OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY. Presenteo sy OHO. Supervisor of Public. Printing. vey . , et +« ? aed y ie So ae ae ah ) Seg O) h 1\Oy + 6 Wis, =. Ph a >, o. ~The Laws of Public Printing A COMPILIATION OF THE Statutes of the State of Ohio PERTAINING TO PUBLIC PRINTING How and When Legal Advertisements Shall be Published; How Measured and the Rates Therefor. MISCELLANEOUS LAWS RELATING TO PRINTING AND: LEGAL PUBLISHING; GENERAL RULES FOR LEGAL ADVERTISING. The F. J. Heer Printing Co. State Bindery. “e ek ; x > Sues r ts ‘ i * A 4 - ‘ ad “ nt > y j , =f 6 AA ; é } 3 ; ' , . . } b ! > r » : 2 ‘ + : é : . . } " : ‘ a! ‘ ‘ wat 2 - id ms . Pe At rp e , : ‘ D y » if, . ‘ be ‘ & LEGAL ADVERTISING. toes bo : a. Constitution. ' ARTICLE XVI, Sec. 1, ConsTiITUTION oF Oni0o. [Amendments to the Constitution.] Either branch of the general assembly may propose amendments to this constitution; and, if the same shall be agreed to by three-fifths of the members elected to each house, such proposed amendments shall be entered on the journals, with the yeas and nays, and shall be published in at least one newspaper in each county of the state, where a newspaper is published, for six months preceding the next elec- tion for senators and representatives, at which time the same shall be submitted to the electors, for their approval or rejection; and if a major- ity of the electors, voting at such election, shall adopt such amendments, the same shall become a part of the constitution. When more than one amendment shall be submitted at the same time, they shall be so sub- mitted as to enable the electors to vote on each amendment separately. b. General Assembly. Sec. 64. [Testimony in Impeachments.] Notice of the time and place of taking such depositions shall be given in the manner required by law in other cases; but if the officer against whom such complaint is made or is about to be made is out of the state, such notice may be left at his place of residence in the state. If he has no known place of res- idence in the state, such notice may be published in a newspaper printed in the county of the state where he last resided, for three consecutive weeks next preceding the time of taking the depositions. c. Governor. SEc. 96. [Application for Pardon.] A notice of such application, setting forth the name of the person on whose behalf it is made, the crime of which he was convicted, the time of conviction and term of sentence, shall be published in a newspaper printed and of general cir- culation in such county, at least three weeks before the board of pardons (3) 130216 4 or the governor shall consider the application ; but, in case the application is for the pardon or commutation of sentence of a person sentenced to capital punishment, the governor may modify the requirements of such publication if there is not time sufficient for compliance therewith before the date fixed for the execution of sentence. Sec. 143. [Apportionment for Senators and Representatives. | The governor shall cause the apportionment for senators and representa- tives in the general assembly, as made each decennial period, to be pub- lished immediately after the making thereof for four consecutive weeks in the three newspapers, one in Cincinnati, one in Cleveland and one in Columbus. d. Secretary of State. Sec. 164. [Purchase of Paper for the State.] When the amount and grades of paper are ascertained and fixed, the secretary of state shall give notice weekly, for four consecutive weeks, in at least three daily newspapers printed and of general circulation in the state, immediately preceding the second Monday of September, that sealed proposais will be received at the office of the secretary of state until twelve o’clock noon, on the second Monday of September following for furnishing such paper, Src. 166. [Purchase of Paper for the State; Re-advertisement. | The commissioners of public printing may reject any or all bids, if in their opinion the bids are above what, would be the average market value of such paper or papers during the year for which the contract would be let. If any or all bids are rejected, the commissioners may re-adver- tise, in the manner provided by the second preceding section, for two weeks, for proposals to furnish such paper, and the bids shall be opened at noon on the first Monday of October, and the contract awarded to the lowest bidder or bidders for the various grades of paper. . e. Treasurer of State. Sec. 306. [Monthly Statement of Money in State Treasury. | The treasurer of state and auditor of state acting together shall make and publish in at least two daily papers of general circulation at the seat of government a statement signed by them of the amount of money in the state treasury at the close of business on the last business day of each month, specifying therein the amount to the credit of each fund. The expense of such publication shall be paid by the auditor of state from the contingent fund of his office. 3 Sec. 319. [Annual Statement of Receipts and Expenditures. | A condensed tabular statement showing the receipts and expenditures of the public moneys during the next preceding fiscal year shall be made by the treasurer of state on the first Monday of December of each year, and caused to be published over his official signature once a week for three weeks in two daily newspapers published and of general circula- tion at the seat of government. f. Attorney General. Sec. 347. [Service in Proceedings in Quo Warranto.] If a writ or meshe process in proceedings in quo warranto be returned not found by the sheriff of the county in which the company is authorized by law to have its place of business, the clerk of the court, in which the informa- tion or other proceedings is filed, shall issue a notice of the filing and sub- stance thereof, and cause it to be published once a week for six con- secutive weeks in a newspaper printed and of general circulation in the county wherein such company is authorized to have its place of business. g. Board of Public Works. SEc. 438. [Certificate Relative to Property Appropriated by Board of Public Works.] A copy of such certificate shall be de- livered to each owner of the property taken, or left at his usual place of residence within this state. If such owner is a minor, idiot or insane per- son, such certificate may be delivered to his guardian. If the owner or guardian is not a resident of the state, or his place of residence is un- known, notice may be given him by publication of the certificate for four consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the property is situated. The original certificate with the date and proof of service of a copy thereof shall be filed in the office of the board. SEC. 447. [Appropriation of Property by Board of Public Works.] At the time of issuing the venire, the probate judge shall issue a notice to the owner of the property, which shall contain a descrip- tion of the property sought to be appropriated, the name of the owner or owners, if they are known, and the time and place of the trial in the probate court. The sheriff shall serve the notice and make return thereof as in other cases. If an owner of. property is a non-resident of the state, or if he is unknown, publication of such notice shall be made in a newspaper published in the county at least thirty days next preceding the commencement of the trial. The probate judge may administer oaths, issue subpoenas and other process. 6 h. Public Utility Commission. | Sec. 614-21. [Notice of Complaint by a Public Utility.| A pub- lic utility may make complaint as to any matter affecting its own product or service with life effect as though made by a person, firm or corpora- tion, in which event the commission shall publish notice thereof for ten days prior to such hearing in a newspaper of general circulation at the situs of such public utility . ; i. Superintendent of Insurance. Sec. 626. [Examination of Insurance Companies.] For the purpose of such examination, the superintendent, or other person so ap- pointed, shall have authority to administer oaths to and examine the officers and agents of such insurance company relating to its business and affairs. If he deems it to the interest of the public, the superintendent may publish the result of such investigation in a newspaper printed at the seat of government and of general circulation in the state, and also a newspaper printed in the county where the principal office of such company is located. Sec. 642. [Claims Against Defaulting Insurance Companies. | Upon the filing of the petition in such case, the superintendent of insur- ance, or other officer, shall cause to be published for six consecutive weeks in three papers of general circulation within the state, one of which shall be published at the seat of government, a notice containing a succinct statement of the object and prayer of the petition in such action, and the time within which persons claiming to have an interest in such fund shall be required to answer. | Sec. 648. [Certificate of Compliance of Insurance Company. | Annually, and before the time of making its report to the superintendent of insurance as hereafter provided, such company or association shall publish its certificate of compliance in every county, where it has an agency, in a newspaper published and of general circulation in such county. SEc. 649. [When Newspaper Deemed of General Circulation for Publication of Certificate of Compliance.] No newspaper shall be deemed to be a newspaper of general circulation as defined in the pre- ceding section unless it has been established for at least one year, is printed in the English language and has a circulation in the county in which it is published as follows: In a county having at the last preced- ing federal census a population not more than thirty thousand, six hun- 7 dred; in a county having a population of over thirty thousand and not more than fifty thousand, eight hundred; in a county having a population of over fifty thousand and not more than one hundred thousand, twelve hundred; in a county having a population of over one hundred thousand and not more than one hundred and fifty thousand, two thousand; in counties having a population of more than one hundred and fifty thousand, three thousand. Src. 650. [Certificate as to Circulation.] Before publication of any such certificate, the manager, editor or proprietor of a newspaper shall certify under oath on a prepared blank, furnished him on applica- tion by the superintendent of insurance, the information prescribed in the preceding section, and if such affidavit shows that such newspaper is one of general circulation under the provisions of such section, the super- intendent shall deliver to him a certificate that such newspaper is one of general circulation, as defined by the preceding section. . Sec. 652. [Failure to Publish Certificate of Compliance.] If any such company or association fails to comply with the laws relating to the publication of such certificate, the superintendent shall suspend its authority to do business in any county where such publication has not been made, until such publication is made; provided that if it appears. that through mistake or oversight such ptibiication has not been made in any county, such authority shall not be suspended in such county if such publication is made within a time designated by the superintendent. SEC. 653.. [Approval of Publication of Certificate of Compliance. j Publication in a newspaper shall not be approved by the superintendent ‘of insurance unless prior to such publication he has certified that such newspaper is one published and of general circulation in the county, but‘ if publication has been made in any such newspaper without such certifi- cate and a report as herein provided filed.and such certificate of the superintendent is procured within such time as he designates, publication in such newspaper shall be approved. The superintendent shall keep a book in which shall be recorded the names of the newspapers so certified as newspapers of general circulation, which book shall be open to in- spection, and every such certificate of circulation shall remain in force until revoked, provided that whenever he deems proper the superintendent may demand further certificates as to the circulation of any such news- paper. Sec. 655. [Discontinuance of Life Insurance Company.] When a life insurance company doing business in this state decides to discon- 8 tinue its business, the superintendent of insurance upon application of such company or association shall give notice, at its expense, of, such in- tention at least once a week for six weeks in a paper published and of general circulation in the county in which such company or its general agency is located. Sec. 656. [Discontinuance of Insurance Company Other Than Life.] When an insurance company or corporation, other than life, which has made a deposit with the superintendent of insurance, intends to discontinue its business in this state, the superintendent upon applica- tion of such company or corporation shall give notice, at its expense, of such intention at least once a week for six weeks in three newspapers of general circulation in the state. Sec. 683. [Annual Report of Building and Loan Association. | ‘The report required in the preceding section shall be the form and con- tain such information as is prescribed by the inspector of building and loan associations. It shall be sworn to by the secretary and its correct- ness attested by at least three directors or an auditing committee ap- pointed by the board. The original shall be filed with the inspector of building and loan associations within forty days after the close of the fiscal year. Such an abstract thereof as the inspector requires shall be posted for sixty days in the office or meeting face of such association, and published in a newspaper regularly issued in the county in which it is located. Sec. 689. [Report of Examination by Inspector of Building and Loan Association.] If the inspector of building and loan associations deems it to the interest of the public, he may publish the results of such examination in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which such association is. located, if it is a domestic association, and in some newspaper in the city of Columbus if it is a foreign association. Sec. 705. [Annual Statement of Bond Investment Company. | On or before the tenth day of January of each year, each bond invest- ment company doing business in this state shall file with the supervisor of bond investment companies, under oath of its president, secretary or other managing officer, and in a form required by the supervisor, a state- ment of its business for the twelve months next preceding the thirty-first day of December. Such abstract thereof as the supervisor may require shall be posted for sixty days in the principal office of such company and published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which its principal office is situated, S SEC. 9353. [Petition to Consolidate Insurance Companies.| The superintendent thereupon shall issue an order of notice, requiring notice to be given by mail to the policy-holders of such company, of the pen- dency of such petition, and the time and place at which it will be heard, and the publication of the order of notice and petition in five daily news- papers to be designated by him, at least one of which shall be published in the city of Columbus, for at least two weeks before the time appointed for the hearing on the petition. SEc. 9601. [Publication of Certificate of Compliance by Mutual Protective Association.] Upon its receipt the association annually shall publish such certificate or renewal in a newspaper published and of general circulation in the county of its center or business office, as pre- scribed for the publication of certificates defined by section six hundred and forty-six, which publication shall be in lieu of the publication re- quired by such section. j. Superintendent of Banks. Sec. 739. [Reports of Banking Companies to Superintendent of Banks.] Such reports shall be transmitted to the superintendent within ten days after the receipt of the request therefor from him, and shall be published in a newspaper in the city, town or county where the company is located, and, if there is none, then in a newspaper of general circulation in an adjoining county. A copy of such publication shall be furnished to the superintendent of banks. SEC. 742-3. (101 V. 278). [Banking Company in Course of Liquidation Claims Against.] The superintendent of banks shall cause notice to be given by advertisement in such newspaper as he may direct weekly for three consecutive months, calling on all persons who may have claims against such corporation, company, society or associa- tion, to present the same to the superintendent of banks, and to make legal proof thereof at a place and within a time not earlier than the last day of publication to be therein specified. The superintendent of banks shall mail a similar notice to all persons whose names appear as creditors upon the books of the corporation, company, society or association. If the superintendent of banks doubts the justice and validity of any claim, he may reject the same and serve notice of such rejection upon the claim- ants, either by mail or personally and an affidavit of the service of such notice, which shall be prima facie evidence thereof, shall be filed in his office. IO Sec. 742-11. (101 V. 281). [Meeting of Stockholders of Liqui- dated Banking Company.] Whenever the superintendent of banks shall have paid to each depositor and creditor of such corporation, com- pany, society or association (not including stockholders) whose claim or claims as such depositor or creditor shall have been duly proved and allowed, the full amount of such claims, and shall have made proper provision for unclaimed or unpaid deposits or dividends, and shall have paid all the expenses of the liquidation, the superintendent of banks shall call a meeting of the stockholders of such corporation, company, society or association, by giving notice thereof for thirty days in one or more newspapers published in the county wherein the office of such corpora- tion, company, society or association was located. SEc. 9722. [Publication of Certificate of Superintendent of Banks Authorizing State Bank to Commence Business.| The corpo- ration shall cause such certificate to be published in some newspaper printed in the city, village or county where it is located, once a week for four cousecutive weeks, or if no newspaper is published in such county, then in a newspaper published at the nearest county seat. SEc. 9726. [Reduction of Capital Stock of State Bank.] Such a corporation may reduce the amount of its capital stock in the manner provided for other corporations, but notice of such reduction shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the city, village or county, in which it is doing business. k. Supervisor of Public Printing. SEC. 755. [Proposals for State Printing.] Biennially, between the first day of June and the first day of August, the commissioners of public printing shall give notice for at least thirty days in two or more newspapers printed in the city of Columbus and in two newspapers in each of the cities of Cleveland and Cincinnati that sealed proposals will be re- ceived at the office of the secretary of state for executing the several classes of the public printing in separate contracts, for the term of two years from the first Monday of November next ensuing. The commis- sioners shall state in the notice the time within which the printing in- cluded in the several classes, except the first and fifth classes, shall be completed after the manuscript therefor has been received by the con- tractor. Src. 759. [Readvertisement for Bids for State Printing.] If the commissioners are of the opinion that there was collusion between Il the bidders or that the lowest bid or bids are too high, they may reject any or all bids and readvertise for two weeks for proposals for executing in the manner provided in the previous sections the classes of printing not awarded, or, if the commissioners deem it for the best interests of the state, they. may contract with a responsible person who shall file a bond for the execution of the work as provided in such sections. Sec. 786. [Printing and Binding for the State.] All printing and binding for the state not authorized by the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to the provisions thereof so far as practicable, and, whether provided for by law or resolution, the commissioners of public printing may advertise for proposals and let contracts therefor as herein provided. I. State Highway Commissioner. Sec. 1201; [For Highway Department to Construct and Main- tain Highways.] Upon receipt of the application and certified copy of the resolution of the county commissioners, the state highway com- missioner shall advertise for bids for two consecutive weeks in two news- papers of general circulation and of opposite politics, published in the county in which the improvement is to be made. Such notice shall state that plans and specifications for the improvement are on file in the offices of the state highway commissioner and county commissioners, and the _time in which bids therefor will be received. m. Supreme Court. SEC. 1471. [Time and Place of Special Terms.] The supreme court may hold special or adjourned terms at such times and places as the judges or a majority of them determine. If a special term is held elsewhere than at the seat of government, thirty days’ notice of the time and place thereof must be given by publication in the newspapers printed at the seat of government. The court may make necessary orders for the return of process and the transmission of papers and files of the court to and from the place of holding a special term. n. Ohio State Reformatory. SEC. 2142. [Parole of Prisoner.] Before consideration by the board of managers, notice of such recommendation shall be published for three consecutive weeks in two newspapers of opposite politics in the county from which the prisoner is sentenced, or in the county of the residence of the prisoners. The expense of such publication shall not exceed one dollar for each paper. I2 o. Ohio Penitentiary. SEC. 2171. [Parole of Prisoner.] A prisoner confined in the penitentiary shall not be eligible to parole, and an application for parole shall not be considered by the board of managers, until such prisoner is recommended as worthy of such consideration by the warden and chaplain of the penitentiary. Before consideration by such board, notice. of such recommendation shall be published for three consecutive weeks ° in two newspapers of opposite politics in the county from which such prisoner was sentenced. The expense of such publication shall not ex- ceed one dollar for each paper. p. State Institutions. Sec. 1809. [Appropriation of Real Estate by Trustees or Man- agers of State Institutions.] Upon the adoption of the resolution, application may be made by the board in its name to the court of com- mon pleas or probate court of the county wherein the property is located, for the appropriation of the property or easement. Such property may be appropriated, appeals taken, and error prosecuted in all respects as provided for the appropriation of private property by municipal corpo- rations. No such proceedings may be instituted unless sufficient money has been appropriated by the general assembly for the purpose of acquir- ing such real estate, right of way or easement. SEc, 2316. [Erection, Alteration or Improvement of State Build- ings.| Thereupon such officer, board or other authority, shall give public notice of the time when and place where sealed proposals will be received for performing the labor and furnishing the materials of such construction and a contract or contracts therefor awarded. SEC. 2317. [Erection, Alteration or Improvement of State Build- ings.]|_ The notice shall be published weekly for four consecutive weeks next preceding the day named for awarding the contract, in the paper having the largest circulation in the county where the work is to be let, and in one or more daily papers having the largest circulation and published in each of the cities of Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus and Toledo. Such notice shall state when and where the plans, descriptions, bills and specifications can be seen, and they shall be open to the public inspection at all business hours between the date of the notice and the making of the contract. SEC. 23 19. |Readvertisement When Bids Rejected for Erection, Alteration or Improvement of State Buildings.] If in the opinion 3 of such officer, board or other authority, the acceptance of the lowest bid or bids is not for the best interests of the state, with the written consent of the governor, auditor of state and secretary of state, they may accept in their discretion, another proposal so opened, or reject all proposals, and advertise for others in the manner hereinbefore provided. All con- tracts shall provide that such officer, board of other authority may make any change in work or materials on the conditions and in the manner hereinafter provided. 2, COUNTY. Sec. 1165-3 (101 V. 124). [Proposition to Establish County Experiment Farm.] Upon the filing of a petition with the county auditor signed by not less than five per cent. of the electors, based upon the vote for governor at the last preceding election, residing within the county, the commissioners of such county shall submit to the qualified voters of such county a proposition to establish an experiment farm with- in such county, and to issue notes or bonds for the purchase and equip- ment of such farm, such proposition to be voted upon at the next general election following the receipt of the petition by the commissioners. Notice of the intention to submit such proposition shall be published by the county commissioners in two newspapers of opposite politics printed and of general circulation in said county, for at least four weeks prior to the election at which the proposition is to be voted upon, together with a statement of the maximum amount.of money which it is proposed to ex- pend in the purchase and equipment of such farm. SEC. 1165-13. (101 V. 126). [Sale of Abandoned Experiment Sta- tion.] In case the experiment station shall cease to use for the pur- poses herein specified any farm established under this act, such farm and its equipment shall be sold at public auction to the highest bidder after notice of such proposed sale shall have been published for four consecutive weeks in two newspapers of opposite politics,.once a week, _ published in and having the largest circulation in the county within which the farm is located, and the proceeds of such sale shall be covered into the county treasury, the sums thus covered to be placed to the credit of the school funds of the county. _ SEc. 2294. [Sale of Public Bonds by County Commissioners, Boards of Education or Commissioners of Free Turnpikes.] All. bonds issued by boards of county commissioners, boards of education, _ or commissioners of free turnpikes, shall be sold to the highest bidder after being advertised three times weekly, in a newspaper having general circulation in the county where the bonds are issued, and, if, the amount 14 of bonds to be sold exceeds twenty thousand dollars, in an additional newspaper having general circulation in the state, three times, weekly, The advertisement shall state the total amount of bonds to be sold; the amount of each bond, how long they are to run, the rate of interest to be paid thereon, whether annually or semi-annually, the law or section of law authorizing the issue, the day, hour and place in the county where they are to be sold. Sec. 2352. [County Building and Bridges.] When plans, draw- ings, representations, bills of materials, specifications and estimates are so made and approved, the county commissioners shall give public notice in two of the principal papers in the county having the largest circulation therein, of the time when and the place where sealed proposals will be received for performing the labor and furnishing the materials necessary to the erection of such building, bridge or bridge substructure, or addi- tion to or alteration thereof, and a contract based on such proposals will be awarded. If there is only one paper published in the county, it shall be published in such paper. The notice shall be published weekly for four consecutive weeks next preceding the day named for making the contract, and state when and where such plan or plans, descriptions, bills and specifications can be seen. ‘They shall be open to public inspection at all reasonable hours, between the date of such notice and the making of such contract. Src. 2354. [When Private Contract May Be Let.] When the estimated cost of a public building, bridge or bridge substructure or of making an addition thereto or repair thereof does not exceed two hundred dollars, it may be let at private contract without publication or notice. SEc. 2368. [Erection of New County.] Previous to the presenta- - tion of a petition to the general assembly, praying that a new county be erected, or for the location or re-location of a county seat, notice of the intention to present such petition shall be given at least thirty days before — the ensuing session of the general assembly, by advertisement in a news- paper printed in each county from which such new county is intended to be taken. If no paper is printed within:such county or counties, notice shall be given by advertisement affixed to the door of the house where courts are held for such county, for such period of thirty days. The no- tice shall set forth the boundary lines of the new county, or the place where it is proposed to locate such county seat. Sec. 2386. [Seat of Justice of New County.] Within sixty“ days after their appointment, such commissioners, or any two of them, tae ~ 5 shall assemble at some convenient place in such county. Twenty days’ no- tice of the time, place and purpose of such meeting shall be given by pub- lication in a newspaper printed or circulated in such county, or by being posted in three of the most public places therein. When assembled, after having taken an oath of office, such commissioners shall proceed to examine and select the most proper place as a seat. of justice, as near the center of the county as possible, having regard to the situation, ex- tent of population, and quality of land, and the convenience and interest of the inhabitants. SEC. 2427. [Bridge to Replace One Injured or Destroyed.] In rebuilding a bridge destroyed or injured by flood or fire, the commission- ers may select a new site therefor. Before the change is made, or a contract for that purpose is entered into, the commissioners shall give at least twenty days’ notice of the time when the question of change will be considered, and on the hearing, all persons interested may present their views and wishes to the board, either by petition, remonstrance, or orally. SEC. 2431. [Straightening or Cleaning Out of Creek or Water- course.] If the engineer recommends the straightening. or cleaning © out of such creek or water-course, and the commissioners deem it ad- visable, at the first regular session after receiving the report, they shall advertise the letting of the work at least twenty days, and let it to the lowest responsible bidder, taking from him a bond in a sum fixed by them, payable to the state, with good sureties, for the performance of the work in a proper manner, and within a time therein named. No bid shall be accepted that exceeds the estimated cost in such report, and the Commissioners may reject all bids. 5 SEc. 2444. [Purchase of Lands or Erection of Building or Bridge Costing More Than One Thousand Dollars.] Before the county com- missioners purchase lands, or erect a building or bridge, the expense of which exceeds one thousand dollars, they shall publish and circulate handbills, and publish in one or more newspapers of the county, notice of their intention to make such purchase, erect such building or bridge, and the location thereof, for at least four consecutive weeks prior to the time that such purchase, building, or location is made, They shall hear all petitions for, and remonstrances against, such proposed purchase, location, or improvement. SEC. 2459. [County Commissioners Shall Subscribe for News- papers.]