if i. I GOSPEL I I I Consolidated f m 1 1 3 i 4- ITHOUi DUPLICATES ^UBLISMBO BY Tne Biglow & Main Co. ii -yf) East Ninth Street, New York. 3, p.. -i.i^u Street, C......^w. *^he ;ohn Church Co. 74 Wen Fcurth Street. Cinci^mati. a '^ast 1 5th St., New Y^- f L — I— ]lU7 b« orlentd ^ BookMlUrc <. -ul M i^ic Dm ^ rC={ LX" . Of t.J^.-'r'^NS Af.T PR'Cr. , SE " - - - ^ 4.O6. Mi ^i \ 1 *t D )^W)2.ri[>Y ^ w' 11 Gospel Hymns consolidated. lilH No.i. 0ld ^uiuditd. f . p. i " Come before His presence with singing.— Psa. 100: 2. Rkv. Wm. Kethe, 1561. G. FRAyc, 15io. 1^: 1. All pec- pie that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice; W^^ nra2Zi':^-i^ -/C -^ -«^^ -.??- ^ -PL-rzs I »--! ! h--! 4 — \ -<5'- — — i^- :|= •(J-- ;] ^:4^i Him serve with mirth, His praise forth tell,Come ye before Him and re - joice. S_ ^ iSh- t f ^ r-«- fS>- a^g: ^:£^a. .«Q. ^^ f? 1 ^ t=T m Know that the Lord is God indeed ; Without our aid He did us make: We are His Hock, He doth us feed. And for His sheep He doth ua tnke. • For why ? the Lord our God is good, His mercy is for ever sure ; His truth' at all times firmly stood. And shall from age to ixge endure. DOXOLOGY. L. M. Praise God, from whom all hlessinf?* flow, O enter then Hifl gates with praise. Approach witli joy His courts unto: Praise Him, all creatures here Ix-low ; Praise, laud, and bless His name always, Praise Him above, ye heave:)ly ho.st; For it is seemly so to do. |Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Bp. Tuos. Ken, 1G97. No. 2. §iaUftu|ah, tb ganel •' For God so loved the world, that He gave Tlisonly begotten Son, that whosoever believeth In Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life."— John ;i: 10. P. P. Bliss. P. P. Bliss, by per. 1. 'Tis the prom - ise of God, full sal - va - tion to give 2. Tho' the path - way be lone - ly, and dan - ger - ous too, ils:? jti :^^^_ir^ ? 1 1 \ 1 -H 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 ^ w 5 Un - to him who on Sure - ly Je - sus is 4 -M=^ -^ af- Je - sus, his Son, will be - lieve. a - ble to car - ry me through. I f=F -m •- 1 ^A~J=r± t ■A A N- j^ J f Hal - le - lu - jah, 'tis done ! I believe on the Son ; am r_ji_i^_-:^_: ¥—¥- -jiL ^.^ -m- * i ^^u ^ I If^ __, I 2nd. saved by the blood of the cru - ci - fied One ; cru .^ ^ ci - fied One. 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 L h t|=1^ ■fSL. ■^=^F=^ r I — I — I- 3 Many loved ones have I in yon heavenly throng. They are safe now in glory, and this is their song: Hallelujah, 'tis done ! etc. 4 Little children T see standing close by their King, And Ho smiles as their song of salvation they sing: Hallelujah, 'tis done ! etc. 5 There are prophets and kings in that throng I behold. And they sing as they march through the streets of pure gold: Hallelujah, 'tis done ! etc. 6 There's a part in that chorus for you and for me, And the theme of our praises forever will be: Hallelujah, 'tis done ! etc. 1 NJ \ No. 3. ^ 2lcf(t ahcc €iiTy ^wur. " Without Mc ye can do nothing."— John 15: 5. Mrs. Annie S. Hawks, -I — r^- IV- Rev. RouERT LowRY, by per. III ^ 1. I need Thee ev'- ry hour, Most gra - cious Ix)rd ; No ten- der voice like WM^^- ■^^ 1;=U-ts^ -I- -^-- r^. t==F G- L^ I — 1^ — 1^— J H 1- -\^ ^ ^- \^- Refrain. :if=3i :S?S^^fii: \^^ Thine Can i)€ace af - ford. I needThee,oh! IneedThee;Ev'ry hour I ,2^-^=^ :?2 --=t i^lE -I y-r- P — \ — ^ t— U — U — U— J ^?:t? :g— — i -4-, — !=v- —\ . -j 1 — _ — I -p — N- — f- ■ -H 'zz.'C — '^'^^'^ ^ • • ''~i — ; — i~i need Thee ; O bless me now, my Sav- iour! I come to Thee. -^- 221 I I ifc:--t: r ]] 2 I need Thee every hour; Stay Thou near by ; Temptations lose their power When Thou art nigh.— i?e/. 3 I need Thee every hour, In joy or pain ; Come quickly and abide, Or life is vain. — R(f. 4 I need Thcc every hour ; Teach mc Thy will ; And Thy rich promises In me fulfil. — Rcf. 5 I need Thee every hour, Most Holy One ; Ob, make me Thine indeed, Thou blessed Son.— .Ee/. No. 4. ^aff in the ^xn\$ of ffsuis. " Underneath are the everlasting arms.*'— Deut. 33: 27. Fanny J. Crosby. W. ir. DoANE, by per, S i ^. 1. Safe in the arms of Je - sus, Safe on His gen - tie breast, Cho. — Safe in the arms of Je - sus, Safe on Eis gen - tie breast, is.-'cz f=;=i=f :U=k?: T ^ I ^ , — I -■m -^—, 1 1 -H- 1^ ^---^-^ ^■ f rit. — >- — H- S2=h:i^i-_i3zi ^-1^ There by His love o'er - shad - ed, Sweetly my soul shall rest. There by Jlis love o'er - shad - ed, Sweet-ly my soul shall rest. End. i ippEsi i I H w L-J2Z r I Hark! 'tis the voice of r.ii--t ^.jf_ — I- -t- -^ •^- -,•■— 1^ £ an rae, I i- i^-p-p- -+- --^^- gels, Borne in a song to I IT: ; q?L- ^ 1^. ^-^ I -<5'- -«5'-*- t I Z). C. Chorus. -^-^ W (S*- -.<>- O - ver the fields of glo - ry, O - ver the Jas - per sea. H--^- —I ^; -p— I- T= ::g: jC?- i 2 Safe in the arms of Jesus, 'Safe from corroding care, Safe from the world's temptations, Sin cannot harm me there. Free from the blight of sorrow, Free from my dou])ts and fears ; Only a few more trials, Only a few more tears! — Cho. I 3 Jesus, my heart's dear rcfugo, Jesus has died for me; Firm on the Kock of Ages Ever my trust shall be. Here let me wait with patience, Wait till the night is o'er; Wait till I see the morning Break on the golden shore. — Cho. e No. 5. ?Hc 3Covd u*iU 3?viui(lf. Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you."— 1 Peter 5: 7. Mrs. M. A. W. Cook. rifiLip Pnii.Mrs, by per. 1. In some way or oth - er the Lord will pro- vide: It may not be 2. At some time or oth - er the Lord will pro-vide: It may not be -— ! s- =f 1^- 1 S* - — T" y--^^- r -i»^— r^ SrrtB: -t=iw=^ er, By and by, ry, By and by, by and by; by and by; X - \ y k±: IP «"n--.7fc: -^ VP 7^ t:^—^-^ And the darkness shall be o - ver, We shall sing redemption's sto - ry, ^- .^±fjz f m By and by, By and by, 5:^ nfc Sg by and by; by and by ; — I I k: — .»— ^- f ^S-^-f^ zii.c: it 1-1 ^ — 7 ^r=i!--*z:::i; ZX:^- --> --2 -^— i;{ With the toil-some jour-ney done, And the glorious bat - tie won. And the strains for ev - er- more Shall re- sound in sweet-ness o'er ^ V L^— . — 1^ — LJ :t=t-E?^S^I*: '--f- -V- J: -i«^— ♦- — t- 1 — r ^ J?' fP N s— #» ■« ♦— L.^ — IJ We shall shine forth Yon-der as the sun, By and by, last- ing shore, By and by, by and by. by and by. 3 We shall see and be like Jesus, By and by, by and by ; Who a crown of life will give us. By and by, by and by; And the angels who fulfil All the mandates of Hifl will Shall attend, and love us still, By and by, by and by. 4 There our tears shall all cease flowing, By and by, by and by ; And with sweetest rapture knowing, By and by, 1)y and by ; All the blest ones, who have gono, To the land of life and son^ — We with shoutings shall rejoin, By and by, by and by. j No. 8. ^t$m 0f pasarctlt fajsiseth §y. "He heard that is was Jesus of Nazareth."— Mark 10: 47. Em7Ia Campbell. Theo. E. Perkins, by per 1 ^,£ — I- im w^—at- ■ — i a — -• ^- — • 1 — Nr-— 1 — i f; 1. "^'hat means this ca - ger, anxions throng.TVhich moves with busy haste alongi, 2. Who is this Je -sus? Why should He The cit-y move so might-i - ly? ih^ -V i- -t^ -1 — h -V— h I -I — — I- m /T\ i q^ -9>—9l- .-^_^ J, I. -« «! 1 1- -■m 1 — ^ — t- «=*: -I T i : r These woudrousgatheringsday by day? What means thisstrangecommotionpfay? A pass- ing stranger, has He skill To move the mul - ti-tude at will? rii- ^- :g=r?=g=t i-b ..^ __^ L_._ -V— I- t*-t -I — H -I f H 1 -t?- r :g: ^--d- — T-J- -H- ^ ■ -^— al — n — * bI — «— EHL-d^-rtiiSr:^ -*— *■ -1 ! =ri In accents hush'd the throng reply: "Je- sus of Naz - a - reth pass-eth by," A- gain the stir-ring notes re - ply: "Je- sus of Naz - a - reth pass-etL by." *T — I — -t- -h— — t- t >—t -I 1 — I — -f ^—\ — •H — I v~^- ^ t:^ I 1-— 1- U-Jl-J-^-J^- :iii»l-J ■^ ::^.-T3-H— ^— ;^— J: -1- ■-« "ai '- In ac-cents hush'd the throng reply : " Je - sus of Naz - a-reth pass-eth by." A - gain the stir - ring notes re - ply: " Je - sus of Naz - a-reth pass-eth by." I — u'-^^t^ — rrpr u-i— — k^ — I?— ^ — ^ — ^ — ^ — !- ! -L— 41 lO p -4 ^(rA\^ d Itasurctln.— €oudu(lc(l. Jesus! 'tL4 lie who once below Man's pathway trod, 'mid pain and woe ; And burdened ones, where'er He came, Brought out their sick, and deaf, and The blind rejoiced to hear the cry: [lame, " Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." Again He comes! From place to place His holy footprints we Ciin trace. He pauseth at our threshold — nay, He enters — condescends to stay. Shall we not gladly raise the cry — " Jesus of Nazareth passeth by ?" Ho! all ye heavy-laden, come! Here's pardon, comfort, rest, and home. Ye wanderers from a Father's face, Keturn, accept His prolVered grace. Ye tempted ones, there's refuge nigb, " Jesus of Na/.areth piisseth by." 6 But if you still this call rcfn.se, And all IHs wondious love abuse, Soon will He sadly from you turn, Your bitter prayer for pardon spurn. " Too late! too late!" will be the cry— • "Jesus of Nazareth has paused by.'' No. 9. (Catling |lonv. *• To-day If ye will hear His voice, harden not your heartaj'— ITeb. 3 : 15. P, r. Bliss. P. P. Bliss, by per. -I !-r-| — r-n 1 h- r^ > r-^ •- <9- 4-^—= ^ fei t -A ?iEgHE^T£irt=^zzzSiT-[g;yE|= I ^.-/5rr 1. This lov-ing Sav - iour Stands pa- tiently ; Tho' oft re- ject - ed, 2. Oh, boundless mer - cy. Free, free to all! Stay, child of er - ror, 3. Tho' all ua-wor - thy, Come, now, come home— Say,while he's waiting, ^■-^- >4 I - t ^A r9--—f^ ^: -■ — 1-- ■f 1- 1^ ?; l^=t -f22- «zE:t=£gb^ 1 ^ fe=3 J^q= ^nfc :S=3J: J -N L^_s,_^ H 1 all the world a-round ; Spread the joyful news wher-ev- er man is found: en - ter while you may ; Je-sus is the true, the on - ly Liv - ing Way: ev - er musteu-dure^ " Who-so-ev-er will," 'tis life for ev - er-more: —J'- t=t -J^-^-i^z:z^ - I-- b 1^ u V »-tr =F Chorus. *' Who- so- ev- er will, may come.'' " Who-soev- er will, who-so- ev - er will,'* ^iV-tz — 5— t: — I h 1 — hL . v^-f -! .^— ^ — ! — t — h — ^ — I- — ^ — H— - g-bp-^/- ;^s^ p g-u--u- -I — \ I K_ ^ — 1. — pl—- :| i; -^ — N M^-i —4 1^ ( ^ -« -^ m -J- -ti— I i__j:l_.%_J! !5^ 1^-13^- Send the proc - la - ma - tion o - ver vale and hill ; 'Tis a lov- ing 1? p—t? — t?- »-•- -^U^— >- %-^----^^ -I- iE% — izbis^ Fa - ther calls the wand'rcr home: "Who-so-ev - cr will, may come." r. P! r r> I i^-t- 1 i W ^— -U— V — ^ — -•-— » 1 h i^ U 1/ ± r?:; ■«^*-* ^l;s^ S£/ f i No. 11. ^ ^m l^vayint) Uv ^ou. " Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray."— PSA. 55: 17. 8. O'Malky Cluff. Ira D. Sankey, by per. ^ -«- a- s- td — t- 1. I have a Saviour, He's pleading in glo • ry, A dear, loving Saviour tho' I I I I I :t:=r: ■t— — 1 — I- J ^1 I t=: s^rrf. r^g!— a^ •t5>- -•- m earth-friends he few; Aud now lie is watching in ten - derncss o'er me, And ^-f ^=W' -h- — •■— « 1 1 zzjft-zr^zzipEir^ -i9 ^ I-- 1^ •■— i»-L^ -h- F«?^=^*^ g / CnoEus. :g.-|Sr:S: H--- ^ ,—S-\-^2 •^=i^- I I -I — I- I — PH^r ^i^ oh that my Saviour were your Saviour too! For you I am praying, Foi i ^ ^^, ■ --^ :te=|e :]i: ^=:?i3ri:t=rF4:::: r — I — I— ^ — ^^^^ r-g= )t^^- iir^-- 4:=t :t.^^^^ — ^ — ;^ — 't^^- 4- rp rn77. /?s /^ ■rn^^qniq — I- J e mention of know not the name that I then shall bear; But 1 know that my Sav-iour will light - en Je - sus wel - come the gloom, our King, me there, And And And that that that will will will be be be glo - ry niu- sic heav- eu w for for for me. me. me. Chorus And that will be glory for me Oh, that will he glory forme.., And that will be music for me Oh, that will be music for me.., And that will be heaven for me Oh, that will be heaven for me. ^S =f=^ *i|fe-.aMi»_|t — t- ^_i/_^_i^_t^_^_i_ :^^: il ^ U' X X >• U' w YeSjthat will be glory ,oh, that will beglory for me Yes,that will be music,oh,that will be music for me YcSjthat will be heaven, oh, that will be heaven forme. ritard. But I know that His presence will lighten the gloom, And that will be glory forme. But I know there'll be mention of Jesus our King, And that will be music forme. But I know that my Saviour will welcome me thcre,And that will be heaven for me. ? — a?-^- t=t: S=£3^ ^-^ y ^ ^ ■^i-(*- V U > > k u > rP i No. 14. ^M the (|ort. " Tliat which ye have, hold fast till I come."— Rev. 2 : 21k P. P. Bliss. :J._«_J,_Ji P. P. Bliss, by per. :& :t^ ^^ ^^^ ^ — ^-aL 1. Ho! my com- rades, see the sig - nal Wav • iDg in the sky! il^ -,*.• ^*. ^%-w^ _) H f- ,-.^ P-T ^3 :g^.f- • f - r- "K Lit ^— -{ 1- -j^— tr ^ -ft ■ff- nfcz^ -« — ^- -«' — 55- * -■^r-- (• -m ' J— T ■9' — -aJ- -»- a ^ -«5<^ Re - in-force-ments now ap- pear - ing, Vic - to - ry is nigh ! it *=^ f- .- -p->- t :^; --t»- :|«e; ^mi f Chorus ♦-r-* 35^ ^ ■N r- ^ ^ :::5z:fc=^ S " Hold the fort, for m t I am com- ing," Je - bus sig - nals still, ftL. ^. ^' .^ .ft. V- :i £ ^^=^ S£ -+- i I ^_a_lL_i % ^-^JW-^ :raz ^-J^ ^ :=r--r' r SJt -J — ^ — .^i^i^ — « ^1 Wave the an- swer back to Ileav- en, — " By Thy grace wc will." ^^ t^m £ -»- -f 2 See the mighty host advancing, Satan leading on: Mighty men around us falling, Courage almost gone. — Cho. 8 See the glorious banner waring, Hear the bugle blow ; In our Leader's name we'll triumph Over every foe. — Cho. 4 Fierce and long the battle rages, But our Help is near ; Onward comes our Great Commander, Cheer, my comrades, cheer ! — Cho, lO ,/ No. 15. Zht ('")atc 3^|av for ^e. " The gates of it slmll not be Bliut at all by day; for there shall be no nl-jht there."— Uev. 21 : 25. Mrs. Lydia Baxtek. S. J. Vaii* --^ :Sr-:ir-^.---ar U • * 1. There is a gate that stands a - jar, Andthrough its por-tals gleaming, :^: ;^ ife: -^c=^-. t— t- I — H -I ^^iii^ ^.J: i^i] A radiance from flic Cross a - Air, The Saviour's love re - veal - ing. >►>:— f-=P^==i«: r-^r— tr=i^ :£=-£ E :tr^ -— p fe-^^ \ ♦ *- — I \ -^ 1- :?s: Oh, depth of mer-cy! can it be That gate was left a - jar lor me? -1 t:-:t=zb': ■i»- -^- -[#- -i»- I I— u— F— F^- 1 — ^—^^ /TV :.-J: ^^A iE^z^3=S EE^^ SP For me,. for me? Was left jar for me s^a 7- -■T- Mijezitezzn^ -5?-F It -I — ifnEEL^ For me, for me? r eE=i t 2 That gate ajar stands free for all Who seek through it salvation ; The rich and poor, the great and small, Of every tribe and nation. — Rvf. 3 Press onward then, though foes may While mercy's gate isojien: [irown, Accept the cross, and win the crown, Love's everlasting token. — Re.f^ 4 Beyond the river's brink we'll lay The cross that here is given. And bear the crown of life away, And love Ilim more in heaven. — Itef, ir No. 16. (Once idt ^\l ^Justifled bj' His grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus."— Roma>'S 3 : 24. P. P. Bliss. P. P. Bliss, by per. ^—^ — Z ^~r-^' — ^ — -g 9 -N 1- S- 1. Free from tlio law, oh, hap - py con - di - lion, Je - sus hath ZZ S\ m i» » 9^% *::: V — ^ 1 — f — (-— — I 1 1 — — ^ fc=J 4 T^-^ ^ zs: :J: nr=q?q :i?^7 =^ . =ili:zir.z^ V^-^ ■g — %- bled, and Mere is re -mis - sion,Curs'dLy the law and bruised by the •-?*- -1— r— r -i« <•- 'b-i t=f: -(*» — ^ 1^ — i^ — I Chorus. -^i^? — I I--I— ■♦y^5'-»fc» — ' 1 ' — ff-^-^'-f^-m^ fall, Grace hath redeemed us once for all. Once for all, oh, sinner re .irj..x-s-Ji-;^U= i4 1 r^t , — 1_ 1. 1 1- az: -->--t^— > ■I !- i^[ffl: -I — "-t -b — '- :!/f,"jt t t - ceive it. Once for all, oh, brother, be - lieve it; Cling to the I — r Cross, the ])ur- den will fall, Christhath redeemed us once for all. MIL Si — C^ — g I rp ^1 — J J :2i2 ■V k^ ^ It i— t—r-tr"^ Id (Ottcc for all— Conrturtfl No. 17. 2 Now are wo free — there's no condemnation, Jesus provides a perfect salvation ; "Come unto iUt.'' oli, hear His sweet call, Come, aud lie saves us once for aU. — Cho. 3 " Children of God," oh, glorions callinpj, Surely His grace will keep us from falling; Passing from death to life at His call, Blessed Siilvation once for all. — Cho. [ind at the door and knock ; if anv man hear My voice and open 1 ome in to him and will sup with him, and he with Me."— Rev. 3: Mrs. II. B. Stowe, arr. With feeling. Geo. F. Root, by per. ._] _M^ 1 ,_>• X ^ ^ ^ i-^ % Srv N V -p-'^^- t=^ 1. Knocking, knocking, who is there ? Waiting, waiting, oh, how fair ! ^— .^ • • • f f f H^- ^S^^iSs ik^. ^^ ±? ±r^ — ' 1- 1/ U U U l^-^-j^-^ r-r-r ^tz^- ^p^ i r=f=^=^ itaf i — ^ 2- -- >_ H ^^Ii£9 'Tis a Pil - grim, strange and kingly ,Nev-er such was seen be-fore. f^ <^ (3. •z?~ 3 Hj y:^y ±l2^it ^-1e" b^ — y»- V — ^- L^ 1 J ^ — u»- rq=t=i m -^ -mi g m m 1 1 ■ ^^ ^ — 'mi ^ Ah ! my soul, for such tk won der. Wilt thou not un - do the door. ■m — m- Knocking, knocking, still lie's there. Waiting, waiting, wondrous fair; But the door is hard to open, For the weeds and ivy-vine. With their dark and clinging tendrils, Ever round the Uiuges twine. #i^ Knocking, knocking,— what still there? Waiting, waiting, grand and fair; Yes, the picrcCd hand still knocketh, And beneath the crowned hair Beam the patient eyes, so tender, Of thy Saviour, waiting there. No. 18. ^(mt the ^ctijshtng. " Go out into the highwaj's and hedges, and compel them to come In, that my house may be filled."— Luke 14: 23. Fanny J. Crosby. W. H. DoANE, by per. 1. Res- cue the per- ish-ing, Care for the dj - ing,Snatch them in pit-y from f-lr-*- ■'--$3 r^ H i- -I 1 1 1- U' U l^ U I sin and the grave; Weep o'er the err- ing one, Lift np the fall - en, ^^ -^—m- -1 i L. I** ^ |0 1/ l^ u -rr-^t I — ■I — _(ft_,«_^ tr-H_:, 1 ■rqsnf ^-^ 1 ■•1 — aj — <5?l- Choeus. d^ -^-Jl. fiiq J^ .«i. «=^: -W— ^ -■»- -^ ^ ^ Teil them of Je - sus the might- y to save. Res - cue the per - ish ing, -^ (*- ??' iZ^i* -« — h ^t4^ fc-jizig; H 1 — I »- 1^ 1^ I tr — H ^:is « — «i — ^ 25^ — i^ Care for the dy - ing ; Je - sus is mer- ci- ful, Je - sus will save. ^ S: »> •■-»— ^ 1 — i^t?-- r- 2 Though they are slighting Him, Still He is waiting, "Waitin^j; the penitent child to receive. Plead with them earnestly, Plead with them gently: He will forgive if they only believe. 3 Down in the human heart, Crushed by tlic tempter. Feelings lie buried that grace can restore: Touched by a loving heart, Wakened by kindness, [more. Chords that were broken will vibrate once 4 Rescue the perishing, Duty demands it; [provide: Strength for th}' labor the Lord will IJnck to th« narrow way Patiently win thwn ; Tell the poor wanderer a Saviour baa died. «Q. No. 19. ^in0 the ^clls of §icavm. " There Is Joy In the presence of the augels of God over one sisner that repenteth."— Luke 15: 10. Rev. Wm. O, CusniNO. Jot/ full I/. Geo. F. Root, by per. > 1— r— N ft— f!^ ^ ^ m -—a — «5^ — a . •' *! ^^ — J 1. Rinn; the bells ofhcav - en ! there is joy to- day, For a soul re • 2. Ring the bells of heav - en ! there is joy to- day, For the wanderer 3. Ring the bells ofheav - en 1 spread the least to- day, An- gels, swell the -/9- MM f=-^ 1^-4- — z:rt=rt:zc=3zt I — :^ >=5" 1^ -ti^H i==3^=t ]=i -I^^- J L^ s-^s ^ J — 1-r=b=:g_.HV— JiS I ^Li-MX—"^ — ^ 'i — :=S *^ ^-^i,^ .z — ^l.A — turn- ing from the wild ; See ! the Fa- ther meets him out upon the way, now is re - con-ciled ; Yes, a soul is res- cued from his sinful way, glad tri-umphaut strain! Tell the joy- ful tid • ingslbear itfar a- way! _r. , --:-r.^ • — r^-t.-grigz.^-r-r--r-rgMg-g^f_t:: @^ ESHI X--:^-i- tr t! U fci i^^ ^ r— r Choeus. jfciiit -i — :^H-^^- -•►- : — 3B ai-":-'^ — j "Wel-com-ing His wea- ry, wand'ring child. Glo- ry ! glo-ryhowthe j And is born a- new a ransomed child. j For a pre - cious soul is born a- gain. j . ^ "T"-^"!^ t£ (2- I J F^ f=Sr: td=d r -^--T- 5 p::|?-^ifcJ=5ti:it±fc:^S: Sfi^*^ an -gels sing ; Glo- ry ! glo- ry ! how the loud harps ring ;'Tis the ransomed I 1 l?rr^_fL_ ?LJ r "U^f:^ ar - my, like amight-ysea, Peal-ing forth the an- them of the free P -*(* — -tr 1^-^/ p' l^ zjgjg in No. 20. I^omc d i\u ^$\\l " In my Father's house are many mansions." — John 14 : 2. ^frs. Ellen II. Gates. t=3 ?e-3E -i mm^m^ :i Philip Phillips, by per. -^ -»5>- ^ ^-MtH^hS- 1. I will sing you a song of that beau - ti - ful land, tm — m—^-ts m — m — , J-j? — ^^-^- ■V--- S :^ i * a?=5-:::5=i=tf ■«- :g -^ — -mr -1^ -i^=^4 S: 3=: The for a - way home of the soul, Where no storms ev - er •;:?: t -^i:^-^ xi* r- ?^j^^=f r-^- ^: -m- ^- '■fc ^==t ' -m, «- -•l-^ 1 \-\-G^ m ■•- -c^ i . V—. 1 \-\ — [ 1 \ <& ^ m- ~:s jh-fi-t beat on the glit - tor- ing strand, "While the years of e - ter - ni - ty t=fe^ IS -^ ^ J-^-^^^ g- (Z g S^ T~y I f ;^ -^-t f ^^ :g^ r P ±! a tg: ^ •q5r ^R^ roll. While the years of e-ter - ni- ty roll ; "Where no storms ever _<^ L « « «_._* "^ "t: <• a « ^ ^ t: =P^-(* It: ■^: -h :^ ■v — u*- ?; ■V — ^ W: )— u beat on the glit- ter- ing strand,While the years oi e- ter - ni - ty roll. I "^ W^^^ -)__) — i^ ^^5^ -w» — k-- )ii£)9 §i(imc 0f the ismil— (l^oncUtitcd. 2 Oh, that home of the soul in my visions and dreams, Its bright, jasper walls I can sec; Till I fancy but thinly the vail intervenes ||: lietweeu the lair city and me. :|| Till I fancy, etc, 3 Tliat unchan<;able home is for yon and for me, ^Vhere Jesus of Nazareth stands, The Kin^ of all kingdoms forever, is He, ||: And He holdeth our crowns in His hands. : The King of, etc. 4. Oh, liow sweet it will be in that beautiful land, So free from all sorrow and pain ; "With songs on our lii)s and witli harps in our hands, ||: To meet one another again. :|| With songs on, etc. Nc. 21. ^rhat ^ast Zlmx gone Uv §U? " So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many."— Heb. 9: 28. Miss Francks R. Havergal. P. P. Bliss, by per. Moderato. w^ \ — I — V ;:fri:i^l:ij H- "• ~—m — X ^i=^i -•- si3 1. I gave My life for thee. My pre -cious blood I shed, 2. My Fa-thcr's house of ligbt, — My glo - ry - cir - cled throne Jt t t J^^ ± ^-t ._ L ^__j 3: :?c Sue '-^'Z — '^~*'~r :2: _^_^ That thou might'st ransomed he. And quickened from the dead; I left, for earth - ly night, For wand'rings sad and lone; W- F-l— *— 1 — - :t;;i:|:4»^-6M 1 [-— ' I gave, I pave My life for thee, What hast thou given for Me? I left, I left it all for thee. Hast thou left aught for Me? t ■V 1— p ±.—\- — I- \^ — \W— 3 I suffered much for thee, More than thy tongue can tell, Of bitterest agony. To rescue thee from hell ; I've borne, I've borne it all for ihee, "What bast thou borne for Me ? «3 :;iir=:t: isp 4 And I have brought to thee, Down from My home above, Salvation full and free, ^[y pardon and My love; I bring, I bring rich gifts to the©, What hast thou brought to Mef No. 22. ^Vc'w €ain0 §ome ?o-motmv. "Willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord."— 2 CoR. 5: 8. Mrs. E. W. Griswold. P. P. Bliss, by per. _1 ^,_|. i---a^-r. -*- ■A- ;j 1. We're go - ing home, No more to roam, No more to sin and sor - row ; 2. For wea - ry feet A - waits a street Of wondrous pave and gold - en ; ^^: f_gL,^_r_- t :p: -•- tp=l ~~ i- -M—-:^-. <9— No more to wear The brow of care, We're go - ing home to mor - row. For hearts that ache, The an -gels wake The sto - ry, sweet and old - en. _^„ .-_(_» — I* — ft. — ^ ^ I I L_ I i W M Chorus. T d: T =]: 1S£ -I — ^, We're go - - - ing home, we're go - ing home to mor -row; W^e're go - ing home, we're go - ing home, we're go - ing hom'? to mor -row; tpii t 3=^ S=:^ :s; T I U: We're go - - - ing home, we're go - ing home to -mor -row. We're go ■ ing home, we're go- ing home, we're go - ing home to -mor- row. x—^ 4:-::t '^m I ; —I 1 , l-l For those who sleep, And tho.se who weep, Above the portals narrow, The mansions rise Beyond the skies — We're going home to-morrow. Oh, joyful song! Oh, ransomed throng! Where sin no more shall sever; Our King to see, And, oh, to be Witli Him at home forever! %l^ No. 23. ^rou^i 3^(jvf5 ^vrn pc. •• God is love."-l John i : 8. P. P. Bliss. P. P. Bliss, by per. _J[. ^. ^5. _5- ^ .5. -5- -^ ^^ ^ -^ -^ -♦- -♦- ^^ -^ - f I am so tjhul that our Fa-ther in heav'n Tellsof His love in the ■ \ Wonder- fill things in the lii- ble I see; This is thedear-est,that Book lie has giv'n, Je - sus loves me. } I am 80 glad that Je - sos loves me, fc^ y \0^ ^ Je - sus loves me, Je - sus loves mo, r r f" " I am so glad that ,^T^ U • --t=F BUS loves me, Je sus loves i^is -m- ->— I 2 Though T forget Ilim and wander away, 13 Oh. if there's only one song T can sing, Still He doth love nie wherever I stray ; |When in His beauty I see the Great King, Hack to His dear loving arms would I flee, This shall my song in eternity be : When I remember that Jesus loves me. " Oh, what a wonder that Jesus loves me." I am so glad, etc. ' I am so gUid, etc. 1 Jesus loves me, and T know I love Him, Love brought Him down my poor soul to redeem : Yes. it was love made Him die on the tree, Oh, I am certain that Jesus loves me. 2 If one should ask of me, how could I tell? Glory to Jesus, I know very well : God's Holy Spirit with mine doth agree, Constantly witnessing— Jesus loves me. I am so glad, etc. I am so glad, etc. 3 In this assurance I find sweetest rest. Trusting in Je.^us, I know I am blest; Satan dismayed, from niy soul now doth flee, When I just tell hini that Jesus loves me. I am so glad, etc 'No. 24. |tqoice and U (^M. " The poor among mea shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel."— Isa. 29: IC. Rev. HoRATius BONAR. 1S74. John J. Husbanp, pU— J-^+d "S — 1 J- J 1. 1. Re-joice and 2. Rejoice and 3. Re-joice and 4. Re-joice and 5. Re-joice and 6. Re-joice and 7. Rejoice and be glad be glad be glad be glad be glad be glad be glad Sf — w) — m The Redeem- er has come ! Go It is sun-shine at last ! The For the blood hath been shed; Re- Now the par-don is free ! The For the Lamb that was slain O'er For our King is on high, He For He com H — look on His clouds have de- dcmp- tion Just for death is plead- eth com - eth IS the tri- for in era - die, His cross, and part - ed, the shad - owa fia - ished, the price hath ua - just umph-ant, us on glo - ry, has died on the and liv - eth a - His throne in the the Lamb that was t • l. t: His tomb. Sound His prais - es, tell the are past, been paid. tree. gain. sky. {Cho. for 'ith verse.) slain. Sound His prais - es, tell the —I — -(^- w^ ■ji—w-- f=M was slain ; was slain ; Sound Sound His His It •f: r =T=Si=d i=i -3^£" prais prais m ^ es es -^ tell with tell with glad - ness, glad - ness. i He He I liv com eth eth a - a - -m- gain. gain. r S :o No. 25. Revive m '^<\m. (Tune on Page 2»i.) "O Lord, revive Thy work."— IlAn. 3: 2. 1 "We prai.se Thee O God I lor the Son of Thy love, For Jesus who died, aud is now gone above. Cho. — llalh'lujah! Thine the glory, Ilallelujali ! amen. Hallelujah! Thine the glory, revive us again. 2 We praise Thee, O God! for Thy Spirit of light, Who hii8 shown us our Saviour, and scattered our night. — Cho. 3 All glory and praise to the Lamb that was slain, Who has borne all ouFsins, and cleansed every stain. — Cho. 4 All glory and praise to the God of all grace, Who has bought us; and sought us, and guided our ways. — Cho. 5 Revive us again ; fill each heart with Thy love; May each soul be rekindled with fire from above. — Cho. Rev. Wii. Paton Mackay, 1866. ; No. 26. <^omcthi»o fov ffSU?. " Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?"- Rev. S. D. Phei.ps, D.D. -ACTS 9: 6. Rev. R. LowRY, by per. 1. Sav-iour! Thy dy - ing love Thou gav - est 2. At the blest mer-cy- seat. Plead - ing for 3. Give me a faitli-ful heart — Like-ness to 4. All that I am and have — Thy gifts so ^- ^ J-J wi± ^U -J — ^ — J. me, me, Thee— free — ^ f-^ ^ -^ Nor should I My fee - ble That each de- In joy, in X^ n — h ,-p--sp tF=P--^ it: -»- ::^-: Ti: i Ir: EEi nt ■x-i-t -Cf— L^ aught with-hold, Dear Lord, from Thee; In love my soul wotild bow, faith looks up, Je - sus, to Thee: Help me the cross to bear, - part - ing day Henceforth may see Some work of love be - gwn, grief, through life. Dear Lord, for Thee! And when Thy face I see, % x r^^^m^^ •I — :t: Cl'. ■i9- X t-^s^ 1- -I — I --—W ^- -J^-; ^._J — a My heart ful- fill its vow, Some offering bring Thee now. Something for Thee. Thy wondrous love declare, Some song to raise, or pray'r,S — 1^— t?- ^-f-r I A- -^ :^: -<5^ -A- ^-=^- ::^_L^ ' — (- 3 While on oth - ers Thon art smil - ing, Do not pass me hy. Kneel - ing there in deep con - tri - tiou, Help my un - be - lief: I ^-^ 1^- -&- +■ tS?: I 1 32: tH: :t=:=it BS f CnoRus. :s: Sav ^- , fr ^^ L=^ 4:: 1^- t 'f?—r -«?- lour, Sav - iour, hear my hum - Llo cry, ^S^ _. ,S-i_5^ il:: 1 rbifcjz aj::--iti: :fe:|izi#-"^^ it- HS !- II "While on oth - ers Thou art call - ing, Do not pass me by. ■r — I 1 m- l^EE^ X- «- — IS 3. Trusting only in Thy merit, "Would I seek Thy face; Ileal ray wounded, broken spirit, Save me by Thy grace.— CTio. 4. Thou the Spring of all my comfort ^fore than life to me, Whom have I on earth beside Thee? Whom in Heaven but Thee?— CA*^ «Q No. 28. (9ttc more Hay's Woxh. Ux ^kssiw. •' I must work the works of UIM that sent Me, while It Is day."— JOHN 9: 4. Miss Anna Waknek. Rev. Robekt I.owry, by per. 1. One more day's work for Je- sn.s;Oue less of life for me ! But heav'n is 2. One more day's work for Je- sus; How j^lo-rious is my King ! 'Tisjoy,not 3. One more day's work for Je - sus ; How sweet the work has been,To tell the 4. Oue more day's work for Je- sus — Oh, yes, a weary day ; But heav'n shines ?-2--^ i — I- P^ -J 4- '^-- -j^ "^ ':SL iz^feti:? ^^ P=^ ■^ near - er, And Christ is dear - er, Than yes-ter- day to me ; His love and du - ty, To speak His beau- ty ; My soul mounts on the w ing At the mere sto - ry, To show the glo - ry, When Christ's flock enter in ! How it did clear- er, And rest comes nearer. At er.ch step of the way ; And Christ in \-^^-^ light Fill all ray soul to-ni<;ht. One more day's work for Je-sus, tho't How Christ my life has bought, shine In this poor heart of mine ! all — Be-fore His face I fall. Oue ^ rt:^ -^ -m- — »•- m- -/9- -^^-- -fr-. — ! -I more day's work for Je - su.«!, One more da3''8 work for Je - sus, -m- :p±- -^^^- f^ 13 5 Oh, blessed work for Jesus ! Oh, rest at Jesus' feet ! There toil seems pleasure. My wants are treaoure. And pain for Him is sweet, Lord, if I may, I'll serve another day. — Cho. «o No. 29. Wwxi a |ticttd Wt Uvt itt §m^, " There is a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother."— Prov. 18: 24. " Jubilee Harp." Charles C. Converse, 1868, by per. N 4S_ 1. "What a friend we have in Je - sus, All our sins and griefs to bear; -/5>- ->- 1/ ix 1^ ^- t — r t !5r^* I ■i^r r "What a priv- i- lege to car - ry Ev* - ry thing to God in prayer. ^ H \- U* 1/ U* -y li>- (X- ■ks?- r -^- -i — (- size # EE^ ..^_. 1/ fc* ^ ^ ^ Oh, what peace we oft-en for - feit, Oh, what needless pain we bear — t: _ - ^ . . . :^=|^ 1r-V E -# W- 1 1 !■ u* w ap e aj p3 m 1 -iS -i^— s- i All because we do not car -+- :«|3:^ i^=:iP ry Ev' - ry thing to God in prayer. 2 Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere ? We should never be discouraged, Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a Friend so faithful, "Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness, Tak3 it to the Lord in prayer. Are we weak and heavy laden, Cumbered with a load of care? Precious Saviour, still our refuge, — Take it to the Lord in prayer. Do thy friends despise, forsake thee ? Take it to the Lord in prayer ; In His arms He'll take and shield thee, Thou wilt find a solace there. 30 No. 30. - God so loved the world."— John 3 : 16. Mrs. M. Stockton. Wm. O. Fischer, bj- per. m^ nera lost Aad ruin-ed by th« ?.l2-fi:rg; ^^^SEB^- ■<— ''V^n :5^ ^ — w^—J . g fall ; Sal - va - tion full, at high - est cost, He of- fcrs free to all. ^•1 ^. t:=^ :S=e=^^i=r=p^-- —I — K Et: ^ii Chorus. 7l?:=i P— I- fe^fe^i^E^ ^s* i 1 I I i I ^?_ :g:i= Oh, 'twas love, 'twas wondrous love! The love of God to me; It pm=^ i~=^ ^-^- ^=fL-:^: r n: T=r •i9- • -+- , Z3?_!L- -+- t::^ i=£=i /^ :.=:^3^ ^=g: ::t^ :-ji^ — ^ — ^--'—J' wm r Jr brought my Sav - iour from a - hove, To die on Cal - va - ry. ^E — f- -^ — .A ^ — I — :^ ^^ m t WEE^ — f- f I -W- — i» !•- — < — ^ 2 E'en now by faith I claim Him mine, The risen Son of God ; Redemption by His death I find. And cleansing through the blood. 3 Love briugR the glorious fulness in, And to His saints makes known The blessed rest from inbred sin, Through faith iu Christ alone. 31 4 Believing souls, rejoioing go; Tliere shall to you be given A glorious foretaste, here below, Of endless life iu heaven. 5 Of victory now o'er Satan's power Let all the ransomed sing, And triumpli in the dying hour Through CUriat the Lord our King. No. 31. " Bring me yet a vessel."— 2 Kings 4 : 8. P. r. Bliss, ^ ^ ^ P. P. Bliss, by per. w -- 1- s — \ ^-^--^ »<— ;g^ -i--« ■•*- JSLiis:: H?- 1. Have you on the Lord believed? Still there's more to fol - low; 2. Have you felt the Sav-iour near? Still there's more to fol- low; 3. Have you felt the Spirit's pow'rVStill there's more to fol - low; n^. ^ Of His prace have you received? Still there's more to fol - low ; Does His bless - ed pres-ence cheer? Still there's more to fol - low ; Fall - ing like the gen- tic show'r? Still there's more to fol - low ; _szn :r: Ct:: ±t :^ 4= -t5= ::t -I ^—A- H- trA ^=_5 ■4- --«- ► — — '.■X Oh, the grace the Fa- ther shows! Still there's more to fol - low, Oh, the love that Je - sus shows! Still there's more to fol - low, Oh, the pow'r the Spir - it shows! Still there's more to fol- low, -^ -m- -«- -m- ' -m- *- ^.^ is^-^ It: -I — -(• ) 1 Lf— IjCZIjiC -^-. -0. •u* — tr-f-r ¥ fe --> S — S — 2- i^g^^ Free- ly He His grace be-stows, Still there's more to fol- low. Free- ly ]fe His love be-stows. Still there's more to fol- low. Free - ly He His pow'r be-stows, Still there's more to fol - low. -w — I \0^-^ ^ — f- — i ^i^ k- — 1— ^ — u" — F — «—- 1 ^ m :|a-- ^- rrif 2 1 1— - : 1- -^ *- P if r-4- :qs: :=1- —4^ r -^^^^: More and more, more and more, Al -ways more to fol - low, r^-^ asi i: s^^ ^[^p ♦'Pa« iff go\\(iw"—(tm<\\\M. -• ► ^^^3 Oh, Ills matchless, boundless lovo ! Still there's more to fol- low. m I — i^ ppg^ji No. 32. itco^ pc limit. " Behold, now la the accepted time ; hehold, now'a the day of salvation."— 2 (Don, 6 : 2. Rev. AL.BXANDKR ClARK. Rev. Robert Lowry, by per. ^^^ ^ ■• H ri+a — ^-^-=t 1. Heaven- 1 J Fa • tber, bless mo now ; At the cross of Christ I bow; •^ g iT" "C" il" ^ Hfc >— t w )•- hP^ -w (- Take my guilt and grief a- way ; Hear and heal me now, I pray. Bless me now, bless me now, Heaven-ly Fa - ther, bless me now. 1 -^ m^^^ (*— 5- -4- -+ 1- K i t 2 Now, O Lord ! this very honr. Send Thy grace and show Thy power; Wbile I rest upon Thy word, Come and bless mo now, O Lord ! Ref. 3 Now, just now, for Jesus' sake, Lift the clouds, the fetters break ; While I look, and as I cry, Touch and cleanse me ere I die. Bef, 4 Never did I so adore Jesus Chri.st, thy Son, before; Now the time ! and this the place ! Gracious Father, show Thy grace R^ Ho. 33. ^Vhm ^ta^t ®bou (E)Ifunctl 5^a-|l«y? •*Th6 field is the world • • • and the reapers are the angels."— Matt. 18: 38. P. P. Bi.rsJ*. P. P. Bliss, by per. Question. ^m^M t=^-t ~m' ' '"1 1. Wea - ry pleaner,whence comest thou,With empty hands and clouded brow? 2. Care-less "^leaner, what hast thou here,These faded flow'rs and leaf-lets sere T 3. Burden'dgleaner, thy sheaves I see; Indeed thou must a-wca - ry be! @ ME5 :&. rjr. — )- d>— ! I iN=fe[l 1^ Jrpt: 0^ ^^ __ ^m • :i^£ ± ■ i r -q=q r Ploddinj; a - long thy lone - ly way, Tell me,where hast thou glcan'd to-day? Hunjjry and thirst-y, tell me,pray,Where.oh, where hast thou glean'd to-day? Singing a - long the homeward way,Glad one, where hast thou gleau'd today? ^^ F 1 Answer. Lato I found a bar - ren field,The har- vest past my search re-vealed, All day long in sha - dy bow'rs,I've gai - ly sought earth's fairest flow'rs; Stay me not, till day is done I've gath- er'd hand-fuls one by one ; Psi^ I -— vzj: pi No. 34. P, Pm §icatt. " Come unto Me, all ye that labor and aro heavy laden."— Matt. 11 : 28. Tr. John M. Nealk. P. P. Bliss, by per. M Ist Solo. . F=^ -^ ai — 1. Ah, my heart is heav - y la - den, TV'ca - ry and oppressed! -r-4- -»- -ct- --«- ^^ :l 2d Solo. :#»^= P^^ ::d: ^5^ -x- :i "Come to Me," saith One, "and com iJEt Bo m at rest!" >— H r i3z:='r "--t—— :?4:zp :r:=F^-: F=^=tp Cnonus. Repeat last two lines of e^ich verse. rit. ^^ 1^ . — t -j^zzzi^ f *±j?^itz:4 ^- - T "Como to Me," saith One, "and com ing, Be at rest!" f-<5i— 9 r t -j^ 4^ e :|=^ ii? 2 Hath lie marks to lead me to Him, If He be my Guide? [prints, ** In His feet and hands arc wound- And His side." — Cho. 3 Is there diadem, as monarch, That His brow adorn.s? ** Yes, a crown in very surety, But of thorns!"— CAo. 4 If I find Him, if I follow, Want's my portion hero? " Many a sorrow, many a conflict, Many a tear." — Cho. 5 If I still hold closely to Him, AVhat have I at last? "Sorrow vanquished. labor ended, Jordan past!" — Cho. G If I ask Him to receive mo, Will He say me nay? "Not till earth and not till heaven Pass away!" — CIuk 36 Ho. 35. ^W to (£i\wt I &m, "Who His own self bare our sins,"—! Peteh 2: 24. Mrs, Elvina M. Hall. John T. Grape, by per. 11_4«» , -<5^ T- *i=S=^--S t- -s-t=f: m hear tho Sav-iour say, Thy strength in - deed is small; ^tr4- -i^—^zjl ^•-r-^ -)^- t--::^ ;] Child of weakness, watch and pray, Find in Me thine all in all. ^^? \y — t— ^=^1 — hi 1 1 ' h- I >L4^ — ^ ^ — L.J '^ ^ ^ — L4_ H« ^ r=r^ Chorus. ^ -^ :i^ I -iz=^^— * — i ^=^ f H^« ::]: :-g: Je - BUS paid it all, -a- AU to Him I owe; -t— :l .— <2- ^ i i>_j-.-j^=^ /TN -» 1 W-- t ^ lisEtEi ttr Sin had left a crim-son stain: He washed it white as snow. -^L — (ft— (*- It: .(ii ^- iSl Vi/ 5 Lord, now indeed T find Thy power, and Thine alone, . Can change the leper's spots, And melt the heart of stone. — Cho. 5 For nothing good have I Whereby Thy grace to claim — I'll wash my garment white In the blood of Cal vary 's Lamb. — Cho. 4 When from my dying bed My ransomed soul shall rise, Then "Jesus paid it all" Shall rend the vaulted skies. — CTux 5 And when before the throne I stand in Him complete, I'll lay my trophies down, All down at Jesus' feet— -CSko. 30 No. 36. #H, Uw §ic ^jjwjs. •• A Friend that stlcketh closer than a brother."— Pbov. 18: 24. Adp. by Miss Mauiannb Nunn. , Hubert P. Main, by per. 1. One there is a- hove nil oth- ers, Oh, how Helovcs! His is love be - 2. Tia e- ter-nal life to know IIiin,Oh, how He loves! Think.oh, think how w ' m> , ..^. _.^- _^, ^ - yond a broth-er's, Oh, how He loves! Earth - ly friends may much we owe Him, Oh, how He loves 1 "With His pre-cious it, $■- -r ^ A- -•■ m- 1 -<5'- w e= ^5^' r=rr ;*F^^ i t ^ g fail or leave us, One day soothe, the next day grieve us ; blood He bought us. In the wil - der - ness He sought us. fi; f=f H»" =f==±1 f r r I^S But this Friend will ne'er de - ceive tis, Oh, how He loves! To His fold He safe - ly brought us, Oh, how He loves ! ^ ^ ^ . ^^ ■^ b r -.^-^ s jg — g --g^ — ^ f F?= E^ H Blessed Jesus ! would you know him, Oh, how He loves ! Give yourselves entirely to Him, Oh, how He loves ! Think no longer of the morrow, From the past new coaru{:;e borrow, Jesus carries all your sorrow, Oh, how He loves 1 All your sins shall be forgiven. Oh, how He loves ! Backward shall your foes be driven, Oh, how He loves ! Best of blessings He'll provide you, Nought but good shall o'er betide you, Safe to glory Ho will guide you, Oh, how He loves I 3r No. 37. %t\\ §Xt i\u mi #W ^tom " Tell them how great things the Lord hath done."— Mabk 5: 19. Misa Kate Hanxey. ^ ■4- ?^=i^S W. H. DoANS, by per. =iP^fe? 1. Tell mo the Old, Old Sto - ry, Of un - seen things a - bove, Of 2. Tell me the Sto - ry slow - ly, That I may take it in— That l^g^i IP!^- — » — . -Ill — I— 23 P"! > ft i Je-ans and His glo - ry, Of Je- sus and His love. Tell me the Sto-ry wonder-ful re - demptimi.God's reme- dy for sin. Tell me the Sto-ry /Ts •--^- -49- I t 1 r n -»•■ ^=^t=rp v-^ 1 1 r t » « - Jf^*-* — ^^ — ^ %t=^il*--=s 'rr :3:^=^i=: -r -H — I — (-♦-s-«--g--*— •* — a- aim- ply, As to a lit- tie child, For I am weak and wea - ry. And oft- en, Fori for -get so soon, The "ear- ly dew'' of morn-ing Had -i r-* * -• 1 r^ W • ^ ^ ^ 1 r ^r- !t h— ^^^F=F=1=^^^i^^^f^^^ -»5'- Chorus. sto - ry, Tell mo the Old, Old Sto - ry Of Jo - sns and His love. m t-r-t 1 — It: tr: II Iflt pe m 0UI, ma mv\s,-(tm(hM. 8 Tell me the story softly, Wiih eame«t tones, and grave j Remember ! I'm the sinner Whom .Tosus came to save; Tell me that story always, If you would really be, Tn any time of trouble, A comforter to me. Tell me the same old slory, When you have cause to fear That this world's empty glory Is costing me too dear. Yes, and when that world's glory Is dawning on my soul, Tell me the old, old story: *' Christ Jesus makca thee whole.** Ho. 38. ^lie f mlipt mm. " I will arise, and go to my father."— Luke 15: 18. Mrs. 'EjJixrm H. Gates. W. H. Doane, by per. ' • j I ■[_ —I -^-—2^7^ — ^ — —M-— t — I ^ ■ -cr=^-' 1 '^^* — \- ■m~-m-Y^—m— --i- — A— f — ' 1 -p'-T ^X^y^^-^r— ^-L^ ♦— 53: ^ :-l ^5 - * ^_i.^__ r^^ \ 1. Come home! come home! You are wea- ry at heart, For the way has been 2. Come home! come home! For wewatch and we wait. And we stand at the i-j- ^- ' =^^i::& g?- -P~-r-a K- —p..^a — m—i ^^d^^Pfei dark, And so lone - ly and wild, gate, While the shad- ows are piled. prod - i-gal child! Come prod - i-gal child! Come m j^^. I r-^ ^ .fit^pt^^J^ I Pf=F t^i^^r^ t^ f^r^rrr m ^ CnORTTS. w i-at; ^ home! oh come home! home! oh come home! -a ^ -g ± rit. =^^^1 Como Come home? Com^, oh come home! home ! Come, oh come home, come homeJ -1 1— se-f — tsrr -ff_ ZZ?2L[ -\ — f^- I- Come home, come home! Come home ! come home ! From the sorrow and blame, From tho sin and the shame, And the tempter that smiled, O prodigal child ! Come home, oh come home ! 30 Come home! como home! There is bread and to spare, And a warm welcome there. Then, to friends reconciled, O prodigal child! Co::^ hcme^ ^\x coxuo home I No. 39. ^ ^0Vt to %t\l tb ^Ut^. *• I will speak of Thy wondrous work."— Psal, 145 : 5. Miss Katk Hankey, 1867. W. Q. Fischkb, by per. -4- ^F^ 5^i^E5 -^*— t — t 1. I love to tell the Sto - ry Of unseen things above, Of Je-sus and Hia 2. I love to tell the Story ! More wonderful it seems, Than all the golden I n^r I t -^ — ci'— ^. Glo-ry, Of Je - sus and His Love! I love to tell the Sto-ry! Be- fan-cics Of all our golden dreams. I love to tell the Sto-ry! It ^ ^ ^ ^., J^ J I f r'r-f^ — T- t 1: "TE^fl-.'-* ' SF rt -^ Lh 1!^ fc|K=^=tB -I 1- -- m •-&- i9-^ f tF=F :t ■s>-^ I m ^^\ — \ g=S=:#T td: :|^^-5=i :^=it ^ ^^m 1 ■• D.S. t Wea - ry souls for e'er re- joice, While they hear that sweet-est voice fe=tlt: 2 Ever present, truest Friend, Ever near Thine aid to lend, Leave us not to doubt and fear. Groping on in darkness drear. When the storms are raging sor«, Hearts grow faint, and hopes give o'er, Whispering softly, wanderer, come ! Follow me, I'll guide thee home. 3 When our days of toil shall cease, Waiting still for sweet release. Nothing left but heaven and prayer, Wond'riug if our names were there; Wading deep the dismal flood, Pleading nought but Jesus' blood ; Whispering softly, wanderer, come I Follow me, I'll guide thee home 1 •' I am the light of the world. "-John 9 : 6. P. P. Bltss. 1-. P. Bliss, by per. 1. The whole world was lost in the 2. No dark - ness have we who in 3. Ye dwell- ers in dark-nesa with 4. No need of the sun- light in i t* t^ — i^ ~y- dark- ncss of sin ; The Jc - 8US a - bide, The sin- blind- ed eyes, Tho heav- en, we're told, Tho ^ r- -r ^ i ^f=^ ijz: f -T r 1^ ^m 1^ I3^=S ^E^l H fe Light of the world is Je - bus. Light of the world is Je - bus. Light of the world is Je - bus. Light of that wor?d is Jo • bus. :it— it Like snn-shine at noon- day His We walk in the Light when we Go, wash, at His bid- ding, and The Lamb is the light in the -m- glo - ry shone in, The Light of the world fol - low our Guide, Tho Light of the world light will a - rise. The Light of the world Cit - J of Gold, Tho Light of that world 18 19 is is *- Jo Jo Jo Je BUS. BUS. 8U8. BUS. IV ^ ^ I - I r— ~ ^ ■ => — L — z — I z^-^ r I Chorus. k w ». i n w ^.T^ Come to the Lrght,Hi8 shining for thee; Sweetly the Lighthas dawned upon me, ^-, ^v^- — ^ — Ti- — T^ £ .4»- — i. — .^ — C- — ,-) ' 1 r . I— L,-k- *— --*/ — ^ — w»- p^^^^^^ me fight of the ^«rorttl.-(!!;jattctMrtftl. ^^^^j-iU^J^^fit^i Once I was blind, but now I can see ; The Light of Ibe world is Je - bus. No. 42. %\xe §i0ly ^\mt Throe warnings: Resist not, Grlevo not, Quencti not, P. P. Bliss. P. P. Bliss, by pes. -\ -+- fct ■v-1^ EEfeJI^r^ ^^4^^^==g±fe3^^^--#ti31i^^ 1. The Spir-it, oh,Bin-ncr, la mer-cy dolb move, Thy bcart.so long 2. Oh, child of the kingdom. From sin service cease: Be filled with tho 3. De-filed is the temple, Its beau-ty laid low, On God's ho - ly pdz:^dbi-i=E^..i. L a^ztt -fcr-r ^ hardened. Of sin to re - jirove ; Fe-tist not the Spir - it, Nor 6pir - it, With com-fort and peace. Oh, j-nVre not the Spir-it^ Tliy al - tar The em-bers faint glow. By love yet re- kiu-dlcd, A i^u£^E3 1=5 '^m \—\~^ * lonp- er de- lay ; God's gracious entreatie8,^rny end with to-da^ Teacher is Ho, That Je-sus, thy Saviour. May glo-ri- fied be. flame may be fanned; Ohj^uencA not the Spirit, T'A^Z.ordt* n< hand. ■"b'irr^ No. 43. %\\t to-Kjs d §m\$. ** His children shall bave a place of refuge."— Pro v. 14 r 2B. Miss E C. Clephanb. P . fefefeda^fej Ira D. Sankky, by per. ^—^ — n-n \- — u tfzl: 1. Be- neath the Cross of Jo - bus I fain would take my stand — The ■\lz± ^V^l rr> I* ig=4^ P ^ s -L-r -H-4. t ^ 1- US ■ ^ - - — -^ as- Bha - dow of a might - y Rock, "With -in a wea- ry land. fe -! m. r^-i — t n ^=^ -1 — p*-j- —H ' — i-m- r i^- z> m homo with- in tho wil- der-ness, A rest np - on the "way, From tho f^-b^ It :t- 1 — tr-TT ^*:=e (Q-^ 4: tr-t i ^ ^ i :^ ^=il: --r^r bum- ing of tho noon- tide heat, And the bur - den of tho day. ;^ — ♦■^ r -» « la — ; — a 2 O safe and happy Bhclter, O refuge fried and sweet, O tryst ing-place where Heaven's love, And Heaven's justice meet 1 As to the Holy Patriarch That wondrous dream was given, So seems my Saviour's Cross to me, A ladder up to heaven. 3 There lies beneath its shadow, But on the further .side, Tho darkness of an awful grave Tlyat gapes both deep and wide ; And there between ns stands the Cross, Two arms outstretch to save, Like a watchman set to guard the way From that eternal grave. f^l — ^1— I Upon that Cross of Jesus, Mine eye at times can see The very dying form of One, "Who suffered there for me ; And from my smitten heart with teaiSi Two wonders I confess, — The wonders of His glorious love, And my own worthlcssness. I take, O Cross, Thy shadow, For my abiding place ; I ask no other sunshine ^ Than the sunshine of His face : Content to let tho world go by, To know no gain nor loss, — My sinful self, my only shama,^ My glory all the Cross. No. 44. ®be §icuf ^m^. " And they sung aa It were a now song before the throne."— Rev. H: 3. Rev. A. T. PiER-soK Allegretto fe3 P. P. Bliss, by per. 1 4 7:^-s=r 1, With harps and with vi - ols, there stands a great throng S ?-» I ^^^ •ff- I — r — t — ^r — r — t ty i u r In the pre - sence of Jo - sus, and sing this new song: :=t: '^mm Chorus. P i ri._.fc J 1 1. .^ • 1 1 Fd=4 i^ ^^ ^i=s-- sin, Un - to Hina bo the glo - ry for - ov - er. A - men. ^ J-^-\>< F .f- -r- 2 All these once were sinners, defiled in His sight. Now arrayed in pure garments in praise they unite. — Cho. 3 lie maketh the rebel a priest and a king, He hath bought us and taught us this new song to sing — Cho, 4 How helpless and hopeless we sinners had been, If He never had loved us till cleansed from our sin. ~C3ifl^ 6 Aloud in His praises our voices shall ring, So that others believing, this new song shall sing.— <7iow 4^ No. 45. Wim tk €tm. •* reace through the blood of HIb cross."— ColI/. 1 : 29. Fannt J. CnosnT. W. H. Doanib, by per. bfesfc: :!&: -h T^ -+- *-- f- ^=^: E^^3 1. Jc - sus. keep mc near the cross, There a pre-cions fount - ain 2. Near Ihe cros3, a trembling soul, Love andmer-cr found me: ■»~ ^- -»■ t yiEJ^^j— ^- 1 a^=at: Free to all — a heal- ing stream, Flows from Calvary's mountain. There the bright aud morn- ing star Sheds its beams a- round mc. ■9—r- -U, ^- ^*-H* i jtEZZJezik: ^^^ k^ I Chorus. 4^4- ^1^^^^ ^=i=^— ^ <^' In the Cross, in the Cross, Bo my glo ry ev er I — 1==^ — lSl= irtl T t- P ± =3 i^=I: ^=:jz^=z^J^: ^ ^^ ■:ii— 5^ ^^ li Till my rap - tured soul shall find Rest beyond the riv - er. I^^^fe^ ■4- S^-X ■j — r IP f^^^f-^^ -i H i 3 Near the Cross ! O Lamb of God, Bring its scenes before me ; Help me walk from day to day, With its shadows o'er mc — CAa, 4 Near the Cross IHl watch and wait| Hoping, trusting ever, Till I restch the golden strand, Jiut beyond the livcr.— CSfco. No. 46. Oil, ^ing tt §iijs |rtig1tty %mt. ••MlgUty to lave."— laxiAU C3: 1. Rev. Frank Bottomk, D.D. 1869. Wm. B. Bradburt, by per. ■ft- J"-- A-L^ J 1"— ^. J-J5 , _l_.v 1. Oh, bliss of the pn - ri -tied, bliss of the free, I plunge in the crimson tido 2. Oh, bliss of the pu - ri lied, Je - sus is mine. No longer in drcad-coudem- i^.^_i.--it=it=:ijff:r;ff:rjt::^ L-4 ^--fe4-fc •C- -L^ -I H^^ -^ 1 \ Ur-A r- tg: ^ o - pen'd for me; O'er sin and un-cleanness ex - nit -ing I stand, And -na-tion I pine; In conscious sal-va-tion I sing of IJis grace, Who '^ t- r r r-)r V 1 — r- I ! I Cnonus. -^— ilisL^ri point to the print of the nails in His hand. Ob, sing of His might/ love, iift • clb up-ou me the light of His face. rt<. T^^ ■^-7-~i— ^ ' f H Siog of His mighty love, sing of Ilis mighty love, Mighty to eave. -<^ 3 Oh, bliss of the purified I bliss of the pure! No wound hath the soul that His blood cannot cnre; No sorrow-bowed head but may sweetly find rest, No tears but may dry them on Jesus' brcMt. — Cko% 4 O Jesus the enicified ! The« will I sing, My blessed Redeemer, my God r.nd n»y King; My sonl, filled with rapture, shall shout o'er tho gnTiu And triumph la death in the " Mighty to save." — OUu -Ay No. 47. fat §m, Ph CWE *• Oh^ that I had wings like a dove, for then would I fly away, andb« at rest."— PsAJLM 4 : 6. m Mrs. Catherine Pennefather. 1863. Slow, and with expression. IKA D. Sankbt, by per. m ^I3S :=:^- :t H^ 1. Not now, my child, — a lit - tie more rough toss - ing, A 2. Not now ; for I have wanderers in the dis - tance, And 4:rfc —T^-m — -5>-- ^ 1^- =1^=^ — \- TJ. t: ± f»r i -j- fe^ ^^ p 1^ ::)*: 3i-=n^^n lit -tic ion - ger on the bil-lows' foam ; A few more jonrneyings thou must call them in with pa-tientlove; Not now, for I have =i:tr ^=tt- tr— [-- 4e=tE=^=tc q^rH^ hi. V -r- jy— ^-^-^=SeS3E =J!^ nl: :^^ /TV /CN -z^zi^Jzii^zzaL in the des ert darkness, And then, the sun-shine of thy Father's Home f sheep up-on the mountains, And thou must follow them where'er they rove. ■♦" •*- -^^ -^- ^ ^ l^-.-^ ^%=^--F=t t> L* U- :«::=;« 1- -*—-(<*- -.-^ 1ir::=|eizrj tr fc=e-: -H L_ g i 8 Not now ; for I have loved ones sad and weary ; Wilt thou not cheer thera with a kindly smile ? Sick ones, who need thee in their lonely sorrow ; Wilt thou not tend them yet a little while ? 4 Not now ; for wounded hearts are sorely bleeding, And thou must teach those widowed hearts to sing i Not now ; for orphans' tears are quickly falling, They must be gathered 'neath some sheltering wing, 5 Go, with the name of Jesus, to the dying. And speak that Name in all ita living power ; Why should thy fainting heart grow chill and weary ? Canst thou not watch with Me one little hour ? 6 One little hour ! and then the glorious crowning, The golden harp-strinjrs, and the victor's palm { One little hour! and then the hallelujah ! Eternity's long, deep, thanksgiving psalm 1 No. 48. 6itrij gay and ^touv. Farnt J. Crosby. Slowly. ** Cleanse me from my Bin."— Ps. 51: 2. "W. n. DOAXK, by p«T. IS i^f^^^gll] -^ -• ^ - bJ 1. Saviour, more than life to me, I nmrlinpinp, cliiifjing close toThee; 2. Thro' this chang;ing world below, Lead rae gcutly, gently as I |;o ; ♦— i — ^ ^^-H^-g^ il ^i^?ie Let Thy precious blood ap-plied, Keep me ev - er, ev - er near Thy side. Trusting Thee, I Civa- not stray, I can nev-er, nev-er, lose my way. feg^pg Refeain. I- ^^3; E 3z: Ev - ery day, *->-^ :5tE£ ev - ery hour, Let me ± 'S^ — "^ — V^ — ^ ± ^ f. Ev - ery day and hour, ev - ery day and hour, ^ — — N ^ P~-. 1 T^ fe, 1 f^ K 1 feel Thy cleansing power; May Thy ten - der love to me Bind me . fm^ms^ Let me love Thee more and more, Till this fleeting, fleeting life is o'er; clos - er, clos - er, Ix)rd, to Thee. Till my soul is lost in love, In a brighter, brighter world above. 1^-^ * ]» ^-- jm , 0-r^yi In a brighter, brighter worl •~^ W ' r "B2 yTTI ^f' ^^^^7 ^^y ^^^ hour, 40 No. 49. ®he ^il0ttrtmt53 (Sift. •' By grace are ye saved."— Era. 2 : 8. Dr. Philip Doddridge. Ira D. Sanket, by per. w 1. Grace! 'tis a charming sound, Har-mo- nious to the car; Heaven li ^^E^^^^^ i^=:^p -t^^-y- E^IiEE^^^ S=S= •i: 4- -^ =): :a|: * Tvitb the ech - o shall resound, And all the earth shall hear. '^Pr=^. T I m^ Rkfratn &; -^=r==^El:^^ Saved by grace a - lone, ^ W=)t This is all my plea ; •f*-' ^ w*. ^^ ^ ,1 i =:jr=:n-:-T-r— -»- I -nr- f. 'j?: rt — I — jj — + ;i)^ Je BUS died for all mankind, And Je - sua died for rae. i^ ) 1 ir=f 2 Grace first contrived a way To save rebellious man ; And all the steps that grace display, Which drew the wondrous plan. Eef. 3 Grace taught my roving feet To tread the heavenly road; And new supplies each hour I meet, While pressing on to God. Eef. 4 Grace all the work sh.'xll crown, Through everlasting daj's ; It lays in heaven the topmost stone, And well deserves our praise. Brf, no No. 50. ^rcdouji ^romijie. Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and preclouB promises."— 2 Pet. 1 : C Na^tr^vniel Nil.es. p. p. Bliss, by per. 1. ^W ^:4- Lsr ^^ tT 1. Pre- cious promise God h.ithgiv-cn 'I'o the nvc.i - ry pass - cr by, 2. ^Vhcutcmpta-tions al-niost win thoo, And ihy trust-ed ^atch-era llyj ^1 — I iJ^-'^F — F--r — tH- — • On llio vray from earth to heaven, "I ivillpiiidc thee with Mine ey©.** Let this promise ring witli-in thee, "I uill guide thee ^vith Mine eye." ! r ^. .^ . .f«. ^- wc- : -*- : J J ^. ?i — ►_ — ^. \ — r Refkain. i3t8=; ■f^ — ^ r- u I will guide thee, I will guide thee, I will guide theo withMineeye; ^ > '"^^ ' [ — I — 1 -^ . ^. .(•. .^. . .i^ LT--_t:- i-l n •*t: -=;^—\ 1- I 1 1 1 » k9 L- 1 P- I 1 1 1 1 1 1» » 1_- '■t 1- r— r -t — S- M-^f Refrain /T\ ::t -jX :::i=:^: i He lead-eth me! He lead-eth me ! By His own hand He leadeth me; I -^ -(ft- ^. .^ .^ -PL. _ ^ §^^ -I — h- ±: .(ft- -^. t: t X=^- f_. ^ ^ His faithful follower I would be, For by His hand Ho lead-eth me. n-- 3:: f t: tt — (- t. I 1 1 — /CN t \r r=f ^EtEiE^ I U 3 Lord, I would clasp Thy hand in mine, Nor ever murmur nor repine — Content, whatever lot I see, Since 'tis my God that leadeth me.— 5ef. 4 And when ray task on earth is done, When, by Thy grace, the victory's won, E'en death's cold wave I will not flee, Since God through Jordan leadeth me. — R^, No. 52. ^i'bfn ^cous tfomc!!. ** Unto them that look for Ilim shall He appear the second time, without sin, unto salvation. "—liKU. 9:28. p. P. Bliss. P. P. Bliss, by per. 1. Down life's dark vale we wander,Till Jesus comcs;We watch and wait and wonder, 2. Ob, let my lamp bo burningWbeu Jesus comes;For llim my soul be yearning. -* f«:^F^ ■h^ P Chorus. -Of ah tEE^^pi^ ■A—»- -9- (5»- Till Je - 6US comes. All joy His loved ones bringing,When Jesus comes* When Je - sus comes. ±i=^ I r ^1^ P^ ssi ^ H h -^—^ — -m — -9 — * 1- TT 9 S T All praise thro' heaven ringing,When Jesus comcs.All beauty bright and vernal, -1-^-4!^ M- t=i i g=P^£|^=5 ■9^—1^ n^ -'^ rt I r "When Je- sus comes ; All glo-ry, grand, e-ter-nal, When Je -sus comes. r m t t (2- r m 3 No more heart-pangs nor sadness, "When Jesus comes ; All peace and joy and gladness, When. Jesus comes. — Cho. 4 All doubts and fears will vanish, When Jesns comes -, All gloom His face will banish When Jesus comes. — Cho. 5 He'll know the way was dreary, When Jesus comes ; He'll know the feet grew weary, When Jesus comes. — Cho. 6 He'll know what griefs oppressed ma, When Jesus comes; Ob, how His arms will rest mel When Jesus comes. — Cho, No. 53. ^bitc ajs ^nm. •• Come now, and let us reason foprether, salt.h the Lord : though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow."