Liberty Heights United Brethren Church Baltimore Maryland. Library of Che Theological Seminary PRINCETON » NEW JERSEY C=) PRESENTED BY Rufus H. LeFevre BKAASBTS +.B 19 x ee ee ne - atti more, Ma, 9 ach ak Teignrs U Ae ed Brethren CMe oe of the CS | - Mit meahen int Christ : i = 4“ The Little Graystone Church ” Bibecty Heights Mnrited Brethren int Christ | are ead Heights Asenne : SAANNSAVWV OdGWHOd1S 9OG6E YyOLSYWd NONNWHS ‘A‘3 1NVWd [ yoinyo asiadeg siys81eyY Azreqry Ajiswi04 | , yaanyp) apsSALAG) WATE. aD, 5, 6LO] ALH3SIq 3NOHd The Little Graystone Church “The Little Graystone Church” needs no introduction to this community, for everybody knows of the splendid work for the Kingdom of God which has been done here so effectively iby the Liberty Heights Biaptist congregation un- der the capable leadership of their beloved pastor, Dr. F. F. Briggs. This congregation having decided to merge with the First Baptist church sold “The Little Graystone Church” to the Church of the United Brethren in ‘Christ and at their last service officially turned over the church to the new ‘occupants with a hearty expression of good will and an earnest prayer for continued blessing from God to those vrho in the future would worship there. We are conscious that we are continuing a work which was well begun by our predecessors and also mindful of the sacred memories which will ever be indellibly written upon the hearts and lives of many who learned more of the will of God in “The Little Graystone Church.” As Moses of. old, we are treading on what to many is Holy Ground and with all due reverence to the traditions of the past and prayers on our lips and in our hearts we accept the challenge that this church and this community us to continue the worship of the Lord and the ser- vice of our fellow men in the name of our great Leader, Jesus the Christ. You aré€ most cordially invited to our service. Come and worship the Lord with us. Program of Service sunday Sichool Ladies? Bible Gla sae 2 es uc cite el ts. Gey ee |. a 10:00 ‘A. M. Men’s Bible Class Morning “Worsbinge sere eee oe Vere |. qpemenel aie 11:00 A. M. Hyenine. Worshipe.Micdscn os © cay osc ce | Serre 5:00 =P Prayer and eBible study. se .8 ete: ‘Wednesday 8:00 P. M. Official Board ..... First Monday of the month 8:00 P. JM. Quarterly Conference at the call of the Conference Super- intendent Let Our Church Be: A LIVE CHURCH Activity, Progressiviness, Growth. A WARM CEURCH Sympathy, Cordiality, Friend- liness. A HOPEFUL CHURCH Optimism, Confidence, Cour- age. A SERVING CHURCH Doing for Others at Home and Abroad. AoPrIRITUAL GHURCH Filled With the Spirit of God. Greetings From the Pastor The pastor of The Little Graystone Church takes this opportunity for a word of greeting. ‘As a minister of the Cospel he is not only anxious to preach the Gospel from the pulpit but also to be of any assistance possible to the community. Will you not be free to call upon him at any time at the parsonage? Especially is he anxious to ibe of service to those who are sick or infirm and to those who have no church home. We wish to be to be of service to young and old alike. For the children we offer Sunday ‘School facilities with com- petent instruction and guidance. For the grown ups we of- fer Pible class activities and the worship services. For the aged, sick or infirm we offer our visitation service either for counsel and prayer or by observance of the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. We assure you of our earnest purpose as pastor and members of The Little Graystone Church to “do the will of Him Who sent us.” Nothing will give us greater joy than for you to give us this opportunity for ministry. a Church Officiary Bishop W. M. Bell D. D., LL. D.—Bishop of Eastern Area, Harrisburg, Pa. Rev. ‘C. KE. Fultz D. D.—Conference Superintendent, 48 Adams st. N. W., Washington, D.C. .- Rev. Paul FE. V. Shannon B. D.