| The commissioners shall subscribe for one copy of the leading newspaper of each political party, printed and published in 16 their county, and cause them to be bound and filed in the auditor’s office, as public archives, for the gratuitous inspection of the citizens of such county. SEC. 2503-2... [Enabling Counties to Appropriate Money to Con- trol Canals, etc.] The said petition shall be verified by affidavit of at least five of the petitioners, and on presentation thereof, if the same shall appear to be in proper form, it shall be filed, and thereupon the court shall fix a time for the hearing of the same, not more than sixty days thereafter, and direct that notice of the same be given to the county commissioners, and also the public generally by advertisement and publica- tion in one or more newspapers pubished in said county in such issues thereof as the court may direct. SEc. 2507. [Annual Report of County Commissioners.] On or before the third Monday in September of each year, the county com- missioners shall make to the court of common pleas of the county a de- tailed report of their financial transactions during the year next preced- ing such date. Such report shall be in writing, and itemized as to amount, to whom paid, and for what purpose. Sec. 2508. [Publication of Annual Report of County Commis- sioners.] Such report shall be published immediately in a compact form one time in two newspapers of different political parties, printed and of general circulation in such county. If two such papers are not so published, the publication shall be in one paper only. In addition to such publication, the report shall be published in the same manner in one newspaper, if there be such, printed in the county in the German language and having a bona fide general circulation of not less than six ‘hundred among the inhabitants of such county speaking that language. SEc. 2511. [Extension of Time for Examination of Annual Re- port of County Commissioners.] The time so employed shall not exceed thirty-days, but application, showing that such report cannot be examined in thirty days may be made to the common pleas court for an extension of time. Notice of the time for hearing such application shall be given for two consecutive weeks, in two newspapers of different. political parties printed and of general circulation in the county. If such papers are not so published, such publication shall be made in one paper only. SEc. 2515. [Publication of Report of Examiners of Annual Re- port of County Commissioners.] Immediately after the receipt as rare - e. Or Ce a Oe ee = 2 17 thereof, the county auditor shall cause the report of their examination, without the itemized or detailed report of the commissioners, to be pub- lighed one time in two newspapers of different political parties, printed and of general circulation in the county. If two papers are not pub- lished, such publication shall be in one paper only. In addition to such publication, such report shall be published in the same manner in one newspaper, if there be such printed in the county, in the German lan- guage, and having a bona fide general circulation of not less than six hun- dred among the inhabitants of the county speaking that language. SEC. 2536. [Free Publication of Receipts and Expenditures of County Commissioners.] If in any county the proprietors or managers of two newspapers of general circulation and Opposite politics notify the county auditor that they will publish free of charge a full and detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures of the county commissioners of the county for any designated month or months, the auditor shall at once so notify the county commissioners, who within twenty days shall furnish the auditor with a full account in detail of all’ moneys received and paid out by them during such month, whence it was received and to whom and for what purpose paid. SEC. 2648. [Rates of Taxation.] Upon receiving from the county auditor a duplicate of taxes assessed upon the property of the county, the county treasurer shall immediately cause notice thereof to be posted in three places in each township of the county, one of which shall be at the place of holding elections in such township, and also be inserted for SIX successive weeks in newspaper having a general circulation in the county. Such notice shall specify particularly the amount of taxes levied on the duplicate for the support of the state government, the pay- ment of interest and Principal of the public debt, the support of state common schools, defraying county expenses, repairing of roads, keeping the poor, building of bridges, township expenses and for each other ob- ject for which taxes may be levied on each dollar valuation, SEC. 2697. [Semi-annual Statement of County Treasurer and County Auditor.] A thorough examination of all books, vouchers, accounts, moneys, bonds, securities and other Property in the county treasury shall be made by the auditor and commissioners thereof at least every six months. Se. 2909, f Report of Examination of County Treasury.] The accountants shall certify in writing, in triplicate, the exact amount of money in the treasury, the amount belonging to each fund, and all prop- , E < 18 erty, bonds, securities, vouchers, assets and effects, one copy of which shall be recorded in the books of the treasury and filed by the auditor of the county and one shall be delivered to the probate court and entered on record, therein. The probate court shall furnish a copy of such record for publication one week in two newspapers of opposite politics of gen- eral circulation in the county. . Src. 2716. [To Publish Notices Relative to Bids for County De- positaries.] When the commissioners of a county provide such depositary or depositaries, they shall publish for two consecutive weeks in two newspapers of opposite politics and of general circulation in the county a notice which shall invite sealed proposals from all banks or trust companies within the provisions of the next two preceding sec- tions, which proposals shall stipulate the rate of interest, not less than two per cent. per annum on the average daily balance, on imactive de- posits, and not less than one per cent. per annum on the average daily balance on active deposits, that will be paid for the use of the money of the county, as herein provided. Src, 2721. [Re-advertisement for Proposals for County Deposi- tary.] If no proposals are received offering the rate of interest here- inafter prescribed, the commissioners shall at once again advertise in the same manner until acceptable proposals are received, Each subsequent advertisement shall also state whether any proposal was received under the preceding advertisement, and, if any, the bank or banks or trust com- panies and the rate of interest offered. Src. 2747. [Time and Place, Other Than County Treasury, of Receiving Taxes.| The county treasurer may fix the time, when and place at which taxes will be received, as provided in the preceding sec- tion. Two weeks” notice thereof shall be given by publication in a news- paper of general circulation in the corporation or township within which the place of collection is located and by posting notices thereof in four public places therein. Sec 2809. [Taking of Depositions in Re-establishing Corners for Land Owners.] Previous to taking such depositions at least twenty days’ notice shall be given to the owner or owners, their agent or at- torney, if known, who have adjoining lands. If such owner or owners, agent or attorney, are not known, or reside out of the state, the appli- cant shall give notice of his intention to take depositions, at a certain time and place, by advertisement for six consecutive weeks, in a public newspaper printed in the county where the land lies. The last insertion Se A. 7 ee 19 of such notice shall be twenty days previous to the time of taking such depositions. In the notice a description of the adjoining lands shall be given. SEc. 2860. [Property Found Belonging to Person Over Whose Body Inquest Has Been Held.|] If the friends or relatives of the deceased are known, the coroner immediately after such findings, shall give them notice, by letter or otherwise. If the friends or relativés are unknown, the coroner shall advertise in one newspaper in the proper ceunty. In either case the coroner shall state in the notice the fact of the death and his findings, and give a substantial description of the property mentioned in the inventory. SEc. 3062. [Bonds for Memorial Building.]| The board of trustees shall request the commissioners of the county to issue, and the commissioners shall thereupon issue, the bonds of the county in such denominations, for such period and bearing such rate of interest as the board of trustees prescribes not to exceed the total sum determined upon in the original resolution of the commissioners, The bonds shall be sold for not less than par with accrued interest to the highest bidder after ad- vertisement for a period of thirty days, in two or more newspapers pub- lished or of general circulation in the county. SEC. 3066. [Contract for Construction of Memorial Building. | The contracts shall be in writing upon the concurrence of a majority of the trustees, signed by the president and secretary of the board and the contractor, after advertisement for a period of thirty days in two news- papers published or of general circulation in the county, Sec. 3074. [Annual Report of Director of Orphan Asylum. ] Each year, the directors of such asylum shall make to the county com- missioners, a full report of the receipts and disbursements of the asylum, the number of orphans received into and discharged therefrom, and any other matters they deem of interest to the institution, or the public. Each report shall be published by the county commissioners in a newspaper having general circulation in the county. SEC. 3077. [Establishment of Children’s Home.] When in their opinion the interests of the public so demand, the commissioners of a county may, or upon the written petition of two hundred or more tax- payers, shall, at the next regular election submit to the qualified electors of such county, or of the counties forming a district, the question of es- tablishing a children’s home for such county or district, and the issue 20 of county bonds or notes to provide funds therefor. Notice of such elec- tion shall be published for at least two weeks prior to taking such vote, in two or more newspapers printed and of general circulation in such county or in the counties of the district, and shall state the maximum amount of money to be expended in establishing such home. Sec. 3128. [Establishment of County Hospital.] Petitions filed with the commissioners shall stipulate the maximum amount of money to be expended in purchasing or building such hospital and it shall be published with notices of the election in at least two newspapers of gen- eral circulation in the county, at least one time, twenty or more days prior to the election. SEc. 3135. [Expenditure by County Hospital Trustees in Ex- cess of One Thousand Dollars on Any Structure or Improvement. | Before making a contract for the expenditure of money on any structure or improvement in excess of one thousand dollars, the hospital trustees shall advertise according to law for bids, and cause plans, specifications and detailed drawings to-be distributed among the bidders. Sec. 4819. [Ballots and Election Supplies; Printing of.| The deputy state supervisors for each county shall advertise and let the print- ing of the ballots, cards of instruction and other required books and papers to be printed by the county; receive the ballots from the printer and cause them to be securely sealed up in their presence in packages, one for each precinct, containing the designated number of ballots for each precinct, and make the necessary indorsements thereon as provided by law. Sec. 4825. [Sheriff's Proclamation of Presidential Election. | At least fifteen days before the time of holding the election provided for in the preceding section, the sheriff shall give public notice by proc- lamation through his county of the time and place of holding such elec- tion and the number of electors to be chosen. A copy of such proclam- ation shall be posted at each of the places where elections are appointed to be held and inserted in a newspaper published in the county. Sec. 4827. [Sheriff’s Proclamation of State and County Elec- tions.] At least fifteen days before the holding of any such general election, the sheriff of each county shall give notice by proclamation throughout his county of the time and place of holding such election and the officers at that time to be chosen. One copy of the proclamation shall be posted at each place where elections are appointed to be held, )' to. te FS et bab ate a oe 4 ae . 21 and such proclamation shall also be inserted in a newspaper published in the county. Sec. 4829. [Sheriff’s Proclamation of Special Election to Fill Vacancy in Office of Congressman or State Senator or Representa- tive.] When a vacancy in the office of representative to congress or Senator or representative to the general assembly occurs, the governor, upon satisfactory information thereof, shall issue a writ of election, di- recting that a special election be held to fill such vacancy in the territory entitled to fill it on a day specified in the writ. Such writ shall be di- rected to the sheriff or sheriffs within such territory who shall give notice of the time and places of holding such election as in other cases. Such election shall be held and conducted and returns thereof made as in case of a regular election. ; SEc. 5050. [Printing Ballots and Other Election Supplies. | The printing provided for in this chapter except poll books and tally sheets, shall be let by the board of deputy state supervisors to the lowest responsible bidder in the county, upon ten days’ notice published not more than three times in two leading newspapers of opposite politics published in such county. In case of special elections, the board may give notice by mail, addressed to all the printing offices within the county instead of publishing such notice. SEC. 5156. [Contest of Election as to County Seat.] Upon the fling in his office of the notice or undertaking, the probate judge or clerk shall publish in a newspaper of general circulation in the county the fact of the filing of the notice and undertaking, and, without delay, shall forward to the governor duly certified copies of the notice and undertaking. On receipt of the copies, the governor shall, without delay, appoint a competent disinterested person to serve as commissioner and perform the duties herein prescribed in the matter of the contest. In case of the death or disability of the commissioner, the governor may fil the vacancy. SEC. 5589. [Notice to Property Owner to Appear Before Board of Equalization and Review.] Such notice shall be served by de- livering a copy thereof to the person or persons interested in such real estate, or by leaving a copy at the usual place of residence or business of such person or persons. If no such place of residence or of business is found in the county, then such copy shall be delivered to the agent in charge of the real estate and collecting the rents thereof. If no such agent is found in the county, such notice shall be served by advertise- 22 ment thereof inserted once in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the real estate is situated, Sec. 5596. [Completion of Equalization by Quadrennial County Board of Equalization:] The auditor shall immediately thereatter, give public notice by advertisement inserted once in one or more news- papers, that the equalization has been completed, and that complaints against any valuation may be filed with the auditor of the county on or before the fifteenth day of April next following and will be heard by the board of revision, stating in the notice the time and place of the meeting of said board. Such complaints shall be filed on or before the fifteenth day of May next following. Src. 5600. [Hearing of Complaints by Quadrennial County Board of Revision.] After the completion of the equalization by the board, complaints against any valuation may be filed with the auditor of the county, and, if such complaint has been filed on or before April 15th thereafter against any valuation of a quadrennial county board, or, if the auditor deems it advisable, he shall notify the members of the proper board of equalization in writing to meet and sit as a board of re- vision on the day and at the place provided by law for the meeting of the board. He shall give ten days’ public notice, by advertisement, in one or more newspapers, of the time and place of the meeting of the board of revision and the purpose thereof, Src. 5638. [Certain County Improvements to be Submitted to Vote.] The county commissioners shall not levy a tax, or appropri- ate money for the purpose of building county buildings, purchasing sites therefore, or for land for infirmary purposes, the expense of which will exceed fifteen thousand dollars, except in cases of casualty, and as hereinafter provided, or for building a county bridge, the expense of which will exceed eighteen thousand dollars, except in cases of casualty and as hereinafter provided, without first submitting to the voters of the county, the question as to the policy of building any public county building or buildings, or for purchasing sites therefor, or for the purchase of lands for infirmary purposes, or for the building of a county bridge, by general tax. SEc. 5639-1. [Relating to Issuing of Bonds by County Commis- sioners.| Fifteen days’ notice of the submission of any such question shall be given the deputy state supervisors by publication in at least two newspapers of opposite politics having a general circulation in said county, which notice shall be published once a week for two consecutive Fi et weeks, and shall state the amount of such proposed expenditure, the amount of the bonds, if any, to be issued in connection therewith, the purpose for which such expenditure is to be made, and the time of hold- ing such election. SEc. 5704. (i101 V. 164). [Publication of List of Delinquent Lands.| Each county auditor shall cause the list of delinquent lands in his county to be published weekly for two weeks between the twenti- eth day of December, and the second Tuesday in February next ensuing in one newspaper in the English language, printed and of general circula- tion in the county, and one newspaper of the German language if there is such newspaper printed, published and of general circulation therein. There shall be attached to the list a notice that the delinquent lands will be sold by the county treasurer, as provided by law. SEc. 5706. [Fees for Publication of Delinquent and Forfeited Land Lists.] The publishers of newspapers, for advertising the delinquent and forfeited list of the several counties, and the notice of _ sale shall be entitled to receive a sum not exceeding the following rates: for the notice of sale, ten dollars; for designating the several school dis- tricts, townships, villages and cities, and the several wards in a city; fifty cents each; and for each tract of land, city or town lot, or part of lot, contained in each of such lists, thirty cents. A greater sum than one- half of the taxes and penalties, due on any tract, lot, or part of lot, shall not be allowed for advertising such tract, lot, or part of lot. Such property shall not be published in a list, as delinquent, if the taxes and penalty thereon had been paid on or before the twentieth day of December. SEc. 5709. [When Delinquent List is not Published at Specified Time.] If a county auditor, by inadvertence or mistake, omits to publish the delinquent list of the county as required by law, he shall charge the lands and town lots with the taxes and penalty, if such taxes and penalty, with which the lands and town lots therein stand charged have not been paid before the tenth day of August of the next succeeding year. He shall also charge them with the taxes of the current year, and record, certify, and publish them as part of the delinquent list. Src. 5751. [County Auditor to Give Notice of Sale of Forfeited Lands.] The auditor of each county on receiving from the auditor of state such list of lands within his county, if the tax and penalties due thereon have not been paid on or before the fifteenth day of October next ensuing, shall forthwith cause notice thereof to be advertised for four consecutive weeks in a newspaper in the English language printed 24 in his county and in a newspaper of the German language if there be such printed, published and of general circulation in his county. Such notice shall describe the lands in the manner they are described on the list furnished by the auditor of state and state that if the tax and penalties charged on said list are not paid into the county treasury and the treasurer’s receipt produced therefor before the time specified in this chapter for the sale of said lands,~which day shall be named there- in, that each tract, so delinquent, on which the taxes and penalties re- main unpaid will be offered for sale on the second Monday of Decem- ber thereafter, at the court house in such county, in order to satisfy such taxes and penalties, and that such sale will continue from day to day until each of such tracts are sold or offered for sale. SEC. 5753. [When Forfeited List is not Published at Time Speci- fied.] If the county auditor, by inadvertence or mistake, has omitted to cause the list of forfeited lands of the county, with notice of the sale thereof, to be published as provided in this chapter, and the taxes and penalty with which the lands and town lots stand charged upon the for- feited list have not been paid before the first day of March of the next succeeding year after securing the list from the auditor of state, he forthwith shall cause the list with notice of the sale thereof, to be pub- lished as provided in section fifty-seven hundred and fifty-one. Such notice shall specify that said sale will begin on the second Monday of April next, and the county auditor, beginning with such day, shall sell the whole of each tract of land as contained in the list, in the manner provided in the next preceding section. SEc. 6109. [Election for Local Option in Counties.] Such elec: tion shall be held at the usual places for holding regular elections, and notice shall be given and such elections conducted as provided by law for the election of county officers as far as such law may be applicable. The result of such election shall forthwith be entered upon the record of the proceedings of such commissioners, and with such clerk of the common pleas court. SEC. 6602-2. [Enabling Commissioners to Construct Sewers ‘Outside of Cities.]| Before the adoption of the resolution provided for in the next succeeding section hereof, said board of county commis- sioners shall cause 4 copy of the resolution provided for under this sec- tion to be served upon each of the owners of said lots or parcels of land or other property to be so assessed, who may be residents of the county or found therein; if any of said owners are not residents of said county and are not found therein, a notice of the passage of said resolution shall _ To ee 25 be published at least twice in some newspaper of general circulation within the county. Due proof of such personal service or such publica- tion shall be made by affidavit, to be filed with said commissioners. 7. In cases where it is determined to assess the whole or any part of the cost of such improvement in proportion to the benefits which may result therefrom, as provided for herein, the clerk of the board of county commissioners shall prepare and present to the board an estimated assess- ment of such cost, on the lots and other real property to be charged therewith, in proporticn, as nearly as may be, to the benefits which may result from the improvement to the several lots or other parcels of real estate or other property so assessed, a copy of which proposed or esti- mated assessment shall remain in the office of the clerk of said board, and due notice shall be given of the pendency of said proposed assess- ment by publication for two consecutive weeks in some Bed N os of general circulation within the county. g. In case any such owner cannot be found within said county, no- tice of the passage of the resolution in this paragraph shall be given by publication once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of genera! circulation within the county. Proof of the service of a copy of such resolution, whether such service be personal or by publication, shall be made by affhdavit to be duly filed with said board of county commis- sioners. Sec. 6252. [Notices to be Published in Two Newspapers.