. Se areata ATA mane NS aoe os 2 AF POI TLLEINS wee “—Seuyesssssee perm = ee ae ee eee rete OSA SATE SS 2 a - as : poems iranaaaaaan oar iat TE — RUA TEEELERLTA LEST RELATE gai — —— : ED Se a: Gao Repair” gee eran es = SE tenssen bal Sa lea rea Sn EE EY a Oe Se a . bee = 5 - . “ mee remeeranes © Ginn ee ae arenes a <= SS ee is Se pret Z es ins a. eee as = = . - * ——£-" Neen gi ay St wee SSS RS Se et rigs pe ea ae > _ SE ron ge TOE ET ae |, 10, 29 LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, N. J. Division. V oF Section.......---. 1 Ce a, vf 29) VV, ied ; we 4B THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY The Standard Genealogical Encyclopedia of THE FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library https://archive.org/details/abridgedcompendi02virk THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY EDITED BY FREDERICK A. VIRKUS VOLUME}II 1926 F. A. VIRKUS & COMPANY Genealogical Publishers 440-442 S. Dearborn Street Chicago, Ill. Copyright, 1926, by Frederick A. Virkus PREFACE With the publication of this, the second volume of THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY (First Families of Amer- ica), the feasibility of compiling and publishing a comprehensive genealog- ical history of the American nation after the lapse of three hundred years is believed to have been demonstrated. The extensive use and critical examination to which the work has been subjected during the biennium since the publication of Volume One, has confirmed its plan and scope as laid down in that volume, and its acceptance as the standard genealogical encyclopedia for this country by those best qualified to judge assures its permanency in the list of indis- pensable works of reference. Therefore, additional volumes, each complete in itself, will be published biennially. Volume One, published January, 1926, was the culmination of seven years’ labor (1918-25), during which period the most extensive genealog- ical files extant were accumulated. Its 1,148 pages contain over 5,000 records and upwards of 10,000 lineages; the alphabetical index of names is the largest genealogical index ever compiled for a single volume, and refers to upwards of a quarter of a million names. Volume Two contains over 1,600 records, and upwards of 5,000 lineages. In this volume effort was directed toward completeness of lineages, rather than toward including a larger number of records, with the result that, whereas in Volume One the lineages average 2 per record, in this volume the lineages average 314 per record. With the “tracing out” of collateral lineages as accomplished in this volume, it is really no longer abridged. Admitting illustrations into this volume in conjunction with records was conceded in response to many requests for this feature. The fact that illustrations do lend “color” to family lineage and also that in this work valuable photographs may be permanently preserved are sufficient reasons why this “memorial” feature will be retained in succeeding volumes. PREFACE The ideal upon which this work was founded is national service, and the pub- lishers and editors have held this ideal clearly in mind throughout the period of preparation and publication. So dedicated, the editors welcome suggestions for improvement in style and treatment of subject matter, as well as criticism tending to increase the usefulness of the book, not only for the benefit of the present gen- erations, but also for posterity. Suggestions of names and data pertaining to them will be thankfully received and accorded every consideration for inclusion in Volume Three of this work. However, the editors reserve the right to accept or reject any data at their discretion. No record in this volume has been included with any other view than to increase the usefulness of the book; no space has been paid for, nor can it be. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Sincere thanks are due to persons who have kindly loaned books and manu- scripts which have assisted greatly in the production of this work, and also to many who have offered suggestions that materially aided in the solution of knotty problems. Especially are thanks due to officers of the patriotic societies. Their hearty co-operation, based upon personal experience, has been a constant source of encouragement, so that it may truly be said that courtesies received from them have contributed in a larger degree toward the completion of this volume than any other extraneous source that could be named. CONTENTS DAL ACE PARTS le ne te ye, Ariane & set pie! Si ee oe elo ig 15s Ware sie Wiacats 06a sie, 8a/¢ 5 ue eave AEG PGT Se 5-0 uae eet Peet car RE BIR a AEN TORE 8 RICA Need iano 6 Mii GRETA ULUISt YA HOLS eee tei et eco eon et erties ecets Foaers os oom eras cueteae os) Moe Syatel > 3° 8 TTITIORIEO COGS OL PA TINS ere eee cles s atelsre pe ru acs asia eneyat s 2876, OF ars gin hat at She es 8 Explanation and Analysis of Records.........--++sssserererrrsssrsses ts a PATS POULATIONISER erate ee ce oa ney Bae clea orale clot als alr eiage sate vee Fs eine tie Se ial Winenwem RECOVUS ees ete eee a eis s hele Gens Sapregains og.7 2 6 SS Sn 8 iscsi ays Immigrant Ancestors (Biographies) ........---+--++eseererrsr sre sstees 387 Alphabetical Index of Names in VOLUME. OTe Me cee eis hire e's anne sams 423 Statement Pertaining to Volume One.........---seeeeeree eer rtrerrtee 564 Alphabetical Index of Names in EVolumieall Wns te ny ers eer oe 16 wis toreee sian 565 INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS ARMS, Coats of: Adams Armistead Baggarly Banning five ee nee ticle tee Baskerville Vat ic cease sk ee ele eee ee BVaACKIMainitiencte uty «sks oe ae kt ee ees al BOStOCKgiets ee oe BTANSTOL Mei e cuit oD eee ee eee IBTOW ELA URN fee ee ONG 6/6. 16S 8 RLa Bie RTO ER 6.08516 (Sh ete al abate aioe Goodrich Grin NST] Misa, 2h rele ee oie ee eee SD Lee hy cre ote eh oe ee © '¢ 0 1a 'o ta a ad) 96 ob RGKO S| Saete ISLE Cle tele © P16 OO" See ele S166 & le 6 Oe se ee 6) se bp ein ie PONE. Bes) O10 0 6..vilp ae aelefe ef wibtele » bib eielh YOR AN et sealer «Riaelele thes, mooie ae eee ICATS EVN oral fhe ee Meserve Monnette SS 82 16.8) :4..8 19.8 Yohe sue R iw OOo) a) Bete Te) at eS ieee SUIT ois: siete are ees eT aie eee CULE IS lan: ica eke ene SOcb Fe te.FR. 9 eiele ie fens Oo '0 DIRMAUST Sar (e190) e's! She ik ia @ 6 ete eel pie Sate Yale PC 9, PRS (9 2 MUN NGS yea «lee uve le Je. wld (is Ym lel eee on irioeene BOOKPLATE: Junkin, Francis T. A, FACSIMILES: ehpilel Ss s)s es 6 p26 ewe Capt. Roger Jones’ signature to his depo- BIGLOM ice seer aoe, ae ee ee Memorandum of his Arms obtained at the 354 College of Arms by Capt. Roger Jones 354 HOMESTEADS: Avondale -Fomestead sn) eee ae ee Gaylord Homestead ah caaeecen. se eee Sheldongiiomestea diane sane eee MEMORIAL: Oller AH ZranGOornela saa an ene ae eee MEMORIAL TABLET: Connally, Joseph Brown ............... MONUMENT: Duston, Hannah Webster Emerson, famous colonial heroine .............. PORTRAITS: Brown, Joseph Hmerson cyers Daughters of the Barons of Runnemede. DO re ealeccleteenie Daughters of the Cincinnati; also District of Columbia. aD CaGher a tehorei cre tere Descendants of Colonial Gov- ernors. 1). Cokes ie steele Doctor of Civil Law. OW stale wrote ccapote -Daughters of Colonial Wars. DD eit te cicheushone oeus Doctor of Divinity. DD ee ss. ctare nase Doctor of Dental Surgery. DOC swiss s seoierersis December. DOL is asics 8's 54 Delaware, delegate. DEN ccc een Democratic. D.Eng (also Dr. Engring., or E.D.)..........Doctor of Engineering: DOD she wickets lecsterehenc Deputy. WODt co cicre tele ys ...- Department. Dermatol........Dermatological. D.F.P.A......... Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America. SD aL io dinaertetet el xen Daughters of Holland Dames. PAS ceclere ss ae citadel aol Director. MISOH site icie ts ss she's Discharged. Dst ies else ales District. a cs See a oe Division, divinity. Ds Eas Easistarcleuibirden Delta Kappa Epsilon. D.Litt. (also L.H.D.) . - Doctor of Literature. D.P.H. (also DrPH.) ee «es Diploma in Public Health, or Doctor of Public Health, or - Doctor of Public Hygiene. 10 ee aries 3 4 .. Doctor. WDLEe chicks stomiats tee Daughters of the Revolution. DS ols cncalnetuness Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, D.Sc. (or Sc.D.}.. Doctor of Science. WO S.C cietererereleehel eles Distinguished Service Cross. Sse tee eve eters . Distinguished Service Medal. creck chete terse tere ts .. Doctor of Sacred Theology. DE ee es ei ssers Doctor of Tropical Medicine. Wa IME porererereteteiete Doctor of Veterinary Medi- cine. DiS fee tise Doctor of Veterinary Sur- gery. E Eni ieisielsielscisisieere) Cueto Us ECOL SF. cheers sie ..- Ecological. ECGORtU Ws aesicisies Economic. EIQ B atin cee eters Educated. E.D. (also D.Eng., or Dr. Engring.) Doctor of Engineering. EC.Bveccis neice 2 Bachelor of Education. BGs Doi store spaqeneiere Doctor of Education, Eu seta cisicreiet sie 6 Education. AGM L Gctetctchets or scate Educational. Fy Ean ies lene receice (a Electrical Engineer. E.E.and M.P..... Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. EslOOUrorersh vies .. Hlectrical. Electrochem..... Electrochemical. Electrophys..... Electrophysical. En tate eiciers Engineer of Mines. EG Yea sire aioteve sets Encyclopedia. ELEN G ate ote eco eiehenscs England. BENS US We ccves ee eles Engineer. Eingrings: eres. Engineering. Engr. O.R.C...... EXngineer Officers’ Reserve Corps. Engr. R.C........ Engineer Reserve Corps. STS LS crepes a etvenevere Engineers. Entomol. .e sic. - Entomological. CoB aie steele siete teccyer si Eldest son. JEtHMNO} ce os cis cin ois Ethnological. et seq........... Mt Sequentes (and those that follow). Ba VANE Nein oi cke sie Siete Evangelical. EIROO 5 fio cietotetencra sic Executive. EhDNe tec citer’ Exhibition. ExXpanis.. cer ce . Expedition. Expn............xposition. ESXDGs cle eueteccteterevete Experiment. F BE Alnsraicicce sice Field Artillery. F.A.C.P..........Fellow American College of Physicians. EBLALC.S orien eeces Fellow American College of Surgeons. ERs pte et atte -.... Forest Engineer. EOD ee lacate . February. EOC arc v ce selclnte eile Federation. F.F.V........... First Families of Virginia ECR Sov e cqenerenees Foreign. BLA Mate states oustenaus . Florida. Frat. one . Mraternity. E.R. CP. aerate eres Fellow Royal College of Phy- sicians (England). . Fellow Royal College of Phy- sicians of Edinburgh. E deus eeteletronke Fellow Royal College of Sur- geons (England). Er. dOs Crk? sEuileretctete F.R.S.E.... .. Fellow Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Pt ee aR Oere -... Freight. Pah aire tae te te we HOT ts G G-1 (or other ; MUM DEM) eae oe General Staff Officer No. :... (CY : a ALRITE Georgia. GA Fe Schecter Grand Army of the Republic, g.dau............Granddaughter. Genis fo oe. General, ABBREVIATIONS 13 Geneal...... .... Genealogical. MOOR sickest esr . .Geodetic. Geog...... ...---Geographical, geographic. GeOli Sec ss cajcc n= Geological. GOR ia cs vs seas ee Germany. Fg oh Fe a AA Ole Great granddaughter. g.g.son..........Great grandson. G.EQ i. ccc eee .General Headquarters, GOVE cesisine s ...-Governor. GOWUrirctsiss 6 aretens Government, Grado... soit Graduated, graduate. . BELSON otais) sic cto! aeferes Grandson, CGS iviates's.6 axe ers Great. Gynecol......... Gynecological. H PLOGYS oa ste cc cie sors Headquarters. BEG ote ies ceca Home Guard. ED ce tertaiars chotencts aye Hawaiian Islands. H.Ty. (or H.T.).. Hawaiian Territory. BEIS Ge ferries ones. 3 oo Historical, Historic. FLOMmOs? eee. ees Homeopathic. BLOM recs shay eto Honorary, honorable, honor- ably. Ho. of Rep....... House of Representatives. PLOLG ercrer send 3} 510 Horticultural. BLOSD ecm ce sicleions « s Hospital. PS oe ishaie ic tonsnerens Holland Society. cece eines. Huguenot Society of America. FE eC eile sisters 2s Huguenot Society of South Carolina, PEL GGtteres tote oie ce celcsieun Heights. MYyArOGs «ccs cs Hydrographic. I 5 C picy 5 MACE CON ROT ae Iowa TT ede hese: Same TG Oiitecieietcrete occa Tdaho nah Ie rss ieee eee earcrt Illinois ETO eretelet ata oferexsio's Incorporated, Inclusive EYE aera evs elo ar nits 6 ey Indiana. PL YE have UV rcnetevene tetecs a's Indian Territory. 2b te ou ce oiOREee Infantry. DAS cise «0 Sono Insurance. MSW ele ste teeiers! ayaa Inspector. Insp.Gen........ Inspector General. MNSG ee teteictsicic\chs te ots Institute. cbt US <7 Sain niceyor Institution. abit RAIN Se OCOD ae Instructor. THSCIN ce tetris ei sces Instruction. Snternat..c sce International. J aS cbhcGhatersievesietete ie Judge Advocate General. WD EATL stale tsuationsieyer eet e, January. WD cdD eke cts ois wiela ears Doctor of Jurisprudence. J.g. (or Jr.g.)....Junior Grade. OUT cei cic Bchatatote Journal. Slee eretcisis so UNION, ETRE ctitctesisia e\-asiei\'s Judicial. AUBUUE! ecaicacw ie icra Juris Utriusque Doctor Doctor of Both (Canon and Civil) Laws. K Man. oi as eee bie ee Kansas. K..O8 a. teria ¢ Knight of Columbus. Es brie eeeiniehteot Pythias. Mccd eters ctecscestiere ... Knight Templar. 1 BE Ny SONAC NCROM AE Kentucky. |b. Bea er iesete wis eas a .. Louisiana. O67 annorsoe cee Laboratory. TT RS eR OR Language. Laryngol........ Laryngological. SaDY ores brass sae ee LUMber. dap BalD sieisteiel eo wictale Doctor of Literature (also D. Litt.). Te. Di Saiere chide cis to ste ons Long Island. Wsit'S Senta: setorertierens Literary, literature. Litt.B. (or B.L.). Bachelor of Letters. TritE Divi) « oc Doctor of Letters. Be PER = Sooty Hee IUCN Bachelor of Laws. Ladnn di chclniete crete’ ects Doctor of Laws. LL.M. (or M.L. ) .Master of Laws. Lt. (or Lieut.) ... Lieutenant. t.Cols yt cs 5.8 sees Lieutenant Colonel. dati Gen tayarceeicts Lieutenant General. st, GOView ete sonal Lieutenant-Governor. tds ote ccs as . Limited. Tstitlecrreetsrene ates Lutheran. M Late ene eereetcy sPaie Married. MM. A. (or A.M.)...Master of Arts. Mae eae ae evar cnven Magazine. DEAS Te svc eels eis Master of Agriculture, Ma jihtes. aries ss Major. Maj.Genen. .t is Major General. Bass ee ss erore ea ie Massachusetts. Mathes ais sien: Mathematical. BEB eee ciccate swe, Bachelor of Medicine. MiG eee nae er ene Member of Congress, Medical Corps. Micht aes Giese ois Merchant. Marais ses Maryland. MD pease bees Doctor of Medicine. WEDD eaters ahaliersaal sis Master of Didactics. Melee cou lets ses Maine. IME Seeierciere aes ce Mechanical Engineer; Meth- odist Episcopal. Mech 2 ioc nie set sie Mechanical. MSE. Cites erayetters Methodist Episcopal Church. Me@ etch da cis sch: Medical. Med. O.R.C....... Medical Officers’ Reserve Corps. Med. RC. (or MFC) creenlveieis Medical Reserve Corps. Mem ieeer ie ses Member. Motiaeiccd aatetsietels Metropolitan. Metall oc ccs seis « Metallurgical. Meteorol... ..- a: Meteorological. Moth esac oem eke Methodist. WME Buscesvertne ahereter crete Master of Forestry. ML Saito a eroseis cis Manufacturing. Mittin. cp ae Manufacture; manufacturer. pub gd ih 52 Rei Oenee his Manufacturers. MG goes Saline: Machine Gun. MEST teres esis ans Manager. WML eS eisrencicha sors’ aste Military Intelligence. Mich eae aide er Michigan. WUICTOS <.3..0)5 56.0 51 Microscopical. WELL tae c ctete cre Military. MEIN Tyce ceteris Minnesota. Miss’ cnet Mississippi. Mi hadecstareserener cca vere Massachusetts Institute of Technology. M.L. (or LL.M.) .,Master of Laws. ME Daltt ans, eset es Master of Literature. Millet etree. Mademoiselle (Miss) BEM Pee srtchchonstete Madame. Bi hn Bic PCR Managing. WLOWis hve crsietrsuer ccs Missouri. MOLES Went Military Order of Foreign Wars of the United States. se ee ee Sis cere Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. MOntiE crt oe ci eh. Montana. MO. WaWs cece Military Order of the World War. MP en. ete rs Methodist Protestant. M.R.C. (or Med R.C.)..... Medical Reserve Corps. M..C!Paeeeece Member Royal College of Physicians. M.B.C.8. 3 ote css Member Royal Coll. Surgeons. M.S. (or M.Sc.)...Master of Science. MG ee ara eee stats Mount. Bo a Se mito wear Mountain. Musee me Museum, musical. MUS. Bose de sce. Bachelor of Music. 14 ABBREVIATIONS Mus.D. (or ED srs eietorei ors atoetere Philippine Islands. Mus.Doc.)..... Doctor of Music. PL oiixicate scsi wa ace: Muti eee scat Mutual. PieM oot een Paymaster. M.V.M...... erates erp Wg A Volunteer Mil- Polit Tes sak Political. tia. Polytcnectc one Polytechnic. Postil. cn see After. “7 at So eredorareteneeeeee prow ince of Quebec. Ewes cote eoherete oie orto Rico. PYOD sib iewieseee va Preparatory. Mc ct neice tere North. BLOB lee oie ae President. WA Sook een National Academician; North | Presbyn......... Presbyterian. America; National Army. Presdl.......... Presidential, MAD eA ee National Academy of Design. ea eee cece eens BEnODaL DES Jeiaih ied ola caicions National 9 ete eich crcl etezevaieiere rofessor. a = saat a are ee New Brunswick. Prog............ Progressive. WOR ie ee North Carolina. Propr........... Proprietor. WD ie ee: North Dakota. Pros. Atty....... Prosecuting attorney. NW Ecce eee es Northeast, also New England. Pro Tem......... Pro tempore (for the time MEA Modoc. es National Education Associa- being). tor rayon Bi eteis etek me ae , Webieactecsuieee Nebraska.) ie enn | hres cat otnaterelsietalere Ssychological. IW. ESB ccc s «cies New England Society. Pub eee shee Deer: publishing, ove ee . u Ss e :. mghiee ss co Novieneltcnana: AA DUE: a OER Private, INGEN. Micseiets oc cues National Guard of New York. EL OS em eee ne New Hampshire. WU asics si oeie oasis New Jersey. Q NINE So cnstesetereuejare ere New Mexico. N.M.O.S.A.W.... Naval and Military Order of Le Be Sou ood Gabo Quartermaster. Spanish-American War. Q.M.Cs tan ees Quartermaster Corps. MOUS Sit. cae Naval Order of the United Q.M.Gen......... Quartermaster General. States. Q.M.0.R.C....... Quartermaster Officers’ Re- MOVe. ss November. serve Corps. Wee ee are Near. Q.MLR.C......... Quartermaster Reserve Corps. WS irae orc lee Nova Scotia. Que ees ee eres. Quebec (province). NT PS: BERT New ‘Testament. HBS GG OSH AGE S66 He quod vide (which see). Tamils. ose os umismatic. will ctslsts ohare Rese Northwest. fh $a ono mot Ec New York (state). R RAM... . cc cece Royal Arch Mason (0) A tics cho peat oc Roman Catholic; Reserve Corps. ; OTe ateere sietatste are’ Ohio. R.C.8 aa oe Revenud Cutter Service Obstet... es Obstetrical. RAN eee Road. i OO vet ciclnrcarete Order of the Crown. BD sic cee oe Rural Delivery. O:C.G 2s Order of Colonial Governors. RAE See ee Ref d wo order eformed Episcopal. CU ener eiels cree taro ete ctober. WOON cs cele Recording. OE .k Atencio. oe of Founders and MOL Mais seek eee Reformed atriots of America. RAS ea ee } Soe its Ite aio utyetes 7 io poe ase sneWorchevareicisstte per GEN Delivery. Wie ration (ae sear shee i ORG rarcccreteie avers areokt 5 Ophthal......... Ophthalmological. Reegtl o.oo .e on : Hee menea OR Sees. ete Organized Reserves. ROP sae woo tae Republican, re resentati O.B.0 0 csc ae Officers’ Reserve Corps. BROV csc Hes ws ....Reverend Ravoluteda phy edi aelaredhekale seieve peceen in BL aces eee Rhode Island. ‘ Ly OPO CDOS rganization. .0.T.C oe cee e Ornithol......... Ornithological. yaad, OMcera arate meat Ole vebeve ree eke Ne Old Testament. BeBe ayers ies eae Railroad. sated a leleterel ejetoredats Officers’ Training Camp. BUT aretete uctercre - Reserve Training Camp. nie statene tele ol aretete resste aks) siathore id School. BOY eae oie oe oe Railway. a WW agents orete spat chee rder of Washington. S P Rievatone otalete: mis CatnCtete Son. Dele tecye hse) s Gus tevauete Page. = PS ata oni? South. = Batol anes Sia ib ee ere = enn yet SAS bth eee South America BBM chee cers fionetects assenger. S.A.MLE ererenets i “Zirkle AG SER ROI Pathological. AE as Saat A supe CK Seana Phi Beta Kappa. S.A ee : Pd.B. (or B.Pd.)..Bachelor of Pedagogy. SaT.C0) ae evry aco piles PitledD eiele sicieicne te ciere Doctor of Pedagogy. Corps f steers re CRA ee ROS f dal CORED EE SaV8.cieeiise sis oe Savings. Boe Bd ae rotestant Episcopal. i F i ~Septaloig ser eccece Pharmaceutical. “ Serre Lois tae a eon bf 3 Chan Be RSA Reae Doctor of Pharmacy. S.A.W. - } Pharm.M........ Master of Pharmacy. eek ies ne eae American Sy eae PhS Ae fo. Bachelor of Philosophy. S.B. (also B.S. or : hg ie OAS OIA IS Pharmaceutical Chemist. Sc.B.)i Mecca. Bachelor of Sci PHO ere as Doctor of Philosophy. 8.C Snclerviak ene wh. eae Gr Dera y of the Cincinnati; also pisverers aduate in Pharmacy. South Cc lina: Phila 4.5.6 08.5. Philadelphia. tary Corpe: aa aoa tre bays mene Ss cape pre (or D.Sc.) .. Docter of Science. Bays, AG re Saree pul eisians Physical. Sch ee ae School Ante ys. and Surg...Physicians and Surgeons $.0.0 sr oN ae Sons of Conf ‘ we racists craic he ae ederate Veterans. Physiols. 60 33. Physiological. B.C.W... ds cieun Society of Colonial Wars. ABBREVIATIONS 15 WDD Nala sten te eiakte ie South Dakota. SDB ce cee Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims. [ee in Old cone Southeast. BOO hekicccicleres ce . Secretary. Bect rics c wrt Section. BOM eee eee. Seminary. Beperic. scot. es September. Sgt ieee se Sergeant. Siete wrens ceutis, shoe, Staten Island; also Sulgrave Institution. fh fe ie OIO SIRT Society of Jesus (Jesuit). BI Doc vec clecass Doctor Juristic Science. je da ere rrae Master of Science. SWE Se fetes + cis Society of Mayflower Descend- ants. BEE Siri otaleieia cts St. Nicholas Society. WOO italia vices Society. Boclolss.s ec wane Sociological. S'0.%.0r-- 4. Signal Officers’ Reserve Corps. S.0.8 Sere sees Service of Supply. to oh Onna ain Eee Special. Be ieeiecis) aleeree cas Square Broce s wes eee. Senior. BR Racer meta Sons of the Revolution. BRO Sees ese Signal Reserve Corps. , e - Frne aree ceeeIn Southern Society; also Sun- ‘day school. BU reese cesses Saint; street. Bea OSatecss cles c 3% Station Statis........... Statistical. SSS Seteiets eel ehe) cece Bachelor of Sacred Theology. BSED Fadkcwooons on Doctor of Sacred Theology. Buptse cas dees cs Superintendent. Burgess osyc sca sees Surgical. Bi Wiktorsci sie eteveetise Sons of Veterans. Wissen cic ctsrens siete s Southwest. S.W.1812......:. Society of the War of 1812. T HRY UB ion too Trust and Savings. Tech...... Oe ENE Technical, technology. Technol........ . Technological. Temp........... Temporary, Tenn..........-. Lennessee, Ter. (or Ty.)..... Territory. OX. 6. Malsleiee slot LOXAS: T.H. (or H.T.)....Territory of Hawaii. PETC harcrercta sickens oh Doctor of Theology. TE aravcie’s cleicxexe’s Master of Theology. THEOL ee cc cleis sie Theological. Topos......----6 Topographical. Tp. (or Twp.).... Township. egy SN Basanocooud Transferred. TOAD cc clo sass - Treasurer, treasury. Twp. (or Tp.)....Township. Ty. (or Ter.).....Territory. U Uiatecas cicielsie 10 c's - University. Wekb stotercta sete cisiciere United Brethren in Christ. Oe Wie o chereictersy ere . United Confederate Veterans. wee Gash ac ...- United Daughters of the Con- federacy. Univ............ University. U.P............. United Presbyterian; Union Pacific. UW SON F oceieve.s's ere ctese Urological. NW Store este cvctatere .. United States. UBM... .c6 ess. United States Army. W8.0.Giic cc ces .-United States Coast Guard. U.S.0.2 ists eaces U.S. Colored Troops. US. OLWis cc ccc ae .Union Society of the Civil War. U.8.D.1812...... ee States Daughters of 1812. U.S.A ocacs . United States Military Academy. U.S.M.C........ U.S.M.H.B...... . United States Marine Corps. . United States Marine Hos- pital Service. LP bah obrooeds United States Navy. 1 BE Bicieicistctete e's United States Naval Academy. WT BGS ecewics United States National Guard. U.S.N.M-E.. 2.2... United States Naval Reserve Force. U.S.P.H.S..... ...United States Public Health Service. UB. ocisincscocss United States Reserves. U.S.B.C.S...... ..U. S. Revenue Cutter Service. W.S. Vises ee eisrs United States Volunteers. U.S.W Wisse. United Spanish-War Veterans. Vv WE sie crstt visi chele ele eis Virginia. WOU se cecciclercietsieis Veteran, veterinary. Wi Eos de scicee Virginia Military Institute. Wika W0 oete heaters Veterans of Foreign Wars. Wol oa dma ee ne oe Volunteer; volume. VOIS coc ciceeele Volunteers. WE coca p DcloIpe Vice president. WB aki close cua Versus (against). Wiis ties sietncis sere sys Vermont. W WY Palatal ste onc tokarsh ghane’s West. WASH Fie acmikass s Washington (state). Wienke acererstioistar elie Woman’s Christian Temper- ance Union. PW .Licietatsteicuesercrscrs!s West Indies. WT LBs, stevctevelonst esse Wisconsin. RAE SG oteodid Goon West Virginia. WY Oar eletaeie ate Wyoming. Y: Walo-8 0 ic\caee e258 Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University. WLC. Aen es ie Young Men’s Christian Assn. Rs Bor ocsomodder Years. We Cia ctecisre eels Young Women’s Christian As- sociation. Z MOG] cease cs sis Zodlogical. ‘ -s as | ft ed ; Wweaa Sale A : * t, vf au Pane! id Ics sige $, i ) vey Rare bat hh , a ¢ % Mitel Dr a yas Cy Utes PRUE ole oa The Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy Lineage Records aa ha Calvin, b at Plymouth, Vt., July » 1872. 10-John Coolidge (av); 9-Simon (1632-93), m Hannah Barron; m 2d, Pris- cilla Rogers; 8-Obadiah (1663-1706), m Elizabeth Rouse, of Hartford, Conn.; 7—Obadiah (1695-1741), m Rachel Goddard, of Wa- tertown; 6—Josiah (1718-80), m Mary —; 5—John (1756-1822), m 1779, Hannah Priest; 4-Calvin (1780-1853), m 1814, Sarah Thompson; 3-Calvin Gelusha (1815-78), m 1844, Sarah Almeda Brewer. 2-Son of Col. John Calvin Coolidge (1845-1926), of Plymouth, Vt.; m 1868, Victoria Josephine (1846-85), dau. Hiram D. Moor; issue: I—Calvin (above); II—Abbie G. (1875-90). I-m Oct. 4, 1905, Grace Anna Goodhue (qv); issue: 1-John, b Northampton, Mass., Sept. 7, 1906; 2Calvin, Jr. (Apr. 18, 1908-July 7, 1924). A.B., Amherst, ’95. Admitted to the bar, 1897; was councilman, city solicitor and clk. of courts at Northampton, Mass., and mayor, 1910-11; mem. Mass. Gen. Ct., 1907-08; Mass. Sen- ate, 1912-15 (pres. Senate, 1914-15): 1t. gov., 1917, 18, and gov., 2 terms, 1919, 20; V.P. of the U.S., term 1921-25; became 30th President of the U.S. upon the death of President Harding, Aug. 2, 1923; elected President for term, Mar. 4, 1925- Mar. 4, 1929. Residence: The White House, Washington, D.C. 1-COOLIDGE, Grace Anna Goodhue (Mrs. Cal- vin), } Burlington, Vt., Jan. 9, 1879. 9-William Goodhue (1612-1700), from Eng., 1635; settled at Ipswich, Mass.; rep. Gen. Ct.; m 1st, Mary Watson; 8-Joseph (1639-97), rep. Gen. Ct.; m 1st, Sarah Whipple (John °); 7—-John (1679-1771), m Sarah Sharon; 6—-John (1721-1815), soldier Am. Rev.; m Elisabeth Lampson; 5—-Ebenezer (1754-1853), Hancock, N.H.; m Sarah Porter; 4-BMbenezer (1782-1869), m Mehitable Knight; 8—-Benjamin (1818-89), mem. N.H. Legislature; m Caroline B. Andrews. 2-Only child of Andrew J. Goodhue (1848-1923), of Burlington, Vt.; m Lemira Barrett. M Oct. 4, 1905, Calvin Coolidge (av for issue). Residence: The White House, Washington, D.C. Saeed dealt Charles Gates, b Marietta, O., Aug. 9-William Dawes (qv); 8-Ambrose (1642-1703), 1t. A. and H.A. Co.; soldier King Philip’s War; m Mary Bumstead (b 1642; Thomas ®); 7-Thomas (1680-1750), m 1702, Sarah Story (d 1759); 6—William (1719-1802), m 1st, 1742, Lydia Boone (b 1718; Nicholas 7); 5—-William (1745-99), companion of Paul Revere on his famous midnight ride; m Ist, 1768, Mehita- ble May (1751-1793; Samuel £); 4—William Mears (1771-1855), settled in Morgan Co., O., 1819; m 1795/6, Abigail Kendall Holden (b 1780; Jonas 5); 38-Henry (1804-67), mcht.; mem. Ohio Legislature; m 1829, Sarah Cutler (1809-96; Ephraim 4, m Sal- ly Parker; Manasseh 5; Hezekiah *; John 7; James 8; James ®, qv). 2-Son of Gen. Rufus R. Dawes (1838-1899), A.B., Marietta, ’60; capt. to col. 6th Wis. Vol. Inf. in Civil War; bvtd. brig. gen. vols. ‘‘For gallant and meritorious services during the war;” mem. 47th Congress, 1881-83; m Mary Beman Gates (1842-1921); issue: I-—Charles Gates (above); II—Rufus Cutler (See Vol. 1, p. 228, for Cutler line); I1I-Beman Gates (See Vol. 1, p. 228, for Gates line); IV—Mary Frances (Mrs. Arthur G. Beach, See Vol. 1, p. 229, for Brew- ster line); V-Henry May (See Vol. 1, p. 229, for Shipman line); VI—Betsey Gates (m Harry B. Hoyt). I-m Jan. 24, 1889, Caro Dana Blymyer, of Cincin- nati, O.; issue: 1-Rufus Fearing (d 1912); 2— Carolyn, m 1915, Melvin B. Ericson (issue: Charles G. D., b Aug. 4, 1918). Also two adopted children, Dana and Virginia. A.B., Marietta, ’84, A.M., 1887; LL.B., Cincinnati Law Sch., 1886. Chmn. of bd. Central Trust Co. of Ill., Chicago, of which was pres., 1902-17. Comptroller of the currency, 1897-1902. Commd. maj. of engrs., June 1917; lt. col., July 1917; col., Jan. 1918; brig. gen., Oct. 1918; was chmn. Gen. Purchasing Bd. and gen, purchasing agent for the A.E.F. in France; later mem. Allied Purchasing Bd. and mem. Liquidation Commission of the Allies to Aug. 1919. Apptd. dir. of the budget, U.S., by President Harding, June 1921; apptd. by Reparations Commn., as chmn. com. of experts to determine condition of German finances, 1924. V.P. of the U.S. for term 1925-29. Home: 225 Greenwood Boul., Evanston, Ill. Residence: Washington, D.C, ete William Howard, } Cincinnati, O., Sept. 7-Robert Taft (1640-1725), from Eng. to Mass. ca. 1678; was an original settler at Mendon; m Sa- rah -; 6—Joseph (1680-1747), capt. of militia at Uxbridge, Mass.; m 1708, Elizabeth Emerson (1687-1760; James 7); 5—Peter (b 1715), minute man at Bunker Hill; m Elizabeth Cheney (6 1707; Josiah 8); 4-Aaron (1743-1808), minute man at Bunker Hill, m Rhoda Rawson (1749-1827; Abner 5); 8—-Peter Rawson (1785-1867), judge Windham Co., Vt.; settled at Cincinnati, O., 1841; m 1810, Syl- via Howard (Levi 4). 2-Son of Alphonso Taft (1810-1891), B.A., Yale, ’33; Sec. of War, Mar.-May 1876, Atty. Gen., 1876-77, in cabinet of President Grant; minister to Aus- tria, 1882-1884, and to Russia, 1884-1885; m Fanny (1823-52), dau. of Judge Charles Phelps, of Vt.; m 2d, 1853, Louisa Maria Torrey (1827-1907) ; issue (ist marriage): (first three d in infancy); TV—Charles Phelps (See Vol. 1, p. 850); V—Peter Rawson (d 1889; m Annie Matilda Hulbert); (2d marriage): VI-—Samuel Davenport (d in in- fancy); VII—William Howard (above); VIII- Henry Waters (See Who’s Who in America); TX—Horace Dutton (See Who’s Who in Amer- ica); X—Frances Louise (b 1865; m Dr. William A. Edwards). VilI-m June 19, 1886, Helen Herron (qv); issue. 1-Robert Alphonso, b Sept. 8, 1889; B.A., Yale, 18 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 10; LL.B., Harvard, 1913; m Oct. 17, 1914, Mar- tha Wheaton, dau. of Lloyd Wheaton Bowers; 2-Helen Herron, 0 Cincinnati, Aug. 1, 1891; B.A., Bryn Mawr, ’15, M.A., Yale, 1917; dean Bryn Mawr Coll., also actg. president 1919-20; m Frederick J. Manning; 3—Charles Phelps, II (See Vol. 1, p. 851). B.A., Yale, ’78; LL.B., Cincinnati Law Sch., 1880. Judge Superior Ct., Cincinnati, 1887-90; solic- itor gen. U.S., 1890-92; U.S. circuit judge, 1892- 1900; pres. U.S. Philippine Commn., 1900-01; 1st civil gov. P.I., 1901-04; Sec. of War, 1904-08, in Cabinet of President Roosevelt; 27th Presi- dent of U. S., 1909-18; Kent prof. law, Yale U., 1918-21; Chief Justice Supreme Ct. of U.S. since July 1921. Residence: Washington, D.C. 1-TAFT, Helen Herron (Mrs. William H.), b Cincinnati, O., June 2, 1861. 5-Francis Herron, from Ireland to Lancaster Co., Pa., 1734; m Mary McNutt; 4—-Fra.icis, m Jane Wills; 3-William, m Nancy Reynolds. 2-Dau. of John Williamson Herron (1809-1912), U. S. district atty., Cincinnati, O.; mem. Ohio Senate; m 1854, Harriet Anne Collins (d 1902); issue: I-Emily (m Gustavus Swan Parsons); II—Jane (m Charles L. Anderson); IlI—Helen (above); IV—Maria Clinton; V—William Col- lins (1866-1921; m Jane Espy); VI—John W. (b 1870; m Georgie M. Aldrich); VII—Eleanor (b 1874; m Louis Trenchard More); VIII—Lucy Hayes (db 1878; m Thomas McK. Laughlin; m au Senator Henry F. Lippitt, See Vol. 1, p. III-m June 19, 1886, William Howard Taft (qv for issue). Residence: Washington, D. C. 1-LOWELL, A(bbott) Lawrence, Mass., Dec. 13, 1856. 10—Percival Lowell (qv); 9-John (1595-1647), m Ist, Mary -; &-John (1629-94), m 1st, Hannah Proctor; 7—-Ebenezer (1675-1711), m Elizabeth Shailer; 6—-Rev. John (1704-67), A.B., Harvard, 1721; pastor Third Church, Newbury, 42 yrs.; m 1st, 1725, Sarah Champney (1704-56; Noah 7; Daniel 3; Richard 9°); 5-Judge John, LL.D. (1743-1802), A.B., Harvard, 1760; del. Cont. Congress; U.S. dist. and cir- cuit judge; m 1st, Sarah Higginson; 4-John, LL.D. (1769-1840), A.B., Harvard, 1786; legist, Boston; m Rebecca Amory; 3-John Amory, LL.D. (1798-1881), A.B., Harvard, 1815, a fellow, 1837-77; cotton mfr.; m 2d, Eliz- abeth Cabot Putnam. 2-Son of Augustus Lowell (1830-1901), A.B., Har- vard, ’50; extensive cotton mfr., financier, trustee; m 1854, Katharine Bigelow Lawrence (1832-95); issue: I—Percival (1855-1916; eminent astronomer); JII—A. Lawrence (above); III- Katharine (Mrs. T. James Bowlker, See Vol. 1, p. 354, for Lawrence line); IV—Elizabeth (m William Lowell Putnam, See Vol. 1, p. 354; V— Roger (1862-63); VI-May (b and d 1870); VII— Amy (1874-1925). , II—m June 19, 1879, Anna Parker, dau. of George Gardner Lowell, of Boston. A.B., Hafvard, ’77. Member faculty, 1897-1909, and pres. since 1909, Harvard U. Sole trustee Lowell Institute. Chmn. exec. com. League to Enforce Peace. Mem. Am. Acad. Arts and Letters, Mass. Hist. Society, ete. (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 17 Quincy St., Cambridge, Mass. Yipee teh hag Chester Alan, b N.Y. City, July 25, 5-Gavin Arthur, 6 “The Draen,” Ballymena, Co. Antrim, Ireland, 1735; m Jane Campbell; 4—-Alan (b 1766), m Eliza MacHarg; 3—-William (1797-1875), grad. Belfast U.: came to Vt., 1801; Bapt. minister; m Malvina Stone. 4—Dabney Herndon, m Elizabeth Hall: 3-Commodore William Lewis, U.S.N. (1814-57), m Elizabeth Frances Hansbrough (d 1878; Col. Joseph *, of Culpeper C.H., Va., m Sarah Parker). 2-Son of Gen. Chester Alan Arthur (1830-86), 21st President of the U. S., Sept. 20, 1881-Mar. 4, 1885; m 1859, Ellen Lewis Herndon (1837-80); issue: I-Chester Alan (above); II—-Ellen Hern- don (1871-1915, m Charles Pinkerton). I-m May 8, 1900, Myra Townsend (Fithian) An- drews, b N.Y. City, Jan. 1, 1870; dau. of Joel A. Fithian, of Bridgeton, N. J., m Fannie Bar- b Boston, rett Conolly; issue: 1-Chester Alan, Jr., b Col- orado Springs, Colo., Mar. 21, 1901; m in Lon- don, Eng., June 29, 1922, Charlotte (b Aug. 16, 1897), dau. of Charles S. Wilson, of Los An- geles, Calif. A.B., Princeton, '85. Retired. Clubs: Knicker- bocker, Union, Racquet and Tennis, The Brook, Turf and Field (New York). Residence: “Nirvana,” Carpenteria, Calif. 1-HARDING, George Tryon, Jr., b Caledonia, O., Mar. 11, 1878. ll—Richard Harding (1587-1657), from Eng., 1623; settled at Wessagusett, near Braintree, Mass.; 10-Stephen (1623-98), admitted freeman, Provi- dence, R. I., 1669; %9Abraham (1656-94); 8-Stephen (1681-1750), sea capt.; lived at Provi- dence, R. I., and Waterford, Conn.; 7—-Abraham (1720-1806), 2d 1t. in Am. Rev.; m Anna Dolson; 6-Abraham (1744-1815), settled in Wyoming Val- ley, Pa., 1774; m Hulda Tryon (1743-1812); 5-Amos (1764-1839), settled in what is now Mor- row Co., O., 1817; m Phebe Tripp (Isaac % m Catherine La France; Isaac 7; Job 8; Peleg °; John 19); 4—-George Tryon (1790-1860), m 1816, Elizabeth Mad- ison; 3—Charles Alexander (1820-78), m 1840, Mary Ann Crawford. 2-Son of George Tryon Harding, M.D. (b 1843), m 1864, Phoebe Elizabeth Dickerson (1843-1910); issue: I-Warren Gamaliel (1865-1923; 29th Pres- ident of the U.S.); II-Charity Melvina (0b 1867; m E. E. Remsburg); IlI—Mary Clarissa (1868-1913); IV—Eleanor Priscilla (1872-78); V— Charles Alexander (1874-78); VI—Abigail Vic- toria (6 1876; m 1924, Ralph Tobias Lewis); VII- George T., Jr. (above); WIII—Phoebe Caro- line (6 1879; m Heber Votaw). VilI-m July 21, 1908, Elsie Weaver, b June 23, 1881; dau. of Jacob Charles Weaver; issue (all 6 Columbus, O.): 1-George Tryon, III, b May 27, 1904; 2-Warren Gamaliel, II, b Nov. 2, 1905; 3—Ruth Virginia, 6B Apr. 5, 1910; 4 Charles Weaver, b Nov. 22, 1915; 5-Mary Eliz- abeth, b May 17, 1919. Ed. Battle Creek (Mich.) Coll.; M.D., U. Mich., 1900. Attending physician, Rural Rest Home, Worthington, O. Fellow Am. Coll. Physicians; mem. A.M.A., Am. Pyschiatric Assn. Resi- dence: Worthington, O. enter Jesse Root, b at St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 8-Thomas Dent (qv); 7-Col. William (b 1652), state’s atty., St. Marv’s Co.; solicitor gen., 1687; burgess, 1694; m 1684, acueers Fowke (Col. Gerrard 7, m Ann Chan- er); 6—Peter (1693-1757), m Mary Brooke (b 1709; Thomas °, of Prince George’s Co., Md.); 5-Peter (d 1785), m Ann-; 4—George, m 2d, Mrs. (Marbury) Cromwell; 3—Col. Frederick, m Ellen Bray Wrenshall. 2-Son of Gen. Ulysses S Grant, U.S.A. (1822-85), 18th President of the U.S.; m 1848, Julia Boggs Dent (1826-1902). For issue and Grant line see Ulysses S Grant, Jr., Vol. 1, p. 301. M Sept. 31, 1880, Elizabeth Chapman; issue: !— Nellie, 6 Elberon, N.J., Aug. 5, 1881; m 1913, William Pigott Cronan, b Feb. 9, 1879, capt. U.S.N. (issue: Elizabeth Grant, b 1915; Nellie Grant, 6 1917); 2Chapman, 6b Salem Centre, N.Y., Mar. 22, 1887; B.A., Williams, *10; maj. U.S.A.; m 1917, Mabel Ward, b Feb. 11, 1892 {92° Mabel Chapman, Bb 1918; Ulysses S, b M 2d, July 26, 1919, Lillian (Burns) Wilkins (1864- July 1, 1924); dau. Capt. Owen Burns, U.S.N., of Burnsville, N.C., and sister of Walter Fran- cis Burns (qv). Ed. at Cornell and Columbia. Club: National Democratic (New York). Residence: Santa Cruz, Calif: 1-EGGLESTON, Joseph Dupuy, b “Marble Hill,” Prince Edward Co., Va., Nov. 13, 1867. 9-Nicholas Martian (qv); y 8-Elizabeth (d 1687), m Col. George Reade (qv); 7-Thomas, m ca. 1688, Lucy Gwynn (desc. Hugh Gwynn, burgess; of Col. William Bernard, mem. Council; of Capt. Robert Higginson, in charge of troops against Indians, Middle Plantation): 6—Clement (1707-63), col. French and Indian War, FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 19 1758; burgess; clk. Lunenburg Co., 1730, Mary Hill (1711-86); &-Nancy (d 1815), m 1768, William Jameson (d 1785), planter; capt. Am. Rev.; mem. Com. Safety, Charlotte Co., Va.; 4—Peggy (d 1815), m 1793, "Thomas Colgate Elliott Peek physician (George®, officer ie ev. : 3-Lucilla Stanley (d 1853), m 1835, John Booker (1809-94), tobacconist, commn. mcht. 2-Son of Anne Carrington Booker (1836-98), m 1858, Joseph Dupuy Eggleston, M.D. (1831-1908), physician and planter. (See Vol. 1, p. 80, for Booker and Eggleston lineages); issue: I—-Wil- liam Green (6 1859); Il1-Mary Cornelia (m Ju- lian Taylor); IlI—Lucilla M. (1866-1912); IV— ee Dupuy (above); V—Nelia Purnell ete Va.; m IV-—m Dec. 18, 1895, Julia Jane Johnson (qv); is- sue: 1-Elizabeth Carrington, 6b Asheville, N. (Ons Mar. 17, 1899; Sweet Briar, 719, Syracuse U., 1923; Oxford U., Eng.; 2-Joseph Dupuy, III, } “The Oaks,’’ Prince Edward Co., Va., Oct. 11, 1903; Hampden-Sidney, ’23. A.B., Hampden-Sidney, ’86, A.M., 1891; (LL.D., Washington and Lee, 1917, and Hampden-Sid- ney, 1918). State supt. pub. instrn., Va., 1906-13; pres. Va. Poly. Inst., 1913-19; pres. Hampden- Sidney Coll., 1919— (See Who’s Who in Amer- ica). Mem. S.A.R., Va. Hist. Soc., Assn. for Preservation of Va. Antiquities, ete. Resi- dence: Hampden-Sidney, Va. 1-EGGLESTON, Julia Jane Johnson (Mrs. J. a aa b “Tremont,” Cumberland Co., Va., Dec. 6, 9-Nicholas Martian (qv); 8—Elizabeth (d 1687), m Col. George Reade (qv); 7—-Thomas, m ca. 1688, Lucy Gwynn (desc. Hugh Gwynn, burgess; of Col. William Bernard, mem. Council; of Capt. Robert Higginson, in charge of troops against Indians, Middle Plantation); 6—Clement (1707-63), col. French and Indian War, 1758; burgess; clk. Lunenburg Co., Va.; m 1730, Mary Hill (1711-86); 5—Margaret (1739-76), m 1755, Paul Carrington (1733- ea judge Ct. of Appeals of Va. (Col. George 8, qv); 4—Gen. George (1756-1809), 1t.col. Am. Rev.; plant- er; m 1784, Sarah Coles Tucker (b 1765); 3-Tucker (1800-75), lawyer and planter; m 1823, Mary Carrington Watkins. 8-Abraham Venable (qv); Nae ee (1700-68), burgess 20 yrs.; m Martha avis 6—Nathaniel (1733-1804), burgess; founder of Hampden-Sidney Coll.; m Elizabeth Woodson (1740-91; Richard 7 [1690-1773], m Anne Madelin {b 1693], dau. of Abraham Michaux [1672-1717], Huguenot refugee, m 1692, Susanne Rochette); 5-Samuel Woodson (1756-1821), col. Am. Rev.; m pary S. Carrington (Judge Paul *, Col. George 4-Blizabeth Woodson (1782-1858), m 1799, William Morton Watkins; 3—Mary C. (1803-87), m Tucker Carrington (3 above). 1i-Lt.Col. Walter Aston, Gent. (1607-56), from Eng. to Va., 1628; judge and burgess; m 2d, Hannah-; 10—Mary, m ca. 1646, Lt. Col. Richard Cocke (1600- 65), came to Va., 1627; sheriff and burgess, Hen- rico Co., Va.; obtained large land grants; 9-William (1655-93), m 2d, Sarah Flower; &-Mary, m Obadiah Smith, Sr., of Henrico Co., Va. 7-Ann, m Richard Woodson (b ca. 1662; dese. Dr. John Woodson, came to Va., 1619); 6—-Agnes (1711-1802), m Joseph Morton (1709-82; mem. Com. Safety, Charlotte Co., Va., justice County Ct.); 5—Agnes (1747-1814), m ca. 1765, Col. Joel Watkins (ca. 1746-1820), officer Am. Rev.; 4—William (1773-1865), m Elizabeth Woodson Ven- able (4 above). 2Dau. of Elizabeth Cabell Carrington (1825-93), of “Sunnyside,” Mecklenburg Co., Va.; m 1846, William Thomas Johnson (1825-96). planter, to- bacconist; mem. Cumberland Troop, C.S.A. (desc. William Crowder, Ambrose Jeter, Wil- liam Wood, Sr., and William Wood, Ir. offi- eers Am. Rev.); issue: I—Mary Carrington (1847-1913; m Clement Carrington Read, 1837-93); TI-—William Ichabod (1850-1925; m Lucy Nelson Page, 1852-96); I1I-Tucker Carrington (1852-1918 ; m Sallie Anne Powers); IV—Richard Henry (1855-1924; m Etta Leigh Watkins, b 1876); V— Hugh Cabell (6 1858); VI-Elizabeth Watkins (b 1860); ViII—Ann Isabelle (6 1863); VIII-Julia Jane (above). VillI-m Dec. 18, 1895, Joseph DuPuy Eggleston (av for issue). Residence: Hampden-Sidney, Va. Arms: Ar. on a bend sabie, three lozenges erminois. Crest: Tiger’s head erased, vomiting fire. 1-DENT, reecny Stedman, 6 San Francisco, Calif., Oct. 31, 1870, %-Thomas Dent (q v): 8—Col. William (6 1652), state’s atty., St. Mary’s Co.; solicitor gen., 1687; burgess, 1694; m 1684, Elizabeth Fowke (Col. Gerrard®, m Ann Chan- dler); 7-Peter (1693-1757), m Mary Brooke (0b 1709; Thomas 8, of Prince pas ell Co., Md.); 6—Peter (d 1785), m Ann — 5—George, 1st It., 3d Bn., “Charles Co., Md., Fly- ae CamnD, 1776; m 2d, Emily (Marbury) Crom- well; 4—Frederick (1789-1873), m 1814, Ellen Bray Wren- shall (their dau. Julia B., m Gen. U. S. Grant); 3-George Wrenshall (1819-99), m 1841, Mary Isa- bella Shurlds (1822-1907). 2-—Son of Henry Shurlds Dent (1844-75), news- paper editor; m 1866, Theodate Burnett (1844- 1910), dau. of William Stedman, m Theodate Tilten, of Me.; issue: I-Maud Morgan (b 1866); II-Wrenshall Stedman (above). IIl-m Nov. 24, 1897, Catherine Emily Mitchell (Dec. 8, 1870-Sept. 28, 1922); dau. of Thomas Mitchell, of Bangor, Me.; issue: 1—Ulysses Grant, 6 San Francisco, Calif., Féb. 15, 1902; m Jan, 23, 1928, Bertha, dau. of George Breyer, of San Francisco (issue: Donald Gordon; Irene Marian). U.S. custom inspector in charge of weights and measures, San Francisco. Mem. O.F.P.A. Fe ee 1312 Broderick St., San Francisco, alif. 1-APPLETON, Francis Randall, b New York, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1854. 8-Samuel Appleton (qv); 7-Maj. Samuel (1624-96), cdr.-in-chief of Mass. troops in King Philip’s War; dep.Gen.Ct., etc.; m 2d, 1656, Mary Oliver (1640-98; John 8, m Joan- na, dau. of Percival Lowle); 6—Maj. Isaac (1664-1747), m Priscilla Baker (1674- 1731; Capt. Thomas 7, m Priscilla, dau. of Dep. Gov. Samuel Symonds; John §8); 5—-Isaac (1704-94), m Elizabeth Sawyer (1710-85; Francis *, m Elizabeth Dennis; William 7); 4—Samuel (1739-1819), m Mary White; 8-—Gen. James (1785-1862), brig. gen. Mass. militia in War of 1812; m 1807, Sarah Fuller (Rev. Dan- jel *¢, of W. Gloucester, Mass.). 2-Son of Daniel Fuller Appleton (1826-1904), a founder of Waltham Watch Co.; m Julia (1827-86), dau. of Nicholas P. Randall, of Man- lius, N.Y.; m 2d, Susan Cowles, of Ipswich. Mass.; issue (lst marriage): I-Francis Randall (above); II—Ruth (b 1857; m Charles Sanders Tuckerman); IlII—Mary Eliza (b 1860: m Gerald Livingston Hoyt); IV—Randolph Morgan (6b 1862; m Helen Kortwright, dau. Charles Mix- ter); V-—James Waldingfield (qv). I-m Oct. 7, 1884, Fanny Lanier, b Lenox, Mass., Aug. 17, 1864; dau. of Charles Lanier (See Who’s Who in America); issue: 1-Francis Ran- dall, Jr., b Lenox, Mass., July 9, 1885; A.B., Har- vard, ’07, LL.B., 1910; 2-Charles Lanier (Sept. 25, 1886-1921) ; A.B., Harvard, 708; 3-Ruth, b New York, Jan. ‘10, 1891; m William G., son of late 20 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Barrett Wendell (See Vol. 1, p. 348, for gene- alogy); 4-Alice, b New York, Dec. 8, 1894; m Clarence L. Hay (See Vol. 1, p. 325, for geneal- ogy); 5—-James (6 Mar. 6, 1899, d 1915). A.B., Harvard, ’75 (D.K.E., Porcellian Club); LL. B., Columbia, 1877. Lawyer, retired; dir. Walt- ham Watch Co.,, etc. Maj. and insp. rifle prac- tice, 2d Brig., N.G.N.Y. Overseer, Harvard Coll., 1908-09, 1918-24. Mem. S.C.W. Clubs: Knickerbocker, University, Meadowbrook, etc. (New York), Somerset (Boston), Myopia Hunt, etc. Residence: 26 EH. 37th St., New York. 1-APPLETON, James Waldingfield, ) New York, N.Y., June 4, 1867. 8-William White (qv); 7—John (1640-69), m Hannah French; 6—‘‘Worshipful” John (1664-1727), m Lydia Gilman (Hon. John 7, m Elizabeth Treeworthy; Ed- ward 8); 5-Rev. Timothy (1700-65), A.B., Harvard, 1720; m Susanna Gardner (John °, m Priscilla Coffin [Jethro 7; Peter’; Tristram ®]; John 7, m Susan- na Greene; Capt. John 8, m Priscilla, dau. of Joseph Grafton); 4—Mary (1749-1834), m Samuel Appleton (1739-1819). 3—Gen. James (1785-1862), m 1807, Sarah Fuller. 2-Son of Daniel Fuller Appleton (1826-1904), a founder of Waltham Watch Co.; m Julia (1827- 86), dau. of Nicholas Phillips Randall, of Man- lius, N.Y.; m 2d, Susan Cowles. For issue and Appleton lineage see Francis Randall Apple- ton. V-Not married. A.B., Harvard, ’88. Capt., Re- mount Div., Q.M.C., overseas service, Apr.- Sept. 1918. Clubs: Knickerbocker, Harvard (N. Y.), Somerset (Boston), Myopia Hunt. Resi- dence: New York and Ipswich, Mass. 1-ANDERSON, Alice Simms (Mrs. James Blythe), 6 Harrodsburg, Ky., Nov. 3, 1868. 4Ignatious Simms (d Patrick Co., Va., 1819), served in Am. Rev.; m 1st, Sabra —; 3—-William Marmaduke (1789-1844), War 1812; went to Ky., 1809; m 2d, Catherine Jacqueline Carter Porter. 6—Benjamin Porter (d 1761), m Anne Campbell; 5-Charles (d 1791), of ‘“‘Tudor Hall,” Orange Co., Va.; col. Va. militia at Yorktown; his estate on the Rapidan River was Gen. LaFayette’s hdars. whilst waiting Gen. Wayne’s arrival from the North; defeated James Madison for rep. Va. House of Delegates; voted for act es- tablishing religious freedom, 1785; m Sallie Camp, of Williamsburg, Va.; 4-Capt. John (d 1846), of Orange Co., Va.; corp. 2d Va. Regt. in Am. Rev.; m 1st, 1793, Mary Catharine Carter (John 5 [1725-93], m Susan- nah —; Joseph *; Thomas 7; Thomas 8); 3—Catherine J. C. (d@ 1879), m 1828, William Marma- duke Simms (3 above). 8-Edward Broaddus, from Wales to Gwynn’s Is- land, in the Piankatuck River, near its junc- tion with the Rappahannock, moved to King and Queen (now Caroline) Co., Va., 1715; m twice: 7-Richard (d in Caroline Co., Va.); 6-Edward, served in Am. Rev.; went to Ky., 1801; m twice; 5-John (d 1829), m Mary Broaddus (d 1840; Mordi- cai®, m Mary [or Martha] Reynolds; Thomas 7, served in Am. Rev.; m Ann Redd; Edward 8, above); 4—Lucy, m 1806, John A. Grimes (1785-1855), War 1812; editor first newspaper in Madison Co., Ky. (John Grymes 5 [d 1798], Am. Rev., m Mrs. Val- inda Bates; Philip °); 3—John H. (1811-92), of “Maplewood,” Mercer Co., Ky.; m Ann Elizabeth Taylor. 8-James Taylor, immigrant from Eng., m 2d, 1683, Mary Gregory; 7-Richard, of Goochland Co., Va., m Catherine Pendleton; 6-Samuel, m Sophia Creed; 5-Samuel (d 1812), of Cumberland Co., Va.; served Am. Rev.; went to Ky., 1788; mem. 1st and 2d constl. convs. and Ky. Senate; m Elizabeth Hughes; 4—Dr. John (1767-1841), m 2d, 1822, Polly (Denny) McCormick (1786-1859) ; 38-Ann Elizabeth (1824-1913), m 1842, John Haldon Grimes (3 above). 9—Robert Tyler, the immigrant, settled on Pat- uxent River, Md.; patented lands, 1663; will probated, Apr. 1674; 8—-Col. Robert (will probated 1736), mem. Md. As- sembly; m Susannah Duval (Mareen ®, qv); 7-Edward, m Elizabeth Duval (Samuel 8; Ma- reen 9°); 6-Edward (1719-1802), served under Gen. Brad- dock; from Md. to Va., thence from the Monon- gahela to Jefferson Town, nr. Louisville, Ky., where he began Tyler’s Settlement, 1780; m Anne Langley; 5-Nancy, captured by Indians, 1779-80, taken to Quebec and sold to a British officer (she m 1st, Capt. Peter Sturgis, killed by Indians near Louisville, Ky., 1780); m 2d, 1785, James Denny, served in Am. Rev.; 4-Polly, as Widow McCormick, m 2d, Dr. John Taylor (4 above). 2—Dau. of James Edward Simms (1844-1908), served in Co. A, 9th Ky. Cav., C.S.A.; m 1867, Lucy Elizabeth Grimes (1847-81). M June 16, 1898, James Blythe Anderson (See Vol. 1, p. 420); issue: 1-Joseph Caldwell, b Lexing- ton, Ky., May 30, 1899; 2-Elizabeth Blythe (Jan. 4, 1908-Apr. 27, 1924). Ed. Ky. Female Orphan School, Peabody Nor- mal, and Nashville U. Teacher. Mem. U.D.C. Club: Woman’s. Residence: “Glengarry,” R.F.D. 7, Lexington, Ky. 1-ANDERSON, Isabel Weld Perkins Larz), 6 Boston, Mass., Mar. 29, 1876. 9Thomas Trowbridge (qv); 8—James (1636-1717), It. in King Philip’s War; rep. Gen. Ct.; m Margaretta Atherton (1659-1717; Maj. Gen. Humphrey ®, qv); 7—Rev. Caleb (6b 1692), m 2d, 1718, Hannah Walter; 6—Caleb (b 1718), m 1738, Elizabeth Houghton; 5-Hannah (1740-1826), m 1759, Timothy Perkins; 4—-Roger Eliot (b 1769), m 1795, Esther Blanchard (Capt. Augustus 5, m Bridget Lovewell); 3-Hamilton Eliot (b 1806), grad. Norwich U.; pro- bate judge, Merrimack Co., N.H., 1855-74; m 1833, Clara Bartlett George (1811-1902; John‘, m Ruth, dau. of Jonathan Bradley, of Concord, N.H., m Sarah, dau. of Capt. Benjamin Emery, of N.H.). 10-Rev. John Cotton (qv); 9—-Maria, m Rev. Increase Mather (1639-1723), A.B., Harvard, 1656; actg. pres., rector and pres. Harvard Coll., 1685-1701 (Richard 1, qv); 8-Sarah (b 1671), m Rev. Nehemiah Walter (d 1750), A.B., Harvard, 1684; 7-Hannah, m Rev. Caleb Trowbridge (7 above). 9-Capt. Joseph Weld (1595-1646), from Eng. to Roxbury, Mass., ca. 1682; mem. A. and H. A. Co.; dep. Gen. Ct.; m Elizabeth -; 8—-John (1623-91), soldier King Philip’s War; m Margaret Bowen; 7-Joseph (1650-1712), m 2d, Sarah Faxon; 6—Joseph (b 1683), m Martha Child; 5-Col. Eleazer (1787-1800), officer Cont. Army; m 1761, Mary Hatch; 4—-William Gordon (1775-1825), shipmaster; m Han- nah Minot; 3-William Fletcher (1800-81), ship owner, rwy. builder, Boston; philanthropist; m Mary Pit- man Bryant. 2-Only child of Commodore George Hamilton Perkins, U.S.N. (1835-99), U.S.N.A., ’56; distin- guished naval officer; his statue, heroic size on capitol grounds, Concord, N.H., and An- napolis, Md.; m 1870,,Anna Minot Weld. M June 10, 1897, Larz Anderson (see vol. 1, p. 421, for genealogy). Ed. Miss Winsor’s School, Boston; (Litt.D., George Washington U., 1918). First command- ant D.C. Red Cross canteen service, Washing- ton; with Red Cross in France, 1917-18; mili- tarized in French hosp. unit and served at French and Belgian front line hosps. Awarded medal of Elizabeth of Belgium with Red Cross; Am. Red Cross medal; Croix de Guerre (French), ete. Librarian general D.A.R. since 1923; mem. C.D.A., etc. Author (see Who’s Who in America for list of titles). Summer place: “Weld,’? Brookline, Mass. Residence: 2118 Mass Av., Washington, D.C. 1-ABBOTT, Winifred Buck (Mrs. Lawrence F.), DENY, Citys Janis, tsi. 8-Emanuel Buck (b 1623), from Eng: to Wethers- field, Conn., 1658; m Mary Kirby; 7—David (1667-1738), m 1690, Elizabeth Hubbert: 6—Josiah (1703-90), m 1731, Ann Deming; 5-Daniel (1744-1808), m Sarah Saltonstall (desc. Gurdon Saltonstall, qv); (Mrs. FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 21 4—Gurdon (1777-1852), m Susannah Manwaring; 3-—Gurdon, M.D. (1807-77), ene surgeon, New York; m Henrietta E. Wolff &-George (Abbot) Abbott (qv); 7—-Nathaniel (1671-1749), m Dorcas Hibbert; 6—Joseph (1705-87), m Deborah Blanchard; 5—Jacob (1746-1820), m Lydia Stevens; 4-Rev. Jacob (1776-1848), m Betsy Abbot; 3-Rev. John Stephens Cabot (1805-77), preacher and historian, m Jane Williams Bourne. 2-Dau. of Albert Henry Buck, M.D. (1842-1922), B.A., Yale, ’64; M.D., Columbia, 1867; surgeon; m 1871, Laura S. Abbott (1843-1925); issue: I-— Winifred (above); II—Harold Winthrop (6 1873; m Charlotte R. Porter). I—m Sept. 7, 1905, Lawrence Fraser Abbott (See Vol. = p. 41, for genealogy); issue: 1-Lyman, 2d, b RE City, July 6, 1907; 2-Laura Buck, 0 Corn- a N.Y., Aug. 22, 1909. Ed. Art Students League, Met. Coll. of Music, Columbia U., New York, and in Europe. Writer; philanthropic worker. Residence: 194 Greenway South, Forest Hills, New York, N.Y. 1-PAGE, Howard Wurts, b Philadelphia, Pa., June 380, 1862. 9-Col. John Page (av); 8—Col. Matthew (1689-1703), of ‘‘Rosewell,’”’ Glou- cester Co., Va., councillor; m Mary Mann (1672- 1707; John’ 9 of “Timberneck,” Gloucester Co., m Mary Mann); 7-Mann (1691-1730), m 1718, Judith Carter (Robert “King” §, pres. Colony of Va.); 6—Robert (ca. 1722-1768), m 1750, Sarah Walker; 5-John (1760-1838), of “Pagebrook, *) Clarke’ C€o., Va.; m Maria Hosmanden Byrd (Col. William, III, 6 of ‘“Westover,” Va.); 4—-William Byrd (1790-1838), m 1st, 1818, Evelyn Byrd Nelson 3-Dr. William Byrd (1817-77), m 1839, Celestine An- na Davis (1821-89; Samuel 4, m Maria Vidal). 10—Nicholas Martian (qv); 9-Elizabeth, m Col. George Reade (qv); 8-John, m Mary Lilly; 7-Margaret, m Thomas (‘Scotch Tom’) Nelson (qv); 6—William (1711-72), pres. Council and actg. gov. of Va.; m Elizabeth Burwell (g. dau. of Rob- ert, ‘“King’”’ Carter); 5—Judge William; 4-Evelyn B., m William Byrd Page (4 above). 5-Rev. Johannes Conrad (Wirtz) Wurts, V.D.M. (1706-63), from Zurich to Phila., 1735; soldier, lawyer, educator; commissary of the Geotch- ius expedition; m Anna Goetchius; 4-John (1744-93), iron mcht., Flander, N.J., began to write name Wurts; m Sarah Grandin; 3-William (1788-1858), of Phila.; m 2d, 1828, Eliza- beth Ewing Tate. 9John Throckmorton, a propr. of R.I.; 8—Job, m Sarah Leonard; 7—Mary (1695-1789), m Daniel Grandin (6 1694); 5 eapuel (d 1776), m 1752, Susanna Johnston (6 4-Sarah (1754-1808), m 1773, John Wurts (4 above). 2-Son of Samuel Davis Page (1840-1921), B.A., Yale, 59; lawyer; asst. U.S. treasurer at Phila.; pres. Quaker City Nat. Bank; m 1861, Isabella Graham Wurts_ (1840-67); issue: I—Howard Wurts (above); II-Ethel Nelson (6 1864; m 1898, James Large, d); Il1I—-William Byrd (b 1866; m 1898, Virginia Ogden Pendleton). I-m Apr. 12, 1894, Edith Cox (qv for issue). A.B., U. Pa., ’88, A.M., LL.B., 1886. Lawyer; ed- itor Legal Intelligencer. Clubs: University, City, Lawyers. Residence: 1013 Clinton St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1-PAGE, Edith Cox (Mrs. Howard W.), 6 Phila., Pa., Oct. 15, 1867. 10-Thomas Lord ( av); 9-Capt. Richard (1610-62), m Sarah Graves; 8-Richard (1636-85), m 1665, Mary Smith (Henry ®, m Ann, dau. of Gov. William Pyncheon, qv); 7-Lt. Richard (1670-1712), m Abigail Warren; 6—Mary (1702-1740), m 1724, Col. Joseph Pitkin (1696- 1762; William’, m Elizabeth Stanley; William 8, av); 5—-Jerusha, m Capt. John Wells (1730-1801; Capt. Samuel®, m Esther Ellsworth; Samuel’; Thomas 8; Gov. Thomas ®, qv); 4—Jerusha, (1761- 1803), m Gen. William Lyman (1755-1811) ; 3—Martha, m John Cox (1788-1864). 2-Dau. of James Sitgreaves Cox (1822-1901), met- allurgical engr.; pres. Lehigh Coal & Naviga- tion Co.; m 1857, Mary Fullerton Hazard (1836- 1917) ; issue: I—Martha Lyman (b 1860; m Dr. William Sohier Bryant, see Vol. 1, p. 464) ; II— Fanny Hazard (b 1862; m Dr. William Brewster Clark); IIlI—Julia Biddle (m Sydney Richmond Taber); IV—John Lyman (6b 1866; m Evelyn Quintard Jackson); V—Edith (above); VI-—- Erskine Hazard (b 1869; m Ethelwyn M. Cross- ley); VII—Alice (m Rev. Charles Wood); VIII— Edward Vermilye (b 1873; m Julia Bulkley). V—m Apr. 12, 1894, Howard W. Page (qv); issue (all Ae Phila., Pa.): 1—-Samuel Davis, Jr., 6 May 27, 1895; Princeton, 718; sgt., inf., Nov. 4, 1918; also served with Y. M. Gs AS 5 "mos. in Eng. and 9 mos. in France; 2-Edith Nelson, b May 11, 1897; Vassar, ’20; m Apr., 1922, Isaac Starr, Jr. (issue, twins: Isaac, Jr., and Vidal Davis, b 1923); 3-—Evelyn Byrd, 6 Oct. 16, 1899; m Aug. 8, 1922, Morris Wistar Wood (issue: Howard Page, 0 1923); 4Mary Cox, b Mar. 21, 1900; m Mar., 1922, John O. Platt (issue: Davis Page, b 1923; William, 6 1924). Residence: 1018 Clinton St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1-HADLEY, Chalmers, 6 Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 3, 1872. 7-Simon Hadley (1676-1756; desc. landed proprs. in Somerset, Eng.), from Ireland, 1712, settled at Steyning Manor, Pa.; justice many yrs. from 1726; also judge New Castle cts.; m 1697, Ruth Keran (1677-1750) ; 6—Joshua (1703-64), of Pa. and Va.; m 1735, Pa- tience Brown (1712-83), 3d from William Clay- ton, mem. Penn’s Council and actg. gov. of Pa., 1684-85; 5—Joshua (b 1743), of Chatham Co., N. C.; m 1761, his cousin, Ruth Lindley (1745-98; Thomas 6, mem. Provincial Assembly of Pa 4-Thomas (1763-1832), of N. C. and Ind.; m 1783, Mary Newlin (1763-1845), 5th from Nicholas Newlin, mem. Penn’s Council; 3-William (1800-51), of N. C. ahd Ind.; m 1824, Ann Harvey (1801-66; Eli +, m Mary Stanfield). 2-Son of Evan Hadley, M.D. (1845-1903), physi- cian; prof. medicine, Medical Coll. of U. of Ind.; m 1871, Ella (6 1849), dau. of Michael Quinn, m Jane Macintyre; issue: I-Chalmers (above); II—Evan (6 1875); Il1I-Harvey (b 1878; Leet tan Elizabeth Bailey); IV—Paul (0 I-m Oct. 29, 1917, Edna Florence Hendrie (qv). B.L.,. Earlham, ’96; N.Y. State Library Sch., 1905-06; (Litt. D., U. Denver, 1914). Sec. and state organizer, Ind. Library Commn., 1906- 09; sec., exec. officer, A.L.A., 1909-11; librarian, Denver Pub. Library, 1911-24, Pub. Library of Cincinnati, since 1924. Pres. League of Li- brary Commns., 1907-08, Colo. Library Commn., 1913-24, Colo. Library Assn., 1914-15, A.L.A., 1919-20 (See Who’s Who in America). Sum- mer place: Indian Creek Park, Clear Creek Co., Colo. Residence: “The Maplewood,” Cin- cinnati, O. 1-HADLEY, Edna Florence Hendrie (Mrs. Chalmers). 5-William Hendrie (1745-1804), from Scotland to Greenwich, Conn., before Am. Rev.; m Han- nah Lockwood (Theophilus * m Hannah Close); 4-Alexander (1789-1859), capt. of Tory troops in War of 1812; m 1809, Letitia Ford (Bliakim 5, of Sound Beach, Conn.); 3—Charles (1814-86), m Mary Ann Bea 2-Dau. of Charles Francis Hendrie. *1898- 1915), m 1866, Sarah Crocker Adams. M Oct. 29, 1917, Chalmers Hadley (qv). Residence: “The Maplewood,” Cincinnati, O. 1-RANDOLPH, Howard Stelle Fitz, | New York, N.Y., Aug. 29, 1883. 8-Edward Fitz Randolph (qv); 7-Joseph (b 1656), signed oath of allegiance to the Dutch at Piscataway, N.J., 1673; m 1687/ 88, Hannah Conger (John 8); 6-Joseph (1690/91-ca. 1749), m ca. 1712, Rebecca Drake (1697-1749; Rev. John 7); 5-Ephraim (1724-98), pvt. Middlesex Co., es Jicy ev. militia; m 1752, Rachel Stelle (1720-91; Benjamin *; Poncet 7, ‘‘Sieur des Loriers’’); 4-Stelle (1761-1822), pvt. Middlesex Co., N.J., militia; m 1791, Anna Dunn (1768-1854; Benja- min; Hugh *; Hugh’); 3-Ambrose (1798-1883), m 1821, Deborah Runyon 22 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY (1799-1873; Richard Elias 4; Elias 5; Richard 8; Peter 7; Vincent 8). 9-Joris Jansen Rapalje (qv); 8-Judith Jorise (1635-1726), m ca. 1652, Pieter Pieterson Van Nest, from Utrecht, Nether- lands, 1647; 7-Jacomyntje (1661-1742), m 1684, Claes Arentsen Toers (d 1724), from Amsterdam, Holland, be- fore 1655; 6-Arent (1699-1779), m 1730, Annatje Spier (1703- 81; Barnet Hendrickse 7; Hendrick Janse 8); 5—-Antje (1748-1821), m 1765, cousin, Barent (Bar- net) Newkirk (1738-1805; Poulus 6; Mattheus Cornelissen Van Niewkercke 7); 4-Catherine (1775-1814), m 2d, 1801, Ebenezer Bas- sett (1781-1815) ; 8—Rebecca (1811-81), m 1818, John Clasback How- ser (1804-72; Matthias 4; Jacob 5), 2-Son of Howard Fitz Randolph (1842-94), wool- en merchant; m 1866, Sophia Topping How- Ser (1842-1911); issue: I—-Arthur Fitz (b 1873; m 1910, Ethel Mary Stewart); II-Howard Stelle Fitz (above). II-m Oct. 7, 1914, Mary Leland Bloomer, } San Francisco, Calif.; “dau. of Robert Frank Bloomer, m Lue Leland (Robert Porter 3; Ziba Abba 4; Joshua 5; Phineas 6; James 7; Ebenezer ®; Henry ®); issue: 1—-Mary Hitzaao Bronxville, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1922. Columbia, 05. Asst. librarian, New York Geneal. and Biographical Soc.’ With TRONS Os Service in France, World War. Mem. Hl. Si S.R., N.Y. Geneal. and Biog. Soc., N.J. Hist. Soc., Westchester Co. Hist. Soc. Residence: 231 Pondfield Rd., Bronxville, N.Y. DECIMA CECILIA SHUBRICK, Hamilton Heyward. 1-TAYLOR, Decima Shubrick Heyward (Mrs. wife of James Winfield), 6 Wilmington, Del., Apr. 27, 1854. 8-Daniel Heyward, from Eng., was living in ’ Carolina, 1672; 7-Thomas (1673-1700), m Hester Taylor; 6-Capt. Thomas (1700-37), in Indian wars and French and Spanish invasion; cdr. Ft. John- son; m Margaret Wright (sister of Sir James Wright, chief justice and atty. gen. Province of S.C., last gov. Province of Ga.); 5-Col. Daniel (6 1720), col. provincial militia; planter; m 1st, Maria Miles; 4-Thomas (1746-1809), a “signer”; m ist, Eliza- beth Mathews (sister of Gov. John Mathews); m 2d, Elizabeth Savage; 3-James Hamilton, b ‘White Hall,” §S.6.4 am Decima Cecilia Shubrick, b “Belvedere,” S.C. (See portraits above.) 2-Dau. of James Francis Heyward (1828-89), m Maria Presstman (1828-1912; desc. Col. John Godfrey and Hon. William Cattell); issue: I—Wilson Presstman (1852-1916; m Blizabeth Skinner Wilson); II—Decima Shubrick (above); JAMES HAMILTON HEYWARD, son of Thomas Heyward, a Signer of the Declaration of Inde- pendence. IlI-James Francis (m Agnes Perot); IV— Shubrick (1859-85). II—m Oct. 4, 1876, Winfield Taylor, b 1850; B.L., U. Va., 1871; issue: 1-Georgie May, m Oct. 15, 1901, James W. Ponder (issue: James Waples, Jr.); 2-Marie Heyward (Jan. 24-July 24, 1879); 3-Heyward. Mem. C.D.A. (Charter mem. Mad. Soc., 1891). Residence: 102 Park Lane, Roland Park, Bal- timore, Md. Sieptietal Robert Cram, b Chicago, Ty Aue 9-Thomas Richardson (qv); 8-Thomas (1645-will dated 1719), dep. Gen. Ct., 1703-04; m 1st, 1669/70, Mary Stimson (d 1690); fe (1679/80-1753), m 1708, Mary Peacock 6—Ebenezer (b 1724), m 1st, 1746, Elizabeth Shed (1724-1763) ; eins (1760-1813 or 23), m 1781, Sarah Tufts (d L . 4—-Joseph (1793-1874), m Lucy Cummings (d 1873); 3-Georgianna, m Moses Sawin Bacon. 2-Son of Edward Richardson Bacon (1857-1923), A.B., Harvard, ’78; grain merchant, Chicago; m 1879, Clara Cram _ (1857-1900); m 2d, 1904, Katherine Desborough (Bogart) Horton; is- sue (lst marriage): I-Charles Cram (d); II- Raymond Cram (6 1883; m Mabel Purington); IlI-Edward Richardson, Jr., (b 1887; m Kath- erine Astor); IV—John William (> 1891; m Ella Smyth); V—Robert Cram (above), V—m Jan. 1, 1917, Helen Heafield, b Chicago, Jan. 31, 1894; dau. of Lincoln S. Heafield, of Chi- cago; issue (all b Wellesley Hills, Mass.): 1-Robert Cram, Jr., b Aug. 25, 1921; 2-John Heafield, b Apr. 2, 1928; 3—-Helen Heafield, b Aug. 19, 1924, S Phillips Exeter, ’12; A.B., Harvard, 716. Grain merchant, Boston. Cost inspector, U.S.N., World War. Mem. Chicago Bd. of Trade, Boston Grain and Flour Exchange. Mem. A.L. Clubs: Harvard Lampoon, Harvard, Middlesex Sportsmen’s, Signet Society, Vesper Coun- try, Boston Flour and Grain, Boston Cham- ber Commerce, Middlesex Artisans, Army and Navy. Summer place: Norwell, Mass. ReenGe: Garden Rd., Wellesley Hills, ass. FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 23 1-ABBOTT, Ned Culbertson, } Fremont, Neb., Mar. 9, 1874. 8-George (Abbot) Abbott (qv); 7-William (1657-1713), m 1682, Elizabeth Gary; 6-James (1694-1787), moved to Concord, N.H., 1735; mem. sch. bd.; m 1714, Abigail Farnum; 5-James (1717-1808), moved to Newbury, Vt., 1763, and lived there and at Haverhill, N.H.; town clk., selectman and mem. Com. Safety, of Haverhill, N.H.; m Sarah Bancroft (great- aunt of George Bancroft, the historian); 4-Bancroft (1757-1829), began to write name Abbott; mathematician and surveyor; held town offices; pvt. Am. Rev.; m 1768, Lydia White (Ebenezer 5, pvt. Am. Rev.); 3—Nicholas (1799-1871), grad. in medicine at Dart- mouth, 1827; practiced at Bluehill, Me., and Troy, O.; d Lafayette, Ind.; m 1829, Mira 9-J oseph’ Jewett (qv); 8-Nehemiah (1648- 1720), moved to Ipswich; m Exercise Pierce, of Lynn; ore wen (1691-1716), m Td, Reform Trescott, (0) 6—-Benjamin (1716- 1801), settled finally at Wind- ham, Conn.; m Hannah Butler; 5-Daniel (1744~ 1829), lt. Vt. militia in Am. Rev.; Phan Mas Legislature 16 yrs.; m 1769, Zilpha 4-Luther (1772-1860), of St. Johnsbury, Vt.; A.B., Dartmouth, 1795, M.D., 1810; physician; Congl. minister; mem. 14th Congress, 1815-17; editor; m Betsey Adams; 38—Mira (1809-90), m Nicholas Abbott (38 above). 5-Alexander Culbertson, from Ireland to Pa. ca. 1730; killed by Indians, April 17, 1756, near McCord Fort, fight known as Bloody Run, or Sideling Hill; 4—-Robert (1755-1801), 1t. col. Pa. militia in Am. Rev.; m 1778, Annie Duncan, of Middle Spring, Cumberland Valley, Pa.; 3—Henry Woods (b 1797), m 1819, Mariah Coleman. 8-Thomas Coleman (1598-1674), from Eng., 1630, a ist: at Nauben; m 2d, Mrs. Frances Wells 7—-Noah, lived Eastbury, Conn.; bectare Noah (1671-1711), m Hannah Guernsey (d 5-Dr. Noah (1704-83), m Mercy Wright (6 1709); 4-Dr. Asaph (1747-1820), surgeon Am. Rev.; m uae Hollister (b 1754; Elisha 5, capt. Am. ev 3—-Mariah (b 1799), m Henry Woods Culbertson (3 above). 2-Son of Luther Jewett Abbott (1831-1900), dis- tinguished physician, Troy, O., and Fremont, Neb.; pres. State Med. Soc.; supt. State Hosp. for Insane, Lincoln, Neb., 1895-99; mem. Neb. Territorial Legislature, 1867; dean Neb. Med. Coll.; m 1854, Clara Frances Culbertson (1835- 1911); issue: I-Anna Elizabeth (1855-93; m 1875, Ezra M. Collins); II—Henry Nicholas (1856-69); III-Ephraim Bancroft (1858—-drowned in Platte River, 1878); IV—Catherine Sager (1860-62); V—Osie Maria (b 1862; teacher); VI-— John William Cruickshank (b 1864; m Jean- nette Davidson); VII-—Jane Harter (b 1868; genealogist); VIII—Luther Hayes (1870-71) ; IX—Luther Jewett (1871-1914; A.B., U. Neb., 1896, LL.B., 1900; M.A., Columbia, 1906; educator, magazine writer ‘and lecturer; m 1905, Lillie Riley); X—Ned Culbertson (above); XI—Keene (b 1876; m Mabel Avery Rundell). xX-—m June 19, 1901, Lillian Newbranch, b Mt. Pleasant, Ia., Dec. 14, 1876; dau. of Oliver P. Newbranch, of Lincoln, Neb.; issue: 1—Clara- Louise, 0 Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 18, 1905; grad. William Woods Coll., Fulton, Mo., ’24; m May 26, 1925, Frederick Ware; 2-Lea, 6 Tekamah, Neb., May 13, 1907; U. Neb., ’28; 3-Grace, 0 Tekamah, Nov. 5, 1908; 4-Annabel, 6 Nebraska City, Neb., Apr. 9, 1916. ALES. Wee N OD. .01 90, 1144.15.58 1900, A.M... 1919,) en Philippines, educational work and _ postal dept., 1901-04; first prin. of normal, Zambo- anga, Moro Province, 1904; stereopticon lec- turer; candidate for state supt. of edn., 1908; supt. Neb. Sch. for the Blind since 1909, save for an interval of two years. Past exalted ruler of Elks Lodge No. 1049, Nebraska City; pres. Rotary Club, No. 2090, Nebraska City; pres. Neb. State Soc. S.A.R.; treas. Nebraska Native Sons and Dau ghters; mem. State Hist. Soc.; on advisory bd. of Standard His- tory of Nebraska; designer of civic device for Nepraaes City. Residence: Nebraska City, e enters Helen Keene Troxell (Mrs. Roy 6 Baltimore, Md., Dec. 6, 1886. Edward Keene (b 1629; son of Henry, of Co. ee Eng.), came to Md., 1653; 8—-John (1657-1725), capt. colonial militia; justice of Seema tee Co., Md., 138 yrs.; m Mary Hope- well; 7-Edward (d 1754), m Ann-; 6—Phillips (d 1762), m Mary Grantham; ’ 5—-Richard (1758-1814), m Sarah Woodward (1759- 1814) ; (1801-83), m Henrietta Gist 4-John Richard Chaplain; 3-Anna Maria (1834-1912), m 1856, William Con- well Hopkins (1824-65). 10-Christopher Gist (1655-91), settled in Balti- more Co., Md., ante 1682; mem. Grand Jury; commd. justice, 1689; m 1682, Edith Cromwell (1663-94) ; 9-Capt. Richard (1684-1748), surveyor Western Shore of Md.; one of commrs. for laying out Baltimore, 1729; justice; presiding magistrate; mem. Provincial Assembly; m 1704, Zipporah Murray (James ?°, of Baltimore Co., m Je- mima, dau. of Capt. Thomas Morgan); 8—William (1711-94), m 1737, Violetta Howard (1716- post 1772; Joshua %°); 7—Maj. Joseph (b 1738), m 1759, Elizabeth Elder (6 1742; John ®, m Jemima -); 6—-John Elder (b 1761), m 1783, Frances Trippe; 5—-Henrietta (1787-1808), m 1807, James Chaplain; 4-Henrietta G. (b 1808), m John Richard Keene (4 above). 9-Maj. Henry Trippe (qv); 8-William (d 1770), m Jean Tate; 7-John (6 1711), capt. French and Indian War; m 1745, Elizabeth Noel (1729-78) ; 6—-Frances (b 1755), m John Elder Gist (6 above). 2-Dau. of Mary Keene Hopkins (0 1856), m 1884, Frederick Wilson Troxell (1851-1922), merchant. M—Mar. 4, 1916, Dr. Roy Donaldson McClure, 0 Bellebrook, O., Jan. 17, 1882; maj., M.C., U.S.A., c. 0. Evacuation Hosp. 33, World War; son of Dr. James Albert McClure, of Columbus, O.; issue (all b Detroit, Mich.): 1—-Mary Keene, b Jan. 2, 1917; 2Roy Donaldson, Jr., 6 July 12, 1920; 3-Douglas Templeton, b Feb. 10, 1924. Ed. Goucher Coll., 1904-06; Johns Hopkins Training School for Nurses, 1912. Mem. C.D. ae Fee eee: 3081 Iroquois Av., Detroit, Mich. 1-ABERCROMBIE, Francis Patterson, 6 Fort Towson, Ind. Ty., Jan. 2, 1852 38-John Joseph Abercrombie (son of Alexander and g. son of James, a Scotch officer in the service of Holland), came to America and was a planter in S. C., 1774; m Sarah, dau. Anthony de Normandie. Maternally, 4-Robert (Paterson) Patterson, who participated in the Irish Rebellion of 1798, escaped and settled in Delaware Co., Pa.; m Ann Graham (among their sons was William C., 1818-83, 2d pres. Pa. R.R. 3-Gen. Robert (1792-1881), 1st’ lt. War of 1812; maj. gen. vols. Mexican War and in Civil War; extensive mill owner in Pa.; m Sarah Ann Engle (James 4, officer Am. Rev., m Mar- garet Adams). 2-Son of Gen. John Joseph Abercrombie (1798- 1877), U.S.M.A., 1822; maj. U.S.A. in Mexican War; brig. gen. vols. in Civil War; twice brevetted “Ror gallant and meritorious ser- vices’; m 1830, Mary Ann Engle Patterson (1818-74) ; issue: REE e Iowa (Mrs. William E. Goodman, see Vol. 1, p. 347); II-Mary Ernest- ine (1846-69; m Col. Bevrcct ‘Appleton; see son Samuel A., Vol. 1, p. 346); T11—John Jv Louise (m John Cole); V-Francis Patterson (above); VI-Clara de Normandie; VII-Susan Engle (m Thomas Wilson); VIII-Ida (m Harold Newlin); IX—William Ralph. V-m 1877, Eleanor Packer, b Bristol, Pa., Feb. 5, 1856, dau. of Albert Lord Packer, of Bristol, Pa.; issue: 1-Mary Ernestine, 6 Washington, D.C., Nov. 7, 1878; m 1904, Clinton Bowman Coleman, of Willamsport, Pa.; 2-Ethel, 6b Bristol, Pa., June 11, 1880; m 1899, Robert G. Fell, of Phila.; 3—Robert Patterson, b at Woodbury, Pa., Nov. 6, 1882; m 1905, Pauline Williams, of "Richmond, Ind.; 4-Blizabeth 24 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Packer, Bb Sunbury, Pa., Apr. 14, 1886; m 1907, Isaac Doughten, Jr. . C.E., Rensselaer Poly. Inst., ’73 (Delta Phi). Supt., Pa. R.R., Philadelphia. Mem. wabeay S.A.R., Aztec Club of 1847. Clubs: Phila. Cricket, Art, Whitemarsh Country. Resi- dence: 240 W. Chestnut Av., Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. 1-CADY, Burt Duward, !) Port Huron, Mich., July 25, 1874. 5-Abijah Cady (1718-77), J Killingly, Conn., d Cornish, N.H.; m 1749, Alice Nichols; 4-Thomas (1771-1820), m Elizabeth Delano; 3—Henry (1809-90), m Mertia Hickox. 4-Everett Kimball (1780-1820), m Susanna San- born (John 5, pvt. Am. Rev.); 3—Everett (1805-72), m Mehitable Moulten. 2-Son of Elwin Marvin Cady (1834-1896), grain and lumber mcht., Port Huron, Mich.; dep. U.S. collector of customs; m 1861, Mehitable BEveretta Kimball (18387-1925); issue: I-Ella E. (ob 1863); II-—George (1864-69); III—Erwin (1866- 1922); IV—Sarah (1868-1905; m Charles N. Ryan); V—Maude M. (b 1870; m Russell N. Wade); VI-— Elwin M. (0 1871); VII—Burt D. (above); VIII- Clay C. (6 1879). Vil—m June 3, 1902, Mary Katherine Beamer, 0 Lapeer, Mich., May 24, 1880; dau. of Robert Beamer, of Lapeer; issue: 1-Eleanor Maurine, b Port Huron, Mich., Oct. 4, 1908; 2-Gordon Duward, 6 Port Huron, Mar. 2, 1913. Admitted to bar, 1895, and since in practice at Port Huron; dir. Standard Trust Co., Detroit Life Ins. Co., Detroit Fidelity & Surety Co. (Detroit), Port Huron Theatre Co., Harring- ton Hotel Co., Wills Saint Claire Sales & Service Co., Forman Shoe Co. Pros. atty., St. Clair Co., 1901-08; mem. Mich. Senate, 1906; postmaster of Port Huron, 1909-14; city atty. since 1914. Chmn. bd. First Congl. Ch.; pres. Y. M. C. A. Chmn. Rep. State Central Com., Jan. 1, 1919-Feb. 17, 1925; mem. Mackinac Island State Park Commn. since Oct. 21, 1919; chmn. Mich. delegation to Rep. Nat. Conv., Chicago, 1920. Mem. S.A.R. (pres. St. Clair Chapter, 1925). Clubs: Welland (Ont.), Detroit Ath- letic, Union League (Detroit), Port Huron Golf and Country, St. Clair Golf and Country. Residence: Port Huron, Mich. 1-GAMMON, Edgar Graham, 0 Asheville, N.C., Sept. 10, 1884. 5-Richard Gammon, of London, Eng., Va., and Sullivan Co., Tenn.; soldier Am. Rev.; joint rep. for. Va. and N. C. in Legislature; mem. Constl, Conv. of Tenn., 1796, and of Tenn. Leg- islature, 1799; m Sarah Gamble; 4-George, of Sullivan and Washington cos., Tenn.; mem. Tenn. House and Senate; m Jane Gregg. 3-Abram Looney, of Sullivan Co., Tenn.; mem. Tenn. Legislature; capt. C.S.A.; m 2d, Myra Louise Anderson. 8-John Langhorne (qv); 7-John, of ‘““Gambell,” Warwick Co., Va.; sheriff, burgess, justice; m Anne Wade (Armiger 8, of York Co., Va.); 6-John (ca. 1700-1762), burgess; presiding justice of Warwick Co.; m Mary -; 5-Maj. William (6 ca. 1721), burgess; mem. Com. Safety and Conv. of 1775; m Elizabeth Scaris- brooke; 4—-Maj. Maurice (1769-1816), m 1794, Martha (Patsy) Holladay (Joseph 5, of “Indian Fields,’ Nanse- mond Co., Va., m Patience —); 38—-Maurice Jefferson (1816-1890), m Louisa Drew, of Smithfield, Va. : 9-Col. Miles Cary (qv); 8—Capt. Henry (ca. 1650-1720), justice, and capt. of Warwick Co., Va.; m 1671, Judith Lockey; 7-Elizabeth (6 ca. 1678), m ca. 1698, Capt. John Scarisbrooke (b 1676). 6-Col. Henry (ca. 1710-1773), sheriff, justice, War- wick Co.; m Martha-; 5-Elizabeth, m Maj. William Langhorne (5 above). 2-Son of James Knox Polk Gammon, D.D. (1842- 95), of Sullivan Co. and Knoxville, Tenn.; capt., 19th Tenn. Inf., C.S.A., and maj., 63rd Tenn. Inf., C.S.A.; lawyer; Presbyn. minister; m 1877, Susan Southall Langhorne (b 1857); issue: I- Myra Louise (1878-98); II—Alice Maslin (b 1880; m Harry M. Moffett, D.D.); Il1I-Edgar Graham (above); IV—Elizabeth Isabelle (b 1889; m Ash- ton Waugh McWhorter, qv); V—James Polk (b 1893; lt., 6th U.S.Inf., in France; capt., 3d and 19th U.S.Inf.). III—m June 24, 1914, Bessie Cochran, b George- town, Tex., Nov. 7, 1886; dau. of Judge Thomas Buford Cochran, of Austin, Tex.; issue: 1—-Ed- gar Graham, Jr., b Austin, Tex., June 24, 1915; ao ae Langhorne, b Austin, Sept. 30, A.B., Hampden-Sidney, ’05 (D.D., 1919); B.D., Union Theol. Sem. in Va., 1911. Ordained Pres- byn. minister, 1911; pastorates: Clarksburg, W. Va., 1911-12; Harlingen, Tex., 1912-17; Hampden- Sidney Coll., Va., 1917-23; Selma, Ala., 1923—. Residence: 1003 Dallas Ay., Selma, Ala. 1-McWHORTER, Ashton Waugh, b “Bachelor’s Hall,” Pittsylvania Co., Va., June 18, 1877. 5-David McWhorter (ca. 1741-1782), of Scotland and Ireland; settled in S.C.; soldier Am. Rev. and died from effects of wound received in battle with Tories in Upper S.C.; m 1766, Mary Poston, from Scotland; 4-John (ca. 1767-1851), of S.C.; soldier Am. Rev. as mere boy; settled in Abbeville Co., S.C., and later in Oconee Co., S.C., on tract of 1,000 acres granted by the state for services in Am. Rev.; a founder, 1805, and elder of Bethel (Presbyn.) Ch., nr. Walhalla, S.C.; m ca. 1795, Elizabeth Anderson (ca. 1770-1840; cousin of John C. Cal- oun); 3—-William (1811-84); A.B., U. Ga., ’36; Presbyn. minister; chaplain C.S.A.; m 1837, Margaret McElroy Kyle (1809-97; James‘, from Ireland when 138 yrs. old, first to Pa., thence to Abbe- ville, S.C., m 1798, Nancy, dau. of Rev. Dr. Waugh, m Louisa Findley). 6-William Millan (ca. 1710-1810), of Scotland and Ireland; came to N.J. in first half of 18th Cen- tury, and later settled in Alexandria (after- wards Fairfax) Co., Va.; m Elizabeth Lyle (ca. 1710-1810), also of Scotland and Ireland; ett: (1750-1828), m Elizabeth Shied (ca. 1752- 1792) ; 4—Capt. George (1788-1838), sheriff of Fairfax Co.; capt. state militia; m 1st, ca. 1815, Anne Farr (ca. 1790-1826; Samuel 5, m Matilda-); 38-—George Washington (1820-67), justice for Fair- fax Co.; m 1840, Mary Elizabeth Jones Lee. 9—Col. Richard Lee (qv); 8—-Col. Richard (1647-1711), councillor and burgess; m 1674, Laetitia Corbin (1657-1706; Henry %, m Alice Eltonhead); 7—-Richard (ca. 1678/79-1718), m Martha Silk; 6—Col. George (1714-61), clk. of Westmoreland Co.; burgess; justice; m 2d, 1752, Anne Fairfax (Washington) (d 1761), widow of Lawrence Washington, of “Mt. Vernon” (half brother of George Washington), and dau. of Hon. Wil- liam Fairfax, of “Belvoir,” Fairfax Co., Va.; 5-Lancelot (1756-1812), m Mary Bathurst Jones (Thomas 8, m Sally, dau. of James Skelton; Col. Thomas?7; Capt. Roger 8); 4-Thomas (ca. 1796-1841), m ca. 1818, Harriet Hutchison, of “Pleasant Valley,” Fairfax Co., Va. (Samuel ® [1758-1814], m Martha Moss); *—-Mary Elizabeth Jones (1819-44), m 1840, George Washington Millan (3 above). 2-Son of James Kyle McWhorter (1844-1917), pvt. 6th S.C. Cav., C.S.A.; M.D., U. Ga., 1867; m 1869, Virginia Lee Millan (1841-1922); issue: I-John Kyle (1870-86); II—Jennie McElroy (0 1872); I1I— William Kemper (1873-95); IV—Marion Thorn- well (1875-1900); V—Ashton Waugh (above); VI-— Helen Mary (b 1879; m Judge Hugh James Mc- (18848) Thomasville, Ga.); VIII-James Hunter V-—m June 15, 1921, Elizabeth Isabelle Gammon, b Charlotte C.H., Va., Feb. 26, 1889; sister of Edgar Graham Gammon (av for genealogy); issue: 1—-Elizabeth Lee, 6 Hampden-Sidney, Va., May 31, 1922; Ashton W., Jr., 0 Knoxville, Tenn., Dec. 10, 1928. A.B., Roanoke, ’95, A.M., 1902; Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 1905. Education from 1895; at Hampden- Sidney, as prof. English and history and libra- rian, 1907-18, treas., 1914-19, prof. Greek, 1918-23. actg. pres., 1917-19 (S.A.T.C. unit in World War), and dean, 1920-23; prof. Latin and Roman archaeology, U. Tenn., from 1923 (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 907 Mountcastle St., Knoxville, Tenn. tet) tal Fred Roy, b Auburn, IIl., Nov. 9, FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 25 9Lt. John Sanborn (qv); 8—-John (ca. 1649-1727), freeman; m 1674, Judith Cof- fin (1653-1724; Tristram °, qv); 7-Tristram (1684-1771), selectman; rep. Gen. Ct.; deacon 30 yrs.; m 1711, Margaret Taylor (1688- 1771; William 8, of Exeter, N.H.); 6—-Peter (1713-1819), m Mary Sanborn (6 1713); 5—-Tristram (b 1746), m 1st, Sally Clifford; 4—-David (1770-1840), m Hannah Marston (d 1860); 3—Leonard Harvey (1821-96), m Lucy D. McIntyre (1826 ?-1880). 2-Son of Harvey Eugene Sanborn (1848-1907), m Caroline Amelia Bearden (1859-1905); issue: I-— Fred Roy (above); II—-Leonard Harvey (b 1880); IiI—Orrin Roby (b 1882). I-m May 16, 1901, Florence Belle Early (Jan. 9, 1879-Sept. 16, 1922); dau. of Frank E. Early, of Springfield, Ill.; issue: 1—-Frank Eugene, 0b Springfield, Ill., Oct. 10, 1909. M 2d, Oct. 17, 1928, Nora Bjornstad, 0 Green Bay, Wis., Nov. 20, 1880, dau. of B. O. Bjornstad, of Chicago. Actuary, Loyal Am. Life Assn. Mem. S.A.R. Residence: 2520 N. Sawyer Av., Chicago, Ill. 1-LaBREE, Benjamin, } Phila., Pa., Feb. 11, 1856. 5-James LaBree (1756-1818), came from France with Gen. LaFayette; settled at Phila., Pa.; pvt. Mass. troops in Am. Rev.; 4—-Benjamin (1775-1840), War 1812; m 1799, Mary Hewson (1780-1853; John 5, Am. Rev.); 3-John Hewson (1803-86), Mexican War; m 1826, Catherine Tees (1808-83), 8-John Faunce (ca. 1602-1654), from Eng. in the “Ann,” 1623; settled at Plymouth, Mass.; m 1634, Patience Morton (1615-92; George ®, av);. 7-Elder Thomas (1647-1745/46), 3d and last presid- ing elder of Plymouth Colony; town clk.; m 1672, Jean Nelson (1651-1717; William 8, came in the “Fortune,” 1621, m Martha Ford); 6-Thomas (1687-1740), Plymouth, Mass.; m 2d, 1718, Lydia Barnaby (6 1697; Stephen’); 5-Thomas (1721-81), Plymouth, Mass.; m 1748, Sarah Bartlett (6 1726; John 8); 4—George (0b 1765), Plymouth, Mass.; m 1796, Susan- na Isdell (1779-1857) ; 3-William (1807-91), Phila., Pa.; m 1831, Susan Humphreys (1807-81). 2-Son of Benjamin LaBree (1830-72), 1t. U.S.N. in Civil War; m 1858, Annie Faunce (1837-1918); issue: I-Benjamin (above); II—Susie (b 1858). I-m Sept. 3, 1878, Lucy Williams Jeffery, b Churchville, Harford Co., Md., Apr. 1, 1845; dau. of Judge Thomas Jeffery, of Harford Co.; issue: 1-Amy, b Phila., Pa., June 9, 1879; m Dec. 5, 1907, Rev. Paul H. Moore; 2—Anna, 0B Phila., July 17, 1881; m June 5, 1907, R. Adol- phus Dawson; 3—-Benjamin, Jr., b N.Y. City, Sept. 18, 1884. : Was with General Grant on a part of his tour around the world. Am. consul at Manila, P.1., 1881. Col. on staff of four govs. Author: Pic- torial Battles of the Civil War (2 vols.), 1886; Camp Fires of the Confederacy, 1894; Confed- erate Soldier in the Civil War, 1896; Official War Records, 1896; Notable Men of Kentucky, 1900; Kentucky Eloquence, Past and Present, 1910; U.S. Diplomatic and Consular Service, 1912; Press Reference Book, 1916; Birth of the U.S.A., 1924. Editor: Admiral Porter’s Naval History of the Cvil War; Admiral Semmes’ Remarkable Cruise of the Sumter and Ala- bama; Mrs. Jackson’s Life of Stonewall Jack- son; Historical Album of Knights Templar. Mem. S.C.W., S.A.R., State Hist. Soc., Filson Club, etc. Curator, My Old Kentucky Home (state shrine), nr. Bardstown. Residence: “Federal Hill,” Bardstown, Ky. 1-SANBORN, John Pitts, ) Port Huron, Mich., Oct. 19, 1879. 8-Lt. John Sanborn (qv); 7-John (ca. 1649-1727), m Judith Coffin (1653-1724); 6—-Tristram (1684-1771), m Margaret Taylor (1688- 1771) ; ene William (1723-1810), m 1st, Mary Sleeper (d 1 H 4—Dr. William (1769-1847), surgeon, Ist Regt. Mass. Militia, War of 1812; m Nancy Merrill (Gen. James >, of Falmouth, Me.); 3-Dr. Benjamin (1800-46), m Emeline Pitts (1813-93). 2-Son of John Pitts Sanborn (1833-1915), collector of customs at Port Huron, Mich.; m 1855, Mary Ann_ (1836-1920), dau. of Rev. W. P. Wastell, of London, Eng.: issue: I-Edith Isbell (1865-70): II-Mary Elizabeth (6b 1869; m S. Irving Rich- ardson); IIlI—Susie (b and d 1872); IV—Son (b and d 1876); V-John Pitts (above). V-Not married. A.B., Harvard, ’00 (Delta Up- Silon), A.M., 1902. Music critic (See Who's Who in America). Club: Harvard. Residence: 27 W. 44th St., New York. PETER V. D. CONWAY. 1-CONWAY, Peter Vivian Daniel, b Falmouth, i Nov. 18, 1842-d San Diego, Calif., Apr. 3, 8-Edwin Conway (qv); 7—Edwin (ca. 1640-44-1698), m Sarah Fleete (Capt. Henry 8, prominent in early history of Md. and Va.; William *, an incorporator 3d Va. charter); 6—Col. Edwin (1681-1763), burgess; m 1st, Ann Ball (Col. Joseph’), half sister of Mary Ball, mother of George Washington; 5-George (d 1754), m Ann Heath (b 1721; Samuel §); er yete (@ ca. 1786), m Anne Moncure (Rev. ohn 5); 3-John Moncure (1779-1864), clk. Stafford Co. courts 47 yrs.; m Catherine Storke Peyton (Dr. Valentine *, m Mary Butler Washington). 6-William Stone (b 1603), from Eng. to Md. as proprietary gov. under Calvert, Lord Balti- more, 1648-65; 5—David, m Elizabeth Jenifer; 4-Thomas (1743-87), twice del. Cont. and a “signer”; 3—Margaret (1771-1809), m 1799, John Moncure Dan- iel, surgeon War 1812. 2-Son of Walker Peyton Conway (1805-84), banker; presiding justice Co. Ct. 32 yrs.; m 1829, Margaret Eleanor Daniel (1807-91); issue: I-Walker Peyton, Jr. (1830-52); II—Moncure Daniel (1832-1907); III—Mildred Stone (1837-1911; m Francis Andrew March, 1825-1911); IV—Rich- ard Moncure (1840-88; m Katherine Littlepage Holladay); V—Peter Vivian Daniel (above). vV—m June 1, 1876, Mary Montgomery Porter (Nov. 4, 1851-Aug. 18, 1893); dau. of Prof. Thomas C. Porter, of Lafayette Coll.; issue (all b Fred- ericksburg, Va.): 1-Mary Vivian (qv for Porter lineage); 2-Susie Porter (Nov. 8, 1879-Aug. 24, 1902); 3-Elizabeth Travers Daniel (Aug. 18, 1888- Apr. 26, 1917). M 2d, Mar. 6, 1895, Laetitia Yeamans Staige Stansbury, b Snowden, Va., May 7, 1858; dau. of John Lightfoot Stansbury, of Snowden, nr. Fredericksburg, Va., m Mary Osbourne Smith. Academic education. Non-commd. officer Fred- Congress 26 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY ericksburg Arty., Stonewall Jackson’s Corps, C.S.A., 1861-65. Banker from 1876; was pres. Conway, Gordon & Garnett, bankers, Fred- ericksburg, Va. Charter mem. and past pres. Descendants of the Signers of the Declara- tion of Independence. Lay del. to Gen. Conf. of M.E. Ch., S., 1898, and to Meth. Ecumenical Conf., London, Eng., 1901. CONWAY Arms: Sable, on a bend argent cotised ermine, a rose gules, between two amulets of the last. Crest: A Saracen’s head and bust in profile proper, wreathed about the temples argent and azure. Motto: Fide et Amore. 1CONWAY, Mary Vivian, Va., May 15, 1877. 5—Thomas Porter (d 1801), from North Ireland to Pa., ca. 1775; settled at Alexandria, Pa.; m 1796, Jane Montgomery; 4—John (1797-1881), m 1821, Maria Bucher (John Conrad®5 [1730-80], from Switzerland to Pa., 1755; ensign in Provincial Army, 1758; capt. un- der Bouquet, 1764; chaplain Cont. Army; m 1799, Hannah, dau. of John Jacob Mytinger, lt. Cont. Army; mem. Soc. Cincinnati); 3-Thomas Conrad (1822-1901), prof. botany and zodlogy, Lafayette Coll.; author of Pennsyl- vania Flora, also translations from the Ger- man and the Latin; m 1850, Susan Kunkel. . 2-Dau. of Mary Montgomery Porter (1851-93), m 1876, aa Vv. D. Conway (av for other line- ages). A.B., Wilson Coll., *98; A.M., Columbia, 1920. Mem. DS. (bd. govs.), D.A.R., U.D.C., A.A.U.W. Residences: Fredericksburg, Va., and 3528 28th St., San Diego, Calif. 1-DANA, Ida, b Waltham, Ill., Aug. 28, 1860. 7—-Richard Dana (1612-90), b in France; to Eng- land 1629; to Cambridge, Mass., 1640; propr. 1644; extensive landholder; progenitor of the Dana family in N.E.; m Anne Bullard (Rob- ert 8, landholder at Watertown, Mass.); 6-Benjamin (1660-1738), of Cambridge, Mass.; landholder; m Mary Buckminster (sister of Thomas, of Brookline, Mass.); 5—-Jedediah (1707-87), of Ashford, Conn.; land- holder; m Elizabeth — (d 1786); 4-William (1786-1805), of Ashford, Conn., and propr., Lebanon, N.H., 1761; officer French and Indian and Revolutionary wars; m Joanna Sessions (1746-82; Simeon; Nathaniel ®; Alex- ander’, propr., Andover, Mass., 1669); 38-Jedediah (1780-1853), W. Lebanon, N.H.; m Mar- tha Wood (1786-1856; Joseph 4; Joseph 5, propr., Lebanon, N.H., 1761; Samuel*; Thomas7; Thomas 8, propr., Rowley, Mass., 1650). 8-Benjamin Nye (1620-after 1704), from Eng. to Sandwich, Mass., 1629; m Katherine Tupper (Thomas ®, propr., Sandwich, Mass., 1637); 7—Caleb (d 1704), of Sandwich, Mass.; m Elizabeth, dau. John Wood (or Atwood), propr. Plymouth, Mass., 1636; b&b Fredericksburg, 6—John (d 1723), of Westerly, R.I.; began to write ane Ney; m Sarah Cook (George’, S. King- ston, ede) 5—John Bre 1800), of Exeter, R.I.; m Elizabeth —; 4-Blias (1774-1846), of Voluntown, Conn.; m Han- nah Tucker (1774-1856); 3-George (1801-65), from Plainfield, Conn., pioneer of Waltham, I1l.; m Rosilla Spalding (1807-1885; William‘; Ezekiel5; Jedediah*®; Samuel’; John 8, propr., Plainfield, Conn., 1699; John ®, officer in Queen Ann’s War; Edward”, propr., Chelmsford, Mass., 1654). 2-Dau. of William Dana (1823-1912), pioneer of Waltham, IIl.; m 1854, Frances Maria Ney (1836- 1920); issue: I-Samuel (6 1855; m Fanny Saw- yer; m 2d, Mary Garvin); II—-Frances (0 1857; D.O., Still Coll., DesMoines, Iowa); II1I-Joseph (b 1859); IV-Ida (above); V—William (6 1862; m Mary Carlson); VI-—George Ney (1865-66); VII- Charles Henry (b 1868; m Mary Hill); VIII- Ernest Mortimer (0 1869; m Florence Stouffer); IX-—Clifford Everett (6 1871; m Cora Eells); X- Nelson Warren (0b 1873; m Dora Winn); XI-— Martha Wood (6b 1874; artist; grad. Art Inst., Chicago; student Chase School, New York). IV—A.B., Olivet (Mich.) Coll., ’85, A.M., 1888. Dean of women, Ripon (Wis.) Coll., 1885-88; A.B., U. Chicago, 1896; high school teacher and prin- cipal, Huron, S.D., 1897-1900; genealogical com- piler. Residence: 714 Pearl St., Ottawa, III. 1-BAEER, A(rthur) Latham, } Cincinnati, O., May 7, 1853. 10-Gov. Thomas Dudley (qv); 9-Mercy, m 1639, Rev. John Woodbridge (Rev. John 1); &—-Thomas, m 1672, Mary Jones; 7-—Mary, m Ezra Cottle; 6-Thomas, m Hannah Lowell; 5-Anna, m David George; 4—Mary (1755-1830), m 1798, Benjamin Baker; 3—Dr. John (1792-1851), m 1818, Esther Towne. 9-Roger Conant (qv); 8—Lot (6 1624), m Elizabeth Walton; 7—John (1652-1724), m 1678, Bethiah Mansfield (1658- 1720; Andrew 8); 6—Daniel (6b 1694), m 1716/17, Lucy Dodge (b 1700); 5-—Mary (6 1722), m 1745, Jonathan Baker (Robert °; Jonathan 7; Cornelius 8); 4—-Benjamin (1755-1830), m Mary George (4 above). 9-Zachariah Fitch, m Mary -; 8—Sarah (d 1662), m 1658, John Weston; 7-Thomas, m Blizabeth —; 6—Ebenezer (0b 1702), m 1726, Mehitabel Southwick (Isaac?; John 8; Lawrence °); 5—Ebenezer, m Esther Taylor; 4—Esther (1763-1850), m 1787, Archelous Towne (1762-1818), soldier at Bunker Hill; 38—Esther (1791-1831), m Dr. John Baker (3 above). 2-Son of John G. Baker (1823-91), mcht., m Mary Ann Latham (1823-1916); issue: I-Arthur La- tham (above); II—-Esther Towne (1855-1923); III— Harriet (m Worthington Hooker Ingersoll); IV-John Townsend (m Isabel Fisher); V—Wil- liam Harris; VI—-Mary Latham. I-m Sept. 26, 1878, Elizabeth Coit Hand, b Green- wich, N.J., Sept. 14, 1855, sister of Isaac Platt Hand (See Vol. 1, p. 140); issue: 1-Dorothy (Mrs. J. Roy Allen, qv). C.E., Rens. Poly. Inst., ’73 (Phi Beta Kappa); U. Gottingen, 1896 (hon. Ph.D., Lafayette, 1889). Adj. prof. of civil engring., Lafayette, 1873-80; prof. mathematics, U. Rochester, 1891-1901; head of dept. of mathematics, Manual Train- ing High Sch., Brooklyn, 1901-17 (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: Rye, N.Y. 1-ALLEN, Dorothy Baker (Mrs. J. Roy), } Scranton, Pa., July 27, 1886. 9-John Hand (qv); 8—-Stephen (d 1693), m Rebecca -; 7-Stephen (1661-1740), wife d 1737-8, age 72; 6—John (bap. 1701-1755), m Hannah — (d 1731-2); 5—John (b 1725), m 1752, Rebecca Hand (James $); nee (1773-1832), Albany, N.Y.; m 1795, Tamar. att, 3-Aaron Hicks, D.D. (1810-80), Williams, ’32; Pres- Dyn clergyman; m 1838, Elizabeth Coit Bos- well. 2-Dau. of Arthur Latham Baker (qv for other lineages), m 1878, Elizabeth Coit Hand (b 1855). M June 20, 1914, James Roy Allen, } Gladstone, Man., July 14, 1884; son of Rev. James E. Allen, m 1880, Martha Meir, of Owen Sound, Ont.; issue: 1—Patricia, b N.Y. City, July 4, 1916; 2— FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 27 John Rutledge, 6 N.Y. City, Feb. 20, 1920. Residence: Rye, N.Y. Dye Henry Oliver, } Pittsburgh, Pa., Mar. 30, 5-Samuel Rea, came to America, 1755; m Miss Snodgrass; ; 4-Maj. Gen. John (1755-1829), m 1806, Elizabeth Culbertson (1786-1836) ; F mes (1820-92), m 1858, Matilda Robinson (1833- 2-Son of Henry Robinson Rea (1863-1919), M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech., ’84; capitalist, Pittsburgh, Pa.; m 1889, Edith Oliver (qv). M Aug. 1922, Margaret Moorhead, 6 Pittsburgh, Pa.; dau. of John Moorhead, Jr., of Pitts- burgh; issue: 1—Oliver, 6 Oct. 20, 1923. Ed. St. Mark’s, Southboro, Mass., and Yale, ex- 18. Enrolled in U.S.N.R.F., as coxswain, May 1917; commd. ensign, June 28, 1917; grad. first re- serve officers’ class at U.S.N.A., summer of 1917, and comma. ensign U.S.N., and assigned to U.S.S. “Wyoming” as communication offi- cer; commd. lt. after armistice. Residence: “Farmhill,’’ Sewickley, Pa. 1-REA, Edith Oliver (Mrs. Henry R.), b Pitts- burgh, Pa., Nov. 17, 1865. 3-Henry William Oliver (1809-82), from Ireland to Pittsburgh, 1842; m Margaret Brown. 3-James Cassidy, from Ireland, 1826, m Edith Anne Porter. 2-Only child of Henry William Oliver (1840-1904), capitalist, Pittsburgh; m 1862, Edith Anne Cas- sidy (d 1919). M Apr. 3, 1889, Henry R. Rea (1863-1919), M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech., ’84; son of William Rea; issue: 1-Edith Anne, } Pittsburgh, Aug 9, 1890; 2-Henry Oliver (qv for Rea lineage). Chmn. bd. Oliver Iron & Steel Co., and Oliver & Snyder. Awarded medal by Nat. Inst. Social Sciences (See Who’s Who in America). Clubs: Colony (New York), Allegheny Country. Resi- dence: “Farmhill,” Sewickley, Pa. 1-ABORN, Everett Anderson, } Ellington, Conn., Dec. 31, 1859. 8-Samuel Aborn (b ca. 1611), from Holland, was an early settler of Salem Village, Mass.; m Catherine Smith, of Marblehead, Mass.; 7—Moses (6 1645), Lynn, Mass.; m Sarah Haines; m 2d, Abigail Gilbert, of Ipswich; 6-Samuel (6 1692), m Martha Bancroft; m 2d, Sarah Needham, of Salem; 5-Samuel (bap. 1727), Tolland, Conn.; m 1753, Mary Ingham, of Hebron, Conn.; 4-John (b 1761), m 1796, Sarah Russell, of Elling- ton, Conn.; 3—Lucius (1806-97), m 1835, Lora Anderson (1802-91; Thomas‘, Am. Rev.; George®5, himself and seven sons in Am. Rev.; Robert 8). 9-Ezekiel Richardson (d 1647), from Eng., settled at Woburn, Mass.; m Susanna Bradford; 8-Theophilius (1733-74), m Mary Champney, of Cambridge; 7-John (1667-1749), m Deborah Brooks; 6—-John (1692-1745), m 1714, Abigail Swan; 5-Gershom (1715-88), m 1748, Abigail Fuller; 4—John (1763-1839), m 1792, Judith Burroughs; 3—Warren (1794-1872), m 1833, Luna Dimock. 9-Gov. William Bradford (qv); 8—Maj. William (1624-1704), m Widow Wiswall; 7-Joseph (ca. 1674-1747), m 1698, Anna Fitch (d 1715); 6—-Anne (6 1699), m 1723, Timothy Dimock (1693-1783: John’, m Abigail Lumber; Shubael’; Thomas’); 5-John (1727-1800), m 1753, Hannah Smith (1734-77); 4—Abner (1767-1842), m Love Newell (1767-1846) ; 3-Luna, (1801-53), m Warren Richardson (3 above). 2-Son of Lucius Anderson Aborn (1838-1916), m 1858, Caroline Calista Richardson (1838-1916): is- sue: I-Everett Anderson (above); II—-Warren Lucius (1862-99; m 1889, Jennie C. Neafus); III— Martha Caroline (6 1872; m 1894, Walter H. Skin- ner); IV-—Collins Walton (b 1876; m Georgia Aline Emery). I-Not married. A.B., Amherst, ’83 (Beta Theta Pi), A.M., 1886; LL.B., Union Coll. of Law, Chi- cago, 1887 (Phi Delta Phi). Admitted to bar, 1887, and since in practice at Chicago. Mem. S.M.D., S.A.R. Mason (K.T., 32°). Clubs: Beta Theta Pi (New York), Shrine (Hartford, Conn.), Town and County, High Noon, Knickerbocker (Chicago). Summer place: Crystal Lake, Conn. SALAS § 5927 Washington Boul., Chicago, 1-BAEER, Charles Chaney, b Hillside, S.D., May 27, 1887. 10-Stephen Horsey (d 1671), from Eng. to Va. ante 1650, burgess, 1653; removed to Somerset Co., Md., 1661; justice; high sheriff; m 1650, Sarah -, widow of Michael Williams; 9-Nathaniel (1664-1721), m 1686, Sarah Revell (Ran- dall 2°, came to Va., 1628-29, mem. Md. Assem- bly, 1637-42, Va. House of Burgesses, 1657, 1659- 60, m Catherine, dau. of Capt. Edmund Scar- borough); 8—-Nathaniel (1689-1748), m Martha Outerbridge (William ®, mem. Ct. of Vice Admiralty of Ber- mudas); 7-Outerbridge (d 1788), m Mary Dixon; 6—-Stephen (d 1802), m Mary -; 5-Stephen (1774-1837), removed from Md. to West- fall, Pickaway Co., O.; m 1st, Sarah Clarkson (Thomas 8); 4-BPlizabeth (1809-79), m Solomon Mackey Baker (1799-1864), first white child 6 on Deer Creek, Ross Co., O. (John® [1750-1821], m Hannah Mackey); 3—-Stephen H. (1829-86), m 1849, Sophia Hussey. 10—Christopher Hussey (qv); 9-Stephen (1632-1718), mem. Mass. Gen. Ct.; m 1676, Martha Bunker (1656-1744; George !°, from Eng. to Mass. ante 1645); : 8—Bachiler (1685-1737), m 1704, Abigail Hall (John ®, m Abigail, dau. of John Roberts; John”); 7-Christopher (b 1706), from Mass. to N.C.; m Ann Garretson; 6—Stephen (1788-1812), Hillsborough, O.; m Martha Channers (1746-1830) ; 5-Stephen (1773-1853), Highland Co., O.; m 1798, Mary Underwood (d 1841; James 8, N.C. Line in Am, Rev., m Margaret Campbell); 4—-Zimri (1808-69), prof. medicine, Physio-Med. Coll. of Medicine, Cincinnati; m 1828, Virginia Boxley (1806-66; George 5, ens. War 1812, m Han- nah, dau. of Anthony Gibson Jenkins; Thom- as ®; Joseph”); a a (1829-1901), m Stephen Horsey Baker (3 above). 8-John Holme (d 1701), of Phila., Pa., later Salem, N.J., where he was a judge; gts (his son, Col. Benjamin, served in Am. ev.)3 6—Elizabeth, m 1737, Joseph Fogg, of Salem, N.J.; 5—Isaac (1755-1814), m Martha -; 4—Rebecca (1786-1869), m William Armstrong (1782- 1860), settled in Warren Co., O., 1818 (William 5, of Salem, N.J.); 3-Sarah Ann (1818-1902), m William Chaney (1813- 54), Clermont Co., O. (Lewis * [1774-1854], m Ann Leach, of Md.). 2-Son of Charles Wood Baker (1862-1919), teacher; m 1884, Alice Chaney (6 1852); issue: I-Maree (b 1885); II-—Charles Chaney (above). II—Not married. Accountant. Writer on history of Southern Calif. Q.M. sgt., U.S.A., Jan. 1918; 20 elt Mok ©..) DEC, 2.) 19189 1S8t 1t.5@ Men. Co. 1924. Mem. S.C.W., S.R., Order LaFayette, Order Oglethorpe, Mil. Order Pulaski, S.W. 1812. Residence: Torrance, Calif. Cerra Edwin Marshall, 6 Peoria, IIll., Oct. 9-Edward Fitz Randolph (bap. 1607; d 1675 or 1679; of royal and surety baron descent), came from Eng., 1680; juryman at Barnstable, Mass., 1641; m 1637, Elizabeth Blossom (b ca. 1620; Dea. Thomas”, who sailed in the “Speedwell,” 1620, the companion ship to the “Mayflower,” but which put back, but he came in the ‘‘Mayflow- er’s” 2d voyage, 1629); 8-Thomas, constable and selectman, Piscata- way, N.J.; dep. N.J. Gen. Assembly, 1693-94; m Elizabeth Manning (Jeffrey ®, marshal 1st ct. in Middlesex Co., N.J.; John? [1615-44], from Eng. in the “Globe,” ca. 1635); 7-David, m Sarah Mollison (6 1682/3; John 8, from Piscataqua, Mass., to Piscataway, N.J., town clerk, 1711); 6—Ann (6 1714), m ca. 1730, John Smalley (b 1712); 5-Sarah, m Isaac Moore (b ca. 1753—will pro- bated 1833), of N.J., minute man in Am. Rev. (John 6, of Paterson, N.J., said to be g.son of Benjamin 8, from Eng. in the ‘‘Kent.” to New- castle, 1677; Moorestown, N.J., named for him); 4—Mary, m James Marshall, of Paterson, N.J. (James 5; James *, of Rahway, N.J.): 3—Sarah_ (1804-71), m William Hadley (1796-1879), tee sy settled at Paterson, N.J., went to 28 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 8—Richard Clark (d 1621), 36th signer of the May- flower Compact; m Hlizabeth —; %WElizabeth, m John Marsh (b 1661; Samuel 8, of New Haven, Conn., and Elizabethtown, INGs\s 6-—Daniel, m Mary Rolph (Henry *); 5-Phebe, m James Marshall (James 6 of Rah- way, N.J.); 4-James, m Mary Moore (4 above). 2-Son of James Marshall Hadley (1833-1919), mcht, and writer; m 1860, Margaret (1838-98), dau. William Widenham ‘(1808-83), came from Eng. to Ill, 1838; issue: I-Clara Widenham (Mrs. William Henry Wait, See Vol. 1, p. 632); II—Edwin Marshall (above); III-— James B. (d). II-m June 21, 1904, Jessie Seymour McCarthy, b Chicago, Til.; dau. James J. McCarthy, Chi- cago; issue (all b in Chicago): 1-James Mc- Carthy, b Aug. 17, 1905; 2-Edwin Marshall, Jr., b June 5, 1907; 3-Raymond Widenham, 0b Feb. 2, 1910. Ill. Wesleyan U. and Northwestern U., ’% (Beta Theta Pi). Formerly chmn. bd. Chicago- Cleveland Car Roofing Co., Chicago; now pres. Charta Industrial Corpn. Formerly lt. col., Ill. N.G.; now maj., Ordnance Reserve, U.S. A. Mason (82°, K.T., Shriner). . Director Constitutional Anniversary Assn.; mem. Re- serve Officers Assn., S.R., etc, Clubs: Au- thors (London), The Forty, Chicago Athletic, South Shore Country (ex-v.p.), The Bugs, Ad- venturers, National Sojourners, Army and Navy (Chicago and Washington). Residence: 4750 Woodlawn Av., Chicago, Ill. 1-GARNETT, Worthen Fatherly (Mrs. William H.), 6 Little Rock, Ark. 10-John Haynes (qv); 9-Ruth, m 1655, Samuel Wyllys (Gov. George 1); 8-Mary. (1655-1729), m 1684, Rev. Joseph Eliot (1638-84; Rev. John °, av); 7-Dr. Jared (1685 - 1763), m Elizabeth Smithson (Samuel 8); 6—Jared, m Elizabeth Lord, of Lyme, Conn.; 5—Jared, m Clarissa Lewis; 4-Mary, m Joseph Grafton; 3-Harriet, m Richard Fatherly. 2Dau. of William Ashley Fatherly (1850-87), m 1877, Adelaide Elizabeth Ward; issue: I-Ward Grafton (m Marie Bowman); II—Worthen (above). II-m Feb. 7, 1903, William H. Garnett, 0 Balti- more, Md., Sept. 6, 1868; son of Dr. "Algernon Ss. Garnett, surgeon U.S.N. and C.S.N. Mem. C.D.A., O.C. Residence: 43815 Prospect Av., Little Rock, Ark. 1-McCULLOCH, Mary Azalete Gurley (Mrs. MET ae C., Jr.), 6 McLennan Co., Tex., Aug. 7-William Gurley, A Scotch descent; probably came to Va. and N.C. ca. 1700; 6-John (d 1771), of Southampton Co., Va.; 5-John (d 1794), planter, of Johnston Co., N.C.; m Elizabeth —; 4-EHidwards (ca. 1755-1795), planter, of Johnston Co., N.C.; m 1776, Mary Davis; 3-Davis (1792-1861), of Waco, Tex.; magistrate Franklin Co., Ala,, 1826; m 1823, Patience Bland Smith, of Chester District, S.C. (Joshua 4; John®, of Prince William Co., Va.). 9-John Earle (d 1660; son of Sir Richard, of Dorset Co., Eng.), from Eng., ca. 1649-52, with his wife, Mary, and three children, and for paying the passage of 34 persons received land grants aggregating 1700 acres located on Earle’s Creek and Yeocomico River, now Westmoreland Co., Va., which, exclusive of other patents subsequently granted by the lords proprietors of the Northern Neck, de- scended in a single male representative for 100 yrs $-Samuel (d@ 1697), Westmoreland Co., m Bridget ale; 7-Samuel (d 1746), surveyor of highways, m Phyl- is -— 6—Maj. Samuel (ca. 1692-1771), justice Co. Ct. of Frederick Co., Va., 1743-52; high sheriff, church warden; maj. Col. George W. Fairfax’s regt. of horse; burgess, 1746; collector of tobacco; “ee tt tha Anna Sorrell; m 2d, 1752, Elizabeth Hol- ro Col, es (1737-1815), removed to the region nr. boundary line bet. N.C. and S.C., 1773, where he built “Earle’s Fort’; capt. in Gen. Bou- quet’s expdn. in Ohio, 1764; col. in Am. Rev.; m Thomasine, dau. John Prince; 4—-Gen. John Baylis (1766-1836), drummer boy Am. Rev.; adj. and insp. gen. of S.C. dur- ing War of 1812; vice chmn. of Nullification Conv. of S.C., 18383; m Sarah Ann Taylor (Sam- uel 5 maj. Am. Rev.; James 8, officer British Army); 38-Dr. Baylis Wood (1801-59), of Miss. and Tex.; m Eliza Ann Harrison (Isham 4; ‘James 5 m Elizabeth, sister Gen. Wade Hampton of Am. Rev.; John *, of Halifax Co., Vai, m Sarah Daniel). 2-Dau. of Gen. Davis Robert Gurley (1836-1914), maj. of cav. C.S.A.; adj. gen. of Tex.; m 1865, Louisa Wells Farle (1844-1910); issue: I-Baylis Earle (d 1867); II1—-Harriet Louisa (m 1888, Rid- ley Lucien Stribling); IlI-Mary Azalete (above); IV—Davis Robert, Jr.; V—Eliza Earle; ViI-—Loulie Earle (6 1886). III-m Oct. 28, 1889, Champe,Carter McCulloch, Jr. (See Vol. 1, p. 706, for genealogy and issue). Mem. C.D.A., D.F.P.A., D.A.R., Club of Colonial Dames (Washington). Address: ‘Lookout Lodge,” Alleghany Co., Md.; P. O. box 353, Cumberland, Md. 1-SANDERS, William Reynale, }) Dansville, N. Y., Aug. 6, "1963. eWilliam Goodrich (av); issue: 5 sons, 4 daugh- Davia (1666-1755), m 1st, 1689, Hannah Wright ( T-' 7-Josiah (1690- 1731), m 1st, 1711, (1692-1726) ; bar heen (iar. -1806), m 2d, 1756, Mrs. Mary Porter 5-Hezekiah (1757-1848), m 1779, Rachael Smith (1760-1837) ; epee ae (1779-1843), m 1808, Rufus Enapp (1783- alert (1810-1868), m 1834, Benjamin Sanders 2-Son of George Allen Sanders (1835-1910), m 1856, Nancy Jane Tousey (1836-85); m 2d, 1887, Mrs. Mary Ross (d 1911); issue (lst marriage): I-Nella Tousey (1857-63); II-William Reynale fabore) III-—Lulu (b 1865; m 1886, Bertram M. ott). II-m Nov. 4, 1886, Lillian May Haskin, 6 Haskin- ville, N.Y., Sept. 15, 1865; D.A.R.; dau. Isaac Jones Haskin, of Avoca, N.Y.; issue: 1—Cam- eron Haskin, 6b Avoca, N.Y., Jan. 5, 1890; served with Troop C, Ohio Cav. on Mexican border, 1916-17; Ist 1t., 136th F.A., and as a.-d.-c. to Gen. W. R. Smith in France, and with Army of Occupation in Germany; hon. discharged, July 11, 1919; capt., Troop H, 107th Ohio Cav., and chief of staff 54th Cav. Brig.; maj., 107th Ohio Cav. Pres. the Am. Liability Co., Cincinnati, O. Mem. S.C.W. (dep. gov. gen., 1919-26), S.R. (past pres. Ohio Soc.). Residence: 3333 Whitfield Av., Clifton, Cincinnati, O. Op arena fe Archie Lee, } Phillips, Me., Sept. 6-Roger Talbot (6 London, Eng., 1687; mariner; son of Ambrose, of London, m Jane Metcalf, and g. son of Capt. Roger Talbot, M.P., of Thornton, Eng.); was of record at Boston, Mass., 1713, when he m Hannah Trarise (or Trerice), probably widow of Nicholas Trar- ise, and dau. of Thomas Tregoth, of Boston; 5—Dea. Ambrose (1720/21-1804), pvt. in Dorchester company, 1743-48; settled at Freeport, Me.; soldier French and Indian War and Am. Rev.; m 1754, Mary Clark Bayley (1734-1805; Robert 6 m Martha Millett, of N. Yarmouth, Me.); 4-Asa_ (1769-1849), m Abigail Johnson (1770-1855; Jacob®, m Abigail Bibber); 3—Archibald (1799-1873), M.E. preacher and jus- tice, Avon, Me.; m 1819, Sophia Smith (1799- 1872; Capt. Samuel‘, m Sophia Curtis, of Avon, Me.). 7-William Robbins (d 1725), of Walpole, Mass.; King Philip’s War; m 1680, Priscilla Gowing (1 1745; Robert’, m Elizabeth Brock); 6—William (1681-1769), Walpole, Mass.; Clap (1679-1761); 5-—Daniel (1722-1804), Winthrop, Me.; m 1751, Mary Fisher (1731-1805; Ebenezer *, French and In- dian War, m Mary, dau. man); 4-Asa (1759-1840), corp. Am. Rev.; pensioned; 1788, Olive Clark (1762-1827; Daniel 5, m Sarah a Sarah Porter m Hannah of Moses Penni- FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 3—Asa (1791-1840), of Phillips, Me.; War 1812; m Hannah Shaw. 9-Abraham Shaw, from Eng., was an incorpo- rator of Dedham, Mass.; 8—John, m Alice Phillips; 7-Benjamin (1670-1728, m Hannah -; 6—-Samuel (1698-1730), m Elizabeth -; ats (1730-1808), m Sarah Barrows (Eben- ezer, °); 4—Capt. Abraham (1757-1814), Am. Rev.; m 1783, Hannah Miller; 3—Hannah (1797-1876), m Asa Robbins (3 above). 8-John Miller (1624-1720), from Eng., settled at Middleborough, Mass.; m Mercy -; 7—-John (1669-1727), m Lydia Coombs (d 1734, aet. 55; Francis 8, of Middleborough); 6-John (1704-94), m Priscilla Bennet (1711-54; Capt. Peter 7, m Priscilla, dau. of Isaac Howland, son of John Howland, qv); 5-Capt. John (1737-1807), 1t. Am. Rev.; m Zilpah Tinkham (1737-1818; -John, Sr.*, m Hannah, dau. of Isaac Howland, son of John Howland, av); 4-Hannah (1765-1813), m Abraham Shaw (4 above). 2-Son of Charles Johnson Talbot (1820-84), of Wilton, Me.; lawyer; surveyor of customs of Port of Portland and Falmouth, 1861-65; U.S. collector of internal revenue for Me., 1869-77; railroad commr. of Me., 1877-88; m 1843, Del- phinia Shaw Robbins (1825-59); m 2d, 1861, Almira Ann (Colby) Smith (1829-98); issue (1st marriage): I-Archie Lee (above); II—Asa Charles (1849-1918; m 1870, Abbie Roville Knowi- ton); (2d marriage): IlI-—Lura Linn (1865-1919; m 1891, Edwin Stanton Farnum); IV—Erlon oe (1867-91; m 1889, Abbie Beatrice Dun- ning). I-—m Jan. 13, 1869, Nina Victoria Adams, b Wil- ton, Me., Mar. 24, 1849; dau. of Jewett Page Adams, of Georgetown, Mass.; issue: 1—Har- lan Adams (Dec. 6, 1873-Oct. 26, 1874); 2-William Wiggin (qv for Adams lineage); 3—Carlton Baker, 6 Lewiston, Me., Mar. 23, 1878; m June 4, 1902, Della (Hess) Rogers, b Clyde, O., Sept. 19, 1870; dau. of Jacob F. Hess, of Clyde, O. (issue: Nina Emily, 6 Jan. 19, 1907); 4-Ralph Lee, 6 Lewiston, Dec. 8, 1888; Ist 1t. and capt., inf., World War; m Mar. 23, 1918, Miriam How- ard Boynton, 6 Bangor, Me., June 16, 1889; dau. of Capt. Warren Howard Boynton, of Bangor, Me. (issue: Joan Lee, b July 6, 1921- Mar. 17, 1925). Ed. Wesleyan Sem., Kents Hill, Me. Insurance underwriter since 18838. Alderman, Lewiston, Me., 1883-84; mem. Lewiston Sch. Bd., 1886-96; mem. Me. Legislature, 1897; trustee Lewiston Public Library since 1920. Mason (senior per- manent mem. of the Grand Lodge of Maine, and trustee charity fund of Grand Lodge of Me. since 1882). Mem. S.M.D. (founder Me. soc., 1901, and gov. 1903; dep. gov. gen. Gen. Soc., 1906-27), S.C.W., S.A.R. (pres. Maine soc., 1898-99), S.A.W. (founder and first cdr. Me. soc., 1912; v.-cdr.-gen., 1913-16), S.W. 1812, Or- der of Washington (vy.-cdr.-gen.), etc. Com- piler: Lineage of the Talbot Family. Resi- dence: 157 Pine St., Lewiston, Me. 1-TALBOT, William Wiggin, b Wilton, Me., July 1, 1875. %-Philip Adams, believed to have been killed by Indians at York, Me., 1692; m Elizabeth -: 8-Thomas (1648-ca, 1732), York, Me.; m Hannah Parker (John °®); eee (b 1680), m Lydia Gowell (6 1692; Rich- ar $ 6-Samuel (6 1710), York, Me.; m 1734, Elizabeth Young (Jonathan 7, of York); 5-John (b 1747), Bowdoinham, Me.; m his cousin, Catherine Adams (Nathan *, of Harpswell, Me.); 4-Moses (1773-1855), Wilton, Me.; m Martha Kin- ney (1769-1848) ; 3-Jewett Page (1807-72), Georgetown, Mass.; m Bp \ters Baker (Samuel T. 4, of East Wilton, e.). ' " o | 2-Son of Nina Victoria Adams (b 1849), m 1869, Archie Lee Talbot (qv for Talbot lineages). M Aug. 10, 1896, Inez Mabel Maxwell (Feb. 26, 1876-July 19, 1925); dau. of Isaac Starbird Max- well, of Me.; issue: 1—Harlan Maxwell. }b Lewiston, Me., Aug. 20, 1901; m Feb. 14, 1921, Beatrice Beulah, dau. of Henry Sprague Mit- ton, of Caribou, Me. (issue: Janette Inez, b Nov. 16, 1921); 2-Kenneth Lee, b Bangor, Me., Apr. 25, 1905; 3-Nina Elizabeth, bB Bangor, June 29 ioe 4-John Howland, b Bangor, Jan. 20, Druggist. Mem. S.M.D., S.A.R., S.A.W., Order of Washington. Mason (Shriner). Residence: Portsmouth, N.H. 1-LAPHAM, Samuel, Jr., Sept. 23, 1892. 8—-George Soule (qv); 7T-John (1632-1707), m 2d, Mrs. Esther Sampson; 6—Josiah (1682-1764), m Lydia Delano; 5-Abisha (1708-78), m Abigail Delano; 4—-Nathaniel (1767-1862), m Lydia Freeman; 3-Capt. Freeman (1807-66), m Nancy Freeman. 2—Son of Samuel Lapham (See Vol. 1, p. 193, for Lapham lineage), m 1891, Anne Grey Soule. M July 8, 1926, Lydia La Roche Thomas, b Flor- ence, S.C., Feb. 22, 1904; dau. of Rev. Harold Thomas, m Dora La Roche, of Charleston, S.C: M.I1.T., 716. Architect, Charleston, 8.C., and asso. prof. engring., Coll. of Charleston. Mem. A.I.A. Second lt., Baty. A, lst Bn., 61st Arty., C.A. C., 38d Arty. Brig., Ist Army; in France, July 17, 1918-Feb. 17, 1919. Residence: 34 Legare St., Charleston, S.C. 6b Charleston, S.C., (Nash) j HENRY V. B. DARLINGTON. 1-DARLINGTON, Henry (Vane Bearns), 0 ‘' Brooklyn, N.Y., June 9, 1889. 8-Richard Wilde, Charlestown, Mass., 1636; a patentee of Flushing, L.I., 1666; m Patience Tatum; ‘ 7-Thomas (1718-76), corp. Cont. Army, killed at | White Plains; m 1st, 17387, Sarah Griffen (Ja- cob 8, pvt. Am. Rev.); : 6-Griffen (1748-1817), soldier Am. Rev.; m Anne Bishop (John 8, John 7, James 8, sec. New Ha- ven Colony, 1661-65); : 5-James (d 1816), m Phoebe Rainous (desc. Dan- iel Rayneau, first freeholder of Huguenot col- ony at New Rochelle, N.Y.); 30 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 4-Maria (1800-1900), m Peter Darlington (1793- 1851), from Scotland to New York; a pioneer paper mfr. (son _of William d’Arlington, of Darlington, Co. Durham, Eng.); 3-Thomas (1826-1903), lawyer, New York; m 1850, Hannah Anne (1830-190U), dau. James Yarrow Goodliffe, from Eng. to New York, 1831. 4-Henry Bearns, from Holland; was a noted navigator and linguist; settled at N.Y. City, m Margaret George; 3-James Sterling (1816-1912), banker, Brooklyn; m 1854, Elizabeth Jane Cosgrove (0 1829). 2-Son of James Henry Darlington (See Vol. 1, p. 60), m 1888, Ella Louise Bearns. M Nov. 24, 1920, Dorothy Stone Smith, b Troy, N.Y., Sept. 18, 1899; dau. William Stone Smith, of “‘Blythewood,” Llewellyn Park, Orange, N.J.; issue: 1—Pierre, 0 July 11, 1922; 2-Henry (Vane Bearns), Jr., 6 Jan. 8, 1925. A.B., Columbia, 710; General Theol. Sem., 1913; (D.D., Sem. of St. Athanasius, 1924). Episcopal clergyman; rector Ch. of Heavenly Rest, N.Y. City. Chaplain (1st lt.), 50th Arty., C.A.C., 38th Brig., lst Army, A.H.F. Mem. S.C.W., H.S.A., S.N.S., S.C., S.R. Clubs: Union, University, Essex Co. Country, Columbia. Residence: 67 HH. 89th St., N.Y. City. 1-BALL, Ivanila Dunham (Mrs. Waynesville, Ill., June 13, 1869. 11—Robert Cushman (qv); 10-Thomas (1608-91), came with his father in the “Rortune,” 1621, and when his father returned to Eng., was left in care of Governor Brad- ford; was presiding elder of the colony; m Mary, who came in the “Mayflower” with her father, Isaac Allerton (qv); 9~Thomas (1637-1726), m 1st, Ruth Howland (John”, av, m Elizabeth, dau. of John Tilley", qv); 8—-Robert, m 1st, Persis —; 7-Joshua (1708-64), m Mary Soule (Josiah§; John®; George?) ; 6—Cephas (1746-1815), soldier Am. Rev.; m Judith Clark (Ezekiel 7); 5-Ezekiel (1768-1831), m 1798, Abigail Tobey (Lt. Samuel 8, soldier Am. Rev.; Eliakim ‘, recog- nized patriot in Am. Rev.; Samuel’; Thomas’); 4-James Harvey (1795—-will dated 1867), m ist, Lucy (Bennett) Sears; 3-Abiel Pierce (1820-95), m 1841, Julia Elenor Ses- sions. 10-—Dea. John Dunham (qv); 9-Joseph (1636/37-1703), m 1657, Mercy Morton (d 1667; Nathaniel, sec. of Plymouth Colony; George); 8—Nathaniel (1665-1727), m 1688, Mary Tilson; 7-Nathaniel (6 1693), m 1714, Elizabeth Pratt; 6—Nathaniel (b 1722), m 1750, Sarah Freeman; 5-William (d after 1781), m 1778, Susannah Wil- liams (Rufus *; Capt. Benjamin‘, capt. French and Indian War, patriot Am. Rev.; Benja- min 8; Richard ®, Taunton, Mass.); 4—-William Williams (1783-1833), newspaper owner and editor, Providence, R.I.; m 1805, Mary Greenman (Lt. Jeremiah 5; served throughout .Am. Rev.; Jeremiah ®; William ”); 3-Jeremiah Perry (1814-97), mcht.; probate judge, Waynesville, Ill.; m 1834, Eliza Cant- rell (1816-55; Zebulon *; Joshua 5, soldier Am. Rev.; Joseph *; Zebulon 7; Richard 8). 2-Dau. of William Williams Dunham (1844-1925), Civil War vet.; banker and mcht., Waynes- ville, Ill; mem. S.C.; m 1867, Roxanna Caro- lina Cushman (1848-75); m 2d, 1878, Mary Piercy eee issue (Ist marriage): I-—Ivanilla above); II—Lola Neora (1873-1909). I-—m Oct. 9, 1893, Fred Ball, 6 Morgan Co., O., Nov. 17, 1862; ed. Beverly Coll., Ohio, and Il. Wesleyan U.; lawyer; son of James Rosser Ball 2 (James Rosser *; Edward 4, corp. Am. Rev.; Capt. William 5 Am. Rev.; Spencer °; Joseph 7; Capt. William 8; Col. William °, of Millenbeck Plantation, Lancaster Co., Va.); issue: 1—Frederic Dunham, 0b Clinton, IIL, Mar. 23, 1895; enlisted for World War, May 15, 1917; apptd. capt., Inf. Sect., O.R.C., Aug. 15, 1917; 2d lt., U.S.A., assigned to 328th M. G. Bn., 4th Inf.; with A.E.F. at St. Mihiel and Meuse Argonne; gassed; with Ist Army of Oceupation in Germany; attended Army Schools, Langres, France; Coblenz-Liitzel, Germany; ed. U. Ill., 1920, A.B.; Wesleyan U. Ill., U. Texas; publicity and newspaper writ- er, Dallas, Tex.; m July 16, 1921, Odell, dau. of Charles Shehane, at Waxahatchee, Tex. (is- sue: Frederic Dunham, b Apr. 9, 1923) Fred), 0 Ed. Oxford Bo Woman’s Coll.; Waynesville (111.) Acad.; 111. Woman’s Coll. (Phi Nu). Mem. S.M.D., D.F.P.A., N.S.D.A.R. (7 bars); P.H.O.; Siegert pore Residence: 319 S. Madison St., Clin- ton, ; Serpep Charles, 0 Terryville, Conn., May 7, 1864, " Henry Adams (av); : 8-Lt. Henry (1604-76), Medfield, Mass.; killed in King Philip’s War; m Elizabeth Paine; 7-Henry (1657-1733), Medfield; m Prudence Frairy; 6—-Henry (1702-82), Medfield; m Jemima Morse; 5-Rev. Amos (1728-75), Roxbury, Mass.; chaplain Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Prentice; 4-Joseph (1767-1856), m Deborah Marsh; . 8-Charles (1805-83), founder New Haven Palla- dium; m Julia Hinman. bnge McKee, settled at Bristol, Conn., ca. 1790; 3-William E., m Adeline Ann Andrew (desc. Rev. Samuel Andrew, a founder and 2d pres. Yale OSA Abigail, dau. Gov. Robert Treat, of onn.). 2-Son of Joseph Hinman Adams (1833-70), m 1855, Emeline Ann McKee (6 1834); issue: I-Emma Louise; IIl—Adeline (d infancy); Il1I-Samuel (d infancy); 1V—Charles (above); V-—Joseph (d abt. age 3). IV—m Oct. 21, 1890, Alice Sherman (Apr. 8, 1864- Sept. 21, 1901); dau. John T,. Sherman, Brooklyn. M 2d, Nov. 7, 1907, Elizabeth Frances Park, b Seabright, N.J., Sept. 15, 1880; dau. of Dr. Hd- gar Park (1834-91), m Mary Fisk, and sister of Edgar Park (av for genealogy); issue: 1— Joseph Andrew, 0 Bronxville, N.Y., Sept. 26, 1908; 2-Elizabeth, 6 Bronxville, Oct. 9, 1909; 3- Mary Frances, 0 New York, July 6, 1914. B.A., Yale, ’87 (Psi U., Wolf’s Head). Sr. mem. New York Stock Exchange firm of Adams, McNeill & Brigham, 1890-1900; since realty operator. Mem. S.R. Residence: 611 W. 156th St., New York. 1-PARK, Edgar, b St. Louis, Mo., July 13, 1875. 9-Edward Fuller (qv); 8-Samuel (ca. 1612-1683), came with his father in the “Mayflower,” 1620; m 1635, Jane Lothrop (Rev. John 9°); 7-Thankful, m John Crippen; 6—Ezra (b 1745); 6—-Bradley (b 1783), m Esther Hand; 4—Lorenzo D. (b 1806), m Ruth H. Haynes; 8-Jeannette, m 1850, Gen. Clinton Bowen Fisk (1828-90), brig. gen. and bvt. maj. gen. U.S.V. in Civil War; Fisk U., Nashville, Tenn., named for him; Prohibition candidate for the Pres- idency, 1888 (Benjamin *, m Lydia Aldrich). 2-Son of Mary Fisk (6 1852), m 1873, Dr. Edgar Park (1834-91); issue: I-Jeanne Fisk (m Stephen Theodore Hodgman); Il—-Edgar Park (above); IlI—Mary Edith (b 1877; m William B. Oliver); IV-Elizabeth Frances (b 1880; m Charles Ad- ams (qv); V—Mabel (m Vernon Pell Baker). II-m Apr. 17, 1900, Sue Foote, 6 Cleveland, O., Feb. 7, 1879; dau. of Charles Derby Foote, of Cleveland, m Elizabeth Reynolds. Financier. Clubs: Union League, Apawamis, Blind Brook, Hartwood, Lawyers, Fisher’s Island. Residences: ‘Boxwood Farm,” Hot Springs, Va., and 19 W. 54th St., New York. 1-CAIN, Franklin Clark, ) St. Matthews, S.C., Jan. 6, 1874. 6—Patrick Cain (ca. 1710-post 1777), mem. S.C. Leg- islature; 5—Patrick see 1735-killed by Tories, 1781), Am. Rev.; m Molly Griffin; 4—John (b 1764), Am. Rev.; m 1st, Sarah Lott; 3—-Nathaniel, m 1st, Olivia Robinson. 9-Lt. William Clark (1609-90), m Sarah —; 8-John (b 1651), m Rebecca Cooper; 7—-John (1679-1768), m Elizabeth Cook; 6—-Aaron (b 1709), m Elizabeth Bartlett; 5-Sam Hill (1754-90), m Martha Curtis; 4—Aaron (1786-1866), m Mary Dyer; 8—-Benjamin Dyer (1820-67), m 1846, Minerva Hall (1824-86; Charles L. 4, m Mary, dau. of George McMichael, m Anne, dau. of Richard Vernon; William 5, Am. Rev., m Barbara, dau. of Michael Hawkins). 10-William Dyer (qv); 9—Thomas; pee (1653-1704), m 2d, 1683, Hannah Baxter; —John; 6—-Joseph, m 1766, Phoebe Wheeler; 5—-Benjamin, m Hannah Straw; FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 31 4-Mary (d 1836), m 1814, Aaron Clark (4 above). 2-Son ras William Pinckney Cain (1843-95), m 1873, Adella Sereno Clark (1853-1893). M July 5, 1899, Lillian Murphy (qv). Residence: St. Matthews, S.C. 1-CAIN, Lillian Murphy (Mrs. Franklin C.), b Marion, S.C., Feb. 2, 1878. 6-Neill Murphy, m (Janet?) Downey; 5-Edward J.N., m Catherine -; 4-John (d 1824}, m 1806, Margaret McDuffie (d 1845; Archibald 5); 3—-Archibald (1807-71), m 1832, Nancy Carmichael (1807-79; Duncan‘, m Catherine, dau. of Archi- bald Carmichael, from Scotland to S.C.). . 8-Mark (Reeve) Reaves (d 1694), from Eng. in the “Griffin,” 1675; m 2d, 1686, Ann Hunt, a widow of Pa.; 7—Joseph (d 1748), m 1722, Eleanor Bagnall; 6-William, began to write name Reaves; m Prudence Harrelson; 5-Solomon, Bapt. preacher; m Sarah Floyd; 4—Charles (1785-1861), m 1810, Sarah Hodges; ; 3-—George Washington (1811-97), m 8d, 1848, Eliz- abeth Watson (1823-60; Isham 4 [1788-1864], m 1810, Mary, dau. of John Hayes, Am. Rev., m Nancy Berry; Barnaby 5, m Mrs. Eliz. Smith pornos Lloyd (qv) omas oyd (av); 8-Robert (1668-1714), m 1699, Lowry Jones (1680- 1762) ; Davia (6 1707), m ca. 1729, Anna Crawford; __ 6—-Robert (1734-1802), began to write name Lide; m 2d, 1760, Sarah Kolb (1736-89) ; 5—Mary (1763-1816), m 1779, Robert Hodges (d 1816); 4-Sarah (1791-1832), m 1810, Charles Reaves (4 above). 2-Dau. of Dr. Neill C. Murphy (1836-86), m 1872, Mary Elizabeth Reaves (b 1852); issue: I—Nell (b 1874; m W. W. McMillan); IIl-Edward R. (6 1876); III—Lillian (above); IV—Neill C. (b 1879; m Nellie Byrd); V—G. Archibald (6 1882; m Julia Rush) IlI-m July 5, 1899, Franklin Clark Cain (qv). Mem. D.A.C., D.B.R., D.A.R. (state regent, 1921- 24, v.p.gen., 1924-26). Summer place: Tryon, N.C. Residence: St. Matthews, S.C. 1-BOREN, Richard Long (Tyler, Tex., Feb. 29, 1860-Dallas, Tex., Aug., 1896). 4-Nicholas Boren (1756-1826), of Chester Co., Pa.; planter; wounded at the battle of the Brandy- wine; removed to Tenn.; m Mary Hampson, of Cecil Co., Md.; 3—James (1781-1864), planter, Giles and Bedford cos., Tenn.; m Jane Blair. 5-Joseph Dickson (1745-1825), of Chester Co., Pa.; removed to N.C.; mem. Com. Safety, Rowan Co., 1775, and made capt. colonial troops same year; maj. “Lincoln County Men” at battle of Kings Mountain; col., brig. gen.; state sen- ator, 1788-95; a founder and one of first trus- tees, U. of N.C.; mem. 6th Congress, 1799-1801; m Margaret McEwen. 4-James (1766-1825), judge Bedford Co., Tenn.; m Agnes Nancy Moore (William 5, mem. N.C. Gen. Assembly, 1769-73); ; 3—Mary (1797-1866), m Benjamin Long (1788-1826), Bedford Co., Tenn.; served under Andrew Jackson in battle of Horseshoe Bend and at New Orleans (Richard ‘ [1758-1848], of Cul- peper Co., Va., soldier Am. Rev.). 2-Son of Samuel Hampson Boren (1811-81), from Farmington, Tenn., to Nacogdoches, Tex., 1838; 1t. Ist Tex. Cav. in Mexican War; large land owner and capitalist; m 1839, Sarah Ade- line Long (1822-88); issue: I-James Nicholas (it. C.S.A., killed at the battle of Richmond, Ky.); II—Benjamin N. (m Sue McKellar); III- Martha Isabella (1844-86; m Franklin Newman Gary, see their son Hampson, Vol. 1, p. 120); IV—Julia Lee (m Oliver Loftin); V-Mary Jane (m James A. Pegues): VI-Sammie (m Charles Q. Goodman); VII-Ellen (m Judge Sawnie Robertson); VIII—Richard Long (above). VIII~m 1887, Clara Johnson, of Colorado, Tex.; issue: 1-Mary, m Herman H. Harp. Grad. A. and M. Coll. of Tex. Banking and real estate business, Colorado, Tex. 1-GARY, Bessie Royall (Mrs. Hampson). 8-Joseph Royall (1600-1658), from Canterbury, Eng., in the “Charitie,” to Va., July, 1622, settling on James River above Shirley Hun- dred; large landowner; m 3d, Katherine Banks (d 1686), who m 24, Henry Isham; 7-Joseph (1646-1732), justice Henrico Co., 1699- 1723; capt. Va. colonial troops; vestryman Curls Neck Ch.; m Mary Eppes (Col. Francis 8 m Elizabeth Littlebery). His half sister, Mary Isham, m Col. William Randolph (qv); 6—William (1688-1747), of “Doghams,” Henrico Co; m Sarah Povall. 5-John (1720-66), Amelia and Halifax cos.; m Su- sanna Bates. 4-Richard (1765-1819), Pittsylvania Co.; m Eliza- beth Maynard Royster (Nathaniel SeCapt- Halifax Co. troops in Am. Rev.); 3-John (1803-81), from Pittsylvania Co., Va., to Polk Co., Ga., and thence to Henderson Co., Tex.; m Lucy A. Walton (1814-96). 2-Dau. of Nathaniel Royster Royall (1846-1905), banker and financier, Palestine, Tex., m 1872, Annie Richardson (6 1853). For issue see Tucker Royall. M Dec. 18, 1901, Hampson Gary (See Vol. 1, p. 120, for genealogy); issue: 1—Franklin; 2-Hel- en Residence: 1302 18th St., Washington, D.C. eyed AES Tucker, b Palestine, Tex., Feb. 5, 8-Joseph , Royall (1600-58), from Eng. in the “Charitie,” to Jamestown, Va., 1622; landown- er on James River above Shirley Hundred; m 3d, ca. 1645, Katherine Banks (d 1686); 7-Capt. Joseph (1646-1732), m Mary Eppes (b 1664; Cole itieeree m Elizabeth [Littlebery] Wor- sham); 6—-William (1688-1747), m Sarah Povall; 5-John (1720-66), m Susanna Bates (d 1777); 4-Richard (1765-1819), m Elizabeth Maynard Roy- ster (d 1844); 3—John (1803-81), m Lucy A. Walton (1814-96). 2-Son of Nathaniel Royster Royall (1846-1905), founder of Royall Nat. Bank, Palestine, Tex.; m 1872, Annie Richardson (b 1853); issue: I~Mar- garet (6b 1873; m Charles William Fish); II- Lucy (m John W. Wright); Il1I-Tucker (above); IV-—Bessie (Mrs, Hampson Gary, qv). II-m Jan. 29, 1901, Fannie May Douglas, b Pal- estine, Tex., Sept. 2, 1880; dau. of Dr. J. Webb Douglas, m Dora Swanson, of Palestine; issue: 1-Nathaniel Royster, 2d, 6 Palestine, Tex., Nov. 21, 1901; U. Va., 1922; m July 25, 1925, Fran- ces Niles (6 1906), dau. of F. N. Kimball, of Palestine, Tex. Staunton Mil. Acad. ’96; Eastman Business Coll., 1897. Pres. Royall Nat. Bank, Palestine, Tex. (founded by his father, 1873), since 1909: officer or dir. various other corpns. Regent U. Tex. since 1923. (See Who’s Who in Amer- ica). Residence: 604 Royall St., Palestine, Tex. epee Willard, 6 Jersey City, N.J., Sept. 24, 7-Lawrence Jurianse Haff (6 1649; son of Jurian Haff, native of Augsburg, Swabia, emigrated to Holland and was Dutch soldier in W.I. and Brazil), came from Dutch colony of Bra- zil with his mother and settled at Breucklyn, New Amsterdam, 1654; m Knierte Pieters, dau. Pieter Jansen Meet, from Holland to New Amsterdam, in the “Rose Tree,” 1662; 6—Jacob (1689-1753), settled in Dutchess Corn Neve: French and Indian War; m Margaret -; eben (1718-90), m 1741, Isabella Wellen (1723- 4-Joseph Ellis (b 1764), of Dutchess ComeNayes Oi, ely 1804; m 1796, Martha Denton asrrae (1801-70), m 1831, Caroline Germond 10-Rev. Richard Denton (qv); 9-Nathaniel (1628-1730), m Sarah —: 8-Nathaniel (1652-1719), m Elizabeth (or Cather- ine?) Ashman; 7—James (d 1757), m Jane Titus (b 1670: Edmund 5) 6-James, of Jamaica, L.I.; m Elizabeth Cornell (William 7); 5-James, of Newburgh, N.Y.; capt. Am. Rev.; m 1st, 1759, Margaret Barton; m 2d, 1780, Mary -; 4—Martha (6 1777), m Joseph Ellis Haff (4 above). 2-Son of Stephen Haff (b 1834), m 1860, Katrina Van Duzer (1840-1917). mia 17, 1896, Mary Christina Harris (qv for ssue). Ed. Leal’s Acad. Credit mgr. Dir. Nat. Credit Men’s Assn., 1920; dir. Boston Credit Men’s Assn. Mem. Boston City Club, Boston Cham- ber of Commerce, Newton Chamber of Com- merce. Mem. S.C.W., S.A.R. Residence: 40 Columbus St., Newton Highlands, Mass. 32 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 1-HAFF, Mary Christina Harris (Mrs. Willard), b East Haddam, Conn., Apr. 26, 1868. Cia Harris (1640-1715), m Sarah Dennison (d 6-Lt. James (1673-1757), m Sarah Rogers (1676- 1748; Samuel 7; James 8); 5-Jonathan (1705-61), m Rachel Otis (1713-61; Judge Joseph *; John 7; John §); 4—-Nathaniel (1742-1812), capt. Am. Rev.; m Mary Tozer (1744-1834; Samuel 5; Richard *; Thomas 7; Richard 8); 3—-Samuel (1780-1857), m Anne Otis (1789-1862; Na- thaniel‘; Joseph®; Joseph®; John’; John‘). 8-Maj. Gen. John Mason (qv); 7-Lt. Daniel (1652-1736), colonial wars; m 2d, 1679, Rebecca Hobart (1654-1727; Rev. Peter °; Ed- mund ¥, qv); $ 6—-Nehemiah (1693-1768), m 1722, Zerviah Stanton (1704-71; Joseph 7; m Margaret Cheeseborough; Capt. John 8; Thomas °, qv); 5-Dr. Hobart (1722-81), B.A., Yale, 1748; m 1748, his cousin, Margaret Copp (1727-71; Jonathan 86; Jonathan 7; David §; William _°, owner of what is now Copps Hill Burial Ground, Bos- ton); 4-Set. Henry (1759-1836), Am. Rev.; m 1782, Amey Williams (1763-1840; Capt. John *, Am. Rev.; John ®; Capt. Peter 7; John 8); 3-John (d 1856), War 1812; m 1824, Paulina God- dard (1798-1856; Q.M. Gen. Hezekiah 4, m Phoebe Halsey; Col. Jeremiah®, Am. Rev.; William®; Jeremiah’; Thomas’; Thomas’). 2-Highth child of Dr. Nathaniel Otis Harris (1823-1906), physician; m 1855, Juliet Mason (1832-75). M June 17, 1896, Willard Haff (qv); issue: 1— Marion Goddard, b N.Y. City, July 18, 1898; Tufts Coll., 25; 2-Lt. Theodore Germond, b Arlington, N.J., Jan. 1, 1900; U.S.N.A., ’20; It., U.S.N., 1925; m Dec. 26, 1922, Dorothy Edmon- stone, dau. of Capt. Charles Conard, U.S.N.; 3-Alexander Otis, B Arlington, May 1, 1903; Tufts, 25; 2d 1t., U.S.R.; 4-Kathleen Mason, b Arlington, Mar. 138, 1906; Tufts, ’25. Mem. §.M.D., D.F.P.A., C.D.XVII C., D.C.W., D. A.R., N.E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., U.S.D. 1812, ete. Residence: 40 Columbus St., Newton High- lands, Mass. BAGGARLY Arms: Or, three lozenges Azure. : Crest: On a wreath a ram’s head azure, attired or, charged with 3 lozenges of the second. Motto: Tout Vient de Dieu. 1+-BAGGARLY, Franklin Clyde, } Washington, Rappahannock Co., Va. 5-John Baggarly (1700-70), with his sons John, David, Charles and Henry, came from Chesh- ire, Eng., to Montgomery Co., Md., 1748; be- came a large landowner, much of his original holdings is now District of Columbia; 4-Charles (1745-1825), previous to 1769, removed to Va. and settled in northern part of Cul- peper (now Rappahannock) Co., and became owner of large estates adjoining ‘‘Three Oaks,” in Fauquier Co., the estate of Thomas Marshall, father of Chief Justice Marshall; 8—David Clark (1795-1879), became owner of part of the estates of his father; m 1820, Katherine Russell Bradford (1802-82; Capt. Baldwin Hel- inus * [d 1844], m 1st Elizabeth ~— [d 1828], dese. Gov. William Bradford, qv). 2-Son of Baldwin Bradford Baggarly (1825-1913), Halowell Institute, 53; surveyor; soldier in Black Horse Cav., C.S.A. (8 battles); m 2d 1867, Emma Jane (1846-1908), dau. of George Moore (1800-93), m Ist, Anne Singleton; issue: I-Jessie LaFayette (1871-72); II—Carroll Moore (1878-1911; A.B., M.D., physician, scientist and lecturer); III—Lucy Russell (1878-79); IV— Franklin Clyde (above). IV-—m Mar. 6, 1922, Marjorie Tracy Van Tassel, b Findlay, O., Nov. 4, 1894; dau. of George A. Van Tassel, m Elizabeth Hulda Worsley, of Findlay, O. Ed. Rappahannock Mil. Acad., Randolph-Macon Coll., U. Va., Columbia U., Georgetown U. and National U.; B.S. and LL.B. Formerly editor The Southern Magazine; practiced law, Richmond and Washington, Va.; chmn. Legal Advisory Bd., World War; atty. U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1918; atty. Bd. Contract Adjustment, War Dept., 1919; mem. Bd. Contract Adjust- ment, War Dept., 1920; atty. select com, of U.S. Senate, investigating coal industry, 1921; atty. Federal Trade Commn., 1921-25, and asst. chief trial atty., 1926—. Nat. pres. Federal Bar Assn., 1925-26; pres. Soc. of Va., 1925—; v.p. Pan State Soc. of D.C., 1926—. Residences: Cathedral Mansions, Washington, D.C., and Washington, Va. 1-CHASE, Adelaide Bell Baggarly (Mrs. Na- thaniel Butts), b Orleans, N.Y., Apr. 21, 1876. 5-John (Baggely, Baggerly, Baggalegh, Bag- uley, Bagley) Baggarly (ca. 1690-1770), from Eng. to Montgomery Co., Md., 1748; extensive landowner, much of his original property is now District of Columbia; the family home- stead occupied the present site of the U.S. Capitol (had issue 10 children, names of first six not known, John, b ca. 1738; David, } 1741; Charles, b 1745; Henry, 6 1748); 4-Henry (1748-1831), served throughout Am. Rev.; co-worker with Bishop Asbury in es- tablishing Methodism in Md. and N.Y.; re- moved to N.Y. State; m 1772, Elizabeth Tyson (1754-92); m 2d, 1794, Mary Bell (1769-1828; Capt. Thomas 5, 4th Md. Regt. in Am, Rev.; desc. Robert Bell); 3-Samuel Hitt (1797-1883), removed with his fa- ther to N.Y. State, 1805; extensive landowner, capitalist, financier and mfr.; m 1820, Elizabeth Greene (1798-1887; Nathaniel 4, desc. Surgeon John Greene). 2Dau. of Cranson Baggarly (1823-1912), m 2d, 1863, Elizabeth Anne Hinton (1841-1903). M Nov. 29, 1898, Nathaniel Butts Chase, 6 Avoca, N.Y., Dec. 28, 1871; nurseryman; issue: 1- Thomas Morton (qv for Chase lineage). Mem. D.A.R., Kenmore Assn. Residence: 5904 Connecticut Av., Chevy Chase, Md. 1-CHASE, Thomas Morton, } Orleans, Ont. Co., N.Y., Nov. 6, 1894. 10-Thomas Chase (b 1620), came to America with his brother, Aquila, 1639, and settled at Hamp- ton, N.H.; m Elizabeth Philbrick; 9~Isaac (1650-1727), removed to Tisbury, Martha’s Vineyard, 1674; before 1700 he owned nearly two-thirds of the Vineyard; prominent in pub- lic affairs and an officer colonial militia; m 2d, Mary Tilton (1658-1746); 8-Isaac (1681-1716), m 1702, Mary Pease (0 1682; James », m Blizabeth Norton, desc. Col. Nich- olas Norton); she m 2d, 1720, Richard Crocker; 7-Levi (b 1716), removed to Sandwich, Mass., 1739, later to Yarmouth, Mass.; served in Am. Rev.; m Rebecca —; 6—-Levi (1750-1807), removed to Berkshire Go: Mass.; served in Am. Rev.; m Temperance Crocker (1756-1830) ; 5-Thomas Crocker (1785-1838), of Berkshire Co., Mass., Pompey, later Cohocton, N.Y.; m 1809, Melinda Butts (1790-1874; Nathaniel® [1751-1840], m Mary Mason [1748-1829], of Canterbury, Conn., desc. Thomas Butts, of Norfolk, Eng., who came to Plymouth Colony, 1660); 4-Nathaniel Butts (1814-87), extensive landowner, mills and banker; m Deborah Styles (1818-72; Amos 5, of Canterbury, Conn.); j 3-Thomas Crocker (1839-1905), of Avoca, N.Y.; m 1st, 1861, Mary Hees (1839-73). ; 2-Only child of Nathaniel Butts Chase (0 1871), m 1898, Adelaide Bell Baggarly (av). M Oct, 28, 1916, Mathilda Schohn, } Worcester, Mass., Mar. 16, 1895; dau. of Joseph Schohn. Inducted for World War service, May 23, 1918, Q. : FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA M. Corps; sent to Camp Joseph Johnston, Jacksonville, Fla.; assigned as corp., Supply Co. 328, for foreign service; sailed from New- port News for France, Aug. 14, 1918. Detached service and assigned to railhead duty, ad- vance station, Belleville, Neuthe et Moselle, as chief clerk; promoted to sgt., Dec. 1, 1919; transferred to Regulating Station ‘A’, at Is- Sur-Tille, Dec. 10, 1918. Hon. discharged, Mar. 29, 1919. Connected with Rochester, N.Y., office of Standard Oil Co. Mem. Pi Phi, A.L., Chase Family Assn. Residence: 252 Elmdorf Av., Rochester, N.Y. 1-GARVIN, Anne Lockwood, } Mercer, Pa., Jan. 27, 1868. : 8-David Garvin (1651-99), 6 Scotland; m 1678, Eliz- abeth -; 7-—John (1677-1735), m 1701, Margaret Moore; 6-Thomas (1715-69), m 1744, Mary David; 5-John (b 1748), m 1767, Margaret Laughlin; 4-John (1775-1857), m 1805, Agnes Swan (1774-1882); 3-William Swan (1806-83), editor Mercer (Pa.) Press 50 yrs.; postmaster of Mercer; mem. 29th Congress, 1845-47; m 1830, Annie Hoyt Lock- wood, 9-Robert Lockwood (qv); f 8-Jonathan (1634-88), m Mary Ferris; 7-Joseph (1675-1759), m Elizabeth Ayres; 6-Joseph (6 1707), m Sarah Hoyt; 5-Ebenezer (1737-1821), maj. militia and mem. Com. Safety, Westchester Co., N.Y., in Am. Rev.; mem. Provincial Congress; m 1761, Han- nah Smith (d 1786); 4—Ebenezer (1771-1811), m 1790, Sarah Olmstead (d 1845); ef 3-Anne Hoyt (1807-79), m William S. Garvin (3 above). : pes pebes Leslie (1764-1830), settled at Ft. Pitt, Pa., with his father, 1776; surveyor; m_1793, Mary Galbraith (1776-1849; Robert °, from Scot- land to Pa., ae iw and first dist. atty. of Allegheny Co., ; eecbert (1794-1855), m 1829, Hliza Scott (1804-63; James 4, eee Agnes Nancy Carr; James °, m Sarah Bell). 2-Dau. of Edwin Laughlin Garvin 1840-1903), pvt. 10th Pa. Res. Corps, June-Sept., 1861; 2d It., 52d N.Y. Inf., 1861-62; entered regular army as 2d It., Ist Arty., Feb. 19, 1862; promoted ist lt., capt. and bvtd. maj.; m 1867, Louvisa Hart Leslie (1840-1914); issue: I-Anne Lockwood (above); II—Julia Scott (b 1871; m Ralph P. Bar- nard); I11I—Catherine Leslie (6 1873; m John M. Ingersoll). Mem. D.A.R. Club: Wo- I-Ed. Oberlin Coll. / man’s. Residence: 2218 Woodmere Drive, Cleveland Heights, Cleveland, O. 1-LEAKE, James Miller, b Ashland, Va., Oct. 1, 1879. 7-William Leake, from Eng. to “Rocky Spring,” Goochland Co., Va., 1685; m Mary Bostick; | 6—Walter (b 1703/04), m Judith Mask; 5-Josiah (1730-83), m 2d, Anne Minter; | 4-Josiah (1770-1847), m in 1799, Elizabeth Porter Hatcher (1777-1857) ; den 3-Samuel Davies (1809-80), m 18338, Fanny Minor Kean (1816-65). | 5—-Samuel Kean (1722-99), from Ireland, settled nr. Geneva, N.Y., 1760, removed to Dunlap Sage ace neny Co., Va., 1786; m Hannah Carlisle) Simpson; LDr aides (1775-1837), surgeon War of 1812; m Martna Winston Callis (Col. William O.°, Am. Rev.); hele Minor (1816-65), m Samuel Davies Leake (3 above). 7-Isaac Winston (b 1620), settled in Hanover Co., Va.; m Mary Anne Fontaine; 6—Peter, m Elizabeth Purvall; 5-Susanna, m John Grubbs; 4-Blizabeth P., m John F. Beeve; 3-Susan J., m James Miller (b Scotland). 2-Son of John Marion Leake (b 1854), special agt. Va. Fire & Marine Ins. Co., Richmond; m 1876, Lizzie Miller (1853-1907); issue: I-James Miller (above); II—Josiah, M.D. (b 1881; m Mary Austin Haw); I1I-Samuel Callis (0 1883); IV—Minor Reeve (b 1890; m Bessie Hemrick). I-m Dec. 23, 1914, Elizabeth Ellicott Thruston, b Baltimore, Md., Oct. 30, 1888; dau. of Julius Thruston, of Baltimore. rA.Be Randolph-Macon, ’02; Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 1914. Prof. history and economics, Alle- gheny Coll., 1917-19; prof. history and polit. 33 science, U. Fla., since 1919 (see Who’s Who in America). Residence: 404 S. Palmetto St, Gainesville, Fla. 1-CONE, Eliza Overton Leake (Mrs. Archibald x.), YU Goochland Co., Va., Dec. 28, 189%. 5-Sainuel Kean (1/22-9¥), from ireland, settled nr. Geneva, N.Y., 1760; removed to Dunitap Creek, Allegheny Co., Va., 1786; m Hannah (Uartisle) Simpson; 4-Dr. Anarew (1775-1837), surgeon War of 1812; m Martha Winston Callis; 3-yane Margaret, m Walter D. Leake (d 1873). 8-isaac Winston (0 162U), settled in Hanover Co., MENBR 7—James (b 1683), m 1706, Barbara Overton; 6-vohn (1/24-/z), Hanover C.H., Va.; capt. Cont. Army; m 1i4s, Alice Bickerton (178U0-(0; Capt. John‘, m Mary, dau. Philip Todd); 5-Martha (1/60-1/88), m 1782, William Overton Cal- lus (1757-1314), col. Am, Key.; 4-Martha W. (17388-183y), m 1805, Dr. Andrew Kean (4 above). 2—-Dau. of Andrew Kean Leake (d 1907), jurist; m 1872, Juliana Elizabeth Louisa, dau. Gen. David Bullock Harris. (Hor issue and Leake lineage see David Harris Leake, Vol. 1, p. 680.) M July 6, 1918, Archibald Pleasants Cone, b Rich- mond, Va., Dec. 1, 1891; son of Archibald Pleasants Cone, of Richmond, m Annie Put- ney; isSue: 1—Elizabeth Leake (Jan. 29, 1920-J uly 6, 1921); 2-Annie Langhorne, 6 Richmond, Va., Apr. 9, 1926. Residence: Boulevard Apts., Richmond, Va. 1-ADAMS, Charles Christopher, 0 Clinton, II1., July 23, 1873. &-Philip (Addams) Adams (d 1696), of Somerset Co., Md.; m ist, Anne -; 7-Thomas (d 1735), m Anne -; 6—-lsaac (d 1763), m 1736, Elizabeth Addams; 5-Eli (1748-ca. 1795), m 1770, Sophira Addams (Wil- liam °, m 1746, Tabitha, dau. of Phillip Addams {d 1772], m Ellis-); 4-HKli (1785-1870), began to write name Adams; Meth. minister; m 1808, Elizabeth Beeks (1790- 1847; Christopher®, Am. Rev., m Catherine -; David °®; James‘, desc. Walter Bek, a Norman, knighted Baron of Eresby, by Henry II, 1270); 3—Christopher Beeks (1811-80), m 1838, Sarah Gan- naway (1819-54; John‘, m Elizabeth, dau. of Capt. William L. Williams; Gregory ®, Am. Rev., m Rhoda Robertson; John *; John”). 7-John Conklin, from Holland, settled at Phil- lips Manor, Westchester Co., N.Y.; 6—John, m Hannah Storms (Gorham ‘); 5-Matthew (b 1746), Am. Rev.; m Sarah Valentine (b 1750; James *%, Am. Rev., m Martha, dau. of Joseph Mott, son of Adam Mott, one of the 9 partners who settled Dutchess Co., N.Y.); 4-John Marcus (1772-1856), m Blendena Ostrom (1775-1849) ; 3—William (1810-70), m 1831, Delia Kellogg. 2-Son of William Henry Harrison Adams, D.D. (1840-90), pres. Ill. Wesleyan U., Bloomington; m 1868, Hannah Westfall Conklin (6 1842); issue: I-Lulu May; II—Grace Greenwood; IlI-Charles Christopher (above); IV—Katharine Kellogg (av for Kellogg lineage). IlIl—m Oct. 3, 1908, Alice Luthera Norton, b Janes- ville, Wis., June 19, 1866; dau. of Rev. Franklin Burroughs Norton, of Burlington, Wis. (desc. Gov. Thomas Mayhew, av); issue: 1—Harriet Dyer, b Champaign, IIl., Feb. 9, 1910. B.S., Ill. Wesleyan, ’95 (hon. Se.D., 1920); M.S., Harvard, 1898; Ph.D., U. Chicago, 1908 Zodl- ogist and ecologist; asst. prof. and prof. forest zodlogy, 1914-26, dir. Roosvelt Wild Life Forest Experiment Station, 1919-26, N.Y. State Coll. of Forestry at Syracuse U.; dir. State Museum (U. State of N.Y.), Albany, N.Y., from 1926 (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 149 Man- ning Boul. S., Albany, N.Y. 1-ADAMS, Katharine Kellogg, } Clinton, IIl., Nov. 11, 1874 §-Lt. Joseph Kellogg (qv); 8-Samuel (1662-1717), m 1687, Sarah Merrill (Dea. John ®, m Sarah Watson; Nathaniel 2°); 7-Isaac (1697-1787), Am. Rev.; rep. Conn. Assem- bly; m Mary Webster (Joseph 8, m Mary Judd; Robert ®; Gov. John ?, qv); Lag alate (1720-1805), m 1747, Sarah Marsh (Jona- an‘); 5-Solomon (1751-95), Am. Rev.; m Ruth Kellogg (1749-1845; Silas §, Am. Rev., mem. Mass. Legis- lature, m Rhoda Root; Dea. Silas7, m Ruth 340 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Root; Ens. Stephen’, m Lydia Belden; Lt. Joseph ®, qv); 4—Solomon (1778-1834), m 1799, Rebecca Turner (1779- 1825; Eleazer®, m Nancy Ann Bannister Mc- Namara); 8—Delia (1810-66), m William Conklin (1810-70). 2—-Dau. of William Henry Harrison Adams, D.D. (1840-90), grad. Northwestern U.; M.E. minister; ist lt. and bvt. maj. U.S.V. in Civil War; pres. Ill. Wesleyan U., Bloomington; m 1868, Hannah Westfall Conklin (b 1842). For issue and other lineages see Charles Christopher Adams, S., U. Chicago, ’04 (Kappa Kappa Gamma). Mem. D.A.C. Residence: 1837 Greenleaf Av., Chicago, Ill. 1-FABIAN, Fanny Storrs Millard (Mrs. William J.),; 6 Auburn, N.Y., June 18, 1858. 9-John Millard (qv); 8-Robert (b 1632), soldier King Philip’s War; m 1662, Elizabeth Sabin (1642-1717); 7—-Nehemiah (1668-1751), m 1st, Judith Mason; 6é—-Rev. Robert (1702-ca. 1783), settled in Dutchess Co., N.Y.; m 1726, Hannah Eddy (their daughter Eee was mother of President Millard Fill- more); 5—Dr. Abiathar (1744-1811), m Tabitha Hopkins (b 1745; Ebenezer 8); 4-Jesse (b 1784), m Lucinda Loomis (1785-1861; Caleb ‘4; Caleb5; Caleb *; Dea. Samuel’; Dea. John 8; Dea. Joseph °); 38—Henry (1804-45), m 1825, Laura Alling. 7-Samuel Storrs (b 1640), from Eng. to Barnsta- ble, Mass., 1668; removed to Mansfield, Conn., 1698; m Mary Huckins; 6-Samuel (1677-1727), Barnstable, Mass., and Mansfield, Conn.; m Martha Burge (Burgess); 5—Joseph (1711-85), Mansfield, justice; mem. Com. Correspondence in Am, Rev.; m 2d, Experience Gurley (Samuel §); 4-Royal (1765-1840), m 1786, Sarah Pierce (1768-1815; Seth 5, of Mansfield, Conn.); 8—Ashbel (1796-1854), m 1818, Armina Russ (d 1859; Garry’, of Mansfield, m Clarissa Bingham). 2-Dau. of Rev. Henry N. Millard (1830-73), Auburn, N.Y.; m 1855, Elizabeth Jane Storrs (1830-98); is- sue: I-Fanny Storrs (above); II—Carrie Eliza- beth (1861-1924; m William E. Wood). I—m July 7, 1880, William Johnston Fabian (July 27, 1852-Aug. 2, 1928); asst. treas. C.,B.&Q.R.R. Co.; issue: 1-Francis Gordon (qv for Fabian lines); 2-Mary Huntington, b Chicago, Apr. 16, 1885; 3-Margaret, b Evanston, Ill., May 21, 1887; 4-Blizabeth Storrs, 6 Evanston, Jan. 10, 1891; m Sept. 7, 1915, Ronald Webster. Mem. D.A.R. Clubs: Pierian, Evanston Coun- try. Residence: 1509 Asbury Av., Evanston, Il. Sec rt rena! Francis Gordon, b Chicago, Ill., Jan. 6-Thomas Johnston, Jr. (1708-67), mem. A. and H. A. Co., Boston; engraver, artist, organ builder; 'm Bathsheba Thwing (6 1725; Benjamin 7, m Bathsheba Pason; Edward 8; Benjamin °); 5—Maj. Samuel (1756-94), Am. Rev.; m Sarah Sage; 4-William Sage (1791-1869), m Clarina Bartow (1798-1846; Punderson’, m Mary, dau. of John Bartow; Basil ®; Rev. John 7; Dr. Thomas 8; Peter 9; Peter 1°); 3-Emily Sophia (1830-93), m Robert Lethbridge Fabian (b Eng., 1824-1887; son of Capt. Charles M., R.N.). 12—Elder William Brewster (qv); N-—Jonathan (1593-1659), m 1624, Lucretia Oldham (d 1678-79) ; 10—Elizabeth (1638-1708), m Peter Bradley (d 1662); 9-Lucretia (b 1660), m 1681, Richard Christophers (1662-1726; Christopher”, m Mary-); 8—Christopher (1683-1728), m Sarah Prout (b 1684; Capt. John ®, m Mary [Rutherford] Hall; Capt. Timothy 1; William 4); 7—Mary (1714-36), m Jabez Hamlin (1709-91); 6—Sarah (0 17380), m Gen. Comfort Sage (1731-99); Bens (1754-91), m Maj. Samuel Johnston (5 above). $—Capt. Giles Hamlin (qv): 8—John (1658-1732/33), m Mary Collins (1666-1722; Rev. Nathaniel ®, m Mary, dau. of Maj. William Whiting, av; Dea. Edward”, qv); pei Jabez (1709-91), m Mary Christophers (7 above). 9-David Sage (1639-1703), m Elizabeth Wilcox (1646- 1669; John); 8-John (1668-1751), m Hannah Starr (1673/74-1753; Comfort®, m Marah, dau. of Capt. Joseph Weld; Dr. Thomas”, Dr. Comfort", qv); 7-Hbenezer (1708-48), m Hannah Coleman (6 1704; Lt. John’, m Hannah, dau. of James Wright; John®; Thomas”) ; 6-Gen. Comfort (1781-99), above). 2—-Son of William Johnston Fabian (1852-1923), ed. Ecole Moderne, St. Germain, France; Polytech- Zurich, Switzerland; Rensselaer Poly. Inst., Troy, N.Y.; asst. treas. C.,B.&Q.R.R. Co.; m 1880, Fanny Storrs Millard (qv). M Jan. 12, 1910, Dorothy Revere Hayres-Gardner (qv.); issue: 1-Dorothy Gardner, II, } N.Y. City, Oct. 24, 1910; 2-Cornelia Worthington, b Quogue, L.I., July 30, 1918; 3-Francis Gordon, Jr., 0 Evanston, Ill., Jan. 25, 1915; 4-Gardner Johnston and 5— Elizabeth Millard (twins), 6 Evanston, Apr. 24, 1920. M.E., Cornell, ’05 (Delta Tau Delta); E.M., Co- lumbia, 1907 (Sigma Xi). Mining engr., Chicago. Clubs: Country, University (Evanston, Ill.). Residence: 1462 Wesley Av., Evanston, I1l. 1-FABIAN, Dorothy Revere Eayres-Gardner Mee Francis G.), 6 Great Neck, L.IL., July 5, 7-Apollos (Rivoire) Revere (qv); 6—Col. Paul (1734-1818), famous patriot of Am. Rev.; m Sarah Orne (1736-73) ; 5—-Fanny (1766-99), m Thomas Eayres; 4—Thomas (d 1818), m Ann Edes (d 1817); 3-Edward Edes (1815-62; adopted by Benjamin Gardner, m Charlotte Edes, sister of Ann Edes), was Am. consul at Palermo, Italy; m Martha Thomas (1817-80). 5—-George Crabbe, m Sarah Deary; 4—Dr. John Nicolas (1778-1833), 6 Holland, d Cuba; m Jeanne Blanche Pauline (b Santo Domingo, 1788), dau. of Claude St. Aubin Rousseau de la Gautraie, of France, m Marie Louise de Guerre, of Santo Domingo; 8-Edward Luis (1824-82), 6 Cuba, d Great Neck, L.I.; m 1854, Sarah Georgiana Birkbeck (1832- 1918; George’, from Eng. to New York, m Sarah, dau. of Thomas Wood, of Eng.). 2-Dau. of Edward Edes Eayres-Gardner (1842- 1920), m 1881, Eleanor Crabbe (6 1858); issue: I- Eleanor Crabbe (b 1883; m Theodore Benton Counselman); II—Dorothy Revere (above). Ii-m J Ss 12, 1910, Francis Gordon Fabian (qv for issue). Residence: 1462 Wesley Av., Evanston, IIl. Coapep hte ted, Hugh, b Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 8-Thomas Bancroft (qv); 7—Thomas (1649-1718), capt. King Philip’s War; m Sarah Poole; 6-Samuel (1693-1772), capt. King Philip’s War, m Sarah Lampson; 5—-Edmund (or Edward), of Pepperell, Mass.; m Rachel Howard-Barron; 4—-Dr. Amos (1767-1848), A.B., Harvard, 1791, M.B., 1794, M.D., 1811; m 2d, Sarah Bass (1768-1837; Henry’>); 8—Charles (8 1805), m Lydia Emeline Spaulding. 2-Son of Gen. William Amos Bancroft (1855-1922), A.B., Harvard, ’78; pres., later chmn. bd. Bos- ton Blevated Ry. Co.; m 1879, Mary Shaw; is- sue: I-Hugh (above); II—-Guy (b 1880; m Char- lotte Nickerson); Il1I—Catherine (b 1887; m Wil- liam David Haviland). I~m June 25, 1902, Mary Agnes Cogan (d Oct. 29, 1903); dau. Joseph Cogan, Cambridge, Mass.; issue: 1—-Mary, 6b Cambridge, Oct. 29, 1903; m Sherwin Campbell Badger. M 2d, Jan. 15, 1907, Jane Wallis Waldron, 6 Stam- ford, Conn., Aug. 30, 1877; desc, Richard Ken- ney Waldron, Dover, N.H.; William Hammond came to Boston, ca. 1630, settled at Wells, Me.: dau. Samuel Wallis Waldron (1828-82), capt. and asst. adj. gen. vols. in Civil War, pres. Boston Common Council, m Jessie Maria Barteaux (1851-1918; of Annapolis, N.S., Can.); issue: 1— Jessie, 6b Boston, May 4, 1908; 2-Hugh, Jr., 6 Cohasset, Mass., Sept. 13, 1909; 8-Jane, Bb Co- hasset, May 15, 1912. A.B., Harvard, ’97 (D.K.E., Delta Upsilon, Hasty Pudding), A.M., 1898, L.B., 1901. Lawyer; pub- lisher Boston News Bureau, Wall St. Journal. First lt., and adj., 5th Mass. Vol. Inf., Spanish- Am. War. Mem. M.O.F.W., N. and M.O.S.-Am. W., U.S.W.V. Clubs: Harvard (New York and Boston), Union, St. Botolph, Algonquin, East- ern Yacht, etc. Summer place: “Oaks Farm,” Cohasset, Mass. Residence: 352 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. m Sarah Hamlin (6 FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 35 ett Percival James, b Malden, Mass., Feb. op ibeaped Eaton, from Eng. to Reading, Masgs., m race -; 8Joshua (1653-1717), dep, Gen. Ct.; m Rebekah Kendall (Francis®, Charlestown, Mass., 1640); 7-Capt. Thomas (1685-1774), rep. Gen. Ct.; m Lydia Pierce (d aet. 85); 6—Joshua (1734-72), m Mary Hervey; 5-Charles (1759-1824), soldier Am. Rev.; settled in part of Reading, now Wakefield; 4-Charles Henry (1784-1861), maj. and col. War of 1812; m Elizabeth Flint; 3—Charles Flint (b 1809), m 1830, Mary Dogget. 2-Son of James Flint Eaton (1832-1917), wholesale grocer, Boston; m Helen Mar Webster (1834-86) ; issue: I—Percival James (above); IJl—Frederick Webster (See Vol. 1, p. 73, for Webster lineage). I-m June Il, 1891, Emily Miltenberger Craft, } Crafton, Pa., June 11, 1891; dau. of Charles C. Craft, of Crafton, Pa.; issue (all b Pittsburgh, Pa.): 1-Charles Craft, 6 Mar. 1, 1894; 2-Mary Louise, 6 Sept. 11, 1900; 3-James Percival, b Nov. 21, 1904. A.B., Harvard, ’83; A.M., M.D., 1888. Physician, pediatrician, retired. Mem. S.A.R. Clubs: Har- vard (New York, Boston and Western Pa.), University (Pittsburgh). Summer place: “Ha- tonia Cottage,” 627 Commercial St., Province- town, Mass. : 1-GATES, Jane De Pauw (Mrs. Harold J.), b New Albany, Ind., Apr. 1, 1886. x Desc. Michiel de Pauw (of Huguenot ancestry), dir. Dutch West India Co.; came from Holland to New Amsterdam, ca. 1621; patroon of Staten Island and Dutchess Co., N.J.; return to Hol- Jand; and thru: eon oers (1737-99), pvt. reader to Frederick the reat; 5-Charles (6 1757), came with LaFayette; soldier Am. Rev., after which settled in Ky.: 4-John, judge; mem. Ind. Assembly; m- Elizabeth Battiste; 3-Washington Charles (1822-87), glass mfr., bank- er, and philanthropist, after whom De Pauw U. was named; m 1855, Katharine Newland (Dr. Elijah‘). 5-Josiah Akin (d 1783), went from Va. to Ky. in pioneer days of Daniel Boone; d nr. New Al- bany, Ind.; 4-Ransom Wallace (1806-53), m Martha Jacobs; 3—-William Merchant (6 1828), Evansville, Ind.; m Mary Davis (John W.4, speaker House of Rep. and ist minister to China). 2-Dau. of Newland Talbot De Pauw (1856-1913; See Vol. 1, p. 581), m 1879, Carrie Akin. ene 10, 1912, Harold Joel Gates, of Burlington, Residence: 1505 Rosewood Av., Louisville, Ky. 1-LEE, Arthur (May 7, 1864-Mar. 22, 1925). 8—Richard Lee (qv); 7-Hancock (1653-1709), burgess, naval officer and collector of Va.; m 1st, 1675, Mary Kendall; 6—Richard (1691-1740), m 1720, Judith Steptoe; 5—-Kendall, m 1749, Bettv Heale; 4—George, m Frances Ball; 3—Arthur, m Sarah Haggeman. 8-William Ball (qv); 7-Capt. William (1641-94), justice and burgess; m 2d, Miss Hanes, of “Bay View,” Northumber- land Co., Va.; 6-Maj. James (1678-1754), of ‘““Bewdley’”’; m 2d, 1707, Mary (Conway) Daingerfield (1686-1730; Col. Ed- win Conway’, m Sarah Fleete); 5—Col. James (1718-89), burgess and sheriff: mem. Va. Conv. of 1788; m 3d, Lettice Lee (1731-1811; Richard); 4-Frances, m George Lee (4 above). 2-Son of George K. Lee, m Ellen Bruce, dau. of William Hewson Clark, m Elvira Henry. of Halifax, Va.; issue: I—-Arthur (above): II—Wil- liam _H. C, (6 1866; m Lilah L. Peck); II1I—-George Kendall (1868-1924). I-m Sept. 19, 1898, Grace Thomas Davis (qv for issue). Ed. Va. Mil. Inst. and U. Va. . Was v.p. U.S. Trust Co. (Washington), Coal & Coke R.R. of W.Va.; dir. Davis Trust Co. (Elkins, W.Va.), Commercial Nat. Bank (Washington). Resi- dence: 1708 Mass. Av., Washington, D.C. 1-LEE, Grace Thomas Davis (Mrs. Arthur), 0 Frederick, Md., Oct. 19, 1870. 7-Thomas Davis, m Mary Pierpont; 6—Robert, m Ruth Gaither; ; 5-Eli, m Jane Sears; 4-John, m Sarah Randall; 3-Caleb Dorsey (1792-1850), of Goodfellowship, Anne Arundel Co., Md.; m 1819, Louisa Warfield Brown. 9-Henry Ridgely (d 1711), justice for Anne Arun- del Co., Md., 1686-92, mem. Md. Assembly, 1692; resigned as col. of militia; m Elizabeth How- ard; 8—-Henry (1669-1699/1700), m Katherine Greenberry (Dep. Gov. Nicholas®, m Anne-); 7-Elizabeth, m Thomas Worthington; 6—Catherine, m Maj. Nicholas Gassaway (Capt. Thomas’, m Susanna, dau. of Capt. Henry Hanslap; Col. Nicholas’, m Anne, dau. of Capt. Thomas Besson); 5-Lt. Brice J., m Dinah Warfield; eisiie G. (1776-1858), m John Riggs Brown (1775- 3—Louisa Warfield (1799-1888), m 1819, Caleb Dorsey Davis (3 above). 2-Dau. of Henry Gassaway Davis (1823-1916), coal miner, financier; U.S. senator from W.Va.,1871- 83; Dem. nominee for V.P. of U.S., 1904; m 1853, Katherine Ann S., dau. of Judge Gideon Bantz, of Frederick, Md.; issue: I—Hallie (Mrs. Stephen B. Elkins, See Vol. 1, p. 588, for Brown lineage); II—Kate (1858-1908; m Cdr. R. M. G. Brown, U.S.N.); III-—Grace T. (above); IV— ery Gassaway (d 1896); V-John Thomas (b III-—m Sept. 19, 1898, Arthur Lee (qv); issue: 1— Ellen Bruce, 6 Phila., Pa., Mar. 1900; Vassar, 21; m 1928, Stoddard Quintard Johnston; 2— Henry Davis, 6 Elkins, W.Va., Aug. 1901; V.M. I., ’20; 3—-Arthur, Jr., 6 Elkins, Aug. 1905; 4 Thomas Davis, 6 Washington, D.C., Jan. 1907. Mem. D.C.G., C.D.A. Clubs: Colony (New York), Colonial Dames (Washington). Summer place: “Graceland,” Elkins, W.Va. Residence: 1708 Mass, Av., Washington, D.C. MARY BLOOM MANNY (1845-1925). A pioneer in the movements for better food, tem- perance, woman suffrage, adult education, and mental hygiene. A student at the Universities of Michigan and Chicago. 1-MANNY, Frank Addison, 6 Mounds, Brown Co., Ill., June 24, 1868, 10-Stephen Hopkins (qv); 9-Giles (ca. 1605-1690), m 1639, Catharine Whelden (d 1688/89) ; Fence (1642-1718), m 1667, Mary Meyrick (Wil- am’); 7-Joseph (1688-1771), m 1712, Mary Mayo (Rev. John®; desc. Elder William Brewster); 36 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY ¢é~Hannah (b 1722), m 2d, 1742/43, Jabez Nichols (0 1723; William’; desc. Dea. Samuel Chapin, and Thomas Biiss, both qv); 5-Capt. Jabez (1748-1820), m 1767, Sarah Brown, 4—A tossa (178y-1366), m 1810, Jeremiah Porter; 3~Atossa Maria (1815-90), m 1889, Jacob Clinton Bloom, (1815-90; John‘, concerned with getting first railways north of Chicago), 10-Henry Brown, of Salisbury, 1039; 9—Dea. Henry (16152-1701), m 1641, Abigail—; 8-Henry (1658-1708), m 1682, Hannah Putnam (d 1727); 7—John (b 1683), m 1708, Mary Elsy; 6—Jonathan (1717-99), Am. Rev.; m Abigail Russell (1716-1808; desc. William Russell’, and John Tidd?) ; eee (1747-1828), m Jabez Nichols (5 above). 9—John Porter (1595-1676), from Eng., settled at Hingham, Mass., 1635; removed to Salem; dep. Gen. Ct.; 6 Mary-; 8~Israel (1643-1706), m 1672, Elizabeth Hathorne (6 1649; Maj. William’) ; : 7—Benjamin (1693-1726), m 1712, Hannah Endicott (Samuel; Zerubbabel®; Gov. John, qv); : 6—Benjamin (1717/18-1794), Am. Rev.; m Eunice Nurse (1718-74; desc. Rebecca Nurse and Rev. Francis Dane); i 5-Francis (1748-1815), Am. Rev.; m Priscilla Hall 1760-post 1815) ; ; papers (1789-1855), m Atossa Nichols (4 above). 10-Gov. John Endicott (qv); ee 9-Dr. Zerubbabel (1635-1684), m Mary Smith; 8-Samuel (1659?-1694), m Hannah Felton, 7-Hannah (b 1691), m Benjamin Porter (7 above). ; 10-Robert Andrews (d 1668), from Boxford, Eng.; m Grace-; 9-Hannah (1642-1703), m 1665, Capt. John Peabody (1642-1720; Lt. Francis’, m Mary, dau. of Reg- inald Foster); &-Mary (0b 1672), m Richard Hazen (1669-1733) ; 7-Priscilla, m Benjamin Kimball (1695-1752; desc. Richard?) ; 6-Mehitable, m 1740, Jonathan Hall (1716-1809), Am. Rev. (desc. Dea. Richard’); _ 5—Priscilla (1760-1820), m Francis Porter (5 above). 2-Son of Mary Bloom (1845-1925), m 1861, William Charles Manny (1836-1915; William‘); issue: I- William Bloom (6 1862; m Olive Kansas Priest, d 1902; m 2d, Lula Moore); II-Hugh John (0 1864; m Miriam Baldwin); jIlI—Robert McNeill (1866-67); IV-Frank Addison (above). IV—m June 23, 1904, Annette Sawyer (dv). A.B., U. Mich., ’93 (P.B.K.), A.M., 1836. Engaged in research and publicity in nutrition. Hobby: Genealogy and local history. Mem. S.A.R. Residence: Boxford, Mass. 1-MANNY, Annette Sawyer (Mrs. Frank A.), 0 Boxford, Mass., Dec. 11, 1868. ; 7-William Sawyer (1613-1703), of Newbury, Mass.; m Ruth-; ; William. (1656-1718), m 1677, Mrs. Sarah Little- ea velles (d 1735; Francis Littlefield’; Ed- mun4d); eaaneis (1681-1756), m 1725, Mrs. Susannah Lord Lowe; sariet (1726-1808), m Mrs. Elizabeth Lakeman Brown; 8-Dr. George Whitefield (1770-1855), m 1800, Polly Killam (4774-1860; Thomas‘ [1745-1780/81], Am. Rev.; Ebenezer®; Thomas’; Thomas’; Daniel®; He eT whit (ay) $—William e ; Resolved (1615-1690 or 94), m ist, 1640, Judith Vassall (1619-80; William»); 7~Josiah (b 1654), m Remember Reed; 6-Samuel, m Dinah Kenney (0 1698); y Hy 6—Eunice (1719-1803), y Mark Howe (1701-78; John®; John’; James’, qv); Awa, (1756-1826), m Elizabeth Fuller (b 1756; Tim- othy® [1707-96], Am. Rev.); -Abijah (1788-1872), m 1811, Martha Bridgman. 10-William Mu av); 9-Priscilla, m John Alden (qv); 8-Ruth (d 1674), m 1657, John Bass (1632-1716) ; 7~Mary (b 1669), m 1694, William Copeland (1656- 1716) ; CA areas is renee satian: @ pe, 5-Rebekah , m isaa : i'Theoda (1760-1837), m 1780, Rev. Isaac Bridgman 1757-1815) ; ales 4799-1855), m Abijah Howe (8 above). Dau. of Thomas Killam Sawyer (1811-95), farmer; m 1848, Sophia Bridgman Howe (1821- 93); issue: I-Thomas Killam (b 1849; m Nellie Twisden); II-James B. (1850-1924; m Sarah E. Howe); III—Evie Sophia (b 1853; m Nelson E. Harris); IV-Susan Maria (b 185; m N. L. Howe); V-—Isaac H. (b 1858; m Bertha Colby); ViI-—Martha (1862-69); ViII-—Annette (above); VillI-—John Herbert (1865-72). Vil-m June 238, 1904, Frank Addison Manny (qv). Grad. Salem Normal School, studied at Jena, Harvard, Columbia and Chicago U. Teacher and story teller. Mem. D.A.R. Residence: Journey’s End, Boxford, Mass, 1-MACFARLAND, Charles Stedman, 0 Boston, Mass., Dec. 12, 1866. 9-Lt. Griffin (Craft) Crafts (1609-89), from Eng. with Winthrop’s fleet, 1630; settled at Roxbury, Mass.; selectman; dep. Gen. Ct.; lt. Roxbury mil. company 21 yrs.; m 1st, Alice-; 8-Lt. Samuel (1637-90), m Elizabeth Seaver (Rob- ert®, m Blizabeth Ballard); 7-—Benjamin; 6-Benjamin (1706-46), served in expdn. against Louisburg, 1745; m Mary Choate; 5-Eleazer (1743-93), 1t. at Bunker Hill; later maj. and lt. col. in Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Allen; 4-Bleazer ; 3—John (1799-1872), m 1832, Abigail Webster (1805-95), cousin of Daniel Webster. 2-Son of Sarah Abigail Crafts (1886-1918), m 1856, Daniel Macfarland (1824-79); surviving issue: I-—Jane F. (0 1870); II-Charles Stedman (above). II-m Mar. 9, 1904, Mary Perley Merrili, 6} Daven- port, Ia., Mar. 16, 1875; dau. of Rev. James Gris- wold Merrill, of Nashville, Tenn., m Louisa Boutwell; issue: 1—-Charles S., Jr., 6 Malden, Mass., Feb. 7, 1905; Williams, ’27; 2-Lucia Mer-. rill, 6 Norwalk, Conn., Jan. 1, 1908; 3-James Merrill, b S. Norwalk, Oct. 1909. B.D., Yale, 1897, Ph.D., 1899; (D.D., U. Paris, 1918, Ursinus, 1919, U. Geneva, 1925; LL.D., Elon, 1922). Ordained Congl, ministry, 1897; pastor, Malden, Mass., 1900-06; S.Norwalk, Conn., 1906- 11; social service sec., 1911-12, and gen.sec. since 1912, of Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America. Vol. chaplain with French and Belgian armies, 1918; maj., chap- lain, U.S.A. Decorated Officier de la Legion d’Honneur (French), Order of Leopold and Or- der of Leopold, II (Belgian), Chevalier Order of the Holy Sepulchre. Author (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. O.F.P.A., S.R., etc. Clubs: Yale, Army and Navy, City, Nat. Arts, Town Hall (New York), Cosmos (Washing- ton). Residence: Mountain Lakes, N.J. oer ed a Edward Foote, 0 Norwich, N.Y., Jan. 8—-Thomas Wait (qv); 7-Benjamin (1644-1704), soldier and scout in French and Indian War; m Martha Leonard; 6-John (1680-1744), sgt. and cdr. French and In- dian War; m Mary Belden; 5—John (1703-76), m 2d, Mary Frary; 4—-John (1748-1801), soldier Am. Rev.; m Mary-; 3-Solomon (1768-1846), m Lucy Wells. 9-Nathaniel Foote (qv); 8-Nathaniel (6b 1620), m Elizabeth Smith; 7—-Nathaniel (1647-1703), m Margaret Bliss; 6—Nathaniel (1682-1774), m Ann Clark; 5-Daniel (1716-1801), m Margaret Parsons; 4-TIsaac (b 1746), soldier Am. Rev.; m Mary Kel- logge; 3-Amasa (1778-1869), m Sally Kelloge. 2-Son of John Waite (1809-68), m 1st, Harriet B., dau. Henry Mitchell; m 3d, Betsy Newton Foote (1821-1905); issue (lst marriage): I—Har- riet (1888-72; m Rev. Noah Rush Everts); (3d marriage): II-John Kellogg (1857-1902; m 1889, Alice Bunyard); Il1I-Edward Foote (above). IlI-m May 5, 1892, Alice Maude Eaton, b Brook- lyn, N.Y., Sept. 25, 1861; dau. Asahel K. Eaton, chemist and inventor, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; is- sue: 1—Bradford (Sept. 4-Sept. 6, 1900). A.B., Madison (now Colgate) U., ’80 (D.K.E.); LL.B., Columbian, 1883, LL.M., 1884 (Phi Delta Phi). With U.S. Pension Bur., 1880-97; lawyer, Minneapolis, 1897-1904; asst. city atty., 1901-02; supt. police, 1902-03; judge Municipal Ct., 1904- 11; judge Dist. Ct., 1911-, with exclusive charge Juvenile Ct., 1911-21 (See Who’s Who in Amer- ica). Clubs: Athletic, Six O’Clock, Social Ser- hes Residence: 2009 Queen Av., Minneapolis, nn. Se reant George, Jr. (IX), 0 Phila., Pa., Dec. 4-James Vaux (1748-1842), from Eng., 1771, set- tled at Valley Forge, Pa.: FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 37 3George, VII (1779-1886), m Eliza Head Sansom (1789-1870). 8-Anthony Morris, 2d (qv); 7—Anthony, 3d Wes A1T6s), mem. Pa. Assembly; enpelge s asso. justice City Ct.; m Phoebe ues 6-Anthony, 4th (1705-1780), m 1st, Sarah Powell; 5-Samuel (1734-1812), capt. 1st City Troop Phila. Light Horse; mem. Pa. Assembly; many yrs. gov. the State in Schuylkill (club); m Rebecca Wistar (Casper®) ; 4-Israel Wistar (1778- 1870), commission merchant, Phila., m Mary Hollingsworth; 3-Levi (1807- 68), Phila.; m 1880, Naomi McClen- achan (1811-93). 2-Son of George Vaux, VIII (1832-1915), m 1859, Sarah H. Morris (1838-80); issue: I-Mary M (Mrs. Charles Doolittle Walcott, av for other lineages); II—George, Jr. (above); I1I—William S. (1872-19 908). II-m Apr. 2, 1907, Mary Walsh James, b Milwau- kee, Wis., Aug. 18, 1875; dau. of Robertson James; issue (both b Bryn Mawr, Pa.): 1— George, 6b Sept. 30, 1908; .2-Henry James, 0 Nov. 6, 1912. S.B., Haverford, 84; LL.B., U.Pa., 1888. Lawyer, shoe mfr. Insp. State Penitentiary, eastern dist. of Pa., 1898-1905; mem. U.S. Bd. Indian Commrs. since 1906, now chmn. Mem. bd. mgrs. Wistar Inst., Haverford Coll., Carson Coll. Pres. Phila. Mineralogical Soc., etc. (See Who’s Who in America). Club: Univer- Mitvan (enila.): Summer place: “Highland Home,” Pocono Manor, Pa. Residence: “The Thicket,” Bryn Mawr, Pa. 1-WALCOTT, Charles Doolittle, 6 New York Mills, N.Y., Mar. 31, 1850. 8-William (Wallcutt) Walcott, Salem, Mass., 1637; 7—Capt. Jonathan (a 1699), m 2d, 1685, Deliver- ance Putnam (6 1656; Lt. Thomas’, m ist, Ann, dau. of Edward Holyoke; John’, av); 6—-William (b 1690), m 1712, Mary Felt (Moses, m Hannah Maine; George’); 5-Benjamin (1729-81), officer Am. Rev.; m Mary Foster; 4-Benjamin Stuart (1755-1824), founder of New York Cotton Mills Co., 1818; m Marcy Dexter; 3—Benjamin Stuart (1785- 1862), m Irene Doolittle. 2-Son of Charles Doolittle Walcott (1818-52), cot- ton mfr.; m 1840, Mary (1821-97), dau. of Thomas Lane; issue: I-Josephine Mary (1842-1908); II-Ellis Pitcher (1844-1916); IlI—-William Lane (1846-73) ; IV—Charles Doolittle (above). IV-—m June 22, 1888, Helena Burrows Stevens (Feb. 16, 1858-July 11, 1911) ; dau. of Sidney Ste- vens, of Rochester, NYG issue: 1—Charles D., JY. (May 17, 1889- Apr. 7, 1913); 2-Sidney Ste- vens, 0 Washington, D.C., Oct. 2, 1892; m 1917, Helen Louise Davis, 0 1893 ; 3-Helen Breese, b Rochester, N.Y., Aug. 20, 1894; m 1925, Cole Joseph Younger, b June 14, 1894; 4-Benjamin Stuart (July 8, 1896-Dec. 12, 1917; killed in aero- plane battle over the German lines). M 2d, June 30, 1914, Mary Morris Vaux (qv). Ed. pub. sch., Utica, N.Y.; (LL.D., Hamilton, 1897, U.Chicago, 1901, Johns Hopkins, 1902, U.Pa.., 1903, Yale, 1910, St. Andrew’s, 1911, Pittsburgh, Harvard, 1913, Paris, 1924; Ph.D., Royal Fred- ericks Late Christiania, 1911; Se.D., Cambridge, 1909). Paleontologist in charge "invertebrate paleontology, 1888-98, geologist in general charge geology and paleontology, 1893-94, and dir. 1894-1907, U.S. Geol. Survey; hon. curator dep. paleontology, 1892-97, and since 1898; head of Nat. Mus. Jan. 1897- July 1898, with title of acting asst. sec., Smithsonian Instn., and since Jan. 1907, sec. same; sec. Carnegie Instn. of Washington, 1902-05, also v. chmn. bd. trus- from Eng. to tees, and, 1917-1923, chmn. exec. com. same; v.p. and dir. Research Corpn., New York (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 1743 224 St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 1—WALCOTT, Mary Morris Vaux (Mrs. Charles D.), 6 Phila., Pa., July 31, 1860. 8—Dr. Thomas “Wynne (q v): 7-Hannah, m 1695, Daniel Humphrey (b 1660): 6—Martha, m 1738, Stephen Paschall (1713-14-1800) ; 5-Hannah, m 1768, Levi Hollingsworth; 4—Mary (1776- 1820); m 1799, Israel Wistar Morris (1778-1870) ; 3—Levi (1807-68), m m 1830, Naomi McClenachan. 8—Valentine Hollingsworth (av); 7—Henry (1658-1721), came to Pa., 1688; coroner and clk. of ct., Chester Co., Pa.; mem. Assem- bly, 1695; removed to Elk River, Cecil Co., Md., 1711-12; surveyor of the county; m 1688, Lydia Atkinson; 6—Zebulon (d 1763), large land owner; magistrate oa Hon County Ct.; m 1st, 1727, Ann Maulden (d 1 sev: tti39- 1824), m Hannah Paschall (5 above). 2-Dau. of George Waux, VIII (1832-1915), m 1859, Sarah Humphreys Morris (1838-80). For issue. and other lineages see George Vaux, Jr. M June 30, 1914, Charles Doolittle Walcott (qv). Residence: 1743 22d St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 1-SANDS, Frank Elbert, } New Fairfield, Conn., July 17, 1863. 10-John Wakeman (1601-61), from Eng. to New Haven Colony, 1638; a signer of the New Ha-° ven Compact, 1689; dep. Gen. Ct.; first treas. of the colony 6 yrs.; magistrate 20 yrs.; 9-Rev. Samuel (1635-92), m 1656, Hannah Good- year (1635-1721) ; 8-—Capt. John (1659-1709), capt. of Train Band, tio Conn.; m 1687, Martha Hubbell (d 7-Stephen (b 1702), Am. Rev.; m 1727, Rebecca Morehouse (bap. 1712-1762); 6—David (1780-1813), pvt. 5th Conn. Cont. Regt.; m 1754, Mary Jennings (6 1730); 5-Jeremiah (1756-1801), pvt. 8d Conn. Light Horse; m Phoebe Hendricks (1754-1836; John®, pvt. 5th Conn. Cont. Regt., m Eunice, dau. of David Bradley, m Damaris Davis); 4—Martha (1793-1818), m 1810, Hezekiah Wellman (1789-1865), War 1812 (Pauls, Am. Rev. 3 yrs., m Phoebe Eastman; Barnabas®, Am. Rev., m Sarah Ward; Gideon’); 3—Phoebe Jane (1817-48), m 1834, Napoleon B. Turner (1816-53; Aaron’, m Sarah Ann, dau. of Philip Briggs; John>, m Mercy, dau. of Thomas Nickerson). 2-Son of Mary Malvina Turner (1839-65), m 1859, Jesse Sands (b Eng., 1838-1912); issue: I-Clara Louise (6 1861); II—Frank Elbert (above). II-m Apr. 26, 1888, Alice Louise Brasee, 6 Lan- caster, O., July 21, 1866; dau. of Judge John Schofield Brasee (dese. Col. Michael Cresap [1702-88], noted in Indian and Revolutionary Warfare, hero of “Cresap’s War,” founder of the Ohio Company, 1748); issue: 1—Anna Bocce b Meriden, Conn., Dec. 10, 1889; Ely our PhB Yale- S., ’8. Organized, 1886, and since pres. and treas. Journal Publishing Co., and editor Meriden Daily Journal. Maj., Conn. State Guard. Pres. Meriden Business Men’s Assn., Meriden Bd. of Trade; sec. Meriden Pub. Library Bd. Mem. S.A.R. Clubs: Yale (New York), Graduates (New Haven), Home, Highland Country. Summer place: “High- land,’’ Westfield, Conn. Residence: 64 Lincoln St., Meriden, Conn. 1-REIMERS, Nellie May Cady (Mrs. John J.), b Cambridge, Ill., Oct. 17, 1879. 9-Set. Nicholas Cady (1615-ca. 1700), from Eng. bet. 1628-30, settled at Watertown, Mass.: d at Groton, Mass.; m 1648, Judith Knapp (Wil- liam?) ; m 1689, 8—Capt. Joseph (1666-1742), rep. Gen. Ct.; Sarah Davis (b 1667); Teigphen (1701-85), m 1728, Abigail Lee (1703 /04- 6-Samuel (1724-99). pvt. Am. Rev.; m 1746, Eliz- abeth Winter (1728-1831); 5—Jeremiah (1752-1848), mem. ‘Boston Tea Party,” and soldier throughout Am. Rev.; m 1772, Han- nah Warner (1754-1829) ; 4—Stephen (1786-1863), m 1810, Cynthia Robinson (1793-1869) : 3—Lyman Spalding (1826-1908), m 1848, Anna Mas- call (1833-1920). 5-John (MacElInay) MacNay (1753-1841), b York Co., Pa.; pvt. Am. Rev., pensioned; m 1779, Hannah Brown: 4—Joseph (b 1785). began to write name MacNay; m 1814, Margaret Hunter (6 1786); 3-—Samuel (1822-1904), m ca. 1857, Sarah Elizabeth Lewis (1832-65). 2-Dau. of Lyman Edear Cady (6b 1855). architect; m 1877, Sarah Elizabeth MacNay (1859-96); issue: T—Nellie Mav (above); II-Rov Edgar (1885- 1918: m 1908, Mabel Hartman, 6 1889). I—m Sept. 12, 1900. John Jacob Reimers, 6 Den- mark, Oct. 30. 1878; son of John Reimers. from Denmark to Fremont, Neb.. 1881; issue: 1—-Ger- 38 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY ald Fletcher, 6 Omaha, Neb., Dec. 7, 1903. Mem. D.F.P.A., D.A.C., D.A.R., Neb. Hist. Soc., Neb. Geneal. Soc., W.C.T.U.; life mem. Neb. Children’s Home Soc. Residence: Genoa, Neb. LT. FRANCOIS W. DAWSON (1840-89), from a daguerreotype taken at Richmond, 1862. WARRINGTON DAWSON. 1-DAWSON, Warrington, SiC. Sept. 27, 1878. 7-David Morgan, from Wales to America ¢a. 1700; m Mary-; b Charleston, 6—Evan (d 1763), m Joanna Biles (George’, m Mar- tha Blackshaw [g.dau. of Randall Blackshaw, who came in the ‘‘Welcome” with William Penn, 1682]; William’, large landowner in piety Co., Pa., before arrival of William enn); 5—George (1743-1810), of ‘“‘Prospect,” nr. Princeton, N.J.; col. Cont. Army; explorer; m 1764, Mary Baynton; Pa.; m 1795, 4—Col. John (1770-1817), Margaret Bunyan; 3-Judge Thomas Gibbes (1799-1861), m 2d, 1830, Sarah Hunt Fowler. 9-Thomas Budd, came to America, 1668; a pro- prietor of the Province of Jersey; 8-John, treas. Province of West Jersey, 1683; m Rebecca Baynton; 7—Mary, m Peter Baynton; 6—-John (1726-73), m 1747, Elizabeth Chevalier (dese. Bethune-Sully family); 5—Mary (b 1749), m 1764, George Morgan (5 above). 10-Willem deKay (av); 9Jacobus Tunis (d 1691), m 1658, Hillegonda Theunisse (d 1707); 8-Jacobus (b 1672), m 1694, Sarah Willet (Col. Thomas’); 7-Col. Thomas (1697-1758), Orange Co., N.Y.; sol- dier French and Indian War; m 1723, Chris- Hap (1707-84), dau. Thomas Duncan, of Scot- and; is any toes (1728-59), m 1754, Julianna Gale 5-Juliana, m 1772, James Bunyan; 4—Margaret, m 1795, John Morgan (4 above). 2-Son of Francis Warrington Dawson (London, Eng., 1840-d Charleston, S.C., 1889; oldest son of Joseph Austin and Mary Reeks of Lon- don, and elder brother of Rev. Joseph William Reeks, hon. canon of St. George’s Cathedral, Southwark, and missionary rector of St. Pe- ter’s Ch., Woolwich; nephew of Capt. Wil- liam A. Dawson, B.A., killed in action Sepoy Mutiny; descendant from Fisher family in collateral line from Bishop John Fisher, mar- tyr under Henry VIII), capt. Army of North- ern Va., C.S.A., chief ordnance officer of Gen. Fitzhugh Lee; founder and editor Charleston News and Courier; Knight of St. Gregory the Great; m 1874, Sarah Fowler Morgan (1842-1909); issue: I—~Ethel (m Herbert Barry, See Vol. 1, p. 210); II-Warrington (above). II—not married. Ed. Ecole St. Thomas d’Aquin, Paris; University Sch. and Coll. of Charles- ton. Diplomat, author. Special newspaper correspondent in Spain, France, Russia, Bel- gium, Holland, Italy, Africa, England, 1898-1917. Confidential adviser to Am. ambas- sador in Paris, 1917-19; spl. asst. to the am- bassador since 1919. Hon. pres. Charleston, S.C., Council of Boy Scouts since 1924. Offi- cer of the Legion of Honor. Author or editor of fifteen published works in French or in English, notably: The Scar; Adventure in the Night; The Green Moustache; Opportu- nity and Theodore Roosevelt, ete. (See Who’s Who in America). American address: care Council of Boy Scouts, West Wing Old Cit- Morganza, adel, Charleston, S.C. Official address: Am- erican Embassy, Paris. France. Residence: 19 Rue du Maréchal Joffre, Versailles, France. 1-CAMAK, James de Xavier, 6 Augusta, Ga., June 22, 1913. 12-John Washington, from Eng. (great grand- father of George Washington), m Anne Pope; 11—Lawrence, m Mildred Warner; 10—John, m Catherine Whiting; 9-BElizabeth, m Thomas Lanier, lt. of Foot of Va. colonial militia (John [1633-1719], from ong. ca. 1670, settled in Prince George’s Co., a.)3 8-Sampson, m Elizabeth Chamberlain: 7—Rebecca, m Walton Harris, capt. Am. Rev. (4 sons served at one time in Ga. Assembly); 6-Sampson (b 1763), m Susannah Willis: 5-Stephen W. (1786-1822), m Sarah Watkins (1784-1869) ; 4-Jane Victoria (1815-69), Smythe (1810-90); 3-Judge William W. (1841-1917), m Leila Rains (1847-1923). 1i-Capt. Thomas Harris (qv); 10—Maj. William (1622-69), burgess; m Lucy-; 9-Edward (1652-1735), m Mary-; m James Madison FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 39 8-Nathan (b 1677), capt. colonial militia; soldier Am. Rev.; m Katherine Walton (George®); 7—-Walton (b 1739), early settler in Greene Co., Ga.; mem. Ga. Assembly; m Rebecca Lanier (7 above). 7—-Valentine (de Xavier) Sevier (d 1803, aet. 101), from France to Va.; m 1740, Joanna Goode, of Baltimore; 6—John (1745-1815), began to write name Sevier; noted Indian fighter; capt. Va. Line, 1772; gen. in Am. Rev.; mem, 1st Congress, 1789-91; 1st gov. of Tenn., 1796-1801, and again 1803-09; mem. 12th and 18th Congresses, 1811-15; brig. gen. militia; m 2d, 1780, Katherine Sherrill, noted patriot; oe Conway, m Maj. William McClellan, ASS 4-Mary Jane (1821-83), m Gen. Gabriel J. Rains; 3—Leila George (1847-1923), m Judge William Wat- kins Smythe (1841-1917), of Augusta, Ga. 6-Henry Rains, of Va.; 5-Gabriel M., settled in Ala.; m Hester Ambrose (among their sons was George W., M.D., LL.D., noted chemist and soldier); 4—-Gabriel James (1803-81), U.S.M.A., ’27; 1t. col. U.S.A. and brig. gen. C.S.A.; m Mary Jane McClellan (4 above). 2-Son of Josephine Smythe (d 1915), m 1911, James Wellborn Camak (See Vol. 1, p. 534, for ge- nealogy). Residence: Athens, Ga. Serpent rere Lambert, b St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 8-Thomas Fairchild (qv); 7—Zachariah (1652-1703), m Hannah Beach; 6—Zachariah (1700-77), »% Deborah Fairchild; 5—David (1734-1807), m Catherine Gregory; 4—David (1767-1855), m Hannah Day; 3—Lewis (1797-1855), m Elizabeth Day. 10-John Alden (qv); 9—-Joseph (1624-97), m Mary Simmons (Moses); 8-Isaac, m 1685, Mehitable Allen (01665; Sam- uel’); 7-Capt. Ebenezer (1693-1776), m Anna Keith (Joseph§) ; 6—-Abigail (6 1721), m 1788, Ebenezer Byram, Jr. iO ey Capt. Ebenezer’; Capt. Nicholas’; Nich- olas®) ; 5-Mary, m Silas Ayers; 4-Mary K., m John Day; 8-Elizabeth, m Lewis Fairchild (3 above). 2-Son of Henry Shields Fairchild (1826-1913), pres. Union League of Minn., 1861-65; realtor, St. Paul; m 1857, Elizabeth Matilda Clayland (b 1834); issue: I-Charles Clayland (m Grace Sabin); II-—Caroline Friend; III—Florence (1867-1905; m Charles Henry Bigelow, Jr.; See Vol. 1, p. 468); IV—Alice (m Gustave A. Risser); V-Lambert (above). V-—m Apr. 27, 1904, Mabel Hortense (Baker) Pol- hamus, dau. of Irvin Baker (g.son of Gen. Irvin McDowell, of Detroit); issue (all b St. Paul, Minn.); 1-Marion H. and 2—Mildred L. ier) b Feb. 28, 1905; 3-Mabel A., 6 Dec. 28, Broker, New’ York. First class pvt., U.S.A., World War. Mem. S.A.R.; cdr. Belvidere Brooks Post 450, American Legion. Address: 136 Liberty St., New York. 1_JOYES, Morton Venable, } Louisville, Ky., Jan. 6, 1864. 7-Abraham Venable (qv); 6-Abraham (1700-68), burgess and lt. of militia for Louisa Co., Va.; justice of County Ct., Hanover Co.; m 1723, Martha Davis (1703-65); 5—James (1734-1814), Am. Rev.; m Judith Morton (1739-1826; Col. Joseph®, Am. Rev.); 4—Joseph (1761-1833), grad. and trustee Hampden- epee Coll.; m 1791, Elizabeth Watkins (Fran- cis) ; 8-Judith Morton (b ca. 1797), m Capt. Thomas Joyes (1787-1866), of Ky.; served in War 1812 (Patrick* [1751-1806], from Ireland, 1788, settled at Louisville, Ky., 1784, m Ann O’Gara). 8—Col. Richard Lee (qv); 7~Hancock (1653-1709), burgess, naval officer, and collector of Va.; m Sarah Allerton (b 1660; Tsaac’; Isaac® , m Fear, dau. of Elder William Brewster); 6-Hancock (d 1762), m 1736, Mary Willis (Col. Henry’, m Mildred Washington, aunt of George Washington); 5-John (d 1802), maj. Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Bell; 4-Sarah O. (d 1824), m 1811, John Jordan Crit- tenden; 38-Ann Mary, m Chapman Coleman (1813-91). 10-—John Goode (1620-30-1709), loyalist, emigrated to the Barbados ca. 1648, thence to Va., where he owned the plantation of ‘Whitley,’ on the James River below Richmond, m 1st, Miss Mackarness}; 9-Martha, m John Branch; 8—Obedience, m Thomas Turpin; 7-Thomas (d 1790), m Mary Jefferson, aunt of Pres. Thomas Jefferson; 6—Obedience, m 1754, Col. John Harris (1732-1800), of “Norwood,” Powhatan Co., Va.; 5—Judith, m 1783, Maj. John Crittenden (ca. 1750- 1805), maj. Va. State Line and It. Va. Cont. Army in Am. Rev.; burgess, 1783; an original mem. Soc. Cin.; 4-John J. (1787-1863), grad. William and Mary Coll., 1806; atty. gen. Ill. Ty., 1809-10; officer War 1812; U.S. senator from Ky., 1817-19, 1835- 41, 1842-48, and 1855-61; Atty. Gen. of U. S., Mar. 5-Sept. 13, 1841, and 1850-58; gov. of Ky., 1848-50; mem. 37th Congress, 1861-63; m Sarah O. Lee (4 above). 2—Son of Patrick Joyes (1826-1904), lawyer; m 1855, Florence Coleman (1836-1913); issue: JI—Ann Mary (m Haiden Trigg Curd); II-Thomas; III-— Chapman Coleman (m Sallie P. Swope); IV— Morton Venable (above); V—Florence Cole- man; Vi-—Eugenia Coleman (m George Ran- dall); ViII-—Crittenden (b 1870; m Lida Pearce Robinson; m 2d, Mary Almeda Griggs); VIII-— Patrick. IV-—m Dec. 81, 1889, Caroline Hancock Preston Barr, b Louisville, Ky., Dec. 22, 1864; dau. of Judge John Watson Barr, of Ky., and sister of Mrs. John B. McFerran (qv for genealogy); issue (all b Louisville, Ky.): 1-Watson Barr, b Jan. 15, 1891; 2-Preston Pope (av for Barr lineages); 3-Florence Coleman, b July 16, 1895; m Apr. 29, 1921, William Cecil Dabney; 4-Mor- ton Venable, Jr., b Feb. 15, 1906. B.L., U. Va., 1885. Practiced law at Louisville, Ky., 1885-1913; co. atty. of Jefferson Co., 1898- 1902. First lt. air service, Sept. 1917; capt., Aug. 1918; maj., judge adv., Aug. 1919; hon. discharged, Sept. 1920. Residence: 127 W. Ormsby Ave., Louisville, Ky. Dedede Preston Pope, 6 Louisville, Ky., Nov. 12-William Hancock, an incorporator, 1609, of the 2d charter of James I; came from Eng., 1620; was massacred by savages at Berkeley Hundred, Va., 1622; 11—Augustin (d 1630), came to Va., 1630, to claim his father’s estate; 10-William (1631-72), posthumous son, planter; 9—George (1658-82); 8—Robert (1679-1732) ; 7—George (1724-83), m Mary Jones; 6-George (1754-1820), lawyer, Fincastle, Va.; col. Va. Line in Am. Rev.; mem. 3d and 4th Con- gresses, 1793-97; m Margaret Strother (John’‘); 5—Caroline (1785-1847), m Capt. William Preston, 2d (1765-1821; William®; John‘); 4—Josephine, m Col. Jason Rogers (1803-48), col. in Black Hawk and Mexican wars; tee P., m Judge John Watson Barr (1826- 07). 2-Son of Caroline Hancock Preston Barr, m 1889, Morton Venable Joyes (qv for other lineages). M Oct. 11, 1916, Nina Harlan Bingham, 6 Louis- ville, Ky., Nov. 9, 1892; dau. of Harry Harris Bingham, of Louisville (Samuel Y.’, m Marga- ret Jamison; Jamest, from Ireland before Am, Rev., settled nr. Charlotte, N.C., m_Sarah Young), m Nina Gordon, dau. of Cyrus Harlan; issue (all 6 Louisville, Ky.): 1—Nina_Bing- ham, b July 25, 1917; 2-Preston Pope, 6 Dec. 25, 1918; 3-Caroline Barr, 6b Dec. 18, 1921. Lumber business. Residence: Cherokee Park, Louisville, Ky. 1-McFERRAN, Josephine Preston Barr (Mrs. John B.), 6 Louisville, Ky., April 8, 1868. 5—~Thomas Barr (1703-89), from Ireland to Pa.. 1730: farmed on border of Maryland; moved to Ky. with family; m Mary Ross: pee aS m 1776, Mary Toland Barclay, of Phila. ; 3—William (1796-1844), extensive cotton planter in Miss.; m 1825, Anne Watson. 5—Josiah Watson (1748-1828; g.son of Christopher, b in Treland), went from Pa. to nr. Alexan- 40 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY dria, Va., ca. 1771; was large landowner in 1880" Ky. and Va.; m 1771, Jane Taylor (1752- 4—Dr. John (1775-1821), Frankfort, Ky.; m 1804, Ann Bannister Howe (1785-1835; Capt. Ed- ward’, officer Am. Rev., m Ann, dau. of Col. William Lyne, officer Am. Rev.); 3-Anne (1808-29), m 1825, William Barr (3 above). 6—-John Preston (qv); 5—William (1727-83), mem. Va. Ho. of Burgesses, co. It. Fincastle Co.; a founder of Liberty Hall (now Washington and Lee U.); col. Am. Rev.; m Susannah Smith (Travis*, of Henrico Co., Va.); 4—Capt. William (1765-1821), m Caroline Hancock; 3-Josephine, m Col. Jason Rogers (1803-48), grad. U.S.M.A., 1821; col. in Black Hawk and Mexi- can wars. ll—William Hancock, an incorporator, 1609, of the 2d charter of James I, came from Eng., 1620, was massacred by savages at Berkeley Hundred, Va., 1622; 10-Augustin (d 1630), came to Va., 1630, to claim his father’s estate; 9-William (1631-72), posthumous son, planter; 8—-George (1658-82) ; 7—Robert (1679-1732) ; 6—George (1724-83), m Mary Jones; 5—George (1754-1820), lawyer, Fincastle, Va.; col. Va. Line in Am. Rev.; mem. 3d and 4th Con- gresses, 1793-97; m Margaret Strother (John‘); 4—Caroline (1785-1847), m Capt. William Preston (4 above). 2-Dau. of John Watson Barr (1826-1907), LL.B.. Transylvania, 1847; lawyer, Louisville, Ky.: U.S. district judge for Ky., 1880-99; m 1859, Susan Preston Rogers; issue: I-Anna Wat- son; II-John Watson (m Margaret McFerran); III-Caroline Hancock (m Morton Venable Joyes, qv); IV—Susan Rogers (m Edward John McDermott); V—John Rogers (d 1906; m Eliz- abeth Nelson Wood); ViI-—Josephine Preston (above); VII-Elise Rogers (m William Wal- lace McDowell). ViI-m Nov. 15, 1894, John Byrd McFerran II (July 18, 1864-Mar. 20, 1906); son of John Byrd McFerran, of Louisville, Ky.; issue (all } Louisville): 1-John Byrd III, b Sept. 21, 1895; m Apr. 29, 1919, Jeannette Barnes (issue: Caro- line Barnes, 6 June 3, 1920): 2-Watson Barr; b Oct. 31, 1898; 3-Susan Preston (Sept. 19, 1901- Jan. 3, 1903). Mem. C.D.A. Residence: The Pennington, 2110 Cherokee Parkway, Louisville, Ky. ete L, Franklin, 6 Ansonia, Conn., Aug. 5-Benjamin Farrel (1753-1844), of Waterbury, Conn.; m Lois Williams (1755-1802; Samuel); 4-Zebah_ (1776-1862), m 1798, Mehitable Benham (1773-1855; Elihu® [1749-1856], soldier Am. Rev.); 3s—Almon (1800-57), m Ruth Emma Warner (b 1808). 2-Son of Franklin Farrel (1828-1912), pres. Far- rel Foundry & Machine Co., Ansonia, Conn., 1857-1912; m 1850, Julia Lockwood Smith (1829- 75); m 2d, 1876, Lillian Clarke (b 1853); issue (1st marriage): I—Alton (1851-85; m Julia Elizabeth Clarke; see their son Alton, Vol. 1, p. 103); II-— Carrie (1854-56); III—Clarissa P. (1858-61): IV— May Wells (6 1868; m Rutherford Trowbridge): (2d marriage): V—Florence Adele (Mrs. George C. Bryant, qv for Frisbie lineage); VI—Elise Marion (b 1879; m Earl Jack McWhirter); VII- Franklin (above); VIII-Lillian Estelle (Mrs. George A. Goss, qv for Clarke lineage), VII—m Oct. 24, 1906, Marian Vincent Brown. b Boston, Mass., Oct. 9, 1885; dau. of Austin Brown of Boston; issue: 1—Franklin, 1 GS i) Ansonia, Conn., Mar. 28, 1908; 2-Malcolm, Bb New Haven, Conn., Sept. 9, 1911; 3—Marian, b New Haven, Apr. 9, 1922. Ed. St. Paul’s School, Concord, N.H.; B.A., Yale, 03 (D.K.E.).. First v.p. Farrel Foundry & Machine Co., Ansonia, Conn. Served as ens., It. (j. g.) and It., U.S.N.R.F., Mar. 15, 1917-Jan. 9, 1919. Mem. S.C.W., S.A.R., V.F.W. Clubs: Union League, Yale, Automobile of America (New_York). Residence: 490 Prospect Si New Haven, Conn. 1-BRYANT, Florence Adele Farrel (Mrs. George C.), 6 Ansonia, Conn., Sept. 13, 1877. §-Edward Frisbie (d 1690), of Branford, Conn.; m Hannah (Culpepper?); 8-John (1650-94), m Ruth Bowers (1657-1736; Rev. John®, m Rebecca, dau, of Thomas Gregson); 7—John (1676-1736), of Branford; m Susanna Hen- bury (d 1767; Arthur); : 6-Elijah (1717-1800), m Abigail Culver (1718-71; Samuel’, m Ruth Tyler); 5-Reuben (1746-1824), soldier Am. Rev., sioned; m Hannah Wakelee (1752-78); 4-Blizabeth (b 1769), m Mark Warner (b 1757; 5th from John Warner, of Farmington); 3-Ruth Emma (b 1808), m Almon Farrel (1800-57). 2—Dau. of Franklin Parrel (1828-1912), pres. Farrel Foundry & Machine Co., Ansonia, Conn., 1857- 1912; m 2d, 1876, Lillian Clarke (6 1853). For issue and other lineages see Franklin Farrel. M Dec. 7, 1898, George Clarke Bryant (See Vol. 1, p. 510, for genealogy); issue (all B Ansonia, Conn.): 1-Dorothy, b Sept. 21, 1899; 2—Geoffrey, b Feb. 2, 1902; Yale, ’24; 3-Roland, b Nov. 28, 1904; Yale, ’29; 4-Norman, Bb Dec. 21, 1905. Mem. D.A.R. (v.regent Elizabeth Clark Hull Chapter), New Haven Colony Hist. Soc., N.E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., New Haven Lawn Club. Residence: 75 N. Cliff Court, Ansonia, Conn. 1-GOSS, ae Estelle Farrel (Mrs. George A.), Dd 1. ¢ 9-Dea. George Clarke (d 1690), from Eng. to Mil- ford, Conn., 1639; m Sarah— (d 1689); 8-Ens. George (bap. 1648-1734), m Deborah Gold (d 1697; Maj. Nathan’); 7-Lt. George (1682-1762), m Mary Coley (b 1684; Samuel); 6-David (bap. 1713-1800), m Hannah Peck (1716- 1815; Jeremiah’, m Hannah Fiske); 5-Lazarus_ (1745-1818), m Dennis Bradley (1753- 1803; Andrew*, m Dennis Wilmot); fj 4—William (bap. 1795-1862), m Minerva Higgins (1799-1875; Sylvester®, m Comfort Lyman); 3—Wilson Hart (1819-87), m Julia Elizabeth Cable (1826-89; Roswell‘, m Hannah Chatfield; Abner*, ata Am. Rev., m Ann, dau. of Andrew cott). 2-Dau. of Lillian Clarke (6 1853), m 1876, as his 2d wife, Franklin Farrel (1828-1912), pres. Far- rel Foundry & Machine Co., Ansonia, Conn. (For issue and other lineages see Franklin Farrel). M_ July 9, 1919, George Augustus Goss, 2d, } Waterbury, Conn., Apr. 1, 1881; son of Chaun- cey Porter Goss, m Caroline Ketcham; issue: 1—George Augustus, Jr. Residence: 30 Church St., Waterbury, Conn. 1-SANFORD, Margaret Lenora Watson (Mrs. John T.), 6 Lamar Co., Tex., Feb. 7, 1875. 10—John Howland (qv); 9-Desire (d 1683), m 1643, John Gorham (qv); 8-Mercy (1658/59-1725), m George Dennison (1653-1711; Capt. George®, m Ann Borrodell; William”, qv); 7—Desire (1693-1737), m 1711, Col. John Williams (1692-1761), dep. Gen. Ct. from Lebanon and Stonington, Conn., many yrs.; maj. and lt. col, 8th Regt. Conn. troops; 6—Mercy (b 1719), m 1739, Thomas Wheeler; 5—Desire (b 1748), m 1764, John Watson (b 1787); Re (1768-1829), m 1794, Mary Watson (1775- 3-John ,W. (1804-46), m 1842, Harriett Lenora Prowell (1822-79). 10-Thomas Shepard (1605-49; son of William), grad. Cambridge U., Eng., 1628; came to N.E., 1635; eminent clergyman, Cambridge, Mass.; m 3d, 1647, Margaret Borodell; 9-Jeremiah (1648-1720), grad, Harvard, 1669; m Mary Wainwright (d 1710, aet. 53); 8—Mary (1679-1761), m Isaac Wheeler (1676-1737): 7-Thomas (1700-55), m 1718, Mary Miner (1699-1750): 6-Thomas (6 1722), capt. 8th Regt. N.Y. Militia; m Mercy Williams (6 above). &-John Watson (d 1728), m Dorcas Gardiner, of Kingston, R.I.; m 2d, Rebecca Gardiner, of Kingston; 7-John (1676-1772), dep. Gen. Ct.; mem. R.I. Gen. Assembly; mem. first Town Council, S. King- ston, R.I.; m 1703, Hannah Champlin (ca. 1677-1720) ; 6—-John (1710-91), m 2d, 1736, Isabel Sherman; 5-John (6 1737), m Desire Wheeler (5 above). 9-Philip Sherman (qv); 8-Sampson (1642-1720), m Isabella Tripp (1657-1716) ; 7—Job (1687-1747), m Bridget Gardiner; ; 6-Isabel (1717-53), m John Watson (6 above). 2-Dau. of Thomas Wheeler Watson (1845-80), planter; m 1869, Martha William Couch (1848-85); issue; I-John Wheeler (1870-1922); IIT- pen- FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 41 BANNING Rufus Wheeler (1873-90); Il1I-Margaret Lenora (above); I1V-Thomas Wheeler (6 1880). IiI-m June 26, 1896, Charles Lee Steele (Oct. 17, 1856-Jan. 18, 1900) ; U.S.M.A., ’79; capt., 18th U.S. Inf.; son of Col. Abner Newton Steele, CIS ZA.; m Eleanor Caroline Thomson, of Anderson Co., S.C.; issue: 1-Genie Morgan, b} Columbus, Miss., Apr. 27, 1896; B.A., Sweet Briar, Va., ’17; m Aug. 6, 1917, John Allison Hardy, cadet, Aviation Service, World War (issue: Mar- garet; Allison, Jr.; Sanford; Genie Steele); 2— Hleanor Charles, } Spartanburg, S.C., Sept. 3, 1898; m Apr. 14, 1919, James Talbert Thomas, Jr., ensign, U.S. N. RF, World War (issue: James Talbert, III). M 2d, Oct. 7, 1908, John Thomas Sanford, b Fay- ette, Ala., Oct. 1, 1874; son of John B. Sanford, of Fayette, m Margaret Robertson; issue: 1 John Thomas (Sept. 1904-June 3, 1906). Ed. Judson Coll., Marion, Ala. Awarded cer- tificate in first aid, “Pro Patria’ certificate signed by Pres. Woodrow Wilson; vice chmn. Red Cross Chapter, chmn. of woman’s work. Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R., U.D.C. Club: Woman’s. Summer place: Bella Vista, Ark. Residence: 823 8d Av. N., Columbus, Miss. 1-WALLACE, Addison Alexander, } Independ- ence, Mo., Dec. 25, 1862. 5-Joseph Wallace, from North of Ireland and settled in bounds of the Neshaminy Church, Bucks Co., Pa., 1745; removed to Va.; 4-John (b 1748), lt. Am. Rev.; settled in Fayette Co., Ky., 1788; m Miss Finley (Archibald5, m Mary-); 3-John (6b 1783), m Elizabeth Dunlap. 2-Son of Rev. Joseph William Wallace (1821- 1904), Presbyn. minister; m 1848, Anne E. Hock- aday; m 2d, 1855, Jessamine (Young) Riley (1825-1906); issue (lst marriage): I-William H. ‘+b 1848; m Lizzie Childs); (2d marriage): II-— John C,. (1856-90); I1I-Charles Hodge (b 1858; m Sarah Wetmore Ketcham); IV-—Theodoric B. (b 1860; m Myra Gates); V—Addison A. (above). V—m May 16, 1888, Annie Lacy Marquess, 6 Spar- ta, Tenn., July 9, 1864; dau. of William Mar- quess, of Ohio; issue (all 6 Mexico, Mo.): 1— Marquess, b Nov. 30, 1889; Westminster, ’10; seaman and ensign, U.S.N.R.F., May 5, 1918- Mar. 138, 1919; m June 238, 1928, Mary, dau. of Robert R. Buckner; 2-Josephine, b Sept. 10, 1892; Hardin, ’11; 3—Mildred, 6 Dec. 5, 1894; Hardin, ’14; 4-Addison A. (Mar. 19, 1898-d in- fancy); 5-Anne Lacy, b June 5, 1900; Hardin, ’21, and Western Coll., Ohio, 1923, A.M., Westminster, 1887; B.D., McCormick Theol. Sem., 1887; (D.D., Central U. of Ky., 1900). Or- dained Presbyn. ministry, 1888; pastor First Presbyn. Ch., Mexico, Mo., since 1887. Resi- dence: Mexico, Mo. 1-TAYLOR, Eliza Potter Day ee Harry §8.), b Baltimore, Md., Mar. 20, 1872 9-Robert Day (1604- 48), m Editha Stebbins; 8—John (d ca. 1730), m Sarah Maynard; 7-John (1677-1752), m Grace Spencer; 6-Abraham (1712-92), m Irene Foote; 5—Elijah (1775-1848), soldier Am. Rev.; m Dorothy Olmsted; 4-Justin, m Mathilda Day; 3-Elijah, m Rebecca Ely Hungerford (Robert‘, dese. Thomas Hungerford, from Eng. with John Winthrop). 9-Nathaniel Potter (d 1644), from Eng. 1623, set- tled at Portsmouth, R.I.; m:Dorothy— (1617-96) ; 8—-Ichabod, m 1679, Martha Hazard; 7—Col. John (1665-1715), clerk of Assembly, 1683; m Sarah Wilson; 6—-Capt. John (1695-1739), m Mercy Robinson; 5—Col. John (1715-88), m 2d, Elizabeth Hazard; 4-Samuel J., m Ann Seager; 3-Eliza, m William Slade. aN child of Albert Day (1835-1904), m Susan ade. M May 5, 1897, Harry Sargent Taylor (d May 15, 1911); son of Jacob Hiss Taylor (desc. Rich- ard Taylor, from Eng., 1681); issue: 1-Mary Catherine, 6 Baltimore, Md., July 4, 1898; m June 8, 1921, Maurice Falconer Rodgers. Mem. C.D.A., D.F.P.A., D.A.R. Club: Baltimore Country. Summer place: Towson, Baltimore Co., Md. Residence: 1628 Bolton St., Balti- more, Md. Arms: Argent, two bars sable, each charged with as many scallops or (Granted to Paul Banning, of London, 1588). Crest: On a mount vert an ostrich argent, holding in the mouth a key or. Motto: Ubi Libertas Ibi Patria. Piteep tba ht Kendall, b New York, N.Y., Sept. , 1879. 7-—John Banning, from Eng. to Lyme, Conn., ca. 1680; m 1701, Abigail Niles; 6—John (d 1755), m 1744, Jemima Marvin (Peck); 5—-William (6 1747), m Lucy Tiffany (Lt. Nathan‘); 4—Calvin (1785-1856), m Eunice Beckwith; 8-William Josiah (1810-56), m 1835, Lucy Lay. 9—-John Sill (d 1647), from Eng. to Saybrook, Conn., with wife Joanna, 1637; 8-Capt. Joseph (1636-96), m 1677, Mrs. Sarah Mar- vin, dau. of George Clark, Jr. 1-Capt. Joseph (1678-1765), m 1705, Phoebe Lord (Lt. Richard’, m Elizabeth Hyde); 6—John (1710-96), m 1731, Phoebe Fithin; 5-Anna (b 1742), m 1760, John Lay; 4—David (6 1769), m Lucy Ingraham; 3Lucy (1810-99), m 1835, William Josiah Bann (3 above). For Mellen and Alden lines see Vo 1h Fayy Male 2-Son of William Calvin Banning (1848-1904), part- ner Banning, Bissell & Co., mfrs., New York; m Helen Josephine Mellen (1850-1922); issue: I— Kendall (above); II—Helen (b 1881; m Rev. Al- fred James Wilson); III—Dorothy (b 1881; m Francis Ewing Repplier). I-m May 19, 1906, Hedwig v. Briesen (Nov. 28, 1883- July 7, 1912); dau. Arthur vy. Briesen (See Who’s Who in America); issue: 1—-Barbara, 6 New York, Mar. 8, 1908. M 2d, Nov. 15, 1915, Dorothy Carter Sanders, Db Mendham, N. Abs, Aug. 17, 1891; dau. late Lewis Sanders, lawyer, of New York and Ky.; 5th from John Randolph, of Roanoke; g.g.dau. of Commodore Samuel Chester Reid, U.S.N. (War 1812); g.dau. of George Nicholas Sanders, U.S. consul gen. at London, 1854-56, Confederate commr. to England during Civil war; issue: 1— Calvin, 6 New York, May 23, 1917. A.B., Dartmouth, 1902. Editor and writer; mng. editor of System, 1903-17; of Cosmopolitan Magazine, 1919-21; editorial director, New Fic- tion Pub. Corpn., Leslie-Judge Co., and Popu- lar Radio, Inc., 1922—. Capt. Ist Aero Squad- ron (provisional), N.Y., 1918-14; maj. Signal Corps, U.S.A., 1917; dir. ‘div. of pictures, Com. on Public Information, Washington, 1917; maj., Gen. Staff, 1918-19; officer in charge of com- pilation of U.S.A. official pictorial record and BE AEE of the war; lt. col., Signal Corps, O.R. C. (See Who’s Who in ‘America). Mem. S.M.D., S.c.W., OLR LAS, S.A. S.W. 1812) S.A. W., M: O.F.W., Vet. Corps Arty., M.O.W.W., N.Y. Soc. Mil. and Naval Officers World War. Clubs: Cliff Dwellers (Chicago), The Players, Dutch Treat (New York). Summer place: Lyme, Conn. Address: 16 Gramercy Park, New York. eh dato tod Lent Dayton, b De Leon Springs, Fila. i Ov. &~Thomas Upson (1600-55), from Eng. to Boston, 42 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 1637; one of the first settlers of Hartford and original propr. of Farmington, Conn.; m Eliza- beth Fuller; 7-Sgt. Stephen (1650-1730), propr. at Waterbury; soldier Indian Wars; several times dep. Gen. Ct.; m Mary Lee (John§); 6—-Capt. Stephen (1686-1771), m (Isaac’); 5-Lt. Benjamin (1720-80), corp. with Col. Bald- win’s Conn. militia at Fishkill, North River; m Mary Blakesley (Moses‘); 4—Jesse (1756-1838), served with Conn. and N.J. militia; physician; probate judge at Mendham, N.J.; mem. N.J. Legislature, 1815-22; m Mary Dayton (Robert'); 38—Benjamin Franklin (1816-96), settled in I1l., 1849; m Lucy Bacon (Stephen). 2-Son of Jesse Bronson Upson (1852-1919), horti- culturist, Rockford, Ill., and De Leon Springs, Fla.; m 1883, Mary (b 1860), dau. of Leander Sib- ley (desc. John Sibley, who was at Salem, Mass., 1629, and Gen. Britton Moore Harrison, early settler at Terre Haute, Ind.); issue: I- Lent Dayton (above); II-Lucy Hazel (b 1890). I-m May 29, 1917, Marie Evelyn Rehmert, b Day- ton, O., Nov. 24, 1896; dau. of Louis F. Rehmert (desc. Hans Pupather [John Brubaker], of the Palatinate, who settled at Lancaster, Pa., 1709); ape 1—Mary Ellen, 6 Detroit, Mich., Nov. 1, B.A., U. Wis., 708, M.A., 1909; Ph.D., U. Ill., 1911. Director, Detroit Bureau of Governmental Re- search, since 1916. Professorial lecturer in municipal administration, U. Mich. (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. S.A.R. Clubs: City (New York), University (Ann Arbor), Detroit ripe Residence: 3271 Taylor Av., Detroit, ich. 1-McGINNIS, Margaret Clare Byrd Jefferson, J Houston, Tex. 11—Capt. William (Ferrar) Farrar (1594-1637), from Eng. in the “Neptune” to Va., 1618; mem. Coun- cil; m Cicely Jordan, who came to Va., 1610; 10—-Col. William (d 1678), burgess; m Mary-; 9-Maj. William (1657-1721), justice, high sheriff, burgess; m Priscilla Baugh; 8-William, of Farrar’s Island, Henrico Co., Va.; m Judith Jefferson (Capt. Thomas®, m Mary Branch, who were grandparents of Pres. Thomas Jefferson); 7—Peter (b 1730), of Henrico, Va.; m Mary Mag- deline (Chastain) Cocke (b 1727; Dr. Stephen Chastain’, m Martha, dau. of Bartholomew Dupuy [1652-1731], Huguenot, settled on James River, Henrico Co., Va., 1700); 6-Judith Chastain (6 1756), m Richard Oglesby, of Henrico, Va.; 5-Rev. Peter F. (d 1866), m Harriet Ball (1799-1867) ; 4-Sarah C. (1820-1911), m Rev. John Hopson (1819- 99), of Hopkinsville, Ky.; 38—Alfred Henry (6 1843), of Hopkinsville, Ky.; m Elizabeth Ann Clara Gibbs (1844-1924). 2-Dau. of Neville Chastain Hopson (1871-1920), m Mary Gonzaga Scannell O’Neill (1880-1917), dau. of John Denis O’Neill (1849-1919), of O’Neill Park, Bloomington, Ill., m Margaret Eleanor Stackpole Scannell (1850-1905), dau. of John Scannell, of Beloit, Wis., m Catherine Murphy. Adopted by William James McGinnis, m Anne Scannell O’Neill, of St. Louis. Ed. Acad. Sacred Heart, Miss Rossman’s Sch.. and Acad. of the Visitation. Mem. F.F.V. Residence: 5603 Washington Ct., St. Louis, Mo. 1-CAMPBELL, Charles Evans, 6 Newton, Ia., July 10, 1860. 7T—Robert Campbell (son of Duncan, of Scotland), emigrated to Ireland, 1700, and thence to Stock- bridge Co., Va., ca. 1730; 6—Charles, m 1739, Mary Trotter; b-Charles (1741-1826), trustee Washington College: officer Am. Rev.; m 1764, Mary Ann Downey (d 1834, aet. 82); 4—-Samuel L., M.D. (1766-1840), grad. Washington Coll., 1789, was trustee, 1794-1812, treas. 1796-1803, and ad interim pres. of the college, 1796-99: m 1794, Sarah Alexander (twin sister to Dr. Archi- bald Alexander, pres. Princeton Coll.): 8-Charles Fenelon (1803-64), grad. Washington Coll., class of 1822-28; moved to Ohio; lawver, earter probate judge; m 1833, Harriet E. Kep- art. 4—-Thomas Kirker, 2d gov. of Ohio; 3—Jane, m Daniel B. Evans (1811-96). 2-Son of Angus Kephart Campbell (1834-1926), Sarah Bronson pres. Campbell Heating..Co., Des Moines, Ia.; m 1859, Sarah Belle Evans (1839-1907); issue: I— Charles Evans (above); II—Alfred Quincy: (6 1863); I1I-George Waldo (0b 1865); IV—Alice (b 1867; m 1896, J. M. Galusha); V—Horace Daniel (b 1869); ViI—Archibald Sniffin (6 1871); VII-— Everett Kirker (6 1874); VIII—Edith (b 1877; m 1909, Siegfield A. Larsson); IX—Grace (6 1881; m 1910, Morton Macartney). I-m Feb. 8, 1910, Mabel Banning Horn, } St. Paul, Minn., July 30, 1878; dau. of Henry H. Horn, of St. Paul; issue: 1-Katherine Banning, b Mason City, Ia., Jan. 4, 1911; 2-Margaret Evans, 0 Mason City, Apr. 5, 1913. LL.B., Ia. State U., 1884. Mgr. at Des Moines for Great American Ins. Co, of New York. Sum- mer place: Lake Vermillion, Minn. Residence: 811 Prospect Rd., Des Moines, Ia. 1-ADAMS, Marcellin Cote, 6 Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 26, 1872. 9-Henry Adams (qv); 8-Edward (16380-1716), m 1652, Lydia Rockwood; 7-Edward (b 1668), m 1692, Elizabeth Walley; 6—Thomas (6 1698), m 1724, Sarah Phinney; 5—-Edward (6 1736), m 1760, Rebecca Crocker; : 4—Thomas (1766-1844), m 1799, Anna Thorp (Aaron’, soldier Am. Rev.); 3—Calvin (1809-79), m 18386, Cynthia Gifford. 10-—John Howland (qv); 9-John, m 1651, Mary Lee; 8—Elizabeth (6 1655), m 1673, John Bursley; 7—Joannah (6 1684), m 1708/09, Nathan Crocker; 6—-Isaac (b 1719), m 1738/39, Elizabeth Fuller; 5—Rebececa (b 1740), m Edward Adams (5 above). 2-Son of Stephen Jarvis Adams (1837-1918), foun- dryman, inventor; m 1862, Emma Virginia An- shutz (1843-1924); issue: I-Janette (Mrs. John L, Garner, qv for maternal lineages); II-Marcel- lin Cote (above); III-Stephen Jarvis, Jr. (0 1880; m 1920, Margaret Wilma Jones). II-m Jan. 5, 1898, Ida Elizabeth Bright, 6 New Haven, Conn., Oct. 11, 1875; Colonial Dame, D. A.R.; dau. of Robert C. Bright, of New Haven, m Wlorence P. Bodge; issue: 1-Emma Virginia, b Pittsburgh, Feb. 28, 1902; m Sept. 20, 1924, BE. Donald Early, of Chattanooga, Tenn. B.A., Yale, 796. Mem. S.M.D., John Howland Soc., S.A.R. Clubs: University, Edgewood Country. Residence: 5836 Fifth Ave., Pitts- burgh, Pa. 1-GARNER, Janette Adams (Mrs. John L.), 0 Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 17, 1864. : 5-George Anshutz (1753-1837), built the first fur- nace and made the first iron at Pittsburgh; m Katharine Elizabeth Sotler; 4—George (1781-1852), m 2d, 1817, Anna Eva Pithon Hampshire; 3-Alfred Pithon (1817-90), m 1840, Eliza Jane Holmes. seni nee Holmes (1606-82), m 1630, Katharine yae; §—Jonathan (1633-1713), m 1665, Sarah Borden; 8—-Obadiah (1666-1745), m Alice Ashton; 7—Joseph (b 1698), m Eliza Ashton; 6—Obadiah (1728-94), Am. Rev.; m 1755, Mary Clunn;- 5—-Obadiah (1760-1834), Am. Rev.; m Jane Richard- Ss > 4-Dr. Shepley Ross (1791-1854), m 1816, Sarah Peters; 3-liza Jane (1821-91), m Alfred Pithon Anshutz (3 above). 2-Dau. of Stephen Jarvis Adams (1837-1918), foun- dryman, inventor; m 1862, Emma Virginia An- shutz (1843-1924). For issue and paternal line- ages see Marcellin Cote Adams. M Oct. 6, 1885, John Lake Garner, b Phila., Pa., June 15, 1864; son of Jacob Garner, of Phila. (Jacob?; Jacob*; John®; John*; George’), m Catharine Lake; issue (all b Pittsburgh, Pa.): 1—EKmma Virginia, } Sept. 5, 1886; m Dec. 1, 1920, Alfred Brown Hastings (issue: Alfred Brown, Jr., 6b Dec. 2, 1923); 2-Janette Adams, b Dec. 10, 1888; m Mar, 26, 1918, Kenneth Crothers Grant (issue: John Garner, Bb May 10, 1919; Janette Adams, b Jan. 28, 1922); 3-John Lake, Jr., 6b Jan. 17, 1898; U. Calif.; m Apr. 4, 1918, Celeste, dau. of Fred Dorr, of Denver, Colo. (issue: Fred Dorr, b Oct. 28, 1919). Mem. S.M.D., John Howland Soc., C.D.A., D.A.R. Ree Ge 745 W. Adams St., Los Angeles, alif. 1-AINSWORTH. Margaret Augusta Sutton Cees I J.), San Francisco, Calif., Nov. FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 43 5-John Sutton (b Eng. 1729), French and Indian War; m 1758, Jane Allen; he 1769), m 1791, Margaret Nuttall (Adam‘, 3-James N. (1796-1860), physician; m 1818, Julia Ann Stuart (d 1828; William‘). 2—-Dau. John Sutton (1823-73), m Anna B. Dolan (1829-1905; James’, 6 Eng.); issue: I—-Julia Anna (1850-1922; m G. B. Wright); IIl—-Margaret Au- gusta (above); IlI-Mave Helena (1854-1913; m Otis Sprague); I[V—James Nuttall (1856-1915; m Rosa Brandt); V—Charles Dolan (b and d 1859); ViI-—John, Jr. (b and d 1860); VII—William Stuart (b and d 1861); VIII—John Grant (b 1864; m Mary Emma Robbins); IX—Ada Victoria (m Arthur E. Bull); X—Albert (m Ethel Meek; m 2d, Marie Hewitt); XI—Herbert Gaston (m Mary Collins). II—m June 16, 1875, George Jennings Ainsworth (Apr. 13, 1852-Oct. 20, 1895); Ph.B., U. Calif., ’73, and regent same; ry. builder and manager, Portland, Ore.; son of John C. Ainsworth (George®; Nathaniel‘); issue: 1-Lawrence Sut- ton, 8 Portland, Ore., Apr. 1, 1877; m Sept. 28, - 1904, Charlotte Henley (1880-1905; issue: Robert Henley, b and d 1905); m 2d, June 24, 1908, Kath- arine Sitton; 2-Mabel, b Portland, Ore., Aug. 18, rl, m June 21, 1899, Edwin Mays (See Vol. 1, p. Address: 2626 Haste St., Berkeley, Calif. 1-BARKER, F(rank) Marion, } No Loup, Neb., July 7, 1874. %James Barker (1623-1702), from Eng. to R.I., 1634; asst. and dep., 1663-86; dep. gov. of R.I., 1678; m 1644, Barbara Dungan (b 1628); eae (1648-1722), m 1678, Sarah Jefferay (1656- 7—James (1675-1758), m 1699, Mary Cook; ecm m 1740, Rualmy Greenman (d 1758, aet. : 5—-Charles (6b 1752), m Mary (Willard); 4—-(James) Willard (1778-1811), m 1804, Martha Perry (1785-1869) ; Spee Perry (1806-77), m 1831, Polly Cottrell 2-Son of Thomas Oscar Barker (1839-97), m 1861, Mary Ann Needham (1841-1907); issue: I-James Willard (1861-1922); II-Egbert Clark (b 1863); III— Thomas Perry (b and d 1866); IV-Frank Marion (above). IV-—m Nov. 24, 1908, Edith Stockton Birney, 0b Monkton, Md., June 17, 1879; dau. of Arthur Alexis Birney, m Helen Townsend Conway, of Washington, D.C. U. Neb., 2 yrs.; A.B., Milton Coll., ’98, A.M., 1903; M.D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1902; Coll. Physi- cians and Surgeons, Chicago, 1903. Physician, Detroit, Mich. Capt. and adj., arty. bn., II1.N. G.; 1t., Med. R.C., 1916; 1st 1t., Med. O.R.C., May 15, 1917; capt., Dec. 1, 1917; maj., Mar. 11, 1918; asst. div. surgeon and actg. div. surgeon, 8th Div., A.E.F.; asst. base surgeon, Base Sector 1, A.E.F. in France; lt. col., M.C., U.S.A., May 2. 1919. Mem. S.A.R., A.L., Am. Congress of In- ternal Medicine, A.M.A., etc. Clubs: Army and Navy (Chicago), University, Country of De- troit, Detroit Automobile. Residence: 410 Uni- versity Pl., Grosse Pointe, Mich. 1-CAMPBELL, Harriet Jane Parker (Mrs. John), 6 Grinnell, Ia., Mar. 3, 1857. 8-Abraham Parker (1612-85), from Eng. to Wo- burn, Mass., ca. 1635; freeman, 1645; a founder of Chelmsford, 1653; soldier King Philip’s War; m 1644, Rose Whitlock; 7—Moses (ca. 1657-1732), m 1684, Abigail Hildreth (g.dau. of Richard Hildreth, a founder of Chelmsford); 4 6—-Aaron_ (1689-1775), m ca. 1712, Abigail Adams (desc. Pelatiah, Lt. Thomas, Henry, of Brain- tree, ancestor of President Adams); 5-Samuel_ (1717-95), m 1788, Sarah Fletcher (Joshua’); 4—Leonard (1745-1813), soldier Am. Rev.;: removed to Holland Purchase, N.Y.; m 1768, Mary Fos- ter (Elias®; Elias*; Edward’; Hon. Samuel): 3-Elias (1771-18297), m Dorothy Fletcher (Ger- shom‘, soldier Am. Rev.; desc. Robert Fletcher, Concord, Mass., 1630). 10-Richard (Pearce) Pearse (b 1590; brother of William, capt. of the “Mayflower’’), from Eng. in the “Lyon,” 1630; settled at Portsmouth, R.1.; m Martha-; 9-Richard (1615-78), m 1642, Susannah Wright (1620- ante 1678); 8-Richard (1648-1720), m Experience— (d 1720); 7-—Richard (d 1744), m Sarah-; 6—Nathaniel (1708-93), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1782, Mary Lindsay; ae Richard (1787-1809), m Phebe Munroe (b 4—Richard (1762-1834), Bristol, R.I.; m1781, Candace Peck (Jonathan®, m Ruth, dau. of Col. Philip Wheeler, m Martha Salisbury); 3-Timothy (1801-46), Oberlin, O.; m 1825, Harriet Wilder (Danielt; Cornelius®, soldier Am. Rev.; John®; John’?; John’, an original propr. of Worcester, Mass.; Thomas’). 2—Dau. of Prof. Leonard Fletcher Parker, M.A., D.D. (1825-1911), A.B., Oberlin, ’51; Ist 1t. U.S.V., 1864-65; prof. Latin and Greek, later Greek and history, State U. of Ia.; m 1853, Sarah Candace Pearse (1828-1909), lady principal, Iowa College; issue: I-William Everard (1854-62); II—-Harriet Jane (above); IlI—Elbert Alonzo (1858-66); TV— nti he Fletcher (1861-76); V—Cora Elvira 1864-76). II-m June 28, 1881, Judge John Campbell, LL.D., b Monroe Co., Ind., Sept. 18, 1853; chief justice Supreme Ct. of Colo. (See Who’s Who in America). A.B:; State’ U. of Ia., ‘79° (P.B.K.); A.M, +1882; studied at Leipzig, Germany. Was mem. exec. com. of women’s state and county councils of defense and A.R.C. during World War; mem. bd. Y.W.C.A. Mem. C.D.A. (pres. Colo. Soc.), D.A.R. (has been chapter and state regent and v.p.gen.; elected hon. v.p.gen. 1926). Club: Den- ver Fortnightly. Residence: 1401 Gilpin St., Denver, Colo. WILLIAM SMILEY HALSEY, M.D. (1826-1874); M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons (Co- lumbia), 1850; honorary M.A., Yale, 1858; pro- fessor of surgery, Pennsylvania Medical College; surgeon general U.S.V. Sree William Smiley, 6 Phila., Pa., July 9-Thomas Halsey (qv); 8-Thomas (1627-99), m Mary-; 7-—Capt. Issac (1660-1757) ; ‘ 6—-Ephraim (1693-1764), m Martha Conklin; 5-Cornelius (1721-82), m Milicent Rodgers; 4—-Solen (1769-1847), m Elizabeth Conklin; 38—-Henry Conklin (1800-81), m Elizabeth Smiley. 2-Son of Dr. William Smiley Halsey (1826-74), grad. Yale; M.D., Columbia, 1850; finished his education at London and Paris; prof. surgery, 44 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Pa. Med. Coll.; apptd. surgeon gen. in Civil War; m Hannah (1831-1913), dau. of James Tag- gart, pioneer anthracite coal operator of Pa.; issue: I-William Smiley (above); II—James Taggart (1858-1913; m Due Mason Maury, d 1923); IlI—Henry (1861-1914; m Virginia Hart- man); IV—Helen (6b 1865; m Mr. Colby); V—Isa- bel (b 1867; m Mr. Doyle); VI-—Fred (6 1869). VI-Not married. M.E., Phila. Poly. Coll., 1874. Chief engr., Md. Steele Co., 1894; made first experiments in U.S. with vanadium out of which grew the Vanadium Co. of America. Inventor. Chief engr., with rank of It., U.S.N., Spanish-Am. War. Efficiency expert with U. S. Shipping Bd. Emergency Fleet Corpn., World War. Mem. M.O.F.W, Clubs: Pittsburgh Golf, Apawamis Golf. Summer place: Corinth, Vt. Residence: Hotel Chel- sea, New York. 1-HAMLEN, Arthur Byron, } Somerville, Mass., May 15, 1865. 9-James (Hamlin) Hamlen (qv); 8-James (1636-1718), m Mary Dunham (1642-1715); 7—James (1669-1749), m Ruth Lewis (d 1754); 6—James (1696-1770), m Mary— (1699-1760) ; 5—Caleb (1723-94), pvt. Am. Rev.; m 1747, Content Fish (6 1730); 4Capt. Nathaniel (1774-1841), Sandwich, Mass.; m 1797, Fear Fish (1776-1854) ; 3-James (1798-1831), m Sarah Monroe (1804-45). 2-—Son of Nathaniel Hamlen (1828-1901), m 1853, Harriet Byron Weeks (1835-1900); issue: I-— Horatio Houghton; II-Elizabeth M. (d 1918; m J. Howard Charlton); IlI—Lucy Augusta (m Edward Milton French); IV-—Arthur Byron (above); V—Harriet Gertrude (m Samuel Wil- son Frazer); VI—Tirzah Phinney (1872-1907). IV—m Dec. 15, 1892, Mary Ada Ketcham (Nov. 25, 1870-June 19, 1920); dau. of Henry E. Ketcham, m Carrie Smith Compton; issue: 1—Arthur Compton, b Brooklyn, N.Y., Dec. 12, 1894; Poly. Inst. of Brooklyn; top sgt., hosp. unit, World War; 2-James Monroe (qv for Fuller lineage). Retired. Head of Draft Board 47 during World War. Mem. S.M.D., O.F.P.A., S.C.W., S.R. Summer place: (Old Homestead), Cape Cod, NE Residence: 43 Jefferson Av., Brooklyn, 1-HAMLEN, James Monroe, 6 Brooklyn, N.Y., Mar. 6, 1901. 12—Edward Fuller (av); ui—Capt. Dr. Matthew (ca. 1610-1678), m Frances—; 10—Eliza, m 1652, Moses Rowley, from Eng. in the “Charles,” 1632; reese (6 1653), m 1675, John Weeks, of Falmouth, ass.; 8-John (b 1678), m 1710, Mercy Prence (g.dau. of Gov. Thomas, qv); 7-Nathan (b 1713) m 1737, Remember Lawrence; 6—John (1740- aac pvt. Am. Rev.; m 1762, Mercy Gif- ford (d 1785 Piha (1765- 1858), m 1792, Sylvia Borden (1772- + aes pete (1800-47), m 1828, Tirzah Phinney ost (1835-1900), m 1858, Nathaniel Hamlen 2-Son of Arthur Byron Hamlen (qv for Hamlen lineage); m 1892, Mary Ada Ketcham (1870-1920). M Sept. 15, 1924, Ellen Tourtellot, 6 Providence, R.1., Sept. 1, 1901; dau. of Anthony M. Tourtel- lot, of Providence, R.I.; issue: 1-Mary Tour- tellot, b Sept. 16, 1925. Elec. engring. course, Poly. Inst. of Brooklyn, 720; B. S., Columbia U., ’23. Mem. S.M.D. Resi- dence: 175 Gates Av., Brooklyn, N.Y. 1-McHUGH, Lerah Gillett Hpstyehey (Mrs. P. J.), b Ft. Collins, Colo., May 4, 9-Samuel Stratton (1592- 1672), rte Eng. to Wa- tertown, Mass., 1647; m Alice; m 2d, Margaret (Parker) Bowlins (1595-1676) ; 8-Samuel (d 1707), came with his father; m Mary Frye; m 2d, Hannah Wheat; 7-Samuel (1660-1717), weaver, Concord, Mass.; m 1st, 1688, Elizabeth Fletcher (1663-1772) ; 6-Hezekiah (1688-1756), Northfield, Mass.; It. French and Indian War; m Ist, 1717, Elizabeth Hawks (1698-1788) ; 5-Hezekiah (1724-1800), mem. Com. Correspond- ence; m ist, Mary Smith (1733-1824; Dea. Sam- uel®, mem. Com. Safety, Northfield, Mass.); she m 2d, Simon Lyman; 4-Hezekiah (1766- 1895) town treas., 1812; m Ist, 1789, renee Wright (1765-1846; Reuben, sol- dier Rev.; m Hannah-); sHarris (1791- 1872), selectman, 1834-37; rep. Gen. 1840; m 1st, 1810, Sophia Ruggles. near Ruggles (1584- 1644), from Eng., in 1637, with his wite Mary, and three children; Pe (bap. 1625-1658), m in 1650, Abigail Crafts (Griffin’) ; John Us (at 1694), m 1st, 1674, Martha Devotion (Ed 6nd end. “tigoi- 1765), m ist, 1716, Hannah Crafts (1697-1782; Samuel’); 5-Edward (1724-97), mem. Com. Safety, Pomfret, Conn.; m Anne Sumner (1724-1808; Samuel', mem. Com. Safety; m Elizabeth Griffin); 4—-Edward (0 1763), m Syble Taft (Samuel, soldier Am. Rev.; m Mary Murdock); 3-—Sophia (1792-1876), m Harris Stratton (3 above). 2~-Dau. of Harris Stratton (1828-1908), mem. Colo. Legislature, 1876; sec. Colo. Agrl. College; m ist, 1866, Elizabeth (Parke) Keays (1830-1922; widow of William Keays); issue: I-Lerah G. (above); II—Marguerite Eleanor (1870-1900); III—Sophia Parsons (b 1873; m Andrew Ander- son; m 2d W. J. Curtis). I-m Jan. 21, 1892, Dr. Peter Joseph McHugh, 0b Essex, Ont., Can., Sept. 17, 1863; of Irish de- scent; issue (all b Mee Collins, Golo.): 1—Keith Stratton, 6 Feb. 22, 1895; U. Wis., Ht wIstalt, ordnance, Aug. 15, "1917; capt., July 1918; c.0., ordnance machine gun instruction, Camp Hancock, Ga., Apr. 22-Sept. 9, 1918; exec. offi- cer engring. dept., A.EK.F., Tours, France, Sept. 1918-Feb. 8, 1919; m Aug. 16, 1917, Fran- ces, dau. of Benjamin Perry Brown, of Ot- tuma, Ia.; 2-Jerome Antony (Mar. 15, 1897-July 16, 1920); Colo. Agrl., ’20; 3-Joseph Weir, b Dec. 12, 1902; U. Til., ’24. B.S., Colo. Agri. Coll., ’87. Pres. Colo. State Federation of Women’s Clubs, 1912-14; state registrar Colo. D.A.R., 1920-26. Residence: 137 Remington St., Ft. Collins, Colo. 1-SANGER, William Cary, Jr., N.Y., Feb. 9, 1893. 8-Richard Sanger (av); 7-Richard (1667-1731), m Elizabeth Morse (desc. b Brooklyn, ne apes Morse, from Eng. to Dedham, ass.); 6-Richard (1706-86), of Sherborn, Mass., and Boston; Com. Pub. Safety, 1775; m Deborah Rider (dese. William Rider, early settler of Watertown); 5-Zedekiah, D-D. (1748-1820), M.A., Harvard, 1771; m Irene Freeman (Dea. Joseph®); 4-Rev. Zedekiah, m Maria Kissam; 3—Henry (d 1883), m Mary HE. Requa. 8-Gabriel (L’Ecuyer, Equier, Requier) Re Qua (b 1678), a ae Se from France to New Rochelle, N.Y., 7-—Glode (6 ca. Fi60), rete name Equier; 6—-James (1729-1817), wrote name Requier; Am. Rev.; m Rebecca Conklin; 5—Joseph (1758-1839), began to write name Re Qua; pvt. Am. Rev.; m Theodosia Meade; 4~James, m Mary Kelly; 3—-Mary E., m Henry Sanger (3 above). 1l—-William Dodge (qv); 10—Richard (d 1671); 9-Richard (16438-1716), m Mary Eaton; 8-Daniel (1677-1740), m Joanna Benham; 7—-David (b 1723), m Anna Low; 6—David (1742-1807), m Mary (Stuart) Earl; 5-David Low (1774-1852), distinguished merchant and philanthropist, New York; m Sarah Cleveland (Rev. Aaron®); 4-William Earl (1805-83), a founder Phelps, Dodge & Co.; ry. builder, financier, philan- thropist; pres. New York Chamber of woe merce, etc.; m Melissa Phelps (Anson G.5, founder of Phelps, Dodge & Co.; Thomas’, offi cer Am. Rev.); 3-Gen. Charles Cleveland (1840-1910), mem. Phelps, Dodge & Co.; served capt. to col. 1st N.Y. Mounted Rifles, 1861-62; brig. .gen. vols., 1862-63; m Maria Theresa Schieffelin (1841-1910; desc. Jacob Schieffelin, from Wurttemberg, to Phila., 1740). 2-Son of William Cary Sanger, LL.D. (1853-1921), A.B., Harvard, °74; It. col.,; 208d N.Y. Vol. Inf; in Spanish-Am. War; asst. sec. of war, 1901- 03; m 1892, Mary Ethel Cleveland Dodge (6 1869); issue: I-William Cary, Jr. (above); II- Henry Lawrence (1894-1913); IlI-Mary Ethel (0 189%); IV—John Haynes (b and d Nov. 1, pvt. FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 45 1899); V—Richard Harlakenden (0 1905); VI-—-Lil- ian Schieffelin (0 1909). I-Not married. Harvard, ’16. Writer of poems: Tides of Commerce; The City of Toil and Dreams; War Poems; In the Land of the Harvest; Springtime and the Harbor. Ambu- lance driver in Am. Ambulance Field Ser., Dec. 1916-May 1917; 1st 1t., inf., Nov. 27, 1917; asst. to mil. attaché, Am. Embassy, Paris, June-Oct. 1918; 131st Inf., 38d Div., A.E.F., Oct. 1918-May 1919; hon. discharged, May 31, 1919. Mem. OLEUPVAS ES. CoW. gs oelve ClUDS:) GATMyY Sand Navy, Harvard. Residence: Sangerfield, N.Y. 1-WEBER, Jessie Lyon Palmer (Mrs. Jessie Palmer Weber), 6 Carlinville, [ll., Aug. 1, 1863. Desc. Thomas Palmer, from Eng. in the “Tiger’’ to Palmer’s Island, Va., 1621; burgess from Shirley Hundred Island, 1629; and thru: 4-Isaac (1747-1841), soldier Am. Rev.; m Ann McAuley; 3-Louis D. (1781-1869), soldier War 1812; m 1818, Ann Hansford Tutt. A 2—Dau. of John McAuley Palmer (1817-1900), maj. gen. U.S.V.; gov. of IIll., 1869-73; U. S. senator 1891-97; m 1842, Malinda Ann Neely (1828-85); m 2d, 1888, Hannah Mather (Lamb) Kimball (b 1838); issue (lst marriage): I—Elizabeth Ann (b 1845; m Dr. John Pitt Matthews); II—John May (1848-1903; m Ellen Clark Robertson); III-— Margaret Ellen (1854-1903; m William S. Jayne); IV—Harriet Malinda (b 1858; m Edwin George Crabbe); V—Jessie Lyon (above); VI—Louis James (1865-1901; m Josephine La Bonte). V-m June 8, 1881, Norval Wilson Weber (Dec. 8, 1858-Mar. 21, 1918), son of George Richard Weber, of Springfield, Ill, m Catherine Welch; issue: 1-Malinda Ellen, } Springfield, Ill., Mar. 22, 1883; m Nov. 3, 1909, John W. Irion, M.D Ed. Bettie Stuart Inst., Springfield, ’80. Libra- rian, Ill. State Hist. Library, since 1898; sec., treas., dir., Ill. State Hist. Soc.; editor and compiler (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. D.A.R., U.S.D. 1812, Dames Loyal Legion; Daughters of Vets., Am. Hist. Assn., A.L.A., Natl. Assn. of State Libraries (pres. 1922-23), Club: Illini Country. Address: Illinois State Historical Society, Springfield, Ill. 1-TAYLOR, Raymond, }) Weston, Vt., Feb. 10, 1888. 9William Taylor (1618-96), from Eng., 1635, set- tled at Lynn, Mass.; at Concord, 1649; m Mary-; 8-Abraham (1656-1729), of Concord; m 1681, Mary Whitaker (1661-1756; John’); 7-Abraham (0b 1683), Bedford and Dunstable, Mass.; m 1706, Sarah Pellett (1685-1710; Thomas’); 6—-Samuel (1708-92), of Dunstable; m 1733, Susanna Perham (1712-98; Joseph’, Queen Anne’s War; John§); 5-Reuben (1736-1813), of New Ipswich, N.H.; Am. Rev.; m 1761, Lucy Kendall (1737-1814; John’; Jacob’; Francis’); 4~James (1779-1859), of New Ipswich, N.H., and Weston, Vt.; m 1808, Mary Towne (1784-1878; Nehemiah'®, Am. Rev.; m Lucy, dau. of Joshua Towne, Am. Rev.); 3%James M. (1818-94), of Weston, Vt.; m 1840, Lucy M. Spaulding (1820-98; Simeon*t, m Han- nah, dau. of Stephen Dow, Am. Rev.; Silas’, Am. Rev.; Col. Simeon*, officer Am. Rev.; Joseph’; John’, King Philip’s War; Edward °). 11—Gov. Thomas Welles (qv); A 10-John (ca. 1621-1659), dep. Gen. Ct.; m 1647, Bliz- abeth Bourne; %Robert (ca. 1651-1714), dep. Gen. Ct.; a patentee of Wethersfield, Conn.; m 1st, 1675, Elizabeth Goodrich (d 1697/98); 8-Prudence (1682-1714), m 1700, Rev. Anthony Stoddard (1678-1760), pastor at Woodbury, Conn., 60 yrs. (Rev. Solomon®; Anthony”, qv); 7—Mary (b 1702), m 1726, Hezekiah Porter (b 1706); 6—-Mehitable (b 1733), m 1758, Oliver Diggins (6 1735), Am. Rev. (Joseph?; Jeremiah’; Jere- miah’®); 5—-Elizabeth (ca. 1771-1849), m Thomas Reed (1766- 1851), Am. Rev. (Benjamin*, Am. Rev.; Maj. Thomas’; Thomas’); 4Laura (1794-1865), m 1821, David Bolster (1793- 1880; Baruch’, Am. Rev. and War of 1812; m Anna, dau. of Israel Loveland; John*; Isaac 7): 3—Alfred W. (1832-1912), Civil. War; m 1st, 1853, Caroline R. Cox (1835-63; Benjamin‘, m Caro- pa Coates of Ebenezer Farnsworth, War 1812; ohn’), 2-Only child of Romane Kendall Taylor (b 1855), m 1878, Etta Rosalie Bolster (6 1859), Postmaster. Residence: Weston, Vt. 1-McILWAINE, William Baird, b Peter Va., Oct. 4, 1854, ‘ eee 3-Archibald Graham McIlwaine (1801-78), from Ireland to Phila., Pa., 1818; settled at Peters- burg, Va., where he became extensive com- mission mcht., pres. Life Ins. Co. of iV ave etc.; m Martha Dunn, who came from Ire- land, 1820. &-Theodorick Bland (qv); 7-Richard (1665-1720), m 2d, Elizabeth Randolph (Williams, of Turkey Island); 6—Richard (1710-76), m Anne Poythress (Peter’); 5-Rev. William, m Elizabeth Yates; 4—Anne, m Richard Pryor; 8—Rev. Theodorick, D.D., LL.D. (1805-90), m 1st, Lucy Atkinson (Roger‘). 2-Son of Robert Dunn McIlwaine (1828-75), capt. GiSzAr: commission mcht., Petersburg, Va.; m 1847, Lucy Atkinson Pryor (1829-1901); issue: I-Lucy Ann Baird (1850-61); II—Martha Dunn (1852-56) ; IlI-William Baird (above); IV—Hi- bernia (6 1856; m John Wesley Friend); V— Archibald G. (b 1859); VI—Robert Dunn (1864- 1905; physician; m Mary Plummer); VII—Lucy re Salt "y spp Kyle Davis); VIII- artha unn ; m David Bl She yer Chaffe), Sipuaiees —m Nov. 7, 1877, Jane Maury Pegram (Nov. 22, 1857-Nov. 17, 1878); dau. of Richard G. Oo: ram, of Petersburg, Va.; issue: 1—Richard Pegram (Oct. 26, 1878-Sept. 7, 1884), M 2d, Dec. 28, 1882, Sarah Joseph Claiborne (av for genealogy); issue: 1—Joseph Alston Clai- borne, Bb at Petersburg, Va., Sept. 26, 1883; m Feb. 7, 1912, Edgar Simeon, son of Simeon Bowling of Durham, N.C. (issue: Joseph Clai- borne McIlwaine [daughter], 6 Nov. 13, 1912); 2-William Baird, Jr., b Petersburg, Va., Feb. 6, 1885; m Oct. 5, 1910, Isabella Louisa, dau. of A. G. MclI. Martin (issue: William Baird, 3d, b Aug. 15, 1911; Isabella Martin, b Dec. 12, 1912; Archibald Graham, d infancy; Robert Dunn, 6b Aug. 18, 1922): 3-Lucy Atkinson, 0} Petersburg, Va., Sept. 18, 1886; 4—Anna Clai- borne, b Petersburg, Sept. 11, 1889; m June 15, 1910, William Taliaferro Thompson (issue: Julia E. A., 6 July 25, 1911; William Taliaferro. Jr., and William McIlwaine, twins, b May 26, 1913; Anne Claiborne, 6 Jan. 14, 1918; Joseph Alston [boy], b Mar. 19, 1921); 5-Hibernia (Apr. 2, 1891, d infancy); 6-Elizabeth Herbert (Mar. 31, 1897, d infancy), A.B., Hampden-Sidney, ’73 (Chi Phi, PBK), Lawyer, Petersburg, Va. Mem. City Council, 1881-84 and 1888-98; mem. Va. House of Dele- gates, 1891-93; mem. Va. Senate, 1893-1905. Res- idences: “Mansfield,” Dinwiddie Co., Va., and 647 W. Washington St., Petersburg, Va. 1-McILWAINE, Sarah Joseph Alston Claiborne (Mrs. William B.), 6 Oct. 25, 1859. 8-William (Clayborne) Claiborne (qv); 7—-Thomas (1647-83), m Sarah-; 6—-Thomas (1680-1732, of “Sweet Hall,’ King Wil- liam Co., Va.; m Ann Fox: 5-Augustine (1721-87). of “Windsor”; senator; m Mary Herbert: 4-Tohn Herbert (b 1763). m Mary Gregory: —John Gregory (1798-1887), m Mary E. Weldon. 9-John Alston (qv): &-John, m Anne Wallis; 7-John (1673-1758), m Mary Clark: 6-Joseph John (d 1781), m Blizabeth Chancey; 5-John, m Anne Hunt Macon: 4-Joseph John, m Esther Wricht: 3-Joseph John (ca. 1804-34), Halifax, N.C.; m Louisa Daniel Thomas. 2-Dau. of John Herbert Claiborne, M.D. (1828- 1905), U. of Va., 49; M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1850; mai., surgeon C.S.A.: mem. Va. Senate, etc.; m Sarah Josenh Alston (1824-1869): m 2d. 1887, Annie Leslie Watson (b 1865): issue (ist marriage): I-Marv Louisa (1855-1902: m Her- bert H. Page); II—-Anne Augusta (b 1858; m Philip Howell Liehtfoot; m 2d, Charles 'Al- bert Enpelish): JII—Sarah Joseph Alston (above); TV—John Herbert: V—Elizabeth Wel- don (6 1867; m Bernard Mann): (2A marriace): VI-—Robert Watson (6b 1888): VII-Doneld Fra- burgess, 46 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY ser (6 1890; m Stephen West Holden). IlI-—m Dec. 28, 1882, William Baird McIlwaine (av for issue). Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R., U.D.C. Residence: 647 W. Washington St., Petersburg, Va. 1-DAVIS, Gladys Von Tetzel Moulton (Mrs. patos Crane), 0 St. Joseph, Mich., Aug. 29, 885. 10—-Robert Moulton (d 1665), from Eng., 1629; ship- builder at Salem, Mass.; rep. Gen. Ct.; built house at Moulton’s Point where British land- ed perune the Battle of Bunker Hill; m Deb- orah-; 9Rev. Robert (d 1665), rector at Salem, 1640; m 1640, Abigail Goode (d 1665/66); 8-Robert (bap. 1644-1780/31), m 1672, Mary Cook; 7—Robert (1675-1756), m 1698, Hannah Groves; 6é—-Capt. Freeborn (1717-92), capt. Lexington Alarm; m 1737, Rebecca Walker (d 1797); 5—Daniel (1762-1832), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1780, Tabby Blodgett (1756-1810); 4—Daniel (1784-1849), m 1804, Polly Riddle (1784-1828; Joseph®, soldier Am. Rev.); 3—Orrin (1811-46), m 1832, Lucretia—. 2-Dau. of Charles H. Moulton (1838-1916), capt. 6th Mich. Heavy Arty. in Civil War and bvtd. maj. U.S.V.; m 1869, Delle Carrie Von Tetzel (1849-1925); issue: I-Roy Kenneth (qv); II- Gladys Von Tetzel (above). Ii-—m June 10, 1908, Charles Crane Davis, b at Whitehall, Ill., Mar. 7, 1888; son of Hardin Da- vis, of St. Joseph, Mich.; issue: 1—Charles Moulton, b St. Joseph, Mich., Aug. 31, 1910. Residence: St. Joseph, Mich. 1-MOULTON, Roy Kenneth, b St. Joseph, Mich., Jan. 18, 1876. Brother of Mrs, Charles Crane Davis (av for genealogy). M Dec. 2, 1905, Edith Lorraine Powers (qv for issue). Journalist; now humorist, New York American. Author: Blue Jeans of Hoppertown. Mem. S.D.P., S.R., S.A.R., Authors League of Amer- Are EEG: Residence: 460 Riverside Drive, New ork. 1-MOULTON, Edith Lorraine Powers (Mrs. Roy K.), b) Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept. 22, 1874. 9-Walter (Power) Powers (1639-1708), from Eng. to Concord Village, Mass., 1660; m 1661, Trial Shepherd; 8-Capt. Isaac (1665-1735), m 1701, Mary (Poulter) Winship (1668-1743; John Poulter’); 7—Gideon (1704-84), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1724, Lydia Russell (1706-81); 6-William (1740-1829), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1764, Elizabeth Gates (1748-1823) ; ene (1767-1834), m 1787, Mary Thompson (1769- ‘Jonathan (1795-1864), m 1819, Ann Kendall (1794- o) 5 3-William Thompson (1820-1909), built first sta- tionary sawmill in Mich., and was mfr. of fur- niture by machinery at Grand Rapids; mayor of Grand Rapids, 1857; m 1889, Louisa Hall (1822- 1901), of London, Eng. 2-Only child of Charles Ball Powers (1852-91), m 1878, Sara Guyor (1853-80). M Dec. 2, 1905, Roy Kenneth Moulton (qv); issue: 1—Powers, 6 Grand Rapids, Mich., Aug. 8, 1912; Atbee Powers, 6 Grand Rapids, Aug. 12, Ed, Ackley Hall, ’94. Mem. D.F\P.A., D.C.W., C.D.XVILC., D.A.C., S.D.P., Colonial Dau. America, D.A.R., D.R., U.S.D. 1812, and many een Residence: 460 Riverside Dr., New ork, I-ALEXANDER, Karl Perry, b St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 11, 1865. 5-Alexander Alexander (1753-1806), of Scotch an- cestry, came from Belfast, Ireland, to Charles- ton, 8.C., 1778; settled at Crowsville, nr. Spar- tanburg, 8.C.; was pvt. under Col, Anderson, and records show he received pay, July 7, 1785; mist, Anna McRoro (1752-96); 4—John (1777-1844), mem. 13th and 14th Congresses from Ohio, 1813-17; m Isabella Adair (b 1777; James °, m Rebecca-, of Scotch parentage): 8-Washington (1802-68), m 1823, Rachel Clark (1805- 49; Maj. John‘ [1776-1849], of Union Dist., S.C.; War 1812). 10-Edmund Perry, settled at Sandwich, Mass., 1644; m Sarah-; 9-Ezra (1625-89), constable at Sandwich; m 1651, Elizabeth Burgess; 8-Ezra (d 1729/30), m Rebecca Freeman (d 1738; Edmund”, m Rebecca, dau. of Gov. Thomas Prence, m Patience, dau. of Elder William Brewster, qv); 7-John, m Elizabeth-; 6—-Elijah (b 1701), m 1723, Hannah Damon, of Scitu- ate; 5—Phineas (1786-96), constable at Barre, Mass.; m 1760, Esther Gates; 4-Capt. William (1768-1840), m Mary Felton (1768- Ha Capt. Benjamin®, in Battle of Bunker iil); 3—William (1796-1878), m 1820, Betsey Heaton (1796- 1869; James‘, of N.H.). 2-Son of Augustus Washington Alexander (1832- 1905), lawyer; m 1856, Mary Susannah Perry (1834- 1921); issue: I—Coke (1857-1918) ; II—Don (1860-1903) ; III—Karl Perry (above); IV—Florence (b 1868; m Henry D. Brown); V—Gordon (1874-77). IiI-m Apr. 30, 1888, Susan E. Hodges, b Ellards- ville, Mo., Oct. 12, 1867; dau. of Capt. William R. Hodges, of St. Louis; issue: 1-Hodges Per- ry, 6 Springfield, Mo., Feb. 22, 1889; served in U.S.N., World War; m 1924, Mrs. Belle Knight, of San Francisco, Calif.; 2-Hugo Goldsmith, b Newburg, Mo., Oct. 26, 1890; 3-Russell Romaine (Sept. 25, 1896-Nov. 11, 1910). Ry. master mechanic, 1889-1904; division sales agt. of The McAlester Fuel Co. Mem. S.A.R. (historian Ark. Soc.). Club: Little Rock Sci- ence. Residence: 1801 N. Harrison St., Pulaski Heights, Little Rock, Ark. 1-BARKER, Samuel Haydock, b Wyncote, Pa., Feb. 20, 1872. 8-Robert Barker (1616-1689-91), a Quaker, from Eng. to Plymouth, Duxbury, Mass., 1628; m Lucy Williams; 7-Isaac, m Judith Prence (Gov. Thomas’, qv); 6—Samuel (1667-1739), m Bathiah Folger; 5—-Robert (1723-80), m Sarah Folger (desc. Peter Folger, qv); 4—Jacob (1779-1871), distinguished financier, ship- owner, lawyer, New York and New Orleans; . Pate Hazard (Thomas’, of New Bedford, ass.); 3—-Abraham (1821-1906), founder of Barker Bros. & oe er rineree Phila.; m Sarah Wharton (Wil- iam‘). 2-Son of Wharton Barker (1846-1921), financier, publicist, Phila.; m 1867, Margaret Corlies, dau. Joseph Baker; issue: I-Samuel Haydock (above); II-Rodman; III—Folger. I—m Apr. 9, 1902, Ada Mae Long, b Victoria, B.C., Nov. 11, 1873; dau. Thomas Holmes Long, Flushing, L.I.; issue: 1-Eleanor Wharton, 0 Glenside, Pa., Feb. 1, 1903; 2-Redwood, b Glen- side, Mar. 22, 1904; 3-Robert White, b Glenside, OR 1906; 4-Rowland, 6 Oak Lane, Pa., Apr. U. Pa., ’89. Economist; after many years as financial editor of The North American, re- signed Jan. 11, 1925, to engage in business as financier. Mem. Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Science, Acad. Natural Sciences, Pa. Museum and School of Industrial Art. Residence: 140 Ne Phil-Ellena St., Germantown, Philadelphia, a. 1-CANFIELD, Mary Noble Croul (Mrs. George L.), 6 Detroit, Mich., Feb. 9, 1865. Boe recerick John Croul (6 1718), m 1758, Elizabeth oung; 4—John (b 1762), m 1784, Mary Cross (b 1763); 3—John (1796-1847), m 1820, Maria Bockoven (1802-99). 6-Hugh Brady, from Ireland to Del., 1732; 5-John (d 1779), killed by Indians; m Mary Quig- ley (1755-83); 4-Maj. Gen. Hugh (1768-1851), U.S.A., officer War 1812; m Sarah Wallis (1778-1833) ; ate Preston (1809-68), m Elizabeth Nexsen 2-Dau. of William Henry Croul (1827-75), manu- facturer, capitalist; m 1857, Sarah Wallis Brady (1834-73): issue: I—Elizabeth Brady (1858-98; m Henry T. Thurber); II—Harriet Elwood (1861-83); IIli-—Sarah Tsabella (Mrs. Isabella Croul Brad- beer); IV—Marv Noble (above). IV—m Sept. 25, 1889, George Lewis Canfield (See Vol. 1, p. 264); issue: 1-Adelaide, b Detroit, Mich., Sept. 7, 1890; 2-William Croul. b Detroit, Dec. 21, 1891; Columbia, '12: m Jan. 24, 1920, Ger- trude, dau. of Thomas Lennon. Was dir. Nat. League for Woman’s Service, and FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 47 vice-chmn. of Army and Navy Club during World War. Club: Woman’s City. Residence: 2250 Iroquois Av., Detroit, Mich. 1-DAVENPORT, Charles Benedict, b at Stam- ford, Conn., June 1, 1866. §9—Rev. John Davenport (qv); 8—John (ca. 1635-1676), m Abigail Pierson; 7-Rev. John (1668-1731), m Martha (Gould) Sel- leck; 6—John (1696-1742), of “Davenport Ridge,’ Stam- ford, Conn.; m Sarah Bishop; 5-John (1724-56), m Deborah Ambler; 4—John (1749-1820), m Prudence Bell; 3-William (1781-1860), m Abigail Benedict. &-Thomas Dimon (d 1682), of East Hampton, L.I.; m Mary Sheaftfe; 7—-James (1646-1721), m Hannah James; 6—John (1696-1765), m Deborah Hedges; 5-Abraham (1735-1819), m Hannah Foster; 4—-John (1767-1831), m Esther Filer; 3—John (1797-1862), East Hampton and Brooklyn, N.Y.; m Margaret Joralemon (Judge Tuenis%‘). 2-Son of Amzi Benedict Davenport (1817-94), teacher, realtor, Brooklyn; m 1842, Frances M. Isaacs (d 1848); m 2d, 1850, Jane Joralemon Dimon (1828-95); issue (Ist marriage): I-John Isaacs (1843-1903) ; II—Albert Barnes (1845-1919); (2d mar- riage): IlI—Henry Benedict (1854-1920); IV— James Pierpont; V—William Edwards; VI-— Mary Vere (m Charles H. Crandall, Sound Beach, Conn.); VII— Charles Benedict (above); VillI—Frances Gardiner. ViI-m June 23, 1894, Gertrude Crotty, 6 Acequia, near Denver, Colo., Feb. 28, 1866; dau. of Wil- liam Crotty, of Burlington, Kan., m Millia Armstrong; issue: 1—Millia Crotty, 6} Cam- bridge, Mass., Mar. 30, 1895; m 1924, Walter J. Fleisher; 2-Jane Joralemon, b Cambridge, Sept. 11, 1897; m 1922, Reginald G. Harris; 3— Charles Benedict, Jr. (Jan. 8, 1911-Sept. 5, 1916). B.S., Poly. Inst. of Brooklyn, ’86; A.B., Har- vard, ’89, A.M., Ph.D., 1892. Dir. dept. of genet- ics, Carnegie Inst. of Washington (See Who’s Who in America). Maj., Sanitary Corps, U.S. A., 1918-19. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sciences, Am. Philos. Soc.; v.p. Nat. Inst. Social Science (medalist), Internat. Fed. Eugenic Organiza- tions; past pres. Am. Soc. ZoGdlogists, Eugen- ics Research Assn., etc. Hobby: Collecting pedigrees of families. Club: Harvard (New eos Residence: Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., 1-LOWE, Gertrude Merrell (Mrs. William B.), b Bay City, Mich., Nov. 22, 1870. 10-Gov. John Webster (qv); 9-Ann (d 1662), m 1642, John Marsh (1618-88), from Eng., 1636, an original propr. of Hartford; 8—John (b 1643), m 1666, Sarah Lyman (Richard®, m Hepzibah, dau. of Thomas Ford; Richard”, qv); 7-Sarah, m Lt. John Merrell (1669-1748; Dea. John§; Nathaniel’, qv); 6—Caleb (1707-35), m Mercy Sedgwick; 5-Capt. Abijah (1734-1823), minute man in Am. Rev.:; m 1755, Sarah Barton (d 1779); 4-Caleb Barton (1764-1842), soldier Am, Rev.; m Sarah Jackson; 3-John Jackson (1797-1866, m 1822, Maria Paddock (1804-83; Horace‘, m Abigail-—). S—-John Jackson, came from Eng. with his brother, Richard; settled at Boston; m Abi- gail-; 7-Lt. John (1644-1709), m Deborah-; 6—-Dea. John (1703-57), m 1728, Marcy Chadwick (1708-96) ; 5—Col. Giles (1732-1810), mem. Gen. Ct. many terms; officer Am. Rev.; m 1755, Anne Thomas (1740-80; Ephraim’, m Abigail, dau. of Dr. Sam- uel Porter); 4-Sarah (1766-1860), m Caleb Barton Merrell (4 above). 9-Gen. Robert Sedgwick (qv); 8—-William (b ca. 1633), m 1670, Elizabeth Stone (Rev. Samuel, of Hartford, m Elizabeth Allen); 7-Capt. Samuel (1670-1735), m 1689, Mary Hopkins (1670-1748: Stephen’; John®; Stephen”, qv); 6—Mercy (b 1713), m Caleb Merrell (6 above). 2-Dau. of James Chandler Merrell (See Vol. 1, p. 698), m 1870, Julia Rosina Wild (1852-1920). See John Hastings Merrell for other lineages. M June 28, 1899. William Baird Lowe, b Detroit, Mich., Jan. 27, 1871; mng. dir: of Detroit Free Press; son of Thomas Lowe, from Ayr, Scot- land, to Detroit; issue: 1-Helen Rosemary (Mrs. William J. Chesbrough, qv); 2-William Baird, Jr. (Jan. 7, 1918-Jan. 8, 1913). U. Mich., ex-’98. Mem. D.A.R. Residence: 1818 Iroquois Av., Detroit, Mich. o JHRISTOPH ENICH, Burgomaster of Weissen- burg. Photographed from painting, the original of which, painted in 1671, is still in possession of one branch of the family. 1-MERRELL, John Hastings, 6 Detroit, Mich., Dec. 23, 1876. 10-Robert Watson (d 1637), from Eng. to Plym- outh, Mass., 1633; m Eliza— (d 1688); 9-John (ca. 1616-will proved 1650), of Hartford, Conn.; m Margaret Smith (d 1683; Samuel’); 8—-Sarah, m John Merrell (1635-1712; Nathaniel, av); 7-Lt. John (1669-1748), m Sarah Marsh (John8, m Sarah, dau. of Richard Lyman, Jr.; John’, from Eng., 1636, m Ann, dau. of Gov. John Web- ster, qv); 6—Caleb (1707-35), m Mercy Sedgwick; 5—Capt. Abijah (1734-1823), minute man in Am. Rev.; m Sarah Barton; 4—Caleb Barton (1764-1842), soldier Am. Rev.; m Sarah Jackson (Col. Giles’, officer Am. Rev., m Anne, dau. of Ephraim Thomas; Dea. John‘; Lt. John’; John§); 8—-John Jackson (1797-1866), m Maria Paddock (Horace4, m Abigail—). 10-Stephen Hopkins (qv); 9-John (1613-54), m Jane Strong (John”™, qv); 8-Stephen (1634-89), m Dorcas Bronson (John®, of Farmington, Conn.); 7-Mary, m Capt. Samuel Sedgwick (1667-1735; William’, m Elizabeth, dau. Rev. Samuel Stone; Gen. Robert?, qv); 6—Mercy, m Caleb Merrell (6 above). 10—Martinus (Hanning) Henning (b 1560), deco- rated 1615; m Catherine-, of Jacobskirche, Silesia; 9-Senator Martin, m Magdalena Beyerin; 8-Ananias (b 1622), m Sabina Weinmannin; | 7—Carolus (b 1658), began to write name Henning; m ist, Anna Heingard; m 2d, Maria Eben- thewim; 6—Senator Ehrenfried, m — Schlittenhardt; 5—-Senator Gottfried Carl (b 1729), m — Plincing von Nurnberg (or Preuin); 4-Juliana (b 1802), m Johann Jacob Enich (desc. Christoph Enich); 8—-Aurelia Wilhelmina (1833-1910), m 1850, John Leonard Wild (1832-1916), officer in Civil War (Dr. Frederick Ferdinand‘, m Rosina, dau. of 48 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Casper Schoener, m Mary Amanda Weist; Dr. Johann George®, m Katharina Barbara ae 2—Son of James Chandler Merrell (See Vol. 1, 698), m 1870, Julia Rosina Wild (1852-1920). M Oct. 28, 1903, Lilian Pearl Nettleton (qv for genealogy); ‘issue: 1—Honor, 6 Chicago, IIl., Feb. 25, 1906; Wells Coll., 726. Rubber mfg. business at Chicago from 1899; gen. mgr. Manhattan Rubber Mfg. Co., since 1918; also dir. Reynolds Spring Co., General Leather Co., C. W. Wilkinson Sand Co. Chmn. bd. trus- tees First Universalist Ch. Mem. S.A.R., Sul- grave Instn., ete. Clubs: Detroit Athletic (De- troit), Chikaming Country (Lakeside, Mich.), Chicago Athletic, Commonwealth, South Shore Country, Midlothian (Chicago), Everglades (Palm Beach, Fla.). Residence: 1218 Madison Park, Chicago, Ill. WIFE OF CHRISTOPH ENICH. 1-MERRELL, Lilian Pearl Nettleton (Mrs. John H.), 6 DuQuoin, IIl., §9-Samuel Nettleton, from Eng., an original propr. of Branford, Conn., 1644; m Maria— (d 1658) ; 8-John (d 1691), m 1669, Martha Hull (b 1650; Jo- siah®, m Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Loomis, av; George”, av); 7-Joseph (1671- 1767), m 1st, ca. 1712, Hannah Bush- nell (1693-1753; Joshua’, m Mary, dau. of Rich- ard Seymour, av; Lt. William®; Francis”); 6—Ens. Jeremiah (1718-79), m 1738, Deborah Kelcey (William’, m Elizabeth, dau. of John Shethar; Lt. Daniel’; William’); 5—-Jeremiah (1738-1815), from Killingworth, Conn., to Newport, N.H.; m 1761, Love Buell (1737-1825; Daniel’, m Elizabeth Post; Samuel’; Samuel®; William’); 4-Joel (b 1778), Newport, N.H.; m 1802, Elizabeth Dow (Jeremiah5, capt. Am. Rev., m Lydia, dau. of Isaac Kimball; Nathaniel’, of Salem, N.H.); 3—Gilbert (b 1808), settled finally in Ill., m Juliette Elizabeth Pratte (b 1815, Joseph‘, of Mo., m Marie Francoise Valle; Jean B. S.5; Jean B.®; Gabriel’?; Gabriel8; Gabriel®). 2-Dau. of Bernard Pratte Nettleton, m Ida Siek- man. M Oct. 28, 1903, John Hastings Merrell (qv for issue). Residence: 1218 Madison Park, Chicago, I11. 1-CHESBROUGH, Helen Rosemary Lowe (Mrs. William J.), b Detroit, Mich., Oct. 16, 1900. 12—Roger Osborne; li-Sarah, m in Eng,, Richard Lyman (qy); Dec. 27, 1879 10-Richard (1617-62), m Hepzibah Ford (d 1688; Thomas", came in the “Mary and John,” 1630) : 9-Sarah, m "1666, John Marsh, Jr. (b 1643; John”, from ’Eng., 1636, m Ann, dau. of Gov. John Webster, qv); 8-Sarah (b 1673), m 1694, Lt. John Merrell (1669- 1748; Dea. John®; Nathaniel?®); 7—Caleb (1707-35), m Mercy Sedgwick (Capt. Sam- uel8; William®; Gen. Robert?, qv); 6—-Capt. Abijah (1734-1823), minute man in Am. Rev.; m Sarah Barton; 5-Caleb Barton (1764-1842), soldier Am. Rev.; m Sarah Jackson (Col. Giles*, officer Am. Rev.; Dea. John’; Lt. John§; John’); 4-John Jackson (1797-1866), m Maria Paddock (Horace®, m Abigail-); 3—James Chandler (See Vol. 1, p. 698), m Julia Rosina Wild. 2-Dau. of Gertrude Merrell (qv), m 1899, William Baird Lowe. M June 7, 1924, William James Chesbrough (qv); issue: 1-William Lowe, b June 1, 1926. Ed. Liggett Sch., and Wells Coll., 723. dence: Grosse Pointe Village, Mich. 1-CHESBROUGH, William James, b Bay City, Mich., Jan. 23, 1890. 10-William (Chesebrough) Chesbrough (qv); ; 9-Samuel (1627-73), Stonington, Conn.; m 1655, Abi- gail-; 8—Elisha (1667-1727), m Marie Miner (1671-1704; Joseph®, m Mary Avery); Cae ray. (b 1694), m 1728, Hannah Chesbrough (b 1699) ; 6—-Sylvester (b 1735), m 1758, Hannah Carpenter (Nathaniel’, of N. Kingston, Reales 5—-Sylvester (6 1764), m — Collins; 4-Abraham (d 1827), m Asenath Stevens; 38-Alonzo (1817-87), m 1855, Sarah Jane Tufford (0) 1825; Philip*, m Sarah Childs). 2-Son of Francis Pruyn Chesbrough (1860-1926), m 18838, Adalyn McCormick. M June 7, 1924, Helen Rosemary Lowe (qv). Ph.B., Yale, ’12. Treas. Wilwin Lumber Co., De- troit. Ensign, U.S.N.R.F., World War. Clubs: Country, Detroit, University. Summer place: “Wilwin,’’ Mackinac Co., Mich. Residence: Grosse Pointe Village, Mich. 1-BARNARD, Harrison Bernard, 6b Seville, O., May 11, 1872. 9-Francis Barnard (ca. 1617-1698), from Eng., 1634 or 36; m 2d, Frances Foote Dickinson; 8—Joseph (1647-95), served in Colonial wars; m 1675, Sarah Strong; Cie (6 1681), m 1705, Abigail Griswold (1685- 47) ; 6-Francis (6b 1719), 1722/23) ; 5-Samuel (1749-1815), Am. Rev.; Barnard (1756-1830) ; pa (1799-1892), m 1820, Diana Blanchard (1799- 3-James Elly (1825-1905), m 1848, Huldah Bingham. 1i—Elder William Brewster (qv); 10—Love (d 1650/51), m 1634, Sarah Collier (ca. 1616- 1691; William”); sWilligin (1645- 1723), m 1672, Lydia Partridge (d 8—-Benjamin (1688-1752), m 17138, Elizabeth Witter (1694-1740/41) ; 7-Simon (1720-1801), m 1742, Anne Andrus (d 1809); arith 1743), m 1st, 1765, Ebenezer Johnson 5—Anna (1769-1868), m 1791, Johnson Bingham (1764- 1843); soldier Am. Rev., pensioned; 4—Eben (1800-80), m Huldah Burlingham; igo (1829-1915), m James Ely Barnard (3 above). 8-Benjamin Nye (1620-post 1704), from Eng. to Sandwich, Mass., 1629; m 1640, Katherine Tup- per; Pet aathan (b 1649), m 2d, Patience Burgess; 6—Jonathan (1691-1770), m 2d, Remember-; 5-Jonathan (1731-1806), soldier Am. Rev., Mass.; m 1756, Rebecca Freeman (b 1731): 4-Jonathan (1773-1850), m 1st, 1798, Susan Curtis: 38—Levi (1801-92), m 1832, Sallie Spear. fe tinorae Noble (1634-1704), m 1660, Hannah War- riner; 7-Mark (ca, 1670- 1741), m 1698, Mary (or Mercy) Marshall (d 1733 m 1746, Elizabeth Remington 6-John (1706-76), (1718-91) ; 5—Timothy (1758-1827), Am. Rev.; m 1783, Sally Tay- lor (1764-1842) ; Resi- m 1740, Lucretia Pinney (6 m 1778, Roxanna from FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 49 pore A (1783-1866), m 1808, Elijah Spear (1779- 1813), War 1812; 3-Sallie (1810-55), m 1832, Levi Nye (3 above). 2-Son of William Edwin Barnard (b 1849), builder; m 1870, Emily E. Nye (0b 1845); issue: I-Harrison Bernard (above); II—-Winnifred (1874-76); I1I- Edith (1879-1914). I-m June 30, 1915, Elizabeth Tidholm, b Chicago, Tll., Jan. 14, 1898; dau. of Gustave Tidholm, m Mary Riddering; issue (all b Chicago): 1-Har- rison Blake, b Oct. 11, 1918; 2-William Robert, 6b July 4, 1921; 3-Marshall ae b July 25, 1922; 4~Burton Wayne, b Nove 5, Wooster U., ex-’92; A.B., echoes 95; North- western i Law Sch., "1895-96. Builder. Mem, O.F.P.A., S.C.W., S.A.R. Clubs: Union League, Beverly Country, Architects’. Residence: 7143 Princeton Av., Chicago. 1- ere » William Lafayette, ) N.Y. City, May 8-William Allen (d 1686), from Eng.; settled at Salisbury, Mass., 1639; m 1st, Ann Goodale (d wake Richard’, from Eng. to Salisbury, Mass., ); 7-—Benjamin (1652-1723), of Rehoboth, Mass.; King Philip’s War; m 2d, 1695, Hopestill Leonard (1671-1729; Rice®, of Rehoboth); 6—David (1707-51),extensive landholder, Rehoboth; m 1731, Hannah Padelford (1715-51; Jonathan’; Jonathan’; Jonathan®, from Eng.); 5-David (1734-1815), of Ashford and Woodstock, Conn.; extensive landholder; m Mary Dean (1734- mae Ephraim’; Ezra‘; Walter’, Taunton, Mas 4—-David (1757-ca. 1792), corp. Am. Rev.; m 2d, 1780/ 81, Silvia Briggs (1758-ca. 1792; Elijah®; than®; Thomas’; Jonathan§; Clement?, of Wey- mouth, from Eng Ae 3-Zachariah (1786- 1855), of Ashford, Conn.; m 1810, Charlotte Woodward (1788-1847). %Christopher Smith (d 1676), sgt. and dep. Gen. Ct. of Mass., 1655; ‘‘Antient Friend of Provi- dence,” m Alice-; 8—-Edward (1635-93), sgt.; mem. Colonial Assem- bly, 1665-88; m Anphillis Angell (Thomas?