— Isa. 1 : IS. Words by L. N. P. P. BLisa, by per. ^^^m^ T -r'^W m I 1. What! "lay my sins on Je - sus?" God's well -be -lev- cd Son! r^ ■4- r s> m ^^=^ I f J S- i :#^ ::; <5^ i ^Efe^ No I 'tis a truth most pre - cions, That God e'en Viat has done. m S^E fe? P I I I ^g Chorus. i^ tj^Mi ±=:fe 1^ ^ Hal-le- lu S^i ^-i'W^ jah, Je - BOS saves me, He makes me "white as snow." r Fi J ^-=^- V? g i=%-e^fi 1 i-ju -I- - jah, Je-8U8 saves me, He makes me "whitens snow.*' t: Yea, 'tis a truth most prcciou9| To all who do believe, Qod laid our sins on Jcsns, Who did the load reoeire. — C^. 3. What ? " bring our pnilt to Jesusf* To wash away our Ftainn ; The act is passed that freed ns. And noQght to do remains- — C^ No. 54. ^U5t as 3f iim. ^, §1. •' nim that Cometh to Mo, I will In no wIbc cast out."— JoHW 6: ST. Miss Charlotte Elliott, I83J, Wm. R. Bkadbury, by per. 1. just as I am, with out one plea, Bnt that Thy blood WM shed for me, :t - — r~~~f ' ' 1- ^ «^:^=i:^: ^^zsz^-i^; i=i=.ris^-^m -u ::T SS And that Thou bidd'st me come to Thcc, O Lamb of God! I come, I come! :f: :^ -^ . Ji^ -^-^-^ .0.-^ — r~^-^5>_i^_'^_ ±-t ->— - I +- 2 Jast as I am. and wnitinfr not To rid Hiy soul of one dark blot, [spot, To Thee, whose blood can cleanse each O Lamb of God I I come, I come I 8 Just as I am, thouf^h tos.sed about, With many a conflict, many a doubt, Figlitings and fearu within, without, 0 Lamb of God I I come, I come I 4 Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind. Sight, riches, hcalinc: of the n)ind, Yea, all I lu'ed. in Thee to find, O Lamb of God ! I come, I comet 5 Just as T am ; Thou wilt receive. Wilt welcnnie. pardon, cleanse, reliero; Because Thy promi.se I believe, O Lumb of God! I come, I comol No. 55. 'To-day If ye will hear His voice."— PsA. 95: 7. Rev. 8. F. Smith. -U-4 ^^^^ r Dr. L. Masow, 185L j-_ I I , i ,„|-,-4-H— ,-- 1- !g i?jjl ■^ ^-1: ^iiS§ 1. To-day the Saviour calls: YcwandVerscome; O, ye benight-ed soub, p^iSlB 2 To-day the Saviour calls : Oh, listen now: Within these sacred walls Why longer roam? To Jesus bow. g; -I ^=^ <*— - — Tl 3 To-day the Saviour calls :zz:H For refuge fly ; The storms of justice fall% And death is nigh. 4 The Spirit wills to-day : Yield to II is power; Oh. grieve Him notawaj 'Tia mercy's bcmr. Ho. 56. Wtt ^xa\ Wlnpmm. •* Is there no balm in Gllead; Is there no physician there?"— Jer. 8 : 22. Rev. Wm. Hunter, 1842. Arr. by Rev. J. H. Stockton, gfefeSE:;^^^ ;UZ_^ :!5: — I ^ a\ -m- m ^- q5I -«H 1. The great Phy-si - cian now ia near, The sym - pa - thiz - ing l-biiOizjE; Bri£ :t- :|ei=:|e: m: ^^§ Sil^ ^ — • p fe J^pi :S=^S ^EE? d=^d Je - sus: He speaks the drooping heart to cheer, Oh, hear the voice of T L4- ^■eS^%eeh:-e^ V 1 j — ^4 k 1— ■E0-T — ^ Chorus. H^ — r^-"= r-4?5 Sr—^^ t f=M^ Je - BUS. "Sweetest note in ser - aph song, Sweetest name on ^=j?.zz=t ■V-- :± ^-4 i.:Ef=iE*lIs mor-tal tongae,Sweete8tcar - ol ev - er sung, Je-sus, hless-ed Je - sns." ^'^: ;S 2 Your many sins are all forgiven, Oh, hear the voice of Jesus ; Go on your way in peace to heaven, And wear a crown with Jesno. 3 All plory to the dying Lamb t I now believe in Je.-ius ; I love the blessed Saviour's name, I love the name of Jesus. 5 Come, brethren, help me sing His praise, Oh, praise the name of Jesus ; Come, sisters, all your voices raise, Oh, bless the name of Jesus. 6 His name dispels my gnllt and fear, No other name but Jesus : Oh, how my soul delights to hear The precious name of Jesus. 4 "n)(. children too,l)oth great and small, 7 And when to that bright world above, Who love the name of Jesns, We rise to see onr Je-sns, May now accept the gracious call To work and live for Jesus." We'll sing around the throne of love His name, the name of Jesus. no No. 57. ^wbjitituttatt. *• He was wounded for our transgressions."— TsAiAn SS : 5. Mrs. A. R. Ck)USiN. Ira D. Sankey, by p9». rt7z4 I i 1. O Christ, what burdens bowed Thy licad! Our load was laid on Thee; Thon 2. Death and the curse were iu our cup — O Christ, 'twas full lor Thee; Bat t^R-t ^ ICTljE-- Efer-^rff^-f^g^fegE^i^^j rt T ■=1- t=t^ sr-i — ^ — ' 8too N N Jp^— «i t^:^ 1. Oh, to be o - ver yonder! In that land of won-der, Where th© 2. Oh, to be o - ver yon - der ! My yearning heart grows fonder Of 4^- -^ 1^ -i^^ r=f=f m a dr=i f>:=e 3 an - pel vol- ces min-gle, And the an- gel harpers ring; To be look-ing to the east, to see the bless-ed day-star bring Some !^^V^=F^ W "i — r F=^^=^ »i • ^ — « ^^- rest in light and sunshine In the pres-cnce of the King, heart is yearn-ing — yearn-ing for the com - ing of the King. w-^ ^-rr^-^F t 3 Oh, to be over yonder ! Alas ! I sigh and ^voIlde^ Wliy clings my poor, weak, sinful heart to any earthly thing ; Each tie of earth must sever, And pass away for ever; But there's no more separation in the presence of the King. t m A Oh, when shall I be dwelling Where angel voices, swelling In triumphant hallrlnjahs, make the vaulted heavens ring? Where the pearly gates arc gleam- ing, And the morning star is beaming? Oh, when shall I be yonder in the preo" cnce of the King ' 5 Oh, when shall T be yonder? j 6 Oh I shall soon be jonJer, The longinj^ groweth stronger I And lonely as I wander, To Join in all the praises the redeemed Yearuin;; lor the welcome aummer— long- cues do sin;; ing for the bird's tleet winfr, Within those heavenly places, The midni;4lit may be dreary, Where the angels vail their faces, And the heart be v.orn and weary, In awe and adoration in the presence of jBut there's no more shadow yonder, in tho King. 1 the presence of tho King. No. 59. f am ^ami»0 to the Cvu,!5.si. " Illm that comcth to Mo I will In no wise cast out."— John C : 37. Rov. Wm. McDonald. Wm. G. Fischer, by per. 1. I am com-ing to the cross; I arapoor, and weak, and blind; I am Cho. — / am trust -inffy Lord^ in Thee, Blest Lamb of Cal - va - ry f Ilum-bly r r :^ ^^^-: count - ing all at Thy cross ^M -^- -z:^ ij: but dross, / how, T^ I shall full Save me, Jc ^ sal va sui, save tion find. VIC now. ^--^^Ff--^— r-^::^J 2 Long my heart has sighed for Thee, liOng has evil reigned within ; Jesus sweetly speiiks to me, — "I will cleanse you from all sin. Cho. S Here I give my all to Thee, Friends, an(l time, and earthly store; Soul and bo V t—r P- ■!•-- -»• — » — !» 1^-*-1»- -u— t^-- u- ^ f i?: _!—_,_ -S^f^- ^=-^E tx,-J^- Sife^. n7. -\- — I- :4^-:it.-r;|s=! iSj ^:i---r>^-S:j;S4 When cnrtjxin'd by night, Go tell it to Jc - sus, And all will be right. He sheds on the way ; He'll lighten thy burden, Go, weary one, pray. 3 Hearts growing a-weary With heavier woe Now droop 'mid the darkness — Go comfort them, go ! Go bury thy sorrow.s, Let others be blest ; Go give them the sunshine; Tell Jesus the rest. Ol No. 62. (flume U i\\i ^iwmx. Geo. F. Root. EarneMly. ^/Ek=x=^ •* Make a Joyful noise unto God, all ye lands."— Psalm ^ : L Geo. F. Root, by per. ^H^ZL-^IIg T -Jzta^ -g r 1. Come to the Suv - iour, make no dc - lay ; Hero in His word He'd W^- x u 1^ T I -^-a- -I i — I — ^ — -4 j- hc~- ^ — p- X £ shown us the way ; Here in our midst He's standing to-day, Tenderly eaying "Come!" ■I — >—*-' >-- g a t CnoRus. Joy-fal, joyful will the meeting be, When fromsiu our hearts are pure and free, |d?-t— trrt^t- I I |-t7 -?— i»— S^-S— ^ .E=£-P-^- -^-H2- t— li^— »~— U _i^_^__ 1^ u i/ 1/ ~r :fe^3 J: ft- ^Ti33 #-i^ is :^ ^(=s-ri -^ 3^3z:«|: iisLzgztizz^l .^_4,_ :^: And we shall gath-er, Sav-iour, with Thee, In our c - tcr - nal home. f 2. "Suffer the ehildren!" Oh, hear His voice, IjCt pv'ry heart leap forth and rejoice. And let us freely make Him our choice ; Do not delay, but come. — Cho. Think once again, He's with us to-day; Heed now His blest commands, and obey; Hear now His accents tenderly say, "Will you, my children, come?" — Cbok G%i No. 63. § ^uv ®hij Wdfomc <0lff. " Come unto Mo, all yo th.it Jribor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest."— Matt. 11 : '2S. R«v. L. IlARTSouan. Rev. Lewis IlARTSOucn, by per. ^^^ I u I I 1. I hear Thy welcome voice That calls me, Lord, to Thoe For 2. Tho' com - iiig weak and vile, Thou dost my strcDgth assure ; Tlioa F^-e=^ p — ^ — clcans-inf; in Thy pre-cioiis blood That flowed on Cnl - va - ry. dost my vile-ness ful ly cleanse, Till apot - less all and pure. ^TSHj Sjiz:^ r^ ^-:Efef; £ i ' 1 ! -* — -^ • > U U Chort\s. UHORT^.S. . K t J l'?iBi am com - ing Lord ! Com - ing now to Thee ! n!^ if^- 7?: H?:' ■^" m t ^ :tr: :^ Wash rae, cleanse me, in the blood That flowed on Cal - va - ry. m — ♦- 3 Tis Jesus calls me on To perfect faith and love, To perfect hope, and peace, and trust, Fot earth and heaven above. 4 'Tis Jesus who confirms The blessed work within, By adding grace to welcomed grace, Where reigned the power of sin. 5 And He the witness pivcs To loyal hearts and free, That every promise is fulfilled, If laith but brings tho plea. G All bail, atoning blood ! All hail, redeeming grace! All hail, tho Gift of Christ, our Tx)rd, Our Strength and Righteousness) Ro. 64. ^ ^imm got^mn. " He said unto her, thy sins are forgiven."— Luke 7 ; 48. JKBEMIAH J. Callauan. Arr, by I, B. WoODnunT. 1. To the hall of the feast came the sin- ful and fair; She heard in the 2. The frown and the murmur went round thro' them all, That one so un- i» ^- t^^^jr^- H^H*^, !* ■V 1^— ^\ L^ L« — I r^L^iLij^ :g^rj-g cit - y that Je - sus was there; Un- heed - ing the splendor that hallowed should tread in that hall ; And some caid the poor would be I . i^i^. ■ r u I i^h- m^ » ^ r f s -«^ d^ ^=a4=-^ :i=iit -4^ qszrt: -al— ' — 1^* — ^ :^ blazed on the board, She si - lent - ly knelt at the feet of the ob-jects more meet. As the wealth of her perfume she shower'd on His. f ■m^^^=^^K 1 . ^ -h«— • — I -m- rs\ '«' ^^ ^5^ Lord, feet, 'T I She si - lent - ly knelt at the feet of the Lord. As the wealth o^ her per- fume she shower'd on His feet. 3 She heard but the Saviour; she spoke but with sighs; She dare not look up to the heaven of His ej'es ; And the hot tears gush'd forth at each heave of her brcaat; As her lips to His sandals were throbbingly pressed. 4 In the sky, after tempest, as shineth the bow, — In the glance of the sunbeam, as melteth the snow He looked on that lost one : " her sins were forgiven," And the sinner went forth in the beauty of heaven. No. 65. ^ti the ^m(x pghta ht ^m\m% " Let your ll>?ht so shine before men, that they may see your good works, aad glorify your Father which Is In heaven."— Matt. 5 : 10. P. P. Bliss. P. P. Bliss, by per. 1. Bright! J lu'aras our Father's mcr- cy From Hislight-hou.se cv - er- )±^E^^=^ 'i>-4^-^ r-p t — r^ fc=t m F^f-n- ■^ ' ^^ii-i^ii3 Srr^^iT^ -1 I ^1 more, But to us He gives the keeping Of the lights along the shore. 135^: B £: V xz=tr=:t= -t- 1/ b^ b^ tk— >- f i CnoRUs. ■f- S.U=S.U=--h.^, ^ — -•M— I — d-^ — ' 1 1 1 :4^: Let the lower lights be burning! Send a gleam across the wave! Some poor f^ -1^ - _____ J" J^^-^ .^ ^ — .—j \ faint - ing, struggling sea- man; You may res-cue, you may save. I;i ? — i^-- t i=^=t: :^-* £ -i»- It: f I 2 Dark the night of sin has settled, Loud the angry billows roar; Eager eyes are watching, longing, For the lights along the shore. — CTio, 8 Trim your feeble lamp, my brother : Some poor sailor tempest-tost, Trying now to make the harbor, In the darkueaa rnay be lost — Cha, .ei5 No. 66. ^^ijsltiug, §io|nw9, ^noitiug. " My beloved is mine, and I am His."— Songs of Solomon 2 : 16. P. P. Bliss. p. p. Bliss, by per. -^ — >— 5 i=d^=^4 -1^^-^ ■^=:=^ -5—^ i 1. A loug time I wandered in darkness and sin, And wondered if ev- er the 2. I heard the glad gospel of'good willtomen;" Iread"who-so-ev-er" a- #.^Z^ ^ h N ^ r-# -4— > — y -v--f F=>=*F=>=t^ ■> — >—^ TT — i^zJ — "5^-2-^- .-fe^* — -H— 2— '•-L -• — -J — ^1- -p^ — :r| — pH"- -»-■= — ♦— light would shine in; I heard Christian friends tell of rap-ture di - vine. And -gain and a- gain; I said tomy soul, "Can that promise be thine?"And I I ^ ^ 1^ w Chorus :zi s_ wish'd; how I wish'd, that their Saviour were mine. I wish'd He were mine, yes, I then be-gan hop - ing that Je- sua was mine. I hoped He was mine, yes, I -rJ-4 Hft. -*-t*^. -(*- -♦- ^ wish'd He were mine; I wish'd, how I wish'd, that their Saviour were mine, hoped he was mine; I then be-gan hop- ing that Je- sus was mine. 3 Oh, mercy surprising. He saves even me ! " Thy portion forever," He says, " will I be," On His word I'm resting— assurance divine — I'm " hoping" no longer — I know He is mine ! Chorus. — I know Ho is mine, yes, I know He is mine ; I'm *' hoping " no longer — I know He is mine! No. 67. ^mm. (t, |«. g. •• Thine eyes shall behold the land that is very far off."— Tsa. 33 : 17. Rev. I. Watts. ' Geo. F. Root, by per. z^: =t ^=«=*= 1:?^=^ T- r~c *~^ 1. f Tliore i3 a land of pure delight, Whcresaintsim-nior - tal reign; ) |e - tcr - nal day excludes the night, And pleasures ban - ish pain.) f^ v=^ VT n =3=F=?: -i=F>b Tiiere ev - er- last - ing spring a-bides, And nev- er-with-'ring flowers; -1 — '«r-T- D Death, like a nar - row sea, divides This heavenly land from ours. fer-t r 1] g- 2 Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood Stand dressed in living green ; So to the Jews old Canaan stood, While Jordan rolled between. Could we but climb where Moses stood. And view the landscape o'er, [flood. Not Jordan's stream, nor death's cold Should fright us from the shore. No. 68. BATHBUN. 8s & 7S, Key C. 1 In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o'er the wrecks of time All tlie light of sacred story, Gathers round its head sublime. 2 When the woes of life o'crtake me, Hopes deceive and feaYs annoy, Never shall the cro.ss forsake me ; Lo ! it glows with peace and joy. 3 Wlien the sun of bliss is beaming Light and love upon my way, From the cross the radiance streaming, Adds new luster to the day. 4 Bain and blessing, pain and pleasure, By the cross are sanctified ; Peace is there, that knows no mea.sure, Joys that through all time abide. No. 69. ^!l M^ ^mt "For yet a little while and He that shall come ■will come, and will not tarryi"— Heb. 10: 37. Rev. Ed. H. Bickersteth. -4- t^-T -I 1 (2^ ■I — ^ (9- ^ T-^ -\--m- Dr. LoTTELL Mason, 1840. -4— fi^ i I ^^5 I f 1. " 'fi/l lie cojue r^ — Oh, let the words Liiig-er on the trembling chords; D. C. Let us think, how heav'n and home Lie beyond that "r<7^ He come!'* 2. Wlien the wea - ry ones we love En-ter on that rest a - bove. D. C. Hushlbe ev - ery murmur dumb. It is on-ly "Till He come P ^-. i^ii^^iii ^=S: -- W— -U*' u H»" 1 ^- & i^- I ] Let the "lit-tle while" be- tween "When the words of love and cheer In their golden light be seen : Fall no long-cr on our ear, II I5r47- Clouds and darkness round us press ; Would we have one sorrow less? All the sharpness of the cross, All that tells the world is loss. Death, and darkness, and the tomb, Pain us only " Till He come !" See the feast of love isspread, Drink the wine and eat the bread ; Sweet memorials, till the Lord Call us round His heavenly board, Some from earth, from glorv some, Severed only '* Till He corner' No. 70. "Tcvr'"- 1 llow solemn are the words, And yet to faith liow plain. Which .lesns uttered while on earth- *' Ye mu.st be horn again /" 2 '* Ye must be horn again .'" For so hath God decreed ; No reformation will suffice — *Tis life poor sinners need. 2 "Yc must, he bom again ! " And life in (/hru^t must have; Ir vain the soul may elsewhere go— 'Tia lie alone can save. " Ye must be bom again .'" Or never enter heaven ; 'Tis only blood-washed ones are there, The ransomed and forgiven. Anon. Nn 74 ORTONVILLH. C. M. l'^' /*• Key Vh. 1 How sweet the name of Jesus sounda In a believer's car: It soothes Ilissorrow.s, heals His wounds, And drives away His fear. 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole, And caluisthe troubled breast; 'Tis manna to the hungry soul, And to the weary, rest. 3 Dear Name, the Rock on which I bui>d My shield and liiding-place; My neverfailing treasure, filled With boundless stores of grace. 4 Jesus my Shepherd, Saviour, Friend, My rroj)hct, Priest, and King, My Lord, my Life, My ^Vay, my End. Accept the praise I bring. 6 I would Thy boundless love proclaim With every fleeting breath ; So shall the music of Thy n.ame Refresh my soul in death. Rev. JouN Newtoit, OS No. 72. Mlxt ^^•fciouJS ^amc " And blessed bo Ills glorious namo for ever."— PsA. 72 : 19. Mrs. Ltdia Baxter. W. II. Doane, by per. ^ :^'-^^.^ ^ ^- ->L-.- '^^ ^E^Z:-i^tEi±^: ^^ .] 1, Take the name of Je -sus with you, Child of sor-row and of woe — 2. Take the name of Je-sus cv - er, As a sliield from every snare ; \£±: P -F 1 ( ;— I 1 ;-| P=fe2= ^ r I '^ Oh' It will joy and com-fort give you, Take it then where'er you go. If temp- tations 'round you gather, Breathe that ho - ly name in pray'r. S^^Sfe-fe I I ^- ^X^ s,.*.. Cnonrs. N — -, wsm Precious name, <§"- O how sweet ! ::&; ^-at 4 1 :^r{!^r-*-*- --t- — k— 1 Precious name, Hopeof earth and joy of -5?^ ^ O how sweet! P rST^ ~? heav'n, Precious name, O how .sweet — Hopeof earth and joy of heav'n. iz ,t£±ft Precious name, O how sweet, how sweet, 3 Oh ! the precious name of Jesus ; How it thrills our souls with joy, "When His loving arms receive us,^ And Hia songs our tongues employ! Cho. 4 At the namo of Jesus bowing, Falling prostrate at His feet, King of kings in heav'n we'll crown Him, When our journey is complete. Cho. OO No. 73. "ft fasseth l^nmddgt" "The love of Christ, which passeth knowledge."— Epii. 3: 19. Mary Shekleton Ira D, Sankey, by per. ^^^PS^^P s — *" 1. It pass-eth knowledge ! that dear love of Thine, My Je - sus! Sav-iour! ^ &^= :4=i^=*i as h'-^^ --4-^ -ift-^. t E^- -v—\ r\ k IN N ,v . 1 1 lU V S ^^^ S . SI J — ^ al— 1^ '^ -\ — J — -t -N W a — ■2-irt*i — -• 1 . g i+-v-^ — 1 * — ♦ 2- I*—:— i=^ Yet this soul of mine Won] AV ,♦ ^ 1* ^ 1* • 1 id of that love, in all its depth and length, Its ^^ — "T" "i?l— "i^^^i^l— 1^-^ «- J— I Hi^l| Si->— V— iir->- -&r . ^- -U-r— (• H J^ * i^ -i*-^ !^ 1^ 1/ y- h-^^ ^^ > 1/ ^ '/ 1 1/ l '^ V m d= =^ — h -(* m^- -&- -fs=^ ii 1 — f height, and breadth, and ev - er - last-ingstrength, Know more and more. I'J^ JUL. J" ^ J^ 1^ JZ. ^.. 1 1 W- 1 1 iil r— b»5- ^^IS ::=f: t -y — y- eE :^ :^-:rr t \ It passeth telling! that dear love of Thine, My Jesns ! Saviour ! Yet tiiese lips of mine Would fain proclaim to sinners, far and near, A love which can remove all guilty fear, And love beget. It passeth praises ! tliat dear love of Thine, My Jesus! Saviour! Yet this heart of mine Would sin<^ a love so rich, so full, so free, Which brouj^lit an undone sinner, such as Kight home to God. [me, 4. But, ah ! I cannot tell, or sing, or know The fulness of that love whilst here below; Yot my pf)()r vessel I may freely bring, 0 Thou, who art of love the living spring. My vessel fill. 'TO I am an empty vessel ! scarce one thought Or look of love to Tliee I've ever brought, Yet, I viay come, and come again to Thee With this— the contrite sinner's truthful ^^Thou lovest we / " Qilea— Oh \ fill me, Jesus! Saviour! with Thy love! May woes butdrive me to the fount above ; Thithermay lin childlike faith draw nigh, And never to another fountain iiy, But unto Thee! And when, my Jesus ! Tliy dear fiicc I see, When at Thy lofty throne I bend the knee, Then of Thy love — in all its breadth and length, [strength — Its height, and depth, and everlasting My soul shall sing. No. 74. m, U ht iTothing. " Neither Is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth."— 1 Cor. 3: 7. Georoiana M. Taylor, 1S69. R. Geo. IIai.ia Arr. by P. P. Bliss. Very sluic. ^ rzrs: :Sz-"i*' 2T^*^ :i ^^^ s.%5-^ 1. Oh, to be nothing, noth - ing, On - ly to lie at His feet, t: (J :4:=^^ ^ '- H— 4-— L2- r-:=Pt ^.-Tile^^r.jezzjeTjnK ^ \^ ^ ^ Clio. O/i, /o 6e nothing, noth- ing^ \^ V ^ ^ ^ ^ On - ly to lie at Ills fed, $m Fixe. 1^ — i-^ — I 1 — ■^-a — ' A broken and emptied vcs - sol, For the ^las - tcr's use made meet. ~i- -+- -< — h,- ■I 1- :izl^-i^d:^zzi^ ^J-M=.^ :^— — t- i ^ broken and emptied ves- selj For the Jlas - ter^a use made meet. N -1 1 — — ti « Nj ■^ 1^=^— I i-h— 1 h* — 1^ — I— ai 1 l^:r— t 7-1 f-— 2zz2ii2z^2z:^z:i-Mzi5zi2±i±ii3 Emptied that He might fill me As forth to ilis ser-vice I go; p5 r* 1^ fi r - -^ -^^- -^ -^ r r r r r te=:?t:i^-aj-iii=:a|irp!r^ :^- -I (- -^ — l^ — l^- H: ■■0> — ^ — «- »_L| — :xj 1 |-~1 D. C. CnoRUS. Broken, that so un-hiu -dored, Uis life through me might flow 1^^ r ^r .iii:3«|r^z:rrrtii±:=t=t: I- ^TN :t |e-iff ^^ 2 Oh, to be nothing, notliing, Only as led by His liaiid ; A messenger at His gateway, Only waiting for His command, Only an instrument ready His praises to sound at His will, Willing, should He not require me, In silence to wait on Him still. Cho. -I — I- >-- tr :y. m. m Oh, fobe nothing, notliing, Painful the humbling may be, Yet low in the dust I'd lay me That the world might my Saviour see Rather be nothing, nothing, To Him let our voices be raised, He is the Fountain of blessing, He only ia meet to be praised. Cho* No. 75. ^Imojst fctjsiuattd. " Almost Thou persuadast me to be a Christian.**— Acts 26: 28, P. P. Bliss. P. p. Bliss, by per. I=i :i J . ^ 1. " Al - most per - suad - ed" Now to be - lieve; 2. " Al - most per - suad - ed '' Come, come to - day ; *§-:^ —8^- -I — ;|c:^ fe^ «-i^ " Al - most per - suad - ed " Christ *to " Al - most per - suad - ed " Turn not I I I I -X — ^— — i- H^- -^ lir ■+- re - ceive ; a - way ; -»- — h i- ^ — -J- — g -^-K-jr-^::J :fc=i ~9 ^1 Seems now some soul to say, "Go, Spir - it, go Thy way, Je - BUS in - vites you here, An - gels are lingering near, I 113?: _i •Hi -d -^- T- p^sp; -mm t * /TS 4- ■4- A- gm ¥ =^=S: Rome more con - ven - lent day On Thee I'll Prayers rise from hearts so dear : O wanderer, j — «— 1 1 — r-1 call.'* come. -> — f^ t I- '^ VAr/ x-\ 3 "Almost persuaded," harvest is past ! " Almost persuaded," doom comes at last I " Almost " rail not avail ; "Almost" is but to fail! Sad, sad, that l)itter wail— "Almost— 7>//f/o8<.''' No. 76. ^ullvj |Vtjsu«(tci " Believe on the Lord Jesus Cbrlst and thou shall be Raved."— Acts 10 : 31. Rev. J. B, AxcniNSOX. Wm. F. SiiERwiN, by per. .— j J -f-r- — h i^^^^ 3 1. Fal - ly per - 8ua — ^ 3. Fully persuaded, no more oppreet, Fully persuaded, now I am blest : Jesus is now my Guide, I will in Clirist abide ; My soul is satisfied In Him to rest 1 4. Fully persuaded, Jesus is mine; Fully persuaded, Lord, I am Thine! O make my love to Thee Like Thine own love to me, So rich, so full and free, Saviour divine I r3 No. 77. ^mti §iour at ^rajtcr. i ** Evening, and morning, and at noon will I pray."— Psalm 4 : 17. Rev. W. W. Walfobd, 1846. Wm. B. BRAOBUnr 1859. J — ^ ^ Slow ¥ '^t^-i 1. Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer'. That calls me from a D. C. And oft es- caped the tempter's fenare, By thy re -turn, sweet 'r -t» h :t=r. ^- /"TS :T^ world of care, And bids me at my Fa-ther's throne Make hour of prayer, And oft es-caped the tempter's snare, By S" ■f- -4*- ■■>— P £ ^ ±^J^ N 1 FlNI ... ._..J r "^ 1 ^ — — u — •, — — ^-l 1 — ^~-'-i 1— ... .^ —j Nr- M -1— ~~~~" r» 1— 1 ^ ^ Ni -V— SOUS of 11 ar th 7-T?it — - — I my y re - 9 |» wants and turn, sweet 9 wi hoi sh ur - es known : In of prayer! — = rr— ♦ — sea - dis- &-H-^ 1 — — 1 m — 1 — (■ 4^- [ — -1 • 1 — — 1 ? — 1 __ , * — i — ^ — 1 !!_^. > H ^- ? — h *^-^ - '- — \^ — — 1 * -ad ^ H^ I). C. -■•1- =^ tress and grief, My soul has oft : en found re - lief; t :^=trt "--t- V- Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of I)rayer ! Thy wirif^s si mil my petition hear To Ilirii wliose truth and faitlifulncss Enpaj^e the waitinj; soul to bless. And since He bids nie seek His face, Believe His word, aii — i^-EE — r- t— t ■I r- -t 1- t:: -«»- -j^ m -f- R— I t_^— L r- h5 m Je - flus Christ the First and Last, He saves, and He a - lone li^^t: ± :p :t==t ^ 2 One only door of heaven Stands open wide to-day, One sacrifice is given, 'Tis Christ, the living way. — CAo. 3 My only song and story Is — Jesus died for me ; My only hope of glory, The Cross of Calvary.— C^ No. 79. mm m^n the fmmi mt ? " Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."— Gal, 6 : 7. Mrs. Emily S. Oakey, 1S50. Alt. P. P. Bliss, by per. ir r:l^z^^[zq^q5ar £E5=atii^^i H ^ >=F -j^iT^—J: ±*-i*?*=i5 1. Sowing the seed by the dayliglit fair, Sowing the seed by the noon-day glare, 2. Sowing the seed by the wayside high, Sowing the seed on the rocks to die, 3. Sowing the seed of a lingering pain, Sowing the seed of a maddened brain, -^^^-' ^^^ --^-■wt m qs: >-[- ^ H^-il^ is=fc=&:d=i=:t^ -^__^- m Sowing the seed by the fad-ing light, Sowing the seed in the solemn night; Sowing the seed where the thorns will spoil, Sowing the seed in the fer-tile soil ; Sow-ing the seed of a tarnished name, Sowing the seed of e - ternal shame? i^ m ^J :3=7 /T\ §i^^^J -iH=-^ '-'—f^-^- ] $ Oh, what shall the harvest be? Oh, what shall the harvest be?. /TN /7\ p|^Ei|ii5f^g^^^^ r— r /T\ 1 W. i~^ — yi m ■»* ro mM mn the ^mmi gc?-(!:oMcludd. Chorus. Sown.... in the dark - ncss or sown in the %J \ \ \ \ -m- ' t I I I I -9- "'111 Sown in tho darkness or sown in the light, Sown in thedarkness or ^^^- ^ z^i^n=^ ^^ tE light,. Sown in our weak -+■ -f- \^ \^ ^ ^ • - ness or ^i^5^ ^ I* i» * sown in the light, Sown in our weakness or sown in our might, ^ sown in our might, Galh - ered in time or e !. r I. I. I t.^ b' ' ^ ^ i^ U U Sown in our weakness or sown in our might, Gath - ered in time or e- I I I b^ ^ ^ ^ b" U' I ^ V' ^ -i^ ^^ £ - ter ni - ty. Sure, ah, sure will the har- - - -vest be. Ir-I '^ r> I .1 /TV -ter-ni - ty, Sure, ah, sure ^Till the har - - vest, harvest he. £3^:^^ I- — ^■ tf — €- vj r H 1- M- 4 Sowing the seed with an aching heart, Sowing the seed while the tear-drops start, Sowing in hope till the reapers come, Gladly to gather the harvest home: Oh, what shall the harvest be ? Oh, what shall the harvest be? No. 80. Shcrc b ^\it Ut a ^(foh " Look unto Me and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth."— Tsatah 45: 22. Amelia M. Hull.. Rev. E. G. Taylor, by per. 1. There is life for a look at the Ci'q - ci -lied One, There is 4— V- ■I— -i^ rf^ i^—ir life at this moment for thee; Theu look, sinner, look unto Him and be saved, Unto ^T TT— I ! 1?— ' — • 1 ^ -(5>--H 1— H (-■ -V— U»- "F i^-t^ Refrain. ^— « 1 1 -(!5«- -r-^- ^^^ :± lEjES^^iE Ilim who was nailed to the tree. Look! look! look and live! There is \i/ ^ life for a look at the Cru-cified One, There is life at this moment for thee. 2 Oh, why was He there as the Bearer of sin, If on Je^sus thy guilt was not laid ? Oh, why from Tlis side flowed tlic sin- cle;inHin — g— S^-u- ^ f^' fed: *•- If lz:^^iS=.li .J^_^-r-^. H h I -^l-T-^— ^ 1 r HP g:- back -ward they falL Sure- ly the Captain may de-pend on me, -:-H«— ^, 1 — i^—a "U ±^-t=C: ^ ?«-r^ 1 1- ■'-r~r ^ -(2. fc: 6^ U -I ^ rr— t — I— ' dr J, 1 r t-n :^-=ii.-rzii-S----S. Though but an armour-bear - er I may be. Sure-ly the Captain may de- -<^ — m- .0t m- -I f- b* — V — k^ — w^ -1 1— - bl h .^'.^0L-^ «— f« t=:t::^=:t=t T t" ^ P" V pg l^ U - pend on me, Though but an ar - mour- bearer I mny be. Ro. 83. ?«n for the f horf. •"iy. if &&▼ flBftn hp >. tJ • ±4 * « S P. P. FTTsa. * g re; old thlnea mre paaed :Lr otrri salraUoc wiUi Hear and P. P. Brrss. bv per. JS ^_^ ■** — -^ — *.■ ^ L Lijht iz ihe dirkress. sail - or, day is si band! See o'er the iamadn^ ^^ £ ■a^ i ^ g ?: c -' ^ " — ^ ^ bil - lcr^3 fair Hi-rai'-s lajsd, ]>rear was the tot - age, &iil - or. ? — I g Sa i ^^ ^ -^ >- -«^ — f- ^ ^ B07 al- moot iT'er, Safe witb^B thcliJL Iwat, «il- or, pall Sor theAore. ^ i s^* Et -^ / ^ w« 5?uU for the ^hort.— ^cndudd Chobus. . - ^ Poll for ihe shore, e:^. - cr. poll fur the eLcitc. i g : — ^ ^g '** """^ ^ ' -^ r- ^ ^^ ^—1 He*d Eot the roll - ing ttjt.js, but bend to the oar. /m' "* ^ ^ • # * ^ ^ * ' ^ -p ^ i^ ^ ii, —J 7 ^- --»=S: ^ 5 1^ 3 Lc-ave the poor old stranded wreck, ax>d puU for ihe shore. n 2 Trust in the life-boat, sailor, all eke will £ul. Stronger the snrfies daah and i5eirer tbe gale. Heed not the stonriT winds, thongb loadlj they roar: Watch the " bright and morning star,^ and poll £ir the Pull for the shore, &c. S Bncht gleatns the morning, sailor, np lift the ere ; Clonds and darkness disappearing, glory is nigh 1 Safe in the life-boat, sailor, sing CTermore ; • Glory, glory, halle^njah T paQ for the P«&11 for the shore. &e. No. 84. ^\n\ of Py ^ml •' Th« Lord God Is a sun."— PsA. 74 : 11. J. Keble, 1827. German. Arr. by "W. H. MoNK. 4- |33 3 -f- 4: ^=2^ -■S---^^ 12?: -i&- -t5>- -J^ -<54- .- 22lg=i t54- 1. Sun of my soul, Thou Sav-iour dear, It is not night if Thou be near; 2. When the soft dews of kind - ly sleep My wearied eye- lids gen - tly steep, g .g ig- LAXIg ^ J=; ?^i:g g^ -^ fi- ts^ :s: f^-^-f 5^ -f5^ ---«>- -«>- -«»- -^ 1?: :?C4^^ -i — t- 11 ^^P^^3^ -eSZ. ■i9-'- J-J-4. --i? — <5^ -g—r^ g; -(iL. ^^ 1^ -(5^ :^=^ ±=F Zfil SSj Oh, may no earth-born cloud a-rise, To hide Thee from Thy servant's eyes. Be my last thoughtjhow sweet to rest Forev- er on my Saviour's breast. -^ --g:^i,g. 3 Abide with me from morn till eve, For without Thee I cannot live ; Abide with me when night is nigh. For without Thee I dare not die. 4 If some poor wandering child of Thine Have spurned to-day the voice divine — Now, Lord, the gracious work begin j Let him no more lie down in sin. 5 "Watch by the sick ; enrich the poor With blessings from Thy boundless store ; Be every mourner's sleep to-night, Like infant's slumbers, pure and light. G Come near and bless us when we wake, Ere through the world our way we takOi Till in the ocean of Thy love We lose ourselves in heaven above. No. 85. %vm, ^jmtx t^ Pjj <^i>ul ^ "The Tx)rd will be a reAigo In times of trouble."— Psalm 9: 9. Rev. Cn. Wesley, 1740. 1 fe 4 % ng T <5»- trg: a^s Simeon B. Marsh, 1834. V Fine. i^p^^ll \. f Jo- fins, lov- er of my soul, Let me to Thybo-som fly, \ t While the nearer waters roll. While the tempcststill is high; J D. C. Safe in - to the ha-ven guide, Oh, rc-ccive my soul at last. tnzt r ^^ |fc.$us, ^ovcv j)f Py c^o«t-Conct>t(Ifdl. ^^^^Mm D.C. Hide me, O my Saviour, hide, , -^ .i_r-Li- 1 1,-^ J past; Till the storm of life is Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on Thee : Leave, oh, leave mo not alone, Still support and comfort me. All my trust on Thee is stayed AH my help from Thee I bring ; Cover my defoneeless head "With the shadow of Thy vring. Thou, O Christ, art all I want ; More than all in Thee I lind : Kaisc the fallen, cheer tlic faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind. Just and holy is Thy Name, I am all unrighteousness : Vile, and full of sin I am, Thou art full of truth and grace. 4 Plenteous grace with Thee is found- Grace to cover all my sin: Let the healing streams abound ; Make me, keep me, pure within. Thou of life the Fountain art. Freely let mo take of Thee ; Spring Thou up within my heart, Kise to all eternity. No. 86. ^Ot\\ of 3^9fSi. •'Tho Lord Is ray defence, and my God is the Rock of ray refuge."— PsA. 91 : 22. Rev. A. M. TorLADY, 1776. Dr. Tnos. Hastings, 18.30. rcg^^ 3-^^35; 1. Kock of A - gcs, cleft for me. Let me hido my - self in Thee; D.C. Be of sin the doub-lecure. Save me from its guilt and power. Let the wa - ter and the blood, From Thy riv - en side which flowed, Not the labor of my hands Can fulfil Thy law's demands ; Could my zeal no respite know, Could my tears forever flow, All for sin could not atone ; Thou must save, and Thou alone. »S. 3 Nothing in my hand I brinj^ Simply to Thy cross I cling; Naked, come to Theo for dxess, ITelpless, look to Thee for grace ; Foul, I to the fountain fly, AVash me. Saviour, or I die. "While I- :2^ ^^3 ^^- j f Lord, I hear of showers of blessing Tliou art scattering full and free — ) ' I Show'rs the thirst- y land re-freshing ; Let some droppings fall on me — j 2 f Pass me not, O gra- cious Fa-ther ! Sin - fill tho' my heart may be; t ■ I Thou raight'st leave me, but the rath - er Let Thy mer - cy fall on me — ) '•{ Pass I me not, am long- 0 ten - dor Saviour ! Let me love and cling to Thee ; ing for Thy favor ; Whilst Thou'rt calling, oh, call me — B-- E - m. ven me, E ven me, Let Thy bless-ing fall on me. — ! \ 1 m 1?-; 1 b-s \x — f f- _. 1 — -'a- r I 4 Pass me not, 0 mighty Spirit! Thou canst make the blind to see; Witncsser of Jesus' merit, [me. Speak the word of power to me. — Even 6 Love of God, so pure and changeless ; Blood of Christ, so rich and free ; Grace of God, so strong and boundless ; — Magnify them all in me. — Even me. G Pass me not! Thy lost one bringing, Bind my heart, O Lord, to Thee; While llie streams of life are springing, Blessing others, oh, bless me. — Even me. No. 88. (Mk pc, & %\\m 6wat fdwvab. I " For Thy name's sake, lead me, and guide me."— Ps. 31 : 3. WiLi-iAM Williams, 1771. Wm. L. Vinkr. Fine. \. Guide me, 0 Tliou great Jo - lio - vah, Pil - grim thro' thisbar-ren land : D.C. — Bread of hea- ven, Broad of lioa-ven, Feed me till I want no more. 2. O- pen now the crys - tal fountain,Whence the lieal-ing wa- tors flow; D.C. — Strong I)e-liv- 'rer,StrongI)eliv'rer, Be Thou still my strength and. shield. 3. When I tread the verge of Jor-dan, Bid my anxious fears sub-side; D.C. — Songs of jjrais - es, Songs of prais - es, I will ev - er give to Thee. Plte^^ I Let Bear am weak, hut Thou art might- y; Hold me with Thy powerful hand lie - rv, cloud- y pil - lar Load nic the me if- thro' tlie swell-ing our- rent, Land nie f^ ^o all my journoy through : safe on Canaan's side. ^ I 1^^ ^ X No. 89. ^xtU Wini iff temptation. " God is faithful, wlio will not suflTer you to be tempted above that ye are able."— 1 CoR. 10 : 13. IT. R. Palmer. ^zlz«: r-J^T=r_-J: t- i:::^sEi£^s H. R. Talmer, by per, >*^^1^- • 4 ••---• ■<^*=s; 1. Yield not to t(inp-ta-tion, For ^'iolding is *8in, Each vicl'ry ■will 2. Slum e- vil com-pan-ioiis, Bad language dis - dain, God's name hold in 3. To him that o ercom-eth God giv-eth a crowu, Thro' laith we shall J- t :^=:M :--i 4- -,-i — d- ::!: i mm --^r ^ help you Some oth - or to rev' - rence, Nor take it in w in ; vain ; F — > — '^ — >^| 1~ '^- con - quer, Though oft-en cast down ; Fight man-ful - 1 y on - ward, Be thoughtful and earn - est, lie who is our JSav -iour, t — r -H- r^r ■-^.^.. JL-ij-J r-^--- :di H — r r^tni: ^^r^ H -A- _|___|^^^^_4_ ^ m ^ «r * w • l-t?. Dark passions sub-due, Look ev - er to Je - sus, He'll c^rry j'ou through. Kind hearted and true, Look ev - er to Je - sus, He'll carry you through. Our strength will renew, Look ev - er to Je - sus, He'll carry you through. ^^^" --A- m CnoRTTS. :::^- --q^f: 3: -A- m Ask the Sav-iour to help you, Cora fort, strengthen, and keep you; r i^ u u -A P!^ h — . -I- — 1/ -I — .— -t r— r- tt: 4- — >- knfe: =^± m -I-.— - m m -^ 1 — -m- 1^4 ■— fe»- r«±gtT: £53 I U Iss I robed in their garments of white, over there. Overthere, home in the pal-ace of God,o- ver there. Over there, -^- J^ — --^ O- ver O- ver «|--« — -•■—■•( — w 3=* « — •-•-♦— j^ — ^ there, there, 5Sf>^-^E£^ Oh, think of the home o-ver there, o-ver there; O-ver Oh, think of the friendso-ver there, o-ver there; O-ver 1 -^-[^^-i^--f t: ^=16?: -(•-•.■--"5-iH*- >-|^-:^ "-P^=J«E I o- ver there, ^ *-r-r^*- .>_ji.4_4 o- ver there, ^ass at*: thcTCjOvcr there, o-ver there, o-ver there.Oh, think of thehome o-vei there, there, overthere,o-vor there, o-ver therc,Oh, think of the friendso-ver tliere. '■"fa*! 4 u^Ti*^ b,— 1^ ^ t over there, 3 My Havionr is now ovpr there, Tliore my kirulredand frlcMids areat rest; Then away from my sorrow and rare, Let mo My to tlic (.ami of the blest. Over thorn, ovor thoro. My Saviour Is uow over there. OQ 4 I'll soon bo at home ovor (here. For tho end of my Joiirnoy I see; Many doar to my hoart, ovor there. Are W!itohln<.r and waiting for me. Over tliere, over there, I'll soon be at home over ther^ I No. 93. p. p. Bliss. m ^m^^- *' Be ye therefore perfect."— Matt. 5: 48. P. P. Bliss, by per. ^T¥ --8-^:— g- M:=^- iH^^ 1. More ho- li - noss give 2. More grat - i - tude give 3. More pu - ri - ty give me, More striv - ings with - in; me, More trust in the Lord ; me, More strength to o'er - come,- ^ — » -t-S: t- r-r -ji i_ • ^ ^ ^ " .^ • .^ • i -,-- + =feWEE5 ;s: A , More pa - tience in suflf - 'ring, More sor - row for sin ; More pride in His glo - ry, More hope in His word; More free - dom from earth - stains, More long - ings for home ; r=p[zzz:^=if z=;f^izz=Szzi z:rzzzz:^z=^~ \t-r t r- V N Nr 1 < — I — I !- 1- f - — ^ — 3 — f=-* : g-^F-^^ — -^i — J — ;i More ^E More faith in my Sav fit for the king - dom, More used would I f SEr-EEEt:Bt irrrte: r :^-: iour, ^lore sense of His care ; More tears for Hia sor - rows, More pain at His grief; he; WM Tit More joy in His ser - vice, More pur - pose in prayer More meek - ness in tri - al. More praise for re - lief. More hless - ed and ho - ly. More, Sav - iour, like Thee. ^ ^ — -^r-\- I u > u Ol Wo. 94. ©nig ^ntjit Mm. " Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me ; and ye shall And rest unto your souls."— Matt. 11 : 29. Rev. J. H. S. Rev. J. H. Stockton, by per. $m d==fci ""n "^P — — — 4^ -■- — jy — —4- -gj -m I -j- 1— j 1. Come, ev - cry soul by sin oppresse(l,Therc's meicy with the Lord, I I r* I ^ ^--^^ -*.- ^ ^ ^ ^. .,sB- ^. _(«»_ --\^ ■r^iir^. t: It: -r- H — I I I 1 — r- 1 — ' J t. ■^r -^- :i|: ^ — I- «-f-« '^- -.X And He will sure - ly give you rest, By trust -ing in His word. I .A- jSL. .m- • -^- I ip: :t: -P :^^-^: r ? :t:=: 4= tf f=T iig::- — X1 Chorus. m ^ — f^- ^ — I- — i-i — -01 — -^--^ 1 On - ly trust Him, on - ly trust Him, On - ly trust Him now ; ^*f — I -1— ^iz=^rzi^: T" X- -i— \r=z^-J:z.^ -5: H — 1- i=r sziq: ^r-^ 3i — '-^—^ ±==l3r i He will save yon, He will save you. He will save you now. :?=c: 'm rr^T -«».- :^:.=u:z_p ^_ =F=4= 2 For Jesus shed His precious blood Rich blessings to bestow ; Plunge now into the crimson flood That washes white as snow. I 3 Yes, Jesus is the Truth, the Way, That leads you into rest ; Believe in Him without delay, And you are fully blest. 4 Come then, and join this holy band, And on to glory go, To dwell in that celestial land, Where joys immortal flow. Ko. 95. fcji, Sltcrc isi ^m\mx fot ^m. ** He will abundantly pardon."— Isa. S-'j : 17. Fanny J. Crosby. Sfotcly. -^ — I — I — -( ' — 1 — I — -1 — — - m — ' — -• 1 -^ m ♦ ■#' — llDUEKT P. Maik, by per. ^--^. — 9 — :^ m 1. Oh, como to the Sav - ionr, he- liovo in llis name, And 2. Tho Avay of trans-gre?a - ion that leads un - to death, Oh, 3. Be warned of yonr dan - ger ; es - cape to the cross; Your ^-—^ a — I2S^ r=f t >— It f ^ w ■&fe 9=9 ask Him your heart to re - new; He waits to be gra- cions, O why will you long- er pur- sue? How can yon re- ject the sweet on - ly sal - va - tion is there ; Be- lieve, and that mo-raent the m *-s.— .•— -^ -» — •■- t -H -ir^ ^ t. 'ht f-^—p=^ t: -^fe ^r\ n: -S r m s \^ ^ ly turn not a - way, For now there is par - don for yon. mes-sage of love That of - fers full par - don for you ? Spir- it of grace Will an -sweryourpen - i - tent prnyer. 1^ ^ t" <*_* ^ '^ 0 «> -9 fUt M ff- 1 1___^. ^ '^. I— ^^'•~— ""J "I VI/ Chorus. Yes, there is pardon for you, Yes, there is, pardon for you;, -I 1 1 ) — ^^ ^ - - - fi=n^f^- • — I . 1 1 — «5_ -+- for you, I (O ' ^ mk^r. ^t^^-'W- w I — 1 for 3'ou, t-J^ ^^s- E^ S^£E For Je - sus has died to re-deem you, And of-fers full pardon to youT Jl f^ 03 4i=(K: ^ No. 96. IJatlung but ^mm. ** And when lie came to it He found nothing but leaves."— Mark 11 : 13, LucT Evelina Akebman. Sil^vs J. Vail, by per. M: t^^M f=$~^ g^ 1. Nothing but leaves! The Spirit grieves O'er years of wasted life ; O'er ^ztnft H y- zt:-= ±r^^^fz^ :.t -I— l»3)&: T~. -i — r ^=^ t :t: rt K i Li r=lj W 1 I -■« — -«■ td=r± Pi N— ^ itg_-g=g=^ sins indulged while conscience slept.O'er vows and promises un-kept, And -4« ^ •;_2zz^=:^Ez:jt=:^ ?>-r t -«— (^ u I L r ^^t .tf — (ft_* — ^ ^a • ^ S g pi 4-^ ^ ^ rrs F b=>^^- »?» X reap from years of strife — Nothing but leaves ! Nothing but leaves ! n >-k- rcT -^[T^' r ^-- ?^^N^ ::^_*t3W:r:Ud _, — I 1- ^ ^ ^ ^ 2 Nothing but leaves! No gathered sheaves, Of life's fair ripening grain : "We sow^ our seeds ; lo ! tares and weeds, — Words, idle words, for earnest deeds — Tlien reap, with toil and pain. Nothing but leaves ! nothing but leaves ! 3 Nothing but leaves! Sad mcm'ry weaves No veil to hide the past : And as we trace our weary way, And count each lost and misspent day ArVe sadly find at last — Nothing but leaves! nothing but leaves I 4 Ah, who »hall thus the Master meet, And bring ])ut withered leaves? Ah, who shall at the Saviour's feet, Before the awful judgment-seat Lay down for golden sheaves, Uothing but loaves ! nothing but leaves! 04 No. 97. Ifcutclsi. ••And they Bhall be ^linc, saitli Iho I.ord of lio.sts, in that day when I nuikc up My jewels."— Malacih 3: 17. Rev. W. O. CcsiiiNo M a Modcnito. ^i!t^-j--=d: ■4 isizzzr-^-— il-zi^z t=d Geo. F. Root, l)y per. -4- ^^g^^pg 1. When He com - cth, when He com - eth To make up Hia $%- .t-=gz£gz^$3=:tg — w—m ■V '^ — tt i -*; ft — t — r i^M \^ n — I — I — I — -j)— :-3=3 ^srzt ii!=il=a|: 4—4—1 -I 1 — ■^■ idz jew - els, All His jew-els, precious jew-els, His loved and His own -l^ W — ^ ■V — h^ ■ f rr-r-i i Chorus. •J J I i '^ i 4- -TPIT— - =i: ^=^ Hfci I I Like the stars of the morn - ing, His bright crown a I I --i-gi _j^_r_j^^ /0^ -b — t — I 1 — ^— ^-S— J^-al— ai 1 1- =l^=q5: /Ts p:& -^..-^__^ -Ji-t. ploughing, and sowing, and gath'ring the fruits. There arc foxes to take, there are lost must be gathered, the wea- ry ones led. [Goto Chorus.^ ■warmest af-fections, thy sun- ni- est hours. I wil-ling- ly yielded My paid thy full ransom; My purchase I claim. [^Go to Chorus.'\ S^ -^—m- -/TN /-Tv Y |K=^z5:!B4lEnE=^ — '-H f U 1/ 1/ 1/ u U p. c. ^iCnoRUS. ^-_3rrr--2; •Wivesto 'Icstroy, All a - pes and ranks I can ful - ly cm-ploy. Go .cmg-dom for thee, The song of arch-an-gels— to hang on the tree; v^r^-zz. T I r \^ ^ ^ I U u* w vi/ ^0 ^Votfe itt |«y Tiucyavd-iTondMdd. work, go work,. :4^ :rr-i=::5J= tisa work ill M V vincviird, go work in My vineyard, go work in My vineyard; there's ^— >-- g— 1>— U-b>— li'- I Co work, CO work, /TS f U b U U 1^ I plenty to do.Go work, work, work, work,The harvest is great and the hib'rers are few. r«- H 1 f^ .■t=r: -I — I — ^-^1 — h -1 — 1 — b»-r/b«-b ^ ^ ^ 3 " Go work in My vineyard ;" oh, " work while 'tis day," The bright honrs of sunshine are hastening away; And night's gloomy shadows are gathering fast; Then the time for our labor .shall ever be past. Begin in the morning, and toil all the day, Thy strength 111 supply and thy wages I'll pay; And blessed, thrice blessed the diligent few, Who finish the labor I've given them to do. No. 99. Seymour. 7sf. " A broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise."— Ps. 51: 17. Rev. Chas. Wesley, 1740. C. M. Von Webxb. -I '. — 1^_^ , 1 , — — I 1_^ 1 pE^pfe^l*Efe*il§i=i§=g^^ ^r \ 1. Depth of raer - cy ! can there be Mer - cy still reserved for me? 2. I have long withstood His grace; Long provoked Him to His face; 3. Now, in - cline me to re - pent; Let me now my sins la-ment; — rr \ _ ?-^-^ ±- I I 1 P _*. -♦ -^ j* -m- -m- -ah Can my God His wrath for- bear ? Me, the chief of sin- ners, spare? Would not hearken to His calls, Grieved Him l)y a thousiind falls. Now ray foul re - volt de - plore,Weep,be - lieve, and ain no more. ^ B £ *' No. 100. ^i'hcu the Comf0ftrr Came. " He shall give you another CJomforter."— John 14 : 16. "William Moore. Rev. R. Lowry, bj- per. --i: ij— wl,- ?l£d 1. Myheartjthat washeav3'and sad, Was made to re- joice and be glad, 2. To sin and to e - vil in-clined, With darkness per-vad-iug m^' mind, 3. The voice of thanksgiving 1 raised, The Lord, my Ee-deemer, I praised ; fi — H-v-^ -I— _i^ — i^ — t,* — k. t=i: I — t- -I — tCTz^z^-g-^zrSI: i-w- ■V \^—*-f- t= ^=F ;;4^slx:s-- :r^^r:; :S=:i^ -«- s And peace "without measure I had, When the Com- fort- er came. No rest I could a -ny-wherefind, Till the Com- fort- er came. I was at His met -cy a - maz'd, When the Com- fort- er came. m .ft. ft ->-^ :t7— fe^: -(*- -^ ^-^-- ■^-^ 3± e Eefkain. --f===>-H- i-T-al — ■• — -at * 1- Peace, sweet peace, Peace when the Comfort-er came! My heart that was l=t i^>- -t- I: ?-# TCC 5— ^z=iC :t^ bi^izij: ^i.zg=a=g=^-^ H heav- y and sad, Was made to re -joice and be f * -m- jm.. .(tL .*_ -^ ^- • -> fe!-"^>^ 1? 1? ^- glad. ^ r J.J— ^- 5trSI=:^~5^^-V^ -ff — h-rg mi^ziti -•■-■al- IP I Andpeacc without measure I had. When the Corn-fort- cr came. -V— 1^->- No. 101. (lUorunatwu. (C. p. Rev. E. PKRnoNET, 17S0. J=t rg=^=^^=^^ i:=* td: O. IIOLDEN, 1798. -4: r »-^ ' — f- 1. All hail the power of Je - sus' name! Let an - gels pros-trate fall ; ! I I \ P-m W m m 1— — I 21 E I I \ I I: i^ 4— kJ -•H^j 1 1 1 -"^ l«t: ■*-if Bring forth the roy - al di - a - dem, And crown Ilim Lord of all; il^3fe it ^m^ E :#: -*L 1^ Bring forth the roj - al di - a - dem, And crown Him Lord of all. B^ 2 Let every kindred, every tribe, On this terrestrial ball, To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of alL 9 Oh, that with yonder sacred throng We at His feet may fall ; "We'll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all. No. 102. 1 0 for a thousand tongues tosing My great Redeemer's praise r The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of His grace. 2 My gracious Master, and my God, Assist me to proclaim, — To spread, through all the earth abroad The honors of Thy Name. 3 Jesus !— the Name that charms our feara That bids our sorrows cease; 'Tis music in the sinner's ears, 'Tis life, and health, and peace. 4 He breaks the power of cancell'd sin, He sets the pris'ncr free ; His blood can make the foulest clean ; Hi3 blood avail'd for me. Rev. CuAS. Wesley, 1740. No. ifls. ^ocltingluun. ^. p. Wm. Cowpeb, 1779. Dr. IjOwell Mason, 1832. 5» — ! — -•! — 7d— -^. A=^ ^ --g-^-5 ■•1 — * — ^ -5^ 1. What various biii-dran -CCS we meet, In comiug to tlie mer-cy-seat ! «il_ 4l.a_ 1 1 rl \ h_ Yet who thatkuows the worth of pray 'r, But wishes to be oft- en there ? Prayer makes the darkened clouds with- draw; Prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw, Gives exercise to faith and love, Brings every blessing from above. Restraining prayer, we cease to fight; Prayer makes the Christian's armor bright; And Satan trembles when he sees The weakest saint ujjon his knees. !•• M* No. 104. 1 So let our lips and lives express The holy gospel we profess ; So let our works and virtues shine; To prove tlie doctrine all divine. 2 Thus shall we best proclaim abroad The honors of our Saviour God ; When His salvation reigns within. And grace subdues the power of sin. 3 Religion bears our spirits up, While we expect that blessed hope, — The brij^ht appearance of the Lord : And faith stands leaning on His word. Rev. I. Watts, 1709 A place than all besides more sweet, — It is the blood-bought mercy-seat. There is a scene where spirits blend. Where friend holds fellowship with friend ; Though sunder'd far, by faith we meet, Around one common mercy-seat. Rev. HuGU Stowlll, 1827. No. 105. M. RnTRRAT. U Key C. 1 From every stormy wind tliat blows, From every swelling tide of woes, There i^s a calm, a sure retreat; 'Tis found beneath the mercy-seat. 2 There is a place, where Jesus sheds The oil of gladness on our heads ; No. 106. "^"^^"'^"L/f.''""* 1 Sinners, turn ; why will ye die? God, your Maker, asks you why? God, who did your bcinsr give, Made you with himself to live; He the fatal cause demands ; Asks the work of His own hands,- Why, ye thankless creatures, why Will ye cross His love, and die? 2 Sinners, turn ; why will ye die? God, your Saviour, a.sks you why? He, who did your souls retrieve. Died Himself, that ye mip^ht live. Will ye let Him die in vain ? Crucify your Lord a^ain? Why, ye ransomed sinners, why Will ye slight His grace and die? 3 Sinners, turn ; whv will yc die? God, the Spirit, asks you why? He wlioall your lives Imth strove, l^r<^ed you to embrace His love. Will ye not His graoe receive? Will ye still refuse to live? O ye dying sinners, why. Why will ye forever die? Rev. C. Wesley, 1745. lOO No. 107. " Rouse's Version," 1613. (gVttU. €. p. Psalm 23. Wm. n. Haveroal, 1847. 1 1 1. The Lord's my shcp-herd, I'll not want, Hemakcs mc down to lie I ^—r ^lil ^jij^jfeppp^ drr- -i^f- -d*- 9 In pastures green ; He lead-eth me The qui - et wa - ters by. ■^d?^ ■-2!^ m^^ ^ \ — r t ^ ± ~W I X- 9 2 My soul lie doth restore again, And nie to walk doth make Within the paths of rigliteousness, Ev'n for Ills own name's sake. We'll taste, e'en here, thehallow'dblisa Of an eternal home. Rev. W. H.Batuubst, 1831. Yea, thoii^li I walk in death's dark vale,|NO. 109. Yet will I fear none ill ; For Tliou art witli nje; and Thy rod And stall' me comfort still. AZMON, c. Key A. u. 4 Mv table Thou hast furnished In presence of my foes ; My head Thou dost witli oil anoint, And my cup overflows. 5 Goodness and mercy all my life Shall surely follow me; And in God's house for evermore, My dwelling ])lace shall be. C. M. No.iOS. 1 O for a faith tliat will not shrink, Though press'd by every foe, That will not tremble on the brink Of any earthly woe; 2 That will not mnrnuir or complain Beneath tlic chast'ninj^ rod, But. in the liour of grief or pain, Will lean upon its God ; 3 A faith that sliines more bright and clear When tempests rage without; That when in clanger knows no fear, In darkness feels no doubt; — Salvation ! 0 the joyful sound! What pleasure to our ears ; A sovereign balm for every wound, A cordial for our fears. Salvation ! let the echo fly The spacious earth around, While all tlie armies of the sky Conspire to raise the sound. Salvation I 0 Tliou bleeding Lamb I To Thee the praise belongs : Salvation shall inspire our hearts, And dwell upon our tongues. Kev. I. Watts, 1709. No.ilO. ANTIOCH. Key Eb. Lord, give us such a faith as this. And then, whatc'cr may come, 1 Joy to the world, the Lord is come I i.et earth receive her King; Let every heart jiropare Him room, And heaven and nature sing, 2 Joy to the world, the Saviour reigns, I.ct men their songs employ; While fields ami floods, rocks, hills, and llepcat the sounding joy. [plains. 3 He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness. And wonders of His love. Rev. I. Wa'-ts, 1719. lOl No. 111. Rev. Isaac "Watts, 1709, §mAtt (S!. p. t i /C^ GUILIaAUME FKANC, 154Sk ■- -^ i:^: t: -»$»- -— •- :za: i 3 My faith would lay her hand On that dear head of thine, "While like a penitent I stand, And there cpnfcss my sin. I 4 My soul looks back to see The burden thou didst bear, While hanging on the cursed tree. And knows her guilt was there. No. 114. Rev, John Fa"WCETt, 1772. gcuttisi. ^, p. From H. G. Nagei.1. =a:=j:p~r" j 1-1— -J--^ — ^^-H'F^ -A- H 1 1 , r- i=^^ ;^^:^^ 1. Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Chris - tian love ; 2. Be - fore our Fa - ther's throne, We pour our ar - dent prayers; iiEg :3z: t t :-! — Ft- ^=Sq ^f=P t :t: t \ The fel - low - ship of Our fears, our hopes, our k^E^ tJt U n I Sigl t-'t r ^- t_ ± kin -dred aims are niinds Is one. Our 1-^ f ga like to com-forta that a-bovet and our cares. F ■I?: ii nJ. .»■- -J 3 We share our mutual woes ; Our mutual burdens bear ; And often lor each other flows The sympathizing tear. 103 — r When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain : But we shall still be joind in heart, And hope to meet again. No. 115. ^tUngtott. (S. p. Rev. Isaac Watts, 1720. Thos. a. Arne, 1744. -J -I ^-^-4-^ 4 And shall I fear "While oth-ers fought -f9 £-- ^ to to -I — own His cause, Or blush to speak His name? win the prize, And sail'd thro' blood-y seaa? • m^ -C^ -^ '^ -^ -C> r- 8 Are there no foes for me to face? Must I not stem the flood? Is this vile world a friend to grace To help me on to God ? I f -«•- -h -c— I j22_ -&- i 4 Since I must fight if I would reign, Increase my courage, Lord ; I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by Thy word. No. 116. ilftttctOtt. 8si & 7lSi. Rev. R. Robinson, 1758. :q= £p :fe H «- Old Melody, 1812. Fink. A- — 1^ ' r*^ :J — -^ — ■S — *h / Come,Thou Fount of ev' - ry blessing, Tune my heart to sing Thy grace; ) * \ Streams of mer-cy, nev - er ceas-ing, Call for songs of loudest praise D. C. Praise the mount, — I'm fixed upon it ! Mount of Thy re-decminglove m—m^-^^ -^ ^--^-^^ ft ^ __^^ ^ ft *i_ It: -*- f^P^f^EESi /c^ t v-v tt JS [1_-^^J^ JS_C.^ 1*- 9 —■•I- —2-* J — ■•^ — 5- ' s 5=iE^ D.C. r Teach me some mel - o- dious son-net, Sung by flam-ing tongues above ; \ !sfeEB?E:2E 2J2 — W- -4^— "-I- g Here I'll rai.so my Ebenczcr, Ilitlior by Thy help I'm come; And I hope by Thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive nt liome. Jesus sonjrhf nie when a stranj^or, Wandering? from the fold of God ! He, to rescue me fron\ dangor, Interposed His precious blood. Oh, to grace how great a debtor, Daily I'm constrained to be! Let Thy goodne.«.''asa fetter, IJiiid niy waiidcrJDg heart to Thee* Prone to wander. Lord. I feel it — Prone to leave the God I love — Here's my lieart, oh, take and seal lt| Seal it for Thy courts above. 104 No. 117. ^tW ^WVftt. OSi & 4l Rev. Ray PAI.mkb, D.D., 1830. Dr. Tiios. IlAflmToa, 1839. ^^"p^^f^^g^^ gfj:? 1. My faith looks up to Thee, Thou lyamb of Cal - va - ry ; ^- -f ■ f--,-gl_g: ^ :S=(5 ) 1- t^HPNi^ S5EES M^- la: -I r ^g — r-n Sav - iour di- vine ; Now hear mc -^-11 ^- whilo I pray; Take all my -»•-- — m 19- guilt a - way ; O, ?2= 1 — r let mc, from v=i^- ^- :2?: fcl this day, Be wbol '^^ .Q- ■<^ May Thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart; My zeal inspire ; As Thou hast died for me, O may my love to Thee Pure, warm, and changeless be — A living fire. While life's dark maze I tread. And griefs around mc spread, Be Thou my guide ; Bid darkness turn to day; "Wipe sorrow's tears away, Nor let me ever stray From Thee aside. When ends life's transient dream ; When death's cold sullen stream Shall o'er me roll ; Blest Saviour, then in love, Fear and distrust remove ; O bear me safe above, — A ransom'd soul. No. 118, DRTHANY. 6$ * 4S. Key G. Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! E'en thou^^h it he a cross That raiseth me ; Still all my song shall bo— Nearer, my God, to Thee 1 Nearer to Thee ! ! Though, like the wanderer. The sun gone down, Darkness be over me. My rest a stone ; Yet in my dreams I'd be — Nearer, my God, to Thee ! Nearer to Thee I There let the way appear, Steps unto heaven ; All that Thou sendeat me, In mercy given ; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee — Nearer to Thee ! Then with my waking thoughts, Bright with Thy praise, Out of my stony griefs. Bethel I'll raise ; So by my woes to bo Nearer, my God, to Thee I Nearer to Thee ! Or if on joyful wing, Cleaving the sky. Sun, moon, and stars forgot, Upward I fly ; Still all my song shall be — Nearer, my God, to Thee! Nearer to Thee ! Mrs. 8arajiF. Adams, 1S40, lOS Wo. H9. ^tmx, 6^ & S$. Rev. Ch. Wesley, 1742. Lewis Edson, Y7SX, #1 #> f -^ :^ --^ 1. A-rise, my soul, arise ; Shake off thy guilty fears.The bleeding sacri-fice „ 1 I ^=^ m—O^ -^a^-T- i=i=i -•' — w^ In my be -half ap-pears; Be - fore the throne my Sure- ty stands, :^EE t ±= «^ '-t^r-r— r=F j^fN Be-fore the throne my Surety stands. My name is written on His hands. ?- bt=± z=fag=y-^T-a -♦- ■F T He ever lives above, For me to intercede. His all redeeming love, His precious blood to plead ; His blood atoned for all our race, And sprinkles now the throne of grace. Five bleeding wounds He bears, Keceived on Calvary; They pour effectual prayers. They strongly plead for me; Forgive him, oh, forgive, they cry, Nor let that ransomed sinner die. My God is reconciled ; His pardoning voice I hear; lie owns me for His child ; I can no longer fear; "With confidence I now draw nigh, And Father, Abba, Father, crj. -m— -i — ■^f—^ "-I- -^ ^^ -f- P No. 120. " YooR Mission.' Key F. Hark ! the voice of Jesus crying,— " Who will go and work to-day ? Fields are white and harvest waiting, Who will bear the sheaves away ?" Loud and strong the Master calleth, Kich reward He offers thee: Who will answer, gladly saying, "Here am I; send me, send me I* If you cannot cross the ocean. And the heathen lands explore, You can find the heathen nearer, You can help them at your door. If you cannot give your thousands, You can give the widow's mite; And the least you do for Jesus, Will be precious la His ei^^i* loa No. 120^-Cbncluded. 