F-02610), 7 PRESENTED TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL Seu BY bo Professor Henry van Dyke, D. dD. Lh; 1D. a | ht Bs 0 PA oo 1890 : Fisher, George Park, 1827- 1909. Manual of Christian avideancac poets ae ee a EL POS CeO OOF eae sete A ae 7 a J ai ae my ms na - o wy ; =< i eee é “ E al pes. pam i ae 1 f - Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library MANUAL OF GHRISTIAN EVIDENCES as rae Say, i A Mae es oa, fo tay % © An gai : < A eee PROFESSOR GEORGE P. FISHER’S WORKS. “ Topics of profound interest to the studious inquirer after truth are discussed by the author with his characteristic breadth of view, catholicity of judgment, affluence oft, j learning, felicity of illustration, and force of reasoning. . . . His singular candor disarms the prepossessions of his opponents. . . . In these days of pretentious, shallow, and garrulous scholarship, his learning is as noticeable for its solidity as for its compass.’’—N. Y. TRIBUNE, History of the Christian Church, 8vo, with Maps,’ = 5 i. 1 gaia Supernatural Origin of Christianity. New Edition, Crown 8vo, “ 250k The Reformation. New Edition, Crown 8yvo, - - - - - 2.50 The Beginnings of Christianity. New Edition, Crown 8vo, - - 2.50 Grounds of Theistic and Christian Belief. Crown 8vo, « s 4 2.50 Discussions in History and Theology. 8vo, « © . : - 3,00 — 3 a Faith and Rationalism. New Edition, 12mo, .« - ° ° © 215 The Christian Religion. New Edition, 16mo, © 50) eer ae .50 Manual of Christian Evidences, i6mo, «= «© «© «| «| ° 75 ? zi ‘ ®, x NN Mie MANUAL OF CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES BY GEORGE PARK FISHER, D.D., LL.D. TITUS STREET PROFESSOR OF ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY IN YALE UNIVERSITY NEW YORK CHARLES SCRIBNER’S SONS 1890 | _ CopyniaHr, 1888, BY eo “TROW's ee 2 PRINTING AND BOOKBINDING COMPANY, PREFACE. Tun half-formed intention to write a short manual of Christian Evidences, which I had for some time en- tertained, took a definite form on account of requests coming to me from persons entitled to respect, some of whom were engaged in the practical work of teach- ing. It appeared to me that a brief book, confining itself to the Evidences of Revealed Religion, and set- ting forth in a connected form the principal topics of definition and proof, would be useful to readers and to pupils who have not time for the study of more extended treatises.’ Paley’s Evidences, which was so long the standard text-book on the subject, notwithstanding the signal merits which characterize it, has one striking fault. To the internal evidence a very subordinate place is assigned. The argument for miracles is deprived of 1In ‘*The Grounds of Theistic and Christian Belief” (Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1883), I have handled the main topics of Natural Theology, and have presented more in detail the proofs of Revelation. In that work, controverted points are discussed more at length. v1 PREFACE. the legitimate, if not indispensable, advantage which is gained by a preliminary view of the need and the intrinsic excellence of the Christian Revelation. More- over, the aspects of skepticism and disbelief have some- what changed since Paley’s time. Books like Strauss’s “Life of Jesus” had not then been written. Patristic study has also made advances. The proofs from this source require some revision. Besides, Paley’s work is too long for the demands of those for whom the present manual is designed. G. PAR Nrw Haven, May 16, 1888. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE WHAT IS TO BE PROVED AND THE NATURE OF THE EVI- DENCE, ; ; : ‘ 2 ; : : Pat CHAPTER II. WHat IS MEANT BY MIRACLES? THE POSSIBILITY OF THEM, AND THE POSSIBILITY OF PROVING THEM, . 9 CHAPTER III. “4. How THE ANTECEDENT PRESUMPTION AGAINST THE OC- CURRENCE OF MIRACLES 18 SET ASIDE, . : puna | CHAPTER IV. << ADMITTED FACTS RESPECTING CHRISTIANITY, : ~ 28 CHAPTER V. ~S~ PrRoor OF THE SUPERNATURAL ORIGIN OF CHRISTIAN- ITY FROM THE PORTRAITURE OF THE CHARACTER OF JESUS IN THE EVANGELISTS, Sei ee : “i sae vill CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. PAGE PROOF OF THE MIRACLES FROM PECULIAR FEATURES OF THE GOSPEL NARRATIVES, . ; 4 ; SO k CHAPTER VII. PROOF OF THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS FROM STATE- MENTS BY THE APOSTLE PAUL, ss 5 Pre: | CHAPTER VIII. THE GENUINENESS OF THE GOSPELS, : S ° han CHAPTER IX. TRUSTWORTHINESS OF THE TESTIMONY OF THE APpos- TLES, . : : : : , : : ;