®, m Alice, dau. of James Ashton); 7-—Joseph (1680-1734), m 1706, Patience Mowry (Na- thaniel’, m Joanna, dau. of Edward Inman; Roger®, m Mary, dau. of John Johnson); 6—Joseph (1710-54), m 2d, Lydia Dexter (8d from Gregory Dexter, qv); 5—-Simon (17387-1831), lt. Am. Rev.; m 1762, Elizabeth Sayles (b 1740; Thomas‘, m Esther Scott; John’, m Elizabeth Olney; John’, m Mary, dau. of Roger Williams, qv); 4—Ziba (1752-1844), m Lydia Waterman (1772-1848; Capt. Andrew’, capt. Am. Rev., m 2d, Margaret, dau. of Lt. John Foster; Resolved®, m Lydia Mathewson; Resolved’, m Anne, dau. of An- drew Harris; Resolved’, m Mercy, dau. of Roger Williams, qv; Richard’); 3—Mary, m Martin Smith (1800-70; Israel‘, m Amey, dau. of Jeremy Phillips, m Alcey, dau as ea West, brig. gen. R.I. militia in Am. ev.). 2-Son of William Lafayette Allen (1824-94), mer- chant, N.Y. City; m 1852, Lydia Waterman (Smith) Allen (1826-1919), she was widow of his brother Edwin L.; issue (mother’s 1st mar- riage): I-Edwin Lee (1848-1904; m Mary Tudor Pratt); II—-Mary Caroline (1850-1919; m Edward Lathrop Tripler); (mother’s 2d marriage): ITI— William Lafayette (above); IV—Martin Smith (b 1860; B.A., Yale, ’82; m Carol eee V- Zachariah Nelson (6 1865 ; B.A., Yale, ’86). IIlI-—m Feb. 3, 1885, Grace Laflin (May of, 1857-1914) : dau. of Addison Henry Laflin, of Herkimer, m Helen M. Hall, of Syracuse, N.Y.; issue (all b Brooklyn, N.Y.): 1-Addison Laflin, 6 Apr. 11, 1888; m June 24, 1925, Lorella Mae, dau. of Jacob Standish Brown, of Spring City, Pa.; 2-Wil- liam Nelson (Dec. 24, 1890-1912)); Yale, ex-’12; 3— Helen Laflin, } July 25, 1892; m Sept. 7, 1918, Fred- erick Watson Hastings, of Devon, Pa. (issue: Frederick Allen; William Nelson; Thomas Emmons). M 2d, Jan. 26, 1924, Mae R. (Smith) Alcutt, 6 Sul- livan, Pa., May 13, 1873; dau. of Orrin Smith, of Sullivan. Poly. Inst. of Brooklyn, ’76; B.A., Yale, ’80 (D.K. E.), Head of William L. Allen & Co., commn. merchants, Brooklyn, 1880-1918; retired. Mem. O.F.P.A., S.A.R. (registrar N.Y. City chapter). oe ale. Residence: 105 Lefferts Pl., Brook- yn, N.Y. Jona- 1-DAVIS, Joseph Swallow, b Trinidad, Colo., Sept. 10, 1875. 8-William Davis (1617-83), from Eng. to Roxbury, Mass., ca. 1640; m 3d, Jane— (d 1714); 7-Ebenezer (1678-1712), m 1700, Hannah White (1673- 1762/63; Joseph’, m ‘Hannah, dau. of John Scar- borough; John’); 6—Aaron (1709-77), col. Colonial wars, 1775; raised a regt. which fought at Bunker Hill; mem. Provincial Congress of Mass.; m 1732, Mary Perrin (1715-8; Noah’, m Patience Walker); 5—Moses (1744-1823), minute man at Lexington; m 1st, 1770, Hannah Pierpont; 4~William (1770-1850), m oa 1800, Sally Smith; 3—William (1801-65), prominent citizen, Boston; m 2d, Maria Davis (1817-70; Charles‘; Capt. Aaron’; Col. Aaron, 6 above). 10-James Pierpont (qv); 9-John (1618-82), rep. Gen. Ct.; (d@ 1668; John?®); 8—-Ebenezer (1661-96), Roxbury; gles (b 1666); m Thankful Stow m 1691, Mary Rug- 7—Ebenezer (1694-1755), m 1722/23, Ann Hilton (d 1745; Col. Winthrop’, m Ann Wilson; Edward’, m Ann, dau. of Rev. Samuel Dudley, son of Gov. Thomas Dudley, qv); plage (1725-67), m 1749, Hannah Gridley (1728- 5—-Hannah (1750-87), m Moses Davis (5 above). 10—Gov. Thomas Dudley (qv); ee): (1621-91), m Rev. John Woodbridge 8-Martha (1660-17388), m 1680, Capt. Samuel Ruggles (b 1659), capt. King Philip’s War; rep. Gen. Ct. (Capt. Samuel’, m Hannah Fowle; Thomas”, from Eng. to Roxbury, Mass., m Mary Curtis)! 7—Joseph (1696-1742), m 1720, Joanna White (1701-78) ; 6—Joseph (1725-1819), m 1748, Rebecca Curtis (b 1730); 5-Sarah (1754-99), m 1779, Ralph Smith (1748-1812), Am. Rev. (Jonathan’, m Ruth Hunting); 4—Sally (1780-1859), m William Davis (4 above). 2-Only child of Joseph Davis (b 1840), retired merchant, Los Angeles, Calif.; m 1874, Sarah Augusta (b 1853), dau. of Abija Davis, m Eliza- beth Ann Riggs. M June 6, 1900, Edith Wight, 6 Trinidad, Colo., Sept. 9, 1877; dau. of Frederick Dearborn Wight, of Denver, Colo.; issue (all b Denver, Colo.): 1-Edith, 6 Oct. 9, 1901; U. Calif.; 2- Joseph Wight, 6b Nov. 21, 1903; U. Calif.; 3—-Dud- ley Dearborn, 6b Apr. 3, 1906; 4-Virginia May, b Oct. 12, 1907. Ed. Colo. Agrl. Coll. 3 yrs., Colo. Coll. 2 yrs.: read law 2 yrs. Banking for 16 yrs., retiring 1912; oil producer since 1922; pres. Venture Oil Co. Fellow Royal Eee Soc. of London; mem. S.C.W., S.R., M.O.L.L.,, Sons of Colo. Clubs: Hollywood ‘Athletic, Los Angeles City, etc. Summer place: Mammoth Camp, Mono County, Calif. Residence: 1749 N. Serrano Av., Hollywood, Calif. ear ar ta Robert Adams, } Fort Ann, N.Y., Oct. 8-Giles Gibbs (d 1641), from Eng. to Dorchester, Mass., 1629-30; removed to Windsor, Conn.; m Katherine-; 7-Samuel (d 1716), m Hepsibah Dibble (Thomas’); 6—Benjamin (1675-1768), m Abigail Marshall (g.dau. of Capt. Samuel Marshall, killed at head of Conn. troops in the Swamp Fight, 1675); 5-Zadock (1723-89), m Lydia Townsend; 4—Zadock (1756-1812), soldier Am: Rev.; m 4th, Mrs. Lydia (Landers) Hewett (Nathan ‘Landers’, m Betsey Barlow); 3-Noah Zadock (1802-94), m Louisa Cooper (Dea. Stephen‘, m Roxanna Carr). 2-Son of Theron Zadock Gibbs, M.D. (1826-96), sur- geon 17th N.Y. Vol. Enegrs., 1862-65; m 2d, 1867, Mrs. Mary J. (Thomas) Skinner (1834-1923); is- sue: I—Arthur Henry (1868-70); II—Edith Estelle (6 1870; m Robert Snowdon Chandler); III—Rob- ert Adams (above); IV—Ralph Sinclair (1875-76). IiI-—m Apr. 7, 1909, Della M. Page, b Fayette, O., dau. of John Page, of London, Eng.; issue: 1— Ee Caroline, b Los Angeles, Calif., Aug. 20, A.B., U. Southern Calif., 08. Founder, 1908, and since head master Page Military Acad., Los Angeles. Volunteered for World War but ordered to stay with academy; maj. N.G. Calif. (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. 8.C.W. Club: Jonathan. Residence: Page Military Academy, 1201 Cochran Av., Los Angeles, Calif. 50 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 1~HARDIN, Calvin Evans, } Winchester, Ky., Nov. 11, 1881. . 5-Thomas Hardin (1748-1828), pvt., corp., sgt., 8th Va. Regt. in Am. Rev.; removed from Va, to Salisbury District, N.C., 1781; later in Mo.; m Lucy (Billups?); 4—Jacob (1769-1857), War 1812; m 1808, Jane Porter (1778-1839) ; 3-Calvin (1810-80), m 18385, Mary Rollins. 5—Peter Evans (1758-1814), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1777, Ann Newman (d 1836); 4—Peter (1780-1842), m 1804, Polly Baker (1775-1863) ; 3—Oliver Perry (d 1880), m Elizabeth Fletcher (d 1887). 2-Son of Prof. Thomas Rollins Hardin (6b 1847), teacher; pvt. Co. I, 28th La. Inf., C.S.A.; m 1878, Ella Evans (1857-83); m 2d, 1891, Sarah Moore Fair (6 1865); issue (Ist marriage): I-—Calvin Evans (above); (2d marriage): Il—James Fair (av). I-—m Mar. 14, 1907, Lela Hinkle, 6 Shreveport, La., Nov. 11, 1886; dau. of Eli George Hinkle, of Shreveport, m Henrietta Wells; issue (all 0b Leesville, La.): 1-Calvin Evans, Jr., 6 Mar. 8, 1908; La. State U., ’27; 2-Thomas Rollins, b Nov. 16, 1914; 83-Mary Elizabeth, 6 June 16, 1918. B.S., U. of Ky., ’00; Tulane U. Lawyer; city atty. of Leesville, La.; mem. La. Constl. Conv., 1921. Residence: Leesville, La. 1-HARDIN, J(ames) Fair, ) Mansfield, La., Oct. 27, 1893. 5-Thomas Hardin (1748-1828), pvt., corp., sgt., 8th Va. Regt. in Am. Rev.; removed from Va. to Salisbury District, N.C., 1781; later in Mo.; m Lucy (Billups?); 4—Jacob (1769-1857), War 1812; m 1803, Jane Porter (1778-1839) ; 38—Calvin (1810-80), m 1835, Mary Rollins. 6—-James Young (1748-1802), from Co. Down, Ire- land, to S.C.; pvt. 6th S.C. Regt., Cont. Army, 1776-77; d Prosperity, S.C.; ier ates (1775-1848), m 1791, William Fair (1770- 1 > 4-Archibald (1800-64), m 1819, Elinor Caldwell (1801-58) ; 3-Dr. James William (1820-93), m 1846, Sarah Strother Roberts. 6—-Alexander Boberts (1736-1804), 2d 1t. Va. militia, 1780-81, from Amherst and Amelia cos., Va.; m 1757, Eliza Sanders (1737-1790) ; ‘ 5-Alexander (1755-1842), pvt. Va. Line, Cont. Army, at 16; mem. Del. Legislature; m 1783, Lucretia Whyte (1766-1830) ; 4—Robert Whyte (1784-1865), mem. 28th and 29th Congresses from Miss., 1843-47; m 1823, Mrs. Harriet Allan Boudre (1796-1846) ; 3-Sarah Strother (1828-73), m Dr. James William Fair (3 above). 2-Son of Prof. Thomas Rollins Hardin (b 1847), teacher; pvt. Co. I, 28th La. Inf., C.S.A.; m 1878, Ella Evans (1857-83); m 2d, 1891, Sarah Moore Fair (6 1865); issue (lst marriage): I—Calvin Evans (qv); (2d marriage): IIl-James Fair (above). II-m Aug. 22, 1922, Mary Hannah Hudson, 6 Mon- Toe, La., Sept. 6, 1899; D.A.R.; dau. of William H. Hudson, m Myra Sloane. A.B., B.S., Ky. Wesleyan, ’11. Admitted to bar, 1915; asst. U.S. atty., western dist. of La. since 1921. Enlisted in Co. C, 1st La. Inf., Apr. 8, 1917; 2d 1t., Apr. 24, 1917; federalized and pro- moted Ist It., Dec. 4, 1917; capt., Co. G, 153d Inf., 39th Div., and with A.E.F. in France, Aug. 4, 1918-Oct. 30, 1919; discharged, Jan. 20, 1920. Maj., J.A.G.R.C., 1920; maj., j.a.g., La. N.G., since 1924. Mem. S.A.R. (v.p. La. Soc., pres. Galvez Chap.), La. Hist. Soc., La. and Am. Bar assns. (mem. local council for La.). Residence: 142 Egan St., Shreveport, La. 1-NELSON, Hugh, }) Annapolis, Md., May 7, 1858. 6-Thomas (“Scotch Tom’) Nelson (qv); 5-William (1711-72), pres. Council and actg. gov. of Va.; m Elizabeth Burwell (g.dau. of Robert [“King”] Carter); 4—-Thomas (1738-89), a “signer’’; col. Am. Rev.; maj. gen. Va. forces; gov. of Va., 1781; m Lucy Grymes (Col. Philip®, m Mary, dau. Sir John Randolph, son of Col. William Randolph, qv): 3—Hugh (1768-1836), speaker House of Delegates of Va.; judge Federal Ct.; mem. Congress, 1811-23; minister to Spain; m Eliza Kinloch, 9-John Washington (qv); 8—Lawrence (1661-1697/98), m 1690, Mildred Warner; 7—Mildred (b 1696), m 1705, Roger Gregory (god- father of George Washington); 6—-Elizabeth, m 1741, Dr. Thomas Walker, of “Castle Hill,” Va.; 5—Col. John (1744-1809), confidential aide to Gen- eral Washington; U.S. senator, 1790; m 1764, Elizabeth Moore (g.dau. of Sir Alexander Spotswood, of Va.); 4—Mildred (1765-84), m Francis Kinloch (1755-1826); capt. Cont. Army; del. Cont. Congress, 1780-81; 3-Eliza (b 1781), m 1799, Hugh Nelson (3 above). 2-Son of Cleland Kinloch Nelson, D.D. (1814-90), ed. Dickinson Coll.; P.E. priest; pres. St. John’s Coll., Md., 1857-61 and 1867; m 1840, Mary Anne Marbury; m 2d, 1852, Mary Margaret Hag- ner (1818-1911); issue (ist marriage): I—John Marbury (b 1844; m Ella Martha Delaplaine); II—Mary Cleland (6 1842; m Holmes E. Offley); (2d marriage): IIlI]—Frances Nicholson (6 1855; m Richard S. Worthington); IV—Hugh (above). IV—m Nov. 5, 1890, Kate Gassaway Peter, b Rock- ville, Md., Mar. 9, 1871; dau. of George Peter, of Rockville; issue: 1-Cleland Kinloch, }) Rock- ville, Md,, Nov. 23, 1892; m Mar. 2, 1928, Helen Stone; 2-George Peter, 6 Kirkwood, Mo., Apr. 17, 1894; m Nov. 28, 1922, Esther Knapp; 3—-Ella Anderson, 6 Brooklyn, N.Y., Jan. 27, 1897; m July 11, 1916, George F. Riegel; 4-Hugh, Jr., b Elizabeth, N.J., May 4, 1904. B.A. and M.A., St. John’s Coll., Annapolis, Md. Insurance underwriter. Residence: 1150 Mary St., Elizabeth, N.J. 3 Opler hE Selden, 6 Jonesboro, Tenn., May 11, 4-John Nelson (1751-1837), from Eng. to Rock- bridge Co., Va., 1771 or 72; soldier Va. troops in Am. Rev.; m 1777, Jane Robinson, of Rock- bridge Co. (their son Matthew, was treas. State of Tenn. 17 yrs.); 3—-David (1780-1850), m Phoebe White (1786-1860; Benjamin‘ [d 1830], settled in Washington Co., N.C. [now Tenn.], soldier War 1812). 6~Valentine (Xavier) Sevier, Huguenot ancestry. came from Eng. with two brothers 1740, settled in Va.; m Joana Goade (their son John was first gov. of Tenn.); 5-Robert (1748-80), capt. N.C. militia, killed in Battle of Kings Mountain in Am. Rev.; m Peay Robertson (Maj. Charles®, officer Am. ev.); 4—Valentine (1780-1854), m Nancy Dinwiddie; 3-Kezia, m George Jones (1795-1866). 2-Son of Thomas Amos Rogers Nelson (1812-73), grad. East Tenn. Coll., 1828; mem. 36th and 37th Congresses, 1859-63; judge Supreme Ct. of Tenn., 1870-71; m 1889, Ann E., dau. of Mont- gomery Stuart, of Tenn.; m 2d, 1852, Mary Jones (1826-1901); issue (Ist marriage): I—Alice (d; m Samuel Alexander Cunningham); II— Alexander Williams (1841-74); IlI-Rev. Stuart (1848-1910); IV—David Montgomery (1845-81; m Sue Henderson); V—-Thomas A. R., Jr. (b 1847; judge Criminal Ct., Knox Co., Tenn.; m Mary Stuart); VI—Helen Nelson (1849-96); (2d mar- riage): VII—Charles (m Mattie Chappel); VIII- Mary (1854-1902; m Tobias E. McTeer; IX—Val- entine Sevier (m Katherine Marchand); X—Sel- den (above); XI-—Lizzie (m John Williams). X—m Feb. 8, 1882, Nancy Hamilton Smith, bd nr. Newport, Tenn., Mar. 14, 1861; dau. of Augus- tus Smith, of Cocke Co., Tenn., m Eliza Ham- ilton (dese. Robert Hamilton of Rockbridge Co., Va., and Col. Alexander Outlaw, of the McGregor clan of Scotland); issue: 1—Eliza Hamilton, 6 Knoxville, Tenn., Jan. 28, 1889; U. Tenn.; m June 30, 1915, William Waller Carson, Jr. (issue: Julia Nelson); 2-Julia Nelson, 0} Knoxville, Dec. 7, 1895; m Oct. 15, 1924, Houston Brown, of Wytheville, Va. Clk. in Knoxville (Tenn.) Postoffice since 1893. Genealogist, Knoxville Sentinel. Mem. S.R. (sec. Tenn. soc. 16 yrs., v.p. 1926). Residence: 618 W. Church St., Knoxville, Tenn. 1-TAYLOR, Marian Juliana Winthrop (Mrs. Leeper G.), b Lexington, Ky., May 2, 1838-Mar. §—John Winthrop (qv); 8—-John (1606-76), gov. of Conn., m 2d, 1685, Bliz- abeth Reade (d 1672; Edmund?, of Eng.): 7-Wait Still (1642-1717), chief justice of Mass.; FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 5) maj. gen.; m 1st, Mary Brown (d 1690, aet. 34; William’, of Salem); 6—-John (1681-1747), Harvard, 1709; fellow of the Royal Soc., London; m 1706, Anne Dudley (Gov. Joseph’); Borland (d 1760, aet. 28; Francis‘); 5-John Still (1720-76), Yale, 1787; m 1st, 1750, Jane 4-Francis Bayard (1754-1817), m 1st, 1779, Elsie Marston (d 1789; Thomas's); 3-Francis Bayard (1787-1841), Yale, 1808; 1808, Julia Ann Rogers (d 1814; Moses‘). 2-Only child of Edward Winthrop Episcopal clergyman; m Ist, 1837, Penney (b Ireland, 1811-1838). M July 11, 1866, Samuel Gale Taylor (Feb. 8, 1829-Feb. 26, 1901); son of James Taylor, of Philipsburgh, Can.; issue: 1—Marian Win- throp (Jan. 1l-Aug. 16, 1869); 2-Samuel Gale, Jr., 6 Chicago, June 5, 1870; m Oct. 11, 1893, Anna Jeffery Mead (d 1912), dau. of Edwin R. Mead (issue: Edward Winthrop, b July 28, 1896; m Dec. 30, 1922, Margaret Morison [issue: Edward W., Jr., 6 1924]; Florence Josephine, b Feb. 10, 1899; Marian Winthrop, b Feb. 10, 1902; Samuel Gale, 3d, bd Sept. 2, 1904); 3-Edward Winthrop (June 4, 1873-Dec. 7, 1876); 4-Theo- dore Winthrop (Jan. 1-Oct. 6, 1877); 5-Francis Winthrop (0 Aug. 16, 1878; 6-Mary Townsend (Dec. 25, 1881-Mar. 1, 1883). Residence: 73 E. Division St., Chicago, Ill. 1-WELBORN, John Scott, b Randolph Co., N.C., Dec. 5, 1871. 10-James (Wellborn) Welborn, from Wales, in the “Sea Venture,” 1609, which was wrecked, and he arrived at Jamestown, Va., 1610, set- tled in Accomac Co., Va.; 9-John; 8-Capt. Thomas (1640-1702), of Accomac Co., Va.; m Arcadia-; 7-Samuel, settled in N.C., ca. 1700; surveyor; m Mary Chapley; ee ee (d 1778), will recorded in Guilford Co., 5-John (1757-1825), Randolph Co., N.C.; capt. militia in Am. Rev.; m 1776, Jane McGee (1760- 1835; Col. John® [1716-1774], officer, English army, later of Randolph Co., N.C., m Martha McFarlane [1735-1820], of Orange Co., N.C., who m 2d, 1779, William Bell); 4-Rev. John (1779-1830), m 1st, 1799, Mary Parsons (d 1819); 3-William J. (1808-92), m (1811-68). 2-Son of William Clark Welborn (1835-78), of Randolph Co., N.C.; m 1861, Roxie Brandon (1843-1920), of Yadkin CoseNa ©; M Dec. 20, 1899, Cadia Barbee (qv). Owner of Welborn Supply Co.; dir. High Point Savings Bank, North State Telephone Co. Mason. Clubs: Commercial, High Point Coun- try, Sedgefield Country. Residence: High Point, N.C. 1-WELBORN, Cadia ee: anne John Scott), 6b High Point, N.C., Feb. 5—Christopher Barbee, b Aeamcaties Conia. d Wake Co., N.C., 1775; m Margaret-; m Ist, (1811-65), Marian 1830, Eleanor Smith 4-Christopher (1761- 94), of Wake Com Nn: Cyepvt Am. Rev.; m 1784, Sarah Hopson (1766- 110: Thomas® [1738- 1804], pvt. Am. Rev., m 1759, Sarah-, 6 1740); 3-Christopher (1779-1851), m 1807, Frances Jones. 6-Francis Jones, } in Va., d Edgecombe Co., N.C., 1750; m Mary Ridley; 5—-Tignal (1735-1807), mem. Provincial Congress from N.C.; m 1755, Penelope Cain (d 1811); 4—Tignal (1766-1807), m 1787, Peggy—; 3—-Frances (1791-1871), m Christopher Barbee (3 above). 5-John Frazier, of Randolph Co., N.C.; 1770, Abigail Milliken; 4—Jonath, called John (1770-1852), m 1795, Rebecca McKay (1770-1847) ; 8-Allen M. (1813-79), m 1837, Eleanor S. Burton (1812-97; John* [1779-1855], of Guilford Co., N.C., m 1811, Catherine Stuart, 1795-1869). 2Dau. of William Gaston Barbee (1824-94), of High Point, N.C.; 2d lt. C.S.A.; m 1868, Louisa Celena Frazier (1840-1918). M Dec. 20, 1899, John Scott Welborn (qv). Mem. D.A.R. Residence: High Point, N.C. m Ca, COL. WILLIAM COWPER NELSON (1841-1904). In uniform of lieutenant of ordnance, Harris’ Mississippi Brigade, Mahone’s Division, Hill’s Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, C.S.A. Taken in 1864. He was cited twice for bravery. 1-NELSON, Virginia Armistead (Mrs.), b Nash- ville, Tenn. 6-Edward Nelson (b Eng., 1690; son of James), settled in New Kent (later Hanover), Co., Va., 1718; m 1719, Mary Garland (b 1698; Ed- ward’, of New Kent Co., m Mary-); 5—-James (1723-1803), m 1750, Keziah Harris (Fred- erick®, m Fannie Overton); 4-Rev. Peter Carr (1757-1827), grad. William and Mary Coll.; P.E. priest until 1808-09, when he became a Baptist minister; m 1789, Nancy Lawrence (1769-1814; Edward’, of Richmond, m Fannie Taylor); 3-James Henry (1808- 65), of Holly Springs, Miss.; m 1840, Mary Maria Courtney (Goodrich) James (1808-82; John Goodrich‘, of Tenn., m his cousin, Rhoda, dau. of Benjamin Good- rich, of Va.; Briggs Goodrich®, m Mary Camp). §9—-William Armistead (qv); 8-Capt. Anthony (6 1645), burgess, etc.; m Han- nah, dau. Robert Ellyson (they were ances- tors of President Tyler); 7—-Anthony, lt. col. militia, 1724; m Elizabeth Westwood (Worlich’, m Elizabeth Naylor); 6-Westwood, m Mary Tabb (Col. John’, burgess; Humphrey’, burgess); 5-Westwood (1735-86), mem. Com. Safety, Eliza- beth City Co., Va.; m Mary Jenkins (Henry’, m Mary Curle); 4—Robert A. (1766- 1817), m 1789, his cousin, Eliz- abeth Smith; 8—Robert Augustus (1808-91), m 1828, Martha Ann Savage (1810-79; Capt. Teackle T.4, m Martha Jane, dau. of Armiger Wade, burgess). 9-Col. George Reade (qv); 8—-EBlizabeth, m ca, 1675, Capt. Thomas Chismon Maj. Edmund’, m Mary-): 7-—Mildred, m Col. Lawrence Smith, of York (Maj. Lawrence’, m Mary-); 6—Edmund, m Agnes Sclater (Richard’, of York Coun via: 3 5—-Thomas, m ca. 1760, his cousin, Elizabeth Ar- mistead (Westwood’); 52 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 4-Blizabeth (1767-1848), m her cousin, Robert A. Armistead (4 above). 2-Dau. of Col. William Cowper Nelson (1841- 1904), grad. U. Miss., ’61; served pvt. to capt. C.S.A., 1861-65; sec. Ky. and Tenn. Bd. of Fire Underwriters; 33° Mason; m 1867, Mary Louisa Armistead (b 1842); surviving issue: I—-Martha Armistead (m Judge Claude Waller, d 1918); IIl—Mary Louise; IIl1I—Robert Armistead; IV-— Virginia Armistead (above); V—Wilbur Armi- stead (b 1889; m Rebecca Anderson Thornton). Iv-m Aug. 30, 1920, Charles B. Parmer (divorced Jan. 9, 1926). A.B., Hampton Coll., Louisville, Ky.; spl. work at Ward-Belmont, 1916-17, Columbia U., 1923, Vanderbilt U. and Peabody Coll., 1924-25-26. Now publicity dir. and exec. sec. of housing bureau of Peabody Coll. Y.M.C.A. canteen worker with A.E.F., 1918-19. Mem. C.D.A., DB.RS 0.C.; D.A-R:, U.D.C., yetc.) Summer place: ‘Breeze Lodge,’ Monteagle, Tenn. Residence: 124 2ist Av. S., Nashville, Tenn. 1-SAUNDERS, James Newton, } Springfield, Ky., Apr. 2, 1864. 4-James Saunders (1759-1845; James®, of Ireland; James*; James’; James’, } bet. 1610-25, in Scot- land), came from Ireland to New_ Orleans, La., 1790; m 1792, Susan Hughes, of Mason Co., Ky.; 3-James (1796-1864), settled in Decatur Co., Ind.; capt. of militia, 1841; mem. Ind. Legislature, 1844; co. treas.; sheriff; m 1817, Cynthia Hall (1795-1873; James‘, 6 Iredell Co., N.C., 1758; James®, from N. Ireland to N.C., 1778, sol- dier Am. Rev.). 8-Edward Booker (1590-1648), English refugee in Holland; from Eng. to York Co., Va., where he was a large landowner; 7-Capt. Richard (1640-1730), capt. colonial militia, Gloucester Co., Va., 1680; m 1st, Rebecca Leake (John§); 6—Edmund (1693-1758), m Jane Stokes; 5-Edmund (1719-93), burgess, 1757-58; m 1746, Edith Marat Cobbs (Samuel*, burgess, Amelia Co., Va., 6 yrs.) 4-Samuel (1758-1847), of Springfield, Ky.; capt. Am. Rev.; mem. S.C.; m 1785, Rachel Jones (1758-1826) ; 3-Paul Jones (1787-1873), grad. Hampden-Sidney Coll.; lawyer and planter, Springfield, Ky.; mem. Ky. Legislature, 1816; circuit judge; m 2d, 1828, Letitia Wilcox Reed. 8-John Reed (1633-1730). officer in Cromwell’s Army; came to Providence, R.I.; at Rye, N.Y., 1684; later established ‘‘Reed’s Farms,” nr. Norwalk, Conn.; m Miss Derby; 7-Thomas, m 1684, Mary Olmstead (Lt. John§); 6-John (6 1701), m Mary Allen (sister of Robert Allen, the progenitor of the Allen families in Clark, Frederick and Warren cos., Va.); 5—John (b 1736), voted for George Washington for burgess, Frederick Co., Va., 1758; m 1760, Letitia Wilcox (John®*, burgess, 1660, m Letitia Sorrel): 4—-Jonathan (b 1778), m Ann Gaines (Richard, Jr.,° capt. Va. militia in Am. Rev., m Margaret, dau. of James Cunningham); 38—-Letitia W. (1801-70), m Paul Jones Booker (3 above). 2-Son of Miles Saunders, D.D. (1832-1910), grad. Center Coll., Ky., ’57; Presbyn. minister, Springfield, Ky., 1860-96; founder of Wither- spoon Log Coll., Buckhorn, Ky.; m 1863, Mar- great Reed Booker (1836-96); issue: I—-James Newton (above); II—Letitia Reed (m Charles Rice McDowell); IlI—Mary Wilson (1869-91); TV—Louise Robinson (1872-1918; m H. S. Mur- doch, D.D.). I-m Nov. 1, 1899, Annie Alcorn, 6 Stanford, Ky.. Dec. 7, 1866; dau. of James Walker Alcorn, of Stanford; issue: 1-Sophie Alcorn, 6 Stanford, Ky., Oct. 11, 1900; ed. Agness Scott Coll., and Sargent Sch., Cambridge, Mass. Central U. of Ky., 1881-84 (D.K.E.); Westminster Coll., 1884-85; LL.B., U. Mich., 1887 (Phi Delta Phi). Admitted to bar, 1886, and since in prac- tice at Stanford, Ky. Grand Master, Grand Masonic Lodge of Ky., 1916-17. Residence: Stanford, Ky. Tepe Albert Brown, b Stockton, Calif., Dec. 4, ; 6—Peter Tittle. of Pa.; 5—Peter (1746-1834), m Sarah Whiteside; 4James, m Anne Frame (William', of Belfast, Ireland, soldier under Wolfe at Quebec); 38—-Elizabeth, m Andrew McKee (William’). 9-Edward Brown (d 1652), came from Eng., and settled at Ipswich, Mass.; m Faith-; 8—Joseph (d 1694), m 1671, Hannah Assalbie; 7—Benjamin (d 1738), m 1714, Elizabeth Fossee; 6-Benjamin (b 17237), m Elizabeth Foster; 5—Benjamin (1752-1817), m 1776, Sarah McLellan (d 1836; James*, m his cousin, Abigail, dau. of Hugh McLellan); 4-Benjamin (1776-1845), m 1799, Mary Horne (b 1778; William5, m Elizabeth Roberts; Ebenezer®; William’; John’; William’); 3-Albert Gallatin (b 1801), of Vassalboro, Me., went to Calif., 1849; m 1826, Maryan Hall. 9-John Hall (6 Eng., 1617), appears in church rec- ords of Charlestown, Mass., 1645; moved to Dover; 8—Ralph (6b 1655); 7—John (b 1685), m Esther Chesley; 6—-Samuel (0 1719), m Lydia Blackstone (Rev. Wil- liam’, of Boston); 5—Ebenezer (b 1748), of Newcastle; m 1770, Eliza- beth Goffe; 4—-Benjamin (6 1772), m 1797, Esther Weeks Goffe (John’, of Boston); 8—Maryan (b 1805), m Albert Gallatin Brown (3 above). 2-Son of William Frame McKee (1824-75), m 1854, Mary Lincoln Brown (b 1835); issue: I-Annie HFlizabeth (d); II—William Hall (d; m Mary Belle Webber); IlI—Gertrude (d; m Rev. W. C. Merrill); IV—Albert Brown (above); V—George Ray (d); VI-Edgar Lincoln (d); VII—Norman (d); VIII—Robert Tittle (m Eila Haggin). IV—m he 26, 1898, Alice Maud Hooper (qv for issue). Ph.B., U. Pacific, ’88, Ph.M., 1886; M.D., Cooper, 1886; post-grad. work at Freiburg, Heidelberg, Berlin; asst., Royal London Ophthalmic, Gol- den Square, Central London Opthal., Bristol Eye Hosp.; instr., med. dept., U. Calif., 1902-08; asso. prof. ophthalmology, Cooper Med. Coll., 1908-12; clin. prof. ophthalmology, Stanford U., from 1912. Club: University. Residence: R.F. D., Woodside, Redwood City, Calif. 1-McKEE, Alice Maud Hooper (Mrs. Albert B.), 6b San Francisco, Calif., Nov. 11, 1873. 9-Edward Brown (d 1652), came from Eng., and settled at Ipswich, Mass.; m Faith-; 8—Joseph (d 1694), m 1671, Hannah Assalbie; 7-—Benjamin (d 1733), m 1714, Elizabeth Fossee; 6-Benjamin (b 17237), m Elizabeth Foster; 5—Benjamin (1752-1817), m 1776, Sarah McLellan (d 1836; James®, m his cousin, Abigail, dau. of Hugh McLellan); 4-Benjamin (1776-1845), m 1799, Mary Horne (b 1778; William’, m Elizabeth Roberts; Ebenezer®; William’; John’; William’); 38—Benjamin F., of Brown’s Corner, nr. Vassal- boro, Me.; m Mary Campbell, dau. of Peter Mc- Intyre, of Scotland, m Robert Napier McRuer. 2-Dau. of Mary Campbell Brown (1846-1900), m 1866, John Albert Hooper (1838-1925), merchant, San Francisco. For issue and Hooper lineages see Mrs. George B. Somers. M May 26, 1898, Dr. Albert Brown McKee (qv); issue? 1—-John Albert, 6 San Francisco, Calif., Mar. 27, 1899; 2-Norman Campbell, } San Fran- cisco, Feb. 4, 1901: 3-Albert Brown, Jr., 6} San Francisco, Dec. 3, 1908; m Ariel Waldorf: 4— Donald Hooper, 6 San Francisco, Feb. 24, 1905: Sar Napier, 6 Woodside, Calif., Oct. 12, Residence: R.F.D., Woodside, Redwood City, Calif. 1-INGE, Belle Sledge Peterson (Mrs. Harry T.), b Greensboro, Ala., Apr. 2, 1863. 8-William Bryan, Marquis of Thomond (1665- 1742), from Ireland, 1689; settled in Isle of Wight Co., Va.; removed to N.C., 1722: justice of peace; high sheriff; m 1689, Alice (1656-1729), dau. of Lord Needham; I-Needham (1690-1767). justice of peace, Bertie Co.; mem. Assembly; m 1st, 1711, Annie Ram- beau (1695-1730) ; 6—Col. Needham (1725-1800), col. militia; mem. Colonial Assembly and of every Provincial Congress of N.C.: m ist, 1748, Nancy Smith es Col, John’, mem. Colonial Assembly oO 5C:)s : 6—-Winnifred (1755-83), m 1773, Hon. Nathan Bryan (1750-98; Col. Hardy® [1715-611, from Jreland to N.C.. m 1748, Mrs. Sarah [Bonner] Worseley. 1724-79, dau. of Thomas Bonner); FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 53 4—Nancy (1781-1840), m 1802, Levin Lane (1772-1882) ; 8-Winnifred (1812-37), m 1830, Dr. Alexander Sledge (1780-1850). 2-Dau. of Margaret Jane Sledge (1832-1911), m 1861, Dr. Francis Marion Peterson (1820-80); issue: J—Mary Winnifred (1862-d infancy); II—Belle Sledge (above); Il1I-Mary Wadsworth (m Pride Jones); IV—-Margaret Sledge (1868-1913; m Phares Coleman). II-m June 29, 1888, Harry Tutwiler Inge (Sept. 20, 1861-May 11, 1921); son of Dr. William Bullock Inge (Dr. Richard’; Richard‘; Richard®), m Blizabeth Herndon, of Erie, Ala.; issue (all 0 Mobile, Ala.): 1-Francis Marion, b May 23, 1884; m Maria Garth (issue: Francis M., Jr.); 2-Har- ry Tutwiler, b Sept. 12, 1887; 3-Walter Hern- don, b Feb. 23, 1889; 4-Richard, 6 Dec. 30, 1898. Residence: 1004 Government St., Mobile, Ala. 1-ALVORD, E(lijah) Smead, Jr., b Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 27, 1866. 8-Alexander Alvord (qv); 7-Thomas (1653-88), Northampton, Mass.; m 1681, Joanna Taylor (1655-1737/38; John’); 6—John (1685-1757), Northampton; m 1708, Dorcas Lyman (1690-1770) ; 5-Elijah (1718/19-1788), Greenfield, Mass.; soldier Am. Rev.; m Hannah Judd (1720-98) ; 4-Caleb (1751-1819), Greenfield; m 1776, Mary Mur- dock (1751-1836; Samuel’); 3-Pliny (1781-1859), Greenfield; m 1808, Laurana Bordwell (1786-1865). 9-Rev. Thomas Hooker (qv); 8-Rev. Samuel (1633-97), Farmington, Conn.; m Mary Willet; 7-Hon. John (b 1664), Farmington; speaker of As- sembly; mem. Colonial Council and judge Su- preme Ct. of the colony; m Abigail Standley; 6—Roger, Farmington; m Mercy Hart; 5-Thomas Hart, West Hartford, Conn.; m Sarah Whitman; after battle of Lexington freed his slaves and joined Revolutionary Army, dying in camp, 1775; 4-Thomas Hart, m Betsy Mills; 3-Katherine Leavett (1819-91), m 1840, Thomas Acheson (1811-79), physician (Maj. Gen. Thomas* [d 1815], from Ireland to Washington, Pa., ca. 1786, comd. 14th Div. of Pa. vols., of which he raised and financed a regt. in War 1812, for which was awarded a sword by Congress; m 1800, Jane Cummins, d 1839). 2-Only child of Elijah Smead Alvord (1809-94), financier; m 1865, Julie Acheson (1849-1914; sister of Mrs. Henry P. Goddard, See Vol. 1, p. 288). M Mar. 5, 18%, Laura Wales Morgan Smith, i) Baltimore, Md., Aug. 4, 1871; dau. of Gen. Mor- gan Lewis Smith (1822-74), raised and was col, 8th Mo. Vols., 1861, later maj. gen. comdg. 15th A.C., Army of the Tenn. in Civil War; consul at Honolulu; issue: 1-Katherine, 6 Washing- ton, D. C., Aug. 20, 1895; m June 5, 1914, Arthur Edward Wills (issue: Katherine Alvord); 2— Elijah Smead, 3rd, b Washington, Sept. 11, 1897; served in Air Service and 10th M.G. Bn., 4th Div., in France, May 19, 1918-Mar. 1919; gassed, July 1918; mem. O.F.P.A., M.O.L.L., A.L.; m Oct. 28, 1924, Gladys Louise, dau. of James Wil- liam Brown, of Brookeville, Md. Ed. Russell’s Mil. Acad., New Haven, Conn. Pres. of warehousing company. Club: City. Summer place: “Cedarstone,” Brookeville, Md. a Te Hotel Martinique, Washington, 1-BARNETT, Lockie Ball (Mrs. Ira N.), ) Eve- ning Shade, Ark., Oct. 28, 1869. 6-Capt. Farling Ball (1730-96), of Loudoun Co., Va.; m 1759, Mary-; 5—Isaac (1760-1825), of Va.; m 1782, Mary-; 4-John (1783-1825), of Va.; m 1806, Susannah Ball (1787-1844) ; 3-Benjamin Franklin (1807-89), of Va. and Ark.; m 1832, Elizabeth Dillard (1813-49), 9~William Flemming (1645-1737), of Hanover Co., Va.; m 1666, Nancy— (1649-1720) ; 8—-Temperance (b 1680), m 1698, Benjamin Bibb (1663-1757) ; 7~Thomas (1720-61), m 1745, Elizabeth Phillips (1725- 1803) ; mene? (1753-1846), m 1775, Nancy Fleming (1757- Me 5—Sallie (1776-1847), m 1791, Jesse Hodges (1769-1833) ; 4-Wiley B. (b 1792), m 1813, Sallie Brooks (b 1796); 8-Sallie (1814-84), m 1832, William Pryor Huddle- ston (1810-77; desc. Daniel Huddleston, from Eng. to Va., 1720; capt. Am. Rev., m Mary Ball, sister of Martha Ball, the mother of George Washington). 2-Dau. of George Washington Ball (1844-1918), pvt. Co. B, 4th Ark. Inf., U.S.V. in Civil War, realtor; m 1869, Mary Elizabeth Huddleston (1846-1915); issue: I—Lockie (above); Il—Wash- ington Monroe (1871-1924; m 1913, Agnes Max- field); I1I—Dr. William Franklin (0 1874; m 1904, Bessie McDonald, 1877-1918); IV-Simon Adler (0 1880; m 1907, Hula Moore); V— George Cornelius (b 1885; m 1917, Lois Davis). I-m Dec. 17, 1890, Ira Nelson Barnett, 0 nr, Eve- ning Shade, Ark., Jan. 22, 1866; son Ira Nelson Barnett, m Maria Louise Simpson, both of Sharp Co., Ark.; issue (all } Batesville, Ark.): i-Charles Washington, 6 Oct. 15, 1891; grad. Western Mil. Acad., Alton, I11., 12; m Aug, 1913, Mayme, dau. of Dr. A. J. Casey, of Batesville, Ark. (issue: Charlotte, b 1916; Frances, b 1919); 2-James Franklin (Nov. 21, 1898-July 21, 1900); 3-Ira Nelson, Jr., 6 Jan. 10, 1903; A.B., Ark. Coll., ’21; B.S., Emory U., ’22; m Jan. 10, 1925, Catharine, dau. of Edward Dale Robertson, of Marianna, Ark, (issue: James Franklin, b 1926); 4—-Mary Louise, b Mar. 30, 1908. Mem. S.D.P., O.C., D.B.R., D.A.C., Colonial Daughters 1607-1775; C.D.XVII C., D.A.R., U.S. —D.1812 (hon. state pres. for life), Ark. Pioneers. “Mother” of the Alpha Phi Chapter of L’Etoile Literary Soc. of Ark. Coll. Treas. Batesville Improvement Club; pres. Woman’s Missionary Soc. of First M.E.Ch., etc. Residence: 700 E. Main St., Batesville, Ark. 1-BARR, Ethel Harrison Stewart (Mrs. George W.), b Atlantic City, N.J., July 17, 1876. 4-Capt. John Alexander Shaw Stewart (ca. 1720- 1800), from Scotland to Stewart, Westmoreland ae Pa., ca. 1746; m his cousin, Margaret Shaw in; 2-John Shaw (1778-1860), m his cousin, Mary Shaw. 2-Dau. of William Shaw Stewart, A.M., M.D. (1838-1903), a founder and 10 yrs. dean Medico- Chirurgical Coll., Phila.; m 1872, Delia Allman (1850-1918); issue: I-Mary Mabel Norris (Mrs. Seymour DeWitt Ludlum, See Vol. 1, p. 939) ; Tl—Ethel Harrison (above); IlI—Delia Allman (m H, Bertram Lewis, See Vol. 1, p. 687); IV— Margretta Shaw (Mrs. Charles H. Dietrich, Ay 1890), Allman lineage); V—Dorothy Newkirk II-m Dec. 14, 1898, George Winfred Barr, 6 Bryn Mawr, Pa., Aug. 26, 1873; capt. and maj., Ord- nance Dept., U.S.A., 1918-19; issue: 1—Ethel Stewart, 6 Merion, Pa., Dec. 9, 1899; Wilson Coll., ’23; 2-George Bishop, 6 Cynwyd, Pa., Apr. 27, 1902; Princeton, ’24; 3-Lawrence Allman, 0 Cynwyd, July 24, 1905. Ed. Agnes Irwin Sch., ’94._ Club: Merion Cricket. Residence: 41 Janvrin Rd., Bronxville, West- chester Co., N.Y. j-DIETRICH, Margretta Shaw Stewart (Mrs. Charles H.), 6 Phila., Pa., Nov. 26, 1881. 5b-Laurence Allman (ca. 1750-1800), 1t. of arty. in cone Recap © m Rachel Harrison (Benjamin‘, ° Ash's 4-Thomas (ca. 1790-1850), m Mary Norris; 8—-Thomas (1826-91), m Mary A. M. Taber. 2-Dau. of William Shaw Stewart, A.M., M.D. (1838-1903), a founder and 10 yrs. dean, Medico- Chirurgical Coll., Phila.; m 1872, Delia Allman (1850-1918). For issue and Stewart lineage see Mrs. George W. Barr. M Oct. 29, 1909, Charles Henry Dietrich, b Aurora, Tll., Nov. 26, 1853; gov. of Neb., 1901; U.S. sena- tor, 1901-05 (See Who’s Who in America). Was sec. County Home Service of A.R.C., and mem. County Woman’s Com. of Council of Nat. Defense, during World War. Pres. Neb. Woman Suffrage Assn., 1919-21; pres. Neb. League of Women Voters; dir. Nat. League of Women Voters, 1921-26; chmn. Neb. Public Li- brary Commn., 1921-25. Residence: 410 W. llth St., Hastings, Neb. 1-HARLOW, Alfred Branch, b at Middleborough, Mass., May 17, 1857. 8-William Harlow (1624-91), from Eng. to Plym- outh, Mass., 1637; lt. gov. of Plymouth, m 1649, Rebecca Bartlett (g.dau. Richard Warren, qv); 7-William, m Lydia Cushman; 6—-Thomas, m Jediah Churchill; 5-Jonathan, m 1742, Sarah Holmes; 4-Jonathan, m 1770, Betty Blackmer; 3-Branch, m 1816, Susan Keith. 2-Son of Bradford Greenleaf Harlow (1819-1905), 54 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Middleborough, Mass., m Hannah Nye Gibbs (1819-63); issue: I-Francis Seymour (1855-61); II— Alfred Branch (above). IIl-m Dec. 5, 1883, Elizabeth Ann Dunham, 6 at Charleston, 8.C.; dau. Cornelius Thomas Dun- ham, Abington, Mass. (dese, of Ezra Dunham [1724-66], Plymouth, Mass.); issue: 1-Katharine Gendron, b Milton, Mass., Dec. 28, 1888; m Oct. 21, 1916, Walter Erwin Johnson (issue: Frances Gibbs; Erwin); 2—Alfred Gibbs, 6 Milton, Mass., Jan. 21, 1890; A.B., Princeton, 713; 2d 1t., ist lt. and capt. of inf., attached to Co. I, 315th Regt., 79th Div.; with A.E.F. in France 11 months, m 1921, Elizabeth Moore Dravo. Mass. Inst. Tech., ’79. Architect. Fellow A.I.A. Clubs: Edgeworth, Pittsburgh, Allegheny Country. Residence: Sewickley, Pa. 1-AMES, Oakes, }) N. Easton, Mass., Sept. 26, 1874. 9-William Ames (qv); 8—John (1647-1726), m Sarah Willis (1650-1712; John’, m Elizabeth Palmer); 7-Thomas (1682-1737), m Mary Hayward; 6—Thomas (1707-74), m Keziah Howard; 5—John (1738-1805), m Susanna Howard; 4—Oliver (1779-1868), founder of Oliver Ames & Sons, m Susannah Angier (Oakes®, lawyer, Bridgewater, Mass.); 38-—Oakes (1804-78), mem. 38th to 42d Congresses: largely instrumental in building the U.P.Ry.; m Eveline O. Gilmore. 10—Francis Cooke (qv); 9-Jane, m Experience Mitchell Eng. in the “Ann,” 1623; 8—-Hannah, m Joseph Hayward (Thomas’); 7—Mary (1684-1758), m Thomas Ames (7 above). 9-Capt. Thomas Hayward (d 1691), m Susanna-—; 8-Martha, m John Howard (d 1700); 7-Jonathan, m Sarah Dean (b 1665; John’, m Sarah, dau. of Samuel Edson); 6—Keziah (1712-73), m Thomas Ames (6 above). 6—-Samuel Ray (d 1776), m Mary Fullerton (1723-64); peeves (1734-1822), m Elizabeth Barnard (1739- 1814) ; 4—Obed (1774-1864), m Lurania Swain (1778-1853) ; 8—Obed S. (1802-43), m Anna Way Joy (1805-52). 2-Son of Oliver Ames, LL.D. (1831-95), financier; gov. of Mass., 1887-90; m 1860, Anna Coffin (Ray) Hadwen (1840-1917), dau. of Obed Ray and adopted dau. of William Hadwen; issue: I-— William Hadwen (1861-1918; m Fanny Holt); II-— Evelyn Orville (m Frederick Garrison Hall); IIlI—Anna Lee (6 1864; m George M. Nowell); IV-—Susan Evelyn (m Thomas Taylor, Jr.); V— (1609-89), from Lilian (m Harry L. Chatman); VI-—Oakes (above). ViI-m May 15, 1900, Blanche Ames, Bb Lowell, Mass., Feb. 18, 1878; B.L., Smith, ’99; dau. Gen. Adelbert Ames, of Lowell; issue: 1—-Pauline, } N. Easton, Mass., Oct. 22, 1901; 2-Oliver, 2d, BN. Easton, May 20, 1908; 3-Amyas, b Sharon, Mass., June 15, 1906; 4-Evelyn, bB Sharon, Jan. 9, 1909. A.B., Harvard, ’98, A.M., 1899. Asst. prof. botany, Harvard U., 1915-26; prof. botany, 1926—; cura- tor Bot. Mus. of Harvard U., 1923. (See Who’s Who in America). Fellow Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences, ete. Clubs: Harvard (New York and Boston), Algonquin, Boston Athletic, Mass. Automobile, Boston Art. Country place: ‘“‘Bor- derland,’ N. Easton, Mass. Residence: 355 Commonwealth Avy., Boston, Mass. 1-HARPER, Ernest Bouldin, } Danville, Va., Dec. 6, 18938. 6—Capt. John Harper (1728-1804), d at Alexandria, Va.; engaged in West Indian and S.Am. trade; 5—-Capt. William (d 1829), crossed the Delaware with Washington; fired minute guns at Wash- ington’s funeral; 4—Dr. William (b 1786), m Mary Thomas Newton; 3—Robert (1825-1908), m Mary Amelia Newton (1828- 1870; ¢.dau. of Maj. William Newton, m Marga- apace who was sister of President Mon- roe). 10-Thomas Bouldin (6 1580), came to Va. in the “Swann,” 1610; m Mary-; 9—-William (1620-91), of Pa., m Ann-; 8—William (1650-1717), took 887 acres in Gloucester Co., Va., 1688; m Elizabeth— (d 1710); 7-John (1680-1711), m Mary-; 6—Col. Thomas (1706-83), took land in Va. ante 1732; m 1731, Nancy Clark; 5—-Maj. Wood (1742-1800), m 1772, Joanna Tyler (aunt of President Tyler; John*, m Anne Con- tesse; John’; Henry’; Henry’); 4—Hon. James Wood (1792-1854), m 3d, 1829, Almeria Read (1794-1856) ; 3—Powhatan (1830-1908), of Danville, Va.; m 1855, Ella Fuqua (1835-73; Dr. William A.4, m Mary Jane Barkesdale). 2-Son of Charles Ernest Harper, D.D.S. (b 1864), Danville, Va.; m 1891, Marie Louise Bouldin (b 1868); issue: I-Ernest B. (above); II—-Dr. Robert Newton (6 1896); I1I-Powhatan Fuqua (b 1900). I—m June 12, 1923, Lyssa Desha Chalkley, 6 Staun- ton, Va., Mar. 3, 1900; dau. of Judge Lyman Chalkley (See Vol. 1, p. 95, for genealogy); issue: 1-Ernest Bouldin, Jr., b Kalamazoo, Mich., Aug. 7, 1924. B.A., M.A., U.Va.,’16(Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Gamma Mu); B.D., U. Chicago, 1920, Ph.D., 1922. Prof. sociology, Kalamazoo Coll., from 1923. Served pvt., sgt. and 2d It., F.A., Apr. 1917-July 1919; in France 19 months and in 5 major engage- ments; Ist lt., F.A. Res. Residence: 333 Doug- las Ct., Kalamazoo, Mich. 1-CAPEHART, Sara Peirce Wadley (Mrs. Ed- ward E.), b “Pikes Peak Plantation,” Screven Co., Ga., July 14, 1861. 8-John (Wadleigh) Wadley, from Eng. with Richard Vines’ Company, 1630; settled at Bid- deford, Saco, Wells, and Kittery, Me.; m Mary-; 7-Robert (1630-1702?), Wells and Kittery, Me.; large landowner; judge Supreme Ct.;mSarah-—; 6—Robert (1661-post 1722), m 1696, Sarah Nelson; 5—Joseph (1711-92), m 1737, Anne Swaine (1714-77): 4—Joseph (1744-1821), m 1770, Elizabeth Dole (1744- 1826) ; 8—Dole (1782-1826), m 1813, Sarah Colcord (1791-1862). 9-Abraham (Pierce) Peirce (1605-73; son of Thomas and g.son of John, to whom was granted by Parliament the first charter for the Pilgrims, and who was one of the ‘“‘mer- chant adventurers” who bought and fitted out the “Mayflower,” 1620), came in the ‘‘Fortune,” 1621, bringing the charter to the Pilgrims; m 1650, Rebecca-—; 8—Isaac (1656-1732), m 1686, Alice Chartley; 7-Isaac (1680-1757), m 1703, Judith Booth (1685-1733): baer ols (1704-76), m 1728, Mary Hoskins (1711- is 5-Henry (1743-91), m 1768, Salome Hinds (1747-84); sees (1776-1852), m 1801, Charity Hinds (1780- 3-Elbridge Gerry (1801-85), m 1824, Sarah Jane Gorham (1806-86). 2-Dau. of Dole (Wadleigh) Wadley (1824-91), lumberman; went to Ga., 1844, where his broth- er, William, who wrote the name Wadley, had preceded him, and also adopted the same spelling of the name; m 1860, Elizabeth Peirce (1839-1908); issue: I-Sara Peirce (above); II-— George Peirce (b 1874). I-m Oct. 27, 1886, Edward Everett Capehart, U.S.N. (Feb. 18, 1859-Feb. 20, 1917); son of Maj. Gen. Henry Capehart, of Bridgeport, O.; is- sue: 1-Wadleigh (qv for Capehart lineage); 2-Everett Dole, 6 Portsmouth, June 26, 1890; U.S.N.A.. ’11; It. edr. U.S.N.; engr. officer U.S.S. “Davis,” 1917-18, in Irish Sea and Brit- ish Channel; naval aide at the White House, 1921-24, during administrations of Presidents Harding and Coolidge; aide to Vice Adm. Knapp, U.S.N., May-Oct. 1919, while latter was naval adviser to U. S. Commn. to Negotiate Peace, at Paris; also aide to Vice Adm. Knapp, comdg. U.S. naval forces in European wa- ters, Oct. 1919-July 1920. Mem. S.M.D., C.D.A., D.C.G. Residence: 2003 O St., Washington, D.C. 1-CAPEHART, Wadleigh, 6 Portsmouth, N.H., Sept. 3, 1888. 6—Heinrich (Gebhart, Kephart) Capehart (ca.1725- 1795), 6 northern Baden, of Swiss and earlier noble Alsatian origin; arrived at Phila., Pa., 1754; Am. Rev.; 5-Andrew (1754-1809), began to write name Ken- hart; contractor, Phila. Co.; Am. Rev.; m 1788, Elizabeth Wright; ; 4-John (1790-1875), construction engineer in western Pa. and Ohio; corp. and artificer War 1812; m Sophia Stackhouse, of N. Y. City: 3-Henry_ (1823-95), began to write name Cape- hart; M.D.. Washington and Jefferson; bvt. maj.-gen. U.S.V. in Civil War; m 2d, 1856, Eliz- abeth Adelaide Kinsey. 9-John Kinsey. from Eng. in the ‘Kent’ to Burlington, N.J., 1677; FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 55 8-David, came in the “Lyon” with Welsh Quak- ers, settled in Pa.; m ca. 1680, Maudlin; 7-Rev. Edmund (1682-1759), a founder of Buck- ingham Meeting, north of Phila., 1720; m 1708, Sarah Ogborn; 6—-Benjamin (0 1727), m 1st, 1749, Susannah Brown; 5-George (b 1752), settled in’ Jefferson Con Ou m 1773, Mary Gillingham (John*®, m Sarah Taylor); 4—John Gillingham (1789-1873), m 1809, Mary Bal- derston (d@ 1859; Mordecai®, m Deborah Michener); 38-Elizabeth Adelaide (1829-1908), m Henry Cape- hart (8 above). 2-Son of Capt. Edward Everett Capehart, U.S.N. (1859-1917), U.S.N.A., ’81; m 1886, Sara Peirce Wadleigh (qv). M June 10, 1915, Elizabeth Scudder, b Apr. 5, 1894; dau. of Townsend Scudder, ex-justice Supreme Ct. of N.Y.; issue: 1-Elsbeth Hew- lett, 6 Dec. 22, 1916; 2-Wadleigh, Jr., 0 July 12, 1918; 3-Mary, 6 May 1920. ESN Acme 0N ee tamcdres U. SaNeos insp..Ccurtiss Airplane Works, Buffalo, N.Y., 1917-18; cdr. U.S. Naval Air Sta. on island of La From- entine, Bay of Biscay, 1918-19; naval attache, Rio de Janeiro, 1919. Address: Navy Dept., Washington, D.C. 1CAPERTON, William Banks, } “Spring Hill,” Maury Co., Tenn., June 30, 1855. 5-John Caperton (ca. 1732-post 1816), from Scot- land to New York, 1753; settled on New River (Va.), near present dividing line of Monroe and Sumner cos., W. Va.; at what is now called Crump’s Bottoms, W.Va.; m 1753, Mary (Polly) Thompson 4—James (1770-1847), m 1791, Sally Wells (1772-1843) ; tombstones of both still standing at “Spring Hill,” Maury Co., Tenn.; is. C. (1789-1861), m Amelia Haley (1796- 1 2-Son of Samuel B. Caperton (1825-87), farmer and merchant; m 1854, Mary Jane Childress (1834-65); issue: I-William Banks (above); II-— Samuel J. (1857-1905); I1I—-Mary J. (1859-1914). I-m Feb. 9, 1891, Georgie Washington Black- lock, b Culpeper, Va., June 29, 1872; dau. of Dennis R. Blacklock, of Alexandria, Va.; is- sue: 1-Marguerite, b Brooklyn, N.Y. U.S.N.A., ’75. Promoted through the grades to rank of admiral U.S. N., 1916; retired 1919 (For details of service see Who’ s Who in America). Residence: “Spring Hill,’ Maury Co., Tenn. 1-CAPERTON, Woods Archibald, b Waco, Tex., July 21, 1879. 6—John Caperton (ca. 1732-post 1816), from Scot- land to New York, 1753; settled on New River, Va., near present dividing line of Monroe and Sumner cos., W. Va., at what is now called Crump’s Bottoms, W.Va.; m 1753, Mary (Polly) Thompson; 5—William (1766-1846), m 1790, Lucy Woods; 4-Archibald (b 1791), m Maria Haslip; 3-Woods Archibald (1828-62), m Amanda Colbert (1832-1908). 8—-Michael Woods (son of John Woods, 6 Scot- land, 1654, m Elizabeth Warsup, and desc. Adam Loftus [b 1534], archbishop of Dublin and lord chancellor of Ireland), 6b Ulster, Ire- land; migrated to Pa., 1725, then to Va., 1732, settled in Albemarle "Co., 1734; founded the estate in after years known as “Blair Park’; m Mary Campbell (d 1762); 7—William (b 1707), m Susannah Wallace; 6—Archibald (1749-1836), m Mourning Shelton; 5—Lucy (1772-1854), m William Caperton (5 above). 2Son of Joseph Colbert Caperton (1852-90), m 1878, Ada Eastland (1855-90); issue: I—-Woods Archibald (above); II—Helen A. (b 1881; m Her- man Vollmer); IIIJ—-Edward W. (0b 1882; ™ Sadie Lee Corder); IV—Louise (b 1884; m W. A. Tidwell); V—Joseph C. (b 1887; m Lenore Thoms); VI—Fastland H. (6 1890; m Helen Als- paugh); VII—King (1890-91). I-m Dec. 18, 1902, Sue Evans. 6b Goshen, Tex., Feb. 9, 1881; dau. of George Evans, of Athens, Tex.; issue: 1-Helen Terry, } Waco, Tex., Mar. 17, 19094; 2-Woods Archibald, Jr., ®B Indian- apolis, Ind., Feb. 11, 1909; 3-Mary Evans, b Indianapolis, Aug. 29, 1912. Ed. grade and 2 yrs. high schools and 2 yrs. at. Strother’s Private School of Mathematics and English, Waco, Tex. Pharmaceutical sales- man in Tex., 4 yrs.; mgr. southern dept. of Eli Lilly & Co., 2 yrs.; asst. sales mgr. and sales megr., Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, Ind., since 1906. Clubs: Indianapolis Athletic, Woodstock Country, Meridian Hills Country, Indianapolis Gun, Chamber of Commerce, epee ES 4830 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, nd. WILLIAM LINCOLN PALMER. 1-PALMER, William Lincoln, 6} Portland, Me., Sept. 19, 1868. 8-William Palmer (qv); 7—Christopher (ca. 1626-1699), m 1650, Susannah Hilton (1633-1716; Edward§); 6-Samuel (b 1652), m Ann Sanborn (1662-1745; Lt. John’, m Mary, dau. of Robert Tuck; William’, av); 5—Jonathan (1698-1779), m 1725, Anna Brown (1708/09- 1796; William’, m Anne, dau. of John Heath; Benjamin’; John’); 4- —Trueworthy (1749- 1830), pvt. Am. Rev.; m Ist, 1772, Joanna Webster (Thomas, m Judith, dau. of Daniel Noyes; John*; Thomas’; Thomas’); 38—Jonathan (1782- 1866), m 2d, 1810, Martha Prescott. 8—James Prescott (qv); 7—Jonathan (1675- 1755). founder of Hampton Falls, N.H.; m 169%, Blizabeth-; 6-Jonathan (1696-1746), capt. French and Indian War; m 1721, Judith Gove (b 1700; Ebenezer’, m Judith Sanborn; Lt. Edward; John’); 5—-Jonathan (1723- 1809), signed Association Test, and served in N.H. militia; m Rachel Clifford (b 1723; Samuel’, m Sarah, dau. of Samuel Dow; Israel’?; John’; George®); 4—Jonathan (1759-1813), m 1780, Lydia Tuck (6 1762; Samuel5, m Martha, dau. of Philemon Blake; Jonathan*; John’; Edward’; Robert®, qv); ne (1789-1879), m Jonathan Palmer (3 above). 10-Michael Bacon (qv); 9—Michael (ca. 1608- 1688), m 1st, Mary-— (d 1655); 8—Michael (bap. 1639-1701), m 1660, Sarah Richard- son (bap. 1640-1694; Thomas’); 7—-Josiah (1678-1723), m Mary—; 6—Josiah (1702-ante 1751), m Sarah Davis (b 1709; Joseph’, m Rebecca, dau. of Thomas Patten; ' George§); 5-Ebenezer (1736-ca. 1798), m 1762, Abigail (Far- well) Richardson (6 1734: Isaac Farwell’, m Sarah, dau. of Joseph Bunker; Capt. Henry’; Joseph’; Henry?®, av); 56 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 4-Ebenezer (1765-ca. 1847), of Waterville, and Fair- field, Me.; m 1798, Hannah Lovejoy (1773-1844; Capt. Abial5, m Mary Brown; Hezekiah®; Chris- topher’; John’); 3-Ebenezer F. (1796-1841), of Waterville, Me.; sheriff of Kennebec Co.; m 1828, Jane Faunce. 10-John Alden (qv); 9-Joseph (1627-97); 8-Mercy, m John Burrill (1658-1731; John®); 7-Capt. John (b 1694), m 1717, Mary Humphrey (b 1698; Joseph®; Thomas’); 6-Sgt. John (b 1717), m Anne Vinton (b 1718; Thomas’, m Hannah, dau. of Nathaniel Thayer; John’; John®); 5-Ziba..(1765-1833), m 1786, Mary Chase (1769-1827; ‘Matthew’, m Mary, dau. of John Hankerson; Roger’; Thomas’; 'Thomas®; Aquilla!®, qv); 4—Miriam (1787-1828), m 1804, Asa Faunce (1776-1824) ; James®, m Thankful, dau. of: Nathan Tobey; James*; Thomas’; Thomas’; John®); 3-Jane (1807-82), m Ebenezer Farwell Bacon (3 above). 2-Son of Rev. James Monroe Palmer (1822-97), A.B., Colby, ’47; Congl. minister; m 1853, Caro- line Frances Bacon (1830-99); issue: I—-Charles James (b 1854; m Helen M. Watson; m 2d, Ger- trude S. Barnes; m 3d, Maud S. Slingerland); II-—Edward Francis’ (1857-62); III—Caroline Emma (0b 1861; m.»Charles G. Gardner); IV— George Monroe (1863-1922; m Annie Wildes Brown); V—William Lincoln (above); VI—Fred- erick Tobey (b 1871; m Mary E. Primmer), V-—m Apr. 14, 1892, Jennie Christine (July 22, 1873- Apr. 1, 1919), dau. of Charles A. Giesler, of Princeton, Me.; issue: 1—Jennie Carolyn, 6 at Dorchester, Mass., Nov. 22, 1894; m June 28, 1920, Sheldon Smith Mayo (issue: Priscilla, 0 1922); 2-Marion Prescott, b Boston, Mass., Sept. 29, 1897; m June 17, 1918, Walter Lafayette Ab- bott, Jr. (issue: Walter P., b 1919); 3-William Lincoln, Jr., b Cambridge, Mass., July 7, 1909. M 2d, June 19, 1922, Frances Hunt Johnson (qv). Grad. Gordon Coll., Boston, ’91. Realtor, gen- ealogist, Boston. Mem. S.M.D., S.C.W., S.A.R., etc. Residence: Boston, Mass., and Vineyard Haven, Mass. FRANCES HUNT (JOHNSON) PALMER. 1-PALMER, Frances Hunt Johnson (Mrs. Wil- liam Lincoln), b Jan. 21, 1870-d Feb. 17, 1925. 9-Antonie (Janssen Van Salers) Johnson (b 1600; son of Abraham Janssen, hist. painter; g.son of Victor Honorius Janssen, of Antwerp, m Breckje, dau. of Col. Gasper Colet de Rapella, Huguenot, who fled from France to Holland), came to America, 1627 or 31; founded Graves- end, N.Y., 1631; m a Quakeress; 8—Barent (1636-98) ; 7-Jan Barentse (b ca. 1660); 6—Isaac (b 1700); 5-Barent (1727-77), soldier Am. Rev.; m 2d, Maria Guest (d 1769; Capt. John*®, of New Brunswick, 4—-Rev. John Barent (1769-1803), began to write name Johnson; minister Dutch Ref. Ch., Al- bany, N.Y.; m 1797, Elizabeth Lupton (1777-1803; William5, retired British army officer, m Eliza- beth Symes); 8—-Samuel Roosevelt, D.D. (1802-73), A.B., Colum- bia, 1820; prof. divinity, Gen. Theol. Sem., 20 yrs.; m 1826, Elizabeth Johnston (Judge John‘, of Hyde Park, N.Y.). 2-Dau. of Dr. Peter Roosevelt Johnson (1827-1905), M.D., Columbia, 1851; surgeon and litterateur; m 1865, Mary Chamberlain (1839-1916), dau. of Col. Harry Wentworth Hunt, m Frances Eliza- beth, dau. of Dr. John Howard, surgeon Am, Rev.; issue: I-Mary Roosevelt (b 1866); II- Elizabeth Howard (b 1867); I1I-Susan Bard (b 1868); IV—Frances Hunt (above); V—Clara Chan- ning (d childhood); VI—Roosevelt (b 1873; m Theresa [McMahon] Abell); VII—William Colet (b 1876); VIII-Margaret Howard (b 1879); IX—Harold (d infancy). IV—m June 19, 1922, William Lincoln Palmer (qv). Grad. Training School of the Children’s Hosp., Boston, 1894, Sargent School, Boston, 1897. Author of two volumes of poems. 1-HARPER, James Philip, } New York, N.Y., Sept. 29, 1861. 5-Peter Grimm, m Eva Gaylor, who came from Germany to N.Y.City ca. 1700; 4-Elizabeth (1750-1821), m Philip Jacob Arcularius (1747-1825), from Germany to N.Y.City before Am. Rev.; merchant; alderman; mem. N. Y. Assembly; 3-Christina (d 1860), m Samuel Barker Harper (1777-1862), merchant, N.Y.City (James‘ [1742- 1819], of Ipswich, Eng.). 5-Joseph Perego, came to America, 1750, set- tled in N.J.; m Annie Platt (William®); 4-Joseph (1774-1864), m Margaret Wiggins (1780- 1857), dau. of Gushom, of Eng.; 38—-Ira (1801-77), merchant; m Frances Branan (1805-67). 2-Son of James Philip Harper (1812-81), mcht.; m 1853, Margaret Perego (b 1829); issue: I— Christina Arcularius (b 1854); II-Francis Per- ego (6 1856); III-Ella Adelaide (b 1859); IV— james Philip (above); V—Lathrop Colgate (b IV—m Aug. 25, 1906, Florence Emily Hyde (qv). Merchant. Club: New York. Residence: 981 Madison Av., New York. 1-HARPER, Florence Emily Hyde (Mrs. James Philip), 6 Newark, N.J., May 16, 1861, 9-William Hyde (qv); 8-Samuel (1637-77), m Jane Lee; 7-John (1667-1727), m Experience Abel; 6-James (1707-93) m Sarah Marshall; 5-James (1752-1809), officer Am. Rev.; m Martha Nevins; 4—Erastus (1775-1849), m Fannie Bell; 3—Edwin (1812-96), m 1835, Elizabeth Alvina Mead (Ralph‘, financier, New York, m 2d, Ann E., dau. of Gen. Abram Van Wyck, of Fishkill, N.Y.; Edmund’, mem. Com. Safety in Am. Rev.; dese. William Mead, qv). 5-John Truslow (1751-1802), m Martha Wood; 4-Thomas (1780-1864), mem. N.Y. Assembly; m Mary Angevine; 3—William (1813-97), m Eliza Purdy (1816-1901). 2-Dau. of Ralph Mead Hyde (b 1839), m Mary Seaman Truslow_ (1841-1911); issue: I-Florence Emily (above); II—Alice Mary (b 1862); III— Ralph Mead, Jr. (b 1863; m Helen W. Under- hill); IV—Louise Brooks (b 1865: m Archibald E. Reid); V—Isabel Campbell (b 1866); VI—Wil- liam Truslow (6 1868; m Isobel B. Marks); VII- Frances Draper (1869-70); VIII—Arthur Penrhyn Stanley (See Vol. 1, p. 344); IX—Clifford Doug- las (1881-1922); X—Ethel Norbury (1882-1911). I-m Aug. 25, 196, James Philip Harper (qv). Residence: 981 Madison Av., New York. Eliza FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 57 BRANSFORD 1-GCOARPENTER, Arthur Howe, } Georgetown, Colo., Oct. 19, 1877. 6-John Carpenter (said to have been son of Samuel, by his first marriage, and g.son of Thomas), was of Deptford, Gloucester Co., N.J.; m 1748, Sarah Driver; 5-Benjamin (b 1745), m 2d, 1772, Mary Morgan (0 1751; Randall‘); 4John (b 1780), m 1816, Elizabeth Woodward (John B.S); 3—John Woodward (0b 1825), m 1847, Sarah Rebecca Taylor (b 1820 or 21; Capt. Reuben B.4). $John Howe (qv); 8-Josiah, m Mary Haynes; J—Josiah (1678-1766), m Sarah Bigelow; 6—Jacob (b 1724), m 1742, Ruth Swinerton; 5—Oliver (1748-ca. 1785), m Sibyl Fuller (6 1765; Capt. James‘); 4-Dr. John Ruewee (d 1816), m his cousin, Or- illa Fuller (1787-1855; James®, m Mary, dau. Nehemiah May, officer Am. Rev.); 3—Dr. James Fuller (1817-1901), .m Hannah Bing- ham (1819-1902). 10-Roger Williams (qv); 9-F'reeborn, m Thomas Hart; 8—Mary, m 1680, Samuel Cranston (1659-1727), gov. of R.I., 1698-1727 (John§); 7—-Thomas, m Patience Gardiner; 6—-Peleg, m Sarah Carr; 5-James, m Ruth Austin; 4—-Martha (b 1794), m 1814, Silas Bingham (06 1792; Silas’, soldier Am. Rev.; Jabez®, m Mary Wheelock [Ralph Wheelock, m Mercy Stan- dish’7]; Josiah’; Capt. Myles®); 3—Hannah (1819-1902), m 1838, James Fuller Howe (3 above). 2-Son of Franklin Reuben Carpenter, Ph.D. (1848-1910), mining and metallurgical engr.; m 1874, Annette Fuller Howe (6 1848); living issue: I—Arthur Howe (above); IJ—Cranston Howe (0b 1882; m Jane Porter Cason); III—Malcolm Howe (b 1884; m Onita Clegg); IV—Annette Howe (06 1892); V—Talbot Standish (6b 1896). I-m June 5, 1901, Margaret Lucile Evans, b Mer- om, Ind., Jan. 27, 1880; D.A.R.; dau. of Prof. Dafydd Joshua Evans, LL.D., prof. Latin, Ohio U., 40 years; issue: 1-Franklin Dafydd Howe, 6b Denver, Colo., Sept. 15, 1902; Ohio U., ’25; 2-Margaret Annette, 6 Denver, Sept. 30, 1903; Ohio U., ’25; 3-Mary Elizabeth, 6b Pitts- burgh, Pa., Mar. 25, 1917. Ohio U., 1894 (hon. A.M., 1914); Northwestern U. 2 yrs. Metallurgist since 1894; prof. metal- lurgy, Armour Inst. Tech., Chicago, since 1920 (See Who’s Who in America). Hobby: Astronomy and psychical research. Mem. aha Residence: 811 Bell Av., La Grange, 1-SCAIFE, James Verner, } Allegheny City, Pa., Nov. 8, 1868. 5-Henry Scaife (1749-1789), from Eng. to Phila., Pa., ca. 1785; m Sarah-; 4-Jeffery (1781-1847), from Eng. to Phila., 1789; settled at Pittsburgh, Pa., 1802; m Lydia Borrett; 3-William B. (1812-76), m 1834, Mary Frisbee (1815-1905). 4-James Verner (1778-1849), from Verner’s Bridge, Co. Armagh, Ireland, to Pittsburgh, Pa., 1806; m 1804, Elizabeth Doyle (1780-1851): 3-James (1818-1901), m 1841, Anna Montgomery Murry (1824-81). 2-Son of Charles Cooke Scaife (1844-1915), pres. William B. Scaife & Sons Co., mfrs. of steel tanks; m 1867, Priscilla Murry Verner (1845- 1916); issue: I-James Verner (above); II—Wil- liam B., Jr. (1871-1924; m Sally Wendell Hill): IlI-Charles Cooke, Jr. (1874-1915); IV—Anna Verner (m John Howland Ricketson, Jr.). I-m Nov. 18, 1896, Mary Magee, 6 Allegheny City, Pa., Aug. 6, 1874; dau. of Frederick M. Magee, of Pittsburgh, and sister of James McDevitt Magee (See Vol. 1, p. 712, for genealogy); is- sue (all } Pittsburgh, Pa.): 1-Frederick Magee (Aug. 21, 1898-Oct. 20, 1917); Yale, ex-’19; 2— Alan Magee, b Jan. 10, 1900; Yale, ’20; 3-James Verner, Jr., 6 Oct. 14, 19038; Yale, ’27. B.S., Cornell, ’89 (Psi U., Theta Nu Epsilon). Pres. William B. Scaife & Sons Co., mfrs. of steel tanks and water purifying apparatus. Residence: Pittsburgh, Pa, Arms: Azwre on a chevron between two eagles ris- ing in chief, and a lion passant, in base, or, three sprigs of oak, fructed vert. Crest: An eagle rising, or, holding in the beak a sprig of oak, as in the arms, Motto: “Nulla Fraus Tuta Latebris.” (No Fraud is a safe hiding place.) 1-BRANSFORD, Clifton Wood, b Owensboro, Ky., Jan. 24, 1858. 7-Robert Bransford (1620-69), ‘‘colonel of horse under the Right Hon. William, Marquess of Newcastle in the service of King Charles ye first,” and Dorothy his wife, dau. of Lady Vaughan, widow of Sir William Vaughan, Knight, of Terracoyd, Co. Carmarthen, Eng., “who had also lands in Newfoundland and America’; lineal descendant of the celebrated Charles Brandon, Knight of the Garter, Duke of Suffolk (d 1545), son and heir of Sir William Brandon, Jr., Knight, standard-bearer to King Henry VII, and who was singled out and slain in personal combat by King Rich- ard III, at the battle of Bosworth Field, Aug. 21, 148. His father, Sir William Brandon, Sr., was Knighted by King Edward IV at the battle of Tewkesbury, May 4, 1471; this Sir William was the g.g.son of King Edward III, by the marriage of his granddaughter, Anne Plantagenet, dau. of Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester, to William Bransford. Lord Bourchier, who was the grandson of Sir John de Bransford, of Bransford Manor, Worcestershire, Eng., the founder of the family; 6-John (1668-1741), wealthy planter of the Bar- bados; m Mary-; 5-John (1698-1768), of Orange Co., Va., ca. 1730; was mem. of the first grand jury impaneled in the county after its orgn., 1734; m Barbara-, g.dau. of Sir James Calthorpe, Knight; 4-John (1725-1809), of Chesterfield Co., Va.; was imprisoned for permitting a Bapt. preacher to preach in his house, 1772; m Judith Am- monet (Andre®, vestryman of King William Parish, Va.; Jacob*, Huguenot, immigrant to Va., 1700); 3—Benjamin (1769-1845), planter, Cumberland Co., Va.; m Lucy Hatcher (Frederick*, mem. Cum- berland Co, com. during Am. Rev.; latter’s 58 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY son Benjamin was pres, Farmers Bank of Va., Richmond). Me 6-Capt. George Athey (1642-1709), of British Army, settled on plantation called “Wake- field,’ Charles Co., Md., 1674, and received large land grants from Lord Baltimore; m Sarah Marsh; ? fo! 5-George (1700-35), moved to Prince William Co., Va.; 4—John (1730-1830), officer Am. Rev.; later planter in Morgan Co., Va.; m Sarah, dau. Col. Foster, of English army, who joined the Am. forces at outbreak of Revolution; | 8-Elisha (1782-1856), first exclusively wholesale dry goods merchant at Louisville, Ky.; m Ann R. White (William‘, who laid out Middle- town, Ky.). 2-Son of Benjamin Bransford, Jr. (1819-92), to- bacco exporter; pres. Owensboro Savings Bank; m Mary Eleanor Athey (1825-1912); issue: T—Ada Ann (1848-1883; m Frank J. Clarke); II- Lucy Lee (m Gabriel W. Crutcher); IlI—John Dunlap (m Mary Lessenger); IV—Clifton Wood (above); V—Mary Camilla (1860-1897; m David A. Nisbet); VI—Robert Edwards (1862-84); Vil- Mortimer Frayser (m Hattie Taylor Conway). IV—m Dec. 21, 1882, Virgie Lee Finley, 6 Clarks- ville, Tenn., Oct. 26, 1862; dau. Dr. W. M. Fin- ley (dese. Archibald Finley, Scotch-Irish im- migrant, 1734); issue (all b Owensboro, Ky.): 1- Mary Boyd, 6 Nov. 28, 1883; Ward Seminary; m Apr. 14, 1910, Sherwood Hubbard Standish (See Vol. 1, p. 486); 2-Virginia Lee (June 30, 1888-Nov. 26, 1920); Ward Seminary; m June 15, 1911, Thomas Karr Givens (issue: Clifton Bransford, 6 and d 1912; Thomas Karr, Jr., 0 and d 1914; Mary Finley, 6b 1920); 3-Benjamin Ammonette (Feb. 7, 1896-Mar. 6, 1907). B.A., Cumberland, ’77 (Phi Kappa Psi); class honor, U. of Louisville, 1878. Organized and pres. Owensboro Banking Co., 1890-1917; offi- cer or dir. in other corpns. (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: Owensboro, Ky. 1-BRANSFORD, Johnson, } Nashville, Tenn., June 10, 1872. 6-John Bransford (1698-1768), of Orange Co., Va., ca. 1730; was mem. of the first grand jury impaneled in the county after its orgn., 1734; m Barbara-—; 5-John (1725-1809), of Chesterfield _Co., Va.; was imprisoned for permitting a Bapt. preacher to preach in his house, 1772; m Judith Am- monet (Andre®, vestryman of King William Parish, Va.; Jacob’, Huguenot immigrant to Va., 1700); Bees cae (1767-1853), m Anne Lee Snoddy (1778- 8-Col. Thomas Lewis (1804-65), prominent busi- ness man and statesman of Tenn.; m Lucinda Settle (1809-91). 2-Son of Maj. John S. Bransford (1836-1907), banker; pres. Nashville and Edgefield Street Ry. Co.; m 1865, Mary Eliza (1846-1917), dau. of Col. Anthony Wayne Johnson, m Mary E. Smith; issue: I-Mary Lou (d at 6 yrs.); II- Johnson (above); III—Elizabeth (m Orrin Thrall Higgins). II-m Apr. 17, 19011, Anna Mary Dudley, 0 Nash- ville, Tenn., Oct. 27, 1881; dau. of Guilford Dudley, of Nashville; issue (all b Nashville): 1—Johnson, Jr. (Feb. 24, 1902-June 23, 1903); 2— Anne Dudley, }B June 26, 19083; Miss Spence’s Sch., N.Y.City, ’23; 3-John Sterling, }b Sept. 26, 1906; Vanderbilt U., ’29; 4-Dudley, b Nov. 3, 1911; 5-Evelyn, b June 12, 1917. Vanderbilt U., 2 yrs., ex-’93 (Chi Phi). Pres. Bransford Realty Co., Richland Realty Co.. Tenn. Valley Securities Co., Josephine Land Co.; dir. Am. Nat. Bank. Pres. Nashville In- dustrial Bureau, 1912-15; trustee Transporta- tion Bd. of State of Tenn. Clubs: Hermitage. ree Ley Residence: Harding Rd., Nashville, enn. 1-CARPENTER, Rolla Lonis, } Detroit, Mich., Jan. 29, 1892. 9-Teunis Janssen Covert (d bet. 1692-98), from Heemstede, North Holland, to New Amster- dam, 1651: settled at Brooklyn; magistrate there; m Barbara Lucas (d post 1700); 8—Lucas (b N. Holland-d ca. 1717), came with his parents; moved to Three Mile Run, nr. New Brunswick, N.J., ca. 1708; m 1688, Barbara Sprong, of Flatbush (d post 1787); 7-Lucas (ca. 1699-1748), lived at Three Mile Run, nr. New Brunswick; m Fennetye-; 6—Luke (bap. 1732-1828), lived nr. Plainfield, N.J.; eon SO) Am. Rev.; m 1755, Anna Marselis ( -90) 5 5—-Anna (1770-1842), m Abraham Coriell (1772-1814); 4—George (1799-1875), m Eliza Sherwood (1802-55); 3—Jennette (1831-99), m Charles Ketcham Carpen- ter (1826-84). 2-Son of William Leland Carpenter (See Vol. 1, p. 69, for other lineages), m Elizabeth C. Ferguson, M Oct. 12, 1920, Jessie Waterfall, 6 Detroit, Mich., Oct. 7, 1897; dau. of Edward A. Water- fall (1862-1922), m Lillian Linn (0 1855); issue (all Bb Detroit): 1-Edward Waterfall, 6 Feb. 3, 1922; 2-Hlizabeth Lillian, 6b Apr. 21, 1923; 3- William Leland, II, b Oct. 28, 1925. A.B., Princeton, ’14; J.D., U.Mich., 1920. Mem. law firm of Prentis, Pugh, Fitch & Carpenter, Detroit. A.E.F., France 1917-19; pvt., M.C., Base Hosp. 36; later 2d lt. and q.m., Base Hosp. 19. pees ences 238 Eason Av., Highland Park, ich. 1-BUESSER, Lela Elizabeth Carpenter (Mrs. Frederick G.), b Detroit, Mich., Apr. 14, 1888. 10-Thomas Townsend (qv); 9Richard, m Deliverance Coles (d ante 1658; Robert?®, qv); 8—Dinah, m Thomas Willetts (b 1650), of Jericho, L.I. (Richard®, m Mary Washburn); 7—Mary (d 1731), m Thomas Powell (1663-1731); 6—Moses (1702-74), m Catherine Hallock (6 1712); 5-Hannah (b 1742), m Benedict Carpenter (1740-90; Benedict®; William’; Joseph§; William’); cea oh P. (1781-1852), m 1807, Anna Ketcham (1787- srry K. (1826-84), m 1849, Jennette Coryell 2-Dau. of William Leland Carpenter (See Vol. 1, p. 69, also Who’s Who in America), m Eliz- abeth Creighton Ferguson. M Mar. 2, 1915, Frederick Gustavus Buesser, } Troy, N.Y., Apr. 27, 1881; U. Vt:, 1901-04; M.D-; Detroit Coll. Medicine, 1905; physician, De- troit, Mich.; capt. and maj., M.C., U.S.A., and in France, 1917-19, attached to Base Hosp. 17, at Dijon; issue (all b Detroit): 1—-Frederick G., Jr., b Mar. 8, 1916; 2-William Carpenter, b June 7, 1921; 3-Lela Elizabeth, 6b Feb. 2, 1923. Vassar, ex-’138. Residence: 921 Taylor Av., De- troit, Mich. 1-HARRISON, Joseph LeRoy, } North Adams, Mass., Oct. 12, 1862. 10—Hendrick (Van Dyck) Van Dyke (will proved 1688), came to New Netherland 1639 or 40 as ensign comdt. of the troop of the West India Co.; returned to Holland but came again, 1645, as schout fiscal at New Amsterdam; m 1st, Deivertje Cornelise—; 9-Cornelius (d 1686), physician, Albany; m Elis- pat Lakens; m 2d, Elisabeth (Beck) Salis- ury: 8—Jacobus, physician, Schenectady; m 1694, Jac- omyntje Glen (1674-1731; Johannes’, m Annatie Peck; Sander L.!°, m Catolyn Dengan); 7-Cornelius (bap. 1698-will proved 1759), began to write name Van Dyke; physician; m ist, 1721, Maritje Mabie (Jan P.§); 6—Jacobus (b 1726); 5—-Jacob (1760-1844), m Charlotte Lawrence; 4—~John (1782-1834), m 1802, Esther Garner (d 1851); 3-Irene (1815-1907), m 1836, John Harrison (1814- 1901; David‘ [1782-1865], m Ann Rivvis; John® [b 17591, of Yorkshire, Eng.). 8-John Hawks (d 1662), of Windsor, Conn., 1640; -m Elizabeth-; 7-Dea. Eliezer (1655-1727), m 1689, Judith Smead (1665-1718; William!) ; 6—Eliezer (1693-1774), m 1714. Abigail Wells; 5—Seth (1729-1808). m 1751, Elizabeth Belding; 4—Samuel (1760-1847), m Mary Smead; eibe Smead (1801-79), m 1831, Sophia Elizabeth y. 9-Samuel Smith (ca. 1602-1680), m Elizabeth-(ca. 1602-1686) ; 8Chiliab (ca. 1635-1731), m 1661, Hannah Hitch- cock (d 1783); ‘ae (b 1674), m 1696, Nathaniel Ingram (b 6—-Elizabeth (1699-1761), m 1726, Samuel Belding (1687-1750) ; 5—Blizabeth (1731-72), m 1751, Seth Hawks (5 above). FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 59 9—-Widow Judith Smead (d 1639), of Dorchester, Mass.; 8-William (1635-1704), of Northampton, m 1658, Elizabeth Lawrence (d 1704); 7-Ebenezer (1675-1753), m ca. 1694, Esther Catlin (d 1738); 6-Joseph (1713-96), m 1735, Eunice Field (1714-92; Samuel’, m Hannah [Edwards] Hoyt; Sam- uel’, m Sarah, dau. of Thomas Gilbert, m Catherine, dau. of Dea. Samuel Chapin, qv; Zechariah’, qv); 5—Ebenezer (1740-77), m 1763, Mary Stebbins (1745- 77; Joseph*, m Mary, dau. of Hezekiah Strat- ton; John’; John’; John®; Rowland’, qv); 4—Mary (1767-1847), m Samuel Hawks (4 above). 9-Isaac Sheldon (qv); 8-John (1658-ca. 1734), m 1679, Hannah Stebbins (1664-1704) ; 7-Hannah (0 1683), m 1701, Joseph Catlin (d 1704), killed by Indians (John’, m Mary Baldwin; Thomas’, qv); 6—John (1704- 38), m 1727, Mary Munn (1705-63; Ben- jamin’, m ieee per dau. of Godfrey Nims, of Northampton, Mass.); 5-Mercy (1741- 1822), nm 1765, Consider Arms (1736- 92; Daniel®, m Esther Smead; William’, m Joanna Hawks); Fos n Ae (1770-1828), m 1791, David Abby (d after 1812), of New Orleans (Samuel Abbe®, m Rachel Masson; Benjamin*; Samuel’; John’); ty BE. (1812-76), m Elihu Smead Hawks (3 above). 2-Son of John LeRoy Harrison (1837-1909), m 1861, para Maria Hawkes (1842-1924). (See Vol. 1, Dp. ). Not married. Cornell, ’86 (Psi U.); U. of Heidel- berg (Germany), 1890; N.Y. State Library Sch., Albany, 1893 (B.L.S. and M.L.S.). Librarian, Forbes Library, at Northampton, Mass. (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. S.C.W., S.A.R., Chapin Family Assn., ete. Clubs: Cornell (New York), Lake Placid (N.Y.), Camp and Trail, Northampton, Northampton Country. Residence: Northampton, Mass. 1-SCOTT, Alexander Yerger, 6b “Three Oaks feo ae Washington Co., Miss., Dec. 17, 7-—Capt. John Scott, m Judith-; 6-—Samuel (1707-55), vestryman St. Peter’s Parish, Va.; mem. House of Burgesses, 1752-58 (his son Charles was gen. in Am. Rev., and gov. of Ky., 1808-12); 5-Joseph, maj. Am. Rev.; apptd. marshal of Va. by President Jefferson; 4-Edward (1774-1852), judge Circuit Ct. of Tenn., 1815-44; author of Scott’s Institutes; m Sarah Hawes; 38—Charles (1811-61), chancellor Superior Ct. of Chancery of Miss., 1852-59; grand master of Grand Lodge of Masons of Miss.; author; m Elisabeth M. Bullus. 2-Son of Charles Scott (1847-1916), served in C.S.A., 1862-65; lawyer; said to have been the largest cotton planter in the south (See Who’s Who in America, Vol. 9); m 1870, Malvina Yerger (qv). M June 12, 1909, Elisabeth Carroll, 6 Memphis, Tenn., July 14, 1889; dau. Col. William Henry Carroll (1848-1916), served in C.S.A., 1861-65, law- yer, Memphis, Tenn., m 1888, Mattie McKay; g.g.dau. Gen. William H. Carroll (1788-1844). veteran of War of 1812, 6th and 9th gov. of Tenn., 1821-27, 1829-35. U. of the South (Kappa Sigma); LL.B., U. Miss.. 1898. Practiced law 20 yrs.; now manager of Charles Scott’s Delta Plantations, in Bolivar Co., Miss., and in Ark. Maj. A.R.C., in France, 1918. Mem. S.C. Clubs: Tennessee, Memphis Country. Residence: Rosedale, Miss. 1-SCOTT, Malvina Yerger ect Charles), 6 in Washington Co., Miss., Jan. 24, 1849. Dese. George Yerger, of Reading, Pa.; served in Am. Rev.; m 2d, Gertrude Adams; and thru: 3—Michael, mcht.; m Amanda Shall. 6-John Preston (1699-1747), from Ireland to Augusta Co., Va., 1740; grantee with Breck- enridge and Patton of 12,000 acres; m 1722, Elizabeth Patton; 5-Margaret (1727-83), m 1755, Rev. John Brown (1728-1803). from Ireland in early life; B.A., Coll. of N.J. (now Princeton), in its 2d class, 1749; pastor New Providence Ch., Augusta Co,, Va., till 1796; a founder of Washington Mass.; and Lee U.; removed to Woodford Co., Ky.; 4—Preston W. (1768-1826), m Elisabeth Watts; 3—Louisa yw ‘m Judge James Rucks. 4-Josiah Rucks (6 1759), from Ireland; mem. Boston “Tea Party,” in which his brother James was wounded by an English bullet, rendering him paralytic for life; settled on land grant in Smith Co., Tenn.; m 1786, Elisa- beth Taylor; 3—James (d 1860), lawyer; m Louisa V. Brown (3 above). 2-Dau. of Alexander Yerger, cotton planter, m Elizabeth Brown Rucks; issue: I-William Ar- thur (d); II—Malvina (above); IlI—Mary (d); IV—Maria Louise; V—Edwin Michael (d); Vi- Rucks. II-—m Mar. 10, 1870, Charles Scott (Nov. 7, 1847-Oct. 26, 1916); cotton planter; issue: 1—Alexander Yerger (av for Scott lineage) ; 2-Elizabeth Bullus, 6 Rosedale, Miss.; m Edgar H. Woods (issue: Charles Scott); 3-Malvina May, m Eu- gene Octave Sykes (issue: Charlie Scott; Oc- tavia; Malvina Yerger); 4—Charlie, b Rosedale, Miss., 1888; m 1912, David M. Henning (issue: Charlie Scott; Cornelia Frayer; Elizabeth), Residence: Rosedale, Miss. 1-WHEELER, Charles Nelson, b Peoria, IIl., JUL Vor tae iscls 9-George Wheeler (1605-87; son of John, d 1632), from Cranfield, Bedfordshire, Eng., to Con- cord, Mass., 1638; m Katherine Wheeler (1610- 94) ; 8—John (1643- 1713), m Sarah Larkin (6 1647); 7-Lydia (b 1675), m Timothy Wheeler (1667- 1718; Thomas’ [d 1704], from Eng. ca. 1639, m Sarah Meriam, d 1676); 6—Timothy (1696- 1788), m Abigail Monroe (d 1748); 5-Nathan (1726-1823), soldier Am. Rev.; m Mary Hunt (1729-1835) ; 4-Amos (1761-1827), soldier Am. Rev. and War 1812; m Elizabeth Snow (d 1843); 3-Horatio Nelson (1811-85), removed from Marion, O., to Peoria, Ill., 1851; pres. Mechanics Nat. Bank, Peoria; m Matilda McCoy (1811-88). 2—Only child of Charles Rollin Wheeler (1841- 1917), pvt. 8th Ill. Vol. Cav., 1864-65; pres. First Nat. Bank, Peoria; m 1870, Nancy Joanna (1851- 1914), dau. of Benjamin Hood Williams (d 3880) Nancy Leonard (Benjamin 4, m Jane 00 M ‘June 20, 1894, Rachel Wheeler, b Peoria, IIl., June 7, 1871; ‘dau. of Thomas FB. C. Wheeler, of Peoria, m Jane Steele Lightner; issue: 1—Jane Steele, 6 Peoria, May 26, 1897; m Oct. 18, 1919, Charles Henry Schimpff, of Peoria (issue: Charles Wheeler, 6 Apr. 21, 1923). Princeton, ex-’93._ Banker and real estate oper- ator. Clubs: Creve Coeur, Country. Resi- dence: 380 Moss Av., Peoria, Il. 1-TETER, Walter Clark, b Pleasant Grove, Olmstead Co., Minn., Feb. 16. 1863. 5-Capt. Samuel Teter (1737- 1823), in Braddock Expdn., 1755, and Forbes Expdn., 1758; capt. militia in Am. Rev.; m Mary Doddridge: 4Samuel (d 18382), of Ross Co., O.; m Rebecca Ford (d 1838); 38-Samuel (1808- 1900), m Mary Ann Gray (James Gibson‘, m Bleanor McArthur, sister of Gen. Duncan McArthur). 10-Tomys Swartwout (b 1607), from Holland to New Amsterdam, 1652; settled at Matbush, L.I., of which he was schepen, or magistrate, 1655; mem. Dutch Colonial Assembly; m 2d. 1631, Hendrickjen, dau. of Barent Otsen, book publisher of Amsterdam, Holland: 9-Roeloff (ban. 1634-1715), was-the first schout or sheriff of Esopus (Kingston), Ulster Co., N.Y.. 1660; m 1657, Eva Bratt (Albert Andriessen”, m Annetje Barents): 8—Hendrickje. m 1679, Huybert Lambertse Brink (Lambert Huybertse®, from Holland. 1659); 7-Eva Dolderbrink (bap. 1690); m John Biggs (bap. 1687-1761), of Marbletown, Ulster Co.. non (Lt. John’, m 2d, Mary, dau. Lt. George all); 6—Mary (bap. 1721), m Joseph Doddridge (1700-79: John?; Phillin®); 5-Mary (1748-1838), m Capt. Samuel Teter (5 above). &-Jacob Cox, large landowner and _ tobacco planter in Va.; removed to Ross Co., O.; m Mary Daily: 4—-Margaret (b 1779), m John McLain (d 1843), mem, Ark. Senate, 1823, and first Constl. 60 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Conv., 1836 (John McLene or McLean, soldier Am. Rev.); 8-Jane (1808-18797), m 2d, James Clark (1797-1874). 2-Son of Rev. James Gibson Teter (1838-1921), m 1861, Julia Ann Clark (b 1887): issue: I-Walter Clark (above); IIl-Mary Minnesota (b 1865; m Ralph E. Watson); IIlI-Florence Genevieve (0 1867; m Arthur F. Jones); IV—Alfred James (b 1869; m Mamie Lucy). I—m Oct. 30, 1900, Anna (Edwards) Jones, 0 Dan- ville, Montour Co., Pa., Feb. 3, 1865; dau. of Hon. Daniel Edwards, of Kingston, Luzerne Co., Pa.; issue: 1-Margaret Clark (Sept. 9, 1901-Apr. 1, 1902). A.B., Hamline, ’85. Real estate operator, rail- road builder and banker. Clubs: Bankers, Railroad (New York), Colonial (Montclair, N.J.), Westmoreland (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.). Summer place: Hervey’s Lake, Luzerne Co., Pa. Residence: Montclair, N.J. COL. THOMAS MOORE HARWOOD (1827-1900). 1-HARWOOD, Thomas Franklin, } Gonzales, Tex., Nov. 8, 1857. 10-—William Harwood, from London, Eng., to Jamestown, Va., with Sir Edward Harwood, in the ‘‘Providence,” 1619; chief of ‘‘Martins Hundred,” 1620; 9—Joseph, received grants of land from Charles a of Eng., 1665, at Wyanoke, Charles City OnmVas: 8—Joseph, chief justice of Charles City Co., Va., 1705; m 1683, Agnes Cocke; 7-Thomas (d 1780); 6—Christopher (d 1744), bought land at King and Queen C.H., Va., 1789 and 1741; 5—-Capt. William (1740-79), m Priscilla Pendleton (sister of Edmund Pendleton, noted statesman and jurist); 4—Maj. Christopher (d 1793), of King and Queen Co., Va.; capt. of a co., 1776; called maj., 1790; m Margaret Roane (Thomas'’, of Hssex Co., Va.); 3Capt. Archibald Roane (1786-1937), inherited “Newington” (the residence of Carter Brax- ton, a “signer’), nr. King and Queen C.H., Va.; capt. Va. militia stationed at Norfolk in War 1812; mem. Va. House of Delegates, 1816, 22, 28, 24, 25, Senate, 1837; defeated for Con- gress by only one vote; m Martha Fauntle- roy (1797-1862). 2-Son of Col. Thomas Moore Harwood (1827- 1900), U.Va., 1846-48; lawyer in Tex. from 1850; capt., maj. and lt. col. of cav., C.S.A., 1861-65; regent U. of Tex. 16 yrs.; m 1857, Cordelia Brown (b 1833); issue: I-Thomas Franklin (above); II—Archibald Roane (1859-1909; m Net- tie Baker); II1I—Martha Fauntleroy (1861-1916); IV—Clara Fentress (1864-1912; m Gen. William H. Stacy); V-Mary Frances (Mrs. William H. Stacy, qv for Brown lineage); VI—Samuel Lycurgus (1869-1910). I-m Nov. 18, 1884, Florence Cornelia Batchelor (Mar. 8, 1861-July 13, 1905); dau. of Benjamin F. Batchelor; issue (all 6 Gonzales, Tex.): 1—Miller, Bb Dec. 18, 1887; U. Va. and U. Tex.; m Nov. 24, 1909, Clair Leverton (issue: Mar- garet Roane; Martha F., Thomas F.); 2—Cor- delia Brown (July 29, 1890-June 20, 1919); m Feb. 1, 1911, Laurence Worth Hoskins (issue: Helen Julia; Florence A.; Elizabeth H.); 3-Amasa Turner. 6 May 6, 1892; A. and M. Coll. of Tex., 1912; 4~Winston, b Dec. 2, 1898; Davidson Coll. (N.C.), and U. Tex.; pvt. and segt., Co. L, 360th Inf., 90th Div., 1917-19; in France, June 1918- Mar. 1919; wounded in right hand in Battle of Meuse, Nov. 4, 1918; m Sept. 10, 1919, Augusta, dau. of B. B. Hoskins, of Gonzales, Tex. (issue: Winston, Jr.; Cordelia Brown). M 2d, Feb. 4, 1918, Nannie (Vanham) McCaleb, 0b Gonzales Co., Tex., Sept. 24, 1872; dau. of Jo- seph Vanham, pioneer ranchman, of Gon- zales Co. Hampden-Sidney, ’78; B.L., U.Va., 1881. Prac- ticed law 40 yrs. until retired 1924. Del. Dem. Nat. Conv., San Francisco, 1920, New York, 1924. V.p. Tex. Hist. Assn. 1921, pres. since 1925; right eminent grand cdr., Grand Comdry. of Tex., K.T., 1905. Residence: 40 St. Joseph St., Gonzales, Tex. 1-STACY, Mary Frances Harwood (Mrs. Wil- liam H.), 6 Gonzales, Tex., Aug. 23, 1866. 4-Joseph Brown (1772-1868), whose parents were murdered by Indians when they were going down the Tennessee River; he was Indian captive 11 or 12 months, finally escaping and leading the troops which expelled the Creek Indians from Tenn.; 3-David Franklin, removed from Bolivar Co., Tenn., to Rep. of Tex., 1837; served in Battle of Plum Creek with Comanche Indians; m Jane McNeal (dese. Ezekiel Polk, of Tenn.). 2—Dau. of Cordelia Brown (b 18338), m 1857, Col. Thomas Moore Harwood (1827-1900), U. Va., 1846- 1848; lawyer in Tex. from 1850; capt., maj. and It.col. of cav., C.S.A., 1861-65; regent U. of Tex. 16 yrs. For issue and Harwood lineage see Thomas Franklin Harwood. M—May 4, 1915, as his 2d wife, Gen. William Henry Stacy, b Abbeville C.H., S.C., Feb. 20, 1863; son of Rev. Aaron Greene Stacy, of Burke Co., N.C.; adopted their niece, Florence Vir- ginia Harwood, 6 May 16, 190 (dau. of Archi- bald Roane Harwood). Residence: 1201 Travis Boul., Austin, Tex. 1-McKINNEY, Herbert Rowe, b Sault Ste. Ma- rie, Mich., June 7, 1896. 9-John Bellows (1623-83), from Eng. in the “Hopewell,” 1635; was at Concord, Mass., 1645; an original propr. of Marlborough; m 1703, Mary Wood; 8-Benjamin (ca. 1676-1750), m 1703, Dorcas Cutler Willard; 7—Benjamin (1712-77), founder of Walpole, N.H., grant given, 1752; lt. col. in Indian wars: Bellows Falls, Vt., named for him; m 1st 1735, Abigail Stearns (d 1757); 6—Peter (1738-1825), Lunenberg and Walpole. Mass., and Charlestown, N.H.; Am. Rev.; m 1764, Mary Chase; 5—Solomon (1776-1832), m 1799, Mary Norvil Hoyt; ° 4-William Edwy (1806-87), settled at Climax. ise” 1837; m 1st, 1832, Lavinia A. Harris (d 3—Charles Fitzroy (1832-1907), newspaper editor: prof. Ypsilanti (Mich.) Normal Coll.: founder of normal coll. at Mt. Pleasant. Mich., 1895: grand master F. and A.M. of Mich., 1883; m 1855, Julia E. Walter. 2-Son of Jessie Lavinia Bellows (1866-1906), m 1886; Peter T. McKinney (b 1860); issue: I-John Bellows (1887-1907); II-Walter Hastings (b FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 61 1889; m 1915, Julia Walker); Il1I—Julian Richard (0 1891; m 1915, Helen Houston); I1V—Theodore Bennett (0 1893; m 1921, Ella Rasmussen); V— Herbert Rowe (above); Vi—Harris Dunbar (0 1900); VII-—Peter T., Jr. (b 1905). V-m Aug. 1, 1925, Jessica Thomas, b Fort Wayne, Ind., Oct. 13, 1900; dau. of Charles E. Thomas, of Ft. Wayne, Ind. Newspaper writer, Detroit News. Served in Mexico and with A.E.F., 125th Inf., in France, 1916-19; 2d 1t., inf., U.S.R. Mem. S.A.R., A.L., K.P., Elks. Club: Union League. Residence: Detroit, Mich. 1-ANDERSON, Leonora Markle Hunter (Mrs. James G.), b Turtle Creek, Pa., May 23, 1872. 5-James H. Hunter, of Beatty, Pa.; teamster in Am. Rev.; m Annice Sloan; 4-James (6 1738), m Elizabeth McDonald; 3-Samuel (6 1783), m Margaret Anderson. 5-John Hughey (1752-1837), soldier Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth King; 4-Rachel, m John McMasters; 3—John (1810-58), m 1848, Leonora Markle. 5-Capt. William Cowan (1749-1838), of Sadsbury Tp., Pa.; officer Am. Rev.; m 2d, Mary Wilson; 4—Marie, m David Markle (b 1805); ators (1824-1912), m John McMasters (3 above). 2-Dau. of Dr. William Lightcap Hunter (1844- 1907), Beatty, Pa.; m 1870, Rachel Hughey Mc- Masters’ (1850-1910); issue: I—Leonora (above); II—Gail Hunter (m Frank F. Slick). I-m Feb. 4, 1892, James Grant Anderson (1865- 1913); son of Joseph Nelson Anderson, of Pittsburgh, Pa.; issue (all 6 Braddock, Pa.): 1—Marion, Feb. 17, 1898; m June 11, 1919, Stewart M. Coleman (issue: William Grant, b June 4, 1925); 2-William Hunter, b June 23, 1895; Lafayette, 719; m May 5, 1920, Katherine Vigelius (issue: Jeannette Lee, b Feb. 3, 1921; William Hunter, Jr., b Feb. 2, 1923); 3-Jean- nette, b Feb. 25, 1899; m Apr. 16, 1921, Phillips R. Turnbull. Ed. Pa. Coll. for Women, ’91. Mem. D.A.R. Residence: 12 E. 31st St., New York. 1-HART, Margaret Newbold Smith (Mrs. Thomas), ) Cape May, N.J., Aug. 31, 1899. 9-Thomas Smith (d ca. 1664), supposed to be of Dutch ancestry; m Grace-}; EN eraage (1645-89), merchant, Boston; m Rebecca over; 7-Thomas (1678-1742), of Boston; capt. A. and H. A. Co.; m 1700, Mary Corwin (0 ca. 1680); 6-Samuel (1705-82), from Boston to Phila., ca. 1725; mem. Common Council, Phila., 1751; sign- er of Non-Importation Agreement, 1765; m 1727, Mary Harrison (ca. 1700/01-1793) ; 5—William (1746-1822), M.D., U. Pa., 1771; mem. Am. Philos. Soc.; m 2d, 1783, Letitia Correy (1753- 1806) ; 4-John Correy (1784-1845), pres. Ins. Co. of N.A., 1831-45; mgr. Phila. Saving Fund Soc., 1825-28; m 1812, Matilda Wikoff (1793-1848); 3—-Charles Ross (1829-97), lt. col., 6th Pa. Cav. in Civil War; m 1861, Josephine Burr (1837-1902). 9-Michael (Newbould) Newbold (1623-93), from Eng. to Springfield Tp., Burlington Co., N. J., 1680; justice of the peace; m Anne-; 8—Michael (1667-1721), justice Ct. Common Pleas; officer provincial militia; m 1698, Rachel Cleay- ton (1677-1712) ; 7-Thomas (1702-41), judge Supreme Ct. of N. J., ec a Co., 1739; m 1724, Edith Coate (1705- 6—William (1736-93), mem. Com. Correspondence, 1775; m 1757, Susannah Stevenson (1736-82); &—Barzillai (1759-1815), maj. N. J. militia in Am. Rev., 1776; m 1788, Euphemia Reading (1761- 4-Anthony Taylor (1800-59), of Phila.; m Rebecca Field Taylor (d 1876); 3-Amos Taylor (1838-85), of Phila.; m Catharine Sheafe Reese (d 1883). 2-Dau. of Harry Hudson Smith (1869-1911), mem. Smith, Lineaweaver & Co., coal operators, Phila.; m 1898, Margaret Mesier Newbold (0 1876; now Mrs. Harry Clifton Adams); issue: I—Margaret Newbold (above); II-Evelyn New- bold (0 1901; m 1920, Frederick Howard Lee, Jr.)$ I-m May 15, 1918, Thomas Hart (See Vol. 1, p. 316); issue: 1-Margaret Newbold, b Phila., Pa., a 17, 1919; 2-Thomas, Jr., 6 Phila., May 4, Ed. The Agnes Irwin Sch., Phila., and St. Mary’s Sch., Peekskill, N.Y. (Delta Kappa Psi). Mem. Nat. League for Women’s Ser- vice; mem, bd. mgrs. of Sunnyside Day Nur- sery, also Bromall Convalescent Hosp. Club: Acorn (Phila.). Summer place: Madison and Stockton Avs., Cape May, N.J. Residence: 271 Hathaway Lane, Wynnewood, Pa. 1-CARR, Frances Childs Smith (Mrs. Sylvester H.), 6 Troy, O., Mar. 1, 1856. 9-Rev. Henry Smith (1577-1648), from Eng. to Wethersfield, Conn., 1687; m Dorothy Cotton; 8-Samuel (1639-1703), m 1662, Mary Ensign; 7—Preserved (1677-1713), m Mary Smith; 6—Chileab (1708-1800), m Sarah Moody; 5-Ebenezer, m Remember Ellis; 4-Preserved (1759-1834), soldier Am. Rev.; m Eunice Wells (Lt. Col. David'); 3—Preserved (1789-1881), m Bebe Richmond, 2-Dau. of Preserved Smith (1820-86), mfr.; m Lucy Richards Mayo (1817-94); issue: I-Henry Pre- served (b 1847; m Anna Macneale); IIl—-Walter W. (1850-96; m Belle Mitchell); I1I—-Richmond Mayo (1854-1901; m Mabel P. Ford); IV—Frances C. (above). IV-—m Nov. 13, 1884, Sylvester Helicus Carr (May 25, 1850-Mar. 3, 1920); lawyer, Dayton; son of Lewis Carr, of Ligonier, Ind.; issue (all } Day- ton, O.): 1-Lucy Mayo, b Dec. 6, 1885; m Dec. 27, 1910, Alexander Gebhart Reed (issue: Alex- ander; Frances Reed); 2-Walter Smith, b Sept. 28, 1889; Yale, 713; m June 9, 1917, Dorothy Shoup; 3-Lewis Francis, b Nov. 28, 1891; Yale, ’15; 2d It., F.A., World War; m Apr. 21, 1920, Eleanor Mc- Ilwain. Residence: 329 North View Rd., Oakwood Vil- lage, Dayton, O. 1-ANDERSON, Norinne Sanders (Mrs. James H.), 6 Bloomington, Ind., Dec. 17, 1876. 6—Joseph Sanders, from Eng., settled in S.C.; 5—-Henry (1751-1834), soldier Am. Rev.; Baptist preacher; m Dica Blake (1761-1841) ; 4—John (1792-1847), m Nancy Briscoe (1796-1874) ; 3-John (1824-51), m Miriam Coffey (1822-85). 4-Samuel Dodds (1783-1834), m Rachael Rhinhart (1785-1851) ; 38—Clelland F. (1826-94), of Bloomington, Ind.; m Mary EB. Orchard (1831-1910). 2-Dau. of Newell Sanders (See Vol. 1, p. 815), m 1873, Corinne Dodds. M Nov. 20, 1906, James Harvey Anderson, b Chat- tanooga, Tenn., Feb. 9, 1874; son of James Har- vey Anderson (1838-1923), of Ringgold, Ga.; issue: 1-Newell Sanders, 6 Lookout Mountain, Tenn., Aug. 13, 1908; 2-Norinne, 6 Lookout Mountain, Nov. 6, 1910. Grad. Mt. Vernon Sem., Washington, D.C., 1897. Mem. Bd. of Sch. Directors, Lookout Moun- tain; v.p. Tenn. League of Women Voters; regent Chickamauga Chapter D.A.R. Resi- dence: Lookout Mountain, Tenn. 1-ANDREW, A(bram) Piatt, } LaPorte, Ind., Feb. 12, 1873. 6—-James Andrew (ca. 1714-1755), probably 0b in Scotland; settled on the North Branch of the Raritan, Somerset Co., N.J., 1732; m before 1744, Catharine Livingston (living after1791; Daniel’, probably from Scotland, settled at Raritan, INE J) 5-Dr. John (1746-1814), ed. Coll. of N.J., and in medicine; surgeon thruout Am, Rev.; removed to Penn’s Valley, Northumberland (now Cen- tre) Co., Pa., ca. 1785; to Hamilton Co., O., 1808; m 1st, Rachel Chamberlin; 4—James (1774-1851), settled nr. Cincinnati, 1796; removed to LaPorte Co., Ind., 1835; m 17%, Catharine Piatt; 3-Abraham Piatt (1801-87), a founder of LaPorte, Ind., 1832; banker, ry. builder; m 1829, Viola Jane Hamilton Armstrong. 10-Henry Chamberlin (d 1674), from Eng., 1638, settled at Hingham, Mass.; : 9-John (d 1666 or 67 aet. 40), admitted inhabitant of Boston, 1651; became a Quaker; removed to Newport, R.I., ca. 1663; m 1st, 1653, Ann Brown (William”, of Boston); 8-Henry (1658/59-1688/89), Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co., N.J.; m ca. 1687, Anne West (d 1691/92; Rob- ert?, of Providence, R.I.); 7-John (d 1739), m Rebecca Morris (d after 1750; Lewis’, m Elizabeth, dau. of Christopher Almy; Thomas’, of Barbados); 6—Lewis (d 1772), judge Ct. Common Pleas, Hun- 62 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY terdon Co., N.J., 1770; m Lucretia Woolsey (ca. 1714-1812) ; 5—Rachel (1758-85), m Dr. John Andrew (5 above). 9-Dirck Jansen (Van Der) Vliet (ca. 1612/13-after 1696), from Holland in the ‘‘Hope,”’ 1662; settled at Flatbush, L.I.; deacon; magistrate; m thrice; 8—Jan (d before 1745), began to write name Vliet; settled at Six Mile Run, Somerset Co., N.J., ca. 1717; m 1683, Gertje Verkerck (Jan Jansen®, from Holland, 1663); 7-John (bap. 1684), m Margaret Brunson (d 1742; iis [d 1696], from Eng. to Bucks Co., Pa., 6-Frances (ca. 17138-1776), as widow of Jacob Wyckoff, m 2d, ca. 1739, John Piatt, Huguenot, was sheriff of Somerset Co., N.J., ca. 1732-40 (their five sons were officers Am. Rev.); 5-Abraham (ca. 1741-1791), capt. Am. Rev.; judge Ct. Common Pleas, Northumberland Co., Pa.; m Arabella Andrew (d 1822; James® above); 4-Catharine (1770-1828),m James Andrew (4 above). 7-Nathaniel Poole (ca. 1668-1748), Quaker; from Eng. to Pa., in next ship after arrival of Penn (1682); had a shipyard at Phila.; m 1st, 1692, Elizabeth Lucas (d 1711 or 1712; Robert® [d 1688], from Eng. to Pa., 1679; mem. Ist Colonial As- sembly of Pa., 1682, et seq.; m Elizabeth-); 6—Mary (d 1733), m Aaron Goforth, Jr., Quaker (Aaron’, from Eng. to Pa., 1711); . 5—William (1730/31-1807), merchant, N.Y. City; maj. Am. Rev.; mem. N.Y. Assembly, 1784-88; re- moved to Ohio; judge Ct. Common Pleas, Ham- ilton Co., O., 1790; mem. 1st Territorial Legis- lature, 1799, and ist Constl. Conv. of Ohio, 1802; m 1760, Catharine Meeks; 4—Tabitha (1774-1848); m 1798, Col. John Armstrong (1755-1816), officer thruout Am. Rev.; explored Missouri River, 1790; treas. Northwest Ter., 1793-1802 (Thomas® [d 1783], from Ireland, 1753- 1754, m Jane Hamilton); 3-Viola J. H. (1805-83), m 1829, Abraham Piatt An- drew (3 above). 8-Edward (Meeke) Meeks (d 1689), from Eng., was resident of N.Y. City, 1680; m Sarah Merrett: 7-Edward (d 1768), began to write name Meeks; Spuyten Duyvil, N.Y.; m Maria Bastiaense Kortright (Bastiaen’, m Yolande, dau. of Jean Mounier De La Montagne, from Holland; Michiel’, from Holland); 6-Samuel, Paramus, N.J.; m Jemima Degree (Michael’?, Huguenot, was at Bushwyck, L.I., 1691; m Catharine, dau. of Adrian La Forge, Huguenot, lived at Bushwyck, L.I., 1676-95); ah Seatha (1744-1827), m 1760, William Goforth above). 8-Nathaniel Merrell (ca. 1610-1655; desc. Hugue- not de Merle family), settled at Newbury, Mass., 1635; m Susannah Jordan; 7-John (ca. 1635-1712), m Sarah Watson; 6—Jacob (1686-1725), m' Abigail Webster; 5—Jacob (1712-71), m Mary Manley; 4—William (1766-1828), m 1799, Rebecca Osgood: eather Harlow _(4808- 86), m 1841, Maria Rey- no 5-John Reynolds (1760- epee Uh Norwich, Conn.; sgt. Conn. troops, Am. 4—-Gurdon (1798-1869), m PStiiy Tyler (1801-78; Jacob Tyler®, sgt. Conn, troops, Am. Rev.); ees} 1820-98), m Nathan Harlow Merrell (3 above 2-Son of Captain Abram Piatt Andrew (b 1843), 3 yrs. in Civil War as 2d lt.,1st lt.,and capt. 21st Ind. Bty.; pres. bank over 5b yrs.: m 1872, Helen Merrell . (1850-1920); issue: I—A(bram) Piatt (above); II—Helen (m Isaac Patch, Gloucester, Mass.). I—Not married. A.B., Princeton, ’98: univs. of Halle, Berlin, Paris, 1897-99; A.M., Ph.D., Har- vard, 1900. Asst. prof. economics, Harvard, 1903; expert adviser of Nat. Monetary Commn., 1908-11; dir. U.S. Mint, 1909-10; asst. sec. of the treasury, 1910-12; mem. 67th to 69th Congresses, 1921-27. Writer on economic and financial sub- jects. Organizer and head of Am. Field Ser- vice, several thousand Am. vols. serving in French Army, 1915-17; maj. and It. col., U.S.A., A.E.F., 1917-19. Chevalier de la Legion d’Hon- neur and Croix de Guerre; D.S.M. (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: Eastern Point, Gloucester, Mass. Spent Pol William Adams, b New York, Dec. 29, 4—Alexander Brown (1764-1834), from Ireland, to Baltimore, Md., 1800; founder of the banking houses of Alexander Brown & Sons (Balti- more), Brown, Shipley & Co. (London), Brown Bros. & Co. (Phila. and New York); 3—James (1791-1877), head of Brown Bros., New York; m 2d, Eliza Coe. 5—-John "Adams, soldier Am. Rev 4—John, LL.D, (1772-1863), B.A., Yale, 1795; 4th prin. Phillips Acad., Andover, ‘Mass. ; ; m Elizabeth Ripley (desc. Gov. William Bradford, qv); 3-William, D.D., LL.D. (1807-80), B.A., Yale, 1827; pastor Madison Sq. Presbyn. Ch., New York, and 8d pres. Union Theol. Sem. 2-Son of John Crosby Brown, LL.D. (1838-1909), A.B., Columbia, ’59; sr. mem. Brown Bros. & Co., New York, Phila. and Boston, and Brown, Shipley & Co., London; m 1864, Mary Elizabeth Adams (1842-1918); issue: I—William Adams (above); II-—Eliza Coe (m Edward Caldwell Moore, qv); IlI—-Mary M. (6 1869); IV—James Crosby (See Vol. 1, p. 502); V-Thatcher Magoun (See Vol. 1, p. 502); VI—-Amy Bringhurst (m Henry Lockwood de Forest (See Vol, 1, p. 911). Pe “eee 30, 1892, Helen Gilman Noyes (qv for ssue). B.A., Yale, ’86, M.A., 1888, Ph.D., 1901; grad. Union Theol. Sem., 1890; U. Berlin, 1890-92; (D.D., Union, 1908, Yale, 1907). Ordained Presbyn. ministry, 1898; prof. systematic theology, Union Theol. Sem. Fellow of Yale U.; patron Met. Museum of Art (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 49 E. 80th St., New York. 1-BROWN, Helen Gilman Noyes (Mrs. W. Adams), 6 New York., N.Y., Oct. 12, 1867. 8-Rev. James Noyes (qv Vv); 7—James (1640- 1719), B.A., Harvard, 1659; a founder of Yale Coll.; m 1674, Dorothy Stanton; uae Thomas (1679- 1755), m 1705, Elizabeth San- 5—Col. Joseph (1727-1802), col. Am, Rev.; m 1753, Barbara Wells 4—Thomas (1754- 1819), It. Am. Rev.; m 1781, Lydia Rogers; 3—Daniel "Rogers (1793-1877), 1t. col. War 1812; m 1827, Phoebe Griffin Lord. 8—-Gov. William Coddington (av); 7—Mary (1654-93), m 1674, Gov. Peleg Sanford; 6—Elizabeth (1685-1762), m Thomas Noyes (6 above). 9-Edward Gilman (qv); 8—John (1624-1708), mem. Provincial Council and Assembly of N.H.; m Elizabeth Treworgye; 7-Nicholas (1672- 1749), dep. N.H.; m Sarah Clark; 6—-Nicholas, m Mary Thing; 5-Judge Joseph (1738-1806), chmn. Com. of Safety, N.H.; settled at Marietta, O., and was judge ve the Northwestern Territory; m Rebecca ves; 4—Benjamin Ives, m Hannah Robbins; Eee ar oD Sargent (1808-84), m Abia "Swift Lip- pinco 2-Dau. of Daniel Rogers Noyes (1836-1908), m 1866, Helen Abia Gilman (1843-1917); issue: I-Helen Gilman (above); II-Winthrop Gilman (b 1869); IIlI—Evelyn McCurdy (Mrs. Rollin Sanford Sal- tus, qv for other lineages); I1V—Caro Lord (b 1876; m Thatcher Magoun Brown); V-D. Ray- mond (6 1883). I-m Mar. 30, 1892, William Adams Brown (qv); is- sue: 1—John Crosby, b New York, Dec. 22, 1892; Yale, 715; 2-William Adams, Jr., } New York, Nov. 14, 1894; Yale, 1917; m Sept. 14, 1920, Edith Dunbar, dau. Benjamin Ives Gilman (av); 3—- Winthrop Gilman, b Seal Harbor, Me., July 12, aan! 4—-Helen Gilman, b Seal Harbor, June 13, Ed. Miss Porter’s School, Farmington, Conn.. and at Vienna and Paris. Nat. pres. Woman’s Land Army of America, 1918; v.p. Nat. War Work Council of Y.W.C.A.; mem. Nat. Bd. Y.W.C.A.; pres. Women’s Auxiliary of Union Settlement; pres. Colonial Dames of America in the State of N.Y., and nat. chmn. for the Sulgrave Manor Endowment Fund; mem. Nat. Inst. of Social Sciences, Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Science, N.E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., N.Y. Geneal. and Biog. Soc., Soc. Mayflower De- scendants. Clubs: Albemarle (London), Amer- ican Woman’s (Paris), Cosmopolitan (pres. 1910-14), Colony (New York). Author: The Story of a New England Schoolmaster, 1900. Summer place: “The Tree Tops,’ Seal Harbor, Me. Residence: 49 E, 80th St., New York. 1-SALTUS, Evelyn McCurdy Noyes (Mrs. Rol- adres pala, b St. Paul, Minn., May 14, 1871. 10—-Richard Lippincott ( (qv); FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 63 9-Freedom (1655-97), m 1680, Mary Austin; 8—-Thomas (1686-1757), m 1711, Mary Haines; 7—-Nathaniel (1715-90), m 1736, Mary Engle; 6—John (1787-80), m 1756, Anna Matlack; 5—Barzillai (1760-1812), m 1782, Elizabeth Ellet; 4—Rev. Thomas (1791-1869), m Patience Swift; 38-Abia Swift (1817-1902), m Winthrop Sargent Gil- man. 10-Richard Warren (qv); 9-Nathaniel (1624-67), m 1645, Sarah Walker; 8—-Alice (1656-1725), m 1674, Thomas Gibbs; : Ce m 1697, Jireh Swift (William’; Wil- iam?) ; 6—Nathaniel (1708-90), m 1730, Abia Tupper; 5-Isaac (1753-1802), surgeon Am. Rey.; m 1775, Patience Case; 4—Patience (1784-1819), m 1816, Rev. Thomas Lip- pincott (4 above). 2—-Dau.of Daniel Rogers Noyes (1836-1908), founder of Noyes Bros. & Cutler, St. Paul; m 1866, Helen Abia Gilman (1848-1917). For issue and other lineages see Mrs. William Adams Brown. M May 29, 1895, Rollin Sanford Saltus, 6 Brook- lyn, N.Y., Nov. 1, 1869; B.A., Trinity, ’92; land- scape architect; issue: 1—-Rollin Sanford, Jr., 6b Paris, France, July 2, 1896; B.A., Yale, ’18; 2d and ist It., 309th F.A., World War; 2—Win- throp Noyes, 6 Cambridge, Mass., Mar. 5, 1903. Ed. Miss Porter’s, Farmington, Conn. Mem. C. D.A. Club: Cosmopolitan. Residence: ‘‘Nor- wood,” Mt. Kisco, N.Y. 1-WICKERSHAM, J(ames) Harold, b Marietta, Pa., Feb. 24, 1856. 7-Thomas Wickersham, from Eng. to Kennett Square, Chester Co., Pa., 1700; m 1700, Alice ogs; 6—William (6 1706), m 1730, Rachel Hayes; 5—William (1740-1822), m 1764, Elizabeth Pusey; 4-Caleb (b 1765), m 1789, Rachel Swayne; 3—Caleb (1796-1874), m 1824, Abigail S. Pyle. 2-Son of James Pyle Wickersham, LL.D. (1825-91), eminent educator; state supt. of public in- struction of Pa., 1866-80; minister to Denmark, 1882; author; m 1847, Emerine I., dau. of Dr. Isaac Taylor, of Chester Co., Pa. M Nov. 4, 1880, Jessie Williams Hough, 6b Fort Wayne, Ind., July 28, 1858; dau. of John Hough, of Fort Wayne; issue: 1-John Hough (qv for Hough lineage); 2-Dorothy, b Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 31, 1883; m Feb. 10, 1912, William Augustus Heitshu (issue: Martha, 6 Nov. 10, 1917); 3— Leavitte Hough, 6 Lancaster, Nov. 4, 1893; m Feb. 12, 1918, Erastus Winslow, son of Winslow Tracy Williams. Ph.B., Yale-S., ’77; (hon. M.A., Franklin and Marshall, 1888). Pres. and gen. mgr. Wicker- sham Printing Co.; v.p. Farmers Trust Co. of Lancaster. Trustee Presbyn. Ch. Rep. nomi- nee for Congress, 1906. Clubs: Lancaster Coun- try, Hamilton. Residence: 505 N. Duke St., Lancaster, Pa. 1-WICKERSHAM, John Hough, } Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 11, 1881. 9-William Hough, m Sarah Caulkins;: 8—Capt. John (1658-1715), m Sarah Post: 7-Capt. John (1697-1785), capt. of trainband, New London, Conn.; m Hannah Denison (1699-1782) ; 6—John (b 1730), m Abigail Baldwin (b 1732): 5—-Walter (1753-1818), surgeon Am. Rev.; m Martha Lockwood; 4-John, D.D. (4783-1861), B.A., Yale, 1802; prof. Greek and Latin, Middlebury Coll.; m Lucy Leavitt (1788-1859) ; 3-John, B.A., Middlebury, ’38; lawyer; m Sarah Dawkins. 2-Son of James Harold Wickersham (qv for Wickersham lineage),m Jessie William Hough. M_ Jan. 18, 1911, Marian Salome Burrowes, 0 Laurel Run, Pa., Jan. 2, 1885; dau. of Henry C. Burrowes; issue: 1-Marian Burrowes, b Lan- caster, Pa., Dec. 29, 1919; 2-Joan Hough, b Lan- caster, Mar. 20, 1925. B.S., Yale-S., ’01 (Theta Xi). Designing and con- structing engr. Capt. engrs., July 1917; maj., July 1918; 1t. col., Nov. 1918; col., Engr. O.R.C., Sept. 1925; dep. engr. supply officer, A.E.F., in France, July 1917-Feb. 1919. Two citations by C.-in-C., A.E.F., and two commendations. Clubs: Yale (New York), University (Phila.), Hamil- ton, Lancaster Country. Residence: “Green- land Farms,” Lancaster, Pa. _ 1I-HAUXHURST, Louise Van Dyke (Mrs. Stan- ley C.), b Milwaukee, Wis.. July 4, 1886. §-Jan Thomasen (Van Dijk) Van Dyke (av); 8—Achias, m 1674, Janitze Lambert; retest (bap. 1677), m Maritze (Mary) Hoag- land; 6—Henry (1721-84), m Elizabeth Davis (d 1786); ineeoa. (d 1794), m 1782, Margaret McMichael (d + William (1789-1865), m 1813, Nancy Duncan (1793- 38-John Henry (1823-1909), lawyer, Milwaukee, ht m 181, Mary McEldery Douglass (1829- 3). 2-Dau. of George Douglass Van Dyke (See Vol. 1, p. 256), m 1878, Louise Lawrence. M June 14, 1911, Stanley Cottrill Hauxhurst, 0 Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 18, 1880; capt., Q.M. Corps, U.S.A., assigned to Purchase, Storage and Traffic Div., Gen. Staff, Washington, D.C., July 1918-Apr. 1919; issue: 1-John Stanley Cottrill, 0 Mar. 12, 1914; 2-Lawrence Van Dyke, 0b Jan. 31, 1915; 3-Barbara Louise, b Nov. 20, 1918; 4-Julia Frances Cottrill, 6 Apr. 20, 1923. Residence: 153 Prospect Av., Milwaukee, Wis. I-CARSTARPHEN, Walter De Lyle, b Columbia, N.C., July 31, 1857, 4-Dr. Robert Carstarphen, surgeon Prince Charles’ Army; fled from Scotland, and set- tled up James River, Va., bet. 1746-50; 3—Lt. James (d 1816), 1t. 7th N.C. Cont. Inf. in Am. Rev.; m 2d, 1811, Mary Powell. 2Son of William Daniel Carstarphen (1814-83), mcht.; m 1854, Louisa Duiguid; issue: I—Wil- liam M. (1855-83); II-Walter De Lyle (above); IlI—Augusta Chandler (b 1859); IV-Lucy May (1861-92); V-Maud Estelle (61863; m BE. R. Spruill; m 2d, Jesse P. Hillard); VI-—Flora J. (b 1866-d infancy); VII—Fannie Happer (6b 1867; m Joseph D. Cordon); VIII-—Hubert Duiguid (b 1869; m Mrs. Florence Sherrett); [IX—Ernest Deems (0 1876; m Rosa Lee McLendon). II—m May 16, 1888, Claudia Latham (d May 7, 1909); dau. of Charles Latham, of Plymouth, N.C.; issue: 1-Minnie Augusta, b Plymouth, N.C., Sept. 6, 1889; m Feb. 9, 1916, Thomas C. Burgess, Jr. (issue: Walter C.; Mary Hazel; Claudia Thomas; Camille Latham; Thomas C., 3d). Mem. S.C. Residence: Plymouth, N.C. MEARS Arms: ble. Crest: On a wreath, a mermaid proper, tail vert, and hair or. In the right hand a comb proper, ve the left a@ mirror proper, the frame and han- é or. Motto: Omnia Providentie Committo. Derr Weal Francis, 6 Chicago, Ill., Feb. 1, 1899. 6—-Robert Mears (1695-1784), of Billerica, Mass.; served in colonial wars; m 1726, Hannah Frost (1702-56; Samuel’, m Hannah-; James§, m EBliza- beth, dau. of Sgt. Thomas Foster, qv; Dea. Edmund’, qv); 5-Thomas (1788-1807), minute man at Lexington Alarm; m 1768, Lydia Carleton; 4—Isaac (1773-1844), m 1796, Polly Longe(gon); 38—Lucias (1815-51), m 18386, Harriet McLane (1820- 1902; John‘, m Catharine, dau. of Andrew Hoover; John’, a prominent Quaker of Rich- mond, Ind.). Argent, an antient three-masted vessel sa- 64 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 9-Edward Carleton (qv); 8-Lt. John (ca. 1630-1668), m ca. 1662, Hannah Jewett (1641-1698?; Joseph®, m Mary Mallinson; Bdward, qv); : 7-Thomas (1667-1734), m ca. 1697, Elizabeth Kim- ball (1679-1758; John’, m Sarah-; Richard®; Rich- ard, qv); 6—John (1708-82), minute man at Lexington Alarm; m 1732, Hannah Platts (b 1710; Moses’, m Han- nah, dau. of Jonathan® Platts, cousin of Sam- uel”; Ens. Abel’, m Lydia Bailey; Samuel® [bap. as Samuel Gawkroger-Platts, Jan. 19, 1617, Sowerby, Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, Eng., son of James and Martha [Ainsworth] Gawkro- ger?); 5-Lydia (1740-1829), m Thomas Mears (5 above). 10-William Chandler (av); 9—-William (1636-98), m 1658, Mary Dane (1638-79; John’®*, “chirurgeon of Ipswich,” m Eleanor Clark; John, qv); 8—-Thomas (1676-1751), m Mary Stevens (b 1679; Dea. Joseph®, m Mary, dau.of Henry Ingalls; John”, qv); TWilliam (1704-41), m 1725, Elizabeth Blanchard (1705/06-1735; Thomas’, m Rose, dau. of Abra- ham Holmes; Samuel?) ; Une tere (1726-ca. 1792), m Sarah French (1732?- ) 5 5—Abigail (1758-1858), m 1776, Samuel _ Gload Long(gon) (1752-1817), minute man at Lexing- ton Alarm (John Gload‘, m Mehitabel, dau. of Robert Mears, 6 above); 4—-Polly (1778-1846), m Isaac Mears (4 above). 9—-Rev. William Satterly (d 1687), Vicar Parish of St. Ides, Devonshire, Eng., ante 1650; 8-William (d@ 1687/88), from Eng., 1655, settled at Setauket, now Brookhaven, L.I., N.Y.; m Mary Jenner (0 1648; John®, m Alice, dau. of Robert Pigg; Thomas”; Rev. Thomas); 7-William (1660-1722), m Elizabeth Moger (John); 6-Nathaniel (1708-10-1795), of Orange Co., N. Y.; q.m. in Am. Rev.; m Mary? Sell; Speomaug) (1746-1804), in Am. Rev.; m ca. 1768, Sarah eely; 4—Mary Ann (1787-1846), m 1806, Epenetus Ketcham (1780-1848; Zophar® [1746-1815], of Orange Co., N. Y., in Am. Rev., m Asenath, dau. of Russell Buckbee); 3Loretta Woolsey (1818-57), m 1842, Rev. Isaac Pool (1809-96; Ambrose Price‘ [d 1815], of Rock- ingham Co., Va., m Madelena-). 2-Son of John Marion Mears (b 1848), m 1871, Mrs. Adelia Roe Jenkins (widow of Barzillai Row- land Jenkins, of Passaic, N.J.). Privately educated, specializing in, and after- wards teaching, scientific research. Gene- alogist. One of the chief advocates for the adoption of a code of ethics and a standard of practice by genealogists. Compiler of vari- ous cross-reference analytical indices, de- signer of numerous blank forms, and author of articles, regarding genealogy; inventor and patentee of several mechanical devices. His- torian-genealogist of the Mears family (all spellings of surname). Mem. N.E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., New York Geneal. and Biog. Soc., Nat. Geneal. Soc., Conn. Hist. Soc., Buffalo (N.Y.) Hist. Soc., Internat. Lyceum and Chau- tauqua Assn. Club: Rotary. Residence: 1525 N. LaSalle St., Chicago. Mail address: P. O. Box 124, Chicago. 1-ANDREWS, Champe Seabury, 6} Yazoo City, Miss., May 13, 1875. 8-James Andrews, from Eng. to Essex Co., Va., ca. 1635; m Elizabeth-; 7—-John (1680-1754), m Ann Stockdale (Philip§); 6—John (1712-71); 5—John (1749-1817), m Edith Strange; 4-John (d 1816), soldier in Am. Rev.; removed from Va. to Ga., m Nancy Goode (John®); 8—Garnett (1798-1873), planter, judge Superior Ct. of Ga. ca. 24 yrs.; m Annulet Ball (g.dau. of Stephen Ball, surgeon Am. Rev.). 4-Colonel Andrew (O’Beirne) Beirne (1771-1845), from Ireland to Monroe Co., Va., 1800; mem. 25th and 26th Congresses; m Ellen Keenan; 3-Andrew, m Ellen Gray. 2Son of Col. Garnett Andrews (1837-1903), It. col. Cc. S. A.; law partner of Senator John Sharp Williams, Yazoo City, Miss.; mayor of Chat- tanooga, Tenn., 1891; m 1867, Rosalie Champe Beirne (0 1841); issue: I-Garnett (See Vol. 1, p. 224); II-Champe Seabury (above); I1I—Andrew Beirne; IV—Oliver Burnside. II-m Sept. 14, 1909, Henriette Korber, } San Juan P.R., July 31, 1893; dau. of Wilhelm Korber, o San Juan; issue: 1-Wilhelm, }b Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 2, 1910; 2-Albert, b New York, Feb. 17, 1912; 3-Champe, b New York Oct. 22, 1913. Ala. Poly. Inst., 94. Liaawyer, inventor; officer various corpns. Capt., 3d Tenn. Inf., Spanish- Am. War. Mem. S.R., N.M.O.S.A.W., etc. Clubs: Business Men’s (Cincinnati), Assn. of the Bar (New York), Southern Yacht (New Orleans), Mountain City, Chattanooga Golf and Coun- try, Civitan (Chattanooga), Union League (New Haven). Residence: 792 Prospect St., New Haven, Conn. 1-BREEZE, Evelyn Norwood (Mrs. William F.), b San Francisco, Calif., Oct. 31, 1871. 4-John Hooper (b 1777; son of Rev. William, one of 7 brothers, all Baptist ministers), m Susan Meserve (1781-1863; Col. Ebenezer’, m HEunice Torr); . John (1805-92), mcht.; m 1832, Martha Stanwood Perry. 6—David Stanwood (1721-77; son of Ebeneser), m Mary Reed (1723-98) ; 5—-William (1752-1829), m 2d, Hannah Thompson (1764-1823) ; 4—Jane (b 1784), m John Perry (1772-1846), who es- tablished the first Sunday school in America; 3—Martha S. (1811-1900), m John Hooper (3 above). 9-Kenelm Winslow (qv); 8—Nathaniel, m Faith Miller; 7-Capt. Nathaniel, m Lydia Snow; 6-Snow, m Deborah Bryant; §—Josiah, m Penelope Kent; 4-Deborah, m 1803, Capt. William Norwood (desc. Francis Norwood, from Eng. to Lynn, Mass.); 3-William A., m Eveline Wood. 2-Only child of William Edwin Norwood, stock and bond broker; m 1868, Isabel Williams Hooper (0 1845). M Sept. 28, 1908, William Francis Breeze, b San Francisco, Apr. 28, 1868; Ph.B., Yale-S., ’89; son of Thomas Breeze, of Ireland; issue: 1—Nor- wood, 6 San Francisco, Nov. 3, 1909. Residence: 2522 Green St., San Francisco, Calif. 1BRADSHAW, May Elise Alexander (Mrs. John N.), b York, S.C., Nov. 28, 1871. Dau. of Lawrence Stirling Alexander, M.D. (1842- 1910), m 1868, Mary Lavonia Adickes (6b 1845); is- sue: I-Fredericka Withers (m Thomas J. Kirk- land); II—Eugene (d infancy); III—May Elise (above); IV—Helen Laurie (b 1874; m Henry Sav- age); V—Florence Lavonia (6 1875; m Dr. Man- ning Simons); ViI-—Blanche Adickes (Mrs. Thomas S. Coart, av for Alexander lineage); Vil—Annie Lee (6 1878; m Arthur L. Burnet); VillI-—Lucy Abbott (6 1884); IX—Laurie (d@ in- fancy). IlI—m Feb. 28, 1905, John Neill Bradshaw, b Cleve- land, Tenn., Oct. 20, 1862; son of Rev. James Neal Bradshaw, of Tenn. Residence: 19 Liberty St., Orlando, Fla. 1-COART, Blanche Adickes Alexander (Mrs. Thomas S.), 0 York, S.C., June 14, 1878. 8-John Alexander (d 1677; son of Sir William, Earl of Stirling, Baron of Nova Scotia, and Viscount of Canada), came from Eng. to Va., ca. 1660; settled in Stafford Co., Va.; purchased the Howison’s Patent, 1669; m Tabitha Smart; 7-Philip, m Sarah Ashton (Capt. Peter®); See Philip (1704-53), m 1726, Sarah Hooe (d 1753) ; 5—Col. William (1744-1814), m 1765, Sigismunda Mary Massey (d 1832); 4-Robert (1781-1811), m Helen Brown; 8—Robert, M.D. (1800?-63), m Eliza (Clark) McFar- land (d 1881). 2Dau. of Lawrence Stirling Alexander, M.D. (1842-1910), m 1868, Mary Lavonia Adickes (b 1845). For issue see Mrs. John N. Bradshaw. M Feb. 25, 1922, Thomas Singleton Coart, 6 New- bern, N.C., June 22, 1856; son of John C. Coart, a4 aioe tae issue: 1-Emily Alexander, b Feb. Residence: Wiley, Ga. 1-BRAMBILLA, Julia Appleton Meyer (Mrs. Guiseppe), b Magnolia, Mass., July 30, 1886. 7-William Parker, from Eng., settled at Ports- mouth, N.H., 1703; m Zerviah Stanley (dau. of Earl of Derby); : 6—William (1703-81), judge Superior Ct. of N.H.; m Bliza Grafton; 6-Samuel, D.D. (1744-1804), A.B., Harvard, 1764; 24 P.E. bishop of Mass., and rector Trinity Ch., FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA Boston, before, during and after Am. Rev.; m Annie Cutler; 4—-William, m Julia Stevens; 3-Grace Helen (b 1835-d 1900), m George Augustus Meyer (1824-89), commn. mcht., Boston. 8-Samuel Appleton (qv); 8—-Maj. Samuel (b 1625-d 1696), cdr.-in-chief Mass. troops, 1675; m 2d, Mary Oliver; 7—Maj. Isaac (1664-1747), m Priscilla Baker; 6—-Isaac (1704-94), m Elizabeth Sawyer; 5-Rev. Joseph (1751-95), m Mary Hook; 4—William (1786-1862), banker and merchant, Bos- ton; mem. 32d, 33d and 37th Congresses, ete.; m Mary Anne, dau. James Cutler, Boston (and g.dau. of Governor Sullivan, of Mass.); 3—-Charles Hook (1833-74), m 1856, Isabelle Mason. 2-Dau. of George von Lengerke Meyer, LL.D. (1858-1918), A.B., Harvard, ’79; ambassador to Italy and Russia; Postmaster Gen., 1907-09, in Cabinet of President Roosevelt; Sec. of the Navy, 1909-13, in Cabinet of President Taft; m 1885, Marian Alice Appleton (b 1862); issue: I- Julia Appleton (above); II—Alice Appleton (m Christopher R. P. Rodgers); Il1I-George von L. (See Vol. 1, p. 726). I—m Oct. 1, 1917, Guiseppe Brambilla, } Milan, Italy, Mar. 28, 1879; Italian minister to Greece. Address: Italian Legation, Athens, Greece. 1-CARTER, Mary Randolph Hicks (Mrs. F. Scott), b Ravenswood, N.C. 7—-Col. William Randolph (qv); 6—William (1681-1741), the “Councillor,’’ of Turkey Island, Va.; m 1705, Elizabeth Beverly (Peter’); 5—Peter (1714-67), Chatsworth, Va.; clk. Va. House of Burgesses; atty. gen. Colony of Va.; m 1733, Lucy Bolling (Robert*, of Petersburg, Va.); 4—Col. Robert (1760-1825), of ‘‘Eastern View,” Fau- quier Co., Va.; soldier Am. Rev.; m Eliza Car- ter (whose sister Anne,m‘“Light Horse Harry” res and became mother of Gen. Robert E. €e); ; 3—Capt. Charles Carter (1800-65), of ‘‘The Grove,” Fauquier Co.; m Mary Anne Fauntleroy Morti- mer, of Fredericksburg, Va. 2—-Dau. of Nancy Fitzhugh Randolph (1838-92); m Robert Iverson Hicks, M.D. (1832-1920), chief surgeon, Rhodes div. C.S.A.; issue: I-Mary Randolph (above); II—Robert Randolph (b 1872; m Rose B., Gau. James Nuttall Sutton); III- John Ravenswood (maj. U.S.A.; d in France, 1919); IV—Landon Mortimer; V—Elizabeth Dow- ney. I—m Oct. 8, 1902, Francis Scott Carter (Mar. 4, 1869- Dec. 25, 1921); son of Cassius Carter; issue: 1- Randolph Hicks, 6 Warrenton, Va., Dec. 6, 1903; 2-Frances Scott, 6 Warrenton, June 14, 1907. Residence: ‘‘Melrose Farm,’’ Warrenton, Va. 1-GIBSON, William Hamilton, b Brooklyn, N.Y., Apr. 29, 1883. 8-Richard Dana (qv); 7—Daniel (1664-1749), m Naomi Croswell; 6—Richard (1700-72),,A.B., Harvard, 1718; lawyer; patriot; m 1737, Lydia Trowbridge (1711-76) ; 5-Lydia, m Maj. John Hastings (b 1754), of Wo- burn, Mass.; Am. Rev. (Jonathan, m Elizabeth, dau. of John Cotton; Jonathan’; Walter’; John?®); 4-Frances Maria (1792-1872), m Thomas Gibson (1791-1862), of Townsend, Mass. (Thomas®, m Lucy Martin); 3-—Edmund T. H. (1818-68), banker and broker, New York; m 1842, Elizabeth Charlotte Sanford iy rae Elijah’, of Newtown, Conn., m Eliza- eth-). 2-Son of William Hamilton Gibson (1850-96), emi- nent artist, naturalist and author; m 1873, Emma Ludlow (6 1851), dau. of Charles Augus- tus Ludlow Blanchard, of Brooklyn; issue: I— William Hamilton (above); II—Dana Blanch- ard (1888-1910). I—m June 30, 1908, Brooke van Dyke, b N.Y. City, June 25, 1888; A.B., Smith, ’04; dau. of Rev. Dr. Henry van Dyke, of Princeton, N.J.; issue: 1— William Hamilton, III, b Sheffield, Mass., Apr. 20, 1910; 2-Ellen van Dyke, b Sheffield, May 24, 1911; 3-Henry van Dyke, Db Sheffield, June 30, 1915; 4-Roger Dana, b Seal Harbor, Me., Sept. . 1916; 5-Edward Brooke, b Sheffield, Mar. 9, 918, AB. Harvard, 06. Headmaster, Gunnery School. Residence: Washington, Conn. 65 1-GILBERT, Prentiss Bailey, born Rochester, N.Y, Oct. 3, 1883. 5-William Gilbert (1749-1820), from Eng. to New York, 1778, in company with William Colgate, the founder of that house in America; 4-Joshua (1784-1848), of New York; m ist, Alice Broughton; 3-Joseph Gill (1817-1897), capitalist, New York; m Ruth Wallace. 2-—Only surviving child of William Wallace Gil- bert (1840-1925), A.B., U. Rochester, ’61, A.M., 1870; Ist lt. and capt. and regtl. adj., 19th U. S. Inf. in Civil War; maj. U.S.A., in Spanish War and Philippine insurrection; lt. col. U.S.A. in World War; m 1870, Mary Elizabeth (1841-1923), dau. of Edward Chapman, of Utica, N.Y., from Eng. 1840, first treas. Western Union Tele- graph Co. M Nov. 9, 1918, Charlotte Jeannette Gilder, b New York, N.Y., Nov. 18, 1893; daughter of Joseph Benson Gilder (See Vol. 1, p. 156, for genealogy). Ph.B., U. Rochester, ’06, A.M., 1916; A.B., Yale, ’07 (Psi Upsilon); studied Columbia U. and El Colejio de San Carlos, Cebu, P.I.; F.R.G.S. Served on staff duty in Philippines during the insurrection, seriously injured, 1901, in line of duty; ist lt. and capt., Gen. Staff, U.S.A., World War; chief combat sect. Mil. Int. Div.; maj, and vl1t. cola M.1.O.R.G,, US: Al: chief; Div2:of Polit. Int., 1919-25, Div. of Western European Affairs, Dept. of State, Washington, 1925—(See Who’s Who in America). Mem. M.O.L.L., U.S. SE aoe 3210 P St. N.W., Washing- on, D.C. 1-McKINNEY, Lillian Eunice Westcott (Mrs. Roy T.), 6 N. Hoosick, N.Y., Oct. 6, 1882. I-John Staples (1610-83), from Eng. to Weymouth, Mass., 1636; m Rebecca-; 8-Segt. Abraham (1636-1703), King Philip’s War; an original settler of Mendon, Mass.; m 1660, Mary Randall (1642-1712); 7-Jacob (1669-1723), Taunton, Mass.; m 2d, 1696, Mary Briggs; 6—Jacob (1697-1771), Sarah Bremen; 5-Jacob (ca. 1780-35-1818), Westmoreland, N.H.; Am. Rev.; m 1765, Lois Edison (1746-1827) ; 4—-Cyrus (1775-1865), Peru, Vt.; m 1801, Orpha Whit- ney; 38—Edith (1811-86), N. Hoosick, N.Y.; m 1838, Wil- liam Robinson (1812-56), from Wales. 2-Dau. of Mary Ailie (Robinson) Wilkie (1840- 1914), m 2d, 1869, Amos Martin Westcott (1828- 1911), farmer; issue (ist marriage, surname Wil- kie); I-Lena V. Wilkie (b 1865; m L. C. Bar- nard); 2d marriage): II—Jessie E. (1870-1910; m Sidney Bump; m 2d, Frank Ketcham); III—Lil- lian E. (above); I1V—Iola R. (b 1884; m Charles Mallory; m 2d, Dwight Whitney); V—Amos Martin, Jr. (b 1886). IlI-m Apr. 19, 1905, Roy Thomas McKinney (Nov. 10, 1880-May 28, 1920); son of James B. McKin- ney, of Oil City, Pa., whose ancestors came from North Ireland and settled in Steuben- ville, O., ca. 1775-80. U. Pittsburgh, class of ’24. Dietician; now head of dept. of nutrition, State Normal Sch., PRP AON Sy Pa. Mem. D.A.R. Residence: Mans- field, Pa. Veet iat George Drake, } St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 7, 5-William Payne, capt. Cont. Army; was one of George Washington’s pallbearers; m Susanna Richards; 4—Frances, m John Scott, from Scotland to Fred- ericksburg, Va., 1777; 8—-Hugh, m Anne Clarkson. 2-—Son of Henry Clarkson Scott (1859-1911), finan- cier and prominent in civie affairs of St. Louis; m 1898, Bertha Drake (See Vol. 1, p. 259, for Drake lineage). M Mar. 15, 1924, Mary Keck, b Orange, N.J., Jan. 8, 1902; dau. of Walter Keck; issue: 1—George Drake, Jr., 6 May 21, 1925. Prep. edn. The Hill School, Pottstown, Pa., and Lake Placid (N.Y.) School. Entered Coast Re- serve, May 1917; transferred to Naval Aviation; grad. M. I. T., 1917; ensign and lt. (j.g.), U.S.N. R.F., and instr. at Bay Shore, L.I., and Key West, Fla. Ph.B., Yale-S., 18. Residence: St. Louis, Mo. Taunton, Mass.; m 2d, 1729, 66 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY WILLIAM H. ARNOLD. 1-ARNOLD, William Hendrick, 6 Lisbon, Ark., Feb. 15, 1861. 5—-Charles Saxon; 4-Lewis (b District 96, S.C., 1761-1813), capt. Am. Rev.; postmaster of Laurens, S.C., 1800; first sheriff Laurens Co., 1802; m Sarah Allen (Charles, Sr.5, m Lucy Bacon), she was a Rev- olutionary War pensioner, and m 2d, Mr. Mc- Neese; 3—Mary, ‘Polly’ (6 1796), m Ira Arnold (b 1791; son of Hendrick). Maternally, 5-Benjamin Arnold, Sr., family from Eng., and early settlers of Va.; lived in Rockingham, Buckingham and Bedford cos., Va.; removed to Va. and then to Green- ville, S.C., before or near the time of Am. Rev.; m Ann Hendricks (their sons William, Edward, Hendrick, John, and Thomas were soldiers Am. Rev.); 4—Thomas (17638- 1844), pvt. Am, Rev.; m 1786, Mary Bideston; 3—William ’Bideston (ad 1847), Hardin (d 1878). 2-Son of David Saxon Arnold (1828-1903), capt. Co> Gi i3"Bn.;, Las Cav, (CC: Svat farmersand merchant in Union and Nevada cos., Ark.; m 1856, Temperance Lucinda Arnold (6 1839); is- sue: I—-David Saxon (6 1857); II—Lucy (b 1859; m J. S. Regan); III]—William Hendrick (above); ITV-Sallie T. (6 1868; m Dr. A. Harris); V—Car- rie (1865-1909: m Bud Barrow); VI—Robert E. (1869-1907); VII—Mattie (b 1871; m I. Focht):; VIII-—Violet (1873-1905; m Seab Cole); IX—Emma (b 1875; m George M. Pavey); X—Thomas J. (b 1877); XI—Henry Lee (6 1885). III-m Oct. 18, 1887, Jessie Cook (Jan. 27, 1870- Aug. 27, 1900); dau. of John Cook, of Texar- kana, Ark.; issue (all 6 Texarkana, Ark.): 1—Jodie Claypool, 6b July 4, 1888; Belmont Coll., Nashville, ’08, and Randolph-Macon Woman's, 1909-10; Drexel Institute, Phila., 1911-12; m Nov. 23, 1917, Carl L. Smith, of Camden, Ark.; 2— Lucy, 6 Apr. 18, 1891: A.B., Randolph-Macon, "11; m 1922, Booker Ellis, of Texarkana, Tex. (issue: Booker, Jr.); 3-William Hendrick, Jr., 6 Jan. 30, 1898; A.B., Harvard, ’14; A.M., Ox- ford (Rhodes Scholar); 2d It., C.A., Nov. 17, 1917; attached to Co. A, 62d C.A.C., A.E.F., July 1918-Feb, 1919; sec. Rhodes Scholar Com. of Selection from Ark.: lawyer: m Dec. 26, 1921, Grace, dau. of D. H. Hendricks (issue: Wil- m Lucinda Powell liam H., III); 4-Ruth, 6 Oct. 24, 1894; Vassar, LOTS; and U. Chicago; m May 9, 1917, Allen Anderson McCurdy, of Chicago ‘issue: Wil- liam Arnold; Allen A., Jr.); 5-David Chris- topher, 0 July 6, 1896; ‘grad. Phillips Exeter Acad., 14, U. South, 15; in U.S. service, May 1917- Dec. 1918; lawyer; mem, Bata Gen. Assem- bly, 1921; Ark. Senate, 1923-27; m Oct. 4, 1919, Hilda, dau. of W. R. Manley (issue: David C., Jr.3 Hilda). M 24, Feb. 17, 1908, Kate Lewis, b Calhoun, Ark., Dec. oy 1881; dau. of Peter Hanger Lewis, of Bellview, Mo.; issue: 1-Richard Lewis, b Tex- arkana, Dec. 30, 1906; Phillips Exeter Acad. Sr. of law firm of Arnold & Arnold, Texarkana, Ark. Mem. Ark. Constl. Conv.. 1917; Dem. Nat. convs., 1892, 1904, 16, 24; acted under spl. appmt. of governor as spl. asso. justice Ark. Supreme Ct., 1925. V.p. Am. Bar Assn. for Ark., 1923-1924; past pres. Ark. Bar Assn.; mem. Am. Law Inst., ete. (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. S.A.R. Hobby: Family ge- nealogy and _ research. Clubs: Texarkana Country, Rotary. Residence: 503 Hickory St., Texarkana, Ark. 1-THORNDIKE, Helen Grace Hackett (Mrs. Alden A.), b Boston, Mass., Oct. 19, 1869. 8-Capt. William Hackett (1640- 1712), from Eng. to Salisbury, Mass., ca. 1660; m Sarah Barnard; 7—Ebenezer (1687-1741), m 1709, Hannah Ring; 6-Ebenezer (1730-1811), m 1752, Abigail Emery; 5—Daniel pee 1841), pvt. Am. Rev.; m 1780, Han- nah Colby; 4-Ephraim (1786-1864), capt. Vt. m 1808, Mary Corwin; 3-James (1812-40), m Hannah Hoyt Richardson (Joshuat, m Lois Hoyt; William’, corp. Am. Rev.). 10—Jonas Humphrey (1587-1661/62), from Eng, to Dorchester, Mass., 1637; m 1607, Frances Cooley; 9-Jonas (1620-1698/99), m Martha-; 8-Jonas (1654/55-1689), m Mary Phillips; 7—-Jonas (1684-1761), m Mary Neale; 6—-Samuel (1728-1800), m Sarah Badlam; 5-James (1754-1819), m Deborah Tirrell; 4-Ebenezer (1781-1861), col. Mass. militia; TSstelt: War 1812; m Betsey Pratt; 3—Albert (1810-92), Weymouth, Mass.; m Elizabeth Waterman Bates. 2-Dau. of Corcellus Hubbard Hackett (1839-1917), pres. Bank of the Metropolis, New York; m 1865, Helen L. Humphrey; issue: I—Helen Grace (above); II—Harold Humphrey (6 1878; m Harriette L. Jackson; m 2d, Maude Demorest). I-m Nov. 21, 1895, Alden Augustus Thorndike (See Vol. sf Dp. 218); issue: 1—Helen, } Brain- tree, Mass., Sept. 15, 1898; m Mar. 29, 1919, Don- ald Sage Mackay, Jr.; 2-Thayer, b Boston, militia; erate Feb. 5, 1902; 3-Elizabeth, 6 Boston, Jan, Residence: 130 Commonwealth Av., Boston, Mass. 1-WHITMORE, Clara Helen, } Charleston, Me., Aug, 4, 1865. 10—John Whitmore (d 1640), was at Wethersfield, Conn., 1639; killed by Indians, 1640; 9-Francis (1625-85), selectman, Cambridge, Mass. ; King Philip’s War; m Isabel Park (Richard?); 8—John (1654-1739), Medford, Mass.; m 1st, Rachel (Eliot) Poulter (Francis Eliot®); 7—John (1683-1753), m Mary Lane (b 1686; Col. John’, m Susannah Whipple; Job®); 6—-Francis (1714-94), patriot Am. Rev.; m 1739, Mary Hall; 5-Stephen (1739-1816), selectman, Bowdoinham, Me.; m Mary Whittemore (Samuel® [1696-1793], turned out at Lexington Alarm, m Elizabeth Spinger; Samuel’; Thomas’); 4-Samuel (1768-1818), m Mary Potter (Rev. James® [1739-1815], sgt. Am. Rev., m Mary Spear); 3—Samuel (1812-93), m Sarah Thorne White. 10-—Maj. Brian Pendleton (qv); 9-Capt. James (1626-1709), King Philip’s War; m 2d, Hannah Goodnow (Capt. Edmond”); &—Caleb (1669-1746), m Elizabeth—: 7-James (1689-1753), m 2d, Elizabeth Brown (Thomas, Jr.8, m Hannah-); 6—-Thomas (1718-69), m 1743, Dorcas Dodge: 5—-Nathaniel (747—post 1820), ens. Am. Rev.; m Cynthia (West?); 4—Christina (1786- 1874), m Nathaniel Thomas; 38—-Frederick J. (1810-60), m Mary Holt (b 1811: Abielt, m Sally Kittredge; Asad: Thomas’; Thomas’: Nicholas’; Nicholas’). FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 67 2-Dau. of Maj. James Henry Whitmore (1835- 1896), 1t., capt. and maj., 15th Me. Vols., 1861-65; m 1860, Mary Helen Thomas (1838-97); issue: I-Edith May (b 1862); II—-Clara Helen (above); IlI—Emily (d infancy); I1V-—Solon (d infancy); V-—Emily Winifred (Mrs. George E. Morton, qv for other lineages). II-A.B., Boston U., ’94 (Gamma Phi Beta), A.M., 1902; studied at London U., Eng. Teacher. Author: Woman’s Work in English Fiction, 1910; Jo, The Indian Friend, 1925. Mem. S.M.D., D.A.R., Nat. Soc. Patriotic Women of Amer- ica, etc. Residence: New Brighton, S.I., N.Y. 1-MORTON, Emily Winifred Whitmore (Mrs. spat Se E.), 0 West Charleston, Me., May 10, William Brewster (qv); 10-Patience (ca. 1600- 1634), m qv); 9—-Mercy, m 1649/50, John Freeman (Edmund", av); 8-Thomas (0b 1653), m 1678, Rebecca John Spar- row (John?’); 7-Col. Edmund (6 1680), m Phoebe Watson; 6—Joshua (1706-70), m Patience Rogers; 5—Lucy (b 1743), m William Thorne; 4-Elizabeth (1775-1841), m Capt. John White (1776- 1862; John®, of Brunswick, Me., m Mary Mal- colm; Hugh®*, m 1737, Jane Giveen); 3-Sarah T. (1814-84), m Samuel Whitmore (1812-93). 10-Gov. Thomas Dudley (qv); 9—-Patience, m Maj. Gen. Daniel Denison; 8&-Elizabeth, m Rev. John Rogers (1630-84), A.B., Harvard, 1649; 6th pres. of Harvard Coll., 1682- 1684 (Rev. Nathaniel®, av); 7-Daniel, m Sarah Appleton (b 1671; Capt. John’, m | Priscila, dau. of Rev. Jesse Glover; Sam- uel’, qv 6—Patience (1713-69), m Joshua Freeman (6 above). 2—-Dau, of Maj. James Henry Whitmore (1835-96), lt., capt. and maj., 15th Me. Vols., 1861-65; m 1860, Mary Helen Thomas (1838-97). For issue and other lineages see Clara Helen Whitmore. M Sept. 22, 1897, George Edward Morton, b Cleve- land, O., Aug. 7, 1853; son of George Edward Oakes Morton, of Hamilton, Ont.; issue: 1— Nadine Holcomb, }b Oct. 13, 1898; m May, 1924, John William Meshko, } Litosvk, Russia, 1894; (issue: George Morton, b Mar. 20, 1925); 2-Edith Whitmore (Oct. 23, 1901-d infancy); 3—-Helen Caroline, b Feb. 16, 1903; m Dec. 27, 1925, James Marvel Edney, bB Edneyville, N.C., Nov. 7, 1899; 4Edward Honstain, b Dec. 15, 19—. Residence:, Tryon, N. C. ret hart tbe te | Joseph, 6 Mays Landing, N.J., Sept. 21, 1853. (Tomson) Thompson (d 1727), m 7-Cornelius ary— 6-Thomas (ca. 1720-1793), m 1741, Ann Taylor (Jo- seph’, m Margaret, dau. of David Clayton; Edward§); 5-Joseph (1743 -1808), m 1767, Sarah Covenhoven (Peter®, m Leah, dau. of Jan _ Roeloffse Schenck; Peter’; Judge Willem§; Gerrit W.®; Wolfert "G29; aEsce (1771-1847), m Rachel Wills (1773-1851; Car- 3-Joseph (1802-1881), m 1826, Eliza Scott (d 1888; Thomas Prence John‘, m Hannah Eldredge; Joseph*®; Henry®; Henry’; Benjamin’). 8—-Ephraim Pennington (d 1660), was at New Haven, 1643; m Mary: 7-Ephraim (1645- 1694), 1667, Mary Brockett (bap. 1646; John’, a signer of the Ist covenant at New Haven and Wallingford, 1690); 6—-Judah (d ca. 1738), m Anne—(1694-1749) ; 5-Samuel (1725-91), m Mary Sanford (1725-1805; Maj. William*; William’; Maj. William§): 4—-Nathan (1758-1810), m 1788, Mrs. Margaret (West- cott) Leonard (1765-1853; Col. Richard West- cott5, m Margaret Brazure; Daniel®; Daniel’; Daniel’); _ 3—John (1791- 1858), m 1812, Elizabeth Taylor (1793- 1875; William‘, m Ann Stewart). 2-Son of William Wright Thompson (1830-65), m Hester Taylor Pennington (1825-1910). pape 1877, Isabella Louisa Phillips (qv for ssue). Lawyer; pres. Atlantic Safe Dep. & Trust Co.. Atlantic Guaranty & Title Ins. Co.: dir. 2d Nat. Bank. Solicitor for Atlantic Co., N.J.. 1880-1905; co. collector, 1881-83: prosecutor of pleas, 1881-91; judge Co. Ct., 1892-98; mayor of Atlantic City, 1898; mem. bd. mers. State Hosp. for Insane, 1898; mem. State Bd. Taxation, 1898-1914; chmn. legal advisory bd., Atlantic City, World War. Mem. Sons and Daughters of Pilgrims, S.A.R., etc. Club: Seaview Golf. Residence: 19 N. Dorset Av., Ventnor, N.J. 1-THOMPSON, Isabella Louisa Phillips (Mrs. Joseph), 0 Trenton, N.J., Oct. 30, 1852. 10—Rev. George Phillips (av 9-Zerobabel (1632-87), Southampton, L.I.; ensign and lt. of militia; town constable, sheriff; 8-Theophilus (1653-89), grantee under charter of Newtown, L.I.; town surveyor, marshal, town clerk and clerk of the court; m 1st, 1671, Ann Hunt (Lt. Ralph®; Col. Thomas”): 7—-Theophilus (1673- -1709), Maidenhead (now Law- renceville), N. J.; a founder of the town and of its Presbyn. Ch.; m ca. 1692, Frances Eliza- beth Betts (Hon. Richards); 6—William (1702-1776), Maidenhead; commissioner; overseer of roads and freeholder; m Mary-; 5-William (1736-1778), Maidenhead; commissioner of appeals; m 1756, Ruth Titus; 4-Ephraim_ (1770-1834), Maidenhead; m Sarah poe (1779-1824; Joshua®, m his cousin, Mary mi 3-George’ (1803- 1869), farmer, Lawrence Tp., Mer- cer Co., N.J.; m 1825, Abigail Ketcham (1805- Lgl Levit, m Hannah Fisher; desc. John Ketcham, of Old Hopewell, N.J.). 10-Hon. Edward Howell (ca. 1600-1665), freeman, Boston, 1689-40; mem. Colonial Legislature of Hartford, 1647-50; a founder of Southampton, L.I., and a magistrate there until his death; 9-Margaret (bap. 1622), m ca. 1641, Rev. John Moore (ca. 1620-1657) ; 8-Elizabeth (b Newtown, L.I.), m Content Titus ‘ese Robert®, came in the ‘‘Hopewell,” 1 ; 7-Silas, m Sarah Hunt (Edward’, m Sarah, dau. of Richard Betts, qv; Lt. Ralph®; Col. Thomas’) ; 6—Ephraim (1696- 1789), m ca. 1738, Mary Armitage (Reuben’; Enoch’, came to America, 1719) ; 5—-Ruth (1737- 1818), m William Phillips (5 above). 2-Dau. of William Wilson Latta Phillips (1829- 1896), A.B., Princeton, ’48, A.M., 1852; M.D., Jef- ferson Med. Coll., 1851; surgeon Ist N.J. Cav., 1861; surgeon in chief 2d Div., Cav. Corps, Army of the Potomac; pres. Trenton Common Council; m 1st, 1851, Margaret Sarah McKelway (1828-57). See Vol. 1, p. 951, for McKelway line- age. M May 10, 1877, Joseph Thompson (qv); issue: 1— William Phillips, 6 Mays Landing, N.J., Nov. 10, 1879; Baltimore Med. Coll., 1905; m 1908, Ad- dine DeForest, dau. Charles D. Smith, of Madi- son, Ky. (issue: William Phillips, Jr.; Charles DeForest); 2-John McKelway, b Atlantic City, N.J., Dec. 20, 1881; m 1907, Lillian M., dau. Edgar Young, of Silver City, N.M. (issue: Joseph, 2d; Tee ey cae mes Jr.); 83-Alexander Pennington Grad. Model Sch., Trenton, N. J. Pres. Ventnor City Bd. of Edn.; v.p. bd. govs. Atlantic City Hosp. Mem. D.A.C., Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims (state gov.), D.F.P.A., C.D. 17th Century, Colonial Sons and Daughters, Order of Americans of Armorial Ancestry, D.A.R., Dames Loyal Legion (N.J. state treas.), Pil- grim Soc., Pocahontas Soc., Mary Washington Monument Assn., Revolutionary Memorial Soc. of N.J., N.E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Geneal. Soc. ee "Residence: 19 N. Dorset Pl., Vent- nor, pre teeth Howard, b Elizabeth, N.J., June , 1877. 6—-Owen Richards, from N. Wales to Amity Tp., Bucks Co., Pa., ca. 1710; 5-William (d 1752), m Elizabeth-; 4—William (1738- 1823), commissioned “Standard Bearer,” by Pa. Assembly, 1775; propr. Batsto (N.J.) Iron Works; m 1797, Margaretta Wood (1772-1850; Isaac’, m 1770, Mary, dau. of Zacha- riah Rossell [1723- 1815], m 1759, Margaret [Clark] Curtis, 1714-80; Henry‘); 3-Benjamin Wood (1797-1851), grad. Princeton, 1815; mem. Pa. Assembly and Senate; mayor of Phila.; m 1821, Sarah Ann Lippincott (1799- 1862; Joshua‘, m Sarah Wetherill). 6-William Mayo (qv); 5—John (1737-80), burgess; mem. conventions of 1775, 76; m Mary Tabb (1732-92; William’, of Gloucester Cow aa) 4-Col. John (1760- ma) grad. William and Mary 68 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Coll.; mem. Va. Assembly and Council of State; built “Mayo Bridge,’ Richmond; m Abagail De Hart (1761-1848; John®, of Elizabeth- town, N.J.; Jacob®; Matthias’; Balthazar’); é 3-Edward Carrington (1789-1852), m 1829, Adeline Marx (1808-79; Joseph‘ [d 1840], of Richmond, Va., m Richea, dau. of Myer Myers [1723-95], m Joice Mears, 1787-1824). 2-Son of Howard Richards (1837-1921), lawyer, New York; m 1870, Harriet Mayo (1844-1923); is- sue: I—Adeline Mayo (1871-1914); II—Sara Lip- pincott (6 1875); I1l-Howard (above); IV—Kd- ward Carrington Mayo (b 1886; m Elizabeth Veach Coan). : Til—m Dec. 7, 1912, Maud Ashhurst (qv); issue: J—Howard Ashhurst, 0B N.Y. City, June 14, 1914; 2-John Ashhurst, b Amagansett, L.I., Aug. 15, 1915; 3-Owen, b N.Y. City, June 17, 1918. f Ph.B., Yale-S., 00; E. E., Columbia, 1903. Sec. Metric Assn., New York. Decorated Officer of French Acad., 1919. Club: Yale. Residence: 149 Murray St., Elizabeth, N.J. 1-RICHARDS, Maud Ashhurst (Mrs. Howard), O Phila Pasz, Oct. LEbtss2: 4-Richard Ashhurst (1784-1861), from Eng. to Phila., 1803; m 1804, Elizabeth Crotto (1777-1857; - Henry® [1723-91], m Catharine van Flick, 17387- 1835) ; 38-John (1809-92), m 1835, Harriet Eyre (Manuel! [1777-1845], banker, Phila.; Manuel® [1731-1805]; George®, from Eng. to Burlington, N.J., ca. 1750). 7-Anthony Wayne (1666-1739), from Ireland to Pa., 1722; m Hannah Faulkner; 6—-Francis (1690-1763), m Elizabeth— (1692-1771); 5-Abraham (1730-92), m Tabitha Parry (1737-81; David® [d 1748], m Elizabeth, dau. of Malachi Jones; James’; Rowland’); 4—Caleb Parry (1776-1849), m Mary Stokes (1784- 1818; James® [1754-1831], m Sarah, dau. of James Magill, 1717-1802) ; f 38-William Henry (1809-90), m 18388, Emma Matilda Gorgas. 6-John Gorgas (d 1741), from Holland to Ger- mantown, Pa., ca. 1680; m 1720, Psyche Ritten- house (1700-87; Nicholas? [1666-1734], m Wil- helmina Dewees, d 1737); 5-John (1721-81), m Rachel Hesser (1740-1825) ; 4—George (1771-1844), m 1796, Rachel Clemens (1774- 1859; Gerhardt® [1737-99], m Gertrude Staufer [1742-1825]; Johannes%, b 1707); 3-Emma Matilda (1817-1905), m William Henry Wayne (3 above). 2-Dau. of John Ashhurst, Jr., M.D., LL.D. (1839- 1900), A.B., U.Pa., ’57, M.D., 1860; prof. surgery, U. Pa.; pres. Coll. Physicians of Phila., etc.; m 1864, Sarah Stokes Wayne (1840-1910); issue: I—John (6 1865; See Who’s Who in America); II—William Wayne (1867-1913; m Ellen Eyre Gaillard); IlI—Mary J. (b 1868; m Edwards F. Leiper, U.S.N.); I[IV-Anna Wayne (6 1870: m Elliston Joseph Perot); V—Sarah Wayne (6 1874); VI—Astley P. C. .(b 1876; See Who’s Who in America); VII—Maud (above). VII—m be 7, 1912, Howard Richards (av for issue). Residence: 149 Murray St., Elizabeth, N.J. 1-PAPIN, Marie Julia Chouteau (Mrs. Edward V.), b St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 28, 1873. 5-Pierre Liguest de Laclede (d 1778), came from Bedous, in the Pyrenees, to New Orleans, 1755; active in colonial affairs and granted with his firm, Maxent Laclede & Co., right to trade on upper Mississippi; founded St. Louis as a trading post 1763; m Marie Therese Bourgeois Chouteau (1733-1814); Fiore Chouteau (1758-1849), m Palagie Kerserau 3—Pierre, called Pierre “Cadet” (1789-1865), was in partnership with John Jacob Astor in the Am. Fur Co., later in ry. development of the mid- dle west; m Emilie Gratiot (1794-1862). 5—Pierre Lizuest de Laclede (above): 4—Victoire Chouteau (1760-1825), m Charles Gratiot (1752-1817), came from Switzerland, and devel- oped fur trade from Montreal ca. 1767, and afterwards along the line of the great lakes and Mississippi to the Ohio River; resident in Kaskaskia, Ill., at time to Am. Rev., and codp- erated with Gen. George Rogers Clark and largely financed his expdn. that saved the middle western territory for the United Colonies; 3—Gen. Charles (1787-1855), admitted to West Point from Mo. Ty., 1804; chief engr. Maj. Gen. Har- rison’s army, 1812-18; engr. in defense of Ft. Meigs, 1814; directed building of Fortress Mon- roe, Va.; m Ann Belin (1797-1886). 2-Dau. of Charles Pierre Chouteau (1819-1901), part- ner and executive in P. Chouteau, Jr., & Co. (successors to Am. Fur Co.’s St. Louis part- nership), Chouteau, Harrison & Valle Iron Co., and Iron Mountain Co., and many other promi- nent business ventures; m 1845, Julia Gratiot (1824-95), M Nov. 6, 1895, Edward Villere Papin (See Vol. 1, p. 182); issue: 1-Julia Marie, b St. Louis, July 10, 1898; m May 28, 1921, Frederic Gooding (issue: Marie Chouteau, b Aug. 5, 1922; Bleanor, b May {h Hoon 2-Edward Chouteau, b St. Louis, Sept. Residence: 4642 Pershing Avy., St. Louis, Mo. 1-INGHAM, J C, b Chillicothe, O., June 27, 1870. 6—Jonas Ingham (qv); 5-Jonathan (1710-99), justice, judge, mem. Colonial Assembly of Pa.; m Deborah Bye (b 1709; John", of Bucks Co., Pa., m Sarah Pearson; Thomas’, from Eng., 1699); 4—-Dr. Jonathan (1744-93), Am. Rev.; m 1772, Ann Welding (1756-93); 3-Hezekiah Bye (1787-1863), m 1814, Nancy Justice (1792-1867), 2-Son of Dr. Oliver Perry Ingham (1831-78), civ- ilian surgeon in charge of hospitals along the Ohio River during Civil War; m 1861, Romaine Elizabeth Russell (1840-1906), M Sept. 14, 1910, Lizzie E. Russell (qv for issue). Ed. Kenyon Coll., Gambier, O. Deacon and priest, P.E.Ch., 1904. Mem. S.R. Residence: Blackfoot, Ida. 1-INGHAM, Lizzie Edwards Russell (Mrs. JC), b Jackson, Mo., Apr. 26, 1880, 7-John Langdon (1715-90), merchant, Mass. ; m 1740, — Greenough; 6-Timothy (1745-1818), A.B., Harvard, 1765; Am. Rev.; rep. Provincial Congress, 1776; m 1770, Sarah Vans; 5-Mary (1772-1826), m 1798, Joseph Frizel, sea cap- tain; ie a (1794-1823), m 1819, Sarah Bollinger (1799- 3-Mary L. F. (1821-95), m 1843, Joseph William Russell (1819-52), civil engineer. 10-Sir Francis Pemberton, lord chief justice of the King’s Bench, 1680, presiding at the trial of Lord Russell, for the “Rye House Plot”; 9-James (1622-96), m Sarah Marshall: 8-Rev. Ebenezer (1673-1717), grad. Harvard, 1691: tutor and librarian at Harvard; 2d pastor of Old South Ch., Boston; m Mary Clark; 7-Mary, m 1726, Hugh Vans (1700-63), Boston, ass.; 6-Sarah (6 1745), m Timothy Langdon (6 above). 2-Dau. of James William Russell, M.D. (1851-1907), physician and farmer; m 1879, Annie Edwards (6 1854); issue: I—Lizzie B. (above); II—Annie B. (b 1885; m Frank Magill). I-m Sept. 14, 1910, Rev. J c Ingham (qv); issue: —Fussell Oliver, b Dundee, Ill., Sept. 27, 1912; 2-James Milton, 6 Oxnard, Calif., July 2, 1916: fi ee Ann, 6 Los Angeles, Calif., Jan. 23, Mem. D.A.R. Residence: 72 N. Shilling St., Blackfoot, Ida. 1-NICHOLS, James Anderson, } Petersburg, Va., Oct. 7, 1862. 10-Set. Francis Nichols (qv); 9-Isaac, m 1646, Margaret Sherman; 8-Isaac (1654-90), m Mary Baldwin; 7-Richard, m 1702, Comfort Sherman; 6-Nathaniel (1708-85), m 1730, Ann Booth;. : 5-Capt. Peter (1733-99), m 1753, Rebecca Camp; 4—Lemuel (b 1754), m Alice Blackman; * 38-Nathaniel Booth (b 1791), m Susanna Epps Anderson. Foe e 2-Son of Capt. James Nathaniel Nichols (1824-73), pres. Petersburg (Va.) Gas & Fuel Co.: m Anna Wynn (1836-66); issue: I—Francis Nathaniel (1847-1903); II-William Robert (1853-92: m Nora de S. Préot); I1J-—Edward West (b 1858;.m Ed- monia lL. Waddell; m 24, Mary Evelyn [Junkin] Rust); IV-James Anderson (above); V—Sue Meade (m E. H. Patterson), , IV—m July 3, 1889, Mary Pomeroy (1862-1914), niece of and adopted by M. M. (Brick) Pomeroy, Boston, FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 69 noted editor and publisher, LaCrosse, Wis.; issue: 1-James Anderson, Jr., } Randleman, N.C., May 27, 1890; V.M.I., ’10; capt., Arty. Corps, Mar. 1918; m Jan. 30, 1917, Beatrice Lind- say (issue: Jeanne Lindsay; Bernard Ander- son); 2-Pomeroy, b Prince George, Va., Dec. 5, 1891; m 1914, Ida Helen Mathews (issue: Samuel Mathews; Pomeroy, Jr.); 3-—Edward Hunter, 0 Prince George, Aug. 19, 1894; V.M.I., ’14; lost an eye in Mexican border service; capt. of inf., World War; 4-William Wynn, 0 Prince George. Mar. 26, 1896; William and Mary, ’16; served with 80th Div., Engrs., World War; 5—-Ann (Oct. 26, 1898-Dec. 7, 1918); 6-Mary, b Petersburg, Va., Oct. 2, 1901; B.S., M.S., U. Va., ’26; 7—Robert Dicks, 6 Petersburg, Jan. 19, 1903. M 2d, Sept. 7, 1915, Mattie Bernard, b Orange, Va., Aug. 3, 1869; dau. of David Meade Bernard, of Petersburg, Va. V.M.I., ’83. Civil engr. Capt., Co. G, 3d Va. Vol. Inf., Spanish-Am. War. Mem. U.S.W.V. Sum- mer place: Bolton, Prince George Co., Va. Residence: 227 St. Andrew St., Petersburg, Va. 1-BRYANT, Virginia Lee (Mrs. Louis E.), 0 Danville, Ky., May 3, 1877. 7—-William Lee (will probated in Amelia Co., Va., 1770), m Rachel-; 6-Ambrose (d_ 1764), m Frances Penn (1735-1812; Moses’, m Catherine Taylor [John Taylor’; James?®, from Eng. to Va., 1635); 5—George (1750-1825), Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Shel- ton (1754-1817) ; 4—George (1792-1879), m Lucy Anderson Thomson; 8—George Francis (1829-96), m Susan Jane Miller (1828-1900; Col. Robertt; Daniel5; Robert*, m Margaret Maupin [Daniel?; Gabriel’, officer French army, came to Va., 1700, m Marie, dau. of Earl Spencer). 10-John Warren (qv); 9—Daniel (1628-91), capt. King Philip’s War; m 1650, Mary Barron (Ellis”); 8-John (1665-1703), m Mary Browne (Jonathan®, m Mary Shattuck); 7—Capt. Daniel (1689-1748), colonial service; m 1712, Rebecca Garfield (1683-1720; Capt. Benjamin: Edward?; Edward’, qv); 6-Silas (1720- 92), m 1742, Elizabeth Newton (d 1794); 5-Silas (1753-1848), corp. Am. Rev.; m 1st, 1777, Anna Newton Warren (1761-97; Elijah); 4—BPli (1782-1868), m 1802, Sinthia Legg (1779-1863; William'); 3-Levi Legg (1808-84), m Mary Ann Wood (1814- 1900; Asa*, m Polly Stoddard [Ezekiel5; Jere- ele Jeremiah’; Jeremiah’; Samuel; John, av 2-Dau. of Eugene Wallace Lee (1847-1905), m_1869, Clara Louise Warren (1850-90); issue: I—Hor- tense (6 1875); II—-Virginia (above); Il1I—George Francis (0 1887; m Florence Keiller). II-m Feb. 3, 1909, Louis Edwards Bryant, bD Louisville, Ky., Apr. 16, 1868; son of James M. Bryant, of Louisville, Ky., and Chicago, II]. Grad. Prof. Sloan’s Sch., New York, ’9. Mem. C.D.A., Scions of Colonial Cavaliers, Huguenot Soc. of Charleston, S.C. Hobby: Prehistoric ia Be Residence: ‘‘Tahiqua,’’ Roberta, enn. eran BS Clara Lee Spilman (Mrs. George W.), 6 Jessamine Co., Ky., July 17, 1858, 7-James Taylor (qv); 6-James, m 2d, Martha Thompson; 5—Zachary (1707-68), m Elizabeth Lee; 4—Col. Richard (1744-1829), col. Am. Rev.; collector internal revenue, Louisville; m Sarah Dabney ote (parents of President Zachary Tay- or); 8—Hancock (1781-1841), m Annah Hornsby Lewis. 2—-Dau. of Eliza Sarah Taylor (1822-66), m Jona- than Edwards Spilman, D.D. (1812-96). For is- sue and Spilman line see Lewis Hopkins Spil- man, Vol. 1, p. 582. M July 29, 1879, George William Andrews, b Jef- ferson Co., Ill, Oct. 3, 1855; son of Seth Spen- cer Andrews; issue (all b Flora, T1l.): 1-Georgie Clare, b July 7, 1880; m 1916, Basil B. Pritchett (issue: Clarabelle Jeanne); 2-Edward Spencer, b Jan. 4, 1883; m 1914, Lauretta Kavanaugh (is- sue: Edward S., Jr.; Natalee); 3—Jeanne Kath- ryn, 6 Mar. 1887: m 1913, Olis C. Anderson. Residence: Neshoba, Miss. COGGESHALL a@ cross, Arms: Argent, between four escallops, sable. Crest: A buck lodged quadrant, sable, attired or. 1INGRAM, Harriet Louise Coggeshall (Mrs. Erskine B.), 6 River Falls, Wis., Jan. 19, 1873. 8-John Coggeshall (qv); 7—Joshua (1628-88), m Joan West (1635-76) ; 6—John (1659-1727), m Mary Stanton (1668-1747) ; 5—-Benjamin, m Blizabeth Dunlap (b 1709); 4—Dunlap (1747-1808), m Hannah Hait (or Hoyt; 175l1-after 1805); PRA aS = (1795-1868), m 2d, Harriet Stevens (1808- 7 2-Dau. of Eri Coggeshall (1830-1901), m 1859, Julia Mary Bott (1834-1921). .For issue see Mrs. Her- mann Wehmann. M Nov. 12, 1900, Erskine Bronson Ingram (See Vol. 1, p. 654); issue: 1-Orrin Henry, b Eau Claire, June 26, 1904; 2—Janet (6 and d Oct. 1910). Summer place: Long Lake, Wis. Residence: State Street Rd., Eau Claire, Wis. 1-WEHMANN, Frances Winona Coggeshall frost Hermann), b Hastings, Minn., June 26, 1867. 2-Dau. of Eri Coggeshall (1830-1901), m 1859, Julia Mary Bott (1834-1921); issue: I-—Frederick (b 1862); II—Catharine Isabella (1864-1921; m George Bigelow Dodd); Il1IJ—Frances Winona (above); IV-Charles Etheridge (6b 1869); V—Harriet Louise (Mrs. Erskine Bronson Ingram, qv for Coggeshall lineage); VI-—Mary Julia (b 1874); ViI-—Cordelia Pauline (b 1877; m Earl Bean Sav- age). IlI-m June 10, 1891, Hermann Diedrich Daniel Wehmann, 6 Germany, May 29, 1861; flour ex- porter, Minneapolis; son of Gerhard Weh- mann, of Germany; issue: 1—Charles Gerhard, 6 Minneapolis, July 2, 1894; U. Pa., 719; 2d I1t., Aviation Corps, U.S.A., and with A.E.F. in France, World War; m Oct. 11, 1922, Helen Dorothy, dau. of John Cathcart Ludlam (issue: John Coggeshall, 6 July 15, 1923); 2-Hermann Coggeshall, b Minneapolis, Jan. 22, a PN fl St ey 721; m Oct. 18, 1923, Frieda Langley Halsted. Mem. D.A.C., D.A.R.. Woman’s Club, Minne- apolis Museum of Fine Arts. Residence: 2100 Pillsbury Av., Minneapolis, Minn. 1-ANGELLOTTI, Frank Marion, } San Rafael, Calif., Sept. 4, 1861. 8—-Christopher Osgood (qv); 7—Christopher (1643-1723), Andover, Mass.; rep. Gen. Ct. seven times; It. and capt. of troop; m 1st, 1663, Hannah Belknap (d 1679; Abraham§&, of Lynn, Mass.); 6—Ezekiel (1679-1740), m 1710, Rebecca Wardwell (1691-1736; Samuel?, m 1672, Sarah [Hooper] Hawkes, widow, of Lynn); 5—Ezekiel (1712-98), Andover, Mass., and Blue Hill. Me.; m Mary Barker (1725-1810; Philemon®, m Mary Lovejoy); 70 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 4—Phineas (1753-1836), of Andover; minute man from Andover, 1775; served in siege of Boston; sgt. militia in Am. Rev.; m 1st, 1779, Mary Smith (1762-1821; Lemuel5, m Mary Joyce); 3—Isaac Smith (1794-1877), selectman of Blue Hill, Me., 25 yrs.; dep. collector of customs at Cas- tine, Me., 10 yrs.; m Ist, 1820, Lois Hibbert Stover. 8-John Devereux (qv); 7—Robert (d ca. 1740), m Hannah Blaney (b 1667; John§’, m 1660, Hannah King); 6-Ralph (bap. ‘‘at adult age,’ 1727-d ca. 1784), m 1729, Ruth Potter (1710-1809; Benjamin’, m Ruth Burrill); 5—Ralph (1789-1824), m 1765, Lois Ingerson Hibbert (6 1749; Capt. Joseph*, m 1744, Lois Ingerson); 4—Abigail (1770-1854), m 1792, Jeremiah Stover (1770- 1824; Isaac’, of Blue Hill, Me., m Martha Stover); 38-Lois Hibbert (1794-1837), m Isaac Smith Osgood (8 above). 2-Son of Lois Frances Osgood (1836-1913), m 1860, Giuseppe Angellotti (b Italy, 1824-1883), mcht., land owner, Marin Co., Calif., from 1852; issue: I-Frank Marion (above); II-Emma Teresa (1865-99; m 1st, Prescott Loring, deceased, see their son William S.; she m 2d, Albert W. Scott, Jr., See Who’s Who in America). I-m Dec. 27, 1884, Emma Cornelia Cearley (qv); issue: 1-Frances Louise (Dec. 5, 1885-Jan. 25, 1887); 2-Marion Polk, b San Rafael, Nov. 12, 18—; vol. Red Cross canteen worker, serving at St. Germain-des-Fossés, Chaléns-sur-Marne, at Chatigny, with Evacuation Hosp. 13 in the St. Mihiel drive, and at Tréves (German Trier) with the Army of Occupation; author (See Who’s Who in America). LL.B., U. Calif., 1882. Dist. atty., Marin Co., 1885-91; judge Superior Ct. of Calif., 1891-1903: asso. justice Supreme Ct., 1903-15, and chief justice 1915-21, resigned; gen. counsel, Western Pacific R.R. (“See Who’s Who in America). Lt. gov. Calif. Soc. S.C.W., 1918-21. Residence: “Four Winds,” San Rafael, Calif. 1-ANGELLOTTI, Emma Cornelia Cearley (Mrs. ety M.), 6 nr. Washoe City, Nev., Feb. 29, 8-Robert Bruce Polk (qv); 7-William (ca. 1664-ca. 1739), of “White Hall.” Eastern Shore, Md.; received land grants from the Lords Baltimore; m 1st, Nancy (Knox) Owens; 6-William (ca. 1700-ca. 1753), m Margaret Taylor; 5-Capt. John (ca. 1739-ca. 1785), officer Am. Rev.; mem. Provincial Commissions of N.C., 1766, 71, 73; agt. to Catawba Indians; m Eleanor Shelby (Gen. Evan’, brig. gen. Am. Rev.): 4—Taylor (ca. 1780-1824), removed from N.C. to Tenn., thence to Ouachita Valley, Ark.; planter, of “The Wilds’; m 1798, Jency Walker (d 1814; Tandy’>); 38-Cumberland (1803-57), planter, of “Red Top.” Grimes Co., Tex.; m 1826, Nancy Cox (1811-67; Joel‘, m Frances Bartlett). 8-John Walker (d 1734), from Scotland to Ireland, thence to Chester, Pa.: m in Scotland, 1702, Jane Rutherford (d 1738; Rev. John®, of the “Border Rutherfords,” lived on Tweed River, m Jane Allen); 7—-John (1705-78), from Pa. to Rockbridge Co., Va., eo aed on Walker’s Creek; m 1734, Ann Hous- on; 6-John, lived in that part of Va. which is now Greenbrier Co., W.Va.; m Nancy Tandy; 5-Tandy, given in the Va. census of 1782 and 1790 as of Mecklenburg Co., Va., with “9 whites and 7 slaves”; 4—Jency (ca. 1783-1814), m 1798, Taylor Polk (4 above). 2—Dau. of Lucretia Polk (1829-95); m 1845, Edmund Cearley (1806-81), farmer, express owner. For issue and Cearley line see Charles Talant Cearley. i ange 1884, Frank Marion Angellotti (qv for issue), Residence: “Four Winds,” San Rafael, Calif. I-CEARLEY, Charles Talant, } Niles, Calif., Nov. 21, 1865, 8-William (Kerly, Carley, Kerley, Carlye) Cear- ley (d 1670), from Eng. in the “Confidence,” 1638; lived at Sudbury and at Lancaster, Mass., where he died; one of six prudential man-_ agers apptd. to govern Lancaster; m Ann— (d 1658); and thru probably either: 7-Ens. William or Capt. Henry (the two sons); 6-Bartholomew, of Lancaster and Marlborough, Mass.; he was probably the “B. Carley” who was in Lt. Howe’s garrison at Marlborough, where his children were baptized; 5-William (bap. 1717-1796), of Marlborough, Mass., and Va.; held land grants from King George II; m Martha Carter; 4-William, of Va., and N.C.; soldier Am. Rev.; m Rachel Neal; 38—Larkin (1776-1841), m 1800, Mary Barnes (1781-1864; Solomon, planter, m Elizabeth Murphy). 2-Son of Edmund Cearley (1806-81), farmer, ex- press owner; m 1845, Lucretia Polk (1829-95); is- sue: I-Samuel Reyburn (1846-77); II—-Newton Fleming (b 1847); Il1I—Mary Jane (1849-52); IV— Cumberland (1851-52); V—Louisa Elizabeth (1853- 1917; m George Babcock, 1854-1917); ViI—Cyrus Granville (1855-79); VII—John Brackville (b 1858); VIII-Emma Cornelia (Mrs. Frank M. Angel- lotti, qv); IX—Charles Talant (above). IX-—m Nov. 2, 1891, Rhoda Jeannette Mangrum, b Paola, Kan., 1871; dau. of Charles William Mangrum, of Paola, m Jane Tresslar, of John- son Co., Ind. (desc. Peter Tresslar, m Barbara Mallow, from Germany to W.Va., and John Lefridge Jones, soldier Am. Rev., m Ann Lor- ris); issue: 1-Mila Mangrum, b Fresno, Calif., Aug. 21, 1892; A.B., U. Calif., ’15; A.M., Colum- bia, 1917; m May 3, 1919, Earl Thomas Parrish (issue: Patricia Jane, 6 Aug. 5, 1920). Merchant. Dir. for Fresno City of 4th and 5th Liberty Loans; mem. Fresno City Exemption Bd., World War. Clubs: Commercial, Sequoia, Shrine. Residence: 625 Home Av., Fresno, Calif. 1-LORING, William Stowell, 6 San Francisco, Calif., June 18, 1886. 9-Thomas Loring (qv); 8-Benjamin (1644-1715/16), many yrs. deacon of the ch. at Hingham; removed to Hull, where he was constable, selectman, moderator; m 1670, Mary Hawkes (1646-1714; Matthew®, 2d town clk. of Hingham, m Margaret-); 7-Samuel (1680-1757), selectman, deacon, of Hull; m 1716, Jane Collyer (1697-1745; John§); 6-Samuel (1720-1813), ensign Hull Co., 1761; served in Hull “Independent Co.,’ 1777; m 1749, Jean Gould (1722/23-1795; Joseph’, m Mary-); 5—Caleb (1767-1838), capt. of arty. co.; m 1792, Mary Silsbee (1770-1810; Benjamin®, m Dorcas Adams); 4-Caleb Gould (1796-1867), hardware mcht.; mem. Boston Common Council, 1885; m Harriet Tut- tle (1799-1862; Samuel’, m Ruth Wilkinson); 3—-David Webster (1836-1904), from Boston to San Francisco; founded Loring (musical) Club; m Revie Sophia Leach (6 1835; Peleg*, m Eliza- eth-). 9-Sylvester Stover (d 1688), from Eng. to Mass.; had a grant of land at Cape Neddick, 1649; d at York, Me.; m Elizabeth Norton (Henry™, mar- shal of York, 1653, m Margaret-); 8—-George (ca. 1668-ca. 1753), of York, Me., and Gloucester, Mass.; m Ist, 1692/93, Abigail Elwell (Isaac); 7-Isaac (1697-ca. 1777), m Ist, Mary Stover (b 1702: Dependence’, m Mary, dau. of Dea. Rowland Young, m Susanna Matthews); 6—-Isaac (1745-d post 1784), Penobscot, Me.; m Mar- tha Stover (1744-post 1784); 5-Jeremiah (1770-1824), Blue Hill, Me.; m Abigael Devereux (1770-1854) ; 4-Lois Hibbert (1794-1837), m 1821, Isaac Smith Osgood (1794-1877) ; 3—Lois Frances (1836-1913), of Blue Hill, Me., and San Rafael, Calif.; m 1860, Giuseppe Angellotti (1824-83; see their son Frank M.). 2-Son of Prescott Loring (b 1859), m 188, Emma Teresa Angellotti (1865-99); issue: I—William Stowell (above); II—Harold Angellotti (1889-90), I-m Mar. 4, 1911, Mabel Velma Reynolds, b Bells, Tex., Nov. 9, 1890; dau. of John William Rey- nolds, m John Ann Kimbrough; issue (all b Dallas, Tex.): 1-Marjorie Angellotti, 6 Sept. 15, 1912; 2-William Stowell, II, 6 Mar. 1, 1914; 3— Frank Edward, b Apr. 10, 1916. Business man. Residence: 3314 Dartmouth Av., Dallas, Tex. Up tratond Paste Miles Leach, } S. Hope; Me., July 12, 6-John Carter. (ca. 1716-1756; probably son of John, of Saco, Me., m Ann-), of Scarboro, Me.: m 1738/39, Hannah Sands (James’, of Biddeford, Me., m Emma-); 5-Ephraim (1742-1826), m 1763, Mary Waterhouse (b FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 71 1743; Joseph*, of Scarboro, Me., m Mary, dau. of Samuel Libby; Timothy’; Richard’). 4-Joseph (1765-1838), m Olive Pottle (1768-1864; John, of Alna, Me.); 3—Joseph (1801-86), m 2d, 1829-30, Lola H. Fiske (1814-45; Benjamin‘, m Roxanna Harrington; David; Josiah*; Josiah?; Nathan’; Nathan’). 2-Son of Joseph Oscar Carter (1831-1920), con- tractor; m 1856, Roseanna Burrows (1831-1916); issue: I-John Cleveland (1859-1890-91); II—Lola Emma (b 1857; m Henry Fitch); I1I—George Almond (0b 1860); IV—Augustus Samuel (1862- ca. 1914); V—Miles ViI-Maud Caroline (1871-92). V-m June 30, 1892, Marion Williams Pierce (av for issue). Residence: Attleboro, Mass. 1-CARTER, Marion Williams Pierce (Mrs. Miles L.), 6 Attleboro, Mass., May 24, 1867. 9—Michael (Pearce) Pierce (ca. 1615-1676), Hingham and Scituate, Mass., was killed by Indians, 1676; m ist, before 1646, Persis Eames (1621-62; Anthony?®); 8—-Ephraim (ca. 1648-1719), m Hannah Holbrook (d 1719; Capt. John®; Thomas"); 7-Ephraim (b 1674), m 1697, Mary Low (John§, m Mary Rhodes; Anthony®; John’); 6—Dea. Miel (1692-1786), m Judith Ellis (1686-1744) ; 5-Joshua, m 1748, Mary Horton (b 1725; John®, m Mary Chase; John?; Thomas’; Thomas’); 4-Barnard (1764-1842), m 1785, Mary Rounds (1767- 1849; Chase®, m Mary Mason; George’; George’; John’); 3-Jeremiah (1786-1837), m 1806, Candace Wheeler (1789-1882; Shubaelt, m Chloe Martin; Capt. Philip®; Col. Philip*; James’; Henry’; John’); 7-Capt. Thomas Williams (d 1723), m 1686, Sarah Foster (1667-1751; Dr. Thomas8, m Sarah Parker, Sgt. Thomas’); 6—-Thomas (b 1687), m 1713/14, Hannah Douglass (1696-1757: William’, m Sarah—; William®); 5—Theophilus (b 1716/17), m 1752, Ruth Brown (b 1729; William*®, m Ruth Walker; Lt. William’; Cornelius’; Nicholas’) ; 4-John (b 1753), m 1778, Anne Brown (6 1758; Chris- topher®, m Esther Perry; Benjamin®; Capt. Jo- seph’?; Capt. John’; John’); 8-Thomas (1791-1864), m 1816, Polly Richardson (1794-1881; Abiathar‘, m Martha Faulkner; Wil- liam®; William®; Stephen’; Samuel}). 2-Only child of Alfred Pierce (1822-1919), con- tractor; m 1865, Martha Richardson Williams (1837-1909). M June 30, 1892, Miles Leach Carter (qv); issue: 1-Bernadetta Richardson, 6 Attleboro, Mass., Dec. 6, 1904. Artist. Mem. D.A.C., D.C.W., D.A.R., etc. Clubs: North Purchase, Woman’s. Summer place: ayeet pert Point, Mass. Residence: Attleboro, ass. 1-CARTER, Agnes Mayo (Mrs. Thomas N.), 0 Richmond, Va., Dec. 18, 1866. 6—Maj. William Mayo (qv). 5—John (1736-86), burgess; mem. conventions of 1775, 76; m Mary Tabb, of Gloucester, Va. (Wil- liam’; John7; Thomas’; Capt. Humphrey’); 4—~William (1757-1837), Am. Rev.; m 1st, Elizabeth Bland Poythress; 3—-Robert Atkinson (1799-1872), of Seat,” Va.; m Sarah Taliaferro. 8-Theodorick Bland (qv); 7-Richard (1665-1720), m 2d, Elizabeth Randolph (William’, of Turkey Island); 6—Richard (1710-76), m Anne Poythress (Peter’); 5—Elizabeth, m Col. Peter Poythress, of ‘“Bran- chester,’”’ Prince George Co., Va.; burgess 1768- 75; mem. conventions of 1775-76 (Robert®; Fran- cis?; Francis’; Capt. Francis?) ; 4-Elizabeth B. (1759-1806), m William Mayo (4 above). 8-—Maj. Lewis Burwell (1621-58), from Eng. ca. 1640; settled at Fairfield, on Carter’s Creek, Gloucester Co., Va.; m Lucy Higginson; 7—Lewis (d 1710), m Abigail Smith; 6—-Nathaniel (1680-1721), burgess, 1710; m Elizabeth Carter; 5-Carter, burgess, 1745-55; m Lucy Grymes; 4—Nathaniel (1750-1814), burgess; lt. col. James City Co., Va.; mem. Constl. Conv.; mem. Com. Safety, 1776; m Lucy Page; 3—George H. (1799-1873), of ‘‘Carter Hall,’ Clarke Co., Va.; m Agnes Atkinson. 2Dau. of Capt. Peter Helm Mayo (1836-1920), m Isabella Burwell (1841-1912); issue: I-Sallie (6 Leach (above); “Powhatan 1865; m Bennehan Cameron, See Vol. 1, p. 534); IJ—Agnes (above). II—m Dec. 1, 1887, Thomas Nelson Carter (June 13, 1858-Aug. 8, 1917); B.L., U. Va., ’80; lawyer; son Col. Thomas Henry Carter, of ‘“Pampatike,” King William Co., Va.; issue: 1—-Isabelle Bur- well, ) Richmond, Va., June 27, 1891; m Apr. 30, 1924, Douglas Crocker, of Fitchburg, Mass. Mem. C.D.A. Club: Country of Va. Summer place: ‘‘Powhatan,” Boyce, Va. Residence: 205 W. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. JOHN ROBERT SCOTT. Entered U.S.A., Oct. 3, 1917; service at camps Taylor, Pike, Green and Mills to May 3, 1918; with 59th Inf., 4th Div., A.H.F., in France, May 14-Dec. 28, 1918; hon. discharged, Feb. 6, 1919. 1-SCOTT, Rose Moss (Mrs. William T.), ) Ed- gar Co., Ill., Dec. 18, 1869. 9-Edward Moss (1610-95), from Lancaster Co., Eng., settled in York Co., Va., 1644; m Ann Belt, in Eng.; 8-William (1633-85), returned to Eng. to attend college, returned to America, settled in Rap- pahannock Co., Va., before 1660, where he pur- chased 800 acres of land with his two broth- ers, Robert and Thomas; m Lady Jane North; 7-William Henry (1663-1722), m Margaret Hop- kins (1670-98) ; 6—William (1698-1773), moved to Loudoun Co., Va.; m Jane Craik (1700-77); 5—-Rev. Nathaniel (1730-1807), Primitive Baptist minister, m Nancy Cockrell (sister of Rev. Simon Cockrell, noted Baptist minister); 4—Moses (1758-1838), pvt. Am. Rev.; m Lucretia Williams; 3—William Henry (1814-52), m Chrisman (1812-94). 6-Henry Sousley (1728-92), pvt. of militia in Bed- ford Co., also in “Rangers on the frontier,” 1778-83; m Susan Cooper (1730-94); 5—David (1758-1827), Bedford Co., Pa.; m Nancy Susan Corcoran (1761-1831) ; 4—David (1784-1841), Westmoreland Co., Pa., to Fleming Co., Ky.; m Susannah Newcomb (1789-1846) ; 38-William Harrison (1807-84), Fleming Co., Ky.# m Mary Cochran. Harrison Mary 72 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 8-Robert Cochran, m Ann Rowland; 7-James (1705-66), lt. on list of “Officers of the Two Associate Regiments of Chester COs, 1747-48”; m Isabella Cochran; 6-Stephen (1732-90), 1t. in the “New Levies,” 1758; capt. Am. Rev.; m Jane Young; 5-Samuel (1763-1829), brig. insp. at Pittsburgh during War of 1812; mem. Pa. House of Rep., 1816-17; senator, 1818; m Rebecca-; 4—James (1785-1858), moved to Fleming Co., Ky.; m Jane Mackateny; Nereus) (1813-1893), m William H. Sousley (3 above). ' 2-Dau. of Judge John Chrisman Moss (1840-1915), m 1867, Nancy Susan Sousley (1846-1916); issue: I-Grace (b 1867; m William Francis Hoult); II—Rose (above); IIlI—Will Ed. (0b 1874; m Al- lie Redmon); IV—Mary (6 1882; m Robert Blu- ford McClelland). II-—m July 16, 1894, William Thomas Edgar Co., Ill, Dec. 20, 1866; mgr. of Epps Farms of 4000 acres in Edgar Co., Ill.; son of James Thomas Scott (1829-1900), m Elizabeth Ryan (1844-1928), Edgar Col, Illi; is- sue: 1-John Robert, 6 Chrisman, 10 Ee A 26, 1896; De Pauw U.:; DViC Usa me Ockers. 1917-Feb. 6, 1919; with 59th Inf., 4th Divs cAnt she, May 14-Dec. 28, 1918; transferred to Mobile Hosp. 39, Oct. 20, 1918. Nem) Dh PsA DAL Ose. P) (gov. Ill. soc.), D.A.R., U.S.D. 1812, Edgar Co. Hist. Soc. (pres.). Hobby: Genealogy and art. Resi- dence: “Willrose Farm,” Chrisman, Il. 1-APPLE, Henry Harbaugh, b Mercersburg, Pa., Nov. 8, 1869. 6-John Peter (Appel) Apple (1694-1764), from the Palatinate to Lehigh Co., Pa., 1732; m Bliz- abeth Catherine—(1699-1758) : 5—John (1726-1805), m Anna Maria Bogert (1735-84) ; 4-Andrew_ (1764-1849), m Catherine Neuspiegel (1762-1842) ; s-Andrew (1786-1866), m Elizabeth Gilmore (Thomas‘, soldier Am. Rey.). 2-Son of Thomas Gilmore Apple, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D. “..(1829-98), A.B., Marshall, ’50; 3d pres. Franklin and Marshall Coll., 1877-89; m Emma Miller (1827-1921); issue: IT-Anna M. (b 1852; m Edward: P. McKinstry, d): II-Elizabeth Gil- more (1854-76); I1I-John Wilberforce (6b 1856 ; m Elizabeth [Hager] Herr); I[V—Ida Catherine (m Calvin Shriver Hagle); V—William Nevin (0 1862; m Marian» Baer); VI—Thomas Chalmers (twin; 6 and d 1863); VII-Charles Howard (twin; 1863-1923); VIII-Emma Amelia (b 1864; m Lloyd E. Coblentz); IX—Maude Margaret (1867-80); X—Henry Harbaugh (above); XI—Jo- seph Herbert Appel (b 1873: m Venie E. W004). X—m Nov. 8, 1894, Florence Emma Herr, 6 Lan- caster, Pa:;-Oet. 18, 1871: dau. of Dr. A. Ay Herr, Lancaster, Pa.: issue: I—-Emma (Nov. ‘ 14-Nov. 19, 1895). A.B., Franklin and Marshall, ’89, A.M., 1892: grad. Theol. Sem. of Ref. Ch. in U.S., 1892; (D.D., Lafayette, 1909: LiED., U.Pa., ~1913; Pittsburgh, 1919, Heidelberg U., 1925). Pres. Franklin and Marshall Coll. since 1909 (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: Lan- caster, Pa. {itp orb George Alfred, b Dayton, O., Sept. 4—Probably John or Jacob Archer, who went from Phila., Pa., to Montgomery Co., O., ca, 1798; m Sarah Rockhill (widow of James Craft); 3—John, m 1818, Sarah Bailey. 9-Thomas Shreve, of R.T. Colony; S8—Caleb (6b 1652), m 1680, Sarah Areson: 7—Benjamin (6 1706), m 1729, Rebecea French; 6—William (b 1737), m 1756, Anna Ivins; 5-Warden (b 1757), m 1775, Sarah Beck; 4—Rebekah (b 1776), m 1791, John Bailey; —Sarah (b 1796), m John Archer (3 above). 2-Son of William Shreve Archer (b 1823), mfr. of linseed oil; m 1847, Sarah Jane Mixer; is- sue: I-Frances Josephine (b 1848); II—George Alfred (above); IIT—Anna Caroline; IV—Ella Elizabeth (d): V—John Shreve (d). II-m Feb. 19, 1884, Harriet Harkness Cunning- ham (gv); issue: 1—-Shreve Maclaren, Bb Yank- ton, S.D., Sept. 29, 1888, m 1912, Doris, dau. of Augustus M.P. Cowley: 2—Lou Ella, 0b St. Paul, Minn., July 19, 1891: m A.C. Begeer. Mfr. of linseed oil. Summer place: “Twin Oaks,” Dellwood, White Bear Lake, Minn. Residence: “Palm Villa,” Phoenix, Ariz. 1-ARCHER, Harriet Harkness Cunningham ahaa! George A.), b Cincinnati, O., Sept. 11, 7-Chistoffel Hooglandt (6 1634), from Holland; m Catrina Cregier; 6—-Christopher (bap. 1669), m 1695, Sarah Tallet; 5-Martin (b 1704), m 1732, Phoebe Van Winkle; 4-Christopher (b 1742), m 1773, Fannie Gordon; 3—Mary (b 1800), m 1817, Anthony Harkness. 2-Dau. of Harriet Harkness (1817-1870), m 1846, James Findlay Cunningham (1810-1870), of Glendale, O. M Feb. 19, 1884, George Alfred Archer (av for issue). Residence: “Palm Villa,” St. Paul, Minn. 1-CARY, Katharine Babcock Beers Thomas Cer esa Harris), b Cortland, N.Y., Feb. 6, 3 9-John Thomas (d 1671), m Tabitha-; 8-John (d 1712), m 1671, Lydia Parker; 7-Sgt. John (1676-1747), m 1712, Hannah Lines (1684-1713) ; 6-John, m Rebekah Alling (1716-1802) ; 5—John (1748-1839), m 2a, Naomi Johnson; 4—John (1792-1866), m 1815, Caroline (1796-1867), dau. of Elias Beers, m Jerusha Fitch® (Fleazer®; Ebenezer’; Maj. James’, m Alice, dau. Maj. William Bradford®, son of Gov. William”, qv); 3-John Hanson (1816-52), m 1846, Mary Stiles (1822-83). 9-James Babcock (qv); 8-John (1644-85), m Mary Lawton (1671-1711) ; leone (1673-1756), m 1694, Elizabeth Hall (d 6—David (1700-83), m 1730, Dorcas Brown (1713-98) ; 5—Gideon (b 1744), m 1776, Mary (1755 or 57-1843), Phoenix, Ariz., and Brinkerhoff); III—William Randall (1877-87). I-m Novy. 24, 1897, William Harris Cary, b Brook- lyn, N.Y., Mar. NeY.? Brooklyn, Nov. 9, 1898; Harvard, ’21; pvt., corp. and sgt., 301lst Field Signal Bn., 6th A.C., and with A.E.F. Clubs: Wo- man’s City (N. Y. City), Garden Club of Amer- Civitas, Wo- men’s Republican Club of New York. Sum- mer place: “Pepperidge Farm,” New Canaan, See Residence: 33 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn, I-CASANOVA, Jessie Benton McCausland [fewise Arturo Y.), b Philipsburg, Pa., Dec. 18, 6—-William McCausland (1699-1771), m Jean Bir- ney (1711-55); 5-John (1731-78), soldier Am. Rev.; m Esther Stewart (1739-1803): 4—Maj. William (1756-1821), Am. Rev.; m 1792, Rebecca Clemson (1771-1814: James’, m Mar- garet, dau. of Stephen Heard, Am. Rev.; James*; James?; Jacob’): 3-Thomas (1811-71), m 1885, Charlotte Piersol (1808-65; Capt. John‘, War of 1812; Corp. Zac- cheus®, Am. Rev.; Johné: John’). 8-Dr. Henry (Dr. Heinrich Zimmerman) Car- penter (1673-1749), soldier in army of Louis XIV, of France: came from Switzerland to Pa., and settled at Germantown, later at FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 73 Lancaster; m Salome Ruffner (1675-1742), dau. of Marquise of Fontenoy. 7-Emanuel (1702-80), mem. coms. observation and correspondence; justice; held office un- der the crown for 40 yrs.; Provincial Assem- bly 18 yrs.; justice Ct. of Common Pleas, 1760-80; m Catherine Line (1701-85); 6—Barbara (1788-75), m Jacob Ferree; 5—Elizabeth (1754-1824), m John Gibboney (1749-1831), corp. Am. Rev.; 4-Sarah Ann _ (1790-1858), m Jacob Hoop (1788- 1856), pvt. War 1812 (John5); 8-Dr. Gibboney F. (1827-1904), surgeon 84th Pa. Regt. in Civil War; m Anna Test (1821-73; Ja- cob; George’, soldier Am. Rev., m Margaret, dau. of Jacob Wogan, soldier Am. Rev.; John’). $-Louis Du Bois (qv); “waren (1657-1731), m Margaret Deyo (Chris- tian’) ; 7-Leah (1687-1758), m Philip Ferree (1687-1753; Daniel’); 6—Jacob (d 1782), soldier Am. Rev.; m Barbara Carpenter (6 above). : 2-Dau. of William Hervey McCausland (1843- 1906), sgt. 26th Pa. Vols. in Civil War; m 1868, Laura Bell Hoop (1852-1903); issue: I—Jessie B. (above); II-Thomas Gibboney (0b 1871; m Nana Albert); IJI—Anna Test (1874-1917); I[V—Henry Walton (b 1879; m Alma Oberg); V—Charles Patterson (b 1881; m Ailen Hickey); VI—Ida Jones (b 1883; m Hon. H. B. Scott); VII-Wil- liam Piersol (b 1888); VIII—Laura Hoop (0b 1890, twin; m D. K. Smithers); IX—John McGirk, D.D.S. (b 1890, twin; m Mary Virginia Little- ton); X—Jcsephine (1893-94). I-m Arturo Ynocencio Casanova, }b Havana, Cuba, Oct. 26, 1858; Columbia, ’79; lawyer; son of Judge Evaristo Casanova; issue: 1—Arturo Y., Jr., b Philipsburg, Pa., Aug. 17, 1900; Car- negie Inst. Tech., ’22; S.A.T.C. World War; m Sept. 4, 1928, Minnie Angela, dau. of Charles A. Brockaway. A founder and past state regent of D. C. Chap- ter of D.A.C. (now nat. registrar); regent Liv- ingston Manor Chapter of N.S.D.A.R.; mem. League Am. Pen Women. Residence: 727 Kennedy St. N.W., Washington, D.C. ‘oped ten Sarah Anna, b Floyd, N.Y., May 26, 11-Gov. William Bradford (qv); 10—William (1624-1703/04), m Alice Richards; 9-Hannah (1662-1738), m Joshua Ripley (desc. Rev. Peter Hobart, from Eng. to Hingham, Mass., 1635) ; 8—Alice (1683-1768), m:- Samuel Edgerton (Richard?, a founder of Norwich, Conn.); 7—Joshua (1707/08-1779), m Ruth Kingsbury (4th from Henry Kingsbury, of Mass. Colony); 6—Sims (1789/40-ca. 1783), Am. Rev.; m Lucretia Horsford; 5-Roswell (1767-1887), m Sarah Selden (Thomas’, served at Battle of Bennington; 5th from Thomas Selden from Eng. to Hartford, Conn., 1636) ; (1790-1850), om Steward; 3-Sarah Ann (1813-56), m Ezekiel Van Dresar (g.son of Mathew Clark, soldier Am. Rev.). 2-Dau. of Theressa Jane Van Dresar (1836-1922), m 1855, George W. Davis (1824-1904); issue: I- iso Anna (above); II—Cora Theressa (1867- Mem. S.M.D., D.A.R., Woman’s Club, Rome Civie Club, W.C.T.U. Residence: 115 Stanwix St., Rome, N. Y. a David Draper (June 13, 1880-July 25, 5—Caleb Dayton (d 1813), m Sarah-; Bar aay plone (1784-1857), m 1809, Hannah Bonney 8—Dr. David Day (1811-81), m 18386, Caroline Wes- ley Draper (1815-86). 6—-Dea. John Chadwick (1720-97), m 1748, Susan- nah (or Sarah) Peabody (d 1794): 5—Dr. Edmund _ (1751-1826), m 41779, Elizabeth Gookin (1755-1816) ; 4-Hon. John (1786-1855), m 1st, 1807, Elizabeth (Betsy) Stearns (1786-1826); 8-Edmund (1812-99), m 2d, 1849, Adaline Ward (1826-73). 2-Son of George Draper Dayton (b 1857), m 1878, Emma Willard Chadwick (b 1856); issue: I-— David D. (above); II—Caroline Ward (b 1883; m Theressa Jonathan W. F. Hayden); IlI—George Nelson (b_ 1886; m Grace Bliss); [V—Josephine (b 1889; m Fred- eric Blair). I—m Dee. 17, 1903, L. Louise Winchell, 6 Minneap- olis, Minn., Mar. 29, 1881; sister of Alexander Newton Winchell (See Vol. 1, p. 895, for ge- nealogy); issue (all 6b Minneapolis, Minn.): 1—Avis Louise, b Jan. 20, 1906; 2-George Draper, II, b Sept. 21, 1997; 83-Ward Winchell, b Apr. 26, 1911; 4-Dorothy, 6 Dec. 25, 1912; &-David Draper, Jr., b Oct. 19, 1919; 6-Richard Vaughn, (Sept. 11-Sept. 18, 1921); 7-Leonard Vaughn, b Sept. 11, 1921. A.B., Princeton, ’02. Treas. and gen. mgr. The Dayton Co. (dry goods); sec. Dayton Invest- ment Co., and Dayton Foundation. Mem. -Minneapolis Public Library Bd., 1911-23 (sec. bd. 1912-23); dir. McCormick Theol. Sem. 1918- 23 (pres. bd. 1921); elected trustee of Princeton U., 1923, but did not survive to serve. Resi- dence: 232 Blaisdell Av., Minneapolis, Minn. 1-LEONARD, Clarence Ettienne, ) New Bed- ford, Mass., Feb. 10, 1854. 8-James Leonard (qv); 7-Benjamin, Taunton, Mass.; m Sarah Thresher, Christopher’. For lineal desc. see Vol. 1, p. be also James Wilkes Leonard, for Leonard ine}; 7-James, Jr. (1642-1726), Taunton; m 2d,_ 1675, Lydia Gulliver (1659-1705; Anthony’, m Elinor Kingsley; 6—-James (1677-1764), m 2d, Lydia Gulliver (Jona- than’, m Mary, dau. of Samuel Robinson; An- | thony’); 5-Jerusha (1734-1810), m 1754, Abijah Hodges (1728- 1807; William*; John’; William’); 4-Jerusha (1761-1850), m 1779, John Godfrey (1754- 1829: George’, m Bethiah Hodges; John®; Rich- ard’; Richard’); * 3-Samuel (1790-1869), m 1821, Phebe Henshaw. 9-James Phipps (qv); 8—John; 7-John, of Wrentham, Mass.; heir of his uncle, Sir William Phipps, gov. of Mass., and sup- planted by Lt. Gov. Spencer (Bennett) Phipps; 6—-John (1696-1746), m Hannah Bullen (1697-1743; Elisha’, m Hannah Metcalf [John8; Michael®]; Samuel); 5-John (1723-1809), m Rachel Lincoln (1729-1813; Thomas’, m Sarah Winslow; Thomas’; Ben- jamin’; Thomas’); 4—Sarah (1757-1840), m 1784, Josiah Henshaw (1752- 1829; Josiah®, m 2d, Dorothy Goodnow; Thomas%, m Hannah, dau, of Moses Cleveland); 3—Phebe (1796-1849), m Samuel Godfrey (3 above). 2-Son of Ephraim Wilkes Leonard (1823-82), m 1848, Melancie Dean Godfrey (1825-1916); issue: I-Clarence Ettienne (above); II-James Wilkes (av). I-m Oct. 6, 1875, Lizzie Standish Wright (qv); issue: 1—Clarence Arlin (Jan. 5, 1877-July 19, 1877); 2Nina Ettienne (July 21, 1878-Mar. 3, 1885); 3-Pearl Meredith, Bb Taunton, Mass., Jan. 25, 1880; m May 10, 1904, Rev. Orville Lin- coln Sigafoos (1872-1911; issue: Lola Leonard, b 1905; Orville Lincoln, 6 1906; Pearl Meredith, b 1907); 4-Ralph Merton, 6 Taunton, June 28, 1881; m May 5, 1914, Eva Marie Odenwalder, b July 17, 1886 (issue: Marie Standish, 6b 1918; Richard Harvell, B Aug. 12, 1925); 5-Faye Al- lerton (Feb. 15, 1883-Dec. 27, 1920); m June 4, 1914, Charles Paul Dela _ (1875-1919; issue: Florence Leonard, 6 1915; Elizabeth Wright, 0b 1916: Charles Paul, b 1918); 6-Lola Irving (Feb. 15, 1885-Dec. 16, 1902); 7-Clarence Temple (Sept. 8, 1887-Sept. 15, 1918); actg. corpl., shell squad, Co. M, 308th Regt., 77th Div., A.E.F.; received six severe wounds in action at Revillon, France, Sept. 14, 1918, and died a few hours later, on Sept. 15, 1918, in Field Hospital; his last letter of Sept. 2, said that they were cut off from support on north bank of River Vesle, for three days from Aug. 21 to 24, with- out food, had two battles and held position: is buried in Oise-Aisne Am. Cemetery, Ser- inges-et-Nesles, France; m Feb. 23, 1918, Belle Marie Kaye. Retired stock broker. Genealogical compiler and publisher. Mem. S.M.D., O.F.P.A., S.R., S.A.R., N.E. Soc., ete. Residence: 628 Van Cortlandt Park Av., Yonkers, N.Y. 1-LEONARD, Lizzie Standish Wright (Mrs. Clarence E.), b Taunton, Mass., July 25, 1856. 9-James Leonard (qv); 74 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 8-Thomas (1641-1713), of Taunton; m 1662, Mary Watson (1641-1723; George®, m Phebe Hicks); 7-Mary (1663-1726), m Joseph Tisdale (1656-1722; John’, m Sarah Walker); 6-Sarah, m Thomas Reed (1678-1741, of Dighton, Mass. (John’7; William’); 5-Ruth, m 1742, Joseph Talbot (1721-67: Jared’; Jared’; Jared’); 4—Miriam (1750-1806), m 1774, Benjamin Wright (1749-1824) ; 3—John_ (1785-1850), m 1811, Sarah Simmons (1790- 1869; Brown‘; Seth®; Edward*; John’; a Roger Williams line). 8-Henry Samson (qv); 7-Elizabeth, m Robert Sprout; 6-Hannah, m 1703, Ephraim Keen (Josiah’); 5-Robert (6 1722), m 1744, Elizabeth Simmons (Remembrance; John’); 4-Huldah (1756-1847), m Brown Simmons (1748- 1838; Seth’, m Mercy Brown; Edward‘; John’); 3-Sarah (1790-1869), m John Wright (3 above). 2-Dau. of Joseph Wright (1824-91), m 1850, Ann Maria (1828-1911), dau. of Enoch Briggs Hath- away (Stephen‘; Stephen®; Nicholas®; Isaac’; John’; John®; Nicholas”), M Oct. 6, 1875, Clarence Ettienne Leonard (qv for issue). Residence: 628 Van Cortlandt Park Av.., Yonkers, N.Y. LEONARD Arms: Or, on a fesse gules, three fleur-de-lis of the jirst or field. Crest: Out of a ducal coronet or, a leopard’s head argent. Motto: Pour Bien Desirer. 1-LEONARD, James Wilkes, } New Bedford, Mass., Aug. 12, 1858. &-James Leonard (qv); 7-Benjamin, Taunton, Mass., m Sarah Thresher (Christopher) ; 6-Joseph (1693-1775), Taunton and Middleboro, Mass., m — Harvey (or Hodges); 5—-Philip (1718-85), officer Am. Rev.; m 1737, Mary Richmond (1719-1801; Josiah*; Edward?; Johns’;. John®), a Rogers Mayflower line; 4-Ephraim (1764-1819), Middleboro; m 1790, Mary Pratt (Abner®; Mayflower lines to Priest [twice] and Cooke); 3-—James (1797-1875), Lakeville, Mass.; lt. Mass. militia; m 1823, Sally Wood (Wilkes‘, judge of probate Plymouth Co.; Mayflower lines to Priest, Tilley, Howland, Brown and Allerton). 8—Richard Godfrey (qv); 7-Richard (1651-1725), soldier King Philip’s War; m 1679, Mary Richmond (John’; John®): 6-John (1691-1758), m 1716, Joanna Gooding (George’); 5-George (1721-93), brig. gen. Mass. militia, 1776-81; and chmn. Com. of Safety, Bristol Co., in Am. Rev.; m 1744, Bethiah Hodges (Col. Lael who was killed at siege of Louisburg, 1 ; 4—John (1754-1829), ensign and lt. Mass. militia in am. Rev.: mem. Mass. Gen. Ct. in War of 1812; m 1779, Jerusha Hodges (Abijah®, ensign Am. Rev., m Jerusha Leonard, also desc. James Leonard, through James Jr.); 3—-Samuel (1790-1869), m 1821, Phebe Henshaw (Jo- siaht, who was in Mass. militia and Army of Regulars in Am. Rev., m Sarah, dau. of John Phipps [1723-1809], 1t. and mem. Mass. Gen. Ct. and Com. of Safety in Am. Rev.). 2-Son of Ephraim Wilkes Leonard (1823-82), merchant; m 1848, Melancie Dean Godfrey (1826-1916); issue: I-Clarence Ettienne (qv); II— James Wilkes (above). II-—m June 8, 1887, Mary Arnold Barberie (b Patten, Me., Aug. 6, 1865, d Lynn, Mass., Dec. 8, 1924); dau. of George Nathan Barberie, m Ellen Eudora Guilford; issue: 1-Hubert Ran- dolph, &8 March 15, 1888; A.B., Harvard, ’10; O.T.C., Madison Barracks, N.Y., May, 1917; capt. F.A., Aug. 15; Battery A, 309th F.A., 78th Div., Aug. 29; maj., Dec. 31; sailed France, May 28, 1918; 18th F.A.; in Nov. to 102d F.A.; 26th Div., Feb. 1919, Army of Occupation, Ger- many; discharged Apr. 29, 1919; m Aug. 22, 1921, Berthe Levin, b Riga, Russia, Aug. 15, 1892 (issue: James Randolph, b Oct. 13, 1922); 2-Kathleen, b May 15, 1891; 3-Laurence Bar- berie, b Sept. 9, 1895; A.B., Harvard, 718; war- rant officer, Pay Corps, U.S.N.R.F., May 23, 1917; supply office, Rec. Ship, Boston; U.S.S. Harrisburg, transport, May 4, 1918; released, Nov. 28, 1918; 4—Miriam, b 1899. Retired shoe mfr. Residence: 126 Ocean St., Lynn, Mass. 1-NICHOLS, J(esse) Brooks, } Dunkirk, N.Y., July 11, 1885. 8-John Bent (1596-1672), from Eng. in the “Con- fidence,” to Sudbury, Mass., 1638; 7-John (1636-1717), m Hannah Stone; f—David (1691-1730), m Mary Drury; 5-Capt. David (1730-98), commanded a co. of 7th regt., Worcester Co.; m Lucy Moore; m 24d, Martha Browning; 4-Samuel B. (1784-1858), m Catherine Avery; 38—-Maria (1825-1906), m George M. Nichols. 7-William Brooks (b 1685), m Mary Fogg (b 1689): 6-Joshua (b 1712), m Ann Staples (b 1716): 5-William (b 1755), m Mary Gowell (1757-1814): 4—Oliver (1792-1872), m Susan Horne (1791-1882): 3-Horatio Gates (1838-87), m Julia Ann Haggett (1830-96). 2-Only child of Edward Nichols (1850-92), Troy Poly. Inst., mining and civil engr.;, pres. Brooks Locomotive Wks., Dunkirk, N.Y.; m 1884, Jessie Morrison Brooks (1859-85), M June 3, 1908, Rosa Sparks Dunlap, b Louis- ville, Ky., Sept. 14, 1887; dau. of Joseph Bird Dunlap, of Louisville; issue: 1-Jesse Brooks, Jr., 6 N.Y. City, May 3, 1909; 2-Edward, b N.Y. City, Feb. 6, 1911; 3-Norval Wallace, b Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich., June 11, 1915. Ph.B., Yale-S., 708 V.p. Franklin Baker Co. since 1922; dir. other corpns. (See Who’s Who in America). Commd. 1st It., inf., U.S.A., Nov. 1916, later capt. and maj.; served in N. Russian Campaign, Archangel, Russia, Aug. 1918-June 1919; cdr. allied force in field. Men- tioned in dispatches, D.S.O. (British); Legion of Honor _and Croix de Guerre with palm and star (French); Order of St. Vladimir with swords and ribbons (Russian); It. col., O.R.C., Feb. 1920. Mem. S.C.W., S.R., M.O.F.W. Clubs: Morris County Golf, Morristown (Mor- ristown, N.J.), Racquet and Tennis, Yale, Re- cess (New_York), Yondotega, Detroit, Detroit Sieg yack cunetey Residence: Convent Sta- ion, ‘ 1-IRISH, Alice Jennings (Mrs. Miles Standish), b Seneca Falls, N.Y., Sept. 17, 1867 8-Joshua Jenning’s (qv); 7-Joseph (1650-1727), Fairfield, Conn., m Ist, “ca: 1675, Abigail Turney; 6—John (1676-1762), of Fairfield; 5-Zachariah (6b 1702), of Fairfield; 4-Ezra (1747-1802), sgt. Am. Revy.; m 1770, Martha Bennett; 3-Thomas (1786-1865), m 1809, Harriet Brady. 2-Dau. of Thomas Augustus Jennings (1821- 1907), mcht., Seneca Falls, N.Y.; m 1850, Mary Matilda (1826-1914), dau. James Charles God- win (1790-1872), from Eng. to Can.,: 1824, to Rochester, N.Y., 1842: issue: T—Nellie M. (1851- 1906); TI—Mary C. (1854-1918; m Richard Fenner): IlI-Charles Godwin (See Vol. 1, p. 656); IV— Maude (b 1865); V—Alice (above). FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 75 V—m Oct. 16, 1889, Miles Standish Irish, b) Jordan, N.Y., Sept. 24, 1863, son of Chandler EF. Lrish, m Mary Lotherington; issue: 1-EKugene Jennings (May 7, 1891-Sept. 16, 1918), A.B., Cornell; 3d Offi- cers Training School, Camp Upton, in Cornell quota; actg. sgt. Co. D, 306th Inf., 77th Div., A.E.F.; 2d It., June, 1918, assigned to Co. F, 167th Regt., 42d Div., went into action with this regt. at St. Mihiel, Sept. 12, 1918, and killed in raid on Haumont, Sept. 16; Germans removed his body and his grave is unknown; 2-Harold Enos, b Skaneateles, N.Y., Nov. 11, 1892; B.S., Cornell; 2d lt., Aviation Sect., served at Park Field, Memphis, and Elling- ton Field, Houston, as instructor in aviation; m Mar. 22, 1918, Araminta (1893-1920), dau. of John MacDonald, of Delhi, N.Y. (issue: Rob- ert Godwin, b 1919); 8-Shurly Russell, }) Skan- eateles, Apr. 13, 1894; M.E., Cornell; R. O. Engr- ing. Corps, instr. in auto mechanics for drafted men at Cornell; m June 22, 1918, Eliz- abeth Fisher, of Phila., Pa. (issue: Shurly Russell, Jr., 6 May 1920; Elizabeth Bardens, b Dec. 1, 1922); 4-Charles Godwin, b Skaneateles, May 5, 1896; sgt., Base Hosp. 17, Dijon, France, Harper Hosp. Unit, Detroit, June 1917-Mar. 1919; m July 12, 1928, Thursia Woodcock, of Spencer, Ia. (issue: Charles Godwin, Jr., 0b Mar. 1925); 5-Philip Augustus, } Auburn, N.Y., Aug. 11, 1899; sgt. Base.Hosp., Camp Custer, Jan. 1918-Mar. 1919; m 1920, Ethel Shoemaker, of Lock Haven, Pa. (issue: Nelle Louise, 0 Apr. 1921; Eugene Jennings, b Apr. 1922; Philip A., 6 1923; Patricia Ann, b 1925); 6-Miles Emer- son (Aug. 23, 1902-June 22, 1907); 7-—Edmund Ald- rich (Sept. 1, 1904-Oct., 1905); 8—-Elinor Alice, b Auburn, Jan. 16, 1907; 9-Janet Elizabeth, b Au- burn, July 10, 1908. Residence: 32 Marvine Ay., Auburn, N.Y. 1-LEONARD, William Andrew, b} Southport, Conn., July 15, 1848, 8-James Leonard (qv); 7-Capt. James (ca. 1643-1726), Taunton, Mass.; m 2d, Lydia Gulliver (Anthony); 6—-Stephen (d 1743); 5—Joshua (d 1760), m Sarah Condict; 4-Silas (1756-1852), m Joanna Gregory, of Bridge- port, Conn.; 3-Stephen Banks (1793-1876), journalist, Owego, N.Y.; mem. 24th and 26th Congresses; m HEs- ther H. Sperry (Jared‘, of New Preston, Conn.). 2-Son of William Boardman Leonard (1820-93), banker, Brooklyn, N.Y.; m Louisa Dimon Bulkley (1823-1900); issue: I-William Andrew (above); II-Lewis Hermon (1850-1917); I1I—Lou- isa Bulkley (b 1852; m John Van Nostrand). I-m Apr. 17, 1874, Sarah Louisa Sullivan (1850- wach dau. of Thomas Sullivan, of Brooklyn, Ed. Phillips Acad., Andover, Mass.; St. Ste- phen’s Coll.; grad. Berkeley Div. Sch., 1871; (D.D. St. Stephen’s and Washington and Lee; LL.D., Kenyon). Ordered deacon, 1871, or- dained priest, 1873, P.E. Ch.; rector, Ch. of the Redeemer, Brooklyn, 1873-80, St. John’s, Wash- ington, D.C., 1880-89; consecrated bishop of Ohio, 1889. Author (See Who’s Who in Amer- ica). Mem. S.C.W. (chaplain gen. since 1916), Ohio Soc. of New York (chaplain), ete. Knight of St. Sava (Serbia). Clubs: Union, University. Residence: 3054 Euclid Av., Cleveland, O. 1-FULTON, William Shirley, } Waterbury, Conn., Nov. 238, 1880. 7—-Robert Fulton (b 168; son of Hugh Fulton, m Elinor Johnson, of Donaghy, Ireland, desc. thru John and William from Scotch-Irish, of Ayrshire, Scotland, 1500-1600), came to Boston, Mass., 1730-33; 6-Robert (1713-76), Colrain, Mass.; in French and Indian War; m Hannah-; 5-John (1746-1805), Colrain and Pittsfield, Mass.; soldier Am. Rev.; m 2d, Anne Goodrich (desc. William Goodrich, of Wethersfield, Conn., be- fore 1646); 4—John (1793-1823), Pittsfield. Mass., and Hart- ford, Conn.; m Clarissa Daniels (desc. John Daniels, of New London, Conn., 1650); 3—-William Goodrich (1819-1914), Brooklyn, N.Y.: m Eliza Edwards (1828-1900; Olivert; m Laura Starkweather; Capt. Oliver’: Ebenezer®; Na- thaniel?; Nathaniel8; Alexander’). 2-Son of William E. Fulton (b 1852), Water- bury, Conn.; m 1877, Ida Eleanor (b 1852), dau. of Edward Cuffin Lewis, m Harriet Maria Phippeney (desc. David Phippeney, Boston, Mass., 1635); issue: I-Lewis Edwards (1879-1917); II—William Shirley (above); IlI—-Irving Kent (b 1882; m 1910, Elizabeth Harrison Warner). IIl-m Jan. 10, 1906, Rose Hinckley Hayden, b June 16, 1881; dau. of Edward Simeon Hayden, of Waterbury, Conn. (dese. John Hayden, Dorchester, Mass., 1632, in six lines; also desc. founders Adams, Harmon, Bushnell, Chap- man, Jackson, Mayo, Brewster, Bradford, Freeman, Hinckley, James Leonard, Macy, Watson, Leader, Shepard, Lyman, Webster, Hopkins, Welles); issue: 1-William Hayden, b Waterbury, Mar. 12, 1907; 2-Elizabeth, b Water- bury, Jan. 14, 1910. B.A., Yale, ’03. Pres. Waterbury Farrel Fdry. & Mach, Co. Residence: 170 Hillside Av., Water- bury, Conn. 1-KABR, Arthur Thompson, t§ Hoquiam, Wash., Mar. 12, 1883. 10-James Thompson (qv); 9-Jonathan, m 1655, Susanna Blodget (b 1637; Thomas”, qv); 8-Jonathan (6 1663), m Frances Whitmore; 7-Samuel (b 1705), m 1730, Ruth Wright; 6—Daniel (1734-75), minute man, and killed at Lex- ington, Apr. 19, 1775; m 1760, Phebe Snow (0 1739; Isaac?, m 2d, Phebe Richardson; Tim- othy’, m Lydia Pierce; John®; Richard’); 5-Isaac Snow (1761-99), privateer against the British at 15, was captured, sent to the Bar- bados, but escaped by swimming 3 miles to a French vessel; m 1786, Charlotte Hay; 4—Charlotte (b 1786), m Joseph Richardson; 3—Mary (1811-97), m 1838, Elkanah Walker (1805-77), went to Ore. as missionaries, 1838. 10-James Boutwell (ca, 1625-ca. 1651), from Eng., Nee at Lynn, Mass., 1635, at Salem, 1638; m ice—; 9-Sgt. James (1642-1716), Reading and Lynn, Mass.; m 1665, Rebecca Kendall (1645-1713; Dea. Thomas”, m Rebecca-); 8-Dea. Thomas (b 1669), m Abigail-; T-Abigail (6 1696), m 1717, William, Hay (ca. 1684- te physician; selectman at Reading, Mass., 6-John (1737-1815), physician; m 1762, Sarah Ring (0 1740; Capt. David’, m 2d, Mrs. Anna Gale; (Jarvis’, was witness in witchcraft trial, Salis- bury, Mass., 1692; Robert); Poet avaniee (6 1766), m Isaac Snow Thompson (5 above). 2-Son of Abigail Boutwell Walker (1840-1918), m 1863, James Anderson Karr (1834-1914), a founder of Hoquiam, Wash.; issue: I—Mary Olive (b 1865; m Herbert Luville Gilkey; see their son Herbert J.); II—Beatrice Abigail (b 1867; m Hugh McNeill); III—Elkanah Walker (b 1869-d; m Hat- tie Edith Rockwell); IV—Cyrus James (1870-1922; m Edith Spencer); V-Henry Anderson (1870-85) : ViI-—John Ross (b 1872; m Eurda Brecht; m 2d, Teckla—): VII—Phoebe Rose (b 1872: m John Snow): VIII—Ruth (Mrs. James S. McKee, qv); IX—William Hay (1876-1904); X—Eunice Viola (b 1878); XI—Levi Zebulon (1880-1920: m Blanche Smith); XIJ—Arthur Thompson (above). XII-m Mar. 2, 1914, Harriet Chadwick, b Colfax, Wash., May 20, 1892; dau. of Stephen J. Chad- wick; issue: 1-Chadwick, b Feb. 12, 1919; 2-Jane Ann, b Nov. 22, 1922. A.B., U. Wash. (Beta Theta Pi). Orchardist: also pres. Natchez & Cowyche Ditch Co. Pres. Yakima Valley Dist. Agrl. Assn., Yakima Hort. Club. Mason, Elk. Club: Yakima Country. Residence: Yakima, Wash. 1-McKEE, Ruth Karr (Mrs. James 8.), 0) Ho- quiam, Wash., Mar. 28, 1874. 9-Samuel Richardson, from England with his brothers Ezekiel and Thomas, in the ‘‘Arbella,”’ 1630. settled at Charlestown, Mass., 1636, moved to Woburn. Mass., 1640; m Joanna-: &-Samuel (1646-1712). m Sarah Hayward; 7-David, m Remember Ward; 6-David, m Mary Hall; 5-Joseph, m Mary Carpenter; 4-Joseph, m Charlotte Thompson (b 1786): 3-—Mary (1811-97), m 1838, Elkanah Walker (1805-77). 2-Dau. of Abigail Boutwell Walker (1840-1918), m 1863, James Anderson Karr (1834-1914), a founder of Hoquiam, Wash. For issue and other line- ages see Arthur Thompson Karr, M May 6, 1902, James S. McKee, b Innisfield, Ont., 76 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Can., July 19, 1878; son of Robert McKee, of Lisbon, Co. Down, Ireland. Py.B., U. of Wash., 1895, A.B., 1896, A.M., 1898. Pres. Wash. State Fed. Women’s Clubs, 1913-15; mem. State Council of Defense, 1917-19; regent, U. of Wash., since 1917 (pres. bd. during 1923). Mem. D.A.R., etc. (See Who’s Who in Amer- ica). Residence: Longview, Wash. | See atk Trade ik James, ) Montesano, Wash., an, 2, b 6-James Gilkey (ca. 1710-ca. 1790), from North of Ireland, settled at Gorham, Me.; in Louisbourg Expdn., 1745, and Indian wars, 1757; m 1st, 1748, Martha Morton; 5-Joseph_ (175l-ca. 1815), Me.; m 1774, Phebe Larrabee; 4—Samuel (1784-1857), m 1817, Betsey Whitney; 38-William (1821-1907), m 1852, Nancy Gustavia Smart (1831-1919; Jesset; John‘). 9-John Whitney (qv); Seitiemen (1643-1723), York, Me.; m 1st, Jane— (d 7-Nathaniel (1680-ca. 1768), Gorham, Me.; m Sarah Ford (John’, of Kittery, Me.); 6—Abel (1712-ca, 1762), m 1735, Mary Cane (Micah‘, of York, Me.); 5—Joseph (1739/40-1819), m 2d, 1781, Betty Phinney; 4—Betsey (1794-1880), m Samuel Gilkey (4 above). 2-Son of Herbert Luville Gilkey (b 1865), m 1888, Mary Olive Karr (6b 1865); issue: I-Wilna Olive (1888-1915); II-Herbert James (above); II1J—Errol Clarence (qv for other lineages); IV—Winfield Karr (b 1898); V—Esther Gustavia (b 1900; m Donald S. Thompson). II-m Aug. 18, 1923, Mildred Virginia Talbot, b Urbana, II1l., Feb. 6, 1891; dau. of Arthur Newell Talbot, engineer, scientist, and educator (See Who’s Who in America); issue: 1-Herbert Tal- bot, 6 Boulder, Colo., Nov. 27, 1924. B.S., Ore. Agr]. Coll., 1911; B.S., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1916; B.S., Harvard, 1916; M.S., U. I11., 1928. First lt. of engrs. mapping U.S. borders in N.M. and Va., Sept. 1917-July 1918; at Gen. Hdars., Chaumont, Hdars. 2d Army, Toul, 29th Eners., G-2-C, France, July 1918-Feb. 1919: with Am. Relief Administration, Paris, Feb.-Aug. 1919: capt., Engr. R.C., 1920. Structural engr., Chi- cago, 1919-21; teaching and concrete research. U. Ill., 1921-23; asst. and asso. prof. civil engring., U. Colo., 1923—. Mem. Am. Soc. C.E., Soc. Am. Mil. Engrs., Sigma Xi, ete. (See Who’s Who in Engineering, 1925), Residence: 838 14th St., Boulder, Colo. 1-GILKEY, Errol Clarence, } Montesano, Wash., Feb. 6, 1892. 10-John Phinney, from Eng., lived at Plymouth and Barnstable, Mass.; m Christiana— (1649) ; 9-John (b 1638-will dated 1718), in Great Swamp fight, King Philip’s War, 1675; m 1664, Mary Rogers (b 1644; Joseph®; Thomas”, dv); 8—Dea. John (1665-1746), m 1689, Sarah Lombard (b 1666; Thomas’; Thomas®, from Eng. in the “Mary and John,’ 1630); 7-Capt. John (1696-1783), noted Indian fighter; drillmaster in Am. Rev.; founder of Gorham, Me.; m 1718, Martha Colman (1698-1784) ; 6—Col. Edmund (1723-1808), capt. French and Indian War; col. Am. Rev.; mem. Provincial Con- egress and Gen. Ct.; m 1750, Elizabeth Meserve (1730-95; Clement*, m Sarah Decker; Clement’; Clement§); 5—Betty (1759-1828), m Joseph Whitney (1739 /40-1819) ; 4—Betsey (1794-1880), m Samuel Gilkey (1787-1875) ; 3-William (1821-1907), m Nancy Gustavia Smart (1831-1919). 2—-Son of Herbert Luville Gilkey (b 1865), m 1888, Mary Olive Karr (b 1865). For issue and other lineages see.Herbert James Gilkey. M Mar. 17, 1923, Katharine Carlton (qv). A.B., Willamette, ’14; Columbia U., 1916-17; Pd.M.. New York U., 1917; J.D., U. Calif., 1922 (Phi Alpha Delta). Admitted to bar, 1922, and prac- ticed law at Oakland, Calif. Dep. dist. atty.. Alameda Co., Calif., 1925-26: mem. law firm of Dutton & Gilkey. Author: Validity of Com- mon-Law Marriages. Sgt., M.T.C., U.S.A.. May 10, 1917-July 2, 1919: service at Camp Upton, N.Y. Mem. S.M.D., S.A.R:, A.L. Mason. Resi- dence: 2806 Stuart St., Berkeley, Calif, 1-GILEEY, Katharine Carlton (Mrs. Errol C.), b San Francisco, Calif., July 14, 1892, 9-Thomas Barrett (d 1668), from Eng., settled at at nee Mass., bet. 1635-40; m Margaret— (d Gorham, 8-Joseph, m 1672, Martha Goole (1654-98; Francis®); 7-Joseph (6b 1689/90), m 1714, Mary Taylor (b 1688); 6—Oliver (1726/27-1777), minute man at Lexington, and was killed in second battle of Stillwater, Oct. 7, 1777; m 1754, Anna Fiske (1735-1823) ; 5-Oliver (1764-1843), m 1791, Elizabeth Carlton (1774- 1865) ; 4-Henry (1793-1869), due to parental objection to his marriage he dropped the name Barrett, calling himself Henry Carlton; m 1815, Eliza- beth Meserve (1797-1887); 3-Henry Carlton (1820-1905), went to Calif., 1851; m 2d, 1855, Catherine Helm Harris (1824-98; step- dau. of Dr. Stephen R. Harris, first mayor of San Francisco). 2-Dau. of Henry Harris Carlton (1861-1919), im- porter; m 1886, Blizabeth Theobald (b 1860); is- sue: I—Henry Theobald (b 1887; m Gertrude Young): Il—Katharine (above); I1I—Marjorie (b 1895); IV—Edith Nesmith (b 1897; m Belden S. Gardner). Il—m Mar. 17, 1928, Errol Clarence Gilkey (qv). B.S., U. Calif., 18; A.M., Columbia, 1917. Formerly asst. to the dean of women, U. of Calif.; man- ager, Bureau of Occupations, U. Calif., 1920-23; asst. to deans, president’s office, U. Calif., since 1923. Statistician in charge of price div., U.S. Food Administration, Washington, D.C., under Herbert Hoover, also special research work in the Am. Relief Administration, Paris, France, World War. Mem. A.A.U.W., Women’s Faculty Club. Residence: 2806. Stuart St., Berkeley, Calif. 1-CAUGHEY, Mary Tower Lapsley (Mrs. Ed- ward G.), b Baltimore, Md., July 16, 1866. 9-John Tower (qv); 8-Benjamin (1654-1721), King Philip’s War; m 1680, Deborah Gardner (1657-1728) ; 7-Benjamin (1686-17607), m 1718, Bethiah Wood- ward; 6—James (1722-96), French and Indian War and Am. Rev.; m 1st, 1745, Mary Day (6b 1729); 5-Lynde_ (1749-1805), sgt. Am. Rev.; m 1774, Re- becca Bowker; 4—Gad Hitchcock (1776-1839?), A.B., Brown, 1803; m 1806, Martha Cook (1789-1865) ; 8-Edwin Whitman (1810-69), civil engr. and land- owner; pres. bd. Woodburn Sem., Monongalia Acad., W.Va. U.; m 1889, Mary Ann Dering (1814- 1890; George S. M.4, m Ann Lucas McNeely: Henry®, m Rebecca, dau. of George Musser, of Lancaster, Pa., capt. of associators). 10-Nathaniel Woodward (b Eng., d after 1673), one of the earliest settlers at Boston; surveyor; m Margaret-; 9—-Nathaniel (d 1694), freeman, 1637; m Mary Jack- son; m 2d, Katherine-; 8—-Robert (d 1744), King Philip’s War; m 1685, Bethia Torrey (Lt. James’); 7—-Bethiah (b 1685), m 1718, Benjamin Tower (7 above). 2-Dau. of Caroline Jarrett Tower (1844-1902), m 1865, Rev. James Erasmus Lapsley (1839-72), Presbyn. minister; issue: I—-Mary Tower (above); II—Elenore F.; III—Caroline Tower Stuyvesant; 1V—James Erasmus. I-m Mar. 7, 1895, Edward Grant Caughey, } Alle- gheny, Pa., August 1, 1865; son of John A. Caughey, of the firm Bell & Caughey, bankers, Pittsburgh; issue: 1-Mary Lapsley, b Belle- vue, Pa., Dec. 30, 1900; A.B., Vassar. ’21; grad. EE eA Mawr, 1921-23, and U. of Brussels, 923-24. Mem: )C.D7A.. DW. PA 2C.D. XV LIC aac Clubs: York (N.Y. City), Twentieth Century (Pittsburgh). Women’s (Sewickley). "Winter place: “The Bluff,’’ Ohio Rd., Sewickley, Pa. 1-ARMSTRONG, George Lenher, b Elizabeth, N. J., May 27, 1893. 6—-Nathan Armstrong (ca. 1717-1777; b nr. London- derry, Ireland, of Scotch descent), settled in Warren Co., N.J., ca. 1744; an inecorporator of Christ Episcopal Ch., Newton, N.J., and named in its charter dated 1774; m Euphemia Wright (1724-1811) ; 5—-George (1749-1829), mem. Legislature; elder in Yellow Frame Presbyn. Ch.: m Sarah Hunt (1763-1830: Richard’, m Mercy Hull; dese. Ralph FLUNCTOLEL nb oNa ae : 4-John (1788-1873), of Frelinghuysen Tp...N.J.; m Lydia Kirkpatrick (1794-1828; Capt. John5, m Lydia Lewis; Andrew®, of Wattie’s Neach, Dumfrieshire, Scotland): 3—-Richard Turner (1823-1902), of Blairstown, N.J.; ‘FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 77 m Esther Ann Lundy (1836-1917; David‘, m Sarah Wildrick; desc. Richard Lundy, minister among Friends). 6—-Philip (Lenhert) Lenher (ca. 1763-1841), Ephrata, Pa.; soldier Am. Rev.; m Barbara Hollinger (1766- 1846) ; 4—John (1793-1859), began to write name Lenher; machinist, Lenher & Pennell, Lancaster Loco- motive and Boiler Works; built ‘‘Hugh Keys,” the first engine to run west of Phila.; m 1819, Mary Hauck (1795-1857) ; 38-George Hauck (1829-74), Elizabeth, N.J.; elec- trician in Lee’s army; patentee Confederate bullet machine; m 1862, Sarah Ann Macdougall. 2-Son of William Clinton Armstrong (6 Blairs- town, N.J., 1855), grad. Princeton, ’77; studied law and was admitted to the bar: educator 42 yrs.; compiler and publisher of Armstrong Record, 1895, and of Lundy Family, 1902; author of Battles in the Jerseys, and editor of Patri- otic Poems of New Jersey; m 1888, Stella Vir- ginia Lenher (b 1870); issue: I-Marion Lenher, 6b Blizabeth, N.J., Oct. 4, 1889; m Apr. 1, 1918, Frank Dawson Milne (issue: Marion Eliza- beth); II—Richard Clinton (Oct. 6, 1891-Oct. 10, 1910); IIlI—George Lenher (above); IV—John - Macdougall (Apr. 22, 1895-Nov. 1, 1922); grad. Stevens Inst., ’18; enlisted in aviation, Dec. 31, 1917; flying cadet at Carlstrom and Dorr Fields, Fla., and commad. 2d lt., Aviation Sect. Signal Corps, at Barron Field, Tex.; hon. dis- charged, Dec. 14, 1918; instr. at Stevens Inst. of Tech.; R.M.A.; V—William Clinton, Jr., b New Brunswick, N.J., Apr. 21, 1897; enlisted "Jan. 17, 1918, at school of aviation at Princeton, N.J.: flying cadet at Camp Dick, Tex., and at Scott Field, [1l.; hon. discharged Dec. 1, 1918; mem. 1.0.0.F. and S.A.R. IItNot married. Enlisted May 14, 1917; corp., 7 F.A., 4th Div., A.E.F.;in action at battles of Vesle, St. Mihiel, and Meuse-Argonne; severely wounded at Septsarges Oct. 4, 1918; hon. dis- charged, Apr. 8, 1919. Mem. S.A.R. Mason. Residence: Blairstown, N.J. 1—-MEIGS, Delia Godwin, b Grand Rapids, Mich., Mar. 6, 1880. 10—-Vincent Meig's (qv); 9-John (1612-72), m Tamazin Fry; 8—John (1641-1713), m Sarah Wilcox; 7-Capt. Janna (1672-17389), dep. gov. Conn. Colony: m Hannah Willard (g.dau. Maj. Simon Willard, av); 6-Janna (1699-1772), m Elizabeth Dudley: 5—-Nathaniel (6 1729), m 1752, Azenath Bishop; 4—Daniel Bishop (1763-1849), m Hulda Brownson; 3—Daniel (1801-61), m Caroline Laselle. 5-William Redmond Godwin, m Rachel Harper; 4—-William Redmond, m Nancy Gordon; 3—-William Redmond, m Caroline Harlow. 2—Dau. of Arthur Meigs (1846-1925), lumberman; 1869, Charlotte Godwin (b 1848); issue: I—-Louise Caroline (6 1870); II—Daniel Arthur (1872-73); III —Ellen (6 and d 1876); IV—Gerda Ellen (b 1878): V—Delia Godwin (above); VI-—Charlotte (b 1884: m Clarence L. Weimer). Mem. C.D.A. Summer place: Atlantic Beach, a Eat ES 1450 Riverside Av., Jackson- ville, Fla 1-ARNOLD, Kate Kellogg Fairchild (Mrs. Le- Roy), 0 Red Wing, Minn., June 7, 1882. 9-William Pitkin (qv); 8—William (1664- 1723), rep. Gen. Ct. from Hart- ford; mem. Council 26 yrs.; m 1686, Elizabeth Stanley (1669-1751; Capt. Caleb®, mem. Council Safety, commr. Indian affairs); 7-Col. Joseph (1696-1762), rep. Gen. Ct., Hartford, 20 yrs.: judge Co. Ct.; m 1724, Mary Lord: 6—Capt. Richard (b 1739), capt. Am. Rev.; m Doro- thy Hills (1731-1826); 5—David (1770-1822), m Mary Con 4—Electa (1800-53), m Simeon Bisee (1794-1854) : 3-Esther P. (1832- 55), m Reuben Walworth Fair- child (1831-88; Reuben‘, m Mellona Fellows). 11—-Thomas Lord (qv): 10-Capt. Richard (1610-62), m Sarah Graves: 9Richard (1636-85), m 1665, Mary Smith (Henry”, m Ann, dau. of Gov. William Pyncheon, qv); 8—Richard (1669-1712), m Abigail Warren; 7—Mary (1702-40), m Joseph Pitkin (7 above). 9-John Webster, from Ipswich, Eng., settled Ipswich, Mass., 1634; 8—-Nathan (b 1646); 7—Nathan (b 1678); 8—A bel (1726-78), Am. Rev.;: m Hannah Emerson; 5-Nathaniel (1753-1836), Am. Rev.; m Mehitable Smith (1760-1858) ; 4—Alpha (1779-1874), m Betsey Hill Se haries Carroll (1824- 93). m Elizabeth Drew 2—-Dau. of Edwin Kellogg Fairchild (1854-1915), lawyer; m 1880, Ella Frances Webster (1855-1902) ; issue: I-Kate Kellogg (above); II—Frederick Tracy (b 1884; m Edith Estes); III-—Charles Webster (b 1887; m Myrtle Sherwood). I-m June 10, 1911, LeRoy Arnold (See Vol. 1, p. 428); issue: 1—Morris Fairchild, } Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 5, 1915; 2-Elizabeth Jane, b Minne- apolis, July 4, 1916. Mem. Smith Coll. Club, A.A.U.W. Residence: 2628 Park Av., Minneapolis, Minn. JAMES BARNABY (1787-1877 A.B., Brown, 1809; ordained Baptist minister, 1811; and preached for 50 years without missing a Sabbath. 1JACKSON, Stella Alfreda Barnaby (Mrs. Ben- jamin A.), 6 Selma, Ala., Oct. 18, 1858, 9-Richard Warren (qv); 8—-Mary, m 1628, Robert Bartlett (qv); 7-Lydia, m James Barnaby (d ca. 1677), of Plym- outh; 6-James (1670-1726), m Joanna Harlow (Sgt. Wil- liam’, of Plymouth, 1669); , 5-Capt. Ambrose Ue ta) m tee Elizabeth Gardi- ner, of Swansea (g.dau. Lt. Samuel Gardiner [d 1696], of Newport, R. 1.); 4-Ens. Ambrose (1745- 1802), m Phylena Burt, of Berkley 3—Rev. Jaren (1787-1877), m Abigail Burt (Lt. Ab- ner‘, of Berkley). s—John Read (d 1721), of Newport, R.I.; 7—-John (6b 1670), town clk. of Freetown, Mass., for 35 yrs.; m Mary Pearce; 6-—Joseph (6b 1708), m Grace Pray; 5-Capt. Benjamin (0b 1733), comd. first co. of militia, Freetown, Mass., 1776-81; m Sarah Evans; 4—Their dau. m Capt. Luther Brigg's; 3-Ruby Ann _ (1804-90), m Christopher Vaughn (Ruelt, of Kingston, R. L, and Va.). 2-Only child of Samuel Stillman Barnaby (1824- 1886), jeweler and inventor; m 1858, Sarah Helen Vaughn (1830-1916). M June 30, 1888, Benjamin Andrew Jackson, b 78 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY N.Y. City, Jan. 8, 1859; son of Orlando Jack- son, of N.Y. City; issue: 1-Maude Barnaby, b N.Y. City, Jan. 28, 1887; m May 1, 1912, Oscar Adams Turner (d 1917; issue: Natalie Estelle). Grad. Hunter Coll., New York. Pres. Riverside Day Nursery Assn. Mem. S.M.D., N.E. Women (past pres. nat. soc.), Patriotic Women of America, Woman’s Nat. Sabbath Alliance, Stony Wold Assn., U.D.C. Summer place: “‘The Maples,’ Assonet, Mass. Residence: 254 W. 73d St., New York. 1-EDEN, John Herman, b Fordham Heights, New York, N.Y., Apr. 7, 1889. 3-Diedrick Henry (von) Eden (d 1885), from Bremen, Germany, 1835; was one of first mem- bers of the New York Produce Exchange; m Marie Wallace (d 1861). 8-Dea. John Chidsey (1621-88), an early settler at New Haven, Conn.; took oath of fealty, 1647; 7-Dea. Caleb (1661-1713), m Hannah Dickerman (1665-1703) ; 6—-Caleb (6 1697), m Abigail Goodsell (Thomas?, m Sarah Hemingway); 5—Isaac (1731-1814), m Sarah Bradley (Samuel®, m Sarah Robinson); 4-Caleb, m Rebecca Page; 3—Jared, m Julia Ann Barnes. 7-John Daggett (1661-1724), m Sarah Norton; : 6—-Ebenezer (1690-1746), m Mary Blackington (their 3d child, Naphtali, was pres. Yale Coll., 1766-77); 5-Philip (6 1739), m Bede Mansfield; 4-Amelia (1780-1869), m Joshua Barnes (1781-1847; Joshua®, m Mercy Tuttle); 3—Julia Ann (b 1816), m Jared Chidsey (3 above). 2-Son of Dr. John Herman Eden (1850-1919), M.D., Yale, 1873; physician; m 1873, Mary Daggett Chidsey (1849-1917); issue: 1-Maud Julia (6 1876; m Ralph Thomas Rokeby); II~Ruth Agnes (b 1883; m Maj. Morgan Hatton Grace); IlI—John H. (above). IlI-m une 3, 1915, Muriel Seymour Tuttle (qv for issue). Ph.B., Yale-S., 12. Insurance. Trustee Village of Kings Point, N.Y. Called into active service with Squadron A, N.G.N.Y.; 2d l1t., A.S., Mil. Aeronautics, Feb. 21, 1918; hon. discharged, Dec. 23, 1918. Clubs: Yale, Squadron A. Residence: Great Neck, L.I., N.Y. 1-EDEN, Muriel Seymour Tuttle (Mrs. John H.), 6 Naugatuck, Conn., Sept. 24, 1891. 10-William Tuttle (qv); %-Jonathan (1637-1705), m Rebecca Bell (Lt. Fran- cis”, of Stamford); 8—William (1673-1727), m Mary Ebernathe; 7—Ezekiel (6 1709), m 1729, Susanna Merriam; 6—-Reuben (1739-83), m Hannah Tyler; 5—Obed (1776-1862), m Lucretia Clark; 4—Eben C., (1806-73), m Temperance Beecher (Heze- kiah®, m Temperance Bronson); 3—Bronson Beecher (1835-1903), m 1859, Mary Ann Wilcox (b 1886; Rodney’, m Rachel M. Green). 2-Dau. of Howard Beecher Tuttle (b 1863), m 1887, Jeanette Seymour (b 1862); issue: I—Donald Seymour (m Rachel Dinsmore); II—Muriel Sey- mour (above); I1I-Ruby Seymour (m Charles Lewis Larkin, M.D.). II-m June 3, 1915, John Herman Eden (qv); issue: 1—Jeanette Daggett, b July 9, 1918; 2-John Her- man, Jr., 6 Oct. 1, 1921; 3-Bronson Beecher Tut- tle, 6 Aug. 21, 1924. Residence: Great Neck, L.I., N.Y. 1-McLEAN, Olive Gale (Mrs. Ridley), b Brook- lyn, N.Y., Apr. 6, 1881. 9-Richard (Gael) Gale (d 1679), from Eng., d at Watertown, Mass.; m Mary-; 8-Abraham (1648-1718), freeman, 1682; selectman at Watertown; m 1673, Sarah Fiske (d 1728: Na- than®, of Watertown); 7-Abraham (6 1674), selectman at Watertown: m 1699, Rachel Parkhurst (1678-1767; John’, m Abi- gail Garfield; George’); 6-A braham (1700-79), Weston, Mass.; m 1720, Esther Cunningham (d 1782); 5—Abijah (1727-1804), French and Indian War; con- stable at Weston; chmn. of com. to consult on plan of govt. sent out by Congress; m 2d, 1748, Susannah Allen (d 1831); 4-Nahum (1772-1840), Westborough, Mass.: m 1792, Hannah Forbes (1774-1856): 3—Monroe Forbes (1817-80), journalist, New York; m 1846, Lydia Ann Fuller. 1l-Edward Fuller (qv); 10-Samuel (1610-83), m 1635, Jane Lathrop (1614-ante 1683; Rev. John", from Eng., 1634); 9-Samuel (1638-93), m his 24 cousin, Ann Fuller (Capt. Matthew”, came to Barnstable, 1640); 8-Matthew (1663/64-1744), m 1692, Patience Young (1670-1746; George’); eh (1708-96), m 1730, Jerusha’ Beebe (Jona- than®); eee (1781-1810), m 1758, Mercy Lathrop (1736- 5-Elisha (1754-1850), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1774, Re- becca Waterman (1754-96); peda (1791-1872), m Polly Shaw Warner (1794- (9); 38-Lydia Ann (1828-1915), m Monroe Forbes Gale (3 above). 2-Only child of Thomas Monroe Gale (1848-1920), realtor; m 1880, Ida May (1854-1919), dau. of Thomas Jefferson Fisher (1823-88). M 2d, Nov. 8, 1916, Capt. Ridley McLean, U.S.N. (See Vol. 1, p. 197, for genealogy). Has two children by previous marriage, adopted by Capt. McLean: Olive Beatrice, b Washington, Thi Feb. 22, 1905; Gale, 6 Washington, Jan. 20, Mem. S.M.D. Residence: “Tanglebank,” 2121 Kalorama Rd., Washington, D.C. 1-SCRANTON, Anna Belle Jenks (Mrs. Gilmore G.), b Sand Beach (now Harbor Beach), Mich., Aug. 4, 1877. 10—Joseph (Jenckes) Jenks (qv); 9-Joseph (1632-1716), founder of Pawtucket, R.I.; Was gov.’s asst.; m Esther Ballard (b 1633); 8-Maj. Nathaniel (1662-1723), m Hannah Bosworth (Benjamine?®, m Hannah, dau. of Nathaniel Mor- ton”, sec. Colony of New Plymouth, Mass., 40 VAGSS=) 5 7-Jonathan (d 1745), m Mary Slack: 6-Jonathan, m Hannah Pullen; 5-Jeremiah (1739-1811), lt. Am. Rev.; m Whipple; 4-Jeremiah Whipple (1780-1852), m Hester Lane (Jesse®, pvt. Am. Rev.); 38—Jeremiah (1810-93), lumberman; m Relief Hues- is, 2-Dau. of George Walton Jenks (1838-98), pvt., 2d and 1st lt., Co. D, 10th Mich. Vol. Inf., 1861-63; lumberman, mfr., capitalist; m 1867, Arabella Willard (1848-1915), dau. of Henry Knapp, of Jeddo, Mich.; surviving issue: I-George J. (b 1869; m Bertha Wells); II-Anna Belle (above). II-m Feb. 25, 1908, Gilmore Gridley Scranton (July 21, 1868-Dec. 30, 1924); son of Myron W. Scranton, of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.; issue: 1—~John Gilmore, b Detroit, Mich., Feb. 9, 1910: 2-George Jenks, b Detroit, Dec. 13, 1912; 3-Anne Barbeau (Mar. 28, 1915-Sept. 30, 1919); 4-Rhoda Howland, 6 Battle Creek, Mich., Oct. 5, 1916. Residence: Harbor Beach, Mich. 1-TIMLOW, William Ferree, 6 Lancaster, ieas Nov. 8, 1864. 8-William Brinton (qv); 7—William (1666-1751), m 1690, Jane Thatcher (1670- 1755; Richard$, qv); 6—Joseph (1692-1751), m 1711, Mary Pierce (b 1690; George’, from Eng., 1684); 5-Moses (1725-89), m 1747, Elinor Varman (1725-88 ; Hattill, from Ireland, 1728); 4-William (1759-1842), m 1785, Lydia Ferree; 3-Judge Ferree (1800-74), Lancaster, Pa.; m 1824, Elizabeth Sharpless (1801-44). 7—Mary (Warrenbuer) Ferree (widow of Daniel), from France with her six children and settled in Lancaster Co., Pa., 1708, where she pur- chased 2,000 acres from William Penn; 6—John (6 1688), m 2d, Ruth Buffington; 5-John_ (1739-1834), m 1765, Betty Bailey (1741-1823; John*, m Mary Marsh); 4—Lydia (1766-1857), m 1785, William Brinton (4 above). 2-Only child of Lydia Sharpless Brinton (1825- 1913), m 1868, Daniel Ostrom Timlow (1818-85), lawyer, later Presbyn. minister (son of Rev. William, whose father, a soldier in the British Army in Am. Rev., after the war married a Connecticut woman, for which he was dis- owned by his family and thereupon assumed the name Timlow, never divulging his true name to his sons). M Apr. 23, 189, Evelyn Carolan, b Sacramento, Calif., Oct. 3, 1867; dau. of James Carolan, a Calif. pioneer of ’49; issue: 1-Emily Carolan, } San Francisco, Apr. 17, 1896; Miss Porter’s Sch., Farmington, Conn. A.B., Princeton, ’86 (Chi Phi). Clubs: Lucy Broker. FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 79 Ivy (Princeton, N.J.), University, Princeton ee York). Residence: 101 E. 75th St., New ork. 1-TINGLEY, Raymon Meyers, §) Herrick Tp., Susquehanna Co., Pa., July 21, 1870. %Palmer (Tingle) Tingley (b 1614), from England in the ‘‘Planter,” 1635; served in Pequot War, 1637, for services received grant of 8 acres at Ipswich, Mass., 1639; m Anna (or Hannah) Fos- dick (1615-81; Stephen?*) ; 8-Samuel (1639/40-1666), m 1663, Elizabeth Call (1640/41-1715/16; Thomas’) ; 7-Thomas (1667-1724), m 1694, Esther Stevens (1671- 1724; Francis’; Francis?) ; 6—Capt. Timothy (1697-1779), m 1730, Ruth Partridge (1704-78; Nathaniel’, m Lydia Wight; William’) ; 5~Thomas (1732-1809), m 1754, Martha Day (1732-1805; Benjamin*, m Margaret Robinson; Nathaniel’; Anthony’); 4-Dea. Elkanah (1760-1838), from Cheshire, Mass., to Harford, Pa., 1795; m 1st, 1779, Priscilla Ald- rich (1757-90; Sylvanus, of Smithfield, R.I., m Dorothy Smith; Peter*; Samuel?; Joseph’; George’); 8—Benjamin (1785-1850), of Jackson and Greenfield, Pa.; m 2d, 1832, Elizabeth Clark (1811-78; Phine- has‘, soldier War 1812; Jonas®; Jonathan‘; Capt. Isaac?; Lt. Thaddeus’). 5-John Lewis Meyers, Hessian soldier, wounded and taken prisoner at Battle of Trenton; m Katherina Topper (Johan*, m Susanna-, of Hamilton Tp., Pa.); 4—~John Simon (1790-1871), m 1813, Susanna Shirley (1789-1878; Johns); 3-John Melchoir (1816-86), m 1837, Anna Maria Rouse (1814-94; John‘, m Susanna, dau. of John Philip Shafer, soldier Am. Rev.). 2-Only child of Guilford Solon Tingley (1838-1904), farmer; justice and co. commr., Susquehanna Co., Pa.; m Marietta Wells (1840-66); m 2d, 1869, Martha Permelia Meyers (1849-1921). Not married. Grad. Pleasant Mount Acad., ’88. Taught school 10 yrs. and was v.p. Pleasant Mount Acad.; postmaster, Herrick Center, Pa.. since 1899; also merchant. Compiler: The Ting- ley Family. Life mem. N.E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. Residence: Herrick Center, Pa. 1-WICKLIFFE, William Arrington, } South Car- rollton, Ky., Feb. 16, 1860. 7-David Wickliffe (d 1643), from Eng., 1636, settled at ‘“Wyckliffe Manor,” St. George’s Parish, Md.; mem. Assembly from Prince George’s Co., Md., 1639-48; m Jane—; 6—-David (ca. 1636-ca. 1705-06), went to Va., 1650: noted Indian scout and interpreter; m 1677, Mary Sisson, widow of Louis Nicholas; 5—Robert (ca. 1680-1759), mem. Fiscal Ct.; vestry- man Hamilton Parish, Prince William Co., Va.: m Blizabeth Arrington (Wansford®): 4—Nathaniel (ca. 1720/21-1790), m bet. 1740-47; 3—Arrington (1750-1820), with two brothers served in Am. Rev.; explored in Ky., 1780, and settled there 1801; m 1794. Catherine Davis (Benson‘), 4-Abner Lee, of Va.; m ante 1780, Mrs. Frankie Lee McFarland; 3—-Abner (1786-1858), went from N.C. to Ky.; m 1810, Margaret Barnet (1788-1858; Hugh‘, of N.C., m Margaret McFarland). 2—-Only child of William Benson Wickliffe (1808- 1892), planter; m 1852, Margaret Ann (Lee) Nich- ols (1826-1904). M Jan. 1, 1885, Mary Reynolds, } Greenville. Ky.. Mar. 31, 1863: dau. of John T. Reynolds, of Greenville, Ky. (g.son of Richard Reynolds, a Virginian and soldier Am. Rev.); issue (all h Greenville, Ky.): 1-Paul Reynolds, b Nov. 6, 1885: Rose Poly. Inst., ’07; m 1921, Lucille, dau. of L. Z. Kirkpatrick, of Greenville, Ky. (issue: Paul Reynolds); 2-Madison Lee, b Aug. 1888; m Mar. 17, 1917, Lorine, dau. of Charles E. Mar- tin, of Greenville (issue: Mary Lee): 3—Louise, b Sept. 1890; Ward Sem.; m June 1912, R. A. Jones (issue: Marsaret Lester; William Wick- liffe); 4-William Benson, b May 1893; Harvard Law Sch.; m Aug. 1919, Louise, dau. of A. G. Crutchfield, of Henderson, Ky. (issue: Francis Crutchfield); 5-John Edwin, b Nov. 1894; m Jan. 1921, Christine, dau. of James W. Oates, of Greenville (issue: William Arrington). Ed. West Ky. Normal, and law dept. U. Louis- ville. Pres. bd. of First Nat. Bank, Greenville. Ky.: pres. Greenville Coal Co., W. A. Wickliffe Coal Co. Club: Filson (Louisville). Residence: Greenville, Ky. 1-WILKINS, Ernest Hatch, 6 Newton Centre, Mass., Sept. 14, 1880. 9-Bray Wilkins (1610-1702), came to N.E., 1630; m Anna Gingell; 8—-Thomas (1647-1717), m Hannah Nichols; 7—Bray (1678-post 1724), m Rebecca Knight; 6—Joshua (1718-post 1770), m Ruth-; 5-Abijah (1751-1833), m Lucy Averill; 4—Jason (1780-ca. 1824), m Mary (Edwards) Smith; 3-Samuel Carter (1811-99), m Clara Boynton Hob- son. AS ie Hatch (ca. 1603-1661), came to N.E., 9-Jonathan (1625-1710), m Sarah Rowley; 8-Thomas (b 1649), m Abigail Codman; 7—-Thomas (b 1685), m Mary Cathcart; 6—Capt. Paul (1722-1802), m Temperance Davis; 5—-Capt. Isaac (1765-1816), m Abigail Clark; 4—Silas (1793-1862), m Mary Curry; SA patio A. (1819-1904), m Elizabeth Parsons Chand- er. 2-Only child of Samuel Francis Wilkins (6 1847), banker, Boston; m 1870, Laura Elizabeth Hatch (1848-1918). « © M June 12, 1906, Oriana Phillips Hall, 6 Cam- bridge, Mass.; dau. of James Morris Whiton Hall (See Who’s Who in America, Vol. 10); is- sue: 1—Bleanor Chandler, b Newton Centre, Mass., June 8,1907;2—-Robert Hall, ) Cambridge, Mass., Mar. 30, 1911. A.B., Amherst, 700 (D.K.E., P.B.K.), A.M., 1903; Ph.D., Harvard, 1910; (Litt.D., Amherst, 1920). Education since 1900; Instr. Romance langs., Amherst, 1900-04, Harvard, 1906-12; asso. prof. Romance langs., 1912-16, prof. since 1916, also dean, Colleges of Arts, Literature and Science, 1923-26, U. Chicago. Author (See Who’s Who in America). Summer place: North Pembroke, tel Residence: 5536 Kimbark Av., Chicago, Stue q's Arms: Azure, a chevron between three cross cross- lets fitchee, within a border engrailed or. Crest: Talbot’s head or, ears sable. Motto: Esse quam videri. 1-TUTTLE, Penelope T. Sturgis Cook (Mrs. H. Croswell), ) N.Y. City, Dec. 21, 1853. 4-George Cressman (1746-94), of Germantown, Pa.; soldier Am. Rev.; m Anna Maria Hoff- man; 38-Anna Maria, m Charles Joachim Cook. 6—Jonathan Sturgis, from Wales; bought a large tract of land in Md. which he called “Aberdeen” (site of training camp in World War); m Elizabeth Wolfe; 5-William, m Elizabeth Stockley, or Stokeley (Woodman*, m Jane Rogers; Woodman’, from Eng., 1648; mem. Provincial Assembly of Md., and surveyor of highways, 1656); 4-Stokeley, ensign in Wyoming Massacre; m 1769, Sarah Levick; 8—-Stokeley, m 1791, Mary Finacorn. 7-Richard Levick, from Eng.; with William Penn was a founder of Dover, N.J.; m Mary-; 6-Richard, m Mary Clayton (William’, a cousin of William Penn; from Eng., 1671; mem. Gov.’s Council of Pa., 1684; justice); 80 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 5—-William, m Sarah Crispin; 4-Sarah, m Stokeley Sturgis (4 above). 2-Dau. of George Henry Cook, tobacco mer- chant; m 1838, Mary Sturgis; issue: I-George Henry (d; m Mary Lamphere); II—Mary Stur- gis (d; m William H. Simonson); IiI-Charles Albert (d 1881); IV—Penelope T. Sturgis (above). IV-—m Feb. 7, 1878, Henry Croswell Tuttle, 6b Hudson, N.Y., June 14, 1847; issue: 1—-Charles Henry (qv for Tuttle lineage). Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R., Washington Hdars. Assn. (dir.), Nat. Soc. Patriotic Women of Amer- ica, Nat. Soc. Daughters of the Union. Sum- mer place: “The Snuggery,’’ Lake George, N.Y. Residence: 10 Hamilton Terrace, New York, Outtle Azure and doubly coatised or, a lion pas- sant, sable. Crest: A mount vert or green hill and a bird hold- ing in its beak an olive branch or. Arms: Motto: Vincere aut mori. ts ttle are Charles Henry, 6 N.Y. City, Apr. 1, 1879. 9-William Tuttle (qv); 8—John (1631-83), m 1653, Kattareen Lane (John®, of Milford, Conn.); 7—Daniel (1664-1700), m 1692, Hannah Sanford (1669- 1709; Andrew’); 6—Andrew (1695-1783), m 1729, Ann Woodruff (1711- 1787; Lt. John’, m Mary Hall); pe (1785-94), m 1776, Eunice Rogers (1735- 1795) ; 4-Bethuel (1779-1818), m 1808, Julia Doolittle (1782- 1860; Isaac*); D.D. (1811-96), m 1842, 3-Isaac Henry, Parmlee Beecher (1814-74). 2-Only child of Henry Crosswell Tuttle (1847- 1882), m 1878, Penelope T. Sturgis Cook (qv for maternal lineages). M June 7, 1907, Helene Wheeler, b Oswego, N.Y., Nov. 12, 1881; dau. of James Wheeler, of New Brunswick, N.J.; issue (all Bb N.Y. City): 1- Evelyn Cressman, b Mar. 29, 1908; 2-Charlotte Merrill, 6 Apr. 28, 1910; 3-Henry Croswell, b July 17, 1914; Helene Jasmine, 6 Jan. 31, 1916. A.B., Columbia U., ’99 (P.B.K.), LL.B., 1902. Ad- mitted to bar 1902, and since in practice at New York; mem. law firm of Davies, Auer- bach & Cornell. Trustee Coll. City of New York since 1913 (chmn. bd., 1924-25); chmn. Selective Service Bd. 145, World War; mem. Rep. Co. Com. of N.Y. County since 1923; and chmn. of its advisory com., 1925; mem. N.Y. State Com. on Reconstruction, 1925; mem. com. on legislation of N.Y. City Bar Assn. since 1923; mem. N.Y. Co. Lawyers Assn. Chmn. dept. religious edu. of Greater New York Fed. of Chs.; vestryman St. Luke’s P.E. Ch. and supt. of its Sunday Sch. Residence: 339 Convent Av., New York. 1-ASHMEAD, Duffield, Jr., 6 Phila., Pa., Mar. 18, 1883. 7-John Ashmead (1648-88), Sarah from Cheltenham, Eng., to Cheltenham, Montgomery Co., Pa., 1682; m 1677, Mary Currier (William); 6-John (1679-1742), m 1703, Sarah Sellers (Samuel’, of Darby, Pa.); 5-Samuel (1710-94), justice Ct. of Quarter Ses- sions for Co. of Phila.; mem. Provincial Conv., 1775; mem. General Assembly, 1782, 83, 89, 90; m 1730, Esther Morgan; 4-Jacob (1742-1814), capt. First Pa. Bn. during Am. Rev.; m Mary Naglee (Jacob‘); 8—Isaac (1790-1870), m 1828, Belina Farren (Jacob, of East Haven, Conn.). j Maternally, 4-Noah Simons (6 1765), came to Phila., ca. 1786; dry goods mcht.; m 1803, Cath- arine Cornish (John®; Robert®, m Elizabeth Harrot): 3-George Washington (d 1887), m Mary Myerle. 2-Son of Duffield Ashmead (1836-1916), Presbyn. minister, and accountant; m Margaret Myerle Simons (6 1845); issue: I-Henry Clifton (See Vol. 1, p. 429); II-Margaret (6 1881; m Roger Sherman Mitchell); I1]—Duffield, Jr. (above). III-m June 24, 1916, Nadine Camac Neill Prew, b Lima, Peru, dau. of Edward J. Prew, of Taunton, Eng., m Nadine Camac Neill, of ees Pa.; issue: 1—Duffield, III, b Mar. 17, B.A., in Architecture, U.Pa., ’06. Mem. De Ar- mond, Ashmead & Bickley, architects, Phila., Pa. Mem. A.I.A., Colonial Soc. of Pa. Clubs: Union League, Merion Cricket, St. David’s Golf. Residence: Ithan, Pa. aa ret John Alden, } Jamaica, N.Y., Jan. 9-John Alden (qv); 8—David (1646-1719), m Mary Southworth: ; 7-Elizabeth (1677-1771), m Dea. John Seabury (d 1759; desc. John Seabury, from Eng. to the Barbados, thence to Boston, 1639; 6-Rev. Samuel (1706-64), m Elizabeth Powell; 5-Adam, M. D. (1789-1800), m Miriam Peters; 4—-Adam (1767-1826), m Jemima Skidmore; 8—John Skidmore (1812-88), m Elizabeth Rush- more. 8-Thomas Sayre (qv); 7—Daniel (d 1723); 6—Jonathan (d 1762), m Jane Walmsley; 5—-Isaac (1762-1842), wrote name Sears: fifer, N.J. Cont. Line, in Am. Rev.; m Abigail Hunt; 4-Rev. Gilbert Hunt (1787-1867), m Eliza Maria Brown; 8—Gilbert (1818-82), m Anna Leah Seaman. 2-Son of John Henry Seabury, M.D. (1847-99), physician, Yonkers, N.Y.; m 1875, Martha Sayres (1849-85); issue: I-John Alden (above); II—Martha Seaman (1878-88); III—Anna Leah (b 1880; m Parry D. Saylor); I1V—Walter Sayres (6 1883); V-William Rushmore (1885-86). I-m Feb. 22, 1896, Mamie Towers, b New York, N.Y., June 16, 1878; dau. William Towers, of N.Y.; issue: 1-Irene Towers, 6 Brooklyn, N.Y., Aug. 10, 1897; 2-Marian Mary, b Brooklyn, N.Y.. Mar. 25, 1899; 3-Violet Virginia (May 20-July 24, 1900); 4-Arthur William, } Brooklyn, Aug. 3, 1901; m 1922, Annie Lou Whitlock: 5-Anna Leah, 6 Cheyenne, Wyo., Oct. 29, 1903; m 1924, Jack Anderson Stafford; 6—Priscilla Alden, 6 Decatur, Ill., Oct. 8, 1905; 7-Henry Thomas (b 1908, d infancy); 8-Juanita Martha, 6b Ho- quiam, Wash., June 29, 1909; 9-John Gilbert, b Stites, Ida., Aug. 16, 1912. Newspaper editor: publisher of The Mayflower and Alden Kindred Historiographer; author of Tercentenary Book of Alden (genealogy). Mem. S.M.D., S.C.W., S.R., S.A.R., Alden Kin- dred of America; founder of The Alden Kin- dred of -New York City and Vicinity, and Colonial Soc. of U.S. Address: Jamaica, N.Y. 1-TOPPING, Louise Elvira Grinnell (Mrs. George), 6 Eaton Rapids, Mich., Oct. 21, 1865. 8—-Matthew Grinnell (qv): 7—Daniel (1636-1703), m 1663, Mary Wodell (b 1640; John’, m Mary-); 6—Tonathan (b 1670), m 1698, Abigail Ford: 5-Jonathan (b 1711), m 1785, Alice Mias (b 1710: Nicholas*, m Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Nichols); 4—Nathaniel (1735-1829), m 1764, Ruth-: eae (1773-1828), m 1795, Rhoda Dennis (1779- 8-Francis Dudley, m Sarah Wheeler (George?, of Concord): 7-Samuel (1668-1777), m Abigail Rogers (Samuel; Rev. Nathaniel®, qv); FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA . 81 6—-Samuel (1705-1750), m Abigail Waters (Richard’; John’; Richard’); 5-Stephen (1735-1783-84), Am. Rev.; m Lydia Har- wood (Capt. Joseph*; Peter’; Nathaniel’); 4—Gen. Peter (1773-1847), of Peru, Vt.; mem. Vt. Legislature, etc.; m- Lucy Barnard (1773-1840) ; 3-Elvira (1807-62), m Johnson Montgomery (1806- 1883; Robert, from Ireland to Johnstown, N.Y., 1805, m Annis Sproul). 2—Dau. of Hiram Grinnell (1821-69), farmer, nr. Eaton Rapids, Mich.; m 1865, Amanda Elvira Montgomery (1833-1913), she m 2d, 1872, Julius Humeston (1823-1907); issue (mother’s lst mar- riage): I-Louise Elvira (above); II—Maud Es- telle (Mrs. Walter A. Briggs, qv for Barnard lineage); (mother’s 2d marriage): III-Stephen J. (b 1875). I-m May 25, 1887, George Topping, b St. Clairs- ville, O., Aug. 6, 1858; issue (all b Cedar Point, Kan.): 1—-Charles Tallman, b Mar. 26, 1888; m July 18, 1914, Maud Kirk-Smith (issue: Lou- ise Joslyn; Mary Cornelia); 2—-Mary Louise (Mrs. Curtis T. Williams, qv for Topping lines); 3—Albert Dudley (June 8, 1891-Oct. 20, 1920) ; 4-Helen Grinnell, b Aug. 3, 1893. Mem. 'D.A.R. Residence: Cedar Point, Kan. 1-WILLIAMS, Louise Topping (Mrs. Curtis T.), D Cedar Point, Kan., Sept. 25, 1889. 10-William Ward (qv); 9—-William (1649-97), m 1679, Mrs. Hannah (Brig- ham) Eames_ (1650-1719; Thomas Brigham?, from Eng., 1635, m Mercy Hurd); S—Col. William (1680- 1767), rep. Gen.-Ct.; col. of militia; m 1702, Jane Cleveland (1681- 1745; Sam- uel®, m Jane Keyes; Moses”, qv); 7—Charles (1722-45), d at capture of Louisbourg; m 1st, 1742, Abigail Pike (1724-84; William’, m Mary Flagg); 6—W illiam (1743-1819), mem. Com. Safety in Am. Rev.; soldier Am, Rev. at Burgoyne’s sur- render; mem. Vt. Legislature; m 1763, Lucy Church (1748-1846; Noah’, m Lydia Barnard); 5-Lorenzo (1785-1841), m 1806, Abigail Cleveland; 4-Lucy (1811-96), m Alexander Topping’ (1809-88) ; 3—Henry (b 1835), m Mary R. Tallman (1836-1909). 10-—Moses Cleveland (qv); 9Edward (b 1664), of Pomfret and Canter- bury, Conn.; m Ist, Deliverance Palmer (b 1665) ; 8-Deliverance (1684-1744), of R.I. and Conn.; m Mary-; 7-Enoch (1725-95), of Pomfret and Windham: m Deborah Fassett (1725-96), of Hampton, N.Y.: 6-Solomon (1754-1844), soldier Am. Rev.; m Ist, Martha Rathbone (1760-1850) ; 5-Abigail (1789-1880), nm» Lorenzo Ward (5 above). 2-Dau. of George Topping (b 1858), m 1887, Louise Elvira Grinnell (qv for maternal lines). M Dec. 31, 1914, Curtis Talmadge Williams, b Mayfield, Kan., May 2, 1887: Ph.D., Clark U., 1917; son of Rev. Morgan Williams, of Em- poria, Kan. Grad. Kan. State Teachers’ Coll., ’13; A.B., State U. of Wash., ’23. Residence: 6280 21st Av. N.E., Seattle, Wash. heen eg Maud Estelle Grinnell (Mrs. Walter A.), b Eaton Rapids, Mich., July 12, 1867. 9-John Barnard (qv); eb (b 1631), m 1654, Sarah Flemming (1638- 7-John (b 1656), m 8d, Mary Morse (b 1661/62; Joseph’; Joseph®; Joseph?) ; 6—Jonathan (1703-75), m Hannah Stowell (1715-1801; Samuel’?; David’; Samuel’); 5-Benjamin (1750- 1837), of Peru, Vt.; Am. Rev.: m Lucy Wood (1752-1840: Nathan®; Abraham’; Abraham$§; Michael?; William”); 4—Lucy (1773- 1840), m Peter Dudley (1773-1847); Se) (1807-62), m Johnson Montgomery 2Dau. of Amanda Elvira Montgomery (1833- 1913), m 1st, Hiram Grinnell (1821-69); for issue and other lineages see Mrs. George Topping. M Dec. 12, 1894, Rev. Walter Abel Briggs. 0 Chesterfield. McComb Co., Mich., July 7, 1863: son of Jerub Briggs, m Harriet Chapin Leon- ard: issue: 1-Egbert Estabrook, b Hudsonville, Mich., Oct. 12, 1895; Grinnell Coll., Ia., ’18; m Aug. 1920, Berenice Ann Reynolds (issue: Wil- liam Egbert); 2-Dwight Newton, 6 Big Rap- ids. Mich.. Mar. 12, 1900: Grinnell Coll. Residence: 3322 Cortland St., Chicago, T1l. 1-HODGEINS, Howard Lincoln, } Elgin, IIl., Jan. 23, 1862. 8-Isaac Vermilye (1601-76; son of John, m Marie Roubley, probably Wallons, from France to Eng.), removed from London to Holland, thence in the “Purmerlander Kerck,” to New Amstel, on the Delaware, 1662; removed to Harlem, New Amsterdam, 1663; m Jacomina Jacobse; 7-Johannes (1682-96), m Aaltje Waldron (1651-1734) ; ee (1682-1767), m Josyntie Van Oblenis (b 5—-Peter, m Mary Pinckney; 4—-Susan (d 1850), m John Shear (1768-1836) ; 38-William (1799-1862), m Harriet Whitcomb (0b 2-Son of Harriet Eliza Shear (1836-1915), m 1857, David Hodgkins (b Eng. 1823-79), from Eng. May (1858-1923); II—Cora (1860-1911; m Theo In- galls King, d 1906); IIlI—Howard Lincoln (b 1866); VI—Harry Grant (6 1868; m Nina Dun- can Bradley, d 1925); VII—Willie (6 and d 1870). for issue). B., A.M., Columbian, ’83, Ph.D., 1892; (Sc.D., Education, with Columbian U. and George Washington U., Since 1883, was pres., 1921-23, and since dean Kalorama Rd., Washington, D.C. 1-HODGKINS, Marie Elise Wilkinson (Mrs. Dec. 31, 1866. 10—John Woodson ein -1644), from Eng. to Va., 9-Robert (1634- -1707), (Richard? of Va.); ca. 1679, Judith Tarleton (Stephen’) ; 7-Stephen (1704-36), m 1730, Elizabeth Branch 6-Matthew (1731-94), m 1753, Elizabeth Le Villian (1737-1803; John, Jr.7, m Philippa Dupuy): (1758-1817; John®, m Dorothea Randolph); 4—Caroline R. (1792-1879), m Dr. Augustus Na- 3—Maj. Nathaniel W. (1811-90), m 2d, 1841, Mary Ann Burnam (1818-1904). 1865, Ahab George Wilkinson (1834-1922). For issue and other lineages see George Lawrence M June 18, 1890, Howard Lincoln Hodgkins (qv); issue: 1-Howard Wilkinson (qv); 2- Mem. D.C. Bd. of Edn., bd. lady mers. George Washington U. Hosp., Casualty Hosp.; mem. nat. Community Bible Readers League, ete. Mem. C.D.A., Dau. Barons of Runnemede, etc. Residence: 1821 Kalorama Rd., Washington, D.C. 1-HODGKINS, Howard Wilkinson, }) Washing- 10—James Wilson (d 1672), of Calvert Co., Md.; m Margaret— 1735) ; 8—Joseph (ante 1717-1770), m — Letchworth?; 6—-Capt. Nathaniel (17 Th4- 96), officer Cont. Army and capt. Md. militia, 1779; m 2d, Margaret 5—-Dr. Augustus Nathaniel Coburn (ca. 1790-1827), m 1811, Caroline Randolph Woodson; Mary Ann Burnam (1818-1904) ; 3-Lucinda B. (b 1842), m 1865, Ahab George Wil- 2-Son of Marie Elise Wilkinson (qv), m Howard Lincoln Hodgkins (qv). ton, D.C., Sept. 20, 1890; dau. of Walter Rose Wilcox, of Washington, m Ella Garrison Mil- 1793) with his father, James, ca, 1828; issue: I-Ida (above); I1V—Minnie (1863-1900); V—Jessie Esther Iit—m June 18, 1890, Marie Elise Wilkinson (qv George Washington, 1921). (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 1821 Howard Lincoln), } Columbia, Boone Co., Mo., 1619; m ante 1619, m 1656, Elizabeth Ferris 8-John (1658-1716), m (d 1789; Matthew’, m Frances Ware); 5-Blizabeth (1759-97), m 1778, Josiah Woodson thaniel Coburn Wilson (ca. 1790-1827) ; 2-Dau. of Lucinda Burnam Wilson (b 1842), m Wilkinson. George Wilson, 6 Washington, D.C., Oct. 9, council and 1st v.p. exec. bd. Nat. and Inter- DUA Pe Ate Hes One Bek Ven DiAyEt. Wis. Demlotz, ton, D.C., Aug. 10, 1891. ®#Joseph (ca. 1655-1717), m Frances Hilleary (d 7—Joseph (d 1762), m 1st, Mary Broome (1729- 1809) ; Parker na 1833) ; 4-Maj. Nathaniel Warfield (1811-90), m 2d, 1841, kinson (1834-1922). M July 17, 1918, Helen Louise Wilcox, } Washing- ler; issue: 1-Helen Marie, } Washington, D.C., July 23, 1914; 2-Wilcox Howard, b Cambridge, Mass., June 13, 1920. B.S. in C.E., George Washington U., ’13 (Theta Delta Chi), LL.B., 1916 (Phi Delta Phi). Law- yer (patent causes). Served pvt. to Ist It., C.A., D.C.N.G., 1915-17; organization federal- 82 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY ized, and was assigned as c.o. 2d Co., July 25, 1917; capt., July 26, 1917; brig. intelligence officer and later adj., 35th Brig., C.A.C.; in France, Aug. 21, 1918-Mar. 2, 1919; assigned to patent sect., Gen. Staff, Mar. 26, 1919; dis- charged, Aug. 5, 1919; maj., C.A.O.R.C., Oct. 20, 1919; 1t. col., same, Dec. 9, 1924; c.o., 581st C.A. Regiment (A-A). Member S.A.R., .O.F.W., M.O.W.W., A.L., V.F.W., Am. Patent Law Assn., Chicago Patent Law Assn. Club: University (Washington). Residence: 562 Oak t., Winnetka, 1]1l. COL. RAYMOND CUSTER TURCK. 1-TURCK, Raymond Custer, b Gratiot Co., Mich., Oct. 12, 1874. Dese. Lt. Paulus Jacobszen Turck (b ca. 1635; son of Jacob), from Holland to New Amster- gate before 1660, m Aeltje Barentse Cool; and thru: 38—Zachariah (1790-1855), removed from Schoharie Co., N.Y., to Port Hope, Ont., 1820; m Rebec- cah Decker (1801-77). 10—Nathaniel Ely (q 9-Samuel (d 1692), Day (1641-1725); 8-Samuel (1668-1732), Springfield; m Martha Bliss (1674-1702) ; 7-Samuel (1701- 1758), Springfield; m Abigail War- riner (1708-62); 6—-Thomas (1725-90), West Springfield; m Sarah Merrick (1731-1807) ; 5-Thomas (1766-1844), West Springfield; m Eunice Morley (1771-1836) ; 4-Armenius (1796-1864), Stockton, N.Y.; m Electa Munger (1799-1836) ; 3%Gen. Ralph (1820-83), founder of Alma, Mich., ca. 1850; col. 8th Mich. Vol. Inf. in Civil War; m Mary Halstead (1823-1905). 2-Son of William Sisson Turck (1839-1912), capt. 26th Mich. Vol. Inf. in Civil War; banker; m 1865, Louise Amelia Ely (6 1845). M Aug. 10, 1898, Bertha Bouton (qv for issue), Grad. Mich. Mil. Acad., ’92; med. dept., U. Mich., 1892-95; M.D., New York U., 189%. Surgeon, Lansing, Mich., 1897-98, at Chicago, 1898-1904; supt. Alma Springs (Mich.) Sanitarium, 1904- 1905; at Jacksonville, Fla., since 1905; chief sur- geon St. Luke’s Hosp.; state health officer of Fla. since 1921. Maj., Med. Corps of Fla., comdg. Ist Fla. Field Hosp. on Tex. border, 1916; lt. col., M.C., div. surgeon, 35th Div., Vv); Springfield, Mass.; m Mary A.E.F., Apr. 10, 1918-Mar. 20, 1919; col., Feb. 26, 1919; base surgeon Base Sect. 2, AEF, France, 1919. Wounded in action, Argonne, Oct. 1, 1918; Croix de Guerre (French); cita- tions for ‘service in action from Marshal Petain, General Pershing and Maj. Gen. Traub; D.S.M., 1921; University Palms, offi- cer grade, France, 1921. Col. comdg. 124th Inf,, 1921-25 (See Who’s Who in America). Resi- dence: Los Cedros, Ortega, Fla. 1-TURCK, Bertha Bouton (Mrs. Raymond C.), 6 Chicago, I1l., Sept. 22, 1874. 8—John Bouton (d 1700), Huguenot ancestry; from Eng. in the ‘Assurance,’ to Boston, 1635; later at Norwalk, Conn.; m 3d, ca. 1673, Mrs. Mary Stevenson; 7—Joseph (6 ca. iy m Mary-; 6-Jachin (6 ca. 1700); 5—-Capt. Joseph ree -ca. 1778), m 1748, Susannah Raymond; 4—-William, m Sarah Benedict; 3—Nathaniel, S.T.D., LL.D. (1799-1878), B.A., Yale, 1821; pastor Ist Congl. Ch. of Concord, N.H., 47 yrs.; state historian of N.H.; m 2d, 1829, Mary Ann P. Bell. 2-Dau. of Christopher Bell Bouton (1839-1915), m 1861, Martha A. Cushing (d 1864); m 2d, 1865, Harriet M. Cushing (d 1868); m 3d, 1869, Elle- nora Hoyt. M Aug. 10, 1898, Raymond Custer Turck (qv); issue: 1-Mary Persis Bouton, b Chicago, Mar. 23, 1900; Mass. Agrl., ’26; 2-Eleanor Louise, 0 Chicago, Oct. 2, 1902. Residence: Los Cedros, Ortega, Fla. 1-WILKINSON, George Lawrence, } Washing- ton, D.C., Sept. 9, 1868. 8-Lawrence Wilkinson (d 1692), officer in army of Charles I, came to Providence, R.I., 1645/46; m Susannah Smith (d 1692); 7-John (1654-1708), m 1689, Deborah Whipple (8 (1690-1756), m 1717, Rebecca Scott (1699- 5-Ahab (6 ca. 1721), m 1755, Abigail Scott; 4-Joseph (1759-1812), m Martha Jenckes id 1823) ; 3—Ahab (d 1833), m Eliza Ann Jillson (1814-41), 2—Son of Ahab George Wilkinson (1834- 1922), m 1865, Lucinda Burnam Wilson (6b 1842); issue: I—Marie Elise (Mrs. Howard Lincoln Hodg- kins, qv for Woodson line); II—George Lawrence (above); aus (6 and d 1871);, IV— Lucille Warfield (b 1876). II—m Oct. 30, 1895, Adele Enloe, b Jackson, Tenn., Oct. 20, 1874; dau. of Benjamin Augustine Enloe, of Jackson, m Fanny Ashworth; issue: 1—Frances Ashworth, } Washington, D.C., Feb. 20, 1897; m Jan. 4, 1919, Arthur H. Bunker (is- sue: Adele, 6 Oct. 4, 1919; George Raymond, bd May 26, 1923) ; 2—Lawrence, 6 Evanston, IIl., Jan. 18, 1905; 3-Lucien, and 4Enloe (twins), b Chi- cago, Tll., Jan, 9, 1909. Biss Columbian (now George Washington), ’88, Line 1891, LL.M., 1892. Registrar, Columbian Oe, 1888- 89; examiner, U.S. Patent Office, 1889- 1901; patent atty. at Chicago since 1901; now sr. mem. firm Wilkinson, Huxley, Byron and Knight. Clubs: Cosmos (Washington), Uni- versity (Chicago), University, Evanston Coun- try, Glen View Golf (Evanston). Residence: 1027 Greenwood Boul., Evanston, Ill. 1-ATWATER, June Lyon (Mrs. Fred), b Naples, INGY* earls 10, 1873. 9—William Lyon (1620-92), from Eng. in the Honey el, ”*> to Roxbury, Mass., 1635; mem. A. and H.A. Co.; m Sarah Ruggles (b 1629) ; 8—-Samuel 1650. 1718) ; 7—Abiel (1680-1756) ; 6—Jonathan (1709-85); 5-Simeon (b 1745), Bennington, Vt.; Bronson (d 1767); siarry (6 1775), Naples, INE Yes 3—Bronson King (6b 1800), m Paulina Wiley. 10-John Alden (qv); 9-Elizabeth, m William Peabody; 8—William (6 1664), m Judith— (6b 1669); 7—-William (1702-78), m 1724, Jerusha Starr; eae (1727-1815), m 1761, Ruth Babcock (d 5—William (1764-1834); 4—William (1786- 1859), m Roxanna Burdick: 3-—Polly Maria (1809-87), m 1830, Jedediah Barbour Stiles (1803-89). 11-Elder William Brewster (qv); m Martha m Hannah Clark FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 83 10—Jonathan (1593-1659), m 1624, Lucretia Oldham; 9-Hannah (1641-64), m Samuel Starr (ca. 1640-1668 ; Thomas’; Dr. Comfort?) ; 8-Thomas (1668-1711/12), m 1693/94, Mary Morgan (1670-1765) ; 7—Jerusha (b 1703), m William Peabody (7 above). 2-Dau. of Simeon Bronson Lyon (1835-85), m Louise Elvina Stiles (1833-1908); issue: I—Car- oline Lelia (m Frederick Gross, d 1903); II- Lina Maria (1872- veal m Joseph Wilson Hobbs); IlI-—June (above). IlI-—m Oct. 24, 1894, Fred Atwater, b Derby, Conn., Dec. 28, 1870; issue: 1—Henrietta, b Bridgeport, Conn., Oct. "28, 1896; Smith, 19; m Jan. 5, 1918, Joel AG Goldthwait (issue: Joel Cabot, b 1918; David Atwater, b 1921; June Lyon, 0b 1924); - Louise, 6 Bridgeport, Jan. 30, 1899; Smith, 720; m Jan. 14, 1921, Prete Douglas Munson (issue; Craig Douglas, hae 1924). Mem. S.M.D. Clubs: Country (Brooklawn), Fairfield Beach. Residence: 454 Colorado Av., Bridgeport, Conn. ea hemarene Margaret Suplee Poole (Mrs. Rich- ard E.), 6 Wilmington, Del., Feb. 9, 1870. 6-Joseph Poole (17(4-62; son of William, of Par- ish of Broomfield, Co. Cumberland, Eng., m Jeannot Twentymen), came to America; m Rebekah Janney (Abel’, justice Bucks Co., Pa., mem. Pa. Assembly, m Elizabeth Stacy; Thomas’, from Eng. to Pa., 1683, was justice and mem. Penn’s Council, m Margaret Heath); 5-William (1729-79), of Wilmington, Del.; m 2d, 1761, Elizabeth (Shipley) Canby (William Ship- ley®, m Ann-); 4-William (1764-1829), m 1791, Sarah Sharpless (1769-1823; Benjamin‘, Middletown, Del., m 1746, Martha, dau. of Benjamin Mendenhall, m Lydia Roberts); 3—John Morton (1812-79), m 1839, Ann Suplee (Thomas‘, m 1812, Lydia Baker). 8—Capt. William Warner (1627-1706), from Eng. to Salem, N.J., 1675; settled at ‘‘Blockley,” Phila.. ie aliyye mem. first Council of Province of Pa., 1681; m Anna Dide (Dyde); 7-William’ (1653-1714), m Christina Schute; 6—-William (1709-1764), Gloucester, N.J.; went to Wilmington, Del., ca. 1732; m Mary Welton (or Wilton); 5—Joseph (1742-1800), Wilmington; m Mary Yar- nall (1744-1823) ; 4—William (1774- 1845), Wilmington; m 1798, Esther Tatnall (1779-1860) ; 3—Edward Tatnall (1806-1871), m 1834, Williamina, dau. of William Young, from Scotland to Phila., m Rachel Anderson. 2-Only child of Thomas Suplee Poole (1842-80), m 1868, as Jean Warner (1840-1912), M Apr. 29, 1881, Richard Everett Edsall (See iIVOlant.a DD: 77); issue (all }b Pittsburgh, Pa.): 1—Richard Everett, Jr., 6 Mar. 30, 1898; U. of Pittsburgh, '15; 2-Donald Welton, b Sept. 24, 1895; Pa. State Coll., ’21; m June 30, 1920, Margaret Elizabeth, dau. Carl Auerswald, Cheswick, Pa. (issye: Donald Welton, Jr., 6 Feb. 15, 1924); 3-David Linn (May 5, 1897-Dec. 4, 1900); 4-Lillian Warner, b Mar. 6, 1899; 5— Hubert Linn, 6b Mar. 21, 1905; 6-Margery Tat- nall, 6 Feb. 10, 1908. Residence: Oakmont, Pa. 1-AUSTEN, Jessica Tyler (Mrs. Willard), } Binghamton, N.Y., Aug. 9, 1860. 9-Job Tyler (qv); 8-Hopestill, m Mary Lovell (Daniel!); 7-Capt. James (b 1682), m 1706, Hannah Safford; 6—Capt. Moses (d 1787), m 1729, Mary Belcher; 5—Elisha (d 1809), m 1755, Hannah Lester; 4-Col. Moses (d 1829), m Olive Coit; 3-Elisha (1794-1857), m 1830. 2-Dau. of Moses Coit Tyler, L.H.D., LL.D. (1835- 1900), B.A., Yale, ’57; prof. Am. history, Cor- nell U.: author; m 1859, Jeanette Hull Gilbert (1838-1917). M June 20, 1898, Willard Austen, Bb Jackson, Mich., Dec. 24, 1860; A.B., Cornell, ’91; libra- rian Cornell U. (See Who’s Who in America). Teacher, writer, translator. Residence: 227 Willard Way, Ithaca, N.Y. 1-—EDWARDS, Ariel Ballou, b Woonsocket, R.I., Jan, 27, 1871. 9-Rice Edwards (ca. 1615-1683), settled at Salem, Mass., 1642; planter at Wenham, Mass., 1653; m 1643, Joan-}; 8-John (1644-97), Wenham, Mass.; m 1666, Mary Solart (John®, of Beverly); 7—John (0b 1668), m 1698, Annah Dodge, of Ipswich, Mass.; 6—John (1705-73), m 1727, Abigail Hooper (Capt. William’); 5-John (b 1734), m 2d, Hannah Woodberry Ben- nett; 4-Azariah (6 1779), m Nabby Smith (Andrew’); 3-Azariah (1802- ae m Catherine Mann. 8-Maturin Ballou 7-—James (1652- Lies (Valentine§) ; av); m 1683, Susanna Whitman 6—James (1684-1764), m 1714, Catherine Arnold (Elisha’; Stephen§; William!) ; 5—Ariel (1715- 96), m ca. 1740, Jerusha Slack (Ben- jamin*®; William’); 4-Dea. Ariel (1758-1839), m 2d, 1802, Edilda Tower (Levi®, capt. Am. Rev.); 8—Dr. Ariel (1805-87), m 1832, Hannah Horton (1808-73 ; Barnabas‘). 2-Son of Dr. Daniel Mann Edwards (1844-1919), physician; m 1870, Laura Ballou _ (1841-1918); issue: I—Ariel Ballou (above); II—Edith (b 1873); Il1I—Herbert (1874-75); I1V—Percival (0 and d 1878); V—Daniel Mann (0b 1880). I—-Not married. M.I.T., ’98. Real estate oper- ator. Mem. S.M.D., Chamber of Commerce. Clubs: Cumberland Golf, Winnesuket Golf, Metacomet Golf, Ironstone Country (sec.), Brunswick Fox Hound (v.p.), Horsemen of R.I. (treas.), Appalachian, etc. Residence: St. James Hotel, Woonsocket, R.I. 1-IVES, Mildred Frances Card (Mrs. Robert F.), 6 Brooklyn, N.Y., July 1, 1872. 10-Walter Palmer (q Vv); 9-Nehemiah (1637- 1717), dep. Gen. Ct., 15 sessions; mem. Gov.’s Council; m 1662, Hannah (Lord) Stanton (1644-1727; Thomas?) ; 8—-Nehemiah (1677-1735), m 1700, Jerusha Saxton; Canin. (1712-93), m 1st, 1733, Dorothy Palmer 6—Fenner (6 1735), m Lydia peer (b 1736); 5-—John, m 1776, Mary Hill (b 1757); 4-Ann (1782- 1848), m Richard Card (1771-1830) ; ota o8). (1805-68), m 1885, Catherine Storrs 11—-William Denison (qv); 10-Capt. George (1618-94), capt. in King Philip’s War; gov.’s asst.; dep. Gen. Ct.; m 1st, 1640, Bridget Thompson (1622-48; John!!, m Alice—); 9-Hannah (6 1643), m 1680, Capt. Joseph Saxton i ae Thomas”, m Ann, dau. of William Opp), 8—Jerusha (b 1683), m Nehemiah Palmer (8 above). 10-Henry Adams (qv); 9-Samuel (d 1689), m Rebecca Graves (d 1700); 8—Rebecca (d 1727), m John Waldo (Cornelius’®, m Hannah Coggswell); 7-Sara (1691-1742), m 1715, Jehosophat Holmes (1690-1745; .Nathaniel§, m Patience Topcliff; Geor ge®); oR cheers: (1717-99), m Pinsent Coats (1720-99); 5—-Samuel R. (6 1745), m Eunice Child (b 1750); 4—Abigail (1777-1818), m Solomon Bliss (1767-1849); 3-Samuel C. (1808-93), m Jane Mann (1812-78). 2-Dau. of Benjamin Franklin Card (1837-1921), inventor; m 1862, Abigail Bliss (1836-1917); is- sue: I-A. Florence (m John N. Ives); II-Mil- dred Frances (above). II-m June 24, 1897, Robert Franklin Ives, } Brooklyn, N.Y., Mar. 21, 1870; son of Edwin Ives, of Montclair, N.J.; issue: 1-Robert Mil- lard, 6 Brooklyn, N.Y., Apr. 25, 1899; Prince- ton, ’22; m Apr. 25, 1928, Donna, dau. of Don- ald Morgan Barrett, of Palestine, Tex, Mem C.D. DAL Cin C.D XV LIC D Avie: Eh, Nat. Soc. of N. E. Women (past pres. Brook- lyn Colony), Brooklyn Women’s Club, Ex- Presidents Club. Residence: 962 Ocean Av., Brooklyn, N.Y. 1-McMAHON, Annie Gage Winston (Mrs. Carl W.), 6 Sumter Co., Ala., Feb. 21, 1854. 6-Isaac Winston, from Wales ca. 1704, settled in Hanover Co., Va.; m 2d, Mary Dabney (their dau. Sarah, m 2d, Col. John Henry, and be- came the mother of Patrick Henry); 5—-Anthony (b 1723), m 1747, Alice Tavion (b 1780); 4-Anthony (1750-1828), capt. Am. Rev.; m 1776, Keziah Jones (1760-1826) ; 38—Anthony, served in Mexican War; Watson. 8-Thomas Brodnax, of Gramersham Park, Eng.; 7—Robert, m Anne Gibbon; m Sara 84 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 6—-William, came to America; m Rebecca Travis; 5-William, m Anne Hall; 4-John, m Martha Rivers; aa Robert, soldier War 1812; m Olive Whit- aker. 2-Dau. of Capt. James McDonald Winston (1826- 1905), planter; capt., C.S.A., 1861-65; m 1845, Re- becca Virginia Brodnax (1829-1915); issue: 1— William Overton (b 1852; m Mollie Cullom); II—Annie Gage (above); III—Fannie V. (b 1861; m J. W. Steele); IV—Ella W. (b 1864; m M. B. Cameron); V—Olive (b 1869; m Vernon White). Il-—m Apr. 25, 1877, Carl W. McMahon, b Gaines- ville, Ala., Apr. 28, 1851; son of A. W. McMahon, of Gainesville; issue: 1—Fleta’ Winston, b Gainesville, Ala., Feb. 27, 1880; Ala. Normal Coll.; m Dee., 1900, James B. Morton (issue: Sidney, b 1902; Gage Winston, b 1905; Fannie Winston, 6 1907; Albert Spotswood, b 1909); 2— Lila St. Clair, b Gainesville, Oct, 1882; A.M., U. Ala.; A.M., U. Chicago; 3-Winston, 0 Gainesville, Feb. 1884; A.M., U. Alae Ts laos Tex.; m Frances Sewall; 4-Carl Wise henei0 Gainesville, Jan. 1886; A.B., Marion Mil. Inst.; B.L., U. Ala.; capt. 123d Inf., Dixie Div., World War; died at Mobile, 1922, from injury re- ceived in war; 5-Francis (d infancy); 6—Nell Winston, b Gainesville, 1891; A.B., U. Ala.; m Smith Fallaw; 7-William Overton, b Pied- mont, Ala., 1894; A.M., . Ala.; served in World War; 8&Donald, b Livingston, Ala., 1897; grad. Marion Mil. Inst. Mem, C:D:A.;)) DA. R.j0U-.S:D; 1812, U. DG. “Resi- dence: Livingston, Ala. 1TIACKSON, Alton Blanchard, } E. Jefferson, Me., Feb. 7, 1888. 8-Maj. Brian Pendleton (qv); 7-Capt. James (1626-1709), capt. War; m 2d, Hannah Goodnow: 6—Joseph, m 2d, 1700, Patience Potts: 5-Lt. Peleg, lt. Am. Rev.; m Ann Parks: 4-Capt. Phineas, War 1812; m Nancy Gilmore; 3-John Gilmore, m Sarah BE. Blanchard.. 2-Son of Dr. Alton Atwell Jackson, M.D., Har- vard, 1883; m Martha J. Pendleton (D.A.R.); issue: J—Alton Blanchard (above); Il—Arthur M. (6 1889); I1I—Evelyn P. (b 1894). I-m July 24, 1915, Rebecca Chilcott, b Bangor, Me., Jan. 9, 1890; dau. of Dr. Langdon Sargent Chilcott, m C. Lillian Baton; issue: 1—Nancy Pendleton, 6 Minneapolis, Minn., May 6, 1917; 2—Rebecca Porteous, b Westbury, L.I., N.Y., Nov. 15, 1918. A.B., Dartmouth, ’11 (Kappa Kappa Kappa, Sphinx). N.E. mgr. at Boston for Skinner Bros. Mfg. Co. of St. Louis. Residence: 19 Myrtle St., Winchester, Mass. 1-McSWAIN, John Jackson, b Cross Hill, S.c., May 1, 1875. 6—-David McSwain, from settled in N.C., 1734; 5—David, IT; 4—Charles, m Mary Washburn; 3-William A., m Elizabeth Randall. 5-Patrick McGowan (b Ireland, ca. 1750; son of John), came to U.S., 1798; m Mary Thompson; 4-William, m Janie McWilliams; 3—John J., m Mary Wells. 2-Son of Eldredge Tracy McSwain, M.D., sur- geon, C.S.A.; m Janie McGowan: issue: I-Wil- ilam A. (b 1872; m Carrie Lee; m 2d, Drucie Cromer); II—-John J. (above); IlI—Lucius F. (b 1877, m_Jenie Lee Martin): IV—Horace L. (6 1879; m Virginia Block; m 2d, Lena Madden); V-Claude W. (b 1881; m Lucile Rhyne), II—m Apr. 26, 1905, Sarah McCullough, b Prince- ton, S.C., Feb. 8, 1880; D.A.R.; dau. of John W. McCullough, of Princeton, S:C.: issue:t— Janie, b Greenville, S.C., Oct. 8, 1913. A.B., S.C. Coll., ’97. Lawyer: referee in bank- ruptcy, 1912-17; mem. 67th to 69th Congresses. 1921-27. Capt. Co. A, 154th Inf., A.E.F., World War. Author: The Causes of Secession. Lec- turer on constitutional law, Furman U. (See he otan in America). Residence: Green- ville, S.C. 1-NORRIS, Harriette Bronson Holbrook (Mrs. Edward A.), b Jackson, Mich., Nov. 29, 1849. 8-Thomas Holbrook (will dated 1673), from Eng., 1635, with his wife, Jane, and four children; settled at Weymouth, Mass.; selectman; rep. Gen. Ct.; 7-Thomas (ca. 1624-1697), Joanna-; King Philip’s Scotland, Braintree, Mass.; m 6-Peter (1655-1713), m 1st, Alice-; - 5-John (1679-1765), m Hannah— (1684-1770); 4-Lt. Aaron (17380-1818), responded to Lexington Alarm; mem. Provincial Congress, 1775; m 1762, Hannah Partridge (1733-82; Joseph®, m Eu- nice, dau. of Jonathan Morse‘); 8-Benajah (1772-1855), m 1800, Judith Badger (1779-1844; Henry‘, m Judith Cogswell; Henry’; Nathaniel*; Sgt. John’; Giles’), 2-Only child of J. Milton Holbrook (1817-1900), m 1848, Sarah A. (1821-53), dau. of Ira Bronson (1787-1853), from Wales, settled at Coldwater, Mich.; m Mary Crittenden (1794-1873). M Nov. 12, 1872, Edward Augustus Norris, 0 Pioneer, O., Jan. 4, 1848; son of Philetus Nor- ris, of Pioneer, O., and Detroit, Mich.; issue: 1—Edna Chaffe Norris, b Hillsdale, Mich., Sept. 4, 1877; m June 21, 1898, William N. Davis (is- sue: Harriette A.; Nancy E.); 2-Robert Fal- ley, 6 Hillsdale, Oct. 3, 1875; m Apr. 23, 1905, Jessie Reese. Mem. D.F.P.A., D.A.R. Residence: 928 Joplin St., Joplin, Mo. I-OAKLEY, Amy Ewing (Mrs. Thornton), b Bryn Mawr, Pa., Jan. 21, 1882, 6-Thomas Ewing (1695-1748), from Londonderry, Ireland, emigrated to Long Island, 1718; set- ea at Greenwich, West Jersey; m Mary Mas- ell; 5—Maskell (1721-96), m Mary Pagett; 4-Maskell (1758-1825), clerk N.J. Gen. Assembly; State senator 6 yrs.; moved to ‘Woodstock,” Villa Nova, Pa., 1805; m 1787, Jane Hunter; 3—Maskell Cochran (1806-49), m Cornelia Lansdale (g.dau. of Thomas Lancaster Lansdale, maj. Md. Cont. Line, and maternally g.dau. Brig. Gen. Stephen Moylan, 1737-1811, a.