3 If yon ciinnot speak like augels, If you cannot preach like Paul, You can tell the love of Jesus, You can say He died for all. If you cannot rouse the wicked With the judgment's dread alarms, You can lead the little children To the Saviour's waiting arms. 4 If you cannot be the watchman, Standing high on Zion's wall, Pointing out the path to heaven. Offering life and peace to all ; [ties With your prayers and with your boun- You can do what heaven demands ; You can be like fiiithful Aaron, Holding up the prophet's hands. 5 If among the older people, You may not bo apt to teach ; [herd, "Feed my lambs," said Christ, our Sbcp- " Place the food within their reach." And it may be that the children You have led with trembling hand, Will be found among your jewels, When you reach the better laud. 6 Let none hear you idly saying, " There is nothing I can do," While the souls of men are dying, And the Master calls for you. Take the task He gives you gladly, Let His work your pleasure be ; Answer quickly when He calleth, "Here am I; send me, send me!" Rev. Dan'L. Mabch, 1869. To him that overcometh, A crown of life shall be; He with the King of Glory Shall reign eternally. Rev Geo. Duffield, Jr., 186A No. 122. TUNB — WORK, FOR TUB NIGHT. Key K. 1 Work, for the night is coming ; Work through the morning honrs ; Work, while the dew is sparkling; Work, 'mid springing tlowers ; Work, when the day grows brighter, Work, in the glowing sun ; Work, for the night is coming. When man's work is done. 2 Work, for the night is coming; Work through the sunny noon ; P'ill brightest hours with labor ; Rest comes sure and soon. Give every flying minute Something to keep in store ; Work, for the night is coming, When man works no more. 3 W'ork. for the night is coming. Under the sunset skies ; While their bright tints are glowing. Work, for daylight flies. Work, till the last beam fadeth, Fadeth to shine no more ; Work, while the night is dark'ning, When man's work is o'er. Ajtnib L. Walkeb, 1860. No. 123. EVAN. C. M. Key Ab. No. 121. '^^gbt''- 1 Stand up ! stand up for Jesus I Ye soldiers of the cross; Lift high llis royal banner, It must not suffer loss ; From victory unto victory His army He shall lead. Till every foe is vanquished. And Christ is Lord indeed. 2 Stand np ! stand up for Jesus ! Stand in his strength alone ; The arm of flesh will fail you — Ye dare not trust your own ; Put on the gospel armor, And, watching unto prayer. Where duty calls, or danger. Be never wanting there. 3 Stand np! stand np for JesnsI Tlie strife will not be long ; This day the noise of battle, Tbe next the victor's song ; 6 I heard the voice of Jesus say, " Come unto Me and rest ; Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Thy head upon My breast." I came to Jesus as I was — Weary, and worn, and sad ; I found in Him a restir«g-place. And He has made me glad. I heard the voice of Jesus say, " Behold I freely give The living water — thirsty one, Stoop down, and drink, and live.*"* I came to Jesus, and I drank Of that life-giving stream : My thirst was quench'd , my soul revived And now I live in Him. I heard the voice of Jesus say, " I am this dark world's light. Look unto Me, thy morn shall rise, And all thy day be bright.'* I look'd to Jesus, and I found In Him my Star, mv Sun ; And in that light of life 1*11 walk 'Till trav'linjg days are done. Bev. H. BoKAB, IWr. / lor No. 124. THB BEAUTirVL KXVBX. Key EtL 1 Shall we gather at the rirer Where bright angel feet have trod ; "With its crystal tide for ever Flowing by the throne of God. Cho.— Yes, we'll gather at the river, The beautiful, the beautiful river- Gather with the saints at the river, That flows by the throne of God. 2 On the margin of the river, Washing up its silver spray, We will walk and worship ever, All the happy golden day. Cho. — Yes, we'll gather at the river, &c. 3 Ere we reach the shining river, Lay we every burden down ; Grace our spirits will deliver, An A provide a robe and crown. Cho. — Yes, we'll gather at the river, &c. 4 At the smiling of the river. Mirror of the Saviour's face, Saints whom death will never sever, Lift their songs of saving grace. Cho. — Yes, we'll gather at the river, &c. 5 Soon we'll reach the silver river, Soon our pilgrimage will cease ; Soon our happy hearts will quiver. With the melody of peace. Cho. — Yes, we'll gather at the river, &c. Rev. Robert Lowrt, 1864- Many shall sec it, and shall fear. And on the Lord rely. O blessed is the man whose trust Upon the Lord relies; Respecting not the proud, nor such As turn aside to lies. Scotch Version. No, i25. '»°*'^*^«- <=•"• 1 I waited for the Lord my God, And patiently did bear; At length to me He did incline My voice and cry to hear. 9. Tie took me from a fearful pit, And from the miry clay, And on a ro<'k He set my feet, Establishing my way. 3 Ha pnt a n«w song in my mouth, Our God to magnify ; IO< Na 10ft SAVIOUR, LIKE A SHEPHERD. IIU. l^U. 8s, 7s * 4. Key Eq. 1 Saviour, like a shepherd lead us. Much we need Thy tend'rest care, In Thy pleasant pastures feed ns For our use Thy folds prepare ; Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Thou hast bought us, Thine we are ; Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Thou hast bought us, Thine we are. We are Thine, do Thou befriend us, Be the Guardian of our way ; Keep Thy flock, from sin defend us, Seek us when we go astray; Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Hear, O hear us, when we pray ; Blessed Jesns, blessed Jesus, Hear, O hear us, when we pray. Thou hast promised to receive us, Poor and sinful though we be; Thou hast mercy to relieve us, Grace to cleanse, and power to free; Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, We will early turn to Thee ; Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, We will early turn to Thee. Early let us seek Tliy favor, Early let us do Thy will ; Blessed Lord and only Saviour, With Thy love our bosoms fill. Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesns, Thou hast loved ns, love us still; Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Thou hast loved us. love us stilK DOBOTUT THBUPP, 183& No. 127. ""'■kH'S:*' 1 Come, ye sinners, poor and needy, Weak and wounded, sick and sore ; Jesus ready stands to save you, Full of pity, love, aud power: Ho is able, He is willing: doubt no more; He is able, He is willing: doubt no more. 2 Now, ye needy, come and welcome ; God's free bounty gloril^F 5 True belief and true repentance, — Every ^race that brings you nigh, — Without money, Come to Jesus Christ and buy; Without money, Come to Jesus Christ aud buy. 3 Let not conscience make you linger ; Nor of fitness fondly dream: All the fitness He requireth Is to feel your need of Him: This He gives you, — 'Tis the Spirit's glimm'ring beam ; This He gives you, — Tia the Spirit's glimm'ring beam. 4 Come, ye weary, heavy-laden, Bruised and mangled by the fall j If you tarry 'till you're better, You will never come at all ; Not the righteous, — Sinners, Jesus c;imo to all ; Not the righteous, — Sinners, Jesus came to call. Rev. Jo9 Hart, 1759 3 Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Bore, With all Thy quickening powers; Come, shed abroad a Saviour's love, And that shall kindle ours. 1. Watts, 1709. No. 129. "" ^•^'^^ *^ ( 7\ine on pape f5.) 1 Once I was dead in sin, ^ And hope within me died; But now I'm dead to sin — With Jesus crucified. Cho. — And can it be that " He loved me, And gave himself for me?" 2 Oh heiglit I cannot reach, Oh depth I cannot sound, Oh love, O boundless love, In my Kedcemer found I Cuo. — And can it be, &c. 3 Oh cold, ungrateful heart That can from Jesus turn, When living fires of love Should on His alt4*r bum. Cho. — And can it b€,&c 4 I live — and yet, not I, But Christ that lives in me| Who from the law of sin And death hath made me free. Cuo. — Aud can it be, Scq. Be v. A. T. PiEBson. No. 128, MARLOW. CM. 1 Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove I With all Thy quickening powers; Kindle a (lame of heavenly love In these cold hearts of ours. 2 Dear Lord ! and shall we ever live At this poor dying rate ? Our love so faint, so cold to Thee, And Thine to oa so great ? rK CHRISTIAN S HOME. Key C. p. ac No. 130."' 1 In the Christian's home in glory There remains a land of rest; There my Ssiviour's gone before me. To fulfil my soul's request, Cho. — There is rest for the weary, There is rest for the weary. There is rest for the weary, Tliere is rest for yon ; On the other side of Jordan, In the sweet fields of Eden, Where the tree of life is blooming, There is rest for yofb 2 lie is fitting np my mansion, Which eternally shall stand ; For ray stay shall not he transient In that holy, happy land. Cho. — There is rest, &c. 3 Sing, O sing ye, heirs of glory ! Shout your triumphs as you go Zion's gates will open for you, You shall find an entrance through. Cho. — There is rest, &c. £ev. Sam'i. Y. Harmeb, 1856, No. 131. =°^x°^-cS«- 1 Did Christ o'er sinners weep, And shall our cheeks be dry? Let floods of penitential grief Burst forth from every eye. 2 The Son of God in tears The wondering angels see ; Be thou astonished, O my soul ! He shed those tears for thee. 3 He wept that we might weep ; Each sin demands a tear : In heaven alons no sin is found, And there's no weeping there. Bev. Benj. Beddomb, 1787. THSUS. No. 132. ^°«j!e;Y 1 Come to Jesus, come to Jesus, Come to Jesus just now ; Just now Cf>ni(i iio Jesus, Come to Jesus, just now. 2 He will save you, He will save you, He will save you just now ; Just now He will save you, He will save you just now. 3 He is able, He is able, He is able just now ; Just now He is able. He is able just now. 4 He is willing, He is willing, He is willing just now; Just now He is willing, He is willing just now. 6 He is w.aiting. He is waiting^ He is waiting just now ; Just now He is waiting. He is waiting just now, 6 He will hear you, He will hear yon» He will hear you just now ; Just now He will hear you, He will hear you just now. 7 He will cleanse you. He will cleans* you. He will cleanse you just now ; Just now He will cleanse you. He will cleanse you just now. 8 He'll renew you, He'll renew you, He'll renew you just now ; Just now He'll renew you, He'll renew you just now. 9 He'll forgive you, etc 10 If you trust Him, etc 11 He will save you, etc Ekolish. No. 133. "^^'"^^^G."^"- 1 O happy day, that fixed my choice On Thee, my Saviour and my God J "Well may this glowing heart rejoice. And tell its raptures all abroad. Cho. — Happy day, happy day, When Jesus washed my sins away; He taught me how to watch and pray And live rejoicing every day, Happy day, happy day. When Jesus washed my sins away. 2 'Tis done, the great transaction's done— I am my Lord's, and He is mine ; He drew me, and I followed on, Charmed to confess the voice divine. Cho. — Happy day, &c 3 Now rest, my long divided heart ; Fixed on this blissful centre, rest; Nor ever from thy Lord depart, W^ith Him of every good possesed. Cho.— Happy day, &c. 4 High heaven, thatheard thesolemn vow, That vow renewed shall daily hear, Till in life's latest hour I bow, And bless in death a bond so dear. Cho.— Happy day, &c. Philip Doddhldob, IX D., 1765 XIO No. 134. .Salvation. •* For the ^racc of Qod that brlngoth salvation to all men hath appeared.— Titus S: 11. P. P. Bliss. P. P. Bli.s.s, by per. ^^^^ 1 1. Comc,sing the gos- pel's joj' - fnl sound, Sal - va- tion full and free; I i-4: ^ $ t-H^=rp: ^=^ ^ — ^ h ^-=it H h m l«- E! f I ^pfe -g> 9 ^ iS*-2 — ■ ■V i^ — I 1 ^- 1 rro-claim to all the world a- round, The year of ju - bi-lcel r- Chorus. -I- r^ -m- •■- It -n -4 h m s d=;J: 2r ^; i^ g; Sal-Ta r£=i:g ? f -• ■•- •1 -^ 1 <>-•- ] tion, Sal - va tion, The grace of God doth bring ; H»- ^_._ 3 I :;^nr2z (5»- P -t 1 Bill - va e 4- s^: :S: ^m £ -r=i tf* £ :ri. SI tion, Sal - va - tion, Thro' Christ our Lord and King. t gia 2 Ye mourning souls, aloud rejoice ; Ye blind, your Saviour sec ! Ye pris'ners, sing with thankful voice. The Lord hath made you free ! — CAo. 3 With rapture swell the song again, Of Jesus' dying love ; Tis peace on earth, good will to men, ^nd praise to God above. — Cho. Ill No. 135. ^mratd, ^Ipwad. •• Hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown."— RJSV. 3: 11. Fannv J. Crosby. Ira D. Sankey, by per. ^-] 1 K- pA "^^^ ^ ^m 1. On - ward ! np- ward ! Christian sol - dier, Turn not back nor sheath thj 2. On - ward ! up- ward ! do - ing, dar - ing All for Him who died for 3. On - ward ! till thy course is fin - ished, Like the ran- somed ones be- *^ -^- ♦ ^ ^ • ^ ^ -I ; 1 ^— pi — r«^ • ' r-i rH--r — ♦- =^=^. r If tpi p^S^r=S: fe? r^ ^^^ sword, Let its blade be sharp for con-quest. In the bat - tie for the thee; Face the foe andmeet with boldness Dan-ger what- so- e'er it - fore ; Keep the faith thro' per - se - cu- tion, Nev - er give the bat - tie ^ •!•• ••- p-^z=^z=^ ^ i ^ m Lord. From the great white throne e-ter - nal, God Him-self is look- mg be. From the bat - tlements of glo - ry. Ho - ly ones are look- ing o'er. On-ward ! up - ward ! till vie- to- rious,Thou shalt lay thy ar - mor J — i_rLiq^j^ » ■* ^ * m 1 r ^ ^^ ^=v f ^ ^ ■tzz± ± _^_?. m I down ; He it is who now commands thee, Take the cross and win the down, ThoucxinBtal - most hear them Rhouting:"On! let no onetakethy down, And thy lov - in;»Sav-iour bids thee At His liand re-ceive thy 11 r> ^nivardl, ^tpu'uvrt I— Conctudcd. JUB icrcs. iz=iiSi^Sgl crown. Tfo it is who now commands tlice, Take the cross and win the crown, crown." Thou canst almost hear them shout in^:: "On I let no one take thy crown." crown. And thv lov - iug Sav-iour bids thee At His hand re-ceive thy crown. -»5>- :fe=rr: k^ 1^ 1 No. 136. ^\\m Eove to ®hce, # (Klm^t Continue yo in my love."— John 15 : 9. Mrs. Elizabeth Prentiss. WW- I m ._L 1. 2. 3. 4. More :g=y^ :5=i=i -tf* --J- iit-2^zi^=:i:r --(^^ O Chri.st! More love to W. n. DoANE, by per. ^■Oi^ fr 5^^S ^*r4 love to Thee, OChri.st! More love to Thee; Hear Thou ^.he Once earth- ly joy I craved, Sought peace and rest; Now Thee a- Let 8or-row do its work, Send grief and pain; Sweet are Thy Then shall my lat - est breath, "Whis-per Thy praise, This be the J-J- -^ m- -2- -/?- x: i I i r -^— iS; v'wim ■.«>- pray'r I make On bend-ed knee; lone I seek, Give what is best: mes - scn-gers, Sweet their re - frain, part - ing cry My heart shall raise ; This This AVhcn This ^- is all they sfill my earn - est plea> my pray'r shall be, can siniiwith me.- its pray'r shall be' fe^i -1 \ wd^—d ' • — ' • i 3^=g^=^r=f= 1— — IT— -r-s^^-x-'g!— -<5^ ^SM 1^5- More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee! More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee! More love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee! Moro love, O Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee! More love More love More love More love to to to to -a- X ■t 113 Thre! Thee! Thee! Thee! fel^S^-ll No. 137. m\o\^ mm. •' The God of peace sanctify you wholly."— TnES. 5: 23. Mrs. Annie S. Hawks. Rev. Robert Lowhy, by per. 4 ^^m^^ ■+■ m 1. Thine, most gra - cious Lord, 2. Whol - ly Thine, my Lord, 3. Whol - ly Thine, O Lord, -^ 1 1 h^: -K — M^M-- "•> — gg O make me whol - ly Thine- To go when Thou dost call ; In ev - ery pass - ing hour ; 1^ I e:sE3 -•- — I- pi !=^ :4 |l|--J=::Er:j=J^ i3 'i — ••- -t- ^ Thine inthought, in word, and deed, For thou, O Christ, art mine. Thine to yield my ver - y self In all thin^ijs, great and small. Thine in si - lence, Thine to speak. As Thou dost grant the power. ■-$-- -IB. \. -t?-- rtzzLt -h- ^m ■>9z '-H m Refrain. ;«|— i: J— 4^-4- — , ■) ^_ :^=--^: zf^ :i^ :i^zz:ii|rj3j: I ~a>— M ^- p-lr^-.^zz:|ffrztt}HS^-^tZEg=:— ^^-|7^ ^;zz:tzzEE[:z=U=4z= ■t— T- :S: -I ■v — -«^- -♦—:: — Whol - ly Thine, whol - ly Thine ; Thou hast bought me, I am Thine ; f 3Eg z^ _j_zz:J_J_f_t:g *z_^ ^ feii ^- z^^rr-^ W-^ Bless - cd Sav- lour, Thou art mine; Make me whol- ly Thine. ^--r 4^ — - t- ^r ^ 4. Wholly Tliine, O Lord, To fashion aq Thou wilt, — Strengthen, bless, and keep the soul Which Thcru hast saved from guilt, — Ref. 5. Thine, Lord, wholly Thine, For ever one with Thee — Rooted, grounded in Thy lore, Abiding, sure, and free. — Bef, 114 No. 140. jfinltctufali, ^M « ^uviaurl " A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief."— ISA. 53: 3, P. P. B. p Mndcrato. P. P. Bliss, by per. i 1 # T 4— s " Man Bear 1 2 3. Guilt 4. Lift -m- -m- of ing ed 8or shame vile up rows,'' what a and scoft' - ing and help - less, was He to X ^ name rude, we; die, i^ m ± For In Spot "It ^^ the my less is f ^ Son of God, who place con - demncd JIc Lamb of God, was fin - ished," was His 1^ came, stood ; He, cry, r p w Ru Sealed "Full Now -r r ~m- in'd my a in sin par tone heaven i ners to don with ment," can ex - alt i »=F P rc His it cd s; m claim 1 blood: bo? high; f u I I S: f/^ =i Hal -^ le In jah, what Sav -^-1— r-.-7? =^3 1 iour ! 1 5 When He comes, our glorious King, All His ransomed home to bring, Then anew this song we'll sing: Hallelujah, what a Saviour I No. 141. fejsu^ ^M\ Idrjn. Isaac Watts 1719. f The Lord is King forever and ever,"— Ps. 10 ; 18. Karl Wh-wklh. Arr. i^i i=4: I I i J -J I i ^ 1. Je - sus shall reign where'er the sun Does his sue - cess - 2. To Ilim shall end - less prayer he made And end - less prais ivo ^ I -4- ^ m m- 1^-^^ 5^i I' I I ^ ^ i -«- , — -P — r^ — ^— ^s — -ft-j~4 — — ^-. Till With jour - neys run; His king- dom spread from shore to shore, crown His head; His name like sweet perfume shall rise ■tr I^E^^^iE^^^EE^^i^^SilE^ moons shall wax and wane no more. From north to south the princ - es meet, ev - ery mom- ing sac - ri- fice. Pco- pie and realms of ev- ery tongue ^^ :t-l--?-- J. ? + ;tz=±: Fr^ m-\-^ -»- w ■Td-.—S- or g — ri? ^^ To pay their hom-age at His feet ; While west-ern em Dwell on His love with sweet-est song, And in - fant voi^ - pires - e« :E^£^ fS r=rn^=T=r ^lipn^^^ own their T^ord, shall pro- claim And Their 1^ ^: g r-Tg-^ r sav - age frihes tar - ly bless at- tend His word. ings on His Name. S F=f7F^ ■«>- '5>- f2^ T a 11» No. 142. Pjj f0n0 $M\ k of fc'SU'J. " nis praise shall continually bo In my mouth."— Pa. 31 : 1. Mrs. Van Alstyne. W. H. Doank, by per. m ^ i^^ EH 1. My song shall bo of 2. My song shall bo of 3. My song shall bo of i-i iEi 3^zA -zt i Je - sus, Ili.s nier-cy crowns my days, Je - sus, "When, sit - ting at His feet, Jo - sus, While prcss-iug ou my way h^ I •«- ^ r-i-- 35 m -x r%r -^ -<9r ■± -^- r He fills my cnp with bles.s-ing.s. And tunes my heart to praise; I call to mind His good-ness. In mcd - i - ta - tion sweet; To reach the bliss - ful re - gion Of pure and per - feet day. r r %'^>' (< -tC?- ;t '-a'- -\ — r vi^ \ 1=^=1-=^ -f-^- My song shall bo of Je My song shall be of Je And when my soul shall en r Uj sus, The pre-cions Lamb of God, sus, "What-ev - er ill be - tide; ter The gate of E - den fair, ritard. Who gave Hi m -self my ran - som, And bought me with His blood. I'll sing the grace that saves mc, And keeps me at His side. A song of praise to Je - bus 111 sing for - ev - cr there. n H |-l 1.^ 1- I t^ ^ P^ W^-0^ -•t- i 1- f no No. 143. ?t^ind(JWis open toward frntisjutem. " And his windows being open toward Jerusalem."— Dan. 6: 10. P. P. B. P. P. Bliss, by per. 1. Do you see the Hebrew captive kneeling, At njorning, noon and night to 2. Do not fear to tread the fie-ry furnace, Norshrink the lion's den to 3. Children of the living God, take courage ; Your great deliverance sweetly VA ^-IF -^^ ■I h- V — ^ w^-v- .|ft_f2- — \~ -I H tzip-tzit:: #: i ^• :it=:^ -^^ t t t irT I H • !W- J-t^zzI — S V •! iji ::]: .t^ -(^- iiS=|i pray ? In his chamber he re - mem - bers Zi - on, Tho' in share ; For the God of Dan - iel will de - liv - er, He will sing: Set your fac -es toward the hill of Zi - on, Thence to 1^- j^. ^ r ^ -^ ^^ — ^2_ -^e«i ^v ^- — f- -<5L ^ 4fc I. [i_^ r^ I 1- Chobus. -sri-^f P ->- — N F ^ + ex - lie far a - way. Are your windows o - pen toward Je- send His an - gel there, hail * our com - mg King! r :f-f— g-- iJszi^r.^rl^— .;t=i ->r->— V ^ — ' — ' — '-ii— ' — ^--i — I r^ I -I s — s-i ru - sa -1cm, Tho' as captives here a "lit -tie while" we stay? For the n^M. -t-^ r r 4^-r^--a-^-j!^ -i i . 1—— I 1 h ■ ^ ^ IK» '^ ^ U" 1*" k<»- i^S^ f ff --H i 1 ^ « 1 1- - :rrg-||-S-f-*-i!:^-;^ 4 — ^ ^ ^ , :g^S=* ?«^E coming of thcKingin Ilia glo-ry, Arc yon watching day by day? s ^lag^ IGO pprr-"p=^ No. 144. #nty a ^tcp io ^t$w$. " Then come thou, for there Is peace."— I Sam. 20 : 21. Fanny J. Crosby. W. H. Doane, by per. 4^-r r I — K--^- 1. Oil - ly 2. On - ly 3. On - ly 4. On - ly a step to a step to a step to a step to Je - sus! Then why not take it now? Je - sus! Be - lieve,and thou shalt live; Je - sus! A step from sin to grace; Je - sus! O why not come, and say, m^ :t: — t- 1^— ^-T— J ^ -t — S r r -I — |_|E^=^t:3^, j_____3^ ;3:iEiEFEiEE^| ~> — "^ ^d »'- i^^-i-:^- Come, and, thy sin con - fess - ing, To Him thy Sav - iour bow. Lov-ing - ly now He's wait- ing, And read - y to for - give. "Whathast thy heart de - cid - ed? The moments fly a - pace. Glad - ly to Thee, my Say - ioar, I give my - self a - way. I* ■r-rrr r ' ^ U w \ ^ Refrain. :t t=i ^-^-^- — *i -_ 1- j^=n'^^^- — I 1 ^_ ~-^--, •—•-«- te^= n On - ly a step, On - ly a step; Come, He waits for thee; 1 I I I S-S—S- -■^I -V-r+~ "^ ±=i: P feri -■g — m — m %— lt'-i- + Szr fefelfei \^ \t^ \^ Come, and, thy sin con - fess - ing, Thou shalt receive a blcss-ing ; k ^1 1 — L__ ^ '^ 1** \— H tH: ■<•■— ;£EEES| ^^-^ s ^zt^: Do not re - ject the raer - cy He free - ly of - fcrs thee. )i -t=.t-. =t:=i:tzz£^z:^g-:-^-z^~E?=g:^ j — bj — ^ — ^^ :*~H 1 h ' ^ I I No. 145. ®0 tlW mvlt. " Go work to-day in my Fanny J. Crosby, 1871. vine yard.' '—Matt. 21 : 23. "W. 11. DOANI :, by per. ■1^^^^-T-^-S «l . •« «l N- ^ -l!^ ^ 4— — « tJ- - —Mi -^ -J5I 11- i al — 1. To the work 2. To the work 3. To the work 4. To the work 1 t ■ 9 ' m m to the work! to the work! to the work! to the work! wc are ser - vants of God, let tlie hun - gry be fed ; there is hi - bor for all, in the strength of the Lord, Let ns To the For the And a 1^ 1^ ^,t "■^^- '<•& • rfTfc ' — 1 L L — .1 * 1 H 1? - - ) 1 1 , — 1 1 — 1^-^-4— 1» — e- -|~ tr— 1^ 1 > -t?— -h i^ tf— ^ -U — >— fol - low fount - ain king - dom robe and the path that of Life let of dark - ness a crown shall our Mas - tcr has trod; With the the wca - ry be led; In the and cr - ror shall fall ; And the our la - bor re - ward ; When the -^■ ^1^ :|e=|e: g -^—\ I %=t- i -S- i balra of ITis conn - sel our strength to re - new cross and its ban - ner our glo - ry shall be, name of Je - ho - vah ex - alt - ed shall bo home of the faith - ful our dwell - ing shall be, ^- Uir-t=S; EEE Let ns While wo In the And we ± ikzid L do with ourmifrhtwhatourhandHfind to do. Toiling on, her - aid the tidinus,".SV//- ra - Hon loud swelling chorus, ^^Sal va shout with thcransoni'd "/S'a?- ra Hon Hon is free!'''' is frecp* is free!" ■^. •- -ST J W 1 Toiling be r Trtil-ino- nn x«« Toil-ing on, ^a the ^t?od:.— Cauctudcd. ^ a ^ sf:t =g^ i^Ef v*?- -e^- ^Ei OD, Toil- ing on, Toiliug on, t=t= r^Ez^zi^ Toil-ing on, H ; — (— e~rff l^""Er Let ns ■y—^-^ k— i??H r Fs Toiling on, Toiling on, m hope, Let us watch, And la- bor till the Master comes n ?— ^ tEz:^ ^l-_--l-H and trust, and pray, tr-n— r xtr 1 No. 146. %\\ in p^. •* And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put It on His head, and a reod in His hand."— Matt. 27 : 29. Anon. Tenderly. ^ jti a ± Ira. D. Sankey, by per. -N — — — ^^ ■i- iaES=S3 H •>■ r^ -^ — ^- — ' — 5" ^f^^ 1. Saff'ring Sav-iour with thorn crown, Bniis'd and bleeding sinking down; Heavy la - den, 2. Je- sus, Sav-iour, pure and mild, Let me ev - cr be Thy child; So un-wor-thy 8. Fain would I to thee be brought,Blessed Lord, for- bid in not ; b the king-dom P I wea- ry worn, Paint-ing, dy- ing, cmsh'd and torn — All for me, yes, all for me. though I be. Thou did'st suf- fer this for me, — All for me, yes, all for me. of Thy grace, Give Thy wand'ring child a place, Oh, bless me.yes, e - ven me. No. 147. f mmanucris ^anl Annie R. Cousin, 1857. t Earnestly. -7 £3 ^ i-ii: '* And there shall be no night there."— Rev. 22 : 5. C. M. Wyman, by per. i 4: -c>- -«»-• :£^^:: -<5i^-! f5^- -^-^ Tt i Eg I 1. The sands of time are sink- ing, The dawn of heav - en breaks, 2. I've wres - tied on t'ward heav- en, 'Gainststorm and wind and tide, 3. Deep wa - ters crossed life's path-way, The hedge of thorns was sharp ; r I I ^ 42L' ^ ^ ^ JSL f^^li ?S=i=g: -t9- tF -li?- P= i=fe=b ^^^ 5 ^^•^ i -5^- — ^- :^ti=it -(5«- ^P The snm - mer morn I've sighed for — The fair, sweet morn awakes. Now, like a wea- ry trav'- ler That lean - eth on his guide, Now these lie all he-hind me — O! for a well tuned harp ! &1: V- t-^ iiK ^m-^^T^. ■^ Q- ■Gh- Dark, dark hath been the mid-night, But day-spring is at hand, A - mid the shades of eve- ning, "While sinks life's lingering sand, O, to join the hal - le - lu - jah With yon tri- umph-antband! M= ;£5 F^n^ i^ e^h: :f= \ »=!. m -t9~ :^ii=5 ±^ ^i — ^.- ^- ■— 1-- -H t E -t— F — ^ — $ r=^wr=-- ■^ =t J^rf^T- WEml ± r7\ wliis- pored prom-ise steal - ing O'er ev - ery bro - ken string, af - ter wea - ry sta^- ges, I've found an E - lim nigh ^ e 1* — m •■ !»-'^'» » •■ — P— H — ! j-i*-- -3— +1 ^m in ^otrou^— Concluded. 3 An ETliiu with its coolness, Its fountains and its shade; A bh'ssin^ in its fulness, Wlieu l>u■ a 1/ 1. " Call them in"- the poor, the wreti^^^^^ Siu-stamed wand'rers from the 2. "Call them in"- the Jew, the Gen -'^ ^^^'. j,^^ thestran-ger to the m I fcrrt m^,;—.^ m m ;e T f:^.:^ * g fold ; Peace and par - don free-ly of-fer ; C.-,^ ^^ ^^^ ^.^jg^^ ^heir worth with feast ; " Call them in" — the rich, the no - ble,Froi^ . ^-^^^ hit'h-est to the ■a^ 1221 -»■- -\i>~-u- ■I 1 ^ — I*- -m » m- — m-- :-K->- :=ir.^ £ tr-t i I 4^— J^ -♦ — ♦- -i^-j^ 3: « — ^ [E -j — gj — g H-gj- » — 3^ -* — ^- gold ? " Call them in" — the weak, the wea - ry, Lad - en with the doom of least: Forth the Fa - ther runs to meet them. He hath all their sor-rows -^- 1^ -•^ -^ -»- »-- H ^^=^^ \. r ^^^^m ^-^ ■■m- -mi—^ —s- ^■- ]] I — ' sin ; Bid them come and rest in Je - sus ; He is waiting — "Call them in." seen ; Robe, and ring, and roy-al sandal8,Wait the lost ones — "Call them in." S'-'m^- ^ -w- r—^ t: V ^h 1 — r wm 8 " Call them in"— the mere professors, Slumberiiif?, sleeping, on deatli's brink; Nought of life are they possessors, Yet of safety vainly think : Bring them in— the careless scofifers, Pleasure sciekers of tlie earth : Tell of God's most gracious offers, And of Jeaus' priceless wcyth. 4 " Call them in"— the broken-hearted, Cowering 'neath the brand of shame; Speak Love's message low and tender, 'Twdsfor sinners Jesus came : See, tlie shadows lengllien round us, Soon the day-dawn will begin ; Can you leave them lost and lonelv? Christ is commg—'* OxW them in. 130 No. 154. r^ P. P. n. Zht ^atf tvnsi pfver (Tottt. " Behold, the half was not told."— Kings 10: 7. P. P. Bliss, by per. ^m I t 1. Ke - peat the »to - ry oVr and o'er, Of grace so full and free; 2. Of pcare I on - ly know the name, Nor found my soul its rest 3. My hi;;h-est place is ly - ing low At my Re-deein-er's feet; 4. And oh, whatrap-ture will it bo "With all the hoat a- hove, t^:^^: * — k — i^ — ^ -■ -•- -w*- -*^ from the fields of sin ; With sick - les of truth must the work be done, though the weeds are tall ; Then search in the highway, and pass none by, - ing the bar - vest tide ; But reap -ers are few, and the work is great, - er the gold -engrain; Toil oh till the Lord of the bar-vest come, ii — . . ^ .... -»- H V — 9~^T it-- "TT- m I I I: ^: Chorus. p-T-^- *-^— -j: — '-»! — *-i— #1— »i — * — *--' m And no one may rest till the "harvest home." Where are the reapers! Oh, But gath-er from all for the home on high. And much will be lostshould the harvest wait. Then share ye His joy in the"harvesthome." . -^- ^ -w- -<*-* -(*- -i*~ -^ -^- -iffizqe—^ I r-iT-r'T ill :^— ^11-^ F=f:: ._! T— ^^ f- -i^— u — b- 11^=]^: b" =s- JE^ who will come And share in the glo - ry of — t- '!* 1 — ^-t + the "bar-vest home ?" Oh, -f«- -^ ■^_ 1 1? — 1^ — ^ 1 1 U— ' 3=3^ 91 — -« — ^-^-■•1- -^ — ••; — m^-s^-MA — I < — -H— I — ( 1 1— ^ — ' \' \ W^^ who will help us to gar -ner in The sheaves of good from the fields of sin. S PP ikr: 13« ifiifi No. 156. f §tin0 tny ^\w U (Jhce. " In returning and rest ye shall be saved."— Isa. 30 : 15. Fbakcks Ridley Havejrgal. r. r. Bliss, by per. urn 1. I bring my tins to Thee, 2. I bring my grief to Thee, The sing I can - not count, The grief I can - not tell ; I 31: P i ^ il: ^ ^=f=i o=F :q: -• w- -\ That all may clcaDsed bo No words shall need - ed be, I In Thy onco o - pened Fount; Tliou know- est all so well ; 1^ f^^ I 1 -m- is: ^mm - H « -^ 2i| -*-r- t- i Tij-rs- I bring them Sav - iour, all to Thee; The bur- den is too I bring the sor - sow laid on me, O euff- 'ring Sav - lour, ^ i i *— g— ^ J, — 4- i=T great for me, all to Thee, ^^^ The O t bur - den is suff- 'ring Sav + too great iour, all -+- for me. to Thee. i 3 "hly joys to Thee I bring, The jo3's thy love has given, That each may be a wing To lift me nearer heaven, I bring them, Saviour, all to Thee, Who haat procured them all for me. 4 My life I bring to Theo, I would not be ray own ; O Saviour, let me l>e Thine ever, Thine alone, My heart, my life, my all I bring To Thee, my Saviour and my King. 133 No. 157. ^(»tt0 of <^alt'Htion. •' Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."— Matt. 11: 28. Anon. Philip Phillips, by per, 4^— 1^-^ fcFi=fcr:f-^ E ±=fc l^^i^-*!- ^ .J S 1^^ f -■^1 — -— 1 — —t 1. I have heard of a Saviour's love, And a won-der- ful love it must be ; 2. I have heard how He suffered and ))led,How He languish 'd and died on the tree; 3. I've been told of a heaven on high, Which the children of Je-sus shall see ; 4. Lord,auswer these questions of mine, To whom shall I go but to Thee ? r r I r r i r r i r But did He come down from a-bove, Out of love andcompas-sion for But then is it an - y-where said, That He lan-guish'd and suffered for But is there a place in the sky Made read - y and furnished for And say byThySpir-it di - vine, There's a Sav- iour and heav- en for ^=,t- -<*- -^ fe It :^ J .ft. ^*. -^ -r-rT i f 5--=!= -m- V t i=rt Choeus, ^ ■m — -^- 3E± »-L, ^^ ^ g ^ _^F1 I '^ 1 me, for me, Out of love and compassion for me ? Hcsponse. me, for me, That He languish'd and suffered for me ! Yes, yes, yes, for me, for me, Made read- y and furnished for me ? me, for me, There's a Saviour and heaven for me. li^ -\ 1 1 — -t» — 1»- tSf-'- :fe^ t : ^ -\ 1 ^-M 1_! ^-&- I r me, for me, Yes, yes, yes, for me; Our Lord from a - bovein His Pi##^ t :f=?^ iit ->5'-*- ^^^ JSi^-x F= t § rit. i 1- ^ E :fe ^~-^=^=^ iS H -251-. in - fin - ite love, On the cross died to save you and me. I • The Response, or Scripture text, to be rend for each verse, before singing the CboruB. 13^ <^ou(j of ^aUtttiou.— ConcUulcrt. 1. "This Is n faithful sayinennd worthy of all acceptation, that CbristJcsas came into the world to save sinners. "—I Tim. 1 : lo.—Cho. 2. " IIo was wounded for our transfrrossions, lie was bruised for our Iniquities. And with His stripes wo arc licaled.''— ISA. 53: 5,—Cho. 3. "In my Father's house are many mansions I ro to prepare a place for you That where 1 am, there ye may be also."— John U: 2, S,—Cho. 4. "I will Rive unto him that is athirst of the fountainof thowaterof life freely. 11^ that overcoineth shall Inherit all things, and I will be his Qod, and be shall be my 8»n.^ — Uev. 21 : «, l.—Cho. No. 158. flare to be a Jauict " But Daniel purposed In his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with tho wine which he dranli."— Dan. 1 : 8. r. p. B. p. p. Bliss, by per. 1. Standing by a pur- pose true, Heed- ing God's command, 2. Ma - ny might- y men are lost, Dar - ing not to stand, 3. Ma - ny gi - ants, great and tall, Stalk - ing thro' the land, 4. Hold the gos - pel ban - ner high ! On to vie - t'ry grand ! Hon - or them, the faith- ful few! All hail to Dan- iel's Band! "Who for God had been a host, By join - iug Dan- iel's Band. Head-long to the earth would fall, It' met by Dan- iel's Band. Sa - tan and hia host de - fy, And shout for Dan- iel's Band. CnoRT^s. 4^. — .^-4^ ^T— f-r— ^ z^— J'^ ^--4 t-^ ^ia Dare have a pur- po.se firm! Dare to make it known! Nn 1 ^Q ^«'»«' — Gkeenvillb. 8s, 7S * 4. 1 Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing. Fill our hearts with joy and peace; Let us each. Thy love posse.ssing, Triumph in redeeming grace ; O, refresh U9, O, refresh us, Traveling through this wildernesa. 2 Thanks Ave give, and adoration, For Thy gospel's joyful sound: May the fruita of Thy Siilvatiou In our hearts and lives abound ; J^ver faithful, Ever faithful. To the truth may we be found. 3 So, whene'er the signal's given, Ue from earth to call away. Borne on angel's wings to heaven, Glad the summons to obey, May we ever, May we ever Eeign with Christ in endless day ! JOUN F.\AVCETT, D.D., 1774. 13 4-> No. 160. ^t the frd of .ilcrat!?. i\ r. Vv }.L\lT. 1 1. At tUo lV»t of Jo - suis I.ist - 'ninj; to His wor\l : *,\ At th© ftet of »1«> - sus, IVur - iug ^ht - tumo nuv. Iv At tho Uvt of Jo - sus. III that morn -in^ hour, .1 r ^ ^ ^ I iwrn - inj: Nvis - douis lo.< M.i - ry did her 8s»v T ov - iu^ tuMrts tr - (.viv ^--Ff-l^^P SOU V'lVlU iour, For i'/i; Kos her U^v - ing I^onl: tho gr:»vo i>i« - paro: us - irc - tion ^nnver: M.i - TV. Ud by ho,\vu- ly gmee, CTlMfie the weok dis - ci - "jvlo's place. Aid. ir\nu loYo tho •gvXHl >vork*^doDejSihe hor l.oui'sap- prvn- - ivl \ncui. llAsie with joy to pn>i»oh tho woi\i:" Christ is ib - iii, lYaisc tho lAmi!" £-:--^.E:T, ^^T-r I Chori-s^ At the ftvt At th« foet At the tVoi of of of Jo - s\is is Jo - sus is Jo - sus, IIS tho phuN? for uio, the phi^v for luo, en uo>Y lor nio. % hum - ble Upnr% - u^h I chOOM to I CT - er c - ter - ni l>e, be. ty. 130 No. 161. ^ XittU ^triiile. " What U tbi« that he »aUh a little while.'"— Jonir 1« : 17. Mr*. Jahb Cbewdsok. Ika D. Hawket. by per. Hlovly. 1 1^ fc. S :zi: 1. Oh, for the i>cace that flow-eth as a riv - er, Mak-ing life'i I M* u k' I (5* — ■^— i^-- -^ desert plaf^eH blfxjm and Kinilc ; Oh , for the faith to gra«p 'Ileav'n's bright for- . Tin- -^ -V ^ ^1 t^ «^ • d: rf<. ± ^tF-i K^^j^E^IE^. -S- -W- a|=:;j=Wt: -( •^- -.^ ev - er," A -mid the ehad-ows of earth's " lit - tie while." J—*- F^ ^■. p [ < — ^ — ^ <» — ^ ^ — I— •> — -I _p'n u U i^ 1 1^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 2 "A little while" for patif-nt vigil keeping, To face the stonn and wrestle with the strong; "A little while " to sow the seed with weepiing, Then bind the sheaves and sing the harvest .song. 3 "A little while" the earthem pitfher t'lkinp, To way.side brooks, from far off fountftins ffd ; Then the j)arrhfcd lip* its thirst forever shirking Beside the fulness of the f>juntain-head. 4 "A little while" to keep the oil from failing, "A little while" faith's flickering lamp to trim ; And then the Bridegroom's coming foot>tops hailing, "We'll baflte to meet Hixn with the bridal hvmn. lar Ho. 162. ^h ^0M §— b»- X-- H 1e=|E: It: —I 1 ^ -t? — t?- i m — I — « — ■-^ — ^ l^=::^^i=^- ■^^=x. z--z~t f^= A-n ,5zzr]^: :j^-N— J- -^_-5_^_ 5=3 ^fe-^JZ^ I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But whol-ly lean on Je-sus' name. In ev - ery high and storm-y gale, My anchor holds with-in the vail. \ jm m m -^ •^- -^ -^ "^ 1. 5:=t — t- :^e^Ne: >-H- ^r t :t=f: ^ ^ Chorus. _.^_J1_4 1. -m — m — m -m- H — — I- ' — (- On Christ, the Sol - id Rock I 1 — r :ii=^ stand ; All oth T^— —W— ^—^- er ground is :|ff=it*: —I — I — ^- 1 i mm. ^m -*' sink - ing sand, All " -J- '— oth - er ground IS sink - ing sand. i -t J 3 His oath, His covenant, His blood, Support me in the whelming flood ; AVhen all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay. 4 "Wlien He shall come with trumpet sound, O, may I then in Him ])e found; Drest in His right eousness alone. Faultless to stand before the throne! 131!^ No. 163. fust a ^(forcl for ffsus. •• wilt thou not teU."— EzEK. 24 : )9. Faitwy J. Crosby. 4_, I J ; U^J -I W. II. DoANE, by per. ri=T -*^ XX ^^ -( ^ ^':^ 1. Now just a word for Je - sus ; Your dear - est friend so true, 2. Now just a word for Je - bus ; You feel yoursius for-given, 3. Now just a word for Je - sus; A cross it can - not be -JEi ±#=tp :t -^=¥r. F — S~^" ei ^ I r n^ I 1 • v^^t — ^- 1 r m j (9t- ^ _.J s ^ 1 r ^^^^ ^ .- f- 1 J -r)- $ ^' :#-! — — NH :=H 1 L - 5 _^, Come, cheer our hearts and tell US What He has done for you. And by His grace are striv - ing To reach a home in heaven. To say, I lore my Sav - iour ^Vho gave His life for me. i" (9. m^ * « ^^ * |i* . s — • — ^ -a— _ |c i — ? • — ^'. ^ -G>-=~ ^ r~tr~"^"*^^ — 1 •^ ^\ — -f- r- -h i?^ i — ]• — -^-^— 1 ill sus, O speak, or sing, or pray. r Now just a word for Jesus ; Let not the time be lost ; The heart's neglected duty Brings sorrow to its cost. — Ref. Now just a word for Jesus ; And if your faith be dim, Arise in all your weakness, And leave the rest to Him. —ReS. 130 No. 164. g^ooH l^tt'ay U ^m^ *• Looking unto Jesus."— Hkb. 12 : 2. Rev. Henky Burton. P. P. Bliss, by per. -,^ ■^ ^F=^ ^ — -"t -i- i^r. -^- 1. Look 2. Look 3. Look a - way a - "way a - way to to to Je Je BUS, Soul by 'woe op - press'd ; 8US, Sol - dier in the fight ; sus, AVhen the skies are fair; i '^^=^t. — k — w — >- 2 S -ji?- ^ -f- -l« •- <*- f^ i 'Twas When Calm ^^^ H- r for the seas ^ -i=f^.-J bz^ i H I ^1 L. Thee He suf bat - tie thick have their dan — m- m- ^=f -XI -f- — f9 fer'd, Come to Him and rest, ens Keep thine ar - mor bright ; gers ; Mar - in - er, be - ware ! -h \ ^ ^- ^ =^ J g: -■•1 ^^^ ^f- -y9 — ~G^- All thy Though thy Earth - ly griefs foes joys He be are car - ma - fleet - I ried, IDg, All Tho' Go "¥- ^ T«?- i9- -»- thy sins He bore ; thy strength be small, ing as thoy came. ~g7L t m — I H| i H^- f '?~8~^ c^z: 1 Look Look I^ook a a a way way way ^ to to to Je - Je - Je - £ 1= rt: -I*- :g-- bus; sus; bus, Trust Him ev - er - more. He shall con - quer all. Ev - er -more the same. -+- -«'- ^ -^- i Look away to Jesus, 'Mid the toil and heat; Soon will come the resting At the Master's feet ; For the guests are bidden, And the feast is spread ; Look away to Jesus, In His footsteps tread. When, amid the music Of the endless feast. Saints will sing His praises, Thine shall not bo least , Then, amid the glories Of the crystal sea, Look away to Jesus, Through eternity. ^ 140 No. 165. trusting ^m^, tM ijs ^tt. " Though he slay me, yet will I trust him."— Job 13 : 15. Rev. Edgar Taqb Stites. Ira D. Sankey, by per. i 1. Rim -ply tmst-ing ev' - ry day, Trusting thro' a storm-y way; 2. 15rij;ht-ly doth His Spir - it shine In -to this poor heart of mine ; 3. Sing - inp, if my way is clear; Pray-ing, if the path is drear; 4. Trust-ingllim while life shall last, Trusting Jlim till earth is past; I f «--t I r :t=S-- --£^SES=^Et3 il :»i:=-il i^ ^ -S ah . '-^ — ^ •* J — ! 1 ■^-^^ m E - von when my faith is small, Tmsting Je - sns, that is all. "While He leads I can - not fall, Trusting Je - bus, that is all. If in dan-ger, for Him call; Trusting Je - sus, that is all. Till with- in the jas -per wall. Trusting Je - sus, that is all. I n" -h f=t :^e; I i^ f CnoRus. fe^^ Jq=!: m t- |S=* i}=r t;^- ^-=s^ Trusting as the moments fly. Trusting as the days go by; -:«— j:^-, ^^s^^^^ F Dk— 1*: f— "£-^ •1 h -I ^ r-f ^ i •~^^— ♦— ^-^^— ^-^— ^P*'^'- ^P*— ^— ' ^^' *- ■^'- SMiEE^^nti Trusting Him whate'er be -fall. Trusting Je - sns, that is all. I a r=3; ^ fc-^ > — ^- -i >■ 1-J.l w No. 163. mW^ on tite f (Td'^ Mf? •' Who Is on the Lord's side/'—Ex. 32: 26. Mrs. E. W. GRiSTroi.D. ^P -s .^ H «- ■« — ^''PZj~M — ij — P. P. Bliss, by per. -S^ 1. We're marching to Canaan with ban-ner and song, We're soldiers en- 2. The sword may be burnished, the ar-mor be bright, For Sa - tan aj)- g~r"^^~v^ff~T~r^^ J^.-3 ^3 -I ; 1 1 1^ |^-i_^. fe^ i5 -r-t IC :S=i 1- g^^iEElEil h5: -list- ed to fight 'gainst the wrong; But, lest in the con - flict onr pears as an an - gel of light; Yet dark - ly the bo - som may S:^==p=;^zziJ?^:^--^rzzzfez:tB3z:t=i:|i=i:^ m -»■ — »•- J^zzd fe^==Jl||jM=:^ — I r^ r ] 1^-, — I^ ^-a}-i — I — I — strength should divide, We ask, Who a-mong ns is on the Lord's side? treach -e - ry hide. While lips are pro-fess-ing, "I'm on the Lord's side." J— J; t- H h -\— -V— I — I- r r (^ -jg— 'i — =|gEj Chorus. ,..^_^_r5_ii _A. ,'^3_ -1^ ^— j^ IS \2 , s-i-H ^i3; :*i;-itT.* Oh, who is there a-mong us, the true and the tried, Who 11 stand by his t: H > — > — g— i? — g— L>- -t- :— ti —I I 1 H»- »- • -^- rrrT=T^^=^^ t- col - ors — who's on the Lord's side? Oh, who is there a-mong us, the ^- r-iir I rir^z:^ ir I— f- ^-- ^ •i^->— i^—t^ fczd l-A^s Wbo'js 0n the ^od'iss ^i(lc?-(2:oncludc(l. r=^f trno and the tried, Who'll stand by his col- ors— who's on the Lord's side? r-rs w- * 1 »■ -' ^^ I i ! ' |- . ^_^ ^ ^ r -• — « •— r' r ' ''*'■ -n 3 Who is there among us yet under the rod, Who knows not the pardoning mercy of God? Oht bring to Him humbly the heart in its pride; Oh, haste, while He's waiting and seek the Lord's side. — Cho. 4 Oh, heed not the sorrow, the pain and the wrong, For soon shall our sighing be changed into song; So, bearing the cross of our convenant Guide, We'll shout, as we triumph, "/'»i on the Lord's side.^' — Cko, No. 167. Remember pe. *'0 Lord, Thou knowest; remember."— Jer. 15: 15. Isaac Watts. Asa Hull, by per. -H J ' b:^ f,^ t^ 1 1^ S i \ 1^ H ¥= -ghv i V fHf — ■ 1. A- las ! and did my Sav- iour bleed ? And did my Sovereign die? Clio. — Jldp mc, dear Sav - iour, Thee to own, And ev - cr faith-ful be; irJLh-r- ±M P^^ rt- -»■— f -■ ■£:-.■£, t '^- B ^^ i-_j__r ^_ ^-:^43 M 4 * :a|=St 111 Woulil He do - vote that sa - cred head For such a worm as I? And when Thou sit - test on Thy throne, 0 Lord, rc-mcm-ber me. i 2 Was it for crimes that I had done He groaned upon the tree? Amazing pity ! grace unknown ! And love beyond degree. — Cho. 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glories in, When Christ, the mighty Maker died For man, the creature's sin, — Cho. 4 Thus might I hide my blu.shing face, Whil.>-ty-K 1 — r P ^JrW ^i^ ;ij:z^=fait 1^ -^- :r^=^ *=i;T:;it •wor-thy That we can call our own — The light, the oil, the robes we wear, - ta-tion Beyond de-serv- ing kind ; Make no delay, but take your lamps, love-ly Than all the sons of men, But still we know the door once shut, tz^ ■^ i^ m t Chorus. =^=M n-n V I I . . .-I^r I M-r-JV-^^^-J— j-rzj— s: Are all from Him a-lone. And joy e - ter- nal find. Willnev-er ope a-gain. &r if r: -^=t I — u iT m tt Behold the Bridegroom cometh ! And all may 1*^.1^! "T'^gil -+- =fc £ :^dEi t-^— t :ajiza|-rL-M enter in,Whosc lamps are trimm'd and burning,\\ hose robes are white and clean. g^ ^F f53E: PP 1^^.^ No. 169. ^t^hitcr than ^\mv. " Wash me, and I shall be whiter than .snow,"— P.s. 51 : 7. James Nicnoi^ox. Wm. O. Fischer, 1872, by per. Lord Je - K113, I lonp; to he per - feci - ly whole ; I want Tliee for- Lord Je - sus, look dowu from Thy throne iu the skies, And help me to Lord Je - sus, for this I most humhly en- treat; I wait, bless- ed Lord Je - sus, Thou seest I pa-ticut- ly wait ; Come now, and withi - ev - maks Lord, - in er, to live a cora-plete at Thy cru me a new r I in my sac - ri - - oi - ficd heart ere ■ fice; feet, ate; 1; 3E (C- Break down ev' - ry i - dol, cast I j;ive up my - self, and w hat- By faith, for my clcansinp, I To those who have sought Thee, Then f= ±: ■0_UJ.,_J J. -+- '-<5' ^^ '=^- Fd--;-=:fc out ev' - ry foe; Now wash me, and I - ev - er I know — Now wash me, and I sec Thy blood flow — Now wash me, and I nev - er said'st No — Now wash me, and I shall he shall he shall be shall be whiter than snow, whit er than snow, whit-er than snow, whit-er than snow. _-tf 1 1 1 — H^ a- =t^-f=^=t:^ i=|K P=:^--; -^^.-^ M Chorus. 1 1 rJi= ± t^;^ 1113 -I 1 L. Whit - er than snow. yes. whit er — w than snow ; g— ^^ Eg £ i J-._J- Iffil Now wash me, and ^-1= tczi .9 -^—l JJ ^M«<— t- f t t r41^ shall be y9' wliit - er . than snow. IBE^ P=e i-^s f 1 No. 170. ■teiS'sd §\vtt. ♦' And he shewed me a pure river of water of life."— Rev. 22: 1. HoRATius BONAR, D. D. Rev. RoiiEUT LowKY, by per. A^. — 1 ^ — ft— I 1-^-^ 1. Fresh from the throne of glo - ry Bright in its crys - tal gleam, 2. Stream full of life and glad - ness, Spring of all health and peace, 3. Kiv - er of God, I greet thee, Not now a - far, but near; m^^^^^^EE^ i^- ■T r-^ r --I- r^r — r m --^-r -(&- -^5*- =]: ^ -:^i—^ — z^. — '^ -6^- Bnrsts out the liv - ing fount -ain, Swells on the liv - ing stream ; No harps by thee hang si - lent, Nor hap - py voic - es cease; My soul to thy still wa - ters Hastes in its thirstings here; f^ j2?- Gf- -r5>- :^E=^: -^— t [■■ -i9 1 -tf?- * * ^ i^i: ^1 Bless - ed Riv - er, Let me ev - er Feast my eyes on thee, Tran-quil Riv- er, Let me ev - er Sit and sing by thee, Ho - ly Kiv - er. Let me ev - er Drink of on - ly thee, 4- • « *_!._*. « « i^: m. « ct. t 1 — tr-1 — r X ir=^: t -^ I t-itl-^ - ^ J rrT^br:^ -^<^ S'f^"'* — '^' fcpd^ r ] 1. In Zi - on'a Kock a -bid - iug, My soul her tri-uraph sings; 2. "Wild waves are ronnd me swell-ing, Dark clouds a - bove I see ; 3. My Tower of strength can nev- er In time of trou'o- le fail; g^ J- 4 -■•» •- -p- ±1 .J— *!-£ I .^e:^ :22r^-=i ] s^ii ^-i- i??^ lu riis pa- vil - ion bid - ing, I praise the King of kings. Yet, in my For- tress d well - ing, More safe I can - not be. No power of bell, for - ev - er, A-gainst it shall pre- vail. ^ r — r- E -m-- t: r M k^ Chori's. W—9-Z ■J&: f-=!^F ^ _^ f^^ My High Tower is He ■^^^^_ ^B To Ilim will - I -^ -^- -i^ _^j_ r 1^-^ ! 1 flee ; &zi: :{: ;i P misi^ In Him con- fide, In Him a - bide ; My High Tower is He ! k ■^-^ -+=-'^ £-- tt ii :t -^- • m^ X^'T ■o. 172. ^ .^tood (^tttsidf thf ^f. HrBTsr r. Vat^, by ; ^s ^ ^^ S A peer., -vr&T - ox - iag ckikl ; 'Wiib- -I * T* - • -J rTTr^=-5S«3 TTT ■5^ .A "ToaceK [^^^ * • * i * • m ^ * ^ ok, I tiemUedflOR, And offlB! I rtMd •■«- Bde tbe ate. And ^ ' 3 ^= r^ •- • I *» ^ ^ Azrd prsjed ort - side _ lirr git*. Ar-d Ea^e e>c pieace »s>d Asi Je - SOS let r^e in. & ^^^ Ho. 173. itold /ast till dt (tomt. E. W. Grisvold. tffl P-P '-'■ » , . w i~»'^ 9 ~ ■ ■ — ■ ^ .-r^ ^ ^ 1. Ob. apir - it, o'erwbelBed bj thr £kil - ores aad feais, L4wk 2. HokiilHt vWb the mid would al - lur« ihee to sa; Hold 3. Thr Sar - ioor is eos: - frs^ :r: teii - der - est lore. To Pr^^ g i^: xiza: Li«^ up :o thj Lord, tbo* with tranblii^aod tears: We^ Faith, to ihj call seem the fift wheallMtcTnpt^r as-sai^ from viihin: In EoisliiBe or Bsd nrm, im make np His jew- ebud bear then a-bore: Oh, child, mthiBeaagnEh,de- -^ — .^ — ■^^jfc ■^ ^ ~p — ? ^ ■V — jr i •^ s— i ^ r i hea-^ r-' :n - lTdttmb?To thee k the gjjin or in Vmb, To fid - ter wcte } •gpazr-ii^ ordnmb. Be - laember the '-^old '-Hold t tin I t» file till I ^=^ ^ — g . > ^ - — -5 -^=H ^ i CHOsrs. 11 * »_ /-^> ^ « ^^ *- ^ -^— ■ # — *- ^=4=1 Hold :35t till — • — I — « ^ I c-jine, H I .:v::ie; A ^5=^: :?: bright crown a - waits thee ; l^O No. 174. ^att- V— >-- 1» — t^- :^ --^^ -y — 1: ii =i-i=S=S-*= r-t ■^^-p^ t_^^j; m — -m — m — «^ — I 1 1 1— I keep the wheat and ros-es, Cast-ing out the thorns and chaff, Let us find our sweetest we should slight the vio-lets Till the lovely flowers are gone! Strange that summer skies and .^ .^ H*- -/«- -fst-.^*.0.. -^- -ift- .^ -^ -I*. H*. r r* :^— ^z:^ -t^-t,- 1^ ^=?=? I ^ ^--t/ — ^/ — i^ — i, J— ^— ;^— «4-^ ^E^Ei q^-:^ iz~qs— :=^^q5Z com - fort In the blessings of to - day, "With a pa-tient hand re - mov-ing All the sun-shine Nev- er seem one half so fair. As when winter's snow-y pin-ions Shake the -I*. .^ .^- .^- -m- -^ :^-y.-. ^\- CnoRUs. f -0^—^ ^-^ V .(•-?*- V^ Et: bri- ars from the way. Then scat-ter seeds of kindness, Then scat- ter seeds of white down in the air, 4t_ .^ ^.' .^^ ^i^^: - :t ^ ^i^ • I I ; — 'I Forward in- to bat - tie, See, His banners go. Ouward,Christian sol- diers, One in hope and doctrine, One in char- i - ty. We have Christ's own promise. And that cannot fail. This thro' countless a-ges Men and angels sing. r^^EEsES^ ^■-r-f~fT r^^^ =pjr:4--H-rt 1.. 1 — Marching as to war, With the Cross of Je 1^1 1^^ ■«'- sus -at -wr -^- -■»- -zr Go- ing on be-fore. I i lai No. i76. (£>\m u ®l»ft " It Is good for me to draw near to God."— Ps. 73 : 28, Fanny J. Crosby. S. J. Vail, by per. 1. Thou my ev - ev- last- ingpor- tion, More than friend or life to me, 2. Not for ease or world- ly pleas-ure, Nor for fame my prayer shall be j 3. Lead me thro' the vale ofshad-ows, Bear me o'er life's fit- ful sea: 4->- -I — |E=f: -P-^ :P:± tc: ^^^f^ I i^ -•- :fc=tri ::=r-zii5i J 1 ■■m- ^=^ S ^ All a- long my pil- grim jour- ney, Sav-iour, let me walk with Thee. Glad - ly will I toil and suf - fer, On - ly let me walk with Thee. Then the gate of life c - ter - nal, May I en - ter,Lord, with Thee. -^*-•-♦- i=^ 1 — r f I- IS"- I Refrain. =]5 :^- :& &a £3 F '-*- ^ Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to Thee, close to Thee ; All a - Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to Thee, close to Thee ; Glad- ly ■ Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to Thee, close to Thee ; Then the m^^ ^ I: -long my pil- grim jour - ney, Sav-iour, let me walk with Thee. will gate I toil and suf of life e - ter for, On - ly let nal. May I en me walk with Thee, ter, Lord, with Thee. mm ^ -V is%i Ho. 177. Q bb 1 1 n — 'zr-t*-i 1 1 1 — ^ N I P^ — !^-t- r Lost one, 'tis Je - sua Seeking to save. Seek-ing to save, .^-L t-rtT — t ^i=fit^^ =:t^ .-1— ]^ M-i^ r. ^- 4- * ^K :*lE^#2^,^r'^T4^- fa^^-^ T n^ * ^ ^m, I Seek - ing to save, Lost one, 'tis Je - sua Seek - iug to save. 163 No. 178. f am ^wfqrittg i\m' i\\t (Sate. *' The gates of it shall not be shut at all by day.*'— Rev. 21 : 25. Rev. John Parker. Philip Phillips, by per. ^ fel5^^£E 4^-;— V :t-=tT=l^-*=:t; --s^m- ■^— -r :r^ i U* U* l^ fci» I w» 1. I am now a child of God, For I'm wash 'a in Jc-sus' blood ; 2. Oh! the bless- ed Lord of light, He up -holds me by His might: 3. I am sweeping thro' the gate Where the bless -ed for me wait? 4. Burst are all my pris-on bars, And I soar be-yond the stars; -<»- -^- H -I -I H -* — -(&- -M- -W- e?& 4^t: 9y-ik- '■^ I It: :C=.— :t=F^ »- 1 -^ ■j^. in: -1^-. -(S- u.^_.. H fer^ I am watching and I'm long - ing while I wait. Soon on And His arms en - fold, and com - fort while I wait. I am "Where the wea - ry work - ers rest for - ev - er - more. Where the To my Fa- ther's house, the bright and blest es - tate. Lo! the t.-- -t— fca.- -^ ^._ >-■ X- -bar -^ 1* .(2^-i. -^-X. iy 1 s t** fc** p* 1/ r _r.. /7\ _ 1 W'f-^- 1 — 1 1 . — -w — 1— — 1 — — •• •• — ! 1 — -J -^1 — — -^ — —^ — ^ wings lean - strife morn IS —9 — of ing of e - s —^ — - ( I — love on earth ter - / — 1 -• — ha I'll fly, His breast, is done, nal breaks, L_ To Oh! And And my the the the s — 1 — — — (-• — home be - sweet-ness crown of song im - ^ to - yond of life mor - — 1— -— the His is tal — 1 — •■ — sky, rest, won, wakea, .^>?^-^- y. V k — 1 — ^-. — f -b» — — 1 -F=J To Hal ■ Oh, Eob'd ^:^^=lt= my wel - come, as le - lu - jah, I the glo - ry of in white - ness I ■* -- --; I'm sweep - ing am sweep - ing that cit - y am sweep - ing thro' the gate, thro' the gate, just be - fore! thro' the gate. In the blood of yon -der Lamb, Wash 'd from ev'-ry stain I am; '^■=$- m I lO^^ f am ^iitcpitt0 through the (Bate. — Concliidftt. -^ T gfc3^^ ^ — -^-i — I i--tf^ — * 7?j7. ,5! ^J_g± g>— ^[-^. at^i^: 4 V Repeat pp. m Rob'd in whiteness, clad in brightness, I amsweep-ing thro' the gate. It. ^ «>-L<5' oy f^— r^Tg K?- No. 179. gf!su,!s ijs |tti«e. *'My beloved is mine."— Song or Solo3iox 2: 18. Mrs. Catherine J. Bonar, 1843. T. E. Perkins, by per. •^H i ^e -^ -QT r ► *=S^ 3FE^a^ ^-:^-sf^ ^ ^ 1. Fade, fade each earth- ly joj,- Je - sus is 2. Tempt not my soul a- "svay, Je - sus is 3. Fare - well, ye dreams of night, Je - sus is 4. Fare - well, mor - tal - i - ty, Je - sus is 1 \ IL^SlZl mine ! mine ! mine ! mine ! Break ev' - ry Here would I Lost in this Wei- come e - H*— I — r ten - der tie, ev - er stay, dawn-ing light, ter - ni - ty, Je Je Je Je J "'ir:; j==;=S: ■S^ ^^9- ^^pgi^ eus 8US sus sus is mine ! Dark is the wil - der-ness, is mine ! Per - ish - ing things of clay, is mine ! All that my soul has tried, is mine! Wei- come, O loved and blest, ;^=tia 4- '^ ^IZ^—^r li; -K-- ^~*[ ^f'^'f^ q: Earth has no rest- ing place, Jesus a- lone can bless, Je - sus is mine ! Born but for one brief day, Pass from my heart away, Je - sue is mine ! Left but a dis- mal void, Je-sus has sat- is - tied, Je - sus is mine ! Welconio,sweetscenesofre8t,Welcome,my Saviour's breast, Je - sus is mine ! ^ No. 180. §iaUdu|att, §if fe §t^ml " He is not here ; for he Is risen, as he said.' ' — Matt. 23 ; 6. P. P. B. P. P. Bliss, by per. J.. J'. Aj J!-^'. ft--^ — t 1— (!> N,_L ^^i^^ M^^^T^a iiz^hz:^: -^w-^- ^:^ 1, Hal - le - lu - jah, He is ris - en ! Je - sus is gone up on high .' 2. Hal - le - lu - jah, He is ris - en! Our ex- alt - edHead to be; ^^ i^ J — ^ — * — ^ — ^=S t: -^ • m — See ^--1 r. I I— F -tr— t, j^- T irrt 7i?- Burst the bars of death a- sun - def, An- gels shout and men re-ply: Sends the wit - ness of the Spir - it That our ad - vo-cate is He: L:^Tt-::fe=&^: -V- t; f iEE£ :F=^=t f^ I :| ms: He He US is is ris ris 1/ U en, He en, He is is ns ris m^ -t- t- H»- en, en, Liv Jus mg ti It -^- :|: ) la^ .--^J ^ 1 *i S— *t-^ t--v=='-'-' i i-rrH ' — -m—^ — ^ ^- -S-'Oi— V ■• — -•— ■•r^a}—- •■ — 'if - ing, O wonderful song; O joy ev-er t ■ism^ff-p- Xr^ H 1 H H -i^-m- -^— ^-•- Crown of rejoicing, O wonderful, wonderful song ; last - - ing, O glo - ri - fied throng; O beauti-ful r I" r r r p r^ r r Joy ev- er- last - ing, O glo - ri - fied, glo- ri-fied throng ; 4^- ^ 4=j:=j=|g: home, my home can it be ? ry reserved for me 1 ^m=K Beautiful home, t isr No. 182. §ii.!S ^^0xA a Mowtx, Anon. #^ " As thy days, so shall thy strength be ?"— Deut. 33 : 25. P. P. Bliss, by per. J^^— J^ J 1— r -^ K— J 1_^41__|^--^- -I- ^=i: T ^ — M — m- 1. While foes are strong and danger near, A voice falls gently on my ear: 2. With such a prom- ise need I fear, For all that now I hold most dear? y^a- 4^= -I*— *- Pt=jE -■^ ^ ^ ^ •i 1 1 P — s^- 1^ L« L« L^ 1^ iri ^13 fcd -g ^ ^ ^^==±=J-F Sr^ ■^ ^ ^- e^ f=" ■^ ^ ^ My Sav-iour speaks, He says to me, That*'as my days my strength shall be." No, I will nev - er anxiousbe,For"as my days my strength shall be." jt. ^_ -i»- :!; £Eg; -^— t^ @ Chorus ^ -m- :a=J: ^=1^ -••1 ^ ^ *' ip His word a Tower to which I fiee,For*'as my days my strength shall be." -V- -i** — ;*- if: '^^^ ^ ^ :|e=^E^k=^ -t?— t^ :g= t :id=P^ |ii ~1- ^--N- /0> -•- Z^SZZ^I -"•^-:ilr His word a Tower to which I flee, For"as my days my strength shall be." • Jl :^^S ;^S: _« ^c /TS — t?- 2fcl '-«5' 3 And when at last I'm called to die, Still on Thy promise I'll rely ; Yes, Lord, I then will trust in Thee, That "its my days my strength shall be.** Cho.— Ilis word a Tower, &c. 1S« No. 183. ftt the Silent mm(\\\\ ^ratcttc^. •• P>chold I stand at the door and knock."— Rev. S: 20. Rev. A.C. CoxE, D. D. Piano e Marcato. « Geo. F. Root, by per. 3^^=^^^ :4^ rpi 14- — ^- ' — (^- '^i4 1. Ill tiie si -lent midni^^ht watches, List — thy bo-som's door! 2. Death comes dov/n with reckless footsteps, To the hall and hut; 3. Then 'tis time to stand en - treat-ing Christ to let thee in; f I ' ♦ 1- ^ ^•_i_« 0t ^—r-t^ * f- i*-, ^ *-^ (^ ^- i^Sz^^EE tagrr-;g— k- ^^ — I 1 1 ' ' r-[ 3 :=i: :^^ 11=:]^ ro: Id: ^-^ -'^■'■^^ -7^ How it knocketh, knocketh, knocketh, Knocketh ev - er-more! Think you death will tar - ry knocking, When the door is shut? At the gate of heav - en beat - ing, AVail - ing for thy sin? -•-— *— f5 — ^- -| 1:= -<2_ -Jf-::^,.