aaya Ae McArthur Biamentiaita decal CO. 4, os. Nid geet hee | Clarion PN e cate EP ICie Ces fer. Sos: , ee ghe ae elie | aig | Hamden mentien Contry: teoal Cos. a ae ae oe totes | Hawks WAYNE COUNTY. | | Massillony< pal: Migine Gos ti) nak Foto cee ee Massillon’ Male“Hilt CaakiCo', aa, haks “acti. dat em | Maccilion ee NSM ee 1a Vie FIRE CLAY MINE OPERATORS IN OHIO, WITH ADDRESSES,’ 1915. Name of Owner or Operator. | P. O. Address. ; | ATHENS COUNTY. | Beata Rn ata, Gcanets ae ee FER ok Athens. _ Mieke, Waller Nite,. ooo. cael | Nelsonville. SS SGU NTL Se SF hoe sa aR ea a a Nelsonville. A het AGI En ROGUATIE OUT ay epee i a a | Nelsonville. BELMONT COUNTY. | Sih STR OCYa ONS STE) oa Oa bale a a eed Moundsville, W. Va. GCARROLE ‘COUNTY. Ere Onea clayedour Wye tak! oP hy oe ce ee ese Canton. Ce oso MIL Vy Brick OC bur ess, 945) Sees he ee Cleveland. imtecenientty, MinesC lay! Coir eis Sees -aeiac cies cece Magnolia. Pairs ines lay, Conn eee soc de ec Malvern. Metropolitan Pressed jBrick:Co.. 0... .6..02.. 0001.8 Canton. Piatiemalabice Prootnie C6 W-o. co ccs ik ke ee ee Canton. memisOns Olay. ExOCUCES CO. 606s alo, ce be ae, Akron. by peter mine (Proohaton (oid Gos nl ess sue oh, eo Waynesburg. COLUMBIANA COUNTY. poscneai Sewer (Pipe Cow, vistne cm fe re a East Liverpool. Columbia Fire Clay Co., care W. B. Allen............. Cleveland. ree, Liverpool Brick Vtg) Cos) sie foe deb ce ean East Liverpool. WC CES G1) OVO 2S 9 ek hc ae ate a a Wellsville. Miller & Coulsen, Diamond Bk. PGT cake adie Pittsburgh, Pa. Rrarmog tips Proohie Con. ..e Nw. Cie Pittsburgh, Pa, Pima ume Gore Face AUT rs. fe fen ey aay ook Negley. Bm anOO a MRR Ce Loe ee aN te pug di Rogers. Me Noah TARE Nes ies haven dien exert Ai cke he ero. cze els eee chew ae Wellsville. Brataotts Chay. 8 Coal Coles oiaed.c coe tons ternal Turtle Creek, Pa. GUERNSEY COUNTY, J orto OUYaTAL OLE SR Bete et a acs a a ca 2 ; Cambridge. HOCKING COUNTY. Columbus Brick’ & Terra Cotta Co.................... | Columbus, Peanalebire Prooting Go. weds: 06s ess.20s5, ch, Pittsburgh, Pa. Peremres econ Const ah caidnn cou eee Nelsonville. PE ea ANOMAE Oe Negi oul you kM Ox. 6icey aia! el .e) © (8 6 Cth ONE bce niece 0) hg arene Tel e.8) aoe ate Pea © 6) ee beens 9.0 Che ote she @ ele eau (ole (ace) ©, Blosser, J. S Golimibus (aroves Stoner Con... os te eae aecer satel vient eases Ft. Jennings Stone Co McDowell, J. W Lauer, Nick acer an ees a ee © «es wm ROL} ey ee www) wwe) Onk ae Wide Cie e he a ets le te Mo er ea mela le ene aan eye mee eld ere OA ete ale nee we ee ee 6 0 8k 8 Oe 6 Oe 6 6 O18 ae OO Marion. Huntington, Ind. Owens. McComb, Susp. Ft. Recovery. | Columbus. Covington. R. D. 4, Covington, Susp. Covington. | Piqua. | Troy, | Susp. Cleveland. | Huntington, Ind. 309 Chamber of Commerce | Bldg., Toledo. Oakwood. Cloverdale. Lima. Camden. ‘Eaton, Lima. | New Paris. College Corners, Susp. College Corners. Cloverdale. Columbus