-d.-c. to Gen. Washington), 7-James Stephenson Whelen (b Ireland), from Eng. to N.Y., 1694; m Sarah Elizabeth Dennis, of Huguenot descent; 6-Dennis (d 1782), m 2d, Sarah Thompson; 5-Israel (1752-1806), commissary-gen. in Am. Rev.; m Mary Downing (g.dau. of founder of Down- ingtown, Pa.); 4-Israel (1783-1827), m 1810, Mary Siddons (Ed- ward’); 3—Henry (1818-99), m Hannah Chase. 11-Gov. Thomas Dudley (qv); Te (1612-72), m 1628, Gov. Simon Bradstreet av); , 9-Dorothy, m 1654, Seaborn Cotton (1633-86) ; 8—Mercy (1666-1715), m 1684, Peter Tufts; Ree John (1689-1750), m Sarah Bradstreet (6 697) ; 6-Sarah (1725-99), m 1743, Rev. Josiah Chase Thomas’; Thomas’; Aquilla®); 5-Col. Josiah (1746-1824), m Hannah Grow; 4-Jotham S, (1790-1883), m Mary Gould (1792-1853) ; 38—Hannah (1821-1908), m Henry Whelen (3 above). 2-Dau. of James Hunter Ewing (1842-1922), sr. partner Townsend, Whelen & Co., bankers, Phila.; m 1880, Hannah Chase Whelen (1854-83). M Mar, 28, 1910, Thornton Oakley (See Vol, taps 750); issue: 1-Amy (Aug. 1-Aug. 2, 1913); 2-Lans- dale, 6b Phila., Pa., Feb. 13, 1916. Author: Hill-Towns of the Pyrenees, 1923. Lit- erary mem. Phila, Art Alliance (See Who's Who in America). Residence: 905 Clinton Sis Phila., Pa. 1-SECOR, Alson, b Forest City, Ia., Nov. 5, 1871. 8-Ambroise (Sicard, Secord) Secor; 7—Daniel; ‘ 6-James, began to write name Secord; 5—Isaac (1739-1810), pvt. Am. Rev.; m Mary Gedney (1744-1812) ; Satna (1775-1812), m 1802, Catherine Strang (1780- 3-Alson (1802-65), m 1829, Sarah Caroline Knapp (1806-81; David‘, m Abigail, dau. of John Lee, pvt. Am. Rev.; David5, pvt. Am. Rev.). 2-Son of Hon. Hugene Secor (1841-1919), real estate and loan business; m 1866, Millie Matilda (1848- 1912), dau. of D. M. Spencer (1824-85); issue: 1— Willis (6 and d 1867); II-Willard (1869-1915): TIT— Alson (above); IV—Thad (6 and d 1873); V—Frank (1874-1875); VI-—Charles (b and d 1877): VII-Bry- ant (b and d 1880); VIII—Sadie (1883-84): IX—Nina (6 1886); X—Manly (b 1890: m Mora Whitehead). III—m June 24, 1896, Adella Adelaid, dau. of E. C. Schader; issue: 1—-Helen, 6 Forest City, Ta., July 23, 1900; Ia. State Coll., 22: m June 1922, Harold B. West (issue: Beverly Jean, b Des Moines, Ta., Oct. 15, 1928); 2-Marvel, 6b Forest City, Feb. 28, 1903; Ia. State Coll., ’25: 3-Vida, b FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 85 Clear Lake, Ia., Dec. 11, 1905; Ia. State Coll., ’27; 4—Ralph Schader, b Clear Lake, Aug. 17, 1907; 5-Candace, 0 Clear Lake, Aug. 4, 1909. id. Cornell Coll., and State U. of lowa, 98. Den- tist, farmer; editor Kimball’s Dairy Farmer, Waterloo, Ia., 1904-05; asso. editor Successful Farming, Des Moines, 1905-10, and editor since 1910. Mem. Labor Mission to Eng., 1918. Clubs: University, Professional Men’s, Caravan. Mem. State Hort. Soc. Mason (Shriner). Residence: 1224 48d St., Des Moines, Ia. “scot Henry Fairfax, b Oak Hill, Va., Apr. S-John Ayres; 7-Samuel; 6—Jabez, of Brookfield; 5—Jabez; 4—Daniel, of St. Johnsville, N.Y.; Ayres; 38—Romeyn Beck (1825-88), U.S.M.A., ’47, officer in Mexican War; col. U.S.A.; bvt. maj. gen. U.S.V. in Civil War; m Emily L. G. Dearborn (Col. Greenleaf, U.S.A; Gen. Henry®, dep. q.m. gen. on Washington’ s Staff in Am. Rev., maj. gen. U.S.A., mem. Congress, Sec. of War, 1801-09, in cabinet of President Jefferson, and minister to Portugal). 8-John Fairfax (d ca. 1692), of Charles Co., Md.; m Catherine Norris; 7—John (d 1785), Charles Co:, Md.; m Mary Scott: 6—-William (d 1793), of Occoquan, Va.; m Benedicta Blanchard; 5-Jonathan (d 1787), of “Goose Bay,” nr. Port To- bacco, Md.; m Sarah Wright; 4-Henry (1774-1847), of ‘Prospect Hill,” nr. Dum- fries, Va.; m 3d, Elizabeth Lindsay (Thomas', of Mt. Pleasant, Va.) 3-Col. John Walter bos 1908), of ‘‘Freestone,”’ Prince William Co., Va., and “Oakhill,” and “Bellgrove,” Va.; a.-d.-c. on staff of General Longstreet, C.S.A.; m Mary Jane Rodgers (Col. Hamilton’), 2-Son of Col. Charles Greenleaf Ayres, U.S.A. (1854-1909), m Mary Elizabeth Lindsay Fairfax; issue: I—-EKmily Dearborn (m George Emlen Starr); Il—Henry Fairfax (above). Ii—m Dec. 2, 1914, Elsie Bevan, dau. Samuel Bevan Miller, of Baltimore, Md.; issue: 1—-Henry F., Jr., b New York, Nov. 3, 1918. V.M.I., 06; grad. U.S.M.A., ’08. Pres. Navey Gear Mfg. Corpn., New York. Resigned from U.S.A. as 2@)it.) ith Cav.% Its col., Va. N.G:,, June 24, 1917; with A.EK.F. in France, Aug. 8, 1918-Feb. 16, 1918; participated in 1st, 2d, 3d offensives of Meuse-Argonne, and 17th French Army Corps offensive. Mem. S.R. Hobby: Maker of ship models. Club: Apawamis Country. Residence: Rye, N.Y. 1-EGLESTON, William, !) Winnsboro, S.C., Sept. 2, 1873. 9-Begat Egleston (1590-1674), from Eng. to Dor- chester, Mass., 16830; moved to Windsor, Conn., 1685; m Mary Talcott (d 1657); &-James (1638-79), m Hester Williams. she was the first white child 6 at Hartford, Conn. (sis- ter of Roger Williams); 7-—Nathaniel (b 1666), m 1694, Hannah Ashley (6b 1675; David’, m Hannah, dau. of Henry Glover; Robert’, of Springfield, Mass.); 6—Joseph (1700-74), Windsor, Conn.; m 1730, Abigail (Weller) Ashley (6 1703); 5-Seth (1731-72), Sheffield, Mass.; m 1754, Rachel Church (1736-1825) ; 4—Azariah (1757-1822), of Lenox, Mass.; maj. Cont. Army; an original mem. Soc. Cin.; m 1785, Han- nah Paterson (1769-1803) ; 3—George Washington (1795-1863), Charleston, S.C.; m 1821, Martha (Du Bose) Porcher (d 1865). 5-James Aiken, from County Antrim, Ireland, d Winnsboro, S.C., 1798; m Elizabeth— (d 1808): 4—David (1787-1860), brother of William Aiken, first pres. South Carolina R.R. and uncle of William Aiken, gov. of S.C. and mem. Con- gress; went to Fairfield Co., S.C., 1799; m 1812, Nancy Kerr (d 1859); 3—James Reid (1812-77), m Eliza Cloud (d 1860). 2-Son of DuBose Egleston (1843-94), of Winns- boro, S.C.; m 1868, Mary Louise Aiken (1848-97): issue: I-Martha DuBose (1870-1913); II—William (above): I1I—Louise Aiken (m Rudolph E. Lee): IV—DuBose. TI—m Apr. 15, 1900, Annie Bonham Aldrich, 6 Barn- well, S.C., May 24, 1877; dau. of Judge Robert Aldrich, of Barnwell, m Sophie Bonham: issue (all 6b Hartsville, S.C.): 1-Louise Aiken, 6 Mar. m 1819, Electa 5, 1908; St. Mary’s Sch., Raleigh, N.C., ’21; 2— Sophie Bonham, 0b Dec. 17, 1904;-St. Mary’s, ’22; 3-William, 6 Jan. 24, 1909; U. South, ’29; 4-Du- Bose, 6 Dec. 20, 1911. Grad. U. South, ’91 (Kappa Sigma); M.D., U. Nashville, 1898. Physician. Mem. exec. com. State Bd. Health of S.C. since 1910. Capt., M.C., U.S.A., service at Camp Lee, 1918. Mem. S. CS S.A.R., N.E. Soc. of South Carolina, H.S.S8.C. Club: Kiwanis. Residence: Hartsville, S.C. JOSEPH GOLDING. (Born April 30, 1770, died July 18, 1818.) (From a crayon miniature upon vellum.) 1-GOLDING, Louis Thorn, ) Burlington, N.J., May 9, 1865. 8-Ephraim Golding (1663/64-1707), one of the proprs. (1691) of the town of Hempstead, L.I., N.Y.; m Rebecca Gibbs; 7—-Thomas (1695/96-1760), one of the first settlers of Northcastle Tp., Westchester Co., N.Y., prior to 1722; name appears in list of West- chester Co., slaveholders, 1755; m Mary Coles: 6—Joseph (1724/25-1789), farmer; lt. of Westchester Co. Company, N.Y. Provincial Forces; served in campaigns against Crown Point and Fort Frontenac in French and Indian War; m Phebe Flewelling 5-Abraham (ii4s- 1810), founder of Golden’s Bridge, N.Y.; m Phebe Thorn (1752-1812) ; 4-Joseph (1770-1818), farmer, of Somers, West: chester Co., N. Y.; m Sarah— (1774-1841); 3—A braham (1804-47), merchant, Perth Amboy, N.J.: m Adeline Augusta Arnold (1807-69; Lewis?, of Perth Amboy, soldier Am. Rev., whose son was Lewis Golding Arnold, U.S.M.A., 1837, bvt. brig. gen. U.S.V. in Civil War). 3-Camille Baquet (1800-80; son of Louis Joseph Baquet, extensive mfr. of cambric in Paris), grad. Sorbonne; came to U.S., 1825; 30 yrs. prof. French at St. Mary’s Hall, Burlington, N.J.; m Harriet Stuart, dau. of Henry Edward Lord, of Yorkshire, Eng., sec. to lt. gov. of Canada and commr. for removal of the Six Nations to Canada. 2-Only child of Isaac Thorn Golding (1835-1909). steamboat captain; manufacturer, banker of New York, later of Perth Amboy, N.J.; m 1861, Marguerite Louise Baquet (1838-1914). M Nov. 7, 1895, Amy Scott Thomas, b New York, Apr. 10, 1872; dau. of Dr. James Clark Thomas, m Susan Beecher Smith (desc. John Beecher, a founder of New Haven, Conn.); issue: I-Mar- garet Wilson, 6 Perth Amboy, N.J., June 16, 1902; Wellesley, ’25; II-John Harmon, b St. Jo- seph, Mo., Jan. 5, 1909. Ed. pvt. and pub. schools and Trinity Church parish school, N.Y. City; studied law, but never admitted to the bar. Newspaper work since 1885; on various newspapers N.Y. City and elsewhere: mng. editor New York Com- mercial Advertiser, 1894-97; editor and pub- 86 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY lisher St. Joseph News-Press since 1903 (See Who's Who in America). La Medaille du Roi Albert for services to cause of Belgium dur- ing World War. Mem. (life) N.E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., S.R., S.C.W. Clubs: Union League (New York), National Press (Washington), Country (St. Joseph). Summer place: ‘Windmill Lane,” Hyannis, Mass. Residence: 2117 Faraon St., St. Joseph, Mo. Soper Dorr Eugene, }) nr. Beloit, Wis., Mar. 8-George Felt (1601-93), founder of the family in America, was of record at Charlestown, Mass., 1633; a pioneer settler at Broad Cove, Casco Bay, Me.; m Elizabeth Wilkinson (d 1694; Widow Prudence’); 7—Moses (ca. 1651-post 1734), m Hannah Maine (John’, of N. Yarmouth, m Elizabeth-—); 6-Joshua (d ante 1747), m 1st, 1712/13, Ann Walcott (Capt. Jonathan’, m 2d, Deliverance Putnam); 5-Aaron (0 1715/16), m 1st, 1739, Mercy Waite (1717- post 1760; Peter®, m 1st, Sarah Pierce; Joseph’; Capt. John§); 4-Joseph (1757-1842), of Nelson, N.H.; Am. Rev.: m 1785, Elizabeth Spofford (b 1762; David®, m Elizabeth [Fales] Griffin; David’; Jonathan’; John’; John’); 3—Asa George (1791-1871), of Newark, Wis.; m 1815, Harriet Foster (d 1875; Abram‘, of Webster, N. Y., m Patience Woodhull; Jedediah®; Jonas’; Daniel’; Joseph’; Christopher’). 8-George Morris (will proved, 1691), of Elizabeth, N.J.; m Abigail-; 7—George, of Woodbridge, N.J.; m Mary-; 6—-George; 5—Reuben (1737-1801), Am. Rev.; m 1762, Elizabeth Wetherill (1736-1915; George®; Capt. Thomas’); 4—Moses (0 1767), m 1793, Margaret Scudder (Lem- uel’, m Margaret Longstreet; Jacob®; Benja- min’; Thomas’; Thomas’); 3-William Scudder (1811-95), m 1836, Zibiah Christy Gregg (1816-1904; Robertt, m Margaret McIlvaine; Samuel>; Lt. Samuel®; Capt. James’). 2-Son of Eugene Kincaid Felt (1838-1915), farmer, Newark, Wis., till 1883; mem. Wis. Legislature: lumber mcht., Barnes, Kan., till 1901; removed to Seattle, Wash.; m 1861, Elizabeth Morris (1839-1920); issue: I-Dorr Eugene (above); II-— Lola Abbie (b 1864; m Charles M. Bremerman): I1I—Minnie (1865-67); IV—Mary Adelia (1867-1894) : V-Artemusia (b 1869; m John F. Martin); VI— Fred Kincaid (b 1871); VII—Earl (b and d 1873); VIII-Flora Clementine (b 1874; m Thomas A, Graham); IX—Gertrude Elizabeth (61876; m Wil- liam F. Babcock); X—Vinnie Belle (b 1878; m Leslie Parker McCanne); XI—Louis Foster (1880-1918; m Marion Esther Smythe); XII—Rob- ert Gregg (1882-83). I-m Jan. 15, 1891, Agnes McNulty, b Bellevue, Ta., April 2, 1861; dau. of George Washington Mc- Nulty, of Chicago; issue (all b Chicago, I11.): 1— Virginia, 6 Mar. 23, 1892; m Apr. 30, 1918, Ray- mond Joseph Koch, of Chicago (issue: Ray- mond Felt, b Sept. 27, 1919: Mary Elizabeth, b June 14, 1921; Virginia Harriet, 6 Aug. 6, 1923): 2-Elizabeth, b Oct. 6, 1898; 3-Constance, 6 July 20, 1896; m June 21, 1921, Albert H. Tippens (is- sue: Constance Felt, 6 July 12, 1922: Dorr Eugene Felt, 6 Dec. 28, 1923; Anne Clark, b Sept. 7, 1925); 4-Dorothea, b June 25, 1903. Inventor of adding and calculating machines: pres. Felt & Tarrant Mfg. Co., Chicago, since 1886. Mem. S.A.R. (pres. Ill. Soc., 1920), ete. (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 432 Well- ington Av., Chicago, Ill. 1-AYARS, Mary Christine Warren (Mrs. Henry M.), b Bremen, Germany, July 24, 1863. 7—-William Warren (qv); 6—-William (1705-will probated 1768), of Williams- ate ars at m Susannah Mather (1700-89; Jere- miah’); 5-Mather (1743-1808), m Esther Hart (1743-1815): Rete ee Mather (1770-1807), m Lois White (1770- 8—Mather (1800-69), m Anna Fairfield (1800-67). 8-Thomas Merrick (1620-1704: son of Rev. John, rector of Llandachya, Wales; desc. Sovereign Prince of Wales), from Wales, 1636, one of set- ste of Springfield, Mass.; m 1658, Elizabeth ey; 7-Thomas (1663-1743), m 1690. Hannah Dumbleton: 6—-Dea. David (1699-1757), m 1735, Mary Colton: 5-Lt. Jonathan (1747-1812), officer Cont. Army; m Mary Merrick (Thomas®, m Mary Warner): 4—John (1781-1816), m1804, Harriet Brewer (Charles', m Anna Chatterton); 3-John Marshall (1810-92), m 1832, Mary Jane Thompson. (Charlest, m Anna Gilbert, dese. Matthias Gilbert, gov. Colony of Conn.). 2-Dau. of William Fairfield Warren (See Who's Who in America), m 1861, Harriet Cornelia Mer- rick (1843-93); issue: I-Mary Christine (above); II—William Marshall (b 1865; m Sarah Bain- bridge Shields); II1I—Anna Merrick (b 1868; m George Ainsworth Dunn); IV—Winifred (b 1870; m George Arthur Wilson), I—m Sept. 3, 1890, Henry Morton Ayars (Apr. 3, 1864-Apr. 8, 1896); A.B., Harvard, ’86; lawyer: issue: 1—Christine Merrick (qv for Ayars and Bowman lines). A.B., Boston U., ’85 (Phi Beta Kappa). Taught in Cambridge Latin School, 1885-89. Author: The Boy Who Lost His Name, 1921. Also short stories in periodicals. Residence: 131 Davis Av., Brookline, Mass. 1-AYARS, Christine Merrick, Mass., Mar. 31, 1894. Desc. Robert and Elizabeth Ayars, from Eng., 1664; settled at Hopkinton, R.I., 20 yrs.; re- moved to Shiloh, Cumberland Co., N.J. 4-Rev. James Brooks (1800-73), M.E. minister, Phila., m 1828, Eliza Tomlinson; 3—Charles Washington (1836-69), M.E. minister, m 1858, Amelia J. Bowman. i 7—John (Bauman) Bowman (d 1785), from Switzer- land, 1725; received land warrant for 200 acres in Lebanon Co., Pa., 1743; pvt. Am. Rev.; 6—-Abraham (d before 1794), m Christina-—; 5-John, m 1802, Magdalena Ellenberger; 4—Michael (1806-55), m 1833, Jane F. Tennis (6 1811) ; 3-Amelia J. (1830-1910), m 1858, Charles Washing- ton Ayars (3 above). 2-Dau. of Henry Morton Ayars (1864-96), A.B., Harvard, ’86; lawyer; m 1890, Mary Christine Warren (qv for maternal lineages). A.B, Boston) U2) (C.L7A.), 0716 (Pls Kee Kea M.S., Simmons Coll., Dept. Econ. Research, 1924. Was war work sec. of Nat. Bd. of Y.W. C.A. as dir. of girls’ work of War Camp Com- munity Service, at New London, Conn., 1917-18. Residence: Apt. 3, 405 W. 118th St., New York City 1-AYRES, Robert Williams, } Cincinnati, O., Oct. 6, 1880. 10-John (Eyer, Ayer) Ayres (qv); 9-Obadiah (d 1694), Woodbridge, N.J.; m a dau. of Capt. John Pike; 8—John (1663-1732) ; 7-John (1691-1759) ; 6—John (1719-77); 5-Isaac (d 1794); “eins Cooper (1782-1821), m Comfort Day (1785- 1870) ; 3-Dr. Henry P. (1813-87), m Katherine Eliza Rowan (Vice Adm. Stephen C., U.S.N.4, vet. Mexican and Civil wars). 4-James McLean, from Paisley, Ann McLean, of Phila.; 3-S.B.W. (d 1874), of Cincinnati; m Ann Eliza Hutchens. 2-Son of Dr. Stephen Cooper Ayres (1840-1921), B.A., Miami, ’61; M.D., Med. Coll. of Ohio, 1864; pvt., later actg. asst. surgeon U.S.A., Civil War; oculist, Cincinnati; m 1864, Louise McLean; issue: I-Wylie McLean (See Vol. 1, p. 435); II-Rowan (1876-1912); IIl1I—Robert Wil- liams (above); IV—Louise (m Archibald Ham- ilton Rowan); V—Gertrude (m Pelham Hooper Blossom), III-m Aug. 8, 1906, Kate Dawson O’Neill, b N.Y. City, Sept. 29, 1882; dau. of Henry Basil O’Neill, of Port Huron, Mich., m Annie Dawson Coyle, of Washington (dau. of John Coyle, m Kate Dawson, of Baltimore); issue: 1—Nancy, 0 Pasadena, Calif., May 10, 1907; 2-Katherine, b Pasadena, Dec. 2, 1910; 3-Francis, b Sonora, Calif., Feb. 9, 1912; 4-Stephen Cooper, b Sonora, Jan. 27, 1918. Ph.B., Yale-S., ’08, M.F., 1904. Forester, U.S. Forest Service, since 1%4. Mem. M.0O.L.L. Residence: San Rafael, Calif. 1-CUBRRIE, Thomas White, } Durango, Falls Co., 'Tex., Jan. 28, 1879, : 5-James Currie, from Ireland to Va., ante 1760; m Mary Catherine Armstrong; 4-Joseph (1769-1843), of Caswell Co., N.C.; m Jane Wiley (1777-1838); 3-James (1803-54), m 1837, Julia Ann Mitchell. tb Cambridge, Scotland; m FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 87 7-Alexander Mebane, from Ireland to Pa.; a jurist under the regal govt. before Am. Rev.; 6-Alexander (1746-95), officer Am. Rev.; m 1767, Mary Armstrong (1746-92) ; 5—David, m ist, 1786 Anne Allen; 4-Elizabeth, m John Mitchell; 3—Julia Ann (1815-82), m James Currie (38 above). 4-Isaac White (1785-1863), of Pontotoc Co., Miss.; War 1812; m Jane Shannon (1788-1856), of Tenn.; 3—-Elias Frierson (d 1851), m 1847, Mary Ann Storey 1820-93; Anthony‘, m 1818, Margaret Means). 2-Son of David Mitchell Currie (1842-1916), set- tled in Tex., 1859; m 1873, Ira Ione White (1850- 1890); m 2d, Irene Morgan; issue (lst marriage): I-James; II—Reese Frierson, M.D.; III—-Mary; IV-—Thomas White (above); V—Mattie; VI-— Julie; VII-Will; VIII-Bettie; IX—David Eu- gene; (2nd marriage): X—Morgan (killed at St. Mihiel, France); XI-—Joe; XII-Sarah; XIII—Robert Lee. a ay 26, 1918, Jeannette Ella Roe (qv for ssue). B.A., Austin Coll., Sherman, Tex., ’07 (D.D. 1915); M.A., U.Tex. 1911; B.D., Austin (Tex.) Presbyn. Theol. Sem., 1911. Gen. sec. Y.M.C.A. at U.Tex. 1911-20; prof. English Bible since 1911, pres. and prof. ch. history since 1920, Austin Presbyn, Theol. Sem. (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 2621 Speedway, Austin, Tex. 1-CURRIE, Jeannette Ella Roe (Mrs. Thomas W.), b Fort Worth, Tex., August 16, 1883. 4-Hugh Dickson, Jr. (1772-1856), 6 Co. Down, Ire- land, d Honesdale, Pa., m 1794, Elizabeth (1774- ete dau. of John Walker, of Co. Down, Ire- an 3-James Reid (1811-70), m Caroline Lousia Stuart (1819-93; James* [1767-1849], of Phila., m 1796, Martha [1777-1842], dau. of Henry Mitchell, m Martha Van Horn). 2-Dau. of Elizabeth Walker Dickson (1846-1910), m 1880, Theodore Hart Roe (1849-1917), lumber dealer. For issue and Roe lineage see Mrs. Charles A. Keith. M Aug 26, 1913, Rev. Thomas White Currie (qv); eee (all 6 Austin, Tex.): 1-Thomas White, b Nov. 18, 1914; 2-David Mitchell; b Nov. 1, ig: 3-Stuart Dickson, b Oct. 20, 1923; 4-Bliza- beth Jeannette, b July 3, 1924. Residence: 2621 Speedway, Austin, Tex. 1-KEITH, Anna Dickson Roe (Mrs. Charles A.), 6 Ft. Worth, Tex., July 29, 1881. 8-John Roe (1628-will probated 1714), to Boston, 1641; later Setauket, L.I., 1655; signed treaty with Indians for land in Suffolk Co., L.I.; m ist, ca. 1655, Hannah (Purrier?); 7-Nathaniel (1670- 1752), m ca. 1699, Hannah Reeve (1678-1759; James’); 6—Nathaniel (1700/01-1789), French and Indian War; m ca. 1741, Elizabeth Phillips (1702/03-1788 ; Rev. George’; Rev. Samuel8; Rev. George®); 5-James (1744-1815), Ulster Co., N.Y.; officer Am. Rev.; m ist, 1770, Elizabeth Eltinge (1745-93; Jan’; William’; Jan); 4—John Eltinge ‘(1774- 1831), Virgil, N.Y.; m 1796, Charlotte Merritt (d 1835; desc. Thomas Mer- ritt, Humphrey Underhill, Thomas Sherwood, John Ogden); 3—John Morey (1804-72), Marathon, N.Y.; m 2d, 1842, Jeannette Kirtland Shipman (1818- 1906; Henry T.4; Elias®; John*®; John’; Johns; Edward Ship- ton, or Shipman’). 2-Dau. of Theodore Hart Roe (1849-1917), lumber dealer; m 1880, Elizabeth Walker Dickson (1846- 1910) ;issue:1—Anna Dickson (above); II—Martha Dickson (6 1881; m James Finley Hardie, D.D.); IlI—Jeannette Ella (Mrs. Thomas White Cur- rie, qv for Dickson lineage); IV—John Addison (1885-86); V—Theodore Hart (b 1886); VI-James Reid (6 and d 1889); VII—Louisa Stuart (b 1890); VIII-Mary Elizabeth, M.D. (b 1892). I-m Dec. 26, 1912, Charles Alexander Keith, b Hot Springs, Ark., Feb. 28, 1883; educator (See Who’s Who in America): issue: 1-Theodore Henry Roe, b Richmond, Ky., Nov. 28, 1913; 2— Eugene Dickson, b Richmond, Aug. 6, 1919. A.B., Mary Nash Coll., Sherman, Tex., 01, and U. of Tex., 10. Mem. D.F.P.A., D.A.R., Am. Hist. Soc., Ky. Hist. Soc., A.A.U.W., etc. Residence: Lancaster Avy., Richmond, Ky. 1-FERRY, Mansfield, 6b June 21, 1882, &-Charles Ferry (d 1699), from Eng. to Spring- “iat Mass., ca. 1660; m Sarah Harmon (1644- 1 7—-Charles (1665-1719/20), m 2d, Abigail Warner; 6—Noah (1712-98), m Experience Allis; 5-Noah (1748-1819), m Hannah Montague; 4—Heman (1786-1856), m Roxanna Burchard; 3-William Henry (1819-1881), m Mary Ann Will- jams. 2-Son of Charles Herbert Ferry (1851-1910), B.A., Yale, ’72; mgr. Latrobe Steel Co., eae m 1881, Emily Dwight Mansfield (See Vol. 1, p. 598, for other lineages). M Apr. 9, 1917, Jean Morris Barnes, b Throgs Neck, Westchester, N.Y., Mar. 17, 1898; dau. of Thurlow Weed Barnes, m Frances Isabel Mor- ris (now Mrs. Lewis Cass Ledyard, See Vol. 1, p. 34); issue (all b New York, N.Y.): 1-John Mansfield, 6 Feb. 24, 1919; 2-Frances Isabel, b Dec. 3, 1920; 3—May Mansfield, 6 Mar. 25, 1922. B.A., Yale, 03; LL.B., Harvard, 1909. Admitted to bar, 1909; mem. law firm of Geller, Rolston & Blanc, New York, since 1920. Served in state councils sect., Council of Nat. Defense, later asst. gen. counsel and then gen. counsel to alien property custodian, World War. Clubs: Saddle and Cycle, Chicago (Chicago), Gradu- ates (New Haven), Knickerbocker, Union, Rid- ing, Piping Rock, University, Yale, Harvard, Automobile (New York), Metropolitan (Wash- Eten), etc. Residence: 62 E. 92d St., New ork. Ui babe antl John Luther, 6 Stockwell, Ind., Oct, 9-Joseph Clarke (qv); 8—-Joseph, Newport and Westerly, R.I.; town clk.; dep. Gen. Assembly; 7-Joseph, town clk. and elder, Westerly; 6—Elisha, soldier Am. Rev.; 5—-George, soldier Am. Rev.; 4-George, Westerly, R.I., and Manchester, Ind.; 3-John B., Newport, R.I., and Onarga, I1l.; mem. Ind. Legislature. 2-Son of Henry Godden Jackson, D.D. (1837-1914), A.B., DePauw, ’62, prominent M.E. minister; missionary; m 1862, Alice Clarke (b 1844); issue: I-Charles Henry (m Mae Buckman); II—John Luther (above); III—Alice Mabel (m Charles Lane); I1V—Mary Sophia (m William A. Con- over); V-—Arthur Dudley (maj. U.S.A.; mm Hermione Hoge); VI—Harrison Clarke (1875-98) ; VIiI-Emmett Monroe (m Anne Long); VIII-— Raymond Danforth (m Leona Black). II-m June 24, 1891, Laura Elizabeth Bond, 0 Chi- cago, Oct. 24, 1867; dau. Lester Legrand Bond. lawyer, once actg. mayor of Chicago; issue: 1—Laura Avis, b at Chicago, June 16, 1892; De Pauw, ’13; m June 1918, Charles Bernard Aus- tin, lt. Air Service U.S.A. (issue: John Flet- eher; Hoyt; Charles B., Jr.); 2-John Spencer, bh Chicago, Oct. 13; 1894; De' Pauw, ’17; 2d lt. of inf., Air Service, 1917-18; m Sept. 1917, Cora Marie Krau (issue: John Spencer, Jr.; Peter Krau); 3-Amy Clarke, b Chicago, Oct. 1, 1896: grad. Pestolozzi Froebel Inst., ’21; 4-Mabel Bond, b Chicago, Feb. 25, 1898; U. Wis.; m Feb. 5, 1921, R. C. W. Blessley, 1t. Air Service U.S.A. (issue: R.C.W., Jr.: Elizabeth); 5-Alice Edith, b River Forest. I1l., Apr. 13, 1902; U. Wis.; m Feb. 14, 1923, William C. Phelps (issue: Eliza- beth Carne). Ph.B., De Pauw, ’89 (D.K.E.), A.M., 1892; LL.B., Lake Forest U., 1898. Attorney-at-law. Former pres. Patent Law Assn. of Chicarzo. Pres. Library Bd. and Bd. of Edn., River Forest, IIl., 1901-05. Clubs: University (Washington), Union League, Law, South Shore Country, Olympia Fields Country. Residence: The South Shore View, 7100 South Shore Drive, Chicago, I]. 1JJAMISON, John Ernest, § Dillon’s Mill, Va., May 16, 1880. 8-James Jamison (1650-1720), from Glasgow, Scot- land, and settled in York Co., Pa., 1700: 7-John (b 1680), served in Indian wars and Au- gusta Co., Va., militia; 6—Capt. Thomas (1732-1830), served in Indian wars, and in Cont. Army in Am. Rev.; signed Decla- ration of Independence of Albemarle Co., Va., 1779; m 1756, Jane Dickey; 5—Capt. John (1758-1842), served throughout Am. Rev.; m 1778, Elizabeth McWilliams; 4~John (1783-1864), War 1812; m 1806, Katherine Boone (1785-1866; Jacob, Am. Rev., and cousin of Daniel Boone, famous pioneer); 3—John (1824-1900), served in Co. G, 87th Va. Cav., C.S.A., 1861-65; m 1844, Elizabeth Akers (1824-59; William’, m Lavinia Capper, g.dau. of Col. John Jamison, ed. William and Mary Call, col. 88 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Am. Rev., mem. Soc. Cin.; James®, War 1812; William’, corp. Am. Rev.). 8—-William Webster, mem. of the company and first colony of Va.; 2d charter granted by King James I, May 238, 1609; 7-Maj. Richard, rep. House of Burgesses, 1658; 6—John; 5—John (1729-1822), pvt. Am. Rev.; extensive land- holder; 4—-George (1783-1829), m 1802, Peggy Ricord (1782- 1876), from England to Va., 1796; 3—John R. (1804-91), m 1839, Catherine Peters (1812- 97; David‘, War 1812; Stephen, Indian wars, cousin of Richard Peters, sec. Bd. of War, 1776- 1781). 2-Son of John William Jamison (b 1849), farmer and stockraiser, Roanoke, Va.; served in Co. G, 37th Va. Cav., C.S.A.; m 1878, Sarah Eliza- beth Webster (b 1849); issue: I-John Ernest (above); II-Kdgar Forest (m Mattie Jennings). I-m Apr. 4, 1912, Lula Meador, b Goodview, Bed- ford Co., Va., June 29, 1876; dau. of Oliver Perry Meador, of Bedford Co. (Jeremiah’, War 1812; Jeremiah‘, Am. Rev.); issue: 1—John Forest, 6 Roanoke, Va., Jan. 14, 1913. Ed. public and private schools, and Feeser’s Inst. Wholesale merchant to 1925; sec.-treas. Roanoke Knitting Mills, Inc., since 1925; dir. Mountain Trust Bank. Deacon, Bapt. Ch., 16 yrs.,now clerk of the church, etc. Mem. S.A.R., S.C.V., etc. Summer place: ‘‘White Oak Stand,” Boone’s Mill, Va. Residence: 618 Elm Av. S.W.., Roanoke, Va. JAMES HABERSHAM (1712-75). Governor of Georgia, 1769-72. 1-COLQUITT, Joseph Clay Habersham, b Savan- nah, Ga., May 28, 1883. 5-Anthony Colquitt (b 1710), settled in Halifax Co., Va.; m Christina-; ; 4—Henry (1759-1820), m Nancy Singleton Holt; 3-Walter Terry (1799-1855), U.S. senator from Ga,, 1842-48; m 3d, 1842, Harriet Ross. 6-James Habersham (1712-75), from Eng. to Sa- vannah, Ga., 1738; was sec., councillor, and royal gov. Province of Ga., 1769-72; m Mary Bol- ton; 5-Joseph (1751-1815), one of the “Liberty Boys”; del. Provincial Congress; Postmaster Gen. in Cabinets of Washington, Adams and Jeffer- son; m,1776, Isabella Rae; 4—Robert (b 1783), m 1817, Elizabeth Neyle; 3—-William Neyle, m his cousin, Josephine Clay Habersham (dese. John, brother of Joseph above). 2-Son of Walter Wellborn Colquitt (1847-1913), chief of revenue agts. of U.S.; m 1873, Lilla Neyle Habersham (1855-1906); issue: I—Lilla Neyle (b 1874; m John G. Barnwell); IT—Harriet Ross (b 1876); TI1I—William Neyle (1878-1924; m Marie Dolores Boisfeuillet) ; 1V—Mabelle Haber- sham (1880-84); V—Joseph C. H. (above); VI-— Anna Habersham (m George L. C. Hunter); Vil—Walter Wellborn (b 1895). V—-m Nov. 3, 1915, Julia Turner Heyl, 6 San Antonio, Tex., July 2, 1888; dau. of Edward M. Heyl, of Phila., Pa.; issue: 1-Joseph Haber- sham, 0 Dec. 3, 1917; 2-Julian Heyl, b May 3, 1921; 3-Delphine Turner, b Feb. 4, 1923. Attorney and counsellor at law. Mem. S.C.W., S.A.R. Club: Racquet. Residence: 3100 Haw- thorne Pl., Washington, D.C. 1-JUHRING, Frances Bryant Fisher (Mrs. John C.), b New York, N.Y. 9-Thomas Fisher (d 1638), from Eng., settled at Dedham, Mass.; m Elizabeth— (d 1652); 8-Dea. Samuel (d 1704), Wrentham, Mass.; mm Melebah Snow (d 1693); eg peeciee (1669-1726), Wrentham; m Abigail H1lis; 6-Thomas (1699-1760), m Sarah Blake (6b 1705); 5-Abijah (1750-1821), m Mary Bennet (1746-1810), of Newport, R.L.; 4—-William Bennet (b 1772), Providence, R.I.; m Suky Nason, of Walpole, Mass.; 38-Willard Nason (1800-45), m Mary Gardner Avery (1799-1860; James G.4, m 1798, Mary Swift). 9-Edmund Quincy (qv); 8-Edmund (1627-98), freeman, at Boston, 1665; rep. Gen. Ct.; m 1st, 1648, Joanna Hoar (1625-80; sis- a a Leonard Hoar, 3d pres. of Harvard oll.); 7—Ruth (6b 1658), m 1686, Capt. John Hunt, of Wey- mouth, Mass. ; 6—-Benjamin (b 1698), m 1740, Sarah Arnold; 5-Abraham (6b 1748), m Mary St. Leger (Garrick® [b 1713], of Halifax, N.S., m Mary-, b 1718): 4—Maria (b 1783), m Abraham Burd (1775-1831), of Dorchester, Mass.; 38-Sarah Antoinette, m 1834, Alfred Bryant. 8-Stephen Bryant, from Eng. to Plymouth, Mass., 1632; m Abigail Shaw (they were the ancestors of William Cullen Bryant, famous poet); 7—John, m Sarah-; 6—Capt. George, m 1715, Sarah Ripley; 5-Seth, m 1765, Deborah Lobdell; 4-Percy, m 17%, Frances Goodwin Clark; 3—Alfred, m Sarah Antoinette Burd (3 above). 2-Dau. of Eugene Augustus Fisher (1834-93), metal broker, New York; m Maria Antoinette Bryant (1837-98); issue: I—Frances Bryant (above); II-Willard (b 1866); I1I—Jean (mCharles F. Bochman); IV—Alfred Bryant. I-m Oct. 19, 1901, John Christopher Juhring (See Vol. 1, p. 934); issue: 1-John C€., Jr., b New York, Aug. 30, 1902. Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R. Clubs: Colony, Ardsley. Summer place: Dobbs Ferry-on-Hudson, N.Y. Residence: 1030 5th Av., New York. 1-KEMPER, Aubrey Beauregard Cowan (Mrs. Graham H.), 6 New Orleans, La., Nov. 11, 1886. 5-Andrew Cowan (1760-1815), served in Pulaski’s Legion in Am. Rev.; m 1787, Martha Evans: 4—John (1792-1844), settled in Miss., 1810; m 1818, Sarah Jones; 3-Capt. James Jones (1830-98), comd. arty. in War Feuer the States; m 1851, Maria Louisa raig. 6—-William (Craige) Craig’ (b 1700), from Ireland, 1750; settled at New Hope, N.C.; earliest pur- chaser of land in Orange Co., N.C.; m Mar- garet Long; 5-Capt. David (1725-178), soldier Am. Rev.; m Hleanor Johnstone, of Anandale, Scotland: 4-John James (1779-1837), m Mary Wood, of N.C.: 3-Maria Louisa (1830-1909), m James Jones Cowan (3 above). 6—-Rev. Robert Henry (qv); 5-William (1761-1824), capt. Am. Rev.; maj. gen. Ky. vols. War 1812; mem. Ky. Senate; m 1786, Elisabeth J. Flournoy; 4—Gen. Patrick, m Elisabeth Taylor; 38-Edmund Taylor, surgeon C.S.A.; Clark Forbes. 2-Dau. of James Craig Cowan (1854-96), cotton buyer; m 1881, Louise Henry (6 1857); issue: I- Marie Louise (b 1882; m Henry W. Starling): Il—Aubrey Beauregard (above); III—James Jones (b 1896). : II—m Oct. 24. 1911, Graham Hawes Kemper (See Vol. 1, p. 171. for genealogy). Grad. Chevy Chase Coll., 04. Mem. C.D.A. Ad- dress: American Consulate, Sophia, Bulgaria. m Louisa FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 89 1-KENNEDY, Richard Lea, lb at Pittsburgh, Pa., Mar, 8, 1872. 4-Samuel Pew (1775-1852), removed from Wash- ington Co., Pa.,to Trumbull Co., O., 1809; soldier War 1812; m Elizabeth Downey (1779-1849); 3-Eliza (1808-61), m James Kennedy (1800-70). 5-Andrew Kirkpatrick (b 1720), capt. Ist Bn., Som- erset Co. (N.J.), militia in Am. Rev.; m Mar- garet Gaston; 4—bBlizabeth (1769-1840), m Hugh Barkley (1760-1830) ; 3-Hannah (1803-73), m Alexander Cameron (1814- 1868), from Scotland. 2-Son of Matthew Kennedy (1836-1916), banker; m Mary Jane Cameron (1839-1919); issue: I—-Rich- ard Lea (above); II]—Clara Cameron (b 1876; m Paul F. De La Vergne). I—m Sept. 17, 1902, Jane Jeoffrey McLeod, b Wood- stock, Ont., Can., Mar. 6, 1876; dau. John Coch- rane McLeod, of Woodstock; issue: 1-Richard Lea, Jr., 6 June 8, 1905. B.A., Princeton, ’95; LL.B., Harvard, 1898. Gen. solicitor, C.,St.P.,M.&0.Ry. Clubs: Minnesota, White Bear Golf and Yacht. Summer place: Manitou Island, White Bear Lake, Minn. Resi- dence: 550 Summit Av., St. Paul, Minn, 1-KENNEDY, Clara Hart (Mrs. Thomas), b Woodford Co., Ill. 7-Edward Hart, an Englishman, was one of the 18 incorporators of Flushing, L.I., 1645; as elk. of the town, 1657, he wrote a remonstrance against the persecutions of the Quakers and sent it to Gov. Stuyvesant, for which he was punished by the governor; 6—Jonathan (ca. 1650), m Hannah Budd; 5-Monmouth (ca. 1690-1761), m Sarah Ogden; 4-Joseph (1726?-1807), m Elizabeth Gedney; 3—Joseph (1756-1836), m Tamar Budd. 8-Lt. John Budd (d 1678), from Eng. to Hampton, Mass., in the “Swallow,” 1633; planter at New Haven, 1689; moved to Southold, L.I.; dep. Gen. Ct., New Haven, 1653; rep. town of Rye, West- chester Co., N.Y., 1666, 68; m Kathrine Brown; 7—John (ca. 1620-1684), m Mary Horton (Barnabas‘); 6-Hannah (6 1657), m Jonathan Hart (6 above). 8-John Gedney (1603-88), from Eng. in the “Mary and Ann,” 1637; m Mary-; 7—Eleazer (1642-83), m 1665, Elizabeth Turner (Rob- ert’, of Boston, m Elizabeth Freestone); 6—Eleazer (1665-1722), m Anna Mott (?)3 5—Eleazer (ca. 1698-1788), m Rebecca Turner (Dan- iel®; Lawrence’); 4-Blizabeth, m Joseph Hart (4 above). 8-Henry Fowler (d ca. 1687), Providence, R.I., and Mamaroneck, N.Y.; m Rebecca-; 7-Henry (1658-will dated 1730), Providence, R.I., Eastchester, N.Y.; m Abigail Hoyt (Moses§’, m Elizabeth-—); 6—Henry (1679-1734), Eastchester and Mamaroneck, INGY.? oA (1717-62), Mamaroneck, N.Y.; m Tamar— ( ; 4-Sarah (6 1744), m Joseph Budd (1732-1822), White Plains, N.Y.; 3-Tamar (1763-1826), m Joseph Hart (3 above). 2-Dau. of Allen Hart (1803-79), m Lucy (Willis) Davidson; m 2d, 1853, Martha (Baldridge) Pat- terson (1833-1925). M July 12, 1894, Thomas Kennedy, attorney; is- sue: 1-Kaywin, A.B., U. IIll., LL.B.; Northwest- ern U.; capt., assigned as wireless telephone officer of 130th Field Signal Bn., 4th A.C., in France, and served with Army of Occupation: m Dec. 18, 1920, Bernice Philips; 2-Thomas Hart, Culver Mil. Acad., Stanford U., Columbia U., Northwestern Law Sch.; commd. lt. from training sta., Ft. Sheridan and Camp Grant, Ill.; m Dec. 18, 1925, Marion Carter. Mem. Col. Daughters, D.A.R. Residence: 1201 Broadway, Normal, Ill. 1-KENT, Ira Rich, } at Calais, Vt., Oct. 28, 1876. 8-Joseph Kent (1636-1704), from Eng. to Brain- tree, Mass., 1644, m Susannah George; 7-Joseph (1665-1735), m 1690, Dorothy Brown (James§, m dau. of John Howland, qv); 6—John (1697-1780), m 1725, Rachel Carpenter: 5—-Exzekiel (1744-1842), drummer Am. Rev.; m 1768, Ruth Garey; 4—Remember (1775-1855), m 1799, Rachel Bliss (Capt. Abdiel5, officer Am. Rev.): 8—Ira (1803-98), m 1831, Polly Curtiss. 9-John Hollister (qv); &-John (1644-1711), m Sarah Goodrich: 7—-Thomas (1672-1741), m Dorothy Hills; 6-Thomas (1707-81), m Abigail Talcott; 5—Josiah (1756-1849), served in Washington’s body- guard during Am. Rev.; m Mary House; 4—Josiah (1783-1836), m Phebe Rich (Stephen; Samuel’); prceue! Dwight (1817-99), m Flora Strong Co- urn. 2-Only child of LeRoy Abdiel Kent (1843-1911), mcht.; m Susan Blanche Hollister (b 1852). M May 28, 1912, Louise Andrews, b at Brookline, Mass., May 25, 1886; dau. Walter E. Andrews, of Epping, Essex, Eng., now of Brookline, Mass.; issue (all 6 Brookline, Mass.): 1—Eliza- beth, 6 Apr. 28, 1913; 2-Hollister, b Mar. 1, 1916; 3-Rosamond Mary, b May 16, 1922. A.B., Tufts, 99. Formerly editor Youth’s Com- panion, Boston; mng. editor, Houghton Mifflin Co., publishers, Boston, 1926. Trustee Tufts Coll., Goddard Sem. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Vt. Hist. Soc. Served in Motor Corps, M.N.G., 1917-1919 (8 mos. police strike duty). Clubs: Theta Delta Chi (New York), St. Botolph, Papyrus (pres. 1918), Longwood Cricket. Sum- mer place: “The White House,’ Calais, Vt. Residence: 17 Hawthorn Rd., Brookline, Mass. 1-LEFFINGWELL, Charles Warring, b Knox- ville, Ill., May 14, 1871. 9-Lt. Thomas Leffingwell (qv); 8—-Nathaniel (1656-97), m 1682, Mary Smith; 7-Ens. Samuel (6 1692), m 1714, Hannah Gifford (b 1696; Samuel’, m Mary Calkins); 6—Samuel (1718-99), m 1740, Mercy Gorton (d 1794); 5-Benjamin (1748-1826), m 1763, Lettis Camp; 4—Joseph (1778-1864), m 1804, Sarah (Brandford) Ford (1780-1854) ; 3—-Lyman (1808-80), Meth. minister, Knoxville, Ill.; m 1st, 1833, Sarah Chapman Brown (1813-63; Elisha‘, m Lina Cone). 2-Son of Charles Wesley Leffingwell (See Vol. 1, Dp. 936), m 1862, Hlizabeth Francis. M Jan. 25, 1899, Virginia Preston Rowland, 0 Media, Pa., Oct. 24, 1876; dau. of Dr. Francis F. Rowland, of Media, Pa. (Dr. Joseph’); issue: 1—Marion Preston, b Pasadena, Calif., Dec. 8, 1899; Stanford, ’23; 2Charles Warring, Jr., 6 Whittier, Calif; Reb. 11; 1902: WU. Califa. 225: 3— ted Rowland, b Pasadena, Calif., Jan. 9, A.B., Columbia, ’92 (Psi U.). Citrus fruit grow- ing and investments. Mem. S.C.W., S.R. Clubs: University (Los Angeles and Pasadena), Val- ley Hunt, Flintridge Country, Pasadena Ath- letic; also various mountain, hunting and fishing clubs. Summer place: Balboa, Calif. Residence: The Terrace, 600 San Rafael Avy., Pasadena, Calif. 1-LE NOIR, Mollie Bishop Gibson (Mrs. Charles O.), 6 Flint, Mich., Oct. 15, 1886. 5—-William Gibson, of R.I., m Esther Kasson; 4—James, m Hannah Waters, of Le Roy, N.Y.: aarp Waters, m Isabelle Phillipson, of Flint, ich. 10—Henry Wolcott (qv); 9—-Ann (b 1620), m 1646, Matthew Griswold (qv): 8-Matthew (1653-1715), gov. of Conn.; m 2d, 1683, Phoebe Hyde; 7-John, m 1713, Mrs. Hannah Lee; 6—-Thomas, m 1741, Susannah Lynde; 5—-Lucy, m 1764, Richard Waite; 4—Phoebe, m 1809, Giles Bishop; 38—Giles, m 1843, Betsey Tupper. 2—-Dau. of William Law Gibson (1841-1904), banker; m 1869, Betsey Bishop (1844-1908); issue: I—Mollie Bishop (above); II—Arthur (1888-1911); II1I—-Guyv Waters (1890-1910). I-m July 5, 1917, Charles Owen Le Noir, } Orr ville, Ala., Jan. 12, 1887; son of Judge Charles Le Noir, of Magnolia Springs, Ala., m Julia Owen Johnson. Residence: 712 Riverside Av., Jacksonville, Fla. 1-MERICA, Alice White (Mrs. Charles O.), » Warsaw, Ind., June 2, 1865. 9-Thomas White (1599-1679), from Eng., 1635, set- tled at Weymouth, Mass.; selectman, com- manded a mil. co.; 8—Ebenezer (b 1648), It. at Weymouth; m Hannah Phillips (Nicholas?, It. mil. co.); 7—-Thomas (6 1673), Weymouth; m Mary White, of Dorchester; 6—-John (b 1704), m Hannah Dyer (Benjamin? [pb 1688], m Sarah Sawyer; Joseph§ [1653-1704], m 2d, Hannah Baxter; Thomas’, qv); 5—-Asa (1736-1818), compiler of above data: It. col. Am. Rev.; m 1765, Lucy Humphrey; 4—Abiel (b 1766), m 1790, Betsey Babcock, of Milton; 90 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 3-Lemuel Blake (b 1796), m 1824, Silence Webb Arnold. 7—Joseph Arnold, one of the earliest settlers at Braintree; 6-Samuel, m Sarah Webb (Christopher’, m Mary, dau. of John Bass, m Ruth, dau. of John Alden, qv., m Priscilla Mullins); 5-Samuel, of Weymouth; m Mary Nash (Alex- ander’, ‘soldier Am. Rev.); 4-Samuel, built the old Revolutionary tavern; m Sarah Webb; 3—-Silence Webb, m Lemuel B. White (3 above). 2-Dau. of Stephen Blake White (1827-93), m 1853, Mary McKeehan (0b 1830); issue: I-—Charles Lemuel (b 1854; m Flora Poor); II—-John Frank- lin (1857-83); III—Jessie Helen (1861-75); IV-Mary Alice (above); V—Henry Blake (1867-91). IV-—m May 23, 1888, Charles Oliver Merica, } Paris, O., July 8, 1864; son of William Merica, of Garrett, Ind.; issue: 1-Paul Dyer, b} War- saw, Ind., Mar. 17, 1889; m Sept. 22, 1917, Flor- ence, dau. of Thomas Gibbs Young, of Leba- non, Ky.; 2—-Arnold Alden, 6 Waukesha, Wis., May 1, 1898. Residence: Kendallville, Ind. 1-MERIWETHER, Minor, } Hernando, June 30, 1862. 8—Nicholas Meriwether (qv); 7-Col. David (1690-1744), of Louisa Co., Va.; m Anne Holmes (George§); 6—-Thomas (d 1756), m Elizabeth Thornton (Fran- cis’, bugress, of Spotsylvania Co., Va.); 5-Francis (b 1787), settled in Ga., where Meri- wether Co. was named for him; m Martha Jamieson; 4-Valentine, m Barbara Minor Cosby; 3—Charles, m Mildred Oliver. 2-Son of Valentine Meriwether (d 1885), m Eliza- beth Bolton (d 1908); issue: I—Charles Scott (1850-87); II—Valentine (1856-1911); III—Minor (above); ITV—Lewis (1865-1909). IlI—m Apr. 5, 1885, Anne MacNutt (qv for issue). Planter; was dir. 20 yrs. and chmn. bd. 11 yrs. of Continental Bank & Trust Co.; pres. Ex- change Banks since 1925. Mason. Residence: 1315 Fairfield Av., Shreveport, La. 1-MERIWETHER, Anne MacNutt (Mrs. Minor), b Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 26, 1865. 6-Alexander MacNutt (qv): 5-Alexander (d ca. 1751), came after his father; settled nr. Hagerstown, Md., thence to Augusta Co., Va., 1743; m Jane-; 4-Robert, m Janet Weir; 3—James, m Elizabeth Finley Gillespie. San Gillespie, m Isabella Houston (John‘, ce) ae) 4-James, m Elizabeth Finley (William5, of Au- gusta Co., Va.; Michael®, from Scotland, 1734); 3-Elizabeth F., m James MacNutt (3 above). 9-John Carter (qv); 8—Robert, “King” (1663-1732), of ‘‘Corotoman”; speaker Va. House of Burgesses; treas. of Va.; pres. council and actg. gov.; m Ist, Judith Chen (Col. John’, of ‘‘Hesse,’’ Gloucester Oo 7-John (1690-1742), m 1723, Elizabeth Hill (d 1777; Edward, of Shirley, Va.); their dau. Ann Hill, m Gen. ‘‘Light Horse Harry” Lee, and became the mother of Gen. Robert E. Lee; 6—Col. Edward (d 1792), of ‘Blenheim’; m Sarah Champe (Col. John’); 5-Elizabeth, m William Stanard, of “Roxbury Hall,’ Spotsylvania Co., Va.; 4—-Mary, m Archibald Campbell (g.son of Mrs. Kendall Lee, and desc..Hancock Lee, founder of the Ditchley Lees); 3—Mary, m William Chapman White (Chapman, m Martha Maury). 2—Dau. of Samuel Finley MacNutt (1809-72), cot- ton factor; m Ann Cowden White (1830-1913). M Apr. 5, 1885, Minor Meriwether (qv); issue: 1— Minor, Jr., 6 Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 6, 1886; U.S. N.A., ex-’08; m Sept. 1916, Anna Lockard Gal- braith; 2-William MacNutt, b Dec. 14, 1888; La. State U., '06; 2d l1t., Ist lt. and capt., Q.M.C.. U.S.A., and with A.E.F. in France, World War; m Sept. 13, 1916, Eleanor, dau. of W. L. Fos- ter (issue: William M., Jr.; Anne Foster; Minor, 2d); 3-James Scaife, b Memphis, July 20, 1890; La. State U., ’06; 2d It., lst 1t. and capt., inf.. service in U.S., World War; m Apr. 6. 1916, Lola, dau. of W. T. Crawford, of Shreve- port, La. (issue: James S., Jr.; Lola); 4—-Ann, } Memphis, May 27, 1892; ed. Mrs. Blake’s Sch., Miss., New Orleans; m Sept. 12, 1912, John P. Scott, of Shreveport, Gar (adopted: Nancy); 5—Mollie Fontaine, b New Orleans, La., Mar. 23, 1904; ed. Sweet Brier Coll., U. Lausanne (Switzerland), and at Paris; m Dec. 25, 1924, William Henry Evans, of Nashville, Tenn. Grad. Mary Baldwin Sem., ’84. Mem. C.D.A., O.C., D.B.R., U.D.C., Va. Hist. Soc., etc. Resi- dence: 1315 Fairfield Av., Shreveport, La. 1-MALUGE, Grace Elizabeth Ives (Mrs. Wil- liam A.), b Rubicon, Wis., Aug. 30, 1886. 10—Nathaniel Turner (d 1647), a founder of Colony of Mass. Bay, 1680; Pequot War, 1637; an orig- inal propr. of New Haven, 1639; dep. Gen. :Ct.; capt. New Haven Colony troops; commr. United Colonies; 9-Mary, m Thomas Yale (ca. 1616-1683), dep. Gen. Ct.; King Philip’s War(Thomas!, m Ann Lloyd, who m 2d, Gov. Theophilus Eaton); 8—Mary (b 1650), m 1672, Joseph Ives (1648-94; Wil- liam®, qv); 7-Samuel (1677- 1726), dea. North Haven Congl. Ch., 1718-26; m 1705, Ruth Atwater (1688-1758; Jona- than’, m Ruth Peck: David®, qv); 6-Samuel (1711-84), m 1744, Mary Gilbert (1717-post 1792) ; 5—-Dr. Levi (1750-1826), surgeon’s mate in Am. Rev.; m 1772, Lydia Augur (1753-1802); ‘Elihu (1777- 1849) m 1804, Lucy Whittemore (1781- 1848 8-William Augustus (1809-86), m 1842, Elizabeth Maria Pardee (1820-1907). 11-Richard Warren (qv); 10—Elizabeth (d 1670), m 1636, Richard Church (av); 9-Caleb (b 1642), of Dedham and Hingham, Mass.; m 1667, Joanna Sprague (bap. 1644; William”, av); Sh apecte (1678-1757), m 1695/96, Joshua Warren (1668-1760), Watertown, Mass. (Daniel®; John”, av); 7-Phineas (1718-99), Watertown and Waltham, Mass.; soldier Arn. Rev.; m 1739, Grace Hast- ings (1720-1805); 6—-William (1751- 1831), wounded at Bunker Hill; lt. Cont. Army; m 1777, Robey (or Rebecca) Hathaway (1757-1822) ; 5—Oliver W. L. (1791-1847), of Danville, N. Y.; m Olive Smith (1792-1842) ; 4-William G. W. (1819-59), m 1st, 1839, Rachel Roberts (1824-53); 3-Julia Ann Marion (1843-1907), artist; m. Ist, 1862, Henry Westlake Smith (1837-74), set. U.S: vV: in Civil War. 2-Dau. of Fannie Elizabeth Smith (1865-1901), m 1888, George Washington Ives (b 1860); issue: I-Prof. Frederick Walter (1884-1924; m Mary A. Parks); II—Grace Elizabeth (above); III—Wil- liam Lovell (b 1888; m Alma Beulow); IV— Carrie Nell (b 1889; m William Carpenter); V— George Smith (6 1891); VI-Clifford Elihu (6 1894; m Leta Faye Albin); VII-Sarah Rose- mond (b 1897; m Homer G. Spry); VIII—Irene Edna (b 1900; m Hillyer Estes). JI-m Apr. 7, 194, William August Albert Maluge, b Wilton, Wis., Apr. 22, 1877; son of Carl Ma- luge, of Wilton, m Mary Ann Battalia; issue: 1—Charlotte Musetta, b Granton, Wis., July 30, 106; 2—-Ruth Eloise, b Marshfield, Wis., Mar. aA ona 3-—Grace Virginia, 6 Marshfield, Jan. 15, 1920. Pupil School of Applied Art, Battle Creek, Mich., and Fireside Industries, Adrian, Mich. Compiling genealogy of Ives, Smith, Warren and Pardee families. Mem. §.M.D._ Resi- dence: 301 N. Peach St., Marshfield, Wis. Spree Cameron, § New York, N.Y., Apr. 3, 8—Philip Pieterse (van) Schuyler (qv); 7-Arent (1662-1730), capt. French and Indian War; employed by govt. in negotiations with Minnesiak Indians; estates at Pompton Plains, Belleville, Burlington and Elizabeth- town, N. J.; m ist, 1684, Jenneke Teller (Wil- liam§); 6—-Casparus (1695-1754), received estates nr. Bur- lington, N.Y.; m 1st, Jane-; 5—Arent (d 1780), m Janneke Van Wagenen; 4—-Aaron, m Hester Dey (Col. Theunis®, of Cont. Army, a personal friend of General Wash- ington); 3—-Peter, m Caroline Brother. 2-Son of Caroline Brother Schuyler (1828-1913), m 1850, Duncan Cameron Mann (1823-75), rector St. James (P.F.) Ch., Watkins, N.Y.; issue: FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 91 I-—Cameron (above); II—Katharine Brother (0b 1853; m Francis Eugene Cobb); IIlI—Anthony Schuyler (1857-1859); IV—Alexander (qv); V-— Donald Peter (1862-1913); VI-—Margaret Cam- eron (m William Harvey Chapman); VII-— Charles Duncan (6 1870); VIII—Caroline Schuy- ler (m Henry deLancey Ashley). I-m June 14, 1882, Mary Eliza, dau. of Frederick G. LeCain, of Cincinnati, O.; issue (both b Kansas City, Mo.): 1-Justine, 6 May 24, 1883; m Sept. 6, 1905, William Edgar Fisher (issue: Stowell LeCain; Cameron); 2—Dorothea, b Aug. 12, 1884; served in World War as supt. in charge of wounded officers, Base Hosp. 1, Neuilly, France; m Sept. 6, 1916, Clinton Mc- Clarty Harbison (issue: Clinton M., Jr.). A.B., Hobart, ’70, A.M., 1874; grad. Gen. Theol. Sem., 1873; (S.T.D., Hobart, 1888, Gen. Theol. Sem., 1902, U. South, 1914). Consecrated bishop of N.D., 1901; translated to southern Fla., 19138 (See Who’s Who in America). Hobbies: Botany, collecting books and relics of George Herbert. Residence: Bishopstead, Orlando, Fla. Lemeratal Arthur Teall, b New York, N.Y., Jan. 8-Richard (Man) Mann (1616-1655), from Eng. to Scituate, Mass., ca. 1640; m Rebecca-; 7—-Richard (1652-1728), settled at Hebron, Conn., ca. 1708, on a grant of land received for serv- ices in King Philip’s War; m Elizabeth Sut- ton (John§); 6—Nathaniel (6 1693), m lst Mary Root; 5—John (1720-1806), m 1740, Margaret Peters; m 2d, Hannah Kellog; 4-Capt. Andrew (1755-1846), Hannah Phelps; 3—Nathaniel (1803-86), m 1st 1826, Emma W. Rex- ford (Judge Samuel). 6—Oliver Teall (d 1724), came to America with Prudence, his wife, ca. 1723; settled at New Haven, Conn.; 5-Surgeon Oliver (b 1724), settled at Killing- worth, Conn.; entered the English Army as surgeon, served through the French War; m 1747, Ruth Hurd (5 sons in Am. Rev.); 4-Nathan (1766-1841), soldier Am. Rev.; m Polly Paine (Col. Brinton’, who moved to Newtown, N.Y., 1790); name of Newtown was changed to Elmira in honor of Elmira Teall, first child of Nathan Teall; 3—George Clinton Paine (d 1874), m Canfield. 2-Son of Samuel Rexford Mann (1828-73), Roches- ter, N.Y.; m 1854, Georgianna Teall (1831-95); issue: I-Emma (1856-57); II]-Samuel Rexford (6 1857); IlI—Nathan (1859-61); IV—Ida Victoria (6 1868); V—Arthur T. (above); VI—Frederick Maynard (b 1868; m Grace Hitchcock); VII-— William Seward (b 1872). V—m Mar. 7, 1904, Winona B. Orff, b Minneapolis, Minn., Mar. 7, 1904; dau. Henry Orff, of Ft. Wayne, Ind.; issue: 1—-Margaret Butler, D Minneapolis, Minn., Apr. 22, 1907. B.S., U. Minn., ’88 (Psi U.); M.D., Harvard, 1896 (Nu Sigma Nu). Surgeon; asso. prof. surgery, U. of Minn., and consulting surgeon, Minneap- olis Gen. Hosp. (See Who’s Who in America). Capt., M.C., U.S.A., July 20, 1918; maj., Aug. 25, 1918; chief of surgical service, Base Hosp., Camp Dodge, Ia.; assigned to Evacuation Hosp., Camp Crane; operating surgeon, Gen. capt. Am. Rev.; m Hosp., Ft. Snelling; surgical consultant, U.S.P.H.S. F.A.C.S.; pres. Western Surg Assn., etc. Clubs: Minneapolis, Woodhill Country, Lafayette, University. Summer place: Upper Crescent, Maplewoods, Wayzata, “he Residence: 2437 Park Avy., Minneapolis, inn. 1-MARSH, Henry Wheelwright, } Waltham, Mass., May 1, 1861. 5-Samuel Marsh, (d 1814), of Exeter, N.H.; corp. Am. Rev.; m 1777, Hannah Bell; 4-Samuel Bell (1777-1863), of Exeter; m 1802, Mary Avery Willey (1777-1851); 3-Thomas Jefferson (1805-88), treas. of Mass., 1855; del. to first Rep. Nat. Conv., 1856; U.S. commr. for Kan.; actg. adj. gen. of Kan.; m 1826, Nancy Falls Davis (1804-91). %John Whitney (qv); 8-Richard (d 1697), Watertown, Concord and Stow, Mass.; m 1649/50, Martha Coldham; 7—Moses_ (b 1655), Sudbury and Stow, Mass.; - King Philip’s War; m 1686, Sarah Knight; 6-Abraham (1692-1778), Stow, m 1714, Mary Stone (1688-1766; Dea. Simon?; Hon. Simon’; Dea. Simon’); 5-Dea. Abraham (1724-1818), Stow, m 1745, Mercy Perry (1727-1828; Ebenezer*, of Sudbury, m Mary, dau. Dr. Ebenezer Brigham); 4Capt. Abraham (1752-1812), soldier Am. Rev.; capt. militia; m 1808, Sarah (Conant) Jewell (1762-1855; Peter Conant’, soldier Am. Rev.; Robert®; Lot?; John’; Lot®; Gov. Roger?®); 3-Abraham (1806-87), mcht. and inventor, Wal- tham, Mass.; m 18380, Mary Ann Hopkins (1808- 91; Capt. Solomon’; Ebenezer’, signer Asso- ciation Test; Benjamin®, founder of Milford, N.H., signer Association Test). 2-Son of Thomas Jefferson Marsh (1830-91), mcht., Waltham and Boston, Mass.; m 1859, Helen BPliza Whitney (1837-1923). M Sept. 24, 1908, Agnes Elizabeth, dau. Richard Power, of London, Eng. Ed. Phillips Exeter, ’81; Harvard, ’8. Senior mem. firm of Marsh & McLennan, insurance, engineering and brokerage. Conducted a hos- pital at Warwick Castle, Eng., and was asst. manager of Harvard Hospital 22, Camier, France (38000 beds, 53,000 British wounded), World War. Mem. S.C.W., S.R., ete. Clubs: Marlborough, Royal Thames Yacht (London), Chicago (Chicago), University, Union League (New York), Down Town, Sleepy Hollow, Residence: Oakland Country (New York). Warwick Castle, Eng. WILLIAM LAWRENCE CHITTENDEN (LARRY), “The Poet Ranchman.” 1-CHITTENDEN, William Lawrence (‘‘Larry”), b Montclair, N.J., Mar. 23, 1862. 8-Maj. William Chittenden (qv); 7-Thomas (d 1683), m Joanna Jordan (John§’, of Guilford, Conn., m Anna-—); 6—Josiah (1677-1759), m 1707, Hannah Sherman (bap. orang: John’, of Woodbury, Conn., m Eliza- eth—); 5-Dea. Simeon (1714-89), of N. Guilford, Conn.; m 1737, Submit Scranton (1712-96; John*®, m Mary Norton); 4-Simeon (1742-1812), m 1773, Sarah Dudley (1746- 1841; Selah’, m Rachel Stone); 3—Abel (1779-1816), m 1804, Anna Hart Baldwin. 9-Gov. Theophilus Eaton (qv); 8—-Hannah (1638-1704), m William Jones, dep. gov. Conn. Colony; asst. gov. New Haven Colony; judge; 7—Hannah (b 1660), m 1689, Patrick Falconer; 6—-Hannah, m 1710, Seth Morse; 5—-Sarah (1728-1828), m 1749, Timothy Baldwin; 4—Timothy (1750-1818), m 1772, Olive Norton; 3-Anna H. (1784-1845), m Abel Chittenden (3 above). 9-Gov. Thomas Welles (qv); 8—Anna, m 1646, Thomas Thompson; 7-Thomas, m Elizabeth Smith; 6—Ann, m 1708, John Norton (1684-1750); 5-Charles (1710-86), m 1749, Mary Gould; 4—Olive (1750-1805), m Timothy Baldwin (4 above). 92 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 2-Son of Henry Abe! Gnittenden (1816-95), mer- chant and popular public speaker, Hartford, Conn., and New York; m 1844, Henrietta (1825- 1898; dau. of Maj. Daniel Gano [1794-1873]; desc. Francis Gano [1630-1733-aet. 103], Hugue- not, from Island of Guernsey, was at New Rochelle, N. Y., 1661); issue: I-Henry Abel (1846-1900; editor and philanthropist; m Alice Westervelt Goldsmith); Il—Anna R. (b 1847; m David D. Duncan, d 1907); IlI—Henrietta L. (1849-51); IV—Daniel Gano (1852-1925); V—Charles B. (1855-1923; m Charlotte I. Tandy); VI—Eliza- beth L. (6 1857; m William E. Pinkham, D.D.S., d 1916); VII-William Lawrence (above); VIII— Mary A. (1863-76). VII-Not married. Went to Texas, 18838, with $50 borrowed capital; now owner of Chittenden Cattle Farm and Ranch, of abt. 10,000 acres, at Anson, Jones Co., Tex., upon which is located a colony of 41 families, townsite, railroad, etc.; largely interested in Florida. Known as “the poet ranchman’”; author of Ranch Verses, now in 1i16th edition; Bermuda Verses, etc. Has established a unique free public library, several thousand autographed books at Christmas Cove, Me.; also a non-sectarian Children’s League, at Montclair, N.J. (See Who’s Who in America). Summer place: Christmas Cove, Me. Address: Chittenden’s Ranch, Anson, Jones Co., Tex., or National Arts Club, New York. 1-MARSTON, Anson, 0 Seward, Ill., May 31, 1864 9-William Marston (b England ca. 1592-1672), from Eng. ca. 1632, settled at Hampton, N.H.; his 1st wife lived till about 1660; 8-Capt. William (1622-1703), came to Salem, Mass., with his father, 1634, to Newbury, 1637; at Hampton, N.H., by 1638; m Rebecca Paige (1636-73) ; 7—-Capt. Samuel (1661-1723), m 1683 or 84, Sarah Sanborn (1666-1738) ; 6—William (1685-1749), m ca, 1707, Susanna Palmer; oan (b 1722), m ca. 1749, Mary Batchelder (d_ 1785) ; 4-William (6 1752), soldier Am. Rev.; m Mary Woodworth (Amasa‘); 3—Charles (1796-1872), m Meribah Morrill (1797- 1876; Hibbard*, soldier Am. Rev.). 2-Son of George Washington Marston (1835-1916), farmer; pvt.) CoC, 1thi lll Vol int... Ctvil War, wounded at Shiloh; m Sarah Scott (1842- 1916); issue: I-Anson (above); II—Amos Wil- bur (6 1865; m Jessie Elleanore Taylor); III- Charles Lemuel, M.D. (b 1870; m Harriett Evalyn Scott); IV—Mary Alice (b 1874; m John Smith; m 2d, Alonzo Ellis); V-George Edward (b 1876; m Sarah R. Scott); VI-Walter Scott (b 1879; m Mabel Elma Eddy); VII—Robert Frank- lin (6 1885; m Nellie Allen). I—m Dec. 14, 1892, Mary Alice Day (qv for issue). Cy E., Cornell,” 1889.) Civils engr.3 prot. cival engring., 1892-1920, dean and dir. engring. dept. since 1904, Ia. State Coll. Maj. and It. col., engrs., World War; col., engrs., O.R.C. (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. S.A.R. Resi- dence: College Campus, Ames, Ia. 1-MARSTON, Mary Alice Day (Mrs. Anson), ) Royalton, Niagara Co., N.Y., June 21, 1865. 9-Robert Day (1604-48), m 2d, Editha Stebbins (d 1688) ; 8—John (d ca. 1730), m Sarah Maynard; 7—John (1677-1752), m Ist, 1696, Grace Spencer (1677- 1714; John’; Garret®, ensign and deputy, 1674- 1675) ; 6—Dea. John (1701-80), m 1725, Sarah Loomis (1705- 1780; Dea. Samuel’; Dea. John8; Joseph’); 5-Noah (1740-1818), pvt. Am. Rev.; m 1759, Ann Loomis (Lt. Caleb*; Josiah’; Nathaniel’; Joseph’); 4-Charles (1789-1852), m 1810, Sally Phelps (1794- 1875) ; 75) 5 3-John (1814-52), m 1838, Catharine Watson (1816- 1895; Dudley‘; Robert'). 11l—Gov. William Bradford (qv); 10-Maj. William (1624-1701), dep. gov. Mass.; m 1651, Alice Richards; 9-Thomas (d 1708), m Ann Raymond; 8—Jerusha (1693-1739), m 1716, Hezekiah Newcomb (1694-1772; Simon’; Andrew®; Andrew’); 7-Silas, m Submit Pineo; 6—Dr. Silas (d 1792), m 1767, Susanna White; 5-Roxana (1769-1812), m 1788, Lt. Josiah Phelps (1768-1864; Judge John*®; Capt. Timothy’; Dea. Nathaniel’; Nathaniel®; William); 4-Sally (1794-1875), m 1810, Charles Day (4 above). 8-Dirck Jans Vander VWliedt, from Holland in the ‘“‘Trouw,” 1663, as a soldier in that ship, and settled at Flatbush, L.I.; later removed toeNed 5 7-Garret, m Judack-; 6-William, began to write name Van Fleet; soldier Am. Rev.; m Audriana Wyckoff; 5—Cornelius (1757-1841), soldier Am. Rev.; m Sarah Shipman (6 1761); 4-Sarah (d@ 1826), m Benjamin S. McCarty (1788- 1836; William®; Benjamin‘, a founder of Muncy, Pa. eouas)s 3—Harriett (1823-89), m Dr. Amos Scott (1820-1901), Lycoming Co., Pa., and Seward, IIll.; capt. Bee) U.S.V. (Amos‘; Henry’, soldier of Am. ev.). 2-Dau. of Dudley Watson Day (1839-1920), farmer, pvt. Co. €, 16th Ll Vol. int... 3 yrsoineCivil War; m 1864, Rachel Scott (1844-1901); issue: I—Mary Alice (above); II—Lilian Rachel (b 1868; m Arthur George Eddy); II1I—Dudley Wat- son, M.D. (b 1882; m Lula Maud Dow), I-—m Dec. 14, 1892, Anson Marston (qv); issue: 1— Morrill Watson, b Ames, Ia., Jan. 30, 1896; Ia. state (Coll. Vi7;2delt andpistslts wise Ae ob capt., July 1, 1920, 5th Inf., U.S.A. (regular); m Aug. 1917, Lucy Florence, dau. Elwood Mead (See Who’s Who in America; issue: Morrill Elwood; Arthur Anson); 2-Anson Day, b Ames, May 20, 1905; Ia. State Coll., ’25. Ed. U. Mich. and Ia. State Coll. (Alpha Delta Pi). Mem. D.A.R. (hon. state regent), P.E.O., etc. Summer place: Clear Lake, Ia. Resi- dence: College Campus, Ames, Ia. 1-PHILLIPS, Henry Disbrow, 0 Phila. Pa., Jan. 16, 1882. 10—Rev. George Phillips (qv); 9-Lt. Zerobabel (1632—after 1698), m Ann White; 8-Theophilus, magistrate and charterist of Newtown, L. I., 1686; m 1671, Ann Hunt (Ralph’®; Col. Thomas’); 7-Theophilus (1672-1709), N.J.; m Frances-; 6—-Theophilus (1695-1762), justice, burgess, Tren- ton, N.J.; m 1720, Frances Elizabeth Betts; 5-Capt. John (1721-93), soldier Am. Rev.; m 2d, Abigail Tinda!1; 4—Theophilus (1759-1840), m Margaret Desborough (1768-1864; Capt. Joseph5, officer Am. Rev.); 3-Henry Desborough (1793-1873), m 1828, Jane Cornell Feaster (1805-55). 2-Son of Henry Desborough Phillips (1842-1911), m 2d, 1879, Nancy Timlie Phillips (6 1857); issue: I-Henry D. (above); II—Mary (Mrs. Frank Orme, qv); IlI—Robert Theodore (qv); IV— Emma (0b 1888; m Milton E. Keeler). I-m Sept. 25, 1907, Ella Reese, 6 Baltimore, Md., Nov. 11, 1883; dau. of Rt. Rev. Frederick Focke Reese (See Vol. 1, p. 792, for genealogy); issue: 1—-Ella Parr, 6 La Grange, Ga., June 27, 1908; 2-Nancy, b La Grange, Dec. 4, 1911; 3-Henrietta Desborough, b Sewanee, Tenn., Nov. 16, 1919. A.B., U. South, ’04 (Delta Tau Delta), B.D., 1906; (D.D., Oglethorpe, 1920, U. Ga., 1923). Or- dained P.E. priest, 1907; in charge St. Mark’s, La Grange, Ga. warden and founder La Grange Settlement, 1906-15; chaplain, prof. English Bible, U. South, 1915-22; rector Trinity Ch., Columbia, S.C., since 1922. Residence: 9099 Sumter St., Columbia, S.C. 1-PHILLIPS, Robert Theodore, } Marietta, Ga., Feb. 4, 1886. Brother of Henry Disbrow Phillips (qv for genealogy). M Feb. 12, 1914, Julia Cullen Barnes, b Concord, Ga., July 7, 1888; dau. of Julius Cullen Barnes, of Senoia, Ga.; issue: 1-Julia Cullen, 6 Sum- ter, S. C., Feb. 12, 1915; 2-Robert Theodore, Jr., b La Grange, Ga., Sept. 25, 1916; 3-Anne, bp La Grange, Jan. 22, 1918; 4-Janet, b La Grange, Aug. 29, 1920. U. of the South, ’07; Va. Theol. Sem., ’11. Or- dained P.E. priest, 1911; pastorates: St. Mary’s, Columbus, Ga.; Church of the Holy Comforter, Sumter, S.C.; La Grange (Ga.) Settlement and Training School; Trinity Ch., Miami, Fla. Residence: 918 S. Greenway Drive, Coral Gables, Miami, Fla. educator, Hopewell, FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 93 l-ORME, Mary Phillips Tolbert (Mrs. Frank), b Marietta, O., Nov. 6, 1883. Sister of Henry Disbrow Phillips genealogy). M Feb. 7, 1905, Mark LaFayette Tolbert (June 26, 1883-Jan. 26, 1907); son of Mark LaFayette Tolbert, of Atlanta, Ga.; issue: 1—Mark (daughter), b Atlanta, Ga., June 25, 1907. M 2d, Apr. 28, 1909, Frank Orme (qv); issue: 1—Mary Phillips, 6 Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 4, 1911; 2-Nancy, b Atlanta, Nov. i7, 1913. Memii@.D Al DA.C,) D:AIRI) D.E.PVAS Resi= dence: 15 Fairview Rd., Druid Hills, Atlanta, Ga. 1-ORME, Frank (Aug. 2, 1870-May 8, 1921). 6-Rey. John Orme (b 1691), from Eng. to Phila., Pa., 1720, settled at Marlboro, Prince George Co., Md.; m Ruth Edmondston; 5-Col. Archibald (1780-1812), officer Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Johns; 4—John (1763-1824), m Sarah McAllister (Col. Richard®, served in Am. Rev.); 3-Archibald (1795-1840), War 1812; m Lucy Priest- ley (Joseph*, discoverer of oxygen gas). 9-Col. Nathaniel Pope (ca. 1610-1660), from Eng. to Va., 1634; settled at “The Cliffs,” Pope’s Creek, Westmoreland Co., Va., upon a grant from Charles I; ; 8-Thomas, moved to S.C. between 169 and 1700; settled in Parish of St. John’s, near Charles- ton; 7—George, m 1716, Sarah; 6—James (b 1720), m 1755, Susanna Welles; 5-William (1760-1823), soldier Am. Rev.; m Sarah (Green) Tucker (Samuel Green‘); 4-William (1788-1862), m 1816, his cousin, Sarah Lavinia Pope (John®, m Elizabeth-); 38-Elizabeth Catherine (6 1818), m 1839, Alsop P. V. Woodward (1804-56). 2-Son of Dr. Francis Hodgson Orme (1834-1913), physician; m 1867, Ellen Vail Woodward (d 1921); issue: I-Elizabeth Woodward (b 1867; m Francis Cochran Block); II-Frank (above). Il-m Apr. 28, 1909, Mary (Phillips) Tolbert (av for issue). Grad. Va. Mil. Inst., ’90. One of the organizers and was sec.-treas. Southern States Life Ins. Co., for 15 yrs. Clubs: Piedmont Driving, Capital City (Atlanta), 1-BROOKS, Ellen Robinson Sage (Mrs. Floyd D.), b New Berlin, N.Y., Apr. 9, 1870. 9-David Sage (1639-1703), from Wales to Middle- town, Conn., ca. 1672; m. 1664, Elizabeth-; 8-John (1668-1751), m 1698, Hannah Starr (1673/74- 1753; Comfort®; Dr. Thomas; Dr. Comfort®); 7-Benoni, m 1724, Mary Allen; 6—-Benjamin, m Abigail Blinn; 5—Daniel, m 1778, Sybel Jewett; 4-Jewett, m 1814; Susanna Jaycox; 3—George, m 1843, Maryett Clark. 9-Rev. Thomas Thatcher (qv); 8-Rev. Ralph, m 1669/70, Ruth Partridge; 7—Ralph, m ca. 1711, Patience Skiff; 6-Benjamin, m 1754, Desire Yerrington; 5-Lucretia, m Austin Clark; 4-Austin, m 1823, Julia Ann Phelps; 3—Maryett, m George Sage (3 above). 2-Only child of Mugene Adelbert Sage (1846- pay cheese mfr.; m 1869, Mary Robinson (b iF M_as his 2d wife, July 1, 1914, Floyd Dealton Brooks (May 18, 1852-Nov. 5, 1919); son of Isaac Curtis Brooks, of Sherburne, N, Y.; stepchil- dren: Mrs. Lester D. Williams (av), and George Sage Brooks (qv). Ed. Keble Sch. and Mrs. Theodore Irving’s Sch. Mem. S.M.D., D.A.R., Soc. of N.E. Women, Club: Twentieth Century. Residence: New Berlin, N.Y. 1-WILLIAMS, Oril Lucile Brooks (Mrs. Lester D.), b New Berlin, N.Y., Sept. 10, 1880. #Lt. William Clark (qv); 8-Capt. William (1656-1725), settled at Lebanon, Conn., ca. 1700; purchased from Mohegan In- dians a large tract called “Clark and Dewey Purchase”; m 1680, Hannah Strong (1659-1693/94; Elder John’); 7-Jonathan (1688-1742/43), m 1713/14, Hannah Smal- ley; anaes (1715-1802), m 1735, Mercy Dewey (b (qv for 5—Gershom (1755-1840), pvt. Am. Rev., serving at Bunker Hill; m Lucretia Thacher (1759-1828 ; Benjamin‘; Rodolphus*; Rev. Ralph, or Rodol- phus®; Rev. Thomas’, first pastor of Old South Ch., Beston); Pain (1799-1882), m 1st, 1828, Julia Ann Phelps 3—Maryett (1826-65), m 1843, George Sage. 2-Dau. of Floyd Dealton Brooks (1852-1919), m 1879, M. Louise Sage; m 2d, 1914, Ellen Robinson Sage (qv for Sage lineage); issue (1st mar- riage): I-Oril Lucile (above); II-George Sage (av for Hopkins lineage). I-m June 29, 1904, Lester Denison Williams, } Fox Lake, Wis., Mar. 27, 1881; U. Wis., ’01; son of Timothy L. Williams, of East Haven, Conn:; issue: 1—Constance Louise, b Madison, Wis., Mar. 31, 1907; Northwestern U.; 2-Jean Lucile, b Milwaukee, Sept. 20, 1911. Ed. Milwaukee-Downer Coll. Mem. D.A.R. Resi- dence: 717 Lincoln Ay., Highland Park, III. 1-BROOKS, George Sage, ) New Berlin, N.Y., Nov. 5, 1882. 1i-Stephen Hopkins (qv); 10-Constance (d 1677), m Hon. Nicholas Snow (qv); 8-John, m Mary Smalley; 8-Rebecca, m Benjamin Smalley; lettin eos (1695-1753), m Jonathan Clark (1688-1742/ 48) ; ee ae (1715-1802), m 1735, Mercy Dewey (vb 1714); 5-Gershom (1755-1840), pvt. Am. Rey., serving at Bunker Hill; m Lucretia Thacher (1759-1823, Benjamin‘; Rodolphus®; Rev. Ralph, or Ro- dolphus®; Rev. Thomas’, first pastor of Old South Ch., Boston); 4—Austin (1799-1882), m 1st, 1823, Julia Ann Phelps (d 1845); 3-Maryett (1826-65), m 1843, George Sage (Jewett*; Daniel®; Benjamin®; Benoni’; John’; David?). 2-Son of Floyd Dealton Brooks (1852-1919), m 1879, M. Louise Sage; m 2d, 1914, Ellen Robinson Sage (qv for Sage line); issue (Ist marriage): I—Oril Lucile (Mrs. Lester Denison Williams, av for Clark line); Il-George Sage (above); Il-m Oct. 18, 1906, Ida South, b} Hopkinton, Ia., Nov. 3, 1880; dau. of Franklin Marion South; hee 1—Hortense Louise, b Depue, IIl., July 20, 16. Grad. Mich. Coll. of Mines (Sigma Rho). Metal- lurgical engr., Anaconda Copper Mining Co. Residence: 700 Pierce St., Gary, Ind. 1-WILLIAMS, Mattie LeGrand Pierce (Mrs. ee G.), 6 Winston-Salem, N.C., Oct: 31, 6—-Nathaniel Pass (1734-1816), Caswell Co., N.C.; m Alsey Holloway; 5-Holloway (1762-1843), Am. Rev., 1780-81; m 1790, Keziah Roberson (1769-1828) ; 4—-Katherine R. (1800-50), m George LeGrand Wil- son (1789-1850), War 1812 (John J.5, m Alsey Hol- loway, of Halifax Co., N.C.); 38—-America L. (1830-92), m 1850, James Robert Pierce (1825-85), Civil War. 10—John Hollister (qv); : 9-John (1644-1711), m 1667, Sarah Goodrich (Wil- nee of Glastonbury, Conn., m ‘Sarah Mar- vin); : 8-Thomas (1672-1741), m 1695, Dorothy Hills (Jo- seph®, m Phyllis Lyman); 7—Gideon (1699-1785), m 1728, Rachel Talcott (1706- 1790; Nathaniel’); 6—Nathaniel (1731-1810), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1754, Mehitabel Mathison (1739-1824); 5-Amasa (1768-1847), Wayne Co., Pa.; m 1790, Me- hitable Everts (1768-1843) ; 4—-Wesley (1805-48), Charleston, S.C.; pres. Raleigh & Weldon R.R.; m 1830, Mary Clarke (James); 3-James Drew (1838-1923), gen. mgr. Interlachen, Jacksonville & Ocala Air Line Ry. Co.; m 1860, yee E. Harris (Edward E.4, m Martha Gor- man), 2-Dau. of Annie Maria Hollister (b 1862), m 1881, Sidney Franklin Pierce (b 1854), of Danville. Va.; issue: I-Malachi (d infancy); II—Mattie LeGrand (above); IIl1I-John Wesley (b 1895; m Vida Bingham). II-m Dec. 26, 1901, Linwood Green Williams, b Danville, Va., Sept. 1, 1881; son of Green Wil- liams, Jr., of Danville; issue: 1—Madeline Pierce, B Danville, Va., Apr. 8, 1903; m Apr. 4, 1926, George Walter Clinard; 2-Linwood Sid- ney, b Danville, Mav 21, 1905; m Margaret Wat- son (issue: Linwood S., Jr., b July 3, 1924); 3— Raymond Dennis, b Chattanooga, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1909; 4-Annie Louise, b Chattanooga, Oct. 18, 94 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 1911; 5-Reba Hollister, Bb Waco, Tex., Oct. 8, 1914; 6-Edna Ruth, b Waco, Nov. 2, 1917. Mem. D.A.R. Residence: 2008 20th Av. S., Nash- ville, Tenn. PERCIVAL S. FULLER, JR. 1-FULLER, Percival Strong, Jr., 6 Chicago, I11., Oct. 18, 1896. 9-Edward Fuller (qv); 8-Samuel (ca. 1612-1683), (Rev. John®, qv); 7-John (ca. 1656-1726), m Mehitable Rowley (Mo ses’, of Barnstable); 6—Joseph (1699/1700-1775), m Lydia Day (John, Jr.‘ of Colchester, Conn.); 5-Capt. Abraham (1735-1807), capt. Am. Rev.; m Lydia Gillett; 4—Roswell (1774-1840), m Hannah Berry; 3-Henry Tower (1825-1889), m Sarah Percival Strong (John E.‘). 6-Seth Sears (1736-1809), Sarah Sears; 5-Lydia, m Stephen Crosby (1778-1851); 4-Amanda, m De Grove Bull (1795-1867) ; 3-Lydia Ann, m Jerome Increase Case (1819-91), founder J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co., Racine, Wis. 2-Son of Percival Strong Fuller (1858-96), LL.B., Albany Law School, and practiced at Chicago; m Henrietta Case (6b 1858); issue: I-—Sarah Strong (6 1890; m Malcolm Edwin Erskine, See Vol. 1, p. 447); Il—Henrietta Case; III-—Lydia Percival; V—Percival Strong, Jr. (above). V-m Apr. 27, 1918, Katharine Rose Lewis, 0 Ra- cine, Oct. 10, 1893; dau. of William Mitchell Lewis, of New York, m Edith Rose; issue: 1— Katharine Lois, b Racine, Wis., July 31, 1919; 2—Gordon Strong Case, b Racine, Oct. 1920. Grad. The Hill School, Pottstown, Pa., ’15; Yale, ex-’19 (Psi U.). Enlisted in U.S.N., Apr. 1917, and trained with 2d Aerial Coast Patrol, Buf- falo, N.Y., until Nov. 2, when he was commis- sioned ensign; Ist div. cdr. and squadron cdr., Pensacola, Fla., lt. (j.g.), U.S. Naval Aviation, Mar. 23, 1918; 1t., Oct. 1, 1918; squadron cdr. at U.S. Naval Air Station, Coco Solo, Panama; m 1635, Jane Lathrop soldier Am. Rev.; m hon. discharged, Jan. 10, 1919. Residence: Hartsdale, N.Y. 1-MATHIS, Annie Atwood Hill (Mrs. Atwood Hill Mathis), b Mooresville, Ala., Nov. 29, 1888. 7-Henry Hill (ca. 1670-1719-20), appears of record in Nansemond Co., Va., 1701; m Mary (Hinton?); 6-Abraham (b 1697-98-will dated 1760), Chowan Co., N.C.; m Judith-; 5-Henry (ca. 1730-1804), Wilkes Co., Ga.; m Sarah Cotten; 4—Abram (1778-1852), Wilkes Co., Ga.; m 1806, Clar- issa Calloway (1790-1855; Joseph®, m Nancy, dau. of Jonathan Ragan, Sr., Am. Rev.; Job®, Am. Rev., m Mary-); 3-—Dr. Henry Willis (1827-1904), grad. Univ. N.Y.C., 1848; planter, Wilkes Co., Ga.; surgeon C.S.A.; m 1855, Ann Temperance Hall (1835-57; Rev. James G.‘, m Elizabeth S., dau. of William Wood; Spence, Jr.,5 m Polly, dau. of James Gatling, m Mary, dau. of Christopher Riddick, Am. Rev.; Spence, Sr.,6 Am. Rev., m Director-—). 5-Richard Woodroof (d 1789), Am. Rev.; m Susan- nah Hobbs (James*, mem. Va. House of Dels.); 4—William (1784-1814), War 1812; m 1810, Elizabeth Avent (1790-1859; John®, capt. War 1812; John®; Thomas’, from Eng., 1698, justice of Sussex ~ By WAS ANE 3-James William (1813-97), m 1858, Harriet Atwood Wright. 9-Richard Wright (1633-63), m ca. 1656-57, Ann Mottrom (6 1639; Col. John”, of Northumber- land Co., Va.); 8—-Maj. Francis (ca. 1660-1713), m 1st, ca. 1682, Ann Washington (b ca. 1659; Col. John®, m 2d, Ann Pope); 7—John (b 1685-86), m Dorothy—; 6—John (d ca, 1792), m Elizabeth (supposed dau. of Waugh Darnell); 5-Capt. John (ca. 1730-1789), m 1758, Ann Williams (Jonas, Sr.,6 Am. Rev., m Honor Williams): ae as (1779-1825), m 1802, Sallie Mitchell (1784- ); 3-Harriet Atwood (1821-83), m 1853, James William Woodroof (3 above). 2-Dau. of Dr. James Abram Hill (1856-1922), physi- cian, planter; m 1885, Sarah Elizabeth Wood- roof (b 1856); issue: I-Annie Atwood (above); II—Henry Willis (b 1892); I1I—Elizabeth (6b 1894; m 1923, Edmond Peter Garrett); I1V—James Gat- ling (b 1896; m 1924, Ida Rebecca Braden). I-m June 17, 1914, Joel Kendall Mathis, b Aug. 19, raat son of Joel Fletcher Mathis, of Memphis, enn. B.A., Shorter Coll., Rome, Ga., ’07. Mem, D.A.R. (ex-regent Watauga Chapter, Memphis; sec. Tenn. Soc.), U.S.D. 1812. Residence: Moores- ville, Ala. = 1-PARDEE J(esse) Homan, } Meadville, Pa., Dec. 1, 1875. 8-George Pardee (1622-1700; son of Rev. Anthony Pardee, of Taunton, Eng.), from Eng. to New Haven, Conn., 1644; 2d rector of Hopkins Gram- mar Sch.; m 2d, 1662, Catherine Lane; 7-Joseph (1664-1742), m 2d, 1708, Elizabeth Payne (b 1677; John’, m Abigail, dau. of John Brockett, surveyor, who laid out New Haven, Conn., ca, 1638) ; 6—Daniel (1706-64), m 1734, Lydia Porter (1716-95; Richard’, m 2d, Mary—; Dr. Daniel§); 5—David (1741-1821), corp. French and Indian War and sgt. Am. Rev.; m 1761, Phebe Woodruff (1741-1822) ; 4—Daniel (1762-1852), corp. Am. Rev.; m Florinda Bray (Col. Asa‘, officer Am. Rev.); cats (1802-88), m 1822, Elizabeth Stainbrook (d 1846). 2-Son of John Henry Pardee (1834-1909), stock raising; m 1872, Julia Ann Homan (1843-1925); issue: I-Flora Luella (m John _ Frederick Kitchen); IIl—Fannie Elizabeth (1874-86); IIJ— Jesse Homan (above); I1V—Margaret Edith (h 1880; m Albert Justin Dewey; m 2d, Dr. Clyde M. Crow). IlI-m Jan. 28, 1914, Mary Imboden McClung, b Richmond, Va., Nov. 11, 1883; dau. of Hon. Charles Henry McClung, of Richmond. Ed. Allegheny Coll., and Bryant, Stratton and Smith Business Coll. Business administra- tor. Mem. Soc. of Middletown Upper Houses, N.E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Somerset Archaeol. and Natural History Soc., Buffalo Fine Arts Acad., ete. Clubs: Buffalo, Niagara Falls Country, Buffalo Hunt, Saddle and Bridle, etc. Residence: 66 Soldiers Pl., Buffalo, N.Y. 1-PARKS, Frank Sylvester, } Palmer, Mass., Dec. 138, 1861. 9-Robert (Parke, Park) Parks (qv); 8—-Thomas (1615-1709), m Dorothy Thompson; 7-Robert (1651-1707), began to write name Park; m 1st, 1681, Rachel Leffingwell (b 1648); FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 95 6-James (1685-1726/27), m 1709, Deborah Geere (d 1736) ; 5-Robert (ob 1718), began to write name Parks; m 1744/45, Mary Killam (6 1728); 4—Reuben (1755-1802), m 1777, Betsey Clark (1760- 1847) ; 3—Sylvester (1792-1859), m 1813, Laura Andrus (1793- 1879 suey of Alonzo Henry Parks (1828-90), m 1858, Julia Elizabeth Sanborn (1835-77); issue: I-— Henry Alonzo (b 1859); II—-Frank S. (above); III —Noel Bancroft (0b 1863). f IIl-m Nov. 20, 1888, Mary Ann Lynn, }) Washing- ton, D.C., Feb. 16, 1865; dau. of John Lynn, m Mary Ann Moore; issue (all 8} Washington, D.C.): 1-Marie Ann, b Aug. 25, 1889; Holy Cross, 08; m Dec. 30, 1921, Herbert P. Leeman; 2—Frank S., Jr., b Aug. 30, 1891; Georgetown Law Sch.; m Sept. 1, 1921, Irene Rose Burns; 3—Paul John, b Nov. 5, 1893; St. John’s Coll.; 4-Thomas Mc- Guigan, b July 7, 1904; St. John’s. ; Clerk Navy Dept.; genealogist; compiler of Park, Parke, Parks genealogies. Mem. S8.C.W., Order of Washington; S.A.R., N.E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Nat. Geneal. Soc., New London: Co. Hist. Soc., etc. Residence: 1609 Hobart St., Washington, D.C. 1-THOMAS, (William) Augustus (Gus Thomas), b Fulton, Ky., Dec. 14, 1863. ; Dese. James Thomas, from Wales, settled in Kent Co., Md., 1700; m 2d, Elizabeth Hackett; and thru: 4—William R. (d 1818), m Anne Duval(desc. Mareen Duval, of Anne Arundel Co., Md.; 3—Mareen D. (1802-72), m 1825, Jane Carter Pullen. Maternally, 5-William Taylor, soldier Am. Rev. under Gen. George Rogers Clark; m Mary Chapman; : 4—-William, War 1812; m Mary Fitzhugh; 3—William (1806-57), planter, of ““Dukedom,”’ Tenn.; cousin of Pres. Zachary Taylor; m 1833, Re- becca Roberts (1808-91), of Chesterfield Co., Va. (g.dau. of Jacob Flournoy, soldier Am. Rev., of Chesterfield Co.). 2-Son of Col. Francis Marion Thomas (1828-1901), farmer, of Mt. Pleasant, Maury Co., Tenn.; m 1861, Laura Lavinia Taylor (1835-90); issue: I-— William Augustus (above); II—Quintus Ed- ward (b 1865); IlI—Laura Thomas (0 1872; m Isaac Brann). I-m pte 12, 1892, Elizabeth Patterson (av for issue). LL.B., Valparaiso (Ind.) U., 1888. Judge Court of Appeals of Ky., since 1915, and chief justice, 1926 (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 108 3d St., Frankfort, Ky. 1-THOMAS, Elizabeth Mary Patterson (Mrs. Augustus), 6 Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 10, 1874. 9-Col. John Waller (1673-1743; desc. Allured de Waller, who went to Eng. with William the Conqueror), was of “Newport,” Spotsylvania Co., Va.; burgess; m Dorothy King (1675-1759) ; 8—Edmund, m Mary Pendleton (Philip®); 7-William Edmund (1747-1830), of Va.; m Mildred Smith, of Ky.; 6—-George (1777-1860), m Mary Ware; 5-Nancy, m Michael Robinson (Henry’*, of Spot- sylvania Co., Va.); 4-Ann W., m Simeon Newton Kalfus; 3—Elizabeth (1822-1908), m John Welbourne Morri- son (1816-66). 2-Dau. of William McKendree Patterson, D.D. (1838-89), chaplain in Price’s Army, C.S.A.; mis- Sionary in Mexico and Venezuela; m Delia Morrison (6 1844). For issue and other lineages see William Morrison Patterson. M July 12, 1892 (William) Augustus (Gus) Thomas (qv); issue: 1—Anita Delia, 6 Mayfield, Ky., June 19, 1896; m Apr. 27, 1928, Kenneth Gooding McConnell, 6b Chciago, 18% (issue: Patricia Elizabeth, b Nov. 14, 1924). Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R., U.D.C. Residence: 108 3d St., Frankfort, Ky. 1-PATTERSON, W(illiam) Morrison, b City of Mexico, Mex., Mar. 11, 1880. 6-Peter Patterson (1715-1800), from Ireland to Londonderry, N.H., ca. 1730; m Grizel Wilson; 5—John (1751-93), m Jane Wilson; 4—Peter (1779-1844), m Anna Goodhue (widow of John Wallace); 3-Samuel Goodhue (1811-94), landowner in Mo. and Ky.; m Elizabeth E. Paxton. ‘7-Capt. Archibald Alexander (1708-90), from Ire- land to Phila., Pa., 1737; thence to South River, Rockbridge Co., Va., 1747; capt. of rangers; m 1st, 1734, his first cousin, Margaret Parks (d ca. 1753); 6-Phoebe (1749-1821), m Capt. John Paxton (1743- 81), Am. Rev. (John? [b 1721], m Mary Blair); 5-John (1768-1814), m Elizabeth Logan (1765-1841); 4-James Alexander (1793-1828), m Mary Elizabeth Huff (6 1795); 3-Elizabeth E. (1817-53), m Samuel Goodhue Pat- terson (3 above). 5-Andrew Morrison, of Fauquier Co., Va.; killed at Battle of Brandywine, 1777; 4—John Orgain (1771-1841), m Elizabeth Welbourne (Samuel; desc. Simon de Montfort); 3-John Welbourne (1816-66), m Elizabeth Kalfus (1822-1908). 2-Son of William McKendree Patterson, D.D., (1838-89), chaplain in Price’s Army, C.S.A.; mis- sionary in Mexico and Venezuela; m Delia Morrison (b 1844); issue: I-Elizabeth Mary (Mrs. Augustus Thomas, qv for Waller line- age); II-W. Morrison (above); IlI—Anita (b 1873; m George A. Flournoy). I—m June 26, 1912, Martha Rutledge Laurens (di- vorced 1924); dau. of Henry Rutledge Laurens, of Charleston, S.C, A.B., Vanderbilt, ’99 (D.K.E.); Ph.D., Columbia, 1916. Pres. Jute Products, Inc., New York, 1921-22; chmn. of dept. of modern languages, U. of Del., since 1928. Served in Dept. of Com- merce, Washington, World War. Author: The Rhythm of Prose; U.S. Government Report on the Mexican Oil Situation. Mem. S.C.W. Clubs: Racquet and Tennis, University (New York), Vicmead Hunt (Wilmington, Del.), Car- olina Yacht. Residence: University of Dela- ware, Newark, Del. 1I-MAX WELL, Charles Joseph, b St. George, W. Va., Feb. 23, 1871. 6-John Haymond (b Eng., d 1750); 5-William (1740-1821), Am. Rev.; 4—-John (1765-1838), m 1787, Mary Wilson (b 1771; Benjamin® [1747-1827], Am. Rev., m 1770, Ann Ruddell; William’, from Ireland, m 1746, Fliza- beth Blackburn); 3-Sarah_ (1796-1853), m Levi Maxwell (1788-1884). 5-John Minear (d 1781), from Germany to Bucks Co., Pa., ante 1755; 4—David (1755-1833), Am. Rev.; m 1787, Catherine Saylor (1771-1833) ; 38—-Elizabeth (1801-89), m 1825, Arnold Bonnifield (1799-1886). 2-Son of Rufus Maxwell (1829-1907), m 1852, Sarah Jane Bonnifield (1834-97); issue: I-Wilson Bon- nifield (6 1853; m Carrie Howell Lindsay); II— Ann Zilletta (1855-61); II1I-Mary Angelina (1857- 1923; m William M. Spesert; m 2d, A. Lips- comb); IV—Dorcas A. (b 1859; m Oliver Low- ther); V—Hu (b 1860; m Anna Humphries); VI- Cyrus H. (b 1863; m Melvina Adams); VII-— Thomas Edwin (1865-96); VIII—John F. (6 1867; m Iona Piper; m 2d, Ida Phillips); IX—Levi Hendron (6 1869); X—Charles Joseph (above); XI—Robert Rufus (1874-99; m Elsie May Pru- itt); XII—Ann (1877-79). X-—Not married. A.B., U. Nashville, 91. Trav- eling rep., Ginn & Co., school book pubs., since 1904. Mem. S.A.R. Club: Dallas Athletic. Residence: 1913 Bryan St., Dallas, Tex. 1-SELF, James Cuthbert, 6 Edgefield Co., S.C., July 1, 1876. 5-Reuben Holloway (1750-1806), of Va.; soldier Am. Rev.; m Peninah-; Saas (1775-1862), m 1799, Mary Rearden (1777- 38—-Levi Garrison (1809-70), m 1843, Cathrine Wil- liams (1827-1902; Butler‘, m Patsy Sullivan). 2-Son of Mary Callie Holloway (6 1850), m 1871. James Anderson Self (1849-86; Pressley’, m Hulda James Jennings); issue: I-Joseph Hol- loway (m Kate Strom); II-James Cuthbert eee IlI—William Osce (m Sue Moore Lips- comb), II-m a 16, 1915, Sallie Lura Mathews (qv for issue). Ed. Clemson Coll. and Furman U. Pres. Green- wood (S.C.) Cotton Mill, Ninety Six Cotton Mill, The Bank of Greenwood; dir. Piedmont & Northern R.R. Club: Biltmore Forest Coun- try (Asheville, N.C.). Residence: Calhoun Rd., Greenwood, S.C. 1-SELF, Sallie Lura Mathews (Mrs. James C.), b Old Petersburg, Elbert Co., Ga., Aug. 13, 1889, 8-James Calhoun (qv); 96 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 7-William, m 1749, Agnes Long; 6—-Ann (1753-1832), m Isaac Mathews; 5-Capt. Joseph, Am. Rev.; m Margaret Brough (Thomas*’, Am. Rev.); Am. Rev.; m m Julia Edwards 4-Lewis, Am. Rev.; m 1783, Elizabeth Pope (1767-1889; Capt. Solomon® [1740-94], Am. Rev., m 1765, Savannah-_); 3-Simpson (1800-78), m 1847, Sarah Ann Holloway (1818-80; Morris*, m Rebecca Nicholson; Wright, den Am. Rev., m Mary, dau. of John Douglas, Am, Rev.). 6—-Drury Boykin Cade (1740-1838), Winifred Pope; 5—Robert Lee (1776- ~1865), m 1798, Diana— (1773-1865), Widow Fulliam; 4—Capt. Drury Boy kin (1808-32), (1809-81) ; 3-Drury Boykin (1837-1905), m Lura Ophelia Part- low. S-William Caldwell (desc. Huguenot family, which fled from France to Ireland, 1685), came from Ireland to Pa., thence to Va., 1749; m Re- becca; T- Elizabeth (d 1807, aet. 99), m Maj. Robert Gil- lam, Sr. (1720-95), Am. Rev.; 6—Elizabeth, m 1778, James Madison Davenport (1742-1824), Am. Rev. (Augustine?) ; 5-Lucretia (b 1779), m 1798, William Burton, Jr. (1776-1826; William® [1735-1826], Am. Rev., m Amy wane dese. Sir William Wallace, of Scot- an ‘Elizabeth (1819-58), m 1838, John Allen Partlow ( 2); 38-Lura Ophelia (1839-1920), m 1858, Drury Boykin Cade (3 above). 2-Dau. of Simeon Pierce Mathews (1852-1915), planter; m 1888, Sallie Lura Cade (1865-1914); is- sue: I-Sallie Lura (above); II—Susie Cade (m John Pope Abney). I—m Oct. 16, 1915, James Cuthbert Self (qv); issue: 1—James Cuthbert, Jr., b Greenwood, §8.C., Oct 19, 1919. A.B., Converse Coll., 09. Mem. D.A.R. (regent Kosciuszko Chapter), U.D.C. Summer place: Kenilworth Park, Asheville, N.C. Residence: Calhoun Rd., Greenwood, SiC; 1-MAX WELL, Isabella Neff (Mrs. Sidney Den- ise), D Cincinnati, O., Apr. 15, 1854. 9-Capt. William (Pigot, Picquette) Pickett (( 1640), mem. Va. Company, but did not come to America; m Sarah Stonor (d 1663); 8—William (1600-84), from Eng. to Va., 1657, set- tled in Westmoreland Co.; m 1657, Ann Lanford (1680-80; James’); 7- —George (1658- 1740}, m Ida Martin (1666-1747) ; 6—-William (1700-66), of Hamilton Parish, Fauquier Co., Va.; m Elizabeth Cooke (1712- 1800; Morde- cait, of Gloucester Co., Va., m Elizabeth Buck- . George (b 1753), drummer in Am. Rev.; merchant, Richmond, Va.; m Margaret (Sander- son) Flint, of Baltimore: 4—-Caroline ro m James Currie (d 1834), from Scot- land; capt. "Am. Revy.; 38—-Margaretta Sophia (d 1835), m 1829, William Burnet (See Vol. 1, p. 719, for Burnet line). 2-Dau. of Col. Peter Rudolph Neff (1832-1912), mcht., philanthropist, soldier; m Caroline Mar- garetta Burnet (1833-1864); issue: (above); II—Margaret Currie (b 1857; m Law- rence Mendenhall); II1I—Caroline Burnet (b 1859: m William Bromwell Burnet); IV—Frederick Rudolph (1861-74); V—Alice Gray (1863-95; m Ar- thur Gouverneur Burnet). {-m June 30, 1875, Col. Sidney Denise Maxwell (18381-19138) ; soldier, Statistician, author, poet; son Nathaniel Van Maxwell, Centerville, Or issue (all b Cincinnati, O.): 1-Caroline Neff, d Sept. 25, 1877; m Sept. 23, 1909, Lewis Earle Lee, D.D. (issue: Isabella Maxwell, b Dec. 28, 1910: Eleanor de Nyse, b Apr. 5, 1912); 2-Nathaniel Hamilton, 6 Jan. 28, 1880; m Nov. 24, 1919, Mil- dred Trimble, dau. Stewart Shillito (issue: Mildred Shillito, 6 May 21, 1924); 3-Rudoloh Neff, 6 Feb. 7, 1882; m Aug. 18, 1917, Fannie Mc- Cullough, dau. Harry Neville Hills (issue: Rudolph Neff, Jr., b July 26, 1918: Marcella jaa and Irving McCullough, twins, b June 38, Colonial Dame. Residence: 3541 Trimble Av., Evanston, Cincinnati, O. I-MAYNARD, Alfred Foot, ) Marquette, Mich., Aug. 17, 1857, 9—-Peter Branch (1601-88), died on voyage to Amer- ica; m Elizabeth Gillame; I-Isabella 8—John (1628-1711), m Mary Speed; 7—Peter (1659-1713), m Hannah Lincoln; 6—Joseph (6b 1707), m Zerviah Tracy (David’; than’; Thomas’); 5-Rufus (1789-1821), m Abigail Mason (See Vol. 1, p. 720, for Mason lineage); 4—Darius (1767-1851), m Triphena Goodwin; 3—-Olive (6 1799), m Rev. Ulrie Maynard (See Vol. 1, p. 720, for Maynard lineages). 10—Rev. Peter Bulkeley (qv); 9-Thomas (b 1617), m Sarah Jones (Rev. John"); 8-Sarah, m Eleazer Brown 7-Elizabeth, m Michael Toda (1653-1744) ; 6-Ithamar, m Hannah-—; 5-Abner, m Mary Tuttle; 4—Patience, m Aaron Bradley; 3-—Mary, m Silas Hitchcock. 2-Son of Matthew Henry Maynard (1828-1903), lawyer, Marquette, Mich.; m Mary Eudocia Foot (1835-1910); issue: I—Alfred Foot (above); Il—Arthur Ely (b and d 1859); I1I—Cornelia (Mrs. William D. Rees, See Vol. 1, p. 720, for other lineages); I1V—Gardner (1863- 97). ; I-m June 12, 1882, Helen Pickands Goodwin, b at , Cleveland, (es ‘Oct. 22, 1861; dau. William Wal- lace Goodwin, of Cleveland; issue: 1—James Pickands (See Vol. 1, p. 720, for Goodwin line- age). LL.B., U. Mich., 1881. Retired iron mcht. Mem. S.A.R. Residence: Marquette, Mich. 1-PARSONS, Charle Hazel Besse (Mrs. P. Allen), 6 Thomaston, Me., Apr. 26, 1887. 8-Rev. Anthony Besse (will dated 1657), from Eng. in the “James” to Lynn, Mass., 1635, aged 26; many yrs. in active service preach- ing to the Indians; removed te Sandwich, Jona- Mass., 1687; m Jane—; T- Nehemiah, of Sandwich and Plymouth, Mass.; m Mary-; 6—David (b 1693), Plymouth, Mass.; m 1717, Mary Pray (Ephraim’, m Elizabeth Hayden, of Braintree, Mass.) 5-Nehemiah (0 38); S. Bridgewater, Mass.; m 1748, Sarah Perry; 4-Jonah (b 1764), Hallowell, Me.; Rev.; m 1787, Eunice Washburne; 2 3-Jonah (b 1813), Washington, Me.; m Sophia Gove (Enoch‘, m Martha Dodge, of Newcastle, soldier Am. Me.). 11—Richard Warren (qv); 10-Mary, m Robert Bartlett; 9-Rebecca, m Sgt. William Harlow (1624-91), lt. gov. Plymouth Colony; 8-—William (b 1650), m Lydia Cushman (Elder Thomas?®, m Mary, dau. of Isaac Allerton, qv); 7—-William, m Joanna Jackson (Fleazer’, m Han- nah Ransom); 6—William (b 1715), mem, Com. Safety in Am. Rev.; m 1739, Hannah Bartlett; 5-Experience, m Daniel Washburne (th from John Washburne, qv); 4-Eunice, m Jonah Besse (4 above). 2-Dau. of Charles Baker Besse, D.D. (6 1841), m 1868, Cordelia (1848-1919), dau. of Capt. Isaac Sparrow, of Winterport, Me., m Mary Martin. M Sept. 7, 1910, P(ercy) Allen Parsons (See Vol. 1, p. 146); issue: 1-Marjorie Lowell (July 18, 1911- Dec. 15, 1911); 2-Nan Gerrish Washburne, 0 Orange, N.J., June 19, 1919; 3-Lowell Dutton, 6b Orange, Apr. 1, 1922. Residence: 38 Lawrence Av., West Orange, N.J. 1-BACKUS, Frances Belden (Mrs. Herbert), Dayton, O., Jan. 26, 1868. li-John Webster (av); 10-Anne (d 1662), m ca, 1642, John Marsh (1618-88); ee (1645-1728), m 1667, Mary Allison (1648- - 1726); Pacacuel (6 1674), m ca. 1699, John Wells (1670- 1720) ; 7—-John (1700-67), m Martha Allis (1703-64 ?); 6—Martha (1731-1817), m 1748-49, Elisha Waite (1725- 1816) ; 5-Irene (1752-1842), m 1778, Gad Smith (1749-1827); 4-Paulina (b 1786), m 1801, Samuel (Belding) Belden (1775-ante 1868); 8—Alonzo (1810-97), m 1831, Cynthia Potter (1811-62). 2-Dau. of Dexter Alonzo Belden (1833-1912), m 1860, Caroline Kiler (1836-1923); issue: I-Harry Kiler (d young); II—Hettie Kiler (b 1865; m 1892, Harry Albert McGinnis, d 1924); IIlI—Frances (above). IlI—m July 26, 1898, ‘Herbert Backus, b Columbus, O., July 24, 1852; son of Lafayette Backus, m Harriet Denig, of Columbus, O.; issue: 1- Georgea Alden, }) Columbus, O., Oct. 18, 1900; 4 FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA O. State U., ’22; m May 27, 1924, Edwin Harold Morse. Mem. D.A.C., D.A.R. (Ohio state regent, 1925-27), U.S.D. 18122, Cincinnati Chapter of N.E.Women. Residence: 816 Oak St., Columbus, O. 1-BANISTER, John Monro, } Greensboro, Ala., Aug. 17, 1854. 5-John Banister, an English gentleman of prop- erty, purchased estates in Va., and settled nr. Petersburg; was a clergyman of the Church of Eng. and a noted botanist; 4-Col. John, 2d (1728-98), mem. Va. House of Bur- gesses; mem. Conv. of 1776; del. Cont. Con- gress, 1778; a framer of the Articles of Con- federation, 1781; lt. col. Cont. Army; m 2d, Anne Blair (John, Sr.5, pres. Royal Council of Va.); 3-John Monro, m Mary Burton Augusta Bolling. 7-Col. Robert Bolling (qv); 6-Robert (1682-1749), m Ann Cocke; 5-Robert (1730-75), m Martha Banister; m 24d, Mary Marshall Tabb; 4—Lt. Robert (b 1759), m 1st, his cousin, Mary Burton Bolling (1764-87; Col. Robert®, of ‘“Chil- lowe,” m 1st, Mary Burton; Maj. John®*, of “Cobbs”; John’, of “Cobbs”; Col. Robert’, above); 3—Mary Burton Augusta, m John Monro Banis- ter (3 above). 2-Son of John Monro Banister, 2d, D.D. (1818- 1907), P.E, priest; m Mary Louisa (d 1897), dau. of Gen. William Brodnax, of Va.; issue: I— Robert Bolling (1849-89; m Corilla Nations); II— John Monro (above); Il1I—Anne Withers (1856- 1922); IV—Mary Louisa (b 1858; m Sterling S. Lanier); V—William Brodnax (See Vol. 1, p. 81); VI—Augusta Bolling (0 1864; m Robert Slaughter); VII—Blair (b 1866; m Marion Glass); VIII—Ellen. Gordon (b 1868; m Gustave Stall- ing); IX—Reginald Heber (b 1871). II—m July 28, 1879, Alice White, b Pulaski, Tenn., March 15, 1859; dau. of Dr. R. White, of Pu- laski; issue: 1—Alice Mary, b Ft. Reno, Ind. Ty., Aug. 17, 1880; m Herbert J. Buell. M 2d, June 25, 1884, Maude Edmundson, b Pulaski, Tenn., Apr. 8, 1859; dau. of Dr. E. Edmundson; issue; 1-Maude Edmundson, b Ft. Adams, R.L., May 3, 1885; m Lt. Col. J. H. Barnard, U.S.A.: John Monro, IV (Feb. 11, 1889-killed in action in 3d Battle of Ypres); 3-Edwin Blair, b Sept. 4, 1895; temp. capt., 30th U.S. Inf., in France; m Harriett Sherman; 4-Percival Bolling, }b Oct. 12, 1896; U.S.M.A., ’18. A.B., Washington and Lee, ’74; M.D., V.Va., 1878. Col. U.S.A., retired; now oculist and aurist. Mem. §.C., S.A.R., Assn. Mil. Surgeons of U. S., A.M.A., etc. Clubs: University, Elks, Professional Men’s, Chamber of Commerce. Residence. 129 N. 38th Av., Omaha, Neb. 1-BARRETT, Wilbert Hamilton, b Shiloh, N.J., Feb. 26, 1858. 7-Richard Tomlinson (d 1716), Busby; 6—Richard, m Lydia Wells; 5-James (1735-1811), Ist lt. N.J. State troops in Am. Rev.; m 1756, Barbara Brown (1737-1808) ; ar nomas (1761-1805), m 1789, Rachel Ayars (1769- m 1697, Sarah ) > Steen Sheppard (1805-80), m 1825, Lois Davis (1805- 8-Robert (Ayres, Ayers) Ayars (1650-1718), from Eng. to South N.J., 1684; m Esther Bowen; 7-Isaac (1673-1761), m Hannah Barrett (d 1793) Boch (1697-1771), m Patience Brooks (Rev. Tim- othy’); 5-Jonathan (1722-82), mem. Provincial Congress of N.J., 1775; m 1746, Phebe Bowen (Dr. Elijah’) ; ears (1769-1839), m 1789, Thomas Tomlinson (4 above). 2-Only child of Reuben Tittsworth Barrett (1832- 85), served in 3d N.J. Vol. Inf. in Civil War, wounded at Gettysburg; m 1856, Lucinda Max- son Tomlinson (1832-59). M May 18, 1881, Elizabeth Benner (qv); issue: 1— hee Benner, 6 Shiloh, N.J., Oct. 15, 1882; U. ch. Ed. Union Acad. and South Jersey Inst. Manu- facturer (retired); dir. in bank and mfg. corpns. Mem. S.C.W., S.A.R. (pres. Mich. ‘Soc. and dir. gen. Nat. Soc.; pres. gen. Nat. Soc., 1926-27). Clubs: Adrian, Lenawee Coun- try. Residence: 225 Toledo St., Adrian, Mich. 97 1-BARRETT, Elizabeth Benner (Mrs. Wilbert H.), 6 Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 4, 1864. 7-Rev Nathaniel Jenkins (1678-1751), from Wales with the Welsh Baptists; mem. N.J. Congress and trustee of the loan, 1721; dep. gov.; m Esther Jones; 6—-Tobitha, m 1730, John Dowdney (1700-58); 5—-Nicholas, m Sarah Worrell; 4-Henry (1781-1861), m 1805, Cynthia S. Reed (1787- 1876; Lewis®, pvt. Am. Rev.); 3—Elizabeth G. (1807-68), m 1830, Henry L. Benner (1806-62), banker; p. m. U.S.N. in Civil War; mem. Pa. Senate, 1846-48 (Henry* [1777-1857], m Jane Boyd_ [1778-1834]; Martin® [d 1791], m Christiana Richman), 2-Dau. of William E. Benner (1840-1904), m 1863, Sarah Springer Riggans (1844-1909). M May 18, 1881, Wilbert H. Barrett (qv for issue). Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R. (past regent). Residence: 225 Toledo St., Adrian, Mich. 1-CHAPIN, Elise Nash Hutcheson (Mrs. Ed- ward Y.), 6 Anderson, Tex., Apr. 18, 1868. 7-Charles Hutcheson, from Scotland to Meck- lenburg Co., Va., 1675; m Mary Chappell; 6—Peter, Caroline Co., Va.; m Miss Collier; 5-Charles, m Frances Collier Gaines; 4-Joseph, m Rebecca Neblett; 3—Charles Sterling (1804-81), planter; mem. Va. Ho. of Dels.; m Mary Mitchell Hutcheson (John*; John‘), 7-Col. George Carrington (qv); 6—Paul (1783-1818), col. of militia; co. lt.; burgess, 1765-75; presiding justice; judge lst Gen. Court os eS m Margaret Read (Col. Clement’, of a.); 5-Judge Paul (1764-1816), mem. Va. Ho. of Dels.; m 1785, Mildred Coles; : 4—William Allen (1796-1826), m 1819, Sarah RE. Scott; 3-Dr. William Fontaine (1822-83), served in C.S.A.; m Hlizabeth Venable. 8-Abraham Venable (qv); 7-Abraham (1700-68), mem. Va. Ho. of Burgesses 20 yrs.; m Martha Davis; 6-Nathaniel (1783-1804), founder of Hampden- Sidney Coll.; m Elizabeth Woodson; 5-Samuel Woodson (0b 1756), col. Am. Rev., m Mary S. Carrington (Judge Paul); 4-Nathaniel EH. (d 1846), m Mary Embra Scott (Col. Charles®, of Halifax Co., Va.); 3—-Elizabeth, m Dr. William Fontaine Carring- ton (3 above). 2-Dau. of Joseph Chappell Hutcheson (1842-1924), A.B., Randolph-Macon, ’61; pvt., lt. and capt. C.S.A., 1861-65; LL.B., U.Va., 1866; lawyer; mem. 538d and 54th Congresses, 1893-97; m 1867, Mildred Lightfoot Carrington (1847-83); m 2d, 1886, Har- riet Elizabeth (Palmer) Milby; issue (ist mar- riage): I-—Elise Nash (above); II—Mary (1870- 91); IIlI-Stella (b 1872; m Lewis M. Dabney); IV—Mildred (b 1874; m Edouard Miigge, d; m 2d, Paul Kendall Clymer); V—Sterling (1877- 1887); VI-Joseph Chappell, Jr., (b 1879; m Anne E. Weeden); VII—Allen Carrington (6 1882; m Stransie McCaslin); VIII—William (1883-84); (2d marriage): IX—William Palmer (b 1887); X— Rosalie Winifred (b 1890; m Lawrence Bos- worth). I-m Apr. 30, 1890, Edward Young Chapin, Bb in Mo., Oct. 8, 1865; son of W. H. Chapin, of Petersburg, Ky.; issue: 1-Elise, } Chatta- nooga, Tenn., Feb. 19, 1894; Smith, ’14; m Apr. 28, 1917, William Deaderick Moon, of Chatta- nooga (issue: Mildred Carrington; Adeline Deaderick); 2-Edward Young, Jr., 6 Chatta- nooga, Aug. 10, 1897; U. Pa., 1914-17; ensign, U.S.N.R.F., World War; m 1921, Dorris Carter (issue: Edward Young, III). Ed. Nash School, Hillsboro, N. C., ’82; Miss Huger School, N.Y. City, ’86. Mem. C.D.A., Alli- ance Francaise, Garden Club of America; was sec. Nat. League for Women’s Service, World War. Summer place: Signal Mountain, Tenn. Residence: 936 McCallie Av., Chattanooga, Tenn. 1-CHAPIN, Gilbert Warren, b at Springfield, Mass., Aug. 1, 1847. 8—Dea. Samuel Chapin (qv); 7-Japhet (bap. 1642-1712), m 1st, 1664, Abilenah Cooley (1642-1710) ; 6-—Ebenezer (1676/77-1772), m 1st, 1702, Ruth Janes (1682-1736 /37) ; ees (1705-51), m 1738, Elizabeth Pease (1712- 1 4 98 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM 4-lbenezer (1735-1822), m 1758, Mehitabel Bartlett (1734-1811) ; 3-Timothy (1772-1858), m 2d, 1806, Susannah Terry (1778-1858). 6—-Nathaniel Parsons; 5—-Philip, m Anna-—; : 4—-Thomas (1718-1811), m 3d, 1781, Jemima (Taylor) Daniels Bailey (1748-1828) ; 3—Elisha (1783-1846), m 1804, Lovisa Gleason (1783- 1872), 2-Son of Joel Chapin (1815-52), educator, author, Congl. preacher; m 1841, Amelia Parsons (1818- 82); issue: I-John Eliot; II—Joel Leander (died a prisoner of war in Andersonville Prison, aet. 20); I11I—-Gilbert Warren (above). III—m Oct. 22, 1874, Delia Persis Campbell (Feb. 4, 1849-Jan. 31, 1902); dau. of Herbert Campbell, of Mansfield Center, Conn., and N. Y. City; is- sue: 1-Warren Storrs, 6 Brooklyn, N.Y., July 4, 1885; Amherst, ’07; m Sept. 10, 1919, Avalina G. (6 Sept. 22, 1887), dau. of David Parent, of En- field, Conn. 7 M 2d, Nov. 17, 1909, Lucy Hould Stock, b Feb. 9, 1873; author; dau. of Dea. Thomas H. Stock, of Springfield, Mass. oe Mercantile and insurance business at N.Y. City 23 yrs., and banking at Hartford, Conn., 27 yrs.; retired. Pres. Chapin Family Assn.; compiler of The Chapin Book, 1924. Mem. S.A.R. Clubs: Hartford City, Congregation- al, Republican. Summer place: Mansfield Cen- ter, Conn. Residence: 350 Farmington Av., Hartford, Conn. 1-DAVIS, Kate Embry Dowdle (Mrs. Samuel P.), b Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 2, 1871. 5—-Thomas Dowdle (1720-S0), from Ireland to Va.; m Cecilia Jones; 4-James (1758-1802), Am. Rev.; m 1782, Elizabeth Cropp (1765-99) ; 3-Allen (1795-1858), War 1812; m 1818, Martha Min- ter Cavenah (1798-1858). . 8-John Buckner (ca. 1631-1701), from Eng., settled in Gloucester Co., Va.; brought first printing press to Va.; collector High Ct. of Admiralty, 1680; burgess, 1683; vestryman; : 7—Richard (ca. 1678-1731), of ‘“‘The Neck’; justice Caroline Co., 1720; m Elizabeth Cooke; 6—-William (1699-1760), justice Caroline Ct.; m Judith Hawes Aylett; 5-Aylett (1745-1809), maj. Fauquier Co. (Va.) mi- litia; m 1776, Judith Presley Thornton (1749-98; Anthony*, burgess, sheriff, justice, mem. Com. Safety, m Sarah Taliaferro); 4-Kate T. (1779-1820), m 1799, Judge John Young Taylor (1765-1845) ; 38-Aylett B. (1802-88), m 1824, Rebecca White Wil- liamson (1810-84; John S.4, m Rebecca, dau. Daniel White, Am. Rev.). 9-Capt. William Aylett (d 1723), justice York Ct.; vestryman; m Sybella Hubard; 8&Maj. William (ca. 1673-1735), maj. Indian wars; elk. King William Co., 1702-14; m Annie Ashton (Col. Henry®, col. colonial wars; burgess, Westmoreland Co., Va.); 7-Capt. William, m Judith Hawes; 6—-Judith Hawes, m William Buckner (6 above). 2-Dau. of Robert Allen Dowdle (1836-1913), pvt. C.S.A.; business man and planter; m 1858, Re- becca Aylett Taylor (1840-1906); issue: I—Ma- rion Allen (b 1860); II-Rebecca Elizabeth (1866- 67); I1I—Taylor Aylett (b 1869; m Rubina Ora Garland); 1V-—Kate Embry (above); V—Robert Allen (1874-75); VI-Florence Emma (0b 1875; m Storey Emmond Fowler; m 2d, John Black Brown); Vil—Rebecca Robert (b 1878; m Loid Rainwater); VIII—Joseph Hannaford (6 1881; m Mollie Parks). IV—m Mar. 16, 1893, Samuel Preston Davis, b Old Portland, Conway Co., Ark., Apr. 2, 1868; son of Marion Erskine Davis,.of Va., and Tenn.; issue: 1—Samuel Preston, Jr., b Sept 9, 1894; Phillips Exeter, ’14; 2d lt., R.C., Nov. 27, 1917; ist lt., F.A., U.S.A., Aug. 9, 1918; capt., Nov. 7, 1918; c.o. Baty. EH, 4ist F. A.; hon. discharged, Feb. 7, 1919; m Oct. 20, 1915, Katharine Scott, dau. of Dr. R. W. Lindsey, of Little Rock, Ark. (issue: Pauline Lindsey; Samuel Pres- ton, III); 2—Allen Dowdle (Oct. 1897-1899); 3—-Re- becca Dowdle, 6 Jan. 3, 1900; Wellesley, ’22; m Nov. 16, 1923, Milford Herschel Davis. A.B., Galloway Coll., Searcy, Ark., ’91. Mem. C.D.A., O.C., D.A.R. (state regent for Ark., 1917-19; now hon. state regent), Order of La- Fayette, U.S.D. 1812 (state pres., 1916-18, now OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY hon. state pres.; pres. nat. soc. 1923-27), U.D.C., ete. Clubs: Spring Lake, Country, Aesthetic. ee Te: 23 Ki. Capitol Ay., Little Rock, rk. 1-DAVIS, William Thornwall, b in Ky., 1877. Dese. James Graham (d 1799), b Scotland; was in the battle of Blue Licks, was captured and taken to Canada but afterwards served under George Rogers Clark; m Mary Worthington (sister of Col. Robert Worthington). 2-Only child of Capt. William T. Davis. (1855-1900), m Terese Akin (1857-82). M 1912, René ‘volson, 6 San Francisco, Calif., 1887; dau. of Roger Tolson, of San Francisco; issue (all 6 Washington, D.C.): 1-William Jo- seph Graham, 0b June 10, 1914; 2Roger Has- brouck, 6 Mar. 22, 1917; 3-René Sheldon Mon- trose, & Nov. 1, 122. M.D., George Washington U., 1901 (Phi Sigma Kappa); U.S.A. Med. School, 1902. Physician. Capt., M.C., U.S.A. (regular); was maj., M.C., during World War. Mem. M.O.W.W. Clubs: Metropolitan, Chevy Chase, Army and Navy, Racquet. Summer place: Lorton, Va. Resi- dence: 927 Farragut Sq., Washington, D.C, 1-EARL, Lydia Melinda, |) The Elms, Attica, Ind., May 31, 1874. 10-Rev. Joseph Hull (qv); 9-Benjamin (16389-1713), m 1668, Rachel York (Rich- ard!’; Richard); 8-Benjamin (1680-1732), m 1704, Sarah Drake (1683- 1758; Rev. John’); 7—-Joseph (1706-68), m 1730, Susanna Stelle (b 1710: Rev. Benjamin’, m Mercy, dau. of Capt. George Drake; Foncet’, Huguenot from France, 1682, m Eugenie Legenau); 6—Isaac (1781-post 1808), officer Am. Rev.; m Anne Dunham; 5-Isaac (1id3-post 1799), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1776, Massie Vaughn (William, m Massie Mount): 4—Patience (1776-1852), m 1796, Robert Adams (1769- 1817; Elisha’, m Margaret McCune); 38-Mary Baird (1797-1866), m 1816, James Earl (1795- 1864), pvt. War 1812 (Thomas‘ [1762-1844], re- moved from Frederick, Md., to Chillicothe, O., 1802, m Rhoda-). 12-Edward Fuller (qv); 11-Samuel (1615-83), last survivor of Mayflower Pilgrims; m Jane Lothrop (d before 1683; Rey. John, qv); 10-Hannah (1686-85), m 1658, Nicholas Bonham (d 1684), one of the first settlers of Piscataway, N.J. (George); E 9-Mary (1661-1742), m 1681, Rev. Edmund Dunham (1661-1734; Benajah!, m Elizabeth, dau. of Hd- mund Tillson; Dea. John4, qv); 8—-Benajah (1684-1742), m 1704, Dorothy Martin (1686- post 1742; John®, m Dorothy Smith); 7—John (1705-40), m Mercy Drake (Joseph’, m Anne Pyatt; Rev. John’); 6—Anne (1734-1825), m 1751, Lt. Isaac Hull (6 above). 2-Dau. of Elijah Earl (1828-95), farmer; inventor; m 1856, Salome Catherine Crouse (1836-1922); is- sue: I-Quincy Adams (6 1856; m Mary Belle Wait); II—Mary Rachael (b 1858; m Allen Myers Deeter); III—Victoria Susa (b 1859; m David . Shelby; m 2d, John Kraus Anderson); IV—Jen- nie D. (6 1861; m Arthur Simeon Bass); V—Mor- ton Elwood (6 1862; m Joida Marlatt); VI—Rob- ert Bruce (6 and d 1864); VII-William Howard (6 1865; m Lillian Martha Kirker); VIII—Arthur Crouse (0b 1867; m Hollis Marlatt); IX—Ethol Grace (6b 1869); X—Elijah Jerome (0b 1872); XI— Lydia Melinda (above); XII—Kate (6 1876)! XIII —-Thomas Meigs (1877-79); XIV—Hermon Hebei- sen (b 1879; m Virginia Baker); XV—James Gar- field (6 1881; m Maud Ethel Smith). Mem. S.M.D., H.S.S.C., D.A.R. Residence: The Elms, Attica, Ind. taht Charles Fisk, b in Ky., U.S.A., Feb. 4, 8-Thomas Beach (qv); 7—John (1655-1709), Wallingford, Conn.; m 1678, Mary Rice; 6—John (1690-1773), first settler of Goshen, Conn.: moderator of first town meeting; m 2d, 1717, Mary Royce (1695-1767; Samuel’, m Sarah-); 5-Adna (1718-83), rep. Gen. Ct.; m 1741, Hannah Miles (1721-75; John®, m Sarah Hillj; 4—-Adna, (1757-1820), m 1781, Mary Stanley (d 1837; Capt. Timothy®, of Goshen, Conn.); their dau. Sybil, m John Lockwood, and became the par- ents of Harriet Adelia Lockwood; below; FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 99 38—-Fisk (b 1788), m Roxa Fyler (Steven‘, m Cath- erine-). . 2-Only son of Charles Fisk Beach (1827-1908), pub- lisher, editor, clergyman, man of letters, of Phila., Pa.; m Harriet Adelia Lockwood (1818- 1884); issue: I—Charles Fisk (above); II—Harriet Adelia (1855-90; m John E. Matthews). I-m Dec. 26, 1882, Anne (Van Loan) Saunders, niece of late George McFadden, of Phila. M 2d, July 28, 1895, Annie Josephine (Smiley) Driscol, of New Orleans. A.B., Centre Coll., Ky. ,’77, A.M., 1881 (Beta Theta Pi); LL.B., Columbia, 1881; Ancien eleve faculty of law, U. of Paris and feole Libre des Sci- ences Politique (LL.D., Mt. St. Mary’s, 1920). Ry. and corpn. counsel at N.Y. City, 1881-96; international lawyer, practicing at Paris since 1896. Author (See Who’s Who in America), Promoter, treas. and mem. bd. of dirs. French Restoration Fund (Paris and New York); pro- moter, mem. bd. dirs. and sec. College des Ntats Unis (Paris), Chevalier (1913) and Officier (1926) de la Legion d’Honneur. Clubs: Bankers. Columbia University (New York), Authors’ (London), American (Paris). Residence: 17 Boulevard Raspail, Paris. 1-BEACH, George Raimes, ) Jersey City, N.J., Mar. 14, 1873. 8-Thomas Beach (qv); 7—John (1655-1709), Wallingford, Mary Rice; 6—John (1690-1773), first settler of Goshen, Conn.; moderator of first town meeting; m 2d, 1717, Mary Royce (1695-1767; Samuel’, m Sarah—): 5-Adna (1718-88), rep. Gen. Ct.; m 1741, Hannah Miles (1721-75; John*, m Sarah Hill); 4—Adna (1757-1820), m 1781, Mary Stanley (d 1887; Capt. Timothy’, of Goshen, Conn.): 3-Fisk (b 1788), m Roxa Fyler (Steven!t, m Cath- erine-). 2-Only child of Judge Marcus Beach (1819-1901), of Jersey City, N.J.; m Mary Raimes (1840-1916), dau. of George Raimes Jackson, m Sarah Ellen Morgan. M Apr. 30, 1901, Lucy Wood McBride, } Jersey City, N.J., Dec. 25, 1877; dau. of Harry McBride. originally of Westmoreland Co., Pa. (son of John K. McBride, county judge of Wooster, O., and g.son of Alexander McBride, grantee by land grant from Pres. James Madison, by letters patent dated Jan. 9, 1817); issue: 1— George Raimes, Jr., b Jersey City, N.J., May eran 2-Katharine Lucy, b Jersey City, Feb. Columbia U., ’95 (D.K.E.), LL.B., 1897. Attorney and counsellor at law, referee in bankruptcy, special master in chancery, town counsel of Montclair. Dir. N.J. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., Provident Instn. for Savings (Jersey City), Peoples Nat. Bank of Montclair. Pres. Alumni Federation of Columbia U., 1923-26: pres. Alumni Club of N.J., Columbia U., elected alumni trustee of Columbia U., 1925. Clubs: Columbia U., Downtown, Carteret, Montclair Golf, Colonial. Residence: 167 S. Mountain Av., Montclair, N.J. 1-CHAPPLE, William Dismore, } Salem, Mass., Aug. 6, 1868. 7-John Chapple (b 1679), m 1701, Hannah Manning; m 2d, Joanna-—; 6-John, m 1726, Margaret Marston; 5-Samuel, m 1746, Hannah-: 4—William (1752-95), corp. Mass. troops in Am. Rev.; m 1773, Rachel Gray; 3-Samuel (6 1783), while serving as Am. seaman in War 1812, captured by English and confined in Dartmoor Prison, England; m 1806, Sarah Dismore. 8-Stephen Hopkins (qv); 7—Constance, m Nicholas Snow (qv); 6-Lt. Jabez (1648-90), m Elizabeth Smyth; 5-Nathaniel, m Thankful Gage; 4-Reuben (1748-96), lt. Mass. troops in Am. Rev.; m Reliance Wing: 3—Nathaniel (1786-1837), m 1821, (1798-1850). 2-Son of John Dismore Chapple (1814-89), went to Calif. in the “Crescent,” 1849; m 1860, Abbie Miriam Snow (1829-1908). M July 22, 1908, Della P. Bates, b Salem, Mass., Apr. 1, 1879; dau. of Dr. William M. Bates, of Salem; issue: 1-Eliot Dismore, b Salem, Mass., _. Apr. 29, 1909; 2—-Alison, b Salem, Apr. 20, 1912. LL.B., Boston U., 1890. Admitted to bar, 1890, and since in practice at Salem; v.p. Salem 1578. Conn.; m Naney Higgins Savings Bank; dir. Naumkeag Trust Co. Mem. Common Council, 1894-96 (pres. 1896); mem. Mass. Ho. of Rep., 1897-99, Senate, 1905-08 (pres. 1907, 08); city solicitor of Salem, 1915-17. Mem. S.A.R. (pres. Old Salem Chapter, 1925-26). Ma- son (32° K.T.), Odd Fellow. Residence: 10 Sum- mer St., Salem, Mass. CLINTON DAVIS BACKUS. 1-BACKUS, Clinton Davis, b New York, N.Y., Dec. 18, 1895. 9-William Backus (qv); 8-Stephen (d 1695), m 1666, Sarah Spencer; for cophen (6 1670), founder of Canterbury, Conn., 1692; 6—Timothy, m Mary Bacon; 5—Maj. Elisha (6b 1752), served at Bunker Hill and later maj. Cont. Army; m Betsy Johnson; 4-Col. Elisha (b 1782), War 1812; 3—Charles Chapman (b 1816), an incorporator, later treas. U.S. Express Co.; m Harriet Newell Baldwin (Edward‘). 2-Son of Henry Clinton Backus (1848-1908), A.B., Harvard, ’67; LL.B., Columbia, 1871; prominent lawyer, New York; m 1890, Harriet Ivins Davis (See Vol. 1, p. 435, for genealogy). Grad. The Hill School, ’14; Yale, ex-’18. Left Yale, Apr. 1917, to enter Naval Aviation Ser- vice; service on L.I., later at Hampton Roads, Va.; commd. ensign, U.S.N.R.F., Mar. 1918: It. (j.g.), Oct. 1918; hon. discharged, Feb. 1919. En- tered oil business, later with Fred F. French Co., New York. Mem. M.O.F.W. Clubs: Uni- versity, Yale, Alpha Delta Phi, Aero, etc. Residence: 520 Park Av., New York. 1-BEATTY, Laura Milburn Schaefer (Mrs. Jo- seph M.), 6 Phila., Pa., June 2, 1861. atencts Schaefer, from Baden to Phila., Pa., if . 3-Christian (1802-62), m Catherine Meurer (Wil- liam. F.,4 1778-1862). Maternally, 4-Richard White (1779-1843), from Eng., to Phila., 1824; m 1805, Elizabeth Hallam (1786-1846) : 3-Phoebe (1806-94), m 1825, Thomas Milburn (1802- 1848) 2-Dau. of William Frederick Schaefer (1834-1919), Phila.; m 1860, Eliza Milburn (1834-1910); issue: I-Laura (above); II—Alice Margaret (1865-1925). I-—m Mar. 18, 1890, Joseph Moorhead Beatty (See Vol. 1, p. 231); issue: 1-Joseph Moorhead, Jr., } Villa Nova, Pa., Jan. 28, 1891; A.B., Haverford, 13; Ph.D., Harvard, 1917; now asso. prof. Eng- lish, Goucher Coll., Baltimore; 2—Alice Milburn (1894-96). Residence: Toughkenamon, Chester Co., Pa. 100 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Seger Jessie Clara, ) Cleveland, O., Jan. 15, 10- William Chase (qv); 9-William (1622-85), fought in Indian wars, 1675; 8—Jacob (d 1783), m Mary-; 7-Isaac, m Miss Munroe; 6—-Isaac (b 1708), m Mary Estabrook; 5—-Rufus (1746-1815), cdr. “Brittania” in Am. Rev.; m 1770, Sarah Kingsley 4—Russell (1777-1862), capt. "War 1812; m 1799, Esther Rice (6 1776; aye: capt. Am. Rev.; ‘ desc, Ed- mund Rice, qv 3—Rev. Supply G8b0- 86), m 1828, Amanda Winegar. 7-Ulric Winegar (1652-1754, aet. 102), from Switz- erland, settled at Sharon, Conn.; m ca. 1678, —Arnoldt 6—Garrett (1702- 55), m 1728, Catherine Snyder; tee Win -98), m Betty Doty (desc. Edward ot iaionee (1779-1888), m 1801, Esther Powell (John', lt. Am. Rev.); 3—Amanda. (1803-41), m Supply Chase (3 above). 2—-Only child of Theodore Russell Chase (1825-98), A.B., U. Mich., 49; lawyer and mfr.; m 1854, Ellen Augusta Smith (1827-93; Sears Elnathan'’; stereo Elijah5; Gideon*; Thomas’; John§; fo) B.S., Wells, ’77. On staff of Detroit Public Library. Mem. S.M.D., C.D.A., D:F.P.A., D.A.R., A.A.U.W. Clubs: College, Woman’s City. Resi- dence: 665 Merrick Av., Detroit, Mich. 1-DEAN, May Heywood (Mrs. Edwin C.), 0 Northfield, Minn., Apr. 25, 1871. 9—Maj. Simon Willard (q v); 8-Elizabeth (d 1690), m 1653, Robert Blood (d 1701); 7-Elizabeth (1656- 1733), m 1677, Samuel Buttrick (1654-1726) ; 6—Jonathan (1690-1767), m 1718, Elizabeth Wolly (1700-72); their son, Maj. John, cdr. of minute men at Concord, Apr. 19, 1775, gave the famous order to fire, and himself fired the first shot on the American side in Am. Rev Dy 5-Mary (1720-93), m 1743, Amos Heywood (1719-92; Samuel; John’; John’); 4-Silas (1746- 1825), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1779, Han- nah Goddard (Benjamin; Edward’; William’; Edward§); 3-Benjamin (1790-1864), m 1819, Sarah Cutler (Tar- rent‘; Jonathan), soldier Am. Rev.; Ebenezer®; Ebenezer’; Samuels; John*®). &John Coolidge (av);” ee a (1630-90), m 1655, Hannah Livermore 1633 ape es (1678-1728), m 1696, Dea. Nathan Fiske (1672- 1741); 5-Grace (1714-1803), m Benjamin Goddard (1714-54; Edward’; William’; Edward’); 4-Hannah (1750-1821), m Silas Heywood (4 above). 2—Dau. of Joseph Lee Heywood (1837-76), banker; killed by the Younger brothers notorious band of bandits in raid on First Nat. Bank, North- field, Minn.; m 1869, Martha Ann Buffum (1838- 1873). For Heywood and Buffum lineages see Vol. 1, p. 579. M June ’29, 1897, Edwin Carleton Dean (qv). Residence: 723 Quincy Av., Scranton, Pa. 1-DEAN, Edwin Carleton, } West Abington, Pa., Jan. 16, 1861. 8-John Tripp (b 1610), m Mary Paine; 7—Peleg (b 1647), m Ann Sisson; 6—Job, 6 Portsmouth, R.I.; 5- Isaac, moved from R.I. to Wyoming Valley, Pa., 1769; 4-Isaac, m Catherine LaFrance (their dau. Phe- be, m Amos Harding, ancestor of President Hardin es 3-Catherine (1784- 1861), m 1808, James Dean (See Vol. 1, p. 579, for Dean and Stone lineages). 2-Son of Myron Dean (1822-1912), mcht., farmer, m 1857, Almira Chloe Manchester (1825-1911); is- sue: 1-Laura Mabel (b 1859; m George Sisson); 2-Edwin Carleton (above). 2—-m June 29, 1897, L. May Heywood (av). Grad. of Keystone Acad., ’78 Dist. mgr. The Whitehead & Hoag Co. Residence: 723 Quincy Av., Scranton, Pa. mies Sag ead Joseph Holton, } Goshen, Ind., Apr. 10-James (De Forest) De Frees (ca. 1575-1624), Walloon leader of the Huguenots, from France, recruited the first band of colonists for New Amsterdam; led another expdn. to South America, 1623; m 1601, Marie du Cloux: 9-Isaac (1616-74), from Holland in the “Rens- selaerwyck” to New Netherland, 1687; tobacco merchant and brewer; m 1641, Sara du Trieux (Philippe?) ; 8—Philip 11652-1727), of Albany, N.Y.; m Tryntie Kip (0 1656); and thru probably; 7—-Johannes(?); 6-Joseph, m Mary Hutton (Lt. John Strange- ways Hutton’, m Catharine Cheesman; John’, m Catharine Strangeways); 5-Joseph Hutton (1763-1826), ship carpenter on a privateer in Am. Rev.; m 1777, Mary Start; 4-James, m Margaret Dougherty; 3-Joseph H. (1812-87), mem. 39th Congress, 1865- 1867; pub. of first newspaper west of De- troit, at South Bend, Ind., with his brother, John D. (who was U.S. public printer); m Mary McKinney. 2-Only child of James M. Defrees (1833-59), law- yer; but two years out of college when he died; m Victoria (1839-65), dau. Nicholas M. Holton. M Oct. 4, 1882, Harriet McNaughton, b Buffalo, N.Y., Feb. 20, 1862; dau. Daniel McNaughton, of Buffalo; issue: 1-Donald, b Chicago, Feb. 25, 1885; Ph.B, Yale-S., ’05; m Dec. 18, 1915, Flor- ence, dau. Judge Francis Elisha Baker (issue: Jean Matheson). Ed. Earlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., and North- western U. Mem. law firm of Defrees, Buck- ingham & Eaton, Chicago. Pres. Chamber of Commerce of U.S., 1920-21, ete. (See Who’s Who in America). Clubs: Chicago, Union League, Mid Day, City, Chicago Law (Chi- cago), Metropolitan (Washington), Megunti- cook Golf, Camden Yacht (Camden, Me.). Summer place: Camden, Me. Residence: Ho- tel Windermere, 1614 E., 56th St., Chicago, Il. 1-DeFOREST L(ouis) Effingham, }) New Haven, Conn., Oct. 25, 1891. li-Richard Warren (qv); 10—Nathaniel (1624-67), m Sarah Walker (d 1700); 9-Sarah (6 1649), m John Blackwell; 8-Alice (b 1681), m William Spooner (b 1680); 7-Alice (b 1718), m Roger Haskell (1711-50); siecle (1743-1888), m Capt. John Granger (1734- 5—-Rhoda (1779-1809), m Seth Taylor (d 1811); 4-Harriet (1808-54), m Charles Upham Shepard, LL.D. (1804-86; Rev. Mase’; Thomas*; Jacob’; ee at 3—Harriet S. (1833-78), m Maj. John William De- Forest (1826- 1906; John H.*; Benjamin®; Benja- min®; David’; Isaacs; Jesse’), 7-Richard Everit, a patentee of Jamaica, L. I, 1656; m Elizabeth Clare; 6—George (ca. 1700-1755-6), m Sarah—; 5-Lt. William (d 1741), m Sarah Byers; 4—Richard (1772-1863), master mariner; m Sarah Mansfield; 3—-Richard Mansfield (1824-1908), m Mary Talman Lawrence (1828-1909; Watson Effingham‘; Ef- fingham®; John*®; Richard?; Joseph’; Capt. William’). 10-Gov. Theophilus Eaton (qv); 9-Hannah (1632-1707), m Dep. Gov. William Jones (1624-1706) ; 8-Isaac (1671- 1723/24), m Deborah Clark (1672-1733) ; 7—Deborah (b 1700), m Nathaniel Maltby (1700-31); 6—Elizabeth (1724-1810), m William Lyon (1716-67) : ee rreayeck te (d 1817), m William Mansfield (1750- pees (1791-1875), m Richard Everit (4 above). 2-Son of Louis Shepard De Forest (See Vol. 1, p. 604, for other lineages), m 1889, Annie Coley Everit. M Nov. 15, 1925, Anne L. Marston. B.A., Yale, ’12; M.A., Columbia, 1920; J.D., New York U., 1926. Lawyer and editor; editor of The National Patriot. Author of several pub- lished genealogies and hist. monographs; ed- itor of history and genealogical collections. Pvt., 7th N.Y. Inf., Mexican border service; capt., U.S.A., 18 mos. in World War; maj.. O.R.C.; maj., N.Y.N.G. Mem. exec. com. of Huguenot-Walloon ‘Tercentenary Commn.; sec. Yale War Memorial Com. Mem. S.M.D. (historian), S.C.W. (dep. sec.), S.N.S. (mer.), H.S.A., S.C. (asst. sec.), S.A.W. (genealogist). S.R., S.W. 1812, Delta Psi, ete. Clubs: Grad- uates (New Haven), University, Yale (New York). Residence: 345 E. 68th St., New York. 1-DeKERGORLAY, Mary Louisa Carroll (Com- tesse Jean), b New York, N.Y., May 26, 1859. lee Carroll (d 1747), from Ireland to Md., FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 101 6—Charles (1702-82), of Doughoregan Manor, How- ard Co., Md.; atty. gen. of Md.; m Elizabeth Brooke; 5—Charles (1787-1832), of Carrollton; last surviv- ing “‘signer’’; m Mary Darnall; 4-Charles, m Harriet Chew (Benjamin‘, chief justice of Md.); 3—Charles (1801-62), m Mary Digges Lee. 2-Dau. of John Lee Carroll (1830-1911), 40th gov. of Md., 1876-80; m 1856, Anita (d@ 1873), dau. Royal Phelps; m 2d, Mary Carter Thompson; issue (ist marriage): I-Mary Louisa (above); II-— Royal Phelps (6 1862; m Marion, dau. Eugene Langdon); IIlI—Anita (m Baron Louis de La Grange); IV—Charles (6 1865; m Suzanne Ban- croft); V—Helen (m Herbert D. Robbins); VI— Mary Irene (d 1888); (24 marriage): VII—Philip Acosta (b 1879). I-—m Dec. 4, 1886, Comte Jean de Kergorlay, 0 Paris, France, 1860; Chevalier de Ordre de Malte, chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur; son of Comte Louis de Kergorlay, of France; is- sue: 1—Claude, b Paris, 1888; m June 1913, Comte Emmanuel de Casteja; sgt. de Chasseurs a field; Medaille Militaire and Croix de Guerre; 2-Comte Bertrand, 6b Paris, 1889; lt. aviateur de reserve; Croix de Guerre; m 1923, Mlle. de Beauverger; 8—Anita, b Versailles, France, 1890; 4-Comte Albert (1894-May 17, 1921); lt. avi- ateur de reserve; Croix de Guerre, Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur, Chevalier du Soleil Levant du Japan. Residence: 6 Rue Mesnil, Paris, France. 1-DELAFIELD, Margaretta Stockton Beasley feet Edward C.), 6 Trenton, N.J., Nov. 2, (od. 10-Thomas Blount (1564-1624), m Bridgett-; 9-James, m —Clare; 8-Capt. James (1620-86), from Eng. to Va., ca. 1655; m 1665, Anne Willis, widow of Robert Roscoe; 7—John (1669-1725), m 1695, Elizabeth Davis (1679-1733) ; 6—Col. John (1706-1754), m Sarah E. Vail; 5-Elizabeth, m Col. John Baptist Beasley, offi- cer Am. Rev.; 4-Frederic, D.D. (1777-1845), A.B., Princeton, 1797; 5th provost of U.Pa.; m 1807, Maria Wil- liamson; 3—Mercer, LL.D. (1815-97), chief justice of N.J., 1864-97; m Frances Higbee (1817-53). : 7-William Williamson (d 1734), m Margaret De Harte (1701-59); 6-Gen. Matthias (1716-1807), col. and q.m. gen. in Am. Rev.; Sussannah Halsted (d 1793); 5—Matthias (6 1752), officer Am. Rev.; m Henrietta Levy (1759-1831) ; 4—Maria (d 1852), m Frederic Beasley (4 above). 9-Lt. Richard Stockton (qv); 8—Richard (ca. 1654-1709), purchased from William Penn 6000 acres, the present site of Princeton, N.J., and established “Morven,” since the an- cestral home; m 1691, Susannah (Witham) Rob- inson (Robert Witham’), widow of Thomas Robinson; 7—John (1701-87), chief judge Ct. Common Pleas, Somerset Co., N.J.; a founder Coll. of N.J.; m 1729, Abigail Phillips (Philip); 6—-Richard (1730-81), A.B., Coll. of N.J., in its 1st class, 1748; a “signer’’; m 1801, Annis Boudinot (Elias?) ; 5-Richard, LL.D. (1764-1828), A.B., Coll. of N.J., 1779; U.S. senator and rep. 13th Congress from N.J.; m Mary Field (Robert‘); 4-Robert Field (1795-1866), commodore in U.S.N.; conquered California, 1846; U.S. senator from N.J.; m 1823, Harriet Maria Potter (John‘); 3—Robert Field (1832-98), A.B., Princeton, ’51; brig. gen. and adj. gen. of N.J., 1858-67; bvt. maj. gen.; state comptroller of N.J., 1877-80; m Anna Margaretta Potter (d 1918), 2-Dau. of Mercer Beasley (1845-87), m 1877, Mary Potter Stockton (1857-91); issue: I-Margaretta Stockton (above); II—Katherine Stockton (m Charles Thomas Lowndes); III—Mercer, I—m Apr. 30, 1900, Edward Coleman Delafield (See Vol. 1, p. 580, for genealogy); issue (all b N.Y. City): 1-Maturin Livingston, 2d, b March 17, 1901; Princeton, ’28; 2-Margaretta Stockton, } Nov. 3, 1904; 3-Edward Coleman, b Feb. 14, 1906; . 4Mary, 0 Nov. 24, 1911. Mem. C.D.A. Residence: 6 E. 65th St., York. New 1-DENBY, Edwin Hooper, ) Philadelphia, Pa., Heb. 9, 1873. 5-Jonathan Denby, from Wales to Va., ca. 1750; 4—Jonathan (1760-1805), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1795, Elizabeth Healey; 3—Nathaniel (1798-1854), first Am. consul at Mar- seilles, France; later mcht., Richmond, Va.; m Sarah Jane Harvey. 9-Richard Borden (qv); 8-Benjamin (1649-1728), m 1670, Abigail (1654-1720) ; 7—Benjamin (1675-1742), m 1705, Zeruiah-; ean (1715-53), m Magdalen Woods (1720- ) 5 5-Martha (1744-1822), Benjamin Hawkins (1732-79); 4-Magdalen (1775-1843), m Matthew Harvey (1761- 1825), of Mountjoy, Va.; soldier Am. Rev.; Sy ores Jane (1803-40), m Nathaniel Denby (3 above). 2-Son of Dr. Edwin Robinson Denby (1834-75), fleet surgeon, U.S.N.; m Laura (b 1838), dau. of John Hooper; issue: I-Ethel; II—Edwin Hoop- er (above). Ii-m June 28, 1916, Sadie Campbell, } Brooklyn, oe 1880; dau. of Felix Campbell, of Brook- yn. Grad. Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, 1897. Mem. Denby & Nute, architects, New York. Clubs: Metropolitan, Manhattan, Riding, MacDowell, Atlantic Yacht. Summer place: Bar Harbor, Me. Residence: 105 E. 58d St., New York, N.Y. 1-FALL, Charles Gershom, b Malden, June 22, 1845. 6-John Fall (d 1746), of Berwick, Me.; m 1710, Judith Heard; 5-Philip (d 1782), Lebanon, Me.; m Betty-; 4-Sgt. George (ca. 1752/53-1832), served 7 yrs. and 9 months in Am, Rev.; m 2d, 1783, Abra Ken- ney (d 1817); 3—George (1791-1858), m 1814, Mary Lord. 9-Elder William Wentworth (qv); 8-Elizabeth, m 2d, Richard Tozer, Berwick, Me. 7—Martha, m Elder Nathan Lord, Berwick: 6—Capt. Samuel, m his cousin, Martha Went- worth (Paul’, m Elizabeth Tozer); 5-Elder Ebenezer (ca. 1720-1812), Lebanon, Me.; 4—Gershom (1752-1817), m 1766, Esther Hanson; 3—-Mary (ca. 1791-1868), m George Fall (3 above). 9-William Moody, from Eng., was at Ipswich, Mass., 1635; m Sarah-; 8—-Caleb (1639-95), m Judith Bradbury (d 1700); 7-Rev. Samuel (1676-1747), A.B., Harvard, 1699, chaplain Louisburg Expdn., 1745; m Hannah Sewell (their dau. Mary, m Joseph Emerson, er was g.g.father of Ralph Waldo Emer- son); 6—-Rev. Joseph (1700-53), A.B., Harvard, 1718; m 1724, Lucy White (Rev. John’); 5-Thomas (1783-1805), m Mary McIntire; 4—John (6b 1763), m Lucy Langton (Rev. John’, founder Congl. Ch., Lebanon Centre, Me.); 3-John, m Eliza Powers (Dr. Samuel‘, of Shap- leigh, Me.). 2-Only child of Gershom Lord Fall (1818-66), Malden, Mass.; m 1843, Eliza Powers Moody (1820-47). M Feb. 16, 1887, Emily Bentham Fabian, 6 Cin- cinnati, O., Oct. 12, 1853; dau. of Robert Leth- bridge Fabian, m Emily Sophia Johnston; is- sue: 1-Fabian (Dec. 26, 1887-Aug. 17, 1909); 2— Rowena (1891-92). A.B., Harvard, -’68, A.M., LL.B., 1871. Retired lawyer; reformer, historian, novelist, poet, dramatist. “Father” of the first employers’ liability act, since adopted by nation and in all the states and the basis of the workman’s compensation acts, already adopted by 42 states, and of the Mass. Arbitration Bd. (the pioneer). His ‘Chronicles of the Great War” in the Harvard Library number 66 vols. Mem. S.C.W. (17 ancestors), S.R., etc. (See Who’s Who in America). Country place: “Fellsmere,” Cohasset, Mass. Residence: 393 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. 1-FERRIS, Mary Lanman Douw (Mrs. Morris P.), 6 Poughkeepsie, N.Y., May 22, 1855. 7-Lt. Volckert Janszen Douw (d 1681), from Friesland to Ft. Orange (Albany), N.Y., 1638; was lt. of a foot company at Rensselaerwyck, 1669; Indian commissioner and magistrate, Ft. Orange, 1654; m Dorothe Van Breestede; 6-Capt. Jonas (d 17386), capt. Albany militia; m Magdalena Quackenbosch; Grover Mass., 102 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 5-Capt. Petrus (1692-1775), mem. Colonial Assem- bly; m Anna Van Rensselaer; 4-Capt. Volckert Pieter (1720-1801), Indian commr, and mem. Colonial Assembly; m Anna de Peyster (Capt. Johannes®, commr. Indian affairs); 3-Ens. John de Peyster (1756-1885), soldier Am. Rev.; m Catherine Douw Gansevoort. 6-James Lanman, Boston, 1692; m 1714, Joanna Boylston (Thomas’); 5—Peter, m 1764, Sarah S. Coit (Col. Samuel®); 4—James (1769-1841), grad. Yale, 1788; U.S. senator from Conn., 1819-25; judge Superior and Su- preme cts. of Conn.; mayor of Norwich; m 1794, Marian Chandler; 3-Col. Charles James, m 1818, Maria Jeanne Guie (Antoine’). 2-Dau. of Col. John de Peyster Douw (1812-1901), country gentleman, Albany and Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; m 1854, Marianne Chandler Lanman (1826-84); issue: I-Mary Lanman (above); II- Margaret Livingston (m Edward Nicoll Town- send); Il1I—Charles Gibbons; IV—Helen Louise (m Herman V. Mynderse); V—Henry Chandler (1864-73). I-m Sept. 4, 1879, Morris Patterson Ferris (Oct. 3, 1855-Oct. 26, 1918); lawyer, New York; son of Isaac Ferris, D.D., LL.D., 3d chancellor U. of New York; issue: 1-Mary van Rensselaer, 6 Brooklyn, N.Y., Aug. 28, 1880; m Apr. 20, 1903, Joseph Banks Roberts; 2—Morris Douw (qv for Ferris line); 3-Van Wyck, 6 Garden City, L.I., May 28, 1890; m Jan. 29, 1916, Elizabeth Gou- verneur Morris, dau. of Maj. William G. Ram- say, m Caroline Johnston Canby (See Vol. 1, p. 586 for genealogy). Grad. Cook’s Collegiate Inst., Poughkeepsie, N.Y., ’74. Writer (See Who’s Who in Amer- ica). Mem. C.D.A.; founder and ist sec. ‘D.C. Hobby: Americana and genealogy. Resi- dence: 551 Fulton Av., Hempstead, N.Y 1-FERRIS, Morris Douw, 0 Brooklyn, Feb. 12, 1884. 8-Jeffrey Ferris (qv); 7—John (1689-1715), m Mary Jackson (d 1704); 6—Peter, m Sussanah Fowler; 5—Gilbert (d 1777), m Sarah Fowler; 4-John (1771-1824), lt. col. of arty. War 1812; m Sarah Watkins; 3-Isaac, D.D., LL.D. (1798-1873), A.B., Columbia, 1816, 8d chancellor, U.City of New York, 1852- 1870; m 3d, Letitia Storm. 2-Son of Morris Patterson Ferris (1855-1918), lawyer, New York; m 1879, Mary Lanman Douw (qv for other lineages). M June 14, 1918, Dorcas Oakley Williams, }) New York, July 4, 1886; dau. of Thomas Williams; issue: 1—-Dorcas Oakley, b N.Y. City, Mar. 11. eos ata Douw,, Jr, 0 NaY. City, Man: A.B., Columbia, ’05 (Delta Phi). Lawyer, par- ticularly marine matters. Was manager Con- tract Div. of U.S. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corpn. during the war. Mem. S.R. Clubs: Columbia University, Rockaway Hunt. Residence: “Dorcastle,” Lawrence, L.I., N.Y. 1-PAUL, Margaret Crosby Butler (Mrs. Henry N.), 6 Yonkers, N.Y., May 30, 1867. 7-John Butler (1653-1735), from Eng., was living at New London, Conn., in 1689; m Katherine Haughton; 6—Jonathan (1700-60), m Temperance Buckingham; 5—-Ezekiel (1734-81), m Mabel Jones; N.Y., 4—Medad (1766-1847), of Kinderhook, N.Y.; m Han- nah Tylee; 3-Benjamin Franklin (1795-1858), Atty. Gen. of U.S. and Sec. of War in Cabinets of Presi- dents Jackson and Van Buren; m Harriet Allen. 7-James Marshall, m Ruth Hawkins; 6—Joseph, m Mercy Short; 5—-Benjamin, m Mary Macy; 4-Charles (6 1760), sea capt., m Hephzibah Coffin: 3—Charles Henry (1792-1865), sea capt. and part owner of the Black Ball Line of packets, bet. New York and Liverpool; m Fidelia Wellman. 9-Theophilus Eaton (qv); 8-Hannah_ (1633-1707), m William Jones (Col. John®, the regicide): 7T-Isaaec (1671-1741), of New Haven; m Deborah Clark; 6—-Isaac (1703-59), m Deborah Parker: 5—Mabel (1736-1806), m Ezekiel Butler (5 above). 2-Dau. of William Allen Butler, LL.D. (1825- 1902), U.City of New York, ’43; distinguished lawyer, New York; pres. Am. Bar Assn.; au- thor; m 1850, Mary Russell Marshall (1828-1919) ; issue: I-William Allen (1853-1928; m lLouise Terry Collins); II-Howard Russell (See Vol. 1, p. 329); IlI—-Mary Marshall (b 1857); IV— Charles Henry (See Vol. 1, p. 329); V—Harriet A. (1861-1914); VI-—George Prentiss (1863-1911; m Ellen Mudge); VII—Margaret Crosby (above); Pe Wellman (bd 1870; m Anna F. Rob- inson). Vil-m Jan. 30, 1889, Henry Neill Paul (See Vol. 1, p. 828); issue: 1-Theodore Sedgwick, b Phila., Feb. 9, 1890; Princeton, ’11; m June 15, 1916, Ade- line Louise Forbes, dau. of Senator George Wharton Pepper; 2-Mary Russell, 6 Chestnut Hill, Phila., Pa., July 29, 1891; m June 5, 1924, Dr. G. Colket Caner; 3—John Rodman, 0 Chestnut Hill, Apr. 18, 18938; Princeton, ’15; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 1919; m Sept. 30, 1922, Mary Leita, dau. of Henry D. Harlan; 4-Wil- liam Allen Butler, 6 Chestnut Hill, Feb. 24, 1895; Princeton, ’18; m Sept. 16, 1922, Adelaide Sims, dau. of James C. Newlin; 5-Samuel Hollingsworth, 6 Chestnut Hill, July 5, 1896: Cornell, ’20; m Feb. 7, 1925, Margaret, dau. of Rev. Corydon C. Tyler, of Phila.; 6—-Arthur, b Chestnut Hill, Aug. 28, 1898; Princeton, ’20: m Apr. 17, 1922, Betty Conrad, dau. of Samuel Welsh, of Phila.; 7-Henry Neill, 6} Chestnut Hill, Apr. 6, 1900; U.S.N.A., ’22; m Sept. 26, 1925, Marianne Frazer, dau. of George B. Harris, of Phila.; 8-Margaret Neill, 6B Chestnut Hill, June 4, 1904; m June 28, 1924, Samuel B. Irwin, of Phila. Residence: 550 E. Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. ane Randolph, !) Jersey City, N.J., Jan. 3, io 4-Joel Bedle (English descent), one of the ear- liest settlers of N.J.; 3—Thomas I. (1805-96), m Hannah Dorsett. 9-Edward Fitz Randolph (qv); 8—Joseph (1656-1726), m 1688, Hannah Conger (b 1670; John’); 7—Joseph (6b 1691), m Rebekah Drake (Rev. John§); 6-Joseph (1722-82), m ca. 1742, Esther Broderick (Thomas’); 5—Dr. Robert (1761-1821), m Nancy Campion; 4-Francis C. (1793-1828), m Phebe Halsey Crane: 3—Bennington (1817-90), lawyer and judge; founder Equitable Life Assurance Soc.; m Eliza Henderson Forman. 2-Son of Joseph Dorsett Bedle, LL.D. (1821-94). judge Supreme Ct. of N.J., 1865-75; 26th gov. of N.J., 1875-78; m 1861, Althea Fitz Randolph (See Vol. 1, p. 238). Not married. Ed. Lawrenceville School and Princeton U. Lawyer. Residence: The Fair- mount, Jersey City, N.J. 1-BEECHER, Mary Roberta Treadwell (Mrs. Henry L.), 6 St. Peter, Minn., Nov. 23, 1871. 8-Edward Treadwell (b 1601), one of first settlers at Ipswich, Mass., 1637; m Sarah-; 7-Samuel, m Ruth Wheeler; 6—John (1674-1715), m 1699, Abigail Minor (d 1717/ 1718; Capt. John’? [b 1636], m 1658, Elizabeth Booth; Thomas’, qv); Hezekiah (1707- él). m 1730, Mehitabel Minor eich yae (1741-1826), m 2d, 1779, Abiah Stfllson s-Herekiah (1786-1833), m 1811, Julia Noble (1786- 9-Capt. Thomas Graves (ante 1585-1662), from Eng. to Salem, Mass., ca. 1628; m Sarah— (d 1666) ; &-John (d 1677), m Mary Smith (d 1688); 7-Sarah (d 1700), m Edward Stebbins (1656-1712) ; 6-Sarah (1681l-ante 1713), m Jan. 8, 1701, Lt. John Root (1682-1731); 5—Sarah (1702-60), 'm 1722, Thomas Noble (1696-1775) ; 4-John (1731-1807), m 1778, Lois Sexton (1745-1828): See eae m 1811, ‘Hezekiah Treadwell (3 above). 2-Only child of John Noble Treadwell (1828-1913), banker; m 1868, Jane Anna Pickett (1832-82). M June 8, 1898, Henry Lee Beecher, b Fort Dodge, Ia., Aug. 20, 1870; son of Hezekiah Beecher, of Lebanon, Conn.; issue: 1—Sher- burn Treadwell, 6 St. Peter, Minn., Mar. 12, 1899; Carleton, ’20; 2-Douglas Noble, ) St. Peter, Aug. 28, 1903; 3-James Morrison, } New Ulm, Minn., Apr. 11, 1910. FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 103 Mem. Old Planters Soc., D.F.P.A., D.A.C., D.A.R. (regent John Noble Chapter). Residence: 404 S. German St., New Ulm, Minn. 1-BENJAMIN, Marcus, 0 San Francisco, Calif., Jan, 17, 1857. 9-John Benjamin (av); 8—Joseph (1633-1704), m bd, Sarah Clark; 7-Joseph (1664-1788), m Elizabeth Cook ‘(or Coke); 6—Joseph (b 1699), m Deborah Clark; 5—-Nathan (1737-85), pvt. Am. Rev., m Ist, Abigail Dibble; 4-Joseph (1764-1808), maj. Mass. militia, m Susan- nah Gaylord; 3-Orson (bd 1789), m Mary Kibbe (desc. Gov. William Bradford, and Richard Lyman, qv: dese. Alfred the Great). 9-Matthew Mitchell (1590-1645) ; 8—David (1619-85), m Sarah Wheeler; 7—Matthew (1652-1736) ; 6—-Matthew (1709-92), corp. Am. Rev.; 5—David (1748-1810), pvt. Am. Rev.; 4—-David (1776- 1840), m Sarah, dau. Daniel Dibble, 1t. Am. Rev.; 3—Marcus (1805- 72), m Betsy Hough (g.dau. Joel Hough, pvt. Am. Rev.). 2-Son of Edmund Burke Benjamin (1828-94), meht., San Francisco, m 1856, Sarah Mitchell (1832-1908); issue: I-Marcus (above); II—Mary (1859-64); IlI—Frank (1861-64); I[V—Edmund (1863- 1882); V—Irving Johnson (b 1865); VI-Eva Mary (m Rev. Leonard B. Richards); VII—Grace: VIII-Sarah Isabel (m Frederick C. Keely; IX— Arthur (06 1878). I-m June 16, 1892, Carolyn Gilbert (qv). Ph.B., Columbia, ’78 (Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi); (hon. A.M., Lafayette; Ph. D., Nashville; Sce.D., Pittsburgh; LL.D., St. John’s). Editor, U.S. Nat. Mus. since 1896 (See Who’s Who in America). Vol. aid, Bur. Naval Int., World War. Officier de 1l’Instruction Publique (France); cavaliere of the Order of the Crown of Italy. Fellow London Chem. Soc., A.A.A.S. (actg. pres. 1899). Mem. B.O.R., S.C.W. (dep. gov. gen.), S.N.S., S.R. (v.p. D.C. soc.), S.W.1812 (v.p. gen.). Clubs: Authors (New York), Cosmos (Washington). . Resi- dence: The Highlands, Washington, D.C 1-BENJAMIN, Carolyn Gilbert (Mrs. Marcus), b New York, N.Y. 9-John Gilbert (d 1657), from Bridgewater, Som- ersetshire, Eng., to Taunton, Mass., 1634; m Mary Street; 8-Thomas (d 1675), m 1689/40, Jane Rossiter (d 1681) ; 7-Eleazer (d 1701), King Philip’s War; m 1682, Elizabeth Crane; Septem (1680-1760), m 1712, Mary Willmarth (0 5~Timothy (1717-93), m 1744, Mary Keith (b 1726); 4-Timothy (1747-1825), m 1771, Martha Rogers (1747-1824) ; 3-Loring (1802-1868), mm 1831, Rachel Whitcomb Warner. 9-Dea. Andrew Warner (qv); 8—Daniel (ca. 1635-1692), m ist, Mary—; m 2d, Mar- tha Boltwood; 7T—-Daniel (1666-1754), m 1688, Mary Hubbard; Cre ias (1710- 94), m 1st, —Hubbard; m 2d, i 5-Blijah (1738/39-1819), officer Am. Rey.; m 1762, Submit Wells (6 1742); 4—-Giles (1771-1847), m 1st, 1809, Betsey Sampson (1774-1823 7) ; 8—Rachel Whitcomb (1811-94), m Loring Gilbert (3 above). 2-Dau of Joseph Loring Gilbert (1832-95), broker; m 1855, Caroline Clementine Etchebery (1838- 1915); issue: I-Charles P. H. (6 1863; m Flor- ence Cecil Moss); II—Carolyn (above). M June 16, 1892, Marcus Benjamin (qv). Mem. jury of awards, Omaha Expn., 1898, Jamestown Expn., 1907; mem. advisory bd. Woman’s Auxiliary of P. HE. Diocese of Wash- ington; mem. Nat. Cathedral Assn.; curator in charge of hist. collection of C.D.A. exhibited in U.S. Nat. Mus., 1906-25. Hereditary life mem. Mary Washington Memorial Assn.; life member Pocahontas Memorial Assn.; many yrs. sec. Nat. Soc. Children of Am. Rev. Mem. C.D.A.,O.C.G., D.A.R., ete. (See Woman’s Who’s Who in America), Clubs: Washington (gov.), . Colonial Dames (many times gov.). Resi- dence: The Highlands, Washington, D.C. Mary 1-CHATTERTON, Ray Webb, 0 Belleville, Wis. 7 July 28, 1877. 9-William Chatterton (d 1700), from Eng. to New Haven, Conn., 1656; m Mary Clark (d 1722); 8-Samuel (1671- 1733), m 1st, Elizabeth Warner; 7-William (1704-58), m 1730, Elizabeth Ford: 6—Stephen (1731-92), m 1st, ‘Sarah Payne : 5-Nathaniel (1755-1835), Am. Rev.; ; mM “i783, Mary (Manning) Storm; 4—John (1793-1875), m Hannah Stott; 38-Richard (1815-93), Co. B, 49th Wis. in Civil War; m Laura Lewis. 9-Lt. Thomas Tracy (qv); 8—Christopher; 7—Deborah, m 1741, David Dewey (b 1721; Jabez’, m Deborah York; Israel; Israel; Thomas"; av); 6—David (1746-1839), Am. Rev.; m 1768, Sarah Wit- ter (1748-1804) ; 5-Sarah (1770-1806), m 1786, as his 2d wife, John Connabell (1749-1815), chmn. Com. Safety and pvt. Am. Rev. (Samuel’, pvt. Am. Rev., m Mary English; Samuel’; John’, from Eng., 1674, served in King Philip’ s War); 4-Flizabeth (1793-1844), m 1810, David Coats (1788- 1815) ; iHlvire, (1826-1905), m 1842, Thomas Clark Webb 1810-6 2-Son of William Wallace Chatterton (1848- rhe agriculture; pvt. Co. H, 8th Wis. Vol. Inf. Civil War; m 1873, Helen Webb (b 18538) ; ree I—Rose Genevieve (m William Van Wagener): II—-Ray Webb (above); III—William Erick (1890-1920). II—Not married. University agriculture course, Volwint 1906. Agriculturist. Mem. S.A.R. Mason eee Residence: “The Elms,” Belleville, is. 1-CHESTON, Daniel Murray, Jr., 0} Philadel- phia, Pa., Nov. 12, 1879. 6—Daniel Cheston, M.D., arrived from Bristol, England, ca. 1720; m 1746, Francina Augustina Frisby (James); 5-James (b 1747), m 1775, Anne Galloway (Sam- uels, of “Tulip Hill,” West River, Md.); 4-James (b 1779), shipping and importing mer- chant, Baltimore; m Mary Ann Hollingsworth (Samuel!); 3-Dr. James, m Sally Scott Murray (desc. Dr. William Murray, Nese 1692-1763], the founder of the family in 5—-Thomas wanaalt: Cisee- -1759), from Eng. to King George Co., Va., ca. 1717; provincial judge there; m 1728, Jane Davis; 4—John ’(1750- 1826), of Annapolis, Md.; officer Am. Rev.; m 1783, Deborah Knapp (1763- 1853; Wil- liam’, m Frances Cadmore); 3~-Alexander (1808-81), lawyer, financier; mem. 27th Congress, 1841-48; atty. gen. of Md.; m ist, Catherine Grattan Wirt. 6—-Dr. George Gamble (1700-57), from Scotland to Williamsburg, Va., 1731; m 1732, Mary Peachey Walker; 5—-Dr. George (1742-92), of ‘Pen Park,” Albe- marle Co., Va.: m Lucy Walker (0 1751; Dr. Thomas® [1714- 94], burgess, mem. Va. Conv., 1775, Indian commr., explorer); 4— Catharine, m. 1795, William Wirt, LL.D. (1772- 1834), Atty. Gen. of U.S., 1817-29, in Cabinets of Presidents Monroe and J.Q.Adams: 8-Catherine G. (d 1851), m Alexander Randall (3 above). 2-Son of Dr. Daniel Murray Cheston (1843-1919), M.D., U. Pa., 1864; physician, farmer; m 1872, Ellen Rosa Randall (1846-97); issue: T-Katha- rine Wirt (m William Jones Haines); II- Alexander R.; IlI—Margaret G. (6 1878); IV— Daniel Murray. Jr. (above). Tv—m Oct. 14, 1905, Mary S. Burwell; issue: 1— D. M., b Phila., Pa., Oct. 11, 1908; 2-Augusta B., b Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 25, 1910; 3-E. Burwell, b Annapolis, Md., June 28, 1913. U. of Pa., ’01 (Delta Psi). Enlisted as corpl.. Baty. A, ipa Light Arty., May 6, 1898, and advanced to maj.; commd. 24d It., inf., U.S.A., Feb. 2, 1901; 1st 1t., May 6. 1907; resigned, Nov. 30, 1915; comma. 1st li ants May 14, 1917; capt. (temp.), Aug. 5, 1917; capt., ‘July 16, 1918; maj., A.S.S.C., U.SvAs Aug. 5, 1917; Air Service, Aug, 20, 1918. Served in Spanish- Am. War, Philip- pine Insurrection, Porto Rican and Cuban occupations, and as It. col., A.S., World War. Residence: care of Adjutant General, Wash- ington, D.C 104 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY WALTER EVANS DEVEREUX. 1-DEVEREUX, Walter Evans, 6 Buffalo, N.Y., Nov. 2, 1897. 8—Robert Livingston (qv); 7-Philip (1686-1749), 2d lord of the manor; m 1707, Katherine Van Brugh (Peter’, mayor of Albany); 6—-William, LL.D. (1723-90), B.A., Yale, 1741; 1st gov. State of N.J., 1776-90; del. to conv. that framed Constitution of U.S., 1787; m ca. 1745, Susannah French (bap. 1723-1789); 5-Henry Brockholst, LL.D. (1757-1823), A.B., Princeton, 1774; officer Cont. Army, asso. jus- tice Supreme Ct. of U.S.; m ist, Catherine Kettletas; Ee ee nine m Archibald McVickar, of New York; 3—-Susan, m John Corish Devereux (1810-61). 2-Son of Walter Devereux, m 1896, Virginia Evans (See Vol. 1, p. 214). Not married. Ed. Nichols School, Buffalo, N.Y. Developer of real estate; mng. owner of Dev- ereux Professional Bldg., Buffalo. Mem. S.R. Residence: 675 Delaware Av., Buffalo, N.Y. 1-BENJAMIN, Florence Almira Briggs (Mrs. William W.), 6 Cleveland, O., July 2, 1868. 7-Johann Peter Rockefeller (b 1682), from Ger- many to Amwell, N.J., 1723-24; 6—Peter (b 1711), m Mary Bellis; 5-William (6 1750), m Christina Rockefeller (dese. Diell Rockefeller, came with his cousin, Johann Peter, above); 4-Godfrey (1783-1857), m Lucy Avery (1786-1867; Miles®, soldier Am. Rev.); 3-William Avery (1810-1904), m Eliza Davison (See their son John D., Vol. 1, p. 803). 2-Dau. of Lucy Rockefeller (1838-78), m 1856, Pier- son Douglas Briggs (1832-1912). M Oct. 29, 1891, William Wallace Benjamin (Apr. 5, 1867-Nov. 15, 1902); son of Maj. William Wal- lace Benjamin, of Ossining, N.Y.; issue: 1— Lucy Avery, b Cleveland, O., June 4, 1896; m Oct. 8, 1921, Morgan W. Rogers, of Providence, R.I. (issue: Lucy Avery, 0} May 28, 1923); 2— William Wallace, b E. Orange, N.J., June 30, 1898; Yale, ’22; m Sept. 13, 1924, Candace Catlin Woodruff, of Litchfield, Conn. Summer place: East Hampton, L.I. Residence: 449 Park Av., New York. 1-CHEWNING, William Jeffries, } Fredericks- burg, Va., Apr. 29, 1877. 7-George (Chowning) Chewning (b 1620), from Eng. to Middlesex Co., Va., 1636; held land patent in New Norfolk Co., Va., 1642; 6-James, m Alice Clark; 5-Reuben T., m Louisa Crawford; 4—Capt. Reuben (1773-18386), began to write name Chewning; soldier War 1812; m Miss Dickinson; m 2d, Lucy Diggs; 38—Frank B., m Elizabeth Smith. 10-—Edwin Conway, the immigrant, 1640; m Ist, Martha Eltonhead (Richard"'); 9-Col. Edwin (1681-1763), burgess, Va., 1710-42; m Sarah Fleete (Col. Henry’); 8-Edwin, m Ann Ball (dese. Joseph Ball, whose dau. Mary was grandmother of George Wash- ington); 7—George, m Ann Heath; 6-Agatha, m Isaac Eustace (William’, m Anne, dau. of Hancock Lee, son of Richard Lee, the immigrant); oa eues m Maj. Joseph Blackwell, officer in Am. ev.; 4-Agatha, m Maj. Enoch Jeffries, War 1812; 38—Einoch (1818-1900), Fauquier Co., Va.; m Judith Payne. 8—-William Randolph (qv); 7—-Thomas (0 1683), of ‘“‘Tuckahoe”’; m Judith Churchill; 6-Mary, m Rev. James Keith, from Scotland to Fauquier Co., Va.; 5-Thomas, m Judith Blackwell; 4-Mary R., m Capt. James Payne; 38—Judith, m Enoch Jeffries (3 above). 2-Son of George Heussler Chewning (6b 1847), dental surgeon; m 1876, Mary Isham Randolph Jeffries (6b 1850); issue: I—William Jeffries (above); II-Agnes Eustace (b 1884). I-m June 17, 1903, Anne Page Meetze, 6 ‘Glen Fern,” Fauquier Co., Va., Jan. 18, 1878; Colo- nial Dame; dau. of Edward Bouknight Meetze, of Lexington, S.C.; issue: 1-William Jeffries, Jr., 6 Fredericksburg, Va., July 29, 1904; George Washington U., ’27. M.D., Univ. Med. Coll. (now Med. Coll. of Va.), 1900. Physician, therapeutist; inventor of a ‘new violet ray,’ therapeutic light. Commd. 1st lt., M.C., U.S.A., Apr. 1917. Summer place: The Plains, Fauquier Co., Va. Residence: Fredericksburg, Va. 1-DENNIS, Louis Rothan, }) Schenectady, N.Y., Dec. 9, 1899. é 8-George Dennis (d ante 1708), m 2d, 1681, Eliza- beth (Smith) Raymond (bap. 1745; Rev. Nehe- miah®, of Norwich, Conn.); 7-—Ebenezer (1682-1726), m 1717, Deborah Ely (Wil- liam’, of Lyme, Conn.); 6—-Benjamin (1722-95), m 1746, Thankful Bliss (1721- 93; Samuel’, of Norwich); 5-Samuel (1756-1822), sailor Am. Rev.; m 1783, Eunice Gallup; 4—-Jared Gallup (1796-1870), m 2d, 1833, Nancy A. P. Congdon (1804-71); 3-John Benjamin (1835-94), served pvt., capt. and maj., 1861-65, and bvtd. It. col., col. and brig. gen. vols., Civil War; m 2d, 1862, Sarah M. English (d 1879; Nathaniel S.4 of New Haven, Conn.). 11-John Howland (qv); 10-Desire (1625-83), m 1648, Capt. John Gorham (av); 9—-Elizabeth (b 1648), m Joseph Hallett; 8—Lois, m 1690, Henry Cobb (b 1665), of Barnstable, Mass. ; Lett ae (b 1693), m Benadam Gallup, of Groton, onn.; 6—-Henry (1725-1811), of Groton, Conn.; m 1750, Hannah Mason (Nehemiah’, of Stonington, Conn.); 5—Eunice (1755-1829), m Samuel Dennis (5 above). 2-Son of Louis Rothan Dennis (1869-1911), editor; lt. in Spanish-Am. War; m 1898, Rosa Lee Davenport (6 1876); issue: I—Louis Rothan (above); II—Violet Rosa Lee (b 1901; m 1919, Joseph M. Quinn, b 1898, served pvt., sgt. and 2d I1t., 328 Inf., 1917-1919); III—Walter John (1903-21); IV-—Virginia Panama (b 1905); V— Arnold Shanklin (6 1907); VI—Wilhelmina (d infancy); VII—Dorothy Davenport (b 1909). I-m Jan. 21, 1924, Saide Hamilton Sweeney, 0b Washington, D.C., Sept. 7, 1906; dau. of Lake F. Sweeney, m Laura B. Fletcher, of Wash- ington, D.C.; issue: I-Louis Rothan, III, }b Washington, D.C., May 24, 1925. \ U. Pa., ex-’26 (Kappa Sigma). Auditor. Enlisted in U.S.N., Apr. 18, 1917; armed guard for 18 months on transport, made three trips to Italy and four to France; hon. discharged, Jan. 22, 1919; commd, 2d lt. @.M.R.C., 1925. FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 105 ae yen 126 Webster St. N. W., Washing- tons D.C. 1-DENNO, Willard Joseph, }) Castleton, Vt., Aug. 25, 1876. (1795-1859), 4-Willard Denno Sarah Francis; 3—Joseph (1824-1886), Benson, Vt.; m Marie Per- quette 4-Nicholas Hoskins (1787-1850), m Marie Wash- burn (1813-1889), Orwell, Vt.; 3-Henry Chandler. 2-Son of Gustave Denno (b 1852), m 1874, Roxane Adella Victoria Hoskins (6 1856); issue: I-Wil- lard J. (above); II—Mabel H. (0 1881); III- Mildred Ruth (6 1902). I-m Sept. 17, 1917, Emma Mabel Robinson, b Detroit, Mich., Nov. 18, 1876; dau. of George O. Robinson, LL.D., of Detroit. B.A., Yale, 03 (Sigma Xi); M.D., Columbia, 1906 (Nu Sigma Nu); (D.P.H., New York U., 1917). First 1lt., Med. O.R.C. Mem. Albany Co. bn. State Com. Nat. Defense, also dir. med. work of essential industry, World War. Hon. mem. G.A.R., Albany. Clubs: Yale, Ardsley, Co- lumbia, Westchester Biltmore Country, Auto- mobile (New York), Rumson Country (N.J.), Albany Country. Summer Place: ‘Robin- hurst,;’”’ Grosse Isle, Mich. Residence: 350 Park "AV., New York, ING Yi 1-BERKELEY, Harrison Campbell, }) Hanover COMB Vas July 19, 1881. 8-Edmund Berkeley, of “Barn Elms,” Gloucester Co., Va.; m Lucy Burwell; 7-Edmund (d 1718), m Mary Nelson (Thomas’); 6—Col. Edmund (1704-67), m Mary Burwell, of “The Grove,’ Clarke Co., Va.; 5-Lewis, of “Mon Tout,’ Hanover Co., Va.; m Miss Darricout; 4-Thomas Nelson, of “Airwell,’ Hanover Co.; m Elizabeth Wormeley _Carter, of “Sabine Hall,” Richmond Co., Va. 3-Landon Carter (1830-99), Of “Mon Tout,” Han- over Co., Va.; m Sarah Campbell (Rev. Archi- bald‘, of Westmoreland Coweva.): 2-Son of Landon Carter Berkeley (1846-1904), m Anne Poe Harrison (qv for maternal lines). M Dec. 1, 1910, Caro Rhodes Glover, b St. Louis, Mo., July 28, 1888; dau. of Griff Glover (See Vol. 1, p. 624, for genealogy); issue: 1—Griff Glover, 6 New York, N.Y., Aug. 27, 1911; 2— Montreal, Can.; m m Roxanna Harrison Campbell, Jr., b St. Louis, Mo., Jan. Ue Va., 14 (Beta Theta Pi, Phi Delta Phi). Dept. mer. and dir, P. Lorillard Co., New York. Lt. (j.g.), U.S.N.R.F., in chief cable censor’s office, World War. Address: 119 W. 40th St., New York. 1-BERKELEY, Anne Poe Harrison (Mrs. Lan- don C.), 6 Hanover Co., Va., Sept. 9, 1856. 7-Edmund Berkeley, of “Barn Elms, ” Gloucester Co., Va.; m Lucy Burwell; 6-Edmund (d@ 1718), m Mary Nelson (Thomas’); 5-Col. Edmund (1704-67), m Mary Burwell, of “The Grove,’ Clarke Co., Va.; 4-Elizabeth B., m Thomas Churchill, of Middle- sex Co., Va. (William®, m Elizabeth Carter); 3-Elizabeth E., m John McPherson Cooke. 2-Dau. of Ann’ Cooke (0 1885), m John Poe Har- rison (1832-61), capt. C.S.A.; issue: I—Anne Poe (above); II-—Edmonia Churchill (b 1859; m J. Grant Colhoun); III-Susan Reavis (b 1861; m James H. Murray). I—m Sept. 8, 1880, Latdon Carter Berkeley (1846- 1904); issue: 1-Harrison Campbell (qv); 2-Ann Churchill, 6 Danville, Va., Dec. 13, 1885; yeo- man, U.S.N.R.F., World War; 3-Landon Car- ter, b Danville, Oct. 7, 1888; 3a lt, SAC, 29th Div., and with A.E.F. in France: m Oct. 4, 1924, Edna Sawer, of Jersey City, N.J.; 4 Norborne, b May 13) 1891; maj., F.A., 80th Div.; on Gen. Cronkhite’s staff, AEF; m Dorothea, dau. Dr. R. L. Randolph, of Baltimore ahs Dolly Randolph, b 1920; Norborne, Jr., b 1922 Residence: 150 Holbrook ’AV., Danville, Va. 1-BEST, J(ohn) Austin, b Whiteville, Columbus Co. Dec. 9, 1867. Sir Christopher Best (1472- 1557), the head of this family, 1540, was chantry priest of Wath, Cory ork; Eng.; pag net as of Middleton Quernhow, Parish of ath 10-James, of Hutton, Cranswick, Eng.: pur- chased manor of Elmswell from his brother, Henry, 1598; also owned houses at Beverly and elsewhere in Eng.; m 1st, Dorothy—; 9§-John (b ca. 1603), from Eng. with two chil- dren, 1640, and settled in Warwick River Co., Va.; and thru his g.g.son: 6—Henry, living in 1749, in that part of Johnston Co., N.C., which was changed to Dobbs Co., 1758, Glasgow Co., 1791, and Greene Co., 1799; large landowner; 5-Henry, of Dobbs (now Greene) Co., N.C.; of- ficer Am. Rev. (among his sons were Rev. William, prof. Greek, Latin and English, in academy at Charleston, S.C., 1801-03; and Henry, mem. N.C. Gen. Assembly from Greene Co., 1803-04) ; 4-John, of Dobbs (now Greene) Co., N.C.; sol- dier Am. Rev.; removed to Bladen (now Co- lumbus) Co., N.C.; m 2d, Charity Flinn; 3—John (1806-84; first cousin of Robert W. Best, sec. of state of N.C., 1866-67), planter, Colum- bus Co., N.C.; m Elizabeth Ann Register Soe James‘, m Elizabeth Ann Mims; Wil- liam‘). 6—Rev. Samuel Frink (d 1771), Episcopal minis- ter; from Eng. to Augusta, Ga., 1763; rector St. Paul’s Ch. there until 1767, later in S.C., and Christ Ch., Savannah, Ga., at time of his death; ™ Ruth_; 5-Thomas (d 1836), large landowner; removed from S.C. to Brunswick Co., N.C.; mem. commn. that created Columbus Co., N.C., 1808; rep. N.C. Gen. Assembly, 1809-12 and 1834-85, mem. Senate, 1815, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24; m dau. of Jethro Robbins; 4—William, Columbus Co., N.C.; m Annie Reeves; 3—John (d 1889), planter, ‘Columbus Con NIG. Annie Jane Gore (John‘, ma dau. of William Hickman, officer Am. Rev.; William, of Brunswick Co., N.C.). 2-Son of James Register Best (1844-1919; double first cousin of Capt. John James Best, C.S.A.), teacher, farmer; soldier in C.S.A.; m Sarah Eliza Frink (1846-1913), M Nov. 9, 1892, Ida Langdon Yopp, 6 Wilming- ton, N.C., Dec. 5, 1874; dau. Alfred Price Yopp, m Laura Ann Brown, of Wilmington (Andrew Jackson Yopp*, m Sarah Elizabeth Howard [desc. Lord William ‘‘belted Will’ Howard, of the ““‘Western Marches,” 2d son of Thomas, 4th duke of Norfolk, Eng.]; John C.5, g.son of Jeremiah Yopp, of Northumberland Co., Va.); issue: 1—-Caroline, 6} Augusta, Ga., Sept. ae 1905; 2-John Austin, 8 Augusta, Feb. 9, 1913. Lived at Augusta, Ga., 1888-1919, and while there was purchasing agt. Ga. R.R., Atlanta & West Point R.R., Western Ry. of Ala., sec. Augusta & Summerville R.R., dir. Augusta Belt Ry. Co., Lexington Terminal R.R.Co., Milledge- ville R.R.Co., ete.; now lumber and real estate gests ING YS City. Residence: Mt. Ver- non, 1-CHITTENDEN, J(onathan) Brace, b Milford, Conn., May 13, 1864. 9-William Chittenden (qv); 8—-Nathaniel (1643?-1691), m Sarah—; 7-Nathaniel (6 1669), of Killingworth, Conn.; m Elizabeth Stevens; 6—Nathaniel (1701-62), m 1725, Lucy Nettleton; eet Caen (1731-1820), m Mehitabel Beebe (1733- 4—Cornelius (1766-1858), 3 yrs. in Am. Rev.; m 1791, Rachel Porter; 3-Rev. Albert (1812-78), m 1835, Lavinia Jones (Asa‘, soldier Am. Rev.). oie Brace, from Eng. to Hartford Col- ony, 7-John (6 1677), m 1705, Mary Webster (Jonathan, m Dorcas, dau. of ’Stephen Hopkins; Robert?®; Gov. John”, av); 6—Jonathan (6b 1708), m Mary Messenger; 5-Jonathan (1754-1887), B.A., Yale, 1779; chief judge Hartford Co. Ct. 12 yrs.; mem. Congress, 1798-1800; mayor of Hartford 9 yrs.; m Mrs. Ann White Kimberly; 4-Thomas Kimberly (1779-1860), B.A., Yale, 1801; mayor of Hartford, 1840-48; first pres. Aetna Fire Ins. Co.; m Lucy Mather Lee; 3—Jonathan, D. D. (1810-77), B.A., Amherst, 1831; m Sarah E. Finch, 11-Rev. Richard Mather (qv); 10-Timothy (1628-1684), m Catherine Atherton (Maj. Gen. Humphrey", qv); 106 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 9-Rev. Samuel (1650-1727), B.A., Harvard, 1671; first trustee of Yale Coll., 1700; m Hannah Treat (1660-1707; Gov. Robert”; Richard", qv); 8—Dr. Samuel (677- -1746), B.A., Harvard, 1698; m Abigail Gran 7-Dr. Samuel Ci7b6- 79), B:A., Yale, 1726; m Martha Holcomb; 6—Dr. Samuel (d 1808), B.A, Yale, 1756; senator and judge; m 1761, Grace "Morley; 5—-Lucy (0 1767), im John Lee; 4—Lucy M. (0 1786), m Thomas K. Brace (4 above). 2-Son of Capt. Richard Handy Chittenden (1836- 1913), Yale, ’61, LL.B., 1866; lawyer; capt. Ist Wis. Cav. in Civil War; m 1861, Lucy Lee Brace (1840-1926); issue: I-—Jonathan Brace (above); II—Richard Percy (b 1866; m Gertrude L. Fisher). I-m July 10, 1900, Evelyn Louise, dau. of Theo- dore Lyman Betts, of Brooklyn, N.Y. (Lyman®, m Jane Eliza Spence; Zebulont; Samuel C.° Daniel*; Daniel*?; Thomas’, from Eng. to Wit- ford, Conn., 1639) ; issue: 1—-Evelyn Betts, 6 N.Y. City, Mar. 11, 1802; m Mar. 30, 1925, Wil- liam Dalrymple, Jr. B.S., Worcester Poly., ’88, A.B., Harvard, ’90, A.M., 1891; Ph.D., Konigsberg, 1898. Lawyer; prof. mathematics, Brooklyn Poly. Inst., 1900—. First lt., comdg. Co. F, 28d Regt., N.Y.S.G. and ist Prov. Regt., N.Y.S.G., 1916-19. Fellow A.A.A.S.; mem. Royal Philatelic Soc. (Lon- don), Berliner Philatelisten Club, Brooklyn Chamber Commerce, 8.C.W., S.R., etc. Mason. Clubs: Collectors (pres.), Harvard (New York), Crescent Athletic (Brooklyn). Summer place: “Grasmere,” York Beach, Me. Residence: 144 Montague St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Poygatrat John Jay, Jr., b New York, N.Y., May 24, ile 6—Peter (Francisco) Cisco (0 ca. 1739), of Spanish ancestors who settled in N.J., the orginal settler being a Huguenot; m Ann Doremus, Of Ns 5-Peter F. (1776-1852), began to write name Cisco; m Grace Opie; 4-John Jay (1806-84), m 1828, Mary A. Cregier (desc. Mortyn Cregier [1612-89], from Hol- land, 1675, was the first burgomaster of New Amsterdam); 3—John Ashfield (1836-1924), m 1861, Sarah C. Lyons (1836-1908). 8—John Akin (1663-1746), m 1686, Mary Briggs; 7—David (1687-1779), m Sarah Allen; 6é—Jonathan (6 1787), m 1757, Lillias Ferris; 5-Benjamin (b 1762), m 1788, Martha Palmer; 4-Aaron Burr (1800-57), m 1880, Caroline William- son; 3-Martha J., m Chauncey V. Crapo. 2-Only child of John Jay Cisco (b 1862), retired banker; m 1883, Carrolyn Crapo (b 1861). M Sept. 7, 1914, Phyllis Blackstone, b Norwich, Conn., Feb, 22, 1892; dau. of Louis Lorenzo Blackstone, of Norwich. A.B., Harvard, ’14. Writer, traveler, inventor, advertiser. Clubs: Harvard (Boston), Cannes Golf (France), Nantucket Yacht (Mass.), etc. Residence: 71 Central Park West, New York. nearer Edward Nelson, }) Auburn, Me., ug 10—John Dingley (1608-58), from Eng. to Lynn, Mass., 1637; settled at Marshfield, 1640; m Sarah - (their dau. Mary, m Josiah, son of Capt. Myles Standish); 9-Jacob (1642-91), m Elizabeth Newton; 8—John (1670-1763), m Sarah Porter (1680-1741); 7—Jacob (1703-92), m Mary Holmes (d 1797); 6—Jacob (1727-70); 5-William (1749- 1812), moved to Danville, Me., 1793; m Sarah Jordan; 4-Jeremiah, m Lucy Garcelon; 3—Nelson (1809-97), mem. Me. Senate; m Jane Lam- bert (1809-71). 2-Son of Nelson Dingiley, Jr., LL.D. (1832-99), A.B., Dartmouth, ’55; journalist; twice elected gov. of Me., 1874, ’75; mem. 47th to 56th Con- gresses, 1881-99; author of the Dingley Tariff Bill passed by 55th Congress; m 1857, Salome McKenney (1832-1920); issue: I-Henry McKen- ney (See Vol. 1, p. 249); Il-—Edward Nelson (above); III-—Charles L. (1863-65); IV—Arthur Howard (1864-1901); V—Albert G. (1869-1921; m Grace Darling Beane); VI-—Edith (6b 1870; m James C., Hooe). II-—m Dee. 20, 1888, Miriam Gardiner Robinson, 0 Dorchester, Mass., 1866; D.A.R.; dau. of Henry Crane Robinson, Boston; issue: 1—Irene (Sept. 20, 1889-July 31, 1902); 2-Miriam (Jan. 15, 1891- aes 5, 1891); 8-Nelson, 6 Kalamazoo, Mich., Oct. 1892; 4-Madalen, 6 Kalamazoo, June 14, 1900; B tdaard, b Kalamazoo, July 18, 1902. BeAG "Yale, 7835 Lisp) George Washington, 1885, Journalist, author, economist. Editor Kala- mazoo (Mich.) Telegraph, 1888-1908; asst. editor New York Herald, 1918-19; writer for Rep. Nat. Com., 1919-25. Tariff expert, Ways and Means Com., and expert, Finance Com. in Congress (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 38715 Leeeeen St., Chevy Chase, Washington, 1-CLAIBORNE, Herbert Augustine, }) Rich- mond, Va., Feb. 20, 1886. 8-William Claiborne (qv); 7-Lt. Col. Thomas (1647-83), m Sarah Fenn; 6-Capt. Thomas (1680-1732), m 3d, Ann Fox (Henry’, m Anne, dau. of Col. John West, nephew of 3d Lord Delaware); 5—-Col. Augustine (1721-87), of ‘‘Windsor,” burgess, state senator, m Mary Herbert (among their “Seed Buller and Richard were officers in Am, ev 4—Herbert (1746-1813), m 2d, Mary Burnett Brown; 8-Herbert Augustine (1784- 1841), m Delia Hayes. 2-Son of Herbert Augustine Claiborne, capt. C.S.A.; pres. Mutual Assurance Soc. of Va.; m 1882, Katherine Hamilton Cabell (now Mrs. William Ruffin Cox, See Vol. 1, p. 18). M Dee. 4, 1912, Eleanor Hazard (d Apr., 1915), dau. of R. Hughes Lindsey, of Uniontown, Pa.; issue: 1—Lindsey Cabell, 6 Richmond, Va., April 18, 1915. M 2d, Feb. 19, 1920, Virginia Watson Christian, } Richmond, Va., Feb. 15, 1894; dau. of Andrew H. Christian, of Richmond; issue: 1-Frances Archer, 6 Richmond, Mar. 4, 1921; 2-Herbert Augustine, Jr., 6 Richmond, Aug. 12, 1928. C.E., U. Va., 1908 (D.K.E.). Mem. Claiborne & Taylor, Inc., engrs. and contractors. Was 1st 1t., Air Service, U.S.A., World War. Mem. S.C. Clubs: Commonwealth, Country, Ger- en Residence: 204 W. Franklin St., Rich- mond, ph ek dee Lee Wilson, } Franklin, Pa., July 11, 9—Daniel (Dod) Dodd (d 1663), from Eng. to Bran- ford, Conn., ca. 1639; m Mary (or Mercy)-; 8-Stephen (d 1691), m 1678, Mary Stevens: 7-Daniel (b 1679), of Guilford, Conn.; m Elizabeth Riggs; 6—-Stephen (1703-60), of Mendham; m Deborah Brown; 5-Daniel (d 1824), m Charity Freeman; 4—-Ithiel, m 1st, 1795, Hannah Lindley (d 1810); 3—Levi (1799-1881), m Julia A. Parker. 2-Son of Samuel Calvin Tait Dodd (1836-1907), A.B., Jefferson Coll.,.Pa., ’57; solicitor general for the Standard Oil Co.; m 1860, Mary E. Geer (1838-72); m 2d, 1877, Melvina Eliza Smith (1850- 1905); issue (lst marriage): I-Frederick G.; (2d marriage): II—Lee Wilson (above); IIlI—Mar- jorie (b 1882; m Henry Noble MacCracken, See Vol. 1, p. 651). II-m Jan. 11, 1907, Marion Roberts Canby, Bb Wilmington, Del., Nov. 25, 1881; A.B., Vassar, 03; dau. of late Edward Tatnall Canby, and sister of Henry Seidel Canby (See Vol. 1 p. 60); two adopted children: 1—Doris, }b 1914; 2— Alan, 6 1917. Ph.B., Yale-S., 799; LL.B., New York Law Sch., 1901. Novelist and playwright (See Who’s Who in America). Clubs: Graduates, Coun- try (New Haven), Yale (New York). Resi- dence: Hartford Turnpike, New Haven, Conn. eet len Lewis Clyde, b} Easton, Pa., Dec. 6—Christian Bixler (d 1762), from Berne, Switzer- ners to Phila., Pa., in the “Adventure,” Oct. 5—Christian (1737-1811), Lancaster Co., Pa.; 4-Christian (1763-1840), Berks Co., Pa.; m 1789, Catherine Opp; 8-—Daniel (1819- 92), Easton, Pa.; m 1833, Eloisa Amelia Doug oy Vass Sivan, aT 63- 1852), from Wales; m Jane earls; 4-Lewis Evan (b Mendham, N.J., 1791-1859), m Margaret Davis; 3—Evan, of Easton, Pa. 2-Son of Floyd Smith Bixler (b 1848), mcht., Easton, Pa.: m 1867, Emily Evans (1848-90); is- FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 107 sue: I—-Evan Stanley (b 1872); II-Douglas E. (b 1874); Il1I—Lewis Clyde (above); I1V—Esther D. (b 1880); V—Margaret (b 1882; m H. T. Darling- ion ; VI-Kenneth M. (b 1896); VII—Donald F. () IlI-m Sept. 19, 1906, Ida Evans, } Easton, Pa., 1879; dau. of Pennell C. Evans, attorney, of Easton; issue: 1Emily Evans, b July 18, 1907; 2-Carolyn, 6 Oct. 4, 1908; 3-Helen Elizabeth, 0 Dec. 5, 1912. A.B., Lafayette, ’99 (D.K.E.), A.M., 1902; M.D., Johns Hopkins, 1903. Physician. Mem. Med. Advisory Bd. during World War. Club: Uni- versity. Residence: 1005 Sheridan Av., E.E., Pittsburgh, Pa. 1—-BILLER, Katherine Elizabeth Hastings (Mrs. Harrison E.), b Sandusky, O., Nov. 7, 1885. 10-Thomas Hastings (qv); 9—Dr. Thomas (1652-1712), m 1672, Anna Hawkes, of Hadley; 8—-Dr. Thomas (1679-1728), m 1701, Mary Field (1681- 1764), of Hatfield; 7—Dr. Waitstill (1714-48), m 1736, Abagail Marsh (1716-58) ; ; 6—-Hon. John (1788-1811), magistrate of Hatfield, Mass., 34 yrs.; del. 3d Provincial Congress and rep. Gen. Ct.; m 1764, Content Little (1740-1829), of Colchester, Conn.; 5-Dr. Waitstill (1771-1860), m 1801, Lucinda Wood; ar haan (1808-84), m 1825, Sarah Parker (1806- 3-Waitstill Green (1826-1892), m 1849, Nancy Eliza- beth Hannum (1828-1909). 2-Dau. of Lawrence Ephraim Hastings (b 1854), farmer; m 1880, Kate Lockwood (b 1850); issue: I—William Brown Lockwood (6 1881; m Leila Ennes); IIl—-Katherine Elizabeth (above). Il-—m June 15, 1915, Harrison Ellsworth Biller, 0 Tiffin, O., July 15, 1888; son of D. S. Biller, of Huron, O. Mem. D.A.R. (regent Martha Pitkin Chapter). Residence: 1404 Shelby St., Sandusky, O 1-CLARK, Mary Emma Shallenberger (Mrs. Harry F.), b Hillside, Pa., Aug. 28, 1863. 6—Ulrich Shallenberger (1690-1760), from Switzer- land to Lancaster, Pa., 1720; settled in Fayette Co., Pa., 1790; m 1719, Dorthea Strickler (1701-68) ; 5—John (1720-1801), m 1755, Barbara Coble (d 1801); ar ere (1767-1841), m 1790, Elizabeth Strickler d iB} 3—David (1804-74), m 1828, Ann Newmyer (1800-77). 5-Jacob Kern (1734-99), from So. Bavaria, 1754, settled at York, Pa.; naturalized, 1763; soldier Am. Rev.; m 1762, Catherine Funk (1742-1810), of Work, Pa.: 4—Joseph (1772-1846), m 1799, Margaret Steinbach (1779-1856) ; 3—Joseph Funk (1806-84), with 3 sons served in Co. K, 58d Pa. Vols., in Civil War; m 1833, Hannah Faucett Herring (1816-96). 2-Dau. of Benjamin Shallenberger (1836-1908). Braddock, Pa.; m 1861, Clarissa Long Kern (1842- 1870); issue: I-Mary Emma (above); II—Clinton Hanson (b 1866; m Olie Stone). I-—m Sept. 16, 1880, William Russell Foster (Sept. 7, 1860-1891); son of Thomas Randolph Foster (1829-1907), m Ann Machir (1833-1918), of Ohio: issue: 1-Edith Russell, Bb Dixon, Mo., Jan. 4, 1884; m Mar. 11, 1908, Freeman Drake Martin (issue: Marian, b May 2, 1905); 2-Helen Fay (Aug. 26, 1885-July 6, 1888). M 2d, Oct. 17, 1898, Harry Futhey Clark, b West- moreland Co., Pa., Jan. 15, 1861; son of Samuel McDonald Clark, of Ohio, and dese. Robert BME soldier Am. Rev. from Westmoreland Our a. Ea D.A.R. Residence: 223 S. Main St., Sapulpa, a. 1-BLAKE, Frances Greenough (Mrs. Arthur W.), b Boston, Mass., Apr. 18, 1843. 7-William Greenough (qv); 6—John (1672-1732), m Elizabeth Gross; 5—-Thomas (1710-85), mem. Com. Safety, m Mary Stoddard; 4-John (1742-81); 38—David (d 1836). 2-Dau. of Henry Greenough (1807-83), hon. A.M.. Harvard, 1852; importer, architect, Boston: m Frances Boott (d 1897); issue: I-Francis Boott, M.D. (d 1904); II-Frances (above); IlI—Henry, A 1880); IV—Florence (m John Larkin Thorn- 3 e). II—m Apr. 25, 1878, Arthur Welland Blake (1840-93). Harvard, ’61; mem. firm Blake Bros., Boston and New York; son of George Baty Blake, of Boston; issue: 1—Anne, 6 Brookline, Mass., Feb. 11, 1879; m June 18, 1902, Frederic L. W. Richardson (issue: Margery; Arthur; Fred- eric; Francis; Joseph; David; Julian); 2-Beat- rice, 6 Brookline, June 23, 1883; m Sept. 1906, William Gifford Nickerson (d 1914); son of Al- bert Nickerson, of Boston (issue: William G.; Henry G.). Residence: 450 Washington St., Brookline, Mass. BASKERVILLE Arms: Argent, a chevron gules between three hurts. Crest: On a wreath, a forester vert, edged or, hold- ing over the right shoulder a cross bow or, and with the other hand in a leash a hound—passant Argent. 1-BASKERVILLE, Hamilton Meade, 0 Rich- mond, Va., May 27, 1882. 8-John (Baskervyle) Baskerville (1637-79), from Eng. to York Co., Va., ca. 1662; clk. of York Co. Ct.; m Mary Barber; 7-George (b ca. 1675), m BDlizabeth Norvell; 6—George (d 1777), m Martha Minge; 5—-William (1756-1814), of Mecklenburg Co., Va.; began to write name Baskervill; m Mary Eaton; 4-Charles (1788-1834), m Elizabeth Coleman; 8-Henry Embra Coleman (1817-1900), of Rich- mond, Va.; m Isabella Alston Hamilton. 6-Joseph Skelton (1720-1778), judge Ct. of Com- mon Pleas, Middlesex Co., N.J.; 5—Josiah (1741-1821), of Middlesex Co., N.J.; m Mary Wright; 4-Fnnion William, M.D. (1779-1836), moved to Powhatan Co., Va., 1802; m Catherine Waldron Gifford; 3—John Gifford, M.D. (1815-89), of Powhatan Co. and Richmond, Va.; m Marianne Old Meade. 2-Only child of Patrick Hamilton Baskervill (1848-1925), M.A., U. Va., 1872; cotton mill mgr.; erate ak m 1875, Elise Meade Skelton (b 1852 Not married. U. Va., 700. V.p. The Watt Plow Co., Richmond, Va. Organist, Grace and Holy Trinity Ch., since 1910. ‘Central O.T.C., Camp 108 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM 0O}* AMERICAN GENEALOGY Taylor, Ky., 1918 Mem. S.C.W., S.R., A.L. Club: Country of Va. Residence: 20 N. Laurel St., Richmond, Va. 1-BLISS, Eliakim Raymond, Jr., b Chicago, IIl., July 1, 1885. 9—Gov. William Bradford (qv); 8—Maj. William (1624-1704), m Alice Richards; 7-Hannah (1662-1738), m Joshua Ripley; 6—Hezekiah (1695-1779), m Miriam Fitch; 5—Hezekiah (1748-1836), m Eunice Bradford; 4—Lucy (1794-1888), m 1815, Elijah Worthington Bliss (1781-1845) ; 38-—George R., D.D., LL.D. (1816-98), m 1842, Mary Ann Raymond (1821-1912). 2-Only child of Eliakim Raymond Bliss (1846- 1923), lawyer, Chicago; m 1880, Margaret Holmes (1848-1910), dau. of Henry Worthington Bliss, of Windham, Conn. M Oct. 12, 1914, Lila Theresa, dau. of John Tollif- son, of Chicago and Wheaton, I1l.; issue: Mar- garet Lila, b Chicago, Ill., Oct. 29, 1915. Ph.B., U. Chicago, ’09 (Delta Tau Delta); LL.B., Chicago Kent Coll. of Law, 1912. Lawyer. Legal advisor U.S. Selective Service System, 1917-18. Mem. Chicago Bar Assn., Chicago Hist. Soc. (life), Art Inst. of Chicago (life). Clubs: Hamilton (Chicago), Coronado (Calif.) Coun- try, Shoreacres Country Club of Lower Calif. Residence: Hotel Windermere, Chicago. Win- ter home: 999 Adella Av., Coronado, Calif. at ar se Howard Lee, b Providence, R.I., May 7-Nathaniel (Clarke) Clark (qv); 6—Henry (1673-1749), m Elizabeth Greenleaf; 5-Enoch (1709-59), m Hannah-; 4—Einoch (1735-74), m Mary March; 3—-Thomas March (1771-1850), m Rebecca Wheel- right (Abraham!‘; Jeremiah5; Jeremiah®; John’: Samuel®; John®, grad. Cambridge U.; arrived in N.E., 1686; was driven from Boston by the Puritans on account of his religious views, 1687; bought a large tract from the Indians and was founder of Exeter; settled finally at Wells, Me.). 6é-Abraham Howard, shipmaster, in Mediter- ranean trade; captured by Algerians and held a slave for some yrs. until released under a treaty bet. Eng. and Algiers; came to America ca. 1720, and settled at Marblehead, Mass.; 5-—Joseph (d 1770); ete (1755-1848), prominent citizen of Salem, as 3-Benjamin (1795-1860). 2—Son of Thomas March Clark, D.D., LL.D. (1812- 1903), B.A., Yale, ’31; 2d P.E. bishop of R.I., 1854- 1908, and presiding bishop of the church, 1900- 1903; m 1838, Caroline Howard (1820-1884); issue: I—Bryant (1840-52); II-Mary Rebecca (b 1843; m Eugene Sturtevant); II1I—Caroline (1845-46); IV— John Mitchell (1847-1918); V—Howard Lee (above). V-—m Sept. 22, 1881, Eliza Greene Larned (d Jan. 31, 1904); dau. of Russell M. Larned, of Provi- dence, R.I.; issue: 1-Gordon Howard (1883-87). M 2d, Mar. 24, 1910, Louise Jarvis Cole, } Warren, R.I., May 2, 1872; D.A.R.; dau. of Luther Cole, of Warren, R.I. (desc. Hugh Cole, 1627-92, prominent in Plymouth Colony). Ph.B., Brown U., ’76 (Psi U). Retired banker. Trustee R.I. School of Design. Hobby: En- tomology-collector of Lepidoptera. Clubs: University (New York), Hope (Providence). Residence: Middletown, R.I. P. address: Sa aan Cave, Indian Av., R.F.D., Newport, Totearer yt Brutus Junius, }) Whitehall, Ky., Feb. 7-Capt. John (Claye) Clay (qv); 6—-Charles (1638-86), Henrico Co., Va.; m Hannah Wilson (John’, of Henrico Co.); 5-Henry (1672-1760), m Mary Mitchell (1693-1777; William’, m Elizabeth-): 4-Charles (1716-89), m Martha Green (1719-93: Thomas®, m Elizabeth Marston; Thomas®, m Martha, dau. of Mai. Henry Filmer); 3-Maj. Gen. Green (1757-1828), settled in Ky.; rep- resented Ky. district in Va. Legislature; mem. Va. Conv. that ratified the Federal Constn.; a framer of the Ky. Constn.; mem. Ky. Ho. and Senate; led 3,000 Ky. Vols. to relief of Ft. Meigs, 1813; m Sallie Lewis. 2-Son of Maj. Gen. Cassius Marcellus Clay (1810- 1903), B.A., Yale, ’32; served in Mexican War; maj. gen. U.S.V. in Civil War; Am. minister to Russia 1861-69, and negotiated the purchase of Alaska; founder of Berea Coll., Ky.; m 1838, Mary Jane Warfield (1815-1900); issue: I1-War- field (1835-52); II-Green (1837-83); Il1I-Mary Barr (0 18389-1924); IV—Sally Lewis (b 1841; m James Bennett); V—Brutus Junius (above); VI- Laura (b 1849); VII—Anne Warfield (Mrs. S. Dabney Crenshaw, qv for Payne lineage). V—m Feb. 20, 1872, Pattie Amelia Field (1848-91), dau. of Col. Christopher Irvine Field, of Boli- var Co., Miss.; issue (all 6 Richmond, Ky.): 1— Belle Lyman (Mrs. Harris Hancock, av for Warfield lineage); 2—Christopher Field (qv for Field lineage); 3-Orville Martin, 0 May 7, 1879; M.D., Gross Med. Coll., 1902; m June 28, 1905, Elizabeth, dau. of Daniel Long Wise; 4—Mary Warfield, 0 Sept. 26, 1882; m Sept. 30, 1907, ind. ward Douglas Johnston; 5—Charlotte Eliza- beth, b May 31, 1890; m Oct. 1, 1883, Victor Ver- non. M 2d, Jan. 15, 1895, Lalla Rook (Fish) Marsteller, b Florence, Ky., Mar. 26, 1862; dau. of T. S. Fish, m Nancy Poore, of Nicholasville, Ky. (Mrs. Clay has one son by former marriage, Wil- liam F. Marsteller, atty. at law, Cleveland, O.). C.E., U. Mich., ’68 (Delta Phi), M.A., 1918. Dip- lomat, financier, planter, mfr. Was tendered position of Am. minister to Argentina, 1897, by President McKinley, but declined; was Am. commissioner to Paris Exposition, 1900; E.E. and M.P. to Switzerland, 1905-10. Life mem. In- stitute of Geneva, Union Soc. of the Civil War (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: Richmond, Ky. 1-CLAY, C(hristopher) Field, 6 Richmond, Ky., Dec. 15, 1874. 10-Henry Field, from Eng. in the “Expectation,” 1635; settled at Jamestown, Va., where he died; and thru his grandson: 8-Abraham; ipeprabats, will probated in Culpeper Co., Va., 6—John, col. Am. Rev., killed at Point Pleasant, 1774; m Anna Clark 5-Ezekiel Henry (1750-82), killed in battle of Blue Licks; m Elizabeth Field (Henry®, burgess; mem. Va. Constl. Conv.); 4-Ezekiel Henry (1782-1866), m Patsey Irvine (Wil- liam®, soldier Am. Rev.; mem. Va. Legislature from Ky.); 8—Christopher Irvine (1813-73), of Bolivar Co., Miss.; m Charlotte E. Martin (dese. John Mar- tin [1749-1837], officer Am. Rev.; 1st sheriff of Clark Co., Ky., m Elizabeth Lewis). 2-Son of Brutus Junius Clay (av for other line- ages), m 1st, 1872, Pattie Amelia Field (1848-91). M June 14, 1899, Elinor Wise, b Evans, Colo., Feb. 8, 1877; dau. of Daniel Long Wise, of Boulder, Colo., m Sarah McCutcheon; issue: 1-Katherine Belle, b Denver, Colo., Oct. '20, 1901. Ha Us Colo: Attorney- at-law, firm of Clay & Benton. Mem. S.R. Mason. Episcopalian. Residence: 2044 Bellaire St., Denver, Colo. 1-HANCOCK, Belle may maar Clay (Mrs. Harris), b Richmond, Ky., Nov. 4, 1872. 8-Richard Warfield (qv); 7—John (1675-1718), m 1696, Ruth Gaither (John§’, m Ruth Morley); 6—Benjamin (1703-69), of Warfield’s Range, How- ard Co., Md.: m 1731, Rebeckah Ridgely (1693- 1755; Judge Nicholas’, m Sarah, dau. of Capt. John Worthington); 5—Elisha (1741-1818), mem. Com. Observation in Am. Rev.; went to Ky., 1791; m 2d, Ruth Bur- gess (Joseph®, mem. Com. Safety, Anne Arun- del Co., Md.; soldier Am. Rev.;: m Elizabeth Dorsey); 4—Dr. Elisha, m Maria Barr (Robert, of Phila.): 38-Mary Jane (1815-1900), m Maj. Gen. Cassius Marcellus Clay (1810-1903). 2-Dau. of Brutus Junius Clay (av for other line- ages), m 1st, 1872, Pattie Amelia Field (1848-91). M Sept. 30, 1907, Harris Hancock (See Vol. 1, p. 139, for genealogy); issue: 1-Thomasia Harris. } Cincinnati. O., Sept. 25, 1908; 2—-Belle Clay, b Cincinnati, Jan. 15, 1912. Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R., etc. Residence: 2365 Auburn AV., Cincinnati, roy 1CRENSHAW, Anne Warfield Clay (Mrs. 8S. Dabney), b “Whitehall,” Madison Co., Ky., Nov. 20, 1859. 7-Sir John Payne (qv 6-Sir William (1672- 776), m 1st, 1712, Alicia Jones d 1760; Edward’, m Alicia Lunn); ——— FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 5-Edward (1726-1809), mem. Com. Safety, m 1749, Ann Holland Conyers (b 1728); 4-Elizabeth, m 1773, Col. Thomas Lewis (1749-1809), officer Am. Rev.; went from Va. to Ky., 1786 (Stephen, m Elizabeth Offutt); 3—Sallie (6 1776), m Gen. Green Clay (1757-1828). 2—Dau. of Maj. Gen. Cassius Marcellus Clay (1810- 1903), m Mary Jane Warfield (1815-1900). For issue and other lineages see Brutus Junius Clay. M Nov. 6, 1886, Spotswood Dabney Crenshaw; issue (all b Richmond, Va.): 1-Warfield, b Oct. 12, 1887; m Sept. 21, 1918, George Edwin Haw (qv); 2-Fanny Graves, b Jan. 17, 1890; 3-Spots- [in eee EL Jr., b Aug. 10, 1895; 4-Clay, b Dec. 19, 1901. Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R. Residence: 919 W. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. - 1-BLOUNT, Walter Eames, } Evansville, Ind., Sept. 4, 1881. 9-William Blount, from Eng. 1634; admitted free- man at Andover, Mass., 1635; 8—-William (1642-1709), m Elizabeth Ballard (Wil- liam®, qv); 7-Hambury (b 1681), m 1704, Mehitable Johnson (William’, m Sarah-); 6—-Ambrose (1717-1800), m 1739, Joanna Clarke; 5—-Elisha (b 1745), m Sally-; 4-Walter, m Deborah Herrick; ' 3—Walter, m Rebecca Ripley (Piram‘, pvt. Am. Rev., m Hannah Plum; William®, m Lydia, dau. of William Hunt, corp. Am. Rev.). cee Eames, officer Am. Rev.; m Mary Cut- er; 4—Daniel, m Milly Wight (Dr. Aaron’, surgeon Am. Rev.); i 3—Lovett, m Lucy C. Morgan (Elisha‘; Elijah‘, soldier Am. Rev.). 2-Son of Henry Fitch Blount (1829-1917), mfr. and banker; m 1854, Martha A. H. Baird (d 1862); m 2d, 1864, Lucia Augusta Eames (6 1841); issue: I—Mary F. (m Thurlow White); II—Elizabeth Herrick (m Eugene Rodman Shippen); III- Helen Eames (1876-92); IV—Henry Fitch, Jr. (1880-1918; m Marie Ross); V—Walter Eames (above). V—m Aug. 23, 1995, Mabel Prescott Slappey (av for issue). Cornell, ex-’05 (Delta U.); LL.B., George Washington, 1910 (Phi Delta Phi). Law- yer and apple grower; pres., Blount Plow Wks. Maj., Finance Dept., O.R.C. Mem. Piram Rip- ley Chapter, Children Am. Rev., S.A.R. Clubs: University (Washington), Shelter Harbor Country (Westerly, R.I.). Residence: “Stone- henge,’ Bluemont, Va. 1-BLOUNT, Mabel Prescott Slappey (Mrs. Wal- ter E.), 6 Atlanta, Ga., June 6, 1886. 6-Hans George (Schloppé) Slappey, m 1748, Mag- dalena Huber, Orangeburg, S.C.; 5-George (d 1825), began to write name Slappey; pvt. Am. Rev.; m Miss Class, in S.C.; 4-Jacob Class, m Elizabeth Hoiley; 3-George Hiley, m Nancy Ball (6 1816; g.dau. of John Ball, of Cooper River, S.C., soldier Am. Rev.). $-James Prescott (qv); 8-Jonathan (1675-1755), founder of Hampton Falls, N.H.; m Elizabeth-; 7-Jonathan (1696-1746), capt. French and Indian War; m Judith Gove (b 1700; Ebenezer’); 6-Jonathan (1723-1809), signed Association Test peat aha in N.H. militia; m 1757, Rachel Clif- ord; 5-Jonathan (1758-1813), m Lydia Tucke (Samuel); 4-George W. (1787-1839), m 1816, Ann Carpenter Bacon (1799-1850) ; 3—Alfred (1826-1900), m Emma Jacqueline Slade (1883-1925; g.g.dau. of William Slade, 1745-91, officer Am. Rev.). 2-Dau. of John William Slappey (1851-90), m 1880, Fanny Slade Prescott (6 1857; now Mrs. Edgar A. Ross); issue: I-Jay Prescott (d childhood): Ii-—Fanny Jacqueline (b 18838; m 1900, Bryan H. Edwards); II1I—Mabel Prescott (above). IlI—m Aug. 23, 1905, Walter Eames Blount (qv); issue: 1-Walter (d infancy); 2-Jonathan Pres- cott, b Washington, D.C., July 13, 1908; 3-Ed- ward de Roulhac, b Washington, May 6, 1910; ane Eames, Jr., 6 Evansville, Ind., July Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R., U.D.C. Residence: “‘Stone- henge,” Bluemont, Va. 109 1-BLOW, George Preston, b Norfolk, Va., Oct. 23, 1860-d Nov. 23, 1922, 6—-William Blow (b ca. 1675), a trustee of Notto- way Indians, 1707; m Martha Ruffin; 5-Samuel (1701-ca. 1766), m 1728, Martha Drew; 4—Richard (1746-1833), pres. Bank of Portsmouth, Va.; m 1786, Fanny Wright (Col. Stephen®, Nor- folk, Va.); 3-—Col. George (1787-1870), of Tower Hill, Sussex Co., Va.; m 1807, Eliza Waller (1791-1841; Robert#, of Williamsburg, Va., m Martha Cary [Craf- ford] Langhorne, dau. of Maj. William Lang- horne, of “Gambell,” Va.). 2-Son of Col. George Blow, C.S.A. (1813-94), judge Circuit Ct.; m 1846, Elizabeth Taylor Allmand; issue: I—Margaret (1849-1910; m Warren G., Elliott, 1848-1906); II-Emma (d; m Arthur C, Freeman, d); 1II—Eliza Waller (m M. S. Atkin- son, d); 1V—Louise (m William B. Page, d); V— Virginia Robinson (m E. W. Hoff); VI—Albert Allmand (1858-1918; m Jennie B. Goodell); VII- George Preston (above); VIII—Atala Honoria (d; m Louis Noble). Vil-m Dec. 6, 1893, Adele Matthiessen, 6 LaSalle, Ill.; dau. of F. W. Matthiessen, of La Salle, Ill.; issue: 1-Adele Margaret, 6 Chicago, IIl., May 17, 1895; Westover, ’14; m Aug. 22, 1917, Wayne Chatfield-Taylor (See Vol. 1, p. 545, for genealogy); 2-George Waller, b New Rochelle, N.Y., June 21, 1897; m Dec. 2, 1922, Katherine Cooke; 3—Frederick Matthiessen, 6 LaSalle, Ill., Dec. 2, 1900; 4-Richard Allmand, } LaSalle, Feb. 22, 1904. : U.S.N.A., ’81. Served in U.S.N. as officer of the line until 1900, when resigned; later officer va- rious corpns. Was dir. Internat. Chamber of Commerce. Mem. S.C., M.O.F.W., Naval His- tory Soc., Naval Inst., etc. Clubs: Chicago (Chicago), Army and Navy, Congressional (Washington), Baltimore (Baltimore). Resi- dences: “York Hall,” Yorktown, Va., and “Deer Park,” LaSalle, Ill. a Toe oes LaTelle, 6 Connorsville, Ind., eb. 5, i 3-Joseph H. Clarke (b Pa., 1798), m Deline Hem- mingway (1808-49). Maternally, 3-Elbridge H. Howe (1813-90), m Laura Porter (1816-94). 2-Son of Joseph Henry Clarke (1840-1916), prof. modern embalming; m 1866, Mary Blizabeth Howe _ (1845-1920); issue: I-—Arthur LaTelle (above); II—Grace Josephine (b 1874; m Fred M. Hills); I1I1I—Charles Horace (1877-1921); IV—Marie (6 1885; m Albert Lee Stephens); V—Elizabeth (0 1887; m Reginald Seaman). I-m Oct. 2, 1893, Emma Margaret Jenkins, b Chi- cago, Ill., Jan. 28, 1869; dau. of Col. Wilton A. Jenkins, of Chicago; issue: I—-Richard Wilton, b Chicago, Aug. 3, 1896; Harvard, 719; m Jan. 14, 1922, Mabel, dau. of Joseph William H. Mc- Elliott (issue: Lucia; Constance); 2—Roger re ae b Chicago, June 28, 1899; The Gunnery, Wittenberg Coll., ’%. Newspaper work since 1889; London corr., Chicago Tribune, 1899-1901; mng. editor, Los Angeles Examiner, 1903-08, Chicago American, 1908-09, Chicago Examiner, 1910, N.Y. American, 1911; editor-in-chief, Bos- ton American, 1911-15; editor, New York News, 1916; asst. mng. editor, N.Y. Evening World, 1917-19, 1921; editor-in-chief San Francisco Chronicle, 1921-25; now editor San Jose Mer- cury Herald. Clubs: Olympic, Bohemian (San Francisco). Residence: 572 N. Kingsley Dr., Los Angeles, Calif. 1-CLAREKE, J(ames) Winslow, 6 Oxford, N.Y., Nov. 7, 1869. 8-Joseph (Clark) Clarke (qv); 7-Joseph (1642-1727), town clk., Westerly, R.I., 30 yrs.; dep. Gen. Ct.; m 1st, 1664, Bethiah Hub- bard (1646-1707); aie ies (1686-1767), m 1710, Elizabeth Babcock ete (1717-93), m 1738, Hannah Cottrell (1719- 4-Henry (1756-1831), m 1776, Catherine Pendleton (1757-1824) ; 3—Ethan (1789-1857), m 1814, Rachel Case (1792-1854). 8-Jerome (Boucquet) Bockee (b 1615), from Hol- land to New York, 1663; m 1641, Anne L’Agache; Uap atents (1643-1709), m Tenneke Andrisse (1652- 6-Jacobus (1690-1720), m Elysabet Burger (1692- 110 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 5-A braham (1718-76), m 1741, Maria Karr (1714-76) ; 4-Jacob (1757-1819), m 1783, Catharine Smith (Isaac®, m Margaret, dau. of Uriah Pag Clot Hempstead, L.1., m Ist, Mary Smith); 3-Isaac Smith (1786-1847), m 1830, Clarissa Rundell (1799-1840). 2-Son of Krancis George Clarke (1830-1910), mer- chant; m 1860, Clarissa Maria Bockee (1887-82); issue: I-Francis Bockee (b and d 1863); II— Henry Bockee (1864-89); Ili-Herbert William (1867-1918; m 1893, Margaret Stanton; issue: Francis Stanton, b 1898; Elizabeth Pendleton, b 1902); I1V-James Winslow (above). IV-Not married. Attended St. Stephen’s Coll., 90; Hobart, 1892 (Sigma Phi); grad. Berkeley Div. Sch., 1896. Ordered deacon, 1896, ordained priest, 1897, P.E. Ch.; missionary, Van Etten and Spencer, N.Y., 1896; priest in charge, St. Paul’s Chapel, Deerfield, N.Y., 1896-1906; rector, St. Andrew’s, Utica, N.Y., 1896-1911; Ch. of the Ascension, Highland Park, Richmond, Va., 1913-17; priest in charge, Emmanuel Ch., Nor- wich, N.Y., 1918-19; rector, Grace Ch., Water- ville, N.Y., from 1920; also chaplain, House of the Good Shepherd, Utica, N.Y., from 1906. Mem. O.F.P.A., H.S.S.C., S.R. Residence: Waterville, N.Y. j-EASLEY, Josephine Beverley Mason (Mrs. G.- Gilmer), b ‘“Okeley,” Fairfax Co., Va., Jan. 17, 1888. 8-George Mason (1629-86), from Gunston Hall, Eng., to Norfolk, Va., ca. 1651; county It., Staf- ford Co., 1675; mem. Bacon’s Assembly, 1676; in Indian wars, 1675-84; 7-Capt. George (1670-1711), capt. of rangers, co. 1t., ete.; m Mary Fowke; 6—Col. George (1690-1735), co. 1t., burgess; m Ann Thomson (Stevens’, atty. gen. of Va.); 5-Col. George (1726-92), of “Gunston Hall,” Va., author of the “Bill of Rights,’ and of the Va. Constn. of 1776 (the first in America), mem. com. which drew up the Federal Constn., 1787; m Sarah Brent (George®); 4-Judge Thomson, m Mary King Barnes (Col. Abram‘); 8-Richard Chichester, m Lucy Randolph. 7—Thomas (‘Scotch Tom”) Nelson (qv); 6—-William (1711-72), pres. Council and actg. gov. of Va., m Elizabeth Burwell (g.dau. of Robert “King” Carter); 5—-Thomas (1738-89), a “signer’; col. Am. Rev.; maj. gen. Va. Forces; gov. of Va., 1781; m Lucy Grymes (Col. Philip®, m Mary Randolph): 4—Hugh (1768-1836), grad. Coll. William and Mary, 1790; rep. 12th to 18th Congresses, 1811-23; min- Bre Spain, 1823-24; m 1799, m Eliza Kinloch, ope SOR 3-Keating Simmons (1817-98), m Julia Rogers. 2-Dau. of Beverley Randolph Mason (1835-1910), maj. C.S.A.; founded Gunston Hall School, 1892; m 1875, Elizabeth Harrison Nelson (1847- 1925); issue: I—Richard Nelson (6 1876; m Blanche Andrews); II—Julia Nelson (m Calvin Bruce Matthews, maj. U.S.M.C.); III—-Lucy Randolph (m George Hoxie Moffett); IV—Mary Wallace (m Philip Halsey Patchin); V—Jo- sephine Beverley (above). M Oe 1916, George Gilmer Hasley (See Vol. 1, p. ‘ ‘ Residence: Lewisburg, W.Va. 1-FISHER, James Humphrey, } Danville, Ky., Feb. 7, 1870. 10-John Slaughter, said to have settled in Va. before 1620; received a land grant on Knight’s Creek, Essex Co., Va., 1635; 9-Francis (1630-56), capt. of militia; justice, Rap- pahannock, Va.; m 1652, Elizabeth Underwood (Col. William?) ; 8—-Francis (1653-1718), Richmond Co., Va.; m 1679, Margaret Hudson; 7Robert (1680-1726), Essex Co., Va.; m 1700, Fran- cee wats Jones (Lt. Col. Cadwallader’; Rich- ard’); 6—Robert, m 1728, Mary Smith; 5—Robert, m Susannah Harrison; 4—Gabriel (1767-1830), col. of Ky. regt. in Battle of New Orleans; gov. of Ky., 1816-20: 38—Mary B., m Jeremiah Fisher (6 1777). 2-Son of Felix Slaughter Fisher (b 1818), farmer: m 1857, Susan Bennett; issue: I-Nannie B. (6 1858); II—Mary B. (6 1860); II1I—Jerrie M. (b 1864): ITV-Bettie B. (b 1867); V-—James Humphrey (above); VI—Robert W. (b 1878). V-m Dec. 5, 1895, Edith Van Cleave, b Louisville, Ky., June 21, 1872; dau. late James W. Van Cleave (pres. Bucks Stove & Range Co., St. Louis), and sister of Lee W. Van Cleave (See Vol. 1, p. 867, for genealogy). B.A., Center Coll., Danville, Ky., ’90. Sec. Bank of Commerce & Trust Co., Memphis, Tenn. Clubs: Memphis Country, Chamber of Com- Teer ce Residence: 287 Stonewall Pl., Memphis, enn. owen Bradley Allen, } Lyons, N.Y., June 13, 8-William Fiske (qv); 7—Dea. William (1642-1728), m Sarah Kilham; 6—Dea. Ebenezer (1679-1771), m Elizabeth Fuller; 5-William (1726-77), m Susannah Batchelder; 4-William, m Eunice Nourse; 3—-Prof. Allen, prin. Auburn (N.Y.) Acad.; m Eliza Chapman. 2-Son of Rev. William Allen Fiske, LL.D. (1824- 1894), Episcopal clergyman; m Susan Matthews (1831-1904), dau. of Capt. John Bradley, U.S.A.; issue: I-Bradley Allen (above); II—Frances E. (ob 1856; m N. H. Holt); IlI—Dr. William C. (0 1861); IV—John B, (1863-1922). I-m Feb. 15, 1882, Josephine Harper (Jan. 3, 1858- Oct. 2, 1919), dau. of Joseph Wesley Harper (1801-70), of Harper and Bros., New York; issue: 1—Caroline Harper, b New York, June 1, 1885. U.S.N.A., ’74. Rear admiral U.S.N., retired June 13, 1916. Inventor of important naval appli- ances, including naval telescope sight, tor- pedo-plane, ete. Awarded gold medals by Franklin Inst., U.S. Naval Inst., Aero Club of America. Ex-pres. U.S. Naval Inst., etc. (See Who’s Who in America). Clubs: Army and Navy of America (hon. pres.), Army and Navy (Washington), Aero of America. Residence: Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York. 1-GARMAN, Harry Otto, ) Rolling Prairie, Ind., Feb. 7, 1880. 4-John Garman, of Lancaster Co., Pa. 3-John Peter (1807-66), of Snyder Co., Pa., and Elkhart Co., Ind.; m Elizabeth Whitmer (1808- 1851), of Snyder Co., Pa. 2-Son of Hon. Noah Webster Garman (1843-1912), farmer, of Snyder Co., Pa., and Laporte Co., Ind., m 1878, Rosa Bell (6 1853), dau. of Henry L. Teeter (1812-79), of Dutchess Co., N.Y., and La- porte Co., Ind., m 1836, Caroline T. Fail (1818-80) ; issue: I—-Harry O. (above); II-Commadore W. (m 1920, Kathryn B. Mahan); I1I—Phoeve C. (m 1921, Walter E. Sprecker); I[V—Cleveland G. (m 1918, Wealthy Boland); V—Georgianna. I-m Dec. 19, 1904, Ethel E. Hanly, 6 Williamsport, Ind., July 24, 1882; dau. of Gov. J. Frank Hanly, of Ind.; issue: 1-Esther H. (Oct. 8, 1905-d next day); 2-Harry F. (b and d Sept. 18, 1907); 3—-G. Harry H., 6 Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 19, 1915; 4— Helen L., b Indianapolis, Feb. 8, 1918. B.S., Purdue, ’02, C.E., 1904. Consulting engr. (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 2062 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. 1-GLASGOW, Arthur Graham, 6 Buchanan, Va., May 30, 1865. 4-Arthur Glasgow (1750-1822), of Scotch descent, came to America, ca. 1766; settled on Green Forest Plantation, Rockbridge Co., Va.; m 1782, Rebekah McNutt (John5), widow of Ensign John McOorkle; 38—Robert (1790-1839), m his cousin, Catharine An- derson (Col. William‘, served in Am. Rev. and War of 1812; Robert®, from Ireland, 1755). 5—-Thomas Gholson, from England; planter, Mt. are Plantation, Brunswick Co., Va.; m Jane erry; 4—~Thomas (1783-1816), Gholsonville, Va.; mem. 10th to 14th Congresses; officer War of 1812; m 1806, Anne Yates; 8-William Yates (1807-70), justice Supreme Ct. ef Ohio; m 1827, Martha Ann Jane Taylor (Sam- uel’), niece and adopted dau. of Chancellor Creed Taylor, of Needham, Cumberland Co., Va. 2-Son of Francis Thomas Glasgow (1829-1916), many yrs.one of the directors of The Tredegar Tron Works, Richmond, m in 1858, Anne Jane Gholson (1831-93). For issue see Ellen A. G. Glasgow, Vol. 1, p. 922. M Oct. 1, 1901, Margaret Elizabeth Branch, 6} Richmond, Va., Oct. 4, 1876; dau. of John Pat- tison Branch, of Richmond; issue: 1-Margaret pee ores Gholson, 6 London, Eng., Nov. 8, Stevens Inst. Tech., ’8 (Delta Tau Delta). Me- EEE FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA ial chanical engr.; chartered civil engr.; chmn. bd. of Building Supplies Corpn. (Norfolk, Va.), and Humphreys & Glasgow, Ltd. (London, Eng.). Was mem. A.R.C. Commission to Roumania, 1917; fixed nitrogen administrator, U.S. War Dept., 1919. Clubs: Metropolitan, Chevy Chase (Washington), University, Down Town (New York), Westmoreland, Commonwealth (Rich- mond, Va.). Residences: Richmond, Va., and London, Eng. i-TUTWILER, Rebe Gordon Glasgow (Mrs. Carrington Cabell), ) Richmond, Va. 8—Rev. Robert Yates, from Eng,, rector Christ Church, Middlesex Co., Va 7-Rev. Bartholomew (1677- 1734), m Sally Mickle- borough; 6—Rev. William (1720-64), pres. William and Mary Coll., 1758-64, m Elizabeth Randolph (Hdward’; Col. Williams); 5-Col. William (d 1789), col. Am. Rev., m Eliza- beth Booth; 4—-Anne, m 1806, Thomas Gholson (1783-1816), Ghol- sonville, Va.; mem. 10th to 14th Congresses; officer War of 1812; 38-William Yates (1807-70), justice Supreme Ct. of Ohio; m 1827, Martha Ann Jane Taylor. 2-Dau. of Francis Thomas Glasgow (1829-1916), many yrs. one of the directors of The Tred- egar Iron Works, Richmond; m 1853, Anne Jane Gholson (1831-98). For issue see Ellen A. G. Glasgow, Vol. 1, p. 922. M Dec. 5, 1906, Carrington Cabell Tutwiler (qv for issue). Residence: ‘‘Woods End,’ Chestnut Hill, Phil- adelphia, Pa. 1-TUTWILER, Carrington Cabell, !) Lexington, Va., Nov. 15, 1874. 5-Leonard Tutwiler, from Switzerland, 1753, settled in Rockingham Co., Va.; m Catherine-; 4-Henry (1768-1841), m Margaret Losbach (1772- 1831; Herman’); ; 38-Col. Martin, m Maria La Force (Thomas, 1755-1841, soldier Am. Rev., Bank, nr. Petersburg, Va.). 7-Nicholas Cabell (1667-1730), of Warminster, Eng.; m Rachel Hooper (d 1737); 6—Dr. William (1699-1774), surgeon British Navy; founded Warminster, Va.; m Elizabeth Burks; ere William (1780-98), m Margaret Jordan (d 4-Col. William (1759-1822), m (1760-1838) ; 38—Margaret (1785-1863), m Hon. Thomas Stanhope McClelland (1777-1835), grad. Dickinson Coll., 1795; mem. Va. House of Delegates (Thomas, emigrant from North of Ireland to Gettys- burg, Pa., m Mary Stanhope). 2Son of Eli Shores Tutwiler (1826-90), capt. C.S.A.; planter; m 18538, Edmonia Preston Mc- Clelland (1831-1900). M Dee. 5, 1906, Rebe Gordon Glasgow (qv); issue: 1—Carrington Cabell, Jr., 6 Feb. 2, 1909. A.B., Washington and Lee, ’96 (Alpha Tau Omega); M.S., Va. Poly. Inst., 1897. Pres. Coopers Creek Chemical Co., and The Chem- ical Service Laboratories, Inc. Clubs: Chem- ists (New York), University, Phila. Cricket (Phila.). Residence: ‘‘Woods End,’ Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. 1-GAY, Frank Butler, 6 Granby Granby), Conn., Nov. 15, 1856. 5—-Richard Gay; 4—Richard, soldier Am. Rev.; 38—Apollos, m Lucy Pease. Dese. William Thrall (1606-79), from Eng. in the “Mary and John,” 1630; settled at Windsor, Shores of Violet Ann Carrington (now Hast Conn., 1633; served in Pequot War; m Miss Goode (d 1676); and thru: 5—John; 4—Luke; 3-Walter. 2-Son of Alfred Gay (d 1884), m Jane Skinner Thrall (d 1883); issue: I-Walter Newton (m Emma S. Moody); Il—-Edward Apollos (d 1906); IIlI—Wilbert (m Clara K. Merrill); IV—Flor- ence; V—Lusher; VI—Frank Butler (above). Vi-m Nov. 22, 1898, Jennie Huldah Marsh (qv for issue). Hon. A.M., Trinity Coll., 1917. With Hartford Public Library, 1877-83; assistant librarian, 1883-90, librarian since 1890, Watkinson Library (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. S.C.W., . S.A.R. Residence: 745 Farmington Avy., Hart- ford, Conn. 1-GAY, Jennie Huldah Marsh (Mrs. Frank B.), b Hartford, Conn., Apr. 9, 1863. 8-John Marsh (1618-88), m Anne Webster (d 1662; Gov. John®, qv); 7-—John (1642/43- tit), m 1666, Sarah Lyman (Rich- ard’, m Hepzibah-—); 6—John (1668-1744), m 1698, eee Pitkin (Wil- liam’, m Hannah Goodw n); 5—Capt. Hezekiah (1720-91), = 1744, Christian Ed- wards (John®, m Christian Williamson); 4—-John (0b 1753), m Susan Bunce (Timothy’, m Rachel Turner); 8—-Edwards, m Mary Ann Eggleston (Thomas, soldier Am. Rev., m 1st, Rebecca Drake). Maternally, John Marsh, 8 above; and thru John’; John*®; Hezekiah’®; 4-Hezekiah (1763- 1819), m 1780, Sarah Burnham; 3—William, m Huldah Allyn Wilson. 2-Dau. of Maj. Seth Edwards Marsh (1823-78), m Mary Ann Marsh (1825-98); issue: 1-Mary El- len; Ii—Jennie Huldah (above). IIi-m Nov. 22, 1898, Frank Butler Gay (qv); issue: 1-Constan¢e Marsh, b Hartford, Conn., Oct. 22, 1895; 2-Eleanor Marsh, b Hartford, Apr. 27, 1899; m 1923, William Henry Wiley. Mem. D.A.R. Residence: 745 Farmington Ay., Hartford, Conn. 1-CLAYTON, Henry Helm, Tenn., Mar. 12, 1861. 4-James Clayton, moved from Va. to Barren Co., Ky.; m a cousin of President Madison; 3—Benjamin (1794-1864), m Lockie Quarles (Roger‘), widow of her cousin, John Quarles. 5-Capt. Thomas Helm (qv); 4-John, m Sally Brown; 38-—Judge John Benjamin (1800-72), m his cousin, Maria Jane Pope Helm. 9-John Edwards, from Wales; 8-William, m Ann Harrison; 7-William, m —Hayden; 6—-Hayden, m Penelope Sandford; 5-Maj. Benjamin (1752-1826), Stafford Co., Md.; officer Am. Rev.; mem. Md. Conv. that rati- fied Federal Constn.; mem. lst Congress; m Margaret Beall; 4-Mary, m Benjamin Helm (Thomas, above); 3—-Maria J. P., m John Benjamin Helm (3 above). 2-Son of Henry Holmes Clayton (1825-88), M.D., U. Pa., 1849; surgeon and physician, Mur- freesboro, Tenn.; capt., later surgeon 45th Tenn., C.S.A.; m 1849, Maria Louise Helm (1826-78) ; issue: I-John Benjamin (1852-1920); II- Jane Matilda (1854-1900); Il1I—Mary Louise (m William B. Wheeler); IV—Henry Helm (above); V-—William Locke (1865-1913). IV-—m Sept. 21, 1892, Frances Fawn Coman, 0 Athens, Ala., Dec. 24, 1866; dau. of James Lindley Coman, of Athens (Dr. Joshua P.3; Capt. Robert‘), m Frances Jane Malone (Capt. James H.°; William‘*; David®; John*®; James’, came to Va. ca. 1696); issue (all b Milton, Mass.): 1-Henry Comyn, b Apr. 29, 1894; M.I.T., 17; q.m., ensign and It. (j.g.), U.S.N.R.F., and with U.S. Naval Aviation Forces in France and Italy, Apr. 3-Oct. 29, 1918; m June 23, 1917, Augusta Frances, dau. of Dr. George Fran- cis Capen, of Canton, Mass. (issue: George Capen, b Apr. 22, 1920); 2-Lawrence Locke, b July 26, 1895; M.I.T., 17; Ist lt. and capt., F.A., and with Baty. A, 55th F.A., in France; capt., Signal Corps, U.S.A.; asst. prof. mil. tactics, Mass. Inst. Tech.; m July 22, 1919, Emily Cor- mey; 3-Frances Lindley, b Mar. 28, 1901. Meteorologist (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 1410 Washington St., Canton, Mass. 1-CLEMENS, William Montgomery, Stark Co., O., Jan. 16, 1860. 6-John Nicholas Clemens (1718-85), from MHol- land in “The Twin Brothers,” 1748; settled in Berks Co., Pa., m Magdalene—; 5—Peter (1747-1802), pvt. Am. Rev.; m 1771, Mary Elizabeth Heckman (Adam; soldier Am. Rev.); 4—Nicholas (1783-1844), soldier War 1812; removed from) bancaster™Co;, Pa:,. to "Stari Co... 0. 1805; m 1806, Mena Catherine Moul (1787-1858; George®, soldier Am. Rev.); 8—Daniel (1810-35), m 1829, Leah Cameron (John‘, m 1806, Jane Weatherspoon, dese. Rev. John Weatherspoon, first pres. Princeton Coll.), 4—James Montgomery (1772-1818), of Pa.; soldier Am. Rev.; m Sarah Quiggle (1779- 1859): 3—Frances, m 1825, Joseph Flickinger (1797-1865), of Swiss descent. b Murfreesboro, b Paris, 112 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 2-Son of John Sharper Clemens (1832-95), served 100 days in Civil War; inventor; m 1854, Sarah Elizabeth Flickinger (1833-1912); issue: I-Wil- liam Montgomery (above); Il-Frances (d young); I1I—Cameron (b 1865). I—-m Aug. 11, 1881, Rose Adell Garfield (July 15, 1858-Apr. 7, 1886); dau. of Dr. Sherman Garfield, of Busti, N.Y.; issue: 1-Rhea Garfield, b Cleve- land, O., Feb. 6, 1884; m Aug. 1, 1908, Richard Sheldon; 2-Nina Rose (Oct. 15, 1885-Oct. 11, 1917); m Jan. 2, 1907, Samuel D. McComb (issue: pose Jefferson; Richard S.; Nina; Samuel aye M 2d, June 28, 1887, Kate Fowler Lott (May 2, 1855-June 28, 1900); dau. of Eldred Lott, sheriff of Chautauqua Co., N.Y.; issue: 1-Marian Lott, b San Diego, Calif., Aug. 3, 1888; m July 12, 1918, G. Howard Sickles; 2—Florence Landon, b Oakland, Calif., June 24, 1890; m Jan. 25, 1914, Frederick Blancard (issue: Frederick; Lois). Ed. Buchtel Coll. Newspaperman, 1879-94; author and editor (See Who’s Who in America). Res- idence: Pompton Lakes, N.J. Hall 1-BATTLE, Jane Hyde Hall-Liddell (Mrs. S. Westray), ) Ridgway, Pa., Mar. 31, 1866. 4-James Hall, from University of Dublin, 1789; m at Phila., Pa., Margaret Miller (Thomas'®, m Mary MacDowell); 38—-Benjamin MacDowell, m 1887, Susannah Geary (John, m Juliana Carner). 6—-Rev. Samuel Hyde (b Eng. 1719); 5-Samuel, of Tamworth, N.H., m Mary Dennis; 4-Jacob, of Tamworth; m 1811, Comfort Hayes (Enoch’, m Susanna Knowles); 3—Joseph Smith, lumberman; m 1844, Jane Gillis (Enos!, m Lucretia Hart). 2-Dau. of John G. Hall (1839-89), lawyer; m 1865, Bliza A. Hyde (1845-94); issue: I-Jane Hyde (above); II—Susan Esther (6 1871). J—m Feb. 20, 1889, Vinton Liddell (Oct. 5, 1859-May 14, 1915), son of Walter James Forbes Liddell, of Charlotte, N.C.; issue: 1-John Hall (d in- fancy); 2—Vinton, 6b Charlotte, N.C., Jan. 1, 1900; Bryn Mawr, ’22; m Apr. 26, 1924, Robert Sylvester Pickens, editor and publisher, of Hickory, N.C. (issue: Jane, 6 Feb. 23, 1925). M 2d, Feb. 8, 1918, S(amuel) Westray Battle (See Vol. 1, p. 220). Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R., N.C. Hist. Assn., Hist. Soc. of Pa., Nat. Hist. Soc., Nat. Folk-Lore Soc., N.C. Folk-Lore Soc., Valley Forge Hist. Assn., Sulgrave Instn. Clubs: Colonial (Washington), Woman’s (Charlotte and Asheville, N.C.). Residence: Asheville, N.C, 1-BOERKER, Irene Frances Bostwick (Mrs. Richard H. D.), b N.Y. City, July 3, 1889. 10—-Arthur (Bostock) Bostwick (1603-ca. 1680, from Eng. to Stratford, Conn., ca. 1639, or earlier; m Jane Whittel (Rev. Robert); 9-John (1638-ca. 1688), m Mary Brinsmead (1640- ca. 1704; John’); 8—John (1667-ca. 1747), m Abigail Walker (b 1672; Joseph?) ; 7—John (1688-1741), m 1712, Mercy Bushnell (1687- 1767; Francis’); 6—John (1715-1806), m Jemima Canfield; ; 5—-Nathan (1746-1829), ensign Am. Rev.; m Eliza- beth Coggswell; 4-Lyman (1768-1848), m 5th, Robie Fisk; 3-Lyman (1802-74), m Huldah Irene Woodruff (sister of Jeremiah Woodruff, the father of Gov. Roland Simmons Woodruff, of Conn.). 2—-Dau. of James Alba Bostwick (b 1846), retired photographer, Brooklyn, N.Y.; m 1887, Cora Julia, dau. Elliott Eliphaz Trimmer; issue: isa Frances (above); I1l—-Andrew Stuart (6 I-m Oct. 28, 1918, Richard Hans Douai Boerker, b Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 19, 1887; A.B., Dart- mouth, ’09; Ue Mich: 19Liye eh Dye. Neb., 1915; forest biologist (See Who’s Who in America); son of John Boerker, from Ger- many, 1881, m Bertha, dau. Dr. Adolf Douai, founder of the first kindergarten in America, 1859; issue: 1-Allan Edwin, } N.Y. City, Aug. 6, 1915; 2-Huldah Irene, b N.Y. City, Apr. 20, 1917; 3—-Janet Bertha, 6b Kingston, N.Y., Oct. penne 4-Ruth Elizabeth, b Kingston, Dec. 12, Grad. Maxwell Training School for Teachers, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1910. Teacher, public schools, City of New York, 1910-13; attended Dartmouth Coll. (summer sessions), 1908-11; U. of Neb., ae Residence: Wrentham St., Kingston, oD: Duke, 0 St. Mary’s Co., Md., Sept. 29, 6—Dr. John Bond (brother and contemporary of Dr. Thomas Bond, of Phila.), surgeon British Navy; settled in Calvert Co., Md., ca. 1729; m Anne Holdsworth; 5—-Dr. John, surgeon in French and Indian War; captain under General Braddock; m Mary (Wheeler) Heigh; 4-Dr. John Thomas, m Sarah How Duke; 3-Basil Duke (1817-90), m Mary Wheeler Brooke. 10—-Dr. John Briscoe (b ca. 1590), from Eng. in the “Ark” and “Dove” expdn. to Md., 1634; m Eliz- abeth Du Bois; 9-Dr. John, of St. Mary’s Co., Md.; 8—Col. Philip (ca. 1648-ca. 1724), m Susanna Swann; 7-Capt. John (1678-ca. 1734), justice Charles Co. Ct.; m twice; 6—John (6 1707), m Mary Hanson; 5—-Samuel (d ca. 1786), m Ann Dent; 4-William Dent (d 1808), m Sarah Stone; 3-Dr. Walter Hanson Stone (1800-85), of “Sotter- ee St. Mary’s Co.; m Emeline Wellmore Dal- am. 2-Son of Thomas Holdsworth Bond (1840-1922), m Susan Adelaide Briscoe (1844-82); issue: ‘I— Holdsworth Wheeler (See Vol. 1, p. 480); II-— Duke (above); III—Briscoe (1872-93); IV—John Thomas (b 1876). IJI—Not married. Grad. Charlotte Hall Sch., 1886, Bryant and Stratton Business Coll., 1889; LL.B., U. Md., 1892. Lawyer; mem. Baltimore City Council, 1903-22; judge, Supreme Bench of Baltimore City since 1922 (term of 15 years). Clubs: University, Baltimore Country. Sum- mer place: “Rose Dale,’ Hollywood, St. Mary’s Co., Md. Residence: The Latrobe, Baltimore, Md. 1-BONTE, George Willard, 6 Cincinnati, O., May 16, 1873. 8-Epke Jacobse (Banta) Bonte, from Holland in “De Trow,” to New Amsterdam, 1659, with his wife and five sons; settled at Flushing, L.IL.;: later at Jamaica, L.I., and Bergen, N.J., where he was mem. of the Ct. of Oyer and Ter- miner; 7-Seba Epke (b 1654), m 1678, Mary Arianse Sip (Adraen Hendrickse’, from Holland, 1641); 6—Johannes (d 1782), m 1716, Margriete’ Janse de Groot (d 1784: Jan Jacobse’; Jacob Pietersen§, from Holland, m in New Amsterdam, 1652); 5—-Jan (bap. 1718), m 1st, 1740, Sara Demarest (David®: David?; David’; David®, from Picardy in “Bontecou,” 1663); FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 4-Johannes (1758-1812), soldier Am. Rev.; m Jane~ Van Zile (1760-1839; Peter®); 3—John (1796-1869), began to write name Bonte; m 2d, 1837, Rohanna (Adams) Cross (Amos‘). 9-Benjamin Butterfield, from Eng., was at Charlestown, Mass., 1638, at Woburn, 1640, at Chelmsford, 1654; m 2d, Hannah Whittemore (widow); 8-Nathaniel (6 1642), m 1669, Deborah Underwood (1650-91; William®, was at Concord, Mass., 1638); 7-Samuel (1670-17387), served in Indian wars; m 1703, Rachael Spalding (b 1685; Andrew’; Ed- ward’, from Eng. to Va., 1619, Barbados, Brain- tree, 1633, a founder of Chelmsford, 1655); 6-Ebenezer (0 1706), moved to Dunstable, 1744; m Sara-—; 5-Jonas (1742-1826), corp. Train Band; minute man at Lexington Alarm; m 1767, Esther Cum- mings (1745-1824; Capt. John*®; Nathaniel‘; John’; Isaac®, from Eng., 1627); 4-John (b 1780), m 1800, Sibyl Willard; 3-Jonas (1820-74), m 1849, Harriet Melissa Dar- row (1818-1902; James‘ [m Betsy Rose Pease]; Abner’; Lt. Abner*, Am. Rev. and Indian wars; Isaac’; Isaac; Capt. John®; Robert?®, from Eng., 1634). 9-Maj. Simon Willard (qv); 8-Henry (1655-1701), m ist, 1674, Mary Lakin (d 1688; John®, m Mary Bacon [Michael”; Mi- chel4]; William?®; William", from Eng., 1644); 7-Simon (1678-1706), m 1700, Mary Whitcomb (Jo- siah8; John®, from Eng., 1635, a prop. of Dor- chester, Mass., 1636); 6-Col. Aaron (1701-84), capt. colonial army; col. Worcester Co. regt., Am. Rev.; m 1724, Mary Wright (1703-67; Capt. Samuel’; Capt. Edward’, King Philip’s War); 5—-Lt. Nathaniel (b 1731), 1t. colonial wars; m 1762, Elizabeth Haskell (b 1745; Capt. Samuel*; Hen- ry7?; William’; William®, came to Salem, Mass., from Eng., 1637); 4—Sibyl (1781-1858), m John Butterfield (4 above). 2-Son of Charles Edgar Bonte (1844-1921), pres. John Bonte’s Sons, mfrs. of cordage, Cincin- nati; m 1872, Mary Eliza Butterfield (b 1851); issue: I—George Willard (above); II—Charles Edgar, Jr. (1877-80); I1I—Harriet (1879-1919). I-m June 25, 1902, Marie Louise Quarles (qv). Illustrator and designer (See Who’s Who in America). Hobby: Genealogy. Mem. New York Geneal. and Biog. Soc. Clubs: Art Di- rectors, Newspaper, Columbia Yacht, Ohio Soc. Residence: 330 W. 95th St., New York. 1-BONTE, Marie Louise Quarles (Mrs. George W.), 6 Richmond, Va., Sept. 27, 1873. 10-Sir Thomas West (qv); 9—John (1590-1659), gov. of Va., 1635-37; m Ann-—; 8—Col. John (1633-89), m Unity Croshaw (Maj. Joseph’); 7-Thomas; 6é—Francis, burgess, 1748-58; m Jane (Cole) Bing- ae (William’; William’, sec. of state of Va., 5-Susanna (1744-80), m 1st, her cousin, West Greg- ory; m 2d, Col. Holt Richeson (1736-1800) ; 4-Frances Langborne (1772-1815), m Benjamin Quarles (d 1815); 3-Thomas Delaware (1806-83), m Mary Ann Mosby (Benjamin‘*; Benjamin®; John*; John’; Edwards). S-Henry Fox, m Ann, dau. of Col. John West (above); 7—-Thomas, m Mary Tunstall (Edmund); 6—Joseph, m Mildred-; 5—-Barbara (1752-1807), m Capt. Drury Ragsdale (1750-1804); Drury®; Peter’); 4—Mildred (1791-1850), m John Brett Richeson (1787-1855) ; 8—Maria Louisa (1821-89), m Michael Ryan (1816- 1879; Michael, M.D.*). 2-Dau. of West Richeson Quarles (1839-91), m 1872, Mary Ryan (6 1848). M June 25, 1902, George Willard Bonte (qv). Residence: 330 W. 95th St., New York. 1-CLEVELAND, Newcomb, }) Waukegan, Sept. 24, 1864. 8-Moses Cleveland (qv); 7—-Samuel (1657-1736), m 2d, 1682, Persis Hildreth; 6—-Joseph (1689-1766), m 2d, 1725, Sarah Ainsworth (or Ensworth); 5-Ezra (1726-1802), m 1745, Jerusha Bradford; 4—F'rederick (1770-1815), m Anna Sadler; 8—-Newcomb (1807-70), m 2d, 1886, Gertrude Maria LB. 113 Freligh (1803-75; Dr. Michael‘, m Anna Wit- beck). 9-Claus Van Vranken, from Holland, 1640; 8—Gerrit Claus, m Arriantje Ulrick; 7-Claus Gerritse (b 1683), m 1704, Quackenbos; 6—Pieter (b 1721), m 1748, Neeltie Groot; 5—-Dirck (1752-1837), m Anne Felinck (William); 4—Pieter (1785-1847), m 1803, Matilda Peek (Har- manus’, m Helena Onderkerk); 3-William Felinck (1815-1905), m 1840, Catherine Van Vranken (1820-1905; Johannes*, m Gertruy, dau. of Claus Van Vranken; Jacobus®; Jo- hannes®; Claus Gerritse’, above). 2-Son of Frederick Cleveland (1838-97), mfr.; m 1863, Gertrude Maria Van Vranken (1841-1918); issue: I-Newcomb (above); II—Catherine Van Vranken (Mrs. Frederic Sterry, av for Brad- ford lineage); I1I—Maude (b 1868; m William Everitt Van Wert); IV—Frederick (b 1874; m Anna Hlecta Crosby); V—Bertha Isabel (1875- 1882); VI-—Edith (1879-82). I-m Oct. 5, 1887, Clara Louise Mather, b Gar- rattsville, Otsego Co., N.Y., Feb. 1, 1864; dau. of Andrew A. Mather; issue (all 6 Albany, N.Y.): 1—Mather, 0b Sept. 2, 1889; B.A., Yale, ’11; M.D., Columbia, 1915; 1st lt., capt. and maj., M.C., U.S.A., 1916-19; m June 20, 1917, Susan Everett Colgate; 2-Gertrude Van Vranken, 0b Albany, N.Y., Jan. 14, 1892; m Dec. 18, 1917, Alston Mad- den McCarty, of Denver; 3-Newcomb, Jr. (b July 23, 1894, d@ infancy); 4Helen (6 June 11, eRe Er ra 5—-Clara Louise, b Albany, June Hamilton, ’86 (Chi Psi, P.B.K.). Carriage mfg. and selling, Albany, N.Y., to 1903; gen. ins. underwriter, Denver, Colo., 1903-. Mem. S.M.D., S.R. (ex-pres. Colo. Soc.). Clubs: Uni- versity, Rotary. Residence: 4200 E. Colfax Av., Denver, Colo. 1-STERRY, Catherine Van Vranken Cleveland Mrs. Frederic), 6 Waukegan, II1l., Aug. 10, 1866. 9-Gov. William Bradford (qv); 8—Maj. William (1624-1704), m 1651, Alice Richards Gertrude (1627-71) ; 7-Thomas (1657-1708), m 1690, Ann Smith (Nehe- miah§); 6—Jerusha (1692-1739), m 1716, Hezekiah Newcomb (1693-1772; Simon?; Lt. Andrew8; Capt. An- drew?) ; ceo eae (1726-1804), m 1745, Ezra Cleveland (1726- 02) ; 4—Frederick (1770-1815), m Anna Sadler; 38—Newcomb (1807-70), m 1836, Gertrude Maria Fre- ligh (1808-75). 2-Dau. of Frederick Cleveland (1838-97), mfr.; m 1863, Gertrude Maria Van Vranken (1841-1918). For issue and other lineages see Newcomb Cleveland. M Oct. 30, 1889, Frederic Sterry, 6b Apr. 14, 1866; son of Edwin S. Sterry (Stephen*; John‘), m Mary Elizabeth Scollay (Jabesh G.°, m Mar- garet Maple); issue: 1-Prudence Cleveland, } Palm Beach, Fla., Jan. 15, 1896; m Oct. 21, 1916, George Warson Hall Smith, of Providence, R.I. (issue: Prudence Cleveland, 6 1918; George W. H., Jr., b 1919); 2-Gertrude Virginia, }b Hot Springs, Va., Dec. 14, 1901; m May 31, 1924, Hanford Mead Twitchell, of Brooklyn, N.Y. Mem. §.M.D. Residence: The Plaza, New York. 1-DOLCH, Elizabeth (Bessie) Lee Woodson Mrs. A. S.), b Ft. Smith, Ark., Oct. 19, 1882. 9-Dr. John Woodson (qv); 8—Robert (6 1634), Prince Edward Co., Va.; m ca. 1656, Elizabeth Ferris; 7-Richard (1662-1730), m Anne Smith; 6—Obadiah (6b 1712), m 1734, Constance Watkins; OBE (1748-1839), m 1773, Elizabeth Morton (6 4-Richard (1787-1822), m 1812, Rachel P. Robert- son; 3—-William Cowper (1813-90), m 1845, Juliet Colston (Howard) Coale. J1-Lt. Col. Walter Aston (1607-56), from Eng. to Va., 1628; judge and burgess; m Miss Warham; 10-—Mary, m ca. 1647, Lt. Col. Richard Cocke (1600-65), sheriff and burgess, Henrico Co., Va.; came to Va.. 1627, obtained large land grants; 9-William (1655-93), burgess: m Jane Clarke (Lt. Col. Daniel"), m 2d, 1689, Sarah Flower: 8-—Mary (1690-1754), m Obadiah Smith (d 1746); 7-Anne, m Richard Woodson (7 above). 12-EFlder William Brewster (qv); 1i-Fear (d 1634), m Isaac Allerton (qv); 114 10-Col. Isaac (1630-1702), m Elizabeth Willoughby; 9-Frances, m Samuel Travers; er ienecee (1691-1726), m Charles Colston (1691- 24); 7-Travers (1712-51), m Alice Corbin Griffin (Thomas’, m Hlizabeth Lee; Col. Le Roy®, m Winnifred, dau. of Col. Henry Corbin); 6—Charles (b 1735), m 1759, Ann Fauntleroy; 5-Judith S. (1760-1815), m 1775, William Graham (1750-94), from Scotland at 18, with his brother John, and settled in Lancaster Co., Va.; 4—Sarah F. (1791-1878), m 1808, Henry Howard (1774-1834) ; 3-Juliet C. (1820-97), as Widow Coale m 1845, William Cowper Woodson (3 above). 2-Dau. of William Cowper Woodson (b 1850), traveling salesman; m 1882, Annie Pauline Dudley (b 1857); issue: I—-Bessie Lee (above); II—Alta (b 1885; m William Henry Rothschild); IlI—William Cowper (b 1887; m Mignon A. Cur- tis); IV—Annie Dudley (b 1890; m Gustave Her- man Schmidt); V—Marjorie Dudley (b 1893; m Frank William Van Luik, Jr.); VI-Valle May (6 1896; m James Ira Childers). I-m June 22, 1917, Abbeford Scherer Dolch, 0 St. Louis, Mo., Apr. 20, 1887; son of Hdward Wil- liam Dolch, export broker, of St. Louis. Mem. D.A.R. Residence: Attica, Ind. 1-YOUNG, Margaret Moore Coleman (Mrs. Adam M.), b Vicksburg, Miss., Apr. 27, 1849. 5-James Coleman, from Eng, ca. 1730, settled in Md.; m Mary Key, of Md.; 4-Col. Daniel, of Va.; col. Am. Rev.; mem. Va. Assembly and House of Burgesses; m Ist, Mary Chiles; 3-James Thomas (b 1778), m Eliza Warfield. 7-Richard Warfield (qv); : 6—John (1675-1718), m 1696, Ruth Gaither (John’, m Ruth Morley); 5-Benjamin (1702-69), of Warfield’s Range, How- ard Co., Md.; m 1731, Rebeckah Ridgely (1693- 1755; Judge Nicholas’, m Sarah, dau. of Capt. John Worthington); 4—BPlisha (1741-1818), mem. Com. Observation in Am. Rev.; went to Ky., 1791; m 2d, Ruth Bur- gess (Joseph, m Elizabeth Dorsey); 8-Eliza, m James Thomas Coleman (3 above). 2-Dau. of Lloyd Ruffin Coleman (1819-96), cotton merchant; pres. Mechanic & Traders Ins. Co., New Orleans; m 1841, Harriet Louisa Moore (1823-71); issue: I-—Eliza Warfield (1846-1924); II—Margaret Moore (above); III—Nicholas D. (m Lizzie McClung Browning). II-m Feb. 16, 1874, Adam Moore Young (Oct. 19, 1846-Dec. 3, 1888); son of Dr. Charles Glidden Young, of New Orleans, La., later of Pales- tine, Tex.; issue: 1-Lloyd Coleman (qv for Young lineages); 2-Betty Coleman, b Galves- ton, Nov. 27, 1876; m Nov. 12, 1900, Richard Wal- lace Hogue, D.D. (issue: Margaret Coleman, b 1902; m 1925, John M. Pfautz; Richard W.., Jr., b 1905; Mary Huntington, b 1908); 3-Louise Chamberlain, 6 Galveston, Jan. 4, 1879; m Oct. 4, 1905, Walter Percy Donalson (qv); 4James Nicholas, 6 San Marcos, Tex., Aug. 6, 1885; Ue Southsi2d sitsint,, Aue. on LoL eesti Lt. ec 31, 1917; assigned to Co. HE, 364th Inf., 91st (“Wild West’) Div.; served at Gen. Hdars. (Gen. Pershing’s), A.E.F., Chaumont, France: citation from Gen. Pershing; Officer d’Acad- emie, silver palms; m Dec. 5, 1917, Katharine W., dau. of Norton Strong, of Detroit (issue: James N., Jr.; Katharine), Mem. U.D.C. Residence: Hershey Arms, Los Angeles, Calif. 1-YOUNG, (Lloyd) Coleman, } Galveston, Tex., Dee. 9, 1874. S-Sir John Young; 7-Samuel; 6—Maj. John (d 1785), m 1746, Hannah Gatchel; 5—Jesse (1751-1804), m Ruby Richardson; 4—-Rev. Dan (b 1788), m 1808, Mary Mills (6 1790): 3—Dr. Charles Glidden (b 1816), pres., Great Northern R.R. Co., of Texas; m Henrietta Maria Louisa Chamberlaine. 11-Elder William Brewster (qv); aaa aed (1593-1659), m 1624, Lucretia Oldham ( ; a ee (1633-1710), m 1653, Anne Darte (d 8—-William (1669-1728), m 2d, Patience— (d 1740): 7-Ebenezer (b 1702). m 1720/21, Elizabeth DeWolf: 6~Katherine (b 1727), m 1747, Ebenezer, Richard- son; THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY —-Ruby (1756-1812), m 1778, Jesse Young (5 above). 6—Alexander Bruce (son of Robert, d 1763, pro- vost of Scotland), m Sally Tucker; 5-Susan, m James Green Martin; 4-Margaret, m William Moore; 38—-Harriet Louisa, m Lloyd Ruffin Coleman, pres, Mechanics & Traders Ins. Co., New Orleans. 2-Son of Adam Moore Young (1846-8), auditor with Moody and Jemison, cotton mchts.; m 1874, Margaret Moore Coleman (qv for ma- ternal lineages). M Jan. 16, 1900, Nettie Bissell Swancoat, b Aus- tin, Texas; daughter of Major Richard J. Swancoat, of Austin, Tex.; issue: 1—Lloyd Coleman, Jr., 6 San Marcos, Tex., Aug. 23, 1903; 2-BKlizabeth Warfield, 6 Los Angeles, CalifsvAprad2 lol: U. South, 92. V.p. Security Trust & Savings Bank, Los Angeles, since 1921. Mem. S.R. Clubs: Jonathan, Surf and Sand, Athletic. Residence: 92 Fremont Pl., Los Angeles, Calif. 1-DONALSON, Walter Percy, Tex., Nov. 16, 1875. 5—John Donalson; 4-John (d 1805), officer Am. Rev. from N.J.;_m 2d, Elizabeth Donnell; 3-Israel B. (1797-1895), maj. in Mexican War, from Ill.; m 1831, Lucy Ann Lee (1806-78; Ste- phen B.4, b 1775, soldier War 1812; Arthur W.®, b 1740, soldier Am. Rev.). 2-Son of George Walter Donalson (b 1843), m 1874, Virginia (b 1853), dau. of David Cormany, m Rachel Scherer; issue: J—Walter Percy (above); II—Edith (6 1882; m Jack B. Syers); IlI—George B. (b 1884; m Mary McGehee); IV— Jean (1887-1921); V—Albert (1890-1916); VI—David Cormany (6 1897). I-m Oct. 4, 1905, Louise Chamberlain Young, bD Galveston, Tex., Jan. 4, 1879; Colonial Dame; dau. late Adam Moore Young, m Margaret Moore Coleman (qv for genealogy); issue: or Percy, Jr., 6 Dallas, Tex., May 26, Ed. U. of the South, and U. of Tex. Lawyer. Residence: 827 W. 9th St., Dallas, Tex. 1-EATON, Edward Dwight, } Lancaster, Wis., Jan, 12, 1851. 9—-William Eaton (1604-58), from Eng. in the “Hercules and Sandwich,”’ 1687, with his wife Martha; settled at Watertown, later at Read- ing, Mass.; 8—Jonas (d 1673), m Grace-; 7-John (1645-91), m Dorcas Green; 6—Corp. Jonas (1680-1727), m Mehitable Gould; 5—-Benjamin (b 1723), minute man at Concord and Cambridge alarms, pvt. at Bunker Hill; m Beulah Stone; 4—Ebenezer (1750-1842), also minute man at Con- cord and Cambridge alarms, pvt. at Bunker Hill; m Rebecca Stone; 3—Eben (1789-1881), m Sally Chadwick Spofford. 2-Son of Samuel Witt Eaton, D.D. (1820-1905), chaplain 7th Wis. Vols., “Iron Brig.”’, Army of the Potomac, 1862-65; m 1847, Catharine Eliz- abeth (1824-1904), dau. of Rev. James Dem- arest, M.D., m Mary Schoonmaker; issue: I-James Demarest, D.D. (b 1848; Beloit, ’69; m Gertrude Clifford Pratt); IIl-Edward Dwight (above); II1I-Samuel Lewis, M.D. (b 1853; Yale, 77; m Mrs. Annie [Cross] Hasbrouck); IV— Charles Woodhull, M.D. (1855-1908). + IIl-m Aug. 23, 1875, Martha Eliza Barber, 6 Lan- caster, Wis., May 15, 1853; dau. of Hon. Joel Allen Barber (Judge Joel’, mem. Congress, 1871-75, and a founder of the Rep. party in Wis.; m Elizabeth Banfill); issue: 1-Ethelwyn, b Newton, Ia., Mar. 24, 1877; Beloit, ’01; m Dec. 14, 1902, Charles Francis Read, M.D.; Beloit, ’98 (issue: Eaton Van Wart; John Barber); 2— Allen Barber, } Newton, Apr. 13, 1878: Beloit. 99; M.A., Yale, 1902; 8-Katrina Elizabeth, 0 Newton, Oct. 31, 1879; Beloit, ’08; m Aug. 20, 1°07, Henry Winslow Hincks, Yale, ’98 (issue: Katrina Eaton; Carolyn Hart: Edward Blod- gett); 4-Mildred Lois, 6 Oak Park, Ill., Aug. 11, 1882; Beloit, ex-’07; m June 15, 1915, Prof. Howard Bishop Lewis, B.A., Ph.D., Yale (is- sue: Charlotte Barber; Elizabeth Parmalee): 5—-Mattie Carolyn (Aug. 26, 1886-Oct. 1910): 6— Aldyth Lilian Frances, }b Beloit, Wis., Apr. 18, 1898; Beloit, ex-’17. B.A., Beloit; °72, M.A., 1875; B.D. Yale, 18%: (D.D., Northwestern, 1887, Yale, 1900; LL.D., 6b San Marcos, = FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 115 U. Wis., 1887, Marietta, 1910). Ordained Congl. ministry, 1876; pastorates, 1876-86; pres. Beloit Coll., 1886-1905 and 1907-17, and since pres. emer- itus (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 121 Grove St., Wellesley, Mass. Rte Robert Fuller, ) Chelsea, Mass., Nov. 8-Robert Fitz (d 1665), Mass., 1638; m Grace—; 7-Abraham, m Rebecca Birdley; 6-Isaac, m Bethia—}; 5—-Jeremiah (1749-1825), served in navy Rev.; m Elizabeth Haskell; 4-Jeremiah, m Ruth Southern; 38—Jeremiah, m Hannah Eaton. 2-Son of Eustace Carey Fitz (1833-95), mecht, and mfr.; mayor of Chelsea, Mass.; mem. Mass. House and Senate and Gover- nor’s Council; m 1856, Sarah Jane, dau. of Alfred Blanchard; issue: I-Frank Eustace (0 1855, m Fannie Slade); II-Hmma Jenny (0b 1859); IIlI—Alfred W. (b 1862; m Minnie Etta Martin); TV—Robert Fuller (above). IV—m Mar. 16, 1892, Marie, dau. of John Shuler Wilcox (1833-1926; Blijah?; Sylvanus‘; Sylva- nus®, capt. Am. Rev.). Ed. at Chelsea and Boston, Mass. Manager of a gas co., Elgin, I1l., 1891-95; real estate, Bos- ton, 1895-1904; mining, Chicago, 1904-10; real estate, Los Angeles, from 1910. Mem. O.F.P.A. Clubs: Los Angeles Athletic, Southern Cali- fornia Yacht, Ionic. Residence: 5507 Berk- shire Drive, Los Angeles, Calif. 1-FITZHUGH, Carroll Hamilton, 0 Pittsburgh, Pa. Jan. 22, 1873. TCol. William Fitz Hugh (qv); 6-—George, m Mary Mason; settled at Salisbury, in Am, steel 5—-Col. William (1721-98), col. Md. troops; bur- gess; m 2d, Anne (Frisby) Rowsby; 4-Col. William (1761-1839), a.-d.-c. on General Washington’s staff; m Anne Hughes; peeenty, (1801-66), shipowner; mayor, Oswe2o, N.Y.; mem. N.Y. Assembly; m Elizabeth Bar- bara’ Carroll. 7-Charles Carroll (qv); 6—Daniel (1707-34), of “Duddington Manor;” m Ann Rozier CaM of ‘“‘Notley Hall,” eiinee George’s Co., Md.); 5—Charles (1729- 63), of “Duddington” and “Car- rollsburg,”’ Md.; m Mary Hill (Henry’‘); 4—Charles (1767-1823), of ‘Bellevue’; settled in Genesee Co., N.Y., 1811; m Anne Sprigg: 8-Elizabeth Barbara, m Henry Fitzhugh (6 above). 4-Dr. Peter Shoenberger (1782-1854), Krug; 3-George Krug, iron mfr., Sarah Hamilton. 2—Son of Charles Lane Fitzhugh (1838-1923; See 1993) 1, p. 603), m 1865, Emma Shoenberger (1842- M Apr. 22, 1897, Mary Marshall Bell, } Pitts- burgh, Pa., Aug. 17, 1871; dau. of late Arthur W. Bell, of Pittsburgh. B.A., Yale, ’06 (Alpha Delta Phi). Vestryman, Trinity P. E. Ch., Pittsburgh. Residences: Cobourg, Ont., Can., and 807 Ridge Av., Pitts- burgh, Pa. m Sarah of Cincinnati; m 1-FITZHUGH, John Glascock, b nr. Austin, Hayes Co., Tex., Dec. 15, 1863. 9-Capt. John Aylett, from Eng., 1656, to the Northern Neck of Va.; m Annie-; 8—-Philip (6 1658), founded the family seat “Fair- field,’ King William Co., Va.; 7-Col. William, of “Fairfield,” burgess; m Anna (said to be Taylor or Tayloe); 6—Philip, clk. King William Co.: m 1st, Martha Dandridge (1721-47; Capt. William’); 5—Col. William (1743-80), burgess, mem. Va. Conv. of 1775-76; dep. com. gen. of forces in Va., later com. gen. Southern Dept.; m 1766, Mary Macon; 4—Col. Philip, of ‘‘Montville,”’ King William Co.; m Elizabeth Henry (Patrick®, famous orator and statesman); 8—Mary Macon, m Philip Fitzhugh. 7—Joseph Bullitt (av); 6-Benjamin (1693- 1766), justice, Prince William Co., Va.; m Elizabeth Harrison; 5-Cuthbert (1740-91), speaker Va. Assembly; mem. Va: Conv., 1775, 76, 78; judge Gen. Ct. of Va.: m Helen Scott; 4-Col. Alexnder Scott (1762-1816), settled in Ky.. 1788; co-drafter of the first constitution of Ky.; speaker Ky. Senate; pres. Constl. Conv.; first lt. gov. of the state; m Priscilla Chris- tian (Col. William®, m Anne Henry, sister of Patrick Henry); 38—Cuthbert (I788- 1854), m Harriet Willett. 2Son of Maj. John Henry Fitzhugh (1821-94), hardware merchant; m Harriette Bullitt (1835- 1890); issue: I-Mary Ann (06 1858; m Hdwin C. Thornton); II—-Philip Aylett; IlJ-Henry Alex- ander (m Mary Scott); IV—John Glascock (above); V—Patrick Henry (d). IV-—m June 8, 1900, Ida Tatom, b Terry, Miss., July 26, 1874; dau. of J. Frank Tatom, of Terry; issue: 1-John Glascock, Jr., 6 Jackson, Miss., June 28, 1904; 2-Paul Tatom, b Jackson, Sept. 29, 1909. Southern sales mgr. for J. C. Lyle Milling Co., of Leavenworth, Kan. Residence: 254 Grif- fith St., Jackson, Miss. ip aanaatane ee James, ) Louisville, Ky., Dec. 5-Julius Glazebrook (aet. 107), m Miss Garton; 4—James (1739-1807), removed from Va. to Barren Co., Ky., 1803; m Mary Bowles (1741-1807); s-william’ (1780- 1859), m 1807, Polly Thomas White 2-Son of Austin Glazebrook (1820-88); settled at Louisville, Ky., ca. 1850; wholesale grocer; m 1854, Lydia (1883-73), dau. of William Grinstead, of Glasgow, Ky., m Levinia—; m 2d, 1875, Em- ily C. Bickham, of Cincinnati, O. (d 1887); is- sue (1st marriage): I—Annie (6 1855; m 1879, Ed- win V. Thompson); II—Ella (b 1859; m 1884, Irving Chapin Bartlett, d 1898); IlI—James (above); 1V—William Austin (b 1866). IiI-m Dee. 5, 1894, Annie Ten Broeck Robinson (qv for issue). Grad. Louisville Male High Sch., ’80. Pres. Louisville Grocery Co. since 1902. Clubs: Pen- dennis, Louisville Country. Residence: 1334 3d St., Louisville, Ky. 1-GLAZEBROOK, Annie Ten Broeck Robinson (Mrs. James), b Bolton, Miss., Sept. 29, 1871. 8—-William Robinson (d 1668), earliest ancestor of family in America, 1635-36; an original founder of the church of Dorchester, Mass.; mem. A. and H.A. Co.; freeman, 1642; m Margaret-—; 7-Samuel (bap. 1640-1718), of Dorchester; select- man, 1688, 98; rep. Gen. Ct., 1701, 02; m Mary Baker ore 1641-1715; Richard’, m Faith Wit- tington 6-— Tenn (1671-1745), A.B., Harvard, 1695; mission- ary at New Castle, pars 1698; minister at Duxbury, Mass., 1702-38; m 1705, Hannah Wis- wall (1680-1722; Rev. Ichabod’, m Priscilla, dau. of William Pabody, m Elizabeth, dau. of John Alden, qv); perks (1715-84), m 1748, Thankful Hinckley (1723- Ne 4-Samuel (1752-1815), patriot Am. Rev.; Metcalfe (Dr. Andrew®, m Zeriah Hy 3-Jabez (17838-1864), ensign War 1812; Anne (Annetje) Ten Broeck. 7—Dirck Wessels Ten Broeck (qv); 6-Samuel (1680-1756), m Maria Van Renssellaer (bap. 1689-1771; Henrick’?, m Catherine Van Brugh); 5-Jeremiah (bap. 1727-1802), m 1756, Marytje Van Alen (b 1733; Adam’, m Catherine Van Alstyne): 4—Johannes ‘(1764- 1854), m 1783, Fytje (Muller) Miller (1765-1824; Lt. Jeremiah’, officer Am. Rev., m Sara Hogeboom); 38—Anne (1798-1873), m Jabez Robinson (3 above). 6-James Watkins (1728- -1800), of Amelia (now Prince Edward) Co., Va.; m Martha Thompson (1737-1793: Robert’, m Blizabeth Stewart, of Chesterfield Co. and Branches Creek); 5—James (1758-1824), m 1779, Jane Thompson (1762- 1815; Isham’, m Mary Ann Oliver, of Va.); 4—Robert H. (d 1856), planter and merchant, Petersburg, Ga.; mem. Legislature; m 1805, Prudence Thompson Oliver (1788-1868) ; 8-James Lawrence (1814-91), m 1838, Eliza Patton (b 1820; William‘, m Mary, dau. of Charles Hays, ‘of Va.; Robert®, from Ireland, 1791, m Jane Ramsey). 2-Dau. of Charles Louis Robinson (1839-1912) served in C.S.A.; merchant, cotton planter; m 1868, Virginia Patton Watkins (6 1841). M Dec. 5, 1894, James Glazebrook (av); James Robinson, b Louisville, Ky., 1906; M.I.T., ’28. Residence: 1334 3d St., Louisville, Ky. a Priscilla de); m 2d, 1819, issue: 1— Sept. 19, 116 1-GOHLEE, Mabel Mary Stetson (Mrs. George H.), 6 Oakland, Wis., Oct. 11, 1875. 9-Cornet Robert Stetson (qv); | 8-Benjamin (1641-1711), capt. Scituate mil. co.; rep. Gen. Ct.; m Bethia-—; 7—Benjamin (1668-ca. 1740), m 1690, Grace Turner; 6—Mathew (b 1690), m 1730, Hannah Lincoln; 5-Mathew (1731-1807), Am. Rev.; m 1761, Mary Randall; 4—Winslow (1767-1852), m 1796, Prudence Ralph; 3-Winslow T. (1799-1854), m 1832, Matilda Rice. 8-Edmund Rice (qv); ; 7-Thomas (d 1681), m Mary King; ' 6—Elisha (1679-1761), Sudbury, Mass.; m 1707, Eliza- beth Wheeler; 5—Zebulon (1725-99), m 1749, Susanna Allen (1732- 1823) ; j 23) 3 4-Stephen (1765-1857), from Roxbury, Vt., to Ft. Atkinson, Wis., ca. 1850; m 1798, Matilda Allen (1772-1861; Ephraim®, of Woodstock, Vt.; m Betty Wood); 3—Matilda (1800-88), m 1832, Winslow Thomas Stet- son (3 above). 9-William White (qv); ; ; 8—Resolved (b 1614), came with his parents in the “Mayflower”; m Judith Vassall; 7-Elizabeth, m Obadiah Wheeler (b 1651; Oba- diah§) ; 6—-Elizabeth, m Elisha Rice (6 above). 2-Dau. of Luther Leander Stetson (1838-1912), farmer; m 1866, Laura Lovilla Jackson (b 1847); issue: I-Winslow Thomas (b 1868; m Etta Hoyt); II-—Carrie Adele (b 1872; m Lewellyn Bruce Tay- lor); III—Mabel Mary (above); IV—Melvin Eugene (1881-1915). ’ IlI-m Aug. 27, 1902, George Henry Gohlke, 6 Madi- son, Wis., Nov. 11, 1874; son of Ludwig Gohlke (served 4 yrs. in Civil War), of Madison, Wis.; issue: 1-Evelyn Laura, 6 Lake Mills, Wis.. Aug. 10, 1903; Lesley Normal, 1923; 2-Richard Theodore, Lake Mills, Mar. 10, 1906; Northeast- ern Win. Ed. Fort Atkinson (Wis.) High School, and Gar- land Kindergarten Normal, Boston. Librarian, of Goodnow Library, South Sudbury, Mass. Mem. D.A.R. Residence: South Sudbury, Mass. 1-PAYNE, Gavin Lodge, }b Jefferson Co., Ind., Sept. 3, 1869. 11i-Stephen Hopkins (qv); y 10-Constance (d 1677), m Nicholas Snow (d 1676); 9-Mary (6 1630), m ca. 1650, Thomas Paine (Thomas”, qv); 8—Elisha (1659-1735), m 1685, Rebecca Doane; : 7—-Rev. Solomon (1698-1754), with his brother Eli- sha, led the famous Separatist fight against the State Church in Conn.; m ist, Sarah Car- ver, of the Duxbury, Mass., Carvers; m 2d, Priscilla Fitch (g.g.dau. of Capt. John Mason, hero of the Pequot War); f 6—Ichabod (1727-1812), a founder of Amenia, N.Y.; m 1748, Hannah Boswell, of Canterbury; 5—-Blihu (1753-1830), of Amenia, N.Y.; m Mary Parke (Thomas’, m Patience Rudd, g.dau. of Jonathan Rudd, whose romantic marriage per- formed by Gov. Winthrop gave the name to Bride’s Brook, Conn.); 4-Solomon (1782-1857), Payne’s Corners, Trumbull Co., O.; a pioneer on Western Reserve; m 1807, Mary Gates (dese. Capt. Nicholas Olmsted, Capt. George Gates and Thomas Lord, early comers to Conn.); 3-Elihu Rudd (1815-64), pioneer mfr. at Madison, Ind., in early ’30s; m 1839, Lydia Godman (g.dau. Capt. Samuel Godman, of Annapolis, of the 4th Md. Line in Am. Rev.). 2-Son of John Godman Payne (1848-89), drummer boy 12th Ind. at age of 18, and in 18th Ky. on Sherman’s March to the Sea; m Mary, dau. of Horatio Byfield, who, before Indiana was a state, settled in what is now Jefferson Co.. Ind.; issue: I-Gavin L. (above); II-—Janet (6 1872; teacher of art and psychology, Indian- apolis High School; noted as a designer of fine jewelry for Morgan and other collections; m J. M. Bowles). I-m Dec. 12, 1904, Bertha, dau. of Frederick Fahn- ley, Indianapolis banker and jobber; issue: I— Ada, b 1905; grad. Knox School, Cooperstown. N.Y.; 2—-Frederick, 0 1906; student Princeton Tutoring School. M 2d, Jan. 7, 1920, Carolyn, dau. of Sanford Condé, formerly of Watervliet, N.Y. (desc. Chevalier Adam Condé, a Huguenot refugee who became high constable of Albany, N.Y., THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY and was massacred by the Indians at Schenec- tady, 1748). Investment banker, Indianapolis, Ind. War corr. Spanish-Am. War, 1898. Comd. Baty. A, of Indianapolis, on Mexican border, 1916; commd. col., 2d ind. F.A.; field dir. A.K.C. for Porto Rico and Virgin Islands, with station at Camp Las Casas, P.R.; adj. and 1t) col.) 38th Diva N.G., 1928-24. Mem. S.R., M.O.F.W., Soc. Ind. Pioneers. Clubs: Columbia, Indianapolis Ath- letic, Woodstock. Residence: 2135 N. Alabama St., Indianapolis, Ind. 1-~-BOOKER, George Edward, Jr., ) Petersburg, Va., Mar. 22, 1872. 8-Edward Booker, from Eng. to York Co., Va., 1648; mem. Council same yr.; ; 7-Capt. Richard (b ante 1652-d post 1704), of Gloucester Co., Va.; m 2d, 1694, Hannah (Hand) Marshall (Richard Hand, m Frances Purefoy); 6—George, m Miss Glover; 5—Richard (b 1764), m Martha Brunskill; 4-Edward (d 1800), lt. Am. Rev.; m 1783, Edith Cobbs Anderson; 38—William (1789-1855), capt. War 1812; m Nancy Dudley Agee (1799-1869). 2-Son of George Edward Booker, D.D. (1823-99), B.A., Randolph-Macon, 1856, M.A., 1858; founder Southside Acad., Farmville, Va.; chaplain, capt. and maj., C.S.A.; m 1861, Elizabeth Nash Burkholder (d 1867); m 2d, 1869, Mary Frances Eubank (b 1848); issue (24 marriage): I—-George Edward, Jr. (above); IIl—Benjamin William (1876-80); IlI-Frank Eubank (m Peachy Ed- mundson Dorsey); IV—Marshall Brunskill (m Sallie Coles Edmunds); V—Frances Munford (1883-1904). I-m Apr. 29, 189, Annie Parham Howle, bd “Elm Shade,” Sussex Co., Va., Aug. 26, 1869; dau. of James David Howle, m Emma Parham, of “Hlm Shade,” Sussex Co., Va.; issue: 1-Emma Parham, b Sussex Co., Va., Feb. 11, 1897; Ran- dolph-Macon Woman’s Coll., ’22; 2-George Ed- ward, 3d, 6 Orange, Va., July 11, 1898; U. of Va., 24; LL.B., U. Richmond, 1926; 3-Nancy Howle, 6 Petersburg, Va., May 10, 1902; Stuart Hall, ’20. Ed. at William and Mary, ’90 (Kappa Sigma, Phi Beta Kappa), Randolph-Macon Coll., ’93 (D.D., 1907), and U. Va., 1906. Ordained M.E. Ch., S., ministry, 1896; presiding elder, Richmond Dis- trict, 1925—. Trustee Randolph-Macon System of Schools and Colleges. Mem. S.A.R., U.C.V.. etc. Club: Country of Va. Residence: 1705 Park Av., Richmond, Va. 1-BOOTH, Emmons Rutledge, 6 Franklin Co., Ind., Mar. 4, 1851. 6-Charles Booth, Quaker; at Chester Meeting ca. 1700; m Elizabeth Conway; 5-Thomas, m Elizabeth Bulla; 4—-Ebenezer, m Mary Watson; 3—John (1782-1829), Cecil Co., Md.; m Elizabeth Longwill. 10-John (Searing) Sering® (b 1580), m London, Eng., 1610, Jane Badger; 9-Simon (6 1618), was at Stamford, Conn., 1640; went to Hempstead, L.I., 1644; held responsible positions; 8—John (ca. 1638-1731), m Ann Pearsall; 7-Samuel (b 1680), m Hannah Carman (?); 6—Samuel (6 1700), m Rose-; - 5-Samuel (0b ca. 1720), m Younas Broadhead; 4—Samuel (1758-1823), served in Am. Rev., but offi- cial records wanting; m Sarah Mann (Joseph', pvt. Am. Rev.); 3-Samuel _ (1781-1851), m Elizabeth Tharp (John‘4, It. Am. Rev.). 2-Son of Ebenezer Booth (1813-57), architect and builder; m 1844, Margaret Elizabeth Sering (1824-1900); issue: I-Hannah Elizabeth (1845-1912; m Elias Morgan); II—-John Samuel (1847-1923: m Susan Cline); I1I-Emmons Rutledge (above): IV—Melisse Ann (1853-1908; m John Thompson; m 2d, William Evans). IlI-m Jan. 1, 1875, Clara Virginia Van Fleet (Apr. 24, 1851-Apr. 27, 1879); dau. of Henry H. Van Fleet, of Wauseon, O.; issue: 1-Mary Mabel (Aug. 27, 1875-Mar. 24, 1915); m Feb. 4, 1897, Rob- ert C. McConaughy (issue: Francis B.; Mary Alice; Robert B.); 2-Clarence V. (b and d 1879). M 2d, Nov. 29, 18883, Mary Augusta Mermod, B St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 15, 1856; dau. of Augustus S. Mermod, came from Switzerland to St. Louis, where he was a jeweler over 50 yrs.; issue: 1— Robert Mermod, b St. Louis, Mo., June 15, 1885; U. Cincinnati, ’08; m Nov. 25, 1909, Rose S., dau. FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA ah ys of George B. Sherwood, of Cincinnati (issue: Robert M., Jr.; Rose Mary). Nat. Normal U., Lebanon, O., ’74; A.M., Ph.D., U. Wooster, 1896. Prin., Technical School of Cin- cinnati, 1888-98; D.O., Am. School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo., 1900. Osteopathic physician. Pres. Am. Osteopathie Assn., 1901-02; pres. Cin- cinnati Chapter S.A.R., 1920—. Residence: 6463 Grandvista Av., Cincinnati, O. 1-BOOTH, Mary Batterman (Mrs. Ralph H.), 0 Chicago, I1l., May 31, 1881. 4-John Batterman (b nr. Hanover, Germany), iron foundry; 3-John Otto (b Germany, 1830-d Chicago, 1912), grocery business; m 1854, Maria Meyer. Maternally, Schreyer, or Shreyer, family of Alsace (spoke French); 3—-Mary Schreyer (0 in Minn., 18387-d in Minn., 1887), m 1st, 1855, Joseph Schuster (who d and was buried in Treves, Prussia, 1867, having been sent abroad with his family for his health). 2-Dau. of John Henry Batterman (1856-1904), wholesale paper merchant, Detroit, m1877, Mary Schuster (1857-1921); issue: I-John Joseph (b 1879; m Elenora Carl, of Boston, Mass.); II- Mary (above). II-m May 23, 190%, Ralph Harman Booth, b To- ronto, Ont., Sept. 29, 1873 (See Who’s Who in America); issue: 1-John Lord, 6 Detroit, Mich., June 18, 1907; 2-Virginia Kingswood, 0b Detroit, July 30, 1908. Ed. Kirkland private school, Chicago. Hobby: Collector of paintings and art objects. Mem. Am, Federation of Art, Detroit Inst. of Art; pres. Woman’s Auxiliary of the Detroit Sym- phony; mem. Detroit Symphony Soc., Arts and Crafts Soc.,etc. Clubs: Woman’s City, Theatre Arts. Residence: 315 Washington Rd., Grosse Pointe, Mich. 1CLEVENGER, William M., 0b Burlington Co., N.J., May 4, 1872. 7-John Clevenger, from Wales before 1695, set- tled in Monmouth Co., N.J.; and thru his g.son: 5—Job (d 1778), m Margaret Brown; NA aaa (1773-1837), m Mary Ann Warrington (d Ms 38-Thomas (1810-42), m Agnes Gray (1817-42). 9-Richard Wescoat (d ca. 1649), from Eng. before 1687; m Joanna— (d 1682); 8—John, m 1667, Ruth Hyatt; 7—Richard (b 1668), m Rachel Holmes (0 1670); 6—Daniel (1707-91), m Deborah Smith (1709-91) ; 5—Thomas (1747-1823), m Chloe Ann Reed (1759-1831) ; 4—Arthur (1783-1836), m 1810, Elizabeth Steelman (1791-1868) ; 3-Absalom Steelman (1811-72), m Eleanor Giber- son (1809-36). 2-Son of William Clevenger (1838-1906), farmer; m 1860, Eleanor Giberson Wescoat (b 1836); issue: I-Joseph Anderson (b 1861); II—-William M. (above); II1I—Clayton Cox (1877-78). II—-m May 4, 1899, Cornelia Bateman Ogden, 6 Cedarville, N.J., Dec. 4, 1879; dau. of George F. Ogden, of Bridgeton, N.J., who m Ella Shep- pard; issue: 1-Margaret Ogden, b Atlantic City, N.J., Apr. 18, 1901; m Dec. 26, 1928, John Bening- ton Elfreth, Jr. Counsellor at law. Mem. S.C.W., S.A.R. Resi- dence: 17 S. Stenton Pl., Atlantic City, N.J. 1-FLETCHER, Austin Bradstreet, ) Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 19, 1872. 9-Robert Fletcher (qv); 8—-Francis (1636-1704), Concord, Mass.; m 1656, Eliza- beth Wheeler (d 1704); 7-Samuel (1657-1744), m 1682, Elizabeth Wheeler; 6—Timothy (6 1704), m Elizabeth-; 5—-Ephraim (1740-1836), Newport, N.H.; m 1762. Sarah Davenport (1739-1806) ; 4—E}phraim (1767-1854), m 1794, Jael More (1774-1862); Seance (1799-1874), Cornish, N.H.; m 1827, Ann elly. 9-John Kelly (d 1644), from Eng. to Newbury, Mass., 1635; 8—John (1642-1718), m 1663, Sarah Knight (1648-1714); 7—John (1668-1735), m 1696, Elizabeth Emery (b 1680): STR ant (1704-74), m 1725, Hannah Bartlett 5—John (1736-1821), m 1758, Elizabeth Hoyt (1739- 1826) ; ene (1775-1863), m 1803, Lydia Farrington (1782- 1 ; 8—Ann (1805-42), m Quartus Fletcher (3 above). Chester Tp., 8-Francis Wyman (1619-99), from Eng.; a founder of Woburn, Mass., 1640; m 1650, Abigail Reed, of Woburn; : 7-William (1656-1705), m Prudence Putnam, of Salem; crete (1696-1754), m 1721, Hannah Walker (1698- 5—-William (1736-85), m 1760, Phebe Gage (1741-1812) ; igo (1763-1817), m 1794, Betsey Tenney (1769- 3-William (1797-1877), m 1827, Ruth Emerson Brad- street (1798-86; Capt. Elijah*; Sgt. Samuel®; Samuel’; John’; Gov. Simon’). 2-Son of Ruel Haseltine Fletcher (1829-1922), school master; m 1863, Rebecca Caroline Wy- man (1837-1906); issue: I-Charles Ruel (m Bertha A. Holway); II—Caroline Rebecca (b 1868); III— Austin Bradstreet (above); I1V—Edward Wy- man (b 1874; m Estelle Phipps); V—Frank Kelly (b 1876); VI—Frederick William (1878-1909). IlI-m Mar. 1, 1894, Ethel Hovey, 6 Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 1, 1871; dau. of Horatio Nelson Hovey, Jr., of Cambridge, Mass. (desc. Daniel Hovey, Ipswich, Mass., 1635); issue: 1-Dorothy, b Somerville, Mass., May 12, 1895; A.B., Welles- ley, ’16; m Sept. 8, 1917, Laurence H. Chapman (issue: Fletcher, 6 1918; Laurence, Jr., b 1921); 2-Norman (Sept. 27, 1899-July 7, 1906). S.B., Harvard, ’98. Sec. and exec. officer, Mass. Highway Commn., 1893-1910; sec.-engr., San Diego Co. (Calif.) Highway Commn., 1910-11; chief highway engr. of Calif., 1911-23; pres. State Reclamation Bd., 1917-23; dir. of public work of Calif., 1921-23; chief engr., U.S. Bureau of Pub. Roads, Washington, 1916 (on leave); consulting engr., U.S. Dept. Agr., since 1923. Mem. Calif. Council of Defense, 1917-19 (exec. com.). Pres. 4th Am. Road Congress, Atlanta, 1914; del. 1st Internat. Road Congress, Paris, 1908, and 3d congress, London, 1913. Mem. S.C.W., S.A.R., Am. Soc. C.E., ete. Clubs: Cos- mos (Washington), Harvard (San Francisco), Residence: 2526 U St., Sacramento, Calif. thew hod! Augustus, b Mastic, L.I., N.Y., Aug. , 1845. 7-Richard Floyd (qv); 6—Col. Richard (1665-1737), m Margaret Nicoll (1662- 1718; Matthias’? [1626-87], lst English colonial sec. of N.Y.); 5—Nicoll (1705-55), Mastic, L.I.; m Tabitha Smith (1704-55) ; 4—Gen. William (1734-1821), a ‘“‘signer’’; m 1st, Han- nah Jones (1740-81); 8—Nicoll (1762-1852), m Phoebe Gelston (1771-1836). 2-Son of John Gelston Floyd (1806-81), judge, mem. 26th, 27th and 32d Congresses; m Sarah Backus Kirkland (1810-72); issue: I—Nicoll (1836- 1903; m Cornelia DuBois); II—Katherine (d); III —Richard (d): IV—John Gelston (1841-1903; m Julia Floyd DuBois); V—Sarah K. (d 1923: m Herbert Beach Turner); VI-Augustus (above). vVi-m Sept. 19, 1872, Emma Rolfe Cooper, 0 S. Oyster Bay, L.I., Aug. 21, 1848; dau. of George H. Cooper, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; issue: 1—Rolfe, b Englewood, N.J., Nov. 24, 1873; A.B., Harvard, 95; M.D., Columbia, 1899; maj. and It. col., M.C., U.S.A., World War: m June 21, 1901, Emma, dau. Lewis Livingston Delafield, New York (issue: Rolfe, Jr., b 1902: Richard, 1904-05; Emily Dela- field, 6 1905; William, b 1910). A.M., Rutgers, ’65 (Delta Phi). Merchant, many yrs., now retired. Commr. State Board of Charities. Mem. S.N.S., S.R. Residence: Mas- tic, P.O. Moriches, N.Y. 1-BOSWORTH, Martha Edna, } Troy, N.Y., Oct. 15, 1885 10-Edward Bosworth; 9-Jonathan, m Elizabeth-; 8—-Jonathan, m Hannah Howland (John’); 7-John, m Elizabeth Toogood; 6—-David, m Mary Strong; 5—David, soldier Am. Rev.; m Mindwell Fitch; 4-Sherman, m Lucy Merchant; 3—George Sherman, m Julia M. Bulkley. &-John Ingram, m Elizabeth Gardner; 7-—Nathaniel, m Esther Smith; 6-Jonathan, m Mary Montague; Bolone Shad soldier Am. Rev.; m Joannah Kel- ogee; 4-Jonathan, m Polly Underwood (Jonathan’; Jonathan’, soldier Am. Rev.; Joseph’; Joseph§; Joseph®, a propr. of Hingham, Mass.); 2—-Henry, m Martha Butler. 2-Only child of Charles Homer Bosworth (1843- 118 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 1914), pharmacist; m 1877, Emma Ingram (6 1848). Mem. S.M.D., D. A. 1B etc. Residence: 119 E. Housatonic’ St. Pittsfield, Mass. GOODRICH Arms: Azure, rampant, argent. sermee of crosses-crosslet, a lion Crest: A demi-lion rampant, couped argent, hold- ing in dexter paw a cross-crosslet-fitchee. Motto: Ditat-servate-fides. age heb sete Laurence, ) St. Paul, Minn., June , 1871. 8-Ensign William Goodrich (qv); 7-John (1653-1730), m 1678, Rebecca Allen (0b 1660; Capt. John’, of Charlestown, Mass.); 6—Allyn (1690-1764), m 1st, his first cousin, Eliza- beth Goodrich (Col. David’, m Hannah Wright; Ensign William’, above); 5-Samuel (1720-89), m 1747, Martha Langdon (John‘, m Sarah Lee); 4-Samuel (1762- 1828), m 1788, Mary Strong EHKunice Gilbert); 3-Asa (1794-1869), m 1815, Pamelia Hurlburt. 2-Son of Augustus J. Goodrich (1818-87), m 3d, 1862, Rachel (1887-1911), dau. of Kennedy T. Friend, m Sevilla Schafner. M pebtt 20, 1897, Mary Benedict Corning (qv for issue Residence: R.F.D. 3, Spokane, Wash. 1-GOODRICH, Mary Benedict Corning (Mrs. Laurence), 0 St. Paul, Minn., June 8, 1872. 8-Samuel Corning (qv); 7-Samuel (1641-1714), m Hannah Batcheler (John‘); 6—Joseph (1679-1718), m Rebeckah Woodbury; 5—Josiah (1709-60), m Jane Andrus; 4—-Asa (1753-1815), m 1782, Cynthia Seymour (6 1759); 3-Edward (1802-61), mcht., m 2d, 1885, Catharine Matilda Austin (1813-53; Daniel4; Daniel®; Dr. Nathaniel®; Anthony’; Richard8, qv). 2-Dau. of John Wheeler Leavitt Corning (1844- 1921), mfr., St. Paul; m 1869, Mary Elizabeth Rogers (1849-1919); issue: I—Leavitt (b 1870; m Margaret McCallum Judson); II—-Mary Bene- dict (above); III—Charles Rogers (b 1874; m Katherine Southall); [V—Emily Austin (b 1880): V-John C. I. (6 1889; m Mary Judith O’Brien). II-m July 20, 1897, Laurence Goodrich (av for genealogy); issue: 1—Darthea (1898-1900) ; 2-Carol Friend, 6 Spokane, Wash., June 27, 1900; Wash. State Coll., ’24; 3-Laurence Benedict, 0} St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 7, 1902; Wash. State Coll., ’24. Residence: R.F.D. No. 3, Spokane, Wash. 1-GOODENIGHT, Clifton Shealey, b Simpson- ville, Shelby Co., Ky., Nov. 4, 1878. 5-Michael Goodknight, fled from France to Ger- many to escape religious persecution, thence to America, 1694, and settled in Germantown, (Bela®, m Pa.; removed to Rockbridge Co., Va., 1708, to Mecklenburg Co., N.C., 1762, to Harlan’s Sta- tion, Mercer Co:, Ky., 1780; mem. Mecklenburg Conv., 1775; killed by Indians nr. Harlan’s Sta- tion, Sept. 1, 1781; m 2d, 1762, Mary Landers; 4-Abraham (b 1766), m Mary Hanna; 3—Jacob (b ca. 1794), m Mary Bevens (Richard‘, m Catharine-). 2—Son of William Middleton Goodknight, m Ade- line Newton, dau. of “Mac” Phillips; issue: I-— Mary (m W. D. Tucker); II-Frank Phillips (m Angie McIntyre); IlI—-William Brightwell (m Nancy Rowland Byars); IV—Clifton Shealey (above). IV-—m Oct. 31, 1908, Amelia Lillian Estelle Prewitt (qv). Rae schools of Ky., and special work, U. of Hawaii. Mem. Honolulu Chamber of Com- merce, Ad Club, Pan-Pacific Club, Southern, Elks. Residence: ‘“Maluhia,’ Kahala Av., Honolulu, H.T. 1-GOODKNIGET, Amelia Lillian Estelle (Mrs. Clifton Shealey), 6 Kleburg, Dallas Co., Tex., Aug. 15, 1887. 7—Gen. George Byrd Prewitt (b and d in Va.); 6-Michael (6b in southern Va., ca. 1722-d 1798), of Campbell Co., Va., and Shelby Co., Ky.; m 1742, Elizabeth Simpkins (6 ca. 1724-ante 1789); 5—-Byrd (1752-1833), pvt. 5th Va. Cont. Line; m ca, 1779, Sarah Hurt (d ante 1828); 4—Robert Hurt (1791-1845), m-Nov. 1815, Elizabeth Clark (1793-1875; James®, of Va., m HElizabeth Summers); 8-James Paulen Clark (1823-98), 2d 1t., Co. I, 65th Ind. Vols. in Civil War; m 1845, Sarah Burns (1824-1909; Micah‘! [1795-1876], m Frances [1799- 1874], dau. of Charles Robertson, b 1771, m Nancy Ford, 6 1774). 2—-Dau. of Dr. George Thompson Prewitt (1857- 1916), adj. gen.’s office, War Dept.; m 1885, Martha Jane (1869-1916), dau. of of Benjamin Franklin Elam (1834-99), m 1855, Angeline (1839- 1871), dau. of James Moore; issue: I-Amelia Lillian Estelle (above); II—-George Leland (0 1889; m 1915, Effie May Atkins (b 1892). I-m Oct. 31, 1908, Kansas City, Mo., Clifton Shealey Goodknight (qv). Ed. Peabody and Eastern high schs., Washing- ton, D.C., and Coll. of Hawaii, Honolulu. Mem. D. A. R. (state vice regent). Clubs: Pan-Pacific, Southern. Residence: ‘‘Maluhia,”’ Kahala Av., Honolulu, H.T. 1-FOLLETTE, Abbie Eliza, 6 Townshend, Vt., July 27, 1869. 5-Samuel Follette (1746-1803), of Attleboro and Hubbardston, Mass.; French and Indian War; m 1775, Sarah Metcalf (1755-83; Jonathan®; John’; Jonathan’; Michael®; Michael); 4-Samuel (1777-1867), of Hubbardston, Mass., and Jamaica, Vt.; m Abigail Wheat (1776-1847; Sam- uel’, m Mary Sabin; Josiah*; Joseph’; Joshua’; Moses?) ; 3-Samuel Wheat (1813-43), of Jamaica, Vt.; m 1841, Eliza Bemis (1813-99; Davidt, m Keziah, ‘dau. of David Stiles; Gideon’; Timothy; Robert’). 10-—Capt. Edward Johnson (1598-1672), from Can- terbury, Co. Kent, Eng., to Woburn, Mass., 1637; commanded first mil. co. of Woburn; author of “Zion’s Wonderworking Providences in New England”; m Susan— (d 1691); 9—Maj. William (1628-1704), of Woburn; com- manded forces of Mass. against Indians, 1695: m 1655, Esther Wiswell (Elder Thomas”, of Dorchester); 8-Ebenezer (1660-1737), of Woburn; sgt., 1693-1736; m a Sarah Winn (Ens. Joseph®, m Rebecca Re 7-Ebenezer (1699-1756), of Woburn; served in expdn. against Crown Point, 1756; m 1725, Sarah Stearns (Isaac’, m Mary Merriam, of Billerica); 6-William (6 1733), of Woburn, Westford, and Littleton, Mass.; m 1760, Sarah Kendall (0 17384; Nathaniel’, m Sarah Carter); 5—Nathaniel (b 1762), Am. Rev.; m 1787, Molly Wright (Peter®, m Ellen Chase); 4—Nathaniel Kendall (1787-1816), m 1811, Nancy Kidder (Capt. Francis®, of Littleton, soldier .Am. Rev., m Abigail, dau. of John Russell; Francis®; Enoch?: James’); 38—Abigail K. (1812-1901), m Orison Kimball (1807-79), capt. Vt. militia (Johné; Ebenezer®; Ebenezer®; Ebenezer’; Samuels; Richard?; Richard?). 2Dau. of James Otis Follette (1842-1912), of Townshend, Vt.; soldier Civil War, 1863; m 1864, FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA Clara Elizabeth Kimball (1842-1915); issue: I-— Alice Mary (b 1866; m 1896, Walter G. Austin, of Weston, Vt.); IIl—Abbie Eliza (above); III-— Martha A. (b 1872; m 1898, Wilmer Turner, of Weston); IV—Orison W. (b 1875; m 1898, Emily Colburn, d 1924); V—Arthur G. (b 1876; m 1902, May Elwood); VI—Florence Ethel (6 1887). II-Supt. of schools. Residence: Weston, Vt. 1-FOLSOM, Elizabeth Knowles (Mrs. Wendell B.), b Belgrade, Me., Sept. 24, 1874. 8-John Knowles (d 1705), from Eng. to Cam- bridge, Mass., ca. 1650; later at Hampton, N.H.; m 1660, Jemima Asten; 7-John (1661-1733), m Susanna-—; 6—Amos (1689-1746), m Abigail (Brown) Dowst; | Reka! (1732-77), soldier Am. Rev.; m Lydia Phil- rick; 4-Elisha (1766-1847), m Margaret Gordon; 38—Elisha (1798-1869), m 2d, Nancy Tilton. 9-John Miller, from Eng., a propr. of Rehoboth, Mass., 1643; S-Robert (1632-1699), soldier in King Philip’s War, at Falls Fight, 1676; m Elizabeth Saben; 7—Nathaniel (1672-1740), m Susanna Gladdin; 6—Joseph (b 1710), m Grizzell Whittaker; 5—Joseph (1741-1832), soldier Am. Rev.; m Thank- ful Gilmore; 4—Jesse (1772-1845),“m Levina Thurston; 3-Elkanah_ (1802-1880), m 2d, Deborah Crowell (Richardson) Gleason (Joel Richardson‘, m Temperance, dau. of Levi Crowell®; Joseph Crowell’). 