^ ^-^--a iiF=1=I=:T IT: ^ — ■•• — -^ 19 — g" ±=q: :iEEr^ .J Ray not 'tis thy puis - es beat - inp, 'Tis thy heart of sin ; Je - BUS wait -eth, wait - eth, wait -eth; But the door is fast; Nay! a - las, thou guilt - y crea-ture! Hast thou, then, for -got? WA rim=t-- -i — r^i — \ ■a-' — , ^^-r^ r^i — I — \—\-^ :^-tf— ^ .J J -J- —J — i — :d — :d-FH- — d^— i g"»~g — S — 'S'+'l — S~5:rzSdbi^'-^ — 5 — •^ ^ ^ ^ -^ ^ -^ -^ > ^ -3_ -~i isi 'Tis thy Sav -iourknocks, and cri-eth, "Rise, and let me in!" Grieved, a - way thy Sav-iour go - eth. Death breaks in at last. Je - sus wait-ed long to know thee, Now He knows thee not! ^SzrjBL-Tz^tziarzzi^-- : Ie -+- ■x=^ M- 4 Ig^ 130. No. 184. W^t ^M\ ^kt^, But mi ^mm, "Sown In corruption ... .raised In Incorruption."— 1 Cob. 15: 42. Mrs. M. A. Kidder. S. J. Vail, by per. N 51 • ~m^m"'~m m ^ t J^Pi i^EIE^^^S^MEI ^- 1. We shall sleep, but not for- ev - er, There will be a glorious dawn! 2. When we see a precious blossom That we tend - ed with such care, HJf Jt- ^\ -^ ^- iE It J 0 fc 1 N I\ r V ^ s 1 1^ N. i" 1 ^ _i ■ 1 1 1 '/u.- « * m ■ ^ . .■■■t J We shall Rudely -2-^ S ^J — A--'t—^'\ 4-^- — 1 1 , -ttJ- ^-J [meet to part, no, nev-er, On the res - nr -rec- tion morn! tak - en firom our bo-sora, How our ach-ing hearts de-spair! m^ "s r !" « 1 — — (--—-1- -^— .— ^ -mi »l- — ^ ^— . — ^-x ^- ^ ^ ^ ^ =^ 4 ^ - • - 1 1 ! L h, h, 1?- d-J From the deep -est caves of o - cean, From the des - ert and the plain, Round its lit - tie grave we lin - ger, Till the set - ting sun is low, 7-Z3fc5. I*- t- IP^ --t ^?^=r^ -__ _ — . .^- d--; — ^ ^=t- -fv-l— , From the val - ley and the mountain, Countless throngs shall rise a-gain. Feel - ing all our hopes have perished With the flow'r wc cherished so. =1^ H P r^^^n- -1^ — m p CnoRTTs ^— *i — 1 — -^ — t — =^ — I 1 — — 1- Wo shall sleep, but not for - ev - er, There will bo a glorious dawn; ^ ^ i^ I I ^ \^ KXO h^t jihuU <$'tfcjr.— Coucturtfd "We shall meet to part, no, nev - er, On the res - nr - rec-tion morn! 3 We shall sleep, but not for ever, In the lone and silent grave; Blesse■ i Pilgrim in that golden city, Seated in the jasi)er throne, Zion's King, arrayed in beauty, Reigns in peace from zone to zone ; There, on verdant hills and mountains, Where the golden sunbeams jilay, Purling streams, and crystal fountains, Sparkle in th' eternal day. lOl Pilgrim, see ! the light is beaming Brighter still upon thy way ; Signs thro' all the earth are gleaming, Omens of thy coming day, When the last loud trumpet sounding, Shall awake from earth to sea, All the saints of God now sleeping, — Clad in immortality. No. 186. ^ivc mc the Wmp at ^wWk " Here we have no continuing city."~IlEB. 13: 14. m w J{EV. I. "Watts, 1709. Solo. Arr. by Walter Kittkbdq*. ±Z1^ ■H f" Xi: 4^=f i W^ 1. Give me the wings of faith to rise, Within the vail, and see The 2. Once they were mourners here be-low, Andpour'd out cries and tearsj They 1$ fe-^— > I T ^ saints a- bo ve, how great their joys. How bright their glo-ries be. wres - tied hard, as we do now, With sins, and doubts, and fears. Chorus ^^^ :?i=f qs=^ 1^ :^ ■g g <^ m — m- '^ Many are the friends who are waiting to-day, Happy on the golden strand, ^ ^ p 0 t~C~t~l7 I. M Many are the voices calling ns a- way, To join their glorious band. ^^=t^x ^ tnnnr -^ — *- -j 1 1 1 ; L. -^ — *- H 1- f V^ ^ Reveal pp. t^=^ w-w-w-w- H — ^ — ^ — I I ;g- S^ z^- ^ ^ ^ ^ Calling us a- way. Calling us a- way. Calling to the bet-ter land. S. 1 asked them whence their Tictory came\ They, with united breath, Ascribe their conquest to the Lamb, Their triumph to His death. C}m, — Many are the friends, Aok No. 187. ^fhc "^mnl oi §fwlali[. "Thou Shalt bo called lleulah, for the Lord delighteth in thee."— ISA. 62: 4. Rev. Jkffekson Hascalt., 1860. Wm. P. Bradbuky, by per. - f My lat - eat sun is sink - in^ fast, My race is near- ly run ; ) \ My strongest tri- als now are past, My tri-nmphis be - gun. j o f I know I'm nearinp the ho- ly ranks Of friendsand kindred dear, ) * 1 For I brush the dews on Jordan's banks.The crossing must be near. / /TV ^ =t:- 1 — tr-r- "9" J2=d p m Chorus. pi -+-: -:±-, H \ ■J- ■wt g- O come, an - gel band, como and a- round me stand, O, J. ^- J ^ _ Z. t m r r 1^ 1 1 N — m — ^ 1- ■^ ■■I 1 1 1— — ^ 1 — r^ — -^ — -^ — g- rl-r-^^ =t- bear me a- way on your snow-y wings To my im- mor- tal home. O, 1 — I — izfEzig— b> — ^— ^ r t PE=I -IX— E3 fit H n =1 ^ ^ S /TS 1^— v-s+"ig— 3— g iSMS bear me a - way on your snow-y wings To my im- mor- tal home. /TN ^ :ig W 1^ t £ U I I $=^:: mmm 8 IVe almost gained my heavenly home, My spirit loudly sings; Thy holy ones, behold, they co^ue! I bear t^e poise of wiugs. 4 O, bear my longing heart to Him Who bled and died for me; Whose blood now cleansea from all siBi And gives me victory. X03 No. 188. ^mn Ux t\\tt "There was no room for them in the inn."— Luke 2: 7. i Emily S. Elliott. Sloio. 5 W 4^: £iE3 H — H -:]t:l: Iba D. Sankey, by per. ^2=^ ^ ^ i^— # ^ 1. Thou didst leave Thy throne,and Thy king - ly crown,When Thou cam - est to earth for 2. Heav'ns arch - es rang when the an - gels sang, Of Thy birth, and Thy roy- al d»- 3. Fox-es found their rest, and the birds had their nests, In the shade of the ce - dar 4. Thou cam- est, 0 Lord, with Thy liv - ing word,That should set Thy pec- pie I -!*-»- rl- :t^ -^ — ^- w=^ ■+a ;J e-.c^_^ ->->- m -f-^ ^^E^ :&: J^ :wtii: u-- r r ^--^:^ ':3--^ -4—^ ^»!=i- 4 t i^ me; But in Bethlehem's home there was found no room, For Thy ho - ly na- tiv - i - - cree ; But in low - ly birth didst Thou come to earth, And in greatest hu-mil - i - tree; But Thy couch was the sod, 0 Thou Son of God, In the des-erts of Gal - i - free ; But with mocking and scorn and with crown of thorn, Did they bear Thee to Cal - va •iS^-, ^-m- ^^-^^- 1 Refrain :tr>^^:g: tt ?l H ifezk: :t 1^=^ ^-^ r^ -I — h •^-i^^ :^=-tei1e: X > > ^ -l^-\—\- -9- Zttl I ;iEESEiEsE^i3 come to my heart, Lord Je - sus ! There is room in my heart for Thee. T\ '^- :^- ±z :^j=j=± H 1 1 1 1 1— -•- -fS'*- 1 1^— k- i =r^=i^;:=f ^li^^ M-=^; t \,1/ ' ^ Si/ Oh, come to my heart, Lord Je - sus, come! There is room in my heart for Thee. \ E 6 Heaven's arches shall ring, and its choirs shall sing, At Thy comiup to victory, Thou wilt call me home, saying " yet there is room," There m room at My side for thee. — Ref, No. 189. ^tomf at ^a.st. '•In my Father's house are many muiiiilous— I go to prepare a place for you."— John 14: Z " Aud there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying."— iiev. 21 : 1. Mrs. Maria P. A. Ckozikr. Ira D. Sankey, by per. ipS is^ i -<^ 3^3^ i^ ST 4- ■+- 1. "Home at hvst" on heavenly mountain8,Heard tlie "Come and en-ter in ;'* 2. Free at last from all tcmpta - tion, No more need of watch - ful care ; 3. Saved to greet on hills of glo- ry Loved ones we have missed so long; 4. Welcomed at the pearl -y por-tal, Ev-er more a wel- come guest ; ^^g^g^ ^^=:^=:^.=t^g-iJZ-t,t=k -I 1- -t— t- E P p Ed^ ^^^ :¥—^- ■6^ Saved by life's fair flowing fountains, Saved from earthly taint and sin. Joy - ful in complete sal - va - tion, Given the vie- tor's crown to wear. Saved to tell the sin-ner's sto - ry, Saved to sing redemption's song. Welcome to the life im - mor - tal, In the man-sions of the blest. ?=^ ^I^I -«'- -©>- rh tzit -^-:^_ Refratnt. iH|=z^dH "Home, sweet home,'' our homo for-ev- er ; All the pil-grim- jour - cey past ; -f5^ -t ^- Ff ^ kS'^oir. pi^^ Welcome home to wan- der, nev - er, Saved thro' Jesus — " Home at last.** XOOJ I No. 190. ?Itc pijstalvfis ct tny pff. " Behold, I have set before thee an open door."— Rev. 3 : 8, Mrs. Uranta Locke Bailey. Rev. Robert Lowry, by per. :iU3rf: -^ — ^ «*- t^is M^ :5t3=^£^^ 1. The mistakes of my life have been many, The sins of my heart have been 2. I am lowest of those who love Him, I am weakest of those who 3. My mistakes His free grace will CO V- er, My sins He will wash a- 4 The mistakes of my life have been many. And my spir-it is sick with I L / L ^^^ I =f 1S— ts- ^— g l* 'ir^-'ir I_l^.i^-A.^:j5; more, And I scarce can see for weeping, But I'll knock at the open door, pray; But I come as He has bidden. And He will not say me nay. - way, And the feet that shrink, and falter Shall walk thro' the gates of day. sin. And I scarce can see for weeping. But the Saviour will let me in. ^Saa Chorus. .^-^ nsr H H Sat; ;^=5-F^ fia? I know I am weak and sinful. It comes to me more and more ; But i£=fe H*- -^ 1^ U T — b»- ^ trztnEq ^ r J.j^ -m- * — • — • — ■! — ^ 1 1 — -m tei ^ts^i- ^^ipB when the dear Saviour sliall bid me come in, I'll en-ter the o- pen door. 0i:£^'|i^-^=5£^J !i=t^-ic t=^^ > — b No. 191. €(im; for ttic ^f«^t is Spread. " Come ; for all things are now ready."— Luke 14 : 17. Rev. Henry Buuton. P. P. Rliss, by per. ,'P ^--fri Jt^ -m- -^ — J-^ !=:=}: ^ — I — — +- — Of "ST -SL I 1. Come, for the feast is spread; Hark to the 2. Come uhere the fount -ain flows — Kiv - er of 3. Come to the throne of grace, Bold - ly draw L2:t=t l^"^-4-;» t -<= — , I — r^\-^ — F J=j3pJ call! life- near; A. -»- 1^ o er be; down ; brink ; I'm near - er Near - er the Near - er to For I am home to - day, to - day, Than great white throne to - day, Near- leave the cross to - day, And near - er home to - day, Per- ^ Chorus. *=^ I have been be - fore. - er the crys - tal sea. near-er to the crown. - haj^, than now I think. f^ —I 1 1 ^— i- -^zuL Near - er my home, Near - er my home, ± f-^f -) u. -^y-l-U — g— > — r- =-•— I* tr ^^ m ::t^ Near- er my home to- day, to - day, Than I have been be - fore. lOl^ No. 193. |lcfMr)f. 7js. " The Lord also will be a refuge In times of trouble."— Pa. 9 : 9, ReT. Charles Weslev, 1740, Jos. P. Holbrook, by per. N J -f -■| I f^ F- J . -*— ^^^— IT --j— J 1. Je - BUS, lev - er of my soul, Let me to Thy bo - som fly, 2. 0th - er ref - ugehave I none, Hangs my help - less soul on Thee; .• . __ 3 iOEtZE^pE l4--^-=g^^=& V-*^^ tz^ £e t ^ — I I |:^ 3 — ff B ♦ — 9-^~m ■**- I . -^ — «^ I "VN'hile the near - er wa-ters roll, While the tern - pest still is high ; Leave, oh, leave me not a - lone, Still sup- port and comfort me : 8 3 _ .^^^SEEEE , 3 ^^ tt /'7\ 5J-^---*"tfc^^:^^T^: ^ Hide me, oh, my Sav-iour hide, Till the storm of life is past; All my trust on Thee is stayed, All my help from Thee I bring; i=E^ ^^=¥^ -m- 8H*- -m- t- t ^^-*^^r tF ^t-"^f r! 1 ]-,N- r- ?-a=3it =^- PIS i!=Fi I Safe in - to the ha - ven guide, Oh, re- ceivo my soul at last. Cov - er my dc- fenceless head With the shad - ow of Thy wing. :ev:eq t — g I — JR 1 f 3 Thou, O Chri.it, art all I want ; More than all in Thee I find: Raise the fallen, cheor the faint. Heal the sick, and lead the blind : Just and holy is Thy name, I am all unrighteousness; Vile, and full of sin I am, Thou art full of truth and grace. lOO 4 Plenteous grace with Thco is found- Grace to cover all my sin: Let the healing streams abound ; Make me, keep me, pure within, Thou of life the Fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee: Spring Thou up within my heart| Kise to all eterixity. No. 194. ©It, iviuit arc '^m 6oiit0 to §o? •• How long halt ye between two opinions."—! Kings 18: 2L FAifinr J. Cbosby, 1S07. Philip Phillips, by per. Ii^ m 1. Oh, what 2. Oh, what 3. Oh, what 4. Oh, what f. ^W—W- are you go- ing to do, brother? Say, what are you arc you go- ing to do, brother ? The morn-ing of are you go- ing to do, brother? Your sun at its are you go- ing to do, brother ? The twi- light ap- m ^ go- ing youth noon proach- to is is es ^ ^ * ^- i^ :fr:q do? past; high; now ; — H ^- You have thought of some useful la - bor. But The vig - or and strength of man- hood. My It shines in me - rid - ian splen- dor. And Al - read- y your locks are sil- vered,Aud ^te lip ¥ :*-*: ■> Ps ^ — ^^ — V — 1 — IS izr — 1 — — H — 7^- • - what is the end in view ? You are fresh from the home of your broth- er, are yours at last: You are ris - ing in world - ly rides through a cloudless sky: You are hold- ing a high po - win - ter is on your brow: Your tal -ents,your time, your i:^ li^zpr — tl — J r~-^- t ^ ^- it boy pros - si - rich hood, pects, tioUf es, —^ — ^u* V — \^ 1*^' -f^ r— And just in the bloom of youth ! And pros - pered in worldly things ;- Of hon - or, and trust, and fame; — To Je - BUS, your Mas- ter, give; ■^—^ Have you Are you Then tast - cd the du - ty to will- ing to ask if the Chorus. sparkling wa- ter That flows from the fount of truth ? thoselessfa- vored, The smile of your for- tune brings, give the glo - ry And praise to your Sa- viour's Name ? world around you Is bet - ter be- cause you live. 1. Is your heart in the 2. Go j)rove that your 3. The re - gions that 4. You are near - ing the Sav - iour's keep - ing ? heart is grato - ful — flit in dark - neas brink of Jor - dan, Ko The Are But I'TO 01i, tdtnt atf %m Cooing to ||a?— (tauftwdcd - mem - ber,He died for you ! Lord had a Avork for you ! stretch- ing their hands to you ! still thero lb Avork for you I Then what are you go-ing to *T-^ r 1* r f! r. £ S^ /r\ :i=ld:.M= mm ^F±r^ vi/ do, broth- er ? Say, what are you go - ing to ^f do? Si/ ^ f^ No. 195. |itt ®hott ^iVavy? " Come unto me, and I will give you rest."— Matt. 11 : 28. Rev. J. M. Nealk, trans. Rev. Henry W. Bakbr, 1868. li 5^ S*— ^C* d? 5l g;^ pa::? 1. Art thou wea - ry, art thou Ian- guid? Art thou sore dis-tress'd? 2. Hath He marks to lead me to Him If He be my guide? -i9- I f i I: r-^^1 - -a^ P ii r — I «: 1 — ' — ^ — ^ 1 I • til 111 — r*'' r ■■1 ^ M ' •- -■• — zi ' ' 1 K + I ,1 here tell your an - guish; Earth has no sor-row that heav'n cannot heal. ten - der - ly say - ing, F.artli has no sor-row that heav'n cannot cure. come, ev - er know-ing, Earth has no sor-row, but heav'n can re-move. in. g=*: te^^^^^^^ t :C=C: ^ ^tf- ^ S h ^^^ i-rs Ho. 198. ^xbt and ^\mt " Arise, shine, for thy light is come."— ISA. 60 : 1. Mary A. Lathbuky. P. P. Bliss, by pef. rij^it t ^^^ 1. Lift up, lift up thy voice with singing, Dear land, with strength lift 2. And shall His flock with strife be i iv - en ? Shall en-vious lines Hia 3. Lift up thy gates! bring forth ob-lations! One crown'd with crowns, a 4. He comes! let all the earth a- doreHim;Thepath His hu - man W^± h ^S n^-T— 4- ^-4- —I K-1 V 1 tVT — ""^ — p — - s n np thy voice ! The kingdoms of the church di - vide, When He, the Lord of mess - age brings, His word, a sword to na - ture trod Spreads to a roy - al earth earth smite realm are bringing Tlieir and heaven, Stands the na-tions; His be -fore Him, The m. -I — ± ^-- ^^ :i)^: =t: ^ :l=: m u-^t -b*— •- JL'bU^ 1 _^*_ 1 _i_ # • __q5: 1 1 1 Cno -IT- RUS. N — I0~ii- 1 -^fc— W^Sr- _a_g_ — 1 — if « -t^ - IT-A No. 199. ^halt \u pcct? '♦The ransomed of the Lord Bhall return and come to Zlon with songs and everlastinf Joy upon their heads."— ISA. 30: 10. Horace L. TT.\.stinos, 1858. n u Moderato ELinu S. Rice, 1866, by per. I 1. Shall we meet be-yond the riv- er, Where the 8nr- ges cease to roll? 2. Shall wo meet in that blest har-bor, When ourstorm-y voyage is o'er? 3. Shall we meet in yon- der cit- y, Where the tow'rs of crys- tal shine? 4. Shall we meet ^vith Christ our Saviour, When He comes to claim His own ? ■J — P — ^ -i^^^=EB U b I u» i^ p U T -^^- 1 1 ! a — ; 1- 1 -■}- Wherein all the bright for-ev- er, Sor- row ne'er shall press the soul ? Shall we meet and cast the an-chor By the fair, ce- les- tial shore? Where the walls are all of jas-per, Built by work-man-ship divine? — Shall we know His bless-ed fa-vor, And sit down up-on His throne? ^ uCHORrs. 1^ i ^ S Shall we meet, shall we meet. Shall we meet beyond the riv- er? «« d-^—m-r V=T' \^^ i^^g^ Shall we meet beyond the riv- er, Where the sur - ges cease to roll ? irs No. 200. ft is mw With Pm ^ml I *• He hath delivered my soul in peace."— Ps. 55 : 18. H. G. Spaffobd. p. p. Bliss, h^ per. M^-g4-^EEx^g=J:g=:J^ r -«»- :e 1. "When peace, like a riv - er, at- tend-eth my way-jTVlienBorrowSjlikc 2. Though 8a - tan should buf-fet,though trials should come,Letthis blest as- 4=^ •- 7P^^-? ^i2-^M^ :j^ t:F=F=f P tr^ -g^ 2— S :s rF^ _^ ^ «- -, ^ PF — T^ sea - bil- lows,roll ; What-ev - or my lot, Thou hast taught me to - sur - ance con-trol, That Christ hath re-gard- ed my help- less es- ^ -m^- ^ -^-' m- -(2- ^. -^ .^ 4^ ^ :^ -f^ -^ l^b: ? -(^- fc^=f £: E^ V=^ E Chort:s. /-»^ It is well. 3 My sin — oh, the bliss of this glorious thought — My sin— not in part but the whole, Is nailed to His cross and I l)oar it no more, Praise the Lord, ])raise the Lord, oh, my soul! — Clio, 4 And, Lord, hast« th(> day when the faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll. The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, *' Even so" — it is well with my soul. — Cho. No. 201. IffiiMSi b ^\\(\M\} to ^avf. " Mighty to save."— ISA. 63 : 1. Mrs. Annie Wittenmyeh Modcrato. in: 3^^ Wm. G. Fischer, by per. 4^ ^ r-T-^it t-^ rl^-sf4^E3E?=i^^-3EE^fe|^ir^t5£^ -A~ 1. All plo - ry to Je-sus he j^ivon, That life and sal-va-tion are free; 2. From darkness and sin and (le - spair, Out in - to the light of His love, 3. Oh, the rapturous heights of His lovo, The measureless depths of His grace, 4. In Him all my wants are supplied, His love makes my heaven be - low, fifJrzi -[- 1 1 — . "^ ^ |_-~"^ h-t :E£ >— tr g And all may he wash'd and forgiven, And Je - sus can save ev- en me. Hehasl)rought me and made me an heir, To kingdoms and mansions above. My soul all His fullness would ])rove, And live in His loving em-brace. And free- ly His blood is ap - plied, His blood that makes whiter than snow. -ti :N::ii)ez|: :|pL-4Eiz«h CnoBus ^ r^rrw^ **:;e=|e: :;ff-i^z^=:t^=kj: --^-ti r-t ^ r .1 k r I -T—l^ f:=l^ Yes, Jc - sus is mighty to save, And all His sal - va-tion maj -^^■£=Slr£±sr ^^^|S=S blood makes me clean. For His blood can wash whit - er than enow. 1- fai !--^ 1 b! k-'-l — — -te S ^-K \ V — ^ xrr Ho. 202. mmi shatl | A- > i — =J — I •■ 35EiEi m And we hush our breath to hear, And we strain our eyes to see Is a voice that must be heard, As our mo- ments on-ward flee iL ^ ^ N .^ -^ ^ — H r— ^ ^z^ ^ — I- ■*!— U- ^ -U'- t: r i?t7. Rallcntando. r-A /TN If thy shores are drawing near, — E - ter And it speak-eth ayeone word, — £ - ter * — I* (• ^ • ^.l^ — I r ' :— I • r— I rP— : — -» • — ni - ty ! ni - ty ! E - ter E - ter ni - ty ! ni - ty ! 5- :7^- t» — b?— V ± ±r. ± 3 Oh, the clanging bells of Time 1 To their voices, loud aud low, lu a long, unresting line AVe are marching to and fro ; And we v^'arn for sight or sound, Of the life that is to be, " For thy breath doth wrap us round, — Eternity 1 Eternity ! m Pi i 4 Oh, the clanging bells of Time ! Soon their notes will all be duml, And in joy and peace sublime, We shall feel the silence come; And our souls their thirst will slake, And our eyes the King will see, When thy glorious morn shall break,— Eternity ! Eternity ! iru No. 204. " The ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zlon with songs and everlaatlng joy uix)u their heads,"— laA. S5; 10. S. FiLXMORK RKNNKTT. Jos, r. Webster, by per. e 1. There's a land that is fair - er than dav. And bv faith "we can see it a- 2. We shall sing on that beau-ti - fiil sbwre The mel- o - di-ous souirsof the 3. To our boun- ti- fal Fa- ther a-bovo. We will of - fer our trib-uteof ^^-^ iriT^ *- jL^^*_ ^ 1^ 3: - far; For the Fa- ther waits o - ver the vray, To pre-pare ns a blest. And our spir - its shall sor- row no more, Not a sigh for the praise. For the glo -ri-onsiiift of His love, And the blessings that nfr: -# 0 Chokus. t ^^- r-*- f -i» m- t— tr rl^f^ ■i9- ^ ~f^^± ^ dwell-ing place there. In the sweet bless- inc of reat. grr? hal - low our davs. tz: t V — ^ r by- and -by, We shall In the sweet by- aud-by, -s ^ 5=F tp meet on that beau-ti - ful shore. s:?:r=t -I w~^ -? 5»- V BT * (- -! 1- In the sweet ^ r* -i L 1 1 1- by -aud-by. bv-and-bv. bv - and • --^i^- 1," We shall me^t on that beau - ti - ful shore. Vf , by • and* I7, No. 205. ^.tpootutation. J. H. " Tiim ye, tarn ye— for why will ye dJe?^— Ezk. 21: 11. 1. Oh. • ' tarn je, for why will ye die ? Whfrn G' - - lenaod dy-ing. to Je - sua re - will 7(ni not come , He makes welcome \ He bids job Ho. 206. Cross and Croun. " And he bearing his croae, weal forth."— Johs 19 : 17. Tho's. Shepheed. Geo. N", Aixz?r, iMi J-_J _-x= I V- 1 -^ •— < 1. 2. 3. 4. Most Je - su*? bear the cross a - lone. And all the w/--'r^ 70 free t The con - !5e - era- ted cross Y\\ bear. Till death sha e free ; Up - on the errs -tal pavement, down At Je-sus' ; : feet. O precious crossi O glorious crown! O rea - ur-rec-uon day! o. there'.s a cross for ev' - ry one, And there'? a cto?« for me. And then eo home mr crown to wear. For theres a czxi^n f -r v^^ "With joy I'll cast r Id- en crown. And His dear name re-peat. Ye an - geU- frfrc ... ^ -jsn come down, And bev my sonl a- way. * J ^ ig" ^- 1 — h ^ I i i No. 207. Wxm'$ a ^iglrt in i\u fattcy. "Though I walk through the valley • * * I will fear no evil."— Psa. 23: 4. P. P. B. P. P. Bliss, by per. With Expression. ^ ■*— r — I ( (——I — 1 r^i ^t—i — -^^ 1. Through the val - ley of the shad - ow I must go, "Where the ?^Ei -l 1 1 1 — ■.■£± m r=f ~im 1£>- V V r=^=^ ^ N 1 1 -\ N ic ^f IS ^r- cold waves of Jor - dan roll ; But the promise of my Shepherd V' r'T^-t-f X Slower. ^ ^ES — — (- -<&—. ^- ^:t will I know, Be the rod and the staff to my soul. E - ven — m — ^ J — I 1 — ?— 1»- 1221 tlr lEZTZfc J 1 1 1 1 1 1 — - — -m m — f >— ' ^ -^ — ^j— -« — ■« — « — ^ — =t^ ^ — 1- =1^- ^^ -,«^* 15^ now down the val - ley as I glide, :3— ^- ■»^- ^*ip^ I can hear my Snv-ioni r r r f" r ^ ^ tempo. say, "Fol-low me!" And witli Him I'm not a - fraid to aoss the •~> t\\m'$ a ^ight in the ^'aUcy— Concluded. ¥ f CfTOi^rs. m—i—M * 1^-; 1 1— "1 -^ -hi>-.- -i — N ^ rrfc tide, There's a light in the val- ley for me. There's a light in tho fs » dz: ^ — ^"-^ 0*0.0. 0-* 0 0 ^ P, r r^ f"-^ pzzz^z±t=zz=i;=zi^z::tz4==::zic±j^:±ti:^^ yal - ley, There's a light .0 0 S £ in the val - ley, There's a light in tho ^ 0-' —0-r0 1^ t 0 1 1 t:^ g t t t ^ I l* ^ ~U t t" !; t ^=^^=^^ y^^^^^ ^5: * litizat: .^_J L-^ — I — 0j — ^ -( — val-ley for me, And no e - vil will I fear, While my i a — ?=f rT=i=«=i=s=* 3^l=g-«— ir Fa- ther's constant bless- ings fall around us like the dew; But its purchased our re-demp-tion, and His blood the ran-sompaid; In Hia ±=^ t i ii ^-^ -f ^_^=4:'.zz4=M :fc=i;=:;J: ^g— -g — ^ — ij} sun-shine and its beau-ty to our hearts no joy can bring, Like the cross shall be our glo- ry, to that bless- ed cross we'll cling, Till we m— -m- — ^m- m- ^- ' +-- E ^^ ' S: TT T T splen - dors that a - wait us in the pal - ace of the King, reach the gates that o - pen to the pal - ace of the King. ■■rr-^i^ E ■^. ^^^m ^=F^ =&: i r_ /rs I ^f^ Itht i\ila(c j)f i\\t %\\\^—€oMMd. Refkatv '^ fe{:E^.-^E^^E^EiE^*fe^ -j^ ^« . -^—-r^- -■^-M ^ In this good-ly pleiusiint hind on - ly strangers now are we, For we We shall see Him bye and bye, hal - le - lu -jah to HisnanuIThrci' the D.C. O the pal- ace of the King, my - al pal- ace of the King ; M Ik re our iT iT^ ^--tr— t— tr-1 1-^^ seek a bet - ter country, and 'tis there we long to be ; Yes, we blood of His a - tenement, life e - ter - nal we may claim ; "We shall Fa - ther in His mer - cy all the ransomed ones uill bring; Where our -!•- -l^-t,- ^ m i ^^—^ isii "^ ^ ^=3^^ :^=^ i=^=§ long to swell the an-them that for - ev - er-more shall ring, From the cast our crowns be- fore Him and our songs of -vie - fry sing, When we 8or - rotes and our tri - als like a dream tvill pass a - tcay, And our ■t ■ . "i^ ^ — -"^ ^ "P* "i^ iPP 1?g— k A ^ |\ IS Rif. D.C for Refrain. 7?-- -i- i- — [1- * X -a . ^ -^ — ^ H ^- -T: 3 ->— -d— rj V Z!* ~ -fi:-»- 4 3 — IS— 1 — -r*-:-H 1/ pure in en - ter 8(ml8 shall heart in dwell — t — — — • made tri - for - per - feet umphant ev ' er — -^- ^^ ^^ • _ in the to the in (he pal - ace pal - ace realms of rs -1e ^-'- of of end ■ s T r the King, the King. less day. LI_z -t^ P- -t' =^— 5^ — — -> P~ z-^ — tr J . No. 209. m ot the M, ** Come thou and all thy house into the ark."— Gen. 7: 1. Katk Harkingtok. p. p. Bli&s, by pef. S teES3! SES^^S^ -^- — 1- 1^ 1. They dream 'd not 2. He could not of dan - ger, those sin - ners of old, Whom a - rouse them, un-heed-ing they stood, Un- ■rlr-fc^ 5a ^i^ 1t=:J=. i No - ah was chos - en to warn ; By fre-quent transgressions their mov'd by his warn - ing and prayer ; The prophet passed in from the fdr ^ 4 rit. -N- -■•- ^ --tr- -I* ^- ZZlX HP hearts had grown cold, They laugh'd his en - treat - ies to on - com - ing flood, And left them to hope - less de scorn: spair: w & ^^3EE5: :qt ^ I :le i*i ■:»■ 8d? W-. -1- r-t- qtL=z Yet dai - ly he called them, "Oh, come, sin - ners, come, Be- The flood - gates were o - pened, the del - uge came on. The - — -h :?E:^Si t-: t -lieve and pre -pare to em -bark! Re-ceivc ye the message, and heav - ens as midnight grew dark , Too late, then they turned, ev -ry :t=t t- :t= iCd ^T-^— ?- -f 1 iwo 0ut oi the :2\vU.-CmvcUuIci rit. mi ■&=d^=i3 ■^^^T=rz ^ know there Ls room For all who will come to the Ark." foot- hold was goue, They per- ished in sight of the Ark. P^ 5 t=t I i p CnoRFs. ^^=^^^ti^ t ■S ^ S \t/ P Then come, come, oh, come ; There's ref- nge a - lone in the fe r=r \-^=^\- 1— E£ £ ie .ij^j^^i :^ii ^ t;1 ^-i — "J :*^7 Ark, 5=5^l^^l^ Re - ceive ye the mes- sage, and know there is room mB. 2:1?: -!•——»- I I I ± rit. .t^ ^ /7\ ^ ^— «- For ¥ Bl 2=^- S -¥=^ all who will come V S to /^ -0- the Ark. V 3 O sinners, the heralds of mercy implore, They cry like the patriarch, " Come ;" The Ark of salvation is moored to your shore, Oh, enter while yet there is room ! The storm-cloud of Justice rolls dark over head, And when by ite fury you're tossed, Alas, of yoirr perishing souls 'twill be said, "They heard— they refused— a/Ki were lostV^^'Ch^, m No. 210. mMm anrt mtdtiitg Uv §k " I shall go to him * * * he shall not return to me."— 2 Sam. 12 : 23. Marianne Farningham Hearn, 1862. P. P. Bliss, by per. M Slowly ^^#=#==^ &^=5H 1^ fc J—J *—^=4 bs^ 1. When my fi • 2. There are lit 3. There are old nal fare - well to the ^vorld I have said, And tie ones glanc- ing a - bout in my path. In and for - sak - en who lin - ger a- while In glad - ly lie down to my rest ; When soft - ly the watchers shall want of a friend and a guide ;There are dear lit - tie eyes looking homes which their dearest have left ; And a few gen- tie words or an «L. v U* ^- Egi 1*-i> t=t^ V m n --i^=^F=i say, "He is dead," And fold my pale hands o'er my breast; up in - to mine, "Whose tears might be eas - 1 - ly dried, ac - tion of lovo May cheer theii- sad spir- its be - reft. 3lff= n ^'- 4L f-. — tu* U U- # •" I feef ;q5: i^rF:--::^: ■^ H -I -H I - ^^ :sE53 And when, with my glo - ri - ficd vis - ion at last The But Je - SU3 may beck- on tlio chil- dren a - way In the But the Reap- er is near to the long stand - ing corn, The 1^ :^=$J: -/- ifepji^^^Si^^^^^y walls of "TlKit Oit-y" T soo, Will nn -y ono then at the midst of tlu-irgri'.faml tht'ir glor— AVill an -y of them, at the wea - ry will soon be set free— Will an - y of them, at the Pii- =1^ :j — r-Tf fc=:l^ :i^ :;;: ^ V' k^ id&i ^ttjiiting and ^Vatching for pc— Conchirtcd. =^- beau- ti - ful gate, Be wait- ing and watching for me? beau- ti - ful gate, Be wait- ing and watching for me? beau - ti - ful gate, Bo wait- ing and watching for me ? is f4= m tr. ^=t #^r^ r . r -^ -4^ —M — 1 — — ^- — I — -> \ — 1— N — 1 \ 4--L^ — 1 — — 1 — J T — ~ — "l — • — — i — •*— J — ^ -i- Wni an - y one then, at the beau - ti - ful gate, Be Will an - y of them, at the beau - ti - ful gate. Be Will an - y of them, at the beau - ti - ful gate, Be (Wdi,. -T JS_ — ^- __^ , — f — 0 f .. — ^ f ,e^s -"H 1 -^= — « ^ -4 — b» — — L? — ->• — > — — 1 0 — ^ \ — 0. — 1 t ^ E- ^ ^ —^ 1 :l e^^^^^ Chorus. iT^ T^ U 1/ l^ 1^ wait- ing and watching for me? wait- ing and watching for me? wait- ing and watching for me? Be wait- ing and Be wait- ing f4M ^ F=F f-?- ^t=f ^^^^^^^ vx-x ^^^ -t^- Rcpent pp. tZ3t ^jFI watch-ing, Be wait- ing and watching for me ? and watch-ing, -^_ H*. ^•_ 1^ r r^ . — . ij— j—s V U- ~ —^ t i^m Vi/ 4 Oh, should I be brought there by the bountiful grace Of Him who delights to forgive, Though I ])less not the weary about in my path. Pray only for self while I live, — Methinks I should mourn o'er my sinful neglect, If sorrow in heaven can l)e, Ij: Should no one I love, at the beautiful gate, he waiting and watching for me 1 :[j — Cho, 1»U No. 2tl. Timothy Dwight, D.D., 1800. 4. mtuwti ^,§1 P 4 /CS SA^njETi Stanley, 1800. •:2-^ Kt *-.—^^ '.IK^L r- 1. I love Thy kiug- dom, Lord, The bouse of Thine a - bode, The ^ ^ ^- I J- ^ ^ _ _ ^ I ^ _ ^ ^r^: -&- ■y- -h ^- -^- r f^ 1^- «?- _^_ ^ F 5 1!?- t= 1- 1^- £ Church our blest Re - deem-er saved With His own pre-cious blood. ^i*- P :[:: £ 2 I love Thy Church, O God ! Her walls before Thee stand, Dear as the apple of Thine eye, And graven on Thy hand. 3 For her my tears shall fall ; For her my prayers ascend ; To her my cares and toils be given, Till toils and cares shall end. \ 4 Beyond my highest joy I prize her heavenly ways ; Her sweet communion, solemn vows, Her hymns of love and praise. 5 Sure as Thy truth shall last, To Zion shall be given The brightest glories earth can yield, And brighter bliss of heaven. No. 212. Pckon. Timothy Dwight, D.D., 1800. pS "-#" -\ — t- Hr ■■m- Dr. L. Mason, 1839. ^t. ^ 1. While life prolongs its precious light,Mer-cy is found .and peace is given; ^^=J^S-J-^ ^^'^E^E^ -■m- ■^t=g: 5 5l=4; t=di: i But BOon,ah,soon,approachiugnightShallblotout ev'-ry hope of heaven. J_^ ^_^« m—r-m^—9—m ^_^|iB_H«__^ f*— H« 1^ ^~i ir^^^ -^e:^. ^fc -I — 2 While God invites, how blest the day ! How sweet the Gospel's charming sound ! Come, sinners, haste, 0 haste away. While yet a pard'ning God is foand. 8 Soon, borne on times's most rapid wing, Shall death command you t) the grave, — Before His bar yonr spirits bring, And none be found to hear or save. lOO r 4 In that lone land of deep despair, No Sabbath's heavenly light shall rise,— No God regard your bitter prayer, No Saviour call you to the skies. 5 Now God invites ; how blest the day ! How sweet the Gospel's charming sound I Come, sinners, haste, 0 haste away. While yet a pard'ning God is found. Eev. John Newton, 1T79. 4: Samuel Stanley. W ^ III I I 1, A - maz-in^ grace, how sweet the soand, That saved a wretch like me! 2. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears ro - lieved ; ig~"^ i^^^ r ^■=F .._,, >«'-^' J ;&J J — >—M — : II .«_-_< 1 1 ^ 1 *^ ^i I once wa8 lost, but now am found ;T\ as blind, but now I see. How pre- cious did that grace ap - pear, The hour I first be - Iwved. «-P=t|^EEpEE^ :t f--=r -^^-m- f -t- m 3 Thro' many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come ; *Tis grace that brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home. 4 Yes, when this heart and flesh shall fail, And mortal life shall cease, I shall possess, within the vail, A life of joy and peace. No.2i4. TnoiiAa Scott, 1773. 1 4 Hasten, sinner, to be blest! Stay not for the morrow's sun, Lest perdition thee arrest Ere the morrow ia begun. No. 215. ^flS^taitiS. \l ** That the promise by faith might be given to them that believe."— Gai.. 3: 22, A. D. 1531. rt It^- '-(» — m- L. O. Emekson, 1847. — — I — I — ^ — *—ai>-^t:» ~<9- -\ 3 ^-I — H — ir^ -^- 1. Faith is a living pow'r from heaven Which grasps the promise God hasgiv'n ; 2. Faith finds in Christ vrhate'er we need To save and strengthen, guide and feed; Se - cure-ly fixed on Christ alone, A trust that can Strong in His grace it joys to share His cross, in hope not be o'er-thrown. His crown to wear. ?:r=fo:S=f=g: rz fet :^ ^ s: isz: r 3 Faith to the conscience whispers peace ; And bids the mourner's sighing cease ; By faith the children's right we claim, And call upon our Father's name. 4 Such faith in us, O God, implant, And to our prayers Thy favor grant In Jesus Christ, Thy saving Son, Who is our fount of health aloue. No. 216. ^X\%H §t;0UJ. i^^. §t " My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death."— Matt. 26: 38. Rev. Wm. Bingham Tappan, 1819. Wm. B. Bradbury, 1855, by per. -1—4- fe^^ I ^^ ?r4r-3izd: ^a-J-g.- -t»- -< S=t^— W 3EE£ ajziaj: -:^-n — «--(s- ^5*- ■-il--i: XJ 1. 'Tis midnight; and on Olive's brow The star is dimmed thatlately shone ; 2. 'Tis midnight ; and from all removed The Saviour wrestles 'lone with fears ; ^^ fSi'-r^ —m^—m^—^-r^ -y-- ^ ^- f r^-T' X-t: r I m ^ E=E EE3 ^^ -♦— «i— ^--,^— t i? 3^ :f=|±3z:iiz^zii: .iire A place in that laud for me. 5 There's a beautiful land on high. And though here I oft weep and sigh, My Jesus hath said, That no tears shall be shed, In. that beautiful laud ou high. Cho. — In that beautiful land I'll be, From earth and its cares set free ; My Jesus is there. He's gone to prepare A place in that land for me. 6 There's a beautiful land on high, Where we never shall .say " good-by !" When over the river We're happy forever, In that beautiful laud on high. Clio.— In that beautiful land I'll be. From earth and its cares set free ; My Jesus is there, He's gone to prejjare A place in that land for me. James Nicuolson, 1S5& 3 There's a beautiful land on high. Then why should I fear to die, When death is the way To the realms of day. In that beautiful land on high. No. 219« THH SHINING SHORE. Key G. 1 My days are gliding swiftly by. And I, a pilgrim stranger, Would not detain them as they fly, Those hours of toil and danger. Cho. — For O, we stand on .Tordan'sstrancl, Our friends are pa.^sing over, And just before, the shining shore Wo may almost discover. 103 2 We'll gird our loins, my brethern dear, Our heavenly home discerning ; Our absent Lord has left us word, Let every lamp be burning. Cho. — For O, "we stand on Jordan's strand, Our friends are passing over, And just before, the shining shore We may almost discover. 3 Should coming days be cold and dark, We need not cease our singing ; That perfect rest naught can molest, Where golden harps are ringing. Cho. — For 0,we stand on Jordan's strand, Our friends are passing over, And just before, the shining shore We may almost discover. 4 Let sorrow's rudest tempest blow, Each chord on earth to sever ; Our King says Come, and there's our home, Forever, O forever. Cho. — For O, we stand on Jordan's strand, Our friends are passing over. And just before, the shining shore We may almost discover. Kev. David Nelson, 1835 No. 220. 2^*7S. KeyC. 1 We are waiting by the river, We are watching by the shore, Only waiting for the boatman, Soon He'll come to bear us o'er. 2 Though the mist hang o'er the river, And its billows loudly roar, Yet W(; hear the song of angels, Wafted from the other shore. 5 When we've passed the vale of shadows, With its dark and chilling tide, In that bright and glorious city We shall evermore abide. Miss Mahy p. GRimN, No. 221. TUNB— G. H. I. NO. 24. 1 My God I have found The thrice blessed ground, Where life, and where joy, and true com- fort abound. Cho.— Hallelujah ! Thine the glory ! Hallelujah ! Amen ! Hallelujah ! Thine the glory I Revive us again. 2 'Tis found in the blood Of Him who once stood My refuge and safety, my surety with God, Cho.— Hallelujah! Thine the glory ! Hallelujah! Amen! Hallelujah ! Thine the glory! Revive us again. 3 He bore on the tree The sentence for me. And now both the surety and sinners are free. Cho.- Hallelujah! Thine the glory ! Hallelujah! Amen! Hallelujah! Thine the glory I Revive us again. 4 And though here below 'Mid sorrow and woe, My place is in heaven with Jesus I know. Cho.- Hallelujah ! Thine the glory 1 Hallelujah! Amen! Hallelujah! Thine the glory I Revive us again. 3 And the bright celestial city,— 5 And this I shall find We have caught such radiant gleams por such is His mind, Of it.s towers like dazzling sunlight, With its sweet and peaceful streams. He has called for many a loved one, We have seen them leave our side; With our Saviour we shall meet them When wo too have crossed the tide. " He'll not be in glory and leave me be- hind." Cho.— Hallelujah I Thine the glory ! Hallelujah! Amen! Hallrlujah ! Thine the glory ! Revive us again. £ev. John Gambold. 10^ No. 222. §iaty, ^oty! ^onl 6o(l |klmii)htyl ** Tliey rest not day nor nlsht. saylnp:, Holy, IIolj-, Holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and Is to come."— Uev. 4 : 8. Reginald Ueber, D. D. Rev. John B. Dykes. ^^ agfest^S^ 1. Ho - ly, 2. Ho - ly, 3. Ho - ly, I[o - Ho - Ho - ly, ly, Ho - Ho - Uo - W^=^- ± ly! ly! ly! Lord God Al-might - y I all the saints a - dore Thee, tbo'thedark- uess hide Thee, -•^i -J: ^ ^* =^ morn - ing our sonp; shall rise to Thee; Cast - in;j; down their golden crowns a-round the glass - y Though the eye of sin- ful man Thy glo - ry may not -h- -fL^_fc^ sea ; see, I -»■- W- isf- ^ l£o - Cher ly, Ho - ly, Ho - ly! Mer - ci - ful u - bim and Ser - aphim fall- ing down On - ly Thou art Ho - ly, there is none and Might - y ! be- fore Tliee, be- side Thee, 1^ f^^FF ^^—ith E J_J_^__J f ^mt Es i m 35 :j^ God in three Per ■ Which wert and art, Per - feet in pow'r, ^ — «» — I* \ — sons, bless -ed Trin - i - and ev - er- more shall in love, and pur - i - ■t9— ty! be. ty. t^ ik ^ ' 1 I 4 Holy, Holy, Holy ! Lord God Almighty! All Thy works shall praise Thy name in earth, and sky, and soa; Holy, Holy, Holy ! Merciful and Mighty ! God in three Persons, blessed Trinity 1 Amen. No. 223. Imvt ®ItJJ ^nvk •* O Lord, revive thy work."— Hab. 3 : 2. Albert Midlane, 1860. James McGranahan, by per. P- 4 E? 1 — r '■»r ^^^ i=^. ■^t :€tzi 1. Re - vive Thy work, O Lord, Thy might- y arms make bare; 2. Re - vive Thy work, O Lord, Dis- turb this sleep of death 5^ 3. Re - vive Thy work, O Lord, Cre - ate soul-thirst for Thee; 4. Re - vive Thy work, O Lord, Ex - alt Thy pre- cious name; J I M -S: 4-^ ■t ^- i ;pj (5?- •F I ^-J- I ^ v# Speak with the voice that wakes the dead, And make Thy peo - pie hear. Quick- en the emould'ring em- bers now By Thine Al- might- y breath. And hung-'ring for the bread of life. Oh, may our spir - its be ! And by the Ho - ly Ghost, our love For Thee and Thine in- flame. •^ -£-— £■— £— .^ -- ti -»■- I 1 Chorus. Re - vive,. ^ ^E=P=Nt -V O Lord, H •5^-=- t--i r-t— r— r i 1— f— 1 — r^i — I — r Re-vive Thy work,re- vive Thy work, And give re- fresh- ing show'rs; Re - vive, O Lord, And give, and give refresh ing show'rs; ^^ ■^■ -H ^ £=r|gr=g"_g_X ■I — I — 1-— ^ r Ke-vivo Thy work,re- vive Thy work,And give,and give refreshing show'rsj «^ -f- ^ /Ts S^^fe^ ■+- X—Y- ^ 1 The glo - ry shall be all Thine own, The bless- ing shall be ours. ^ t^Efei f^-;^ /TS >-t t^=^=^ -I-- i lOO No. 224. §'vt ^ouml a ^nml Anott. ** A friend that stlcketh closer than a brother."— Prov. 18 : 2i. Geo. C. Steijiuns, by per. 1. 2. 3. 4. I've found a Friend; oh, such aFriend! He lovedme ere I knew Him; I've found a Friend ;oh, such aFriend! He bled, He died to save me; I've found a Friend ; oh, such a Friend! All pow-er to Him is given; I've found a Friend; oh, such aFriend! So kind, and true, and ten- der, ife fE^|:^:vrtB=f: He drew me with the cords of love, And thus He bound me to Him. And not a - lone the gift of life, But His own self He gave mo. To guard me on my on-ward course. And bring me siife to heav-en. So wise a Coun-sel-lor and Guide, So might-y a De-fend-er! rt^rr^^' And 'round myheartstill close-ly twine Those ties which naught can sever, Naught that I have my own I call, I hold it for the Giv - er: Th'e - ter - nal glo - ries gleam a - far. To nerve my faint en- deav -or: From Him, who loves me now so well,Whatpow'rmy soul can sev - er? *=r For I am His, and He is mine, For - ev - er and Myhcart,mystrcngth^ylife,myall, AreHis, airfl His So now to watch, to work, to war. And then to rest Shall life or death, or earth or hell? No; I am His for - ev - er. for - ev - er. for - ev - er. for - ev - er. loy No. 225. §t m\\ §idc §Xt •' In the shadow of his hand hath he hid me."— ISA- 49 : 2. Miss M. E. Servoss. James McGranahan, by per. |g^^rg=j:pj|^H: I I 1. When the storms of life are rag-ing, Tempests wikl on sea and land, 2. Though He may send some afilic-tion, 'Twill but make me long for home, 3. En- e- mies may strive to in-jure, Sa - tan all his arts em -ploy; 4. So, while here the cross I'm hearing, Meeting storms and bil-lows wild, -'•- t: ■^ »-^ ;5±tS: ■*--m^ ;SS I will seek a place of ref-uge In the shad - ow of God's hand. For in love and not in an - ger, All His chast - en - ings w ill come. He will turn what seems to harm me In - to ev - er - last- ing joy. Je - aus, for my soul is car - ing, Naught can harm His Father's child. Si -l^_-l ^■^^r^^^^ _lzti ^-teq?^ fclzg^N^-?^ UJ ^ \^\ -V Choeus. ' He will hide -4VJ-.- me, ^= He will hide me. Where -no He will hide me, r_-j-_-. :-t=:i ::)e--=)ez:z|e--|ei=tl t t He will hide me, lit -»-^ harm can e'er be-tide me; He will hide me, safe-ly Where no harm can e'er be - tide me ; He will hide me, >^T >— i- V- ^-. -I >- Ttrqe: r^-ry-^ lod ^c tt'iU %ut\t |Hf — Ccndurtfdf. hide me In the shnd safe - ly hide me In the shad - ow of IT is hand, -f— h- t=^ m ^ijS 9 |g nic -h the shad - ow of His hand. i fi r i No. 226. Z\\m, fcSUS, ?lUUC. "I am thine."— Ps. 119: M. English. P. P. Bliss, by per. n 1 , ^^^ \JL.^^ J ^_ j . -J i -^-\ 4H--^ t — --4 i 1 -,•»- — ^ — -4— — ^ — S — . -5^=^ ^J /^ • ^ w ' •^ 1. Thine, Je - sus. Thine, No more this heart of mine Shall 2. Thine, 3. Thine, Thine ev - a- lone, ^ly joy, er Thine, For - ev ray hope, - er to my cTOwn ; re - cline Now On 4. Thine, Je - sus, Thine, Soon in Thy crown to shine, When ^ ^ . _ -<•- T" ^ * 1^^ ^ -m. ^A — 1 — ^ — -i -4> ' — ^— "b* 1 1 M ts 1 — — i» — 1^ • \ — \ '^ ^A- — f 1 1 -1 — F- — !* — -1 1 _ ^vJ,^^ -^- -\ — seek its joy a - part from Thee ; The world is cm - ci - earth - ly things may fade and die, They charm my soul no love e - ter - nal, fixed and sure, Yes, I am Thine for from the glo - ry Tliuu shalt come And with Thy saints shall - 1 -*- tzt -| — r I — I ^^^^Pi Pi 4- :gb±g . ^ fied more, ev - take to for er me, And I I Am Thine more, Lord, Je - I am Thine, And I a - lone, Am Thine sus. Thine, Lord, Je ■ -^ gtzFg 1 ^^ me home, Lord, Je - sus, come, Lord, Je 4- X- ^EE i \^. ■■^^=^=m am Thine, a- lone. 811 .s, Thine, sus, come. :?2z:: lOO No. 227. #ut 0f §}xxlnm ittta pgW. •• I am the light of the world, he that followeth me shall not walk In darkness."— John 8 : 12. W. O. Lattimore.* (TEMFEBAKCEH7MIT.) Ira D. Sankey, by per. ^— N=4^i=ii '^^m^^m 1. Long in dark-ness we have wait- cd, For theshin-ing of the Light; 2. Now, at last, the Light ap-pear-eth, Je - sus stands up - on the shore; 3. Noth-ing have we, but our weakness.Naught but sorrow, sin and care; 4. All our tal- ents we havewast-ed, All Thylawshave dis - obeyed; 6. Thou hast saved us — do Thou keep us, Guide us by Thine eye di- vine ; mH Itr- :t=t iC 1 1 1 ; m Long have felt the things we ha- ted. Sink us still in deep- ernight. And, with ten- der voice. He call - eth, "Come to Me" "and sin no more!" All with-iu, is loathsome vile- ness, All with- out, is dark de-spair. But Thy goodness now we've tast-ed, In Thy robes we stand ar-rayed. Let the Ho - ly Spir - it teach us, That our light may ev - er shine. r Bless - ed Je - bus, lov - ing Sav- iour ! Ten-der, faith - ful, strong and true, 11-2 - - --r^-^ Ti -^.- . -^^ -f=^ ■+■ 1 P^P Break the fet - ters that have bound us. Make us in Thy- self a- new. ._i^._. Final Chorus. — Blcssr-;E I I -I — • — ^ — I — t- ■V — > — ^ — b^ -I — ^zz:^--^: •«_ti^:t: ttz^: U» U* 1/ t* m$^- -^ — m ^ - -:^ ■•- --=^ -^—:^ t=^ ^:rt^5i= i^-^— i^ :?5r:4s Calls 80 ten - der- ly, calls so lov - ing- ly, "iVow, O sin - ner, come." "lleav- y - la - den one, I thy grief have borne, Come and rest in Me." Mer - cy of-fered thee, free- ly, teu-der - ly. Wilt thou still a - buse? -^- ^ f» ^ •^-' m^. P Words of peace and bless - ing, Christ's own love con - fess - ing ; Words with love o'er - flow - ing, Life and bliss be - stow - ing ; Come, for time is fly - ing. Haste, thy lamp is dy - ing; P^=^=*=!*=l« k £ W-» !* I i 1 tf Refrain. Hear the sweet voice of je BUS, Full, full of love ; 1 1 1 1 1--;— — 1 \ 1 1 1 1 ^ ' i ^1 ' fc^ ->-- ^^ ^: Ji-JL — ( — ■}- _5 — .^ — 5 — ^ — ^_ jsp4^34= ?^ — sn Call - ing ten - der- ly, call - ing lov-ing- ly,"Come, O sin - ner, cojne." » '-^ — "^^ 1 r^ 1 > — >— > — tr :|e=^: -V H 9 Ho. 229. P. P. Bliss. Pa ^cttfcmfr. " O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer."— Ps. 19: 14. James McGranahan, by per. 1-4- »33E- 1. 2. 3. 4. me; A^ I will sing of my Re-deem-er And His wond'rous love to I will tell the woud'roussto-ry, How my lost es-tateto save, I will praise my dear Redeemer, His tri-umph - ant pow'rl'll tell, I will sing of my Re-deem-er, And His heav'u-ly love to me ; -|^_Uj_ m ^ ' ^^1 ■^~~*'" m^ On the em - el cross He suffered, From the curse to set me free. In His boundless love and mercy, He the ran- som free- ly gave. How the vie -to - ry He giv- eth O- ver sin, and death, and hell. He from death to life hath bro't me, Son of God, with Him to be. t=t: I U I I T^ tt:=it: I — I — I — ^^ Sing, oh! sing of my Re-deem - er, J J, H 1- I >-\ H h- 1?— h- I [Ti [7i [7i "With His I Sing, oh! sing of my Redeemer, Sing, oh! sing of my Redeemer, With His ^=^ .^Jrf-f:: 4— ^^ -^e:m^ -<5>- ^ — f blood Ho purchased me. He purchased me; On the y>^f>0(\ Ho purchased me; ± blood Ho purchased me, With His blood He purchaaed me ; On the Py llfttermer.— Cattflutlfl cross He sealed my par- dou, On the cross He sealed my pai -don, Paid the Rcpcni pp after last verse. W^^=^ t t ^!z£^gfel debt, And made me free, and made me free J. J A j: .,.. H H m=x l*-l* ^=tg: ->^ — s^ -I ^ debt, and made mo free, r-^ m f Ho. 230. fwu,!S Christ fe fa,s$in0 by. •* He heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth."— Mark 10 : 47. J. Denham Smith. Mrs Jos. F. Knapp, by per. ^3 N^qszT-] ^-r=^ gr4 jzz^ii:^|=^E^z T-=::^ N K 1- N.- =^ 1. Je - sus Christ is pass-ing by, Sin-ner, lift to Him thine eye ; 2. Lo! He stands and calls to thee, "What wilt thou then have of rae?" 3. "Lord, I would Thy mer-cy see: Lord, re- veal Thy love to me; 4. Oh, how sweet the touch of power Comes, — and is sal - va-tion'shonr ; ^E^?^ f=tfe§ r^r p^m^m^^ rit. qszz.qs: -q: ; :? r^*=*=«=-^'-i=*=^ i As the pre-cious moments flee, Cry, be mer - ci - ful to me ! Rise, and tell Him all thy need; Kise, He call -eth thee in-dccd. Let it pen - e - trate my soul. All my heart and life con-trol." Je - sus gives from guilt re - lease, "Faith hath saved thco,go in peace J ^^ ^ fiOH No. 231. (^mt wm pt. " The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit."— Pa. 34 : 18. Rev. G. G. Lloyd, Tenderly J. W. BiscHOFF, by per. 1. Come near me, O my Sav - iour ; Thy ten - der-ness re- veal ; O, 2. Come near me, my Redeem - er, And nev - er leave my side ; My 3. Come near me, bless -ed Je - sus, I need Thee in my joy. No 4. Be near me, might-y Sav - lour, When comes the lat- est strife ; For I 1-1 tr -m- »•- — I 1 ^— I — ^■ fe^ * — :5^~-5 let me know thesym- pa- thy Which Thou forme dost feel, bark, when toss'd on troub-le's sea, The storm can- not out-ride, less than when the dir - est ills My hap- pi - ness de-stroy Thou hast thro' death's shadows pass'd, And ope'd the gates of life ; 1^- I Un- For And ^•^^>=^ need Thee ev' - ry mo - ment ; Thine absence brings dis - may ; -less Tliy word ofpow - er Ar-rest the surg - ing wave; when the sun shines o'er me And flow - era strew my way, when a- monjj: the ran- som'd I stand with crown and palm, 1/ But No With- To Idr ^■ -f=^ S^ V 1 1 1 ! ^\ 1 1- ' % ores. SE^ ■■m — m- /r\ dim. *=; iT'^ iSrS^ when the t('m]>t - er hurls his darts, 'Tweredeath with Thee a- way. voice but Thine its rage can quell, No arm but Thine c;vu save, •out Thy wise and guid- ing hand Moreeas-i - ly I stray. Thee, Di- vine, un-fail - ing Friend, I'll raise e - ter-nal psalm /T\ t 1 — irrt SO-l. No. 232. §ti(tinjj in Mtt " My strong rock, for a houso of defence."— Rs. 31 : 2. Rev. William O. Gushing. Ira D. Sanket, by per. J-![J I jp :«: -N— --I- --+■ ^i :a:t2t:i^=,*it2^ :^- I 1. O safe to the Rock that is high- cr than I, My sonl in its 2. In the calm of the noon-tide, in sorrow's lone hour, In times when temp-, 3. IIow oft in the conflict, when press'd by the foe, I have fled to my -I o — m— £. P -rt -r-^ 2^: :\- f ^ — ^- il -J^ r-1- -I- =.?^ ^ con-flicts and sor - rows would fly ; So sin - ful, so wea - ry. Thine, - ta - tiou casts o'er me its pow'r ; In the tcm -pests of life, on its Ref- uge and breathed out my woe; How oft - en,whentri- als like 5- .^=i:=f -ifp- -f^f^^^t ^—0L. :^~W — rl- -I V :-E; I ^- — m — I iCi> m — m — I 1 1 1 P ^ i^!^^ -y-S:- 4- -H- ^ 4- :^ f id: 2; 5^ Thine would I be; Thou blcsf'Rockof A - gcs,'' I'm hid - ing in Thee. wide, heaving sea, Thou blest"Rock of A - ges,'' Fm hid - ing in Thee. Bea -bil-Jows roll, Have I liid - den in Thee, O Thou Rock of my soul. ^ 1 r ^e — (2. -^ iEH[ I Refkain Hiding in Thee, Hiding in Thee, Thou blest "Rock of Ages," I'm hiding in Thee. -^- r f- - f EizEE-F-Rl-E (:p=C:=rirrg:ij ;so3 No. 233. §^ p0W \\\mt tite ^\mt ' No night there."— Rev. 21 : 25. Rev. Heitrt Bttrton, M. A. James McGranahan, by per. '^ 1. "We've journey'd many a day Up -on an o - cean wide, A- 2. We've had our storms of doubt, Our rains of bit - ter tears, Our 3. O land of calm - est rest. Where suns no more go down! O lr»-ti HE^^^E^. — I — h ■^ 1/ ^ *^- X- lizt r^ |K=iE: ?=fe§^ r-r B=^: !-«-•« • i — H— i—-" 1- :feift: -■« — ■*!- d^ :zi=.-^t:=:^ —r i mid the mist and spray Of many a surg - ing tide; But, fightings fierce with - out, With -in our anx - lous lears, But, hav - en of the blest, With bliss and glo - ry crown'd ! No lo! the land is near! lo! the storms are past, — u For just be - yond the foam I They can - not reach us more; We've more the storm, the dark, The break -era and the foam, No 1^ -«-.--+- -m- i^ :g=S: -W 1^ SCO it bright and clear. The light of home, sweet home, sight - ed land at last, The bless - cd storm -less shore, more the wnjl, for hark ! We hear the songs of home. X Refrain. rr -( — -w* — :g=fe— T- — t- 1 1 m ItKFKAlJN. ^— t w 1 l>> 1 There's a light up - on the shore, broth-er. It flash - cs from the -4— ^^^m ^ ^ight «p(jn the .^horf — Conctudd. P 5BS3^ ;zn5crn ^irJlrJ^^ ^-^^- :2=t: stand ; The night is al- most o'er, brother, The hu-veu's just at liand. -(*-• fa ^^1 — ^- ^iiiH r-tr-r-i; No. 234. ^0njsccrati(jn. ' •* Ye are not your own."— 1 Cor. 6: la Bliss Frakces R. Haveroal. 3: i=i m :S=a| p. P. Bliss, by per. ^=^ =i: 5 r r ' - 1. Take my life and let it be Con- se - era - ted, Lord, to Thee; 2. T^-ke my feet and let them be Swift and beau -ti- ful for Thee; 3. Take my lips and let them be Fill'd with mes - sa - gcs from Thee ; 4. Take my mo-mentsand my da^'S, Let tlicm flow in end- less praise ; 5. Take my will and make it Thine, It shall be no Ion - ger mine; 6. Take my love, my God, I pour At Thy feet its treas- nre store ; ^ ^. ^ ^ \ \ ^ I i=i ■^EE^P. -i ■^i=*- J — I- m Take my hands and let them move Take my voice and let me sing Take my sil - ver and my gold, Take my in - tel- lect and use Take my heart, it is Thine own, Take my - self, and I will be At the im- pulse of Thy love. Al- ways — on - ly — for my King. Not a mite would I with-hold. Ev' - ry pow'r as Thou shalt choose. It shall be Thy roy - al throne. for Thee. CnoRUS, after each stanza. ■^ 3^i- -z^: ==3=iiH3i[3=E^HEiEF^jrf^J All to Tlice, all to Thcc, Con - se - era - ted, Lord, to Thee. Aluo Tune , No. 3i. *^ «or ^^^m No. 235. ®bC €(JlS{)d §cttj5. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son."— John 3: 18. 8. W. M. 8. Whbley Martin, by per. ^Pl =1^- ^ J— 4- -0^ I ^ 1. The Gos 2. The Gos 3. The Go3 4. The Go3 pel bells are ring - ing, pel bells in- vite us pel bells give warn- iug, pel bells are joy - ful, O - ver land, from sea to To a feast prepared for As they sound from day to As they ech - o far and f - — ^t-S" ^ ■■m- 4 — J^J^ ^-^ ■^^^ 3^ ■* a sea ; Blessed news of free sal-va- tion Do they of - fer j'ou and me. all; Do not slight the in - vi- ta- tion, Nor re-ject the gra-cious call, day, Of the fate which doth a-wait them Who for- ev - er will de- lay. wide, Bearing notes of per- feet par- don, Thro' a Sav-iour cru - ci- fied. $ ^ 34- ! r -H- Son " For God so loved the world That His on - ly "I am the bread of life", Eat of Me, thou bun " Es - cape ye, for thy life ; Tar - ry not in all "Good tid-ings of great joy To allpeo-ple do J±gt; PS He gave, Who - so - gry soul, Tho' your the plain, Nor be- I bring, Un - to -I — ^ d j; I ^^^f-^^ Tat. Ilim son, I Ev - er - last- ing life shall have." They shall bo as white as wool." Lest thou be con-sumcd in pain." Which is Christ the Lord" and King. P^^t-^ H ^ — r'5'-T— 1 »<>& CnoRus, Gospel bells, ^(te 6(r.^pfl §eM!S — CoucUittcil --M^^-i howtheyring; r--^ Gospd — I N — J- 1 % Gospel bells, r-^-i«---|E f how they rinp; ; Over land from sea tosea; — ;-— , 1 1 1 1 1^ — br rF 5- iZEE^E£ — F 1 \9-- bells free-ly bring r^— T- /r\ ::^ Gospel bells ■^f^ ^=P- --l^-i- -^*=F j=i^ ^i p- :-^:r.:^-> — ^ -^-\ free-ly bring Blessed news to you and me. h^5E£ :=[:; >C/ f -I ■ No. 236. Ifoy td the aiVotld. "The mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace."— TSA. 9: 6. Rev. Isaac Watts, aiT, Geo. F. Root, by per. JoyfuUii. , I Heverentty. - t? — tr t: -t!? — ' 3 No. 237. %t tttttsSt k gWtt H0ak •* Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."— John 3: 8. W. T. Sleeper. Geo. C. Stebbins, by per. & ^-^^jsfcr— s— ^ i^ 1. A rul - er once came to Je - sus by night, To 2. Ye chil - dren of men, at - tend to the word So 3. O ye who would en - ter that glo - ri - ous rest, And 4. A dear one in heav-en thy heart yearns to sec, At the kbzftzg: iirS^t^: H« fe- t [SEsHEg ^ ■.zszrt^ ■-£i;:h H^ s: q^::^^ 1 ask Him the way to sal - va-tion and light; The Master made answer in sol - emn - ly uttered by Je - bus, the Lord, And let not this message to sing with the ransom'd the song of the blest; The life ev -er-last-ing if beau-ti - ful gate may be watching for thee; Then list to the note of this \± :t=t:=t:=t=[= Hi^— I — — I ^ — I 1 \— ^s gam. ^l?zr5 ;5 -4 words true and plain, "Ye must you be in ye would ob sol - enm re vain, "Ye must tain, "Ye must frain, "Ye must 1- ± ^±.-^-I=9t. '^=S^ be born be born be born ^ born a - gam, a - giiin, a - gain, a - gain. 1 1 — £ gam a ■ a - gam. a - gain a - gain M t r CnoRUs. a - gain,. a - gnm,. "Ye must be born a - gain, again," Ye must be born a - gain, a - gain, I H^ :ei g=^t^p^pj=^ eio ^c mw^i be §otn again— Condudal a - gain. ver- i - ly, ver - i - ly, say un- to thee, Ye must bo born a-gain, a- gain. .^A- _i I ^m No. 238. Cut it iJOU'tt. P. P. Bllss Sloic. •' Cut It down, why cumbereth it iheground ?"— Luke 13 : 7. P. P. Bli.ss, by per. ^?S3E 1=^: ^^^^^^ ±=t=T^ Justice. Cut it down, cut it down, Spare not the fruit- less Mercy. One year more,one year more, Oh, spare the fruit- less Juatirr. Cut it down, cut it down, And burn the worth-less Mercy. One year niore,otie year more, For mer-cy spare the Still it stands, still it stands, A fair, but fruit- less tree ! tree ! tree ! tree ! tree ! It spreads a harm- ful shade around. It spoils what else were useful ground, Behold its ])ranches broad and green, Its spreading leaves have hopeful been. For oth - er use the soil prepare,Some oth- er tree will tlour-ish tiiere, An-oth - er year of Ci\re bestow, On its fair form some fruit may grow, The Mits-ter, seek- ing fruit thereon Has come — but,griev'd at finding none. m •t: t r trr^t r -I — \- ^=t=J==t *« i^v^Ss No fruit for years on it I've found, Cut it down, Some fruit thcrfon may yet be seen, One year more, And in my vine-yard much fruit bear,Cut it down. If not — then lay the cumb'rer low, One year more, Now speaks to Justice — Mer - cy llown — Cut it down, cut it down- one year more, cut it down, one year more, cut it down. p;=^ l^^l^f -t=t I- I ^^ f=i^ D ^IX No. 239. (^\mi ^ttmntik " I will come again, and receive you unto Myself."