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Mackay BP ee ye PS ASE Phelps, Austin, 1820-1890 Man's renewal; or 4 Vo (iy Tae YE eas roy oh wrt iy ae poe wih es ys ms a Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library MAN’S. RENEWAL. ES We will trust God. The blank interstices Men take for Ruins, He will build into.” —Mrs BROWNING ~ MAN'S REN @r, Che Work of the Poly Spirit Vv By AUSTIN PHEEPS AUTHOR OF ‘‘ THE STILL HOUR” ee = “a! | Se ‘ =~ & % yi 3 AY eR Th PB 4 Oy Sy ais i ) f ALEXANDER STRAHAN, PUBLISHER | 56 LUDGATE HILL, LONDON 1867 ¥ é os” .’ , a1 4 4} ?, ay? Le } CON FEN TS: CHAPTER; I. CONVERSION—ITS NATURE, PAGE I, Faith of Common Sense in the Necessity of Con- version, : : : A rae If, Biblical Emblems of Conversion, : ers III, Conversion not a Ritual Change, : ~ 10 IV. Conversion not a Constitutional Change, ae: Conversion more tha Miracle—Conversion a Fact in Expe- _ rience—Conversion a Reasonable Change—Constitu- tional Conversion not a Duty. V. Conversion not a Mystical Change, : ine2s VI. Conversion a Radical Change, . AS ED eiL Counterfeits of Conversion—A Converted Man, a New Man —Character under a Law of Perpetuity—Conversion the Supreme Change. vi CONTENTS, CLAP AICR gia, REGENERATION THE WORK OF GOD. PAGE I. What do we mean by Divine Sovereignty in Re- generation? . : : - eed. II. Regeneration a Solitary Disclosure of God, AT III. Biblical View of the Supernatural in the New Birth, : A ; baat IV. Experience of the New Birth suggestive of a Supernatural Cause, . ° : on 5 God suggested by the Manner of Conversion—God suggested by the Magnitude of Conversion—God suggested by we the Phenomena of Revivals—God suggested by Uncon- scious Conversion. V. Moral Uses of the Doctrine of Supernatural Re- generation, . : 2 3 Aye: The Profound Nature of Depravity—The Harmony of Truth with Mind—Man’s Renewal a Work worthy of God— The Lowliness of God—The Holy Spirit a Personal Friend—The Law of Dependence. CHAPITERSET. TRYTH THE INSTRUMENT OF REGENERATION, I. Biblical View of Truth as a Power, : pace! II. The Instrumentality of Truth a Fact in Regen- eration, : : . “ - 88 The Instrumentality of Truth Invariable—The Regenera- tion of Infants, et i CONTENTS. Vil PAGE III. The Mode in which Truth acts in Regeneration, 97 IV. The Simplicity of Regeneration, ; 1102 V. The Evidences of Conversion intelligible to Com- mon Sense, . ; A ¢ . 106 /I. Creed Essential to Character, . : . 109 VII. Christianity Independent of Fine Art, . seg i? VIIT. - The True Ideal of the Pulpit, -. ; biG ‘Great Sermons”—Affectations of the Pulpit—Popular , Criticism of the Pulpit—Repose in Truth. CHAPTER IV. RESPONSIBILITY AS RELATED TO SOVEREIGNTY IN THE NEW BIRTH. I. Difficulties of the Subject Practical, ; » 135 II. The Sense of Responsibility an Intuition, MESS III. Responsibility not Destroyed by Depravity, SEALE IV. Biblical Theory of Responsibility, , . 145 V. Ability the Measure of Obligation, : . 149 “I Can, because I Ought”—Ability the Teaching of Com- mon Sense. VI. Responsibility and Sovereignty Harmonious, . 157 VII. How to Answer the Inquiry, ‘‘ What must I do to be saved ?” , : é . 160 Repentance and Faith Practicable like other Duties—The Dependence of Guilt more Absolute than the Depend- ence of Necessity—Grace not Justice—Encouragement to Immediate Repentance—The Ruin of a Soul its own work, Vill CONTENTS. Se a NO rat SNR REY REGS FETS SS DRS Wn CHAPTER V. THE INDWELLING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. I. The Sacredness of a Christian’s Being, . : The Indwelling of the Spirit not an Incarnation, Il. The Restoration of Lost Self-respect, . . The Tyranny of Remorse—Discoveriess of a Pure Consci- ence—Courage in the Day of Judgment. III. The Intensity of Regenerate Life,