2-Dau. of William Manley Knowles (} 1841), farmer; m Isabel (Miller) Dunn (1844-97); issue: J—EFlisha Merton (b 1872; m Elvira Cross); II- Elizabeth (above). II-m June 6, 1895, Wendell Burt Folsom, 6 Exeter, N.H., Mar. 25, 1864; propr. Exeter Brass Works; son of Ebenezer Folsom, of Exeter, N.H. (Josiah®; James‘; Peter®; Peter®; Peter?; John’). Mem. S.M.D., Soc. Dese. of John Howland, C.D.A., D.C.W., D.A.R. (state historian and registrar Exeter Chapter), N.E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Soe. Preservation of N.E. Antiquities, N.H. Hist. Soc., ete. Compiling Folsom Gene- alogy. Residence: 129 High St., Exeter, N.H. “SShthorted Henry Jerome, }) Memphis, Mo., Jan. 6—John Gorin, from France to Fairfax Co., Va., 1756; m Betty Franklin; 5—-Henry (1768-1830), m Sarah Pell (1771-1840); 4—John D. (1790-1846), m Martha Thomas (1788-1876) ; ea ey William (1812-74), m Mary Johnson (1810- 2-Son of Marcellus Gladden Gorin, D.D., LL.D. (1836-1903), Presbyn. minister; m 1858, Joanna Knott (1842-1923); issue: JI—Alice (b 1859; m Thomas Samuel Harrison); II—Frederick Proc- tor (b 1861); II1I—Maude (b 1862); IV—Mary Irvine (b1867; m Edward Simpson Grant); V—Josephine (b 1869); VI-—Henry Jerome (above). Vi-m Mar. 25, 1914, Gladys Eyres, b Aug. 31, 1893: errs 1—Robert Bartley, b Seattle, Wash., May M 2d, Feb. 21, 1923, Charlotte Patterson, 6 Min- neapolis, Minn., Aug. 16, 1894; dau. of Edward Patterson, of Minneapolis. LL.B., Washington U., St. Louis, 1902. Admitted to bar, 1902; in practice at Seattle, Wash., since 1911. Mem. S.A.R. (pres. Seattle Chapter, 1924- 1925). Clubs: Arctic, Monks. Summer place: Vashon Island, Wash. Residence: 600 Welling- ton Av., Seattle, Wash. ht A ade he George, b Machias, Me., Nov. 26, 8-John Folsom (qv); 7—-Dea. John (1640-1715), Exeter, N.H.; m 1675, Abi- gail Perkins (Abraham§, qv); 6—Jeremiah (1680-1757), Newmarket, N.H.; m 2d, 1705, Elizabeth-; 5—-Anna (1731-63), Newmarket; m 1758, Joseph Aare (1726-1806), 1st 1lt. French and Indian ar; balan aoe (1758-93), Am. Rev.; m 1781, Sarah ram; 8-Susan G. (1789-1875), m 1812, Edward Baker. 2-Son of Patrick Enright Donworth (1810-76), came from Ireland to Me., 1833; lumber mfr., ship owner; m 1837, Sarah Egan (1810-43); m 2d, 1846, Mary Eliza Baker (1822-1906); issue (1st marriage): I-Mary Hliza (1840-1908; m Stephen Sherlock); II—John P. (b 1842); (2d marriage): TII-—Clement B. (b 1848); [V—Grace (author; See Who’s Who in America); V—Austin (1859-1925) ; 119 ViI-George (above); ViII—Maria Baker (1863- 1917); VIII—Albert B. (qv for Baker lineage). vVi-m Roe 22, 1889, Emma Laura Tenney (qv for issue). A.B., Georgetown, ’81 (Phi Delta Phi). Lawyer; U.S. dist. judge for western dist. of Wash., 1909-12; now mem. law firm of Donworth, Todd, Higgins & Holman, Seattle (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. S.C.W., S.R. (past pres. Wash. soc.). Decorated Cavaliere Order of Crown of Italy, 1923, and Commendatore, 1925. Clubs: University (New York), University (Washing- ton), Rainier, Seattle Golf and Country, Uni- versity. Summer place: “Thornwood”, Bain- bridge Island, Wash. Residence: 1220 7th Av. W., Seattle, Wash. 1-DONWORTH, Emma Laura Tenney (Mrs. George), b Houlton, Me., Oct. 26, 1862. 9-Thomas Tenney (qv); 8-Dea. John (1640-1722), Bradford (now Grove- land), Mass.; m 1st, 1663, Mercy Parrat (1646-67; Francis?) ; 7-—Dea. Samuel (1667-1748), of Bradford; m 2d, 1690, Sarah Boynton (1671/72-1709; Capt. Joseph’); 6—Dea. Phillip (1706-83), Bradford; m Jane Hale; 5-Dea. William (1740-1826), Bradford; m Rebecca Eames; 4—-Dr. Nathan (1769-1848), Sedgwick and Bluehill, Me.; m Mary Carleton; 38—John (1801-37), Houlton, Me.; m Hannah Pearce. 2-Dau. of Charles Pearce Tenney (1835-1902), of Houlton, Me.; m Mary Sophia Pierce (1837-1907) ; issue: I-Emma Laura (above); II—John Augus- tus (m Theodate Black); IIl1I—Lucy Frances (m Seat hee V. Doherty); I1V—Ada (m H. B. F. Jer- vis). I-m Aug. 22, 1889, George Donworth (qv); issue (all 6 Seattle, Wash.): 1-Charles Tenney (See Vol. 1, p. 252); 2-Robert Baker, 6 May 14, 1897; B.A., Yale, 719; B.S., Mass. Inst. Tech., ’21; m Dec. 20, 1922, Sarah, dau. of James M. Painter, of Kittanning, Pa. (issue: Robert B., Jr.); 3—- Mary, b Dec. 15, 1901; A.B., U. Wash., ’26. Summer place: “Thornwod,” Bainbridge Island, Wash. Residence: 1220 7th Av. W., Seattle, Wash. 1-DONWORTH, Albert Bernard, ) Machias, Me., Apr. 11, 1867. 8-Richard Baker (d 1689), from Eng, to Dorches- ter, Mass., 1685; m 1639, Faith Withington; 7T-John (1643-1690), m 1667, Preserved Trott; 6—James (1674-1734), m Judith Maxfield: 5—-Samuel (1719-59), m 1748, Johanna Kiteley; 4-Samuel (1751-1838), Am. Rev.; m Patience Jones; 38—Edward (1786-1838), m 1812, Susan Gilman Young. 2-Son of Mary Eliza Baker (1822-1906), m 1846, as his 2d wife, Patrick Enright Donworth (1810- 1876). For issue and Folsom lineage see George Donworth. M ea 1904, Marian Louise MacIntyre (qv for issue). Bowdoin (D.K.E.); grad. U.S.M.A., ’91. Lawyer. Served as Ist lt., Spanish-Am. War; mem. Legal Advisory Bd., 1917-18. Mem.S.R. Inter- ested in books of reference and non-fiction in public library of which he is patron and chmn. of trustees. Residence: Houlton, Me. 1-BDONWORTH, Marian Louise MacIntyre (Mrs. Albert B.), 6 Houlton, Me., Mar. 18, 1868. Dese. John Woodbury (1580-1641), from Eng. to Beverly, Mass., 1624; dep. Mass. Gen. Ct., 1625; m Agnes—; and thru: 7—Ebenezer (6 1708), settled at Salem, N.H., ca. 1740; m Elizabeth Smith (6 1714); 6-Ebenezer (1733-ante 1774), lost at sea; 5—Ebenezer (1760-1835), Am. Rev.; m 1780, Deborah (Parker) Pomeroy; 4-James (1793-1872), War 1812; m 1813, Rebecca Sydleman; 3—Eben (1817-95), postmaster, Houlton, Me.; mem. Me. Ho. of Rep. and Senate over 20 yrs.; mem. Gov.’s Council; m 1848, Louisa Martin (Ray) Davis (6 1817). 2—Only child of Marian Louise Woodbury (b 1846), m 1865, John Clarendon MacIntyre (1835-1919), merchant and bank dir., Houlton, Me. M July 19, 1904, Albert Bernard Donworth (qv); Prioas 1—John Scott, b Houlton, Me., Dec. 19, Residence: Main St., Houlton, Me. 1-BOVEY, Frank Alden, } St. Johns, N.B., Sept. 17, 1861-Oct. 9, 1925. 9-John Alden (qv); 8—Ruth, m John Bass (b 1632); 120 7-Sarah (0 1672), m Ephraim Thayer (6 1669); 6—Abigail (b 1713), m 1734, Dr. Benjamin Richards; 5—-Mary (b 1753), m Samuel Jones; 4—-Ruth (6 1778), m Aaron Hayden; 3-Sarah L. (b 1808), m Luke Brooks. 2-Son of Hannah Caroline Brooks (1831-1906), mm 1856, Charles Argalis Bovey (1831-1911), lumber mfr.; ; went from St. Johns, N.B., to Minneap- olis, Minn., 1869 (For issue and Brooks lineage see Charles Cranston Bovey, Vol. 1, p. 489). II-m Aug. 18, 1886, Sara Newton Johnson, 6 St. Anthony, Minn., Oct. 8, 1861; dau. of John Chandler Johnson, of Minneapolis, Minn.; is- 7396), 1—Charles Argalis, II (Apr. 9, 1891- -Apr. 3, Was pres. Melone, Bovey Lumber Co., Minne- apolis. Residence: Wayzata, Minn. 1-BOWEN, Fanny Corey, 0} I'all River, Mass., Oct. 17, 1869. 6—John Bowen, m 1739, Penelope (Read) Borden (6 1708; John, Jr.’, town clerk of Freetown and rep. Gen. Court of Mass.); aaa (1740-1825), m 1762, Hannah Cook (1741-96; ohn ); 4-Abraham (1773-1824), rep. Gen. Ct.; postmaster of Fall River; m Ruth Graves (1769-1824; James, of Providence); 38—Abraham (1803-89), shipping mcht.; m 1827, Sarah Ann Read (1804-91; Col. Joseph E.*, mem. Mass. Legislature). 5-Asahel Crosman (1756-1837), soldier Am. Rev.; ms nf Olive Bliss (1765-1815; Noah*, of Reho- oth); 4—Tryphena, m Thomas Bennett; 3—Clarissa (1806-88), m 1832, Jonathan Corey (1793- 1866; dese. William Corey, Portsmouth, R.1., ca, 1657). 2-Dau. of Joseph Abraham Bowen (1832-1914), mcht., Fall River, Mass.; m 1865, Fanny Maria (6b 1840), dau. of Jonathan Corey, of Fall River; issue: 1-Joseph Henry (1866-1918; m 1890, Mary S. Whitney, See their son, Joseph Whitney); II—-Fanny Corey (above). Ed. Smith Coll., 90. Residence: 187 Rock St., Fall River, Mass. 1-BOWEN, Joseph Whitney, } Fall River, Mass., May 18, 1891. 7-John Bowen, m 1739, Penelope (Read) Borden (6 1708; John, Jr.7, town clerk of Freetown and rep. Gen. Ct. of Mass.); 6—-Nathan (1740-1825), m 1762, Hannah Cook (1741- 96; John’); 5- ‘Abraham (1773-1824), rep. Gen. Ct.; postmaster of Fall River; m Ruth Graves (1769-1824; James?®, of Providence); 4-Abraham (1803-89), shipping mecht.; m _ 1827, Sarah Ann Read (1804-91; Col. Joseph E.5, mem. Mass. Legislature); 3- —Joseph Abraham (1832- 1914), mcht., Fall River, Mass.; m 1865, Fanny Maria Corey (See their dau. Fanny Corey Bowen). 2-Son of Joseph Henry Bowen (1866-1918), A.B., Harvard, ’88; merchant; m 1890, Mary Sylvina Whitney (6 1868); issue: I-Joseph Whitney (above); II—Harold Corey (0 1896; m 1920, Edith W. Kidd); I1I-—Edward Hooper (b 1899; m 1922, Isabel Carpenter). I-m Novy. 16, 1915, Florence Horton, 6} Fall River, Mass., July 29, 1890; dau. of Melvin Borden Horton, of Fall River; issue: 1-Joseph Hor- ton, b Fall River, Mass., Mar. 1, 1917; 2—Rich- ard, 6 Fall River, May 3, 1922. A.B., Harvard, ’12. Coal merchant, and mfr. of cotton cloth. Clubs: Harvard (New York and Boston), Quequechan (Fall River). Summer place: Swansea, Mass. Residence: 568 Maple St., Fall River, Mass. oe: Willard William (Nov. 22, 18438-Mar. 26, 5— ae ie (1706-82), Franklin, Mass.; m Mary— rf -6 4—Col. John (1731-1828), capt. of minute men in Lexington Alarm; m 1763, Hannah Deane (1741- 1829; Nathan®; Dea. Samuel®; John?; John§, ey ae the original 46 purchasers of Taunton, ss 3-Willard (1771- 1847), m 1796, Betsey Whiting (1771- 1869; Lewis‘, capt. in Lexington Alarm; Eli- Dhalet®; John*: Nathaniel’). 8—-Rev. John (Lothropp) Lathrop (qv): 7-Lt. Joseph (1624-1702), dep.; mem. Council of War; m 1650. Mary Ansell; 6-Hope (1671-1734). m 1696, his cousin, Elizabeth Lothrop (1677-1763; Malitiah’); THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 5—-Ichabod (1708-52), m 1732, Abigail Baker (0b 1713; Dea. John®; Samuel’, m Fear, dau. of Isaac Robinson, son of Rev. John Robinson, pastor of the Pilgrims at Leyden; 4—Hope (1737-92), m 1760, Hannah Hubbard; 3—Solomon (1779-1811), m 1800, Sarah Pitkin. 9-Gov. Thomas Welles (qv); 8-Samuel, m Elizabeth Hollister; 7-Mary, m Maj. Samuel Hale; 6—-Dorothy, m Lt. Jonathan Hills; 5—-Capt. David, m Anne Pitkin; 4-Dorothy, m Capt. Richard Pitkin, minute man at Lexington Alarm (Richard, capt. Am. Rev.; Col. Joseph®, m Mary Lord; William’, chief justice of Conn.; William’, atty. gen. for the king, treas. of colony, commr. to United Colonies); 3-Sarah (1783-1849), m Solomon Lathrop (3 above). 2-Son of Oliver Dean Boyd (1802-62), m 1826, Maria Roxanna Lathrop (1802-66). M June 2, 1880, Cora Annie Dunham (See Vol. 1, p. 491). A.B., Harvard, ’71 (P.B.K.; one of founders of Signet); post-grad. studies at Berlin, Tii- bingen, Heidelberg, Zurich. Pastor 1st Bapt. Ch., Charlestown, Mass., 1873-77; 2d Bapt. Ch., St. Louis, 1877-87; Peddie Memorial Ch., Newark, N.J., 1887-94; 2d Bapt. Ch., St. Louis, 1894-1904. Ex-pres. Civic Federation and Peo- ple’s League of St. Louis; chaplain Mo. Chap- ter S.A.R., 1908-19. Raphael Frank Erwin, 6 Hamilton, O., Aug. 7-Thomas Platt (b ca. 1685-90), was in Burling- ton Co., N.J., 1712-22; m 1st, Jane—; 6—Thomas (d 1768), m Sarah Dennis; 5-John (1749-1823), of Wilmington, Del.; officer Am. Rev.; mem. Soc. Cin.; m ist, 1784, Alice Sree nee (d 1806; William’, of Monmouth Co., 4—-Elizabeth (b 1785), m John Erwin (1781-1849); 3-John W. (1808-89), m 1833, Ann Eliza Chadwick. 10-Richard Treat (qv Capt. Robert (d 1710, aet. 88), capt. King Phil- ip’s War; colonial gov. of N.J. and of Conn.; m Jane Tapp (d 1708); 8-Mary, m Dea. Azariah Crane (ca. 1647-1730), founder of Cranestown (now Montclair), N.J. (Jasper®, qv); 7—Jane, m John Richards (1687-1748); 6—-David, m Edus Crane; 5-Jemima (1761-1818), m 1783, Reuben Chadwick (1750-1815) ; 4-Samuel R. (1784-1844), m 1808, Jerusha Hopping (1789-1835; John, pvt. Morris Co., N.J., mil- itia in Am. Rev., m Betsey Looker); eeann eee (1812-86), m John Wardell Erwin (8 above). 2-—Son of Mary Erwin (1840-90), m 1868, Thorwald Eugene Brandt (1838-77), 6 Denmark; artist: officer Danish army; issue: I-Frank Erwin (above); II—Lutie Caroline (1870-71). I-m Dec. 31, 1920, Gladys Irene (Kenyon) Jut- ‘ ting, b Garrett, Ind., Feb. 5, 1884; dau. of Edward Perry Kenyon, of Ft. Wayne, Ind. (Revolutionary ancestry). Cornell, ’89; Western Theol. Sem., Chicago, 1899. Was formerly city editor of Hamilton (O.) Daily Democrat, and of Hamilton Daily Re- publican; reporter on Chicago Daily Journal, 1919-20; editorial staff, Rock Island Argus, since 1920. Mem. S.A.R. Club: Rock Island. Residence: 1844 23d St., Rock Island, Ill. 1-CLARKE, Fabius Maximus Ind., June 10, 1853-Nov. 13, 1922). s-Thomas | (Wickes) Wicks, founder of Hunting- ton. &-Capt. Thomas (1650-1725), m Deborah Platt; 7-Philip, of Huntington; m Martha Corey: 6—Josiah, of Huntington; m 1729, Mary Conklin: 5-Gilbert, of Winnecomac, L.I.; m Sarah Titus (1730-92) + 4-Gilbert (6 1762), of Commac, L.I.; began to write name Wicks; m Sarah Sammis: 8-Silas (1795-1880), Manchester, Ind.; m Martha Austin. 2-Son of George Washington Clarke (1824-1909). ” farmer, Manchester, Ind.: m 1852, .Lurinda ‘Wicks ney. 1905); issue: I—-Fabius Maximus (above); II—Feronia S. (b 1855; m 1873, Henry Ss. Conger). I—m May 5, 1880, Harriet Cade Cherry, } Peoria. Tll., Nov. 18, 1856; dau. of Nathaniel Cherry, of Cincinnati, O.; issue: 1—Hazel Marguerite (Manchester, FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 121 (Mrs. Walter Dean Brian, qv for Clarke and Sage lines); 2—George Sharp, b Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 8, 1884. Ed. Moores Hill Coll., and Ind. U., ’74. Lawyer. Author: Clarke on California Corporations. Mem. S.C.W. Address: 593 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. 1-BRIAN, Hazel Marguerite Clarke (Mrs. Wal- ter D. ie b Topeka, Kan., Aug. 24, 1882. 9-Joseph Clarke (qv); 8—Joseph (1642-1726), of Newport and Westerly, R.I.; town clk., dep. Gen. Assembly, etc.; m ist, 1664, Bethiah Hubbard (1646-1707); 7—Joseph (1670-1719), town clk. and elder, West- erly, R.1.; m 2d, 1692, Anna Babcock; 6—Elisha (1718-96), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1743/44, Mary Potter; 5-George (1755-1831), shipbuilder, Newport, R.I1.; soldier Am. Rev.; m 1778, Keturah Maxson (Joseph®) ; Gaiodda. (1784- 1857), steamboat builder, Cincinnati, O.; m 1807, Mary Barker (Matthew', desc. James Barker, one of the grantees of R.I. pes granted by Charles II, and gov.’s ass 3—George Washington (1824-1909), farmer, Man- chester, Ind.; m 1852, Lurinda Wicks (1825- 9-David Sage (1639-1703), m Elizabeth Kirby; 8—John (1668-1751), m Hannah Starr (Dr. Com- fort®, av); 7—Benjamin (1703-34), m Mary Allen; 6—Benjamin (1725-1813), m Abagail Blinn; 5—-Harlehigh (1764-1828), soldier Am. Rev.; m 2d, Luncinda Pratt, stepmother of: 4-Col. Henry (1793-1865), m 1813, Amanda Hayden (1794-96-1880; Jonathan®, m Lavinia Ensign); eae (1830- -1912), m ‘Nathaniel Cherry (1827- 2-Dau. of Fabius Maximus Clarke (qv for Wicks line), m 1880, Harriet Cade Cherry. M June 1, 1905, Walter Dean O’Brien (changed to Brian), 6 San Francisco, Calif., Mar. 31, 1880; issue: 1-Harleigh Sage, 6 San Francisco, Calif., May 31, 1906; 2-Robert Cameron, b San Francisco, Mar. 12, 1908; 3-Harriet Hayden, 0} Piedmont, Calif., Sept. 5, 1909; 4-Norman Wickes, b Piedmont, Calif., Oct. 4, 1911. pee DS , D.A.R., etc. Residence: Piedmont, alif. 1-DORLAND, W(illiam) A(lexander) Newman, 6 Hilton Head, S.C, 7-Lambert Janse (Dorlandt) Dorland, m Her- mina Janse Peters; 6—Gerret Janse, m Jane Schenck; 5-Gerret, began to write name Dorland; m Ma- tilda Van Arsdalen; 4-Lucas, patrol in Am. Rev.; m Eleanor Aulche; 3-James, m Mary Moore. 9-William Thorne, was at Lynn, Mass., 1638, later removed to Flushing, L.I.; m Sarah-; 8-John (d 1709), m Mary Passill (or Parcell); 7-Joseph (d 1753), m Martha J. Bowne; 6-Thomas (1704-ca. 1764), m Letitia Hinchman; 5—Thomas (1739-1809), patriot in Am. Rev.; m Abi- gail Burroughs; 4-Joseph, m Esther (Dudley) Borton; 3—Joshua, m Hannah Inskip Rogers. 2-Son of William Mathews Dorland, M.D. (1816- 84), m 1855, Sarah Ann Thorne (1829-1915); issue: 1—John Milton (b 1856): II—Mary (b 1857; m James Stewart Love); eee ee Reed (6 1858; m James B. Thompson, M.D.); IV-W. A. New- man (above); V—Hannah Wiihelmma (b 1866; m Samuel O. Walker). Iv—m July 10, 1920, Catherine, dau. of William Keehn, of Chicago. A.B., Central High Sch., Phila., ’82, A.M., 1890: M.D., U. Pa., 1886. Surgeon, obstetrician; prof. obstetrics, Loyola U., Chicago, 1910-14, Val- paraiso U., 1914-19; prof. gynecology and ob- stetrics, Post-Graduate Med. Coll., since 1913 (See Who’s Who in America). Surgeon, Ist It., 2d Troop, Phila. City Cav., 1897-1903; It. col., Med. O.R.C., U.S.A. F.A.C.S., etc. Mem. O.F.P.A. (founder and gov. Ill. soc.), S.C.W. Clubs: University, Union League (Phila.). Residence: 3658 Pine Grove Av., Chicago, III. hee eth el Anne, } Kingston, Pa., June 26, 6-Rev. Samuel phase (1685-1775), ordained at Voluntown, Conn., 1723; Lt. Col. George (1736- 78), m Hlizabeth— (1747- 4-Col. Buckingham (1767-1834; Benjamin (1767-1837), m 1795, Nancy Ann Jedediah®, m Martha Clark; eyes Thomas’; Rev. Thomas’; Thomas’, 3—Col. Chania ’(1805- 92), m 1845, Susan E. Ford (1828-92; James‘, of Lawrenceville, Pa., mem. 21st and 22d Congresses, 1827-31; m Maria, dau. Oe OER Eleazer Lindsley, of Steuben Co;; 9-Elder John Strong (qv); 8—-Thomas (1635-89), m 1671, Rachel Holton; 7—Selah (1680-1732), m Abigail Terry (1680- 1761); 6—Selah (6 1713/14), m Hannah Woodhull; 5-Maj. Nathaniel (1787-78), m Amy Brewster (b ca. 1741); 4-Selah, m Ruth Woodhull (1770-1810; Capt. Ebe- nezer®*, m Abigail Howell; Nathaniel*, Hon. Richard’; Richard’, desc. Sir Nicholas Wood- hall); 3-Schuyler (1797-1845), m Frances Minerva Cruger (Gen, Daniel’). 2-Dau. of Benjamin Dorrance (1846-1922), m 1872, Ruth Woodhull Strong (1844-1925); issue: I- Anne (above); II—Frances (0 1877). I-B.A., Vassar, ’9. Pres. Wyoming Commem- oration Assn. Clubs: Wyoming Valley Wo- man’s. Summer place: “Wild Ledges,” Dal- las, Luzerne Co., Pa. Residence: 46 S. Dor- rance St., Kingston, Pa. 1-DORRANCE, Daniel James, !) East Troy, Wis., July 25, 1862. 7-George Dorrance (1675-1754), of Huguenot de- scent; came from North of Ireland to Volun- town, Conn., ca. 1720; m Margery— (1673-1754); 6-James (1702 or 03- 1799), meht. and financier, Foster Tp., R.I.; m ca. 1732, Elizabeth— (1708- LUT 5-Samuel (1740-99), removed to Hampton, Conn.; m 1764, Rebecca Gordon (1748-1838) ; 4-Dr. John (1778-1857), settled at Peterboro, N.Y.; m 1810, Mary Thompson 38-Hon. Daniel Gexdon (1811-96), of “Oneida Castle,’’ Oneida, N.Y.; pres. Oneida Valley Nat. Bank; mem. N.Y. Senate, etc.; m 18387, Anne Sparrow. 10-James Thompson (1593-1661), from Eing., set- tled at Woburn, Mass., where he d; m BEliz- abeth-; : 9-Jonathan, m 1655, Susanna Blodgett; 8-Jonathan (1663-1748), m Frances (Francis?) ; 7-James (1696-1776), m Mary Hancock; 6—James (b 1724), m 1749, Mary (Hancock) Hitch- cock (b 1716; John’; Samuel’; Nathaniel®; Na- thaniel”) ; 5-Alpheus (6 Ae soldier Cont. Army; m Beulah Blodgett (6 1759 4—Mary (1783-1872), ’m 1810, Dr. John Dorrance (4 above). 10-Thomas Blodgett (qv); 9-Samuel (1633-87), m Ruth Igladen (or Iggle- don; Stephen”); s-Thomas (1661- 1740), m 1683, Rebecca Gidd (d Nr 7—-Joseph (b 1696), m 1719, Sarah Stone (1700-35; Joseph’; Samuel®; Dea. Gregory”, qv); 6—Joseph (b 1721), m 1748, Hannah Haynes (Jo- seph’7; Peter’; John®; Walter’); 5-Beulah (6 1759), m Alpheus Thompson (5 above). 2-Son of John Gordon Dorrance (1837-1919), pres. First Nat. Bank, Camden, N.Y.; commissioner of prisons of N.Y., 1895; m 1861, Ellen EK. Brown (1841-1920); issue: I-Daniel James (above); II— Elma Berry (b 1868; m 1890, Hon. John C. Davies). I-m Feb. 22, 1887, Edith Lillian Turner, 6 Low- ville, N.Y., Sept. 14, 1861; dau. of Hon. Henry Ellis Turner, of Lowville: issue: 1—Gordon (qv for Alden lineage); 2—Neil Hill (qv for Turner lineage): 3-Henry Turner, 6 Camden, N.Y., Jan. 14, 1898. Ed. Cazenovia (N.Y.) Acad. With First Nat. Bank, Camden, N.Y., since 1883, becoming cashier, 1896, and pres., 1919. Residence: Cam- den, N.Y. Leptin doe! Gordon, } Camden, N.Y., June 14, ; 1i—John Alden (qv); 10-Ruth, m John Bass; 9-John (1658-1724), m Abigail Adams (1658-96): &John (b 1688), m 1716, Hannah Neale (1692-1761); 7Hannah (b 1731/32), m 1750, Josiah Rawson (1727-1812; desc. Edward Rawson, sec. Colony of Mass. Bay, 1650-86); Whitman 122 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY &-Elizabeth (1765-1818), m 1783, Seth Ellis (1760- 5~Seth (1784-1855), m 1804, Susanna Cheney (1786- ec iine (1807-96), m 1829, Robert Turner (1803- Jude E., LL.D. (1832-1911), m 1857, 3-Judge Henry Amanda L. Hill (1838-94), 2-Son of Edith Lillian Turner, m 1887, Daniel James Dorrance (qv for other lineages). M Sept. 12, 1922, Emile Schlanger, 6 Breslau, Ger- many, Feb. 5, 1898; dau. of Lucille de Vault Schlanger. St. John’s Mil. Acad., Manlius, N.Y., 1908; Darm- stadt, Germany, 1909-10; F.E., Biltmore (N.C.), 1918; Grad. Sch. of U. Pa., 1919-20. Pres. and editor-in-chief Dorrance & Co., publishers, Phila. Author: The Story of the Forest, 1916; Broken Shackles, 1920. Editor: The Pocket Chesterfield, 1920. Commd. officer’ U.S.A., 1917-19; in France Feb. 1918-Apr. 1919; capt., staff specialist, O.R.C. Mem. S.M.D., S.A.R. (5 lines), A.LL. Summer place: Camden, N.Y. Address: Drexel Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. aera aha Neil Hill, } Camden, N.Y., Nov. 5-Capt. William H. Turner (d 1810), Glastonbury, Conn.; sea capt.; m Mercy Risley (1771-1880; Reuben’, Job’, both soldiers Am. Rev.); {—-Robert (1803-93), m Caroline Ellis; 3-Hon. Henry Ellis, LL.D. (1832-1911), regent U. State of N.Y.; lt. col. Civil War; judge Lewis Co., N.Y.; mem. N.Y. Senate; m 1857, Amanda Ie) FT, 7-Zaccheus Hill (d 1776), at 12 yrs. of age came from North of Ireland with four brothers, to Boston, ca. 1720; m 1735, Mary Squier; 6-Squier (1747-1826), capt. Am. Rev., and donated 4,000 pounds sterling for Am. cause; m 1770, Dorothy Walker (1749-1834) ; 5—Ebenezer (1778-1862), m 1801, Elizabeth Hurlbert (d 1856); 4—William Ai (1807-58), m 1829, Sarah Town- send (1811-61); eens im (1838- 94), m Henry Ellis Turner (3 a 2-—Son of Edith Lillian Turner (6 1861), m 1887, Daniel James Dorrance (qv for other lin- eages). Not married. A.B., Cornell U., 718. V.p. First National Bank, Camden, N.Y. Pvt. and non- commd. officer, U.S.A., 1918. Mem. §S.M.D., S.A.R., A.L. Residence: Camden, N.Y 1-MAYFIELD, Reuben Newton, 0b nr. Bedford, Ind., June 13, 1859. Mayfield ancestors came from Eng. and settled in Va. before Am. Rev.; ian Mayfield (1768-1813), m Mary Wolf (1770- 1848) ; 8-Reuben (1792-1861), of Somerset Co., Ky.; War 1812; m Charlotte Boone. 7-—George Boone, 8d (1666-1744), from Eng. to Phila., Pa., 1717; settled in and named Exeter Tp.; m 1689, Mary Milton Maugridge (their son Squire, was father of Daniel Boone, fa- mous explorer); 6—George, 4th (1690- 1753), arrived at Phila., Pa., 1712; surveyor for William Penn; magistrate: m 1713, Deborah Howell (1691-1759; William’, from Wales to Pa., 1682); 5—Josiah (b 1726/27), of Pa.; m Hannah-; 4—Jeremiah (1760-1832), of Lawrence Co., Ind.; m 1784, Joyce Nevil (d 1861-aet. 91); 3-Charlotte (1794-1883), m 1814, Reuben Mayfield (8 above). 6—-Thomas Short, from Scotland to Ligant Val- LEY Va: ¢ 5—John (1756-1836), Am. Rev.; ford (1756-1821) ; 4-Wesley (1780-1852), m Rebecca Owens (1782-1858; William’, Am. Rev.); 3—-Milton (1807-86), m 1829, Mary Tate (1811-64; Robert4, m Winnie Atkinson; John>, Am. Rev., sheriff of Russell Co., Va., m Mary Bracken). 2-Son of Alexander Campbell Mayfield (1831-85), farmer; m 1854, Winnie Tate Short (1836-1919) ;, issue: I—Ila (b 1854; m John Evans); II—Mary m 1780, Mary Hans- Charlotte (b 1857; m Buenos Wheat Bailey):. TiI—Reuben Newton (above); IV—Wesley Short (b 1864; m Alta Remsburg); V—Inda (b 1868; m John Slater). IlI-m Feb. 27, 1908, Patti Ayres (b Eng., June 8, 1876-Jan. 14, 1921); concert singer; dau. of John Ayres, from Eng., 1884, m Alice Boyd O’Neil (dese. Earl of Tyrone). M.D., L.I. Coll. Hosp., 1880, and Rush Med. Coll., Chicago, 1888. Physician and surgeon; sur- geon, U.P. Ry., 1886-91; pres. Colo. State Bd. of Med. Examiners, 1891-97. Served 2d lt. to maj., surgeon, Colo. N.G., 1886-1912. Address: 705 lst Av., Seattle, Wash. Beterpeht et Henry Ray, 0 Buffalo, NovanOcts 6-Elisha Gatchell, Quaker, came from Eng. and settled in Cecil Co., Md.; m Mary-; 5-Samuel, officer Am. Rev.; m 1774, Catherine Rothram (Joseph®, Quaker, from Eng., m Cath- erine—); ahs ghonerh (b 1788), 3-Betsy Maria (1813-90), m 1832, Thomas Henry Bridgman (1811-80; Thomas! [whose father came from Eng. to L.I., N.Y., and went to Canada at beginning of Am. Rev.], m Deb- orah Pettit). 9-Edward Bang's (qv); 8-Capt. Jonathan (1640- 1728), dep. Gen. Ct.; m Mary Mayo; 7-Samuel (i680 1750), m Mary Hinckley (d 1741): 6—-Joseph (1713-56), m Thankful Hamblen (d 1757); 5-Lemuel (1740-1824), 1t., Conn. troops in Am. Rev.; m Rebecca Keeler (d 1812); 4—Blenor (0 1793), m Joseph Gatchell (4 above). 9-John Baldwin (qv); 8—-Nathaniel, m Sarah Phippen, of Boston; 7—Joseph (b ca. 1687), m 1711, Hannah Briscoe: 6—Jacob (1717-97), Stratford, Conn.; m 1744, Re- becca Terrill (1726-1802) ; ioe (b 1750), m Asa Budley (1754-1826), pvt. Am. ev 4—Ruth, m Artemas Ray; 3-Lois B. (b 1814), m 1845, C. Myron Sanford. 2-Son of Jonathan Wesley Bridgman (1836-1903), v.p. and treas. Courier Co., Buffalo, N.Y¥.; m Henrietta Maria Humphrey (1840-65); m 2d, 1872, Anne Maria Sanford (1852-1913), who was adopted by her paternal aunt and uncle, Le Moine, and assumed that name; issue (1st marriage): I—Henrietta Maria (b and d 1862): IIl-Ida Mary (b 1863; m Butler Harper Rice, 0 1853); (24 marriage): Il1I-Henry Ray (above); IV—Edith Sanford (1876-98); V—Gracia Sanford (1878-1908; m 1902, Ross McMillan, 1877-1918). Ili—m June 1, 1898, Harriet Emeline Rice, b Port- ville, N.Y., June 21, 1871; dau. of Andrew Da- vid Rice, m Sarah Sophia Smith, of Portville, N.Y.; issue: 1-Robert Rice, b Buffalo, N.Y., Apr. 17, 1899; M.B., Cornell, ’25. Investment securities. Was Ist lt., asst. signal officer, 4th Brig., N.G.N.Y., 1895-99. Mem. S.A.R. Club: Greater Buffalo Advertising. Residence: South Creek Rd., Hamburg, N.Y. 1-COATES, Mildred Aspinwall Hodge (Mrs. George M.), 6b Phila., Pa., Mar. 24, 1881. 5-Andrew Hodge (qv); 4-Dr. Hugh (1755-98), surgeon Cont. Army; m Mary Blanchard (1763-1832) ; 2-Hugh Lenox, °D.;) LL D. 0796-1878); a Be Princeton, 1814; M.D.; U. Pa., 1818; prof. ob- stetrics, U. Pa., many yrs.; m 1828, Margaret Elizabeth Aspinwall. §9-John Howland (qv); 8-Joseph (d 1704), m Elizabeth Southworth; 7T-Nathaniel (1671-1746), m Martha Cole (1669-1715); 6—Nathaniel (1705-66), m Abigail Burt (1718-66); 5—Joseph (1750-1836), m Lydia Bill (1753-1838): 4-Susan (1779-1852), m John Aspinwall (1774-1847; m 1812, Elenor Bangs John>; Joseph®; Peter’, qv.); 3—-Margaret E. (1804-66), m Hugh Lenox Hodge (3 above). 9-Petrus Bayard (q v); 8-Samuel (1675- 1721). m 1699, Susannah Bouchelle; 7-James, m Mary Asheton;: 6-James Asheton (1738-70), m Agnes Hodge: 5-James Asheton (1767-1815), A.B., Princeton, 1784; mem. 5th, 6th, 7th Congresses, 1797-1803; U.S. senator from Del., 1804-13; commr. to ne- gotiate treaty of peace with Great Britain, ar Hi Mary Anne Bassett (Gov. Richard‘, fo) el.); : 4—Richard Henry (1796-1868), A.B., Princeton, 1814; U.S. senator from Del.. 1836-39 and 1841- 1845; chief justice of Del., 1839-41; charge d’ areires to Belgium, 1850-53; m Mary Sophia arr 38—Caroline (1824-95), (1823-52). m Henry Baring Powel x, i * ¥ € he f 4 FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA eh Carroll (d 1747), from Ireland to Md., 7-Charles (1702-82), of Doughoregan Manor, How- ard Co., Md.; atty. gen. of Md.; m Elizabeth Brooke (d 1761; Clement’, m Jane Sewall; Maj. Thomas?; Robert”, av); 6-Charles (737- 1826), of Carrollton, last surviving “signer”; m 1768, Mary Darnall (6 1749; Henry, Jr.’, m Rachel Brooke); 5—Col. Charles (1775-1825), m 1800, Harriet Chew (1775-1861; Benjamin®’, chief justice of Pa., m Elizabeth, dau. of James Oswald); 4—Mary Sophia (1804-86), m Richard Henry Bayard (4 above). 2-Dau. of George Woolsey Hodge, S.T.D. (0 65; rector Ch. of the Ascen- 1845), A.B., U. Pa., sion, Phila., 1880-1920; m 1872, Mary De Veaux Powel (1848-1925), Colonial Dame; issue: I-— Carroll (b 1874; m Natalie Mallet-Prevost Brin- ton); II-Helen Harriet (b 1876; m William Ed- ward Lockwood, Jr.); IlI—Henry Baring (6 818; LL.B. Us Bae, 701; lawyer, Phila.; maj., judge adv. gen.’s dept.; U.S.A.,. World War); IV—Mildred Aspinwall (above); V-Louisa Bayard (b 1883; m Joseph Lewis Phillips); VI-— Mary Carroll (6 1887; m Sidney Thompson Coale). IV—m Nov. 17, 1910, George Morrison Coates (See Vol. 1, p. 394); issue: 1—-Elizabeth Gardner, 0 Phila., Pa., Feb. 14, 1915;-2-George Woolsey, o Phila Mar, 10, 1921. Residence: 1721 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. teehee de Sallie Hume (Mrs. Alan E.), 0 Co- umbia 6-George Hume (1698-1760; son of Sir George, 9th Baron Wedderburn, Scotland, and desc. King Robert Bruce, King Malcolm II, and Edward, the Elder), from Scotland; surveyor for William and Mary Coll., 1727-29; laid out city of Fredericksburg, Va.; m 1728, Elizabeth Procter (b 1700), of Va.; 5-George (1729-1802), surveyor, Culpeper, Va.; 1st Va. Regt. in Am. Rev.; ton (Thomas); 4—-Reuben (1772- 1821), (1773-1839) ; 38—-Lewis (1803-70), farmer, Columbia, Mo.; m 1828, Henrietta Monroe McBain. 5—-Thomas Carrick (b 1755), pvt. N.J. Cont. Line, 1775-76; m Henrietta Monroe, of Annapolis, Md.; 4-Elizabeth (b 1787), McBain, of Annapolis, Md.;: 38—Henrietta (1804-1905), m Lewis Hume (3 above). 4-David Booth (6 Eng. 1755-1850), of Richmond, Va., later Cynthiana, Ky.; soldier Am. Rev. and War 1812; m Margaret Kirkman; 3—-Elijah, m Sallie Wood. 2-Dau. of James Robert Hume (1829-81), chant and landowner, Columbia, Mo.; m Sal- lie Wood Booth (d 1915); issue: I-William (d infancy); IIl—Henrietta (d 1921; m Dr. J. B. Pet- tijohn; m 2d, Arthur P. Buck); III—Cora (m Dr. E. P. Talley; m 2d, Byron J. Archibald); IV—Mary (d 1899; m N. E. Peterson); V—Car- rie (d 1918; m A. B. Lewis); VI-Sallie (above). ViI-m Alan E. Douglas (d 1916); issue: 1—Marie, 6b Las Vegas, N.M.; m Frank A. Batchelor. Ed. U. of Mo., and N.M. Normal U., Pd.B. School teacher, song writer. Mem. D.A.R., U.D.C., League Am. Pen Women, Honolulu Press Club. Residence: 2013 Lanihuli Drive, Honolulu, Hawaii. 1-FOWLE, Milcah Goodwin Dorsey (Mrs. Ber- nard H.), 6 Winchester, Va., Dec. 10, 1858. 8-Edward Dorsey (qv); 7-John (1663-1715), of ‘Hockley’; mem. Md. As- sembly and Gov.’s Council; m Pleasance Ely; 6—-Caleb (b 1683), of “Stockley,” Md.; m Elinor Warfield (Richard?’); 5-Thomas Beale, m Anna Worthington (desc. eat John Worthington, from Eng. to Md., 4~John Worthington, m Comfort Worthington; 3-Thomas Beale, m Milcah Goodwin. 8—-Col. George Mason (qv); 7-Capt. George (1670-1711), capt. of rangers; co. lt.; m Mary Fowke: 6—-Col. George (1690-1735), co. 1t.; burgess; m Ann Thomson (Stevens?, atty. ren. of Va.): 5—-Col. George (1725-92), of “Gunston Hall,” Va.: author of the “Bill of Rights’ and of the Va. Constn. of 1776 (the first in America); mem. com. which drew up the Federal Con- set. m 1754, Jane Stan- planter; m 1796, Anna Finks m Ignatius mer- 123 stn.; m 1750, Anne Hilbeck (Col. William’, of Charles Co., Md.); 4—Gen. John, of Analostan Island; m Anna Ma- ria Murray; 3—James Murray (1798-1871), U.S. senator; mem. provisional C.S. Congress and Confederate commr. to Eng. and France; m Eliza Marga- retta Chew (Benjamin‘, of Phila.). 2-Dau. of John Thomas Beale Dorsey (1821-96), capt. C.S.A.; gentleman farmer, lawyer; m Katherine Chew Mason _ (1828-93); issue: I- Benjamin Harrison; II-Thomas Beale (1849- 86); III-Eliza Chew (1851- 60); IV—Milcah Good- win (above); V—Anne Chew (06 1860; m Daniel William Coquillet); VI—Virginia Mason (b 1861); VII—Laura Lee; VIII-—John Cunningham (1865-91); IX-—Ida Mason (m William Cabell Brown); X—Katherine Mason (1862-68). IV-—m Oct. 31, 1889, Bernard Hooe Fowle, b Bur- gundy, Va., Sept. 27, 1855; son of George D. Fowle, of Alexandria, Va.; issue; 1—Bernard Hooe, Jr., 6 Spokane, Wash., Aug. 10, 1890; Va. Poly. Inst.) 213s 2d lt; 70th’ Enegrs., World War; m Lucile, dau. of J. W. White, of ’Prince- ton, W.Va.; 2-George Dashiell (deceased Aug. 7, 1914); 3-Philip Rollins, 6 Spokane, June 1, 1896; George Washington U., 717; vol. pvt., Ambul. Service, May 1917; served on French front with 121st Div., French Army, Feb. 1918- June 1919; was gassed, wounded and badly burned and twice cited for bravery; m July 19, 1919, Helen, dau. of Harry Kimmell, cdr. Lae S.N., retired, of Washington, D.C.; 4-James Johnston (May 19, 1901-Nov. 20, 1903) ; 5—John Dorsey (Mar. 15, 1903- Nov. 21, 1903), Restdence: 1734 P’ St. N.W., Washington, IBM OE Pots ret Gladys Frazier (Mrs. Alexander E.), 6 Louisville, Ky., Mar. 5, 1884. 5-John Frazier (1751- 1832), from Ulster, Ireland, to Augusta Co., Va., 1795; m Margaret An- derson; 4-James Anderson (1780-1853), m Martha Rankin (1790-1869) ; 3-William (1812-85), B.A., Yale, ’32, and hon. M.A., 1879; LL.B., U. Va., 18384; lawyer, Staunton, Va.; m Sue Massie Lewis (1828-1904). 2-Dau. of Harry Frazier (See Vol. 1, p. 215), m 1882, Minnie Lurana Turpin (See Mrs. Lloyd R. Freeman for Turpin lineage). M Apr. 25, 1906, Alexander Erskine Miller, 0b Sequin, Tex., Sept. 16, 1878; son of Mason Miller. Residence: “Capote,” Staunton, Va. 1-FREEMAN, Elizabeth Turpin Frazier (Mrs. Lloyd R.), 6 Louisville, Ky., June 1, 1885, 6-Solomon Turpin (d 1759), Huguenot, from France to Dorchester Co., Md., 1719; m Kath- rine Love; 5—Joseph (1720-85), m Rachel Baynard; 4—Thomas Baynard (1775-1840), m Sarah Richard- son; 38—-Dr. Walter (1839-73), of Queen Anne Co., Md.; m Elizabeth Neal. 2-Dau. of Harry Frazier (See Vol. 1, p. 215), m 1882, Minnie Lurana Turpin (See Mrs. Alex- ander E. Miller for Frazier lineage). M Nov. 14, 1908, Lloyd Ross Freeman, 6 Pocoano, Md., Mar. 7, 1888; son of Edward Butler Free- man, of Norfolk, Va., m Mary Lloyd; issue: I— Elizabeth Turpin Frazier, b Norfolk, Va., Oct. 17, 1909; 2—Lloyd Ross, Jr., b ‘‘Thorwold,”’ Green- brier Co., W.Va., Aug. 5, 1911; 3-Edward Butler, b Norfolk, Nov. 4, 1913. Residence: 53 Hillside Av., Glen Ridge, N.J. 1-GOSSETT, James Pleasant, 6 Rich Hill, Spar- tanburg Co., S.C., Sept. 23, 1860. 6—Peter (Gosset) Gossett (b 1705), from Isle of Jersey to Chester Co., Pa., ca. 1760; m Cathrine du Fore (b 1707); 5—John (d 1818), pvt. Va. Cont. Line in Am. Rev.; m Martha Groom; 4—John (d 1844), with several brothers moved from Va. to Spartanburg district, S.C., 1786; m Anna LeMaster; 8—John (d 1869), Spartanburg, S.C.; m 1816, Cath- erine Kirby (1797-1858). 2-Son of Pleasant Tollison Gossett (1836-70), planter and stock fancier; m 1854, Elizabeth Steen (1833-69); issue: I-Martha Jane (1855-79: m 1873, Richmond W. Stone): II—Nancy Zipora (1856-92: m 1874, John M. Kirby); IlT—Emma Plizabeth (1857-58): I1V—John Gideon (1859-1905; m 1882, Susanna Kirby); V-—James Pleasant (above): VI-William George Beatty (1863-1920: 124 m 1908, Florence Philomena Mathot); VII- Thomas Henry (qv for Steen lineage); VIII- Edgar Converse (m Mary M. Thomas); IX—Ed- ward Bobo (m Nancy Ann Smith; m 2d, Alice Elmer Abbott). V-m Nov. 20, 1888, Sallie Acker Brown, b Ander- son, S8.C., Dec. 7, 1859, dau. of Dr. Benjamin Franklin Brown, m Sallie Wideman; issue (all b Williamston, S.C.): 1-Benjamin Brown, 0 Aug. 18, 1884; m Dec. 19, 1906, Catherine Coleman Clayton; 2-Sara Elizabeth, b Jan. 15, 1886; m Apr. 4, 1912, Henry Towls Crigler; 3—James Pleasant, Jr. (Mar. 1, 1888-Jan. 1, 1905); 4-Ralph, 6 Jan. 10, 1890; m Mar. 31, 1917, Sarah Simpson; 5—Mabel, 6b Nov. 22, 1892; m Oct. 2, 1918, Thorne Clark; 6-Margery (Feb. 13, 1895-July 14, 1901); 7— Edith, 6 Aug. 26, 1896; m June 10, 1920, Robert I. ei Jr.; 8-Gideon Steen (Jan. 18, 1900-Feb. 9, 1900). Pres. Bank of Williamston (Williamston, S.C.); v.p. Citizens Nat. Bank (Anderson, S.C.); pres. and treas. Williamston Mills (Williamston, S.C.), Calhoun Mills (Calhoun Falls, S.C.), Bro- gon and Toxaway mills (Anderson, S.C.); v.p. Riverside Mfg. Co. (Anderson, S.C.), Pelham Mills (Pelham, S.C.). Trustee Furman U.; chmn. bd. Williamston School District No. 20. Mem. exec. com. Cotton Mfrs.’ Assn. of S.C.; pres. Am. Cotton Mfrs.’ Assn.; Nat. Council of Am. Cotton Mfrs. Mem. S.A.R., New York Southern Soc.; hon. mem. Rotary Club of Anderson, S.C. Residence: ‘‘The Oaks,” Wil- liamston, S.C. 1-GOSSETT, Thomas Henry, S.C., May 5, 1865. 5-James Steen (ca. 1734-1780), from Ireland to Pa. ca. 1755, thence to Union District, S.C.; It. col. S.C. militia and was killed in Battle of King’s Mountain; m Miss Bogard; 4—William (1767-1820), b 1794, Sarah Vance (1773- 1850) ; 3—Gideon (1796-1855), col. S.C. militia; m 1815, Nomi Townsend (d 1851). 2-Son of Elizabeth Steen (1833-69), m 1854, Pleas- ant Tollison Gossett (1836-70), planter and stock fancier. For issue and Gossett lineage see James Pleasant Gossett. M Oct. 25, 1921, Mary Virginia Smith, 6 James- port, Mo., Apr. 7, 1874; dau. of William B. Smith, of Paris, Tex. Retired from business; landlord and dir. in or- ganizations. Mem. S.R., S.A.R., New York Southern Soc. Clubs: Rotary, Country. Resi- dence: “Pleasant Elizabeth Farm,” R.F.D. 4, Spartanburg, S.C. 1-DOUGLASS, William Boone, 6 Corydon, Ind., June 30, 1864. 7-Hendrick (Pannebecker) Pennybacker (1674- 1754), of Dutch ancestry, came from Crefelt, Germany, to Germantown, Pa., ca. 1699; pur- chased Van Bebber’s Tp., Phila. Co., and be- came one of the three Dutch patroons of Pa.; m 1699, Eve Umstadt (0b 1676; Nicholas’); 6—John (1713-84), began to write name Penny- backer; mem. Com. Safety, etc., in Am. Rev.; m 17386, Anneke Keyser (1716-1807; Pieter D.7; Dirck’, a founder of Germantown and built the first stone house there); 5-Capt. Dirck (1787-99), c.o. of wagon train of Washington’s command in Am. Rev.; removed to Va., 1781, and erected two iron foundries; m 1759, Hannah De Haven (1787-1825) ; 4-Benjamin (1760-1820), wealthy iron founder; m 1786, Sarah Margaret Samuels (1768-1825: Green B.5); their son Isaac S., was U.S. senator from Va., 1845-47; 3—Ann (1789-1843), m 1819, Adam Doug'lass (1790-1849), soldier Inniskillen Dragoons in Battle of Waterloo; came from Belfast, Ireland, to Va., 1816; son of Capt. William. 7-George Boone, 3d _ (1666-1744), from Eng. to Phila., Pa., 1717; settled in and named Exeter Tp.; m 1689, Mary Milton Maugridge (their son Squire, was father of Daniel Boone, famous explorer); 6—-George, 4th (1690-1753), arrived at Phila., Pa., 1712; surveyor for William Penn; magistrate: m 1713, Deborah Howell (1691-1759; William’, from Wales to Pa., 1682); 5-Hannah (1718-46), m 1742, Judge John Hughes (1714-66), mem. Pa. Assembly; judge Ct. Com- mon Pleas (Ellis*s m Jane, dau. of Edward Foulke); 4-Jane F. (1746-1830), m 1766, Samuel Boone (1736- b Spartanburg, THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 1805), propr. Md. Gunlock Factory during Am. Rev. (Samuel>, m Elizabeth, dau. of Arnold Cassel; George’, 7 above); 3—Col. Hiram C. (1789-1862), maj. and col., War 1812; m 1821, Sarah Hairston (Rentfro) Staples. 6-George Stovall, of Williamsburg, James City Co., Va.; clk. House of Burgesses; 5-Ruth, m 1749, Capt. Robert Hairston (d 1793), capt. Pittsylvania Co., Va., militia; burgess (Peter® [ca. 1700-1779], came to America, 1747); 4-Jeanie (b 1767), m Capt. Joshua Rentfro (1757- 1815), 2d 1t. in Am. Rev. (Joseph®, of Bedford Co., Va., 1st lt. French and Indian War, m Miss Owens); 3-Sarah H. (1798-1864), as Widow Staples, m 2d, Hiram Cassel Boone (3 above). 2-Son of Benjamin Pennybacker Douglass (1820- 1904), with parents settled in Harrison Co., Ind., 18384; judge 3d jud. dist.; county auditor; mem. Legislature; civil engr.; U.S. insp. of surveys, etc.; m Annie Pope (1835-59); m 2d, 1863, Victoria Boone (1837-85); issue (lst marriage): I—Sallie Pope (6 and d 1856); II-Edward Pendle- ton (1859-80); (2d marriage): III—-William Boone (above); IV—Mary Maude Alice (b 1867; m Thomas Slaughter Getzendanner); V—Anna (6 and d 1869). IlI-m Nov. 28, 1889, Alvira Luckett, b St. Joseph, Mo., Feb. 19, 1863; dau. of Hiram Luckett (Heze- kiah*; Samuel‘, of Md., m Helen, dau. of State Senator George W. Boone, who was brother of Col. Hiram Cassel Boone), m Amanda, dau. of Hugh Smith, m Elizabeth Fife; issue: 1-Mar- guerite, 6 Washington, D.C., Jan. 26, 1891; Cor- nell, 713; m Sept. 18, 1912, George Sparr Luckett, M.D. (issue: Margaret); 2—Dorothy, } Wash- ington, D.C., May 26, 1893; A.B., Cornell, ’15; m Oct. 10, 1916, Joseph Claiborne Zirkle, LL.B. (issue: Joseph Claiborne, Jr.; Alvira Doug- lass); 3-Maude Alvira Victoria, b Corydon, Ind., Aug. 30, 1895; George Washington U., ’19; m Oct. 25, 1916, Wilmer Wallace Hubert; 4-Wil- liam Boone, Jr., 6 Washington, D.C., Apr. 7, 1898; A.B., Cornell, ’22; enlisted in 472d Engrs.. transferred to C.W.S. as instr. in use of gas masks and mfr. of bombs; Am. vice consul at Santo Domingo, 1926. Ind. U., ’86; LL.M., Georgetown (D.C.) U., 1888. Lawyer and civil engr. Engr., Dept. of the Interior, 1904-25; dir. engrs.’ legal service bureau of Am. Assn. Engrs., Washington, since 1925. Discovered world’s greatest nat- ural bridge (Rainbow Natural Bridge), Utah, 1909. Mem. bar Supreme Ct. of U.S. and other courts. Mem. Am. Bar Assn., Am. Assn. Enegrs., Am. Eugenics Soc., 19th and 20th Internat. Congresses of Americanists, etc. Pres. Boone Family Assn. Writer on anthropo- logical subjects. Residence: 3531 Porter St., Cleveland Park, Washington, Dc: 1-DUANE, Felicity Campbell Clark (Mrs. Rich- ard B.), b Newark, N.J., Jan. 7, 1898. 6-Thomas (McKynnie) Kinney (1731-93), from Scotland, 1755, to explore the mining resources of N.J.; soldier Am. Rev.; m 1761, his cousin, Elizabeth Kinney (John’); 5-Col. Abraham (1762-1816), soldier Am. Rev.; q.m. gen. War of 1812; m Hannah Burnet; 4-William Burnet (1799-1880), editor, Newark, N.J.: Am. minister at Turin, (now) Italy, 1851-54; m 1st, 1820, Mary Chandler (1803-41; Finley’, m Jemima-); 3-Thomas Talmadge (1821-1900), A.B., Princeton, *41; editor and pub. Newark Daily Advertiser; m 1863, Estelle Condit (d 1907; Joel W.4, m. Mar- garet Harrison). 9-Thomas Burnet (b Scotland, d 1684), came to Lynn, Mass., before 1640; moved to Southamp- ton, L.I., 1648, m 1663, Mary Pierson; 8-Dan (6 Southampton (1664-1729), m Abigail—; 7-Dr. Ichabod (1693-1774), M.D., U. of Edinburgh: moved with his father to Elizabeth, N.J.; m 1702, Hannah— (d 1758); 6—Dr. William (1730-91), A.B., Princeton, 1749; was chmn. N.J. Com. of Pub. Safety; del. Cont. Congress from N.J., 1776; surgeon gen. eastern dept. in Am. Rev.; an original mem. Soc. Cin.; m 1754, Mary Camp; pe ene (1761-1832), m Abraham Kinney (5 above). . 2-Dau. of Mary Clementine Kinney (6 1864), m 1885, William Campbell Clark (1863-1912), b Scot- land: issue: I-Estelle Campbell (m Walker Gill Wylie, Jr.); II—Felicity Campbell (above). II-m Mar. 28, 1917, Richard Bache Duane (See FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 125 Vol. 1, p. 266); issue: 1-Richard Bache, Jr., b N.Y. City, July 16, 1918; 2-Mai, 6 Bryn Mawr, Pa., Sept. 1, 1923. Residence: Radnor Tp., Delaware Co., Pa. 1-BRIEN, Lindsay Decker-Metcalfe (Mrs. Ber- nis), b Troy, O. 8-Johannes de Decker (b 1633), from Holland in the “SSwarte Arent” to New Amsterdam, 1654; was pres. of Ct. and commissary at Ft. Orange; comptroller and mem. Gov. Stuy- vesant’s Council; one of six delegates apptd. to sign the articles of capitulation, 1664; m Margariet van Belcamp; 7—-Pieter, m Susanna Hetfeel; 6é—Johannes (b 1720), m Anna Merrill; 5-Col. Richard (1747-1817), officer Am. Rev.; m 1773, Wyncha Merrill; ap pecan (b 1785), m 1809, Ann Martineau (Mar- no); 3-Eegbert (1821-89), m Frances Amanda Chipman. li-John Howland (qv); 10-Hope (1629-83), m 1646, Elder John Chipman (1614-1708) ; 9Dea. Samuel (1661-1723), m 1686, Sarah Cobb (1663- 1742; Ruling Elder Henry?*, qv); aoe (1689-1753), m 1715, Abiah Hinckley (1696- 7-Samuel (1721-91), m 1746, Ruth Baker; 6—William (1752-1836), Am. Rev.; m 1778, Prudence Williams; 5—William (1775-1849) ; 4-Samuel (1800-67), m 1821, Phebe Tift (Solomon, privateer and soldier Am. Rev., m Eunice Bur- rows [Amos*; John’; John’; Robert®]; Joseph’®; Joseph’; John’; Samuel®; John?) ; 8-Frances A. (1821-1907), m Egbert Decker (3 above). 10-Jesse (DeForest) De Frees (qv); 9-Isaac (1616-74), from Holland in the ‘“Rens- selaerwyck,” to New Netherland, 1637; tobacco merchant and brewer; m 1641, Sara du Trieux (Philippe); 8-Philip (1652-1727), of Albany, N.Y.; m Tryntie Kip (6 1656); and thru probably 7-Johannes (?); 6-Joseph, m Mary Hutton (Lt. John Strange- ways Hutton’, m Catharine Cheesman; John’, m 1696, Catharine Strangeways); 5-Joseph Hutton (1753-1826), ship carpenter on a privateer in Am. Rev.; m 1777, Mary Start: 4-John (1778-1855), m Mary Holliday (1780-1839; James®; Capt. Joseph’; Capt. John’); 8-John Wesley (1809-82), m Eliza Ann Lindsay. 9-Richard Stout (qv); 8-Jonathan (1664-1723), settled in Hunterdon Co., now Stoutsburg, N.J.; clk. first Colonial Con- gress of N.J.; m Anne Bullen (James’); 7-Samuel (b 1709), m 1729, Catharine (Simpson) Stout (widow of his cousin James Stout); 6-Samuel (1730-1808), justice; mem. N.J. Legis- lature; capt. Am. Rev.; m 1753, Anne VanDyke (John’, d of wounds received in Battle of Mon- mouth; Jan§; Capt. Jan Janse®; Thomasse Janse”, qv); 5-Catharine (1760-1831), m Dr. Peter Smith (1753- 1816; Dr. Hezekiah’, of N.J.); 4-Rhoda A. (1801-40), m 1819, William Lindsay, M.D. (1795-1876; Samuel5; Col. John’, of S.C.); s-Eliza Ann (1822-92), m 1841, John W. De Frees (3 above). 2-Only child of Egbert Decker, Jr. (1844-81), ran away from home and served in Civil War under the name of Charles P. Metcalfe and always after was so known; m 1872, Flora Cor- nelia De Frees (1844-86). M Nov. 18, 1908, Bernis Brien (See Vol. 1, p. 515); issue: 1-Manson Milner, b Dayton, O., May 10, 1905; 2-Bernis De Frees, b Dayton, May 26, 1910. Mem. S.M.D., C.D.A.,.D.A.R. Residence: Na- tional Military Home, Dayton, O. 1-BRROCK, Robert Kincaid, ) Buckingham Co., Va., May 29, 1878. 6-John Ragland (b Wales), of Hanover Co., Va., m Anne Beaufort, of Wales; 5—Pettus, of Hanover Co.; soldier Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Davis, of Hanover Co.: 4-Fenall (1780-1833), War 1812; m Sarah Nelson (Edward, of Hanover Co.); 3—-Elizabeth Mildred (1812-82), m 1836, Robert King Brock (1801-50; Philip*, Hessian soldier with British in Am. Rev.). 10-John Rolfe, first sec. and recorder gen. of Vt.; m Pocahontas (1595-1627) ; 8—-Thomas (b 1614), m Jane Poythress; 8-Jane (d 1676), m 1675, Col. Robert Bolling (qv); 7-Col. John (1676-1729), of ‘‘Cobbs”; burgess; m Mary Kennon (Dr. Richard’, of Conjuror’s Neck, Va.); 6—-Martha (1713-49), m 1727, Thomas Eldridge; 5-Rolfe (6 1744), clk. of Buckingham Co., Va.; m Susan Everard Walker; 4-Rolfe, clk. of Buckingham Co.; Mosely; 3—Delia, m 1844, Robert Kincaid Irving. 8—Col. William Bandolph (qv); 7-Col. Richard (1690-1748), of ‘‘Curls’’; burgess; treas. oe Va.; m Jane Bolling (1703-66; Col. Rob- ert’, qv); 6—Mary (1727-81), m 1744, Col. Archibald Cary (1720- 1786), of “Ampthill”; speaker Va. House of Burgesses and State Senate; mem. Va. Conv. of 1776 (Henry’; Col. Miles’, qv); 5-Elizabeth, m Robert Kincaid, grad. U. of Dub- lin; was tutor in family of Col. Cary; 4—-Mary J., m Charles Irving (1788-1850), of “‘Sel- ma,’ Buckingham Co., Va. (Charles®, from Scotland ante 1770; planter, merchant and factor, of Albemarle, Va.); 3-Robert K. (d 1894), grad. William and Mary Coll.; lawyer; mem. Va. House of Dels. and Va. Senate; clk of Buckingham Co. 2-Son of Henry Clay Brock, D.Litt., LL.D. (b 1845), grad. U. Va.; served in C.S.A.; prof. Greek, Hampden-Sidney Coll., 30 yrs.; m 1875, Mary Carter Irving (1846-1907); issue: I-Henry Irving (6 1876; m Nelly Morton); II—Robert Kin- caid (above); Il1I—Maia Beaufort (m Henry C. Thornton); IV—Delia Eldridge. II-—Not married. A.B., Hampden-Sidney, ’97 (Chi Phi); law course, U. Va., 1903-04. Lawyer; sec.- auditor, State Teachers Coll. Bd.; examiner of records, 5th jud. circuit of Va.; mem. Va. Sen- ate, 1912-16. Chmn. Co. Red Cross and of Legal Advisory Bd., World War. Mem. S.C.V. Clubs: Westmoreland (Richmond), Lions Internat. Summer place: “Rolfton,’ Buckingham Co., Va. Residence: Hampden-Sidney, Va. 1-COLBURN, Hattie J. Leonard (Mrs. Edga G.), b Detroit, Mich., Jan. 20, 1856. 3 9-James Leonard (av); 8-Thomas (ca. 1641-1713), physician; judge Ct. of Common Pleas; m Mary Watson (1641-1723; George’); 7-Elkanah (1677-1714), m Charity Hodges (1682-1739; Capt. Henry’; William’); 6—-Timothy; 5—-Samuel, m Sarah Williams; 4—Rev. Samuel, m Cynthia Babcock; 3-John Jarvis (1806-80), m Delina C. Skeele. 9-John Howland (qv); 8—-Desire (1624 or 26-1683), m 1648, John Gorham av); 7—Lydia (b 1661), m 1684, John Thatcher (1639-1713) ; 6-Hannah (1690-1780), m Nathaniel Otis (1689-1771; Judge Joseph’; John’; John®, qv); 5—-John (1727-1804), m 1750, Prudence Taintor (1729- 1823; Michael®) ; 4—Mercy (1764-1812), as widow of Daniel Cone, m 2d, 1788, Dr. Amos Skeele (1750-1843) ; 3-Delina C. (1804-36), m 1826, John Jarvis Leonard (3 above). 10-Andrew Ward (qv); 9—Andrew (1645-90), Killingworth, Conn.; m 1667/68, Tryal Meigs; 8—Peter (b 1676), m 1699, Mary Joy; 7-Ira (b 1704), m 1725, Lydia Parmlee; 6—-James (b 1729), m 2d, Amy Crane; 5-James (b 1764), m 1788, Rachel Hurd; 4—Cynthia (b 1791), m 1808, Benjamin Hicks; 3—Rachel (b 1809), m 1827, William Van Name. 2—-Dau. of Charles Egbert Leonard (1829-96), pub- Aon m 1852, Cynthia Hicks Van Name (1828- ak ‘ M Mar. 16, 1878, Edgar Gray Colburn, b Boston, Mass., Mar. 20, 1856; son of Elisha H. Colburn, of West Dedham, Mass. Was in charge of Conservatory of Music, Cor- nell Coll., 1881-85; studied under Karl Klind- worth, Berlin, Germany, 2 yrs. Pianist and piano instructor. Mem. S.M.D., D.A.R. (past regent Schenectady Chapter), Albany Colony of N.E. Soc., N.Y. State Fed. of Women’s Clubs (past officer), Schenectady Woman’s Club (past pres., now hon. pres.); v.chmn. Schenectady Rep. Com. Residence: 1418 Union St., Schenectady, N.Y. m Mary 126 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY GEORGE HENRY Enlisted Aug. 1, 1861, in U. S. Marine Corps, and was assigned to U. 8S. 8S. “Vanderbilt” of the roving commission squadron where he served 18 months, visiting W. I., Newfoundland, Rio BANDFIELD — (1841-1923). Janeiro, South Africa, Australia, China, ete. Transferred to U. 8. Sloop of War “Brooklyn” and fought in Battle of Mobile Bay, in which he was wounded, and both attacks on Ft. Fisher ; with 12 marines was detailed to guard 400 sailors across Isthmus of Panama, 1862; on guard duty in Marine Barracks, Washington, D. C., when President Lincoln was assassinated ; honorably discharged, June 6, 1865, and returned to New York and completed a law course. 1-HILLMAN, Blanche Belle Bandfield (Mrs. Herbert M.), 6 Hinsdale, N.Y., Oct. 13, 1872. 5-James Bandfield (1747-1832), from Eng. ca. 1751: settled nr. Boston, Mass.; soldier Am. Rey. 7 yrs.; removed to Ithaca, N.Y.; m 1st, Tabitha Jones (1765-1823) ; pert: (d ca. 1812), m Mary Denison Oliver (d ca. 840); 3-George Denison (1811-92, capt. N.Y. militia, 1838-41; m 1st, 1835, Orpha Sophia Marsh. 8—John Marsh (b 1647-49), of Boston; m Sarah-: 7-Joseph (6 1670/71), m 1692/98, Ann Thorogood: 6-Dea. John (1696-1769), m 1719, Martha Hartshorn (1700-81; Joseph?; m Sarah—; Thomas’); 5-Sget. Joseph (1731-ca. 1824), Am. Rev.; m 1759, Deborah Staples (1741-ca. 1802; Abraham®*, m Lydia White); 4—Royal (1765-1818), War 1812; m 1787, Rhoda Hil- yard (1770-1834; Stephen®, Am. Rev., m Joanna, dau. of Thomas Darling, Am. Rev.; John®, Am, poe m Hannah Rossiter; Jonathan’, m Abi- gall—),; 3—Orpha Sophia (1814-66), m George D. Bandfield (3 above). 4—Philip Griggs (whose father was a soldier Am. Rev.), of Oneida Co., N.Y., m Rebecca-, of Vt.; 3—Rebecca (d 1898), m David Sessions (d 1872). 2-Dau. of George Henry Bandfield (1841-1923), meht. and atty.;: m 1866, Eleanor Griggs Sessions (1842-79) ; m 2d, 1907, Alta C. (Hall) Maxwell (1856- 1923); issue (Ist marriage): I-Ellen Orpha (Mrs. Orrin Stone Doud, av for Hilyard-Darling line- ages); II-Frances Eleanor (1868-94); III—Carlos Don (1870-1901; m Eva Forman); IV—Blanche Belle (above). IV-—m Sept. 16, 1908, Herbert M. Hillman (qv); issue: 1-George Herbert, b Hinsdale, N.Y.. Nov. 9, 1905; Alfred U., ’25; 2-Don Frederick, }b Hinsdale, Mar. 9, 1910. Residence: R.F.D, 1, Olean, N.Y. “irene p arte Herbert M., } Oneida, N.Y., Feb. 5-Elihu Murray (1753-1835), of Guilford Center, N.Y.; soldier Am. Rev. and War 1812; m 1782, Lydia Strong (1755-1836) ; 4—Paulina (1785-1875), m Capt, Thornton Wasson, Sr. (1774-1825), War 1812; 3-Emeline (1808-84), m 1826, William Bennett, Jr. (1801-89; William’, m Appha Bennett), 2-Son of Catherine HE. Bennett (1842-1900), m 1870, Harry Dennis Hillman, M.D. (1882-1902): issue: I—Herbert M. (above); II—Hylan (b 1874, d in- fancy); Il1Il—Henry (b 1876, d infancy); 1V—Clar- ence H. (0 1878); V—Harry D., Jr. (b 1884); Vi-— Josephine (1887-1901). I—m Sept. 16, 1908, Blanche Belle Bandfield (qv for issue). Ed. Hinsdale Acad. Farmer. 1, Olean, N.Y. 1-DOUD, Ellen Orpha Bandfield (Mrs. Orrin S.), b Hinsdale, N.Y., June 9, 1867. 7-Jonathan Hilyard, of N. Stonington, Conn.; m 1728, Abigail— (d 1741); 6—J ohn (1729-1818), N. Stonington, Conn., and Men- don, Mass.; soldier Am. Rey.; m 1751, Hannah Rosseter; d-Stephen (ca, 1752-1777), killed in Am. Rev.; m 1769, Joanna Darling; 4—-Rhoda (1770-1834), m Royal Marsh (1765-1818; War 1812; Joseph*®; John*®; Joseph?; Johns); airtine pnts: (1814-66), m George D. Bandfield (1811-92). 8—Denice Darling (1640-1717), of Braintree and Mendon, Mass.; m 1662, Hannah Francis: 7-Benjamin (1687-1772), m 1708, Mehitable White (b 1689; Thomas’, m Mehitable Thornton); 6-Thomas (1730-76), Am. Rev.; m 1749, Rachel White (b 1732; Joseph?, m Prudence Smith); 5-Joanna (b 1752), m 1769, Stephen Hilyard (5 above). 2-Dau.. of George Henry Bandfield (1841-1923), mecht. and atty.; m 1st, 1866, Eleanor Griggs Sessions (1842-79). For issue and other lineages see Mrs. Herbert M. Hillman. M Sept. 15, 1885, Orrin Stone Doud, b Hume, N.Y., Apr. 25, 1858; son of William Doud, m Almira Stone, of Fillmore, N.Y.; issue: 1—Eleanor Blanche, b July 12, 1888; m Dec. 22, 1909, Charles F. Day, of Java, N.Y. (issue: Orpha Elizabeth, b July 4, 1911; Claudia Grace, Bb Aug. 15, 1913; Virginia, 6 Jan. 18, 1915; Mary and Marjorie, twins, b Oct. 19, 1916; Marjorie, d infancy; Hilda Blanche, 6 Oct. 7, 1925); 2-Marjorie Almira, 0 July 28, 1890; m June 28, 1913, Charles Elmer Healy, 6 Jan. 22, 1888 (issue: Ellen Bandfield, } June 13, 1914; Frances Hall, b Feb. 10, 1918; Mar- tha Eloise, b June 22, 1920); 3-William Carlos, b Dec. 28, 1892; B.S., in chemistry, U. Mich., 716; m Ellen Healy, d Mar. 22, 1922 (issue: Dorothy Jane, b July 11, 1921). Residence: Fillmore, N.Y. pprtien foere eel Le Vert, } Huntsville, Ala., Sept. 7, 9—-Richard Cocke (qv); 8-Richard (1639-1706), surveyor, mem, Co. Ct.; m Elizabeth—;: T-Richard (1672-1720), m 1st, Anne Bowler (1675- 1705; Maj. Thomas’); plat ioe (1707-72), of Surry; m Elizabeth Hart- well; 5-Hartwell, burgess, m Anne Ruffin; 4—Martha, m as his 24 wife, Col. Daniel Coleman (James®, from Eng., 1730); 3-Daniel (1801-51), justice Supreme Ct. of Ala.; m Elizabeth Peterson (Batt?). 9-William Claiborne (qv); 8-Lt. Col. Thomas (1647-88), killed by Indians; m Sarah Fenn (Capt. Sam’); 7-Thomas (d 1732), m 8d, Ann Fox (Henry): 6-Augustine (1721-87), m Mary Herbert (Buller’); 5—Susanna (b 1751), m Frederic Jones: 4—-Mary H. (d 1848), m 1794/95, John Withers: ae, Eliza (ca. 1810-1880), m Francis John Le ert. : 2-Son of Daniel Coleman (1838-1906), lawyer; capt. C.S.A.; consul at St. Etienne, France; m 1873, Mary Claude Le Vert (b 1845); issue: I-Le Vert (above); 2-Claude Verdét (Mrs. Edwin R. Dick- enson, See Vol. 1, p. 911, for other lineages). Residence: R.I-.D. FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 127 I—m Feb. 1902, Mamie Fletcher, b Huntsville, Ala. U.S.M.A., ’99; grad. Arty. Sch., 1908. Second It., 5th Arty., Feb. 15, 1899; Ist 1t., Arty. Cares: May 8, 1901; capt., Apr. iy, 1904; maj., COAG uly els 1916; It. col. of F.A., N.A., Aug. 15, 1917; COl., C.ALC., N.A., May 14, 1918; It. col., U.S.A., July i 1920; col., May 26, 1921; retired Dec. 31, 1922. Was mil. attaché at Rio de Janeiro, 1911, 12; tem- porarily attached to Am. Embassy, Paris, 1914, for European relief work; comd. 49th Regt., C.A.C., N.A., in France, Fall of 1918; in Ger- many, 1918-22; Am. liaison officer with hdqrs. Interallied Armies of Occupation, Nov. 8, 1919- May 15, 1922; hist. rep. of hist. section of Gen. Staff, Paris, July-Dec. 1922. Companion of St. Michael and St. George (British), 1919; Officier de la Legion d@’Honneur, 1919, and Commander, 1922. Address: War Dept., Washington, D.C. 1-DUKE, William Richard, (now W.Va.), July 1, 1848. 8-Henry Duke (d 1713), from Eng. to James City Co., Va., 1658; col. militia; councillor; burgess; m Lydia Hansford; } 7-Henry (d 1724), m Huguenot descent; 6—Clivears I (1718 [?] -1784), » Barbara-—; 5-James (0 ca. 1740), m Keziah Burnley; 4—Clivears III (ca. 1760-1818), 2 Anne Overton Pet- tus; 38-Richard (1778-1849), m 1806, Walker. 5-Dr. Thomas Walker (1715-94), burgess; mem. Va. Conv., 1775; commissary gen. of Va. troops in Am. Rev.; Indian commr.; explorer; m 1741, Mildred (‘Thornion) Meriwether; 4-Thomas (1749-95), m 1774, Margaret Hoops, of Carlisle, Pa.; (b 1785), m 3-—Maria Barclay above). 2-Son of Col. Richard Thomas Walker Duke (1822-98), lawyer; col. 46th Va., C.S.A.; mem. 41st and 42d Congresses; m 1846, Elizabeth Scott Eskridge (1820-96); issue: I-William R. (above); IIl—Margaret (1850-51); I1I—Richard T. W., Jr. (qv); IV—Maria (1855-56); V—Mary Willoughby (1857-88; m Dr. Charles Slaughter). I-m June 6, 1894, Edith May Coleman, } Dixon, Tll.; Colonial Dame, D.A.R.; sade of John Cole- man, of Dixon; issue (both b Charlottesville, Va.): 1-Cammann Coleman, 0b Oct. 14, 1900: V.M.I. and U. Va., 1920-22, Zeta Psi; 2—-Wil- liam Richard, Jr., 6 June 17, 1902; V.E.S. and U. Va., ’28, Zeta Psi. U. Va., 1882-83 (Zeta Psi). Lawyer; pres. Al- bemarle Mut. Home Ins. Co. Mem. Va. House of Delegates, 1896-1904. Residence: “Sunny Side,” Charlottesville, Va. 1-DUKE, Richard Thomas Walker, Jr. (b Char- lottesville, Va., Aug. 27, 1853-Mar. 5, 1926). 9John Peyton, emigrated from England, 1644; 8—Henry, m Ellen Packington, of London; 7-Valentine, of Acquia; col. British Army; 6—John (6 1678), of Prince William; 5-—Col. Henry (d 1781), county It.; burgess; officer Am. Rev. (lost five sons in Am. Rev.); 4-Frances (b 1762), m 1784, Judge John Brown, chancellor Augusta district, Va 3-Margaret Frances (1788- 1850), m ‘1815, William Scott Eskridge. 2-Son of Elizabeth Scott Eskridge (1820-96), m 1846, Col. Richard Thomas Walker Duke (1822- 1898), lawyer; col. 46th Va., C.S.A.; mem. 41st and 42d Congresses. For issue and other line- ages see William Richard Duke. M Oct. 1, 1884, Edith Ridgway Slaughter (Oct. 1, 1863-June 11, 1921); D.A.R., Colonial Dame; dau. of John F. Slaughter, of Lynchburg, Va.; issue (all Bb Charlottesville, Va.): 1-R. T. Walker, fib) June 19, 18873. capt.. 17th Inf., A. E.F., 1917-19; m Aug. 15, 1917, Myrtle Judson; 2—John Flavel Slaughter, 6 Feb. 11, 1889; U. Va., ’12; Washington and Lee U.; 2d lt., Flying Corps, U.S.A., Oct. 1917, Fort Sill, Okla.; m Oct. 12, 1918, Kathleen Timmins, Houston, Tex.; 3— William Eskridge, b Feb. 25, 1893; Bil. ee Wace 1917; 2d it., arty., July 1917: ist ‘It. Aug. 1917, sth F. AD. ith Div., and with A.E.F. in France, Aug. 1918- May 1919; m Oct. 16, 1928, Lucy Mar- shall, dau. of Rev. Harry B. Lee (issue: Tat od he W., Iv, 1924-26); 4-Mary, b July 30, 1885; 5— Helen Risdon, b Feb. 2, 1895; 6-Edwin Ellicott (June 2, 1899-Oct. 30, 1900). M 24, Apr. 5, 1923, Mrs. Maymee R. Slaughter. b Lewisburg, Va. Elizabeth Cliveures, of Maria Barclay Richard Duke (3 U. Va., ’74. Lawyer; judge, 1888-1901; common- wealth’s atty., Albemarle Co., Va., 1911-26 (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. S.C.W., S.R., S.C.V. Grand master of Masons, Va., 1897-99. 1-DUNLAP, Lily Reese Doyle (Mrs. James M.), b Toccoa, Ga., Sept. 7, 1875. &-George Steele (d 1663), ‘from Eng. to Cambridge, Mass., 1634; 7-James, trooper in Pequot War and commis- sary in King Philip’s War; m Anna Bishop; m 2d, Mrs. Bethia Stocking; 6—-Rev. Stephen (1696-1759), grad. Yale, 1718; first settled minister at Tolland, Conn., 1720; m 1720, Ruth Porter (Col. Samuel’); 5—Aaron (1744-95), soldier Am. Rev.; m Ist, Violet Alexander Polk; 4-William (1776-1821), m Esther Love (1770-1850); 3-William (1796-1871), midshipman on “Constitu- tion” in War of 1812, and was prisoner of war 2 yrs.; m 1826, Margaret Guyton (1806-75; Aaron’). : ; 2-Dau. of Myra Agnes Steele (b 1849), m 1872, Prof, Eli Reese Royle (1849-88), grad. U. of S.C.; educator; issue: I—William Steele (b 1873; m™ Lizzie Mell Cooper); II—Lily Reese (above). Ii-m Apr. 29, 1998, Dr. James Mendenhall Dunlap, b Ansonville, N.C., Aug. 7, 1849; grad. Davidson Coll., U. Va., and Coll. of Medicine of N.Y.; pres. bd. Anson Sanatorium, Wadesboro, N.C. Mem. D.A.R. (state treas., 1914-18; organizing regent Anson-Stanley Chapter), U.S.D. 1812, U.D.C., ete.; pres. Ansonville Book Club. Resi- dence: Ansonville, N.C. 1-COLLINS, Mary Alice Rodhouse (Mrs. Elijah Amos), 6 Mexico, Mo., Aug. 6, 1865, S—-Col, Augustine Warner, of ‘‘Warner Hall,” Gloucester Co., Va., first speaker of the Burgesses; m Mildred Reade (Capt. George, qv); g-Milared, m 1690, Lawrence Washington (1661-97; John’, av); 7-Augustine (1694-1748), of ‘‘Wakefield,’ West- moreland Co.; m 1715, Jane Butler (1693-1728; Caleb8); m 2d, 1731, Mary Ball (1706-89; among their sons was General George); 6—Col. Augustine (1722-ante 1743), m Anne, dau. and co-heiress of Col. William Aylett, of “Fairfield,” King William Co.; 5—-Elizabeth (1748-92), m 1769, Alexander Spots- wood (1746-1818), ed. Eton Coll. maj. gen. of militia in command of the “Spotswood Legion” (John§, cdr.-in-chief of Spotsylvania Co., bur- gess, mMary, dau. of Capt. William Dandridge, R.N., m Mary, dau. of Col. John West, son of Lord de la Warr; Gov. Alexander’, av); 4-Alexander Eliot (1769-1851), county judge of Barren Co., Ky., and agent for Gens. Spots- wood, Washington and Lewis in Ky. and Ohio land speculations; m Elizabeth Alexander Lewis; 38—Alexander Washington (1793-1843), m 1814, Doro- thy Peyton Berryman (1795-1890; Josias*, m Nancy Smith). 10-Gen. Robert Lewis (qv); rete (b 1635), ‘‘Warner Hall,’”’ ar 8—Col. Tan (1669-1725), mem. Royal Council, co. lt., judge Supreme Ct.; m his cousin, Elizabeth, dau, Augustine “Speaker” Warner, Th speaker Va. House of Burgesses (m Mildred, dau. of Capt. George Reade, came to Va., 1637, was sec. of the colony and mem. Royal Council); 7-Robert, of “Belvoir,” Albemarle Co., Va.; m m Isabella pene Meriwether (they had 3 sons in Am. ev 6—Col. Fielding (1725- oa of ‘‘Kenmore,” Fred- ericksburg, Va.; m 2d, 1750, Betty Washington (b 1733; Augustine, ff above); 5—-Gen. Fielding, m Naney Ann Alexander (desc. Earl Stirling, and Col. Gerard Fowke, ot “Gunston Hall’); 4-Hlizabeth A., m Alexander Eliot Spotswood (4 above). 2-Dau. of Lavinia Lewis Spotswood (1827-1915), m as his 2d wife, 1860, Joseph Rodhouse (1831-97), from Nottinghamshire, Eng. M Dec. 3, 1890, Elijah Amos Collins; issue: 1-— Errol Amos, b Ogden, Utah, Nov. 26, 1896; m Oct. 1, 1919, Dorothy Elvira Shaw, 0b Dec. 27, 1896; dau. of Francis Shaw, m Ophelia Farley (issue: Mary Alice, 6b June 7, 1920; Helen Mira, b June 24, 1923). Mem. D.A.R.; pres. Am. Legion Auxiliary; mem. Federated ‘Clubs: chmn. Kenmore Assn. for 128 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Utah; life hereditary mem. Kenmore Assn.; hon. mem, Children’s Brigade of Kenmore. Residence: 271 28th St., Ogden, Utah. yep lehal Milton Wilbert, b Mt. Eaton, O., Apr. 6—M. Bouquette, put to death, 1685, following the revocation of the Edict of Nantes; his wife and daughter fied to Ireland; 5-Margaret, on death of her mother, came to America, where she m —Thompson; 4—Isabelle (1763-1855), m William Mercer, soldier War 1812; 3—Sarah (6b 1802), m John Brown (1794-1861), whose grandfather came from Switzerland at 13. 9-Joran (Kyn) Keen (qv); 8—Annika, m James Sandelands; j-—Mary, as widow of Maurice Trent, m 2d, Rob- ert French; 6—Elizabeth, m Dr. John Finney (d 1774), of Ches- ter, Pa.; practitioner of physic for 50 yrs. (Robert’?, from Ireland to London Grove Tp., Pa., was ruling elder in the New London Presbyn. Ch.); 5-—David, ed. in Ireland; lawyer; reputed the wealthiest man in Del.; m Ann Thompson; 4—David T. (b 1773), judge Ct. Common Pleas of Coshocton Co., O.; m Mary James (Maj. John, served in Am. Rev.); 3— David T., m Hannah Butler. 2-Son of Milton W. Brown (1821-1911), A.B., Jef- ferson Coll., Pa., ’48; Presbyn. minister; m 1851, Sarah F. Finney (1828- 1907); issue: I-Rev. Ed- win, Ph.D. (6 1853; m Mary Cruikshank); II-— Hannah Mary (b 1855; m Jacob Longenecker); IlI-—Louisa (6 1857; m Enoch Johnston); IV— Sarah Alice (b 1859; m Francis T. Evans); V— Fanny (b 1865; m Albert E. Shoemaker); VI- Laura Ellen (b 1867; m Frederick Bangerter); Vil-Ida Mathilda (b 1871; m William O. Scheibell); VIII—-Milton Wilbert (above). VillI-m Apr. 5, 1904, Edith Marian Witt, 6 Cincin- nati, O., Nov. 17, 1882; dau. of George Clinton Witt, of Cincinnati, O. B.S., Ohio Wesleyan, ’94 (Chi Phi), M.S., 1900; M.A., Wooster, 1895; (D.D., Maryville, 1922). Ordained Presbyn. ministry, 1899, and was pastor at Cincinnati, 1899-1906; lecturer since 1906. Author: The Superfluous Man, 1926 (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 3480 Cheviot Av., Cincinnati, O. 1-GRADY, Henry Alexander, } Clinton, N.C., Sept. 19, 1871. 7-William (Graddy) Grady (6b 1680; son of John, of Ireland, m Mary Goodman), came from qoneeal, Ireland, ca. 1700, and settled in Bertie oe N.C; mm 1712, dau. of Richard Barfield, of John (1714-87), settled in Duplin Co., N.C.; m Mary Whitfield (William’); sae ere (1744-1819), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1771, Nancy Thomas (0 1750); 4-Henry, ‘‘Lord Harry’’ (1772-1834), m 1799, Eliza- beth Outlaw (1775-1815; James’); 3-Alexander Outlaw (1800-66), m 41830, (Nancy) Sloan. 8-William Bryan, Marquis of Thomond (1655-1742), from Ireland to Isle of Wight Co., Va., 1689; later settled on Albemarle Sound, 'N.C.: was high sheriff, justice, assemblyman; m ‘Lady Alice, dau. Lord Needham, Viscount of Kil- Anne morey PeNccdnasn (1690-1770), was justice, sheriff, commr., assemblyman, of N.C.; m 1st, 1711, Annie Rambeau (1695-1730) ; 6—Col. Needham (1725-1800), col. colonial militia, 1771; mem. Colonial Assembly and of every Provincial Congress of N.C.; m 1st, 1748, Nancy Smith (1728-60; Col. John?’ 11690- 1777], mem. Colonial Assembly of N.C., clk. House of As- sembly, justice, Com. of Safety, and lt. col., 5-Judge Kedar (1750-1807), judge Ct. of Pleas and Quarter Sessions during Am. Rev.; signer Oath of Allegiance, 1777; mem. House ‘of Com- mons, N.C.; m 2d, 1782, Mary Whitfield (1763- 1784; William, 2dé [1715-95], mem. Colonial As- sembly and Gov. Caswell’s Council, 1779, m 1741, Beene sr of Needham Bryan, 1st, m Annie am 4—Rachel (1783-1842), m Judge Gibson Sloan (1775- 1834), of Duplin Co., N.C. (David® [1728-1806], of N.C., soldier Am. Rev.); 3-Anne (1806- 60), m Alexander O. Grady (3 above). 2-Son of Benjamin Franklin Grady (1831-1914), grad. U. of N.C., ’57; prof. mathematics and natural sciences, Austin Coll., Tex.; served in C.S.A.; mem. 52d and 58d Congresses from N.C., 1891-95; m Olivia Hamilton; m 2d, 1870, Mary: Charlotte (1851-1906), dau. of Dr. Henry A. Bizzell, m Celestial Robinson; issue (1st marriage): I-Franklin; (2d marriage): II-— Henry Alexander (above); III-—Cleburne (0 1873; m Lela Paschal); I1V—James Bizzell (b 1877); V—Stephen Sloan (b 1879); VI-—Benjamin (6 1882); VIil—Lessie Robinson (b 1884); VIII- Louis Debonair (b 1886; m Evelyn Wills); IX— Anna Bizzell (6 1888; m Samuel A. Cowan); X— Mary Eva (b 1898; m Theodore H. Smaillbones). IIl-m Oct. 28, 1901, Annie Hlizabeth Graham, 0 Wallace, N.C., July 20, 1872; dau. of Dr. Dan- iel McLean Graham (Archibald’, merchant of Fayetteville, N.C.), and was a brother of Dr. Alexander Graham, of Charlotte, Prof. John Graham, of Warrenton, and of Archibald Gra- ham, of Charlotte; issue (all b Clinton, N.C.): 1—Henry A., Jr., b Sept. 3, 1903; U. of N.C., ’26; 2—Franklin McLean, b July 2, 1905; Davidson, 28; 3-Graham Montrose, b Feb. 7, 1915. U. of N.C., ex-’96; Georgetown U. Law Sch., 1894-95; LL.B., U. of N.C., 1900. Admitted to bar, 1900; mem. Dem. Exec. Com. of N.C., 1902-10; mem. N.C. Senate, 1905-07; on staff of Gov. W. W. Kitchen, 1908-12, with rank of col.; mayor of Clinton, N.C., 1917-22; judge Superior Ct. of N.C. from 1923. Chmn. Legal Advisory Bd. of Sampson Co. during World War. Grand Master of Masons for N.C., 1919-20. Mason. Residence: Clinton, N.C. 1-GRAHAM, Grace Theodora Ackerman (Mrs. org tets B. C.), 6 Muskegon, Mich., Oct. 28, 9-Ephraim Child, from Eng.; m 1625, Elizabeth Palmer; 8—Benjamin, m Grace Morris (6 1661; Dea. Ed- ward’, m Grace Bett); 7-Lt. Ephraim (6 1683), 1710, Priscilla Harris; 6~Ephraim (1711-75), m 1734, Mary Lyon (d 1790); 5-Increase (1734-1810), French and Indian War; capt. Am. Rev.; m 1762, Olive Pease (1736-1822; Daniel®, m Abigail Fletcher; Robert’; Capt. John’; John®; Robert?®); 4-Roxalana (b 1769), m Robert Ackerman (b 1763; James®, m Elizabeth F. Conkling); 3-John (6 1787), m 1812, Irene Meigs (b 1789). 9-Baron Resolved Van Waldron, from Holland to New Amsterdam, 1653; a patentee of Har- lem, 1686; m 1653, Lady Zaneka Van Nagle; eaterse rc) 1655), m 1687, Janetta Jansen (Cor- neliu 7-Johannes (b 1692), m 1719, Susanna De La Mater; 6—Peter (b 1721), m 1747, Maria Ackerman (Jacob’): 5—David (b 1754), Am. Rev.; m 2d, 1778, Mrs. Fan- ny Morgan; 4-Joseph (6 4784), m 1808, Martha Perry; Shere Varick (1804-90), m 1831, Ann Roberts 2-Dau. of Theodore Meigs Ackerman (1832-86), Great Lakes ship captain; m 1861, Eliza Jane Waldron (1835-1915); issue: I-Capt. John Clay- ton (1862-1916; m Cora Lavghlin); II—Ralph Waldron; III-Albert Waldron (m Christine Erichsen); IV—Grace Theodora (above); V— Guy Thecdore sewin, 1870-71); VI-—Mabel Julia (b 1873; m Adam Fry). IV—m Jan. 4, 1898, Ghecles Beach Cooper Graham (Jan, 14, 1863- Mar. 26, 1922); son of Francis Cooper, and adopted son of Joel H. Graham; issue (all 6 Chicago, Ill.): 1-Evelyne, 6 Oct. 27, 1898; A.B., U. Chicago, ’15; 2-Joel Henry, b Jan. 29, 1896; sr. band segt., U.S.A., Nov. 27, 1916-Feb. 6, 1918; m June 22, 1918, Fay, dau. of Richard Thompson; 3—-Waldron Albert, b Feb. 6, 1900; pvt., 182d Inf., Apr. 17, 1917-1919; with A.E.F. in France, May 1918-Jan. 1919; wound- ed, Oct. 9,° 1918; m Sept. 2, 1923, Lorna Ruth, Sipe Manton Campion (issue: Bruce Cam- pion). Mem. D.A.R., O.E.S. Residence: 727 S. Church St., Princeton, Il. 1-GRAY, Harriette Flora (Mrs. Carl R.), }) Lib- erty, Kan., Sept. 17, 1869. 8—Johannes (Ster, Starin, Staring) Sterling (d 1699), sailor; from Holland to New Amsterdam and became Indian trader; settled at Ft. Orange ca. 1670; 7—Nicholas (1663-1759), m Catharine-; 6-Adam _ (1688-1778) ; Woodstock, Conn.; m FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 129 §-Col. Heinrich (1730-1808), judge, Herkimer Co., N.Y., m Elizabeth Kash; 4-John, began to write name Sterling; m Phoebe Ann Aihme; 3-Harriette Catherine (1824-1905), m 1845, Elijah Shults (1824-60). 2-Dau. of Mary Elizabeth Shults (1851-74), m 1866, John Alexander Flora (b 1845). M Dec. 6, 1886, Carl Raymond Gray (See Vol. 1, p. 302, for genealogy); issue: 1-Carl Raymond, Jr. (See Vol. 1, p. 303); 2-Russell Davis, b Wichita, Kan., Nov. 2, 1899; pvt. U.S. Marine Corps, World War; m Oct. 8, 1921, Eleanor, dau. of Herbert Pitt (issue: Eleanor Howard); 3-Howard Kramer, 8 St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 28, 1901; Princeton, ’23; m Sept. 2, 1925, DeWeena, dau, of J. H. Conrad. Residence: 37th and Jones Sts., Omaha, Neb. 1-PAYSON, William Farquhar, b) New York, N.Y., Feb. 18, 1876. 8-Edward Payson (qv); 7-Samuel (1662-1721), m 1688, Mary Phillips (1668- 1727; Rev. Samuel’, of Rowley, Mass., m Sarah Appleton; Rev. George®, qv); 6—Rev. Phillips (1704-75), A.B., Harvard, 1724; pas- tor Walpole, Mass., 47 yrs.; m 1733, Ann Swift (Rev. John’, of Framingham, Mass., m Sarah Tileston); 5-Samuel Phillips, D.D, (1736-1801), A.B., Harvard, 1754; pastor Chelsea, Mass., 40 yrs.; m 1758, Elizabeth Stone (Rev. James®, of Holliston, Mass., m Elizabeth Swift); 4—-Phillips (1760-1809), A.B., Harvard, 1778; m Ruth Larkin (John®, East India merchant, Charles- town, Mass.); 3-John Larkin (1797-1884), A.B., Harvard, 1817; Am. consul at Messina, Sicily, 1827-45; m 1821, Frances Lithgow (Col, Arthur‘, of Augusta, Me., m Martha Bridge). 2-Son of Francis Payson (1837-1904), wool im- porter, New York; m 1862, Mary Farquhar Dabney (6 1844); issue: I-Francis Lithgow (b 1863; m Mary Isabella Stewart); II-Mary Dab- ney (b 1865; m Stephen Baker); IlI-—Charles Arthur (d@ young); IV—-William Farquhar (above); V—Harold (qv for Dabney lineage). IV—m Oct. 27, 1897, Mary Farquhar King, } Prov- idence, R.I.; dau. of Charles G. King, of Providence. : Columbia, ex-’96. Author, novelist, playwright (See Who’s Who in America). Address: Co- eae University Club, 4 W. 48d St., New ork. Watertlan eld Harold, } Eastbourne, Eng., May 3, 7T-Robert (d’Aubigne) Dabney, from France to Eng. after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, and thence to Boston, ca. 1722; 6—Charles (1703-56), m Elizabeth Gardner; 5-Charles (1741-84), m Mary Bass (Rev. John’; desc. John Alden, qv); 4—William (1772-1859), m Hannah Jones (Joseph’, of Milford, Mass.); 3—Charles H. (1807-79), mem. Dabney, Morgan & Co., bankers (now J. P. Morgan & Co.), New York; m Ellen Jones (Alexander’, of Provi- dence, R.I.). 2-Son of Francis Payson (1837-1904), wool im- porter, New York; m 1862, Mary Farquhar Dabney (b 1844). For issue and Payson lineage see William Farquhar Payson. M Jan. 18, 1908, Lavinia Hodgkinson, 6b Bristol. R.I., Aug. 21, 1884; dau. William Hodgkinson, of Framingham, Mass.; issue: 1—-Harold, Jr., b Munhall, Pa., Jan. 10, 1909; 2-Perry, b High- land Park, Ill., Feb. 9, 1910; 3-William Fran- cis, b Short Hills, N.J., Jan. 28, 1912; 4-Alex- ander Perry, 6 New York, N.Y., Jan. 10, 1917. E.M., Columbia, ’05. V.p. Compo Board Corpn. Clubs: Short Hills, Columbia Univ. Resi- dence: Short Hills, N.J. fabep eta bed Walston Hill, } Cincinnati, O., June 8-Thomas Dudley (qv); 7—Mercy (6 1621), m 1639, Rev. John Woodbridge, 1st minister to be ordained in New England: 6-Dorothy, m 1712, Rev. Samuel Brown, grad. Harvard Coll., 1709; was 1st minister in Ab- ington, Mass.; . 5—-Woodbridge (b 1714), m 1735, Anne Emery; 4-Samuel (hb 1787), lt. co. of minute men; m 1760, Deborah Torrey; 3-—Enoch (6 1781). m 1807, Melinda Padelford. 2-Son of Augustus J. Brown (b 1809), lawyer, banker; m 1886, Sarah McLaughlin Hill. M Nov. 18, 1889, Eva Robert Ingersoll (qv for issue). A.B., Columbia, ’64, later A.M.; student Colum- bia Law Sch. and Heidelberg U., Germany. Pres. Walston Hill Brown Constrn. Co.; pres. and builder of Sioux City & St. Paul, C.,St. P.,M.&O., Decatur & Southern, Peoria, Deca- tur & Evansville, Peoria & Perkin Union, L. E.&W., Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic, B.,R. &P., N.Y.,C.&St.L., and Cincinnati, Jackson & Mackinaw rys.; constructed the first tunnel under the East River, and the Croton Aque- duct from Dobbs Ferry to Croton. Clubs: Union League, Down Town, Sleepy Hollow Country. Summer place: ‘Walston,’ Dobbs Ferry-on-Hudson, N.Y. Residence: 117 E. 21st St., Gramercy Park, New York. 1-BROWN, Eva Robert Ingersoll (Mrs. Wal- ston H.), b Groveland, IIl., Sept. 22, 1862. 9-Gen. James Cudworth (b 1606; son of Rev. Ralph, and brother of Ralph, prof. philosophy, Cambridge U.), from Eng. to Plymouth, 1630; freeman, 1634; capt. militia; dep. Colony Ct.; gov.’s asst., 1656-58; commr. to Eng., commr. United Colonies; one of the first to stand for religious toleration in N.H.; 8-Mary (b 16387), m 1660, Robert Whitcomb, one of the first Quakers in Plymouth Colony (John?®); 7-James (b 1668), m 1694, Mary Parker; 6—James, m 1731, Sarah Winslow (Edward’; Ken- elem’; Kenelem®, qv); 5-Nathaniel, m 1755, Margaret Gibbs: 4-Margaret (6 1755), m 1779, Ebenezer Ingersoll (b 1755), soldier Am. Rey. (desc. Richard Inger- soll, qv); 3-Rev. John (1792-1859), B.A., Middlebury Coll.; m 1821, Mary Livingston (1799-1835), the first wo- man in this country to circulate a petition to free the slaves (Judge Robert?). 9-Peter Lyon (b Eng., d at Dorchester, Mass., 1693/94), mem. A. and H. A. Co.; selectman, deputy; in recognition of his important serv- ices to the colony, he received from the town valuable estate; m Ann-— (d 1689); 8-Peter (1663-17383), m ca. 1686, (Thomas) ; T—Peter (1686-1752), m 2d, 1731, Jemima Fales (1707- 32; Peter§); 6—Benjamin (6 1732), m Thankful Humphrey (1734- 1760; Jacob’); 5—Jacob (1754-1829), m 1775, Jerusha Tucker (1757- 1840; Timothy’); 4-Peter (1776-1863), m 2d, 1805, Charlotte Weston (Joseph); 8-Harriet Elizabeth (1816-1903), m 1836, Benjamin Weld Parker (Luther*, m Sarah Weld, desc. Joseph Weld, qv). 2-Dau. of Col. Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-99), lawyer, lecturer, humanitarian, author; m 1861, Eva Amelia Parker (1841-1923); issue: I- Eva Robert (above); II-Maud Robert (m Wal- lace Marcus Probasco). I-m Nov. 13, 1889, Walston Hill Brown (qv); is- sue: 1-Eva Ingersoll, b Walston, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., Aug. 27, 1891; 2-Robert Ingersoll, 6 Wal- ston, Aug. 7, 1893; 1t., Air Service, U.S.A. Summer place: “Walston,” Dobbs Ferry-on- Hudson, N.Y. Residence: 117 EF. 21st St., Gra- mercy Park, New York. 1-BROWN, William Moseley, } Lynchburg, Va., Feb. 27, 1894. 7-Col. George Carrington (qv); 6-Judge Paul (1738-1818), burgess and judge Ct. of Appeals of Va.; m Margaret Read (1739-76: Col. Clement, Jr.7, m Mary Hill; Thomas’; Col. George®, qv); 5-Gen. George (1756-1809), 1t. col. Am. Rey.: m 1784, Sallie Coles Tucker (b 1765); 4-Emily Eaton (1804-71), m Dr. Paul C. Venable: 3-Louisa Jane (1840-1917), m 1864, Rev. Bennett W. Moseley (1836-86). 8-Abraham Venable (qv); 7-Abraham_ (1700-68), m Martha Davis (1702-65; Nathaniel’, of Hanover Co., Va.): 6-Nathaniel (1733-1804), of Prince Edward Co.: m 1755, Elizabeth Woodson (d 1791: Richard’): 5-Samuel Woodson (b 1756), m 1781, Mary S. Car- rington (Judge Paul‘); 4-Dr. Paul Carrington (1793-1876), m 2d, 1824, Em- ily Eaton Carrington (4 above). 2-Son of Emily Carrington Moseley (b 1868), m Jane Vose 130 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM 1891, William Nicholas Brown (b 1850); issue: I—William Moseley (above); II—Paul Venable (6 1896); II1I—Rosa Lewis (b 1899; m James B. Polhill, Jr.); [V—Louise Carrington (b 1902, m ae Scriven Farmer); V—James Bennett (6 1905). I-m June 27, 1922, Gloria Graham, 6 Birmingham, Eng., fe 30, 19038; dau. of Henry Graham, of Birmingham; issue: 1-William Graham, 0 N.Y. City, May 30, 1928; 2-David Graham, 0D Charlottesville, Va., July 8, 1924. B.A., Washington and Lee, 714 (D.K.E., P.B.K.), IM’-A’, 19153"=ME A“, “Columbia, 1922, 0 Ph.D., 1923: Prof. edn. and psychology, Washington and Lee U., since 1920. Served pvt. to 2d lt., inf. and air service, U.S.A., Oct. 8, 1917-Dec. 20, 1918; now capt., staff specialist, O.R.C. Mem. S.C.V.,° Nati Econ. | Council) Am?) Psychol: Assn., Va. Acad. Science; fellow A.A.A.S. Residence: Lexington, Va. SEC aie aaa Lorin Cone, ) Windsor, Conn., Aug. 9-Dea. Edward Collins (qv); 8-Rev. Nathaniel (1648-84), grad. Harvard, 1660; pastor at Middletown, Conn.; m 1664, Mary Whiting (Maj. William’); 7—Rev. Nathaniel (1677-1756), m Alice Adams (1682-1735; Rev. William’, m Alice, dau. of Gov. William Bradford); 6—-William (1711-1804), Am. Rev.; m Ann Jones (b 1714); eae (1747-1826), m 1st, Grace Brown (1748- ) 5 4—William (1774-1863), m Eunice Parsons: 38—Lora B., M.D. (1787-1818), m 1811, Persis Cone (d 1815). 8-Joseph Bemis (qv); 7—John (1659-1732), m 1680, Mary Harrington; 6—John (b 1686), m 1718, Anna Livermore; 5-Abijah (1723-90), of Paxton, Mass.; m 1751, Di- nah Hagar; 4-Abijah (1753-1829), Am. Rev.; m Mary Pike (1767-1883) ; 3-Amariah (1785-1876), m 1809, Sally Shumway (1787-1861). 7-Peter (or Pierre) Shumway (b 1735), refugee from France bet. 1660-75, and settled at Tops- field, Mass.; in Narragansett and other In- dian wars, 1675; m Frances—; 6—Peter (1678-1751), Oxford, Mass.; m 1700, Mary Smith (d 1788), of Boxford, Mass.; 5—Oliver (b 1701), m 1724, Sarah Pratt; 4-Ebenezer (1743-1833), minute man in Am. Rev.; m 1765, Comfort White (d 1840, aet. 97); 38—Sally (1787-1861), m Amariah Bemis (3 above). 2-Son of Rey. Lorin Cone Collins (1813-1904), m 1839, Mary Bemis (1817-92); issue: I-Ella Maria (1842-65); II—Rosella Elizabeth (1844-65); ILI- Lottie Louise (1846-71); IV—Lorin Cone (above); V-—Carrie (6 1860; m Earl Howell Reed). IV—m Sept. 17, 1873, Nellie Robb, b Chicago, I11., Feb. 10, 1855; dau. of George A. Robb, of Chi- - cago; issue (all 6 Chicago): 1-Carrie May (July 6, 1874-Aug. 11, 1885); 2-Lorin Cone, III, b Aug. 1, 1876; M.D., Northwestern U., 1900; m Mar. 10, 1904, Anna E. V. S. Lindblad (issue: Lorin Cone, IV, b Feb. 2, 1905; Almida Grace, b Aug. 29, 1908); 3-Helen (1878-79); 4—Grace, b Oct. 15, 1883; m John Fauntleroy McGill; 5—George Robb, 6 May 24, 1888; m Apr. 8, 1915, Margaret ae Whitney (issue: George Robb, Jr.; Whit- ney). A.B., Northwestern U., 72 (P.B.K., Sigma Chi), A.M., 1874. Lawyer; judge Circuit Court, Chi- cago, 9 yrs.; justice Supreme Court, Canal Zone, 6 yrs.; speaker Ill. Ho. of Rep., 1883. Clubs: Chicago (Chicago), Santa Fe (Santa Fe, N.M.), Strangers (Colon, Panama). Residence: 448 Barry Av., Chicago, IIl. 1-COLLOM, Spencer Allen, b Bowie Co., Tex., Sept. 30, 1866. 5—Jonathan Cullom; 4-—George, went from Tenn. to what is now Bowie Co., Tex., 1818, where his son George G. was believed to have been the first white child born in that section of Tex.; 3—Charles (1800-44), corp. 83d W.Va. Militia in War 1812; m 1817, Elizabeth Katherine Hyder. 2-Son of Spencer Rice Collom (1833-1918), plant- er; m 1852, Martha Jane Reed (1833-1900); issue: I—Susan (1853-1919; m Jum Sharp); II—William OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Charles (b 1855; m Kate Logan); IlI—George Edward (6 1857; m Elizabeth); IV—Elisabeth (1864-81); V—Spencer Allen (above); VI—John Gano (b 1869; m Ellen Bailey); ViI—Robert Driscoe (b 1871; m Elizabeth Bailey). V-m Dec. 28, 1896, Eugenia Read (See Vol. 1, p. 579, for genealogy); issue: 1—Linnie Eliz- abeth, 0} Texarkana, Oct. 21, 1897; U. Tex., ’20; m Oct. 19, 1921, Gamewell D. Gantt (issue: Catherine Eugenia; Gamewell, Jr.); 2-Fran- ces Martha, 6 Texarkana, Feb. 16, 1899; B.A., U. Tex., ’21; m June 14, 1922, James F. Warren (issue: James F., Jr., d); 3-Allen Read, 6 Tex- arkana, Aug. 3, 1901-May 4, 1908; 4-Spencer Al- len, Jr., 0 Ratcliff, Tex., Feb. 4, 1904; B.A., Wi Dex 2b: M.D., U. Louisville, 1892. Physician and surgeon; actg. chief surgeon, St.L.,S.W.R.R. F.A.C.S. Was mem. Vol. Med. Service Corps and mem, local bd. of Bowie Co., Tex., World War. Residence: 621 Main St., Texarkana, Tex. 1-COMBES, Clinton de Raismes, ) Newtown, INS Ya, Jan, 24, 1886: 9-Nicholas Holt (qv); 8—Henry (1644-1719), m Sarah Ballard; 7T—Oliver (1671-1747), m 2d, Mary Huse; 6—William (1721-59), m Mary Martin; 5—-William (1745-1805), m Hannah Pike; 4—Moses P. (1771-1837), m Hannah Chaffee (Wil- liam*, soldier Am, Rev.); 3-Martha Ella, m Jean Francis Joseph de Raismes (1803-66), came from France, 1828. 2-Son of Marie Louise de Raismes (1857-1912), m Abbott Carson Combes (See Vol. 1, p. 563, for Combes lineage). M Oct. 20, 1915, Margery Gillespie, 6 Hast New York, N.Y., Oct. 4, 1883; dau. of Harl Augustus Gillespie of Woodhaven, N.Y.; issue: 1—Isa- belle Booth, 6 Garden City, N.Y., Aug. 18, 1917; 2-Clinton de Raismes, Jr., Bb N.Y. City, May 24, 1921. Williams, ’07; LL.B., Harvard, 1910. Mem. SUNsSs 7) Ls Caicos R. Club: Cherry Valley. Residence: 106 4th St., Garden City, N.Y. 1-WOLFORD, Milton John, } Clay Tp., Butler Coy, Pas Apres 6), 1844 6—Johannes (Wolfert, Wolfart) Wolford, native of Switzerland; came from the Palatinate in the “Friendship,” to Phila., Pa., 1739; settled in Tulpehocken Tp., Lancaster Co., Pa.; m Mary Agatha-; 5-George (ca. 1725-1793-94), pvt. Am. Rev.; m 1748, Elizabeth Zimmerman (ca. 1730, ante 1785); 4—John (1749-1887), Westmoreland Co., Pa.; m 1784, Barbara— (d 1805); 3—-Henry (d 1856), Butler Co., Pa.; m 180, Mary Frick (1786-1868). 2-Son of Jacob Wolford (1817-97), farmer; m 1839, eee Adams (1817-1902). For issue see Vol, De. M Dec. 4, 1872, Maud Sutherland Blackwell, b New Bern, N.C., Jan. 21, 1848; issue: 1-Ann Selby (Mrs. Orndorf L. Ridgely, qv for Black- well lineages); 2-Francis M. (Feb. 19, 1875-Oct. 28, 1884); 3-Maud Blackwell, 6b Danville, IIl., Oct. 8, 1876; A.B., Wilmington Coll., ’97, post- grad. at Wellesley; m May 16, 1906, Charles Frederick Shane (issue: Wolford Milton; John Wolford); 4Sarah Wicks, Bb Danville, June 26, 1882; Art Inst. of Chicago; m June 4, 1914, Roscoe Simpson Fairchild (issue: Roscoe Wol- ford; Harold Blackwell); 5—Albert Milton (Mar. 22, 1889-Oct. 27, 1899); 6-Harold Ernest (July 28, 1891-Mar. 9, 1924); m October 3, 1913, Margaret Herbst (issue: Mary Jane; Milton John). Grad. Iron City Commercial Coll., Pittsburgh, 1864; student Westminster Coll. Pres. Palmer Nat. Bank, Danville, Ill. Served pvt., sgt. , and 2d l1t., Pa. vol. inf. and Pa. heavy arty., 1862-65. Pres. bd. Lakeview Hosp.; trustee Y.M.C.A.; sec. Danville Benefit and Bldg. Assn. since 1880. Mem. S.R., G.A.R., ete. Summer place: “Wolford Lodge,’ Epworth, Ludington, Mich. Residence: Hotel Wolford, Danville, Tl. 1-RIDGELY, Ann Selby Wolford (Mrs. Orndorf Z.), 6 Arcola, Ill., Nov. 17, 1873. ' 7-Robert Blackwell (1650-1717), received land grant from the first English govt. of New FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 131 Amsterdam for Astoria, LI. City, Green Point and Williamsburg, L.I.; founder of Blackwell Island; m 1676, Mary Manningham, of Manning Island, N.Y.; tail (1692-1744), m 1711, Mary Hallett (1687- 743) ; E 6-Col. Jacob (1717-80), of ‘Ravenswood,’ New York; col. French and Indian War; pvt. Am. Rev.; mem. Provincial Congress, 1775-77; m 1755, Lydia Hallett (17382-1812); 4—Samuel (1759-1832), m in 1784, Mary Whitehead Field (1767-1841); see Vol. 1, p. 762, for Field lineage; 3—John (1797-1869), m 1821, Ann Selby (1807-82). 10-Thomas Cornell (qv); 9-Rebecca, m George (Joris) Woolsey (qv); 8-Sarah (0 ca. 1650), m Capt. William Hallett (d 1729-aet. 81; William», qv); 7-—Joseph (1678-1758), m 1702, Lydia Blackwell (d ante 1728; Robert$); 6-Joseph (1704-31), m Lydia (Alsop?); 5-Lydia (b 1732, after father’s death), m Col. Ja- cob Blackwell (5 above). 2—Dau. of Maud Sutherland Blackwell (b 1848), m 1872, Milton John Wolford (qv). M Feb. 21, 1900, Orndorf Long Ridgely (May 20. 1868-Dec, 17, 1900); son of Vincent Ridgely, of Springfield, Ill. Studied pipe organ under Clarence Eddy; piano under Hugh A. Kelso, Jr.; harmony under Walter Keller; theory under John Page Mar- shall, at Boston U. Teacher of “The Appre- ciation of Music.” Mem. D.A.C., S.D.P. (ed- itor The Pilgrim, official organ of nat. soc.; registrar Ill. branch), D.A.R., Dau. of Vets. of Civil War; pres. Danville Fed. of Women’s Clubs; chmn. Danville Unit of Ill. Council of Nat. Defense during World War; chmn. music dept. 18th dist., Ill. Federation of Wo- men’s’ Clubs. Summer place: ‘Wolford Lodge,’ Epworth, Ludington, Mich. Resi- dence: Hotel Wolford, Danville, Ill. 1-COMSTOCK, Stephen Estes, b Groton, N.Y., July 20, 1876. 10-William Comstock (qv); 9-Christopher (d 1702), Norwalk, Conn.; m 1663, Hannah Platt; 8-David (1664-94), Wheeler; 7—Daniel (1694-1782), Kent, Conn.; m Sarah Odell (b 1694); 6—Daniel (1714-77), Kent; m Katharine Morehouse (1714-77) ; 5-Ebenezer, Warrensburgh, N.Y.; ™ 1775, Deborah Hatch; 4—Jason (1782-1842), Tully, N.Y.; m Philura Crav- ath (d 1870); 3—Sylvanus (1806-71), m Loraine Goodrich (6 1821). 9-Benjamin Wilmot (ca. 1590-1669), New Haven, Conn.; m Ann— (d 1668); &-William (d 1689), New Haven; m 1658, Sarah Thomas (ca. 1640-1711); 7-John (1667-1731), New Haven; m Sarah Clark (1671-post 1747); 6—-Valentine (1713-post 1790), Bethany, Conn.; m 1735, Rachel Johnson (6 1716); d-Walter (1755-1824), Am. Rev.; m 1779, Hannah Johnson (1762-1833) ; 4—George Washington (1797-1863), Enfield Center, N.Y.; m 1819, Rebecca Hitchcock (1802-64); 3-Chauncey Walter (1822-1904), Three Mile Bay, N.Y.; m 1844, Catherine Estes (1822-76). 2-Son of Myron Adelbert Comstock (1843-1925), m 1865, Helen Minerva Wilmot (b 1845); issue: Norwalk; m 1692, Elizabeth I-Stephen Estes (above); Ii—Katharine Blanche (b 1878; m Sylvester Becker Van Duser). I-m Oct. 15, 1908, Martha Adelia Thomas, b Newark, N.Y., June 9, 1875; dau. of Byron Thomas; issue (all b Newark, N.Y.): 1—-Ste- phen Thomas (Jan. 25, 1905-Mar. 14, 1922); 2- Richard Wilmot, b Jan. 27, 1908; 3-Helen Car- oline, b Oct. 8, 1909; 4-Martha, 6 Aug. 11, 1913. Pres. Comstock Canneries, Inc., Newark, N.Y. Vestryman St. Mark’s P.E. Ch. 20 yrs. Mem. S.A.R. Mason (382°), Elk. Clubs: Genessee Valley, Rochester, Rochester Yacht (Roches- ter, N.Y.), Sodus Bay Yacht (Sodus Point, ee Newark Country. Residence: Newark, aN. WILLIAM ELLIS WOOD. PN ede William Ellis, b Arlington, Mass., Jan. 8-Josiah Wood (1629-91), from Eng. to Charles- town, Mass., ca. 1650; 7—-Josiah (1662-1740), m 1686, Abagail Bacon (Mi- chael’, qv); 6—Josiah (1687-1753), Woburn, Mass.; m 1710, Ruth Peabody; 5-Solomon (1722-77), Am. Rev.; m 1752, Martha Johnson; 4—Edward (1756-1824), Burlington, Mass.; soldier and pensioner Am. Rev.; m 2d, 1789, Sarah Reed; 38—Leonard (1796-1841), m 1823, Mary Thorning. 2-Son of William Thorning Wood (1824-71), mfr. of ice tools; m 1850, Sophia Matilda Blake (1827-1905); issue: I-William Ellis (above); II- Sophia (Mar. 23, 1853-Apr. 30, 1853); II1I-Stephen Blake (1854-1906; A.B., Harvard, ’79, LUL.B., 1882; m 1885, Amy Louise Blandy, of Zanes- ville, O.; issue: Myra De Normandie, bd 1886; Marjorie, 6 1887; m Sept. 15, 1919, Ernest R. Moore; Grayson Blandy, 6b Aug. 25, 1889; m Sept. 15, 1920, Edith May Sperring); I1V—Annie Wyman (1856-1914; m 1st, 1877, George Tilton Freeman, 1854-99; m 2d, 1902, Wendell E. Rich- ardson). I-m May 7, 1874, Susan Tileston Freeman, b 1851; dau. of John Doane Freeman, and sister of Warren Hapgood Freeman (qv); issue (all b Arlington, Mass.): 1-Elizabeth Freeman (Feb. 13-July 29, 1875); 2-John Freeman (qv for Free- man lineage); 3-William Thorning (qv for Thorning lineage); 4-Ellis Gray (qv for Wy- man lineage); 5-Harold Blake (qv for Blake lineage); 6-Helen Crosby, 6 Apr. 12, 1881; Vassar, ’04; m May 12, 1909, Dunbar F. Carpen- ter, of Gaston, Snow and Saltonstall, Boston (issue: Mary Louise, b May 2, 1911; Dunbar, } Jan. 17, 1915); 7-Annie Wyman (twin), 6 Apr. 12, 1881; Vassar, ’04; m Jan. 19, 1907, James Nowell, of Lee, Higginson and Co., Boston (issue: Katharine, b July 6, 1909; Helen, 6 Sept. 21, 1914; Nancy, b July 6, 1925); 8-Susie (Nov. 9- Nov. 14, 1882); 9-Oliver Wiswall, 6b July 24, 1892; Mass. Agrl., 19; m Sept. 9, 1926, Edith Marion, dau. of Eugene Bickner Somerby, of Watertown, Mass. Pres. Gifford-Wood Co., mfrs. ice tools and conveying machinery, Hudson, N.Y., till 1916, when retired. Del. Congress of Refrigera- tion, Paris, 1908, Vienna, 1910, Chicago, 1913. Mem. Arlington School Com., 1882-88; trustee on several Town Bds., 53 yrs. Organist, 1868- 1921, now organist-emeritus of First Bapt. Ch., Arlington. Club: Boston City. Resi- dence: 25 Lombard Rd., Arlington, Mass. 132 JOHN DOANE FREEMAN (1800-93). Prominent Boston printer (Freeman € Bolles), 1828-50; then sold to Hon. Henry O. Houghton who formed the Riverside Press of Cambridge. Longfellow, Lowell, Sumner, Garrison were cus- tomers of Freeman & Bolles. Early life on Yankee, Independent, Chronicle, Boston Patriot, Daily Advertiser, Columbian Sentinel, Commer- cial Gazette, N. EH. Palladium, and on Boston Post. Chairman School Committee of Arlington, some years, after retirement in 1850. 1-WOOD, John Freeman, 0 Arlington, Mass., June 3, 1876. 6—-Philip Freeman (b 1710), from Eng. ante 1747; m ist, Elizabeth— (d ante 1765); 5~Philip (ca. 1740-1782), said to have been a mem. of the “Boston Tea Party’; m 1763, Mary Kneeland (6 1740; John®, m Mehitabel King); 4-Philip (b 1767- ante 1811): m 1791, Mary Willard (1768-1825) ; 3—John Doane (1800-93), (qv for portrait and sketch), printer at Boston, 1828-50; m 2d, Eliz- abeth Brown (qv for Brown line). 2-Son of Susan Tileston Freeman, m 1874, Wil- liam Ellis Wood (qv for other lines). M Dec. 26, 1996, Emma Louise Jacobus (qv); issue (all 6 Springfield, Mass.): 1-Carlton Ens- worth, 0 Feb. 29, 1908; M.I.T., ’29; 2—-William Ellis, b May 24, 1909; Carnegie Inst., 30; 83—Don- ald Thorning, b May 2, 1915. ALB Harvards os. Printer, Springfield, till 1909; then treas. and gen. mgr. Kenwood Print- ing Co., Westfield, Mass. Residence: 26 Hol- land Av., Westfield, Mass. 1-WOOD, Emma Louise Jacobus (Mrs. John Freeman), 6 Matawan, N.J., June 16, 1877. 6—-Roeloff Jacobus, from Holland and settled first on the mountain south of Singac (then called the Paper Berg), Essex Co., N.J.; 5—-Symon (b 1713), m 1748, Hendrickje Bertoilf; 4—Garret (1744-1814), m 1776, Comfort Crane; 8—-Isaac (1791-1875), m 2d, 1837, Miranda Jones 2-Dau. of Charles Jacobus’ (1840-1922), m Ist, 1866, Elizabeth C. Snow. M rae 26, 1906, John Freeman Wood (qv for issue Residence: 26 Holland Av., Westfield, Mass. Tyee e Pees Thorning, } Arlington, Mass., une g-Anthony Thorning, } Meee. came to Bos- ton ca. 1674; m Sarah— 7-John (1695- 1747); 6—John (b 1730), m 1755, Sarah Clarke: 5—William (1758-1829), was in battles of Lexington, and of Bunker Hill, and in service of army until 1781; m 1782, Eunice Phillips (1756-1849) ; 4—-Mary (1790-1876), m Leonard Wood: 38-—William T. (1824-71), m 1850, Sophia Matilda Blake (1827-1905). THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 2-Son of William Ellis Wood (qv for other line- ages), m 1874, Susan Tileston Freeman. Not married. Cambridge M. T., ’97. With W. T. Wood & Co., Arlington, till 1905; mgr. Chi- cago branch of Gifford-Wood Co. till 1909; asst. treas. till ’21; now v.p. and treas. Resi- dence: 339 S. Union St., Hudson, N.Y. ent Ellis Gray, b Arlington, Mass., Sept. 10-John Wyman (bap. 1621-1684; son of Francis Wyman, m Elizabeth Richardson, of West Mill, Hartfordshire Co., Eng.), one of founders of Woburn, Mass., 1640; lt. of mil. co.; m 1644, Sarah Nutt (Myles4, of Woburn); 9-Seth (1663-1715), m 1685, Esther Johnson (Maj. William?) ; 8-Seth (1686- 1725), capt. militia; m 1715, Sarah Ross, of Billerica; 7—Hezekiah (1720-79), m Sarah-; 6-Hezekiah (6 1747), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1770, Abagail Frost; 5-Samuel Frost (1772-1825), blacksmith at Ar- lington; m 1796, Mary (Polly) Palmer (1778-1863; Stephen®, m Mary Bemis); 4-Ann Blizabeth (1804-81), m 1821, Ellis Gray Blake (1796-1841), printer, Boston; 38-Sophia Matilda (1827-1905), m 1850, William Thorning Wood (1824-71). 2-Son of William Ellis Wood (qv for other lines), m 1874, Susan Tileston Freeman. M Aug. 29, 19095, Margaret Phillips (May 19, 1882- June 26, 1906); dau. of Dr. Richard S. True, of Marblehead, Mass., m Thankful Jackson; issue: 1—-Margaret True, 6 Marblehead, Mass., June 4, 1906. M 24d, Apr. 27, 1911, Ora Alexander Blair, } Jan. 18, 1878; dau. of Lemuel Stephen Blair, of Truro, N.S., m Mary Jane Irish. M.I.T., ex-’02. With W. T. Wood & Co. and Gifford-Wood Co. from 1902, now asst. supt. Residence: 738 Warren St., Hudson, N.Y. my het 4 Harold Blake, b Arlington, Mass., Mar. 7 10-William Blake (av); 9-James (1624-1700), selectman of Dorchester. Mass.; m 1651, Elizabeth Clap (Edward?, m Prudence Cla Dp); 8-James (1652- 1732), m 2d, 1684, Ruth Bachellor (Nathaniel®, m Deborah Smith; Nathaniel??; Stephen"); 7—Increase (1699- 1770), m 1724, Anne Gray (1704-51; Edward’, m Susanna Harrison); ; 6-Benjamin (1739-1809), m 1763, Elizabeth Harris (1736-1813) ; 5-Nathaniel (1770-1808), m 1794, Lucy Parker (1772-1806; Nathan, m Sally Parker, of Halifax, N.S.); 4-Ellis Gray (1796-1841), printer, Boston; m 2d, 1821, Ann Blizabeth Wyman (1804-81); a 3-Sophia Matilda (1827-1905), m 1850, William Thorning Wood (1824-71). 2Son of William Ellis Wood (qv for other lines), m 1874, Susan Tileston Freeman. M Nov. 5, 1902, Annabelle, dau. of Charles S. Parker; issue: 1-William Parker, 6 Arlington, Mass., Jan. 22, 1905; Cornell, ’28; 2—-Leonard, b Hudson, N-Y., Jan. 20, 1909. MRT. 01, Sales’ manager, Gifford-Wood Co. to 1918; mgr. N.Y. office Jeffrey Mfg. Co., 1919; now economist and regional director Am. Ed- ucational Assn., Phila. Residence: 125 Pleas- ant St., Arlington, Mass. 1-FREEMAN, Flora Elizabeth Dodge (Mrs. Warren H.), 6 Monroe, Wis., Jan. 28, 1856. 9-Richard Dodge (qv); 8-Joseph (1651-1716), m 1671/72, Sarah Eaton (1650- 1714), of Reading, Mass.; 7~Joseph (1676-1756), piyaicter m 2d, 1705, Pris- cilla Eaton (1675-171 15/16) ; 6—-EFlijah (1709-77), m 2d, 1730/31, Doreas Brown (1709-1810) $ 5—-Nathaniel Brown (1740-1823), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1st, 1761, Lydia Barber (d 1771); SET (1770-1855), m 1794, Abigail Blodgett (1766- 3-Joseph (1795-1864), of Barre, Vt.; capt. Vt. militia; m 1st, 1818, Azubah Thompson (1797- 1830; James%). 2Dau. of Joseph Thompson yee & (1823-1904), m 1850, Melissa Jane Marble (b 1827). M June 9, 188, Warren Hapgood Freeman (qv for issue). Residence: Hinsdale, Ill. FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 133 WARREN HAPGOOD FREEMAN. 1-FREEMAN, Warren Hapgood, bv Mass., Nov. 15, 1843. 5—-Philip Freeman (1710-89), from Eng. ante 1747; glover; dea. First Bapt. Ch.; m 1st, Eliza- beth— (d ante 1765); 4-Philip (1740-1782), shopkeeper; said to have been a mem. of the “Boston Tea Party”; m 1768, Mary Kneeland (6 1740; John®, m Mehitabel King); 3—-Philip (1767-ante 1811), currier; m 1791, Mary Willard (1768-1825). 7-Joseph Brown (0 ca. 1600), from Eng., settled at Watertown, Mass., 1630-31; 6—-Dea. Gabey; 5-Joseph, m Frances Fairbanks (d aet. 73), of Harvard, Mass.; 4-Joshua (1743-1817), capt. Am. Rey.; m Eliza- beth Gates (1746-1826) ; Fai etmiieataes (1782-1889), m Betsey Wolcott (d Boston, 2-Son of John Doane Freeman (see portrait and sketch above), m 1826, Susan Tileston (d 1833); m 2d, 1835, Elizabeth (Betsey) Brown (1815-65): issue (lst marriage): I-Eugene Adolphus (1827-31); II—Harrison Otis (1880-32); (24 mar- riage): Il1I—Eugene Harrison (1839-1912; m Ju- lia Frances Lewis); IV—-Warren Hapgood (above); V—Susan Tileston (b 1851; m William Ellis Wood, qv); VI-—George Tilton (1854-99: m Annie Wyman Wood, sister of William Ellis Wood, qv; issue: Sophia Wood, b 1878, m Harold L. Frost; Warren Eugene, Bb 1880, m Clara May Salisbury; Ernest Harrington, 6} 1884, m Alma Gertrude Hilton). IV—m Apr. 4, 1868, Louise I. Hobart (Apr. 4, 1849- Oct. 25, 1871); dau. of William Henry Hobart, m Louisa M. Cushing; issue: 1-Henry War- ren, 6 Boston, Mass., Feb. 16, 1869; m Oct. 23, 1901, Annietta Landon, dau. of Prof. Harry King (issue: Alida Louise, b Apr. 14, 1908); 2— Mary Louise (Mar. 27, 1870-May 12, 1871). M 2d, June 9, 1885, Flora Elizabeth Dodge (qv): issue: 1—Courtney, b Chicago, Ill., May 2, 1888: 1st lt. World War, June 1917-May 1919; m Nov. 19, 1921, Glendora Elizabeth Knight (issue: Marie Elizabeth, 6 Aug. 6, 1923; Ruth Melissa, b Oct. 16, 1924): 2-Charles Marble, b Hinsdale, Ill., June 29, 1898; 2d 1t., aviation, World War, June 1917-May 1919; 3—-Philip Drew, }b Hins- srt July 18, 1898; pvt. World War, Oct.-Dec. Pvt., 183th Mass. Vols. and sgt., 39th Mass. Vols., 1861-64; participated in many engagements, including the 2d Bull Run, Antietam and FARA he Residence: 53 Pine St., Hinsdale, 1-QUINBY, Elizabeth Hobart Freeman (Mrs. Edwin N.), b Arlington, Mass., Jan. 11, 1867. 6—Philip Freeman (b 1710), from Eng. ante 1747; m 1st, Elizabeth— (d ante 1765); 5—Philip (ca. 1740-1782), said to have been a mem. of the “Boston Tea Party’; m 1763, Mary Kneeland (b 1740; John’, m 1735, Mehitabel, dau. of John King, qv); 4-Philip (1767-ante 1811), m 1791, Mary Willard (1768-1825) ; 3—-John Doane (1800-93; see portrait and sketch in record of Warren Hapgood Freeman), m 2d, 1885, Elizabeth Brown (1815-65). 8—Joseph Brown (b ca. 1600), from Eng., settled at Watertown, Mass., 1630-31; i—Dea. Gabey; 6-Joseph, m Grace Fairbanks (d aet. 73), of Har- vard, Mass; 5—Joshua (1743-1817), capt. Am. Rey.; m Elizabeth Gates (1746-1826) ; 4-Obededom (1782-1839), m 1843) ; 3—-Elizabeth (1815-65), m John Doane Freeman (3 above). 2-Dau. of Eugene Harrison Freeman (1839-1912), served in transport service in Civil War, 1862-65; m Nov. 21, 1861, Julia Frances Lewis (1840-92); m 2d, 1896, Alma A. Benner (b 1871); issue (1st marriage): I-Elizabeth Hobart (above); IIl—-Eugene Francis (b 1871; m Bliza- beth Sara Bradley; issue: Warren B., b and d 1895; Herbert F., b 1898; m Ruth Cranston; Helen E., 6 1902; Hazel F., b 1904); IIlI—Louise Isabel (b 1872; m 1895, Joseph Willard Clary; issue: Freeman, 6 Sept. 8, 196; Elizabeth, b June 8, 1910), I-m May 2, 1892, Edwin Norris Quinby, BD Searsport, Me., Nov. 29, 1867; son of Albert T. Quinby, cf Laconia, N.H., m Mary Anna Nor- ris; issue: 1-Fred Mayberry, b Laconia, N.H., Mar. 25, 1896. Residence: 3 Cross St., Laconia, N.H. 1-BROWNE, Charles Albert, 6 North Adams, Mass., Aug. 12, 1870. 9-Chad (Brown) Browne (qv); f 8—-Daniel (1645-1710), Smithfield and Providence, R.I.; m 1669, Alice Hearnden; 7—Jabez (1675-1724), N. Smithfield, R.I.; m Anne-; 6—William (1705-57), Smithfield, R.I.; m 1728, Pa- tience Arnold; 5-Eleazer (1786-1812), pioneer in Berkshire Coun- ty, East Hoosick; mem. of town Train Band in Am, Rev.; m 1758, Sarah Scott; ; 4-Isaac (1776-1865), capt. and mem. of town mili- tia, 1812-25; m Susanna Bradford; easy (1810-88), m 18387, Adaline Babbitt (1815- 888). 2-Son of Charles Albert Browne (1842-1907), elec- trician and chemist; inventor of the first elec- tric fuse; m 1869, Susan McCallum (1848-1911); issue: I—Charles Albert (above); II—Frances Eliza (b 1872); Il1I—William Bradford (qv for Bradford lineage); IV—Sarah (m Clifford C. Haskins); V—Agnes F. (b 1881). I-m Feb. 9, 1918, Louise McDanell, 6 Gallatin Co., Ky., Feb. 16, 1888; A.B., Stanford, ’06; A.M., Columbia, 1912; Ph.D., Yale, 1917; dau. of Wil- liam Marshall McDanell, } Harrison Co., Ky.; issue: 1—Caroline Louise, } Brooklyn, N.Y., June 8, 1922. B.A., Williams, ’92 (P.B.K.), M.A., 1896 (hon. Se.D., 1924, also Stevens Inst., 1925); M.A., Ph.D., Gottingen, 1902. Chemistry since 1892; chief of Bureau of Chemistry, U.S. Dept. Agr., since 1923 (See Who’s Who in America). Resi- dence: 2301 Conn. Av., Washington, D.C. 1-BROWNE, William Bradford, b North Adams, Mass., May 7, 1875. 9-Gov. William Bradford (qv); 8-Maj. William (1624-1704), m Alice Richards; 7-Israel (1678-1760), m Sarah Bartlett; 6—Abner (1707-84), m Susanna Porter; 5—Elisha (1753-1809), m Eunice Bennett; 4-Susanna (1782-1876), m Isaac Browne (1776-1865) ; 3—Albert (1810-88), m 1887, Adaline Babbitt (1815-88). 2-Son of Charles Albert Browne (1842-1907), elec- trician and chemist; inventor of the first elec- tric fuse; m 1869, Susan McCallum (1848-1911). Betsey Wolcott (d 134 For issue and Browne lineage see Charles Al- bert Browne. M June 10, 1912, Ruth Harriet Blackinton, 6 North Adams, Mass., Oct. 3, 1874; dau. of John Palmer Blackinton, of North Adams; issue: 1—Ruth Blackinton, 0 North Adams, Mass., July 17, 1913. Historical or title researcher. Mem. S.A.R. Residence: North Adams, Mass. 1-BROWNING, Eliza Gordon, 0} Fortville, Ind., Sept. 28, 1856. 6—-John Browning (b ca. 1720), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1744, Elizabeth Demorest; 5-Joshua (1747-1814), m ca. 1765, Ann Scott; 4—Thomas (1767-1834), m 1798, Elizabeth Lewright; 3-Edmund (0 1794), War 1812; m Frances Eliza Clark Gordon (George, m Sarah, dau. of Maj. Hugh Moss [d 1782], Am. Rev.; Thomas; Alex- ander®). 10-Col. William Ball (qv); 9-Capt. William (1641-94), burgess, Lancaster Co., Va., 1685; m Margaret Williamson; 8—-George, m Grace Haynie (Anthony®, m Sarah Harris; Capt. John’, from Eng., 1649, m Jane, dau. Nicholas Morris"); 7-Sarah, m Christopher Dameron (d 1763); 6—Elizabeth, m John Coppedge (d 1762); 5-Elizabeth, m 1764, John Lewright; 4-Flizabeth, m Thomas Browning (4 above). 8-Owen Richards, from Wales before 1718, with his family to Chester Co., Pa.; 7-—William, m Elizabeth-—; 6—Mary, m John Ball; 5-Mary, m 1754, Thomas Brown (1730-1818), from Wales; soldier Am. Rev.; 4-George (1766-1825), soldier Am. Rev.; m 2d, 1802, Hannah John (1782-1869; John®, soldier Am. Rev.; Thomas’, b Wales); 3-William John (1805-57), m 1827, Susan Tomkins. 10-Rev. Hawte Wyatt (1594-1638); brother of Sir Francis, gov. of Va.), from Eng. with his wife and children to Va., 1621; m Elizabeth—; 9-Edward (1619-90), m Jane Conquest; 8—Conquest (1645-1720), m Sally-; 7-Capt. John (6 1683), m Elizabeth—; 6—John (b 1720), m Martha-; 5—John (1748-1833), soldier Am. Rev.; m Summit; 4—-Mary (1784-1863), m Nathan Tomkins (1778-1849) ; 3-Susan (1807-88), m William John Brown (3 above). 2-Dau. of Woodville Browning (1827-60), m 1851, Mary Anne Brown (1829-1905); issue: I—-Dr. Wil- liam John (1853-1915); II—-Eliza G. (above); III— Henry L. (1858-1924; m 1891, Maria Frazee Gates, issue: 1—Netta D., 6 1892; m 1917, George W. Pittman [issue: Georgiana, b 1918; Sylvia, b 1921]; 2-Henry L., Jr., b 1894; m 1918, Charity Hendren [issue: Anna Maria, 6 1922: Henry L. III, 6 1923]; 3-Samuel Frazee, b 1895; m 1919, Florence Johnson [issue: Elizabeth Ann, 0 1920]; 4-Mary W., b 1897; m 1918, R. J. O’Neill fissue: Gordon Browning, 0b 1919). Librarian, Indianapolis Public Library, 1892-1917, and asst. librarian since 1917. Mem. D.A.R., etc. (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 38624 Guilford Av., Indianapolis, Ind. Susan 1-CONABLE, Lena Ruby, 0 Cortland, N.Y., Aug. 30, 1872. . 7-John (Cunnabell) Conable (1650-1724), from Eng. to Boston, 1674; in Falls Fight in King Philip’s War; m 1688/89, Sarah Clayes (1666/67- ante 1700); 6—-Samuel (1689/90- 1746), m 1718, Mrs. Mary (Wil- son) Diamond (1690-1759; William Wilson’, m Mary Pierce; Dea. Edward’, m Mary Hale): 5-Samuel (1717-96), Am. Rev.; surveyor of high- ways, Bernardston, Mass.; m 1740, Mary Eng- lish (1715-91); 4—John (1749-1813), chmn. Com. Safety, Am. Rev.; m 1786, Sarah Dewey (1770-1806; David’, Am. Rev.): 3-David (1789-1854), began to write name Con- able; farmer, Fabius, N.Y.; m 1818, Celesta Robinson (1798-1876; Linus*, m Parnel Vail; Capt. Dan®, soldier Am. Rev.). 9-Rev. Peter Bulkley (qv); &-Thomas, m Sarah Jones: 7-Sarah, m Pleazer Brown; 6—-Rebecca, m Benjamin English: 5—-Mary, m Samuel Cunnabell (5 above). %Thomas Stafford (1605-77), from Eng. to Plym- outh, Mass., 1626, and is said to have built there the first grist mill operated by water THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY power in America; removed to Newport, R.I.; later to Warwick; dep. Gen. Assembly; m Elizabeth— (d 1677); 8—Joseph (1648-97), m Sarah Holden (1658-1731; Ran- dall’, Pate Eng., was at Portsmouth, R.I1., 1688; m Frances Dungan); 7-Col. Joseph (b ca. 1690), Warwick, R.I.; dep Gen. Assembly; m Ist, Susanna Gorton’ (1694 1734; Samuel’, m Susanna Burton); 6—-Capt. Joseph’ (1718/19-1791), E. Greenwich, FAR oe Rev.; m 1739, Rebecca Arnold (Capt. Wil- iam’); 5-Arnold (1746-94), Am. Rev.; m 1776, Phoebe Sprague (Rowland); 4—Joseph (ca. 1784- -1860), went to Otsego Co., N.Y., 1800; settled at Virgil, N.Y.; m 1805, ‘Susan Hopkins (ca. 1788-1872; Oliver®, Am. Rev.; Jonah*, Am. Rev.; Joseph’); 3-Arnold (1808-72), prominent citizen of Cortland, N.Y.; m 1838, Ruby Underwood (1811-92; Evan- dert, m Jerusha, dau. of Nathan Wood, of Mansfield, Conn., Am. Rev.). 2—-Dau. of George’ Conable (1829-97), farmer; m 1858, Ruby Stafford (1835-91); issue: I—George (b and d 1869); II-Lena R. (above); III—Nellie L. (6 1873); IV—Harvey Stafford (1875-76) II-Grad. Cortland State Normal, ’93. Principal, Central Grade School, Cortland, N.Y. Mem. D.A.R. Residence: ‘‘Meadowbank,”’ R.D.1, Cortland, N.Y. oe Clement Edwin, }) Plymouth, Vt., Dec. 9-Maj. Aaron Cook (qv); 8-Capt. Aaron (bap. 1640- 1716), capt. of Hadley militia, 1678-1718; associate of Hampshire Co.. 1689-92 ; "dep. Gen. Ct.; m 1661, Sarah Westwood (ca. 1644- 17380; William‘); 7—Capt. Moses (1675- 1758), m 1698, Mary Barnard (1681-1753; Samuel8; Francis?®); 6—Ens. Elisha (1715- 54), sgt. French and Indian War; m 1743, Sarah Cook (b 1717; Noah’; West- woods; Aaron?: Aaron”); 5—Coleman (1747- 1835), minute man at Lexington Alarm; m 1771, Hannah Smith (1744-1824; David®; Luke’; Chileabs; Samuel?) ; 4-Coleman (1785- 1872), m 1804, Eunice Green; 3—-Francis Hill (1815-91), m 1853, Lamira Morse Adams (1831-1908; Abel‘; John’). 8-Thomas Green (a ca. 1702), Salem, Mass.; m 1679, Mary Newbury; 7-Thomas (b 1684), Brimfield, Mass.; Moulton (Robert®; Robert?®; Robert”); 6—Benjamin (6 ca. 1717), Bernardstown, Mass.; m BHlizabeth Coats; 5-Jeptha, Gill, Mass.; m Margaret Bagg; 4—Hiunice (1785-18387), m Coleman Cook (4 above). 2-Son of James Edwin Cook (b 1870), m 1898, Lily Georgianna McElroy (b Can., 1875; George?®; George‘); issue: I-Clement Edwin (above); II—Mildred Christine (b 1902); IlII-Henry Fran- cis (1904-18); ITV—Richard Merle (1910-11). I-m Aug. 9, 1926, Dorothy Endicott Hart (qv). B.S., U. Vt., ’22 (Sigma Phi). Banking. Mem. Bd. of Sch. Dirs. of Town of Woodstock; treas. Woodstock Chamber Commerce; mem. O.F. P.A., S.C.W., S.A.R., A.L., etc. Residence: Woodstock, Vt. 1-COOK, Dorothy Endicott Hart (Mrs. Clement E.), 0 Essex, Mass., Jan. 15, 1900. 9-Isaac Hart (b ca. 1614-1699), of Lynnfield, Mass.; m ca, 1650, Elizabeth Hutchins (d 1700); 8—-Samuel (1656-1730), m Sarah Endicott; 7—John (1703-77), m Mehitable Endicott (Zerub- babel’; Zerubbabel®; Gov. John); eae (1788-1811), Am. Rev.; m Lydia Curtis (1734- 5—Joseph (1774-1830), m Elizabeth Tapley (1778-1853) ; ere (1799-1882), m 2d, Harriet Davis Clark a oO 38—-Henry Jackson (1833-91), m Lois Augusta Shute (1836-1917). 2—Dau. of George Albert Hart (b 1864), m 1895, Bes- sie Matthews Wilson (b 1868). M Aug. 9, 1926, Clement Edwin Cook (av). Grad. U. Me., ’21. Mem. Delta Delta Delta, D.A.R. Residence: Woodstock, Vt. Pade Henry Lowell, b Auburn, Me., Aug. 3, 5—Cornelius Cook Bre (1764- 1808), m 1788, Sarah Tappan (1756- 1 38-—Dr. John (1788-1862), one of the nine who voted ist Abolition ticket, of N.H. and Me.; m 1823, Clementine Allen (1800- 53). m Martha FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 1l—Percival Lowell (qv); 10—Richard (1602-82), m ist, in Eng., Margaret— (1604-was living 1685-86); 9—-Percival (1639/40), m 1664, Mary Chandler; 8-Capt. Gideon (1672-17583), mariner; m ist, 1692, Miriam Swett (1672-1734) ; 7-Stephen (1708-76), mariner; m 1727, Miriam Col- lins (6 1706), of Salisbury; 6—-Stephen (1728- 1801), m 1753, Agnes Boulton (d 1801), of Falmouth, Me.; LE esti (1768-1840), m 1st, Margery Irish (1771- 4—Hon. James (1792-1858), of Lewiston, Me.; mem, Me. House and Senate; m 1814, Hannah Paul, of New Gloucester; 3-Hon. Mark (0 1815), Lewiston, many yrs.; mem. m 1st, Ann S. T. Davis. 2-Son of John Granville Cook (1882-98), mfg. druggist; mem. Me. Legislature; m 1856, Eliza Davis Lowell (1838-1907); issue: I—Alice (d in- fancy); II—(Minnie) Mary Elizabeth (1859-1912) ; IiI—Henry Lowell (above); IV—Albert Allen (1866-99; m Saide Dunlap); V—Lucy (1868-94); VI— John Lowell (d infancy); VII—-Mark Lowell (1875-1915; m Ruth Clifford); VIII—-James Lowell (b 1877; m Constance Frederick; m 2d, Hazel Byfield). IIlI—m June 23, 1890, Minnie Garthwaite (See Vol. 1, p. 207, for genealogy). Residence: 231 Martin St., Milwaukee, Wis. 1-DYER, Lilian Pitman Greene (Mrs. William J.),; 6 Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 17, 1856. 8-Surgeon John Greene (qv); 7-James (1626-98), m 2d, 1665, ‘Elizabeth Anthony; 6—John (1685- 1757), m 1709, Mary Allen (b 1689), of Dartmouth, Mass. 5-David (1710- -75), m 1734, Alice Hall; selectman, postmaster, Me. Legislature; 4—David (1748- 1814-15), m 1772, Isabel Warner (John®, of Old Warwick); 38-—John (1773-sailed for Baltimore, Md., 1802, and io) heard from), m 1797, Abigail Holden (1778- 6-William Pitman, m Eliza Hincks; 5—William (1720-65), Boston, m Mary Blower; 4—-Rev. John (1751-1822), chaplain Am. Rev.; m Re- becca Cox; &-John, LL.D. (d 1864), A.B., Brown, 1799; U.S. dist. judge for R.I., 1824-64; m Mary Talbot (1787-1863). 2-—Dau. of Randall Holden Greene (1798-1879), drug broker, New York; m 1st, 1820, Mary Burrows (1797-1846), dau. of Capt. Loury Aborn, m Sally-; m 2d, 1850, Harriet Taylor Pitman (1817-1909); is- sue: JI—Harriet Pitman (1851-61); II—Helen Holden (twin, b 1852); Il1I—Emily Talbot (twin, b 1852; m William Thomas Richmond); IV— Talbot Pitman (1855-1922); V—Lilian Pitman (above). V-—m.Apr. 23, 1879, William Jones Dyer (Feb. 16, 1850-Nov. 17, 1915); issue: 1-Harriet Greene (Mrs. Thomas Jay Burrage, qv for Dyer lines); 2— Anna Jones, b Providence, Dec. 22, 1879; 3-Wil- liam Jones Hoppin, b Providence, May 19, 1895; A.B., U. Pa., 19; enlisted in First Troop, Phila. City Cav., May 7, 1917; trans. to Aviation Sect., Signal Corps, Nov. 16, 1917; commd. 2d It., Oct. 31, 1918; instr. in Aviation, Arcadia, Fla.; dis- charged, Jan. 7, 1919. Summer place: Duck Cove, Wickford, R.I. Resi- dence; 71 Barnes St., Providence, R.I. 1-—BURRAGE, Harriet Greene Dyer (Mrs. Thomas J.), b Providence, R.I., Dec. 22, 1879. 8-William Dyer (qv); 7—Charles, m Abigail Williams: 6—-John (1719-1801), m Freelove Williams (Joseph’, m Lydia Hearnden; Joseph’; Roger®, qv); 5-Anthony, m Sarah Bishop; 4-Elisha, m Frances Jones 3-Elisha’ (1811- jae 22d gov. of R. I., 1857-59; Jones Hopp te a a nae (1691-1740), from Wales; m Meri- a —_ 6—William (1723-59), Ist It. in privateer service in French and Indian War; m Elizabeth Pearce; 5—-William (1753-1822), capt. Am. Rev.; gov. of R.I., 1811-17; an original mem. Soc. Cin.; m 1787, Anne Dunn (Samuel’, of Providence); 4—Harriet D.. m Thomas Hopnvin; 8—Anna J. (1815-84), m Elisha Dyer (3 above). 2-Dau. of William Jones Dyer (1850-1915), m 1879, Lilian Pitman Greene (qv). M June 12, 1996, Thomas Jayne Burrage (See Vol. 1, p. 250): issue: 1-Henry Dyer, 0 Portland, Me., Mar. 5, 1910; 2-William Champlin, 6 Portland, Mar. 8, 1914. m Anna 135 Mem. C.D.A. Residence: Port- land, Me. 1-RICHARDSON, Elwood Seward, b Chicago, Ill., Aug. 16, 1883. 10-Sa'muel Richardson (qv); 9-Samuel (1646-1712), m 4th, 1680, Sarah Hayward (1655-1717) ; 8-David (1i00-70), m 1724, Esther Ward (b 1703); 7—David (17382-1825), m 1st, 1755, Mary Hall (1734-75); 6—David (1761- -1827), pvt. at Lexington Alarm; m 1784, Sarah Wiley (1762-1826) ; 5—David (1785-1822), m 1805, Anna Tyler (1788-1861); 4—David (1806-92), m Susan Libby (1799-1892) ; er pa (1832-1918), m 1853, Susan M. Dustin (1836- 10-Job Tyler (qv); %#Moses (1641-1727), q.m. Essex Co. militia, 1689; m 1666, Prudence Blake (1647-89) ; 8—James (1685-1749), m 2d, ante 1724, Phebe Royall; 7—-Royall (d@ post 1782), m ca. 1745-46, Phebe Bethia-; 6—Joseph (bap. 1752-1825), Am. Rev.; m 1784, June March Small (b 1765); 5-Anna (1788-1861), m David Richardson (5 above). 9-John Libby (qv); 8-Henry (1647-1732), m Honor Hinkson (d 1724); 7-Capt. John (6 post 1700), m 2d, 1738, Ann Fogg; open (1743-1820), m 1765, Margaret Miller (1744- 5-Henry (1774-1847), m (1777-1841) ; 4—Susan (1799-1892), m David Richardson (4 above). 10-Thomas (Durston, Duston) Dustin (b 1598), m 1626, Elizabeth Burgess; 9—-Thomas (1627-1703), m 1649, Joan—; 8—-Thomas (1652-97), m 1677, Hannah Webster 139 Park St., 1794, Margaret Meserve Emerson (6 1650), famous colonial heroine who killed and scalped Indians; closely related to Ralph Waldo Emerson and Daniel Webster; HANNAH WEBSTER EUMERSON DUSTON (bd. 1650), famous colonial heroine. Monument erected to her memory on an island in the Mer- rimac River, where her heroic action took place. 7-—Thomas (1683-1767), m 1711, Mary Ingalls (1691- 1732) 5 6-Caleb, Stine -1803), Am. Rev.; m 1758, Phebe Marble (d 1 Tene (1768-1842), m 1794, Susanna Ayer (1772- pee Caleb (1796-1873), m 1817, Eliza Kelley (1796- 3 3- Susan M. (1836-1885), m 1853, David M. Richard- son (3 above). 2-—Only child of Norman Tillinghast Richardson fee m 1881, Martha Isabella Seward (b M June 15, 1910, Alice Adelaide Bentley, b Crewe, Cheshire, Eng., Feb. 14, 1887; dau. of Harry T. Bentley, of Oak Park: Tl. B.S., Dartmouth, ’07 (Chi Phi); U. Jena, Germany. Dealer in ry. equipment. Mem. O.F.P.A., S.A.R.; life mem. Art Inst. of Chicago. Clubs: Tll. Athletic, Dartmouth, Chi Phi, Opera, Old Colony, Oak Park, Glen Oak Country. Summer place: “Skylark,” Castle Park, Mich. Resi- dence: 226 Linden Av., Oak Park, Ill. 136 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY MILTON WYLIE HUMPHREYS. 1-HUMPHREYS, Milton Wylie, } Greenbrier Co., Va. (now W.Va.), Sept. 15, 1844. 4-Samuel Humphreys (1740-1820), from North of Ireland to Pa., 1775; removed to Greenbrier Co., Va.; m Grazilla Donaldson; 3—Robert (1783-1849), m Jean Wylie (1784-1863). 4-Jacob Hefner (d 1863), from Germany, settled in Highland Co., Va.; m Mary Baldwin (d ea. 1840 aet. 112); 3—Daniel (d 1863), m —McQuain. 2-Son of Andrew Cavet Humphreys (1810-66), physician; justice; lt. col. Greenbrier Co. mil- itia; m_1832, Mary McQuain Hefner (1813-93); issue: I—Caroline Jane (d; m Robert Mason White); II-Samuel Alexander (m Sarah Hap- tonstall); II1I—Andrew Jackson (d 1923; m Eliza Eads); [V—Malinda Agnes (d; m Frank Rut- ledge); V—Mary Elizabeth (d 1876; m Dudley E. Dent); VI-—Milton Wylie (above). Vi-m May 3, 1877, Louise Frances Garland (1843-1901); dau. of Landon Cabell Garland, LL.D., first chancellor of Vanderbilt U.: is- sue: 1-Louise Garland, 6 Vanderbilt U., Tenn., June 2, 1878; 2-Annie Fulton, 6 Dec. 21, 1881; m Edward Ryan Dyer; 3-Mary Meredith, b Nov. 29, 1882; m Dean W. Hendrickson; 4—-Jeannette Rose, 6 June 4, 1885; m John Sebastian Derr. Gunner, C.S.A., 1862-65. A.M., Washington and Lee, ’69; Ph.D., Leipzig, 1874; (LL.D., Vander- bilt, 1883, and Washington and Lee). Educa- tion from 1867; prof. Greek, U. Va., 1887-1912, re- tired. Editor and author (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: University, Va. 1-RIEMAN, Elizabeth Taylor Goodwin (Mrs Charles E.), b Baltimore, Md., July 24, 1872. 8-Robert Ridgely (qv): 7T-Charles (d 1706), of Prince George Co., Md.; m Deborah Dorsey (Hon. John’, of “Hockley,” m Pleasance Ely; Edward, qv); 6-Col. Charles (6 1702), of ““Northampton’”; m 1st, 1721, Rachel Howard (d 1750); 5-Pleasance (1724-55), m Lyde Goodwin (1718-55), anor Eng. ca. 1730, settled in Baltimore Co., 4-Lyde (1754-1801), surgeon. Am. Rev.;. m 1779, Abby Levy (1760-1821), of Phila.: 38-Robert Morris (1796-1861), 1t. War 1812; m 1821, Elizabeth Ann Taylor. 8-Capt. James Blount (1620-86), from Eng. to Va. ca. 1655; m 1665, Anne Willis, widow of Robert Roscoe; TJepn (1669-1725), m 1700, Elizabeth Dayis (1679- =f , 6-Charles Worth (1721-84), m Mary Clayton (Zeb- ulon’, mem. N.C. Assembly and justice); ag yay i (1746-1831), m 1763, Andrew Miller (d 4-Mary Elizabeth (1774-1825), m 1799, William Taylor (1768-1832), of Savannah, Ga.; 3-Elizabeth Ann _ (1802-82), m Robert Morris Goodwin (3 above). 2-Dau. of Charles Ridgely Goodwin (1842-94), capt. C.S.A.; lawyer; state senator; m 1870, Belle George DeVries (1848-1916); issue: I—Eliz- abeth Taylor (above); II—William DeVries (See Vol. 1, p. 296). I-m Feb. 8, 1899, Charles Ellet Rieman (See Vol. 1, p. 296, for genealogy). Mem. C.D.A.,. D:A\R., U.S.D. 1812, U.D.C, Am. Hist. Assn., Md. Hist. Soc. Clubs: Colonial Dames (Washington), Amateur Gardeners of Baltimore, Garden Club of America. Sum- mer place: Dumbarton Farm Gates, Rodgers Forge, Md. _ Residence: 10 Mt. Vernon Pl. E., Baltimore, Md. 1-BRYAN, Anna Blount MacNair (Mrs. Henry T.), 6 Tarboro, N.C., Sept. 30, 1864. 4-Ralph MacNair (b 1742), from Scotland, settled nr. Hillsborough, N.C., lawyer and crown offi- cer, m Dorothy Hall (d 1782); 3—Edmund Duncan (1777-1842), pres. first bank in Edgecombe Co., N.C.; m 2d, 1808, Eliza Baker Harvey. 8-John Harvey (1639-1702), from Eng., settled at Harvey’s Neck, Perquimans Co., N.C.; was pres. of Council and actg. gov. of N.C.; m Mary-; 7-Thomas (1665-99), actg. gov. of N.C., 1697; gov. Albemarle section, 1695-99; m 1688, Sarah La- er; 6-Thomas (1692-1729), mem. Upper House N.C. Assembly; m 1723, Elizabeth Cole; 5—Col. Miles (1728-76), mem. of Provincial Con- gresses, 1775, 76; m Elizabeth Baker; ign pstewre: m Susannah Granger (Smith) ount; 3—Eliza B. (1791-1874), m 1808, Edmund Duncan MacNair (3 above). 5-David Lawrence, m Sarah Amelia Payne (first cousin of Dolly Madison); 4-Peter Payne (6 1780), m 1804, Ann Blount; 3—-Mary Amelia Ann, m 1829, Duke W. Horne. 2-Dau. of Dr. Augustus Henry MacNair (1819- 1882), physician; m Anna Louise Horne (d 1912); issue: I-Mary Harvey (m Frank Powell); II— Whitmal Horne (m Carrie Walston); II1I—Anna Blount (above); I1V—Edward Dudley (m Eliz- abeth Schroeder); V—Henry Bell (m Susan Porter); VI-Dr. I. F. (m Florence Hill). IlI-m Sept. 30, 1890, Henry T. Bryan, b Tarboro, N.C., July 1, 1865; son of B. Bryan, of Tar- boro; issue (all 6 Tarboro, N.C.): 1—-Henry T., Jr., 6 June 17, 1891; pvt. to capt., 30th Div., U.S.A., World War; m Nov.. 1921, Minica, dau. of Christopher Timothy; 2-Edward Dudley, b Feb. 9, 1897; 2d _1t., U.S.A., World War; 3— Sarah Fletcher, b Sept. 16, 1900; 4-Augustus MacNair. Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R. Residence: Tarboro, N.C. epee tae Elizabeth Harrison, b New York, 10--George Maris (1632-1705), from Worcestershire, Eng., 1683, settled in Darby Tp., Chester (now polar are) Co., Pa.; provincial councillor of a., > 9-Elizabeth (6 1665), m 1685, John Mendenhall, from Wiltshire, Eng., to Concord Tp., Chester (now Delaware) Co., Pa., 1685; 8—Aaron (1690-1765), m 1715, Rose Pierson (1693-1771: Thomas? [1653-1722], from Bristol, Eng., 1676: dep. surveyor gen. of Pa., 1684-1710; m 1690, Rose, dau. of Henry Dixon): 7—-John (d ca. 1800), m 1743, Elizabeth Coates (1722- 70; Moses’; Thomas?®, m Susanna, dau. of Sam- uel Weldon); 6-Susanna (b 1749), m 1765, Zachariah Stanley, of Deep _ River, Guilford Co., N.C. (Thomas?, m Elizabeth-—); 5-Beulah_ (1777-1823), m 1798, Robert Robertson (1778-1847), of St. Clairsville, O., soldier War 1812 (John®, from Scotland to Alexandria, Va.; m 1778, Eleanor Dick); 4-Susanna (1804-65), m 1826, John Evans Hanna, of McConnellsville, O.: 3-Neri Augustus (1827-1919), of Cadiz, O.; m 1849, Eliza Jane Phillips (1829-1901; John‘, m Eliza Buchanan Gilmore), FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 137 8-Michael Finley (1683-1747-50; son of Robert, m Margaret Lauder), from Co. Armagh, Ireland, to Bucks Co., Pa., 1734; m 1712, Anne Neill Samuel’); 7—John (1713-58), Shippensburg, Pa.; m Martha Berkeley; 6-Mary (d 1806), m 1765/6, James Leonard (d 1791), es Enniskillen, Ireland, to Cumberland Osb ar 5-Ann (1775-1818), m 1796, John Hanna (1773-1847), of Greensburg, Pa., and Cadiz, O.; judge Har- rison Co., O., 1840-46 (John*, from Ireland to Pa., soldier Am. Rev.); 4-John Evans (1805-94), pres. judge 8th Ohio dist., 1840-47; m Susanna Robertson (4 above). 6-Joshua Hall (1708-18-1782), of Baltimore, Md.; m Diana Spicer; m 2d, Ann Spicer; 5-Edward (1760-1848), of Cockeysville, Md.; m 1782, Isabella Wheeler (1765-1852; Benjamin®, m Keziah-); 4-Edward (1795-1891), of Washington, O.; m 1827, Henrietta Catherine Roberts (1804-93; Francis', m Elizabeth Snyder); 3—Henrietta Frances (b 1851), of Wheeling, W. Va.; m 1874, Dr. Henry Hilbert Harrison (1839- 1915; Hezekiah* [1804-77], m Lydia Bricker Hilbert, 1813-69). 2-Dau. of Charles Augustus Hanna (See Vol. 1, p. 142, for other lineages), m 1905, Elizabeth Fleming Harrison (6b 1881). Residence: 15 Rockledge Rd., Montclair, N.J. 1-HEATH, William Raphael, } Bonus, Boone Co., Ill., Mar. 8, 1863. 4-Richard Heath (b ca. 1748), of Hunterdon Co., -J.; m Mercy Williamson (1743-1831); 3-Richard W. (1770-1850), m 1803, Susannah Bliz- abéth Rittenhouse (1782-1837; Joseph‘, m Ann Wright. 4—-Mordica Stevenson (d 1813), m Sarah— (d 1836); 3—Edward (1795-1880), m 1819, Sarah Watson. 2-Son of Clarkson Wright Heath (1824-98), farm- er; m Jane (1827-53), dau. of Orrin Miller; m 2d, 1854, Cynthia Ann Stevenson (1830-1909); is- sue (lst marriage): I-—Clara M. (1848-1924; m Charles Frothingham); II-—Lelia M. (b 1849; m Seymour Van Epps); (2d marriage): III- Stanley Thorne (1857-1924; m Nellie Sands); IV-Ina V. (b 1860; m Elmer E. Andrews); V— William R. (above). V—m Sept. 13, 1888, Mary Eliza Hubbard (qv); issue: 1-Horton Hubbard, b Chicago, Ill., Oct. 13, 1889; A.B., Harvard, cum laude, ’11; 1st lt., K.A., Nov. 27, 1917-Dec. 20, 1918; m Sept. 13, 1918, Violet C., dau. of E. Corning Townsend (issue: Violet Townsend; Horton H., Jr.); 2- Willard Rittenhouse (Nov. 5, 1890-June 4, 1891); 3-Paul Silas, 6 Hudson, IIll., July 23, 1892: Princeton, ’14; Auburn Theol. Sem., 1920; 2d ‘1t., C.A.C., World War; m Sept. 18, 1918, Eliz- abeth, dau. of Clifford Hubbell, of Buffalo, N.Y. (issue: Elizabeth; William R.; Mary H.); 4—Evelyn, 6 Chicago, Mar. 26, 1896; A.B., Vas- sar, °17; M.D., Buffalo Med. Coll., 1923; 5— William Thomas, 6 Chicago, Jan. 17, 1898; A.B.., Princeton, ’20; Auburn Theol. Sem., 1924: m Jan. 4, 1924, Kathryn, dau. of Eugene Glass, of Battle Creek, Mich.; 6—-Clark Wright, 0 Buffalo, N.Y., May 30, 1900; A.B., Harvard, ’22; Harvard, Med., 1926. Grad. Ill. State Normal Sch., ’84; LL.B., North- western, 1886 (Phi Delta Phi). Retired. Res- idence: East Aurora, N.Y. 1-HEATH, Mary Eliza Hubbard (Mrs. William Raphael), b Hudson, Ill., Apr. 15, 1864. 8—-George Hubbard (qv); 7-Daniel (b Hartford, Conn., 1645-d Haddam, Conn., 1704); 6—Daniel (1673-1756), m Susannah Bailey; 5—Daniel (1701-55), m Temperance Shaler; 4—Daniel (b 1729), Am. Rev.; m Eunice Clark; 3-Solomon (1758-1823), m Hannah Willard. 7-Simon Willard (qv); 6-Jonathan, m Mary Browne; 5—-Jonathan, m Mary Cook; 4—-William, m Phoebe Post, of Saybrook, Conn.; 8-Hannah (1774-1834), m Solomon Hubbard (3 above). 2-Dau. of Silas Hubbard (1821-1917), m Juliana Frances Read (1829-1924); issue: I-Charles Silas (1850-60); II-Hannah Frances (1853-1922; m John D. Larkin); III—Elbert Green (1853—d 1915, Lusi- tania); IV-—Anna Mirenda (1861-99); V—Mary Eliza (above); VI—Honor (6 1868). V—m Sept. 13, 1888, William Raphael Heath (qv for issue). Residence: Hast Aurora, N.Y. ehh od Walter Gregory, bd Fulton, Mo., Sept. , 1877. 7-Squire Boone, of N.C., m Sarah Morgan (their son Daniel, was the famous explorer); 6—George (1739-1820), m Nancy Lingell; Mary, m Peter Scholl (1751-1816) ; 4—John (1787-1868), m Ceni Scholl (1792-1851); 38—-Isabell (1827-98), m 1846, John Booker Gregory (1816-1906). 2-Son of Wrintha Ann Gregory (1853-1917), m 1872, John Mason, Bryan (1848-1911); issue: I-— Isabel; Il—Joseph Perrow (1876-1919); Il1I—-Wal- ter Gregory (above); IV—Merle Bryan (0 1879; m L. K. Williamson); V—-Maude Bryan (b 1883; m R. Tibbs Maxey). III—Not married. Ed. Westminster Coll., and U. Mo. (Kappa Tau Alpha). Instr., with rank of capt., Kemper Mil. School, 1897-98. Counsel on newspapers, New York, since 1919. Mem. S.A.R., Daniel Boone Family Assn. Clubs: University (Kansas City, Mo.), Advertising (New York). Residence: 277 Park Av., New York. 1-BURCH, Edwin Welch, b Calhoun Co., Ia., Nov. 5, 1869. 9-Thomas (Birch) Burch (d 1657); ete ae removed to Stonington, 1670; 7-Jonathan (b ca. 1675), m 1706, Marcy Rathbun; 6—Jonathan (6 1707), m 1735, Mary Rathbun; 5-Jonathan (b 1740), began to write name Burtch; founder of Hartford, Vt.; soldier Am. Rev.; m 1765, Eunice-; 4-Jonathan (1766-1838), War 1812; m 1786, Sally Hosford (1766-1845) ; 38—Oliver Wheeler (1801-83), began to write name Burch; m 1827, Mary Sprague Tower. 10-Richard Warren (qv); 9-Mary, m Robert Bartlett (1603-76), from Eng. in the “Anne,” 1623; 8—-Elizabeth (d 1713), m Anthony Sprague (1636- 1719; William®, qv); Ce ne (1682-1759), m Priscilla Knight (1685- 1775); 6-John (1719-1801), m Margaret Webb (06 1723); 5-Mary (1752-1826), m Isaac Tower (1744-1826) ; 4—-John (1780-1855), m Lucy Munson (1785-1838): 3—Mary S. (1808-51), m Oliver Wheeler Burch (3 above). 2-Son of Rollin Burch (1836-1915), farmer, treas. of Calhoun Co., Ia.; m 1867, Esther Caroline (b 1842), dau. of Caleb Alexander Hulbert, m Catherine Brown; issue: I—-Guy Willis (0 May 30, 1868; m Julia A. Michaels); II-Edwin Welch (above); III—Denton Lyle (b 1871; m Nettie Light). II-m June 30, 1897, Lillian Esther Loughhead (qv); issue (all 6 Rockwell City, Ia.); 1-Edwin Whitney, 6 Nov. 22, 1901; Harvard, ’25; 2-George Lloyd, 6 Aug. 8, 1906; U. Minn., ’29; 3—Priscilla Valeria, 6b Aug. 31, 1913. U.S. internal revenue agent, estate tax div.; country banker 22 yrs. Mem. S.A.R., S.V. Publisher and compiler of “A Burch Book,” 1926. Residence: Rockwell City, Ia. 1-BURCH, Lillian Esther Loughhead (Mrs. Ed- win W.), 6 Morris, Ill., Nov. 21, 1875. 10-John Whitney (qv); 9-John (1620-92), m Ruth Reynolds (Robert?, of Watertown, Wethersfield and Boston); 8-Benjamin (1660-1736), m Abigail Hagar (Rob- ert®, m Mary Bemis); 7-Ens. David (1697-1745), m Rebecca Fillebrown (1695-1749) ; 6—Jonas (1733-78), m Sarah Whittemore (1728-1821); 5—Jonas (1761-1839), m Elizabeth Raymond (1766- 1857; Jonathan®, Am. Rev., m Susannah White; Jonathan’; Jonathan§); 4—Polly Everett (1792-1874), m John Perkins (1789- 1868; Benjamin®, minute man in Am. Rev., m Lydia Hawkes); 3-Eliza (1818-90), as widow of Isaac Whitney, m 2d, 1846, John Loughhead (1800-87; Thomas‘, m Mary Donnelly). 2-Dau. of Charles Whitney Loughhead (1847-79), m 1875, Hester Murphy (1855-83), eae 30, 1897, Edwin Welch Burch (qv for issue). Mem. D.A.R. (organizing regent Mary Osborne Chapter). Residence: Rockwell City, Ia. Conn., 138 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY RT. REV. SAMUEL SMITH HARRIS, D.D., LL.D. (1841-88), second P. E. bishop of Michigan. 1-HARRIS, William Pickett, Jr., Mich., July 138, 1897. 6—Joseph Harris (b ca. 1730), from Eng., settled in Dutchess Co., N.Y.; m Hannah Pheely; 5—Joseph (1763- -1847), m Olive Bennett; 4-Buckner, planter; m Sarah Marian McKithen (6 1811; Archibald®; Archibald®, from Scotland to Bladen Co., N.C.); 3—Samuel Smith, D.D., LL.D. (1841-88), grad. U. of Ala.; maj. C.S.A.; 9a P.E. bishop of Mich.; m Mary Gindrat Pickett. 6—-James Pickett, of Caroline Co., W.Va., later sheriff Anson Co., N.C., before 1795 ; m Martha Terry; 5-William Rayford (1787-1850), sheriff Anson Co., N.C.; removed to Ala., 1818; m Frances Dickson (1780-1851; William®, mem. N.C. Assembly, offi- cer Am. Rev.); 4-Albert James (1810-58), planter, Ala.; m Sarah Smith Harris; 3-Mary Gindrat (1842-99), m Samuel Smith Harris (3 above). 10—John Alston (1610-87), of the Inner Temple and Parvenham, Eng.; was granted tract embrac- ing most of Fairfax Co., N.C.; m 1634, Dorothy Temple (d 1668); $-John (d 1704), m Anne Wallis; 8-John (1673-1758), from Eng. ; first Am. record, 1711, Chowan Co., N.C. asst. justice; col. N.C. militia; m Mary ‘Clark: 7-Joseph John (1700-81), justice; mem. Gen. As- sembly; m Elizabeth Chancy; 6—Philip, col. Am. Rev.; mem. N.C. Ho. of Com- mons; m Mary Drew Temple; 5—-Mary D. (d 1841), m 1811, William Harris (b 1774): 4-Sarah §S. (1816-94), m Albert James Pickett (4 above). 2—-Only child of William Pickett Harris (1869- 1922), B.L., U. Mich., ’90; m 1896, Edma (1872-1900), dau. of Thomas McGraw (1828- 72), m Sarah Edma Simpson (1839-81). M Feb. 27, 1923, Elsie Stivers Smith, b Jersey City, N.J., May 10, 1895; dau. of Henry Morton Smith, of Nutley, N.J.; issue: 1—William Pickett, III, b Detroit, Mich., Jan. 21, 1924. Yale-S., ’21. Pvt., Air Service, Jan. 7, 1918; commd. 2d l1t., Dec. 19, 1918. Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Country, University, Yale, Grosse Pointe Hunt, Huron Mountain, National Town and Country. Residence: 15410 Windmill Point Drive, Grosse Pointe Parks, Mich. b Detroit, historian of 1-TAYLOR, Jacquelin Plummer, } Orange, Va., Mar. 2, 1861. 7-James Taylor (1615-94; desc. Earls of Hare, of Carlisle, Eng.), came pom Eng. ca. 1635; settled in New Kent Co., Va.; m Frances— (d 1680); m 2d, Mary Gregory; 6—James (1673- -1729), took up some 13,000 acres in Orange Co., Va., and established “Hare For- est’; m 1699, Martha Thompson (1679-1762; their son Zachary, was the g. father of President Zachary Taylor, and their dau., Frances, m Ambrose Madison, and was the grandmother of President James Madison); 5—-Erasmus (1715-94), m 1749, Jane Moore (1728-1812), of Orange Co., Va.; 4—Robert (1763-1845), mem. Va. Senate, 1804-15, and of the 19th Congress, 1825-27; m 1784, Frances Pendleton (1767-1831), of Caroline Co., Va 3—Dr. Edmund Pendleton (1791-1840), m 1817, Mil- , dared Turner (1799-1882), of Caroline Co. —Son of Col. Erasmus Taylor (1880-1907), m 1851, eae Stewart Ashby (1830-93); issue: I—Mary Edmonia (b 1852; m 1885, George Alvin Smith); 1I1-Edmund Pendleton (1854-1911; m Virginia Gildersleeve); II1I—John Ashby (b 1856; m Isabel King); IV—Jacquelin Plummer (above); vV- Anna Lapsley (Mrs. William W. Burgess, qv for Ashby lineage); VI—Bessie R. (6 1868: m A. Boyd Cayce); VII-—Lucy Allen (6 1871; m Paulus - Peper VilI-Sara Patton (6 1873; m George IV—m June 12, 1895, Katharine, dau. of William E. Wall, of Buck Lodge, Md.; issue: 1-Mary Dade, 6 Henderson, N.C., Dec. 5, 1899; m 1925, Walter Ss. Robertson; 2 Jacquelin DA tA Hen- derson, Sept. 24, 1904. Ed. in private schools. Merchant and banker. Clubs: Westmoreland, Commonwealth, Coun- try of Va., Hermitage. Summer place: “Meadow Farm,” Orange, Va. Residence: 2325 Monument Av., Richmond, Va. phate Anna Lapsley Taylor (Mrs. Wil- liam W.), b ‘‘Meadow Farm,” Orange Co., Va., June 16, 1866. patie Thomas Ashby (d 1752), resided in Va., 5—Capt. Robert (06 1710-will probated 1792), m 2d, 1788, Catherine Combs; : 4—Capt. John (1740-1815), of Bellemont; officer Am. Rev.; m Mary Turner (1750-1826), of ‘Ma.; 3-—John, m Mary Pickett. 2-Dau. of Col. Erasmus Taylor (1830-1907), m 1851, Roberta Stewart Ashby (1830-93). For issue and Taylor lineage see Jacquelin Plummer Taylor. M Jan. 30, 1900, William Wallace Burgess, 0 Elli- cott City, Ma., June 22, 1841; son of Thomas Burgess, of Ma.; issue: 1—Rose Clagett, 0D Orange, Va., Jan. 30, 1901; 2-William Wallace, b Orange, Sept. 1, 1903. Residence: Orange, Va. 1-COOK, Nelle Williams Camden (Mrs. Roy B.), b Parkersburg, W. Va., July 22, 1886. 6é-Henry Camden, from Eng., settled in lower Md.; m —Schrivnor; 5-Joseph; 4-Rev. Henry (1773-1835), M.E. missionary; justice and sheriff of Lewis Cos Viaaeaie Mary Belt Sprigg; 3-—John Scrivenor (1798-1862), twice mem. Va. As- sembly; m Nancy Newlon (among their sons was Johnson N., U.S. senator from W.Va., who was father of Johnson N., U.S. senator from Ky.). 8-Thomas Sprigg (qv); 7-Lt. Col. Thomas (1668-1730), mem. Md. Gen. As- sembly;m Margaret Mariarte (d 1739; Edward); 6—Col. Edward (1697-1751), justice; speaker Md. Assembly; m 2d, Mary Belt (Capt. Jeremiah’, owner of Chevy Chase, Md.); 5—-Maj. Frederick (1749- 91), maj. Upper Bn. of Montgomery Co., Md., 1779; m 1775, Deborah Woodward; 4—Mary (6 1778), m Rev. Henry Camden (4 above). 8—-Col. William Randolph (qv); 7-Thomas _(1683-1729-30), of ‘Tuckahoe’; m 1712, Judith Fleming (Charless, of New Kent Co.); 6-Mary Isham (b 1714?), m 1733, Rev. James Keith (qv); 5—-Elizabeth (1745- 1821), m 1766, Edward Ford (1738- 1814; Thomas®, of Fairfax Co., Va., m Jane Milestead); 4—Priscilla, m 1797, James Sangster (1777-18407; FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 139 Thomas’, of Fairfax Co., Va., m Mary Tillet); 3—Priscilla J. (1813-1910), m 1842, Alfred Nevette . Williams (1804-60; Georget, m Mary Ann Smith). 2-Dau. of John Scrivenor Camden (1851-1923), postmaster and mayor of Parkersburg, W.Va.; m 1875, Betty Keith Williams (6 1844); issue: I— Kate Aubrey (1876-78); II—-Charles Carroll (m Edna Timmons); Il1I—Lena Thompson (b 1881); IV—William Draper (b 1883; m Lucy Ann Mar- tin); V—Nelle Williams (above). V—m Aug. 23, 1907, Roy Bird Cook (See Vol. 1, p. 565); issue: 1-Betty Keith, 6 Weston, W.Va., Aug. 5, 1908; 2-Eleanor Bird, 6 Huntington, W. Va., Apr. 14, 1913; 3-Mary Randolph, b Hunting- ton, Mar. 29, 1916. Residence: 1559 Lee St., Charleston, W.Va. 1-CORNISH, Louis Henry, } Hartford, Conn., May 23, 1855. §I-James Cornish (d 1698), from Eng.; m 1661, Mrs. Larraboy; 8-Dea. James (1663-1740), m Elizabeth Thrall, of Windsor; (een James (1693-1784), m Amy Butler, of Hart- ord; 6-Sgt. Elisha (1722-94), pvt. Am. Rev.; m Hepsibah Humphrey; 5-Capt. James (1744-1813), m Ruhama Bidwell; 4-Col. James (1776-1836), m Cynthia Russell (Jesse®, pvt. Am. Rev.); 3—Grove (1796-1835), m Amy Humphrey. 9-George Adams (qv);.- 8—Daniel (1652-1713), King Philip’s War; rep. Conn. _ Assembly; m 1677, Mary Phelps (Samuel”): i—Joseph (1685-1741), m 1719, Mary Case (William§) ; 6—-Matthew (1724-64), m Susanna Eno (William’); 5—William (1752-1811), corp. Am. Rev.; m Rosabella Loomis (Francis‘, pvt. Am, Rev.); 4-William (1778-1822), m Blecta Roberts (Na- thaniel®, sgt. Am. Rev.); 3—Hiram (1801-66), m Catherine Adams (Ambrose; Abel, pvt. Am. Rev.). 2-Son of Sgt. Grove Horton Cornish (1820-72), con- tractor and builder, m 1853, Electa Catharine Adams _ (1824-1904); issue: I-—Louis Henry (above); II—Ella Amelia (b 1856; m Charles A. Stearns); IIlI-Sarah Bell (b 1858: m Edward F. Kenyon). I-m May 15, 1888, Minnie Collins Nichols, } Stur- bridge, Mass., Jan. 17,‘1861; D.A.R.: dau. of George Nichols, of Brooklyn; issue (all b Brooklyn, N.Y.): 1—-Louis Halliwell, 6 Apr. 3, 1884; m Sept. 3, 1918, Marion Ella, dau. Charles H. Peck (issue: Marion Adele; Lee Halliwell): 2-Beulah (1885-86); 3-George Herbert, b Oct. 15, 1886; pvt. and set., Ordnance Dept., U.S.A., 1917- 1918; d of influenza at Frankford Hosp. Pa. Oct. 5, 1918; commission of 2d It. received after his decease; m June 3, 1911, M. Helen, dau. of Millard K. Palmer (issue: Helen Rhoda): 4— Eleanor Electa, b Sept. 27, 1890: D.A.R.; m Feb. 22, 1915, Howard Alden Kirk (issue: Hazel Alden); 5—Alice Phoebe, b Aug. 25, 1892: OP AS: m David Beach Linsley; 6-Marjorie, b Nov. 14. 1893; D.A.R.; m Sept. 17, 1922, Fredrick W. Tay- lor (issue: Virginia Adams); 7-Jeannette, b Nov. 26, 1894; D.A.R.; m Oct. 26, 1915, Ernest LeRoy Bartholomew (issue: Clifford Cornish; Marjorie); 8-Grove Horton, b Oct. 14, 1900. Ed. Chautauqua U., ’85. Editor and publisher “The Spirit of ’76."" Lecturer on colonial his- tory. Capt. Am. Continentals and Minute Men; mem. S.A.R. (sec. Empire State Soc.), S.V. Residence: “Ye Yello Hous,” 335 Fair- field Av., Stamford, Conn. 1-HAYES, Susan Green Carter (Mrs. Ernest O.), b Sunnyside, Va., Oct. 10, 1871. 8-John Carter (qv); 7-Robert, “King” (1663-1732), of “Corotoman”’: speaker Va. House of Burgesses; treas. of WES pres. council and actg. gov.; m 1st, Judith Armistead (Col. John8, of “Hesse,” Gloucester Co7aVia.)3 6-John (1690-1742), m Elizabeth Hill (Edward’, of “Shirley,” Va.); 5—Charles (1732-1802), of “Shirley”: m 1st, Mary W. Carter, of “Cleve” (he m 2d, Anne Butler Moore, and their dau. Anne Hill, m Gen. Henry, “Light Horse Harry,” Lee, and was the mother of Gen. Robert E. Lee, C.S.A.): 4-Edward (b 1767), of “Cloverland”’; m Jane Carter; 8-John Hill, of “Falkland”; m 2d, Jane Lough- borough. 2-Dau. of Cassius Carter (1835-1914), grad. Wil- liam and Mary Coll.; farmer, scholar; m Frances Scott (1840-93), dau. of Jones Green; issue: 1—-John Hill (b 1867; m Louise Nalle); II— Francis Scott (1869-1921; m Mary Randolph Hicks); Il1I-Susan Green (above); 1V—Lough- borough (d childhood); V—Jones Green; VI-— Jane Loughborough (m Richard Strong). III-—m Oct. 30, 1915, Ernest Owen Hayes, b Pem- broke, Wales, Sept. 8, 1866; son of Christopher Thomas Hayes, from Eng., 1858, settled at “Hayeseholm,” nr. Warrenton, Va. Residence: “Little Wales,” Casanova, Va. ete bab ch hth} Frank L., b St. Louis, Mo., Mar. 8, 1865. 6—-Alexander Henderson, from Scotland to Alex- andria, Va., ca. 1740; later settled in Albemarle Co., then in Augusta Co. 5-Alexander, m Jean-—; 4-James (1764-1845), m Prudence Campbell; 3—George (1789-1859), m Mary Eleanor Williams. 8-Joseph Royall (1600-58), from Eng. in the “Charitie,” to Jamestown, Va., 1622; m 3d, ca. 1645, Katherine Banks; 7-Capt. Joseph (1646-1732), m before 1681/82, Mary Eppes (Col. Francis’, m Elizabeth [Littleberry ] Worsham); 6-William (1688-1747), m Sarah Povall; 5-John (1720-66), m Susanna Bates; 4—William (1754-1821), capt. cav., Elizabeth F. Bedford; 3—John Bedford (1788-1844), capt., Holecombe’s 1st regt. Va. cav., in War 1812; m Pamela William- son Price (among their sons was Gen. William 15} WSR) h 8—John Price (qv); 7—-Matthew; 6—John; 5-Pugh; 4-Pugh W. (1775-1848), m Hlizabeth Williamson (among their sons was Maj. Gen. Sterling, C.S.A., and 10th gov. of Mo.); 3-Pamela Williamson (1800-92), m John Bedford Royall (3 above). 2-Son of Judge James Alexander Henderson (1839-1916), lawyer, St. Louis; m 1859, Virginia Latayette Royall (1841-1921); issue: I—Royall (1860-64); II—George R. (1862-1908); I1I—-Frank L. (above); IV—William W.; V—Evelyn P. (1871- 1905); VI—Paul (1875-1905); VII-Edwin E. (1880-91). IlI-m Dec. 31, 1895, Gertrude Parker Spalding (qv). Ed. U. of Mo. (Beta Theta Pi); M.D., Mo. Med. Coll., 1888. Physician, specialty ophthal- mology. Acting asst. surgeon U.S.A., 1889; mem. Vol. Med. Service Corps. Club: Univer- sity. Residence: Stonington, Conn. 1-HENDERSON, Gertrude Parker Spalding fetes Frank L.), 6 Hartford, Conn., Jan. 19, 1 Am. Rev.; m 9-Rev. Edward Spalding (qv); 8—Benjamin (1643-1708), m 1668, Olive Farwell; 7-Edward (1672-1740), m Mary Adams; 6-Ephraim (1700-76), m 1723, Abigail Bullard; 5-Reuben (1728-65), m 1747, Mary Pierce; 4-Reuben (1758-1849), m 1785, Jerusha Carpenter: 3-Dr. James (1792-1858), physician, Montpelier. Vt.; m Eliza Reed (Thomas, m Patty, dau. of Hezekiah Hutchins, capt. Am. Rev.). 9-Richard Olmstead (qv); 8—Nathan (6 1679), m 1702, Sarah Keeler; 7-James (1709-1777), m 1729, Hannah-; 6—John (6 1731), m Abigail Munson; 5-Lemuel (1761-1805), m 1780, Silence Weed; 4-Joshua (6 1788), m 1807, Salome Arnold; 3—John Wesley, D.D. (1816-91), editor The Watch- man, Boston, 40 yrs.: m Mary Livingston (1812- 1885; Richard M.‘, m Sarah Jacobs; Col. James’; John®; Robert, ‘“‘The Nephew,’”). 2-Dau. of George Burley Spalding, D.D., LU.D. (1835-1914), A.B., U. Vt., 56; pastor 1st Presbyn. Ch., Syracuse, N.Y., abt. 25 yrs.; m 1861, Sarah Livingston Olmstead (b 1838-d 1922); issue: I— Mary Livingston (b 1862): IT-Martha Reed (1864-1923); II1I—Katherine (1866-81); IV—Gertrude Parker (above); V—George Brown (b 1870: m Emeline Palmer). IV—m Dec, 31, 1895. Frank L. Henderson (av). B.S., Wellesley, ’92. Mem. C.D.A. Residence: Stonington, Conn. 1-HENDRYX, Frank Hall, } Cohocton, N.Y., May 19, 1864. 5-William Hendryx; 140 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 4—John (1776-1821), soldier War 1812; m 1797-98, Dolly Smith (1779-1874) ; 38-Thomas Smith (1807-99), merchant, farmer, Cohocton, N. Y., and Tipton, Mich.; m 1830, Harriet Bishop (1812- 95). 9-John Hall (d 1696), from Eng. to Charlestown, Mass., 1630, with Gov. Winthrop’s fleet; at Barnstable, 1641; m Elizabeth Larned; 8—Benjamin (1653-1737), soldier 2d Narragansett War; m Mehitable Mathews (James’); 7-Barnabas, m Mary-; 6—Barnabas (1731-56), m 1749, Ann Hall (Theophi- lus’; Capt. William§; John’); 5-Nathan (6 1750), responded to the Lexington Alarm; m 1775, Martha Lyman (Samuel*; Sam- uel’; Samuel®; Richard®; Richard!; Richard’); oy Mee (0 1783), m 1808, Mary (Polly) Hosmer (0 3—Austin (1809-81), merchant, Cohocton, N.Y.; m 1833, Rhoda Huntington Hanks. 10-John Howland (qv); 9—Hope, m John Chipman (1629-83) ; 8-Lydia (1654-1730), m before ieig: John Sargent (bap. 1639-1716; William®, qv); 7-Ens. Jonathan (1677-1754), rep. Gen. Ct. 7 yrs.; m 1700, Mary Lynde (1678-1716; John’; Thomas?; Thomas”) ; 6—Ruth, m 1720, Theophilus Hall (Capt. William’; John’); 5—Tabatha, m John Hanks (John*; Benjamin’; seeaesnn ee from Eng. to Plymouth, Mass., 4—Blisha, m Sarah Huntington (1779-1852; Jonas’; Mathew’?; Matthew’; Dea. Christopher$; Chris- topher®; Simon”, qv); 3—-Rhoda H., m Austin Hall (38 above). 2-Son of John Dwight Hendryx (1834-1905), sales- man, merchant and postmaster, of Atlanta, N.Y.; m 1859, Eveline Hall (1835-81); issue: I- Cora Adelle (6 1860; m George F. Bancroft); II-— William Wallace (6 1862; m Sarah Shults); IiI-Frank Hall (above); IV-—Claire Dwight (1869-71); V—Judson Edson (1874-81). IIlI-m Dec. 28, 1892, Clara Kennedy Bushnell (qv); issue (all b Bath, N.Y.): 1-Dwight Bushnell, } May 20, 1894; M.E., Cornell, ’20; m Aug. 28, 1919, Loretta Stowell, dau. of Arthur Cody, of Brad- ford, Pa. (issue: Virginia Cody, 6b 1922); 2— Thomas Kennedy, b Mar. 9, 1896; B.Arch., Cor- nell, ’23; m Aug. 28, 1928, Frances, dau. of Al- phonso Crawford, of Bradford, Pa. (issue: Thomas Crawford, Jr., 6 1924); 8—Harriet Evelyn, b July 22, 1898; B.S., Cornell, ’20; 4-Ruth Hall, 6b Oct. 4, 1904; Cornell, ’26. Geneseo (N.Y.) Normal School. Accountant. Mem. Huntington Family Assn. Residence: 130 Blair St.,, Ithaca, Ny. 1-HENDRYX, Clara Kennedy Bushnell Frank Hall), }) Bath, N.Y., Apr. 5, 1864 10-Francis Bushnell (qv); 9-Lt. William (d 1683), m Rebecca Chapman: 8—William (1648-1711), m 1673, Rebecca— (d 1703): ry (1680-1738), m 1701, Catherine Jordan (d 6—-Nehemiah (0 1710), m 1739, Susan Ingham; 5-Daniel (1740-1818), soldier Am. Rev.; m Hannah— (1735-1820) ; 4-Norman (1773-1848), m Esther Merry (1772-1848); 38—Harvey (1803-1869), m 1831, Emeline Arnold (Wil- liam‘; Abraham; William *; Jonathan’; John§; Thomas’, qv). 2-Dau. of Watts Bushnell (1834-93), m 1857, Harriet Elizabeth Wheeler (1836-1908). M. pis 28, 1892, Frank Hall Hendryx (qv for issue). Residence: 130 Blair St., Ithaca, N.Y. “Fair Oaks 1-LEIGH, Townes Randolph, »b Plantation,’’ Panola Co.. Miss., Oct. 26, 1880. 8-James Henry Leigh (1617-67), from Eng. to James River section of Va., 1640; m Ursula, dau. of Sir Christonher Hoddeston: 7-Col. William (1639-98), came with his father: owned 1,000 acres on Charles River. Va.; in Bacon’s Rebellion under Sir William Berkeley: burgess for King and Queen Co., 1692-98; mem. Council; judge Ct. of Admiralty; m his cousin, Alice, dau. of Sir Thomas Leigh, m Katherine Spenser, of Wormleighton; 6-Rev. William (1690-1758), m 1st, Priscilla Jane Randolvh: 5—John (1728-95), Am. Rev.: m Elizabeth Greenhill: 4-Zachariah Greenhill (d 1797), col. on staff of George Washington; m his cousin, Priscilla Allen Townes Leigh; (Mrs. 3—-Richard Henry (1789-1841), maj. War 1812; m his cousin, Lucy Leigh Townes. 9-Col. William Claiborne (qv); 8-Lt. Col. William, participated in Bacon’s Re- bellion; burgess; m Elizabeth Wilkes; T-William (d 1745), of “Romancoke,” Va.; 6—Catherine (d 1772), m David Greenhill; 5-Elizabeth, m John Leigh (5 above). 8—Col. William Randolph (qv); 7-Thomas (b 1688), of “Tuckahoe,” m Judith Churchill; 6—Col. William (1712-45), of ‘‘Tuckahoe,” burgess, etc.; m Maria Judith Page (Hon. Mann’, of “Rosewell,” Gloucester Co., Va., m Judith Wormley, dau. of Robert ‘‘King’’ Carter, of “Corotoman,” pres. Colony of Va.); 5—Priscilla Jane, m John Henry Leigh; 4-Priscilla A.T., m Zachariah G. Leigh (4 above). 2-Son of Elbridge Gerry Leigh (1839-97), planter; served in Co; K; 8d Cav., Forrest's, Brig,, C.S.A.; m Susie Gattis (1838-87); issue: I—Rich- ard Henry (b 1870; rear adm. U.S.N.; m Minnie Barksdale); II—May (d@ 1896); III- Nannie (m Octarc, Leigh); IV—Robert H.; V-Townes Ran- dolph (above). V-—m Mar. 24, 1907, Blanche Baird Caruthers Win- field (qv). B.S., Iuka (Miss.) Coll., ’01; A.B., Lebanon (O.) Ue 023. Ph.D: Us Chicago, 1915. Education and chemistry from 1903; head of dept. of chemis- try, UU. of Fla:,; and dean Coll. of Pharmacy since 1920 (See ’Who’ s Who in America). In- ventor of the fog screen and the Leigh placer- bomb. Maj., C.S.W., U.S.A., World War. Resi- dence: "Pair Oaks,” Gainesville, Fla. 1-LEIGH, Blanche Baird Caruthers Winfield Ons: Townes R.), b Little Rock, Ark., Mar. 6, 9-Edward Maria (Wingfield) Winfield (son of Thomas Maria Wingfield, of Stonleigh Castle. g.son of Cardinal Pole, and Queen Mary Tudor), was lord mayor of London; one of three original patentees of the London Cos 1606, and the only one of the owners to come to Jamestown, Va., 1607; elected first gov. of Va., May 1607, and was in command of the troops in the first battle; §-Henry Edward Maria, m Anne, a sister of Maj. John Mason (qv); 7J-Edward Winthrop, bgan to write name Win- field; m Isabella Mary Stuart; 6-Edward Thomas (1638-1721), m HFliz. de Vere; 5-Richard, m Mary Anne Harderick; 4-Edward Robert (b 1718), m Alice Stuart de Vere Winefield; 3-William, m Jane E. Randolph. 9-John Rolfe, first sec. and recorder Colony of Va.; m 1613, Pocahontas (1595-1617) ; 8-Thomas (b 1614), m Jane Poythress; 7-Jane (d 1678), m Col. Robert Bolling (1647-1709), of London; 6—Col. John (1676- 1729), m eary dau. Dr. Kennon, of Conjuror’s Neck, 5—-Jane (1708-66), m Col. Richard Randolph (1695- 1748), of ‘‘Curls’”’; burgess and treas. Va. Colony (Col. William’, qv); 4—-John (6 1787), removed to Roanoke, Va.; m 1769, Frances Bland (Theodoric®) ; 3-Jane, m William Winfield (3 above). 8—Col. James John Caruthers, from Scotland to Lancaster Co., Pa., thence to Tredell Co., INS served in Indian wars and Am, Rev ened UR ahah (1753-1827), Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth ati 6—Samuel (1776-1810), m Elizabeth Looney: 5—Looney (1797-1837), m Anne Nifong (1799-1826) : 4—-Blizabeth Nifong (1813-53), m 1830, David Baird (1809-60; William R.5, m Elizabeth Hartshorn; William’, maj. Am. Rev.; William?; Alex- ander§’, son of Sir Robert Baird, of Scotland): 3—-Mary "Anne (1832-1902), m Hiram Neufeldt de Tong (1812-66), dry goods mcht., St. Louis, steamboat owner, planter and mine _ supt. (D’Arnot d’ Estaing‘, from Can. to St. Louis, m Margaret Judith de LaMotte Neufeldt: Lafay- ette W.5; Count Charles N.®, served under LaFayette in Am. Rev.). 2Dau. of William Henry Harrison Winfield (1848-88), atty. for Iron Mtn. & Southern R.R.: served in Co. A, 9th Ark. Cav., C.S.A.; m 1881, Lillian de Tong (b 1864): issue: I_Winifred (1882-85); II—Blanche Baird Caruthers: (above); TII-Ella de Tong (b 1886). TI—m Mar. 24, 1997. Townes Randolph Leigh (qv). A.B., Wesleyan Coll., 1901; student Lucy Cobb FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 141 Inst., and Stetson U. Lecturer, author. Resi- dence: ‘‘Fair Oaks,” Gainesville, Fla. ‘1I-MOORE, C(asimir) de Rham (June 28, 1851- Ve May 10, 1925 8-Rev. John Moore (qv); 7-Samuel, m Mary Reed; 6—Benjamin (d 1750), m Anna Sackett; 5-Lt. Samuel (1711-88), m Sarah Fish; 4-Benjamin, D.D. (1748-1816), A.B., Columbia, 1768: 2d P.E. bishop of New York; m Charity Clarke; 3—Clement Clarke, LL.D. (1779-1863), eminent the- ologian and author; m Catharine Eliza Taylor, ERs Sing (1762-1858), m Anne Bostwick (1768- 853) ; 38—Col. John (1792-1838), m Nancy Brewster (1796- 1875; Benjamin‘, dese. Nathaniel Brewster, Brookhaven, L.I., 1690). 2-Son of Benjamin Moore (1818-86), m Mary Eliz- abeth Sing (1820-95); issue: I-Clement C. (1843- 1910; m Laura Williams); IIl-Casimir de Rham (above); Il1I—Katharine T. (1862-1926). II-m May 30, 1877, Harriet F. Burges, b Provi- dence, R.I., Mar. 28, 1854; dau. of Col. Tristam Burges, of Providence; issue: 1—Benjamin Burges, 6 N.Y. City, Mar. 29, 1878; B.A., Yale, "99; diploma, Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, 1908; mem. Am. Distributing Service, in France. 1915-17; sec. Hosp. Supply Service, 1917-18; chief of mission sent to Transcaucasia to report on polit. and econ. conditions by Am. Commn. to Negotiate Peace at Paris, 1919; 2-Grace Ar- nold, b N.Y. City, Apr. 13, 1887; m Robert Le Roy (qv). ; A.B., Columbia, ’73 (Delta Psi), LL.B., 1875. Law- yer. Mem. S.N.S. Clubs: Union, University, Racquet and Tennis, South Side Sportsmen's of L.I. Residence: 109 E. 38th St., New York. 1-LE ROY, Robert, b N.Y. City, Feb. 7, 1885. 7—Daniel Le Roy (1691-1772), of Holland; 6—Jacob (1727-983), of Holland; m ist, Cornelia Rutgers (1736-65) ; 5-Herman (1758-1841), from Holland to N.Y. City; first consul of the Netherlands to N.Y.; agt. of Holland Land Co. for N.Y.; m Hannah Cor- nell (1760-1818) ; 4-Herman (1791-1869), warden of Grace Church; m Juliet Edgar (1791-1861); 3-Herman Cornell (1815-72), m Matilda Stewart. 4-Matthew Morgan; 38-Henry (d ca. 1891), of M. Morgan’s Sons, bank- ers. 2-Only surviving child of Herman Stewart Le Roy (1856-1911), banker; m Clementina Le Roy Morgan (1856-1903). M June 7, 1911, Grace Arnold Moore, 6 N.Y. City, Apr. 13, 1887; dau. of Casimir de Rham Moore (qv). A.B., Columbia, ’05 (Delta Psi), LL.B., 1908. Law- yer. Capt., Ordnance Dept., U.S.A., World War. Clubs: Racquet and Tennis, Union, Turf and Field, St. Anthony, Columbia University. Residence: 182 E. 75th St., New York. 1-BUCHANAN, Benjamin Franklin, } Smyth Co., Va., Oct. 4, 1859. 5-John Buchanan, from Ireland to Lancaster Co., Pa., ca. 1706; 4-John, removed to Augusta Co., Va.: capt. Cont. Army; was killed in Battle of Guilford C.H.; m a cousin, Martha Buchanan; 3—Patrick Campbell, removed to (then) Wash- ington Co., Va.; m Elizabeth Haytor (Israel‘, killed in Battle of Kings Mountain). 5—Frederick Copenhover, from Denmark, ca. 1746; 4—Frederick, Jr.; 3—-David, m Virginia Campbell Anderson. 2-Son of Patrick Campbell Buchanan, farmer: collector internal revenue for Confed. Govt.: m Virginia Copenhover; issue: I—Benjamin Franklin (above); II-Edward W. (1861-71): TIT— William H. (1863-1919); IV—Tames David (b 1865). I—-m Mar. 2, 1887, Eleanor Fairman Sheffey, } Marion, Va., July 7, 1866; dau. of Judge John Preston Sheffey, of Marion; issue (all b Marion, Va.): 1-John Preston (See Vol. 1, pv. 510, for Sheffey line); 2-Josephine. } Aug. 1892; 3-Virginia Campbell, 6 Oct. 11, 1895: m 1918, Dr. Guy Blair Denit; 4-Eleanor Fairman. b Feb. 1901; 5-David Hayter, b May 17, 1907; cadet U.S.M.A. LL.B., U. Va., 1884 (LL.D., Hampden-Sidney, 1921). Lawyer; lt. gov. of Va.; counsel for comp- troller of the currency of U.S. Del. Dem. Nat. convs. at Kansas City, Baltimore, San Fran- cisco. Hobby: Virginia history. Clubs: West- moreland (Richmond), Army and Navy, Al- falfa (Washington). Summer place: Marion, Va. Residence: The Westmoreland, Washing- ton, Dc 1-COTTEN, Sallie Southall (Mrs. Robert R.), 0 Lawrenceville, Va., June 13, 1846. 3-James Southall, of Amelia Conn a. 2-Only sury. child of Thomas James Southall cate m 1831, Susannah Swepson Sims (1814- M Mar. 14, 1866, Robert Randolph Cotten, b Edge- combe Co., N.C., 1889; son of John Llewellyn Cotten, of Edgecombe Co.; issue: 1-Agnes LeRoy, b Tarboro, N.C., Mar. 7, 1867; m Julian Burton Timberlake, 2d, of Raleigh, N.C.; 2— Bruce (av for Cotten line); 3-—Lyman Atkinson, b Wilson, N.C., 1874; U.S.N.A., 98; capt. U.S.N.; m Elizabeth Henderson; 4—Sallie Dromgoole, b Wilson, N.C., July 4, 1876; m 1906, R. B. Wiggin, of Winchester, Mass.; 5—Preston Sims, 0 Falk- land, N.C., 1878; m Willa Strange; 6—-Elba Brown, b “Cottendale,” Pitt Co., N.C., 1886; m 1307, Douglas Wesson, of Springfield, Mass. Mem. nat. and state boards for N.C, of Chicago Expn., 18983; mem. N.C. bd. of Atlanta and Charleston expns. Hon. pres. N.C. Fed. of Women’s Clubs (pres. 1911-13); dir. for IN.@2 Of Gen. Fed. of Women’s Clubs, 1916-20; hon. v.p. Nat. Congress of Mothers; hon. mem.) N.C; Sorosis (Wilmington), Woman’s clubs of Raleigh, N.C., Goldsboro, N.C., and Atlanta, Ga.; pres. End-of-the Century Club, Green- Wille aN Cr elagny Dee e mein, wll) Ou King’s Daughters, ete. (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: ‘“Cottendale,” near Farmville, N.C. 1-COTTEN, Bruce, b Wilson, N.C., Mar. 3, 1878. 7-John Cotten (1660?-1728), settled in N.C. from Va., 1721; m Martha Godwin (William’, of Isle of Wight Co., Va.); 6-Samuel (1690?-1774), m Elizabeth West (Peter’, m Priscilla, dau. of Lewis Williams); 5-Samuel (d 1791); 4—Roderick (1770-1814), m Topping Braswell (Ben- nette Bell); s—John Llewellyn (1800-49), m Nancy Penina John- son (Aaron‘), 2-Son of Robert Randolph Cotten (b 1839), m 1866, Sallie Southall (qv). M nue 4, 1910, Edyth (Johns) Tyson (See Vol. 1, p. 568), Ed. U. of N.C. Officer U.S.A., 1902-10. Clubs: Army and Navy (Washington), Baltimore, Baltimore Country. Residence: AL@aid lob ek eWer Roland Park, Baltimore, Md. 1-COVEY, W(illiam) Sumner, }) Hartford, Conn., July 18, 1881. ee ce Hurlbut, pvt., 3d Cont. Line in Am. eV.; 4-Samuel, m Lavinia Blake: 3-Sarah Blake, m William Elijah Covey (1820-48). 2-Son of William Elijah Covey (b 1849), life un- derwriter, Minneapolis; m 1880, Leila (d 1915), dau. of Charles W. Church, m Elizabeth Adams; issue: I—William Sumner (above); IT— Leland Church (b 1884); I1I—Louise Shipman (b 1885; m Hugh C. Gillis); IV-Wilkes Perry (b 1887; m Katharine King). I-m Sept. 2, 1908, Kathleen Winnifred Watter- worth, 6 Duluth, Minn., Jan. 21, 1886: dau. of John A. Watterworth, of Duluth; issue: 1— John William, 6 Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 6, 1911; 2-Allen David, 6 Duluth, Minn., July 1, 1920; 3-Leland Sumner, b Duluth, June 29, 1921. A.B., U. Minn., 04 (Alpha Tau Omega). V.p. Buck, Johns & Covey, Inc., operating B/G Sandwich Shops, Kansas City, Mo. Capt., 3d Bn., Minn. Home Guard, World War. Resi- dence: 444 W. 67th St., Kansas City, Mo. 1-FOLK, Reau Estes, b Brownsville, Tenn., Sept. 21, 1865. 5-Humphrey Bate, b Bertie Co., N.C.; m Sarah Legate; 4-James (1747-87), pvt. Cont. Army; m 1776, Mary Spivy (1758-1838) ; 3-Sarah Leeate (1786-1835), m 1825, Benjamin Folk (b Va., 1796-d 1831), 2-Son of Judge Henry Bate Folk (1828-99), m 1855, Martha Cornelia Estes (1837-1913); issue: I-Kd- gar Estes (1856-1917; editor Baptist and Re- flector; m Lizzie Handley); II—Marion Francis (6 and d 1858); I1I-Benjamin Estes (1860-61): TV— Henry Bate (1863-86; journalist); V-Reau Estes (above): VI-Cary Albert (6 1867; m Emma Har- rison Gates); VII-Joseph Wingate (1869-1923; 142 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY gov. of Mo., 1905-08, chief counsellor Interstate Commerce Commn., internat. lawyer; See Vol. 1, p. 641); VilI—Mathesia Bell (b 1873; m James Avery Webb); 1X—Humphrey Bate (b 1875; m Ruth Parrish); X—Lucile Cornelia (Mrs. Allen Ennis Cox, qv for Cary lineage). V—m Feb. 6, 1901, Nannie Dudley Pilcher, Nash- ville, Tenn., Feb. 18, 1876; Qau. of Matthew Bar- row Pilcher, of Nashvilie, m Judith Dudley Winston; issue (all 6 Nashville, Tenn.): 1— Winston, b Nov. 10, 1901; > Judith, 6 July 31, 1912; 3-Reau Estes, Jr., b Jan. 6, 1917. Ed. Wake Forest (N.C.) Coll. Clk., Tenn. House of Rep., 1893-1901; state treas. of Tenn., 1901-11, also ex-officio ins. commr.; gen. agt. for mid- dle Tenn. of Equitable Life Assurance Soc., since 1911. Mason (82°). Clubs: Hermitage, Belle Meade, Lions. Residence: 2200 Elliston Pl., Nashville, Tenn. 1-COX, Lucile Cornelia Folk (Mrs. Allen Ennis), b Brownsville, Tenn., Sept. 8, 1880. 9-Miles Cary (dv); J 8-Henry (1650-1720), m Judith Dockey ; 7-Henry (1675-1749), m Anne Edwards; 6-Judith (1726-98), m Dr. David Bell, from Scot- land, capt. in colonial army, 1755, later col.; 5-Elizabeth C. (d 1825), m Daniel Bates (0 1756) ; 4-Sarah L., m Capt. Joel Estes (1780-1833), War 1812; 3—Moreau P. (1806-71), m 1836, Mary Quarles Noel (1820-59). 2—-Dau. Me Judge Henry Bate Folk (1828-99), m 1855, Martha Cornelia Estes (1837-1913). For issue and Folk lineage see Reau Estes Folk. M May 3, 19—, Dr. Allen Ennis Cox, b Honea Path, S.C., May 11, 1827; son of Aris Cox, m Margaret Machen, of Greenville Co., S.C.; is- sue: 1—Allen Estes, ) Brownsville, Tenn., Nov. 4, 1908; A.B., Vanderbilt, ’23; LL.B., Yale, 1926. Organized James Bate Chapter of D.A.R., 1910, and was regent same, 1911-15; rec. sec, Ark. D.A.R., 1921-23, ist vice regent, 1924-26, and state regent, 1926-28; mem. nat. com. on con- servation and thrift, N.S.D.A.R., 1925-27. Resi- dence: 916 Porter St., Helena, Ark. 1-BURNS, Walter Francis, 0 Fredericktown, Cecil Co., Md., Feb. 13, 1866. 6—-Francis Burns (b Scotland), came to America and settled nr. Swansboro, N.C., 1732; 5—-Otway, of Swansboro; 4-Jesse (1759-90), soldier Am. Rev.; 3-Capt. Otway (1785-1850), edr. U.S. Privateer “Snap Dragon,’ in War of 1812; m Ist, 1809, Joan Grant (1790-1810). 2-Son of Capt. Owen Burns (1810-69), officer U.S.N., 1825-39; m 1849, Martha Ann Armstrong (1834-1913); issue: I-Paul Otway _ (1850-1908) ; Ii- Ignatius Raleigh (b 1854); IlI—Xavier Eugene (6 1857); 1V—Richard Jerome (6 1859); V—Charles Owen (b 1864); VI-—Lillian (1864-1924; m John Anthony Wilkins; m 2d, Jesse Root Grant, qv); VilI—Walter Francis (avove); VIII—Edwin Os- car; I1X—Owen (6 1869). Vil-m Apr. 22, 1902, Ursula Catlin, 6 Peekskill, N.Y., Jan. 22, 1882; dau. of Austin H. Catlin, of Conn. (g.son of Col. Guy Catlin, of Am. Rev.); issue: 1-Walter Francis, Jr., ) N.Y. City, Feb. 28, 19038; U.S.N.A., ’23; 2-Otway (Mar, 18, 1904- Oct. 12, 1912); 3-Owen Austin, 6 N.Y. City, July 13, 1906; 4-Ursula, b N.Y. City, Oct. 18, 1907. Ed. Calvert Coll., Baltimore. Pres. The Burns Co. and Florida Keys Bond & Mortgage Co. Is original inventor of the home savings boxes. Mem. S.R., M.O.F.W., S.W. 1812. Clubs: Lotos, New York Athletic, Canadian (N.Y. City), Larchmont Yacht, Larchmont Lodge. Resi- dences: Burnsville, N.C., and 7 Pryor Lane, Larchmont, N.Y. th eed Ree Erwin, 6 Nashville, Tenn., Apr. 6—Rev. Thomas Craighead (d 1735; son of Robert, Presbyn. moderator, Londonderry, Ireland), came to Boston, 1715; settled in Pa., 1733; 5-Rev. Alexander (1702-66), from Pa. to Va., thence to Sugar Creek, Mecklenburg Co., N.C.: called “The immortal Craighead, the apostle of liberty”; first preacher west of the Susque- hanna River; 4—Rev. Thomas Brown (1750-1825), A.B., Princeton, 1775: founder and first pres. Davidson Acad. and Cumberland U. (subsequently U. Nash- ville); first pastor of First Presbyn. Ch., Nashville; m 1780, Elizabeth Brown (Rev. John S.5, of Frankfort, Ky.); 3—-David, lawyer at Nashville, also planter in Ark.; m Mrs. Mary Goodloe. 2-Son of Capt. James Brown Craighead (1825- 1912), A.B., U. of Nashville, 43; LL.B., Harvard, 1847; merchant and farmer, Nodena, Ark.; m Ellen Kirkman (1830-73), dau. of James Erwin (native of North of Ireland), settled at Nash- ville, Tenn.; m Margaret Caldwell; issue: I- May Preston (1850-1900; m 1878, Maj. W. Hooper Harris); II—Erwin (above). IIl—m Dee. 12, 1878, Lura Harris (Jan. 17, 1858-Jan. 27, 1926); dau. of Maj. William Hooper Harris, C.S.A., m_Frances Virginia Martin; issue: 1— Frank, ) New Orleans, Nov. 28, 1879; m Mar. 12, 1911, Florence T., dau. of Col. Dick Roger. B.Litt., U. Nashville, ’72; post-grad. student Mid- dle Temple, London, and Leipzig U.; (LL.D., U. Ala., 1906). Journalism since 1877; staff of New Orleans Times and New Orleans Daily States, 1878-82; Mobile Register since 1882, ed- itor and v.p. of the corpn. since 1903 (See Who’s Who in America). Clubs: Athelstan, Round Table. Residence: ‘‘Arden,’’ 1550 St. Stephens Rd., Mobile, Ala. 1-ELIOT, Ellsworth, ) N.Y. City, June 6, 1864. 7—-Rev. John Eliot (qv); ‘ 6—Rev. Joseph (1638-94), A.B., Harvard, 1658; m 2d, 1684/85, Mary Wyllys; 5—Abial (1692-1776), m 1726, Mary lLeete (Gov. William’, of Conn.); 4-Wyllys (1731-77), m 1763, Abigail (Ward) Hull (Col. Andrew Ward’); 3-Wyllys, m Lucy Camp. 2-Son of Ellsworth Eliot (1827-1912), B.A., Yale, 749; M.D., Columbia, 1852; physician; trustee Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons; surgeon in Civil War; m 1856, Anna Stone (1826-1905); issue: I-Anna (d 1899); II-Laura; III—Ellsworth (above). IlI-m June 15, 1904, Lucy Carter Byrd, 6 Wey- mouth, Mass., 1874; dau. of George Harrison Byrd; issue: 1-Evelyn Byrd, b New York, June 14, 1906; 2-Lucy Carter, b New York, May 8, 1913. B.A., Yale, ’84 (Delta Kappa); M.D., Columbia, 1887; studied surgery abroad. Visiting surgeon, Gouverneur and Presbyn. hosps.; lecturer on clin. surgery, Coll. P. and S., etc. Pres. New York Surg. Soc., ete. Served in M.C., U.S.A., 1 yr. in World War; in France 6 months, rank of maj., in charge of Evacuation Hosp. ’11. Clubs: University, Century, Grolier. Resi- dence: 34 E. 67th St., New York. 1-FRENCH, Asa Palmer, § Braintree, *Mass., Jan. 29, 1860. 8-John French (qv); 7—-Thomas (1652-1717), m Elizabeth Belcher; 6—Moses (1699-1768), m Esther Thayer; 5—-Moses (1731-1807), soldier Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Hobart; > 4-Asa (1775-1853), m Mehitable Hollis; 3—Jonathan (1802-82), m Sarah Brackett Hay- ward. 9—-John Alden (qv); 8-Ruth, m 1657, John Bass (1632-1716); 7-Sarah (b 1672), m 1692, Ephraim Thayer (1669- 1757; Shadrach’, m 2d, Deliverance Priest; Thomas?®, Braintree, Mass., ca. 1636, m Mar- gerie Wheeler); 6—Esther, m 1730, Moses French (6 above). 9-William Palmer (qv); 8—William (1613-36), came with his father in the “Rortune’; freeman 1634; m 1633, Elizabeth Hodgkins; 7—-William (1634-79), a founder and selectman of Dartmouth; m —Paddock; m 2d, Susanna Hath- _away; 6—William (6 1663), Little Compton, R.I.; m 1685, Mary Richmond (Capt. Edward’); 5—Thomas (1697-1765), m 1742, Abiel Wilbur; 4—Joseph (1742-91); 3-Simeon (1785-1853), Boston; m Mary Caldwell. 2-Son of Asa French (1829-1903), B.A., Yale, °51; LL.B., Harvard, 18538; judge U.S. Ct. of Ala- bama Claims, 1882; m 2d, 1858, Sophia Briggs Palmer (1828-91); issue: I-Asa Palmer (above): TI-Emma lL. (b 1861; m Jotham B. Sewall): I1I—Sarah H. (d 1882); IV—Harriet C. (m Charles Whitney Mixter); V-—Sophia M. (m Robert Grosvenor Valentine). I-m Dec. 13, 1887, Elizabeth Ambrose Wales, } Randolph, Mass., Jan. 27, 1865; dau. George W. Wales, of Randolph; issue: 1-Jonathan Wales, b Randolph, Apr. 26, 1891; B.A., Yale, °13; 2 1756, FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 143 Constance, b Randolph, Apr. 18, 1896; m June 10, 1919, John Lincoln Baxter. B.A., Yale, ’82; LL.B., Boston U., 1885. Lawyer; dist. atty. s.e. dist. of Mass., 1902-06; U.S. atty. for dist. of Mass., 1906-14; del. Mass. Constl. Cony., 1917 (See Who’s Who in America). Ex- pres. Randolph Savings Bank. Mem. S.M.D. (dep. gov. gen.); pres. of Norfolk Bar Assn., 1405-17; ex-mem. exec. com. U.S. Golf Assn., Clubs: University, Yale (New York), Grad- uates (New_Haven), Algonquin, Tennis and pecduet (Boston). Residence: Randolph, ass. 1-FRENCH, James Hay, Jr., ) Winchester, Ky,., July 16, 1885. 6-James French (d ca. 1743), from North Ireland to Stafford Co., Va.; planter; m Elizabeth-; - 5-William (1725-92), planter, Stafford Co., Va.; m Winifred— (1722-86); 4—Judge James (1756-1835), soldier Am. Rev.; sur- es judge; m 1788, Keziah Callaway (1769- 1845) ; 3—Hon. Richard (1792-1854), circuit judge; con- gressman; Frenchburg, co. seat of Menifee Co., Ky., named for him; m 1820, Mary Tutt Taliaferro (1805-86). 7-Joseph Callaway, from Eng., settled in Caro- lineiCo. eViacs 6-Joseph, of Caroline Co., Va.; 5-Col. Richard (ca. 1724-1780), settled on Big Otter River, Brunswick (now Bedford) Co., Va., ca. 1740; capt. French and Indian War: col. militia; a founder of Boonesborough, Ky.; burgess from Ky. Co. to Va. Assembly: jus- tice; col. of the county; killed by Indians, Boonesborough, Ky., 1780; Callaway County, Ky., named for him; m 2d, Elizabeth (Jones) Hoy, widow of John Hoy, of Buckingham eros WER: 4-Keziah (1769-1845), m 1783, James French (4 above). 2-Son of Rev. Richard French (1842-1914), Bap- tist minister; m 1875, Mary Taylor (b 1856), dau. of James William Parrish, m Julia Wil- liams; issue: I-Julia (m R. J. Williams); II— Mary Callaway (1880-1914; m Henry Carlisle Besuden); III—Elizabeth Dudley (b 1881); Iv— James Hay (above); V—William Parrish (m Patsy Pickrell). IV—m June 7, 1916, Jennie Judy Ratliff, ) Sharps- burg, Bath Co., Ky., Aug. 15, 1895: dau. of Richard N. Ratliff, m Katherine L. Whitsitt, of Winchester, Ky. Special agt. at Winchester, Ky., of Equitable Life Assurance Society of N.Y. City. Mem. Ky. State Hist. Soc. Winter place: Ocala, Fla. Residence: 204 Boone Av., Winchester, Ky. 1-GRAY, Henry Weedon, Jr., } Louisville, Ky., May 25, 1864. 8-Francis Gray, from Eng. to St. Marys, Md., 1637; m Alice Moorman; 7-Francis, of Westmoreland Co., Va.; m Sarah Jones; 6—-Nathaniel, m Mary Overton; 5-George, m Mary Strother; 4—George Weedon, capt. Am. Rev.; m Mildred Thompson; 38—John Thompson, m Mary Ormsby. 2-Son of Henry Weedon Gray _ (1819-1903), m Miss Russel; m 2d, 1858, Mary Peers (1829-93): issue (Ist marriage): I-Norborne Galt (1855- 1909; m his cousin, Ella Gray); (24 marriage); II—Robert Colville (1859-1918); I1I-Mary Ormsby (6 1862); IV—Henry Weedon, Jr. (above); -V— eT Peers (b 1866; m Ethel May Hemp- stead). IV—Not married. Ed. Burlington Coll. V.p. Orient Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn., 1906-26, and since pres.; also pres. Safeguard Ins. Co. of N.Y., and U.S. mgr. London & Lancashire Ins. Co., of London, Eng. Mem. Va. Soc. of the Cincinnati, S.A.R. Clubs: New York (New York), Hartford (Hartford). Residence: 20 Trinity St., Hartferd, Conn. 1-RUFFIN, Edmund Sumter, } Prince George Co., Va; -Apr, 195 1861; S-William Ruffin (d 1677), of Isle of Wight Co., Va.s S—-Robert (d 1693), of Surry, Isle of Wight Co.; m Elizabeth Watkins; 7—Robert (d 1720), of Surry; 6-Edmund (1713-90), of Southampton and Prince George; m Mrs. (Simmons) Edmonds; 5-Edmund_ (1745-1807), of Prince George; county lt., sheriff; m Jane Skipwith (Sir William!, m Elizabeth, dau. of John Smith, sheriff of Middlesex Co., Va.; Sir William’, m Sarah, dau. of John Peyton, of Gloucester CommViaes Sir Grey’, 8d baronet of “Prestwould,” Va.); 4—George (1765-1810), m Jane Lucas; 38-Edmund_ (1794-1865), mem. Va. Senate; pres. Va. Agricultural Soc.; fired the first gun at Fort Sumter, 1861; m 1813, Susan H. Travis. i-Andrew Meade (d 1745), from Ireland to Lon- don, Eng., thence to New York, ca. 1685; set- tled at head of Nansemond River, Nansemond Co., Va.; was burgess, co. judge, col. of mili- tia; m Mary Latham; 6—-David (1710-57), burgess; m 1731, Susannah Ever- ard (Sir Richard’, gov. of N.C); 5-Everard (1746-1802), of ‘The Hermitage”; maj. gen. militia; maj. Am. Rev.; m Mary Thorn- ton (John‘); 4—-David, m Elizabeth Randolph (Richard’, of “Curles,” m Anne, dau. of David Meade, 6 above; Col. Richard’, m Jane Bolling; Col. William’, qv); 3—John Everard (d 1854), m 1830, Rebecca Worme- ley Beverley (Carter4, m Jane Wormeley; Rob- ert®>, m_ Maria Byrd Carter; Col. William®, m Hlizabeth Bland; Robert’, historian, m Ur- sula Byrd; Maj. Robert§), 2-Son of Julian Calx Ruffin (1822-64), killed in action at Petersburg; m 1852, Charlotte Stockdell Meade (1833-1918). M Apr. 30, 1895, Cordelia Willing (Byrd) Waller, b King and Queen Co., Va., Sept. 8, 1868: dau. of Richard Willing Byrd, of Va.; issue (all b Norfolk, Va.): 1-—Edmund Sumter, Jr., b Mar. 29, 1896; 2-Jane Byrd, b July 22, 1897; m 1918, Reginald Buchanan Henry (qv); 3—Rich- ard Willing Byrd, b Oct. 27, 1898; 4-Julian Meade, b Aug. 25, 1900; 5—-Cordelia Byrd, 0 pone. 1904; 6-Robert de Jarnette, Bb June A.M., Randolph-Macon, ’82; Bi Ls Ge env az, - 18855 Sr. of Edmund S. Ruffin & Sons, counsellors law. Residence: 511 Fairfax Av., Norfolk, a. 1-HARENESS, Katherine Margaret Beebee (Mrs. Albert G.), 6 Hamilton, N.Y. 5-Hugh MacWhorter (d 1748), m Jane-; 4-Alexander, D.D. (1734-1807), A.B., Princeton, 1757; pastor First Presbyn. Ch., Newark, N.J.; chaplain Am. Rev.; pres. Charlotte (N.C.) Acad., 1779-80; trustee Princeton, 1772-1807; m Mary Cummings (d@ 1807; Robert); 3—Mary (1759-97), m 1782, Samuel Beebee (See Vol. 1, p. 147, for Beebee line). 8-Matthias DeHart, of Elizabethtown, N.Y.; m_ 1670, Johanna— (widow of Johannes De- Witt); 7-Catherine (1673-1750), as widow of James Lar- kin, m 2d, 1694, Lancaster Symes (@ 1729), from Eng. to New York, 1690: 6-Lancaster (will proved 1741), m 1729, Mary— (widow of —Lydius); 5-Susannah Catherine (ca. 1730-1765), m 1751, John Ogilvie, D.D. (1722-74), B.A., Yale, 1748: mis- sionary among Mohawk Indians; chaplain French and Indian War; asst. minister Trin- ity Ch., New York: gov. of Columbia U.: 4-Mary Margaret (1753-1827), m 1777, Capt. Bar- rent Roorbach, M.D. (d ante 1814): 3-Mary Margaret (1785-1830). m 1807, Alexander MacWhorter Beebee, Li.D. 8-Capt. Nathaniel Merriman (1613-93), from Eng. ca. 1649; dep. from Wallingford, Conn.: offi- cer in Pequot and King Philip’s wars; m Abigail Olney (d 1680); 7—Mary (b_1657), m 1674, Thomas Curtis (1648- 1736), of Wallingford, Conn.: 6—Jemima (1694-1739), m 1713, Nathan Beach (b 1692), of Wallingford; 5-Joseph (1714-95), Wallingford and Waterbury, Sebi m 1734, Experience Beecher (1719-89: ohn‘); 4-Joseph (1751-1802), officer Am. Rev.: m 1782. Hannah Miles (1759-1846; David5, m Hannah Gunn); 3—Caty (1792-1883), Waterbury, Conn.: m 1818, Dan- iel Hall (1777-1851), of Kingston, R.I. (Daniel, m Jane Harvey). 2-Dau. of Alexander MacWhorter Beebee, D.D. (1820-97), prof. Colgate U. 47 yrs., m Catherine Jane (1822-1907), dau. Daniel Hall (1777-1851): is- sue: J—Alexander MacWhorter; II—-James 144 Hoyt; IlI-Katherine Margaret (above). IlI-—m Sept. 8, 1884, Albert Granger Harkness, Litt. D. (Nov. 19, 1856-Jan. 29, 1923); A.B., Brown, 79; prof. Brown U., 1893- 1923; issue: 1-Albert (av for Harkness lineages). Member C.D.A., D.A.R. Residence: 7 Cooke St., Providence, RI. ALBERT GRANGER HARKNESS, LITT.D. (1856-1923). 1 lene eto sa Albert, 6 Hamilton, 8, 1886. 1J—Laurence Southwick (d 1660), was at Salem, 1639, on L.I., 1659; m Cassandra— (d 10-John (1620-72), m Mrs. Hannah Flint; 9—-John (1667-1742/48), m Hannah (Black) Follett (Robert Black’, m Persis—); 8-Benjamin (0 1701), m 1720, Sarah Southwick (0 1699; Isaac®, m Anna-—}; John” above); 7-~Benjamin (b 1722), m Miriam Benson; 6—Joseph (d 1818), m 1760, Hannah Hunt; 5—Hannah is 1839), m 1788, Samuel Harkness (See Vol. 1, 148, for Harkness line); 4-Southwick di97- 1875), m 1820, Phebe Thayer; 3—-Albert, Ph.D., LAD: (1822- 1907), m Maria ‘Als drich Smith. 10-Thomas Thayer (d 1665), Braintree, m 1618, Margery Wheeler (d 1672); 9-Ferdinando (bap. 1625-1713), m 1652, Huldah Hayward (d 1690; William, m Margery-); 8—Lt. Samuel (d 1721), m 1690, "Mary Bass (6 1672; Thomas®, m Sarah, dau. of Nicholas Wood; Samuel”, m Anne-); 7—Joseph (1707-33), m Hannah Hayward; 6—Joseph (1727-77), m 1751, Abigail Cook (1731-1817; Nicholas’, m Elizabeth—; Nicholas’, m Joanna, dau. of John Rockwood; Walter®, m Cath- erine-); 5—-Nicholas (1758-1818), m 1783, Judith Cook (1759- 1848; Nathaniel®, m Martha, dau. of James Bal- lou; Nicholas?; Nicholas’; Walter®); 4—-Phebe_ (1800-63), m Southwick Harkness (4 above). 10—Christopher Smith (d 1676), sgt. and dep. Gen. Ct. of Mass., 1655; ‘“‘Antient Friend of Provi- dence,” m Alice-; ; 9-EKdward (1635-93), sgt.; mem. Colonial Assem- bly, 1665-83; m Amphillis Angell (Thomas”, m Alice, dau. of James Ashton); 8—Joseph (1680-1734), m 1706, Patience Mowry (Na- thariel®, m Joanna, dau. of Edward Inman; Rog r”’, m Mary, dau. of John Johnson); N.Y., Nov. Mass.; THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 7—Joseph (1710-54), m 2d, Lydia Dexter (8d from Gregory Dexter, qv); 6—Simon_ (1787- 1831), m 1762, Elizabeth Sayles (b 1740; Thomas’, m Esther Scott; John’, m Mary, dau. of Roger Williams, qv; John’®); 5-Ziba (d 1844), m Lydia Waterman ‘(1772- 1848; Capt. Andrew®, m 2d, Margaret, dau. of John Foster; Resolved? m Lydia Mathewson; Re- solved’, m Anne, dau. of Andrew Harris; Re- solved?, m Mercy, dau. of Roger Williams, av; Richard”); 4—-Seott Waterman (1801-86), m 1827, Adah Aldrich (1806-94; Philip®, m Sarah, dau. of Richard Wa- terman; Noah®, m Huldah, dau. of Seth Whit- aker; David", m Sarah-); 3-Maria Aldrich (1828- 1915), m Albert Harkness (3 above). cearee, child of Albert Granger Harkness, Litt. i Cpe an m 1884, Katherine Margaret Bee- ee M auch 29, 1914, Sara Arden Cheesman (av for issue A.B., Brown, ’09; B.Sc., Mass. Inst. Tech., ’12. Architect. Clubs: The Players (New York), Hope, Agawam Hunt, Providence Art. Resi- dence: 6 Cooke St., Providence, R.I. 1-HARKNESS, Sara Arden Cheesman (Mrs. Albert), Aug. 29, 1889-May 18, 1922. 6-Thomas Cheesman, went from Phila., Pa., to N.Y. City, 1756, when he was made a free- man; shipwright; subsequently returned to Eee where he died ca. 1785; m Elizabeth or Remora! (1763-1821), N.Y. City; m 1786, Ann Cummings (1768-18380; John*®, m Margaret Mc- Pherson); 4John Cummings (1789-1862), m 1814, Martha Matlack Hicks; 3—-Timothy Matlack, M.D. (1824-88), m 1848, Ma- ria Louisa Smith. 1l—Robert Hicks (qv); 10-John (d 1672), m Herodias Long; 98-Thomas (1640-1739), m Mary Butler Washburn; 8-Jacob (1669-1755), m 1690, Hannah Carpenter (1672-1750) ; 7—Benjamin (1716-44), m 1736, Phoebe Titus (1717- 1800; Silas’, m Sarah-—); 6-Silas (b 1737), m 1762, "Rachel Seaman (1742-97; Samuel’, m Martha Valentine; Nathaniel®; Capt. John®); 5—-Willet (1765- 1845), m 1792, Mary Matlack; 4-Martha M. (1798- 1872), m John Cummings Cheesman (4 above). 9-Nicholas Street (qv); 8—-Rev. Samuel (1635- 1717), m 1664, Anna Miles (1639-1730; Richard’); 7-Lt. Samuel (1667-ca. 1719-20), m 1690, Hannah Glover (1672-1715; John§); 6-Samuel (1701-92), m 1745, Sarah Atwater (1727-95; Caleb?, m Mehitable, dau. of John Mix; John§); 5—Caleb (1753- 97), m 1786, Susannah Whittlesey; 4-Sarah_ (1792- 94- 1884), m 1820, Benjamin Smith via Benjamin®, m Mary Smith; Sam- uel?) ; 3-Maria Louisa (0 1829), m Timothy M. Chees- man (3 above), 9-Rev. Charles Chauncy (qv); 8—-Rev. Nathaniel (ca. 1639- 1685), m 1673, Abigail Strong (d 1704; John®); 7-Sarah, m 1705, Rev. Samuel Whittlesby (1686- 1752; John’, m Ruth, dau. of William Dudley); 6—Elisha (1721- 1808), m 1754, Susannah Hall (1726- 68; John’, m Mary, dau. of Lt. Samuel Street [7 abovel; John’; Capt. Samuel®; John”); 5—-Susannah (1756-97), m Caleb Street (5 above). 9—Christopher Hawxhurst, from Eng. to Salem and Ipswich, Mass., 1630, thence to R.I., and ra hae Bay, L.I., 1665; m ca. 1655, Mary u 8-Samson (1670-1732), m 1698, Hannah Townsend (John®, m Johanna-); 7-Benjamin, m Hannah-; 6—-Mary (6 1747), m 1768, White Matlack (b 1745; Col. Timothy “The fighting parson’’?, m Mar- tha [Burr] Haines; William’, m Mary Han- cock); 5—-Mary (1775-1831), m Willet Hicks (5 above). 2-Dau. of Timothy Matlack Cheesman, M.D. (1853-1913), A.B., Columbia, ’74; m 1884, Clara Livingston (qv for Livingston lineages). M Aug. 29, 1914, Albert Harkness (qv); issue: 1—Albert, Jr., d Providence, R.I., May 29, 1915; 2-John Cheesman, b N.Y. ‘City, Nov. 30, 1916; 3-Livingston Arden (May 18-May 24, 1922). FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 145 ‘eeeatneeye Clara Livingston (Mrs. Timothy ack 7-Robert Livingston, “The Nephew” (d 1725), ie to America, 1687; patiied at Albany, N. Y., 1696; m 1697, Margaretta Schuyler (dau. Col. ‘Pieter [““Queeder’’ ]8, actg. gov. of the province, and ist mayor of Albany, m. En- geltje, dau. of Goosen Gerritse Van Schaick; Philip Pieterse®, qv); ae (1701-63), m 1723, Maria Kierstede (1704- 5-Robert James (1725-71), m 1747, Susan Smith (1729-91; Judge William®, m Mary, dau: of René Hett; Thomas’; William); 4—William Smith’ (1755-94), m Catherine Lott (d 1823; Judge Abraham®, m Gertrude, dau. of Andries Coeymans; Abrahamé; Englebert*); 3—Francis Armstrong (1794-1829), m 1821, Cather- ine Roosevelt Kissam. 8-Claes Martenzen (van Rosevelt) Roosevelt (qv); 7-Nicholas (1658-1715), alderman, m 1682, Heyltje Jans Kunst (Jan B.°§); opheetet a (1692-1776), m 1718, Catherine Harden- brook 5-Isaac ” (1726-94), mem. N.Y. Constl. Conv., N.Y. Senate; a founder New York Hosp.; m 1752, Cornelia Hoffman (1734-89; Col. Martinus®, m Tryntje, dau. of Robert Benson; Nicholaes’; Martinus H.8); 4—Cornelia (1767-1818), m 1786, Benjamin Kissam (1759-1863; Benjamin‘, m Deborah, dau. of Jon- athan Whitehead; Joseph’; Daniel’: John§) ; 3—Catherine R. (1802-78), m Francis A. Livingston (3 above). 7-Johannes de Peyster (qv); 6—-Johannes (1666-1711), m 1688, Anna Bancker (b 1670; Gerret?, m Elizabeth Dirckse, dau. of Dirck van Epps); 5-William (1709-84), m 1730, Margaret Roosevelt (1709-1776; Johannes; Nicholas’: Claes Marten- zens, av); 4-Nicholas (1740-1824), (1753-1826; Thomas’; nis§); 3—Jane (1784-1859), m Richard Deane Arden (1777- 1865; James‘, m Blizabeth, dau. of Richard Deane; Thomas?; James’), 2-Dau. of Francis Armstrong Livingston (1825- 1894), of Garrison, N.Y.; m 1848, Sara Jane Arden (1818-1900). M Nov. 6, 1884, Timothy Matlack Cheesman (Jan. 29, 1853- Feb. 25, 1919); A.B., Columbia, ’74, m 1772, Frances de Kay Jacobus®; Jacobus’; Theu- A.M., 1! STi MED: 1878; prominent physician, New "York. Residence: “The Briars,’’ Garrison, N.Y. 1-HENDERSON, Thomas Stalworth, b Wash- ington, Tex., Jan. 12, 1859, Henderson ancestors were Pa. Quakers who went to S.C. soon after the Am. Rev.: 3-John Henderson, of Abbeville District, S.C.; m Nancy Ann Stalworth. 2Son of Thomas Stalworth Henderson (1820- 1900), farmer; m 1840, Harriet (1823-59), dau. of Samuel Red, of Newberry, 8.C., m Ann Boyd; issue: I-John Nathaniel (1843- 1907; judge Ct. of Criminal Appeals of Tex.); II-—EPlizabeth Rebecca (1845-1920; m George L. Chandler); III— Alice Eleanor (b 1848; m Thomas C. Fowler); IV—Georgia Ann (1851- 1921; m James W. Rodes): V-Samuel Red (1853- 1908) : ViI-—Ada Harriet (b 1857); VII-Thomas Stalworth (above). ViI-m Dec. 10, 1884, Minnie Agnes Burns, b Caddo, La., ‘Apr. 91, 1868; dau. of John H. Burns, of Caddo Parish, La.; issue eS v Cameron, Tex.): 1-Thomas Sarat Oo LAUe. 15; 1888; U. of Tex., 12; served in aviation He vice, World War; m Feb. 10, 1920, Madelyn, dau. of Warren S. Stone, of Mt. Clemons, Mich.; 2—Pleanor, b Oct. 13, 1890; U. Tex.; m Dec. 10, 1914, Peter B. Wells (issue: Peter pas Thomas H.; John Howard); 3-Mary Lake. b May. 17, 1893; U. Tex., °15; 4-John Burns, 0 June 29, 1898: aj exc 5—Harriet Ada, b Apr. TEINS. 0. "Tex., 724; 6-Agnes Red, b July 1661008. "Tex, 75. A.B., Baylor U., ’77. Lawyer; officer of corpns.: cotton grower. Co. atty., Milam Co., Tex., 1880-82; dist. atty., 20th Jud. Dist., 1882-86; mem. Legislature, 1893: bd. regents U. Tex., 1895 - 1911, and chmn. 1910-11 (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: Cameron, Tex. igetate te Reginald Buchanan, 6 Garden City, L.1., N.Y., May 23, 1881. 4-John Henry (d 1838), from Ireland, aet. 16; settled in Sinclair Tp., Allegheny "Co. Pars m Margaret-; 3-Rev. Robert (1801-38), A.B., Jefferson (now Washington and Jefferson) Coll., Pa., 1823; grad. Princeton Theol. Sem., 1826; Presbyn. minister, Greensburg, Pa.; m 1832, Harriet Buchanan (1802-40; James* [1762-1821], from Ire- land, 1788, who was father of James, Pres- ident of the U.S.). 5-John Anderson (1750-1818), from Scotland to Canada; m dau. of John Bridge (1787-1814), a loyalist, of Mass.; 4—William, M.D., L.R.C.S. (1792-1852), first prof. anatomy and ‘physiology in present U. Vt.; m 1818, Harriet (1792-1868), dau. of Edward Langley, m Sarah Lardner, of London, Eng.; 3-William Astley Cooper, M.D. (1814-82), of Staten Island, N.Y.; m 1838, Louisa (1810-73), dau. of Thomas Morgan, of Eng., m Jane, dau. of Joshua Jenour (1716-74), of London, master of the Stationers Co. and a propr. and mgr. of the Daily Advertiser, m 1750, Ann Harding. 2-Son of James Buchanan Henry (1833-1915), A.B., Princeton, ’53, A.M., 1856; pvt. sec. to Presi- dent James Buchanan, 1856-59; asst. U.S. dist. atty. of N.Y., 1859-60, and U.S. commr., 1859-71; m 1859, Mary Hagner, dau. of Joseph H. Nich- olson, of Annapolis, Md.; m 2d, 1872, Louisa Anderson (1848-86); issue (1st marriage): I- Buchanan (1860-62); II-Joseph Nicholson, M.D. (1862-1904; m Alice [Hoyt] Truehart); (2d mar- riage): III—William C. A. (6 1873; m Mary La- mar duBignon); I1V-—James Buchanan (6b 1875; m Mary Catherine McClaughry); V—Robert Edward (6 1877; m Virginia Bell Tolar); VI- Sidney Morgan (6 1878; m Julia Barnett Per- sons); VII—Reginald Buchanan (above); VIII-— Frank Anderson (b 1883; m Gladys [Allen] Martin). Vil-m Apr. 30, 1918, Jane Byrd Ruffin, b Nor- folk, Va., July 22, 1897; dau. of Edmund Sumter Ruffin (qv); issue: 1-Evelyn Byrd, }b Norfolk, Va., Feb. 21, 1919; 2-Buchanan Willing, b July 18, 1926. Ed. Georgetown Coll., D.C., St. Stephen’s Coll., Lt. cdr. and surgeon, IN Yee VE. Des Ue, Vas, 190%. M.O.F.W., S.W. 1812. U.S.N. Mem. Delta Psi, Clubs: St. Anthony (New York), Army and Navy (Washington), Residence: 511 Fairfax Av., Norfolk, Va. 1-HEWLETT, Cleora Melissa Whitney (Mrs. Frederick), b Ft. Fairfield, Me., Jan. 1, 1854. 9-John Whitney (qv); 8—-Richard (6 1626), m Martha Caldam; 7-Moses (b 1655), served in King Philip’s War; m Sarah Knight; 6—John (6 1700), founder of Shirley, Mass.; 5—Abner (1734-1802), Groton, Mass.; with four sons fought in Am. Rev.; m Sarah Hilton; 4-Samuel (6 1759), of Falmouth, Me.; soldier Am, Rev.; m Hannah Thompson; 3-William (1786-1852), m Olive Parlin. 9-Roger Eastman (qv); 8-Thomas (1646-88), m Deborah Corliss; 7-Jonathan (1680-1758), m Hannah Green; 6—Richard (1712-1807), m Mollie Lovejoy; Pa nee (1745-1815), sgt. Am. Rev.; m Phoebe errill; 4—Abiather (1781-1812), killed in War 1812; m Susan Durgin; 3-—Otis (1808-1905), m Florella Merrill. 2-Dau. of Albion Pearia Whitney (1825-84), ship- ping and commn. mcht., San Francisco; mem. Calif. Senate; m Susan Durgin Eastman (1832- 1917); issue: I-Calvin Eastman (1853-91; m Fan- nie Boruck); II-—Cleora Melissa (above); III— Nancy Jane (m George P. Morrow); IV—Ar- thur L. (1858-1914; m Annie St. John); V—Mar- cella (1866-1915: m Charles B. Wheaton); VI-— ree H. (1869-1907); VII-—Clara (m Lewis E. pear). II-—m July 12, 1878, Frederick Hewlett, 6 London, Eng., 1846; son of Dr. James Hewlett, surgeon Brit. Navy; issue: 1-Albion Walter (av for Parlin and Merrill lineages); 2-Eugene Elbert, bo» Sonoma Co.) Calif.;, June, 6.18783) B.L.,) U0. Calif., ’00; LL.B., Harvard, 1903; m Oct. 1904, Ione, dau. of Charles Fore, of Piedmont, Calif. Mem. D:F.P.A., C.D.A., D.A.R. Clubs: Century, Town and Country, Browning. Residence: 2030 Franklin St., San Francisco, Calif. 146 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 1-HEWLETT, ranges Walter, b Petaluma, Calif., Nov. 27, 9-Nicholas Partin. 11840- 1722), from Eng at Concord, Mass.; 8—John (1666-1750), of Cambridge, Mass.; 7-John (1689-1754) ; 6-John, soldier Am. Rev.; 5-Eleazer, sgt. Am. Rev.; m (Ephraim®, m Elizabeth-—); 4-Olive, m William Whitney (1786-1852) ; 38—-Albion P. (1825-84), m Susan Durgan Eastman, 1i—Nathaniel Merrill (qv); 10—Nathaniel (d 1688); d 9-John (1663-1705), settled at Haverhill, ca. 1700; m Lucy Webster; 8—-Dea. John (b 1696), settled at Concord, N.H., ca. 1728; ‘ 7-Lt. Thomas, served in colonial army; 6—-Enoch, m Mary Ambrose; 5-Lt. Enoch, of Concord, N.H 4-Florella, m Otis Eastman (1808- 1905) ; 3-Susan D. (1832-1917), m Albion Paris Whitney (8 above). 2-Son of Cleora Melissa Whitney (qv), m 1878, Frederick Hewlett (b Eng., 1846). M June 12, 1907, Louise Redington, B San Fran- cisco, Calif., Dec. 15, 1881; dau. of William Pearson Redington; issue: 1—Louise Reding- ton, Bb Ann Arbor, Mich., May 8, 1909; 2—Wil- liam Redington, 6 Ann Arbor, May 20, 1913. BS; Us Calif., “9: M.D; Johns Hopkins, 1900; Physician; prof. of medicine, Stanford Med- ical School (See Who’s Who in America). Cdr., U.S.N.R.F., in World War. Clubs: Uni- versity. Residence: 3880 Washington St., San Francisco, Calif. 1-LEWIS, Alfred Eli, ) Phila., Pa., Feb. 20, 1867. 8—Nicholas Newlin (1620-99), from Eng. to Con- cord, Chester Co., Pa., 16838; justice County me mene Provincial Council; m Elizabeth aggot T-Nothoniol (1665-1729), mem. Provincial Assem- bly; trustee provincial loan office; m 1685, Mary Mendenhall; 6—Elizabeth (b 1687/88), m 1713, Ellis Lewis (1680- 1750), of royal descent; from Wales to Pa., Se . settled Olive Hildreth Mass., 1708; 5—Ellis (1719-1794-95), m Ruth Wilson (John®, from Scotland, 1740, m Ruth Hind); 4—-Maj. Eli (1750-1807), m 1779, Pamela Webster; 38—E1li (1789-1867), m Rebecca Forney. &-William Brinton (qv); 7—William (1666-1751), m 1690, Jean Thatcher (1670- 1765; Richard’, from Eng., 1685, m Jane Ste- vens); 6-Edward (1704-79), m Hannah (b 1696; George’, m Ann Gainor); 5—Jane, m 1755, John Webster; 4—-Pamela (1759-1802), m Maj. Eli Lewis (4 above). 2-Son of Col. Alfred Eli Lewis (1832-1912), law- yer; m 1864, Mary Wolff (1839-1915); issue: I— Lucrezia May (b 1866); IIl—Alfred Eli (above); IliI—Mary Wolff (1869-92); IV-—Ellis (qv for DuBois lineage); V—Gerald (1874-1921): VI-— Francis (1876-1911); VII—Edith (b 1879; m Charles Converse Tyler). IIl-m Mar. 28, 1890, Grace Harsell, 6 New York, Sept. 10, 1869; dau. of Blaise Lorillard Har- sell, of New York; issue: 1-Willemene B., Bb New York, Apr. 10, 1891; m Daniel Woodrow; 2-Lawrence W., Db Milford, Pa., Dec. 14, 1893; on Alfred Eli, Jr., 6 Milford, Mar. 19, 1895. B.S. and E.M., Lehigh U., ’88. Mem. S.R. Resi- pene 2033 Florida Av. N.W., Washington, Pierce 1-LEWIS, Ellis, 6 Phila., Pa., May 4, 1871. §%-Louis duBois (qv); - 8-Abraham (1657-1731), m 1681, Margaret Deyo (Christian’) ; 7—Leah (1687-1758), m 1712, Philip Ferree (1687-1753; son of Daniel, who d in France), with his mother and family settled in Lancaster Co., Pa., 1708: 6-Abraham (d 1775), m Elizabeth Eltinge (b 1719: Cornelius’, m Rebecca Van Meterin; Jan’, m Jacomyntje, dau. of Cornelis Barentse Slecht, qv); 5-Rebecea (1742- 1812), m 1761, David Shriver (1735- 1826; Andreas*, m Anna Maria Keiser; An- dreas?: Jost§; Lorenz?) ; 4-Rachel (b 1767), m 1784, Adam Forney (b 1754); 3—Rebecea (1794-1881), m Eli Lewis. 2Son of Col. Alfred Eli Lewis ‘(1832- 1912), law- yer; m 1864, Mary Wolff (1839-1915). For issue and other lineages see Alfred Eli Lewis. M Aug. 1, 1908, Isabel Montgomery Nilis, b Pike Co., Pa., Aug. 1, 1888; dau. of Pierre Mont- gomery Nilis (son of Prof. Justin Nilis, emi- grated from Belgium, m Isabel Montgomery, of N.Y. City); issue: 1—Ellis, Jr., 6 Milford, Pa., July 56, 1909. U. Pa. Law School, 1895. U.S. estate tax agt. Served in Naval Bn., Pa. N.G., 1893-96. Mem. B.O.R., S.R. Club: Huntingdon Valley Coun- he Residence: 260 Mather Rd., Jenkintown, a 1-SEEGER, Charles Louis, }) Springfield, Mass., Jan. 13; 1860. 9-William White (qv); 1639/40-1668/69), m &John (ca. 1662, Hannah French (Hdward’); 7-John (1663-64-1727), town clk., rep. Gen. Ct., ota m 1687, Lydia Gilman (John’; Ed- war 6—Dea. William (1693/94-1737), m 1716, Sarah Phil- lips (b 1692; Samuel7; Rev. Samuel8; Rev. George’) ; 5-Capt. John (1719/20-1800), of Haverhill, Mass.; m Ist, Miriam (Hoyt) Hazen (1720-65), widow of Richard Hazen; 4—Maj. Moses (1756-1833), officer Am. Rev.; mem. Soc. Cin.; m 1786, Elizabeth Amelia Atlee (1765-1808; ‘Judge William A>, (or Juancaster: Pa.); 3—John Hazen (1792-1865), of Lancaster, N.H.; m > 1818, Roxanna Robinson (1792-1880). —Son of Elizabeth Amelia White (1819-1905), m Foe Edwin Seeger (1811-66), physician (son of Dr. Charles Louis Seeger, 1763-1848, from Stuttgart, Germany, to S8.C., 1786, m_ Sarah Parsons, 1771-1852); issue: I—Charles (1851-52); JI-Edward White (1852-91); III—William Tully (b 1856); ITV—Charles Louis (above). IV—m Mar. 3, 1886, Elsie Simmons Adams, b Rox- bury, Mass.; dau. of Albert Adams, of King- ston, Mass.; issue: 1-Charles Louis (6 1886; See Who’s Who in America); 2-Alan (June 22 1888-July 4, 1916); A.B., Harvard, ’10; pvt. Fgn. Legion of French Army, 1914, and killed in action, July 4, 1916; awarded Médaille Mili- taire and Croix de Guerre; author of the poem “I Have a Rendezvous with Death”; 3— Blizabeth, 6 New Brighton, S.I., N.Y. V.p. for Europe of U.S. Rubber Export Co., Ltd. Pres. American Library at Paris. Author, editor and translator (See Who’s Who in America). Clubs: Century (New York), Inter- allié (Paris). Residence: ‘‘Fairlea,”’ Patterson, Putnam Co., N.Y. 1-SELDEN, Annie Jackson (Mrs. Montgomery O.), 6 Baltimore, Md., July 19, 1860. &John Chew (qv); 7-Samuel (1634-77), burgess, mem. Council; col. of provincial forces; chancellor and sec., Province of Md.; m 1658/59, Anne Ayres (d 1695; William§’, of Nansemond Con Var 6-William (d 1709/10), m 1690, Sydney Wynne (Dr. Thomas? [1630-92], came to Pa., 1682; desc. Owen Gwynedd, Prince of Wales); 5-Benjamin, justice of Cecil Co., Md., Ct., 1741- 68, and Quorum, 1749-23; m 1726, Sarah Bond; 4— Henrietta, m 2d, 1783, John James; 38—Mollie Elliott (1788-1862), m 1803, William Jack- sgn (1767-1847). 2—Dau. William Robinson Jackson (1808-66), with Maxwell, Wright & Co., coffee importers, Bal- timore, m Anne Maria (1831-70), dau. of John Patrick (1800-70), m Anne Maria Moore; issue: 1—Charles Henry (1853+-97); II—Rupert Car- reras (1855-85); Il1I-Walter Hamilton (1857-95); ie (above); V—Benjamin Chew (1862- IV—m Dec. 14, 1881, Montgomery Osborne Selden, b Charles City Co., Va., May 1, 1857; son of Dr. William Allen’ Selden, of ‘Charles City Co., m Jane Douthat: issue ‘(both b Baltimore, Md): 1—Blizabeth, 6b Oct. 30, 1882; m Oct. 28, 1904, Charles Rives Skinker (issue: Nancy Selden, Charlotte Keith, Charles Rives); 2-William Allen, b Oct. 17, 1884. Residence: 521 Jefferson Av., Niagara Falls, N.Y. ee George Lincoln, } Oramel, N.Y., Jan. 9-Jehu Burr (qv): ogit ey oun (ca. 1633-1694), m ca. 1672, Sarah-Fitch ma 7—John e783. 1705), m Elizabeth— (d post 1705); FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 147 6—Col. Andrew (1696-1763), m 1719, Sarah Sturges (1700-45; Jonathan’); grea yen (1722-73), m 1751, Eunice Osborn (1726- ); eee. (1752-1800), m 1778, Mabel St. John (1758- 3—Andrew (1789-1872), m 1812, Butterfield (1794-1878). 9-Thomas Lincoln, “cooper” (d 1691), m ca. 1630, Annis Lane (d 1688); 8-Benjamin (1643-1700), m 1667, Sarah Fearing (1649-1716; John’); 7-—Thomas (b 1674), m 1695, Rachel Holmes; 6-Thomas (1700-30), m 1725, Sarah Winslow (1707-71, or later; Kenelm’); 5—Seth (1726- 93), m 1751, Lucy Paige (1734-1821); 4-Thomas (b Weston, now Warren, Mass.), m Phebe Keyes (d ante 1790) ; 3-Otis (1787-1863), m 1812, Sarah Slosson (1796- 1844; George’). 2-Son of William Josiah Burr (1818-1902), m 1845, Jane Charlotte Lincoln (1825-95); issue: I-wil- liam Henry (1846-1925); II-Sarah Jane (6b 1848; m 1872, Emil Arthur Becker); IlI—George L. (above); I1V—Mary Ella (1859-97; m Charles Olm- sted Upton). IlIl-m Aug. 20, 1907, Martha Alexander Martin (Aug. 7, 1870- Jan. 31, 1909); dau. of Rev. Stephen Taylor Martin, of ‘Dublin, was A.B., Cornell, 1881; student Leipzig, Sorbonne and Ecole ‘des Chartes, Paris, and Zurich, 1884-86, 1887-88 (LL.D., U. of Wis., 1904; Litt. Dy Western Reserve, 1905). Librarian, The Mary Cleveland President White Library, Ithaca, N.Y., since 1878; mem. Cornell faculty, 1888-1922, since emeritus (See Who’s Who in America). Resi- dence: Ithaca, N.Y. 1-COCKE, J(ohn) T(ucker) Bowdoin, } “Bel- meade,” Powhatan Co., Va., Mar. 12, 1871. 10-Richard Cocke (qv); 9-Richard (1639-1706), of ‘““‘Bremor,’’ Henrico Co., Va.; surveyor; mem. Co. Ct.; m Elizabeth—; 8-Richard (1672-1720), of ‘‘“Bremor,”’ m ist, Anne Bowler (1675-1705; Maj. Thomas’); 7—Richard (1707-72), of Surry; m ist, Elizabeth Hartwell, of Surry Co., Va.; 6—-Hartwell (d 1772), burgess; m Anne Ruffin (John’?, of Surry Co.); 5—John Hartwell (1749-91), mem. Com. Safety, 1776; burgess, Surry Co., Va., 1787; m 1773, Elizabeth Kennon (1755-91); 4-Gen. John Hartwell (1780-1866), of ‘‘Bremor,’ Fluvanna Co., Va.; grad. William and he 1798; brig. gen. War 1812; apostle of temper- ance; philanthropist; a founder U. Va.: m 1802. Anne Blaws Barraud (d@ 1816; Dr. Philip®, of Norfolk, Va.); 3—Gen. Philip St. George ee 61), of ‘““Belmeade,” Powhatan Co., Va.; .S.M.A., ’32; planter in Va. and Miss.; brig. gen. C.S.A., 1861; m 1834, Sally Elizabeth Courtney Bowdoin (d 1872). 9-William Browne, m Mary Browne (Col. Henry”, m Anne Fowler); 8—William, m Jane Meriwether; 7—William, m Mary Clements; 6—William (d 1786), m 1757, Sarah Edwards (d 1766); Dae ede (1759- 99), m 1792, Elizabeth Ruffin (d 4-Sarah Edwards (1794-1815), m 1813, John Tucker Bowdoin; 3-Sally E. @. (d 1872), m Philip St. George Cocke (3 above). 2-Son of John Bowdoin Cocke (1836-89), planter: maj. C.S.A.; m 1866, Elizabeth Burwell Page (1841-1900) ; issue: T—-Mary Louise (6 1868); II—J. T. Bowdoin (above); III—Betty Page (b 1872); IV— Lucy Hamilton (Mrs. Milton C. Elliott, qv for other lineages); V—Norborne Page (6b 1878; m Julia Belle Debardeleben). TI—-Not married. Ed. Va. Mil. Inst., ’90. Entered gas industry, Phila., Pa., 1892; pres. and gen. mer. Athens (Ga.) Gas Co.; gas engr. for Ford. Bacon & Davis, Birmingham, Ala.; engr. with Cons. Gas Co., N.Y. City; engr. and supt. of gas, Newport News, Va. Clubs: Tidewater, Chamber of Commerce. Residence: P.O. Box 601, Newport News, Va. tener ee Lucy Hamilton Cocke (Mrs. Mil- ese” b ‘“Belmeade,’’ Powhatan Co., Va., Nov. 9-Col. John Page (qv); S—Col. Mathew 1659 1703), of “Rosewell,’’ Glouces- ter Co., Va.: mem. Colonial Council; m 1689, Mary Mann (1672-1707 ; John®. m Mary-): 7—Mann (1691-1730), of ‘““Rosewell’”’; m 2d, ca. 1717-18, Judith Carter (b 1694; Robert ‘King’ Carter’, pres. Colony of Va.); 6—Mann (1718-1808), of “Rosewell”; del. Cont. Con- gress, 1777; m 2d, 1748, Anne Corbin Tayloe, of Mt. Airy, Spotsylvania Cot, Vass 5—-Robert (0 ca. 1751), of Hanovertown, Hanover Co., Va.; m ca. 1776, Elizabeth Carter, of Fred- ericksburg, Va.; 4—Charles (6 1778), m 1799, Sally Cary Nelson; ES Rik Thomas (1812-98), m 1833, Mary Louisa ones. 7-Thomas Nelson (qv); 6—-Thomas (1716-82), sec. Colonial Council of Va.; m 1745, Lucy Armistead; 5—Col. William (1746-1807), of ‘‘The Dorrill,’”’ Han- over Co., Va.; col. Am. Rev.; m 1770, Lucy Chis- well (1752-1810); 4-Sally Cary (1780-1861), m ist, Charles Page (4 above); she m 2d, Thomas Atkinson, of ‘“Mans- field,” Va. 2-Dau. of Elizabeth Burwell Page (1841-1900), m John Bowdoin Cocke (1836-89), planter; maj. C.S.A. For issue and other lineages see J. T. Bowdoin Cocke. M Dec. 29, 1906, Milton Courtright Elliott (See Vol. 1, p. 93); issue: 1-Warren Grice, 6 Phila., Apc tciees 15, 1910; 2-John Page, 0 Phila., Apr. Residence: 2209 Mass. Av., Washington, D.C. 1-FRENCH, Léon [LéLanne], }) Washington, DICH Jane 111879; 8—William French (qv); 7—Corp. John (1635-1712), m 1677/78, Mary (Little- field) Kitteredge (1646- 1719) ; 6-Lt. William (1687-1745/46), m Mehitable Patten (1687-1743) ; 5-Gen. William (1712-93), Am. Rev.; m 1736, Tabitha Pierce (6 1716); 4—William (1738/39-1805), Am. Rev.; Gordon (1772 ?-1814) ; 3—William (1797-1874), m 1829, Mary Ann Weaver (1809-91). 9-Matthew Marvin (qv); 8—Sarah, m William Goodrich (qv); 7-Col. David (1667- 1755), m 2d, 1698, Churchill (1678-1752) ; Sens (1715-79), m 1737, Hannah Olmstead (6 5—Hzekiel (1749-1783), m 1770, Eunice Rathbone; 4—Blizur (1765-1854), m Laura Drury (1789-1863) ; 3-—Harriet Evelyn (1817-47), m Léon LéLanne eee (1818-1901; Abram F. J.* [1757-1858], Am. eVv.). 2-Son of Hon. John Louis French (1832-1912), served in Civil War; minister, attorney, judge, asst. postmaster gen.; m 1871, Agnes Laura Channell (1844-1907); issue: I—Harry Goodrich (1872-d infancy); II—Léon LéLanne (above). II—m June 5, 1898, Beatrice Rachel Keeler (June 10, 1878- -Apr. 19, 1901) ; dau. of Charles Keeler, of Washington, D.C. M 2d, Apr. 27, 1912, Ethel (Greene) Tucker, 0 Wawaka, Ind., Oct. 11, 1884; dau. of Capt. Charles Kennedy Greene, of Los Angeles, Calif. Princeton, ex-’99; LL.B., Columbian, 1902 (Phi Delta Phi). Attorney; dep. atty. gen. of Calif. since 1919. Served in 15th M.G. Co., O.T.S.; comma.) maj. [lnf. R:C) ~Mems S.Ciw.,. S.k.. S.A.R. (sec. Calif. soc.), A.L. Clubs: Army and Navy (San Francisco), University (Los An- nee! Residence: “Las Encinas,’ Menlo Park, alif. 1-GRANT, Kittie Louise Stone (Mrs. George, Jr.), 6 Saginaw, Mich., June 27, 1882. 5—-John Chadwick (1749-1821), 1t. Mass. line, Battle of White Plains; m 1773, Mary Jane Allen; 4—John, m 1807, Mary Stevens; vale Madison, m 1850, Charlotte Pearson (d 89 2-Dau. of Farnam Chickering Stone (1836-93), m 1860, Cornelia Pearson; m 2d, 1874, Harriott Frances Chadwick (1849-1908). For issue and ELOne lineage see George Chickering Stone. M Apr. 6, 1910, George Grant, Jr. (Aug. 8, 1881-Dec. 215 1920) ; issue (all b Saginaw, Mich.): 1—Mary Blizabeth, 6b Jan. 8, 1911; 2-Katrina Stone, 6 Aug. 30, 1912: 3-Jean Anne, b July 22, 1913; 4— George, 3d, b Nov. 11, 1914. m 1788, Jean Prudence Mem. D.A.R. (Oxbow Chapter, Newbury, Vt.). Be an RG 403 N. Michigan Av., Saginaw, ich, 148 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 1-STONE, George Chickering, b Saginaw, Mich., Aug. 18, 1875. 8-Hugh Stone, of Andover, Mass.; m Hannah Foster; 7—Hugh (0b 1682), m Dorothy Keziah; 6—Benjamin (b 1718), Haverhill, Mass.; m Mary Nichols; ; 5—Uriah (b 1744), Piermont, N.H.; m Hepzibah Hadley; 4-Uriah (1775-1840), Enosburg, W.Va.; m Polly Kennedy; 38-—Lyman (1801-70), Waterbury, Vt.; m Anne bk oster. : 2-Son of Farnam Chickering Stone (1836-93), m 1860, Cornelia Pearson; m 2d, 1874, Harriott Frances Chadwick (1849-1908); issue (lst mar- riage): I-Edwin Pearson (b 1861); (2d marriage): IIi—George Chickering (above); Il1I—Mary Cor- nelia (1880-82); IV—Kittie Louise (Mrs. George Grant, Jr., qv for Chadwick lineage). I-m Nov. 29, 1899, Marion Burt (divorced 1919). M 2d, Feb. 3, 1920, Maria Louise (Johnson) Gilbert (qv for issue). ; B.L., U. Mich., ’98 (Zeta Psi). V.p. F. A. Patrick & Co., mchts.; farmer and breeder of Guern- sey cattle. Chmn. of war savings for St. Louis Co., Minn., during World War. Clubs: University (Chicago), University, Minnesota (St. Paul), Kitchi Gammi, Northland Country (Duluth). Residence: ‘“‘Fairydale Farm,’ Paw- ling, N.Y. 1-STONE, Maria Louise Johnson (Mrs. George C.), 6 St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 26, 1882. 9-John Livermore (qv); 8-Samuel (1640-90), selectman, New Haven; m 1668, Anna Bridge; 7-Jonathan (1678-1705), m Rebecca Barnes (1680- 1765) ; 6-Samuel (1702-1773), selectman, town clk., treas., moderator; m 1st, Hannah Brown (1706-1762); 5-Anna (1748-1812), m Rev. Nathan Ker (1736-1804), grad. Princeton 1761; Presbyn. minister (Wil- liam®; Walter®, from Scotland, 1685); 4—-Blizabeth (1774-1864), m John McCarthy (1763- 1832), from Ireland; was co. clk. and co. judge at Johnstown, N.Y.; 38—Harriet L. (1817-1922), m 1848, William Henry Johnson, M.D. (1814-68). 2—-Dau. of Charles Williamson Johnson (See Vol. 1, p. 408, for other lineages), m 187, Maria Cornelia Bronson (1856-1922). M Jan. 9, 1901, Arthur Eaton Gilbert, of Duluth, Minn. M 2d, Feb. 3, 1920, George Chickering Stone (qv); issue: 1—-George Chickering, Jr., and 2—-Mary Louise (twins), Bb N.Y. City, Jan. 17, 1921; 3— Pec Johnson, Bb Easthampton, N.Y., Aug. 4, 1922. Residence: “Fairydale Farm,’’ Pawling, N.Y. ore = » Edwin Alston, ) New York, N.Y., Jan. 18, 1850. 8—-John Hill (d 1689), from Eng. to Guilford, Conn., ante 1645; m Frances— (d 1673); 7-James (1646-1707), m 1682, Sarah Griswold (d 1729); 6—-Daniel (1692-1745), m 1714, Mindwell Wilcox (ca. 1694- , 5-Reubin (1715/16-1804), pvt. Conn. Line in Am. Rev.; m 1746, Mercy Jacobs (d 1776); 4-Reubin (1746/47-1835), m 1774, Hannah Scranton (1752-1833) ; 3—Julius (1774-1852), m 1801, Mary Ann Brown (1780-1855). 9-Gov. Theophilus Eaton (qv); 8-Hannah (1632-1707), m Dep. Gov. William Jones (1624-1706; reputed son of John Jones, the regicide); 7-Isaac (b 1671), m Deborah Clark (1672-1733): 6-Isaac (1702-59), ens. of colonial troops, 1747-48; m Deborah Parker (6 1704); d-Parker (b 1734), m Temperance Butler (1739-1800) ; 4—John (1762-1841), m Esther Bolles (1762-1827): 38—Joseph B. (1794-1836), m Eliza Stokes (1798-1884). 10—John Alden (qv); 9$—BPlizabeth (1623/24-1717), m 1644, William Pabodie (1619/20-1707) ; 8-Lydia (1667-1740), m ca. 1683, Daniel Grinnell (1668-1740; Daniel®, m Mary, dau. of William Wodell; Matthew”, qv); 7—Mary (d 1755), m 1708, Robert Lay (1681-1738) ; §—-Daniel (1712-82), m Anna Bull (1712-90): 5—Daniel (1738/39-1807), m 1763, Mercy Chapman: 4—Jerusha (1767-1862), m 1787, Capt. Richard Stokes ae a pvt. Conn. Line in Am, Rev., pen- sioned; 38-Eliza (1798-1884), m 1818, Joseph B. Jones (3 above). 1l—John Tilley (qv); 10—Elizabeth (16U/-87), m John Howland (qv); 9—Desire (1625-83), m 1648, Capt. John Gorham (qv); 8-Mercy (1659-1725), m George Denison (1653-1711; Capt. George®; William!®, qv); 7-Samuel (b 1685), m Mary Lay (0b 1685), widow of Christopher Minor; 6—Mercy (1713-97), m 1737, Nathaniel Chapman (1714- 1755; Nathaniel’, m Elizabeth Spencer; Dea. Nathaniel*; Capt. Robert®, qv); 5—-Mercy (1742-75), m Daniel Lay (5 above). 2-Only suryv. child of Benjamin Scranton Hill (1815-95), merchant; m 1846, Elizabeth Stokes Jones (1824-1905). M June 18, 1884, Ida Wood, 6 New Haven, Conn., Nov. 5, 1854; D.A.R.; dau. of Alonzo Felton Wood, druggist, of New Haven, Conn. (Luther'’, m Lydia, dau. of Stephen Felton, soldier Am, Rev.; William‘, soldier Am. Rey.); issue: 1— Rachel Elizabeth (Sept. 30-Oct. 17, 1885). B.A., Yale, ’75, M.A., 1902; M.S., George Wash- ington, 1901, Ph.D., 1908. Asst. supt., Air Line div. of N.Y.,N.H.&H.R.R., 1877-82; topog. ener., H.&H.R.R., 1882-85; chief engr., 1.D.B. Ry., 1885- 1888; real estate agt., C.,C.,C. &St.L.Ry., 1888-93; ry. expert to Hatch & Toole, New York, 1894; asst. receiver, P.,C.&St.L.Ry., 1895; pvt. sec. to commr. of patents, 1895-99; asst. examiner, U.S. Patent Office, 1900-26. Also instr. in chemistry, George Washington U., 1901-05, asst. prof., 1905- 1926, and prof., ibid, 1922—. Mem. Am. Chem. Soc.; asso. mem. Am. Soc, C.E.; mem. S.M.D. (historian Conn. soc.), S.C.W., S.A.R., O.W. peenen ee: 2246 Cathedral Av., Washington, 1-HILL, Louise Contesse Hawes (Mrs. George H.), b Dinwiddie, Va., Oct. 30, 1865. J-Robert Pierce (d 1664), from Eng. in the “Mary and John,” to Dorchester, Mass., 1630; m Ann Greenway (1591-1695, aet. 104; John, who also came in the “Mary and John’); 8-Thomas (1635-1706), m Mary Proctor (1642-1704); tenn (1668-1744), m 1693, Abigail Thompson (1667- ee tian (1702-68), m 1732, Abigail Moseley (1711- wert Sap etin (1739-1815), m 1765, Elizabeth Howe 4—Ann, m 1796, Jesse Hawes (1758-1808), Am. Rev.; 3-Samuel P. (1799-1866), merchant, Richmond, Va.; m Judith Anna Smith (among their children was Mary Virginia, well known writer under the pen name “Marion Harland’’). 2-Dau. of Herbert Henry Hawes, D.D. (1834-1906), pastor, evangelist, author; m 1862, Harriet (1836-1915), dau. of James Wood Bouldin, planter and lawyer of Va., mem. 28d, 24th, 25th Con- gresses, 1834-39; issue: I—Alice (1864-94); II— Louise Contesse (above); II1I-Samuel Percy (b 1870; m Christine Watkins); IV—-Mary Virginia (m Frank M. Shirey); V—Herbert Bouldin (m Bessie Prince). II—m Apr. 12, 1893, George Hammeken Hill, } Mahanoy City, Pa., Feb. 11, 1868; son of Charles Montgomery Hill, of Phila., Pa. (Charles M.3, m Caroline G. Hammeker, Pottsville, Pa.; Wil- liam‘, from Ireland, 1773, m Althea Carmer), m Ellen Mills; issue (all 6b Bluefield, W.Va.): 1— George Hammeken, Jr., b Jan. 28, 1894; enlisted, May 14, 1917; with Ist Eners., Ist Div., A.E.F.. Dec. 26, 1917-Aug. 20, 1918: in office of chief of engrs., Washington, 1918-Apr. 5, 1919; hon. discharged with rank of 1st lt., Apr. 5, 1919: m 1923, Dorothy D. Cornell; 2—-Charles Montgom- ery, 6b June 8, 1897; R.O.T.C., June-Dec. 6, 1918; 3—Louis Hawes, b Aug. 80, 1899; S.A.T.C., W.Va. Univ., Oct. 15-Dec. 13, 1918. Artist. Residence: Charleston, W.Va. 1-HILLES, Bessie Beale Wilson (Mrs. William S.), b Baltimore, Md., Jan. 18, 1883. 8-Charles Gorsuch (1644-1716), from Eng., d at Baltimore, Md.; m Sarah Cole (1657-90): 7-Charles (1686-1748), of Baltimore Co., Md.; m Sarah Cole (1693-1753); 6—-Hannah (1718-93), m Thomas Stansbury (1714-98) : 5—Jane (1750-98), m William Wilson (1749-1824), from Limerick, Ireland, settled at Baltimore: 4—-Thomas (1777-1845), of Phila., Pa.; m Mary Cruse (1793-1824) ; 3-—William Thomas (1820-52), m Henrietta.D’Arcy. 5-Henry Ridier (1747-75; son of René, celebrated surgeon, Marseilles, France, 1720), of Mont- i ‘FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 149 pellier, France, came to America, 1774; m Mar- garet Fraser, of Scotland; 4-Amelia (d 1857), m John Netterville D’Arcy ae as of Dublin, Ireland, officer English rmy; 38—Henrietta (1822-54), m William Thomas Wilson (3 above). 2-Dau. of William Thomas Wilson (1850-1907), m Eliza Blow Beale (6 1851); issue: 1-Thomas (d young); II—Bessie Beale (above). Il-m Apr. 30, 1906, William S. Hilles (See Vol. 1, p. 648); issue: 1-Mary Catherine, } Baltimore, Md., Sept. 14, 1909; 2-Flizabeth Wilson, b Paris, France, Sept. 29, 1912; 3-Margaret D’Arcy, b St. Moritz, Switzerland, Aug. 22, 1914. Residence: “Clementine,” Cannes, France. UP ipteten nthe. George, Jr., b Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 6, %John Hillyer (qv); 8—-Segt. James (1644-1720), m Mary Wakefield, widow of Ebenezer Dibble; 7-—James (1683-1770), m Joanna (1692-1780), dau. of George Hayes, of Scotland; ean ane (1712-1808), m Mary Humphrey 16-97 5-Asa (1746-1820), surgeon Am, Rev.; m Rhoda Smith; , of Cont. Army); 3—Judge Junius (1807-86), m 1831, Jane Selina (Wat- kins) Foster (1807-80).. 9-Lt. Samuel Smith (qv); 8—Chileab (1635-1731), m Hannah Hitchcock (1645- 1733; Luke’); 7-Elizabeth 0) 1679), m 1698, James Smith (b 1675: Samuel’, m Mary Ensign); 6-Dea, Ebenezer (1710-95), m 1739, Sarah Shaler; 5—Rhoda (1743-95), m Dr. Asa Hillyer (5 above). 2-Son of Judge George Hillyer (See Vol. 1, p. 357, for other lineages), m 1867, Ellen Emily Cooley. M Feb. 27, 1923, Edith (Carter) Chapin, }6 Balti- more, Md., Aug. 16, 1873; dau. of William Heck- rotte Carter, of Baltimore, and widow of Gerdon Chapin (1872-1915), by whom issue: 1-— Lawrence, 6 Washington, June 38, 1897; 2-Kd- ward Carter, b Aug. 19, 1900. VW. Ga., 93; Cornell, 1896. Mech. engr., Ry. System, since 1915. Residence: necticut Av., Washington, D.C, 1-HINKLEY, Eleanor Holmes, } Cambridge, Mass., June 5, 1891. 11-Samuel (Hinckley) Hinkley (qv); 10-Gov. Thomas (bap. 1619/20-1705), Barnstable, Mass.: commr. for United Colonies, 1678-92; dep. gOV., 1680; gov., 1681-92; m 1st, 1641, Mary Rich- ards (Thomas, of Weymouth, Mass.); 9-Samuel (1652/53-1697/98), m 1676, Sarah Pope (Capt. John”, of Sandwich); 8—-Dea. Samuel (1684-1762), removed to York Co., Me.; rep. Mass. Gen. Ct.; m 1708, Mary Free- man; 7-Shubael (1708/09-1798), m 1st, 1732, Mary Smith (James, large landed propr. of York, Me.): 6—Thomas (1736-1823), Georgetown, Me.: m 1st, 1765, Elizabeth Mitchell (6 1748; Christopher’, m Deb- orah Miller); 5-Capt. James (1768-ca. 1804), master mariner; m 1792, Mary Holmes Meigs (1771-1855; Nathaniel’, m Hannah Holmes); 4—Holmes (1793-1866), distinguished as locomotive inventor and mfr., Boston; m 1821, Mary Drake Holmes (1797-1879; Mather®, m Silence Fisher): 38-James Frederic (1825-59), m 1852, Eliza (Alger) Sears (1815-92; Cyrus‘, m Lucy Willis). 12-Elder William Brewster (qv); 11-Patience, m Gov. Thomas Prence (qv): 10—Mercy, m John Freeman; 9-Edmund, m Sarah Mayo; 8—-Mary, m Dea. Samuel Hinkley (§ above). 2-Dau. of Holmes Hinkley (1853-91), A.M., Har- vard, 1876; m 1887, Susan Heywood Stearns (See Vol. 1, p. 84). Radcliffe, 16. Playwright and author. dence: 1 Berkeley Pl., Cambridge, Mass. 1-SENSENEY, Mary Thrvuston Messick (Mrs. Edgar M.), 6 Louisville, Ky., June 5, 1864. 8-Edward Thruston (1638/39-1717). from Eng., set- tled first in Lower Norfolk Co., Va., 1663, re- turned to Eng., 1670, but again came to Va.. 1717, to join son; m 2d, Susannah Perry: 7T-Edward (1679/80-1762), came to Va. from Eng. probably after 1704, m 1706, Elizabeth Housden, of Upper Parish of Nansemond, Va.; Southern 2311 Con- Resi- 6—-Col. John (1709-66), of ‘“‘Lansdowne,”’ Gloucester 1788): Va., m Sarah (Minn) Dalton Haynes (1716- 5-Charles Mynn (1738- rae Episcopal minister, Frederick Co., Va., col. Va. Cont. Line in Am. Rev., m 1st, Mary Buckner (Col. Samuel?) ; 4-Charles Minn, m Eliza Sydnor Cosby; 3—-Mary, m Dr. Lewis Rogers. 2—-Dau. of Brinkley Morris Messick, D.D., pastor M.E. Church, South, 55 yrs.; m Eliza Thruston Rogers; issue: I-Mary Thruston (above); II-— Martha Morris; IIlI—Jeanie A. (m Cooper S. Severson); [1V—Charlton (m Jane Owen Tyler); V-Leonora T. (m John T. Weller). I-m June 17, 1891, Edgar Moore Senseney (Dec. 29, 1855-Apr. 7, 1916); prof. therapeutics, St. Louis Med. Coll., ete.; son of Edgar Jacob Senseney; issue (all Bb St. Louis): 1—-Barbara Thruston, b Dec. 14, 1892; m Apr. 8, 1919, Joseph Allen Lee; 2-Margaret Moore, 6 Nov. 11, 1894; m Oct. 6, 1920, Howard E. Allen; 3—Harriet Gaulbert, b July 10, 1901; m May 20, 1922, Howard Weeks Clark; also stepson: Dr. Eugene Towner, m Miriam Coste. Residence: 28 Broadmoor Av., Broadmoor, Colo- rado Springs, Colo. REV. ARTHUR MACHEN LEWIS. 1-LEWIS, Arthur Machen, 0} Jefferson Co., W. Va., Nov. 24, 1865. 6-William Lewis, from Wales, settled in North- umberland Co., Va.; 5—-Vincent (b 1707), removed to Loudon Co., Va.; m Ann Longwith; datiige (1754- -1823), m 1775, Elizabeth Berkley (d 1811); 3—John Hancock, M.D. (1779-1833), of Loudon Co., Va.; m 1807, Mary Muse (b 1788; Battaile4, of Jefferson Co., Va., m Margaret Tate). 6—Robert Green (1695-1748), from Eng. to Culpeper Co., Va., ca. 1710; burgess, 1736; m Eleanor Dunn, of Scotland; 5—James, m Blizabeth Jones, of Culpeper Co., Va 4-James (1762-1844), m Betsey Jones; 3-James, m Irene Parsons Shackelford, of Rap- pahannock Conava. 2-Son of Charles Henry Lewis (1817-73), m 1855, Estelle St. Pierre Green (1830-98); issue: 1— Charles Henry (1857-1915; m 1880, Mattie Green Bell, 1854-84: m 2d, 1888, Elizabeth Battaile Lewis, 1852-1912); II-A son (b and d 1858); IIT— John Shackelford (1859-1902: m 1883, Jessie Cam- den, 1856-1921); IV—James Battaile (1860-1914; m 1885, Adaline Knight, b 1867); V—Joseph (6 and 150 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY d 1862); VI-Magnus Muse (6 1864; m 1890, Susie Wellford Rose, 1862-1913); VII—Arthur Machen (above); VIII—A son (6 and d 1867); IX—Andrew Aldridge (b 1868); X—Gertrude Irene (b 1870; m 1897, Minter Bailey Rolston, b 1864); XI—George William (6 1872). Vil-m Sept. 6, 1916, Virginia Hayden Blandford, b Petersburg, Va., Apr. 23, 1875; dau. of Isaac Startzman Blandford, Baltimore, Md., m Laura Agnes White, of Petersburg, Va.; adopted children: 1-Arthur Machen, Jr., b Fairmount, W.Va., Feb. 28, 1918 (adopted, Dec. 29, 1922); 2— Virginia Hayden, 6 Muhlenburg, Ky., Mar. 5, 1915 (adopted Sept. 6, 1923), Ed. Roanoke Coll. and Va. Theol. Sem. Ordered deacon, 1901, priest, 1902, P.E. Ch.; missionary in charge St. David’s Ch., Powellton, W.Va., Ch. of the Redeemer, Ansted, W.Va., and Cal- vary Ch., Montgomery, W.Va., 1901-09; rector St. Mark’s Ch., St. Albans, W.Va., and St. Luke’s and St. Matthew’s chs., Charleston, W.Va., 1909-11; rector St. Mark’s Ch., Maquo- keta, Ia., 1912-16; rector St. James’s, Oskaloosa, Ia., 1916-24, Christ Ch., Emporia, Va., 1924-25, Emmanuel Ch., Phoebus, Va., and asst. St. John’s Ch., Hampton, Va., since 1925. Resi- dence: 260 Newport News Av., Hampton, Va. 1-LIGHT, Charles Porterfield, b ‘“‘“Maple Hill,” Berkeley Co., W.Va., Dec. 21, 1871. 9-Humphrey Tabb (1608-58), from Eng., settled in Elizabeth City Co., Va., 1637; burgess, 1652; m 1646, Joanna-—; 8-Thomas (1647-95), of Old Poquosin Parish; m 1674, Martha-; 7—John (6 1676), m 1701, Martha Hand; 6—William (b 1702), of Gloucester Co., Va.; m 1732, Susannah Gould; 5—-George (1750-1829), Am. Rev.; m 1777, Ann White, of Winchester, Va.; ; 4—-George (1784-1869), m 1818, Mary Porterfield; 3-Ann ey abe (1819-81), m 1842, Samuel Hoge Light (1815-89). 6—-Capt. William Heyser (1737-1828), of Lancaster Cos ba. Capt, AmaAnev.c 5-William (1766-1831), of Hagerstown, Md.; 4+-William (b 1791), of Hagerstown; 3-George F. (1815-69), of Hagerstown; m Cath- erine Artz (1819-97). 2-Son of John Hanson Light (1845-93), planter; m 1871, Emma Florence Heyser (1851-1901); issue: I—Charles Porterfield (above); II-George Hey- ser; I1I—Harry C.; IV—-Howard Tabb; V—Flor- ence (b 1889; m Lt. Col. Alexander Watson Wil- liams; m 2d, Harmon Roberts). I-m June 6, 1900, Margaret Hunter Harlan, Bb “Spring Hill,” Berkeley Co., W.Va., Apr. 3, 1876; dau. of George Boyd Harlan, of “Spring Hill Farm,” Berkeley Co., W. Va.; issue: 1— Charles Porterfield, Jr., b Martinsburg, W.Va., Dec. 29, 1902; V.M.I., ’283; LL.B., Harvard, 1926; asst. prof. law, Washington and Lee U.; mem. Sigma Nu. Mem. W.Va. State Bd. of Agr., 1905-09: state commr. of public roads of W.Va., 1909-11; sec. Am. Highway Assn., Washington, 1911-16; dist. megr., Fidelity Mut. Life Ins. Co., Phila., 1916- 1918; rep. at Washington of Nat. City Co. of New York, 1918—. Dir. Franklin Nat. Bank, Emergency Hosp., Central Union Mission, Y.M. C.A., Washington, D.C. Mem. W.Va. Rep. Exec. Com., 1904-11. Exec. sec. of Liberty Loan Com. tor sD:G,. and .on VAL RIC.) Y¥aM. CGC. Anand other committes during World War. Mem. S.R. (sec. D.C. soc.), Southern Soc., Bd. of Trade, ete. Clubs: Alfalfa (organizer, sec.), Army and Navy, Chevy Chase, Highland (co- organizer, sec.), Press, Racquet (Washington), Maryland (Baltimore), Commonwealth (Rich- pene) eeoadence, 419 The Ontario, Washing- ton, D.C. 1-HOGAN, Cornelia Sara Heslep (Mrs. Robert G.), b Trenton, Tenn., Mar. 1, 1862. 9—-Gen. Robert Lewis (qv); 8—John (b 1635), ‘‘Warner Hall’; m 1666, Isabella Warner; 7-Col. John (1669-1725), mem. Royal Council; co. lt., judge Supreme Ct.; m his cousin, Eliza- beth Warner (Augustine, II8, speaker Va. House of Burgesses, m Mildred, dau. of Capt. George Reade, qv); 6—Robert (1704-66), of ‘‘Belvoir,” Albemarle Co., Va.; m Jane Meriwether: 5-John (6b 1725). of ‘Halifax’; Fauntleroy; m Catherine 4-Apphia Fauntleroy, m Lt. David Allen, officer Am. Rev.; i 3-Elizabeth C., m Capt. Clinton Heslep (See Vol. 1, p. 362, for Heslep line). 10-Sir Thomas Hinton (1574-1635), B.A., Queen’s Coll.; one of largest stockholders in the Lon- don Co. for settlement of Va.; m Catherine Palmer; 9-Sir John (1603-82), B.A., Queen’s Coll., 1625; field Surgeon Royal Army; fleet surgeon Drake’s flagship ‘‘“Mayflower”’; physician-in-ordinary to Queen Henrietta Maria and to Prince of Wales; m Elizabeth-; 8-James (b 1642), grad. Queen’s Coll.; 7-John, came to colony of N.C. ca. 1720; m Mary Hardy; 6-Col. John, mem. Com. Safety and officer Am. Rev.; mem. Provincial Congress of N.C.; m Grizelle Kimbrough; 5—-Mary, m Col. Joel Lane (1746-95), mem. N.C. Legislature 13 terms; 4—-Dorothy, m Dr. Allen Gilchrist (Thomas); 3-Martha, m as his 2d wife, Capt. Robert Seat (1806-72; Robert‘, m Mary Iredell, of 'N.C.). 2-Dau. of Lewis Buckner Heslep (1838-1905), m Grizelda Amanda Seat; issue: I-Cornelia Sara (above); II-Vernon B.; I1I—Lewis Buckner. I—m Sept. 22, 1880, Robert George Hogan, b Lon- don, Eng., 1856; pres. Mountain Valley Water Co.; son of Thomas Hogan, officer British Army; issue: 1—Reginald Rockwood, Db St. Louis, Dec. 21, 1881; 2d 1t., U.S. Marine Corps, 1904-07; capt. and maj., 1917-18; with A.E.F. in France; m Hallie A., dau. of Joseph McCrory, Rock Island, Ill.; 2-Hazel Heslep, 6b St. Louis, June 28, 1883; m Ephraim Brevard Cockrell; 3— Robert Cecil, 6 St. Louis, July 26, 1885; 2d and Ist lt., adj. 159th Brig., 80th Div., and sec. 9th A.C., A.E.F.; m Mildred, dau. Dr. A. Frantz, Wilmington, Del; 4Gwladys Grizelda, } St. Louis, Mar. 7, 1889; m June 6, 1925, Dr. George Lewis Stickney; 5-George Vernon, b Webster Groves, Mo., Mar. 9, 1894; Ist It., 312th M.G. Bn., 79th Div., A.E.F.; wounded in action, Bat- tle of Argonne, Sept. 26, 1918. Pres. gen. Order of the Crown of America; founder and 1st pres. D.B.R.; mem. C.D.A., Soc. Americans of Armorial Ancestry, Huguenot Soc., C.D.XVII C., D.A.R. (past state regent for Md.), U.S.D.1812, U.D.C. Clubs: Colonial Dames (Washington), Nat. Officers of D.A.R. (founder and ist pres. 4 yrs.). Residence: “Oak Grange,’’ Catonsville, Md. 1-HINTON, Mary Hilliard, b “Midway Planta- tion nr naleie nN. ce $-Sir Thomas Hinton (1574-1635), B.A., Queen’s Coll.; one of largest stockholders in the Lon- don Co. for settlement of Va.; m Catherine Palmer; 8-Sir John (1603-82), B.A., Queen’s Coll., 1625; field surgeon Royal Army; fleet surgeon Drake’s flagship ‘Mayflower’; physician-in-ordinary to Queen Henrietta Maria and to Prince of Wales; m Elizabeth-; 7-James (b 1642), grad. Queen’s Coll.: 6-John, came to colony of N.C. ca. 1720; m Mary Hardy; 5—Col. John, mem. Com. Safety and officer Am. Rev.; mem. Provincial Congress of N.C.;: m Grizelle Kimbrough; 4-David (1774-1850), of “The Oaks,’ N.C.; planter; m Jane Lewis; 3—Maj. Charles Lewis, m Anne Perry. 10—Nicholas Martian (qv); 9-Elizabeth, m Col. George Reade (qv); 8-Mildred, m Col. Augustine Warner, II, speaker Va. House of Burgesses; 7—Elizabeth, m her cousin, Col. John Lewis (1669- 1725), mem. Royal Council; judge Supreme Ct. (Johns, of “Warner Hall’: Gen. Robert?): 6-Col. Charles (1690-1779), of “The Byrd”; m Mary Howell; 5-Howell, of Granville Co., N.C.; m Mary Willis; 4-Jane, m David Hinton (4 above). 2-Dau. of Maj. David Hinton (1826-76), planter; m 1852, Mary Boddie Carr (1833-1917), of “Brace- bridge Hall,’””’ Edgecombe Co., N.C.: issue: I- Charles Lewis (b 1853: m Bessie Cain); II—Jane (6 186—-; m William Randolph Watson); III— Mary Hilliard (above). IIJ-Ed. privately and at St. Mary’s (Episcopal) School, Raleigh, N.C. Newspaper and maga- zine writer; heraldic artist, genealogist; ed- itor, North Carolina Booklet. Historian, Lewis Assn. of America; organizer Geneal. Research FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 151 Assn.; registrar gen. O.C.; historian gen., 1912- 1914, N.C. state regent since 1920, D.R.; organ- izer and registrar D.B.R.; mem. C.D.A., F.F.V., U.S.D. 1812, U.D.C., League Am. Fen Women, N.C. State Lit. and Hist. Assn., Sulgrave Commun. of N.C., ete. Clubs: Colonial Dames (Washington), Woman’s (Raleigh). Residence: “Midway Plantation,” Raleigh, N.C, 1-HITE, Allen Rose, }) Louisville, Ky., Sept. 2, 1865. 6—Joist (Hans Jost Heydt) Hite (qv); 5-Abraham (1729-90), mem. Va. House of Bur- gesses; mem. Va. Conv., 1776; maj. Am. Rev.; settled nr. Louisville, Ky.; m 1751, Rebecca Van Meter (Isaac®, burgess); 4—Joseph (1757-1831), at 16 went to Ky. to fight Indians; m 1780, Sarah Lewis (1763-1814) ; 3—Louis (1788-1824), m 1813, Elizabeth Vander Hyde Davis (1792-1873). 5-Edward Tyler; 4-Edward, m Anne Hughes; 3-Mary, m Rev. Allen Rose, of Eng., P.E. priest. 2-Son of William Chambers Hite (1820-82), steam- boat owner on Ohio and Miss. rivers; m 1851, Mary Elizabeth Rose (1830-97); issue: I-Mary Elizabeth (m George Alfred Winston); II—-Wil- liam W. (1854-1908; m Carrie H. Pace, now Mrs. E. Y. Johnson); Il1I—Nannie Tyler (1857-1924; m Joseph Graham McCulloch); I1V—Rose (1860-64); V—Louis (1862-1911; m Mary McP. Hopkins); VI- Allen Rose (above). eee Nov. 10, 1897, Marcia Shallcross Warren (qv). LL.B., U. Louisville, ’86. Lawyer, retired. Clubs: Pendennis, Kentucky, Arts. Residence: ‘Rose- heights,” Cherokee Park, Louisville, Ky. 1-HITE, Marcia Shallcross Warren (Mrs. Allen R.), 6 Louisville, Ky., Nov. 25, 1876. 10-John Warren (av); 9-Daniel (1628-91), capt. King Philip’s War; m 1650, Mary Barron (Ellis, of Cambridge; select- man at Watertown, 1652-98); 8—John (1665-1703), ensign; m Mary Browne (Jona- than®, m Mary Shattuck); 7-Capt. Daniel (1689-1748), selectman, 1725-40; m 1712, Rebecca Garfield (1683-1720; Capt. Benjamin‘, rep. Gen. Ct. 11 times; m 2d, Elizabeth Bridge; Edward?; Edward!, qv); 6—Silas (1720- 92), ™m 1742, Wlizabeth Newton (d 1794); 5-Silas (1753- 1848), corp. Am. Rev.; m list, 1777, Anna Newton Warren (1761-97; Elijah‘); 4—Eli (1782-1868), m 1802, Sinthia Legg (1779-1863; William®) ; 3—Levi Ti (1808- 84), m Mary A. Wood (1814-1900; Asa‘, m Polly Stoddard [Ezekiel®, pvt. Am. Rev.; Jeremiah’, pvt. Am. Rev.; Jeremiah’; Jeremiah’; Samuel®; John? qv]). 5-Lewis Lewis, of Lewistown, Mifflin Co., Pa.; was surveyor under Penn before Am. Rey.; large landowner; m Pane Dill of Pa.; Teen e o -1857), m Mary (Bradley) Richardson 181 ’ 38—-Mary Zane (1806-52), m 1822, John Shallcross (1799-1866), from Eng., 1813, settled at Louis- ville, Ky. 2-Dau. of Harry Clay Warren (1857-1920), m 1875, Ada Shalleross (1845-1924); issue: I—Marcia Shallcross (above); II-Mary Lee (b 1878); III— Adah (1880-1916; m Capt. Halbert Griffith); TV— Harry Clay, Jr. (b 1883); V—Guy Scott (b 1885; m Meta du Pont Speed). I—m Nov. 10, 1897, Allen Rose Hite (qv). Mem. C.D.A. Residence: “Roseheights,’’ Chero- kee Park, Louisville, Ky. 1-CRANE, Mary Edith Knight (Mrs. Burton A.), b Minneapolis, Minn., July 30, 1886. 9-Richard Knight (d 1680), from Eng. to Hampton, N.H., ca. 1640; removed to Newport, R.I., ca. el ae 1648, Sarah Rogers (d 1685; James”, m ary— 8-David (d 1744), Norwich, Conn.; m 1691, Sarah Backus (Stephen, m Sarah Spencer); 7-Benjamin (1707-72), Norwich; m 1729, Hannah Jewett (dese. Joseph Jewett, of Rowley); 6-Benjamin (1730-ca. 1787), Monson, Mass., and Stafford, Conn.; m 1755, Mary Adams (g.g.dau. of James Adams, one of the Scotch prisoners taken at battle of Dunbar); 5—Ashur (1761-1825), m 1786, his cousin, Martha Clark (Benjamin‘’, m Susanna Adams, of Plain- field, Conn.); 4—Rev. Joseph (1788-1861), m 1816, Ruby Hyde ry Sala (1821- 1905), m 1847, Mary Pratt Frissell. Peru, Mass.; 2-Only child of William Kirk Knight (b 1859), mfr., Buffalo, N.Y.; m 1885, Cornelia Spalding (b 1853), dau. of James LaGrange Davis, m Emily Scovel. M Dec. 27, 1906, Walter V. Meahl (Nov. 29, 1882- Oct. 3, 1913); son of Henry Meahl, from Ger- many to Lockport, N.Y.; issue: 1—William Kirk, 6 Cambria, N.Y., Mar. 15, 1912. M 2a, Apr. 26, 1916, ‘Clinton H. Douglas, of Lock- port, INS Ys (divorced 1920). M 3d, Mar. 11, 1921, Burton Ashley Crane, b Co- hoes, N.Y., Jan. 1, 1886; son of William Schuler Crane (desc. Jasper Crane, qv). Mem. D.F.P.A., D.A.C., D.A.R. (17 ancestors), etc. Residence: 517 W. 10th St, Erie, Pa. Lani einie oie Henry Clay, ) Aikin, Md., May 8 8—John Burroughs (1606-78), from Eng. to Salem, Mass., 16384; a founder of Middleburgh, L.I., 1652, one of the 7 patentees of Newtown, L.L., 1666, where he was town elk. 11 yrs.; elk. of the ct. and crown surveyor; m 2d, Elizabeth (Jes- sup) Reed (d 1679); 7-John (1665-99), Newtown, L.I.; m Woodward (Lambert); 6—John (1685-1772), Ewing (nr. Trenton), N.J.; m Mary Jennings; 5-John (1718-1806), Bucks Co., Pa.; m 1746, Lydia Baker (Samuel®, m Rachel Warder, of Bucks Co.; Henry’, from Eng. to Bucks Co., Pa., m Hannah Hardiman); 4-Samuel (1760-1839), Greene Co., Pa.; m 1786, Deb- orah Johnson (Caleb®, m Mary, dau. of Joseph Bennett, m Deborah Boone; Robert®, m Cath- erine Hadley; Robert*, m Margaret Berthwait); 3—John (1787-1867), Cecil Co., Md.; War 1812; m 1813, Mary Robinson (1787- 1866; Johnt, m Isabella Galbraith). 2-Son of Henry Francis Burroughs (1828-99), capt. Chesapeake Bay boat; m 1865, Louisa (1834-1905), dau. John N. Y. Ryan, m Elizabeth Armstrong; Margaret issue: I—Arthur Mitchell (1866-85); IIl-Henry Clay (above); III—John Emory (b 1870); IV— Mary Elizabeth (twin, 1872-1921); V—Ormond oven (twin, 6 1872); VI-Willard Francis (1874- II—m Apr. 19, 1898, Susie Baker Hays, b Aberdeen, Harford Co., Md., May 21, 1865; dau. of George T. Hays, M.D., of Aberdeen. Mem. S.A.R., life mem. Nat. Hist. Soc. Resi- dence: Aikin, Md. 1-BURROWS, Charles William, 6 Hollis, York Co., Me., Dec. 21, 1849. The first de Burghe known to recorded history was Fulbert de Burghe, A.D. 978; many, per- haps most of the American family of Bur- rows, Burroughs, or Burrowes, are descended from Knolin de Burghe (the Norman name). He was Lord of Coutreville, near London, was born 1032 A.D., and came from Falaise in Normandy with William the Conqueror at Invasion of England in 1066. 6—Giles Burrows, on list of freeholders of Mar- blehead, Mass., 1718; m Mary— (bap. 1719): 5—-Dea. Edward (1724- 1805), went from Dover, N.H., to W. Lebanon, Me., 1763; m Mary— (their sons pee and Jonathan, were soldiers in Am, 4— J onenn (1750-1808), m 1778, Alice (Elsey) Farn- ham (d 1803, aet. ca. 74; Joseph’: Joseph*); 3—David (bap. 1780-1830-31), m 1804, Rhoda Tingley. 8—-Palmer Tingley (b 1614), from Eng. in the “Planter,” 1685; for services in Pequot War, 1637, received grant of 8 acres at Ipswich, Mass., 1639; 7-Samuel (d 1666), m 1668, Elizabeth Call (6 1640/41; Thomas’); 6—-Thomas (1666/67- 1724), m 1694, Esther Stevens (1671-1724; Francis’; Francis§);: 5—Capt. Timothy (1697-1779), m Ruth Partridge: 4-Rev. Pelatiah (1734/35- 1821), BrAS ne ale eliOk M.A., 1765: ordained Free-Will Bapt. minister, 1764; m 1787, Mary Murray (1746-97); 3—Rhoda (1789-1831), m David Burrows (3 above). 8-John Atkinson (qv): 7—John (b 1666/67), m 1st, 1698, Sara Woodman (b 1670; Sgt. Jonathan’, m Hannah Hilton; Ed- ward’); 6—Thomas (b 1694), m 1719, Mary Pike; 5—-Humphrey (1720- 75), removed to Buxton, Me., 1760: m 1743, Sarah Hale; 4—Theodore (1760- 1830), m 1786, Dolly French: 3-Bradbury (1805-63), m 1827, Elizabeth Peavey (d 1875; Abraham‘, m Olive Downs), 152 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 8—John Pike (d 1654), from Eng. in the “James,” 1635; was at Newbury, later at Salisbury, Mass.; was atty. of courts, 1636/37; 7—Maj. Robert (d 1706), l1t., Salisbury Troop, 1652, capt., 1659; maj., mil. forces of Norfolk and Piscataqua counties, 1670; cdr.-in-chief of all mil. forces north and east of Mer- rimac River in French and Indian War; dep. Gen. Ct., 1648-82; gov.’s asst., 1682; commr. to treat with the Indians, 1690; m 1657/58, Susanna Worcester; 6—Mary (b 1695), m Thomas Atkinson (6 above). 2-Son of Joseph Wesley Burrows (1828-88), m 1847, Mary Elizabeth Atkinson (1880-1911); issue: I-Charles William (above); Il—Harris Brad- bury (1855-1915). I-m 1880, Lillian Holbrook (d 1882). M 2d, Feb. 26, 1884, Lottie Thomas Mott (qv); issue: 1—-Lorna Dorothea (qv for other line- ages); 2-Gladys Eglin (Mrs. Jess Taylor Boyd, qv for other lineages). U.S.M.A., ’70. Second Ilt., Light Battery C, 3d Arty., 1870-72. Pres. The Burrows Brothers Co., publishers, Cleveland, O., retired 1913 (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. S.C.W., etc. Clubs: Union, Shaker Heights Golf. Resi- dence: 1881 E. 82d St., Cleveland, O. 1-BURROWS, Lottie Thomas Mott (Mrs. erie W.), b East Saginaw, Mich., July 1 5-Reuben Mott, m 1768, Phoebe Tuttle; 4—Stephen (6 1771), m Clara Quintard; 3-John Langdon, m Harriet Bouton. 8-John Bouton (d 1700), Huguenot ancestry; from Eng. in the ‘‘Assurance,’’ to Boston, 1635; later at Norwalk, Conn.; Mrs. Mary Stevenson; 7—Joseph (b ca. 1674), m Mary-; 6—Jachin (b ca. 1700); 5-Capt. Joseph (1726-ca. 1778), m 1748, Susannah Raymond; 4—Joshua (b 1759), drummer in Am. Rev. at 14; m 1784, Margaret McLean; 3-Harriet (b 1798), m John Langdon Mott (3 above). 9-Capt. Richard Raymond (qv): 8—John, m 1664, Mary Betts (b 1646; Thomas’); 7-Samuel (b 1673), m 1695, Judith Palmer (Eph- m 3d, ca. 1673, raim§); ¢é—Joshua (b ca. 1700), m 1721, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Fitch, of Norwalk (and sister of Gov. Thomas Fitch, of Conn.): 5-Susannah (b pie m Joseph Bouton (5 above). 10-Simon Hoyt ( 9-Walter (ca. 1618 ae 1698), yrs; 8—Zerubbabel 1650), m 1st, Keeler; 7—-Joseph (ca. 1676-1780/31), m Sarah-—-: 6—James (1708-ca. 1775), m Hannah Gould: 5—-Gould (1788-ca. 1786). m 1765, Elizabeth Dimon: are haces Dimon (1776-1823), m 1799, Huldah Han- ord; 38—Edwin (1800-80), m 1821, Eliza Smith. 2-Dau. of Charles Bouton Mott (1823-65), m 1849, Emily Abigail Hoyt (1827-1911). M Feb, 26, 1884, Charles William Burrows (qv for genealogy and issue). Residence: 1881 E. 82d St., Cleveland, O. 1-BURROWS, Lorna Dorothea, }) Cleveland, O., May 10, 1890. 9—-Nathaniel Colburn (d 1691), m 1639, Priscilla Clark (d 1692); m 1656, William Partridge Fae): (1640-1716), 7-Nathaniel (1660-1741), m 1686, Lydia Wight: 6—Ruth (1704-78), m 1730, Capt. Timothy Tingley (1697-1779) ; 5-Rev. Pelatiah (1734/35-1821), m 1787, Mary Mur- ray (1746-97); “Ree. (1789- 1831), m David Burrows (bap. 1780- 3-Joseph Ww. (1828-88), m 1847, Mary Elizabeth Atkinson. 10-Anthony Fisher (qv); 9-Lydia (1620-90), m Daniel Morse (1613-88; Sam- uel!®, qv); 8-Lydia (1645-1722), m 1668, Ephraim Wight (1645- 1722/23; Thomas’, from Isle of Wight to Ded- ham, 1636) ; 7-Lydia (1669-1741), (7 above). 10-Thomas Hale (qv); dep. Gen. Ct. many (b ca. Mehitable m 1686, Nathaniel Partridge §9—John (1636-1707), m 1660, Rebecca Lowell (1642-62; Richard”; Percival#); 8-John (1661-1725), m 1688, Sarah Jaques (b 1664; Henry’); 7-Richard (1690-1771), m 1715, Mary Silver; 6—Sarah (b 1724), m Humphrey Atkinson; 5—-Theodore (1760-1830), m 1786, Dolly French; 4—-Bradbury (1805-63), m 1827, Elizabeth Peavey; 3-Mary Elizabeth (1830-1911), m Joseph Wesley Burrows (3 above). 2-Dau. of Charles William Burrows (qv for oth- er lines), m 1884, Lottie Thomas Mott (qv). Ed. Smith Coll. Residence: 1881 E. 82d St., Cleveland, O. 1-BOYD, Gladys Eglin Burrows (Mrs. Jess T.), b Cleveland, O., May 4, 1892. 9-Thomas (Dimond) Dimon (d 1687), m 1670, Eliz- abeth Bradley (Peter?) ; 8-Moses (6 1677), m Abig ail-; ayy eetadie (1704/05- 1746), Fairfield, Ma 6-Blizabeth (1746-1834), m Gould Hoyt; Weerpaes D. (1776-1828), m 1799, Huldah Han- or 4—Hdwin (1800-80), m 1821, Eliza Smith; 3—Emily Abigail (1827-1911), m Charles Bouton Mott (1823-65). 9-Rev. Thomas Hanford (qv); 8-Thomas (1668-1743), m ca. 1692, Hannah (Lock- wood) Burwell (1667-1745; Lt. Gershom Lock- wood’, m Lady Ann Millington); 7—-Elnathan (ca. 1706-1764), m Sarah St. John (1697- 1751; Joseph’, m Sarah Betts; Mark®; Mat- thias?®) ; 6—John (1739-1825), m 1762, Mahitable Comstock (d 1825; Nathan’, m Bethiah Strong); 5-Huldah (b 1776), m Ebenezer Dimon Hoyt (5 above). 8-John Smith (d 1684), from Eng., settled at Mil- ford, Conn., 1640; m Grace Hawley. (d 1690): 8-Set. John (1646-1732), m 1672/73, Phebe Canfield (1656-1730; Sgt. Thomas®, m Phebe Crane); 7T-Samuel (0b 1679), m 1703, Rachel (Jesse’, m Deborah Fowler); 6—Jacob (b 1720), m 2d, 1762, Sarah Mills Close: 5—Josiah (1765-1808), m 1794, Abigail Beers (d 1834); 4-Bliza (1802-90), m Edwin Hoyt (4 above). 2-Dau. of Lottie Thomas Mott (qv), m 1884, Charles William Burrows (qv). M Mar. 4, 1922, Jess Taylor Boyd, 6b Cornwall, Lebanon Co., Pa., Sept. 17, 1885; son of Oliver Colwell Boyd, m Linna May Smiley. 1-HOBART, Edith Liela Irwin (Mrs. Lowell F.), 6 Cincinnati, O., Mar. 19, 1869. 5-Jared Irwin (b Ireland), came to America, 1779; settled at Romney, Va.; m Jane Ken- nedy (b Dublin, 1759); 4—Jared (1773-1839), m 1798, Eleanor Taylor (Wil- liam® [1747-1830], soldier Am. Rev., m Lucy Imlay); es Taylor (1803-80), m 1829, Sarah Rob- ins. 10-Col. Thomas (Reade) Read (b Eng.), came to Salem with his son-in-law, John Winthrop: 9-Capt. Thomas (6 in Eng., d Salem, Mass.), m Mary-; 8-Jacob (b 1668), began to write name Read: m 1698, Elizabeth Green; 7-John (b 1695), m Mary-: 6-Bartholomew (1726- 1816), Am. Rev.; Harris (b 1729); 5-Stephen (1767-1859), m 1788, Mary Grant: 4—Daniel (1791-1856), m Rachel Loring (1794-1865); 3-Capt. Edward E. (1814-54), m 1835, Jane Gibson (d 1848). 2—-Dau. of James Taylor Irwin (1833-1905), m 1860, Anna Martin Read: issue: I-William Taylor (1861-1925; m Mary Louise Orr); II-—Grace (b 1864; m 1886, Walter F. Yates); III—-Edith (d infancy): IV—-Edwin Underwood: V—Edith Liela (above); VI—Frank Gibson: VII—James Taylor. V—m Oct. 1, 1890, Lowell Fletcher Hobart (Mav 9, 1867-Feb. 19, 1913); son of William Newell Hobart, of Cincinnati; issue: 1-Lowell Fletcher, Jr., b Aug. 12, 1891; m Apr. 19, 1922. Alice Warwick Black, }® Bedford City, Va. (issue: William Newell, II, } May 19, 1924). Mem. S.M.D., C.D.A., DEPiAy TV ACe HS aay, DA R. (state regent for Ohio, 1923-26). U.S.D. 1812, etc.; first nat. pres. Am. Legion Auxiliary. Residence: 3416 Brookline Av., Cincinnati, O. Conn.; m m Mary Lambert , FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 153 1-HODGDON, Alexander Lewis, ) Philadelphia, Pa., June 23, 1860. 6—-Nicholas Hodgdon, from Eng. before 1635 and is recorded as living at Hingham, Mass., un- til 1650, when he purchased large tracts of land at Cambridge Hill; later lived at Kit- tery, Me.; m Esther Wines; 5-Alexander,. b at Portsmouth, N.H.; Ist treas. of Mass.; m Jane Shackleford; 4—Benjamin (d 1772), m 1735, Rebecca Marshall; 3—Gen. Samuel (b 1745), commissary gen. of mil- itary stores on staff of Gen. Washington dur- ing Am. Rev.; m 1780, Mary Hodge (William, m Jane McCulloh). 8-Richard Dana (qv); 7—Jacob (1655-98), m Patience Sylvester; 6—Jacob (1698-1791), m Abigail Adams; 5-Anderson (1735-78), settled in Wyoming Val- ley, Pa., 1772; killed in the Indian massacre, 1778, while he was adj. to Col. Zebulon But- ler; m ist, 1757, Susannah Huntington (Caleb‘, m Lydia, dau. of Lt. Francis Griswold*; Ed- ward’; George’); 4-Anderson (1765-1851), m Sarah Stevens (Asa‘; Jonathan®; Simon’; Cyprian§); 38—Anderson (1802-35), m 1834, Mary Hammer. 2-Only child of Capt. James Hodge Hodgdon (1824-62), mem. 1st City Troop of Phila., Pa.: capt. U.S.N. in Civil War; m 1859, Sarah Anne Dana (1835-1909). M_ Apr. 25, 1888, Lillian Coolbaugh, b Wilkes- Barre, Pa., Jan. 6, 1869; dau. of Johnson R. Coolbaugh, of Wilkes-Barre; issue: 1—-An- derson Dana, b Baltimore, Md., May 8, 1890; A.B., Washington and Lee U.; LL.B, U. of Md.; post grad. work Johns Hopkins U., 1911- 13; It. cdr. U.S.N., 1918; Am. vice consul, 1924; m Aug. 25, 1917, Elizabeth Baker, dau. of Wal- ter B. Livezey, of Newport News, Va. (issue: Anderson Dana, Jr., b 1923). M 2d, June 19, 1920, Clara Hunter Hyatt, b N.Y. City, Jan. 6, 1898; dau. of Alpheus Hyatt, of St. Mary’s Co., Md. Grad. U. Md., 1884. Dispensary physician ner- vous diseases, Coll. of Physicians and Sur- geons, Baltimore; prof. of nervous diseases, Md. Med. Coll. Fellow Va. State Med. Soc., Clinical Soc. of Baltimore, and Med. and Chirurg. Faculty of Md. Mem. S.C.W., S.A.R. Club: University. Residence: ‘‘Dana-on-the- Patuxent,’ Pearson, St. Mary’s Co., Md. 1-HODGES, Margaret Elizabeth Roberts (Mrs. George W.), 6 Calvert Co., Md., June 22, 1865. 8-Hugh Roberts (qv); 7-Robert (1673-1728), m Priscilla Johns (1681/82- 1725; Richard’, from Wales to Md., 1690; m Eliz- abeth Kensey); 6—Richard (b 1706-07), m Elizabeth Allen (Charles’, m Blizabeth Tongue); 5-Richard (b 1785), m 1770, Mary Harris (Dr. Wil- liam®, m Mary Thomas); 4-Richard (1775-1834), m 1807, Sarah Kent (d 1822; Daniel’, m Ann Wheeler); 3—Richard (1813-72), m 1st, 1835, Elizabeth Gantt. 8-Thomas Gantt (1615-92), from Eng. to White Landing, Prince George Co., Md., 1660; was of Quorum, 1682, justice, 1689; m Ann-—: 7-Thomas (d 1763), of Quorum, and justice; m 1707, Priscilla Brooke (Col. Thomas’, m 2d, Barbara Dent: Maj. Thomas®; Gov. Robert?%); 6-Edward, m Elizabeth Wheeler; 5-Thomas, m Barbara Blake (Joseph*, m Bar- bara Bond); 4-John, m Mary Heighe Blake (Col. Joseph’, capt. Am. Rev., col. War 1812: m HBliz- abeth, dau. of Thomas Blake; Joseph*, m Mary Heighe); 3-Elizabeth (1813-46), m 1st, Richard Roberts (3 above). 2-Dau. of Richard Roberts (1836-1901), landed propr., Calvert Co., Md.; m 1868, Henrietta Sewell Morsell (1845-1918); issue: I~Margaret Elizabeth (above); II—Elizabeth Gantt (b 1867: m James Alexander Duke); III—Richard (1868-95); IV-James Morsell (6 1870; m Mary Bond); V—Ida May (b 1872: m Robert Lee Mul- likin); VI—Mary Evelyn (6 1873; m Joseph Wil- liam Pitcher); VII—Nannie Allnutt (1875-76): VIITI—William Morsell (b 1877; m Ann Palmer): IX—Nannie Cornelia (m Hoval A. Smith); X— Thomas Kent (b 1888); XI—Sarah Morsell (b 1885; m William Denmead Groff): XII—Eloise Morsell (b 1890; m Augustus Wedderbourn). I-m Sept. 7, 1907, George Washington, son of Charles Hodges, South River, Anne Arundel Co., Md. Genealogist and registrar Soc. Ark and the ove, mem, D.A.R., U.S.D. 1812, U.D.C., etc. Residence: Annapolis, Md. 1-ISELIN, Margaret Urling Sibley (Mrs. O’Don- nell), b Rochester, N.Y., Jan. 17, 1893. Desc. John Sibley (d 1661), from Eng. to Charles- town, Mass., 1629, settled at Salem, m Rachel-; and thru: 5-Timothy (1728-1818) ; 4-Benjamin (1768-1829), m Zilpah Davis; 38—-Hiram (1807-88), eminent financier, Rochester, N.Y.; m Elizabeth Maria Tinker. 5-James Harper, from Eng. ca. 1740, settled at Newtown, L.I.; m Phoebe Denton; 4—Joseph (1766-1847), m 1792, Elizabeth Kolyer; —Fletcher (1806-77), youngest of the four orig- fee hi hd of Harper & Bros., pubs., New ork, 2-Dau. of Hiram Watson Sibley (b 1845), finan- cier, Rochester, N.Y.; m 1873, Margaret Dur- bin Harper. M Mar. 4, 1919, O’Donnell Iselin (See Vol. 1, p. 655); issue: 1—Peter, 6 Rochester, Noe eA 2 oa Te 2-Emilie O’Donnell, & Rochester, Oct. Residence: 104 E. Tist St., New York City. 1-KEITH, Arthur Leslie, J Worthington, Ind., Apr. 25, 1874. 7-Alexander Keith (1681-1721), from Scotland to Baltimore Co., Md., ca. 1708; m Christianne Farfar (Williams); 6-John, settled in Hampshire Co., Via: 5-Alexander (d 1824), soldier Am. Rev.:; settled in Nelson and Hardin cos., Ky., 1781; m Mar- garet Harned (Jonathan, also settled in Nel- son and Hardin cos., Ky., 1781); 4-Jonathan (1775-1830), m Elizabeth Irwin (John, soldier Am. Rev., m Margaret McFarlane); 3—Henry (1809-91), m Susan Hardwick Lawson. 6-John Lawson (d 1767), schoolmaster in Balti- more Co., Md., 1728; m Frances-; 5-John (ca. 1728-1798), removed from Md. to Ky.; m Sarah Harriott (Richards; Oliver’; Ambrose’, from Eng. to Md., 1673); 4-James (1765-1845), m Mary Crook (James, m Nancy, dau. of James McCarty, of Fairfax Co., Va.)3 3-Susan H., m Henry Keith (3 above). 8-Col. James Smallwood, from Eng. to Charles Co., Md., 1664; burgess; negotiated treaties with Indians; m Hester-; 7-Thomas (d 1735), Charles Co., Md.: 6-Elizabeth, m John Cawood (Stephen7; Ste- phen); 5—Moses (1725-1800), m Jemima Smallwood: Mary, m Michael Robertson (1780-1847; Thom- as’, Am. Rev.); 3—Moses C, (1811-93), m Mildred Pringle (John‘, ee 1812; John®, Am. Rev., m Rebecca Simp- son). 2-Son of John Lawson Keith (1834-84), farmer; m 2d, 1870, Mary Ann Robertson (b 1841); issue: J—Arthur Leslie (above); II—Faythe (b 1875: m Bert Leavitt); IIlI-Thomas Milo (1880-1915) ; IV—Cecil L. (6 1882; m Myrtle Johnson), I-m June 13, 1900, Mabelle Harding Homerick. b Nebraska City, Neb., Oct. 30, 1876: dau. of Charles Frederick Homerick, of Myersville, Md., and Nebraska City, Neb.: issue: 1-James Lawson (May 28, 1905-Aug. 16, 1906): 2-Arthur Leslie, Jr. (Aug. 29, 1907-Feb. 16, 1909); 38—-Mary Elizabeth (Aug. 29, 1910-June 11, 1912). A.B., U. Neb., 98, A.M., 1908; Ph.D., U. Chicago, 1910. Education since 1900; prof. Greek, U. of S.D., since 1922 (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. S.C.W. (organizer and gov. S.D. soc.), S.A.R., S.W.1812. Residence: Vermillion, S.D. tipo tebethf Harlow, b Parke Co., Ind., May 7-James Lindley, from Ireland to Pa., 1712 or 13; m Eleanor Parke; 6-Thomas (b 1706), from Pa. to N.C.; m Ruth Hadley; 5—~Thomas (b 1740), m Sarah Evans; 4-James, m Eleanor Thompson: 3-Owen Thompson (1810-94), m Eleanor Hadley (1815-79). 8-Nicholas Newlin (qv); 7-Nathaniel (1665-1729), mem. Provincial Assem- bly; trustee provincial loan office; m 1685, Mary Mendenhall; 6-John, m Mary Woodward: i54 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 5-John, went from Pa. to N.C.; m Mary Pyle; ACA EeEO (1768-1867), m Catharine Hadley (1772- )5 3-Duncan (1805-39), m Eleanor Lindley (1807-96). 