— John 15 : 3. II. L. Turner, James McGkanahan, by per. |f=i rr' ■■m- -10-^-Wh -3 t + ^rr^^^ 1. It may be at morn,when the day is a- -wakingjWben sunlight thro' 2. It may be at mid- day, it may be at twilight, It may be, per- 3. While its hosts cry Ho - san- na, from heaven desceiKling,With glorified 4. Oh, joy! oh, de-light ! should we go without dying, Nosickness, no ■<&i ^^ the the dark- uess and shadow is breaking. That Je - sus will come in chance,that the blackness of mid-night "Will burst in - to light in saints and the an- gels attend- ing With grace on His brow, like a sad - ness, no dread and no cry - ing, Caught up thro' the clouds with our -.ii- jy— T- -t- »■- -(^ ^ ' • — I -» 1 H s- 1 br- . -\» — full - ness of plo - ry, blaze of His glo - ry, ha - lo of glo - ry. Lord in - to glo - ry, ^^ !• 5- ■tf — J — }-- :3E^ O Lord Je - sus, how long,how long Ere we shout the glad song,Christ re- r.i^ £. ■^ -m- n:=B r- ^F= %—%±su% ^ ^ ^. r. f5 I rff. iiis turn-eth,HaMe- lu- jahlhal-lc - hi- jah ! A-men, Hal- le- lu-jah ! A-men. ^■^fr^ F %i\}i r ipg^ No. 240. Why h ^au ^^ait? " Arise, He calletb thee."— Mabk 10 : 49. Geo. F. Root, by per. ii^ii=* :^ S-— Sr— J: S-'-jS: :^^* 1. ^Vhy do you wait, dear broth - er, 2. What do you hope, dear broth - cr, 3. Do you not feel, dear broth - er, 4. AVhy do you wait, dear broth - er, Oh, why do you To pain by a His Spir - it now The bar - vest is iMifctzrt tar - ry so fur - ther de - lay striv - ing with - in? pass - in^; a - way. Your Sav - ionr is wait - ing to' There's no one to save you but Oh, why not ac - cept His sal- Your Sav - iour is long - ing to -m 1 ! ^ -.^B- —^9- —^9-* ^^ give you A place in Je - sus, - va - tion, bless you, 2te^ r t- His sane - ti - tied throng. There's no oth - er way but His way. And throw off thy bur - den of sin. There's dan - ger and death in de - lay. r r r m- — ^- 1ZL -\ — Chorus f-4 — I I 13 f^ -^-^^[ ^^E^EfeEg n^- '^ '^ "Why not? why not? Why not come to Him now? Why not? why not? Why not come to Him now? f" S13 No. 241. i^ if^M^ Mt t0 fdrntt? «' Come uuto me all ye that labor.'*— Matt. 11 : 28. Mrs. A. R. Cousin. ,^ -HV-r-1 «S T ^T-1 rj, I IRA D. SANKEY, by per. 1 l3 Je-sus a- ble to re -deem A sin - ncr lost, like me? 2. Is Je- SU3 wiU-ing to for- give A reb - el child.l.ke me? 3. Is Je- sns ■nait-ing to re-lieve A wan-der-er, like me, 4 Is Je- sus read-y now to save A guilt -y one, like me. *> 'T— 2 S •" — ^ 1— -I ^ — '^ — L — Xnni! li=^^r ?»^ My sins so great, so ma - ny seem! O sin - ner, come and see Whowouldnot in His fa-vorlive?0 reb - el, comeand see._ Whocliosethe Father's House to leave? O ^vanderer, comeand see. Who brought Uim to the cross and grave? Come, guilty one, and see. iH£^ =F -i "m — ^— :X3: V — t ^ — ' Refkain. The blood that Je-sus shed of old, Was shed for you and me: ^ :4:--=t:- — f- And there is room with-in the fold-O "come to Him and sec." No. 242. f crittt, Tcriht. •• He that belleveth on me hath everlasting life."— John 6: f7. James McGranahan. James McGranahan, by per. =1— J— Jz}:: m ^ 1 — * n^r-N- ^3^=3-^-^;^ 1. O what a Saviour that He died for me ! From coudem-na-tion He hath 2. All my in - iq - ui- ties on Him were laid, All my in- deht-ed-ness by 3. Tlio' poor and nied-y I can trust my Lord, Tho' weak and sin-ful I be- 4. Tho' all unworthy, yet 1 will not doubt, For him that com-cth, He will ^— ^_^-t— g^jgL -t h •tr— 1>— U l^— fc>-->- H *^~~-y: t? :^S me free; "He that he - liev- eth on the Son"saith He, was paid; All who be- licve on Him, the Lord hath said, His word; O glad mes- sage ! ev' - ry child of God, cast out, '*He that be - liev- eth," O the good news shout, ^ ^ J' ^_ ^-r^ 5— S— ^^^Z^tZ=i=* P f (5»- CiroRUS. — s ■ fc; -« ^ ^m^ ^^ " Hath ev - er - last - ing life.'' '' Ver "Have ev - er - last - ing life." " Ifath ev - er - last - ing life." " Hath ev - er - last - ing life." i - ly, \^T • i - ly, FJ I t -f- ^^- T :t± :^ --ft-H ^ i<>- I say un- to you, Ver - i - ly. ver - 1 - 1 y " mcs-sago ev - er new ; =e-^ w "• — bI — :d ^ " He that be- lieveth on the Ron'* 'tis true, ^'Ilath ev- er- last- ing life.** • I .1 ( 1 j L_ t» ^ t* ^ 1/ la *-» No. 243. ®lte pwttti fe i\it P0ht Wmsot " And the Lamb is the light thereof."— Rev. 21 : ZS. Mrs. E. W. Gkiswold. Geo. C. Stebbins, by per. ^=i P- k:^=^^ ^- w =^ ]_44-J— ^^ ^=:-:sp :ii^7izM~- EH] — I 1. if nev - er the gaze of sun and moon, On the bless- ed home a- 2. Andthussaith thepageof Ho - ly Writ Of the land of song and 3. Then fol - low Him, till the eye grows dim, And the soul, as ark- freed EHEtr t -—\- fz:J:3t±»-:z»:±:*L-?. r t— r i?-f-?- ;e; fcrj^=± :^ — h f --m m CnoRT's. Oh, how happy are we Who in Jc-sus a-gree, How happy, how happy are we. «ir lUsssftl §i0j)t No. 245. "That ye sorrow not even as others which have no hcpc.'*— 1 JThess. 4: 13. W. W. D. ' James McGkakahan, by per. ---8— zLi ::1>LiL-=:^ :g=5 1. Bless - ed hope that iu Je - sus is giv 2. Bless - ed hope in the word God has spo ■ 3. Bless - ed hope! how it shines in oar sor - 4. Bless - ed hope! the bright star of the morn en, In our ken> All our row, Like the ing, That shall ^-tf-8-^ r=^ ■rf=l^=:1^ sor - row to cheer and sus - tain, peace by that word we ob - tain ; star o - ver Beth- le-hem's plain, her- aid His com- ing to reign ; That soon in the mansions of And as sure as God's word was ne'er That it may be, with Him, ere the Oh, the glo - ry that waits its fair Heav - en, We shall meet with our lov'd ones bro - ken. We shall meet with our lov'd ones mor - row, We shall meet with our lov'd ones dawn - ing, When we meet with our lov'd ones gain, gain, gain, gaijl;^ i Blessed hope, blessed hope, We shall meet with our lov'd ones again, i Blessed hope, — T'y— — T— — I blessed hope, *^= Blessed hope, blessed hope, We shall meet wHh our lov'd onesjigain. Blessed hopO| blessed hope, ^V V No. 246. Ww^ not 5'o-nit)ht? "Ho\^ long halt ye between two opinions?"— I Kings 18: 21. Eliza Rked, 1842. Ira D. Sankey, by per. ^^mi^mm^^^^m 1. Oh ! do not let the Word de-part, And close thineeycsagainst the light; 2. To- morrow'.ssun may nev - er rise, To bless thy long de- hid - ed sight; 3. The worUl has nothing left to give — It has no new, no pure de- light; 4. Our bless-ed Lord rc-fus - cs none Who would to Him theirsouls unite; _#_-_,4j_u: 7^--r~r ^ g "^ — 1^, — s, wr\ — z — aLiiS ^~*ij~i~^"2 — 2 — 2 -^^1 5 ^_.^__.« ^_ _ _ ^-^ -• — ■ • «■ m S=:?s: 3; Poor sinner, harden not thy heart ; Thou would'st be saved — Why not to-night? This is the time! Oh, then be wise! Thou would'st be saved — Why not to-night? Oh, try, the life which Christians live! Thou would'st be saved — Why not to-night? Then be the work of grace begun ! Thou would'st be saved — Why not to-night f '^-^^- -9- ■V r-\r-\r-^- tr—/. ' I V— far— I*-*-! h— tr — g*"' ' ^t \ t^t^ CnoRus. ^ r / ^ / ^' '/ V y WTiy not to-night? Why not to-night?Thou would'st be saved — Why not to-night? -t'iz^'tir T- -ii m ^^S^fei^spiiiiia T\Tiy not to-nigh»? Why not to-night?Thou would'st be saved— Why not to-night? ■re=s :t: :;2=;2=^ _-_^- — I 1 — I t u- J?r!4c^ £ aio I No. 247. ^m the Eht, " Let him come unto me."'— John 7 ; 37. ! Mrs. N. K. Bradford Edward H, Phelps, by per. r- 1. Oh, ten-der aud Bweet was the Maa - ter's voice As He 2. But my sins are ma- ny, my faith is small, Lo ! the 3. But my flesh is weak, I tear - fully said. And the 4. Ah, the worlfl is cold, and I can- not go back, Press m^ W 12^JB=^ r v=^^ ^ fca: -■9 k«a( "••- s lov-ing-ly called to me, "Come o - verthe line, it is an - swer came quick and clear ; " Thou need- est not trust in thy way I can - not see ; I fear if I try I may for- ward I sure - ly must; I will place my hand in His ^ M-A ^ ^'-'~rrt on - ly a step— I am wait- ing, my child, self at all, Step o - ver the line, I sad - ly fail, And thus may dis - hon wound - ed palm, Step o - ver the line for thee.'' am here.'* or Thee, and tru^i. r=r f ^ -(*> " O - ver the line," hear the sweet re - frain, An - gels are ««o &m the ^iuf.— Cottfturtcl -ft- ■ti=it i3 ^-J— .^3 '"m chant - iiig the heav - en - \j strain: "O - ver the lino," — Why 4th V. "O - ver the line,"— I -^- -^- -^- -^*- fc i> -m- T^ g_|t^: 1- f Sl^- g=#=*=it :ss^ v^ :T- ^ ■4- -1^- :m^n .^_i_ i should I re - main With a step betweoji m© and Jc - sus? mil not re - main, I'll cross it and go to Je - sus? 4^,_] J. Se^I No. 248. $a\% fcisus, ^mtl •• Lord, save me."— Matt. 14: 30. Anon. Geo. C. Stebbiws. ztat:za|zz:a|3ry: 1. Save, Je - sus, save ! Thy bless-ing now we crave; For ev' - ry anx - ious 2. Save, Je - sus, save ! Thy ban-ner o'er us wave, Of love e - ter - nal 8. Save, Je - sus, save ! Thou conqueror o'er the grave. Give ev' - ry 'fet - tered 4. Save, Je - sus, save ! Aod Thou a - lone shalt have The glo - ry of the ST-T — z — I *- * -^ -rt *-r-* •■ 2 5*5—^1*- r f-f^-^- r— 1 — ]r—r-3 p sin-ner here, Oh, let Thy mer-cy now appear, Lord Je- sus, save, Lord Je- sus, save! and di-vine ; 0 Lord, let each one here be Thine, Lord Jesus, &c. soul re-lease. And to the troubled whisper "Peace." Lord Jesus. &c, work di-vine, Yea, endless prais-ea shall be Thine ! Lord Jesus, &c. «S1 No. 249. ®mpM and MmA, " Knowing this that the trial of your faith worketh patience."— J AS. 1: 8. Frances R. Havergal. James McGranakan, by per. H^ w 1.. :?5^ ^ 1. Tempted and tried! Oh! the ter - ri - 2. Tempted and tried There is One at 3. Tempted and tried What - e'er my 4. Tempted and tried! Yet the Lord will ^ ble tide May be rag - ing and thy sidej And nev - er in be - tide, In His se - cret pa- a - bide, Thy faith- ful Ke- L. L| 1 1 \ ^ ^-^- ■1^- u u i= N i^- ^7-.tr Ei S: ili3 ;j:-] ^ i^^ ^ r-i- 1^'- deep, may be -wrath-ful and wide! Yet its fu - ry is vain, For the vain shall His chil-dreu con -fide! He shall save and de - fend, For He - vil - ion His chil-dren shall hide, 'Neath the shadow-ing wing, Of E- • deem-cr, thy Keep- er, and Guide, Thy Shield and thy Sword, Thine ex- 4»=^: 4=: t= It t f t=t: x—t '^ -^— b 1 m -fw- — ^ — ^ Lord shall restrain. And for- ev - er and ev - er Je - ho - vah shall reign. loves to the end, A - dor - a - ble Mas -ter and glo - ri - ous Friend! -ter- ni-ty'sKing, His children shall trust, and His ser-vants shall sing. -ceed-ing Re- ward, Then e- nough for the ser-v«ant to be as his Lord. 1/ U U Tempted and tried, Yet the Lord at thy side, Shall guide thee, and :z|5,--{6--JL:f^ ^P^: -\- ^ — I b- •H yx ^- 5^ ^7r-ZtlT:izrJVzf^:z4!!rid^pJ— 3^ 5 Tempted and tried, TO=: j r--g=Zigl[:gz:-3i'^-T;:f qi:|} The Saviour who died , <> 'si*' L* TTnfh r-vllorl ihpn to RiifTdT an '^^ 1/ ILith called thee to suffer and reign by Ilia keep thee, Tho' tempted and tried. side ; -"^ .-^ ■^- -<^- r Ilia cross thou shalt bear, And His crown thou shalt wear, And forever and ever His glory shalt share. No. 250. Wt'xt Mm\m(i to Bm. " We ftre Journeying unto the place of which the Lord said. Rev. I. Watts. ^ ^'^^^ t^^^® ^^ you."— Num. lU: '29. Spirited. , . Rev. U. Lo-WRY, by per. -JLs ti£^ H 1. Come, we that love the Lord, And let our joys he known, Join 2. Let those re - fuse to sing AVho nev - er knew our God ; But * trfc^t^ :t=^ V g^^^^^g S 1-T § in a song with sweet ac-cord, Join in a song with sweet accord, And chil-dren of the heav'nly King, But children of the heav'nly King.May -jy^y- ■^ -♦- 1^ *=* ^-:^ g^-4,-4— P ■=r*P-=t^ t=f :^=F i in •^ i**' p — * u I » S"» ? ■ ' ^i* thus speak sur - round the throne. And thus sur-round the throne, their joys a- broad, May speak their joys a - broad. :t It: -V- F thus sur-round the throne, And thus sur-round the Chorus. i=h=i ■^^ ^^ -^^ ^ ^ .rL_s-^^^^_-> »(=s- — \- -^—-^ throne. — 1- f* Ei^ m^ We're march - ing to Zi - on, Beau - ti- ful,beau - ti- ful Zi - on ; We're -F— r-r- ilif: EtrlEEEflB^ p" --i^- We're marching on to Zi -on, I— T marching upward to Zi - on, The beau-ti- ful cit - y of God. ^ {^ ^ ^ Zif on,Zi- on. b^l^— tr->- r^ S The hill of Zion yields A thousand sacred sweets, ||: Before we reach the heavenly fields,:|| ]|: Or walk the golden streets.:! 4 Then let our songs abound, And every tear be dry ; II : We're marchinp thro' Immanuel's ground,:| |:To fairer worlds on high.:!! «^3 ^ • No. 251. f aunot ®dl Uw fwdow^. •' Unto you therefore which believe he is precious."—! Peteb 2 : 7. Chas. H. Gabriel. James McGranahan, by per. 4:iSi5)=i 3^^ ::]s # -# -S-'-rr^* 1. I can-not tell how pre-ciousTlie Saviour is to me, Since I have Him ac- 2. I cau-not do for Je - sus As much aa I should like ; But I will je'er en- 3. Whene'er I think of Je - sus, I can- not but re-joice; To me He's ev-er -h- 3EE ,^=rr — I 1 as - cept- ed, Andlle hath made me free ; I can- not tell His goodness, E- - deav- or To work with all my might ; For, was not my dear Sav-ioux For pre-cious, For Him I raise my voice: I know He has in glo - ry A fgV y— #L--r:Vir^i — ^ — 4=ji^wzr[-r^ ft — :fc=t X -N- nough to sat - is - fy ; And if you'll on- ly take Him, You'll see the reason why. sin-ners cru-ci- fied? For me, thei^ surely, Je - sus Hung on the cross and died, home prepar'd for me, Where I shall live for-ev - er So hap- py, and so free. r r r r I \' ^^-^ -\ 1 1 ^-i N |S K N-i 1 •■• can - not tell how pre - cious The Sav - iour IS ^ to me; m -+ — £ '»-- -h g t [i_t_a ^ S^ j!^—- i^ ^ ^. —r t^^-iM H' i^S on - ly can en- treat yoa To come, and taste and see. --.- ^ --.- -i.- --►- r r r r — I — I — I — _(- I _ ■-— — h-^-f- ^^r^ ^ 'X- -I- -<• p 1 ««4. No. 252. ^Beautiful CaUfjj of (EHm, •• A rest to the people of God,**— HEn, 4:9. Rev. W. O. CusiiiNO. Wm. F. Siieuwin, by per. ±n-zr^ :lit2 fc:^ ^:zq^-::i^=iri^-: -Z'er, ^r=:- ;S^is3 1. Beau -ti- fill val - ley of E - den! Sweet is thy noontide calm; 2. O - ver the heart of the raourn-er Shineth thy j^ohl - ca day, 3. There is the home of my Saviour;There, with the blood-wash'd throng, J5— >-^ 4- -4- 4^^=:]^: e=e; ^E?£I3E£Ei zfc: 1^:^] ^EE^ O - ver the hearts of the wca - ry, Breathing thy waves of balm. Waft-ing the songs of tho an - gels Down from the f;;r a - way. O - ver the highlands of glo - ry Koll-eth the great new song. m i:t: r » — » — ^- --»•— r- ft m Reftiatit, -d — IN— S — g-F ^T — ^-~\ir-\ Beau-ti-ful val - ley of E- den, Home of the pure and blest, _5g — 5 £7 How L, [ L J. 1 , I 1 , ^ — I l„^__I I- ^ the pure and blest, No. 253. |'« f tamt bjj Uau. IP This song was suggested V>y a thrilling Incident of a wreck and rescue at sea. W. W. D. James McGranaiian, by per. tr^; n i;r -6>- -^- ^-~_^^4- 1. Fierce and wild the storm is rag - ing Kound a help - less bark, 2. Wea-ry, helpless, hopeless sea - men Faint-ing on the deck, 3. Ou a wild and storm-y o - cean, Siuk-iug neath the wave, 4. Dar-iug death thy soul to res -cue, He in love has come, B-b-4:z:JemiE: ;=^. ipr-^ ct. ^^-^ m. fS ' f g— C— ?tst -rrr 1?=J: Se On to doom 'tis swift -ly driv - ing, O'er the wa - ters dark ! "With what joy they hail their Sav-iour, As he hails the wreck! Souls that per - ish heed the mes- sage, Christ has come to save! Leave the wreck and in Him trust - ing, Thou shalt reach thy home ! 1 1/ u 1^ t ^ I r I u r I Chobus. Joy, behold the Sav - iour, Joy, the mesf^age hear, -_^^.A J 1-^ \ — ^ n4Jj-4v-4- Joy, O joy, be - hold the Saviour, Joy, O joy, the message hear, -4 (- %P^^^^^- -I 1 V- ■^-(*- ten^ezDez^ I — t- t H ■A 1- H 1 I e~|e: f= ■pi- — I — t , -( 1- \ O " ni stand by un-til the morning, I've come to save you, do not fear," Yes, ^'W <^tantt by ^(Jii-Condudrd. ■i i-41 ^-^P ^ , ^ l-'-l — i — ^ 1 •v.-ai 1— ^5:^ i -fcr-t;-^ ^^ -^-•^-^ I'll stand by until the morning, I've come tosaveyou,tlo notfear,{l<) not fear. l2^....„.^.S.:& ,, I r_p ^2fc4 ^^^ r-irt^p-^-r No. 254. <^avfd by thf pool " The blood of Christ cleanseth us from all sin."— 1 John 1 : 7, Fanny J. Crosby. V. H. Doank, by per. 1. "We'resavedby the blood That was drawn from tho side Of Jc -sua our 2. O yes, 'tia the blood Of the Lamb that was slain ; Ho conquered the 3. "We're saved by the blood, We are sealed by its power ; 'Tis life to the 4. That blood is a fount Whero the vil - est may go, And wash till their 5. We're saved by the blood, Hal - lo - lu - jah a- gaiu ; We're saved by the ^W t I 1 r it o- df tf 1 ^ 14- ' ^ 1 [-■ 1 ■ Refrain'. H 1— m I Lord, When He languished and died. Hal - le - lu -jah to God, For re- grave, And Ho liv - cth a - gain, soul, And its hope cv' - ry hour, souls Shall be whi -'tcr than snow, blood, Hal - le - lu - jah, A - meu. ^- - demption so free ; Hal- Ic - lu - jah, Hal- le - lu-jah, Dear.^aviour, to Thee, •P — — t^ V- — ^— -t 1 •- - * — t— — ♦-— r^ :i-l:- j-^Lj — i i ^^ ssr . No. 255. Come nm mWi tlit ^ml •' Come uow let us reason tosether, saith the Lord."— Isa. 1 : 18. W. W. D. James McGranuan, by per. trf^r^ (J V ~=^_._.. ■N- — ^- ^ -IS- V— ] --^ 1 — m/-^fE-.zM i: —M n- «4 — 1 1 — -i- ~-M —&- [V- 1. Come souls that arc long - ing for pleas - lire, Our 2. Tlie pleas - ures of ■ sin are (le- ceiv - Jng. They've 3. The pleas - ures of sin are al! fleet - i"t,'» They 4. Then all who are long - ing for pleas - nrc, Ye 5. or Je - sus, thy choice be now mak • iog. Kc - J' r • -^ 1 •^ -urn-

-^-\- ■r-tz ;t=^ 1- f -h^ I i Chorus. ■ — I- t^ L-i l-r-f ^ 1 \-r-\ 1 -rrn— 1 I r go - ing home, I'm go - irg home, Vn go - in* hone t) di) no mor«^ -V •ar- •JL To -I — H --Ja-^ i=:-'S-»- T zsr-j: T die nD ncre, I'm go - 113 homo tj -l-y>_i , fc^^rfr^ die DO mora. J 1 1- )^2A2& f i No. 257. ^(iSttlS #nlij. •' They saw no man, save Jesus only."— Matt. 17 : 8. Hattie M. Conbey. Rev. R. LowET, by per. -1- ir=at= ^ i:^^ -JB^ ' MB, ^- i — -^t& — -■ 1. What the' clouds are hov'ring o'er me, And I seem to walk a -lone — 2. What tho' all my earth- ly journey Bringeth naught but wea-ry hours, 3. What tho' all my heart is yearning For the lov'd of long a - go — 4. When I soar to realms of glo - ry, And an entrance I a - wait, 4^A rt^re Longing 'mid my cares and cross-es, For the joys that now are flown— And, in grasping for life's ros - es, Thorns I find in-steadof flow'rs — Bit - ter les-sons sad - ly learning From the shad-owy pa^e of woe — If I whisper, *' J© - sus on - ly!" Wide will ope the pearl -y gate; KS= ^ f=rr ^ :t 'rr =iu5fc^ -^' - i, m i=s^ H — t=5fc ^i t=i r-l 1 /7\ rir -.-^ ^ B And rec - on- oiled my soul to God, Christ for Mine is a joy no end can know,Christ for And death o'er flocks and herds pre- vail, Christ for me ! Christ for mc ! Christ for me ! Christ for -^- .1 • /TN t me ! me ! me! Tho' I am now on hostile ground, Christ for me ! Christ for me 1 And sin beset me all around, - Christ for me ! Christ for me I Let earth her fiercest battles wage, And foes against my soul engage, Strong in His strength 1 scorn their rage, Christ for me 1 Christ for me 1 And when my life draws to its close, Christ for me ! Christ for me ! Safe in His arms I shall repose. Christ for me ! Christ for me ! When sharpest pains my frame pervade, And all the powers of nature fade. Still will Isiiig thro' death's cold shad^ Christ for me 1 Christ for i£ie t No. 259. mm §tfA\$ gM US mtdun0? ' Watch therefore : for yo know not what hour your Lord doth come." — Matt 24 i Fanny J. Crosby. W. H. Uoane, by per. ^^^^ 1. When Jo - 8U3 comes to re- ward Ilia ser-vants, 2. If at tbs dawn of the car - ly morning, 3. Have wo been true to the trust He left us ? 4. Bless - cd are those whom the Lord finds watching, ^ g-' ^ .# (C f:gz:3 :-J^. Bless cd Home-land, ev - er fair! Sin can nev - er en - ter there; ^-r-O T" I t» '^ ■€?• r-b" g ^^Sr,: b I But the soul, to life tt • waking, Ev - er- last- ing bloom shall wear. No. 261. % k Whm. •* Having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ."— PHUi. 1: 28, Rev. "W. O. CusHiNQ, iRA D. Sankey, by per, _* 1 1^_ 1. I have heard of a land far 2. There are fore - tastes of heav - en 3. In that noon - tide of clo - ry sus glo 4. There the ran - eomed ivith Je a be so a way, low, fair, bide And its There are In the In the ^ i»- -t- -+- tip ^— /I T Ix ■• m i ^ =s^ n— 1 — ^- -N 1* ^ * >* -i-:-g- A • ^ -^ -J ir\ Vrp M __* . m _ L^--- — ♦ — ^ glo - mo • gleam shade -•- ries no ments like of the of - the tongue joys rir - Bhel - —m can de - of the er of ter ; ing clare; blest; life, fold ; -^- . r-i But But There Ev ■ 1 its beau the splen are joys ■ er - more • ty hangs - dors no that the by Im- •^A— • _^^_ i 1 ^:rb — \ . 1 u* r "V r -^' E « - 1 1 1 ^— ^b'k . > !? 1 U» P w m • w . 7 \J 1 ^ i u ^ _J ^ ^T— 4 1^— JV-^ — — r- ^ ^^— , o • ver the way, And with Je - sus I long to be there, mor - fal can know, Of the laud where the wea - ry shall rest, faith -ful shall share; O how sweet -ly they rest from the strife! -man-u - el's side, They shall dwell in the glo - ry tin - told. -(5> • Kefkain. -fs— ^ r 5=? ■ft— 4- i^^^f: -i — • To be there, to bo there, Aud with Je - sus I lone to be . fe^^ f:=trt ^- w— •^->-l^-: — t^--- tr ■,—^- i i?=22~ To be there, to be there, d«-H -y9- ->-* i:^J=^ ^r-H- - 4, /TN tJi r there : To be there, to be there,... And with Jesus I long to be there. -! — i — h to be there: To bo there, tobctherej irt-nrg Ho. 262. (^t0wn §iim. " Thoa ha«t crowned him with glory and honor."— Ps. 8; 5, Rev. Tnos. Kjclly. Arr. by Geo. C. Stebmins, by per. P ¥=r4:fi^ f 1. Look, ye saints, the sight is glo-rious, See tho "Man of sorrows" now, 2. Crown the Saviour ! An - gels crown Him, Kich the trophies Je-sus brings, 3. Sin - ner.s in de - risioncrown'd Him,Mocking thus the Saviour's claim, 4. Hark ! the bursts of ac - claniatiou! Hark! these loud triumphant chords, 5^5=^=^: jgTL ;^fei^ 3E^ TfT* =:£ W^i szzrJ From the fight re - turn vie- to- rious, Ev' - ry knee to Him shall bow. In the seat of pow'r enthrone Him,While the vault of heaven rings. Saints and an - gels crowd a- round Him, Own His ti- tie, praise His name. Je - sus takes the high -est sta-tion, Oh, what joy the sight af- fords. 1 w t* t* w P Kefratn. , -wt--9—wh f iiiEi|^^^s^3 '•« '— -aH — ' — zr-* — --3.1,3^^ Crown Him! crown Him, angels crown Him! Crown the Saviour "King of kings." — I ! i^_«-i;^ — ^ ^ — , p — « — L_ H \- 1 — tn — r -I \ 1- t=i!=tr-i ^^f^^^ Crown Him! crown Him ,angels crown Him! Crown the Saviour "King of kings." --r:tt« T- - - .. ^ - - Ho. 263. ^ix ywiv djycis \\\mi §m^. " Look unto mo and be ye saved."— Isa. 45: 22, Ja:)ie3 McGkanahan, by p«r. -^ -3h -3- -^ "^ "^ ' ^ L* 1. Would you lose your load of Bin ? Fix your eyes up - on 2. Would you calm- ly walk tho wave? Fix your eyes up - on 3. Would you have your cares grow lii;ht ? Fix your eyes up - on 4. Griev - ing, would you com- fort know ? Fix your eyes up - on 5. Would you strength in wcaknes:* have ? Fix your eyes tip - on bus; i^ Jo - Jo - Jc - Jo - Jc - sus; bus; BUS ; BUS ; ■^- .:43=q: — rl— •F^ ^■/)rr ' N \ ^ ^ ^ ■«-- ' ♦ m J) 1 — p^(- Would you know God's peace within ? Fix your eyes tip Would you know His pow'r to save? Fix your eyes up Would you songs have in the night? Fix your eyes up Hum- bio be when blessings flow? Fix your eyes up See a light be-yond the grave? Fix your eyes up ■i- -.Zt i: i on on on on on 1 Jo Jo Jo Jc Jo - sus; - BUS J - sus ; - sus; - bus; Chorus. Je- sus who on the cross did die, Jc- bus who lives and reigns on high, ^^^mmi >^30 Wo. 264. ®hc §icnwn!y C«naan. " Thino eyes shall behold the land that is very far olT."— Isa. S3: 17. Rev. Isaac Watts. William IIenuy Oaklet, by per. _S *» 1 •V- >-■ Z ^ 1. There is a land ofj)urc de-lijzht, Where saints iniinor - tai reign; 2. Sweet lields, Ix'-yond the swelling flood, Stand dress d in liv - inp^reen;' 3. O could wc make our doubt.s remove, — Those gloomy doubts that rise, — 1 — ^t -^-'—^- »■ — 1^- r ;:1^ I&'i ' -'-5 — »• — ^-T— aii— I I I 1] - tcr - nal day cx-cludestheni^ht, And pleas - ures l.'an - isli pain. So to the JcAvs fair Ca- naan stood, "While Jor- dan rolled between. And Bcotho Ca-naanthat wc love, With nn - Ise-eloud -ed eyes,- lE^;^ — « — » 1* •— • — ;* — '« m- •♦ f . .!_ -s...-— ^^e_-f|-|^ rf="^ A_l — ^ ,^_t^^-^.--'- ■jLz*: SIES "»^T-$|- There ev - c- last - inc; spring:: a- l)ides. And ncv - cr - fad- ing flow 'rs ; But tim' - rous mor- tals start and shrink To frross this i.ar-rowscn, Could wc but climb where Mo- ses stood, And view the landseape o'er, — ^ . ^ I %-f^- ^-i ^-=^'^=^- f=t^^ -T-'S'— F -^ .fc: Death, like a nnr - row s«i, di- vides That heavenly land Jrom ours. And lin - gcr, trem-blinv; on the brink, And fear to launch a-way. Not Jordan s .stream, nor deaths eold flood,Shou!d fright us from the shore. ^ * —m — f • 1 ^ .^ ^ ^- ^ ^W=Z' «3y No. 265. #It, f am $0 P»l>l>H itt f^isuis. " Happy are thy men, happy are these thy servants."— 1 Kings 10: 8L Abthuk T. Pieeson. Jascxs McGbanahan, by mm^^^m ^# 1. Oh, i am so hap- py in Je - sus,His blood has redeem'd me from sin, 2. Oh, I am so hap-py in Je • sua, He taught me the se-cre< of faith, 3. Oh, I am so hap-py in Je - bus, I lay my whole soul at His feet ; 4. Oh, I am so hap- py in Je - sus, If earth in His love is so blest, -«- -^ -«- I— I f# -8-^ ^~>~tr' ^ U U ^' U I weep and I sing in my gladness, To know He is dwelling within. To rest in belie v-ing His prom-ise, Audi trust what-so-ev- er He saith. The love He has kindled within me Makes service and suf-fer-ing sweet. What joy in His glo - ri- fied presence. To sit at His feet as His guest. fcS-rigizf:^ ;ee -^— I* 1 — r f H«*— • ^ i t^— tr ^ V L^- L>- ^ rr CH0BU3. •m — m 1 — m- --"I— ^— a| ■ - -m — -m — ■« — m- i 1 ( 1- > s Oh, I am »o hap- py in Je - sus, From sin and from sorrow so free ; I m^^^=^ -u» — l^ — \^ — fcc — ^- ^F^ :p— g-g— g=)g i^ — -U» 1^ k b^ 1^ ^"^ =^|=^ ii^^^ So hap- py that He is my Sav- ionr, So hap-py that Je- sus love« me. 1^^ -H (- C C C C I ._^_^-H*-f I i^-^tr->— Ir^' \ No, 266. ®Itc (ty(f^)t\ ^ntmpffjS ^0unding, \ r Ekgltsii. Lev. 25 : 8-13, R. S. TUAIN, by p«tk .^ — ^ — ^ X 1. The Ros - pel trumpet's son nd- ing The year of ju - bi - lee, 2. For -sake your wretched ser - vice, Your mas -ter's claims are o'er; 3. A bet- ter Mas-ter's call - ing, In ac - cents true and kind; 4. llo of - fere you sal - va - tion, And points to joj-s a - bove; 5. lu liv - ing faith ac - cept Him, Give up all else be- side; -^■-3-r3:r — r r5-^-F.-g: rT"'rrf i "^^^ 1-^— 4— j- =^ \-^ -I p-J — 1— — 1 — -J -^.-»-, ^s- 1 ^ zfc --^ — 1 -■»— --5— — i — ^_ b J And grace is all a - bound - ing, To set the bond-men free. A - vail yourselves of free - dom, Bo Sa - tan's slaves no more. He asks a lov - ing scr - vice, And claims a will - ing mind. And, long -ing, waits to make you Tlio ob - jccts of His love. "While grace is loud ■ ■ly call - ing; Look to the cru - cl - fied. -^- -^- -^~ ~^- -»- 1 P±:-=- H^ ^ >« V r^ ^ ~P 4.- _- -■ -\ — — I— — ^ - ^^ .^!^t? • 1 1— — f— -*— — -J -4:- :1= -i -f ? — 1 Chorus. s^* f^ -<9- ■l- -^30 No. 267. ®Iw §iem tst §it;s lament. •' If I may but touch his garment, I shall bo whole."— Matt. 9 : 21, G. F. R. Geo. F. Root, by pet, N 't V-i N K- N ^ |»> - t i 1. Sho ou - ly touch 'd tho hem of His gar 2. Sho came in fear and trem-bling be - fore ^ '^ 3. Ho turii'd Avith "duHgb - tor be ^. .^ .fL. .^ ^. J^ iL hi -£•■- of good com W*- -A- -«ft- ment Aa Him, Sho fort, Thy X ^ to Ilia side ehc knew her l^ord had faith hath made theo %■ E stole, A - mid the crovrd that come, She felt that from Him whole," And peace that pass - eth -r^ ^. ^ ^ ^ ^ — s- — ^- g jg tyz:b:[:L [• H«»- -t- -»- H»- T f. :J!^ .|*§=S ?^ "«■ i^B ■-*- gath - cr*d a - round Him, And straightway sho was whole. vir - tuo had healed her, The might - y deed was done. all nn - der - stand - ing "With glad - ncia filled her sovjK s X- m -i* ii 1' CnoEus. .^^. -V — ^ Oh, touch the hem of His gar-ment And thou, too, shall bo free; r* .0- jm- j^ ^. ^. • j^ 0t. His sav - ing pow*r this ver - y hour Shall give new life to thee /TN No. 268. "§Of«C oi jidf mtl i\\\ of Z\\t(J " But Christ is all and in all."— Col. 3: 11. Rov. Thko. Mo:«od, arr. James McGnxNAnAN, by per. T=I -:^E^^^E^i^^^~^^ _| lL__^5 1. Oh, tlic bit - ter pain and sor - row That a lime conld cv - cr 2. Yet Ho found me; I be-held llira IMerd- ing on th'ac-cura- ed 3. Day by day His ten- der mer - cy Heal - iii^, li(.'l;v ing, full and 4. Hij;h-cr than the high- est heav- ens, Deep - cr than the deep-ca* -?*H^^- :(eiii|t:: :t=q -j9 ^ N— — 1 s N ^ 1 ^ I^ K N— -^ m~^"" 1 — 9l .- ^ — 1 — fV :a — -^^- -^.- -jN 1 --•1 — be, tree, free, Bca, ^ 1^ ^ • When And Bro;t Lord, ^^_ • — 1 9 II my me Thj —4 -, )roud wist - low - r love -^^' * rl ful cr, at — 1 * • ^ said to heart saic while I^ last has -^K- • -^^. — 1 1 — W I ^ ' <^^^-. Je - sua "All of self, faint-ly,"Somc of self, whispered " Less of s:elf, conquered ^'Xone of self, and none and some and more and all — -^ — ^ ? of of of of 1^ W^ — 1 -*•- _[_ _ I .... — i 1 — - * ^ 1 (•- -^-^ X Ik Iv Ib : — ^ •!-=- i'^-^-i -V — H5- -PL_t_ — ^ i**"*" —J — ^ •^ V i w* ^ Thee," All of self and none of Thcc, AJl of Thee,-' Some of self and some of Thee, Some of Thee," Less of self and more of Thee, Less of Thee/' Kone of self and all of Thcc, Xo)ic of self and none of self and some of self and more of self and all of — ^ i==^. ^=:-^- Tliee, When I proud -ly said to Jc - sns "All of self and none ofTheeT Thee, And my wist- ful heart said faint-ly "Home of self and some of Thee." Thee, liro'tme low - er while I whispered "I^ess of self and more of Thee.'' Thee, Lord,Thy love at last has conqucred"A o>ic of self and aJl of Thee." s-^i No. 269. (^m it ht gigitt? *• Wherefore didst thou doubt?"— Matt. 14 : 31. \ Rev. A. T. PiEKsoN. P. P. Bliss, by per, js — k-4 — r ^ r 1. Can it 2. Can it 3. Can it 4. Can it be right be right be right be right for in such to me to go doubt to wait, loads to bear, doubt His pow'r. On in this "^'uit for the While He says Both to for - . r r r m w ^-w—^—m m t ^ I fi U 1 1 f^^ t • , 1 h^ N Xby ! dk —3 -js- -4=^-11- — ■•• — ^ — 1 — -^- ^ -i P* N- ...^, __j — , — -i&i- dark, day ** come, - give A * un - that I'll and cer - tain way ? tries the heart, give you rest?" van- quish sin ? Say, "I Ere I Bid-ding E - ven — 1 — m-^ — «-i- _g. '^ . .^. « be- lieve." and shall learn %A hat me cast on in trials of 1 yet not is my Him my dark-est /»\' HL . I* 1 1 . ■ - Vj. * J' "i* 1 1 B^l'— -•• -1 1 — -I—- (_ — 1 4 Lk Ik — — hm 1 — Zii • -1 _1 ^ — , L^^j- ±J^ — !•— -1* r- •-^ _j 1^ 1 m M- -J---^'-^-;^i= g«- h a=: :ij-: -■• — ^ know state, care, hour, B"^ — - Whcth - er my sins are jmt a - way? Fear - ing the Judge should say de - part? Lean - ing in love, np - on His breast. Can not His love give peace with - in ? 1 W- 5; 1 S CnoBus. ^^=^- ^^ --^-^^a^ ^^ ■n ~^^^ ■^- — ^ ■^^- ~^^~ •'^^~ — ^^" 1^ I will no longer doubt Thee,0 Lord ! I will forcv- er rest in Thy word. 1/ > 1/- H --\ ^:f± I 5 Can it be right no soul to seek, Le5 m \ ^—m 1- -. . _ - rii—n^ 1. From the riv - en Rock there floweth, Liv - ing wa - ter er - er tlear; 2. "With-out mon-ey, with -out mer-it," Jo - sus calls, "Come iin-to Me,*' 3. Faiut-ing in the des - ert, drear-y, Guilt-y siu -ner, hark! 'tis He! dz±=t H«-l*- '>H^^=»^ r-p-r m — ^- t^:^: -m=ir-^- r- J=gz:Jrt=a — I — I — P' I Wea-ry pilgrim, jonrneyingonward, Knowyou not that Fount is near? Thirsty traveller, ho en-couraged. Know you not the Fount is free? rris the Sav - iour still en-treat-ing, Know you not He call - eth thee ? CrroTiiTS. 1^ 4 F^ -■•I— -•? 1- ± -V-^ — A — 1 1 A -izgjzij^- Je - 8U9 ia the Rock of A - ges — Smitten, stricken, lo! IIg dies; m i-f ■ ■ fe«y-> — _„^ Pk^ — ^_i r-r^ — ' — f — * ' ^ 1 •■ « 1—4 !••-- -I 1 — « J m From His side a liv - ing fountain, Know you not it Bat- is - fie«? 1 Ho. 271. %\\m mi (SUawiitgl " Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour, Jesus Christ."— Titus 2: 13. Arr. from Fka^tces K. IIavergal. James McGranahatv, bj- per. i:^ -S- .-4- — _qV(-Z3z — -4 1 — -^ i. !±.2l -N 1 1. Tilou art com-ing, 2. Thou art coni-iug, 3. Thou art cnni-ing, O my Saviour, Thou art com-inp! O my King, not a 8had-ow, Not a mist and not a tear, ^vc are wait-ing With a hope that can - not fail. !-V| 4-zrT- ■ -^-0. 4- ut—^: r^iLzri^-zz^tzz^z^. m alrzii!: I N- -N- tJ— fe^- ^5"- --A- il — -al — -0,-^^'^ — ^ ^ TT^X-^iz.j^;:. .^ #^- JiZ^. ^ — 5- -^9-- — ■^»T>- J Ev' -rytongncTliy name con fcss-ing, Well may we re - joice and sing; Not a sin and not a sor-row, On that sun - riso grand and clear; Ask-in^ not Ihe day or hour, Anchored safe \viih - in the veil; Thon art com-ing! rays of glo-ry, Thro' the veil Thy death has rent, Thou art com-ing! Je - sns Sav-iour, Noth-ing else seems worth a thought, Thou art coming! at Thy ta - ble Wo arc wit-ness-es for this, D. S. TAouari com-ing I Thou art com-ing I Je - sus our be -lav - cd Lord^ L M 1 h 1^ l^ P k^ l> :t^=tr k?-fc5- x—r -^ ' ^ 'a — f g I X- ^k^3r^ .fe^ji ^___i_J^^ H Fine, V '^ m Gladden now Dur pii ^^m pathway, Glo - ry from Thy presence scut* Oh, how mar-vcl-ou:* thv, 7*^'^-ry, And the bliss TI13' pain hath bought. As we meet Thee in com-mu^ *''^«4, Earn-est of our com - ing bliss. O the joy to sec Thee reignii^ Worship' d^ pin • ri-fnd, a - dared. ■*9- ^- tzrpiU':^:^- t—- CrroRus. 1 :l-J. .J1_J^_^ s D.S. JH-init f Thou art com-ing, Thou art com-ing, "Wc shall meet Thee on Th;'way, 1 (.Thou art coming, we shall see Thee, And bo like Thee on tliat (»^^ * -J. 1 — 1^ — -if No. 272. (Duty - K -»i — «i -»i — a-h r r ^ ^ P ^ y I t ^ 1 •-L] ^ , 1 <^S&^--t' I -^ ^^7*- _, — o"- J— T- aj-::!^-::^: -^ alH — ' — •»-"■• •- "--a^ d • — I .| o— L-« ^: K K_L.«, ^ __J He has suffered to redeem me, And His word I now be-Iieve. Ev* - ry tri - al that bc-falls mc He will safe - ly bring me thro'. On the Kock my feet are rcst-ing,Nani:htor harm can rejich me here. Thou wilt ucv- cr leave mc friendless AVhile I cling, O Christ, to Thee. I r 1 r^ I I:t:t:5=:: fcllZZPJ iiz^- IS IS ■f- ~fB.^^-ZJZ.^- r M: ] Kefs A IN". .1^, — . ^_- t -^ 4 ^ 1 9 — I — ^ g ^— -n ■-^ -i— 1 — « ^— I — » 9 ^ ■*"» Now to Clirist a - lone I'm clinging, Tho' the tempest round me blow; r-trf- "Ji^-^-T: _J— -N ?-l^z:s-^_, il IIec(l-ing not the clouds a- bovc me, Dreading not the waves be -low. No. 273. Wmt fe a 6mtt ^iW fat: w^. " And they took Jesus and led him away."— John 19 : 16. . Mrs. Cecil F. Alexandkr. Geo. C. Stebbins, by per. 1^--q: =qsp:=l--=1±=|--=::^_j__4q 1. There is a green hill far a-vrayjWith-out a cit - y 2. We may notknow, we can -not tell "What pains He had to 3. He died that we might be forgiven, He died to make us 4. There was no oth - er good enough, To pay the price of wall; bear; good, sin: -g ;>_c.F^-v._j: — w.-C| ^_i:::^_j,_Xj ^ ^ li OE^ -«- l^rzq: :x:_ :g=S: Where the dear Lord was cru - ci - fied, Who died to save us all. But we be-lieve it was for us He hung and suffered there. That we might go at last toheav'n,Sav'dby His precious blood. He on - ly could un - lock the gate Of heav'nand let us in. n Jei=|E ■^ — ^ H 1 I t: r-r Mi= Choeus. 1^ -4^^- 1e=r5 at^r;s|: :«^=5: r Oh ! dear - ly, dear - ly has He loved, And we must love Him too; -I 1 (_ t^ — h- ' ^ »- T ^Pi^^^ )^L^^^^-_ m'i=^m T*! ^-::i And trust in His rc-dcem-ingblood, And try His works to do. £fS^ 'l^d^^^^^^ No. 274. ^oma u'UIi ^m^ titcte. •In my Father's houso are many mansions."— John 14: 2, Bev. ARTHUB T. PiEKSON. JAMES McGranahatt, by p«r. ir^iiiii^^^ 1. In my Father's house there is many a room, And my Lord has gone to pre- 2. In my Father's house there is end - less day, "NVith no cloud of sorrow or 3. In my Father's house there's no want or woe,And there can be no more 4. In my Father's house there is no more death, For tlie life of God we 5. In my Father's house there are blessed saiuts,W'ho His holy im - age ^ > \^ > Z2 -pare A' place for me;0 can it be That I shall be with Him there? care, No tearful eyes,no groans or sighs.They know who are witli Him there. pray'r;For what beside can God provide.Since we shall be with Him there. share ; No thought of sin can en-ter in, For we shall l^e with Him there. bear ; They find in this their sweetest bliss.That they may be with Him there. ^- r rv -+- >—^~^ — I- r=r Chorus. - ~M * * ■ *i — I — I — I — I r ^ J^4 \r eS ¥s For- ev - er with Je - sns there, For- ev - cr with Je - sus there ; I ^- i-zJz: £ 'V I I -l I 5E^;=g:rj-^^^*=^^ What grace di-vine, that He is mine! And I ihallbo with Him there W^^ t il L t- ■^=^— >- ±1 pa t-^ No. 275, ®e« ®hott,$iantl '^imt^. •*The number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand."— Rev. 6.* U. Henry Alford, D. D. Ira D. Sankey, by per. -I— J 1 : r- I J_ 1— 4--.-U ^^i^^^i ^:^:^ -[zr-^- 1. Ten thousand times tea thou - sand, In sparkling rai- ment bright, 2. "NVhatrush of hal - le - lu - jahs Fill all the earth and sky! 3. O, then what rap-tured greet - lugs On Canaan's hap - pj shore ! -■at — Zi 1 r b h: H rf-^-BzdSr-^— 1 The ar- mics of the ran-som'd saints Throng up the steeps of light; "What ring-ing of a thou- sand harps Bespeaks the tri - umphsnighl What knitting sev - cred friendships up, Where partings are no more! -m- -i»- -^ -P- -^ -,5>- • -S r\- r h it— _.:fc I — I — r It I .-j- S:2^ r— lO- W=:^- ■tr- £^ :S i. -<2?- r^iZTznt (5»- F 1 'Tis fm - ished, all is fin - ished, Their light ^vith death nnd sin; O day, for which ere - a - tioa And all its tribes were made! Then eyes with joy shall spark- le, That brimm'd with tears of late; ^^^m i S--i=*, (*-f«- ■M 1 1 M ^ -H ^ m ^ =i: -T-J- :ai=at-^ .^-A « ^- :^=s «5^ 3 Fling o - pr^nwidctlie gold - en gates, And let the vie - tors in. O joy, for all its form - er woes A thou-sand-fold re - paid ! Or-phans no Ion- ger fa - thcr- less, Nor wid - ows des - o - late. :t: ::;r~^" t: t tr- t: ^ Refrain ) j^- H 1- .L Hal- Ic - lu - jah ! Hal- Ic - lu -jah to the Lamb who once was qsriLiffimi :t 122: 1 tr-^ ^^ 1iz=^ ®c« Sfltoussand ®imci5.— Coududd. ^^ESE^ I slain! Ilal-lc - lu -jab! Ilal-le - lu - jah to Him who lives a - gain! -e-lj?:-q? ES 1 — \^~v -(5>- >— >- r Ie^; Copyrisht, 1878, by BIglow & Mala. ^^\ X a No. 276. clinging atl the lime. *• Then was our mouth filled with singing."— rs, 126: 2. Rev. R P. Hammond. Geo. C. STEnBixa, by per. ii t 4— J— i 1. 4- g3£zirzis — t — ( — '■ — I — ^ — ^ — ^— .-i:?: I 1. I feel like sing-incc all the lime, My tears are wiped a - way; 2. When on the cross my Lord I saw, Nail'd there hy sins of mine; 3. When fierce tempta-tions try my heart, I sinp, Je - sus is mine; 4. The wondrous sto - ry of the Lamb, Tell with that voice of thine, - 4H* It E =^ t — r— i — r :rt--^=: :4eizr|e=:|iE -P — t: ±: -^^^ M-=t. c:s: i AJ/ ^— O <7 « 5 — 1 — ^ ■■g— :5.-rq=ir4- — I SI ^ ^ -^its For Je - sus is a friend of mine, I'll serve ITim ev' Fast fell the burn-in;^ tears; but now, I'm sing-ing all And so, though tearsat times may start, I'm sing-ing all Till oth - ers, with the glad new song (Jo sing-ing all T ry day. the time, the time, the time. :t r— I — \ — r -t— — I- 1 — r -^^ h-i T=F=i=F ^• — 3 ri ClIORUS. <»- — ■r * r ---t: It: ,-<2- ^-^ -'f=^ h -^- *--*- i I have found the Lord my Once acknowledged in the Naught can from His love es - By His blood I shall pre " Sat - is - fied " I shall a :jcrvrtc light; I am His, and He is mine. head, Now a fire with- in the breast, trange. Those who place their trust in Him. - vail, He shall lead me home at last. wake, Clasp His feet, and call Him mine. S izje; f :t=-- ITT Chorus. pi:iziz^T=|^ -(9- -<^- ^^ f m tp m m Mine, oh, mine, Mine, oh, mine, Je - bus Christ, my Lord and \ !•- -\ iiiPI res Sav \-^~¥:- £:±fc lour. :^ ii=^ r"=r SZE^S I am ^f His and He IS mine! a. — ^- ] No. 278. "<^itt0 mA ^v^^ Last words of a faithful minister of Christ, who recently died In the hope of the gospel. Mary S. Wiikeleu. P. P. Bliss, by per. r r- --] — r^— 5^ ^ # 4- ■-•-%t r r- f E- ter - ni-tydawnson my vis - ion to-day, Galh - er round me my \ The shadows are past, and the veil is withdrawn, Brijjihtly now does the E- ter - ni - ty dawns! Oh, the glo-ries that rise, How they hurst on my th rap-turc the gleam of the cit - y I see.Wherc the crown and the \ Wil ^g ^ i^?: X- w -w ^--^ -^ — I — p— ^ a!=i^=^ Chorus i^ i loved ones to sing and morn of soul in 0- ter its bliss- ful to pray ; ) ni - ty dawn, i man-sion are wait-iu}' surprise for me r^} Hal-le- lu - jab ! Hal- le - lu- jali ! Hal- le- w :^-S^J' \ I .fezzl^: -^-^ ^'^ i ^u lit ?f^ ^=^'^-^ n-J— 1- .^1 — , s . ^^' ^Jl ^ • ^F ^^ ^^ lu- jah, we sing ! Je- sus conquered the grave, robbing death of its sting ; Ho- san- na : a-gain let the glad anthem riug,"Sing and pray ! Etcr-ni-ty dawns!" -«5>- -•-•-•- -0^- -^- -^- -t5>-' -i9- III rt- i^zzj^: 3 " Eternity dawns !" There will be no more night, I am nearing the gates of the city of light; The shadows of time are passing away, Tarry not, O my Saviour, come quickly, I pray. 4 " Eternity dawns'." Earth recedes from my view; Weeping iViouds, now laic well, 1 must bid you adieu; I'm resting in Jesus, His merits I plead, Fear ye not, " for my God shall supply all your need." 6 " Eternity dawns!'' 'Tis a source of content, That in preaching s:ilvation my life has been spent; 'Tis "Jesus my All," and the Saviour of men, May His grace be upon you forever. Ameo. No. 279. ^V\\m b my §0y t0-ttt0ltt? R.L. •♦ A foolish Bon ifi the heaviness of his mother."— Pbov. 10 : 1. Rev. R. LowKY, by per. With tenderness. ^^=q: H^-^r-^^ - "^tWl"^— • 4- ^ 1. "Where is my wand'riug boy to-night — The boy of my teud'rest care, The 2. Once he was pure as morning dew, As he knelt at his mother's knee ; No 3. O could I see you now, my boy, As fair as in old- en lime. When 4. Go for my wand'ring boy to-night ; Go, search fur him where you will ; But ^1 I pi iqr i 1: rzi /rv 5:-^, l-J :t: -^ •- •--^-I^ boy that was once my joy and light, The child of my love and prayer ? face was so bright, no heart more true. And none was so sweet as he. prat- tie and smile made home a joy, And life was a mcr - ry chime! bring him to me with all hisblight,And tell him I love him still. _ — •> — *-*— ^r -n- *=« :5ii=i "f^ CnoRUS. Not too fast. O where is my boy to - ni^'ht? O where is my boy to-nijrht? My .pL. • ^. t »-i-»- ^r;^ r--f-ftF^=t ?iV\\m b mjj §ay t0-tti()ht?— ^owdiuld. /7\ l/JW- • H - « — - J - - — a(~ ^ y ^ J .J -I- T.< ra^ heart o'crflo\vs» for I love him, he knows ; O where is my boy to - night ? fczzizp I- — H ^ — ^-t»— r rn No. 280. ©nly fot ^hce. •* To me to live Is Christ."— Phil. 1 : 21. Eliza Ann Walker, 1861. Jas. McGranahan, by per. 4t^ -•( -«- -« -•- ^ 4- ^—■4- -ft-l-r -^2^z:t— ■^^ — l-h— I H i-L - { ^'*i^^4 Prt-cions Saviour, may I live, On- ly for Tliec Be my spir-it's deep dc- sire On - ly for Thee 111 my joys may I re-joice, On- ly for Thee Moek-ly may I saf- fer grief, On - ly for Thee Be my smiles and be my tears, On - ly for Thee Be my peace and be my strife On - ly for Thee Spend the powers ^iay my in - tel- In my choic-es Grateful - ly ac- Be my young and Be my love and g-4-^ - ^- it: ^:::t-^^ — b ±(r -H rd^--#rgrr: Chorus. :t. -i ■T wm |§fe=^H^ Thou dost give On - ly for Thee! "I On - lect xs - pire On - ly for THeel i make my choice On - ly for Thee! ) for Thee! i w u^ t" ly Christ who died for me - cept re - lief. On - ly ri - per years. On - ly bo my life, On - ly -1- for Thee! ) for Thee! / "^-T^- -i9- ra'. Y^Y J^-r^^ -T-JV iil-al--^. L-:2^ Paid the price and made me free, Now, and thro' eterni - ty, On - ly for Thee! L«'a*i 1* I r=^^- — — -4^ y — L — P-^ — o- — ♦-r* n [2.- «S3 No. 281. ft iis ^i«ii5l»«n •' What shall I do to inherit eternal life?"— Luke 18: 18. Rftv. James Proctor. Ira D. Sanket, by pw. :^- 4- — 1 1 \ \ -= — -m m m m, ^ :^=?^- -G*- ^- JZL. 1. Noth - ing, eith - er great or small — Noth-ing, sin - ner, no; 2. "When He, from His loft - y throne, Stooped to do and die, 3. "Wea - ry, ^vork-ing, bur-denedone, Where-fore toil you so? 4. Till to Je - sus' work you cling By a sini - pie faith, 6. Cast your dead- ly "do - ing" down — Down at Je - sus' feet; S; £^^^ -i9- -m ^ — 1^- T r t^ -/^ 1 I '»- Je - BUS died and paid it all, Long, long a - go. Ev' - ry - thing was ful - ly done: Hearken to His cry! Cease your do - ing; all was done Long, long a - go. "Do - ing" is a dead - ly thing — "Doing" ends in death. Stand in Him, in Him a - lone, Glo-rious - ly com - plete. I^E^E^E^^S % 3i; -9— I— • — ^- I (5>- 1 1 js:. i Chorus tU UHORUS. I , ^^^»^fei±^ "It is fin- ished!" yes, in - deed, Fin - ished ev* - ry jot; »'i4?^=ES| I -+i -t- f=r 1 — Sin - ner, this is all you need, Tell me, is it not? iil feiS j^=p^ (• ^- S~T — ^ {»' p is Ho. 282. ^iVndcrful mxA$ 1 1 1 \ i -b, — b> — u — H i^ ' tm -i 1 i A r- Life ; Let me more of their beau- ty see. Won- der- ful words of Life; Sin-ner, list to the lov - ing call, Won- der- ful words of Life ; Of - fer par - don and peace to aD, Won- der- ful words of 1^ I ! t_ ^ f^ ^ h=^t=^ S3E^ i=^^=^ Life. Words of life and bean - ty. Teach me faith and du - ty; Life. All so free-ly giv - en, Woo- ing us to heav - en. Life. Je - sus, on - ly Sav - iour, Sane- ti - fy for - ev - er. =?E=T -ffi-ng t :[- 1—] Beau-ti -ful words,wonderful words, Wonderful words of Life, Life. I Ho. 283. Wi'sd mttjst it k to he ®fem? •*.There shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying."— Rev. 21 : 4, Mrs. Elizareth Mills. Duet. . jy Geo. C. Stebbins, by per. 1. We speak of the land oi the blest. A 2. We speak of its path - ways of gold. Its 3. We speak of its peace and its love, The 4. Wo speak of its free - dom from sm, From 6. Bo Thou, Lord, midst pleas - T*re or woe, For m -^ — — -^ ^ coun - try so bright and so "walls dcck'd with jew - els so robes which the glo - ri - lied s«r - row, temp- ta - tion ant* beav - en our spir - its pre — S — ^-<&- fair, rare, wear, care, pare, And Its The From Then short \ — ■« — oft won songs tri ■ -?L arc its ders and of the als with- ly we i^m i3i ^ ^- -m- glo - ries con - fest, pleas- ures un - told, bless - cd a - bove, • out and with -in, al - so shall know^ But what must it But what must it But what must it But what must it And feel what it --it be be be bo is -n*- ■^1^ to to to to to be there? be there ? be there ? be there ? be there ! i 1^' Refrain. To be there, .-4- <^-e^ ■^ 3 ■&—-- 1 l! — S-J. i 6^- to be there. -«4-e-2- ^z:— ::^4;;=ifej PM*- ' — h Oh,what must it be to be there ? To be there, i»- — (- -1^— - ±& £ ^^^^^^ H 't 5--3-^- — -T" He who took onr sins a - way, Je - sus, on - ly Je - sua, Tread - ing still the down-ward road. Lead- ing far from Je - sus, Pass - word to the heav'n - ly home, Je - sus, on - ly Je - sus, ?— t;? fc H- 9-± :W^ (*—•-•-• r > — I — >-H^^--— -H :d^ -J_ ^=^ Name with ev' - ry bless - ing rife, Be our joy and hope thro' life. Till the spir- it taught us how,'Neath the Saviour's yoke to bow, When from sin and sor - row free. On thro' all e - ter - ni - ty, t=i^=:i:: t .^ — I... t ^ ^m. 1 — tr -I 1- :l V ^m id^ i=*: 4^_L -i K 1 — *— •^ 1 -^ — H- F H -r-^-*- r Be our strength in cv' - ry strife, Je - sus, on - ]y Je - sua. And we fain would fol - low now, Jo - sus, on - ly Je - sus. This our therae and song shall be, Je - sus, on - ly Je - sus. Ho. 287. latadrsj. 'And JesuB s&ld unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To-day thou shalt be with me in Paradise." — Luke 23 : 43. W. W. D. James McGea^ahan, by per. T- -■m ( — ■« -aj ^=^= — I 1. How sweet the word of Christ the Lord,Wliile on the cross He dies, 2. The dy - ing thief, in full be- lief, On Je - sus fixed his eyes ; 3. By man condemn'djWithout a friend, Will Je - sus heed his cries? 4. Tho' vile as he, O sin - ner, flee While Je - sus calls, be wise ; ^ r I • ■» ■ *H r W b> 1 m is: i^ ■f^- ■ -^ '. ■ 1 — jff- A word to all who on Him call For life in par - a His on - ly plea, "Re-mem- her me, O Lord, in par - a O bless- ed Lord, how quick Thy word,"To-day in par - a His word be- lieve, and now re - ceive A life in par - a •- -•- -m- I ^ •- -•- I dise. disc." dise." dise. ^ ^ t ;t m Chorus. ^=.^- -^zi=w- H»- V '—i j ^^ v-r -^ — ♦- — t- From the cross the Sav - iour cries,CoraewithMe to par - a - dise • H»- i ;t J:^ ^S^^^=.^i Look to Me, believe and live. Ac-cept thelife I free - ly r3^ ^^p3 fsao Ho. -288. "Rejoice In the Lord al way."— Phil, 4: 4. Rev. J. B. Atctiinson. -r-l— ^ ::t ^ •zsrtfz: I z=^^zs±i p. p. BLisa by p«r. 4 1- ^4—4-4 1. Ke-joice with me, for now I'm fre<>, I joy iu a new pleasure ; 2. Once vile with sin, Christ makes me clean, Gone is all con-di-m-na - tion; 3. In Christ I live, and He doth give, Great joy where once was sadness; 4. To all proclaim His wondrous name, Ke-peat the old, oldsto-ry; :^4^ It --P^ > — :t: _*_ -^ — m, «.^_^_H ( 1 — I From God a - bove, the gift of love Is mine in full - est measure. For I be-lieve and now re - ceive A full and free sal - va - tion. And in this way, from day to day. My life is filled with glad-ness. Till work is done and heav-en won, Then praise Him more in glo - ry. -^^- -j — V- ^F==f=^F -I — V- ^TN T~r ? ^g --'i^^^.t- :3f^ — (- 1 \^ Re - joice, re - joice, Christ is my choice. His cross a - lone my glo - ry ; 't^" *^^~ ~^^~ I I "^^^ "'^^~ "^^" "^^" >n.^B rn.^^ "^^^ P 1 ' 1-3^ 2 ^ . ! r- :-H \m — ?g- n-gg _J^ t i: 1 — t — r :NEir:)e- r ---t: P |i^^3^iil^ps^^i^ r I While life shall last, when death is past, I'll sing the joy - ful sto - ry. ^ ? t 1 — I- — I — SOI r-r ^ I u/ No. 289. Immph §y and §y. Dr. C. R. Blackall •• I press toward the mark."— Phil. 3: 14. H. R. Palmer, by per. * =s.^i|^-r : ^--#-^s 1. The prize is set be-fore us, To win, His words implore us, The 2. "SVe'll fol- low where He lead -eth, We'll pas-ture where He feed -cth, Well 3. Our home is bright a - bove us. No tri - als dark to move us. But ^-1* ±Z^ :^=)K u ir 'T t~^ r zzt: -f*-^- ■^T t ^^: tS?- -^f-'-^ rr eye of God is o'er us From on high, from on high ; Hia yield to Him who plead - eth From on high, from on high ; Then Je - sus dear to love us There on high, there on high ; We'll ^ ^ j ■^. J' J j_ ^ — ^-i— * — 1« m — -i» Z~^ j^ ^ r ^ r > — i/- -V- -<5f- ■1=^=^=^=.^,=^ ■^ ^- -i — 1- i ^ — ^ _^.^ •Ol •« -•- • -■« «| -J _, 1 1 1 , ^ ]^ ^ ^ ^ \^ lov - ing tones are call - ing While sin is dark, ap - pall-ing, 'Tis naught from Him shall sev - er. Our hope shall brighten ev - er, And give Him best en - deav - or. And praise His name for - ev - er, His 7f=^fF- U U U p u t N ■ — N N N N r* -j — - — «*- Je - sus gen - tly call - ing, He is faith shall fail us nev - er, He is pre - cious words can nev - er, Nev - er Ff-g i i-'^- p *=r nigh. He is nigh. nigh. Ho is nigh. die, nev - er die. I ClIORT'S f By and by weshall meetHim,By and by wcBhallgrectllim, And with »o« 5!tium|)h §H ttttd §y.— d^ottflurti'l 5=qcJ^n^d^ Jesus reigii in glory, By and by,by and by ; By and by we shall me( t Him, By and t 3^3?^ 5: rg, by per. r\ u -^^ 1 1 • ' V 1 / o • feMr^d ^ .rfTJ _ I 1 td- ~-^ —^ — -^ —^ — 1 1. Sav - 2. Tho' 3. Tho' 4. Should ionr, breathe de - struc - tho night swift death -r an tion be this _ (5* 1 eve - walk dark night ning a - and o'er - ^ bless - round drear - take in?, us, - y, us. ^-si — Ere Tho' Dark And re- the - ness our /m^\' a 'J /o r" ■, ■ f:^ • -^- f' ■ 1 ^ ■> ^_^ ^ I?T-; 1« — — «• 1 -^ — f— 1 —S^-\ ,^^ — 2 — 1^ — — — -t- 1 =^ __^__ , _, I I 1 p ir -4- /C^ *^ EE3E -S? 1^ • pose ar - can couch —Q. our rows not be ,-•> -fe =^ -i9' spir past hide come — t its us from our ba- r ^ seal : fly; Thee ; tomb, s^— ^ ^'- ^ -s>- --T Sin An - Thou May and want "we pel - guards from art lie who, the morn in -ff- h-|9 f^F^-F^ • I — P i fe — fii- J-.-4 j;2:zbz2^ •<»- -^-^ -^— r- ^?^:E|zz— - ::i: I 5z:L=22Li.g=a^ come con Thee sur nev - er heaven a ■ fess - ing, round us, wea - ry, wake us» Thou canst save and We are safe if Watch - est where Thy Clad in bright and -(9- W 1^ Thou Thou peo - death I t^g- canst heal, art nigh, pic be. le.ss bloom. -^- -a—^-a - — f5>- f — 19- \ — ^ ^ ± 1^ ^- 1j -^ «OS No. 293. ^(TWtt^ tlw §ii9lt fmseisi. "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing."— Rev. 5 : 12. Rev. J. C. Ryle. James McGranahan, by per. ^ z a. 1 ^-r— ^ H L— 1- • !2~fT 1. Sound the high prais - es of Je - sus our King, He 2. Praise to the con - quer - er! Praise to the Lord, The j«_i_(« 1« ^ 1 (•._^_je fg. 1« — ^-J: -l» k»- -^- T — r — r I -k -^ — —I ' — -^ — •^ '— M^^^s^=i^M. -51 -«l- :^. came and Heconquer'd,His vie - to - ry sing; Sing, for the pow'r of the en - e-my quail'd at the might of His word ; In heavn lie ascends and un- ^EfcEf£^-3E5sE ■fJa H 1 W- — w.— W -\ p j ^ — I U , [■ — I 1 |i k=^=d i 3^: t=J=^ (=-1-1 iS S^iz-E* 3E Et^S|^i=2 1^-t ty- rant is broken, The triumph's complete o - ver death and the grave ; . folds the glad sto - ry. The hosts of the blessed ex - iilt in His fame: In ^ -i»- -^ "♦■ -^'~^-^- fer J- ^^ fL ^ ^ ^- -» 1*- 1 — r — r r — ^- Vain is tlieir boast - ing, Je - ho - vah hath spo - ken, And love He looks down from the throne of His glo - ry, And J.. -J^ E 't-=^ — % — It ±y J—J 3E: EE^ m i^-i f^i^^flp CnoRus. , S3EE3^ Je - susproclaim'd Himself mighty to save. Sound the high prais-cs of rcs-cuesthc ru-in'd whotrust in His name. I i- b: T woo j^y:_^_^_? t t^— £ ^ :S: <^auntt the %\\^\\ f taljsfjs — (£0nclw(lc^. #^ g — - — « 1 ~— ^— -J H -m—m- •■ ^ ;g— ♦-L^^-^— * ♦ t-r-i I " i?=t I Jo- BUS our King, Ho came and lie conquer'(l,nisYif to- ry sing. ^'=r=F ■■•■ — -m 1^- r—r-r -^ ►— '-i^^ — » r— trr i ;is t^I _^.^5'_ i No. 294. 'ws^ing #tt. •"There remaineth therefore a rest."— Heb. A : 9. HoRATius BONAB, D. D. GEO. C. Stebbins, by per. 1. This is the day of toil Be • Death earth's sultry noon, This is the day of 2. Spend and be spent would we, Whi]e last- eth time's brief day ; No turn-ing back in 8. On- ward we press in haste, Up -ward our jour- ney still ; Ours is the path the 4. Tho way may rough-er grow, The wea-ri-ness increase, "We gird our loins and •F4- i ^ i i —- t^-H ^- X T I H -«- -»- -(^- ' -»■' 1 1- . »•- X^ i 1- I L_:t rS>- -H H Chorus. ser-vice true.But rest- ing com-eth soon. Hal- 1« - lu- jail I Hal-la - lu -jahrfhererc^ cow-ardfear, No lingering by the way, Mas-tcr trod Thro' good re- port and ill. has-ten on, — Theend,lhe end is peace. C-- &-' U 1^ jfej J J 111 ^4^^#j^^ — I- mains a rest for us. Hal-le - lu'- jah! Hal-le- lu -jab '.There remains a rest for us. W. ^--♦-4-^-tl.*-jg^,«^ EEEE^^P^^EgE -I 1- Pref Nq^ «or No. 295. ®hm ijs fovj nmcrng tlic |in0fli5. ** There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner thatrepenteth."— Luke 15. 10. ' Edward A. Barnes. C. C. Case, by per. ^- ^:^^H^=* J:=ri3==grT 1. There is 2. There is 3. There is i^ZFE^ joy joy joy 1^—4.-^^. among the an-gels, Sing- ing round the throne a-lx)ve, among the an-gels,When a sin - ner heeds the call; among the an-gels,Wheu His cause is speed-ing on ; X: -H^-^-^- 1^ ^ i^ 1/ V Itt? :: 1- m "When re - pent- ant tears are flowing, "While theris • en Lord is showing When he turns to Christ be-liev-ing, And from Him is love re- ceiving, When the notes of praise are ringing, That the gos - i)el work is bringing, — 1^. Ft, r^^-&^js-^-^_-i^_^4i,_i»_i^_^-x > BE B! LZ jg- ^ g-Jg— b>- -^—>- $ fc:^— 1^— ^i-^r-zii^ =^ :^^r=4 ^-]~-t:^ «! -~M 1 J ^~g-^-^— -j 35=1*^ z5: TtizS: |*-i?-^g— g-'^^**— g- AU the rich - OS of His love, All the rich - es of His love. All the Grace that saves us one and all, Grace that saves us one and all,Grace that Precious sheaves for harvest morn,Precious sheaves for harvest morn, Precious -«_JL_/e =^g^-i-j^"^-^-^— g^=^^tl^ ^- -^-^--•^ ^ # ■fi-r m j=.-i Chorus gd2 rich - cs of His love. There is saves us one and all. sheaves for liar- vest morn. ^m. — m — ^ |_^_J.^_I^_-&. >--^: :t:--:± ±: joy, M oh, there is joy, r--^=i glad joy, there is joy, glad joy, Joy that nev- cr can hetohl, When a soul . that Ions: has rT Ct^f-t^ t \^ V ^ . . . nev- cr can be told,When a soul that longha« wau ^— ^- ^^^^i dcr'd, Comes with -in the Sav - iour's fold. wander'd, loug has wauder'd, ' * I No. 296. ©vcr the Occun ^i*ait. Anon. I will give theo tho heathen for thine inheritance."— Ps. 2: 8. ( MISSIONARY.) Wm. B. Bradbury, by per. k3n&=t *r3— 3^: iZE^ -(^ 1. O - vcr the o - cean -wave, far, far a - way, There the poor 2. Here in this hap- i)y laud wo have the li.^ht Sliin-ing from 3. Then, while the mis - sion ships glad tid - ings bring, List! as that Chorus. — Pit - y them, pit • y them. Christians at home, Ilaste with the 5 :f=i Fixe. . -<5^ I hea - then live, wait - ing for day ; God's own word, free, pure, and bright j hea - then band joy - ful - ly sing, 4-.