Grove. Ft. Jennings. | Ottawa. | Ottoville, Susp. - Pandora. | Greenfield. AGA LIMESTONE OPERATORS, WITH ADDRESSES, FOR 1915—Conciuded. | | ‘ Name of Owner or Operator. | P. O. Address. SANDUSKY COUNTY. | eee Oe NGO iN Ws voce oaks ek ek Gee cae ‘Bellevue. PerreGA ORD COs raton, . Cite ot ee ee OM Fremont. oh EE RS CNIS Co al OF sa) oe (he ae Re De eh Huntington, Ind. Sr eHiety Or Ole Gree NIV ti. ss ee oO uwee on Ns Fremont. See TOR Ee eer ey ey eof eee eats Ores Fremont. SENECA COUNTY. PCR PME e Lien tenn ern d Ooes tet tan ae a Toledo. TUN TTS OL 0°S eet ou aan a 0k NER MOLE RL So Bloomville. BUELL Par atin ete tect ia ti yt ve Roe tals Flat Rock. Witdece western Lime COs.¢ a. Aletos cl... 4c eae Huntington, Ind. eM MOEA Wen las yc cece ahs Meet be ete: Bloomville. Thompson’ Township: Ouarry -Co2- +s. soos oes: 12960 Euclid Ave., Cleve- Be LOS at Si te. uns eek APR Site he eh land. Flat Rock. SMepos icine e- Stone’ Cos Thee bia 2 oe Mae) Oe Tiffin. oo) GENS SY EU AeA pode as Pe A een eae LHL or 109 Scipio Siding, Susp. STARK COUNTY. ee Commu Lime & Coal Co, 2.4h*, 4.02. b/c eee ' Canton. eer Barber Lime. & Rerte’Co... vo. 5 sek ne tea ' Canton. eC se OO fat Meat ccna Se Canton, Wiamond «Portland Cement Co... oes 2.8 toe Middle Branch. Oi Soy ON a OSS sia ok A od Oe te EN a PR AE Waco. TOURS 1 POSS" BN Speen a td PY i East Sparta. VAN WERT COUNTY. Pere ROMO NUN Cet asc, 4. 2a. eee ok ee Van Wert. Perper COM LE ea: aka s Leki. cuit co. alo oak eM Toledo. WOOD COUNTY. { COS TOISGECT ta: 00 ip CUI RSS 6 toe aeg T McComb. UAE NOC 19 (Re a Ny lace ante ean nn SD Toledo. Berrien HG Rede oe EEE I tS ii | Bowling Green. iat wet Pomoneony Patera Aline Cone. voiace ove ok Pow | Huntington, Ind. RRC be a eR eee aie ur folk ot. ae NN Elmore. 7S AGT ESTOS SUG Vo ign, a ge ot Stony Ridge. Pronvriidge: Stone (Co... fei ee, ce. peeeeeeeeeeeees 309 Chamber of Commerce WYANDOTTE COUNTY. ree MEO RAN SS 02 ste ys seek chs daw tke ee | Bldg., Toledo. | | Ada. 18 . GYPSUM OPERATORS IN OHIO, WITH ADDRESSES, 1915. Name of Owner or Operator. P. O. Address. ERIE COUNTY. Castalia—Kelley «Plaster Co sci secs. s eat canleteins etats | Sandusky. OTTAWA COUNTY. American No, 1, Ameriean: Gypsoum 'Co. 224. 8.6aeee- | Cleveland. American \Cement Plaster s\Coi iiss. <4 ss nite oe | Port Clinton. Lower West, United States Gypsum Co...........4... | Chicago, Ill. IRON ORE OPERATORS IN OHIO, WITH ADDRESSES, 1015. Name of Owner or Operator. | P. O. Address: JACKSON COUNTY. AEKSOne rome Oc? SLCQUMO On rein cearys anevada Rr eae oreiatene Jackson. Petper SOU TOT (50,,4 PIO), wrt Sots ale Mead wie Set adios aCe Oak Hill. LAWRENCE COUNTY. PEON CNN SMR OCK LOI CeCe me bely tae author Leet eaten ert teen ae Hanging Rock. BVat icicle Gr Gren Tete .ayh e Saltiin ty, Soe asia) SPER ICTD Sens aan : Oak Hill. ss The Ohio State Universit MUON AT 3. 2435 00267 2657 TN2403A41915 001 LIST OF COAL, LIMESTONE, FIRE CLAY, IRON Le ITORY ini, SECT SHLF S 16 8 IOS 24