2—-Son of Mahlon Lindley (1844-1924), m Martha Newlin (b 1837); issue: I-Olando (b and d 1874); II—Harlow (above). II-m June 24, 1908, Olive Susan Rogers, } Amo, Ind., Nov. 29, 1880; dau. of M. C. Rogers, m Sallie Clay (Ky. family); issue: 1—Roger M, b Richmond, Ind., Oct. 9, 1909; 2-Eleanor §, b Richmond, Feb. 24, 1915. B.L., Earlham, ’98, A.M., 1899; fellow in history, U. Chicago, 1902-04; (Litt. D., Hanover, 1923). Librarian since 1898, also instr., asst. prof. and prof. history, since 1899, Harlham Coll. Dir. dept. of history and archives, Ind. State Library, 1907-23; sec. Ind. Hist. Commn., 1915- 1923, and dir., 1923-24. Author (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. Am. Hist. Assn., Miss. Val- ley Hist. Assn. (pres. 1918-19), Ind. Hist. Soc., Soe. Indiana Pioneers, etc. Residence: 302 College Av., Richmond, Ind. MESERVE Arms: Or, three cherries, gules, stalked, vert. Crest: A cherry tree proper. 1-MESERVE, John Bartlett, 6 Waterloo, Ind., Nov. 17, 1869. 8-Clement Meserve (1655-ante 1720), from Isle of Jersey, was listed as taxpayer at Portsmouth, N.H., 1673; later at Newington, N.H.; m Eliz- abeth-; 7—Clement (1678-1746), Scarborough, Me.; m 1702, Elizabeth Jones; 6—Col. Nathaniel (1705-58), 1t. col. of N.H. forces at Louisbourg, 1745, and col. in the 2d expdn., 1758; owned largest shipyard at Portsmouth, N.H.; his house, built in 1740, is still stand- ing; m 1725, Jane Libbey (d 1747); 5—Capt. John (1730-60), m Sarah Collins; 4Capt. William Collins (1753-1824), sea capt.; privateersman in Am. Rev.; m 1782, Deborah Bartlett (1759-1831; John*); 3—John Bartlett (1786-1865), moved from Newport, N.H., to Rutland Co., Vt., 1812, to Monroe Co., N.Y., 1820, to Steuben Co., Ind., 1848; m_ 1808, Mary Thatcher (1788-1867; Elisha*, Am. Rev.; Upomes: Rodolphus’; Ralph?; Dr. Thomas’, qv). 9-Isaac Stearns (qv); &8-Isaac (1633-76), m 1660, Sarah Beers (Capt. Rich- ard’, capt. of Watertown company in King pes War and killed in battle, Sept. 4, 1675) ; 7T—Samuel (1667-1721), m Phoebe Wait; 6—John (1712-92), mem. Gen. Ct. of Mass., 1775-76; capt. colonial militia, Attleboro, Mass.; m 1st, 1737, Rebecca Dean (1715-56) ; 5—Joseph (1751-1829); sgt. Am. Rev.; m 1774, Rhoda Tingley (1755-1887) ; 4-James (1779-1837), Richland Co., O.; m 1802, Abilena Harding (1785-1850) ; f aeie (1806-62), m 1828, Elizabeth McCool (1804- 1844). 2-Son of True Whicher Meserve (1828-1912), farm- er; m 1849, Mary Ann Stearns (d 1852); m 2d, 1854, her sister, Atline Nancy Stearns (1837- 1910); issue (Ist marriage): I—-William Henry (1850-1921); II-Mary Ann (1852-78); (2d mar- riage): I1I-James True (1854-55); IV—Ida Olive (ob 1857; m Capt. George A. Niles); V-True Whicher (1863-68); VI-John Bartlett (abbdve); Vil—Frank Eugene (b 1875; m Alice Martin). Vi-m Dec. 28, 1898, Elizabeth Myrtle Broughton, b Morganville, Clay Co., Kan., Feb. 4, 1873; dau. of William Henry Broughton, of Abilene, Kan., formerly of Crawford Co., Pa.; issue: 1-Naomi-Helen, 6 Florence, Colo., June 14, 1900: m Dec. 8, 1920, Glenn Arthur Campbell (issue: Mary Jane, b Jan. 10, 1922; Naomi Glenn, 6 Jan. 27, 1926). Admitted to bar, 1895; practiced at Las Animas, Colo., where he was pros. atty. for Bent Co.; removed to Florence, Fremont Co., Colo., where he was city atty., pros. atty. for Fre- mont Co.; rep. Colo. Legislature, 1903; re- moved to Tulsa, Okla., 1906; pres. charter commn. which framed the first charter for Tulsa, 1908; asst. U.S. atty. for eastern dist. of Okla., 1908-13; municipal counselor for Tul- sa, 1916-17; asst. counsel, U.S. Shipping Bd., Washington, 1923-26. Mason. Mem. S.C.W S.A.R. Clubs: Anchor (Washington), eevee). Residence: 228 E. 27th St., a. 1-SEVERANCE, Frank Ward, 0 Allegheny, Pa., Nov. 30, 1870. 8-John Severance (qv); er diphaete (1656-1731), m 1682, Lydia Morril (0 6—-Ebenezer (b 1694), m 1717, Anna Fitts; 5—Ebenezer (1723-1804), m 1749, Sarah—; 4-Ebenezer (6 1752), pvt. Am. Rev.; m 1777, Lucy Nutting; 3—Levi (1792-1854), m 1817, Hannah Bird, of Dor- chester, Mass. 29-Son of Samuel Bird Severance (1831-1900), mfr., Pittsburgh; m 1856, Eliza T. Miller (1833-67); m 2d, 1869, Arabella Nelson Miller (1843-91): issue (ist marriage): I—Elizabeth Bird (1857-1920: m George R. Buchan); II-Charles Sands (1859- 1883) ; I1I—Samuel (6b 1861; m Eleanor Schmertz) ; TV—Laura Belle (1865; m V. Mott Pierce); V-George Edgar (b and d 1867); (2d marriage): ViI-Frank Ward (above); VII-—Lyde Miller (1873-1921; m Oliver William Rafferty). Vi-m July 22, 1918, Florence (Walker) Wallace, dau. of John Walker, of Pittsburgh; issue: roa Ward, Jr., 6 Sewickley, Pa., Apr. 7, Pres. ‘8. Severance Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Mem. S.A.R. Summer place: Sewickley, Pa. Residence: 936 Ridge Av., North Side, Pitts- burgh, Pa. 1-BURTON, Clifford Eugene, ) Washington, lIa., Mar. 24, 1881. 9-Nathaniel Chickering, from Eng., settled at Dedham, Mass.; 8—Nathaniel; 7—Nathaniel; 6-John (b 1715), m 1st, Elizabeth Gay: 5—-Capt. Abner (1766-1841), m Eunice Dakin (1775- 1804: among their sons was Jonas, piano maker); 4—Samuel (1795-1836), m Julia Boutelle (1797-1866) ; 3-George (b 1829), m 1852, Abbie Blodgett. 2-Son of Henrietta Chickering (b 1858), m 1878, Edmund Ingalls Burton (b 1858). M Apr. 24, 1915, Margaret Theresa Murrell (qv for issue). Ed. Leland Stanford U. Branch manager for Delco Light Co. Residence: Gardner Hotel, Fargo, N.D. 1-RURTON. Margaret Theresa Murrell (Mrs. ee aaa E.), b Wellington, Kan., Sept. 24, 1885. City Tulsa, FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 155 6-George Murrell, m Janetta Chaning (d 1812) ; —George (d 1814), m Sally Blaine (d 1807): 4-Samuel (1792-1890), m Elizabeth Sterritt. 3-George (1816-72), m Mary Skiles, 8-William Byrd (1652-1704), the colonist, from Eng., 1674, settled nr. the falls of the James River, in Va., established ‘‘Westover,” was councillor, burgess and receiver gen. of Wises m Mary (d 1699), dau. Col. Warham Horse- manden, Charles City Co., Va.; 7—Mary (1683-1753), m John Rogers (1680-1762) ; 6-George (1721-1802), m 1754, Frances Pollard; 5-Frances (1768-1809), m 1790, John Underwood (1767-1837) ; 4—Lucy (1797-1884), m 1820, SkKiles (1799-1881); 38—Mary (d 1863), m George Murrell (3 above). 10-Randall Holden (qv); ae raat (1649-79), m 1671, John Holmes (1649- (12); $-John, m 1701, Mary Priscilla Ryland; eon (1704-97), m 1724, Joseph Pollard (1701- William Hamilton Met ovcie (1780-98), m 1754, George Rogers (6 above). 2-Dau. of William Donaldson Murrell (1861-1917), m 1888, Frances Scudder Mayou (b 1861; Joseph?; Samuel‘); issue: I-Imogene (b 1883; m Robert Ormsby Smith); II-Margaret Theresa (above). IIl-m Apr. 24, 1915, Clifford Eugene Burton (av); issue: 1—Clifford Chickering, b Chicago, 111., Dec. 13, 1917; 2-Elizabeth Murrell, 0 Omaha, Neb., Sept. 24, 1921. - A.B., Wellesley, ’06. Treas. Cass Co. Chapter A.R.C., Dowagiac, Mich., during World War. Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R. Residence: Fargo, N.D. 1-CROCKER, William Tufts, 0 Mass., Sept. 9, 1862. 7—Dea. William Crocker (qv); €-Capt. John (1692-1763), m Mary Savage; 5-Benjamin_ (1732-77), m Sarah Somerby; 4-Samuel (1774-1856), m Comfort Jones; 3-Alvah_ (1801-74), paper mfr., Fitchburg; 1st pres. Fitchburg R.R.; mem. 42d and 43d Con- gresses; m Abigail Fox. 8-Peter Tufts (6 1617), from Eng., 1642; founder of Malden, Mass.; m Mary Pierce; 7-John (1665-1728), m Mary Putnam: 6—Peter (1696/97-1776), m Lydia Buckman; 5-Nathan (1724-71); Tepe (1762-1839), m Deborah Frothingham (1766- 3-William (1802-62), sec. Mass. Mut. Ins. Co.; m Eliza B. Kendall (Jonathan‘, Am. Rev.; Josh- ua®, Am. Rev.). 2-Son of Charles Thomas Crocker (b 1833), head of Crocker, Burbank: & Co., paper mfrs.; m 1857, Helen Eliza Tufts (d 1877); m 2d, 1882, Helen Trowbridge Bartow; issue (Ist mar- riage): I—-Alvah (6 1858; m Charlotte Bartow); II-—Emma Louise (b 1860; m Rev. Emelius W. Smith); Il1I—-William Tufts (above); ITV—Ken- dall Fox (b 1863; m Hester Edith Miles: m 2d, Amy Farwell Boutelle); V—Charles Thomas (6 1866; m Fay Bigelow); VI—Paul (b 1872); (2d marriage); VII-—Bartow (b 1883); VIII—Edith eae (6 1885; m Prentice Sanger, See Vol. 1 D. " III-m Eleanor Farrington. A.B., Harvard, ’84, A.M., 1885: B.D., Episcopal Theol. Sch., 1888. Episcopal clergyman; rector Church of the Epiphany, New York, 1903—. Clubs: Union (Boston), Union, University, Harvard (New York). Residence: 263 Lexing- ton Av., New York, N.Y. 1-EMHARDT, William Chauncey, b Phila., Pa Jan. 29, 1874, 7-Edward Burk (g.son of Sir Edward Burke. who came to Jamestown, Va., 1607, but re- turned to Eng.), officer in army of William, III; came to Phila., Pa., 1685; 6-Hugh (6 Upper Dublin, Pa.); 5-Edward (6 1732); 4—-Edward (b 1761), m Catharine Stannert (b 1763): 3—Col. William (1792-1854). 2-Son of Anne Catharine Burk (1830-1905), m 1872. Charles Stokes Emhardt (1824-77): issue: T— William Chauncey (above); IT-Ella Burk (b 1877; m Wharton Stockton Mellvaine). I-m Oct. 25, 1900, Anne Lindsey Haines (Nov. 1, 1879-Nov. 3, 1919); dau. of Charles Edward Haines, of Phila.; issue: 1-Anne Catharine, b Germantown, Phila., July 31, 1901. A.B., U. Pa., 94; Ph. D., U. Kan., 1898; grad. Gen. Fitchburg, Theol. Sem., 1897. Ordered deacon, 1897, or- dained priest, 1898, P.E. Ch.; field dir. for fgn.- born Americans of Nat. Council of P. E. Ch., New York, since 1919. Knight Order of St. Saviour (Greek); Knight Holy Sepulchre. Clubs: University, Germantown Cricket, Phila. Cricket. Summer place: Newtown, Bucks Co., Pa. Residence: 223 W. Mt. Airy Ay., Philadelphia, Pa. 1-MILBANK, Frances Barnes Blake (Mrs. Nichols), 6 Brooklyn, N.Y., June 13, 1872, 8-John Blake (1652-90), from Eng., 1661, settled at Middletown, Conn.; m 1673, Sarah Hall (John®); 7-Jonathan (1685-1733), m 1710, Mary Johnson; 6-Stephen (1730-67), m 1750, Rachel Alvord: 5-Elijah (1756-1833), soldier Am. Rev.; m Sarah Hamlin (William‘); 4—Elijah (1784-1880), mem. Mass. Legislature; m ca. 1808, Amelia Bronson; 3—-Hamlin (1817-1901), m 1841, Elizabeth Deering Dexter (William, m Elizabeth Phillips). 9-Thomas Morris (qv); 8-Eleazar (1648-1710), m Anna Osborn (6 1663); 7James (b 1686), m 1715, Abigail Rowe (b 1689); 6-Amos (1726-1801), officer Am. Rev.; m Lydia Camp; 5-Amos (1750-1823), soldier Am. Rev.; m Betsey Woodward; 4—Susan (1784-1854), m 1812, Eli Barnes (d 1827), of Barnesville, Conn.; 3—Alfred Smith (1817-88), founder A. S. Barnes & Co., publishers, New York; m ist, 1841, Har- riet Elizabeth Burr (Gen. Timothy‘, War of 1812; Timothy®, soldier Am. Rev.). 2-Dau. of Frederick Deering Blake (1845-1905), m 1871, Sarah Frances Barnes (1847-1913); issue: I-Frances Barnes (above); II-Amy Dexter: IlI—Harriet Burr (1874-1918; m 1908, Frederick V. D. Longaen); I1V—Frederick Henry; V—Ade- laide; VI—Bertram Thorp. I-m Feb. 22, 1898, Nichols Milbank (See Vol. 1, p. 552); issue (all & Montclair, N.J.): 1-Morris, 6 May 26, 1900; B.S., U. Calif., ’22; m Apr. 26, 1924, Margaret F. Willey, b Dec. 1, 1900 (issue: Sally Frances, b May 9, 1925); 2—-Nichols, Jr., b Mar. 23, 1908; U. of Calif., ’24; m Sept. 27, 1924, Dorothy B. Kinney, b Aug. 1903; 3—-Mary Frances, 6 Oct. 5, 1904; U. of Calif., ’26. Mem. D.A.R., D.A.C. Residence: 671 Wilshire Pl., Los Angeles, Calif. 1-LINFIELD, Frances Eleanor Ross (Mrs. George F.), b Penfield, N.Y., Jan. 4, 1852. 7-William Ross (d 1712), from the Barbados to Westerly, R.I., 1678; m Hannah Hungerford (1659-1719) ; 6-William (b 1691), m Ann Lewis; 5—-Pelig (6 1733), Am. Rev.; m 1755, Hannah Lewis; 4—Libbeus (b 1761), Am. Rev.; m Rhoda Cran- dall (William®, Am. Rev., m Deborah-—); 3-William Crandall (1785-1851), War 1812; m 1810, Betsey Rundell. 8-Philip Shearman (qv); 7—Peleg (1638-1719), m 1657, Elizabeth Lawton; 6—William (6 1659), m 1681, Martha Wilbur; 5—Thomas (6 1684), m 1729, Sarah Sisson; 4-Thomas (6 1741), m 1769, Hephzibah Potter: 3-Adam_ (1781-1868), m 1822, Eleanor Smith (Joelt, Am. Rev., m Hannah Penne)). 2-Dau. of Oliver Chapin Ross (1823-1913; farmer; m 1850, Betsey Shearman (1824-1916); issue: I-— Frances Eleanor (above); II-Edward Shear- man (1853-1915): I1I—-George Lincoln (1864-1924). I-m Sept. 4, 1878, Rev. George Fisher Linfield (Sept. 6, 1846-Apr. 30, 1890), of Moline, Ill.; son of John Porter Linfield, of Randolph, Mass. A.B., Elmira, ’72 (hon. A.M., 1928). Education since 1874; also financier. Gave $250,000 as me- morial to her husband to McMinnville Coll., which thereupon changed its name to Lin- field College, and has been dean of women since 1921 (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. PORARE ys ve VV. Ce Wm SOLOSIS mma MAN UKe UVES etc. Summer place: McMinnville, Ore. Resi- dence: Spokane, Wash. 1-LIPPITT, Charles Warren, Jr., ) Providence, R.I., May 15, 1894, 9-Ralph Wheelock (qv); &Benjamin (b 1639), m 1668, Elizabeth Bullen: 7—Obediah (b 1685), m Elizabeth Darling; 6-Josiah (1725-94), m 1747/48, Experience Clarke: 5-Bathsheba (b 1760), m 1784, Jotham "Tlayer (Seth’, officer Am. Rev.); 4—Dency (1805-67), m 1823, Darius Daniels Farnum; 1779, 156 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 3—Alexander (1830-84), m 1853, Charlotte Barbara Ormsbee (John H.‘; John®, m Barbara, dau. of John Holden, officer Am. Rev.). 2-Son of Charles Warren Lippitt (See Vol. 1, p. 690, for other lineages), m 1886, Margaret Barbara Farnum (Colonial Dame, D.A.R.). M June 26, 1920, Frances Pomeroy, 0 at Paris, France, Nov. 21, 1895; dau. of Sanford B. Pom- eroy, of New York; issue: 1-Charles Warren, 3d, 6 Providence, R.I., Nov. 138, 1922. Harvard, 1915-17, 1919-21, S.B., 1919. Business ex- ecutive. Mem. S.M.D., S.C.W., S.C., S.A.R. Enlisted, Apr. 17, 1917; sergt., Hdqrs. Co., 103d F.A., 26th Div.; in France, Oct. 29, 1917-July 6, 1919: Clubs: Hope, Agawam Hunt, New York Yacht, R. I. Yacht, Bristol Yacht. Resi- dence: 300 President Av., Providence, R.I. 1SEWALL, Samuel Lovett, / Wilmington, Del., June 27, 1862. 8-Henry Sewall (qv); 7-Samuel (1652-1730), A.B., Harvard, 1671; chief justice Superior Ct. of Mass.; m 1st, 1676, Han- nah Hull (d 1717; John’, m Judith Quincy); 6—-Rev. Joseph (1688-1769), A.B., Harvard, 1707; colleague Old South Church; m 1713, Elizabeth Walley (1685-1756) ; 5-Samuel (1715-71), A.B., Harvard, 1733; m 1749, Elizabeth Quincy (1727-70); 4—Samuel (1757-1814), A.B., Harvard, 1776; judge Superior Ct. of Mass., 1800-18, chief justice, 1814; m 1781, Abigail Devereux (1766-1847); 3-Rev. Edmund Quincy (1796-1866), A.B., Harvard, 1815; m 1820, Caroline Ward (1797-1867; Joseph‘, col. Am. Rev.). 9-John Lovett (d 1686); 8-John (1636-1727), m Bethiah Rootes; 7—Benjamin (1678-1740) ; 6—Benjamin (1702-82), m 1728/29, Eleanor Cleaves; 5-Benjamin (1729-1805), m Hannah Kilham; 4—Benjamin (1756-1804), m 1777, Betsy Lovett; 3-Samuel Porter, m Lucy-. 2-Son of Edmund Quiney Sewall (1828-1908), A.B., Harvard, ’47; railroad executive; m 1852, Louise Kilham ‘Lovett (1831-1906) ; issue: I-Theodore Lovett (1853-95; A.B., Harvard, ’74, LL.B., 1876; m May Wright Thompson, educator and lec- turer, d 1920); II-Edmund D. (1855-1928: m Ida Hoyt); IlI—Caroline Ward (b 1860; m William Fitzhale Abbot); IV-—Samuel L. (above); V— Frederick Farley (1867-1906); VI—Louise Lovett (b 1871; m Frederick Leslie Chapman). IV—m June 26, 1890, Jessie Douglas Newson (July 20, 1864-Apr. 25, 1907); dau. of Hon. Thomas M. Newson, of St. Paul; issue: 1-Samuel, b St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 5, 1894; A.B., Harvard, 16; served in French Bureau of Inventions, and ist It., Signal Corps, U.S.A., in France, in World War; 2—Eleanor, b St. Paul, July 19, 1898; Vassar, ’19. b M 2d, June 2, 1909, Elizabeth Norris, ® Green Bay, Wis., Sept. 28, 1869; dau. of John M. Norris, of Minneapolis. Wholesale merchant, Minneapolis. Residence: 224 Ridgewood Av., Minneapolis, Minn. 1-TREADWELL, Thomas Conrad, } Washing- ton, D.C., May 18, 1869. 9-Thomas Treadwell (d 1671), from Eng. in the “Hopewell,” to Dorchester, Mass.; settled at Ipswich, Mass., 1638; m 1633; &-Nathaniel (b 1638), m ‘od. 1678, Rebecca Titeout; 7-Thomas (b 1686), m 1716, Sarah Goodhue; 6—-Thomas (1732-66), m 1752, Esther Hovey; 5-Nathaniel (1752-1834), capt, Cont. Army; m 1755, Elizabeth Stone; 4-Thomas (b 1779), m 1800, Ann Passmore; 3-Thomas Passmore (b 1805), m 1828, Greenough. 7-John Abbot; 6—Stephen, m Sarah Stevens; 5-Stephen, m dau. George Abbot, one of the first settlers at Andover, Mass.; 4—-Abner, m Ruth Holt; 38—Joseph Stevens (1804-71), m Grace Wiggin. 2-Son of Thomas James Treadwell (1832-79), U.S. M.A., ’54; 1t. col. Ordnance Corps U.S. A. and bvtd. maj. and) lt. col. “For faithful and meritorious services during the (Civil) War’; m 1858, Margaret Ann Abbot (1834-79); issue: I- Grace Stevens (b 1860: m Pedro Pablo de Aroza- rena); II—Abbot (b 1964; m Ellen Marion Abbot); III-Thomas Conrad (above). III-m™ Oct. 30, 1907, Katharine Henshaw Bradford (qv). Ed. St. Paul’s Sch., Concord, N.H., 1881-85; U.S. Lydia .A., 790. Col., U.S. Marine Corps. Served in Cuba and P.I. in Spanish-Am. War and Philip- pine Insurrection, and World War, 1917-18; re- tired, May 1, 1922. Mem, M.O.F.W., Naval and Mil. Order Spanish-Am. War, Soc. Manila Bay, Naval Order, A.L. Clubs: Chevy Chase (Md.), Army and Navy, Lambs, University, N.Y. Yacht, N.Y. Athletic. Residence: 3462 Macomb St., Washington, D.C 1-TREADWELL, Katharine Henshaw Bradford oatat Thomas C.), 6 Portsmouth, N.H., June 9-Gov. William Bradford (qv); eee William (1624-1703/04), m Alice Richards (d 1671) ; 7-Lt. Samuel (1668-1714), m Hannah Rogers ace Gamaliel (1704-78), m Abigail Bartlett (1708- 5-Capt. Seth (6 1733), m 1760, Lydia Southworth (b 1738) ; 4-Tsaac (b 1763), m Hannah Byles Trask; eAR RI tae (1798-1854), m 1831, Sarah Beckford 03-83). 2-Dau. of Robert Forbes Bradford (1831-92), U.S. .A., 62; capt. U.S.N.; served in Civil War; m 1862, Caroline Henshaw Baury (1838-1912); issue: I-—Robert Forbes (6 1864; m Felicia Dorothea Wyndham, of Eng.); II—Frederic Warren (b 1867); IIlI—Pauline Baury (b 1868); TV—Caroline Beckford (6 1870; m Lt. Col. Thomas E. Jansen, U.S.A.); V—-Katharine Henshaw (above); VI-— Edith Bellerive (6 1874; m Lt. Col. Frank Lomax, U.S.A.); VII-Sarah Edmunds (b 1879; m Cdr. Royall R. Richardson, qv); VIII—-Baury de Bellerive (b 1881; m Caroline Abbott). V—m Oct. 30, 1907, Thomas Conrad Treadwell (qv). Residence: 3462 Macomb St., Washington, D.C. 1-RICHARDSON, R(oyall) Roller, b Inglewood, Rockingham Co., Va., Aug. 7, 5, 9-Samuel (Jourdan) Jordan (av): atte was settled in Va., 1634; burgess, 1630- 7- Thomas; 6—-Robert, m Margaret Brasseu 5-Samuel, m 1690, Mary Belaoes (1673- 1728) ; 4-Belson, m 1738, Hannah Bates; 3—Mary ’(1822- 1902), m 1840, George Richardson (1810-62; Charles*, War 1812; Peter5, Am. Rev.). 2-Son of Charles Augustus Richardson (1842-1913), lawyer; m 1874, Sarah Allebaugh Roller (1852- 1902) ; issue: I-Royall Roller (above); II—Jo- sepha Brooks (1877-1919; m Channing Bristol Cornell); I1I—Charlotte Henrietta (b I880; m Charles Hampton Mauzy). I-m Oct. 12, 1904, Sarah Edmunds Bradford, ? U.S. Navy Yard, Portsmouth, N.H., Apr?) 27 1879; dau. of Capt. Robert Forbes Bradford. 10 S.N., and sister of Mrs. Thomas C. Tread- well (qv for genealogy); issue: 1-Baury Brad- ford, 6 Portsmouth, N.H., Sept. 1, 1905; U.S. M.A., ’29; 2-Sarah Pauline de Bellerive, b Las Animas, "Colo., Mar. 31, 1917. Ed. Augusta Mil. Acad., Fort Defiance, Va., 1890-94; M.D., U.Va., 1899. Cdr., M.C., U.S.N. . Served as ist Tt Co. C, 2d Va. ‘Inf., Spanish- Am. War; in U.S. 'N. in Mexican campaign, and World War. Mem. S.C.W., S.Ri, )S.Wi. 1812: M.O.F.W. Club: Army and Navy (Washing- ton). Residence: 1040 Olive Av., Coronado, Calif. 1-HOFF, Charles Worthington, b Riderwood, Md., Apr. 6, 1898. 5-John George Hoff (1733-1816; son of John Sebas- tian Hoff, of Westerburg, Hesse Cassel), came to Philadelphia, 1765, and settled at Lancaster, Pa.; chief burgess of Lancaster Co., 1778, 79, 83, 84, 85; soldier Am. Rev.; m 1761, Justina Mar- gareta, dau. of George Schnertzel, of Griin- stadt, Palatinate; 4—John George (1788-1847), m Margaret Hager (1789- 1847; Christopher‘); s—John Francis, D.D. (1814-81), m Juliana Johnson oss 8-Capt. John Worthington (1650-1701: son of John Worthington, of Jesus Coll., Cambridge, Eng.), emigrated to America with his brother Sam- uel; was in Md., 1670; capt. Anne Arundel Co. militia; burgess: judge Provincial Ct.; mem. Quorum; m Sarah Howard (Matthew’®): 7-Thomas (1691-1753), m Elizabeth Ridgely (1711- 1734: Henry§); 6—-Nicholas (1734- 93), maj. Am. Rev.; m Catharine Griffith (Charles’); 5—Catharine (b 1761), m 1784, Col. Baker Johnson; FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 157 4-Catharine W. (b 1785), m 1806, William Ross (1772- 1852; William® [b Scotland, 1727-97], maj. Am. Rev., m 1764, Mary Hanna, 1727-1823); 3—-Juliana J. (1816-84), m 1839, Rev. John Francis Hoff (8 above). 7-Thomas Johnson (d 1714; son of Sir James Johnson, of Great Yarmouth, Eng.), came to America bet. 1660-66, settled in Calvert Co., Md.; m Mary Baker (Roger‘); 6-Thomas (1702-77), m 1725, Dorcas Sedgwick (Joshua’); 5-Baker (1747-1811), col. Am. Rev.; m 1784, Cath- arine Worthington (5 above). 2-Son of Charles Worthington Hoff (1854-1915), m 1896, Violet Hand Browne (See Vol. 1, p. 364, for other lineages). Not married. Ed. Marston’s University Sch.; LL.B., U. Md., 1925. Treas. Union Trust Co. of Md. Second lt., F.A., World War. Club: Baltimore Country. Residence: 307 Southway, Guilford, Baltimore, Md. 1-HOGG, Gory, b Point Pleasant, Mason Co., W. Va., June 29, 1873. 5-Peter (Hog) Hogg (1703-82), from Scotland, set- tled in Va., 1745; capt. Va. colonial forces; lawyer; prosecutor-gen. for Colony of Va.; m Elizabeth Taylor; 4—Peter (1773-1823), m Patsey Abney (1780-1846) ; er Sen Gory (1800-73), m 1827, Lucy Ball (1809- 2-Son of Walter Harden Hogg’ (1838-1917), m 1865, Elizabeth McGuffin (b 1844); issue: I-Ora (Mrs. William Henderson Vaught, qv); II—Gory (above). Ii—m Sept. 9, 1903, Caroline J. Butterfield (qv). Ed. U. of W.Va.; M.D., Coll. Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, 1895. Physician. Resi- dence: Harvey, W.Va. 1-HOGG, Caroline James Butterfield (Mrs. Gory), 6 Cincinnati, O., Nov. 9, 1873. 9-Benjamin Butterfield, from Eng. to Charles- town, Mass., 1638; at Woburn, 1640, Chelmsford, 1654; m 1st, Ann— (d 1687 or 88); 8-Nathaniel (b 1642), m 1669, Deborah Underwood (b 1650) ; m 1703, 7-Samuel (1670-1737), Rachael Spalding; 6—Ebenezer (b 1706), Dunstable, Mass.; m Sara-—: 5-Jonas (1742-80), Farmington, Me.; officer Am. Rev.; m 1767, Esther Cummings (Capt. John‘); 4-John (6 1780), m 1800, Sibyl Willard (Lt. Na- thaniel>; Col. Aaron*; Simon?; Henry’; Maj. Simon’, qv); 3—Jonas (1820-74), m 1849, Harriet Melissa Darrow (James%), 6-Alexander Baldridge, from Ireland to N.C.; m 1745, Jane Ramsay; 5—-Rev. William (1763-1830), grad. Dickinson Coll.; m ist, 1792, Rebecca Agnew (Col. James*, m Elizabeth Finley; James’, m Mary-); i R. (1793-1860), m 1815, Sophia Bradford (d ee Agnew (1823-69), m 1851, Caroline James 2-Dau. of Alden Pease Butterfield (1849-1918), m 1873, Caroline Ida Baldridge (b 1852); issue: I- Jonas (b and d 1875); II—Caroline James (above). II-—m Sept. 9, 1908, Dr. Gory Hogg (qv). Residence: Harvey, W.Va. 1_BUTTERFIELD, Oscar Ezra, 6 Wilmington, Vt., Sept. 17, 1839. 9Benjamin Butterfield (d 1688), from Eng. to Charlestown, Mass., 1638; an original propr. of Chelmsford, 1654; m Ann-; 8-Joseph (1649-1720), m Lydia Ballard; 7—Benjamin (1679-1714/15), m Elizabeth Fletcher; 6-Benjamin (1702-47), m Keziah Patterson: 5-Benjamin (b 1726), lt. Am. Rev.; mem. Vt. Leg- islature; 4-Capt. Ezra (b 1758), m Martha Hadley: eae ea nee (1782-1829), m 1808, Sarah Turner (d aet. 89). 2-Son of Hon. Ezra Turner Butterfield, farmer, judge co. court; mem. Va. Legislature: m Mary, dau. Rev. Abner Leonard; issue: I-Mary Angelia (b 1835); II-Sarah Amelia (twin, 6 1835); II1I-Oscar Ezra (above); IV—A. Augustine (1844-1921; m Marcua §. Brown); V—Lucius Alonzo (b 1846; m Ruhama Felker). III-m May 18, 1873, Mary Belle Morgan, } Canaan, N.H., May 7, 1844: dau. of Rev. Erasmus B. Morgan; issue (all } Wilmington, Vt.): 1-Don Oscar, b Mar. 19, 1877; treas. Wilmington (Vt.) Savings Bank; m June 12, 1907, Alice S., dau. of in Indian wars; Martin V. Plimpton; 2-Grace Elizabeth, b Aug. 7, 1879; m Novy, 26, 1918, Sidney O. Morris, d Apr. 8, 1928; 3-Paul Morgan, b Feb. 23, 1881; B.A., Yale, ’0%; physician, New York; 4-Maud Isa- belle (Feb. 10, 1883-Oct. 21, 1884); 5-Beth Vincent, b Aug. 29, 1884; B.A., Yale, ’11; lawyer. Lawyer at Wilmington, Vt., 1867-86, in Neb., 1886- 1897, and again at Wilmington since 1897. Mem, Vt. House of Rep., 1869, 70, 72, 84, Senate, 1876; state’s atty., 1874-75; town clerk from 1898. Residence: Wilmington, Vt. 1-BYE, Arthur Edwin, } Phila., Pa., Dec. 18, 1885. 8-Thomas Bye (ca. 1650-1726; desc. Byes of Bas- ingstoke, Hants; Arms of John Bye, of Bas- ingstoke, and of his brother Robert, of Lon- don, confirmed by Robert Cooke, 1573), from Iing., 1699; purchased a plantation of 1,00 acres at Buckingham and Solebury, Bucks Co., Pa.; m Margaret— (d 1724); 7—John (ca, 1675-1732), m 1704, Sarah Pearson (1680- after 1748; Edward’); 6—Hezekiah (1717-90), m 1748, Mary Ingham (d 1790; Jonas’, whose son Jonathan, m Deborah, dau. of John Bye, 7 above, and from whom are descended all the Inghams of Quaker stock); 5—-Enoch (1757-1837), m 1781, Abigail Kinsey (d 1824; Samuel'); 4-Amos (1781-1861), m 1806, Deborah Paxson (Ben- jamin‘); 3—Enoch Mortimer (1818-92), m 1848, Phoebe Pusey Passmore (Andrew M.’). 8-Philip Taylor (son of Galvain, of Holcombe, Rogus, Devonshire), came to Phila., ca. 1690; m Juliana Lyddon; 7-Benjamin (b 1695), m Hannah Town (John§); 6-Bernard, m 1746, Mary Kirkbride (Mahlon’; Joseph§); 5-Benjamin (1751-1832), m Elizabeth Burroughs (John®); , 4-David Barton (1795-1873), m Elizabeth Field (Stephen‘) ; 3-—Benjamin (1826-92), m Elizabeth Dickerson (Val- entine’), 2-Son of Andrew Moore Bye (1859-1914), m 1880, Mary Taylor (b 1860); issue: I-Arthur Edwin (above); II—-Marguerite (b 1890); IiI-Raymond (6 1892; m Jane Twining; m 2d, Virginia Lip- pincott Higgins). I-m July 4, 1911, Mary Catharine Heldring, b Zandvoort, Holland, June 9, 1886; dau. Rev, Jan Lodowyk Heldring, of Amsterdam, Holland; issue: 1-Ottho Gerhard Heldring, 6 Easton, Pa.,, June 138, 1912; 2-Margaret, 6 Princeton, N.J., Dec. 21, 1913; 3-Ranulph de Bayeux, BD Princeton, June 17, 1916; 4~Arthur Edwin, Jr., 0 Arnhem, Netherlands, Aug. 25, 1919. BsiG wos ba. lls Oxtord Ui. A.M... Princeton, 1914, Ph.D., 1918. Painter and art critic; curator of painting, Pa. Museum of Fine Arts. Author: Pots and Pans, or Studies in Still-Life Paint- ing, 1920. Residence: Swarthmore, Pa. 1-CROUCH, Mary Lillian Smith (Mrs. John P.), 6 Bolivar, Mo., Feb. 2, 1868. ; 9-Robert Field (ca. 1613-ca. 1675), from Eng., died at Boston, Mass.; m Mary Stanley (1610-77): pre ae (1650-1718), of Braintree, Mass.; m Re- ecca—; 7—William (ca. 1691-ca. 1772), m Sarah—; 6—John (b 1718), m 1748, Susanna Newcomb; 5-—John (1752-1826), pvt. Am. Rev.; settled at Peterboro, N.H., 1786, where he operated a large tannery; m 1776, Ruth Thayer; tA es (1782-1863), m 1808, Mary McAlister (1786- 1853) ; 38-Katharine Miller (1813-1901), m 18386, Horace Huse (1810-81). 2-Dau. of Catharine Elizabeth Huse (6 1842), m 1865, Alexander Smith (1832-93), banker; issue: I-Charles Field (1866-1926; m 1889, Minnie S. Jones); II—-Mary Lillian (above); IIlI-Kathren EB. (b 1869; m 1889, D. Clarke Thomas); IV—Alex- ander (b 1871; m 1914, Edna Merriwether); V— Horace S. (b 1874; m 1908, Nora Thompson); VI-— Carrie (1880-1901; m 1898, Elmer S. Jacobs); VII-Laura Davis (1884-1909). II-m May 3, 1891, Dudley L. Bourne (Mar. 27, 1850- Mar. 1, 1912); son of Francis Bourne, of Cul- peper Co., Ky., m Eliza Rodefer, of Staunton, Va.; issue: 1—-Florence, 6} LaBelle, Mo., Dec. 29. 1892: m Sept. 23, 1918, Frank C. Skirvin (issue: Mary Lillian, 6 1918). M 2d, Aug. 7, 1920, John Preston Crouch, b Boone’s Creek, Tenn., Nov. 10, 1852; son of Jesse Crouch, of Jonesboro, Tenn. 158 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Mem. D.A.R. Summer place: LaBelle, Mo. Win- ter place: ‘Magic Valley,” Harlingen, Tex. Residence: McKinney, Tex. 1-CUMMINGS, Ada Blanche, Calif., Apr. 28, 1883. 1i-Thomas Sayre (qv); 10-Daniel (d 1708), at Southampton, L.I., 1657; m 1st, Hannah Foster (Christopher, m ‘Frances Stevens); 9-Capt. Daniel (1666-1748), Southampton, L.I.; m Sarah-; 8-Isaac (d 1723), m Elizabeth Smith (1699-1790; John®, m Sarah White); 7—-Isaac (1722-1805), m Jane Swaine (bap. 1727; Mat- thias’, # Catherine Swaine); 6—Catherine (bap. 1749), m Timothy Griffen (b ca. 1750), came to New Providence, N.J., as a young man; 5-Ephraim (0 1785), m Euphemia Simpson (1784- 1864; John®, m Susan Drake; John‘; John’); 4—Mary (1815-85), m 1833, Edwin Child (1808-63); 3—Julia (1834-1916), m 1854, Charles Botsford Sweney 1833-87). 11—Elder John White (qv); 10—Capt. Nathaniel (1629-1711), m Elizabeth-; 9-Sarah (b 1664), m John Smith, of Haddam; 8-Elizabeth (1699-1790), m 1st, Isaac Sayre (8 above). 2-Dau. of Georgia Sweney (b 1855), m 1880, John Franklin Cumming’s (1835-1918), farmer; issue: I—Ada B. (above); II-Madge Christina (6 1885); IIlI—Walter Wallace (b 1887; m Lula May Sewell); IV—Esther Julia (b 1889); V—Janette (0 1891; m Frederick A. Marsh); VI—Victor Edwin (b 1892; m Louise Huntley); VII—Olga Georgia 1894-1913); VIII—John Franklin (b 1896); IX—Wil- son Shannon (6 1899). I—Mem. D.A.R. (chapter sec.), W.C.T.U. (state v.p.), A.L. Auxiliary (an organizer, and first pres. of Ventura County Aux.), N.E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Calif. Geneal. Soc., Calif. Conf. Social Work, Nat. Travel Club, Ebell Club, Woman’s City Club (Los Angeles), ete. Resi- dence: 510 Santa Paula St., Santa Paula, Calif. 1-CUMMINGS, John Ellsworth, }) Hopedale, O., Oct. 16, 1862. 4-William Cumming's (1750?-1777), from Scotland LOM ba. elibowe soldier Contey Arty.) trom.) Pa., thrown from horse at Battle of Brandywine from effects of which he died; m 1774, Lydia Porter; William (1776-1855), m 1802, Catharine Chambers (1782-1857; James‘, m Margaret Buchanan, who was aunt of Pres. James Buchanan). Son of Stephen Chambers Cumming’s (1823-98), farmer and teacher; served in 157th Ohio Vols. in Civil War; m 1850, Amelia Paulina Mohn (1829-1923); issue: I—-George H. (1850-1917; m 1877, Eva R. Dunn, 6b 1857); II—Israel Price (b 1855; m 1881, Jennie A. McNary); III—Alice (b 1857; m 1887, John L. Price); I[V—Catharine (1859-84; m Robert Pittis, b 1854); V—John Ellsworth (above); VI—Lizzie (b 1865; m 1892, Ed. L. Swan, 4 ise). ViIlI-—Mary (6 1868; m 1905, Clayton Kerr, V—m Aug. 11, 1891, Jennie H. Wyckoff (1863-Aug. 11, 1893); dau. of Cornelius Wyckoff, of Dell Roy, O.; issue: 1—Paul Wyckoff, 6 LeClaire, Ia., Apr. 20, 1898; Bellevue (Neb.) Coll., 16; m Aug. 1916, Miriam, dau. of Robert Weinland, of Colby, Kan. (issue: Edward Ellsworth; Paul Weinlan@a). M 2d, Nov. 7, 1894, Laura Romig, b Uhrichsville, O., Apr. 9, 1868; dau. of Isaac E. Romig, of Uhrichsville, m Charlotte Walton; issue: 1— Stephen Romig, b Rockwell City, Ia., July 16, 1897; Bellevue Coll., 18; 2-Joseph Price, b Dows, Fai, "Sept. 10, 1900; Wooster Coll., ’21; 3— Charlotte Mary, b Dows, Mar. 26, 1902; Monmouth Coll., ’24. ASB, Coll. of Wooster, Ohio, ’88, A.M., 1891 (D.D., 1916) ; grad. McCormick ’ Theol. Sem., 1891: Ordained Presbyn. ministry, 1891; pastorates in Ida. and Iowa, 1891-1924, at Milan, Tll., since 1924. Mem. S.A.R. (pres. Col. John Montgom- a Chapter), Sons of Vets. Residence: Milan, b Santa Paula, Or) | ho | 1-CURRY, Robert Granville, }) Staunton, Va., Apr. 9, 1890, 5—Dr. Robert Curry (1719-1804), from Treland, set- tled in Augusta Co., Va., 1753; officer colonial militia; m Ann Currie; 4—Samuel (1770-1845), soldier War 1812; Glenn (George®, soldier Am. Rev.): m Mary 38-Robert A. Hannah Anderson (James), 10-William Hyde (qv); 9-Samuel (1637- Ty | one of the 35 original pro- prietors of Norwich, Conn.; m Jane Lee (Thomas, d 1641); 8-Samuel (1665- 1742), m Elizabeth Calkins (John’, an original propr. of Norwich); 7-Elijah (1705-76), m Ruth Tracy (8d from Lt. Thomas Tracy, and 3d from Josiah Winslow, brother of Gov. Edward Winslow); 6-Moses (1751-1828), m Sarah Dana (Anderson’, killed at Wyoming Massacre in Am. Rev., and 5th from Richard Dana, d 1690, and 5th from Simon Huntington, d 1633); 5-Lewis (1790-1838), m Lucy Hatch; 4-Charlotte (1822-1903), m Jonathan Stephens (1810-60; 5th from Capt. Stephens, 1650-1701, of L.I., N.Y.); 3—Harriet (b 1842), m John Leslie Duncan (1833-68), of Detroit, Mich. 2—Son of Charles Curry (b 1858), lawyer and legal writer; m 1886, Grace Elizabeth Duncan (1864- 1915); issue: I—Duncan (6b 1887; m Margaret Young Echols); II—Beatrice (b and d 1889); III— Robert Granville (above); I1V—John Leslie (0 1892; m Beatrice Fleming); V—Elinor May (0b 1893; m Samuel H. Parkins); VI—Constance Dana (6 1897; m Curry Carter); VII—Margaret Henry (1897-98); VIII—Charlotte Hyde (1899-1900) ; Riedy Elizabeth (1901-02); X—Dorothy (0b IlI-m Dec. 2, 1914, Elise Perry Haile, 6 Staunton, Va., July 16, 1890; dau. of Columbus Haile; is- sue: 1-Tempe Haile, b Staunton, Va., Aug. 14, 1918; 2—EFlise Duncan, b Staunton, Nov. 28, 1919. B.A. sand LEB; Us Va., 1913) (Deltasesi, F. Buk): First asst. counsel, Interstate Commerce Commn., Washington. Pvt., U.S.A., Oct. 14- Nov. 22, 1918; O.T.C., Ft. Monroe, Va. Resi- dence: Battery Park, Bethesda, Md. Pedal teat Jane Delia, b Bath, Me., aaah Cushing (qv); 8—Daniel (1619-99), m Lydia Gilman (d 1689); 7—Peter (1646-1715), m Hannah Hawke (d 1737); 6—-Stephen (1687-1749), m Catharine Kilby; 5—Peter (1741-83), m Silence Burr (d 1829); 4—Christopher (1766-1805), m Eleanor Philbrook (1767-1845) ; 3—Peter (1794-1823), m Mary Woodward (1798-1878). 5—-John Mereen, m Rebecca Pepper; 4—John (1772-1852), m Mary Batchelder; 3—Abel Eaton (1808-44), m Jane Thompson (1808-76). li—Elder William Brewster (qv); 10—Patience (ca. 1600-1634), m Gov. Thomas Prence (qv); 6oMtorey (1631-1711), m 1649/50, Maj. John Freeman (1622-1719; Edmund”, qv); s-Hdmund (1657- 1717), m Ruth Merrick; m 2d, Sarah Mayo; 7-Mary, m Samuel Hinckley; 6-Samuel, m Sarah Miller; 5-Mary, m Timothy Batchelder; 4—Mary (1774-1851), m John Mereen (4 above). 2-Dau. of Samuel Woodward Cushing (1821-1905), merchant, Bath, Me.; m 1848, Mary Ann Mereen (1831-1911); issue: I-William Lee (1849-1921; B.A., Yale, ’72; m Mary Lewis Strong); II—John Mereen (1851-94; m Emma Smith); I1I]—Samuel Dayton (6b 1853); IV—Eleanor Philbrook (6 1856; B.A., Smith, ’79); V—Charles Elbridge (b 1863; B.A., Yale, ’85); VI-—Jane Delia (above); VII-— Frank Delano (6 1871; Ph.B., Yale, ’9). VI-A.B., Smith, ’89. Asst. prin. The Masters School, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. Address: The Mas- ters School, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. 1-ERWIN, Frank Craige, 6 Waxahachie, Tex., Apr. 1, 1896. 6—-Nathaniel (Irwin) Erwin (qv); 5-Alexander (1750-1830), col. Am. Rev.; clk. Burke Co. (N.G,) €t.; mem. N.C. Legislature: m 1770, Sarah Ann Robinson (1750-85; James H., Jr.®*), was wounded and maimed for life in saving the life of a revolutionary soldier: 4—Col. James (1775-1848), Burke Co., N.C.; m 1808, Margaret Locke Phifer; 38—Martin Phifer (1813-72), Maury Co., Tenn.; m 2d, 1852, Louisa Amanda Blackman (1822-66; Ben- nett*, m Anne, dau. of Richard Clinton, of Sampson Co; N.C., and Camden, S.C., soldier Am, Rev.). 6-Gen. Matthew Locke (1730-1801; son of Sir Francis, of Kent, Eng.), brig. gen. Am. Rev.; (1809-98), om Tuthill Thomas Mar. 27, FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA mem, 3d, 4th, 5th Congresses from N.C.:; m Mary Elizabeth Brandon (Col. John*, of Rowan Co, N-C))5 5-Elizabeth (1758-91), m 1778, Martin Phifer (1756- 1837), capt. Cont. Army; col. N.C. troops (Maj. Martin’, from Switzerland to Pa., 1738); 4—-Margaret L. (1786-1870), m James Erwin (4 above). 6—Daniel Singleton (d ante 1797), of Orange Co., V . a; 5-Edmund (d ante 1814), of Jessamine Co., Ky.; m 1794, Margaret Haydon (Ezekiel’, of Spotsyl- vania Co., Va., m Mary-); 4—-Daniel (1795-1838), m 1817, Catherine Hawkins (1798-1870; John®, of Hanover Co., Va.); 3-John Hawkins (1818-84), of Ellis Co., Tex.; served in army of Rep. of Tex., in Mexican War, and C.S.A.; m 1851, Rebecca Ann Barker (1830-1900), of Lincoln Co., Tenn. 2-Son of Rufus King Erwin (b 1858), of Waxa- hachie, Tex.; m 1880, Mary Ellen Singleton (0 1858); issue: I-Martin Cyral (m Lillian Phil- pott); Il—Annie May (m William Lee Ely); I1I— Margaret Elizabeth (b 1886; m Edwin Thomas Jones); IV—Joseph Rufus (b 1887; m Katherine Mary Peters); V—Hazel G. (m John Karner); VI-Verna R. (b 1891; m William S. Henson); ViiI—Frank Craige (above). Vil-m Margaret Elizabeth Edwards, b Temple, Tex., Apr. 7, 1896; dau. of Thomas Edwards (Rev. ancestry), of Waxahachie, Tex.; issue: 1-Frank Craige, Jr., 6 Waxahachie, Jan. 25, bee 2-Thomas Lake, 6 Waxahachie, Apr. 27, 1923. Ed. Wentworth (Mo.) Mil. Acad. Promoter, Trinity Farm Construction Co., Waxahachie, Tex. Second and Ist lt., inf., service at Camp Pike, Ark., Camp Lee, Va., and Camp Sevier, S.C., Jan. 5-Dec. 21, 1918. Residence: Waxa- hachie, Tex. 1-EWELL, Glenn Blackmer, b. Warsaw, N.Y., Feb. 26, 1880. 9-Henry Ewell (1615-1687/88), from Eng. in the “Hercules,” to Scituate, Mass., 1634/35; soldier Pequot War; m Sarah Annabel (1622-1709; Anthony”, mem. Gen. Ct., Plymouth Colony); 8—-Gershom (1650-1717), m Mary-; 7—John (1699-1758), m Elizabeth-; jenn (1734-1826), Am. Rey.; m Deborah Bates (d hes (1757-1827), Am. Rev.; m Sarah Holbrook d@ 1840) ; 4—Henry (1782-1851), m Betsy Bancroft (d 1851): 38—-Rev. Henry Bancroft (1811-84), grad. Hamilton (N.Y.) Theol. and Lit. Inst. (now Colgate U.), 1836; m Fanny Blackmer. ll-Elder William Brewster (qv); 10—Mercy (1631-1711), m Maj. John Freeman (1621- 1719), dep. Old Colony Ct., 1653; asst. gov., 1667- 1692; maj. militia of co. 1685; 9-Thomas (1653-1715), selectman, clerk, coroner: m 1673, Rebecca Sparrow (1655-1740; John): 8—Mercy (1674-1747), m Paul Sears (Paul®: Rich- ard’, from Eng., first appears on tax list, Plymouth, Mass., 1633); 7—Mercy (1702-80), m Joseph Blackmer (1697-1771); 6-Joseph (1729-95), Am. Rev.; m Mary Corbett (1734-1811) ; 5—Joseph (1767-1848), m Thankful Spear (1767-93): Tuo (1786-1867), War 1812; m Sally Joslin (1785- 3-Fanny (1821-93), m Rev. above). 2-Son of Rev. Jirah Blackmer Ewell (1853-87), B.S., Cornell, ’'73; Rochester Theol. Sem., 1877: m 1878, Mary Florine Mallory (b 1855); issue: I— ao Blackmer (above); II—Bertha Anna (b I-m Apr. 17, 1906, Ada Delamater, B Gloversville, N.Y., Sept. 4, 1878; dau. of James Cornelius Delamater; issue (all } Rochester, N.Y.): 1— Paul Brownell, 6 Jan. 18, 1909; 2-Jean Helen, h Aug. 18, 1912; 3-Marjorie A., b May 4, 1917; 4— Roger Allen, b May 27, 1924. A.B., Colgate, ’03 (Delta U.): Rochester Theol. Sem., 1911, B.D., 1912. Registrar and librarian. Rochester Theol. Sem.: also sec. of faculty and bd. trustees (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. S.M.D., S.A.R. Club: University. Resi- dence: 10 Brighton St., Rochester, N.Y. apd edt Se Edwin, ) Tippah Co., Miss., Nov. 5-Ambrose Ray (ca. 1740-1798-99), probably b in Henry B. Ewell (3 159 Va., d Union Co., S.C.; soldier Am. Rev.; m ca. 1770, Elizabeth— (1748-1831) ; 4—Hosea (1776-1860), m 1796, Mary Lamb (1777-1856 ; Col. Gideon®, of N.C., m Mary Gregory); 3—-Rev. Ambrose (1798-1873), m 1st, 1819, Mary Gar- rett (1800-53). 6-Silas Garrett (ca. 1730-1804-05), m 1753, Ann— (ca. 1732-post 1805); 5—John (ca. 1754-1805-06), of Laurens Co., S.C.; pvt. and adj. in Am. Rev.; m 1774, Hannah-— (ca. 1755- will recorded, 1821); 4—Joseph (1775-1849), m 1799, Priscilla Ramage Dil- lard (1785-1857; James? [1755/b0-1936], Capt. Am. Rev.; m 1st, 17/4, Mary Ramage, patriot and heroine in Am, Rev.); 3—Mary (1800-53), m Ambrose Ray (3 above). d-Richard Northcross (ca. 1740-will probated 1801), m Jane— (will probated 1808); 4-Thomas (1776-1839), m 1797, Hester MecGlamory (1778-1847; John®, Am. Rev., m Isabella, dau. of Robert McKittrick); 3-John McGlamory (1799-1855), m 1827, Sarah Lar- rison Oakes (1809-54; James‘, m Hannah, dau. Joseph Larrison, Am. Rev.; Jonathan®; Jona- than*®; Thomas’; Thomass). 2-Son of Hosea Halcomb Ray (1843-1912), soldier C.S.A.; m 1865, Sarah Margery Northcross (0 1844); issue: I-Hugh Edwin (above); lI—Claude Simpson (m Hattie Barrett); Il1I-Aylma Oakes; IV-Thomas Henry (m Isabella Dunlap); V— Charles Lamb (m Myrtle Tapp); VI—-Albert Earl (m Nancy Gray); VII—Clara Northcross; VillI—Laura Garrett (m Guy B. Smalley); IX— Joseph Brooks (m Lucy Mae Wells). I-m Oct. 6, 1891, Ottie Garrett, 6 Pocahontas, enn Octa2). 11s ledauy Of Cols Gnw. is. Gar rett, C.S.A.; issue: 1-Margery Elizabeth (Mrs. Ben E. Everett, qv for Bouton and Paisley lineages); 2-Olga (Jan. 3, 1895-d infancy); 3— Mary Agnes, b Pocahontas, Tenn., Jan. 27, 1896; B.A., Tenn. Coll., 17; m May 1, 1918, Lt. Jame- son Calvin Jones; 4~Hugh Edwin, Jr.,) Corinth, Miss., Sept. 8, 1908; B.A., U. Miss., 724; m Nov. 2, 1924, Mary Lucile Candler; 5-Rosa Louise, 8 Corinth, Aug. 30, 1906; Randolph-Macon Woman’s, '28; 6-Austin Fentress, 6 Corinth, June 18, 199; U. Va.; 7-Jane Paisley, 0 Corinth, Dec. 14, 1911. Pres. Corinth Machinery Co.; v.p. Corinth Bank & Trust Co.; dir. Miss. Power Co., ete. Pres. Bd. of Edn., Corinth, from 1910. Deacon, Bapt. Ch. Mason (32°). Residence: Corinth, Miss, 1-EVERETT, Margery Elizabeth Ray (Mrs. Ben E.), 6 Pocahontas, Tenn., Mar. 19, 1893. I-John Bouton (1615-1704/05; son of Count Nicholas Bouton), a Huguenot; from Eng. in the ‘“As- surance” to Boston, 1635; lived at Boston and Watertown, Mass., and Hartford and Norwalk, Conn.; rep. Conn. Gen. Ct.; m 2d, 1656, Abigail Marvin (1640-72); 8-John (6 1659), of Norwalk; m 1685, Sarah Greg- gory (b 1667; John’); 7-Nathaniel (1691-will dated 1775), m Hannah-; m 2d, Mary-; 6—Daniel (1740-1821), capt. Am. Rev.; m 1767, Mary Mead (d 1801; Peter’ [1700-80], justice, Green- BE Conn., and mem. Com. Safety, m Han- nah-—); 5—Jared (1781-1858), moved from Stamford, Conn., eee Co., N.Y.; m 1802, Polly Webb (1782- 4—Ralph Leonard (1810-1900), physician; removed to Canaan, Miss.; m 1843, Anna Jane Gibson; 3-Elizabeth Jane (b 1845), m 1866, Col. George Washington Brooks Garrett, C.S.A. (1840-1916), 7-William Paisley (1700-08-1777), from Ulster CGo., Ireland, 1737/38, settled on Schuylkill River abt. 20 miles above Phila., Pa.; moved to N.C., 1765; m 1st, 1736/87, Elinor McLean; 6—John (1745-1811), maj. and It. col. U.S.A. and served in Am. Rey.; m 1769, Mary Ann Denny (1748-1833) ; 5—Elizabeth (1785-1846), m 1810, Moses Gibson (1783- 1857; Andrew*, from Scotland to Charleston. S.C., at 15, soldier Am. Rev., m Jane, dau. of John Freeland, of Orange Co., N.C.); 4-Anna Jane_ (1821-1901), m Dr. Ralph Leonard Bouton (4 above). 2-Dau. of Ottie Garrett (b 1871), m 1891, Hugh Ea- win Ray (qv for Ray lineages). M Jan. 14, 1914, Bennett Everton Everett, b Hazen, Ark., May 15, 1884; insurance and real estate business; Mason (32°); son of Bailey Johnson Everett (6 1845), m 1865, Annie P. Jolly (b 1845), of Hickory, Miss.; issue: 1-Bennett Everton, 160 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Jr., 6 Corinth, Miss.,- et at 1918; 2-Margery Jane, bd Corinth, Oct. Tenn. Coll., class 1S Ment CAD SAS kes (regent LaSalle Chapter 2 terms), U. D. C., Gen. Fed. Women’s Clubs, Miss. Fed. (state chmn. child welfare). A.R.C. medal and certificate for 1,600 hours service during World War. Residence: 828 Jackson St., Corinth, Miss. ROBERT MILLIGAN (1814-75). Born Tyrone, Ireland, July 25, 1814; A.B., Washington Oounty Coll., Pa., ’40, A.M., 1843; prof. English litera- ture, Washington Coll., 1840-49, prof. chemistry and natural history, ibid, 1849-52; prof. mathe- matics, Indiana U., 1852-54, Bethany (W. Va.) Coll., 1854-59 ; pres. Ky. U., 1859-65, and pres. Coll. of the Bible (Disciples), ibid, 1865-75. Author. ai trtsrglatente dith A.), 6 Lexington, Ky. 9-Henry Coleman, from Eng., settled in Prin- cess Ann Co., Va., 1632; 8-Richard (b 1654) ; 7—-Robert (was living 1674); of Abingdon, Glou- cester Co., Va.; 6—-Robert, of King and Queen Co., Va., later of SU peat Spotsylvania Co., Va.; m Elizabeth n 5—John (710-83), of Pine Forest, Spotsylvania Co., Va.; ensign Cont. Line; m 1731, Eunice Hawes; 4—John (b 1753), soldier Am. Rev.; m Lucy Chiles; 3-Samuel (1804-84), m Elizabeth Chapman Graves. 8-Maj. James Goodwin (d 1687), from Eng., set- tled on Back Creek, York Co., Va., 1648; was justice and bugress; m 1st, Rachel— (1630-66) ; 7—Peter (ca. 1662-1731), m before 1696/97, Rebecca Tiplady (Capt. John§, justice of York Co.); 6—James (d 1757), m 2d, Mrs. Elizabeth Chapman Chisman (b 1709); 5-Robert (1739-89), served in Am. Rev.; S.C. rangers; m 1766, Jane Tulloch; 4—Mary (d 1815), m 1790, Joseph Graves; 3-Elizabeth C. (1807-93), m 1825, Samuel Cole- man (3 above). Maternally, 4—John Milligan, from Ireland, 1818; settled in Trumbull Co., O.; m Margaret-; 3—Robert (1814-75), grad. Washington Coll., Pa.; ’40; educator; Ist pres. Ky. U., 1859-65; m 1842, Ellen Blaine Russell (James%4), Eleanor Coleman (Mrs. Mere- capt. 2-Dau. of Dr. Benjamine Lindsay Coleman (1847-1915), physician; m 1873, Isabella Reed Milligan (1847-1918); issue: I-Eleanor (above); II—Robert M. (m Elsie Stoll). I-m Feb. 20, 1918, Meredith Armistead John- ston, 6 Lexington, Ky.; son of J. Fletcher Johnston, lawyer, of Lexington. B.A., Transylvania, ’08 (Delta Delta Delta). Mem. C.D.A., D.F.P.A., D.A.C., D.A.R. (ex-re- gent Lexington, Ky., Chapter; regent chapter at Claremont, Va.), A.A.U.W., Va. League of Women Voters (dir. 4th dist.), James River Garden Club. Club: Woman’s (Richmond, Va.). Residences: Lexington, Ky., and “Clare- mont Manor,’ Claremont-on-the-James, Va. AE eater Clyde Harold, 6b Palatka, Fla., Feb. 9-Maj. Thomas Hawkins; 8—Joseph, m Sarah-—; 7-Sarah, m Gen. John Sevier (1745-1815), mem, 1st Congress, 1789-91, from N.C.; gen. militia; gov. of Tenn., 1796-1801, and 1803-09; mem. 12th and 13th Congresses, 1811-15 (Valentine’); 6—Elizabeth, m Maj. William Clark; 5-Sarah H., m Gen. James Rutherford Wyly; 4—Oliver C. (1808-93), m Lucy Eddins (1812-50); 3—Martha Caroline (1840-82), m Henry Alexander Fuller (b 1835). 9-Alexander Cleveland, m Lady Axminster (dau, of Lord Axminster, of London); 8—Alexander; 7-Col. Benjamin, m Mary Graves; 6—Jemina, m James Wyly; 5-Gen. James Rutherford, m Clark (5 above). 8-Col. William FitzHugh (1651-1701), from Eng., 1670; settled at ‘‘Bedford,’’ on the Rappahan- nock, in Va.; burgess; col. Stafford Co. forces; .m Sarah Tucker; 7-George, m Mary Mason; 6—Col. William (1721-98), col. Md. troops; burgess; m 2d, Anne (Frisby) Rowsby; 5—-Lt. Col. Peregrine (1759-1811), officer Am. Rev.; m 1782, Elizabeth Crowley Chew (1766-1854) ; 4-Bennett Chew (1794-1865), m 1819, Sarah Phelps (1798-1882) ; 3-Elizabeth (1824-1912), m 1848, Napoleon B. Cas- well (1816-83). 2—Son of Oliver Clyde Fuller, m 1881, Kate Fitz- hugh Caswell (6 1862); issue: I-Edythe (6 1882; m Hugh de Laussat Willoughby, Jr.); II- Elizabeth (b 1884; m Rufus Gardiner Kellogg); I1I—Inez Fitzhugh (b 1886; m G. Benjamin Miller); [V—Lytie (6 1889: m William Bradford Stryker); V-Clyde Harold (above); VI—Robert Sevier (b 1901; m Jacqueline Smith). V—m Feb, 14, 1917, Mattie Harris Crandall (av); issue: 1-Oliver Clyde, II, } Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 30, 1919; 2-Penelope Ann, b Milwaukee, Mar. ee 1922. Princeton, 717. V.p. First Wis. Trust Co. Served as pvt. Troop A, 1st Wis. Cav., campaign on Mexican border, June-Oct. 1916. Second and 1st 1t., Co. F, 107th Enegrs., U.S.A., 1917-19; service in France and Italy each 6 months. Mem. S.C.W., S.A.R., A.L. Clubs: Milwaukee, Mil- waukee Country, Milwaukee Athletic, Town, and University. Residence: ‘‘Riverdale,” North Milwaukee, Wis. 1-FULLER, Mattie Harris Crandall (Mrs. Clyde H.), 6 Milwaukee, Wis., July 8, 1893. 8-Lt. Thomas Leffingwell (qv); 7—Thomas (1649-1724), m Mary ‘Bushnell (1654/55 - 1745; Richard’; Francis?, av); 6—-Benajah (1693-1756), m Joanna Christopher; 5—Elisha (1743-1804), ensign of minute men in Am. Rev.; m 1766, Alice Tracy; 4-Sarah (d 1846), m 1799, Roswell Culver: ee Cornelia (6 1814), m 1833, George B. Cran- a. 10-Elder William Brewster (qv); 9—-Jonathan (1593-1659), m 1624, Lucretia Oldham; 8—Mary (1627-91), m 1645, John Turner; ane of Scituate; m Richard Christopher (d ote (b 1706), m Benajah Leffingwell (6 above 2-Dau. of George Edward Crandall (1836-1919), m 1871, Ellen Tamsen Sivyer (d 1922), M Feb. 14, 1917, Clyde Harold Fuller (qv for issue). Residence: Sarah Hawkins “Riverdale,” North Milwaukee, Wis. FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 161 1-GREENWAY, John Campbell, b Huntsville, Ala., July 6, 1872. 7-Gilbert Christian Greenway, from Scotland to Lancaster, Pa., 1726; m Margaret Richardson; 6—-William Christian, m Mary Campbell; 5-Andrew Russell, m Margaret Christian; 4-James Cowan, m Margaret Russell; 3—John C., m Margaret C. Cowan. 7—Evan Shelby (qv); 6-Gen. Evan (1720-94), capt. and maj. French and Indian War; maj. Am. Rev.; brig. gen. N.C. militia; m 1744, Laetitia Coxe (d 1777; David’, of Md.); 5-Col. Isaac (1750-1826), of ‘Traveller’s Rest,” Lincoln Co., Ky.; officer Am. Rev., and was known as ‘Hero of King’s Mountain’; first gov. of Ky., 1792-96 and 1812-16; officer War 1812; m 1783, Susannah Hart (Capt. Nathaniel*, a propr. of the Transylvania Co.); 4—-Sarah (b 1785), m 1802, Dr. Ephraim McDowell. 8-Ephraim McDowell (qv); 7-Capt. John (1703-42), m Magdalen Woods; 6-Samuel (1735-1817), capt. in Indian wars; col. Am. Rev.; mem. Va. House of Burgesses; set- tled at Danville, Ky., 1783; pres. ist State Constl. Conv., 1792; circuit judge; m Mary McClung; 5-Samuel (b 1764), soldier Am. Rev.; Ist U.S. mar- shal of Ky., 1792; m Anne Irvine; 4-Dr. Ephraim, M.D. (d 1830), the “Father of ovariotomy”’; m Sarah Shelby (4 above). 2-Son of Gilbert Christian Greenway, M.D. (b . 1844), m Alice White; issue: I-Addison W.: II-— | John Campbell (above); II1I—Gilbert Christian | (Ph.B., Yale-S., 98); IV-James Cowan (b 1877; ' B.A., Yale, ’00; m Harriet Lauder); V—Sarah (m Col. W. Li. Keller, U.S.A.). IIl-m Nov. 4, 1923, Isabella Selmes Ferguson; is- | sue: 1John Selmes, b Oct. 11, 1924. Ph.B., Yale-S., ’95; (LL.D., U. Ariz., 1920). Mining engr.; now gen. mgr. Calumet & Arizona Min- ing Co., New Cornelia Copper Co., ete. Pvt. and 2d It. and ist It., Ist U.S. Vol. Cav. (Roos- evelt’s Rough Riders), Spanish-Am. War; cited by War Dept.; promoted Ist lt. “For gal- lantry in action,” at Battle of San Juan Hill; maj., engrs., U.S.A., World War, Oct. 23, 1917; lt. col. of inf.; served with lst Eners., 1st Div., and 101st Inf., 26th Div., A.E.F.; award- ed D.S.C.; Croix de Guerre with two palms; Croix de l’Etoile; Legion d’Honneur (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. S.A.R., Rough Riders, A.L. Clubs: Boone and Crockett, Racquet and Tennis (New York), Warren Dis- trict Country. Residence: Warren, Ariz. 1-GRENFELL, Donald Stuart, b Black Earth, Wis., Aug. 12, 1892. 1l-John Putnam (qv); 10-Lt. Nathaniel (1619-1700), m Elizabeth Hutchin- son (1629-98; Richard); 9-Capt. Benjamin (1664-ca. 1715), m 1686, Elizabeth Putnam (d 1705; Lt. Thomas; John, above); 8-Dea. Nathaniel (d 1754), m 1709, Hannah Rob- erts; 7-Jacob (1711-81), m 1735, Susannah Styles (d 1776); ee eo ae (1740-1810), Am. Rev.; m 2d, Hannah— 5-Hannah (1769-1852), m 1792, Samuel Burton (1767- 1853; Maj. Jonathan®, French and Indian War and Am. Rev., m Huldah Nichols; John’; John’; Isaac®; John; Boniface", qv); 4—Horace (1809-87), m 1833, Mary Ann Taylor; 8-Lucy Jane (1834-1904), m 1854, Joseph Q. Stuart (1826-1917; Joseph*t, m Sally Tilton; Josephi; Joseph*®; Richard’; Ebenezer’; Duncan’); 11—-Reginald Foster (qv); 10—Mary (6 1618), m 2d, Lt. Francis Peabody (qv); 9-Hepsibah (6 1652), m 1678, Daniel Rea (b 1654; Joshua?) ; 8-Elizabeth (b 1687), m 1708, John Towne (b 1678: Joseph®; William’); 7-Elizabeth (6 1711), m 2d, Jeremiah Towne (b 1705; William’; Edmund®; William”, above); 6-Nehemiah (1748-1820), Am. Rev.; m 1771, Lucy Towne (d 1841; Joshua’, Am. Rev.; Jacob’; Ja- cob®; Jacob”; William"): 5-Mary (b 1785), m 1808, James Taylor (b 1779; Capt. Reuben*®, Am. Rev.; Samuel?; Abraham’; Abraham’; William”, qv); 4—-Mary Ann _ (1812-1907), m above). 2-Only child of William John Grenfell (b 1865), bank cashier, Grass Valley, Calif.; m 1891, Nettie Alita Stuart (b 1867). Horace Burton (4 M 2d, Dec. 29, 1925, Julie Ann Sanders, 0 Peru, Ill., Dec. 29, 1891, Ch.E., U. Wis., 14 (Tau Beta Pi). Mer. Oakland pliant, Chemical and Pigments Co. Pvt., Am- bulance Co. 121, 106th San. Train, 31st Div., and in France, Oct. 1918-Aug. 1919. Residence: Oakland, Calif. 1-GRIFFIN, Charles Francis, Lassen Co., Calif., Apr. 26, 1869. 93-Humphrey (Griffing) Griffin (1605-62), lived at ison om Mass.; m Elizabeth Andrews (d 8-John (1635-88), Haverhill, Mass.; m 1668, Lydia Shatswell (1646-1729) ; 7-Sgt. Ebenezer (1673-1723), New London, Conn.; m 1702, Mary (Harris) Hubbell (Gabriel Har- ris’; Walter’), widow of Ebenezer Hubbell; 6-Samuel (1705-ante 1737), New London, Conn.; m 1727, Ann Avery (b 1707); 5-Samuel (1728-ca. 1800), Searsport, Me.; after middle age began to write name Griffin; m 1753, Desire Crary (b 1729); b Susanville, 4-Ebenezer (1758-1849), Searsport, Me.; m 1795, Lydia Pendleton (1771-1812); 3—Ebenezer_ (1798-1872), Searsport, Me.; m 1822, Clarissa Peabody York (1805-94), ll-Elder William Brewster (qv); Pane (1593-1659), m 1624, Lucretia Oldham (¢ ; 8—Ruth (1681-77), m 1651, John Pickett (d 1667); 8—Mary (d 1735), m 1672, Capt. Benjamin Shapley (@ 1706; Nicholas’); Gaat (1685-1751), m 1704, Thomas Avery (1679-ante 6—Ann (6 1707), m Samuel Griffing (6 above). 2-Son of Francis Marion Griffin (1830-1915), sailor, miner, merchant; 1st lt., Co. C, 3d Calif. Vol. Inf. in Civil War, served 1861-64; m 1868, Mar- gretta Louisa Malloy (1844-1915); issue: I-— Charles Francis (above); II-Clara Louisa (b 1872; m 1918, James Reade Watson); IlI—Pauline faeneen (1878-1895); IV—John Warren (1880- Ni I-Not married. M.D., Cooper Med. Coll., 1891. Physician; served as house surgeon, San Fran- cisco City and County Hosp., 1892-93; clin. asst., lecturer, adjunct to chair of therapeu- tics, Cooper Med. Coll., 1894-1906. Capt yi. C., U.S.A., service with 30th Div. in Ore. and Wash., Apr. 2, 1918-Dec. 19, 1919; permanently injured in line of duty. Mem. S.M.D. (state historian Calif. soc.), S.C.W., A.L.: pres. Calif. Geneal. Soc. Club: Commonwealth. Residence: 4008 Judah St., San Francisco, Calif. 1-GROVES, William Taylor, } Northfield, Mich., Nov. 28, 1887. 9-Nicholas (Le Grove, Le Gros) Groves (d 1703- 1704), from Isle of Jersey to Salem, Mass., before 1668; early settler of Beverly, Mass.; signer of petition against imposts to Gen. Ct. of Mass. Bay Colony, 1668; seaman; m 1671, Hannah Sallows (1654-1718; Robert, m Free- born, dau. of Peter Wolfe; Micha™, early set- tler of Salem and Beverly, Mass.): 8—-Peter (bap. 1679-1755), mariner, Beverly, Mass.; m 1st, 1702-03, Hannah Winter (d 1707; Edward?, of Marblehead, Mass., m Deborah Golt);: 7-Nicholas __(1703/04-1775), settled at Brimfield, Mass., 1731; moderator, selectman, assessor, treasurer; m 1724, Hannah Corning (b 1703: Jo- seph’, m Rebecca, dau. of Peter Woodbury; Samuel®; Samuel?*); 6-Nicholas (1726-1806), of Monson, Mass.; select- man; m 1730, Mary Hubbard; 5-Jesse (1754-1819), set. Am. Rev.; early settler of Whitingham, Vt., 1783: moved to E. Charle- aoe? Mass., 1796; m 1st, Martha Parley (d 1801) ; 4-Nicholas (1788-1866), settled at Northfield, Washtenaw Co., Mich., 1831; m ist, 1816, Rox- anna Stearns (1787-1824; Levi®, Am. Rev., m Lois, dau. of Ebenezer Stoddard; Benjamin‘; Samuel’; Isaac’; Isaac®, qv); 3-William P. (1819-99), farmer and fruit grower: m 1851, Harriet Fitzsimmons (1830-92; Thomas’, m Eliza Watrous; John®; James‘). 10-George Hubbard (qv); 9-John (1630-1702), Hadley, Mass.; m Mary Mer- riam (William™, m Sarah, dau. of James Burges); 8—-Daniel (1661-1744), Hatfield, Mass.; m Esther Rice (1665-1744; Samuel®, of Marlborough, 162 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Mass., m Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas King; Edmund”, qv); 7-Samuel (1897. 1750), Brimfield, Mass.; m Hannah Bliss (d 1781; Thomas’, of Springfield, Mass., m Hannah Cadwell; Samuel; Thomas”: Thomas, qv); 6—Mary (1730- 1801), m Nicholas Groves (6 above). 2-Only child of Albert Damon Groves (1853- 1924), co. auditor of Washtenaw Co., Mich., 1919-24; alderman, Ann Arbor, 1921-24; m 1886, Emma Louise Taylor (b 1859). M Sept. 2, 1922, Eleanor Harrington, 0b Byron, Mich., Nov. 15, 1900; dau. of Rufus F. Har- rington, of Owosso, Mich.; issue: 1—-William Albert, 6 Mar. 9, 1926. Ed. U. Mich. Mer. Albert D. Groves Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. Soldier World War, 1918- 19. Au- thor and publisher: “Groves Family in Amer- ica,” 1915. Mem. S.A.R. (treas. Washtenaw Chapter), A.L. (vice-cdr. Irwin Preiskorn Post). Residence: 907 E. Huron St., Ann Ar- bor, Mich. 1-GUNNISON, Herbert Foster, ) Halifax, N.S., June 28, 1858. 7-Hugh Gunnison (ca. 1610-1658), from Sweden, d at Kittery, Me.; m 2d, 1647, Mrs. Sarah Lynn; 6-Elihu (1650-ca. 1729), m 1674, Martha Trickee; m 2d, Elizabeth-; 5—Joseph (1690-1748), m Susanna Follett; m 2d, Elizabeth Lewis; m 3d, Margaret Nelson; m 4th, Susanna Ayers; 4-Samuel (1720/21-1806), m 2d, 1752, Alice Fernald (1725/26-1804) ; 3—Nathaniel (1766-1813), m 1789, Hannah Batchelder (1767-1818). 8-Thomas Foster (d 1682), Billerica, Elizabeth—-; 7-John (1642-ca. 1732), m (Thomas5) ; 6-Chillingsworth (1680-1764), m 1st, ca. 1704, Mercy Freeman (John’; Maj. John§; Edmund, qv); m 2d, Mrs. Susanna Sears; m 3d, Ruth (Mer- rick) Sears; 5-Isaac (1718- 70), m Hannah Sears (Samuel®, m 1710, Ruth Merrick, next above); 4-David (1742-1825), m Phebe Freeman; 3—Freeman (1782- 1870), m Ast, 1806, Mehitable Low (1783-1842). 10—Elder William Brewster (qv); 9-Patience (ca. 1600-1634), m 1624, Gov. Thomas Prence (qv); ienitnad as (6b 1631), m 1649, Maj. John Freeman (Ed- mun pene mae (1653- 1715), m 1673, Rebecca Sparrow; 6—Col. Edmund, m 1703, Phebe Watson; 5-Edmund, m 1731, Mary Clark; 4—Phebe, m 1768, David Foster 4 above). 9-Stephen Hopkins (av); ; 8—-Giles (ca. 1605/06-ca. 1690), m 16389, Katharine Wheldon (d ca. 1689); 7-Abigail (b 1644), m 1667, Ens. William Merrick (1643-1702) ; 6—-Ruth, as widow of Samuel Sears, m 2d, Chil- lingsworth Foster (6 above). 8-George Soule (qv); 7—Patience, m 1666, John Haskall (or Haskell); 6—Mary, m 1707, Scotto Clark; 5-Mary, m 1731, Edmund Freeman (5 above). 2-Son of Rev. Nathaniel Gunnison (1811-71), Universalist minister; m 18384, Sarah A. Rich- ardson (d@ 1837); m 2d, 1838, Ann Louisa Foster (1819-88); issue (ist marriage): I-Marilla Ann (1836-1901; m Hillard P. Griffin, 1832-1910); (2d marriage) ; II-—Foster N. (1840- -1915: m Emma Elliot, b 1839) ; III—Anna Louise (1842- 61); IV— Almon, D.D., LL.D. (1844-1917; 6th Pres. St. Lawrence U.; m Ella I. Everest, 1848-1919); V— Walter Balfour (1852-1916; prin. Erasmus Hall High Sch., Brooklyn; m Blanche Waton, 0 1854); VI- Herbert Foster (above). ae "Apr. 29, 1886, Alice May (Oct. 29, 1861-Aug. 3, 1903); dau. of John May, of Brooklyn; issue (all b Brooklyn): 1—Raymond May, Bb Apr. 14, 1887; St. Lawrence, ’09; capt., Ordnance Dept., World War; m Oct. 19, 1912, Olive Mason, d Jan. 24, 1888; dau. of Frank H. Mason, of Brookline, Mass. (issue: Pauline, b 1913; Alice, b 1916; Herbert Foster, 94, 6 1919); 2—-Edith (Apr. 15, 1890-June 11, 1894) ; 3—Florence, 6 Aug. 13, 1892; Packer Inst.; m June 9, 1921, feos Henry ‘Brown, Alby (issue: Nathalie, b 1922); 4— Foster, 6 June 9, 1896; St. Lawrence, ’18; en- sign, U.S.N. taal See World War; m Apr. 138, 1918, Caroline Cook McAllaster, b Aug. 23, 1893; dau. of Archibald McAllaster. Mass.; m Mary Chillingsworth M 2d, Jan. 20, 1928, Mrs. Effie Munas Baldwin, Db Feb. 7, 1877. A.B., St. Lawrence, ’80 (Beta Theta Pi, P.B.K.), A.M., 1882 (LL.D., 1924). Publisher and dir. Brooklyn Eagle, 1897-1921, v.p. and treas, 1921- 1925, and president since 1925. Trustee St. Law- rence U.; sec.-treas. Brooklyn Law Sch., ete. (See Who’s Who in America). Hobby: Col- lector of autographs and manuscripts. Clubs: Hamilton, University (Brooklyn), Crescent, etc. Summer place: Highmount, N.Y. Resi- dence: 8311 Ridge Boul., Brooklyn, N.Y. 1-HOLBROOK, Richard Thayer, }) Windsor Locks, Conn., Dec. 13, 1870. 7-—John Holbrook, from Derby, Eng., settled at what became Oyster Bay, Gils: 6—Dea. Abel (6 1653), first white child b at Oyster Bay, L.1.; m Anne (or Hannah) Merriam, of Milford, Conn.; 5—-Daniel, m 1729, Elizabeth Riggs; 4—Daniel (6 1747), col. militia during Am. Rev.; m 1776, Anne Hitchcock; 3—Josiah (1788-1854), B.A., Yale, 1810; educationist; m 1815, Lucy Swift (Rev. Zephaniah‘, of Der- by, Conn.). 1W—yohn Alden (qv); 9—-Ruth, m 1657, John Bass; 8-Hannah, m Joseph Adams (6 1654; John®; ry dv); 7-Ebenezer; 6—Boylston (b 1704); 5—-Mary (b 1734), m 1772, Elkanah Thayer; 4-Plkanah, m ca. 1808, Hannah Thaxter (Rev. Joseph’, chaplain Am. Rev.); 38—Joseph, m Orrel White (8th White, qv). 2-Son of (Timothy) Dwight Holbrook (1819-91), m 1868, Kalista Thayer (1840-1923); issue: I- Dwight Gerard (b 1867; m Charlotte Long); II—Richard Thayer (above). II-Not married. B.A., Yale, ’93 (Alpha Delta Phi); Ph.D., Columbia, 1902. Education since 1896; prof. French, U. Calif., since 1919. Served in Foyers du Soldat, France, 1918-19. Cheva- lier de la Légion d’Honneur, 1920 (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: Faculty Club, Berkeley, Calif. 1-HOLDEN, Charles Arthur, }) Hudson, Mass., July 14, 1872. 8-Richard Holden (ca. 1609-1695/96), from Eng. in the “Frances,” 1634; an original propr. of Groton, Mass.; m 1640/41, Martha Fosdick (1620-81) ; 7-Samuel (1650/51-1739), m Anne— (d 1781); 6-Samuel (1699-1761), m 1728, Elizabeth Dix (1699- 1774); 5-John (1738-1807), of Stoneham, Mass.; It. Am. Rev.; m 1760, Mary Knight (1741/42- 1842) ; + Nefhan (1773- -1853), m 1797, Esther Damon (1761- 3-William Parker (1799-1889), m 1825, Lydia Brig- ham (1799-1885). 2-Son of Charles William Holden (b 1837), mer- chant; m 1864, Martha Stearns Willard (1839- 1912); issue: I—William Orsamus (b 1867; m Clara Conant); II—Charles Arthur (above); III-- Martha Martina (6 1876). II-m June 19, 1900, Gertrude May, dau. of Or- lando G. Robinson. B.S., Dartmouth, ’9 (Sigma Chi, P.B.K., Gam- ma Alpha), C.E., 1901. Civil engineering from 1895; with Dartmouth College and Thayer School of C. E. from 1900, and prof. civil en- gring. from 1904 (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. S.A.R. (pres. N.H. soc.), Am. Soc. C. E. Residence: Hanover, N.H. petal Stephen, 6 Sherburne, N.Y., Aug. 8-Randail Holden (qv); 7-Randall (1660-1726), m 1686, Bethiah Waterman (1664-1742) ; 6—-Randall (1694-1766), m 1724, Rose Wicks (1702- 1789) ; 5-Randall (1726-1808), m 1749, Naomi Potter (1729- «Stephen (1766-1841), m Salmaplet Lippitt (1777- 3—-Joseph (1802-71), (1804-62). 6—-Thomas Bentley (1680-1778); 5-William (1710-1800), m Alice— (1729-18238) ; 4—Henry (b 1772), m Catherine Hall (b 1780); 38-—Milton (1799- 1880), m Fanny Deuel (1803-82). 2-Son of Judge Stephen Holden (1832-1909), B.A., Hen- from William m Nancy Clinton Brown FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 163 Yale, ’57; lawyer; m 1876, Elizabeth Bentley (1845-1922); issue: I-Mary; II—Stephen (above); i1lI—Jonathan. IIl-m Feb, 21, 1903, Clarissa Angel, b N.Y. City, Jan. 30, 1880; dau. of Judge James R. Angel of N.Y. City (Judge William G.3, of Angelica, N.Y.); issue (all 6 White Plains, N.Y.): 1- Stephen, b Feb, 29, 1904; New York U., James, 0 Aug. 20, 19095; New York U., ’28; 3— Adeline Bigelow, b Jan. 5, 1915; 4-Phebe, b Sept. 21, 1920, A.B., Colgate, ’99; LL.B., New York Law Sch., 1901. Practicing law since 1901; city judge of White Plains since 1918. Mem. bd. govs. of Washington’s Hdars. at White Plains; librar- ian, Westchester Co. Hist. Soc. Clubs: Phi Kappa Psi (N.Y. City), University (White Plains). Summer place: ‘Bentley Farm,” Bulls Head, Dutchess Co., N.Y., and “Robins Roost,” Pleasantville, N.Y. Residence: 17 Midland Av., White Plains, N.Y. eh tata Samuel Judd, ) N.Y. City, Oct. 18, $-Francis Holmes, from Beverly, Eng., 1648, settled at Stamford, Conn.; m Ann-; 8—John, m 1659, Rachel Waterbury; 7-Stephen (6b 1664/65-1710), m 1686, Mary Hobby; 6-Benjamin, of Greenwich, Conn.; Tale (b 1732), of Greenwich, Conn.; m Ruth ood; 4-Israel (1768-1802), silversmith, Waterbury, Conn.; m 1798, Sarah Judd (Samuel5, of Wa- terbury, capt. Am. Rev.; dese. Thomas Judd, from Eng., 1633); 38-Samuel Judd_ (1794-1867), m 1822, Lucina Todd (1796-1876), of Cheshire, Conn. 8-Robert Goodale (qv); 7-Zachariah (b 1639), m 1666, Elizabeth Beau- champ (Beacham); 6-John (1679-1752), a founder of Marlborough, Mass., 1702, where he built the homestead which is still occupied by a descendant; m 1703, Elizabeth Witt (d 1738); 5-Nathan (1709-80), m Persis Whitney (b 1719) ; 4—Abner (1755-1823), Am. Rev.; m 1779, Mary Howe (1757-1818) ; 8—David (1791-1858), Marlborough, Mass.; m 1819, Millicent Warren (1797-1861). 2-Son of Samuel Holmes (1824-97), manager of Scovill Mfg. Co., Waterbury, Conn., and later treas. and N.Y. mer. of Bridgeport Brass Co.; religious worker, phil- anthropist; m 1856, Mary Howe Goodale (1829- 1900); issue: I-Ellen Warren (1857-1902; m Rev. Frank Armstrong Beckwith, 1854-85); II-Sam- uel Judd (above); IlI—Arthur (b and d 1861); IV—Mary Goodale (b 1862); V—-David Goodale (6 1865; m 1886, Elizabeth Ann Bate); VI-George Day (6 1867; m 1896, Julia Rogers Baird). II-m Mar, 18, 1886, Sarah Josephine Brautigam, b Jersey City, N.J., Oct. 14, 1860: dau. of Jacob Castor Brautigam, of Montclair, N.J., m Mary J. Nichols (b Eng.); issue (all b Mont- clair, N.J.): 1-Charles Samuel, b Dec. 23, 1886; Cornell, 710; m Feb. 19, 1913, Elsie Marie, dau. of Frederick Kraemer, of Brooklyn, N.Y. (issue: Mary Elsie, b 1913; Millicent Warren, b 1916; Winifred Kraemer, 6 1919); 2-Arthur Brautigam, 6 Oct. 1, 1888; Cornell, ’11; m Sept. 23, 1916, Alice Blanche (1891-1918), dau. of Jo- seph W. Connelly (issue: Blanche Josephine, b 1918); m 2d, Nov. 27, 1928, Zillah De La- mater, dau. of Charles Vezin, of Yonkers, N.Y. (issue: Adah De Lamater, Bb 1924); 3— Warren Goodale, 6 Oct. 15, 1890; served pvt. to Ist sgt., 104th M.P. Co., 29th Div., 3d A.C, and with A.E.F. in France, 1918-19; m July 10, 1923, Harriet Fay, dau. of Louis R. Cobb, of Montclair, N.J. (issue: Kathryn Cobb, 0 1924); 4-Ethel Josephine, b Jan. 6, 1897; m June 16, 1922, Adrien Tschudy von Schmid (is- sue: Patricia Hale). Mass. Agrl. Coll., ’82. Realtor. Mem. S.A.R. Residence: 188 Park St., Montclair, N.J. Sapte Frank Ward, b Detroit, Mich., Dec. 8-Nicholas Holt (qv); 7-Nicholas (1647-1715), m 1679, Mary Russell (d 1717; Robert8, m Mary Marshall); 6—Abiel_ (1698-1772), m 1721, Hannah Abbot (1695- 1751; Timothy’, m Hannah Graves); 5-Abiel (1727-1785), soldier Am. Rev., rep. Gen. Ct.; m 1755, Mary Downer (1739-66) ; New York 4-Abiel (1762-1829), m Nicholas'); 8-Nicholas Mosher (1801-64), nolds (1804-89; Josiah‘). &8-William Ward (qv); 7-William (1649-1697), m 1679, Mrs. Hannah (Brig- ham) Eames (1650-1719; Thomas Brigham’, from Eing., 1635, m Mercy Hurd); 6—Col. William (1680-1767), rep. Gen. Ctr col. o£ militia; m 1702, Jane Cleveland (1681-1745; Sam- uel’, m Jane Keyes); 5—Charles (1722-45), died at capture of Louis- bourg; m ist, 1742, Abigail Pike (1724-84; Wil- liam‘, m Mary Flagg); 4-William (1743-1819), mem. Com. Safety in Am. Rev.; soldier Am, Rey. at Burgoyne’s sur- render; mem. Vt. Legislature: m 1763, Luey Church (1748-1846; Noah®, m Lydia Barnard); 3-Lorenzo (1785-1841), m 1806, Abigail Cleveland (1789-1880; Solomon!, soldier Am. tev., m Mar- tha Rathbone), 2-Son of Ira Farnsworth Holt (1829-1916), ship Owner; m 1852, Perla M..Ward (1830-1913). M Oct. 1, 1910, Abbie Gillett Swift (Dec. 28, 1881- Feb. 16, 1922); dau. of Robert Zephaniah Swift (1837-1908), m 1862, Amarilla Chamberlain (1837- 1904), of Mayflower ancestry; issue: 1—Frank Ward, Jr., b Detroit, Mich., Feb. 24, 1917, D.D.S., Detroit Coll. of Medicine, 1903 (Delta Sig- ma Delta). Dental Surgeon. Mem. OD. PZA S.C.W., S.A.R. (past pres. Mich. soc.), Holt Family Assn. Clubs: Detroit Boat, Lowell. Address: 1104 Kresge Bldg., Detroit, Mich. 1-JAMES, Mary Tootle (Mrs. William K.), 0 St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 9, 1863. 6-George Duffield, from Ballymena, Ireland, to Pequea, Lancaster Co., Pa., ca. 1730; m Eliz- abeth-; 5-William (1727-99), ensign in French and In- dian War; del. first Const]. Conv. of Pay ws and of the Assembly, 1776, ’77; m Susan- nah-; 4—Susan (1771-1838), m Samuel Bell (1765-1804) ; 38-William (1793-1841), m Susan Harry (their son George, was brig. gen., U.S.A., and the fa- ther of Maj. Gen. George Bell, JYr., dv). 2-Dau. of Ellen Bell (1832-1904), m 1861, Thomas Eggleston Tootle (1820-1908); issue: I—Mary (above); II-Ellen Bell (b 1865; m Graham G. Lacy). I-m Oct. 31, 1888, William Knowles James, 0 nr, Georgetown, Del., Aug. 20, 1852; son of Urias Thomas James; issue: 1—Ellen Tootle, Mary Mosher (1762-1827; m 1827, Ann Rey- b St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 8, 1885; 2—-Thomas Tootle, 6 St. Joseph, Oct. 24, 1889. Pres. Bd. Sheltering Arms, St. Joseph, Mo., from 1909; mem. Mo. Library Comman., 1909-15 and 1919-25. Pres. Mo. Fed. of Women’s Clubs, 1905-09 (chmn. dept. internat. relations, 1924—), St. Joseph Fed. of Women’s Clubs, 1909-10; chmn. endowment com. of Gen. Fed. of Wom- en’s Clubs, 1912-16, etc. Mem. D.A.R. Resi- penee: “Hillcrest Farm,” R, R. 3, St. Joseph, oO. 1-KELLOGG, MacIntosh, b} New N.J., May 21, 1875. 8-Daniel Kellogg (ca. 1630-1688), from Eng. fo Plymouth, Mass., ca. 1630; settled at Norwalk, Conn., 1655; m Bridget Bouton; 7-Samuel (1673-1757), Norwalk, Conn.; m Sarah Platt (John’, m Hannah Clark; Richard, qv): 6-Epenetus (1719-74), Norwalk; m Jemima Rodg- ers; 5-Stephen (1757-1842), Norwalk; m Lydia Bouton (Nathaniel®, m Lydia Penoyer); 4-Stephen (1797-1845), Troy, N.Y.; m Susan E. Bigelow (Asa5, m Lucy Isham; David’: Da- vid’; Lt. John’; Joshua®; John, qv): 3-Nathan (6 1825), m Helen M. Laflin (Luther‘, powder mfr., Saugerties, N.Y.). 7-John Mohr MacIntosh (1700-61), from Scotland, 1735; settled in what is now MacIntosh Co., Va.; capt. of the first co. of Highlanders or- ganized in America; m Marjory Frazer; 6-Col. William (1726-96), del. Ist Provincial Con- gress of Ga.; officer Am. Rev.: m Jane Mackay; 5-Gen. John _ (1755-1826), Darien, Ga.; officer Am. Rev. and War 1812; m Sarah Sewinton; 4-Col. James Simmons, U.S.A. (1787-1847), offi- cer War 1812, Seminole and Mexican wars: m Eliza (Matthews) Shumate; pane John Bailie, U.S.A. (1829-88), m Amelia tout. Brunswick, 164 —Son of Luther Laflin Kellogg, LL.D. (1849- merAty B.A., Rutgers, ’70; prominent lawyer, New York; m 1874, Eliza Stout MacIntosh (1851-1912) ; issue: T-MacIntosh (above); II—Helen Laflin (1877-84); III—Luther Laflin, Jr. (1878-1905; B.A., Yale, ’01); IV—Lee Stout (1881-1916; m Pearl Letton); V-Eliza MacIntosh (b 1888; m Trow- bridge Callaway); ViI—Laura Runyon (6 and d 1886 I-m ne 14, 1905, Genevieve Morse Robinson, 0b Norwalk, O.; dau. of George W. Robinson, lumberman; issue: 1—Genevieve Robinson, b New York, May 8, 1910; 2—Luther Laflin, 2d, b New York, Mar. 28, 1912. B.A., Yale, 99. Mem. law firm of Kellogg & Rose, New York. Residence: 555 Park Av., New York. CALVIN FONROSE RICE (1839-1913). Large im- porter and wholesale dealer in mirrors, mouldings, Jrames, etc. Pioneer Chicago merchant from 1866 to 1900, when he retired from business and spent the last thirteen years of his life in ea- tensive travel. 1TJENKINS, May Louise Rice (Mrs. R.), 6 Chicago, I1l., May 10, 1871. 11—Edmund Rice (qv); 10-Thomas (1621-81), m Mary King (1926-1710); 9-Thomas (1654-1747), m his cousin, Anna Rice (1661-1731) ; 8—-Charles (1684-1773), m 1711, Rachel Wheeler; 7—Zebulon (6 1711/12), m 1737, Abigail Forbes (6 1718) ; 6—-Adam (1739-1817), m 1761, Lois Wood (1744-1816) ; 5—William (1764-1835), m Rosana Smith (1764-1839) ; 4-William (1789-1865), m 1810, Anna Frost (d 1843); 3—Lyman (1811-60), m 2d, Mary Ann Davis (1820- 1904; Calvin’, m Elizabeth Worden). 1i—John (Pers) Pierce (qv); 10—Anthony (1609-78), m 1633, Ann— (d 1682); 9—Daniel (1639-1723), m Elizabeth—(b 1642); 8-Joseph (d 1747), m 1698, Mary Warren b 1675) ; 7—-Isaac (1700-73), m 1722, Susanna Bemis a (1729- 90), m 1758, Lydia White (1733- tt 5—-Abner (1766-1837), m (1770-1842) ; 4—Abner (1797-1866), (1799-1824) ; 3-Abner Gorham (1821-85), m 1843, Laura Priest (1821-85). §9—Eizekiel Cheever (1614-1708), head master Boston Latin School; m 2d, Ellen Lathrop (d 1706); ae (1658-1749), m 1st, Sarah Bill (1657- George 1792, Grace Harrington m 1819, Sarah C, Bucknam 7—-Nathan (1694-1774), m 2d, 1738, Mrs. Anna Bur- rill Fuller (d 1740); 6-Joshua (1740-1813), 1809) ; 5-Abigail (1771-1845), as Widow Hatch, m 2d, 1798, William Bucknam (1772-1831); m 1765, Abigail Eustis (1746- THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 4Sarah C, above). 2-Dau. of Calvin Fonrose Bice (See portrait above), m 1869, Harriet Pierce (1844-1905); issue: I-May Louise (above); Ii-Ralph Waldo (1887- osien Hixie May Akin; issue: Richard Akin, ) I-m Oct. 24, 1905, George Raymond Jenkins, Db Chicago, II11., July 26, 1870; son of Robert E. Jenkins, and sister of Mrs. Jesse H. Shreve (See Vol. 1, p. 828, for genealogy); issue: 1-— Robert Rice (Mar. 4-Mar. 7, 1908). Mem. D.A.R. Clubs: Chicago Woman’s. dence: 2452 HE. 72d St., Chicago, I1l. 1-HOTCHKISS, Elizabeth Wyndham Washing- ton (Mrs. H. Stuart), ) Washington, D.C., Oct. 30, 1888. 9-John Washington, from Eng. to Va., settled in Surry Co.; m 1658, Mary-—; 8—Richard, m Elizabeth Jordon; 7-—George (1680-1750), of Surry Co., Va.; 6-George (1700-60), of Surry Co, Va.; Wright; 5—Joseph (1725-96), m Zillah Branch; Herta (1770-1848), m Mary Cheatham 1816) ; 3-George Augustine (1815-92), extensive tobacco planter and capitalist, of Wessyngton, Tenn.; m Jane Smith (Lawrence D.‘, m Mary Hanna). 8-Robert Bolling (qv); 7—Robert (1682-1749), m Anne Cocke; 6-Robert (1730-75), of ‘‘Bolling Brook,’ Peters- burg; m 2d, Mary Marshall Tabb; 5-Thomas T., m Seignora Peyton (Sir John®, capt. 3d Va. in Am. Rev.); Aeon P. (6 1788), m Anne Field Gilliam (1796- )5 3—Seignora P. (1829-67), m Judge Wyndham . eae (1809-75), of ‘ ‘Clifford, ’”*” Gloucester Co. 2-Dau. of Joseph Edwin Washington “tsbie 1915), A.B., Georgetown, ’73; planter, of Wessyng- ton, Tenn.; mem. 50th to 54th Congresses, 1887-97; m 1879, Mary Bolling Kemp; issue: I-George Augustine; II—Anne Bolling (m Au- gustus Silliman Blagden); Il1I—Joseph Edwin; IV-—Elizabeth Wyndham (above). IV—m Oct. 9, 1907, Henry Stuart Hotchkiss (See Vol. 1, p. 375); issue (all b New Haven, Conn.): 1—Henry, b June 6, 1909; 2-Mary Bolling Wash- ington, 6 July 21, 1911; 3-Stuart Trowbridge, ere 16, 1918; 4-Joseph Washington, Nov. 22, Residence: 55 Hillhouse Av., New Haven, Conn. 1-HOUSTON, Florence Amelia Wilson (Mrs. Edward M.), b Fincastle, O., Mar. 7, 1863, d Springfield, Mo., Mar. 10, 1926. 5-Jeremiah Wilson (1760-1827), soldier Am. Rev.; m —Cooper; 4-Thomas (1787-1837), m Catherine Crose; Perea cae (1813-83), m Margaret Kimes of Keim 9-Abraham Isaacen Ver Planck (will dated Aug. 9, 1670), came from Holland to New Amster- dam, 1636; owned land at Paulus Hook, 1638; one of “Twelve Men,” 1631; in expdn. against the Sweeds, 1655; m 1630, Marie (de Vigne) Roos (Geyeyn deVigne”, who was one of the proprs. of the land surrounding the ‘‘Col- lect,” m Adriana Cuvalje); ee ae (bap. 1642), m 3d, Daniel Brown (d 7-Daniel (d 1725), m Elizabeth Pemberton; 6—Daniel (d 1748), m Elizabeth Manlove: Bee aee m Edward Cary (1737-1782), soldier m 4-Stephen (1765- 1832), changed name to Carey; m Sarah Mitten 3-Isaac (1794- 1866), m Catharine Ann Eylar (1793- 1869), g.dau. of George Ludwig Rosenmuller, ee Rotterdam to Pa. in the “Neptune,” 2-Only child of the Rev. William Henry Wilson (1837-1922), soldier in Civil War; m 1862, Cath- arine Ann Carey. M June 4, 188, Edward Maxwell Houston, 0 Crawfordsville, Ind., May 26, 1863; desc. Capt. John Maxwell, in Rev. from Va.; mem. Soc. Colonial Wars; mfg.; issue (both 6 Springfield, Mo.): 1-DeVerne Carey, b Feb. 20, 1887; Drury Coll. and U. Mich.; elec. engr.; 2—-Junius Wil- son, b Apr. 5, 1889; Drury; elec. engr.; lt. of engrs., World War, 1918. (1799-1824), m 1819, Abner Pierce (4 Resi- m Sarah-; m Mary (1796- FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 165 Ed. U. Mich. Author; genealogist. Mem. D.A.R., Authors League of America, Va. Hist. Soc., Sorosis, ete. Winter home: Walton, Nae Residence: 741 Normal St., Springfield, oO. 1-HOUSTON, Harry Rutherford, } Fincastle, Va., May 20, 1878. 7-Widow of John Houston (1650-1740), family originally from the Lowlands of Scotland; refugeed to North of Ireland, thence emigrat- ed to Pa. with her son John, and his family, 1755; settled in Rockbridge Co., Va.; 6—John (1690-1754), m Miss Cunningham (their son Robert was the grandfather of Gen. Sam Houston, pres. Rep. of Tex.); Se ee ead Logan Co., Ky.; m Sarah Todd 4-Rev. Samuel (1758-1839), Presbyn. minister; m Margaret (Peggy) Walker; 3—Rev. Samuel Rutherford (1806-88), Presbyn. minister; m Mary Russell Rowland (1814-39). 5-James Steele, Philadelphia, emigrated to N.C. few years before Am. Rev.; returned to Va. to avoid annoyance from Tory enemies; 4—James (1776-1857), removed to Greenbrier (now Monroe), Co., W.Va.; 3-(James) Harvey (1810-59), removed to Ill.; m Catharine Wilson. 2-Son of Rev. Rutherford Rowland Houston (1836-1917), Presbyn. minister, Richmond, Va.: m 1862, Margaret Steele (1839-1912); issue: I- Mary R. (6 1864; m. Rev. William McC. Mil- ler); II-Kate M. (b 1866; m Dr. W. A. Plecker); III—Annie R. (6 1868; m Rev. B. Craig Pat- terson, D.D.); IV—Bessie S. (b 1870: m Rev. S. O. Hall); V—Alice (b 1872; m Hon. N. BE. Spes- sard); VI—Stella M. (b 1875); VII-—Olive A. (0 1876); VIlI—Harry Rutherford (above); IX— Janet C. (6 1881); X—Jessie S. (b 1886; m Bowyer Brockenborough). VIII-m Dec. 20, 1905, Elizabeth Egerton Wat- kins, 6 Old Point Comfort, Va., July 6, 1881; dau. of James A. Watkins, of Old Point Com- fort, Va., m Mary Bassett Whiting: issue (all b Hampton, Va.): 1-Elizabeth Bagnall, 0b Sept. 20, 1908; 2-Margaret Steele, b Dec. 19, 1912; 3-Harriet Rutherford, b June 22, 1920. A.B., Hampden-Sidney, ’99 (Pi Kappa Alpha). Owner, Houston Printing & Pub. House, and editor Hampton Monitor. Mem. Va. House of Delegates, 1906-20 and 1922-26 (speaker four sessions, 1916-20); on staff of gov. of Va. with rank of col., 1925; commr. of fisheries and game of Va. for term 1926-30. Mem. S.C.V. Residence: 60 Columbia Av., Hampton, Va. 1-HOWELL, Hannah McIver Davis (Mrs. ent iat Bascom), b Society Hill, S.C., Sept. 19, 8-Rev. David Daniel Davis (1708-69), from Wales to Newcastle, Del., 1710, brought by his father, who purchased 30,000 acres from Wil- liam Penn; was one of the founders of the Welsh Tract, Pa.; 7-John, A.B., U. of Pa., 1763, fellow same; mem. Am. Philos. Soc.; fellow Baptist Coll., Prov- tp nae R.I.; pastor 2d Baptist Ch., Boston, ass.; 6-John (d 178), migrated to Loudon Co., Va., thence to Craven (now Fairfield) Co., S.C. (his seven sons were all officers in Am. Rev., only two of whom, Amos and James, sur- vived); m 2d, Cecilia Fitzhugh Ederington; 5-James (1754-1822), officer Am. Rev.; m Mary Ederington, dau. of Cecilia Fitzhugh Eder- ington. 4-Jonathan (1786-1853), m Rebecca Kincaid (James', officer Am. Rev.); 38-William Kincaid (1809-71), planter; m Sarah Zimmerman. 5-Roderick McIver (d 1768), from Scotland, 1746; m 1st, Anne Rogerson; m 2d, Rachael, dau. Rev. Joshua Edwards (1703-84), from Pem- brokeshire, South Wales, 1746; 4-Evander, m Sarah Kolb (Peter); 3—John Kolb (1789-1846), physician and planter; m Sarah Marshall (Adam4, 1760-1809), 2Dau. of Col. Zimmerman Davis (1834-1910), served pvt. to col. C.S.A.; pres. S.R.: maj. gen. U.C.V.; grand treas. Grand Lodge of Masons; m 1857, Cornelia Jeanette MclIver (1838-1912); issue: I-Lucy McIver (m G. Kirk- wood King); II-Hannah McIver (above): III— Cornelia McIver (b 1870; m Eugene B. Jack- son, D.D.); I[V—Helen Kincaid; V—-Zimmerman; Moet Essa Ashby (b Alexander Young John- son). II-m Dec. 4, 1889, Charles Bascom Howell, 5 Lawrenceville, Va., Apr. 12, 1856; son of John Henry Howell, of Brunswick Co., Va.; m Mary Steed; issue: 1-Mary Davis, b Rich- mond, Va., Oct. 24, 1890; A.B., Western Re- serve, ’22; 2-Helen McIver, 6 Richmond, May 30, 1893; U. Calif. Residence: 116 Av. 66 North, Los Angeles, Calif. 1-HOWELL, Elizabeth Myra Brown (Mrs. Harold R.), 6 Fond du Lac, Wis., May 7, 1867. 5-David Brown, officer Am. Rev.; m Abigail Munroe; 4—-Fiphraim, m Huldah Richardson; 3—Joseph, m Elizabeth Hunt. 10—-Gov. William Bradford (qv); 9-Maj. William (1624-1701), dep. gov. Mass.; m 1st, 1651, Alice Richards (d 1671); 8-Thomas (d 1708), m Anna Smith (Nehemiah’, m Elizabeth Bourne); 7—James (1684-1762), m Edith Adams; 6-Thomas (0 1712), Canterbury, Conn.; m Eunice Spalding Adams (0b 1713); een (1787-97), m 1760, Ebenezer Brown (1736-98) ; 4-Deliverance (1765-1844), Willoughby, O.; m 1791, Mary Hyde (1770-1856) ; 3—Eunice (1801-67), m Simeon Hall (b 1800). 2—Dau. of Henry Purchis Brown, m Maria Keziah Hall (1834-97). M Jan. 12, 1892, Harold Rivers Howell, }b Mill- brook, Can., Feb. 23, 1868; son of Adam Howell; issue: 1—-Dorothy Brown, 6 Des Moines, Ia., Apr. 27, 1896; m June 1, 1920, Rufus N. Scott; 2— Henry Adam, 6b Des Moines, 1900. Ph.B., Northwestern, ’90 (P.B.K., first woman initiated at Northwestern, 1891; Kappa Kappa Gamma). Mem. S.M.D., D.A.C. (state regent, 1911-13), D.F.P.A. (state pres., 1925-28), D.A.R. (Ia. state regent, 1911-13, v.p. gen., 1916-19, and 1738, Ist nat. chmn. Americanization com.). Resi- dence: 630 41st St., Des Moines, Ia. 1JEWETT, Amos Everett, 6 Ipswich, Mass., June 16, 1862. 10—Joseph Jewett (qv); 9-Jeremiah (1637-1714), Ipswich, Mass.; King Philip’s War; m 1661, Sarah Dickinson (d 1724); Sees (1662-1732), m 1688, Elizabeth Kimball 1666) ; 7—Aaron (1699-1732), m 1719, Abigail Perley (1700-68) ; 6—-Capt. Moses (1722-96), capt. Am. Rev.; m 1741, Abigail Bradstreet (1722-94) ; 5—Aaron (1744-1824), Am. Rev.; m 1769, Pearson (1744-93); 4-EFdward (1770-1849), War 1812; m 1793, Abigail Potter (1768-1829) ; 3-Amos (1807-50), m 1829, Phebe K. Howe (1807-87). 9-Henry Rust (d 1684/85), settled at Hingham, Mass., as early as 1635; 8-Nathaniel (1639/40-1713), m Mary Wardell (1642- 1 . 720); 7—-John (1684-1713), m 1705, Sarah Potter (b 1685); Oa th Nathaniel (1713-87), m 1737, Sarah Wallis (d@ 1795); 5-Dr. Wallis (1741-92), surgeon Am. Rev.; m 1764, Abigail Jones (d 1792); 4-Capt. Wallace (1767-1810), m 1797, Rebecca (Cros- by) Cutler (1760-1834) ; 3-William Wallace (1804-85), m 1830, Mary Jane Pettengill (1808-39). 2-Son of Amos Grenville Jewett (1837-69), m 1859, Mary Eveline Rust (1837-1902); issue: IAmos Everett (above); II—-Alfred Richardson (6b 1866; m Helen Willcomb). I-m Oct. 22, 1887, Ada Louisa Forbes, 6b Argyle, N.S., Can., May 28, 1863; dau. of Maurice Forbes, of Argyle, m Joan Crowell; issue (all 6 Ips- wich, Mass.): 1—Lillian Tilson, 6 Oct. 8, 1888; m Clarence Peabody (issue: Whitfield; Tilson: Malburn; Eleanor; Leonard; Clara; Eveline; George); 2—Grenville, 6 July 9, 1890; with Brit- ish Army served 3 yrs. and 2 mos. in France; wounded at Messines; then corp. 1 yr. 8 mos. in U.S.A.; 3—Emily Pearson, }) June 6, 1893: m 1916, Frank Mackenzie; 4-Laura Fostina, b Feb. 18, 1895; m Fred Hunt; 5-Hope Douglas, b June 8, 1896; m Ralph L. Morrill; 6-Everett Douglas, b Sept. 5, 1900; m July 2, 1925, Phebe Edna Towne; 7—Alfred Tilson (Feb. 24, 1904-Aug. 24, 1913); 8-Phebe Hortense, b Aug. 27, 1905. Book dealer. Sec.-treas. Jewett Family of America; mem. N.E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Essex Inst., Ipswich Hist. Soc., Rowley Hist. Soc. (pres.). Residence: Rowley, Mass. Hannah 166 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY oe James Ligon, ) Pulaski Co., Va., Aug. 5—Jacob Kent (1730-1770?), from Eng. ca. 1750, set- tled in Botetourt (now Montgomery) Co., Va., ca, 1754; m Mary Crockett (1740-1826; Joseph®, m Jane Divinnee); 4-Joseph (1765-1843), m Margaret McGavock (d 1837; James’); 38-Gordon Cloyd (1806-1869), m Margaret Cloyd (1812-1833; David‘). 9-Henry Soan, speaker Va. House of Burgesses, 1660-66; 8-Judith, as widow of Henry Randolph, m 24, 1674, Maj. Peter Field, burgess, 1688 ; 7—Mary, m 1697, Thomas Jefferson; 6é-Mary (aunt of Pres. Thomas Jefferson), m Thomas Turpin, II (1708-90), of Powhatan Gor Vas 5-Thomas, III (b 1736), m 1767, Martha Ward Gaines (Bernard®, of Cumberland (Oy Via) 4—Lucy (6 1774), as widow of Benjamin Harris, m 2d, 1803, Col. William Bentley, of Amelia Co; Va.; 3—Judith A. (b 1804?), m 1825, James Ligon (John‘, m Sally Saunders). 2-Son of David Cloyd Kent (1833-1902), farmer; m 1854, Elizabeth Judith Ligon (1831-1900); issue: I—Margaret Archer (m Maurice Daniel Lang- horne); II—Pauline Evelyn (m William N. Mebane); III—Lizzie Ligon (m Oscar Laughon); IV—James Ligon (above). IV—m June 7, 1898, Annie Donoho Bayliss, ) Mem- phis, Tenn., Jan. 31, 1876; dau. of Edwin Orin Bayliss, of Memphis, Tenn., m Frank Gold- man, dau. of William Brevard Donoho, m Maria Carter Shoemake, of Memphis, and g.g.dau. of John Brevard, Jr., It. Am. Rev.; issue: 1—-David Cloyd, b Lynchburg, Va., Apr. 5, 1908; 2-Margaret Bayliss, b Pulaski, Va., June 9, 1914. Ed. Hampden-Sidney, and U. Va.; M.D., Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., New York, 1890. Retired physician; farming and raising pure-bred live- stock, Mem. Medical Advisory Bd. 36 during World War. Mem. Phi Gamma Delta. Mason eae Residence: “‘Triplebrook,” nr. Pulaski, a. 1-KETCHAM, Margaret Bruce Allen (Mrs. Arthur C.), b New York, N.Y., Sept. 2, 1868. 9-Jan Aertsen Van Der Bilt (d 1705), from Hol- land to New Amsterdam ca. 1650; m 2d, Dierber Cornelis; 8-Jacob Janse, m Maritje Van Der Vieit; 7—Jacob (1692-1760), m Neeltje Denyse; 6—Jacob (b 1723), m Mary Sprague; 5—Cornelius (1764-1832), m Phoebe Hand; 4—-Cornelius, “Commodore” (1794-1877), financier; m 1st, Sophia Johnson: 3—Ethelinda (1818-89), m 1889, Daniel B. Allen. 4—Isaac Odell, m Mary Odell; 3-Jonathan (1807-91), m 1841, Margaret T. Bruce (1823-98). 2—-Dau. of Harry Allen (1841-1899), m Annie Odell (b 1845); issue: I-Margaret Bruce (above); II~ Anna May (6 1873: m E. Louis Atherton); III- Edith Bruce (b 1875; m Joseph B. Davol). I-m Apr. 7, 1890, Arthur Collins Ketcham (186¢- 1906); son of William Platt Ketcham, of New York; issue: 1-William Tredwell, 6 Yonkers, N.Y., Feb. 27, 1891; Ph.B., Yale, 713: m May 5. 1916, Jean Nelson, dau. of William H. Long, of Ardmore, Pa. (issue: William T., Jr.; Bon- bright); 2-Arthur Collins, } N.Y. City, Apr. 5. 1893; Yale, ’15; 1st It., Ordnance, U.S.A., World War; m Mar. 23, 1918, Frances Wilson, dau. of Russell H. Dunham, of Wilmington, Del. (is- Sue: Russell Dunham; Arthur Collins, Jr:: Francis Dunham), Residence: 850 Park Av., New York. erent et William Henry, } Phila., Pa., Aug. 14, famous 6-Thomas Lloyd (qv); 5-Thomas (1737-1809), of Abington, Pa.; m 1753, Mary Tyson (1729-90; Derrick®): . 4—Thomas (1765-1840), of Phila.: beran to write oe, Loyd: m Sarah Smith (1770-1840; Wil- 1am?); 3-William (1809-60), m 1831, Elizabeth B. Spackman (Samuel). 9-Richard Borden (qv); 8-Francis (1628-1705), m 1677, James Vickers; 7-Francis (1678-1759), m Mary-; 6-Francis (1709-53), m 1732, Lydia Woolly; 5-Francis (6 1748), m 1768, Elizabeth Parker (6 1745); 4—Josiah (b 1769), m Mary Robbins (Aaron); 3-Samuel (1818-57), m 1848, Julia Elizabeth Straw- bridge (1818-87; John‘). 2-Son of William Henry Loyd (1839-1907), capt. llth and maj. 7th N.J. vols. in Civil War, severely wounded at Petersburg, Va.; m 1869, Helen Borden (1847-1902); issue: I—William Henry (above); II—John Strawbridge (1872-1918; m Edith M. Parker). I-m Apr. 22, 1920, Alice Gilpin (See Vol. 1, p. 285, for genealogy). A.B., U. Pa., ’90 (Phi Kappa Psi), A.M., LL.B., 1893 (Phi Delta Phi). Admitted to bar, 1893, and practiced at Phila.; lecturer on law, 1910-12, asst. prof., 1912-16, and since prof. law, U. Pa. Author (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. S.R., M.O.L.L. Clubs: Authors (London), Uni- versity, Franklin Inn, Merion Cricket. Resi- dence: 259 S. Van Pelt St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1-LOBINGIER, Charles Sumner, } Lanark, I1l., Apr. 30, 1866. ‘ 6—Christopher Lobingier (b Saxony), settled in Lancaster (now Dauphin) Co., Pa., before 1735; 5-Christopher (1744-98), mem. Com. of Corr., Westmoreland Co., Pa.; del. Pa. Constl. Conv., 1776; rep. Gen. Assembly, 1791-93; m 1766, Eliza- beth Muller (Joseph George® [1715-65], officer in Swiss Service; then moved from Switzerland to Lancaster Co., Pa., 1752; capt. French and Indian War); 4—John (1767-1859), built the first stone mill in western Pa. (still standing); also iron furnaces and sank oil wells; mem. Pa. Legislature; asso. county judge; m 1st, Sophia Moyer: 3—Jacob (1795-1855), justice of the peace; major of militia; pres. turnpike company; m Mary Stauffer. 4-Peter Ankeny, soldier Am. Rev.; m Rosa Bonét, of Huguenot descent; 3-Susan, m Andrew Stewart. 2-Son of George Washington Lobingier (1832- 1909), Washington Coll., Pa., ex-’50: lawyer; county judge, Thayer Co., Neb., 1882-88; later yrs. a minister; m 1857, Ada Byron Stewart (1838-1922); issue: I-Milton Stewart (b 1860; m 1884, Della M. Allen); II—Charles Sumner (above). II-m Nov. 3, 1898, Ellen Ballou Hunker, } Hills- dale, Mich., July 28, 1868; D.A.R.; dau. of John Hunker, of Hillsdale. BoA.) Un Neb... 788 (2. BK) aM. Ane 189206 Ista Ms Ph.D.; 1903" (DiC, 1918: 1 J.Ds Soochdwa ue China, 1923). Judge, Philippine Court of 1st Instance, 1904-1914; judge U.S. Court for China, 1914-24; chief attorney, U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1925—. Field rep. for China of A.R.C., 1918-24: decorated by it for service to it during World War; hon. mem. Chinese Red Cross: decorated by Chinese govt. on completing 20 years of judicial service (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. S.C.W., S.A.R., Navy League of America, Betsey Ross House Memorial Asgssn., etc. Clubs: Columbia (Manila), American, Colum- bia Country, Union (Shanghai). Home: Omaha, Neb. Official address: Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. Chg Wade, 6 Wheatland, Mich., June 3, 1868. 4—-William Millis (Wilhelm Millus, 6 ca. 1725), ancestors supposed to have come from Hol land to Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y., be- fore 1700; m Gertrude Silvernail (Gerdrant Sil- vernagle); . 3-John William (1790-1879), m Christina Knicker- bocker (desc. Hermen Jansen Knickerbocker, from Holland to Albany, N.Y., ca. 1674). 9-John Clark (qv); 8—John (d 1677), m Rebecca Parker; 7—Maj. John (1655-1736), m Rebecca Beaumont (or Beamont); 6—Nathaniel (1694-1772): 5—Christopher (1736-1820); 4—Asahel (1776-1809) ; 3—Salome (1805-78), m Reuben K. Carlow (1804-98), of western N.Y., and Mich. (Stephen‘ [d 1860], Washington Co., N.Y.). 2—-Son of Walter Millis (1819-1912), builder, farm- er, m Jane Clark Carlow (1828-1915): issue: I— Frank (1855-93; m Elizabeth Mumford); II—John (See Vol. 1, p. 553); III—Elma Grace (m John F. Steward); I1V—Wade (above). . Tv—m Aug. 22, 1894, Beulah Bowen, 6B Addison, FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 167 Mich., Mar. 23, 1874; dau. of Oren B. Bowen, of Addison; issue: 1—Dorothy, b Detroit, Mich., ele 28, 1902; 2-John Bowen, 0 Detroit, June 12, Spl. student, U. Mich., and LL.B., 1898. Lawyer; pres. Addison State Savings Bank. Commr. on uniform state laws since 1921; chmn. Legal Advisory Bd., 1917-18. Lt. col., Judge Adv. Gen.’s Dept., O.R.C. Pres. Detroit Bar Assn. Mem. S.C.W., S.A.W., etc. (See Who’s Who in America). Clubs: Bankers (New York), Michi- gan Union (Ann Arbor), Detroit, Lawyers, Army and Navy, Detroit Athletic, Bankers, Ingleside, Island Country. Residence: 56 Hague Av., Detroit, Mich. 1-HOWELL, Frederica Biirckle Gilchrist (Mrs. John W.), b Jersey City, N.J., Mar. 28, 1871. 4-Col. Dr. John Francis Vacher, from France with Gen. LaFayette; officer Am. Rev.; an original mem. Soc. Cin.; m Frances Potter, of 38—Frances, m Robert Gilchrist, came from nr. Armagh, Ireland, ca. 1810. 10-William Beardsley (qv); §-Joseph (1634-1712), m Abigail—; 8—John (1668-1735?), m Abigail Wakelyn; 7—John (6 1701), m Keziah Wheeler; 6—Obadiah (1728-1807), was taken prisoner by the Indians before the Battle of Bennington; m Amy Calkins; d-Obadiah (1763-1841), m- 1st, Eunice Moore; 4—Levi (1785-1857), m Elizabeth Raymond (Lemuel', soldier Am. Rev., m Hannah Underwood); 3—-Gen. Samuel Raymond (1814-63), adj. gen. U.S.V. in Civil War; m Charlotte Elizabeth Biirckle (1821-89; g.dau. of Charles Seitz, officer Am. Rev.). 2-Dau. of Robert Gilchrist (1825-88), capt. 2d N.J. Vols., 1861-65; eminent lawyer; atty. gen. of N.J.; m 1865, Frederica Raymond Beardsley (6 1845), writer; issue: I—Robert (d 1925; m Edith King Vezin); II-Raymond Beardsley (d 1925); IlIl—Frederica Biirckle (above); IV—Charlotte Christian (m Beekman F. Ilsley). IlI-—m Apr. 23, 1895, John White Howell (See Vol. 1, p. 386, for genealogy); issue (all 6 Newark, N.J.): 1-Frederica Biirckle, b Sept. 1, 1896; Bryn Mawr, ’19; 2-John White, Jr., 6 June 8, 1899; Princeton, ’22; 3-Augusta Appleton, b Feb. 7, 1901; Bryn Mawr, ’23; 4-Cornelia Margaret, 0 Mar. 16, 1908; Wellesley, ’24, and Barnard, ’26; 5—Robert Gilchrist, b Dec. 4, 1905, Williams, ’28. Mem. Child Labor Assn., Women’s Trade Union League, Consumers League, N.J. Hist. Soc., ete. Club: Colony (New York). Residence: 211 Ballantine Parkway, Newark, N.J. 1-HOWELL, Williamson Smith, Jr., } Bryan, Tex., Nov. 10, 1893. 10-John Howell, 6 Aberswyth, Wales, ante 1600; came to Va., 1637; 9—-John (d ante July 22, with father; 8—-Thomas, living, 1714, in Isle of Wight Co., Va.; 7-William (6 ca. 1735-d in S.C., post 1790); 6—-William (6 Charlotte Co., Va., 1755-d Edgefield Dist., S.C.), served in Am. Rev.; 5-William (b Edgefield Dist., S.C., ca. 1780); 4—-Dr. William Smith (1815-75), physician, Green- ville, S.C.; m Sarah Cowan; 3-Dr. John Wooster (1848-1922), veston, Tex.; m Emma Webb. eae (De La) Fontaine (ca. ra 11-James’ (1549-1633), m twice; pds Pane (1603- 66), m 2d, 1641, Marie Chaillon aet 9-Rev. James, from France to Eng., 1685; m 1686, Anne Elizabeth Boursiquot (d 1721); 8—-Rev. Francis (1697-1749), came to America, and became prof. in William and Mary Coll., 1729; rector of York Hamton Parish; m Ist, Mary Glanisson; \ 7-Francis (6 1721), removed to New Bern, N.C.; 6-William (b Va., 1745); 5—-Alexander (0 S.C., 1769) ; 4-William E. (1793-1830) ; 8—James Alexander (1828-1900). 2-Only child of Williamson Smith Howell (b 1869), lumber and banking interests; m 1890, Rose Lillie Fontaine (1869-1912). M London, Eng., Dec. 17, 1920, Charlotte Alvord Barth, 6 Denver, Colo., Jan. 3, 1895; dau. of 1650), came to America physician, Gal- 1500-1563), of soaies J. Barth (William’, financier, of Den- ver). U. Tex., 1912-13 (Phi Gamma Delta). Admitted to Tex. bar, 1918. Apptd. after examination sec. of embassy or legation, 1916; sec. of legation, San Jose, Costa Rica, 1916; 2d sec. of embassy, London, 1917-20; Ist sec. of legation, Prague, Czecho Slovakia, 1920-22; charge d’affaires, Habana, Cuba, 1922-28; Ist sec. of legation, Panama, 1924; 1st sec. of legation, Warsaw, Poland, 1925. Clubs: Metropolitan, Chevy Chase (Washington), St. James (London). Ad- dress: Dept. of State, Washington, D.C. 1-HOWLAND, Frances Theobald (Mrs. Stan- ley), b Baltimore, Md., Feb. 5, 1875-d Asheville, N.C., July 29, 1922. 9-Clement Theobald (d 1675), from Eng., settled in Lower Norfolk Co., Va., 1641; removed to Md., 1654; m 2d, Mary-; 8—John (1666-1713), m Mary Fendall; 7-John, m Elizabeth (Mason) Jenifer; 6-Samuel, m Elizabeth Smith; 5-William (6 1766), m Mary Brown; 4-Samuel (b 1790), m 1816, Nancy Dorsey Warfield; 3—Blisha W., M.D. (1818-51), physician; m 1842, Sarah Frances Smith. 10—John Chew (qv); 9-Col. Samuel (d 1676), m Ann Ayres (William?®) ; 8-Sarah, m Capt. Edward Burgess (Col. William®, from Wales to Md., mem, Council, justice, gen. of all mil. forces in Md., m 1st, Elizabeth, dau, of Edward Robins); 7-John, m ist, Jane Macklefresh; 6—Joseph (1727-1806), Am. Rev.; m 1750, Elizabeth Dorsey (0 1735); 5—-Ruth (1763-1835), m Elisha Warfield (1741-1818), mem. Com. Observation in Am. Rev.; removed from Va. to Ky., 1791 (Benjamin®, m Rebeckah, dau. of Judge Nicholas Ridgely, m Sarah, dau. eee John Worthington; John’; Richard§, av); 4-Nancy D., m Samuel Theobald (4 above). 9Henry Smith (d 1649), from Eng. to Boston, Mass., 1688; m Judith Cooper; 8-Ens. Henry, m Elizabeth Cooper; 7—-Dea. Henry (6 1673), m Rebecca Wood (or At- wood); 6—John (b 1717), m 2d, Elizabeth (Ide) Hill; 5—-Dr. Nathan (0 1762), m 2d, Sarah Hill Chase (Gen. Jonathan*, m Sarah, dau .of Rev. David Hall, and dese. Rev. Peter Bulkeley, qv); 4-Dr. Nathan R. (1797-1877), m 1821, Juliette Oc- tavia Penniman; 3-Sarah Frances (1822-72), m Theobald (3 above). 2-Dau. of Dr. Samuel Theobald (b 1846), of Balti- more (See Who’s Who in America); m 1867, Caroline Dexter De Wolf (6 1848). M Jan. 12, 1905, Stanley Howland (See Vol. 1, p. 386, for genealogy); issue: 1—Rachel, } Balti- more, Md., Pek = 1905; 2-Francisca, } Balti- more, Jan. 1, 1908; 3—William Fat Og Hoppin, b Asheville, "N.C., Aug. 5, 1913 Residence: Asheville, NG: 1-HUDSON, Woodward, b N.Y. City, Jan. 25, 1858. 8-Daniel Hudson, came to America in first half of 17th Century; settled at Watertown, Mass., then at Lancaster, Mass.; killed by Indians in Lancaster in massacre of Sept. 11, 1697; m Joanna—; 7-Daniel (1651-1731), m Mary Maynard (d 1677); 6—Daniel (1677-1750), m 1st, Mary Orcutt (d 1738); 5—William (1707-96), m Sarah Fobes (1711-89): 4—William (1743-1820), m Lucy Kingman (1748-1824) ; 8—Barzillai (1774-1843), m Hannah Nickerson (1782- 1813); m 2d, Rebecca Eaton (1786-1836). 4-Joseph Woodward (1726-1805), m Mary-; 38—Ebenezer (1762-1820), m Delia Adams (1768-1816) ; m 2d, Persis (Adams) Davis (1785-1856). 2-Son of Frederic Hudson (1819-75), mng. editor New York Herald; m Eliza Woodward (1818-76). M Aug. 31, 1880, Bessie Van Mater Keyes (qv for issue). A.B., Harvard, ’79 (Institute, Hasty Pudding, Phi Beta Kappa), LL.B., 18 Lawyer; v.p. and gen. counsel, later pres. B.&M.R.R. to 1919 (See Who’s Who in America). Clubs: Union, Har- vard. Residence: 82 Main St., Concord, Mass. Elisha Warfield 168 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY KILGORE A . " rN \ ‘ah Ww Arms: Argent a wyvern with wings addorsed within a bordure inwardly circular sable, charged with three mullets of the first. Crest: Between two wings gules, a mullet or. Motto: Gradatim. HINCKLEY we S- , SE SK nao Nie. SOLD | , | | i! h HI ye Arms: Gules a chevron engrailed argent. Crest: On a torse argent and gules a lion’s head erased proper. Motto: “Je ne change qu’en mourant” change in dying). 1-KILGORE, Selden Hinckley, b Smithfield, Me., Jan. 17, 1855, (I only 5-Joseph Kilgore (1690-1764), from Scotland to Boston, Mass., 1718; moved to Kittery, Me., 1720, where he m 1721, Penelope Treworgy (now Trueworthy), b 1694 (James*, m Mary Ferguson, of Kittery, Me.); 4-John, of Kittery, Me., seaman on _ sloop “Machias Liberty,’ Mar. 8-Oct. 15, 1776; m 1756, Elizabeth Brackett (1733-1821); 3—Samuel (1777-1829), m 1803, Sally (Sarah) Hastings (1779-1863; Gen. Amos*; John5; John®; Robert’, came to America, 1638). 9-Samuel Hinckley (qv); 8—-Thomas (1618-1706), gov. Plymouth Colony, 1681- 1686; m 1st, 1641, Mary Richards (d 1659): 7-Samuel (1652-97), m 1676, Sarah Pope (1652-98) ; 6—Samuel (6 1684), Brunswick, Me.; m Mary Free- man; 5-Samuel (6 1711), m Sarah Miller; 4—Josiah (1742-1811), sea capt.; served in Am. Rev.; m Kezia Hutchins (1737-1810); SAMUEL KILGORE (1806-99). OLA Re ni LYDIA HINCKLEY KILGORE (1811-81). FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 169 eee (1764-1834), m 1789, Lydia Greenleaf (1769- 10—Elder William Brewster (qv); ariek aaa (ca. 1600-1684), m 1624, Thomas Prence (Gv); 8—-Mercy (ca. 1681-1711), m 1649, John Freeman (ca. 1627-1719; Edmund’, from Eng. in the “Abigail,” 7—-Lt. Edmund, m Sarah Mayo; 6—Mary, m Samuel Hinckley (6 above). 2-Son of Samuel Kilgore (see portrait), m 1834, Lydia Hinckley (see portrait); issue: I-Ora- mandal Merick (1885-1911; m 1855, Myriam F. Oliver; m 2d, 1881, Rose E. McGuire, 1864-1924) ; II-Llewellyn Western (1836-1915; m 1862, Vesta Rose; m 2d, 1866, Phoebe E. Bell, 6 1851); III— Henry Leonard (1840-98; m 1879, Helen Maria Hussey, 1848-91); 1V—John McCrillis (6 1845; m 1868, Mrs. Addie Elizabeth Libby, 1845-1902); V— Florilla (b 1847; m 1876, George Washington Emerson, b 1844); VI-Gustavus Clark (1850-1917; M.D., U. Vt., 1880; m 1890, Abbie N. Otis, b 1857); SELDEN HINCKLEY KILGORE. Vil—George Arthur (b 1852; m 1879, Angie Jeru- sha Copeland, 1856-1922); VII1I-Selden Hinckley (above). VilI—m July 31, 1879, Georgia Carrie Chase, bd Newburyport, Mass., Apr. 13, 1859; grad. Hast Maine Conf. Sem.; dau. John March Chase (1833-1910; dese. Aquilla Chase, qv), m Elizabeth Manning Brookling'’s (1833-1904); issue: 1-Roland Mozart (Aug. 15, 1880-July 10, 1881); 2-EFlizabeth Selden, 6 Feb. 22, 1882; A.B., U. Kan., ’03; 3— Enez Ethel, 6 Aug. 14, 1884; A.B., U. Kan., 06; m Aug. 13, 1910, Arthur J. Groesbeck, b Aug. 5, 1884; B.S., U. Kan., ’09; 4-Maud Chase, b Jan. 22, 1887; A.B., Fairmount Coll., ’08; A.M., U. Kan., 1917; 5-Addie Georgia (Violet), Bb Aug. 8, 1894; A.B., U. Kan., ’17; m Apr. 3, 1918; Lt. George J. Woodward, b Oct. 25, 1894; B.S., Kan. S.T. Coll., 722; 6-Selden Hinckley, Jr.,°b Sept. 1, 1896; A.E.F. in France, Nov. 12, 1918-June 9, 1919; m June 11, 1921, Hazel Virginia Meeks (issue: Vir- ginia Lee). Academic edn., Norridgewock, Me.; LL.B., Black- stone Inst., Chicago, Ill., 1922. School teacher and supt. in Me., 1872-78; div. freight agt., Mo. P. Ry., Wichita, Kan., 1895-1917, and for a time a director of the company. Was mem. school board and city council many yrs. Mem. S.A.R. ee! (82°). Residence: “East Lawn,” Topeka, an. apeirt Charles Bowen, } Oxford, Miss., May Paternal ancestor settled at York, Pa., prior to Am. Rev., and descendants removed to Bote- tourt Co., Va., ca. 1790; 3—-Rev. Daniel Howry, of Howrytown, Botetourt Co., Va.; m Frederica Wax. 6—Moses Bowen, from Wales to Pa., 1698; settled in Guinnedd Township, Chester Co., Pa., where he with others purchased 10,000 acres of land; m Rebecca Reese; 5-John, removed to Augusta Co., Va., 1730; m Lily McIlhaney; 4—Robert (1740-1817), soldier Am. Rev. from Wash- ington Co., Va.; removed to Pendleton Dis- trict, S.C.; m Mary Gillespie; 3—Charles (1791-1842), b in S.C.; planter, Talla- hatchie Co., Miss.; m M. Easley. 2-Son of James Moorman Howry (1804-84), 6 nr. Fincastle, Va., removed to Tenn., 1811, to Miss., 1836; col. comdt. Tenn. militia, 1826; atty. gen. 12th Tenn. dist.; lawyer, planter; circuit judge, Oxford, Miss.; mem. Miss. Senate; a founder and 26 yrs. trustee U. of Miss.; Grand Master of Masons of Miss.; m 1834, Narcissa Bowen (1818-70); issue: I-Susan Amelia (1838-1913); II— Frances M. (1840-98; Thomas Rowan Dashiell); IlI—James Henry (1842-1900; m Buena Burney); IV—Charles Bowen (above); V—Mary Alice (1846- 1870; m James Sims, Jr.); VI-—Samuel Moore (1848-1922; m Donna McCord); VII—Herschel Porter (b 1852; m Frances McCracken); VIII-— Sarah L. (6 1858; m William Michel Flournoy); IX—Frederick W. (1857-95); X—Albert Percy (1859-75). IV—m Jan. 14, 1869, Edmonia Beverley Carter (Oct. 3, 1847-Apr. 17, 1879); dau. of Dr. Robert Otway Carter; issue: 1-Lucien Beverley (qv for Carter lineage); 2-Willard Carter (June 18, 1874-Dec. 24, 1919); U. Miss., 95; mem. Co. D, 3d Mo. Vols., Spanish-Am. War; lt., A.R.C., in France and Siberia, Aug. 1918-Oct. 1919; wounded Oct. 30, 1918; bronze medal (A.R.C.) for “Specially meritorious service’; 3-Maude (June 22, 1878-d infancy). M 2d, July 21, 1880, Harriet Holt Harris (Aug. 12, 1859-Oct. 29, 1898); dau. of Dr. Sampson Hines Harris, of Columbus, Miss., surgeon, C.S.A. (son of Judge Thomas Walton Harris, of Superior Ct. of Ga.; dese. Thos. Harris, Va., qv); issue: 1-Hallie Harris (May 13, 1881-Dee. 1, 1888); 2-Charles Bowen, Jr., 6b Oxford, Miss., July 18, 1888; Washington and Lee U., ’05; Y.M. C.A. field sec. with 1st Div., A.E.F., in France, 1918; m 1908, Ann Le Seueur, dau. W. Shields Trigg (issue: dau. Page); m 2d, 1922, Dorothy, dau. Nelson Inman; 3—-Elizabeth Butler, 0b Memphis, Tenn., Jan, 25, 1890; engaged in war work in France 1918-19; 4-Mary Harris, b Mem- phis, Dec. 8, 1892. M 3d, July 25, 1900, Sallie Behethaland Bird (widow of Buckingham Smith), 6 nr. Monti- cello, Fla., June 9, 1861; dau. of Pickens Butler Bird, planter and col. C.S.A., of Fla., mortally wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., 1864. LL.B., U. Miss., 1867 (LL.D., 1896), S.A.E. Consult- ing counsel, Washington, D.C. Mem. Miss. Ho. of Rep., 1880-84; trustee U. of Miss., 1882- 94; U.S. dist. atty., 1885-89; asst. atty. gen. of U.S., 1898-96; mem. Dem. Nat. Com., 1891-96; asso. judge U.S. Ct. of Claims, 1897-1915; arbi- trator in railroad disputes. Served pvt. to Ist 1t., Co. A, 29th Miss. Inf., C.S.A.; severely wounded in battle at Franklin, 1864. Lt. gen. U.C.V., comdg. Dept. of the Army of Northern Va. Mem. and former v.p. Am. Bar Assn., mem. Am. Soc. Internat. Law, Nat. Assn. Constl. Govt. (See Who’s Who in America). Club: Chevy Chase Country. Residence: 1509 16th St., Washington, D.C. 1-HOWRY, Lucien Beverley, }) Oxford, Miss., Oct. 27, 1869. 8-Col. John Carter (qv); 7-Robert, “King’’ (1662-1732), of ‘“Corotoman,” Lancaster Co., Va.; speaker House of Bur- gesses; treas. of Va.; pres. Council; actg. gov.: m 2d, 1701, Elizabeth (1684-1719), dau. of Thomas Landon, Esq., of ‘‘Crednal,’’ Co. Hereford, Eng.; 6—Charles (1707-1764), of ‘‘Cleve,’’ King George Co., Va.; ed. in Eng.; naval officer of Rappahannock River; justice of King George Co.; burgess: col. and co. It.,.ete.; m 2d, 1742, Ann Byrd (1725- 1757; Col. William, II’, of ‘““Westover,” receiver gen. and pres. Council of Va.); 5-Landon (1751-1811), of ‘Cleve’; ed. in Eneg.: landed proprietor; mem. Va. Assembly: m 2d, 1782, Elizabeth Carter (1759-1840; Robert Worme- ley Carter®, of ‘Sabine Hall,” Richmond Co., Va.), widow of Peter Thornton; 4—-Robert Charles (1783-1849), planter, Madison Co., Va.; m 1805, Harwar Beale (1786-1840; Reuber” 170 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY of “Chestnut Hill,’ Richmond Co., Va., m aay: dau. of Col. Landon Carter, of “Sabine a ” - 38—Robert Otway (1810-74), b Va.; physician and planter, Oxford, Miss.; m 1845, Edmonia Faun- tleroy Corbin (1825-1917; Richard R.*). 2-Son of Charles Bowen Howry (qv), m 1st, 1869, Edmonia Beverley Carter (1847-79), Not married. Ph.B., U. Miss., ’90 (D.K.E.; pres. Hermaean Lit. Soc., ed.-in-chief Univ. Mag. 1889-90; fellow in history, 1892-93). Dept. of Jus- tice, Washington, D.C., 1893-1901; court auditor, 1903-15, since which time in private business. Mem. Va. Hist. Soc., D.K.E. Alumni Assn. of PN Residence: 18832 K St. N.W., Washington, 1-HUDSON, Bessie Keyes (Mrs. Woodward), } Concord, Mass., June 4, 1857. 8-Set. Solomon Keyes (d 1702), was at Newbury, Mass., ante 1653, later at Chelmsford; m 1653, Frances Grant (d 1708); 7-Joseph (1667-1757), of Chelmsford, Mass.; m 1690, Joanna Cleaveland (1670-1758) ; peer en (b 1698), of Chelmsford; m 1719, Eliza- eth—,; 5—Jonathan (1721-61), of Westford, Mass.; m 1746, Elizabeth Fletcher (1720-61); 4—-Joseph (1746-1823), of Westford; m 1786, Sarah Boyden (d 1830); 8-John (1787-1844), of Westford; m 1816, Ann Stow Shepard (1792-1881). 2—-Dau. of George Shepard Keyes (1832-93), busi- ness and mfg.; m 1854, Mary Elizabeth Brown (1831-86); issue: I-Bessie Van Mater (above); II— Marion B. (b 1860); Il1I-—Grace B. (6 1866); IV— George S. (b 1869; m Alice Munroe Brown); V— Arthur F. (twin, 1869-88). I-m Aug. 31, 1880, Woodward Hudson (qv); issue: 1—Mary (July 25, 1890-Aug. 12, 1890); 2-Frederic (Nov. 14, 1891-July 15, 1892); 3-Marion, b Con- cord, Mass., Dec. 12, 1895. Pres. Louisa May Alcott Assn., Concord, Mass.; mem. Boston Atheneum, Women’s Rep. Club, Woman’s Club, Country Club (Concord). Resi- dence: 82 Main St., Concord, Mass. 1-JOHNS, Nina Roberta Hill (Mrs. Ed. F.), b Brenham, Tex., Sept. 24, 1873. 10-John Howland (qv); %-Elizabeth, as Widow Hicks, m 2d, John Dickin- son; 8—Joseph (1654-ca. 1721), m Rose Townsend; 7-Zebulon (d 1751), m Rose Townsend; 6-Townsend (d 1783), m Ann Underhill: 5-Zebulon, of Dearborn Co., Ind.; soldier Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Brush; 4—Townsend (1795-1863), m Sophia Stearns (1796- 1833), whose father and grandfather were soldiers Am. Rev.; 3-Zebulon (1820-1907), Cincinnati, O.; m Susanna Crossen (1825-83). 2-Dau. of Charlotte Sophia Dickinson (b 1849), m 1872, Charles Wesley Hill (1841-1916); issue: I— Nina Roberta (above); II—-Katie (1876-1912; m John William Comer); IIlI—Florence Elma (b 1883; m Joseph Arthur Dahlgren); ITV—Anna Dickinson (1886-88), I-m Apr. 15, 1896, Ed. Frank Johns, 6 Wilson Co., Tenn., Oct. 13, 1870; son of Joseph Frank Johns, upon whose plantation the Battle of Stone River was fought in the Civil War: issue: 1— Charles Hill, 6 Hempstead, Tex., Feb. 27, 1902; OklasiU,. 723, M.E.L., Kidd-Key Coll., 91. Mem. S.M.D., C.D.A., D.A.R., U.S.D. 1812, Residence: 1916 S. 19th St., Chickasha, Okla. 1JOHNSON, Emeline Stanley Chapman (Mrs. James W.), b Sewickley, Pa., Mar. 6, 1870. 8-Edward Chapman (d 1675), admitted freeman at Windsor, Conn., 1667; was killed in the Great Swamp Fight, 1675; m Elizabeth Fox; T—Simon (1669-1749), m Sarah— (1675-1735): 6-Capt. Samuel (1696-1758), killed in French and Indian War; m Hannah Strong (b 1692): 5-Simon (1736-1823), mem. Relief Com., Tolland Co., Conn.; m 1st, Eunice Preston (d 1774); 4-Simon (1768-1812), m Anna Johnson; 8-Simon Converse (1796-1848), m Jerusha Me- Knight (1802-86). 9-Henry Wolcott (qv); seinen (1624-87), m 2d, 1661, Martha Pitkin (1638- 7-Roger (1679-1767), gov. of Conn., 1750-54: m 1702, Sarah Drake (b 1686; Job’): 6—-Elizabeth (1706-75), m 1727, Capt. Roger New- berry (Capt. Benjamin’, m Hannah Dewey; Maj. Benjamin’, m Mary, dau. of Matthew Allyn, dv); FEL nes (1729-1806), m 1757, Ashbel Olmsted (1725- 1791); 4—Ashbel (6 1761), m 1786, Mary Forbes; 3—Ashbel (0 1798), m 2d, 1840, Emeline Stanley. 9-Gov. John Haynes (qv); 8—Ruth (1638-88), m Samuel Wyllys (1632-1709; Gov. George, of Conn.®); : 7—Mehitable (1658-97), m 3d, 1684, Rev. Timothy Woodbridge (1656-1732), grad. Harvard, 1675; a founder of Yale Coll. (Rev. John’, m Mercy, dau. of Gov. Thomas Dudley”, qv); 6—-Mary (1692-1766), m 1724, William Pitkin (1694- 1769), gov. of Conn., 1766-69 (Judge William’; William’); 5-Rev. Ashbel (1735-1802), m 1772, Sarah Forbes (1745-1815) ; 4—-Temperance (1785-1846), m 1812, James Stanley (1781-1854; Theodore®, minute man at Lexing- ton Poe ho Lt. William’; Caleb’; Caleb’; Tim- othy®); 3—-Emeline (1818-77), m Ashbel Olmsted (3 above). 2-Dau. of Deloraine Payson Chapman (1836-1920), m 1867, Caroline Stanley Olmsted (1842-1903); is- sue: I-Carrie Louise (b 1868; m Perrin Ellis White); II-—Emeline Stanley (above); III-— Maude McKnight (6 1872; m Horace S. Porter); Iv—Anna M. Olmsted (b 1874; m Marion P. Waite); V—Mildred Pitkin (b 1881; m Howard M. Lewis). II—m Oct. 6, 1892, James William Johnson, b Bos- ton, Mass., May 17, 1859; son of Thomas Wil- liam Johnson (William’, m Hannah Pettingill); issue: 1—Oliver Wolcott, b Riverside, Calif., Feb. 29, 1896; Stanford, ’20; sgt., Hdars. Co., 364th Inf., 91st Div., later in Air Service, 1917- 1919; m Apr. 1, 1920, Elizabeth, dau. of Ethelbert Johnson (issue: Kenneth Wolcott, b 1921); 2- Roger Pitkin, 6 Riverside, July 2, 1899: Stan- ford, ex-’24; pvt., U.S. Marine Corps, 1918-19; m 1924, Eunice Mae Peart; 3-James Stanley, b Los Angeles, May 27, 1910. Mem. D.F.P.A., D.A.R., ete. Summer place: Laguna Beach, Calif. Residence: 912 Westlake Av., Los Angeles, Calif. 1JOHNSTON, Mary, ) Buchanan, Botetourt Co., Va., Nov. 21, 1870. 5-Peter Johnston (b 1710), from Scotland, 1727; settled at Osborne’s Landing on James River, Va.; removed to “Cherry Grove,’ Prince Ed- ward Co., Va., 1765; m Martha Butler (they were the grandparents of Gen. Joseph IE. Johnston, C.S.A.); 4—Andrew (1767-1820), m Anna Nash (Col. John®, of “Templeton Manor,’ Prince Edward Co., Va.: mem. Va. Ho. of Dels. throughout Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Fisher; John®, from Wales to Va. ca. 1720; of latter’s sons, Abner was gov. of N.C.. 1779-81, and mem. Cont. Congress, 1782-86; and Francis was brig. gen. Am. Rev., was killed in battle of Germantown); 3-John N. (1799-1850), m Eliza Ogilvie Bell. 4—William Alexander (1753-1813), from Ulster, Ire- land; settled in Va.; m Jane Sherrard; 3—-Samuel Hamilton (1798-1882), m Mary Lobb. 2-Dau. of John William Johnston (1839-1905), maj. of arty., C.S.A.; lawyer; m Blizabeth Dixon Alexander (1847-89); issue: I-Mary (above); II— Eloise; I1I—Anne (d 1901; m her cousin, Thomas Henry Johnston; issue: John William [1896- 1918], 2d 1t. Aviation Service, U.S.A., killed at Chanute Field, Rantoul, Ill.; Thomas Henry [b 1898], aviation, U.S.A., served in France: James Rawlings, d infaney); IV—John (m Laura Beecher); V—Walter; VI—Elizabeth. Author (See Who’s Who in America for list of titles). Residence: “Three Hills,” Warm Springs, Va. 1-JONES, Ruth Norton (Mrs. George W.), »b Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 31, 1870. 9-John Alston (1610-87), of the Inner Temple, and of Parvenham, Co. Bedford, Eng.; m 1634, Lady Dorothy Temple, dau. of Sir John Temple, of royal descent; 8—John (d 1704), m Anne Wallis; 7-Col. John (1673-1758), extensive landowner in N.C.; justice, asso. justice Ct. of Oyer and Terminer, revenue collector for the king. sheriff of Chowan Co.; vestryman of St. Paul’s Parish; m Mary Clark; 6-Joseph John (d 1781), of Halifax, N.C.; jus- FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA | 171 tice; mem. N.C. Gen. Assembly; m Euphan Wilson; 5-Col. Willis (b 1750), col. of Halifax district; mem. N.C. Gen. Assembly and Constl. Conv., 1776; m Elizabeth Wright: 4-James Wright, m Temperance Thomas; 3-Julia Justina (1820-67), m Dr. Samuel Edwin Norton (1815-77). 2-Dau. of Julia Reese Norton (1840-1904), m Capt. Charles Washington Norton (1824-82), owner and captain of river steamer; issue: I—-Mattie Lee (m John W. Stimson); II-—Julia Alston; IiI-Ruth (above); IV—Mary Hudson (m Wil- liam R. Macdonald); V—Charles Edwin (m May Hardaway); VI—Harry W. (m Nora Ellen Mims). IlI—m Dec. 21, 1892, George Washington Jones, 6 Nolin, Ky., Oct. 25, 1865; son of Samuel Har- ris Jones, m Fanny Evans; issue: 1—-Roger Alston, 8 Montgomery, Ala., Sept. 26, 1893; grad. U. Ala. Law Sch.; lawyer; lt., Royal Air Force, in Can., 1918; badly injured in airplane crash at Camp Wittering, Eng., Sept. 1918; m Apr. 29, 1919, Cecile, dau. of Lucian Victor La Yaste, of Dallas, Tex. (is- sue: Roger Alston, Jr.). Ed. Hamner Hall, an Episcopal School for girls, Montgomery, Ala. Lit @ALR.G)) can= teen service during war and demobilization. Nieman iC. DaAs sD Ala ete: Residence: 308 Sayre St., Montgomery, Ala. 1-JONES, George Walter, b) Huntsville, Ala., June 22, 1866. 10-John Rolfe (1585-1622), first sec. and recorder gen. of Va.; m 1618, Pocahontas (1595-1627); I-Thomas (b 1615), m Jane Poythress; mec ys (d 1676), m Col. Robert Bolling (1645/46- 7-Col. John (1676-1729), of ‘Cobbs’; burgess; m 1697, Mary Kennon (Dr. Richard’, of Conju- ror’s Neck, Va., m Elizabeth Worsham); 6—-Elizabeth (b 1709), m Dr. William Gay (d 1749); 5-Capt. William, of “Mt. Pleasant,’ Powhatan Co., Va.; m Frances Trent; 4—Elizabeth (1773-1840), m 1794, Col. Peter Efford Bentley (1759-1837); 38-Eliza Gay (1796-1852), m 1827, Daniel Harris. 10-John Woodson (qv); 9-Col. Robert (1634-post 1707), m Elizabeth Fer- ris (Richard, of “Curles”, Henrico Co., Va.); 8-John (6 ca. 1658), of “Curles’”; m Judith Tarle- ton (Stephen’®); 7-Stephen (1704-1735/36), m 1730, Elizabeth Branch (Matthew’, of Warwick, Va.); “tee (b 1734), m 1758, Alexander Trent, IIT 5-Frances (1753/54-1776-80), m 1769, Capt. William Gay (5 above). 9-Capt. Francis Eppes (d 1655), from Eng. to Prince George Co., Va.; 8-Col. Francis (1628-78), settled in Henrico Co., Va.; mem. Colonial Council, 1652; 7-Col. Francis (1659-1718), m 168, Anne Isham (Henry’, m Katherine Banks); 6—-Col. Francis (d@ 1734), m Sarah Hamlin: 5-Ann, m Benjamin Harris (d 1758), of Cumber- land Co., Va.; 4-Francis Eppes (ca. 1740-1828), m Mary Macon; 38-Daniel (1793-1852), m Eliza Gay Bentley (3 above). 2-Son of Maria Gay Harris (1830-80), m 1849, Maj. George Washington Jones (1822-67): issue: I— Eliza Bentley (1850-1922; m Rev. Robert Thomas Blackwell); II—Lavinia Chardavoyne (1852-1904: m ist cousin, George Washington Jones); IiJ-Irene Gay (1864-86); IV—George Walter (above). IV—m Feb. 12, 1890, Elvalena Moore, bd nr. New Market, Madison Co., Ala., Dec. 28, 1869; dau. of William Henderson Moore (1836-1904), m Mar- tha Woodson Criner (1836-75); issue (all b near Huntsville, Madison Co., Ala.): 1-Howard Criner, 6 Dec. 11, 1890; m Oct. 12, 1921, Kathleen Paul; 2-Raymond William, b Oct. 8, 1892: m July 6, 1928, Irene Mary O’Neill; 3-Walter Bryan, } Feb. 25, 1895; A.B., U. Ala., 718, A.M., 1920, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 1924; 24 and ist It., Co. A, 548th Engrs., and in France 11 months; capt., Engr. R.C.: m June 30, 1924, Hazel Lucile Phelps; 4-Edwin Whiting, } Dec. 7, 1896; 5-Pauline Myra, b May 9, 1904; 6—-Carl Tannahill, b Dec. 12, 1908. Head of G. W. Jones & Sons, civil engrs. and abstractors of land titles. Primary nominee for Ala. Senate, 1926. Residence: 615 Randolph St., Huntsville, Ala. hetetitoss Lotte E., b Covington, Ind., May 14, 858. papa eae es Am. Rev.; m Sarah Currey (1700-60) ; 4-John (1732-1808), Am. Rev.; m Sara Swim (1730-1800) ; 3-James Mandeville (1785-1865), Sproson (1787-1860). 8-George Wheeler, of Concord, Mass.; m Kath- erine-; 7-William (1630-83), m Hannah Busse (Ens. Wil- liam’, King Philip’s War); 6-William (1665-1752), m Sarah Fletcher (1669-1744; Francis’, m Elizabeth Wheeler); 5-Jeremiah (1709-88), m 2d, Esther-—; 4-Jeremiah (0 1745), m Keziah Blanchard; 3-Jeremiah, m Mary Joslin, and moved to western N.Y. 2-Dau. of John Sproson Jones, M.D. (1814-71), Physician and druggist; m 1837, Charlotte Wheeler (1814-1902); issue: I-George Wheeler (m Emma K. Enos); II—-James Sanger; III— Lydia A.; IV—Mary S.; V-—Lotte EB. (above); also Gratia, Caleb and Franklin, who died in infancy. Mem. D.F.P.A., .S:D.P., m Hlisabeth Writer of histories. D.A.C., D.A.R., D.R. Summer place: “Wheel- Baa Hue a Bath, N.Y. Residence: Dan- ville, F 1JONES, Ann Elizabeth Penniman (Mrs. Rob- ert F.), b Brunswick, Ga., Jan. 10, 1890. 8-James Penniman (qv); 7-Lt. Samuel (1645-1704/05), m 1673/74, Elizabeth Parmenter (Robert); 6—Joseph (bap. 1692), m Ann Farnum; 5—Pease (1736-1818), m 1763, Lois Wood: 4-Hlkanah (b 1782), m 1804, Lucy Childs; 3-Emory Holbrook (1817-62), m 1842, Sybil Ann Fisher. 7—Gabriel Adams; 6—William; 5-William, m Ann Wren; 4—-Wesley (b Fairfax, Va., Hughes; 3—Dr. Seth Samuel (6 Alexandria, Va.), m Mary Frances Bryant. 2-Dau. of William Frederick Penniman (1842- 1908), cotton exporter; m 1866, Ann Elizabeth Adams (1848-1913); issue: I-Mary Sybil (b 1867; m 1898, Charles Bartow Lloyd, d 1893); IT—Au- gusta (b 1868; m Edgar D. Walter); I[I—Edna Gertrude (b 1875); ITV—Ellen Fisher (0 1882): V-—William Frederick (b 1884; m Florence Stevy- ens); VI-Ann Blizabeth (above). Vi-m Apr. 24, 1917, Robert Francis Jones (See Vol. 1, p. 319, for genealogy); issue: 1-Robert Hranecis, 0.210 (Philac Pas Jan, 120) 0101sone— arth Penniman, b Washington, D.C., June Residence: 110 Park Way, New London, Conn. oan ous, Bourne, }) Detroit, Mich., Nov. 8-Richard Bourne (qv); 7-Shearjashub (1644-1718/19), m 1673, Bathsheba Skiffe (James’, of Sandwich, Mass.); 6-Ezra (1676-1764), chief justice Ct. Common Pleas of Barnstable Co.; m 1698, Martha Prince; 5-Col. Shearjashub (d 1781), A.B., Harvard, 1743: rep. in Congress, 1764; chief justice Supreme Ct. of R,I., 1778-81; m 1747, Ruth (Bosworth) Church (d 1796); 4—Shearjashub (1751-1844), dep. gov. of R.I. dur- ing Am. Rev.; m 2d, 1798, Rachel Kent (Sam- uel’, of Barrington, R.T.); 3-Shearjashub (1798-1869), Hartford, Conn.; m 1822, Ardelia Alger. §-Lt. Andrew Alger, was at Scarborough, 1651; was killed by Indians; 8-John, blacksmith; was at Boston before 1679: m Hannah Baker (b 1644; Alexander®, m Eliz- abeth-—); 7-John (d 1750), blacksmith; m 1702, Joanna King (Thomas’, of Dighton, Mass.); 6—Preserved, lived at Rehoboth, Mass., 1742; m Martha Pafenny; 5—Jonathan (b 1738); 1775), m Elizabeth 172 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 4—Jonathan (1755-1822), m 1782, Dorothy Carpen- ter; 3-Ardelia (1799-1871), m Shearjashub Bourne (3 above). 10-William Carpenter (qv); %-William (1605-59), m Abigail— (d 1687); 8-Samuel (ca. 1644-1682/83), m 1660, Sarah away (James®, of Rehoboth); 7—David (1675-1702), m 1697, Rebecca Hunt; 6—David (1701-87), m 1724, Joanna Walker (1704- 1786; Ebenezer’) ; 5-Col. Thomas (1725-1809), m 1749, Dorothy Bos- worth (d 1812); 4—Dorothy (1757-1822), m Jonathan Alger (4 above). 2-Son of James Frederic Joy, LL.D. (1810-96), A. B., Dartmouth, ’33; LL.B., Harvard, 1836; law- yer, then ry. builder and operator; pres. C.,B. &Q., M.C., Wabash and other rys.; m in 1841, Martha Alger Reed (d 1850); m 2d, 1860, Mary Bourne (1832-90); issue (lst marriage): I-Sarah Reed (1842-1900; m Edward Watrous Jenks, M. D., LL.D.); 1I-Martha Reed (d at birth); I1I- James (1847-1909); IV—Martha Alger (1850-93; m Henry A. Newland); (24 marriage): V—Fred- eric (1862-93); VI—Henry Bourne (above); VII-— Richard Pickering (See Vol. 1, p. 661). : V—m Oct. 11, 1892,. Helen Hall Newberry (See Vol. 1, p. 661, for genealogy and issue). Phillips Andover Acad., ’83; Yale-S., ex-’86. Pres. Detroit Union R.R. Depot Station Co., Packard Motor Car Co., etc. Dir. Federal Re- serve Bank of Chicago (See Who’s Who in America). Chief boatswain’s mate on U.S.S. Yosemite, Spanish-Am. War; It. col., Air Serv- ice, U.S.A., World War. Pres. Lincoln High- way Assn., etc. Residence: ‘Fair Acres,” Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. 1-KING, Nannie Witcher Jones-McAdoo (Mrs. Nannie McAdoo), b Pittsylvania Co., Va., 1848. Leg Ne Jones, from Wales to Baltimore, Md., Read- ’ 5-Isaac, m Isabel Nonnon; 4-Dr. Benjamin, m Elizabeth Reamy; 3-Thomas, m Elizabeth Lyell. 2-Dau. of Decatur Jones (1816-90), planter and tobacco mfr.; m Nancy Harriet Keen; issue: I—Araminta (m John Henry Holcombe); II-— Marie Louisa (m Thomas H. B. Haase); III— Elizabeth Ann (m James C. Cunningham); TV— Jennie; V—William Henry (m Elizabeth Fran- ces Keen); VI—Nannie Witcher (above): VII— John Keene (m Mary Bliss Wilkinson); VIII— Thomas D, (m Mattie Southgate); IX—Mary Christian (m Maj. Joseph M. Moorhead); X— D’Orcy (m Mary Glenn); XI—Charles Bixler. Vi-m Victor C. McAdoo; issue (all } Greens- boro, N.C.): 1-Thomas Jones, 6b 1871; m 1922, Lois, dau. of Daniel Lindley, of Guilford, N.C.; 2-Victor Clay; 3-Calvin N., Jr.: 4-Mar- garet. M 2d, 1888, Robert Ruffin King; issue: 1-Robert Ruffin, Jr., 6 Greensboro, N.C., 1890; m 1913, Ruth, dau. of C. M. Vanstory, of Greensboro (issue: Ruth; Nancy; Robert). Mem. D.A.R., U.D.C., Pioneers Club. Residence: Greensboro, N.C. 1-KINGSBURY, Francis Bullard, b Holliston, Mass., Nov. 18, 1886. 8-Joseph Kingsbury (qv); 7-Eleazer (b 1645), m Esther Judson; Cee eel (1690-1744), m 1715, Joanna Guild 5-Nathan (b 1730), Am. Rev.: m 1755, Zerinale Blake (b 1734); 4—-Zebina (1769-1848), m 1799, Elizabeth Daniels (1770-1816) ; 3-Elijah (1802-1888), m 1833, Joanna Whiting Phipps (1814-77). 8-Robert Bullard (1599-1639), resided Watertown, Mass., m Ann-; 7-Benjamin (ca. 1634-1689), m 2d, 1677, Elizabeth Thorpe (d 1719); 6—John (1677/78-1754), m Abigail Leland (1683-1761) ; 5-Henry, Jr. (1749-1821), Am. Rev.; m 1778, Rebecca Richardson (1751-1838); 4—Titus (1783-1849), m 1809, Esther Whiting (b 1786); 3—Henry (1815-1906), m 1840, Bethia Lemuel Wheel- er (1815-90). 2-Son of Willis Albert Kingsbury (b 1848), A.B., Harvard, ’73; lawyer; m 1885, Frances Johanna Bullard (b 1853); issue: I-Francis Bullard (above); II—Louise (b 1888; m 1919, Arthur FE. Ewing); III—Alice Bertha (1890-1901): IV—Wil- lis Albert, Jr. (6 1891); V—Esther Whiting (0 1893; m 1922, H. Stanley Fair). I-n June 9, 1917, Katharine Whitney, b Minne- apolis, Minn., Mar. 19, 1888; Smith, ’11; dau. of William Channing Whitney (See Vol. 1, p. 744, for genealogy); issue: 1—Alice Law- rence, b Apr. 9, 1918; 2-Elinor Whitney, }b Ro 30, 1920; 3-Richard Walker, b Feb. 27, A.B., Harvard, ’09 (Kappa Gamma Chi, Phi Beta Pi, Sigma Xi), A.M., 1912, Ph.D., 1914. For- merly asso. prof. physiol. chemistry, U. Minn. Med. Sch.; chemist, Biochemical Lab- oratories, Met. Life Ins. Co., New York. First lt. and capt., Sanitary Corps, Oct. 1917-Apr. 9, 1919; with A.E.F. in France, Mar. 1918-Apr. 1919. Residence: 131 Bedford St., Stamford, Conn. 1-KINGSLEY, George Pomeroy, b Freeport, IIl., Nov. 11, 1865. °-Eltwood Pomeroy (qv); 8-Medad (1638-1716), town clk., Northampton, Mass.; mem. Gen. Assembly; m ist, 1661, Ex- perience Woodward (d 1686; Henry’); 7-Ebenezer (1669-1754), sheriff of Hampshire; mem. Royal Council; m 2d, Sarah King (Capt. John’); 6-Gen. Seth (1706-77), first brig. gen. apptd. by Cont. Congress and first maj. gen. in Am. Rev.; m 1732, Mary Hunt (1705-77; Jonathan’); 5-Quartus (1735-1803), soldier Am. Rev.; m 2d, 1776, Rachel Pomeroy (d 1826; Lt. Daniel®); 4-Col. Seth (1777-1861), m 1st, 1800, Sarah Kingsley (Enos®, m Abigail Palmer); 3-Betsey (d_ 1876 aet. 64), m Daniel Kingsley (d 1880, aet. 71), dese. John Kingsley (d ca. 1679), an original purchaser of Taunton, Mass. 2-Son of George Pomeroy Kingsley (1833-1905), dentist; m Harriet Swift (1839-1912); issue: I- Fred Ralph (m Anna M. Booth); IIl—George Honea (above); I1I-Edward Daniel (See Vol. ae Ds : II—m Nov. 22, 1898, Mabel Wright, 6 Elgin, I11., Oct. 19, 1865; dau. of Andrew Donaldson Wright, of Freeport, Ill., m Susanna Barbara Duck; issue (all b Minden, Neb.): 1-Susanna, b Sept. 17, 1894; U. Wis.; 2—-Edith, 6 Sept. 11, 1895; m June 16, 1920, Ellwood Forest Hamil- ton (issue: Ellwood Forest, b Apr. 1, 1921; Sally Jean, b Oct. 31, 1924); 3-Ethel (twin), b Sept. 11, 189; 4-George Pomeroy, } Sept. 23, 1897; Hobart Coll.; m Sept. 12, 1921, Elizabeth M. Johnston (issue: George Pomeroy, b Feb. 6, 1926); 5-Donaldson Wright, b Mar. 16, 1899; Cornell and Harvard; 6-Hamilton Swift, } June 27, 1901; 7-Archibald Wright, b Apr. 5, 1907; Culver Mil. Acad. Ed. Cornell U. and Hobart Coll. Banking and lumber business. Residence: 745 4th St., Min- den, Neb. 1-TILNEY, John Stringer, b Millsboro, Del., July 11, 1836. 7-John Tilney (1618-1701; of royal ancestry), sent from Eng. by the English crown as collec- tor of ports, 1648, and settled in Accomac Co., Va.; given large tracts of land; mem. County Ct. 40 yrs.; m 1642, Anne Bouton (bap. 1625; John’); 6—John, planter; m Sarah Nottingham (Richard’, of Northampton Co., Va.); 5-Hezekiah, planter; settled nr. Berlin, Md., 1740; m Betty (Nottingham) Harmonson: 4-Jonathan, planter; moved to vicinity of Mil- ton, Del., ca. 1800; m Elizabeth Stockley; 3-Stringer (1769-1826), planter; m Nancy Wil- liams (1778-1823). 8-John Jefferson, from Wales; was among the first settlers of Va.; lived at Osborne’s on the James; burgess, 1619; and thru his g.son: 6—-Capt. Thomas (whose son Peter was the fa- ther of President Thomas Jefferson); 5-Field, m Mary Warren; 4—-Warren; 3—Peter. 2-Son of Robert Williams Tilney (1813-72), mfr.; m 1835, Mary Jefferson (d 1845): m 2d, Mary Baylis; issue (lst marriage): I-John Stringer (above); II—Virginia (d infancy): III—Caroline (d infancy); TV—Robert Peter (m Verlinda Dun- lap); V—-William Edward;-: (2d marriage): VI- Mary Ann (m Jacob Reese Godwin). I-m Nov. 28, 1871, Mary Eliza Garner (Aug. 15, 1843-Oct. 17, 1876); dau. of John Hicks Garner, of Mobile, Ala.; issue: 1-Mary Garner, b Mo- bile, Ala., Jan. 22, 1873; Ogontz. ’92; 2-Harriet Jamison, 6 Mobile, Ala., Jan. 29, 1875; Ogontz, FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 173 95; m Apr. 12, 1898, Butler Sheldon; 3—-John Stringer, Jr. (Oct. 17, 1876-Feb. 14, 1909); Har- vard, ’00; m Apr. 30, 1900, Elizabeth Cornish. M 2d, June 5, 1878, Georgiana Esther Sheldon, b Gaston, Ala., Aug. 4, 1845: dau. of Israel Sheldon, of Orange, N.J.; issue: 1-Georgiana Sheldon, b Orange, N.J., Mar. 7, 1879; Ogontz, 98; m Jan. 14, 1907, William Howard Kirk- bride (qv); 2-Jeannette Wallace (Dec. 3, 1880- Aug. 18, 1881); 3-Israel Sheldon, b Orange, June 28, 1882; Harvard, ’04; m Oct. 5, 1907, Au- gusta Munn; 4—-Nicholas Leachmere (Jan. 29; 1884-Sept. 18, 1918); capt., A.R.C. and was made edr. of the advance zone at Neaufchateau, France; d Bazoilles, France, and interred in the Nat. Cemetery; medal for efficient service sent to his family after his death; 5—-Robert Wallace, b Washington, DCy Apres 612) 1886: Harvard, ’10; m Dec. 1914, Suzanne Grantland. Retired. Hobby: Collector of books. Clubs: Metropolitan (Washington), Bibliophile Soc. (Boston), Union League, Down Town, Grolier (New York), Essex County (Orange, N.J.). Residence: 495 Main St., Orange, N.J. 1-KIRKBRIDE, William Howard, b Phila., Pa., Mar. 27, 1879. 7-Joseph Kirkbride (b 1662), of ‘Kirkbride,’ Cumberland, Eng., descended from the Earls of Wigton; came in the “Welcome,” 1682, with William Penn, who granted him 15,000 acres in Bucks Co., Pa.; mem. Ist Pa. Assem- bly 10 yrs.; m Sarah Stacy (Mahlon§); 6-Mahlon Stacy (b 1703), mem. Pa. Assembly 15 yrs.; m Mary Satcher (John’); 5—Jonathan (1739-1824), noted Quaker preacher; m Elizabeth Curtis (John‘); 4—Joseph (b 1775), m Eleanor Baldwin (Joseph); 8-Jonathan (1809-89), m Mary Warner Kirkbride (Mahlon4, m Mary, dau. of Abraham Warner). 2-Son of William Kirkbride (6 1849), merchant; m 1873, Mary Pennel Churchman (6 1852), M Jan. 14, 1907, Georgiana Sheldon Tilney, b Orange, N.J., Mar. 7, 1879; dau. of John String- er Tilney (qv for genealogy); issue (all b Vic- toria, B.C.; 1—Adela Wallace, 6 May 26, 1908; 2—Malcolm Churchman, b Sept. 18, 1909 3— Ronald de Levington, 6 Feb. 11912, B.S., Haverford, ’01 (Beta Rho Sigma). Pres. Pacific Coast Construction Co., Victoria, B.C. Planter, Camden, S.C. Author and play- wright. Clubs: Century (New York), Union (Victoria, B.C.), Haverford, University, West- moreland (Richmond, Va.), Dublin Lake (Dub- lin, N.H.), Camden (S.C) Country. Summer place: “Fairview,” Dublin, N.H. Residence: “Cool Springs,’ Camden, S.C. 1-MILLSPAUGH, Frederick William, } Buffalo, N.Y., Apr. 27, 1880. 11—-William Arnold (av); 10-Benedict (1615-78), first gov. of R.I. under the charter of Charles II; m 1640, Damaris West- cott (Stukeley); 9-Capt. Josiah (1646-1724), m 2d, Mary (Ward) Wicks; 8-John (6 1670), m 1694, Mary Brown; ‘i—Anthony (1704-61), m Sarah— (6 1712), a Quaker- ess; 6—David (1783-1825), Am. Rev.; m 1758, Hannah Tripp (b 1736); SI He (1771-1851), m Mary Hogeboom (1776- T Gpoee (1805-76), m 1826, John Q. Groesbeck ( -(0); 3-Sarah Elosia (1828-80), m 1847, Homer Mills- paugh (1820-82). 2-Only child of Rev. Charles Edward Mills- paugh (6 1848), m 1870, Elizabeth Susan Tozer (1844-1921), M June 12, 1906, Clyde Burke (qv). A.B., Syracuse, ’01. Rep. of The Pullman Co. Mem. S:C.W., D.C.G., S.A.R. (dir. gen. nat. soc. and pres. Tenn. soc.). Mason. Resi- dence: 3806 Central Av., Nashville, Tenn. 1-MILLSPAUGH, Clyde Burke (Mrs. Frederick W.), 6b Danville, Ky. 8-Gabriel Maupin (1675-1720), fled from France to Eng., ca. 1699, thence to Va., 1700; a founder of Manakin, Va.; m Marie, dau. of Earl Spen- cer, of Eng.; 7T—Daniel (1700-86), m Margaret Via (or Viet): 6-Mary, m Matthew Mullins (1728-86), soldier _ French and Indian War and Am. Rev.; d-Jane (1754-1844), m Benjamin Clark, Jr. (d 1795); 4-Lucy A. (1792-1846), m 1814, Thomas Springer Bronston (1791-1871), War 1812; 3-Samira M. (1821-56), m 1849, Dr. James E. Baker (1826-71), surgeon C.S.A, 2-Dau. of Lucy Lany Baker (1850-1908), m 1869, William Buchanan Burke, M.D. (1845-1923), sol- dier C.S.A.; issue: I-William Baker (m Irene Dillon); II-Thomas Bronston; IlI—Mary (1872- 1912; m W. H. Lillard); IV—Lucy Elliston (m A. L. Milligan); V—Robert E. (m Lucile Col- lins); VI-Clyde (above); VII—Nell (b 1884; m Luther Tiedeman); VIII-Emma Chenault (D 1886; m Robert H. Harris); IX-Samuel Hard- 1st) (m Hazel G. Copeland); X-—Collins (1890- 1 ‘ Vi-m June 12, 1906, Frederick William Mills- paugh (qv). B.S., Caldwell Coll., ’01. Short story writer. Mem. C.D.A., Huguenot Soc. of Tenn. (state pres.), D.A.R. (state treas.), U.S.D. 1812 (nat. rec. sec.), U.D.C., Nashville Press and Au- thors Club. Residence: 3806 Central AV., Nashville, Tenn. 1-MINOR, Anne Rogers (Mrs. George May- nard), 6 E. Lyme, Conn. eeebe Rogers (ca. 1615-1687), m Elizabeth Row- and; 7-Joseph, m Sarah-; 6—John, m Deborah Dayton (or Deighton); 5-John, m Maria (or Martha) Culver; 4-George (1755-1815), Am. Rev.; m Mary (Tinker) Wheeler (d 1822); 3-William, m Mary Chapman (James, m Mary, dau. Lt. Daniel Holt, Am. Rev.; Maj. James‘, killed in Am. Rev., 1776). 9-Matthew Beckwith (qv); 8-John (ca. 1639-ca. 1723); 7-John (1665-1757), m Prudence Manwaring; 6—John (d 1753), m Hannah Brooks; 5-Elisha (ca, 1732-1786); 4-Jason (ca, 1764-1821), Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Crocker; 3—Gurdon Crocker, m Nancy Ann Douglass. 2-Dau. of James Chapman Rogers, m Nancy Hazeltine Beckwith (d 1904); issue: I-Irene (b 1850; m William N. Coates); II—Julius Taylor (6 1852; m Mary Goss); III—Alida J. (b 18565 ; m James D. Hanan); IV—Frank Ellsworth (b 1860; m Louisa Ames); V—Anne (above). V—m Nov. 19, 189, George Maynard Minor, M.D., b Stamford, Conn., 1863; son of Robert Cran- dall Minor, artist, of Waterford, Conn.; is- sue: 1-George Rogers (1903-05). ArtUst Mem iD BLP) Al CuDL Alm lp) Acre (pres. gen., 1920-23), U.S.D. 1812, ete. (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: Waterford, Conn. 1-MITCHELL, Charles Bayard, b Allegheny City, Pas, Aug: (27, 1857: 4-Rev. John Mitchell (1763-1840), from Eng., 1774; settled in Pendleton Co., Va., 1783, in Harri- son Co., Va., 1803; a founder Meth. Prot. Ch.; pensioner Am. Rev.; m Catherine Margaret Teter (George® [1740-98], of Pendleton Co., Va., soldier Am. Rev., m Anna Margaret Henkel, who was dese. Rey. Anthony Jacob Henkel, from Germany to New Hanover, Paw a founder of the Lutheran Ch. in America); 3-George (1785-1821), Randolph Co., Va.: m Mary McCann (Patrick‘ [1760-1853], soldier Am. Rev., m Hannah Johnson). 6-William Baker (1710-98), patriot, of Washing- ton Co., Md.; m Margaret-; 5-Ernst (1732-1810), associator, of Frederick Cor, Md.; m Eva-; 4-Adam (1756-1808), m Elizabeth Hargarader: 3-Henry (1788-1865), m Martha Harrold (John‘, who assisted in building a fort in Pa. for protection of the frontier, m Barbara, dau. of Anthony Altman; Christopher®, m Mary-). 2-Son of Rev. Daniel Patrick Mitchell (1821-81), M.E. clergyman; m Eliza Ann Baker (1824-94); issue: I-Henry Baker (1848-96; m Sadie Carr); II—Mary Virginia (1850-1911; m Lyman Beecher Kellogg, see son Joseph M., Vol. 1, p. 169); III— Joseph Teter (1851-19283; m Sarah Elizabeth Smith; m 2d, Minnie-C. Shirtz): ITV—Martha Jane (1854-55); V—Anna Eliza (b 1855: m Charles Herbert Aull); VI-Charles Bayard (above): VII-Sarah Elizabeth (b 1860; m George Thacher Guernsey); VIII—Dove E. (b 1862); IX—Samuel Burke (1864-65); X—Danetta Patricketta (b 1866: m Jonas Ernest Eckdall). Vi-m July 6, 1882, Clara Phoebe Aull, } Charles- 174 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY ton, O., Dec. 28, 1855; dau. of James Aull, of Pittsburgh, Pa. A.B., Allegheny, ’79, A.M., 1882, Ph.D., 1892 (D.D., 1895, LL.D., 1911, L.H.D., 1917). Elected bishop M.E. Ch., 1916 (See Who’s Who in America), Residence: 1265 General Luna, Manila, P.I. LOGAN The lands of the Scottish Logans being confiscated and the name proscribed the Logans migrated to Ireland and from thence to America. “The armorial bearings are allusive to the expedition with The Bruce’s Heart to the Holy Land,” being, Arms: Or, three passion-nails conjoined in point, sable, piercing a man’s heart, gules. Crest: The hunter’s horn. Motto: In-Hoc Majorum Virtus. rept Harry Craig, b) Oakland, Calif., June 4—-William Logan (desc. Sir Robert Logan, m a dau. of Robert, II), came from Ireland; sgt. Phila. militia in Am. Rev.; 8-Thomas White (1800-70), grain mcht., Phila.; 1819)” Jane Priestley, Chambersburg, Pa. (0 6-William O’Neale (d 1747), received land grant of 100 acres, ‘““Wheal of Fortune Farm,” in Prince George Co., Md., 1747; 5-William, of Rockville, Md.; m Fanny Lodge; 4—Polly, m Henry Jones, of “Snake Den Farm,” nr, Rockville, Montgomery Co., Md.; 38-Caroline Amanda, m William Henry Craig (1827-83), of Georgetown, D.C. 2-Son of Henry Clay Log'an (1845-1892), of Phila.; pvt. Co. I, 118th Pa. Vols., gun-shot wound in battle of Antietam, Civil War; gen. eastern freichtagt., Mo. Px Ry Co. eNey a Citys Nettie Bowers Craig (1854-1924): issue: I—Car- rie Elizabeth, Ph.D., educator and author (1875-1914); II-Harry Craig (above); III—Alvin Gray (1880-82). II-m Nov. 5, 1902, Emily Ann Bennett, B N.Y. City, 1877; dau. of Dr. James A. Bennett, M.D., of New York; issue: 1-Dorothy Douglas, b N.Y. City, June 16, 1904. M 2d, Oct. 26, 1912, Ethel V. Hartley, b Norfolk, Neb., 1885; dau. of William Theodore Hartley, of Iowa; issue: 1-Thomas White, 6 Bremer- ton, Wash., Dec. 19, 1914; 2-Harry (b and d 1917). M 3d, Jan. 8, 1920, Henriette Blanche Pittet, b Paris, France, Feb. 16, 1898; dau. of Jean Sam- uel Pittet, of Paris. Ed. George Washington U., Washington, D.C., and New York Mil. Acad., Cornwall-on-Hud- son. U.S. Customs, N.Y. City; pres. The Rex Realty Co., Inc., Calgary, Can., 1911-14: fed- eral narcotic agt., Internal Revenue, Treas. Dept., since 1923. Pvt. 24 N.J. Vols., Span- ish-Am. War, 1898; pvt. 6th U.S. Inf., Philip- pine Insurrection, 1899; Ist sgt. 146th F.A., A.E.F., World War, 1917-20; capt., U.S.A. Re- serves Mem. $8.) of0Vij Avia, ValWe, IS AL Re Residence: 109 John St., Seattle, Wash. 1-LONG, Arrah Minnie Wilson (Mrs. Alex- ander), 6 York, S.C., Mar. 5, 1868. 4-John Wilson, rice planter, John’s Island, S.C.; m Elizabeth Stanyarne; s—-William Stanyarne, m 1826, Anna Maria Eliza Blackburn (George‘, from Ireland, 1760, where he was prof. in U. Dublin, and became prof. mathematics in William and Mary Coll. and SGX Goll); 4-Samuel Lowry, m Mary Gaston McClure, dau. of a Revolutionary heroine of the same name; 3-Samuel, m Susan T. Miller. 2-Dau. of Col. William Blackburn Wilson (1827- 1894), distinguished jurist; mem. Secession Convention (name inscribed on bronze tablet at State House, Columbia, S.C.); m 1849, Arrah Minerva Lowry (1827-69); issue: I—-William Blackburn (1850-1920; m Isabella Hinton Mil- ler); I1I-—Samuel Lowry; IIlI-James L. (b 1856; m Alice Owen); IV—George Ingraham; V—Stan- yarne (b 1860; mem. Congress, 1895-1901; m Lou- lie Burroughs; m 2d, Hattie Hazard); VI-—-Dr. De Foix (6 1866); VII—Arrah Minnie (above); VilI—Florence Middleton (b 1877); IxX—Annie Latta (b 1881). VilI—m Oct. 29, 1891, Alexander Long, b Greens- boro, S.C., Oct. 16, 1858; pres. cotton mills; pres. Evangelistic Clubs of America; elder in Presbyn. Ch.; son’'of James A. Long, of Greensboro, S.C. (John’, of Randolph, N.C., mem. Congress, 1821-29); issue: 1—-Alexander, b Spartanburg, S.C., May 29, 1893; ed. Porter Mil. Acad., and Clemson Coll.; 2-Minnie de- Foix, b Laurens, 8.C., Apr. 25, 1900; Sweet Briar Coll., ’21; m 1921, York Wilson. Was state pres. of Woman’s Auxiliary of P. E. Ch.; ex-lst v.p. S.C. Fed. of Women’s Clubs; county chmn. during War, Nat. League for Women’s Service; dir. Rock Hill Library Assn., etc. As chmn. of com. secured through the Federation of Women’s Clubs an exec. order from President Wilson changing the name of Culebra Cut, Panama Canal, to Gail- lard Cut in honor of the distinguished S.C. engineer. Teacher of large class of Winthrop College students at Episcopal Ch. since 1908; five missionaries from this class have gone to China, Japan, and other fields. Mem. D.A.R., U.D.C., Am. Legion Auxiliary. Club: Peri- pelion: Residence: 681 College Av., Rock Hill, 1-LONGYEAR, Edmund Joseph, b Grass Lake, Mich., Nov. 6, 1864. 5-Jacob (Langjahr) Longyear (b 1720), from Ba- varia to Ulster Co., N.Y., ca. 1750; m 1747, Ma- ria Koch (or Cox); 4—-Johannes (1754-1824), soldier Am. Rev.; m An- netje Winne (1754-1848) ; Ten (1784-1845), m 1808, Jerusha Stevens (1789- 8-Eltweed Pomeroy (qv); See geoph (1652-1734), m Hannah Lyman _ (1660- 6—Noah (1700-79), m Elizabeth Sterling (1700-79); 5—-John (1733-1810), m Esther Kibbe (1731-1808): eer oe ae m 3d, Deborah Foster (d 1851, aet. . 3—Orpha (1807-85), m Robert Davis. 10—William Brewster (qv); §—Patience (d 1634), m Gov. Thomas Prence (qv); 8-Hannah, as widow of Nathaniel Mayo, m 2d, Capt. Jonathan Sparrow (1630-1706 or 07); 7—-Patience (1679-1745), m 1691, Joseph Paine (1667- 1712; Thomas’, m Mary, dau. of Nicholas Snow, m Constance, dau. of Stephen Hopkins, av); 6—-Richard (1699-1775). m 1726, Phoebe Meyrick; 5-William (1743-1827), m 1766, Sarah Mayo (Thomas®, m Hannah Atkins; Samuel7: Sam- uel’; Nathaniel®, m Hannah, dau. of Gov. Thomas Prence, above; Rev. John? ); aes (1767-1839), m 1790, Ebenezer Davis (1765- 3-Robert (1808-69), m 1835, Orpha Pomeroy (3 above). 2-Son of Isaac Longyear (1829-69), building con- tractor; m 1857, Roanna Davis (1887-1925): is- sue: T—Frank (6 and d 1859); II—Arthur (1862-66) ; ITI—Edmund Joseph (above). . IlI-m Apr. 16, 1890, Nevada Estelle Patten, 0 Boonville, Ind., Jan. 30, 1868; dau. of George fs FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 175 Washington Patten, of Boonville; issue: 1— Clyde Stanley, 6 Duluth, Minn., May 27, 1891; Coast Arty. Training Sch., Sept. 10-Nov. 22, 1918; m Sept. 15, 1917, Marion Ruth, dau. of John Eugene Hodge, of Los Angeles, Calif. (issue: John Edmund); 2—Robert Davis, b Petoskey, Mich., July 11, 1892; Williams, ’14; pvt., 11th Co., C.A.C., Aug. 4-Sept. 23, 1918; Coast Arty. Training Sch., Sept. 23-Nov. 28, 1918; commd. 2d It.; m Dec 3, 1918, Barbara Elizabeth, dau. of Charles Brayton Lyon, of Minn. (issue: Roanne Plizabeth; Martha Patten); 3—Philip Owen, b Hibbing, Minn., Jan. 23, 1896; A.B., Williams, ’19; E.M., Caliteywi9z33) US. AS Ambulance Service, 9 months at Allentown, Pa., and 14 months in France; Croix de Guerre; 4-Margaret, b Hibbing, Oct. 20, 1899; Mills, ’23; 5—-Richard Patten, B Minneapolis, Minn., Apr. 12, 19095; 6-—Edmund Joseph, Jr., b Excelsior, Minn., Sept. 6, 1906. E.M., Mich. Coll. of Mines, ’88. Mining engr., specializing in the exploration and develop- ment of mineral lands. Mem. S.R. Clubs: Minneapolis (Minn.), Pasadena (Calif.) Golf. Summer place: Rose Farm, Excelsior, Minn. Residence: Altadena, Calif. 1-LORING, Katharine Peabody, b Boston, Mass., May 21, 1849. 8-Dea. Thomas Loring (qv): 7-John (1630-1714), m 2d, 1679, Rachel (Wheatly) Buckland (d 1713; John Wheatly’, of Braintree), widow of Benjamin Buckland; 6—Caleb (1689-1756), justice, selectman;: m 3d, 1731, Rebecca Lobdell (Capt. Joseph’, m Elizabeth—); 5—Caleb (1786-87), m 1st, 1760, Sarah Bradford (1736- 1769; Joseph®, m Ruth Baker); 4—Caleb (1764-1850), meht.; state senator; m lst, 1789, Ann Greely 3-Charles Gri LL. D. (1794-1867), A.B., Harvard, 1812; lawyer, orator, state senator; author; m 1st, "Anna Pierce Brace (1798-1836). 9-Andrew Greely (av); &-Philip (1644-1747 /18), Salisbury, Mass.; m 1670, Sarah Isley (1644-1710) ; 7-Jonathan (1672-1750), m 1697, Jane Walker (d 1721); 6—-Philip (1711-46), m 1740, Hannah Stubbs (b 1722); 5-Jonathan (1741-81), Am. Rev.; 11768, Mary Hich- born (1742-1819) ; 4-Ann (1769-1819), m Caleb Loring’ (4 above). 2Dau. of Caleb William Loring (1819-97), A.B., Harvard, ’39; lawyer. Boston; m 1846, Elizabeth Smith Peabody (1822-69); issue: I—-Katharine Peabody (above); II-William Caleb (See Vol. 1, p. 697; II1I—Louisa Putnam (1854-1924; was dir. Beverly Hosp., 1893-1924; sec. Essex Co. Chapter of A.R.C., 1906-24; IV—Augustus Peabody (qv for Peabody lineage). I-Ed. private schools. Trustee Beverly (Mass.) Public Library; pres. Beverly Hist. Soc.; life mem. A.L.A., ete. Residence: Prides Crossing, Mass. 1-LORING. Augustus Peabody, b Boston, Mass., Dec. 7, 1856. 8-Francis Peabody (qv); 7-Tsaac (1648-1727), m 2d, ‘Blizabeth-: 6-Cornet Francis (1694- 1769), m 1714/15, Dorothy Perkins (1695-1771); AE es (1715-97), m 1739, Margaret Knight (1722- 1806) ; 4—Joseph (1757-1844). large ship owner; served in Am. Rev.; m 2d. Elizabeth Smith (1767-1854; Rev. Elias®, of Middleton): 3-Joseph Augustus (1796-1828), m 1821, Louisa Put- nam (1801-76; Samuel’, m Sarah Gould). 2Son of Caleb William Loring’ (1819-97), A.B., Harvard, ’39; lawver, Boston; m 1846, Flizabeth Smith Peabody (1822-69). For issue and Loring lineage see Katharine Peabody Loring. M June 3, 1884, Ellen Gardner, 0b Boston, Feb. 24. 1860: dau. of George Augustus Gardner. of Boston; issue: 1-Augustus Peabody. Jr.. b} Bos- ton, Avr. 16, 1885; Harvard. ’08. A.R., 1909; m June 22. 1911. Rosamond (b May 2, 1889), dan. of Alfred Bowditch, of Boston (issue: Mary Bow- ditch. b 1912: Rose, b 1918: Augustus P.. ITI, h 1915; Ellen Gardner. 0} 1918): 2—Caleb. 6 Boston, Feb. 18. 1888: A.B, Harvard, ’10; ensign and It. (t.2.), U.S.N:, “World. Wars m Aor. 1h. 1920. Suzanne Grantland. dau. of David J. Bailey. of Griffin, Ga.; 3-Ellen Gardner. h Beverly. Mass., May 2, 1889; m July 10, 1912, Samuel Vaughan. A.B., Harvard, ’78 (D.K.E., Hasty Pudding, Inst. ‘Salisbury; of 1770), LL.B., 1881. Lawyer, Who’s Who in America). Mem. Conv., 1917, Mass. Senate, 1919, 20. Clubs: Ten- nis and Racquet, Harvard (Boston), Rocky Mountain, Harvard (New York), University (Washington). Summer places: Prides Cross- ing, Mass., and Bartletts Island, Me. Resi- dence: Beverly, Mass. Winter residence: 277 Marlboro St., Boston, Mass. Lag eres. Clarence Blair, b N.Y. City, Nov. 5-Moses Mitchell (1700-75), from Eng. to Charles- ton, S.C., ca. 1730; m Sarah Hinckley; 4-John Hinckley (1765- -1832), of Charleston, S.C.; m ist, Anne Hinckley; 3-John Wroughton (1796-1879), lawyer, Charleston, S.C., and N.Y. City; m Caroline Green. 4— James Blair (d 1816), m Rachel Insley; 3—John Insley (1802- 99), ry. builder, financier, philanthropist; m Nancy Locke (John‘, of Revolutionary family). 2-Son of Clarence Green Mitchell (1826-93), A.B., Columbia, ’47; lawyer, New York; m Aurelia Anne Blair (1838- 66); m 2d, Sarah Adams Lind- ley (b 1839); issue (1st marriage): I-—Clarence Blair (above); (2d marriage): II—-Lucy (m John Charles Molteno, Cape Colony, S. Africa); III— Caroline Green (6 1875; m Anson Phelps Stokes, eae) Vol isp. 683, for genealogy); I1V—Anna I-m Dec. 4, 1889, Mildred Matthews, 6 Durban, S. Africa, 1870; ‘dau. of Dr. Josiah Wright Mat- thews, of Cape Colony, S. Africa; issue: 1- Clarence Van Schaick, 6 New York, Dec. 17, 1890; A.B., Princeton, ’13; Harvard Law School, 1917; lawyer; capt. of cav., Aug. 15, 1917; liaison officer on staff of Gen. de Castlenau, French Army, until Armistice, World War; m Jan. 26, 1918, Sylvia, dau. of Francis Peabody, of Bos- ton; 2—Dorothy Mildred, } New York, Jan. 25, 1893; m June 4, 1917, DeCoursey Fales, lawyer, of New York; 3-Lucy Virginia, b Lakewood. N.J., Mar. 23, 1895; m Jan. 25, 1919, James J. Hig- ginson, banker, of New York; 4 Mildred Aurelia, 6 New York, Feb. 2, 1897; m Oct. 6, 1923, John W. Brock, Jr., banker, of Phila.; 5-Caro- line, 6 in Algiers, Mar. 15, 1901. A.B., Princeton, ’89; LL.B., Columbia, 1892. Mem. law firm of Choate, Larocque & Mitchell. Mem. S.R. Clubs: Century, Union, University, Princeton, Essex Fox Hounds, Down Town, Midday, ete. Residence: “Pennbrook House,” Far Hills, N.J 1-KNIGHT, John Thornton, } “Poplar Hill,” Prince Edward Co., Va., Apr. 18, 1861. &8—-John Woodson (qv); 7T—-Robert (b 1624), m Elizabeth Ferris (Richard, of Curls Neck, Va.): 6—Robert (1660- 1739), m 2d, Rachel Watkins: 5—-Elizabeth, m John Knight (will proved 1772), of Lunenburg Co., Va. (desc. Peter Knight, bur gess from Northumberland Co., Va., 1659): 4—-Woodson, m 1781, Patty Walton (George5, m Mary, dau. of Robert Hughes, m Martha-; Robert®); 3-John Hughes, m 1815; Sally Everett Carter. 8-Capt. Thomas Carter (b 1630), from Eng. to Nansemond, later to Lancaster Co., Va., 1650; eapt. Lancaster militia; commr., burgess, deputy; m 2d, 1670, Katherine Dale (1652-1703; Maj. Edward’, from Eng. to Lancaster Co., Va., 1649, high sheriff, burgess, m Lady Diana, dau. Sir Henry Skipwith): 7-Edward (1671-1748), m Elizabeth Thornton (6b 1672; William, Jr.8, burgess, of Gloucester Co., trustee (See Mass. Constl. Vas 6—-Thomas (1700-76), vestryman Christ Church Parish; 5—Raleigh (1740-ante 1820), m 1st, 1765, Sarah Sharpe 4—William (1771-1817), m Jane Crenshaw; 3—-Sally Everett (1796-1870), m John Hughes Knight (3 above). 2-Son of John Hughes Enight (1829-1914). capt. C.S.A.: planter and banker. Farmville, Va.; m 1853. Cornelia Alice (1831-99). dau. of John Archer Bland, m Mary Anne Dickinson; issue: T—-Bettie Bland: IJ—India Wyckliffe (m W. G. Dunnington); IIlT-Lucie Everett (m John B. Strachan, Jr.); [V—John Thornton (above); V— Emmett Fitzgerald (b 1863): VI—McTlwaine (h 1845: m Tda Fleming); VII-William Barrett (6 1867; m Elizabeth-). IV—m Sept. 2, 1886, Edith, dau. Lt. Gen. Samuel B. 176 M. Young, U.S.A.; issue: 1-Alice Margaret, b Blacksburg, Va., July 29, 1888; 2-Samuel Young, 6 Ft. Sam Houston, Tex., Apr. 5, 1891; Lehigh, 16; enlisted in Q.M. Corps, Dec. 15, 1917; 2d I1t., July 16, 1918; hon. discharged, Oct. 31, 1919; 3— John Thornton, Jr., 6 Ft. Reno, Okla. May 9, 1894; U.S.M.A., ’18; m Dec. 3, 1917, Mary, dau. Cdr. U. T. Holmes, U.S.N.; 4-O’Ferrall (See Vol. 1, p. 672, for Bland lineage); 5-Alexander, b Washington, D.C., Apr. 14, 1909. Hampden-Sidney Coll., ’80 (Sigma Chi); U.S.M.A., 1884. Brig. gen., Q.M. Corps, U.S.A., retired. Was q.m. Port of Embarkation, Newport News, Va., Aug. 1917-Sept. 1918; q.m. Base Sect. 5, Brest, France, Oct. 1918-Feb. 1919; asst. to chief q.m. and chief q.m., A.E.F., at Tours and Paris, Feb.-Sept. 1919. D.S.M. (U.S.A.); Officer Palonia Restitute (Polish); Officer Order of Leopold (Belgian). Clubs: Army and Navy (Washington and Manila). Address: 2600 Lyon St., San Francisco, Calif. 1-KOOPMAN, Harry Lyman, 0 Freeport, Me., July 1, 1860. 8-Edmond (Chaundeler) Chandler (1588/89-1662), from Eng. to the Barbados, ca. 1625, and to Duxbury, Mass., ca. 1632; 7-Joseph (ca. 1638-1721), m —Holmes; 6—Zachariah, m —Hunt; 5—-Marcia, m —Harvey; 4-Asenath, m William Mitchell; 38—Reuben, m Eliza Burton Curtis. 2-Son of Charles Frederick Koopman (b Gothen- burg, Sweden, 1833-d 1919; son of Niclas Koop- man, officer Swedish Navy), came to U.S., 1848, and settled at Freeport, Me.; m Mary Brewer Mitchell (1836-72); m 2d, Susan Gamman; issue (ist marriage): I-Harry Lyman (above); II-— Statira Cushing (6b 1862); III—-Charles Frederick (6 1863; m Helen Palmer); IV—Carl Millard (b 1868; m Annie Palmer); (2d marriage): V—Wil- liam Franklin (1877-1901). F I-m June 27, 1889, Helene Luise Mayser, } Gien- gen, Wiierttemberg, Mar. 27, 1856; dau. of Christoph Wilhelm Mayser, of Ulm, Germany; issue: 1—Mary Fredrika, b Burlington, Vt., May 27, 1890; m June 27, 1919, Clarence Horace Philbrick, A.B., Brown, ’18 (issue: Marcia, b 1920; Charles Horace, b 1922; Richard Curtis, } 1925); 2-Karl Henry, 6 Burlington, Vt., Jan. 1, 1892; AB., Brown, ’18, A.M., 1916; 2d 1t., C.A.R.C., 1918-19; m June 6, 1919, Martha Johnston (6b Feb. 11, 1889), dau. of James Duncan Brown, of St. Joseph, Mo. (issue: Karl Friedrich, 0} 1920; Elinor Duncan, 6b 1922). A.B., Colby, ’80 (Zeta Psi), A.M., 1883 (Litt.D., 1908); A.M., Harvard, 1898. Librarian of Brown U. since 1893 and prof. bibliography since 1908 (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 76 Taber Av., Providence, R.I. 1-KRATZ, Edwin Augustus, b Plumsteadville, Pa., July 12, 1844. 5-John Valentine Kratz (1707-80), from the Pala- tinate, Germany, to Salford Tp., Phila. Co., Pa., 1727; m Anne Clemens (d 1793); 4—Philip (1739-1818), m Susan Krout (1739-1831): 3—-Philip (1782-1847), m Elizabeth Stover (1783-1860). 5-Henry (Stauffer) Stover (d 1786), came from Alsace to Phila., Pa., 1749; m Barbary Hock- nann (1732-1802) ; 4—Ulrich (1750-1811), Bedminster, Pa.; m Barbara Swartz; 38—-Henry (1778-1825), m Catharine Stout (1783-1826). 2-Son of Henry Kratz (1820-97), m 1843, Annie Stover (1815-87); among issue: JI-Edwin A. (above); II—Alonzo Philip (1845-65; corp., 2d Pa. Vols., d in Confed. prison, Danville, Va.); I1I— Henry Stover (b 1849); ITV—Jourdan Homer (b 1850; m Margaret C. Bowman); V—Catharine (b 1852); VI-—Reuben Stout (6 1853; m 1889, A. Kate Percy). I—m May 8, 1884, Annie Mary (Bradley) Beidler, b Versailles, Ky., Mar. 7, 1849; dau. of Benjamin C. Bradley, of Champaign, Ill.; issue (all b Champaign, I1l.): 1-Alonzo Plumsted, Bb June 17, 1885; research prof., M.E., at U. Ill.; m Aug. 10, 1920, Alma Zella Glanzner; 2—Ethel Gyola, 6 Octw205 ssicakA Bee 111 1 OE TS eet oTe = librarian, Champaign Pub. Library; 3—-Elwin Valentine, 6 Mar. 1890. M.D., U. Pa., 1869. Physician and surgeon, Cham- paign, Ill., since 1869. U.S. pension examining surgeon 28 yrs. from 1871; med. dir. Dept. of Ill.. G.A.R., 1 yr.; asst. surgeon, 9th Reet. Ill. N.G., 5 yrs.; U.S. med. examiner, World War, THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 1917-18. Was city clerk 4 yrs.; tp. supervisor 15 yrs.; co. treas. 4 yrs.; dir. Public Library 36 yrs. : Mason (382°), Odd Fellow. Residence: 315 S. State St., Champaign, Ill. 1-HULBERT, Milan Hulbert, III, } Chicago. 9-William Cornwall (d 1678); 8-Samuel (1642-1728), m Rebecca Bull (b 1644); 7-Samuel (bap. 1679-1730), m 1718, Phoebe Hall (Samuel); 6—Esther (1726-82), m 1753, Samuel Geer (1731-65); Ferra (1756-1825), m 1777, Amos Hulbert (1752- 4-Samuel Augustus (1796-1875), m 18389, Mary Rob- inson Plunkett (1807-84; Patrick®); 38—-William Augustus (1842-1924), m 1866, Helen Moore (1843-1924; Francis‘). 12-Henry Boylston (b ca. 1575); 11—Thomas (d 1648); 10—-Thomas (ca. 1615-ca. 1653), m Sarah— (d 1704); 98-Dr. Thomas (1644-95), m 1665, Mary Gardner (1648-1722; Thomas!®) ; 8-Richard (bap. 1670-1752), m Mary Smith (1677- 1764; James’); 7-Abigail (1718-88), m Dr. Francis Moore (1709-83); 6—Dr. Francis (1741-1833), m 1779, Phoebe Preston ie Remember’; Daniel®; Daniel®; Dan- je]1°) ; 5—Dr. Francis (1781-1856), m 1805, Sarah Cheever (1785-1880; William’); 4—Dr. Francis (1808-1864), m 1839, Elizabeth Moffat Wood (1820-97; Benjamin Howland); 3—Helen (1848-1924), m William Augustus Hulbert (8 above). 11—Cornelis Beeckman (qv); 10-Martin (b 1688), m Susannah Jans; 9-Johannes Martense (ca. 1660-1732), m 1692, Eve Van Naegel or Naegen (d 1741); 8-Alida (bap. 1702), m 1728, Henry Holland (1704- will probated 1782); 7-Eve (bap. 1736), m 1757, Capt. Winter Fargie: Site (1764-92), m 1782, Dr. Samuel Nicoll (1754- 5-Frances Mary (1785-1861), m 1809, George Bloom Evertsen (1773-1829) ; 4—Frances Mary (1811-99), m 1828, William Amos Woodward (1801-83) ; 3-George Evertsen (1829-1905), m 1854, Eliza Bethia Deodata Mortimer (1834-1911; David Benjamin‘). 12-Rt. Hon. Stephen Van Cortlandt (b 1566), m Catherine—; 1i-Rt. Hon. Col. Stevense (1600-83), m 1642, Annetje Loockerman; 10-—Maria (1645-89), m 1662, Col. Rensselaer (1629-74); 9Anna_ (1663-1716), m 1693, Hon. William Nicoll (1637-1723) ; 8-Benjamin (1694-1724), m 1714, Charity Floyd (1692- 1758; Col. Richard’); 7—-Benjamin (1718-60), m 1746, Mary Magdalen Hol- land (1727-66; Hon. Edward’, m Madeleine Marie, dau. of Thomas Bayeux); 6—-Dr. Samuel (1754-96), m Anne Fargie (6 above). 2-Son of Milan Hulbert Hulbert, m Olive Evert- sen Woodward (See Vol. 1, pp. 193, 194, for other lineages). I-HULBERT, Adele Evertsen, b Chicago, Ill. 8-Capt. Nicholas Evertsen (qv); 7-Judge Nicholas (1699-1783), m Susannah Roeters (Abraham§); 6-Jacob Roeters (1734/35-1807), m 1761, Margaret Bloom (1744-1807; George’); 5—George Bloom (1773-1829), m 1809, Frances Mary Nicoll (1785-1861; Dr. Samuel®); 4-Frances Mary (1811-99), m 1828, William Amos Woodward (1801-83); 3—George Hvertsen (1829-1905), m 1854, Eliza Bethia Deodata Mortimer (1834-1911: David Benjamin‘). 9-Thomas Bayley (1630-75), m 1655, Lydia Redfield (1636-76: William”): 8—John (1661-1727), m Elizabeth-; 7—John (b 1702), m Elizabeth Ann-—; 6—-Nathan (1724-1801), m 1750, Elizabeth Terry (1729- 1804; Ephraim’); 5-Elizabeth (1765-1851), m 1792, Amos Woodward (1769-1814) ; 4-William Amos (1801-83), m 1828, Frances Mary Evertsen (4 above). Dianne Terry (1634-76), m 1660/61, Ann Lobdell 8-Ephraim (1671-72-1761), m 1695. Hannah Eggle- ston (1676-post Jan. 28, 1761; James?); 7-Ephraim (6 1706), m 1727/28, Deborah Bailey (1708- 1759; John§): 6—-Elizabeth (1729-1804), m Nathan Bayley (6 above’. Jeremias Van FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 177 9—-William (Moffatt) Moffat, m Margaret-; &Samuel (1704-87), m 1735, Anne Gregg (b 1716; Hugh’); . 7 Thomas (b 1742), m 1778, Susannah Howell (b 174 6-Elizabeth (1774-1813), m 1795, Arnold Townsend (1769-1837) ; 5-Helen Ann (1802-82), m 1819, Benjamin Howland Wood (1797-1846) ; 4-Elizabeth Moffat (1820-97), m 1839, Francis Moore (1808-64 3—-Helen (1843-1924), m 1866, William Augustus Hulbert (1842-1924). 10—-Jacob Theunissen DeKay (d 1706), m 1659, Hille- gonde Teunis; 9-Capt. Jacobus (bap. 1672), m 1694, Sarah Willett (Col. Thomas’) ; S-Thomas (1697- 1758), m 1733, Christiana Duncan (1707-81; George?®); erclene (1746- reas) m 1768, Absalom Townsend (0) 4 6-Henry Arnold (1769-1837), m Elizabeth Moffat (6 above). 12—Richard Jackson (ca. 1581-1672) ; 11—Robert, m Agnes Washburn; 10—Col. John (d 1722), m Elizabeth Seaman (Capt. John); §-Martha (d 1753), m Peter Titus (1674-1753) : 8—-Elizabeth, m Henry Townsend, IV (b 1705); 7—Absalom (6 1746), m Helena DeKay (7 above). 2—-Dau. of Milan Hulbert Hulbert, m Olive Evert- sen Woodward (See Vol. 1, pp. 198, 194, for other lineages). 1-HULBERT, Ethel Plunkett, 0) Chicago, III. 10—John Geer (0 ca. 1600), m Ellinor-—; 9%-George (1621-1726), m 1658, Sarah Allyn; 8-Jonathan (1662-1742), m Mary-; 7—Jonathan, m FPlizabeth Herrick; 6-Samuel (1731-65), m 1753, Esther Cornwall (1726- 82; Samuel?; Samuel’; William’); nes (1756-1825), m 1777, Amos Hulbert (1752- 835) ; 4Samuel Augustus (1796-1875), m 1839, Mary Rob- inson Plunkett (1807-84; Patrick); 3-William Augustus (1842-1924), m 1866, Helen Moore (18438-1924). 10—-Henry Herrick, m Edith Laskin (Hugh); 9-Ephraim (1638- 1693), m Mary Cross; ie (1664- 1712), m Judith Woodbury (Wil- iam?® 7—-Elizabeth, m Jonathan Geer (7 above). 1i-Henry Howland (qv); 10—-Zoeth (d 1676), m 1656, Abigail—; 9-Nicholas (d 1722), m 1697, Hannah Woodman (Lt. John?) ; 8—-Benjamin (1716-1756), m Mary Chase 7—Benjamin (1754-1831), m 1777, Mary Stpeum (1755- 1840; Benjamin’); 6-Sylvia (1778-1845), m 1793, Jethro Wood (1774-1834 ; inventor of the cast iron plow 5-Benjamin Howland (1797- 1846), m 1819, Helen Ann Townsend (1802-82; Henry Arnold’); 4-Blizabeth Moffat (1820-97), m 1839, Francis Moore (1808-64); 8—Helen (1844- 1924), m William Augustus Hulbert (3 above). 10-Abraham Ryck, m Gertie Hermansen (Hen- drick®); §-Ryck Lent, m Catryna Syboutsen (Harch?!®); 8-Abraham_ (1674-1746), m 1698, Anna Catrina Mayer (1677-1762; Adolph’); see (b 1703), m Classie Harring (Peter ns TTRe (b 1739), m 1769, Catryn DeWit (d ante peo pela (bap. 1770), m 1791, Jacob Duryea (bap. rh ’ 4—Eliza (1803- =o m 1828, David Benjamin Morti- mer (1800-77 3-Eliza etl Deodata (1834-1911), Evertsen Woodward (1829-1905). 10—Peter Cornelis Luyster (d 1695), m Aaltje Tyssen; 9-Cornelis, m Sarah Cathe Nevius (Johannes"); 8—Peter (1681-1759), m 1718, Sarah Rapalje (1688- 1773; Daniel’); 7-Catherine (1716-92), m Johannes DeWit (will probated 1792; Peck’, m 1698, Marytje Vander- burg); 6—Catryn, m Peter Lent (6 above). 2-Dau. of Milan Hulbert Hulbert, m Olive Evert- sen Woodward (See Vol. 1, pp. 193, 194, for other lineages). Henry m 1854, George 1-HULBERT, Helen Mortimer, ) Chicago, Ill. 7-Richard Mortimer (d 1732), m Dorothy— (d 1782); 6—-Rev. Peter (1717-87), m 1745, Hannah Hirst (bap. 1737-1802) ; (1767-1834), m 1799, Bethia 5—Rev. Benjamin Warner; 4-David Benjamin (1800-77), m 1828, Eliza Duryea; 3—Eliza Bethia Deodata (1834- 1911), m 1854, George Evertsen Woodward (1829-1905). 9-Jonathan Ginningss (ca. 1653-1733), m Susanna-; 8-Ebenezer (1691-1753), m 1713, Mary Bidlack (Christopher [7?]%); 7—-Bethiah (6 1720), m 1739, Daniel Warner (1714- post Feb. 1778); 6—Daniel (1740- 1802), m 1768, Sarah Smith; 5—Bethia (1772- -1848), m 1799, Rev. Benjamin Morti- mer (5 above). 10-Thomas Dogget (1607-1692), m 1647, Elizabeth Humphrey (ca. 1622-52; Jonas", d 1662) ; 9-Samuel (1652-1725), m 1691, Bathsheba Holmes (d 1747; Abraham?) ; s-John (1697-1764), m 1719, Marjorie Ames (d post dighee 2b alga)s 7—Mary (b 1720), m Azariah Smith; 6—-Sarah, m Daniel Warner (6 above). 11—Giles Slocombe (Slocum) (d 1682), m Joan—; 10—Bliezer (6 1644), m Eliphel Fitzgerald; 9-Benjamin (b 1698), m Meribah Earle (Ralph); 8-Benjamin (1725/26-1786), m 1751, Mary (Phoebe) Wing (John®); 7—Mary (1755-1840), (1754-1881) ; 6—Sylvia (1778-1845), m 1793, Jethro Wood (1774-1834; inventor of the cast iron plow); 5-Benjamin Howland (1797-1846), m 1819, Ann Townsend (1802-82; Henry Arnold’); 4-Flizabeth Moffat (1820-97), m 18389, Francis Moore (1808-64) ; 3-Helen (1843- 1924), m 1866, William Augustus Hulbert (1842-1924). 10-Capt. James Johnson (b 1607), m Abigail Oliver (d post 1661; Thomas); 9-Samuel (bap. 1651), m 1676, Phoebe Burton (Ed- ward?) ; 8—Jonathan (1682-1741), m 1710, Sarah Mansfield (1683-1728; Joseph’); 7-Jonathan (1723-1801), m 1750, Susannah Farring- ton (Matthew); 6—Rebecca (1757- -1804), m William Cheever (b 1753); m 1777, Benjamin Howland Helen 5-Sarah_ (1785-1880), m 1805, Dr. Francis Moore (1781-1856) ; 4-Francis (1808-64), m Elizabeth Moffat Wood (4 above). 2—Dau. of Milan Hulbert Hulbert, m Olive Evert- sen Woodward (See Vol. 1, pp. 193, 194, for other lineages). watderr tote Olive Woodward, it {0-Robert Park (qv); 9-Thomas (ca. 1619- 1709), m Dorothy Thompson (John?) ; 8-Robert (b ca. 1651), m Mary Rose (Thomas’); eg (6 ca. 1703), m 1725, Thomas Woodward a 6—Park (1726-1808), m 1746, Sylvia or Zilpah (1728/ 29-1771), dau. of John Park; 5-Amos ‘(1769- 1814), m 1792, Elizabeth Bailey (1765- 1851; Nathan‘); 4—William Amos (1801-83), m 1828, Frances Mary Evertsen (1811-99; George Bloom b)is 1954, m b New York 38—George Evertsen (1829-1905), Eliza Bethia Deodata Mortimer (1834-1911). 10—-Pieter Monfort (d 1661), m 1652, Sarah Le- Blanc; 9%-Peter (b 1652), m Marretje Luyster (Peter); 8—Elbert (1687- 1726), m 1707, Annetje Remsen (bap. 1682; Rem»®); 7-Janetie (bap. 1719), m Daniel Duryea (d 1789); 6—-Daniel (d 1782), m Antie—; 5-Jacob (bap. 1770), m 1791, Catherine Lent (bap. 1770; Peter’); 4-Eliza (1803-85), m 1828, David Benjamin Morti- mer (1800-77); 3-Eliza Bethia Deodata (1834-1911), Evertsen Woodward (3 above). 12-John Wood (qv); 11—William (d 1696), m Martha Earle (Ralph?2); 10—William (1652- -1711), m Mary Clarke (Latham"); m George 9-Jedediah (b 1700), m 1724, Keziah Summers (John?®) ; 8—John (1725- 53), m 1744, Hannah Wing (Benja- min n*); 7—John (b 1745-46), m 1769, Dinah Hussey (b 1752; Jonathan’); 178 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 6—Jethro (1774-1834), inventor of the cast iron plow; m 1798, Sylvia Howland (1778-1845; Ben- jamin’); 5-Benjamin Howland (1797-1846), m 1819, Helen Ann Townsend (1802-82; Henry Arnold’); abe eece Moffat (1820-97), m 18389, Francis Moore (1808-64) ; 38—Helen (1843-1924), William Hulbert (1842-1924). 13-John Hussey; 12-John, m 1598, Mary Wood (or Moor); 11—Christopher (bap. 1599-1686), m Theodata Batch- elder (1596-1649; Rev. Stephen); .10-Stephen (1631- 1718), m 1676, Martha Bunker (0 ca. 1656; George); 9-Sylvanus (b 1682), m 1711/12, Abial Brown (d 1722; John 19); §-Jonathan (b 1718), m 1738-39, Hepzibah Starbuck (0 1721; Paul®); 7-Dinah (b 1752), m John Wood (7 above). 12-Edward Starbuck (ca. 1604-1690), m 1636, Kath- erine Reynolds; 11—Nathaniel (1638-1719), m 1662, Mary Coffin (1545- 1717; Tristram, qv); 10-Nathaniel (1668- -1753), m 1690, Dinah Coffin (d 1750; James", m Mary, dau. of John Severance; Tristram, q Vv); 9—-Paul (1694- 1789), m 1718, Ann Tibbets (1638-1736; Ephraim?) ; 8-Hepzibah (b 1721), m Jonathan Hussey (8 above). 2-Dau. of Milan Hulbert Hulbert, m Olive Evertsen Woodward (See Vol. 1, pp. 198, 194, for other lineages). giatcinen ; Charles Robinson, b Riga, N.Y., Oct. 10-Elder William Brewster (qv); 9-Jonathan (1593-1659), settled at New London, Conn., 1649; m 1624, Lucretia Oldham (d 1679); 8-Benjamin (1633- 1710), m 1653, Anne Darte (d 1709) ; 7-Benjamin (1673- 1750), Lebanon, Conn.; m 1696, Mary Smith (1672-1747) ; 6—Mary (1704-77), m 1726, Benjamin Payne (1700-55); 5-Stephen (1735-1800), Peru, Mass.; Am. Rev.; m 1756, Rebecca Bushnell (1737- -ca. 1816) ; 4-Ebenezer L. (1762-1834), Hinsdale, Mass.; Am. Rev.; m 1783, Keziah Kinney; m 1866, Augustus 8-Stephen (1791-1880), Tonawanda, N.Y.; m 1816, Ruth Smith (1797-1845). 10-Hon. Samuel Symonds (1595-1678; of royal descent), dep. gov. of Mass.; m 2d, 1637, Martha Reade (1601-62) ; Gites (d 1702), m 1660, Rev. John Emerson (1625- s-Martha (b 1662), m 1685, William Cogswell (1659- ) 5 ee (1686-1773), m 1708, Hannah Brown (1691- 6—Capt. Daria ea) (1716-1810), Am. Rev.; m Huldah Kinne (1719-54 neuen (b 1740}, m 1758, Daniel Kinney (b 1736), 4-Keziah (1766-1854), m 1788, Ebenezer L. Payne (4 above). 2-Son of Roderick Random Hume (1816-79), farmer; m 1846, Ruth Ann Payne (1822-1901); is- sue: I—Charles Robinson (above); II—Frank Lewis (6 1849; m 1884, Mary Fulton); IlI~Thank- ful (6 1856; m 1888, Otis Ballard Fitch); IV—Will Ellsworth (6 1863; m Minnie James); V—Alice M. (b 1865; m 1907, Edwin W. Lewis). I-m Dec. 27, 1876, Annette Ross (qv for issue). M.D., U. Mich., 1874. Physician and surgeon; consulting surgeon, C.,R.I.&P. Ry. Co., Ana- darko, Okla. Mem. A.M.A., Okla. State Med. Assn., Rock Island Surg. Assn., Caddo Co. Med. Soc. (sec.), etc. Residence: 501 W. Central Boul., Anadarko, Okla. 1-HUME, Annette Ross (Mrs. Charles R.), } Perrysburg, O., Mar. 8, 1858. 6—John Ross (d 1757), from Ireland to Chester Co.., fen: ca. 1718; m Margaret Andrews (d after 5-James (1734-80), Am. Rev.; m ca. 1760, Mary Mc- Knight (1735- 1807) ; 4-James (1764-1842), Am. Rev.; m 1790, Mary White (1771-1817) : ane (1793-1882), m 1819, Margaret Walker (1796- 9-Gov. John Haynes (qv): 8-Rev. Joseph (1641-79), Hartford, Conn.; m 1668, Sarah Lord (1638-1705; Capt. Richard?®); 7—-Sarah (1673-96), m 1694, Rey. James Pierpont: 6—-Abigail (1696-1768), m 1716, Rev. Joseph Noyes 1688-1761), of New Haven, Conn.; eal (1724-97), m 1745, Thomas Darling (1719 4-Thomas (1752-1815), Woodbridge, Conn.; m 1781, Mary Dibble (1760-1816) ; ofonn (1789-1825), m 1809, Susan Heminway (1788- 2—-Dau. of James White Ross (1822-96), expert ac- countant; fruit grower; m 1847, Catherine Dar- ling (1823-1906); among issue: I—Elbert Darling (1849-1928; m 1871, Emily Catharine Robertson); iI—Marshall Key, M.D. (1852-81); Il1I-Henry Ad- dison (b 1854; m 1880, Lelia Catherine Minton); IV—Annette (above); V—Celida (b 1864; m 1891, Jacob U. Shade). IV-—m Dec. 27, 1876, Charles Robinson Hume (qv); issue: 1—-Carleton Ross, 6 Tontogany, O., Apr. 30; 1878; ""U. "Okla. °98; U2 Kani 19035 Y.oM.CcA: ednl. sec., Aug. 1918-July 1919; m Aug. 20, 1907, Verne, dau. of Rev. Thomas M. Gossard, of Los Angeles (issue: Ross Gossard; Dorothy Anne; Elizabeth Verne); 2-Raymond Robinson, b Tontogany, July 26, 1880; U. Okla., 1900; M.D., Univ. Med. Coll., Kansas City, Mo., 1906; 1st lt., M.R.C., June 1918; Capt. nC Us sAc Mar. al 1919; service at Base Hosp. 121, A.E.F.: in France, Nov. 1918-July 1919; m Sept. 10, 1918, Mabelle Marie, dau. of William Garrard Wil- liams; 3-Harold James (Oct. 11-Nov. 13, 1881): 4—Merle Marshall (Mar. 8-July 8, 1885); 5-Irene Annette (Sept. 30-Nov. 5, 1886). Genealogist. Pres. Okla. State Fed. Women’s Clubs, 1918-15 (now hon. pres.); mem. C.D.A. (charter mem, Okla. soc.), D.A.R., ete. Resi- dence: 501 W. Central Boul., Anadarko, Okla. 1-HUMPHREYS, William Young, b St. Louis, Mo., May 8, 1861. 8-Michael Humphreys (qv); 7-Lt. Samuel (1656-1736), m Mary Mills (1656-1730); 6—Ens. Samuel (1686-1759), m Hannah Phelps; m 2d, 1731, Mary Orton; 5-Capt, Ezekiel (1719-95), m 1740, Elizabeth Petti- on 4—Col. George (1756-1813), officer Am. Rev.; m 1777, Elizabeth Pettibone; 3—Col. Decius (1789-1878), m 1809, Laura Adams. 2-Son of George D. Humphreys (1827-72), glass mfr., St. Louis; m 1857, Sarah Frances Young (0 1839); issue: I-George A. (1858-97); II-William Young (above); IlI—-May (6 1869; m William Henry Coolidge; See Vol. 1, p. 355); IV—Ellen (b 1871; m Harry Hillard). II-m Nov. 21, 1892, Ellen M. Stephenson, Bb Pitts- burgh, Pa., May 19, 1867; dau. of John G. Stephenson; issue (all b Pittsburgh, Pa.): 1— William Y., Jr., 6b Oct. 22, 18938; Princeton, 17; served in aviation sect., U.S.N.R.F., with rank of It. (j.g¢.), to end of war; 2-John G. S., b Jan. 10, 1895; Princeton, ’17; ensign, U.S.N., World War; 3-Elizabeth S., 6 July 14, 1897; 4-Alan S., 6b Apr. 24, 1900; St. Paul’s Sch., ’19; apprentice seaman, U.S.N.R.F., 1918; 5-Katharine S., Sept. 28, 1902; 6-David M., b Oct. 14, 1906. Coal operator; pres. Bessemer Coke Co. Mem. S.A.R. Clubs: Duquesne, Pittsburgh Golf, Pittsburgh Athletic, Oakmont Country, Pitts- burgh Automobile. Summer place: “Indian Rock,’ Hyannisport, Mass. Residence: 303 Dallas Av., Pittsburgh, Pa. 1-HUNTINGTON, Frances Isabel, b Bsn} Tp., Livingston Co., Mich., Aug. 31, 1865 11—-Thomas Newberry (av); 10-Benjamin (d 1689), m Mary Allyn (1628-89; Matthew, qv); §-Sarah (1650-1716), m Preserved Clapp (1643-1720; Roger?!®, qv); 8—Hannah (1681-1758), m Abraham Miller (1672-1727); 7-Hannah (6b 1707), m Samuel Allen, IV (1706-55; among their sons was Gen. Ebenezer): 6-Jemima (6b 1737). cousin of Ethan Allen; m Jabez Ward (1734-86), who, with five sons, served in Am. Rev.; 5—Therina (1756-1813), m Dr. Henry Hyde (1749-1813), soldier Am. Rev. (dese. Jonathan Hyde, qv); 4—Henry (1774-1828), m Paulina Torrey; oe Ward (1804- 69), m George Tibbits (1802- 2-Dau. of Rhobe Paulina Tibbits (1826-98), m 1844, William Huntington, M.D. (1817-1900). For issue and other lineages see Vol. 1, p. 653. Public school teacher 31 yrs. Mem. D.A.R.: his- torian Huntington Family Assn., 1922-27: Red Cross sec., 1917-25. Residence: Howell, Mich. FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 179 1-HUNTINGTON, Henry Barrett, b Malden, Mass., Jan. 17, 1875, 9-Dea. Simon Huntington (qv); 8-Simon (1629-1706), a colonizer of Norwich, 1660; m 1653, Sarah Clarke (1633-1721); 7-Samuel (1665-1717), m 1686, Mary Clark (d 1743); 6-Samuel (1691-1784), m 1722, Hannah Metcalf (desc. Michael Metcalf, qv); 5-William (1782-1816), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1757, Bethia Throop; 4—-Rev. Dan (1774-1864), B.A., Yale, 1794; eminent minister; m 1801, Elizabeth Whiting Phelps (Charles®, m Elizabeth Porter); 3—-Frederic Dan, D.D., LL.D. (1819-1904), Ist P.E. bishop of central N.Y.; m 1848, Hannah Dane Sargent. 2-Son of George Putnam Huntington, D.D. (1844- 1904), A.B., Harvard, ’64; P.E. priest; m 1874, Lilly St. Agnan Barrett (b 1848); issue: I- Henry Barrett (above); IJ—-Constant Davis (b 1876; A.B., Harvard, ’99; m 1916, Gladys Parrish); IlI—James Lincoln (qv for other lineages); IV— Michael Paul St. Agnan (b 1882; m 1922, Marie Goode); V—Catharine Sargent (b 1887); VI-Fred- eric Dane (b 1889; m 1924, Elizabeth Entress). I—m June 13, 1905, Alice Howland Mason, b Provi- dence, R.I., Dec. 1, 1880; dau. of Eugene Water- man Mason, of Providence, R.I.; issue (all b Providence, R.I.): 1-Elizabeth, 6 Mar. 29, 1906; 2—Arria Sargent, and 3, George Putnam (twins), b July 24, 19099; 4-Mary Hopkins, b July 2, 1915. A.B., Harvard, ’97. Instr. English, 1898-1902, asst. prof., 1902-10, asso. prof., 1910—, Brown U. Clubs: Agawam Hunt, University. Residence: 23 John St., Providence, R.I. 1-HUNTINGTON, James MKincoln, Mass., Mar. 30, 1880. 8-William Sargent, settled at Gloucester, Mass., ca. 1678; m 1678, Mary Duncan (Peter®, m Mary Epes, step-dau. of Samuel Symonds”, dep. gov. Mass.; m Martha [Reade] Epes); 7-Epes (1690-1762), col. of militia; rep. Gen. Ct.; m ist, Esther McCarty; 6—Epes (1721-79), m 1745, Catherine Osborne; 5—John O'sborne (1750-89), m 1780, Lydia Foster: 4—Capt. Epes (1784-1853), m 3d, Mary Otis Lincoln: 38-Hannah Dane (1822-1910), m 1843, Frederic Dan Huntington (3 above). 10-Thomas Lincoln, Hingham, Mass., ca. 1635; 9-Benjamin (1643-1700), m 1669, Sarah Fearing; 8—Benjamin (1671/72-1727). m 1694/95, Mary Lewis: 7-Col. Benjamin (1699-1771), m Elizabeth Thaxter; 6-—Gen. Benjamin (1732-1810), maj. gen. Cont. Army; Sec. of War, 1781-84; lt. gov. of Mass.: collector Port of Boston; pres. Mass. Soc. Cin. from its foundation; m 1756, Mary Cushing: 5-Hannah _ (1773-1828), m Abner Lincoln (1766-1826), of Hingham, Mass.; A.M., Harvard, 1788: “Pitre td (1795-1879), m 1821, Epes Sargent (4 above). 2-Son of George Putnam Huntington, D.D. (1844- 1904), A.B., Harvard, ’64; P.E. priest; m 1874, Lilly St. Agnan Barrett (b 1848). For issue and Huntington lineage see Henry Barrett Huntington. M June 1, 1911, Sarah Higginson Pierce, b Brook- line. Mass., Jan. 8, 1885; dau. of Dean Pierce. of Brookline: issue: 1-Beniamin Lincoln, }b Boston, Apr. 6. 1912; 2-John Higginson, b Bos- ton, May 12, 1916. A.B., Dartmouth, ’02 (Alpha Delta Phi); M.D., Harvard, 1907 (Alpha Omega Alpha). Physi- cian, obstetrician; asst. in obstetrics, Harvard Med. Sch., 1911-22. Sec. Huntington Family 6b Malden, Assn. Hobby: Americana and genealogy. Clubs: Aesculapian. Tavern. Harvard. Sum- mer place: Elm Valley, Hadley, Mass. Resi- dence: 311 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. 1-LOUD, Abbie Louisa, 6} Weymouth, Mass., Mar. 8, 1855. 7-Francis Loud, from Scotland, settled at Sa- gadahoc, on the Kennebec River, Me., then on Arrowsic Island, 1679, later at Toswich, Mass., but was at St. Marv’s, Me., 1726: 6—Francis (1700-74), m 1722, Onner Prince (1701-77; Elder John’, qv); 5—John (1737-76). m 1758, Mercy Vining (b 1734): 4—-Sylvanus (1760-1844), pvt. Am. Rev.; m Lydia Lovell (1763-1839) ; 8—Jacob (1804-81), m 1825, Betsev Hunt (1801-56). §—Cant. James Nash, was at Weymouth, Mass., 1628; freeman. Mass. Bav Colony. 1645; rep. Gen. Ct.: m ante 1626, Alice, dau. of Robert Burges, of Eng.; Seine (ca. 1640-1717/18), m ca. 1666, Abigail Dyer 6-Lt. Joseph (b 1669), m 1st, 1699, Phebe Mar (1676-1728) ; ei Por AG caelh m 1740, Abigail Haynes (d 1805, aet. : 4-Capt. Timothy (1759-1840), bombadier in Am. Rev.; m 1st, 1777, Martha Porter; 3-Timothy (1777-1852), m 1801, Betsey Cushing (1781-1860; Er‘, pvt. Am. Rev., m Mary Burrell). 2-Dau. of Richard Emmons Loud (1826-65), shoe THE Ps m 1851, Margaret Nash (1827-1913); issue: I—Abbie Louisa (above); II-KEdward Emmons (0 1858; m Lydia Augusta Cole); IlI—Richard Henry (b 1862; m Annie Ramsey Bruce). I-Clk. and asst. cashier, Union Nat. Bank, Wey- mouth, 1883-1904; librarian, Tufts Library, Weymouth, Mass., since 1908. Mem. D.A.R. Residence: 11 Ledge Hill Rd., Weymouth, Mass. 1-TRACY, oward Crosby, b Westboro, Mass., Aug. 1, 1866. 8-Stephen Tracy, from Eng. in the “Ann,” to Plymouth, Mass., 1623, settled at Duxbury; m Tryphosa-—; (ohn (1618-1718), m Mary Prince (Gov. Thomas’, av); 6—Stephen (b 1673), m Deborah Bingham; 5-Thomas (1725-1822), soldier and mem. Com. Safety in Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Warner; 4—Joseph (b 1763), m Ruth Carter: 3-Ebenezer Carter (b 1796), m Martha Sherman Evarts. 6-William Greene, from Eng. to Mass., ca. 1700; 5-William; 4-Thomas, m Anna Knight; 3-Rev. David (1797-1866), B.A., Yale, 1821; sec. A.B. C.F.M.; m Mary Evarts. 2-Son of Jeremiah Evarts Tracy (1835-1923), LL.B., Yale, 1857; mem. law firm Evarts, Tracy & Sherman, New York; m 1863, Martha Sherman Greene _ (1839-1910); issue: I-Emily Baldwin (0 1864); II-Howard Crosby (above); III—Evarts (1868-1922; m Caroline F. Streuli); IV—Mary Evarts (6 1869); V—Robert Storer (1871-99); VI- Margaret Louisa (Mrs. Charles Melvin Mix, qv for Evarts and Sherman lineages); VII—Edith Hastings (6b 1874); VIII—Martha (b 1876: See Who’s Who in America); IX—William Evarts (1878-1916; m Edith Ann Jackson). IIl-m June 24, 1893, Minerva Bingham Lamson, b Windsor, Vt., Nov. 11, 1872; dau. of Eastburn E. Lamson, of Salt Lake City, Utah. B.A., Yale, ’87; LL.B., Columbia, 1889. Mem. law firm of Dean, Tracy & McBarron, New York. Residence: 1831 Prospect Av., Plainfield, N.J. 1-MIX, Margaret Louisa Tracy (Mrs. Charles M.), 6 Windsor, Vt., May 11, 1873. 9-John Evarts (1601-99), from Eng., settled at Guilford, Conn., m Elizabeth-; 8—James (1638-82), m Lydia Goodrich; 7-James (1667-1739), m Mary Carter; 6—Reuben (1719-76), m Honor Evarts; 5—James (1752-1824), m Sarah Todd; 4-Jeremiah (1781-1831), B.A., Yale, philanthropist, editor; m 1802, Mehetabel Sherman; 3—-Martha S., m Ebenezer Carter Tracy (1796-1826). 8—Capt. John Sherman (qv); 7Joseph (1650-1731), m Elizabeth Winship (Ed- wards); 6-William (1692-1741), m (Benjamin’); 5—-Roger (1721-93), a “signer”; U.S. senator from cones m 2d, 1763, Rebecca Prescott (Benjamin, r.°); 4—-Mehetabel, m Jeremiah Evarts (4 above). 2-Dau. of Jeremiah Evarts Tracy (1835-1923), LL.B., Yale, 1857; mem. law firm Evarts, Tracy & Sherman, New York; m 1863, Martha Sher- man Greene (1839-1910). For issue and other lineages see Howard Crosby Tracy. M July 6, 1905, Charles Melvin Mix, } Alleghany Co., N.Y., Aug. 7, 1873: son of Charles Milford Mix, of Friendship, N.Y.; issue (all 6 Muncie, Ind.): 1-Martha Sherman. (Feb. 23, 1907-d in- fancy); 2-Emily, b Apr. 24, 1908; 3-Margaret enon, b Feb. 18, 1910; 4-Mary Tracy, b Oct. 14, Mehetabel Wellington Residence: ‘“‘Wildbank Farm,’’ Selma, Ind. 180 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM ORRA EUGENE MONNETTE. 1-MONNETTE, Orra Eugene, 0 nr. Bucyrus, O., Apr. 12, 1873. 12—Edward Fuller (qv); 1l1-Samuel (1615-83), last survivor of Mayflower Pilgrims; m Jane Lothrop (d ante 1683; Rev. John?2, qv); 10-Hannah (1636-85), m 1658, Nicholas Bonham (d 1684), one of the first settlers of Piscataway, N.J. (George); 9—-Mary (1661-1742), m 1681, Rev. Edmund Dunham (1661-1784; Benajah!®, m Elizabeth, dau. of Ed- mund Tillson; Dea. John", qv); 8—Benajah (1684-1742), m 1704, Dorothy Martin (1686- post 1742; John®, m Dorothy Smith); 7—John (1705-40), m Merey Drake (Joseph’, m Anne Pyatt; Rev. John’); 6—Anne (1734-1825), m 1751, Lt. Isaac Hull (1731-post 1808), 1t. Cont. Army; sheriff Sussex Co., N.J. (See Vol. 1, p. 397, for Hull lineage); 5-John (ca. 1756-ca. 1818), Am. Rev.; m 1780, Susan Vaughan (ca. 1758-post 1820); 4—Benjamin (1782-1855), of Delaware Co., O.; War 1812; m 1804-05, Elizabeth Smith (1783-1841); 3-George Washington (1824-91), of Delaware Co. and Bucyrus, O.; m 1845, Artimissa Scribner (1826-93). 2-Son of Olive Adelaide Hull (1849-1912), m 1869, OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Mervin Jeremiah Monnette (See Vol. 1, p. 397, for genealogy). M 1891, Ella Elizabeth Crim. M 2d, Nov. 6, 1895, Carrie Lucile Janeway. M 3d, Dec. 15, 1917, Helen Marie Kull, } at Pitts- burgh, Pa., Mar. 6, 1889; dau. of Christian G. Kull, m Helen Margaret Winkler; issue: 1— Helen Hull (qv). A.B., Ohio Wesleyan, ’95 (Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Psi). Pres. Bank of America, and Citi- zens Trust & Savings Bank, Los Angeles; dir. Bank of Italy (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. bd. library commrs. of Los Angeles since 1914, and pres. bd. since 1916; mem. Bd. Free- holders since 1924, which framed the charter of the City of Los Angeles; mem. Municipal Annexation and City Planning commissions. Mem. S.M.D., H.S.A., O.F.P.A. (pres. Calif. SOC.) 1S. GoW, Sika (DASt a presneOalitas Soc:)s S.A.R. (v.p. Calif. soc.), Order of Washington, S.W. 1812. Clubs: Union League (San Francis- co), California, Jonathan, Los Angeles Ath- letic, Los Angeles Country, Uplifters, Break- fast, Casa del Mar, Southern Calif. Athletic and Country, Commercial of Southern Calif., The Gables, Fox Hills Country, Lambs. Resi- dence: 350 S. Oxford Av., Los Angeles, Calif. KULL hi (e) In the whole of the shield is parted in the middle. Oolors red and white, and at the bottom a mer- maid or siren looking to the right, with a fish tail going from behind. She has flowing golden hair and holds in the right hand a golden crown Knightly helmet. Above the shield is a mer- maid or siren with two fish tails erect which she holds with out-stretched hands, and the cov- ers, or side ornaments, t.e., Decken, are red and white. I-MONNETTE, Helen Hull, Calif., Aug. 26, 1920. 6—Eberhard Kuli (1721-95), family originally from Bohemia, removed to vicinity of Stuttgardt, Wangen, Germany, to which later was at- tached Gaisburg, where Eberhard was born, and was burgomeister; m 2d, Catherane Mar- garet Stockle (1764-1837); 5—Christopher (1792-1857), m 1814, Regina Knodel (1795-1869; John George®, 1765-1842, village mag- istrate, m 1791, Catharine Motz, 1759-1812); 4-Gottleib (1823-87), m 1845, Rosina Dorothy Rehyle (1819-65); 38—Christian Gottleib (b 1846), came to U.S.; 1865; m ca. 1881, Helen Margaret Winkler. 5-Michael (Winckler) Winkler (b Wilhelmsdorf, b Los Angeles, FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 181 Germany), m Catharane— (lb Feingeber in Bra- kenhof, Germany); 4—Bernard (1825-1919), m Helen Sommer (Johann Peters’, 6 1801; George Adam‘, b 1768, merchant of Wilhelmsdorf; Frederick’, b ca. 1735); 3-Helen Margaret (b 1864), mm Christian Gottleib Kull (3 above). 2-Dau. of Helen Maria Kull (b 1889), Eugene Monnette (qv). 1-SMALL, Isabella Carter Wharton (Mrs. John H.), 6 Washington, N.C. 9—-Richard Perry (qv); 8—Nathaniel (1652-81), m Esther Lyon; 7—Joseph (1677-1753), m 2d, Deborah (Burr) Whelp- leave 6—Joseph (6 1713), m Sarah Bulkley; 5—Peter (1738-1804), m Sarah Bradley (Ebenezer‘); 4-David (1778-1802), m Isabella Burroughs; 38—David Bradley (1800-66), m Mary Latham. 9-Andrew Ward (qv); 8—-Samuel (1647-93), m Hannah Hawkins; 7-Hannah, m Peter Bulkley, Jr.; 6—-Sarah, m Joseph Perry (6 above). 2-Dau. of Rufus Watson Wharton (1828-1915), It. col. C.S.A.; lawyer, farmer; m Mary Latham Perry (d 1904); issue: I-Isabella Carter (above); IIl—Francis (d 1895); II1I-Rufus Watson (d 1912); Teton faa Perry; V—David Evans (m Ava ell). I-—m June 11, 1890, John Humphrey Small, b Wash- ington, N.C., Aug. 29, 1858; mem. 56th to 66th Congresses (See Who’s Who in America); is- sue (all 6 Washington, N.C.): 1-Mary Belle, b Mar. 23, 1891; canteen worker, LeMans area, France, World War; m June 11, 1921, Maj. Her- bert Clarence Neblett, U.S.A.; 2-Katherine Sanderson, b June 14, 1892; m Jan. 4, 1917, Maj. John Stuart Gaul, U.S.A.; 3-John Humphrey, Jr., 6 Aug. 28, 1896; A.B., Trinity Coll., N.C, 717; 2d It., A.S., U.S.A., May 8, 1918; 1st lt., May 20, 1919; served at 3d Aviation Instruction Center, Assoudun, France; now lawyer, Charlotte, N.C. Mem. C.D.A., U.D.C. Clubs: Colonial Dames, Congressional. Residence: Washington, N.C., and Washington, D.C. 1-HUSTACE, Emma Maria, b Oxford, Miss., Aug. 28, 1871. 8-James Hustace, was resident of Fairfield Co., Conn., later an original settler of East- chester, Westchester Co., N.Y., by land grant from Thomas Pell, 1664; 7—-James (6 1669), m Tamar Pell (John§, qv); 6—John, m Elizabeth Guion; 5—David (1739-1804), m Abagail Morgan (d 1829): 4—Benjamin (1766-1849), m Esther Lord (1776-1806; Daniel5, 6 1736); Epes by (1802-41), m 1827, Lucretia Goddard Hemp- stead. 11-Elder William Brewster (qv); rhe a (1593-1659), m 1624, Lucretia Oldham (d ; 9-Mary, m 1645, John Turner; 8—Grace (1667-1734), m as his 2d wife, 1691, Richard Christophers (1662-1726); Thath (1705-75), m 1724, Daniel Deshon (1697- 6—-Henry (1728-1818), m 1752, Bathsheba Rogers (1734-1803; James?; m Grace Harris; John§; John®, m Elizabeth, dau. of Matthew Gris- wold, qv): 5—Grace (1754-1838), m 1776, James Lampheer, Jr. (1747-1820), Am. Rev.; 4—Grace (1784-1866), m 1806, Daniel Booth Hemp- stead (1784-1852; Capt. Samuel B.5, Am. Rev.; m Orra Nathaniel®; Nathaniel7?; Joshua’; Joshua?; Robert?®, qv); 8—Lucretia G. (1808-96), m 1827, David Hustace (3 above). 2-Dau. of Edward Hustace (1829-1905), jeweler: served in C.S.A.: m 1866, Martha Francess Andrews (1843-1918); issue: I-Lucretia Grace (b 1867); TI-—Emma Maria (above); III—Amy (b 1878; m 1902, James L. Johnson, 1879-1904). Mem. D.A.R. Residence: Oxford, Miss. 1-LOW, Benjamin Robbins Curtis, } Fairhaven, Mass., June 22, 1880. 9-William Curtis (qv); 8—Tsaac (1641-95), m 1670, Hannah Polley; 7-Samuel (1688-1772), m 1711, Hannah Gore: 6-Benjamin (1721-78), m 1751, Abigail Bridge; 5-Dr. Benjamin (b 1752), surgeon Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Billings; 4—Capt. Benjamin, m 1807, Lois Robbins: 3—Benjamin Robbins (1809-74), A.B., Harvard, 1829; justice Supreme Ct. of U.S., 1851-57; m 2d, Anna Wroe Scollay Curtis. 7-James Scollay (son of Malcolm, of Eng.), m Deborah Bligh, of Boston; 6-John (1712-90), m 1735, Mercy (Greenleaf) March; 5-Col. William (b 1756), m Catherine Whitwell; 4-Anna Wroe, m Charles Pelham Curtis; 3-Anna W. S., m Benjamin Robbins Curtis (3, above). 10-—Edmund Greenleaf (1600-71), from Eng. to Newbury, Mass., 1635; capt. in Indian wars; m 1st, Sarah Dole; 9-Capt. Stephen (1620-90), m 1651, Elizabeth Coffin (Tristram?!) ; 8&-Capt. Stephen (1652-1743), m 1676, Elizabeth Ger- rish (Capt. William’); 7—Rev. Daniel (1680-1763), m 1701, Elizabeth Gookin (Samuel); 6—Mercy, m John Scollay (6 above). 2-Son of William Gilman Low (See Vol. 1, p. 939), m 1873, Lois Robbins Curtis. M Feb. 15, 1922, Virginia Wagner; issue: 1—Caro- line, 6 Nov. 15, 1923. B.A., Yale, ’02 (Psi U., Elihu Club); LL.B., Har- vard, 1905 (Phi Delta Phi). Lawyer. Commd. capt., Ordnance Dept., U.S.A., July 10, 1917: maj., Jan. 22, 1918; served in equipment and procurement divisions, Washington; hon, dis- charged, Dec. 20, 1918 (See Who’s Who in America). Hobby: Writing verse. Clubs: Century, University, Yale, Harvard, Midday. Residence: 103 E. 86th St., New York. 1-LUDWIG, Bessie Hancox (Mrs. LeRoy Mc- Intyre), 6 Stonington, Conn., July 30, 1855. li-William (Molines) Mullins, Huguenot (qv); 10—Priscilla, m before 1624, John Alden (qv); 9-Elizabeth (1624/25-1717), m 1644, William Paybody (1620-1707) ; 8—-Elizabeth (6 1647), m 1666, John Rogers (ca. 1640-1782) ; 7-Hannah (6b 1668), m 1689, Lt. Samuel Bradford (1668-1714; Maj. William’; Gov. William®, qv); 6—Elizabeth (1696-1777), m 1716, Lt. Charles Whit- ing (1692-1738; William’; John’; William); 5-Sybil (1722-90), m 1739, William Noyes (1716- 1809; John*; James?; James’); 4-Lucy, m Joseph Hancox; 3—Peleg (1787-1855), sgt. War 1812; m 1823, Bliz- abeth (Betsey) Burdick (1795-1872). 9-Brian Pendleton (qv); 8-James (1626-1709), capt. King Philip’s War; m 1656, Hannah Goodenow (b 1639): oe (1661-1706), m 2d, 1700, Patience Potts 6-Col. William (1704-86), French and Indian war; m 1st, 1725/26, Lydia Burrows (1703-50): 5-Amos (1728-1821), Am. Rev.; m 1768, Anna Foster (1743-1819) ; 4-Jonathan (1769-1819), m Mrs. Lucy (Hinckley) Pendleton (d 1847); 3—Francis (1801-80), m 1828, Sarah Sophia Trum- bull (1808-86). 2-Only child of Joseph Noyes Hancox (1825-96), coal merchant; m 1853, Emeline Pendleton (1829-91). M July 2, 1908, LeRoy McIntyre Ludwig (Mar. 8, 1848-Mar. 17, 1905); son of Jeremiah Ludwig, of Pa., m Nancy Ann Freete, of Md. Mem. S.M.D., D.F.P.A., Huguenot Soc., C.D. DeVille Cie DB RelA. Re Order: labavette: U.S.D.1812, ete. Residence: Stonington, Conn. 1-MODDELL, Frederick Isaiah, } Huntington, ee ln Ol tL S68: 10-Thomas Rogers, 18th signer of the Mayflower Compact (qv); 9—-William (qv); 8-Jonathan, m Rebecca—; 7-Jonathan; 6-Dea. Thomas (1698-1759), m Ruth-; m 2d, Phebe-; 5-John Topping (b 1731), Am. Rev.; 4-John Davis (1762-1841), Am. Rev.; m 1786, Ruth Titus (Jonathan5, Am. Rev.): 38—Isaiah (1787-1873), War 1812; m 1807, Mary Colby. 2-Son of Mary Jeannette Rogers (1830-1910), m 1855, Frederick Willis Moddell (1830-1915), Co. H, 127th N.Y. Vol. Inf., Civil War; issue: I— Clarence Willis (b 1857); II—Harriett Elizabeth (6 1859; m Li. D. Bloxom); IIlI—Mary Frances (b 1862; m Harry Ford); IV—Lucy Jeannette (1866- 1925; m Clifton Rosha); V—Frederick Isaiah (above); VI-—Catherine Rogers (b 1870; m Har- ry Lewis). ; V-m June 28, 1898, Isabella Alfreda Roberts. b 182 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Stratford, Conn., June 19, 1870; dau. of Ed- ward B. Roberts, of Stratford; issue: 1-Alys Marion, 6 Canaan, Conn., May 3, 1894; m Oct. 1921, George Underihmer (issue: Jean Alys); 2-Edward Byron, b Bridgeport, Conn., Jan. 2, 1895; served in U.S.N. in World War; m Apr. 30, 1922, Mary Louise Bowman; 3-Isabella Rogers, 6 Milford, Conn., July 16, 1903; 4—E1- inor Blakman, b Milford, Apr. 16, 1905. Mem. S.A.R. Residence: 1125 Central Av., Bridgeport, Conn. ; petite docked Clemens, b Berkeley, Calif., Oct. , 1895. 6-Henry Moffett (b 1705), emigrated to Va. and settled in Fauquier Co.; m Mary Anderson; 5-Rev. Anderson (1746-1835), mem. Va. Legisla- ture; m Barbara Hupp (1758-1848) ; 4-Capt. Samuel (1789-1872), capt. Va. militia; m Hannah Bryan (Maj. William®, soldier Am. Rev. and War 1812); 38-William (1816-65), m 1851, Pamela Ann Clemens (1827-1904), sister of Samuel L. Clemens (“Mark Twain’’). 2-Son of Samuel Erasmus Moffett (1860-1908), U. Calif., 82; Ph.D., Columbia; author and editor; m 1887, Mary Elvish Mantz (6b 1863); issue: I— Anita (6 1891; U. Calif., 15, P.B.K.; artist); II— Clemens (above). II-Not married. A.B., U. Calif., 15, A.M., 1916; grad. studies at Columbia (D.K.E.). Writer. Second Ilt., S.C., July 25, 1918; 1st I1t., May 3, 1919; discharged as Ist It., S.C., O.R.C.; capt., 583d C.A, Reserve, May 28, 1925; in Eng. and France, Aug. 30, 1918-July 12, 1919. Mem. S.W. 1812, Vet. Corps Arty., N.Y. Soc. Mil. and Naval Officers W.W., Am. Hist. Assn. Club: The Players. Residence: 16 Gramercy Park, New York. 1-MONTGOMERY, Thomas Lynch, } German- town, Phila., Pa., Mar. 4, 1862. : 7-William Montgomery (qv); tla (1687-1766), of ‘“Eglinton,” N.J.; m Sarah tacy; 5-James, m 1746, Esther Wood; 4—John (1750-94), mem. 1st Troop of Phila., 1777- 1787; m 1785, Mary Crathorne (1765-1848); : 3-John Crathorne (1792-1867), postmaster of Phila.: m ist, Elizabeth Henrietta Philips. 9-John Chew (qv); 8-Samuel (1634-77), burgess, councillor, chancel- lor and sec. of the province; col. provincial forces of Md.; m 1658/59, Anne Ayres (d 1695) ; 7—Benjamin (1671-1700), m Elizabeth Benson: 6—-Dr. Samuel (1693-1743), of Maidstone; m Mary Galloway; 5-Benjamin (1723-1810), chief justice of Pa.; m 2d, Elizabeth Oswald; 4—Sophia, m Henry Philips; 3-Elizabeth H., m John C. Montgomery (3 above). 2-Son of Oswald Crathorne Montgomery (1822- 1871), m 1849, Catherine Gertrude, dau. of George . Lynch, m Anne Smith; issue: I-Charles Howard (1850-1914; m Fanny Hickman); II— George Lynch (1851-52); Il1I—Henry Eglinton (1852-77); IV—Mary Ann (1854-57): V—Thomas Lynch (above). V—m Oct. 16, 1889, Brinca Georgiana, dau. of Richard Arthington Gilpin, of Pa.; issue: 1— Brinca (d young), M_2d, Susan Keim Savage, widow of William Lyttleton Savage. A.B., U. Pa., ’84; (Litt. D., Muhlenberg, 1913). State librarian of Pa., 1903-21; librarian, His- torical Society of Pa. since 1921 (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 1211 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1-MOORE, Edward Caldwell, } West Chester, Pa., Sept. 1, 1857. 7-James (or Jacob) Moore (of Scotch descent), aoe Ireland to New Castle Co., Del., ca. 6—William (0 ca. 1689); 5-Jacob (b ca. 1780), pvt. Am. Rev.; m Hannah Steele (William®): 4—William_ (1770-1818), capt. War 1812; m 1796, Rachel Boulden (Nathan): 3-Dr. Jacob (1797-1829), M.D., U. Pa., 1817; m Bplay Sharp Faris (Jacob Fearis‘, capt. Am. ev.). ; 9-Nathaniel (Foote) Foot (qv); 8-Lt. Robert (1627-81), m Sarah Potter; 7-John (1670-1813), began to write name Foot; m Mary-; ; 6—-Dr. Thomas (1699-1776), m Elizabeth Sutliff; 5-Joseph (1747-89), m Thankful Ives; 4—Joseph (1772-1826), m Abigail Baldwin; 3—-Rev. George (1800-67), m Ann Fish, 2-Son of William Eves Moore, D.D., LL.D. (1823- 1899), B.A., Yale, ’47; moderator Presbyn. Gen. Assembly, 1890; m 1850, Harriet Francina Foot (1829-1920); issue: I-George Foot (6 1851; See Who’s Who in America); II-Edward Caldwell (above); IlI-Henry M. W., M.D. (1862-1904); IV—Charles Albert (b 1864; m Jean Marple Bailey); V-Frank Gardner (b 1865; See Who’s Who in America); VI—Frederick Augustus. IIi-m Nov. 9, 1887, Eliza Coe Brown, b New York, N.Y., Sept. 8, 1868; dau. of John Crosby Brown, LL.D., and sister of William Adams Brown (qv for genealogy); issue: 1—Dorothea May, b Providence, R.I., May 13, 1894; Bryn Mawr, 715; was laboratory technician, Dr. Blake’s Hosp., Paris, World War; 2—-John Crosby Brown, 6 Providence, Apr. 13, 1897; A.B., Har- vard, 718; ambulance driver, Am. Field Serv- ice, with French Army, June 24-Dec. 25, 1916; 2d 1t., Aviation Sect., Signal Corps, U.S.A., Nov. 30, 1917-Jan. 29, 1919, entire service in France; 3-Elizabeth Ripley, b Cambridge,’ Mass., Jan. 29, 1907. A.B., Marietta, ’77 (Delta Upsilon); grad. Union Theol. Sem., 1884; Berlin, Gottingen, Giessen; Ph.D., Brown, ’91; (D.D. Yale). Congl. clergy- man; prof. Christian morals, Harvard U.; lecturer, author (See Who’s Who in America). Clubs: Royal Societies (London), Century, Harvard (New York), Union, Harvard (Bos- ton). Residence: 21 Kirkland St., Cambridge, Mass. eres Paul Elmer, }) St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 12, 7-Enoch More, who owned real estate at Cam- bridge, Mass., 1637; 6—Enoch; 5—Joseph, m Abigail-; 4-Fnoch (1732-77), soldier Cont. Army, d@ in camp; m 1762, Rachel (b 1742), dau. Isaac Hud- son; 3-Enoch Hudson (b 1777), m 1818, Mary Alford Trenchard (dese. George Trenchard). 2-Son of Enoch Anson More (1821-99), bvtd. brig. gen. U.S.V. in Civil War, mcht.; m 1846, Kath- arine Hay Elmer (1825-1914): issue: I-Kath- arine Elmer (1847-94); II—Alice M. (6 1849); ITI— Lucius Elmer (1851-54); IV-—Enoch Anson (See Vol. 1, p. 642); V-Mary C..(Mrs. Edward An- son More, qv for Elmer lineage); VI—Brookes (See Vol. 1, p. 642); VII—Paul Elmer (above); Shoo ae Trenchard (b 1870; m Eleanor Her- ron). Vil-m June 12, 1900, Henrietta Beck, b St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 2, 1867; dau. of John A. Beck, of St. Louis; issue: 1-Mary Darrah, } East Orange, N.J., 1902; 2-Alice, b East Orange, 1906. A.B., Washington U., ’87, A.M., 1892; A.M., Har- vard, 1893; (LL.D., Washington, Litt. D., Co- lumbia, Dartmouth and Princeton). Author (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. Am. Acad. Arts and Letters. Clubs: Century, University, Authors, Columbia U. (New ROS! Residence: 245 Nassau St., Princeton, 1-MORE, Mary Caroline More (Mrs. Edward Anson), 6 Dayton, O., Oct. 1, 1856. S-Edward Elmer (d 1676; son of Samuel, high sheriff of Suffolk Co., Eng., and ¢.son of John, 1521-94, bishop of London), came in the “ion” to Newtown, Mass., 1632; owned Harvard Sqa., Cambridge; a founder of Hartford, Conn., 1636; killed in King Philip’s War; m Elizabeth-; 7—-Samuel (1649-91): 6-Rev. Daniel (1689-1755), grad. Yale, 1718; m Mar- garet Parsons (g.2.dau. Samuel Chapin); 5-—Daniel (1715-61), m 1738, Abigail Lawrence: 4-Ebenezer (1752-1843), surgeon Cont. Army; comd. a brigade in War 1812; mem. 7th, 8th, 9th Congresses, 1801-07; speaker Gen. Assem- bly; v.p. of N.J.; m 1784, Hannah Seeley; 3-Lucius Quintius Cincinnatus, LL.D. (1793-1883), officer War 1812; mem. 28th Congress, 1843-45: atty. gen. and justice Supreme Ct. of N.J.; m Katharine Hay. 2-Dau. of Enoch Anson More (1821-99), bvtd. brig. gen. U.S.V. in Civil War, mcht.: m 1846, Katharine Hay Elmer (1825-1914). For issue and More lineage see Paul Elmer More. M Mar. 20, 1879, her cousin, Edward Anson More (Nov. 7, 1848-June 16, 1921); brass foundry, FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 183 St. Louis; son of HKdward B. More, m Mar- garetta Rambo; issue (all Bb St. Louis, Mo.): 1—Lucius Elmer, b Mar. 22, 1880; Harvard, ’03; m Gertrude McMahon; 2—Enoch Anson, 3d, 0 Oct. 2, 1881; Amherst, ’06; m Katherine (Tutt) Steinwender; 3—-Cyrus Burnham, }b May 14, 1885; Princeton, ’09; m Edna S., dau. of late Wallace Delafield, m Elizabeth T. Hanenkamp (See Vol. 1, p. 288, for genealogy); 4—Katha- rine Alice (Oct. 9, 1898-Oct. 29, 1899). Fae eee “Rancho Escondido,” Santa Fe, M. Upheld Willis Mott, b N.Y. City, Sept. 17, Me yee Willis (1628-1714), m Mary Peace (1632- 1714) s—Willlam (1663-1736), m 1687, Mary Titus (1665- TJonn (1693-1777), m 1718, Abigail Willets (1690- 1 6—John (b 1726), m 1749, Margaret Cornell (1728-1808) ; 5-William (1749- -1839), m 1779, Jane Robins (d 1817); 4-John R. (1779-1844), m 1802, Martha Willets (1783-1832) ; 3-Alfred (1808-60), m Mary F. Mott. 8-Adam Mott, m 2d, 1667, Elizabeth Richbell; 7—William (1674-1740), m Hannah Seaman (d 1759); ene acs (1709-86), m 1747, Elizabeth Valentine 5-Samuel (1751-91), m Sarah Franklin; 4-William F. (1785- 1867), m 1807, Phoebe Merritt (1789-1859) ; 3—Mary F. (1809-80), m 1829, Alfred Willis (3 above). 2-Son of Phoebe Mott Willis (1841-1917), m 1866, John Whitley Moore (1838-74); issue: I-Willis Mott (above); IIl-Graydon Whitley (1869-1905; m 1901, Sophie Berry); III—Ethel (b 1872; m 1894, Charles du Bois); IV—Helen (1874-1925), I—m Oct. 25, 1899, Miller White (qv for issue). Ed. New York private and public schools. Pres. New York Slate Works (N.Y. City), John Jones Slate Co. (Castleton, Vt.); sec. Penrhyn Slate Co. (Hydeville, Vt.). Resi- dence: 110 Willow St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 1-MOORE, Miller White (Mrs. Willis M.), 0 Brooklyn, N.Y., Nov. 10, 1869. 9—Capt. Thomas ‘White (1599- 1679), from Eng. to Weymouth, Mass., ante 1635; freeman, 1635; lawyer; capt. of a military co.; selectman: rep. Gen. Ct.; 8-Capt. Joseph (1639-1706), King Philip’s War; m 1660, Lydia Rogers (1642- 1729) ; 7-Joseph (b 1662), m Lydia Copeland; 6—Joseph (1683-1757), m Prudence— (d 1757); 5-Joseph (1712-88), m 1734, Judith Clarke (1712-94); 4-Set. Jesse (1754-1830), at Lexington Alarm; m 1777, Anna Mason; 3—Washington (1796-1877), rep. Gen. m 1818, Lydia Taft. 8-Sampson Mason (qv); 7-Isaac (1667-1742), m Hannah-; PEL arene (1704-81), m 1730, Rebeckah Martin (0 708) ; S-Melatiah (1731-1831), m 1754, Rebeckah Miller (d 4-Anna (1755-1839), m Jesse White (4 above). 8-Robert Taft (qv); 7—Robert (1674-1748), m 1694, Elizabeth—; erapt Robert (b 1697), m 1720, Mary Chapin (db 5-Capt. Ebenezer (b 1735), m 1762, Lydia—, widow (1738-1829) ; 4—Marvil (1763- 1832), m 1784, Ruth Murdock (1762- 1816) ; sLydia, (1798-1871), m Washington White (3 2—Only child of William Edward White (1839- 1902), New York merchant and mfr.; m 1863, Julia Louisa Miller (1840-1915). M Oct. 25, 1899, Willis Mott Moore (av); issue: 1—Julia, b Brooklyn, N.Y., Sept. 2, 1903; 2-Wil- lis Mott, Jr., b Brooklyn, Oct. 16, 1910. Grad. Packer Collegiate Inst., ’88. Mem. C.D.XVII GC. Residence: 110 Willow St., Brook- lyn, N.Y. 1-TURPIN, Edna Henry Iee, }) “Echo Hill,” Va., July 26, 1867. 8-Michael Turpin, from Eng. 1655, bought land in old Henrico Co., Va., 1656; 7-—Mathew (1664-89), m Sarah Hatcher (Edward, of “Neck o-Land,”’ Va.; Col. William®, came to Va., 1635; burgess): 6—-Henry (1699-1770), m Mary-; 5—-Henry (d 1782), m Ann Williamson; Ct., justice; 4-Henry (1770-1843), m Elizabeth Robertson (John®, 2d lt. Am. Rev.; John‘, officer Va. militia, for which he received land grants, 761) ; 3—Henry (1800-48), m Mary Ann Wilson. 9-Col. Richard Lee (qv); 8-Charles (1656-1701), of ‘Cobbs Hall,’ Va.; m Elizabeth Medstead (Thomas’); 7-Thomas (d 1733); 6—William (d 1770), m Rachel-; 5-John (d 1804), m Jane-; 4-Ambrose (d 1795), m Elizabeth White; gurodersee (1793-1862), m Susan Lewis Lamkin. 2-Dau. of Edward Henry Turpin (1836-67), coun- try gentleman; m 1859, Petronella Lee (1838- 1924); issue: I- Henderson Lee (6 1861); II—EKd- ward Henry (1863-64); IlI—Mary Wilson (1865- 1866); IV—EHdna Henry Lee (above). Iv—Author and editor (See Who’s Who in Amer- ica for list of books). Mem. C.D.A., U.D.C., etc. Summer place: Mountain Lake, Giles Co., Va. Residence: ‘Echo Hill,” Antlers, Mecklenburg Co., Va. ate eat Charles Robert, b Jasper, Tenn., May 8-William Hyde (qv); 7-Samuel (1637-77), m Jane Lee (Thomas) ; 6—John (1667-1727), m Experience Abel; 5—-Capt. Matthew, m Hannah Pember(?); 4-Capt. James, ship captain; m Eunice Backus, of Norwich, "Conn.; 3—-Rev. Jabez Backus (1774-1855), missionary to the Seneca Indians; m Jerusha Aikin. 3-William Reeves of North Carolina, m Mar- garet McLara Gardiner. 2-Son of Atwood Aikin Hyde (1819-83), prominent lawyer, Chattanooga, Tenn.; atty. gen. for eastern dist. of Tenn., 1864-68: m 1849, Martha Ann Reeves (1829-98); ‘issue: I-—Rev. William Atwood (1850-89); II-Francis George (1852-83); IlI—Frederick Scott (1855-97); IV—Charles Rob- ert (above); V—Albert Edward (1861-1903). Iv—m hee. 29, 1889, Anne Rhea Bachman (qv for issue Ed. Cumberland U.; LL.B., George Washington U. Law Sch. Was practicing lawyer, 1882-83; ordained Presbyn. ministry, 1884. Mem. St. Andrew’s Soc., Charleston, S.C Residence: 529 Vine St., Chattanooga, Tenn. | 1-HYDE, Anne Rhea Bachman (Mrs. Charles R.); b in “The Manse,’ of New Providence Ch., Hawkins Co., Tenn., May 7, 1868. According to family tradition, the earliest Bachman ancestor came to America as pri- vate secretary to William Penn; 5-Samuel Bachman, m at Phila., "1763, Rachel Owen (desc. Owen Owen, of Pa.): 4—Nathan (1773-1858), m Anne Peoples; 3—Jonathan (1802-44), came to what is now Tenn. with Col. William Christian and was the first Presbyn. minister to preach in the pres- ent confines of the state; m Frances Rhea (Joseph‘, soldier at Kings Mountain, aet. 18; Rev. Joseph®, of Va., chaplain in Cherokee campaign, 1775). The Dulaneys came from Ireland early in the 18th Century to Md., thence to Va.; 5—-William Dulaney, m "Mary eta (Capt. Ben- jamin, Sr.*, Culpeper Co., Va.); 4-Dr. Elkanah (d@ 1840), m areas Snapp (Col. Philip®, of Va.); 3-Dr. William Roberts (1800- ait m Mary Taylor (Nathaniel‘, brig. gen. War 1812). 2-Dau. of Jonathan Waverly Bachman, D.D (1837-1924), pastor Chattanooga, Tenn., 1873- 1924 (See Who’s Who in America); m 1863, Evalina Elizabeth Dulaney (1887-98); issue: I-Frances Taylor (6b 1865; m W. L. Magill, d); II—-Mary McK. (1867-1897 ; me Or G: Anderson, d); III-— Anne Rhea (above); I1V—Judge Nathan L. (m Pearl Duke); V—Evalina Dulaney (b 1882; m C. E. Buek). IlI-m Jan. 29, 1889, Charles Robert Hyde (qv); issue: 1—John Bachman, 6 St. Louis, Mo., Apr. 28, 1890; U. Va., 712; pvt., corp., 2d It., ist bts ist Bn., 308th Inf., and 77th Div., in’ France. May 1918- May 1919; lawyer: m Jan. 5, 1916, Willia Ker, dau. of U.S. Senator Murphy die Foster, of La. (issue: Rose Foster, b May 28, 1917). Grad. Sayre Coll., Lexington, Ky., ’86. Lecturer on hist. subjects. Historian gen. U.D.C., 1917-19, and awarded medal for historical serv- ice; matron of honor to represent the South 184 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY for Confederate Reunion, Atlanta, Ga., 1919. First v.-p. Chattanooga Council of Defense, 1917-18; chmn. memorial com. Nat. League Women’s Service since 1917. Hobby: Collec- tor of Americana and old furniture. Mem. D.A.R. (has been state sec., state historian and was first state chaplain), U.S.D. 1812, U.D.C., Tenn. Woman’s Press and Authors’ Club, etc. Residence: 529 Vine St., Chattanooga, Tenn. Sts Edward Selden, } Irvington, N.J., Jan. , 1856. 8-William Hyde (qv); 7-Samuel (1637-77), m Jane Lee (Thomas’); 6—John (1667-1727), m Experience Abel; 5-James (1707-93), m Sarah Marshall; 4-James_ (1752-1809), officer Am. Rev.; mem. Soc. Cin.; m Martha Nevins; 3—James Nevins (1788-1838), m Mary Goodrich. 2-Son of Edward Goodrich Hyde (1811-88), m 1847, Sarah (1826-96), dau. of Maj. Peter Lord, of Lyme, Conn., m Mehetibel Gillett; issue: I- Emily G. (0 1848; m 1868, William Spencer Brockway); II—Albert G. (1853-1919); II[I—EKd- ward Selden (above); I1V—Henry T. (b 1858); V— William H. (b 1862); ViI—Frederick Smith (6 1866); VII—Freda H. (b 1872). IlI-—m 1901, Katharine Chambers, b Centreville, Md., 1875; dau. of William T. Chambers of Centreville. Treas. Internat. Rys. of Central America. Mem. O.F.P.A. Residence: Piermont, N.Y. 1-HYMAN, Harriet Bryan Lane (Mrs. Thomas G.), 6 Hickory Grove, Craven Co., N.C., Nov. 9, 1872. (Gen. 4-Frederick Lane, William, below); 3-—Capt. John (1790-1868), served in Mexican War; m 1818, Julia Ann Harris (Enoch‘ [1771-1806]; John‘), 6é—Hardy Bryan (d 1760), from Ireland, 1700; maj. regt. of Craven Co., 1754; justice of the peace, 1749; m Sarah (Bonner) Worsely (Thomas Bon- ner* [1690-1765]; Thomass); 5—-Gen. William, sheriff, Craven Co., 1774-75; del. to 4th Provincial Congress, 1776; rep. House of Commons, 1780-83; m 1st, Susan Green (James'; Furnifold’; Furnifold’; “Surgeon” John®, qv); 4—Green (1780-1812), m 1805, Ann Blackledge (Thomas, Jr.5, m Ann, dau. of Edward Salter, III, 1t. col. Am. Rev.; Thomas, Sr.*, commis- sary to Gov. Tryon, 1771); 3-William Green (1807-88), m 1830, Sarah Anne King (1810-76; desc. William King, from Eng., 1634/35, to Salem, Mass.). 2-Dau. of William Bryan Lane (1832-1906); plant- er; m 1872, Laura Bryan (1840-1900); issue: I— Harriet Bryan (above); Il—Harris (b 1874; m Edith B. Potter); III—William Green Bryan, (b 1878; m Emmerette S. Cobb); IV—Richard B. (6 1880; m Harriette D. Connelly). I-m Dec. 8, 1897, Thomas Gardner Hyman, } N.Y. City, Apr. 8, 1870; son of Theodore B. Hyman, of N.C.; issue: 1-Laura Bryan, b New Bern, N.C., Sept. 21, 1899; Salem Coll. Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R., U.D.C. Residence: Berne GC: 1-MORGAN, Harry Hays, b New Orleans, La., Dec. 24, 1860. 7-David Morgan, from Wales to America ca. 1700; m Mary-; 6—Evan (d 1763), m Joanna Biles (George’, m Mar- tha Blackshaw [g.dau. of Randall Black- shaw, who came in the “Welcome” with Wil- liam Penn, 1682]; William’, large landowner in Bucks Co., Pa., before arrival of William Penn); 5—George (1748-1810), of “Prospect,” nr. Prince- ton, N.J.; col. Cont. Army; explorer; m Mary Baynton; 4Col. John (1770-1817), Morganza, Pa.; m Mar- garet Bunyan; 3-Judge Thomas Gibbes (1799-1860), m 1st, Eliza Ann McKennan (desc. Thomas McKean, a “signer’’). 9-Thomas Budd, came to America, 1668; 8-John, m Rebecca Baynton; 7-Mary, m Peter Baynton; 6—John (1726-73), m 1747, Elizabeth Chevalier (desc. Bethune-Sully family); 5—Mary (6b 1749), m 1764, George Morgan (5 above). 10-Willem deKay (qv); ‘ $-Jacobus Tunis (d 1691), Theunisse (d 1707); charter m Elizabeth Bryan New m 1658, Hillegonda 8-Jacobus (6 1672), m 1694, Sarah Willet (Col. Thomas’); 7-Col. Thomas (1697-1758), Orange Co., N.Y.; sol- dier French and Indian War; m 1723, Chris- spa (1707-84), dau. Thomas Dunean, of Scot- land; ery George (1728-59), m 1754, Julianna Gale (b 1785) ; 5-Juliana, m 1772, James Bunyan; 4-Margaret, m 1795, John Morgan (4 above). 2-Son of Philip Hickey Morgan (1825-1900), offi- cer Mexican War; judge Supreme Ct. of La.; judge Internat. Ct. of Appeals, Egypt; min- ister to Mexico, 1880-85; m Beatrice Leslie Ford (1826-1905); issue: I—Charlotte (1852-83; m John Gilmore); II—Nellie (6 1854; m Alton G. Budlong); IlI—Levinia (1856-1925; m James B. Goe); IV—Hickey Hunt (1858-79); V—Harry Hays (above); VI—Miriam (m Alexander B. Shepherd); VII—Elizabeth (1862-97; m Maurice Giraud); VilI—Beatrice (1865-1902). V—m June 29, 1897, Laura Kilpatrick, 6 in Chile, Dec. 26, 1877; dau. Gen. Judson Kilpatrick, of N.J.; issue (all b in Switzerland): 1—Harry Hays, Jr., 6 Apr. 25, 1898; 2-Consuelo, b Dec. 17, 1902; m July 8, 1920, Comte Jean de Maupas, of Paris; m 2d, Benjamin Thaw, Jr.; 3—-Gloria (twin), 6 Aug. 23, 1995; m Reginald C. Vander- bilt; 4-Thelma (twin), 6 Aug. 23, 1905, James Vail Converse. Early edn. in Belgium and Germany; Exeter Acad., 1876-78. Sec. Am. Legation, 1882-85; con- sul at Horgen, Aarau, and Lucerne, Switzer- land, 1897-1906; at Stuttgart, Germany, 1906-07; Amsterdam, 1907-10; consul gen. to Barcelona, Spain, 1910-183, to Hamburg, Germany, 1913-17, to Antwerp, 1918, to Brussels, 1919 (See Who’s Who in America). Clubs: Union League (New York), Travellers (Paris), Automobile, Royal Golf (Brussels), Address: State Dept., Wash- ington, D.C. 1-LOWELL, Helen Louise Cann (Mrs. Albert F.), 6 Fitchburg, Mass., Mar. 27, 1873. 7-John Cann (1635-40-1701-03), from Bristol, Eng., to Pa.; apptd. judge Ct. Common Pleas by William Penn; judge Supreme Ct. for lower counties; mem. Assembly; 6—John, m Lydia Reynolds; 5-Robert (1720-95), m Sarah Boyce; m 2d, —Pierce; 4—William (1776-78-1834), m Mary McCullen; m 2d, Ann Reynolds Reed; 3—-Rev. Thomas M., Li.D. (1819-1906), m 1846, Sarah Smith Goodnow. 9-Richard Sanger (qv); 8-Richard (1667-1731), m 1697, (Daniel); 7-Richard (1706-86), mem. 2d Provincial Congress of Mass., 1775; mem. Com. Safety in Am. Rev.; m 1729, Deborah Rider (Williams); 6—Daniel (1739-1807), mem. Com. Inspection in Am. Rev.; selectman, Framingham; m Olive Hooker; 5-Daniel (1765-1840), m Persis Phipps; 4—Mary (1790-1882), m Josiah Goodnow: 38-Sarah §. (1821-1902), m Thomas M. above). 2-Dau. of Judge George Wade Cann (1849-1916), lawyer; trial justice; mfr.; m 1872, Ella Viola Derby (1849-1924); issue: I—Helen MLouise (above); II-Mary Alberta (b 1875; m Levi Hey- wood Greenwood); III-Ella Derby (Mrs. Frank Sawyer Hight, qv). I-m June 2, 193, Dr. Albert Fay Lowell, b Bur- lington, Vt., Nov. 5, 1875;"A.B., U. Vt., 98, M.D., 1900; F.A.C.S.; son of Albert P. Lowell (Ab- ner®; William’; William®; Samuel®; Gideon’; Percival’; Richard®; Percival”); issue (all b Gardner, Mass): 1-Norman (b and d Mar. 3, 1904); 2-Sidney Cann, 6b Dec. 1, 1905; Norwich OR abate Ret b Aug. 24, 1907; Skidmore oll., 730, Trustee Levi Heywood Memorial Library, Gard- ner, Mass. Mem. D.A.R., Woman’s Club. Summer place: Comet Pond, Hubbardstown, OHS Residence: 20 Vernon St., Gardner, ass. 1-HIGHT, Ella Derby Cann (Mrs. Frank Saw- yer), 6 Gardner, Mass., Mar. 14, 1882. 8-John Derby, landed at Boston, 1671; m Alice-; 7—-John (1681-1753). m Deborah Conant (Rogers): 6-Andrew (1706-07-1783), m 1728, Elizabeth Patch; 5-Nathan (1737-post 1818), m 1762, Abigail Pierce: 4-Levi (1786-1873), m 1809, Sally Stratton; m 2d, Lois Smith; Elizabeth Morse Cann (3 FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 185 3—Philander (1816-1902), m 1839, Viola Dunn. 10-Edward Jackson (qv); 9-Sebas (1642-1690), soldier King Philip’s War; m Sarah Baker; 8-Edward (1672-1748), m Mary-; 7-Isaac (6 1701), m 1729, Ruth Greenwood (John‘); 6-Josiah (6 1733), m 1755, Mary Darby; : 5—-Oliver (6 1757), m 1780, Mary Pierce; 4-Abigail, m 1815, John Dunn; 38-Viola (1818-91), m Philander Derby (3 above). 2-Dau. of Ella Viola Derby (1849-1924), m 1872, Judge George Wade Cann (1849-1916). For is- sue and Cann lineages see Mrs. Albert F. Lowell. M Oct. 14, 1902, Frank Sawyer Hight, b Boston, Mass., June 8, 1872; son of Maj. Henry Or- mond Hight, of Saco, Me.; issue: 1—-Donald Meredith (Aug. 12, 1903-Aug. 27, 1903); 2-Dorothy (stillborn); 3-Barbara, b Feb. 28, 1908; 4—Phyllis, ate 17, 1910; 5-Frank Sawyer, Jr., b Nov. 13, Residence: 1644 2ist St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 1-LUBBE, Augusta Bernardine Kimball (Mrs. George A.), ) W. Fairlee, Vt., Aug. 23, 1867. 9-Henry Wolcott (qv); 8-Capt. Simon (1624-87), m 2d, 1661, Martha Pitkin (1639-1719; Rev. William’, m Elizabeth—); their son Gen. Roger, was gov. of Conn., and was the father of Oliver, also gov. of Conn., and a “signer’’; 7-Henry (1670-1746), capt. French and Indian War; m 1696, Jane Allyn (1670-1702) ; 6-Henry (b 1697), m 1716, Abagail Cooley (b 1695; Benjamin’, m Abagail Bagg; Benjamin’, m Hannah, dau. of Henry Burt); 5—Penelope (1724-1816), m 1749, John Colton (See Vol. 1, p. 700, for Colton lineage); 4—John (1754-1833), soldier Am. Rev.; m Hannah Pomeroy; 3—Abigail (1788-1858), m 1805, Phineas Kimball (See Vol. 1, p. 700, for Kimball lineage). 9-Eltweed Pomeroy (qv); 8-Medad (1638-1716), town clk., Northampton, Mass.; mem. Gen. Assembly; m Ist, 1661, Ex- perience Woodward (d 1686; Henry’); 7-Ebenezer (1669-1754), sheriff of Hampshire; Saree ae Council; m 2d, Sarah King (Capt. ohn§); 6-Ebenezer (1697-1774), m Elizabeth Hunt (Jon- athan’; Jonathan’; John’); 5-Ebenezer (1723-1800), m Mindwell Lyman (1721- 1797; John®; John7; Lt. John’; Lt. Richard’); 4—Hannah (1763-1849), m 1786, John Colton (4 above). 2-Dau. of Phineas Kimball (1822-1900), m 1866, Ber- nardine (6 1842), dau. of Bernard Ic-King:; is- sue: I-Augusta Bernardine (above); II—Phin- eas Kimball, Jr. (0 1868; m Harriett Webb); IlI-—Ethan Allen (b 1869; m 1908, Ethel Brant); IV—Ida (6 1871; m 1897, Frank Rheinberger); V—William Brooks (b 1875; m 1906, Clara Whit- comb); VI—Lalla (b 1876; m 1912, L. V. Datin). I-m June 1, 1899, George Anthony Lubbe, b at Quincy, Ill., Mar. 5, 1865; son Bernard Lubbe; issue: 1-Charles K., 6 Peoria, Ill., Feb. 9, 1901. Summer place: West Fairlee, Vt. Residence: 217 Columbia Terrace, Peoria, Ill. 1-McDILL, Alice Babcock (Mrs. George E.), 0 Faribault, Minn., Jan. 22, 1858, 10-William White (qv); 8-Resolved (1614-1690-94), m 1640, Judith Vassall (d@ 1670; William?!, from Eng., 1630); 8-Samuel (0 1646), m Rebecca— (d 1711, aet. 65); 7—Penelope (b 1687), m 1704, Pierre Crapo; 6—John (1711-77), m 1734, Sarah Clark (b 1714-15); 5—Peter (1744-1823), m 1766, Sarah West (1747-89): 4—Deborah (1786-1866), m 1808, Silas Kirby (1784-1861; Silas’, Am. Rev., m Deborah Crapo [Peter®, Am. Rev.; John’; Pierre’]; Robert*; Richard’; Richards); Capen ss Ann (1815-88), m 1834, Frederick How- and. 9-Henry Howland (qv); 8-Zoeth (d 1676), m 1656, Abigail—; 7-Benjamin (1657-1727), owner of the ‘Round Hills” farm in Dartmouth, which is still held by a descendant; m 1684, Judith Sampson; 6—-Isaac (1694-1778), m 1717, Hannah Allen (d 1736; Eleazer’, of Dartmouth); 5-Abraham (b 1726), m 1750, Ruth Hicks (1732-1806: Capt. Thomas®, m Judith-); 4—Thomas (1772-1808), m 1794, Anna Allan; Popeater (1807-93), m 18384, Phoebe Ann Kirby (3 above). 2-Only child of Phoebe Emily Howland (1841- 1923), m 1857, Dr. Charles Merritt Babcock (b 1834), physician and surgeon. M Sept. 1, 1879, George Edward McDill (Apr. 16, 1856-Feb. 19, 1905); U.S.M.A., 1873-76; Lawrence Coll., Wis., 1876-77; banker and merchant; son of Thomas Haseltine McDill, of McDill, Wis. (Hugh’), m Mary Harris (Jonathan W.?; John; James’, of Elizabeth, N.J.); issue: 1-Genevieve, b Madison, Wis., May 23, 1880; A.B., U. Wis., ’02, A.M., Columbia; 2—Caryl Emily .(Nov. 8, 1883- Apr. 25, 1885); 3-Allan Conover, 6 McDill, Wis., Mar. 7, 1888; Chicago U., and Ph.B., Columbia; served in World War; m Sept. 27, 1919, Char- lotte Medrick (issue: Frederica Medrick, 6b Oct. 4, 1920; Genevieve, 6b Mar. 20, 1924; Henry Near- pass, 0 July 6, 1925). Gradmennoxs Coll st i arom: DaAss 1D sATGe D.A.R. Residence: The Leamington, Minne- apolis, Minn. 1-McDOWELL, Edward Campbell, }) Cynthiana, Ky., Aug. 1, 1874. 7—Ephraim McDowell (qv); 6—John (1708-42), surveyor; capt. co. militia; killed by Indians in battle at Balcony Falls, Va.; m Magdalen Woods (Michael’, of ‘Blair Park’); 5-Samuel (1735-1817), soldier French and Indian‘ War; mem. Va. House of Burgesses; col. Am. Rev.; pres. Ist Constl. Cony. of Ky., 1792; judge Circuit Ct.; m Mary McClung; 4-James (1760-1843), soldier Am. Rev.; maj. War 1812; m Mary Paxton Lyle; 3—John Lyle (1794-1879), planter, Fayette Co., Ky.; soldier War 1812; m Nancy Hawthorne Vance. Maternaily, also 7th from Ephraim, above, and thru: John*®; Samuel5; 4-Samuel (1764-1831), soldier Am. Rev.; Ist U.S. marshal of Ky.; m Anna Irvine; 3-Alexander Keith Marshall (1806-92), soldier Black Hawk War, 1832; planter in Ala.; civil engr.; soldier C.S.A.; probate judge; m Anna Haupt. 2-Son of Dr. Hervey McDowell (1835-1901), sur- geon, Fayette Co., Ky., col. C.S.A., m Louise Irvine McDowell (1840-1916); issue: I-Hervey: II—Marshall; IlI-Edward Campbell (above); IV—Sebastian; V—Jo Desha. III-m Dec. 31, 1901, Rosa Gray Pickett, 6 Mays- ville, Ky., Mar. 27, 1874; Colonial Dame; 8th from Ephraim McDowell, above, and ma- ternally 6th from Priscilla Lee Botts, of Staf- ford Co., Va.; dau. of Dr. Thomas Edward Pickett (1842-1913), m Abby Gray (1847-79): issue: 1—Louise Irvine, 6 Maysville, Ky., June 19, 1903; 2-Thomas Pickett (Dec. 27, 1904-July 29, 1906); 38—Edward Campbell, Jr., b Berwick, Pa., Feb. 27, 1909. Grad. engring. dept., U. Ky., 1896. V.p. and gen. mgr. Southern Steel Products Co. Mem. S.C.W. Residence: 315 E. College St., Jackson, Tenn. 1-MOORE, William Scoville, b at Ossining, N.Y., Aug. 6, 1882. 9§-Rev. John Moore (qv); 8-Samuel, m Mary Reed; 7-Benjamin (d 1750), m Anna Sackett; 6-Lt. Samuel (1711-88), m Sarah Fish; 5-Benjamin, D.D. (1748-1816), A.B., Columbia, 1768; 2d P.E. bishop of New York; m Charity Clarke; 4-Clement Clarke (1779-1863), m Catharine E. Tay- lor (author of ‘‘The Night before Christmas,” Theologist); 3—Benjamin (1818-86), m Mary BE. Sing. 2-Son of Clement Clarke Moore (1843-1910), 1t. and capt. 19th Mass. Vols., Civil War; architect, New York; m Laura Martha Williams (1856- 1919); issue: I—-William Scoville (above); II— Barrington (See Vol. 1, p. 577); I1I—Benjamin (6 1886; m Alexandra Emery). I-m Dec. 21, 1911, Edith Pulitzer, b N.Y. City, June 19, 1888; dau. of Joseph Pulitzer; issue: 1—Clement Clarke, b New York, Jan. 28, 1914; 2— Adrian Pulitzer, 6 at Colorado Springs, Colo., Aug. 8, 1917; 3-William Worthington, 6 at Bar Harbor, Me., Aug. 4, 1920; 4-Richard Wraxall. b Bar Harbor, July 10, 1921; 5-David Elmslie, b Bar Harbor, June 10, 1923. Ed. St. Mark’s Sch., Southboro, Mass. Real estate. Clubs: Union, Tuxedo (New York). Address: 7 E. %th St., New York. 186 Joma State College —--of = - Agrirulture and Mechanic Arts an recognition of distinguished services rendered dows State College during a period of more than a quarter of a centurp as Justructor in Mechanical Engineering we, the colleagues of Ezra Cornelius Potter present this testimonial of high regard with the hope that he map long continue to serve the cause of cducation. Presented ant Founders Dap exercises semi-centennial celebration, Pune seventh, nineteen hundred tuenty. @®uarter Centennial Gonors brates Ezra Cornelius, b Owego, N.Y., Apr. 9-Nathaniel Potter (1616?-1644), from Eng Decne ee R.IL, ante 1644; m Dorothy— F617. 696) ; eee? (1637-1704), m Elizabeth Stokes (d 704) ; 7—John (d 1769), m Mary— 6—Nathaniel (1710-54), m 1736, Mary Carr; 5-Esek (1748-77), in Capt. Hicks’ co., Col. Pope’s regt. in Am. Rev.; m 1772, Rachael Simmons; i-Bseck (1776-1865), m 1797, Sarah Stoddard (1779- s—Cornelius (1802-75), m 1824, Hannah Barber (1804- 8—-William Barden (d 1692), from Eng., 1638; m 1661, Deborah Barker (1617- -96) ; 7-Stephen (b 1669); hi eetmtay (6 1703 or 04), hes 9th Regt., Cont. y; m Meribah-— (d 179 5 Nose (1721- 1819), in 4th gatrclk Co., Mass., Regt. in Am. Rev.; m Remember-; 4-Seth, mason; cavalryman War 1812 from Lee, Mass.: ; Mm 1790, Bathiah Dimmick; 3—Ezra Seth (1812- 1900), m 18383, Catharine Eliza- beth Jackson (ist364), cousin of President Jackson. 10—Elder Thomas (Dimmock) Dimmick (d 1658 or 59), m Ann Hammond (g.dau. of Admiral Sir William Penn, father of William Penn, of Pa.); 9-FEinsign Shubael (1641-1732), m 1663, Joanna Burs- ley (1644-1727; John?°, m Joanna, dau. of Rev. Joseph Hull); 8&John (0b 1666), m 1689, Elizabeth Lumbar (or Lombard); 7-Theophilus (1696-1760), m Sarah Hinkley (Ben- jamin’, brother of Gov. Hinkley); 6—Theophilus (1727-65), m Zeriah Davis (Jabez’, m Anna Dimmick); 5—-Sylvanus (1754-1837), m his cousin, Thankful Dimmick (1754-1831; David); ee eke ey m Seth Barden (4 abov 2-Son of Cornelius Seabury Potter | Yisat- 1909), car- penter and millwright; m 1864, Desdemonia Elizabeth Barden (1840-72) ; issue: I-Ezra Cor- nelius (above); II—Robert (b 1867); ITI—-Mary Ella (b 1872; m 1891, W. W. Bill, 1859-1923). I-m Jan. 26, 1899, Minnie Adams, b Zanesville, ©.;,Oct. 9, 1868; B.A., Ta. Teachers Coll., ’98; Ta. State Coll. 2 Vrse: dau. of Benjamin Franklin Adams (1831-86), of Zanesville, O., m Rebecca Evans (1835-1924; Thompson® [b 1792], m Eliza- beth Greene [1795- 1840]; Josiah, of Va., auditor of accounts of soldiers in Am, Rev.); issue: 1- Paul Adams, 6 Ames, Ia., Apr. 23, 1900; es S.A., Ia. State, ’22; actg. corp., Ia. Coll. O. Sch.. Camp Grant, Ill., trained at Ft. Shertdan and was set. R'O.T.C. Ia. State Coll.; 2—Robert Franklin, 6 Ames, June 19, 1902; Ia. State, Grin- nell, ex-’23. THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Grad. Franklin Acad., ’91. Instr. mech. engring., Ia. State Coll. of ” Agr. and Mechanic Arts, since 1891 (received testimonial and long ser- vice honors, 1920). Mem. S.A.R. (v.p. Ia. soc. 1925, chapter pres. 1925, state historian, 1917, state pres. 1926). Mason. Residence: 816 Duff Av., Ames, Ia. |-MILNE, David, 6 Phila., Pa., July 24, 1859. 10-George Allen (b Eng., ca. 1568), was at Lynn, Weymouth and Sandwich, Mass. ; 9-Ralph (d 1698), Quaker, m 1645, Haster Swyft (William?) ; 8-Jedediah (ca. 1648-1712), settled in N.J.; dep. Gen. Assembly; justice; m 1669, Elizabeth "How- land (Henry®, brother of John Howland, qv); Soa (1673-1738), m Martha Newberry (Wal- er8 6—Margery, m Ralph Smith (1724-94) ; 5-Thomas (1761-1810), m Grissel Eastwick; 4—Deborah, m Joseph Parker (1785-1853): 3-Beulah Tt m David Milne (1787-1873), from Scot- land, 1827, "settled at Phila., Pa., 1830. 5-Nicholas Shea, from Kilkenny, Ireland, to Dillsburg, Pa.; 4—Edward (d 1812), m —Dunn; 38—John (1800-64), m Susanna Barbara Wolff. 2-Son of Caleb Jones Milne (1839-1912), mfr., of Phila.; m Sarah Margaretta Shea (1837-96); is- sue: I—David (above); II—Caleb Jones, Jr. (m Lenore Bonwill). I-m Apr. 29, 1896, Margaret Love, dau. late Rear Adm. Joseph Skerrett, U.S.N.; issue (all b at Phila., Pa.): 1-Norman Forbes, b July 19, 1897; Haverford, ’21; 2-Sidney Wentworth, b Jan. 10, 1900; Princeton, ’22; 3-Gordon Fairfax and 4- David Dudley (twins), b Nov. 10, 1903. A.B., U. Pa., ’81, A.M., 1884, Ph.B., 1885. Sr. mem. firm of C. J. Milne & Sons, mfr. of textiles (estab. 1830). Trustee U. Pa.; pres. Pa. Work- ing Home for Blind Men, etc.; treas. Hosp. 1, A.R.C., World War (See Who’s Who in Amer- ica). Mem. S.C.W., S.R., ete. Clubs: Metro- politan (Washington), University (New York), University, Racquet, Union League, Art, Penn (Phila.). Residence: School House Lane, Ger- mantown, Philadelphia, Pa. 1-MOYER, Donald McCormick, } Duhring, Pa., Oct. 24, 1899. 6—Probably Valentine Moyer, Sr. (d 1797), be- longed to the provision train which trans- ported produce from Berks Co., Pa., to the camp at Valley Forge, and at another time was appointed to purchase horses for Gen. Washington’s army; m Margaret Barbara-; 5-John (prob. John Peter, b 1782), m Catherine Cim (prob. dau. of George, soldier Am. Revy., and g.dau. of Peter); 4-Benjamin (1816-89), m Susan Conver; 3—Peter (1845-1902), m Sophia Hanst. 10-Samuel Gorton (qv); 9-Samuel (1630-1724), m 1684, Susanna Burton (Wil- liam?, m Hannah, dau. of John Wickes); 8-Samuel (1690- 1784), m 1715, Freelove Mason (El- der Joseph®, m Lydia Bowen; Sampson!, m Mary Butterworth); 7-—Joseph (1742-1821), Am. Rev.; ; m 1762, Mary Bar- ton (Benjamin’, m Mary Haile; Andrew®, m Re- becca Low; Benjamin, m Susannah Gorton; Rufus", m Margaret-); 6—David (1768-1830), m Alice Whitford (1770-1855 ; George’, m Hannah, dau. of Thomas Wickes; John [?]8; Pasco®; Pasco?); 5-Susanna Barton (1799-1865), m Ransome Jason Greene (1792-1874; John®, m Elizabeth Nichols; James’, m Rebecca Cahoone; John Robert’, m Abigail Wardwell: John®, of Quidnesset, R.TI.); 4—Julia A. E. (1835-1910), m Henry Baxter (1817-86) ; 38-Adele (b 1855), m William Boyles McCormick (1848-1922; Robert*, m Mary Ann Boyles; Sam- uel®>, m Margaret Kennedy). 2-Son of John Benjamin Moyer (b 1874), m 1896, Julia Adele McCormick (See Vol. 1, p. 220, for other lineages). M Oct. 10, 1920, Hazel Gertrude (Meyer) Lapnpen, b Chicago, Tl, July 1895; dau. of Edward F. Meyer, M.D., m 1st, Ann’ Julius, of Chicago: 10 192, 1-Virginia Ann, b Seattle, Wash., Jan. Pres. Don Moyer Studios (music), at Everett, Tacoma and Seattle. Residence: 4152 46th Av. S.W., Seattle, Wash. 1-NEIFERT, William Washington, } Barnes- ville, Pa., Jan. 27, 1865. 5-John Jacob Neifert (1735-1812), from Germany, FIRST FAMILIES CF AMERICA 187 settled in Albany Tp., Berks Co., Pa., 1752; eres in French and Indian War; m Eliza- eth-; 4-John Jacob (1765-1849), first settler in Rush Tp., Schuylkill Co., Pa.; m Magdalena Breiner (1760- 3-Jacob (1798-1864), m Elizabeth Faust. 6-John George Huntzinger, from Germany, set- tled in Brunswick Tp., Schuylkill Co., 1749; 5-John G. (1751-1802), soldier Am. Rev.; m Anna Maria Deibert (1755-1833) ; 4—Mary Rosina (1775-1851), m John Faust (1774-1847; Johannes® [1740-1807], Am. Rev.); 3—Elizabeth (1799-1881), m Jacob Neifert (3 above). 5-Martin Sensenderfer (1739-84), from Germany, 1753, aged 14 yrs.; settled at Falkner Swamp, Montgomery Co., Pa.; soldier Am. Rev.; m Hannah Binder; 4-Mary Magdalena (1765-1831), m Thomas Linder (1763-1812) ; 3-—Solomon (1800-45), m Anna Herbster (1804-29), 2-Son of William Neifert (1821-94), builder; m 1848, Lucinda Lindner (b 1825); issue (surviving): I—Matilda (b 1849; m Charles F. Blew); II—Sarah A. (6 18538; m Winfield Scott Solomon); III— Lovina (b 1855; m Thomas G. Smith); IV—Wil- liam Washington (above). IV—m Apr. 8, 1891, Mira Fisher White, } New Bedford, Mass., Aug. 9, 1866; dau. of Jonathan Perkins White, of New Bedford, Mass. Meteorologist, U.S. Weather Bureau, since 1890. Enlisted man in U.S. Signal Corps, 1885-90; served in Apache Indian campaign in Ariz... summer of 1886; in charge Heliograph Signal Sta. No. 8, on Mount Baldy, Santa Rita Moun- tain. Maj., Signal Corps Reserves, Vth Corps Area. Mem. S.C.W., S.A.R. (pres. Richard Montgomery Chapter, Dayton, O.), Order cae Wars. Residence: 147 Neal Av., Day- on, O. 1-NICKLIN, John Bailey, III, } Chattanooga, Tenn., Dec. 17, 1891. li-Robert Behethland, came to Va., 1607; m Mary Nicholson; 10-—Mary, m Capt. Thomas Bernard, burgess, Warwick Co., Va., 1642; 9-Behethland (1640-1720), m 2d, 1664, Maj. Andrew Gilson, of Stafford Co.; 8-Behethland (1666-93), m 1685, Nehemiah Storke (William®, 1624-76); 7-William (b 1689), m 1712, Jane Ashton; 6-Behethland (1716-53), m 1733, Anthony Strother; 5—Benjamin (1750-1807), midshipman Rev. Navy; m ie, veees ues Price (17538-1805; William®, m Jane-); epee eas (1784-1822), m 1805, Benjamin Pendle- on; 38-Catherine Thornton (1806-74), m 1830, John Bailey Nicklin, I (1803-91; Joseph‘; Joseph®; Jo- seph®; Joseph’). 8-William Strother (ca. 1630-1702), from Eng. to Va., ca. 1650; settled on the Rappahannock River nr. present site of Port Conway; m ca. 1651, Dorothy Savage (?) (d 1716); 7-William (1653-1726), high sheriff of King George Co., Va.; m ca. 1694, Margaret Thornton (b 1678: Francis’, m ist, Alice, dau. of Capt. Anthony Savage, of Gloucester Co.; William®, of York (Orn Vidas) 6-Anthony (1710-65), merchant, Fredericksburg, Va.; m 1st, 1733, Behethland Storke (6 above). 9-John Clayton (1665-1737; son of Sir John); from Eng. to Va., 1705; was atty. gen. of Va., re- corder, burgess, etc.: m Anne Page: 8-Samuel (1685-1735), m 1702, Elizabeth Pendleton (1685-1761: Philip®); TPhilip (1702-82), of ‘““Catalpa,” Va.; maj. French and Indian War; m Anne Coleman: 6-Elizabeth (6 1723), m 1740, Nathaniel Pendleton (1715-93), capt. Am. Rev. (Henry7; Philip’); 5-William (1748-1817), m 1st, 1770, Elizabeth Fer- gzuson (Capt. Samuel*®, Am. Rev.; Samuel’): 4—-Benjamin (1781-1853), m ist, Elizabeth Strother (4 above). 2-Son of John Bailey Nicklin, IT (1843-1919), m 1871, Eliza Kaylor (1850-1925). Wor issue and other ake see Benjamin Patten Nicklin, Vol. 1, p. Compiler: The Millers of Millersburg; The Cal- verts of Maryland: The Taylors of Virginia and Kentucky. Author: From David to David: The Washingtons; Lady Godiva, and other historical sketches and poems. First It., 101st Ord. Depot Co., 799th Div., World War. Mem. SCoWar mi SaA. Raa S.C. Ve.) MOLES Ws ALliSul- grave Instn., Md., Ky. and other hist. socs., etc. Residence: 516 Poplar St., Chattanooga, Tenn. 1-NIGHTINGALE, Horatio Rogers, dence, R.I., Dec. 26, 1861. 7T-William Nightingale (qv); 6—Joseph (1677-1725), m 1711, Hannah Paine; 5-Samuel (1715-86), settled at Providence, R.I., ca. 1750; 1t. gov. of R.I.; m1740, Abigail Belcher; 4—-Samuel (1741-1814), m 1767, Susanna Crawford; 3—Samuel (1782-1851), m 8d, 1822, Eliza Rogers. 9James Leonard (qv); 8-Judge Thomas (ca. 1641-1713), physician; dea- con; judge Ct. Common Pleas; m Mary Wat- son; 7-Maj. George (1671-1716), one of the first settlers of and large landed propr. at Norton, Mass.; was maj. militia; judge Ct. Common Pleas; m Anna Tisdale; 6-Col. George (1698-1778), royal councillor, 1741-66; dep. Gen. Ct.; chief justice Ct. Common Pleas; m Rachel Clap; 5—-Rachel (b 1727), m David Barnes, D.D. (1731-1811), .B., Harvard, 1752; 4—-David Leonard (1760-1812), A.B., Harvard, 1780; U.S. dist. judge for R.I.; m Joanna Scott Jenckes, widow of Joseph Dolbear Maybell (?); 3-Ann Eliza, m Peter Pratt (1791-1842). 2-Son of Horatio Rogers Nightingale (1826-85), m 1851, Anna Elizabeth Pratt (1827-97); issue: I-— Annie Rogers (1854-1921; m 1876, Charles Henry Warren, See Vol. 1, p. 878); II—Horatio Rogers (above). II-m Jan. 11, 1888, Mary Slater Rhodes (Sept. 2, 1864-June 30, 1893); dau. of Henry Aborn Rhodes, of Warwick, R.I.; issue: 1-Harriet Frances, b Providence, R.I., Feb. 23, 1889; m Herbert L. Dorrance; 2-Mary Rhodes (Mrs. Willard Fre- mont Gordon, Jr., qv for Howland and Rogers lineages). M 2d, Sept. 4, 1895, Harriet Eugenie Thomas, bd Hamilton, N. Kingstown, R.I., Apr. 11, 1870; Colonial Dame; dau. of Clarence Eugene Thomas, m Harriet Elizabeth Perry. Brown, ex-83 (Psi U.). Iron and steel merchant. Clubs: Agawam Hunt, Hope, Squantum (pres.), Art, R.I. Automobile (pres.). Winter residence: 134 Meeting St., Providence, R.I. Summer residence: Post Road, Warwick, R.I. 1-GORDON, Mary Rhodes Nightingale (Mrs. Willard F., Jr.), 6 Warwick, R.I., Apr. 7, 1891. 1i-John Howland (qv); 10—Desire (d 1683), m 1643, Capt. John Gorham b Provi- (av) 9-Capt. John (1651-1715), m 1674/75, Mary Otis (John; John); 8-Temperance, m Stephen Clap; 7-Rachel, m Col. George Leonard (1698-1778; Maj. George’; Judge Thomas®: James!): 6—-Rachel (b 1727), m David Barnes, D.D. (d 1811): 5—-David L. (1760-1812), m Joanna Scott Jenckes (1762-1835) ; 4—Ann Eliza, m Peter Pratt (1791-1842) ; 38-Anna Elizabeth, m Horatio Rogers Nightin- gale (1826-85). 1l-Thomas Rogers (qv); 10—John, m 1639, Ann Churchman; 9-Anna (d after 1704), m 1st, 1664, John Tisdale (d 1675), dep. Gen. Ct., Taunton, Plymouth Col- ony; killed by Indians; 8—Anna. (1672/73-1733), m 1st, Maj. George Leonard; 7—-Col. George (1698-1778), m Rachel Clap (7 above). 2-Dau. of Horatio Rogers Nightingale (qv for other lineages), m 1st, Mary Slater Rhodes (1864-93). M Oct. 27, 1912, Willard Fremont Gordon, Jr. (qv). issue: 1-Willard Fremont, III, 6 Lynn, Mass., Nov. 15, 1913; 2-Slater Rhodes, 6 Lynn, Jan. 27. 1916: 3-Horatio Nightingale, 6 Vicksburg, Miss., Feb. 9, 1918: 4-Robert Tiffany, b Jack- son, Miss., June 22, 1922. Grad. Miss Wheeler’s Sch., Providence, R.I., 709, and Miss Spence’s Sch., N.Y. City, ’11. Mem. C.D.A. Residence: “Woodlawn Plan- tation,’ Florence, Miss. 1-GORDON, Willard Fremont, Jr., 6 Herman- ville, Miss., July 29, 1888. 6—Alexander Gordon (1671-1774), from Scotland, iene at Voluntown, Conn.; m Jane— 5—-Samuel (1711-95), m Elizabeth Ker (1718-99); 4—-Archibald (1756-1833), m Wealthy Wattes (1759- 1789); 3—John (1806-71), m Margaret Briggs (d 1880). 188 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 2-Son of Willard Fremont Gordon (b 1856), m Mary Henrietta Vanisson Gartman (0b 1856), M Oct. 27, 1912, Mary Rhodes Nightingale (qv for issue). Ph.B., Brown, ’12 (Psi U.). Manufacturing en- gineer. Residence: ‘‘Woodlawn Plantation,” Florence, Miss. GEORGE MORLEY MARSHALL. 1-MARSHALL, George Morley, O., Mar. 138, 1858. 8-Thomas Marshall, from Boston, Eng., to Bos- ton, Mass., 1634 or 35; 7-Capt. Samuel, killed in Great Swamp Fight comdg. the Windsor Co., 1675; m 1652, Mary Wilton (Lt. David§); 6-Dea. Thomas (1663-1735), m Mary Drake (Job’, ma dau. of Henry Wolcott); 5-Thomas (1693-1772), m Elizabeth Tudor (1700-90; Owen’, from Wales, 1649); 4—-Thomas (6 1788), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1st, De- sire Tuttle; 3-Seth (1775-1841), rep. Conn. Gen. Assembly from Colebrook, Conn., 1809-16; settled at Paines- ville, O., 1837; m 1802, Susan Frisbee (1783-d aet. 97). S8-Abel Morley, came from Eng., 1650; 7-Thomas (d 1712), granted land at Pohasic (Westfield), Mass., 1686; m 1681, Martha Wright (1662-1741; Lt. Abel’, of Springfield, Mass.); SATRERT on ne m Susannah Kilborn (d 1782; ohn’); 5-Thomas (1724-95), m Sarah Phelps (1730-79): 4-Thomas (1763-1813), m 1793, Penelope Reming- ton (Jabez®, m Penelope Mills); 3—Albert (1797-1883), m Esther Healy. 2-Son of Seth Marshall (1815-81), of Painesville, O.; Lincoln presdl. elector, 1860; m 1842, Es- ther Philena Morley (1818-63); issue: I—Juliet Gillett (b 1843; m Edward Alexander Smith): II-Thomas Healy (1845-1917; m Margaret IL. Davies; I1I-Mary Woolley (1848-51); IV—Seth (0 1850; m Frances Marie Moyle; m 2d, Nancy Griffith); V—Albert Morley (1851-1926; m Jessie Craig Smith; m 2d, Julia Newell); VI—Caro- line (Mrs. George Ellery Wood, qv for other lineages); VII-—Charles Edward (1856-64): VIII— George Morley (above). VIlII-m June 7, 1893, Harriet Putnam Ely (See Vol. 1, p. 97, for genealogy); issue: 1-George Morley, Jr. (Mar. 19, 1894-Mar. 7, 1895); 2—Phil- ena, 6 Phila., Pa., June 8, 1895; Vassar, ’17; m June 11, 1921, Stephen Girard Kent, Summit, N.J. (issue: Stephen G., Jr., b 1923); 3-Harriet, b New Hope, Pa., Sept. 7, 1896; Lake Erie Colls 19; 4-Margaret, b Phila., Pa., Apr. 1898; Lake Erie Coll.; m June 4 1922, Welsh Strawbridge; 5-Edith Williamson (Aug. 3, 1899-Aug. 17, 1900); b Painesville, 6—-Celia Belden, 6 New Hope, Jan. 29, 1902; Sweet Briar Coll., ’24; 7-Thomas, b New Hope, Oct. 8, 1905; Yale, ’28. A.B., Adelbert Coll. of Western Reserve U., ’83 (D.K.E., P.B.K.); M.D., U. Pa., 1886; resident physician, St. Joseph’s Hosp., Phila., 1886-87; post grad. studies at Vienna and Berlin, 1888, Attending physician and laryngologist, St. Joseph’s Hosp.; laryngologist, Phila. Hosp.; asso. prof. laryngology, Graduate School of Medicine of U. of Pal) F:A.C/S.. mem. Coll: Physicians of Phila., Soc. Promoting Agri- culture, Art Alliance of Phila., etc. Summer place: Highland Cove, New Hope, Pa. Resi- dence: 1819 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1-WOOD, Caroline Marshall (Mrs. George E1l- lery), 6 at Painesville, Ohio, Aug. 8, 1853. 8-William (Hele) Healy, from Devonshire, Eng., among the early Pilgrims, 1630-35; set- tled at Roxbury, afterward Cambridge; m 5 times; m 3d, Grace Buttrice; Be ee (1659-1734), m 1681, Rebekah— (1666- 6—John (1698-1783) ; 5-John (1733-1810), m Mary Wright; 4-Jesse (1769-1853), m Dolly Gleason, widow of Capt. Sartwell; 3—Esther (1797-1889), m Albert Morley (1797-1883). %#Thomas Wright, native of Isle of Wight; came to Dedham, Mass., 1637; m Alice—; 8-Henry (d 1680), came with his parents; m Jane-; 7—Joseph (1654-1729), m Mary Stearns; 6—Ebenezer (1696-1776), m Subiah Hall; 5-Mary, m 1762, John Healy (5 above). 2-Dau. of Esther Philena Morley (1818-63), m 1842, Seth Marshall (1815-81). For issue and other lineages see George Morley Marshall. M Oct. 30, 1873, Walter Kelley (Aug. 2, 1852-Sept. 30, 1884); son of Jacob Kelley, m Abigal Chase; issue: 1—-Abigal (July-Apr. 1874); 2-Maud Mar- shall (Mar. 2, 1876-Feb. 3, 1903); m May 9, 1900, George C. Warner (issue: George C., Jr., } Mar. 15, 1901; Maud Marshall, Feb. 3-Feb. 5, 1903); 3-Walter Jacob (Jan. 1, 1880, d infancy). M 2d, July 8, 1889, George Ellery Wood, b Web- ster, Mass., Jan. 8, 1887; son of William F. Wood, Webster, Mass. Residence: Bethesda, Md. 1-NOLTING, Mary Ross Buford (Mrs. Fred- erick E.), 6 Richmond, Va., Jan. 6, 1883. 9-Richard (Beauford) Buford (b 1617), from Eng. in the “Elizabeth,” to Lancaster Co.,' Va., 1635; m Miss Vaulx (or Vause); 8-John (d_ 1722), of Christ Church Parish, Lan- caster Co., Va.: m 1662, Elizabeth Parrott; 7-Thomas (1663-1716), m Mary-; 6—Henry (1684-1720), Lancaster Co., Va.; m Mary (Osborne) Parsons; 5—Henry (1710-35), Lancaster Co., Va.; 4—-William (1742-1816), m Mary Ragsdale; 3-William (6 1785), of Lunenburg Co., Va.; m Susan Robertson Shelton. 2-Dau. of Col. Algernon Sidney Buford (1826- 1911), lawyer, legislator, railway builder and operator; m 1854, Emily W. Townes: m 2d, 1870, Kate A. Wortham; m 3d, Mary Cameron (Ross) Strother (1851-1916); issue: (1st mar- riage): I-Emily (b 1859; m Clement Manly): II—-Kate T. (m Walter T. L. Sanders); (2d mar- riage): IIlI—Algernon Sidney (b 1880: m Eliz- abeth L. Dunn); IV—Mary Ross (above); V— William Erskine (b 1887; m Sarah Sergent Op- penhimer). Iv—m Apr. 3, 1907, Frederick Ernest Nolting, Richmond, Va., Dee. 6, 1872; son of E. O. Nolting, banker, and Belgian consul at Rich- mond; issue: 1—Algernon Sidney Buford, b Richmond, Va., Feb. 26, 1908: 2-Frederick Er- nest, Jr., 6 Richmond, Auge. 24, 1911. Residence: 612 W. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. I-OSBORN. Walter Wilson, 6 LaPorte, Ind., Apr. 6, 1860. 8-Thomas Merritt (qv); 7-Samuel, Rye, N.Y.; m HBlizabeth Underhill (Samuel); 6—-George (1702-59), White Plains, N.Y.; m Glor- ianna Purdy (Samuel’); 5-Humphrev (1737-1806), Newburg, N.Y.: 4—Morris (1774-1828), Marlborough, N.Y¥.; m 1801, Nancy Rogers (ca. 1780-1870; Justus®, pvt. Am. Rev., m Naomi Felter): ; 3-Eliza (1806-82), m 1829, William Osborn (d 1832), Kingston, N.Y. FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 189 7-Aaron Goforth (d 1736), Quaker; from Eng. to Phila., Pa., 1711; m 2d, Tabitha Bethell (d 1721/22) ; 6-Aaron (d 1732-33), m 1717, Mary Poole (d 1733; Nathaniel’, from Eng. to Phila., 1683, m 1692, Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Lucas, from Eng., 1679) ; 5—-William (1731-1807), of N.Y. City, Phila., and settled in Ohio, 1789; maj. Am. Rev.; mem, N.Y. Assembly; judge Ct. Common Pleas, Hamilton Co., O.; mem. and pres. pro tem. Ist Constl. Conv. of Ohio, 1802; m 1760, Cath- erine Meeks (1744-1827; Samuel®, m Jemima, dau. of Michael Degre, from France to N.Y.; Edward’; Edward’); 4-Tabitha (1774-1848), m 1794, John Armstrong (1755-1816), capt. Am. Rev.; maj. U.S.A.; treas, of Northwest Ty., 1793-1802; magistrate and justice; removed to Clark Co., Ind., 1814 (Thomas', from Ireland to N.J., ca. 1753-54, m Jane, dau. of Michael Hamilton, of Ireland); 3—-Thomas P. (1807-50), LaPorte, Ind.; m 1826, Mar- garet Kester Beggs (1803-62; James‘, pres. Ind. Senate, m Mary Custer; Thomas’, sgt. Am. Rev.). 2-Son of William Osborn (1831-98), furniture mfr.; m 1856, Charlotte Barthena Armstrong (1837-1916); issue: I-Carrie (b and d 1857); II— Herbert (6 and d 1858); IlI-Walter Wilson (above); IV—George (6b 1862; m Matilda Carr; m 2d, Anna Carson); V—Frank W. (b 1864; m Clara Gregory); VI—Guy (b 1866; m Hermoine Fisher); VII—Dora (6 1868; Clinton Bliss); VIII- Charlotte (6 and d 1872); IX—Charles William (b 1873; m Bessie Klingel); X—Merritt J. (b 1879; m Susan Bartley). IlI-m Arabella Carlisle, 6 Buchanan, Mich., July 19, 1857; dau. of Daniel Carlisle, of Bu- chanan; issue: 1—Arabella, b Buchanan, Mich., July 30, 1881; m June 30, 1907, John L. Ander- son (issue: John L., Jr.; Charlotte; Rudolf Faraday); 2-Leah, 6 Buchanan, Oct. 5, 1884; m Sept. 25, 1917, Arthur H. Millen (issue: Mar- jorie Bella); 3-Charlotte, 6 nr. Britton, S.D., June 2, 1886; Ia. U., ’24; 4-William Carlisle, 0 Sioux City, Ia., Apr. 18, 1890; Grinnell, ’16; m Feb. 28, 1918, Florence Pearl, dau. of George Martin Smith (issue: Walter Martin; Hope Genevieve; Eugene B.). Office manager, credit manager and_ stock- holder, Haakinson & Beaty Co., Sioux City, Ia. Served in Ia. N.G., 1887-90. Pres. Wood- bury Chapter S.A.R. Residence: 3248 Jackson St., Sioux City, Ia. 1-OTIS, Blanche Heely (Mrs. Stanley Lyman), b Saginaw, Mich., Nov. 18, 1871. 10—-Roger (Clap) Clapp (qv); 9—-Preserved (1643-1720), m 1668, Sarah Newberry (1650-1716) ; 8—Wait (1670-1721), m Lt. John Taylor (1667-1744); 7—John (1695-1774), m 1726, Hannah Stewart; been (1731-72), m Gideon Hurlburt, Jr. (1728- 1775) ; 5-Sarah_ (1765-1841), m Jedediah Engerson Skin- ner (1765-1844), soldier War 1812 (Joseph*, mem. Com. Safety, Lyme, N.H., m Ruth Strong); ey (1789-1834), m William F. Folsom (1788- ut . 3—Louisa Maria (1823-1901), m 1845, Alonzo Landon Bingham. 8-Thomas Bingham (qv); 7—Joseph (1688-1765), m 1st, Abigail Scott; 6-Elijah (1719-98), signed Assn. Test, Lempster, N.H.; selectman; m Sarah Jackson; 5—Vine (1765-1813), m Huldah Markham (William, mem. Com. Safety in Am. Rev., m Abigail Cone); 4-Homer (1789-1835), m Mary (Polly) Atwood (Peter5; Jonathan®, officer Am. Rev., m 24d, Dorothy, dau. of Obadiah Wells, served in early wars and signed Assn. Test, Hamp- stead, N.H., m Judith Straw); 3-Alonzo Landon (1816-93), m Louisa Maria Fol- som (3 above). 2-Dau. of Laura Bingham (1846-1921), m 1871, John Jasper Heely (1844-76); issue: I—-Blanche (above); II—Neal (b 1873; m George A. Hayes); III—Gertrude (b 1875; m George W. King); TV— Ruth (1875-1918; m Judson J. Hodgkins). I-m May 17, 1893, Stanley Lyman Otis, b Otis- ville, Mich., Nov. 1869; son of Byron A. Otis; issue: 1-Kingsley (Nov. 10, 1895-Dec. 15, 1896): 2-Courtlandt, 6 Lansing, Mich., May 12, 1899; Princeton, ’20; 3-Winthrop Markham, b N.Y. City, Jan. 14, 1905; Princeton, ’26. Was chmn. Nat. League for Women’s Service during World War. Mem. MOTH AS ee A Os (State regent N.Y. soc.), D.A.R., Washington Hdaqrs. Soc., D.R. (regent), U.S.D. 1812, Soc. Mil. Frontier, Soc. N.E. Women. Club: Women’s City. Residence: 409 Edgecome Av., New York. 1-PARKER, Edith Edwards Stubbs (Mrs. Har- Edie M.), b San Francisco, Calif., Apr. 29, 7-Thomas Stubbs (d 1763), Quaker, from Eng., 1716, settled in Chester Co., Pa.; m Mary Minor; 6—Daniel (1721-1808), m Ruth Gilpin (1736-81); 5—-Thomas (1755-1810), m Sarah Webster (1757-1801); 4-John Webster (1797-1860), m Mary Sawyer Deyarmon (1797-1860) ; 3-Joseph Deyarman (1820-98), capt. and asst. q.m. on staff of General Garfield, in Civil War; m Mary Jane Gray (1821-99; Rev. David‘; Frazer®; William‘). 2-Dau. of John C. S. Stubbs (See Vol. 1, p. 182), m 1871, Mary Rebecca Patterson. M Oct. 23, 1901, Harrison Magowen Parker, b San Bernardino, Calif., July 9, 1877; newspaper publisher, Chicago; issue: 1-Mary Stubbs, 0 Louisville, Ky., Feb. 25, 1908; m Harold S., son of Gov. Everett J. Lake, of Conn. (issue: Barbara Parker, b May 2, 1924; Madeleine Sykes, b June 29, 1925); 2-Harrison M., Jr., b Chicago, Ill., Aug. 24, 1908; 3-Beulah, b Chi- cago, Jan. 21, 1912. Residence: 570 Park Av., New York. 1-PEARSON, John Calder, b nr. Cooperstown, N.Y., May 10, 1882. 5-John Pearson (1736-1812), of Cockermouth, Cum- berland, Eng.; m 1762, Mary Furness (1734- 1805; Nicholas*, m Mary White); 4-John (1764-1841), from Eng., 1797, settled at Charleston, N.Y.; m 1802, Rebecca Lewis (1778- 1849; John®, m Sarah Putman); 3—John (1804-90), m 1829, Mary Keeling (1806-1906; Isaac‘, of Hng., m Ellen Ratcliffe). 