-J Crop -ing in ig - norancc, Shall we not send to them *' O - ver the o - cean wave, 5ji}(_-z;^;-=-L— -L S f 7^^ bread of life^ has • ten and come. ~^ W D. C. CnoBUS. j^jj|:^^Hi= J 3^: ^ — •'-j-d' — J I I dark as the night, No ble.ss-ed Bi - ble to give them the light. Bi - bles to read, Teachers, and preachers, and all that they need? ob, see them come, Bring-iug tho bread of life, guid - ing \i3 home." -H *H "-■(- -^ ^JE^^^ fnao ^ No. 297. pcinoHfS ift €^tt.k " These are they which came out of great tribulation.**— Rev. 7: 14, "W. P. M ACKAY, M. D. James McGkanahan, by per, i* I fe—js ^^m ' H ^^s->- ^^3^ '±-^ F--I!: 1. When we reach our Father's dwelling, On the Strong e - ter - nal hills, 2. When the paths of pray'r and du - ty, And af - flic -tion all are trod, 3. And the way by which He brought us, All the grievings that He bore, 'II III I ^ ^ M-^ :1=1 0—0- 5 t -t- :!: m -! ft-l^ 1: And our praise to Him is swell-ing Who the vast ere - a - tion fills. And we wake and see the beau -ty Of our Sav-iourand our God, All the pa - tient love that taught us, We' 11 re- mem- ber ev - er-more. m -t- d: • — P — s- Xt :il: . 0 it J ... te_^^^ V , — , . — ft — ■ ■ 2C — -^ — ■ — ■ ■ —— — 1 r-\ 1 ^_szj-s---!— -H , fk — 1 |a ^: -t 1^ 1 ^ —\ N=1 Shall we then re - call the sad-ness, And the Shall we then re - call the sto - ry Of our And His rest will be the dear -er, As we III J 1 ^—^ — tJ- cloudsthathungso mor - tal griefs and think of wea-ry - . J dim, tears, ways, f!^—^ l^Wi . . Wl «3 ... -^ ^3 LH tf m "r~ri \Jy ^ ^ ■ 1 "1 *( J^ 1 1 ' 1 1 L0 0 0 ) _,J L0 : L#— i-J f^^ M--^-^ I*-J^,-^ I — 1^^ — F-^ fe — I ^ — p* ^1 — 1 — I When our hearts were turn'd from hardness, And our feet from paths of sin? When on eartli we sought the glo - ry Wrestling oft with doubts and fears? And His light will l)e the clear -er As we muse on cloud- y days. rrji- ^ Jt Jt 4i=t: --I- 0- -0- ■0- -0- pS: 1 ^ ^_L^p_»i_J!E IT p shall re - mem-ber «ro •«-- S-4I=» And His grace well free - ly Ittfmcncjs (jf ^avth— Conrturtd. I: P 4- -i ftr~»- — I— ^— •* ••-. — ^ ' -M ' f -^->- own; For tho love bo strong and ton-dor,That redecm'd and bro't us home. -(^— ^^==*=*-'fe||s^saj ■f- (- 1 H- r- No. 298. pust I Co and (gmpty §ajulca? Aft^r a month only of ClirisMan life, nearly all of It upon a sick bod, a j'ounq: man of nearly 30 years lay dying. Suddenly a look of sadness crossed his face, anil to lher-:t P 1^ nH" ^ ^m X ^mm^s^ 5=f I Ro - ly-ing on Thy promised grace, ^Ty faith still clings to Thee. ^^1^^^^ Hf3 I 1 I I i=^ I «r« No. 300. (Tlif ^m\ of C)rfatf.!st ^tifc. One pearl of great price."— Matt. 13: 46. Rev. John MASoy. P. P. Rltss, hv per. , A-* P ^ ^ [^ 1 ^■«-* -^;=^ ,^1 — 1 -J 1— — ah-i — ai — ^^^ ^A if-^4- -*--rir ^pr"*"" 1 H-^ — 1- -«& ' — 1 _^:_fi: ^ * w . .^'^ 1. I've fouud the pearl of prcat - est price! My heart doth sing for joy; 2. Christ is my Proph -et,Prie.st, and Kin- -1 — — 1 i -I N r— 17— ^ - - Chorus. :S=^: m — I- -(*—(*- r='T V ■^—W- t g O - ver the path to the brighter shore. "Faint, yet pur-su - ing," from Bear- ing His ban-ner a - loft with song. Sor - row and sigh -ing will end at .last. Keep-ing the way, to the gold - en street. rt^rii^— I*: -I- £ T *=!■: m i ra^^^l day to J — 4^ -i-: :aj— it q^x :i^=:s: W '<&- -sf — ' day, -<2- :^. O - ver the sure and J ^. 1_* -•* •— •- — ■• s - -I 1 ) «- the blood-marked way ; -^ — ' :^=S: t?=t: Ji-J- 3=C i^-*.|*: J: -» ^ 1 4 Strengthen and keep us, O Saviour, Friend, Ever pur-su - ing,un - to life's end. ^*_*._(5' ^^fc^ 4?^4^=t: ?: iz- ^^=S^E^ :t^fe?- (•—•>- ^^^^^ «r4 Ho. 302. ^Xd, n'm( (Dnc that y'hitistcth. Como ye, buy and cat."— Isa. 55: L P. P. Bliss, by per. 1^ [— ^ r— l=r— I- n' 1. Be - side the well at noon-time, I hear a. sad one say: 2. 15e - side the pool Be - thes - da, I hear a niourn-lul cry: 3. While seat- ed on the hill - side, The hun-gry ones were fed "I want that liv - Ing wa - tcr, Give me to drink, I pray; "No help, no hope la of - fered To one so weak as I;" By Ilim who said most tru - ly: "I am the liv - ing bread;" ;r ■-P .j.-j,^ E?=S^S^-^=^ 4^ :i--=q: =^ 4- --^ :«!=-^: mm I thirst for life e - ter - nal, The 'Gift of God' in - deed." Come to the house of mer-cy, For Christ the pool is here. By faith of Him par - tak-ing We live for - ev - er - more. Chorus. ^PP ^-w=^ t 3T-i5--2z -- 1- 5E^3 t -1^-^, ^1^] r gs Ho, cv' - ry one that thirsteth, The liv - ing wa - tor buy! 'Tis He, the great Phy -si - cian, Can euro the sin - siek soul; }Io, ev' - ry one that thirsteth, The liv - ing wa - ter buy! ■.I^^M- Ye bless -od ones that bun -ger, Take, eat and nev - cr die. "Ki.se up andwalk,"ire l)ids thee,"Thy faith hath made thee whole." Ye bless -ed ones that bun -ger, Take, eat and nev - er die. «ya No. 303. #tt ^otdan'-s (Stormy ^anb. " Thine eyes shall behold the land."— Isa. 33: 17. Rev. Samuel Stennett. T. C. O'Kane, by per. mm m^E^i^ ^E?3^EjEEi^S3^iEEi£ + I ' J ^g^ 1. On Jordan's storm -y banks I stand, And cast a wish-ful eye 3. O'er all those wide-ex -tend- ed plains Shines one e - ter - nal day* 3. Tr'hen shall I reach that hap- py place, And be for - ev - er blest? 4. Filled with de-light, my raptured soul Would here no long - er stay: -^ -^ -^ .^. ^ .^ H*. ^ft. ^ .fZ.- •_• t ziij=t=^ >=le tzr^Jzp-^t: t:z.-zt: .^.r i -S- r 1 r— i — r — "t izjr ZL ::t=T. :rj j r-'^ 1 — r -< — I- d: -^ i To Canaan's fair and hap-py land,Wheremy pos - sea - sions lie. There God the Son for - ev - er reigns. And scat-ters night a - "way. When shall I see my Fa-ther's face. And in His bo - som rest? Though Jordan's waves a - round me roll, Fear -less I'd launch a - way. ^i^- I :t ^t — f:t:--t;: -•-. -(*- r -^- -^ ^ * — -*^^ i :R3r^-4:zrrt3z:j5:ti--r====^ t — r— r- -I — t 1 Chorus. ^^1^ ::d=d^ H^ t=lvh^ -=;^---=A ^^^^ r ^ ;r We will rest in the fair and bap- py land. Just a - cross on the bv and by, I ^ -^ -^- ^- H*- -^- -^ ii,#_-t::ji*i; ^■*^ — ^ — y- :fe=iai=t=i>c :tr-3fe?i-4r-: H :t:rg; t-J^/= y-^ ^ -i») — ^ :5--5--^ »i ev - er-green shore, Sing the song of Mo - ees and the ev - er-green shore, ZII'; U. . ^^ d^ fcl:!^ >— tr H 1 It r.=z^= -1 — r It: -i» — ^- ^=t-^ t=-i F=P 1 -a!^=:i|: ^=gr^ -s^-.- Lamb, by and by, And dwell with Je - sua ev - er - more. «^ m- -^^ -w- IZJ^^ ii F=F -h -j^ tr- ^«ro -<5L r i No. 304. mw ^Vorh tin ^m^ mm. ••Thy work shall be rewarded."— Jer. 31 : 16. Mrs. ELizABETn Mills. Dr. Wm. Millek. 35 -3-^ __, , 1 ^ i , J 1_ I 1. O huiil of rest, for thoe I sigh, When will the moment come, 2. No tnin-quil joys on earth I know, No peace-ful sheltering dome; 3. To Je - sus Christ I fled for rest ; He hade me cease to roam, 4. I sought at once my Saviour's side, No more my steps shall roam ; S r ±- t ^^^ —v-. V ^ r— [ m fe S :i=i \y — ari — I — I ' hai— • m —1^ --I — ~- ^ — % — y-m m m g— ^ m ^ - -I ■ i t=i: m nr^t^ And ev' - ry joy He sends me, comes A sweet and gladsur- prise. And sweet- ly through the si-lcnce, came His lov- ing " Fol-low Me." Efc£ Hz ^ ^T\ -^ -♦- 1 ^ -♦- ^ H tv • ' 1 ^ :t t-^ r-f S fet?: CnoRus. -^«l=^---*{=r^ iN^ to: — . — ^j — 55 ■•" 1=:=^> — ' — I .^ m m "Si ^ » ^1 J Where He may lead I'll fol - low, My trust in Him re - pose ; «80 ^( ^nou'Si.— ffoncluttcl Aud ev' - ry hour in pei> feet peace I'll sing, lie knows,lle knows; 2i= C-=5fz=J--z^ And ev* - ly hour in per - feet peace I'll sing, lie knows, He knows. ±i2i=l^ f — ^-tjg — g- H 1- /r\ -"i^: — ^ f> • r I J/e 2. When -sve 3. When we get home from our sor - sow and care, And we get home to the man - sious a - hove, With the get home, when the morn - ing is come, And m: f=-F=f=tt ^F=f E I \ — i 13: H 1 f-r-J-r-f -J^-4 r ^ — ^*^zil t*Zj^ ^ ^=^ -g -g- stand with the an - gels of light, Oh, what a meet - ing in loved ones gone o - ver be - fore, Oh, who can tell what a forth from the cit - y of gold An - gels of God, com - ing H^ -^ - J. . " -^ -f-- -• 1 rl •■- 4 -»- T f^ r^— r«~ :t= ^f==t=i^f==t I 1 I 3 0 5 K K. 1 (Lffu A ^ 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 'rr^-J- $^- tfi ^ — *r^ -i^&^ -»! — ( — m ^ 1 J * ^ • 9 ^ _ ^ ^- «, 1 heav - en there'll be, In that land with- out shad - ow or joy that will be There, to live and re -joice ev - er • down, shall call home All of those who be - long to His T^^ii *• — — » ! r-"^— e_£_4-..L -fL. ^ ^ 1» »■ 1 h ^ as 1 (<*>«fi, L —^ ^ — F-t ^ F^ — - , -! ! — 1 ' T — 1 :5^-^:jf-J? i ' — 1 ^ U" — -. 1 ^ 1 . b_ L -1 • — \ ' p: ■ 1 d: :^^ fe^ (^ 1 r night ; Sor - row and care, trib - u - la - tion and i>ain We'll ■ more: An- gels will praise, the Re-decm - or will smile. And fold ; Will you be there, broth-er, loved or es to greet, Or I I |5rf=?^ f -•^—x-f? rr=r=t 1 ■/&- I «l5i« W\tn \vt 0ft ^omr— Concluded. II leave, when we pivss thro' the tomb Clouds of de - spair, storms of loved ones we'll cUusp by the hand; Free from all pain, far l)€- will you for- ev - er be lost? What ia thy choice fleet- iug m^ r-^-r'-rfzzzzi JS>. 4: F mm U. I-.— J p te tri - al yond earth pleas - ures -(Hi- F=1: r : -r=i^^ :g=rgz=q- i I I and care We shall leave for that beau - ti - ful home, - ly stain, We shall dwell in that beau - ti - ful land, of earth, Or a home when death's riv - er is cross'd I ^ (rft_ (ft. . ^. .,«. ^ft. -W L<»- -■f- I I f t Chorus. , _ 1 4. it — I 1- t l-^-J 1-,-J 4 '—I — g^ —ai—\ — ^ 10 ^-. — I- i '%-=^-- — t- :g= % I When -we get home, oh, when we get home, Get P^^ £=, f ^ # i r-^-- ^:3Z :=3; home to glo ry land, P^ 1- :^ Prais - es we'll sing -«^ r-^— — r r I I I -^r 1^ to E^ %-:fcJsi Jc - sus, i^-^-^ ^f=^ r^g=^^^ :al:^=^ our King, A I V 1- t i- t^^. 1 ransomed, a glo - ri - Ccd band. f^*-'- =rT" ^ 1 No. 309. « €mt" "Come unto me all yo that labor and are heavy laden, and I will yoa rest."— Matt. 11 : 28. Mrs. James Gibson Johnson. I s^-l^ James McGranahan, by per. fS^ 4 • 4- ■4- 3S=iri=^:aj & -*•— t — * - 1. Oh word of words, the sweet-est, Oh word, in which there lie 2. Oh soul! why shouldst thou wander From such a lov - ing Friend? 3. Oh, each time draw me near-er, That soon the "Come" may be |J=5rrt=qz:ti=--iT:ir=^-ii:t: at^H^ — t- -t^- '9- -i__ t 13 — 0- — A- -I- 4- ^d?J^ 1 — ±1^ ^ . __ All prom-ise, all ful-fiU-ment, And end of mys-ter-y; Cling clo - ser, clo - ser to Him, Stay with Him to the end, Naught but a gen - tie whis-per. To one close, close to Thee; . A A 4L • A L 1^ --r u-pJl JL-. ^ ^ —t— 1- *-A- -'^=iP ?i^ 'f i ^ NP^ BS=IH5 m La - ment-ing, or re - joic-ing, With doubt or tcr - ror nigh, A - las! I am so help -less, So ver - y full of sin, Then, o - ver sea and mountain. Far from, or near my home, /. /. ^ ^ ^« — t— P-e — f: — t-l — f—rji' *-t-» -^-ff -r-=±t-—r — rz--=r:z:E=^-b^ U i^ u T ^ -I— ] p 4^— ^ l-f— I N ^-^-r-i-1 hear the "Come" of Jo- sns, And to His cross I fly. I am cv - er wand'ring, And com - ing back a - gain, take Thy hand and fol - low, At that sv»'eet whis-per "Come I* f f -^ . -^ -^ f • -^ j*»i*_^_q — ^ 0. ^_« — 0 — I— ^- — I 1 ^ — h- S5 -4- L. J--J1 -h— -t-z r *-- 4 » — I " €0mt"—€m(\\\M. Kkfraiw. 4 1 ^::=^T=J Come, oh,comcto mc, Come, oh,cometo me,. Come,come, come, come,come, come,come, come, Comc,come, fefe^ ^^-—t. ■^ kEC=:^ i=fi=^ ^i=s—i^Fs- Ei3 I r^- ■*: Wea - ry, heav - y la -i — - I — -*— I Ifc -V •^- deiijCome, oh, come to me, f ' ^- ^-=^ zm 1- r — t — (— — I — u u u ^^> ^^* ^1 f td^ 8=:=s^ tt«Ei I jgs^s^r Come, oh,cometo me, Come, ob,cometo me,. ^^j-L-?-L:=?-L— 7- -t» — ^ ■^ r-*"^ 4 1 p- 1 ,• , :|E^:^E:i^|i>:iz^-|p^|p-y-v- -L« L4 L< 1 L< L< -^ 1^ ■y \^- OomejCome, come, come,come, Come,come, come, come,come, *i±=i=U 4=^ n7. Wea - ry, heav - y la den. Come, oh, come to me. :^ I i^ ; hr I I I k^ ^ W =TtL -w — ^ 1» i No. 310. Ilat paW has em htm MM. ** And the building of the wall of it was of jasper ; and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass."— Rev. 21: 18. Rev. J. B. Atchinson. O. F. Presbrey, by per. I 3 ■^N- :ii=^=^^=^ ^ -J ^ ±=^^ -l- -^ jy— fg- 1. I 2. I 3. I 4. I have read have read have read have read of a beau - ti of bright mansions of white robes for of a Christ 80 ful cit in Hoav the right for - giv y, Far a - en, Which the eons, Of bright iug, That vile P ± -8- ? : "X -aur ^— fr — sr -^ • :5: :fc «- — ^- -^ — ^ — ^ — u* - "way in the kingdom of Sav- iour has gone to pre crowns which the glo - ri - fied sin- ners may ask and re -:q§: --^-^^ ^ s I God ; I have read how its walls are of pare ; And the saints who on earth have been wear, When our Father shall bid them "Come, ceive Peace and par - don from ev'- ry trans- E I W-. «:; J as - faith - en - - gres - per, ful, ter, sion, i '^- — K-^ 1 H — t j How its streets are all gold - en and Kest for - ev - cr with Christ o - ver And my glo - ry e - ter - nal - ly If when ask - ing they on - ly le broad, there ; share ;' lieve. In the There no How the I havo -». ^. -^ ft 0t. I*— •■- i*-*J-— H 1 — I 1 — H -I 1 — I — -- been told ; liepeat the Chorus p. half of that cit -y's bright glo- ry To mortals has ev - er been told. i — fk-i 1 • — -I — :^-;tzq*: «©r No.3ii. ^u you ifoming §iome ta-nigbt? Arranged, All things are ready, come."— Matt. 22: i. James McGranahan, by per. -2=3 ■z-^^-i;=j -S -ft— I- — I — 9I 1- -Jt -^ V-V' *' SL 3?-=5=« ; ?^t4 1. Are you com-ing Home, ye wand'rers, Whom Je - sus died to win, 2. Are you com-ing Home, ye lost ones? Be -hold your Lord dotb wait: 3. Are you com-ing Home, ye guilt - y, Who bear the load of sin; \^-^ / 1 Md 1 ^ — -I iS^S^^Ei --W- -«- >0^ ^^S AH foot-sore, lame and wea - ry, Your garments stain'd with sin; Come, then no long - er lin - ger, Come ere it be too late; Out - side you've long been stand- iug, Come now and ven-ture in; -*- -^- -^ -^ h p> ^ ^ -m !•- i- ^=*= f ^ e T 2^-5: ::1: Will you seek the blood of Je - bus To wash your garments white; Y/ill you come and let Him save you, O trust His love and might; WiH you heed the Sav-iour's jirom - ise, And dare to trust Him quite; Will yon trnst His precious prom-ise, Are you coming Home to-night? Will you come while Ho is call-ing, Are you coming Home to-night? •y *'Comcun - to me," suith Jo - sus, Arc you coming Home to-night? J^-^^ '-2±L -]fi-^ — ^ — ^ 5^ ^te you wmw0 ^0mf?— C^uduM Are yoa coming Home to-night, Are you com-ing Home Vt>-nigh^ ^ i^^^q? g ^-*- -I — V ^i^-- i ^- i»- m w- fck qszia H (- Are you com-ing Homo to Je - sua, Out of dark-ncsa in - to light? r ^ -I^J^ r •^-^ji^ ^ ^ r. r. M i^ J5; t. ^ -i^» f^ d ^ -N — O- Are yon com-ing Home to-night, Are you coming Home to-night ?4t«: H ^ V=^=\ ^ 5?-- t rr=r= To your lov- ing, heav'nly Fat\j • er, Are you coming Home to-night? -♦- -•- -♦- /rv . ^!^ N -4f~'—^ • What la a man profited. If he shall gain the whole world, and lose own souL"—Matt. 16 : 28. pANWY J. CBosar. Silas J. Vail, by per. T=^ 1. Say, where is thy refage,poor sinner, And what is thy prospect to-day ? 2. The Mas-ter is calling thee, sinner. In tones of compassion and love, 3. As summer is waning,poorsinnerf Hepent, ere the season is past; 15= T 2: t SI Why toil for the wealth that will perish, The treasures that rust and decay ? To feel that sweet rapture of pardon, And lay up thy treasure a- bove : God's goodness to thee is extend- ed, As long as the day-beam shall last ; a ip ^ N — ^r■ t ^ >—- l^-v-t^- -•t^ szim: ■^S— 4 ~^* s s—-^ Oh ! think of thy 80ul,that forev- er Must live on e - ter- ni- ty's shore, Oh I kneel at the cross where He suffered, To ransom thy soul from the grave ; Then slight not the warning repeated With all the bright moments that roll, When thou,in the dust art forgot-ten,When pleasure can charm thee no more The arm of His mercy will hold thee, The arm that is mighty to save. Kor say* when the harvest is end-ed, That no one hath cared for thy souL Chorus. ■M fS\ t 1t-1>- S4^*=^ S5 \ *Twill prof-it thee nothing,but fearful the cost,To gain the whole world if thy SH^^^g :£ ^M^-M-l?-^ P :|t «s ^|:^^^rj^::^gg|^j^gEg| — -^ ^- ■ * ■ — H— soul should be lost I To gain the whole world if thy sonl should be lost. Ho. 313. §vi()htty ^\tm\\$ $\\x §imnft. • Lift > 0 up a banner upon tho high mountains."— Isa. 13 : 2. Rev. TnoiiAS J. rorxKR. Bir Aktiiur S. Sttllivaw. 4- t HZ — 1_2-_ I— — t- -■ j ~^ t 2. 8. 4, tc53F Brightly gleams our ban • ner, Point-ing to the sky, Wav-ing wand'rers on - ward, Jo-sus, Lord and Mas-ter, At Thy sa-cred feet, Hero wiih hearts re-joic - ing, All our days di - red ns, In the way wo go, Lead us on vie- to - rious Then with Saints and An - gels May we joia a- bove, Off '-ring end- less prais - es i -2^z^ :f~^- t.--"^ — £ — t — I — F f i ^-j^-, «#_<•►_ 0L. I®- i^ im^ h^ ~a>— 3E^ S •<^ :p- To their home on high ; Journeying' o'er the des - ert, Glad-ly thus we pray, See Thy chil - drea meet ; Oft - en have we left Thee, Oft - en gone a - stray, 0 • ver ev' • ry foe ; Bid Thine an - gels shield us, "When Iho storm-cbuds lower, At Thy throne of lovo ; When tho toil is o - ver, Then comes rest and peace, — E -i!5>- F t P T-t -I — h :i:^iE^ &k^^^ Cnonus. r 3Z ^3^ And jrith hearts u - nil - ed, Take our heav'nward way. Keep us, might-y Sav • iour, In the nar - row way. Par -don Thou and save us In the last dread hour. Je - sus, in His beau - ty;— Songs that nev - er cease. Brightly gleams oor -j2„C_U-f-&LiEii5?4 ban - fter, Pointing (o the sky, "Waving wand'rers onward To their home on higL ^ ^^^^^ »%^X Ho.3i4. ^\\^ ^e^x\$, I ^ou Wm. •' Mine are tUine aud thine are mine."— Joum 17 : lOL London Hymn Book, 1SG4. A. J. Gordon, by per. ifci *- ( — — H -ati qzzz:qi±r^3 t ^ 1. My Je - sus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine, 2. I lovo TheCj be - cause Thou hast first lov - M me, 3. I will love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death, 4. In m»n - sions of glo - ry and end - less delighfc, ^— •■-r*— •— 1 1 ^ — m- 1 r-^- it:4^-^-^-t-^- -^^-v-t^ •s*- ^^-- p i X I J m- ;Ei: E3iiEi -(S :zq. For Thea all the And pur - chased my And praise Thee as I'll ev - cr a m J25L —19- fol - lies of par - don on long as Thou dore Thee in :qii~ I -H «j « -^- 8in Cal lend heav X2.— I re - sign ; va - ry's tree; est me breath ; en so bright; r^ ;igii- I ^--!- :-| My gra - cious Re - deem - er, my Sav - ionr art Thoa, I love Thee for wear - ing the thorns on Thy brow; And say when the death - dew lies cold on my bvow, I'll sing with the glit - ter - ing crown on my brow Ifei^y^^^^^ii u If Jf Ir , J^-U cv - er I loved Thee, my Je I BUS, *tis now. /9&;d V Wo. 315. ^c that gclievdh. •* He that bellcveth on me hath cverLastlng IlflB.'*->IonN 6: f7. P. P. B. P. P. Bliss, by p«r, I 1 , . , i.J — r f' I I If e=^ ^=f I^ 1. Hear ye the glad Good News from heav'n ? Life to a death-doomed 2. When wo were lost, the Son of God Made an a- tone- nient 3. Why not be-lievo the glad Good News? Why still the voice of r^ zj.^ ^ n^m fcp-t ^r—^-^-^- -r5>- f- i P --•H ri :^ race by God is given I Christ on the cross for you and me His blood : When we the glad Good News be - lieve, re - fuse? Why not be- lieve, When God hath said, ^ -•- -^- t=t -a^ ir-r ±L i ^ CiroRus. j=J=-|- ^^^Etl^^^^ Pur-chased a par - don full and free. Ho that be - liev - eth. Then the a - tone- meut wo re - ceive. All, all our guilt "on Him'' was laid. ^ M-^:^^--- :t=f=F"^=£ t5^ i n^l— d-Tl T r ^-^ ^ 4LJ1- 3it=i: — fta'-'J^ — S— ^<>- I Id time. t R i-t-J^v-i. —I \--^ < — h- :^- i ev - ev- lasting life ; He that be- liev- eth hath ev- er- la.sting life. ■" — ' — ^ — ^ ■ ' ^^^^ i. 1. I. »&3 Ko. 316. ^atlirr, ^afec wy ^mA. •' For thy name's sake lead me, and guide me."— Ps. SI : S. Rev. H. N. Cobb. S. J. Vaiu. 1862. by per. ^ ■t5>- is: waj is dark, my Fa-lber!jj f Cloud upon cloud Is gathering thickly ) \ o'er my bead, and loud The thunders j ^^^ 2" ■ei_-ei.l^ PPP^ I ^ r -t- fc -*^ -^- t -OL t r^ -••- ^jn-izi^ roar a - bove me,|I f Yet see, I stand like one ) g, \ bewildered I Father, /take my band, And tbro' the gloom lead ly home, ly home, ly borne, Lead safe - ly home Thy child ! 2 The day declines, my Father ! ]1 and the night Is drawing darkly down. My faithless sight Sees } ghostly | visions. || Fears like a spectral band Encompass me. O Father, | tiake my I hand, And from the night lead up to light, Up to light, up to liglit, Lead up to light Thy child! 8 The way. is long, my Father! || and my soul Longs for the rest an d quite | of the | goal ; D While yet I journey through this weary land, Keep me from wandering. Father, | take my ) hani!^ And in the way to endless day, Endless day, endless day, Lead safely on Thy child! 4 The path is rough, my Father ! || Many & thorn Has pierced me! and my feet, all torn And bleeding, | mark the ] way. || Yet Thy command Bids me press forward. Father, | take my | band; Then safe and blest, 0 lead to rest, Lead to rest, lead to rest, O lead to rest Thy child ! 0 The throng is great, my Father ! || Many a doabC And fear of danger compass me about ; And foes op- | press me | sore. I I cannot stand Or go, alone. O Father! | take my | hand; And through tl)c tlirong, lead safe along, Safe along, safe along, Lead safe along Thy cliild. 6 The cross is heavy. Father! || I have borne It long, and I still do | bear it. || Let my worn And fainting spirit, rise to that bright land Where crowns arc given. Fjjther, | take my | htlld{ And, reaching down, lead to the crown, To the crown, to the crown, ILoftd U> the crown Thy child. I. No. 317. larftnrj ^^tm. ** The blosslug of the Lord be upon you."— P8. 129 : 8L Fxmrr J. Cbosbt. Rev. R. Lowry, by pet Bt?Jt— t ^s— ^--J J^--^ -x N — rR, — I ^— :d 1^ ^ 4- ?^4: -^ ^^^:=J- 1. Heavenly Fa - ther, we beseech Thee, Grant Thy blessing ere we part; 2. Lov-ing Sav-iour, go Thou with us, Be our coni-fort and our stay; 3. Ho - ly Spir- it, dwell within us, May our souls Thy teni - pie be; 4. Heavenly Fa - ther, Lov- ing Sav-iour, Ho- ly Spir- it, Three in One, m^^ «:r— r— t^zit:: rrrt^rf i-h S-3 «---?■ tez-:|EZi|BZY-_te: u I ■fe^S^ P^^=^- .-1- ■M=^ ^ s=T I Take us in Thy care and keeping, Guard from e - vil ev' - ry heart. Grate-ful praise to Thee we ren - der, For the joy we feel to - day. May we tread the path to glo - ry, Led andguid-ed still by Thee. As a-mong Thy saints and an - gels, So on earth. Thy will be done. I 1— — »- fe^ Chorus. w=^=^^ Blc€s the words we here have spoken. Offered pray'r and cheerful strain; :faEZE:te±ir^-r--> — t^zU: ^m. t :t: ,- — -Ji-i-m--^-^—^ 1— ■■'--b-H i ^ ^ i »1-.- f- =S1 ^3^ i -<>■ If Thy will, O Lord, we pray Thee, Grant wc all may meet a - gain. ;'^-£^=g-4&j>— >^-t^. -t- ;e&a No. 318. , R. Jukes. P^qj'js $xtt •• Withoat money and without price,"— Isa. 55: 1. From D. P. E. AUBBL ^^i^^^^^^^i^a I -i J r By faith I view my Saviour dy - ing, On the tree, On the tree ; \ '\ To ev'-ry na-tion He is cry -ing, Look to me, Look to me; / 4U He bids the gullt-y now draw near, Re-pent, believe, dismiss their fear: lEt ■*«;=? Lf=^ -I 1- 7»— 4: -( 1- ^F^^ ■^^ ^=4 Hark, hark, what precious words I hear, Mercy's free, Mer-cy's free. »—»■ — \m- — (» — » — ^-H &-^-4»' — ♦-+ 1 1 f- — ♦■ :r— V— t— >- H r+- r H h ■I »- r#^-f- Did Christ, when I was sin pursuing, Pity me, Pityine? And did He snatch my soul from sin? Can it be, Can it be? Oh, yes ! He did salvation bring; He is my Prophet, Priest, and King; And now my happy soul can sing, Mercy's free, Mercy's free. Jesus my weary soul refreshes : Mercy's free, Mercy's free, And every moment Christ b precious Unto me. Unto me; None can describe the bliss I prove. While through this wildcrn&ss I rove, All may enjoy the Saviour's lovo, Mercy's free, Mercy's froo. Long as I live, I'll sUll be crying, Mercy's free. Mercy's free, And this shall bo nivthcnie when dying, Mercy's free, ^fe^cy'8 free, And wben tlie vale of death I'vopa««cd, When lodged above tho stormy blast, I'll sing, while endless ages last, Mercy's free, Mercy's free. No. 319. "^""^KeTF."- "-"^ 1 Spirit of truth, oh, let me know The love of Christ to me; Itsconqu'ring. quick'ningpow'rbestow. To set me wholly free. 2 I long to know its depth and height, To scan its breadth and length; Drink in its ocean of delight. And triumph in its strength. 3 It is Thine office to reveal My Saviour's wond'rous love; Oh, deepen on my heart Thy seal. And bless me from above. 4 Thy quick'ning pow'r to me impart And he my constant Guide; With richer gladness fill my heart; Be Jesus glorihed. AJfoo. )S&0 Ro.320. ^t. ©hamas. J!. §t. Rev. Wm. Hammoito. Arr. by Aaron Willxaia I: m t ' » 1 1 -m > fe -tf^- ' — S^ -<5«- -«5*- •1^ 1. A - wake, and sing I tho J- song r Of A m 122! -«>- :f: I fci 4=.-4- n^^z!^' f^r~crT Mo 8CS I 1- ^: ■♦— ^ 1 te ■75^ and the Lamb; Wake, ev* J^ J "^ '' \ ■^ jL .GL -Cl. I :^ -t»- r ry heart aiid .^i: /SN i -? /?N B -^^ 6^ -^^ T f -«»- f ev - tongue, To praise the Say - iour's Nam*. 1^ •^- 2 Sing of His dying love; Sing of His risen power; Sing how He intercedes above For those whose sins He bore. 8 Ye pilgrims, on the road To Zion's city, sing; Rejoice ye in the I^anib of Ood, — In Christ, th'eternal King. 4 There shall each raptured tonguo His endless praise proclaim ; And sweeter voices tune the song Of Moses and the Lamb. _i \m-^ 19- -<5^ ^^^r^ , — O- No. 321. l\lOe— DUKB STUKBT. U Ml 1 Prom all that dwell below the skies, Let the Creator*8 praise arise; Let the Redeemer's Name be sung, Through every land, by every tongue. 2 Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord; Eternal truth attends Thy word: Thy praise ahall sound fVom sUore to shore. Till auna shall rise and set no more. IMAAjOW No. 322. Tune-WAHD. t. M. 1 Jeaus, and shall it ever be, A mortal man ashamed of Thee? Ashamed of Thee, \Thom angels praise, "Whose glories shine thro' endleas days ? 2 Ashamed of Jesus ! sooner far Let evening blnsh to own a star; He sheds the beams of light divine O'er this benighted soul of mine. 3 Ashamed of Jesus, that dear friend On whom my hopes of heaven depend! No, when I blush, be this my shame, That I no more revere His Name. 4 Ashamed of Jesus ! yes, I may, When I've no guilt to wash away, No tear to wipe, no ^ood to crave. No fear to quell, no soul to save. 5 Till then, nor is my boasting vain, Till then I boast a Saviour slain ; And O, may this my glory be, That Christ is not ashamed of me. Joseph Grigo. le — WINDHAM. I^ M. No. 323. Tun, 1 Stay, Thou insulted Spirit, stay, Tho' I have done Thee such despite, Cast not the sinner quite away, Nor take Thine everlasting fiight. a Though I have most unfaithful been Of all who e'er Thy grace received ; Ten thousand times Thy goodness seen, Ten thousand times Thy goodness grieved. 3 Yet O, the chief of sinners spare, In honor of ray great High Priest; Nor in Thy righteous anger swear I shall not see Thy people's rest. 4 O Lord, my weary soul release, Upraiso me by Thy gracious hand ; Guide me into Thy perfect peace. And bring me to the promised land. Charles Wkslkt. No. 324. Tune— ST. THOMAS. R. K. 1 O Huly Spirit, come. And Jesus' love declare; Oh, tell us of our heavenly home, And guide us safely theie. 2 Our unbelief remove By Thine almighty breath ; Oh, work the wondrous work of love, The mighty work of faith. 3 Come with resistless power, Come with almighty grace, Come with the long-expected showei^ And fall upon this place. Oswald Aludl No. 325. Tune-No. i, no. 1x9. 1 Come, every joyful heart. That loves the Saviour's name ! Your noblest powers exert To celebrate His fame ; Tell all above, and all below, The debt of love to Him we owe, 2 He left His starry crown, And laid His robes aside; On wings of love came down, And wept, and bled, and died ; "What He endured, no tongue can tell, To save our souls from death and hell 3 From the dark grave He rose — The mansion of the dead ; And thence His mighty foes In glorious triumph led ; Up thro' the sky the Conqueror rodo, And reigns on high the Saviour God. 4 From thence He'll quickly come — His chariot will not stay — And bear our spirits home To realms of endless day ; There shall we see His lovely face, And ever be in His embrace. Samusl STsmnrr. Kf\ QOR LOOKING HOME. IIU.O^ O. Tune — bradburv trio, p. 160. 1 Ah, this heart is void and chill, 'Mid earth's noisy thronging; For my Father's mansion, still Earnestly, I'm longing. Cho. — Looking home, looking home, T'wards the heavenly mansion, Jesus hath prepared for me, In His Father's kingdom. Soon the glorious day will dawn, Heavenly pleasures bringing ; Night will be exchanged for mom. Sighs give place to singing. Oh, to he at home, and gain All for which we're sighing; From all earthly want and pain To be swiftly flying. 4 Blessed home ! oh, blessed home! There no more to sever ; Soon we'll meet around the throne Praising God forever. 0. J. T. SnrriL I t O I i Ho. 327. %\it 60j5pcl of ?i;fty (SjJKf. " Qod so loved the world that.he gave his only-begotten Son.'*— John 3 : 18. Rev. A, T. PiKKSOW. JAMSS McQRANAHAIt. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The pos- pel of Thy grace My stubborn he^rt has won,For"Go(l8o loved th« The ser-pent "lift-ed np" Could life and healing give, So Je - sus on the "Thesoul that sinneth dies:" My uw-ful doom I heard; I waa for cv - er "Not tocondema the world'The" Man of sorrows" came; But thatthe world might "Lord,belp my un-be-lief !^G ive rac the jx'acc of faith,To rest with child-like tpf=PPS^-r^^-f-^4 -»■ — m- — m- rr "^ts^^^^m^^^^ff^fms^m world cross lost, have trust A He gave His on - ly Son, That\ Bids me to look and live ; For) But for Tliy gracious word That) "TVTio-so-ey • er will belicvejShall Sal-va-tion thro' His name; ForJ On what Thy gospel 8aith,That/ o'; — r I — ^ L J x^=x-t g4 ■'h ev- er-last- ing life receive!" "Shall ev - er - last - Ing life re - ceiveJ" ^i.^ jft. .^ -^ ^ -^ _»L jz. • ^. -^:^.^^ i:^ -fC- -•LJ. ifrj — \- 1- F^F ^ -^ _«>L j:^ • ^. ^.^ ijt ./C. -•L J. No. 328. I: ^toi-ia 3?att;l AWOH. p 1^ tT=^ i i3^ -i5»- -^- :^£ and to Qie Ho - ly 6host» Qlory b« to the Father, and to the Son, As it wa3 m the beginning, is now, and ev • er khall be, world witb-ont end. A - MEN. I: il; ?=z# ^. JS. ■^- -&- ^-^ X F& -«»- Ff^ iZ- -^- I No. 329. M it #Ut •• The Lord is King for ever and ever/*— Ps. 10: 18L Franczs R. Havebqau Arr. by Ira D. Saitket. ^ ^^=^1 — ^ — 5^ ^i!=rat 1. Tell it out a- mong the na-tions that the Lord is King; 2. Tell it out a- mong the peo- pie that the Sav - iour reigns ; 3. Tell it out a- mong the peo- pie, Je - sus reigns a - bove ; Eimi-i: 9 ^^•■^ o~ £ m r=f=f 0*t # [\ 1^ \ s N V ff / _i -^1- -^^ •r^- - ft 1" o /l J * • ^P -^.- > pi ^ ong ong ong 1 tho the tho -f- y (n> '^ \ .^. .J 1 — 1 Jk •) _ V 1/ ^-'- Tell Tell Tell it it it y^~ out! Tell out! Tell out ! Tell it < it < it DUt! [)Utl out! Tell Tell Tell u it it it out out out — > a- m a- m a- m — j 1 - Oi i'^-^ — i«s. Y J 1^ > t= — f- — — k" — i !• 1 ■ m — ^ — :| -t- — -!*-r-l f* ^-TTl 1 r na-tions, bid them shout and sing; Tell it out I Tell it out! heath- en, bid them break their chains; Tell it out! Tell it out I nations that His reign is love; Tell it out! Tell it out! i£i^3 L*f ^ fctt ± ^fh'-fjzQ =*^ Tell it out with ad - o - ra-tionthat He shall in-crcasc,Thatthd Tell it out among the weep- ing ones that Je - sus lives, Tell it Tell it out A-mong tho highways and the lanes at home,Let it ^^^^ ^^6^ BOO. ®fU it ^v,i—^0wMd, M=i #^ ^£^ ■-=^ might - y King of glo - ry is the King out a-moug the >vca - ry ones what rest ring a- cross the mountains and tho o ■ I of Peace; Tell it He fives, Tell it cean's foam, That the -N=:tc ■i h ■V- -^ — m $ I: .H-^^-4- f- s ^ i-Z 3^^^^ — 1 — ff. CnoEUS, ^p r out with ju - bi- la-tion, let tho song ne'er cease;Tell it out ! Tell it out ! out a-mong the sinners that He came to save; Tell it out ! Tell itouti ■wea-ry, heav- y- la- _^_.^-i±zr-L}- I a /9 1——. 1 — ^ — m <« j^ -4 — . ?£E« 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. mu What can wash a - way mj stain? Nothing but the blood of For my cleansing tliis I see — Nothing but the blood of Noth- ing can for sin a - tone — Nothing but the blood of This is all my hopeand peace— Nothing but the blood of Now by this I'll o - vercome — Nothing but the blood of Glo -ry! glo-ryl thus I sing — Nothing but the blood of zS~^=1kz^ Je Je Je Je Je Je A-^ — P I 1 r— 4 -• U^- stis; 8U8; sua; sus; siis; sus; r I I i ■J>^_V->-Jr:j-,.J- L_l iT^ -f»- J A What can make mc whole a • gain? Nothing but the blood of For my par-don this ray plea — Nothing but the bloo^l of Naught of good that I have done — Nothing but the blood of This is all my righteousness — Nothing but the blood of Kow by this I'll reach my home — Nothing but the blood of All my praise for this I bring — Nothing but the blood of -I — X I ZL^irrrfg:-. —\- v^ Je Je Je Je Je Je -.$»- -t— - sua. - BUS. - sua. • sua. - sua. •sua. P Refrain. 1 — I I I-J=t ^=t =:S=:5Cr-g: 3 jj ii-^^=\:zi-=tz fei t pre-cious ia tho flow That makes me white aa ^- F^^ No oth - er fount I know, Noth-ing but the blood of Je • soiu - - - ^ .(Z. ^ ^ ^ .^ ^ M- ^- '' Ro.333. ^mt M (Sihtl^i (an ,^atiis% •• We also Joy In God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have n©W received the atoDement."^BoM. 5 1 118. B. E. Arr. Jambs McObait ahaxt. i rfcn-^ ±=i- HS; ^ r f 4 — I — I. -^ Iq 9^ 1. O Christ, iu Thoc, my Boul hath found, And found in Thee a - lone, 2. 1 sighed for rest and hap-pi-ness, lyearned for them, not Thee; 3. I tried the bro-ken cis- terns, Lord, But ah! the wa - ters failedl 4. The pleas ures lost I sad- ly mourn'd, But nev-er wept for Thee, -^ -^ -^ 0- « r< ' • • r^ S i I i ! r i — H i- £ — =5^ -•- -r-r I 1^ iDg-J*._|g^:^ P -( — <■ ^=i=i^ ~—\ — h ^ I I I rr r The peace, the joy I sought so long, The bliss till now nn - known. But while I passed my Sav-iour by, His love laid hold on me. E'en as I stooped to drink they fled, And mock'd me as I wailed. Till grace my sight- less eyes received. Thy love - li - ness to see. _ -» m — W- — ! — s Now none but Christ can sat - is - fy, None oth • er name for me, P ^^C: -<5>- •. J K-, ^^ J5=C5 ^jM-^ fT^=^ 3^ 0 ts»-« There's love, and life, and last - Ing joy. Lord Je - sus, found in The©. r T '^f 1 — r 804 Ho. 334. %i$ the §tC!!jSfd ^0\XX Ct ^X^tt. went Into the temple at the hour of prayer.— Acts 3; L Fawnt J. Crosby, "W. H. DoAitm :^ m ■t ^^^^ * ■• « 1 ■ ■?- U lis '" \f 1. lis the bless- cd hour of prayer, when our hearts lowly bend, And we 3 'Tis the bless- cd hour of prayer,when the Saviour draws ncar.With a 3. 'Tia the bless- cd hour of prayer.wheu the tempted and tried To the 4. At the bless- cd hour of prayer,trusting Him we be-lieve That the ■\ySr-' »• 1 b» ^it±^ ^ — '-K' -&: -w- t p^g i M m I tCi) i^ -T • 1 ^ ^ I "^ u b b gatb-er to Jo -sua, our Sav- iour and Friend ; If we come to Him in ten - der com-pas- sion Hischil-dren to hear; When Ho tells os we may Sav- iour who loves them their sorrow confide ; With a sym - pa-thiz-ing blessing we're needing we'll sure - ly re-ceive, In thofuU-ness of this pl^ iP. j_4U-ff^^p44dT:j=:g faith, His pro- tec- tion to Bhare,What a balm for the wea- ry ! O how cast at His feet cv* - ry care, heart He removes ev' - ry care ; trust we shall lose ev' - ry care ; D. 8. — WKat a hatm for (he wea - ry ! 0 how }e=pt=fc^^ji^=[^ l^^i Fine. CnoRrs. ^- i=hrd r\ ^Z3t. --/»- ZPCZT ■A — ■< <5^ D.a f m Bwect to be there I Blessed hour of pray'r, Blessed hour of pray'r ; Miceet to be there I J^^ . flOO No. 335. ' (f(»me, ffo^rgat, €0mt. Mabel C. Frost. ¥^ s «-^-+ I will arise and go to my Father."— Lukb 15: 18. ISA D. SaskSX. N-.^ :m=m :^-^^. . ^ :^ — iiT 1 -ad--; -I — ' — I- ! — M^ 1. O soul in the far a • "way coun - try, A - wea - ry, and 2. A - rise ! and come back to thy Fa - ther, He'll meet thee while 3. Although thou hast sinned a-gainst hear - en, And weak and un- Jt--^-)r- 3ii=a|: -^—jg^ 4- xr- ^=W: -l^—- ^^-1^ 1 m -Nr- W — a -«h M:=? ip fam-ished, and sad, There's rest in the home of thy Fa - ther, yet on the way ; As- sured of His ten- der com - pas - sion, wor-thy may be; He of- fers thee full res -to - ra - tion, -44— it ^ ^ ^ ,-- aT J= =. r— O 1^ ^ IM- lA ^ r I -i-;i'- ~:?t;: jg=fe £ •F=t m ifiS^ti Choeus. ^^i :^ -• — *- 0> His wel-come will make thy heart glad. Come,come,prod - i - gal, g O why wilt thou Ion - ger de - lay. r And par- don a - bun- dant and free. come. And wan - der no Ion - ger a - far from home ; Come, come, -ft ' ^ -Tk — i^^ — T T rJ^:^— -tr— r-3k ' K t I u u u I /TV iS^::?^ K- -^ p 1 ;H — W prod - i - gal, come, A wel- come a- waits in thy Fa - ther'shome. /C\ ^E=^r^ ooo No. 336. We ^hiiW ^ft(jn. •• If wo sufler, we shall also reign with him."— 2 TiM. 2: 12. Geo. C. Needham, C C, Cask. 1. When the I^ord froraheav'n ap-pears,"Wheu are ban - ished all our fears. 2. "Whcnoiir eyes the King shall see, In His glo - riousMa - jes- ty, 3. Debtors to His matchless grace, At His feet our crowns will pines, 4. Let this hope nowpu-ri - fy Those who on Thy word re - ly ; 35E*Efe±i I!— I- I LS^ttil^EiFl f- TV'licn the sleep - crs from the tomb, With the watch-ers reach their home. When to Him wc'recalTda - bove. Partners of His joy and love. And as a - gcs roll a - lonp, Still will sincj the glad new song. Com -fort to ourheartaaf - ford, 'Till the com- ing of the Lord. ff '«- — ^ L up J ^=Ej J '-■^-^ -m- -^ ^ CHORUS^ .^_^__J^I_^ ^=^^*! 4i2»^ A^'-^c^ .^. .^_i s3Ef^S Then en - throned our Lord with Thee, Wo shall reign. Then enthroned our Lord with Thee, We shall reign tcr-nal-ly, Then en-throned our Lord with M -?— ^ -* :Nf=^=:N=^L: =FF it E - ter - nal - ly, I — I — r Then enthroned our We shall reign r-f- with Thee, We Bhall reign nal • Ij. Ba 337. |tdcm)rt(0n (^vtruntl. " The redemption of their 8onl is precious."— Ps. 49 : flL Eu Nathah. James McQbavahav. -Sb :^ 4 r^ — N tr^ 4=?^=r=^^-=^==^-^-F^ 4- 1. Come, sing, my soul, and praise the Lord,Who hath redeem *d thee by His blood ; 8. Once from my God I wandered far, And with His ho - ly will made war: 3. O joy- ous hour when God to me A vis - ion gave of Cal-va-ry: 4. No works of mer - it now I plead, But Je - sus take for all my need; 5. Come, wea-ry soul, and here find rest; Ac-cept re-demption, and be blest: I ;* — , , 1 — L J 0 t J— ~_i — (— _ J-J=T :^ :9=^S=J: -t- -«»- Delivered thee from chains that bound, And bro't thee to re - demption ground. But now my songs to God a-bound; I'm standing on re -demption ground. My bonds were loosed, my soul unbound ; I sang up- on re - demption ground. No righteousness in me is found, Ex -cept up -on re -demption ground. The Christ who died, by God is crown'd To par - don on re - demption ground. ^^ ^ I \^ ^ '^ ^ ~m- ' ^ Redemption ground, the ground of peace, Redemption ground, O wondrous grace ; I ^ N ^ r J p r f" J- j^ f=« J- ^^S^^tt^ — }»— i— ^^ u k' u Here let our praise to God a-boand,Who saves ns on re-dcmp - tion ground. ly-^^ \ '^ f p Ro. 338. ^hxbt i$ (Dcminjj. ••For the Son of man shall com© in the glory of his Father with his ang«lB; then be shall reward every man according to his works." — Matt. 16 : '27. J. R. Macduff. Oeo. C. Stebbins. 0^mm^ 1. Christ is com- ing 1 let ere - a-tion From her groans and travail ceaso; 2. Earth can now but tell the sto - ry Of Thy bit- ter cross and pain; 3. Though once cradled in a raan- ger, Oft no pil - low but the sod ; 4. Lx)ug Thy ex - lies have been pining.Far from rest, and home.and Thee; 5. With that "bles3-cd hope" before us, Let no harp remain unstrung ; A=|b: s t=T ' S g gg I i i if » Let the glo-rious pro-clam- a - tion Hope re store and faith increase: She shall yet be - hold Thy glo - ry When Thou comest back to reiga. Here an a - lien and a stran-ger.Mock'dof men, disown'dof God. But, in heav'nly vea- tureshin-ing, Soon they shall Thy glory see. Let the might - y rausom'd cho-rus Onward roll from tongue to tongno. ^^ :^ ^Tz^-rf^ f= Chotius. mmmm ^-d: Christ is com- ing ! Christ is coming ! Come.Thon blessed Prince of Peace! \^ ^--^^ -w — ^m^^^^^^^^m Christ is com- ing ! Christ is coming ! Come,Thou blessed Prince of Peace I U ^ t t^ u u t^t No. 339. ^bt ^Ip mA §iasitm. •* Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away."— Sono op Sol. 2: Ml J. Denham Smith. Att. Arr, by Jambs McGbanahaib; :Sl ■^■ m z z~z . f Rise up, and hast- en! my soul, haste a- long ! And speed on thy t Home, home is near- ing, 'tis coming in - to view, A lit- tie more of n j Why should we lin - ger when heaven lies he- fore ! While earth's fastre- \ Pleas- ures and treasures which once here we knew, No more can they I Chorus. f ::ts; t=± iM^^eN^ 1^ --JFj-g ;^^:7=::]^ r jour - ney with hope and with song ; > toil - ing and then to earth a - dieu. j Come then, come, and • ced - ing, aud soon will be no more ; ) charm us "with such a goal in view./ •i* — -»• : — 3: ^PP S=t: -•^ u^ l7 pi^^s^sii^^^^^^ ^U- raise the joy - ful song! Ye chil- dren of the w^il - der-ness, our S -^ • -^ -^- • -^ -^' -#- -/<*- -«- -*- -♦- -0-- • -^ -•■- -^ C 2lS: -!*-*»- f ^=^ T t: It i. \^ ^ l> >— k-i| Elf ] l-u' --trj^ P u ? time can- not be long. Home,home,homc, oh, why should we do- -»•- » — f-i — I fcl=S: ^:£ ^ L, U 1 r ^ r r, i -«- • —m. — •« ■•- a -lay? The mom of heav'n is dawn -ing, we're near the break of day. it,-^5f- 810 3 Loved ones in Jesus they've passed on before, Now resting in ^lory, they weary are no more; Toils all are ended, and nothing now but joy, And praises, ascending tlieir ever glad employ. Come then, come, &o. 4 No condemnation ! how blessed is the word, And no separation! forever with the Lord ; He will be with us who loved us long before. And Jesus, our Jesus, is ours for evermore. Come then, come, &c Ho. 340. ®k ^wui ^im^ of ©W. " And he took them up In his arms, put his hands u^n them, and blessed them."— Makk 10; 16. Mrs, JsanHA Luke. j. c. Enolkbrkcht. ^S^^E^E^ 1!^=^ qs: -Xr i— all z^-^iz^—^^M—M-- X -^-HS 1. I think when I read that sweet slo - ry 2. I wish that His hands had been placed on 8. Yet still to His foot - stool in prayer I 4. In that beauti - ful placa Ho is gone to of old, "When Jo - sus was here my head, His arms had been thrown may go, And ask for a share pro - pare, For all that are washed a - mong men, How He called lit- tie chil-dren aa a -round me, in His love; and for - given ; as lambs to His fold, I shonld And that I might have seen His kind look when He said, "Let the And if I now earn-est - !y seek Him be -low, I shall And ma - ny dear chil-dren are gaih- er - ing there, ''For of f' "E^^u^'^ FlNE. Kefrain. ^^^^IPPi p=t-_-r:&:iM^: D. S. m like to have been with them then. I should like to have been with them then, lit - tie ones come an - to Me.'' "Let the lit - tie ones come un - to Me." «•« Hira and hear Him a - bore, I shall see Him and hear Him a - bove. fuch is (he king-dom of heaven." "For of such is the king-dom of heaven." -^^ J_A J > r I 311 Ho. 34i. ^m», I Witt ®nt!St Mtt, -1 wlU txust in Thee."— Ps. 65: 23. Mabt J. Walker. IBA D. Saitkst. k^ ,I-J_4- J-a^^_ , I I -4- ! j I -j-^M--^'- J-J4J— ^ s'^'-^-glr^.it:-*' 1. Jd-Eus, I will trust Thee, trust Thea with my soul; Guilt -y, lost, and helpless, 2. Je - sus, I can trust Thee, trust Thy writ-ten word, Since Thy voice of mer-cy 8. Jo -sus, I do trust Thee, trust Thee with-outdDubt: "Who-so -ev - cr corn-eth, brr; ^—^ — ^ — 0 rr f -I- -«^ ^ l^ ! t I 4: i ^ 4- 1* ■(5»- iiba^ "«- -0—7 -<§«- ^^*= -tf^ Thou canst make mo whole. There is none in hea - ven or on earth like Thee: I have oft - en heard, When Thy Spir-it teach - cth, to my tasto how sweet — Thou wilt not cast out,** Faith- ful is Thypron-tse, pre-cious h Thy blood — -I ^ — ' ^ — ^ I yj . !-• « O- w- — I 1 1 — ^ --^H-' 1 ^ — -«>- :s: attz^zn^: ^EJlpItlgl -^1 D, S. — Je - 5tM, / ^Dx(X trust Thee, triLst Thee with my ttoul; 5 Fine. Chobus. ^^feM=3-g^ «LJL/5 _4_l 1.-, IJ L «> — ■« — «» — *- Thou hast died for sin-ners — therefore Lord for me. On-ly may I heark-en, sit -ting at Thy feet Thesemy soul'ssal - va-tion, Thou my Sav - iour God ! :f=«t #-^ :fe=ti5 r-F ^ :-RE5^ •■— (•-rtf' t «>-^ In Thy lovo con - fid - Ing ■^-f^l-tl-f^ -^ ^Vf tzX^zX -X-^-iSzi Omlt-y^ lostf and helpless^ Thou canst make me whole. fjg^^ ^ -^ ) I ! ^^r=5i;f i D.a -tJ* -H ;ti -s^-*-- I will seek- Thy feice, Wor-ship and a - dore Thee, for Thy wondrous graee. PPFf^ &£g:^jB=|r=^-Nc^ (O- 4: rH 5e£ S No. 342. §ot py ©urn. ** T« an not jour own, flar /• ar* boaght with » prtoo.**— 1 Cob. 0 : If , flL NaTHAM. jAi(K3 McQRAirAILAJI. ^^^ L "Not my own," but saved by J© - BUB, Who redeemed me by HIb blood, 2. " Not my own !" to Chriat.my Saviour, I be-lier - ing.trust my soul ; 3. " Not my own T'my time, my ta- lent, Free - ly all to Christ I bring, 4. • Not mr own !" the Lord ac-cepta me, One a-mong the ransomed throng, |_^-U 5^ rt i^. T. ^ J-4 <5*- -B^- Glad- ly I ac - cept the message, I be-long to Christ the Lord. Et' - ry-thing to Him commit - ted,While e-ter - nal a- gea rolL To be used in joy - ful ser - vice For theglo - ry of my King. Who in heav'n shall see His glo - ry, And to Je • bus Christ be- long. r I r r« f» ■■k ill JT^i ■*-' CBOBca. t- i l> !»- be- " Not my own!" Oh,**notmyown!" Je- bus, I be-long to ^^^5=^ t=t -ic--»-» -I — I — Oh, no 1 Oh, no I Je-floi, I belong, bo t-JS, i=j^- *»■'- long to Thee ! Thee !.... All I have, and all I hope for, Thine for all e-ter • ni- ty. X*nf toThMl ^=vrrr t \ r a**^ No. 343. Mrs. M. B. a Sl^ADB. (Bead Dust. 11 : 3L 8: 7, 8.) J. R. Mttk&at. £;=;;t-^-t-4 1. With His dear andlov - ingcare,Win the Sav-iourlead us on, To the 2. Through the rock-y wil - derness,Will the Sav- iourlead us on, To the 3. WMh His strong and mighty hand,Will the Sav- iourlead us on, To that 4. In the Promised Land to be, Will the Sav- iour lead us on, Till fair m q>"T^' ^ ^-^ ^^^ hills and val - leys fair, O - ver Jor- dan ? Yes, we'll rest our ■wea-ry feet land we shall possess, O - ver Jor- dan ? Yes, by night the wondrous ray» good and pleasant land, O - ver Jor- dan ? Yes,where vine and ol- ive grow, Canaan's shore we see, O - ver Jor- dan ? Yes, to dwell with Thee,at last, 1cr:|«=|B ■^ $ Mr '. ^ :=:^^i S~T^ — g,-- ^ iisziz;^ i=± By the crys- till wa- ters,sweet,When the peace- ful shore we greet, Cloud - y pil - lar by the day. They shall guide us on our way, And the brooks and fountains flow, Thirst nor hun-ger shall we know, Guide and lead us, as Thou hast. Till the part- ed wave be passed, a t rrrrr^r^f ib^^^ M m $ ^ Chorus. i^? i ^ ^ *-T- t^ T ^ t «: ¥iz: ^^ O - ver Jor - dan. O - ver Jor - dan ! O - ver Jor - dan ! Yes, we'll ^— I — rC? 1* f • m-r\ ^ 1 — I^ m zzzzg-"- r- ft r- — I- :g rest ourwea- ry feet, By the crys- tal wa- ter3swcet,0- ver Jordan, ^^^I^N^^ -I ^ 314 ^vsK Ifardiitt.— (Sonclwtlctl rf tEg^^E^^EEpgp >_. ■9=^_ H- t •"T ^ m O - ver Jor - dan.When the peacelul bhore we'll greet, O - ver J or - dan. l^^sife £fe yf; H 1- -Lvl 4? ^J^i f No. 344. hmt Ijc the ^dwl It Is good to sing praises unto our God ; lie healeth the broken In heart * * He telleth the number of the stars."— Ps. 147 : 1, 3, 4. Rous' Version, 1649. C. E. Pollock, by per. »— I— ^-^^■ ^-tj =1- iz.-zJ: 1. Praise ye the Lord; for it is good Praise to our God to sing: 2. Those that are bro - ken in thcirhcart, And troubled in their minds, 3. lie counts the num- ber of the stiirs; He names them ev' - ry one: WM-. f -^=^- t r^Y -\r mm H ■ Pgll^^'^I i^; *- -m H -9 ^— ' — <-—- ■ I For it is pleas-ant, and to praise It is a come-ly thing. He heal - eth, and their pain-ful wounds, He ten - der - ly up - binds. Our Lord is great, and of great pow'r, His wis-dom search can none. «^ :C--=:ti I Chorus. Praise the Lord, f^T i -I — 1 r— |:-t::^ («9--'- it is good Praise to our God to sing: Praisc_ yethc Lord, for it is good, i* — '^—^—^ — ~i » — « — m — ^r--*— -*— •^ — •- Praise to sing, :^T-^=^- P^or it is pleasant, and to praise It is a como-ly thing. -s^ f=T^rr t :^— te: -t -H ^i 31^ r 1 Ha. 345. f ^tU a att vM frntiu. •* Casting all your care apou him, for he careth for you."— 1 Pbt. 6: 7. Mrs. E, H. Willis. Arr. James McGbanabah. ^Jl ::r^: -^ — ffj—j- J* — m >—^-m— — I 1 — ^ 1 j- -\ — -. --^- ■^ :*z L-^- ^1 t Oh, I left it all with Jo 2. Oh, I leave it all with Je 8. Oh, I leave it all with Je- 4. Liave, oh, leave it all with Ja ■ I rr :^^:^ r sus, long a - go ; loog » . go; AU mf SUS, for He knows, for He kQoirs. HoW tO sus, day by day; day by day; Faill cas SUS, droop-ing soul ; droop-ing soui; Tell not -f» — m — •• :=:TZ^zatMii:z sins I bro't Him and my woe ; and my woe; When by faith I saw Him bleeding on the steal the bitter from life's woes ; from ufe'» woes; How to gild the tear of sor-row with His firmly trust Him, come what may ; eome what may; Hope has dropp'd for aye her an-ch0x», found her ^ half thy sto - ry, but the whole ; bm the whole; Worlds on worlds are hanging ever on His 5 tree; ou the tree; Heard His still small whis-per " 'Tis for theeI"-'Tu fortuwH" smile, with nil smiie. Make the dea • ert gar > den bloom a - while, tioom a.wnue. rest ; round her rest; In thd calm, sure ha - ven of His breast, or Hii brcMt. band, 00 nil hand. Life and death are wait - ing His com-mand, bu command. f m Chorus. £ IM^ :|e~Ic S i^^ * — 15 ifzzji.— ^ ^f^=i -y — y- A-4 P -^^^i^i=i^ t W From my wca-ry heart the bur-den rolled a - way: Hap-py day! hap-py day! Then with all my weakness loaning on His might, AH is light! aU is light! Love es-teems it jiy of hea-ven to a - bide At His sido! at His side? Yet His ten-der, bv - bg mor-cy makes thee room : Oh, come homo! oh, come home? I ^c^h-—^—w- -!•— )*— »■— W- (•— •►~i«r^t^ -— P — L- t^ -*9-, — e ^m K §di it all uJitU ^t»tx$-€mtMtA. From my wca- ry licart the burden roll'd a-way ; Eap-py day 1 tap- py day 1 Then with all my weakness leaning on Hi* might, All ia Lghl! all is light! oa BLimi^bt, Love es-teemsit joy cfheay-en to a- bide, At His side! at His side I U A-btde. Tes, His ten-der loving mercy makes thee room, Ob, ccme heme ! Oh, ccme heme I makca th«« room, ^^^ U ^_^_L^ _p._^ fc= — 1= irttT -br-t'- ^— ^►— <©— o .^ Jl-J^ Jmai^at: tei|ez*z3t ^-4 a- Nr^feirz^ I Vt^ ^g No. 346. •• God Is Love-»'— 1 Johu, 4: 8. CnARLKS West^^t. ^t=^^^ I — ' — p 1 — I — ^--^ — I — ^ — r^' r\ M^ m) — ' — •-•-•«( — ■ — From Stevenson. I I f Depth of mer-cy! can there bo Mcr-cy fctill rc-scrvcd forme ? 1 \Can my God His wrath for-bcar? Me, the chief of 6iii-ners,spare ? j ^•*-^- -^- -o- v-^- ^55: > ^: It fl^ -^^ -■^E^I^ i — t~r :i^r:: ^i^ CiroBus. I f t i— i— g 1 t f ■-N- f f f S . I :3Er f f f t — ^»- t t r— i-1 A- God is love! I know, I feel ; Jo - sna lives, and loves me still; I Jo - - FUS lives. ^^. T He lives, and loves me still. ± f^ lit 2 I have lonp withstood His prace Lonp; provoked Hiiu to His face : Would not hearken t« His calls; Qrieved Kim by a thousand fJEdls. 3ir 3 Now incline me to repent; I.ct me now my sins lament; Now my foul revolt deplore, Weep, believe, and sin no znora^ Ro.347. fmWttjS §W. P Ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and g6ld • • • but with tlie precious blood of Christ,"—! Pkt. 1: 18, 19. MacLeod Wylie. Geo. C. Stebbins. ^m^^ 1. The blood has al- -ways pre-cious been/Tis pre- cious now to me ; 2. I will re-mem- ber now no more,God's faith-ful Word has said, 3. Not all my well- re- mem bered sins Can star - tie or dis-may; 4. Per- haps this fee- ble frame of mine Will soon in sick- ncss lie -:rlr-4- 4=-—^ 1e=|E t=^^^-. rr wr^ -I 15>- i i az '■± BE ^^^f- t=i »^-i fell ^m ^^? Through it a- lone my soul has rest, From fear and doubt set free. The fol- lies and the sins of him For whom my Son has bled. The pre-cious blood a-tones for all And bears my guilt a - way. But rest- ing on the pre- cious blood How peace-ful - ly I'll die. ^£ =^=ih^ s r m Chorus. ^^ -j — ^+-tH i t^f E^IE^ES ::?z-z:5=:it=:g: :il=al: ^ 1/ I I -««>- Oh, won-drous is the crim - son tide Which from my Sav - iour flowed; \ =3l L -| ! — |-h=rtr-t — T^r I ' U-Lg:: :i^^^ t t^f m irr re^^l^^ 1 S=r-*: r W- ^n And still in heav'n my song shall be, The pre- cious,pre-cious blood. A 0. t '^ Old |ily ^oul will ^vctfomc— ^otwludci "rprq: J^^ i=5=?^- P3 O - vcr-come Ly the blood of the Lamb. '\~ \ '^~' itf "^^ t^ * ,^ Q^' . -)— — r "W I ^- 1 ■ ^ I — (^^ — ~ ■ ■ p^- soon will o - ver-come. -> 1?5- 1 -O- No. 350. "^t ^i^avsilup Sh(t •• Whom having not seen, ye love."— 1 Pet. 1; 8. Fbakces R. IIavergal, James ^rcGRANAHAW. .1 Fine. 1. 2. 3. 4. ^^• 4 O Sav - iour O Brinj; - er In Theo all Oh, grant tho pre-cious Sav - iour, Whom, yet nn - seen, "we love; of sal- va - tion, Who wondrous- ly hast wrought ful - ness dwell - eth, All grace and pow'r di - vine; cou - sum - ma - tiou Of this our song, a- bovc, tr. ^ — ^- f 1- 3: I '.w: f-r—r -h -)j>. ^■- V^ 1 — r -t- -I — I- ■t '—&- i D. c. — Wc ^raiHQ T'hee ani con - fens Thcc, Our Sav - iour and our King I Last V. And ev - er - more con-fcsa Thcc, Our Sav -iour and our King I i g I i j- l -■=a|= A- A-^ O Kamo of might and Thy - self tlio rev - e - Tho glo - ry that ex - In end - less a • dor ■ - .S-- t :i^ -■«! ^ ■« P^|3 fa - vor, All otli - er names a - hove, la - tion Of love be - yond our thought, cell - cth, O Soa of God, is Thine, a - tion And ev - er - last-ing love. '^r-^-- t -t -t ^•i9- I r^l: Chobub. 4 — ^--j--^-^- — ^ -J- : T-T V 4p. ;•- ?=P=&i f i D.r. f it^ ■ff— ■ r f ifcE^S ^. We WOT -ship Thee! wo bless Tliee! To Thee a - lone we Last V. Thenshall wo praise and bless Thee! Where per-fect prais - es sing! ring! t > t No. 351. K ^M\ k .fatiisfiei '♦I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness."— Ps. 17: 15. Ei*. Nathan. James McGranahaji. m^ IT hV -t-r- «- 1. Soul of mine, in earth- ly temple, Why not here con - tent a - bide? 2. Soul of mine, my heart is clinging To the earth's fair pomp and pride ; 3. Soul of mine, must I sur - ren-der, See my -self as cru-ci-fied; 4. Soul of mine, con ' tin - ue pleading; Sin re-buke,and fol - ly chide; -4— fg iE=^: I — ir-1 — [- t: -t^— r F ra: i ^1^1=^=?*^ -•- -W .-■ »- :«i=:?:5^: Why art thou for-ev - er pleading? Why art thou not sat - is - fied? Ah, why dost thou thus re-prove me? Why art thou not sat-is-fied? Turn from all of earth's am - bi- tion. That thou may'st be sat - is - fied? I ac - cept the cross of Je-sus, That thou may'st be sat-is-fied. ^ . ^ ' ^ J _, i^I (52_ -I K ^1^3^: P 1 — tr-1 — r'-i Chorus. * r=Z^=lff: v-t -t'^-t ^s^ f ^^-v-V^ i— v N ^ S \ o o •o M t^ :J^S_S#E^ :Kr^fS=:»; jes 3 S I shall be sat-is-fied, I shall be sat-is-fied,"^ I shall be satisfied, Ishall be satisfied,! shall be s;\t-is-fied, 5 ^it ^ — h 4?=^z^=)ei^ 5ii=it •f*~^~1» ►— ^-+- >-^r-ir -y— '/-v- -A- — I W1- , -j^" — I 1 -^ ^^ ^ -gt *1 ^<^- 'ff :i!$=n When I a-wake in His like-nesa; I shall be sat - is - fied, I shall be satisfied, ^ 3 3 _ I :3r H — -» — m — ■• — ^— -J— S- -•• — W-^* h-»,-«- -jH IJ-J ^ r — y ^^yi_^ — tf*-^^*^ — ^-g — L-y . ^^jj / tr 3 I /" / 3 I shall be sat-isfied,WheQ I awake in His like I shall be satisfied, I shall be sat - isfied, 3 UC8^ • Ubaaged back to the orli;inal form No. 352. Smst 0nl Anon. "Trust !n tho Lord with all thlno heart"— Pnov. 3: 5. Geo. C. Stebbiks. .-rfE^^jE^ i=^ ^^:=i=^ N- '^f~'»~^ I 1. Trust on ! trust on be - liev -cr! Tho' long the con- flict be 2. Trust on ! trust on; thy fail -iugsMaybow thee to the dust, 3. Trust on! the dan- ger press - cs; Temp- ta, - tion strong is near, 4. O Christ is strong to save us, He is a faith- ful Fri« nd, r:zreL^= ilHiii?.— t -I 1 — -1^:— ^— r ^— m—Z—^-'f^—^^- -h :t= r=^e x: fefc=] I — r- s o I m fe^=E^^- * ::t^ i- Thou yet shalt prove vie - to - rious ;Thy God shall fight for thee. But in thy deep- est sor - row, O give not up thy trust. Yet o'er life's dangerous raj) - ids, He shall thy pas- sage steer. Trust on! trust on! be- liev - er, O trust Him to the end. ^ i-cgz M =t«=^E m Trust on !(trust on!) Trust on I(truston!) Tho' dark the night and drear; l:^: -?- -f*--f*'- -^->- ->^- ^=^ ^ ■^-4-- ^=3t=-: Trust on !f trust on !) trust on !(irust on!) The morn- ing dawn is near fc^rriz -»-v- -t^t- J^^^ T pfe^fl 3^3 No. 353. <^ay, aw ^m $tUx^? ** Therefore be ye also ready."— Matt. 24 : 44. A. S. KlEFFER. T. C. O'Kane, by per. r-O-H—Ti •** ^ ^ ' N-i nf — P — F* — (— N — [s fc ^— mt^i-i d-d4 -j-^—s — s — r— — • — — 1 ^ ■ ^ ^ 1. Should the Death an - gel knock at thy cham • 2. Ma - ny fwid spir - its now are do - part - 3. Ma - ny re-deemed ones now are as - cend - ' ^.' 4^ .^ .0L. .^ JfL* .^ JK.. .^ • ber, ing ing In the still In - to the In - to the ^^ftH r — {? — h — r — ^^~ -> -p 'i^ 1 — — ^ — t^ 1^— > — a: __,,. — 4n ^ i L__ — I — *i. f_^ 1. watch of to - night, world of de-spair; man-siona of light; -!