| A proclamation for an election, an order fixing the times of holding court. notice of the rates of taxation, bridge and pike notices, notice to con- tractors and such other advertisements of general interest to the tax- payers as the auditor, treasurer, probate judge or commissioners may deem proper, shall be published in two newspapers of opposite politics at the county seat, if there be such newspapers published thereat. In counties having cities of eight thousand inhabitants or more, not the county seat of such counties, additional publication of such notices shall be made in two newspapers of opposite politics in such city. This chapter shall not apply to the publication of notices of delinquent tax and forfeited land sales. SEC. 6253. [Notices to be Printed in German Newspaper.] In addition to the publications provided in the next preceding section, the county officers therein named shall publish such notices and advertise- ments in a newspaper printed in the German language, if such news- paper be printed and of general circulation among the inhabitants speak- ing that language in the county within such advertisements are intended to be made. 26 SEc. 6450. [Hearing for County Ditch.] The county auditor, at the same time shall give a like notice to each lot or land owner who is a non-resident of the county, by publication in a newspaper printed and of general circulation in the county, at least two weeks before the day set for hearing. Such notice shall be verified by affidavit of the printer, or other person, knowing the fact, and filed with the auditor | on or before such day, and no further notice of the petition or the pro- ceedings had thereupon shall thereafter be required. | Sec. 6457. [Change of Apportionment on County Ditch.] lf the county commissioners find that the apportionment, reported by the county surveyor, is unfair and unjust, and should not be confirmed, they shall so amend it as to make it fair and just, in proportion to benefits. If necessary, in their opinion, they may adjourn the further hearing not exceeding twenty days, unless for good cause, further time is necessary, to a day to be fixed by them and go upon the premises, view them and apportion the entire cost of location and construction, or any part there- of, as may seem just and proper. If persons, not included in the coun- ty surveyor’s apportionment, are found to be benefited, and are assessed by the commissioners, such persons shall be notified as provided in this chapter for the giving of notice, by the county auditor, of the filing of a petition, and the commissioners, on the day fixed in said notice, shall again meet at the auditor’s office and determine the apportionment. SEC. 6501. [Petition by Township Trustees for County Ditch.] The trustees of a township, on written application signed by twelve or | more resident land owners of such township, if, in their opinion, the in- terest of the township, demands it, may cause the petition and the bond hereinbefore provided for, to be filed on behalf of the township. In such case the proceedings before the county commissioners and probate court and the duties of the auditor, surveyor or engineer, shall be the same, and be discharged in a like manner as if the petition and bond were filed by a private party. Acts necessary to secure the location, establishment, and construction of a new improvement, or in the deep- ening, widening, straightening, cleaning out, alteration, or vacation of a ditch, may be performed by order of the commissioners, on such peti- tion and bond. SEc. 6517. [Ditch or Creek Altered or Repaired by County Commissioners When Township Trustees Refuse to Act.] The county commissioners, on application of one or more freeholders actual- ly benefited, if the township trustees refuse to alter or repair a ditch, as provided in this title, may cause such ditch or part thereof, or part of a 27 creek, river or run that has been straightened, widened, deepened or changed under the provisions of this chapter, to be altered, deepened, widened, enlarged, repaired, boxed or tiled. Like proceedings shall be had, so far as applicable, as are necessary in the location or construc- tion thereof by the commissioners. The expenses thereof shall be ap- portioned in a like manner as is provided in the original construction of the improvement by them ordered to be made. Sec. 6518. [Erection or Enlargement of Bridge or Culvert to Accommodate Ditch.] The county commissioners, at a regular or called session, when necessary to the public health, convenience or wel- fare, in the manner provided in this chapter, so far as applicable, may cause to be located, constructed, deepened, widened or enlarged a bridge or culvert, made necessary by the crossing of a ditch, drain, water- course, or stream of water, by a railroad, turnpike, plank road, or other road of a corporation, at the expense of said corporation. The necessity for making an improvement herein provided for, may be heard and de- termined at a like time and under a like petition as provided for the location and construction of single county ditches. Sec. 6535-5. (101 V. 300). [Draining and Reclaiming Marsh Land for Agricultural Purposes.| If the owners of any of said lands which are alleged to be benefited by said improvement are non-residents of this state, said notice shall be published once a week for two con- secutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in said county, and the proof of said publication shall be returned to the auditor, and in case of such publication the fifteen days shall be reckoned from the date of the last publication. SEc. 6535-15. (101 V. 302). [Bids for Labor and Machinery for Reclaiming Marsh Lands.] On the final adoption of the engineer’s report, the commissioners shall advertise for bids for performing the labor and furnishing machinery and the material according to the plans and specifications, by publishing said advertisement for such length of time and in such manner as the said commissioners shall determine, which advertisement shall specify the time and place of receiving said bids, the amount of bonds or other security required, conditioned on the entering into a contract, if awarded the same, and such other matters as they may deem proper. SEC. 6536. [Joint County Ditch.] Ditches, drains or water- courses which provide drainage, or, when constructed, will provide drainage for lands in more than one county, may be constructed, en- 28 larged, cleaned or ‘repaired, as provided in this chapter and the laws prescribed for constructing, enlarging, cleaning or repairing single coun- ty ditches, drains, or water-courses, SEc. 6556. [Proceedings in Either County for Construction, Cleaning, Repairing or Enlarging Joint County Ditch.] Proceedings for the construction, cleaning, repairing or enlarging either of said ditches, in either the upper or lower counties, whether or not they were originally constructed as joint ditches or whether or not the ditch to be constructed might be a joint ditch, may be commenced and conducted in the manner provided in this chapter and the laws relating to single county ditches. SEc. 6557. [Joint Proceedings for Construction, Cleaning, Re- pairing or Enlarging Joint County Ditch.] In addition to the pro- cedure provided by law for the construction, enlarging, cleaning out or repairing of a ditch, which furnishes or may furnish drainage for more than one county, proceedings shall be commenced and conducted in the manner provided by law for the construction of joint ditches, when, a majority of each board of commissioners of such counties so agree. SEc. 6561. [Assessment for Cleaning Joint County Ditch.] Such freeholder or engineer shall return his estimate and assessments in writ- ing, to the commissioners as provided in section sixty-five hundred and fifty-niné, whereupon said commissioners shall notify the commissioners of any other county interested in said action, and furnish to them a copy of said estimate and assessments, and the commissioners of the said counties shall appoint a day for the hearing thereof in joint session, and direct a like notice to be given to all land and lot owners, and corpo- rations affected thereby, as is provided in case of the apportionment in the construction of a like ditch. SEc. 6562, [Contract for Cleaning Joint County Ditch.] If a_ majority of the members of each board of such commissioners favor the proposed improvement they may approve or disapprove the report, or make such changes therein as they deem right and proper. They shall enter upon their journals the assessments, as approved by them, and the auditors of the said counties shall place them upon the duplicate against the lands upon which they are assessed, to be collected as other taxes. The work to be done shall be advertised, sold and let and the contracts thereof performed as provided in the construction of a like ditch. ay) SEc. 6563-8. [Joint Construction of County Ditches and Notice of Appointment.| After having determined the place at which the future meetings of said board shall be held the secretary of said joint board so appointed shall notify the auditors of the several counties of the place at which the meetings of said joint board shall be held and of the next meeting thereof, as provided in section 5, and it shall be the duty of the auditor of each county to cause notice of the filing of said petition and the prayer thereof and the fact that the prayer of said petition will be considered by said joint board at said meeting giving the date and place thereof to be published in two newspapers of opposite politics published and having general circulation in his county. Said notice shall be published one week, and shall be evidenced by the cer- tificate of the auditor copied upon the record. 37. Said notice shall be given by publication once a week for two weeks in two newspapers of opposite politics of general circulation in the county, and said twenty days shall run from the date of said last publication, SEc. 6667. [Hearing on Petition to Open or Protect Sinkhole or Fissure Used as Outlet for Ditch.] * * * The auditor or clerk, at the same time, shall give like notice to each non-resident of the coun- ty, lot or land owner, by publication in a newspaper printed and of general circulation in the county for at least two consecutive weeks be- fore the day set for the hearing. Such notice shall be verified by the affidavit of the printer or other person knowing the fact, and filed with the auditor or clerk, on or before such day. SEC. 6737. [Removal of Drift and Other Obstructions from watercourse.] ‘The petitioner shall cause notice in writing to be given to the owners of each tract of land sought to be affected by the pro- ceedings, of the filing and pendency of the petition, which notice shall be served not less than five days before the day fixed for the hearing thereof. If a person owning land sought to be affected by the proceed- ings is a non-resident of the county, notice shall be given him by pub- lication for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper published or of gen- eral circulation in the county, Sec. 6751. [Appeal to Probate Court in Matter of Removal of Drift from Ditch Located in Two or More Counties.} The appellant shall notify all persons interested in the improvement, of the time fixed by the probate court for the meeting of the jury, and if a person in- terested in the improvement resides out of the state or cannot be served 30 in writing with such notice, the judge, being notified thereof, shall cause such notice to be published for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper printed or of general circulation in the county. Sec. 6781. (101 V. 140). [Hearing on Petition to Construct Levee.] The county auditor, at the same time shall give a like notice to each lot or land owner who is a non-resident of the county, by pub- lication in a newspaper printed and of general circulation in the county, at least two weeks before the day set for hearing. Such notice shall be verified by affidavit of the printer, or other person knowing the fact, and filed with the auditor on or before such day, and no further notice of the petition or the proceedings had thereupon shall thereafter be re- quired, SEC. 6839. [Hearing on Petition to Establish State Road.] If the road commissioners report in favor of the establishment of the road, the county commissioners of the respective counties at their next session after the filing of the report, shall order the auditor to cause a notice thereof to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, for four consecutive weeks before the next meeting of the board, notifying all parties interested in the establishment of the road that the commissioners of the county will hear parties in favor of or against such establishment, and the application for damages, and com- pensation for lands, appropriated, of any persons on account of the lo- cation of the road through his lands. Src. 6840. [Re-publication of Notice of Hearing on Petition to Establish State Road.] Persons who do not make application for compensation or damages at the next regular session of the county commissioners, after the publication of such notice, shall be held to have released all claim to damages by reason of the location of the road. If there are lands, the owners of which have not granted the right of way, nor filed their application for damages with the county commissioners, the whole case shall be continued to the next regular session of the com- missioners, and they shall again order the auditor to cause notice to such owners and all other persons interested, to be published in a news- paper of general circulation in the county, for four consecutive weeks before their next meeting, that they will, at such meeting, hear all ap- plications for damages. Src. 6856. [Increasing or Reducing Width of State Road.| The county commissioners, upon notice given in a newspaper of general cir- culation in the county, for four consecutive weeks, and on petition pre- 31 ‘sented to them, signed by at least twelve freeholders of the county, if they deem it just and proper so to do, may reduce the width of a state road, or any part thereof, to a width not less than forty feet, or in- crease the width of such road to a width not more than sixty feet, and shall order the county auditor to make a record thereof. Sec. 6866. [Presentation of Petition for Laying Out, Vacating or Altering County Road.] The substance of such notice shall be published for four consecutive weeks, before its presentation, in a news- paper published in the county in which the road sought to be estab- lished, altered, or vacated, is situated. SeEc. 6873. [Notice to Non-Resident Land Owners of Time and Place of Meeting of Viewers and Surveyor in Matter of County Road.| The county auditor, if the road is proposed to be laid out, altered or vacated on lands owned by a non-resident of the county, shall cause a notice to such non-resident to be published for four consecutive weeks, in a newspaper published in the county. The notice shall state the time and place of the meeting of the viewers, and surveyor, as speci- fied in the order of the county commissioners, and also the substance of the petition. SEc. 6907. [Assessments for Improvement of County Road.} Before adopting the assessments so made, the county commissioners shall publish notice for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of gen- eral circulation in the county, that such assessments have been made, and that they are on file in the office of the county commissioners for the inspection and examination of the persons interested therein. SEC. 6934. [Letting of Coatract for County Road Improvement.] Notice of such letting shall be first published for at least four weeks in a newspaper printed and of general circulation in the county, stating the nature and extent of the work and the time when said letting will be made; or, if sealed bids are required, when they will be opened. The county commissioners may let the work as a whole, or in convenient sections as they may determine. They may require a bond from each bidder in such sums as they determine, with sureties to their approval, conditioned that if the contract is awarded on such bid, the bidder will enter into the contract and execute the bond, with approved sureties, for the faithful performance of the contract. SEC. 6956-5. (101 V. 248). [Notice of Proposed Improvement of County Road.}] * * * The commissioners shall thereupon cause 32 to be published in some newspaper printed and of general circulation within the county, once a week for three consecutive weeks, notice that such improvement is about to be made; that the plans, plats, profiles, specifications and estimates of quantities are on file in the office of the county commissioners for the inspection and examination of persons interested therein, of the time and place of hearing objections to the said improvement and claims for compensation for lands and property taken and damages sustained on account of or incident thereto, and that un- less such claims are filed in writing with the commissioners on or be- fore the time fixed for said hearing, same shall be waived. SEc. 6956-6. (101 V. 249). [Notice of Proposed Improvement of Road Located in Two or More Counties.| * * * The county commissioners of each of the said counties shall thereupon cause to be published in some newspaper printed and of general circulation in their respective counties once a week for three consecutive weeks, notice that such improvement is about to be made; that the plans, plats, profiles, specifications and estimates of quantities are on file in the office of the commissioners of the respective counties for the inspection and exami- nation of persons interested therein, and of the time and place of hear- ing by the joint board of objections to the said improvement and claims for compensation for land and property taken and damages sustained on account of or incident thereto. In the event that land and property are to be taken a similar notice shall be served personally ten days before the said hearing on the owner of the said land and property resident within the counties along the line of which said improvement is to me made by giving him a copy of such notice or by leaving the same at his residence. If such owner is non-resident of the county, said notice shall be made by publication as hereinbefore provided, and, if the residence of such own- er is known, the commissioners shall also cause a copy of said notice to be deposited in the postoffice, postage prepaid, addressed to such own- er at his last known place of residence. Proof of the service of the notice herein required may be made by affidavit. Sec. 6956-9. (tor V. 250). [Letting of Contract for County Road Improvement.] * * * Notice of such letting shall be first pub- lished once a week for three consecutive weeks in some newspaper, or two newspapers if deemed necessary, printed and of general circulation in the county, stating the nature and extent of the work and the time when said letting will be made and sealed bids received. Sec. 6956-12. (101 V. 252). [Assessment for County Road Im- provement.| * * * Before adopting the assessment so made and reported the commissioners shall publish once a week for two consecu- 33 tive weeks in some newspaper printed and of general circulation in the county notice that such assessment has been made and that the same is on file in the office of the county commissioners for inspec-ion. SEC. 6956-13. (101 V. 253). [Assessment for County Road Im- provement Located in Two or More Counties.}| * * . Betore adopting the assessment so made and reported, the commissioners of each of the said counties shall thereupon cause to be published once a week for two consecutive weeks in some newspaper printed and of gen- eral circulation in their respective counties notice that such assessment has been made and that the same is on file in the office of the county commissioners for inspection. Thereupon like proceedings shall be had and like action taken as are provided in the preceding section for making the assessment when the improvement lies wholly within one county. SEC. 6956-1. (101 V. 291). [Letting Contract for Treating County Road With Crude Oil, Liquid Asphalt, Etc.] That when the owners of more than one-half of the foot frontage of the lands abutting upon a macadamized or ‘other improved road or highway shall petition the board of county commissioners of any county, to sprinkle or treat the same with crude oil, liquid asphalt, or other suitable prepa- rations, said commissioners May proceed to carry out prayer of said’ petition within thirty days after filing the same or as soon thereafter as. may ke practicable, and may proceed to invite, sealed bids for such work or material or both by advertising therefor in some newspaper of gen-. eral circulation in the county each week for two consecutive weeks, and by posting notices on a public bulletin board in the county commission- ers’ office, or the county auditor’s office for not less than fifteen days. Sec. 7194. [Hearing on Petition to Construct Turnpike.] The county auditor, at the same time, shall give a like notice to each non- resident lot or land owner by publication in a newspaper, printed and' of general circulation in the county, for three consecutive weeks prior: to the meeting of such viewers and surveyors. Such notice shall be verified by the affidavit of the printer, or other person knowing the fact, and filed with the auditor on or before that day. SEC. 7204. [Submission of Question to Construct Turnpike by General Tax.] The county commissioners shall not levy a general tax, nor appropriate money, except so far as is necessary to pay the ex- pense of preliminary surveys already commenced, or other liabilities al- ready incurred, to be expended in the construction of such turnpikes, without first submitting to. the qualified voters of the county the ques- 3 3+ tion of constructing such roads by general tax, which submission shall be made at a general election. Src. 7208. [Resubmission of Question to Construct Turnpike by General Tax.] At such election if a majority of the votes cast is against constructing such turnpike, the county commissioners shall not assess a tax for that purpose, but, on petition of not less than one hun- dred taxpayers of the county, they may again submit the same question at a general election, to the qualified voters of the county, notice of which shall be given and the election conducted in all respects in the manner prescribed in the next five preceding sections. Src. 7221, [Letting of Contract for Construction of Turnpike. | The work of the construction of such roads shall be let publicly by the county commissioners to the lowest responsible bidder, after due notice given of such letting by publication in one or more newspapers published or of general circulation in the county, or by hand-bills, or both. For that purpose the road commissioners shall cause the road to be divided into convenient sections, and each section numbered from the county seat, or other point named as the place of beginning, toward the termination, and shall let the contracts by sections with proper specifications of the various kinds of labor required on each section. Sec. 7225. [Construction of Turnpike on Petition.] When a majority of the landowners along a contemplated route, having given notice for thirty days by publication in a newspaper published in the county of their intention so to do, present their petition to the board | of county commissioners praying for the establishment and construction of a free turnpike road along such contemplated route, designating in the petition the place of beginning and termirius of the proposed road, the commissioners of the county, if they deem the construction of the road advisable and of general public interest, may employ a competent en- gineer who, with them, «wall determine the line of location of the road connecting the beginn’s and terminus designated, and the width of the road which shall noc be less than thirty feet nor more than sixty feet. Src. 7233. [Application for Construction of One-Mile Assess- ment Pike.] Such petitioners shall satisfy the county commissioners that public notice has been given by advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, of such intended application, for at least four consecutive weeks preceding the hearing thereof. Sec. 7274. [Changing Road to Toll Road.] When two consecu- tive miles or more of a free turnpike road is made in good order for 0 Ee ee ee Saree ee PW: 35 travel or transportation, and the taxes applicable thereto and the two days’ labor will not keep it in repair, and three-fourths of the resident. freeholders on the road, as described in this chapter, after giving notice as required in section seventy-two hundred and thirty-three, petition the county commissioners therefor, they shall authorize the road commis- sioners to place a gate or gates on the road, and charge such rate of toll, when added to the common tax of the grand levy and the two days’ work, as will keep the road in good repair. Sec. 7278. [Proceedings When Petitioners for One-Mile Assess- ment Pike Reside in Different Counties.}] In such case, the county commissioners of the respective counties may join in carrying out the provisions of this chapter by severally appointing commissioners to lay out and establish a free turnpike road, in all respects as if the petitioners reside wholly in one county, SEC. 7281. [Petition for One-Mile Assessment Pike on County Line.] The boards of road commissioners, in their subsequent joint acts pertaining to the construction and repair of a free turnpike road, shall be governed in all respects by the provisions of this chapter, and to a like extent as if the road were laid out and established wholly in one county. SEC. 7316. [Improving Road Connecting Two Improved Roads. | Such improvement shall be advertised, let and paid for, on estimates of the superintendent, approved by the county commissioners, as it pro- gtesses in conformity to this chapter. SEC. 7327. [Notice of Proposed Construction of Two-Mile As- sessment Pike.] The county auditor shall notify the viewers and surveyor of the time and place of their meeting to make the view, and ive notice thereof by publication, in a newspaper printed in the county, for three consecutive weeks prior to the meeting. Such notice shall state the time and place of beginning, intermediate points, if any, and the place of termination, SEC. 7347. [Assessment on Two-Mile Assessment Pike.] When the report of the committee is returned, the county auditor shall give notice thereof by publication in a newspaper published and of general circulation in the county, for at least three consecutive weeks, of the time when the county commissioners will meet at the county auditor’s office to hear it. 36 Sec. 7390. [Conversion of Toll Road into Free Road.| In ascer- taining what lots and lands are benefited, and té6 what extent each piece shall be assessed for the purchase, and whether a majority of the owners thereof have petitioned therefor, the county commissioners, auditor, and treasurer shall have the power and authority provided in chapter nine of this title, and be governed in the assessment and coilection of taxes to pay for the road so purchased and in all other respects, so far as ap- plicable, by the provisions of such chapter. Sec. 7398. [Sale of Bonds for Conversion of Toil Road into Free Road.| ‘The principal thereof shall be payable in not to exceed twenty-five years from the date of issue, and both principal and interest be payable. at the office of the county treasurer. The bonds shall be sold at not less than their par value and accrued interest, after advertise- ment of such sale, by the commissioners, in two newspapers published in the county, at least once a week for four consecutive weeks. Sec. 7417. [Letting Contract for Improvement of County Road. } Upon the approval of said surveys, profiles, estimates and specifications, the commissioners of the county shall advertise for bids in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, for a period of three weeks, and shall let the contract for making such improvement to the lowest and best bidder or bidders, who shall give such reasonable security for the proper performance of their contract within the time and in the manner prescribed therein, as the county commissioners shall require. Sec. 7418. [When Estimated Cost of Improvement of County Road Does Not Exceed Five Hundred Dollars, Contract May be Let Without Advertising.] When the estimated cost of an improvement does not exceed five hundred dollars, it may be let without publication in a newspaper.as required in the next preceding section. Sec. 7428. [Letting Contract for Material for Road Repair.] The county commissioners shall cause notice to be given once a week for three weeks in one paper of general circulation in the county of the time and place of bids for furnishing and delivering the material will be received. - Sec. 7431. [Division of Work for Road Repair; Letting Con- tract for Same.] The county commissioners, if they deem it neces- — sary and proper, may divide. the work into convenient sections and let — to the lowest and best bidder or bidders, the job of making the repairs for one year, according to specifications to be submitted to the bidders. In oF such event the notices, contracts and bonds to be given, entered into, and furnished, shall be in accordance with the provisions of sections seventy- four hundred and twenty-seven, seventy-four hundred and twenty-eight and seventy-four hundred and twenty-nine. SEc. 7449. [Publication of Rules Regulating Labor and Travel on Turnpike.] The directors shall cause notice to be published in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the county, of such rules as are adopted for the regulations of labor and travel on such roads, and of the regular meetings of the board. On or before the third Mon- day in the month of September in each year they shall make a detailed Statement of receipts and expenses to the court of common pleas Sec. 7450. [Annual Report of Turnpike Directors.] The reports shall be examined and published in like manner as the annual report of the county commissioners. SEC. 7500. [Hearing on Petition for Extra Tax Levy for Road Purposes.] Upon the filing of such petition the county commis- sioners shall give notice of the time of hearing thereof, by publication once a week for two weeks prior to the consideration thereof in a news- paper of general circulation in the county, and provide for the payment of costs in case of road commissioners under the one mile assessment pike laws. SEC. 7817. [Notice by County Examiners of Meetings for Exami- nation of Teachers.] * * * Notice thereof shall be published in two weekly newspapers of different politics printed in the county, if two papers thus are published, if not, then a publication in one only is re- quired. In no case shall the board hold any private examination or ante- date any certificate, SEC. 9263. [Election on Question of Purchase of Toll-road.] The county commissioners of any county in the state, when petitioned to do so by at least fifty freeholders, citizens of the counties, shall purchase any or all the toll roads or parts thereof within such counties, as here- inafter provided. Before such purchase is made the commissione:s of the county in which the people vote in favor of purchasing the toll roads, shall make an order to that effect on their journals, and submit the pur- chase to the voters of the county either before or after an appraisement of the value of the roads has been had, at any regular election, giving at least ten days’ notice thereof, in at least two newspapers published in the county. 