9-Abraham Perkins (qv); 8—David (1654-1736), Bridgewater, Mass.; rep. Gen. Ct.; m Elizabeth Browne; 7-—David (1677-1737), m 1699, Martha Howard (desc. Mary Chilton, Mayf. Pilgrim); 6-David (1711-83), m Alice Leach; 5-David (1739-after 1801), soldier Am. Rev.; m Fear Canedy (Capt. William [1689-1774], In- dian fighter, m Elizabeth Eaton, dese. Francis Eaton, and Samuel Fuller, Mayf. Pilgrim); 4-William (1776-1844), m Parthenia Miller; 3-Rev. Orren (1823-80), mem. N.H. Senate; m Sarah M. Clinton (See their dau. Emma M., Vol. 1, p. 767, for Clinton lineage). 2-Son of John Keeling Peargon (1849-94),m 1872, Mary Frances Perkins (1849-1916); issue: I-John Calder (above); II-Mary Keeling (b 1888; A.B., Coll. for Women, ’09; librarian; mem. D.A.R., DRS PZAy DSA G@s). I-Not married. A.B., Cornell, ’03 (P.B.K.). Mer. statistical dept., Cleveland Trust Co. Mem. S.M.D., O.F.P.A., S.A.R. Residence: 10881 Oli- vet Av., Cleveland, O. 1-PEIRCE, George Ellis, April 15, 1873. 6—Ebenezer Peirce; 5—Jabez (1725-1802), m Mary (Andrews) Chase (1741-18138) ; +1863) Thomas (1771-1853), m Polly Talbot (1780- 3-Thomas (1802-83), m Lucina Jane Horton (Wil- liam‘, m Betsey-). 10-Sampson Mason (qv); 9-Isaac (1667-1742), m Hannah-—; 8-Isaac (1698-1732), m Mary Fiske (Joseph®, m Elizabeth Haman); 7—Caleb (1724-1808), m Martha Cole Mason (Oliver, m Martha Cole); 6-Amos (1748/49-1826), corp. Am. Rev.; m Buffum (Samuel’, of Salem); 5-Sarah_ (1770-1806), m 1788, Bennanuel Marvel (1766-1806) ; 4-Bennanuel (b 1791), m Sarah Eddy (b 1780); 3—Caroline (1817-1905), m Thomas Rounds. 2-Son of Thomas Francis Peirce (1835-96), m Car- oline Thomas Rounds (1842-1909). M Sept. 28, 1898, Annie Florence Alexander (qv for issue). Clubs: Pomham, Turks Head, b Providence, R.I., Jane Shoe merchant. 190 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Mem. R.I. Hist. Soc. Residence: 32 Elmgrove Av., Providence, R.I. 1-PEIRCE, Annie Florence Alexander (Mrs. George E.), b Providence, R.I., June 23, 1873. 9-Benjamin Albee, of Mendon, Mass.; m Han- nah-; &8-James, m 1671, Hannah Cooke (Walter®, m Catherine—); 7-Benjamin, m 1692, Abiel-—; 6-James, minute man at Lexington Alarm; m 1745, Prudence White (Joseph’, m Prudence Smith; Joseph’, m Lydia Copeland; Capt. Jo- seph®, m Lydia, dau. Hilder John Rogers); 5-James, Am. Rev.; m 1776, Ruth White; epee m 1807, Timothy Alexander, Jr. (1783- 1837) ; 3-Whitney (1808-80), m 1830, Hannah Sherman (Moses?*). §-John Field (qv); s—John (1645-98), m Elizaketh Everenden (d 1698); 7-Capt. John (1671-1758), m 1697, Elizabeth Ames (1680-1739) ; 6-John (1704-29), m 1726, Mary Howard (b 1707; Ephraim’, m Mary, dau. of Rev. James Keith, first minister of Bridgewater; John’, m Mar- tha, dau. of Capt. Thomas Hayward, from ing. to Duxbury ante 1638); 5-James (b 1729), m 1750, Sarah Birkett; 4-Betsey (1770-1847), m 1788, Thomas Prentice (1758-1830), of Eng.; d-Daniel Anthony (1810-84), m 1830, Mary Scud- der Sampson Bogman (1809-83). 10—Richard Waterman (d 1673); Mita. (d@ 1684), m Capt. Arthur Fenner av); 8-Maj. Thomas (1652-1718), m Dinah Borden (Thomas’®, m Mary, dau. of William Harris); 7-Mehitable, m Timothy Starkweather; 6—Mehitable, m 1725, John Birkett; 5-Sarah, m James Field (5 above). 2-Dau. of Alanson Alexander (1840-1925), whole- sale grocer; served in Co. C, llth R.I. Vols. in Civil War; m 1867, Annie Sampson Prentice (1840-1920); issue: I-George Whitney (m Grace D. Arnold); II—Annie Florence (above). II—m Sept. 28, 1898, George Ellis Peirce (qv); is- sue: 1-George Ellis, Jr., b Cranston, R.I., Oct. 15, 1899; Yale, °22; UiS.N.R.E., Oct.’ 8-Dec, 21, 1918; m Apr. 10, 1923, Laura Street, dau. of Roland C. Powers, of Providence, R.I. Member €.D.XVII C:, D:A.R., RI. Hist. Soc. Clubs: Handicraft, R.I. Women’s Republican. Summer place: ‘“Rockhaven,” at Cape New- agen, Me. Residence: 32 Elmgrove Av., Prov- idence, R.I. 1-PELL, Howland, } Flushing, L.1., N.Y., Mar. 19, 1856. 8-John Pell (qv); i-Thomas (ca. 1676-ca. 1739), 83d lord of the Manor; m Anna-—; 6-Joshua (ca. 1710-1781), m Phoebe Palmer; eee (1750-1828), m 1st, Mary Ann Ferris pare Ferris (1779-1840), m Mary Shipley (1783- Pores Shipley (1810-81), m Mary Rodman How- and. 9-Henry Howland (qv); 8—-Zoeth, m Abigail-—; 7—Benjamin (1659-1727), m Judith Sampson; 6—Barnabas (1699-1773), m Rebecca Lapham; 5-Gideon_ (1734-1823), m Sarah Hicks; 4-John H. (1774-1849), m Sarah Hazard; 3-Mary Rodman (1810-92), m Morris Shipley Pell (3 above). 7-Jeffrey Ferris (qv); 6—John (1639-1715) m Mary Jackson; 5-Peter, m Susannah-; 4-Jonathan (1782-98), m Rachael Dean: 3—Benjamin (1771-1832), m Anna Maria Schieffelin. 2—Only child of William Howland Pell (1883-1911), m 1852, Adelaide Rerris (d 1904). M Apr. 12, 1887, Almy Goelet Gallatin, sister of Goelet Gallatin (See Vol. 1, p. 617, for gene- alogy); issue: 1-Gladys Almy, b Mar. 14, 1888; m Henry Pendleton Rogers; 2-Howland Gal- latin, 6 Aug. 17, 1889; Harvard, ’11; U.S.N.R.F., 1917-18. School of Mines, Columbia, ’76. Insurance. Capt., ist Prov. Regt. N.Y.G., 1917-19. Past. gov. gen. S.C.W. (now hon. gov. gen.); mem. S.N.S., C.L.M.A., S.W. 1812, etc. Club: Union. Resi- dence: 14 E. 54th St., New York. 1-PEPPMEYER, May McLatchey (Mrs. Herman .), 6 Crawford Co., Pa., Aug. 20, 1876. 8-Nathaniel Canfield, settled in Conn. bet. 1639 and 1680; 7-Timothy; 6-Amon, soldier French and Indian War; 5-Dennis (1763-1846), enlisted and served until close of Am. Rev.; engaged in battle of York- town; m —Lobdell; 4—Dennis (1792-1875), War 1812; m 1813, Phoebe Griffin; 38—Hiram (1826-1915), m 1850, Mary J. Hull (1831-1911). 2-Dau. of Mary Canfield (b 1855), m 1873, Joseph Fremont Mchatchey (b 1851); issue: I-May (above); II—Verna (b 1880; m H. C. Stevens); IlI—George (b 1883; m Clara Siler); IV—Nina (b 1887); V—Winona (b 1888; m George Senor Robb); Vi-Raye (1890-1905); VII—Lillian (b 1897; m Max L. Olsen). I-m Sept. 21, 1898, Herman Lewis Peppmeyer, 0b Topeka, Kan., July 20, 1874; son of John Henry Peppmeyer, m Martha Schaeffer; issue: 1— Edna May, b Topeka, Kan., Jan. 28, 1905; m Dec. 26, 1928, Willis Augustus Anton. Mem. D.A.R. (state vice regent, 1923-26). Resi- dence: 1309 Harrison St., Topeka, Kan. 1-PERKINS, Albert Thompson, }) Brunswick, Me., Oct. 2, 1865. 10-Abraham Perkins (qv); Luke (b 1641); 8-Luke (1667-1748), Plymouth, N.H.; m Martha, dau. of Lot Conant; 7-Josiah, m Deborah Bennett (Nehemiah’); 6-Capt. Joshua (6 1729), m Hannah Sampson (b 1730; George’); er ege (6 1751), Carver, N.H.; m Desire Dun- am; 4—Cornelius (1775-1858), Paris, Me.; m Mary Bar- rows (b 1775); 3—-Gideon (1801-84), m Mary Dunham (1799-1877). 5-John Lemont (1740-1827), of Bath, Me.; 4—-Adam (1761-1844), m Sarah Springer; 3—Jane (1808-96), m William S. Murray, of Bruns- wick, Me. 2-Son of Charles Summer Perkins, D.D. (1836- 1905), minister Free Baptist Ch.; m Mary Sils- by Murray (1840-85); issue: I-Albert Thompson fabove); II-—Martha (6b 1868); II1I—Osborn M. (b I-m Feb. 16, 1898, Eva Spotswood Lemoine (See Vol. 1, p. 767); issue: 1-Katherine Lemoine, }b St. Louis, Mo., Mar. 23, 1901. A.B., Harvard, ’87 (hon. A.M., 1919). Consulting engr., St. Louis Union Trust Co. and manager for receiver of United Rys. of St. Louis; pres. A.N. Ry. Mem. bd. overseers of Harvard Coll. (See Who’s Who in America). Col. of engrs., U.S.A.; sailed for France with 14th Enegrs., July 1917; served with British 3d Army nr. Arras, Aug.-Oct. 1917, with 24 Army nr. Ypres, during Paschendaele offensive, Oct. 3-10, 1917; later manager and dir. light (combat) rys., A.E.F.; returned to U.S. Mar. 6, 1919. Awarded D.S.M. (U.S.), Order of St. Michael and St. George (British). Mem. M.O.W.W., A.L., Offi- cers Reserve Corps Assn., Soc. Am. Mil. Engrs., Am. Soc. M.E., Am. Inst. E.E., etc. Clubs: Round Table, Commercial, University (pres.), St. Louis Country, Noonday (St. Louis), University (Chicago), Harvard (Boston. and New York). Residence: 6365 Ellenwood Av., St. Louis, Mo. 1-PERRY, Roger Newton, b Worcester, Mass., Mar. 12, 1894. 11-—Edmund PERRY, settled at Sandwich, Mass.; m Sarah-; 10-Ezra (b ca. 1630), constable at Sandwich; m 1651, Elizabeth Burgess; §-Ezra (d 1729/30), m Rebecca Freeman (d 1738: Edmund”, m Rebecca, dau. of Gov. Thomas Prence, m Patience, dau. of Elder William Brewster, av); &John, m Elizabeth-; . 7-Elijah (6 1701), m 1723, Hannah Damon, of Scituate; 6—Phineas (b 1735), constable at Barre, Mass.; m 1760, Esther Gates; 5-Luther (1770-1845), lawyer; m 1801, Harriet Howes (1783-1810; Edmund’, m Abigail Stone); 4-Charles Howes (1804-55), Phillinston, Mass.; m 2d, 1885, Mary B. Peckham (1815-96) + 3-Charles Mordecai (1889-97), Worcester, Mass.: served in Civil War; m 1867, Ellen M. Garfield (1839-1906). FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 191 2-Son of Charles Herbert Perry, M.D.V. (1869- 1918), m 1892, Mary Jane Newton (See Vol. 1, p. 757, for Newton lineages). M July 10, 1920, Marion Iola Hastings, b Worces- ter, Mass., Apr. 27, 1891; dau. of Charles Wil- liam Hastings, of Worcester; issue: 1-Roger Newton, Jr., 6 Worcester, Oct. 18, 1922; 2-Jane Iola, b Worcester, Aug. 18, 1924. ale Residence: 169 Olean St., Worcester, ass. 1-PETER, Ellen Marbury Beale (Mrs. Walter G.), b Washington, D.C., Oct. 18, 1874, 9-Col. Thomas Beale (qv); 8-Capt. Thomas (1647-79), of ‘Chestnut Hill,” Richmond Co., Va.; m ante 1671, Ann Gooch (Col. William’, of “Temple Farm,” nr. York- town, Va.); 7-Thomas (d 1729), of “Chestnut Hill’; m Eliza- pan pce (1681-1720; Capt. John’, m Eliza- eth-); 6—John, m twice; 5-George, m Mary Murdoch; 4—George, m Mary Dixon; 3—Robert, m Elizabeth Jane Forbes. 10-Col. Robert Brooke (qv); 3-Maj. Thomas (1632-76), burgess, high sheriff chief justice of Calvert Co., Md.; m Eleanor Hatton; 8-Col. Thomas (1660-1730), pres. Council and actg. gov. of Md.; m 2d, 1696, Barbara Dent (1676-1754; Thomas’, of St. Mary’s Co., Md., m Rebecca, dau. of Rev. William Wilkinson); eee (1702-27), m 1726, Eleanor Bowie (1709- ‘ ; 6—Benjamin (1727-65), m 1755, Mary Eversfield (1739- 90; Rev. John’, from Eng., rector St. Paul’s Parish, Md., m Hleanor Clagett); 5-Barbara (1757-1835), m 2d, Capt. John ane; 4—Eleanor, m 1805, James Forbes (b 1783), of St. Mary’s Co., Md.; 3-Elizabeth Jane (1808-59), m Robert Beale (3 above). See Vol. 1, p. 709, for Marbury lineage. 2-Dau. of James Shields Beale, M.D. (1844-84), physician, m 1873, Fannie Sawyer Marbury (1849-93); issue: I-Ellen Marbury (above); II— Robert Somervell (b 1876, m Sophie Clarkson Stuart); I1I-Florence Holcombe (6 1877; m Gar- den Clarkson Stuart); IV—Elizabeth Forbes (1884-1902). I-m Apr. 19, 1897, Albert E. S. Greene (1872-99); son of Capt. Albert S. Greene, U.S.N., Adams, N.Y.; issue: 1—Albert Beale, b’ Washington, D.C., Feb. 3, 1898; M.I.T., ’21; m Nov. 14, 1923, Francina Singleton; 2-James Francis, b Ham- ilton, Va., Sept. 17, 1899; V.M.I., ’21. M 2d, Mar. 16, 1907, Walter Gibson Peter; issue: eo thd Gibson, Jr., b Washington, D.C., Dec. eee C.D.A. Residence: 3027 N St., Washington, . 1-PHELPS, Livingston (Charles Harris Living- ston Phelps), b} Pau, France, May 15, 1885. 10-William Phelps (qv); 9-Nathaniel (1627-1702), m 1650, Elizabeth Copley; 8-William (1657-1745), m 1678, Abigail Stebbins (1660-1748; John®); 7-William (0b 1684), mem. Com. Safety; m 1706, Thankful Edwards; 6—Eliakim (1709-77), one of first settlers at Bel- chertown, Mass., 1731/2; m 2d, Elizabeth Davis _ (1714-71) ; d-Eliakim (1755-1824), justice over 40 yrs.; mem. Mass. Legislature 12 yrs.; m 2d, 1778, Margaret Combs (1752-1846) ; Aas (1779-1873), first railroad projector in the 38—Charles Abner (1820-1902), A.B., Union, ’41; M.D., Harvard, 1844; speaker Mass. House and pres. Mass. Senate, m Phoebe Harris. 8-Sir John Pell (qv); 7-Thomas (2676-1739), 834 lord of Pelham Manor: m Anna, dau. of the reigning Indian chief of Westchester Co.; 6—Joshua (1710-81), m Phoebe Palmer (John’): 5-Benjamin (1750-1828), m Ist, 1778, Mary Ann Fer- ris (John‘); 4-Alfred S. (1783-1831), m Adelia Duane (James', 1st mayor of New York, m Mary Livingston); coe tk ee (1825-94), m Susan Maria Field (d 18938). 2-Only child of Charles Harris Phelps (b 1845), A.B., Harvard, ’68; lawyer; art connoisseur; resident of Paris and French citizen, owner of the ancient palace of King George V of cereale m 1878, Eleanor Livingston Pell (1857- M June 10, 1915, Elizabeth De Berteux, B Paris, France, Dec, 19, 1893; dau. of Comte Jean de Berteux, of Paris, d at Paris, Oct. 19, 1921. Ed. Stella Matutina, Feldkirch, Austria; Eton -Coll., Eng.; Collége St. Ignace, Paris; B.-és- Lettres, U. of Paris, ’03, Lic.-en-droit, 1906; grad. Paris feole Libre des Sciences Politi- ques, 1905; A.B., Harvard, ’07. Pvt. sec. to Am- bassador Thomas Nelson Page, Rome, Italy, Aug. 1914-Dec. 1915; 3d sec. and later 2d sec. Am. Embassy, Petrograd, Oct. 1916-June 1917; 2d sec. at The Hague, Jan.-Aug. 1919. Mem. S.N.S., S.C.W., C.L.M.A., S.R. Clubs: Polo, Auto- mobile de France, Cercle de l'Union, Trav- ellers’ (Paris), Circolo della Caccia (Rome), Metropolitan (Washington), Union, Racquet and Tennis, Grolier, Automobile (New York). Winter address: Palazzo Colonna, Rome, Italy. MAJ. B. J. (“BUN”) DUNOAN, O.S8.A., 1835-1891 (at the age of 20). On staff of Gen. T. J. Hina- man, O.S.A., Trans-Mississippi Dept. Famous cotton buyer of the South. 1-PIERREPONT, Alice Vaughan Duncan (Mrs. Henry P.), 6 Selma, Ala., Nov. 27, 1869. 10-Capt. Thomas Harris (qv); 9-Mary (1625-1703), m 1650, Col. Thomas Ligon (d 1677), of Henrico Co., Va., burgess, 1655; 8—-Johan (1653-1728), m 1672, Robert Hancock (1650- 1708), of Henrico Co. (Simon®); 7-Johan, m 1700, her 1st cousin, Samuel Hancock (d 1760; William’) ; 6—Phebe (6 1719), m 1735, John Watkins (1710-65), of Cumberland Co., Va.; 5-Samuel (1750-95), Amelia Co., Va.; 2d 1t., Am. Revy.; m 1773, Elizabeth Good (d 1790; Bennet®, m 1740, Martha Jefferson, who was aunt of Pres. Thomas Jefferson); 4—Alice G. (1780-1866), m 1797, Reuben Vaughan, Jr. (1761-1837; Capt. Reuben, Sr.® [1731-1817], of Mecklenburg Co., Va., capt. Am. Rev., m 1751, Elizabeth Ingram, 1735-1820); 3—Virginia G. (1811-59), m 1834, Col. Albert Jasper Kidd (1810-53). 2-Dau. of Susan Alice Kidd (1837-1916), m 1859, Maj. Benjamin Josiah (‘Bun’) Duncan (1835- 1891), cotton buyer and factor; on staff of Gen. T. J. Hindman, Trans-Miss. Dept., C.S.A., 1864- 1865; issue: I-Monroe White (1860-86); II-Martha Virginia (b 1863-d infancy); Il1I—Gertrude Tartt (6 1867; m James H. Dinwiddie); IV—Alice Vaughan (above); V—Louise (Mrs. James Ben- jamin Cunningham, qv); VI—Reuben Vaughan Kidd (1874-76); VII—Madeleine Bennet (Mrs. Louis Robert Barras, qv). IV—m Oct. 26, 1899, Henry Pell Pierrepont (Sept. 4, 1868-May 21, 1908); son of Cornelius Pierpont, of New Haven, Conn., m Martha Hinman; one adopted son: David Cecil George, } Daytona, Fla., Mar. 1, 1900; A.B., William and Mary, ’25; 192 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Episcopal Theol. Sem., 1925-27; served in U.S. N.R.F., World War. Grad. Hamner Hall, Montgomery, Ala.; art studies under private instructors and at Art Students League, New York. Genealogist and artist; art instr., Southern Coll., Petersburg, Va.; dir. of pageants. Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R., U.D.C. (historian N.Y. div., 1918-19; pres. Peters- burg Chapter, 1923-25). Residence: “Violet Bank,” Petersburg, Va. 1-CUNNINGHAM, Louise Duncan (Mrs. James B.), 0 at Selma, Ala., Dec. 24, 1871. cistee of Mrs. Henry P. Pierrepont (qv for gene- alogy). M Dec. 24, 1890, Prof. James Benjamin Cunning- ham, 6 Mt. Hope, Ala., Dec. 20, 1864; prominent educator; son of MosesWinslow Cunningham, of Mt. Hope, m Nancy Russell, and brother of Dr. Russell Cunningham, lt. gov. of Ala.; is- sue (all 6 Birmingham, Ala.): 1-Susan, m Nov. 4, 1915, M. J. Roberson, of Birmingham (issue: Benjamin C.); 2—Gertrude Louise, m Oct. 24, 1925, Samuel Mason Cole, of Petersburg, Va.; 3—Mary Allen, m Feb. 7, 1921, Harry Whittaker, of N.Y. City; 4-Monroe Duncan (d infancy). Residence: 2116 16th Av. S., Birmingham, Ala. 1-BARRAS, Madeleine Bennet Duncan (Mrs, Louis R.), b Oxford, Ala., July 25, 1877. Sister of Mrs. Henry P. Pierrepont (qv for gene- alogy). ; M Nov. 10, 1895, Louis Robert Barras, b Phila., Pa., Sept. 28, 1871; son of Samuel T. Barras, of Phila.; issue: 1-Madeleine d’Orville, b New York, Oct. 24, 1896; m Lewis S. Pendleton, d 1928 (issue: Lewis, Jr.); 2-Louis Robert, 2d (Nov. 10, 1898-1916) ; 3-Martha Jefferson Virginia, b Nov. 1, 1903. Was chmn. for Goochland Co., Va., of Nat. Woman’s Liberty Loan Com., and asst. dir, war savings stamps during World War. Resi- dence: “Blithewood,” Irwin, Va., and 510 Park Av., New York. 1-PLUMLEY, Charles Albert, } Northfield, Vt., Apr. 14, 1875. 8-Alexander Plumley, from Eng., settled at Bos- ton, ca, 1630, later at Mendon; 7-Joseph; 6—Alexander; 5—-Daniel; 4—-Samuel (1759-1848), Am. Rev. and War 1812; m 2d, Jerusha Adams (1763-1827); 3-William (1804-90), m Eliza Little (1810-67; David’). 10—Robert Fletcher (qv); : eee (1636-1704), m 1656, Elizabeth Wheeler 1704); 8-Samuel (1657-1744), m 1682, Elizabeth Wheeler; 7-Timothy (6 1704), m Elizabeth-; 6—John; 5-Ebenezer (1761-1831), fifer Am. Rev.; m Mary Comings (Samuel); 4-Ebenezer (1782-1834), m 1808, Sybil Spaulding (Benjamin) ; 3—Hiram (1811-68), m Mary Smith. 2-Son of Frank Plumley, LL.D. (1844-1924), mem. 61st to 68d Congresses, 1909-15 (See Who’s Who in America); m 1871, Lavinia Lucretia Fletcher (1848-1906) ; issue: I-Charles Albert (above); II— Theodora May (m Rev. Homer A. Flint). I-m Aug. 22, 1900, Emilie Adele Stevens, b Wal- den, Vt., Feb. 8, 1872; dau. of George P. Stevens, of Walden; issue (all b Northfield, Vt.): 1— Allan Rudolph, b Nov. 8, 1901; Norwich, ’23; 2- Evelyn Stevens, 6b June 25, 1904; Middlebury, 25; &Fletcher Donald, 6 Oct. 6, 1906; Nor- wich, ’28. A.B., Norwich U., ’9, A.M., 1899 (L.D., 1921, and Middlebury, 1922). Lawyer and banker; pres. Norwich U, since 1920. Speaker Vt. Ho. of Rep., 1912-15; commr. of taxes of Vt., 1913-19; chmn. spl. commn. on taxation since 1923 (See Who’s Who in America). Pres. Vt. Soc. 8.A.R. Summer place: North Hero, Vt. Residence: 12 Prospect St., Northfield, Vt. I-POGUE, Province McCormick, 6 Maysville, Ky., Oct. 14, 1865. 6-Col. Robert (Poage) Pogue (b in Va.): 5-William (1735-78), sgt. in command of Ft. Rus- sell on the Clinch River, southwestern Va., 1774; m 1762, Ann Kennedy: Repens (1765-post 1833), m Martha Jane Hopkins as Witiegs Lindsey (1794-1880), m Ann MeCormick 2-Son of Henry Edgar Pogue (1825-90), Washing- ton Coll., Pa., ex-’45; Maysville, Ky.; m 1853, Francis Ann Wood (1833-1908); issue: I—John Fleming (1854-1917; m 1893, Nellie Patterson); II— Henry Edgar (1859-1919; m 1891, Anna Belle Maltby); IlI-James Wood (1861-1915; m 1887, Madge Ellis); IV—Province M. (above); V— Thomas Lightfoot (b 1868; m 1911, Margaret Ed- wards). IV—A.B., Washington and Jefferson, ’87; post- grad. U. Va.; LL.B., Cincinnati Law School, 1889; post-grad. Columbia U. Law School. Ad- mitted to bar, 1890; now mem. law firm of Pogue, Hoffheimer & Pogue, Cincinnati, O. Mem. S.C.W., S.R. Residence: 243 Greendale Av., Cincinnati, O. aghhese! John Widener, J Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 28, 1866. 7-Capt. Robert Bruce Polk (qv); 6-William (ca. 1664-ca. 1739), received land grants from Lords Baltimore; after his father’s de- cease owned and lived at “White Hall,” Somer- set Co., Md.; m 1st, Nancy (Knox) Owens; 5-Charles (ca. 1700-1753), Indian trader; m 1735, Christian Matson; 4-Charles (1744-1823), capt. Va. militia; moved to Ky., 1775; ist rep. from Breckenridge Co., Ky., to the Legislature, 1806-07; removed to Knox Co., Ind., 1808; m 1774, Delilah Tyler (1755-97; Ea- ward’, m Nancy Langley); 38-Robert Tyler (1788-1844), m Elizabeth Widener (1798-1853). 2-Son of Col. John Widener Polk (1820-1902), planter; col. C.S.A.; m Anna Eliza Keane (1833- 1917); issue: I-Magdalen Tasker (1854-1902: m 1877, Augustus C. Buell; m 2d, Henry C. Mac- kall); II—Anna Eliza (1857-1902; m Edwin: G. Taylor); IlI—Maria Louisa (1861-1903; m Wil- liam S. Taylor); IV—John Widener (above); V— Perry Olive (b 1871; m Arch Rice). Iv—m June 21, 1892, May Florance, b Elnilaanae May 24, 1868; dau. of Washington Z. Florance, of Phila. and Baltimore; issue: 1—Frances Florance, 6 Trenton, N.J., Sept. 9, 1893; m 1914, Christopher C, Petzelt, of Phila. (issue: Fran- ces Florance, b 1915). Missouri U., ’86. Farmer. tonwiNed- prdttated Lena Mae, b Riverside, Calif., Nov. 16 1 9-Capt. Edward Poole (qv); 8-Capt. Joseph (ca. 1650-1706), m Mary-; 7-Samuel (1690-1785), representative; m ca, 1710, Sarah Nash (0b 1688; Lt. Jacob’; Jacob’); 6-Samuel (1718-95 or 96), representative mem. Com. Safety; m 1733, Rebecca Shaw; 5-Jeptha (1756-1839), Abington, Mass.; sgt. Am. Rev.; m 1779, Olive Noyes (1753-1815) ; 4—Oliver (b 1786), m Miriam Burroughs (b 1790); eer (1811-80), m 1888, Margaret Brookman (1817- 10-Abraham Shaw; 9-John, m Alice Phillips (Nichols”); 8-Nicholas, m Deborah Whitmarsh (John, m Sarah, dau. of John Harden; John?, selectman and town treas., m Sarah-); 7-Joshua, selectman; m Rebecca Beal (Jeremiah§8, selectman, m Hannah Lane; Lt. Jeremiah®, m Sarah Ripley; John!, m Nahareth, dau. of Edmund Hobart, qv); 6—Rebecca, m 1733, Samuel Poole (6 above). 2-Dau. of Charles Chester Poole (1849-1918), m 1882, Emma Jane Hinkle (1862-97); issue: I-Frederick Earl (6b 1883; m Eugenia Mathews): II—Lena Mae (above); I1I—Lester E. (b 1895; m Agnes V. Lentz). II-A.B., U. Neb. High school instr. 2919 15th St., Columbus, Neb. 1-POTTER, Dorothy Winslow, b Ossining, N.Y., Oct. 17, 1888. 10-Nathaniel Turner (d 1646), from Eng. with Winthrop’s Fleet, 1630; freeman, 1630; mem. Gen. Ct. of N.H., 1689; dep. Gen. Ct. of Mass., 1634-36; mem. A. and H. A. Co.; dep. Congress of United Colonies; 9Isaac, m Mary Todd; 8-Isaac, m Abigail Smith; 7-Isaac, m Mercy Potter; 6-Abraham, m Rebecca Seeley; 5-Mary (1765-1831), m Abel Potter (1749-1818; David®: Samuel’; John’; John’); 4—Samuel (1794-1880), m 1819, Sophia Rice: ; 3-Orlando Bronson, LL.D. (1823-94), Williams. ex-’47; lawyer, financier, mfr.; mem. 48th Con- Residence: Tucker- Residence: FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA gress, 1883-85; m 1st, 1850, Martha Green Wiley (1822-79). 10-Gov. Edward Winslow (qv); 9-Josiah (1629-80), first native b goy. of Mass., 1673-80; m 1657, Penelope Pelham (royal de- scent); 8-Col. Isaac (1670-1738), chief justice Ct. Common Pleas; m 1700, Sarah Wensley (1673-1753; John; desc. Elder William Brewster, and Gov. Thomas Prence, both qv); 7T-Eliza (1707-62), m 1729, Benjamine Marston (1695- 1754), sheriff, Salem, Mass.; 6—Patience (b 1734), m 1754, Elkanah Watson (b ieag} dese. Robert Watson, Plymouth, Mass., 5—Elkanah (1758-1842), promoter of canal naviga- tion in N.Y.; m 1784, Rachel Smith (Daniel®, of Norton, Mass.); 4—Mary (1799-1853), m 1819, Maj. Gen. Aaron Ward (1790-1867) ; 38-Virginia G. (1882-72), m 1852, George Adlington Brandreth (1828-97), of Leeds, Eng. 2-Dau. of Frederick Potter (1756-1923), See Vol. 1, p. 780, for other lineages; m 1885, Helen Ward Brandreth (1862-1905). Residence: ‘‘Lone Pine Cottage,’’ Van Courtland Av., Ossining, N.Y. 1-PRUDDEN, T(heophil) Mitchell (July 7, 1849- Apr. 10, 1923). 8-Rev. Peter Prudden, from Eng. to New Haven Colony with Rev. John Davenport, 1637; settled at Milford, Conn., 1639; was pastor of the first church there, 1640-56; m Joanna Boyse; 7-Samuel (1643-85); 6-Samuel (1677-1742) ; 5—-Samuel (1708-72); 4—Samuel (1743-1819) ; 3—Peter (1790-1875), m Charity Davis. 7-Moses Johnson (1657-1713) ; 6—Moses (1693-1715) ; 5-Asa (1723-91); 4—-Moses Asa (b 1762); 3—Ebenezer (1791-1872), m Sally Mitchell. 2-Son of Rev. George Peter Prudden (1816-72), B.A., Yale, ’385; Congl. minister; m 1839, Eliza Ann Johnson (1819-90); issue: I-Edward Payson (1843-1915); II-Henry Johnson (1848-91); IlI—Rev. Theodore Philander (1847-1915; m Margaret Hunter Bull); I1V—Theophil Mitchell (above); V—-Lillian Eliza (b 1852). ‘ IV—Not married. B.S., Yale-S., ’72, M.D., 1875 (LL.D., 1897). Emeritus prof. pathology, Co- lumbia U. Dir. Rockefeller Inst. for Medical Research; mem. Internat. Health Bd., under the Rockefeller Foundation, also mem. N.Y. State Health Council (See Who’s Who in America). 1-PUGSLEY, Cornelius Amory, 0} Peekskill, N.Y., July 17, 1850. 6—-Matthew Pugsley,from Eng. to Pugsley Creek, Westchester Co. (now Bronx Co.), N.Y., 1680; m Mary Hunt (Thomas, Sr.7, of Hunt’s Point, now Bronx Co., N.Y.; 5-James, m Ann-; ; 4-Samuel (d 1814), pvt. Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Drake (Jeremiah®, capt. Am. Rev.); 3—Jeremiah, capt. War 1812; m Hannah Underhill Taylor. 7-William Meeker, from Eng. to Mass., ca. 1630: was at New Haven, Conn., 1664; a founder of Elizabeth, N.J., 1660; 6—Benjamin; 5-Benjamin; 4—Benjamin (1747-1828), pvt. Am. Rev.; 3—Cornelius, m Nancy Redding. 2-Son of Gilbert Taylor Pugsley (1823-1912), farmer, Peekskill, N.Y.; m Julia Butler Meeker (1820-96); issue: I-Samuel Irving (d); II—-Sarah Amelia; II1I—Cornelius Amory (above). III-m Apr. 7, 1886, Emma Catherine Gregory, b N.Y. City; dau. of John Harvey Gregory, of N.Y. City and Carmel, N.Y.; issue: 1-Chester Dewitt, 6 Peekskill, N.Y., Mar. 29, 1887: A.B., Harvard, ’09; served at Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky bvAs 0.040 8: Privately educated. Pres. Westchester Co. Nat. Bank, Peekskill, N.Y.; dir. Metropolitan Trust Co., New York. Mem. 57th Congress, 1901-08. Past pres. gen. S.A.R. Treas. and trustee Peekskill Mil. Acad.; pres. of Field Library and Field Home, Peekskill (See Who’s Who in America). Clubs: Lotos, Bankers. Summer place: Peekskill, N.Y. Residence: 12 W. 122d St., New York. 193 WILLIAM AVERY ROCKEFELLER. 1-ROCKEFELLER, William Avery, town, N.Y., Aug. 8, 1896. 8—-Johann Peter Rockefeller (b 1682), from Ger- many to Amwell, N.J., 1723-24; 7-Peter (b 1711), m Mary Bellis; 6—William (6 1750), m Christina Rockefeller; 5-Godfrey (6b 1783), m Lucy Avery (Miles®*, soldier Am. Rev.); RN ae Avery (1810-1904), m Eliza Davison (1813- 3-John Davison (See Vol. 1, p. 803), m Laura C. Spelman. 2-Son of William Goodsell Rockefeller (1870-1922), B.A., Yale, ’92; financier, New York; m 1895, Elsie Stillman. M Feb. 9, 1918, Florence Lincoln, 6} New York, N.Y., Jan. 17, 1897; dau. of Frederic Walker Lincoln (See Vol. 1, p. 688, for genealogy); issue (all 6 N.Y. City): 1-William, 6b Dee. 9, 1918; 2— rece s Lincoln, b July 12, 1921; 3-Elsie, b Apr. 4, 1924. B.A., Yale, 18 (D.K.E.). Left Yale to enter U.S.N. Aviation Service spring of 1917; com- missioned ensign, U.S.N.R. Flying Corps and stationed at U.S. Naval Air Station, World War. Clubs: Union, Racquet, Yale, Knicker- bocker. Residence: Greenwich, Conn, 1-PUTNAM, Carolyn Rosalie Richards Haines ote: William A.), 6 Elizabeth, N. J., June 1, 7-Col. Richard Townley (d 1711), from Eng., set- tled at Elizabeth, N.J., 1683; m Lady Carteret (for whom Elizabeth, N.J., was named); 6—Charles (1686-1756), m Abigail-—; 5-Effingham (1710-89), m Rebecca Crane; 4—Richard (1736-1801), m Rhoda Clark: 38—Rebecca (1772-98), m Benjamin Haines (b 1769; Benjamin‘; John®; Benjamin®; Benjamin’). 8-Thomas Wilder (qv); 7—-Thomas (1644-1717); 6—Col. Joseph (1683-1757) ; 5—Col. Caleb (1710-76); 4—-Levi (1750-93), m Sarah Stoddard; 38-Samson V. S. (1780-1865), m Electa Barrell. 2—Dau. of Richard Townley Haines (1795-1870), wholesale merchant, New York; m 1840, Fran- cina Eglae Hannah Wilder (1819-86); issue: I— Richard Townley (1841-1920; Princeton, ’68); IT— Frances Evelyn (1848-76; m William F. Halsey); IlJ—Edward Wilder (1845-1911; Princeton, ’66; m Elizabeth Hayden): IV—Electa Barrell (1848-86: m William Hull Wickham); V—R. Halsted (b 1850); VI-—Laura Theodora (1851-73); VII—Mar- garet Vryling (1853-93; m Robert Porter Keep); VilI-—Carolyn R.R. (above); IX—Rev. Francis Stoddard (b 1857; Princeton, ’78; m Mary Orr); X-Lilian Magie (1858-1919; m Walter H. Crit- tenden); XI—Henry Alexander (b 1860; m Mary deGoll). 6 Tarry- 194 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY VIilII-m Dec. 16, 1886, William Allen Putnam, 0 Brooklyn, N.Y., Mar. 26, 1847; son of Nathaniel Putnam, of Brooklyn; issue (all 6 Brooklyn, N.Y.): 1-Carolyn Electa, 6b Dec. 8, 1887; m June 1, 1921, Dr. Henry T. Chickering (issue: Carolyn Haines, b 1922); 2-Margaret Vryling, b Feb. 19, 1890; m June 10, 1915, Lawrence B. Dunham (is- sue: Lawrence B.; William Putnam; Margaret van Vryling); 3-William Allen, Jr., b Oct. 12, 1895; Princeton, ’19; served with U.S. Ambu- lance Service, with French Army, 1917-19; m Apr. 2, 1921, Dorothy C., dau. of George McD. Traylor, of Atlanta, Ga. (issue: William Allen, 3d). Mem. C.D.A. Summer place: Southampton, L.I. Residence: 70 Willow St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 1-QUINN, Kathryn Karr (Mrs. Harry B.), D Shirley, Ill., Sept. 29, 1884. ; Desc. Sir Walter (Ker) Karr (1656-1748), banished from Scotland as a nonconformist, came to Freehold, N.J., 1685; m Margaret— (1661-1734); and thru: 5-Capt. John (1759-1840), soldier Am. War 1812; m Mercy Lee; ? 4—Thomas (1793-1878), soldier War 1812; m Hliza- beth Kitchel; f 3-Thomas J. (1821-66), m Elizabeth Low. 7-Hugh Rutherford, m Sarah d’Montaigis; 6—-Robert (1728-1803), burgess; mem. Va. Conv., 1775-76; mem. Ist U.S. Congress; m 1758, Mary d’Aubine Howe (1733-1813) ; 5—EHleanor, m 1799, James Brown (1774-1858) ; 4—-Mary R. (1802-38), m 1828, Lloyd Thomas (1790- 1867) ; 3-Margaret (1834-1911), m 1850, Lee Jackson (1824- 1899; Humphrey‘; John, soldier Am. Rev.). 2—Dau. of Harvey B. Karr (1843-95), horse breeder; m 1879, Emily Kathryn Jackson (b 1856); issue: I-Lloyd Thomas (1882-93); II-Kathryn (above); IlI—Thomas J. (b 1886; m Florence Ritter); IV— Lee Jackson (b 1888; m Rae Golzer); V—Girl (d infancy). f II-m Dec. 14, 1904, Harry Boulware Quinn, 0 Shirley, Ill., Dec. 27, 1880; farmer and stock- man; son of William H. Quinn, of Shirley (Hiram?®; Hiram‘); issue (all 6 Shirley, I1l.): 1- Lucile, 6 Oct. 9, 1905; Ill. Normal U., ’25; 2— Everett, b Nov. 9, 1907; 3-Helen, b Mar. 13, 1910; 4-William Henry, b Oct. 6, 1912; 5-Virginia, b Dec. 18, 1914. Mem. D.A.C. (first state registrar for I11.), D.A.R., U.S.D. 1812. Residence: Shirley, I11. 1-RANDOLPH, Harrison, ) New Orleans, La., Dec. 8, 1871. 7-William Randolph, of Turkey Island, Va. (qv); ached m Miss Groves (or Grosvenor), of ng.; 5—-Edward, m Lucy Harrison; 4—Harrison, m Miss Starke; 3-Edward, of ‘“‘The Grove,” Brunswick Co., Va.; m Margaret Turnbull. i §$-Benjamin Harrison (qv); 8-Benjamin (1645-1712), of ‘‘Wakefield-Surrey”; Bere ee: commr. to Eng.; councillor; m Han- nah-; 7—Benjamin (1673-1710), of “Berkeley”; atty. gen. and treas. of Va.; speaker House of Burgesses; m Elizabeth Burwell (Lewis’); 6—Col. Benjamin (1693-1745), sheriff Charles City Co., Va.; burgess; m Anne, dau. Robert, “King,” Carter (among their sons was Col. Benjamin, a “signer,” and his son, Gen. William Henry, was $th President of the U.S.): 5-Lucy, m Edward Randolph (5 above). 8—-Petrus Bayard (qv); 7-Samuel (1675-1721), m 1699, Susannah Bouchelle; 6—-James (d 1769), m Mary Asheton; 5-Col. John (1788-1807), col. Ist Pa. Cav. in Am. Rev.; speaker Pa. Assembly; del. Cont. Con- gress, 1785; m 1760, Margaret Hodge; 4—Judge Samuel (1767-1840), grad. Coll. of N.J., 1784; clk. Supreme Ct. of U.S.; spl. commr. to Eng. to prosecute claims under the Jay treaty; judge Ct. Common Pleas, Westchester Co., N.Y.; m 1790, Martha Pintard; 3-Judge Samuel John (1800-78), Winder Dashiell (1811-98). 2-Son of John Feild Randolph (1825-80), surgeon U.S.A.; bvtd. It. col. “For faithful and mer- itorious services during the war’; m 1864, Vir- ginia Dashiell Bayard; issue: I—Caroline Bay- ard (1866-1917; m Col. Benjamin Walker Atkin- son); II—Dashiell Bayard (6 1867); I1I—Harrison Rev. and m 1833, Jane (above); IV-Mary Roscoe (m Francis Joseph Pelzer); V—Jane Dashiell (m Bernard Johnston Harrison); VI—John (6 1878; col. U.S.A.; m Mar- garet Thompson). {II—m June 27, 1911, Louise Wagener, b Anderson, S.C., Sept. 30, 1871; dau. of George A. Wagener, of Charleston, S.C., m Eleanor Keys. M.A., U. Va., 92; (LL.D., Washington and Lee, 1899, U. of S.C., 1905). Pres. College of Charles- ton since 1897 (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. Va. and S.C. hist. socs., H.S.S.C., ete. Residence: 179 Rutledge Av., Charleston, S.C. 1-RHOADES, Nelson Osgood, b Madison, Wis., June 2, 1869. 9-Henry (Rodes) Rhoades (1608-75), from Eng. to Mass. Bay Colony; settled at Lynn before 1640; ironmonger; rep. Gen. Ct.; King Phil- ip’s War; m Elizabeth White (or Paul); 8-Samuel (1642-1718), King Philip’s War; m 1681/82, Abigail Coates (Robert?); 7T—Obadiah (b 1693), m 1717, Abigail-; 6-Obadiah (b 1722), m 1747, Mary Stanberry (or Stanbury); 5-Benjamin (1754-91), Am. dith Richmond; (1789-1865), Rev.; m ca. 1780, Ju- 4—-Benjamin War of 1812; m Nellie Bishop; 3-Bela (b 1825), m Jane Johnson. 1i-Thomas Rogers (qv); 10—John, lived at Plymouth, Mass., 1631, Dux- bury, Mass., 1634; rep. Gen. Ct.; m Anne Churchman; S-Abigail (1641-1727), m John Richmond (ca. 1627- 1715; John? [1594-1664], from Eng., ca. 1635, an original propr. of Taunton, Mass., 1637); 8-Lt. Joseph (b 1663), m 1685, Mary Andrews (Henry?) ; 7-Christopher (b 1688), m 1st, Phebe Watkins (Joseph’); 6—Eliakim (6b 1724/25), m 1747, Sarah Hackett (George?) ; 5-Judith (1753-1849), m Benjamin Rhoades (5 above). 9-John Osgood (qv); 8-Stephen (1638-1690/91), m 1663, Mary Hooker; 7—Hooker (1668-1748), m 1692, Dorothy Woodman (b 1669; Joshuas); 6—Joshua (1694-1783), m 1722, Ruth Divoll (d 1782); 5-William (1732-1801), Am. Rev.; m 1756, Hepsibeth Dunton (d 1809); 4—-Joshua (1773-1820), m Lucy Russell; 8-Joshua W. (1812-76), m 1831, Mary (Blizabeth) Russell. 2-Son of Nelson Carrier Rhoades (1838-1905), farmer, lumberman; m ist, Temperance Hart (niece of Gen. Jeremiah Rush, gov. of Wis.); m 2d, 1866, Lucy Eunice Osgood; issue (1st marriage): I-Francis Marion (m Manetta Hol- land); (2d marriage): II—Nellie (1867-82); III— Nelson Osgood (above); IV—Mary Alice (m Charles Kelley); V—Lucy Maud (1873-74); VI- Ida May (1875-76); VII-Edward James (m Laura V. Long); VIII—Minnie BH. (1880-88); IX—Eva May (m Clarence Matthews; m 2d, George W. Oldham). IlI—m Sept. 18, 1887, Lotta M. Farnsworth; issue: 1-Ewell Nelson (1893-1924); 2-Roger Farns- worth, b Denver, Colo., 1903. Capitalist, consulting engr.; partner with James R. Garfield in firm of Garfield & Rhoades, Latin-Am. counselors and fiscal agts. Editor Colonial Families U.S.A. (See Who’s Who in America). Memz .M. D4) Ocby PxAs as. Gaye S.R., etc. Clubs: University (Mexico City), Bohemian (San Francisco), California. Resi- dence: Mexico City, Mex. 1-RITER, Lesley Day Woodruff (Mrs. Benja- min F., Jr.), 6 Rock Springs, Sweet Water Co., Wyo. Ty., June 10, 1887, 9-Matthew Woodruff (qv); 8-Matthew (1646-91), m 1668, Mary Plum (1644-82; Robert®, of Milford, Conn.); 7—John (1672-1726), m 1698, Mary Platt (Joseph§, of Milford); 6-John (1703-68), m 2d, Sarah Baldwin (b 1715; Thomas’, of Milford); 5-Jonah (1755-1831), m 1777, Mabel Adams (1758- 1832; Abraham‘); 4—Philo (1780-1866), m Lucey Tuttle (1782-1854): 8—John (1813-98), m 1834, Lucinda Mariah Dimick. 10-Samuel Hotchkiss (qv); 9-Ens. Joshua (1651-1722), sheriff of New Haven FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 195 Co., Conn.; received land grant for services in King Philip’s War; m 1st, 1677, Mary Par- dee (1658-ca. 1684; George”, Huguenot, came to New Haven, 1644, m Martha Miles); 8—-Dea. Stephen (1681-1755), clk. of New Cheshire Parish, Conn., 1747-52; m 1704, Elizabeth Sperry (1683-1760; John®, m Elizabeth Post; Richard’, of New Haven); 7-—Gideon (1716-1807), capt. French and Indian War; mem. Conn. Gen. Assembly, 1756; capt. militia and mem. Com. of Inspection in Am. Rev.; m 1st, 1737, Anna Brockett (1715-62; John’, m Huldah Eells; Samuel®; John”, was at New Haven ante 1639); 6—Jesse (1788-76), physician; in French and In- dian War and Am, Rev.; m 1759, Charity Mal- lory (Peter’, m Mary Beardsley); 5-Charity (1761-1851), m 1781-82, Riverus Russell (1756-1834), soldier Am. Rev.; 4-Temperance (1800-86), m 1815, Nathan Cook Dimick (d post 1850); 3-Lucinda Mariah (1816-1901), m 1834, John Wood- ruff (8 above). 2—-Dau. of Dr. Edward Day Woodruff (1850-1925), surgeon; capitalist; m 1882, Minnette Myrtle (1863-1925), dau. of John Roberts (1835-66), m Roscelia Adelaide (1839-1923), dau. of Charles MacDonald, from Scotland to Montreal, Can., 18387; issue: I—Lesley Day (above); II—Helen Marie (m Ernest Hampshire Hill); Il1I-Edward Russell (m Edith Mayo); IV—Virginia May (0 1902; m Charles Dickinson Gifford). I-m Nov. 2, 1911, Benjamin Franklin Riter, Jr., b Logan, Cache Co., Utah Ty., Sept. 27, 1886; son of Benjamin Franklin Riter, m Maria Inez Corlett. Ed. by pvt. tutors, at Columbia U., and piano study 3 yrs. under Eugene Heflley, New York. Mem. H.S.S.C., D.A.R., N.E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. Freeones: 95 E. First North, Salt Lake City, tah. 1-RITZINGER, Frances Hart (Mrs. John Ram- say), 6 Buckhannon, W.Va., Oct. 25, 1879. 7-Edward Hart, raised co. of vols. for service in French War; 6—John (1707-79), mem. Provincial Assembly of N.J.; del. Cont. Congress, 1774-76; ‘‘a signer;’’ chmn. N.J. Council of Safety; mem. ist N.J. State Assembly; m Deborah Scudder; 5-Edward, War 1812; m Nancy Stout; Steen a m Margaret Hart (g.dau. of John art); 3—Elijah Montgomery, m Sarah Catherine Lytle. Maternally, 4-Robert Mooney, m Margaret Hazlett; 3—-James J., m Elizabeth Westfall. 2-Dau. of Creed William Hart (1841-97), Civil War; m Victoria Virginia Mooney (b 1844); issue: JI—Henry Westfall (b 1876; m Mary Doyle); II—Frances (above). II-m Nov. 29, 1906, John Ramsay Ritzinger (Aug. 4, 1876-1922); son of Augustus William Rit- zinger, Indianapolis, Ind., and St. Paul, Minn., m Elizabeth Ramsay; issue: 1-Augustus Wil- liam, 6 St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 4, 1907; 2-Vir- Bee Hart, 6 Los Angeles, Calif., Apr. 26, Mem. D.S., D.A.R. Residence: ‘“Hartsease,” Buckhannon, W.Va. 1-ROBERTS, George McKenzie, }) Vergennes, Vt., Dec. 28, 1886. 5-John Roberts (1747-1830), soldier Am. Rev., wounded at Battle of L.I.; m 1776, Sarah Clapp (1757-1831) ; 4—Thomas (1794-1875), col. Gov.’s Foot Guards. ise eae Conn.; m ist, Saphia Spear (1796- 3-George Clapp (1821-1893), m 1850, Elizabeth Cogswell Hewett. 1li-Edward Converse (qv); 10-Lt. James (1620-1715), King Philip’s War; dep. Gen. Ct.; m 1st, 1648, Anna Long (1625-91): 9-Maj. James (1645-1706), in charge of all Mass. forces in Me.; dep. and speaker Mass. Gen. Ct.; m 1668/69, Hannah Carter (1650-91): ont (1673-1707/08), m 1699, Abigail Sawyer (b 7-Joshua (1704-44), colonial soldier; selectman, Merrimac, N.H.; m 1729, Rachel Blanchard (1712-1801) ; 6—Joseph (1739-1828), sgt. Am. Rev.; m 1762, Eliz- abeth Davis (1743/44-1817); 5-Rev. James (1772-1839), A.B., Harvard, 1799: rep. Vt. Legislature; Vt. state chaplain; town minister, Weathersfield, Vt., 1802-39; m 1st, Mehitable Cogswell; 4-Elizabeth Cogswell (1803-97), m 1830, Dr. Simon Cummins Hewett (1803-88), noted bonesetter of Boston (Daniel Hewitt® [1773-1845], m 1797, Rachel Cummings); 3—-Elizabeth Cogswell (1832-97), m 1850, George Clapp Roberts. (8 above). 5-George McKenzie (b 1739), soldier Am. Revy., widow pensioned; m ist, 1787, Temperance Packer (1753-ante 1851); 4—John (1797-1848), m Betsey Bement (1797-1888) ; gee (1821-1900), m 1856, Helen Rebecca Dens- ow. 7-William Denslow, New Haven, Conn., 1740; 6—William (17380-1810), soldier French and Indian War, wounded at Lake George, pensioned; m 1st, 1758, Sarah Dorman (b 1726); 5—-Eli (1769-1833), soldier Am. Rev., pensioned; m 1788, Mary Andrews (1768-1856) ; 4-Allen Andrews (1798-1850), founder, with Au- gustus G. Hazard, of Hazard Powder Co., Hazardville, Conn.; m 1822, Rebecca Bradley Tallmadge; 38—Helen Rebecca (1835-1923), m Edwin McKenzie (8 above). 10-Thomas Tallmadge (qv); 9-Robert (d 1662), m 1648/49, Sarah Nash (b 1626); 8-Lt. Thomas (1650-1730), called ‘‘Powder Tom’”’ by the Indians; m Elizabeth Alsop (1650-1719): 7—Robert (1684-1755), m 1709, Abigail Peck (b 1686); Saree he (1711-91), m 1738, Mary Thompson (1716- 5—-Daniel (1746-1831), began to write name Tall- madge; sgt. Am. Rev.; m 2d, 1798, Rebecea (Bradley) Potter (1770-1857); 4-Rebecca Bradley (1800-89), m Allen Andrews Denslow (4 above). 2-Son of George Simon Roberts (b 1860), jour- nalist; m 1885, Florence Loise McKenzie (1863- 1905); issue: I-George McKenzie (above); II-— Wilson Burr (b 1888; m Olive Helen Davis); IlI—Edmond Hewett (1892-1905); [V—Helen Dens- low (1898-1905). I—-Asst. treas., Internat. Gen. Electric Co., New Vorke Mem. S.C; Wi, NESS 1 Sih, os. Ask, (treas. gen. 1922—), Dudley Family Assn., Denslow Family Assn., ete. Address: 120 Broadway, New York. fated tect teat Victor, 6 St. Paul, Minn., Apr. , 1859. 3-William Robertson (1769-1829), Scotland to Pictou, N.S., 1800; m ca. 1810-14, Lillias (1784- 1853), dau. Rev. Alexander McIntosh, of In- verness, Scotland. &8-Thomas Blanchard (qv); 7-Samuel (d 1707), removed to Andover, Mass., 1686; m 2d, 1673, Hannah Doggett (d 1725); 6—John, removed to Billerica, Mass.; m 1701, Mary Crosby; aoe (d 1796), m 1746, Rebecca Sheldon (d 4—Justus (d 1831), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1st, 1787, Chloe Marshall (1767-1811); 3—Charlotte (b 1798), m 1821, Robert Bell (d 1828). 2-Son of Daniel Alexander Robertson (1812-95), m 1844, Julia Anna Bell (1826-1910); issue: I- Lillias Blanche (1845-1903; m 1866, Oscar Ste- phenson); II—William George (1846-1990; m 1882, Cora Louise Powell); III—Elizabeth Bell (b 1849; m 1871, Augustine G. Langford); IV—Dan- iel Alexander (1850-52); V—Mackintosh (0 1852); ViI-Victor (above);VII—Julia A. (1861-1913; m 1886, Howard Morris; see son Victor, Vol. 1, p. 388). ViI—m Dec. 15, 1892, Alice Hildegarde Goodrich. 6b St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 1, 1873; dau. of Judge Aaron Goodrich, first chief justice of Minn.; issue: 1—Alice Victoria (Nov. 3, 1893-Feb. 9, 1920), m 1915, George Stone Hardenbergh (issue: George Adams, b Mar. 19, 1918); 2-Julia Alex-. andra, 6 Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 8, 1896; m Jan. 8, 1916, Charles O'scar Kalman (issue: Charles Arnold, 6} Aug. 20, 1919). Wholesale dry goods mcht., St. Paul. Mem. exec. council Minn. Hist. Soc.; trustee James Jerome Hill Reference Library. Club: Uni- Nee Residence: 554 Portland Av., St. Paul, inn. 1-ROBERTSON, William Joseph, } Fincastle, Va., Sept. 19, 1888. 4—Rev. John Robertson (1776-1818), from Glasgow, Scotland; instr. William and Mary Coll., Va.; m Sarah Brand (d 1853); 3-William Joseph (1817-98), B.L., U.-Va., ’41; dis- 196 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY tinguished lawyer; judge Supreme Ct. of Appeals of Va., 1859-65; m 1848, Hannah Eliz- abeth Gordon. ' L 8-William Churchill, from lng., settled in Mid- dlesex Co., Va., 1664, at ‘“‘Bushey Park’; ex- tensive planter; m 1703, Elizabeth Armistead; 7-Col. Armistead (b 1704, in Va.), m 1725, Hannah Harrison (Nathaniel, of Wakefield, Va.); 6—-Lucy, m 1756, John Gordon (d 1780), from Ire- land, with his brother James, ca. 1738; set- tled in Lancaster Co., Va.; was large tobacco mcht.; we 5-James (1759-99), mem. Va. Cony., 1788; m 1777, his cousin, Hlizabeth Gordon (b 1758; Col. James’); f 4—-Gen. William Fitzhugh (1787-1858), maj. gen, Va. militia; mem. 21st to 23d Congresses, 1830- 35; originator of the independent treasury of the U.S.; m 2d, 1813, Elizabeth Lindsay (Col. Reuben, Albemarle Co., Va., m Hannah Tid- well); 3-Hannah Elizabeth (1817-61), m William Joseph Robertson (3 above). j—Alexander Breckinridge (qv); 6—-Robert (d 1772), of Botetourt Co., Va.; French and Indian War; m 1758, Letitia Preston (John’, from Ireland to Va., 1740, m Elizabeth Patton); 5-Gen. James (1763-1833), of “Grove Hill,’’ Bote- tourt Co.; grad. William and Mary, 1785; mem. Va. Assembly; a founder of U. Va.; brig. gen. War 1812; mem. 11th to 14th Congresses, 1809- 17; m 1791, Ann Selden; 4—Cary (1796-1867), m Emma Gilmer; 3—Peachy Gilmer (1835-64), m 1860, Julia Matilda Anthony. 7-Dr. George Gilmer (1700-57), from Gilmerton. near Craig Miller Castle, Scotland, to Wil- liamsburg, Va., 1781; m 1st, 1732, Mary Peachy Walker; 6—-Dr. George (1742-92), of ‘Pen Park,” Albe- marle Co., Va.; m Lucy Walker (Dr. Thomas’, burgess, mem. Va. Conv., 1775, Indian commr., explorer); 5-Peachy Ridgeway, m 1808, Mary House (Capt. George®, of New London, Conn., m Mary Schapley, of Norwich, Conn.); 4-Hmma (1807-93), m 1830, Cary Breckinridge (4 above). 6-Joseph Anthony, m Elizabeth-; 5-Christopher (b 17444, m Mary Jordan (1749-1839; Samuel’, m Hannah-); 4-Samuel (1779-1850), m Mary Fleming Irvine (Samuel5, m Anne F., dau. of Hugh Rose). 3—Julia Matilda, m Peachy Gilmer Breckinridge (3 above). 2-Son of William Gordon Robertson (1856-1910), m 1882, Nannie Anthony Breckinridge (b 1860): issue: I-Julia Breckinridge (1884-1916; m her 2d cousin, Judge Maurice A. Breckinridge): II-William J. (above); IlI—Jane Gamble (18%1- 1895); IV—Peachy Gilmer (b 1894; m John M. Nelson); V—Gordon (b 189%; m Nova Moore): ViI-George Morris (b 1897; m Irene Hedges): raon ca Anthony (6 1900); VIII-Sarah Brand (b 1902). II-m Nov. 14, 1918, Susan Radford Preston. b “Greenfield,’’ Botetourt Co., Va., Dec. 30, 1893: dau. of Alfred Garnett Preston, m Alice Brockenbrough, of “Greenfield,’’ Botetourt Co.. Va.; issue: 1-Preston Breckinridge, b ‘‘Green- field,’ Botetourt Co., Va., Sept. 12, 1919; 2— William J., Jr., 6 Richmond, Va., June 24, 1922. : Ed. V.M.I. 1 yr. Newspaper work since 1912: editor, Wilmington (Del.) Every Evening. since 1923. Capt., inf., U.S.A., World War. Residence: 2131 Gilles St., Wilmington, Del. 1-ROBINSON, Doane (Jonah Leroy), } Sparta, Wis., Oct. 19, 1856. 7-John Robinson (hb 1654), of Oyster Bay and Hempstead, L.I.; built old mill still preserved at Roslyn, L.I.; mem. ist N.Y. Provincial Leg- islature, 1791; m Jeane-; 6-Capt. Robert (ca. 1680-1762), of Brookhaven, L.1I.; m Mary Davis, of Brookhaven: 5—-Robert (b 1718), of Chester, N.J.; French and Indian War; m 1749, Susana (Davis) Robinson (Samuel Davis’), widow of his cousin Jonah: 4-Jonah (1750-1814), Am. Rev.: removed from Wantage, Sussex Co., N.J., to Bedford Co.. Pa., thence to Columbiana Co., O., 1800: m Joanna Daniels (1760-1843); 3—Jonah (1791-1861), War 1812; m 1814, Sarah Mor- rison (1800-72). 8-John Grow (1636-1727), of Ipswich, Mass.; m Hannah Lord; 7-Samuel (6 1671), m 1694, Ruth Foster; 6—John (b 1701); 5-John (1720-75), m 1742, Mary Farrington: 4—-Peter (1763-1837), Am. Rev.; m 1795, Deborah Tracy; 3—Aeson (1797-ca. 1833), Cincinnati, O.; m Martha Young Noland. 9-Lt. Thomas Tracy (qv); 8-Thomas (6 1645), Preston, Conn.; m Sarah-; 7-Thomas (b 1668); 6—-Samuel (b 1692); 5-Samuel (6 1732), Am. Rev.; 4—Deborah (b 1766), m Peter Grow (4 above). 2-Son of George McCook Robinson (1825-91), m 1847, Rhozina Elvira Grow (1825-1902); issue: I— John Morrison (b and d 1848); II—William Charles (b 1849; m 1874, Ella W. Clarke); IIJ— Josepha Matilda (b 1851; m 1876, Harvey W. Throop); [V—Ella Kate (1854-1905; m 1879, Frank D. Wasson); V—Doane (above); VI-Sarah RE. (b 1859); VII—George Alpheus (b 1862; m Kate Hogue); VIII-Homer Nathan (6 1863; m 1891, El- len Baldwin); IX—Carrie Lee (1867-68). V—m Dec. 4, 1884, Jennie Austin (Dec, 19, 1862- Jan. 23, 1902); dau. of Henry Austin, of Leon, Wis.; issue: 1-Harry Austin, b Watertown, Dak. Ty., Dec. 4, 1888; m June 25, 1921, Jose- phine Max (issue: Pauline, b 1923); 2—-Will Grow, b Watertown, S.D., May 11, 1893; m Dee. joan Martha Slattery (issue: Suzanne, ) Hd. country schools; (hon. M.A., U. of S.D., 1911; Litt. - D7 Yankton 1922): Established the Monthly South Dakotan (hist. mag.), 1898; supt. Dept. of History of S.D., since 1901. Author (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. S.C.W., S.A.R. Residence: Pierre, S.D. 1-ROBINSON, Eugene Webster, b Breckenridge, Mo., Feb. 25, 1887. 7-Thomas Webster (b 1631), from Eng. to Water- town, Mass., with his mother, Margery-, and his stepfather, William Godfrey: removed to Hampton, N.H.; m Sarah Brewer (Thomas, of Roxbury, Mass.); 6-Ebenezer (1667-1756), served in Indian wars: a grantee of Kingston, N.H.; m 1709, Hannah Judkins; 5-Joseph (1724-1810), of Kingston, N.H.; m 1747, Maria Goss; 4-Joseph (b 1769), of Wilton, Me.; m 2d, 1800, Ruth Butterfield (d 1854); eee (1808-66), m 1829, West Robinson (1808- §-Richard Bailey (qv); 8-Dea. Joseph (1635-1712), of Rowley, Mass.: m Abigail Trumbull: 7-Elder Richard (1675-1748), m Joanna Webster; 6—Ebenezer (1719-1815), m Sarah Palmer: 5-Ebenezer (1740-1807), selectman, tithingman, constable, Weare, N.H.; mem. Com. Safety: lt. militia; m 1762, Mehitable Baton (d 1818): 4-Jesse (1775-1849), m 1797, Phebe Bailey (1777-1854 ; pee m Sarah, dau. of Capt. Samuel Phil- rick); 3-Samuel Chase (1816-1905), settled at Brecken- ridge, Mo., 1873; m 1843, Hannah Ray Perkins. 10—John Perkins (qv); 9-Thomas (1616-86), Topsfield, Mass.; m 1640, Phebe Gould (6 1620); 8-Elisha (1654-1705), m 1680, Catharine Towne; 7-Jacob (b 1692), m 1721, Hannah Bowman: 6-Joseph_ (1738-1805), Unity, N.H.: m 1762, Anna Batchelder (1741-1805) ; 5-Jacob (1764-1839), m Hannah Chase (1769-1831: Amos’, m Hannah Carleton; Francis?; Sam- uel’; Moses®; Aquilla!®, qv); 4—Abel (1791-1881), m Melenda Straw (1797-1860) : 3-Hannah Ray (1821-1915), m Samuel Chase Bailey (3 above). 2-Son of Lewellen Paul Robinson (1839-1916), m 1868, Ella Francelia Bailey (1845-1917): issue: T— Rosa Eunice (b 1869): II—Rosie Nell (b 1871): IIT—Delmont Lewellen (b 1874); IV—Herbert Bailey (6 1876); V-Eugene Webster (above), V—m Jan. 1, 1910, Lezetta Rose Fink, 6 Alden. Minn., Feb. 25, 1884; dau. of Henry Fink, of Alden; issue: 1-Rosalie Zetta, b Ft. Worth, Tex., Jan. 26, 1914. B.S. in C.E., U. Mo., ’08 (Tau Beta Pi). Sec.- treas. McKenzie Construction Co. Mem. Am. Soc. C.E., S.A.R. Residence: 1125 W. Craig PI., San Antonio, Tex. te - an FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 197 1-ROGERS, Grace Jeannette Haynes (Mrs. Fordyce H.), 6b Patten, Me., June 4, 1854. 9-Walter Haynes (1583-1665), a founder of Sud- bury, Mass.; m Elizabeth— (1583-1659) ; 8—John (1621-97), m 1642, Dorothy Noyes (1626-1715; Peter’); 7—James (1660-1732), m 1689, Sarah Noyes (1669- 1756; Joseph8; Rev. James’); 6—Ahijah (1701-87), m 1726, Elizabeth 1778; Thomas’; Thomas’; John’): 5-Capt. Aaron (1727-82), m 2d, 1768, Mrs. Ruth (Wood) Bennet (1738-1835; David Wood*; John’; John§); 4—-David Wood (1769-1846), m 1793, Hannah Piper (1769-1840; Jonathan®; Jonathan*; Jonathan’; Nathaniel§); 38—David (1799-1872), m 1820, Nancy Walcott (1802- 1869; Joshua‘). 7-John Darling (d 1713), m 1660, Mary Bishop (1635-1703) ; 6—-Thomas (1683-1749), m 1704, Sarah Buxton (b 5-Jonathan (d 1746), m 1740, Sarah Wardwell (1714- 1757) ; 4—Jonathan (1742-1828), m 1763, Hannah Holt (1741- 1826) ; 38-Samuel (1789- 1871). f 2—-Dau. of Thomas Herrick Chase Haynes (1828- 1864), civil engr. and surveyor; m 1849, Isabel Whitten Darling (1829-89), she m 2d, John Col- pitts; issue: I-Fremont Atwood (1851-76); IT- Cora Jeannette (6 and d 1852); IlI—Grace Jeannette (above); ITV—Samuel Darling (1856- 1923); V—Annie Belle Louise (1860-62); WVI- Charles Thomas (1862-65). IlI-m May 7, 1895, Fordyce Huntington Rogers (Oct. 12, 1840-Nov. 2, 1914)} mfr. and capitalist: son of George Washington Rogers (Russell]*: Jabezt: Samuel>; Samuel’; Samuel?; James’), m Jane Emmons Rogers, of Detroit, came from Vergennes, Vt., 1840. Teacher, 1879-95, and dean of women and teacher Smith (d (1781-1859), m 2d, Mary Jellison of English literature, Olivet (Mich.) Coll.. 1893-95. Trustee, Carnegie Public Library. Ocala, Pla’ Juifé: mem. A:IA.3 mem. N.E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., ete. Clubs: Colleve (De- troit, Mich.), Travel (New York), Woman’s (Ocala). Summer place: “Graford,’”’ Old Club, St. Clair Flats, Mich. Residence: 109 Anthony Rd., Ocala, Fla. 1-ROLLINS, Bella Funk (Mrs. Herbert M.), 0 Bloomington, Ill., Sept. 4, 1858, 6—Frederick Funk, from Germany, 1733; 5-Adam (b 1733), m Sarah Long; 4-Adam _ (1758-1830), m Nancy Moore (Philip; Philip) ; 3-Isaac (1797-1865), m Cassandra Sharp (1802-65). 8-Samuel Bichardson (before 1652-1719), a Quak- er; a native of Eng.; driven from London to the West Indies ca. 1670, thence to Pa. ca. 1686; first alderman of Phila.; mem. Ct. of Common Pleas; provincial councillor; was the second richest man in that city; m El- eanor— (before 1657-1703) ; 7-Joseph_ (1675-1752), m 169, Elizabeth Bevan (royal descent); 6-Edward (1711-51), m Ann Jones; 5—John (1748-1828), Am. Rev.; m 1st, Lane; 4-Samuel Lane (d 1820), m Ann Wright: 3-Samuel Troup (1809-92), m 1832, Mary Welch (1812-70; Solomon’). 2—-Dau. of Duncan M. Funk (1832-1911), large land owner and farmer; m 1857, Elizabeth Richard- son (1834-96); issue: I-Bella (above); II—Isaac Lincoln. I—m_ Oct. 19, 1882, Herbert M. Rollins, } Henry. Tll., June 11, 1855; son of Nathaniel Mitchell. of Henry, Ill.; issue: 1-Dana, b} Bloomington, Tll., Oct. 23, 1888. Member of) DEP AS D.A:G,, DA. Ro U.S!D: 1812: Club: Woman’s. Summer place: Shirley, Tl. Residence: 110 EK. Chestnut St., Bloomington, imbe 1-MEDBERY, Lorena Robinson (Mrs. H. L.), b Bloomington, Ill., Feb. 4, 1902. 1l—Luke Hitchcock (qv); 10-Luke (1655-1727), m 1676, Henry); Mercy (1681-1761), m 1700, Ebenezar Day (1677- 1763; Thomas!®; Robert); 8—Miriam (1718-91), m 1739, Reuben Leonard (1716- 1805; Josiah®; Josiah; John"); Christine Sarah Burt (d 1746; 7—-Reuben (1742-1830), m 1764, Martha Lewis; 6—Robert (b 1764), m 1795, Lucy Stephens (John’; Andrew’; Thomas®; Henry”); 5-Cornelia (1804-75), m 1822, Alexander Goomes (1796-1858; John®; John?; Richard’); 4-Sarah Ann (1822-1910), m 1847, John Chandler Ford (1823-1904; Adam; Luke®; Jacob?7; An- drew; Andrew®; Andrew’); 38—Hiram (1850-88), m 1876, Rosalie Hunt (6 1853). 2-Dau. of Georgiana Ford (qv for other line- bres m 1897, James Edwin Robinson (1844- M Mar. 6, 1922, Harold Laverry Medbery (qv). Ed. Ill. State Normal U. Mem. S.M.D., D.F.P.A., D.A.C. (state treas.), D.A.R., U.S.D.1812. Resi- dence: 1009 Fell Av., Normal, Il. Arms: heads erased and countercharged. Crest: Griffin’s head, couped gules. Chevron, sable and argent, three griffins? 1-RUSSELL, Lillian Hillyard Tenney (Mrs. Joseph B.), b Mt. Sterling, Ky., July 17, 1855. %9Thomas Tenney (qv); 8-Dea. John (1640-1722), m 1st, 1663, Mercy Parrat (1646-67; Dea. Francis®); 7-Lt. Samuel (1667-1747/48), m 2d, 1690, Sarah Boyn- ton (1671/72-1709; Joseph’, m Sarah, dau. of Richard Swan; John’); 6—Joseph (1698/99-1775), m 1722, Abigail Wood (b 1700; John’, m Isabel, dau. of Edward Hazen; Thomas); eae (1729-1810), m 1755, Olive Armstrong (1736- 4—Capt. David (1759-1851), soldier “Am. Rev.; m 2d, 1789, Anna Jacobs (1765-1813): 3-Capt. Seth (1792-1869), soldier War 1812; m 1818, Esther Miller (1794-1882). 2-Only child of Otis Seth Tenney, LL.D. (1822- 1916), grad. Norwich U., ’45; maj. C.S.A.; law- yer, Lexington, Ky.; m 1848, Junia Maria (d 1906), dau. of Dr. James Warner, of Wilmine- ton, Del. M May 20, 1880, Joseph Ballister Russell; issue (all 6 Cambridge, Mass.): 1-Charles Theodore, b Aug. 28, 1881; A.B., Harvard, 702; m Mar. 14, 1906, Louise, dau. of William A. Rust, of Bos- ton; 2-Sarah E., 6 May 18, 1883; m Oct. 6, 1908, Robert Hude Neilson; 3—Joseph Ballister, Jr., vb Oct. 24, 1884; A.B., Harvard, ’07; m Mar. 9, 1909, Jacquelin Jerrold Kelley; 4—Junia K., b Aug. 1887; m Harold Francis Mason; 5—Otis Tenney, b 1889; Harvard, 711; m Jan. 1917, Charlotte Pumpelly, dau. of Harry Lloyd Smyth, of Dublin, N.H. 198 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Ed. Wesleyan Female Coll., Wilmington, Del. Mem. C.D.A., U.D.C. (O. S. Tenney Chapter). Club: Chilton. Residence: 69 Sparks St., Cam- bridge, Mass. 1-ROBINSON, Georgiana Ford (Mrs. J. E.), b Freeport, Ill., Jan. 19, 1877. 11l—Capt. John Gallup (qv); 10-Capt. John (1615-75), mm 1634, (John, m Margaret Reade); 9-Elizabeth, m Henry Stephens; 8—-Thomas (1678-1750), m 1702, Mary Hall (1677-1719; Hannah Lake Stephen’); 7-Andrew (1709-70), m 1735, Esther Safford (1720- 73; John’; John’®; John”; Thomas»); 6—John (1739-1801), soldier Am. Rev.; ;™m 1759, Phebe Howe (1742-1811; Samuel’; John’; Samuel®; Wil- liam?°; Edward‘); 5-Lucy, m 1795, Robert Leonard (Reuben®, Am. Rev.; Reuben’, Am. Rev.; Josiah’; Josiah’®; John?) ; 4—Cornelia (1804-75), m 1822, Alexander Coomes (1796-1858; John®, Am. Rev.; John®, Am. Rev.; Richard’); 3—-Sarah Ann (1822-1910), m 1847, John Chandler Ford (1823-1904; Adam‘; Luke®, Am. Rev.; Ja- cob’, Am. Rev.; Andrew’; Andrew’; Andrew’). 2-Dau. of Hiram Ford (1850-88), m in 1876, Rosalie Hunt (6 in Germany, 1853); issue: I-Georgiana (above); II—Bessie (1879-1921; m in 1911, John R. Miller). I-m Oct. 5, 1897, James Edwin Robinson (Sept. 11, 1844-Dec. 8, 1920); issue (all b Bloomington, Ill.): 1-Lorena Hortense (Mrs. Harold L. Med- bery, av for Hitchcock lineage); 2-James Ed- win, b Oct. 19, 19094; 3-—Esther Naomi, 0 Mar. 1, 1908; 4-Hiram Ford, } Nov. 2, 1911. Mem. SoM. DD: DIN. PAl, SS. Dabs DA Ca(iilestate repent, 1924), DACAW., HEL S.-C.) DIATR 2U.SeD) 1812, ete. Residence: 1411 N. Main St., Bloom- ington, Il. 1-MEDBERY, Harold Laverry, Tll., Oct. 19, 1896. 1l—Degory Priest (qv); 10—Mary, m 1630, Phinehas Pratt; b Armington, %9Aaron (b 1654), m Sarah Pratt (Joseph; Joshua"); 8-Henry; 7-Lemuel (b 1719), m 1741, Hannah Leonard (James’; James®; James”); 6-Hannah, m 1767, Oliver Danforth (1743-1828), sol- dier Am. Rev. (Samuel’?; Rev. Samuel’; Rev. Samuel; Nicholas”); 5-Abigail (1775-1871), m 1796, Benjamin Horton; 4—-Lucinda (1800-31), m 1818, William Coddington Verry (1795-1877); See Vol. 1, p. 723, for Verry and other lineages; 3-William A. (1819-98), m 1842, Sarah A. Farns- worth (1822-98; Emnos*; Stephen®; Stephen’; Samuel’; Matthias’). 2-Son of Frances Verry (6 1856), m 1881, Edward Stephen Medbery (b 1853). M Mar. 6, 1922, Lorena Hortense Robinson (qv). V.p. Corn Belt Oil Co. U.S.N. Aviation serv- ice, overseas 7 months, World War. Mem. A.L. Residence: 1009 Fell Av., Normal, Il. 1-ROLLINS, Hyder Edward, } Abilene, Tex., Nov. 8, 1889. 10-James (Rawlins) Rollins (qv); 9-Thomas (1641-1708), of Exeter, N.Y.; charged with treason for plotting against the roval governor Cranfield; m Rachel Cox; 8—Joseph (1674-1748), of Stratham; m Hannah-; m 2d, Lydia-; 7—Joseph (1702-ca. 1773), of Exeter and Hampton Falls; took part in siege of Louisbourg, re- ceiving allowance from the government for losses; m Hannah Redman; 6—Eliphalet (1734-1819), of Exeter and Toudon: served in Col. Wyman’s regt. in Can., 1776, and in campaign of 1781; m Abigail Glidden: Pep h aes (1758-1843), Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Bean; 4—-Nathaniel Glidden (1785-1860), of Wilmot Flat, N.H.; m Mercy Brown; 38-Eliphalet Bean (1829-1904), moved to Danger- field, Tex., 1850, to Mantua, Tex., 1865, to Abi- Saye Tex., 1881-1904; soldier C.S.A.; m Mary Jack. 5-Jacob Hyder, }) of English parents, 1776, nr. Charlotte, N.C.. d nr. Cookeville (now Putnam Co.), Tenn., 1854; m Hannah Rockwell (1780- 1862) ; 4—John L., Hyder; (1817-49), m his cousin, Elizabeth 3-James Abercrombie (0 1839), chaplain, C.S.A.; m 1861, Elizabeth Malotte (1915). 2-Son of Nathaniel Glidden Rollins (b 1859), of Abilene, Tex., since 1881; m Elva Hyder (0 1870). Not married. B.A., Southwestern, ’10; M.A., U. Tex., 1912; M.A., Harvard, 1916, Ph.D., 1917. Education since 1911. Asst., asso. prof. and prof. English, New York U., since 1920. Pvt. and 2d It., Signal Corps, U.S.A., 1917-19 (See Who’s Who in America). Address: Graduate Hall, New York University, University Heights, New York. 1-ROMAN, Charles Beauregard, ) New Orleans, La., Nov. 24, 1886. 7-Sieur Noel Roman (b France, 1645), nette Reynaud; 6—Sieur Baltazar (b 1670), m Marguerite, dau. of d’Etienne Reynaud, m Dominique Paris; 5-Sieur Jacques (b 1797), m St. Charles Parish, La., 1741, Marie Joseph, dau. of d’Etienne d’Aigle dit Marbrouche, m Suzanne Des- péron; 4-Sieur Jacque Etienne (b 1748), m Marie Louise, dau. of de Jacques Patin, m Louise Barré; 38-André Bienvenu (1795-1866), 6th and 8th gov. of La.; speaker of La. House; elected to U.S. Senate but resigned; one of three peace commrs. sent by C.S.A. to interview Lincoln at Washington; m Francoise Aimeé, dau. of Charles Parent, m Jeanne Rochon. 8-George Smith, from Eng., with his brother, Thomas, to Carolina, 1671, settled at Charles- town, Mass.; m Sarah Boylston; 7-Thomas, mcht.; m Elizabeth Schinking (g.dau. of James Moore, atty. gen., sec., counsellor to the gov., and gov. of Carolina); 6-Thomas, planter; m Sabina Smith (Thomas’, brother of George, above, 2d landgrave and gov. of Carolina); 5—-Thomas (0b 1719), banker, m Sarah Moore (Roger®, m Catharine, dau. Sir William Rhett, 1666-1722, son of Sir Walter, of The Hague, created baronet, 1660, from London, Eng., to Charles Town, S.C., 1694); 4—James (b 1761), barrister of the Middle Temple, London; m Marianna Gough (Capt. Richard’); 3-Robert Barnwell (Smith) Bhett (assumed name Rhett, 1837; 1800-76), atty. gen. of S.C.; mem. 25th to 30th Congresses, 1837-49; U.S. senator, 1850-52; m 1st, 1827, Elizabeth Wash- ington Burnet (Andrew W.4, m Elizabeth Washington de Saussure, from Switzerland to S.C., 17380). 2-Son of Alfred Roman, col. and insp. gen. on m Antoi- staff of Gen. Beauregard, C.S.A.; judge Crim- inal Ct. of La.; historian; ™ Ist, Pelicie Aimee: m 2d, 1863, Sarah Taylor Rhett (1844- I—Aimee (b and d 1864); II—Elise (m Alfred J. Dufour); IIlI—Robert Edmund; IV—James Alfred; V—George Michel; VI-AI- fred Rhett (m Louise Williams); VII-Edmund Rhett; VIII—Charles B. (above); [X—Jeanne de Saussure (m William Calvin Hudson); X— Marguerite Aimee; XI—Sarah Rhett (m Fred- erick Bigby). VilI-m June 15, 1921, Eleanor Van Benthysen, b Columbia S.C., Nov. 25, 189%; dau. of Edward Van Benthysen,. of Columbia: issue: 1—-Charles Ba dt, 0 Columbiasis.€ OCte29 21023: Residence: 1518 Lady St., Columbia, S.C. 1-ROSAMOND, William Sam, 6 Paris, Lamar Co., Tex., July 3, 1889. 7—“Sergeant” Rosamond (b ca. 1655 in France), left France at the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, 1685; joined army of William Prince of Orange, of Holland: 6-Thomas, from Ireland, settled at Abbeville, S.C., 1740; 5-—Cavt. Samuel (1738-1818), named in the first U.S. Census of 1790 as Capt. Samuel Roseman, residing at Abbeville. S.C.; m —Hodges: 4—Richard (17°5-1856), m 1818, Mary (Polly) Strib- ling (Striblinsky); 8—-Addison (185-79), served in Civil War from Miss.: m 1851, Julia A. Holland. 9-William Strother (ca. 1630-1702), from Mng. to Va., 1650: m Dorthea—; &-Jeremiah (1652-1746), m Eleanor-—; 7—Jeremiah, lived in Culpeper Co., Va., 1746: BEN de to Salanda River, S.C.; m Catherine enn Gevindicn) ‘a 1790), Grassy Island, N.C.; m Nan- ey Lawler; 1921); issue: FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 199 5-John, m 1785, Tabitha Cheek; 4—Elisha (1813-64), m 1834, Malinda Hutchinson; 38-Samuel (1835-1907), served in Civil War from Mo.; m Mary Elizabeth Wallace (b 1838). 2-Son of William Addison Rosamond (6 1861), 1888, Mary Allie Strother (b 1864); issue: I= William Sam (above); II—Allie Julia (1892-1923; m 1920, Clarence L. Williams). I-m Aug. 16, 1922, Elizabeth Ann Horschler, bd Jack Co., Tex., Dec. 15, 1898; issue: 1—Paul Petar b Oklahoma City, Okla., Aug. 26 Grad. Decatur Bapt. Coll, Decatur, sex, “09: studied at Baylor U., Waco, Tex., 1912-13. Supt. of schools at Walters, Okla., 1914-16. Second ihe, (A ROL U.S.A., 1917; Ist It., M.T.C., 1918; capt., 1919; service in France. Vocational edn. dir., U.S.A., Ft. Sam Houston, Tex., 1920, in public schools, Drumright, Okla., 1921, in pub- lic schools, Oklahoma City, since 1922; B.S., Wer Oklas 1928. Mem. A.L. Residence: S11 E. 15th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. 1-ROWAN, Andrew Summers, 0 Gap Mills, Va. (now W.Va.), Apr. 28, 1857. 6-John Rowan, from Scotland, settled nr. Ha- Jee Ee Md.; 5—Jo uaa (b 1730), of Lynchburg, Va.; soldier Va. troops in Am. Revy.; 3-Sebastian (1789-1855), pioneer of Craig Co., Va.; m Martha Givens. 2-Son of John Madison Rowan (1829-1911), sailed around Cape Horn to Calif., 1849, but returned via Isthmus of Panama to Va. and settled at Gap Mills; col. 108th Va. Inf., C.S.A.; mem. Va. Legislature and W.Va. House of Dele- gates; treas. of W.Va.; m Virginia Wirt Sum- mers (1834-62), desc. William Wirt, atty. gen. in the prosecution of Aaron Burr for treason; issue: I—Andrew Summers (above); II—Vir- ginia (b 1859; m Allen Caperton, son of U.S. Senator Allen T. Caperton); III—John Lewis (Pp 1862). I-m Apr. 12, 1887, Ida Mary Symns, b Atchison, Kan., Sept. 12, 1862; dau. of Andrew Burnside Symns; issue: 1—Elizabeth Symns, b Atchi- son, Kan., Jan. 10, 1891. M 2d, Aug. 7, 1904, Josephine (Morris) de Greayer, b San Francisco, Cal.; dau. of William James Morris, of Philadelphia. U.S.M.A., ’81. Topographer and soldier; parti- cipated in Western frontier, Canadian boun- dary, Cuban and Puerto Rican campaigns, Philippine Insurrection and Moro campaign; awarded D.S. Cross (Cuba); silver star for gal- lantry in action (Philippines). Arranged with Gen. Garcia for codperation of American and Cuban forces (See Who’s Who in Amer- ica). Summer place: “Outcrop,’” Mill Valley, Marin Co., Calif. Residence: 1036 Vallejo St., Russian Hill, San Francisco, Calif. 1-ROWLEY, Howard Cortland, b Cortland, N.Y., Mar. 28, 1876. 9-Edward Fuller (qv); 8—-Matthew (1603 ?-1678), settled at Plymouth; rep. Colony Ct., 1653; chmn. Council of War, 1671; surgeon gen. colony troops, 1673; capt. King Philip’s War; m Frances-: 7—Elizabeth, m 1652, Moses Rowley (b ante 1632- d 1705; Henry, d 1673, came to Mass. ca. 1630); 6—Nathan (1664-1742), m Merey Hatch (b 1667): ceiearney (1720-1801), m Christiana Weeks (1716- 4—Nathan C. (1756-1830), pvt. Mass. militia in Am. Rev.; m Lucy Lament (or Lamen or LaMan: Cornelius®, pvt. Mass. militia in Am. Rev.); eget Weeks (1802-51), m Caroline Bilger (1812- 2—Son of Brainard Nathan Rowley (1848-1903), ed- itor and pub. Calif. Fruit Grower (now the Calif. Fruit News, San Francisco; m 1874, Mary Eleanor Gallagher (1851-1920); issue: I-Howard C. (above); II-Ridgway Lloyd (b 1883; m Bertha Perle Strite). I-—m Sept. 25, 1901, Belle Gardner, Calif., Aug. 27, 1877; dau. Eunice Wardwell. Editor and pub. Calif. Fruit News (established by father, 1888). Mem. S.A.R. (pres. Calif. soc.. 1925-26; v.p. gen. Nat. Soc., 1926—). Clubs: Bohemian, Commercial, Commonwealth. Resi- ae 1100 Sacramento St., San Francisco, alif. 6 Santa Cruz, of Alonzo Gardner, m 1-ROYCE, Helen Elizabeth, 6 Windsor, Oct. 11, 1873. 8-Robert Royce (d 1676), from Eng. in the “Fran- cis’; settled at Stratford, Conn., 1648, at New eee 1660; dep. Gen. Ct., 1661; m 1634, Mary ims 7-Nehemiah (1635-1706), m 1660, Hannah Morgan (1642- a iae James, of New London, 9 times dep. Gen. 6—-Nehemiah (1682/83-1725), m 1710, Keziah Hall (Capt. Samuel’, oer Gen. Ct.; John’, Pequot War, dep. Gen. 5-Nehemiah (1722- oy. ee 1744, Rhoda Royce (Abel'; Lt. Samuel’, dep. Gen. Ct; Samuel); 4-Lent (1767-1809), m 1789, Naomi Beach (Samuel5); 3—Enos (1803-74), m Sarah Elizabeth Atwater (1807- 1887; Isaact; Am. Rev., m Lucy Merriam; Stephen®, m Elizabeth Yale; David®, m Ruth Bradley; John’, m Ruth Peck). 10-—Matthew Allyn (qv); 9-Capt. Thomas, m Abigail Warham; 8-Col. Matthew, m Elizabeth Walcott (Henry’®; Henry’; Henry); 7-Capt. Peletiah, m Mary Stoughton; 6—-Samuel Wolcott, m Jerusha Mills; 5-Samuel, m Jerusha Bissell; 4 4-Emily, m Capt. Josiah Phelps (Josiah®; Jo- siah*; Josiah’; Josiah®; Samuel®; William”); 3-Emily Harriet, m Edward Hubbell Hollister (1826-75), served in U.S.V. in Civil War (Edwin Madison‘; Gideon®; Nathaniel®; Lt. Gideon’; Thomas’; John®; John”, qv). 10-Gov. William Bradford (qv); 9-Maj. William (1624-1703/04), dep. gov. Mass., 1692; m 1st, 1651, Alice Richards (1627-71); s—Alice: (1663- 1745), m Maj. James Fitch (6 1649), maj. and asst. of the colony, 1681; 7-Jerusha, m Daniel Bissell; é—Ebenezer F., officer Am. Rev.; m Esther Hay- den; 5—Jerusha, m Capt. Samuel Allyn (5 above). 2-Dau. of Lucien Merriam Royce (1838-1907), drug- gist, New York; served in Co. A, 25th Conn. Vols in Civil War; m 1872, Emma Gratia Hol- lister (b 1852); issue: I-Helen Elizabeth (above); II-Lucy Atwater (6 1876); Il1I—Robert Hollister (6 1880). I-—Adelphi Coll., ’95. Teacher. Mem. S.M.D., Daughters of Vets. of Civil War, etc. Sum- mer place: ‘Corn Crib Cottage,’’ Madison, Conn. Winter place: “Barbour House,’”’ Wind- Conn., sor, Conn. Residence: 5 Pliny Ct., Hartford, Conn. 1-RUDOLPHY, Jay Besson, 6 Hoboken, N.J., Nov. 30, 1887. 3-John Leonhard Rudolphy (1819-1890; Rudolphé family originated in France), came from Ger- many to New York, 1850; was wholesale drug- gist and author of Pharmaceutical Directory and Handbook; m Anna Louise, dau. of Ernst August Robbelen, distinguished physician of Hameln, Germany. 1i—Edward Fuller (av); 10-Samuel (ca. 1612- 1683), m 1635, Jane Lothrop (Rev. John, qv); 9-Hannah (b 1636), m 1658/59, Nicholas Bonham (4 1684), resided in Mass. and N.J., 1661-84; mage istrate to arrange local govt., 1673; 8—Mary (1661-1734), m 1681, Rev. Edmund Dunham (1661-1734; Benejah?®; Dea. John?®, qv); 7-Eamund (1691-1749), m 1717, Dinah Fitz Randolph (b 1700; Thomas’; Edward’, of royal and surety baron descent, from Eng., 1630; juryman at Barnstable, * Mass., 1641; m 1637, Elizabeth [b ca. 1620], dau. of Dea. Thomas Blossom, of Plymouth, Mass 6—Daniel (b 1727/28), m 1749, Elizabeth Martin (desc. John Martin, of Dover, N.H., and Piscataway, N.J., m Esther, dau. of Thomas Roberts, pres. Court, Dover, N. jal e 5-Sarah (1767- 1843), m 1785, Cornelius Carhart (1765- 1818; Cornelius*, maj. Cont. Army; desc. Thomas Carhart [1650-95], son of Anthony, of Co. Cornwall, from Eng. to New York ca. 1689, holding commission as pvt. sec. to Col. Thomas Dongan); 4—Sarah (1794-1873), m 1815, Philip Runkle (1792-1833 ; dese. Adam Runkle, to America bet. 1735-45) ; 38—Sarah C, (1816-96), m 1838, Jacob Besson (1811-90; John‘; John®, ensign Am. Revy.; Francis®). 2-Only child of Charles Bruno Rudolphy (1851- 1892), m 1877, Almira Josephine Besson (1842-1914), Not married. Columbia U., College of Physicians and Surgeons, M.D., 1915; Grad. Sch. of Medi- 200 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY cine of U. Pa. Physician; asso. on opthalmol. service, P.E. Hosp., Phila.; instr. ophthal- mology, Grad. Sch. of Medicine of U. Pa., and in Sch. of Medicine of U. Pa. First lt. and capt., M.C., U.S.A., active duty, Aug. 27, 1917- Oct. 4, 1919. Mem. S.M.D., S.R., Sulgrave Instn., Hist. Soc. of Pa. Residence: 206 S. 48d St., Philadelphia, Pa. CLEVELAND Arms; Per chevron, sable and ermine a chevron engrailed counterchanged. Crest: A demi old man proper, habited azure, hav- ing on a cap gules turned up with a hair front, holding in the dexter hand a spear, headed argent, on top of which is fixed a line proper, passing behind him, and coiled up in the sinister hand. Motto: Semel-et-semper. 1-SINCLAIR, Aileen Cleveland Higgins (Mrs. John A.), 6b Perry, Ill., Dec. 7, 1882. 8-Richard Higgins (qv); 7—Jediah (1656-1715), m Mary Newbold; 6—-Joseph (1702-82); eran (d 1802), officer Am. Rev.; m 1779, Sarah out; 4—James (1780-1840), m Alice Snooks; 38—Lewis (1809-32), m Ann Cramer. 8-Moses Cleveland (qv); 7-Samuel (1657-1736), m 2d, 1682, Persis Hildreth; 6-Joseph (1689-1766), m 1st, 1710, Abigail Hyde; 5-Benjamin (1714-97), m 1736, Rachel-; ieee (1754-1833), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1808, Alice ent; 3—John Kent (1814-80), m 1833, Emeline Canfield. 2-Dau. of James Redding Higgins (1846-1924), am 1849, Mary Louise Cleveland (1849-1913). M June 14, 1911, John Archibald Sinclair, b Fair- mont, Minn., May 17, 1883; son of Henry Sin- clair, of Eng. A.B., Stanford, ’20 (Gamma Phi Beta). Author (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: Howard Rd., San Mateo (Hillsborough), Calif. anes George, b Mercersburg, Pa., July 26, 5-Johan Jacob Rupley (1724-93), from Laufen, Switzerland, in the “Phoenix,” 1743, to Phila- delphia: settled at Lancaster, Pa.; was mem. Com. of Observation, Nov. 1775: removed to Cumberland Co.; was lt. Cumberland Co. militia in Am. Rev.; m 2d, Maria Schaffer; 4-Frederick (d 1830), m Margaret Snyder; 3-Simon (1793-1860), m Sarah Gilbert. 6—-Simon (Schneider) Snyder (172?-1784), b Kreutz- nach, Germany; settled in Lancaster Co., Pa.; one of the Lancaster Associators, 1776; and elected ensign of 4th Bn. of same; apptd. sub-lt. by the Council of Safety; , 5-Simon (1747-1804), del. Lancaster Conv. of As- sociators, July 4, 1776, as a pvt. of 7th Bn.; was corp. of same, Sept. 9, 1776; m Catherine-; ATs winks (1771-1821), m Frederick Rupley (4 above). 5-Bernhardt Gilbert (1724-1802), from France, 1743: settled in York Co., Pa.; served in the British colonial army; m Catherine Bender (1728-1808) ; Jacob’, pvt. 8d Bn., York Co. militia, 1783); 4—George (1754-1803), pvt. 4th Bn., York Co. militia in Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth (Ritter) Knouse (1751- 1823; Casper Ritter® [d 1732], from Holland, set- tled in Northampton Co., Pa., flour miller, con- Stable; signer of petition to Gov. William Denny, 1758; naturalized, 1754; pvt., Capt. Bal- liet’s co., 2d Bn., 1781); 38—Sarah (1793-1882), m Simon Rupley (3 above). 2-Son of George Gilbert Rupley (1817-99), mer- chant; justice and burgess; m Wilhelmina Baxter (1819-87); issue: I-Simon Gilbert (m Annie Alleman); II-Sarah E. (m Rev. A. A. Black); Il1I—George (above); ITV—Annie. III—m Dec. 28, 1882, Emma C. Rudolph, b La Crosse, Wis., Oct. 6, 1858; dau. of Henry Rudolph, of Trempeleau, Wis. (6 in Germany): issue (all 6b Duluth, Minn.): 1—Wilhelmina, b Dec. 12, 1888; Wells Coll.; m July 11, 1905, Her- bert Porter Carrow (issue: Teressa; Herbert Porter, Jr.); 2-George Gilbert, b Oct. 12, 1885: U. Mich.; m Hstelle Sagehorn; 3-Anna Barbara, b June 15, 1888; m Jan. 11, 1917, Charlemagne Tower, Jr. A.B., Mercersburg, ’75, A.M., 1878. Dealer in lands. Mem. S.A.R., S.W. 1812. Residence: 721 E. First St., Duluth, Minn. 1-RUSLING, Lee Judson, } Lawrenceville, Pa., May 27, 1910. 5-James Rusling’ (1762-1826), from Eng. to New York, 1795; m 1st, 1787, Mary (1766-1809), dau. of Joseph Fowler, of Eng., m Mary Tomlinson: 4-Sedgwick (1799-1876), m 1st, 1821, Electa W. Cum- mings (1802-67) ; 38—Joseph Fowler (1831-96), m Stella Shoemaker Orton. 10-George Pardee (qv); 9-Joseph (b 1664), of New Haven, Conn.: m 1688. Elizabeth Yale (1667-1701; Thomas’, m, Mary Turner); 8-John (1698-1766), of Sharon, Conn.; m Betsey Horne; 7—Jehiel (d 1768), of Sharon; m 1748, Joanna Clark: 6—Jehiel (1749-1804), of Sharon; m 1773, Katherine Miller (Dea. Gain’); 5—-Mary (6 1775), m 1798, Joseph Orton: 4—Dr. Milton P. (1795-1864), of Lawrenceville, Pa.: m Mary Lindsley Ford (1810-52; Hon. James®, m Maria Lindsley); 38-Stella S. (1887-1914), m 1857, Joseph Fowler Bus- ling (3 above). 1i—John (Linle) Lindsley, from Eng., settled at Branford, Conn., ca. 1640; 10-Francis (d 1704), large landholder; a founder of Newark, N.J., 1666; m Susanna Culpepper; 9-John (1667-1749), m Elizabeth-: 8-Judge John (b 1694), judge of first court held in Morristown in 1740 and thereafter; m Sarah-; 7-Eleazer (1737-94), It. col. and col. Cont. Army, a.-d.-c. on staffs Gen. George Washington and Gen. Marauis de LaFayette; m (Wallace) Mary Miller (1738-1806) ; 6-Judge Hleazer (d 1825), m 1787, Eunice Halsey (1769-1857; Jeremiah’, m Elizabeth Woodruff): 5-Maria (1788-1846), m Hon. James Ford (1788-1859: Benjamin’, m Jemima Walker); 4—Mary L. (1810-52), m Dr. Milton Pardee Orton (4 above). 2-Only child of Henry Palmer Busling’ (1871-1921), m 1904, Marie L. Judson (John Leander® [1846- 1901], m Mary Mack [1849-19221; Junius*, m Lavenda Bushnell; John5, m Sabra Adams). Residence: Lawrenceville, Pa. 1-RUSSELL. George Harvey, ) Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 3, 1866. 8-William Russell (d 1662), from Eng. bet. 1636-45; was at Cambridge, Mass., 1645; m Martha-—: 7-John (1645-1733), Cambridge Farms, Mass.; m FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 201 Elizabeth Fiske (David’; David®, Watertown, Mass., 1638); 6—John (1671-1746), a propr. of Brimfield, Mass.; moderator; m Rebecca-; 5-John (1719-56) Chesterfield, Mass.; m Mehitabel _ Lincoln (d 1801); 4-Solomon (1749- ‘hogy, Chesterfield, Mass.; m 1786, Sarah Rice (1762-1847; Peter, m Dinah —); 38—Harvey (1805-43), Pittsfield, Mass.; m 1834, Lucy Maria Tucker (1807-84). 9—-John (Guild) Guilds (qv); 8-Samuel (1647-1730), King Philip’s War; freeman at Salem, Mass., 1678; selectman at Dedham, 1693-1713; dep. Gen. Ct., 1719; m 1676, Mary Woodcock (6 1631/32; Samuel’, m Ann Herring); 7-Samuel (1677-1750), Lebanon, Conn.; m 1700/01, Sarah Hartshorn (b 167$); 6—-Samuel (1704-71), m 1781, Catherine Allen, of Lebanon, Conn.; 5-Samuel (1749-1831), Columbia, Conn.; m Hannah Newcomb (1754-1811); 4—Silas (1776-1840), m 1796, Susanna Walker (6 1778); 3-Gerry (1812-72), began to write name Guilds; merchant, Pittsfield, Mass.; m Jane Homer (b 1815), of Boston. 2-Son of Harvey Russell (1835-74), m 1858, Mary Hane Guilds (6 1838); issue: I-Isabel Guilds (b and d 1860); II-George Harvey (above). II—m Jan. 18, 1898, Laura Eustis, } New Orleans, La., May 30, 1873; dau. of late Cartwright Eustis, of New Orleans, La., and sister of Cartwright Eustis, Jr. (See Vol. 1, p. 593, for genealogy); issue: 1-Laura Eustis, b Milwau- kee, Wis., Oct. 18, 1895; m Bradlee Van Brunt; 2-Marion, b Milwaukee, Wis., Apr. 20, 1897; m Edgar J. Topping, Jr. Pres. George H. Russell Co., underwriters, Mil- waukee; dir. Standard Accident Ins. Co. of Detroit; mgr. ins. dept. C.,.M.&St.P.R.R. Co. since 1918, etc. (See Who’s Who in America). On staffs of Govs. W. D. Hoard and EB. L. Philipp with rank of col.; capt., Q.M.R.C., 1918. Clubs: Racquet and Tennis (New York), Chi- cago (Chicago), Milwaukee, Milwaukee Coun- try, Milwaukee Athletic, Town, Fox Point, ar Residence: 327 Juneau Av., Milwaukee, is. 1-RUST, Ina Hull (Mrs. Howard H.), ) Arrow- smith, Ill., Oct. 14, 1889. 10-Rev. Joseph Hull (qv); 9-Capt. Benjamin (1639-1713), Indian wars; Rachel York (Richard?) ; 8-Ens. Benjamin (1680- 1732), m 1704, Sarah Drake (1686-1758; Rev. John’); j-Joseph (1706-68), judge Ct. Common Pleas; m 1st, 1730, Susanna Stelle (1710- after 1787; Rev. Benjamin); 6-Isaac (1731- after 1808), Ist 1t. Cont. Army; sher- iff; m 1751, Anne Dunham (b 1734; desc. Samuel Fuller, 8th signer of the Mayflower Compact); 5—-Isaac (1752-after 1800), soldier Am, Rev.; m 1780, Massie Mount Vaughn, of Va. 4—-John (1780-1833), m 1st, before 1808, Rebecca Dennett (before 1780-1826), Ot eyes 3-Samuel (1806-90), m 1831, Lucy Tully (d after 1890), of Salem, Il. 2-Dau. of Dr. Madison Darwin Hull (1851-1921), m 1877, Ida Mary Hinshaw (b 1857). M Apr. 27, 1907, Howard Humphrey Rust, b Ran- dolph, Ill., Nov. 23, 1887; banker; son of Lee Rust, pres. McLean Co. Bank, Bloomington, Tll.; issue: 1—Darwin Lee, b Blomington, III., May 23, 1918; 2-Franklin Howard, 6 Blooming- ton, Sept. 24, 1916. Meme S3MiD sD: PyAy) D.A.Cw (sec)), H.S.9.C., D.A.R., U.S.D. 1812. Clubs: Bloomington, Ma- plewood Country. Residence: 802 E. Washing- ton St., Bloomington, IIl. 1-RUTHERFORD, Mildred Lewis, }) Athens, Ga., July 16, 1851. 5—Robert Rutherford (1734-1814), from Scotland, settled on Nottaway River in Va.; m Dorothy Ann Brooks: 4-John (1760-1833), col. Am. Rev.; m Mary (Polly) Hubert (Benjamin®, Huguenot, came to Amer- ica, 1746); 3-Williams (1784- 1863), m Eliza Boykin (1784-1837; Maj. Frank‘, officer Am. Rev.). coer (Cobbs) Cobb (b 1590), from Eng. to a 7-Robert (b 1620) ; 6—Robert (6 1660), justice and sheriff; 5-John (b 1708), of Goochland Co., Va.; m dau. of Adm. John Addison; m 1668, 4-John, of Columbia Co., Ga.; m Mildred Lewis; 3-John Addison (1783- 1856), began to write name Cobb; m Sarah Robinson Rootes, of Freder- icksburg, Va. 9-Gen. Robert Lewis (qv); 8- oe (6 in 1635), of ‘‘Warner Hall;” m Isabella a 7-—Col. Torn (1669-1725), mem. Royal Council; co. lt., judge Supreme Ct.; m his cousin, Elizabeth Warner (Augustine, 118, speaker Va. House of Burgesses, m Mildred, dau. Capt. George Reade qv); 6—Col. Chavics (1690-1779), of ‘‘The Byrd;’” m Mary Howell; 5-Howell, of Granville Co., N.C.; m Mary Willis; 4~Mildred, m John Cobb (4 above). 9-Col. Robert Reade (qv); 8-George, m Elizabeth Martian; 7-Thomas, m Lucy Gwynn; 6—Mildred, m Philip Rootes; 5—Thomas R., m Martha Jacquelin Smith; 4-Thomas R, (1763-1824), m Sarah Ryng Battaille (1766-1811) ; 3-Sarah R. (1792-1867), m John Addison Cobb (3 above). 10-George Reade (qv); 9-Mildred, m Augustine Warner, speaker Va. ove: of Burgesses, and mem. Royal Council fa) a 8—Mary, m Col. John Smith, of “Purton’”’ (Speaker John’); 7~Augustine, of “Shooter’s Hill;’ m Sarah Car- ver (John); 6-Maj. John, of ‘“‘Shooter’s Hill;” m Mary Jac- quelin (Edward’, m Martha Cary); 5-Martha J., m Thomas Reade Rootes (5 above). 2-Dau. of William Rutherford (1818-96), educator and author; m 1841, Laura Battaille Cobb (1818- 1888); issue: "I-John Cobb (d; m Elizabeth King); II-Sarah Eliza (d at 13); I1I—-Mary Ann (d 1917; m Frank A. Lipscomb); IV—Mildred Lewis (above); V—Bessie (d 1894: m George A. Mell); ViI-Laura Williams (m Joshua C. Hutchins). IV-—Grad. Lucy Cobb Inst., ’68; (D.Litt., U. Ga., 1923). Teacher, co-principal or prin., Lucy Cobb Inst., 1880-1908, and pres., 1917-22. Historian-gen. U.D.C., 1911-16, and of Confederate Southern Memorial Assn., since 1921; state historian of Ga. U.D.C., for life (See Who’s Who in Amer- ica), Summer place: “Brown Wings,” on Jacquelin Hill, Lakemont, Ga. Residence: “The Villa,” 220 Milledge Av., Athens, Ga. ah tttoas Doremus, ) New York, ,N.Y., Dec. 9-Thomas Scudder (qv); ee: (d 1690), settled at Huntington, L.I.; m ary-; 7-Benjamin (d 1735), m Sarah-; 6—Jacob (1707-72), moved to Princeton, Nid: 1749% m 1731, Abia Rowe (1708-91); 5—-Nathaniel, M.D. (1733-81), A.B., Princeton, 1751; col. lst Monmouth Co, (N.J.) Regt. in Am. Rev.; del. Cont. Congress, 1777-79; signer for N.J. of Articles of Confederation; killed in attack on British at Shrewsbury, N.J.; m 1752, Tsabella Anderson (Col. Kenneth’); 4-Joseph, M.D. (1768-1843), A.B., Princeton, 1778; m Maria Johnston (Col. Philip®): 38-Rev. John, M.D. (1793-1855), A.B., Princeton, 1811, 1st medical foreign missionary from America; m Harriet Waterbury (Gideon), 8-William Lewis (1610-71), from Eng. “Globe.” 1635; m Amy Wells; 7—John (1635-85), m Margaret Whitcomb; 6—-Barachiah (1663-1710), 1t. Indian wars; m Judith Whiting (Nathaniel’?, m Hannah Dwight); 5—Isaac (1701-49), m Mary Whiting (Timothy*): 4-Isaac (1749-1821), m Abigail Bullard (Josiah', of Dedham, Mass.); a7 ORM (1789- 1836), m Fanny Smith, of Sharon, ass. 2-—Son of Henry Martyn Scudder, M.D., D.D. (1822-95), A.B., U. of New York, ’40; grad. Union Theol. Sem., 1843: missionary, author; m 1844, Fanny Lewis (1819-1900); issue: I-John (1845-47); TI—Harriet Waterbury (1847-85; m Capt. Leroy L. Janes); Il1I-Fanny Lewis (b and d 1849); IV— Catherine Sophia (1850-90); V-—Henry M., Jr. (1852-92; m Bessie M. Scudder; m 2d, Dora Dun- ton); VI-—John (6 1853; m Alice May Abbott): VII-William Waterbury (1855-57): VIII—Joseph Melancthon (b and d 1857); IX—Doremus (above); pinay ee Haines (6 1861; m Henry Choate Ord- wa Tae June 21, 1888, Eliza Jane (Canfield) Kendall in the 202 (June 17, 1859-June 26, 1914); dau. of Lee Can- field, of Sparta, Wis.; issue: 1-Stephen (b and d 1897); 2-Dorothy (1899-1900). M 2d, Jan. 25, 1916, Mabel Ethelyn Bosher, b Man- chester, N.H., Oct. 9, 1873; dau. of George Ferdinand Bosher, of Manchester; issue: 1— Katharine, 6 Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 9, 1917. B.A., Yale, ’80; Union Theol. Sem., 1880-82; Coll. Physicians and Surgeons (Columbia), 1881-82; M.D., Chicago Med. Coll., 1884; (D.D., Whitman Coll., Wash., 1898). Minister, physician, mis- Sionary, editor, author (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 133 W. 9th St., Clare- mont, Calif. 1-SHAFFER, Carroll, b Chicago, Ill., Feb. 25, 1884. 5-John Shaffer, a Quaker settler of Pa.; served in Am, Rev.; 4-John, of Md.; m Elizabeth Fisher; 3—James (1810-89), of Md.; m Ann Grout. 5-Henry Conser, one of the seven founders of Lewisberg, Pa.; 4-John George, in cooperage business at Lewis- berg, Pa.; 3-Rev. S. L. M., m Susanna Folck (Col. John F.4, of western Md., nr. Cumberland). 2-Son of John Charles Shaffer (b 1853), newspaper publisher (See Who’s Who in America), m 1878, Virginia Conser; issue: I—Carroll (above); II— Kent (6 1885; m Helen Elizabeth Phillips). I-m Apr. 23, 1908, Pauline Campbell Bullard, 0 Boston, Mass., Aug. 10, 1886; dau. of Charles Frederick Bullard, of Boston; issue (all 0} Evanston, Ill.): 1-Carolyn, 6 July 1, 1909; 2- Pauline Barbara, b Dec. 18,1910; 3—John Charles, II, 6 June 25, 1915; 4-Robert, b Dec. 5, 1916. M 2d, Nov. 11, 1924, Della M. Logan, b Galena, a WUE Apr. 18, 1888; dau. of William S. Logan. Yale-S., 06. V.p. Shaffer group of newspapers; mgr. Chicago Evening Post; treas. J.C. Shaffer Grain Co., ete. (See Who’s Who in America). Capt., O.R.C. Served during World War with R.C. and United War Work campaigns. Clubs: Chicago, University, Glen View. Summer place: Ken Caryl Ranch, Littleton, Colo. Resi- dence: 822 S. Sheridan Rd., Highland Park, Il. 1-SHEAFER, Arthur Whitcomb, } Pottsville, Pa., Sept. 16, 1856. 9-Francis Eaton (qv); 8-Rachel, m Joseph Ramsdell: 7—Daniel, m Hannah Caswell (Thomas’): 6—-Thomas; 5—Joseph, m Mercy Delano; 4—Lydia, m Samuel Whitcomb (1767-1849); 3-Samuel (1792-1879), m Mary (Simonds) Joy. 9-Henry Sampson (qv); 8-Dorcas, m Thomas Bonney; 7—Thomas; 6—Mercy, m Nathaniel Delano: 5—-Mercy, m Joseph Ramsdell (5 above). 2-Son of Peter Wenrich Sheafer (1819-91), geolo- gist, engr., coal lands owner, Pottsville, Pans m 1848, Harriet Newell Whitcomb (1820-96): is- sue: I-Mary Wells (1849-68); II-E. Louise (1852- 1919); II1I—Arthur Whitcomb (above); IV—Wil- liam Lesley (1859-1918; m Ada Green, 1861-1906 [issue: Lesley Green, 6 1889; Clinton Whit- comb, 6 1892]; m 2d, Phebe Atkins Lee); V— Henry (qv for other lineages). IlI—m Apr. 20, 1904, Mary Cope Russel, b Potts- ville, Pa., Jan. 11, 1867; dau. of Henry C. Russel. B.S., U. Pa., ’77. Mining engineer (See Who's Who in Amercia). Residence: Pottsville, Pa. “Where eog Henry, b Pottsville, Pa., June 19, 4-George Sheafer (1755-1829), from Germany to Halifax, Dauphin Co., Pa., 1775; soldier Am. Rev.; m Mary Shalmor; 3—Henry (1792-1859), m Mary Wenrich. #John Whitcomb (1588-1662), came to Dorchester, Mass., 1633; 8-Robert (b Eng.), m Mary Cudworth; 7—-Israel (1661-1733), m Mary Stodder; 6—Israel (1701-87), m Hannah Kent; 5—Israel (1738-1824), m Acsah Lincoln; 4—-Samuel (1767-1849), m Lydia Ramsdell: 3—Samuel (1792-1879), m Mary (Simonds) Joy. 2-Son of Peter Wenrich Sheafer (1819-91), geolo- gist, engr., coal lands owner, Pottsville, Pa.; m 1848, Harriet Newell Whitcomb (1820-96), For THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY issue and other lineages see Arthur Whitcomb Sheafer. Not married. A.B., U. Pa., ’8. Executor of estates. V.p. Free Public Library, and Potts- ville Hospital, Pottsville, Pa. Was treas. Patriotic League of Schuylkill Co., Pa., dur- | ing World War. Clubs: Racquet, University (Phila.), Metropolitan (New York). Residence: 1405 Howard Av., Pottsville, Pa. reared Edward Field, 6 Bryn Mawr, Pa., July 1907, 7-James Abercrombie (1717-61), from Scotland, settled at Phila., where he was a shipmaster and merchant; m 1753, Margaret Bennett; 6-James, D.D. (1758-1840), rector St. Peter’s and Christ P.E. churches, Phila., m 1782, Ann Bayn- ton (d 1805); Poet Bede (1786-1835), m 1807, John Andrews (1783- 6 . 0); 4—Ann B. (1811-82), m 1836, Edward T. Shaw (1814- 1879) ; 3-Edward Henry (1845-86), m 1869, Helen Mc- Michael. 8-Charles McMichael, was granted letters as Indian trader by the proprietary govt. of Pa., 1748, and settled on McMichael’s Creek, Mon- T0660), bass 7-John, of Northampton Co., Pa.; m 1750, Mar- garet Johnston; 6—William (d 1781), 1st 1t., 3d Bn., lst N.J. Militia, 1776; 5-John (ca. 1770-ca. 1825), of Burlington, N.J.; 1st lt., 6th Co., N.J. Independent Blues, War 1812; m Hannah Morton (d 1823); 4-Morton, LL.D. (1807-79), editor and propr. Phila. North American; mayor of Phila., 1866-69; m Mary Bstell (1811-78; Daniel’, m Rhoda Rogers); 3—Helen (1849-1906), m Edward H. Shaw (3 above). 2-Son of Graham Shaw (See Vol. 1, p. 608, for Andrews lineage), m 1906, Sarah Isabella, dau. of John Field, of Phila. Residence: “Bushy Acre,’ Berwyn, Pa. 1-SHEPARD, Perry Melville, Feb. 18, 1883. 9-Ralph Shepard (qv); 8-Isaac (1639-76), m 1667, Mary Smedley (b 1648; Baptiste’) ; 7-Isaac, m Hannah (probably Spalding); 6—-Lt. Isaac (1700-48), m Mary (probably Stevens); 5-Capt. Isaac (1723-78), m 1743, Dorothy Prentice (1727-72; Dea. Samuel?®); 4—John (1765-1837), m 1790, Anna Gore (1772-1805; Judge Obadiah‘); 3-Job (1801-55), m 1833, Abigail Sage Ellsworth (1810-53). 10-Gov. Thomas Welles (qv); Aislin (1630-75), m 1659, Elizabeth Hollister (Lt. ohn’); eo te Samuel (1660-1731), m 1683, Ruth Rice (1658- 7-Thomas (1693-1767), m 1715, Martha (1692-1763), dau. of Chief Justice Pitkin; 6—John (1729-64), m 1753, Jerusha Edwards (1732-78: Samuel’); 5-Col. George (1756-1813), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1780, Prudence Talcott (1757-1839; Elizur®); 4—Gen. Henry (1780-1833), Athens, Pa.; m Sarah Spalding (1794-1878; Col. John‘); 3-Frances Maria (1824-99), m Col. Charles Beebe Stuart (1814-81). 1l-Edward Spalding (qv); 10—John (1633-1721), m 1658, Hannah Hale; ai (6 1663), m 1688, Mary Brackett (1665-1704; ohn?) ; 8—-Edward (b 1684), m 1708, Elizabeth Hall (b 1685; Stephen’); 7-Simon (b 1714), m 1737, Annie Billings (d 1754): 6-Gen. Simon (1742-1814), officer Am. Rev.:; m 1761, Ruth Shepard (1742-1806; Lt. Isaac7; Jesse§); 5-Col. John (1765-1828), soldier Am. Rev.: m Wealthy Ann Gore (1767-1824; Judge Obadiah‘, soldier Am. Rev.; Obadiah‘): 4-Sarah_ (1794-1878), m Henry Welles (4 above). 2-Son of Henry Martyn Shepard (1839-1904), judge Superior and Appellate courts of Cook Co., This 21 yrs.; m 1868, Frances Welles Stuart (hb 1849): issue: I-Stuart Gore (b 1874: See Who’s Who in America); II—Helen Ellsworth (1878-1905; m Dex- ter Fairbank); II1I—Perry Melville (above). III-m Aug. 7, 1906, Gertrude Gamble Shaw (Jan. 6, 1882-Jan. 16, 1912), dau. of William Aspinwall Shaw, of Morristown, N.J., and Chicago. M 2d, Sept. 18, 1920, Eleanor Ogden West, b Pitts- field, Mass., Sept. 18, 1892; ambulance driver for by Chicago; 1, FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 203 Am. Fund for French Wounded, wounded by explosion of a contact mine; dau. of Frederick Thomas West, m Anna Sheldon Ogden, of Chi- cago; issue: 1-Frederick West, b Chicago, May 15, 1922; 2-Deborah Stuart, 6 Indianapolis, Ind., Mar. 14, 1925. Hobart, ex-’03 (Sigma Phi). Pres. The Wire Hardware Co., 1910-14, and treas. of its suc- cessor, The Cassaday-Fairbank Mfg. Co., 1914, and v.p. of its successor, The Washburn Co., 1522-24, all of Chicago; v.p. The Haley M-O Co., at Indianapolis, 1924-26, and at Geneva, N.Y., 1926—. Maj., Q.M.C., and participated in 4 campaigns of A.E.F. in France; on eligible list of Gen. Staff U.S.A.; maj., staff specialist, O.R.C. Trustee Hobart Coll. since 1922. Mem. S.A.R. A:L. Clubs: Saddle and Cycle, Racquet, University, Casino, Army and Navy (Chicago), University, Woodstock, Indianap- olis Country (Indianapolis), Country (Geneva, N.Y.). Residence: 803 S. Main St., Geneva, N.Y. 1-SHELBY, Schuyler Sidney, b} Beulah, Bolivar Co., Miss., Mar. 4, 1864. 6-Evan Shelby (qv); 5-John (1718-90), capt. and maj. Am. Rev.; m 1750, Louisa Looney; 4—Evan (6 1765); 3-Wade Hampton (1808-55), m 1822, Judith Burchett McCallum (1800-58; Isaac‘). 6-Edward William Denny (1709-65), m Cordelia Hill, of Eng.; 5-William (b 1737), Carlisle, Pa.; commr. of sup- plies to Cont. Army; m 1760, Agnes Parker; 4—William (b 1767), m Sophia DuBarry; 3-William Harmer DuBarry (d 1862), m 1828, Louisa Knight (1806-73). 2-Son of Dr. John Isaac Jeptha Shelby (1825-79), m 1858, Mary Knight Denny (1834-1913). M Mar. 28, 1894, Jannette Elizabeth Eckles (qv for issue). Residence: Beulah, Miss. 1-SHELBY, Jannette Elizabeth Eckles (Mrs. Schuyler §S.), 6 Nibletts, Bolivar Co., Miss., Aug. 16, 1874. 5-William Eckles (1759-1825), drummer boy in Am. Rev.; removed to Rowan Co., N.C.; m 1788, Mary Johnston (1768-90) ; 4—William (6 1788), m 1809, Catherine Jones (b 1789): 3—John Robinson (1810-72), m 1840, Jannette Cath- erine Corling Watson (1818-76). 9%-Reginald Foster (qv); 8-Abraham (1622-1711), m Lydia Burbank (Caleb’); 7-Ephraim (1657-1746), m Hannah Hames (1661-1751; Robert) ; 6-Ephraim (1688-1738), m 1716, Abigail Poor (b 1695: Joseph’; John§); 5-Jedediah (1726-79), A.B., Harvard, 1744; justice Superior Ct. of Mass.; col. Am. Rev.; m 1749, Dorothy Dwight (Brig. Gen. Joseph*; Henry’; Timothy’; John’); 4—Dwight (1757-1823), A.B., Brown, 1774; senator and mem. Congress and chief justice Ct. Com- mon Pleas of Worcester Co., Mass.; m Rebecca Faulkner; de (1807-66), m 1833, Lydia Holcomb (1813- 1 3 2-Dau. of William Braxton Eckles (1841-76), m 1871, Anna Dwight Foster (1854-86). M Mar. 28, 1894, Schuyler Sidney Shelby (qv); is- sue: 1-Mary Jannette (Jan. 13-Mar. 11, 1895); 2— Anna Belle (Mrs. Newman Bolls, qv). Mem. D.A.R., Kings Daughters, U.D.C. Resi- dence: Beulah, Miss. Opeth Ds Ross Hall, b Phila., Pa., Nov. 13, 9-Thomas Green (2d son of Thomas Green, m Helen, dau. of Sir George Calvert, first Lord Baltimore), came to America, 1634; mem. of Gov.’s Council and Legislature; apptd. It. gov. of Md. by Gov. Leonard Calvert, 1647; was act- ing gov., 1649; m Winifred Syboon: 8—-Robert (1647—bet. 1713-19), received with his brothers Thomas and Leonard, from Cecil, 2d Lord Baltimore, 1666, a patent of 2.400 acres of land which became known as “Green’s In- heritance,” in Charles Co., Md.; m Katherine Severn; 7-Thomas (1669-1759), m Tecla Shercliffe (d 1773): A Dudley (d 1794), m 1765, Mary Simms (d 5-Jesse (1766-1834), of “Deep Creek Tract,” Sussex Co., Del.; mem. Del. House and Senate 231 yrs.: speaker of the House, 1815-24; m 1st, 1790, Sarah— (d 1797), widow of James Buchanan; m 2d, Eliza- beth (Betsy) Gundy (g.dau. Col. John Gundy, cdr. lst Regt. Md. Cont. Line in Battle of L.I.); 4—Mary (1802-80), m 1822, George K. Hall (1791-1841) ; 3—-Elizabeth BH. (1822-1909), m 1840, William H. Ross (1814-87), gov. of Del., 1850-54. 2-Son of Sarah Hall Ross (1852-1911), m 1875, Sam- uel Ruff Skillern, M.D. (1834-1921), physician; issue: I-Ross Hall (above); II-Claude Levert (b 1877); Il1I-—Samuel Ruff, Jr., M.D. (qv for Skillern-Strachey lineage). I—m June 3, 1903, Eliza Michler Porter, b Haston, Pa., May 20, 1875; dau. of James Madison Por- ter, of Easton, Pa.; issue: 1-Ruth Porter, } Hackettstown, N.J., Dec. 28, 1907; 2-Sara Ross, b Phila., Pa., May 24, 1909; 3-Ross Porter, b Ardmore, Pa., Feb. 25, 1914; 4Andrew Porter, B Ardmore, Dec. 3, 1916. A.B., U. of Pa., ’%, M.D., 1897; U. Vienna, 1907. Physician, laryngologist; prof. laryngology, Post-Grad. School of Medicine of U. Pa. (See Who’s Who in America). Maj., M.C., U.S.A., Sept. 15, 1917; lt. col., Aug. 30, 1918; in charge head sect., surgery, Base Hosp., Montgomery, Ala., Sept. 17, 1917-Aug. 29, 1918; c.o. Base Hosp. 89, Mesves sur Loire, France; citation from Surgeon Gen. U.S.A., Mar. 21, 1919. F.W. Residence: Ardmore, Pa. Mem. M.O. 1-SKILLERN, Samuel Ruff, Jr., } Phila., Pa. Apr. 16, 1885. 10-William Strachey (b ca. 1570), from Eng., 1609, was wrecked in the Bermudas and arrived in Va., 1610; returned to Eng., 1611; m 1588, Frances Foster (or Forster); 9-William (d 1634), m 3d, 1632, Elizabeth Cross; 8-John (1634-74), m 1662, Jane, dau. of George Hodges (desc. King John, of Eng.); 7—John (1671-1743), antiquarian; m 1st, 1692, Eliza- beth Elletson; . 6-John, M.D. (1709-56), m Elizabeth Vernon (niece of Adm. Vernon, Brit. Navy); 5-Elizabeth (1734/35-1789), m 1756, Thomas Metcalfe, arrived in Va., 1751, and settled in King Wil- liam Co.; 4-Ann Lea (1760-1844), m Dr. Claudius LeVert (1750-1810), fleet surgeon on staff of Count Rochambeau, came to America during Am. Rev.; 3-Martha B. (d 1877), m Isaac Skillern (1803-49), of Tenn. 2-Son of Samuel Ruff Skillern, M.D. (1834-1921), physician; m 1875, Sarah Hall (1852-1911), dau. of Gov. William H. Ross, of Del.; issue: I-Ross Hall (qv for maternal lineage); II-Claude Levert (0 1877); I1I-Samuel Ruff, Jr. (above), T1I—m June 7, 1919, Elizabeth Morrow Corkran, b Ridley Park, Pa., July 14, 1894; dau. of Samuel Corkran, of Baltimore, Md.; issue: 1—Virginia Adams (Dec. 19, 1921-Sept. 8, 1922); 2—Sarah Adams, b Cynwyd, Pa., Aug. 16, 1923, M.D., Medico-Chirurg. Coll. of Phila., 1913. In- 204 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY terne, Medico Chirurg. Hosp., 1913-14, Phila. Gen. Hosp., 1914-16; instr. laryngology, Post- Grad. School of Medicine of U. Pa. since 1924. Lt., M.O.R.C., June 29, 1916; active duty Ft. Slocum, N.Y., Apr. 19, 1917; capt., M.C., Nov. 1917; A.E.F., France (Alleray), Sept. 1918; U.S., May 1919; maj., M.R.C., 1920; 1t. col., M.C., 1925. Mem. M-O:F. W.; 8; D.,0:A. b. sl0thy meAn omed, societies and clubs. Residence: Cynwyd, Montgomery Co., Pa. 1-BOLLS, Anna Belle Shelby (Mrs. Newman), J Germantown, Tenn., May 4, 1897. 7-John Robinson, m 1743, Lucy Fell (6 Eng.), with two brothers, William and Jeremiah, settled at Fell’s Point (now Baltimore), Md.; 6-John (1744-1807), drummer boy Am. Rev.; m 1765, Mary Raymond (d 1799); Breet (1780-1860), m 1799, William Knight (1770- 860) 5 4—Louisa (1806-78), m 1828, William Harmer DuBar- ry Denny (d 1862); 3-Mary (1834-1913), m 1858, John Isaac Jeptha Shelby (1825-79). 2-Dau. of Schuyler Sidney Shelby (qv), m 1894, Jannette Hlizabeth Eckles (qv). M Nov. 29, 1916, Newman Bolls, 6 Utica, Miss., Dec. 18, 1894; son of Pat Ernest Bolls, of Utica; issue: 1—Elizabeth Shelby, 6 Beulah, Miss., oe 1918; 2-Newman, Jr., 6 Beulah, May 22, 1921. Mem. D.A.R., Kings Daughters, U.D.C. Resi- dence: Beulah, Miss. 1-SHEPPARD, Walter Bradley, ) Penn Mans INS INO Vereen dson, \-Thomas Sheppard, English nationality, came to America ca. 1680, settled on the Delaware, nr. Phila.; one of founders of Cohansey Bap- tist Ch.; large land owner; m Ann-; 5—Moses (1698-1752), m Mary Dennis (b 1701); 4—Moses (6 1787), m 1769, Hannah Fletcher (their son Moses, of Baltimore, was the founder of Sheppard-Pratt Hospital); 38-Morris Fletcher (1774-1846), first mem. from Yates Co. in N.Y. Assembly: soldier War 1812; m Rachel Supplee (1775-1853; Peter! [1745- 1778], soldier Am. Rev., pioneer mem. of col- ony founded in N.Y. by “Universal Friend,” Jemima Wilkinson, called the “New Jeru- salem”; 4th from Andros Souplis, Huguenot, from Alsace, came to Germantown, Pa., 1683, propr. 1688, sheriff, and officiated at first court of record in Pa., at Phila., Aug. 6, 1691). $-William Bradley (qv); 8-Abraham (1650-1718), dea. First Ch., New Ha- ven, 1696-1718; dep. Gen. Assembly, 12 terms; justice of the peace and quorum for New Haven Co., 9 terms; m Hannah Thompson (John®, from Eng. with Gov. Eaton, 1637); 7-Dea. Daniel, of New Haven (1679-1723), m 1702. Sarah Bassett (b 1682; John® [1652-1717], of New Haven, propr., 1685, rep., 1704-10); 6—Dea. Daniel (1706-73), of Hamden, Conn.: m 1727, Abigail Punchard (1708-74; William?, m Hannah Brown); 5-Jabez (1733-93), of Hamden; m Esther Beach (d 1794; Moses®, 5th from Richard, one of the signers of original compact); 4—Jabez, Jr. (1765-1817), Lee, Mass., to Onondaga Co., N.Y., 1794; settled Northville, Cayuga Co.; m Esther Bradley (1765-1850; Eli® [6th from William, 1619-91, and 5th maternally from Thomas Yale, 1616-83], m Esther Goodyear, 5th from Stephen Goodyear, one of the founders of N.H. Colony); 3-Walter Goodyear (1808-82), Kine’s Ferry, N.Y.: m 1830, Henrietta Todd (1810-82: 3d from Ab- ner Todd [1738-1805], of Hamden, Conn., sol- dier French and Indian and Rev. wars: 7th from Christopher Todd [1617-86], from Eng. to New Haven, 1639; also 4th maternally, from Jonathan Edwards, theologian and meta- physician; also 5th, maternally from Rev. aris. Pierpont, the principal founder of Yale SOL}: )2 2-Son of George Ashbridge Sheppard (1802-74), pres. Penn Yan (N.Y.) Acad.: It. col. militia: m 1844, Jane A. Blake; m 2d, 1850, Anna Petti- bone; m 3d, Antoinette Bradley (1836-72): issue (2d marriage): I-George Scott (B.S., Cornell. 74; LU.B., Columbia, 1877; m Lilian Gridlev): II—Rachel (d 1872); IIll-Anna Elizabeth (1860- 1918; m Dr. Hamilton D. Wey): (3d marriage): IV—Walter Bradley (above). IV—m Jan. 29, 1889, Margaret Reliance Lapham qv). veal Yale, ’87. Journalist. Residence: Denver, Colo. 1-SHEPPARD, Margaret Reliance Lapham UE ate Walter B.), 6 Penn Yan, N.Y., Apr. 19, 9-John Lapham (1635-1710), from Devonshire to Providence; house burned by Indians in King Philip’s war, and he removed to Dartmouth, Mass.; m Mary Mann (1640-1710; William [d 1650], m Frances Hopkins, 24 from Thomas Hopkins, from Plymouth, 1636, rep. several terms); John (1677-1734), of Providence; rep. 13 yrs.; asst. counsellor; m Mary Russell (b 1680: James? [1640-1709], of Charlestown, Mass., rep., treas., asst. of the colony, named counsellor in new charter, judge and treas. of the prov- ince, m Mary [06 1651], dau. of Henry Wolcott [1610-1680], one of the original settlers and patentees of Windsor); 7-John (6 1703), m Desire Howland (Benjamin§ [b 1659], of Newport, moved from L.I. to Nine Partners, Dutchess Co., N.Y., being one of the original Nine Partners); 6—Benjamin (6 1727), m —Page; 5-Pazzi (b 1750), of Stamford, N.Y.; m bethany Foster; 4—Fliakim (1778-1828), of Kinderhook, N.Y.; m Rachel Harris (1778-1863; John® [b 1746], scythe mfr., m Mary Gamble); 3-Ludlow Eliakim (1806-82), of Penn Yan, N.Y.: m 1830, Reliance W. Townsend (1812-55; Henry! oa) | [2d from Lawrence Townsend of Rensselaer , Co., N.Y., capt. Am. Rev., and 3d maternally from Francis Cooke, qv], m Anna, dau. of John L. Lawrence, of New Bedford, Mass., a Quaker, but who was one of the pioneer members of the colony founded in the lake country, N.Y., by the “Universal Friend,” Saas Wilkinson, called the “New Jeru- salem’). 7-Paul Kastner (d 1717), to Germantown, Pa., 1689; large landed propr.; Quaker; at the his- toric yearly meeting of Friends, at Burling- ton, N.J., 7th of 7th month, 1692, joined Fran- cis Daniel Pastorious and others in “testi- mony” against the heresies of George Keith; m Mary-; 6-Samuel (1693-1753), of Germantown and Whit- pain, Pa.; m Catherine Jacob (George’, of Roxbury Tp., Pa.); 5-Samuel (1787-1833), of Gwynedd Tp., Pa.: sol- dier Am. Rev.; m Mary Linderman (1745-1824; Samuel®, of Roxbury Tp., 24 from John Lin- derman, to Phila. from Mulheim, 1698): 4—John (1765-1810), of Norristown Tp., Pa.; m 1793. Lydia Rhoades (1771-1852; 5th from John Rhoades from Derbyshire to Phila., 1696); 3-Hon. Ezekiel (1802-82), of Penn Yan, N.Y.; de- veloped a large water power for milling pur- poses at foot of Keuka Lake; mem. N.Y. Assembly several terms; m 1824, Elizabeth Kichline (1803-46; 8d from Col. Peter Kichline, first chief burgess of Easton, Pa., who com- manded a bn. equipped by himself, at the Battle of L.I., where he was wounded an@ taken prisoner). 2-Dau.' of George Henry Townsend Lapham (1834-1910), pres. First Nat. Bank, Penn Yan, N.Y.; nominated for N.Y. State comptroller. 1882; m 1861, Margaret Pryor Castner (1°40- 1887); issue: I-Charles Castner (b 1863: m Ed- eania Phelps); II—-Margaret Reliance (above): III—George Henry (b 1874: m Blizabeth Han- ford); IV—Elizabeth Castner (b 1881; m Charles R. Sprague). IIl—m Jan. 29, 1889, Walter Bradley Sheppard (qv). Residence: Denver, Colo. 1-SHERWOOD, Carl G., b nr. Whitney Point, INGY 5) SAT AS S56. 8-Thomas Sherwood (1586-1655), from Eng. in the “Francis,” to Boston, 1634; m 1st, ca. 1612, Alice Seabrook (b 1587); m 2d, Mary Fitch (d 1693/94); 7—Tsaac (1645-1739), m Elizabeth Jackson: 6-Thomas (d 1756), colonial wars; m Eleanor Churchill (d 1754); yee (d 1777), Am. Rev.; m 1760-61, Mary Gor- am; 4—Asa (1761-62-1834), Am. Rev.; m 1788, Molly Phil- lips (1764-1848); een (1785-1868), m ca, 1810, Amy Budlong (1791- FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 205 §-John Howland (av); 8—Desire (1623-83), m 1643, Capt. John Gorham (qv); i-—Jabez (1656-1725), m 1677, Hannah (Sturgis) Gray (Edward Sturgis§); 6—-Joseph, m 1725/26, Deborah Barlow (1705-73; Lt. John’, m Ruth [Sherwood] Drake, dau. of Thomas Sherwood, Jr., son of Thomas 8 above); 5-Mary (6 1739), m John Sherwood (5 above). Maternally, 5-Capt. John Jeffords, of Conn.; soldier Am. Rev.; 4-Thomas, of ‘‘Holmes Hole” (now Fairhaven), Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., later of Pittsfield; m Sallie Cleveland; 3-Allen Cleveland (1801-88), m Ann Eliza Robin- son (1803-88). 2-Son of Hon. George Sherwood (1821-1904), m Mary Ann Jeffords (1828-1907); issue: I—Flor- ence (b 1850; m Charles Emory Bliss); IIl—Viola (1853-93); I1I—Carl G. (above); IV—William J. (b 1864; m Iona May Bills); V—Grace E. (b 1874; m Charles F. Parker). 1iI—m Feb. 10, 1885, Nellie C. Fountain, b Nashua. Ia., Oct. 23, 1868; dau. of George H. Fountain (1834-83), of Clark, S.D. (Hiram®, m Hannah Brooks), m Dollie, dau. of Ezekiel Brown (desc. Chad Brown, qv); issue (all } Clark, S.D.): 1-George F., b May 5, 1887; m Emma Cochrane; 2-Harry Allen (1889-Dec. 1, 1892); 3— Mary Carleton, b July 3, 1892; m Glenn S. Lev- itt; 4-Dorothy Viola, b July 2, 1897; m Malcolm Byrne. Admitted to S.D. bar, 1881. Del. constl. conv., 1883, 89; mem. S.D. Senate, 1889-91; circuit judge, 3d jud. circuit of S.D., 1912-17; asso. justice Supreme Ct. of S.D. since 1922, presid- ing judge, 1924. Pres. S.D. Bar Assn., 1910. (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: Pierre, S.D. 1-SHEVLIN, Harriet Albina Hall (Mrs. Edwin C.), 6 Muskegon, Mich., July 19, 18-. 9-Rev. Thomas James (1595-1682), grad. Emman- uel Coll., Cambridge, Eng.; came in the ‘‘Wil- liam and Francis,” 1632; was first settled pas- tor of the Church at Charlestown, Mass.; m in Eng., Elizabeth-; 8-Rev. Thomas (1620-96), East Hampton, N.Y.; m Catherine-; 7-Hannah (d 1706), m 1677, James Dimon (1646- 1721; Thomas’, m Mary Sheaffe): 6—John_ (1696-1765), m 1st, 1722, Eliza Davis (d 1729; John’, m Puah Reeves); 5—Deborah (bap. 1724-1774), m 1747, Stephen Conk- lin (bap. 1721-1791; William’, m Ruth, dau. of John Hedges); 4—Ruth (1753-97), m 1779, Stephen Whitaker, offi- cer Am. Rev. (1747-1827; Jonathan5, m Mary Miller; Jonathan*®, m Elizabeth, dau. of EI- iphalet Jervis); 38—Ann (1796-1855), m 1818, Jonathan Austin Hall (1796-1852; Jonathan’, m Rachel Austin). 9-Percival Green (1603-39), from Eng., in the “Susan and Ellen,” 1635; m Ellen-; 8—John (b 1636), m 1656, Ruth Michelson (Edward®, from Eng., 1636, m Ruth Bushnell); 7-Mary (1679-1733), m 1701, Rev. Nathaniel Hunt- ing (1675-1752), Harvard, 1693 (John’, m Eliz- abeth, dau. of Thomas Paine, qv; John, m Hester Seaborn); 6—John (1707-68), m 1728, Mrs. Clemence (Parsons) Conkling (1705-95; Samuel Parsons’): 5-Mary (6 1733), m David Osborn (hb 1730; Daniel’, m Elizabeth Austin; Daniel7; Thomass8; Thomas’); 4-Rebecca Mira (1768-1825), m Solomon Moon (1764-1852; Robert®, m Eleanor, dau. of Samuel Waite, Jr.); 38—Paulina (1808-90), m Calvin Bethewel Bird Clark (1804-61; Georget, m Lydia Jakeways). 2-Dau. of Stephen Crosby Hall (1834-88), lumber- man; m 1863, Alice Albina Clark (1840-1920); issue: I—Alice Ann (d 1910; m Thomas H. Shev- lin); II-Emma L. (m Charles Albert Bennett); IIlI-Stephen Austin (d 1914); TV—Harriet Ui D:c: Residence: Imboden, Ark. 1-BIRD, Annie Dudley Bedford (Mrs. Joseph E.), 6 Paris, Ky., Dec. 12, 1861. 8-Benjamin Poindexter, of New Kent Co., Va.; 7-Mary, m Benjamin Mosby, came to Va. at end of 17th century; 6-Elizabeth (d post 1758), m Stephen Bedford (d 1758), of Southam Parish, Cumberland Co., Va.: justice of Goochland, 1741; sheriff of Cumber- land Co., 1749; 5-Thomas (1730-85), mem. Com. Safety, Charlotte Co., Va., 1775; m 1st, Mary (Ligon) Coleman (0 1731; John®, m Mary-—); Dine ateoee! (1769-1829), m 1790, Mattie Clay (1772- 3-Augustine V. (1802-63), m 1825, Elizabeth Lewis Garrard. 6-William Garrard (g.son of Peter, a Huguenot, who fled from France to Eng.), came to Amer- ica and settled in Stafford Co., Va., ca. 1740; served as county lt.; m Mary Lewis; 5-James (1749-1822), officer Va. militia in Am. Rev.; settled in Ky., 1783; ordained as Bapt. minister; 2d gov. of Ky., 1796-1804; m 1769, Eliza- beth Mountjoy (William®’, m Phyllis—, of Over- wharton Parish, Stafford Co., Va.); 4-Gen. James (1773-1838), brig. gen. War 1812: mem. Ky. Legislature, 1813-17; m 1798, Nancy Lewis (Col. Thomas’, m Elizabeth Payne): 3—Elizabeth Lewis (1806-73), m Augustine Volney Bedford (3 above). 2-Dau. of Jeptha Dudley Bedford (1837-93), m 1860, Annie Eliza Hall (1842-70); m 2d, 1875, Armilda Toland; issue (lst marriage): I-Annie Dudley (above); II-James Franklin; (2d marriage): IlI—Frances Elizabeth. I-m Feb. 25, 1885, Joseph Elmer Bird, } Patriot; O., June 21, 1861; son of George Bird, of Ohio, m Mary Brown Briggs: issue: 1Elmer Bed- ford, m May 16, 1913, Verdie Steiner (issue: Bar- bara Eleanor; Marjorie Elizabeth); 2—Annie Laurie. Mem. C.D.XVII C., D.A.R. Residence: Route 1, Nampa, Ida. 1-BEDFORD, Lalla, b Apr. 22, 1882. 8-Benjamin Poindexter, of New Kent Co., Va.: 7—-Mary, m Benjamin Mosby, came to Va. end of 17th century; 6—-Elizabeth (d post 1758), m Stephen Bedford (7 1758), of Southam Parish, Cumberland Co., Va.: justice of Goochland, 1741; sheriff of Cumber- land Co., 1749; 210 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 5-Thomas (1730-85), mem. Com. Safety, Charlotte Co., Va., 1775; m Ist, Mary (Ligon) Coleman (b 1781; John*, m Mary-); 4—Littleberry (1769-1829), m 1790, Mattie Clay (1772- 1864) ; eee V. (1802-68), m 1825, Elizabeth Lewis Garrard. 5-Francis Jacoby, from Eng. to Va.; moved to Ky., 1785; m in Eng., 1765, Frederina Lotspirg; 4—Jacob, m Mary Stark; 3—Jacob (b 1817), m 1844, Elizabeth Kerr. 6—James Kerr, of Va.; ; 5-James, m Patience Houston (James*, soldier Am. Rev.); . 4—-James H., m 1819, Elizabeth Strode (James®, m 1791, Margaret Foreman; Capt. John*, b 1736, founder of Strode Station, Clark Co., Ky., 1779, m Mary Boyles); 3-Elizabeth, m Jacob Jacoby (3 above). 2—-Dau. of Benjamin F. Bedford (d 1905), m 1867, Nannie E. Jacoby; issue: I-William (b 1868, d); II—Volney Jacoby (0 1870, d); II-Mary Cordelia (6 1873); I1V—James (b 1875; m Lou Christlieh); V—Ernest (b 1879; m Mary Dresser); VI—Lalla (above); VII—Elizabeth Jacoby (b 1889; m 3S. Benjamin Dunlap). Vi-Librarian, Caldwell (Ida.) Public Library. Mem. D.A.R. Residence: 504 Dearborn St., Caldwell, Ida. 1-BARROW, David Crenshaw, 6b Oglethorpe Co., Ga., Oct. 18, 1852. 5-Thomas Barrow (1640-1730), from Lancashire, Eng., to the Northern Neck of Va., 1680; 4—-Thomas (0b 1690), moved from Va. to N.C.; m Elizabeth Atkinson; 3-James (1757-1828), settled in Ga.; soldier Am. Rev.; m 3d, in Ga., 1814, Patience Crenshaw (1779-1817; Jesse*, of Va. and N.C., m Precious Cain). S-William Pope (i 1707), came from Bristol, Eng.; patented land 1656, 62, 65; settled in Nansemond Co., Va.; m ante 1662, Marie—; 7-Henry (1663-1728), m ca. 1684, Sarah Watts (John§, m Alice English); 6—John (1699-1745), of Edgecombe Co., N.C.; mem. Assembly; burgess; m Mourning McKinnie (Col. Barnaby’, m Mary Exum; Michael}); 5-Henry (1723-64), m ca. 1748, Tabitha-; 4-Henry Augustine (1760-1807), Am. Rev.; re- moved to Ga., 1786; m 1st, 1787, Clara Hill (1763- 1798; Abraham, m Christian, dau. of Thomas Walton, Jr.; Abraham®; Henry’, of Nansemond Cow Vas) (1794-1850), m 1820, 3—-Middleton Lumpkin. 2-Son of David Crenshaw Barrow (1815-99), cot- ton planter; state senator; trustee U. of Ga., etc.; m 1838, Sarah Eliza Pope (1821-55); issue: I—Pope (1839-1903; U.S. senator from Ga.; m Sarah Church Craig; m 2d, Cornelia A. Jack- son); II—James (1841-64; U.S.M.A., ’58, resigned 1861, returned to Ga.; It. col. 64th Ga., C.S.A., killed in battle); I11I-Thomas Augustine (1843- 1897; U. of Ga.; 1t. C.S.A.; m Jennie Turner; m 2d, Alice Hand); I1V—Lucy Pope (1845-80; m John A. Cobb, e. son of Maj. Gen. Howell Cobb, C.S.A.); V-—Clara Elizabeth (1846-80); VI—Flla Patience (Mrs. Bourke Spalding, qv for other lineages); VII—Benjamin White (1851-76; A.B., U. Ga., 69); VIII—David Crenshaw (above); IX— Henry Walker (1854-76; A.B., U. Ga., ’72). VIII—m Feb. 5, 1879, at Athens, Ga., Fannie Ingle Childs, 6b Athens, Ga., Oct. 18, 1857: dau. of Asaph King Childs (dese. Lt. Asaph King, Am. Rev.), m Susan Ingle (Ingle family of Md. and D.C.); issue (all 6 Athens, Ga.): 1—-Susan Childs, b Nov. 27, 1879; m June 30, 1908, Samuel James Crowe, M.D. (issue: Samuel James, Jr., b 1909: David Francis, 6 1913); 2-Benjamin Henry, b Jan. 17, 1883; C.E., U. Ga.; m Aug. 14, 1907, Henry Hull Lucas (issue: Susan Frances, b 1908); 3— Eleanor Priscilla, 6 Apr. 17, 1886: m June 24, 1914, Rev. H. L. Jewett Williams, capt. inf., A.E.F., killed in battle, June 9, 1918 (issue: H. L. Jewett, Jr.. 6 1915. d infancy; Eleanor Barrow Jewett, b 1917); 4-David Francis, b Nov. 14, 1888; A.B., B.S., C.E., U. Ga.; studied at Har- vard and in Europe, A.M., Ph.D.: m July 29, 1914, Mary Augusta Arnold (issue: Ida Frances, b 1917: David Crenshaw and Walter Henry eee d infancy, twins, 6 1918; Mary Augusta, h 1924). B.S. and C.E., U. Ga.. ’74: (LL.D., Emory, 1909). Prof. and dean, U. Ga., 1878-1907, and chancellor of same, 1906-25, when resigned and was elected Lucy Hopson the first chancellor emeritus (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: Athens, Ga. 1-SPALDING, Ella Patience Barrow (Mrs. Bourke), b Oglethorpe Co., Ga., Feb. 8, 1849. 6-George Lumpkin (b in Va.), land grant in Va., 1748; capt. Va. Line in Am. Rev.; moved to Ga., 1784; m Mary Cody (James’, m Sarah Womack); 5-John (b Va., 1762), Am. Rev.; judge Inferior Ct.; mem. Ga. Legislature, and Constl. Conv., 1798: Jefferson presdl. elector; clk. Superior Ct. of Oglethorpe Co., Ga.; m ca. 1780, Lucy Hopson; 4—Wilson (1783-1870), 17th gov. of Ga., 1831-35: U.S. senator, 1837-41; trustee U. Ga., 1831-70; Lump- kin, county and town, named in his honor; m Ist, Elizabeth Walker (1785-1819; Rev. Sanders®, m Sarah Lamar); perky Hopson (1808-88), m Middleton Pope (1794- 50). 10—John (Nevil) Neville (1612-64), from Eng. in the “Ark’”’ and “Dove” expdn. to Md., 1634; mem. Md. Council; m Bridget Thomsley; 9-James (ca. 1642-ca. 1698-1700), m Elizabeth—; both killed by Indians; 8-John (6 ca. 1665), of Isle of Wight Co., Va.; m Margaret-—; 7-James (1686-1752), capt. Goochland Co. militia; m 2d, Lucy Thomas, widow; saw actual ser- vice French and Indian War, 1740-54; 6—Martha, m 1755, Henry Hopson, Sr. (d 1810), capt. Am. Rev. (William’, m Susan Ragland); 5-Lucy (b 1764), m John Lumpkin (5 above). 2-Dau. of Sarah Eliza Pope (1821-55), m 1838, David Crenshaw Barrow (1815-99), cotton plantr. For issue and other lineages see David Crenshaw Barrow. M Nov. 3, 1874 (Thomas) Bourke Spalding (1851-84); son of Randolph Spalding; issue: 1-Randolph (qv for Spalding lineage); 2-Clara Lucy (May 27-Sept. 3, 1881). Mem.) C.D A.) DAUR. UU; LC. ee esidence: ola: Gordon St., Savannah, Ga. 1-SPALDING, Randolph, 0) Sapelo Island, Ga., Sept. 30, 1879. 5-James Spalding (1735-94; heir to the barony and estate of Ashantilly, Co. Perth, Scotland), settled at Frederica, St. Simon’s Island, Ga., 1760; mem. Ga. Senate, etc.; m 1772, Margery McIntosh; 4—-Thomas (1774-1851), mem. Ga. Senate and Constl. Conv., 1798; mem. Congress 2 terms; Spalding Co., Ga., named in his honor, 1851; m 1795, Sarah Leake (Dr. Richard®, m Jean Martin); 38—Randolph (1822-68), mem. state senate for yrs.; col. C.S.A.; m 1843, Mary Dorothea Bass (b 1823). 7-John Mohr McIntosh (1700-52; lineal chief Bor- lum branch House of Moy), came in the “Prince of Wales,” 1735; settled at Darien, Ga.: McIntosh Co., Ga., named in honor of the McIntosh family, 1793; m 1725, Majory Fraser; 6-William (1728-96), mem. Provincial Congress: maj. Am. Rev.; m Mary MacKay (Donald): yasnene es (1754-1818), m 1772, James Spalding (5 above). 2-Son of Bourke Spalding (1851-84), m 1874, Ella Patience Barrow (qv for maternal lineages). Not married. Mem. S.C. Residence: 21 E. Gordon St., Savannah, Ga. 1-SMITH, Harriet Foster White (Mrs. Arthur C.), b Boston, Mass., June 28, 1868. 6-Andrew White, from Eng. to Mass.; 5-Benjamin, m Abigail—; 4—William (6 1787), m Marcy Dresser (Richard®, m Dorothy Marcy); 3-Joseph (1787-1820), Hinsdale, Mass.; m _ 1820, eee Huntington (Simon‘4, m Priscilla Benja- min). 3-Henry Tewksbury (living 1697), m at Boston, 1659, Martha Copp; 7—-John (b 1674), m Hannah Colby; arete Isaac (1698-1765), m 1720, Sara Sargent (1701- 5—Jacob (1723-54), m 1746, Sara Bagly: 4-Jonathan (1756-1826), m 1778, Elizabeth Merrill (Roger®, m Mary Hale): 3—Dr. Isaac (1795-1885), m 1822, Sabra Foster. 9-Reginald Foster (qv); 8-William (1633-1713), m Mary Jackson (William?, m Joanna Foster); 7-William (1670-1755), m Sarah Kimball (Johns, m Sarah-); 1725, Mary Osgood (Chris- 6—John (1701-73), m topher’?, m Sarah-); 5-Obediah (1741-80), pvt. Lexington Alarm: m Hannah Ballard (Hezekiah); FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 211 4—John (1770-1846), m Mary Danforth (Samuel®, m Sarah Toothaker); 38—-Sabra (1802-58), m Isaac Tewksbury (3 above). 2-Dau. of Joseph Huntington White (1824-1915), merchant, capitalist, philanthropist, art con- noisseur, Boston; m 2d, 1855, Ellen Danforth Tewksbury (06 1836); issue: I-Joseph Foster (m Elvira G. Atwood); [I-Helen Huntington (6 1868; m George Jacob Putnam); IlI—Harriet Koster (above); IV—Grace Sabra (m John Langdon Batchelder). IlI—m Nov. 2, 1892, Arthur Crittenden Smith (See Vol. 1, p. 829); issue: 1-Harriet Huntington, b Omaha, Neb., Dee. 1, 1894; 2-Joseph Hunting- ton, 6 Brookline, Mass., Aug. 6, 1896; 3-Helen Danforth, b Brookline, Oct. 27, 1900; 4—Grace White (Jan. 4, 1902-Oct. 11, 1918); 5-Arthur Crit- tenden, Jr., b Omaha, Dec, 11, 1903; 6-Esther, b Omaha, Feb. 18, 1906. Mem. C.D.A. (pres. Neb. soc.). Park Av., Omaha, Neb. 1-SMITH, Rosalia Imogene Baker (Mrs. Edward Residence: 1303 Lincoln), b Walla Walla, Wash., Nov. 26, 1878. 8-Alexander Baker (qv); 7—Joshua (1642-1717), Woodbury, Conn.; m 1674, Hannah— (widow of Tristram Minter); 6—John (1681-1750), m twice; 5—Elisha (1724-97), was uncle of Col. Ethan Allen; with his 5 sons fought at Bennington; mem. Mass. Constl. Conv., 1780; gave the land on which the first building of Williams Coll. was erected; m Phebe Nicholas; 4-Ezra (b 1760), m Sarah Tucker; 3—-EXzra (b 1788), physician; m Blizabeth Haupt. 2-Dau. of Dorsey Synge Baker, M.D. (1823-88), M.D., Phila. Med. Coll.; went to Portland, Ore., 1848, and settled at Walla Walla, Wash., 1871; banker and financier; m 1851, Caroline Tibbetts; m 2a, Elizabeth McCulloch; issue (1st mar- riage): I—Edwin F.; IIl—Mary E. (m Gov. Miles Moore); IIlI—Henry C. (m Clara Young); IV— Willian, W. (m May Jones); (2d marriage): V— Ida Mabel (1868-19—; m Louis Francis Ander- son); VI—Anna Amelia (b 1869; m Thompson C, Elliott); VII—Rosalia Imogene (above); VIII-— Ada Louise (b 1883; m LeRoy Danby Lewis). VIilI-m Oct. 26, 1898, Edward Lincoln Smith (See Vol. 1, p. 356, for genealogy). Mem. Sunset Club. Residence: 2520 Mt. Baker Dr., Seattle, Wash. Gea TH, Frank Austin, ) Lynn, Mass., June 25, 9-James Smith (ca. 1630-1660), from Eng., bought a large portion of the site of Woolwich, Me.. from Robin Hood, the Indian chief, 1648, and settled there; m Elizabeth— (d 1676); S-Hazadiah (1657-1735), an early settler of Fal- mouth (now Portland), Me.; the family was driven out by Indians, 1690, and moved to Bev- erly, Mass.; m 1684, Hannah Grove (d 1735); 7-Samuel (1692-1744), m Elizabeth (Raymond) Hay- wood (6 1696) ; Lg Eh aie (1734-1819), m Abigail Woodbery (1733- 76 5—Samuel (1757-1783), m Abagail Standley (1762- 1803) ; 4-Samuel (1781-1856), m Hitty Edwards (1783-1867); 3-Herbert S. (1812-94), m Hannah Brown (1808-73). 9-George Burrill (d 1653), settled at Lynn, Mass., 1630; m Mary-— (d 1653); 8-Lt. John (1631-1703), Narragansett War; rep. Gen. Ct.; m Lois Ivory; 7—Hon. Ebenezer (1679- 1761), ton; 6—Ebenezer (1702-78), mem. Mass. Provincial Con- gress, 1774; m Mary Mansfield: 5—John (1724-98), m Annie Thompson; 4—-Thompson (@ 1842), m Lydia Quiner (6 1771); 3—Charles BH. (1801- 95), m Sarah T. Bacheller ‘(1800- 1880; James‘, pvt., minute man, 2d Lynn Co., Mass. militia in Am. Rev.). 2-Son of Herbert Austin Smith (1840-1897), manu- facturer and exporter; m 1863, Helen Maria Burrill (1839-1922); issue: I-— Frank A. (above): TI—Helen A. (6 1868: m Emmett D. Page); III-— Annie L. (b 1871). I—m Oct. 5, 1892, Clara Millard McCrillis (Julv 23, 1867- Sept. awe 1897): dau. of Aaron B. McCrillis. of Providence, R.T. (dese. Admiral Hopkins, of Am. Rev.). M 2d, Sept. 23, 1902, Blanche Angelo Voorhees, 0 Nyack, N.Y., Sept. 17, 1875; dau. of Rev. Henry V. Voorhees, of Rocky Hill, N.J., m Jane E. Talmadge, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; issue: 1-Herbert Stanley (May 15, 1911- Feb. 10, 1915). m Martha Farring- A.B., Brown, ’89; grad. Crozer Theol. Sem., 1892 (D.D., 1917). Ordained Bapt. minister, 1892; pastor: Somerville, N.J., 1892-1902; Haddonfield, N.J., 1902-12; Elizabeth, N.J., 1912-24; sec. Am. Bapt. Home Mission Soc., New York, since 1924. Mem. S.A.R. (chaplain gen. since 1924). Club: Roselle Golf. Summer place: ‘Shore- line,’ Oquossoec, Me. Residence: 219 Stiles St., Elizabeth, N.J. 1-SMITH, Florence Elizabeth Fish (Mrs. Fred E.), 6 Frankfort, Mich., Nov. 1, 1876. 9-Edmund Frost (qv); 8-Thomas (1637-1724), Framingham, Mass.; mm 1678, Mary (Gibbs) Goodridge (Matthew Gibbs’, m Mary, dau. of Robert Bradish); 7-Samuel (1686-1786), m 1710/11, Elizabeth Rice (David’, m Hannah Walker; Henry”; Dea. Ed- mund’, qv); 6-Amasa (1717-95), m 1749/50, Abigail Livermore (John’, m Abigail Stone; Joseph’; John’; John?®, qv); 5-Josiah (1763-1826), Am. Rev.; settled at Marcel- lus, Onondaga Co., N.Y., 1803; m 1787, Electa Paine (Dr. Elijah*, m Mary White; Seth’; Sam- uel8; Stephen®; Stephen, qv); 4—Josiah (1791-1828), m 1814, Hannah Smith; 8—-Eugene B. (1826-99), m 1848, Sarah Jane Andrews, 10-Samuel Smith (qv); 9-Lt. Philip (1638-85), Hadley, Mass.; mem. Gen. Ct.; m Rebecea Foote (Nathaniel, qv); 8-Dea. John (1661-1727), m Joanna Kellogg (Lt. Jo- seph®, qv); 7-John (est 1761), m George®, qv); 6—Eleazar (1725-1816), m Lydia Thomas (0) 1725) 5—-Ithamar (1756-1844), m Lucy Nevers (1759-1843); 4—Hannah Morgan (1794-1851), # Josiah Frost (1 above). 9-John Andrews (d 1681), from Eng. to Parming- ton, Conn., 1640; m Mary-; 8—Daniel (d 1731); 7-John (1680-1740), m Mary Goffe (1693-1769) ; 6—Moses (1722-1806), m Lydia Root (1725-1806; Jo- seph’?; John’; Joseph®; Thomas!®); 5-Nathaniel (1762- 1845), m Jerusha Sage (1771-1857 ; Morgan Esther Colton (Hphraims; Jedediah*; Capt. David’; John’; David’); ECT (1800-90), m Anna Mackey, or Mackley 83 3-Sarah Jane (1828-1911), m Eugene B. Frost (3 above). 2-Dau. of David McCallum Fish (1846-81), justice of peace and sheriff, Frankfort, Mich.; m 1875, Clara Jane Frost (b 1853); issue: I—Florence Elizabeth (above); II-— Stanley Defield (1879-1912) : IlI—Jessie Penfold (b 1880; m William Daniel Weis, M.D.); 1V—David McCallum (6 1881). I-m Nov. ne 1898, Fred Eugene Smith (May 29, 1870-Dec. 21, 1918) ; son of Alpheus Goodrich Smith, m Margaret Amelia Leonard, of Manis- tee, Mich.; issue: 1-Lorna Defield, } Manistee, Mich., Mar. 25, 1895; m Mar. 24, 1915, Samuel Wentworth Bellamy (issue: Bonnie Elaine: Wentworth Eugene, 6 and d 1917; Mary Evelyn Lorna Alice; Betty Jane, 6 and d 1928). Residence: 601 State Line St., Hammond, Ind. 1-SMITH, George Albert, }) West Cambridge (now Arlington), Mass., Oct. 15, 1861. 6—-Robert Smith (1681-1766; family originally from Seotland), came from Ireland to Lexington, Mass., 1736; settled at Peterborough, N.H., ca 1757: m Elizabeth Smith (1683-1757) ; 5-William (1723-1808), justice; del. 4th Provincial Congress of N.H.; m Elizabeth Morison (John‘, m Margaret Wallace; John’, from Scotland ca. 1720, settled at Londonderry, NIB)S 4-Samuel (1765-1842), founder Village of ee borough, N.H.; mem, 13th Congress, 1813-15 ; Sally Garfield, of Fitchburg, Mass.; 3-Samuel Garfield (1799-1842), mfr., agent of cot- ton mills; m Sarah Doreas Abbot. 9-George Abbot (qv); 8—John (1648-1721), m Sarah Barker: 7—John (1674-1754), m Elizabeth Harndin; 6—John (1704-93), capt. French and Indian War; m Phoebe Fiske; 5—Abiel (1741-1809), maj. Am. Rev.; mem. N.H. Provincial Congress; m Dorcas Abbot: 4—Abiel, D. D. (1765-1859), Harvard, 1787; Unitarian minister; founded at Peterborough, N.H., t first free public library supported by public taxation; m Elizabeth Abbot; 8-Sarah Dorcas (1801-31), m Samuel Garfield Smith (3 above). 212 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 8-John Edes (1651-93), from Eng. to Charlestown, Mass.; King Philip’s War; m Mary Tufts (Peter®, from Eng., 1642, founder of Malden, Mass., m Mary Pierce); 7—Ens. Peter (1686-1772), m Martha Mudge; 6—Nathan (6 1716), m Sarah Smith; 5-Samuel (1753-1845), served at Lexington and Bunker Hill and later in Mass. Cont. Line; m Elizabeth Baker; 4-Samuel (1775-1816), m Mary Waite; a at. 3-Samuel (1807-85), N.H. Legislature, 1857-58; m Maria Corbin. 2-Son of Rev. Samuel Abbot Smith (1829-65), A.B., Harvard, ’49; Unitarian minister; m 1854, Maria Eliza Edes (1831-1904); issue: I-Abbot Edes (m. Alice M. Prouty); IIl—Maria Ellen (1857-1925) ; II1I—George Albert (above); 1V—Samuel Herbert (1864-1902; m 1892, Mary Helen Horton). IlI—m Feb. 26, 1895, Anna Putnam (July 30, 1872- Dee. 18, 1912); dau. of Charles Putnam, of Lex- ington, Mass. (George, D.D.*, minister Eliot Ch., Roxbury, Mass.); issue (all 6 Arlington, Mass.): 1-Samuel Abbot, b Dec. 9, 1895; Har- vard, 718, A.B., 1919; served as seaman, naval aviator, ensign, lt. (j.g.); m June 17, 1920, Pris- cilla, dau. of Lyman Whitman Gale (See Vol. 1, p. 113); 2-Elizabeth Abbot (Dec. 12, 1897-Feb. 26, 1898); 3-Charles Putnam, b Mar. 22, 1899: A.B., Harvard, ’21; corp., U.S.A., Aug. 10, 1918: 2d It., Sept. 16, 1918; discharged, Dec. 26, 1918; 4— Elizabeth Abbot, b Aug. 21, 1900; 5-Anna Put- nam (Nov. 29, 1%5-Aug. 10, 1906). -B., M.I.T., ’88. Wall paper mfr. since 1886, and treas. Thomas Strahan Co., Chelsea, Mass., since its incorporation, 1900. Summer place: Coffins Beach, West Gloucester, Mass. Resi- dence: 47 Academy St., Arlington, Mass. 1-SMYSER, Rebecca Gwathmey Tyler (Mrs. Harry L.), ) Louisville, Ky., Jan. 4, 1870. 5-Edward Tyler (d 1840), mm Ann Hughes: 4—Levi (1789-1861), m 1810, Eliza Oldham (1792-1843); 3-Henry S. (b 1815), m 1837, Rebecca Ann Gwath- mey. 7-William Ayelette, m Ann Ashton; 6—Elizabeth, m 1750, William Booth: OE nce A. (1754-1820), m 1774, Rebecca— (1754- 1815) ; 4—Mary (1788-1868), m Samuel Gwathmey; mec Ann (1815-92), m» Henry S. Tyler (3 above). 2-Dau. of Isaac Hughes Tyler (1838-83), m 1867, Jane Louise (6 1846), dau. of Obadia J. Owen (1811-90), from Wales, 1827; issue: I-Owen (m Helen Bullitt Cood); II-Rebecca Gwathmey (above); III-Isaac Hughes (d 1919: m Bertha Edmunds); IV—Mary Jenkins (m Rev. Charles Mockridge, d); V-Samuel Gwathmey (d 1912; m Edmonia Robinson); VI-Jennie Owen (m Charlton Messick). II-m_ Nov. 14, 1894, Harry Lee Smyser, b Louis- ville, Ky., Mar. 9, 1864; son of Jacob Lewis Smyser, of Louisville, m Frances Lithgow; is- sue: I-Frances (Sept. 8, 1895-Oct. 12, 1918): m June 2, 1917, John Summers Middleton: 2-Lewis Tyler, 6 Louisville, Ky., Oct. 28, 1897: Rens- selaer Poly., 19; ensign, U.S.N., World War; m Mar. 4, 1919, Sarah Marshall Ide. Mem. C.D.A. Residence: 1027 Cherokee Rd., Louisville, Ky. 1-SNEDEKER, Charles Dippolt, } New Bruns- wick, N.J., July 17, 1861. 8—-Jan Snedeker (b ca. 1620), from Holland, 1642: settled at Flatbush, L.I.; m Annetje Buys: 7—Gerret Janse (b ca. 1645), m Willemtje Vooks: 6-Christiaen (6 ca. 1669), m 1689, Pietertie Ariaense; 5-Isaac (bap. 1708), m Catherine Hegeman; 4-Isaac (bap. 1761), m Sarah-: 3—Jacob (b 1802), m 1822, Catharine Stults (b 1801). 2-Son of Cornelius Snedeker (1830-81), m 1853, Mary Catherine Stonaker (1833-1912), M Jan, 23, 1894, Mary Davison, } New Bruns- wick, N.J., Mar. 11, 1863; dau. of John J. Da- vison, of New Brunswick; issue: 1—Charles D., Jr. (6 and d 1897). Retail clothing business, at New Brunswick. N.J., 1883-94; sec. and treas. Perth Amboy Drv Dock Co. since 1894; also v.p. First Nat. Bank of Perth Amboy; dir. First Nat. Bank of Carteret, N.J. Pres. Bd. of Water Commrs. of Perth Amboy 10 yrs. Mem. H.S. of New York; fellow Am. Geog. Soc., N.J. Hist. Soc., etc. Clubs: Automobile of America, Colonia Country. Residence: Perth Amboy, N.J. N WILLIAM OOVENTRY H. WADDELL (1802-8}). Financial agent U.S. Dept. State; U.S. marshal Southern District of N.Y. in Jackson’s adminis- tration; registrar of bankruptcy. An incorpora- tor, Am. Geoy. Soc., Westchester Co. Hist. Soe.: artes, mem. Soc. Prevention of Cruelty to Chil- dren. Residence: 5th Av. at 37th St., N.Y. City, built in early forties, the site of present “Brick Church,” and was first to occupy that part of avenue. 1-WADDELL SMITH, Philip Henry, ) Madison, N.J., Jan. 5, 1869. 6-Capt. John Waddell, of N.Y. (1714-62: son of Lt. William, of Dover, Eng., desc. Capt. John, of East India Co.), merchant shipmaster and owner; m 1736, “within the fort,” Ann Kirten (1716-73), of N.Y.; ; 5-Lt. Col. William (1737-1813), of N.Y.; merchant: alderman; magistrate; lt. col. loyalist reget. there; m 1761, Geesie Filkin (1740-1773; Francis*: Lt. Col. Henry’; Capt. Leonard Lewis’; Capt. Garret Jans Hardenburgh$, of colonial wars, ellvoreuNaye City): 4-Capt. Henry (1767-1819), shipmaster and owner, of N.Y. City; m 1800, Eliza Martin Daubeney (1779-1835; Lloyd’, of N.Y. City; Lloyd®, of Bris- tol, Eng., and landed gentry; and Mary Cov- entry®; William’, & Eng.; nephew to 5th Harl C.); 38-William Coventry H. (1802-84), of Murray Hill, Fifth Av., N.Y. City; financial agent U.S. Dept. State; U.S. marshal for so. dist. of N.Y. in Jackson’s administration; registrar bank- ruptcy; m ist, 1829, Julia Anna Cobb (Col. Lemuel‘, of Parsippany, N.J.; Edward’, of Taunton, Mass., 1657, and Robert Hicks, of Plymouth, Mass., 1621). 2-Son of George Washington Smith (1832-1906), 1 Troy, now Troy Hills, Morris Co., N.J., later Monee, Will Co., Ill., until 1868: then of Madi- son and Parsippany, N.J.; m 1868, S. Alice Waddell (1834-98); issue: I-Philip H. Waddell (above); II-Lloyd Waddell (qv for Smith lineage); ITI1I—Frederick William (1871-81): TV— George Washington, Jr. (b 1873); V—Alice Wad- dell (6 1877). I—-m May 28, 1908, Isabella Williamson Maclaren, b Aug. 14, 1874; dau. of late Rev. Donald Mac- Laren, D.D., chaplain and rear admiral U.S.N.: issue (all 6 Sewickley, Pa.): 1-Alice Waddell. b Jan. 24, 1906; 2-Coventry Waddell, 6b July 23, 1909; 83-Philip Waddell, 6 Mar. 10, 1912. Grad. Newark (N.J.) Acad., ’88: E.E.. Lehigh U.. 1892 (Sigma Phi). V.p. Standard Undereround Cable Co. (Pittsburgh), and Standard Under- fround Cable Co. of Canada, Ltd. (Hamilton). Mem. S.C.W., Colonial Order of Acorn, S.R., B.O.R., N.Y. Geneal. and Biog. Soe., hist. socs. of N.J. and Western Pa., Washington Assn. of N.J. Clubs: St. Nicholas, Machinery (New York), Pittsburgh, Edgeworth, Allegheny Country, Montour Country (Pittsburgh), Ham- ilton (Hamilton, Ont.). Residence: 642’ Grove St., Sewickley, Pa. FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 213 LT. COL. HIRAM SMITH (1756-1833). Served as sgt., 3d Regt. N.J. Line, Cont. Army, 1776; lt., N.J. militia, 1777 ; lt. col., 1800. Was sheriff, county judge and member Assembly. 1-SMITH, Lloyd Waddell, } Madison, N.J., May 18, 1870. 6—Richard Smith (d 1763), traditionally of Long Island ancestry, settled at Troy (now Troy Hills), Morris Co., N.J., ante 1738; m Sarah-; 5-Benjamin (1725-67), of Troy, N.J. (brother to Samuel, of Bridport, Vt., from 1772), m Hannah Dod (dese. Daniel Dod’, Branford, Conn., 1646): 4-Lt. Col. Hiram (1756-1833, of Troy, N.J.; sgt. 3d Regt. Jersey Line, Cont. Army, 1776; 1t. N.J. militia, 1777; 1t. col., 1800; sheriff; county judge: mem. Assembly; m Eleanor Paritt (Samuel, of Elizabeth Town, N.J., ante 1704); 3—Hiram (1799-1865), Troy, N.J.; m Mary Allen Osborn. 93-Edward Howell (qv); &-Richard (b 1629), m Elizabeth Halsey; 7—-Richard (d 1740), m Sarah-; 6—Edward (1684-1772), m Abigail—; 5—-Gideon (1728-1802), Troy, N.J.; m Sarah Gordon: EP ee (1763-1829), m Thomas Osborn, Jr. (1753- 1 . 3—Mary Allen, m Hiram Smith (3 above). 2-Son of George Washington Smith (1832-1906), of Tll., later Madison and Parsippany, N.J.; m S. Alice (1834-98), dau. of William Coventry H. Waddell, of New York. For issue and Waddell lineage see Philip H. Waddell Smith. M Feb. 15, 1917, Helen, dau. of Cornelius Norton, of Brooklyn, N.Y. Phillips Andover, ’92; Ph.B., Yale-S., ’95 (Book and Snake); LL.B., Harvard, 1898 (Phi Delta Phi). Admitted to N.Y. bar, 1899. With N. W. Harris & Co. from 1899: general partner Harris. Forbes & Co., N.Y., 1909, v.p., 1911, pres., 1921: also chairman board, 1924; dir. Harris, Forbes & Co., Inc. (Boston), Harris, Forbes & Co., Ltd. (Montreal), and Harris Trust & Savings Bank (Chicago). Clubs: University, Yale, Recess, Bankers (New York), Braidburn Country Club (Madison, N.J.). Residence: Madison, N.J. 1-SMITH, Mary Brockenbrough Fitzhugh (Mrs. Harwell R.), ) Richmond, Va., Feb. 11, 1867. 7-William Fitzhugh (qv); 6-Henry (1686-1758), of Bedford Co., Va.; hish sheriff of Stafford; mem. Ho. of Dels.; m 1718, Susannah Cooke (1693-1749: Mordecai’, burgess); 5—John (1727-1809). m 1746, Alice Thornton (b 1729: Richard’, m Elizabeth Catlett); 4—George (1776-1824), m 1805, Lucy Stuart (d 1862); 3—George (1806-81), m 1829, Mary Brockenbrough. 7-Francis Dade, upon leaving Eng. for Va. as- sumed name John Smith; was saved by Poca- hontas; m Behethland—: 6-Francis, inherited Stafford lands from his father; m Frances Townshend; 5-Cadwalader, m Sarah Alexander, of Snowdon: 4—Gen. Francis (1760-91), officer Am. Rev.: m Sarah Taliaferro; 3-Gen. Lawrence Taliaferro (1793-18337), m ca. 1816, Ann Mayo. 6-Maj. William Mayo (qv); 5-John (1786-86), burgess; mem. conventions of 1775, 76; m Mary Tabb, of Gloucester, Va. (Wil- liam*; John?; Thomas’; Capt. Humphrey’); 4—William (1757-1837), Am. Rev.; m ist, Elizabeth Bland Poythress (1759-1806; Peter®; m Elizabeth Bland); 3—Ann (d 1865), m Lawrence T. Dade (3 above). 2-Dau. of Robert Hunter Fitzhugh (1836-1919), civil engr.; capt. of engrs. C.S.A., and the last survivor of Gen. R. E. Lee’s staff; m 1859, Agnes Macon Dade (1837-1920); issue: I-Daisy (d 1894; m Edward Ayres); II—Anne (m William Lacy Maclean); III-Mary B. (above); IV—Rob- ert Hunter (d 1899); V—Lawrence Dade; VI-— Lucy Stuart (d 1919); VII—-Evelyn Lee (m Walter P. Shapter). IlI—m Nov. 7, 1894, Harwell Ransom Smith, b Lex- ington, Ky., Apr. 5, 1867; son of Reid Smith, m Elizabeth Chambless, of Ala.; issue: 1-Harwell Fitzhugh, 6 Shorter, Ala., Oct. 5, 1895; ordnance dept., U.S.A., and with A.E.F. in France, June 7, 1918-June 7, 1919; m Dee. 12, 1923, Nancy Lege Jones; 2-Agnes Dade (Oct. 23, 1899-Jan. 6, 1900): 3—Elizabeth Chambless, Bb Augusta, Ga., May neues 4—Robert Fitzhugh, b Augusta, Mar. 5, Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R. Clubs: Women’s Press and Authors, Ionian. Residence: 327 Sayre St., Montgomery, Ala. 1-SMITH, Annie Morrill (Mrs. Hugh M.), 0 Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. 13, 1856. 8-Abraham Morrill (d 1662), from Eng. to Cam- bridge, Mass., 16832; removed to Salisbury, 1634; m 1645, Sarah Clement; 7—Isaac (1646-1713), m 1670, Phebe Gill (1649/50-1714): 6-Isaac (1673-1737), m 1696, Abigail Brown (1674/75- living 1721); 5-Rev. Isaac (1718-93), minister at Wilmington, Mass., 53 yrs.; chaplain Am. Rev.; m 2d, 1743, Dorothy Rugeles (1721/22-1804): 4—Nathaniel (1757-1828), m 1781, Hannah Jaquith (1759-1826) ; 8—-Micajah (1782-1814), m 1807, (1780-1860). 7-Philip Langdon (d 1697), from Eng. to Boston, 1640; m Mary-— (d 1716): 6—-Lt. Paul (1693-1761), colonial wars; m 1718, Mrs. Mary H. Staecv (d 1776); 5-Set. John (1728-1822), colonial wars and Am. Rev.; m 1st, Eunice Torrey; 4—James (1762-1804), m 1788, Esther Stebbins (1755- 3-James Davenport (1792-1887), m Sarah Phelps (1797-1863). &8-William Torrey (av); 7—Josiah (ca. 1645-1732), m Sarah (Wilson) Bolt; 6—John (1692-1740/41), m Sarah-—: 5—-Eunice (1731-1809), m 1757, above). 9-Rev. Thomas Hooker (qv); iain (d 1715), m 1648, Rev. John Wilson (1621- Susannah Floyd John Langdon (5 7-Sarah, as Widow Bolt, m 2d, Josiah Torrey (7 above). 2—Only child of Henrv Edwin Morr‘l1l, M.D. (1813- 1874), m 1841. Cvnthia Lanedon (1823-61) M June 9, 1880, Hueh Montgomery Smith (Sept. 21. 1848-Aue. 30, 1897). Packer Collegiate Inst., ex-’74. Crytoramic botanist; editor and publisher, The Bryolovist. 1898-1914. Genealogist since 1918. Author: Morrill Kindred in America, 1914: Ancestors of Henry Montromery Smith and Catherine Forshee, 1921. Edited and nublished: From One Generation to Another (Langdon Geneal- ogy). 1906. Mem. D.A.R., ete. (See Who’s Who in America). Address: care of Gramatan Nat. Bank, Bronxville, N.Y. 1-SMITH, Katherine Thomas Duncan (Mrs. J. Morgan), 0 Cusseta, Ala., Feb. 26, 1844. &-Valentine Hollingsworth (qv): 7-Catherine (1663-1746), m 1686, George Robinson (1666-1738) ; Ff—Mary (d 1720). m 1710. Thomas Jacob (d 1753): 5—Joseph (1720-87), m Eleanor Thomas (d post 4-TDianah (d 1794), m 1770. Daniel DBunean (1729- 1791), Am. Rev. from Cumberland Co., Pa.: 8-Arnold (1775-1852). War 1812; m 1796, Martha Patterson (1773-1819; Robert#, ens. Am. Rev.. m Mary Millard; James’, It. col. colonial wars). 214 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 4—Drury Harrington, served in battle of Moore’s Creek Bridge, the first battle of the Revolu- tion fought in the south; m Rachel Petty; 3—Jeptha, m Nancy Darwin (John‘, pvt. 10th Va. Cont. Line, wounded at Valley Forge, m Jane Bland). apne 2—-Dau. of Rev. Daniel Duncan (1803-91), minister M.E. Ch., South; m 1835, Rachel Matilda Har- rington (1815-90); issue: I-Martha Ann Maria; Ii—John Clarence Linden; IIlI—John Cullen (m Marian Otts); I1V-—Katherine Thomas (above); V—Rachel Rebecca (m Richard H. Hayes); VI— Matilda Elizabeth; VII—Daniel Harrington. IV—m Aug. 19, 1863, John Morgan Smith (Aug. 9, 1842-1902); son of Hampton Sidney Smith, m Sarah Antoinette Redd; issue: 1—Rachel James, 0 Talladega, Ala., 1865; 2-Ross Cullen, b Talladega, Mar. 1867; m June 14, 1901, Jessie Eubank; 3-Hampton Sidney, b Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 14, 1870; m Apr. 30, 1895, Harriet Hampton Hewitt; 4-Lucille, b Talladega; m Apr. 30, 1908, Samuel Lowndes Earle. Ed. Centenary Coll., Summerfield, Ala. Mem. C.D.A. (pres. Ala. soc.), D.A.R. (hon. v.p. gen.), U.S.D.1812, U.D.C. Residence: 1223 Niazuma Av., Birmingham, Ala. 1-SMITH, Lucy Neville Mitchell (Mrs. S. Fahs), b Charleston, S.C., Dec. 26, 1872. 10-Nicholas Martian (qv); 9-Elizabeth (will proved 1686/87), m Col. George Reade (qv); 8-Mildred, m Col. Augustine Warner (1642-81); 7—Mildred, m 1680, Laurence Washington (ca. 1661-1697; Col. John§’, qv); 6-Augustine (1694-1748), m 2d, 1730/31, Mary Ball (1706-89), who was the mother of George Wash- ington; (b 1733), m 1750, Col. Fielding Lewis 5—Betty (1725-81) ; 4—Robert (6 1769), m Judith Walker Browne; 3—Betty B. (1808-86), m 1826, George Washington Bassett (1800-78). 2-Dau. Judith Frances Carter Bassett (1836-1907), m 1863, Charles Tunis Mitchell (1816-93), banker and broker (son of James Mitchell [1763-1831]. from London, Eng., to Charleston, S.C., 1783); issue: I-Virginia Lewis (b 1865); II-Laura Lan- don (6 1867); Il1I—Bassett Washington (b 1868): TV—Lucy Neville (above); V-Anna Maria Dan- dridge (1875-1913; m Luther Pfahler Hisenhart);: VI-William Churchill (1885-1924). IV-—m Sept 17, 1902, Stephen Fahs Smith, 0b York, Pa., Sept. 10, 1864; son of Rev. Stephen Morgan Smith, of York, Pa., m Emma Fahs; issue: 1—-Burwell Bassett, b York, Pa., July 20, 1908, Princeton, ’28, Mem. O.C. (councillor for Pa.), Americans of Royal Descent (archivest general), C.D.A., Huguenot socs. of S.C. and Pa. Summer place: ‘‘Tiger Hill,” Mere Point, Me. Resi- dence: “Eltham,”’ York, Pa. 1-SMITH, May Hart (Mrs. W. Hampton), 0} Brooklyn, N.Y., May 22, 1869. °-Edward Hart, one of incorporators of Flush- ATE sd eel 4b 8-Jonathan (b ca. 1650), m Hannah Budd (6b 1657: John®; John"); 7—-Monmouth (ca. 1690-1761), m Sarah Ogden (Rich- ard’; Richard®: John”); 6-Monmouth (d 1787), m Rachel Bloomer: 5-Jonathan (d 178), m Elizabeth Bloomer (1751- 1824: Gilbert®; Robert?; Robert8; Robert?); 4—Gilbert (1769-1854), m Sarah Woolsey: 3-—James (1795-1882), m Tammy Sloat (1803-73: John‘; EPlias'). 8-George (Joris) Woolsey (qv); 7—Thomas (1655-1740), m Ruth—; 6—-Richard (1679-1777), m Sarah Fowler (William’; Joseph’; John’); 5-Josiah (1738-78), m Mary Owen (Joseph*; Jon- athan’; John§); 4—Sarah (1772-1839), m Gilbert Hart (4 above). 9-Richard Anstin (qv); &-Anthony (1636-1708), m Esther Huegins (d 16°): 7-John (1672-1737), m Agnes King (1681-1732: gamers, m Elizabeth, dau. Rev. John Emer- son); 6—-Jonathan (1705-67), m Charity Odell: 5—-Smith (1753-1834), m Martha Brewer (1752-1254): 4—Hetty (1780-1870), m James Barker (1778-1842): %—Michael (1811-83), m Sarah Robinson (1813-1908). 2-Dau. of George W. Hart (b 1843), m 1867, Hattie Barker (1845-1995); issue: I-Mav Hart (above); TI—Bessie (b 1872; m George Ballard Cooke), I-m Nov. 19, 1889, Frederick A. Gabb; issue: I— George Percival Gabb, 6b Brooklyn, Dec. 25, 1890; served in C.A.C., Ft. Stevens, Ore., World War; was in O.T.C. there and d in service, Nov. 14, 1918. M 2d, Feb. 238, 1910, W. Hampton Smith. Mem. D.A.R. (regent Ontario Chapter), D.F.P.A.; Colonial Daughters, Am. Legion Auxiliary (past pres. Ontario Chapter). Residence: 222 E. E St., Ontario, Calif. gp Walter Olcott, ) Flint, Mich., Nov. 23, I-George Smith (d 1662), of New Haven, Conn.; m Sarah—; 8-Ebenezer (b 1653); 7—Ebenezer (b 1688), m 1709, Hannah Smith; €—Daniel (1710-57), m Susannah Newton; 5—Ebenezer (1730-1808), m Bathsheba Smith; 4-Ebenezer (bap. 1758-1832), pvt. Am. Rev.; m 1792, Sarah Candee (1761-1849; Samuel, Jr.5, m Lydia Sherman); 3-William Horace (1793-1872), m Nancy Tyler. 9-Thomas Welles, of Hartford, Conn.; 8-Samuel, Wethersfield, Conn.; m 1659, Elizabeth Hollister; (yh 2 m 1692, Augur Tomlinson, Stratford, onn.; 6—Zechariah, m 1718/19, Hannah Beach; 5-Sarah, m 1757, Thomas Olcott, Stratford; 4—Thomas (1758-1842), Woodbury, Conn.: m Mary Thompson (d 1820; Andrew, of New Haven); e--George, m 1831, Lucy Dailey (Eliel‘, m Eunice. dau. of Abel Woodward, capt. Am. Rev., of Waterbury, Conn.). 2-Son of William L. Smith (b 1830), merchant. capitalist; m 1857, Anna Maria Olcott (b 1834) ; issue: I-Ella Maria (m John Herbert Avery); Il-Harry Tyler (m Helen G. Damon); III—Wal- ter Olcott (above). III-Not married. U. of Mich., 1889-91 (D.K.E.); A.B., Leland Stanford, ’93 (P.B.K.). Capital- ist. Editor, Day’s Work Dept. of Volta Re- view. Clubs: University, Detroit (Detroit, Mich.), Flint (Mich.) Country. University (Boston), Woodland Golf. Residence: 30 Com- monwealth Ay., Boston, Mass. 1-SMITH, William Alexander, } Anson Co., INO, ebay sale GeRe 1i-Thomas Smith (b Cropwell Boteler, Parish of Tithby, Eng.), moved to Nottingham and was known as Thomas Smith of Nottingham and Gaddesby; 10-John (d 1602), of Cropwell, Eng.; his will re- corded at Tithby; S-John (bap. 1598-will proved 1642), purchased land of Sir Thomas Hutchinson, 1622; m 1630, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Garton; m 2d, Fran- ces Wilcocke, of Cropwell; 8-Thomas (b 1631), became a mercer and later private banker; m Mary, dau. of John Hooper; m 2d, Fortune, dau. of Laurence Collin, who held Nottingham Castle against the forces of King Charles I; 7-Thomas (d 1727), inherited 1400 acres of land at Gaddesby and the bank at London: high sheriff of Nottingham Co., 1717-18: 6-Samuel (1684-1751), head of banking house of Smith, Payne & Smith: m Elizabeth, dau. of John Cartlitch; 5—John (b 1719), came to America and located in N.C., now Wake Co., ca. 1730; 4—John (b 1740), Anson Co., N.C.; soldier Am. Rev.; m Mary Flake (Samuel!); 3-John (1772-1854), merchant and farmer: justice many yrs.; mem. N.C. Ho. of Rep., 1821-26: m Mary Bellew (Abraham¢4, Frenchman, held large landed interests in N.C). 5-John Nelme, came from Tsle of Skye: 4—Charles, officer Ist Va. Arty. in Am. Rev.; m Eliza Sydnor; 3—Presley, Anson Co., N.C.; m Nancy Montgom- ery Ingram. 6—-Col. Hugh “Lady” Moore; 5-Nancy, m Edwin Ingram: 4—Toseph (“Redhead”), m Catherine McCaskill: 38-Nancy M., m Presley Nelme (3 above). 2-Son of William Grove Smith (1802-79). col. An- son Co. militia: justice; chmn. Co. Ct.: mem. N.C. Const]. Conv. of 1868: m Eliza Sydnor Nelme (1814-73); issne: I-John (d): TI-Ann En- genia (7; m Dr. John G. Smith); ITt—Preslev Nelme (d; m Susan Cole): TV—Mary Jane (dl; m Oliver P. Bennett); V—Charles Eben (d; capt. Montgomery, m Mary FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 215 C.S.A.; m Sallie Brown); VI-Eliza Catherine (d; m Dr. H. W. Robinson); VII—-William Alex- ander (above). Vil—m Dee. 28, 1869, Mary Jane Bennett (d June 20, 1914); dau. of L. D. Bennett, of N.C.; issue: 1—Etta (Nov. 25, 1870-Jan. 11, 1888); 2-Nona (Dec. 24, 1872-Nov. 14, 1877). M 2d, Aug. 2, 1916, Nanie, dau. of Flaval Ben- nett Flake, C.S.A., of Anson Co. Davidson Coll., N.C., ’60. Merchant, planter, manufacturer and financier. Pvt., Co. C, 14th N.C. Regt., C.S.A., 1861-62; wounded at Mal- vern Hill and crippled. Lt. col. on staff of Gen. William L. London, and brig. gen., 2d Brig., now maj. gen. N.C. Div., U.C.V.; cdr. of same. Mem. S.C. Residence: “The Oaks,” An- sonville, N.C. 1-BOSSON, Frederick Needham, Mass., Dec. 15, 1860. 7—William Bosson, m Dorothy Holbrook; 6—-William (ante 1700-1744), A.B., Harvard, 1728: m Mary-; 5-William (1724-87), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1745, Abi- gail Partridge (d 1766; Samuel*, m Hannah, dau. of Robert Mason, from Eng.; John’, from Eng., 1650, m Magdalen, dau. of John Bullard): 4—Jonathan Davis (b 1762), m 1788, Martha Young (Joseph®, Am. Rev.); 3—Jonathan Davis (1786-1880), War 1812; active mem. Salem Cadets more than 60 yrs.; m 1810, Lydia Palfray. 8-Peter (Palfrey) Palfray (qv); 7—Warwick (1685-1756-57), of Salem, Mass.; m 1714, Elisabeth Hunlock (6 1685; John’, from Eng., m Joanna, dau. of Samuel Sendall); 6-Warwick (bap. 1715-1797), mem. Com. Safety in Am. Rev.; rep. Gen. Ct.; collector of customs: naval officer; m ist, 1738, Mary Bickford (0b 1719; John’, m Rebecca, dau. of William Pin- sent; George’, m Christian-); 5—-Warwick (1744-94), m Hannah— (d 1793); 4-Warwick (1765-1843), editor Salem Register: mem. Mass. House and Senate; m 1786, Han- nah Chapman (1765-1848; George®, m Lydia, dau. of Edmund Henfield; Isaac*, m Hannah, dau. of George Dean; John’, m Elizabeth, dau. of John Cook); 3—Lydia (1791-1863), m Jonathan Davis Bosson (3 above). 2-Son of George Chapman Bosson (1825-1900), m 1849, Jennie Hood (1827-1910); issue: I—Jennie Hood (6 1850; m 1870, Frederick William Hatch, 1845-97); II—Albert Davis (1853-1926; m 1888, Alice L. Campbell); Il1I—Henry Palfray (1857-1918; m 1888, Florence Richmond Eustis); IV—Freder- ick Needham (above); V—George Chapman (b 1865; m 1887, Mary Emma Fisher). IV—m Apr. 27, 1882, Caroline A. Goodrich (Aug. 20, 1860-Jan. 29, 1904); dau. of Jasper J. Good- rich, of Boston, Mass.; issue: 1Amy Good- rich (Mrs. Roy A. Young, qv for other line- ages). M 2d, Sept. 29, 1906, Bessie M. Chambers (Oct. 16, 1881-Feb. 28, 1910); dau. of William S. Cham- bers, of Memphis, Tenn. M_3d, 1914, Emily A. Schamell, } Konigsberg, East Prussia, 1881. Ed. M.I.T., ’80. Engineer, Calumet & Hecla Con- 6b =Boston, solidated Copper Co. from 1890 to date. Fel- low Am. Inst. Elec. Engrs.. etce.; mem. (Ou itie, SMO, Siviely Reaykibe Raye, Clubs: Technology (New York), Nuscowabic (Calumet, Mich.). Residence: Calumet, Mich. 1-YOUNG, Amy Goodrich Bosson (Mrs. R. A.), b Boston, Mass., Nov. 19, 1883. 9$-John Hood (b 1600), from Eng. to Cambridge, Mass., ca. 1638: m Elizabeth-; 8-Richard (1625-95), settled at Lynn, Mass., ca. 1650; m Mary Newhall; 7-Nathaniel (1669-1748), m Joanna Dwinnell: 6-John (1724-1805), served in War of 1756; partic- ipated in taking of Louisburg, 1759; m 2d, 1757, Mary Kimball; F 5—John (1760-1836), m 2d, Ruth Gould: 4—Jacob (1791-1886), m Sophia Needham; See (1827-1910), m George C. Bosson (1825- §-Anthony Needham (b 1628), Quaker; m 1655, Ann Potter (Humphrey”); 8-Anthony (1663-1758), m 1695, Mary Swinnerton b 1670; Joseph®, m Mary—: Job’. m Ruth. dau. of James Symonds; Job; Widow Elisa- beth?2) ; : 7-Jasper (1707-99), m 1731, Mary Cook (1710-88); 6—-Stephen (1732-1801), Am. Elisabeth Moulton (1737-1827); 5—Daniel (1760-1844), Am. Rev.; m 1783, Ede Flint (1764-1840) ; 4—Sophia (1797-1886), m Jacob Hood (4 above). 2-Dau. of Frederick Needham Bosson (qv for other lineages), m 1st, Caroline A. Goodrich. M Dec. 2, 1912, Roy Archibald Young, 6 Mar- quette, Mich., May 17, 1882, gov. 9th Federal Reserve Bank, Minneapolis; son of James Wil- son Young, of Marquette, Mich.; issue: 1— Jane Bosson, 6 Calumet, Mich., Nov. 27, 1913; 2—Martha, b Calumet, Aug. 17, 1917. Wate 1708 Humboldt Av., S., Minneapolis, inn. 1-SNODGRASS, Lulu M. Race (Mrs. Edward Grant), 6 Austin (now part of Chicago), IIl., Nov. 30, 1869. 9-Lt. Joseph Kellogg (qv); 8—-Dea. Samuel (1662-1717), m 1687, Sarah Merrill (1664-1719; Dea. John®; Nathaniel?*); 7—-Capt. Isaac (1697-1787), first rep. from Hart- ford to Conn. Assembly, elected 23 times; m 1717, Mary Webster (1697-1780; Joseph’; Robert?; Gov. John®, qv); ima ae (1720-1805), m 1747, Sarah Marsh (1724- 5-Solomon (1751-95), drummer and fifer, Am. Rev.; m 1773, Ruth Kellogg (1749-1845) ; 4—Solomon (1778-1834), m 1st, 1799, Rebecca Turner (1779-1825) ; 38—-Asher Porter (1809-69), m 1834, Polly M. Snow. 10-Stephen Hopkins (qv); 9-Constance (ca. 1608-1677), m ca. 1626, Nicholas Snow (qv); 8-Stephen (ca. 1636-1705), m 1668, Susanna Dean Rogers (1634-1701) ; 7-Ebenezer (d 1725), m 1698, Hope Horton (d 1739); Gieron (1707/08-1758), m 1736, Sarah Gross (1713- 5-Ens. Moses (1755-1818), minute man at Lex- ington Alarm; soldier Am. Rev.; m 1780, Thank- ful Thwing (1753-96); 4—Asher (1790-1866), soldier War 1812; m 1816, Man- dana E. Matthews; 3-Polly M. (1817-94), m 1834, Asher Porter Kellogg (3 above). 2-Dau. of Rebecca Jane Kellogg (1835-1918), m 1855, Luther Ensign Bace (1830-99), first public school teacher at Austin, Ill; real estate; issue: I—Marion (d childhood); IJ—Clarence G. (1861-1916); ITlI—Frank L. (1863-1910; alderman, Chicago, 1900-09); IV—Harry (d childhood); V— Carrie (d childhood); VI—Lulu M. (above). ViI-m June 28, 1893, Dr. Edward Grant Snod- grass, b Piqua, O., June 20, 1863; son of James Reynolds Snodgrass, Piqua (William®); issue; 1—Luther Reynolds, 6 Keokuk, Ia., Aug. 30, 1897; Northwestern, ’21; m Sept. 1923, Antha ny dau. of Curtis Leroy Cruver, of Oak Park, Mem. Chicago Small Parks Comm., 1915; Chi- cago Bd. of BEdn., 1917-20. Mem. D.F.P.A., D.A.C., D.A.R. (chapter regent), U.S.D. 1812. Clubs: Austin Woman’s, Woman’s City, ete. Summer place: Pentwater, Mich. Residence: 308 N. Pine Av., Chicago, Ill. 1-SNOW, William Browne, }) Winterport, Me., Jan. 28, 1865. 8—-Nicholas Snow (qv); : 7-Jabez (1648-90), lt. in Sir William Phipps’ expdn. to Canada, 1690; m Elizabeth Smyth; 6—Jabez (1670-1750), m Elizabeth Great (g.dau. Gov. Robert Treat, of Conn.); 5-Sylvanus (1704-72), m Hannah Cole; 4—Collier (1750-99), Am. Rev.; m Hannah King: 3-—Edward (1794-1835), War 1812; m 1819, Mary Twin- ine. 9-Nicholas Snow (8 above); 8-Stephen (ca. 1636-1705), m Rogers; 7—Micajah (1669-1754), m Mercy Young; 6-Stephen (1702-52), m Mary Cole: 5-Heman (17388-1819), m Jedidah Smith; 4—Mary (1769-1851), m Abner Twining’: 3—Mary (1794-1864), m Edward Snow (3 above). 2-Son of Henry Otis Snow (1830-1915), farmer: served in Civil War; m 1858, Rowena Melinda Browne (1840-89); issue: I—Carrie R. (b 1859; am George A. Cole); II—Frank Lincoln (b 1861): III—William Browne (above); IV—Lena (b 1869; m James T. Kneass). III-m Oct. 16, 1889, Eva Vivian Gray, b Penob- scot, Me.; dau. of Capt. John Murray Gray, Rev.; m Susanna Dean- 216 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY of Penobscot; issue: 1-Hildegarde Mary, b pei es cen July 4, 1904; A.B., Mt. Holyoke Coll., ’26. Was insp., P.O. Dept., 18 yrs.; spl. agt., U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1918-25; with Employers’ Lia- bility Assurance Corpn., Ltd., of London, Eng., at Boston, since 1925. Compiled Snow Ge- nealogy. Historian Snow Family Assn.; mem. S.M.D., S.C.W., S.A.R., ete. Residence: 79 Dexter St., Malden, Mass. ‘Seder Fred Palmer, ) Newark, N.J., Oct. 10, 1866. 4-Thomas Solley (1759-1829), from Eng., settled at Weston, Fairfield Co., Conn., 1783; sgt. 2d Conn. regt., Cont. Army; m 1781, Eunice Durfee; 3-Thomas (1800-78), m 1835, Martha (Treat) Brad- ey. 9-Richard Treat (qv); 8-Robert (1624-1710), cdr. in King Philip’s War; gov. of Conn., 1683-98; m 1st, 1647, Jane Tapp; 7-Capt. Robert (1654-1720), m 2d, 1687, Abigail amp; 6—Robert (1695-1770), grad. Yale, 1718; tutor at Yale, 1724-25; m Jane Langstaff; 5—-Robert 1730-1807), m Mary Clark; 4—David (1776-1859), m 1800, Lydia Pardee; 3-Martha (1809-91), m 1st, John Bradley; 2d, 1835, Thomas Solley (3 above). 2-Son of John Beach Solley (b 1840), retired mcht.; m 1863, Frances Mead Hedden (1842-1906); issue: I-Fred Palmer (above); II—John Beach, Jr. (b 1872; m Katherine Hamilton Lilly); III— Harry Hedden (0 1875). I-m Jan. 1, 1895, Mary Houston Westcott, }b New Brunswick, N.J., Feb. 27, 1866; dau. of late Robert Folger Westcott, of New York; issue: 1-Frederic Westcott, b Paris, France, Sept. 30, 1895; Yale, 18; 2-Theodore Houston, b N.Y. City, Feb. 10, 1897; Yale, °19: 3—Mar- garet, b New York, Dec. 14, 1898; 4~Robert Fol- ger, 6 New York, Feb. 25, 1901; Yale, ’22. B.A., Yale, ’88 (D.K.E., Skull and Bones, Phi Beta Kappa), Ph.B., ’89; M.D., Columbia, 1892. Physician, New York. Club: University. Summer place: Ridgefield, Conn. Residence: 114 BE. 60th St., New York, N.Y. 1-SOMERS, Mary McIntyre Hooper (Mrs. George B.), b Bangor, Me., Oct. 22, 1869. 4-John Hooper (b 1777; son of Rev. William, one of 7 brothers, all Baptist ministers), m Susan Meserve (1781-1863: Col. Ebeneser®, m Eunice Torr); 3—John (1805-92), m 1832, Martha Stanwood Perry. 6-David Stanwood (1721-77; son of Ebeneser), m Mary Reed (1723-98) ; 5-William (1752-1829), m 24d, Hannah Thompson (1764-1823) ; 4-Jane (b 1784), m John Perry (1772-1846), who established the first Sunday school in America; 3-Martha S. (1811-1900), m 1832, John Hooper (3 above). 2-Dau. of John Albert Hooper (1888-1925), mer- chant, San Francisco; m 1866, Mary Campbell Brown _ (1846-1800); issue: I-Albert Campbell (b 1867); II-—Mary MclI. (above); III—Alice Maud (Mrs. Albert B. McKee, qv for Brown lineage); IV—Jessie Appleton (b 1875; m Hooper Beatty); V—Jeannette Stanwood (b 1878: m Arthur B. Foote); VI-Frank Perry (b 1880: m Charlotte M. Morehouse); VII—Arthur Willard (b 1884: m Josephine F, Hannigan). II-m Nov. 8, 1900, George Burbank Somers, } San Francisco, Calif., Aug. 4, 1862; A.B., Har- vard, ’86; M.D., Cooper Med. Coll., San Fran- cisco, 1888; physician; son of William J. Som- ers, m Kate Burbank, both of Vt.: issue: 1— Stanwood Wetherbee (Aug. 3-Aug. 28, 1901): 2-Burbank Hooper, 6 San Francisco, May 27, eet eget iat Willard, 6 San Francisco, July Residence: Woodside, San Mateo Co., Calif. 1-SOUTHGATE, Harry Calvin, b Rockford, Ill. May 29, 1867. 7-Richard Southgate (qv): 6-Richard_ (1714-1798/99), Leicester, 1740/41, Emily Brown (Samuel’); 5-Richard (1742-1822), Bridgewater, Vt.; soldier Am. Rev.: m 1762, Sarah Spracue: 4—-Thomas (1763-1837), m Elizabeth White; 38-Thomas (179-1889), Woodstock, Vt.; m Delcenia Marsh. 10-Richard Warren (qv); Mass.; m 1822, 9-Mary, m Robert Bartlett (qv); 8-Elizabeth, m Anthony Sprague (1686-1719) ; 7-Jeremiah (1682-1759), m Priscilla Knight; 6—-Knight (1711-1804), soldier Indian wars and Am. Rev.; m 1st, Mary Lewis; 5-Sarah (1738-1831), m in 1762, Richard Southgate 5 above), 8-John Marsh (b 1647-49), of Boston, Mass., 1669; m Sarah-; - 7—Joseph (b 1670/71), m 1692/98, Ann Thorogood: 6-Dea. John (1696-1769), Douglas, Mass.; m 1719, Martha Hartshorn (1700-81; Joseph’; Thomas’); 5-Joseph (1731-ca. 1823), Mendon, Mass., and Woodstock, Vt.; sgt. Am. Rev.; m 1759, Deb- orah Staples (1741-ca. 1802; Abraham, m Lydia White; Abraham’; Sgt. Abraham; John’); 4-Jason (1772-1819), m 1795, Joanna Clark; 3—Delcenia (1798-1881), m Thomas Southgate (3 above). 8-Denice Darling (1640-1717), Braintree and Men- don, Mass.; m 1662, Hannah Francis; 7—Benjamin (1687-1772), m 1708, Mehitable White (6 1689; Thomas’, m Mehitable Thornton; Capt. Joseph®; Thomas"); 6—Thomas (1730-76), m 1749, Rachel White (6 1732; Joseph’, m Prudence Smith; Joseph’; Joseph’; Thomas’); 5-Rhoda (b 1750), m 1768, Jeptha Clark: 4-Joanna (1775-1867), m 1795, Jason Marsh (4 above). 2-Son of John Murray Southgate (1837-1920), m 1862, Clarissa Jennie (1838-1907), dau. of Calvin A. Shaw, m Clarissa Manning Stowell; g.dau. of John Shaw, m Tryphena Bingham: issue: I-—Harry Calvin (above); II—Herbert Murray (6 and d 1869); II1I-Clayton Raymond (b 1871). I—m Oct. 10, 1888, Eda May Wettstein (May 6, 1866-Aug. 10, 1904); dau. of Otto Wettstein, of Rochelle, Ill.; issue (all 6 Rockford, Tll.): 1— Orva, b Feb. 5, 189): m May 6, 1912, Harley W. Mitchell, of La Grange, Ill. (issue: Orva: Edith; Bradford); 2-Marjorie, b Dec. 2, 1892; m Oct. 26, 1922, William A. Fraser (issue: Wil- liam A., Jr.); 3-Helen, b Dec. 31, 1893: m Apr. 24, 1918, Leslie A. Cunningham (issue: Mar- garet Helen; James Calvin). M 2d, May 6, 1907, Ethelyn Smith, b Weston, Me., June 25, 1879; dau. of S. Randolph Smith, of Bangor, Me.; issue: 1-Harry Calvin, Jr., b La Grange, Ill., June 7, 1909; 2-Mary Ethelyn, » La Grange, Feb. 19, 1912. Local treas., Nat. Malleable & Steel Castings Co., Cicero, Ill. Club: LaGrange Country. i aaece: 228 S. Kensington Av., LaGrange, 1-SOUTHGATE, Hugh MacLellan, } St. Johns- bury, Vt., Sept. 3, 1871. 7—Richard Southgate (qv); 6-Steward (1703-64), proprietor’s clerk and town clerk, Palmer, Mass.; m 1st, 1735, Elizabeth Scott (William’, m Sarah Foote): 5—Dr. Robert (1741-1833), judge Common Pleas Ct., Scarborough, Me.; m 1773, Mary King (Richard’, m Isabella Bragdon, whose son Rufus was twice minister to Eng. and U.S. senator from N.Y.; John’, qv); 4-Judge Horatio (1781-1864), registrar Probate Ci Cumberland Co., Me., 21 yrs.; m ist, 1805. Abi- gail McLellan (Maj. Hugh®, m Abigail Browne); 3-Rev. Robert (1808-73), grad. Bowdoin, 1826: Congl, minister; m 1832, Mary Frances Swan (Benjamin, m Lucy Gay). 5-William Anderson (1729-1816), m ca. 1767, Abi- gail Hitchcock; 4-Solomon_ (1768-1848), m 1st, 1788, Esther Cooley (Azariah’5); 3—Dexter (1798-1877), m 2d, 1825, Sophia Foster (Henry). 2-Son of Rev. Charles MacLellan Southgate (1845- 1912), B.A., Yale, ’66; Congl. minister: supt. Mass. Bible Soc.; m 1870, Elizabeth Virginia Anderson (b 1847); issue: I-Hugh MacLellan (above); II—Isabel Anderson (b 1881: m Guy Crosby Riddell); III—Stuart Leicester (b 1889). I-m Dec. 12, 1900, Alice Austen Maclaren, bh Brooklyn, N.Y., Avr. 24, 1872: dau. of Donald MacLaren, D.D. (1834-1920), rear admiral, chap- lain, U.S.N., m HBlizabeth Stockton Green: issue (all b Albrincham, Eng.): 1—-EFlizabeth MacLaren, b June 30, 1998; 2-Isabel Frances, b Feb. 13, 1906; 3-Hugh MacLellan, Jr., b Jan. 10, 1907. : B.S., Worcester Poly. Inst., '92, B.S., in elec. FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA engring., 1898. Mgr. government office of Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., Washington, DC. Memo S.CiW., b.Os Re ste ClUDS:) bnei- neers (New York), Metropolitan, Chevy Chase, Racquet, University (Washington). Summer place: Bass Rocks, Gloucester, Mass. Resi- dence: “The Lodge,” 5800 Conn. Av., Chevy Chase, Md. 1-SOWDON, Joseph Anderson, }) New York, N.Y., Mar. 15, 1878. 9-Thomas Robinson (1614-89), from Surrey, Eng., to Hartford, Conn., 1640; a founder of Guil- ford, 1664; m 1649, Mary— (d 1668); 8-David (1660-1748), of Durham, Conn.; m 1689, Abigail Kirby (1667-94) ; 7—David (1694-1780), of Durham; m 1719, Rebecca Miller (1699-1786) ; 6—-Capt. James (1731-1806), of Durham; m 1752 Amy Spelman (1734-1805) ; 5-James (1763-1820), of Durham; m 1785, Thankful Dimock (1763-1834) ; 4—EXmma, (1796-1874), m 1818, Peter Van Pelt (1789- 1848) ; 38-Emma D. (1824-90), m 1845, George Sowdon (1819-56; John‘ [1799-1862], from Eng. to Bos- ton, m 1801, Susannah Manley; John® [b 1756/57], of Witheridge, Eng). 10-Richard Gildersleeve (1601-80), from Eng., 1635, settled at Watertown, later Wethers- field, Conn., 1686; m 1628, Joanna Appleton; 9-Richard (162—-1691), town clk. and drummer, Hempstead, N.Y.; m 1658, Dorcas—; 8—-Thomas (1661-1740),,town clerk, Hempstead; m Mary-; 7—Asa (b 1685; bap. 1705); 6-John (1706-90), m Phebe-; 5-Q.M. Sgt. Daniel (1742-78), d at Valley Forge, 1778; m 1771, Esther Wood; 4—-Thomas Daniel (1773-1823), in whisky insurrec- tion, Pa., 1794; m 1795, Phebe Reuck; 3-Thomas Jefferson (1805-71), tax commr., N.Y. City, 1842-43; m 1829, Dorothy Hamilton. 2-Son of George Harris Sowdon (1846-1913), mfg. furrier; m 1868, Eliza Tweed Gildersleeve (b 1846); issue (living): I—Alice White (b 1869), D.A.R.; II—Joseph Anderson (above). II-Not married. Was mem. Co. E, 7th Regt., N.G.N.Y., 1901-06. Mem. O.F.P.A., S.A.R., 7th Regt. Vet. Assn., Am. Flag Assn., Westches- ter Hist. Soc., ete. Residence: 14 Highland Av., Yonkers, N.Y. I-SPALDING, Burleigh Folsom, } at Crafts- bury, Vt., Dec. 3, 1853. 9-Edward Spalding: (qv); 8-Andrew (1652-1713), m 1st, Hannah Jefes; 7-Andrew (1678-1753), m Abigail Warren; 6—Andrew (1701-68), a grantee of New Ipswich, N.H., under Masonian Charter, signed cov- enant at organization ch.; 5-Andrew (b 1729), Am. Rev.; m Abigail Martin: 4-Benjamin (1762-1838), Am. Rev.; m Azubah Gates; 3-Noah (1792-1875), captain in War of 1812; school teacher; m Phebe Pendell. 93-John (Foulsham) Folsom (qv); 8-John (1640-1715), m Abigail Perkins; 7-Abraham (1678-1740) ; 6—Daniel (b 1704), m Huldah Eastman: 5-Abraham (1741-85), m Elizabeth Moody; 4-Jacob (1778-1861), m Mary Fifield; 3—Moses (1801-81), Free Bapt. minister; m Polly Greene. 2-Son of Benjamin Pendell Spalding (1820-1906), M.E. minister, m 1853, Ann Folsom (1825-62): is- sue: I-Burleigh Folsom (above); TI—Lizzie Le- mira (m Charles H. Hobart); Il1I—Phebe Estelle (See Who’s Who in America); IV—John Noah (6 1862; m Lucy Alice Montgomery). I—m Nov. 25, 1880, Alida Baker, b Glover, Vt., Julv 25, 1856; dau. David Baker, of Glover; issue (all b Fargo, N.D.): 1-Deane Baker, b Apr. 12, 1882: m 1907, Bessie G., dau. Miles R. McLean, Moor- head, Minn. (issue: Jewel Deane; John Bur- leigh); 2-Frances Folsom, b Dec. 20, 1888: Far- zo Coll., ’11; m Aug. 14, 1912, Ray Harrison Nelson (issue: Dan Spalding; Barbara): 3-— Roscoe Conkling, 6 Jan. 9, 1890; m 1916, Helen Thoraldson (issue: Beryl Claire): 4—-Burleieh Mason, 6 Apr. 9, 1891; m Dec. 4, 1917, Lyla M. Thomas (issue: Carlton Thomas); 5—Carlton Cutler. 6 Jan. 21, 1896; served as pvt. Co. F, 318th Eners.. 88th Division and Hdars. Detach- ment of 157th F.A. Bris., 824 Div., and in France, May 1918-May 1919. 217 Ph. Bs Norwich, it) ALM... 1897 (lsd), 1912) Lawyer; supt. of public instrn., Cass Co., Dak. Ty., 1880-82; mem. comm. apptd. by Legisla- ture of Dak. Ty. to re-locate the capital and build capitol, 1883-86; mem. N.D. Constl. Conv., 1889; mem. commn. provided by Congress to make division of all public property, archives and territorial institutions between North and South Dak. when they were admitted, 1889; mem. 56th and 58th Congresses, 1889-1901, 1903-05; judge Supreme Ct. of N.D., 1907-11 and chief justice, 1911-15; chmn. Rep. State Com., 1892-94; chmn. Rep. Good Govt. League of N.D., 1905-07; chmn. Real Rep. State Central Com., 1920—; mem. advisory com. on policies and platforms of Rep. Nat. Party, 1920-24: chmn. N.D. delegation to Rep. Nat. Conv., at Cleve- land, 1924. Mem. S.A.R. (ex-state pres.). Clubs: Masonic, Commercial, Commons. Mason (K.T., 33°, Shriner), Elk. Residence: Fargo, N.D, SPALDING, Mary Elizabeth Field Bates (Mrs. William D.), b Beloit, Wis., Feb. 26, 1845. i—Zachariah Field (qv); 6—Samuel (1651-97), m Sarah Gilbert; 5-Thomas (1680-1747), m Abigail Dickinson; 4—Dr. Simeon (1731-1801), m Margaret Reynolds; 3-Peter Reynolds (1774-1856), m 1801, Hannah Pruden (Fletcher®, ensign, Am. Rev., m Sarah Treat, dese. Gov. Robert Treat). 5-John Lusk (qv); nes (1746-1831), officer Am. Rev.; m Love Gra- ham; 38-Sylvester (1785-1859), m Sarah King. 2-Dau. of Alfred Lorenzo Field (1809-68), served as q.m. in Civil War; merchant, Beloit, Wis.; m 1838, Elizabeth Lusk (1814-1902); issue: I-Mary Lusk (1840-41); II-S. Graham (1843-1924); TII— Mary Elizabeth (above); IV—James Alfred (1847- 1884; m Caroline L. Whitney). III—m Ist, Oct. 25, 1871, James Hale Bates (July 26, 1826-Nov. 29, 1901); issue: 1-James Field (Sept. 21, 1872-June 21, 1874); 2-Flizabeth Graham (Dec. 10, 1873-Jan. 5, 1890); 3-Helen Phelps (Aug. 13, 1875-July 16, 1884); 4-Caroline Lusk (Sept. 17, 1876-Dec. 17, 1878). gieai| ee 12, 1908, William Dixon Spalding, b Oct. , 1836. Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R. Summer place: ‘Brook Farm,” Proctorsville, Vt. Residence: 64 Rem- sen St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 1SPARROW, Jackson Wolcott, 6 Covington, Ky., Aug. 13, 1874. 10-Henry Wolcott (qv); 9Henry (1610-80), gov.’s asst., 1662; Council of War, 1675-76; m 1641, Sarah Newberry (1620-84): 8-Samuel (1656-1708), m 1678, Judith Appleton (1661- 1702; Saumel®, qv); Crane (1679-1734), m 1705, Abigail Collins (1681- 1 ; 6—Elisha (1717-93), m 1746, Sarah Nott (1727-1800): 5-Elisha (1755-1839), Am. Rev.; m 1774, Mary Welles; *Sanmuel (1775-1857), m 1798, Hannah Butler (1779- 1845) ; 3—Horatio Gates (1804-81), m 1838, Martha Ann Hubbard. 10—Gov. Thomas Welles (qv); 9-John (ca. 1621-1659), dep. Gen. Ct., 1656, et seq.: magistrate, 1658, et seq.: probate judge, Fair- field Co., Conn.; m 1647, Elizabeth-—; 8-Robert (ca. 1651-1714), dep. Gen. Ct.: a natentee of Wethersfield, Conn.; m 1st, 1675, Elizabeth Goodrich (d 1697/98); 7—Joseph (1680-1744), m Hannah Robbins; 6—Joseph (1720-88), m Mary Robbins: 5—Mary (1756-1828), m Elisha Wolcott (5 above). 9%-Capt. Giles Hamlin (qv); 8-William (1668-1733), m Susannah Collins (1#9- 1721; Rev. Nathaniel®, m Mary, dau. of Wil- liam Whiting. av); 7—Richard (1693-1765), m 1721, Martha Smith (d 1778): 6—Nathaniel (1732-78), 1t. Am. Rev.; m 1753, Lucretia Ranny (1737-66): 5—Esther (1760-1836), m 1784, Abner Hubbard (1750- 1834), sgt. mai. Am. Rev.: 4—Abner (1792-1862), m 1814, Flizabeth Woodward: 3—Martha Ann (1815-56), mm Horatio Gates Wolcott QG above). 10—William Hayden (1600-69), from Eng. with his brother John, in the ‘Marvy and John,” to Dor- chester, Mass., 1630; settled at Windsor, Conn.: m Margaret—; 9-Lt. Daniel (1640-1712), King Philin’s War from Windsor, Conn.; dep. Gen. Ct., 1695; 1t. of Train 218 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Band and Troop of Horse; m 1664, Hannah Wil- coxson (1641-1722; William”, qv); 8-Samuel (1677/78-1742), m 1703/04, Ann Holcomb (1675-1756; Sgt. Benajah®, m Sarah Eno; Thomas”, Dorchester, Mass., 1634); 7-Samuel (0 1707), m 1737, Abigail Hall; 6—Moses (1742-1813), m 1765, Eunice Haroon (d 1775); 5-Naomi, m Isaac Woodward; 4—Elizabeth (1792-1864), m 1814, Abner Hubbard (4 above). 2-Son of Mary Elizabeth Wolcott (1848-1918), m 1873, William Sparrow (1845-94); issue: I—Jack- son Wolcott (above); [Il—-Frederick Wolcott (m Julia Hall). I-m June 17, 1901, Lucy Buchanon Landrum, 0 Hickman, Ky., Mar. 10, 1882; dau. of Judge Samuel Landrum, m Florence M. Jackson, of Hickman, Ky.; issue: 1-Elizabeth Landrum, 0b Cincinnati, O., July 31, 1902; m Mar. 8, 1924, Alberton Cutler Harshman. LL.B., U. Cincinnati, 1901. Admitted to bar, 1901, and since in practice at Cincinnati. Mem. S.C.W. (registrar and past gov. Ohio soc.), S.R. (registrar gen., hon. pres. Ohio soc.), N.E. Soc. of Cincinnati. Mason (Shriner). Clubs: Uni- versity, Chamber of Commerce, and Cincin- nati. Residence: 3663 Kendall Av., Hyde Park, Cincinnati, O. 1-SPAULDING, Walter Levi, } Cavendish, Vt., Aug. 30, 1871. °-Edward Spaulding (qv); 8—Andrew (1652-1713), of Chelmsford, Mass.; m 1674, Hannah Jefes (d 1730); 7-Henry (1680-1718), of Chelmsford, m Elizabeth Lund (b 1684); 6—Henry (1704-1792), m 2d, 1748, Maria Adams; 5—-Zebulon (1744-1816), Am. Rev.; m 1767, Lydia Wright; 4—Phinehas Wright (1784-1865), m 1810, Rachel Hadley; ; 3-Rufus (1828-1901), of Ludlow and Cavendish, Vt.; m 1859, Ellen M. Lawrence. 9-John Lawrence (qv); 8—Peleg (1646/47-1692), Concord, Mass.; selectman; m ca. 1668, Elizabeth Morse; ih lceger (1674-1754), m 1698, Mary Scripture (1679- 1761); 6-Samuel (1714-99), Am. 1737, Hildreth (d 1788); 5-Charles (1741-1825), prominent in town affairs during Am. Rev.; m ca. 1762, Naomi Stone (d 1805) ; 4—-Amos (1781-1855), m Ist, 1804, Lydia Shattuck (d 1821) ; 38—Levi (1810-97), m 18389, Sarah Abigail Haywood. 2-Son of Rufus Spaulding (1828-1901), farmer, Cavendish, Vt.; m 1859, Ellen Maria Lawrence (6 1840); issue: I-—Edwin Rufus (6 1862; m Mary Delia Colburn); II—Nellie Fidelia (b and d 1866): IiI—Willis Lincoln (1868-1921; m Sarah Belle Bigelow); [IV—Walter Levi (above); V—Florence Ellen (b 1873; m Albert M. Marvin, d 1892; m 2d, Oscar B. Bryant; m 3d, Rufus Nims). IV—m Oct. 14, 1903, Wilhelmina Ogilvie, 6b in Scot- land, Nov. 19, 1879; dau. of George Ogilvie, from Scotland, settled at Ludlow, Mass., ca. 1888; issue: 1—-Mildred Agnes (Mar. 4, 1911-July 10, 1915); 2-Lawrence Ogilvie, 6 Indian Orchard, Mass., Dec. 23, 1912. Ed. Mt. Hermon (Mass.) School, ’96. See. Indian Orchard Co.; pres. Hough Cash Recorder Co., and Highland Coédperative Bank. Mem. Legal Advisory Bd., World War. Mem.S.C.W.,S.A.R., N.E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. (life mem.). Club: Masonic. Residence: 67 Berkshire St., Indian Orchard, Mass. 1-SPEER, Myrtle Ellis Morton (Mrs. Charles A.), 6 Washington, Ia., July 16, 1878. 10-Henry Sampson, Mayflower Pilgrim (qv); §8-Dorcas, m Thomas Bonney (b ca. 1604), from Eng., propr. of Bridgewater, 1645; 8—John (1664-1745), of Pembroke, Mass.; m ca. 1688, Elizabeth Bishop (James'); 7—-Deborah (6 1704), m 1729, Joseph Chandler (ca. 1694-1784), of Duxbury, Mass., and Cornwall, Conn.; 6—-Capt. Jonathan (1735-99), Piermont, N.H.: in Am. Rev.; m 1758, Sarah Pierce (1736-1834; Joshua’, m Hopestill Holloway; Joshua’; Col. Daniel; Daniel?) ; 5-Amy (b 1765), m Samuel Curtis (1757-1829), Am. Rev. (Simeon*, m Sarah, dau. of Fleaser Hutchinson; Solomon’; Solomon’; Deodatus’); 4-Almond (1792-1863), m 1812, Elizabeth Sanborn Rev.; m Mary (1794-1884; Moses®, m Hannah, dau. of Lt. Nathan Fitz, Am. Rev.; John*, Am. Rev.; Abraham’, Am. Rev.; Tristram’; John®; Lt. John‘); 3-Susan Maria (1831-89), m 1851, Thomas Edgar Rogers (1828-79; Jamest, m Eleanor—; Samuel‘, Am. Rev.). 2-Dau. of Emma Alice Rogers (1855-1917), m 1874, John Wesley Morton (b 1842; Lodowick®, b Ire- land, m Margaret, dau. of John Balfour Spence, of Ireland; John‘, from Ireland to Pa., m Hlea- nor—); issue: I-Mayme Ethel (b 1874; m John H. Cunningham); II-Maude Eleanor (b 1876; m Charles G. Schmoeller); IIlI—Myrtle Ellis (above); IV—Mabel Eva (b 1884); V—Walter Lodowick (b 1886; m Jessie Alberson); VI-Susan Margaret (b 1888; m Howard Stewart); VII—- Helen Alice (b 1898; m Wade A. Gardner); VIII- Mildred Emeline (b 1895; m Ray E. Woodford); IX—Mathel Elaine (6b 1900; m Lloyd Vanderham). IlI-—m Sept. 21, 1904, Fred Bragg (Nov. 22, 1877- Sept. 2, 1907); son of William Independence Bragg, of Davenport, Ia.; issue: 1—William oy b Washington, Ia., July 23, 1906; Cor- nell, 27. M 2d, Sept. 8, 1915, Charles Arthur Speer, b Fair- ee Ia., Dec. 1882; son of John Speer, of Fair- field. Mem. S.M.D., Alden Kindred, D.A.R., W.R.C., D. of V., N.E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Nat. Geneal. Soc.; past matron O.E.S. and White Shrine of Jerusalem. Residence: 415 W. Jefferson St., Washington, Ia. 1-SPILMAN, Edward Guthrie, ) Warrenton, Va., Jan. 5, 1856. 10-Clement Spilman (son of Sir Henry Spilman, antiquarian), came from Eng. to Jamestown, Va.; was counsellor at law; 9-Robert (or James); 8-Thomas (d 1740), Westmoreland Co., Va.; m Anne-; 7-William; 6—-Thomas, King George Co., Va.; m Elizabeth-; 5-James, Culpeper Co., Va.; m Alice-; 4-John, m Elizabeth Conway; 38-Capt. Conway (d 1860), m 1st, 1815, Nancy Mason (d 1835). 2-Son of Edward Martin Spilman (1828-1910), jurist; m 1849, Eliza Cummings (1831-1907), dau. of Baldwin Day, pvt. Va. troops War 1812; m 1828, Lucretia Guthrie (1805-84); issue: I-Jeanie Douglas (b 1851); II—Baldwin Day (m Anne Camden); IIlI-Edward Guthrie (above); IV— Mary Wortham (1859-1911; m Ivy Foreman); V— Henry Erskine; VI—Lucretia Leeds (b 1863); VII-Lucy Burnley (b 1865); VIII—Nannie (b 1867); IX—Robert Scott; X—Josephine (6 1871); XI—-Ethel Eliza (b 1877; m John Harnsberger). Iil-m Oct. 4, 1894, Christiana Morton Sloan, 0 St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 1856; dau. of Edwin C. Sloan, St. Louis, formerly of Phila., Pa. Grad. Culpeper Acad., Jefferson, Va., 1874. Law- yer; state librarian of Okla. since 1915 (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. S.A.R. Sum- mer place: “The Dell,” Fauquier Co.; Va. apts 1618 N. College Av., Oklahoma City, as 1-ELLINGSWORTH, Margaret Willard Parker oe Walton M.), b Onancock, Va., Dec. 29, 9-Simon Willard (qv); 8-Henry (1655-1701), m 1674, Mary Lakin; 7—Joseph; 6—-Lemuel (1725-75), m Hannah Haskell (b 1726): 5-Dr. Elias (1756-1827), m Katherine Livingston (1756-1827; John®, m Catherine Ten Broeck; Rob- ert’, m Margaret, dau. of Gen. Peter Schuyler); 4—-Margaret Chinn, m Israel Smith (1776-1822) : 3—Elias W. (1814-86), m Charlotte Mills Lansing. 10—Richard Platt (qv); §-Capt. Epenetus (1640-93), m 1667, Phoebe Wood (Jonas, m Joanna Strickland: Edward): 8-Jonas, of Sunk Meadow, L.I.; m 1707, Sarah Smith (Richard, Sr.®, of Smithtown, L.I.); 7-Zephaniah (1709-78), d of smallpox contracted while prisoner in the “Jersey Prison Ship’; m 1st, 1730, Hannah Saxton; 6-Zephaniah (1735-1807), col. of Associated Ex- empts, 1779; dep. Provincial Congress, 1775; del. Cont. Congress, 1784; judge; founder of Platts- burg, N.Y.; m 2d, 1761, Mary Van Wyck (Theo- dore’, of Fishkill, N.Y.); 5—Jonas (b 1769), m Helen Livineston (Henry®, of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., m Susan Conklin; Gilbert’, m Cornelia Beekman; Robert, qv); FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 4—-Susan, m Richard R. Lansing; 8—Charlotte M. (1826-92), m Elias Willard Smith (3 above). 2-Dau. of Helen Livingston Smith (b 1857), m 1874, William Henry Parker (b 1853). For issue and paternal lineages see Mrs. Francis Cushman Wilson. M Oct. 15, 1917, Walton Marshall Ellingsworth, b Norfolk, Va., June 21, 1894; son of William Marshall Ellingsworth, of Norfolk; issue: aren Marshall, Jr., ) Onancock, Va., June 15, 1920. Residence: 811 S. Perry St., Montgomery, Ala. Arms: Gules, three fleurs-de-lis, stalked and slipped argent. Crest: On a terrestrial globe between two wings proper an eagle rising or. Motto: Aquila non captat muscas. 1-WADSWORTH, Harvey Bryan, ) Craven Co., IN. CSA pr 5) 188i: 1—William Wadsworth (qv); ; 10-Capt. Joseph, ‘‘Charter Oak Joe”’ (6 1647), capt. trainband; m Elizabeth Barnard (d (10) 5s 9—Joseph (1682-1778), m Johanna Hovey (1684-1762) ; &8-Joseph, m Elizabeth Cook; 7-Elijah (b 1747), capt. Am. Rev.; an original mem. Soc. Cincinnati; m Rhoda Hopkins; 6—Epaphros; 5-Ignatius, m 2d, Sarah Morris; 4—-Thomas (d 1841), m 1st, Eleanor Bryan; 3—-William B. (d 1868), m 2d, Mary White Harris. 7-Hardy Bryan (d 1760), from Ireland, 1700; maj. regt. of Craven Co., 1754; justice, 1749; m Sarah (Bonner) Worsely (Thomas Bonner® [1690-1765] ; Thomas’); 6—Gen. William, sheriff of Craven Co., 1774-75; del. 4th Provincial Congress, 1776; rep. House of Commons, 1780-83; m 1st, Susan Green (James™; Furnifold8; Furnifold®; “Surgeon” John", qv); 5-Green (1780-1812), m 1805, Ann Blackledge (Thomas, Jr.*, m Ann, dau. of Edward Salter, TII, 1t. col. Am. Rev.; Thomas, Sr.?7, commis- sary to Gov. Tryon, 1771); 4—William Green (1807-88), m 1830, Sarah Anne King (1810-76; dese. William King, from Eng. 1634/35, to Salem, Mass.); 8-—William Green (1836-65), m 1857, Elizabeth Good- ing. 2-Only child of Edward White Wadsworth (/ 1859), farmer; m 1883, Elizabeth Bryan (b 1861). M May 26, 1920, Grace Aurora Martin (qv). A.B., U. of N.C., ’09 (Phi Delta Theta); M.D.. Johns Hopkins, 1918 (Phi Chi). Physician and surgeon, New Bern Gen. Hosp. Club: New Bern Country. Residence: 97 Broad St., New Bern, N.C. to —_ " Arms: Azure, a lion rampant argent, between eight fleurs-de-lis or. Crest: A stag’s head cabossed gules, the attires barry of siv or and azure. 1-WADSWORTH, Grace Aurora Martin (Mrs. Harvey B.), 6 Forty Fort, Pa., Feb. 16, 1896. 9—Edward Poole (qv); 8—Joseph (ca. 1650-1706), m Elizabeth Shaw (6 1655; John®; Abraham?) ; 7-Samuel (b ca. 1685), representative; m ca. 1710, Sarah Nash (6 1688; Lt. Jacob§’; Jacob®); 6-Samuel (1713-95), representative; m 1733, Rebecca Shaw (Joshua’; Nicholas’; John®; Abraham"); 5-Samuel (1736-1830), 1t. Am. Rev.; m 1760, Ruth Fullerton; 4—Dr. William (1777-1852), soldier War 1812; m 1795, Sarah Packard (Daniel®, soldier Am. Rev.; Capt. Abiel®; Zacheaus’?; Samuel); 3-Amos Turner (1818-1902), m 2d, 1878, Sarah E. (Winters) Riuker (1833-1912). 9-Capt. Myles Standish (qv); 8-Alexander, m Sarah Alden (John®, qv); 7—Mercy, m Caleb Sampson (Henry’); 6—-Ruth, m John Fullerton (Alexander’?; John‘); 5-Ruth, m Samuel Poole (5 above). 2-Dau. of Cora May Poole (b 1874), m 1892, John Prater Martin (b Eng., 1870); issue: I-Ena Mary (d infaney); II—Grace A. (above). IIl-m May 26, 1920, Harvey Bryan Wadsworth (qv); issue: 1-Sarah Poole, 6 New Bern, N.C., Nov. 26, 1923. Grad. Columbia (Pa.) Hosp. as trained nurse, 1916; post-grad. Johns Hopkins Hosp. in psy- chiatry; Peabody Conservatory of Music, 1917- 1918; Am. Acad. Dramatic Arts, New York, 1919. Club: New Bern Country. Residence: 97 Broad St., New Bern, N.C. 220 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 1-SPOTSWOOD, Dandridge, b Petersburg, Va., May 17, 1872. 10-Rev. John Spottiswoode, D.D. (1509-83; desc. Robert de Spottiswoode, who swore fealty to Edward II as the propr. of the Barony of Spottiswoode, 1296; estate is still owned by the family), was the first supt. of the ‘Lothians, Berwick and Teviotdale’; almoner to Mary, Queen of Scots; m Beatrix, dau. of Sir Patrick Crichton, of “Gilmerton” and ‘“Lugton”; 9-Most Rev. John, D.D. (1545-1639), of “Castle Dairsie’’; was sec. and chaplain of embassy to France; bishop of Glasgow; archbishop of St. Andrews; metropolitan; primate; lord chan- cellor; sole pres. of the exchequer; buried in Westminster Abbey; m Rachel, dau. of Rev. Dr. David Lindsay, bishop of Ross; 8-Sir Robert (1596-1646), was a lord of session under title of New Abbey; pres. of the College of Justice with title of Dunipace; sec. of state for Scotland; beheaded at St. Andrews through the intrigue of the Covenanters; m Bethia, dau. of Sir Alexander Morrison, senator of the College of Justice under the title of Lord Prestongrange, and g.dau. of Earl of Pan- mure; 7-Dr. Robert, author; surgeon to the garrison of Tangiers; m Catherine Maxwell, widow of Dr. Eliot, and mother of Gen. Roger Eliot, first gov. of Gibraltar; 6-Alexander (1676-1740), began to write name Spotswood; q.m. gen. English Army in Hol- land; gov. of Va., 1710-22; postmaster gen. of Am. Colonies, 1730; gen. in command of colo- nials and Irish for battle of Carthagena; his principal seat was ‘‘Germana,” the center of grants of more than 250,000 acres; m Anne, dan. of Edward Brayne, Esq., of St. Margaret’s Parish, Westminster, m Anne Begnold, of the “Manor of Sheere’’; Col. John (1728-56), of “Germana,” “Newpost,” ete.; burgess; lt. and cdr.-in-chief Spotsyl- vania Co., Va.; m 1745, Mary Dandridge (Cant. William, R.N.°, of ‘“Elsing Green,” King Wil- liam Co., Va., col. militia, mem. Gov.’s Council, etc., m Mary, dau. of Col. John West, qv, son of Sir Thomas West, Lord Delaware III): 4—-Capt. John (1748-1811), of “Orange Grove,” “The Wilderness,” ete.; capt. Cont. Army, and wounded at Brandywine; col. militia; m RAL Sarah Rowzie (Col. Edwin®, of ‘Farmer’s Hall,” Essex Co., Va., burgess): 38—Dandridge (1787-1849), cornet in War 1812; m 1818, Catherine Brooke Francisco (1801-63; Peter’, of “Oakham,” Buckingham Co., Va., pvt. Am. Rev., declined officer’s commn., m Mary Cath- erine, dau. of Robert Brooke, of “Brooksby,” Essex Co.). Maternally, 4-John Dunlop (son of James, 5th laird of “Garnkirk,” and 2d of “Toll Cross.” See eanis m Mary Ruffin Gilliam, “Violet ank”’; 3-James (6 1795), of “Montview,” Va.; m Isabella Lenox Maitland (who inherited “Montview” from her uncle, Donald Montgomery Macken- zie), g. niece of Benjamin Harrison, ‘signer.’ 2-Son of William Francisco Spotswood (1824-95). of “Montview”’; merchant and banker. and held various civic offices, Petersbure, Va.: m 1871, Isabella Matoica Dunlop (1848-1922): issue: T-Dandridge (above); II-Isabella Maitland (1873-77); III—Alexander (b 1875; m 1903, Edna Mabel Mallagh); TV-James Dunlop (b 1876: d infancy); V—William Francisco (b 1879, d in- fancy): VI-—Catherine Francisco (6 1881): VIT— Colin Dunlop (6 1888; m Anne McIlwaine Mar- tin, d 1922); VIIJ—Martha Bogle Dunlop (b 1885). I-m June 20, 1904, Kathrina Francesca von Wolff (divorced); issue: 1-William Lawrence Dand- ridge (May 19, 1905-Feb. 18, 1922). Ed. ‘Pantops,” nr. Charlottesville, Va., Hamn- den-Sidney 3 yrs., Cornell 1 yr. (Phi Gamma Delta). Consulting engr. Author various hist. and econ. monogravhs. Mem. B.O.R., Order of the Acorn, Soc. Cincinnati, etc. Residence: “Montview,” Petersburg, Va. 1-MILLER, Bonnie Seebolt Shoot (Mrs. Fred- erick M.), b Coles Co., Tll., Sept. 2, 1880. 9-George Harlan (1650-1714), from Monkwear- mouth, Eng., to New Castle. Del., 1687; moved to Chester Co., Pa.; mem. Colonial Assemblv of Pa.: provincial gov. of “3 lower counties” (now Del.); m 1678, Plizabeth Duck: 8-Aaron (1685-1732), m 1718, Sarah (1692-1747), dau. of Samuel Heald, of Cheshire, Eng.; on | 7—George (1716-49), m 1736, Elizabeth (6 1719), dau. of John Hope, of Wiltshire, Eng.; 6-George (1737-1821), m 1762, Margery Baker (1743- 1821; Joshua’); 5-George (1767-1846), Judge Ct. of Common Pleas; mem. Ohio Gen. Assembly, 1807-09; m 1797, sther Eulas (d 1858; Jacob®, of Dutch ue- scent); 4-Jacob (1799-1836), clk. of courts, Clark Co., Es m 1822, Nancy Rose Chenoweth (1805-93; John’, m Rebecca Rose; Arthur®; Arthur?; John’, m Cra dau. of Charles Calvert, 3d Lord Balti- more); 3-Mary Louisa (1827-1922), m 1843, John S. Shoot (1821-92; William‘). 7-Andreas Gar (b 1685; son of John), from Ger- many, belonged to the “colony of 1717” that settled in Va.; m 1711, Eve, dau. of George Seidelman, of Germany; eee Barbara (b 1730), m Michael Blanken- er; 5-HElizabeth (0 1753), m John Wilhoit, served in Va. Cont. Line in Am. Rey. (Adam®); 4—Julius (1789-1833), m Lucinda Yewell (1795-1869 ; James Yowell); 3-Orville (1816-83), m 1836, Elizabeth Hvinger (1819- 1893; David). 2-Dau. of Tilford Taylor Shoot (1848-1905), stock farmer; served in Co. A, 148d Ill. Vols., and Co. H, 59th Ill. Vet. Vol. Inf. in Civil War; m 1870, Mary Elizabeth Wilhoit (b 1851); issue: I-— Esther Wilhoit (b 1874; m Dr. G. B. Dudley); II- Clarence W. (b 1876; m Olive Newman); III-— Gertrude Tilford (b 1878; m Harold H. Blair); IV—Bonnie S. (above); V—Elizabeth (b 1882: m J. William Gannaway); VI-Lois Mary (b 1892; m Adin Baber). IV—m Oct. 8, 1905, Frederick Marion Miller, b Ar- cola, Ill., July 3, 1878; son of Michael Miller, of Charleston, Ill.; issue: 1-Frederick Vis) Es. Charleston, Ili., Dec. 13, 1915. Residence: 739 Polk St., Charleston, Ill. 1-REED, Mary Alice Granger (Mrs. Frederick D.), 6 Providence, R.I., July 27, 1873. 8-Lancelot Granger (d 1689), m 1654, Joanna Adams (Robert®, m Eleanor-); 7—Thomas (1667-1729), m Mindwell Taylor (Ste- phen’, m Elizabeth-): 6-Samuel (1699-1775), m 1722, Hannah Pomeroy (Jo- seph’, m Hannah-); 5-Simeon (1728-1815), Am. Rev.; m 1757, Abigail Dudley (Joseph’); 4—Simeon (1770-1834), m 1791, Phoebe Couch (Benoni', m Phoebe-—); ; 3—Chester (1797-1879), m 1827, Mary Page Smith (Cephas!, m Mary, dau. of Nathaniel Gove, It. Am. Rev.). 10—John Alden (qv); 9-Hlizabeth (1624-1717), m 1644, William Pabodie: 8—Elizabeth (b 1647), m 1666, John Rogers: T-Elizabeth (1672-1724), m 1693, Sylvester Richmond (Edwards); 6—-William (1694-1770), m 1720, Anna Gray; 5-Sylvester (1740-98), m 1762, Lusanna (Cook) Whit- march; 4—William (1770-1850), m 1794, Clarissa Andrews: 3—Caroline (1819-85), m 1837, John Talbot Pitman (1813-92; Judge John‘, m Mary Talbot). 2—-Dau. of William Smith Granger (1834-1916), ma- chinery mfr., Providence; m 1871, Caroline Richmond Pitman (6 1846). M Oct. 28, 1916, Frederick Davies Reed, b Geneva. N.Y., Mar. 21, 1869; son of Thomas Davies Reed, of Geneva, m Ann FE. Hall. Mem. C.D.A., D.C.G. Residence: 38 W. 9th ue New York. 1-WILSON,. Charlotte Lansing Parker (Mrs. Francis C.), b Washington, D.C., Apr. 9, 1876. 11-Capt. Nicholas Martian (qv); 10-Elizabeth, m Col. George Reade (qv); §-John, m Mary Lilly: nea m Thomas (“Scotch Tom”) Nelson av); T-William (1711-72), pres. Council and actg. gov. of Va.; m 1738, Elizabeth Burwell: 6—-Thomas (1738-89), a “signer”: col. in Am. Rev.; maj. gen. Va. forces; cov. of Va., 1781; m 1762, Lucy Grymes (Col. Philip’, m Mary, dau. of Sir Tohn Randolph); 5—-William (1763-1810), m 1790, Sally Burwell Page: 4-Klizabeth Page (b 1793), m 1818, John Rowles West (1795-1852); 38-Sarah William (1819-83), m 1842, William Henry Parker (1809-83). a i i ee ee FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 221 10-Col. John Page (qv); 3-Matthew (1659-1703), of ‘““Rosewell,”’ Gloucester Co., Va.; mem. Colonial Council, 1702; m 1689, Mary Mann; 8-Mann (1691-1730), of ‘“Rosewell’; mem. Colonial Council, 1726; m 2d, 1718, Judith, dau. of Robert (“King”) Carter, m Judith Armistead; 7—Mann (1718-1808), of ‘“Rosewell’; del. Cont. Con- gress, 1777; m 1st, 1748, Alice Grymes (1723-46; John’); 6-—John (1743-1808), gov. of Va., 1802-05; m 1765, Frances Burwell (Col. Robert’, dau. of “Scotch Tom” Nelson; Nathaniel’, m Elizabeth, dau. of Robert [‘‘King’”’] Carter; Maj. Lewis’, qv); 5-Sally Burwell, m 1790, William Nelson (5 above). 2-Dau. of William Henry Parker (b 1853), m 1874, Helen Livingston Smith (6 1857); issue: I-Char- lotte Lansing (above); II—Helen Livingston; III—William Henry, Jr. (m Josephine Boyle); IV—Sara Nelson (b 1886; m Horatio VanNye); V-—Arthur Bowen (b 1891; m Irma Knapheide); VI-—Margaret Willard (Mrs. Walton Marshall Ellingsworth, qv for maternal lineages). I-m July 2, 1902, Francis Cushman Wilson, U Winchester, Mass., June 8, 1876; son of John Thomas Wilson, m Pleasantine Cushman (desc. Robert Cushman, of Pilgrim fame); issue: 1— Frances Charlotte, 6 Washington, D.C., Apr. 18, 1908; Smith, ’25; 2-Parker, 6b Washington, DiC, Oct. 1) 1904 sHarvard) “27: Ed. Miss Wheat’s School in the Valley of Va., and Onancock Acad., Va. Sec. N.M. State Bd. of Public Welfare (ex-pres.); pres. woman’s museum bd. of School of Am. Research at Santa Fe; v.p. Santa Fe League of Women Voters; was state chmn. of Victory Loan Drive, 1918. State regent D.A.R. Residence: 316 Buena Vista Rd., Santa Fe, N.M. 1-SPRAGUE, Charles Harry, ) Greenwich, N.Y., Dec. 27, 1879. §—-Ralph Sprague (qv); 8-John (1624-92), King Philip’s War; m 1651, Lydia Goffe (d 1715); 7-Edward (1663-1715), first treas. of Malden, Mass.; m 1693, Dorothy Lane (1670-1727); 6—Hezekiah (1707-40), Groton, Mass.; m 1729, Bliza- beth Avery; 5—-William (1738-82), Tryphena-— (d 1780); 4—-William (1769-1821), Templeton, Mass.; m 1792, Lucy Watson (1764-1823) ; 3-Nathan (1802-65), Winchester, N.H.; m Sarah Andrews (1801-69). 9-Richard Mansfield (d 1655), from Eng. to Quin- nipiac (New Haven), Conn., 1639; m Lillian Drake; 8—Joseph (1636-92); 7—Joseph (1673-1739) ; 6—John (1704-51); 5-Joseph (1787-1821), capt. Am. Rev.: SN ae (1762-1830), soldier Am. Rev. and War 38-Charles (1809-84). 2-Son of Andrews Thurston Sprague (1841-1921), farmer; pvt. Co. A, 14th N.H. Vols. in Civil War; m 1870, Josephine Lucy Mansfield (1849- 1921); issue: I—Jessie Andrews; II-—Charles Harry (above); III—Lura Josephine (1882-85). IIl-m Aug. 14, 1907, E. Bertha White, 6 Peterboro, N.H., Jan. 15, 1880; dau. of Daniel M. White. of Peterboro; 2d lt., Ist N.H. Cav. in Civil War: maj., insp. gen., 2d Div., 4th A.C. in Spanish- Am. War; maj. gen. N.H.N.G.; Am. consul to Canada during Cleveland’s administration; is- sue: 1—Mansfield Daniel, b Bridgeport, Conn., Dec. 1, 1910; 2-Charles Andrews, 6 Bridgeport, _Aug. 6, 1914. M.D., Columbia, 1904. Physician. First lt., M.C.. U.S.A., June 18, 1917; capt., Sept. 18, 1918; served as Ist lt., 1024 Ambulance Co., 26th Div., and capt., 108d Ambulance Co., 101Ist Sanitary Train, 26th Div.; in France, Oct. 17, 1917-Apr. 15, 1919; maj. Med. O.R.C., 1920. Wounded at Chateau- Thierry while carrying a wounded soldier; gassed in Meuse Argonne; cited “For dis- tinguished and gallant service’; awarded sil- ver star. Mem. S.A.R., Sons of Vets., M.O.F.W., A.L.; hon. mem. U.S.W.V. Clubs: University (Bridgeport and Forest Lake). Summer place: “Abenaki Lodge,’ Winchester, N.H. Resi- dence: 29 Hanover St., Bridgeport, Conn. 1-STANLEY. David Sheridan, } Pierre, Dak., Sept. 10, 1872. 9-Thomas Stanley (d 1663), from Eng. to Lynn, Philipston, Mass.; m Ist, oon Mass., 1634; a founder of Hartford, Conn., 1636; settled at Hadley, Mass., 1659; 8-Nathaniel (b 1638), m Sarah Boosey; 7-Nathaniel (1683-1755), 1t. col. Ist Conn. Regt.; judge and county treas.; m Anna Whiting; 6-Nathaniel (1707-61), B.A., Yale, 1726; pvt. Am. Rev.; m Mary Marshall; 5-Marshall (1780-96), Ist Regt. Conn. troops, 1761; m Thamor Stanley; 4—William (1774-1835), m Margaret, dau. of Gen. Bratton; 3-John Bratton (1799-1859), m Sarah Peterson (Conrad4, pvt. Am. Rev., pensioned). 5-Joel Jones, It. col. in Am. Rev.; 4-Amasa, m Elizabeth Huntington; 3-Eliza, m Joseph Jefferson Burr Wright (1802-78), col. and asst. surgeon gen. U.S.A. and bvt. brig. gen. in Civil War. 2-Son of Maj. Gen. David Sloane Stanley, U.S.A. (1828-1902), U.S.M.A., ’52; brig. gen. and maj. gen. U.S.V. in Civil War; distinguished for bravery in action, twice wounded, bvtd. lt. col., col., brig. gen. and maj. gen.; commissioned brig. gen. U.S.A., 1864; m Anna M. Wright (1833-95); issue: I-Josephine (m Willard Ames Holbrook, maj. gen. U.S.A.); II-Lilly (m Col. D. J. Rum- bough); IIlI—Blanche Anna Huntington; I1V— David 8. (above). IV—m Oct. 23, 1900, Jane Fordyce, b Huntsville, Ala., Mar. 28, 1875; dau. of Samuel Wesley Fordyce (1840-1919), capt. U.S.V. in Civil War, financier, St. Louis; issue: 1-David Sloane, b Washington, D.C., Jan. 17, 1902; 2-Samuel For- dyce, 6 St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 27, 1906; 3-Joseph Wright, b St. Louis, Aug. 3, 1913. U.S.M.A., 9%. Col., Q.M. Corps, U.S.A., 1917. Ser- vice in Spanish-Am. War, Philippine Insurrec- tion, World War. Awarded D.S.M.; officer, Legion of Honor of France. Mem. S.A.R., M.O. L.L. Clubs: University (Washington), Army and Navy (New York and Washington). Resi- dence: U.S. Soldiers Home, Washington, D.C. a Saderersh ae Frank Bartlett, b Buffalo, N.Y., Mar. 28, 1864. 8—-John Steele (qv); 8—John (d 1653), m 1645, Mercy Warner (Andrew’); 7-Samuel (d 1710), m Ruth Judd (d 1710; Dea. Thomas§, m Mercy, dau. of Maj. William Brad- ford, son of Gov. William Bradford, qv); 6—Daniel (1697-1770), m 1725, Mary Hopkins; 5-Timothy (1736-1806), m Sarah Seymour (1740-1808) ; 4—Oliver (1781-1826), m Sarah (Loring) Bass (d 1844); 3—Oliver Grey, m Sarah Evelyn Hull (William, = Nee dau. of Zenas Barker, soldier Am. ev.). 2-Son of Charles Gould Steele (1840-89), Buffalo Gas Light Co.; m Harriet Virginia (1843-1900), dau. of George Snyder, m Margaret-, M Feb. 4, 1896, Helen Cleveland Varian (qv); is- sue: 1-Helen Dorothy, b Buffalo, N.Y., Oct. 16, 1896; Buffalo State Normal School, 1917: m Oct. 14, 1919, Rolf Lehman, son of Capt. Hartwig Olsen, of Irvington, N.J. (issue: Nancy, b Nov. 24, 1921; Laura Steele, 6 Dec. 21, 1924); 2-Varian, b Buffalo, May 11, 1902; Cornell, ’24. Ed. Buffalo State Normal Sch. Mgr. and rep. of “Safe-pack,” waterproof paper. Sec. gen. Nat. Soc. S.A.R. since 1921 (also sec. Buffalo Chapter 21 yrs.); mem. S.M.D. Clubs: Buffalo, Buffalo Athletic. Residence: 183 St. James Pl., Buf- falo, N.Y. 1-STEELE, Helen Cleveland Varian (Mrs. Frank B.), }) Titusville, Pa., Aug. 22, 1874. 5-James Varian (1734-1800), officer Am. Rey.; m Deborah Dibble; 4—Ichabod, m Eliza Patchen; 3—Alexander, m Elizabeth Amelia Atlee. 6—-William Atlee (qv); 5-William Augustus (1735-93), justice Supreme Ct. of Pa., 1771-91; pres. judge 1st Dist. Ct. of Pa., 1791-93; m Esther Bowes Sayre; 4-Col. William Pitt, m Sarah Light; 3-EFlizabeth Amelia, m Alexander Varian (3 above). pets Litchfield (b 1712), m 1750, Lucy Cady (d 4—Uriah (1766-1833), m Sarah Witter (1767-1848); 38—Eleazer (1805-48), m Marina Lavinia Hovey. 2-Dau. of Col. William Varian, of Titusville, Pa.; surgeon U.S.V. in Civil War; m Ann Eliza Litchfield. M Feb. 4, 1896, Frank Bartlett Steele (qv for issue). Mem. D.A.R., U.S.D. ° 1812. Residence: 183 St. James Pl., Buffalo, N.Y. 222 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 1-STEELE, Frederick Morgan, }) Albany, N.Y., Nov. 27, 1851. 8-John Steele (qv); 7-John (d 1658, before his father), m 1615, Mercy Warner (Andrew’, qv); 6-Samuel (d 1710), m Ruth Judd; 5—Daniel (1697-1770), m 1725, Mary Hopkins (Eben- ezer®; Stephen’; John§); is 4—Lemuel (1744-1815), m 1764, Mary Clapp (Elijah'; Thomas®; Preserved’; Roger’, qv); 3-Lemuel (1787-1853), m 1810, Tabitha Barnard (Dorus4, pvt. Am. Rev.; John®, capt. Am. Rev.; John®; Sgt. John’; Bartholomew’; Bartholo- mew’). Maternally, 9-John Steele; 8—John; 7-Samuel; 6— Daniel (all above); 5—Timothy (1736-1806), m Sarah Seymour (1741-1808; Zachariah®; Zachariah’?; John§; Richard®, qv); 4—Daniel (1772-1828), m 1797, Elizabeth Van Ben- thuysen; Obadiah; Jacobus P.°; Balthazar Pontese’; Paul Martense’); 2—Oliver (1800-61), book seller and pub., Albany; m Mary Augusta Livingston (Maj. Moncrief, War 1812; Col. Peter Robert®, Am. Rev.; Rob- ert®; Philip?; Robert’, qv). 2-Son of John Frederick Steele (1822-55), hard- ware merchant, Albany, N.Y.; m 1846, Frances Mary Steele (1827-95); issue: I-William Henry (1847-1919; m Zulma DeLacey Dorr); II—Eliza- beth Livingston (b 1849; m A. Egerton Adams; m 2d, Baron Mario de Ruggiero); IlI—Frederick Morgan (above). 1II—m Nov. 6, 1888, Ella Amanda Pratt (qv for issue). Pres. various mfg. corpns., and three railroads. Mem. S.M.D. (ex-gov. Ill. Soc.), S.A.R., ete. Clubs: Union League, Automobile. Residence: 7280 Hillside Av, Los Angeles, Calif. 1-STEELE, Ella Amanda Pratt (Mrs. Frederick M.), b Ticonderoga, N.Y., May 19, 1851. 8-Thomas Pratt (d 1692), who was at Watertown, Mass., 1647, and moved to Framingham, 1679; m Susanna-—; 7-Ebenezer, m Mary-:; 6-Gershom (0 1700), m Abigail Rice (Jonathan’; Henry®; Edmund’, qv); 5—Jacob (1735-1811), of Sherborne, Mass.; pvt. Am. Rev.; m Lydia Eames (Henry*; John’; Thomas’, qv); 4—Henry (1764-1839), m Asenath Holbrook (Nathan- iel’; Nathaniel*; Nathaniel7; Thomas’); 38—Nathaniel (1788-1818), m Mary Harrington (Josh- ua‘, m Sarah Bigelow [Dea. David5; Daniel®; Joshua’; John’, qv]; Joshua; John*; Robert’). 7-Hugh Roe (d 1689), m Abigail; 6—Peter (1662-1739), m Sarah Remington (Thomas?’; John’, qv); 5-Thomas (b 1708), m Elizabeth Purchase (Thomas*; Thomas’; Thomas’); 4—Thomas (1736-1825), soldier Am. Rev.; m Mary Welles (William®; Thomas*; Samuel?; Gov. Thomas’, qv); 38-Elisha (1768-1880), m Electa Hill (Capt. Am- broset, Am. Rev.; Ebenezer®; Ebenezer®; Luke’; Luke), 2-Dau. of William Henry Harrison Pratt (1812- 1871), m Roxanna Roe (1812-1900); issue: I—Al- bert Harrison (1835-1923; m Mary Adelaide Fay, 1846-1917); II-Ellen Roxanna (b and d 1838); ITI— George Nathaniel (1839-1901; m Martha Ellen Fracker, b 1842); IV—Mary Frances (1842-1925; m William Kirby Sidley, 1838-1913); V—Ella Amanda (above). V—m Nov. 6, 1888, Frederick Morgan Steele (qv); issue: 1-Frederick Pratt (Aug. 6-Sept. 17, 1884); 2-Hlizabeth Livingston, 6 Chicago, Ill., Jan. 27, 1886; Mt. Vernon Sem.; m June 8, 1908, George Washington Childs of Highland Park, Ill. (issue: George Frederick; Robert Livingston; William Coffeen). Mem. D.F.P.A., D.A.R. (regent), Colony of N.E. Women (pres.), Women’s clubs of Chicago and Hollywood, Calif. Residence: 7280 Hillside Av., Los Angeles, Calif. 1-STEVENS, Elbert Marcus, } Ringwood, IIL, Apr. 12, 1867. 8-Daniel Kellogg (1630-88), from Eng., settled at Norwalk, Conn.; m Bridget Bouton (d 1689; Bridget’); 7-Samuel (1673-1757), m 1704, Sarah Platt; 6-Martin (6 1711), m Mary Lockwood; 5-Eliphalet (b 1735 or 40), m Sarah Brown (b 1739/40) ; 4—-Silas (1767-1855), m 1795, Mary Mumford (1777- 1854) ; 3—Juliet (1808-ca. 1898), m 1830, Silas Malby Stev- ens (ca. 1806-1881). 2-Son of Marcus B. Stevens (1840-70), bookkeep- er and teacher; m 1864, Mary Pierce (1842-1923), who m 2d, his brother, James Alfred Stevens; issue: I-—Lulu Mary (b 1866; m V. C. Mass); Il—Elbert Marcus (above); IlI—Frank B. (b 1869; m Leda Scott); [V—Maud L. (b 1870; m Fred Schrack); (mother’s 2d marriage): V—Mary Inez (6 1872; m Arthur T. Blades); VI—-Homer William (6 1873); ViII—Hattie L. (b 1874; m Charles E. Smith). II-m Dec. 238, 1897, Mabel Sophronia White (qv); issue (all 6 Rapid City, S.D.): 1-Doris Amy, b Feb. 19, 1899; B.A., U. of S.D., ’20; 2-Margaret White, 0 Sept. 30, 1900; B.A., U. of S.D., ’24; 3— Evelyn White, 0 Nov. 3, 1902; B.A., U. of S.D., 20; 4—Marion White, b Apr. 21, 1904; U. of S.D., et 5-Rollin Elbert, b July 20, 1905; U. of S.D., ALB. Ue Of8 S UDI 7945 (Tse) 1917) eM Ase alee 1899. Education since 1894; prof. psychology, U. of S.D., since 1918 (See Who’s Who in Amer- ica). Mem. S.C.W. Residence: Vermillion, S.D. 1-STEVENS, Mabel Sophronia White (Mrs. El- bert M., b Vermillion, S.D., Sept. 9, 1875. 8-John White, of Salem, Mass., 1638; m Joanne— (d 1654); 7-Josiah (6 16483), Lancaster, Mass.; m 1678, Mary Rice (0 1656); 6—Josiah (1682-1772), m 1706, Abigail. Whitcomb (1688-1771) ; Poa (1714-1806), m 1st, 1739, Deborah House (d 1768) ; 4—Paul (1765-1860), Lancaster, Mass., and Rock- ingham, Vt.; m 1786, Polley Smith (1766-1858); 3—Josiah (1789-1852), m 1st, 1810, Zerviah Town- send (1790-1842). 2-Dau. of John Townsend White (1825-95), Wil- teeyenoaes Vt.; m 1863, Minerva Parks (d M Dec. 23, 1897, Elbert Marcus Stevens (qv for issue). Residence: Vermillion, S.D. 2 tt A RE SD Oscar Egerton, ) N.Y. City, Apr. 8-John Stevens, from Eng. in the “Confidence,” to Mass., 1638/39; freeman, 1642; m Mary-; 7-Erasmus (d 1690), ensign First Co. of Foot, Marblehead, Mass.; m Elizabeth Clarke (Capt. Thomas’); 6—Erasmus (1686-1750), It. A. and H. A. Co.; m 1707, Persis Bridge (6 1683; Samuel’); 5-Ebenezer (1726-63), m 1750, Elizabeth Weld (b 1727; Edmund’); 4-Ebenezer (1751-1823), mem. “Boston Tea Party”; lt. col. Cont. Army; maj. gen. militia War 1812; a founder Soc. Cin.; m 2d, 1784, Lucretia (Led- yard) Sands (1756-1846); 38-Alexander Hodgdon (1789-1869), founder Acad. of Medicine; pres. Coll. Physicians and Sur- geons, now part of Columbia U.; m 3d, Phoebe (Coles) Lloyd (John Nelson Coles!, m Phoebe-). 8-Thomas Stanley (d 1663), founder of Hartford, Conn., 1636; Fa aa Te) (1638-1712), dep. Gen. Ct.; gov.’s asst.; juage, 6-Mary, as widow of Nathaniel Hooker, m 1713, gohan Austin (d 1743), prominent mcht., Hart- ord; 5-Mary, aS widow of John Ellery, m John Led- yard (1700-71), dep. Colonial Assembly of Hart- ford Colony; 4-Lucretia (b 1756), as widow of Richardson Sands, m Ebenezer Stevens (4 above). 6-Sir John White (title suppressed because of his being a Quaker), came from Eng. with William Penn; was prominent in the govern- ment of the colony; 5-Blake Lee, planter in S.C. before the Revo- lution; held under parole by the British; m Elizabeth Gourdin: 4—John Blake (1781-1857), eminent painter, drama- tist, lawyer, Charleston, S.C.; m 2d, Anna Rachel O’Driscoll (Matthew, M.D., LUL.D.5, from Treland to S.C., 1784): 3—-Dr. Octavius Augustus, M.D., LL.D. (1826-1903), A.B., Coll. of Charleston, ’46; distinguished physician, New York; surgeon C.S.A.; m 2d, Elizabeth Winthrop Chanler. ; 2-Son of Alexander Hodgdon Stevens, 2d (1853- FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 223 1885), m 1880, Helen Chanler White (1859-1924; she m 2d, Berkeley Mostyn); issue: I—Helen White (b 1882; m 1905, Gilliat de Ghequiere Schroeder); Il-Oscar Egerton (above); III—- Alexandra Helen (1885-1918; om 1912, Steward Slosson). II-—m June 1, 1907, Caroline Morgan, ») New Bed- ford, Mass., July 14, 1884; dau. of Richard Hathaway Morgan, of New Bedford; issue: 1—Caroline Morgan, b N.Y. City, Nov. 13, 1908. E.E., Columbia, ’05 (Delta Psi). Banker. Maj., C.W.S., U.S.A., World War. Clubs: Union, St. Anthony, Bankers, Nassau Country. Summer place: Bournedale, Mass. Residence: 35 W. 12th St., New York. 1-STICKNEY, Susie Silvah Stearns (Mrs. Louis N.), ) Merrimack, N.H., May 30, 1875. 8—-Joseph Hills (qv); 7-Samuel (1652-1732), sgt. King Philip’s War; m 1679, Abigail Wheeler (1655-1742) ; 6-Daniel (1700-56), capt. colonial wars; m 1724, Elizabeth Riggs (b 1707); 5-Daniel (1730-1810), capt. Am. Rev.; m 1757, Han- nah Emery (1739-post 1794); 4—David (1761-1820), m 1787, Susanna Cole (1766-1856) : 3-Emery, minister at Williston, Vt.; m 1831, Har- riet Parker. 2-Only child of Susan Cornelia Hills (1841-80), m 1870, George Gustus Stearns (ca. 1831-ca. us served in Co. C, 99th N.Y. Vols. in Civil ar M Apr. 3, 1894, Louis Nelson Stickney, } Mil- ford, N.H., July 1, 1867; son of James Myron Stickney, of Milford, N.H., m Aureella C. Mooar. Park commissioner, Milford, N.H. Mem. D.A.R.; past pres. Milford Woman’s Club and Moore- land Twentieth Century Club. Residence: 55 Union St., Milford, N.H. 1-STICKNEY, William Brunswick Curry, )b Marblehead, Mass., Jan. 16, 1845, 8-William Stickney (qv); frie (ca. 1635-1678), m 1668, Sarah Morse (d 6—-Benjamin (1678-1756), m 1st, 1700/01, Mary Palmer (1673-1747) ; 5-Benjamin (1701-56), m Elizabeth Spofford (1702- 1789; Samuel?®); 4-Benjamin (1739-1801), 1t. Mass. Cont. troops; m 2d, 1765, his cousin, Elizabeth Stickney (1737- 1819; Samuel); 38—Lt. Moses (1776-1834), m 1799, Sarah Pike (1772- 1851; Joseph‘). 2-Son of Rev. Moses Parsons Stickney (1807-94), A.B., Amherst, ’30; P.E. clergyman; m 1842, Jane Frances Curry (1818-1904); issue: I-Anna Elizabeth Gray (1843-74; m Nathaniel Whittier); II—William B.C. (above); III—Henry Storer (1849-54); IV-Agnes May Palmer (1851-66); V— Cornelia Wadsworth Loring (6 1861). II-—m Feb. 1, 1877, Mary Hunton, 6 Bethel, Vt., Apr. 25, 1851; dau. of Augustus Pingry Hun- ton (1816-1911), of Bethel; issue: 1—-William, 0 Bethel, Vt., Mar. 6, 1878; Dartmouth, ’00; It., capt., and maj., M.C., U.S.A., and with A.E.F. in France; m Aug. 2, 1919, Jean, dau. of Wil- liam Aiken; 2—Mary, b Bethel, Nov. 24, 1882; m Apr. 25, 1911, Robert Ashton Lawrence (d Mar. 1912); m 2d, Aug. 8, 1919, Jules Branliere. A.B., Harvard, ’65 (hon. A.M., Dartmouth, 1896; LL.D., Middlebury). Lawyer, Windsor Co., Vt., since 1875; dir. various. corporations. Ex- pres. Vt. Bar Assn.; mem. S.C.W. (dep. gov. fen ands 2oOve Vit. S0c.), SeAGR.,. INAS) Hist. Geneal. Soc., Vt. Hist. Soc., ete. Clubs:. Har- vard (New York, Boston, and Vt.). Summer place: Pittsford, Vt. Residence: 37 N. Main St., Rutland, Vt. 1-STOCKTON, Edward Gay, b St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 1, 1883. 5-Edward Mitchell (1760-1837), corp. and q.m. in Am. Rev.: m Nancy Haley; 4-Sophia (1793-1872), m John Henderson Gay (1787- 1878), of St. Louis (William5, capt. of militia of Isle of Wight Co., Va., 1777-82): 3-Elizabeth M. (1818-61), m Meredith Martin, M.D. (1805-85), Ist pres. Mo. Med. Soc. (Tyree’). 2-Son of Sophia Gay Martin (6 1852), m 1873, Alex- ander Campbell Stockton (1847-1900); issue: I— Meredith Martin (6 1876); II—Richard Tilton (6 1879; m Anna Murphy); IlI-—EKdward Gay (above); IV—Foster Martin (qv); V—Stephen G. (6 1889); VI-Elizabeth Martin (6 1895). III—m Mar. 12, 1904, Sophie Elizabeth Bergman, b St. Louis, Aug. 7, 1884; dau. of F. H. Bergman, of St. Louis; issue: 1-Edith Fleming, 6 St. Louis, Dec. 5, 1904; 2-Robert Wheeler, b St. Louis, Aug. 15, 1908; 3-Frederick Alexander, b Webster Groves, Mo., Sept. 1, 1914. With Whitaker & Hodgman, investment bank- ers, St. Louis, from Oct. 1, 1897, becoming part- ner in Whitaker & Co. (successors), Jan. 1, 1917. Mason (K.T., Shriner). Residence: 6233 Northwood Av., St. Louis, Mo. 1-STOCKTON, Foster Martin, b St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 28, 1885. 5-Edward Mitchell (1760-1837), corp. and q.m. in Am. Rev.; m Nancy Haley; 4—Sophia (1793-1872), m John Henderson Gay (1787- 1878), of St. Louis (William®, capt. of militia of Isle of Wight Co., Va., 1777-82); 3-Elizabeth M. (1818-61), m Meredith Martin, M.D. (1805-85), Ist pres. Mo. Med. Soc. (Tyree?). 2-Son of Sophia Gay Martin (b 1852), m 1873, Alexander Campbell Stockton (1847-1900). For issue see Edward Gay Stockton. M Mar. 31, 1917, Jennie Gregory, b Pueblo, Colo., May 31, 1891; dau. of William Edward Gregory, of Denver; issue: 1—Richard Tilton, b Den- ver, Colo., Nov. 27, 1920. Accountant. Pvt., U.S.A., 1910; regtl. supply sgt., Colo. cav., on Mexican border, 1916-17; corp., m.g. bn., 1917-19; with A.E.F. in France, Aug. 15, 1918-July 6, 1919; Croix de Guerre, 1918. Mem. S.A.R., A.L. Residence: 3625 W. 38d Av., Denver, Colo. ERAT SE BCEE Telfair, b Quincy, Fla., Jan. 31, 7—Richard Stockton (qv); 6—-Richard (ca. 1654-1709), settled at Princeton, N.J., 1695, and established “Morven”; m 1691, Susannah (Witham) Robinson; 5-John (6 1701), chief judge Ct. Common Pleas, Somerset Co., N.J.; a founder Coll. of N.J.; m 1729, Abigail Phillips (among their sons was Richard, a “signer’’); 4—Philip (1746-92), “fighting parson” in Am. Rev.; m 1767, Catharine Cumming; 3-William Tennent (1782-1823), m 1805, Anne Wil- liamson, 4-Alexander Telfair, m Pauline Hall; 3—Thomas, m Elizabeth Spiers. 2-Son of William Tennent Stockton (1812-69), WES MAO 0 st US UAE cOlMistem las Gave C.S.A.; m 1845, Julia Spiers Telfair; issue: I-Richard Telfair (b 1846); II-Warwcik Rush (6 1847); IlI—Julia Vipont (b 1848; m Richard McLaughlin); I1V—Mary Stuart (b 1850; m John F, Young, bishop of Fla.); V-Thomas Telfair (b 1853; m Millie Lawton); VI-Gay Henry (b 1855); VII-John Noble Cumming (b 1857; m Fanny Baker); VIII-Telfair (above); IX-— George Ward (b 1866, d in infancy). VilI-m Jan. 15, 1885, Florence Orlean Fitch (qv for issue). Real estate operator. Clubs: Capital City (At- lanta), Muckego (Columbus, Ga.), Seminole, Country (Jacksonville). Summer place: Tax- away, N.C. Residence: 74 Avondale Circle, Jacksonville, Fla. 1-STOCKTON, Florence Fitch (Mrs. Telfair), b St. Louis, Mo., July 11, 1867. 8-Rev. James Fitch (qv); 7-Samuel (1655-1725), m 1678, Mary Brewster; 6—Benjamin (1691-1727), m 1713, Hannah Read; 5—-Ebenezer (1724-1804), m 1749, Mary Rose: 4—Dr. Russell (1775-1843), m 1799, Polly Tinker; 3—Russell (1802-65), m 1832, Rosetta Roosevelt. &-Claes Martenzen Roosevelt (qv); 7-Nicholas (1658-1742), m 1682, Heyltje Jans Kunst (b 1664; Jan Barentsen’); 6—-Johannes (6 1689), m 1708, Heyltje Syverts (Capt. Olfert’); 5-Jacobus (6 1724), m 1st, 1746, Annetje Bogert (Jan®, m Hannah Peeck); 4—Nicholas (6 1767), m 1808, Lydia Latrobe: 3—-Rosetta (1811-38), m Russell Fitch (3 above). 4-John Henry (1760-1845), Lexington, Ky.; m 1795, Emily Cleveland Elliott, of Va.; 3—Oliver Cleveland (1806-63), m 1831, Misella Ann Hopkins (1812-71; Richard‘, m Mary, dau. of Capt. John Pettey). 2-James Roosevelt Fitch (1838-78), m 1861, Emily Cleveland Henry (1840-1914); issue: I—Laura (6 1863; m Joseph Whitley Peete); II—Sher- rod (d infancy); III—Florence (above). IiI—m Jan. 15, 1885, Telfair Stockton (qv); issue (all 6 Jacksonville, Fla.): 1-Florence Telfair, 224 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY b May 20, 1892; m Sept. 14, 1918, Frank Rogers, of Jacksonville; 2—James Roosevelt, b Dec. 31, 1898; Princeton, ’16; 2d It. and capt., U.S. Marine Corps, and with A.E.F. in France, Mar.-Dec. 1918; twice wounded; m Nov. 26, 1919, Louise, dau. of John D. Baker, of Jack- sonville; 3—Telfair, Jr., b Sept. 29, 1895; corp., C. S. Motor Truck Co. 397; service at Camp Johnston, Fla., and on Texas border. Mem. C.D.A. Summer place: Taxaway, N.C. Freaidenne: 74 Avondale Circle, Jacksonville, Fla. WILLIAM GARRICK WILSON. etre William Garrick, ) N. Y. City, Feb. 23, 1871. 5—-William Wilson (d 1824), pvt. Pa. troops in Am. Rev.; 4—David (1791-1881), soldier War 1812; m Abigail Porter (Elijah®, drum maj. in Am, Rev.); 8-R. Porter (1823-92), m 1846, Caroline Easton. 10-Joseph Easton (1602-88), from Eng., 1632, set- tled at Hartford, Conn.; 9-Joseph (1648-1711), m Hannah Ensign; 8-Joseph (1669-1735), m Sarah Spencer; 7—-Samuel (1702-61), m Sarah-—; 6—Lemuel (1730-84), m Elizabeth Buckland; 5-Ashbel (1757-1836), articifer in Am. Rev.; m 1784, Sarah Arnold; 4—-Julius (b 1791), m 1817, Artimisia Manchester; 3—Caroline (1822-80), m R. Porter Wilson (3 above). 2—Son of Odell Wilson (b 1854), mfr.; m 1870, Kate Garrick (1854-92); issue: I-William Garrick (above); II-Frank EH. (b 1876; m Laura Johns); IIIT—Vincent J. (b 1886; m Genevieve Vleck). I-m June 24, 1895, Margaret Elizabeth Gribben, b Cleveland, O., Jan. 9, 1870; dau. of Morgan Gribben, of Cleveland; issue (all 6 Cleveland, O.): 1-Margaret Mary, b July 15, 1899; m June 24, 1919, William H. Hoffman, lt., M.G. Bn., 88rd Div., A.E.F. (issue: William Wilson, bd Aug. 4, 1925); 2-Robert William Garrick, b Sept. 21, 1904; 3-Ruth Katherine, b Sept. 18, 1908. Mgr. in Ohio for Aetna Life Ins. Co. and affili- ated companies. Was capt., A.R.C., World War. Mem. S.A.R. Clubs: Hartford (Hartford, Conn.), Union, Shaker Heights Country, Mid- day, Athletic, Advertising (Cleveland), Toledo (Toledo, O.). Residence: 1010 Wade Park Manor, Cleveland, O. telat Heman Ward (Oct. 2, 1855-Mar. 11, 9-William Stone (d 1683), from Eng. to Guilford, Conn., 1639; m Hannah-— (d 1658); m 2d, 1659, Mary Hughs; em (1642-1730), m 1674, Hannah Wolf (d 7-William (1676-1733), m 1701, Sarah Hatch (b 1682); A870) (1704-80), Am. Rev.; m 2d, Ruth White ( -(l); 5-Aaron (1741-1821), Am. Rev.; m 1760, Lois Dud- ley (1745-97) ; 4—Dudley (1763-1805), m 2d, Rachel Lane; 3-Augustus Lane (1788-1863), m 1809, Tryphosa Cutter (1789-1864). 2-Son of Heman Ward Stone (1828-1906), m 1852, Polly Wells (1830-1908); issue: I—Archibald Abel (6 1853; m Theodora Dell Mills); I1-Heman Ward (above); IlI—Mary Louisa (b 1857; m Oliver Summers Hagerman); IV—Ida Azelia (1859-1918; m William James Munro); V—Eudora Adelia (b 1862; m Eugene Wilson Randall); ViI-—Royal Augustus (b 1875; justice Supreme Ct. of Minn.; m Aug. 14, 1904, Edith Olive Whiting). IIl-m Oct. 7, 1885, Louise Finney (qv for issue). Head of N. W. Stone & Co., flour milling, Mor- ris, Minn., 1879-1908. Mem. Minn. House of Rep., 1903-06. 1-STONE, Louise Finney (Mrs. H. W.), ) Nash- ville, O., June 10, 1855. 7—-Robert Finney (ca. 1668-1755), from Ireland, settled in Chester Co., Pa.; m Dorothea-; 6—Dr. John (d 1774), of Chester, Pa.; m 1st, Eliz- abeth French; 5-Judge David (ante 1733-1806), Am. Rev.; m Ann Thompson (d post 1806); 4-David Thompson (1773-1862), (1775-1859) ; s—John French (1798-1865), m (1806-70). 1l-Francis Cooke (qv); 10-Jane (bap. 1608-1666), » Experience Mitchell (1609-ante 1689), came in the ‘‘Ann,’’ 1623; 9-Elizabeth (b 1628), m 1645, John Washburn (bap. 1620-1686), in Narragansett and King Philip’s wars (John?, qv); 8—-Mary (1661-1740), m Samuel King'sley (1662-1713); 7-Samuel (b ca. 1690), m Mary Packard; 6—Mary (b 1719), m 1740, Josiah Perry (1709-84); 5—-Ens. Josiah (1751-99), Am. Rev.; m Hannah Yea- mans (1753-94); 4—Lydia (ca. 1780-ca. 1853), m Asa Hatch (ca. 1775- ca. 1850); 3—Julia Ann (1803-60), m Ira Bevans (1790-1844). 2—-Dau. of Jonathan Finney (1828-1905), served in 62d Ohio Vols. in Civil War; m 1854, Agnes Lydia Bevans_ (1836-1904); issue: I—Louise (above); II-—Julia V. (b 1858); Il1I—Horace Eu- gene (1860-1918; m Carrie Kimball); [V—Albert C. (6 1868; m Louise Le Fleur); V—Helen (b 1865; m William Clarence Bicknell); VI-—Olive (6 1870; m Frank Davis); VII—Rebecca (1874- 1901; m Orrin Parker). I—m Oct. 7, 1885, Heman Ward Stone (qv); issue: 1—Alfred Finney, 0 Morris, Minn., May 2, 1887: LL.B., U. Minn., 1910; m Apr. 29, 1917, Mabel, dau. of Charles W. Remsberg of Seattle, Wash. (issue: Charlotte; Ward; Waldo); 2-— Harold W., 6 Morris, Minn., Dec. 31, 1888; M.D., U. Minn., 1914; m May 15, 1916, Frances, dau. of George W. Murphey, of Faribault, Minn. (issue: Alfred M.; Sally). Mem. D.A.R. Residence: R. 1, Wilder, Ida. 1-STOEPEL, Frederick Sutton, ) Detroit, Mich., Apr. 26, 1882. 3-Nehemiah M. Sutton, m Mary Elizabeth Sat- terthwaite. 2-Son of Anna R. Sutton, m 1881, Frederick Christopher Stoepel (1846-1917; son of William Stoepel, from Germany to Milwaukee, Wis. 1852), pres. Burnham, Stoepel & Co., wholesale dry goods; issue: I-Frederick S. (above); II-— Ralph (b 1884; m Edyth Y. Seyburn). I-m Dec. 27, 1906, Iorantha Mary Semmes, |) Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 15, 1885; dau. of J. M. Semmes, of Memphis; issue (all b Detroit, Mich.): 1-Mary: Anne, b Nov. 29, 1908; 2—-Ioran- tha Jordan, Bb Aug. 18, 1911; 3-Ellen Semmes, b Nov. 25, 1912; 4-Fredericka Josephine, b Sept. tae 1919; 5-Frederick Christopher, }b Feb. 9, Ed. Phillips Exeter, ’01. Real estate operator. First 1t., Q.M.C., U.S.A., World War. Mem. M.O.W.W., A... Clubs: Detroit, Detroit Ath- letic, Detroit Country, Indian Village, Bloom- field Open Hunt. Summer place: Gloucester, Mass. Residence: Rye, N.Y 1-STODDARD, Lewis LeRoy, ) Lawrenceville, Pa., Sept. 6, 1895. 9-Anthony Stoddard (qv); 3 8—-Simeon (1651-1730), mem. A. and H. A. Co.: mem. m Mary James Rebecca Butler FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA Provincial Council of Mass.; m 1675, Mary Downing; ¥* 7—-Anthony (1678-1760), A.B., Harvard, 1697, A.M., 1715; 6-Simeon (1704-90); ; 5-Joshua (1730-1800), soldier Am. Rev.; 4—Joshua (1755-1820), soldier Am. Rev.; settled nr. Saratoga Springs, N.Y.; 3-Howard (1800-78), m Mary Jermyn. 10-Nathaniel Dickinson (qv); 9-Thomas (1634-1713), Wethersfield, Conn.; m 1668, Hannah Crow; 8-Thomas (1672-1724), m 1694, Mehitable Meekins; 7—Thomas (1708-47), m 1735, Ann-; 6—Thomas (1787-1811), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1760, Mary Stevens; - 5-Thomas Andrew _ (1764-1851), m 1790, Sarah Turner; : P 4—-Nathan Tyler (1805-1901), m 1830, Drusilla Anne Hartford, Conn.; er; ae E. (1833-96), m 1853, Harrison Gibbs (1822- 1906; Benajah*, m Sarah Van Ouken). ‘ j-Henry Tyler (1604-72), from Eng. to Middle Plantation (now Williamsburg), Va., ca. 1645; justice for York Co.; m 2d, Ann-, widow of John Orchard; : : 6—Henry (1661-1729), justice, coroner, high sheriff of York Co., m Elizabeth Chiles (g.dau. Col. Walter Chiles, mem. Council of State, 1652); 5-John (1686-1727), student William and Mary Coll.; justice of James City; m Elizabeth Jarrett (John*‘); : ; 4—John (ca. 1710-1773), marshal to Vice Admiralty Ct. of Va.; m Anne Contesse (Dr. Lewis’, Huguenot, from France to Williamsburg, Va., ca. 1715, m Mary Morris); 3-Samuel (ca. 1765-1830). ; 2-Son of George R. Stoddard (1855-1910), builder; m 1894, Kate Cornelia Gibbs (0 1865); issue: I-Lewis L. (above); IIl—Ernest H. (0 1897; m Ethel Holmes). I-m June 16, 1923, Edith Nace Oswald, 6 Phila., Pa., July 30, 1902; dau. of Ernest Oswald, of Darby, Pa. V.p. Barber, Hartman & Co., realtors, Phila- delphia, Pa. Served in U.S.N.R.F. Radio H-3C, 1914-18. Residence: 307 S. 5th St., Darby, Pa. 1-MORRIS, George Hall, Jr., b Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. 28, 1886. 6-Samuel Hall (6 ca. 1725); ogee ph (1760-1889), m Ann Gill (1760-1842; Valen- tine®) ; 4—George (1795-1868), War 1812; first mayor of Brooklyn, N.Y., 1834, also 1855-56; m 1823, Mary Egenton (1807-50; Thomas®, m Jean, dau. of Joseph McKibbin); 3—-Mary (1830-56), m 1851, William Henry Morris (1829-87; Thomas‘, m Sarah, dau. of John Mc- Kinnell; John’). 9-Charles Ferry (qv); 8-Solomon (1686-1771), m 1705, Lydia Peck (b 1689; Benjamin’, m Mary Sperry; Richard?); 7-Solomon (d 1753), m Abagail-—; f 6—-Eliphalet (1752-1827), sgt. 16th Conn. Regt. in Am. Rev.; m Mercy Taylor; 5-Noah Taylor (1778-1848), capt. 37th U.S.Inf. in War 1812; m Drusilla Barnum; 4—-Darius (1804-76), m 1828, Mary Connolly (John, m Katharine Carroll); 3—Maj. Darius (1837-1918), pvt. U.S.V. in Civil War; m 1862, Elizabeth Geery (0 1840; William4, m Mary, dau. of Robert Blair; James®; Wil- liam®; William’). 10-John Taylor, came to Mass. with Gov. Win- throp, 1630; settled at Windsor, Conn., 1689; m 1640; sailed for Eng. in the “Phantom Ship,” 1647, and was lost at sea; 9-Thomas (1643-1735), an original settler and patentee of Danbury, Conn.; rep. Gen. Assem- bly; m Rebekah Ketcham (Edward’); 8-Nathan (1682-1782), m Hannah Benedict (Lt. Daniel®, m Mary, dau. of Mathew Marvin; Thomas”, qv); 7-Nathan (1716-98), m Mary Weed (1721-1808) ; 6—Mercy (1753-1837), m Eliphalet Ferry (6 above). 10—-William Beardsley (qv); §9-Samuel (1638-1705), m 1663, Abigail-; 8-Sarah (6 1688), m Thomas Barnum (1663-1730; Thomas’); 7-Ephraim (1710-75), m Mehetabel-; eo (1737-1805), m 1760, Jane Dibble (Lt. ohn’); 225 5-Drusilla (b 1783), m Noah Taylor Ferry (5 above). 2-Son of George Hall Morris (b 1853), m 1884, Mary Adelaide Ferry (b 1863). Not married. M.E., Cornell, 10 (Beta Theta Pi). Mechanical engr. Second lt., Q.M.C., Aug. 15, 1917; Ist 1t., Aug. 23, 1918; discharged, Aug. 1, 1919. Mem. S.A.R. Clubs: Cornell (N.Y. City), Hartwood (Hartwood, N.Y.). Residence: 58 Chestnut St., East Orange, N.J. 1-MORRIS, Martha Tucker (Mrs. Harvey), 0 Salem, Ind., June 24, 1867, 6-Samuel Marshall (d 1806 or 08), believed to have been a cousin of Thomas, father of Chief Justice John Marshall; settled in Henry Co., Va., ante 1764; m Cassandra Alfriend; 5-Sally (1764-1835), m 1779, Elisha Arnold (1758- 1849), Am. Rev.; 4—-Martha (1781-1868), Fleming Co., Ky.; m 1802, William Robertson (1754-1833), Am. Rev.; 3-Sally (1805-71), Salem, Ind.; m 1823, John Mur- _ phy Howe (1798-1855). 2—-Dau. of Louise Ellen Howe (1846-1918), m 1864, Benjamin Warren Tucker, M.D. (1837-85), physi- cian, Salem, Ind.; issue: I-Martha (above); II—Elizabeth (6 1871; m Frank P. Canble); III— James L. (b 1874; m Myrtle Mitchell); IV—Lou C. (6 1876; m Simeon Hudson); V—Margaret (b 1880; m Dr. Robert Dwyer); VI—Bessie War- ren (1885-1923; m EK. L. DeCamp). I-m Sept. 4, 1901, Harvey Morris, b nr. Salem, Ind., Jan. 14, 1852; son of Jeptha Morris, m Mary P. Moore. Mem. D.A.R. (state historian, 1921-24; vice re- gent for Ind., 1925-26), Southeastern Hist. Soc. (v.p.), State Hist. Soc. (exec. bd.), Washington Co. Hist. Soc. (pres.). Residence: Salem, Ind. 1-MACKENZIE, George Miner, b Lawrenceville, N.J., Aug. 18, 1885. 9-Henry Champion, from Eng., first appeared at Saybrook, Conn., 1647; m Deborah-; 8-Thomas (1656-1705), of Lyme, Conn.; m 1682, Hannah Brockway (1664-1750; Wolston®, m Han- nah Briggs); 7-Thomas (6 1690), m 1709, Elizabeth Wade (John’, m Elizabeth Durant); 6—John (1717-1806), m Anna Vibber (6 1729), of Mont- ville, Conn.; es Vibber (6 1761), m Violata Garey (b 4-Jerusha (b 1786), m 1806, Edward Smith; 3-Gen. Robert C. (1807-77), pres. Wyoming Ins. Co., Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; m 1852, Sarah Mary Mills (1818-81), 2-Son of Ella Smith (b 1857), m 1880, Dr. James Cameron Mackenzie (See Who’s Who in America), M June 22, 1916, Eleanor Whiteside Hobson, 6b Denver, Colo., Jan. 7, 1893; dau. of Henry Wise Hobson; issue: 1—Eleanor Hobson, b N.Y. City, June 17, 1917; 2-George Cameron, }b Albany, N.Y., Sept. 7, 1918; 3-Malcolm Still- man, 6 Albany, May 5, 1920; 4-Thayer Mills, b Albany, Jan. 19, 1922. A.B., Columbia, ’07 (Phi Gamma Delta), M.D., 1913.. Physician... Lt., M.C., U.S.N.R.F., 1917- 1919. Asst. prof. medicine, Columbia U., 1923—. Clubs: Century, Columbia U. Residence: New Work City: 1-MACKENZIE, James Cameron, Jr., ) Law- renceville, N.J., Apr. 5, 1887. Brother of George Miner Mackenzie (qv for genealogy). f Apr. 20, 1918, Evelyn Routledge Toulmin, b Boston, Mass., Sept. 29, 1892; dau. of John Edwin Toulmin, of Boston; issue: 1—Elaine Toulmin, b N.Y. City, Aug. 19, 1921. A.B., Columbia, ’09, B. Arch., 1912, Architect. Maj., F.A., U.S.A., 1917; attached to 307th F.A., 78th Div., and with A.E.F. in France, 1918-19. Mem. A.I.A., Beaux Arts Soe. Clubs: Univer- sity, Columbia University. Residence: 167 E. 94th St., New York. EN EA Gaillard, 7-Joachim Gaillard (qv); 6-Bartholomew (d 1718), capt. provincial troops; m Elizabeth— (who m 2d, 1719, Jonathan Strine); 5-Theodore, m 2d, Lydia Peyre (d 1781); 4—Peter (1757-1883), soldier Am. Rev.; planter; m 1st, 1782, Elizabeth Porcher; 38-Elizabeth (6 1785), m 1805, John Stoney (1780- 1838; John* [b 1749], came from Ireland, 1774 6b Napa, Calif., Apr. 28, cotton 226 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY soldier Am. Rev., planter on Hilton Head Island, g.g.parents of Gaillard Stoney). 2-Son of Thomas Porcher Stoney (1835-91), law- yer and judge, San Francisco; m Kate Maria Allen (1839-1906); issue: I-Anna M. (d 1879); Il- Kate W.; IlI—Joseph Allen (d 1891); 1V—Gail- lard (above); V—Donzel (m Emmie Sharratt). 1V—m 2d, Nov. 7, 1895, Georgiana, dau. of George W. MacDonald, of Pictou, N.S., Can.; issue: 1—Margaret, 6 San Francisco, Sept. 1, 1896; m Alfred Harold Field, of London, Eng. : U. Calif, ?38(Beta, Theta, Pi): 1L.B4 erastings Law School, 1891. Clubs: Bohemian, Presidio Golf. Residence: 3294 Jackson St., San Ifran- cisco, Calif. 1-STONEY, Thomas Porcher, § The Barrows, S.C., May 22, 1862. 7-Joachim Gaillard (qv); 6-Bartholomew (d 1718), capt. provincial troops; m Elizabeth— (who m 2d, 1719, Jonathan Strine); 5—Theodore, m 2d, Lydia Peyre (d 1781); 4—-Peter (1757-1833), soldier Am. Rev.; cotton planter; m 1st, 1782, Elizabeth Porcher; 3—Elizabeth (b 1785), m 1805, John Stoney (1780-1838; John‘ [b 1749], came from Ireland, 1774, sol- dier Am. Rev., planter on Hilton Head Island). Maternally, 7-Isaac Porcher, from France, 1685, settled on Santee River, S.C.; m Claude de Cherigny; Sau tee (1695-1753), m Marianne Charlotta Gen- ron; 5—Peter (b 1726), m Elizabeth Cordes; 4—Elizabeth (1760-1804), m Peter Gaillard (4 above); 3—Peter (1783-1843), m Elizabeth Gourdin (1786- 1836; Theodoret, mem. Congress, m Elizabeth Gaillard; Theodore®, m Esther Newman). 2-Son of Samuel David Stoney (1822-92), part- ner Holmes & Stoney, cotton brokers; m 1852, Harriet Porcher Gaillard (1829-93); issue: I- Elizabeth G. (1855-79); I1I-Thomas P. (above); IlI-Samuel Gaillard (1863-1926; m Louisa Cheves Smythe); IV—Elinor P. (1864-65); V— John (1868-73). IIl-m Sept. 5, 1901, Ethel (deceased), dau. of J. C. Marcy of St. Louis; issue: 1-Samuel David, b St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 19, 1902; B.S., Coll. of Charleston, ’24. Residence: 1700 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. taper tah Charles Hamot, }) Erie, Pa., Mar. 7-John Strong (qv); 6—John (1626-98), m 2d, 1664, Elizabeth Warriner; 5-Jacob (1673-1750), m 1698, Abigail Bissell; 4—-Timothy (1719-1803), vol. with Am. soldiers at relief of New London; m 2d, 1770, Abi Collins; 3-—Capt. Martin (1770-1858), m 2d, 1798, Sarah Drake (1778-1866; 14th from John Drake, of Ashe Co., Devon, Eng., m 1360). 6-Samuel (Kiefer) Keefer (b Alsace, France), m Ann Woodruff, who, after decease of Samuel. m 2d, Frederick Savarien, a Frenchman, and came to America with her two sons, 1749: settled at Paulinskill on Peppercorn Creek, nr. Newtown, N.J.; 5—-George (b 1739), began to write name Keefer: British soldier in Am. Rev.; m 1767, Mary Couck, of Sussex Co., N.J.; 4-George (1775-1858), removed to Can.; m 1st, 1797, Catharine Lampmann (1778-1813), of Can.: 3—Elizabeth (1797-1866), m 2d, Pierre Simon Vin- 1546) Hamot (b Paris, France, 1784-d Erie, Pa., 2-Son of Dr. Landaff Strong (1821-69), B.A., Washington Coll. (now Trinity), 42; M.D., U. of N.Y., 1846; m 1849, Catharine Cecilia Hamot (1829-56); issue: I-Charles Hamot (above); II-— Kate (1856-1921; m Edward Higginson). I-m Sept. 8, 1881, Annie Wainwright Scott, 0 Erie, Pa., Jan. 15, 1859; dau. of William Law- rence Scott, financier, mayor of Erie, Pa., mem. Dem. Nat. Com., 1876-84, mem. 49th and 50th Congresses, 1885-89; issue: 1-Matilda Thora Wainwright, 6b Erie, Pa., June 24, 1882; m Feb. 24, 1906, Reginald Ronalds (divorced; issue: Thora Scott Ronalds, b 1907); m 2d, June 28, 1917, Clyde B. Leasure (divorced, 1921). B.A., Yale, ’77 (Delta Kappa, Delta Beta Xi, D.K.E., Scroll and Key). Associated in man- agement as officer or director of varied cor- porations. Clubs: University, D.K.E., Yale, Manhattan (New York), Erie, University, Kahkwa, Yacht (Erie, Pa.). Residence: 109 W. 6th St., Erie, Pa. 1-STRONG, George Franklin, }) Kents Hill, Me., Aug. 12, 1882. 10—John Strong (qv); ret (1626-98), m 2d, 1664, Elizabeth Warriner (d 1684); : 8-Josiah (1678-1759), m 1698, Joanna Gillett (b 16890) ; 7—John (1701-83) ; i ME ee (1740-1805), m 1762, Esther Gott (1743- 815) ; 5—-Asa (1766-1859), m 1790, Mary Mann (1772-1866); a aCree (6 1793), m 1821, Anna Buell Strong (b 1799) ; 3-William Wallace (6 1823), m 1849, Harriet M. Chappel (b 1826). 2-Son of William Cyrus Strong (1853-1923), B.A., Wesleyan, 79; college professor; m 1879, Sarah Adelaide Fisk (b 1855); issue: I-George Frank- lin (above); Il—Katherine Chappel (m Eugene M. Sutherland); I11I—Herbert Fisk (1885-92); [V— Helen Constance (m William C. Peirce); V— Everett Fisk. I—Not married. B.A., Wesleyan, ’03 (Phi Nu Theta, )2.B-K); BauS. ONsY, (State: -Library: School, 1909. Librarian, U. of N.D., 1904-08, Boston U., 1909-10, Adelbert Coll. since 1910, also Case Library, Cleveland, since 1924 (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 11432 Mayfield Rd., Cleveland, O. 1-STRONG, Richard Udall, }) Roslyn, N.Y., Sept. 26, 1876. 9-Hlder John Strong (qv); 8-Thomas (1635-89), m Rachel Holton; 7—-Selah (1680-1732), m Abigail Terry; 6—-Thomas (1708-60), m Susannah Thompson; 5—Selah - (1737-1815), capt. Am. Rev.; mem. N.Y. Senate; chief justice Co. Ct.; m Anna Smith; 4-Thomas Shepard (1765-1840), chief justice Ct. Common Pleas; m Hannah Brewster; 3-Selah Brewster, LL.D. (1792-1872), B.A., Yale, 1811; soldier War 1812; justice Supreme Ct. and Ct. Appeals of N.Y.; m Cornelia Udall. 2-Son of Rev. Charles Ruggles Strong (b 1844), B.A., Yale, ’64; LL.B. Albany Law School, 1866; retired clergyman; m 1870, Esther Boor- man (b 1846); issue: I—Robert Boorman (1871- 1904; m Emma Murray); II—-Henry Tunstall (1872-73); IlI—-Charles Ruggles (1873-91); IV— Arthur Temple (6 1875; m Helen Gilbert); V— Richard Udall (above); VI—Edward Austin (b and d 1883); VII—Dudley Selah (b 1886; m Kate Barlow); VIII—Carll Webster (b 1891; m Helen Wills); IX—Louis Bergner (b 1894; m Elizabeth Duval Carter). V—-m May 29, 1920, Jeane (Carter) Humphreys, b Casanova, Va., Apr. 11, 1885; dau. of Cassius Carter, of Casanova. B.A., Yale, 99; LL.B., New York Law Sch., 1901. Govt. teacher in P.I., 1906-10; law clk., later atty. for the Bur. of Lands, Manila, 1910-14; atty., Bur. of Justice, Manila, 1914-16; legal adviser to the military governor of Santo Domingo, 1920-22, and to the Am. high commr. at Port au Prince, Haiti, since 1922. Served in U.S.N., June 15-Aug. 25, 1898, Spanish-Am. War. First lt., inf., Nov. 27, 1917; attached to Hdars. Co., 320th Inf., Camp Lee, Va., Dec. 1917-Feb. 1, 1918; at Camp Wadsworth, S.C., Feb.-Sept. 1918; 55th Pioneer Inf., Sept. 15- Oct. 1, 1918; 325th Inf., 82d Div., Oct. 1918-May UN ha Home: 770 Belvidere Av., Plainfield, 1-SULLOWAY, Frank Jones, ) Franklin, N.H., Dec. 11, 1883. S-Robert Daniell (1600-55), from Eng. before 1636; an early settler at Watertown, Mass.; freeman, 1638; m 1st, Elizabeth— (d 1653); S-Samuel (ca. 1633-1695), Medfield, Mass.; m 1671, Mary Grant (Christopher); 7-Joseph (1676/77-1720), selectman, Needham, Mass.; m 1696, Lydia Adams (d 1758); 6-Joseph (1708/09-1783), m 1st, 1735, Experience Newell (d 1762; Josiah’); 5-Jeremiah (1744-84), served in Concord fight, Apr. 19, 1775, and at Dorchester Heights; m 1772, Abigail Fisher (d 1801; John‘); 4—Jeremiah (1773-1818), m 1796, Eunice Keith (Mo- ses’; Capt. Gershom®; James?; Rev. James’, from Scotland, 1662, was first minister at Bridgewater, Mass., 55 yrs.); 3-Jeremiah Fisher, m 2d, Annette Eastman. 9-Roger Eastman (qv); 8—Philip; FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 297 j-Ebenezer, first settler of Concord, N.H., 1727; 6—Philip; 5-Jonathan (1746-1834), pvt. Am. Rev.; m Esther Johnson; 4-Jonathan (6 1781), m Mary Chandler; , 3-Annette, m as his 2d wife, Jeremiah Fisher Daniell (38 above). 2-Son of Susan Keith Daniel (b 1853), m 1866, Alvah Woodbury Sulloway (b 1838), mfr. (See Who’s Who in America); issue: I—Richard Woodbury (0b 1876; m Bertha Batchellor); II-— Alice (m Frederic Leland Thompson); III- Frank Jones (above). Bee (Spee, Hasty Pudding, D.K.E.), LL.B., 1907 (Phi Delta Phi). Practiced law with Hill, Barlow & Homans, Boston, 1907-11; mem. law firm of Demond, Wood- worth, Sulloway & Rogers, Concord, N.H.; dir. First Nat. Bank, Union Trust Co., v.p., dir. Franklin Light & Power Co., dir. Sulloway Mills, Glengair Ltd. Residence: 115 School St., Concord, N.H. 1-SULLOWAY, Margaret Thayer (Mrs. Frank J.), b Concord, N.H., Aug. 9, 1882. 9-Richard Thayer (qv); 8—-Richard (1625-95), m 1650/51, Dorothy Pray; 7—Nathaniel (1658-1728), m 1679, Hannah Hayden; 6—Nathaniel (1680-1752), m 2d, 1704, Relief Hyde; 5—Nathaniel (b 1709), m 1735, Mary Faxon; 4—E.lihu (1748-1812), m 1780, Hannah Calif; 38—Calvin (1805-81), m 1841, Sarah Wheeler Fiske. f—Elder William Wentworth (qv); 8-Ezekiel (1651-1712), mem. N. H. Assembly; m Elizabeth-; 7-Capt. Benjamine (1691-1725), m Elizabeth Leigh- ton (1689-1779; John8; John’); 6-John (1719-81), mem. N.H. Assembly; m 1742, Joanna Gilman; 5-John (1745-87), mem. N.H. Assembly; del. Cont. Congress; signer Articles of Confederation: m 1771, Margaret Frost; 4-Paul (1782-1855), mem. 1814, Lydia Cogswell; 3-Joseph (1818-1901), mem. N.H. Legislature; m 1845, Sarah Jones. 2-Dau. of William Fiske Thayer (b 1846), pres. First Nat. Bank, Concord, N.H.; m 1874, Sarah Clarke Wentworth (b 1850); issue: I-Margaret (above); IIl—Edith (d); III—William Wentworth (b 1884; See Who’s Who in America). I-m Sept. 24, 1913, Frank Jones Sulloway (qv); issue (all 6 Concord, N.H.): 1-Gretchen (Oct. 10, 1914-Feb. 6, 1916); 2-Alvah Woodbury, 2d, b Nov. 25, 1915; 3-Faith T., b Oct. 17, 1920. Residence: 115 School St., Concord, N.H. 1-SUMTER, Thomas Sebastian, b Stateburg, S.C., Apr. 16, 1852. 4—Gen. Thomas Sumter (1733-1832), brig. gen. Am. Rev. and the last surviving general officer: mem. ist, 2d, 5th, 6th and 7th Congresses; U.S. senator, 1801-10; Ft. Sumter, in Charleston Harbor, named for him; m Mrs. (Cantey) Jamison (d 1818); 3-Thomas (1768-1840), U.S. minister to Brazil; m Natalie DeLage. 2-Son of Sebastian D’Amblemont Sumter (1820- 1909), planter; vet. Mexican and Civil wars: m 1849, Mary Butler Waties; issue: I—-Anna W. (b and d 1850); II—Elizabeth (d infancy); III—Thomas_ Sebastian (above): IV—Waties (1853-54); V—Frank (1855-61); VI-William Wal- lace (1857-1922); VII-John Rutledge (b 1860; m Mary Waties Rees, 1863-1924). III-m Feb. 3, 1876, Catherine Waties Rees, 0 Stateburg, S.C., Feb. 12, 1854; dau. of W. W. Rees, of Stateburg; issue: 1-Frances Caro- line, 6 Stateburg, S.C., Jan. 14, 1877; m Aug. 10, 1905, Henry Lampley Tisdale (issue: Henry L., Jr., 6b 19096; Thomas Sumter, b 1909: Fran- ces Caroline, b 1912; Catherine Rees, b 1915: Harriet, b 1920); 2-Thomas Sebastian, Jr: (Sept. 26, 1879-1900); 3-Catherine Rees, 6 Stateburg, Sept. 30, 1881; m Feb. 12, 1907, Josenh Herbert Haynesworth (issue: Herbert, b 1908; Waties Rees, 6 1918; George Edward, b 1922): 4-Mary Butler (Sept. 2, 1883-Aug. 15, 1888); 5-Natalie De Lage (Oct. 1, 1886-Nov. 20, 1890); 6-Pauljne Bea- trice, b Feb. 24, 1890; m June 6, 1922, Fred Fol- ger Converse, Jr. (issue: Fred F., ITI, b 1924). Residence: 225 N. Salem St., Sumter, S.C. N.H. Legislature; m 1-SUTTON, Belle Stout (Mrs. Albert N.). 8-Richard Stout (qv); 7—Jonathan (1665-1728), settled in Hunterdon Co; now Hopewell, N.J.; clk. first Colonial Con- gress of N.J.; m 1695, Annah Bollen (Jamess); 6—-David (b 1706), capt. provincial forces: m 1726, Elizabeth Larrison; 5-Jonathan (1727-98), m Rachel (Thomas*; Thomas’; Edwards); 4—Moses (1768-1844), m Phoebe Eddy (1772-1826) : 38—David- (1795-1858), m Electa Simpson (b 1800; Alexander!, Am. Rev.; John®, Am. Rey.). 5-John Thomas (d 1793), patriot in Am. Rev.; m Mrs. Leonard Taylor: 4—-Leonard Taylor, m Nancy Beard; 3—Ann Chilton (1792-1853), m Henry Crane. 2—Dau. of Capt. Atlas Lacock Stout (1822-98), m Virginia Chilton Thomas Crane (1828-1918); is- sue: JI-Irene; II—David A. (d): III—Belle (above); IV—Anne V. (m Daniel Linn Gooch); V—-Clara BE. (d; m Melville Wait van Sant). IiI-m Albert Nelson (d), son of Judge William H. Sutton. Mem. D.A.R. Residence: 324 W. 2d St., Dayton, O. 1-SWITZLER, Royall Hill, 6 Columbia, Mo., Aug. 5, 1876. %-Joseph Royall (1600-58), from Eng. in the “Charitie,” to Jamestown, Va., 1622; m 3d, ca, 1645, Katherine Banks; 8-Capt. Joseph (1646-1732), m before 1681/82, Mary Eppes (Col. Francis*®, m Elizabeth [lLittle- berry] Worsham); 7—William (1688-1747), m Sarah Povall; 6—John (1720-66), m Susanna Bates; 5-William, m Elizabeth Bedford; 4-John Bedford, capt. Halifax Horse in War 1812; m Pamela Williamson Price; 3—-Mary Jane, m William F. Switzler. 2-Son of Irvin Switzler, retired; m Ellen Run- yan; issue: I-Clifford Tracy (m Rose Brant): II—Royall H. (above); Il1I—-William F. (m Maud Biddle). II—m Feb. 15, 1911, Grace, dau. of Edward A. Bayrd, of St. Louis, Mo.; issue: 1—Elizabeth, b St. Louis, Mo., May 24, 1912; 2-Jane, b St. Louis, Apr. 27, 1914. A.B., U. Mo., ’98 (Phi Delta Theta), A.M., 1899 (Phi Beta Kappa). Gen. megr., St. Louis Refrig- erating & Cold Storage: Co. Second It., 5th Mo. Vol. Inf., Spanish-Am. War. Mem. S.R. Clubs: University, Bellerive, Noonday, Round Table. Residence: 285 Westgate Av., St. Louis, Mo. 1-TAEBB, Warner Lewis, ) Gloucester Co., Va., Dec. 2, 1877. 9-Humphrey Tabb, m Joanna-; 8-Thomas, m Martha-; 7—John (b 1676), m Martha Hand; 6—-Edward (1719-82), m Lucy Todd (1721-91); See (1750-1822), m Mary Mason Wythe (1751- 4—-John (1784-1860), m Evelina Matilda Prosser; 3-Dr. John Prosser (1822-84), of Gloucester Co., Va.; m 1844, Rebecca Lloyd. 9-Col. Richard Lee (qv); 8-Col. Richard (1647-1711), councillor, burgess; m Laetitia Corbin (1657-1706; Henry®); 7-Lt. Col. Henry (ca. 1691-1747), m Mary Bland (1704-64; Col. Richard’, of Jordan); 6-Lt. Col. Henry (1729-87), of ‘““Leesylvania’”’; jus- tice, burgess, senator; m 1750, Lucy Grymes (‘the Lowland Beauty”; Charles’); 5-Edmund Jennings (1772-1843), m Sarah lee (Richard Henry‘); 4-Anna Harriotte (1799-1863), m 1820, John Lloyd (1775-1854) ; 38-Rebceca (1824-73), m Dr. John Prosser Tabb (3 above). 2-Son of John Lloyd Tabb (b 1852), m 1877, Susan Selden (6 1852); issue: I-Warner Lewis (above); II—Maud (0 1883; m Robert Barry Fisher); III— Dr. John Lloyd, Jr. (b 1892). I—m Jan. 7, 1908, Minnie Griffith Weedon, b Oct. 5, 1883; dau. of James Catesby Weedon (James H.’, m Eleanor Giddings; John C.4; Augustine®; Augustine®; John, Sr.7, from Eng. to West- moreland Co., Va.), m Mary Elizabeth Griffith; issue: 1—Mildred Warner, b Baltimore, Md., May 238, 1905; 2-Warner Lewis, Jr., } Rich- mond, Va., Oct. 17, 1913. Residence: High Point, N.C. Burrowes 228 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 1-TALMADGE, May Erwin (Mrs. Julius Y.), b Rhea Springs, Tenn., Feb. 26, 1885. 7—-Nathaniel (Irwin) Erwin (qv); 6—-Arthur (1736-91), m Margaret Brandon; 5-Col. John (1768-1824), m his first cousin, Cath- erine Erwin (1771-1820; Col. Alexander®, m Sarah Ann Robinson); 4-James_ §S. (1791-1859), m 1809, Elizabeth Robb (1792-1859) ; 3-John Askew (1824-83), m 1848, Jane Hooper (1829- 59; John’, m Sarah A., dau. of Word; Mat- thew®, m Elizabeth, dau. of Charles Word). 8-John Campbell (6 1674), of royal descent; from Ireland to Lancaster Co., Pa., 1726; mem. Pro- vincial Council of Pa.; removed to Fincastle Co., Va., ca. 1730; m 1695, Grissell Hay (Pat- rick®); 7—David (1706-90), m.1735, Mary Hamilton (1716- 1801) ; 6-David (1750-1812), maj. Am. Rev.; settled in Tenn., where he was the first federal judge and one of first two justices of Supreme Ct. of Tenn.; m Elizabeth Outlaw (1767-1821); 5-Thomas Jefferson (1793-1850), mem. 27th Con- gress, 1841-43, and clk. Nat. Ho. of Rep., 30th and 38lst Congresses; m 1817, Sarah Bearden (1796-1852) ; 4—Ann (1821-39), m 1836, Euclid Waterhouse (1819- 1884) ; 3-Sallie (1837-1916), m 1856, Charles Mills (1826-80). 2-Dau. of Harry Johnson Erwin (b 1856), of Sig- nal Mountain, Tenn.; m 1881, Mary Mills; issue: I-J. Hooper; II—May (above). II-—m Oct. 18, 1905, Julius Young Talmadge, b Athens, Ga., Apr. 14, 1880; son of Maj. John EK. Talmadge, of Athens, m Elizabeth Dorsey; issue: 1-Harry Erwin, b Athens, Ga., Feb. 18, 1907; U. Ga. Mem, C.DsAy MDA. C2 0:6, DB Raw DoAc Raacstate regent of Ga. D.A.R., 1925, v.p. gen., 1926-27), U.S.D. 1812, U.D.C. Residence: Athens, Ga. 1-TAPLEY, Charles Sutherland, } Tapleyville (Danvers), Mass., May 16, 1899. 9-Gilbert Tapley (b 1632), from Eng. to Salem, Mass.; m Thomasine-; 8—-Gilbert (1665-1710), m Lydia Small; 7—Joseph (1691-ca. 1740), m 1712, Margaret Masury; 6—Gilbert (1722-1806), officer Am. Rev.; m Phebe Putnam; 5—Asa (1761-1836), pvt. Am. Rev.; m 17838, Elizabeth Smith (1764-1834); 4-Daniel, m Sally Nourse; 3—Charles (6 1830), shoe mfr., later ins. broker; m Mary Allen Underwood. li—Francis Cooke (qv); 10-—Mary (1626-1714), m 1645, Lt. John Thompson (1616-96), from Wales; 9Mary (b 1650), m 1672, Capt. Thomas Taber; 8-Abigail, m Ebenezer Taber; 7—Paul (b 1716), m 1739, Sarah Cundall; Peg pei (d 1800), m Recompense Gifford (d Ve 5-John (1758-1834), m 1777, Isabel Milk (1753-1846) ; 4—Rebecca M. (1795-1863), m 1828, John Farrient Underwood (1791-1874), whaler, New Bedford, Mass. ; 3—-Mary Allen (1831-1902}, m Charles Tapley (3 above). 2-Only child of Charles Ralph Tapley (b 1870), head of C. R. Tapley & Co., ins. brokers, Bos- ton; m Lillie, dau. of John Donald Sutherland. Not married. Dartmouth, 722, Insurance broker; writer. Curator Danvers Hist. Soc. Clubs: Dartmouth, Essex. Residence: 26 Washington St. (Tapleyville), Danvers, Mass. 1-TAYLOR, W(illiam) G(eorge) Langworthy, 6b N. Y. City, May 138, 1859. 7-Rev. Edward Taylor (1642-1729), from Eng. to Westfield, Mass., ca. 1669; A.B., Harvard, 1671; m 2d, Ruth Wyllys (g.dau. Gov. John Haynes, av); 6—Eldad (1708-77), m 2d, Thankful Day; 5-Eldad (1783-96), mem. Provincial Congress and 1052" Council; m Edith (Esther?) Dewey (d 4—John (1760-1847), Sutherland, Vt.; minute man at battle of Bennington; m Tryphena Smith (d 1844); 3-Brimage (1796-1867), m Miriam Taplin, 1796-1879 (related to Major Taplin, French and Indian War). 7-Robert Langworthy (b bet. 1675-90), m Mary Brownell; 6—Thomas (1704-77), moved to Stonington, Conn., 1721; m 1726, Content Sandford (1709-1814, aet. 105) ; 5-John (1742-1826), drummer in Cont. Army; m 1772, Altana Babcock (1755-1840; g.g.dau. of Capt. James Avery, 0 Eng, 1620, monument nr. New London, Conn.); 4—John (1776-1856), m 1798, Sally Pendleton (1777- 1851; Capt. Nathan’, m Amelia Babcock); 3-John Avery (1799-1894), m 1st, 1825, Elisa Lewis (d 1860, aet. 54; Dea. Daniel+, of Hopkinton, R.1., m Sarah Northrup). 2-Son of Dr. George Henry Taylor (1821-96), M.D., N.Y. Med. Coll., 1852; M.A., U. of Vt., dis- tinguished physician and author; introduced Swedish massage, 1858; m 1856, Sarah Blizabeth Langworthy (1828-1906); issue: I—William George Langworthy (above); II—Franklin Langworthy (1862-64); III-Sarah Eliza (1865- ayo IV—-Flora Mabel (1872-97; A.B., Vassar, I-m June 21, 1894, Frances Chamberlain Brown, b St. Louis, Mo., June 26, 1861; A.B., Smith, 82, A.M., 1885; desc. Peter Brown of the May- flower; dau. of late Maj. Charles Ferdinand Brown, U.S.V. (killed in Battle of Champion’s Hill, 1863), m Dolly Parker Brown (who m 2d, Henry Miner); issue: 1-Edward Langworthy, b Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 1, 1899; Harvard, ’22. A.B., Harvard, ’80, LL.B., 1888; (LL.D., U. Neb., 1915)... Emeritus prof. economics, U. Neb. Hobby: Equitation; owner of Shibam (Ara- bian nat. stud book 125), from the herd of 26 Arabian horses imported by Homer Daven- port, 19096. Summer place: “Owaissa Lodge,” Estes Park, Colo. Residence: 435 N. 25th St., Lincoln, Neb. 1-TAYLOR, William Harold, 6 Malden, Mass., Oct. 21, 1879. 9-William Taylor (1618-96), from Eng. in the “True Love,’’ 1635; settled at Concord, Mass., ca. 1688/39; m Mary Merriam (d 1696; Joseph?®); 8-Abraham (1656-1729), m Mary Whitaker (1661/62- 1756; John’); 7-Abraham (6 1682), m 1st, Sarah Pellet (b 1685; Thomas’) ; 6-Dea. Samuel (1708-92), m Susannah Perham (1714-98; Joseph’?; John’; John); 5—Oliver (1746-1823), m 1st, Bridget Blodget (1746- 94; Josiah®; William’; Daniel®; Thomas’); 4—Cyrus (1785-1859), m Rhoda Estabrooks (called Brooks; 1783-1862; Benjamin5; Thomas*; Thom- as?; Thomas’); 3-Cyrus William (1807-1890), m Margaret May Armstrong, from Belfast, Ireland. 8-Nicholas Jackson (d 1697), settled at Rowley, Mass., 1645; m 1st, Sarah Riley; 7-Caleb (1652-1718), Elizabeth Howe James’); 6-Caleb (1687-172-), m Mary Averill (William’; William§’; Nicholas’); ; 5-Dr. James (1721-1791), m Mary Scripture (John*; Samuel’; Samuel’); 4—Daniel, m Abigail Merrill (Thomas®; Thomasé; John’; John’; Nathaniel®; Nathaniel”); 3-Rev. William C. (1808-9), missionary; m Mary Almira Sawyer (1815-98; Jacobt; Jonathan'; William®; William’; William). 2-Son of James Brainerd Taylor (b 1845, A.B., Harvard, ’67; grad. Andover Theol. Sem., 1871; educator; m 1872, Julia Sawyer Jackson (1844- 1916); issue: I—Brainerd (b 1877; col. U.S.A.; m Vesta E. Richardson; m 2d, Helen Cady); II— te a Harold (above); IlI—Harriet May (b II-Not married. A.B., Harvard, ’01. Master of modern languages, Middlesex School, since 1901, and acting headmaster, 1908-09 and 1915-18, and since senior master. Mem. N.E. Hist. Geneal. Soc. Clubs: Harvard (Boston and New York), Concord Country. Residence: Con- cord, Mass. itp Robert James, b St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 8-Thomas Te (qv); 7—-Daniel (1650-1706), m 1671, Sarah—; 6—James (1699-1753), m 1728, Mary Corwin; 5-Henry (1738-1812), Riverhead, N.Y.; signed As- sociation Test; m 1st, Abigail Youngs; 2d, Margaret—; m 3d, Jane Sanford; 4-Samuel (1770-1827), pioneer in western N.Y. (Covert); capt. War 1812; m 1791, Irana McCluer (James); (Jamess; FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 229 3—James (1794-1859), Covert, N.Y.; m Anor Hop- kins (g. dau. of Solomon Hopkins, of Putnam Corsi N: Y.): 10-Christopher Todd (qv); 9-Samuel (1645-1714), m 1668, Mary Bradley; 8-Samuel (1672-1741), m 1st, 1698, Susannah Tuttle; m 2d, 1739, Esther Maltby; 7-Stephen (1702-1772), Wallingford, Conn.; m 1726, Lydia Ives; 6—Stephen (b 1735), physician; m Rachel Johnson; 5-Jehiel (1761-1843) Wallingford, Conn., and Todd- ville, N.Y.; minute man in Am. Rev.; m 1781, Hannah Street; 4—-Ira (1783-1869), m 1st, 1806, Sally Hinman; m 24d, 1840, Catherine Almy; 3-Albert (1813-35), of Toddville, N.Y., later St. Louis, Mo.; Yale, ’36; lawyer; m 1st, 1842, Jane Wilson (Gould‘, of Little Falls, N.Y.); m 2d, 1854, Mary C. Johnson. 