•- »•- g^jjy :r|gzizjg Say, will your Bpir - it pass in - to tor- ment, Ev* - ry brief mo-ment brings your doom nearer; Je - 8U3 is pleading, pa-tient - ly plead-ing. uT rr|^ — •-• jg ll» V— 1^-u— >— ^ Sav, are vou ready ? O arc you rcad-y? Mer-cy stands waiting for all :a 3^^ J m o 1 ^1 T c o No. 354. (inward 6o! "Forgetting thos^ things whJoh aro behind, and reaching forth unto those thing* which are before."— PuiL. 3 : 13. E. B. Arr. James McGranauaw. s^r?^^^^5^=^ g:2:^ j.-- T I f |:ir--t:zn:p-q .C_j , J — a fel ?.t2:^z£|j^ 4 =a- ^* -t^- 5^3£5;;i >.s ^ Hold Night -3^^^ -^A ing fast His promised \7ord,> is com -ing, serve Him now; Sow, and thou shalt reap a - gJ^in;, 8erv- ing Him with ho - ly fiar, In thy ways ac - knowledge Him;/ .0L. .pt. ^, .0L. ^. .^ Onward! ouwardi On - "Ward go! On ward ! on ward go ! ward! Onward! onward! n ^-^-m— 1 r— •tpi* — m. — (* — -»-i-F« — -1 ■ I I S — • — % » — • — » — -^^^-^ — ^* — ^H g3:g-L— »=& r-r-r -*< — f Ne'er de - ny His worth-y Name, Tho' it bringreproach and shame; Faith and love in ser-vice blend; On His might - y arm depend; To thy Mas - ter's gate re - pair, Watching be and waiting there; Christ thy por - tion,Christlhy stay, Heav'nly broad up - on the way, Ixjt His mind be found in thee: Let His will th}' pleasure be; P^ :&4 j2- i±:z.-bz: -i_. £; t :£= I 1-- lEEEEEt Lp , ,_J J^ -«"- E^ ^5^ ^9- Spreading still His Stand-ing fast un ■ He will hear and Ixad - ing on to Thus in life and wondrous fame, > til the end, an-swcr prayer; glo-riou3 day ; lib - cr - tv, / On-ward go! a On ward go ! Onward, onward! Onward go! ^; i«=* J. -Cf- m 3^33 I I Onward, oaward ^o! No, 355. ^Uxt fhm Mm^m an ®dl. " Greater love hath uo man than this."— 1 John 15: 13, J. E. Hall, Arr. |:T -f ::fc ^:i^^::m- :q^^: h! ■■9^T-0l *i— ^— :J; J* £i« SALr<« r ->- iJ I 1^ 1. The love that Je-sus had for me, To suf-fer on the cm - el tree, 2. The ma - iiy sorrows that lie bore, And oh, that crown of thorns He wore, 3. The peace I have in Him, my Lord,Who pleads before the throne of God 4. The joy that comes when He is near, The rest He gives, so free from fear, t^ ^g -^__^ * ^r^t 1^ -J— -»>■ t I P =]: -^- :ii=i=i^: d^z: :i^ '^- iiT^iziiTZ^: :^d= 7-X-l-^- 2-^.. ^_^_^_ 3^=il: i That; I a ransomed soul might be, That I might live for ev - er - more, The mer - it of His pre-cious blood, The hope in Him so bright and clear, Is more than tongue can tell. Is more than tongue can tell. Is more than tongue can tell. Is more than tongue can tell. ea •a .|*_._^- t r- I Choeus. -^-g — ^-^ — |:L_^._^_^ — -r-T >■ f -Jf— ff i — :J— -at 1 i ^ N 1 1 1 — -^ f-j^-t-ft. H His love is more than tongue can tell ; :t=^.xli:z '^^ V '^ His love IS more than tongue can than tongue can tell ; ft-f=f-fv I q: -N-N ^*i^ :^-=^jS^U^ 2?s- tfell ; The love that Jesus had for me Is more than tongue can tell, than tongue can tell ; -1 1 1 ( I L. k»~- f- p=Wrt Lt-t-TS: ^p. L- ^ ' 3UO r No. 356. ^m Z\m\ my ^faycr. " Hear my prayer, O Lord, give ear to my supplications. "—Ps. 143: L Rev. IlENKY C. Qr.vves. Geo. C. Stebbiks. 4 ! ± ■*=»'-- J- ^m -(— I — -.ii=:a^-: -£i^^ •77 1. All see - ing, gra - cious Lord — My heart be - fore Thee lies; 2. Thou know- est all my need, My in - most thought dost see; 3. Thou ho - ly bless - ed One, To me I pray draw near ; 4. Bind Thou my life to Thine, To me Thy life is given; — t- -<*-'V r 1 — r— t — t t — i -VtL 1 1 L- tp^ fr^ Q.I, I.J -I 1 rd — ^ ^r-^^- H- - I I gfl Be-neath Thy love, be-neath Thy rod, From sin de - liv - er mc. t- f--=p=f=f=tt i^fcfei ■.w^^Z- ^-Q- -t— h p 1 I. SiJ 3«r^ No. 357. (Eternity fe toiving pigh. •' The night is far spent, the day Is at hand."— Rom. 13 : 12. HORATIUS BONAB, D.D. PHIUP PHILLIPS. r-t--^ ^m-^zuM—Jpr-y:^!!^- air-S-iX L^ ' S- -«!9- • 1. Pray, brethren, pray, The sands are fall - ing, Pray, brethren, pray, God's 2. Praise, brethren, praise, The skies are rend-ing; Praise, brethren, praise, The 3. Watch, brethren, watch, The day is dy-ing;Watch,brethren, watch. The 4. Look, brethren, look, The day is breaking; JIark, brethren, hark. The •^- -(*2- -«5?- . ^^ 2^-* 1^ - ®'- •i h- J L * /TS 4^. -^.- =^=^ xjzz^: ^_ — ,_ H— ^ ■«- ^«» 5 s^eT: o voice is call - ing, Yon tur - ret strikes the dy - ing chime ; We fight is end - ing. Be - hold! the glo - ry draw-eth near Th© Time is fly - ing. Watch as men watch the part- ing breath, Watch dead are wak - ing, With gird - ed loins al - read - y stand — Be- ^EE ± -+-- ikizt t :|E=t:p tn HEf^l r Vi/ 4 ^.—f J— - — I — I- -Ov Kkfrain". -4- kneel Tip- on the edge of time. E- ter- ni-ty is draw-ing nigh, E. King Himself will soon ap-pear. as men watch for life or death. - hold! the Bridegroom is at hand. ^--u=i^-=t t :^=p: ^^ f :^= ■Ez Vi/ I ter ni - ty, E - tor -ni-ty, E - ter - ni-ty ^'- ■iE:^— -^^ f^- — y I (g* 1 1 ^H r-'— -^ ^ I .■^-- ^— is draw-ing nigh 9 -«>- * The next four measures suns: I" uulsou are very effective. No. 358. ^Ve nxt 6oing ^mt ** And 60 shall we ever be with the Lord-"— 1 Tncsa 5: 17. El. Nathan. James McGranahajt, ^±1E^^ -■^^3 3 1. Our way is oft -en rug - gcd While here on cartli we roam, 2. To Ma- rah'a bit - tcr wa - tors We oft have murm'ring come, 3. When of the des - ert wea-ry, Our God His grace hasehown, rtt ^ :-£ r-T— r— r :^ r — ts •- ■v- .^_f_- \ I i :^ 1 L ss 5- -t&h ^^s ^=^ ■wi-»— And thorns are in the path- way; But we are go - ing home. But God the cup has sweetened ; And 80 we're go - ing home. By rest - ing us at E - lim, With sweet fore-tastes of home. y m- — » is>' 4SL .^ -!•- 1— r-r-^f — t H»- (3- -G>- r I Chorus. We're go ing, go - mg, ^ r-T -G^- t X-.-^-4- ^ais ±L I go - mg, we are go - ing, Yes, we are go - ing home ; J^ J _ go- ing home; ^ '—^ We soon shall cross the riv I ^^FFg=t£=£=£S $^ cr, -i I I I 1 1 And be with Christ at home. :^ I ^ 4 With hunger often fainting, We've made complaining moan ; But, fed by heavenly manna, We still are going bom«. 5 Some stand to-day on Nebo, The journey nearly done, And some are in the valley ; But all ore going borne. 3QO No. 359. €0\m unto pc, and pjst. " Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy-ladeu, and I will glr* you rest."— Matt. 11: 28. El. Nathan. £^^Ez?z3±5EE James McGbanahait. -I — t. :i=^:^^^ pill 1. Brotb-er, art thou worn and wea - ry, Tempted,tried,andsore oppress'd? 2. Oh, He knows the dark fore-bod- inga Of the conscience-troubled breast; 3. To the Lord bring all your bur- den, Put the prom-ise to the test; jS f2f^ -a. S^^^ t=t: S^ t f djc =^t t — ($>- 4 * ^— — ' — : — ■•' jlj _^ I^ ^-f^ * ^ /^ — 4 £ =11 List - en to the word of Je - bus," Corn* un - to ^e, and rest !" V And to such His word is giv - en, " Come un - to Me, and rest !'* Sr Hear Him say ,y our bur-den- Bear - er, " Come nn - to Me, and rest !" 8 •^IeS I — — ^ — ^~ — — — I — — — ---+- ^ — •- r i> '^=^F^ — \-^ — I -| — r Refrain 1=^ t=::fcdrr:i :£EiE?EE?ii " Come un - to Me, and rest !' X t:=t--V " Come un - to Me, and rest !" -<2- I ^F=t^-=F= Come, Oh,come and rest ! Come, -i-A — ^ — I— d^ t *=ffS=s' I 1 -^ Oh, come and rest ! u ii^-r ^ J Come, ye wea- ry, hea- vy - lad - en, " Come un - to Me, and rest !" 6 If in sorrow thou art weeping, Grieving for the loved ones missed, Surely then to you He whispers, " Come unto Me, and rest I" 5 Trust to Him for all thy future, He will give thee what is best ; Why then fear when He is saying, " Come unto Me, and rest I" aao No. 360. White the Ijayji ate (\m(^ ^y. ••Whatsoever thy hand flndcth to do, do U wtth thv — 'ight,"— EccL. 9: 10. Gboroe Cooper, by per. Ira D. Ranket. 4- ^-^^£3_z:-^ 1 2 f Tlierc arc lone-ly hearts to chcr- ish, While the dayts arc go - in^; by ; \ \ There arc wea-ry souls who per- ish, Wliile the clays are go - ing by ; j f There's no time lor i - die scorning, While the days are go - ing Ijy ; \ \ Let your face be like the morning, While the days are go - ing by; / All the lov-ing links that bind us, While the days are go - ing by; \ One by one we leave be - hind us, While the days are go - ing by ^i7--4- I '■^'^ ^4 :22Z' - b .« — « « — I If Oh, But a smile the world the seeds we can is full of good re of we *— ^ — - Hi. J_J. 1f- in g new, As our jour ■ sighs, Full of sad so\v, Both in shade ney we pur- and weep - ing and shine will -r-^- ^: H W 1 m N ftr 4^_-^_ lyzlzit -sue, Oh, the good we all may do, "\\ hile the days are go - ing by. eyes; Help your fall -en broth-er rise, While the days are go - ing by. grow, And will keep our hearts a-glow, While the days are go - lug by. m^^^^^ tr-l-g: ^-^-- Refrain. -h-t N ft r :gri3^ :?; I -Vy-h S- ^ Go - ing by, 3f-^ ^ go - ing by, Go - ing by. Wl r .F5 go - ing rff=^-x^f^ Mbzzl^ztzz^ go-ing by, go-ing by, Go-ing by. :1^- ^ -4-.--^^: :i^=S=5: W-»-S-^-^4p^^ i. Ohjthegood we all may do, While the days are go-ing by, n gp-ingby, No. 361. ^atlwHn^ Momt. "Ye shall be gathered one by one, O ye children of Israel."— Ps. 27: li Mary Leslie. W. A. Oqdew. ;i^r=i^=^~i^~1^r -J — gi — ^- i :is=q: T^' feS 1. They're gath'ringhomeward from ev'ry land, One by one! one by one! 2. Be- fore they rest they pass thro' the strife, One by one! one by one! 3. We too must come to the riv - er- side, One by one! one by one! 4. Oh, Jesus, Redeemer, we look to Thee, One by one! one by one! -m — ^- •dr^JGrii ^^--8- pi i^TFEE-i "^ q^iz^sziil^^zzil: _i — ,_^ — — ^ -j- ^ H— ^ As their wea - Thro' the wa-ters We are near-er We lift up one ry feet touch the shining strand, Yes, one by of death they en - ter life, Yes, one by one! its wa-ters each e - ven-tide, Yes, one by one! our vol - ces trembling- ly, Yes, one by one! & 9 0 mm <* M^. Vy They rest with the Sav-iour, they wait their crown, Their travel-stained To some are the floods of We can hear the noise of The waves of the riv - er the nv • the dash are dark ;r o'Jll, As they ford on their • ng stream, Oft now and a- and cold, But we know the S rr=^ -^— m i =i«t=iri garments are all laid down ; They wait the white raiment the way to the heaven - ly hill ; The waves to otli - era run - gain, thro' our life's deep dream ; Soraetimesthe dark floods all the place where our feet shall hold; O Thou who didst pass thro' tho 33)^ (i^athcting ^0mt,—€m(hM. J^J^ j .^^jCT^^^^j^-^^ i s o J J J ^ ^-^ 5=^-3^^^=3=W=t^ g •'^=iS: ■"* — '^ ^ Ijord shall pre-paro For all who tho glo- ry with Him shall share fierce- ly aud wild Yet they reach thohomeoftho un - de- filed, hanks o - ver-flow, Some - times in rip-pies and small waves go. deep- est midnight, Now guide us, and send ua the stall' and light. u 1/ u* Kefrain. "F -W=M :iif W» P :|S=^ >;;r=^ ^U^ JH=i: fe ?t^. Gath'ring home ! gath'ring home! Fording the riv - er one by one ! ^ 1 i r*- h- -'^ f :fc=J 5^^^g? r- r -9- -■•'- I Gath' - ring home ! gath' - ring home, yes, one by cn^J J^ I — •- -V — ^- r^ No. 362. #ttly a pttk 5I^Itik ♦* Weeping may endure for a night, but Joy cometh in the morning."— rs. 30 : 6. Mrs. M. r. A. Crozieb. Geo. C. Stebbins. ]] fc=^=:1 -.-J -rrd^J — \-^A — I — I — p= —I 1 '— r-«»- -<5*-n.-J — |-H 1 1 1 1. On - ly a lit' - tie while 2. Suf- fer if God shall will, 3. On- ly a lit - tie while, — I i-Ht ^^_)ft_^. :f?z=e: T^- m-T-t- P ■i9- 1 f Of walking with wea- ry feet, JJ And work for Ilim while we may, From F'or toil-iug a few short days, And -t~f f <* r ftg l^-rl^"^ -I \ «— IP — L-^fe ' h* i t T — r- p ^^ziiiEji^^ -j- :^=:; 25^- :J±Mz:ajz:2r.:2^ -,5*( H — I 1 — *S ^^:g^ 1 Pa-tient- ly o- ver the thorn- y way That leads to the gold- en street. Cal- va- ry's cross to Zi - on's crown, Is on - ly a ' lit - tie way, then comes the rest, the qui - ct rest, E- ter- ni-ty's end- less praise. :^—j^^^: e -U-{-i»- — m—»—t9' j- -|— ^ 333 No. 363. ifhotd, u'ltat Eovxl "Behold, what manBcr of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God."— John 3 : 1. M. S. S. J AMKS McGranahan. P i^ii^j'S "^ t i ::^.^ :J: — **" t S^ESfg^S ::q: m "" 1 J ^ m •T"^ — •" I p3t !S2_* I I 'I 1. Be - hold, what lovCjWhat boundless love, The Fa - ther hath bestowed 2. No long - er far from Him, but now By "precious blood" made nigh; 3. What we in glo - ry soon shall be, It doth not yet ap-pear; 4. With such a bless - ed hope in view, We would more ho - ly be, R^t^ -I 1 "■♦■ r g±j On sin- ners lost, that we should be Now called the sons of God! Ac- cept-ed in the "Well- be-loved,''Near to God's heart we lie. But when our pre - cious Lord we see, We shall His im - age bear. Move like our ria - en, glo- rious Lord,Whosc face we soon shall see. 1 — I — r r- f=F I -IL .S=Wr:^ o ■a a- M 2 - hold, "what manner of lovel Whatmanuerof 3^E I — r *=:*: m: r ^ t B J2z-?Lz:- ?=r: £3 a » W» W W» W ll What manner of love, i^i^^^SEttH^T^^ ^_L — j^ — 1:| — _- lore the Fa- ther hath be-stowed up - on us, That we, that ■i^ -0- -0- -♦-• -t^* -♦-• -^^^^ -^ F^^i — F di -i — r -ter^^=^: wc should be caird,. Should be call'd the sons of God. -!•- b> '>^ > H 1- Nc=te: -1^- 1/ I the eonM of God, m 1 — rg- -< No. 364. 3J \\m i\\t ^VonlG of gf.;iu;s. " Christ Is all, and In all."— Col. 3 : 2. Gko. C. Needham. ■^l^EE pi--^ ^-J- :3ir:^-ii-- S __) — , C. C. CAsa. 1. I hear tlic word.s of Jo - sus, They speak of peace with God ; 2. His word di-vine-ly bless -cd, It shows me what I am; 3. Oh! hear the words of Jo - sus, The tid - ings are for thee; -S.--^ 1^^'- 6? 6?— i :;^=: :;s: i^:t^:-^r-^ :2^-: -<&- I see theLamb, Christ Je - sus, Who boro my beav-y load; Ilia cross it brings sal - va - tion, The vie - tim was theLamb; Oh! clasp the cross of Je - sus, Aud there for rcf-uge llee; ?y t: "1- :1iE=:{e=rhE; I M P — -\ 1- i^rvziat: ^-J^- 3=:=;v -g--f »^- ' — W— ^ — ^ \-f^-\ ■■F== f I trust the blood of Je - sus, From sin it aets me free, His blood pro-cur-eth par - don, And jus - ti - fies the soul, Oh! trust the blood of Je - sus, Be saved this vcr - y hour; > ^ ^ — I Lu^ r: 1 . I , J 3n :>!;=J.rdr; > i >_^.^_ I love the name of Je - sus, Who gave Him-sclf for me. His name, how sweet and pre - cious, It makes the Bin -ner whole. Oh! love the name of Je - bus, Blest name of wondrous pow'r. 1- S3S ^1 — ^~ ~t9 No. 365. ^t$m y Pm .Saviour. •' went on his way rejoicing."— Acts 8: 39. Rev. R. LowRV. Rev. R. Lo-wtit. J— 4_!- ^te^H^ .^-^_ -^- :i^=iP -<&- -(&- ji^---g::=.J^ 1. My soul ia hap - py all day long — Je - sua is my 2. My heav - y load of sin is gone — Je - sus is my 3. I heard the voice of mcr - cy call — Jc - sus is my 4. Now will I tell it all a - round — Je - sus is my Irf24=t: V-^ X-- \ ■-m » 0 » 1 — t — i — r- :f: -^ -J— -f^- ■^ii^=i^M- H — t- j-a ai=:rib i=i --(-?- ±=i=t ■3 11 o Saviour Saviour Saviour Saviour And all my life is full of song — Jo - sus died for me. ^ At His dear cross I laid it down — Je - sus died for me. » I sim-ply trust- ed, that was all — Jc - sus died for me. How sweet a bless-ing I have found — Je - sus died for me. — (z (• — m — ^ — ^ — ft — — (2_ ;vb=:f==i:f?:==:ti£3tzzi-|i--rti3.-t:fF?zz:f=^zf f--=r=r='r=f=r=\ :t-f^--Tir<2--- -| r- 1 r- r i P Chorus. ^^^: —,&- 22: ^i li^^ bj^ 4 P^— & -^ — *l 3^=5! J— 4 « ^— » Hal - le - lu - jab! Hal - le - lu - jah! To the lov - ing Lamb for ndi=t :3zzt: f=r ^ — -.— , ?— F^ :l?,_!- J=:j— ^l3^^^i:S r eiuners slain; Ual-le - lu-jah! Hal-lo-lu-jah! To IhcLambwholivejsagain. * u ^^ C — .? — I 1 1 — ^jit — I — 330 No. 366. ^ am ComiH()[. Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and T will glvo you retJt."— Matt. 0: 28. Helen R. Youno. Ira D. Sankbt. i 1. Sad and wea-ry, lono and dreary, Lord, I would Thy call o - bey; 2. Thou,thcHo-ly, meekaudlow-ly, Je - 8U9, un - to Thee I come; S.Here a-bid-ing, in Thee hiding, Seeks my wea - ry soul to rest, 4. Be Thou near me, keep and cheer me, Thro* life's dark and stormy way ; A —i — ^ — I— {-H -I — ■^— -i«=^-t: :fepE=:^-t=^ x~x 4^- 1 I -I Thee bc-lieving, Christ ro • ceiving, I would come to Thee to - day. Keepmeev-er, let me nev -er From Thy bless - cd keeping roam. Till the dawning of the morning,When I wake a-mongtheblcst. Turn ray sadness in - to gladness, Turn my dark-ness in- to day. 0 m i \ I ^^=r 5 « tzr] Chorus. i r*. k , — I— j-af--^ ^- *-«- -«-i— at-s- -J^- — Si- -1 ' S 1 — I 1 1^^^ — ^- I am com-ing, I am coming, Com-ing, Sav - iour to be blessed ; fct ■(-- i— r-r-f -I , r-l I ' ^ 1 r-*— — P-;-| j!!EEb— i — I — FFr^r~r r^n^r^. SjLin: ^^ _-, — p»— -K i ( 1- -49 —« Sis IE2 I I I am coming, I am coming. Coming, Lord, to Thee for rest, i ... I .^ J - ^ t=:^ r , , , ^-^■^- . - T-f~t- 1— r t EEKt-SEE 33r No. 367. gclivffattfe w\\\ €m\t ^ J. B. M. " "We are Journeying unto the place of \rhich the Lord said, I will give you."— Num. 10: 29. Rev. Jno. B. Matthias, 1838. \ \ His r The \ But / The \ His ler trav'- heav - y, shiu - ing, on - ward, ar - bor, saw a way-worn back was la - den sum - mer sun was he kept press-ing song- sters in the watchword be - ing "On -ward!" He stopped his ears and ran In tat - ter'd garments clad, His strength was al - most gone, The sweat was on his brow, For he was wend-ing home; That stood be - side the way, \-^-^ ^=4 ^ b^ ^ r—y — \ ::^-:|Kz:i^z:=)c m •^ 4^ — P — ^ EEIE -t S- ■9=^^^- — I- =r^ 3^=a!: And struggling tip the monn-tain, It seem'd that he was sad Yet he shout - ed as he journeyed, De - liv - er-ance will come His gar - ments worn and dust - y, His step seem'd ver-y slow: Still shout -ing as he journeyed, De - liv - er-ance will come At - tract - ed his at - ten - tion, In - vit - ing his de - lay: Still shout- ing as he journeyed, De - liv - er-ance will come :} } l^-)t^-z Chorus 4^-4 J-*'-«t:--^ A-t^~ — I — - r Chorus. }- — fe u^ i ^4=5t=iH=^ t ^ Take me as :t t am, Take me It?: as 1^ J J-L -(is»-^ -t5^-i am ^ 4^5 n ^^±«|i-J?;zz:4 IN": ^'- ^ -' J 3=^g^:=^iFF^^ ^^ izrtpr ^^ Lord, I givo my- self to thee. Oh, take mc as I am. :c rTrrrv^ z=-ti=L-z^[V._1^4M^-|gi:^j^z:[:-Efl 4 If Thou hast "U-ork for mo to do, Inspire my will, my heart renew ; And work both in, and by me too, And take mc as I am. 5 And when at last the work is done, The battle fought, the ' ictory won ; Still, still my cry shall be alone, Oh, take me as I am. 33C^- No. 369. §m$ ti -r-ai •- :x ■:ii-:i;-:^^-^-¥ t ^snqs: EE 1. Sowing in the morning, sowingseed.sofkindncss, Sowing in the noon-tido 2. Sowing in the sunshine, sowing "n the sliadows, Fearing neither cloudsnor 3. Going forth with weeping, sowing tor the Master, Tho' the loss sustain'd our :|e=)E-te=?t: 1?-| — r :W=m-ft:^~mizZ~~^- ^m :I^=z^=:l3=^^ H 1 ^ L 1 L, 1 1 ^ f. ^ U» P t^ ^ w* . P I I a _ — ^ ^ ^ , — r^^r r l^-^-n T^-i — I i-T— al ' M--*' — -^ *? 1 — *' — -a^ — I —J, — g — S v-S— g ;^^ — ^^ m~^m~'^ ~" '^ and the dew -y eve; Waiting for the harvest, and the time of reaping, ■winter's chilling breeze; By and by the harvest, and the la - borend-ed, spir-it oft - en grieves; When our weeping's over, He will bid U3 welcome, __r ^_T 1^ I ^ ^' -^- -^ "t t P fc5 I I U t t» i?~" We shall come, re - joic-ing, bringing in the sheaves. Bringing in the sheaves, We shall come, re - joic-ing, bringing in thesheaves. We shall come, re - joic-ing, bringing in thesheaves. 1 1 1 1 1 — I j — -j_i 1 — , — ^ — 1 P^tm zqzrziitzqc ^— -tJ— j- ,^-L -»•- ^Jf^ =^:: U 1/ U* bringing in the 8heaves,We shall come, re-joic - ing. Bringing in the sheaves ; -^- •^- -^- -^- ."^^ ■pi_-*: — — — i^ — -^ — :^: — ^i_^_-'-= ■ ■ r_TJ-j-,-r-jj;--S-^-j, Bringing in the sheaves, We shall come, rejoicing, Bringing in thesheaves. Bringing in the sheaves. Wo. 371. Ihe ^totiousi ^larning. " And God hath rained up the Lord, and will also raise us up by his own power."— 1 CoK. 6 : 14. Wm, Huntkr, D, D., 1838, alt* Wm. B. Bradbfby. ]— J— I— !^.«-,_-l— JV 4-4.- 1. 2. 3. 4. Soon shall we see the glo-rious morning, Saints a - rise! Hear ye iho trump of God re - sounding, Saints a - rise! The saints who sleep, with joy a - wak - en, All a - rise ' saints saints all a - a - a - rise! rise! rise! Fast by the throne of God be -hold them Crown'd with bliss Icrown'd with bliss! t —\ — J. J .r^ I- -♦ — i»- t b^-l ^—t r - itm^ ■i L f =fe^^ P=J: t:j=ri|^r ^ H — ^-^--*l J^^2^:d=d^:Fi-i ri Sin - ners, at - tend the notes of warn-ing. Saints a - rise I Through all the vaults of death re - bounding, Saints a - rise ! Their beds of death are quick for - sak .- en, See -^- -(^ -^ H*- saints a - rise! saints a - rise! -- ._, All a - rise! all a - rise! in his arms the Sav - iour folds them, Crown'd with bliss! crown'd with bliss! •iSiL ' . -(-^ II^— t 1 1 S-Tl 1 1 1-^ I— T=;l 1— 7'^ — !••— -»■ » » » » 1 bi ■ 1- h- %=^ c ■3 T- S|S -t- 8=t=S: i-r. s 5* The res - ur - rec - tion day draws near, The King of Saints shall soon ap To meet the bridegroom, haste, pre -pare, Put on your bri - dal garments Not one of all the faith -ful few Who hereon earth the Sav -iour "With wreaths of glo - ry round their head. No tears of sor-rownow are .1 f" J r J * ^^^' i__r ' _r I %^p^ ^ -If — -If — pear, fair, knew, shed, wm r-l=-l— )— J^ ^:^h^ iili^^l^Si^^^ili]] And And But To high his roy - al standard hail your Sav -iour in the starts with bliss his Lord to joy's full fount- ain all are rear. Saints a - rise ! air. Saints a - rise ! view. All a - rise! led, Crown'd at last! saints saints all crown'd a - rise a - rise a - rise at last ^ipl^I^g^ No. 372. Wc fmijic ?hcf mn\ glc'S.si ?hcc. *' Oh ye servanta of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord."— Ps. 113 : I. El. Nathan. James McGranahaw. J. J — .at — ^j} J- t=^ ;f^* 231^ i 1. "We praise Thee and bless Thee, Our Fa- ther in heaven, 2. We praise Thee and hle&s Thee : Once siu - ful and sad, 3. We praise Thee and bless Thee : The Spir - it hath come 3_ i-£ ■i — r -(5^ Ei :i V For the joy of sal - va - tion By the ^vord thou hast giv - en, To dwell with, and teach us, w- Is^ Chorus. PI Thy gos - pel To Christ we And guide us hath given, were led. safe home. -i- p^ i'^^: 6 i=:J: 1: Hal - le - lu jah ! we praise Thee Thro' Je - sua ggp X our Lord ; I I I ^ 1/ IS Ilal - le - lu I f t=i jah ! wo bless Thee For the gift of ■sT m ■V— tr >- It: Thy word ! S?=: B 4 We praise Thee and bless Thee, For food by the way ; The manna from heaven Provided each day. 5 We praise Thee and bless Thee : Thy word hath gone forth, That Christ shall be King and Reign over the earth. G We praise Thee and bless Thee, And wait Uis return To fulfil every proniiBO He made to His own. 7 Wo praise Thee and bless Thee : We'll reign with Him then, To praise Thee and bless The6 For ever. Amen. 3^3 No. 373. ®hy Will ht gjJttfl " Thy win be done in earth, as It is in heaven."— Matt. 6: 10. Charlotte Eluctt. Jamks MoGranahan. ■s=f==i tS I \ ~m1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. My God and What tho' in Let but my lie - new my Then when on Fa- ther, while I stray Far from my home, on lone-ly grief I sigh For friends be - loved, no fainting heart be blest With Thy sweet Bpir - it will from day to day ; Blend it with Thine; and earth I breathe no more The prayer oft mixed with — I- -«5^ 5^^: m life's rough way,Oh,teach mo from my heart to eay/'Thy will be done!'' long - cr nigh, Submis- sivo still would I re- ply,"Thy will be done!" for its gucstjMy God, to Thee I leavctherest/'Thy will be done!'' take a - way All now that makes it hard to say, "Thy will be done!'' tcara be - fore, I'll sing up - on a happier shore, "Thy will be done!"' -on. ?!???- m -1-^-1- <&- f!j^ u \ o o cr c B -^ \ Refrain-. ^g^ ^=S^ -6 Thy will bo is: done ! I ■J J u -H -^ % — r\ 3 9=.^. Thy will bo done ! H^- lO- 1 — I — r J — 3 — g^ r<^- -^- £ I ] Thy will— Thy will bo done! Thy will— Thy will bo done! Oh, leach mo Sub - mis - sivo My (Jod, to All now that I'll sing up say, " Thy will ply, "Thy will rest. K r rhy from my heart to still would I ro Thee I leave tho makes it hard to nay, "Thy on a hap - pier ehoie," Thy . _ I will will will F^ r be done !" be done 1" be done !'' be done!" be done !'* No. 374, Otitic new pe. ••Thou art my hiding place."— Pa. 32: 7. Fanwy J. Crosby. Rev. Robert Lowry. t H_-^_i. M—J^: ^-- la Thv cleft, O -^• I — ^; ^„ L-^- 1. In Thy cleft, O Kock of A - ges, Hide Thou me; When the 2. From the snare of ein - ful pleas -ure, Hide Thou me; Thou, my 3. In the lone - ly night of sor - row, Hide Thou me; Till in r, r t= 1 f 'W=^-, T \. ^=tz^: J- H -A- -^- :z^: -^ an=:a|: fit - ful tern - pest ra - ges, Hide Thou me; Where no Boul's e - ter - nal treas - ure, Hide Thou me; When the glo - ry dawns the mor - row, Hide Thou me; lu the ^— 1 1 _ — ^ 5=^ ^ -^ — f- I Hf^^i: f -i5»- X I o 4 -i B mor - tal arm can sev - er From my heart Thy love for- ■world it3 power is wield - ing, And my heart is al - most eight of Jor - dan's bil - low, Let Thy bo - som bo my -^- :t==--: I I ==t=t- -(5»- H^ m=i - cv - cr, Hide me, O Thou Rock of A - ges, Rafo in Thee. yield - ing, Hide me, O Thou Kock of A - ges. Safe in Thee. pil - low ; Hide mi>, O Thou Kock of A - ges, Safe in Thee. S r- I -»— — :t= -♦— - r-t^ w-T-^— I X X f i No. 375. ©ttty miimti. "The Lord direct your hearts into the patient waiting for Christ."— 2 Thess. 3: 5. W. G. IBVIN. J. H. FiLLMOKE, by per. S=3 tsxzzd re 1. I am "wait-ing for the morning Of the blessed day to dawn, 2. I am wait ing ; worn and weary With the bat - tie and the strife, 3. Wait-ing, hop-ing, trusting ev - er, For a home of boundless love; 4. Hop-ing soon to meet the lov'donesWhere the "many mansions" be; i9- — ^ *=t i2l^=te=|e I I £ I V — t^ F Er^^t?— fc^— >- t^ ::t — I 1- - ^ -•h :6 :^.^ -1 ^ 1 -fV-t— 1 ! ^~~J — r — I ^ — « •^(g • ' When the sor - row and the sad-ness Of this changeful life are gone. Hop -ing when the warfare's o - ver To re-ceive a crown of life. Like a pil-grim,look-ing for-ward To the land of bliss a-bove, List'niug for the hap - py welcome Of my Sav-iour call -ing me. uEt 1?=^ t--=t=t=c=^i .1--^- Chorus. I I I > am wait :t:::--t==T:: ^nz^iq --^ m $ 4E^=** - ing, on - ly waiting, r~!r- ■^=t m u u u I am waiting, waiting, waiting, on - ly waiting, on - ly waiting, w^ :t:^ -m—m- H 1 ^ P- 1- -k»- ■:^r-> — \^- i Till this wea life is o'er ; ^ ^ ^ Till this wea - ry, wea - ry, wea - ry — Till this wea - ry life is o'er; .e-_s:. On - ly wait ing for my welcome, 3!^:^=^^ S^Er3^J ^iU*i I — m k b' Ix ly b^ I I I I On - ly waiting, waiting, waiting for my welcome, for my welcome, r (^ -^ -^ -^- -^- -^ -m- S^O^ ^ttly litaiting.— (!l!0ttft«(tci From my Sav • iour ^-^t—^ X :z2fc] zT^-zii^. a? on -♦— the oth er shore. t ?2: ] m I No. 376. ©h, §tnm aid By ^hy ^Vovd. " I will cause the shower to come down in his season. There shall bo showers of blessing."— EzEK. 34 : 26. El, Nathan. Jambs McQRANAnAif. i :|: -^ - 1 . N I — Tr I — s — si ^* — :»t — v* — S- ■77 1. Heav'-nly Fa- ther, we Thy children, Gather'd round our ris - en Lord, 2. Gra-cious gaks of heav'-nly blessing In Thy love to us af-ford ; V^r3:^ r.> -4-> ^mzzmpzzzt X t t fe?- ^zirfe: 1^- -gp — p Lift onr hearts in earn - est pleading: Oh, rc-vive ns by Thy word! Let US feel Thy Spir - it's presence, Oh, re-vive us by Thy word! — ^ — ^^- I 9=^- i- — i- -FV :t Chorus ^^ m :^=m p^ t r .^gzirzt: ip^ t-£ f iEE*=i=^:5 4=v. Send re- fresh-ing, send re - fresh-ing From Thy pre8ence,graciou3 Lord! \=x \ f— t— i^F i.» — \r ->- i ::+^il=q — ' 1 1 1 — ' 1 ( — -w-i — ^ 9 — 1^ — s — m."^. — ♦ — «^ — *r-^2r ] Send re- fresh- ing, send re-frcsh-ing, And rc-vive us bj' Thy word ! z^^l#_: X- t =fi :t=:i:t:: 8 TN'eak and weary in the conflict, "Wrestling not with flesh and blood," Help us, Lord, as faint we falter; Oh, revive lis by Thy word ! r 4 ^Yith Thy strength, O Master, gird os; Be our Guide and l)o our Guard: Fill us with Thy holy Spirit, Ob, revive us by Tby word ! 3-ir Ho. 377. f ^tvn §mv fou. ;. •• I never knew you: depart from Me."— Matt. 7 : 23, Mrs. G. C. Nkedham. r-ji » — ^ — « — ^ Cc. Cass. + ^V -^ ^- -jr -^ w L "When the King in His beau - ty shall come to His throne, And a - 2. They had known whence He came, and the grace which He brought ; In their 8. Now the right - eous are reign- ing with A - bra - ham there ; But for 4. 0 sin - ner, give heed to this sto - ry of gloom, For the 1^ <&- :t ^^r ^r round Him ara gathered His lov'd ones, His own ; There le some who will knock at Hii pres-once He heal'd, in thair streets He had taught ; They had mention'd His name and their these is ap- point-ed an end- less de-spair ; It is vain that they call : He once hour is fast near-ing that fix - es your doom: "Will you still re-ject mer-cy? still U^l—^. -^—' ■<9- r -■»- -d — ^- 31 1 !■ 3=E^ES|^5 F-"^ ^-i=i^ ^ *l m~^ 31 fair pal - ace door, To be an- swerd with - in " There is mer-cy no more." friend- ship pro - fess'd ; But they nev - er be- lieved, for of them Ho con-fess'd ; knock'd at their gate, But they wel-come'd Him not; so now this is their fate: hard - en your heart? Oh, then, what will you do as the King cries?— "Depart!'' m: 'X 9 Q a Q m ;I2: t^ -~t- Chohfs •'I have nev - er known you," "I have nev - er known you," "I have -« fft r-f* *_• (e (ft m 0t r^ (# » f> 0t. tf. I have nev - er A si known you." m ^ ^ m . n Ho. 378. §cjjoml the Smiting and the ^Vtqiing. 'And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain."— Rev. 21 : 4. HOSATIUa BONAR, D. D. GEO. C. STEBBIN3. f ^=t lilf^^i sn or* 3 1. Be-yond the smiling and the weeping, I shall bo soon, 2. Be-youd the blooming and the fading, I shall bo soou, 3. Be-yond the parting and the meeting, I shall be soon, 4. Be-yond the frost-chain and the fe-yer, I shall be soon, ^24— =h;z=^ — I — I- i -r rf -e± > > rrt -I- — I — s ^. I I I I a- shall be shall be shall be shall be ^■'^^ ■\:^ £ I ? k ^l^ -m — •• — -2- --, : h-J l^_N-]^-t--^, soon; Be-yond the waking and the sleeping, Be-yond the sowing and the soon; Be-yond the shining and the shading, Be-yond the hoping and tho soon; Be-yond the fare well and the greeting, Be-yond the pulse's fe - ver soon; Be-yond therock-wastcandtheriy-er, Be-youd the ev - er and tho /y-i-0.- ^^^ P-T :N^ii=tE: £ ■f^=i -t9- r fc-t ^ :s^=^ reap - ing, dread-ing, beat - ing, nev - er. I I I I ^'- i HZ t^ ■JsZ: r :i > > ^^— ;?-- FH Refkain. ■<9- -I ^^^ shall bo shall bo shall be shall bo ^^Efe^ -<9- FF :^E=tE -1 — r soon, soon, soon, soon. I I I I X- -t9- shall bo shall bo shall bo shall bo -I- soon, soon, soon, soon. -<5«- 2^ :-^p Love, rest, and -i^ -e^ .^- .a. f-r-f m home! Sweet, sweet hom%! Lord, tarry not, Lord, tar- rv not, but come 1 r ..a 1* t I 1- :t:: --t- f l 340 No. 379. §t$m b (!Jomin0. •* The Lord himself shall descend from heaven."— 1 TnESS 4: 18. El. Nathan. James McObanahaiT. — > — 1^ J^-m-—m--^ T-« — -^ — ■•i-T — I — -\ — -^ 1 ^-:^-^_H__, j_i =t^ 5— g.--J— * — =^ — ^ L Je • SU3 is com-ing! sing the glad word! Coming for those He re- 2. Je - SU9 is com-ing! the dead shall a - rise, Lov'd ones shall meet in a 3. Je - sua is com-ing! Hissaints to re -lease; Coming to give to th© 4. Je • SUB is com-ing! the promise is true ; Who are the cho-sen, the --8-- — -I — I — I — I — I — T-i^ h'— g- £ '-h -iT-C I 1- m- — I 1 *— y— 1 uH M t^ -•m- — (V deem*d by His blood, Com-ing to reign as the glo - ri • fied Lord! joy - ful sur- prise. Caught up to - geth-er to Him in the skies. "war-ringearthpeaeerSinning, and sigh- ing, and sor-row,shall cease, faith - ful, the few, Wait -ing and watching, pre-pared for re - view? m ! ^'^^z^EE^£3i 1e=jff=|aL — 1- ->'- -^ — CnoRug. C^ o •_l_) — - — I 1 1 1 1 — I — i^_ • — 1» ^ 1^ 1^ ]^. — _L_^ ^ j j j 1 Je 6U3 IS ^ com - ing a - gain I Je BUS is U ^ 1/ com - ing, is j^=z:k: ii -tEZiile: -i/ — ' m B o O 0 o m — m — m — ■•-•— -m-.- ^ — « 1 — ^ - m \ -r^ ^ ^ I. ITu com-ing a- gain! Jo - sus is com-ing a -gain! Yes, Je - sns is com-ing ! Ob, i -• u. h s:/ 8CO f i Ho. 380. ,^ingin0 i\^ vet ^mnmj. ••Then was our mouth filled with slngin:;."— Pa 120: 1 LUOT J. RiDEB. _ LTTCY J. RlDEB, 1. We are chil • dren of a King,neav'uly KingJIeav'nly King, 2. We are trav' • ling to onr home, Bless- ed home,Blcs3-cd home, 3. Full of joy wo on • ward go, Heav'nward go, Ilomeward go, r-tr ^ ^ -t—"- pg U U i I- I I: We We Full -ii- d^ :|^ i ^^=^ t7 m 1^ U "^ I are chil -dren of a King,Sing - ing as "we jour- ney ; are trav' - ling to our home, Sing - ing as we jour- ney ; of joy we on -ward go, Sing - ing as we jour- ney; ^ .-* ■m- — ^. 1^ It i 1 m^. -• — ^ -4^-- A f=S= 1=?^^^=^ U t t "l* U V Je - BUS Christ our Guard and Guide, Bids us, noth- ing ter - ri - fied, Tow'rd a cit • y out of sight Where will fall no shade of night, Sing- ing all the jour-ney thro' — Singing hearts are brave and true — It V— tr %=!^. V ^ ■m- -»• »•- ^ ^t=F "C/ P «: : 9* ^^^-^ r r- J=p I* j^ :^ _r--l-41 i=^ 11 Fol - low close • ly at His side, Sing - ing as we jour- ney. For our Sav • iour is its light,Siug - ing as we jour- ney. Sing - ing till our home wo view, Sing - ing as wc jour- ney. ^— ^-T -t -m- V 5rr«; lit No. 381. ^^U iji 0« tk WoxA'^ ^tAt? ** Thine are we, David, and on thy side, thou son of Jesse."— 1 Chron. 12i 18, FBANCKS R. HAVEBGAIi. IBA D. SANKET Spirited. ;^ HV- '4— J— W-:-^ 3 # :g. J ^: ?2: •K?- -^- r t=^ ^r 1. Who is on the Lord's side? Who -will serve the King? Who will be Hia 2. Not for vreight of glo - ry, Not for crown and palm, En- ter we the 3. Je - BUS, Thou hast bought us,Not with gold or gem, But with Thine own 4. Fierce may be the con- flict,Strong may be the foe, But the King's own -m- -m- • -im- -<5»- p, pi :t=^ ^ Q a «^ 3. -T^-- —" ^t" help - ers, 0th - er ar - my, Raise the life - blood, For Thy ar - my, None can lives -^- a: i^: ^^- u ■Gh — S- 25*- ■6^ -g 1>^[-g i i^tid to bring? Who will leave the world's side? war - rior-psalm ; But for love that claim- eth di - a - dem ; With thy bless-ing fill - ing o - ver- throw ; Round His standard rang - ing, 1 I I — ^ :^fc :?: ;t=r-t=t: :|E=:* ^f -I tW^T. P- — -m- ^ ■« 1 yr\ ^—-m ^ ■•V 1 1 i ^-^ 1 , J^j L. -:¥—*-. s Who will face the foe? Who is on the Lord's side? Who for Him will go? Lives for whom He died. He whom Jesus nam- eth Must be on His side. All who come to Thee, Thou hast made us willing, Thou hast made us free. Vic- fry is se- cure, For His truth unchanging Makes the triumph sure. ^—^- ^Z± :ii n F"-ife" — ^-^^ Iez:r ■ziX ->■!?- !*- -m-^ ip Choetts. \ m^^^i i ^4__4 — I. Who is on the Lord's 8ide?Who will serve the King? Who will be His ^^m .S^Ai. Wio iis 0B iht ^0r(t'jJ <|iilf .— Condutlctl. P i-fe^^ -g=-'^- ---zj^EE^ X ^3. J^q^ ntg;: 1 help • cr?<, Oth - er lives to bring? By Thy graml rc-dcmp- tion. S=f=^: 1 ■Xrr. r— r-r^ n — h---j^ ^1 1 — r — ir-i 1 — • By Thy grace divine, Wo are on the Lord's side; Saviour.-we are Thine. ejz:|e=^=)c::^^=iz^. I 1 1 r r :t: -I — t- ± i — r :^- 1^ No. 382. ^cad mc on. " For Thy name's sake lead me and guide me.'*— Ps. SI : 8. C. C. CoNVERSK, by per. I^S^eS^I^ F=^-* -1— J — ^- ■M=^=n: r-i- :izr.-.i^-J-^ m L TravMing to the bet- ter laud, O'er the de serfs scorching sand, 2. When at Ma- rah, parched with heat, I the sparkling fountain gi-eet, 3. When the wil - der-nesa is drear, Show me E-lim's palm-groves near. i?l±t ■r- ± •I \r- pm^ 1 I I I ^2^; X X .^-f-^. S^^F Fa- ther ! let me grasp Thy hand;Lead uio on, load mo Make the bit • ter wa- ters 8wect;Lead mo on, lead mo And her ivells as crys-tal clear ; Lead me on, lead mo -i9- -f H- on t on ! on! "m f Through the water, through the firo, Never let me fall or tire, Every step brings Canaan nighei : Lead me on ! h Bid me stand on Nebo's height. Gaze upon the laud of light. Then transported with the eight, Lead meoal 6 Wher I stand on Jordan's brink. Never let mo fear or shrink ; Hold me. Father, lest I sink; Lead mc on ! 7 When the victory is won. And eternal life begun, Up to glory lead me on ! Lead me oa, lead me anl No. 383. ^'vt fasijial fht (tm$. p. p. BLr.s3. *' Passed from death unto life."— John 5 : 24. James McGbanahaw. I —I pi 1 1 1 n^ j 1 L ± 1 1. LfOok uu - to rac and be yc saved, I heard tho Just One say; 2. By His a- tone- nient re - con-ciled,My Fa- tliei's face I sec; 3. Oh, glo - rious height of vant - age ground !Oh,blcst vie - to- rious hour I t ■t: \Xl ^^ X 1^- m ^if crfs. ^^E:S^.h.-.- iEr||Ei=e^TE^iE!'^ i?: i And as by faith on Him I gazed, My bur- den rolled a- "way. The eiap - ty tomb now in - tervenes Between the world and me. In Him to trust and ful - ly know His res - ur - rec- tiou power. \^mi r Chorus. h ^-\- — ^F — ^ I \\^ — -^^=-^ — ^^•^^ ^^ b 1 I've passed the cross at Cal - va - ry, I'm on the Ileav- en side ; g -♦ • -Gf-' £?3E Ji: m i ■M- &-d -r-:- /TV -X- ::fc -9. — , — p , 1 -t- -— I- 1 W, The world is cru - ci - ficd to me. Since Christ my ran- som died ; .pztt t=:_^nf=:z,_., |_i, ,_rrf!__p=U=J t>^ \.^.\ JL_X :2L H- rz^ J "S J J 3^3-T- •y' :iij=i- »t: ^^ The world is cru - ci - fied to me, Since Christ my ran- som died - - J— t .-J: 111 :±7-: ►-l?>Eii :t— i=b F=t |n:z-|i=V- vi/ T 1 i'"''^ =a Ro. 384. Wt ®ahc the 6mtty (^iniwt'si Winmt ••TlieBC things have I written unto yoa that ye may know that yo have eternal life."— 1 John 6: 13, Eev. W. P. Mack AT. H. F. Williams. 4-4^-J '«7 I I L I I /T\ I 1 U I i I i. No works of law have wo to boast, By na-tnrc ruined, guilty, loet; 2. No faith we bring, 'ti3 Christ a-lone, 'Tis what He is — what He haa done; 3. We do not fed our Bins are gone, We knov/ it by Thy word a - lone; 4. Be - cause wc know our sins forgiven, "We happy feel — our home is heav'n ; a T- t I ^ -t-- I SEE — o- — |- l=f P i ^1 I-zt-!- i?iY. Condemned al - rcad-y, but Thy hand Pro- vidcd wliat Thou didst demand, lie is for us as given by God, It was for us lie shed His blood. We know that there our sins didst lay On Him who has put sin a - way. O help us now as sons of God, To tread the pa. h that Je-sus trod. 1^^^=!^- ttznEzzti r»- >— I- -»- ■ID- f*-- -jO- ^ t-i t- :q: ■4 1 ♦ - - -^ — s S--^ ^=? Wo tako tho guilt-y sin-ner's name, The guilt y sinner's Saviourclaim; i r-d-.— J — A :H-^ ! >-z ►^-Tbf-^br - im —>—i^ W^r" ->--!- :^=Ne: "^^^^iZL^zr-Mz |c ■1 — r i: fi^ -^— 4- L4— iU- '«<- :rrS^i:-S ^ We tako the guilty siuner'sname.Theguilt-y sinner's Saviourclaim. ^^_^ » — r r— r VA/ 36S Ho. 385. ^c €!am« to §tihm% p. p. Bliss. P ■^r " Then Jesug came to Bethany."— JoHK 12 : 1. James »IcGiiA*?AnAW. ^^^-^ 4- A N-!^ — -a- — «^ I I fTherois love, trpe love, acd the heart grows vrarm, When tho Lord to Be(h-a-ty • I There is joj, glad J3y, and a feast is spread, When the Lord to Bclh-a-ny 2 /Therois pcaco,sw€ctpcace,andlhe lifa grows calm, "When the Lord to Belh-a-ny • \ Thcro h fiith, strong faith, and our homo seems near, "When the Lord to Beth - a - ny -a- t=^: f-t- — r-H 1- ^ ! 1 1 — » — lo — lo »- r-r ^*— •■■ § =3=^=^5 r — •« — (- ^^-;pl-:^— ^ j'd'^rfc I comes; And the word of life his a wondrous charm, When the Lord to Bcth-a-ny comes. > comes; For His heav'flly voicobrin^'js to life the dead, When the Lord to Bcth-a-ny ccmes. j comes; And the trust-iag S3ul sings a svreet^ soft psalm, When the Lord toBeth-a-ny comes. \ comes; And the crownmoro bright, and tho cross more dear,When the Lord to Beth-a-ny comes. / -^* -^•'-^- -d- -^- -^- H*-^- ^ r- Chobus. -1^--f^-e -^ (». , ^ :t — I- rr-T-t-t ltd ^r|e=|ffz|B::tri I 1 1 1 1 LI • 1 W W b^ I g" =a(.-ra(. J^-Jl-^-JL-i-J:-^ — * «- -i «- •^ ^ #»- 5^ £E^£H£Ei^=iEz^5:i Twaa a hap - py," hap - py day in the old en time, When the Lord to ^ i^ f£>- :H--ZiW~ 3 s 8 r "I — m — -H — ••- Beth - a - ny came, 0 - pen wide the door, let Elm en - ter now ! For His ^ Bi ^*" ] I ^ is cv - cr the Eamcl kvo is ev - or tho same! His love is ' ev - er tho samol ^ '^I r ^t::^ -U— tr— h- u ev - er the samel 360 §ic (Jam^ to ^tWim^—^mtMtii I^^Ei d--=t *=3E ^ H^-i I i :S^i t: ,.^. ^=^t=t U I IS ev - er the samel His lore is sv - er the same! -i- 0 - pen wide the door, EEE^: t=:pir= IS >— 1 h- 67 - er the samel r— I — tr-jp- I :f^ ^ ^^ J 1- /r^ -/-T-.-4 H-- let Him en - ter now! for His hve l3 e? - cr tho came! No. 386. (SIWM 0f c^itt utttl e^at;»'0tt\ " Come, for all things are now ready."— Luke li : 17, Th. Hastii^gs. Thomas IIastt?co«. -4- :^- -«5^ *-* S=«^ I , I { I , .-1-4—- j ^4-r [come, Hcav'n bids tLec - f Child of sin and sor - row, Fill'd with dis-may,1 ' \ Wait not for to - mor- row, Yield thee to-day: J n f Child of sin and sor - row, Why wilt thou die? 1 (.Come while thou canst borrow Help from on high ;/ Grieve not that Ioto ±-4=^=2:2 L ^— ^^^: * I i ±J=:= 6i^ — -* — ::jr-'-s^ mi Wliilcyetlhere'sroom; Child of sin and sor - row, Hear and o -bey. Which from a - hove, Child of sin and eor - row, Would bringtheenigh. J-_4: I I ^b' 2iit:: -^— I — » » <« -r-r-r :t:-:: I I \ \ — V- M 3r>r No. 387. iis f ^nm. •' I know whom I have believed."— 2 Tin. 1 r 13. Fannt J. Crosby, W. H. DoAKm. 4- ^ :^2 4=1^ J — I- ^ 4: atzrii, »l=ii: F^ -I- t- * t td=J^ :^S=^ -— > It " Tzzf-^-"^"— ^^ ♦ (•- ^^E^^^li f-pr r r~T Ho. 389. §«rw an f ^ttp turn ^mgmg? ** I will tlfig praises unto zny God irhile I have my being."— Ps. 146 : X Anon. Iua D. Sankkt. .r. r ^ -t ..-.. . 1. My lifo flows on in end-less song ; A • bore earth's lamen - ta- tion, 2. What tho' my jojs and com forts dio? The Lord my Saviour liv-eth & I lift tny eyes; theclouds grows thin; I sec the blue a • bove it; -f- im^ ♦ ♦ -^- <2. F=^ - V-v- p^ps^iia^^?=^#i^ ^ I hear tho sweet tho* far- off hymn That hails a new cro -a • tion; "What tho' tho dark- nessgath-er round ? Songsin the night He giv • eth ; And day by day this pathway Bmooths,Since first I learned to love it; -^2 :g: ■^ — br— >- P=^ V— br K?- f=f -S^itrrP ^^ ^— 1 :t=: rr 3^5 ^i^ J^_J_J_4 I czs -<5* ^^P^ 1^ 1/ U Thro' all the tu - mult and the strife I hear tho mu- sic ring-ing; No storm can shake my inmost calm While to that re-fuge cling • ing ; The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart,A fount- ain ev - er spring- ing ; ^^^^ I' i- I- :i: -m- m m 3-T LtJUx^ ~--tr- /7S It finds an ech • o in my soul — How can I keep from sing- ing? Since Christ is Lord ofheav'nand earth.How can I keep from sing- ing? All things are mine since I am His — How can I keep from sing- ing? \ -^ W- t-- ^ Ll 1;- ' 1 F ' 1 No. 390. (Koine §fUcvm0l •* Him that cometh to Mo I will In no wiso cast out.**— JoHir 9 : 87. El. Nattl/ln. J as, McGranahaji, ^ =1 ^^^"iTSEIE^E? ^3: :^. =&-:ir— ^ — j-r-*— I 1. Once a - gain the Gos-pel mes-sage From the Rav-iour you have heard j 2. Ma - ny summers j'ou have wast-ed, Kipened harvests you have seen: 3. Je - sua for your choice is wait-ing; Tar-ry not: at once de - cidei 4. Cease of fit-ness to be thinking; Do notlon-ger try to feel; 5. Let your will to God be giv - en, Trust in Christ's a -ton - ing blood; 1t=$, -^~ -^ — ^- It ±- T I Will you heed tho in - vi - ta-tion? "Willyoa turn and seek the Lordf "Win -ter snows by Spring have melted, Yet you lin - ger in your aim "While the Spir-it now is striv-ing, Yield, and seek the Saviour's side. It is fru5<- m<7, and not /cd - in^, That will givo the Spir- it's seal. Look to Je - BUS now in heav-en, Rest on His un - changing word. iS: x -*p- + E tn .^± 1 Chorus. ns — "^•'•^'•g<~gt _^-_fe_J — I ^-^-in-l — P— » — ^-tA-, 1 rr-r Con\e bo • lieving! come be-liev-ingf Come to J^susl look and live! come! cornel look! Oh, look and liVel =R==b^ look I Oh, look and livel ^^. T ^=5±5=g ^ 1^ Como be - liev-ing t comebe-liev-ingi Come to J« - sua Ilook and livel cornel cornel Jp3=^- -454*r:»=» ^ la r No. 391. Fanny J. Cbosbt. -I — -» ** Bound an alarm I"— Josx. 2: L 1. Sound the a - larm! let the watchman cry!— "Up! for the day 2. Sound the a - larm! let tho cry go forth, Swift as the wind, 3. Sound tho a - larm oa tho mountain's brow! Plead wilh the lost 4. Sound the a - larm in the youth - ful car, Sound it a - loud 7-r * .(Z. -!•■■ m^ ■4 ¥^-- --1 !-p-j 1^-^-^ !^ ~s—d- t=^ :^--z>~ I* of the Lord is nigh; Who will es- cape from the wrath to come? o'er the realms of earth; "Flee to the Rock where tho soul may hide! by tho way -side now ; Warn them to come and tho truth cm - brace; that the old may bear ; Blow ye the trump while the day -beams last! 1^ gJBfg -^- T :i!»-=»-S=:U^i£r±*J T Tt \ m^ -a* ^- J^-J-J^. -4- Kefeatn. '^^-^^^^^^% Who have a placeinthesour8brightbome?"Soundthealarm,watchman, Flee to the Kockl in its cleft a - bide.'* Urge thein to como and bo saved by grace. Blow ye the trump till the light is past? a- ^=t-_-^ Sound the a -larm! For the Lord will come with a conq'ring arm; And the I" (• — ^— (• '' — • — • — t"^ i — t — ^^ ao» ^0un(l ihe ^\i\vra\—(^0wMtA, P d: ^t^ I — r (g im -^—.m- •a hosts of sin, aa their ranks ad vance,Shall >vither and full at His glancew ^ . _ r.' lo— -►— — • ^ j — -I 1 ^ 0—0- JP— -g-.-gl.-^ -I — I •- — r- 1-- fe"^ a No. 392. ANon. §eautiful pornittg, •He la not here but is risen."— Luke 24: 8. LtrcT J. Rrrsa, wi-^- '■-^—i^. ~'^ » J- - ?5^9 =1 1. Beau - ti - ful mom-iut;! Day of hopc,Dawn of a bet - ter life ; 2. Be.au • ti - ful raorn-ing! All the week Waitoth thy wel-come light^ 3. Beau - ti - ful mom-ing! Grief and pain, Weeping be • fore the tomb, ^l:i:^^E^y^5 1=^ m— ^ — *=1 m 1- f. :?5 f* S^IPp: No-vT in thy peace-ful hours wo rest, Far ftom earth's noise and strife. Since thy first dawn-ing,calm and clear, Out of the dark- est night. Fly at thy dawn-ing, Jo - sua rose, Je- sus dis pelled the gloom. t Chorus. U 1 t=E^t=F w^ -( Moru-ing of rea - ur • rec- tion joy, Day when the Sav- iour rose. 133 z* # — I ^ 1 1 1 1 1— -'^ — u»- ~ fc»- -4>- -^'-i^* t l^d^^tJ=riJ ■0~* -o- ^ -^ %^- -o- ^^e^-* iEli :»t=5t ;& i ^ Biug-ing shall greet thy opening hour,Siug- ing shall mark thy close. No. 393. *%wi\l not k ^orng. ** We arc loornejlng onto a place of which the Lord sold I will dtv Uyou."-NuM.10: 28. FAKsr J. Cbosbt. W. H. Doavb. 153 S?3 1. 'Twill not bo long our jonr - ney here, Each bro - ken sigh and 2. 'Twill not be long the yearn- ing heart May feel its ev* - ry 3. Though sad we mark the clos - ing eye, Of those we lov'd in 4. These checkered wilda.with thorns o'erspreadjThro' which our way gp 1 ^ I* |g: t It 1 — T — T— t — r m fe :::: J— J-^ 1= p33 fall • ing tear Will soou be gone, and all hope de- part, And grief bo min - gled with days gone by, Yet sweet in death their lat oft is led — This march of time, with truth fct?:=N: i^irDe: ^ 1 — r— will bo A its song ; Well cat song— Well 80 strong, Will | r^^ rr 1 cloud-less 8ky, a wave> less sea. Boll on, meet a - gain,'twill not be long, meet a • gain/twillnot be long, end in bliss,'twillnot bo long. KoU on, roll on,dark stream,roll on, Wo m :s=.iiiE:^m y r dread not thy foam ; The Pil-grim is long-ing For home,8weet home. gSt-i3^=-H^=^ TTr p irT"'"r — h KNf PI Ho. 394. ^dl me mm abut ^m$. p. p. Bliss. ••ThatI m«y know Him."— Phiu3: 10. James McGranahaw, JzzTjj-iJiS: 1. 'Tis kuov.n on earth, in beav-en too, 'Tis sweet to mo be- cause 'tis 2. Earth's f-ii rest flowers willdroopanddic, Dark clouds o'crspread yon azure 3. When overwhelmed with un - bo - lief,Whenburdeuedwitb a blinding^ 4. And when the Glo - ry- laud I see, Aud take the "place prepared" for -^!r» :rr-1 !:rd: tt:i; 1= tt= r t-rt r-tr :fc-/3:dq 4-4 M-^m true; The "old, old story" is cv • cr newj Tell mc more a-bout Jc-sus. sky ; Life's dearest joys flit flee t-cst by; Tell me more a-bout Je-sus. grief, Come kind-ly then to my re - lief; Tell me more a-bout Jc-sus. mCjThro'end-lessycars my song shall be — "Tell me more a-bout Jc-sus," h^-~ til: w^-- ■^ •a^ M-w--. rt CiroRus. &-2zr^==^i=W— i^^^^Hp^i-^^^ $Tz:^==^r=:^=^^ "Tell mo moro a-bout Jc - sus!" "Tell mc more a-bout Je-sus!" m^ &M H 1 >— ^^ ^ ^ ^- ^ UriitN!:^^— |K=ir it PT i it: fcte Him would I know who loved me so ; "Tell me moro a - bout Je-susl" -I 1- i^ \^ b^ T — r |y— i# •-t- ^ ^ — ]^ U '^^ I JJ No. 395. 'iiVn 0htx tfxm in (^kv\} by m& %. •• When Christ, "vrho Is our life, shall appear, then Bhall ye also appear with Him in glory."— Col, 3 ; 4. El. Nathan. James McGuanahaw. -Azi ^-4- « — ' — - 1^—t m soil. ?iW\\ guthfr Wim in (^\mj—&mxihM. ^Lr- — « m -m. «■ ♦— — -^ 9j -» ^ ( — *? aj J— -I ^ Go • ing to tiio ma:i - eions He's |S (S p f. J. pro - |)ar 1^ im iug llicrc oa high ! r .yz .^ — _j] — Ug> e^-^— ♦-^— ♦ -9 ^*- -> — -1- :5rz::^ ■fLl: HZJK m e= Wo are po - ing liorao to Jo ¥==^ -I- M-.-\^ .|r-T=|iE bus! Go- inr; hon-.o to Jo- ensl + r I -r . — ' 1 ^ J And Avc'U gatb- cr Ihcro in glo - rj, Ey and by ! by aii bj 1 -5— r :g=^ -^ ^ -I- .-^-l ^ . ■ -^y- -^- ^ L No. 396. ®0 §iim k €Iai'y (Wtmoi?. •• Thou hast redeemcU yx^ to God by Thy blood."— Ret^'. 5 : 0. 8 ? o o El. Nattian. L —I- J I- JAMFS ^TrCnAT^AHAJt — I 1- ^=-^=i 1. To Ilira who for onrsiiis was slain, To Him for nil ITi.'? dy- ing pain. 2. To Him, the Lamb, our s;iq- ri - ficc,\Vhogavc His lifcthr ransomed price, 3. To Him who died that \vc might die To sin and live with Him on high. 4. To Him who rose that wc might rise, And reign with Him hryond thcskies. 6. To Him who now for us doth plead, And hplpeth v.s in all ourneed. 6. To Him who doth prepare oa liigh,Our home in im-mor-tal -i- ty, 7. To liim be glo- ry cv - er- more! Yc heavenly hosts your Lord adore E ,^^-£3^ 3" Hal- lo - lu • jab, bal- Ic- lu - jah, Ilal- lo - lu • jah to Ilia name. r-r^r aor Ho. 397. Ik ^awds 0f %mt. Thine eyea shall behold the land that Is very £ar ofl^**— IsJL 89t 17, Ira D. Sakket: Mri. A. R. CoDSUf. Modcrato. V S^l^^ -J ^ •y ^r istr^d--- lis: ^ IP 1. The sands of time are sink - ing, The dawn of heav- en breaks, 2. I've wrcs- tied on t'ward heav- en /Gainst storm and wind and tide, 3. Deep wa- tera crossed life's pathway ,The hedge of thorns was sharp ; Tho sum - mcr morn I've sighed for — The fair,8weet morn a - Avakcs: | Now, like a wca • ry trav* - ler That lean- eth on Lis guide, Kow thcso lie all be - hind me — O ! for a well turned harp ! * »< WMm) w fc=farf fc^-: -J n r ^■o- -T^--^- -■mn- Ht --^^-.-Jt- m Dark, dark hath been the mid- night.B^t day-spring is at hand, A - mid the shades of ev' - ning.While sinks life's ling'ring sand, O, tojohi tho hal- lo - lu - j ah With yon tri - umphant band ! I m^^ m SHE nf^p-- Ntzrle; t: I 1 m =r^ t^^i=^ — I — ■ ^ iT '^-i-j I 1^ And glo - ry, glo - ry dwell - eth In Im-man-uel's land- I hail tho glo - ry dawn - ing From Im-man-nel's land "Who fiiug where glo • ry dwell - eth In Im-man-uel's land. feE t % ^ X i^^^^l r— t No. 398. ^ hmv titat my f^frtfcmct ^\m. "I know that my Redeemer lives."— Job 19: 25. Rev. Sam. Medt.ey. James McGranahaw. ffi^-rFg; fciqs ^.:^ ^m^^k 4- .--T— ^ ^r- ^ i 1. I know that my Ke-deem-cr lives! What comfort this sweet message pivcs! 2. He lives, to bless me with If is love ; He lives, to plead lor mc a - bove, 3. He lives, triumphant from the grave; He lives, e - ter - nal-ly to eavc ; 4. He lives, my mansions to pre-pare; He lives to bring mc safe-ly there; -^ -»- . ^ *► -^- -^ -^- ^ ^ -^ -^ — I — "-I ' ' ■ ' 1 — ^^ I i ! — — ' ' ^ ^ — ^ S t o : ■"^ — • — ■«$ ^=^1: 1 He lives, who once was dead; He lives, all glorious in the sky; My hun-gry soul to feed; He lives, to grant mc rich sup -ply; And while He lives I'll sing: He lives, my ev - er faithful Friend j My Je - sus still the same: "What joy this blest as - surancc gives!- -. I r^ --. ■ y ±1 ■^ ?fii-^: US?" -^ ■X t \^ ^ ^ \ J_ , _ J « ^ H ^_ - --3|-_MrJ :^i=^ *n ^' ■■^- ^-g--:-a^-«^T^=g" He lives, ex - alt - cd there on liigl», I^Iy ev - er - last - ing Head. Ho lives, to guide me with His eye, To help in time of need. He lives, and loves me to the end, My Pro-phct, Priest, and King! "I know that my Re-deem-er lives:" All glo - ry to His name! L-L^._._^, t r M—¥-=it- ?S^ \t Ei3i ClIORU.S. He lives! He He lives ! 1. 1 I lives! I know that my Re-decmer livius! He lives! w St. 1k-% TT ..N._L___, -^- -^. .^- .^ ^. ^-•-^. _ -' ' -I I ^ •- -♦— r=-T--4-~^r42-i — I -+— — 1 — — 1^- — >— ,1 ( I — ^7>— -p-^ — I -J — p__f:zr:p — ir— l^ ir ■ L>— g ' ' ' F==I^ -^. r i*~ I III H -4 ^_ft__s__ft_j^4-^Tl He lives! He He lives ! -^ lives! I know that my Redeemer Iive«. He lives! ^^ ^^ ^^ ^V • T^ —f-T — 1 I r^ w- 1- XT 3GO Wo. 399. §1 pttic mm. ' Yet a little while ; and He that shall come will come, and will not tarry."— Heb. 10 : 8T, El. Katiian. James McGkanahan. A- ^rcpri s 1 -K r N-j 1 1 1. "A lit - tie while!" and He shall come ; The hour draws on a-pace, 2. "A lit - tie while!" with patience, Lord, I lain would ask "How long?" 3. Yet peace, my heart! and hush, my tongue! Be calm, my troubled breast! r-<2- ttzjzzp-t Ji- :^ The bless -cd hour, the glorious morn, When we shall see His face: For how can I with such a hope Of glo - ry and of home, Each pass- ing hour is hast'ning on The cv - er - last-ing rest: i^^ -rz.-zt $ r 4 4:--:ir:ji-t:: -^-r-^ .^- > '— »- m -■W=^=^- "S"'"! ^ « F-^-----al — "« ^ -«'■ l^J: -P s How liijht our tri - als then "u-ill seem! How short our pil-grim way! "With such a joy a - wait-ing me, Not wish the hour were come? Thou knowest well — the time thy God Ap-points for thee is best: •*- ^ — • -»- ^- — :g_j|S 4— -u, It: -(ft — f 4:: h TP, --+- S *-|ls-> -T- i-iA^=i^ -^ 1 -^ ^ ♦--—H-C^.-JI Our life on earth a fit- fiil dream, Dispelled by dawning day! How can I keep the long-ing back, And how sup -press the groan? The morn-ing star will soon a - rise; Tlie glow is in the East. ;.rt2^t:--tiL-n:=::: I ii 1 , , — y.^ 1 , ^_ -(•._.« t--=t:- ---P r Chorus. f- -^ — ^ — 1^_ ■vj-- _u.^ -0- Then come. Lord Je - sus, qnick-ly come, In glo - ry and in light! 'I 1 ^ — i-w» — s — f-- ^. h. — I -fc« — * f^^^^ m aro Come take Thy long- ing chil- dxen home, And end earth's wea - ry night J -« — « — m-^f^-^—M — « — ^-T-^ «_, (« T^ 1- ^ u u u r u u u I No. 400. Isaac Watts. §iai«buvg. Ad. by LOWBLL MASoit. 47-1-1 i i J-U1h J-ilj-hd==f r.i--L,i[_^r£4qF— T'TT'^^^ 1. "When I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of Glory died, 2. Forbid it,Lord,tbat I should boast, Save in the death of Christ niy God : ^^ -t: ■19- I — r t^ -^ -a =:t:-^-t=t=i^rtzr4:tt ^^-^_.|^.p^_^-{ <2i ±=t s ^F My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. All the vain things that charm me most, I sac-ri- fice them to Ilis blood. r=F^?3pfqpg.^g==ip^gi:r-4i^iiZkpz::gz:g=pt: ■••--I L^P--| »> 1 ^- -r- — t 1 O &'_Lv, ^ tut- 8 Sec! from His head. Ilis hands. ITis feet, Borrow and love flow niinpled down ! Did e'er such love and sorrow njeet, « Or thorns compose so ricli a crown ? 4 Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were an otferinp far too small: Love so amazing, so divine. Demands my soul, my life, my all. No. 401. 1 Behold a Stranger at the door : He gently knocks, has knocked before ; Has waited long, is waiting still : Yoa treat no other friend so ill. 2 Oh. loving attitude! He stands With melting Jicart and laden hands Oh, matchless kindness! and He sho This matchless kindness to His foea. 3 But will He prove a friend indeed? He will, the very friend you need — The Frientl of sinners ; yes, 'tis He, With garnicntb dyed un Calvary. Rise, touche<1 with gratitude divin«. Turn out His enemy and thine; That soul-destrnyin<; monster, pin ; And let the heavenly Btrauger in. J. Giuoo. 4^74 No. 402. ^aitttttj. •• "Waiting for tho coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,"—! COB. 1 : 7, Mrs. FBAif CE3 L. Mack. ^^ Iba D. Sankst. 1. On - ly wait-ing till the shadows Are a lit - tie Ion- ger prown ; 2. On - ly wait-ing till the reap-ers Have the last sheaf gather'd home; 3. On - ly wait-ing till the an-gels O- pen wide the pearl-y gate, 4. Wait-ing for a brighter dwelling Than I ev - er yet have seen, i i: itil q: Tz:SP^-^--^^ ^ -2^ ■n^ i T :x 4- ^ r^ f On - ly wait- ing till the glimmer Of the day's last beam in flown; For the sum-nier - time has fad - ed And the au-tumn winds have come. At whose por-tals long I've lingered, Wea-ry,poor, and dcs - o - late : Where the tree of life isbloom-ing, Andthe fields arc ev - er green: 1 r I p-. I 1 ^ *-^&*.-^itl^^ % s J* I Till the night of death has fad- ed From the heart once full of day; Quickly, reapers ! gath- er quickly, All the ripe hours of my heart; E - veu now I hear their footsteps.And their voi-ces far a - way ; Waiting for my full re-demp-tion, When my Saviour shall re- store ? cj m Till thcstars of heav'n are breaking Thro' the twilight soft and gray. For the bloom of life is withered. And I has - ten to de - part. If they c^ill me, I am wait-ing, On - ly wait- kig to o -bey. All that sin has caused to with-cr ; Age and sor- row come no more. E^ '-)^^-^^=^. ^^ ^.i ^ 1^ No. 403. ^ji jjour ^amp ^m'tthtg? "Let your llghtfioshiuo before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify yoar Mbs. E. M. H. Gates. Father which la In heaven."— Matt. 5: 16. C. U. Williams. iT-i^qE =1^ r=.S^t-: 1. 