38 3. MUNICIPAL. SEC. 3502. [Resolution of Council to Take Census.j Upon pres- entation of such petition, the council by resolution at its next regular meeting shall authorize the city auditor to cause a census of the city to be taken and report the result thereof to the city council. It shall be necessary to read the resolution but once and it shall be published as other resolutions of a general or permanent nature. SEC. 3520. [Petition to Incorporate Village.}] * * * There- upon the agent shall cause a notice containing the substance of the peti- tion, and the time and place where it will be heard, to be published in a newspaper printed and of general circulation in the county, for the period of six consecutive weeks and cause a copy of the notice to be posted in a conspicuous place within the limits of the proposed corporation, not less than six weeks prior to the time fixed for the hearing. SEC. 3527. [Election on Question to Incorporate Village.] The township trustees shall give ten days’ notice of such election by publica- tion in a newspaper of general. circulation in such territory, and cause written or printed notices thereof, to be posted in three or more public places in such territory proposed to be incorporated. Sec. 3549. [Annexation on Application of Citizen of Territory Adjacent to Municipality.] The petition shall be presented to the board of commissioners at a regular session thereof, and when so pre- sented the same proceedings shall be had as far as applicable, and the same duties in respect thereto shall be performed by the commissioners and other officers, as required in case of an application to be organized into a village under the provisions of this division. SEc. 3561. [Annexation of Territory on Application of Corpora- tion.]| When the petition is presented to the commissioners, like pro- ceedings shall be had, in all respects, so far as applicable, as are re- quired in case of annexation or application of citizens in this chapter. SEC. 3568. (i101 V. 244). [Annexation of One Corporation to Another.] * * * Each ordinance shall prescribe the manner in which the submission shall be made and shall be published in- each cor- poration by posters or otherwise, for the period of at least twenty days prior to the time fixed for the election in such manner as the council deems most expedient. Bites : P Nig boas A eo ot AS TOE Ree) eae be eee Tn eee Rig SEc. 3594. [Vacating or Altering Plat of Municipal Corpora- tion,|_ Applications for vacating or altering a plat, addition, or part thereof, shall be by petition, in writing, filed with the clerk of the court of common pleas, and the applicant or applicants shall give thirty days’ notice thereof by publication in a newspaper printed and of general Ccir- culation in the county. The notice shall set forth briefly the part or parts of the plat or addition to be vacated. Sec. 3611. [Supplying Lost or Destroyed Records of Plat of Municipal Corporation.] Upon the filing of the application, the auditor of the county shall give notice, by publication for two consecu- tive weeks in a newspaper published and of general circulation in the county, of the filing thereof and also notify the county commissioners thereof. SEc. 3682. [Appropriation of Property by Municipality; Notice to Owners of Property.| Notice of the time and place of such appli- cation shall be given in the ordinary manner serving legal process, to all owners or agents of owners resident of the state, whose place of resi- dence is known, and to all others by publishing the substance of the ap- plication, with a statement of the time and place at which it is to be made, once a week for three weeks next preceding the time of the ap- plication in some newspaper of general circulation in the county. Src. 3699. [Sale or Lease of Real Estate by Municipality.] No contract for the sale or lease of real estate shall be made unless authorized by an ordinance, approved by the votes of two-thirds of all members elected to the council, and by the board or officer having supervision or management of such real estate. When such contract is so authorized, it | shall be made in writing by the board or officer having such supervision or management and only with the highest bidder, after advertisement once a week for five consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circula- tion within the corporation. Such board or officer may reject any or all bids and re-advertise until all such real estate is sold or leased. SEC. 3703. [Sale of Personal Property Valued at More Than Five Hundred Dollars by Municipality.} Personal property not needed for municipal purposes, the estimated value of which is less than five hundred dollars, may be sold by the board or officer having super- vision or management thereof. If the estimated value of such prop- erty exceeds five hundred dollars, it shall be sold only in the manner herein provided for the sale of real estate. 40 SEC. 3709. [Exchange of Lots for School Purposes.] Notice oi the filing, pendency, and prayer of the petition shall be published for four consecutive weeks, prior to the day of hearing, in a newspaper printed in such municipality, or if there is none, in a newspaper printed in the county, and of general circulation in such municipality. SEC. 3715. [Opening and Altering Streets.} When it deems it necessary, the council may open, straighten, alter, divert, narrow or widen, any street, alley, or public highway, within the limits of the corporation. The council shall provide by ordinance therefor which shall briefly, and in general terms, describe the part, if any, of the street, alley, or public highway to be abandoned by reason of such change thereof, and the property, if any, to be appropriated shall be as provided for the appropriation of property for other municipal pur- poses in this title. SEC. 3728. [Vacating Street.] No street or alley shall be so vacated or narrowed, unless notice of the pendency and prayer of the petition be given by publishing in a newspaper published or of general circulation in such municipality, for six consecutive weeks preceding ac- tion on such petition, or, where no newspaper is published in the corpo- ration, by posting the notice in three public places therein six weeks pre- ceding such action. Action thereon shall take place within three months after the completion of the notice. SEC. 3731. [Vacating or Establishment of Street or Alley by Court.] Notice of the pendency, object and prayer of a petition for such vacation or establishment of a street or alley shall be served upon such municipality in the manner provided by law for the’service of sum- mons and shall be given by publication in a newspaper of general cir- culation in the county in which such street or alley is located, for four consecutive weeks on the same day of the week, and the cause may be heard and determined at any time after the expiration of ten days from the date of the last publication. SEC. 3755. [Assessment of Property for Treatment of Streets with Oil.] When a portion of the cost is to be assessed against pri- vate property, notice to the owners thereof shall be given by publishing the resolution establishing the district and setting forth the portion of the cost to be assessed, once each week, for two weeks in a newspaper published and of general circulation in the corporation, and if there is no newspaper published therein, copies of the resolution shall be posted in twelve public places in the corporation, “ee site 4I Src. 3769. [Proceedings to Establish Street Railway Route.] Nothing mentioned in the preceding section shall be done, no ordinance or resolution to establish or define a street railroad route shall be passed, no action inviting proposals to construct and operate such railroad shall be taken by the council, and no ordinance for the purpose specified in such section shall be passed, until public notice of the application there- for has been given by the clerk of the council once a week, for the period ‘of at least three consecutive weeks in one or more of the daily papers, if there be such, and if not, then in one or more weekly papers published in the corporation. SEC. 3774. [Election on Grant of Street Railway Franchise. ] Thirty days’ notice of such submission shall be given by the mayor of ‘the municipality in two newspapers of opposite politics printed therein, ‘once a week for four consecutive weeks, stating the object and pur- pose, and the time and place of holding such election. SEc. 3812-1. (101 V. 242). [Service Connections for Sewer and Water.] The director of public service in cities and council in vil- lages shall appoint some competent person to serve said notice in the manner provided for the service of summons in civil actions and the re- port of the person serving said notice or a certified copy thereof shall be prima facie evidence of the service of the notice as therein stated; pro- vided that if any of said owners be non-residents of the corporation or cannot be found, such notice may be given publication twice in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the municipality. SEc. 3814. [Public Improvements Which Are to Be Paid for by Special Assessments.]_ When it is deemed necessary by a munici- pality to make a public improvement to be paid for in whole or in part by special assessments, council shall declare the necessity thereof by resolution, three-fourths of the members elected thereto concurring, ex- cept as otherwise herein provided. Such resolution shall be published as other resolutions, but shall take effect upon its first publication. SEc. 3818. [Service of Notice of Passage of Resolution to Im- prove Under Special Assessments.] A notice of the passage of such resolution shall be served by the clerk of council, or an assistant, upon the owner of each piece of property to be assessed, in the manner pro- vided by law for the service of summons in civil actions, If any such owners Or persons are not residents of the county, or if it appears by the return in any case of the notice, that such owner cannot be found, the notice shall be published at least twice in a newspaper of general circulation within the corporation. 42 SEC. 3833. [Letting Contract for Improvements Under Special. Assessments.] The contract for any such improvement shall be let by the director of public service, in the same manner as other contracts, and in case all bids be rejected such director in cities and the council of villages may order a readvertisement for bids. SEC. 3843. [Notice to Owners of Lots and Lands Assessed for Street Sprinkling, Cleaning and Sweeping.] Notice of the passage of such ordinance shall be given the owners of lots and lands to be as— sessed for the payment of the cost and expense of the work provided for therein, by publishing the ordinance at least once in a newspaper pub- lished and of general circulation within the corporation and no other or further notice shall be required. | Sec. 3856. [Construction and Repair of Sidewalk, Curbing and Gutters.] If it appears in any such return, that the owner is 2 non- resident of the county, or that neither such owner, agent, or his place of residence could be found, publication of a copy of the resolution in a newspaper of general circulation in the corporation, in the manner pro-- vided for service by publication of resolutions for street improvements, shall be deemed sufficient notice to such owner, but no publication of the resolution shall be necessary in the case of construction or repair of side walks, curbing and gutters where the notice is served upon the owner or agent as provided in the preceding two sections. SEC. 3870-2. (1o1 V. 148). [Construction or Repair of Retain- ing Works Along Canal or Watercourse.] Whenever the council of any city or village declares by resolution that such a condition exists. and that for the purpose mentioned in section 1 it is necessary that such retaining works or structures be repaired along the shore or in front of any specified parcel or parcels of land abutting on any such waterway, the clerk of the council shall cause a written notice of the passage of such resolution to be served upon the owner or owners of such parcel or parcels or his agent, which notice shall be served and returned or pub- lished in the manner provided in sections 3854, 3855 and 3856 of the General Code. SEC. 3874. [Notice of Completion of Sewer Plans.| When such plan of sewerage has been prepared, the council shall give at least ten days’ notice in one newspaper of general circulation in the corpora- tion, stating that such plans have been prepared, and are filed in the office of the clerk for examination and inspection by parties interested. ec ns ren 43 Src. 3878. [Resolution of Necessity for Construction of S:wer.| Wk it is deemed necessary by a municipal corporation to construct =" Gr a part of the sewers provided for in such plan, the council shall declare by resolution the necessity thereof. “Such resolution shall con- tain a declaration of the necessity of such improvement, a statement of the district or districts or parts thereof proposed to be constructed, the character of the materials to be used, a reference to the plans and specifications, where they are on file, and the mode of payment therefor, and shall cause the resolution to be published once a week for not less than two nor more than four consecutive weeks in one newspaper of general circulation in the corporation. Sec. 3880. [Contract for Construction of Sewer.] The work shall be advertised, and the contract shall be awarded to the lowest and best bidder, in the manner heretofore provided for the improvement of streets. Src. 3886. [Contract for Construction of Joint Sewer.] The ad- vertisement for bids for the construction thereof shall be joint, and shall be filed with the clerk of council, and reported to the council of each cor- poration. Any contract made for the construction of such sewer shall be in the names of such corporations jointly, but each corporation shall be liable only for such portion of the cost and expense as shall be spect- fied in the ordinances providing therefor. Sec. 3895. [Notice of Assessments.] Before adopting an assess- ment made as provided in this chapter, the council shall publish notice for three weeks consecutively, in a newspaper of general circulation in the corporation, that such assessment has been made, and that it is on filé in the office of the clerk for the inspection and examination of persons interested therein. Sec. 3900. [Notice to Non-resident Owner of Proceedings to Enforce Lien.] In proceedings to enforce the lien, when the owner of any lot or land assessed is a non-resident of the state, or is unknown, notice shall be given by publication in the manner prescribed by law in similar cases. Src. 3924. [Sale of Bonds by Municipality.]| Sales of bonds, other than to the trustees of the sinking fund of the city or to the board of commissioners of the sinking fund of the city school district as herein authorized, by any municipal corporation, shall be to the highest and best bidder, after thirty days’ notice in at least two newspapers of gen- 44 eral circulation in the county where such municipal corporation is sit- uated setting forth the nature, amount, rate of and place of sale. Addi- tional notice may be published outside of such county by order of the council, but when such bonds have been once so advertised and offered for public sale, and they, or any part thereof, remain unsold, those unsold may be sold at private sale at not less than their par value, under the direction of the mayor and the officers and agents of the corporation by whom such bonds have been, or shall be, prepared, advertised and offered at public sale. SEC. 3926. [Sale of Bonds by Popular Subscription.] * * * All such bonds shall be first offered the sinking fund trustees as is pro- vided in the preceding sections, and shall be advertised and sold as pro- vided in such sections, setting forth the amount of bonds to be sold and the denomination in which they will be issued, with an invitation for tenders for all or part of such issue. SEC. 3937. [Election on Issue of Bonds for Improving Natural Gas Works.] Fifteen days’ notice of the submission shall be given in one or more newspapers printed in the municipal corporation cnce a week for two consecutive weeks, stating the amount of bonds to be issued, the purpose for which they are to be issued, and the time and place of holding the election. If no newspaper is printed therein, the notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place and published once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation therein. SEC. 3946. [To Issue Bonds for Municipalities.]} Thirty days’ notice of the election shall’ be given in one or more newspapers printed ‘in the municipality once a week for four consecutive weeks prior thereto, stating the amount of bonds to be issued, and the purpose for whieh they are to be issued, and the time and place of holding the election. If no newspaper is printed therein, the notice shall be posted in a conspicu- ous place and published once a week for four consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the township or municipal corporation. SEC. 3952. [Notice of Election for Issue of Bonds.| Thirty days’ notice of the election shall be given in one or more newspapers printed in the municipality once a week for four consecutive weeks prior thereto, stating the amount of bonds, to be issued, and the purpose for which they are to be issued, and the time and place of holding the election, if no newspaper is printed therein, the notice shall be posted in a conspicu- ous place and published once a week for four consecutive weeks in er 45 a newspaper of general circulation in the township or municipal corporation. Sec. 4010. [Bonds to Provide for and Furnish Library Build- ings.]| Such bonds shall be sold to the highest bidder after being . advertised once a week for four consecutive weeks in a newspaper having a general circulation in the county where the bonds are issued. If there is more than one newspaper in the county, the sale of such bonds shall be advertised in at least one such additional newspaper. Sec. 4011. [What Advertisement for Sale of Bonds for Library Building to Contain.] The advertisement shall state the total number of bonds to be sold, the amount of each, how long they are to run, the rate of interest to be paid thereon, whether annually or semi- annually, the law or section of law authorizing their issue, the day, hour, and place in the county where they are to be sold, and the privilege shall be reserved by such board to reject all or any bids, and if such bids are rejected, the bonds shall be readvertised. The moneys arising on premiums of their sale as well as the principal shall be credited. to the fund_on account of which they are issued and sold, and shall be used for the purpose only for which issued. Sec. 4031. [Contracts for Work and Material for Municipal Hospital.]|_ The board shall not enter into any contract for work or materials, except as relates to procuring plans, drawings, specifications, and forms of bids, without first causing thirty days’ notice to be given in one Or more newspapers of general circulation in the corporation, that sealed proposals will be received for doing the work or furnishing the materials. Sec. 4046. [Contracts for Work or Supplies in Excess of One Thousand Dollars for Municipal Hospital.} Such boards shall not enter into a contract for work, or supplies, where the estimated cost thereof exceeds one thousand dollars, without first causing thirty days’ notice to be given in one newspaper of general circulation in the corpo- ration, that sealed proposals will be received for doing the work or fur- nishing the materials and supplies. SEC. 4078. [Contracts Awarded by Board of Park Trustees. | The board shall not enter into any contract for work or supplies where the estimated cost thereof exceeds one thousand dollars, without first . causing thirty days’ notice in one newspaper of general circulation in the corporation that sealed proposals may be received for doing the work or furnishing such materials and supplies. 40 SrEc. 4205-1. [When City Wishes to Establish Municipal Pawn- shops and Sell Unredeemed Property.] Thirty days’ notice of such submission shall be given by the mayor of the municipality in two news- papers of opposite politics printed therein, once a week for four consecu- tive weeks, stating the object and purpose and aie time and place of holding such election. 12. If the pledged property, consisting ie dry goods or clothing | of any kind, is not redeemed within the time fixed and agreed upon, the same shall, after three months from the expiration of the time of the pledge, or after six months from the expiration of the time of the pledge, in case it consists of other articles, be sold in the city at public auction without redemption under the direction of said municipal pawn department, and not elsewhere or otherwise, to the highest bidder for cash, after ten days’ notice of the time and place of sale and the kind of goods, first given in a public newspaper having general circulation in the said city. SEC. 4221. [Contracts in Excess of Five Hundred Dollars Made - by Council of Village.] All contracts made by the council of a village shall be executed in the name of thé village and signed on behalf of the village by the mayor and clerk. When any expenditure other than the compensation of persons employed therein, exceeds five hundred dollars, such contracts shall be in writing and made with the lowest and best bidder after advertising for not less than two nor more than four consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within the village. SEc. 4228. [Ordinances and Resolutions Requiring Publication to be Published in Two Papers of Opposite Politics and German Paper.] Ordinances and resolutions requiring publication shall be published in two newspapers of opposite politics, published and of gen- eral circulation in such municipality, if such there be, and shall be pub- lished in a newspaper printed in the German language if there is in such municipality such a paper having a bona fide paid circulation within such municipality of not less than one thousand copies. Proof of such circulation shall be made by the affidavit of the proprietor or editor of such paper, and shall be filed with the clerk of the council. SEC. 4229. [What Notices of Municipality to be Published and How Long.| Except as otherwise provided in this title, in all munici- pal corporations the statements, ordinances, resolutions, orders, proc- lamations, notices and reports required by this title, or the ordinances of a municipality to be published, shall be published in two newspapers ’ AROS eee hos ail 47 of opposite politics of general circulation therein, if there are such in the municipality, and for the following times: The statement of receipts and disbursements required shall be published once; the ordinances and resolutions once a week for two consecutive weeks; notices of contracts and of sale of bonds once a week for four consecutive weeks; all other ‘matters shall be published once. SEc. 4230. [When Ordinances Published in Book Form Suf- ficient.|_ When ordinances are revised, codified, rearranged and pub- lished in book form and certified as correct by the clerk of council-and the mayor, such publication shall be a sufficient publication, and the ordinance or several ordinances so published in*book form, under ap- propriate titles, chapters and sections, shall be held the same in law as though they had been published in a newspaper or newspapers. A new ordinance so published in book form, which has not been published ac- cording to Jaw, and which contains entirely new matter shall be pub- lished as heretofore required by law.: Such revision and codification may be made under appropriate titles, chapters and sections and in one ordinance containing one or more subjects. . SEc. 4288. [Detailed Statement of Receipts and Expenditures. | The auditor shall cause a copy of such detailed statement which shall be approved by the mayor, to be posted at the places of holding elections for officers of the corporation, on the morning of the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November each year. If the municipality has a population of over two thousand, the auditor shall have the statement published once in a newspaper published or of general circulation in the corporation, at least five days prior to such date. Upon the order of the council, the auditor, at any time, shall furnish it a detailed statement : of all receipts and disbursements, for such periods as it may require. An auditor who refuses or neglects to conform to the provisions of this and . the next preceding section, shall be fined by the mayor, or. police court as the case may be, not more than thirty dollars or less than twenty-five — dollars for the use of the corporation. The provisions of this and the preceding sections shall not apply to a municipal corporation that pub- lishes annually a detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures in book form or in any other printed manner. SEC. 4328. [Expenditure Exceeding Five Hundred Dollars. | The director of public service may make any contract or purchase sup- plies or material or provide labor for any work under the supervision of that department not involving more than five hundred dollars. When an expenditure within the department, other than the compensation of 48 persons employed therein, exceeds five hundred dollars, such expenditure shall first be authorized and directed by ordinance of council. When so authorized and directed, the director of public service shail make a written contract with the lowest and best bidder after advertisement for not less than two nor more than four consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within the city. SEC. 4349. [Notice of Completion of Plans by Platting Com- missioner.] When the whole plan, or any portion thereof, is com- pleted, or when the location of any avenue, street, roadway, or alley has been finally determined upon by the commissioner, a plat of the plan, avenue, street, roadway, or alley shall be placed in the office of the city civil engineer, for the inspection of persons interested, and notice that it is ready for inspection shall be published in one or more newspapers of general circulation within such municipal corporation, for six consecutive weeks. SEc. 4401. [Sale of Unclaimed Property by Chief of Police or Marshal.] Property unclaimed for the period of one year shall be sold by the chief of police or marshal at public auction, after giving due notice thereof, by advertisement published three times in a news- paper of general circulation in such county. In municipalities where there is a police relief fund and trustees and officers thereof the proceeds from such sale shall be paid to the treasurer of such fund and be placed to its credit. In municipalities where there is no police relief fund and trustees and officials thereof, such proceeds shall be paid to the treasurer of the municipality, and be credited to the general fund. SEC. 4515. (101 V. 243). [Competitive Bidding for Deposits of Public Funds.] At least once every three years the trustees of the sinking fund shall advertise for proposals for the deposit of all sums held in reserve and shall deposit such reserve in the banks or banks, incorporated under the laws of this state or of the United States. situated within the county, which offer, at competitive bidding, the highest rate of interest and best security and accommodation and give a good and sufficient bond issued by a surety company authorized to do business in this state, or furnish good and sufficient surety in a sum not less than twenty per cent. in excess of the maximum amount at any time to be deposited. . Sec. 4676. [When no Paper Published in Municipality or Pub- lisher Refuses to Publish Notice.] Where in this title a notice is directed to be published in a newspaper, and no such paper is published eT a i lie i 49 at the place mentioned, or if such newspaper is published at the place, but the publisher refuses on tender of his usual charge for a sunilar notice, to insert it in his newspaper, a publication in any newspaper of general circulation at such place shall be sufficient. Nothing in this section shall be construed to dispense with posters where they are pro- vided for. Sec. 4837. [Mayor’s Proclamation of Municipal Election. | Previous to any election for municipal officers, the mayor shall issue a proclamation to the electors of the corporation or of the respective wards or districts thereof, as the case may require, setting forth the time and places of election and the officers to be chosen, and cause such proclama- tion to be published in a newspaper printed in the corporatioyv at least ten days previous to the election. If no such newspaper is published in the corporation, such notice may be given by posters. Sec. 5258. [Bids for Erection of Armory.] The board shall _ advertise for sealed bids for the erection of such armory, and publish such advertisement in at least one newspaper in the city or county in which the armory is to be erected. All bids received shall be filed im the office of the adjutant ‘general, and must be accompanied by a forfeit consisting of a deposit of cash or certified check equivalent to two per- cent. of the estimate on the building, conditioned upon the bidder enter—. ing into a contract, if his bid is accepted. All money so forfeited shall’ be covered into the state treasury to the credit of the “state armory fund” hereinafter provided for, Upon the day specified in the advertise- ment, the bids received shall be opened by the board, and the lowest bid which complies with the plans and specifications submitte 1, may be accepted. The board may reject any and all bids and readvertise for bids. SEc. 6128. [Election for Local Option in Municipal Corpora-. tions.