2-Son of Judge John Henry Terry (1835-1916), capt., 137th N.Y.V., Army of the Potomac; to St. Louis, 1865; lawyer; real estate; asst. U.S. atty.; Mo. Legislature; m 1868, Elizabeth Helen Todd (1843-88); m 2d, 1891, Vashti (Boardman) Pearsall; issue (Ist marriage): I—Albert Todd (b 1869; m Bessie D. Whitelaw); II—Robert James (above); IIlI—John Hopkins (b 1873; m Ist, Frances Hoblitzelle; m 2d, Lucy Dubose); IV—Howard Leslie (b 1877; m Alice Taylor). IIl-m Nov. 24, 1897, Grace Vernon Speck, 0b St Louis, Feb. 20, 1872; dau. of Judge Charles Speck (Kaiserwerth, -Germ.), m Anne (News- ham) Speck (b Preston, Eng.), of St. Louis. Mo.; issue: 1—Celeste Speck, b St. Louis, Mo., July 28, 1901; Smith, ’23; 2-Robert Todd, BD St. Louis, June 14, 1905; Yale, ’28; 3-Charles Speck, b Boston, Mass., Feb. 4, 1907. Cornell, ‘94 (Zeta Psi); M.D., Mo. Med. Coll.. 1895; A.B., Washington U., 01; Edinburgh, 1898. Freiburg, 1903; Harvard, 1906-07. Prof. anat- omy, Washington U., St. Louis. Was dean of Officers Sch. of Surgery, estab. by Surg. Gen.., St. Louis, during World War. Clubs: Univer- sity, Town and Gown, St. Louis Naturalists. Garden. Summer place: “Terry Hut,” Cres- cent, Mo. Residence: 5575 Waterman Av., St. Louis, Mo. 1-THAYER, John Atkinson, Charleston, W.Va., Aug. 11, 1878. 8-Richard Thayer (qv); 7-Richard (1625-95), Braintree and Boston; m 1650/51, Dorothy Pray (d 1705); 6-Nathaniel (1658-1728), m Hannah Heydon; 5-Zachariah (b 1682), m Lydia Pray; 4—Capt. Abel (1741-1805), commanded a company of minute men at Battle of Lexington; m Rachel Fenner; 3—Job, m 1817, Fanny Taylor. 4-Benjamin Franklin Atkinson, m Lexington, Ky., 1811, Henrietta Hester Cape; 3-John Cape, m 1832, Susan Bright Fleming. 2-Son of William Taylor Thayer (1831-1901), coal operator and capitalist; m 1863, Ann Eliza At- kinson (0 1841); issue: I-William Taylor, Jr. (b 1866); II-Mary A. (b 1869); I1I—John Atkinson (above). III-m Dee. 11, 1901, Katharine McHenry Reinhart, b Sewickley, Pa., Nov. 29, 1878; dau. of Joseph W. Reinhart, pres, A.,T.&S.F.R.R., 1893-94, m Lizzie Taylor Allison; issue: 1-Mary Elizabeth, b Plainfield, N.J., Nov. 5, 1902; 2-Josephine Reinhart, 6 Charleston, W.Va., Jan. 7, 1903: 3— Katharine Ann, and 4-William Taylor, III (twins), b Charleston, Aug. 8, 1915, Swarthmore, ’93 (Kappa Sigma); LL.B., Harvard, 1894. Attorney-at-law and U.S. commissioner. First lt., 4th U.S.V. Inf., Army of Cuban Occu- pation, 1898. Congressional Medal. Mem. S.R., U.S.W.V. Clubs: Harvard (N.Y.), Edgewooa Country (Charleston). Summer places: ‘“Kana- wha Farm,” Greenbrier Co., W.Va., and White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. Residence: Edgewood Country Club, Charleston, W.Va. 1-THOMAS, (Charles) Sewell, }) Denver, Colo., Feb. 24, 1884, 7-John (Mallet) Mallett (1673-1745), Huguenot; fled from France after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes and came first to S.C.; after one or two voyages bet. Eng. and America he came to New Rochelle, N.Y., and finally settled at Fairfield, Conn., ca. 1700; m 2d, 1695, Johannah Lyon (1663-1764); 6—David (1701-77), Tashua, Conn.; m Esther Ange- vine (1711-87), of New Rochelle, N.Y.; 5—-David (1735-1822), Tashua, Conn.; m 2d, Bethia Bennett (1749-88; Gideon®); 4-Huldah (bap. 17838-1834), m 1807, Amos Hawley Wheeler (d 1841), B.A., Yale, 1804; of Bridgeport, Conn. ; 38-Caroline Baldwin (1815-66), m as his 2d wife, William Bouticon Thomas (1798-1855), removed from New Haven, Conn., to Ga., 1845, where he was a planter. 2-Son of Charles Spalding Thomas (6 1848), gov. of Colo., 1899-1901; U.S. senator, 1913-21 (See Who’s Who in America); m 1873, Emma Fletcher (b 1852), dau. of Thomas Fletcher, from Eng. to Middleport, N.Y., 1819; issue: I-Helen (b 1875; m William Peabody Malburn); II-Edith M. (b 1883); III—Charles Sewell (above); I1V—Hubert Fletcher (b 1885; m Shelby Paxton); V—George K. (6 1891; m Ellen Gaylord). IiI—m Apr. 10, 1912, Marie L. Wade, b St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 17, 1886; dau. of Festus John Wade, of St. Louis (See Who’s Who in America). EK.M., Columbia, ’06 (Tau Beta Pi). Consulting and contracting engr. Clubs: Denver, Univer- sity, Cherry Hills Country, Denver Country, Cactus. Residence: 380 Gilpin St., Denver, Colo. 1-THOMAS, Mary Ella Lewis Thomas (Mrs. T. Rowland), b St. Mary’s City, Md.; May 7, 1879. 8-Thomas Thomas, from Eng. with his wife, Elizabeth, son James, and two servants, to Md., 1651; warranted large tract on north side of Patuxent River, near Buzzard Island; was high commr. of Provincial Ct.; 7—-James (before 1651-ca. 1701), m Tertia-—; 6—John (1682-ca. 1756); 5-William (1714-95), capt. and major co. militia; mem. Com. Correspondence; del. Revolution- ary Conv.; mem. Md. House of Delegates and Gen. Assembly; m Elizabeth Reeves (their son John was col. Cont. Army); 4—William (1758-1813), officer in Am. Rev.; chief judge St. Mary’s Co.; member Assembly, and pres. Senate; m Catherine Brooke Boarman (heiress of “De La Brooke”; dese. Col. Baker Brooke, m Anne, dau. Leonard Calvert, 1st gov. of Md., and of Robert Brooke, of De La Brooke Manor); 3—James, M.D. (1785-1845), maj. and bvt. maj. gen. War 1812; gov. of Md., 1833-35; m 1808, Elizabeth Courtes (1789-1851; Maj. William‘, of Md. Line, Cont. Army, m Elizabeth, dau. of Maj. William Thomas, 5 above). 10-Dr. John Briscoe (b ca. 1590), from Eng. in the “Ark” and the “Dove,” to Md., 1634; m Eliza- beth DuBois; 9-Dr. John, of St. Mary’s Co., Md.; 8—Col. Philip (ca. 1648-ca. 1724), justice Charles Co. Court; m Susanna Swann (Col. Samuel’); 7-—John (1678-ca. 1734), justice Charles Co. Ct.; m twice; 6—John (b 1707), m Mary Hanson (Samuel’, of Charles Co., Md.); 5-Samuel (d ea. 1786), m Ann Dent (William®, of Charles Co., m Ann Warren); 4—-William Dent (d 1808), m Sarah Stone (Samuel’, m Ann Hanson); 3-Walter Hanson Stone (1800-85), m 1826, Emeline Wellmore Dallam (John‘4, of Harford Co., Md.). 2-Dau. of James Richard Thomas _ (1826-85), planter, St. Mary’s Co., Md.; m 1854, Jeannette Eleanor Briscoe (1837-81); issue: I-James Wal- ter (b 1855; m Susan McLain Smith; m 2d, Sarah Romer Averett); II-Eliza Emeline (d; m James Thomas Brome); III—Annie Elizabeth (m John G. H. Lilburn); [V—Jeannette Briscoe (m James Bourne Parran); V—Henry Briscoe, M.D. (1864- 1922; m Helen Carey Coale); VI-—Waring (m Margaret Creamer); VII—Nannie (6 and d 1869); VIlII-Mary Ella Lewis (above). VIII-m June 10, 1902, Thomas Rowland Thomas (See Vol. 1, p. 855). Mem. Soc. Ark and the Dove, C.D.A., D.A.R. Residence: 1118 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. 1-THOMAS, William Sturgis, } Poughkeepsie, NEY Octal Is7i 9-William Thomas (qv); 8-Nathaniel (1605-74), m Mary-; 7—Nathaniel (1643-1718), m 1663, Deborah Jacobs (1643-96) ; 6—William (1671-1746), m 1717, Anna (Padishal]l) Breck (6 1678); 230 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM 5-William (1718-1802), m 1750, Merey (Bridgham) Logan (1704-64) ; 4—John, M.D. (1758-1818), surgeon 3d Regt., Mass. Cont. Inf.; mem. N.Y. Assembly; an original mem. Soc. Cin.; m Gertrude Fonda; 3-Rev. William Barber (1798-1876), m 1830, Jane | Paterson Livingston (1800-70). 9-“Mother” Phinney (6 Eng., 1570, d Plymouth, Mass., 1650); 8-John, m Christiana— (d 1649); 7—John (6 1638), m 1664, Mary Rogers; 6-Benjamin (b 1682), m 1709, Martha Crocker (b 1689) ; 5—Zaccheus (b 1720), m Susannah Davis; 4-Dea. Timothy (1746-1838), m Temperance-; 38-Sturgis, M.D. (1789-1841), M.D., Harvard, 1814; m 1816, Alles Tobey. 9-John Alden (qv); 8—David, m Mary (Mercy?) Southworth; 7—Alice, m 1706, Judah Paddock; 6—Rebecca, m Thomas Spooner; 5—Alice, m Paul Ingraham; 4—Rebecca, m Lewis Tobey; 3-Alles, m Dr. Sturgis Phinney (3 above). 2-Only child of Henry Livingston Thomas (1835- 1903), chief of Bur. of Translations of State ade m Alice Rebecca (Phinney) James (1831- 1897). M Apr. 25, 1905, Emma Rheinfrank, b N.Y. City, 1871; dau. of John Rheinfrank; issue: 1-Cath- erine Livingston, b N.Y. City, July 1, 1906; 2— William Stephen, b N.Y. City, Sept. 5, 1909. M.D., George Washington U., 1892. Asst. sur- geon, U.S.N., Spanish War, 1898: med. officer with rank of It., M.C., U.S.N.R.F., transport duty to France, World War. Attending physi- cian, St. Luke’s Hosp.; consulting physician, New York Home for Convalescents. Mem. §.C. (v.p. N.Y. soc.), S.R., N.Y., Dutchess Co. and Putnam Co. hist. socs., A.M.A., A.A.A.S., Am. Geog. Soc. (life), Am. Mus. Natural History (life), Anglers’ Club, etc. Residence: 240 W. 71st St., New York. 1-THORNE, Elinor Harriett Ingersoll (Mrs. Frank A.), b Oberlin, O., Aug. 19, 1862, ll-Elder William Brewster (qv); oneal Dales (ca. 1600-1634), m Gov. Thomas Prence av); 9-Mercy, m 1649/50, Maj. John Freeman (1622-1719; Edmund?*, qv); 8-Thomas (6 1653), m 1673, Rebecca Sparrow (John?) ; 7—-Mercy (1674-1747), m 1693, Paul Sears (1669-1739/40; Paul8; Richard, qv); 6—-Rebecca, m 1719, Joseph Hall; 5-Hannah (1726-90), m 1745, Nathaniel Bassett (1719- 1814), soldier Am. Rev.; 4—Ansel (1768-1837), m 1793, Hannah Dimmock; 8-Semantha (1805-82), m 1823, William Ingersoll (1801-73). : 2-Dau. of Ansel Bassett Ingersoll (1887-97), m 1859, Miranda Sylvia Reed (1839-98); issue: I-Elinor Harriett (above); IlI-Edward Reed (1865-1925: m Anna Elizabeth Rexford); IlI-Frank Bassett (b 1866; m Joshena Stone Mekeel). I-m Oct. 29, 1901, Dr. Frank Arthur Thorne (July 30, 1860-Nov. 26, 1904); son of Isaac N. Thorne, of Brattleboro, Vt. Mem. S.M.D., D.A.R. Residence: 321 Malden AV., Seattle, Wash. 1-THOMPSON, James Westfall, b Pella,: Ia.. June 8, 1869. 5-John (Thomson) Thompson (1730-78), from Scot- land to Hunterdon Co., N.J., moved to Shemo- ken on the West Susquehanna, 1776; soldier Cont. Army, killed and scalped by Tories and Indians near Cherry Valley, m Judith Bodine (1735-96; John®, settled in N.J.; Jean’, Huguenot, settled on Staten Island, d 1695) ; 4—John (1772-1847), began to write name Thomp- son; farmer, Hunterdon Co., N.J.; justice: county judge; m 2d, Elizabeth Morehead (John*, Am. Rey.; John’, French and Indian War); 3—Joseph (1809-94), farmer: county judge in both eenben dot and Somerset cos., N.J.; m Ann ost. 2-Son of Rev. Abraham Thompson (1833-86), oN Bs Rutgers, ’57; Ref. Ch. minister; m Anna West- OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY fall (Rev. Simon V. E.* [1802-56], A.B., Rutgers, “31, desc. Juriaen Westvaal, from Holland, set- tled at Rensselaerwyck, 1642, later at Esopus, N.Y.), m Eleanor Van Der Veer (dese. Pieter Corneliszen Van Der Veer, settled at Albany, N.Y., ante 1663); issue: I-Maurice J. (1867-1914); Ji-James Westfall (above); I1I—John Henry (0 1873). Ii-m Aug. 15, 1911, Martha, dau. of Franklin Landers, of Indianapolis, Ind., mem. 44th Con- gress. A.B., Rutgers, ’92 (Litt.D., 1922); Ph.D., U. Chi- cago, 1895; studied abroad. Mem. faculty since 189, prof. mediaeval history since 1913, U. Chi- cago. Author (See Who’s Who in America), Residence: 5718 Dorchester Ay., Chicago, I1l. 1-THOMPSON, Josiah Van Kirk, ) Menallen T'p.; Fayette Co., Pa., Feb. 15, 1854. 6-John Thompson (1695-1783), from Ireland to Lancaster Co., Pa., ca. 1733; m Mary Wilson (Robert); 5—-Thomas (1721-82), m Martha Finley (Michael); 4-William (d 1790), soldier throughout Am. Rev.; m Mary Jack (John®; James*; Patrick’); 3-Andrew Finley (1790-1825), War 1812; m Leah Markle (Casper'; Christian‘). harbor (Carruthers) Caruthers (d Scotland, 1 ; 6—Robert (1668-173—-), from Scotland to Ireland; 5—John (1698-1761), began to write name Caruthers; from Ireland to America, bet. 1730-40; settled in Cumberland Co., Pa.; m Mary Orr, of North of Ireland; 4-James (1744-1802), Pa. pvt. in Am. Rev.; m Cath- Wary Potter (Lt. John®, French and Indian ar): 3-Samuel (1780-1849), m Ruth Elliott (Capt. Wil- liam‘, Am. Rey.). 2-Son of Jasper Markle Thompson (1822-89), pres. First Nat. Bank, Uniontown, Pa., 19 yrs.; col- lector of internal revenue; m 1846, Eliza Caruthers (1821-97); issue: I-Ruth A. (6 1847; m Dr. Joseph Taylor Shepler); II—Lenora (6 1849; m John Albert Niccolls); I1I—William Milton (b 1851); IV—Josiah Van Kirk (above). IV—m Dec. 11, 1879, Mary Anderson (d Aug. 8, 1896); dau. of John Anderson, of Geneseo, Ill, (Wil- liam*; Gilbert‘, from Ireland to Lancaster Co. Pa.); issue: 1-Andrew Anderson, b Uniontown, Pa., Oct. 25, 1880; Washington and Jefferson, 01; m June 1908, Lida, dau. of Daniel Grimm, of Franklin, Pa. (issue: Mary Redburn, b 1913; Josiah V., b 1915; Caroline Frederika, } 1916; Evelyn Louise, b 1918; Andrew A., b 1922; Gil- bert Markle, b 1924); 2-John Redburn, b Union- town, Oct. 6, 1882; Cornell U.; m May 28, 1919, Gertrude Rush, dau. of Lawrence A. Burns. M 2d, Aug. 11, 1903, Mrs. Blanche A. (Gardner) Hawes (d Aug. 1919). B.S., Washington and Jefferson, ’71. With First Nat. Bank, Uniontown, Pa., 1871-1915, as cashier, 1877-89, and pres., 1889-1915; dealer in coal lands. Trustee Washington and Jefferson Coll. since 1889. Mem. N.E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Pa. Soc. Clubs: Hampshire (Wheeling, W.Va.), Laurel, Uniontown Country. Summer places: Friend- ship Hill, nr. New Geneva, Pa., and “Linger- longer,” nr. Chalk Hill, Pa. Residence: Oak Hitl, Uniontown, Pa. 1-WEAVER, Clifford Selden, b on Spoon River, Ill., Oct. 22, 1874, %-Jacques Cossart (b ca. 1640), from Holland in “The Pumerland Church,” 1662, settled at Bushwick, L.1I.; m Lydia Willems; 8-David (b 1671), m 1696, Styntje Joris; 7-Joris (b 1699); 6—Jane (b 1733), m 1753, William Weaver (1730-77), from Eng. to N.Y. City; soldier Am. Rev.: eee Tilman (6b 1755), soldier Va. regt. in Am. eV.; 4—BPlias (b 1779), m 1804, Katrinka Montgomery (hb 1784; ee John® [6 1756], of Washington’s body- guard); | 3—Dolphin (1806-89), m 1845, Sarah Smith (1810-60). 6—Rev. Robert Henry (qv); 5—William (1761-1824), soldier Am. Rev., maj. gen. Ky. vols. in War 1812, mem. Ky. Senate; m Hlizabeth Julia Flournoy; 4d-Rebecca, m 1805, Michael France ( 1784); 3—Susannah, m 1837, Samuel Farr (b 1816). 2-Son of Rev. Thomas F. Weaver (b 1849), min- ister Disciples of Christ; m 1873, Martha Farr (b 1851); issue: I-Clifford Selden (above): TI— Martha Pearle (m W. Perry Claypoole); III— FIRST FAMILIES OF Zella Mandora (m Rev. T. E. P. Woods); IV— Roxy Islea (m Henry Ellwood). I—m May 22, 1899, Gustine Courson (qv). A.B., A.M., Eureka (Ill.) Coll., ’00; post grad. work, Columbia U.; Union Theol. Sem.; studied in Europe, 1922. Ordained minister of Dis- ciples of Christ, 1900; missionary to Japan. 1900-07; chancellor, Tex. Christian U., 1915-19, Transylvania Coll., 1919-20. Mem. bd. mers United Christian Missionary Soc.; exec. com. Internat. Conv. of Disciples of Christ, ete. Mem. S.A.R. Residence: McKinney, Tex. 1-WEAVER, Gustine Courson (Mrs. Clifford S.), b Abingdon, Ill., Dec. 15, 1873. 9—-Peter Courson (qv); 8—Cornelius (d 1657), m ca. 1640, Tryntje Hendricks; 7-Capt. Cornelius (1645-93), m 1666, Maretje Jacobse Van Der Grift; cee a settled in Bucks Co., Pa., 1726; m e — Eeobenelits (b 1725), m Charity—; 4—Cornelius (6 1775), m Margaret Robinson (0 1785); 3—John (1807-58), m 1827, Hannah Gustine. 9-Lion Gardiner (qv); 8-David (1636-89), first child of English parents to be born in Conn.; m 1657, Mrs. Mary Lering- man; 7—David, m Martha Youngs; 6—Patience, m Amos Augustine (Samuel’, m Abi- gail Shaw; Jean’, m Elizabeth, dau. of John Browne, m Esther, dau. of Thomas Makepeace); 5-William; 4-James, began to write name Gustine; m 1797, Sarah Palm (6b 1780; Dr. John G.® [6b 1741], in Am. Rev., m Barbara Bettleyone; Dr. John® [6b 1718], in Am. Rev., m Dorothea Kern; Matthias‘, m Sibylla-—); 3-Hannah (1806-83), m John Courson (3 above). 2-Dau. of John Gustine Courson (1841-1922), stock raiser and farmer; m 1866, Sarah Boydston (18438-1920) ; issue: I-Olive Courson (6 1870; m Dr. G. David Lockie, qv); II—Gustine (above). II—-m May 22, 1899, Rev. Clifford Selden Weaver (qv). A.B., Eureka (I11.) Coll., ’00.. Writer of children’s stories and for religious press. Mem. S.M.D., H.S.A., D.A.R.; pres. Council of Ministers’ Wives of Disciples of Christ; mem. II1. Woman’s Press Assn., Poetry Soc. of Tex.. Owl Club, etc. Summer place: “Sunny Crest,” Evergreen, Colo. Residence: “The Manse,” McKinney, Tex. 1-WHISENHUNT, Neal Smith, Ala., Jan. 28, 1876. 9-William Armistead (bap. 1610-ante 1660; son of Anthony, m Frances Thompson), from Deigh- ton Kirk, Yorkshire, Eng., with his wife, Anne, to Va., 1635; a patentee of Elizabeth City Coz; they were ancestors of President William Henry Harrison, President John Tyler, Gov. Stevens Thomson Mason, 1st gov. of Mich., Gen. Thomas Nelson, Am. Rev., and Gen. Robert E. Lee, C.S.A.; 8—Capt. Anthony (1645- -post 1705), burgess, 1693-99; was one of Sir William Berkley’s court mar- tial to try Nathaniel Bacon; m Hannah Elly- son (Dr. Robert®); they were ancestors of President Tyler; 7—Anthony (ante 1700-post 1760), It. col. militia, 1724; burgess, 1720-22; m 2d, Elizabeth Westwood (Worlich’, m Elizabeth Naylor): 6-Anthony, m Mary Tucker (Anthony’, m Rosea-, widow of Joshua Curle); 5—Capt. William (1762-1842), soldier Am. Rev.; set- tled in Ala., 1819; m 2d, Elizabeth Westmore- land (Lewis) Morris (—Lewis'®, of Halifax Co., Va., m Jane Westmoreland), widow of John Morris; 4-Jane Westmoreland (1802-70), m 1821, Neal Smith, M.D. (1784-1868), see portrait (Malcolm); 38-Sarah Louisa (1824-82), m 1842, John B. Savage (d 1865). 2-Son of Louisa Ellen Savage (b 1848), m 1867, Rev John Franklin Whisenhunt (1837-1906), Meth. minister pvt, ©o. “A, sth Alao Int. 'C:ScA. (William Alexander’, m Catherine Stabler); is- sue: I-John Thomas (0b 1868; m Cora Hester); II-Virginia Corinne (b 1870: m William RF. Avery); IIlI—Louisa Alice (1871-1919); IV—Anna Leila (6b 1874; m Rudolph D’Olive); V—Neal Smith (above); VI-—James Savage (b 1877; m Louisa Eagon); VII—Benjamin Franklin (6 1879): VIlII—George Washington (6 1881; m Neita Dahl- b Sugegsville, Arms: AMERICA 231 rmiateae Argent, a chevron gules tasselled at points, between three spear points sable. Crest: A dexter arm in armour embowed holding in the hand the butt end of a broken spear proper. Motto: Suivez Raison. berg); IX—Ida (b 1884; m C. Eugene Barnes); X— Caroline Elizabeth Matilda (b 1885; m Robert B. Batson); XI—Catharine M. (1887-90); XII—Martha J. (6 1889; m Pearly S. McLeod); VIII—Nellie Grace (1891-92). V-—m Nov. 25, 1909, Eula Cockrell, b Houston, Tex., Aug. 2, 1888; dau. of Alexander Grice Cockrell, m 1868, Sarah Callie Kone (Rev. William W.?, m Mary Ann, dau. of Benjamin Abbott, finan- NEAL SMITH, M.D. (1784-1868). Surgeon in War of 1812. Mem. Alabama Senate. 1822-34. 232 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY cier, of Baltimore, capt. War 1812; Daniel); is- sue: 1-Infant son (b and d Feb. 1912). Expert accountant; sec.-treas. Jennings-Hey- wood Oil Syndicate, Jennings, La. Author: The Call of the Wilds and the Farm, 1925. Mem. S.A.R., Nat. Security League. Resi- dence: Jennings, La. topper st G(eorge) David, ) Manteno, IIl., Oct. 24, 1870. li-Rev. Stephen (Bachiler) Batchelder (qv); 10—-Nathaniel (b 1590), m Hester Mercer; I-Nathaniel (ca. 1630-1710), began to write name Batchelder; m 1656, Deborah Smith (d 1676); 8-Stephen (6 1675), m 1698, Mary Dearborn (John; Godfrey”) ; 7-John (6 1699), m Eliza Moulton (6 1699; Josiah’; William’); 6-Nathaniel (b 1726), m 1746, Abigail Philbrick (Nathan’; Thomas’; Samuel; Thomas!; Thomas); 5-Nathaniel, of Portsmouth; with Washington at Valley Forge; 4-Dr. James, m ist, Elizabeth Marston (John‘, mem. ‘Boston Tea Party,” col. Am. Rev.: John*®; Nathaniel’; John’; John®); 3-Nathan (6 1798), of Lyman, N.H.; m 1822, Mary Nelson. 2-Son of Cyntha Batchelder (b 1846), m 1864, George Lockie (1838-1909); issue: I-Thomas Lockie, D.D.S. (0 1865; m Margaret Powell); II— . David (above); III—Marjorie (1875-1918; m Rev. John Orth); IV—Ruth Isabel (1878-94); V— Lester William (b 1884). II—m Jan. 29, 1900, Olive Courson Lockie, 6 Abing- don, Ill., July 11, 1870; mem. S.M.D.; sister of Mrs. Clifford Weaver (qv for genealogy); issue (all 6 Pontiac, I1l.): 1-Ruth Gustine (Nov. 20, 1901-Mar. 18, 1919); 2-John David, b Oct. 11, 1904; 3—Clifford Courson, 6 June 21, 1911. Prep. edn., Hiawatha (Kan.) Acad.; M.D., Coll. Phys. and Surgeons, 1899. Physician. Pvt., Co. C, 2d Ill. Vol. Inf., Spanish-Am. War; hosp. steward, 2d Div., 7th A.C., U.S.A.; It., 6th III. Inf.; 1t., M.C., U.S.A., World War. Mem. S.A.R. (v.p. Ill. soc., 1926-27), N.M.O.S.A.W., V.F.W., eee Residence: 1012 Fayette Av., Springfield, 1-WELCH, Ida Ann Boydstun (Mrs. Edward S.), b near Abingdon, Knox Co., Ill., Feb. 14, 1871. 10-Thoms (Boyistone) Boydstun (b Eng., 1615; son of Thomas), came to America; m Sarah-; 9-Thomas (b 1644), m Mary Gardner; 8-Edward (b 1670), m Mary Dasset; 7-Thomas (6 1701), m Mahulda Box; 6—David (6 1726), m Mehetible Snow; 5-James (ca. 1750-1810-11), wrote name Boidstone; Am. Rev.; m Mary Prewett; 4-Benjamin (1777-1848), m Mary Gardner (1777-1848) ; 3-James (1814-91), wrote name Boydstone; m Nancy Roberson (1817-78). 1i-Stephen Hopkins (qv); 10-Constance (d 1677), m 1627, Nicholas Snow (qv); 9-Lt. Jabez (1643-90), m Elizabeth Smyth; 8-Jabez (1670-1750), m Elizabeth Treat (g.dau. of Gov. Robert Treat, of Conn.); 7—Jabez (b 1696), m Elizabeth Paine (d 1755); 6-Mehetible (6 1731), m David Boylstone (6 above). 7-Richard Duckett (1675-1754), was first clk. and later vestryman of Queen Anne’s Parish, Md.: m 1698/99, Charity Jacob (b 1680; Capt. John’, m Anne Cheney); 6—Richard (1704/05-1788), vestryman Queen Anne’s Parish; justice, and of the Quorum; m 1st, 1729, Mary Nuthall (d 1734); 5-Charity, m Elijah Whitten, Am. Rev.: 4—Josiah (d 1890), m Sarah Rector (1798-1880) ; 3—-Mary Ann (1824-1909), m 18438, George Washing- ton Howard (1822-1909). 2-Dau. of William Samuel Boydstun. (1847-1913), m 1868, Eloine Frances Howard (1852-1924); issue: I-Clarence Edgar (1869-1917; m Emma Lewis Cowles); II-Ida Ann (above); III—Elbert Hugh (1876-77); IV—Charles Terrel (b 1879: m Bessie Hayes); V—Edith Leona (1883-1909; m Herman Donner); VI—Elta (6 1887; m Clifford H. Young); ViI-Hazle Howard (b and d 1893). Il-—m Dec. 24, 1891, Edward Samuel Welch, Bb nr. Williamsville, Ill., Feb. 8, 1869; son of Ebenezer Hillis Welch, of Shenandoah, Ia.; issue: 1-Ger- trude, ® Shenandoah, Ia., Sept. 14, 1892: m June 8, 1916, Earl Earnst May, b Mar. 21, 1888 (issue: Frances Lenore, b Apr. 28, 1917; Edward Welch, b July 28, 1919). Also adopted son: Wayne Nye, b Pueblo, Colo., Jan. 29, 1906; Culver Mil. Acad., ’24. Mem. S.M.D. Residence: Shenandoah, Ia. 1-THURBER, Luman Tenney, } Minneapolis, Minn., May 24, 1889. 10-John Howland (qv); 9—Desire, m John Gorham; she m Hannah (Sturgis) Gray (d@ 1736); 7-Benjamin (1695-1771/72), m ca. 1717, Bethiah Cary; 6—Jabez, m 1758, Abigail Field (0 1730); 5-Maj. Jabez (1760-1802), m 1783, Catharine Tyler (1762-1807) ; 4—Hannah (1784-1833), m 1803, Dexter Thurber; 38—Gorham (1825-88), silver mfr., Providence, R.IL.; m 1848, Lydia Lancaster Herbert (1829-1905). : 10-Samuel Nettleton, from Eng., an original Proek of Branford, Conn., 1644, m Maria— (d 1658) ; 9-John (d 1691), m 1669, Martha Hull (b 1650; Josiah?®) ; 8—Joseph (1671-1767), m 1st, 1712, Hannah Bushnell (1693-1758; Joshua®; Lt. William”; Francis"); 7-Ens. Jeremiah (1718-79), m 1738, Deborah Kelcey (William’; Lt. Daniel®; William”); 6—Jeremiah; 5—Jeremiah; 4—Hiram, m Lavinia Janes (g.dau. Elijah Janes, soldier Am. Rev.); 3-—Gen. Alvred Bayard (1838-1911), bvt. brig. gen. U.S.V. in Civil War; asst. sec. U.S. Treasury, 1890-93; m 1868, Melissa Tenney (1840-1918). 2-Son of Dexter Thurber (See Vol. 1, p. 959, for other lineages), m 1885, Caroline Melissa Net- tleton (See Vol. 1, p. 960). M June 30, 1915, Mona Quayle (qv); issue: 1—Gor- ham Quayle, b July 5, 1916. Brown, ex-’14; S.B., U. Chicago, ’14; grad. work, M.1.T., 1920. Pres. and treas. Better Heating Service Co., Boston. Capt., Air Service, U.S.A., 1917-19; assigned to tech. staff, Air Service Mechanics, 2d Regt., service in France. Resi- dence: 320 Tappan St., Brookline, Mass. 1-THURBER, Mona Quayle (Mrs. Luman T.), b Rowan, Ind., May 21, 18938-d Jan. 13, 1928. 10-Benjamin Harrison (qv); 9-Benjamin (1645-1712), of ‘‘Wakefield-Surrey”; burgess; commr. to Eng.; councilor: m Han- nah-; 8—-Benjamin (1673-1710), of ‘“‘Berkeley’’; atty. gen. and treas. of Va.; speaker House of Burgesses; m Elizabeth Burwell (Lewis’); 7-Col. Benjamin (1693-1745), sheriff of Charles City Co., Va.; burgess; m Anne Carter (Robert “King’’’), among their sons was Benjamin, a “signer”; 6—Carter Henry (1726-99), Cumberland Co., Va.; m Susanna Randolph (Col. Isham’, whose other dau. Jane, m Col. Peter Jefferson, father of Pres. Thomas Jefferson); : 5-Thomas, killed in battle of Tippecanoe, 1811; m Sarah Oliver; 4—Eidith (b 1798), m 1821, Rev. Samuel Hamilton (d 1853, aet. 63; William®, m Susannah-); ‘ 3—Susannah Oliver (1828-1913), m 1849, John Milton Balthis (1827-1920; Maj. John‘, settled on Muskingum River, ca. 1812, m Lenity Morton). 2-Dau. of Fanny Lilah Balthis (0b 1867), m 1891, Rev. Thomas Riley Quayle (b Eng., 1854); issue: I—Mona (above); II—-William Hamilton (0b 1900). M June 30, 1915, Luman Tenney Thurber (qv for issue). 1-TILLSON, George William, ) Thomaston, Me., Dec. 18, 1852. 8-Edmund (Tilson) Tillson (d 1660), from Eng. to Plymouth, Mass., 1638; ; 7-Ephraim (6 1636), m 1666, Elizabeth Hoskins (} 1646) ; 6é—Edmund (6 1667), m 1st, 1691, Elizabeth Water- man (6 1669); 5-John (1692-1729), m 1712, Joanna Dunbar (1692- 1756) ; 4—John (1725-90), m 1751, Merey Stuyvesant (1731- 38—Perez (1765-1852), m 1797, Melinda Fales. ‘ 2-Son of Perez Tilson (1801-69), farmer; m 1825, Ruth W. Sweetland; m 2d, 1833, Martha Saw- yer (d 1845); m 3d, 1847, Harriet Collins (1812-93); issue (2d marriage): I-Ruth Sawyer (d); II- Juliana Fales (d); IIlI—-Perez Henry (d); IV— Ethan Sawyer (d; m Elizabeth Abbott); (3d marriage): V-—-George Collins (d); VI-—John FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA Sargent; VII-George William (above); VIII- Harriet Ellen. VilI-m Oct. 5, 1887, Mary Elizabeth Abbott (June 18, 1855-July 28, 1910); dau. of Isaac H. Abbott, of Lancaster, N.H.; issue: 1-Madalene Abbott, b Lancaster, N.H., Sept. 20, 1888; Wellesley, ’11; m Jan, 25, 1913, Nelson Raymond Clark, of La- Grange, Tl. (issue: Nelson Raymond, Aes, fp Nov. 14, 1919; Madalene Tillson, 6 July 30, 1921). Ch Bowdoin, iie(Zetare Sl. b.5.Kh 3) HOD. 'D.Se., 1919). Civil engineer, retired. In charge of paving and sewer construction, Omaha, Neb., 1881-87, and city engr., 1887-92; asst. ener., City of Brooklyn, 1897- 1902’; chief engr., bureau of highways, Brooklyn Borough, 1902-07, Manhat- tan Borough, 1907-11; consulting engr., Dept. Pub. Works, Brooklyn Borough, 1911-18, and acting commr., 1913-14. Mem. Am. Soc. C.E. commission to France, Dec. 1918. Mem. Am. Soe. C.E., ete. (See Who’s Who in America). Clubs: Brooklyn Engineers, LaGrange Coun- try. Residence: 313 S. Catherine Av., La Grange, Ill. 1-TITUS, Frances Pond (Mrs. William S§S.), 0) in Minn., Jan. 27, 1880. 9-Samuel Pond (qv); 8-Samuel (6 1648), m 1669, Marion Blakely; 7 epes (b 1679), m 1704, Abigail Goodrich (b 6—Philip (1706-49), m Thankful Frisbie; “rai (b 1742), m Mary Judson (Capt. Elna- than’ 4—Elnathan Judson (1769-1825), m 1792, Sarah Hol- lister (b 1775; Gideon®, Am. Rev.); 3-Samuel William (1808-91), m ist, Cordelia Eg- gleston (1815-52), 9-William Goodridge (1605-47), from Eng. to Watertown, Mass., 1636; m 1632, Margaret— (d 1682) ; 8-Joseph (1639-1716), m 1664, Martha Moores (0 1648) ; 7—Philip (1669-1728), m 1700, Mehitable Woodman (1677-1755) ; 6—-Benjamin (1701-75), town clk., justice, select- man, mem. Legislature, Worcester Co., Mass.; French and Indian War; m 1730, Sarah Phelps (1705-76) ; 5—Sewall (1743-1809), m 1768, Phebe Putnam (1751- 1832) ; 4— syoniamin (1773-1842), m 1802, Sarah Clark (1779- 3+ hoe (1814-57), m 1843, Irene Wardwell (1823- 2—Dau. of Samuel William Pond (1850-1916), cor- poration sec.; m 1879, Frances Irene Goodrich (b 1850); issue: I—Frances (above); II-—Irving Judson (b 1881; m Ethelda Wedell); I1I-Samuel Benjamin (b 1882; m Myrtle Rebecca Woodruff). I-m Oct. 4, 1904, William Seymour Titus, M.D.; b Tracy, Minn., Sept. 20, 1880; maj., M.C., WeS:A. sin trance: § months; son of Henry Harlan Titus, of Shakopee, Minn.; issue: 1- Irene Belle, 6 Mora, Minn., Sept. 21, 1905; U. Wash., ’26; 2-Marion Irving, b Mora, Jan. 22, 1908; U. Wash., ’29. A.B., U. Minn., ’08. Mem. D.A.R. (state regent for Ida., 1925-26), Am. Legion Auxiliary. Club: College Women’s. Summer place: Trail’s End, pce Ida. Residence: Owyhee Hotel, Boise a0 Tepe stomrmenetl Harrison, ) Easton, Md., Sept. 6, 8-Dr. Richard Tilghman (qv); 7—-Richard (1672-1738), mem. Lord Proprietor’s Council of Md.; m 1700, Anna Maria Lloyd (1677- 1748; Col, Philemon’, m Henrietta Maria Neale); 6—Richard (1705-66), judge Provincial Ct.; m 1738, Susanna Frisby (b 1718; Capt. Peregrine’, m Elizabeth Sewall); 5—-Peregrine (1741-1807), lt. col. Talbot Co. Bn., 1776; m 1769, Deborah Lloyd (1741-1811; Robert’, m Anna Maria [Tilghman] Hemsley); 4-Tench (1782-1827), of ‘“Hope’’; m 1807, Ann Mar- garetta Tilghman (1784-1812; Tench® [1744-86], lt. eol. and a.-d.-c. to General Washington, m 1783, Anna Maria, dau. of Matthew Tilghman); 3-Tench (1810-74), U.S.M.A., ’32; maj. gen. Md. militia; m 1832, Henrietta Maria Kerr (1810-49; John Leeds’, U.S. senator from Md.; m Sarah Hollyday Chamberlaine). 8-Robert Harrison (d 1717), of “Second Creek,” 233 Talbot Co., Md.; the immigrant from Eng.; m Alice Oliver; 7-Joseph (6 1698), m Elizabeth Ashcraft (Thom- as’, m Susan-—); 6~Thomas (1734- 1801), m Mary Porter; 5-Jonathan (1759-1881), m 1787, Margary Kirby (Benjamin); 4-Alexander Bradford (1789-1841), m 1816, Eleanor Spencer (1793-18388; Col. Perry® [1756-1822], m Mary Hopkins, 1762-1807); 3-Samuel Alexander, B.A., M.D. (1822-90), m 1847, Martha Isabella Denny (1822-1909; Benjamin* [1754-1834], m 1821, Mary Ann Rhodes, 1801-72). 2-Son of Col. Oswald Tilghman (b 1841), officer C.S.A.; sec. of state of Md., 1804-08; pres. Soc. Cincinnati; m 1884, Patty Belle Harrison (0 1851); issue: I-Harrison (above); II—Mary Fox- ley (6 1887; m John Frazer); III and IV— (d in- fancy). I-Not married. B.A., St. John’s (Md.), 1903; C.E Lehigh, 1907 (Sigma Phi); LUL.B., Fordham, 1924. Engineer; mem. N.Y. bar. Served in U.S.A., Apr. 7, 1909-Oct. 8, 1919, from 2d It. to maj.; with A.E.F. in France, Feb. 1918-Feb. 1919; comd. a group of arty. of 2d French Army near Verdun, May-June; Gen. Staff Coll., June-Sept.; attached G.S. 91st Div., St. Mihiel operations; G.S. Ry. Arty. Reserve and dir. of Instruction ry. arty. specialists school, Sept., until after armistice. Initial Gen. Staff eligible list, 1920; lt. col., A.G. Res., Nov. 1923. Mem. S.C.W., S.R. Club: Army and Navy (Washington). Residence: “Foxley Hall,” Haston, Md. nee Albert May, ) Nottawa, Mich., 8-Christopher Todd (qv); enue (1645-1714), m 1668, Mary Bradley (1653- 4) ; ¢-Samuel (1672-1741), m 1698, Susannah Tuttle (1679- 5-Stephen (1702-72), m 1726, Lydia Ives (0 1709); 4—Caleb (1733-69), m Esther Johnson (0 1735); 3—Caleb (1765-1837), m 1799, Fanny Hatch (1775-1846). 8-John Sayles (qv); 7—John (1654-1727), m Elizabeth— (d 1699); 6—Thomas (1699-1754), m 1721, Esther Scott (1700-88) ; 5-John (d 1822), m 1742, Martha Arnold (b 1721); 4—Thomas (1754-1835), m 1755, Prudence Brown; 3- Tepe (1783-1866), m 1801, Oliver Hovey (1774- 1857 2-Son of Alfred Todd (1799-1877), farmer and car- penter; m 1828, Mary Ann Hovey (1809-88); is- sue: I-Daniel James (b and d 1829); II-William Hervey (1830-63); II1I-Charles Edwin (1832-56) ; ITV—-Lucy Jane (1834-78; m Alfred Poyneer); V— Mary Augusta (1836-1908; m Peter Schreiber); Vi-James Alfred (6 1838; m Marien W. Smith); VIlI—Almeda Esther (1842-74; m Edmond 58S. Amidon); VIII—Ann Cornelia (1844-77); IX— Oliver Hovey (b 1847; m Julia Elizabeth Far- rand); X—Albert May (above). X—m Jan. 238, 1878, Augusta Margaret Allman, 0 Sturgis, Mich., Sept. 20,.1855; dau. of John Allman; issue (all b} Nottawa, Mich.): 1—-Wil- liam Alfred, 6 May 20, 1879; 2—Albert John, 0 Apr. 24, 1881; m Oct. 14, 1911, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Frederick M. Hodge, of Kalamazoo, Mich. (issue: Albert John; Susanne; Mary Jane; Winship Appleton); 3-Ethel May, 0b July 12, 1885; Kalamazoo Coll.; U. of Chicago; m June 8, 1910, Edwin Le Grand Woodhams; 4 Paul Harold, b Sept. 10, 1887; U. of Mich., 09; AC Gamat? Nov. 27, 1917-Feb. Pap aR service in France; m Jan. 1, 1920, Adeline, dau. of Ar- thur Allais, of Chicago, Ill. (issue: Paul; Harold; Thomas Allais); 5-Allman, b Mar. 16, 1889; U. Mich., 711; m Jan. 1, 1916, Geraldine, dau. of Jay J. Raymond, of Wyoming, O. (issue: Allman, Jr.; Barbara; Nancy Ann). Id. Northwestern U.; (hon. A.M., U. Mich., 1922 Pres. A. M. Todd Co., mfg. chemists, Kala- June 3, mazoo, Mich. Has traveled extensively abroad, studying institutions and govern- ments. Founder and owner of a museum of art and rare books. Author: Municipal Own- ership in Europe and America, 1918; The Rela- tion of Public Ownership to Social Justice and Democracy, 1920 (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: Kalamazoo, Mich. Bae ee BS John Cutler, / Burlington, Vt., Apr. 19, ; 9-William Torrey (qv); 234 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 8-William (1638-1718), m Deborah Green (d 1729; John’); 7-Joseph (1678-1723), m 1704, Hlizabeth Symmes; 6—-Rev. Joseph (1707-89), m 1st, Elizabeth Wilson; 5—Joseph (1733-1804), m 1757, Hannah Fisk (b 1728); 4—Joseph (1768-1850), physician; m 1794, Mary Cutler; 38-Augustus (1805-80), physician; m 1834, Deborah Cox (1808-80). j 9-James Cutler (qv); &-James (1635-85), m Lydia (Moore) Wright (1643- 1728; John Moore’); 7—John (1675-1729), m 1700, Hannah Snow (0 1677; John§); 6—Hezekiah (1707-92), m 1734, Susanna Clark (1712- 74; Hanniel’); 5-Manasseh, LL.D. (1742-1823), A.B., Yale, 1765; chaplain Am. Rev.; one of the projectors of the Ohio Company, 1787; mem. 7th and 8th Con- gresses, 1801-05; m 1766, Mary Balch (1740-1815; Rev. Thomas’); 4—Mary (d 1836), m Joseph Torrey (4 above). 4-John Paine, m Sally Rice (Col. Nathan® [1754- 1834], maj. and col. Am. Rev.); 3-Mary Moseley (1807-40), m 1830, Joseph Torrey, D.D. (1797-1867), A.B., Dartmouth, 1816; pres. U. Vt., 1862-66 (Joseph*, above). 2-Son of Henry Augustus Pearson Torrey (1837- 1902), prof. philosophy, U. Vt.; m 1864, Sarah Paine Torrey (1834-1917); issue: I-Lucy Wheel-~ er (1866-1918); Il-Henry Augustus (1871-1910; m Dorothy Van Patten); II1I—John Cutler (above). IlI-m June 16, 1809, Mabel Stuart Kelso, b N.Y. City, Dec. 29, 188; dau. of Joseph Kelso, of N.Y. City; issue (all 6 Yonkers, N.Y.): 1-Henry Cutler, 6 Apr. 4, 1911; 2-John Stuart, b Mar. Pail 1919; 3-David Rice, b Jan. 11, 1924. A.B., U. Vt., ’98 (Sigma Phi, P.B.K.); Ph.D., Co- lumbia, 1902; (hon. D.Sc., U. Vt., 1922). Mem. faculty from 1903, and prof. hygiene from 1917, Cornell U. Med. Coll. Summer place: Bellport, L.I., N.Y. Residence: 58 Beechwood Ter., Yonkers, N.Y. 1-TOWNE, John Henry, } Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 2, 1869. 5-Peter White, m Elizabeth Paynter; 4-Dr. John, m Elizabeth Hall (Gov. David', col. Am. Rev., 4th gov. of Del., 1803-05, m Catherine Tingley); 3—John P., m Eliza Canfield Tallmadge. 10-Thomas Tallmadge (qv): 9-Robert, m Sarah Nash; 8-John (1654-90), m Abigail Bishop (Dep. Gov. James’); 7-James (1689-1748), m Hannah Harrison; 6-Rev. Benjamin (1725-86), B.A., Yale, 1747; m 1750, Susannah Smith (1730-68: Rev. John’‘); 5—-Col. Benjamin (1754-1835), B.A., Yale, 1773; col. Am. Rev.; mem. 7th to 14th Congresses, 1801- 17; pres. Conn. Soc. Cin.; m 1784, Mary Floyd (1764-1805; Gen. William’, a “signer”; Nicoll’); 4-Frederick A., m Eliza H. Canfield (Judson*, m Mabel Ruggles); 3-Eliza C., m John P. White (3 above). 2-Son of Henry Robinson Towne (1844-1924; See Vol. 1, p. 861, for Towne lineage), m 1868, Cora Elizabeth White (1844-1917). M Apr. 18, 1#0, Eleonora Swenson, b Austin, Tex., Aug. 24, 1869; dau. of Svante M. Swenson, of New York; issue: 1—Kleanor Susan, 0 N.Y. City, Mar. 18, 1901. S.B., M.I.T., 90 (Delta Psi). Sec. Yale & Towne Miz. Com Clubs: University, Racquet and Tennis, St. Anthony. Summer place: Mt. Kis- co, N.Y. Residence: 405 Park Av., New York. 1-TREDWELL, Henry Hewlett, b East Willis- ton, N.Y., Oct. 6, 1878. §-Edward (Treadwell) Tredwell (d ca. 1660-61), from Eng. to Ipswich, Mass., 1637; progenitor of the family in America; settled at Hemp- stead, L.I., 1660; m Sarah-; 8-John, of Hempstead; m Elizabeth Starr; 7-Capt. Thomas (d 1722), m Hannah Denton (d 1748, aet. 75; Samuel’, of Hempstead); 6-Benjamin (1702-82), m Pheba Platt (1710-1738/39) ; eraur secon Benjamin (1735-1830), m Elizabeth Sea- ury; oes (1770-1855), m Rebecca Hewlett (1779- 3-Samuel (1805-73), m Amanda M. Smith (1821-84). 9-John Alden (qv); 8-David, m Mary Southworth; 7-Elizabeth, m John Seabury (d 1759; John’); 6—Rev. Samuel (1706-64), m Elizabeth Powell; 5-Blizabeth (1748-1818), m Benjamin Tredwell (5 above). 8-George Hewlett (d 1722), progenitor of the Hewlett family in America; m Mary Baylis; 7-Lewis (6 1686), m Grace Hallet; 6-Samuel (1712-1800), m Ruth Willis; 5-Lewis S. (1775-1846), m Hannah Hewlett; 4-Samuel L. (1803-69), m Maria Thorne; 3—Henry Thorne (1828-1900), m Elizabeth Robbins. 2-Son of Timothy Tredwell (1848-1908), m Anna Maria Hewlett (1852-1920); issue: I-Samuel; II— Henry Hewlett (above). II—m June 6, 1903, Harriet Woodhull Stratton, b College Point, N.Y., Sept. 18, 1878; dau. E. Platt Stratton; issue: 1—-Harriet Ann, b E. Williston, N.Y., Dec. 12, 1905; Wheaton, ’27; 2-Henry Hew- lett, Jr., b E. Williston, Oct. 28, 1910. Ed. Friends Acad. and pvtly. Mem. S.M.D., S.C.W., S.N.S., S.A.W., H.S., Hewlett Family Assn. Scottish Rite Mason, 32°, Shriner. Summer place: Sag Harbor, N.Y. Residence: “Haddington,” East Williston, N.Y. Dette Sot James Libby, b Boston, Mass., Nov. a - 7-William Tryon (1635-1711), from Eng. before 1670; settled at Wethersfield, Conn., 1673; m Saint Latimer (John§); 6-Ziba, m Dorothy Baldwin; 5-James (0 1709), m Jane Wright; 4-Simeon (1746-78), B.A., Yale, 1769; Ist lt. 24 N.Y. Cont. Bn., 1776; m Bethiah Brown (1744-1838) ; 38—Simeon (1778-1844), settled at Pownal, Me.; m 2d, Jane Cook (Saul‘, of Litchfield, Me., in naval Revolutionary service from Mass., m Elizabeth Snow; Barnabas, m Mercy, dau. of John Walker, dese. Stephen Hopkins, qv). Reese Cumming's (1750-1823), m Anna Jackson -1822 ; 4—William (1777-1846), Cape Elizabeth, Me.; com- missary War 1812; m Anna Iibby (1779-1811); 3—Daniel (1801-82), capt. militia of Cape Elizabeth, Me.; shipbuilder; m Lydia Wescott. §—Robert Jordan (qv); 8-Dominicus (1664-1703), m Hannah Tristram; 7—-Dominicus (1683-1749), m Joanna Bray; 6—Nathaniel (6 1718), 1t. col. militia; m Hannah Woodbury; 5-Ezekiel (1749-1818), m Mary Simonton; 4—Betsey (1789-1854), m Joseph Wescott; 3—Lydia (1810-38), m Daniel Cumming’s (3 above). 2-Son of Joseph Tryon (1832-1918), provision dealer, Boston; m Ellen Bigelow Cummings (b 1836); issue: IJames Libby (above); II—Win- throp Pitt (b 1869; A.B., Harvard, ’92; m Lillian Wainwright Hart); III—Ellen Isabel (b 1871; A.B., Radcliffe, ’00; teacher, Girls’ High School, Boston); I1V—Geneva (b 1873; A.B., Vassar, ’96; M.D., Tufts Coll. Med. School, 1907). I-—m Sept. 15, 1885, Katherine Elizabeth Allen, b Naples, Me., Mar. 18, 1865; studied at R.I. School of Design and Boston Museum of Fine Arts; artist, and lecturer on birds (See Who’s Who in America); dau. of Charles Addison Allen, m Anne Elizabeth, dau. of Dea. Nathaniel Walker, of Naples, Me.; issue: 1James Libby, Jr. (June 23, 1887-July 23, 1887); 2-Sylvia, b Portland, Me., Sept. 18, 1892; A.B., Vassar, ’15, M.A., 1922; spe- cialized in English, Oxford U., Eng.; teacher of English; lecturer on literary and travel topics; 3-Robert Jordan (Apr. 23, 1899-Apr. 7, 1901); 4-Richard Wescott, b Attleboro, Mass., Mar. 25, 1903;.B.S: in M.E., M.I.T., °25. A.B., Harvard, ’94; B.D., Episcopal Theol. Sch., 1897; LL.B., Boston U., 1909, Ph.D., 1910. Deacon, P.E. Ch., 1896, priest, 1897; rector Attleboro, Mass., 1897-1907, Mansfield, Mass., 1900-07; asst. sec. Am. Peace Soc., 1907-11; sec. Mass. Peace Soc., 1911-14; dir. N.E. Dept. of Am. Peace Soc., 1911-18; asst. registrar, Mass. Inst. Tech., since 1920, asst. prof. 1922, asso. prof. since 1923, lecturer on internat. law since 1920 (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 177 Brookview Rd., Medford, Mass. 1-TUCKER, Robert Henry, }) Lunenburg Co., Va., Sept. 27, 1875. 5-George Tucker (d 1784), settled in Lunenburg Co., Va., 1768; m Catherine—; 4-Lewellen (ca. 1766-1827), m 1788, Ursula Pool (Colwell P.5, of Lunenburg Co.): 3-Henry (1810-90), m Selina Skipwith Burwell. §-Maj. Lewis Burwell (qv); 8-Lewis (d in 1710), of Carter’s Creek, Gloucester "eee FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 235 Co., Va., later of King’s Creek, York Co.; mem. Gov.’s Council; m Abigail Smith; 7—Lewis (1684-1744), m Miss Armistead; 6-Armistead (1718-54), of Williamsburg, Va.; bur- gess; m Christian Blair; 5-Lewis (1745-1800), of “Stoneland,” Mecklenburg Co.; col. state troops in Am. Rev.; mem. Gen. Assembly of Va.; m 2d, 1789, Elizabeth Harri- son (1758-1824; Henry*; Benjamin’, m Anne, dau. Robert, “King,” Carter; Benjamin’; Benjamin’; Benjamin”); 4—Peyton Randolph (1792-1875), m 1814, Jane Sea- well, of Gloucester Co., Va.; 3-Selina Skipwith (1822-94), m 1851, Henry Tucker (3 above). 8-Col. George Carrington (qv); 7-Judge Paul (1786-1818), burgess; judge Ct. Ap- peas of Va.; m Margaret Read (Col. Clement, 15) 5 6é—Mary, m Samuel Woodson Venable: 5-Elizabeth, m William Morton Watkins; 4—Samuel Venable, m Louisa M. Scott: 3-Mary Scott, m Dr. Robert Carter Nelson. 7-Thomas “Scotch Tom” Nelson (qv); 6-Thomas (1716-82), m ca. 1745, Lucy Armistead; 5-Maj. John (b 1748), major Va. Cont. troops; m 1772, Nancy Carter (John*, Williamsburg, Va.): 4—Robert, m Isabella Wilson; 3-Dr. Robert Carter, m Mary Scott’ Watkins (3 above). 2-Son of Henry Williamson Tucker (1853-1914), m 1878, Louisa Scott Nelson (1853-1915); issue: I- Selina (6 and d 1874); II—-Robert H. (above); ITI— Mary Louise Nelson (6 1878; m Harry C. Fick- len, See Vol. 1, p. 598); IV-John Lewellen (b 1880; m Florence McCallum); V—Page Estelle (1882-1912; m Frank B. McFall); VI—Annie Ursula (b 1885). II-m June 15, 1918, Evelyn Page Edmunds, b Hali- fax Co., Va., Mar. 31, 1878; dau. of Thomas Barksdale Edmunds, of Halifax Co., Va. A.B., William _and Mary, ’93, A.M., 1897; post- grad. work, U. Wis., 1908-10 (Kappa Sigma, Phi Beta Kappa); LL.D., William and Mary, 1926. Prof. economics and business administration, Washington and Lee U., Lexington, Va. Chmn. Va. Industrial Commn., 1918-19; mem. Va. Commn. on Simplification and Economy of State and Local Govt., 1922-24 (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. S.C., S.R. Club: West- moreland (Richmond, Va.). Residence: Lex- ington, Va. 1-TURNER, Arthur Gordon, }) Baltimore, Md., Oct. 12, 1886. §$-Edward Turner (1631-1707), from Eng. to St. Mary’s Co., Md.; 8-Charles (traditional); 7-Edward, “of St. Maries in the Province of Md., planter’; m Elizabeth—; m 2d, Mary-; €-Samuel, planter in St. Mary’s and Charles cos.; owner of “Turner’s Forest”; m Lydia-; 5-Edward, “planter”; m Eleanor-; 4—Charles, m Mary-; 3—Edward, m Sarah Ann Raymond. 2-Son of Charles Turner (1831-1901), m 1877, Rosa- lind Flynn (1852-92); issue: I-Charles F. (1879- 1881); II-Edward Raymond (See Vol. 1, p. 866): IlI—James Flynn (b 1883; m Elizabeth Thelin); IV—Arthur Gordon (above). IV—m Mar. 20, 1920, Florence Brainerd, } Wash- ington, D.C., Oct. 30, 1898; dau. of Erwin C. Brainerd, of Washington; issue: I-Arthur Gor- eh Jr., b Jan. 21, 1922; 2-Philip Hale, } Oct. 1, 24, Engaged in journalism, advertising and sales management. Club: Baltimore Country. Resi- dence: Chilham Rd., Mt. Washington, Balti- more, Md. phat hore Horace Burt, ) Cleveland, O., Jan. 4, 6. 9-William Tuttle (qv); 8-Simon (1647-1719), m Abigail— (d 1722); 7-Timothy (1682-1756), m 1706, Thankful Doolittle; 6—Timothy (1716-60), m 1743, Hannah Wadhams; 5-Amos _ (1745-1800), m Mary Parks; m 2d, Rosa- bella Denslow; 4—David (1769-1841), m 2d, 1815, Naney B. (Peck) Fairchild; 3-Henry Blakeslee (1817-78), m 1837, Emeline Reid. 2-Son of Horace Augustus Tuttle (} 1851), m Ella Frances Burt (now Mrs. Hubbard Cooke; See Vol. 1, p. 163). M Aug. 14, 1916. Eva Louisa Kennedy (Apr. 20, 1885-Aug. 5, 1924); issue: 1-Eva Louisa, b Cleve- land, O., Sept. 24, 1917; 2-Henry Burt, b Madi- son, O., July 30, 1919; 3-Howard McDonald, }b Madison, Sept. 11, 1920; 4-Daniel Lawrence, b Santa Ana, Calif., Sept. 9, 1921. Ph.B., Yale-S., 97; M.A., Columbia, 1906. Chem- ist, farmer. Pvt., corp., sgt., 1st Ohio Vol. Cav., Spanish-Am. War. Clubs: Union, Uni- versity. Mem. Cleveland Engring. Soe. Win- ter place: Palm Springs, Riverside Co., Calif. Residence: Chapel Road, Madison, O. BOSTOCK Arms: Sable, an fesse humettee argent. Crest: On the stump of a tree eradicated argent, a bear’s head erased, sable muzzled or. Motto: Semper Presto Servire. 1-SPENSER-BROWN, Adelaide Crary Bostock (Mrs. Harry), b Chicago, Ill., Sept. 5, 1859. Bostock ancestors dese. from famous Saxon family Osmer de Botestock, by Sir William, Lord of Bostoc, m Elizabeth, dau. of Lord Audley and Heliegh, of Cheshire, Eng., 1080. 9-Elder William Brewster (qv); 8-Jonathan (1593-1659), m 1624, Lucretia Oldham; 7-Benjamin (1633-89), m Ann (Adis) Darte; 6—Daniel (1666-1735), m Hannah Gager; 5—-John (6 1695), m Dorothy Treat; ee (1731-1806), m Oliver Crary, of Preston, onn.; 3-Oliver A. (d 1886), pioneer settler of Chicago, 1836; m 1828, Mary TylerAmes, of Preston, Conn. 2-Dau. of Mary Adelaide Crary (1831-60), m 1854, Francis Harry Bostock (1824-1907), b Cheshire, Eng., came to U.S. 1850, to Chicago 1854; issue: I-Edward Crary (1855-1903); II—-Adelaide Crary (above). II-m July 28, 1880, Harry Spenser-Brown (Mar. alge 1846-Nov. 26, 1919); M.D., C.M., McGill U., 1873: issue: 1—Ethel, 6b Chicago, Ill., Nov. 21, 1881; m Paris, France, June 8, 1902, Comte Edouard de Acumha de Gramedo, Marquis de Bethmare, grandee of Spain, of the 1st class (d Paris, July 10, 1920; issue: Consuelo, b Apr. 25, 1903; Comte Jean, } Paris, France, Jan. 4, 1918); 2— Dorothy, b Chicago, Feb. 18, 1888; ed. at Paris, France; served as nurse of French Red Cross at front under fire, World War; m at N.Y., Mar. 16, 1923, Charles Counselman, of Chicago. Residence: 1255 N. State St., Chicago, Ill. 1-TYLER, Louise McCulloch Rollins Richard K.). 9-James (Rawlins) Rollins (b ca. 1605), from Eng. (Mrs. 236 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY to Ipswich, Mass., before 1632; settled at Do- ver, N.H.; m Hannah-; 8—-Ichabod (1641-1707), killed by Indians; m Mary Tibbets; i—Jeremiah (b ca. 1675) m Elizabeth Ham; 6-Judge Ichabod (1722-1800) began to write name Rollins; mem. cony. at Exeter, N.H., 1775; first judge of probate at Rollinsford; m Abigail Wentworth (1723-90; Capt. Benjamin’, m Eliza- beth Leighton; Ezekiel§8; Elder William’, qv); 5-John (1745-1828), soldier Am. Rev.; rep. Gen. Ct.; m Mary Carr; . : 4-John (1771-1855), m 1791, Betsey Shapleigh (Eli- sha5, officer Am. Rev., m Elizabeth Waldron; Nicholas®, m Elizabeth, dau. of Capt. Elisha Plaisted); 3—Daniel G. (1796-1875), m Susan Binney Jackson (Simon, officer Am. Rev., m Sally Spring; Gen. Michael’, officer Am. Rev., m Ruth, dau. Ebe- nezer Parker, minute man at Lexington; Michael*®; Edward’; Sebas8; Edward®, qv). 8-Maurice Hobbs (1615-1706), from Eng. to New- bury, Mass., 1638; settled at Hampton, N.H., ca, 1640; commr. to Mass., 1689, to “Confer and resolve upon a method of govt. in the prov- ince; m bet. 1640-48, Sarah HEstowe; 7—Maurice (1652-1741), m 1678, Sarah-; Siamese (1693-1756), Hampton, N.H.; m 1720, Lucy Ow; 5-Benjamin (1728-1804), signer Assn. Test; m 1757, peek Fogg (Abner’, also signer Assn. est); 4—Benjamin (1767-1848), m 1795, Sarah Hilton; 38-Josiah Hilton (1795-1854), eminent lawyer of N.H.; m 1825, Rhoda Davis Chapman (g. dau. Timothy Jones, also signer Assn. Test). 1C—Gov. John Winthrop (qv); ¥-Mary, m 1632, Rev. Samuel Dudley (Gov. Thom- as’, qv); S-Anne, m Edward Hilton (1626-99), Common Pleas; rep. Gen. Ct.; 7-Anne, m her cousin, Richard Hilton; 6-Edward, m Elizabeth-; 5-Josiah, m Sarah Ames; 4-Sarah, m Benjamin Hobbs (4 above). 2—-Dau. of Edward Ashton Rollins (1828-85), m 1855, Ellen Chapman Hobbs (1831-81). M Apr. 4, 1908, Richard Knickerbocker Tyler (Nov. 21, 1868-Feb. 17, 1920); A.B., Dartmouth, 90; LL.B., Columbia, 1895; lawyer and business man, Washington; son of Maj. Richard Wool- sey Tyler, of Washington, D.C. Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R. Residence: 1721 19th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 1-TUTHILL, Burnet Corwin, ) New York, INBYe; Nov. 16, 1888, 10-Henry Tuthill (1612-50), from Eng. in the “Planter,” 1635, settled at Hingham, Mass.; freeman, 1688; constable, 1640; removed to Southold, L.I., with Rev. Young’s company; m Bridget-—; 9-John (1635-1717), m 2d, 1690, Sarah Frost (d 1727); ae (1658-1754), m 1688, Mehitable Wells (1666- Ope (1700-85), m 1727, Prudence Goldsmith (d é-Daniel (1782-1822), m 1759, Sarah Thurston (1725- 5-Samuel (1766-1812), m 1794, Judith Ludlam (1774- 4—Daniel Ludlam (1803-57), m 1821, Catherine A. Edwards (1804-66); 3—George Flavius (1824-1906), m 1847, Jane L. Price (1824-1909). I-Matthias Corwin (d 1658), settled at Ipswich, Mass., 1633; a founder of New Haven; removed to Southold, L.I., with Rev. John Young’s com- pany, 1640; m Margaret (Morton?); Be (1630-1702), m 1658, Mary Glover (d ante 7—John (1663-1729), m Sarah-; 6—-David (1710-1780), m 1732, Deborah Wells (d 1798); 5-Eli (1757-1833), m 1777, Dorothy Horton (d 1840): Foun H. (1793-1881), m 1817, Cynthia Wells (d 38—John (1826-1897), m 1850, Harriet E, Finch (d 1893: Henry’, m Harriet, dau. of Joshua Williams [1749-1808], m Hannah Hurlburt). 2—-Only child of William Burnet Tuthill, A.M. (b 1855), architect; m 1881, Henrietta Elisabeth Corwin (1852-1917). VW Jan. 1, 1917, Helen Hersey (See Vol. 1, p. 339, for genealogy); issue: 1-Anne, } Plandome, L.I., Apr. 29, 1919, judge Ct. A.B., Columbia, ’09, A.M., 1910. Gen, manager Cincinnati Conservatory of Music since 1922. Mem. Cincinnatus Assn., MacDowell Soc. Club: Columbia University (New York). Residence: 2209 Auburn Ay., Cincinnati, O. 1-TYLER, Bertha Kellogg (Mrs. Bert Albert), b Evart, Mich., Oct. 25, 1872. 8-Daniel Kellogg (1630-88), from Eng., settled at Norwalk, Conn., ante 1656; dep. Gen. Ct.; m 2d, 1655, Bridget Bouton (John®, m Alice—); 7-Samuel (1678-1757), rep. Gen. Ct.; m Sarah Platt (1678-1750; Dea. and Sgt. John’); 6-Gideon (1717-71), m Hannah-; 5-Isaac (1745-1829), soldier Am. Rev. 3 yrs. and 2 months; m 1st, Hannah Fitch (Matthew); 4-Gideon (1767-1807), m 1802, Sarah (Hubbell) Towner (Capt. Gershom Hubbell5, Am. Rev.); 3-Ozias (1805-86), m Daphne Eliza Cook (1810-78). 2-Dau. of Gideon Kellogg, III (1846-1911), travel- ing salesman; m 1868, Emily Euphemia Don- aldson (1850-92); issue: I—Bertha (above); II- Ruth (6 1886; m E. R. Boozer). I—m Oct. 30, 1895, Bert Albert Tyler, b Ogle Co., Ill., Feb, 12, 1868; son of Horace Chamberlain Tyler, of Ogle Co.; issue: 1-Betty, b Evanston, Ill., Dec. 18, 1896; m July 30, 1919, Capt. Albert Hovey Peyton, U.S.A. (issue: Virginia Tyler; Sarah West). Northwestern U., 1 yr. Teacher. Member DIE RAG, (DsAtC se DlARR aS. D. PIN eH eEtiste aoe Soc. Residence: “Edgewood,” Dalton, a. 1-VANCE, Anna Lydia Russell (Mrs. Frank L.), b Algomac, Mich., June 27, 1858. 3-John Smith (d 1684), from Eng. to New Haven, Conn., 1639; later settled-at Milford; m Grace Hawley; 8-John (1646-1732), m Phoebe Canfield; 7-Thomas (1677-1743), m Hannah Camp; 6—Jabez (1705-87), m Ruth Seymour; 5-Abrakam (1733-84), 1t. Am. Rev.; m Mary Bax- ter; yale (1754-1808), officer Am. Rev.; m Sarah rane; 3—John Keyzar (1785-1854), War 1812; m Catharine McDonald. 2-Dau. of Sarah Crane Smith (1820-87), m Samuel Russell (1813-79). M June 1, 1885, Frank Leslie Vance (Sept. 9, 1847- Dec. 2, 1908); prominent underwriter, Milwau- kee, Wis.; son of Capt. David Vance. Meme 'C.DEAC) DY PAv (C.D Se V lili iy Ges Order of Americans of Armorial Ancestry, D.A.R., U.S.D.1812. Residence: 227 BE. Palmer Av., Detroit, Mich. 1-VAN HORN, Arthur Palmer, }) Leetsdale, a July 17, 1887. 10—Christian Barentsen Van Horn (d 1658), from Holland, settled in New Amsterdam ante 1653; prominent officer of New Amsterdam; m Jannetje Jans (d 1694; Tyman Jansen", m Martije Webber); 9-Barents Christensen (6b 1657), m Geertje Claus- sen (0 1662; Dirck”, m Myrtie Roelofs); 8-Christiansen Barentsen (1681-1751), rep. Pa. Gen. Assembly, 1728-32, 1734-87; m Williamtje Van Dycke (1681-1760; Hendrick®); 7-Henry (1707-61), 1m Susanna Vieck (Paulus’) ; 6—Henry (1728-77), capt. Pa. inf. in Am. Rev., died in service; m 1758, Elizabeth Van Sant (Isaiah’); 5-Isaiah (1760-1844), lt. 4th Bn., Bucks Co. militia in Am. Rev.; m Dorcas Logan; 4—John (6 1796), m 1824, Thirsa Hastings (1806-61); 3-James Devin (1834-64), pvt. Co. H, Ist Pa. Regt. in Civil War, killed at Malvern Hill, Va.; m 1859, Sarah Jane Taylor (1840-1906). 2-Son of John Hastings Van Horn (b 1860), m 1886, Ella Palmer (b 1865); issue: I—Arthur Palmer (above); II-Sarah Isabel (b 1891: m 1919, Garrett Dean). I—Not married. Banking. -Vet., World War; lt. Mem. H.S., S.A.R. Resi- Van U.S.A. Reserve. dence: Corpus Christi, Tex. 1-WRIGHT, Capt. Thomas Elbert (Oct. 24, 1892- Apr. 17, 1924). 4-John Thomas Wright, m Lucy Smith; 8-Thomas S. (1811-83), m Martha Elizabeth Pat- terson (1819-1905; John R.4, m Martha Gilliam). €—Philip Sutherland, m Fannie-; : 5-Hopie Ann, m Parker Newhbill (Nathaniel®, of Prince Edward Co., Va., m —Parbury): FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 237 4—-Nathaniel J., 2d, m Mary Ann Odineal (d 1905; Thomas C.°, m Mary Chewning); 38—-Hopie Ann (1853-1907), m 1870, Edward Haynes Poindexter (1842-1904), soldier C.S.A. (Dr. Thomas L.‘, of Halifax Co., Va.; m Betsy Burke Smith). 2-Son of Wesley Davis Wright (v 1862), m Mary Elizabeth Poindexter (6 1871). M Aug. 10, 1921, Lucy Chase Denny (qv for ge- nealogy and issue). A.B., U. Va., 18; A.M., Harvard, 1916; completed Harvard Ph.D. except thesis. Volunteered May 15, 1917, and entered first O.T.C. at Fort Meyer, Va.; commad. 2d It., C.A., Aug. 15, 1917; Ist 1t., Feb. 7, 1918; capt., Sept. 18, 1918; adj., 3d Bn., 47th C.A., mine property officer and asst. mine cdr., coast defence of Chesapeake Bay, till June 10, 1918; service in France, Oct. 18, 1918-Mar. 7, 1919. Law student U. Va., 1920; lawyer, Roanoke, Va., 1920 till death 1924, 1-WRIGHT, Lucy Chase Denny (Mrs. Thomas E.), b Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 21, 1893. 1i-John Tilley (qv); 10—Elizabeth (1607-87), m John Howland (qv); 9—Desire (1625-83), m 1648, Capt. John Gorham (av); 8-Mercy (1659-1725), m George Denison (1653-1711; eds George’; William”, av): —Samuel (0 1685), m Mary Lay (b 1685), widow of oncistapher Minor; 6—Merey (1718-97), m -1737, Nathaniel Chapman igeek Nathaniel’; Nathaniel’; Capt. Robert’, qv); 5-Lt. Lebbeus (1752-1833), officer Am. Rev.; m 1st, 1776, Sybil Kirtland (1758-96; Lt. Philip’, of Deep River, Conn.); 4— ae (1787-1823), m 1810, Lucretia Magne (1788- 8738) 2—-Allen A. (1818-90), m 1840, Mary Elizabeth Chase (1824-1901; Daniel*; Daniel®; Amos*; Samuel*; Moses’; Aquilla®, qv). 10-Thomas Stanton (qv); %-Thomas (1638-1713), rep. Conn. Assembly, 3683, 1689; m 1659, Sarah Denison (1642-1701; Capt. George": William4, av); meee! (1660- -1743), m 1680, Robert Lay, 2d (1654/55- 7—Mary (b 1685), as widow of Christopher Minor, m 2d, 1709, Samuel Denison (7 above). 2-Dau. of Lucy Chase Chapman, m 1881, Collins Denny (See Vol. 1, p. 544, for other lines). M Aug. 10, 1921, Capt. Thomas Elbert Wright (qv); issue: 1-Lucy Chase, 6 Richmond, Va.. June 18, 1922; 2-Mary Elizabeth, b Richmond, Jan. 5, 1924. A.B., Randolph-Macon Woman’s Coll., ’16; U. Va., summers, 1915-16; Columbia U., summer, 1916; U. Richmond, grad. work, 1918-19; Med. Coll. of Va., 1918-20; Johns Hopkins Med. Sch., 1920-21; State Teacher’s Coll., Farmville, Va.,.Summer, 1924. Teacher, John Marshall High Sch., Richmond, Va., 1917-18; Med. Coll. of Va., 1918-20; Jefferson High Sch., Roanoke, Va., 1921-22; Randolph Talcott Sch., Richmond, Va., 1924-25; St. Catherine’s Sch., Richmond, 1925-26. Mem. D.A.R., U.D.C. Residence: 1619 Park Av., Richmond, Va. 1-DENNY, Collins, Jr., ) Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., June 10, 1899. 10-John Collins (1616/17-1670; son of John, of London), of Boston, Mass.; m Susannah-—; 9-John (1640/41-1704) of Guilford, Conn.; m Mary (Trowbridge?), dau.(?) of Thomas Trowbridge (qv); 8—Mary (b 1663), m 1681, Dea. Nathaniel Chapman (16538-1726) ; 7-Nathaniel (b 1686), m 1709, Elizabeth Spencer; 6—Nathaniel (1714- -55), m 1737, Mercy Denison (1713- 1797) ; 5-Lt. Lebbeus (1752-1833), m 1st, 1776, Sybil Kirt- land; en (1787-1823), m 1810, Lucretia Magne (178S- 3—Allen Armstrong (1813-90), abeth Chase (1824-1901). 10-Tristram Clarke (1590/91-1661), Mass.; m Faith-; 9-Faith (1619/20-1675), (av); 8-Edward (1637/38-1690), of Plymouth, Mass.; m Sarah Faunce (1645/46-1693; John®, m Patience, dau. of George Morton, qv); m 1840, Mary Hliz- of Duxbury, m 2d, 1685, Edward Doty 7-—Mercy (b 1684), m 1713, Daniel Pratt (b 1680), of Saybrook, Conn.; 6—Sybil (6 1725), m 1757, Lt. Philip Kirtland; 5-Sybil (1758-96), m Lt. Lebbeus Chapman (5 above). 10-Philip Kirtland, of Lynn, Mass.; 9-Nathaniel (1616/17-1686), m Parnell—; 8—Lt. John (1659-1717), of Saybrook, Conn.; Lydia Pratt (b 1660; Lt. William’, qv); 7-Philip (6 1693), m Lydia Marvin (1704-64); 6—Lt. Philip (6 1727), m Sybil Pratt (6 above). 2—Son of Lucy Chase Chapman (0 1857), m 1881, Collins Denny (See Vol. 1, p. 544, for other lineages, also Mrs. Thomas HE. Wright, qv). Not married. A.B., Princeton, ’21; LL.B., U. Va., 1924. Lawyer; instr. law, Mechanics Inst., Richmond, Va. Second It., inf., U.S.A., World War. Mem. Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Beta Kappa, Raven Soc. Clubs: University, Country. Address: Travelers Bldg., Richmond, Va. eR orelitad fat t tate Horace, !) Clinton, Ia., 22, 1867 8-Jan Pietersen Van Deventer (1628-post 1687), from Holland in the ‘Hope,’ to New Am- sterdam, 1662; m Engels Teunis; ; 7—-Pieter Jansen (b 1653), m 1686, Mayke Christian; 6—Christian, m Patience-; 5-Christopher (1731-94), Mary Lane (1733-1817); Tine (1755-1837), m 1781, Mary Durham (1i6l- 3-Christopher (1788-1839), m 1823, Sally Birekhead. 8-Christopher Birckhead, m Joane—; 7-Solomon, m 1704, Ann Childs; 6—Christopher, m Ann Harrison; 5—-Christopher, col. Talbot Co. (Md.) Bn. itia; mem. Md. House of Delegates; monson; 4—-Solomon (1761-1829), m Jane McCulloch (1750-87; Hugh®, m Christina Mullen); 3-Sally (1796-1874), m Christopher (3 above). 2-Son of Col. James Thayer Van Deventer (1830- 1910), m 1861, Laetitia Flournoy (1834-1919); issue: I—-James Flournoy (1862-86); II-Thomas Lenox (1865-94); I1I—Horace (above); IV—Hugh Flour- noy (1870-1925; m Garafilia Lyon); V—Fayette Flournoy (qv for Flournoy lineage); VI—Chris- topher (0b 1874). IlI-m Apr. 9, 1902, Mary (Lurton) Finley (qv). Grad. Mich. Mil. Acad., ’86; Ph.B., U. Mich., ’90 (Alpha Delta Phi); LL.B., Harvard, 1893. Law- yer; city atty., West Knoxville, Tenn., 1895-97; mem. Tenn. Senate, 1901; clerk, U.S. Dist. Court for eastern district of Tenn., May 2. 1905-Oct. 21, 1918, and July 1, 1919-Dec. 31, 1923. First lt. and regtl. q.m. and capt., 6th U.S. Volwint. 1898-99) capt... Quy Com Uns An Oct. 21, 1918-June 26, 1919; assigned to finance sect. of Purchase, Storage and Traffic Div., Wash- ington; capt., finance, O.R.C. Mem. S.R., M.O.F.W., M.O.L.L., A.L., etc. Mason (82°, K.T.). Club: Cherokee Country. Residence: 945 Temple Av., Knoxville, Tenn. 1-VAN DEVENTER, Mary Lurton (Mrs. Hor- ace), 6 April 3, 1878. 4-William Lurton, of Scott Co., Ky.; 3—Lycurgus Leonidas, m Sarah Harmon. 7-Thomas Owen (will dated 1741, probated 1744), of Henrico Co., Va.; m Elizabeth Brooks, of Ty . Va.; 6—-John (1695-1794), cane (1754-1824), 4—John (1787- 1879), m Mary Amis Goodwin; 8—Dr. Benjamin Rush (1813-49), m Katherine Ken- nedy Howard (Jacob‘, m Sarah Ruston Ken- nedy [Judge John*, of Tenn.; Dr. Samuel‘, surgeon Am. Revy.]). 2Dau. of Horace Harmon Lurton, D.C.L., LL.D. (1844-1914), served in C.S.A., 3 yrs.; chief jus- tice of Tenn.; U.S. circuit judge, 1893-1910; asso. justice Supreme Ct. of U.S., 1910-14; m 1867, Mary Frances O'wen; issue: I-Katherine Howard (d); II-Leon Owen (d); IIlI—Mary (above); IV—Horace Harmon, Jr. (0b 1876; m Margaret Williamson Richardson). TiI-m Robert Johnston Finley. M 2d, Apr. 9, 1902, Horace Van Deventer (qv). Residence: 945 Temple Av., Knoxville, Tenn. 1-VAN DEVENTER, Fayette Flournoy, } Clin- ton, Ia., Aug. 17, 1872. 7-Laurent Flournoy, m Gabrielle Mellin; m 1679, July of mli- m —jad- Van Deventer m Mildred Grant; officer Am. Rev.; m Amelia 238 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 6—Jean Jacques (1686-1740), m 1720, Elizabeth Wil- liams (6b 1695); : 5-Samuel (6 1724), m 1748, Elizabeth Harris (John*; Thomas’; Capt. Thomass); 4-David (1761-1831), m Blizabeth Mills Brittan (1760-1830) ; ’ 3-Thomas Jefferson (1800-82), m 1830, Maria Ann Dallam. 7-Richard Dallam (son of Robert, 1602-63, mfr. of pipe organs; g.son of Thomas, of Dallam, Lancashire, Eng.), came from Eng., 1690; law- yer; m Elizabeth Martin; 6—Maj. William (1716-61), m Matthews (Roger’) ; 5-Francis Matthews, m Martha Smith; 4-Nathan Smith, m Sarah Hicks; 3-Maria (1810-48), m Thomas Jefferson Flournoy (3 above). 9-Gov. Thomas Trench, of Md.; 8-Elizabeth, m James Rigby; " 7—Nathan (1695-1752), col. of light horse, 1736; 6-Blizabeth, m William Smith; — 5-Martha, m Francis M. Dallam (5 above). 2-Son of Laetitia Flournoy (1834-1919), m 1861, Col. James Thayer Van Deventer (1830-90). For issue and -Van Deventer lineage see Hor- ace Van Deventer. M Oct. 18, 1899, Martha Lynn Rhea (qv); issue (all 6 Knoxville, Tenn.): 1-Christopher, b June 17, 1901; m Oct. 14, 1924, Elizabeth Barton, 0D July 30, 19095; 2-Robert Rhea, b Feb. 15, 1908; 3-Laetitia, 6 Aug. 30, 1905; 4-Isabella b Mar. 2, 1910. Ed. U. of Tenn., and U. Mich., ’96 (Alpha Delta Phi). Treas. and vestryman St. John’s P.E. Ch., Knoxville; Tenn. Mém- S:R. Glubs: Cherokee Country, Appalachian. Residence: 862 Temple Av., Knoxville, Tenn. 1-VAN DEVENTER, Martha Lynn Rhea (Mrs. Fayette F.), 6 Knoxville, Tenn., Dec. 14, 1877. 7-—Matthew Campbell, who assumed the name Rhea when he fled from Scotland to Ireland: 6—-Matthew Campbell Rhea, II, m 2d, Elizabeth McLain; 5—Joseph (1715-77), from Ireland to Phila., 1769; d@ in Md.; m Elizabeth McIlwaine (1732-1793), of Ireland; 4—Joseph (1762-1825), m 1789, Frances Breden (1764- 1850) ; 3-Samuel (1795-1863), m 1832, Martha Lynn (1810- 1878). 1i—Richard Warren (qv); 10—Mary, m 1628, Robert Bartlett (1603-76), from Eng. in the “Anne,” 1623; 9-Lydia (1648-91), m James Barnaby (d ca. 1677); 8-James (1670-1726), m Joanna Harlow (1669-1725): Beet’ Cee (1706-74), m Elizabeth Gardner (1703- 788) ; 6-Samuel (1735-79?), m Sylvia Winslow (1733-737); 5—Lydia (1760-1829), m Nathaniel Foster (1751- 1823) ; 4-Lucinda (1782-1855), m Perez Dickinson (1763- 1815) ; Ann ee ee (1811-49), m James Harvey Cowan (1801-71). 2-Dau. of Robert Morrison Rhea (1842-1903), m 1870, Isabella White Cowan (b 1849). M Oct. 18, 1899, Fayette Flournoy Van Deventer (qv for issue). Residence: 862 Temple Av., Knoxville, Tenn. 1-VAN LANDINGHAM, Susie Harwood (Mrs. Ralph), 6 Minneapolis, Minn., June 20, 1867. J-George Harwood, first treasurer of Mass. Co.: 8-Nathaniel (1626-1716); 7—Peter (1671-1740), m Mary Fox (1672-1742): 6—-Benjamin (1713-58), m Bridget Brown (1715-62): 5-Zachariah (1742-1821), soldier in Battle of Ben- nington; m Lavinia Rice (1751-1808); 4—Perez (1772-91), m Lucinda Finch (b 1773): a (1792-1870), m Abigail Blackmer (1792- §-Dea. Walter Deane (qv); &-James, m Eleanor Cogoes; 7—James (b 1647), m Sarah Tisdale: 6-James (1674-1747), m Sarah Packer; 5—John (6 1707), m Martha Black; 4—Christopher (1756-1838), m Rebecca Palmer (1760-91) ; pe torte (1788-1854), m Sarah Ross (1788- 0). 2-Dau. ct Norman Blackmer Harwood (1830-85), m 1860, Susan Drury Deane (1832-1918): issue: I— Sarah (1861-64); II—-Henry (1863-93): III—Deane Austin (1865-69); IV-Susie (above); V—-Norman Beaty (1869-81); VI—Fanny (b 1872; m Arthur B. M. Gibbes; m 2d, George L. Taylor); VII-In- fant; VIII—Abigail Lucinda (b 1876). IV—m Sept. 17, 1901, Ralph Van Landingham, b Charlotte, N.C., Nov. 9, 1875; son of John Henry Van Landingham, of Charlotte; issue: 1-Su- san Deane, and 2—Ralph (twins), 6 June 14, 1902. Was v.-chmn., later chmn. local A.R.C. chapter, which was formed in her home; comdat. A.R.C. canteen; awarded service medals. Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R., Sulgrave Instn. Resi- dence: Charlotte, N.C. 1-VAN RENSSELAER, Louisa Greenough Lane (Mrs. William Bayard), b Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 21, 1860. 9-William Lane (d 1654), chester, Mass., 1635; 8-George (d 1689), m Sarah Harris; 7—John (1647-1712), m 1674, Mehitable Hobart; 6—Samuel (1677/78-1725), m Bethia-—; 5-Dea. Ebenezer (1713-90), m 1735/36, Bertha Shaw; 4-Capt. Ebenezer (1747/48-1808), m 1783, Martha Phelps; 3—Martin (1785-1859), m 1808, Lucretia Swan. 9-Lion Gardiner (qv); 8-David (1636-89), first child of English parents to be 6 in Conn.; m 1657, Mrs. Mary Lering- man; S : 7-John (1661-1738), m Mary Kling (Samuel’); 6—David (1691-1751), m 1718, Rachel Schellinger; 5-Col. Abraham (b 1721), m 1745, Mary Smith; 4—Capt. Abraham (1763-96), m 1781, Phoebe Dayton; 3-Samuel Smith (1789-1859), m 1823, Mary Cath- arine L’Hommedieu. 9-Kiliaen Van Rensselaer (qv); epee Jeremias (1632-74), m 1662, Maria van Cort- andt; 7—Anna (1665-1715), m 1693, Hon. William Nicoll; 6—Catherine (1709-79), m 1728, Jonathan Havens; 5-Nicoll (1733-83), m 1755, Sarah Fosdick; 4—-Mary Catherine (1765-1843), m 1803, Ezra L’Hom- medieu; 3-Mary C. (1806-38), m Samuel Smith Gardiner (3 above), 2-Dau. of George Martin Lane, Ph.D., LL.D. (1828-97), A.B., Harvard, ’46; prof. Latin, Har- vard U., 1851-94; m 1857, Frances Eliza Gar- diner (1832-76); m 2d, 1878, Fanny (Bradford) Clark; issue (Ist marriage): I-Gardiner Mar- tin (1859-1914; m Emma Louise Gildersleeve): II—Louisa Greenough (above); IlI—Katharine Ward (1862-93). II-m Nov. 3, 1880, William Bayard Van Rens- selaer (Oct. 4, 1856-Sept. 25, 1909), son of Bayard Van Rensselaer (Stephen?; Gen. Stephen‘; Stephen®; Stephen®; Kiliaen?; Col. Jeremias?; Kiliaen’), Pres. Albany diocesan branch, Woman’s Auxil- iary to Bd. of Missions of P.E. Ch.; mem. Albany diocesan com. of central com. of Woman’s Church Work; pres. Schuyler Man- sion Trustees; pres. Albany Child’s Hosp.; dir. Albany Boys’ Club; hon. pres. Albany Co. Council of Girl Scouts. Was mem. exec. com. Albany Co. Chapter of A.R.C., and mem. bd. mgrs. Am. Ambulance Hosp., Paris, during World War. Mem. C.D.A. (exec. com. State of N.Y.); GiL.M.A., H/S/Al, D.A.R:, ete. Resi= dence:'385 State St., Albany, N.Y. 1-VAN SCHAICK, Louis Joseph, }) Cobleskill, IND Yes 0 Ulyet 1875: 7-Stephen Van Schaick, from Holland to Mon- mouth, N.J., 1660; 6—Francis; 5-William (1727-1808), m Patience Schenck: 4—Koert (1757-1826), soldier Am. Rev.; m Mar- garet Wilson; ei W. (1804-82), m 1829, Elizabeth Slinger- and. 2-Son of John Van Schaick (b 1840), lawyer; mem. N.Y. Senate; m 1871, Frances Eliza Shaver (6 1851); issue: I-Charles Shaver (b 1872; m Hazel Lillian Fletcher); II—John, Jr. (See Vol. 1, p. 870); I1I-Louis Joseph (above); TV—Jessie Schuyler (b 1877; m A. L. Norton); V—George Slingerland (b 1888; m Blanche A. Le Fevre); VI-Francis Edward (b 1892: m Kath- erine Mallette Hardwick). I1I-m Aug. 1, 1906, Nellie Mae Kellogg (qv). U.S.M.A., ’99. Second It., 4th Inf., Apr. 10, 1899; Ist It., 16th Inf., Feb. 2, 1901; capt., June 25, 1908; maj., June 4, 1917; 1t. col. and col. of inf., N.A., Aug. 5, 1917-June 30, 1920; It. col., inf., U.S.A., July 1, 1920; col. inf., July 1, 1924. Served from Eng. to Dor- FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 239 in Philippine and Mexican campaigns; gov., Province of Cavité, P.I., 1905-07, of Mindoro, P.I., 1908-12. Service at Brest, France, and as insp. gen., A.E.F. in Germany; served as stu- dent, sec. and instr. in gen. service schools, Fort Leavenworth, Kan., 1920-25. Awarded Congressional Medal of Honor, 1918; Con- gressional Life Saving Medal, etc. Address: c/o Adjutant General U.S.A., Washington, D.C. 1-VAN SCHAICK, Nellie Mae Kellogg (Mrs. Louis J.), b Battle Creek, Mich., Mar. 12, 1830. 8-Joseph Kellogg (av); 7-Lt. Nathaniel (1669-1750), Hadley, Mass.; m 1692, Sara Boltwood (1672-1761) ; 6—-Lt. Nathaniel (1693-1770), m 1714, Sarah Preston (1693-1756) ; 5-Gardner (1780-1814), surveyor Hadley, Mass., 1776; pvt. Am. Thankful Chapin (1727-1805) ; aehyiter (1767-1856), m 1734, Hannah Smith (1779- 1864) ; 3-John Preston (1807-81), m 1842, Ann Janet Stan- ley ened Flavius J.4, m Anna Keith; Phin- eas). 9-Benjamin Nye (0b 1620), from Eng., 1635, set- tled at Sandwich, Mass., where he died; m 1640, Katherine Tupper; 8-Nathan (will dated 1741); Sandwich and Barn- stable, Mass.; m Mary-; 7-Caleb (1704-will proved 1787), Barnstable and ae oa Mass.; m 1731, Hannah Bodfish (1712- LTS} 6—-Silas (1744-1812), Pittsford, N.Y.; sgt. Am. Rev.; m 1766, Patience Carpenter (1744-1806) ; ; 5—Capt. Caleb (1774-1849), m ante 1797, Dina Farr (1778-1852) ; 4—Marquis (1799-1865), Washington, Mich.; m 1825, Katherine Wild (1806-95); 3-William Augustus (1827-65), Memphis, Mich.; m 1855, Polly Daraxa Tiffany. 2-Dau. of Dr. Preston Stanley Kellogg (b 1859), m 1879, Florence Agnes Nye (b 1858). M Aug. 1, 1906, Louis Joseph Van Schaick (qv). Address: Care of Colonel Louis J. Van Schaick, U.S.A., Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. 1-VAN WINKLE, William Mitchell, }) N.Y. City, Dec. 5, 1885. 9-Jacob Walingh van Winkle (ca. 1599-ca. 1657), from Hollarid to New Amsterdam ca. 1624, when he was occupant of a bouwerie on Man- hattan Island; returned to Holland, 1633, to New Netherlands, 1635, to Holland ca. 1641, and again to America ca. 1648, and settled at of highways, Rev.; m 1762, Rensselaerwyck; m in Holland, ca. 1642, Tryntje Jacobs; 8-Symon Jacobse (bap. 1653), m 1675, Annatje Arianse Sip; 7—-Simeon (b 1686), m 1725, Pryntje Van Giesen; 6—Jacob (bap. 1728), m 1749, Vroutje Van Wag- enen; 5—-Simeon (6 1752), m 1775, Annatje Marselis; 4—Peter (b 1782), m 1805, Phoebe Godwin; 3-Edgar Simeon (1810-83), eminent lawyer, New York; m Hannah Starr Beach (1816-87; Theron‘; Chauncey®; Amos*; John?; John’; Thomas%). &Cornelis Janse Berrien (d 1689), Huguenot, fled from France to Holland, thence came to New Amsterdam, 1669; deacon, tax commr., Flatbush, L.I.; m Jannetje Stryker; 7—Peter (1672-1737), m Elizabeth Edsall (d 1763); 6—Cornelius (1707-58), m Amy Smith (d 1793); 5—Cornelius (1734-1805), m Elizabeth Penfold (1746- Penfold 1817) ; (1778-1828), m Elizabeth Bruen Morris; 4—Cornelius 3-Mary Leverich Penfold (1816-95), m 1841, Wil- liam Mitchell, LL.D. (1801-86), A.B., Columbia, 1820, justice Supreme Ct. of N.Y., 1850-58 (Ed- ward! [1759-1834], from Ireland, 1791, many yrs. pastor Society of United Christians, New York; m Cornelia Anderson). 2-Son of Col. Edgar Beach Van Winkle (1842- 1920), A.B., Union, ’60; pvt., Ist lt. and capt., U.S.V., in Civil War; civil engr.; m 1876, Eliz- abeth Mitchell (1846-94); m 2d, 1899, Mary Flow- er Speiden; issue (Ist marriage): I-Mary Starr (b 1877); II—Elizabeth Mitchell (b 1878); ITI—Ed- gar Beach (b 1880; m May Loretta Tobin); IV— Grace Louisa (b 1881); V—William Mitchell (above). V-—m Dee. 28, 1911, Mary Laird Busk, } N.Y. City, dau. of Fred T. Busk, of New York; issue: 1— William Mitchell, Jr., b N.Y. City, Jan. 17, 1913; - 2-Mary Laird, b N.Y. City, Sept. 10, 1914; 3— Edgar Beach, 3d, B Rye, N.Y., Sept. 1, 1916. Harvard, ex-’08; New York Law School, 1907-09. Admitted to bar, 1911, and since in practice at New York; mem. law firm of Mitchell & Mitchell. Clubs: Union, Harvard, Apawamis, ete. Residence: Apawamis Av., Rye, N.Y. FREDERICK MOORE STRONG. 1-STRONG, Frederick Moore, } Janesville, Wis., May 9, 1861, d Evanston, Ill., May 12, 1925. 8-Elder John Strong (qv); 7-Elder Ebenezer (16438-1729), m 1668, Clapp (6 1646); 6—Jonathan (1683-1766), m 1st, 1704, Mehitable Steb- bins (1683-1761) ; son (1718-94), m 1748, Sarah Lewis (1726- 4—Blijah (1762-1838), m 1792, Sylvia Gridley (1769- 1813; Timothy®, m Rhoda Woodruff; Timothy®; Thomas’; Samuel’, m Hsther, dau. of Thomas Thompson, m Anne, dau. of Gov. Thomas Welles, qv); 3-Elijah Gridley (1803-59), m 1826, Sarah Ashley Partridge (1805-65). 2-Son of William Barstow Strong (1837-1914), pres. A.,T.&S.F. Ry., 1880-89; m 1859, Abby Jane Moore (1838-1912); issue: I—Frederick Moore (above); II-Ellen Smith (Mrs. George Albert Burdett, qv); I1I—William J. A. (6 1869; m Mar- tha Leavitt). I-m Apr. 28, 1884, Ella Lynde Ross, 6 Chicago, I1l., Jan. 21, 1863; dau. of Henry Howard Ross, of N.Y. City and Chicago; issue: 1—Leila Gris- wold, 6b Chicago, Apr. 28, 1885; 2-William Bar- stow, 6b Chicago, May 17, 1889; m 1923, Ella Carolyn Perrin, b 1894; 3-Henry Ross, b Beloit, Wis., May 1, 1900. Ph.B., Yale-S., ’82 (Sigma Delta Chi, The Clois- ter). Mem. Strong & Ross, bankers, Rush Centre, Kan., 1885-87; pres. Strong & Ross Banking Co., Arkansas City, Kan., 1887-90, and of Home Nat. Bank, 1890-99; v.p. 2d Nat. Bank, Beloit, Wis., 1899-1902, and pres. till 1912. Was mem. Beloit Public Library Bd. Mem. S.M.D., S.C.W., M.O.L.L. Residence: 1246 Forest Av., Evanston, Ill. j-BURDETT, Ellen Smith Strong (Mrs. George A.), b McGregor, Ia., Jan. 27, 1867. 10-Robert Ashley (d 1682), m Mary— (d 1683); Pa (1642-1718), m 1668, Hannah Glover (1646- 8-Samuel (1664-1722), m 1686, Sarah Kellogg (1666- 1729; Joseph®, qv); baer orsras: (1691-1726), m 1718, Thankful Hawes (b 6—Samuel (1720-92), one of grantees of Claremont, N.H.; Cape Breton and French and Indian wars; del. Provincial convs., 1774-75; del. 1st Provincial Congress of N.H.; col. 13th N.H. Hannah 240 WILLIAM BARSTOW STRONG (1837-1914). Entered railway service as station agent and tele- graph operator at Milton, Wis., 1855; held vari- ous positions with the O.,M.éSt.P. Ry., C.&N.W. Ry., and C.,B.€Q. Ry. to 1874; gen. supt. M.C. R.R., at Chicago, 1874-75, of C.,B.€Q. Ry., 1875- 773 v.p. and gen. mgr., A.,T.€S8.F. Ry., at Topeka, Kan., 1877-80, and pres. of same, Chicago and Boston, 1880-89. Developed the A.,T.&é8.F. from about 700 to some 7,000 miles. Regt. in Am. Rev.; asso. justice Ct. Common Pleas, 1776-91; m 1742, Eunice Doolittle (1724-1807) ; cae (1747-1820), m 1770, Lydia Doolittle (b )5 4-Sarah (1776-1806), m as his 2d wife, 1796, Reuben Partridge (b 1766); sae bot (1805-65), m 1826, Elijah Gridley Strong GHEORGHE ALBERT BURDETT. THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 9-Henry Sampson (qv); 8-James, of Dartmouth, Mass.; m Hannah-; 7-James, of Dartmouth, Mass., and Wells, Me.; m Ruth Sawyer (or Sayer); 6-Ruth (ca. 1717-1811, aet. 94), m Stephen Harding, Ath oe ele (d 1782), m 1772, Eliphalet Cheney (ca. 1755- 4-Israel (1779-1862), Beloit, Wis.; m 1805, Priscilla Goodale (1781-1843) ; 3—-Meribah Marion (1810-90), m 1835, Holland Moore (1808-58). 2-Dau. of William Barstow Strong (1837-1914), pres. A.,T.&S.F. Ry., 1880-89; m 1859, Abby Jane Moore (18388-1912). For issue and Strong line- age see Frederick Moore Strong. M June 8, 1887, George Albert Burdett (qv); issue: 1—Elizabeth Martin, b Brookline, Mass., July 31, 1889; m Apr. 9, 1917, Harold Wadsworth Birch (issue: Sylvia Burdett, b Apr. 14, 1918; Louise Wadsworth, b Sept. 29, 1919; Eleanor Strong, b July 15, 1923); 2-Ellen Moore, 6 Brookline, Mar. 26, 1893; m Sept. 28, 1917, Irving Roland Shaw (divorced, Nov. 1, 1922); 3-Sylvia Strong, b New- ton Center, Mass., Dec. 12, 1895; m Sept. 20, 1922, Stillman Roberts Dunham, Jr. Ua biaael ae 21 Gray Cliff Rd., Newton Center, ass. 1-BURDETT, George Albert, b Boston, Mass., June 17, 1856. 8-Robert Burdett (d 1667), settled at Malden, Mass.; m 1653, Hannah Winter; 7-Thomas (1655-1729), m Elizabeth— (1652-1717); 6—John (1693-1775), m 1722, Hannah Cole (1695-1761); abe (1722-58), m 1745/46, Jemima Green (1725- 1810) ; 4-John (1746-1843), pvt. Am. Rev.; m 1771, Abigail Sargent (1751-1830) ; 3—Phineas Sargent (1797-ca. 1876), m 2d, 1826, Emily Stearns (1802-49). 10—-John Howland (qv); ae (ca. 1629-83), m 1646, John Chipman (1614- 1708) ; cays (1654-1730), m ante 1675, John Sargent (1639- enn (1677-1754), m 1st, 1699/1700, Mary Lynde ( -1716) ; 6—Phineas (1702-61), m 1724, Abigail Pratt (1699-1776) ; eh (1725-1812), m 1748/49, Mary Wayte (1725- 4—A bigail (1751-1830), m John Burdett (4 above). 9-Gov. Thomas Dudley (qv); ees) (1621-91), m 1641, Rev. John Woodbridge 7-Martha (ca. 1660-1788), m 1680, Capt. Samuel Rug- gles (1658-1715/16) ; 6—Martha (1691/92-1740), m 1713, Job Lane (1689-1762); 5—Lucy (1732-93), m 1759, Elijah Stearns (1735-1801); 4-Josiah (1769-1814), m 1795, Ruth Hunt (1770-1848); 38-Emily (1802-49), m Phineas Sargent Burdett (3 above). 2-Son of Horatio Stearns Burdett (1827-1903), mer- chant; m 1850, Mary Melvina Martin (1830-1902); issue: I—George Albert (above); II—Frank Waldo (1859-1920; m 1887, Carrie Starr Dana). I-m June 8, 1887, Ellen Smith Strong (qv for issue). A.B., summa cum laude, Harvard, ’81 (Alpha Delta Phi, Signet, O.K.); studied music in Ger- many. Organist, composer, conductor, writer (See Who’s Who in America). Twice dean Am. Guild Organists. Clubs: St. Botolph, Harvard, ete. Residence: 21 Gray Cliff Rd., Newton Center, Mass. 1-VARDAMAN, Fredericka Jones (Mrs. Homer D.), 6 Hernando, Miss., July 26, 1887. 9-Henry (Lyon) Lyons (qv); 8-Benjamin (1668-1720), surveyor of Borough of Elizabethtown, 1699; mem. Gen. Assembly, 1711; justice; m Bethia Condit; , 7—-Joanna (1692-1761), m Dea. Joseph Prudden (4 1766; Rev. John’; Rev. Peter’); 6—Joanna (1735-1808), m 1755, Demas Lindley (1733 1818), Am. Rev.; 5-Jacob (1774-1857), A.B., Princeton, 1800; pres. ene U., 1808-22; m 1800, Hannah Dickey (1782- 1848) ; 4-Joanna G. (1812-98), m 1833, Thomas Meriwether Jones (1806-62); 3-Lutellus L. (1836-1914), capt. C.S.A.; m 1857, Eliz- abeth Coghill. 2-Dau. of Frederick Coghill Jones (qv), m 1887, Vannie DeHay. FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 241 M June 29, 1910, Dr. Homer Douglass Varda- man, 0 Hermanville, Miss., Mar. 31, 1881; son of Homer Brown Vardaman, of Hermanville; issue: 1—-Douglass, b Beulah, Miss., Jan. 3, 1912. Mem. D.A.R., U.S.D.1812, U.D.C. Residence: Rosedale, Miss. 1—JONES, Frederick Coghill, }) Hernando, Miss., June 2, 1860. 9-Jasper Crane (qv); 8-Dea. Azariah (1649-1730), sembly of N.J.; founder of Cranetown (now Montelair), N.J.; m Mary Treat (Gov. Rob- ert®, m Jane, dau. of Edmund Tapp, Milford, Conn.); 7-Hannah (d post 1710), m John Plum (1657-1710; Samuel’, founder of Newark, N.J.; John’, of Branford, Conn.); 6-Sarah (d post 1780), m Judge John Lindley (1693/94-1750), of Morris Co., N.J.; 5-Demas (1733-1818), Am. Rev.; m Joanna Prud- den (1735-1808) ; 4—-Jacob (1774-1857), A.B., Princeton, 1800; Ohio U., 1808-22; m 1800, Hannah Dickey; 3—Joanna G. (1812-98), m 1883, Thomas Meriwether Jones (1806-62; Obediah*, from Wales, was fed- eral judge of Miss. and Ill. territories and judge Superior Ct. of Ala., m Elizabeth, dau. of James Cowden, Am. Rev.). 8-James Coghill (d 1685), from Eng. to Rappa- hannock (now Essex and Caroline Co.), Va., 1664; m Alice—(d 1667); m 2d, Mary-; 7-Frederick (d 1715), m Sarah-; 6—-Frederick, m Elizabeth Hawes, of Carolina Coun V-aez 5-Frederick (1746-1812), Am. Ann Atwell (1756-1815) ; 4—Atwell (1771-1823), m 1800, Phoebe Esom Lindsay (1784-1864; Daniel‘, of Spotsylvania Co., Va., m Catherine, dau. of Robert Goodloe; Col. James'®, of Carolina Co.); 3—Frederick (1816-60), » Susan Owen (William‘4, m Ann-; Bracket®; John®; Thomas’; Thomas’, came in the “Susan,” 1622). 2-Son of Lutellus Lindley Jones (1836-1914), capt. we m 1857, Martha Elizabeth Coghill (1839- M Oct. 30, 1887, Vannie DeHay, b Houston, Miss., Nov. 29, 1864; dau. of Proctor Sherwood De Hay, m Frances Elizabeth Norton; issue: 1— Fredericka (Mrs. Homer D. Vardaman, qv); 2—-DeHay (Apr. 15, 1892-Dec. 15, 1900); 3-Freder- ick Halbert, 6 Rosedale, Miss., Aug. 28, 1898; Miss: A. and M. Coll., ’20; m Apr. 5, 1924, Magie ay. Residence: Sherrill, Ark. 1-VAUGHAN, George Tully, b Arrington, Nelson Co., Va., June 27, 1859. 9-Thomas Loving (ca. 1610-1665), surveyor gen. and mem. Va. House of Burgesses; m 1689, Elizabeth Kingston; 8-Charles (6 ca. 1640); 7-—James (b ca. 1675); 6—John (1705-69), m Susanne Lomax (b ca. 1709; John’, m Elizabeth, dau. of Ralph Wormeley, m Katherine, dau. of Sir Thomas Lunsford, pres. Council of Va.); Abana (1740-92), capt. Am. Rev.; eve 4-Susan ttz7- 1816), m Capt. George Vaughan (See Vol. 1, p. 870, for Vaughan lineage); 3-George (1801-76), m Mary C. Edmunds. 9-John WNevil (ca. 1612-1664), from Eng. in the “Ark” and the “Dove,” to St. Mary’s, Md., 1634; mem. Md. Council; m Bridget Thomsley; s-James (ca. 1642-ca. 1698- 1700), m Elizabeth-, both killed by Indians; 7—-John (b ca. 1665), m Margaret-—; 6—-Capt. James (1686-1752), capt. militia in Gooch- nace Co., Va., m Widow Keen; m 2d, Widow Thom 5—Col. TRIE (1728-84), capt. French and Indian War; col. Am. Rev.; m Mary Lewis; 4-Blizabeth (1767-1822), m Rowland Edmunds; 3—Mary C. (1805-75), m George Vaughan (3 above). one Higginbotham (ca. 1690-1760), m Frances iuley; 6—-Aaron (ca. 1715-178), capt. militia, Amherst Co., Va., 1769; m Clara Green; 5—Aaron (1752-94), m 1775, Nancy Croxton; 4—Elizabeth (1778-1887), m 1792, James Shields (1772-1839: John® [b 1740], m Margaret Finley); 3—Egbert Oswald (1818-83), m Sarah Ellen Brent. 9-Hugh Brent (ca. 1610-1671), came to Va., 1639; 8-Hugh (b ca. 1650); dep. Provincial As- pres. Rev.; m 1770, m Elizabeth 7—-Hugh (0b ca. 1675); 6—William (ca. 1700-1740), m Letitia Wale; 5-James, m Sara Daggett; 4-James, m Frances Brent (William®, m Ellen Brumley); 3-Sarah Ellen, m Egbert O. Shields (3 above). 2-Son of Dr. Washington Lafayette Vaughan (1832-1882), physician, m Frances Ellen Shields (1842-1905); issue: I-George Tully (above); II- Eugene Neville (b 1861); Il1I—Hortense W. (b 1867; m Frank T. Burks); [1V—Corinne (b 1872; m J. Edward Hoffman). I-m June 27, 1883, Maria Townsend Venable, 0 Amherst Co., Va., Dec. 21, 1862; Colonial Dame; dau. William Goodwin Venable, of Farmville, Va.; issue: 1-Vera, b Lowesville, Va., May 13, 1884; Randolph-Macon Coll., ’08; m Apr. 19, 1911, William R. Crute (issue: Elizabeth Nevil; May Venable); 2-William Washington (qv for Ven- able lineage). M.D., U. Va., 1879 (Kappa Sigma, Phi Chi, Alpha Omega Alpha); M.D., N.Y.U., 1880; post-grad. courses, New York Polyclinic, U. Berlin, Jet- ferson Med. Coll., Phila.; (LL.D., Georgetow n, 1919). Prof. surgery, Georgetown U. Med. Sch., since 1897; chief surgeon Georgetown U. Hosp.; surgeon Tuberculosis Hosp. and con- sulting surgeon St. Elizabeth Hosp. and Washington Asylum Hosp.; author (See Who’s Who in America). Asst. surgeon, Jan. 1888, surgeon, Apr. 1900, asst. surgeon gen., 1902-06, U.S. Pub. Health and Marine Hosp. Service; maj. and brig. surgeon 7th A.C. during Span- ish-Am. War; operating surgeon, U.S.N., in Mexican embroglio at Vera Cruz, 1914; surgeon U.S.S. Leviathan during World War; cdr. Med. Reserve Corps., U.S.N. Mem. S.C.W., S.C., S.A.R., N.M.O.S.A.W., Assn. Mil. Sur- geons of U.S., M.O.W.W., A.L. Clubs: Cosmos, University, Army and Navy. Residence: 1718 I St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 1-VAUGHAN, William Washington, ville, Va., Sept. 7, 1886. 8-Abraham Venable (qv); 7-Abraham (1701-68), capt. Va. colonial forces; burgess many yrs.; m Martha Davis (1702-65; Nathaniel’, of Hanover Co., Va.); 6—Charles (0 ca. 1735), m Elizabeth Smith (Rob- ert’, of Port Royal, Va.); 5—Charles (b ca. 1770), m Martha Madison; 4-Abraham Z. (ca. 1800-ca. 1875), m Emmeline Goodwin; 3-William Goodwin (1835-1915), Pettit. 2-Son of Maria Townsend Venable, m 1883, Dr. eorke Tully Vaughan (qv for other line- es). M Pay 18, 1917, Mela Kamakee, dau. of George Hendrick Fairchild, m Elizabeth Cummins; is- sue: 1—-William Bradley Fairchild, 6 Allen- town, Pa., Apr. 17, 1918; 2-Lydia Kamakee, b N.Y. City, June 4, 1920. M 2d, Aug. 15, 1923, Frances Wade, dau. of Frank Conrad French, m Harriet Wade; issue: tor eae French, b Fort Sill, Okla., Dec. 25, U. Va., 2 yrs.; M.D., Georgetown, 1912 (hon. M.S., Georgetown U., 1925); grad. Army Med. Sch., 1914; grad. Flight Surgeons, 1919. First It:, Medak.Cy Apr. 30, 1913; Istlt,M.€.. Ww S2A] May 9, 1914; capt. and maj., June 16, 1917; It. col., M.C., N.A., Feb. 27, 1918-Feb. 16, 1920. Served in France, July 1918-Apr. 1919 in command of Base Hosp. 14. Rated airplane pilot, U.S.A., 1920. Mem. S.C.W., M.O.W.W., O.W., O.Lafay- ette. Address: c/o Surgeon General U.S.A., Washington, D.C. 1-CULLEN, Carrie Elizabeth Veasey (Mrs. Male hats C.), 6 Pocomoke City, Md., Nov. 12, 7-John Richards, from Eng.; received land grants in Somerset Co., Md., 1677 and 1679; 6—-William; 5—Nathaniel; 4—Joseph (1783-1848), m 1806, Sallie Hall; 3-John Stevens (1817-1909), m Henrietta Powell (1818-76). 2-Dau. of Marietta Richards (1845-1924), m 1867, Thomas Jefferson Veasey (b 1841). For issue and ve Veasey lineage see Clarence Archibald ease M Apr. 33, 1907, Winter Calvert Cullen, b Hope- well, Ma., Feb. 9, 1881; son of Jacob Hoke Cullen, of Hopewell; issue: 1—Winter Calvert, b Farm- m Virginia E. 242 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Jr., b Sept. 25, 1908; 2-Veasey Bell, 6 Dec. 18, 1909; 3-Margaret Elizabeth, b April 6, 1911. Residence: Pocomoke City, Md. 1-VEASEY, Clarence Archibald, City, Md., Aug. 9, 1869, 8-Nathaniel (Veazie) Veasey, from Eng. to Ber- muda (original settler under The Bermuda Co., 1613); m Susanna-}; 7-Nathaniel (b Bermuda, 1638, will probated Somerset Co., Md., 1716), from Bermuda to Somerset Co., Md., 1662, where he received a land grant from Lord Baltimore, one plan- tation being described as “Bermuda’s Hun- dred”; 6—William; 5-Southey, m Nancy Mason; 4-Samuel, m Sarah Fisher; 3-—William Henry, m ist, Sarah Jane Richards. 2-Son of Thomas Jefferson Veasey (l 1841), m 1867, Marietta Richards (1845-1924); issue: I- Clarence Archibald (above); II—Milton LeRoy (Qn May Young); III—Marietta Richards (b 1881; m Charles Keller Zug); IV—Carrie Eliz- abeth (Mrs. Winter Calvert Cullen, qv for Richards lineage). I-—m June 20, 1894, Gertrude Mabel Clogg, 6 Phila., Nov. 20, 1870; dau. of Levin Henry Clogg, of Phila.; issue: 1—Clarence Archibald, Jr., 0 Phila., Nov. 24, 1895; Yale, 1912-14; M.D., U. Pa., 1920; 2-Winona Gertrude, b Phila., June 15, 1897. Western Md. Coll., 1885-87, A.M., 1896; M.D., Jef- ferson Med. Coll., 1890. In medical practice at Phila., Pa., 1890-1908, at Spokane, Wash., since 1908. Formerly asst. prof. diseases of the eye, Jefferson Med. Coll., Phila.; formerly adj. prof. ophthalmology, Phila. Polyclinic (See Who's Who in America). Clubs: Medi- eal (Phila.), University. Summer place: Priest Lake, Idaho. Residence: 1118 W. 9th Av., Spokane, Wash. UN este Borden Smith, ) Fonda, N.Y., Aug. 21, 1883. 8-Simon Volkertse Veeder (1624-96), sailed be- tween Amsterdam and New Amsterdam, 1644- 1652; settled at New Amsterdam, 1652; moved oS Schenectady, 1662; soldier French and Indian ar: 7—-Volkert (1693-1733), m Jannitoi Schermerhorn; 6—Johannes (1714-98), mem. N.Y. Assembly, 1777; m Katrina Mabie 5-Abraham (1745- 1814), It. col. Am. Rev.; m Sarah Vedder; 4—Albert (1769-1842), m Nancy Eacker; 3—Henry (1803-68), m Rachel Lansing (g.dau. of Christopher Lansing [1743-1819], q.m. 3d Regt. Albany Co. Militia, and of Jacob Van Deusen, ensign Ist Albany Regt.). 6—Cooley Smith, of Essex Co., Mass.; 5-James (d 1831), m Mariah Rohlfe; 4—-Rogers (1776-1813), surgeon War 1812; Dodge; 3-Horace E. (1817-1902), dean Albany Law School: m Martha Mills. 2-Son of James Lansing Veeder (1849-83), Union, "73; lawyer; m 1879, Jenny Alfarata Smith (1857- 1904); issue: I—Rachel Lansing (1881-96); II— Borden Smith (above). reer married. Colgate, ex-’07 (Delta U., Sigma I, Alpha Omega Alpha); M.D., U. Pa., 1907; U. aie 1909. Physician; prof. clin. pediatrics, Washington U., since 1919 aes Who’s Who in America). Capt., M.C., U.S.A., Apr. 1917; maj.., NOV. 1917; Jt. col., Nov. 1918. ‘Amone the first 500 A.E.E. to cross to France; c.o. Base Hosp. 21, and British Gen. Hosp. 12, at Rouen, France, to May 1919. Col., M.R.C. Decorated C.M.G. (British). Mem. S.A.R., M.O.W.W. Clubs: Uni- versity, St. Louis Country, Round Table. Resi- dence: University Club, St. Louis, Mo. 1-VEEDER, Henry, b Galva, Ill., May 13, 1867. 8-Simon VolkertsSe Veeder (1624- 96), settled at New Amsterdam, 1652; removed to Beaver- wyck, 1654, to Schenectady, 1662; soldier French and Indian War; m Engeltje—-; 7-Volkert (1693-1733), m Jannitse Schermerhorn (Reyer, one of the five original trustees of the Schenectady Patent, granted Nov. 1, 1684): 6—Johannes (1714-98), removed to Caughnaw aga, 1750; m 1738, Catharina Mebie; 5-Abraham (1745-1814), It. col. Am. Rev.; m 1768, Sarah Vedder: 4—Albert (1769-1842), m Nancy Ecker; 3—Henry (1803-68), m 1887, Rachel Lansing. b Pocomoke m Sally 2-Son of Albert Henry Veeder (1844-1914), A.B., Union, ’65; prominent lawyer, Chicago; m 1866, Helen Lovett (1848-1912), dau. of Isaac G. Dur- yee, m Lydia A. Budington; issue: I-Henry (above); II—Albert Hoyt (b 1868); III—Jessie Budington (6 1870); I[V—Paul Lansing (b 1884). I-m Dec. 29, 1892, Darlene Gibons, b Princeton, Ill., Jan. 22, 1870; dau. of Gilbert George Gibons, of Chicago; issue: 1-Albert Henry, born Chi- cago,’ Sept. 19)91886> _BAS Yale 18s J. Deeb. Chicago, 1921; m Christine Sims; 2—Helen, D Chicago, Oct. 6, 1899; Smith, ’20; m John Carl Williams Hinshaw. B.A., Yale, ’90 (Phi Gamma Delta); LL.B., North- western, 1892. Admitted to bar, 1892, and since in practice at Chicago; member law firm of Albert H. & Henry Veeder. Mem. Am., Ill. and Chicago Bar Assns., Chicago Law Club, Assn. of the Bar of City New York. Clubs: Chicago, University, Chicago Athletic, Lake Shore Ath- letic, Mid-Day, South Shore Country, Yale (Chicago), Yale (New York). Summer home: Chicago Club of Lake Geneva, Wis. Resi- dence: Hotel Windermere East, Chicago. 1-WARNER, Carmillus Turten, }) Landgrove, Vt., Oct. 12, 1864. 9—-William Warner (b Eng. ca. 1590), was of Ips- wich, Mass.; 8—Daniel (d 1688), m Elizabeth Dene; 7—Daniel (1640-96), m 1668, Sarah Dane; 6—Daniel (1672-1754), m 1699, Dorcas Adams; 5-Joshua (b 1709), m 1731, Mary Hutchinson; 4-Joshua (b ca. 1750), m Mary (Burke) Williard (1755-1845) ; rata (1796-1867), m 1829, Katherine Stevens (1807- 1868). 2—Only child of Carmillus Turten Warner (1842- 1864), served 3 yrs. and 5 months in Civil War, buried in Nat. Cemetery, Cold Harbor, Va.; m 1864, Emily O. Rawson (6 1842), desc. Sir Edward Rawson, sec. Colony of Mass. Bay. M June 20, 1888, Josephine Spaulding issue). M.D., U. Vt. Coll. of Medicine, 1885; post-grad. Columbia U. and U. Berlin. Physician at Marl- boro, Mass., from 1890; pres. Marlboro Hosp., Marlboro Savings Bank. Residence: 75 W. Main St., Marlboro, Mass. 1-WARNER, Josephine Spaulding (Mrs. Car- millus T.), 6 Moretown, Vt., Oct. 18, 1865. 9-Richard (Bayldon) Belding, from Eng., an original settler at Wethersfield, Conn., 1640; 8-Samuel (1629-1713), an original settler at Hat- field, Mass.; m Ist, ca. 1654, Mary— (killed by Indians, 1677); 7-Lt. Stephen (1658-1720), sgt. Queen Anne’s War; m 1682, Mary Wells (1664-1751; Thomas’); 6—Samuel (1692-1732), m 1717, Elizabeth Dickinson (Hezekiah’); 5-David (1718-1804), m Thankful Graves (d 1788); 4—Moses (1740-1811), Barnard, Vt.; Ist lt. Am. Rev.; m 1762 or 63, Rachel Hayes (1738-1810) ; 3—David (1785-1860), Moretown, Vt.; m 1811, Florinda Freeman (1793-1880; Joshuat, m Joanna Jones). 2-Dau. of Nathan Royal Spaulding (1833-1903), Burlington, Vt.; m 1868, Delia Florinda Augusta Belding (1836-1913). For issue and Spaulding lineage see Gertrude Belden Spaulding. M June 20, 1888, Dr. Carmillus Turten Warner (qv); issue: 1-Reuben Daniels, 6 Brattleboro, Vt., Jan. 18, 1890; m Oct. 27, 1915, Laura H. Rand- lett, 6 Roxbury, Mass., July 12, 1892 (issue: Robert Carmillus, B} Aug. 29, 1916; Douglass Randlett, b Nov. 12, 1917-d July 15, 1921; Eleanor Constance, 6 Aug. 10, 1925); 2-Rosalyn Spauld- ing, b Marlboro, Mass., Feb. 15, 1892. Residence: 75 W. Main St., Marlboro, Mass. 1SPAULDING, Gertrude Belden, } Moretown, Vt., Jan, 2, 1864. 9§-Edward Spaulding (qv); 8-Benjamin (1643-1708), m 1668, (Henry®, m Olive—); 7T-Edward (1672-1739/40), Peletiah’) ; 6—Benjamin (6 1696), 1727; Ebenezer’); 5-Benjamin (1720-1807), Am. Rev.: m 1756, Rachel Crary (1729-1824; John®, m Prudence—); 4—Royal (1766-1813), m 1789, Lucy Benton (1771-1836; Nathan, m Esther-); 3—Nathan Benton (1802-63), Meth. minister; m 1830, (qv for Olive Farwell m Mary Adams (d 1754; m 1719/20, Abigail Wright (d FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 243 Mary (Almy) White (1794-1885; Sanford Almy‘, m Lydia Gray). 2-Dau. of Nathan Royal Spaulding (1833-1903), Burlington, Vt.; m 1863, Delia Florinda Augusta Belding (1836-1913); issue: I-Gertrude Belden (above); 1l—Josephine (Mrs. Carmillus Turten Warner, qv for Belding lineage); IlI—David Nathan (b 1867; m Leah Harlow); IV—Rosalyn Marguerite (b 1872; m Edwin Fayette Nash); V— Charles Irving (b 1876; m Edith Katharine Nash). I-—Sec. North American Development Corpn. Residence: Apt. 4, The Calumet, 3d and East Capitol Sts., Washington, D.C. 1-VENAELE, Matthew Walton, ) Prince Edward Co., Va., Apr. 8, 1847. 6-Abraham Venable (qv); 5-Abraham (1700-68), of Louisa Co., Va.; burgess over 20 yrs.; capt. colonial militia; county I1t.; vestryman St. Paul’s, Trinity, and Fredericks- ville parishes; m Martha Davis (1702-65; Rob- ert’, m Abadiah Lewis, of Hanover Co., Va.); 4-Nathaniel (1733-1804), founder of Hampden-Sid- ney Coll.; mem. Va. House of Burgesses, Dele- gates, and Va. Senate; vestryman St. Patrick’s Parish; m 1755, Elizabeth Woodson (1740-91; Richard, of ‘Poplar Hill,” Prince Edward Co., Va., m Anne Madeline Michaux, a Huguenot); 3-William Lewis (1780-ante 1824), War 1812; m 1808, Frances Watkins Nantz (1793-1862). Maternally, 7-Abraham Venable (qv), and thru: 6—-Abraham (5 above); 5—Nathaniel (4 above); 4—-Samuel Woodson (1756-1821), of ‘‘Springfield,” Prince Edward Co.; cornet Am. Rev.; aide on Gen. Greene's staff; m 1781, Mary S. Carrington (1756-1887; Judge Paul’, of “Mulberry Hill,” Charlotte Co., Va., justice Supreme Court of Va., m Margaret Read); 3—Nathaniel E. (1791-1846), of ‘‘Longwood,” Prince Edward Co.; sgt. 63d Regt. Va. Militia in War of 1812; m Mary Embry Scott (d 1866; Capt. Charles’, of Halifax Co., Va., cornet Ist Cont. Dragoons, original mem. Soc. Cin.). 2-Son of Thomas Frederick Venable (1812-81), of “Scott Greene,’ Prince Edward Co.; planter; m 1834, Mary Priscilla Venable (1815-81); issue: J-William L. (1835-63; d@ in War Between the States); II—Nathaniel E. (1836-93; Ist lt. marines C.S.A.); I1I—Abraham B. (1838-85; lt. inf. C.S.A.); IV—Clement Read (1840-88; 1t. engrs. C.S.A.); V—- Harriet Ann (1841-1923; m H. W. Edmunds); VI— Katharine Scott (1843-1923; m Samuel D. Holt); VII—-Matthew Walton (above); VIiII—Gertrude (1848-1901; m William A. Hocker); IX—Robert Cocke (1850-1922; m Frances Brown; m 2d, Carrie Miller); X—Charles Fontaine (1852-1913; m Nan- nie L. Hocker; see their dau. Elizabeth M.); XI-—Mary Cantey (1855-1922; m 1876, Richard Clark Reed, D.D.); XII—Frederica F. (b 1857; m Rev. F. A. Rodriques). VIil-m Sept. 7, 1870, Maria M. Dyer (1845-91); dau. of James R. Dyer, of Cabell Co., later of Kanawha Co., W.Va.; issue: 1—Gertrude, D Barboursville, W.Va., June 7, 18—; m Nov. 9, 1892, Garland Todd Thayer; 2~William Walton, b Mt. Sterling, Ky., Aug. 19, 1873; m Feb. 13, 1902, Randolph Sterrett; 3—-Katharine Byrne, )b Kings Mountain, Ky., Oct. 15, 1875; m Dec. 16, 1908, Richard Herring Hubbard; 4-Charles Scott, b Danville, Ky., Apr..18, 1878; m Apr. 1896, Ruby Donnally; 5-Ernest Raymond, }) Dan- ville, Sept. 12, 1880; m 1909, Elizabeth Dabney; 6—-Laura Dyer, 6 Danville, Ky., Jan. 26, 1883: Randolph-Macon Woman’s and Johns Hop- kins; U.S.A. nurse in France abt. 2 yrs.; m July 26, 1928, John William Moore, M.D., of Charleston, W.Va., now of Soochow, China; 7— Frederick Spottswood (Dec. 28, 1885-Aug. 15, 1915), d in shipwreck on Gulf of Mexico; m 1914, Margaret Kevlin, of British Honduras (issue: Frederica); 8-Harry Magill, 6 Newport, Ky., Oct. 9, 1888; V.M.I.; served in 23d U.S. Enegrs., A.E.F. M 2d, June 1, 18983, Ann Haymond Byrne, b Sutton, Bratxon Co., W.Va., Mar. 30, 1855; dau. of Col. Benjamin W. Byrne, of Charleston, W.Va.; issue: 1-Benjamin Wilson, b Charleston, W.Va., Aug. 4, 1894; A.B., Hampden-Sidney, ’°15; capt., inf., A.E.F., World War; now capt., inf., U.S.A.; 2-Richard Morton, 6 Charleston, Aug. 12, 1897; Hampden-Sidney; U.S.N., World War; m Nov. 11, 1925, Amy W., dau. of Justus Collins, of Charleston, W.Va. Ed. Hampden-Sidney and U. Va. (Beta Theta Pi; probably the oldest living member). Civil and ee uae aS Ae Sgt., Ist Regt. Engrs., S.A, -65. esidence: irginia § Charleston, W.Va. Sie fe eee 1-VENABLE, Elizabeth Marshal 3 Fla., July 7, 1881. pr A irae pe Niece of Matthew Walton Venable, av for Vena- ble lineage. Maternally, 5-Johann George Hocker (1734-1821), BE inners, Germany, ca. 1750; farmer rdenheim,”’ ermantown a e garetta Mason; Sedan ie ean 4—John Adam (1763-1847), called Adam Hocker, of State River Mills,” Buckingham CoraViae: tobacco planter and mfg. miller: pvt. Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Provost (d 1816: John Huguenot, m Isabella-—); ¢ 3-William (1808-70), of ‘Oak Grove,” Buckingham Co., Va.; tobacco planter; m 1831, Susan Mildred Lewis (1811-86; William‘ [1775-1887], m Anne Tyndale). 2-Dau. of Charles Fontaine Venable (1852-1913), civil engr.; m 1st, 1877, Nannie Lewis Hoécker (1852-86); issue: I—-Mildred Lewis (d young); II- Gertrude (d@ young); IlI—Mary Priscilla (d young); IV—Elizabeth Marshall (above); V— Clara Ambler (6 1884; m Rev. Richard Town- send Henshaw). IV—Ed. under governesses, at Fairmount Coll., Tenn., and Fla. Woman’s Coll., 1906-08 (Kappa Delta). Author: Venables of Virginia, 1925. Mem. C.D.A. (rec. sec. Fla. soc.), D.A.R. Resi- dence: 326 E. Monroe St., Jacksonville, Fla. 1-VER STEEG, Florence Biddle Helmers (Mrs. L Walter B.), b St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 17, 1865 i-William Biddle (qv); 6-William (1669-1743), m Lydia Wardell; 5-John, m Sarah Owen; 4-Col. Clement (1740-1814), dep. q.m. gen. of the Flying Camp,” in Am. Rev.; m Rebecca Cor- nell (Hon. Gideon, of Phila.); 3-Edward E., m Eliza Terry David. 2-Dau. of Eliza Evelyn Biddle (1835-1916), m Charles Christian Helmers (1825-1909); issue: I— Florence Biddle (above); II-Theodore W. (b 1868); IIlI—Alice E. (d); I1V—Charles C. (d); V— Mathilde (d). I-m June 13, 1887, Walter Bartus Ver Steeg, b Keokuk, Ia., July 21, 1862; son of Wouter Bartus ver Steeg, of Holland; issue: 1—Elise Biddle, 6 St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 3, 1890; Washing- ton U., ’09; m May 11, 1917, George Castleman Tandy, of St. Louis, Mo. Mem. D.A.R. Residence: 4646 Lindell Boul., St. Louis, Mo. 1-VEZIN, Charles, Jr., ) N.Y. City, Jan. 27, 1886. 8-Claude (Le Maistre) DeLamater, from France to Flatbush, N.Y., 1652; m 1652, Hester DuBois (Pierre®, Huguenot refugee); 7-Abraham (06 1656); Behan (b 1707), m Sarah Vangesbeck Cham- ers; 5-—Cornelius (6 1746), m 1767, Rachel Slaight; 4-William (b 1789), m Eliza Douglas; 3—Cornelius Henry (1821-89), founder DeLamater Iron Works, engine builders, New York; m 1842. Ruth O. Caller (b 1824; John‘, m Sarah, dau. of Zadock Southwick). 2-Son of Adah DeLamater (b 1858), m 1883, Charles Vezin (b 1858), merchant, artist (See Who’s Who in America); issue: I-Louise (b 1884; m Walter Lindsay Niles); II—Charles, Jr. (above); IiI-—Cornelius D. (b 1890); I[V—Zillah (6b 1892). IIl-m Sept. 19, 1912, Emily Ellen Butler (qv for issue). B.Litt., Princeton University, 709. With Hinch- man, Vezin & Co., mfrs.’ agents, New York, 1909-11; with Harris, Forbes & Co. and William A. Read & Co., investment bankers, New York, 1911-18; again with Hinchman, Vezin & Co., 1919-21; with Guaranty Co. of New York, 1922- 1923; with Scudder, Stevens & Clark, invest- ment counsel, since 1923. Mem. N.Y. Assembly, eget Residence: 261 Palisade Av., Yonkers, 1-VEZIN, Emily Ellen Butler (Mrs. Charles, Jr.), b Lawrenceville, N.J., May 24, 1887. 8-John Butler (1653-1735), from Eng., was living at New London, Conn., 1689; m Katherine Haughton; 7—Jonathan (1700-60), m Temperance Buckingham; 6—Eizekiel (1734-81), m Mable Jones; 5—-Medad (1766-1847), m Hannah Tylee; 244 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 4-Benjamin Franklin (1795-1858), Atty. Gen. of U.S. and Sec. of War in Cabinets of Presidents Jackson and Van Buren; m Harriet Allen; 3-William Allen, LL.D. (1825-1902), distinguished lawyer, New York; pres. Am. Bar Assn.; author; m 1850, Mary Russell Marshall. 8-James Marshall, m Ruth Hawkins; 7-Joseph, m Mercy Short; 6-—Benjamin, m Mary Macy; 5-Charles (b 1760), sea capt.; m Hephzibah Coffin; 4-Charles Henry (1792-1865), sea capt. and part owner of the Black Ball Line of packets, bet. New York and Liverpool; m Fidelia Wellman; 3-Mary Russell (1828-1919), m William Allen But- ler (3 above). 2-Dau. of George Prentiss Butler (1863-1911), A.B., Princeton, ’84; m 1886, Ellen Mudge (b 1865). M Sept. 19, 1912, Charles Vezin, Jr. (av); issue: 1— Emily Ellen, 6 Troy, N.Y., June 21, 1913; 2-Ruth Delamater, 6 Yonkers, N.Y., Dec. 9, 1916; 3- Henry Delamater, b Yonkers, Dec. 14, 1919. Residence: 261 Palisade Av., Yonkers, N.Y. 1-VIALL, Ada Eliza Osborn (Mrs. C. C.), J Placerville, Calif., June 25, 1860. 9-John Osborn (1604-86), from Eng., 1644; settled at East Windsor, Conn.; m 1645, Ann Oldage; 8-Samuel (1660-1736), m 1683, Mary Brooks (b 1665); Tee Samuel (1684-1756), m Abigal Eggleston (0 6-Samuel (1705-74), m 1725, Mary Phelps (b 1707); 5—-Daniel (1736-1818), selectman, E. Windsor, Conn.; m 1764, Hannah Ely (6 1745); 4—Klijah (1768-1847), m 1798, Abigal Pryor (b 1773); 3—Daniel (1798-1858), m Mariah Hathaway. 9-Capt. Thomas Brooks (qv); 8—-Joshua, m 1653, Hannah Mason (6 1636); 7-Noah (1655-1738), m Dorothy Wright (1660-1750); 6-Thomas (1701-90), m 1724, Hannah Dakin (6 1704); 5-Luke (6 1731), responded to Lexington Alarm; m Lucy Wheeler (6 1733); 4-Stephen (b 1756), responded to Lexington Alarm; m Prudence Whitcomb (Maj. Gen. John®, Am. Rev., m Rebecca-); 3-Timothy (1807-95), m 1840, Eliza Ann Goodspeed. 8-Roger Goodspeed (d 1685), a founder of Barn- stable, Mass., 1639; m Alice Leighton; 7—Ebenezer (1655-1746), m 1677, Lydia Crowell; 6-Roger (6 1698), m 1720, Hannah Phinney (b 1700; John’, m Sarah Lumbart; John’, m Mary, dau, of Joseph Rogers, Mayflower Pilgrim); 5-Isaac (1723-1800), in Battle of Bennington; m 1754, Ann Jenkins (1731-1826) ; 4-Luther (1762-1832), m 2d, 1802, Elizabeth Rugg (Capt. Daniel®, officer Am. Rev., m Elizabeth Woods Divol; Daniel®; Daniel’; John’, m Han- nah, dau. of John Prescott); 3—Eliza Ann (1810-84), m Timothy Brooks (3 above). 2-Only child of Abial Hathaway Osborn (1830- 1862), sawmill owner; m 1859, Caroline Amelia Brooks (b 1840). M Nov. 10, 1880, Christopher Colson Viall (Nov. 28, 1844-Oct. 18, 1905); son of George Bennett Viall, m Emily, dau. of Christopher Colson, served in Am, Rev.; issue: 1—-Philip Osborn, 0 Painesville, O., June 29, 1888; Yale-S., ex-’10; m Dec. 3, 1912, Catherine, dau. of Charles Dudley Tuke, of Rochester, N.Y. (issue: Philip Osborn, Jr.; Kenneth Tuke); 2-George Kenneth, 0 Painesville, Sept. 1, 1895; Ph.B., Yale-S., '17; 2d It., Hdqrs. Co., 324th F.A., and with A.E.F. in France and Army of Occupation in Ger- many; m June 16, 1920, Anna Louise, dau. of Gustave E. Kappler, of Cleveland, O. (issue: Joanne; David Colson). Wellesley Coll., ’80. Mem. S.M.D., D.F.P.A., C.D. XVII C., D.A.R., U.S.D.1812. Club: Cleveland Re Residence: 468 Mentor Av., Paines- ville, O. Aeron Ethan, 6 Kalamazoo, Mich., Aug. 17, 7-John Viall (b 1618), from Eng. to Boston ca. 1630; m 2d, Elizabeth Smith (Hon. Richard’, of Narragansett, R.I.); 6—Jonathan (d 1724), m Mercy-; 5—Joseph (b 1709), m 1730, Ruth Whittaker; 4-Sylvester (b 1751), m 1790, Abigail Adams; 3-James (6 1805), m 1828, Jane Carr. 2-Son of Ethan Viall (b 1834), m 1859, Mary Ophelia Concklin (b 1832); issue: I—-Delia Kel- loge (b 1860; m 1881, G. V. Pettit; m 2d, 1918, W. B. Hatton); II-Etta Concklin (1863-1908: m 1883, W. _B. Hatton); IIlI—Ethan (above); IV— Harriet Nason (b 1878). III—m Dec. 26, 1898, Evia Mae Sickles (Nov. 12, 1875- July 19, 1919); dau. of Amos Sickles (1st cousin of Gen. Daniel Sickles), of Bloomington, IIl.; issue: 1-Alda Sickles (July 2, 1900-Apr. 1, 1904); 2-Eloise, 6 Bloomington, Ill., Apr. 3, 1904; 3— Verda Isabella, b Chicago, Ill., Nov. 19, 1905. M 2d, Jan. 1, 1921, Nola Emily Minton, b Lebanon, Ky., June 20, 1883; dau. of Col. T. W. Minton, of Barbourville, Ky. Editor and technical writer to 1922; now retired (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 10618 Thrush Av. S.W., Cleveland, O. 1-VIALL, Richmond, ) Providence, R.I., June 26, 1896. 10—John Alden (qv); 9—-Klizabeth (1624/25-1717), m (1619/20-1707) ; 8—-Elizabeth (6 1647), m 1666, John Rogers; 7—-Elizabeth (1672-1724), Col. Sylvester Richmond (1672-1754) ; 6—Peleg (1700-838), m Mary Viall; Ps 5-Patience (1763-1854), m Nathaniel Viall (1762- 1852) ; 4-Anson (1795-1866), m Elizabeth Bicknell; 3—Richmond (1834-1911), m Eliza Nelson Cole. 2-Son of William Angell Viall (b 1861), chemist, Providence; m 1891, Harriet Elizabeth Warner; issue: I—Katharine (1892-93); II-Virginia (b 1893; m Colin Gordon McLeod); Ili—Richmond (above). IlI-m Sept. 6, 1919, Adelaide Mayberry, dau. of Cyrus Penin Brown, of St. Paul, Minn.; issue: I—Richmond, Jr., b Providence, R.I., June 4, 1920. Williams, ex-’19. With Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co,, Providence. Enlisted in Can. Royal Air Force; Sept. 19, 1917; 2d 1t., Feb. 2, 1918; 1t., Apr. 1, 1918; 46th Squadron, B.E.F. France. Mem. NA Summer place: Saunderstown, R.1. Residence: 144 Medway St., Providence, R.1I. 1-VOSS, Tarquinia Losa, ) Noblesville, Ind., Nov. 6, 1850. Dese. Andrew (Von Vos) Voss, from Holland to Charleston, S.C., 1700; m 1st, Maria—; m 2d, Emily Fitzgerald. Maternally, 5-David Evans, came from Wales; m —McFarland; 4-David, m a cousin, —McFarland; 3—Jonathan (1803-75), m Susannah Barnett. 2-Dau. of Gustavus Henry Voss (1822-83), law- yer, capitalist; m Sarah Ann Evans (1823-80); issue: I~Theresa Harriott (1847-1922; m Wel- ler Butler Smith); II]—Corinna Eva (1848-1916; m Isaac Spangler Randolph); IlI—Tarquinia Losa (above); IV—Grotius Jay (1857-1920; m Mary L. Cones); V—Vesta Myrtis (1865-73). Has adopted her grand niece, Lurline Tarquinia Voss (0 Smith), b Portland, O., Feb. 18, 1910; dau. of Goldwin Jay Smith, m Grace Walker. Ed. Hughes Inst., DePauw U., and College de France. Active in religious, social, civic, and philanthropic work; writer. Represented State of Ind. and Gen. Soc. D.R. at Paris Expn., 1900. Mem. D.R. (state regent, 5th v.p. gen.), U.S.D. 1812, ete.; hon. mem. Hugue- not Soc. America. Summer place: “Bank Farm,’ Hamilton Co., Ind. Residence: 1301 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind. 1-W ALDEN, Lionel (Colden), ) Norwich, Conn., May 22, 1861. 7-Israel Walden (d 1711; desc. Sir Lionel), from Eng., was at Portsmouth, N.H., 1680; 6—-Thomas (1692-1724), m 1716, Sarah Cotton; 5-Thomas (1718-52), maj. at capture of Louisburg, 1745; m 1741, Ann Treadwell; 4—Jacob (1751-1831), officer Cont. Navy; m 1774, Ab- by Lowd; 3-Jacob Treadwell (1775-1855), mcht. and mfr.; m 2d, 1824, Beulah Hoffman Willet (Gilbert C.4 [desc. Thomas Willet, first English mayor of New York], m Susan, dau. of Lindley Murray, the grammarian). 8-Richard Law, from Eng., 1635; was at Weth- ersfield, Conn., 1635; removed to Stamford, 1640; m Margaret Kilbourne; 7-Jonathan, m Sarah Clark (Ens. George); 6—Jonathan (1672-1750), A.B., Harvard, 1695; colo- nial gov. of Conn., 1741-50; m five times, lastly, 1719, Eunice Hall (John’?, m Dorothy Lyman); William Pabodie 5-Richard, LL.D (1733-1806), A.B., Yale, 1751; del. Cont. Congress; judge Supreme Ct. and chief justice Superior Ct. of Conn.; 1st federal judge for Conn.; m Ann Prentiss (John®); 4-Lyman (1770-1842), A.B., Yale, 1791; rep. 12th to FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 14th Congresses, 1811-17; m —Learned (Amasa‘, m Grace Hallum); 8-William Henry (06 1803), speaker Conn. Assem- bly; m 1829, Mary Lee (1805-89; Benjamin‘ [1765- 1828, son of Thomas, m Mary, sister of William Pitt, prime minister of Eng.], officer British navy, came to America, 1784, m 1797, Elizabeth, dau. of John Leighton, m Elizabeth Gorham). 2-Son of Rev. Jacob Treadwell Walden (1830- 1918), clergyman and author (See Who’s Who in America); m 1853, Elizabeth Leighton Law (1829-84); issue: I-Leighton Law (d); II—Lionel (above); Il1I—Mary Lee (d); IV—Arthur Tread- well. II—Not married. Painter (See Who’s Who in America). Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur, 1910; mem. Nat. Inst. Arts and Letters, etc. Rresidence: P.O. Box 2953, Honolulu, H.T 1-WALDRON, Daniel Whipple, } Chesaning, Mich., Dec. 19, 1865. 8—Maj. Richard (Walderne) Waldron (qv); 7-Col. Richard (1650-1730), dep. Gen. Ct.; coun- cillor; col. militia; m 2d, Eleanor Vaughn (1669-1727) ; 6—-Richard (1693/94-1753), m 1718, Elizabeth West- brook (0 1701); 5-Thomas Westbrook (1721-85), town clk. of Do- ver, N.H., 1779-85; m Constance Davis (1734-83) ; 4—Daniel (1776-1821), m 1802, Olive Ridge Sheafe (1777-1845) ; epee (1806-68), m 1835, Kaziah E. Hagen (1818- 1894). 2-Son of Charles Francis Waldron (1841-1904), orange grower; m 1865, Emily Stearns (1845- 1920); issue: I-—Daniel Whipple (above); II- Mary Emily (b 1867; m Holmes Erwin); III- Edmund (1873-81); ITV—Olive (1877-85); V-Holmes Erwin (1886-1914); VI—Leonard V. I-m Aug. 22, 1892, Florence Adelle Bagley, 0 Phila., Pa., Mar. 24, 1873; dau. of George Bag- ley, from London, Eng., was band master of troop ship in U.S.N.; issue: 1-Agnes Emily, 0 Pomona, Fla., Aug. 5, 1898; m June 24, 1912, P. S. Fagan (issue: Florence Lillian; Daniel William); 2-Harold Edwin (May 16, 1895-Nov. 5, 1918); pvt. Co. EH, 105th Engrs., A.E.F.; died of influenza followed by pneumonia; 3—Charles Francis, 6 Welaka, Fla., Aug. 8, 1897; served in hospital corps, U.S.A., World War; 4-Leslie Ethelbert, 6 Ormond, Fla., Dec. 29, 1900; surf- man, U.S. Coast Guard, World War; m Nov. 25, 1922, Gertrude, dau. of Walker Smith, of Hen- dersonville, N.C.; 5-Ralph Emmerson, 6b Or- mond, Oct. 6, 1906; 6-Dorothy Alice (Nov. 15, 1908-Feb. 17, 1911). Merchant. Mem. O.F.P.A. Residence: Hender- sonville, N.C. 1-WALKER, Albert Rhett, }b Baltimore, Md., July 4, 1871. 6—Rev. Charles G. S. Walker, curate of Ford- pe Cheshire, Eng., missionary to Colony fe) as 5—-Rev. Phillip, priest of the Church of Eng., came from Roxburyshire, Scotland, and served in Va. and Md. and din Md. ca. 1776; 4-Zadoc, settled at Uniontown, Pa., 1796; enter- tained General La Fayette; m Elizabeth Rog- ers, of Mt. Braddock, Pa.; 8—Rev. Joseph Rogers (1796-1879), m 1830, Mary Rhett, of S.C. &-Joseph Boone, from Eng., 1703, settled in S.C. and established ‘‘Boone Hall’; m Anne Alex- ander; 7-Tom, colonial gov. of N.J., 1760, of S.C., 1762-65; commr. of customs of Eng.; m Mary Simes; 6-Tom (6 1725), m Elizabeth Atkinson; m 2d, Mary-, widow of Commodore White; 5-John (1755-91), of ‘‘Boone Hall,” Christ Church Parish, S.C.; m 1776, Sarah Gibbes; 4—Thom (1785-1880), Waterborough, S.C.; m 1808, Mary S. Jones; 3-Rt. Rev. William Jones (1811-64), A.B., S.C. Coll., 729; lst P.E. bishop of China; m Sarah Amelia de S&ussure, Charleston, S.C.; m 2d, Phoebe C. Elliott, of Savannah, Ga. 2-Son of Rev. Albert Rhett Walker (1839-1910), P.E. priest; m 1862, Mary E. Boone (1841-98); m 2d, Susan Hunter; issue (Ist marriage): I- Mary Smith (6 1866; m Joseph B. Seth); II- Albert Rhett (above); III—William Boone (b 1873); IV—Sarah De SAussure (b 1877; m H. Staf- ford Murphy); V-—Eliza Boone (6 1878); VI-— Henry Chancelor (b 1882). 245 ree vue 15, 1895, Phoebe Elliott Boone (qv for ssue). Ed. St. Paul’s School, Baltimore. Owner of Talbot Mfg. Co., St. Louis. Residence: 2522 Bellevue Av., Maplewood (St. Louis), Mo. 1-WALEKER, Phoebe Elliott Boone (Mrs. Al- bert R.), 6 Hangkow, China, Jan. 21, 1873. 8-Joseph Boone, from Eng., 1708, settled in S.C. established ‘Boone Hall’; m Anne Alex- ander; 7-Tom, colonial gov. of N.J., 1760, of S.C., 1762-65; commr. of customs of Eng.; m Mary Simes; 6-Tom (b 1725), m Elizabeth Atkinson; m 2d, Mary-—, widow of Commodore White; 5—John (1755-91), of ‘“Boone Hall,” Christ Church Parish, S.C.; m 1776, Sarah Gibbes; 4—Thom (1785-1830), Waterborough, S.C.; m 1808, Mary S. Jones; 3-Rt. Rev. William Jones (1811-64), A.B., S.C. Colla 29.8 1st. Ps bishopmoL, China; a itm.d, Phoebe C. Elliott. 6-Henri De Saussure, from Lausanne, raine, to S.C., 1730; 5—Daniel, patriot in Am. Rev.; pres. S. C. Senate, 1790-91; m Mary McPherson; 4-Henry William (1763-1839), dir. U.S. Mint, 1794; chancellor of S.C.; m 178, Eliza Ford; 3-Charles Alfred (1808-71), m 1835, Thomasine Wilding Fall (d 1886). 2-Dau. of Rt. Rev. William Jones Boone (1846- 91), A.B., Princeton, 65; 4th P.E. bishop of China; m 1869, Mary Caroline De Saussure (1847-75); m 2d, Henrietta Frances Harris; issue (st marriage): I-—Caroline Wilding (m Jan Rhein); II—Phoebe Elliott (above); I1I—Wil- liam Jones; (2d marriage): IV—Elliott Wil- liams (6 1880; m Edith Mabel Noyes). II-m Apr. 15, 1895, Albert Rhett Walker (qv); issue: 1—-Albert Rhett, Jr., b Long Island, N.Y., May 16, 1896; 2-William Boone, 0b Brooklyn, N.Y., Mar. 17, 1898; m Oct. 15, 1918, Elsa H. R., dau. of Adolph P. Mueller, of St. Louis (issue: Jane Harriett, b Dec. 31, 1919; William Boone, b Apr. 16, 1921); m 2d, Minnette M. Kershaw; 3— Stephen Elliott (Nov. 29, 1900-Dec. 20, 1904). Summer place: “Friendlinest,’ Ozarks, Sulli- van, Mo. Residence: 2522 Bellevue Av., Ma- plewood (St. Louis), Mo. 1-WALTER, Augusta Penniman (Mrs. Edgar D.), 6 Thomasville, Ga., Nov. 3, 1868. 8-James Penniman (qv); 7-Lt. Samuel (1645-1704/05), m 1683/84, Elizabeth Parmenter (Robert); 6—Joseph (bap. 1692), m Ann Farnum; 5—Jesse (1736-1818), m Lois Wood; 4-Elkanah (b 1782), m 1804, Lucy Childs; 3-Emory Holbrook (1817-62), m 1842, Sybil Fisher. 7-Gabriel Adams; 6—William; 5-William, m Ann Wren; 4-Wesley (6b Fairfax, Va., 1775), m Elizabeth Hughes, of Va.; 3-Dr. Seth Samuel (6 Alexandria, Va.), m Mary Frances Bryant. 2-Dau. of William Frederick Penniman (1842- 1908), cotton exporter; m 1866, Ann Elizabeth Adams (1843-1913); issue: I-Mary Sybil (b 1867; m Jan. 25, 1898, Charles Bartow Lloyd, @ June 26, 1898); II—Augusta (above); IIlI—Edna Ger- trude (6 1875); IV—Hillen Fisher (b 1882); V— William Frederick (6b 1884; m Florence Stev- ens); VI—Ann Elizabeth (6 1890; m Dr. Robert Francis Jones, U.S.N., See Vol. 1, p. 319). Il-m Nov. 16, 1892, Edgar Dorsey Walter, b Winchester, Va., Feb. 5, 1870; son of Dorsey Walter, of Winchester; issue (all b Brunswick, Ga.): 1-Frederick D., 6b Nov. 10, 1898; 2—Bliza- beth Penniman, 6 Nov. 18, 1895; m Jan. 23, 1917, Lt. Cdr. Carl Augustus Bostrom, U.S.N. (d Feb. 26, 1917); m 2d, Nov. 5, 1924, William Vance Brown, of Asheville, N.C.; 3-Edgar Dorsey, Jr., b Feb. 21, 1898; 4-Emory Ewing, b Sept. 18, 1901; 5-Julian Dwight, b May 24, 1903. Residence: 95 Vine St., Chattanooga, Tenn. our ons Thomas England, b Phila., Pa., Feb. 8-Daniel Walton, the second of four brothers who settled at New Castle, Pa., 1635, subse- quently at and named Byberry (now part of Phila.); m 1682, Mary Lamb; 7—-Daniel, m Elizabeth Clifton; 6—Daniel (b 1763), m Ann Knight; Lor- Ann 246 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 5-Daniel, m 2d, Mary Woolens (1775-1832) ; 4-Joseph (1804-76), prominent mcht., Phila.; a founder 4th Bapt. Ch.; m Ann Dyre (1800-64); 8-Charles Dyre (b 1833), m 1856, Henrietta Iisher Spittall (6 1836). 7-William England, m Sarah Durborough, of Willistown, Chester Co., Pa.; 6—-William (1741-1813), m Susanna Hall; ee (1774-1858), m 1803, Mary Clemson (1783- ); 4-James (1810-81), founder of England, Walton & Co., tanners; m 1886, Sarah Young, 3-Thomas Young (1837-1906), maj. U.S.V. in Civil War; extensive tanning interests; capitalist; m 1862, Emma Clarissa Combs (b 1838). 2-Son of Charles Spittall Walton (1862-1916), M.E., U. Pa., 82; extensive tanning interests, capi- talist; m 1887, Martha Edna England (0 1868); issue: IThomas England (above); Ii—-Martha (m William A. Wiedersheim, 34d); I1I—Charles Spittall (m Adeline Mary Potts); IVv—Joseph William. I-m Nov. 17, 1909, Georgia Winifred Bonnell, 7) Vincennes, Ind., Mar. 20, 1888; dau. George Wil- liam Bonnell; issue (all b St. Davids, Pa.): 1- Clarissa, b Sept. 5, 1910; 2-Winifred, b Oct. a, 1911; 3-George Bonnell, b Nov. 21,1913; 4-Thomas England, Jr., b Mar. 16, 1915; 5—-Nancy, b Oct. 25, 1916; 6-Mary, b Jan. 9, 1918; 7-Robert Elliott, b Feb. 21, 1921; 8-Martha Jean, b Jan. 18, 1925. Pa. Mil. Coll., 19; U. Pa., 10. Interested in land development in Fla., east coast. Life mem. Colonial Soc. of Pa. Clubs: Everglades (Palm Beach, Fla.), Men’s (Wayne, Pa.). Winter place: South Ocean Boul., Palm Beach, Fla. Residence: St. Davids, Pa. 1-WARE, Nyna Tyler Gould (Mrs. John N.), v Warren, Mass., Aug. 4, 1872. 6—-Thomas Gould, of Salem, Mass.; m 1750, Sarah Ingalls (b 1728); 5—Thomas (1755-1829), of Marblehead, Mass.; Am. Rey.; m 1782, Hannah Williams, of Pomfret, Conn.; 4-Lyman (1787-1841), m 1818, Mary Marble (b 1786; Thaddeus®, Am. Rev.); 3-John Bisbee (1820-90), m 1845, Olive M. Moulton (1827-1908). 10-Dea. John Dunham (qv); 9-Joseph (1636/37-1702/03), m 2d, 1669, Hester Wor- mall (Joseph, m BEsther—); 8-Micaiah (1679/80-1756), Colonial wars; founder of Dunhamtown, Mass.; m 1701, Elizabeth Lazell (b 1681; Joshua’, m Mary—; John™, m Elizabeth, dau. of Stephen Gates); 7-Micaiah (1716-56), m 1736, Mary—; 6—Joseph (1739-1820), mem. ‘“‘Boston Tea Party’; m Sarah Davis; 5-Solomon (1770-1836), m 1800, Mary Farley; ae (1803-1888), m Ebenezer Moulton (b 3-Olive M. (1827-1908), m John Bisbee Gould (3 above). 9-Job Tyler (ca. 1619-1700), at Andover, Mass., 1639; m Mary-; S-Q. M. Moses (1642-1727), m 1st, 1666, Prudence Blake (1647-89) ; 7-Capt. John (1669-1756), King William’s War; m 1695, Annie Messenger (1676-1745) ; 6—Dea. John (1696-1790), m Sarah Barron (b 1695): 5-Lt. Abner (1738-1819), lt. Am. Rev.; m_ 1774, Bethiah Muzzey (1754-1855, aet. 101; Dea. John’, Am. Rev.); 4—Daniel (1777-1851), War 1812; m 3d, 1817, Sarah Jones (1780-1848) ; 8-David Richards (1821-81), m 1846, Emeline A. Reed (1824-1901). 2-Only child of Jerome Marble Gould (1845-1915), m 1871, Julia Eliza Tyler (0b 1848). M Feb. 7, 1908, John Nelson Ware, } Memphis, Tenn., May 22, 1872; son of John Nelson Ware, of Amherst Co., Va., Helena, Ark., and Mem- phis, Tenn. Mem. D.F.P.A. (pres. Ark. soc.), D.B.R., D.C.G., D.A.R., U.S.D.1812. Residence: Helena, Ark. 1-WASHBURN, Stanley, } Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 7, 1878. 9-John Washburn (qv); 8—John (1621-1686), soldier in Narragansett and King Philip’s wars; m Elizabeth Mitchell (EXx- perience®, came in the “Anne,” 1623, m Jane, dau. Francis Cooke, qv); 7-Set. Samuel (1651-1720), soldier in King Philip’s War: m Deborah Packard; 6-Israel (1684-1719), m Waitstill Sumner; 5-Capt. Israel (1718-96), member Com. Safety; m Leah Fobes; 4-Capt. Israel, soldier Am. Rev.; m Abiah King; °3-Tsrael (1784-1876), m Martha Benjamin (Lt, Sam- uel4, soldier Am. Rev.), of their children, Israel was gov. of Me., Cadwallader C., 10th gov. of Wis., Charles A., minister to Para- guay, and Elihu B., Sec. of State under Presi- dent Grant. °-Son of William Drew Washburn (1831-1912), A.B., Bowdoin, ’54; mcht. miller; U.S. senator, 1899-1905; m Elizabeth Little Muzzy (1836-1915); issue: I-William Drew (b 1863; m Florence Savier); IIl-Cadwallader (See Who’s Who in America); I1I—- Mary (m Elbert Francis Bald- win; See Who’s Who in America); IV—Edwin Chapin (See Vol. 1, p. 879); V-Elizabeth (Mrs. Hamilton Wright, qv for Muzzy lineage); VI-— Stanley (above). Vi-m Nov. 27, 1906, Alice, dau. of John D. Lang- horne, of Lynchburg, Va.; issue: 1-Fawan, b Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 30, 1907; 2-Stanley, Jr., b Minneapolis, Oct. 6, 1908; 3-Cary Lang- horne, b July 14, 1918. A.B., Williams, ’01; Harvard Law Sch., 1901; (Dr: Humane Letters, Williams, 1921). War corre- spondent, explorer, author (See Who’s Who in rare sa Residence: ‘“Inverfirs,” Lakewood, 1-WRIGHT, Elizabeth Washburn (Mrs. Ham- ilton), b Minneapolis, Minn. 9-Robert Muzzy, freeman, Ipswich, Mass., 1634; m Bridget-—; 8—-Benjamin, m Alice Dexter (Richard®, of Bos- ton, 1642); 7-Benjamin, m Sarah Langhorne; 6—John (b 1685), m Elizabeth Bradshaw (John™, m Mary—; Humphrey’, m Patience Bowers); 5—-Dea. John (1714-89), Lexington, Mass.; mem. Com. Correspondence; mem. Mass. Gen. Ct.; m Abigail Reed (Benjamin®, m Rebecca Stone; George’; William’, came in the “Defense,” 1635) ; 4-Jonas (d 1819), m 2d, Abigail Lamb; 3-Hon. Franklin (1806-73), m Caroline McCumber. 2-Dau. of Elizabeth Little Muzzy (1836-1915), m William Drew Washburn, LL.D. (1831-1912), U.S. senator, 1899-1905. For issue and Wash- burn lineage see Stanley Washburn. M Hamilton Wright (Aug. 2, 1867-Jan. 9, 191%), M.D., C.M., McGill U. (Montreal), Cambridge U., Eng.; U. of Heidelberg; hon. fellow Johns Hopkins; asst. dir. London County Council Laboratories, research work on beri-beri and malaria in Malay Peninsula; organizer and first dir. Inst. Med. Research, Federated Malay States; apptd. by President Roosevelt, 1908, as opium commr. of Dept. of State and sent as del. to Internat. Opium Commn., Shanghai, 1909, carrying on work for govt. and preparing for participation of U.S. in 1st, 2d, and 3d Internat. Opium confs. at The Hague, participating as del. for U.S. (See Who's Who in America, Vol. 9); issue: 1-Rosalind, } Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States; 2-Hamilton, b Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States; 3 Washburn, }) Baltimore, Md.; 4-Barbara, b Washington, D.C.; 5-Leslie, 6 Livermore, Me. Ed. Misses Masters School, Dobbs Ferry, and private schools and tutors in Germany and France. Traveled extensively in Asia and Far Bast. Is carrying on work of her late husband in connection with the internat. opium movement. Apptd. by Council of the League of Nations as assessor on the Opium Advisory Com., 1921, re-apptd., 1923-24-25. Apptd. by President Coolidge del. with full powers to Tnternat. Opium Conf., Geneva, 1924-25. Author (See Who’s Who in America for details). Mem. C.Dp.A. Summer place: Norlands, Livermore, Me. Residence: 1521 N.H. Av., Washington, D.C. 1-WASHBURN, William Ives, } Bridgeport, Conn., Aug. 30, 1854. 9-John Washburn (qv); 8—John (1621-86), Narragansett and King Philip’s Wars; m Elizabeth Mitchell (Experience’, came in the “Ann,” 1623, m Jane, dau. of Francis Cooke, qv): 7—-James (1672-1749), m Mary Bowden; 6—James (1698-1741), m Elizabeth Leonard; ites (1733-1810), capt. Am. Rev.;. m Hulda ears; 4-Rey. Azel (1764-1841), Middleborough, Mass.; m Sarah Skinner (0b 1776); FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 247 3—Rev. Royal (1797-1833), m Harriet W. Parsons. 8-William Ives (qv); 7—Joseph (1647-94), m ‘Mary Yale; 6—Joseph (1673-1751), m Sarah Ball; 5-Stephen (1708-1744/45), m Abigail Rowe; 4-Stephen (1741/42-1785-86), m Sarah Ames; 38—William (1782-1858), m Polly Andrews Bray. 2-Only child of John Henry Washburn (1828-1909), A.B., Amherst, ’49; officer, Home Ins. Co., New York, for many years, and pres. 1901-04; m 1858, Jane A. Ives (1823-98). M Nov. 15, 1888, Carrie Woodruff Fisher (qv for issue). A.B., Amherst, ’76 (Alpha Delta Phi, P.B.K.), A.M., 1878; LL.B., Columbia, 1878. Admitted to bar, 1879, and since in practice at New York; dir. Home Ins. Co., City of N.Y. Ins. Co., Inter- zone Corpn. (New York), Franklin Fire Ins. Co. (Phila.), Lawyers Title & Guaranty Co. (New York), Carolina Ins. Co. (Wilmington, N.C.), Harmonia Fire Ins. Co. (Buffalo). Trustee Hartford Seminary Foundation; dir. N.Y. Chris- tian Home for Intemperate Men; trustee Broad- way Tabernacle Soc. for 25 years to 1924. Judge Adv. Gen.’s Dept., N.Y., 1889-1912, rank of maj.; Sec, Us.) Dist. ba, tor City ofr N.yY.,. under Selective Service Act, World War. Author: The Holy Spirit, 1918. Mem. S.C.W., D.C.G., S.R., N.E. Soc., M.O.F.W. Clubs: Century, Lotos, Alpha Delta Phi, Amherst, Congrega- tional, Association of the Bar, ete. Residence: 37 E. 68d St., New York. 1-WASHBURN, Carrie Woodruff Fisher (Mrs. William Ives), 6 N.Y. City, Dec. 18, 1857. 8-Capt. Daniel Fisher (1619-83), from Eng. to Bos- ton, 1637, and settled at Dedham same year: freeman, 1640; selectman, 1650-81; capt. Dedham Co. of Foot, 1640; mem. A. and H.A. Co., 1640; dep. Gen. Court, speaker three times; gov.’s asst., 1682; m 1641, Abigail Marriott; 7-Capt. Daniel (1649-1713), m Mary Fuller; 6—Jeremiah (b 1679), m Deborah Richards; 5-Jeremiah (1704-52), m Elizabeth Cook; 4—-Jeremiah (6 1735), m Sarah Dean; 3—Paul (1773-1803), m Levina Richards. 6—EXzekiel Woodruff (1717-1801); 5—-Iizekiel (1744-1802), capt. and maj. m Sarah—; m 2d, Elizabeth-; 4—Silas (1770-1819), m Mary (or Margaret) Hunt; 8-—Benjamin (1794-1848), Elizabeth, N. J.; m 1819, Margaret-. 2-Dau. of Nathaniel Fisher (1818-80), merchant, New York; m 1845, Mary Ann Woodruff (1824- 1892); issue: I-Nathaniel Requa (d); II—Eliza- beth Richards; IIJ-Irving Requa (d 1925; m Carrie C. Browning); IV—Mary Louise (d; m John R. Downey, d 1899); V-Edward Dix (See Who’s Who in America); VI-Carrie Woodruff (above); VII—Annie Alling (m Lefferts Stre- beigh, d 1916); VIII-Nathaniel Campbell (d 1923); IX—Harris Baldwin (m Madeline Warren). Vi-m Nov. 15, 1888, William Ives Washburn (qv): issue (all bN.Y. City): 1-Grace Ives (Sept. 13, 1884-Jan. 28, 1918); m Jan. 7, 1911, Bernard Henry Pelzer (issue: Grace Washburn; Bernard Henry, Jr.): 2-William Ives, Jr., b May 24, 1887, enlisted in Light Tank Corps, Apr. 15, 1918; set. Co. B, 328th Bn., May 12, 1918: 2d 1t. and supply officer, 334th Bn., Aug. 22, 1918-Dec. 14, 1918; m June 16, 1910, Elisabeth Thompson, dau. of James Arthur Crane, of Westfield, Mass. (is- sue: John Henry); 3-Nathalie Fisher (May 27- Dec. 15, 1895). Mem. C.D.A. Residence: 37 E. 63d St., New York. 6 Spring- 1-WASHBURN, William Johnson, water, N.Y., Sept. 30, 1852. §-John Washburn (qv); 8-John (1621-86), soldier in Narragansett and King Philip’s wars; m Elizabeth Mitchell (Ex- perience®, came in the ‘‘Ann,”’ 1623); 7-Thomas, of Bridgewater; m Deliverance Pack- ard (Samuel); 6-Timothy, moved to Coventry, Conn., ante 1734; m Hannah-; 5-Timothy (b 1721), lived at Coventry and Hebron; m Keziah-; ras! (1749-1813), m Abigail Porter (Increase’®; David®; John?; John’; John’); 3—Aaron (1778-1880), War 1812; Cohocton, N.Y.: m Clarissa Crouch (Richard‘, m Beatrice, dau. of Ambrose Strong). 9-Edward Johnson (qv);:’ 8—-Maj. William (1629-1704), asst., Mass. Bay Col- ony, 1684-86, 1689-91; dep. Gen. Ct.; maj., King in Am. Rev.; William’s War; m Esther Wiswell (Elder Thomas’) ; 7—-Ebenezer (1660-1737), m Sarah Winn (Ens. Jo- seph§, m Rebecca, dau. of William Reed); 6-Ebenezer (1699-1756), d Crown Point Expdn.; m Sarah Stearns (Isaac?; John§; Isaac®, qv); 5-William (b 1733), m Sarah Kendall (Nathaniel’, m Sarah, dau. of Timothy Carter); 4—Nathaniel (1762-1849), m Mary Wright (Peter®, m Ellen, dau. of Nathan Chase); 3-—William (1790-1872), m Lucy Gunn (1795-1890; Levit [1757-95], Am. Rev., m Mary, dau. of Enoch Jewett). 2-Son of William Washburn (1824-98), capt. in Civil War; mem. William Washburn & Sons, St. Louis; m 1848, Mary Root Johnson (1824-1917). M May 30, 1878, Helen Edna Rowell (qv). Pres. Equitable Savings Bank, Los Angeles, 1903- 1912; retired; dir. Security Trust & Savings Bank. Pres. Los Angeles Bd. of Edn., 1901-03-05; pres. Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, 1906; chmn. joint com. of civic organizations to ex- amine and report upon feasibility of proposed Los Angeles Aqueduct, 1905; mem. City Coun- cil, 1910-11; govt. rep. at Los Angeles under Aldrich-Vreeland Act, 1914. Mem. S.M.D., S.C.W., S.R., M.O.L.L. Clubs: California, Sun- set, Los Angeles Country. Residence: 2200 Harvard Boul., Los Angeles, Calif. 1-WASHEBURN, Helen Edna Rowell (Mrs. Wil- liam J.), }) Littleton, N.H., May 26, 1852. Saneeer Rowell (d 1662), of Salisbury, Mass., 1640; 8—-Valentine, founder of Amesbury; m Joanna Pinder (Henry’); 7-Philip (1647-90), killed by Indians; m Sarah Morrill (Abraham’, m Sarah, dau. of Robert Clement): 6—Jacob (1671-1745), m Hannah Barnard (Thomas’, m Sarah Peasley); 5—Daniel (1705-ca. 1779), m Anne Currier (John‘’, m Judith Stevens); 4—Daniel (1745-1831), officer Am. Rev.; m Judith French (Joshua*®, m Sarah Carr); 3—Jonathan (1771-1863), m Sally Hoskins (Elkanah! [1741-1805], soldier French and Indian War and Am. Rev., m Mindwell Barney). 4—-Elder James Rankin (1739-1804), from Glasgow, Scotland, settled at Littleton, N.H., 1791; m Margery Witherspoon, of Paisley, Scotland; 3-David (1783-1852), brig. gen. N.H. militia; m Persis Daniels (Increaset [1752-1806], turned out at Lexington Alarm, m Elona, dau. of Aaron Thayer). 2—-Dau. of Guy Carleton Rowell (1808-91), m 1834, Clarissa Daniels Rankin (1809-72). M May 30, 1878, William Johnson Washburn (qv). Mem. first Los Angeles Municipal Art Commn. 1903-11; mem. and sec. of first Juvenile Court Commn. of Los Angeles Co., 1902-09. Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R. Residence: 2200 Harvard Boul., Los Angeles, Calif. I-WASSELL, Charlie Louise Jones Hartley (Mrs. Sam M.), ) Conway, Ark., Sept. 11, 1886. 10-John Howland (qv); 8—Desire (1624-83), m 1643, Capt. (qv); 8-Mercy (1658-1725), m Capt. George Denison (1653- 1711; William®, qv); 7-Joanna, m 1735, Henry Hewitt; 6—Content, m 1766, Stephen Webb (1742-1819) ; 5-David (1786-1848), Windham, Conn.; m 1818, Sarah Bass (1798-1878) ; 4—Mary Jane (1820-81), m oe Mathew H. Winton (1811-68), Burlington, : ere L. (1839-97), m +863, Luella Marlow (d 2-Dau. of Leona Hall Winton (1865-1900), m 1st, 1885, Charles William Jones (1864-86); m 2d, 1889, James FE. Markham. M June 23, 1908, Maynard Leslie Hartley (Dec. 11, 1882- Oct. 6, 1918); son of Maynard Leslie Hartley; issue: 1-— Maynard Leslie, b Little Rock, Ark., July 7, 1909. M 24d, June 10, 1920, Sam MecConnaughey Wassell. John Gorham Mem. S.M.D., D.A.R., U.S.D.1812 (ree. sec. Ark. nerd Residence: 1305 Broadway, Little Rock, rk. 1-WATERMAN, Cameron Beach, Mich., Dec. 20, 1878. 6—-David Bassett Waterman, of Norwich West Farms, Conn.; 5-David, of Norwich, Conn.; m Elizabeth Wells; b Detroit, 248 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 4-Thomas Glasby (1788-1862), B.A., Yale, 1806; m Pamela Whitney (Gen. Joshua‘); 8-Joshua Whitney (d 1892), B.A., Yale, 1844; m Eliza Davenport (Ira‘, of Bath, N. Y., m Lydia Cameron, whose son Ira, was state comp- troller of N.Y., and mem. 49th and 50th Con- gresses). 9-Thomas Beach (qv); 8-John (1655-1709), m 1678, Mary-; cnr (1690-1773), m 2d, Mary Royce (b 1695; Sam- uel); 6—-Edmund (06 1720); : 5-Jonathan (1760-1850), moved to Mt. Morris, Livingston Co., N.Y., and to nr. Flint, Genesee Co., Mich., ca. 1834; m Lucy Baldwin; 4-Eben, m Elizabeth Owen; 3—Eben Charles (d 1891), m Harriet Forsyth. 2-Son of Cameron Davenport Waterman (1852- 1923), B.A., Yale, ’74; m 1878, Elizabeth Hall Beach (1858-1920); issue: I-Cameron Beach (above); II—Ira Davenport (b 1883; m Marjory Brown). I-m Oct. 18, 1904, Lois Fleming Miller, b Pitts- burgh, Pa., Mar. 5, 1883; dau. of Reuben Miller, 3d, of Pittsburgh (5th from Gayen Miller, first record Chester Co., Pa., 1702, mem. Provincial Legislature); issue (all 6 Detroit, Mich.): 1— Mary Elizabeth, 6 Oct. 11, 195; 2-Cameron, b July 15, 19099; 3-Reuben Miller, b Dec. 31, 1910. B.A., Yale, ’01 (D.K.E., Wolf’s Head), LU.B., 1904 (Phi Delta Phi). Pres. The Waterman Corpn., Detroit.” ‘Capt:, U.SuRIS.C.)) Dee) 91917: ma.; U.S. Air Service, with A.E.F., in France as chief of transportation. Mem. M.O.W.W., A.L. Clubs: Yale (New York), Detroit, Detroit Country, Old, University, Yondotega, Union League, The Players, Grosse Pointe, Grosse Pointe Riding and Hunt, Huron Mountain. Residence: Lincoln Rd., Grosse Pointe Vil- lage, Mich. 1-WATERMAN, William Van Antwerp, } Al- bany, N.Y., Sept. 1, 1884. - 10-Robert Waterman (d 1652), from Eng., was at Salem, Mass., 1636, at Plymouth, 1638; settled finally at Marshfield; rep. Gen. Ct., 1644-49; m 1638, Elizabeth Bourne (Thomas”); 9-Sgt. Thomas (1644-1702), m 1668, Miriam Trac(e)y (Lt. Thomas”, qv); 8—-Ens. Thomas (1670-1755), m 1691, Elizabeth Allyn re John®, m Elizabeth Gager; Robert?®, dav); 7—-Ebenezar (6 1698/99), m 1721, Sarah Griswold (b 1700; Capt. Samuel’, m Susanna, dau. of Chris- ek Huntington; Lt. Francis®; Edward", av); 6—-Ebenezar, m Sybe(i)l-; 5-Elijah (6 1764), m Sally Van Vliet; 4-Jeremiah, m Hannah Van Derzee; m 2d, Ruth Ann Shaw; Sioa eee m Mary Elizabeth Waldron (1820- 6-Lewis Simonse Van Antwerp (1731-1824), mem. Com. Safety, Albany Co., N.Y., in Am. Rev.; m Hendrikji Fonda VanBuren; 5-Daniel Lewis, m Hannah Van Zandt; 4—William, m Sarah Meadon; 3-William M. (6b 1825), m Susanna Irwin. 2-Son of Theodore Howard Waterman (1859-1913), grain merchant and flour mfr., Albany, N.Y.; m 1883, Grace Edith Van Antwerp (b 1859); is- sue: I-William Van Antwerp (above); II—Dor- othy (b 1888; m Charles Newman Waldron, II); IlI—Edith (6 1893; m Mills Ten Eyck); IV-— Howard Waldron (b 1899). I-m July 23, 1921, Alida Chanler Lambert; issue: 1-William V. A., Jr., b Apr. 5, 1924. B.A., Yale, 06 (Zeta Psi). Pres. W. V. A. Water- man Co., investment securities, Albany, N.Y. Clubs: Yale (New York), University, Ft. Orange (Albany). Address: 50 State St., Al- bany, N.Y. 1-WATKINS, Corinne Clements (Mrs. John E.), 6 New Castle, Ind., July 4, 1876. i2-Jeffry Clements (d 1609), of Oxford, Eng., shareholder in the London Virginia Co. which colonized Jamestown, Va.; m Elizabeth Fuller (sister of Sir Nicholas Fuller; Cuth- bert#8; Nicholas!); li-Jeremiah, who with his widowed mother, Elizabeth Fuller Clements, and his brothers and sisters came to Va. in the “George,” 1610 or 1611, and took his father’s shares in the London Virginia Co.; inherited 350 acres on south side of James River, and Upper Chi- poakes Creek, Va.; mem, Jamestown Assem- bly, which met Jan. 12, 1641 (his mother mar- ried Capt. Ralph Hamor before 1624, who suc- ceeded James Rolfe as sec. of the London Virginia Co.); Jeremiah, m —Edy; 10-Ezekiel; §—John, m Mary-; 8—-Thomas (d 1698); 7-Lambert (d 1717); 6—John (d 1760); 5-James (1753-1810), of Caroline Co., Md., soldier Am. Rev.; m 1778, Elizabeth Baggs; ae (1783-1867), m Tamzen Morris (1784- 3-James Morris (1805-81), of Blooming Grove, Ind.; m 2d, 1841, Catherine Ferris (1815-81). 8—Jeffrey Ferris (qv); 7-James (1643-1726), m Mary Merritt; 6-Samuel (1706-86), corp. Am. Rev.; m Ann Lock- wood; 5—-Samuel (b 1733), Am. Rev.; 4—Frederick (1784-1845), of Conn.; m 1809, Susanna Nichols (d 1832); 3—Catherine, m 1841, James Morris Clements (3 above). 8-Richard Hubbell (qv); 7-Samuel (b 1670), m Elizabeth-; 6—Nathan_ (1699-1761), m Martha Finch (1701-55); 5—John (1734-1810), 1t. Am. Rev.; m Mary Robin- son; 4-Sarah, m William Grose (Jacob®, soldier Am. Rev., m Barbara-); 3-William (1812-99), of New Castle, Ind.; mem. Ind. Legislature, 1860, 87; judge Ct. Common Pleas, 1860-61; recruited and was col. 36th Ind. Vols., later brig. gen. and maj. gen. U.S.V., Civil War; collector of internal revenue, 1866- 74, etc.; m Rebecca Needham. 2-Dau. of Courtland Cushing Clements (b 1843), lawyer; midshipman U.S.N., 1860-63; m 1868, Almira Grose (b 1845); issue: I-Laura Rebecca (6 1870; m Albert Clark Leitch); II-Courtland Cushing (0 1874, d infancy); II1I—Almira Grose (1874-78); IV—Corinne (above); V—Chilcott (1879- 85); VI-William Grose (1881-95); VII-Guy Clem- ent (1882-1920); VIII—Katharine (b 1886; m 1907, Warren M. Mitchell, d 1919). Iv—m June 1, 1899, John Elfreth Watkins (See Vol. 1, p. 358, for genealogy). Residences: 504 Westview Ave., Pelham, Phila., Pa., and Avalon, N.J. 1-WATKINS, Richard Henry, ) Brookland, Granville Co., N.C., Dee. 29, 1874. 8-Henry Watkins (b 1638), of Henrico, Va.; 7—-Thomas, of Swift Creek, Va.; 6-Thomas (6 1714), of Chickahominy, Va.; m Fanny Anderson; 5-Henry (d 1798), m Temperance Hughes: 4-Col. Thomas (1761-97), Am. Rev.; m Betsey Ann Venable (Nathaniel®, below); 3-Henry N. (1787-1850), Prince Edward Co., Va.; War 1812; m 1811, Mildred (Morton) Edmunds. 7-Abraham Venable (qv); 6-Abraham_ (1700-68), m Martha Davis (1702-65; Nathaniel’, of Hanover Co., Va.); 5-Nathaniel (1733-1804), of Prince Edward Co., Va.; mem. Va. House of Burgesses and House of Delegates; m Elizabeth Woodson (Richard', of Poplar Hill, Va., m Ann Madelin, dau. of Abraham Michaux, Huguenot refugee to Va.); 4—-Betsey Ann (1760-1826), m Thomas Watkins (4 above). 6-Capt. James Daniel (b 1702-will proved 1761), sheriff of Goochland Co., Va., 1748, and of Al- bemarle, 1754; m 1721, Elizabeth Woodson; d-Chesley, m Judith Christin; 4-James (b 1762), m 179, Ann Venable (1762-1841), dau. of Nathaniel Venable’, above); 3-James Beverly (6 1805), of “Tranquillity”; m 1832, Jane Elizabeth Read. 10-Col, George Reade (qv); 9-Mildred, m 1642, Augustine Warner, II (d 1681), speaker Va. House of Burgesses; 8-Elizabeth (1672-1720), m ante 1692, her cousin, Col. John Lewis (1669-1725), judge Supreme Ct. (John®; Gen. Robert”, qv); 7-Col. Charles (1696-1779), of “The Byrd”; m 1717, Mary Howell (b 1700); 6—John (6 1720), m 1741, his cousin, Jane Lewis (b 5-Jane, m Jonathan Read; 4-Charles L., m Jane Boyd; EE FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 3-Jane Elizabeth, m James Beverly Daniel (3 above). 2-Son of Nathaniel Venable Watkins (1831-89), farmer and teacher, Granville Co., N.C.; served in C.S.A.; m 1857, Nannie Venable Dan- iel (1835-1920); issue: I-Charles Read (1859-64); II—Mildred (6 1861; m John Robert Morton); IlI—Jane Read (b and d 1864); IV—Nannie Dan- jel (1866-88); V—Lucy Morton (6 1869; m John Flood Morton); VI—Jane Read (1872-92); VII-— Richard Henry (above). Vil-m Aug. 28, 1902, Josephine Evans Critz, b W. Point, Miss., Mar. 18, 1879; dau. of Frank A. Critz, m Lizzie Barker, of W. Point; issue (all b Bristol, Tenn.): 1-Richard Henry, Jr., ) Nov. 19, 1908; A. and M. Coll. of Miss., ’24; 2-Frank Critz (May 9 1905-Aug. 2, 1905); 3—-Walter Barker, } Jan. 25, 1907; Princeton, ’27. A.B., Hampden-Sidney, 795 (Phi Gamma Delta). Supt. of city schools, Laurel, Miss., since 1907. Residence: 806 First Av., Laurel, Miss. 1-WEBB, Kenneth Seymour, }) New York, N.Y., Oct. 16, 1885. 9-Christopher Webb, was at Braintree, Mass., 1645; town clk.; removed to Billerica, ca. 1655; m Humility—; 8—Christopher (1630-94), King Philip’s War; dep. Gen. Ct.; m Hannah Scott; 7-Benjamin (1667-1739), m Susannah Balentine; 6—-Timothy (1708-85), m Sarah Howard; 5-Benjamin (1747-1812),-sgt. and ensign in Am. Rev.; m Sarah Holmes; 4-Benjamin (6 1782), m Electa Safford; 3—-Myrou Safford (b 1810)), m Mary Denslow. 2-Son of William Edward Webb (1844-1915), maj., N.G.N.Y.; v.p: James HH: Dunham Co., dry goods, New York; m 1888, Juliet Seymour (b 1863), dau. of William J. Bell, banker, New York; issue: I-Kenneth S. (above); II—Roy (m Jean Finnie). I—m Sept. 20, 1920, Lorraine Frost, } La Grange, Ga., Sept. 13, 1899; dau. of Robert Tyler Frost, of La Grange. A.B., Columbia, ’06 (Alpha Chi Rho). Author and motion picture director. Mem. 8.A.R., Motion Picture Directors’ Assn. (pres. 1923-25), Soc. Composers, Authors and Publishers, Ac- tors’ Equity Soc. Clubs: Columbia Univer- sity, Lambs, American Dramatists, Sound- view Golf and Country. Residence: Great Neck, N.Y. 1-WEBBER, Mabel Louise, } Edgecomb Co., N.C., Dec. 30, 1869. 9-John Putnam (qv); 8-Lt. Thomas (bap. 1614-1686), m 2d, Mary (Inger- soll?), Widow Veren; 7—Joseph (1669-1728), m Elizabeth Porter (Israel'); 6—-Maj. Gen. Israel (1718-90), one of the four ma- jor generals apptd. by Congress in Am. Rev.; m 1st, 1739, Hannah Pope (1721-64; Joseph’); aa (1753-1825), m 1778, Samuel Waldo (1747- 1810) ; 4-Blizabeth (1774-1846), m 1799, John Augustus Gleason (1770-1842); 3-Mary Waldo (1807-1900), m 1835, William Web- ber (1806-48). 10-Gov. Thomas Dudley (qv); 9—-Mercy (b 1621), m Rev. John Woodbridge; uirtee (d 1738), m 1680, Samuel Ruggles (1658- 1716) ; 7—Martha (1691-1740), m 1718, Job Lane (1689-1762; Col. Job’, m Susanna Whipple; Job®, from Eng.) ; 6—Job (1718-96), m 1747, Susannah Fassett (d 1775); 5-Sarah (1751-1817), m 1778, Samuel Gilson (1752- 1826) ; on (1783-1855), m 1805, Thaddeus Davis (1782- 1866) ; 8-Horatio Thaddeus (1806-85), m 1837, Almira Stearns (d 1882). 2-Dau. of Charles Warren Webber (1836-93), lum- ber merchant, Charleston, S.C., formerly of Mass.; m 1869, Sarah Almira Davis (1838-1922); issue: I-Mabel Louise (above); IJ—Arthur Put- nam (1872-1916; m 1897, Edith A. Chamberlain; issue: Clarence Putnam; Edith Waldo); III-— Ernest Waldo (6 1883). I-Sec. and treas. S.C. Hist. Soc., and editor S.C. Hist. and Geneal. Mag.; compiler of numer- ous S.C. genealogies. Residence: 88 Beaufain St., Charleston, 8.C 249 1-WEBSTER, Edwin Catlin, }) Phelps, Ontario Co., N.Y., Apr. 26, 1850. 9-Gov. John Webster (qv); 8-Robert (1627-76), m Susanna Treat (Richard®, qv); 7-Jonathan (1657-1735), first town clk. of Middle- town, Conn.; m Doreas Hopkins (Stephen’; John’); 6—-Stephen (1693-1724), m Mary Burnham (John’‘); 5—-Timothy (bap. 1723-d 1803), m Sarah White; noe a (1759-1850), pvt. Am. Rev.; m Millie Ros- siter; 3—James (1782-1879), m Sabrina Catlin. 8-Pietro Caesar (Alberto, Alburtis) Burtis (b Venice, Italy, 1622), on account of religious persecution went to Holland, thence to New Amsterdam; granted land in Brooklyn by Gov. Kieft; m Judith Manji (Jans?, killed by Indians at Stamford, Conn.); 7-Arthur (b Nieukirk, Flanders, 1647), began to write name Alburtis; 6-James, began to write name Burtis; m Eliza- beth Way (James’, of Newtown, L.I.); 5-John (6 1749), pvt. N.Y. militia; m Mary Auler (Hein!®) ; 4-John (b 1782), m Sarah Foster (Thomas', of Hempstead, L.I.); 38—Arthur (1815-89), alderman and supt. charities, N.Y. City; first supt. Bellevue Hosp.; m Eliza- beth Palmer. 2-Son of Isaac Catlin Webster (1808-58), farmer; m Armenia Burtis (1815-89); issue: I-Jerome Burtis (d 1924); II-Charles Palmer; III~Edwin Catlin (above); I1V—Sarah Elizabeth (m —Lock- wood). IiI—m Oct. 11, 1875, Rosa Eveline Smith (Dee. 12. 1858-Oct. 28, 1918); dau. of Benjamin Franklin Smith, of Charleston, S.C.; issue: 1-Edna Law- rence, 6 Des Moines, Ia., Sept. 25, 1876; m Oet. 11, 1897, Oswald T. Radinsky (issue: Edwin Lawrence, 6 1901; Oswald Theodore, b 1903; Julia Rosalie, 6 1905; Gladys Lucile, b 1913); 2-James Franklin, b Des Moines, Ia., Dec. 14, 1880; m June 29, 1909, Josephine Atcheson (issue: Jo- sephine Rose, b 1911; James Franklin, Jr., } 1918; Evelyn, 6 1916; Hazel Atcheson, } 1918); 3— Cornelius Catlin, 6 Hastings, Neb., Aug. 28. 1884; m Apr. 27, 1910, Carrie B. Weems (issue: Carolyn Elizabeth, b 1914: Cornelia June, b 1916); 4-Albert Pike, } Hastings, Mar. 4, 1894; m Dec. 31, 1924, Florida Edwards. Real estate and insurance. Mason (33°). S.C.W., S.A.R. Residence: Alvin, Tex. 1-WEIL, Fred Alban, } North Andover, Mass., May 7, 1874. 8-Samuel (Guild, Guile) Gile (d 1683), from Eng.; m Judith Davis; 7—Ephraim (6 1661/62), m Martha Bradley; 6-Samuel (6 1702-03), began to write name Gile; m Sarah Emerson; 5—-Maj. John (b 1739/40), mem. Haverhill militia. French and Indian War; m Mary Nealley (Matthew’, m Margaret Beverland); 4—Sarah, m 1788, George Tuttle; 38—-Nicholas (1815-63), Civil War; m Hannah Wood Averill. 10-John Perkins (qv); 9-Thomas (1616-86), m Phebe Gould: 8—-Thomas (1659 ?-1722), m 1683, Sarah Wallis; 7-Samuel; 6—Margaret (1729-1830, aet. 101), m Thomas Wood (1727-77), of Boxford, Mass. (John’?, m Ruth Pea- Mem. body); 5-Hannah, m Nathaniel Averill (Nathaniel’: Nathaniel?; Nathaniel8; William®; William”, av); cecernes P. (b 1792), m 1818, Annar Moore (1797 - 3-Hannah Wood (1820-87), m 1837, Nicholas Tuttle (3 above). 10—John Perkins (qv); 9-Thomas (1616-86), m Phebe Gould; 8—Ellisha; 7—John; 6—Moses (0 1732), m 1754, Anner Cummings; 5-Sarah (b 1773), m 1794, Dominick Moore; 4-Annar_ (1797-1838), m 1818, Stephen Perkins Averill (4 above). 2-Son of Anna Moore Tuttle (18388-1917), m 1854. Louis Weil (1826-83); clothing merchant; issue: I-—Catherine Tuttle (1855-58); II-George Leverett (1859-1918; m Emma Brown); IlI—Frank Edward (1860-96; m Florence Taylor): IV—Charles Lewis (1865-1921; m Ella Bass); V—Fred Alban (above). V-m July 1, 1905, Ellen Smith Eliot (qv for issue). Grad. Phillips Andover, ’92; B.D., Meadville 250 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Theol. Sch., 1904. Ordained Unitarian ministry, 1904; pastorates: Third Ch., Chicago, 1904-07; Bellingham, Wash., 1907-17; First Ch., Denver, 1917-20; First Parish (‘‘Church of the Presi- dents’’), Quincy, Mass., since 1920 (See Who's Who in America). Residence: 88 Elm St., Quincy, Mass. 1-WEIL, Ellen Smith Eliot (Mrs. Fred Alban), b Portland, Ore., Feb. 20, 1873. 9-Lt. Andrew Eliot (qv); 8—-Andrew (1651-88), m Mercy Shattuck; 7-Andrew (1683-1749), m 2d, Mary Herrick; 6—Andrew (1718-78), m Elizabeth Langdon; 5—-Samuel (1748-84), m Elizabeth Greenleaf; 4-William Greenleaf (1781-1853), m Margaret Dawes; 3—-William Greenleaf, D.D. (1811-87), pres. and chancellor Washington U., 1854-87; m Abby Adams Cranch. 10-—William Dawes (qv); 9-Ambrose (1642-1703), 1t. A. and H.A, Co.; King Philip’s War; m Mary Bumstead (b 1642; Thomas’); 8—-Thomas (1680-1750), m 1702, Sarah Story (d 1759); 7-Thomas (b 1706), m Elizabeth Underwood (Anthony’); 6-Col. Thomas (1731-1809), col. Boston regt., 1773- 1778; mem. Mass. Legislature and Senate; capt. A. and H.A. Co.; m Hannah Blake; 5-Thomas (1757-1825), A.B., Harvard, 1777; justice Supreme Ct. of Mass., 1792-1803; probate judge, 1803-25; m Margaret Greenleaf (1761-1836) ; 4—-Margaret (b 1789), m William Greenleaf Eliot (4 above). 5-Richard Cranch (1726-1811), from Eng., 1746, set- tled at Braintree, Mass.; judge Ct. Common Pleas; m Mary Smith (sister of Abigail Smith, who married John Adams); 4—William, LL.D. (1769-1855), A.B., Harvard, 1787; chief justice Circuit Court of D.C.; m Nancy Greenleaf (William®, sheriff of Suffolk Co., Mass., 1775-80) ; 3-Abby Adams (1817-1908), m William Greenleaf Eliot (3 above). 5—Col. David Mack (1750-1845); 4—-David (1778-1854), m Mary Ely (Nathaniel5, m Elizabeth Reynolds; Nathaniel®, m Mary Esta- brook, desc. Edmund Hobart, qv); 3—Samuel Ely (1815-66), m Rebekah A. Robins (Ephraim, Jr.4, m Rebekah S., dau. of Samuel Burr, m Rebekah Stillman, dese. Edward Doty, dv). 2-Dau. of Thomas Lamb Eliot, S.T.D., LL.D.. Litt.D. (See Who’s Who in America), m 1865, Henrietta Robins Mack (b 1845); issue: I-Rev. William Greenleaf, Jr. (b 1866; m Minna C. Ses- singhaus); II—Mary Ely (1868-78); I1I—Dorothea Dix (b 1871; m Earl Morse Wilbur); IV—Ellen Smith (above); V—Grace Cranch (b 1875; m Richard Gordon Scott); VI—-Henrietta Mack (0 1879); VII-Samuel Ely (b 1882; m Elsa von Manderscheid); VIII-Thomas Dawes (b 1889; m Sigrid Victoria Wijnbladh). IV—m July 1, 1905, Fred Alban Weil (qv); issue: 1—-Thomas Eliot, b Chicago, Ill., June 23, 1906; 2-Frank Tuttle (Oct. 11, 1908-Apr. 18, 1923); 3— Hee Hobart, b Bellingham, Wash., Oct. 28, Residence: 88 Elm St., Quincy, Mass. 1-WEISIGER, Cary Nelson, Jr., ) Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 22, 1882. 7-Thomas Nelson, ‘‘Scotch Tom” (qv); 6-—Gov. Thomas (1716-86), m 1745, Lucy Armistead; 5-Thomas Cary, of “Bleak Hill,” Va.; 4—Mary Burdette, m Samuel Anderson; 3-Sarah N. (1830-1914), m William Bolling Wei- siger, of Pocahontas, Va. §9-Robert Bolling (qv); 8—John (1676-1729), burgess, Va.; m Mary Kennon: 7-John (1700-57), burgess nearly 30 yrs.; m 2d, Elizabeth Blair; 6—Thomas (1735-1804), m Elizabeth Gay: 5-William (1777-1845), of “Bolling Hall,” m Mary Randolph (Richard*, of ‘‘Curles’’); 4—Ann Meade, m J. Kendall Weisiger: 3-William B. (1829-1913), m Sarah Nelson Ander- son (38 above). Desc. Col. John West (1590-1659; son of Sir Thomas West, Lord Delaware, ITI, m Anne, dau. of Sir Francis Knollys, K.G.), came to Va.; mem. Colonial Council, 1630-59; gov. and capt. gen.: and thru: 5-George (1758-1810), served in the navy in Am. Rev.; m Mary Clark; 4-Mary, m Parry Wayne Humphreys; 3—-Robert W. (1824-79), m Mary Walton Meri- wether. 2-Son of Cary Nelson Weisiger (b 1856), banker; m 1881, Elizabeth Hughes Humphreys (6 1854); issue: I-—Cary Nelson, Jr. (above); II—Mary Humphreys (m Thomas William White); IIJ-— Elizabeth West (6 1892; m Hamilton Dey White- law); IV—Lucy Page (b 1894; m Joseph Hays McNaugher). I-m May 19, 1906, Marie Louise Little (qv); issue (all 6 St. Louis, Mo.): 1-Margaret Page, b Nov. 26, 1907; 2-Cary N., III, 6 Jan. 11, 1910; 3-Carter ioe Dec. 26, 1917; 4Mary Randolph, b June U. Va., 3 yrs. (Alpha Tau Omega); LL.B., Benton Law Coll., St. Louis (Delta Chi). Investment securities, St. Louis, 1905-14; St. Louis Clear- ing House Assn., 1914-20; Goldman, Sachs & Co., bankers, mgr. at St. Louis and Chicago, 1920—. Mem. S.A.R. Residence: 823 Hinman Av., Evanston, Il. 1-WEISIGER, Marie Louise Little (Mrs. Cary N., Jr.), 6 N.Y. City, Nov. 1, 1884. 5-William Little, from Scotland, 1765, settled in Va.; m Margaret Howe (Gen. Sir Thomas‘); 4-William, m Jane Craighill; 8-George Washington (1806-82), m Mary Jones Alden. Desc. John Alden (qv), thru: 5-Capt. Joseph; Oieoe (1785-1855), m Mary Margaret Jones (1795- (9); 3—Mary Jones (1814-89), m George Washington Little (8 above). 2—-Dau. of William Cyrus Little (1849-1912), invest- ment banker, St. Louis; m 1878, May Rose (hb 1859), dau. of Henry T. Simon, of St. Louis; issue: I-Alden Howe (b 1881; m Blanche Flora Niedringhaus); II—Marie Louise (above); III— Margaret Alden (0b 1889). II-m May 19, 1906, Cary Nelson Weisiger, Jr. (qv for issue). Residence: 823 Hinman Av., Evanston, Ill. 1-WERTH, M(atthew) F(ontaine) Maury, 2) Richmond, Va., July 22, 1882. 6-Matthew Maury (qv); 5-Rev. James (d in 1769), rector Fredericksvilie Parish, Va.; m Mary Walker; 4—-Richard (b 1766), m Diana Minor (b 1767; Maj. John® [1735-1800], of Topping Castle, Caroline Co., Va., officer in Am. Revy., m 1756, Elizabeth, wy of David Cosby, burgess, Middlesex Co., ans 3-Matthew Fontaine (1806-73), 1t. U.S.N.;: com. C.S.N.; scientist; author; dir. Naval Obs.; m 1834, Ann Hull Herndon (6 1811; Dabney#; Jo- seph>, of “Mattapony,” Spotsylvania Co.; Ed- ward’; Edward’; William’, from Eng. to New Kent Co., Va., 1674, m Catharine, dau. of Gov. Edward Digges, of Va.). 2-Son of Mary Herndon Maury (6b 1844), m 1877, James Rhodes Werth (b 1844), maj. C.S.A.; is- sue: I—-Elie Maury (m Littleton Fitzgerald, Jr.); II-Amy McRae (m Nathaniel Montgom- ery Osborne); Il1I—-Matthew F. M. (above); IV— James Robert (qv for Minor lineage). IlI—m June 18, 1914, Sallie Anne Warfield Cockey, b Pikesville, Md., Feb. 22, 1889; dau. of Thomas Beal Cockey, of Pikesville; issue: 1—-Virginia Lee Maury, b Pikesville, Md., June 8, 1915; 2— se ee he as Warfield, 6 Pikesville, Md., Sept. B.S. in E.E., Va. Mil. Inst., ’02 (Sigma Alpha Epsilon). Supt. of power, Detroit United Lines, 1916-22; supt. of generation, Pa. Power & Light Co., since 1923. Club: Valley Country. Residence: 123 N. Vine St., Hazleton, Pa. ath James Robert, ) Richmond, Va., Jan. 8—Doodes (Maindort) Minor (qv); 8-Doodes (d 1695), began to write name Minor; m Elizabeth Cocke; 7-Garret (1679-1720), m 1706, Diana Vivian: 6—John (1707-55), planter; received crown patent for “Gale Hill’ 1735; m Mary Carr (Thomas’, of Caroline Co., Va.); 5-John (1735-1800), of “Topping Castle,” Caroline Co.; maj. Cont. Army; m Elizabeth Cosby; 4—Diana (b 1767), m Richard Maury; 3-Com. Matthew F. (1806-73), m 1834, Ann Hull Herndon. ; 2-Son of Mary Herndon Maury (b 1844), m 1877, James Rhodes Werth (6 1844), maj. C.S.A. For mes FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 251 issue and Maury lineage see M. F. Maury Werth. M Apr. 29, 1918, Pauline Hungerford Bogardus, b N.Y. City, Jan. 16, 1881; dau. of Washington A. H. Bogardus (desc. Everardus Bogardus, m Anneke Jans, settled at New Amsterdam, 1637); issue: 1-Amanda Bogardus, b Schenectady, N.Y., June 30, 1914; 2-Polly Herndon, b Schen- ectady, July 14, 1915; 3-James Maury, 0b Schenectady, Sept. 15, 1917; 4Bogardus, b Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 22, 1921; 5-McRae, b Poteau, Okla., July 10, 1928. Va. Poly. Inst., ’08. Consulting electrical en- gineer. Was maj., Constrn. Corps, U.S.A., World War, supervised construction of 75,000 h.p. plants. Mem. Am. Inst. E.E.; dir. Coal Mining Inst. of America. Clubs: University (Washington), Union, Pittsburgh Athletic (Pittsburgh, Pa.). Residence: 4 N. Princeton St., Lynchburg, Va. 1-WEST, Madge Wilber Hennegin (Mrs. Wil- liam H.), 6 New Albany, Ind., Nov. 19, 1871. 9-Capt. Richard Olmsted (qv); 8—Capt. John, m Mary Benedict (Thomas’, qv); j-Jane, m Benjamin Wilson; €—Thomas, m Elizabeth Brooks; 5—Daniel, m Sarah Whitlock; 4—Thaddeus, m Oladine Field; ; 3-Thaddeus Constantine, m Eliza Jane McKis- sick. 9-Edward Griswold (qv); 8-John (1652-1717, m Mary Bevius; m 2d, Bath- sheba North; 7—Lt. Daniel (1696-1787), m Jerusha Stevens; 6—Jerusha, m Noah Isbell; 5-Bathsheba, m Daniel Field; 4—-Oladine, m Thaddeus Wilson (4 above). 2—-Dau. of Myrtilla Oladine Wilson (1841-1918); m 1858, Henry Hennegin (1829-87); issue: I-George W. (1860-83); II—Jennie Electa (1862-1919; m Dan- iel G. Fones); Il1I—-Madge Wilber (above); IV— Mary Bullock (b 1874; m De Jay Rogers). IIlI-m Nov. 2, 1904, William Henry West, 0 To- ronto, Can., Mar. 27, 1866; son of William West, of Toronto; issue: 1-William Henry, Jr., 6 N.Y. City, Oct. 27, 1906; 2-John Flint, b ING Yee City Dec.) 1913: Mem. C.D.A., ete. Summer place: Grove Beach, Conn. Residence: 315 Central Park West, New York. 1-WHEELER, Robert Clark, }) West Rutland, Vt., Aug. 29, 1887. 10-Thomas Wheeler (d 1654), from Eng., 1635; settled at Fairfield, Conn.; m 1613, Anne Hal- sey; 9-Lt. Thomas (1620-72), m Joan Bryan; 8—John (1640-1704), m 1662, Sarah Sherwood; 7—John (1684-1727), m 1704, Ruth Stiles; 6-Samuel (1712-86), m Rebeckah Johnson (b 1716); 5—Capt. Seth (1747-1817), Am. Rev.; m 1778, Eliza- beth Powell (1756-1827) ; 4—-Timothy B. (1779-1865), m 1804, Phoebe Went- worth (1784-1868) ; 3—-Russell Clark (1810-76), m 1853, Mary Ann Nor- ton Drake (1821-97). 2-Son of Timothy Beadle Wheeler (b 1858), mer- chant; m 1882, Sidney Ann Jones (b 1856); issue: partes Clark (above); II--George Benjamin (b 1889). I-m Mar. 3, 1920, Margaret Hulings Lappe, bd Pittsburgh, Pa., Apr. 12, 1896; dau. of Alfred A. Lappe, m Adelaide Hulings, of Pittsburgh; issue: 1—Alfred Timothy, b N.Y. City, Dec. 8, 1920; 2-Robert Hulings Lappe, b Albany, N.Y., Sept. 26, 1928. B.S. in C.E., Univ. of Vt., ’09 (Sigma Nu, Theta Nu Epsilon). Mem, firm of Barker & Wheeler, consulting engrs., Albany and N.Y. City. Capt., Q.M.C., construction div., U.S.A., Aug. 1918-June 1919, at Newport News, Va.; maj., Q.M.C., June 1919-Mar. 1920, in charge of water supply of the Army in the U.S., at Washing- ton, D.C. Residence: 1 Carroll Terrace, Al- bany, N.Y. 1-WHEELER, Walter Raymond, ) Oswego, N.Y., Nov. 29, 1883. 6—-T. Wheeler, settler of Lyme, N.Y.; 5—Zachariah; 4—Erastus, m Sarah Kennison; 3-Miles Morgan (1832-77), shipowner, Oswego, N.Y.; m Margaret Glassford. §-William Hyde (qv); 8-Samuel (ca. 1637-77), m 1659, Jane Lee (Thomas’, m Phoebe, dau. of Rev. Chad Brown, av); 7—John (1667-1727), m 1697/98, Experience Abell (1674-1763) ; 6-Capt. Matthew (1711-92), ens. and capt., 3d Conn. Train Band, 1749-58; served in French and Indian War; m 1733, Elizabeth Huntington (1712-76; Dea. Christopher’, m 2d, Judith [Stev- ens] Brewster; Christopher’; Simon®, qv); 5-Capt. Eli (1736-1815), ens., lt. and capt., 3d Co., 20th Conn. Regt., 1776-83; mem. Conn. Constl. Conv., 1788; state rep., 1788-94; m 1760, Rhoda Lothrop (1736/37-1821; John®, m Elizabeth Abell; Israel’; Judge Samuel’; Rev. John®, qv); 4-Christopher (1767-1847), m 2d, 1809, Hannah Gil- bert (1774-18238) ; 3-Sarah Roxana (1821-66), m 1851, John H. Crippen (1800-59). 2-Son of Fred Dobbie Wheeler (1859-1904), ins. agt.; city clk. of Oswego, N.Y.; m 1880, Ella Merrill Crippen (b 1859); issue: I-Mabel Estelle (b 1880; m Edward Seymour Walton); Il1—-Wal- iy oe (above); I1I—Pauline Elma (1885- II-m Jan. 19, 1910, Mildred Lenore Griffith, & Emerson, Ia., Mar. 17, 1889 (desc. Francis Mathews, of the Laconiah Settlement, signer of the Exeter, N.H., Combination, 1639); dau. late Briscoe Price Griffith; issue: 1—Nanine, b Manila, P.I., Nov. 6, 1910. U.S.M.A., 1907. Army officer. Served in China Expdn., 1912-14; Mexican border patrol, 1914-17; with Ist Div., A.E.F., in France and Germany, 1917-19, as regtl. adj., 26th Inf., a.-d.-c. to Mai. Gen. R. L. Bullard, brig. adj., 1st Inte Brice bn. cdr., Ist Bn., 26th Inf., div. adj. (It. col. inf.), Ist Div. Citation and Croix de Guerre with palm. Grad. Army Gen. Staff Colle grad. Ecole Supérieure de Guerre, Paris (1919- 21), receiving “brevet d’officier d’état-major”; grad. A.E.F. course, Université de Toulouse, receiving “certificat supérieur’: grad. Inf. Sch., 1923; grad. Command and Gen. Staff Sch., 1924 Mem. S/G2W.n SiR.) S-AGR Sow: 1812, Soc. First Div. (A.E.F.), A.L., Assn. of Grad- uates of U.S.M.A. Residence: Ft. Leaven- worth, Kan. 1-WHEELOCK, Ellen Mary Bascom (Mrs. Henry H.), b Clifton Mills, Pierce Co., “Wis; Nov. 26, 1858. 10-Thomas Bascom (qv); 9-Thomas (1641-89), m 1667, Mary Newell (b 1645; Thomas”, of Farmington, Conn., m Rebecca Olmsted, from Eng. to Boston, 1632) ; 8-Thomas (1668-1741), m 1691, Hannah Catlin (d 1746; John®, John?°, of Deerfield, Mass.); 7-Samuel (1692-1765), m 1722, Experience Parsons (1692-1749; John’, m Sarah Clark; Joseph’, qv); 6-Lt. Samuel (1723-79), Am. Rev.; m Mary-; 5-Rev. Aaron (1746-1814), Harvard, 1768; first pas- tor at Chester, Mass., 1768-1814; m 1st, 1770, Theodosia Ashley (1749-91; Dr. Israel’, m Mar- garet Moseley; David’; David’; Robert®); 4-James_ (1773-1866), of Greensburg, O.; m Ist, 1794, Helena Wales (1766-1827; Hleazer®, Am. Rev. Ebenezer*; Nathaniel7; Timothy’; Na- thaniel?); 3-Joshua, M. D. (1800-63), of Shippen, Tioga (Byoss Pa.; m-2d, 1829, Abigail Wolcott Newell (d 1850; Timothy‘, m Caroline Plimpton; Nathaniel}; Timothy®; Josiah?; Isaac*; Abraham®, qv). 2-Dau. of Henry Newell Bascom (1833-1911), farmer, Clifton Mills, Pierce Co., Wis.; town and county official, 1858-98; m 1857, Amanda Marilla_ (1833-1914), dau. of Jonathan Wells (1790-1840), m 1809, Sarah (1793-1881), dau. of George Norton; issue: I-Ellen Mary (above); IIl-John Brown (1860-87); III—Anna Frances (1863-96); IV—Frank Henry (0 1865). I-m. Oct. 22, 1882, Henry Howell Wheelock, b Burlington, Wis., Dec. 26, 1858; son of Elijah Orlando Wheelock (desc. Ralph, qv), m Maria Elizabeth Howell (dese. Richard Howell, Southold, L.I., 1640); issue: 1-Frank Bascom, b Evansville, Rock Co., Wis., July 6, 1884; m Aug. 13, 1917, Janet Dunn, dau. of William Hanna (issue: Robert Howell, } 1919; Donald Richard, 6 1923); 2-Horace Orlando, » Union, Rock Co., Wis., Oct. 5, 1890; m Nov. 7, 1914, Alpha- retta Jane, dau. of Frank Hawbecker, of Na- perville, Ill. (issue: John Horace, b 1916: Theo- dore Henry and Dorothy Jane, twins, b 1919). Mem. D.A.R. Residence: Prescott, Wis. 252 1-WHITAKER, F. Edythe Horney (Mrs. Ralph Oral), ) Jeffersonville, O., Mar. 22, 1885. 1i—John Howland (qv); 10—Hope (1629-83), m 1646, John Chipman (qv); %#John (1670-1756), Barnstable, Mass.; m Mary Skiff (1671-1711; Stephen’, m Lydia, dau. of Anthony Snow, m Abigail, dau. of Richard Warren, qv); 8-Perez (1702-81), Sandwich, Mass.; in colonial wars; m Judith Draper; eens (d 1801), m 1751, Margaret Manlove (d 1803), Oo el.; 6-Hannah_(6 1753), m 1772, William Horney (1752- 1829), in 5th Md. Regt. in Am. Rev. (Jeffery? [d 1779], m Deborah Bainor [d 1791], both of Caro- line Co., Md.; Jeffery’, assisted in building the old Friends Meeting House at Haston, Md., 1685); 5-Daniel (1786-1865), b in N.C., d@ in Ohio; War 1812 and Civil War; m 1807, Margaret Calloway (1790-1855) ; Tee E. (1810-84), m 1832, Margaret Griffith (1812-76) ; 38-Forris (1833-1912), in Civil War; m 1858, Esther Williams (1838-1911). 2-Dau. of Frank Albert Horney (b 1859), mer- chant; m 1883, Catharine Maria Brown (1861- 1925); issue: I-F. Edythe (above); II—Esther Laura (b 1887; m Joseph Gallagher); III—Ralph Otho (b 1889; m Audrey Porter). I-m June 15, 1909, Ralph Oral Whitaker, b Fay- ette Co., O., Feb. 19, 1886; son of Granville M. Whitaker, m Ella Clemens, of Fayette Co., O. Author: History of the Horney Family. Mem. D.A.R. (organizing regent). Club: Woman’s, Residence: 199 N. Main St., London, O. 1-WHITE, Clifford Burr, } Holbrook, Mass., Dec. 9, 1885. 9-Thomas White (1599-1679), from Eng. ca. 163); a founder of Weymouth, Mass.; capt. of a military co., selectman, rep. to Gen. Ct.; S-Thomas (1647-1706), m Mary Pratt; i-Joseph (1681-1740), m 1704, Sarah Bayley; 6—Capt. John (1710-89), soldier French and Indian War; m 1748, Ruth Thayer; 5-Cornelius (1752-1820), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1773, Abigail Thayer; soldier War 1812; m 1808, 4-Thomas (1778-1862), Meriel Burr; 3-Edmund (1823-1905), shoe mfr., Holbrook, Mass.; mem. Mass. Legislature, 1882; m ist, 1851, Nancy Emmeline White. 9-Thomas Sleeper (d 1696), from Eng., 1640: was granted land at Hampton, N.H., 1646; m 1635, Joanna-; 8—Aaron (6 1661), m 1682, Elizabeth Shaw; 7—John (1690-1720), m 1712, Ann Philbrick: 6-Samuel (6 1713), m 1738, Sarah French; 5-Benjamin (1746-1820), Am. Rev.; m 1770, Judith Clough; 4-Obadiah (1778-1838), m 1801, Mary Whiting (1778-1826; Lt. Zachariah®, m Desire Guild; Zachariah®; Samuel’; Nathaniel’, m Hannah, dau. of John Dwight); 3-—Levi Almon (1821-1904), m 1859, Hannah Alice Alexander (1835-1917; Oliver B.4, m Susan ip}. dau. of John Adams). 2-Only child of Emmons White (b 1857), m 1879, Sarah Isadore Sleeper. M Nov. 6, 1909, Ruth Alice Powell, 5b Bethpage, L.I., N.Y., Dec. 15, 1886; dau. of Walter Powell. of Farmingdale, L.I., N.Y.: issue: 1EKdmund Alden, 6 Rossville, S.I., Mar. 16, 1918; 2-Cyn- thia Burr, 6 W. Collingswood, N.J., Apr. ale 1915; 3-David Underhill, 6 Atlantic City, INGJies Aug. 7, 1920. M.E., Stevens Inst. Tech., 08. Chemist-engineer, Foamite Childs Corpn., Utica, N.Y., since 1922. Mem. Alden Kindred of America, S.M.D., S.R. Residence: 100 Herkimer Rd., Utica, N.Y. poeta John Baker, b Romney, W.Va., Aug. 7-Dr. John White (1681-1742), of Paisley, Scotland; 6-Dr. Robert, surgeon British Navy; came to N.J. and settled in Frederick Co., Va., ca. 1730: m Margaret Haig (William Haig, or Hoge’, of Hoge’s Creek, Frederick Co., Va.): 5—-John, m Ann Patton; 4-Judge Robert (1759-1831), celebrated Va. jurist: mem. Gen. Ct. of Va. many yrs.; capt. and bvt. maj. Cont. Army: an original mem. Va. Soc. Cin.; m Arabella Baker (John, of Md., m Judith, dau. of Peter Wood, m Susanna How- ard, desc. Duke of Norfolk); THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 3—John Baker (1794-1862), m 2d, Frances Ann Streit (Rev. Christian‘, the first Lutheran minister in Valley of Va.). 2-Son of Christian Streit White (1838-1917), capt. Co, C, 23d Va. Cav., C.S.A.; lawyer; clk. Hamp- shire Co. Ct. 34 yrs.; m 1867, Bessie Jane (184?- 1868), dau. of Robert Schultze, of Edinburgh, Scotland); m 2d, Catharine Steele (d 1915); issue (Ist marriage): I-John Baker (above); (2d mar- riage): II-Louisa Anna (0 1875); I1I—Robert (b 1877); IV—Christian Streit (6 1882); V—Bessie Adelphia (6 1886; m Benjamin Chew Howard). I-Not married. Admitted to bar, 1897, and since in practice at Charleston, W.Va. Served to rank of maj., N.G. of W.Va., 10 yrs.; capt., Co. B, Ist W.Va. Vol. Inf., Spanish-Am. War; maj., judge adv., U.S.A., Dec. 6, 1917; 1t. col., Apr. 26, 1919; judge adv., A.E.F. in Eng., to June 15, 1919; 3d Div., Army of Occupation in Germany, to Sept. 11, 1919; 1t. col., J.A.O.R.C. Awarded D.S.O. (by King of Gt. Britain). Mem. Soc. Cin., S:R., M:O,E\'W., U.S:W.V.)A-L., Md) Hist: Soc. Mason (82°), Club: Army and Navy. Residence: 610 Capitol St., Charleston, W.Va. pee ae Rollin Henry, b Cleveland, O., July 11, 872. I-Thomas White (d 1664), was at Cambridge, Mass., 1635-36; at Watertown, 1640; later at Sud- bury and Charlestown; m Margaret— (d 1649); 8-John (1628-76), m 2d, Elizabeth Goble (b 1634; Thomas’, m Alice, dau. of Ralph Monsall); 7—Daniel (1668-1739), m 1st, Mary— (d 1727); 6—Joseph (1704-77), m 2d, Mary (Whitmore) Weber (1707-82; John Whitmore’, m Mary Lane, of Bedford, Mass.); 5-Thomas (1742-1827), m Prudence Hayward (1744- 1820; Joseph®, m Abigail Hosmer); 4-Simon Howard (1776-1854), m 1798, Electa War- ner, of Hardwick; 3-Windsor (1808-66), m 1834, Betsy Pierce (1811-38). 2-Son of Thomas Howard White (1838-1914), founder and pres. White Sewing Machine Co.; m 1858, Almira Louise Greenleaf (1838-1900); is- sue: I—Alice Elizabeth (1859-61); II-Mabel Alice (1861-88; m 1886, James Armstrong Harris); IITT— Alice Maude (1864-1906; m 1894, William Joseph Hammer); IV—Windsor Thomas (6 1866; m Delia Bulkley Holden); V—Clarence Greenleaf (b 1869; m Florence Fisk); VI—Rollin Henry (above); ViII-—Walter Charles (qv for Greenleaf line- age); VIII-Ella Almira (Mrs. Horatio Ford, qv fer Pierce lineage). : Vi-m Sept. 2, 1896, Katharine Elizabeth King, Owego, N.Y., Apr. 2, 1872; dau. of William A. King, of Owego and Brooklyn, N.Y.; issue (all b Cleveland, O.): 1-Katherine Elizabeth, b Aug. 7, 1897; Smith, ’18; m 1920, Warren Griffin King (issue: Katherine E., b 1921); 2-William King, b July 1, 1901; m June 27, 1923, Eleanor Frances, dau. of Morris Alva Bradley, of Cleveland (issue: Eleanor Bradley and William King, twins, 6 1924); 3-Rollin Henry, b July 25, 1904; Cornell, ’26; m Nov. 21, 1924, Mary Virginia, dau. of Frank Ballou Stearns. i Cornell ’94 (Alpha Delta Phi). Entered White Sewing Machine Co., 1894; chief engr. and v.p. White Motor Co. until 1913; pres. Cleve- land Motor Co.; chmn. bd. Rollin Motors Co.: dir. West Steel Castings Co., White Sewing Machine Co., Cleveland Trust Co., ete. Award- ed silver medal for gas engine, Buffalo Expn., and gold medals for steam engine, St. Louis and San Francisco expns. Clubs: Pepper Pike, Shaker Heights, Mayfield, Chagrin Val- ley Hunt, Kirkland Country, ete. Residence: N. Park Boul. and Lee Rd., Cleveland Heights, O. 1-WHITE, Walter Charles, b Cleveland, O., Sept. 9, 1876. 10-Edmund Greenleaf (qv); 9—-Stephen (ca. 1628-1690), m 1651, Elizabeth Coffin (dq 1678; Tristram?®); 8-Capt. Stephen (1652-1743), Indian fighter; m 1676, Elizabeth Gerrish (1654-1712); 7—-Rev. Daniel (1679/80-1763), Harvard, 1699; pas- tor 1st Cong]. Ch. of Yarmouth, Mass., 1708- 1727, succeeding Rev. John Cotton: m 1701, Elizabeth Gookin (1681-1762; Samuel’; Maj. Gen. Daniel®); 6—Dr. Daniel (1702-95), m 1726, Silence (Nichols) Marsh; : 5—Calvin (1740-1812), m 1762, Rebecca Whitcomb; 4—John (1767-1842), m 1788, Abigail Townsend; 8-Charles Ward (1805-96), m 1828, Louisa Harriet FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 253 Greenwood (1808-40; Jonathan‘, m Phebe ieee 5th from Robert Temple, Saco, Me., 70). 2-Son of Almira Louise Greenleaf (1838-1900), mm 1858, Thomas Howard White (1838-1914), founder and pres. White Sewing Machine Co. For is- sue and White lineage see Rollin Henry White. . M Sept. 25, 1919, Mary Virginia Saunders (qv for genealogy and issue). B.S., Cornell, ’98 (Alpha Delta Phi). V.p. White Motor Co.; dir. Union Trust Co., Garfield Sav- ings Bank. Was chmn. Citizens’ Advisory Bd. for motor transport, and in France, Mar. 1-June 1, 1918. Chevalier de la Legion d’Hon- neur. Clubs: Lotos (New York), Union, Cha- grin Valley Hunt, Kirkland Country (Cleve- land). Residence: “Circle W Farms,” Gates Mills, O. 1-WHITE, Mary Virginia Saunders (Mrs. Wal- ter C.), 6b “Hill Crest Plantation,’ Sumter Co., S.C., Dec. 19, 1889. 8-William Saunders, first settler of what is now Sumter Co., S.C.; first grant dated May 27, 1784; m Felicia Farguson; 7-William, of “Oakland Plantation,” Co.; m Martha Cantey; 6—-William (1748-1810), m 1771, Sarah Ragan; 5-William (d 1818), soldier Am. Rev.; m ca. 1799, gay. Garner (Richard®, of Richland Co., 4—William (1804-75), m 1824, Sarah Gwinn Bracey (1806-72; Ens. Sackfield M.5, soldier Am. Rev.; dese. Harrison and Randolph families of Brunswick Co., Va.); 3-Swepson Harrison, M.D. (1826-82), m 1852, Har- riet Rebecca McCall (1883-97; George J. W.4, m Harriet Harllee). 2-Dau. of William Leonidas Saunders (b 1857), planter; m 1889, Ann Catherine Anderson (See Vol. 1, p. 419, for maternal lineages). M Sept. 25, 1919, Walter Charles White (qv); issue (all 6 Cleveland, O.): 1-Ann Heron, 6 Sumter July 7, 1920; 2-Mary Greenleaf, b Feb. 27, 1922; 3-Virginia Harrison, and 4 Walter Charles, Jr. (twins), b Sept. 28, 1928, both d infancy. Ed. St. Mary’s Sch., Raleigh, N.C., and Coll. for Women, Columbia, S.C. Mem. C.D.A., Soc. Ark and the Dove, D.A.R., U.D.C. Club: Woman’s City. Winter place: ‘Hill Crest Plantation,” Sumter Co., S.C. Residence: “Circle W Farms,’ Gates Mills, O. 1-FORD, Ella Almira White (Mrs. Horatio), } Cleveland, O., Jan. 9, 1883. 10-John (Pers) Pierce (qv); 9-Anthony (1609-78), freeman, 1634, m 1633, Anne— (d 1682/83) ; 8—Joseph (1647-1712), freeman, 1690; served in King Philip’s War; m Martha-—; m 2d, Mrs. Eliza- beth (Kendall) Winship (b 1652); tr fps (1673-1743/44), m Elizabeth Smith (1673/74- 6—Jonas (1705-76), m Abigail Comse (bap. 1707); 5-John_ (1736-1828), m Abigail Demport; m 2d, Abi- gail Beard; m 3d, Susannah Beard; 4—John (1766-1853), m Lucy Graves (1768-1839) ; 3—Betsy (1811-38), m Windsor White (1808-66). 2-Dau. of Thomas Howard White (1838-1914), founder and pres. White Sewing Machine Co.: m 1858, Almira Louise Greenleaf (1838-1900). For issue and other lineages see Rollin Henry White. M May 7, 1908, Horatio Ford (qv); issue: 1-Hora- tio Clark, b Cleveland, O., Feb. 10, 1909; 2—-An- drew, 6 Cleveland, Oct. 25, 1910; 3-Thomas Windsor, 6 Cleveland, Oct. 9, 1912; 4-Jonathan. 6 South Euclid, O., May 30, 1914; 5—~Almira, b Cleveland, Oct. 18, 1918; 6-Baldwin, } Cleveland, Nov. 9, 1921. Residence: ‘‘Whitford,’’ Mayfield and Richmond Rds., South Euclid, O. 1-FORD, Horatio, } Cleveland, O., June 23, 1881. 10-Andrew Ford (1632-93), from Eng., with his father, John, 1635: m 1656, Elinor Lovell (b 1633; Robert, m Elizabeth-); 9%-Andrew (1658-1725), m 1680, Abiah—; 8-Hezekiah (b 1687), m 1712, Ruth Whitmarsh (Ebenezer’) ; 7—-Hezekiah (1713-75), m 1734, Deborah Beals: 6—Hezekiah (1734-1826), soldier French and Indian War and Am. Rev.; m 1759, Sarah Fisher; 5-Hezekiah (b 1759), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1787, Huldah Cobb; 4-Cyrus (1790-1864), settled in Ohio, 1837; mm 1817, Clarissa Whitmarsh; 3—Horatio Cyrus (1824-76), mem. Cleveland Com- mon Council; m 1846, Martha Cordelia Cozad. 10—Robert Moulton (d 1665), from Eng., 1629; ship- builder at Salem, Mass.; rep. Gen. Ct.; built house at Moulton’s Point, where British land- ed before Battle of Bunker Hill; m 1640, Abi- gail Goode (d 1665/66) ; 9-Robert (bap. 1644-1730/31), m 1672, Mary Cook; 8-Robert (1675-1756), m 1698, Hannah Groves; 7-Capt. Freeborn (1717-92), served at Lexington Alarm; m 1787, Rebecca Walker; Pe oeehh (1738-1816), soldier Am. Rey.; m 2d, Han- nah-; 5-Royal (1772-1865), settled on Holland Purchase, N.Y., 1810; m 1797, Betsey Trask (1778-1841) ; SHE 16) Ga m 2nd, 1831, Malvina Benedict ( -(d); 3-Lucy Lauretta (1835-1911), m 1854, John Henry Thorp (1834-1891). 2-Son of Horatio Clark Ford (1853-1915), B.S., U. Mich., ’75; lawyer; pres. Garfield Savings Bank, Cleveland, etc.; m 1877, Ida May Thorp (b 1855); issue: I-Mildred Elm (1878-1918; m 1908, Frank McMillan Cobb); II—Horatio (above); IlI—Cyrus Clark (b 1892; m Rachel Hoge); IV— David Knight (6 1894; m Elizabeth Brooks); V—Baldwin (1898-1915). Il-m mr 7, 1908, Ella Almira White (qv for issue). LL.B., Western Reserve, 1906 (Phi Delta Phi); B.A., Yale, 1914 (Chi Delta Theta; mng. editor Yale Lit. Mag.). Sec. Garfield Savings Bank, 1906-13; mem. law firm of Snyder, Henry, Thomsen, Ford & Seagrave, since 1913; v.p. Cleveland & Eastern Traction Co., Cleveland & Chagrin Falls Ry. Co.; pres. Williamson Securities Co.; dir. Cleveland Trust Co.; mem. bd. of edn., Lyndhurst Village School Dist., 1919-28; trustee Euclid Av. Congl. Ch.; chmn. exec. com. of Cleveland Council of Boy Scouts of America, 1910-20; mem. City Plan Commn. of Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Served in Troop A, Ohio N.G. 6 yrs.; Ist It., maintenance div. of M.T.C., 1919-20. Hobby: Horses. Clubs: Union, Chagrin Valley Hunt. Residence: ‘Whitford,’ Mayfield and Rich- mond Rds., South Euclid, O. 1-CUTLER, Nellie Lewis (Mrs. Edward C.), 0 Phila., Pa., Sept. 12, 1864. §-James Smith, m Joanna-—; 8-Nathaniel (6 1639), first settler at Taunton, Mass.; m Experience-; 7—-Nathaniel (1678-1725), an original propr. Litch- field, Conn.; m Anna Hoskins (William); 6—Jacob, of Litchfield, m Elizabeth-; 5—-Jacob (1738-1807), soldier French and Indian War and It. Am. Rev.; m Mary Lewis (Ger- shom$); 4-Lemuel (1774-1852), Litchfield; m Nancy Jones Beene in French and Indian War and Am. Rev.); 3-—George Washington (1811-40), Litchfield, Conn., and Doylestown, Pa.; m Harriet Humphre- ville (Lemuel?). 2—Dau. of Henry Martyn Lewis (1831-1906), pres. S.S. White Co., Phila., Pa.; m 1856, Frances Amelia Smith (1836-1900); issue: I—Frederick Humphreville; IIl—Harriet Southworth (6b 1860; m Albert M. Barnes, 1845-1916); III—Nellie (above); IV—Henry Bertram (See Vol. 1, p. 687 for Lewis lineage). IIlIl—m June 6, 1889, Edward Clifford Cutler, 0} S. Lancaster, Mass., May 1, 1860; son of James Benjamin Cutler, m Henrietta Park; issue (all b Germantown, Phila., Pa.): 1-Frances Amelia, b May 10, 1890; m June 6, 1914, William Morris David (issue: Nellie Cutler, 6 Apr. 10, 1915; Edward Morris, b Dec. 26, 1916; William Mor- ris, Jr., b Feb. 28, 1919; Clifford Cutler, b July 14, 1922); 2-James Benjamin, }b July 30, 1891: 20 lt= Baty. by cloth HeAl, 82de Dive, ASb. by in France, June 8, 1918-Apr. 27, 1919; wounded in Meuse-Argonne sector, Oct. 8, 1918; m June 3, 1922, Helen Reeves Harmer (issue: Mar- garet Frances, b May 11, 1924); 3-Edward Clif- ford, Jr., b Dec. 11, 1896; enlisted in U.S.N.. May 7, 1918; ensign, Dec. 21, 1918; m Oct. 9, 1920. Frances Ray Cutler (issue: Samuel Ray, 0 Oct. 1, 1921; Edward Clifford, 3d, b July 1, 1925): 4—-Henry Lewis, 6 Aug. 5, 1898; hosp. service, U.S.N.R.F., and completed 17 round trips in transport service, May 17, 1917-Sept. 19, 1919; grad. Princeton Theol. Sem., 1924; Presbyn. 254 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY minister; m May 17, 1924, Elizabeth Kirkbride Carlile (issue: Emma Elizabeth, b May 8, 1926). Residence: 230 W. School Lane, Germantown, Phila., Pa. WINFORD LECKY MATTOON. 1-MATTOON, Winford Lecky, } Plain City, O., Aug. 29, 1881. 8-Hubartus Mattoon, settled at Kittery, Me., ante 1652; 7-Philip (d 1696), Deerfield, Mass.; m 1677, Sarah Hawks (1657-1751; Sgt. John’, m Elizabeth-): 6-Nathaniel (1693-1770), Northfield, Mass.; m 1727, Hannah Hubbard (1701-97; Isaac?, m Anna War- ner; John§); 5—Philip (1729-1810), Northfield; m 1762, Hannah Stratton (1732-1800; Hezekiah*®, m Elizabeth Hawks; Samuel?; Samuels); 4—Nathaniel (1763-1838), Vershire, Vt.; m 1790, Al- thea Field (b 1764; Israel®, Am. Rev.: m Mar- tha—; Dea. Joseph*; Joseph’; Zechariah’); 3-Seth (1790-1879), Maxwell, Genoa Tp., Delaware Co., O.; m 2d, 1837, Louisa Caroline Saw- yer (1807-45; Jotham‘, m Lucy, dau. of Set. Samuel Fisk, Am. Rev.; Jotham®, Am. Rev.; Elisha®; Elias?; Thomas’; Thomas’). 5-John Lecky (1744-1821), from Ireland to Toa settled in German Tp., Fayette Co., Pa.; m Mary Wilson (1760-1827; Alexander, Jr.*, from Ireland to Pa., m Deborah Gilmore); 4—Thomas (1777-1851), m Annie Kendall (1788-1844; Jeremiah’, a pvt. sec. to George Washington, served throughout Am. Rev., settled at Uniontown, Pa.; m Rhoda McIntyre; William’*: William’); 3-Thomas William (1826-1910), Holmesville, O.; m 1845, Margaret Bigham (1825-1908; Ebenezert, m Mary Cunningham; James®; John*, Am. Rev.). 2-Only child of Francis Nathaniel Mattoon. M.D. (1843-1920), physician at Plain City, O., 33 yrs. bef. 1910; @ Columbus, O.; m 1875, Miriam Rhoda Lecky (1849-1925). M Feb. 16, 1909, at Kansas City, Mo., Inez New- ton Clark, 6 Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 18, 1881; dau. of Isaac Newton Clark, D.D., for 30 yrs. dist. sec. Am. Bapt. Fgn. Missionary Soc., Kan- sas City, Mo.; issue (all b} Columbus, O.): 1- Betty Alice, b Apr. 15, 1915; 2-Philip Clark. b Sept. 28, 1922; 3-Francis Newton, b Nov. 5, 1924. Prep. dept., Otterbein U., 1896-98; Denison U.. 1898-1900; engring., Ohio State U., 1900-03. Real estate and tax agt., Hocking Valley Ry. Co. Mem. S.C.W., S.A.R. (past chapter pres.; his- torian Ohio soc.; v.p.gen., 1926-27), Assn. Am. Mil. Enegrs., S.V., Sigma Pi (past nat. pres.), ete. Clubs: University, Lions. Residence: ae re aby Av., Upper Arlington, Colum- us, O. oN tS ot Woodson Tilton, } Quincy, Fla., July 23, 1849. 5-John White, m Mary-; 4—David Lindsay, sheriff of Bladen Co., collec- tor of the port, Apalachicola, Fla.; co. judge eee Co., Fla.; m Mary Lyons (d in Fia., 3—David Lindsay (1780-1862), d@ in Gadsden Co., Fla.; m 1809, Elizabeth Lewis Kennon. 8-William Worsham, m Elizabeth-; 7-Elizabeth, m Dr. Richard Kennon (qv); 6—William, m Ann Eppes (Col. Francis’, m Ann Isham; Col. Francis’; Col. Francis®); ee (1718-59), .m 1744, Elizabeth Lewis (0 4—John (1752-1812), officer Am. Rev.; m 1779, Eliz- abeth Woodson (d 1793); 3-Elizabeth lL. (1783-1824), m David Lindsay White (3 above). 11—Dr. John Woodson (qv); 10-John (ca. 1635-ca. 1710); 9John (ca. 1665-ca. 1740), of ‘“Curles,” Va.; m 1650, Mary Tucker (ca. 1670-ca. 1730; Capt. Sam- uel”, m Jane Larcome); &-Joseph, m Elizabeth Murry; 7—Joseph (d 1752); 6—Joseph; 5-John (will proved 1793), m Elizabeth Hughes (Robert®, m Elizabeth—-; Robert?, m Ann—; Rob- ert’, m Martha-); 4-Hlizabeth, m John Kennon (4 above). 9-Gen. Robert Lewis (qv); 8—John (6 in 1635), of ‘Warner Hall’; m Isabella Warner; 7-Col. John (1669-1725), mem. Royal Council; co. lt.; judge Supreme Ct.; m his cousin, Eliz- abeth Warner (Augustine, II8, speaker Va. House of Burgesses, m Mildred, dau. Capt. George Reade, qv); 6-Col. Charles (1690-1779), of ‘““‘The Byrd’; m Mary Howell; 5-Elizabeth (b 1724), m 1744, William Kennon (5 above). 7-Jacob Gibson, from Eng. to Anne Arundel Co., Md., ca. 1659; settled in Talbot Co., Md., 1661; m Alice Woolman (Col. Richard’, from Eng. to Md. ca. 1649); 6-Woolman, m 1st, Sarah (Dawson) Clements; 5-Woolman, m Elizabeth Tilton (James’‘); 4-Jacob, m Rebecca Reynolds (Thomas, m Frances, dau. of Thomas Holland; Edward®); 3-Edward Reynolds, m Jennette Irons Tilton. 8-Thomas Hanson (d 1665), m Mary— (d 1689); 7-Timothy (d 1710), m Barbara— (d 1718); et eget (d 1754), m 1704, Susanna Freeland (d 40); 5-Timothy (d 1768), m 1743, Elizabeth Skillington (1719-88; Kenelm’, m Lydia Croxtell; Thomas’, m Mary-); 4-Lydia (d 1796), m Nehemiah Tilton (1748-1814; Thomas’, m Elizabeth, dau. of John Rhoads, covanentor); 3—Jennette I. (1795-1869), m Edward Reynolds Gib- son (3 above). 2-Son of Pleasants Woodson White (1820-1919), maj. C.S.A.; judge Circuit Ct. of Fla. 10 yrs.; m 1848, Emily Gibson (1826-1902); issue: I-Wood- son Tilton (above); II—Jennette Gibson (hb 1850); II1I—Rebecca Smallwood (b 1854); I[V—Ed- ward Lindsay (1856-76; m Susan Gorham); V— Hanson Gibson (1863-90). I-m Oct. 30, 1878, Louisiana Woolfolk Johnston. News Lork. IN: You OGET30 1s anerot Theodore Mersereau Johnston, of N.Y. and. La.; issue (all b Waco, Tex.): 1-Clara Heriot, b Dec. 27, 1880; 2-Pleasants Woodson, } Aue. 27, 1882; 83-Emily Rebecca, B Aug. 11, 1884: m Percy M. Marshall; 4-Hugh Johnston, } May 12, 1886; 5-Tilton Hanson, b Nov. 22, 1896. Ed. Quincy (Fla.) Acad. Admitted to bar, 1872: lawyer; quit law, later surveyor, express agent and auditor. Mem. S.A.R. Address: Apartado 650, Havana, Cuba. 1-COWLES, Calvin Duvall, } Elkville, Wilkes Co., N.C., June 26, 1849. 9-John Cowles (qv); 8-Samuel (1639-91), soldier Farmington (Conn.) Train Band; m 1660, Abigail Stanley (d 1734, at a great age; Timothy®, who was a brother of Thomas Stanley, ancestor of Pres. Grover Cleveland); pe (1661-1748), m 1685, Rachel Porter (165S- 743); ; 6—-Thomas (1686-1751), m 1714, Martha Judd (1692- 8 , FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 255 5-Capt. Josiah (1716-93), mem. Conn. Legislature, 1780; served on patriotic com. in Am. Rev.; m 1748, Mary Scott (1732-1809) ; 4—Calvin (1749-1801), on patriotic com. Rev.; m 1774, Miriam Atwater (1754-98); 3—Josiah (1791-1873), extensive slave and land owner; merchant; postmaster; was half a cen- tury mem. Ct. of Pleas and Quarter Sessions; justice; mem. Gov.’s Council of N.C.; m Ist, 1815, Deborah Sanford (1795-1827); m 2d, 1828, Nancy Caroline (Carson) Duvall (below). 4—Joseph H. Duvall, m Martha Houston (Chris- topher®, minute man N.C. militia in Am. Rev.); 3-Alvin Simpson (1795?-1827), m Nancy Caroline Carson (1802-63; Capt. Andrew+, capt. N.C. mil- itia in Am. Revy., m Temperance, dau. of Thomas Young, commissary N.C. militia in Am. Rev.; Capt. Andrew Carson was a broth- er of Lindsay, the father of Christopher “Kit” Carson, the famous scout and _ soldier. Thomas Young was a great uncle of Hon. John Young Mason, Sec. of the Navy and minister to France). 2-Son of Calvin Josiah Cowles (1821-1907), mer- chant, slave owner, large land owner; post- master; pres. N.C. Constl. Conv., 1868-69; m 1st, 1844, Martha Temperance Duvall (1824-66); issue: I-Daughter (still born 1845); II—Arthur Duvall (1846-1902; m 1870, Amelia Ann Horton, 1848-1915); III—Calvin Duvall (above); IV—Rob- ert Duvall (1852-54); V—Josiah Duvall (1853-80) ; ViI-—Andrew Duvall (1856-99; postmaster; brig. Peneeand 20j)) een. sta N.C. it. col. cde N.C: Vols., 1898; m 1884, Florence Mott, 1863-87); VII- Samuel Duvall (1859-62; m 1883, Hattie Wil- liams, d 1921); VIII—-William Duvall (b 1862). IlI-m May 13, 1874, Mary Ella Hitchcock (June 12, 1855-Nov. 12, 1906); dau. of Charles Edwin Hitchcock (dese. Luke Hitchcock, of Weth- ersfield, Conn., ancestor of Pres. Grover Cleve- land); m Eliza Poole Hamilton; issue: 1-Mary Duvall, 6 N. Platte, Neb., May 13, 1875; m Dec. 18, 1895, George Douglas, son of Rear Adm. Francis M. Ramsay, U.S.N. (issue: Anna M.; Frances M.; Mary H.); m 2d, Jan. 2, 1914, Bur- chard S. McKinley; m 3d, Nov. 18, 1922, Otis C. Pope; 2—-Robert Carson (Sept. 11, 1876-July 10, 1878); 3-William Henry, b Ft. Dodge, Kan., May 21, 1878; U.S.M.A., ’02; maj. and It. col. (temp.), A.E.F.; lt. col. U.S.A.; m-~Oct. 1, 1908, Mary (d 1914), dau. of Maj. Noble H. Creager, U.S.A. (issue: Noble Harwood, b 1910); 4—-Calvin Duvall, Jr., b Ft. Supply, Ind. Ty., June 26, 1880; ARDS. pGuiltord, 00;0A.5:,.U. of N.C. (OlsMeD.: Johns Hopkins, 1905; maj. U.S.M.C. and lt. col. (temp.), World War; m Oct. 10, 1916, Mary Florence, dau. of William Henry Ridenbaugh (issue: Mary Elizabeth, 6 1919); 5-Josiah Ham- ilton (Mar. 19-Sept. 4, 1884); 6-David Hamilton, b Davids Island, N.Y., Oct. 14, 1885; U.S.M.A., olswcapt. sand) maj(temp:) ofvint.. Ach. BY: maj., inf., U.S.A.; m Nov. 20, 1916, Martha Mar- guerite Geslain; 7-Isabel Hitchcock (Nov. 5, 1887-Dec. 12, 1888). M 2d, Jan. 14, 1908, Kate Hamilton (Hitchcock) Holmes (Jan. 31, 1857-July 10, 1925); sister of first wife. U.S.M.A., ’73; (hon. M.A., Trinity, Conn., 1919). Col., U.S.A., retired. Participated in Indian campaigns, Spanish-Am. War, Cuban Inter- vention, Philippine Insurrection, Cuban Paci- fication, World War (6 medals). Mem. SC.W.. S.A.R., M.O.F.W., N.M.O.S.A.W. Residence: Highland Court Hotel, Hartford, Conn. hla abet Arthur Latham, b} Akron, O., Jan. 8—Dea. Job Conger (will probated 1712), from Eng., was a planter at Woodbridge, N.J., 1667; 7—Job (1694-will probated 1758), m Keziah-; Ae eae (ca. 1730-1777), m Bersilla Coddington (d ‘ > 5-Job (ca. 1755-1827), m Roby Potter (d 1834): 4—Potter (1777-1820), m Lucy Sackett (1780-1836) : 3-John (1803-53), removed from Vt. to Summit Co., O., 1831; m Hannah Beals (1802-93). §9-John Bronson (qv); 8-Isaac (1645-1719), set. Hartford vols.: one of first settlers at Waterbury, Conn.; m Mary Root (d 1719): 7—-Lt. John (1673-1746), m Mary Hickox (1681-1713): 6—Joseph (1709-71), m Anna Southmayd (1706-49): 5-Seba (1740-1816), recruiting officer in Am. Rev.; m Mary Hickox (1748-1816); 4—Herman (6 1774), mem. Assn. which purchased in Am. the Western Reserve; m Mary Hicox (b 1777); 3—Hiram Volney (1809-81), m Ruth Leonora Ran- ney (1815-1904; Comfortt; Comfort®, Am. Rev.; Nathaniel’, Am. Rev.). 2-Son of Arthur Latham Conger (1838-99), 2d and Ist It., 115th Ohio Vol, Inf. in Civil War; col. 8th Inf., Ohio N.G.; pres. Whitman & Barnes Mfg. Co., cutlery; m 1865, Emily Bronson (1843- 1917); issue: I-Kenyon Bronson (b 1866; m Anna Sanford Ganter); Il—Erastus Irving (6 and d 1870); IIlI—Arthur L. (above); IV—Latham H. (b 1878). IlIl-m Feb. 8, 1902, Margaret Loring Guild, 0 Boston, Mass., July 8, 1866; dau. of George Alfred Guild, of Boston. Harvard, ’94, A.B., 1908. Corp. and sgt. Co. M, 12th N.Y. Vols., Spanish-Am. War; comma. in regular army, Sept. 9, 1898; grad. Army Staff Coll., 1909, Army War Coll., 1921. Capt. of inf., U.S.A., when U.S. entered the war; maj., May 15, 1917; 1t. col. (temp.), Aug. 5, 1917; col. (temp.), July 30, 1918; remanded to regular rank of maj; Aug. 155°1919;) commd: lt... colk-U.ScA. July 1, 1920; col., Apr. 27, 1921. Asst. chief of staff, 2d Div., A.E.F., June 3-July 10, 1918; comd. 56th Inf. Brig., 28th Div., in Meuse-Ar- gonne battle, Sept. 28-Oct. 10, 1918, Awarded D.S.M. (U.S.); Order of St. Michael and St. George (British); Officier de la Legion d’Hon- neur and Croix de Guerre (French). Clubs: Cosmos, Army and Navy, Chevy Chase. Ad- dress: Adjutant General U.S.A., Washington, DG: 1-ABBOT, Edward Moseley, ) Westford, Mass., Jan. 31, 1882. 9-John (Maudsley) Moseley (d 1661), from Eng. in the “Mary and John” to Dorchester, Mass., 1630; m Ciceley— (d 1661); 8-Thomas (d 1706), Dorchester; m 1658, Mary Cooper Lawrence (d 1723); 7-Ebenezer (1673-1740), began to write name Moseley; m 2d, Hannah Weeks (1678-1747) ; 6—-Rev. Samuel (1708-91), A.B., Harvard, 1729; m 1734, Bertha (Otis) Billings (1703-50); 5-Col. Ebenezer (1741-1825), the “Fighting par- son”; capt. at Bunker Hill; later col. Cont. Army; m 1773, Martha Strong (1749-1827), sister of Gov. Caleb Strong, of Mass.; 4—Hon. Ebenezer (1781-1854), m 1810, Mary Ann Oxnard (1787-1840) ; 3-Edward Strong (1813-1900), B.A., Yale, ’33, and hon. M.A., 1870; mcht. and banker, Newbury- port, Mass.; m 1839, Charlotte A. Chapman (1812-98; Rev. George T.4, m Alice Buck; Thom- as®, m Charlotte Carnzu). 2-Son of Mary Alice Moseley (b 1850), m 1830, Abiel Jacob Abbot (See Vol. 1, p. 408, for Abbot lineages). M Feb. 22, 1928, Natalie Swan Baron (qv); issue: Petes: Baron, 6 Westford, Mass., Sept. 28, Ed. St. Mark’s Sch., and Lowell Textile Sch. Manufacturer; trustee Lowell Textile Sch., Loweil Instn. for Savings. Selectman, Town of Westford. Clubs: Algonquin (Boston), Norfolk Hunt, Eastern Yacht, Vesper Coun- try, Yorick, Concord Country. Residence: Westford, Mass. 1-ABEOT, Natalie Swan Baron (Mrs. Edward M.), 6 Lowell, Mass. 7-John Swan, from North Treland, settled at Lunenburg, Mass., 1744, later at Peterboro, N.H.; m in Ireland, Peggy McCrossin. 6-Gustavus (1717-69), Peterboro, N.H.; m 1747, Isabel Wilson, of Townsend, Mass.; d—Capt. Robert (1752-1835), Peterboro; m Jane Alld - (d 1846; Capt. W.®); '4-William Alld (1802-65), Lowell, Mass.; m 1829, Louise F. Fletcher (1811-56); 3-Charles A. F. (1880-76), Lowell; m 1866, Mary Jane Butcher (1837-1913). 2-Dau. of Mary Louise Swan (b 1867), m 1892, Charles Christopher Baron (1861-1918), M Feb. 22, 1923, Edward Moseley Abbot (qv for issue). Residence: Westford, Mass. 1-WHITEHOUSE, Sheldon (Edwin Sheldon Whitehouse), b N.Y. City, Feb. 5, 1883. 7-Isaac Whitehouse, of Sedgeley, Staffordshire, Eng.; 6—-Isaac (d 1786), of Sedgeley; 5-Isaaec (1722-1812), of Gravelly Hall, Warwick- shire, Eng.; m Sarah Meredyth; 256 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 4—James (1767-1854), came from Eng.; m Elizabeth Norman, of Taunton, Eng 3-Henry John, D.D., LL.D. (is03- 74), 2d P.E. bish- op of Ill.; m Evelina Harriet Bruen. 9-John Sheldon (qv); 8—-Nicholas (1674-1747), m Elizabeth Tillinghast; 7—Pardon (1701-42), m Mary Waterman; 6—John (1731-64), m 1754, Lydia Gibbs; 5—Job (1758-1832), sgt. fea R.I. Cont. Line; m 1783, Joan Crawford Ty 4—Crawford Bernon ¥Ci799- 1859), m Abigail Maxon; 3—Edwin Holmes (1821-90), m 1845, Frances Ogden. 2-Son of William Fitzhugh ‘Whitehouse (1842- 1909), m Fanny Sheldon (b 1852); issue: I-Fran- ces Sheldon (6 1873; m Baron Constantine Ram- say, of Russia); II-Henry John (6b 1874; m Ethel, dau. of Sir George Duntze, bart., of Wales); III—-Lily Bruen (m Hon. Charles John Coventry, of Eng.); IV—William Fitzhugh (m Edith Sybil Douglas); V—Sheldon (above); VI— Norman Ogden (6 1887; m Tamara, Princess Bagration-Moukhransky). V—m Oct. 14, 1920, Mary Alexander, b N.Y. City, May 12, 1895; dau. of Charles Beatty Alexan- der (See Vol. 1, p. 414, for genealogy); issue: 1—Charles Sheldon, 6 Paris, France, Nov. 1921; 2-George Bruen, 6 Paris, Feb. 22, 1923. Student Eton Coll., Eng.; B.A., Yale, ’05. Amer- ican diplomatic service, 1908; counselor, Am. Embassy, Paris, since 1921 (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. H.S.A., S.R. Residence: 48 Av. Henri Martin, Paris, France. 1-WHITING, William Henry, Jr., 6 Millwood, Va., July 24, 1862. 8-James Whiting (1608-ca. 1658), from Eng. in “The George” to Charles City Co., Va., 1617, with Mr. Keith, guardian; m 1643, Ann-; 7-Maj. Henry (6 1650), burgess from Gloucester Co., Va., 1680-84; mem. Council, 1691; treas. of Va., 1692; m Elizabeth-; 6—Col. Henry (b 1680), m Ann Beverly; 5-Francis (1720-75), Frederick Co., Va.; m Fran- ces Perrin; 4-Henry (1748-86), lt. 4th Va. Inf. in Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Braxton; 3-Francis Beverly (1785-1867), ensign U.S.N. on the “Constellation”; m Mary Burwell. 9-Nathaniel Foote (qv); 8-Nathaniel (1620-55), m Elizabeth Smith (Lt. Samuel’); 7-Nathaniel (1647-1703), m Margaret Bliss (Na- thaniel); 6—-Nathaniel (1682-1774), m Ann Clark; 5—Charles (1723-95), m Jerusha Chamberlain; 4—Blisha (b 1757), m Phoebe Sabin; 3-Elisha (1783-1842), judge of Otsego Co., N.Y.; m Eliza Blague. 2-Son of William Henry Whiting (1823-98), farm- er; m 1857, Mary Jay Foote (1826-1901); issue: I—Francis Beverly (1859-61); II-William Henry, Jr. (above); Il1I-Abram Polhemus (1866-88). Il-m July 31, 1884, Sarah Ray Currie (Dec. 15, 1860-Feb. 15, 1925); dau. of Rev. Archibald Cur- rie, m Mary Letitia Wharey. A.B., Hampden-Sidney, ’80, A.M., 1882; grad. stu- dent, U. Va., 1881; (LL.D., Hampden-Sidney, 1923; D.Litt., Austin Coll., Tex., 1924). Asst. teacher, Prince Edward Acad., Va., 1881-86, Uni- versity School, Nashville, Tenn., 1886-88; prin., Clay Hill Acad., Va., 1888-1902; prof. Latin, Hampden-Sidney Coll., 1902 (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: Hampden-Sidney, Va. 1-WHITLOCK, Clifford Everett Hale, b Nor- walk, Conn., Apr. 14, 1885. 6—-David Whitlock (d 1789), m Mary-; 5—-Abel (1759-1829), soldier Am. Rev.; m Phebe Birchard (1766-1841) ; 4—Eliphalet (1792-1833), m 1810, Naomi Gilbert (1786-1854) ; 38-Abel (1810-85), m 1847, Susan Ann Grumman (1825-99), 2-Son of Luther G. Whitlock (b 1852), master of Whitlock’s School, Wilton, Conn.; editor “The Present Age”; m 1872, Ida Virginia Hale (b> 1853); issue: I-—Genevieve Hale (1875-1903); II-Clifford E. H. (above). IIl—m Aug. 6, 1911, Dorothy Munz, b New Haven, Conn.; dau. Frederick Munz, of New Haven, m Katherine Weisner; issue: 1-C. E. H., Jr., b New Haven, Conn., June 28, 1912; 2-Reverdy Hale, 6 New Haven, May 27, 1913; 3—Gilbert Hale, 6 New Haven, Nov. 12, 1915; 4-Manson Hale, 6 New Haven, Feb. 21, 1917; 5-John Fred- erick, 6 New Haven, Sept. 17, 1918; 6-Norman Hale, 6 Bethany, Conn., Apr. 8, 1924. Ed. Wilson’s Prep. Sch., New Haven, Conn. Pres., Whitlock’s Book Store, Inc., New Ha- ven, Conn. Mem. S.A.R., Am. Hist. Assn., N.H. Hist. Soc. Clubs: Quinnipiack, Paint and Clay, Fellowcraft. Summer place: Beth- any, Conn. Residence: 219 Elm St., New Haven, Conn. 1-WHITMORE, Frank Hayden, } on bd. an American sailing ship in Melbourne Harbor, Australia, July 14, 1877. 9-John Whitmore, was at Wethersfield, Conn., 1639; killed by Indians, 1640; 8-Francis (1625-85), selectman at Cambridge; King Philip’s War; m Isabel Park (d 1685; Richard’, a propr. of Cambridge, 1636); 7—John (1654-1739), Medford, Mass.; m 1st, Rachel (Eliot) Poulter (1648-1723; Francis Eliot); 6—John (1683-1753), m 1706, Mary Lane (1686-1783); 5-Francis (1714-94), Bath, Me.; m 1739, Mary Hall (1719-91) ; eRe (1760-1839), Am. Rev.; m Lucy Couil- ord; 3—William C. (1788-1877), m 1884, Phoebe Hayden. 2-Son of Benjamin Franklin Delano Whitmore (1839-1900), master mariner; m 1871, Mary Palmer (1851-99); issue: I-Mary Lilly (6 1872); Il1—-Frank Hayden (above); II1I—Morton Palmer (m Cath- erine MacKinnon), II—Not married. A.B., Harvard, ’99 (Delta U.), B.L.S., N.Y. State Library Sch., 1901. Asst. librar ian, Bowdoin Coll., 1901- 05; librarian, Brockton (Mass.), Pub. Library, 1905- 25, East Chicago (Ind.) Pub. Library, 1925—. Mem. S.A.R. Clubs: Appalachian Mountain, Har- vard (Boston). Residence: 1205 Beacon St., East Chicago, Ind. ee alr peer Virginia Lee Joy (Mrs. James T.), 6 Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 26, 1863. Desc. Thomas Joy (1611- 78), from Eng. in the “Constance,” 1635; was an architect and build- er at Boston; supported Dr. Robert Child’s petition for extension of the right of suf- frage, 1646; settled at Hingham, 1647; mem. A. and H. A. Co., 1658; freeman Mass. Bay Colony, 1665; built Boston Town House, 1657; m 1637, Joan Gallup (d 1691). 2-Dau. of Levi Joy (1826-1901), merchant; m 1850, Mary Frances Hill (1828-1916); issue: I-Luan (6 1857; m Alvan B. Goodbar) ; II—Levi (m Pliz- abeth McClelland); IlI—Virginia Lee (above: ITV—Duncean Hill (m Lucy Barlow Turner); Jerone Bills (m Etoile Johnson). IIlI-m Aug. 20, 1890, Dr. James Thomas Whit- taker (b Mar. 5, 1843-June 3, 1900); son of James Whittaker, of Baltimore; issue: 1—Wallace Seely, b Lakewood, N.Y., July 15, 1892; Ph.B., Yale-S., ’14; m Sept. 8, 1919, Martha Taylor, dau. of William H. Davis, of Cincinnati; 2— Virginia Joy, 6 Lakewood, N.Y., Aug. 21, 1895; ed. Miss Master’s School, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. uke 250 Greendale Av., Clifton, Cincin- na 1-CECIB, Charles Perry, } nr. Danville, Boyle Co., Ky., July 3, 1852. 6—John Cecil (desc. of William Cecil, Lord Bur- leigh, prime minister under Queen Elizabeth), from Eng. to St. Mary’s, Md., ca. 1658; 5-John; 4-Samuel (d 1786), moved from Md. to Pulaski Co., Va.; m Rebecca White; 3-Samuel White (b 1769), m Polly Ingram. 2-Son of James Granville Cecil (1803-81), moved to Wayne Co., Ky., 1820, to Boyle Co., Ky., 1847; m 1838, Sarah Ann Buster; issue: I—William: II- Mary; IliI—James; IV—Hayden; V—Gran- ville; VI-—Charles Perry (above); VII—Annie; VIII-Sarah. ViI-m Oct. 5, 1875, Lillie Curran Whitthorne; is- sue: 1-Charles Perry, Jr., 6 Aug. 9, 1876; m Jan. 6, 1901, Virginia Bowman; 2-Jean Campbell, 6 Nov. "21, 1877; m Oct. 10, 1900, Robert Smith Dulin; fe Sarah, b Dec. 10, 1880; m Nov. 6, 1901, Frank C. Taylor; 4—Lillie Whitthorne, b Feb. 26, 1885; m Aug. 18, 1920, Thomas J. Cecil, son of Beatty Cecil (av): 5—Curran Whitthorne (Sept. 12, 1886-Nov. 6, 1891) ; 6—Granville Welsh (March 9, 1889-Oct. 9, 1913). Planter. Residence: Danville, Ky. a FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 1-CECIL, Beatty, b Tenn., Sept. 18, 1849. 8-John Cecil (desc. William Cecil, Lord Bur- leigh, prime minister under Queen Elizabeth), came from Eng. to St. Mary’s, Md., 1658; 7-—John; 6—-Samuel (d 1786), settled on headwaters of Neck Creek, Va., 1750, present site of Pulaski Co., Va.; m Rebecca White; 5-Benjamin Sollers, settled on present site of Monticello, Ky., 1799; m Priscilla Boyleston; 4-Samuel, m Ist, 184, Katy Peavyhouse (d 1805); 3—James, known as “Tim” (1805-71), farmer; jus- tice; m Pharaba Reed (1808-81). 2-Son of Samuel Cecil (1824-51), farmer; m Pris- cilla Thomas (1827-89); issue: I-Beatty (above); II—Jane (b 1851; m Emanuel Duncan). I-m Nov. 4, 1874, Polly Elmira Buttram, 0 New River, Tenn., Oct. 28, 1858; dau. of Bailéy But- tram, farmer, sheriff, of New River, Scott Co., Tenn.; issue: 1-John Riley, } nr. Helenwood, Tenn., Aug. 28, 1875; m Dec. 25, 1901, Mary Fos- ter (issue: Carl Otho, Bb Sept. 22, 1902; George Beatty, b Apr. 17, 1904; dau. d in infancy, 1905; James Henry, b Jan. 138, 1907); 2-Joseph Samuel, tb nr. Helenwood, Jan. 11, 1878; sgt. in Spanish- Am. War, and col., U.S. Nat. Army, during World War; comma. officer of inf., U.S. Regu- lar Army, 1899; lt. col., inf., U.S.A., retired; Congressional Medal of Honor ‘For gallantry on field of battle’; m June 1910, Emma Caroline Schenck (issue: Emma Caroline, b May 28, 1919); 3-Thomas Jamerson, B New River, Tenn., Jan. 10, 1885; C.E., U. Tenn.; commad. officer C.A.C., U.S. Regular Army since 1909, now maj.; comd. group of 3 bns. of arty. against Germans, 1918; m Aug. 18, 1920, Lillie, dau. of Charles Perry Cecil (qv); 4-Alexander (Oct. 4, 1886-Sept. 15, 1888); 5-Henry Barton, b New River, Feb. 17, 1888; U.S.N.A., ’10; lt. cdr., air service, U.S.N.; qualified as naval aviator, 1917; during World War comd. U.S. Naval Aviation Assembly and Repair Base at Pauillac, France, and later U.S. Naval Air Station, L’Aber Vrach, France, with 2 squadrons of patrol seaplanes; m May 31, 1919, Mrs. Isa (McBean) Bindley, dau. of Donald Duncan McBean, LL.D., of N.Y. City; 6-James Jay, b New River, Tenn., Mar. 6, 1893; ESPitt ea pereal Coll. «113.20 )1t.. to .capt.,. .cav., U.S.A., during World War and for 3 yrs. after- ward; M.D., U. Tex., 1926; m July 5, 1924, Edith, dau. of William Goodell Frost (qv). Served in Union Army in Civil War, 7th Tenn, Mounted Inf., at age of 15. Sheriff of Scott Co., Tenn., 1882-86; read law, passed Tenn. bar examination, 1887, practicing since; probate judge, Scott Co., 1902-10; mem. Tenn. House of Rep., 1889-91; mem. Tenn. Senate, 1887-89, and 1913-15. Residence: New River, Tenn. 1-FROST, Eleanor Marsh (Mrs. William G.), 0 Waukegan, Ill., July 31, 1863. 9-Rev. John Wilson (1588-1667), A.M., Christ Coll, 1609; from Eng. in the “‘Arbella,” 1630; was first minister at Boston; m ca. 1617, Elizabeth Mans- field (d 1658); 8—-Rev. John (1621-91), grad. in first class of Har- vard Coll., 1642; pastor at Medfield; m 1648, Sarah Hooker (Rev. Thomas’, qv); 7—Dr. John (1660-1728), preacher, physician, Brain- tree; rep. Gen. Ct.; m 1683, his cousin, Sarah Newton (1662-1725; Rev. Roger’, m Mary Hooker); 6-Sarah, m John Marsh (b 1678; Lt. Alexander? [1628- 98], freeman at Braintree, 1654, rep. Gen. Ct, m Mary, dau, of Gregory Belcher); 5-Samuel (b 1717), moved to Economy, N.S., Can., 1764; helped Am. prisoners escape from British ship in Am. Rev.; m 1741, Jemima Spear; 4—Joshua (b 1745), m 1770, Margaret Corbett (Wil- liam5, of Plymouth, Mass.); 3—Joshua (b 1779), m 1807, Elizabeth Palmeter. 2-Dau. of Alexander Marsh (1813-1905), came to N.Y. State, 1834; m Susan Haywood (1832-80), Danville, N.Y.; issue: I-Eleanor (above); II-— Miles Eugene (b 1866; m 1895, Mrs. Katherine Jones). I-m July 5, 1891, William Goodell Frost (qv for issue). Grad. Oberlin Coll, on farm nr. Helenwood, 91. Residence: Berea, Ky. 257 WILLIAM GOODELL (1792-1878). According to Henry Wilson the foremost digger-up of facts and arguments for the political aboli- tionists. Hdited the Investigator (Providence), the Philanthropist (Boston), and the Genius of Temperance (New York). Was with Arthur Tap- pan in founding the N.Y. Anti-Slavery Society in the face of mob violence, and soon after, 1833, with Garrison and Whittier in starting the: American Anti-Slavery Society in Philadelphia. Helped Binney and Gerritt Smith start the Lib- erty Party in 1840. In 1843 he prevailed against Salmon P. Chase in securing an early nomina- tion of a Liberty Party ticket, and from this time until the end of the Civil War he was editing papers and writing books. He took the radical position, now recognized as sound, that Congress had the right to abolish slavery in the states, and this radical wing which he repre- sented was of high service to the Free Soil and Republican parties in enabling them to occupy a middle ground. etepahy William Goodell, } Leroy, N.Y., July 8-Elder Edmund Frost (qv); 7—-Thomas (1647-1724), farmer, Framingham, Mass.; tithing man, constable; Colonial and Indian are ar 1678, Mary (Gibbs) Goodridge (Mathew i Peemuel (1686-1736), elder; farmer, Framingham; 710, Elizabeth Rice; BuAvaan (1718-95), a first settler and deacon at Williamsburg, Mase, 1765; French and In- dian War; m 1749/50, Abagail Livermore (four sons in Am. Rev.); Shaye (1765- 1829), a first settler at Riga, INN iy, 1806; Am. Rev.; m 1788, Rebecca Nash 3-Nelson Amasa (1802-60), Riga, N.Y.: m 1823, Mercy Fuller. 10-Edward Fuller (qv); 9-Samuel (ca. 1612-1683), m 1635, Jane Lathrop (Rev. John”, qv); Samuel (b 1637/38), m his 2d cousin, Ann Fuller (Capt. Matthew’); (rie la (d 1738), m, Elizabeth avn (George, m Hannah-); aichonanes (1699- 1741), m Maria-—; 5—Jonathan (1729-69), m Mary Whipp le 4—Daniel (b 1762), m 1789, Sarah Taft (b 1766; Japhet; Daniel®; Robert?, av); 3—-Mercy (6b 1803), m Nelson Amasa Prost (3 above) 9-Robert (Goodale) Goodell (qv); 8-Zachariah (1640-post 1725), m 1666, Elizabeth Beauchamp (06 1648); 7—-Thomas (6 1676), Pomfret, Conn.; m 1698, Sarah Harrell (d 1750); 6—-Zachariah (1701-83), capt. militia, Pomfret; m Hannah Cheney; 258 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 5-Zachariah (1737-99), 1t. Am. Rev.; m Hannah eney; 4-Frederick (1762-1807), Coventry, Broome Co., -Y.; Am. Rev.; m 1788, Rhoda Guernsey; 38—William (1792-1878), temperance and anti-slav- ery editor (See portrait), m 1823, Clarissa Cady. 8-Nicholas Cady (1615-ca. 1700), from Eng. bet. 1628-30, settled at Watertown, Mass.; m Judith Knapp; 7-Capt. Joseph; : 6—Capt. David (6 1703), m Bridgett Whittemore; 5-Capt. David (1743-1807), m Ist, Mary Sprague; 4-Dea. Josiah (1774-1854), m 1st, Chloe Hutchins; 3-Clarissa, m William Goodell (3 above). 2-Son of Rev. Lewis Phidello Frost (1824-93), grad. Oberlin Coll., ’48; preached in N.Y., Mich., Wis.; m 1850, Clarissa Maria Goodell (1827-99) ; issue: I—William Goodell (above); IIl—Lewis Clayton (1859-1922; m 1878, Gertrude Howell) ; IiI—Nelson Amasa (b 1866; m Emma Eulalia Vermilyea); IV—Willard Jerome (m Flora Liv- ingston; m 2d, Nora Belle Gardner). I—m Aug. 9, 1876, Louise Raney (1856-89); dau. of William Raney (6b Co. Antrim, Ireland), m Ellen Lusk; issue (all b Oberlin, O.): 1—-Stanley, b Oct. 26, 1881; Berea, ’02; m 1904, Katherine Fairchild; 2-Wesley, 6b June 17, 1884; A.B., Oberlin, ’07 (See Who’s Who in America); m 1909, Mary Priscilla Clapp; 3-Norman, } June 28, 1887; A.B., Oberlin; m Anna Cooper, M 2d, July 5, 1891, Eleanor Marsh (qv); issue: 1— Edith Elizabeth, 6 Berea, Ky., Apr. 19, 1894; Berea, ’17; m July 5, 1924, James Jay, son of Beatty Cecil (qv for genealogy); 2-Cleveland Cady (Apr. 3, 1896-Sept. 30, 1918); Yale, ex-’17; 1st lt. U.S. F.A., c.o. a company on transport Ticonderoga; killed at sea by submarine, Sept. 30, 1918, World War. A.B., Oberlin, ’76, A.M., B.D., 1879; post-grad. Wooster, Harvard, Gottingen; Ph.D., Wooster, 1891; (D.D., Oberlin, 1894; S.T.D., Harvard, 1907; LL.D., Oberlin, 1908, Georgetown [Ky.], 1913, Ky. State, 1916). Instr. and prof. Greek, Ober- lin Coll., 1877-92; pres. Berea Coll., 1892-1920; since engaged in literary pursuits (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: Berea, Ky. 1-ABEL, Mary White Hinman (Mrs. John J.), PA Ee (now Montour Falls), N.Y., Aug. 8, 8—-Richard Treat (qv); 7-Susanna (1629-1705), m Robert Webster (d 1676; Gov. John’, qv); 6-Elizabeth (1674-1754), m John Seymour (1664- 5-Margaret (1707-92), m John Catlin (1703-68; Sam- uel *, m Elizabeth, dau. of John Norton); 4-Theodore (1734-1824), lt. and capt. in Am. Rev.; m Mary Goodwin (1739-1793) ; 3—Arme (1781-1851), m Elijah Hinman (1777-1827). 8—John Steele (qv); 7-Lydia, m James Bird (d 1708); 6-Thomas (d 1725), m Mahitable Porter (1673-1726); 5—Mary (1702-88), m Abraham Goodwin (1699-1771) ; 4—Mary (1739-93), m Theodore Catlin (4 above). 10-Samuel Symonds (1595-1678), from Eng., 1637; m 1637-88, Margaret (Reade) Eppes (d 1662); 9-Ruth (d 1702), m 1662, John Emerson (1625-1700; Thomas”, qv); 8—-Martha (0 1662), m 1685, William Cogswell (Wil- liam®; John?) ; vara (1686-1773), m 1708, Hannah Brown (1691- 6-Samuel (b 1710), m Lydia Starkwether; 5-Edward (1735-1808), m 1758, Jane Owen (d@ 1808) ; 4—Lydia (b 1760), m 1781, Lemuel Beeman; ery Nat (1791-1863), m 1811, Harry Benson (1787- 9-Robert Parke (qv); 8-Thomas (1619-1709), an incorporator of Preston, Conn.; extensive landowner; m Dorothy Thompson; 7—-Nathaniel (d 1718), Norwich, Conn.; m Sarah Geer (b 1660); 6—-Phoebe, m 1712, Thomas Beeman; 5—Ebenezer (b 1719); 4-Lemuel (1757-1836), served in Am. Rev. 7 yrs.; m Lydia Cogswell (4 above). 2-Dau. of George Theodore Hinman (1808-86), physician and business man; m 1837, Irene Benson (1815-81); issue: I-Grover C. (1840-1895 ; m Albertine Whittemore); II—Estelle (1848-1923; m Rev. R. D. Munger); IlI—Mary W. (above); IV-—Frances (b 1852; m James A. Shepard). III—m July 10, 1883, John Jacob Abel, 6 Cleveland, O., May 19, 1857; pharmacologist (See Who's Who in America); issue: 1-Frances Margaret (Mar. 26, 1885-Oct. 30, 1888); 2-George Hinman, 6 Strassburg, Germany, Apr. 3, 1888; Johns Hopkins, ’08; M. Inst. T., 1912; m Oct. 8, 1921, Lucy Patmore (issue: Robert; Mary Louise); 3—-Robert, 6 Ann Arbor, Mich., June 26, 1891; Johns Hopkins and Madison univs.; 2d lt., inf., U.S.A., and served 14 months in France, World War. A.B., Elmira Coll., ’72. Writer of articles and books on economics. Mem. C.D.A., D.B.R: Residence: Windsor Mill Rd., Baltimore, Md. 1-ANTHONY, Daniel Read, Jr., ) Leavenworth, Kan., Aug. 22, 1870. 9-John Anthony (qv); 8-Abraham (1650-1727), speaker House of Depu- ties of R.I.; m 1671, Alice Wodell (William®, m Mary-); 7—William (1675-1744), dep. gov. R.I., 1709-17; gov.’s asst., 1717-30; m Mary Coggeshall (John§; John’, pres. Colony and Providence Plantations, famous suffragist. 4-Henry Osborne (1750-1808), soldier Am. Rev.; m Betsey Pease (Thomas®, soldier Am. Rev., m Lydia-—); 3-Abraham, m Eliza A. Norton (John P.4, m Nancy Butler; Peter®, soldier Am. Rev., m Elizabeth Athern). 2-Son of Col. Daniel Read Anthony (1824-1904), pioneer of Kansas, 1854; 1t. col. U.S.V. in Civil War; editor Leavenworth Times for 40 yrs.; mayor and postmaster of Leavenworth; govt. dir. U.P.R.R.; m 1864, Annie E. Osborne; issue: I-Maude (m Col. L. M. Koehler, U.S.A.); II- Daniel Read, Jr. (above); IlI-Susan B. (d); IV—Annette (d). II-m June 21, 1897, Elizabeth Havens, b Leaven- worth, Kan.; Colonial Dame; dau. of Paul E. Havens, of Leavenworth; issue: 1—Eleanor Havens, 6 Aug. 31, 1898; m Donald W. Sawtelle, U.S.A.; 2-Daniel Read, III, b Feb. 10, 1900; m Marian Montgomery. Grad. Mich. Mil. Acad., 87 (LL.D., U. of Mich., 1891). Editor Leavenworth Times since death of father, 1904. Postmaster of Leavenworth, 1898-1902, and mayor, 1903-05; mem. 60th to 69th Congresses, 1907-21 (See Who’s Who in Amer- ica), Residence: Leavenworth, Kan. 1-ASHLEY, Roy Vernon, b Battle Creek, Mich., Jan. 21, 1877. 7-Abraham Ashley (b 1682), m 1703, Susanna White; 6—-William (6b 1710), m 1782/38, Blizabeth-; 5-Abraham (1748-1824), soldier Am. Rev.; m ca. 1765, Phoebe Tabor; 4-Jeptha (1780-1872), m Almeda Wilbur (1779-1847) ; 3s-Josiah Leonard (1819-45), m 1841, Melora Atwood Crapo (1820-1904). 9-Sir Francis Cooke (qv); &-John, m Sarah Warren (Richard?, av); 7-Mary, m Philip Tabor, II (Philip’, m Lydia Masters); aonyua (1713-91), m 1734, Rebecca Tabor (1716- 5—Phoebe, m Abraham Ashley (5 above). 10-William White (qv); 9-Resolved, of the Mayflower; m Judith Vassal; 8-Samuel, m Rebecca-; 7-Penelope, m Peter Crapo; 6—-John, m 1734, Sarah Clark (b 1714; John?, m Mary Tobey; John’; Thomas®, from Eng. in the *““Ann,’’ 1632); 5—Peter (1743-1822), m Sarah West; 4—Charles (1776?-1862), m Sallie Lucas; 3-Melora Atwood (1820-1904), m 1841, Josiah Leon- ard Ashley (3 above). 12-Alexander Carpenter (qv); 1l—-Julia Ann, came over in the “Ann,” 1623, with her sister Alice; m 1612, George Morton, of York, Eng.; 10—Patience (b 1615), m John Faunce, came in the “Ann,’’ 1623; 9-Priscilla (1633-1707), m Joseph Warren (d 1696° Richard”, qv); ee FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 259 &-Patience, m 1686, Samuel Lucas (1661-1715/16; Thomas®, from West Eng., killed in King Philip’s War); \ 7-Joseph (b 1689), deacon of the First Church; m Meletiah-; 6-Barnabas (0 1729), m Anna Pierce; 5-Elijah (ca. 1757-1806), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1779, Sarah Shaw (Thomas*’, Am. Rev., m Mary Atwood; Jonathan’; Jonathan’; Jonathan®; John’, from Eng. ante 1627); 4-Sallie (1781-1879), m 1802, Charles Crapo (4 above). 2-Son of Marcus Morton Ashley (b 1844), contrac- tor and builder, retired; m 1875, Margaret Currie (b 1852; Miles? [b 1818], m Sarah Jane, dau. of Matthew Wilkin, from Ireland to Ohio, 18385; Duncan‘, from Scotland to Ohio ca. 1885); issue: I-Roy Vernon (above); II-— Clyde Leslie (b 1878; m 1907, Lovina Franz). I-m Sept. 25, 1900, Edith Leona Marvin, 0 Battle Creek, Mich., Oct. 11, 1879; dau. of Charles Francis Marvin, m Lettie Loughborough, of Battle Creek, Mich.; issue (all b Battle Creek, Mich.): I—Dorothy Violet, b Aug. 8, 1902; m June 2, 1923, Clayton R. Rice (issue: Margy Irene, 6 Dec. 20, 1925); 2-Marjorie Elizabeth, 6 Oct. 8, 1906; 3-Laurence Marvin, b June 16, 1908. Residence: 172 Grand Boul., Battle Creek, Mich. 1-AVERY, Samuel, AWE Boyes Ah 1865. 9-Christopher Avery (av); parce (1620-1700), m 1648, Joanna Greenslade (d 698) ; i-James (1646-1728), m 1669, Deborah Stallyon (1651- 17239) ; 6—Jonathan (1681-1741), m 1703, Elizabeth Bill; 5-Abner (1712-71), m 1740, Amy Fox; 4-Jonathan (1755-1847), orderly sgt. in Am. Rev.; m 1782, Pamelia Fox (1763-1853) ; 3-Samuel (1786-1871), m 1817, Priscilla Bates (1789- 1866). 2-Son of Stephen Bates Avery (1824-1903), farmer; m 1857, Mary Hawkes Thayer (1832-1921); issue: I-Holly Hunt (1858-1901); II-Henry Thayer; IIlI-Stephen Bates (b 1862); IV-Samuel (above). IV—m Aug. 4, 1897, May Belle Bennett, 6 Brad- ford, Ia., Mar. 25, 1870; dau. of William Pa- menter Bennett, of Groton, Mass. A.B., Doane Coll., ’87; B.Sc., U. Neb., 792, A.M., 1894; Ph.D., Heidelberg (Germany), 1896; (LL.D., Doane and U. Ida.). Adj. prof. chemistry, U. Neb., 1896-99; prof. chemistry and chemist, Agrl. Expt. Sta., U. Ida., 1899-1901; prof. analyt- ical and organic chemistry, U. Neb., 1901; prof. agrl. chemistry, and chemist, U. Neb. Expt. Sta., 1902-05; head prof. chemistry, 1905-08, acting chancellor, 1908-09, chancellor since May 20, 1909, U. Neb. Vice-chmn. chemistry com. Nat. Research Council, and chief of univ. relations branch, Jan.-Nov. 1918; maj., C.W.S., U.S.A., Aug.-Nov. 1918 (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. S.A.R. Residence: 1310 R St., Lincoln, Neb. 1-BADGER, Walter Irving, Jr., ) Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 16, 1891. 10-Giles Badger (qv); 9—-John (1643-91), sgt. colonial forces; m Hannah Swett; 8-Stephen (1671-1750), settled at Charlestown; m Mercy Kettell; 7-William (1702-40), m Hephzibah Prentice; 6-Thomas (b 1733), m Mary Beighton; 5-Daniel (1775-1832), capt. War 1812; Jones; 4—Daniel Bass (1799-1860), m Clarissa H. Clark; 3-Erastus Beethoven (1828-1918), m Fanny Bab- cock Campbell. 2-Son of Walter Irving Badger (See Who’s Who in America), m 1887, Elizabeth Hand Wilcox (1861-1923), sister of Ansley Wilcox (See Vol. 1, p. 887, for genealogy). M June 2, 1917, Jane Whitman Bullard, }b Brook- line, Mass., Mar. 1, 1896; dau. of Mrs. Mary A. Bullard (d 1922), of Brookline, Mass.; issue: 1— Walter Irving, 3d, b Boston, Apr. 21, 1918; 2— Jane Hallett, b Wellesley, Mass., July 21, 1922. B.A., Yale, ’18, M.A., 1918; LL.B., Harvard, 1916. Lawyer, Boston. Second Ilt., M.I.D., Gen. Staff, May 20, 1918; 1st 1t., M.I. Reserve after discharge. Clubs: Yale (Boston, New York), 6 Lamoille, m Anne Union Boat, Longwood Cricket, Exchange, University, Harvard, Cohasset Golf. Resi- dence: 3 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. 1-BAILEY, Arthur Low, 6 Methuen, Mass., June 29, 1867. 10-William Bailey (b ca. 1569), from Eng. in the brig ‘‘Prosperous,” 1610, settled at Shirley Hundred, Va.; m Mary-; 9-Thomas (1607?-1675), officer King Philip’s War, killed at Bloody Brook; m 1655, Lydia Red- field; SDeRone (6 1661), m 1680, Elizabeth Bliss Smith (b 7—Obadiah (6b 1696), m 1718, Elizabeth Williams; 6-Obadiah (1728-80), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1747, Azuba Rogers; 5—-Obadiah (1750-1853), m 1774, Esther Williams (1756-1833) ; 4-Frederick (1780-1834), m 1806, Polly Ann Witter (1789-1828) ; 3—Frederick Witter (1809-46), m 1837, Eliza Merrill. 2-Son of Frederick Henry Bailey (1841-1907), m 1868, Mary Low (1841-1915); issue: I—Arthur Low (above); II—Mabel Prescott (b 1873). I—m Sept. 3, 1908, Mabel Calder Dobbin, 6 Fair- port, N.Y., Oct. 4, 1873; dau. of William Dobbin, of Fairport, m Margaret Calder; issue: 1— Arthur Chaplin, 6 Wilmington, Del., Dec. 26, 1905; Williams, ’29. Tufts, ex-’98; B.L.S., N.Y. State Library Sch., 1898. Head of order dept. of N.Y. State Li- brary, 1898-1904; librarian, Wilmington (Del.) Institute Free Library, since 1904 (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 1503 Rodney St., Wilmington, Del. ce preperretst Edward, ) Harrisburg, Pa., Oct. 19, 6-Thomas Bailey, from Bristol, Eng., 1682; set- tled in Falls Tp., Bucks Co., Pa.,; m Mary Lucas; 5-Edward, m Ann Satterthwaite (William®, m Pleasant Mead); 4-William, minister Soc. of Friends; m Tacy Livezey; 38-Joseph, pioneer iron mfr., Pine Iron Works, Berks Co., Pa.; m Martha Lukens (dese. Jan Luken and Rymer Tyson, both members of the Pastorius company which settled Ger- mantown, Pa.). 2Son of Charles Lukens Bailey (1821-99), iron mfr., Harrisburg, Pa.; m Emma Harriett (1836- 1912), dau. of Joseph Doll, m Sarah McAlister Elder; issue: I-William Elder (b 1860; m Fay, dau. of Gen. Russell A. Alger); II—-Edward (above); III—Charles Lukens, Jr.; I1V—James Bradshaw (6 1869; m Caroline, dau. of Dr. George Wolf Reily); V-Emma Doll (m Robert E. Speer). II—m Oct. 2, 1889, Elizabeth Hummel Reily, b Harrisburg, wba. Octal 1s, 1s6ss Gaus oLmebDr George Wolf Reily, of Harrisburg, Pa., and sister of George W. Reily (See Vol. 1, p. 168, for genealogy); issue (all 6 Harrisburg, Pa.): 1-Elizabeth, 6 Jan. 21, 1893; m 1917, Henry M. Gross; 2—Martha, b June 27, 1896; m 1925, Powell Crichton; 3—-George R., b Mar. 16, 1899. Ph.B., Yale-S., ’81 (Delta Psi). V.p. Charles L. Bailey Co., iron mfrs., and Central Iron Works; pres. Harrisburg Traction Co., Cen- tral Iron & Steel Co., Harrisburg Nat. Bank, since 1892, Harrisburg Trust Co., since 1893, Pa. Surety Co., since 1905. Trustee Pa. State Lunatic Hosp., Harrisburg; treas. committee to supervise construction of the new state capitol. Clubs: University (New York), Uni- versity, Art (Phila.), etc. Summer place: Eaglesmere, Pa. Residence: 1517 N. Front St., Harrisburg, Pa. 1-BAKER, Edith Cooley (Mrs. Arthur D.), } Lansing, Mich., July 10, 1873. Dese. Benjamin Cooley (1620-84), from Eng. to Mass., ca. 1630; settled at Agawam (Spring- field), Mass., where he was selectman, 1646, and ensign Hampshire regt.; and thru: 4—-Thomas (1778-1847), m 2d, 1807, Rachel Hubbard (1790-1869) ; 3—-Thomas McIntyre, LL.D (1824-98), chief justice of Mich.; first chmn. Interstate Commerce Commn., 1887-91; m 1846, Mary Elizabeth Horton (1880-90; David*t, removed from Darien, N.Y., to Adrian, Mich., m Betsy Cary). 2-Dau. of Eugene Frank Cooley, m 1871, Kate (b 1850), dau. of Gustavus Adolphus Taylor, of 260 Warren, Denison. M Oct. 8, 1895, Arthur Davis Baker (See Vol. 1, p. 54, for genealogy); issue: 1-Katharine Coo- ley, b Lansing, Sept. 3, 1898; A.B., Smith, ’21; 2-Stannard Luther, Bb Lansing, Mar. 2, 1900; AS Se Us IIChy ee: Residence: Cambridge Rd., Lansing, Mich. 1-BAKER, Howell Maxwell, } Jonesville, La., Aug. 16, 1883. 8—-Maj. Henry Baker (1645-1712), from Eng. to Va. ca. 1665; burgess 1692-98; m Mary Bennett (1666-1734; Edward’, of London, mem. Va. com- pany of colonizers); 7-Col. Henry (1684-1739), burgess of Va. and N.C.; justice, 1731; m 2d, 1720, Ruth Chancey (1701-51; Edmund, d 1754); 6-Maj. John (1721-92), justice and first high sheriff, 1760-62, of Hertford Co., N.C.; maj. county militia, 1772; 1st lt., Walker’s Co., 7th Regt. in Am. Rev.; capt., 1776, maj., 1778; mem. N.C. Senate, 1779-81, 1783-84; m 1754, Elizabeth Wilson (1735-90) ; 5-Benjamin (1759-1820), pvt. Am. Rev., 1781-82; mem. Provincial Council; m 1778, Elizabeth Harvey (1760-1816) ; 4-Benjamin Harvey (1787-1850), m 1809, Rebecca Lanehart (1788-1827) ; 3—James Monroe (1822-99), pvt. C.S.A.; m 1845, Lu- cinda Cockerham (1827-51). §—John Harvey (1639-1702), from Eng., 1678, settled at Harvey’s Neck, Perquimans Co., N.C.; was pres. of Council and actg. gov. of N.C., 1678-80; m Mary-; 8-Hon. Thomas (1665-99), actg. gov. of N.C., 1697; Ae Albemarle section, 1695-99; m 2d, 1688, Sarah aker; 7—-Col. Thomas (1692-1729), mem. Upper House N.C. Assembly; m 1723, Elizabeth Cole (1704-58; Col. James’, of Va.); 6-Col. John (1726-75), speaker Assembly; mod- erator Provincial Council; m 1744, Mary Bonner (1727-97; Thomas’); 5—-Elizabeth (1760-1816), m Benjamin Baker (5 above). 9-Edward Howell (qv); 8-Richard (1629-1700), m 1st, Elizabeth Halsey (Thomas); 7-Richard; 6—Ebenezer; 5-Caleb (1752-1805), pvt., Morris Co., N.J., militia, Cont. Army; m 1778, Rebecca Stiles (1756-89); 4—EXbenezer (1781-1843), of N.J.; moved to Miss.; m 1809, Elizabeth Swayze (1792-1833); 3—James Oscar (1826-1912), pvt. in Mexican War; lt., Ist La. Cav., C.S.A.; m 1859, Sarah Kendrick Stokes (1832-1919). ; 2-Son of Dr. Benjamin Franklin Baker (1846-96), physician and surgeon; m 1880, Eliza Martha Howell (6 1860), D.A.R., D.A.C., U.D.C., ete.; is- sue: I—-Elizabeth (b and d 1880); II—John (b and d 1881); Ii1I—Howell Maxwell (above); IV—Ben- jamin Franklin (b 1885; m Catharine Grace Cronin). III-Not married. Ed. Harrisonburg (La.) High Sch., and Davis Coll., Natchez, Miss., 798. V.p. and sales mgr., Benton Bailey Co., automobile supplies, Richmond, Va. Comma. Ist It., inf., U.S.A., Nov. 27, 1917; assigned Hdars. Co., ist Bn., 2d Pioneer Inf.; served as asst. p.m. at Is-sur-tille, France, about 1 yr.; capt., P.M. Gen. Dept., May 12, 1919; discharged, Aug. 1, 1919. Mem. S.A.R., S.C.V., A.L. Clubs: Com- monwealth, Westmoreland, University,’ Va. Country. Residence: 900 W. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. Serpe Luther Henry, b Lansing, Mich., Sept. §—Alexander Baker (qv); 8-Joshua (1642-1717), of New London, Conn.; m 1674, Hannah Minter, widow of Tristram Minter; 7-John (1681-1750), m 1st, Comfort-; 6-Remember (1711-37), m Tamer Warner; 5—-Capt. Remember (1737-75), hero of colonial and Rev. wars; m 1760, Desire Hulburt (Consider®, m Patience Hawley); 4—Ozi (d 1794), Am. Rev.; m 1st, Lucy Hard (Capt. James®, m Hester Booth); 3-Luther Alexander (1787-1863), soldier War 1812; settled in western N.Y.; m 1817, Mercy Stan- nard (Joseph, soldier Am. Rev., m 1754, Phoebe Denison). 2-Son of Luther Byron Baker (1830-96), served Herkimer Co., N.Y., m Amy Lydia THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY thru Civil War, captured J. Wilkes Booth, assassin of President Lincoln; m 1868, Helen Davis (1841-1918); issue: I-Arthur Davis (See Vol. 1, p. 54, for Davis lineage); II—Luther Henry (above); IIlI—Lucelia (b 1876; m Wilbur rol). Hedrick); IV-Helen Davis (twin; 1876- 1914). : II-m June 28, 1899, Una Jacobs (qv); issue: 1— Maurice Jacobs, 6 Lansing, Mich., Oct. 6, 1903; “Bree Byron, 6 East Lansing, Mich., Aug. , 1907. B.S., Mich. Agrl. Coll., 93. Prin. of high schools at Kalamazoo, Albion, and other cities in Mich., 1893-1903; asst. sec.-treas. Mich. Millers Mut. Fire Ins. Co., Lansing, 1903-26, and sec. same since Sept. 1926; sec.-treas. Mut. Fire Prevention Bureau, Chicago, from 1911, Mich. Shoe Dealers Mut. Fire Ins. Co. from 1922; mgr. Mich. Mill& Elevator Rating Bureau from 1917; asst. sec.-treas. Mill Mutuals Agency, Lansing, from 1920; dir. East Lansing Realty Co., East Lansing Building & Loan Assn. Alderman of East Lansing, 1912-16; mem. Bd. of Edn., 1917-22, and pres., 1923; mayor of Hast Lansing, 1925, 26. Treas. Alumni Assn. of Mich. State Coll. from 1924; mem. Phi Delta Theta. Clubs: City, Country, Kiwanis. Summer place: Crystal Lake, Frankfort, Mich. Residence: 205 Delta St., East Lansing, Mich. 1-BAKER, Una Jacobs (Mrs. Luther H.), 0 Galesburg, Mich., Oct. 23, 1874, 9-Arthur (Bostock) Bostwick (1603-1680), from England to Stratford, Conn., ca. 16440; m Jane Whittel (Rev. Robert?®); 8—-John (1688-ca. 1688), m Mary Brinsmead (1640- 1704; John?); Say euin tes m Abigail Walker (b 1672; Jo- sep ; : 6—Nathaniel (1699-1756), m Esther Hitchcock (1705- 1747; Samuel’, dese. Luke Hitchcock, qv); 5-Rev. Gideon (1742-93), Yale, 1762; missionary of Soc. for Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, preacher in St. James Ch., Great Bar- rington, Mass.; 4-Adolphus Frederick (1767-1851), ens. 19th Cont. Inf. in Am. Rev.; m Mary Bostwick (1768-1851; Amos); eo beth Ann (1803-71), m Nathan Jacobs (1787- 2-Dau. of Burban Bostwick Jacobs (1832-1900), m 1871, Wealthy (Waterhouse) Dewey (1840-84), dau. of Ezra Dewey, m Eleanor Waterhouse. M ape 28, 1898, Luther Henry Baker (qv for issue). Residence: 205 Delta St., East Lansing, Mich. SesTiere Samuel Clay, b Georgetown, I1l., Mar. 8—-John Balch (qv); 7-Thomas (ca. 1660-1730), went to Eng., 1685, and was capt. in army of Duke of Monmouth, after which he returned to Annapolis; m Agnes Somerville; 6-Hezekiah, m Martha Bloomer; 5-James (1714-79), of Md. and N.C.; m Ann Good- wyn (d 1760); 4-William Goodwyn (1751-1822), of Md. and Ala.; soldier Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Rodgers (d 1837; John’, served in N.C. militia, 1771, mem. Pitt com. and one of .the 52 signers, 1775); = 3-Hezekiah James (1780-1836), of N.C. and Ill.; m Mary McCord (6 1788). Seis Ashmore (b in Md. ca. 1734), m Elizabeth alch; 4—-William, m Hettie Ford; 3—Elizabeth, m Samuel Elam. 2-Son of Dr. Hezekiah James Emmet Balch (1819- 1885), physician; m Elizabeth Cassandra Elam (1822-1913); issue: I-Hezekiah James (1845-97; m Mary Isabel Newlin); II-Samuel Clay (above). II-m Nov. 12, 1873, Mary Hartshorn, 6 LaSalle, Ill., Sept. 16, 1855; D.A.R.; dau. of Erasmus Darwin Hartshorn, m Mariette Meserve, of Los Angeles, Calif.; issue: I-Blanch Mariette (Sept. 30, 1874-May 17, 1890). Med. student at Rush Med. Coll., Chicago, and Bellevue Hosp., N.Y. City. Retired. Mem. S.C.W., S.R. Summer place: Manhattan Beach, aa Residence: 1614 Shatto St., Los Angeles, alif. 1-BALDWIN, Reba Louise Williams (Mrs. Arthur D.), 6 Cleveland, O., June 20, 1876. 5-Samuel Williams, from Eng. to Wales, settled at Groton, Conn., then at Windsor, 1720 or 40; m 1758, Mrs. Margaret Huntington Tracy; FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 261 4-Ebenezer (1769-1843), Warren and Painesville, O.; m Martha Porter, of E. Windsor, Conn.; 3—William (1808-88), of Cleveland, O.; m 1832, Laura Fitch, of Warren, O.; m 2d, Lucy Fitch, of Warren. &Sampson Mason (qv); 7-—Dea. Isaac (1667-1742), m Hannah-—; 6—-Nathan (1705-58), m 1731, Lillis Hale; 5—Levi (1752-1844), of Cheshire, Mass.; m Amy Gil- son; 4-Arnold (1777-1862), of Cheshire; m Mercy Coman; 3-Squire (b 1804), of New Hartford, N.Y.; m Sarah Granger (d 1872), of Utica, N.Y. (dese. Launcelot Granger, Newbury, Mass., 1640). 2-Dau. of Edward Porter Williams (1843-1903), B.A., Western Reserve U.; v.p. The Sherwin- Williams Co.; m 1869, Louise Mason (1845-1905) ; issue: I-Edward Mason (b 1871; m Mary Ray- mond); II—Sarah Granger (b 1873; m Abram Garfield); ElI-Lewis Mason (b 1875; m Lester Coffeen); I1V—Reba Louise (above). IV—m June 12, 1902, Arthur Douglas Baldwin (See Vol. 1, p. 488); issue (all 6 Cleveland): 1-Henry Perrine, 6 Apr. 2, 1908; Yale, ’25; 2—-Louise Mason, b Aug. 16, 1904; Smith, ’26; 3-Fred Cham- bers, b Oct. 28, 1905; 4-Arthur Alexander, } Mar. 3, 1909; 5-Sarah Granger, b Mar. 7, 1911; 6-Lewis Williams, b Jan. 29, 1914. Residence: 9534 Lake Shore Boul., Cleveland, O. 1-BALDWIN, Austin Radcliffe, 8 New York, N.Y., Nov. 11, 1874. 9-John Baldwin (qv); 8—-Thomas, m Sarah-—; 7—Joseph (b 1702); 6—-Thomas (ca. 1732-1794), Cavendish, Vt.; m 1759, Abigail Pollard (d aet. 108); 5-Isaac (b 1760), Am. Rev.; m 1782, Ame Coffeen (John’, m Susannah Goldsmith); 4-Enos (1783-1829), New York; m 1st, Lucy Parker (d 1808; Aaron’); 3—Austin (1807-86), tool mfr.; speaker Conn. Leg- islature; m 1832, Julia Clarissa Huyck (John Van Heusen‘, m Clara, dau. of Maj. William Radcliffe). 10-Gov. William Bradford (qv); aes oie (1624-1703-04), m Alice Richards af : 8—Maj. John (1653-1736), m 1674, Mercy Warren (1653- 1747; Joseph®; Richard”, qv); 7-Lt. Samuel (1683-1740), m 1714, Sarah Gray; 6—-Gideon (b 1718 or 19); 5—-Gideon (0b 1752); 4—Zebdial; 3-Shadrach Standish, A.M. (1812-76), clergyman, later woolen mfr.; fellow and trustee Brown U.; m Dorcas Brown Lockwood (1821-72; Benoni‘, m Phoebe Greene; Benoni®; Amos*; Abraham’; Gershom’; Robert®, qv). 2-Son of Austin Parker Baldwin (1834-1901), steamship and fgn. express business, New York; m 1868, Alice Lockwood Bradford (1844- 1881); issue: I-Standish B. (b 1869); II-—Alice Maude (m Erastus Milo Cravath); III—Austin Radcliffe (above). III—m Jan. 7, 1908, Mary Mildred Williams, } New York, Sept. 4, 1873; dau. late William Bisland Williams, New York (Benjamin H.’, m Eliza- beth Bisland; Benjamin‘, m Hannah Magie; Benjamin®, m Katherine Haines; Benjamin’, m Mary M. Gandy). B.A., Yale, 96. Pres. Baldwin Bros. & Co., New York. Residence: 150 E. 35th St., New York. 1-BAKEWELL, Madeline Palmer (Mrs. Charles M.), 6 Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Aug. 1, 1877. 11—William Palmer (qv); 10-William (1613-36), came with his father in the “Fortune”; freeman 1634; m 1633, Elizabeth Hodgkins; 9-William (1634-79), a founder and selectman of Dartmouth; m —Paddock; m 2d, Susanna Hath- away; 8-William (b 1663), Little Compton, R.I.; m 1685, Mary Richmond (Capt. Edward’); 7-—William (1686-1769), Hopkinton, R.I., and Ston- ington, Conn.; m 1715, Mary Irish; 6—-Lawton (1727-1803), m Mercy-; 5—-Nathaniel (1757-1833), sgt. Am. Rev.; m 1782, Mary Foster; 4—Gideon (1785-1868), m Clarissa Watkins: 38-Gideon Wilbur (1812-92), Hopkinton, R.I., and Glenburn, Pa.; mem, Assembly; mem. Constl. Conv., 1872-73; maj. p.m., Civil War; m 1835, Elizabeth Burdick (Billings‘, officer War 1812). 9-Thomas Dewey (qv); 8—Jedediah (1647-1718), m Sarah Orton; ES a ae (1682-1758), m ist, Abigail Ashley (1681- ). 6—Thomas (1721-87), m Sarah Martindale (1726-96); 5-Thomas (1765-1820), m Annie Allen (1770-1840), cousin of Ethan Allen; 4-Lucy (b 1804), m Baird Bradley; vps (m George W. Webster, of Plattsburg, ING Ye 2-Dau. of Henry Wilbur Palmer (1839-1913), law- yer, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; p.m. U.S.A., 1863-64; atty. gen. of Pa., 1877-88; mem. 57th to 59th and 6lst Congresses; m 1861, Ellen Mary Webster (1840-1918); issue: I—-Louise Mary (6 1864; m George E. Vincent); II-Bradley Webster (b 1866); I1I—Ellen Constance (m Count Dandini de Sylva); IV—Madeline (above); V-Henry Web- ster (6 1879; m Elsa Marie Langborg). IV-—m Dec. 21, 1899, Charles Montague Bakewell (See Vol. 1, p. 55, for genealogy); issue (all b New Haven, Conn.): i-Henry Palmer, bd June 1, 1907; 2-Bradley Palmer, b Feb. 26, 1912; 3-Mildred Palmer, b June 14, 1917. : A.B., Bryn Mawr, ’99. Mem. C.D.A. Residence: 437 Humphrey St., New Haven, Conn. 1-BALDWIN, Henry Ives, J) Saranac Lake, N.Y., Aug. 28, 1896. §9-John Baldwin (qv); 8-Richard (1675-1742) ; 7-Charles (b 1704 or 170); 6—Abraham (1733-1823) ; 5-Beard (0b 1771); 4—Blijah (b 1797); ; 8-Elijah C. (1832-90), Congl. minister; m 2d, 1862, Frances Marsh Hutchinson (b 1839; Ira‘; John 5 B.°5). 10-William Ives (qv); : 9-John (1644-89), m 1668, Hannah Merriman; 8—Joseph (1674-1755) ; 7-Joseph (1709-66) ; 6—Titus (1746-76), killed in Am. Rev.; 5—Titus (1769-1815) ; 4—-Benajah (1798-1868) ; 3-Titus B. (1828-1901). ‘ 2-Only child of Edward Robinson Baldwin, M.D. .(b 1864), m 1895, Mary Caroline Ives (0 1863). M 1924, Birgit Sophie Sverdrup (0 1902), of Stock- holm, Sweden. B.A., Yale, 19, M.F., 1922. Forester; sec. Conn. Forestry Assn., 1923; Forester, Brown Co., Berlin, N.H., 1924. Served in Yale Aero Corps, Conn. N.G., 1916; aerial observer, U.S. Air Service, 1918-19; 2d It., A.S.O.R.C. Mem. Assn. for Protection of the Adirondacks, Am. For- estry Assn., A.A.A.S., Ecol. Soc. America, Am. Meteorol. Soc., Camp and Trail Club, Steven- son Soc.; fellow Am.-Scandinavian Founda- tion. Home: Saranac Lake, N.Y. Address: 34 Maple St., Berlin, N.H. 1-BANKER, Howard James, N.Y., Apr. 19, 1866. 7-Laurens Mattyse (Bancker) Banker (ante 1673- post 1735), from Holland to Harlem, N.Y.; m 1st, ca. 1680, Jannetie Hendrickse (ante 1670- ca. 1702) ; : pea (b ca. 1701), m 1725, Maritje Schouten (b 1703) ; 5—-Nathaniel (1728-72), m 1st, 1747, Hannah Conklin (1729-ca. 1766); 4—-Adolph (1754-1822), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1778, Ruth Oakley (1756-1838) ; 8—-John (1794-1869), m 1815, Nancy Bryan. 9—-Alexander Bryan (qv); Spe a (1627-97), m ist, Mary Pantry (Wil- liam’); 7-Richard (1666-1734), m Sarah Platt (1673-1750/51; Josiah§) ; 6—-Alexander (1707-60), m 1st, Sarah Hubbell (1719- 59; Peter’); Pine (1740-1825), m 1761, Sarah Peck (0 .1738; Heth®); 4-David (1767-1848), m 2d, 1790, Elizabeth Louns- bury (1760-1842; Thomas’); 8—Nancy (1794-1863), m 1815, John Banker (3 above). Maternally, 4-William Welling (1756-1838), royal- ist refugee from New York to New Bruns- wick in Am. Rev.; returned to Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., ca. 1811; m Jemima Un- derhill (ca. 1767-1829) ; 8—-Nathaniel (1789-1863), m Jane Tinsler (1791-1865; Solomon’). 2-Son of Amos Bryan Banker (1832-87), farmer and‘inventor; m 1856, Frances Alcena Welling b Schaghticoke, 262 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY (1830-96); issue: I-Alexander David (b 1858; m Florence E. Ogden; m 2d, Edith M. Reed); II— Howard James (above). : II-m Aug. 23, 1894, Mary Eugenia Wright, bd Ephratah, N.Y., Feb. 17, 1865; dau. of Rev. Henry Wright, of Albany Co., N.Y., m Mary EK. Shutts. A.B., Syracuse, ’92 (Delta U., P.B.K.); A.M., Co- lumbia, 1900 (Sigma Xi), Ph.D., 1906. Education and M.E. pastoral work, 1892-1914; scientific research with Carnegie Instn. of Washington, in dept. of genetics at Cold Spring Harbor, L.I. Author (See Who’s Who in America). Day 14 Myrtle Av., Huntington, L.I., BY 1-BARNWELL, Joseph Walker, b Charleston, S.C., Oct. 31, 1846. 5-John Barnwell (qv); 4-Col. Nathaniel (1705-75), aide to Gen. Ogle- thorpe in Fla. expdn., 1740; m Mary Gibbes (Col. John; Gov. Robert‘); 38—Robert (1761-1814), soldier Am. Rev. and des- perately wounded; mem. 2d Congress, 1791-93; speaker S.C. Ho. of Rep. and pres. Senate (his son Robert Woodward, 1801-82, was mem. U.S. Congress and U.S. and C.S. senator from S.C., aay S.C. Coll. and chmn. faculty, of U. of KO) 5 Maternally, 6-John Barnwell (5 above); 5-Nathaniel (4 above); 4—Kdward (1757-1808), col. Am. Rev.; Pitt (1785-1860), planter; m Blizabeth Os- orn, 2-Son of William Hazzard Barnwell (1806-63), rector St. Peter’s P.E. Church, Charleston, 20 yrs.; m 1829, Catharine Osborn Barnwell (1809- 86); issue: I—Robert Woodward (1831-63); II— Edward H. (1832-1908); IIlI—Catharine Osborn (1835-1920); IV—Elizabeth (1837-1916); W—Esther Hutson (1838-1925); VI—William Finley (1840-61); ViI-Stephen Elliott (1842-1923); VIII—Ann (1843- 1915); IX—Joseph Walker (above); X—Allard (1848-99); XI—Mary E. (6 1850); XII-Charles M. (1852-1923). IX-—m Jan. 28, 1888, Harriett Kinloch Cheves (1849-1900), dau. of Dr. Charles H. Cheves, of Charleston, S.C.; issue (all 6 Charleston, S.C.): 1-Harriott Kinloch, b Aug. 20, 1887; m Apr. 9, 1912, Esmond Phelps, of New Orleans; 2-Jo- seph Woodward, b Aug. 8, 1891; Clemson, ’13; M.I.T., 15; capt. Co. A, 117th Enegrs., 42d Div., and with A.E.F. in France, 1917-19; 3-Charles Edmund, 6 Oct. 29, 1894; pvt. Hdars. Troop, 30th Div., 1916-19. Ed. S.C. Mil. Acad., U. of S.C., U. of Gottingen, Germany. Lawyer; mem. S.C. House and Senate, etc. Cadet S.C. Mil. Acad., partici- pated in action and wounded in knee, 1864. Pres. S.C. Hist. Soc., Charleston Library Soc., Bo Residence: 48 South Battery, Charleston, Bart EP Warren Silas, 6 N.Y. City, Sept. 6—-William Bartlett (1670-1741; desc. either Rich- ard or John Bartlett, brothers, sons of Ed- mund Barttelot of Stopham, Co. Sussex, Eng., vane to America, 1634), m Hannah Evarts (1669- 5-Moses (1708-66), clergyman and physician, of Chatham (now Portland), Mass.; m Lydia Fiske (1706-66; Rey. Phineas*, pastor at Had- dam, Mass.); 4—Phineas (1745-99), physician; m Sarah Symonds (1747-1832), widow of Dr. Joseph Bullard; ce (1783-1865), m Pamelia Pomeroy (1787- 8-William Ingraham, from Eng. to Boston, 1653; King Philip’s War; m 1656, Mary Barstow (b 1641; William®, qv); 7-Timothy (1660-1748), m Sarah (Wilson) Cowell (1669-1742), dau. of Joseph Wilson, of Eng.; 6-Obadiah (son of 7 [uncertain] or of William or Jeremiah, brothers of 7 and sons of 8), m Blizabeth—; 5-Obadiah (b 1721), m Barbara—; 4-William (b 1746), m 1773, Esther Carpenter; 3-Asa (1791-1853), m Hannah Bliss (1794-1844 ; Ephriam’). 9-Eltweed Pomeroy (qv); 8-Medad (ca. 1638-1716), Northampton, Mass.; was selectman, co. treas., asso. justice, dep. Gen. Cr: ; m Experience Woodward; 7—Maj. Ebenezer (1669-1754), commr. to treat with the Indians at Albany, 1724; high sheriff; mem. Council; m 1692, Sarah King; 6—Ebenezer (1697-1782), m 1722, Elizabeth Hunt (1701-82) ; 5-Stephen (1732-68), m Eleanor Lyman; 4—Hon. Enos (1761-1826), mem. Legislature 10 yrs.; m Lucy Smith (1766-1847; Maj. John5); 3—Pamelia (1787-1850), m Phineas Bartlett (3 above). 2-Son of Phineas Bartlett (1826-81), m 1854, Lydia Amelia Ingraham (1832-94); issue: I—Harry Pomeroy (b 1862; m Mary Evelyn Brown); II— Warren Silas (above). II-Not married. Ph.B., Yale, ’86; LL.B., N.Y. Law Sch., 1892. Mem. law firm Speir & Bart- lett, New York. Clubs: Graduates (New Haven), University, Assn. of the Bar, West Side Tennis, Down Town. Address: 52 Wall St., New York. Pt peretoens Frances, ) Warren, Pa., Feb. 14, 859. 10-Capt. George Baxter, came in Winthrop’s fleet, 1630; English sec. to Gov. Kieft of New Amsterdam, 1642-47, to Gov. Stuyvesant, 1647- 53; brought the Royal Charter of Charles II to Gen. Ct. of R.I., 1663; m Alice-; 9-Thomas (6 ca. 1626), m 1651, Bridget— (she m 2d, John Palmer); 8-Thomas (0 1654), m ca. 1674, Rebecca (Adams?); 7—John (6 1679), m ca. 1705, Mary Honeywell (Israel) ; ) 6—-John (6b ca, 1706), m Martha Close (Benjamin’); 5—Pettit (1732-1809) Am. Rev.; m 1760, Sarah Brush; 4-John (1760-1841), Am. Revy.; m 1786, Dorcas Whit- lock (Jonathan®, m Sarah Lobdell [Samuel®; Joshua’; Lt. Simon8’]; John*; John?7; John’; John’); 3—John Whitlock (1792-1862), m 1814, Mary McQueen (James‘, m Grissel, dau. of Adonijah Water- man, m Mary Elwell). 9-Surgeon John Greene (qv); 8-Maj. John (1620-1708), dep. gov. R.I., m Ann Almy (1627-1709); lt eet (1667-1773), m Dr. John Spencer (1666- 43) 5 6—John (1693-1774), m Mary Fry (1693-1746; Thomas’, m Welthian, dau. of Thomas Greene (son of Surgeon John, 9 above); 5-Welthian (b 1718), m 2d, 1747, Thomas Nichols (6 1723), soldier Am. Rev.; 4—Elizabeth (b 1748), m 1774, John Greene® (James'; John’; John’, of Quidnessett, R.I.); 38-Ransome J. (1792-1874), m 1823, Susanna Barton Gorton. 2-Dau. of Henry Baxter (1817-86), m 1853, Julia Ann Emeline Greene (1835-1910); issue: I—Adele (6 1855; m William Boyles McCormick); II— Henry Galen (1856-1922; m 1892, Eleanor Mc- Lean); Il1J-Frances (above). Compiler of The Baxter Family. Residence: 316 Pa. Av. E., Warren, Pa. 1-BEACH, Goodwin Batterson, 6 Hartford, Conn., Oct. 2, 1885. %Thomas Beach (qv); 8—-John (1655-1709), m Mary-; eka (1690-1773), m Ist, Sarah Tyler; m 2d, Mary oyce; 6—Adna (1718-83), m Hannah Miles; 5-Ebenezer (1766-ca. 1791), m Lucy Steele (desc. Gov. William Bradford, qv); 4-George (1788-1861), pres. Phoenix Nat. Bank, Hartford; m Harriet Bradley; 3s-Joseph Watson (1823-87), importer; m Josephine Elizabeth Coffing. 7-James (Batison) Batterson (d 1796), from Eng. to Greens Farms, Conn.; m Elizabeth (Beers?); 6-George, m 1752, Elizabeth Oysterbanks; m 2d, 1754, Rachel Oysterbanks; 5-George (1758-1837), pvt. Am. Rev.; m 1779, Mary Seeley (1763-1858) ; 4-Simeon Seeley (b 1797), m 1820, Melissa Roberts; 3-James_ Goodwin (1823-1901), marble quarrier; pres. Travelers Insurance Co., Hartford; m Eunice Elizabeth Goodwin (1827-97). 2-Son of Charles Coffing Beach (See Vol. 1, estae! m 1884, Mary Elizabeth Batterson (0 M Sept. 8, 1908, Ethel Gertrude Curry, b Boston, Mass., Dec. 1, 1883; dau. Samuel Silas Curry, of Boston; issue (all b Hartford, Conn.): 1—An- nabel Gertrude, b Nov. 30, 1916; 2-Mary Good- an b May 8, 1919; 3-Carol Coffing, b Aug. 24, / FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA A.B., Harvard, 1907 (Pi Eta). Beach & Co., investments. St., Hartford, Conn. 1-BECKHAM, J(ohn) Crepps Wickliffe, 6 nr. Bardstown, Ky., Aug. 5, 1869. 6-William Beckham, from Norfolk Co., Eng., to Orange Co., Va., 1701; m Miss Randolph, of Va.; 5—-James (1735-1800), m Hannah Bohon, of Orange Conny as; 4—Abner (1766-1813), Culpeper Co., Va.; m Frances Thomas, of Va.; 3-William Thomas (1800-79), settled in Shelby Co., Ky., 1817; m 1827, Nancy Netherton. 7—-David Wickliffe (d 1643), mem. Assembly from Prince George’s Co., Md., 1636-43, m Jane—; 6—David (b 1635), m Mary Sisson (widow of Louis Nicholas); 5—-Robert (d 1697), Westmoreland Co., Va.; m Miss Arrington; 4-Charles, moved to Ky., 1784; m Lydia Hardin; 8—Charles A. (1788-1869), gov. of Ky., 1839-40; Post- master Gen., 1841-45, in Cabinet of President Tyler; m Margaret, dau. Col. Christian Crepps, Bullitt Co., Ky. (their son Robert C., was 13th gov. of La., 1856-60). 2-Son of William Netherton Beckham (1832-82), lawyer and farmer, Bardstown, Ky.; mem. Ky. Legislature; m Julia Tevis Wickliffe (1835-1913) ; issue: I-Charles W. (1856-88); II-Margaret (0 1859; m Warren Bradford Kniskern); IlI—Nan- nie (b 1861; m George V. Triplett); IV—William T. (1863-66); V—Robert W. (1865-86); VI—Winifred (b 1867; m Rev. William P. E. Wyse); VII—John Cc. W. (above); VIII-Mary W. (1872-90); IX— David Y. (b 1874; m Myra Willcox); X—Julia W. (6 and d 1877). VilI-m Nov. 21, 1900, Sean Raphael Fuqua (qv); issue: 1—-Eleanor Raphael, 6 Frankfort, Ky., Aug. 16, 1901; 2-John Crepps Wickliffe, Jr., 0 Louisville, Ky., Mar. 21, 1905. Centre Coll. of Ky., ’88 (LL.D., 1902). Lawyer. Mem. Ky. Ho. of Rep., 1894-98 (speaker, 1898); lt. gov. of Ky., 1899, becoming gov. on death of Governor Goebel, 1900, and elected for term 1908-08: U.S. senator from Ky., 1915-21 (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 51 Hill Road, Castlewood, Louisville, Ky. 1-BECKHAM, Jean Raphael Fuqua (Mrs. J. C. W.), 6 Owensboro, Ky., Aug. 19, 1879. 7-Thomas Turpin, of Powhatan Co., Va.; m Mary Jefferson (aunt of Pres. Thomas Jefferson); 6—Obedience, m John Harris; 5—-Lucy, m Maj. Obadiah Smith; 4-Col. Peterfield, m his cousin, Mary Turpin; 3—Maj. John Hampden, m 2d, Hettie Raphael. 2-Dau. of Ella Raphael Smith, m Joseph Ander- son Fuqua, of Cumberland Co., Va., later of Owensboro, Ky. M Nov. 21, 1900, John Crepps Wickliffe Beckham (qv for genealogy). Reeraenee. 51 Hill Road, Castlewood, Louisville, y. See Henry Lucien, }) Lavernia, Tex., Oct. 5, 4—John Beck (1755-1818; b in Va.; traditionally, son of an Englishman who came to Va. at an earlier date), owned ‘“‘Beck’s Barony,’ Beau- fort Dist., S.C.; large land owner and planter; served in Cont. Army; m Ann (Huguenin) Myers, widow (David Huguenin®, a Huguenot, b in France, 1724); 8—Capt. Joseph Huguenin (1801-63), widely known pioneer in southwest Texas; m Sarah Jane Sledge. 4-Asa Yelvington (b Yelverton but changed to Yelvington), supposed to have been } in N.C.; 38—-Henry (0b N.C., 1821-d Tex., 1893), m in Miss., 1848, Catherine Lee. 2-Son of John Chappell Beck (1847-1918), land owner, cotton planter; m 1877, Sarah Leonora Yelvington (b 1853); issue: I-Henry Lucien (above); II—Leila (b 1880: m William R. McDon- ald); II1I—John Dee (b 1882); IV-Edwin Alvaro (6 1883); V—Beulah (b 1886; m Samuel Hoard); ViI-Laura Lee (b 1889; m Pat Campbell); VII- Bessie K. (b 1891). I—m Mar. 16, 1910, Frances Holman Woolverton, 0 Enterprise, Miss., Nov. 7, 1880; dau. of William H. Woolverton, of Miss. and Ala.; issue: 1— Henry Lucien, Jr., b Washington, D.C., Jan. 15, 1911; 2-William Woolverton, } Portland, Ore., May 7, 1914; 3-John Edwin, 6 Charleston, S.C., Nov. 17, 1915. Mem. Goodwin- Address: 720 Main 263 Course in C.E., at George Washington U. En- tered U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1903: served on Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific coasts of U.S., 5 seasons in Alaska and 2 yrs. in P.L.; comd. U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey steamer “McArthur” on surveying expedition to Alaska, 1910; transferred to Lighthouse Service, 1911, and placed in charge of 17th Dist. (Ore. and Wash.); transferred to Charleston, S.C., 1915, in charge of 6th Lighthouse Dist. in which continues. Mem. H.S.S.C., Allied Engineers’ Soc. Residence: 33 Gibbes St., Charleston, S.C. GILMER ¥ Fi at v's COS WA” | ll i W l : l WS ll I is Arms: Azure, three pen quills argent. Crest: A dexter hand erect holding a scroll between two branches of laurel in orle proper. Motto: Nil-Penna-Sed-Usus. 1-GILMER, Weir Burton, }) Montgomery, Ala., Aug. 17, 1891. 6—Dr. George Gilmer (1700-57), from Scotland to Williamsburg, Va., 1731; m 1st, 1732, Mary Peachy Walker (1710-42; Hon. Thomas’; Thom- as’); m 2d, 1745, Harrison Blair (Dr. Archi- bald’, from Scotland to Va.); 5—-John Blair (1748-90), officer under LaFayette in Am. Rev.; m 1771, Mildred Meriwether (d 1826; Nicholas*, from Wales to Va.); 4-Francis Meriwether (1784-1864), m 1808, Martha Barnett (1790-1855; William®); 3-William Barnett (1810-77), m 1835, Lucy Early Gilmer (1819-73; Col. John’; Thomas M.°; Peachy R.*; Dr. George’). 