2. 3. Say, is Up - on If once r r p r jijifcnz i : i - 8 ^ \^ — ^ — ^~" your lamp burning, my broth- cr? the dark mountains tiiey stum-ble, all tlie lamps that arc liglit-ed 1 pray you look They arc bruised on the yhould stead - i - ly ^ :^-l^ -^- --^ q^=^-=- quick-ly and rocks and they blaze in a I-* see; lie line, — a(— J— ij— J=ftzN-— rzszqs For if it wereburning, then surc-ly, Some With white pleading fa - cesturn'd upward, To the Wide o - ver the land and ilie o - cean, What a ../_. f* c ^ 1^ ^ t beam would full brightly on ine. There are clouds and the pit - i - fal sky. There is gir-dle of glo - ry would shine! How D. ?>.—Say, ma-ny and ma-ny a- nia-ny a lamp that is all the dark pla- ces would ia your lumpburn-ing, my ->- \ - I — 0_>_« — I L^ 1 >_ , , ; 1 l=:rzl^jjz=z=:zf^-=f*.-ci^-ii:j^ 5=S raund you, light -ed— bright-en ! broth ■ erf I .Ji Who fol - low wher-ev - er We be- hold them a - near and How the mists would roll up and / pray you look quick- ly ^. ^ ^ ^ .^ r 1^ you a a and 1^ go, far; way I see; If you But not How the For D.s. for Chorus. thought that they walk'd in the shadow, Your lam j» would burn brighter, I know, ma-ny a-tnong them, my brother, Shine stead-i - ly on like a star, earth would lauy;h out in lier gladness, To hail the mil-len - ni - al day I ij it were burning, then sure- ly. Some beamwould fall brifjhthj on met -P— a — ^ — I 1 — r^- -t — ^ — t 1 1 — H- M^ No. 404. She f«Ia« 0* th ping. In thy presence Is fullness of Joy."— rs. IS ; 11. "William Mitchell. Geo. C. Sttbb.iwl 1. It's a bon - nie, bon - nie "war - 1' that we're liv - in' in the noo', 2. Then a-j];ain, I've juist been thinkin' that whena'-tbin{:;here'ssac bricbt^ 3. Oh! its hon - or heaped on hon - or that His courtiers should be ta'en 4. Then let us trust Him bet - ter than wc'veev - cr dune a -fore, , 5. Nae nicbt shall be in Heav-en, au' uac dca - o - Ja - tin' sea, -^>-4— ^^- :^=^=^- tr~l; ^^^ :35P^ ^: Nr-A :«l— -^ ^ n: -4/- 'S=*-tii m An' Bun - ny is the Ian' that noo vre aft - en traiv'll throo; The sun in a' its grandeur, an' the niune wi' quiverin'licht, Frae the wan'drin' nnes He died for i' this warl' o' sin an' pain, For the Kinj;; will feed His ser-vants frae His ev - cr bounteous store: And nae ty- rant hoofs shall tram-plo i' the cit - y o' the free; i a M tr 8 a 8 t^Jrf: g^S^S=S=g=g B:=^ * i But in vain we look for Eomcthinj; hero to which oor hearts may cling, The o- cean i' the sim-mer; or the wood-land i' the spring. An' its fu' - est love an' ser - vice that the Christians aye should bring Lat us keep a clo - ser grip o' Him, for time is on the wing, There's an ev - er - last - in' day-licht, an' a nev - er - fad - in' spring, ^-(ft- )e=pe=|e: t ^ z a — r -^ <* ^ ^ I ^ »" » P — P— [- ^ — ^ — ^ j» 1^ — p^#l^^i^==#^^fifeJ For its bean- ty is as nacthing tae tlio pal - arc o' What maun it be up yon-ner i' the pal - iico o* To the feet o' Him wha rcign-cth i' the pal - aco o' sune He'll come an' tak* us tae the pal - ace o* the pal - aco o' a Where the Lamb is r the King, the King, the King, the King. the King. - h 1^: >jziife_zzfe--: the glo - ry i' 4- 1 ^ — u- — •■ 1» »--H»- -i A %ht f ala« 0' ih ^iwg— (EontltKlftl. We like the pild - ert aim- mer, •wi' its mer-ry, mer - ry tread, It'8 here we hae oor tri - als, an* it's here that He pre-parea The time for saw - in' seed, it is a wear- in', wear- in' dune; It's iv - 'ry halls are bou- nie up -on which the rain-bows shine, "We see oor freen's a - wait us o - wer ycn-ncT flt His gate; _j 1 1 — * 1*^=^ ^ U k^ 7P-- ^ m H^ M li qr=i5^ 2=^^ 4>-^ 3: -■» m • 1 — ^^ — ,^_ -o-y. An' we 8ip;h when hoar-y iris cho- sen for the win - ter lays its beau-tics wi* the dead ; rai- ment which the ransomed sin - ncr wears. An' the time forwin-nin' souls will bo o-wcr vcr - ra sune. An' its E - denbow'rsaro trelliscd wi' a ncv-er fad -in' Vine; Then lat us a' bo read - y, for yc ken it's get - tin' late ; :5r-:5r^r are He the 8nawflakea,an* wad hear us 'mid For tho' bon- nie An* its here that Then lat us a' An' the pearl -y pates o' Heav- en Let oor lamps be bricht-ly burn - in'; be ac - tivo, if do let ~0- -^y- the doon on Win-ter's wing, oor tril) • u - la- tionssing, a fruit - fu' Bhcaf we'd bring a plo- riona radiance fling, us raise cor voice and sing. •» < — r* -\ r — '- m It's fine to ken it daur- na teuch the pal - ace " WeHl trust oorGod wha' reigneth i' tho pal - aco To a- dorn the Koy - al ta - ble i' tho pal - aco On the star - ry floor that shimmers i' tho pal - aco For sune we'll meet,to pairt nac mair.i' tho pal - ace o o o o o the King, tho King, the King, tho King. tho King. fc:&^ f^ &^ H h rrt p m 37 rs No. 405. El. NAxnAN. |tettcemd. *• Let the redetmed of the Lord say bo."— Pa 107: 1 James McQBAirAHAjr. i^Fp^i^i ndi-± 1. " R^eeraed!" 2. What grace! 3. "Redeemed!" 4. "Redeemed!" ■g- =t 3i ^ "redeemed!" ■what grace ! " redeemed!" "redeemed?" ■9-'^- — r— r— ♦'Redeemed!" What grace! t=:i=t: — I — I- Oh, sing the joy - ful strain ! That }Ie who calmed the ware» The word has brought re-pose, O joy, that I should be ^^^:^ I — r "redeemed!" what grace! m -\ — r— I — r— ^r- p 3: -<»- Give praise; Should stoop, And joy, In Christ, i (y — s- \-=± — I- give praise my soul, and joy in Christ, and glo my guilt that each from sin ^ 2: -t-- :»=!« t::=C Give praise! Shoald stoop, give my praise I soul, t to His name; soul to save ! re- deemed one knowa, for - ev - er free ! ■r=^-- -»• H --J* !> Who gave His blood our sonls to save, And That He the Who sees his For - ev - er -^ curse should bear for sins on Je - sus free to praise His purchased free- dom 9. nic, A sin - ful wretch, His ?• laid, And knows His blood the name.Who bore for me the 1 — r T for en - e - my ! A sin ran-som paid, And knows guilt and shame, Who bore And par- chased free - dora, purchased free-dora for th« A sin - ful wretch, His en - 0 - my, His on - e And knows His blood the raa-s3m paid, (be ran- lom Wlio bore for me the guilt and s]iame,thd pili afi& Chorfs, ^ i ---s- ■-c»- Icdcmd.— (IC0ndudciL d: 3^ td: Id: ^ t::^i=: s * "Kedeemod!" "redeemed" from sin and all its woe! "Redeemed!" *'r*> J -^^^^^ —: \ I Iw- 1i^-=^ :W-~t t— ^ V- -»- t r- 1 — R n— .^-;*^St:a!_. _ r - deemed" e - ter-nal life to know! "Ho - deemed!" "Re - deemed" by P^E^. (2-i t X- :^ m i ^E^iE^-^i'-F^-^- 1 ^ -f^^ 1^ r Je - 8us*blood,'*Redeemod!" "Re-deomed!" Oh, pmisn the Lord! *' ■ -^ I ' — k 1^ r tp f 1 No. 406. • The CHORUS may be omitted If desired. %tut kfoit 3ttCttl3* I :| The eyes of all wait upon Thee, and Thou glvest them their meat lu due season."— I's. 1 15 : 15. P. P. 6LTS9L '^4=^- -f—p—:^—p- inzzpipiri : — :jz|:n)id3lLr.:irr--jr(:3q , 1£^ 9- I -•- ^ God is great, and God is good, And wc thank Him for this food: r;^_^_ — ^;^^^; — ^^^^ — r ^ * tJr:c:i-t--Cr=^:^=^, -^ ^ €f d- i V Pf-^ Bj His hand must all be fed, Give ns. Lord, onr dai - ly bread. » <9—r orv No. 407. §me I \e m\i ** Jeflus rebnked the wind, and said unto the sea. Peace! be still!"— Mabk it 89l Miss M. A. Baker. H. B, Palmer. ?~r^* 1. Mas-ter, the tempest is rag-ing!The bil-lows are toss-ing high! 2. Mas-ter, with anguish of spir - it I bow in my grief to-day; 3. Mas-ter, the ter-ror is o - ver, The el- c - ments sweetly rest; i ;v=rrr:f^qr=:35rr ^=^S^ ^ -^ r ]^.-N- •«l — 9: -I-- fz=^z;rgr. -«' The sky is o'ershadowed with blackness. No shel-tcr or help is nigh; Thedepthsof my sad heart are troubled; Oh, wak-en and save, I pray! Earth'ssunin thecalmlake is mirrored, And heaven's with-in my breast; nr '"^-^r^r^c t— >- s^^ "Car -est Thou not that we per-ish?" — How canst Thou lie a - sleep, 2 Torrents Lin - gcr, of O sin and of anguish Sweep o'er my sink-ing soul; ^ bless - ed Re - deemcr, Leave me a - lone no more ; | u_ _.-<*-• T*- ■!*- T-^ ^ - ^T^ 9 ipn- — • y » — »■- (-H .1 1 S- ^mm zisrq^ Szijuit fefe:E-fe=^ ^5=1: ?EiEsES t "When each moment so mad-ly is thrcat'ning A {ijavc in the an - gry And I per-ish! I pcr-ish ! dear Mas-ter; Oh !has-ten, and take con Andwithjoy Ishallmakethcblcstharbor, Andrcst on the bliss- ful deep? - trol. shore. 1*TP Ifawl ^t <^tini— Condudcl Chorus. V ^ -5- ^ --5- -••'^ ^^^^ ^^T.rL ^. "J. jjr» w HT-i i " The winds and the waves shall o- bey My will, Peace, bo still! I N ! ^n^'-m ^ u w k* k* r-}»' 1^— O-T 1— H-i r — I T^- ^^^r-iTT- H 1 — - Peace, be still ! peace,be still 1 PI =^ H — -•«- -^-J ^ IS- i^ei^ -I — ♦- -^ -^ -s^ -a^ <^ -^ -^ -<»- -^ -^ Wheth-cr the wrath of the storm-tossed sea,Or demons, or men, or what- ,b^ # 5^^ i«=)t -^— f»- U 1^ u u u -»— »- :f=rp: ^ 1 1 1 1 — 4 cres . aj_— at: 1^ ^^J-JlU:^ ccn q!^r=t -♦ — ■•- I • - r> •- !- r i - ev - or it be. No wa - tor can swal-low the ship where lies The :f-— t -^ z. ±: ^^mm i ty 1^ u u — ^- ^iS y U U U* ^ U I Mas- ter of o-ccan and earth and skies; They all shall sweetly obey My will ; p;» EiEjit||E^^^Ea.5E^idiEi^,§T^^^ Peace,be still ! -»— «— «^ Ei^ They all shall sweetly obey My will; Peace, peace.be still I" ( Peace, be still I I t l* W^ W» I P I 3r^ E I ^^ No. 408. § aw i\u §(fm. *■ I am the door : by Me if any man enter In he shall be saved.*'— Jork 10 : % JaMKS McOBAI^AaAF. El. Naiiiaw. Moderato. J— ^^^t-L^,-.X4 1. O what shall I do to be saved? The gath'ring storm I be- hold, 2. O what shall I do to be saved? No light, no hope can I see, 3. O what shall I do to be saved? So vile, bo burdened with sin, 4. I en - ter the wide o- pen door, In Christ I now have be- lieved ; ^ ^ . -^ -^ -4^- -^ -tf^ ..^rv 3^ w ^Er3pEz:^-_^_^_i»-^: "tr— kr ^-^1i^|K t~r-tr E a ^ ^i^^i=^=^'^—^-^'^-^j^^ \^ ^ ^ Ex-poscd to the wrath of my God ; Is there no shel-ter-ing fold, No help in my - self can I find ; Is there no mer- cy for me, O how to the fold may I come, How may I en- ter therein, I'm clean s'd from my sins by His blood; I trust and tjow I am saved, \ I u IT u u m t-t^- CHORT'S ■■^^=^^ ^ I &pid: :t:=t r— "-r Is there no shel-ter-ing fold ? I Is there nomer-cy forme? How may I en- ter therein ? I trust and now I am saved ! r-l— J^ ^^M-^ atzac am the door, by Me if an - j man *■ — * — f- ^p — u L^ L^ rp: — 1~^ ^^-^F^l — U "^^ <» — ^ — I — '— i — \:^ — en- ter in, heshallbe saved, he shall be saved, I am the door. r-t-r F=F i 7f 5^ JEp g am the gaor.— (K^uduilctl. »— 5:--oi 3 o^ '4-^ ff ad lib. —I — O-j Z5l--^ 4 t msfl by Mo if a- nymanen-tcr in, Ho shall be sav'd, he shall bo eav'd. :^ -^3^=pr i^zi^rzpE ^ ^ ^ ^ rnr-r E I No. 409. Rev. John Nkwtow. gatbliun. Ithavab Conslet. 1. Sav-iour! vis - it Thy plan-ta-tion ; Grantus, Lord! a gra - cious rain: 2. Keep no long -cr at a distance; — Shine up -on us from on high, _^ I pt— ^ *•--?- j^ -sr-f-F I i 4 ^ f^l^" :H? ±SEE£ i :^:=;ii: ^ r ---f i - f -♦— i^ — ?- «( pgg 1 -! --F— j ■ -fs — ft — > — — j- — m m -\ — t ' 1 — -m- — ^ « -[—m -^ — « ^ ■•- 4 ^ -br s 1 Bwift-ly flow -ing, the swift -ly flow -ing, And soon, ah, soon, the thou-sand dan-gers, a thou-sand dan -gers. And near our course the Sav-iour on - ly, our Sav-ionr on - ly, But with Him we se- 3> end we'll sec. Yes, soon 'twill come and we will bo rocks we see. Oh, dread • ful thought! a wreck to bo, - cnre may be. No fear, no doubt, but joy to be \±: --♦- :ffEt; -»- -(•- Float-ing, Floating, Out on the sea ©f o - ter-ni-tyl n:=^-X t ^0 tingU voice tittgt thu^ i*i *i change /ratH the Tenor lines to the So/ratt^ gitoug the ^xvtt oi Simc — CcncUKlal Float- ing, float - ing, Out on the Bca of c - tcr • ni - ty I fes ■I— ^E=:^g=--|>— 1: TT* -♦-• w* rrri :t: No. 412. kimout Rov. Samuel Stennktt, 4rt.^ .-4- From MozABT. ^^if=; ^ (i>- •^ — » ^ ^ I 1. Ma-jes - tic sweetness si t3 enthroned Upon tho Sav- ionr'sbrowj 2. No mor - tal can with Him compare, A - moug the sons of men ; I I -■•' J 1^ » :=i^EE:p^ His head with ra- diant glo-ries crowned, His lips with grace o'crflow. Fair - er is Ho than all the fair ^Vho fill the heavenly train. 8 He saw me plunged in deep distress, And flew to ray relief; For me He bore the shameful cross, And carried all my grief. 4 To heaven, the place of His abode, He brings my weary feet ; Shows me the glories of my God, And makes my joys complete. 5 Since from Thy bounty I receive Such proofs of love divine, Had I u lhou.s:\nd hearts to give, Lord! they should all be Thine. M/% Al'^ Tune— BRADDURV TRIO, p. 194. 1 Jesus lovos me ! this I know, For th i Bible tells me so : Little ones to Him belong ; Tliey are weak, but Ho in itron^. Cho. — Yes, Jesus loves me ! Yes, Jesus loves mc ! Yes, Jesus loves me ! The Biblo tells mc so ! 2 Jesus from His throne on high, Came into this world to die; That I might from sin be free, Bled and died upon the tree. 3 Jesus loves me! — He who died Heaven's gate to open wide! He will wasli away my sin, Let His little child conic iu. 4 Jesus, take this heart of mine; Make it purcnud wholly Thine: Thou hast bled and dipd for me, I will henceforth live for Thee. Aii:fA Wauua. No. 414. ®ItI t0 ht ttm fotttta " In Thy presence is ftilness of Joy."— Ps. 16: IL Miss FliORKNCK C. Abmstrong. GKO. C. STEBBnfB. fc |?M^ 1. Oh, to be o - 2. Oh, to be o - 3. Oh, to be o - 4. Oh, when shall I ifS 6. Oh, I shall soon be ver yon - ver yon - ver yon - be dwell- yon -fin- der ! X In der ! My yearn der ! A - las ! ing Where an • der, The' lone • n-^\r r^zip—^zzi^i — ^ that land of won - der, • ing heart grows lond-er I sigh and won - der gel voi - ces swell - ing ly hero I wan - der, -ft-^ ^— f <2 tZ^ ± -h> Where the an - gel voi-ces min- gle, and the an -gel harp- era ring ; Of look- ing to the east, to see the bless-ed day - star bring Why clings my poor,weak,8in - ful heart to an - y earth - ly thing : In triumph- ant hal • le - lu-jahs,make the vaulted hcav'ns ring? Yearn- ing for th© wel-come iummer — longing for the bird's fleet wing; -^^^- t i — r— I — r :^=|tzi-1c:i:^i:: n — i—=i^ ^__^_fe^ — 1__4 + \ -J- "t^i-^ziX-----^ -■m- ^^ t 4— Jl 7 '^ — \ — ^ I To be free from pain and SOT- row. And the anx-ious,dread to-raor- row, Some tid-inga of the wak- ing. The doud-le6S,pur© day breaking; Each tie of earth must sev- er, And pass a- Avay for- ev -er; Where the pearly gates are gleaming, And the morn-ing star is beaming? The midnight may bedrca-ry. And the heart be worn audwea-ry, nt- -ir-t I in r-^*^ — [— ^ ^-r-p___j pi=cr-J To rest in light and sunshine In the presence of the King. My heart is yearn- ing — yearning For the coming of the King. But there's no moresep - a - ra - tion In the presence of the King. Oh, when shall I be yon- der In the presence of the King. But there's no more shadow 3'on - der In the presence of the King. w^ ■~i ■M- ^f^ ]^0- .^_ • I^ "^^ "^ ± ^^^^^^ -m- ©hi to k ovtx ^on&iK.—QamMit CnoRUS. ^>Ei^ -N-T-iV-, r ^H^- h Oh! to be o - vcr yon - dcr, In that hind of ^von - dor, Oh! to be o - vcr yonder, yonder, In that land, that land of wonder, -) — — 1 r- -I h ts; JJ-.. -I — I- ^tt T — r :feE t|:=t:=t gSfj p. !?-*• dSr^ <5^ -Cl. a s-S d: ~l l^-N 1-' 1 1— !■"■ >j 1 |-B There to be for-cv-cr la tho prcs-enco of the King. Tjiereto bo for - - ev - er -»- -m- -m- -t>- -m- -g^ -^- -•- -♦- -•- ^ , '•?-i>-h It iy~' It T i=:-^-^ No. 415. ROV. S. C. MOROAN. -V\^ — , — ,- Come, titou ^IVitvy. •• I will give you rest."— Matt. 11 ; I 28. F=:t ^ 5,»5— «' ^1 ^r:r.^t=r *5' /5?: -5<- IRA T>. RANKET. -J— 4— W- 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. calls thcc To His "wounded side; Come, thou wca-iy, Jo - sns Seek-inj; Je - sus? Jc - sus eeckstlu o — Wnntsthecas thou art; If thou let lliiu, He will save thcc — Malcethceall His own; Wilt thou (itill ro - fuse Ilia of - fer? AVilt thou Bay Him nay? Dost thou feel thy life is %\ea-ry? I3 thy soul distressed? .'?=?. :^3r: -Cf <5«- 4=t |;ig£^_-g= -^■. "Come to Me," saith He, "and ev - er He is knock- iuj;, ev - or knoek-in<^ Guide Ihee, keep thee, take thee, dy - ing, Wilt thou let Him, (grieved, re -jcet ' cd. Take His of - fcr, wait no long-tr; -^9- -f>- -g?- -^^ X Safe At To Go Bo •■-|eg^ ?-f^ ft^jir;?— >:/— y-9— r :F ±£ ^9- t- ^ iS^ElB a • thy His a at bide." heart. throne. way? rest! -1^ jyj 1^ Ho. 416. ^\u (^tmtnn^ §atj. "They shall ece the Son of man coming in the clouds of hcaren, with power an(i great glory."— Matt. 24 : 30. El. Nathan. James McGranahaw. 4- ^^^ ^t3F:J=: 3i|--=ai; -■•h 4 J- -rst — a^ ■^ — .:^ :=I^ -«!- ■*|— ^ ai-.-S- g 1. Ouv Lord is now re - jcct - ed, And by the world disowned, 2. The licnv'na shall j;low with splendor, But brighter far than they 3. Our pain shall then be o - vcr, We'll sin and sigh no more, 4. Let nil that look for, has -ten The com - ing joy-ful day, By tho ma - ny still neg-lect - ed, And by tho few enthroned, The caints shall shine in glo - ry, As Christ shall them ar - ray. Be - bind i;3 all' of sor - row, And naught but joy be - fore. By earn -est con- 60 - era - tion. To walk the nar - row way. But eoon TTc'll come in glo • Tho l)cau-ty of tho Sav • A joy in our Re -deem By g.-ith^-ring in tho lost ry, Tho hour is draw-ing nigh, iour, Shall daz - zlo ev' - ry eye, ■ er, As we to Him are nigh, ones, For whom our Lord did die, I *i: -V- :|e=tc £ ^^^m a^o t?;Ue ^wutning gatj-— ®<*"^^"^^^ Refrain. h ^ h fe i=3£Ei^i^ m •• — I ' ]- R — F— «■ — ^- '- — z — -^ 1 Oh, the crowning day is coming, Is com-ing by and by, i5i^ :^f ' "^ ^ -m- H 1 1 H V ii» tr 1^-t -ifczi?: ^^=P^=^ & Jt-j!— tl i:=i=i=i=i^ 1= ^S^^^ When our Lord shall come in " pow - er," And "glo - ry'Trom on high; j^y^ ,,■-*• ! — r • — . ' — ^- - ' ^ ' (— 1 1 -I 1- -k=>— 1>— ^ --^^ I p /:^ -^ <^ -I «►- 1»=^: =1: :=$ 3|-|El-z:^EIE^^ g Oh, the glo - riou3 sight "will glad- den, Each waiting, watch- ful eye, m ^t=t i^^^?^j=t=hNM'^^^fea In the cTown- ing day that's com- Ing by and by. t ^ 1=: i m ig- Hie: H» ^ P^ :t f I No. 417. py §^ih ^$mim. Mrs. Mary Lee Demakest, ISCl— 1S81. Scotch Song. Att. - f I am far frae niyhame, an' I'm wea-ry aft- en whiles, For the ' \ An' I'll ne'er be fu' content, un - til mine een do see The DC But these sights an' these soun's will as naething he to me, Wlien I — ;c sd^ -r-*- I l.sf /i?«c. 2ff /mc. Fink. | langed-forhame-bringing an' my Faither'swelcomesmiles; 1 gow - den gateso' heav'n an' my (omit j ain coun- trie. hear the angels sing-in' in my (obi it ain coun- trie. a 4 5— a-U i /The earth is fleck'd wi' flowers, mon - y - tint-cd, fresh an' gay, (The bird- ieswar- ble blithely, for my Faither made them sae; } p^^ip^^^ 2 I've His gude word o' promise that some gladsome day, the King To His ain royal palace His banished liame will bring; \Vi' een an' wi' hert rinnin' ower we shall see The King in His beauty, in oor ain countrie. My sins liae been niony, an' my sorrows hae been sair. But there they'll never vex me, nor be remembered mair; For His bluid has made me wliite, an' His ban' shall dry my e^a^ When He brings me hame at la.st, to mine ain countrie. 8 Sae little noo I ken, o' yon bless(?d bonnie place, I only ken its Hame, whaur wesliall see His face; It wad surely be eneuch for ever mair to be In the glory o' His presence in oor ain countrie. Like a bairn to bis mitbcr, a wee birdie to its nest, I wad fail) he gangin' noo, utito my Saviour's breast, For He gathers iu His bosom witless, worthless lambs like me^ An' carries them Ilimsel', to His ain countrie. 4 He's faitbfu' that hath promised, an' He'll surely come again, , He'll keep His tryst wi' me, at what hour I dinna ken; IJut He bid.s me still to wait, an' ready aye to be. To gatjg at ony moment to my ain coinitrie. Sae I'm watching aye, an' singiu' o' my hame as I wait, For the soun'iug o' His footfa* this side the gowden gat©, God gie His grace to ilka ane wha' listens noo to me, ThAt we a' may gang in gladness to oor ain couutrie. No. 418. Rev. James*AllkK. i ftalian ^MWtt. F. GiARDiKi, n89L r.-^ \%^ 1. Glo - ry to God on high! Letheav'nand earth f=:::N^=t: 4--^ f-=i==F --=i-^=S: i^-- lirz^ -I- --r=:|iQ re - ply, brt;^^ "F- •:# "Praise ye IIi3 uame!" His love and graco a - dore, Who all our y__J J_ . -^ .ft- -^ .^. • -^ ^ ^ft- .,«. - =t -^— 5J- — ^ ^^-{ > ! — A w^ --:]: Bor- rows bore; Sing loud for - ev er-more, "Wor-thy the 1 — S-r— -. 3— r-^ -I i- 2 While they around the throne Cheerfully join in one, Praising His name, — Ye who have felt His blood Sealing your peace with God, Sound His dear name abroad, "Worthy the Lamb!" 3 Join, all ye ransomed race, Our Lord and God to bless: Praise ye His name! In Him we will rejoice, And make a joyful noise, Shouting with heart and voice, "Worthy the Lamb!" 4 Soon must we change our place. Yet will we never cease Praising His name: To Him our songs we bring; Hail Him our gracious King; And, through all ages sing, ''Worthy the Lamb!" No. 419. 1 Come, Thou almighty King, Help us Thy name to sing, Help OS to praise: 3@0 Father! all-glorious, O'er all victorious, Come, and reign over us, Ancient of Days! Come, Thoa incarnate Word, Gird on Thy mighty sword; Our prayer attend ; Come, and Thy people bless, And give Thy word success: Spirit of holiness! On us descend. Come, holy Comforter! Thy sacred wilno.Ks bear, In this glad hour: Thou, who almighty art. Now rule in every heart, And ne'er from us depart. Spirit of power! To the great One in Three, The highest praises be, Hence evermore ! His .sovereign majesty May wc in glory .sec, And to eternity Love and adore. No. 420. §^«tutnn. Hknry F. Lytb. Spanlflb. 1. Je - sus, I oy cross have tak- en, All to leave and fol - low Thee, ^:^ :^:^ .^.; r II I Na-ked, poor, despised, for - saken, Thoufrom hence my all shalt be» D.S. Yet how rich is my con-di-tion, God and heaven are still my own. -^•■5- J I- db h -J 1 — -i_ ^TTZlE— ^ZT^ ia \^-A- -4- H h ^=-i!:: '-(:5'=-"«^ iti^ D.8. «-L_^5, I Fer-ish ev' - rj fond am - bition, All I'vesought, or hoped, or known, I _j_^ L._J__J.^J^J_ It iz^tzzfe: i^^ I -^-.B-i-«5'- ^ -«>- I- J ^=& ■t .^i zzs: 3 Let the world despise and leave me, They have left my Saviour, too ; Human hearts and looks deceive m^ Thou art not, like them, untrue; Oh! while thou dost smile upon me, God of wisdom, love, and might, Foes may hate, and friends disown me. Show Thy face, and all is bright. Haste thee on from grace to glory, Armed by faith, and wing'd by pray'r! Heaven's eternal day's before thee ; God's own hand shall guide thee there: Soon shall close thy earthly mission. Soon shall pass thy pilgrim days, Hope shall change to glad fruition, Faith to sight, and prayer to praise. No. 421. 1 Jesus wept! those tears arc over But His heart is still the same, Kinsman, Friend, and Elder Brother, Is His everlasting name. 300 (|: Saviour, who can love like Thee, Gracious One of Bethany. :H 2 When the pangs of trial seize ns. When the waves of sorrow roll, I will lay my head on Jesus, Pillow of the troubled soul. U: Surely, none can feel like Thee, Weeping One of Bethany. :|| 3 Jesus wept! and still in glory, He can mark each mourner's tears ; Living to retrace the story Of the hearts He solaced here. II : Lord, when I am called to die, Let me think of Bethany. :|j 4 Jesus wept! those tears of sorrow Are a legacy of love ; Yesterday, to-day, to-morrow. He the same doth ever prove, II : Thou art all in all to me. Living One of Bethany! :|| air ElswABD Dxnvt; No. 422. Wxlmtft. 81r John Bowriwo. J"3^ , I 11 C. M. Von Websbl f,T— H l-H-J 1-4 l-T I ,— , J ^--.-n-J>«, I.God i3 love ; His mer - cy brightcDS All the path in which wo rove; « ^ « .*-r-Ce * ^ ^-— * « * flL i^-4:-i -j-T- 1 I 1 I'-r-r-T" t — H-*'-J J-^ ^- t I 1 « 1 ••^- — t— -J — f — h«? — I ^ .« 1 y y- ^^— 1-. Bliss He wakes,and woe He light-ens, God is wis- (]om,God is love. -12: i^^?- -»■ -H*-r--l 1 W^-^e *- g] Time aud chcnge arc busy ever; Man decays, aud ages move ; But His mercy waneth never; God is wisdom, God is love. E'en the hour tliat darkest seemetb Will His cliangeless goodness prove ; From the gloom His brightness streameth, God is wisdom, God is love. He with earthly cares entwineth Hope aud comfort from above ; ^ Everywhere His glory shineth ; God is wisdom, God is love. No. 423. 1 Jesus only, when the morning Beams upon the path I tread; Jesus only when the darkness Gathers round my weary head. 2 Jesus only, when the billows Cold and sulleu o'er me roll ; Jasus oul}', when the trumpet Rends the tomb aud wakes the soul. 8 Jesus only, when in judgment Boding fears my heart appall : Jesus only, when tlie wretclied On the rocka aud mountains call 4 Jesus only, when, adoring, Saints their crowns before Him bring; Jesus only, I will, joyous, Through eternal ages sing. Ilev. Elias Nasok. No. 424. 1 Come, ye sinners, poor and needy* Weak and wounded sick and sore, Jesus rciidy stands to save you Full of pity, love, and power. 2 Now, ye needy, come and welcome, God's free bounty glorify ; True belief and true repentance, Every grace that brings you nigh. 3 Let not conscience make you linger. Nor of fitness fondly dream ; All the fitness He reqiiiroth, Is to feel your need of Him. 4 Come, ye weary, heavy laden, Bruised and mangled by the fall. If you tarry till you're better. You will never come at alL 5 Agonizing in tlie garden, Lo ! your Maker prostrate liefll On the bloody tree behold Him— Hear Him cry before He dies. Ilev. JuiiEPU Hakt. 301 Ro. 425. Rev. J. S. B. MoNSELT.. tioziq i-cq- mAon. 2^ ^ -'5^ :T- Ask ye what ^— «— S: i O. H. A. Malan, dr^ -s»- -^ — I great thing "S^ — *-- sr -^- J — h-j -s^- -«5' — ^«5>- I know That de =¥h2 ^=P -/S lights (2 f -I- 1= -«?— Z^ It •f2 P --1. 31; -«^ a I aud tf?- -^l I: if^rrd^ri J=d^-^ -^ J- — ^^ ^ -^ T" T— r namo I glo -p2 ^- JZN d^: ■J -H-i ^^i->.— 1 — r -(2L in? crtd" -^ ^rr^ 11 i3; :g^ 5= (^ Jo- BUS Christ, the Cru J- 1 ci - fied. -fiL 1^=^ .a. -^- a- -(C>- 1 y?- -ts?-- f- ^1 r: 2 What is faith's foundation strong? What awakes my lips to song ? He who bore my sinful load, Purchased for mc peace with God, Jesus Christ, the Crucified. 3 Who defeats my fiercest foes? Who consoles my sriddcst woes? Who revives my fainting heart, Healing all its hidden smart? Jesus Christ, the Crucified. 4 Who is life in life to mc? Who tlio death of death will be? Who will ]dacc mc on His right With the conntlosH hosts of light? Jesus Christ, tiic Crucified. 6 This is that greac thing I hnow; This diili;',l)t.s and stirs mc so ; Faith in Him who died to 8avc, Him who triumphed o'er the grave, Jesus Christ, tho Crucified. No. 426. 1 Wait, my soul, upon the Lord, To His gracious promise flee. Laying hold upon His word II : "As thy days thy strength shall be. "-.J 2 If the sorrows of thy case, Seem peculiar still to thee, God lias promised needful graco 1|: "As thy days thy strength shall bc.":jl 3 Days of trial, days of grief In succession thou may'st see, This is still thy sweet relici' Ij: "As thy days thy strength shall be.":|j \ Rork of Ages, I'm secure, With Thy promise full and free, Faithful, positive, and sure — j|:"A3 thy days thy strength shall be.":B Wm. F. Llotbw 30^ IITI3E Titles in Small Caps.— First Lines in "Roman, No. A AnMTllEAIlT 84 Ah, this heart is void find chill 320 Alas I ftnd did my Saviour 111, 107 A Light UPON THE SnoRE 233 A Little While 101, 309 " A little while," aud lie shall 399 AllforMe 140 All glory to Jesus be given 201 All liail the power of Jesus' name. 101 All my doubts I give to Jesus 139 All people that on earth do dwell 1 All-seeiDg, gracious Lord 3o0 All the Way My Saviour leads 00 All to CnuisT I Owe 85 Almost Persuaded 75 Atxjnq the River of Time 411 A longtime I wandered d Amazing grace 1 how sweet 213 Am I u soldier of the Cross 115 Are you coming Home to Nioax ? 311 Arise and Shine 198 Arise my soul, arise! 119 Arlington. C. M. 115 A Sinner FoRonrEN 04 Ask ye what great thing I know, 425 Art thou WEARY 195 A ruler once came to Jesus 237 AttheFeet of Jesus 100 Autumn 420 Awake, aud sing the song 320 BEAurrFUL Morning ! 393 Beautiful valley op Eoen 252 Behold a Stranger at the door 401 BfiHOIiD TIU: lilUDEGUOOM 108 303 Behold, -what Love ! 3(>3 Belmont. C. M 412 Beneath the cross of Jesus 43 Be our joyful song to-day 280 Beside tlie well at uoon-lime 302 Beulaii Land 305 Beyond the Smiling and the... 378 Blessed Home-Land 200 Blessed Uope 245 Blessed hope that iu Jesus is given 245 Blessed River 170 Bless me Now 33 Blest be the tie that binds 114 BOYLSTON S. M 113 Brightly beams our Father's mercy 65 Brightly gleams OUR Banner. _ 813 Bringing in the Sheaves 370 Brother, art thou worn and weary 359 By faith I view my Saviour dying 313 C Calling Now 9 Call them in 15:} Can IT BE Right ? 209 Child OF bin and sorrow 3S0 Christ forme 253 Christ is coming ! 838 Christ Returneth 239 Close TO Thee 170 "Come" 809 Come Believing ! 390 Come every soul, by h'm oppressed Ot Come, every joyful heart 325 Come, foutiie Feast i3 6ri{EAD._ Come, Holy S;»irif, lieavcnly Dove Come home, come Lome 1 Come, my soul, thy euil prepare. _ 191 128 88 217 No. Comb kear Me 231 Como near mc, O my Saviour 2:31 Comb NOW, saith the Lord 255 CoiiE, PnoDiGAL, Come 335 Come, sing, my soul, and praise.. 337 Come, sing the Gospel's joyful 134 Como souls that arc /onging for 255 Come, Tliou Almiglity King 419 Como Thou Fount of every 116 Come, Tnou Weary 415 Come to Jesus, come to Jesus ! 133 Come to THE Saviour C3 Come unto Me, and Rest 359 Comeyo sinners, poor and 127-424 Come, we that love the Lord 250 Come ye Disconsolate 197 Consecration 234 Coronation. C. M 101 Cross akd Crown. CM 206 Cross OF Jesus.' 43 Ceown Him 203 Cut it Down. 238 D J>aretobea Daniel Dark IS THE Night , Deliverance will come Dennis. S. ^I Depthop Mercy 99 Did Christ o'er sinners weep Doers of the Word Down life's dark vale we wander Do you see the Hebrew Caplivc. Dkaw MK Nearer Dundee. C. M 158 148 367 114 -340 131 3G9 C3 143 i:J8 111 ID Eternity , Eternity dawns on my vision. Eternity is drawing nigh. Evan. C. M Evfcn Me Evening Prayer Every Day and Hour Esli*08tulation F "Fade, fade each earthly joy Faust, YETruusuiNU 203 278 857 107 87 293 43 205 179 301 Na Faith is a living powDr from 215 Father, take my Hand 81© Fierce and wild the storm is 253 Fix your eyes upon Jcsus 263 Forever with Jesus there 274 Free from the law, oh happy 18 Fresh from the throne of glory 170 From all that dwell below 021 From the riven rock there floweth_ 270' From every stormy wind thai; blows 105 Fully PERSUADED _ 76 Fully trustinq 139 C3- Gate Ajar 15 Gathering Home 361 Give me the Wings of Faith... 180 Gilding o'er life's fitful waters 200 Gloria Patri 328 Gr.ORY BE TO Jesus' Name 331 Glory be to the Father 828 Glory, glory be to Jcsus 331 Glory to God on high 418 Go Bury THY Sorrow 61 God loved the world of sinners lost 30 Good News .- 291 God is great ami God is good 406 God is Love ; His mercy brightens 423 Gospel Brlls 2>5 Gospel Trumpet's sount)ING 266 Go Work in My Vineyard 98 Grace refore Meals 408 Grace 'tis a charming sound _. 49 Great Physician 58 Guide me, O thou great Jchovali. 88 H Hallelujah 1 He is Risen 180 Hallelujah, 'tis Done 1 3 Hallelujah ! what a Saviour.. 140 Hamburg. L. M 400 Hasten, sinner, to be wi^c 214 Hark ! the voice of Jesu^, crying. 120 Have you any room for Jesus ?. 284 Have you on the Lord believed ?. 81 Hear the Call 149 Hear thou my Puayer 356 Hear }c the gluU Good News from 315 au4 No. HBATENT.Y CAr AAN 2Gi Heavenly Father, bless me now — S3 Heavenly Father, "wc beseech Thee 817 Heavenly Father, v,c thy children .370 Hkbron. L. M 213 He CAME TO EETHAIfY 8So Hb Leadi:tii Me. 51 Helpless I come to Jesus' blood. .. S4D Hk Know3 £07 Ukndon. Ts. 425 He that Bfilieveth -- 315 He will Hide Me 225 HideTiioiiMe 874 Hiding IN TnEE 232 Bis "WORD a Tower - 183 Ho, eveuy one that TOiRSTETn. 803 Hold fast till i come 173 Hold the Foi;t 14 Holy, Koi>y, Holy ! Lord God-_ 223 Holy Spirit, Faithi^cl Guide.. 40 Home AT Last 18D Home OF TnE Soul 20 Home over There 93 Ho I my comrades, £cc the signal- 14 Hoi Reapers OF Life's ITarvest 150 How CAN I keep rnoM Singing ?. 889 IIow ITappy are TVe 244 How Fokmn arc the words 70 How sweet the name of Jesus 71 How Bwcct Iho word of Christ 237 I Ia3i Coming. — SCO I AM Coming TO TiTE Cross 69 I am far fraemy hamc 417. I am now a child of God 173 I AM Playing for Yoc 11 1 am so glad that our Father iu._. 23 I am Swr.EPiNG THROUGH thz 173 I AM THE Door 408 1 am Thine, O Lord, I Lavo Lcard_ 138 I am trusting. Lord, in Thee 59 I AM TRUSTING ThEE 200 1 am waiting for the morning 875 I BRING MY BINS TO TlIEE 1~0 1 CANNOT TELL IIOW rUECIOUS 251 I feci like singing all the time 270 if never llic gazo of the Luu 24U gave My life for tliee iil have a Saviour, lie's pleading in . 11 havccnleredlhe Valley of blessing 196 have Lcaid of a land faraway 261 have licaid of a Saviour's love.- 157 have read of a beautiful city 310 heard the voice of Jesus say 123 hear the Saviour say 35 Hear THE Words of Jesus oC4 Uear THY "Welcome Voice.- . 63 know not the hour, wlien my Lord 13 know not what awaits me 807 Know THAT my Redeemer Lives 893 Left it All with Jesus 90-845 'LL RTAND RY you till THE MORN 253 Love TO Tell THE Story 89 love to think of the heavenly laud 153 love Ihy Kingdom, Lord 211 'm A PiLcnni 308 'm Going Home 250 mmanuel's Land 147 need Thee eveuy Hour 3 Never knew You 377 n my Father's liouse there is 274 n- some way or other, the Lord.. . 5 n the Christian's home in glory .. ISO n the cross of Christ I glory C8 N THE Presence op the Kino .. 58 N THE Silent midnigut Watch. 183 n Thy cleft, O Pock of Ages 874 n Zion's Pock abiding 171 saw a way-worn traveler _ _ 307 Shall Uj: Satisfied. 851 3 Jesus ABLE to Pedeem ? 241 3 My Name wihtten Theue ?._ 843 btood outside the Gate 173 3 Your Lamp BuKNiNG ? 403 talian Hymn 418 thiuk when I read that sweet 840 I's a bonnic, bonuic warl' __ 404 T 13 Finished ___ 281 T IS WELL with MY Soul 200 t may Lc at morn, when the day. 289 T Passeth Knowledge 73 'vE FOUND A Fkiend 224 'vc found a joy in sorrow - 151 've found the Pearl of gtcatest 300 vo reached the land of corn and_ 805 'V12 I'^ASSED TUB CiiOBfl -_ 8SQ 3i>a 1 watted for the Lord, my God ... ]25 Iwill^ingof my Redeemer 229 2 will slug you a song of that..... 20 Jesus, and shall it ever bo S23 Jebus CALLS TnEE 228 Jesus Christ 13 PASsiKO by 230 Jesus, gnicious one, callcth now.. 228 Jesus hail! cuiliroiicd in glorj- 410 Jesus, I my cross havo taken 420 JeSCS 13 COMIXQ— 879 Jesus is Mighty to Savu 201 Jesubis mine 179 Jesus is My Sayioui; CG5 Jesus, I tvill Tiiust Thee 841 Jesus, kecpmc near tlie cross 45 Jesus Loves Eten Me 23 Jesus loves mc, tins I know 413 Jesus, Lover oy my Soul 65-1 93 Jesus, my Lord, to Thcc I cry oG8 Jesus op Nazareth Passeth By. 8 Jesus O^'ly _.- 257 Jesus only, "vrhen tbo morning 423 Jesus, o:;ly Jegus 2S3 Jesus GOALL Reign _. »_ 141 Jesus wept! those lcar3 arc over. _ 421 Jewels _ 07 Joy IN 6oTmo\7. 151 Joy TO TnE world 2CG Joy to the world, I ho Lord is como 110 Just AS Iam 54 Just A WORD for Jesus 1G3 K Ekockino, Knockixo, Wno.-... 17 Laban. 0. II 112 Land of Beulaii 187 Lead ME On 3^^2 Lenox Os & Ss 119 Let U3 gather up ihc sunbeams 174 Let THE Lower Lights 05 Life for A Look 80 LicnT after Darkness 830 Light in llic darkness, sailor 83 iMl up, lift u|> tii/ voice with 198 Long in darkness w© have 227 Look away to Jesus IGi Look unto Me, and be ye saved 383 Lord dismiss us with Thy blessing 159 Lord, I care not for richca oi^ Lord, I hear of showers of blessing 87 Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly. 169 Lord, my trust I repose in Thee.. 387 Lol the day of God is breaking 149 Look, ye saints, the sight is 262 M Majestic sweetness eita enthroned. 413 "Man of Sorrows," what a name.. 140 Marchinqto Zion 250 Master, the tempest is raging 407 Memokies op Earth 297 Mercy's Free... 318 Mine ! 277 Jlinel what ra3'c of glory bright.. 277 ^lore holiness give me _ 93 More Love to Thee, O Christ.. 136 TiIoRE THAN Tongue c.vic Tell... 355 J.Iop.E to Follow 31 !MuST I GO, AND EMPTY HANDED. . . 298 Must Jesus bear the cross alone... 206 My ain Counteee 417 My days arc gliding swiftly by 219 My faith looks up to Thee 117 My FAITH still clings 299 3Iy God and Father while I stray. 373 My God, I have found 221 Jly heart that was heavy and sad. 100 My heavenly home ia bright and.. 256 My High Tower 171 My hope is built on nothing less.. 1G3 My latest sun is sinking fast 187 My life flows on in endless £ong.. 389 My Jesus, I LOVE Thee J§.. 314 My Prayer 93 My Kedf.emer. . - 229 My sin is great, my strength 299 ]\Iy bono shall be op Jesus 143 My soul, be on thy guard 112 My soul is happy all day long 3G5 My Soul wili< Overcome 049 3sr Nearer, m^ God, to Thee. iia auo No. Near TTTE Cross 41 Netti-eton. 8s & 79 110 New Haven. Cs & 4s 117 New Song 44 Ninety and Nine 0 None but Christ can satisfy... 833 None of Self and all of Thee. 2GS No other Name 73 Notalllhc Uood of beasts 113 Not half has Ever bken told.. SIO NoTiiiNQ but Leaves 00 NOTIIINQ BUT THE BlOOD OF JeSUS 833 Nothing either great or small 281 Not MY Own 343 Not NOW my CniLD 47 Not what these Hands have S83 Now just a word for Jcsiis 103 No works of law have v,c to Loast CS-i O O Christ, in Thee my eov.1 halh O Christ, what burdens bowed O Crown of Kejoicinq O for p. faith th:it will not shrink. O for a thousand tongues to tfing._ O happy day. Ihtit fixed my choice O Holy Spiiit, come O land of rest, for thcc I si^h Once again the Gospel mcssrsgc... Once more we come, God's word .. Only a little Wuile ONL Y W A I T I N O Only waiting till the shadows O safe to the Rock tlicit is higher. . O Saviour, precious Saviour O fOul in thcfar-cwaycountr}' O what a Saviour, th.it lie died — O I what shall I do to be saved — Ob, bliss of the purified Oh, come to the Saviour, believe.. Oh, do not let the "Word depart... Oh, for the pence that flowclh as a.. Oh, how happy are we On, now IIe Loves Oh, I AM BO HAPPY IN JesUS Oh, I left all with Jesus. Oh, revive us by Thy V/ord Oh, bing of III a Mighty Love... Oh, Spiiit, o'erwhclmcd by thy... ooo C-7 181 103 103 824 £04 830 CGO £03 o~r 403 203 £oO 243 203 40 or> 246 IGl 244 30 2Gj 845 870 40 173 87 216 10 No. Oh, tender and cwrnt tra 823 St. Thomas. S. M 820 Substitution 67 Suffering Saviour, with thom 146 Sun OF MY Soul _ 84 Sweet By-and-By 204 Sweet Hour of Prayeb. — . 77 Take Me AO I Am 868 Take my life and let it be 234 Take the name of Jesus with you. 72 Tell it Out 829 Tell ME moi;e ABOUT Jesus 594 Tell me the Old, (^ld Story.. 87 Tempted and Tried 249 Tenderly the Shepherd 177 Ten Thousand Times 275 That will be Heaven for me.. 13 The blood has always precious been 847 The Cross of Jesus 48 The Crowning Day 416 The Gate Ajar for me 15 The Glorious I^Iornino 871 The Got^PEL Bei.ls 235 The Gosi'iiL of Thy Grack, SSgJ auu No. The GosTET. Trumpet's Sound.. '2CQ Tuk(Ji;eat Physhian 50 The IIali*" was neveu Told 151 The Heavenly Canaan - ^04 Tee Heavenly Land 153 The Hemo? Hib Gailment 207 Tue HoLYSriniT .-. 43 The Home oveu There 03 The Lamh i3 the Ligiit theueop 243 The Land or Beulaii ___ 187 The Light op ti:e AVokld 41 The Lorcl'3 my Slicplieid, Til not- 107 Tee Lokd wiLLPiioviDE 6 The love that Jesus had for me... C55 The Mistaeesgf my Life 100 TheKewSong 44 The Ninety AND Nine 6 The Palace of THE Kixa...2C8, 404 The Peatil of Greatest Price. 300 The Pueciou3 Najic 73 The prize is tct before us 289 The PnoDioAL Child 33 There arc lonely hearts to cherish. 360 There 13 A Fountain 01 There is a gate that f.fands ajar 15 Theite 13 A G reen Hill far away 273 There is a land of pure dcligiit.C?, 204 There is Joy among the Angels 295 TiiEK E 13 Life for a Look 80 There is love, truo love 385 There's a beautiful land on high.. 218 There's a land that is fairer 204 There's a Light in the Valley 2G7 There's a Work for each of Us 2S5 There were ninety and nine lliat_. 6 The Smitten Rock 270 The Spirit, oh, sinner 42 The Sands of Time are 147-397 The Solid Kock 1C3 The Sweet Story of Old 310 The Valixy of Blessing ]:jo The way is danc, my Fatlicr 816 The who\c world was lost in the. . 4 1 The Wondrous G ift 49 The word of God is given 395 llicy dreamed not of danger 200 They're gathering homeward SGI Thine Jesub, Thine 22G No. Thine, most gracioug Lord 137 This I Know 887 This i-slhe day of toil 294 Tiiis loving Saviour stands paticnlly Q Thou art coming 271 Thou didst leave Thy Throne 188 Tliou my everlasting portion 170 Through the valley of the shadow. 207 TiiY v.'iLL BE done -_ 373 Till He Come 09 'Tis a goodly pleasant land 208 'Tis known on earth, and heaven 304 'Tismidni^ht, and on Olive's brow 214 'Tisthe Elessed Hour 334 'Tis the promise of God, full d To eeThefjd 261 To Day 53 Today the Saviour calls 55 To Him ee Glory E\-E!:more 890 To Uiin who for our sins was slain 396 To the hall of the feast came the_. 04 To THE Work 145 Traveling to the better l:md 383 TrIUMTH BY AND EY 289 Trustngin the Lord thy God oZi Trusting Jlsds, that is all 1G5 Trust On 353 'Twill NOT be Long 893 Valley OF Blessing (The), Varen-a. C. M. D Vebily, Verily , 19a 07 242 W WAiTiNa 403 Watting and watching fou ini 210 AVait, my soul, upon tlic Lord 4:20 Wandering afar from the dwellings 13 Warwicic C. M 213 WATCrniAN, TliLLME 1H5 We are chihlrcn of a King 'SSO We ARE Going Home 3.'i« We arc v.aiiiag by the river 220 Weary gleaner whence comc^t thou S3 AVe'i.l Gather thcre in Glory. 81)5 We'll work till Jlsu3 Comes.. 3Ul We Praise Thiie and Dli:s3 Thee 372 Wcpraiiio TUoo, O Gcxl aii !^9f We're Gorxa Rome To-moriiotv ! 23 We're going Home, no moi c to roam 22 AVc'rc marching lo (Canaan 166 We're MAKcniNO toZion 250 We're saved by the blood 204 Wo shall meet beyond the river 7 We shall Mekt By and By 7 We Shall Beign 306 We shall slekp, but not ron ... 1S4 Wc speak of Ihc land of the blest. 283 W^E Taice the Guilty SI^'NER's 384 We've journeyed many a day 233 We Worship Thee 850 What a Feiend we have 29 What can wash away my stain?... S33 What hast Thou Done fou Me? 21 What, "by my sins on Jesus?" C3 What means this eager, anxious_. 0 What must it ee to ee theke.. 283 What bhall I do to ee Saved.. £C3 What SHALL the IIahyest ee?.. 79 What though clouds are hovering 257 What various liindranccs wc meet 103 When lie Cometh, when lie cometh 1)7 When I survey llic wondrous cross 400 AVhen Jesus Comes 53 When Jesus co;nes to reward 259 When my final farewell to Ihe 210 When peace like a river 20) When the Comfotitee Came 100 When the King in His beauty sha.l 377 When Ihe Lord from heaven "36 When the storms of life arc 225 When we get home SOS Wliea wc reach our Father's— 297 Where aee THE NiNE^ 13 Wherk hast thou Gleaned? 83 Where is my boy to-night 7 279 Where is my wandering boy 279 Wherisisthy Refuge 312 While foes arc strong and danger. 183 Wliile life prolongs its precious,. 213 While the Days are going by. _ 860 White A3 Snow 53 Whiter THAN Snow... 169 Whom have I, Lord, in heaven... 258 "Whosoever hcarelh," shout, 10 Whosoever Will _ 10 Who is on the Lord's side 381 Who's on the Lords side 160 Wholly Thine 137 Why DO YOU wait? 240 w^hy not to-night? 240 Will Jesus find us watching?. 259 WiLMOT. 83&7S 423 Windows OPEN toward 143 Wishing, Hoping, Knowing 66 With harps and with viols, there.. 44 With Ilia dear and loving care 343 Wonderful WORDS OP Life 2S3 Wondrous Gift 49 AVoNDROus Love . 80 Work, for the niglit is coming 123 Would you lose your load of sin ? 203 Y Ye MUST BE BORN AGAIN 237 Yes, there is Pardon for You. 95 Yet there is Room ....- 81 Yield kot to Te^ittatiojk..^ . 89 400 TOPICAL INDEX. Titles in Small Cais. First Lines in Roiuau. Ari>«f , luy soul, ari?f ! 119 B*-!!! >)d, what love ! 363 ADOPTION. OuME, PBODIGAL, CO.Wli ! 1 am now a child of God M'. 33fi 178 Ank ye what great thing . . 42S <"HKIST POR MK 1 2M Fully I'orduaded . 76 Hk kmiws . 307 I know that iny Redecmi-r 398 Jksi d I:? MINE 179 LookiiTitoMe. . .383 \ ,-■ .• i il my?.... lU, 167 .^1 1- , iii> ■ i), arise! 119 < time, every soul by sin. . KVKRT DAV ASD HOPR . . ll.KLLKM'JAII ! TIS DOSB 94 «8 2 178 63 ASSURANCE. Lord, I care nut for riches 348 Mine!... T 277 My God, I havo found 221 My h.HK- is built on 162 My .I.-^us. 1 l..ve Thee . . 314 O hapi»y day 1 133 Safe in the arms of Jesus 4 THE BLOOD OF JESUS. .'us( as I am 54 .ffc-ls I.; JIKJHTY TO 8AVK . . 201 My hope i* built on 162 MV SrUl'L WILL OVERCOME . . 349 ^ Not all the bloo Rock of .\;.'es . . Saved by the blood There is a fountain . . S47 86 254 91 What H.vsxtHor done por? 21 WhITKU THAN SXoW 169 When I survey the wondrous 400 Behold a Stranger . . <''>me, thou w'.iry ! . .. Ill :h<- -°btu 239 The <;ate ajar. When I survey . CHRIST'S SECOND COMING. 0PRINDNRSS 174 SLflilNG ALL TUK TIME . . 276 Pake the name of J^sus . . 72 6 The Lord > my Shepherd 107 The light op the worlii 41 The -swbkt story of old 340 Tricmph by-and-by . 289 We are children of a King 380 Wk Ku MAK hingto Zion 200 \Vh»n He .um.tb 9' TOPICAI, INDEX. Continued. COMMUNION ^or, THE LORD'S SUPPER). >'0. Ml. Ala.i : aiKi .li.l my ;' 111. 167 Coiuf, fortbf feast Is-tjuvad 191 All! I a soMifi- ? 116 Chbi.st for mk ! 258 Depth of mercy ! 99, 346 I heard the voice of Jesu.s . 123 I love to tell the story .... 39 I ueed Thee every hour . . 3 I waited for the li'>tre love to Thee 135 Nearer, my God 118 None of Sef.k 268 Not my own . 342 Oh, to be nothing : 74 O.N I-Y FOR Thek 1 280 xa rismidDi:.'hi.:tiid nn Olive's 216 WhenT snrvt-y thewondroiis 400 The half was sever toll 154 The mistakes of my life 190 The i'f.arl of greatest., 300 We're marching to Canaan 166 We take THE (JIILTY ...384 Where are the sixb? .. 12 Who is on the Lords side? 3ai Saviour, more than lift 48 So.MEJinXfi FOR JeSI'b 26 Take ve as I am ! 368 Take my life and let 234 Thine, Jesus, Thine ! 226 Thou, my everlasting 176 What ha.-*t thoi' doxk?. . 21 WnDt.r.v TriiNK 137 ETERNITY (.sr^ Heaven also). Along the river of Time . 411 Eternity dawns 278 Can it be right? 269 Faith is a living power .... 216 1 left it all wit h Jesus . . 90, 346 1 need Thee cveiy hour .... 3 Eternity la drawixc . . 357 Home op THE SOIL 20 FAITH. My faith looks up 117 My faith still clings 299 ' Oh for a faith! 108 • Oh. I left iLall 346 I Oh, theclanginghellsof time 203 The sands of time 147 O spirit, o'erwhelmed 173 The hem of His HOIK 48 He cami; to MKrHANV . 385 Hear Thoc my fitAVKR ' 356 I need Tlii'i' .•vit\ liniu- 3 I 've found a Friend '. 224 Jesi'S is .mi.ve ! 179 Jesls only 257. 423 jov in sorrow 151 Mine 1 277 Oil, 1 .iin so hapj>y ' Oh, .si.\(; OF Ills .viGirrv Oh. word of words . Only ioh Thek I Safe in the arms . More love to Thee. . ^ 136 | Sun of my soul . . My Jesus. I love Thee 314 I Takf the name of Jesu> None BUT Christ CAN 333 Oh happy day! .... 133 Oh, how He loves! . 36 GUIDANCE. Guide me, O Thou great 88 He kxow.s! . . 307 lie leadeth me! 61 Leai> me ox ! 332 All the way my 60 Brightly gliamsunr banner 313 D.xrk i.s the night 148 Kvkry pay and uocir 48 Father, TAKE MY HAM)' 316 OverJordan 343 FUNERAL AND BURIAL. Je«UH, lover of my <«oul. .88, 193 .My heavenly home 266 Oh, think of the home 92 Shall wi' gather > 124 Shall wumeet beyond? . . 199 Thine. Jesus, Thine! .. Valley OF iu.ks.^ixg, Tai What ;• FriiMi'I v* •• l •)\i' ' Pre(.it»us promise Saviour, like a shepherd Tlir Lord's my She|>herd Thou, my eveiia«ting . . Through the valley 265 46 309 280 4 84 72 '226 196 29 50 U6 107 176 207 l^-yonFM vkra.nck WII.LCOMK . 367 OATil.".KINO ItOMK 361 1 .am iiow .1 child of God . . 178 1 am wuiiiiiu . . 37<) I 111 a pikrini liOOKI<(c, HO.MK 326 .Mv days are gliding 219 .My latest sun Is sinking. . . 187 Oh, think of the home!. . 92 < Hi lo lie over yonder I .08, 414 On Jordan's stormy banks 303 The sjinds of time 147, 397 ■ T will not be long 393 Waiting I . 402 We are waiting by the . 220 TOPICAL INUKX. Cr>ntinvfd. NO. Bcfttitlful valley of Kdeii . . 202 Ht'voiiil tlic siiiiliiiK and the 378 BLKS.SED IIOMKLANI) 260 For evkr with JKsri... 274 Give me the winjfB of 186 Home at lodt! 189 HUMK OP THE BUCL 20 In the Christian's home . . 130 Is THK PRESENCE OP THE.. 68 Is .MV .NAME WRITTEN THERE 348 My AIN COl'NTRIE 417 My H(-:iv('iily home isbright 306 HEAVEN. Not halp has ever been Over Joruan Rise \\\\ and lia.-^ten Shall we gather? Shall we meet? Ten thoiisiuid times The IIkavenlt Land The La.mii is the LKiirr The palace of the Ki.no There's a beautiful land .. There's a land that is Tkere is a land of juire. . 67, so. 310 I 343 339 124 199 270 102 243 404 218 204 264 Come, Holy Spirit — Come, Thou Almighty Holy Spirit. Faithful . . 128 419 40 Are you coming home? 311 Calling NOW 9 Call them in! 103 Child of sin and sorrow . . 386 ('O.ME believing! 390 Come, every soul! 94 Come, for the feast 191 "OoMK sow I " SAITH 200 Come, prodigal, co.ME I .330 Come to Jesus 1 132 Conn' to the Saviour ! 62 Come, ye disconsolate "... 197 Christ FOR MK ! 268 Come r»ing, my soul 337 Come, we that love 300 How UAHPV ARE WB ! 244 I ve found a joy ! 101 Joy to the world : .... 110, 236 THE HOLY SPIRIT. More TO follow! 31 O Holy Spirit, come '. 324 Spirit of Truth 319 INVITATION. Come, ye sinners, jioor 127, 424 Expostllation 200 Gospel BELLS 230 Hasten, sinner, to be wise 214 Have you any rcnnn for 't . . 284 Jesus calls thee ! 228 Jesus Christ is i^assing 230 Oh, word of worils I 309 Only a step to Jesus 144 Ol'T OP THE ARK 209 Over the line 247 Sinners, turn ! 106 JOY. My Ood, I have found .... 221 My life flows on 389 My soul is happy 366 O crown of rejoicing 181 O happy day ! 133 Oh, 1 am BO happy 266 That will be Heaven fou 1j Tisa k'oodiy |dea.s;int land 208 To be there ! 261 Waiting and WATCHifo; 210 We are going uo.mk .. 308 We'll 224 Oh, sing oi Hi., miffhiy love «• 413 '.)nce I w.Hs dea«l in sin .... 129 23 Safe in the arms 4 421 Spirit of Truth . . .319 330 Tell me the old, old >i.ir> 37 220 There i>i li.ve . . 380 3G , Wll.vr IIASTTHOf UONK FOR? 31 Uni.N(iING IN THE SHEAVr Go work in My vineyard Hear THE Call! Ah, my heart ' .Vit ihou weary .' . . Heautiful v.illey <.f Kd.ii ' <'OMK CNTo Ml MISSIONARY. 370 ' Jesus shall nigu 98 One more davs work . . 149 t^Ver till- (n'l-all >»avc .. .. 141 ' Rf«,cue the |>eri>liiug 28 : Something fou Juar.- : . 296 What shall the harvest )><' PEACE AND REST. 34 I heard the voice of Jesiis 123 196 It is will with mv sm l 200 202 M1;aR Till <'Ko>.s .46 359 «»h foi;rh»' |h.hc«- ' ir.i Peace! bk stili ' I'm >.«1N<. ON ."^iid and u eai;. \N ». II. WORK TILL J I IS 26 79 407 •■'4 TOPICAL INDEX. -Continued. All bail the power 101 All poople that on earth . . 1 Awake and sinj,' 320 Be our joyful soug 286 Come, sing the gtwpel's 134 Come, Thou Almighty King 419 Come, Thou Fount of every 116 Come, we that love 260 Crows Him! 261S From all that dwell 321 BLBS8 MB NOW 32 Blest be the tie 114 Come. Holy Spirit 1 128 Come, my soul ! 217 EVKN HE ! 87 Fathkr, take my HASI) '. . 316 From every stormy wind . . 108 God is great 406 Hear Tiior mv prayer!. . 366 I AM PRAYINt; KOR YOU 11 COMK 1 . . 309 Hid W0R1> \ TOWER 182 jKStS L0VK8 EVBN MK . • 23 Dark is the night 143 From every atormy wind . . 105 Hi: will hide mi 225 Hii.K Tuor me: 374 Alii.s : an.l did ? Ill BlKoS mk wow ' 32 r>ei.th of mercy ' 90, 346 [ am coming ti> tlie CroH< 59 1 am TiiK DOER.- op THE WORD .. 369 Fierce and wild 26:! Fix Vol r evk-< ipos JE.-r 263 Fresh trom tin- throne 170 (Jood news 291 (irnce'i iMachaiiningHouiid 49 IIk THAI iiEi,ri.i.ETii 316 Ho, KVKRV om: that' 302 Hfiw Holcmii !ir<' tin- words! 70 How h\M-.i the >• ■■••'1 ' 287 I AM THE l»>>oli 103 I hear iIk' Savluur .-,a.v . 35 RESURRECTION. ll.illeluiah. He is ri>en 180 I SHALL ItK .SATISKIKU ■ SALVATION. 1 liear the words 1> .lesus able lo reileeni? It is fim.-medI Ji:Stt» I.-^ MKillTY TO SAVE Light after darkne>> Long in darkness .MCRCV s KKEi: My hope is liuili on . Mv sol I. W II.I. oVKlti oMi: No OTHER NAM! Not all tlif blood Not what these hands Nothing hit the blood Once for all ' Pill for the hhork ! Salvation ! oh. ih<' joyful .tr>i 3C4 241 281 201 330 227 .318 162 349 78 113 388 332 16 83 103 The GLORIors MORNING 371 We sl):ill sleep, but iiol . 184 Saved by the iti.oon 264 Song of salvation 187 Take me as I am 368 The GATE A.IAK 15 The gospel of Thy grace 327 The Great Physician . . r,<\ The jii ize is set before ns 289 Tlie whole worlrl 41 TbiM-e is a fountain 91 There is life for a look 80 'Tis the piomi-H- of G(mI 2 What SHALL I do? 20^ White as snow 83 Wl,-IIIN«i, HoeiNG. KNOWING 6« Whosoever will 10 Ye .Mt'-'T BE lU'Kv .^m?v 237 TOi'U A I, INDKX. — f'omtniu;/. All, iriv tuMrt ' Art tliou wt-ary ? Bletisi'd ho|M- ! Coin'-, v*- crsii:tdiit Alunj; I he river of Tiiiie Cut it down ' Etkk.mty ! Hapten, sinner, to he wise Have you any room? In the ailent midnight Am I .1 >oldiei' .' Brii-'htly heams our. . Briphtl> u'lcjinis ItRl.M.INt. I.N TlIK SlIKAVI.! I>Aiu: TO HK A Danikl! Ijo, Work in My vineyajil Mark, the voice of Je?jus : Ifoii. TiiK Four ' llo, rea|K'r» of life's Is VOL U LA.M1' Bl RNINi. ' Lo : fhf day '>• '• •' All hail the jMiwer All jH'tijilf thai M'l Am I a .-oldier ; Amnxins: grace I Aiu t^'hri^t, what hurdens '. . . 21 ' Olivk'.s bkow 140 j Siitferlng Saviour TEMPTATION. 231 I I need Thee 301 I My soul, he on thy i^uard I 232 Singing ALL THK timk 173 1 Sweet hour of prayer TEMPERANCE. 336 Long in dnrknen^ 168 Ke.scue the perishing '. 3 King the l)ells of heaven 65 The mistakes of my life TRUST. 60 .Fe-,u.s, 1 will trust Thee 139 Look away to .lesus . 307 Only trusting in my 290 Onwakk <.() ! WARNING. 75 1 NEVKR KSKW TOt' ! 411 .Ii;sis or Nazaui:tii ! 238 Nothing but leaves 203 OlTOF THE AUK 214 Say, ark iror ready ? — 284 Sinners, turn ! why will . . 183 Soiihil the alarm ! WORK. 116 Must 1 go and .' . 65 Nothing but leaves I 313 Not now, my child 1 370 Oh, what are you going? 168 Oil, where are the reajKTs? 98 One more day's work 120 Only an armour-liearer . . 14 Onward, Christian soldK-rs 160 Onwaiu) cio ! 403 Onward, upward '. 149 H'-ciH' the iierj^liiti.' ' WORSHIP. IQl Come, ye disconsolate 1 l)i'p( h of mercy : 99, 116 I'.vKN .mk: 213 How sweet the name 198 I love Thy kingdom 119 Nearer, my (Jod 320 Oh, for a thousand tongues! 114 Ol.lVK .- IIIIOW 116 Rock ol A«es •io. 131 61 161 47 OLIVI. ,-> HKmW Only a little while Only waiting . What shall I do? so. 21« 3«S 376 201 RIST. 229 I There is a green hill 2T3 67 I Thoudiflst leaveThythn.ii,- 18« 216 To Him who for our -■'ill'* 396 146 1 When 1 survey the 4og 3 I Teinpieil and tried 249 112 Trust on ! 352 276 ' What a Friend ! 29 77 Yield not to temptation 89 227 i The TRODtGAL <-HILI) 3S 18 WhaTSHALL the HARVEST? 79 19 U'ukiu: is my boy? 279 190 Yi(id not to temiitation S9 341 TlIK LulUi WILL I'ROVIDK .. 5 164 Thy WILL Bi; DONE 373 272 , Tklstisg .iBsr.s, that IS . 165 364 Trust on f 362 377 3 96 209 363 106 391 298 96 47 194 165 28 82 176 364 What SHALL THK harvest? 79 WllKUK IS THY RKKIIGE? . . 312 While life prolongs 213 Why do you wait? 240 Why NOT To-Ni(;nr ; 246 Yet there i> rooui ' 31 Yield not to temptation 89 S( ATTI.H SKKDS OK K1NH- . 174 STANn IT FOR JkSIS '..... 121 The worrl of (AY.« ARE GOIM 18 ' W..rk, f->i- ihf hiu'lit 197 Salvation, oh. the Joyful ' 109 346 I ."^axioiir, visit Thy jilaiita- 409 87 j Swf.-t hi. iir of prayer ! .. 77 71 I Till- Lorils my Shepherd 10' 211 { There is a fountain 91 118 I Wi: woRsiiii- TlIKE 354 102 I Will n I survey . 400 216 WiiiriK niAN .-NOW 169 86 WoNUEhPIM. WORDS OF LIFE 282 "Hfcy. <«H>- PRICE LIST OF THE VARIOUS EDITIONS OF GOSPEI. J "^ There are now so many editions and styles of bindiiii; ol the Cio-pel llyains Series that partiej* ordering: cannot he too explicit in stating: not only the nnnibcr of the «icries wanted (i. e., 1, 'i, li or 4, etc.) but also the style of hinding and the price. If these points are observed, mistakes in filling; orders can be avoided; otherwise they are liable tf nr Following are editions and prices : Gospel Hymns No. 5 with Standard Selections. WORDS ONLY - By Mail, Hy K.\iirr>.i!, Postjiaid, Ohari?t-> uor. porCopv. ProjKUil. f Paper Covers Oti 5 CH> . - ^ Board Covers 11 10 00 § ( Cloth Covers, Gilt Stamp 1 C. 15 00 -[^ vAirxtarkc a lu r* Miiei/« ( Board Covers 35 30 00 i; WORDS AND MUSIC ji.,^xiy^(j,ojh 55 5000^^ No. 5 will not be combined or bound up with the-other nunibtr*. NOTICE-No.1, No, 2, No. 3, No, 4, issued separately In same styles and prices as above. Gospel Hymns COMBINED. 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