}| Notice shall be given of such election, and it shall be con-. ducted as provided by law for the election of members of the council’ of such municipal corporation as far as such law is applicable. The result of the election shall forthwith be entered upon the record of the proceedings @ the council of the municipal corporation by the clerk thereof. Sec. (151. [Hearing on Petition for Local Option in Residence. District.; When a petition, provided for in this subdivision of this chapter, has been filed with the mayor of the municipal corporation or with a judge of the court. of common pleas in the county, such mayor 4 50 or judge shall forthwith cause a notice of the hearing on such petition to be published in two newspapers of opposite party politics published in such municipal corporation, if there are-two. Such notice shall set forth the time when and place where such judge or mayor will consider the petition, at which time he shall hear any electors of the district as to the question of the petitioners being qualified electors in such resi- dence district or any other matter which may be brought before such mayor or judge for determination relating to the sufficiency of such petition. Src. 7843. [Notice by City Examiner of Meetings for Examina- tion of Teachers.| Each board of city school examiners shall hold not less than two meetings each year, notice of which must be published in some newspaper of general circulation in the district. All examinations of applicants shall be conducted at the meetings of the boards thus called. The examination of every applicant must be in the presence of at least two members of the board. Src, 8865. [Resolution to Alter or Abolish Railroad Crossing. ] Such resolution shall be published and notice of its passage given to owners of property abutting on the proposed improvement, in the man- ner provided as to resolutions of a city council declaring the necessity of a contemplated public improvement, and claims for damages thereby. caused, must be filed in the nianner, and within the time prescribed in such cases. Src: 8884. [Notice of Intention to Alter or Abolish Reilroad Crossing to be Given Abutting Property Owners.] Before any work shall be done which may be required in the making of such proposed improvement, the council of such municipality shall by ordinance or resolution require notice of its intention to make such improvement in accordance with the plans and specifications to be given, after the man- ner provided by law, to the owner of each piece of property abutting upon any street, highway, or public place, the grade of which will be charged by the proposed improvement. 4. TOWNSHIP. Src. 3281. (ror V. 211). [Sale of Township Property.| The. trustees may receive on behalf of the township, any donation by request, devise, or deed of gift, or otherwise, of any property, real or personal, for any township use. When the township has real estate or buildings which it does not need, for township purposes, the trustees 51 may sell and convey any such real estate or buildings. Such sale must be by public auction and upon thirty days’ notice thereof in a newspaper published, or of general circulation, in such township. Sec. 3401. [Submission of Question of Tax for Township Hall. | At the next general township and municipal election after such applica- tions have been so filed, the question as to whether or not a tax shall be levied upon all the property subject to taxation in such township and village for the enlargement, improvement or erection of 4 public building, shall be submitted to the electors of such township and of such village. Ten days’ notice that the question will be submitted to the electors, shall be given by the trustees of the township and the mayor of the village, in a newspaper of general circulation in such township and village, which notice shall state the maximum amount of money proposed to be used for such purpose, and the rate of tax proposed to be levied. SEC. 3403. [Township Public Library.] On the petition of twenty electors thereof, and upon four weeks’ public notice, published in a paper of general circulation jn the county, the trustees of a township shall submit to the electors of such township, at the general election jn November, the question whether there shall be a public library estab- lished in the township for the use and benefit of the citizens thereof, SEC, 3410-4. (1o1 V. 388). [Township Memorial Building. ] Said Loard of trustees shall request the trustees of the township to issue, and said trustees shall thereupon issue the bonds of the townships in such denominations for such a period, and bearing such rate of interest as the board of trustees shall specify, not exceeding the total sum deter- mined upon in the original resolution of the township trustees of said township. Said bonds shall then be delivered to said board of trustees of said memorial association and shall be sold by it for not less than par, with accrued interest to the highest bidder after advertisement in two or more newspapers published or of general circulation in said township for a period of thirty days. SEC. 3418, | Township Public Park.] -Upon filing such report, the township trustees shall direct the township clerk to notice by posting in five public places in the township, and by publication at an election will be held at the next general or township election to determine whether a free public park shall be established for the township, and the estimated cost of the land recommended fer that purpose, 52 Sec. 3422-1. (101 V. 130). [Sale of Township Public Parks. | * * % The board of park commissioners shall give twenty days’ notice by posting in five public places in the township and by publication in one or more newspapers of general circulation therein that an election wiil be held on the date named in said notice to determine whether or not said lands shall be sold. Sec. 3424. [Submission of Question of Increased Levy for Township Park.] On the making of such order the township clerk shall give notice at least thirty days before the election that the vote will be taken, by posting printed notices in at least five public places - therein, and by publication in not less than one newspaper of general circulation therein. Sec. 3432. [Lighting Unincorporated Districts.| At the same time, the clerk shall give like notice to each non-resident lot or land owner by publication once in a newspaper printed and of general cir- culation in the county in which the district is situated, at least two weeks before the day set for hearing, which notice shall be verified by affidavit of the printer or other person knowing the fact, and filed with the clerk on or before the day of hearing. No further notice of the petition or the proceedings thereunder shall thereafter be required. Src. 4204. [Sale of Old Approach to Public Cemetery.| Land belonging to such cemetery used for an approach thereto and in the judgment of a majority of such othcers unnecessary for cemetery pur- poses may be sold by them at public sale to the highest bidder, after advertisement once a week for five consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within the county in which the cemetery is situated. Township or cemetery trustees making such saie shall execute in the name of the township or corporation owning the cemetery proper con= veyances of the land so sold. Src. 6607. [Hearing on Petition for Township Ditch.] Upon the filing of such petition and bond, the township clerk shall prepare the necessary number of notices for the petitioner, who shall cause one thereof to be given to the owner of each tract of land sought to be affected by the proceeding. Such notice shall state substantially the prayer of the petition, and when and where it will be for hearing by the trustees. If a person, owning lands sought to be affected by the proceeding, is a non-resident of the county, like notice shall be sent fo him by mail, if such residence is known by the clerk, otherwise it shall be published for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper published or of general circulation in the county. Ty 53 SEc. 6627. [Appeal to Probate Court in Matter of Township Ditch.] The appellants shall serve a copy of the notice provided in the next preceding section, on all persons interested in the location of the ditch residing within the county. If a person, so interested, resides out of the county, or can not be served with such copy, the appellants shall cause such notice to be published for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county. Proof of such pub- lication shall be filed in the probate court, with proof of the service of the notice on all persons so interested, at least three days before the time fixed for impaneling the jury. Sec. 6716. [Removal of Obstruction in Ditch by Ditch Super- visor Upon Failure of Land Owner to Remove Same.] The ditch supervisor, at the time provided in the next preceding section, shall give like notice to all land owners, whose addresses are not known, by pub- lication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county for two con- - secutive weeks. SEc. 6978. [Election for Improvement of Township Road Partly in Municipality.] The township trustees shall cause notice of the election to be published in two newspapers in general circulation, if such are printed in the township, for at least ten days and shall also cause bills announcing the election, to be posted at the usual places of holding elections at each precinct in such township at least ten days prior thereto. SEC. 6981. [Resubmission of Question of Improving Road Partly in Municipality.] At such election if a majority of the votes cast are against the policy of improving the roads by general taxation, the town- ship trustees shall not assess taxes for that purpose; but when a like petition is thereafter presented to them, they shall again submit the same question, at the next annual election, to the qualified voters of such township, notice of which shall be given and the election conducted in the manner provided by law for the first section. SEc. 6989. [Letting of Contract for Improvement of Township Road Partly in Municipality.] When the township trustees, by reso- lution have determined to improve such designated road, the work of its construction shall be publicly let to the lowest responsible bidder, after notice given of such letting by publication in one or more newspapers, if published in such township, and by bills judiciously posted at least fifteen days before the letting of the contract. Src. 7002. [Election on Question of Making Further Levy for Township Road Improvement.] Those voting in favor of such 54 proposition shall have on their ballots, “No further levy for road im- provements—Yes,” and those ‘opposed “No further levy for road im- provments—No.” The township trustees shall cause notice of the election to be given as provided in section sixty-nine hundred and seventy- eight, and the provisions of sections sixty-nine hundred and seventy-nine and sixty-nine hundred and eighty shall be applicable to such election, Src. 7005. [Sale of Bonds for Township Road Improvement. ] Such bonds shall not be sold for less than their par value, and accrued interest, and the aggregate amount of the bonds of a towuship, at one time outstanding, shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars. The sale of such bonds shall be advertised for at least thirty days and they shall be sold to the highest bidder at the office of the trustees of such township. SEc. 7009. [Election on Question of Increased Tax Levy for {mprovement of Township Road.| The township trustees shall cause notice of the election to be given in a like manner as provided in section sixty-nine hundred and seventy-eight, and the provisions of sec- tions sixty-nine hundred and seventy-nine and sixty-nine hundred and eighty shall be applicable to such election. Sec. 7026. [Letting of Contract for Improvement of Township Road.| The trustees, after having given public notice of the time and place of such letting for at least two weeks, in a newspaper of gen- eral circulation in the township or county, or by hand-bills, or both, at the discretion of the board of trustees, specifying the kind and quality of material, and the part of the road upon which it is to be used, shall let the contract to the lowest bidder, who shall give bond to the accep- tance of the trustees. Sec. 7049. [Sale of Bonds for Improvement of Township Road. | The bonds so provided to be issued shall be sold at not less than par and accrued interest, in such quantities as is deemed expedient by the trustees, and shall be advertised and sold in the manner provided by law for the advertisement and sale of other township bonds, Sec. 7055. [Election in Separate Road District on Question of Improvement of Township Road.|] The trustees shall cause notice of such election to be published in two newspapers of general circula- tion, if such are printed in the township, for at least ten days prior thereto, and cause notices to be posted at the usual place of holding elections, at least ten days prior to the election. In townships, where vr eae eee ey a 55 - there are no papers published, the trustees shall give notice of the elec- tion by posting notices in at least six of the most prominent places in the township fifteen davs prior thereto. Sec. 7104. [Submission of Question of Improving Roads in Road District.| Those voting in favor of such proposition shall have on their ballots, “Road improvement by general taxation—yes,” and those opposed, “Road improvement by general taxation—no.” The road com- missioners shall cause notice of such election to be given in at least two of the newspapers published in or of general circulation in such road district, and cause bills announcing the election to be posted up at the usual place of holding elections in each ward and precinct in such road district at least ten days prior thereto. Sec. 7116. [Letting Contract for Road Improvement in Road Pistuct.| = *:.* Due notice of such letting shall. be given. by publication in at least one newspaper of general circulation in said road district and by posters judiciously posted for a period of two consecutive weeks prior to such letting. SEc. 7125. (101 V. 33). [Sale of Bonds for Road Improvement in Road District.| The sale of all such bonds shall be advertised, once each week, for four consecutive weeks in two newspapers in the county and the secretary or clerk of the board shall send marked copies of such advertisement to at least ten leading bond buyers in the state “or other states. Such bonds shall be sold to the highest responsible bidder and the road commissioners may reject any and all bids. SEC, 7900. [Election on Question of Levying Tax in Township In Aid of Normal School.] Before the tax can be levied, the question of making a levy for such purpose, shall be submitted to the qualified | electors of the township, at a special or general election to be held therein, due notice of which must be given at least twenty days prior to the election, by publication in some newspaper of general circulation in the township. 5. SCHOOL DISTRICT. SEC. 2294. [Sale of Public Bonds by County Commissioners, Boards of Education or Commissioners of Free Turnpikes.| All bonds issued by boards of county commissioners, boards of education, or commissioners of free turnpikes, shall be sold to the highest bidder after being advertised three times weekly, in a newspaper having general circulation in the county where the bonds are issued, and, if, the amount 56 of bonds to be sold exceeds twenty thousand dollars, in an additional newspaper having general circulation in the state, three times, weekly. The advertisement shall state the total amount of bonds to be sold, the amount of each bond, how long they are to run, the rate of interest to be paid thereon, whether annually or semi-annually, the law or section of law authorizing the issue, the day, hour and place in the county where they are to be sold. Src. 4694. [Transfer of Territory from One School District to Another.| Thereupon the probate judge shall fix a day for the hear- ing of the. petition and cause to be published for four consecutive weeks in two newspapers of opposite politics printed and of general circulation in the county, a notice of the filing of the petition and of the time of the hearing. He shall also notify the clerks of the boards of education interested of the filing of the petition of the time of hearing. SEC. 4731. [Creating Special School District.] Upon the filing of a petition for the establishment of a special school district, the probate judge shall fix the time for the hearing of the petition, which shall be within sixty days of the filing thereof. Théreupon he shall cause to be published for four consecutive weeks in two newspapers of opposite politics, printed and of general circulation in the county where the peti- tion is filed, notice of the filing of the petition and the time of the hearing thereon. Such notices shall be mailed to the clerk or clerks of the boards of education having territory in the proposed special school district. SEC. 4750. [Sale of Real Estate by Board of Education.] When a board of education decides to dispose of real or personal property, held by it in its corporate capacity, exceeding in value three hundred dollars, it shall sell such property at public auction after giving at least: thirty days’ notice thereof by publication in a newspaper of general cir: culation or by posting notices thereof in five of the most public places in the district in which such property is situated. Sec. 4776. [Statement of Receipts and Expenditures of Board of Education.] Except city districts, the board of education of each district shall require the clerk of the board annually, ten days prior ta the election, to prepare and post at the place or places of holding such elections, or publish in some newspaper of general circulation in the district, an itemized statement of all money received and disbursed by the treasury of the board, within the school year next preceding. 57 Sec. 4839 [School Election.] The clerk of each board of edu- cation shall publish a notice of all school elections in a newspaper of general circulation in the district or post written or printed notices thereof in five public places in the district at least ten days before the holding of such election. Such notices shall specify the time and place “of the election, the number of members of the board of education, to be elected, and the term for which they are to be elected or the nature of the question to be voted upon. Sec. 4998. [Publication of Names of Nominees for Board of Education.] When nominations of candidates for member of the board of education have been made by nomination papers filed with the board of deputy state supervisors as herein provided, such board of deputy state supervisors shall publish on two different days prior to the election a list of the names of such candidates in two newspapers of opposite politics in the school district, if there is such printed and pub- lished therein. If no newspaper is printed in such school district, the board shall post such list in at least five public places therein. SEC. 7593. [Election for Increase of Tax Levy for School Pur- poses.] Notice of such election must be given by publication of the resolution for three consecutive weeks prior thereto in some newspaper published and of general circulation in the district, or by posting copies thereof in five of the most conspicuous places in the district for a like period, if no such paper is published therein. SEc. 7623. [Letting Contract for Erecting, Repairing, Enlarging or Furnishing School House.}] * * * For the period of four weeks, the board shall advertise for bids in some newspaper of general circulation in the district, and two such papers if there are so many. If no newspaper has a general circulation therein, then by posting such advertisement in three public places therein. Such advertisement shall be entered in full by the clerk, on the record of the proceedings of the board. Sec. 7624. [Appropriation of Land for School Purposes.] Wheu it is necessary to procure or enlarge a school site and the board of education and the owner of the proposed site or addition are unable to agree upon the sale and purchase thereof, the board shall make an ac- curate plat and description of the parcel of land which it desires for such purposes, and file them with the probate judge, or court of insolvency, of the proper county. Thereupon the same proceedings of appropriation 58 shall be had which are provided for the appropriation of private prop- erty by municipal corporations. ; Sec. 7625. [Election on Issuing Bonds for School Site or School House.| When the board of education of any school district de- termines that for the proper accommodation of the schools of such district it is necessary to purchase a site or sites to erect a schoolhouse or houses, to complete a partially built schoolhouse, to enlarge, repair or furnish a schoolhouse or to purchase real estate for play ground for children, or to do any or all of such things, that the funds at its disposal or that can be raised under the provisions of sections seventy-six hun- dred and twenty-nine and seventy-six hundred and thirty, are not suf: ficient to accomplish the purpose and that a bond isstie is necessary, the board shall make an estimate of the probable amount of money required for such purpose or purposes and at a general election or special elec- tion called for that purpose, submit to the electors of the district the question of the issuing of bonds for the amount so estimated. Notices of the election required herein shall be given in the manner provided by law for school elections. 6. SCHOOL AND MINISTERIAL LANDS. SEc. 3201. [Sale of Lease.] The trustees shall give twenty days” previous notice of the time and place when such lease or leases will be sold, by advertisement in three public places, or by insertion in a newspaper published within the county, subjecting the purchaser to the conditions contained in the lease of the delinquent. Sec. 3216. [Sale of School Lands.] On the recording of sucly proceedings, the auditor of the county shall forthwith cause a notice to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, for five consecutive weeks before the day of sale, and, at the same time, by posting copies of such notice in six of the most public places in the county, two of which shall be in the township where the lands are situated, and one at the court house. Such notices shall contain a de- scription of the lots or lands to be sold, the valuation thereof, and the time when they will be offered at not less than the appraised value thereof, one-third of the purchase money to be paid at the time of sale, and the balance in two annual installments of equal amount, with interest payable annually thereon. Src. 2228. [Enforcing Payment for Purchase of School Lands. | If the purchaser or lessee of any tract of section sixteen, or lands granted a *. ry tue ae ee a in place thereof for the support of common schools, fails to make any payment on any tract of such land for the space of twelve months after the time it becomes due and payable, the auditor of the county wherein the land is situated shall forthwith proceed to sell such tract, with all the improvements thereon, at the door of the court house, to the highest and best bidder therefor, in cash, having first given notice of the time and place of such sale, containing a description of the land and the money due and to become due thereon, by publishing such notice in a news- paper of general circulation in such county for six consecutive weeks before the day of sale. 7. JUDICIAL. SEC. 1521. [Time of Holding Circuit Court.] On receipt of such order, the clerk of the circuit court shall immediately enter it upon the journal of the circuit court, and such entry shall be sufficient evidence as to the legal terms for holding the courts as therein ordered. The clerk shall cause a certified copy of such order to be published in one or more newspapers of general circulation in such county once a week, on the same day of the week, for three consecutive weeks. SEC. 1525. [Special Term of Circuit Court.| If there is a failure to hold a prescribed term of the circuit court in a county, and the business of the county so requires, the judges of the circuit court shall appoint and hold a term therein, at as early a period thereafter as is practicable. The clerk of the circuit court shall cause thirty days previous notice of the holding of such special term to be published in One or more newspapers having a general circulation in such county. SEc. 1534. [Time of Holding Common Pleas Court.] On the receipt of such order signed by the judges of the district, the clerk of the common pleas court of each county shall immediately enter it upon the journal of the common pleas. court of such county, which entries shall be sufficient evidence as to the legal terms for holding tke courts as therein ordered. The clerk shall alSo cause a copy thereof to be published in one or more newspapers of general circulation in such county once a week, on the same day of the week, for three consecu- tive weeks. SEC. 1537. [Special Term of Common Pleas Court.] When he deems necessary, any judge of the ccurt of common pleas’ may appoint and hold a special term of such court in any county in his subdivision. Ei such case the judge shall issue an order. for such special term to the clerk of the county wherein it is to be held, at least three weeks prior 60 to the commencement of such term. The clerk shall forthwith cause the order or notice to be published in a newspaper in such county, or of general circulation therein. Sec. 1695. [Daily Law Journals.] In the counties of Hamilton, Cuyahoga, Franklin and Lucas, the judges of the courts of record, other than circuit court, shall jointly designate a daily law journal published in the county, wherein shall be published all calendars of the courts of record in such county, which shall contain the numbers and titles of causes, and names of attorneys appearing therein, together with the motion dockets and such particulars and notice respecting causes, as may be specified by the judges, and each notice required to be published by any of such judges. Sec. 1696. [Legal Notices Published in Daily Law Journal.] In all cases, proceedings, administrations of estates, assignments and matters pending in any of the courts of record of such counties wherein legal notices or advertisements are required by law to be published, such law journal shall once a week and on the same day of the week, publish an abstract of each such legal advertisement, but the jurisdiction over, or irregularity of a proceeding, trial or judgment, shall not be affected by » anything therein. Sec. 1697. [Fees for Publication in Daily Law Journal.