— Pastor, 3906 Eldorado Avenue. Harold T. Lutz—Treasurer and Trustee, 155 Dorchester Avenue. Samuel M. Kent—President Trustee Board, 3012 Prest- man (st. John Bloecher—tTrustee Mrs. Osceola ‘B. Briggs—Trustee, 930 Fulton Avenue. Miss Phoebe 'C. (Schreiner—Trustee, 930 Fulton Avenue Miss Lotta ‘EK. Lustnauer—Siecretary and Clerk, 930 Fiul- ton \Ave. Mirs. (Harold T. Lutz, Chairmian Music Committee, 155 Dorchester Ave. C. Howard Campbell, ‘Chief ‘Usher, 3911 Belle Avenue. EK. S. Anderson, Sexton, Severn, Md. Items of Interest The tallest concrete office building in the world is the U. E. building at Dayton, Ohio. The largest Church publishing plant in America is the Citerbein /Fress, official publishing house of the U. B. church, also located at Dayton, Ohio. The Wright Brothers, inventors of the airplane, were sons of Bishop Wright of the U. B. church and they also were members of the U. B. :church. The world famous melody, Darling Nellie Grey, was writen by Ben Hanby a U. B. boy while a student at. Otterbein college. Francis Sicott Key learned the rudiments of music in a U. B. Sunday |Sichool taught -by a U. B. Class leader of Keysville, Md. Fishop ‘Otterbein assisted in he ordination of Francis Asbury, ‘America’s first (Miethodist Bishop, Dec. 27, 1784. Last year the U. B. church was 9th in numerical strength but 2nd in proportionate increase. Dr. Howard H. Russel, founder and President of the National Anti Saloon League is a loyal member of the U. B. ‘Church. Our denomination supports 79 missionaries in Africa, China, Japan, Philippine Islands and ‘Porto Rico. As early as 1821 the United Brethren ‘Church took a definite stand against slavery. Perhaps the first denomi- nation to regisi:er such a protest. For decades before prohibition, the U. B. church for- bade its members to sell or use intoxicating liquors or to rent property to liquor dealers. There are 32 Annual Conferences, divided into 5 Bishops’ Areas. The Uni-ed Brethren Church is the first church in America of purely American origin, and is in many re- spects patterned after the American government in polity. Statistics Approx. Organized churches ......... ie Sie Cat eae Ok a otic taih cu eda 3,500 Bia eores LATER CGT Sere iene hat sata tea a seca ae a! (whe (oils 2,609 erate Uren. MCNMNCKSN Tp | ees tae a oases eke" Pa est oe 400,000 Eopiemernool connor liieinicn oe heen se on a neg ae ew eas 445,000 Pnristiam pudeavos Hmrollment., 1. ewe see ae 105,000 Woman’s Mi:sionary ‘Aissociation Enrollment ..,.... 40,009 Gre re aes LG aT QUICTIS 15. ele pcs mcs 0 vhs SP le 16,000 Ladies Aig: COciciy erm rollment. <4 b. etc Soe s cts 60,000 Valuerorochurcnes maid parsOnages: ........ sams. $27,000,000 Church Institutions Bonebrake Theological Seminary ...... a ten A Dayton, O. Lebanon wallcy (College 7). ..0 cis. epics nee Annville, Pa. PRO TOUCHE OLIGL CMe rea aie ere tions tale 2 bee, Westerville, O Indiana Centrial University<. ........... Indianapolis, Ind. ee er 2 BR val BRAD QIZs) LLB os a, eur eee en Kansas City, Mo. YORK COLL p G2 etc. art eee ees elec. seal eee York, Neb. PHilomath i Coleser ema. nee en) Philomath, Ore. Shenandoah Collegiate Institute ......3,0. Dayton, Va. Quincy Grphanare and Home ew... +... oa aoe Quincy, Pa. Otcerbein Orphanage and [Home ............ Lebanon, QO. Periodicals Religious Telescope—One of the best religious periodicals published, keeping its subscribers in touch weekly with the progress of religion and supplying also an abundance of devotional and inspirational literature. Every member of our church and any one else interested in reading thé best should receive The Relizious Telescope, Price $2.00 Watchword—A. «splendid paper adapted for Sunday ©chools and Christian Eneavor workers. United Brethren Churches of Baltimore The United Brethren denomination was one of the pioneer ichurches of Baltimore. Indeed the oldest church building in the city is the Old Otterbein church located at harp and Conway streets. The founder of the United Prethren denomination, Bishop Phillip William Otterbein, was pastor of this church from 1774 