| For the publication of such calendars, motion dockets and notices, the fees for which are not fixed by law, the publisher of the paper shall receive a sum to be fixed by the judges, not exceeding thirty-five cents for each case brought, to be paid by the party filing the petition, or transcripts for appeal or lien, and to be taxed in the costs and collected as other costs, and for the publishing of abstracts of legal advertising, a sum to be fixed by the judges, not exceeding one dollar for each case, proceed- ing or matter, in which such advertising is had, to be taxed and col- lected as a part of the costs thereof. Src. 6240-2. [To provide for Registration of Marks of Owner- ship of Personal Property.] The statement provided for in section one of this act shall be published once a week for four successive weeks in a newspaper printed in the English language, and of general circula- tion in the county in which such notice may have been filed with the clerk of the court of common pleas as aforesaid; a copy of which pub- lication proved in the same manner as proof of publication is now re- quired to be made by law, when no special mode of proving the same is provided, shall also be filed with the secretary of state, and with the clerk of the court of common pleas of the county, where such statement is filed. ee en oe = 61 Sec. 6256. [Certain Notices Approved by Court or Clerk and Allowed as Costs.] The publication of an advertisement, notice or proclamation, required by law to be published in a newspaper by a trustee, assignee, executor, administrator, receiver or other officer of the court or a party in a case or proceeding, shall be approved by the court or clerk thereof and allowed as a part of the costs in the case or proceeding therein. Sec. 6434. [Description of Stranded Vessel and Cargo to b2 Published.] If a vessel or cargo be cast on shore, within the limits of any county hereinbefore designated, and no master, owner, super- cargo, consignee, insurer or agent is present when found, to claim it, the commissioner of the proper district, or, in ‘case of his absence or disability, a commissioner of any district of the county, shall take possession there- of, make and transcribe an inventory of it as hereinbefore provided, and cause a true description of the goods, with their marks, numbers and kinds, so far as can be ascertained, and a description of the vessel in which they were found, as fully as conveniently can be done, to be advertised in at least one public newspaper published in the state, for four weeks. If the value of the goods exceeds five hundred dollars, the advertisement shall also be so made in one of the public newspapers in each of the cities of Cleveland and Columbus. Sec. 6435. [Sale of Stranded Vessel or Cargo to be Advertised. | If such vessel, or any of the property, remains unclaimed at the expira- tion of one year from the completion of the advertisement, the commis- sioner shall advertise it for sale, by posters in two or more public places, and also in a newspaper of general circulation in the county wherein it was found, not less than ten nor more than twenty days, and thereafter proceed to sell it at public auction for the best price that can be ob- tained. But if any of the property is perishable, it may be sold after an advertisement of not less than five days by posters in two or more public places in the county. After deducting all reasonable charges and expenses, and the compensation for his own labor and trouble, to be ascertained and allowed by a judge of the court of common pleas of the county, the residue of the money arising from the sale together with an account of sales, must be transmitted by the commissioner to the treasurer of the state. . Sec. 7508. [Hearing on Application to Restore Road Record. | When an application is filed in the court of common pleas of a county by the county commissioners thereof showing that the records of a specified read or roads of said county were lost or destroyed by fire, riot, or civil commotion, and that copies thereof or of some of them 62 are in existence, and praying that the verity of such copies as are pro- duced shall be ascertained and declared by the court, the court shall require notice to be given by publication for six weeks upon such days, not less than once a week, and in such newspapers as the court directs, of the filing and prayer of the application, and that it will starfd for hearing upon a day fixed by the court, and requiring persons interested to appear on such day and show cause, if any they have, why the ap- plication should not be granted. SEc. 8336. [Service of Notice in Matter of Lien.] Any notice, affidavit or copy required to be served under the provisions of this chap- ter also may be served by the sheriff of the county within which the per- son, board or officer sought to be served is resident, in manner and form, and for which he shall be entitled to the fees provided by law for service of summons in a civil action for money only. If the owner of property sought to be subjected to a lien resides without the state, or is beyond the reach of process, notice may be given by publication as in civil actions. SEC. 8693. [Notice to Non-Resident Stockholders in Suit to Enforce Liability.] When the directors or other officers of a cor- poration, or the stockholders thereof, are made parties to an action in which a judgment is rendered, if its property is insufficient to discharge its debts, the court shall give notice to non-resident stockholders as pro- vided by law for service upon non-resident defendants in other action, and then first proceed to compel each stockholder to pay in the amount due an unpaid on the stock held by him, or so much thereof as is necessary to satisfy the debts of the company. SEc. 8696. [Notice to Creditors of Corporation to Present Claims.| If an action is brought against a corporation, its directors or other superintending officers, or stockholders, according to the fore- going provisions, when it appears proper, the court may order notice to be published, in such manner as it directs, requiring all the creditors of such corporation to exhibit their claims and become parties to the action, within a reasonable time, not less than six months from the first publication of such order, and, in default thereof, to be precluded from any benefit of the judgment rendered therein, and from any distribu- tion made under such judgment. Sec. 8716. [Notice by Stockholders of Corporation of Intention .to Apply for Application of Arbitration.] In all cases of such arbi- tration, the party desiring it, shall give the opposite party at least ten days’ notice of his intention to apply to the judge for the appointment 63 of arbitrators, which notice shall be served in the manner provided for the service of summons, and specify the time and place of the hearing of the application. In cases of non-residents the notice shall be by publication for’ four consecutive wecks in some newspaper printed in the county. Sec. 8752. [Limitation on Action for Damages Due to Change of Route of Railway Company.| Saving the rights of infants, luna- tics, and persons imprisoned, for six months after their disability is removed, no action shall be brought for damages caused by such change or diversion, unless it is begun within six months from the filing of the certificate therefor with the secretary of state, and the publication of notice thereof by the company, for four consecutive weeks in some newspaper printed in such county. Sec. 8812. [Notice of Application for Arbitration in Matter of Stockholder Dissenting to Purchase, Sale or Lease of Railroad. j In all cases of arbitration under the two next preceding sections, the party desiring such arbitration shall give the opposite party at least ten days’ notice of his intention to apply to the judge for the appointment of arbitrators, which notice shall be served in the manner provided for the service of a summons, and must specify the time and place of the hearing of the application. In cases of non-residents, the notice shall be by publication for four consecutive weeks, in some newspaper printed in the county. SEc. 8910. [Probate Judge to Advertise for Bids for Making or Opening Ditch When Railway Company Fails to Construct Same, | If such company or person neglects to comply with the notification of the probate judge, he shall forthwith give notice that the work of making or opening the ditches or drains will be let to the lowest bidder at the time and place designated in the advertisement. Such advertisement shall be for three consecutive weeks, in one or more of the weekly news- papers published in such county. SEC. 9036. [Application for Arbitration When Stockholder of Railway Refuses to Convert Stock into that of Conso'idated Com- pany.| In all such cases of arbitration the party desiring it must give the opposite party at least ten days’ notice of his intention to apply to the judge for the appointment of arbitrators which notice shall be served in the manner provided for the service of a summons and shall specify the time and place for the hearing of the application: In cases of non- residents, the notice shall be by publication, for four consecutive weeks, in some newspaper printed in the county. 64 Src, goog. [Notice of Filing of Petition for Sale of Railway by Receiver.]| Before such sale shall be ordered, the receiver shall file’ in such court his petition therefor, in which he shall set forth the names of the creditors of the company, with the sums due to each, as nearly as can be ascertained, a statement of its assets, exclusive of its road-bed, rights of way, and franchises, and a pertinent description, in general terms, of the road-bed, right of way, and property so sought to be sold, and cause notice thereof to be published, for six consecutive weeks, in some newspaper printed and of general circulation in each of the coun- ties wherein any part of the road-bed is situated. SEC. 9O7I. [Sale of Railway by Receiver.] Before such sale is made, notice thereof shall be given by publication, for six consecutive weeks in some newspaper published and of general circulation in each of the counties through or in which such road is located, and also in some newspaper published and of general circulation in each of the cities of New York and Cincinnati, for at least thirty days prior to the day of sale. . SEc. go8o. [Meeting for Reorganization of Railway Company. ] As soon as practicable after the sale, the trustees shall call a meeting of the parties to the agreement by a notice signed by a majority of the trustees, or of their survivors, and published not less than once a week, for four consecutive weeks in a. newspaper printed in the cities of New York and Philadelphia, and in a newspaper printed in each county on the line of the railroad, specifying the day, place, and object of such meeting—the place to be on the line of the road. SEC. 9093. [Agreement Between Stockholders of Railway and - Creditors for Adjustment of Indebtedness.} When such agreement is made, and filed in the office of the secretary of state, he shall cause public notice thereof to be given. in a newspaper of general circulation published, in each of the cities of Columbus, Cincinnati, and Cleveland, and also in a newspaper of general circulation published in each of the counties through or in which the road is located, which publication shall be made immediately after the agreement is filed, and be continued for six consecutive weeks. The cost thereof shall be paid by the company. Sec. 9178. (tor V. 289). [Appropriation Proceedings by Tele- graph Company.] * * * If they cannot agree, or the municipal authorities unreasonably delay to enter into an agreement in a proceed- ing instituted for the purpose, the probate court of the county shall, subject to the provisions of section eleven thousand forty-six of the 65 General Code, direct in what mode the telegraph line shall be constructed along such street, alley, or public way, so as not to incommode the public in the use of it. SEC. 9750. [Appointment of Receiver for State Bank.] Notice of the appointment of such receiver shall be given by advertisement in some newspaper published in the city, village or county where such cor- poration is located, for six consecutive weeks, calling upon all persons who have claims against it to present them to such receiver, and make legal proof thereof. SEC. 9992. [Sale of Cemetery Grounds by Religious or Educa- tional Corporation or Society.] Notice of the filing of such petition shall be given by publication in some newspaper, printed and of general circulation in the county where it is filed, for four consecutive weeks, setting forth the object and prayer thereof, and that any persons claiming an interest im its subject matter, or burial privileges in such cemetery, _ may appear and file an answer therein, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of such notice, and after which such case will stand for hearing. SEc. 9996. [Transfer of County Grounds by Religious or Benevolent Society to Cemetery Association.] Notice of the filing: of such petition shall be given by publication in some newspaper printed’ and of general circulation in the county where it is filed, for four con- secutive weeks, setting forth the object and prayer thereof, and that per-- sons claiming an interest in the subject matter may appear and file an answer therein within six weeks from the first publication of such notice. SEC, I0000. [Petition for Sale of Real Estate by Trustees of Church.] Notice of the filing of such petition must be given by pub- lication in some newspaper printed and of general circulation in the county where it is filed for four consecutive weeks, setting forth the object and prayer thereof, and that a person, church, or congregation claiming an interest in the subject matter of such petition, may appear and file an answer therein. SEC. 10009. [Transfer of Property After Consolidation of Two or More Religious Societies.] Notice of the pendency of such peti- tion shall be given by publication in a newspaper published in the county where the petition is filed, for four consecutive weeks, setting forth the object and prayer of the petition, 5 66 Sec. 10116, [Petition for Sale of Cemetery Grounds by Certain Asscciations.] Notice of the filing of such application shall be given by publication in some newspaper of general circulation in the county where it is filed, for four consecutive weeks, setting forth the object and prayer thereof, and that any person claiming an interest in the subject matter of such petition may appear and file an answer therein. On final hearing of the case, the court shall make such order or decree as will best secure the rights of the persons having an interest in such cemetery. | Sec. 10049. [Petition of Conveyance When Two or More Charitable or Benevolent Associations Unite.] Notice of the pendency of the petition must be given by publication in a newspaper published in the county where the petition is filed, for four consecutive weeks, setting forth the object and prayer thereof. Sec. 10052. [Petition by Charitable or Religious Society to Sell or Incumber Real Estate.] The petitioners shall cause notice of the pendency and prayer ‘of the petition to be published in some newspaper of general circulation in the county where the real estate proposed to be sold, exchanged or incumbered is situated for four consecutive weeks, before the application is heard. Sec. 10263. [Proceedings in Attachment if Summons Cannot ~ be Served.] When property of the defendant has been taken under the order of attachment, and it appears that the summons issued in the action has not been, and cannot be, served on the defendant in the county, in the manner prescribed by law, the justice shall continue the cause for a period not less than forty, nor more than sixty days. The plaintiff thereupon shall proceed to publish for three consecutive weeks, in a newspaper printed in the county, a notice, stating the names of the parties, the time when, by what justice of the peace, and for what sum the order was issued, and make proof of such publication to the justice; whereupon the action shall be proceeded with, as if summons had been duly served. Sec. 10444. [Revivor of Judgment.] A judgment rendered by a justice of the peace, which is dormant, may be revived in the manner prescribed for reviving dormant judgments in the court of common pleas. When the plaintiff to such judgment, his agent or attorney, makes aff- davit that the defendant, or any of the defendants, are not residents of the county, and that such judgment is unsatisfied in whole or part, with a statement of the amount owing thereon, a notice may be published, 67 for six consecutive weeks as provided for service by publication, notify- ing him to appear on a day therein named not less than five days after the completion of such publication, and show cause why judgment should not be revived against him or them. SEC. 10538. [Proceedings to Admit Foreign Will to Probate. ] * * * Notice of the filing of such application must be given to all persons interested, in some public newspaper printed or in general cir- culation in the county where the motion is made, at least three weeks consecutively. The first publication shall be at least forty days before the time set for the final hearing of the motion. SEC. 10544. [Application to Admit to Probate a Lost, Spoliated or Destroyed Will.] When application is made to the probate court to admit to probate a will duly executed, and lost, spoliated, or destroyed, the party seeking to prove it must give a written notice to all persons whose interest it may be to resist the probate, and who reside in the county where the testator resided at the time of his death, or to their agent or attorney, five days before the day on which such proof is to be made, or give notice, by publication in a newspaper printed in the county, thirty days before the day set for hearing such proof, SEC. 10553. [Notice to be Given of Admission to Record of Destroyed Will.] Every probate judge who admits to record a will or copy of one under either of the next four preceding sections, imme- diately thereafter shall give notice for three consecutive weeks, in two weekly newspapers of his county, if so many be published therein, or if not, in one newspaper published and of general circulation in the county stating the name of the person the record of whose will has been destroyed, and the day when such record was supplied. SEC. 10626, [Limitation tor Granting Original Administration. | Administration shall not be originally granted as of right after the ex- Piration of twenty years from the death of the testator or intestate. But, within his county, each probate judge may grant letters of original ad- ministration upon the estate of a person deceased, after the expiration of twenty years, upon petition of the next of kin or other person or persons interested, or their agent, and on good cause shown therefor. Before allowing the prayer of such petition, such judge may direct notice thereof to be given, by publication, for a period not exceeding thirty days, in one or more of the newspapers printed in the county where it is filed. 68 Src. 10700. [Sale of Personal Property by Executor or Adminis- trator.| The sale of personal property shall be made at public auction after at least fifteen days’ notice has been given in some newspaper in general circulation throughout the county, or by advertisement set up in at least five public places in the county where such sale is to take place, though for good cause the court may extend the time for sale. ; Sec. 10702. [Application by Executor or Adrninistrator for Order to Sell Desperate Claims.] When a claim or demand exceeds ten dollars, or in the aggregate exceed five hundred dollars, the executor or administrator must give notice of his intended application for such order, at least three consecutive weeks previous to the day on which it is to be made. The notice shall be published in some newspaper having general circulation in such county. When the claims are numerous they need not be described in the notice. Src. 10703. [Sale of Desperate Claims.] If the court orders a sale of such debts or demands, the executor or administrator must give public notice, as above provided, of the time and place of sale, three consecutive weeks previous to the day of sale, at which they shall be sold to the highest bidder. The court may order a private sale of such debts and demands, in like manner and for like reasons as provided for the private sale of goods and chattels. Sec. 10712. [Notice of Appointment of Executors and Adminis- trators.}| Within one month after bond has been given by the execu- tor, or administrator, for the discharge of his trust, the probate judge shall cause notice of the appointment to be published in some newspaper of general circulation in the county, in which the letters were issued, for three consecutive weeks. Src. 10728. [Presentation of Claim Owned by Executor or Ad- ministrator Against Estate] * * * The court forthwith shall issue an order, directed to the executor or administrator, requiring him to give notice in writing to all the heirs, legatees, or devisees, of the decedent interested in the estate, and such creditors as are therein named. Such notice must contain a statement of the amount claimed, designate the time fixed for hearing the testimony, and be served upon the persons named in the order at least twenty days before the time of hearing. If any persons mentioned in the order are not residents of the county, service of notice may be made upon them by publication for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper published or circulating in the county. 69 ‘ SEC. 10757. [Notice of Appointment to be Given by Adminis- trator De Bonis Non.] The new administrator shall give notice of his appointment in the manner prescribed with respects to an original administrator. If he fails so to do, he shall have no benefit of the limi- tations herein provided. Sec. 10760, [When Notice of Appointment not Given by Execu- tor or Administrator.] If notice be not given of the appointment of an executor or of an administrator, or administrator de bonis non, within the three months prescribed for that purpose, or the evidence thereof, be not perpetuated as hereinbefore provided, and can not be made, on the petition of the executor or administrator the court may order such notice to be given at any time afterward, in which case such four years, and other periods of time, limited for the commencement of actions against executors and administrators, and for other purposes, and which begin to run from the date of the administration bond, shall begin to run re- spectively from the time such order of court is made, if notice be pub- lished in accordance therewith. SEC. 10800. [Public Sale of Real Estate by Executor or Ad- ministrator.] If the sale is to be public, the executor or adminis- trator must give notice of the time and place of sale, by advertise- ment at least four weeks successively, in some newspaper printed in the county where the lands are situated. SEc. 10801. [Publication in German or Bohemian Newspaper of Notice of Public Sale of Real Estate by Executor or Administrator. | In a county wherein is published and printed a newspaper in the German or Bohemian language, which has a circulation of at least five hundred and fifty copies to bona fide subscribers within the county, the notice required in the next preceding section, if the appraised value of the premises to be sold exceeds five hundred dollars, in addition to the pub- lication therein required, may be published in such newspaper and lan- guage for the same time and in like manner. If two or more such news- papers are published and printed therein, the publication may be in either, The court ordering such sale, upon motion of any party to the action, for good cause shown, shall dispense with such publication. No error or mistake in translation, or in any publication authorized by this section shall delay proceedings, or affect the title of the property sold. If such error or mistake occurs by the negligence of the publisher he shall not receive compensation for the publication, SEC. 10802. (101 V. 46). [Readvertisement of Real Estate to be Sold by Executor or Administrator.] If improved, the lands shall not « 79 be sold for less than two-thirds of the appraised value; if not improved, for less than one-half the appraised value. After being twice offered for sale, the court may direct the amount for which they can be sold, or may set aside the appraisement and order a new one. If such ap- praisement does not exceed two hundred dollars and upon first offer at public sale there are no bids, then upon motion of any party interested, the court may order the lands to be readvertised and sold at public sale to the highest bidder. Sec. 10850. [Citation When Executor or Administrator is not Resident of State.] If such executor or administrator resides out of this state, on being satisfied of that fact, either before or after the return of the citation, the court may order such non-resident to be brought in by publication in some newspaper of the county wherein the petition is filed, for six consecutive weeks before the time fixed for the hearing of such cause. SEC. 11030. [Citations and Notices When Settlement Rendered by Executor or Administrator.] The probate court shali issue and have served in the manner provided by law, in the case of settlements — by executors and administrators the necessary citations and notices by publication or otherwise requiring all persons interested, to attend such settlement and make objections thereto, if any they have. Sec. 11108. [Assignee or Trustee to Give Notice of Appoint- ment.] Each assignee or trustee appointed on the failure of the assignee to qualify, within thirty days after giving bond, must give notice of his appointment in some newspaper of general circulation in the county, for three consecutive weeks. Sec. 11116. [Sale of Real Estate by Assignee or Trustee.] Notice of the time and place of the sale of the real estate assigned, shall be given by advertisement in some newspaper of general circula- tion, in the county where it is situated, for four consecutive weeks. The real estate shall not be sold, for less than two-thirds of the appraised value thereof, but shall be subject to reappraisement, as upon execution at law. Sec. 1117. [Sale of Personal Property by Assignee or Trustee. |} Notice of the time and place of the sale of the personal property as- signed, shall be given for at least ten days prior to the day of sale, by advertisement in some newspaper of general circulation within the county, or by posting written or printed notices thereof, in at least fifteen public od ak places in the county, not less than five of which must be posted in the township in which the sale is to be held. Sec. 11140. [Notice of Filing of Account by Assignee or Trus- tee. ] * * * Upon the filing of such accounts, the court shall fix a time for the hearing, and publish notice thereof as in the case of the filing of the account of an executor or administrator. SEc. 11141. [Declaration of Dividend by Assignee or Trustee.] * * Notice of the making of such dividend, and the time and place of its payment, shall be given by advertisement once, in a newspaper published and of general circulation in the county in which such trust is administered, and in such other way as the court orders. SEc. 11164. [Application for Release from Liability to Arrest by Insolvent Debtor.] Immediately after granting a certificate to an applicant, the commissioner shall give notice of the application by advertisement, published once in some newspaper published and of gen- eral circulation in the county, specifying the day when the applicant is required to appear in the probate court and file his petition. SEc. 11201. [Notice of Filing Accounts to be Given by Probate Judge.] The probate judge shall cause notice of the filing of accounts by executors, administrators, guardians, trustees, and assignees, trustees, and commissioners of insolvents, to be published in some newspaper of the county, specifying when such accounts will be heard, not less than three weeks after the publication of such notice, at which time it shall be competent, for cause, to allow further time to file exceptions to such accounts. The costs of such notice, if more than one account be specified in the same notice, must be paid in equal proportions by the executors, administrators, guardians, trustees, and assignees, trustees or commis- sioners of insolvents, respectively. SEC. 11205. [How Notice of Proceedings in Probate Court Given.] When notice of any proceedings in a probate court is re- quired by law, or deemed necessary by the judge, and the manner of giving it is not directed by statute, he shall order notice to be given to all persons interested therein, in such manner and for such length of time as he deems reasonable. SEC. 11292. [Service by Publication.] Service may be madé by publication in any of the following cases: 1. In an action for the recovery of 1eal property or of an estate 72 or interest therein, when the defendant is not a resident of this state or his place of residence can not be ascertained ; 2. In an action for’ the partition of real property, when the de- fendant is not a resident of. this state or his place of residence can not be ascertained ; 3. In an action to foreclose a mortgage or to enforce a lien or other incumbrance or charge on real property, when the defendant is not a resident of this state or his place of residence can not be ascertained ; 4. In an action to compel the specific performance of a contract for the sale of real property, when the defendant is not a resident of this state or his place of residence can not be ascertained ; 5. In an action to establish or set aside a will, when the defendant is not a resident of this state or his place of residence can not be ascer- tained ; 6. In an action by an executor, administrator, guardian, or trustee seeking the direction of the court respecting the trust or property to be administered and the rights of the parties in interest, when the defendant is not a resident of this state or his place of residence can not be ascer- tained ; 7. In an action in which it is sought by a provisional remedy to take or to appropriate in any way property of the defendant, when the defendant is not a resident of this state or is a foreign corporation or his place of residence can not be ascertained ; 8. In an action against a corporation organized under the laws of this state, which has failed to elect officers or to appoint an agent upon whom service of summons can be made, and which has no place of doing business in this state; 9. In an action which relates to or the subject-of which is real or personal property in this state, when the defendant has or claims a lien thereon, or an-actual or contingent interest therein, or the relief de- manded consists wholly or partly in excluding him from an interest therein, and such defendant is not a resident of this state, or is a foreign corporation, or his place of residence can not be ascertained ; 10. In an action against an executor, administrator, or guardian who has given bond as such in this state, but at the time of the com- mencement of the action is not a resident of this state or his place of residence can not be ascertained ; 11. In an action or proceeding for a new trial or other relief after judgment, or to impeach a judgment or order for fraud, or to obtain an order of satisfaction thereof, when the defendant is not a resident of this state or his place of residence can not be ascertained; io 12. In an action where the defendant, being a resident of this state, has departed from the county of his residence, with intent to delay or defraud his creditors, or to avoid the service of a summons, or keeps himself concealed with like intent ; 13. In a proceeding in error when the defendant has no attorney of record in this state ard is not a resident of and absent from this state, or has left the state to avoid the service of a summons in error, or so conceals himself that it can not be served upon him. SEc. 11295. [How Service by Publication Made.] The publica- tion must be made for six consecutive weeks, in a newspaper printed in the county where the petition is filed. When made in a daily newspaper, one insertion a week shall be sufficient. It must contain a summary statement of the object and prayer of the petition, mention the court wherein it is filed, and notify the person or persons thus to be served when they are required to answer. SEC. 11296. [Completion and Proof of Service by Publication. ] Service by publication shall be complete at the date of the last publica- tion when made in the manner and for the time prescribed in the next four preceding sections. Such service must be proved by affidavit. SEc. 11298. [Service by Publication When Heir or Devisee is Unknown.] When an heir or a devisee of a deceased person is a necessary party, and it appears by affidavit that his name and residence are unknown to the plaintiff, proceedings against him may be had with- out naming him; and the court, or a judge thereof, shall make an order respecting the publication of notice, but the order shall require not less than six weeks’ publication. SEc. 11406, [Revivor of Action; Service by Publication.] When the plaintiff makes an affidavit that the representatives of the defendant, or any of them in whose name the action is ordered to be revived are not residents of the state, or have left the state to avoid the service of the order, or so conceal themselves that it can not be served upon them, or that the names and residences of the heirs and devisees of the person against whom the action is ordered to be revived, or some of them, are unknown to the affiant, a notice may be published for six consecutive weeks, as provided by section eleven thousand two hundred and ninety- six notifying them to appear on a day therein named, not less than ten days after the publication is complete, and show cause why the action should not be revived against them. If sufficient cause be not shown to the contrary, the action shall stand revived. 74. SEC. 11536. [Notice to Adverse Party that Deposition has Been Taken.] When the party against whom a deposition is to be read is absent from or not a resident of the state, and has no agent or attorney of record therein, he may be notified of its taking by publication made for three consecutive weeks, in a newspaper printed in the county where the action or proceeding is pending. The publication must contain all that is required in a written notice, and may be proved by affidavit. Sec. 11646. [Revivor of Judgment.] When either party to such dormant judgment or finding, his agent or attorney, makes affidavit showing that the adverse party is not a resident of the state, that suclr judgment or finding remains unsatisfied in whole or part and the amount owing thereon, service may be made by publication, as in other cases, but only for judgments or findings in which personal service originally was made on the adverse party. Sec. 11668. [Sale of Goods on Execution.] The officer who levies upon goods and chattels by virtue of an execution issued by a court of record, before he proceeds to sell them shall cause public notice to be given of the time and place of sale, for at least ten davs before the day of sale, which notice shall be given by advertisement published in a newspaper printed in the county. Sec. 11669. [Alias Execution Against Unsold Goods.| When goods and chattels levied upon by execution can not be sold for want of bidders, or want of time, the officer who makes the return shall annex to the execution a true and perfect inventory of the goods and chattels remaining unsold. The plaintiff in such execution thereupon may have another execution issued, directing the sale of the property levied upon; but it shall not be sold unless the time and place of sale be advertised as directed in the next preceding section. Sec. 11678. [Notices of Sale of Real Estate Located in City or Village to Contain Street Number.] All notices and advertisements. for the sale of lands and tenements located in a city or village in this state, made by virtue of proceedings in a court of record therein, in addition to a description of such lands and tenements, shall contain the street number of the building or buildings erected on the lands, or the street number of the lots offered for sale. If no such number exists,. then the notice or advertisement must contain the name of the street or road upon which such lands and tenements are located, together witl the names of the streets or roads immediately north and south or east 75 and west of such lands and tenements, that cross or intersect the street or road upon which they are located. Sec. 11679. [Notices of Sale of Real Estate not Located in City or Village to Contain Name of Township.] All notices and adver- tisements for the sale of lands and tenements located in a township and not within the limits of a city or village in this state, which are made by virtue of proceedings in a court of record therein, must contain the name of the township in which the lands and tenements are located. Sec. 11681. [Notice of Time and Place of Sale of Real Estate Taken in Execution to be Given.] Lands and tenements taken in execution shall not be sold until the officer causes public notice to be given of the time and place of sale, for at least thirty days before the day of sale by advertisement in a newspaper printed and of general cir- culation in the county, Sec. 11682. [In What Papers and How Long Notice of Sale of Real Estate Taken in Execution to be Given.] When such adver- tisement is made in a newspaper published weekly, it shall be sufficient to insert it in five consecutive numbers. If there is both a daily and weekly edition of the paper selected, and the circulation of the daily in the county exceeds that of the weekly, or if the lands and tenements taken in execution are situated in a city, and there is published both a daily and weekly edition of the paper selected and the circulation of the daily in such city exceeds that of the weekly, it will be sufficient to publish the advertisement in the daily once a week, for five consecutive weeks before the day of sale, each insertion to be on the same day of the week. The expense of such publication in a daily shall not exceed the cost of publishing it in a weekly. All sales made without such ad- vertisement shall be set aside, on motion, by the court to which the execu- tion is returnable. SEc. 11683. [Notice of Sale of Real Estate Taken in Execution to be Given in German Newspaper.] Ina county wherein is published a newspaper printed in the German language, which has a circulation of at least five hundred and fifty copies to bona fide subscribers within the county, the notice required by the next two preceding sections, in addition to the publication therein required, shall be published in such newspaper in the German language for the same time and in the same manner, if the appraised value of the property to be sold exceeds five hundred dollars. If two or more such papers are printed and published therein, the publication may be in either, but the court, on motion of 76 the plaintiff or defendant, shall, and without motion, for good cause, may dispense with such applications. Sec. 11684. [Notice of Sale of Real Estate Taken in Execution May be Given in Bohemian Newspaper.] In any county, if it deems that the interests of the defendant require it, the court may direct the publication of the notice in a newspaper printed in either the Bohemian or Polish language, or in both, in addition to the publication required by the next preceding sections. No error or mistake in translation, of in any publication authorized by this or the next preceding section, shall delay proceedings or affect the title to the property sold. If such error or mistake occurs by the negligence of the publisher, he shall not be en- titled to compensation for the publication. SEc. 11692. [Sales of Real Estate Made by Master Commis- sioner.| A master commissioner or special master who sells real property shall have the same power to administer oaths that is conferred upon sheriffs. A sheriff may act as a master commissioner. On notice, and for a reasonable compensation to be paid him by a master out of his fees, he shall attend and make sale for a master, who, by reason of sickness, is unable to attend. Sales made by a master must conform to the laws regulating sales of lands upon execution. SEc. 11695. |Printer’s Fee in Sale of Real Estate May be De- manded by Officer from Plaintiff.] The officer who makes a levy, or holds an order of sale, before giving notice of the sale, may demand of the plaintiff, his agent or attorney, the fees of the printer for pub- lishing such notice. The officer shall not be required to make such pub- lication until the fees are paid. SEC.,12037. [Sale of Real Estate Under Writ of Petition.] Such sale shall be made at the door of the courthouse, unless for good cause the court directs it to be made on the premises. The sale shall be con- ducted as upon execution, except that it shall be unnecessary to appraise the estate; but it shall not be sold for less than two-thirds of the value returned by the commissioners, Sec. 12061. [Replevin; Sale of Property in Certain Cases. | When bonds have been given in actions under sections twelve thousand and fifty-six and twelve thousand and fifty-seven, or under the justice’s code, when the action is pending on appeal or certified to the common pleas court, the court, or a judge thereof in vacation, shall make proper orders for the preservation of the property and direct a sale of it, if, 77 because of its perishable nature or of the cost of keeping, a sale will be for the benefit of the parties. The sale must be public after such ad- vertisement as is prescribed for selling like property on execution, and be made in such manner and on such terms of credit with security as, having due regard to the probable duration of the action, the court or judge directs. Sec. 12098. [Sale of Water-craft on Order of Court.] The officer holding a writ for the sale of a craft, her apparel or furniture, before he proceeds to sell it, shall cause public notice to be given of the time and place of sale, for at least ten days previous thereto, by adver- tisement in a newspaper published, in the county, and by advertisement posted in at least five public places in the county. Such sales shall be conducted, and the court have the same power over them, as sales upon execution. SEC. 12131. '[Bastardy; Service by Publication in Proceedings. Under Attachment.] Upon the return of the order of attachment, service may be had by the publication, for six consecutive weeks, in a newspaper of general circulation in the county wherein the cause is pend: ing of a notice of the pendency of the proceeding, stating its object, the substance of the complaint, and that an order of attachment has been _ issued and served therein. SEC. 12209. [Proceedings to Change Name of Person.| * * * Upon being satisfied, by proof in open court, of the truth of the facts set forth in the petition, that there exists reasonable and proper cause for changing the name of the petitioner, and that notice of the intended application has been given by one publication in a newspaper of general circulation in such county at least thirty days prior to the filing of the petition, the court may order such change of name. SEC. 12213. [Curing Error in Record of Corporation.] When the application is made by a body corporate, or by persons intending and undertaking to become such, notice of the application, specifying the error, defect, or omission complained of, and the time and place of hear- ing it shall be published for six consecutive weeks, in some newspaper of general circulation in the county where the application is made. In all other cases service shall be made in the manner prescribed by law for making service in civil actions. SEC. 12259. [Petition in Error in Supreme Court; Notice to Non- Residents.]_ The proceedings to obtain such reversal, vacation, or 78 modification shall be by petition in error, filed in a court having power to make the reversal, vacation or modification, setting forth the errors complained of. Thereupon a summons shall issue and be served or pub- lication made, as in the commencement of an action. A service on the attorney of record in the original_case shall be sufficient. The summons ~ shall state that a petition in error has been filed in the case. If issued in vacation, it shall be returnable on or before the first day of the term of court; if issued in term time, on a day therein named. If the last publication, or service of summons, be made ten days before the end of the term, the case shall stand for hearing at that term, SEc. 11843. [Sale of Attached Property.] The court, or a judge thereof in vacation, may make proper orders for the preservation of property during the pendency of a suit, and direct a sale of it when, because of its perishable nature, or the cost of its keeping, that will be for the benefit of the parties. The sale must be public, after such adver- tisement as is prescribed for the sale of like property on execution and be made in such manner, and terms of credit, with security, as, having regard to the probable duration of the action, the court or judge directs. SEc. 11855. [Sale of Attached Property After Judgment.] If judgment be rendered for the plaintiff, it shall be satisfied as follows: So much of the property in the hands of the officer, after applying the ~ ‘money arising from the sale of perishable property and so much of the personal property, and lands and tenements, if any, whether held by legal or equitable title, as is necessary, shall be sold by order of the court, under the same restrictions and regulations as if it had been levied on by execution, ; SEC. 11941. [Petition for Dissolution of Corporation.] Upon such petition, accounts, inventories, and affidavit being filed, an order shall be entered requiring all persons interested in the corporation to show cause, if any they have, why it should not be dissolved. before some referee or master commissioner appointed by the court, andSto be named in the order, at a time and place therein specified, not less than three months from its date. A notice of the contents of such order shall be published once each week, for three consecutive weeks, in a newspaper published and of general circulation in the county wherein the principal place of business of the corporation is situated. Sec. 11947. [Notice of Appointment of Receiver of Dissolved Corporation.] Immediately on his appointment, the receiver shall give notice thereof, which shall contain the same matters required by 79 law in notices of trustees of insolvent debtors. In addition thereto, it shall notify all persons holding any open or subsisting contract of the corporation to present it to-him, in writing and in detail, at the time and place of such notice specified, which shall be published for three weeks in a newspaper printed and of general circulation: in the county wherein the principal place of business of the corporation is situated. SEc. 11960. [Dissolution of Manufacturing or Mining Company; Notice of Filing of Petition.] * * * Upon the filing thereof, the court shall proceed as provided in the fourth section of this chapter, requiring all persons interested in the corporation to show cause, if any they have, why the corporation should not be dissolved. Sec. 11984. [Petition for Divorce; Notice to Defendant When Residence Unknown.] If the defendant is not a resident of this state or his residence is unknown, notice of the pendency of the action must be given by publication as in other cases. Unless it be made to appear to the court, by affidavit or otherwise, that his residence is unknown to the plaintiff, and could not with reasonable diligence be ascertained, a summons and copy of the petition, forthwith on the filing of it, shall be deposited in the postoffice, directed to the defendant at his place of residence, SEC. 12314. [Quo Warranto Proceedings; Service by Publica- tion.}_ When a summons is returned not served because the defend- ant, or its officers, or office, cannot be found within the county, the clerk must publish a notice for four consecutive weeks in a newspaper pub- lished and of general circulation in the county, setting forth the filing and substance of the petition. Upon proof of such publication, the default of the defendant may be entered, and judgment rendered there- on, as if he had been served with summons. SEC. 12328. [Notice of Order Dissolving Corporation and of Appointment of Trustee.] Upon the appointment and qualification of such trustee or trustees, he or they shall forthwith give notice of the order dissolving the corporation and of his or their appointment as trustee or trustees thereof, and of the date of his or their appoint- ment, by publication once a week for four consecutive weeks in any newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the corpora- tion has or had its principal place of business. Such notice shall re- quire all persons having claims against the corporation to file them with such trustee or: trustees within ninety days from the date of his or their. appointment. All claims not filed with the trustee or trustees SO within ninety days from the date of appointment shall be barred against such trustee or trustees and the property of the corporation, unless the court for good cause shown, shall otherwise order, SEC. 12352. [Restoring Title to Real Estate; Notice to Non- Residents.] Any person having or claiming an interest in such reai estate or being in possession thereof, as well as the parties to such lost deed or other instrument or their privies, and all persons interested under the will may be made parties defendant in such suit. Service of summons shall be made in the same manner as in other suits con- cerning real estate. SEC. 12354. [Restoring Road Records; Notice of Application. ] When an application is filed in the court of common pleas of a county - by the commissioners thereof showing that the records of a specified road or roads of such county were lost or destroyed by fire, riot, or civil commotion, that copies thereof or of some of them are in existence, and praying that the verity of such copies as are produced be ascer- tained and declared by the court, it shall require notice to be given by publication for six weeks upon such days, not less than once a week and in such newspapers as it directs, of the filing and prayer of such appli- cation, that it will stand for hearing upon some day fixed by the court, and requiring all persons interested to appear on such day and show calise, if any they have, why the application should not be granted, and also cause a copy of such publication to be served at each house occu- pied on premises abutting on such road or roads upon any person dwell- ing therein, and on the owner of each lot or tract of land abutting on the road or roads or his agent, if he be found in the county, at least one week before the day fixed for such hearing. SEc. 12360. [Restoring Record of Judgments; Service by Publi- ¢ation.}) * * * Thereupon summons shall issue an actual service or service by publication be made upon all persons interested in or affected by such original judgment or final entry in the manner pro- vided by law for the commencement of civil actions, except that parties may waive the issuing or service of summons and enter their appearance to such application. Sec. 12465. [Sale of Unclaimed Stolen Property.] Property stolen, embezzled or obtained under false pretenses, remaining in the possession of an officer and unclaimed by the owner for three months after the trial of the person charged with the larceny, embezzlement or false obtaining thereof, or for one year after the property came into We ae SI : the custody of such officer, if the person so taking it is not arrested, or being arrested escapes, shall be sold at auction to the highest bidder under the direction of the prosecuting attorney, after public notice of such auction in a newspaper printed in the county. 8. GENERAL PROVISIONS. Sec. 2298. [Petition for Transfer of Public Funds.| The .peti- tioner shall give notice of the filing, objects and prayer of the petition, and of the time when it will be for hearing. The notice shall be given by one publication in two newspapers of opposite politics, having a general circulation in the territory to be affected by such transfer of funds, preference being given. to the newspapers published within the territory. If there are no such newspapers, the notice shall be posted in ten most conspicuous places within the territory for the period of four weeks. SEC. 2309. [Release of Treasurers and Sureties.] The deputy State supervisors of elections of the county, or within which such town- ship, city, village or school district is located, shall cause notice of the submission of such proposition to the electors thereof. For the -re- lease of a county or city treasurer the notice shall be by publication in two newspapers of opposite politics in the county or city, for at least: thirty days next prior to the date upon which the election is to be held. For the release of a village or township treasurer, twenty days’ notice of the election shall be given by posting notices. thereof in five public places within such village or township. For the release of a school treasurer, ten days’ notice of such election shall be given by posting notice thereof in five public places in the school district. SEc. 4849. [Proposed Division or Change of Election Precinct. ]} At least thirty days previous to any election, the deputy state super- visor shall give ten days’ notice by publication in two papers of opposite politics published in the county that the question whether the township, ward, or precinct shall be divided, changed or combined will be con- sidered ‘on a day named in the notice. SEC. 5985. [Sale of Guest’s Property by Innkeeper.] The inn- keeper shall retain such baggage and other Property, upon which he has a lien, for sixty days, at the expiration of which time, if such lien is not satisfied, he may sell it at public auction, after givin notice of the time and place of such auction in a newspape circulation in the county where such inn 6 g ten days” on it r of general is situated, and by mailing a 82 copy of such notice addressed to such guest or boarder at the place of residence registered by him in the register of such inn. Src. 6229. [Timber Dealer to Publish Trade-Mark.|] ~ A timber dealer desiring to adopt a trade-mark as provided in the next preceding section, may do so by executing in writing in form and effect as follows: * * * Such writing shall be acknowledged or proved for record in a like manner as deeds are acknowledged or proved, and shall be recorded in the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas of the county in which the principal office or place of business of such timber dealer is, and also in the office’ of the secretary of state. A copy thereof shall be published at least once a week for four consecutive. weeks in a newspaper printed in such county. Sec. 6251. [Rates for Legal Advertising.] Publishers of news- papers may charge and receive for the publication of advertisements, notices and proclamations required to be published by a public officer of the state, county, city, village, township, school benevolent or other public institutions, or by a trustee, assignee, executor or administrator, the following sum, except where the rate is otherwise fixed by !aw, to- wit: For the first insertion, one dollar for each square, and for each additional insertion, fifty cents for each square. Fractional squares shall be estimated at a like rate for space occupied. In advertisements containing tabular or rule work, fifty per cent. may be charged in addi- tion to the foregoing rates. Sec. 6254. [What Constitutes a Square.] A square shall be a space occupied by two hundred and forty ems of the type used in print- ing such advertisements. Legal advertising shall be set up in compact form, without unnecessary spaces, blanks or head lines, and printed in type not smaller than nonpareil. Sec. 6255. [Defining Sufficient Publication of Legal Notice.] For sufficient publication of a notice or advertisement, required by law to be published for a definite period, at least one side of the newspaper in which such publication is made shall be printed in the county or mu- nicipal corporation in which such notice or advertisement is required to be published. Sec. 6534. [Fees for Legal Advertisement Pertaining to Ditches.] For-printing, there shall be paid fifty cents per square for actual printed matter for the first insertion, and twenty-five cents per square for each insertion thereafter, nonpareil estimate, 83 Sec. 7410. [Letting of Contract for Repair or Maintenance of Road or Street.] Such contract shall not be made until an advertise- ment containing plans and specifications is published two weeks in a news- paper of general circulation published within the political subdivision wherein such road is situated or in a paper of general circulation within the county, and posting copies thereof in two public places for two weeks near where the road is situated. Sec. 8041. [Publication of Certificate of Limited Partnership. ] The partners shall publish a copy of such certificate for six weeks im- mediately after it is recorded, in a newspaper printed in the county where their principal place of business is situated. A like publication shall be made in every county where the partnership has a place of business, In case such publication is not so made, the partnership shall be deemed general. SEc, 8056. [Dissolution of Limited Partnership.] No dissolu- tion of a limited partnership shall take place by the acts of the partners, previous to the time specified in the certificate of its formation or re- newal, until a notice of such dissolution is recorded in the office in which the original certificate was recorded, and published once a week for four weeks, in a newspaper printed in each of the counties where the partner- ship has places of business. Sec. 8073. [Winding up of Partnership Association.] Notice of such winding up shall be given by publication in two newspapers, pub- lished in the proper city or county, at least six consecutive times. Im- mediately upon the commencement of such advertising, the association shall cease to carry on its business, except so far as may be required for its beneficial winding up. SEc. 8093. [Filing of Bond for Payment of Debts by Surviving Partner.