to 1813. Name of chureh location _ pastor membershiy Old Otterbein Sharpiand Conway C.'H. Stine 150 Sieott St. Scott & St. Peter I. M. | Htreidinger 210 Son ee Fulton & Lombard. Paul E. Soleil Frances near Holdcraft 400 Retreat); H. B. Krone’ 250 = Otterbein Panlek. Memorial 38th & Roland Koontz 760 Franklin St. Franklin and KX. W. Beech 550 Monroe, Paul E. V. Liberty Heights Liberty Heights Shannon 15 and Montgomery Paul R. EYInIty Ridgewood Barnaby 120 SS ER I RE IY EE PER IE BTL TE et AI, TOE EERE. ELE Se The United Brethren Church 1. Origin The church of the United Brethren in Christ had its crigin near the close of the 18th century in Eastern Penn- sylvania and Maryland. Rev. Phillip William ‘Otterbein, a missionary of the Reformed Church, having received a special blessing of the iHoly ‘Spirit, started out to tell his experience, and held evangelistic meetings. In one of these meetings, Rev. Martin Boehm, a ministér of the Mennonite Church, came to hear Otterbein. ‘After the ser- vice Boehm stepped up to Otterbein and said, “We ‘are Brethren.” Hence the name of the Church, “United Breth- rensinachrist,” Taking its rise as it did in a great religious awakening and without the intent of the leaders to found a new sect, hundreds and then thousands ‘awakened and converted souls were naturally driawn together for fellowship and council. Harly in the nineteeth century the denomination was formally organized and Otterbein elected first Bishop. The United Brethren Church was the first church to ‘be founded in ‘America and is not an ‘‘offshoot” of another de- nomination. It is an American church’ in’ origin, ideals and in government. In its administration, the power is almost equally di- vided between the ministers and laity. The government in form is a Representative Democracy and in many respects patterned after our National government, providing as it does for the election of officers with a four year term and complete representation in all legislative and administra- tive bodies. | . The system of church government of the United Breth- ren Chureh is not iron clad but flexible and peculiarly adapted to a progressive people and to a progressive age. 2. Confession Of Faith The confession of Faith is) broad and liberal avoiding as far as possible all technical doctrines ‘based on matters of opinion but holding a firm grasp on the essentials of the Christian Faith. While the Confession of Faith contains thirteen ar- ticles, in substanice, the church |believes: in the Holy Trin- ity, the Divinity of Christ, the Personality and Leadership of the Holy Spirit, the Inspiration of the Scriptures, the Sacraments as taught by our Lord, Justification by Faith, Regeneration by the Holy Spirit, the Christian Sabbath and the Future Life. Baptism and the Lord’s supper are to be observed in every church but the mode of Baptism, whether by im- mersion or sprinkling, is to be left to the judgment of the individual. 3. Fundamental Principles . The Bible ias absolute and finial on Christian living. Regeneration as a necessity for every Christian life. 3. Loyalty to the Christian Sabbath and the government of our country. 4. A Universal ‘Brotherhood based on the Fatherhood of God and the Leadership of Jesus. 4. Membership All persons who have !accepted Christ as their personal Savior, and the Bible as the rule for their living, are en- titled to membership in the ‘United Brethren church. Membership is obtained either by confession of faith, or on presentation of credentials from any other evangeli- cal denomination. Inter-Denominational Co-operation The United Brethren denomination, co-operates in all inter-denominiational evangelism, moral reform, and the securing of moral legislation for the welfare of all. It is recognized and a co-operating member of the Federal Council of Churches in America. ow Re 3 Ae i ; Le = histo > ea > *, : , NRE Saree toe ‘ie : nae Efe Canc Bi Rac Iite acme Sh ; Sacch Senttee es cra ee 363L% ae o> @ rr amie, ‘S wr Re ee ae