}_ Upon bond being given as provided in section eighty hundred and ninety, it must be filed in the probate court by which such executor or administrator .was appointed. Thereupon the surviving partner or partners shall cause notice thereof to be published for three consecutive weeks in some newspaper of general circulation in the county wherein such court is located. SEc. 8368. [Sale of Unclaimed Property by Carrier.] * * * In addition to the posting at the place of consignment, such descriptive list must be posted at the place where the Property is to be sold, and thirty days’ notice of the time and place of the sale be published in z ~ newspaper of general circulation in the county where the sale js to be. 84 SEc. 8489. [Sale of Goods by Warehouseman.! * * * After the time for the payment of the claim specified in the netice to the depositor has elapsed, an advertisement of the sale, describing the goods to be sold, and stating the name of the owner or person on whose account the goods are held, and the time and place of the sale, shall be published once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper published in the place where such sale is to be held. The sale shall not be held less than fifteen days from the time of the first publication. If there is no news- paper published in such place, the advertisement shall be posted at least ten days before such sale in not less than six conspicuous places therein. Sec. 8545. [Performance of Act in Conditional Grant or Devise of Real Estate.] No such record of receipts or orders can be made by the probate judge nor shall he enter proof of the performance of such act or acts as hereinbefore required until notice thereof has been given as is required by law for the settlement of administrators’ and executors’ final accounts. Sec. 8599. [Sale of Escheated Land by County Auditor.] Real property escheated to the state, except in a city shall be taken possession of, in the name of the state, by the auditor of the county in which it is found, and by him sold at public auction, at the county seat of the coun- ty, to the highest bidder, after having given thirty days’ notice of such in- tended sale, in some newspapers printed within the county, Src. 8631. [Opening of Subscription Books of Corporation.] Such persons shall give at least thirty days’ notice of the times and places of opening such books of subscription, by publication in a newspaper pub- lished or generally circulated in the county or counties where they are to be opened. Such notice however, may be waived in writing by all the incorporators, but the waiver shall be entered or copied in the corporate records. SEC. 8635. [Election of Directors of Corporation.] As soon as such certificate is made, the signers thereto, shall give notice to the stockholders, as provided in section eighty-six hundred and thirty-one, to meet at such time and place as the notice designates, for the purpose of choosing not less than five nor more than thirty directors, to continue in office until the time fixed for the annual election, and until! their succes- sors are elected and qualified. But, if all subscribers to stock are present in person or by proxy, such notice may be waived by them in writing. SEc. 8647. [Special Meeting for Election of Directors of Corpo- ration.}| * * * When for any cause, trustees or directors are - 85 not elected at the annual meeting, or other meeting called for that pur- pose, they may be chosen at a members’ or stockholders’ meeting, if all the members or stockholders are present in person or by proxies, or at a meeting called by the trustees or directors, or any two inembers or stockholders, notice of which has been given in writing, to each stock- holder, or by publication for ten days in some newspaper printed in the county where the corporation is situated, or has its principal office. SEc. 8659. [Change of Regulations Relating to Term of Office of Trustee of Hospital.] If such corporation was organized prior to May 10, 1902, regulations providing that its trustees are to hold office during life may be adopted at an annual meeting, or a special meeting of the association, duly and regularly called. But notice of such proposed change shall be published for three successive weeks in some newspaper published and of general circulation at the place where such hospital is located. Sec. 8665. [Special Meeting to Increase Number of Directors of Corporation.] By a vote of a majority of its stock, at a regular meeting of an incorporated company, it may increase the number of its directors to not more than thirty. In like manner, at any time, their number can be reduced to not less than five. At a special meeting of stockholders, also, called and of which notice was given as provided for the election of directors, by vote of a majority of its stock, the in- crease in the number of directors may be made. SEc. 8675. [Sale by Corporation of Stock Partially Paid.] Before stock can be so sold, the directors shal] give thirty days’ notice of the time and place of sale, in some newspaper in general circulation in the county where the delinquent holder resided when he subscribed for it or became such assignee or transferee, or of his actual residence, at the time of the sale. If such stockholder resides out of the state, the publication shall be made in the county where the company’s principal office is located. SEc. 8678, [Proceedings When Certificate of Stock is Lost or Destroyed.) * **, * > Th a newspaper published and of general cir- culation in the county where the proceeding is pending and also in the county where he resides, the petitioner shal] publish a notice containing the substance and prayer of his petition, for three consecutive weeks immediately before the day of hearing, and stating when and where it will be heard. 86 Sec. 8698. [Increase of Capital Stock of Corporation.| * * * After organization the increase may be made by a vote of the holders of a majority of its stock, at a meeting called by a majority of its direc- tors, at least thirty days’ notice of the time, place and object of which has been given by publication in some newspaper of general circulation, and by letter addressed to each stockholder whose place of residence is known. Or, the stock may be increased at a meeting of the stock- holders at which all are present in person, or by proxy, and waive in writing such notice by publication and letter; and also agree in writing to such increase, naming the amount thereof, to which they agree. A certificate of such account shall be filed with the secretary of state. Sec. 8703. [Change of Regulations by Corporation.] Regula- tions may be adopted or changed by the assent thereto, in writing, of two-thirds of the stockholders, or, if there is no capital stock, of the members or by a majority of the stockholders or members, at a meeting held for that purpose, notice of which has been given, by the acting president personally to each member or stockholder, or by publication in some newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the corpo- ration is located, or in the counties through which its improvement does or will pass. Sec. 8711. [Submission of Agreement for Sale of Entire Property of Corporation.] Such agreement shall be submitted to the stockholders of the corporation at a meeting called for the purpose of taking it into consideration, ten days’ notice of the time and place of hold- ing which, and the object thereof, shall be given by registered letter con- taining a written or printed notice addressed to each of the persons in whose names the stock of the corporation stands on its books; and also by like notice published in some newspaper in the city or village where the corporation has its principal office or place of business. But when all the stockholders are present at such meeting in person or by proxy, notice may be waived in writing. Src. 8720. [Amendment to Articles of Incorporation.| Amend- ments to articles of incorporation may be made at any meeting of the members or stockholders thereof, of which, and of the business to come before it, thirty days’ notice has been given by a majority of the direc- tors or trustees, in a newspaper published and of general circulation in the county where the company’s principal place of business is located, and. by a vote of the owners of at least three-fifths of its capital stock then subscribed, if it has a capital stock, or if not, by a vote of at least three-fifths of its members. 87 Sec. 8722. [When Amendments to Articles of Incorporation to Take Effect.| Amendments to articles of incorporation shall not take effect until filed for record with the secretary of state. nor, unless it be waived, until the corporation gives notice of them in some news- paper of general circulation in the cotinty where its principal office is located, for three consecutive weeks. Sec. 8723. [Waiver of Notice in Proceedings to Amend Articles of Incorporation.] All the notices hereinbefore required in such pro- ceedings to amend, may be waived when the holders of all the capital stock of a corporation, or all the members of one having no stock, consent thereto in writing. Sec. 8738. [Dissolution of Corporation not for Profit.}| When a majority of the directors, trustees or other officers of a corporation not for profit desire to abandon its corporate existence and it has no debts, or in case of a corporation for profit when a majority of such officers become satisfied that the objects of the corporation cannot be accomplished, that no installments of its capital stock has been paid, no investments made, and that it has no debts, they, or the president of the board of directors, trustees, or other officers, may cail a meeting of the members or stockholders of the corporation at such time and place as he or they designate by at least two weeks’ publication in a newspaper published and of general circualtion in the county wherein the prin- cipal office is located. Sec. 8740. [Dissolution of Corporation Whose Business is Closed.] When a majority of the directors or other officers having the management of the concerns of a corporation for profit, which has completely closed its business, and paid all the debts and liabilities in- curred by it, desire to surrender its corporate authority and franchises, they, or the president of such board of directors, may call a meeting of the stockholders at such time or place as he or they designate by pub- lication for four weeks in some newspaper published and of general circulation in the county wherein the principal office of the corporation is located and by written notices addressed to each of the stockholders whose residence is known, of the object, time and place of the meeting. SEc. 8744. [Establishment or Change of Principal Office of Railway Company.] * * * The company shall give notice of the establishment or change of such office in some newspaper published on its line in this state. 88 Sec. 8788. [Personal Liability of Directors of Railway Com- pany.] Such directors shall be liable in their individual capacity to the stockholders for any damage sustained by them by reason of negli- gence, mismanagement, or unfaithfulness in the discharge of their duties; but a director may exonerate himself by entering his protest upon the record against an act done without his concurrence from which injury is feared, and forthwith publishing it for three weeks in some news- paper printed and of general circulation in the county in which is the principal office of the company. Sec. 8816. [Increase of Capital Stock of Railway Company.] Before any stock is issued under the next preceding section a majority of the directors shall call a meeting of the stockholders, designating dis- tinctly its time, place and purpose, and the amount of stock required, which meeting shall be held at the principal business office of the com- pany in this state, and notice of which shall be given for at least thirty days previous, by continued publication in at least two newspapers pub- lished and of general circulation in the state, and by a like notice, mailed thirty days previous. to the time named for the meeting, to each stock- holder whose residence is known. SEc. 8819. [Dissolution of Certain Railway Companies.] publication of notice te non-resident OWNef 2. Vo of county hospital... 5.0... 05 Glee oe. ss cen 20 notice of certain improvements in county buildings to be submitted ROMO RO cere Oe Neher ati a arcane ah so otal oe Alta Od ee aces A soe hs ED 22 ie Nr tO, COMET MCL SOWRTS 4 hee nlp ie Curd co ws did E ne Reales 24 notice by, county ditch by township trustees............... ee tae. 26 notice of erection of bridge or culvert..... Se EUR a iE ie as Oo Hae meee o,vnids. for reclaintitta. marshlands) o: 5 oe. ck po ade es 27. notice by. for cleaning joint cOtnty ditches... 0.0. 00.8 ssa ieee ee ok 28 notice of increasing or reducing width of state road..............0... 30) notice: of improving county road by -assessment..........0..0.0.5 ee 31 advertisement for county road improvement by..................005 31,36 notice of improvement of road located in two or more counties by.. 32 notice of assessment 3 mouce ov-contracts for treating county road. ..... isc. ecdecaye eeu 3 notice to voters for constructing pike by general tax................ 3: 3 a] By 2 G2 W re-submission of question to construct pike.................. BOE seca publication of contract for construction of pike reas COMMISSIONER’S REPORT publication of examination 16. 104 COMPLAINT BY PUBLIC UTILITY notice by commission F800). WONG, 0 90.0 W'S 6) wy ieueve ST 6.0 'e 1 s1e).6 ie) «le ois ean dake el Se Ske nie ineee CONSTRUCTION OF SEWERS OUTSIDE OF CITIES notice by commissioners for OO: O88 618) Be ere pie eel ariel of mye 6 © Sue 08,6 6 0 @ a a ble wkele este eles CONTRACTS when and kind published ae eve pete. ‘e “ess v she, 0 [eee 6 lo che, sua 0 e108 kel se ake chee Leth tel ele alin CORPORATIONS ay"ee 6 06 6) 6. 60..8, » 0 618 's ma 6-8) 01s, © 810) 9, see bisike notice of dissolution order notice of opening subscription books notice of election of directors notice of special meeting of directors notice of change of regulations relating to term of director notice of proceedings when stock certificate is lost............. Pirate notice of increase in capital stock of notice of change-of repulations.of 4 s.24nc tiene ee ; notice to amendment of articles of incorporation of.............- when ‘amendments are effectivesc.,.2:+.0otkestostccwl cee ewe er est eeesceveeconeeceoce eee eeees COUNTERFEITING LABEL OF LABOR UNION Penalty fGt Si... Gosek Sean Dee aay See ee eee a each ‘COUNTY AUDITOR free publication of receipts and expenditures of commissioners....... semi-anntial, statement: Oils ain cae fi acon od tres sr ee ee notice by, that county board of equalization has completed work..... notice of hearing of equalization complaints filed with............... publication of delinquent land list by..... oS “apg wap Macaig tacshate rate ame notice of sale of forfeited lands by.......... "Thc K oihals se sees Se aeemia te notice of sale of forfeited lands omitted by inadvertence........... motice of hearing ‘for “eotinty: ditehyc3:. aos one oe le Eee noticeof, reclaiming: marsh lands... “.cage.m. Lee ee notice to tion-residents:to-open: sink “hole. Ssnce: scons eee notice to non-residents to coristruct; levee: ¢ say oo oH epee 17 Bee eae MSTA OTC ESO Eee o tactic ly od des si be ¥ fhe doe Vaele's Die ceacne Wee oat 17 Bunbeavonnob Teport Of ExAMINatiO! OL Si sien iisws wiaco vale’ Seria oo 17 notice of time and place for receiving tax€S...<..cevsisccseessveecee 18 COURT notice by, to appropriate money to control canals...........ecceecees 16 Pieper er C COE MORIN CATCULE « 5, « so dcaca-wie bie 'ee osc ds cial an eid eR Ole 59 fmieeeo yr aDecial “SOSSIOU. Of CILCUIT is otis P54 veh dice Ghee Cooked ol ven 59 mouceror time ot holding common. pleas. is... viucccve ss bodes duasveks 59 PN PeP BOR SOCCIIY LELINAOL ois iy oak teie oR Fed horde Oats PS eka 59 porout norees ty-be approved by clerk Of. ot... ccvseewacs soca vmaee 61 notice to creditors of corporation to present claims.............00008 62 MO eenOl MesiTe tO SChan Ge. NAIMe caida. eves cw eee nent. VEMeUN Lek eene 77 petition in error to supreme court, notice to non-residents............ 77 notice of application for restoration of road record................ 80 CREDITORS ie Me URIS TCOCUP CLONING p20 5 vis. s so e'a.o't xe aid nls oe gach an tees ees 62 CREDIT GUARANTY COMPANY MICE ee OL ALATALICHY” OF pia adie’ oo i ste he ee ee een aR eee at INE need 90 DELINQUENT LAND LIST : RCE eae ger cA ord 5 isle Pha 5's Saad Swe an Chee eee eens Le 23 DELINQUENT AND FORFEITED LAND LIST Seem ree PENNCAMON “Ol Vs 5s ec ort eo oes collin coe cee Ook eas BF Pie. Se 23 DEPUTY STATE SUPERVISORS Mererresr EMin ee ballots: DY! Cote, ocak de exces pps hecacee Leet ee 20 em emo Mirclase. OF -“Spplies DY~ = -4 snob ccdos bac cos eee oie ek 21 DEPOSITIONS Pet teed BE-COLAD SUS COPUETS 2 xa bs clade ans aig csaegaeteeias leeeroceds 18 DIRECTORS notice of election of, in private corporation.......ecsesecccccceccuce 84 pera resiecial teeta, Of e. sie ook awe cca bss 00 Gi ik oe See ee 84 ea et ae OG ACTIN: OF co's cies sv sod 0 06 oes icc Le eke Sede oe eee 85 Modcewareale.or stock: partially: paid: by. << cv s« eds cs ook eondacne. 85 notice of dissolution of corporation not for profit Rt, ce ae Dee 87 notice of dissolution of corporation whose business is closed........ 87 DITCHES Seem GEOR Ce. a) hee, icp uth: oe on aMna Shae can uae Be 26 Ber fecOr iOimtly constructed, ete... 6. i ws ccs cds vcocescc cue enon 27,28 emer tote mat Byacamiracter crac. oo wsss cede logo coc ol betes eee 28 Pemera Ge LemMovale os Ohetr UCHiON , \%. «<< os bv ods oe Vs bo OE dee Dean dhe 53 106 DITCH ADVERTISEMENT PAGE fees’ far publishing....25 (0... in. sanaacaeg aka ee 82: DIVIDEND notice of by assignee,: W.1/..29 asnen ee eee (ae DIVORCE | notice: to-non-resident of: application T6r.{; 2... /..8ee ee eee oe penalty for advertising to procure: {7i... ¢oen eee ee 95 DRIFT notice OL removal Otc auk penton woes Pore een ee eee 29 notite..of appeal to court for téemoval 6f.1..502... ee ee 29 EDUCATIONAL INCORPORATIONS notice: of sale and distribution of property of....2.00,0s02) oe ee 92" publication of notice of proceedings to amend charter of............. 92 ELECTIONS Hoticécok, ‘for schook. 5 es ook seen ee ee 57 notice of “for spécial tax levy for SchGol = S5--4 ge eee 57 notice of, to issue bonds for agricultural society............e.e+eee-e 91, 92° ERECTION OF NEW COUNTY tretice. OF intention. {> StVia. skuwae bo owe eb Ont eee ee 14 notice of intention of selection of new county seat............++.ee. 14 ERROR IN RECORD NOUCE 208; CULAR: 5 ca-clnarciaen igs WMS cen iee leer ee 17 ESCHEATED LAND sale of. by “Cotnty Auditor). ais is oasen senate ee ee 84 EXAMINERS notice. of meetings. by cowdtyn Ase ikon 6 ae cle ee ee 37 notice. Of meetings: by: tity... .. nas os) he Poe Pati ee eee 50: EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS notice; of appointment ...6.) or, s ce te ee 68 notice-of \presentation of; claim toi. @.:o. os sea eee 68 notice of appointment of administrator de bonis non........eecesuee 69 when notice not given in- times in. cocoa aoe eee eee ee 69 Sale, of real estate, TOtice Ofis,..cc ce eoeakns . cs Ook Ce ee 69° EXTRA TAX LEVY publication of petition for, for road® purposes. . - 2%. a ben ee a ee 37 FORFEITED LANDS TO THE STATE notice“of sale (Od O52 FP ae ada OF See ne cee ee 23 notice of sale omitted by madvertence. .; .7.. a.) cae sy ce 24 FRAUDULENTLY HAVING DIE, ETC. penalty fOF iv34.02 ech cee oohun eae a Calas Onl apie ee 94: GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEMBERS PAGE Stee OAR OOEDIOMIIETIE cae coke ntls cee tb ee a eee ee Bar P eR aS a ee 4 GERMAN NEWSPAPERS HeeINC RICE Se Om Deu PEL LEGs Tlic csewt. ae el caerait es Calder v tele aco eliavotady sa ote 20 Sera eee TMT TEI ceed OT met Pa mele ets sas cp en, «eee Va vices se as deat a!’o linch as ol-apei eum 'eelfnid eed oe 46 PEL Coats MOtmeLOmpe=UtSKeOATGed tc dene occa aiiely x meets brevah hel evove us oy 69 Moricero1-salecOt Teal sestatertakene iM CXCCULMOMN osc. cule aces pede s 4 Obr 75 GENERAL RULES FOR LEGAL ADVERTISING AICI IME OCRERS TULL OG we geeatt PimeeN MD eM ans sns ite lei Hed Sais iace Lire» Walia rheiee« Oaahenaeeead Ss 96 HIGHWAYS MOM Sanh ve COMINISSTONEES HO-CONSETUChs «ae leiew cst biAeluin'« ele pg fot eels get s « 11 HYDRAULIC COMPANIES Masa mG COL S COLT ChE IO liet ox chal vets 2a phic ss evameks re dotcacad oad at lide, ane A Sie si asec a 92 IMPEACHMENTS notice ROMO SE ESTOETESticne crc ecccarc terete ae Mae Chel Getaway nw ervne ocean 3 INN KEEPER notiee.et sale of property hold, for debt by 2.20. oii cee ee sels tee Cees 81 INSURANCE COMPANIES PUL Cat onvo tar eSttitseot- CXAMINALLOM: Of4/ 14 sis oleae aie lee oe hood oe 6 OLIGCHHOTeC AMS LAP AINGE GELALIITING. ¢ y .cisrerc olead een emialna sande waa Titiee 6 publication of certificate of authority to do business................0. 6,7 MOI Goma le CSCONPTAMCE O lowers sa alsis calms hod ert tw als ice Noe bee a 7 mice OF apcontingarce: of other than life....4:.0.4.% de ses oe aan Ses 8 NOUS M Mere SMSO GAT OLO fare wise wc asin Ge chas ce aie, tate See w kn Rego eS oe 9 publication of certificate of compliance by Mutual Protective Company 9 JUSTICES notices in proceedings in attachment before................ Rope ra Matas 66 Peemacere te orl Vor cOF cle naelity DVS. cae s So tx dels i tes eae an Emde ees 66 LAND APPROPRIATION ETOmee Te ek SEO SIT POSER By. sce's-k o> ona 0 eeas oe thie PEGDA? ane 5 LAW JOURNALS Pee or PH LANES MIS a y-ray. salad a sep.ag-« 2 aod ad gis VERE RD Summa woven 60 1 STOVES igi fares Pao eh 0 Se a A ane Pon) 60 LEASE MINER MAT ANI rae ceF 55 a8 2 pcs aw wl wee clk w vale BEA ek weve hls be 58 LEVEE OS SCE TSCTTE, (UE “aid SE lok aE ee ne al aa 30 LIEN notice to enforce eM ANN enc a aid ir Wl -aBhie, dn ian? aT ied Sere teed 43 108 LIGHTING UNINCORPORATED DISTRICT : PAGE MOTICE OF vcs ss sas s'o'e 3 oo ba 0 us ¥io's Wh Sarapelale wien dp oe Oa 52 LIMITATION ON ACTION FOR DAMAGES when notice to be-publishéd, -5.,.)...4.5 ah jak Ate eee 63 LOCAL OPTION Notice Of -1n\ county... lsc .e a eee eer ae Rea teat rote Ss = 24 notice: of in city...) wa vgew dues ak ek eed ee 49 LOTTERIES penalty, for advertisement .c.< tation 94 MARKS OF OWNERSHIP notice: to" providesfor registration of ..)/... .s.% ome olen em een ne PRIVATE CONTRACT WH eI EEC a. Pevis wil oo Sets eo ee ee ee ee PROCEED!INGS IN QUO WARRANTO notice of service to be published where company has place of business PROCEEDINGS TO POSSESS BRIDGE notice of by turnpike or plank road’ company. do. dace ce deen ee PROBATE COURT notice of appeal in, removal of drift from ditch. s..ee sone Seen ees publication for bids for opening railway company ditch.............. notice of land appropriation by telegraph companies................. noticeof proceedings to admit foréien “willster. ..c ers eee notice of ‘application for: admission of- lost Aviles... acta ceo ae notice of supplying 16st. record: of wills..2¥... cneins ees ee ee notice of granting letters of administration after twenty years...... notice. of application to sell desperate clagms. 2 has. i woes onde eee notice of appointment of executors and administrators.............. notice of appointment of administrator de bomis non................ notice of appointment when not given in time.............cseeceeee notice “of sale of real “estate s3.05 ALi aks ate eae aus he eee eee notice of sale in German or Bohemian newspaper...............e00- notice of application to enforce distribution... 0. 2 aeeae eee notice-of appoirttment, of assigtiee or trustee. “sus «cae 2. Ge notice Of gale: oF. real: estates. On: coh cinon soe ee a ee eee notice of sate-of . personal property 1-tanace ae ee eee notice of reports and settlements of aésignees.... sss... dees notice of filing accounts WF execttors: ete. + .c7o. 500 ofseen bok eee PUBLICATION Wiitat 1S: SUPICLEM tA 2 n..4 Das eradets be ea ee ei ee ee PUBLICATION MADE IN ANOTHER COUNTY A od | en aR ere ater ies nr Ar Spirals aes ha ee PUBLIC FUNDS notice for competitive bidding sox. 2oo) oe. cones at ae Ree publication of notice of petition for: transter: ols, )pave. Wea Lae PUBLIC PRINTING notice of proposals for state printing, how and when................ notice for re-advertisement.., 5. cash oy sa ea sot on ee notice by cotmmissioners- to Jet certain. contracts... 0:0). .%... ue seen QUO WARRANTO notice of service by. publication... . 0.00%: \ -s.0s 00s ee 14 89 70 70 93 48 81 10 10 re 79 RAILROADS AND RAILWAYS notice of improving between two improved PAGE sale of stock by dissenting holders, notice of arbitration............. 63 EeMUsadstO-convert stock, application for arbitration... .{.../..0. 6 <. ose 63 rence menens a Omnvach CCCI Cites, sav oief sins Won s blob wae ) Oe slielgs wueh eee 64 HoMeeeton meeiiic fon Te-Orgatlization: Of. 6, csi. . ees Sa es nde ehs eens 64 publication of notice of change or establishment of office............ 87, 89 notice of exoneration by director for personal liability .......... 88 Peitent Coe HCase OL CAptta) StOCK: oo. 8 sah oe boos ened b cbc ae nae 88 EO SSA Sa CE SUSAN a Rape la ena a 838 mer ee MeCN ALTOSS OF ote Siac aehs POTS oda e olsun od Reaves Gene tae 88 MMe CMI RYCTeC TION Os CITCChOTsS. PUL s cs ces cores Bo hee cline es whence 88 rr dE ORCS OE Ses boc caey cai a ele ee wee hs Se Bees x 89 RAILWAY CROSSING a 9g OEE el er he Gy a Ie eas ene OR EN aii IO org B 50, RATES FOR LEGAL ADVERTISING yo ETSI EEC 2 Pee Aa Dig Te ca Une i ee rR ea 82 RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES Pee ee ona YmmCipahey. oc Shy Lewd bak eke, ASRS en eee eS 47 Pune ion-ot bys Boards of viiducation. - 20, . 20.5 oe ee 56 RECEIVER Be in ane ol Pad Dy 5 Sao sh cok we a a, 64 notice of publication of agreement by....... Whee PRRs eh dee AOS a 64 Bie ete, SPILe. DAMS. ol. Os ce eg pe ee ede chy Sh dy eee 65 RELEASE OF TREASURERS MN ROME SAVE. uss oer hd bk bse lad eee ne oe Oe 81 RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES - publication of notice of petition for sale of land by trustee ros Petree 65 notice of transfer of property after consolidation of.......... SA tok 65 REPLEVIN em EON teas fo AON ent evi, Coo, 2 yey Ld hes Pe ee 76 ROADS notice of election for township road faprovement.< co.cc 53 notice for letting contract for improvement......................... 58, 55 ge Peer DOUG fOr i. cane Ns wo ee ie tb ee 54 notice of election in separate road districts on question of improve- er ater ee CON Soy iP Se ook ee ee 52 ROADS AND STREETS ever hearotete. cari blish* state. 2.0100 2.. .e An. et 30 Pepparettiseme mt Wien RO. DIG. Sis ei ive csgcelacu. ee 30 notice of increasing or Secimnmh whith OTs Ne kes i ee 30 notice of vacating ee eee tag MeN nor uny, aoa” gala ees cl pak ee 31 notice to non-residents of meeting of viewers for COUNTY Enh aan aah 3 advertisement of contract for road MOPTOVEMeN is oe cky Nos ee a1, 82,36 notice of improvement of road located jn two or more counties...... 82 ROAD COMMISSIONERS : ; : PAGE: notice of improving roads by? u/s. .dans.spesen beeen ae 5D ROAD RECORD noticé of application for. restoration: 0f...2s +200 + aetiasie eee ee 61, 80 ROAD REPAIR publication of notice for matefial. «c. .+.c..ccseesn eeu. sae dae Se a 36» SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST COMPANY anrital “statemient* f< caicess bats ce eck Gee eee PR PO te 91 SALE OR LEASE notice, -hew? given. by “municipality «dhs. «as ceca cn ee nee ce eee 39 SALE OF GOODS notice of; On EXecution«<..22.-4 «seeds Cees ae en Peis ike ae ee 74 SALE OF REAL ESTATE notice of, to contain number of township or city lot..............06. 74, 75 notice of time and place of, to be published. i... 2.4 .. eGeee woe 75 how Jong’ to: ‘be~ published. .1.2) chica ates Seanad oba ock eal eee 75 SALE OF TOWNSHIP PROPERTY TROLICE OE he elias OA bis'p abla eta ale aia ee elk keane Ree ene eae rai ade 50 SALE OF TOLL ROAD notice 6 stockholders ‘to: considerssale of so. Sie.e.. o. .s omneunee sans 52 location of ditch for, notice to non-resident Owners................. 53 ratice: tox clean “ditch gesios sok. Sad ean Geek a ea eee eas oe eee 53 notice of election’ for “road improvements 2's cc. ome eels sles) alnieran ree uo notice of letting contract for improvement of road by............... 53, 55 notice of sale of bonds for road) improvement. <......c...00.. 0-00 54 notice in separate road districts for improvement......... vag.s Sine igees 54 notice of election for levying tax for normal school for............ 55 notice) of sale of school lands ‘by... 2 so ones awe oe oe ae 58 TOWNSHIP BUILDINGS notice of questionsfor erection .Of <.v0.5. .2nc. sesame ante ae Cee 51 TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES to give notice of election on question of incorporating village........ 38 TOWNSHIP PARK notice for establishment or sale of.......... sa os 4 as Oe Be Cee eet 51, 52 TRUSTEE notice of appointment Of. F2.02 4 o< on siains slew «swap tinier tee ee 70 notice of sale of real or personal property by..............seseeeces 70 ars TURNPIKE DIRECTORS ee aaruielerepory Of, Mater Of PuUDNCAtION . i. oss 0 cde ce csc cccceleccnes 37 UNCLAIMED PROPERTY notice of sale of by carrier..... Rates Poca cc ae ek «thy taal 3 mopmcrrOx-Salet by ChICh OF POliCes 05 8b fs ce beudisaccee makina sce ale 48 VACATING OR NARROWING STREETS 0 PI en a yee Or gh aN pe ie 40 VILLAGE Bee Rien reG Tier ice. TOMINCOLHOTALC, >< cia< ae bn ad ade due Savi ocnces, 38 Derren cr celertion Ons iNcOrporation: Of asics << vc sdese cde s oodkcd ecw cbs 38 WAREHOUSMAN DLs SSE OMT Ss Ree a 0?5 0G) 2 Se neta ne ee aa a S4 WATER CRAFTS ees ee Jeon sale. Of any ctatts void oxi. 80k voted cooks Ls 77 WILL ie notice of proceedings to admit foreign to probate.................... 67 notice of advertisement for spoliated..... Sates satan ea tome ee 67 eee conn cepplying leet record Of a0. 6.3 i032 sak ides lesa eo 67 WRECK MASTER notice of stranded vessel or cargo to be published byes. ise ws hoe 61 notice of sale of stranded vessel AP Se CIR ee ey ene RSE 61 phy sk ray tt wetln OMe 4 At ag Flr ee ee © ema i wo pay an ee Oe ae eo eee ay) ‘re AMP Ly} % Woon, ee a ee tale 4 ~ - awe Ways oe Se * aay i 4 x ’ 2S a, a a Unie oe COTE Se Saat thane bao ences ‘ \ 19 a Fy a RR Oca toe, Car Ei ‘ - . Ie ee % To renew DATE DUE call 292-3900 wi we E> Ss a ~ : w The Ohio State University Form 10620 Pi geetia Dance ua i