7-John Lewis (1678-1762), from Donegal, Ireland (family from Wales); pioneer settler at Staunton, Va.; m Margaret Lynn, of Loch Lynn, Scotland: 6—Hon. Thomas (1718-90), m 1749, Jane Strother; 5-Elizabeth (1765-1855), m Thomas Meriwether Gilmer’; 4-Col. John (1792-1860), m 1814, Lucy Johnson; . Peuey ta (1819-73), m William Barnett Gilmer (3 above). 9-Nicholas Meriwether (qv); 8—Col. David (d 1744), m Anne Holmes (d 1736; George’); 7—Thomas (1714-56), m Elizabeth Thornton (Fran- cis’; Francis®; William’) ; 6—Mary (b 1742), m Peachy Ridgeway Gilmer (6 1737; Dr. George’, m 2d, Mary Peachy, dau. of Thomas Walker, of Va.); 5-Thomas M. (1765-1817), m Elizabeth Lewis (5 above). 2-Son of William Barnett Gilmer, Jr. (1849-1910), planter, Montgomery, Ala.; m 1872, Emma (1849- 1922), dau. John Anton Haardt, m Philippa Nor- heimer, from Germany to Montgomery, Ala., 1845; issue: I-Mary Emma (Mrs. William Otis Brownfield, qv for other lineages); II—-Paulina Haardt (b 1878; m William Grey Henderson); III-—William Frederick (m Lillian Gohlson); ITV-—Weir Burton (above). IV—m Dec. 22, 1916, Minne Ruth, dau. of Joseph Franklin Monroe (William’, m Nancy Patrick. or St. Patrick), m Ida Lee Bashelor (g. dau. of John Singleton, of S.C.); issue: 1-Weir Bur- ton, Jr., 6 Savannah, Ga., Sept. 14, 1918; 2-Ruth, b Tatapuram, Ernakulam, Cochin State, India, 264 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Jan. 10, 1921; 3-John Rockingham, b Tatapuram, Mar. 10, 1922. Chemical engr.; analytical chemist, Southern Cotton Oil Co., Montgomery, Ala., 1908-15; re- search and asst. chief chemist, same, Savan- nah, Ga., 1915-20; gen. mgr. The Tata Oil Mills Co., Ltd., India, 1920-25. Fellow Royal Soc. Arts (London); mem. Am. Chem. Soc., Am. Oil Chemists Soc., Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs. Clubs: Cochin, Cochin Golf, Kotagiri Golf, Royal Yacht (Bombay), Malabar Sailing. American residence: ‘‘Woodbourne,” Louisa, Va. Address: Tatapuram, Ernakulam, Co- chin State, India. 1-BROWNFIELD, Mary Emma Gilmer (Mrs. er Q.), b Montgomery Co., Ala., Sept. 4, 5. 9-William Strother (1630-1702), from Eng. to Va., 1656; m Dorothy-; 8—William (1653-1726), landed propr. in St. Mary’s Parish, Essex Co., Va.; m Margaret Thornton (Francis?) ; 7-William, m Margaret Watts; 6—Jane (b 1720), m Thomas Lewis (1718-90; John’); 6-Elizabeth (1765-1855), m Thomas Meriwether Gilmer (1765-1817; Peachy R.®; Dr. George’); 4-Col. John (1792-1860), m 1814, Lucy Johnson; 3—Lucy E. (1819-73), m William Barnett Gilmer. 8-Thomas Johnson, m Anne Meriwether (Nich- olas®, av); 7-Nicholas, m Elizabeth Hudson; 6-Thomas (1735-1803), m Elizabeth Meriwether; 5-Nicholas, m Mary Marks (d 1814; James*, m Elizabeth, dau. of John Harvie; John’, m Lady Elizabeth Hastings); 4—Lucy, m 1814, John Gilmer (1792-1860); ahead Se (1819-73), m William Barnett Gilmer (3 above). 2-Dau. of William Barnett Gilmer, Jr. (1849-1910), planter, Montgomery, Ala.; m 1872, Emma (1849- 1922), dau. of John Anton Haardt, m Philippa Norheimer, from Germany to Montgomery, Ala,, 184. For issue and other lineages see Weir Burton Gilmer. M Nov. 28, 1900, William Otis Brownfield, b Ope- lika, Ala., Apr. 1, 1870; son of Dr. Robert Styles Brownfield (from S.C.), m Rebecca Eleanor Watson (of English Trotter family), both of Opelika, Ala.; issue: 1—Eleanor, 6 Opelika, Ala., July 13, 195; 2-Robert Gilmer, 6b at Ope- lika, July 29, 1908. Ed. Chilton Coll., Montgomery, Ala. Active war work, especially in the selective draft service, and 4-minute speaker, World War. Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R. Residence: 453 S. 10th St., Opelika, Ala. 1-MASON, Charles Francis, b Medfield, Mass., Apr. 18, 1860. 8-Richard Everett (qv); 7-Capt. John (1646-1715), King William’s War; m Elizabeth Pepper (1645-1714; Robert8, qv); 6—John (1676-1751), m 1700, Mary Browne (d@ 1748); aE ie (1718-75), m 1740, Maj. Eliphalet Fales (d 4-Lucy, m William Mason (See Vol. 1, p. 715, for Mason line); 38—Eliphalet F. (1791-1837), m Mary Fales Sisson. 10-Henry Adams (qv); eohn (1622-1706), of Cambridge, Mass.; m 1650, nne-; 8-Rebecca (1650/51-1677), m 1669, Nathaniel Patten (1648-1725; William®, qv); 7—Nathaniel, m Deborah-— (d 1716); 6—Abigail (b 1705), m 1731, Sebas Jackson (1706-71; desc. Edward Jackson, qv); 5—Daniel (6 1742), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1778, Frances Upham; 4-Frances, m Isaac Bigelow (See Vol. 1, p. 715, for Bigelow line); 3—Abraham, 2d (1810-88), m Mary Brown Whitney (Ebenezer*; Jason®, soldier Am. Rev.; Marké: Benjamin’; Benjamin’; John®, from Eng. to Watertown, Mass., 1635). 10-Anthony Fisher (qv); 9-Capt. Daniel (1619-83), A. and H.A. Co., 1640: selectman of Dedham 382 yrs.; dep. Gen. Ct. of Mass, 22 yrs.; m 1641, Abigail Marriott (d 1683; Thomas, m Susanna-); 8-Capt. John (1656-1736), selectman of Needham; wounded in King Philip’s War; m 1681, Rebecca Ellis (1661-1740; Richard®, m Blizabeth-); 7-John (1688-1752), selectman; town clk.: repre- sentative; m 1709, Elizabeth Hunting (b 1683); 6—-Capt. Ebenezer (1721-98), selectman; soldier Am. Rev.; m 1744, Sarah Chubb (1718-75); 5-Lois (1745-1805), m 2d, 1773, Jason Whitney (1729- 1807), soldier Am. Rev.; 4—-HKbenezer (1784-1855), m Mary Brown (1785-1822); nee B. (1813-81), m Abraham Bigelow (3 above). 2-Only child of Francis Eliphalet Mason (1830- 1909), m Mary Frances Bigelow (1838-1908). M Sept. 28, 1886, Helen Ripley Baker (Feb. 19, 1862-July 23, 1922); dau. Lt. Henry R. Baker, U.S.N., Revere, Mass. (desc. Richard Baker, Dorchester, Mass., 1635); issue (all b Water- town, Mass.): 1-Hugh, b Mar. 20, 1890; Harvard, 12; 2-Helen Elizabeth, b June 5, 1894; Wellesley, 16; m June 26, 1916, Le Baron Russell Briggs, Jr. (av); 3-Carol Young, b Jan. 17, 1902; Welles- ley, ’24, A.M., Clark Univ., 1925. A.B., Harvard, ’82. Bursar, Harvard U., 1888-1922: v.p. Charles River Trust Co.; dir. Harvard Trust Co.; trustee Watertown Savings Bank. Mem. S.C.W., S.R., Bunker Hill Monument Assn. Clubs: Economic, Twentieth Century, Unitarian, Harvard (Boston), Harvard, Uni- tarian, Appalachian Mtn. Summer place: Har- vard, Mass. Residence: Watertown, Mass. 1-BRIGGS, LeBaron Russell, b Salem, Mass., Dec. 11, 1855, 8-John Brigg’s (1609-90), was admitted inhabitant of Newport, R.I., 1638; later at Portsmouth and Kingston, R.I.; dep. Gen. Ct., 1664, et seq.; gov.’s asst., 1648; R.I. commr., 1654, et seq.; 7—-William (1650-1716), King Philip’s War; m 1680, Elizabeth Cook (1653-1716); 6—Job (1696-1739), m Mary Tallman (d 1769); ye ee (1718-1802), m 17389, Abishag Records (b 417) 4—Richard (1751-84), m 1774, Anna Ware (1755-838); 3—William (b 1782), m 1806, Sally Palmer (b 1786). 2-Son of George Ware Briggs, D.D. (1810-95), m Lucretia A. Bartlett (d 1847); m 2d, 1849, Lucia J. Russell (1821-81). M Sept. 5, 1888, Mary Frances DeQuedville, b Cambridge, Mass., May 3, 1860; dau. of John DeQuedville (6 P.Q., Can.), of Cambridge; is- sue: 1—John DeQuedville (qv for Bradford line- age); 2-Lucia Russell, b Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 3, 1887 (See Who’s Who in America); 3— Le Baron Russell, Jr. (qv for Alden lineage). A.B., Harvard, ’75, A.M., 1882 (LL.D., 1900, also Western Reserve, 1906, Yale, 1917; Litt.D., Lafayette, 1906). Asst. prof. English, 1885-90, prof., 1890-1904, Boylston prof. rhetoric and ora- tory since 1904, Harvard U.; was dean of the college, 1891-1902, and since dean faculty of arts and sciences; pres. Radcliffe Coll., 1903-23 (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 6 Ash St., Cambridge, Mass. 1-BRIGGS, John De Quedville, 6 Cambridge, Mass., Mar. 14, 1885. 9-Gov. William Bradford (qv); 8-Maj. William (1624-1703/04), m Mary Atwood Holmes (d 1714/15); rahe (1690-1729/30), m 1714, Elizabeth Phinney (b 9 , 6—-Lydia (1719-56), as Widow Cushman, m 2d, 1743, Dr. Lazarus Le Baron (1698-1773; Francis’); 5-Isaac (1744-1819), m 1774, Martha Howland (Con- sider®; Thomas’; Joseph’; John®, qv); arene H. (1778-1850), m 1800, Nathaniel Russell icy ene (1821-81), m George Ware Briggs, D.D. 2-Son of Le Baron Russell Briggs (qv for other lineages), m Mary Frances De Quedville. M_ July 2, 1907, Margaret Floyd Atwater, of Helena, Mont. (divorced 1917); issue: 1—-Hen- rietta Wood, b Plymouth, Mass., Sept. 8, 1908; 2-John De Q., Jr., b Duluth, Minn., Sept. 13, 1911. A.B., Harvard, ’06. Headmaster, St. Paul (Minn.) Acad. Clubs: University (St. Paul), Harvard (New York). Summer place: Plymouth, Mass, Residence: St. Paul Academy, St. Paul, Minn. 1-BRIGGS, Le Baron Russell, Jr., } Cambridge, Mass., Apr. 6, 1895. 1l—John Alden (qv); 10—Elizabeth (1625-1717), m William Pabodie (1620- 1707; John); $-Elizabeth (b 1647), m 1666, John Rogers (g.son of Thomas, qv); : 8—Elizabeth (1672-1724), m 1693, Col. Silvester Rich- mond (1672-1754; Capt. Edward®; John", qv); FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 265 7-William (1694-1770), gov.’s asst.; judge; m 1720, Anna Gray; 6—Mary (6 1735), m Dr. George Ware (1734-71); 5-Anna. (1755-83), m 1774, Richard Briggs (1751-84); 4—William (b 1782), m 1806, Sally Palmer (6 1786); 38—-George Ware, D.D. (1810-95), m 2d, 1849, Lucia J. Russell (1821-81). 2-Son of Le Baron Russell Briggs (qv for other lineages), m Mary Frances De Quedville. M June 26, 1916, Helen Elizabeth Mason, b Water- town, Mass., June 5, 1894; Wellesley, ’16; dau. of Charles Francis Mason (qv for genealogy); issue: 1-Le Baron R., 3d, b Bangor, Me., Mar. 9, 1921; 2-Robert Mason, Bb Plymouth, Mass., Oct. 2, 1923. A.B., Harvard, ’16. Supt. cranberry business. Second lt., Q.M.C., Aug. 15, 1917; Ist 1t., Apr. 1918; assigned to 301lst Motor Supply Train, 76th Div., and as asst. to camp q.m., Camp Devens, Mass., to Oct. 1918; asst. to depot q.m., Nantes, France, Oct. 1918-July 1919. Residence: Plym- outh, Mass. 1-BECKWITH, Constance Dickinson, }) Chicago, DISeA pry 6.1871 9-Matthew Beckwith (qv); 8-Matthew (1637-1727), m twice; 7—-James (b 1671), of Lyme, Conn.; m 1698, Sarah Marvin (Lt. Reinold’, m Sarah Clarke; Rei- nold’); 6—-Reynold (1706/07-1796), m 1st, 1732, his cousin, Martha Marvin (1710-42;. Capt. Reinold’, m Martha, dau. of Thomas Waterman); 5—-Marvin (1736/37-1810-1813), ens. Am. Rev.; m 1759, Abigail Clark (bap. 1739; David*, m Hannah, dau. of Joseph Woodruff; Samuel?; Samuel8; James’); 4—David (1761-1827), soldier Am. Rev.; settled in Oneida Co., N.Y.; m 1786, Mabel Lane (1766-1822; Daniel5, soldier Am. Rev., m 1st, Mary Gris- wold; Daniel*; John’; Robert); 3—-Asahel Lane (1808-73), from Chittenango, N.Y., to Elkhorn, Wis., 1873; m 1834, Harriet Angeline Seymour (1807-1910; Josiah H.4, m Fanny Brad- ley; Elias’, Am. Rev.; John*; John’; John’; Richard’). 9—-Nathaniel Dickinson (qv); 8-Nehemiah (1648-76), m Mary Cowles; 7—Nehemiah (1672-1715), m Mehitabel Church; 6-John (1718-ca. 1791), m 1741, his cousin, Esther Dickinson (d 1803; Nathaniel’, m Hannah-, of Sunderland, Mass.); 5-Nathaniel (1742-ca, 1795), m Theoda Smith (Dea. David’, m Hannah Willard); my (1775-1846), m 1805, Eleanor Hicks (ca. 1778- 3-Nathaniel (1810-88), mem. Wis. Constl. Conv., 1846; capt. 4th Wis. Militia; m 1841, Phila Fos- ter (1815-73; Artemas‘, m Priscilla Titus; Sgt. Thomas’, Am. Rev.; Nathaniel®, Am, Rev.). 2-Dau. of Albert Clayton Beckwith (1836-1915), settled at Elkhorn, Wis., 1856; pvt. and corp., 1st Ia. Baty., 1861-63; postmaster; editor and genealogist of Beckwith Genealogy; m 1870, Isidore Adelaide Dickinson (1844-1915); issue: I- puniee Dickinson (above); II—-Mabel Foster J-Ed. Whitewater (Wis.) State Normal School. Public school teacher. Mem. D.A.R. Resi- dence: 301 Randall Pl., Elkhorn, Wis. Pade pacha Jasper Luther, b Keener, Ala., Aug. 8-Edward Beeson (ca. 1652-1714), from Eng. to New Castle Co., Del., 1682; m Rachel Pen- nington; 7-Richard (1684-1777), m 1706, Charity Grubb (1687- 1761; John’, m Frances Vane, of Brandywine Hundred, New Castle Co., Del.); 6-Benjamin, m Elizabeth-, of Guilford Co., N.C.; 5-Edward (1757-1837), farmer, large landowner; capt. Am. Rev.; settled in St. Clair Co., Ala., 1814; m 1st, Miss Lamb; 4-Betty (1776-ca. 1825), m ist, 1794, Professor Ga- mon (d ca. 1797); she m 2d, 1799, John Graves; 3-Alford (1795-1841), was adopted by his grand- father (5 above), and took his name; was of Scottsboro, Ala.; pvt. Creek Indian War and War 1812; m 1819, Fannie Baker (1797-1831). 4—-Rev. John David Sibert (1760-1816), from Ger- many, founder of St. George’s Luth. Ch. in Abbeville District, S.C.; m Miss Wilmore, of Views 3—Rev. David (1793-1878), of DeKalb Co., Ala.; m Elizabeth Cook (1783-1863). 2-Son of William Baker Beeson (1829-1924), farm- er, DeKalb Co., Ala.; lt. and capt., 49th Ala., C.S.A., 1861-65; mem. Ala. Legislature, 1894- 1897; m 1857, Mary Ann Frances Sibert (1838- 1905); issue: 1-David Marcus (1858-82); II—Julia Elizabeth (b 1860; m S. A. Conger); III-Naomi Jane (b 1861; m Dr. H. P. McWhorter, d 1924); IV—John Wesley (b 1866; m Annie P. Foster; m 2d, Rosa L. Foster); V-Jasper Luther (above); Vi-Fannie Charlsie (b 1869; m E. T. Bruce); Vil—Martha Ada (b 1871; m Wilmuth Farmer, d 1911); VIII—William James (b 1874; m Auline Moore); IX—Eleanor Cornelia (b 1876; m Dr. John C, O’'Gwynn); X—Malcolm Alfred (6 1879; m Effie Harrison); XI—-Mary Summers (1881- 1885). vV-m Sept. 13, 1894, Leola Selman, } Chapel Hill, Ga., Nov. 23, 1868; grad. Shorter Coll., ’89; dau. of James Wilson Selman, lt., Co. A, 30th _Ga., C.S.A. (William C.?; James‘, Am. Rev.; Jere- miah®, Am. Rev.); issue: 1-Catherine Selman, b Milledgeville, Ga., Jan. 16, 1901; A.B., Ga. State Coll. for Women, ’22; grad. student, Columbia, 1922-23; A.M., Peabody, 1925; educa- tor; m June 16, 1926, Samuel B. Wright. A.B., U. Ala., ’88, A.M., 1889; Ph.D., Johns Hop- kins, 1898. Chemist; prof. natural science, chemistry, Ga. State Coll. for Women, from 1897, dean 1925—- (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. S.A.R. Compiled: Beeson Genealogy. Residence: Milledgeville, Ga. 1-BELCHER, Joseph Warren, } Monroe, Orange Co., N.Y., Mar. 31, 1853. 6-Adam (Belsher) Belcher, Second River (Belle- ville), N.J.; m 17222, Maria Van der Poel; 5-Johannes (d 1791), forgeman, of New Cornwall (Monroe, Southfields), N.Y.; m Elizabeth-; 4-Adam_ (1756-1819), New Cornwall (Monroe, Southfields), conducted a forge at Monroe Works, N.Y.; signed Association Pledge, 1775; m 1780, Elizabeth Bennett; 3-John Adam (1781-1855), m 2d, Mary Whritenour, 9-Abel Reddenhasen, from the Principality of Waldeck, Germany; m in New Amsterdam, 1641, Geertje Nannincks, widow of Tjerck Hen- drickszen; 8-Hendrick Abelsz (bap. 1642), wrote name Rid- denhausen; m Sophia Van Wyckersloot; 7-Abel, wrote name Riddenhars; from Hacke- mack, Va. (Accomac); m 1696, Catryn Janse Van Blarcom (bap. 1675; Jan Lubbertszen§, from Edam, m Magdaleentje Theunis, from Voorthuysen); 6—Johannes (Jan), wrote name Riddenoors; Hak- kensak, N.J.; m 1732, Moreitje Van Alen; 5—-Hendrick (bap. 1738), wrote name Ridnars; m Margreitje Reuger; 4-Henry (1760-1836), wrote name Whritenour and Ridenour; Haverstraw, N.Y.; m Margaret Pel- ser (1764-1821) ; 3-Mary (1789-1873), as widow of William Tida- back, m 1814, John Adam Belcher (3 above). 2-Son of John Belcher (1816-1902), m 1838, Eleanor Ann (1819-97), dau. of John Kelley, m Mary Conklin; issue: I—Peter (1839-1920; m 1869, Ella Breckinridge, 1849-1919); II-Mary Louisa (1841- 1861); III—Nancy Ellen (1842-1919; m 1861, John N. Carlough, 1837-1917); IV-—Sarah Ann (b 1843; m 1866, George Mickle, 1843-82); V—Amherst Wisner (1845-1919; m 1870, Elizabeth H. Pewt- ner, b 1844); VI-Eliza Jane (1846-1925; m 1869, James Mills, 1844-1916); VII-—Caroline Amelia (1848-1918; m 1869, William Charles Martin, 184- 1920); VIII-John Adam (b 1850; m 1871, Minnie Smith, b 1855); IX—William Henry (6 1851; m 1868, Addie Morgan, 1848-99; m 2d, 1900, Abbie Harriet James, 1843-1925); XK—Joseph Warren (above); XI—Alfarata Jennings (b 1855; m_1881, James Mitchell Stewart, M.D., b 1851); XII- Alice Ida (b 1857: m 1887, Henry Savage France, 1840-1908); XIII-Eva Lermond (b 1861; m 1881, George T. Cazar, 1858-90; m_ 2d, 1895, George Alfred Fisher, 1853-1904; m 8d, 1914, George A. Adams, b 1863); XIV—Lucy Rosina (b 1865; m 1884, Edwin Black Keeff, b 1861). X—m Nov. 27, 1879, Elizabeth Smith Bell (Sept. 6, 1854-June 8, 1882); dau. of John Bell, m Blizabeth-, of Nova Scotia; issue: 1—Ernest Wayne (b and d June 4, 1882). M 2d, June 29, 1892, Carrie Brown Jacobus, b Jan. 17, 1863: dau. of William Watkins Jacobus, m Mary Lucretia Johnson; issue: 1-Raymond Jacobus, b Dec. 27, 1894: served in U.S.N., 1913- 1917; in U.S.N.R.F., 1917-21; m Jan. 26, 1918, Mary Amelda de Ziobrowski, } Mar. 15, 1897 (issue: Raymond Joseph, 6 and d 1918; Mildred, } 266 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY June 2, 1920); 2-John Randolph, B May 24, 1897; m Apr. 15, 1922, Elizabeth Mansfield Bradley, b May 3, 1901 (issue: Elizabeth Anne, b Feb. 11, 1923); 3-Joseph Warren, Jr. (qv for Jacobus lineage). Job printer at Paterson, N.J., Boston, Mass., and Providence, R.I., 1868-1903; in Government Printing Office, Washington, 1903-24. Mem. S.A.R. Residence: 16 Merwin St., Woodmont (Milford), Conn. 1+BELCHER, Joseph Warren, Jr., b Providence, R.I., Sept. 6, 1898. 8-Alexander Lamb, from Scotland to New York; m 1688, Elizabeth Koninck (6 1665; Adriaen Jansen®, m Lysbeth Damen); 7-Annatje (b 1709), m 1727, John Galloway; 6-Jacobus (bap. 1742-ca. 1810), 2d 1t. Am. Rev. and signer of the Association Pledge, 1775; m 1780, Ann Smith (b 1743); 5-Catharine (1770-1854), m 1795, Roelof Jacobus (1767-1824) ; 4-Thomas (1801-91), m 1825, Abby Ann Hallett (1804-83) ; 8—-William Watkins (1826-98), m 1850, Mary Lu- eretia Johnson (1831-83). 2-Son of Carrie Brown Jacobus, m 1892, Joseph Warren Belcher (qv for Belcher lineage). M Jan. 1, 1926, Olive Charles Conger, 6 Washing- ton, D.C., Nov. 10, 1905; dau. of Henry Milton Conger, of Seattle, Wash. Drexel Inst., Phila., Pa., 1920-22, Sec. and treas. Pacific Stone Co., Seattle, Wash. Corp., Co. A, 344th Tank Corps Bn., A.E.F. Residence: Lit- tlefield Apts., Seattle, Wash. I-BEEKMAN, Benjamin B, b Jacksonville, Ore., Aug. 3, 1863. 8-Maarten Beekman, came to America, 1638; m Susannah Jans; 7-Hendrick, m Annetje Quackenbosh; Mics (1685-1757), m 1724, Elizabeth Waldron 5-John (1741-89), pvt. Somerset Co. (N:. J.) militia is) Rev.; m 1769, Arriantje Tunison (1753- 4-Cornelius (1772-1850), m 1792, Rebecca Sharp (1772-1844) ; 3-Benjamin B (1804-79), m 1827, Lydia Compton (1806-91). 2-Son of Cornelius C Beekman (1828-1915), Calif. pioneer of 1850, and of Ore., 1852, where he established the second bank in the North- west; m 1861, Julia Elizabeth (6 1839), dau. of William Hoffman (1801-85), m 1836, Caroline Barbara Shaffer (1813-1900), both pioneers of Ore., 18538; issue: I-—Benjamin B (above); II— Carrie C. (b 1865). I-Not married. A.B., U. Ore., ’84 (P.B.K.), A.M., 1887; LL.B., Yale, 1888 (Phi Delta Phi). Ad- mitted to Ore. bar, 1889, and practiced at Port- land until 1917, when retired. Mem. law fac- ulty, U. Ore., 1907-15. Mem. S.A.R. (pres. Ore. soc., 1921-26), Ore. Hist. Soc. (dir. 1921-29), Am. and Ore. bar assns. Mason (33°; cdr. Multno- mah Council of Kodosh, A. and A.S.R., 1910-28). Clubs: University (charter mem., ex-pres.), Multnomah (life). Residence: Portland Hotel, Portland, Ore. bk Steed Edwin, b New Orleans, La., June 8-Abraham Belknap (qv); 7—Joseph (1630-1712), a founder of Old South Ch., Boston; m Hannah Meakins; 6-Thomas (1670-1755), m 1693, Jane Cheney; 5-Samuel (1707-71), m Lydia Stearns (1707-84) ; 4-Samuel (1735-1821), capt. Am. Rev.; m 1768, Abi- gail Flagg (d 1786); 8-Seth (1773-1850), m Mary Tice (1783-1866; Henry’), 8-John Martin, from Swansea, Wales, 1665; m Joanna Esten; 7—Ephraim (6 1676), m Thankful Bullock; 6-Edward (b 1700), m Rebekah Peck; 5-Silvanus (b 1727), m Martha Wheeler; 4-Simeon (b 1754), capt. Am. Rev.; m Abigail Durffee; 3—Abigail (6 1787), m Martin Fearing (1787-1851). 2-Son of Seth Hdwin Belknap (1816-67), m 1839, Emma Bartlett Fearing (1821-53): issue: I— Mary (b 1845; m Humphrey BE. Woodhouse); II-Edwin (above); III—Thomas Miller (1850- 1853); IV—Emma (1852-1920; m Menard Doswell; see their son Menard, Jr., Vol. 1, p. 255). Ii-m Jan. 20, 1876, Jennie Louise Gilbert (Dec. 10, 1852-Mar. 238, 1917); dau. of Butler Gilbert, of St. James Parish, La., m Ellen Louise Morrison, of Brunswick, N.Y.; issue (all b New Orleans, La.): 1-Hilda, B Nov. 29, 1876; m July 2, 1895, Charles Oscar Elmer (issue: Gil- bert Cummings, served in U.S.N. in World War; Charles Otho; David Belknap); 2—Gert- rude (Nov. 10, 1879-Dec. 21, 1909); m June 28, 1905, Dr. George H. Tichenor, Jr. (issue: George H., 3d; Edwin Belknap); 3—Edwin, Jr., b June 8, 1882; m Oct. 12, 1904, Josephine W. Allmindinger (issue: Hilda Elmer; Earl Fon- da; John; Edwin, 3d; Jane Elizabeth; Mar- garet Helene); 4—Jeannette Gilbert, b Sept. 4, 1884; m Oct. 7, 1922, Lewis Douglas Brown; 5-Samuel Logan, 0 Aug. 17, 1886; in charge lumber expdn. dept. of U.S.A., Washington, during World War; m Sept. 6, 1905, Clara Pearl, dau. of Hardy H. Smith (issue: Sam- uel Logan, Jr.). Cashier of steamship office. Mem. O.F.P.A. Residence: 8012 Elm St., New Orleans, La. 1-BELL, Charles Gibson, b Princess Anne Co., Va., Aug. 4, 1854. 9-Thomas Bell (1618-78, son of Sir Robert, of Norfolk, Eng.), from London to Jamestown, Va., 1685, m Mary Neal; 8-Thomas (d 1715), m Mary Watson; 7-Thomas, m Barbara Robins Wise; 6—George (d 1771), m Leah-; 5—Joab (1724-94), m Kesiah-; 4—-George (1760-1834), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1st, his cousin, Susannah Bell (William5, Am. Rev.; Robert*, Am. Rev.; desc. Thomas Savage, Jamestown, Va., 1607); 3-Savage (1795-1864), m Elizabeth Harmonson Spiers (desc. Sir George Yeardley, Accomac Co., Va., 1609). 2-Son of James Ewell Bell, M.D. (1824-1914), asst. to Dr. Fitzalan Blackwell, surgeon U.S.N.; capt. and surgeon C.S.A.; m 1851, Anne Virginia Land_ (1832-1910). For issue and Land lineage see William Keeling Bell, Vol. 1, p. 454. Ed. Richmond Coll., Va. Lawyer. Residence: Silver City, N.M. beet George Hogien, ) Burlington, Ia., July , 1868, 5-Capt. John Bell (6 Edinburgh, Scotland, 1699), settled at Baltimore, Md., 1750; 4-Capt. John, settled in Greene Co., O., ca. 1806; m Lydia Smith; 3-John Smith (1809-72), tanner and glove mfr.; m 1837, Zipporah Cock. 8-James Cock, Quaker; from Eng. to Oyster Bay, L.I., 1648; m Sarah-; 7—Henry (6 1678), m 1699, Mary Feke; 6—John (b 1705), m 1729, Sarah Carpenter; 5-William (6 1732), m Anna Feke; 4—Oliver (6 1781), m 1802, Zipporah Coles; 3—Zipporah (1815-90), m John Smith Bell (3 above). 2-Son of John Nelson Bell (b 1838), capt. Co. H, 25th Ia. Inf. in Civil War; m 1861, Annie Eliz- abeth Acres; issue: I-Charles Wright (6 1862; m 188, Vienna Valencia Iddings); II—William A. (b 1866; m 1895, Sarah Merrill); II1I—George Hoglen (above); IV—Walter Houck (b 1870; m 194, Rena E. Village); V-Mary Verena (b 1877; m 1909, John Clarence Wood); VI-—Nelson John (b 1881; m 1905, May Oblinger). IlI-—m June 22, 1898, Nellie Gratton Wallace, b Germantown, O., Apr. 7, 1872; dau. of J. M. Wallace, of Dayton, O.; issue (all } Dayton, O.): 1-Wallace Acres, b June 2, 1894; m 1921, Marie Kreitzler; 2-Frederic George, 6b Jan. 17, 1897; m 1924, Mildred Wagner; 3—Richard John, 6 Aug. 24, 1902; m 1924, Eleanor Alda Hol- loway; 4—-Robert Nelson, b May 17, 1904. Fire insurance, Dayton, O., 1895-1907, at Chicago, 1907-10, New York, 1910-14, again at Chicago from 1914. Mem. S.A.R. Clubs: Union League, ae Golf. Residence: 84 Park Av., Hins- ale, 7 Pope James Ford, 6 Phila., Pa., Aug. 16, 5-Henry Bell (d 1748), a miller, from Eng. ca. 1738; settled in Pa.; m 3d, 1739, Elizabeth-; 4-Isaiah (6 1772), miller; built bridge, dam, and mill on creek, now part of Fairmount Park, Phila., bridge and part of mill still stand- ing; m Catherine Hughes (Owen, m Bliz- abeth-); 3-Samuel (6 1808), flour commn. mcht., Phila.; m Elizabeth Faust. ; 6—John Ford (d 1779), m 1745, Prudence Clayton; — FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 267 5—David (1750-1833), m 1777, Jemima Ford; 4—Philip (b 1784), m Elizabeth Frishmuth; 3-Edwin Lewis, of Phila.; m Rachael O'Neill Montgomery. 2-Only child of James Stroud Bell (1847-1915), pres. Washburn-Crosby Co., Minneapolis; m 1873, Sallie Montgomery Ford (d 1905); m 2d, 1912, Mrs. Mabel Sargent. M Dec, 10, 1902, Louise Heffelfinger, b Minne- apolis, Jan, 12, 1879, dau. of Maj. Christopher B. Heffelfinger, of Minneapolis; issue (all b Minneapolis): 1-James Ford, Jr., b Nov. 27, 1908; 2-Charles Heffelfinger, b Sept. 24, 1907; 3— Samuel H., b May 28, 1910; 4-Sally Louise, 0b Aug. 21, 1914. B.S., U. Minn., 701. V.p. Washburn-Crosby Co. Advisory asst. to Herbert Hoover, May-July 1917, then chmn. milling div. of U.S. Food Administration, Aug. 1917-July 1918, spending 3 months in Belgium, France, Italy, Switzer- land, England; treas. and gen. mgr. U.S. Sugar Equalization Bd., Inc., until Mar. 1, 1919. Trus- tee Minneapolis Art Inst. Clubs: India House (New York), Art (Phila.), Chicago, Uni- versity (Chicago), Minneapolis. Summer place: Belford, Wayzata, Lake Minnetonka, Minn. Residence: 2215 Park Av., Minneapolis, Minn. 1-BELL, Haney Hardy, 6 Wilburn, Va., Dec. 26, 1887. 9-John Hardy (1613-70), from Eng. to Va. ante 1666; was of ‘‘The Old House,” Isle of Wight Co., Va.; m 1632, Olive Council (d post 1670); pe rachard (1640-1734), m 1694, Mary Vincent (d 702) ; 7-Richard (6b 1699), Amelia Co., Va.; m Mary Cov- ington; 6—-William (will dated 1790), pvt. 15th Va. Regt. in Am. Rev.; m Mary-;3 5—Covington (d 1814), vestryman, Cumberland Par- ish, Lunenburg Co., Va.; m 1767, Catherine Beuford (b 1744; Henry® [b 1710], of Amelia Co., Va., m Frances—; Henry’ [1684-1720], m Mary [Osborne] Parsons; Thomas’, m Mary-; John®, m Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Parrot; Richard?) ; 4—-Charles (1772-1830), m Dorothy Bruce (1774-1803); 38—John Covington (1798-1873), War 1812; m 2d, Sar- ah Anne Boswell. 7-John Boswell, m Phoebe Colgate (or Iverson”); 6-Joseph Colgate (d 1794), of Gloucester Co., Va.; m 1753, Elizabeth Elliott, of Amelia Co., Va.; 5-John Iverson (b 1761), pvt. Ist Va. Regt. in Am. Rev.; m 1st, 1784, Mary Coleman (Clay- erius®) ; 4-John Iverson (1796-1846), m 1st, 1818, his 1st cousin, Nancy D. Coleman (1801-34; Thomas‘, m Sally Rowlett; Claverius’); 3-Sarah Anne (1819-87), m John Covington Hardy (3 above). 2-Son of Etta Wilburn Hardy (1859-1916); m 1877, Isaac Bonaparte Bell (1847-1919), pvt. C.S.A. at 16; lawyer. For issue and Bell lineages see Lan- don C. Bell. M Oct. 7, 1916, Martha Lee Morriss, b Peters- burg, Va., Jan. 30, 1888; dau. of James Tolleison Morriss, of Petersburg (James T.*; Charles J.4), m Parthenia Lee Ladd (William L.?; LeRoy S.4; David); issue: 1Haney Hardy, Jr., b Pe- tersburg, Va., Aug. 25, 1917. A.B., Va. Christian Coll., ’09; D.O., Am. School Osteopathy, 1912. Past pres., and sec.-treas. aA Osteopathic Soc. Residence: Petersburg, a. 1-BELL, Landon Covington, b Lunenburg Co., Va., Sept. 14, 1880. 5—George Bell (1740-1816), m 1773, Rebecca Calhoun (1753-1822; Adam§&, d 1796); 4-David (1779-1836), m Elizabeth C. Davis (1776- 1852; Nicholas® [ca. 1750-1818], 1st 1t. militia of Prince Edward Co., Va., in Am. Rev., m Lucy-); 3-John Davis (1810-91), m his 1st cousin, Susan Frances Williamson Davis. 7-John Williamson (d 1757), elected vestryman of Curles Ch., on James River, Va., 1735; m Rebecca Chamberlayne; 6—Cuthbert, m Susannah White (William’); 5-Martha, m John Roach; 4—-Anne, m Stephen Davis (1795-1866; brother of Elizabeth C. Davis, 4 above); 38-Susan F. W., m John Davis Bell (3 above). 2-Son of Isaac Bonaparte Bell (1847-1919), pvt. C.S.A. at 16; lawyer; m 1877, Etta Wilburr Hardy (1859-1916); issue: I-Walton Elliott (b 1878; m Ethel Arvin); II—Landon Covington (above); III-Isaac Washington (b 1882; m Ossie M. Harding); IV-Annie Wilburn (b 1885); V— Haney Hardy (qv for other lineages); VI- Etta Mabel (6 1890; m Charles Luther Guthrie); VIiI—Myrtle Clyde (m Edward H. Lane); VIII-— John Thomas (m Judith Stager [Cheney] Caulkins) ; IX-—Willie Wingo (m Catherine Dearing); X—Bernard Marshall (b 1898); XI- Anita Owen (0b 1900). II-m Oct. 19, 1912, Mary Walden Williamson (qv); issue: 1-Mary Walden, b Asheville, N.C., Jan. 25, 1914; 2-Landon Covington, b} Columbus, O., May 8, 1915; 3-Hardy Winston (Oct. 16, 1916- July 23, 1922); 4-John Williamson, b} Columbus, July 5, 1918; 5-William Ritter, b Columbus, Nov. 26, 1919; 6-Robert Johnson, 6 Columbus, Nov. 30, 1921; 7-James Hardy, b Columbus, Mar, 24, 1925. eh eye Mei ari 00s Arye 906 Hn oda. Ue Wietee 1902. Admitted to bar, 1902 and practiced at Columbus, O., since 1913. Mem. S.A.R. (past pres. Benjamin Franklin Chapter); life mem. Ohio Hist. and Archaeol. Soc. Clubs: Kit Kat, Scioto Country, Athletic, Crichton, Faculty. Residence: 1117 Ashland Av., Columbus, O. 1-BELL, Mary Walden Williamson (Mrs. Lan- don C.), b Richmond, Ky., July 29, 1890. 7-John Williamson (d 1757), elected vestryman of Curles Ch., on James River, Va., 1735; m Rebecca Chamberlayne; 6-Thomas (b 1708), m 1730, Judith (Fleming) Ran- dolph (Tarlton Fleming’, of New Kent Co., Va.; Sir Thomas’, of royal descent); 5-John (1733-1806), vestryman Henrico Parish, Va., 1754; m 1754, Sarah Price; 4—Thomas (1777-1846), cashier Va. Bank, Norfolk; mayor of Norfolk, 1829; m 1800, Elizabeth Galt; 3—Gabriel Galt (1803-59), capt. U.S.N.; m Gabriella Woolfolk (1820-80; Pitchegrut, m Angelina Winston; Charles®, of Caroline Co., Va.). 7—-Bernhard Ege (b 1688), came to America, 1738; 6—Jacob (6b 1713), m 1740, Maria Dorothea Schearer (1724-1803; Gen. Nicholas’, from Germany, 1738); 5-Elizabeth (1748-1822), m 1770, Gabriel Galt, of Williamsburg, Va.; patriot Am. Rev.; 4—Elizabeth (1779-1807), m Thomas Williamson (4 above). 7-Isaac Winston (d 1760), from Wales ca. 1704, settled in Hanover Co., Va.; m 2d, Mary Dabney; 6-Isaac, m Marianne Fontaine (Rev. Peter’, min- ister Westover Parish, m Elizabeth Four- neau); 5-Peter (1741-84), m 1767, Elizabeth Povall (1729- 1782; Robert® [1680-1732], m Judith—-; Robert? [1650-1728], m Elizabeth Hooker); 4—William (1780-1853), m Martha Mosby (1785-1858); 3-Louisa B. (1824-63), m Rev. John Cole Walden (1822-92; William‘ [1764-1833], m 1796, Mildred, dau. of David Rodes, m Mary Mills). 2-Dau. of John Alexander Galt Williamson (1844-91), ensign C.S.N.; m 1886, Mary Henry. Walden (6 1858). M Oct. 19, 1912, Landon Covington Bell (qv for issue). Residence: 1117 Ashland Avy., Columbus, O. 1-BEMISS, Samuel Merrifield, } New Orleans, La., Feb. 21, 1894. 8-Joseph (Bemis) Bemiss (qv); 7—Ephraim (6 1656), m Elizabeth-; 6—Ephraim, m 1736, Lydia Thomas; 5-James (b 1737), m Elizabeth-; eis John (1773-1851), m Elizabeth Bloomer (1780- 3-Dr. Samuel Merrifield (1821-84), Lockert (Eli‘). 10—William Randolph (qv); 9-William (1681-1741), m Elizabeth Peyton Bev- erly (Peter?®); 8—John, m Susan Beverly; 7-John (1727-84), king’s atty. gen. for Va. Col- ony; m Ariana Jennings; 6-Edmund Jennings (1753-1813), grad. William and Mary Coll.; 1st Atty. Gen. and 2d Sec. of State of U.S.; m Elizabeth Carter Nicholas; 5—Peyton, m Maria Ward; 4-Charlotte Foushee, m John Gifford Skelton; 38-Maria Ward, m John Langbourne Williams (See their son John S., Vol. 1, p. 889, for other lineages). 2-Son of Eli Lockert Bemiss, pres. Richmond m Frances 268 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY as” Co.; m Cyana Dandridge Williams (b 1866). M Jan. 27, 1921, Doreen Fitz Gerald, ALB. UU. Vaj50160)V.p. Richniond )(Vaymo ruse Co. -Enlisted, May 1917; 2d and ist It., 317th Inf., 80th Div., A.E.F. in France; a.-d.-c. to Brig.-Gen. George H. Jamerson. Clubs: Rich- mond German, Commonwealth, Country. Summer place: ‘‘Brookbury,’ Chesterfield Co., Va. Residence: 1811 Monument Av., Rich- mond, Va. Pipe? Samuel Rossiter, b N.Y. City, Nov. 8-Thomas Betts (1618-88), from Eng. ca. 1639; was a founder of Guilford, Conn.; m Mary-— 7—Daniel (1657-1758), m 1692, Deborah Taylor (1671- 1751; Thomas’); 6—Daniel (1699- 1783), m 1724 or 25, Sarah Comstock (1707-81; Capt. Samuel’); 5-Samuel Comstock (1732-1823), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1754, Mary Taylor (1731-1807; Reuben‘); 4—Uriah (1761-1841), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1st, 1783, Sarah Rossiter (1763-96; Hon. Nathan'); 3-Samuel Rossiter, LL.D. (1786-1868), officer War 1812; U.S. dist. judge, N.Y., 1827-67; m 1816, Car- oline A. Dewey (1798-1882; Hon. Daniel’). §9-John Porter (qv); 8—John (1620-88), m Mary Stanley; 7—John (6 1651), m Joanna Gaylord; 6-David (b 1685), m Anna Phelps; 5-Increase (b 1722), m Abigail Kellogg; 4-David (1763-1851), soldier Am. Rev.; m Sarah Collins; 3-William Augustus (1798-1830), prof. Williams Coll.; m Mary A. Noble. 2-Son of George Frederic Betts (1827-98), A.B., Williams, ’44; lt. col. 9th N.Y. Vols. in Civil War; lawyer; m 1851, Ellen Porter (1829-99); issue: I—Mary (1853-55); II-Samuel Rossiter (above); Il1I-Amy Ellen (b 1856; m John Addi- son Porter); I1V-Fanny Johnston (Mrs. Wol- cott Howe Johnson, See Vol. 1, p. 658); V— Georgina (m Thomas Tileston Wells). IIl-m Nov. 19, 1918, Mrs. Lillias Verne (Hill) Armstrong, dau. of Mrs. Eugenie (Andros) Hill, a descendant of Andros family of Mass. B.A., Yale, ’75 (D.K.E., Scroll and Key); LL.B., Columbia, 1877. Lawyer; U.S. commissioner. Mem. S.C.W., S.R., S.W. 1812, M.O.F.W. Clubs: Century, Union, University, Yale. Residence: 270 Park Av., New York. 1-BIGELOW, Frederick Southgate, b Boston, Mass., Oct. 28, 1871. 8—John Bigelow (qv); i eemuel (1653- 1732), m 1674, Mary Flagg (1658- eta 178s Thomas (1683-1756), m 1705, Mary Livermore 58) ; 5—Jacob (1717- 1801?), m 1788, Susanna Mead; 4-Abijah (1756-1848), minute man at Lexington Alarm; m 1780, Mercy Amelia Spring (d 1846); 3—Jacob ‘(1790- ca. 1860), lawyer; prominent anti- slavery advocate; m 1820, Eliza Southgate (1795-1839; Capt. John‘). 2-Son of George Frederick Bhope hede had (1821-93), B.A., M.A., Williams, ’43; , Jefferson Med. Coll., Phila., 1846; hare ‘Boston, 40 yrs.; maj., surgeon, iB S. V. in Civil War; a founder of Y.M.C.A. in U.S.; m 1870, Rebecca Gertrude (Bigelow) Houghton (1838-1913); issue: I-F'red- erick S. (above); II—Alice H., M.D. (6 1875). I-m June 26, 1915, Mary Beatrice Lowell, b Bom- bay, India, Dee. 9, 1888; dau. of Charles Lowell, of Boston (nephew of James Russell Lowell): issue: 1—Charles Lowell, b St. Davids, Pa., Apr. 8 1916; 2-Gertrude Ogden, b Haverford, Pas Jan. 22, 1920; 3-George Frederick, b Phila., Pa., Feb. 5, 1923. M.I. T ex-’94. Asso. editor The Saturday Eve- ning Post since 1899. Mem. bd. of managers of hospitals of the Graduate School of Med- icine of U. of Pa. (See Who’s Who in Amer- ica). Clubs: Franklin Inn, University (Phila.). Summer place: ‘Highfield,’ Chocorua, Carroll Bete N.H. Residence: Buck Lane, Bryn Mawr, 1-BIERBOWER, James Culver, } Cincinnati, O., Oct. 26, 1871. 5-Casper (Bierbrauer) Bierbower (d 1822), pvt. York Co., Pa., militia in Am. Rev.; moved pas York Co., Pa., to Washington "Co., Elizabeth Ashenfelter (Peter® [d 1822], pvt. 2d Bn., Chester Co., Pa., militia in Am. Rev., m 1760, Elizabeth Rieser); 4-Henry (d 1828), of Carlisle, Pa.; m Anne Reed (d 1854; Hugh®, pvt. 8th Bn., York Co. militia in, Am. Revi /Hugeh? of \York Co. sbeascem Mary-); 3-Jonathan Ayers (1809-58), carriage mfr., Mays- ville, Ky.; m 1830, Lucetta Carey. 7-Jacob Bricker (son of Hans, of Ce aa 6—Peter (d 1761), m Elizabeth L— (dl 5—-Peter (1735-1804), pvt. Am. Rev.; m bree Baer (1746-1821; Michael®); 4-Susan (1791- 1875), m William Carey (1786-1813; John® [1756-1844], corp. and sgt. Am. Rev.); 38-Lucetta (d 1894), m Jonathan A. Bierbower (3 above). 6—-William Garrard (g.son of Peter, a Huguenot, who fied from France to Eng.), came to America and settled in Stafford Co., Va., ca. 1740; was county lt.; m Mary Lewis; 5-James (1749-1822), col. Va. militia in Am. Rev.; settled in Ky., 1788; ordained Bapt. minister; 2d gov. of Ky., 1796-1804; Garrard Co., Ky., named for him; m 1769, Elizabeth Mountjoy (1751-1832; Col. William®, m Phyllis—, of Over- wharton Parish, Stafford Co., Va.); 4-Gen. James (1778-1838), brig. gen. War 1812; mem. Ky. House and Senate; m Nancy Lewis (Lt. Thomas®, Am. Revy., m Elizabeth, dau. of Col. Edward Payne; Lt. Stephen®, Am. Rev., m Elizabeth, dau. of Judge James Offutt, m Rachel, dau. of Col. Ninian Beall, qv); 3-Charles Todd (1812-74), m 1835, Mattie Bedford Kennedy. 10-John Clay (qv); $-Charles (1638-86), in Bacon’s Rebellion; m Han- nah Wilson (John, Sr.?*, of Henrico Co., Va.); 8-Henry (1672-1760), m 1708, Mary Mitchell (1693- 1777; William’, of Chesterfield Co., Va., m Eliz- abeth-); 7—-Henry (d 1764), of Cumberland Co., Va.; m 1735, Lucy Green (6 1717; Thomass§, m Elizabeth, dau. of Justice Thomas Marston; Thomas’, m Mar- tha, dau. of Maj. Henry Filmer, of British Army; Thomas”, from Holland to Va., m Martha-); 6—Henry, M.D. (1736-1820), m 1754, Rachel Povall (1739-1820) ; 5—Mattie (1772-1864), m 1790, Littleberry Bedford (1769-1829; Col. Thomas*®, m Mary Ligon Cole- man; Stephen’, m Elizabeth, dau. of Benjamin Mosby); 4—Flizabeth (1794-1834), m 1812, Capt. Washington Kennedy (1779-1832), War 1812 (John, sheriff of Bedford Co., Va., soldier Am. Rev.; John‘, from Ireland); 3—Mattie B. (1817-77), m Charles T. Garrard (3 above). 2—-Son of Dr. James Culver cate th (1838-91), dentist; Ist lt., Co. H, 10th Ky. Cav., 1862-63; m 1868, Mary Elizabeth’ Garrard (b 1848); issue: I-Charles Garrard (b 1869; m Lola Pearl Hun- nicutt); II]-James Culver (above); III—Rich- ard Carey. II—-Not married. Agent at Lampasas, Tex., for London & Scottish Assurance Co., Ltd., of London, Eng. Mem. S.A.R., S.R., S.W.1812, Sons Rep. of Tex., etc. Residence: “Rose- mont,’’ Lampasas, Tex. 1-BIKL£, Lucy Leffingwell Cable (Mrs. Henry Wolf), 6 Ocean Springs, Miss., Nov. 3, 1875. 8-Samuel Boardman (qv); ea (1658-1724/25), m 1683, Hannah Wright (d ee (b 1705/06), m 1735, Deborah Goodrich 5-Thaddeus (6 1748), m Rebecca Smith; 4-Amos (1767-1839), m 2d, Silvia Noble; arr hia (1813-90), m George Washington Cable 1l—Richard Warren (qv); 10-—Mary, m Robert Bartlett (qv); 9-Benjamin (1638-91), m 1658, Sarah Brewster (Love; Elder William®, av); 8—Ichabod (1664-1717), m 1st, 1699, Elizabeth Water- man (1669-1708; Joseph®, m Sarah, dau. of An- enon Snow, m Abigail, dau. of Richard War- ren); 7-Capt. Josiah (1701-82), m 1722, Mary (or Mercy) Chandler (1704-81; Edmund’, m Elizabeth, dau. of Jonathan Alden, son of John Alden, qv); 6—Ichabod (1723-94), m 1747, Desire Otis (1723- 1801 ; Nathaniel’); o John (1754-1831); m 1774, Desire Loomis (1753- 1 ; —— FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 269 2 abet (1778-1854), m 1803, Fanny Leffingwell (0 3-William Allen (1815-82), m 1843, Louisa Burling Stewart (1823-89). 2-Dau. of George Washington Cable, M.A., Litt.D. (1844-1925), distinguished author (See Who’s Who in America); m ist, 1869, Louise Stewart Bartlett (1846-1904); m 2d, 1906, Eva Colegate Stevenson; issue (lst marriage): I- Louise Bartlett (b 1870; ‘m James Alfred Chard); II-Mary Boardman (b 1872; m Alfred L. P. Dennis, See Vol. 1, p. 245); Il1I—-George Boardman (1874-78); IV—-Lucy Leffingwell (above); V—Margaret Bartlett (1877-1920; m Har- old Sidney Brewster); VI-Isabel Stewart (b 1883; m Boardman Wright); VII—-William Noble Allen (1885-1908); VIII—Dorothea (b 1889; m Charles Boardman Hawes). IV-m Sept. 14, 1916, Henry Wolf Biklé (See Vol. 1, p. 466, for genealogy). Residence: 324 S. 2ist St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1—BINSSE, Elizabeth Hewlett Scudder (Mrs. Henry B.), b N.Y. City, Feb. 22, 1863. 8-Thomas Scudder (d 1658), from Eng. to Salem, Mass., ca. 1635; m Mary-; 7—-Thomas (d 1690), m Mary-; 6-Timothy, m Sarah Wood; 5—-Timothy, m Mary Whitehead; 4-Henry (1748-1822), 2d lt. Am. Rev.; mem. N.Y. conv. to adopt Constn. of U.S., 1788; mem. N.Y. Assembly, 1790; m 2d, Elizabeth Hewlett; 3—Henry, m 2d, Elizabeth Hewlett. 7—-William Frost, m Rebecca (Wright) Leverich; 6—Wright (1676-1738), m Mary Underhill (1677-1751); 5—Joseph (1714-74), m Martha Cock (d 1756); Tepe (1749-1830), m 1788, Sarah Halstead (1768- 3-—Philemon Halstead (1802-84), m 1829, Charlotte Leggett Townsend (1808-61). 2-Dau. of Townsend Scudder (1829-74), lawyer, New York; m Sarah Maria Frost (b 1841); issue: I-Philemon Halstead (1861-1909; m Sarah E. Townsend); II—Elizabeth Hewlett (above); IlI—Townsend (b 1865; m Mary Dannant Thay- er); IV-—Lorin Kent (b 1867); V-—Zaidee (m Thomas I. Van Antwerp); VI—Cornelia (b 1871; m William Eagleton Frenaye). II-m Feb. 12, 1889, Edward Vincent Thebaud (1824-1900); issue: 1-Leo Hewlett (See Vol. 1, p. 855, for Thebaud lineage). M 2d, Nov. 10, 1908, Henry Binsse, b New York, Nov. 4, 1852; son of Louis Bancel Binsse (1819- 1895), of New York, m Delia Carpenter; g.son of Louis Francois Binsse (b Cap de France, Haiti); issue: 1-Harry Lorin, 6 Madison, N.J., Mar. 26, 1905. Summer place: Sur La Céte, Pointe Au Pic, Can. Residence: Short Hills, N.J. 1-BISSELL, Mary Valentine Yale Bissell (Mrs. ‘Serplerses St. George), 6 New York, N.Y., Apr. 9-John Bissell (qv); 8—John (d 1697), in King Philip’s War; q.m. coun- ty troop of Hartford, Conn., 1677; m 1658, Isa- bel Mason (Maj. John, qv); j-—Jeremiah (6 1677), m 1705, Mehitable White (Lt. Daniel’, of Hatfield, Mass.); 6-Samuel (1722-59), m 1746, Mary Kibbe (Isaac’, of Enfield); 5-Isaac (1749-1822), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1776, Amelia Leavitt (Capt. John® [1724-98], soldier Am. Rev.); 4-Asaph Leavitt, M.D. (1791-1850), m 1819, Lucy King Norton (Daniel, 1751-1814); 38—-Eugene (1839-1909), soldier Civil War; m 1865, Mary Matilda Van Name (William+4). §-Capt. Thomas Yale (qv); 8-Capt. Thomas (1647-1736), m Sarah Nash (John); 7-John (1687-1782), m 1711, Sarah Payne; 6-Nash_ (1715-80), patriot, of Meriden, Conn.; m 1737, Sarah Amerton (1714-98); 5-Amerton (1756-1807), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1790, Mercy Scoville; 4-Leroy Milton, M.D. (1802-49), m 1838, Maria Al- len Luce (Timothy® [6 1782], m Jane Smith); 38-Amerton (1843-76), m 1867, Mary Elizabeth Val- entine (Jacob4, 1823-1903). 2-Dau. of Maj. Eugene Van Name Bissell (1867- 1904), U.S.A. in Spanish War and Philippine Insurrection; m 1888, Mary Valentine Yale (1870-1916). M Nov. 10, 1910, Pelham St. George Bissell (See Vol. 1, p. 471); issue: 1-Helen Alsop, 6 Bronx- ville, N.Y., Nov. 23, 1911; 2-Pelham St. George, 3d, 6 New York, N.Y., Oct. 20, 1912; 3—-Mary Sackett, 6 New York, Mar. 25, 1915; 4-Nancy Wemple b New York, Oct. 30, 1917; 5-Ruth Ma- son, 6 New York, Oct. 21, 1918; 6-Ophelia Lou- ise, b South Norwalk, Conn., June 13, 1920; 7— George Henry, b New York, June 12, 1922: s— Elizabeth. Goodwin (Apr. 12 1924-Dec. 10, 1924). Mem. S.M.D. (in right of Richard Warren), D.A.R., A.L. Auxiliary, Women’s Nat. Rep. Club. Residence: 34 W. 10th St., New York. 1-BISSELL, Lloyd, b Buffalo, N.Y., Aug. 12, 1891. 98-John Bissell (qv); 8-John (d 1697), in King Philip’s War; m 1658, Isabel Mason (Maj. John”, qv); 7—-Daniel, m Margaret Dewey; and thru: 3—John (1808-89), Erie Canal interests, collector of the Port of Buffalo, m Isabella Jeannette Halley (their son Wilson S., was Postmaster aan) of U.S. in Cabinet of President Cleve- and). 2-Son of Arthur Douglas Bissell (b 1844), banker (See Who’s Who in America), m 1874, Fanny Castle (6 1852). M July 26, 1916, Dorothy Pendennis, dau. of Pendennis White; issue: 1-Arthur Douglas, 2d, 6 Buffalo, N.Y., May 25, 1917; 2—Virginia Lloyd, b Buffalo, Dec. 10, 1918, B.A., Yale, ’16 (Kappa Alpha). Mer. The Mu- tual Motors Co., Buffalo. Was capt., F.A., World War. Clubs: Saturn, Squash and Ten- nis, University. Residence: 1080 Delaware Av., Buffalo, N.Y 1-BIXBY, Jotham Winslow, Calif., Sept. 10, 1884. 8-Joseph Bixby (qv); 7-Benjamin (1650-1727), m Mary-; 6—-Samuel (1689-1741), m Martha Underwood; 5-Samuel (1721-1809) ; 4-Solomon (1761-1835), soldier Am. Rev.; m Ist, Lucy Taylor (1767-1826); 3-Amasa (1794-1872), m Fanny Weston (Joseph*‘, of Me., Am. Rev.). 2-Son of Jotham Bixby (1831-1917), pioneer of Calif., 1852; extensive landowner and live stock raiser; financier; m 1862, Margaret Wins- low, dau. of Rev. George W. Hathaway, of Skowhegan, Me.; issue: I-George Hathaway (1864-1922); II-—Mary Hathaway (1869-70); III—- Henry Llewellyn (1870-1902); IV—Margaret Hathaway (1872-78); V-Rosamond Read (1877- 1899); VI-Fanny Weston (m W. Carl Spen- cer); VII—Jotham Winslow (above). VilI-m Mar. 7, 1906, Bertha Katheryn Kingore, } in Ill., Jan. 31, 1885; dau. of Miller Hector Kingore, of Denver, Colo.; issue: 1—Beatrice, b Los Angeles, Calif., Apr. 3, 1908. Land owner and rancher. Clubs: Jonathan, Los Angeles Athletic (Los Angeles), Virginia Country (Long Beach, Calif.). Residence: Long Beach, Calif. 1-BLACKMAN, Nathan (Nahum) MTincoln, 6 Verona, N.Y., Dec. 12, 1864. 8-John Blackman (1625-75), founder of the fam- ily in America, came from Eng. ante 1640 and settled in Dorchester, Mass., where he was Tand owner and one of 102 petitioners to Gen. Ct., 1664; m Mary Pond (Robert®, m Mary-): 7—-Joseph (1661-1720), an organizer of Church of Little Compton and Freetown, and Iand owner at Lebanon, 1717; m 1685, Elizabeth Church (1670- post 1711; Joseph’, m 1660, Mary, dau. of John Tucker; Richard®, m Elizabeth, dau. of Rich- ard Warren, qv); 6—Benjamin (1701-1802), m 1730, Sarah Phelps (1711- 1795; Joseph’, of Lebanon, Conn., m Sarah Cur- tis; Jacob’, m Dorothy, dau. of John Ingersoll; - George®, m Frances Clark: William”, qv); 5—-Benjamin (1733/34-1828), of Verona, N.Y.; m 1756, Eunice Sawyer; 4-Blijah (6 1766), m 1789, Abigail Spencer; 3—Elijah (1792-1882), moved to Oneida Co., N.Y., 1807; m 1817-18, Sophia Joslin. 9-Capt. Miles Standish (qv); 8-Lt. Josiah (1634-90), m 2d, Sarah Allen (b 1639; Samuel®, m Ann-); 7-Israel, m 1708/04, Elizabeth Richards (William§, m Mary-—; William’, m Grace, dau. of Abraham Shaw); 6—Prudence (1711-69), m 1730, Jacob Sawyer (1708-58; Ephraim’); 5—-Eunice (1736-1805), m 1756, Benjamin Blackman, Jr. (6 above). 9-Gov. John Webster (qv); 6b Los Angeles, 270 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY BLACKMAN Arms: Ermine, three lions rampant within a bor- dure, or. Crest: A griffin ermine. Motto: Fide ed Fiducia. 8—Ann (d 1662), m John Marsh (1618-88), from Eng. to Hartford, Conn.; aaah (b ca. 1655), m 1675, Dea. Joseph Loomis 1651-99) ; 6-Sarah (6 1693/94), m 1731/32, Cornelius Birge (1694- 1768; Daniel’, m Deborah, dau. of Thomas Hol- combe, of Dorchester, Mass.; Daniel§, m Eliza- beth Gaylord); Tees (b 1732), m 1751, James Spencer (b ca. 1730) ; 4-Abigail (bap. 1767), m Elijah Blackman (4 above). JOSLIN Arms: Azure, a circular wreath argent and sable, with four hawks’ bells joined thereto in quadra- ture or. 8-Thomas Joslin (ca. 1591-1660/61), from Eng. in the ‘Increase’ to Sudbury, then Hingham, Mass., 1685; lived at Watertown and Lancaster; m ca. 1615, Rebecca-; 7-Nathaniel (ca. 1626-1694), of Lancaster and Marl- borough, Mass.; m ca. 1656, Sarah King (d 1706; Thomas’) ; 6—Capt. Peter (1665-1759), m Joanna Whitcomb (1673/74-1717; Josiah’, m Rebecca, dau. of Law- rence Waters; John’, m Frances—; John®, m Frances-); 5-Capt. John (1710-89), capt. of minute men at Lexington Alarm; m 1738, Lucy Wilder (6b 1715; Joseph*, m Lucy Gardner [Capt. Andrew’; Thomas’; Thomas®]; Thomas’, m Mary, dau. of Richard Wheeler; Thomas’, m Anna-; Thomas’, m Martha-); 4—Capt. Abijah (1745-1811), of Ashburnham, Mass.; mem. Com. Safety and capt. of minute men in Am. Rev.; selectman; m 1769, Keziah Farrar (1746-1827; Isaac’, pvt. Am. Rev., m Sarah Brooks [Benjamin®; Noah’; Joshua’; Capt. Thomas’, av]; Joseph*, m Mary—; George’, m Mary Howe; Jacob’, m Hannah Hayward; Jacob®, m Ann-); 3—Sophia (1793-1870), m Elijah Blackman (3 above). 9-Thomas Brown, m Mary Newhall (Thomas); 8-Thomas, m Hannah Collins (John?®); Cee (1680-1771), m 1700, John Keig-wwin (1659- 6—John (1703/04-1775), m 1728, Deborah Park (1707-91; Lt. Robert?; Samuel’; Sir Robert?); 5-Thomas (1744-1827), began to write name Cag- win; pvt. 6th Conn. Cont. Line; m 1765, Jerusha Gates (1747-1820; Zebediah*; Thomas’; Stephen§; Stephen®, qv); 4—Elias (1773-1850), m 1797, Rebecca (Kennedy) Rhodes (1760-1842; David Kennedy®, pvt. Am. Rev., m Mary, dau. of Robert Campbell, pvt. Am. Rev.; Hugh’, m Rachel-); 3—Betsey (ca. 1800-ca. 1884), m ca. 1830-31, Alvinzie S. Adams (1798-1874; Nathan‘t; James5, pvt. Am. Rev.; Nathaniel’; James’; Jamess). 2-Son of George Washington Blackman (1829-89), m 1862, Harrietta L. Adams (1835-67). M Aug. 20, 1891, Laurene Gilmore, } Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 24, 1867; dau. of late Charles Gil- more, of Milwaukee, Wis.; issue: 1—Gracia Luella, m May 18, 1920, Herbert Frederick Blackman; 2-Winifred Faith (d); 3—Elaine Adams. Ed. Ia. State Coll., ex-’86; grad. Northern Ill. Normal School, ’87. Principal, Allen High School, LaMoille, I1l]., 1888-91; admitted to III. bar, 1891, and practiced law as mem. firm of Stillwell & Blackman till 1905; head of Nathan L. Blackman & Co., investment securities, from 1905. Mem. S.R. (life), Ill. Bar Assn., Chicago Assn. Commerce, etc. Guarantor, Chi- cago Civic Opera Co. Clubs: South Shore Coun- try, Riding, Beverly Country, Olympia Fields Country, Lake Shore Athletic, Midway Ath- letic. Residence: South Shore Country Club, Chicago, Ill. 1~-BLACKWELL, George Eng's, } Astoria, L.IL., Feb. 19, 1860. 6—-Robert Blackwell (1650-ca. 1717), received land grant from the first English govt. of New Amsterdam for Astoria, L.I. City, Green Point and Williamsburg, L.I., m 1676, Mary Manning- ham, of Manning Island, N.Y.; 5—Jacob (1692-1744), m 1711, Mary Hallett (1688-1743; William®; William’, qv); 4-Jacob (1717-80), built a mill at Sunswick Creek, Astoria: capt. Newtown militia in French and Indian War; col. Am. Rev.; inherited the old Blackwell homestead at Ravenswood, which was confiscated by the British after the Bat- tle of L.I.; m 2d, 1755, Lydia Hallett (1732-1812; Joseph; Joseph*®; William’7; William§8, qv): 3—Samuel (1759-1832), owner, with his half brother James, of Blackwell’s Island: m 2d, 1784, Mary Whitehead Field (Jacob‘; Robert; Elnathan’; Robert?; Robert§, qv). 8-Madet Eng's, from Marlborough, Eng., to Bos- ton, 1635; 7-Samuel (1647-87), m Mary Beal; 6—-William, m 1714, Anne Adams; 5—-William (6b 1720), m Rebecca Townsend; 4—William (d 1826), m 1774, Abigail Lawton; 3-Philip Wanton (1790-1875), N.Y. City; m 1812, Anna T. Franklin. 2—-Son of James Madison Blackwell (1810-84), mer- chant, N.Y. City; m 1845, Jennet D. Engs (1825- 1911); issue: I-Frank E. (1846-1911; m Alice Bir- ney); II—Edgar S. (1848-1919); II1I—Jennie (b 1851; m W. D. Strobel); IV-—Arthur (1855-82); V— George Engs (above). V—m Apr. 28, 1892, Marguerite E. Ackert, b Rhine- beck, N.Y., Aug. 8, 1865; dau. of George H. Ackert, of Rhinebeck; issue: 1-James Madison, b Astoria, L.I., Mar. 8, 1893; Columbia, ’14; m Nadine Nash; 2-Katharine Josephine, 0 As- toria, Oct. 23, 1908; m Frederic A. Cammann. A.B., Columbia, ’80 (D.K.E., P.B.K.), LL.B., 1882. Mem. law firm of Blackwell Bros. Clubs: nn FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA Columbia U., Down Town, City, Oakland Golf. Residence: 1170 5th Av., New York. 1-BLAKENEY, John Oscar, } Montrose, Miss., July 18, 1852. 5-Capt. John Blakeney (d 1832), from Ireland, ca. 1750, and settled in Chesterfield Co., S.C., ca. 1760; capt. militia in Am. Rey. (three sons in ‘Am. Rev Vis)is 4-James (0 1765), m 1st, 1788, Susanna Haile (6 1766; ee ert 6 Va., capt. ‘Am. Rev., m Kate Fer- gus Ayre aes (1795-1870), m Isabella McLendon beonene Quarles (b Va., d Edgefield Co., S.C., ); 4-James (1760-1812), Amelia Co., Va.; soldier Am. Rev.; m 1804, Sarah Belcher 3-Robert Gilliam (1805-43), m 1828, Mary Elizabeth Robertson. 2Son of Benjamin Blakeney (1827-73), m 1851, Mary Elizabeth Quarles (6b 1881); issue: I-John Oscar (above); II—Robert Quarles (0b 1864; m May Trieves); IlI-Benjamin Burke (qv for other lineages). I—m Mar. 21, 1889, Annie Moose, b Morrillton, Ark., Dec. 7, 1869; dau. of James Miles Moose (1827- 1891), C.S.A. (John L.? [6b N.C., 1804], m Sarah Beaver; Anthony’, exiled from Poland, settled in N.C.), m 1853, Sophia Emily Stockton (Lewis, m Elizabeth Hargis); issue: 1Mary Emily, 0} Morrillton, Ark., Jan. 7, 1890; m June 30, 1920, James Lemuel Blakeney (qv); 2-Martha, 0 Morrillton, Aug. 27, 1891. Ed. St. John’s Coll., ’73. Lived in Okla. 15 yrs., where he was mem. Okla. Senate, 1903. Insur- ance broker, since 1900. Mem. S.A.R. (pres. Ark. Chapter, 1924-25); past grand chancellor, Sup. Rep., 1922, K. of P. Residence: 121 Brown St., Little Rock, Ark. 1-BLAKENEY, Benjamin Burke, } May 2, 1869. 5-Alexander Robertson (1731- 1806), from Treland, 1765, settled at Charleston, S.C.; m Jane Brown- lee (1749-1805; Dr. John‘); 4—-Maj. George (1777-1817), wealthy planter and merchant, Willington, S.C.; m 1804, Mary Mis- campbell: 3—Mary Elizabeth (1811-51), m Robert G. Quarles. 6-Andrew Miscampbell, was among the Scotch- Irish of Angusta Co., Va., as early as 1758, in which year received a land grant from the As- sembly; had two sons in Am. Rev.; 5-James, of Orangeburg district, S.C.; soldier in m. Rev.; ee m Maj. George Robertson (4 above). 2-Son of Mary Elizabeth Quarles (6b 1831), m 1851, Benjamin Blakeney (1827-73). For issue and other lineages see John Oscar Blakeney. ts 10, 1895, Evelyn Simpson; issue: 1—Louise, M 2d, Sept. 15, 1907, Lena Whittaker; issue: 1- Benjamin Bruce, b July 30, 1908; 2-James Rus- sell, b June 2, 1913. Residence: 601 W. 13th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. rea James Lemuel, 6 England, Ark., etal; S 6—-Capt. John Blakeney (d 1832), from Ireland, ca. 1750, and settled in Chesterfield Co., S.C., ca. 1760; capt. militia in Am. Rev. (three sons in Am. Rev.); 5-James (0 1765), m 1st, 1788, Susanna Haile (b 1766; Benjamin‘, capt. Am. Rev., m Kate Ferguson): 4—-Benjamin (1793-1854), veteran War 1812 and Mexico; m 1821, Eliza Ferguson (6b ca. 1804); 3-James Madison (1822-87), 1t. and pent Ark. Vols. in Civil War; m 1845, Martha Eva 2-Son of James Benjamin Siakense, (1846-1917), m Dora Elinor Brawner (6 1860); issue: I-James Lemuel (above); II-Samantha May (b 1889; m L. Locklar); IIlI—William Robert (b 1894; m Ahmalee Kime); IV—-Thomas Asa (6 1896). I—m June 30, 1920, Mary Emily, dau. of John Oscar Blakeney (qv for genealogy); issue: 1— Martha Anne, b Little Rock, Ark., Feb. 2, 1922. Ed. Ouachita Coll, Ark., 716. Ordained Bapt. ministry, 1916. Chaplain U.S.A.; chaplain Ark. vols. on Mexican border, 1916-17, and in World War; citation, May 15, 1920, G.O. No. 6, ‘For display of coolness and utter disregard of his personal safety by remaining in an area which was under intense artillery fire and carefully burying our dead.” Address: c/o The Adjutant General, U.S. Army, Washington, D.C. 271 1-BLAKESLEE, Grace Carver Barton (Mrs. Thomas), b South Point, O., Feb. 20, 1854. 9-Samuel Barton; 8—-Rufus (d 1648); 7-—Benjamin (1645- 1720), m Susannah Gorton (d 1734; Samuel, qv); 6—Andrew (ea. 1675- -1723), m Rebecca Low; 5-Benjamin (1708-73), m 2d, Lydia Brown (d 1808); 4-Gen. William (1748- 1831), captured the British Gen. Prescott, 1777, for which exploit was com- missioned col. and voted a sword by Congress; m Rhoda Carver 38—-Robert Carver (1782- 1824), m Rachel Bradford VanDuyn. 9-John Alden (qv); 8—Joseph (1624-94), m Mary Simmons 7—-Elizabeth (d 1745), m Benjamin Snow (1673-1743) ; 6—-Elizabeth (1705-55), m Joseph Carver; 5—Joseph (6 1727), m Sarah Hartwell; 4-Rhoda (1751-1842), m Gen. William Barton (4 above). 8-Elias Boudinot (d 1702), from France to New York, 1687; m Jeanne Baraud; 7-Elias (1674- 1719), m 1699, Marie Catharine Carree; 6—Elias (1706-70), m Catherine Williams (their son Elias [1740-1821], was col. Am. Rev., pres. Cont. Congress and mem. Ist, 2d and 3d U.S. Con- gresses); 5-John, m Catherine Van Norden; 4-Jean, m John Van Duyn; 3—Rachel B., m Robert Carver Barton (3 above). 2—Dau. of William Henry Barton (1818-97), steam- boatman; m 1852, Mary Jane Johnston (1832-99) ; issue: I-Grace Carver (above); II—Robert; III— Mary J. (6 1859; Mrs. Mary Barton Ferguson); IV—Florence (m John S. Gilmore); V-—William Henry, Jr. (1864-1925), I-m Jan. 14, 1873, Thomas Blakeslee, Bb Ninevah, Broome Co., N.Y., Aug. 26, 1843; son of Nelson Blakeslee (Nelson?; Jarvis?; Thomas‘; David; Thomas’; Ebenezer7?; Samuel’; Thomas®, came in the ‘‘Hopewell,”’ 1635); issue (all 6 Neodesha, Kan.): 1—-Barton, 6 Oct. 19, 1873; m June 27, 1900, Tessiana McCarthey (issue: Elizabeth; Tes- Siana: Barton); 2—-Helen, 6 June 23, 1876; m Feb. 23, 1897, Altis Hopkins (issue: Thomas; Grace Ellen; Rosemary); 3—Florence, 6 July 28, 1882; m NG 7, 1910, Fred Merkle (issue: Mary Vir- ginia). Mem. S.M.D., D.A.R. Summer place: Woodland Park, Colo. Residence: Neodesha, Kan. 1-BLANTON, Robert Girvin, } Phila., Pa., July 18, 1872-Oct 23, 1922. 7-Richard Blanton (will proved 1734), Spotsyl- vania Co., Va.; m Elizabeth-; 6—Richard (ca. 1730-1807), m ca. 1750, Hannah An- derson, of Caroline Co., Va.; 5—David (1760-1823), Cumberland Co., Va.; soldier cachet m 1793, Lucy Johns (1760-1858; Jo- sep ; 4-Anderson Tinsley (1794-1852), soldier War 1812; m Elizabeth Pitt Vawter (6 1796; Edward); 8-Edward Anderson (1813-1900), m Anne Elizabeth Miller (1818-1901; John*4, m Anne, dau. of Wil- liam Walker, officer Am. Rev.). 2-Son of Leigh Miller Blanton (1842-1907), mfr. and realtor, Richmond, Va.; served in Co. C, 1st Va. Regt., C.S.A., and participated in every battle of Army of Northern Va. during 4 yrs.; promoted several times for gallantry; bvtd. maj.; m Clara Lydia McConnell (1844-84). For issue see Mrs. Egbert R. Jones, Vol. 1, p. 474. M Oct. 11, 1900, Hattie Vail Tyler (qv for issue). Was mer. for Internat. Salt Co. of N.Y., at Richmond, Va., for 20 yrs. 1-BLANTON, Hattie Vail Tyler (Mrs. Robert G.), b Richmond, Va., Mar. 2, 1880. 6—John Tyler, of Wallingford, Conn.; m 1st, 1694, Abigail Hall (g.dau. of John Hall, Sr., a first settler); 5—Rev. John, m 1770, Hannah Tracy; 4—Col. Samuel, m 18083, Emma Rogers (Col. Zab- dial’, officer Am. Rev., m Elizabeth Snow; Dr. Theophilus’, mem. Com. Correspondence, Nor- wich, Conn.); 8-John Henry, m 1835, Elizabeth Slater, dau. of John Evans, of Eng. 9-Lt. Thomas Leffing-well (qv); 8—Ens. Thomas (1649-1723), m 1672, Mary Bushnell (Richard?®) ; 7-Elizabeth (1676-1737), m 1697, John Tracy (1673- 1736; Capt. John’, m Mary, dau. of Josiah Wins- low; Lt. Thomas?®, qv); 272 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 6—-Isaac (1706-79), m 1730, Elizabeth Bushnell (Benajah’); 6—Hannah (b 1751), m 1770, Rev. John Tyler (5 above). 2-Dau. of John Tyler (b 1836), Ist lt., arty., C.S.A.; m in 1862, Mary Virginia Allen; issue: I—John, Jr. (b 1863; m Susan Marshall Morris); II—Joseph Allen ‘(m Letitia Tyler Doswell); IlI—Mary Allen (b 1866; m Fairfax E. Mon- tague); 1V-—Emma Rogers (6b 1869; m Cornelius Colton Chapin); V—Florence Lyle (b 1871; m William Gray); VI—Virginia (6b 1873); VII-—Wil- liam Samuel (0b 1874; m Evelyn P. Deitrick); VilI—Anne Lyle (6 1876; m Benjamin Mackenzie Anderson); IX—Hattie Vail (above); X—Jo- sephine Leslie (b 1892; m Henry P. J. Gresham), IX-—m Oct. 11, 1900, Robert Girvin Blanton (qv)i issue: 1—-Robert Girvin, Jr., 6 Richmond, July 28, 1902-Apr. 26, 1924; B.S. and M.S., vw Va., ’21; post-grad. at The Sorbonne, Paris; drowned while saving three boys from drown- ing, the fourth boy strangling him; 2—-Virginia Allen, b Norfolk, Va., May 22, 1904: 3—Claire McConnell, b Richmond, Aug. 21, 1906. Residence: 516 W. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. 1-BLISS, Charles Thomas, B New Bedford, Mass., Apr. 8, 1851. 8-George Bliss (1591- -1667), from Eng. to Lynn, Mass., 1637; later of Sandwich, Mass., and New- port, R. ie 7-Maj. John (b 1645), of Newport, R.I.; m 1666, Damaris Arnold (Gov. Benedict); 6—Josiah (1685-1747), m Widow Belcher; 5—Rev. William (1728-1815), capt. French and iron War; m Ist, 1749, Barbara Phillips (1727- 4—William (1758-1846), ens. Am. Rev.; m 1783, Abi- gail Lyndon (1761-1842; Josiah', of Newport); 3—Samuel (1790-1875), of New Bedford, Mass.; m Ist, 1811, Elizabeth Tabor (1793-1839; Epheram‘4, m Sarah Tabor). 8-Henry Howland (qv); 7—Zoeth (d 1676), m Abigail— (d 1656); 6—-Nicholas, m Hannah Woodman; 5—-Daniel (b 1712), m 2d, 1746, Edith Potter (d 1815); 4—Daniel (1759-1821), m Sarah Wood; 3—Daniel (1794-1865), m Cynthia Smith (Collins‘, of Smith’s Neck). 2—Son of Thomas Bliss (1819-98), merchant, New Bedford, Mass.; m 1847, Sylvia Ricketson How- land (1822-54); m 2d, 1855, Mary Ann (Palmer) Waldron (b 1823); issue (Ist marriage): I-Daniel Howland (1849-1912): II-Charles Thomas (above). II-Not married. Classic actor, 1866-99, since re- tired. Mem. S.A.R., Pilgrim Soc. of Plymouth. Club: Army and Navy (San Francisco). Resi- dence: Salinas, Calif. 1-BLISS, William Julian Albert, 6 Washington, D.C., Jan. 22, 1867. 8-Thomas Bliss (qv); 7—-Samuel (1624-1720) ; 6-Ebenezer (1683-1717), m 1707, Mary C. Gaylord (John’?; John’; William®; William”) ; 5—Jedediah (1708 or 1709-1777), m 2d, 1748, Miriam Hitchcock; 4-Gen. Alexander (1753-1843), m 2d, 1790, Abigail Williams (1768-1867; Thomas’); 3—Alexander (1792-1827), partner of Daniel Web- ster, m Elizabeth Davis (who, after the death of her husband, m George Bancroft, the famous historian and Sec. of the Navy in Cabinet of President Polk and was the founder of the U.S. Naval Academy). 10-Gov. William Bradford (qv); %#Maj. William, m Alice Richards; 8-William, m Rebecca Bartlett (Benjamin®, m Sarah, dau. of Love Brewster!®; Elder Wil- liam, qv); 7—Alice,. m William Barnes; 6—Mercy, as widow of Samuel Cole, m 2d, Barna- bas Hedge (John’; Elisha’; William’): 5—Mercy, m 1753, Thomas Davis (b 1722; Thomas, from Eng.); 4—-William vi 1758), m 1781, Rebecca Morton (b 1762; Nathaniel5, m Rebecca Jackson); 3—Elizabeth (1803-86), m Alexander Bliss (3 above). 2—Son of Bvt. Lt. Col. Alexander Bliss, U.S.A. (1827-96), first sec. Am. Legation and mil. attaché at Berlin; first asst. q.m. gen. U.S.A.; m Eleanor Taylor (1842-74), dau. of William Julian Albert, banker, congressman, m Emily Jones; issue: I-William Julian Albert (above); II—EFlizabeth Bancroft (b 1868). I-m Nov. 19, 1896, Edith Grantham West, 0 Phila.; dau. of Harry Flickwir West, pres. Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co., Phila. m Fanny Mc- Dowell; issue: 1-Eleanor Albert, b Jamestown, R.I., Aug. 16, 1899; Bryn Mawr, 1; D.Sce., Johns Hopkins, 1935; 2’ Frances McDowell, b Balti- more, Md., Nov. 6, 1900; Bryn Mawr, ’22. PAS 3s, Harvard, 88 (Alpha Delta Phi, Phi Beta Kappa); Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 1894. Collegiate prof. of physics, Johns Hopkins U. (See Who’s Who in America). Clubs: Baltimore, Baltimore Country, Elkridge, Bachelors Cotillon. Resi- dence: 1026 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, Md. 1-BOARDMAN, Charles Henry Earnest, b Mar- shalltown, Ila., Aug. 16, 1870. 9-Samuel Boardman (qv); 8-Isaac (1642-1709), m Abiah Kimbaly; 7T—-Samuel (1668-1732), m 1696, Mehitable Cadwell; 6—Stephen (1698-1776), m 1727, Abigail Savage; 5—Capt. Nathaniel (1731/32-1814), qj.m. Conn. troops in Am. Rev.; m 1758, Esther Carvar (Samuel‘, lt. Conn. militia in Am. Rev.); 4-Dr. Nathaniel (1759-1843), Bethel, Vt.; pvt. Vt. militia in Am. Rev.; m 1790, Philomela Hunting- ton; 3-Elderkin Jewett (1791-1884), m 1828, Ann Gookin. 9-Simon Huntington (qv); 8-Simon (1629-1706), m Sarah Clark; 7—-Simon (1659-1736), m Lydia Gager; 6—Joshua (1698-1745), m Hannah Perkins; 5—Jabez (1719-86), maj. gen. Conn, militia in Am. Rev.; m Judith Elderkin (Jedediah®, col. 5th Conn. Regt. in Am. Rev.); 4-Philomela, m Nathaniel Boardman (4 above). 2-Son of Charles Edward Boardman (1839-97), 1m 1869, Emma Jane Dean (0b 1847); issue: 1-Charles H. E. (above); II—-Martha Luella (1872-1901); III— Clara Evelyn (6 1874; m W. A. Ganfield); IV—- Anna Louisa (6 1877); V-Emma Hazel (1887-89). I-m Sept. 15, 1892, Blanche Aurora Elder (June 20, 1872-July 29, 1919); issue: 1—-Bonnie Belle, }b Mason City, Ia., Dec. 3, 1893; m Oct. 25, 1919, Glenn H. Klemme (issue: Glenn Harmon, } 1921); 2—Clarence Elderkin Carvar, } Marshall- town, Ia., July 8, 1897; 3-Janice May, b Mar- shalltown, May 1, 1902; 4-Bettina, 0 Marshall- town, Oct. 25, 1909. Cornell Coll., Ia., ’92. Admitted to bar, 1894, and since in practice at Marshalltown. Mem. S.A.R. Residence: Marshalltown, Ia. 1-BOND, Benjamin Davis, } Kohala, Hawaii, Jan. 21, 1853. 7-William Bond (1625-95; son of Thomas; g.son of Jonas), from Eng. with his brothers, John and Thomas; settled at Watertown, Mass.; m Sarah Biscoe (Nathaniel); 6—Col. Jonas (1664-1727), a 1688/89, Grace Coolidge (1663/64-1699; John’, m Hannah, dau. of John Livermore; John’); 5—Jonas (1691- 1768), m 1718, Hannah Bright (1694- 1786; Nathaniel®, m Mary, dau. of Simon Coolidge; Set. Henry’; Henry’); 4-Col. William (1733- 76), col., 25th Mass. Cont. Line in Am. Rev.; m Lucy ‘Brown 3—Elias (1774-1865), Hallowell, Me.; m 2d, 1804, Re- becca Davis. 2-Son of Rev. Elias Bond (1813-96), missionary in Hawaii; m Ellen Mariner (1817-81), dau. of John Howell, m Eleanor Douglass; issue: I—Ellen Mariner (1841-1922; m 1868, James Bicknell); II- Joseph Davis (6 and d 1848); Il1I-George Shep- ard (1844-1917); IV—Elias Cornelius (1846-1918; m 1878, Alice Moyle); V—-Thomas Spencer (1849-83) ; VI-William Lee (1851-1925; m 1898, Laura Lewis); VilI-Benjamin Davis (above); VIII-—Caroline Sophia (b 1854); IX—Julia Page (6b 1857); X—Abby Steele (6 1859); XI—Eben Steele (6 and d 1861). VIiI-m Sept. 5, 1889, Emma Mary Renton, } Hono- lulu, Hawaii, Nov. 16, 1866; dau. of James Ren- ton; issue (all b Kohala, Hawaii): 1-Benjamin Howell, 6 Dec. 30, 1890; A.M., Valparaiso, 711; LL.B., Indiana Law School, 1913; m Dec. 14, 1921, Hazel Beatrice Hoffman, of Honolulu; 2— Alice Renton, b July 15, 1893; A.B., Oberlin, 714; m Feb. 27, 1919, William Patterson Alexander, of Honolulu; 3-Kenneth David, } June 8, 1895; A.B., U. Mich., ’20; m Nov. 7, 1925, Kathryn Q. Lyman, of Hilo, Hawaii; 4+James Douglass, 0 May 10, 1899; A.B., U. Mich., ’19, A.M., 1922; B.S., Audubon Sugar Sch., 1922; m Sept. 6, 1924, Doro- thy Ruth Allen. A.B., Amherst, ’79, A.M., 1883; M.D., U. Mich., 1882; post-grad. med. work at New York. Physician; actg. asst. surgeon, U.S.P.H.S. Mem. S.A.R. Residence: Kohala, H.T. Se FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 2738 1-BONDURANT, Alexander Lee, b} ‘Col-Alto Lf eee gets Buckingham Co., Va., June 22, 9-Richard Lee (qv); 8-Charles (1656-1701), of ‘‘Cobbs Hall,’ Tidewa- ter, Va.; m Elizabeth Medstead (Thomas’); 7-—Thomas (d 1738); 6—-Leanna (6 ca. 1728), m 1744, John Fearn (b 1717), of Buckingham Co., Va. (John? [0b ca. 1692], m 1716, Sarah Worthem; John’, of Gloucester Co., Va., m Mary Lee); 5-Elizabeth L. (b 1750), m Col. William Hardin Perkins, col. Am. Rev.; 4~Sally (1771-1859), m ca. 1798, Arthur Moseley, capt. Am. Rev. (Robert®; Robert®; Arthur’; Arthur’; William’); 3-Louisa Marcia (1799-1879), m Thomas Moseley Bondurant (1797-1862), War 1812. 7-John Walker, from Scotland to Pa., 1728; re- moved to Va., 1740; m Catherine Rutherford; 6—Jane (b 1712), m James Moore; 5-Capt. James, Am. Rev.; m Martha Poague; 4—Mary (1778-1823), Indian captive; m Rev. Sam- uel Brown; RS ae (1800-77), m Rev. James Morrison (1795- 2-Son of Alexander Joseph Bondurant (1836- 1910), capt. C.S.A.; tobacco planter, tobacco expert for Colony of Victoria; m 1859, Emily McFarland Morrison (1837-1926); issue: I-Alex- ander Lee (above); IIl—-Frances Brown; III- Lula M. (b 1872; m W. G. Harrison); [V—Samuel Rutherford (b 1874; m Sallie Perkins Bocock); V-George Perkins (m Anne Trueheart); VI- Harriet Lavinia Dabney (m C. L. Hare). I—m hae 11, 1907, Gabriella McPheeters Means (qv). ‘ A.B., Hampden-Sidney, ’84 (Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Upsilon), A.M., 1892; U. Tex., 1886-87; U. Va., 1887-89; Harvard, 1892-93, A.M., 1893; studied Berlin, Munich, Rome; (LL.D., Miss. Coll., 1921). Asst. and asso. prof. at U. Miss. from 1889-95, and prof. Latin from 1895. With Y.M.C.A. in France, 1918-19, as dir. of 2d combat area, later dean Am. students, U. Dijon (See Who’s Who in America). Resi- dence: University, Miss. 1-BONDURANT, Gabriella McPheeters Means (Mrs. Alexander L.), b “Happy Valley Plan- tation,” Fairfield Co., S.C. 5-John Means (1717-89), Scottish origin, came from Ireland to Boston, 1753; m Isabella Har- per (1747-1828); 4—Thomas (1767-1828), of Boston and S.C.; m Sarah Milling (1773-1816) ; 3-David Harper, M.D. (1794-1840), mem. S.C. Nul- lification Conv.; m Frances Coalter. 7-John Walker, from Scotland to Pa., 1728; re- moved to Va., 1740; m Catherine Rutherford; 6-Jane (b 1712), m James Moore; 5—Elizabeth (1737-83), m 1763, Michael Coalter (1735-95), 1t. Am. Rev.; mtr tae (1764-1821), m 1791, Anne Carmichael (1772- 8-Frances (1798-1868), m 1817, David H. Means (3 above). 6—-Daniel Willis, from Eng., settled on Cape Fear River, N.C., early in 18th Century; sol- dier Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth-; 5-Gen. John (d 1802), capt. Am. Rev.; later col. and brig. gen. of cav.; mem. N.C. Gen. Assem- bly, 1787-91, and mem. com, of five to ratify U.S. Constitution; mem. N.C. Senate, 1794; m 1779, ASsenath Barnes; 4—Martha (1780-1870), m 1804, William Dunbar (1775-1828), of Dunbarton, nr. Natchez, Miss.; 38-Anna Maria (1804-35), m 1828, Dr. James A. McPheeters (1799-1848), of Ky. 2-Dau. of Edward John Means (1831-77), grad. U.S.N.A.; resigned from U.S.N., and was capt. C.S.A. and later comdt. C.S. Navy Yard at Marion, S.C.; planter; m 1860, Martha Jane McPheeters (1830-1915); issue: I-Francis A.; TI—Maria Dunbar (d 1887); Il1I—Martha Willis; Tv—Sara (m James Curry); V—John_ Coalter (d 1900); VI-—Gabriella McPheeters (above). Vi-m June 11, 1907, Alexander Lee Bondurant (qv); rearing as_ son, William John van Santen, } New Orleans, La., Sept. 17, 1907; U. Miss., ’28; desc. Daniel Willis, above. Mem. D.A.R., U.D.C. Summer place: Bucking- ham Co.. Va. Residence: University, Miss. eo wn Harold King, ) Whittemore, la., Dec. 4-John Bown (name spelled Bown on tomb- stone, Spotswood, N.J.), m Rachel Walker; 38-—Peter Demer (1833-1855); first wrote name Bowne but while on I.C. R.R. from Chicago through Dixon, Ill., he signed his name as timekeeper wrote it, —Bowen), m Martha Bowles (1839-99; Zachariah‘). 9-Thomas Wood, was at Rowley, Mass., 1654; m Ann-; 8-Ebenezer (b 1671), m Rachel Nicholas; 7—-Ebenezer (b 1698), m Mehitable Howard; 6-Stephen (1730-1826), Am. Rev.; m 1760, Bethesda Kibbs; 5-David (b 1765), m 2d, Abigail (Keep) Merrick; 4—Persis (b 1805), m William King’ (Chauncey’, of Paulet, Vt.; William’, m Thankful Warner); 8-David W. (b 1830), m 1860, Lydia Ann Hall, 9-Richard Hall (d 1730), first deacon of Brad- ford, Conn.; m Martha-; 8—Richard (b 1676), m 2d, Mehitable Barker (Capt. John®; Dea. Richard?) ; 7-Ephraim (1717-93), Am. Rev.; m 1738, Eunice Livingstone (1719-1812; John’; John’); 6-Ephraim (1741-1821), Am. Rev.; m 1765, Lydia Russell (1744-1821; Capt. Stephen’, Am. Rev., m Abigail Gage; Stephen’; John’; John; John); 5-Stephen Russell (1775-1839), m Hannah Wilson (1768-1859; Capt. Jesse*, Am. Rev., m ist, Ruth Merrill; James’; Joseph’; William’) ; 4—Phineas (1801-69), m 1823, Lydia Huntley (1803- 65; James®, m Lydia, dau. of Capt. Jonathan Caulkins, Am. Rev.; Capt. James®, Am. Rev.; Daniel’; Aaron’; John’); 3-Lydia Ann (b 1834), m David Wood King (3 above). : 2-Son of Lydia May King (b 1871), m 189, Dr. William Walker Bowen (b 1869). Not married. U.S.N.R.F., June 18, 1918-June 17, 1922; re-enrolled U.S.N. Vol. Force, Sept. 15, 1922. Attached to U.S. Immigration Service on Canadian border. Rep. committeeman, Webster Co., Ia., 1922-26; del. Rep. State Conv., 19945 Memes Ask. i Aving s SOC Ee hilareuc Americans (internat. sec., 1917), Sigma Pi (grand archon, 1922-24), etc. Mason. Resi- dence: 628 S. 12th St., Ft. Dodge, Ia. 1-BOWKER, Edgar Marshall, } Lisbon, N.H., Apr. 18, 1876. 10-—Edmund (Bouker) Bowker (d 1666), settled at Dorchester, Mass., 1646; m Mary Potter: 9-John (1651-1721), m 1678, Mary Howe (1659-1723) ; 8—John (1679-1710), m Ruth Howe (0 1684); 7-Josiah (1701-81), m 1733, Hazadiah Eager (1715- 1800) ; 6-Antipas (1733-1803), m 1757, Esther Rice (6 1737/ i . 38) ; 5—-Gideon (1760-1815), began to write name Bow- ker; pvt. Mass. Cont. Line; m Hannah Fletch- er (1762-1842) ; 4-Tevi (1783-1863), m 1806, Betsie Silsby (1783-1882) ; 3-Roswell (1817-98), m 1841, Jane Blakslee (1817- 1867). 9-Capt. Thomas Brooks (qv); 8-Dea. Joshua (b 1636), m 1653, Hannah Mason; 7-Noah (1656-1738/39), m Dorothy Wright; 6—-Ebenezer (1691/92-1768), m 1714, Sarah Fletcher: 5-Dea. Simon (1722-1808), m 1747, Rachel Drury (1728-1816) ; 4~Jonah (1767-1849), m Anna Kidder (1772-1843); 8—Jonah (1801-82), m 1827, Sophronia Bradford. 10-Gov. William Bradford (qv); oa. William (b 1624), m Alice Richards (1624- 1704) ; 8—Maj. John (1653-1736), m 1674, Mercy Warren (1653-1747) ; 7-John (1675-1724), m 1701, Rebecca Bartlett; 6—-Robert (1706-82), m 1726, Sarah Stetson (1708- 1792); 5—John (1732-1811), m 1765, Hannah Pomeroy Eddy (1737-1820) ; 4—John (1765-1814), m 1799, Lucy Brooks (1769-1818) ; 3-Sophronia (1803-78), m Jonah Brooks, Jr. (3 above). 29-Son of Mitchell Harvey Bowker (b 1843), mer- chant; m 1867, Laura Permelia Brooks (1848- 1895); issue: I-Charles Harvey, M.D. (1870-1917 ; m Bleanor A. Thompson-Dyer); Il-Edgar Mar- shall (above). II-m Aug. 30, 1904, Marie Halligan, dau. of Patrick J. Halligan, m Anna elley; issue: 1-Bradford Mitchell, } Whitefield, N.H., Jan. 274 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 27, 1906; Worcester Poly. Inst., ’27; 2—Rob- ert Edgar, b Whitefield, Jan. 17, 1918. LL.B., George Washington U., 1902. Lawyer; justice, Municipal Ct., Whitefield, N.H., 1902-20; judge of probate from 1920; mem. high sch. bd. of edn., etc. Mem. O.W., S.A.R. Mason (K.T.). Residence: Whitefield, N.H. 1-BRADLEY, Frederick Truman, b New Haven, Conn., Nov. 28, 1860. 8—-William Bradley (qv); 7—Joseph (1646-1704), m Silence Brockett (b 1648); Pe (1681-1757), m Abigail Atwater (1684- 5—-Samuel (6 1707), m Eunice Munson (b 1712); 4—Titus (1748-1811), m Mary Munson (1785-1861); 3-Seymour (1806-90), m Delia Barnes (1809-80). %Thomas Minor (qv); 8-John (1634-1719), m Elizabeth Booth (1641-1732); 7—-Ephraim (1675-1762), m Rebecca Curtiss (d 1763); 6—Josiah (d 1766), m Mary Barnum (d 1768); 5-Israel (b 1735), Am. Rev.; m Anna Lake (6 1739); 4-Seth (1764-1828), m Susanna Frisbie (1762-1841); 3-Truman (1795-1862), m Eunice Peet (1799-1828). 2-Son of Robert Barnes Bradley (1832-90), mer- chant, New Haven, Conn.; m 1857, Cornelia Minor (1835-1917); issue: I-Frederick Truman (above); II—Delia Barnes (1871-1902; m Charles W. Whittlesey); II1I—Cornelia Minor (6 1876). I-m June 15, 1887, Sarah Emily Mersick (1863-1906), dau. Edwin F. Mersick, of New Haven, Conn.; issue: 1-Seymour Mersick (qv for Dag- gett lineage); 2-Mildred, 6 New Haven, May 1, 1890; Vassar, ’11; m May 17, 1916, William Edwin Prindle (issue: William E., Jr., 6 1917; Sarah Emily, b 1919; Frances Bradley, 6 1921). M 2d, June 26, 1908, Mary English Mersick, } New Haven, Conn., May 6, 1867; dau. of Charles S. Mersick, of New Haven. Ph.B., Yale-S., ’83. Treas. The English & Mer- sick Co., mfrs. of. hardware. Clubs: Gradu- ates, Quinnipiac (New Haven), Yale, Univer- sity (New York). Summer place: Pine Or- chard, Conn. Residence: 651 Prospect St., New Haven, Conn. 1-BRADLEY, Seymour Mersick, } New Haven, Conn., Apr. 25, 1888. 10-John (Doggett) Daggett, from Eng. with Winthrop’s fleet, 1630, settled at Watertown, Mass.; 9-Thomas_ (1630-91), m Hannah Mayhew (Gov. Thomas") ; 8-John (1662-1724), began to write name Dag- gett; removed to Attleboro, Mass.; dep. Gen. Ct.; m Sarah Norton; 7—Ebenezer (1690-1740), m Mary Blackington; 6—-Naphtali, D.D. (1727-80), grad. Yale, 1748: 6th pres. (pro tem.), of Yale Coll., 1766-77; served in Am. Rev.; m Sarah Smith; 5—-Eizra (1765-1844), m Eunice Tuttle; 4-Sarah (1807-86), m John Charles Mersick (1804- 1887; Francis®, m Elizabeth Parks); 3-Edwin F. (1836-98), m Emily A. Cannon (Le Grand‘, m Mary E. Trowbridge). 2Son of Frederick Truman Bradley (qv for other lineages), m 1st, 1887, Sarah Emily Mer- sick (1863-1906). M June 19, 1918, Ruth Plumb Bostwick, } New Haven, Conn., Dec. 6, 1887; dau. of Leonard Bostwick, of New Haven, Conn.; issue (all } New Haven, Conn.): 1-Margaret Bostwick, }b Sept. 18, 1914; 2-Seymour Mersick, Jr., b Oct. 5, 1916; 3-Truman Leonard, b Sept. 14, 1919. Ph.B., Yale-S., 709; C.E., Columbia, 1912. Sec. and asst. treas. The English & Mersick Co., New Haven, Conn. Served in 10th F.A., Conn. N.G. on Mexican border, June-Oct. 1916: en- sign and lt. (j.g.), U.S.N.R.F., Mar. 23, 1917-1920. Mem. S.A.W., U.S. Naval Reserve Officers Assn. Clubs: Graduates (New Haven), Army and Navy (New York). Summer place: Pine Orchard, Conn. Residence: 230 Canner St., New Haven, Conn. 1-BRECKINRIDGE, Scott Dudley, 6 San Fran- cisco, Calif., May 23, 1882. 6—-Alexander Breckinridge (qv); 5-Lt. Robert (d 1772), Botetourt Co., Va.; m Leti- tia Preston (John*®, from Ireland to Augusta Co., Va., ca. 1739); 4-John (1760-1806), removed to Ky., 1793: was atty. gen. of Ky., 1795; U.S. senator, 1801-1805; Atty. Gen. of U.S., 1805-06, in Cabinet of President see act m Mary Hopkins Cabell (Col. Jo- seph’); 3—Rev. Robert Jefferson (1800-71), theologian and educator; m Ann Sophonisba Preston (Gen. Francis‘, vet. War of 1812, and desc. Gen. William Campbell, officer Am. Rev., m Eliza- beth Henry, sister of Patrick Henry). 2-Son of Joseph Cabell Breckinridge (1842-1920), maj. gen. U.S.A.; m 1868, Louise Ludlow Dud- ley (1849-1911). For issue and Dudley lineage see Henry Breckinridge, Vol. 1, p. 398. M Apr. 19, 1911, Gertrude Ashby Bayne, b Wash- ington, D.C., Oct. 21, 1883; dau. late Dr. John W. Bayne, m Mae Sue Ashby (See Vol. 1, p. 91); issue: 1-John Bayne, 6 Washington, D.C., Nov. 29, 1913; 2-Scott Dudley, Jr., b Washing- ton, Apr. 17, 1917; 83-Gertrude Bayne, b Lex- ington, Ky., Jan. 20, 1922. Lafayette Coll., 1 yr.; U:S.M.A., 3 yrs.; M.D., Georgetown, 1907. Physician, Lexington, Ky. Capt., M.C., May 1917; maj., Mar. 1918; 1t. col., Aug. 1918; col., Feb. 1919; c.o. Base Hosp. 69, in France, Sept. 1, 1918-June 15, 1919. F.A.C.S. Mem. S.C.W., S.R., M.O.W.W. Club: Univer- sity (Washington). Residence: 148 E. 4th St., Lexington, Ky. 1-BREMOND, Lulu Julia Ann Swart (Mrs. John), b Saugerties, N.Y., Apr. 12, 1860. 7-Adam Swart; 6—William; 5—Philip (6 ca. 1786), capt. Am. Rev.; mem. N.Y. Assembly, 1788-90, 92; m 1760, Maria Salaneia Van Sternburgh; tea (1763-1833), m 1799, Araantje Van Gaas- eeck; 3—-Washington (1805-34), m 1828, Adaliza Cockburn. 7-Col. Abram Van Gaasbeeck (1680-1759), rep. Co- lonial Assembly; lord of Foxhall Manor, N.Y.: co. judge; was bequeathed Foxhall Manor by Maj. Thomas Chambers, on condition that he assume the name Chambers, which he did; m 1708, Sarah Bayard (1683-1739; Petrus’, m Blandina, dau. of Dr. Hans Kiersted, m pea dau. of Roeloffse Jansen, m Anneke ans); 6-Thomas (1707-55), m 1732, Marguret Elmendorf; 5-Jacobus (1787-1825), officer Am. Rev.; m 1766, Debora Kiersted (1745-1886; dese. Dr. Hans Kiersted, from Saxony to New Amsterdam, 1638, and was the first physician there); 4-Araantje, m William Swart (4 above). 2-Dau. of Alexander Cockburn Swart (1832-79), farmer; m 1855, Julia Ann Wickes (1887-1914); issue: I-Edwin Wickes (b 1856); II—Adaliza Cockburn (d 1858); III—Lulu J. A. (above); IV— Caroline Belle (6 1862; m John Emory Meek). III-m Apr. 9, 1890, John Bremond (1840-June 12, 1918); of a French family, Paul and John Bre- mond to Texas from Phila., 1847; issue: 1— Howard Swart (Mar. 10, 1892-Jan. 3, 1919); Yale-S., 15; 2d 1t., C.A.C., and served with Co. A, 55th Ammunition Train, A.E.F., in France; m Apr. 30, 1918, Frances Topliff, dau. of John Gray, of Syracuse, N.Y. (issue: Howard Swart, July 29, 1919). Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R. Summer place: Bass Rocks, Mass. Winter place: 400 W. 7th St., Sede Tex. Residence: 15 Park Av., New ork. BREMOND, Marion, } Austin, Tex., Dec. 19, 1887, &-William Green (b 1716), m Rebecca Tucker; 7-Joel (1738-post 1790), capt. Am. Rev.; m 1761, Chloe Tucker (1740-post 1790); ede (1762-ca. 1850), m 1791, Mary Bogardus (b 5—-Catherine, m Dr. Paul Bremond; 4—John (1800-79), m 1838, Elisabeth— (1813-post 1879): ortyice ma nee m 1860, Harriet Robertson 9-Hon. John Carter (b Eng., 1620-d in Va., 1669). m 4th, Sarah Ludlow (d ca. 1668; Gabriel, of “Dinton’”’); 8-Col. Robert of “Corotoman” (1662-1732), known as King Carter, because of his vast posses- sions; m Betty Landon (1684-1719, Thomas Landon’), widow of Willis; 7-Col. Landon (6b 1713), of “Sabine Hall,” Rich- mond Co., Va.; m 2d, Maria Byrd (1727-44: Col. William’, m Maria Taylor; Col. William®, of “Westover,” pres. Council of Va., and re- peace gen., m Mary Horsmanden, of Royal de- scent); 6-Maria Byrd, m Robert Beverley (d 1800),. of “Blanfield,” Va. (Col. William’, m Elizabeth Bland; Robert’, m Ursula Bland; Maj. Robert?, from Eng. to Jamestown, Va., ca. 1660); — aa F FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 275 5-Jane Bradshaw, m Thomas Robertson; 4-Beverley, McK., m Mary Holt; 3—Harriet (1840-87), m 1860, John Bremond, Jr. (3 above). 2-Dau. of Randolph Bremond (1865-90), m 1885, Blanche Bannister (6 1866). Residence: 1143 Hinman Av., Evanston, Il. 1-BREVARD, Robert Joseph, } Charlotte, N.C., July 20, 1888. 6-Jean Brevard, Huguenot, from France and settled in Md. ca. 1685; 5-John (d 1790-aet. 75), removed to N.C. ca. 1740, m Jean McWhorter (d 1800, aet. 74); 4-Alexander (1755-1829), capt. N.C. troops and mem. Com. Safety in Am. Rev.; mem. Provin- cial Congress of N.C., 1776; an original mem. Soe. Cin.; m 1784, Rebecca Davidson (1762-1824) ; 3-Theodore Washington (1804-77), m 1831, Caro- line Mays (1811-92). 2-Son of Dr. Robert Joseph Brevard (1849-1906), physician; m 1880, Mary Stoney (1857-1920); is- sue: I-Caroline Mays (m Baxter Springs Moore); Il—Robert Joseph (above). II-Not married. V.M.I., 1902-06; U. Va., 1901- 1908; studied medicine; later at HEastman’s Bus. Coll., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Mem. Bennett & Brevard, real estate operators, Long Beach, Calif. Cadet, U.S. Air Service, May 27, 1918- Feb. 1, 1919. Mem: S.C. Clubs: University, RE Elks. Residence: Long Beach, alif. 1-BREWER, Harry Frank, May 2, 1886. 10—-George Soule (qv); TRaye (1632-1707), m Hester De La Noye (1638- 8—Moses (d 1751); 7-Barnabas (1705-80), m Jane Bradbury; 6—-John (1740-1810), m Elizabeth Mitchell (1747-94); 5—Rufus (1785-1867), m Susan Mitchell (1785-1853) ; 4—-Bliza Ann (1811-89), m Daniel Grant (1801-72); 3-Susan A. (1830-1919), m Daniel Brewer (1823-1901). Maternally, 4-Samuel Sawyer (1788-1864), of Lov- ell, Me.; m Relief Moores (1790-1869) ; ets M.D. (1810-61), m Abagail Frank (1824- 2-Son of Everard Carroll Brewer (1859-1925), pres. Brewer Dry Dock Co.; m 188, Olive Sawyer (6 1860); issue: I-Harry Frank (above); II- Helen G. (1891-92). I-—m Oct. 28, 1915, Florence Shreve, 6 Elizabeth, N.J., Aug. 15, 1891; dau. of Robert Shreve, of Elizabeth, N.J.; issue (all b Elizabeth, N.J.): 1—Helen Barbara, Bb May 10, 1917; 2—Olive Eliz- abeth (Sept. 10, 1918-Feb. 22, 1923); 3-Harry Frank, Jr., 0 Feb. 10, 1922; 4-Jean Soule, 6b June 12, 1923; 5-Nancy Jackson, b Apr. 8, 1924. Litt.B., Rutgers, ’08 (Chi Phi), A.M., 1911; LL.M., New York Law School, 1910. Treas. and gen. mgr. Brewer Dry Dock Co., Mariners Harbor, N.Y. Apptd. mem. N.J. State Sesqui Cen- tennial Commn., 1926, by Gov. Moore. Mem. Soe. Naval Architects and Marine Eners., S.M.D., Huguenot Soc. of N.J., S.R., S.A.R. (pres. N.J. soc.). Clubs: Lake Placid (N.Y.), Elmora Country, Yorktown Country. Resi- dence: 49 Summit Rd., Elizabeth, N.J. 1-BRINTON, Paul Henry Mallet-Prevost, b Richmond, Va., May 8, 1882. 8—-William Brinton (qv); 7-William (1666-1751), m 1690, Jane Thatcher (1670- 1755; Richard’, from Eng., 1685); 6—-Joseph (1692-1751), m 1711, Mary Pierce (b 1690; George’, from Eng., 1684); 5—Moses (1725-89), m 1747, Elinor Varman (1725-88; Hattill®, from Ireland, 1728); 4-William (1759-1842), m 1785, Lydia Ferree (1766- 10g} 8d from Madame Ferree, from France, 3—-Judge Ferree (1800-74), Lancaster, Pa.; m_1824, Elizabeth Sharpless (1801-44; 5th from John Sharpless, from Eng., 1682). ; 8—-Henri. Mallet (1660-1728), m 1688, Louise Flour- noy; 7~Jean Gabriel (1688-1752), m Jeanne Marguerite Masson; 6—Henri (1727-1811), m Jeanne Gabrielle Prevost: 5—-Paul Henri, called P. H. Mallet-Prevost (1750- 1835), came to U.S. at time of French Rev.: was judge of Circuit Ct, N.J.; founded be pak N.J.; m Jeanne Elisabeth Patry (b 1757); 4-Paul Henry (b 1783), m 1804, Emma Reading (6 1786; 4th from John Reading); b Portland, Me., 3—Paul Henry (b 1814), banker, Phila.; m Sophiah AS (5th from Richard Hough from Eng., 2-Son of Col. Joseph Painter Brinton (1835- 1915); 11.B:,) U. Pai, 1866; It: coly 2d) Pa. Vol. Cav. in Civil War; bvtd. brig. gen. U.S.V.; lawyer and ry. pres.; m 1877, Kate Mallet-Pre- vost (18438-1921); issue: I—Natalie Mallet-Pre- vost (b 1878; m Carroll Hodge); II-—Charles Chauncey (m Charlotte M. Windle); III—Paul Henry (above). IlI—m Oct. 24, 1907, Mary Adams, dau. of Robert James Rice, of Boyle Co., Ky. : Trinity Coll., ’04; Chemisches Laboratorium Fresenius, Wiesbaden, Germany, 1908-09; B.S., Ue Minne 212), SMS) 1913") PhD 1916 ee ASsst. prof. and prof. chemistry, U. Ariz., 1912-20; prof. analytical chemistry, U. Minn., 1921—. Capt., C.W.S., U.S.A., and was chief of re- search analytical unit, offense chem. research sect., U.S.A. (See Who’s Who in America). Clubs: Chemists (New York), Midland Hills Golf (Minneapolis). Residence: 1112 6th St. S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. ttre, Howard Crosby, b N.Y. City, Oct. 7-Bourgan Brokaw (qv); 6-Abraham (1684-1747), m Marritje Davids; 5—-Isaac (6b 1719), m Marritje-; 4-Isaac (1759-1838), m Maria Van Nortwick (1759- 1828) ; 3-Simeon (1792-1854), m Prudence Vail (1795-1889). 2-Son of Isaac Vail Brokaw (1835-1913), mcht., capitalist, philanthropist; m 1861, Eloise Elvira Gould (b 1840); issue: I-Gracie (d); II—Ernest (d); IlI-Frederick (d); IV-—Irving (6 1871; m Lucile Nave); V—Elvira (Mrs. William McNair, av for Gould lineage); VI—Howard Crosby (above); VII-—George Tuttle (qv for Farrand and Tuttle lineages). Vi-m Edna Goodley Loew, b Nanuet, N.Y., June 4, 1882; dau. of late Edward Victor Loew, of New York. A.B., Princeton, ’97. Entered Brokaw Brothers on graduating from Princeton and was pres., 1913-22, when retired. Mem. H.S., S.R. Clubs: University, Racquet and Tennis, Union, Pip- ing Rock, Tuxedo, National Golf, New York Yacht. Summer place: Brookville, L.I. Resi- dence: 984 5th Av., New York. 1-McNAIR, Elvira Brokaw (Mrs. William). 8-John Gould, from Eng., 1664, was at Eliz- abeth, N.J., 1690; m Sarah Axtell; 7-John, m Martha (widow of William Frazer); 6-John (b 1708), m Abigail Woodruff (Joseph’ [1676-1742], went to Westfield, N.J., 1699); 5—-Joseph (1737-1810), pvt. 2d Regt., Essex Co., N.J.; m Rebeccah Paxton (Daniel); 4—-Anthony (1774-1856), soldier War 1812; m Mary Sandford (sister of Judge Sandford, Paterson, INGa as 8-Joseph (1804-80), founder of Joseph Gould pone tea mchts., New York; m Eloise Elvira uttle. 2-Dau. of Eloise Elvira Gould (b 1840), m 1861, Isaac Vail Brokaw (1835-1913). For issue and other lineages see Howard Crosby Brokaw. M William McNair, b Oil City, Pa., Sept. 24, 1868; son of William McNair, of Oil City; issue: 1-Vera, b Dec. 3, 1899; m Apr. 20, 1919, Reginald L. Hutchinson; m 2d, Aug. 16, 1926, William S. Fairchild, of N.Y. City. Residence: 5 E. 79th St., New York. oat George Tuttle, b N.Y. City, Nov. 9-Nathaniel Farrand, from Eng., settled at Mil- ford, Conn., 1645; 8-Nathaniel, of Milford, Conn.; m Mary Cobb; 7-Judge Samuel (b 1681), settled at Newark, N.J.? m Hannah Wheeler; 6—-Ebenezer, m Rebecca Ward; 5—-Capt. Phinehas, m Jemima Kitchell; 4-Blizabeth, m James Tuttle; 8-Eloise Elvira, m Joseph Gould (1804-80). 10—William Tuttle (qv); 9-Joseph (1640-90), m Hannah Munson; 8—-Stephen (1673-1709), settled at Woodbridge, N.J.; m Ruth Higgins; 7-Timothy (1696-1754), m Cecilia (Moore); 6—Capt. Daniel (1725-1805), m Jemima Johnson; 6-Capt. Timothy (1748-1816), officer Am. Rev.; m Mary Ward; 4—James (1782-1844), m Elizabeth Farrand (4 above). 276 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 2-Son of Eloise Elvira Gould (6 1840), m 1861, Isaac Vail Brokaw (1835-1913). For issue and other lineages see Howard Crosby Brokaw. MW Aug. 10, 1928, Ann Clare Boothe; issue: 1—Ann Clare, b Aug. 22, 1924, A.B., Princeton, ’02; LL.B., New York Law Sch., 1910. Mem. law firm of Gulick & Brokaw, New York. Mem. S.N.S., H.S.A., H.S., S8.C.W., S.R., M.O.F.W. Clubs: University, Union League, Racquet and Tennis, Princeton (N.Y. City), Ivy, Nassau (Princeton, N.J.), Ever- glades (Fla.), Piping Rock, New York Yacht, Indian Harbor Yacht, Garden City Golf, Oak- land Golf, Nat. Town and Country, Rumson Country, Nassau Country, Sands Point Ca- sino. Summer place: “Beachmound,” New- port, R.I. Residence: 1 BE. 79th St., New York. BROWER De gueules & deux fourches de brasseur, dor, passées en sautoir, accompagué en chef d’une étoile du méme; au chef cousu dazur, chargé de trois colombes volantes mal-ordonnées d’argent. Devise: Vrij Vochten Nederlanat. 1-BROWER, A(bram) Vedder, b Utica, N.Y., Mar. 10, 1877. 8-Willem Hendrickse (Brouwer) Brower (d 1668), from Holland, settled at New Amsterdam, N.Y., before 1655, where he was land holder; removed to Beverwyck (Albany), N.Y., 1657; 7—Hendrick (d 1707), m 1692, Maria Pieterse Bors- boom (widow of Teunis Carstensen); 6—Pieter (1697-1758), pvt. in 2d Mil. Co. of Foot of Township of Schenectady, 1715; m 1741, Hel- ena Fonda (Jillis’, m Rachel, dau. of Maj. Pieter Winne); 5-Gillis (1747-1800), began to write name Brow- er; m 1770, Maria Bradt (Harmanus5, m Bliz- abeth van Dyck, dese. Capt. Hendrick van Dyck, came to New Amsterdam, 1640, and was apptd. atty. gen. of New Netherland, 1645): 4-Peter (1780-1852), ensign Albany Co. militia, 1805, 1t., 1807; m 1808, Ann Catherine Stevens; 3-Giles (1815-61), m 1833, Helena Vrooman (Ja- cob*; Jacob®, pvt. Am. Rev.; dese. Lt. Adam Vrooman, 1649-1730, hero of the Schenectady massacre of 1690). 8-Harman Albertse Vedder (d 1715), from Hol- land, a trader in Beverwyck (Albany), IN SY Es before 1657; magistrate of Schenectady, 1673; schout,. 1674; 7-Albert (1671-1753), prisoner of French and In- dians in Can., 1690, but later ransomed; m 1639, Maria Glen (Capt. Johannes S.8; Alex- ander L.®, Scotchman, received land grant at Ft. Nassau, 1651, and patent for lands nr. Schenectady, 1665, which he named Scotia); 6-Johannes (6 1702), m 1730, Maria Veeder; 5—Albert (1730-1805), m 1756, Hester van der Bogart (Frans®; desc. Surgeon Harmen Myndertse van der Bogart, 1612-48, from Holland, 1631, and was commissary at Ft. Orange); 4-Francis van der Bogart (1764-1811), m 1788, Helena Bancker (Capt. Thomas B.5, capt. N.Y. militia, 1776-77; Johannes®; Capt. Evert?, mayor of Albany; Hon. Gerrit); 8-Nicholas Francis (1804-73), m 1836, Cornelia Blandina Veeder (Capt. Gerrit S.4, capt. N.Y. militia, 1776, m Jane, dau. Hon. Matthew Ten Eyck). 2-Son of Dr. Abram Giles Brower (1840-1907), A.B., Union, ’59, M.D., Albany Med. Coll., 1861; m 1861, Jennie Helen Vedder (1840-1912) ; issue: I-Jennie Cornelia (1863-71); II-Helena Vedder (1866-72); IlI-—Jennie Florence (1875-1917; m James Pendle- ton Erskine); IV—Abram Vedder (above); V— teen Giles (1885-1918; m Sarah Mayrose Steb- ins), IV-—Not married. Harvard, ex-’00. Capt., Q.M. Corps, U.S.A., Sept. 28, 1918; served as asst. to depot q.m. at N.Y. City, in Office of Q.M. Gen., Washington, as asst. exec. officer of surplus property div., and as asst. to depot q.m. at Boston; capt., Q.M.C. (regular army), 1920, re- signed, Dec. 1, 1922; maj., O.R.C., Dec. 18, 1922. Mem. S.R., M.O.W.W., A.L. Clubs: Army and Navy (Washington), Harvard (New York), Ft. Schuyler (Utica). Residence: 306 Genesee St., Utica, N.Y. 1-BROOKS, William Frederick, } Battle Creek, Mich., Mar. 1, 1863. %Capt. Thomas Brooks (qv); &-Joshua (1630-97), Concord, Mass.; m 1653, Han- nah Mason (6 1636; Capt. Hugh®, av); 7—Daniel (1663-1733), m Anne Merriam (1669-1757) : 6—Dea. John (1701/02-1777), m ca. 1726, Lydia Barker (1711-1802) ; 5-Daniel (1738-1820), Acton, Mass.; soldier Arn. Rev.; m 1757, Caroline Prescott (1736-1806); 4—Job Frederick (1764-1822), 1t. col. militia, West Daten ee N.H.; m 1799, Polly Babcock (1770- 3-William (1806-80), m 1832, Louisa Ayer Swan (1812-94). 9%-Richard Swan (qv); 8-Robert (1628-98), in Great Swamp Fight; m Elizabeth Acie; 7-John (1668-1743), m Susannah (Eastman) Wood (1673-1772) ; 6-Timothy (0 1721), m Mary Smith (b 1726) ; seg a (d@ 1842, aet. 90), m Ruama Ayer (1755- 4—Joseph (b 1776), m Phoebe Robinson (1783-1854), desc. Rev. John Robinson and Gov. William Bradford, qv; 3-Louisa (b 1812), m 1832, William Brooks (3 above). 7-Miles Oakley (1615-98), mayor of Westchester, N.Y.; m Mary Wilmot; 6—John; 5—-Thomas, m Patience Cornell; 4-Samuel, m Sarah Wood; rea (d 1842), m Sophronia Wheeler (1811- 2-Son of Frederick William Brooks (1833-83), of Battle Creek, Mich.; m 1862, Annie Oakley (1843-1905); issue: I-William Frederick (above); II-Elizabeth P. (m Charles P. Williams); III- Anne O. (m Frederick S. Delafied). I-m Jan. 11, 1888, Caroline Bell Langdon, b Min- neapolis, Minn., June 30, 1866: dau. of Robert Bruce Langdon, ry. builder, and ViDo Me Stele. & S.S.M.Ry., of Minneapolis; issue: 1—Robert Langdon, b Dec. 15, 1889; Yale, ’14; m Oct. 27, 1915, Katherine Lawler, b Dec. 15, 1889, dau. of John Lawler, of St. Paul, Minn. (issue: Caro- line Langdon, 6 Aug. 4, 1916; Robert Langdon, Il, 6 Nov. 4, 1917; John Lawler, b Dec. Gr ots William Pennington, b Oct. 30, 1922), B.S., Worcester Poly. Inst. Mem. firm Backus- Brooks Co., lumber. Mem. Minn. Senate, 1919- 1927; chmn. Rep. Nat. Com. since June 1924, Clubs: Minneapolis, Minnekahda, Lafayette, Aero (pres.). Residence: 1928 Stevens AV., Minneapolis, Minn. 1-BROSSEAU, Grace Lincoln Hall (Mrs. Alfred J-), 6 Moline, Til. 8-Dea. John Hall (1617-92), from Eng. to Charles- town, Mass.; moved to Dover, IN.H., 1652; where he was a commr. and grand juror: 7—Ralph (d 1706), auditor, Dover, N.H.; m Mary Chesley; 6-Joseph (1706-82), m Peniel Dean; 5-Joseph (1788-post 1790); i 4—Rev. Elias (1777-1851), m Hannah Tina; 3—Ivory (1801-83), m Louise Marie Thompson. 10-John Peabody (d 1667), from Eng. to Plym- outh, Mass., 1636; 9-Lt. Francis (qv), m 2d, Mary (Foster) Wood (1618-1705; Reginald Foster?, qv); 8-Capt. John (ca, 1642-1720), dep. from Boxford, Mass., to Gen. Ct.; m 1665, Hannah Andrews (1642-1720; Robert®, m Grace-): : 7-Ens. David (1678-1726), m Sarah Pope (1685-1756; Capt. Seth® [1648-1727], a propr. of Dartmouth, FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 277 N.H.; Thomas? [1608-83], m 2d, Sarah, dau. of John Jenney); 6—-Sarah (1709-98), m 1730, Daniel Wood (1705-46; Dr. David? [1677-1744]; Dea. Daniel’, Boxford, Mass., 1675, m Sarah Andrews); 5-Maj. Daniel (1739-1819), Am. Rev.; m 2d, Mary (Plummer) Roberts Philpot (1739-1825; Daniel Plummer® [1699-1741], in expdn. against Cape Breton; Jonathan? [1668-1726], m Sarah, dau. of John Pearson); 4—-Knoch (1774-1856), m 1795, Dorothy Heard (1777- 1837; Lt. Jethro® [1740-1815], Am. Rev.; uel® [b 1723], mem. Com. Safety; Samuel? [1708-50], at capture of Louisburg; Lt. Tris- tram’ [Hurd]; Capt. John’); 38-Sarah (1800-88), m 1824, Phineas Pray (1795- 1859; Joseph‘ [1766-1840]; Capt. Joseph® [1739- 1803], m Mary Libby). 2—-Dau. of Joseph Hall (1830-1907), m Mary Olivia Pray (1832-1910); issue: I-Frank Pray (d 1916; m Anne Seifert, d 1922); II-Grace Lincoln (above). II-m Dec. 20, 1899, Alfred Joseph Brosseau, 0 Bourbonnais, Tit, IDEGE ES, a Ls09s) » Drees: Mack Trucks, Inc., New York. Mem. DE.P.A., CAD EXViLT ee Cre Ds Cawis >. agbt. (state sec. of Mich., 1915- 17; nat. chmn. of transportation, 1921-23; nat. chmn. of Ellis Island, 1921-26; treas. gen., 1923-26; elected pres. gen., Apr. 1926), Nat. Soc. Patriotic Women of America, League Am. Pen Women, A.R.C., Conn. Humane Soc., Nat. Arts Club, Women’s Nat. Rep. Club, Women’s Club of Greenwich, etc. Residences: Harbor Rd., Belle Haven, Greenwich, Conn., and 277 Park Av., New York. Sete hak f dae ow Smith, II, 6 Obion Co., Tenn., ‘eb, 18, 1866. j7-Abraham Venable (qv); 6-Abraham (1700-68), burgess, Prince Edward Co., Va.; m 1723/24, Martha Davis (1702-65; Nathaniel’, of Hanover Co., Va.); 5—Charles, capt. Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Smith (Robert®, founder of Port Royal, Va.; Maj. Lawrence’, mem. Council of Va.) 4-Martha, m James Brown (d 1829), us Charlotte Cos Va; soldier Am. Rev.; 3-Charles V. (1790-1838), of Maury Co., Tenn.; m 3 tee? Elizabeth Akers. —Son of Calvin Smith Brown (1826-1912), agricul- Beriae of Obion Co., Tenn.; m 1856, Margaret Angeline Martin (1834-76); issue: I-Mary E. (0 1857); II—Nannie B. (1860-1910; m Thomas Alex- ander Smith); I1I—William M. (1861-97; m Anna May Boyle); IV—Charles C. (1863- 1923; m ist, Dono E. Miller; m 2d, Ellen McCorkle Walker): : V—Calvin Smith, II (above); ViI-—Robert Lee (b 1869; m Ella May ’Starett; Vil—Margaret Angela (Mrs. D. Anderson Dean, qv); VIII—Ruth Emma (b 1875; m John A. Hutchison, 1865-1925). V-—m Sept. 7, 1905, Maud Morrow (qv); issue: 1— Edith Morrow, b Lanett, Ala., June 3, 1906; B.A., U. Miss., ’25; 2—Robert Venable, b Oxford, Miss., Oct. 3, 1907: 3—Calvin Smith, III, 0} Uni- versity, Miss., Sept. 27, 1909; 4—Margaret An- geline, b University, Jan. 22, 1915. B.S., Vanderbilt, ’88, M.S., 1891, D.Sc., 1892; Ph.D., Uy Colo., 1899; studied at univs. of Paris and Leipzig; also in Italy, Spain and Greece; Phi Beta Kappa. In university work since 1889; at U. of Miss. since 1905, prof. of modern lan- guages. Archaeologist; editor; author (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: Univer- sity, Miss. 1-BROWN, (Ida) Maud Morrow (Mrs. Calvin §., II), 0 Brazil, Tenn., Apr. 13, 1877. 5—-Samuel Morrow (d post 1818), soldier Am. Rev.; m Jane (Peden) Morton (John Peden’, from Ireland, settled at Spartanburg, S.C., ca. 1768- 1770, soldier Am. Rev., m Margaret McDill); 4—Robert (d post 1818), m 1798, Rosa Dorough; 3—Robert (b 1779), m 1826, Jean Dunsmore (James, Am. Rev.). 2-Dau. of Rev. Robert (Orlando) Baxter Morrow (1846-1918), Presbyn. minister; m 1876, Rosa Belle Agnes Howell (b 1856); issue: I-Ida Maud (above); II—Mary Frank (b 1879); III—Robert Prosser, M.D. (m Mary McConnell); I1V—Rosa Drennan (b 1883); V—Annie Louise (b 1885; m Robert Madison Croft); VI-—Mabel Claire (6 1888; m Habersham King); Vil-—Margaret Mer- riam (b 1889; m Charles MeMurry); VIII-Wil- liam Howell (b 1892; m Annie Laurie Neville): te tate (d in infancy); X-—Ethel Dinsmore (0 Sam-. I-m Sit 7, 1905, Calvin Smith Brown, II (qv for issue). A.B., U. Miss., 797, A.M., 1902. Was prof. Latin and Greek, Agnes Scott Coll., 1898-1905. Mem. D.A.R. Residence: Campus, University, Miss. 1-DEAN, Margaret Angela Brown (Mrs. D. Anderson), ) Glass, Tenn., Dec. 26, 1872. 6—Robert Akers (b in N.J., 1703), m Sarah— (6 1706); 5-William (1730-1810), of Campbell Co., Va.; m Elizabeth Martye (or Marte); 4—Peter (1756-1834), soldier Am. Rev.; Maury Co., Tenn., ca. 1816; way; 3- Elizabeth (1793-1848), m Charles Venable Brown (1790-1838). Maternally, 4-Zachariah Martin (b 1779); 3—Caswell Cobb (1807-57), m Mary Galloway, of Columbia, Tenn. 2-—Dau. of Calvin Smith Brown (1826-1912), agri- culturist; m 1856, Margaret Angeline Martin (1834-76). For issue and Venable lineage see Calvin Smith Brown, II. M Oct. 2, 1895, Daniel Anderson Dean, 6 Pleasant- ville, Tenn., Dec. 8, 1866; son of Lucius S. Dean (1837-95), of Hickman Co., Tenn. (Daniel®, m Fitzellen Herod), m Harriet Amanda Whitwell (1839-97; John A.®, m Susan Graham); issue (all 6 Obion Co., Tenn.): 1-Tressa Whitwell, 6 July 20, 1897; m Aug. 7, 1918, Henry Waters, of Lebanon, Tenn.; 2—Calvin Brown, b Mar. 20, 1899; 3-William Anderson, 6 June 9, 1902; m May 31, 1921, Mary Emma Wolcott, of Winchester, Ky.; 4Margaret Virginia, b Nov. 7, 1913. Residence: Obion, Tenn. 1-BROWN, Charles Henry, 0 Newtonville, N.Y., Dec. 238, 1875. 8-Peter Brown, Compact (qv); 7—Peter (d 1690), removed from Duxbury, Mass., ie beara Conn.; m 1658, Mary Gillette (Jona- an 6—Jonathan (1670-1747), m 1696, Mindwell Loomis (b 1673; Nathaniel’, m Elizabeth, dau. of Dea. John Moore; Joseph8, qv); 5—David (b 1709), m 1732, Isabel Barnet; 4—David (b 1746); 8-—David Dan (1796-1882), Am. Rev.; m 1816, Ruth Palmer (1800-71; Gideon’, m 1st, Hannah T. Col- lins; Jonathan’, Am. Rev.; Jonathan®; James’; Williams; William’, qv). 9—-Jonathan Gillette (qv); 8—Ann (1639-1711), m 1663, Samuel Filley (1643-1711/12; William®, m Margaret-—); 7-Josiah (1676-1750), m 1708, Hester Eggleston (0 1682; John’, m Esther Mills; James®; Begat?*); 6—William (1709-56), of Jannington, Conn.; m 1730, Abiah Millington (1711-84; Henry’; John’); 5—Abiah (1742-84), m Adam Mott (1735-1811; Adam‘, m Elizabeth Co ok); 4—Abiah (1780-1862), m 1797, Jeremiah Vallette (1764- 1848; Jeremiah®, m Ann, dau. of John Bissell); 3-Sarah Ann (1814- 1901), m 1887, Rev. Samuel W. ae (6 Oldham, Eng.-d Mt. Vernon, N.Y., 2-Son of Rev. James Harvey Brown (1836-1906), m 1866, Mary Emeline Smith (1838-1926); issue: I— Fannie Theodora (now Sister Mary Theodora, Convent of St. Mary’s, Peekskill, N.Y.); II- Emily Frances; Il1I-Mary Louise; IV—Charles Harvey (above); V—Arthur Leonard (m 1913, Irene Leach). IV-—m Jan. 16, 1909, Julia Wright Heath, b Benton Harbor, Mich., July 19, 1880; dau. of Howard F. Heath; issue: 1-Robert Heath, 6 Brooklyn, IN ss Jan. 23, 1911; 2-Charles Howard, b Brook- lyn, Apr. 4, 1913. B.A., Wesleyan, ’97 (Delta Tau Delta), M.A., 1899; N.Y. State Library School, 1899-1901. Asst. in Library of Congress, 1901-03; reference libra- rian, John Crerar Library, Chicago, 1903-09; asst. librarian, Brooklyn Public Library, 1909- 1919; library specialist, U.S. Navy, 1919-22; libra- rian, Ta. State Coll., 1922—. Residence: 317 Lynn Av., Ames, Ia. 1-BROWN, Fanny Pomeroy, 6 Wrentham, Mass., Jan. 4, 1859. 9-Elder Chad Brown (qv); 8—Jeremiah (d 1690), m Mary-; 7—-Daniel, m Frances Watson; 6—-Benjamin (1708-82), m 1730, Abigail Maccoon; 5—Jesse, m Mary Palmer (Nathaniel®’, responded at Lexington Alarm, m Mary Cheesebrough); 4-Jesse, m Sarah Adams (Nathaniel5, soldier Am. went to m Martha Hara- 30d signer of the Mayflower 278 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Rev., m Elizabeth, dau. James Comstock, sol- dier Am. Rev.); 38-Benjamin, m Mary Ann Middleton. ll—Elder William Brewster (qv); 10-Jonathan, m Lucretia Oldham; ‘ 9-Ruth (1631-77), m 1651, John Pickett (i 1667); 8—-Mary (1660-1734/35), m Benjamin Shapley (1645- 1706; Nicholas’); ; 7-Daniel (1689/90-1719), m 1717, Abigail Pierson (b 1696; Rev. Abraham’, rector of Yale Coll.); 6—Ruth, m 1751, Ichabod Rogers (1727-67; also desc. Elder William Brewster); 5-Ichabod (d 1821), Am. Rev.; m 1778, Mary Hall (1753-1828) ; 4—Mary (1784-1857), m 1800, Nathaniel Middleton (b 1773; William’, soldier Am. Rev., m Abigail Hancock); 3-Mary Ann, m Benjamin Brown (3 above). 7-John Whittlesey (1623-1704), m Ruth Dudley;. 6—Eliphalet (1679-1737), m Mary Pratt; - 5-Eliphalet (1714-86), m Dorothy Kellogg; 4—David (1750-1825), turned out at alarms in Am. Rev.; m Martha Pomeroy (Quartus®; Seth®, maj. gen. militia); 3-David ‘Chester (1803-83), m Mary Cogswell (Stephen4, m Anna, dau. of Isaac Camp, soldier Am. Rev.; William®, capt. militia, m Anna Whittlesey). { 2-Dau. of Orlando Brown (b 1827), physician; bvtd. brig. gen. in Civil War; m Martha Pomeroy Whittlesey (b 1827); issue: I-Fanny Pomeroy (above); II-Mary Whittlesey (d 1910; m John Russell Perkins); III—D(avid) Chester (m Catharine Bess Cobden). Librarian. Mem. S.M.D., D.F.P.A., D.A.R. Sum- mer place: Deer Isle, Me. Residence: Wash- ington, Conn. 1-BROWN, L(aurence) Lindsey, } Fall River, Mass., Oct. 27, 1888. 1i—John Brown (d 1662); 10—John (d 1662); 9-John (d 1710); 8-John (6 1675); 7—Jeremiah (1711-76); 6—Jarvis (1733-1809) ; 5—-Seth (d 1816), m Susanna Gardner; 4-Samuel (1792-1846), m Sarah Luther: 3-Samuel Mason (1825-94), m Sarah Hannah Pit- man (Josiah‘; Samuel, m Sarah Howland, desc. John Howland, qv). 9-Christopher Lindsey, from Scotland, 1630, set- tled at Salem, Mass., later at Lynn; 8—John, m Mary Alley; 7-John, m Elizabeth Monroe; 6—-William, m Mary Wardwell; 5-William, m Catherine Woodbury; 4-Jonathan, m Hannah Esterbrook; 3—Nathaniel (d 1888), m Sarah Harlow (Ephraim4, m Elizabeth Shaw, dese. John Alden, qv). 2-Only child of George Pitman Brown (1851-1920), m 1887, Edna Lindsey (b 1850). M Dec. 28, 1920, Dorothy Ketchum, dau. of Archer Clifton Puddington, of St. John, N.B.; issue: 1—Margaret Puddington, b Nov. 8, 1923; 2-Sarah Lindsey, 6 Dec. 7, 1924. A.B., Harvard, ’10, A.M., 1911. Librarian, Silas Bronson Library, Waterbury, Conn. Mem. A.L.A. Clubs: Harvard (New York), Graduates (New Haven). Address: Waterbury, Conn. 1-BROWN, Lucius Polk, } Maury Co., Tenn., Aug. 1, 1867, 5-Rev. John Brown, grad. Princeton, 1749; went to Augusta Co., Va.; educator; m Margaret Preston (among their sons were John and James, both U.S. senators); 4—Dr. Samuel (b 1769), physician, Lexington, Ky.; with Dr. Ephriam McDowell was founder of the medical dept. of Transylvania U.; m Cath- erine Percy; 3-James Percy (1812-44), m Lizinka Campbell. 7-Maj. James Stoddert, from Scotland ca. 1675, and settled in Md.; 6-Capt. Thomas, killed at Braddock’s defeat: 5-Benjamin (1751-1813), maj. in Am. Rev.; first Sec. of the Navy, 1798-1801, in Cabinet of Presi- dent Washington; m 1781, Rebecca Lowndes: 4-Harriott (1789-1849), m George Washington Campbell (1768-1848), A.B., Princeton, 1794: mem. 8th, 3th and 10th Congresses, 1803-09; U.S. dist. judge; U.S. senator from Tenn., 1811-14 and 1815-18; Sec. of the Treas., 1814-15, in Cabinet of Pp en Madison; first minister to Russia, eanorod (1820-72), m 1st, James Percy Brown (3 above). 8-Robert Bruce (Pollock) Polk (qv); 7-John, m Joanna Knox; 6—-William, m Priscilla Roberts; 5-Thomas (ca, 1724-1794), of Mecklenburg Co., N.C.; a framer of the Mecklenburg Declara- tion of Independence; brig. gen. in Am. Rev.; m Susan Spratt (Thomas‘); 4—William (1758-1834), 1t. col. Am. Rev.; mem. N.C. Gen. Assembly; brig. gen. U.S.A.; m 2d, Sarah Hawkins (Philemon®), among their sons was Leonidas, 1806-64, U.S.M.A., 1827, Ist P.B, bishop of La., lt. gen. C.S.A.; 3-Lucius Junius (1802-70), planter; m 1832, Mary Ann Hastin. 2-Son of Maj. Campbell Brown (1840-93), maj. C.S.A., 1861-65; farmer and livestock breeder; m 1866, Susan Rebecca Polk (1847-1922); issue: I— Lucius Polk (above); II—Richard Ewell (1870- 1919; m Marion Lee); Il1I-George Campbell (1871- 1912); IV—Percy (b 1874; m Gertrude Plunkett); V—Lizinka Campbell (1874-99). I-m Jan. 30, 1895, Jessie Roberts (1872-Aug. 30, 1897); dau. of Albert Roberts; issue: 1—Camp- bell Huxley, b Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 25, 1896; V.M, 1501917; 02d (1t., Vist) lt. rand capt., Marine Corps, A.E.F., World War; m Aug. 13, 1921, Mary, dau. of Samuel R. Sanford. M 2d, Dec. 12, 1903, Susan Catherine Massie (av); issue: 1-Susan Massie, b Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 11, 1906; Peabody Coll., ’27; 2-Lizinka Campbell, b Franklin, Tenn., Sept. 2, 1908; 3—-Lucia Cabell, 6 Franklin, Oct. 28, 1910. Grad. in chemistry and geology, U. Va., ’89 (Beta Theta Pi, Phi Beta Kappa). Farmer and chem- ist. Food and drugs commr. of Tenn., 1908-15; dir. Bur. of Food and Drugs of N.Y. City Health Dept., 1915-20. Capt., Sanitary Corps, U.S.A., World War. Hobby: Interrelations of heredity and environment in man and animals, epee peace “Ewell Farm,” Spring Hill, Maury o., Tenn. 1-BROWN, Susan Catherine Massie (Mrs. Lucius P.), b Lynchburg, Va., Sept. 10, 1872, 6-Capt. Thomas Massie (d ca. 1731/32; probably son of Peter, whose name first appears as a resident of New Kent Co., Va., ca. 1680), bur- gess from New Kent Co., 1723-26; m Mary Wal- ker (d 1740); 5-Capt. William (1718-will dated 1749), burgess; m Lacy Macon (1722-59; William*®; Gideon’); 4—Maj. Thomas (1747-1834), officer Am. Rev.; m Sarah Cocke (1760-1838; Col. Bowler®; Bowler’; Richard’; Richard’; Lt. Col. Richard®); 3—Dr. Thomas (1783-1864), m 1826, Sarah Carrington Cabell (1795-1831; William#; William’; William!®). 6-William Withers, came to Fauquier CosmVas ante 1755, and settled on lands which had come down to him from his g.g.father Thomas Withers; 5-Thomas; 4-Fnoch Keane, officer Am. Rev.; m Janet Chinn (Thomas’, m Janet Scott [Walter?; Walter’; Walter’, first Laird of Raeburn; Sir William!®; William”; Walter]); 38—Robert Walter (1795-1880), m Susan Dabney Alexander (Robert4, m Ann, dau. of Capt. Wil- liam Austin; Robert’, from Ireland, 1736). 2-Dau. of Patrick Cabell Massie (1829-77), m 1857, Susan Catherine Withers (1832-1903), M Dec. 12, 1903, Lucius Polk Brown (qv for issue). perce: “Hwell Farm,” Spring Hill, Maury o., Tenn, 1-BRYAN, Frederick Carlos, b Cleveland, O., July 16, 1858. 8-Alexander Bryan (b 1602), from Eng. to Mil- ford, Conn., ca. 1639; gov.’s asst.; m Ann Bald- win; 7-Richard (1632-89), King Philip’s War, m 3d, Mary Paintree;: 6—Richard (1666-1734), justice of peace; town clerk, Milford; m Sarah Platt; 5-Richard (1699-1767), m Mehitable Clarke: 4-Col. Richard (1721-76), officer French and Indian War; m Sarah Fowler; 3-Elijah (1760-1844), given badge of merit for 6 years’ service in Am. Rev.; m Content Fowler. 8-Thomas Barnum (1625-1695): one of eight found- ers of Danbury, Conn., 1685: 7-Thomas (1663-1730), m Sarah Beardsley; 6—-Thomas (1696-1762), m Deborah-—; 5-Eliphalet (1729-68), m Blizabeth Benedict: Su phaiee (1750-1803), Am. Rev.; m Mary Bene- ict; FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 279 3-Eli Starr (1783-1862), m Mary Root. 2-Son of Judge Constant Bryan (1809-86), probate judge, lawyer, lecturer; m 1854, Susan Louise Barnum (1829-1922) ; gee Carlos (above); II-Isaac Jennings (b I—m June 18, 1898, Sheree Conger, b Boston, O., Sept. 26, 1870; ’D.A.R.; dau. of Sidney Potter Conger, m Rose Mellwain, of Boston, Summit Co., O.; issue (all b Washington, D.C): 1— Blanche Louise, b Oct. 12, 1899; U. Mich., ’21; 2— Frederick Conger, b Feb. 12, 1901; Dartmouth, 728; 3-Robert Conger, D June 23, 1907. B.A., Western Reserve, ’78 (D.K.E.); LL.B., Cin- cinnati Law School, 1881; LL.M., George Wash- ington, 1903, D.C.L., 1905. Lawyer; v.p. North- west Savings Bank, etc. (See Who’s Who in America). Maj., 8th Ohio Inf., Spanish-Am. War; judge adv. ,and lt. col., Ohio N.G., re- tired after 30 yrs.’ service. Mem. S.C.W. (dep. gov. gen.), S.A.R. (past pres. D.C. Soc.), Soc. of the Army of Santiago de Cuba, Mil. Service Instn. Clubs: University, Washington Golf and Country. Residence: 1821 Adams Mill Road, Washington, D.C. toh ked toeere Albert, 0 Brooklyn, N.Y., July 26, 9-George Bunker (son of William, a Huguenot, who went from France to Eng.), from Eng., 1634, and settled at Ipswich, Mass.; an original settler of Topsfield; m Jane Godfrey; 8-William (1648-1729), m 1669, Mary Macy; 7—Benjamin (1683- 1721), m Deborah Paddock; 6—Thomas (1719-85), commanded the ‘Bedford,’ 1772, which hoisted the first flag of U.S. in Eng., 1783; m Ann Swain; 5-Richard (1746- 88), of Nantucket, Mass.; m Eunice Mitchell; 4-Richard, m Lois Cartwright; 3-Thomas Gorham (0 1793), m Sarah Raymond. 2-Son of Thomas Raymond Bunker (b 1820), m Emeline Birkbeck; issue: I-George Raymond (b 1845; m Katharine Uhler; m 2d, Jean Pol- hemus Cobb); II—Josephine (b 1847; m Edward D. Cooke); I1I—Sarah (b 1850; m Peter McCoy); IV-Albert. (above); V—Grace (b 1857; m Louis D. Bergh); Vi—Florence (b 1859; m Samuel R. Wil- Sete ViI-Emma Louise (b 1866; m Harry L. tone IV—m Oct. 8, 1884, Kate Knapp McElroy, 6 Brook- Lyi Niny es "Apr. 18, 1865; dau. of Samuel McElroy, CoE; built first city water works at Brooklyn; issue: 1-Katharine May, 0 Brooklyn, July 19, 1885; Vassar, ’07; m Apr. 12, 1912, Ernest T. Bower (issue: Ruth IDES Albert B.; Robert; Jocelyn); 2—-George Haring, b Brooklyn, Feb. 27, 1887; Ph.B., Yale-S., ’08; Ist lt. and capt., Ord- nance Corps, Uz. S.A.; with 20g At Cri Alsace- Lorraine, 1917-18; m Feb. 22, 1922, Katharine L., dau. of Edward Li Stevenson, of Yonkers, N. Y. (issue: Joanne); 3-Margaret, b Brooklyn, Apr. 6, 1889; Westover, 709; m Oct. 15, 1912, Archibald ron Doty (issue: Margaret; Archibald); 4-EFliza- beth, b Yonkers, N.Y., July 29, 1900; Halsted and Miss Spence’s schools; m Oct. 13; 1921, Rob- ert C. Flack (issue: Anthony Hurlbutt). Ed. Poly. Inst. of Brooklyn. V.p. Najaido Sugar Co. Mem. O.F.P.A. Clubs: Transportation (N.Y. City), Hudson River Golf. Residence: 97 Hudson Terrace, Yonkers, N.Y. hdad ap chet by hil pe ot Arthur, 6 Warwick, Can., Cts 6; x 9-Thomas (Birch) Burch (d 1657), from Eng. to Dorchester, Mass., ca. 1637; 8—Jeremiah, removed to Stonington, Conn., 1670; 7—-Jonathan (6b ca. 1675), m 1706, Marcy Rathbun; 6—Jonathan (b 1707), m 1735, Mary Rathbun; 5—-Jonathan (b 1740), began to write name Burtch: founder of Hartford, Vt.; soldier Am. Rev.; m 1765, Eunice-}; 4-Jonathan (1766-1838), War 1812; m 1786, Sally Hosford (1766-1845) ; 8-Powell G., War 1812; m Lovina Yale Palmer. 2—Son of Rev. Oliver Edson Burch, Meth. min- ister in Can. and IIll.; m Sarah Jane Wright; issue: eece. (d); II—-William A. (above); III-— Mary V. (m C. A. Evans); IV—Hattie M.; V— Henry W.; VI-Carrie G. (m Elmer Weckerly). II-m Sept. 15, 1892, Dora M. Bovee, b Chicago; dau. of Haisey Bovee, of Chicago; issue: 1— Arthur Courtenay, b Chicago, June 19, 1893; Northwestern U., 715; was one of the six col- lege men apptd. by U.S. Bur. Edn. to repre- sent American colleges at the 4th Students’ Internat. Congress, at Santiago, Chile, 1914. Ph.B., Northwestern, ’90 (Delta U.). Ordained M.E. minister, 1886, and in active pastorates until 1900; financial sec., Northwestern U., 1900- 1902; now in real estate business. Residence: 1601 San Pasqual St., Pasadena, Calif. 1-BURGAMY, Alma Gibson, 6) Hickory Grove, Lowndes Co., Ala. 9-Capt. Thomas Purefoy (ca. 1578-ca. 1652-55; son of Humphrie, g.son of Sir Nicholas Purefoy, of royal descent), came to America in “The George,” 1621; settled in Elizabeth City Co., Va.; m 1620, Lucy Ransom (1598-1657-60) ; 8-Thomas (1621-ca. 1675), justice of Elizabeth City Co.; his widow m Maj. Matthew Warkelin; 7—-Nicholas (ca. 1661-ca. 1750), Craven Co., N.C.; m ca. 1700, Judith Searles (ca. 1680-ca. 1768), from Wales; 6—Rev. Nicholas (ca. 1701-ca. 1788), Bapt. minister; m ca. 1736; 5-Thomas (1741- 1802), m 1768, Sally— (1749-1807) ; 4—-William (1781-1829), m 1800, Mary Frances Wil- liams (1782-1838) ; 3-Martha LeNee (1814- 57), m 1830, John Burgamy (See Vol. 1, 518, for Burgamy lineage). 7-—William Whitfiela (1688-ca. 1770), from Eng. in his own ship, ‘‘The Providence,” in early part of 18th Century, and settled in Nansemond, Va.; settled finally in Lenoir Co., N.C.; m 17138, Elizabeth Goodman (ca, 1697-1778), of Gates Co., IN; Ce$ 6—William (1715-95), mem. N.C. Assembly; justice; mem. Gov.’s Council; m 1741, Rachel Bryan (1723-80) ; | types (1763-84), m 1782, Judge Kedar Bryan (See ol. 1, p. 518, for Bryan lineage); Rachel (1783- 1842), m Judge Gibson Sloan (1775- 3-Rachel (1809-65), m 1838, Rev. John Avarette Fonville. 10-Henry Sloan, of James City Co., Va.; mem. and speaker Va. House of Burgesses; 9-William, of Henrico Co., Va.; burgess; 8—(blank) ; 7—Caleb (ca. 1671l-ca. 1751), of N.C.; m ca. 1691, Nancy Jane— (ca. 1675-ca. 1759); 6—Joe (ca. 1700-ca. 1780), m ca. 1720, Margaret— (ca. 1702-ca. 1771); 5—-David (1728-1806), mem. Mecklenburg Co., N.C., militia, 1775-85; m 1759, Margaret Jones (1743- reat eo of New Hanover Co., N.C., m Mary nnie— 4-Judge Gibson (1775-1834), m Rachel Bryan (4 above). 7—-John (Fonvielle) Fonville (ca. 1687-1741), Hugue- not, removed from Va. to nr. Newbern, INGOs m ca. 1714; 6—John (1715-73), mem. Colonial Assembly of N.C.; m 1st, 1738, Elizabeth Brice (1718-42; William’, of Chowan Co., N.C., m Ann-); 5—Frederick (1740-ca. 1770-73), m ca. 1765; 4-Rev. Frederick (1770-1835), m 2d, 1798, Everett (1775-1816) ; 38-Rev. John Avarette (1809-70), began to write name Fonville; m 1833, Rachel Sloan (3 above). 2-Dau. of Tillman Peurifoy Burgamy, M.D. (1833- 1891), physician and surgeon, Birmingham, Ala.; m 1862, Sarah Medora Fonville (1844-1924); issue: I-Elia Peurifoy (1863-94; m Martin Cas- sity Reynolds); II—Alma Gibson (above); III— Zuleika Theodosia (m John F. Gillespie); IV— Lillian Avarette (m William M. Goldsmith); V-—Martha Edlena (b 1872; m Dr. Jefferson D. baila ViI-Fannie May (m John Walker Pat- on). 2-Ed. pvtly., public schools, and Birmingham Female Coll. Teacher of mentally defective children; music teacher. Mem. C.D.A., Scions of Colonial Cavaliers, First Families of Va., D.A.R., U.S.D.1812, U.D.C., Huguenot Soc. of SCe Residence: 3087 Highland Av., Birming- ham, Ala. 1-—BURNETT, Eugenia Whyte Griffin (Mrs. Charles R.), b Salem, Va., Apr. 10, 1889. 4—-Dr. Samuel Griffin (1762- 1812), A.B., Yale, 1784; removed from N.H. to Va. ca. 1786: m Char- lotte Hook; 8—Dr. John Hook (1802-78), physician, Roanoke Co., Va.; U. Pa.; m Sarah Jane McClanahan. 7-Augustine Leftwich (desc. de Leftwich family of Leftwich Manor, Cheshire, Eng.), of ‘‘Left- wich Hall,’”’ Bedford Co., Va.; m Elizabeth Stovall; 6—Col. William, col. militia and furnished sup- plies in Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Haynes; Mary 280 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 5-Mary, m William Walton; 4-Lucy, m John McClanahan; 3-Sarah Jane (1812-1903), m John H. Griffin (3 above). 2-Dau. of Judge Wingfield Griffin (b 1846), of Salem, Va.; m 1879, Claudine Booker (b 1857); issue: I-—John H. (1882-1883); IlI—Ernestine () and d 1886); Il1I-Eugenia Whyte (above); IV— Claudine (b 1891); V-James Booker (6 1893); VI- Thomas Dillard (6 1896). III-—m Oct. 10, 1917, Charles Ryland Burnett (See Vol. 1, p. 526, for genealogy); issue (all b Rich- mond Va.): 1-Charles Ryland, Jr., 6 Oct. 7, 1918; 2-EKugenia Griffin, 6 Jan. 2, 1921; 3—Judith Cary, b Apr. 25, 1925. ; Residence: 5906 Three Chopt Road, Richmond, Va. WHITMORE 1-BUTCHER, Mary Whitmore Peck (Mrs. Thomas W.), b Orange, N.J., Sept. 22, 1872. 9-William Peck (1601-94), from Eng., 1637; a founder of New Haven Colony, 1638; m 1622, Elizabeth— (d 1683); Se hae peer (1623-99), m 1656, Johanna Kitchell (d 1711); 7-Samuel (1659-1746), m 1686, Ruth Ferris (1662-1745) ; 6—Jeremiah (1690-1765), m Mary Johnson (1699-1763) ; 5-Isaac (1745-1827), Am. Rev.; m 1784, Elizabeth Forman (1757-1844); 4-Stephen (1792-1820), m Catherine Barclay Walter (1796-1877) ; 3-Charles H. (1817-99), m 1840, Rebecca Adams (1821-1909). 10-Elder William Brewster (qv): SMe, 1650), m 1684, Sarah Collier (d 1676; Wil- iam?®) ; see han (1645-1723), m 1672, Lydia Partridge 7T-Sarah (b 1674), m 1705, Caleb Stetson (b 1682); 6-Barzillai (b 1711), m 1742, Ruth Kempton; Ten eth (1742-79), m Experience Crowell (1743- 4-Experience (1776-1818), m William Davie, Jr. (1772-1856) ; Scie B. (1817-66), m 1839, Henry Whitmore (1815- 2-Dau. of Rudolph Adams Peck (1845-79), m 1870, Mary Eliza Whitmore (1848-1923); issue: I—-Lida Belle (6 1871; m Otis H. Green); II—Mary Whit- more (above). II-m July 3, 1900, Thomas Walter Butcher, } Macomb, Ill., July 3, 1867; educator (See Who’s Who in America); issue: 1-Thomas Peck, b Wellington, Kan., Mar. 17, 1905; 2-Walter Whit- more, 6 Enid, Okla., Oct. 14, 1911; 3—Mary Louise, 6 Emporia, Kan., Oct. 4, 1916. Ed. Lasell Sem., Auburndale, Mass. Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R., P.E.O., etc. Residence: 512 W. 12th Av., Emporia, Kan. 1-BUSHNELL, Sophie Walker Hyndshaw (Mrs. Drayton W.), b Henry, Ill., May 1, 1859. 6-John Hyndshaw; 5-Capt. James (1720-65), capt. French and Indian War; Ft. Hyndshaw, nr. Delaware Water Gap, was named for him; m 1746, Maria DuPue; 4-James (1752-1819), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1794, Esther (Bailey) Patterson (1767-1850), widow; 3-Rev. James Bailey (1801-89), A.B., Princeton, 1820, A.M., 1832; chaplain U.S.A., 1862-65; m 1825, Abigail Sophia Cutler. 9-John (Cunditt) Condit (d 1713), from Eng. or Wales, with his son Peter, ca. 1678; settled in Essex Co., N.J.; 8—Peter (d 1714), m 1695, Mary Harrison (Samuel®); Fees (1698/99-1768), m 1724/25, Phebe Dodd (1703- )5 6-Silas (1738-1801), del. Cont. Congress, 1781-84; Racor N.J. Assembly; m 1760, Phebe Day 5-Elizabeth Phebe (1762-85), m 1781, James Cook, soldier Am. Rev.; 4-Blizabeth (1782-1846), m 1800, Col. Joseph Cutler (b 1775; Abijah®, soldier Am. Rev., m Dinah Lee; Uriah®; John’?; James’; James’, qv); 3-Abigail Sophia (1803-69), m James B. Hyndshaw (3 above). 8—Daniel Walker (@ post 1702), who came from BDe 1657, and settled in Talbot Co., Md.; m ice-; 7-Charles (d 1730), m Rebecca Isaac; 6—Joseph (1715-1800), m Catherine-; 5-Christopher (1757-1841), served in Am. Rev.; m Patience Foster; 4—John (1784-1832), m Elizabeth Walker; yee are (1812-69), m 1839, Rachel Wiltsee 2-Dau. of Silas Condict Hyndshaw (1831-1910), m 1858, Elizabeth Ann Walker (1839-1915); issue: I— Sophie Walker (above); II-Frank M. (b 1861; m Dollie Whitlock). I-m Dec. 24, 1878, Drayton Wilson Bushnell (Dec. 22, 1844-June 29, 1920); son of Luman J. Bush- nell, of Ohio. Mem. C.D.A. (v.p. Ia. soc.), D.F.P.A. (past state pres.), D.A.R. (hon. v.p. gen. nat. soc.), U.S.D. 1812 (hon. state pres.). Summer place: Council Bluffs, Ia. Winter place: Miami, Fla. 1-CAPE, Henry, } New York, N.Y., May 9, 1866: 5-Lt. James Willis, of New Rochelle, N.Y.; Ist lt., Ist Regt. Westchester Co. Militia in Am. Rev.; m Mary Peters; 4-Richard, of White Plains, N. Y.; m Sarah Car- penter; 3-James, of Fordham, N.Y.; m Margaret June. f—Stebbins Baxter, of Salem, potas 5-John, pvt., 4th Westchester Co. Militia: wounded, and prisoner, June 24, 1779-Jan. 9, 1780; 4-Mary Bell, m Zabud June; 3-Margaret, m James Willis (3 above). 2-Son of Henry Christian Cape (1832-80), mem. Lilly, Razanus & Co., importers, N.Y. City; m Sarah Willis (1887-1917); issue: I-Jessie (b 1862; m J. B,Dunbar); II—Henry (above). II-m Nov. 26, 1890, Emily Palmer (qv); issue: 1— Henry, Jr., b New York, Sept. 5, 1891; M.E., Cornell, ’13 (Theta Xi); 2d It., Ist lt. and capt., inf., served as a.-d.-c. 12th Div.; mem. S.R.; m Jan, 19, 1918, Helen Kingman, dau. of Frederic Clark Sayles (issue: Mary Sayles); 2-Mary Story, b New York, July 6, 1895; m Apr. 11, 1925, Walter Merrill Hall. Ed. private schools. Treas., The Santa Clara Lumber Co.; treas. Nat. Wholesale Lumber Dealers Assn. Hon. mem. N.Y. Lumber Trade Assn.; mem. S.R. Clubs: New York, Nassau Country. Summer place: Bay Head, N.J. Resi- dence: 1 W. 67th St., New York. 1-CAPE, Emily Palmer (Mrs. Henry), } N.Y. City, Oct. 6, 1865. Dese. Victor Palmer (1585-1661/62), from Eng. to Salem, Mass., 1628; at Charlestown, 1629-43; freeman, 1634; constable, 1633; removed to Rehoboth; 1st rep. Gen. Ct. from that town, 1646, 47; a founder of Stonington, Conn., 1653: m Ann (Elizabeth)—; m 2d, Rebecca Short; m 84d, Esther-; and thru: ; 5-Stephen, 6b at Stonington, moved to Bedford, Westchester Co., N.Y.; FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 281 4-Lewis, of Bedford, N.Y.; m Mary Williamson; 3—James R., m Mathilda Griffen. 4—Lewis Story, of Saratoga, N.Y.; m Sarah Hicks Herrick; 3-Rufus, m Eliza Rue. 2-Dau. of Walter Bowne Palmer (1834-76), pres. Tenth Nat. Bank, of N.Y. City; m 1859, Mary Elizabeth Story (1840-1917); issue: I—Elizabeth (b 1860; m Dr. William B. Anderton); II-Mary (18638-1912); ~III—Emily (above); IV—Francis Palmer (1867-75); V—Julia (b 1869; m William Gardner); VI—Alice Hortense (1871-1911). IlI-m Nov. 26, 1890, Henry Cape (qv for issue). First woman to enter Columbia U., 1888-87. Was chmn. of organization in N.Y. State of Wom- an’s Div. of Council of Nat. Defense. Author and artist. Author: Fairy Surprises for Little Folks; The Lantern Bearer; Oriental Apho- risms; Lester F. Ward, A Personal Sketch. Co-editor: Glimpses of Cosmos, 6 vols. Mem. D.R., Sorosis, Woman’s City Club, Anthropo- sophical Soc., Sociological Club of New York, Rationalists (London), Positivists (London), Residence: 1 W. 67th St., New York. 1-CARDEN, George Alexander, } Dalton, Ga., Nov. 23, 1865. aor cer edad Carden, from England early in 0; 3-George Washington (d ca. 1880), m Elizabeth hite. 2-Son of Moses White Carden (1845-1925), officer C.S.A.; m 1865, Salena, dau. of Harrison Kin- nebrew Dunn. M June 26, 1890, Carrie Burns Shumard (d Nov. 2, 1899); dau. of Dr. George G. Shumard, surgeon, U.S.A.; issue (all 6 Dallas, Tex.): 1-Isabel, Bb 1891; m 1918, William V. Griffin; 2-Salena, 6 1892; m 1912, Lt. Garnet Hulings, U.S.N.; 3—Carrie Burns, m Maj. Gerald C. Maxwell, of London. M 2d, Feb. 17, 1908, Rose Porter, 6 Paris, Mo., 1866; dau. of Richard Porter,’ of Paris, Mo.; issue (all Bb Dallas): 1—-Leona, b Nov. 25, 1903; 2—-Elizabeth, b 1906; 3-George A., Jr., b 1907. A.B., A. and M. Coll., Auburn, Ala., ’82; studied law. Mem. law firm of Carden, Starling, Car- den & Hemphill, of Dallas, Tex., and N.Y. City; also mem. firm Carden, Green & Co., bankers and brokers, N.Y. City (See Who’s Who in America). Clubs: Chevy Chase (Wash- ington), City, Dallas Golf and Country (Dal- las), University, Automobile, Bankers, Squash (New York). Residence: 3107 Oak Lawn Av., br Tex., and “Alamo,” Bay Shore, L.I., tear «teats Henry Hall, 6 Boston, Mass., Oct. 8-Rev. Thomas Carter (qv); ac epee! (1640-93), m 1672, ae ee (1678-1738), m 1701, Dorothy Wilder (1686- 44 D) 5 s-Ephraim (1714-93), m 1738, Abigail Wilder (6 ee (1764-1835), m 1784, Sally Bridge (1766- Mati (1786-1869), m 1811, Sally Crawford (1791- 7—John Hall (1627-1701), m 1656, Elizabeth Green (1639-1713) ; Srenival (1672-1752), mm 1696, Jane Willis (1677- 5-Thomas (1712-97), m 1758, Hulda Park (1724-1809); Sason ee, (1760-1813), m 1784, Lois Harrington (1763- 07) 3-Adin (1795-1856), m 1818, Eunice Gorham Davis. 10—John Howland (qv); 9 Desire (d 1683), m 1643, Capt. John Gorham (qv); 8—John (1651-1716), m 1674, Mary Otis (1653-1733) ; 7-Temperance (b 1678), m 1696, Stephen Clapp (1670-1756) ; eee (6 1709), m 1787, Desire Bourne (6 5—Desire (1741-1813), m 1767, Prince Gorham (b 1730) ; 4-Abigail (b 1769), m 1790, Isaac Davis (1764-1802) ; 3—Eunice G. (1796-1886), m Adin Hall (3 above). 2-Son of Henry Carter (1812-88), mcht.; m 1841, Eunice Gorham Hall (1820-88); issue: I-Emily Gorham (b 1851; m Horace Williams Fuller); II—Henry Hall (above). II-m Aug. 9, 1918, Adelaide Alene Phillips, b Nottingham, Eng., Apr. 8, 1872; dau. of James Osborne Leverton, of Teversal, Notts., Eng. S.B., M.I.T., ’77. Consulting engr. Mem. S.M.D., Eunice Brooks Am. Soc. C.E., Boston Soc. C.E. Clubs: Cal- umet (New York), Boston Art, Santee. Resi- dence: 195 St. Paul St., Brookline, Mass. rier Francis M., b Chicago, IIl., Apr. 1%, 8-John Case (d 1703/04), on land record of Hart- ford, Conn., 1639/40; settled at Windsor, Conn., 1656-69, thence to Simsbury; m Sarah Spencer (William®, a founder of the A. and H.A. Co. of Boston); m 1688, Elizabeth Holcomb 7—William (1665-1700), (Joshua§); 6—-Capt. James (1693-1759), rep. gen. Assembly 13 times; capt. Simsbury militia; m 1715, Esther Fithian, of Newark, N. 5—Capt. Josiah (1718- 89), m ca. "1740, Esther Highley (Brewster); 4-Capt. Fithian (1758-1829), Am. Rev.; m 1780, Am- aryllis Humphrey; 3-Mamre (1786-1859), rep. Conn. Legislature; m 1807, Abi Tuller (Elisha‘). 5-Charles Smith (b Bath Co., Va.), m Sarah-; 4—-William (6b 1769), m Sarah Hays (b 1781); 3-Lewis Duckworth (1811-79), m Maria Millman (1815-83). 2-Son of Salmon Mamre Case (1823-85), settled at Chicago ca. 18538, where he was wholesale dry goods, later wholesale grocery, merchant; m 1854, Frances Maria Smith (1834-1919); issue: I—Ella Frances (m George W. Taylor); II- Ida Mary; IlI—-John Edward; IV—Marie Lou- a rat wasn O. von Hofsten); V—Francis M. above V—m Jan. 23, 1896, Carrie Spooner (qv for issue). Mem. Francis M. Case & & Co., mortgage bank- ers, Chicago, 1888-95; of Spooner, Case & Co., 1898-19038; again Francis M. Case & Co. since 1908. Formerly vice chmn. All Chicago Coun- cil; dir. Better Govt. Assn.; mem. Chicago Hist. Soc., Art Inst. of Chicago, etc. Volun- teer service at Great Lakes Naval Training Rd., Hubbard Woods, I1l. Station since 1917. Residence: 160 Sheridan 1-CASE, Carrie Spooner (Mrs. Francis M.), 0 Chicago, Ill., July 18, 1870. 8—William Spooner (1622- 84), was at Salem, Mass., 1687; freeman, 1654; a founder of Dart- mouth, 1660; town officer; m 2d, 1652, Hannah Pratt (Joshua’, m Bathsheba-); 7-Samuel (1655-1739), constable at Dartmouth; m xperience Wing (Daniel’, m Anna Ewer); 6—Daniel (1694-1797, aet. 103), freeman at New- port, R.I., 1732; deacon First Ch., Petersham, Mass., many yrs.; m 1st, Elizabeth Ruggles (6 1710; John’, m Hannah Devotion); 5-Shearjashub (1735-85), of Heath, Mass.; pvt. Am. Rev.; m 1760, Sarah Whipple (d 1796; Rev. Ebenezer’, m Prudence Dudley); 4-John (1775-1801), m 1800, Nancy Harrington (b 1780; Thomas®, m Rebecca Ballard); 38-John Milton (1801-77), m 1825, Phebe Thompson Chapin. 9-Dea. Samuel Chapin (qv); 8—Josiah (1634-1726), of Mendon, Mass.; m Ist, 1658, Mary King (1639-76; John®, m Dorothy-); 7-Capt. Seth (1668-1746), m 2d, 1691, Bethiah Thur- ston (1672-1744; Dea. John’, m Mary Hood): oe: John (1698-1770), m 1718/19, Dorcas— (1694- 5-Dea. John (1780-1815), m 1754, Rhoda Albee (17381- 1819; Obadiah’, m Jean-); 4-Ziba (1770-1819), m 1793, Lucy Brown (1774-1854): 3—Phebe Thompson (1801- 78), m John Milton Spooner (3 above). %#John Pettibone (d 1713), of Windsor, later Sarah Eggleston Simsbury, Conn.; m 1664, (1643-1713; Begot?®); 8-Samuel (1672-1747), m Judith Shepard (b 1679; Abraham®, m Judith Sill; Ralph, qv); 7-Col. Jonathan (1709-76), comd. 18th Regt. at Bunker Hill and later col. Am. Rev.; rep. Conn. Assembly 14 yrs.; m Martha Hunphrey (1711/12-1796; Thomas’, m Hannah Hillyer): 6—Ozias (1737-1812), capt., maj., lt. col. in Am. Rev.; mem. Conn. Assembly, 1779-92; m Sibyl Guernsey; 5-Gen. Chauncey (1759-1811), Ist 1t., U.S.A.; rep. Have Assembly 18 sessions; m Theodosia a Lian, Ralph (1796-1884), bly; moved to Ohio, later to Wis.; lawyer: m Jane Ste Curtis (Jephtha’, m Sarah Pelletrean Hilly 8—Chauncey bomen (1817- 1902), merchant, Fond mem. Conn, Assem- 282 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY en Wis.; m 1842, Caroline Eunice Pea- ody. §-Lt. Francis Peabody (qv); f 8—-William (1646-1700), land grant for services in King Philip’s War; m 2d, 1684, Hannah Hale (1663-1723; Thomas®, m Mary Hutchinson); 7-Richard’ (1691-1769), m Ruth Kimball (1698- 1771; Richard’, m Sarah Spafford); ary (1717-88), m 1742, Mary Prentice (Nathan- iel’); 5-William Henry (1760-1841), m 1795, Ruth Bulk- ley (1773-1853; Daniel®, m Hannah Hill); Dea eae (b 1797), m 1821, Electa Vallette 3-Caroline Eunice (1822-74), m Chauncey J. Pet- tibone (3 above). 2-Dau. of Frank Eugene Spooner (1844-1925), set- tled at Chicago, 1864; agt. Chicago Union Lime Works;’m 1869, Maria Caroline Pettibone (1843-1920); issue: I-Carrie (above); II—Mae Phebe (b 1872; m 1915, James Taylor Dickson, d 1920); IlI-Frank Vallette (1874-1902). I-m Jan. 23, 1896, Francis M. Case (qv); issue: 1—Carolyn Frances, 6} Evanston, IIll., Aug. 22, 1905; A.B., Smith, ’26. Mem. D.A.R., Chicago Hist. Soc. Clubs: Chi- cago College, Smith College (Evanston and Chicago), Woman’s (Winnetka and Chicago), etc. Residence: 160 Sheridan Rd. Hubbard Woods, Ill. var ert Sophie Pearce, } Annapolis, Md., May 8-Thomas Casey (1636-1719), from Eng. to New- port, R.I., 1658; m Sarah-; 7-Adam (1667-1765), m 1706, Mary Greenman (d 1747; Edward’, of Newport, m Mary-); 6—-Thomas (1706-97), dep. Gen. Assembly of R.I.; justice; m 1728, Comfort Langford (1704-84; Thomas’, m Sarah-); 5-Silas (1734-1814), dep. Gen. Assembly; m 1759, Abigail Coggeshall (1737-1821; Daniel®, m Mary, dau. of Michael Wanton; Daniel?; Joshua’; John’, Ist pres. Colony of R.1.); «Wanton (1760-1842), Am. Rev.; m 1789, Elizabeth Goodale (1772-1830; Maj. Nathan®, 5th Mass, Cont. Line, m Elizabeth, dau. of David Phelps; Solomon’; John’); 3-Silas (1807- 82), U.S.M.A., 26; maj. gen. U.S.A.; vet. Seminole, Mexican, and Civil wars; m 1st, 1830, Abby Perry Pearce (1813-62). 2-Dau. of Silas Casey (1841-1913), U.S.N.A., ’60; rear adm. U.S.N. (See Who’s Who in Amer- ica, Vol. 7); m 1865, Sophie Gray (1843-1922), dau. of Henry Foxall Heberton, m 1841, Sophie Gray White; issue: I-Sophie Pearce (above); II-Elizabeth Gray (m Clarence Wyatt Bis- pham). I-Ed. pvt. schools in U.S. and at Nice, France, and Dresden, Germany. Was capt., A.R.C., and maj., Nat. Service School during World War.) Mem. C.DZAs °D.C:G:;) D.CeD{A. Re (re= gent Army and Navy Chapter), Guadeloupe Soc. (pres.), Dames of the Loyal Legion. Clubs: Washington, City, Colonial Dames (gov. and treas.), Chevy Chase. Residence: The Oak- land, Washington, D.C. 1-CASTLE, George Parmelee, 6 Honolulu, Ha- waii, Apr. 29, 1851. 7-Henry Castle (1613-1697/98), from Eng. to Va. in the “Transport,’’ 1635; lived at Fairfield and Woodbury, Conn.; m 1666, Abigail Finch (d 1725; Daniel’; Abraham’); 6—-Isaac ’(1672- 1727), of Woodbury, Conn.; m 24d, 1715, Joanna (Richardson) Warner (b 1683 ; Set. Thomas’, m Mary Senior); 5—Daniel (1717-77), justice for Fairfield and Fenn: cos., Conn.; m 1739, Elizabeth— (1719- 4—Ebenezer (1742-1816), of Cazenovia, N.Y.; m 1768, Eunice Northrup 3-Samuel (1770-1847), m 1199, Phoebe Parmelee. 7-Joseph Northrup (qv); 6-Jeremiah (1653- 1734), of Milford, Conn.; m ca. 1688, Phebe— (d 1735); 5-Dea. Benjamin (bap. 1696-1775), of Newtown, Conn.; m 1724, Sarah Platt (1701/02-1775; Lt. Joseph®, m Mary, dau. of Daniel Kellogg; Dea. Richard? v); 4—Bunice (i743. 1808), m Ebenezer Castle (4 above). 8-John Parmelee (qv); 7-John (1620-84), of Guilford, Conn.; m 3d, 1658/ 1659, Hannah— (d 1687/88); 6-Dea. Joel (1675-1748), petitioner for incorpora- tion of Durham, Conn.; m 1706, Abigail An- drews (b 16677); 5-Hezekiah (1710/11-1796), took oath of fidelity, 1777; m 1st, 1737, Mehitable Hall (1716-55; Sam- uel®, m Lois, dau. of Nathaniel Royce; Capt. Samuel’, m Hannah, dau. of John Walker; Dea. John, qv); 4—Charles (1753- -1839), m 1779, Mary Tyler; 3—Phoebe (1779-1856), m Samuel Castle 38 above). 7—Peter Tyler (d 1712), of Branford, Conn.; m tet 1671, Deborah Swaine (1654-ca. 1684; Daniel’, Dorcas, dau. of Robert Rose; Hon. William, governing magistrate of Conn.); 6—Peter (1672/73-ca. 1741), of Branford; 5—Paul (d 1793), m 1st, 1739, Mary Frisbie (1720- 1760; Jonathan®, m Thankful, dau. of Samuel Foote; Jonathan’, m Mary—-; Edward’, m Han- nah-—); 4—Mary (1757-1828), m Charles Parmelee (4 above). 2-Son of Hon. Samuel Northrup Castle (1808-94), former agent of A.B.C.F.M. in Hawaii; privy councillor, 1863; pres. Hawaiian Legislature, 1864-65; apptd. to House of Nobles; philan- thropist; m 186, Angeline L. Tenney (1810-41); m 2d, 1842, Mary Tenney (1819-1907); issue (1st marriage): I-Mary Tenney (b 1838; m 1862, Ed- ward G. Hitchcock, d 1898); (24d marriage): II- Samuel (6 and d 1843); I1I—Charles Alfred (1844- 1874; m 1870, Claire Coleman, d 1917); IV—Harriet Angeline (1847-1924; m 1876, Charles C. Cole- man); V—William Richards (qv for Tenney lineages); VI-—George Parmelee (above); VII-—- Albert Tyler (1853-64); VIII-James Bicknell (1855-1918; m 1879, Julia White); IX—Caroline D. (6 1858; m 1905, William D. Westervelt); X—Helen Kingsbury (b 1860; m 1891, Prof. George H. Mead); XI—Henry Northrup (1862- 1895; m 1889, Freda Steckner, d 1890; m 2d, 1892, Mabel Wing). ViI-m Oct. 17, 1879, Ida Mary Tenney, } Plain- field, N.Y., June 30, 1856; dau. of Lucian Pom- eroy Tenney, of Plainfield; issue: 1—-Dorothy, 6 Honolulu, H.T., Dec. 28, 1882; 2-Margaret Tenney (Mrs. Alfred Marston Tozzer, qv for maternal Tenney lineage). Ed. Punahou Sch., Honolulu, U. Mich., 1 yr., and Detroit Med. Sch. Capitalist, education- ist, philanthropist. Mem. Advisory Council Rep. of Hawaii. Entered firm of Castle & Cooke, Honolulu, 1875, becoming a partner, 1882, v.p. 1894-1903, pres. 1903-16, and again v.p. from.) 1916s also edira.» Hirst | Nate bank OL Hawaii and First Am. Savings & Trust Co. Mem. S.A.R., etc. Address: P.O. Box 2990, Hon- olulu, H.T. 1-TOZZER, Margaret Tenney Castle (Mrs. Al- fred M.), 6 Honolulu, H.I., July 21, 1886. 9-Thomas Tenney (qv); 8—-Dea. John (1640-1722), m 1st, 1663, Mercy Parrat (1646-67; Francis®, m Blizabeth et 7-Dea. Samuel (1667- 1747/48), m 2d, 1690, Sarah Boynton (1671/72-1709; Capt. Joseph’, m Sarah, ain): of Richard Swan, qv; John’, m Ellen e 6—Joseph (1698/99-1775), m 1722/28, Abigail Wood (1700-post 1743; John’, m Isabel, dau. of Edward Hazen; Thomas’, m Ann Hunt?);: 5—Jesse (1741-1815), Am. Rev.; m 1773, Hannah Griswold; 4-Dea. Levi (1781-1869), War 1812; m 1807, Mary Kingsbury; 3—Lucian Pomeroy (1825-89). 2~Dau. of Ida Mary Tenney, m 1879, George Par- melee Castle (qv for other lineages). M Apr. 10, 1918, Alfred Marston Tozzer, 6 Lynn, Mass., July 4, 1877; A.B., Harvard, ’00, A.M. 1901, Ph.D., 1904; prof. anthropology, Harvard U. (See Who’s Who in America); issue: 1— Anne (Dec. 10, 1918-Aug. 5, 1926); 2—-Joan, b Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 19, 1921. Residence: 7 Bryant St., Cambridge, Mass. 1-CASTLE, William Richards, } Honolulu, H.I., Mar. 19, 1849. 8-Thomas Tenney (qv); 7-—Dea. John (1640-1722), m 1st, 1663, Mercy Parrat (1646-67; Francis’, m Elizabeth-); 6-Dea. Samuel (1667-1747/48), m 2d, 1690, Sarah Boynton (1671/72-1709; Capt. Joseph’, m Sarah, oon of Richard Swan, qv; John’, m Ellen ell); 5—Joseph (1698/99-1775), m 1722/23, Abigail Wood (1700-post 1743; John*®, m Isabel, dau. of Ed- ward Hazen; Thomas’, m Ann Hunt?): 4-Jesse (1741-1815), Am. Rev.; m 1773, Hannah Griswold; 3-Dea. Levi (1781-1869), War 1812; m 1807, Mary Kingsbury. FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 283 9-Edward Griswold (qv); meas eretat (1635-71), of Norwich, Conn.; dep. en 7-Capt. Samuel (1665-1740), of Norwich; m Ist, 1685, Susannah Huntington (1668-1727; Chris- topher’, m Ruth, dau. of Dea. William Rock- well, qv); 6-Samuel (1693-1753), m 1719, Elizabeth Abell (0 1697/98; Dr. Samuel’, m Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Sluman; Sgt. Caleb’, m Ist, Margaret, dau. of John Post); 5-Ebenezer (1725-post 1790), of Orwell, Vt.; m 1748, Hannah Merrill (d 1779); 4-Hannah (1754-1833), m Jesse Tenney (4 above). 8-Joseph Kingsbury (qv); 7—-Nathaniel (1649/50-1694), ‘of Dedham, Mass.; m 1678, Mary Bacon (1652-1711; John’, m Rebecca Hall; Michael, qv); 6—-Set. Nathaniel Ter 1724/25), m 1695, Abigail Beker (1674/75-1764; Lt. John’, m Abigail, dau. of Hon. Daniel Fisher; Edwards, m Joan-); 5-Benjamin (1715-87), of Dedham and Walpole, Mass.; m ist, 1741, Jedidah Cooke (1713-75) ; 4-Dea. Benjamin (1742-1827), various revolution- ary coms.; rep. Gen. Ct., 1775-76; selectman, Walpole; m ist, 1768, Abigail Sawin; 3—Mary (1787-1853), m Levi Tenney (3 above). 8-John Sawin (d 1690), from Eng., settled at Watertown, Mass.; selectman; m Ist, 1652, Abi- gail Munning (b 1627; George’); 7-Thomas (1657-1727), m 1683, Deborah Rice (1659/ 60- hd De eae Rt m Martha Lamson; Dea. Ed- mun 6—Lt. Soin (1689-1760), m 1712, Joanna Lyon (1690- 1765; George’, m Thankful, dau. of Capt. Rob- ert Babcock; George’, m Hannah Tolman); 5—-Capt. Thomas (1717-90), town clk., selectman; capt. Natick Mil. Co.; m Ist, 1747/48, Abigail Morse (1727/28-1773; Eleazer®, m Abigail Clapp; Samuel’, m Deborah—; Daniel’, m Lydia Fisher; Samuel, qv); 4-Abigail (1748-93), above). 2-Son of Mary Tenney (1819-1907), m as his 2d wife, Hon. Samuel Northrup Castle (1808-94). For issue and Castle lineages see George Par- melee Castle. M Oct. 12, 1875, Ida Beatrice Lowrey (Nov. 5, 1854-Jan. 23, 1926); dau. of Frederick Canfield Lowrey, of Mass.; issue (all b Honolulu, H.1I.): 1—William Richards, Jr., b June 19, 1878; A.B., Harvard, ’00; author (See Who’s Who in America); m June 3, 1902, Margaret, dau. of Dr. John Woodford Farlow, of Boston (issue: Rosamond, b 1904); 2-Alfred Lowrey, } Mar. 18, 1884; A.B., Harvard, ’06, LL.B., 1908; m Dec. 8, 1908, Ethelinda, dau. of Frederick A. Schaefer, of Honolulu (issue: Alfred L., Jr., 0 1910; Gwendolyn, b 1918; William Donald, } 1916); 3-Beatrice, 6 Honolulu, July 30, 1888. Ed. Oahu Coll. (Honolulu), Oberlin (O.) Coll., Harvard and Columbia U. law schools, LL.B., Columbia, 1873 (hon. A.M., Oberlin, 1887). Law practice at Honolulu from 1876; atty. gen. of Kingdom of Hawaii, Feb.-Nov. 1876; mem. Legislature, 1878, 86, 87, 88 (pres. 1887, 88); an- nexation commr., 1898; minister resident at Washington, 1895; pres. Bd. of Edn. of Rep. of Hawaii, 1896; etc. (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 1301 Victoria St., Hon- olulu, H.T. 1-CHAMBERLAIN, Bernard Peyton, } “Bird- wood,” Albemarle Co., Va., Nov. 21, 1896. 5—-William Chamberlain (1755-1828), set. Am. Rev.; maj. gen. Vt. militia; mem. 8th and 11th Con- gresses; It. gov. of Vt., 1813-15; m Martha East- man; 4—William (d 1830), prof. Greek and treas. Dart- mouth Coll.; m Sarah Little Gilman; 3-Dr. William Mellen, m Susan Emerson Chan- qe) (g.dau. of Judge John Winthrop Chan- er). 5-John Rowzee Peyton, m Ann Hooe; 4-Gen. Bernard, m Julia Amanda Green (Col. Moses); 3—-Maj. Moses Green, m Martha Champe Carter. 10-—Col. Richard Cocke (qv); 9-Capt. Thomas (1638-96), ‘‘“Malvern Hills,” Hen- rico Co., Va.; sheriff, burgess; m Margaret Wood (Gen. Abram?); 8—Capt. Thomas (1662-1707), sheriff, burgess; m Mary Brazier 7-James Powell (1688-1747), m Martha, dau. John Herbert, of the family of Herbert of Col- brook, Co. Monmouth, Eng.; m Benjamin Kingsbury (4 6-James (b 1721), m Mary Magdeline Chastain (Dr. Stephen’); 5-James Powell, of “Malvern Hill,” m Lucy Smith; Charles Carter (Edward, of 4-Lucy, m Dr. “Blenheim’’); Aah at C., m Maj. Moses Green Peyton (3 above). 2-Son of William Chandler Chamberlain, farm- er, of “Midmont,’” University, Va.; m Mary Chastain Peyton (1866-1922); issue: I-Bernard ; ieee (above); II-William Chandler, Jr. (0 I-Not married. A.B., U. Va., ’19 (Zeta Psi), B.L., 1922. Lawyer. Pvt., Base Hosp. 41, overseas, June 1918-Apr. 1919; 2d lt., 5th Md. N.G., 1924. Residence: ‘“Midmont,” University, Va. 1-CHAMBERLAIN, Willard Jason, } Milledge- ville, O., Feb. 7, 1890. 7-Clement Chamberlain (1669-1732), m Mary-}3 6—Joseph (1696-1765), m Mary Johnson; 5-William (b 1744), capt. 8d N.Y. Regt. in Am. Rev.; m 1767, Abigail Hatch; 4-William (6 1771), m Lucy Parks (6 1776); 8-William Sylvanus (1814-65), m 1844, Margaret Williams (1824-1905). 10-Thomas Webster (d 1634), m Margery-; 9—Thomas (1631-1715), m 1657, Sarah Brewer; 8—Ebenezer (1667-1756), m 1709, Hannah Judkins; 7-Ebenezer (6 1714), m 1738, Susanna Bachelder (6 1713; Benjamin’, m Susanna, dau. of Ben- jamin Page; Nathaniel®; Nathaniel®; Ste- phen}); 6—Ebenezer (1739-1806), m ist, 1761, Mehitable Smyth (0 1744); Ebenezer and his 2d wife, Abigail Eastman, were the parents of the famous Daniel Webster; 5—Joseph (1772-1810), m 1796, Betsy Colby; eee (6 1798), m 1818, Richard Baughn 38—Henry (1824-1901), m 1849, Margaret Jane Carr (1824-1904). 2-Son of William H. Sylvanus Chamberlain (b ial m 1876, Harriet Ellen Baughn (1853- M June 17, 1924, Edith Moore, 6b nr. Washing- ton) ©lHe Ohio, July 28, 1887; dau. of George W. Moore, of Washington C.H. Ed. Denison U., Granville, O., and Ohio U. Served as sgt. maj., inf., at Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, O., during World War. Mem. S.A.R. Residence: 729 Washington Av. Wash- ington C.H., Ohio. 1-CHANNON, Vesta Miller Westover (Mrs. Harry), 6 Oconomowoc, Wis. 9-John Woodruff (1605-70; John”, of Fordwich, Eng., m Elizabeth Cartwright; Robert; Wil- liam??; Thomas Woodrove), came to Lynn, Mass., with his mother and stepfather, John Gosmer; thence to Southampton, L.I., 1640-41, when he was church warden; m Anne-; 8—John (1650-1703), inherited the Gosmer house, eulleds © “House of Diamond Windows”; m 1670, ann 7-Joseph ~ (1674- 1746), a founder of Westfield, N.J.; m Hannah-; 6—Thomas (1722- 1804), eminent judge; mem. Com. Correspondence in N.J. during Am. Rev.; m 1st, Mary— (1714-53); 5—Elizabeth (1749-1832), m at Westfield, N.J., 1767, Samuel Miller (1746-79) ; 4-Thomas (1769-1859), apptd. insp. of state pris- ons of N.Y. by Gov. Clinton, 1822; m 1792, Sar- ah Smith (1772-1842), Quakeress, lived at 125 Perry St., now Greenwich Village, N.Y. City; 38—Charles Smith (1806-71), N.Y. City; m 1828, Ves- ta MacLaren (1801-75; Daniel4, from Comrie, Scotch Highlands, to N.Y. City, 1788, where he bought land and built home on the present site of the Singer Bldg.). 2-Dau. of Elizabeth Quackenbush Miller (1848- 1911), of N.Y. City; m 1868, George Frederic Westover (1834-1921), lawyer, of Wis., and Chi- cago, Ill. M at St. George’s, London, Eng., Aug. 1, 1892, Harry Channon, 6 Chicago, Ill., Nov. 9, 1868; son of late Henry Channon (b Eng.), former ship chandler and mfr., of Chicago; issue: 1—Henry, 3d, 0 Chicago, Mar. 7, 1897; 2d It., A.R.C., at Paris, 1917-18; served in Am, Em- bassy, Paris Oct.-Dec. 1918; B.A., Oxford U., 722; served with British com. of League of Nations, 1923. Ed. Chicago and New York. Founded French 284 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY DANIEL MacLAREN, of ancient Highland clan (Scotch), was a son of Peter MacLaren and Elizabeth MacGregor. Daniel came from Comrie, near Balquhidder, Perthshire, to New York City, 1783. His name appears in the New York City Directory of 1787 (the second issue) until 1825, the year of his death (with one omission). From 1787 to 1792 he was the only MacLaren men- tioned in the directory as well as in quite a few of the other issues. He married, 1788, Sarah Stowe, a Quakeress of Philadelphia; their chil- dren were: Sarah (Mrs. Abraham Quackenbush of New York) ; Job, a hero of the War of 1812, who received land at Henderson, Il., in recogni- tion of his services; Peter; Anne; Daniel, Jr.; ond Vesta (Mrs. Charles Smith Miller, of Brook- yn). Library, 1904, and Causeries du Samedi, 1910, of Alliance Francaise de Chicago, chmn. of com., 1904-19; Officier d’Académie and Officier de l’Instruction Publique, France; mem. Allied Relief Com. of Ill. Council Nat. Defense; aided French Red Cross and French refu- gees; attended Woman’s Allied Relief Conv., Paris, 1918; founded Am. Library of U. of Strasbourg, France, Oct. 6, 1928, and since pres. exec. bd. (this library offered in the name of Pasteur in recognition of his serv- ice'to humanity). Mem. C.D.XVII Coy DAR. The French Inst. (N.Y.), Chicago Council on Fgn. Relations, Italy-America, ete. Clubs: American Women’s, Lyceum (Paris), Wom- an’s, College, Arts, The Cordon (Chicago), Women’s Athletic (Los Angeles), etc. Resi- dence: 1484 Astor St., Chicago. 1-CHRISTIAN, John Tyler, b Lexington, Ky., Dec. 14, 1854. 7-Thomas Christian, from Eng. to Va., 1657, pat- ented 100 acres of land on north side of James River, and east side of Chickahominy River in Charles City Co., Va., Jan. 15, 1657, and on Oct. 21, 1687, got a patent for 1,080 acres nearby; eet en deed to Charles, Jr., of Goochland, 5-Charles, m Mary-— (will proved, Feb. 16, 1784); 4—William (will recorded 1828), went to Ky.;. m Martha (Evans?); 3—Turner (d 1872), m 1820, Mary Ann Utley. 8-Charles Tyler, living in Westmoreland Con Va., 1690; estate inventoried, 1724; m Jane-; 7-Charles, m Susan Monroe; 6—Charles (d ca. 1768), m Anne Moore: 5—William (1747-1843), m 1774, Letty George; 4—Charles (1775-1860), m Mary Richerson; 3-—Malinda (d 1872), m Durrett Martinie (d 1835 ; Jonathan‘; Ernest F. J., Jr.5, b Alsace ca. 1750, from Alsace ca. 1775 or 76, and settled in Hen- ry Co. Ky); 2-Son of Marion Washington Christian (1827-98), m 1853, Amanda Martinie (1835-1914); issue: I— John Tyler (above); II—William L. (b 1858: m 1888, Loulie Elizabeth Smith, b 1866); II1I—Mat- tie L. (b 1862; m 1880, Leslie Key Smith, 1855- 1916); IV—Amanda (6 1867; m 1886, Robert Lee Smith; m 2d, 1924, Gervas M. Smith); V—Nan- nie H. (b 1870). I-m Dec. 19, 1878, Evelyn Graham Quin (Oct. 27, 1855-May 19, 1919); dau. of William S. Quin (Dr. Hugh’; Peter’, from Ireland before Am. Rev.), m 1850, Margaret G. Moore (Everett B.3; Dr. Lemuel C.4; Mark®; John®); issue: 1—Hloise Graham, b Palo Alto, Miss., Oct. 28, 1880; Hollins, ’99; m Nov. 23, 1905, J. Ely Snider (1872-1908; issue: Henry Tyler, b 1906; Ely, b 1907; Nanelle, b 1908); 2-J, Tyler, Jr., B Sardis, Miss., Nov. 17, 1882; m Feb. 18, 1905, Lillian, dau. of John Shely (issue: Lillian Evelyn, b 1906; Tyler, b 1907; Verna Rae, b 1909); 3-William Langdon, 6b Jackson, Miss., Aug. 23, 1887; m Janie Brown; m 2d, 1909, Jessie, dau. of Eugene Miles, of New Orleans La. (issue: Emily, 0b 1910; Margaret, b 1912; Durrett, b 1913; Ellen, b 1914; John Fred [Jan. 6-June 9, 1917]; William Tyler, 1918-21); m Helen Parvin (issue: Ruth Virginia, Jan. 2-Oct. 16, 1921; Marjorie, b May, 1922; dau. b 1923). A.B., Bethel, 76, A.M., 1882; (D.D., Bethel, 1888; LL.D., Keachie, 1898). Ordained Bapt. minis- try, 1876; pastoral and mission work, 1877-1919; prof. Christian history, also librarian, Bapt. Bible Inst., New Orleans, since 1919. Author (See Who’s Who in America). Hobby: His- torical matters. Residence: 2828 Camp St. New Orleans, La. 1-CLAGHORN, William Crumby, } at Phila., Pa., Nov. 13, 1875. 9-James Claghorn, from Scotland to Barnstable, Mass., 1653; m Abia Lumbard (Lt. Bernard?) ; 8-Shubael, m Jane Lovell; 7-Thomas, m Anna Gibbs; 6-Capt. William, cdr. of a 10-gun ship in Am. Rev.; m Thankful Dexter; 5-Capt. William, m Dorothy Haskell (Maj. Elna- than®, of Cont, Line in Am. Rev.): 4—John William, served in War of 1812, m Eliza Crumby; 38-William, civil Q.M. Dept., Phila., m Emma Thomas. 6-Joseph Winner, of Bucks Co., Pa.: 5-Joseph, m Elizabeth Evans (Capt. Nathan’, Am. Rev.); 4-Joseph Eastburn, m Mary A. Hawthorne; 3-Septimus, composer, m Hannah J. Guyer. 2-Son of Charles Eugene Claghorn (1847-1913), in Grey Reserves, 1865; m Emily Hawthorne Win- ner (1848-83); m 2d, Eliza Douglas Stuart (1853- 1915); issue (Ist marriage): I-William Crum- by (above); (2d marriage): II-Stuart; III- George C. I-m Sept. 26, 1907, May Rose, dau. of Alfred E. Clarke, of Phila., and g.dau. of Col. John Rose; issue: 1—Allan, b Phila., Pa., Feb. 14, 1910; 2-Charles Eugene, b at Narberth, Pa., Dec. 12, rene 38-Donald Stuart, b Narberth, Aug. 25, Ed. Rittenhouse Acad. Real estate broker, of Phila. Served as asst. registrar of 1st draft, asst. registrar 2d draft, also as civilian with Ord. Dept., World War. Mem. O.F.P.A. (gov. Pa. soc.), S.W. 1812, N.O.U.S., M.O.F.W. Resi- dence: Chestnut Av., Narberth, Pa. 1-CLARK, Eva Lee Turner (Mrs. Edward H.), b Colusa, Calif., Oct. 10, 1871. 9-John Turner, the immigrant, received grant of 200 acres on the westward side of the main branch of Chuckatuck River in Nansemond Co., Va., 1651: 8-John (d 1705, Isle of Wight Co., Va.); and thru his grandson: 6-Joseph (b Isle of Wight Co., d 1774, South- ampton Co., Va.), m Catherine—-; 5—-Benjamin (6 Southampton Co., d there 1794), m Rebecca-; ; 4—-Matthew (6 Southampton Co., d 1822, Wayne Co., N.C.), m Patience Dickinson: 8-Benjamin (6 Wayne Co., N.C., d 1836, Madison Co., Tenn.), m 1831, Sarah Johnson (b 1813; John‘, m Mary Chisholm, of Hardeman Co., Tenn.). 8-Edward Gill, m Mary Marcey, of Richmond CO aan 7-Edward (6 Richmond Co., Va., 1705); 6-Edward, m Sarah Robinson; 5-Reuben (6 1778), m Sarah Chapman, of Kty.: 4-John (b 1800), of Ky.; m Frances Rankin (Wil- liam’, m Lettice Robertson); a FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 285 3-William (b 1824), of Ky.; m 1846, Harriet Tarle- ton (Caleb*, m Blizabeth Hill, of Ky.). 2-Dau. of John Benjamin Turner (1836-76), m 1870, Frances Elizabeth Gill (0 1854); she m 2d, James Franklin Wharton (b 1844); issue (ist marriage, surname Turner): JI-Eva Lee (above); II—George (6b 1874; m 1902, Florence Laizure, b 1878); (2d marriage, surname Whar- ton): III—Alice (b 1879; m William Frederick Lorenz); IV—William Gill (b 1881; m Grace Os- burn); V—Lucien (b 1884; m Dale Stock). I-m Jan. 30, 1895, Edward Hardy Clark (See Vol. 1, p. 552, for genealogy); issue: 1-Edward Hardy, Jr. (See Vol. 1, p. 552); 2-Helen Tarle- ton, 6b New York, July 138, 1900; m Mar. 6, 1918, Howard Gray Park. Mem. Colony Club. Residence: 470 Park Av., New York. 1-COCHRAN, Sam(uel) P(oyntz), ) Lexington, Ky., Sept. 11, 4~Andrew Cochran (1749- 1914), Am. Rev.; Baird (John', ees Rev.); 3-John (1784-1863), Flemingsbure, Ky.; m Mary Wasson (1783-1850; James’, m Margaret Baird). 7-Garret Hendricks DeWees, from Holland to New York, 1688; m Zytian-—; 6—-William (b 1677), settled at Germantown, Pa., 1690, where he established a paper mill, 1710; sheriff; m Anna Christina Meels (or Mills); 5-William (1712-77), m Rachel Farmer (Edward, m Rachel—; Maj. Joseph’, m Mary Gamble); 4-Samuel (b 1756), settled in Fayette Co., Ky., 1787; m Mary Coburn (John5, Am. Rev.); 3-John Coburn (1797-1877), of Ky.; m 1820, Maria Bayless. 7-—Dirck Keyser, from Holland to Georgetown, Pa., 1688; silk merchant; m Alice Deneus (Jan§, m Elizabeth-); 6—-Elizabeth, m Andrew Wood; 5—George (1753-1832), Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Weid- erman, or Whiteman (1755-1807) ; 4—Blizabeth (1780-1867), m 1798, Benjamin Bayless ace soldier and was crippled in War 3-Maria (1801-72), m John C. Dewees (3 above). 2-Son of Col. John Carr Cochran (1824-87), fire underwriter, Lexington, Ky.; col. 14th Ky. Volunteer Infantry (Union) in Civil War; m 1850, Samuella Tannehill Dewees (1830-97); is- sue: I-Mary Wasson (b 1853; m Joseph C. Fin- nell); IJ-Samuel Poyntz (above); III—Ollie Taylor (6b 1859; m 1886, Townsend Cushman); IV-—James Wasson (0b 1863; m Birdie May Sweeney); V—Farmer Dewees (b 1870; m 1892, May Zalinda Morris). IIl—m July 3, 18838, Sue Webb Higgins, b Elmwood, Scott Co., Ky.; dau. of John Allen Higgins (Joel’, m Ann Gibson), m Bettie Chinn Webb, of Lexington, Ky. (Mitechem’?, m Susan Holmes). fire underwriter since 1873; mem. Trezevant & Cochran since 1888; dir. Am. Exchange Nat. Bank, and Dallas Ry. & Terminal Co. Pres. Mutual Bldg. Assn., Dallas Scottish Rite Cathedral Assn., Scottish Rite Ednl. Assn.; chmn. bd. Shriners Hospitals for Crippled Children, etc. Past grand master Grand Lodge of Tex., past grand high priest Grand Royal Arch Chapter, past grand cdr. Grand m Sallie Cdry. K.T., past grand patron O.E.S.; sov- ereign grand insp. gen. 33°, etc. (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. S.A.R. (pres. Tex. soc. since 1923; v.p. gen., 1926-27); S.R., etc. Residence: 3720 Cedar Springs, Dallas, Tex. 1-COLEMAN, James Thomas, b nr. Marion, S.C., Jan. 10, 1866. Coleman ancestor pent from Eng. and settled nr. Marion, S.C., 1750 5-John Coleman (zt isis). m Esther Burket-Mil- ler (d 1845); 4—Moses (1798-1864), m 1815, Elizabeth Flowers (1800-82; Henry®, m Rachel Stuart Benet; Hen- ry®, large landowner); eee By (1817-80), m 1838, Rebecca Jane Rowell 5-Joseph White (a ca. 1817), m Judith Gainey, heroine Am. Rev 4-Stephen Gainey “tizg7- 1870), m 1819, Mary Fore (1796-1862) ; 3-Matthew James (1819-44), m 1843, Ann Eliza Stackhouse (1826-50; Isaac*t, m Martha Roper; John’, m Celia Atkinson; William®, capt. Am. Rev., m Mary Bethea Rogers). 2-Son of William David Coleman (1842-1900), farmer; m 1864, Martha James White (1844- 1923); issue: I-James Thomas (above); II—Ed- ward Moses (1869-1908; m Alma John); III- Mary Eliza (6 1871; m Stephen J. White); IV— Rebecea Jane (b 1875; m Able Pettaway Hux); V—Robert Stackhouse (1877-1904); VI-Elizabeth Walker (b 1879; m Tiller Currington Usher). I-m Dec. 25, 1890, Sue Eliza Braddy, b Marion Co.,_ S.C., Mar. 20, 1866; dau. of William W. Braddy, planter, of Marion Co.;_ issue: i-James Walker 6 Charleston, S.C., June 24, 1892; 2d I1t., Co. K., 54th Inf., A.K.F. World War; m Nov. 3, 1917, Felicia Hall, dau. of Wil- liam Bachman Chisolm (issue: James W., Jr.; William Chisolm), B.S., S.C. Mil. Acad., ’86 (Sigma Nu). ics, S.C. Mil Acad., 18 yrs.; mgr. at Charles- ton of Prudential Ins. Co. America. Mem. superior jury awards, S.C., Interstate and West Indian Expn., 1901-02. Mem. exec. com. Charleston Chapter A.R.C. Sec. S.C. Soc. S.R. Residence: 17 Atlantic St., Charleston, S.C. Pantie at neo Bradley, 6 Westport, Conn., an, 12, 1 9-Samuel Coley (d 1684), from Eng. to Colony of Mass Bay, 1631; an original settler at Milford, Conn., 1639; m Ann Prudden (James); 8—Peter (1641-90), m Sarah Hyde; 7-Set. Peter (b 1670), m Hannah Couch; 6—David (1715-1802), m Mary Hyde; 5-Capt. Ebenezer (1741-1811), corp. Am. Rev.; m Abigail Morehouse; 4—-Morehouse (1766-1843), m Abigail Ogden; 3—-William (1799-1886), m Eunice Fanton., 9-John Wakeman (1601-61), from Eng. to New Haven Colony, 1638; a signer of the New Haven Compact, 1639; dep. Gen. Ct.; first treas. of the colony 6 yrs.; magistrate 20 yrs.; m Elizabeth Hopkins; 8—-Rev. Samuel (1635-92), m 1656, Hannah Goodyear (1635-1721) ; 7-Capt. John (1659-1709), capt. Train Band, Fair- field, Conn.; m 1687, Martha Hubbell (d 1710); 6—-John (1705-90), m Catherine Gilbert; peorn (1730- 1809), soldier Am. Rev.; m Esther ra SeRSN ACLs (1771- 1856), soldier War 1812; Wakeman; 3-Silas (1804-88), m Abbie Bradley Wheeler. 2-Son of Horace Bradley Coley (6 1829), farmer, Westport, Conn.; m Clarinda Bradley Wake- man _ (1837-1863); issue: I-—Caroline E. (1860-92; m Frank Gorham); II-William Bradley (above). II-m June 4, 1891, Alice Lancaster, 6 Newton, Mass., July 15, 1866; dau. of Charles Bartlett Lancaster, of Boston, and sister of Walter Brackett Lancaster (qv for genealogy); issue: 1—Bradley Lancaster, 0 N.Y. City, Dec. 23, 1892; B.A., Yale, 715; M.D., Columbia, 1919; 2-Malcolm (Nov. 29, 1896-Sept. 23, 1901); 3-Helen Lancaster, b Sharon, Conn., Sept. 2, 1907. B.A., Yale, ’84; M.D., Harvard, ’88; (hon. M.A., Yale, 1910, and Harvard, 1911). Surgeon; prof. clin. cancer research, Cornell U. Med. Sch., New York; surgeon-in-chief to Hosp. for Rup- tured and Crippled; attending surgeon Me- morial Hosp., New York. Medical author (See Who's Who in America). Fellow Am. Surg. Assn., A.M.A., Southern Surg. Assn., Am. Coll. Surgeons. Clubs: University, Yale, Thera- peutic. Summer place: Okeden, Sharon, Conn. Residence: 655 Park Av., New York. 1-LANCASTER, Walter Brackett, 6 Newton, Mass., May 11, 1863. 9-John Howland (qv); 8—Isaac (1649-1714), of "Middleboro, Mass.; officer in Indian wars; m Elizabeth Vaugn (1652- 1727; George®, of Scituate, m Elizabeth Hincksman): 7-Isaac (b 1679), of Middleboro; m Sarah Thomas (6 1687; Jeremiah’, m Lydia, dau. of John How- land); 6—Joseph (b 1718), m 1743, Elizabeth Mitchell (Jacob?, m Rebecca Cushman); 5-Elizabeth (b 1752), m Dea. Bethuel Wood; RHE (1785-1854), m 1808, William Skillings (1776- 3-Elizabeth (1815-61), m 1833, Zelotes Lancaster (1808-185—). 2-Son of Charles Bartlett Lancaster (1837-1913), mfr., Boston; m 1860, Mary Elizabeth Brackett (1837-93) ; issue: I-Helen (b 1861; m Charles Peter Clark); II-Walter Brackett (above); III—Alice (6 1866; m William Bradley Coley, av); IV- Mabel (b 1868; m Sydney Harwood); V—Eliza- beth (6 1869; m William B. Carey). Prof. phys- m Polly 286 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY II-m Dec. 15, 1886, Emma Winter, b Boston, Mass., June 17, 1864; dau. of Royal Winter, of Boston, m Julia Maria Phelps; issue: 1—Julia Elizabeth, b Wellesley Hills, Mass., May 31, 1896. A.B., Harvard, ’84, M.D., 1889; studied in Europe, 1889-90. Ophthalmic surgeon, Boston City Hosp., 1893-97; ophthalmologist, Mass. Gen. Hosp., 1920—; asst. ophthalmic surgeon, Mass. Charitable Eye and Har Infirmary, 1898-1901 and 1912-20, ophthalmic surgeon, 1920-23, con- sulting ophthalmic surgeon, 1923—; instr. ophthalmology, Boston Polyclinic, 1899-1900; asst. in ophthalmology, Harvard Med. Sch., 1900-01; asso. in opthalmology, Harvard Grad- uate Sch. of Medicine, 1911-21. Maj., Med. R.C., July 30, 1917; head of dept. of ophthalmology and chief of div. of head surgery, later asst. c.o., Base Hosp., Camp Devens, Mass., Sept. 5, 1917-July 30, 1918; mem. bd. in charge of Med. Research Lab., Mineola, L.I., and officer in charge of ophthalmology, to Jan. 4, 1919. Mem. Am. Acad. Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryn- gology (pres.), N.E. Ophthalmol. Soc. (pres.), Am. Ophthalmol. Soc. (councillor), Optical Soc. America (exec. council and asso. editor of its journal); F.A.C.S. An organizer of the Am. Bd. for Ophthalmic Examinations and several times its pres.; mem. Com. on Physiological Optics of the Nat. Research Council. Resi- dence: Wellesley Farms, Mass. 1-CONAWAY, Mary Willis Cavender (Mrs. Waiteman H.), b Connellsville, Fayette Co., Pa., Aug. 14, 1877. 10—-Richard Lippincott (qv); 9-Restore (d 1783/34), of Burlington Co., N.J.: mem. West Jersey Gen. Assembly, 1701, and N.J. Assembly, 1703-04; m 1674, Hannah Shattock (William?) ; 8-Rebecca (1684-ante 1748), m 1704, Josiah Gaskill (1678-1761) ; ae geen . 1711), m 1737, Amy Shreve, Burlington On INesoes 6-Kesiah, m 1767, Beriah Taylor, of Springhill Tp., Burlington Co., N.J.; 5-Beulah (1768-1831), m 1791, Samuel Brown, of Burlington Co., N.J.; 4-Eliza (1796-1865), m 1819, Thomas McCrory (1794- 1863), Fayette City, Pa.; 8—John B. (1835-1907), of Connellsville, Pa.; m 1856, Mary Frances Nickel (1836-1906). 8-Richard Ridgway, from Eng. in the “Jacob and Mary,” 1676, and was said to have been the first English settler in Pa., settling in Bucks Co.; later in Burlington Co., N.J., where he was justice several yrs.; m 1st, 1676, BHliza- beth, dau. of Robert Chamberlayne, of Eng.; Wee aan (b 1690), m 1717, Sarah-, Burlington Co., 6-Elizabeth (b 1730), m 1750, Benjamin Brown (1721- 5-Samuel (1764-1824), m Beulah Taylor (5 above). 2-Dau. of Cora Nickel McCrory (1856-93), m 1876, James Marcellus Cavender (1847-1918); issue: I— Mary Willis (above); II—Emma Lou (6 1879; m Frank Custer Hicks); II1I—John H. (b 1883); IV— Florence (b 1885); YV—Cora Josephine (m William Morgan Chambers). I—m Dec. 27, 1898, Waiteman Harrison Conaway, b Barrackville, Marion Co., W.Va., Mar. 5, 1871; son of William Sanford Conaway, of Marion Co., W.Va.; issue: 1-Harrison, b Fairmont, W.Va., July 138, 1912. Ed. Washington Coll., Chestertown, Md. Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R. (state regent for W.Va.), U.S.D. 1812, U.D.C., etc. Residence: 109 Virginia AV., Fairmont, W.Va. 1-COOPER, Fannie Spotswood Burwell (Mrs. John D.), b nr. Boydton, Va., July 16, 1859, &-Maj. Lewis Burwell (qv); 7-Lewis (d 1710), resided at Carter’s Creek, Gloucester Co., Va., later at Kine’s Creek, York Co.; mem. Gov.’s Council, 1702; m 1st, Abigail Smith; 6—-Lewis (1684-1744), of Kings Mill; burgess from Jamestown, 1736; m Miss Armistead; 5-Armistead (1718-54), of “Stoneland,”’ Mecklen- burg Co., Va.; burgess, 1752-58; m Christian Blair (Pres. John‘); 4-Col. Lewis (1745-1800), mem. Va. Assembly 14 yrs.; co. It. of Mecklenburg, Va., during Am. Rev.; m Ann Spotswood; 3-Spotswood (1785-1855), m 1808, Mary G. Marshall (1792-1856). 6-Sir Alexander Spotswood (qv); 5-Col. John (d 1756), cdr.-in-chief Spotsylvania Co., Va.; burgess; m Mary Dandridge (Col. William’) ; 4-Ann (d 1789), m Col. Lewis Burwell (4 above). 9-Col. John West (1590-1659; son of Sir Thomas West, Lord Delaware, III, m Anne, dau. Sir Francis Knollys, K.G.), came to Va.; mem. Colonial Council, 1630-59; gov. and capt.-gen.; burgess, 1629-30; 8-Col. John (1633-91), of ‘“West Point,” Va.; the first English child }b on York River; sr. justice Colonial Gen. Ct.; burgess; m Unity Croshaw (Maj. Joseph®, of “Poplar Neck,” York Co., Va.; burgess, 1659-60, justice, maj. militia; 7-Capt. Nathaniel (1655-1724), of “West Point,” burgess; m Martha, widow of Gideon Macon; 6—Unity, m ca. 1719, Capt. William Dandridge (d 1743), of ‘‘Hlsing Green,’ King William Cox burgess (brother of John Dandridge, of New Kent Co., Va., father of Martha Washington); 5-Mary, m Col. John Spotswood (5 above). 2—-Dau. of Dr. George Washington Burwell (1823- 1873), physician and farmer, Mecklenburg, Va.; m 1849, Fannie Elizabeth Gayle (1827-72); issue: I-Thomas G, (1853-1924); II—Sarah E. (1857-1922) ; IiI-Fannie Spotswood (above); IV—George L. (6b 1861; m Ozella Taylor); V—Henry J. (b 1864). IlI-—m Oct. 27, 1885, John Downey Cooper (Mar. 15, 1849-Jan. 18, 1921); son of Alexander Cooper, of nr. Oxford, N.C.; issue (all b Henderson, N.C.): 1—George Burwell (Oct. 11, 1886-d London, Eng., 1924); Trinity Coll., N.C.; m June 5, 1912, Lottie, dau. of Col. Harry Skinner, of Greenville, N.C.; 2-John D., Jr., b Nov. 29, 1889; A. and E. Coll., N.C., ’11; m Apr. 29, 1914, Griselle, dau. of A. C. Hinton, of Raleigh, N.C. (issue: Betsey Hin- ton, 6 June 23, 1915); 3-Lewis Ginter (qv for Cooper lineage); 4-Fannie Spotswood, b Sept. li, 1898; St. Mary’s, ’13; m Oct. 11, 1916, A. A. Zollicoffer; 5-James Wesley, b Dec. 31, 1895; A. and BH. Coll) @17;stysety andezd iit Coma. 321st Inf., 81st Div., 1917-18; m Apr. 23, 1921, Hat- tie, dau. W. A. Wooten, of Goldsboro, N.C. (issue: Mary Ann, b June 25, 1924); 6-David Alexander, b July 12, 1897; U. of N.C., 719; M.D., U. Pa., 1921; 7-Henry Burwell, b Nov. 1, 1899; U. of N.C., ’21; 8Marshall Young, b Mar. 31, 1901; WimOLeIN- Con aos Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R. Summer place: Montreat, N.C. Residence: Henderson, N.C. 1-COOPER, Lewis Ginter, b Henderson, N.C., Sept. 25, 1891, 7-Col. Philemon Hawkins (1707-1801), mem. Gen. Assembly of N.C.; high sheriff of Granville Co., 1757; a.-d.-c. to Gov. Tryon, 1771; 6-—Mary, m John Downey; 5-James, m Elizabeth Smith; 4-Ann S. (1796-1885), m James Crawford Cooper (1789-1866) ; 3—Alexander (1821-80), m Harriet Young (1825-69). 2-Son of John Downey Cooper (1849-1921), m 1885, Fannie Spotswood Burwell (qv for maternal lineages). M Dec. 3, 1919, Mary Lee Smith, b Greenville, N.C.; dau. of R. E. Smith, of Greenville: issue: 1—Fannie Spotswood, b Greenville, Sept. 21, 1922. A.B., Washington and Lee, ’11; LL.B., Trinity (N.C.), 1913. Lawyer. Commd. 2d Ilt., F.A,, Nov. 26, 1917; regtl. officer, 38th F.A., Camp Lewis, Wash., until discharged, Jan. 1919. Residence: Greenville, N.C. 1-COWLES, Alfred Hutchinson, } Cleveland, CO}. Dec. 8, 1858. 8-John Cowles (qv); 7-Samuel (1639-91), m Abigail Stanley (Timothy8, m Elizabeth-—); 6-Capt. Isaac (1675-1756), m 1716, Elizabeth Smith (Joseph?, m Rebecca Dickerson [John’, m Frances, dau. of Nathaniel Foote®, qv]; Jo- seph§); 5-Ezekiel, m Martha Hooker (Maj. Giles*: Sam- uel§; Rev. Samuel® [m dau. of Capt. Thomas Willet, lst English mayor of New York]; Rev. Thomas”, qv); 4-Rev. Giles Hooker (1766-1836), grad. Yale, 1789: settled in Ashtabula Co., O., 1810; m 1793, Sally White (Libbeus®’, Am. Rev., dese. Peregrine White, b on the Mayflower); 38-Dr. Edwin Weed (1794-1861), Cleveland, O.; m Almira Mills Foote (1788-1846; desc. Nathaniel Foote). 9-John Hall (qv); ' 8-Capt. Samuel (1646-1725), m 1668, Hanna Walker (1646 ?-1728; John®, New Haven, 1639); a FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 287 7-Hon. John (1670-1730), (John®; Richard®, qv); 6—-Col. Benjamine (b 1704), m 1727, Abigail Chauncey (Rev. Nathaniel?; Nathaniel§; Rev. Charles’, who arrived at Plymouth, 1687, and was pres. Harvard Coll., 1654-72) ; 5—Benjamine (1735-1786), m 1767, Hannah Burnham; 4-William B. (1774-1842), m 1798, Rebecca Board- man; 3-Elizabeth (b 1801), m 1822, Moseley Hutchinson (Silas*t, m Elizabeth Buell; Eleazer®; Eleazer®; Samuel’; Ralph’; Eleazer’®). 2-Son of Edwin Cowles (1825-90), founder, 1856, pub. and editor Cleveland Leader, and founder Cleveland Evening News, 1868; postmaster of Cleveland, 1861-66; m 1849, Elizabeth Caroline Hutchinson (1827-1910); issue: I-Almira Foote (m Charles Whitney Chase); II—-Helen Hutchin- son (1851-84; m 1880, George P. Pomeroy; see their son Eugene C., Vol. 1, p. 776); Il1I—Eugene H. (1855-92; m 1879, Alice M. Hale); IV—Alfred H. (above); V—Lewis Hutchinson (m Sarah imo Hutchinson); VI—-Edwin Samuel (1868- 1870). IV—m Oct. 25, 1906, Helen Jane Wills, 6 Akron, O., Mar. 17, 1868; dau. of James Mortimer Wills, of Akron (Samuel’, from Eng. to Cuyahoga Falls, O., ca. 1851, m Jane Gibbs), m Martha Willis. Ohio State U., 1875-77; Cornell, 1877-82. Pres. Electric Smelting & Aluminum Co., Pecos Copper Co. Awarded Elliott Cresson and John Scott Legacy medals by Franklin Inst.; medal, Paris Expn., 1889 (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: Sewaren, N:J. ade Edwin Eugene, } Wyoming, IIl., Mar. 23, 8-William Cox (ca. 1660-1742 or 48), Quaker; New Castle Co., Del., ante 1700; m Amy-; 7-William (ca. 1692-1767), emigrated to Orange ie N.C., ca. 1750; m 1716, Catherine— (d ante 6—Solomon (1780-1821), m Naomi-— (d post 1795); SE osp) (ca. 1757-1840), m ante 1781, Mary Mackey 4—Nathan (1785-1840), Wyoming, IIll.; m 1806, Anne Dixon (1781-1844) ; 3—Joseph (1814-97), m 1839, Catherine Edwards (1812-88). 9-Balthazar DeWolf (qv); aocrerd (1646-1712), King Philip’s War; m Re- ecca-; 7-Benjamin (b 1675), m Susanna Douglas; 6-Simeon (1719-1780), went to Horton, N.S., 1761; m 1741, Parnell Kirtland (1724-1807) ; 5-Charles (1765-1833), m 1786, Sabra Harding (ca. 1765-ante 1791; Col. Israel’, French and Indian m 1692, Mary Lyman War, m Sarah Harris; Stephen’; Stephen§; John’); 4-Simeon (1788-1849), Johnstown, O.; m _ 1810, Clarissa Allen (1793-1861) ; 3-Capt. David (1822-62), crossed the plains to Calif., 1849; purchased farm nr. Wyoming, IIl., with Calif. gold; organized 47th Co. Ill. Vols.; killed leading his co. at Corinth in Civil War; m Matilda Allen Greenwood. 9-Richard Bailey (qv); 8-Joseph (ca. 1635-1712), Bradford, Mass.; m Abe- gail Trumbull (d 1735); 7—-Richard (1675-1748), m 1706, Joanna Webster (1682-1757) ; 6-Richard (1717-post 1807), Bradford, Mass., and Hopkinton, N.H.; m 1741, Rachel Page (b 1719); 5-Timothy (1751-1825), Haverhill, Mass., and Springfield, O.; ens. Am. Rev.; m 1778, Zerviah Blodgett (1756 or 59-1852); 4—Zerviah (1785 or 88-1861), Harmony, O.; m Wil- liam Greenwood (d ca. 1862); 3—Matilda Allen (1823-1905), m 1847, Capt. David de Wolf (3 above). 2-Son of Thomas Walter Cox (1847-1915), farmer; m 1867, Clarissa Allen de Wolf (1848-86); issue: I—Edwin Eugene (above); II—Alice M. (6 1871; m W. S. Henderson); IlI—Estella G. (m John Kinsella); I1V-Joseph Arthur (m Harriet Falk- ner); V—Harriet M. (m Jarvel Swords); VI-— Cora Blanch (m Edward S. Jackson). I-m Oct. 16, 1895, Florence Edna Huntsinger, 0 Sacramento, Calif., Aug. 20, 1872; dau. of Dr. Eli Huntsinger, of Frankfort, Ind.; issue: 1— Catherine Virginia, b Minneapolis, Minn., Jan, 8, 1899; U. Calif., ’20; m Feb. 14, 1921, Lawrence C., son of Dr. John C. Merriam (issue: Law- rence Campbell, Jr.). B.S., Knox, ’91, M.S., 1894; LL.B., Lake Forest, 1901. Admitted to bar, 1901, and practiced at Chicago and New York until 1905; now mem. Filcher & Cox, realtors, Los Angeles. Pres. Los Angeles Chapter S.A.R. Clubs: Los An- geles Athletic, Brentwood Country, Automo- bile Club of So. Calif., San Joaquin Gun. Residence: 277 S. Coronado St., Los Angeles, Calif. 1-CRANE, Augustin Averill, Conn., Jan. 9, 1864, 8-John Crane, from Eng., 1637; lived at what is now Brookline, Mass.; 7-Henry (1635-1711), settled at Wethersfield, Conn., 1655, at Guilford, 1664, later at Killing- worth; m Concurrence Meigs (John§); 6—Henry (1677-1741), m Abigail Flood (d 1754); 5-Silas (1705-63), Durham, Conn.; m Mercy Gris- wold (Samuel®; Francis’; Edward’, qv); 4—Robert (6 1739), Bethlehem, Conn.; m 1765, Mary Camp (Eleazar‘); 3-Phineas (1777-1839), m Irene Nichols (d 1856; Gideon‘; Samuel®; Lt. William®; Isaac’; Isaac’; Isaac’). 6-Isaac Averill (6 Eng., 1685), from Wales to Topsfield, Mass.; was at New Preston, Conn., before 1748; 5-Samuel B. (1715-86), bought homestead at New Preston from Chief Waramagu, 1749, which has ever since been owned and occupied by his male descendants; m 1759, Patience Perry (Nathaniel®; Anthony’); 4-Perry (1754-1842), Am. Rev.; m 1774, Dorothy Whittlesey (1755-1824; Eliphalet®; EHEliphalet®; John’, from Eng. to Saybrook, Conn., 1650); 3—Perry (1785-1857), m 1808, Eunice Ann Barnes (Phineas%4), 2-Son of Robert Crane (1820-1909), M.D., Yale, ’43; physician, Waterbury; m 1847, Eunice Maria Averill (1820-90). M Aug. 28, 1888, Cordelia Ida Corbett (Nov. 19, 18638-July 14, 1902); dau. of George W. Corbett, of New Haven, Conn.; issue: 1—Eunice Leiola, b Paia Mavi, Hawaii, Dec. 9, 1890; A.B., Mt. Holyoke, ’11; m Albert B. Root, Jr. (issue: Charlotte Crane, 6 1918; Albert B., 3d, b 1919; Augustin Averill, 6 1921; Eunice Ellen, 6 1924); 2—-Robert Corbett (July 27, 1892-July 4, 1903); 3— George Averill, 6 Waterbury, Conn., June 30, 1894; Yale, ex-’15; 2d lt., aviation, 1917-19; m Aug. 4, 1920, Christine McKnight (issue: Pa- tricia, 6 1923; Robert Elliott, b 1924). M 2d, Oct. 25, 1904, Bessie Louise Barlow, b Wa- terbury, Conn., June 21, 1880; dau. of Thomas EEE Barlow, ex-mayor of Waterbury, onn. B.A., Yale, ’85, M.D., 1887. Surgeon, Waterbury, Conn. F.A.C.S., 1914. Capt., M.C., U.S.A., and with A.E.F. in France, World War. Mem. S.A.R. Clubs: Appalachian Mountain (Boston), Waterbury, Waterbury Country. Residence: 300 W. Main St., Waterbury, Conn. 1-CRANE, Maria Louisa Riggs (Mrs. Robert T.), b St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 6, 1882. 8-Francis Riggs (d 1664), from Eng., 1663, took up land in Calvert Co., Md.; 7-Richard (?); 6—John (1687-1762), settled at “Riggs Hills,” nr. Laurel, Mass.;m Mary Davis (1702-68; Thomas’) ; 5-Samuel (1740-1841), lt. Am. Rev.; m 1767, Amelia Dorsey (1749-1807; Col. Philemon’, m Katherine, dau. of Henry Ridgely); 4-Elisha (1779-1853), mecht., partner of George Peabody; m 1st, 1812, Alice Lawrason (d 1817; James, of Alexandria, Va.); 3-Lawrason (1814-84), m Frances Behn Clapp. 6-Thomas Cheesman (d ca. 1785) of Phila. and New York; m Elizabeth Forman; 5—-Forman (1763-1821), m Ann Cummings (1768-1820) ; 4-John Cummings, M.D. (1789-1862), m Martha Matlack Hicks (1798-1872); (1824-88), 3-Timothy Matlack, M.D. Louisa Smith (1829-1903), 2-Dau. of George Washington Riggs (1848-1914), analytical chemist; m 1879, Kate Cheesman (1851-1911); issue: I-Lawrason, Jr. (b 1881; m Dorothy Laura Kidder); II—Maria Louisa (above); III—Alice (m Jacques H. Tracy); IV— Anne; V—Kate Cheesman (m Edward Newton Perkins); VI—George (b 1893; m Lucy Dunham _ Wheeler). II-m June 20, 1908, Robert Treat Crane (See Vol. 1, p. 571, for genealogy); issue: 1-Robert Treat, Jr., 6 Montreal, Que., Aug. 25, 1909; 2-George Levering, 6 Washington, D.C., Oct. 6, 1911; 3- b Waterbury, m Maria 288 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Charles Thomas, 8 Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec. 20, 1918; 4-Lawrason Riggs (Dec. 20, 1913- Oct as, 1922) ; 5-Kate Cheesman, }b Ann Arbor, Feb. 26, 1918; 6-Matlack Cheesman, 0 Ann Arbor, Feb. Residence: 923 Olivia Pl, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1-CUTLER, Willard Walker, b Morristown, N.J., Nov. 3, 1856. 8-James Cutler (qv); 7-James (1635-85), m Lydia (Moore) Wright (1648- 1723; John Moore’); 6—John. vec 1729), m 1700, Hannah Snow (6 1677; ohn? 5-Uriah (d 1795), m Rachel Canfield; 4—Abijah (1747-78), Am. Rev.; m Dinah Lee; 3—Col. Joseph (b 1775), m 1800, Elizabeth P. Cook. 8-John (Cunditt) Condit (d 1713), from Eng. or Wales, with his son Peter, ca. 1678; settled in Essex Co., N.J.; 7-Peter (d 1714), m "1695, Mary Harrison (Samuel); aed (1698/99-1768), m 1724/25, Phebe Dodd (1703- ‘ 5-Silas (1788-1801), del. Cont. Congress, 1781-84; eee ING: Assembly; m 1760, Phebe Day (1748- (62) ; 4—Flizabeth Phebe (1762-85), m 1781, James Cook, soldier Am. Rev.; 3—Elizabeth P. -(1782- -1846), m Joseph Cutler (3 above). 2-Son of Augustus William Cutler (1827-97), his home at Morristown, N.J., built by Silas Con- dit (6 above), 1798, has been occupied by five generations; lawyer; ‘‘Father of the free school system of N.J.’’; mem. 44th and 45th Congresses, 1875-79; m 1854, Julia Rebecca (1829- 1908), dau. of Willard Walker, of Albany, N.Y., m Maria Hastings; issue: I-Willard Walker (above); II—Condict Walker (b 1859; m Cora Car- penter); Il1IJ—Frederick Walker (b 1861). I-m Dec. 4, 1879, Mary Baker Hinchman (1856- 1917); dau. of late John J. Hinchman, of Brook- lyn, N.Y.; issue (all b Morristown, N.J.); 1- Genevieve Wilder, 6 Dec. 18, 1880; m Apr. 3, 1907, Charles Mercer Marsh; 2—Julia Hinchman, 0 Feb. 3, 1888; m John L. Salter, Jr.; 3-Willard Walker, Jr., 6 Dec. 3, 1884; E.M., Columbia, ’09; m Sept. 15, 1915, Olga Platanova; 4—-Ethel Hast- ings, b Nov. 25, 1886; m Leon S. Freeman}. 5— Gertrude Barnard (Oct. 17, 1888-1893); 6—Edith (Dec. 8, 1890-Feb. 5, 1920); m Apr. 10, 1917, Charles W. Phelps; 7-Ralph Hinchman, 0 Nov. 7, 1894; Litt.B., Princeton, “17; m Nov. 7; 1917, Ruth Fearn Manley. M 2d, Aug. 7, 1919, Altha Evaline Hatch, 6 Dun- lap, Ia., Feb. 10, 1868; dau. of Charles Orin Hatch, of Skaneateles, N.Y., m Harriet Ann Roberts, of S. Manchester, Conn. Rutgers, ’76. Prosecutor of pleas, Morris Co., N.J., 1882-93; law judge, 1893-98; circuit judge since 1916. Club: Whippany River. Residence: 2 Cutler St., Morristown, N.J. 1-DARLING, Arland Lewis, |) Lawrenceville, Pa., June 22, 1870. 7—Denice (Dennis) Darling (1640-1717), of Brain- tree and Mendon, Mass.; m 1662, Hannah Fran- cis; 6-Benjamin (1687-1772), m ist, 1708, Mehitable White (b 1689; Thomas’, m Mehitable Thorn- ton; Capt. Joseph’; Thomas’); 5—-Thomas (1730-76), pvt. Am. Rev.; m 1749, Rachel White (6 1782; Joseph®, m Prudence Smith; Jo- seph’7; Capt. Joseph’; Thomas’); 4-Seth (1764-1825), Woodstock, Vt.; pvt. Am. Rev.; m 1786, Chloe Marsh (1768-18388; Sgt. Joseph®, m Deborah Staples; Dea. John®; Joseph’; John§); 3—Lewis, M.D. (1804- '92), Lawrenceville, Pa.; m 1831, Lucy Mason Parsons (1803-84; Capt. Lukes; Lt. Samuel; Lt. William‘; Capt. John’; Cornet Joseph§, qv). 2-Son of Dr. Lewis Darling (1840-1916), surgeon in army and navy in Civil War; m 1867, Julia Lavilla Day (b 1843); issue: I-Arland Lewis (above); II—Carlos Parsons (qv for maternal lineages); I11I—-Walter William (qv for Pome- roy and Streeter lineages), I—m Nov. 3, 1897, Rue B. Lindsley (divorced 1916) ; b Emporium, Pa., July 27, 1869; dau. of Clarence Lindsley; issue (all 6 Lawrenceville, Pa.): 1— Lewis Arland, b Sept. 15, 1898; m Jan. 18, 1925, Marguerite VanValkenburgh (6b Wellsboro, Pa., June 16, 1893), dau. of Frank Weldon Ryan, m Harriet VanValkenburgh, of Lawrenceville, Pa.; 2—Carlos Mason (Dec. 12, 1899-Dec. 21, 1918); 3-Waldo Pomeroy, b Jan. 31, 909. M 2d, May 4, 1917, Mary V. Luge, 6 Nelson, Pa., Aug. 27, 1869; dau. of Robert S. Lugg, of Nel- son, Pa. M.D., U. Buffalo, 1892; physician and surgeon; on staff of Corning Hosp. Residence: 17 E. Pulteney St., Corning, N.Y. 1-DARLING, Carlos Parsons, } Lawrenceville, Pa., May 8, 1876. 9—-Robert Day (qv); 8-Thomas (d 1711), m 1659, Sarah Cooper (d 1726; Lt. Thomas’); 7-Samuel (1671- -1729), m 1697, Mary Dumbleton (1676- 1759; John’; John’); 6—Aaron (1715- 78), m 24, 1745, Susanna Stanley (1717- 1805; Nathaniel’, m ‘Anna Whiting; Nathaniel; Thomas’); 5—Thomas Stanley (1751-1837), m 1774, Ruth Newell (1755-1840; Josiah®, m Mary Upson; Samuel’; Samuel: Thomas?) ; 4-Erastus (1775-1863), m 1804, Amelia Doty; 3-Carlos Curtis (1809-83), mem. Conn. Legisla- ture; m 1833, Lavilla Woodruff. 9-Matthew Woodruff (qv); 8—John (1642/43-1692), m Mary—; 7-Set. Joseph (1679-1732), m 1st, Hannah Clark (b 1680; John’, m Rebecca Marvin); 6-Josiah (1706-89), m 1733, Sarah Woodford (1714- 1790; Joseph’, m Lydia Smith; Joseph’); 5-Lt. Eldad (1749-1805), m 1773, Dinah Woodford (1754-1825; Joseph®, m Elizaketh Hart; Joseph‘; Joseph’; Joseph’); 4—Titus (1782-1864), m 1803, Lua Alling; 3—Lavilla (1813-1907), m 1833, Carlos Curtis Day (3 above). 9-Roger Alling’ (qv); 8—Judge John (1647- 1717), treas. Yale Coll., 1702-17; mem. Gov.’s Council; judge; m 1671, Susannah Coe (1653-1746; Robert, m Hannah Mitchell; Robert?) ; 7-Capt. Jonathan (1683-1775), m 1718, Sarah Sacket era hi John8, m Mary Woodin; John’®; fo) 6—Jonathan (1716-71), m 1746, Amy Beecher (1720-83: praeesce m Hannah Farrington; Isaac’; saa 5—-Elisha (1751-1819), m 1776, Abigail Pardee (1750- 1889; Daniel’, m Lydia Porter; Joseph’; Georges); 4—T,ua (1785-1872), m 1803, Titus Woodruff (4 above). 8-Edward Doty (qv 7-Hdward (1637-1689/90), m 1662/63, Sarah Faunce (1645-95; John’, m Patience Morton); 6—Benjamin (b 1689), m 1716, Hester Bemen (Sam- uel’, m Hester Buckingham; William Bea- mond§); 5-Benjamin (1742-1826), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1766, Phebe Kirtland (1746-1806; Nathaniel, Jr.*, m Eunice Pratt; Nathaniel’; Lt. John’; Na- thaniel?’) ; 4—Amelia (1786-1871), m 1804, Erastus Day (4 above). 2-Son of Julia Lavilla Day (6 1848), m 1867, Dr. Lewis Darling (1840-1916). For issue and other lineages see Arland Lewis Darling. Not married. Hobart, ex-’ (Sigma Phi). Owner and mgr. Darling Telephone Co., Lawrence- ville, Pa. Writer of historical articles and genealogies. Mem. S.M.D., Pa. Huguenot Soc., S.A.R., S.W.1812, Nat. Hist. Soc., Tioga Co. (Pa.) Hist. Soc., ete. Residence: Lawrence- ville; Pa. 1-DARLING, Walter William, 6 Lawrenceville, Pa., Mar. 20, 1880. 9-Eltweed Pomeroy (qv); 8—Medad (bap. 1638-1716), m 1661, Experience Wood- ward (d 1686; Henry®, m Elizabeth—); 7—-Ebenezer (1669-1754), m 1692, Sarah King (1671- 1747; Capt. John’, m Sarah Holton); 6—Josiah (1703-90), m 1731, Lydia Ashley (1710-72: Jonathan’, m Abigail Stebbins; David’; Rob- ert?) ; rapes (1739-82), m 1768, Lt. Samuel Parsons (1733- 1 . 4—Capt. Luke (1774-1852), m 1801, Nancy Streeter: treo (1803-84), m 1831, Lewis Darling, M.D. 9-Stephen Streeter (d 1652), of Gloucester and Charlestown, Mass.; m Ursula Adams (1600-73: said to have been dau. of Henry Adams, of Braintree); 8-Stephen (d 1689), m Deborah—; 7—Joseph (1687-1736), m 1717, Elizabeth Titus (b 16%; ieee ea m Elizabeth Johnson; John®; Rob- ert10 6—-Lt. Joseph (1719-78), 1t. Am. Rev.; m 1752, Mary (Barton) Inman (Samuel Barton’, m Elizabeth FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA Bellows; Samuel’; Matthew®; Edward”); 5-Johnson (1761-ca. 1823), pvt. Am. Rev.; m 1782, Lydia Mason (1762-1824; Capt. Jonathan®, m Patience Mason; Peletiah’; Peletiah®; Samp- son’); Neen (1784-1853), m 1801, Capt. Luke Parsons (4 above). 2-Son of Dr. Lewis Darling’ (1840-1916), m 1867, Julia Lavilla Day (b 1843). For issue and other lineages see Arland Lewis Darling. ; M Jan. 1, 1910, Ellen Maria Perkins, 6 Baldwins- ville, N.Y., Sept. 5, 1881; dau. of Charles J. Perkins (Jenckes W.°; Zebulon W.‘4; Jenckes'®; Nathaniel®; Abraham’; David’; Abraham?’), Ph.G., Brooklyn Coll. Pharmacy, 1901. Druggist. Residence: Lawrenceville, Pa. 1-CRESSON, Caleb (V), 6 “Oakland Hall,” Oaks, Pa., Jan. 9, 1876. 9—Pierre Cresson (1609-81), from France, to Haar- lem, New Amsterdam; settled at New Amstel, on the Delaware, 1657; was corp. in expdn. against the Indians at Esopus, 1663; m Rachel Closs; 8—Jacques, m 1668, Marie Renard; 7-Solomon, m 1702, Anna Watson; 6-James (1709-46), m Sarah Emlen; 5—Caleb (1742-1816), recorder of Friends meeting, Phila., over 20 yrs.; m 1772, Annabella Elliott; 4-Caleb (1775-1821), merchant and philanthropist, Phila.; m 1807, Sarah Emlen; 3-William Penn (1814-92), pres. Howard Hosp., Phila.; m Susan Vaux. ’ Maternally, 5-Thomas Gumbes, m Elizabeth Haffey; 4-William Henry, m 1809, Rebecca Wetherill; 3-Samuel Wetherill, m 1836, Frances S. Macomb. 2-Son of Caleb Cresson (1839-1917), trustee and managing estates, philanthropist, Phila.; m Isabella Bloomfield Gumbes (1844-1913); issue: I-Francis Macomb; II—Susan Vaux (m Charles Wetherill Gumbes); III—Caleb (above); IV— Georgena Vaux (m Webster King Wetherill). IlI-m June 16, 1914, Helen Anderson, dau. of Coffin Colket Wilson; issue (all b Paoli, Pa.): 1—Caleb (VI), 6 Apr. 7, 1915; 2-Helen, b Dec. 31, 1917; 3—Emily Vaux, b Mar. 13, 1920. B.S., U. Pa., 98. Formerly executive with vari- ous mfg. corpns. and v.p. Aldine Trust Co., Phila. Grad. Phila. Div. Sch., 1914. Ordained P.E. priest; rector St. Paul’s Memorial Ch., Oaks, Pa., 1916-. Residence: Oaks, Pa. 1-CULVER, Mary Catharine Spicer (Mrs. Fran- cis B.), 6 Baltimore, Md., Apr. 9, 1879. 7-John Spicer (d 1739), removed from Anne Arun- del Co. to Baltimore Co., Md., 1716; owner of “Spicer’s Inheritance,” Baltimore; Juliatha Hawkins (6 1689; Augustine’, b 1663, of Anne Arundel Co., Md.); 6-Thomas (1714-49), m 1735, Rebecca Merryman (John’; Charles’; John®, of Lancaster Co., Va.); 5-Austin (1738-75), m 1760, Rebecca Price (b 1739), who m 2d, Henry Hissey (d 1781), and m 3d, 1783, Nicholas Smith; 4-Thomas (1761-1822), m 1782, Blizabeth Harrison Lloyd (1764-1824) ; 3-Hiram Paul (1809-90), m 1830, Alice Cutler (1808- 81), native of Eng. 10-Col. John Chew (qv); 9-Col. Samuel (1625-77), in Md., 1655: mem. Md. Assembly, 1659; of the Council, 1669-77; chan- cellor and sec. of the Province; m 1658, Anne Ayres, 1638-95; William”, of Nansemond Co., Wael 8-Samuel (1660-1718), justice of Anne Arundel Co., Md., 1683; m 1st, 1682, Anne— (d 1702); 7-John (1687-1718), m 1708, Elizabeth Harrison (Richard’, m Elizabeth Smith); she m 2d, 1722, Elihu Hall; 6—-Mary (d 1779), m_ 1736, Peregrine Ward (1709-59), of Cecil Co., Md.; eae C. (6 1740), m ca. 1758, Thomas Lloyd (d 4-Blizabeth H. (1764-1824), m 1782, Thomas Spicer (4 above). 6-Henry (Scarff) Scharf, a descendant of the Scarffs who emigrated to Md. from Bavaria; 5-William (1749-78), 2d and ist lt., Baltimore Co. militia in Am. Rev.; m Blizabeth Harrison (G2)e 4-William (6 ca. 1778), soldier War of 1812; m 1808, Susannah Christopher (1783-1866) ; 3-Thomas George (1816-86), m 1887, Ann Maria Mc- Nulty (1820-89; their son John T., LL.D., was noted Md. historian). 2-Dau. of Hiram Louis Spicer, M.D. (1840-98), m 1709, ~ 289 physician, Baltimore; m 1864, Mary Catharine Scharf (1845-1912). M Nov. 7, 1897, Francis Barnum Culver (See Vol. 1, p. 574, for genealogy). 1-CURTIS, Bridgham, b N.Y. City, Sept. 30, 1876. 9-Henry Curtis (qv); &-Joseph (1647-1700), served in King Philip’s War, 1675; m 1677, Abigail Grout (Capt. John®, m Sarah-); 7-Ephraim (1680-1759), justice; maj. militia; rep. Gen. Ct.; judge Ct. Common Pleas; m 1705, Mary Stone (David’, m Susannah-); 6—John (1707-97), capt. militia in expdn. for relief of Ft. William Henry, 1757; m 1729, Rebeckah Wight (Benjamin’, m Elizabeth-); 5-John (1781-68), m 1755, Elizabeth (Phinehas’, m Elizabeth-—); 4-David (1763-1813), m 1791, Susannah Stone (Lt. Samuel, Jr.®, m Dorothy-); 3—George (1796-1856), speaker R.I. Assembly; pres. Cont. Bank of New York; m 2d, 1834, Julia Bowen Bridgham (Hon. Samuel W.4, speaker RI. Assembly, Ist mayor of Providence, chancellor of Brown U., atty. gen. of R.I., m Elizabeth Paine; and dese. Maj. Simon Wil- lard, qv, and Rey. Samuel Willard, 11th pres. of Harvard, 1700-07). 8-John Ap Bevan (1636-1726; desc. King Henry Ill, of Eng., and four Magna Charta barons), friend and relative of William Penn whom he aided in founding Pa. and establishing Quaker religion in America; purchased 2000 acres in Merion and Haverford tps. and brought his family, 1683; judge Ct. Common Pleas and mem. Provincial Assembly; m 1667, Barbara Catherine Aubrey; 7—Evan (1672-1720), m 1698, Eleanor Wood; 6—-Aubrey (1705-61), m 1732, Ann Davis; 5-Davis (1738-1818), capt. Cont. Army; fitted out at his own expense and cdr. the privateer brig “Holker,” with his son-in-law Capt. Matthew Lawler (later mayor of Phila.), captured val- uable British prizes for which he received vote of thanks from Cont. Congress; m 1760, Agnes Cowpland (David’, m Isabella Bell); 4-Tacey Anna (1774-1831), m 1796, George Stacey (1764-1808), A.B., Harvard, 1784; lawyer and mer- chant, Chester, Pa.; U.S. consul, Isle de France; 3—-Davis, m Sara Van Dycke. 2-Son of Edward Curtis, A.M., M.D. (1838-1912), A.B., Harvard, 59; M.D., U. Pa., 1864; asst. surgeon, and bvtd. major U.S.A. “For dis- tinguished service,” Civil War; prof. materia medica and therapeutics, Coll. Physicians and Surgeons; med. author; med. dir. Equitable Life Assurance Soc., New York; m 1864, Au- gusta Lawler Stacey (b 1841); issue: I-Julia; II—Constance; IIlI-—George De Clyver; IV— Natalie (1875-1921; m Paul Burlin); V-Bridgham (above); VI—Marian (6 1877; m Roger Bradbury Whitman). V—-Not married. A.B., Harvard, ’99; LL.B., Co- lumbia, 1902 (Phi Delta Phi). Mem. law firm of Macfarlane & Monroe, New York. Clubs: Racquet and Tennis, Harvard. Residence: 1199 Park Av., New York. 1-CUSHING, Henry Platt, b Cleveland, O., Oct. 10, 1860-d Apr. 14, 1921. 9-Matthew Cushing (qv); 8-John (1627-1708), selectman, 1674-86; dep. Gen. Ct., 1692; mem. Council, 1706 and 1707; col. Plym- outh Regt.; m Sarah Hawke (1641-1679); 7-Matthew (1665-1715), selectman; m 1694, Deborah Jacob (1677-1755; Capt. John’, m Mary Russell); 6—Josiah (1707-87), m 1785, Mehitable King (d 1778), of Dighton; 5—-David (1740-1821), m 1763, Sarah Loring (d 1805); 4-David (1768-1814), m 1798, Freelove (Brown) Jenckes (d 1843); 3-Erastus (1802-93), m 1826, Mary Ann Platt (d 1868), of Lanesboro. 2Son of Henry Kirke Cushing, M.D., LL.D. (1827-1910), prof. medicine, Western Reserve U.; m Betsey Maria Williams (1828-1903); issue: I— William Erastus (1853-1917; m Carolyn J. Kel- logg); II—Alice K. (1859-1918); Il1I-Henry Platt (above); IV—Edward Fitch (1862-1911; m Kath- erine Melanie Harvey); V—George Briggs (b 1864); VI-—Alleyne Maynard (1869-1903); VII— Harvey Williams (b 1869; m Katharine Stone Crowell). IlI-m June 3, 1886, Florence Electa Williams, } Groton, N.Y., Nov. 22, 1857; dau. of Prof. S. Heywood 290 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY G. Williams, of Cornell U.; issue (all b Cleve- land, O.): 1—-Cornelia B., 6 Jan. 27, 1893; m Rev. Vivan Albertus Peterson; 2—Kirke Williams (Mar. 5, 1894-May 1919); A.B., Kenyon; M.D., Harvard, 1919 (Alpha Delta Phi, PBikS Sigma Excl )ie 3-Alice Clark (May 17, 1898-Oct. 3 1914), Ph.B., Cornell, ’82 (Alpha Deita Phi, Sigma Xi), M.S., 1884, Ph.D., 1909; post-grad. Columbia and Munich. Prof. geology, Western Reserve U., 1892-1921. Club: University. Residence: 2275 Tudor Dr., Cleveland Heights, O. 1-CUTLER, Ralph Corridon, 0 Lewiston, Me., Feb. 3, 1879. 10-—James Cutler (qv); 9-James (1635-85), Lexington, Mass.; soldier King Philip’s War; m Lydia (Moore) Wright (John Moore!’®) ; 8-Thomas (1677-1759), Lexington, Mass.; m Sarah Stone (Samuel®, m Dorcas Jones; Samuel; Gregory, qv); 7-David (1705- 60), m Mary Field; 6-Joseph (1733-1816), removed to Weston (now Warren), Mass., 1755; m ist, 1754, Rebecca Hoar; 5-Nathan (1755-1827), minute man in Am. Rev.; one of the first 17 settlers at Lewiston, Me., where he was first constable and first school- master; m Ruth Nelson (1757-1817), their son Nathan, Jr., was actg. gov. of Me., 1829; apa (1799- 1837), capt. militia; m Roxcyllania err ®-Stephen Corridon (1826-61), m Emily M. Tainter 5-Benjamin Friend (1775-1825), removed from Sedgwick, _Me., 1807, and was first settler at Etna, Me. 4-Ellis (1803-78); 3—Perley (1831-1916), m 1854, Fervilla Smith (Obed‘, m Hulda Bradford). 2-Son of Henry Otis Cutler (b 1852), dry goods merchant, Lewiston, Me.; m 1877, Julia Frances Friend (1855-79) ; m 2d, Belle Pierce; issue (1st marriage): I-Ralph ron (above); (2d marriage): Have. Charles (b 1891; m Marguerite Anne ar I-—m Dec. 25, 102, Cinda Eliza Umberhind, b Bow- doinham, Me., July 29, 1878; dau. of Gorham Umberhind, m Lucinda Rogers, of Bowdoin- ham; issue: 1—Frances Rogers, b Lewiston, Me., Nov. 10, 1905. Dry goods merchant. Residence: 7 Wood St., Lewiston, Me. a ae Arthur Fuller, b Roxbury, Mass., Mar. 7-William Davis (1617-83), from Eng. ca. 1635; was at Coren Mass.; freeman, 1673; m 3d, Jane— 6~Ichabod (1676-1754), m Bethia Hopkins (1675-1768) ; 5-—Jacob (1706-ca. 1757), m Jemima Healey (1702-84) ; 4-Jacob (1742-1809), m Dorothy Baker 3—John (1781-1819), m Thankful Read "t783- 1867). 8-Humphrey Griffin (d 1660), at Ipswich, Mass., at Annisquam, 1641; 7-Samuel, 1707; m 1708, Elizabeth York; 6-Samuel (d 1781), m 1736, Mary Goss; 5—Oliver (1739-1815), m 1760, Mary York; 4-Eliphalet (1765-1813), m Jane Griffin; 3-Thomas (1797-1868), m Sarah Parsons Griffin. 2-Son of John Francis Davis (1820-1908), m 2d, 1851, Martha Parsons Griffin (1828-1905). Not married. Artist; also librarian, Memorial Library, Acton, Mass., since 1902. Residence: Acton, Mass. oe he Harry Alexander, 6 Mobile, Ala., Mar. 8-Morgan Davis (d 1694/95), from Wales to Merion Tp., Pa., ante 1686; m Catherine— (d 1741); erica (1685/86 - 1748), m 1711/12, Jane— (d 1774); 6-Benjamin (1719-97), migrated to S.C., 1739; fur- nished supplies to the army, 1776-81; ‘had 7 sons in Am. Rev.; m 1748/49, Rachel Port (1732-post 1800; Thomas’, capt. Am. Rev., del. 2d Prov. Congress, 1775-76, from S.C.); §-Lt. David (1756- 98), ist lt. of S.C. Vols.; m 1775, Rebecca Keziah Godfrey (b 1755; desc. Col. John Godfrey; Rev. William Guy; Mary Fisher, celebrated Quakeress; Capt. Charles Basden; Thomas Elliott); 4—William (1787-1822), planter in S.C.; m 1810, Mar- garet Ann Allison (1794-1821; g.dau. Lt. James H. Allison [1738-1784/85], It. Am. Rev., m Sarah, dau. of Benjamin Godin, Huguenot refugee); 3-David Rogerson Williams (1813-67), migrated to Mass., Ala., 1825-26; merchant and cotton factor; m 1840, *Mary White Norris (1822-86; Maj. John B.4 [1787- -1848-49], officer War 1812; Thomas® [1756- 1818], Am. Rev.) 10—George aera (bap. 1569-1645; son of Richard Deringe, m Margaret-), migrated to Ireland, came to Scarborough, Me., 1630; shipbuilder and planter; m Elizabeth-; 9-Roger (d 1676), m Joan— (d post 1700); 8-Thomas (ca. 1664-1723), m Elizabeth— (d 17389); 7—John (1695-1725), m 1719, Mary Carpenter (Philip); 6—John (b 1722), m 1743, Eunice Spinney (0 121); 5-Joseph (1753-1834), Portland, Me.; shipbuilder and planter; Am. Rev.; m 1779, Hannah Jame- Ae (1760-1841; William® [1736-1815], sailor Am. eV.); 4-Noah (1794-1869), Portland, Me.; m 1817, Eliza- beth Cummings (6 1794; Nathaniel’, Am. Rev., m Sarah, dau. of Capt. Paul Junkins, mem, Com. Safety); 8-Alexander Warren (1818-83), Mobile, Ala.; mariner; capt.; harbor master, Mobile, many years; m 1845, Helen Marr Grant (1824-61; Wil- liam’, m Johanna, dau. of Raphael Cook, Am. Rev.; Vincent’, Am. Rev.). 2-Son of David Rogerson Williams Davis (1845- 1906), sgt. Ist Ala. Arty., C.S.A., 1861-65; m 1873, Mary Twelves Deering (1850-1924); issue: I- Harry Alexander (above); IIl—Helen Cluis (m . Morris Barnes); IlI—-Mary Williams (m Robert E. Barnes); IV—Margaret Alice (1885-87) ; V-—Carcline Hubart (m Joseph F. Lasseter). I-m Mar. 12, 1907, Amelia Becker, 6 Washington, DiC Oct. 3, 1878; dau. of Charles Becker, of Washington, m Mary K. Moser; issue: 1-Mar- garet Deering, b Ft. Hunt, Va., Oct. 15, 1908; 2-Josephine Williams, 8 Washington, D.C., May 4, 1914. Self educated; extended travel, and close stu- dent. Entomologist and research bacteriolo- gist, Army Medical Museum, Washington. Entered army, 1898, Med. Dept., retired 1925; campaigned in Porto Rico, Philippines, and Cuba; 14 yrs. research bacteriologist and asst. instr. Army Medical School; maj., Sanitary Corps, World War; c.o. Laboratory, Central Dept.,. Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. Mem. S.A.R., U.S.W.V. Residence: 316 Shepherd St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 1-DE BLOIS, Austen Kennedy, b Wolfville, N.S., Dec. 17, 1866. 5-George De Blois (1739/40-1799; George®; Louis’, of Huguenot ancestry), from Eng. to Boston, 1761; removed to Salem, Mass.; was at Halifax, N. Ss, 1775-77, at New York, 1777- 81, and again at Halifax, 1781-99; d at Newport, RL; m 1771, his cousin, Sarah De Blois (Lewis*®; Stephen’; Louis’); 4—George Lewis (1782-1837), shipping mcht., Bos- ton; m Amelia Grant (1792-1867; Moses®, of Boston); 3-William Minet (d 1887), m Jane Vermilye Pryor (bap. 1802; John‘). 8—Rev. James Fitch (q v); 7-Capt. Nathaniel (1679- 1759), m Anna Abel (1681- 1728); Nathan (1705-50), m Hannah Huntington (1703- 5-Ebenezer (1731-91), removed to Nova Scotia, 1765, and purchased 1,000 acres at Grand Pré; m Lydia Fish; 4-Simon (1751-1824), mem. N.S. Assembly; m 1773, Bathsheba Huntington; 3-Simon (1783-1867), mem. N.S. Assembly; a founder of Acadia U.; m Sophia Henrietta ss Wolf (Judge Elisha‘, founder of Wolfville, .S.). 2-Son of Stephen William De Blois, D.D. (1827-84), clergyman, educator; m 1855, Mary Sophia Fitch (1827-1911); issue: I-—Henrietta Sophia (1855-59); II-Austen Kennedy (above). II-m June 25, 1890, Erminie Dagmar Day, 60 St. John, N.B., Mar. 12, 1870; dau. of George E. Day, M.D., m Albina Stanhope Hoben; issue: 1—-Stephen George, b St. Martin’s, N.B., May 1, 1894; 2—Cedric (Mar. 24-Aug. 14, 1896); 3-Mary Ailsa, 6 Alton, Ill., Mar. 8, 1899; 4—Charles Aus- ten, 0 Elgin, Ill., Sept. 18, 1901; 5-Laurier St. John, b Chicago, Sept. 27, 1904; 6-Erminie Stan- hope, b Chicago, Apr. 29, 1909. Grad. Acadia Coll., N.S., "965 A.M., Brown, 1888, Ph.D., 1889; student Newton Theol. Sem., 1889; U. Berlin, 18990; U. Leipzig, 1891; LL.D., Frank- lin (Ind.) Coll., 1897; D.D., Brown, 1914; D.D., Acadia, 1925. Baptist minister and educator FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 29] (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 1875 Commonwealth Avy., Boston, Mass. Cot sper Baylis John, bd Greenville, S.C., June , 1843. 9-Sir Richard Earle, of Dorset Co., Eng., desc. Henry de Erleigh from lordship of Erleigh; was Lord of Newton, and desc. Sir John Earle (1334-1410), known as the “White Knight,” who m Margaret, dau. of Sir Guy de Brian; origi- nal ancestor went to Eng. with William the Conqueror; 8-Sir John (1614-60), from Eng., ca. 1649-52, with his wife and three children, and for paying the passage of 34 persons received land grants aggregating 1700 acres located on Earle’s Creek and Yeocomico River, now Westmoreland Co., Va., which, exclusive of other patents subsequently granted by the lords proprietors of the Northern Neck, de- scended in a single male representative for 100 yrs.; m Mary Symons (1619-59); 7-Samuel (1639-97), Westmoreland Co.; m Bridget Hale (relative Sir Mathew Hale, celebrated mathematician) ; 6-Samuel, II (1680-1746), surveyor of highways; m Phyllis Bennet (relative Gov. Richard Ben- net, of Va.); 5-Maj. Samuel (d 1771), justice County Ct. of Frederick Co., Va., 1748-52; high sheriff; church warden; maj., Col. George W. Fairfax’s regt. of horse; burgess, 1743-52; collector of tobacco; m 1st, 1726, Anne Sorrell; m 2d, 1748, Elizabeth Holbrook; 4-Col. John (1737-1815), removed to the region nr. boundary line bet. N.C. and S.C., 1773, where he built ‘‘Earle’s Fort’; capt. in Gen. Bou- quet’s expdn. in Ohio, 1764; col. in Am. Rev.; m Thomasine Prince (1746-1802; John®); 3-George Washington (1777-1821), m his half first cousin, Elizabeth Robinson. 2-Son of Elias Drayton Earle (1803-53), m Susan Baker Haynesworth (1812-51). M Novy. 13, 1872, Eliza Thompson Harle (1852-93) ; issue: 1—Robert Drayton, M.D., b Earleton, Fla., 1875; 2-Hunice Cloud (Mrs. Elmer Ander- son Dean, qv); 3-Mary Louise (Mrs. William Alexander McCain, qv). Grad. The Citadel, Charleston, S.C. Mem. N.C. Soc. Cincinnati. Residence: Earleton, Fla. 1-DEAN, Eunice Cloud Earle (Mrs. Elmer A.), 6 Earleton, Fla., Aug. 25, 1877. lil-Sir Francis Swann (b 1578; son of Sir Henry), settled at “Swann’s Point,’ opposite James- a i Va.; m Dorothy, dau. of Sir Edward OysS; 10—William (1599-1638), land register in Va.; 9-Col. Thomas (1630-80), mem. Va. Council and burgess; lt. col. militia; sheriff of Surry Co.; m Mary Browne; &-Capt. Thomas (1675-1705), burgess; sheriff of Surry Co., 1697; m Elizabeth Thomason; 7-Maj. Thomas (6 1700), sheriff of Nansemond Co., Va.,. 1740; 6—Mary (b 1740), m 1757, Josiah Thompson (0 1737); 5-Chancellor Waddy (1769-1845), m 1798, Eliza Blackburn Williams (1775-1830) ; 4-Eliza (1795-1866), m 1814, Dr. Robinson Earle (1794-1838) ; ihe gies (1822-93), m 1849, Mary Louise Cloud 2-Dau. of Eliza Thompson Earle (1852-93), m 1872, Baylis John Earle (qv for paternal lineage). M Elmer Anderson Dean, Bb in Tenn., Aug. 18, 1872; M.D., U. Pa., 1898; entered U.S.A. as asst. surgeon, Dec. 12, 1898; now col., M.C., U.S.A.; D.S.M., World War; issue: 1-Eunice Earle (qv); 2-Margaret Earle, 6 Manila, P.I.; 3-Betty Earle, b San Francisco, Calif. Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R. Address: Col. Elmer A. etre Surgeon General U.S.A., Washing- ons D.C: 1-DEAN, Eunice Earle, }) Chicago, Ill., Mar. 1905, 10-Albert Heymans Roosa (b 1610), from the Netherlands in the “Spotted Cow,” 1660, with his wife Wyntie and eight children; 9-Neeltje (1653-post 1745), m 1676, Capt. Henry Pawling (d 1692), officer British Army; came to N.Y., 1664; a founder of Kingston, Marble- town and Hurley, N.Y.; high sheriff of Ulster Co., N.Y., 1685-89; 8-Wyntie, m Capt. Richard Broadhead, of Mar- bletown, N.Y. (Daniel?®); 7-Rachel, m Judge Wood Furman (1712-83), of S.C. (Josiah’, m Sarah Wood; Josiah®; John, Watertown, Mass., 1631); 6—-Sarah (1752-1831), m Henry Haynesworth, min- Mantes in Am. Rev.; mem. Congress (Rich- ard’); 5-Dr. James, m Susan Cox Porter: 4-Susan Baker, m Elias Drayton Earle (1803-53); 3-Baylis John (qv), m Eliza Thompson Earle. 2-Dau. of Eunice Cloud Earle (qv), m Elmer An- derson Dean, U.S.A. H. DURANT CHEEVER. 1-CHEEVER, H(enry) Durant, b New York, N.Y., Jan. 8, 1867. 8—Ezekiel Cheever (1614-1708), from Eng. to Bos- ton, 1637; a founder of Quinnipiac (New Ha- ven), Conn., 1638; educator; m Ellen Lathrop; 7—-Rev. Thomas (1658-1749), A.B., Harvard, 1677; m Sarah Bill; 6—-Thomas, m 1712, Mary Baker; 5—-Abner (1725-96); justice at Saugus, Mass.; m Elizabeth Newhall; 4—-Abijah (1760-1843), A. B., Harvard, 1779; naval surgeon in Am. Rev.; m 1789, Elizabeth Scott; 3-Charles Augustus (1793-1852), A.B., Harvard, 1813, M.D., 1816; m Adeline Haven. 2-Son of John Haven Cheever (1824-1901), m 1851, Anna Dow (6b 1833); issue: I-Charles A. (1852- 1900); II—Blizabeth S. (1855-1924); IIlI—John D. (1859-1911); IV—Gertrude (6 1863; m John Elliot Cowdin); V—Henry Durant (above). V—m Oct. 1, 1890, Maud Russell Barnard, b 1871; dau. of George M. Barnard, of Boston, Mass. M 2d, May 28, 1899, Zora Gladys Horlocher, b Ogden, Ia., Sept. 19, 1879; dau. of William Hor- locher, of Hastings, Neb.; issue: 1—Zora, } N.Y. City, May 18, 1911. A.B., Harvard, ’88 (Hasty Pudding, D.K.E., Zeta Psi). Pres. Okonite Co., and Okonite-Callen- der Cable Co., New York. Clubs: Union, Rac- quet and Tennis, Riding, Harvard, Bankers (New York), Tennis and Racquet (Boston), Round Hill, Field (Greenwich, Conn.), Travel- lers (Paris), Residence: 1 Sutton Place South, New York. 1-McCAIN, Mary Louise Earle (Mrs. William A.), b Earleton, Fla., May 25, 1879. 10-Sir Richard Earle, of Dorset Co., Eng., desc. Henry de Erleigh from lordship of Erleigh; was Lord of Newton, and desc. Sir John Earle (13834-1410), known as the “White Knight,” who m Margaret, dau. of Sir Guy de Brian; origi- nal ancestor went to Eng. with William the Conqueror; 9-Sir John (qv); 8-Samuel (1639-97), Westmoreland Co.; m Bridget Hale; 7-Samuel (1680-1746), surveyor of highways; m Phyllis Bennet; 6-Maj. Samuel (d 1771), justice County Ct. of Frederick Co., Va., 1748-52; high sheriff, church warden; maj., Col. George W. Fairfax’s regt. 292 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY of horse; burgess, 1748-52; collector of tobacco; m 1726, Anne Sorrell; m 2d, 1748, Elizabeth Hol- brook (6 1728; Randolph’, of Va.); 5—Col. Elias (1762-1828), settled in Greenville Co., S.C., 1787; mem. 9th, 12th, 18th, 15th and 16th Congresses; m 1782, Frances Wilton Robinson (1762-1823) ; 4-Dr. Robinson (1794-1888; was killed by Hon. William L. Yancey, who had married his niece, Sally Earle); m Eliza Thompson (1795- 1866; Chancellor Waddy’); 3—Gen. Elias (1822-93)), m i348, Mary Louise Cloud (1825-87; Dr. William‘). 2-Dau. of Eliza Thompson Earle (1852-93), m 1872, Baylis John Earle (qv for paternal line- age). M Mar. 17, 1905, Col. William Alexander McCain (qv); issue: I—Elizabeth Earle (qv for Thomp- son lineage). Grad. Wesleyan Coll., Macon, Ga., ’98 (Alpha Delta Pi). Mem. Colonial Dames of Va., D.A.R., Club of Colonial Dames (Washington). Summer place: Camp Tapawingo, Lakeport, ae Residence: 2906 P St. N.W., Washington, 1-McCAIN, Elizabeth Earle, ) Chicago, I1., 15, 1908. July %-Sir Charles Thompson (b 1695), from Scotland ° to Hanover Co., Va., 1720; m Lady Jean Doug- lass (6 1699); 8—David (b 1717), m Mary Patillo (Henry®, mem. Congress); 7—Josiah (6 1737), m Mary Swann (b 1740); 6—Chancellor Waddy (1769-1845), m 1793, Eliza Blackburn Williams (1775-1830) ; 5- eon (1795-1866), m 1814, Dr. Robinson Earle (1794- 4—Gen. Elias (1822-93), m 1849, Mary Louise Cloud; 3-Baylis John (qv), m Eliza Thompson Earle. 2—Only child of Mary Louise Earle (qv), m Col. William Alexander McCain, U.S.A. (qv). Grad. Miss Madeira’s School, Washington, ’26; student Vassar Coll., 1926—. Mem. Colonial Dames of Va., D.A.R. Club: Vassar (N.Y. City). Home: 2906 P St. N.W., Washington, D.C 1-McCAIN, William Alexander, b ‘‘Teoc Planta- tion,’”’ Carroll Co., Miss., Aug. 25, 1878. 4-Joseph McCain, } in highlands of Scotland, was a desc. of a sept of the MacDonald clan; came to U.S. and settled at “‘Sunnyside,’”’ Rock- ingham Co., N.C.; m Mary Scales (Nathaniel, m Ann Watt); 3—-William Alexander, m Louisa McAlister (their son Henry Pinckney is maj. gen. and late adj. gen. U.S.A.). 2-Son of Hon. John Sidney McCain (6 1851), m Elizabeth Young (1856-1922); issue: I-William Alexander (above); II-Katie Lou (6 1882); III- John Sidney, U.S.N. (b 1884; m Catharine Vaulx); IV—Mary Jimmie (6 1888; m James Luther Spencer); V-—Harry Hart (6b 1890; m Zoa Blodgett); VI-—Joseph Pinckney (b 18938; m™ Hsther May). I-m oe 17, 1905, Mary Louise Earle (qv for issue). U. Miss., 1895-96 (Phi Delta Theta); West Point, 702. Served 2d lt. to maj. of cav. to Aug. 1920; served in P.I., on Mexican border, also in Mexico, 1916, and in France and Germany; col. of cav., U.S.A., May 6, 1919. Mem. M.O.W.W. Club: Army and Navy. Residence: 2906 P St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 1-BOARDMAN, Samuel Ward, Jr., 6 Auburn, N.Y., Sept. 6, 1874. 8-Samuel Boardman (qv); q- Tea (1658-1725), m 1688, Hannah Wright (Sam- uels 6—Timothy (1700-53), began to write name Bord- man; m 1721, Hannah Crane (Israel’); 5—Dea. Timothy (1727-92), m 1751, Jemima Johnson (Joseph®); 4—Dea. Timothy (1754- =1839), began to write name Boardman, m 1783, Mary Ward (Samuel); 38-—Dea. Samuel Ward (1789-1870), m 1823, Ann Gil- bert (Simeon’‘). 2-Son of Samuel Ward Boardman, D.D., LL.D. (1830-1917), A.B., Middlebury, 751; Cong]. and later Presby n. minister; pres. Maryville (Tenn.) Coll. 1889-1901; m 1857, Jane Elizabeth Haskell (1835-59); m 2d, 1861, Sarah Elizabeth Greene (1837-1922); issue (Ist marriage): I- Charles Haskell (0 and d 1859); (2d marriage): TI—Mary Evarts (1862-82); III—Elizabeth Haskell (1864-1921); IV-—George Nye (1866-75); V—Anna Greene (1868-85); VI—Caroline Sherman (1870-74); Vil—Henry Mills (1872-74); VIII-Samuel Ward, Jr. (above); IX—Roger Sherman (qv for Sher- man lineage); X—Martha Tracy (b 1885). Vill-—m May 28, 1908, Charlotte Katharine Tice, 6 Brooklyn, NY,, May 17, 1885; dau. of John Griggs Tice; issue: i-Grace Bstelle Tice, b Bloomfield, N.J., Dec. 1, 1909; 2-Mary Evarts, b Bloomfield, ‘Apr. 29, 1911; 83-Adaline Young, 0 Cedar Grove, N.J., May 7, 1913; 4—Elizabeth Greene, b Cedar Grove, June 26, 1916; 5-Char- lotte Katharine, b Cedar Grove, Nov. 9, 1917. A.B., Maryville (Tenn.) Coll., ’94; A.B., Harvard, 96; LL.B., New York U., 1899. Atty. and counsellor at law, Newark, N.J.; master in chancery since 1900; spl. master since 1904; mem. Essex Co. Dem. Exec. Com., 1908-09; recorder (police judge), 1919-25. Residence: Cedar Grove, N.J. BOARDMAN, Roger Sherman, J} Auburn, N.Y., Nov. 7, 1876. 8-Capt. John Sherman (qv); 7-Joseph (1650-1731), m Elizabeth Winship (EKd- ward); 6—William (1692-1741), m Mehetabel Wellington (Benjamin‘); 5—-Roger (1721-98), a “signer” and U.S. senator from Conn.; m 2d, 1768, Rebecca Prescott (Benjamin, Jr. 8); 4—Mehetabel (1774- 1851), m 2d, 1804, Jeremiah Ev- arts (1781-1831; their son, William M., was Atty. Gen. and Sec. of State of U.S. and U.S. senator); 3—Mary (1806-50), m 1829, David Greene (1797-1866). 2-Son of Sarah EHlizabeth Greene (1837-1922), m 1861, as his 2d wife, Samuel Ward Boardman, D.D., LL.D. (1830-1917). For issue and Board- man lineage see Samuel Ward Boardman, Jr. M Oct. 1, 1921, Ida Florence Price, 6 Shrewsbury, N.J., Dec. 31, 1876; dau. Charles W. Price, of East Orange, N.J. A.B., Maryville Coll., Tenn., 96; A.B., Harvard, ’98. Editorial reader, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. First lt., A.R.C., in France, 1918- as eters 17 Washington PIl., Bloom- eld, N.J. 1-DENNETT, Maybelle Raymond (Mrs. Tyler), b Philadelphia, Pa., May 17, 1882. 9-Capt. William Raymond (1635-1709), from Eng. in boyhood with his brother John, to Bev- erly, Mass., 1651; dep. Gen. Ct.; cdr. of expdn. to Can., 1690; m Hannah Bishop (Edward"); 8-William, of Beverly; m Mary Kettle (John’, of Gloucester, m Elizabeth, dau. of William Allen); 7-William, of Ware, Mass.; m Deborah Balch (Benjamin$’; John’); 6—Daniel, of Sharon, Conn.; m Elizabeth (Black- mer) Doty (John Blackmer’, m Mary Rickett); 5—Paul, of Richmond, Mass.; soldier Am. Rev.; m Rachel Stevens (Zebulon®, Am. Rev., m Miriam Fellows; Thomas’; Henry, qv); 4—Benjamin (1774-1825), first civil engr. to ex- plore northern N.Y.; founder of town of Pots- dam, N.Y., and of St. Lawrence Acad.; judge St. Lawrence Co.; m Hannah Wright; 38-Benjamin Wright (1801-83), mayor of Chicago. 1839-42; pres. Wis. Central R.R.; trustee of three colleges; first pres. Elgin Nat. Watch Co.; m 1835, Amelia Porter, 9-Edward Doty (av); 8-Edward, m Sarah Faunce (Elder John®, of Plymouth); 7—Mary, m Joseph Allyn; 6-Hannah, m Ebenezer Wright (Thomas’; Jo- seph§; Thomas?; John?) ; 5~Thomas, m Martha Butler (Benjamin®; Jo- seph’?; Richard); 4-Hannah, m Benjamin Raymond (4 above). 9-Gov. John Webster (av); 8-Lt. Robert (d 1676), m Susanna Treat (1629-1705; Richard®, qv); 7-Capt. John (6 1653), s Abiel Steele (Samuel, m 1680, Mercy, dau. of Maj. William Bradford, son of Gov. William Bradford, qv; John?®; John”, qv); 6—Sarah, m Samuel Root; 5—Oliver, m Anna Holcomb (Benjamin'‘; Thomas’); : 4-Anna, m Reuben Porter (Dr. James®, of Mid- dlebury, Conn., m Mary [Nichols] Gambel, dau. of Samuel Nichols; Dr. James*, m Dorcas, dau. of John Hopkins; Dr. Daniel’; Dr. Dan- iel8, of Farmington, Conn.); 3-Amelia (1814- 89), m Benjamin Wright Raymond (3 above). FIRST #AMILIES OF AMERICA 293 2-Dau. of George Lansing Raymond, Litt.D., L.H.D. (b 1839), A.B., Williams, ’62; educator (See Who’s Who in America); m 1872, Mary Elizabeth Blake (6 1847); issue: I—Perlie (1874- 1885); II—Maybelle (above). II-m Mar. 15, 1911, Tyler Dennett (See Vol. 1, p. 581, for genealogy); issue: 1-George Ray- mond, 6 Los Angeles, Calif., July 31, 1913; 2-Tyler Eugene, 6 New York, N.Y., Jan. 9, TO 3-Audrey, 6 Washington, D.C., Oct. 30, Residence: 11 Grafton St., Chevy Chase, Md. 1-DESPARD, Clement Lyndon, ) New Rochelle, N.Y., July 14, 1884. 10-Philip (d’Espard) Despard (6 ca. 1545), Hugue- not; lived at Paris; during massacre of St. Bartholomew went to the Court of England whence he was sent by Queen Elizabeth to Ireland as royal commissioner for confiscated church lands; 9-Henry (b ca. 1589), had four sons, William, eldest; Henry of the Sword, John of Cartown and Richard of Cranagh; 8—William (6 1635), col. of Royal Engrs. and cam- paigned in the Peninsular wars under Wil- liam, III, 1685; 7-William, eldest son (1672 ca. 1732), m 1700, Fran- ces Green, of Killaghy Castle; 6—-Richard (1708-79), of Larch Hill; Cloenagh; m Frances Burton; 5-Rev. Francis Green (1750-1818), m Jane Hum- phreys; : 4-Richard (1781-1846), capt. 23d Light Dragoons and later lt. col. 7th Dragoon Guards; d New York, 1846; m 1808, Isabella Daly (dau. of Ar- thur Daly, m Henrietta Bradish; g.dau. of Charles Lyndon, m Isabella-, of Dublin); 38-Clement Johnson (1820-79), m Matilda Pratt (dau. of Rev. James Calcott Pratt, and sister of Eliza Greatorex). : 2-Son of Clement Lyndon Despard (1853-1916), m a Caroline Russel Bates (See Vol. 1, p. rector of M Nov. 3, 1923, Jessie Van Rensselaer, dau. of late Hugh Lennox Bond, of Baltimore, chief counsel B. & O. R.R. S.B., Harvard, ’08 (D.K.E., Fly Club, Institute 1770, Hasty Pudding). Sr. mem. Despard & Co., marine ins. brokers. Mem. Squadron A, N.Y. Cav., 6 yrs. Clubs: Racquet and Ten- nis, University, Harvard, Down Town, West- chester Country, Rumson Country. Summer place: Rumson, N.J. Residence: 1149 Park Av., New York. Ne a George Perkins, b Stowe, Vt., Oct. 9-William Douglas (qv); 8—William (1645-1724/25), m 1st, 1667, Abiah Hough (William?) ; eae Richard (1682-1734/35), m 1704, Margaret ell; 6—William (1708-87), m 1730/31, Sarah Denison (1710- 1797; George’; John B.8; Capt. George®; Wil- liam?) ; 5-William (1731-1805), m 1752, Mary (dau. Ivory Lucas, m Mary Coit®; Solomon’; Josephs; John®); 4-Ivory (1761-1825), m Phoebe Smith (Nathan'; Nathan*®; Nehemiah’; Nehemiah®; Nehemiah’); 3-Henry (b 1802), m 1828, Ruby Cilley (1802-68; Ebenezer‘; John®; Benjamin*; Benoni?; Rich- ard’; Capt. Robert’). 10-Elder William Brewster (qv); 93-Patience, m Gov. Thomas Prence (qv); cone m 1650, Nathaniel Mayo (d 1662; Rev. John’); 7-Thomas (1650-1729), m 1677, Barbara Knowles (Richard’§) ; 6—Judah (b 1691), m 1722, Mary Hamilton; 5-Judah (1740-1816), m 1779, Sarah (Robinson) Ful- ler; 4—Mary (1781-1865), m Barnabas Raymond (1773- 1862; John®; Barnabas®; John?; John’; John’); 38-Augusta A. (b 1799), m 1824, Orren Perkins. 2-Son of Christopher Fulton Douglas (1831-1911), dry goods mcht., capitalist; m Louisa E. Per- kins (1835-19083); issue: I-Mary Ellen (b 1861: m_ 1882, Philip Gibson); II—George Perkins (above); III—A son (b and d 1872). II—m Oct. 18, 1899, Bessie Tabitha Pettit (See Vol. 1, p. 914); issue: 1-Deborah Louise, bd Sept. 13, 1900; Vassar, ’22: m Sept. 1, 1924, Richard Lodge Tighe; 2-Elizabeth Pettit, } wae 29, 1902; 3-Eleanor George, b June _ 30, B.A., Yale, ’89 (D.K.E., Wolf’s Head); LL.B., U. Minn., 1890. Lawyer, and iron mining, Minneapolis. Mem. S.M.D. Clubs: Minneap- olis, Lafayette, Minikahda, Woodhill, Athletic (Minneapolis), University, Yale (N.Y.), Uni- versity (St. Paul). Residence: 2424 Park Av., Minneapolis, Minn. 1-DUANE, William, ) Phila., Pa., Feb. 17, 1872. 8-Samuel Lincoln (qv); 7-Samuel (1650-1720/21), King Philip’s War; m 1687, Deborah (Chubbuck) Hersey (1665-1706) ; 6—Samuel (1690/91-1758), m 1713/14, Ruth Cushing (1692-1736/37) ; 5-Jonathan (1719-98), m (1721-93) ; 4—-HFizekiel, seaman Am. Rev.; 3—Ezekiel (1796-1869), head of E. Lincoln & Co., Phila.; m Mary Fleet Eliot (1808-97; Ephraim‘; Rev. Andrew®, dese. Andrew Eliot, qv). 2-Son of Rev. Charles Williams Duane (1837- 1915), A.B., U. Pa., ’58, m 1864, Helen Frances Lincoln (1839-67), and m 2d, 1870, her sister, Em- ma Cushman Lincoln (b 1843). For issue and Duane line see Russell Duane, Vol. 1, p. 266. Staal 1899, Caroline Elise Ravenel (av for issue). A.B., U. Pa., 92; A.B., Harvard, 798, A.M., 1895; Ph.D, Berlin, 18977 (Se.D.;, Uz Pa-,1922)5 Prot: bio-physics, Harvard U. Scientist (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 42 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. 1-DUANE, Caroline Elise Ravenel (Mrs. Wil- liam), 6 Philadelphia, Pa. 7—Rene Ravenel (b 1656; sieur de la Haute, Mas- sais), Huguenot, fled from France to Charles- ton, S.C., 1682; m 1687, Charlotte, dau. Pierre de St. Julien (sieur de Malacare, Brittany); 6—Daniel (6 1692), of Somerton: Plantation, St. John’s Parish, 8.C.; m Elizabeth Damaris de St. Julien; 5-Daniel (6 1732), of Wantoot Plantation, St. John’s Parish; m 2d, 1759, Charlotte Mazyck; 4-Daniel (1762-1807), of Wantoot; m 1786, Cath- erine Prioleau; 8—Daniel (1789-1873), of Charleston; m 1812, Car- oline Cripps. 2-Dau. of Samuel Prioleau Ravenel (1822-1902), with Planters Bank, Charleston, S.C., of which his father was president; m Marga- retta Amelia (Fleming) Parker (1833-1913), dau. of Thomas Fleming, from Ireland; issue (mother’s first marriage, surname Parker): I-Thomas F. Parker (6 1860); (mother’s second marriage): II-S. Prioleau (b 1868; m Florence Leftwich); III-Marguerite Amelie; IV—Clar- issa W.; V—Caroline Elise (above). V-—m Dec. 28, 1899, William Duane (qv); issue: 1-William, Jr., 6 Boulder, Colo., Oct. 17, 1900; Harvard, ’28; 2-Arthur Ravenel, 6 Phila., Pa., Nov. 16, 1901; Harvard ’22; 3—John Prioleau, 0b Sandgate, Eng., July 28, 1909; 4Margaretta Clarissa, 6 Philadelphia, May 3, 1911. Residence: 42 Beacon St., Boston, Mass, 1-ELDRIDGE, William Henry, b East Middle- bury, Vite July 23; 1873. 9-Samuel (Eldred) Eldridge (1620-97), from Eng. to Cambridge, Mass., ca. 1641, when he joined the A. and H. A. Co.; moved to Kingstown, R.1., 1660; m Elizabeth-; 8-Lt. Thomas (1648-1726), m Susanna Cole (John’®, m Susanna, dau. of William Hutchinson, m Anne Marbury; Samuel Cole”, from Eng. to Boston, 1680, where he opened the first inn, ies) was a founder of the A. and H. A. Co., a ; 5 7—-Capt. John (d 1741), m Mary-; 6-Samuel, of Exeter, R.I.; m Susanna-—; 5-William (1753-1837), began to write name Eld- ridge; soldier Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Wells (1765-1840; Benjamin®; Peter?; Thomas’; Peter®); 4—Samuel (1785-1849), m Sarah Emery (1785-1874; Thomas’, m Elizabeth—); 8—William Henry (1811-71), E. Middlebury, Vt.; m 1837, Eliza Ann Hendrick (1817-98; Jabez; James®; Joseph®; Joseph’; Israel8; Daniel®). 2-Son of George Henry Eldridge (1851-1923), m 1872, Eliza Ann (1847-91), dau. of John Judge, m Ann McCormack; issue: I—-William Henry (above); II-Mabel Winifred (1876-86). I-m ay 5, 1916, Grace Smith Buttolph (qv for issue). A.B., Middlebury, ’95 (D.K.E.). Was treas. Proctor (Vt.) Trust Co., and Village of Proc- tor, 1898-1905; merchant, Twin Falls, Ida., since 1745, Susanna Lincoln 294 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 1906. Mem. City Council, 1917-18, mayor, 1919- 1920. Compiler of the Henry Genealogy, 1915. Preparing genealogy of the Eldred-Eldredge- Eldridge family and Buttolph genealogy. Life mem. S.C.W. (Vt.), N.E. Hist. -Geneal. Soc.; v.p. Ida. Soc. S.A.R. Residence: 262 Sixth Av. E., Twin Falls, Ida. 1-ELDRIDGE, Grace Smith Buttolph (Mrs. William H.), b Middlebury, Vt., Feb. 4, 1886. 9-Thomas Buttolph (1603-1667), from Eng. in the ist ei to Boston, 16385; m Ann Harding 8-Lt. John (1639-93), m 1st, 1668, Hannah Gardner (1644-81; Lt. George®; Thomas’); 7-Set. David (1669-1717), m 1693, Mary Goodrich (1676-1728; John’, m Mary Gibbs; John®; John? ; William»); 6—Lt. David (1709-83), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1731, Mary Holcomb (1707-1810; Nathaniel’, m Martha Buel; Nathaniel’; Thomas’); d-Elijah (1742-1835), m 1780, Deborah (Field) Plum- ley (d 1796; Ebenezer Field’, m Hannah Mills); 4—David (1791-1869), War 1812; m 1st, 1817, Almira Little (1796-1841) ; 3-John Little (1833-95), m 1858, Caroline Rich (1836-94; John T.4, m Sally Rich). 2-Dau. of John Edwy Buttolph (1860-1915), m 1882, Fannie Elmira Smith (6 1860); issue: I—Grace Smith (above); II—John Lucius (b 1888; m Ma- bel Martin); II1I—Caroline Elizabeth (b 1891; m tr ueae) Oliver Williams); IV—Clayton Edwy I-m July 5, 1916, William Henry Eldridge (qv); issue: 1—Millicent Judge, 6 Twin Falls, Ida., Dec. 1, 1917. Residence: 262 Sixth Av. E., Twin Falls, Ida. 1-ELLSWORTH, Archibald Clyde, b Linesville, Pa., Nov. 9, 1870. 8-Josiah Ellsworth (1629-89; son of John, of Derbyshire, Eng.), came to America, 1646; m 1654, Elizabeth Holcomb; 7—-Jonathan (1669-1754), m 1693, Sarah Grant: 6—-John (1701-60), Windsor, Conn.; served in co- lonial wars; 5-Hezekiah (6 1755); 4—-Hezekiah (b 1775), m 2d, Sibyl Harmon; 3—John (1797-1850), m Fannie White. 10—William White (qv); 9-Resolved (1614-1690-94), m 1st, 1640, Judith Vas- sall (William?) ; 8—-Anna (6b 1649), m 1671, John Hayward; 7—-Judith (b 1675), m 1699, Philip Goss; 6—Thankful (6 1713), m 1732, John White (b 1704; John’; Daniel’; Peregrine®; William?, above); 5-Dr. John (b 1788), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1760, Sarah Cannon; 4—EXbenezer (b 1770), M.E. minister; m 1795, Clar- issa Fields; ee (1796-1845), m 1818, John Ellsworth (3 above). 2-Son of Ebenezer Russel Ellsworth (1837-1905), corp. 83d Pa. Vols., 1861-63; farmer; m 1864, Maria Smith (1841-1909); issue: I-H. E. (b 1866); II—Archibald Clyde (above); III—-R. L. (6 1873). II-m Mar. 1, 1897, Grace A. Clemons, b Mead- ville, Pa., Aug. 18, 1872; dau. of Louis Clemons, m Paulina Randall (dese. Benjamin Randall, Jr., capt. Cont. Army). Mem. S.V., Pilgrim Soc. Mason (Shriner), Odd Nees Residence: 22 Smith St., Jersey City, Sport Spencer, 6 Bloomington, IIl., Nov. 7-Nathaniel Ewing (qv); 6—Nathaniel; 5—-Nathaniel (1742-1824), of N.C.; soldier Am. Rev.; m Rebecca Osborne (b 1747; Col. Alexander®); 4—Adlai Osborne (1779-1820), m Sophia Goodrich Gillespie Wallis; 3—John Wallis (1808-55), m Maria McClellan Ste- venson (1802-83). 8-Samuel Spencer, from Eng. to Salem, Mass., 1633; m Elizabeth Masgrove, Suffield, Conn.; 7-Thomas (b 1653), m Mary Trumbull; 6—Eliphet (6 1714), m Elizabeth Smith: 5—Eliphet (6 1757), m Tryphena Austin (Joshua®); 4-Joshua Austin (b 1790), m 1st, 1814, Clarissa Phelps (Jacob); 3-Hamilton (1815-90), m Mary F. Camp (Elisha‘, of Sackett’s Harbor, N.Y.). 2-Son of Hon. James Stevenson Ewing (b 1835), minister to Belgium, 1893-97; law partner of Adlai Ewing Stevenson, V.P. of the U.S.: m 1866, Katherine Spencer (18438-1922); issue: I-— Clara (1867-19138); II—Cornelia (b 1869; m Fred- erick W. Clampitt); Il1I-Spencer (above); IV— Fannie (1873-1910); V—Davis (b 1876); VI-—Louise (6 1880; m Edmund V. Dexter). III-m Dec. 27, 1901, Lena Ullrich, b Decatur, IIl., Dec. 3, 1873; dau. of John Ullrich, of Decatur. Ed. Ill. State Normal U.; LL.B., Ill. Wesleyan U., 1891; studied in Europe. Lawyer, farmer. Served as dep. fuel administrator for Il. during the war. Clubs: Bloomington Coun- try, Bloomington, Chicago Athletic, Lake Placid Club. Residence: Bloomington, III. 1-FELL, Colden Channing, b New Orleans, La., Mar. 1, 1873. 7-John Moore (qv); 6—-Col. John (1686-1749), mem. Colonial Assembly of N.Y., 1739-45; King’s Council, 1745-49; alder- man, New York; vestryman and warden of Trinity Ch., 1715-28; m 1714, Frances Lambert (1692-1782) ; 5-Thomas (1722-84), king’s gauger, New York, 1766-70; vestryman of Trinity Ch.; m 1744, EBliz- abeth Channing (1728-1805; William®, of Eng., agt. of the British Navy at New York); 4-Richard Channing, A.M., M.D., D.D. (1762- 1841), 2d P.E. bishop of Va., 1814-41; m 1784, Christian Jones (1769-96); m 2d, 1787, Sarah Mer- sereau; 3-Frances, m James B. Macmurdo. 2-Son of John Reynolds Fell (1840-1907), gen. mgr. Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co., New Or- leans; m Gertrude Hawkins Macmurdo (1840- 1879); issue: I-Rosalie Moore; II—Annie Sea- bury; III—Colden Channing (above); IV—Gert- rude Macmurdo; V—Helen Hamilton. IlI-m Apr. 27, 1892, Florence Earl, dau. of Jo- seph Johnston Dodd, of New Orleans; issue: 1—Dorothy Lockwood, 6 New Orleans, Mar. 17, 1893; m Aug. 24, 1918, Edward Fownes Fol- lett (issue: Sylvia Lockwood, Bb May 22, 1919: Constance Fenimore, b Feb. 27, 1921; Carolyn Moore, 6b Aug. 15, 1922); 2-John Fenimore, > New Orleans, Aug. 30, 1894; served in 142d M.G. Bn., in France, Aug. 1918-Apr. 1919; m Sept. 30, 1919, Lydia Hazel, dau. of Albert Bringhurst (issue: Florence, 6b Dec. 16, 1920); 3—Jeffrey Johnston, 0} New Orleans, Dec. 6, 1896; seaman U.S.N., World War; m Dec. 23, 1925, Ursula, dau. of Frederick Solanas: 4— Channing Moore, 6 Waveland, Miss., Sept. 3, 1898; served in C.A.C., World War; m Nov. 1, 1920, Cyrine Mildred Sommerville; 5-William Dodd, 6 New Orleans, Jan. 26, 1901; m Apr. 14, 1924, Katherine Frances Kanski (issue: Fran- ces, 6 Feb. 4, 1925); 6-Ruth Macmurdo, } New Orleans, Aug. 30, 1905; 7T-Amelie, b New Or- leans, Aug. 1, 1907. Sewanee U., ’90.. Residence: 3601 Napoleon Av., New Orleans, La. 1-FISHBURN, Junius Blair, 6 Boons Mill, Va., Sept. 27, 1865. EAU Red l h ate) from Eng., settled nr. Phila., a., ; 5—John (b 1762), m Susanna Kitterman (1760-1826); 4-Jacob (1785-1844), m Ann Wagoner; 3-Samuel (d 1879), m Francis Tinsley (d 1900). 5—Jacob Boone, of Bucks Co., Pa.; 4-Peter; 3—-Fleming. 2-Son of James Addison Fishburn (1840-1921), merchant; m 1864, Mary Louise Boone (6 1845); issue: I—-Junius Blair (above); II—Minnie Tins- ley (m Edward L. Stone); II1I-Emma Elizabeth (m J. Harry Girvin); IV—Susan Francis (m W. J. Proutt); V-Ernest Boone; VI—-Walter D.; Vil-—Harry P.; VIII-Charles R. I-m Sept. 5, 1898, Grace Teresa Parker, } Cleve- land, Tenn., July 10, 1874; dau. of John Hen- negar Parker, of Cleveland, Tenn.; issue (all b Roanoke, Va.): 1-Junius Parker, } Sept. 30, 1895; Princeton, 718; served in U.S.N., World War; m Jan. 14, 1926, Katherine, dau. of A. M. Nelson, of Roanoke, Va.; 2-Mary Evelyn, }b Mar. 6, 1898; Barnard, class of 1919; 3-Ernest Louise, b Aug. 10, 1900; Ogontz School, 1920. Chmn. bd. Nat. Exchange Bank, Roanoke, Va.: pres. Times-World Corpn., publisher of The Roanoke Times and The World-News. Mem. Va. Hist. Soc., ete. Clubs: Shenandoah, Roa- noke Country. Residence: 726 13th St., Roa- noke, Va. 1-FORDHAM. Herbert, 6 Greenport, Suffolk Co., N.Y., Nov. 23, 1869. 9-Rev. Robert Fordham (1608-74; son of Philip FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 295 and g.son of William, of Sacombe, Herts), A.B., Caius Coll., Cambridge, 1625, A.M., 1629; came to America 1640; leading founder of Hempstead, L.I., 16483; principal in purchase from the Indians, 1648; first named Patentee in Dutch patent of that town, 1644; minister at Hempstead, 1648-47, at Southampton (suc- enae first minister, Rev. Abraham Pierson), 8-Joseph (d Sept. 7, 1688); 7-Nathan (ca. 1672- ante 1712) ; 6—-Nathan (bet, 1698-1705-1773), m ca. 1718, Abigail Bowditch; 5—Capt. Daniel (Dec. 9, 1730-June 12, 1816), ensign of minute men in Am. Rev., 1775; m Nov. 11, 1756, Phebe Jessup (Mar, 3, 1786-Nov. 4, 1806); 4—Capt. Nathan (Aug. 7, 1757-Jan. 7, 1838), soldier Am. Rev.; m July 29, 178, Mary Howell (Jan. 7, 1762- Nov. 2, 1818); 3—Capt. Jeffery (Oct. 39, 1792-June 14, 1879), m July 29, 1824, Phebe Corey (Feb. 15, 1795- Aug. 4, 1845). 9-Edward Howell (qv); 8—Maj. John (Nov. 22, 1624-Nov. 3, 1696), m Susan- nah— (ea. 1628-Mar. 24, 1711); 7-Col. Matthew (Nov. 8, 1651-May 4, 1706), rep. from Suffolk Co. in Colonial Legislature, 1691- 1692, 1694-1706; m Nov. 8, 1677, Mary Halsey: 6—Ezekiel (b Jan. 21, 1688/89), m Nov. 22, 1711, Mary Rogers; 5-James (Oct. 4, 1734-Dec. 13, 1808), m Lucretia Havens (Mar. 31, ae 14, 1791) ; 4-Mary (Jan. 7, 1762-Nov. 2, 1818), m July 29, 1783, Capt. Nathan Fordham 4 above). 9-Thomas Halsey (qv); 8-Thomas (1627-97), m Mary- (d Dec. 20, 1699); 7—Mary (b Aug. 29, 1654), m Col. Matthew Howell (7 above). 9-Cary Latham (d 1685), an early settler and large landowner in the New London, Groton section; m Elizabeth Masters (John), wid- ow of Edward Lockwood; 8-Joseph (Oct. 2, 1642-ante Jan. 10, 1705/06), m Mary-— (d June 23, 1727); 7-John (May 12, 1677-Nov. 6, 1783), iy Mercy Plumbe (ante June 3, 1677-post Feb. 7, 1755); 6—John (Nov. 1, 1711- post 1789), m ante 1738, Abigail Burrows (July 19, 1712-post 1752); 5-Joseph _ (1750- Nov. 8, 1834), purchased Orient Point, L.I., for his son, Jonathan Fish; m May a 17%, Abigail Fish (Jan. 25, 1758-Mar. 4-Jonathan Fish (May 28, 1779-Apr. 5, 1853), m 2d, Dec. 8, 1814, Mehetable Terry; 3-Daniel Terry (Sept. 3, 1815- June 19, 1902), m Nov. 1, 1838, Lydia Webb. 8&Thomas Terry (av); 7-Thomas (d Mar. 54, 1723/24), m 2d, Eleanor Thurston (Apr. 1655-Nov. 7, 1747), widow of George Havens, of Shelter Island: 6-Jonathan (1713/14-June 9, 1775), m Sept. 19, 1787, Lydia Tuthill (May 6, 1718- -Aug. 25, 1780); 5—Daniel Tuthill (Dec. 96, 1759-Sept. 29, 1830), m het Nes 1785, Rhoda Tuthill (Mar. 20, 1765-Dec. 4—Mehetable (Jan. 11, 1790-Sept. 24, 1838), m Dec. 8, 1814, Jonathan Fish Latham (4 above). 10-Set. Richard Webb (qv); 9-John (d Apr. 3, 1720), of Northampton, Mass.; m Dec. 12, 1665, "Susanna Cunliffe (Mar. 15, 1644- Oct. 30, 1735); 8-Henry (Nov. 27, 1668-bet. 1712-14), of Wethers- field, Conn.; m Oct. 10, 1695, Mary Hurlbut (0 Oct. 16, 1672); 7-Ebenezer (Nov. 20, 1697-June 17, 1783), of South- old, L.I.; m Aug. 18, 1724, Sarah Case (d@ Dec. 14, 1777); 6—-Orange (1730-Aug. 18, 1805), m Jan. 18, 1758, Frances Sandiforth (ca. 1732-Dec. 20, 1804); 5—Thomas (June 27, 1754-June 1818), m Feb. 3, 1773, Lydia Horton; 4-Silas (Dec. 22, 1777-Dec. 27, 1851), m Feb. 20, 1802, Melinda Sherri irs 3—Lydia (Feb. 22, 1817-Feb. 16, 1901), m Nov. 1, 1838, Daniel Terry Latham (3 above). 10-Barnabas Horton (July 13, 1600-July 138, 1680), from Eng. to Hampton, Mass., 1635-38, to New Haven, 1640, and to Southold, Lt. _ 1640, being a founder of that town; m Ma 9—Caleb (ca. 1640-Oct. 3, 1703), m ava 3, 1665, Abi- gail Hallock (d Apr. 7, 1697) ; 8-Barnabas (Sept. 23, 1666- Nov. 15, 1705), m ca. 1686, Sarah Hines; 7-Barnabas (b ca, 1690), m Mary Sweazy (Swezey; b ca. 1690); 6—-Barnabas (d Apr. 17, 1787), m Nov. 1, 1739, Abi- gail Parshall (6 ca. 1721); 5-Lydia (ca. 1756-1782), m Feb. 3, 1773, Thomas Webb (5 above). 8-Samuel Sherrill (ca. 1649-Apr. 29, 1719), ship- wrecked at East Hampton ca. 1675 and there remained; m ca. 1676, —-Parsons (d Dec. 10, 1722; Samuel?); 7-Recompence (6 ca. 1678), m 2d, Oct. 1, 1713, Mar- garet Cady 6—Jacob (1723- July 1801), m Aug. 11, 1746, Abigail Conkling (b ca. 1721); 5-Jeremiah (1750-Jan. 14, 1840), Am. Rev.; m Eliz- abeth Hand (6 bet. 1755- 61) ; 4—-Melinda (Jan. 18, 1786- Feb. 18, 1867), m Feb. 20, 1802, Silas Webb (4 above). 2-Son of Thomas Dering Fordham (Feb. 11, 1833- Aug. 27, 1875), m Dec. 16, 1862, Lydia Mehetable Latham (Mar. 5, 1840-July 22, 1925); issue: I- Fanny Webb (d infancy); II-Ida May (d in- fancy); IlI—Herbert (above). III-m June 21, 1900, Inez Robbins (qv). Ph.B., Cornell, ’94, LL.B., 1895. Lawyer and business man, New York City. Writer and speaker on public questions (See’s Who’s Who in America). Mem. S.R., ete. Club: Uni- versity (New York). Country, place: “Oak Farm,” nr. Greenport, L.I., N.Y. 1-FORDHAM, Inez Robbins (Mrs. Herbert), 0b Clinton, N.J., Nov. 8, 1870. 8—John Robbins (d June 27, 1660), first appeared in records at Wethersfield, Conn., 1638; se- lectman; dep. Gen. Ct.; 7—Capt. Joshua (Oct. 21, 1652-Dec. 15, 1788), m Dec. 24, 1680, Elizabeth Butler, of Sandisfield (1665- Apr. 24, 1736); 6—Capt. Jonathan (Dee, | 28, 1694-July 15, 1777), 2 Nov. 21, 1728, Sarah Welles; 5-Solomon (Mar, 30, 1748-Dec. ah 1794), settled in Lewis Co., N.Y.; m 1770, Mary Harman (1750- May 26, 1812); 4-Reuben (1777- ah m Charity Sage; 3-Stephen (Dec. 2, 1804-July 1, 1848), m Sept. 25, ish Nancy M. Smith (Sept. 2, 1807-Feb. 1, 10-Thomas Welles (qv); 9John (1621-Aug. 7, 1659), m 1647, Elizabeth Bourne; 8-Capt. Robert (1651-June 22, 1714), m June 9, a Elizabeth Goodrich (1657/58-Feb. 17, 1697/ 7-Capt. Robert (1684-1738), m Dec. 12, 1706, Sarah Wolcott (dese. of Henry Wolcott, and also of Samuel Appleton) (Aug. 14, Oacee post 1738); 6-Sarah (Feb. 5, 1708/09-May 5, 1776), m Nov. 21, W283 .Captied onathan Robbins (6 above). 8-David Sage (1639-Mar. 31, 1703), at Middletown, ori: 1663; m 2d, 1673, Mary Wilcox (d Dec. 7-Timothy (Aug. 14, 1678-Mar. 18, 1725), m Feb. 7, 1706, Margaret Hurlbut (6 Feb. 1684/85) ; 6-Solomon (Mar. 24, 1719/20-June 7, 1795), pores French and Indian War; capt. "Am. Rev.; pitch 25, 1745, Hannah Kirby (Apr. 1723-Oct. 23, 1806) ; 5~Stephen (1752-Mar. 25, 1842), Am. Rev.; removed to Sandisfield, Mass. : m May 4, 1777, Esther Hollister (6 Nov. ike 1752); ene, (1785-1830), m Reuben Robbins (4 above 7—-Carl Neher (1672-Jan. 25, 1733), from Germany to Holland, thence to Red Hook, N.Y.; m Jan, 11, 1715, Anna C. Reichart; 6-Joseph, m Eva Schaffer 5-George (Nov. 22, 1754- Tals 26, 1813), Am. Rev.; m Catherine Feller (ca. 1760- Feb. 18, 1844); 4-Jacob G. (Sept. 11, 1785-June 6, 1847), began to write name Near; m.May 25, 1806, Eve Rector (or Richter) (June 7, 1789-June 10, 1865); 3-Emeline (Apr. 19, 1817-Jan. 30, 1886), m May 1 1839, Lewis Misner (May 3, 1815-Mar. 31, 185i). 2-Only aes of William De Laun Robbins (b Dec. 8 1838), m Apr. 11, 1865, Amelia Misner (Apr. 1844-June 13, 1924). M June 4, 1900, Herbert Fordham (qv). Mem. D.A‘R. (5 bars). Country place: Oak Farm, nr, Greenport, L.I 1-FRANCISCUS, Eee Graham Lindsay on James M.), 6 Ferguson, Mo., Jan. 26, 6-William Lindsay, from Scotland to Jamaica, B.W.I., ca. 1728; 5—-William, went to Port Royal, Caroline Co., ven Jamaica, ca. 1748; m Miss Taliaferro, oO ane 4-William, Port Royal, and Norfolk, Va.; m Mattie Fox, of Va. (Scotch descent); 296 3-William, Norfolk, Va., and Huntsville, Ala.; m 1st, Miss Newton, of Norfolk, Va. 2-Dau. of Andrew Jackson Lindsay (1821-95), capt. U.S.A. until Civil War, then col. C.S.A.; m Jane Delany (1839-1910; Dr. Dennis’, m Oc- tavia, dau. of John Mullanphy, philanthro- pist, of St. Louis); issue: I-Martha Newton (1861-96; m Henry Von Puhl Taylor); II—John Delany (1862-97); III-—Henry Sidney (1864-88); IV— Marian (6 1866); V-Katherine Graham (above); ViI-Alice Brousseau (d infancy); VII-—Wil- liam Richard (d infancy); VIII—Bryan Mullan- phy (d infancy); IX—Andrew Jackson (See Vol. 1, p. 689). V-—m June 12, 1890, James Madison Franciscus, 6 St. Louis, Mo., Mar. 15, 1866; real estate operator and financier, St. Louis; issue (all b St. Louis, Mo.): 1-James Lindsay, b Oct. 22, 1893; m 1918, Kathleen Mary Newhouse; 2—- Jane, 6 Jan. 31, 1897; 3-Marian Elizabeth, 6 May 12, 1898; 4-James M., Jr., b Feb. 21, 1900; 5-John Dennis, b July 2, 1906. Residence: 10 Lenox Pl., St. Louis, Mo. FRANCIS 8. SMITH. ott rhetet Ormond Valentine, b N.Y. City, Apr. 9-Zaccheus Gould (1589-1668; 6th from Thomas Gould of Boringdon, Co. Bucks, Eng.), early settler of Topsfield, Mass.; m Phebe Deacon; 8-Capt. John (1635-1709/10), served in King Philip’s War; m Sarah Baker; 7-Lt. Zaccheus (1672-1739), mem. Topsfield Mili- tary Co., 1789; m Blizabeth Curtis; 6—-Eliezur (1720-98), in expdn. against Ticonderoga and Crown Point, 1758; responded to the Lex- ington Alarm; m Phebe Gould (John’; John3; John®; Zaccheus!%); 5-Ebenezer (1761-1810), mem. Center Squadron, Douglas, Mass., 1782; m Ann Cook; 4-Col. David (1789-1844), col., Providence (R.I.) In- dependent Light Dragoons; m Mary Pidge; 3—-David Henry (1817-1888), m Mary Valentine. 2-Son of George Henry Gould (1852-1921), mem. 7th Regt., N.G.N.Y., 1879-94, 2d l1t., received recognition for longand distinguished service; m 1891, Cora Anna Smith (sister of Ormond Gerald Smith, See Vol. 1, p. 832, for genealogy). Not married. Litt.B., Princeton, ’16; studied at Columbia U. (D.K.E.). See., Street & Smith, publishers, N.Y. City. At outset of World War offered services to U.S. Food Administra- tion, N.Y. Federal Food Bd., in which served as executive for 34% months; enlisted in arty. service detachment of Vet. Corps of Arty., June 1917, lst Bn., Ist Baty.; transferred Oct. 1917, to 9th C.A.C., N.Y.G.; hon. discharged as corp., Apr. 25, 1918, by reason of enlistment in the U.S. Naval Auxiliary Reserve Force as q.m. 3d class; attached to U.S.S. Munrio; grad. Offi- cer School, Pelham Bay, N.Y. (Class 14), as en- sign, Apr. 19, 1918; hon. discharged, June Lis 1919._Trustee French Inst. of U.S. Mem. 8.R., B.O.R. Clubs: Princeton, Delta Kappa Epsiien. Residence: Hotel Plaza, New York. THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 1-FOX, Mary Colket Gallup (Mrs. Charles Y.), b Providence, R.I., Feb. 6, 1871. 10-Capt. John Gallup (qv); 9—John (d 1676), removed to New London, Conn., 1651, to Stonington, Conn., 1654, on lands grant- ed to him and his father for their services in Pequot War; twice rep. to Gen. Ct.; was an Indian interpreter, and died while leading the Mohegan Indians in Swamp Fight in King Philip’s War; m Hannah Lake (niece of Gov. Winthrop); ‘ 8-John (1646-1735), of Stonington; fought beside his father in King Philip’s War; rep. to Gen. Court 4 terms; m a cousin, Elizabeth Harris (grandniece of Gov. Winthrop); 7-Nathaniel (1692-1739), of Stonington; m a cou- sin, Margaret Gallup (Benadam§); 6—-Nathaniel (1718-1786), of Stonington; m Hannah (Gore) Burrows (widow of Silas); 5-Samuel (1746-1826), from Stonington to East Berne (Altamont), N.Y.; m Jemima Enos; 4—Nathaniel (1770-1834), from Stonington to East Berne, N.Y.; m Lucy Latham; 3—Hon. Albert (1796-1851), from East Berne to Al- bany, N.Y.; lawyer, sheriff of Albany Co., 1832- 1835; mem. Congress, 1837-51; m Eunice Smith. 10-John Alden (qv); 9-David, m Mary Southworth; 8—-Priscilla, m Samuel Cheesebrough; 7—Priscilla, m Jabez Cheesebrough; 6—Priscilla, m Thomas Leeds; 5-Mary, m Francis Mitchell; 4—Priscilla, m Amos Smith; 3—Eunice, m Albert Gallup (3 above). 2-Dau. of Edwin Croswell Gallup (1835-83), m 1870, Annah Bush Colket (b 1847; she m 2d, Hol- stein DeHaven); issue: I-Mary C. (above); II- Hdwin (1873-74). I-m Nov. 3, 1892, Charles Young Fox, b Phila., Pa., May 11, 1861; son of William Fox, of Phila. (desc. Rev. John Fox); issue: 1—-Charles Young, Jr, 6) Phila, Pas Dee, 26) 1893 Uw eae "15; 2d It., inf., Aug. 1, 1917; assigned to Co. G, 317th Inf., 80th Div., A.E.F.; Ist 1t., Mar. 1919; 2-Holstein DeHaven, 6 Montgomery Co., Pa., Aug. 6,-1895; U. Pa: °16;> served) in pim: corps, U.S.N., League Island Navy Yard, World War; m Jan. 15, 1919, Elise Lewis, dau. of Wilbur Paddock Klapp, of Phila. (issue: Elise Lewis, 6 Dec. 28, 1919; Dorothy Colket, b Dec. 25, 1921); 3-Edwin Gallup, 6b Phila., Feb. 23, 1901; U. Pa., ’23; 4-Dorothy, b Phila., Feb. 26, 1908. Residences: 2035 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa., and Wynnewood, Pa. 1-FRANKLIN, Helen Graham Rogers (Mrs. Herbert M.), ) Thomaston, Ga. 8-Sir Barnaby McKinne (Baronet), the McKinnes belonged to the McDonald Clan; their special Clan or division of state, who were the orig- inal Lords of the Isles, settled in Edgecomb Co., N.C.; had large grants of land in Halifax Co., N.C., and along Roanoke River; 7—Barnaby (1688-1759), wealthy and influential citi- zen of Edenton, N.C.; asst. justice ct. of Oyer Terminer, 1724-28; mem. Provincial Assembly from Edgecomb Co.; justice; m Mary (Exum) Ricks, widow of Jacob Ricks; 6—Patience (b 1715), m 1730, Joseph Lane, Jr. (1710- 1774), of Edgecomb Co.; 5-Jesse (1733-1804), Am. Rev.; m Winifred Aycock (or Aweck; 1741-94); 4-Winifred, had 5 nephews who became gov- ernors of 5 different states; m Peleg Rogers; 3-Louisa H., teacher, writer, musician; m Dr. David Kendall (d ca. 1860), prominent physi- cian of Upson Co., Ga. 2-Dau. of Loula Winifred Kendall, oldest living grad. of Wesleyan Coll., Macon, Ga.; author; m James Henry Rogers, capt. C.S.A.; co. treas. of Upson Co., Ga.; issue: I-Rev. Simeon Wil- liam (m Minnie Cox); II-James Henry (m Janie Koontz); I1I—Thomas Richard, U.S.A.; IV—Dol- lie Louise (d 1910; m J. A. McCrary); V—Helen Graham (above). V-—m Herbert Mitchell Franklin, } Tennille, Ga.; son of Samuel Owen Franklin (George®; Wil- liam‘, received land grants for service in Am. Rev.), m Mary Charles; issue (all b Tennille, Ga.): 1-Herbert Mitchell, ed. Gordon Inst., Barnesville, Ga.; 2-Julia Franklin, ed. Wes- leyan Coll.; m June 1926, Conrad R. Roitsch, of McAllen, Tex.; 3-Graham Franklin, m Nov. 1925, Terressa, dau. of K. Preston Greer, of Sandersville, Ga, FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 297 Grad. Gordon Inst., Barnesville, Ga., and studied at Metropolitan Conservatory, New York. Mem. woman’s com. of Council Defense, state vice chmn. of woman’s com. of Liberty Loan, and mem. Nat. Speakers Bureau, during World War. Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R. (state regent, 1926-28), U.D.C. (state pres., 1915-19), etc. Residence: “The Colonnades,”’ Tennille, Ga. 1-FREEMAN, William Nathan, } Moretown, Vt., Nov. 5, 1863. 9-Edmond Freeman (qv); 8-Edmond, m 2d, 1651, Margaret Perry; 7—Edmond (1655-1720), m Sarah Skiff; 6—-William (1700-86), m 1726, Mary Bodfish; 5—-Thomas (1729-1811), m 1752, Phebe Hall (d 1806); 4—Joshua (1765-1828), Am. Rev.; m Joanna B. Jones (1775-1829; John® [1733-1813], Am. Rev., m Hannah Tapper); 3-Aaron Burr (1806-64), m Nancy Benton (1806-71; Isaac*; Joseph’; Andrew’, ea Nathan; 9-Edward Spaulding ( 8-Benjamin (1648-1708), Ones Farwell (Henry’); 7-Edward (1662-1740), m Mary Adams (Peletiah’); 6—Benjamin (b 1696), m Abigail Wright (Ebenezer’) ; 5—-Benjamin (1720-1807), Am. Rev.; m Rachel Crary (1729-1824; John®, m Prudence-); 4—Royal (1766-1813), m Lucy Benton (Nathan); 3—Nathan Benton (1802-63), m Mary (Almy) White. 11-Francis Cooke (qv); 10-John, m 1634, Sarah Warren (Richard", qv); 9-Sarah, m Arthur Hathaway; 8-Hannah (1655-1718), m George Cadman (d 1718); 7-Elizabeth (b 1689), m tae White; 6-Sarah, m 1726, John Bro 5-Mary, m Pardon Geay: Wi37- 1814), Am. Rev. (Philip*®; Edward’; Edward’); 4-Lydia, m Sanford Almy (John®; Job®; Job’; William’, qv); 38—Mary (1794-1885), as Widow White, m 2d, Nathan B. Spaulding (3 above). 2-Son of Denison Franklin Freeman (1831-1905), m 1860, Emilie L. Spaulding (1839-67). Not married. Mem. S.M.D., S.A.R. Address: Hotel Touraine, Boston, Mass. 1-FLEITMANN, Lida Marie Heinze (Mrs. Wil- liam M.), } 60 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn, N.Y., Aug. 14, 1868. 8—Daniel Silliman (qv); 7—Robert (ca. 1666- 1748), m Sarah Hull; 6—-Ebenezer (1707-75), mem. Council "and judge Superior Ct. of Conn.; m 1728, Abigail Selleck (Capt. Jonathan’, one of first settlers at Stam- ford, m Abigail, dau. of Nathan Gould, qv; Jonathan; David’); 5—Jonathan (1742- 77), m Anne Moorhouse; 4—Catherine, m David Lacey; 3—Eleazer, m 1834, Elizabeth Marsh. 2-Dau. of Eliza Marsh Lacey (1842-1904), m 1862, Otto Heinze (1831-91), commission merchant and banker, New York; issue: I—Alice (1862-1926; m George W. Watjen); II—Arthur Philip (6 1864; m Ruth Meiklejohn Noyes); III—Otto Charles (b 1866; m Ada Louise Martin); IV—Lida Marie (above); V—-F. Augustus (1868-1914; m Bernice Henderson); VI-Herman (1871-92); VII-Edward (b and d 1873); VIII—Paul A. (1877-89). IV-—m Nov. 7, 1889, William Medlicott Fleitmann, b Dusseldorf, Germany (on a visit of parents), Jan. 30, 1860; son of Herman Fleitmann, of New York, m Louisa H. Medlicott; issue: 1—Fred- erick Herman, 0} New York, Aug. 28, 1890; m Nov. 12, 1922, Maria K. Contarini, b Italy, 1891; 2-Lida Louise (Mrs. John V. S. Bloodgood, av); 3-William M. (m Alice Ely Chambers). Residence: 129 E. 73d St., New York. 1-BLOODGOOD, Lida Louise Fleitmann (Mrs. John V. S.), 6 Brooklyn, N‘Y., Apr. 3, 1894. 12-Gov. John Webster (qv); 11—Anne (d 1662), m 1642, John Marsh (1618-88), an early settler at Hartford; 10-John (b 1643), m 1666, Sarah L. Ford; 9-Capt. Joseph (b 1671), m Sarah Webster; 8—Pletiah (1707-90), m 1731, Mary Moore; 7—-Pletiah (1732-77), m 1752, Anna Marsh; 6—Dan (1754-1828), m 1780, Olive Warren; 5—Earl (6 1782), m 1806, Ruby Abel; 4—EFlizabeth (1812-1902), m Eleazer Lacey; 8—-Eliza M. (1842-1904), m 1862, Otto Heinze, commn. merchant, banker, New York. 2-Dau. of Lida Marie Heinze (qv), m 1889, Wil- liam Medlicott Fleitmann (b 1860). M Apr. 18, 1922, John Van Schaick Bloodgood (qv); issue: 1—Lida Lacey, 6 129 E. 73d St., N.Y. City, Feb. 1, 1923. Ed. Chapin and Spence’s schools, New York. Well-known horsewoman, breeder and ex- hibitor of horses. Author: Comments on Hacks and Hunters, 1922; With Hounds at Pau, 1925; Stag-Hunting at Chantilly. Mem. Junior League. Residence: “Conscience Meadow House,” Setauket, L.I., . 1-BLOODGOOD, John Van Schaick, 6b N.Y. City, Jan, 22, 1889. 8-Frans Jansen (Bloetgoet) Bloodgood (qv); 7-William (1667-1720), m Mary Clement; 6—-Francis (1695-1744), m Charity Doughty; 5-Abraham (1740-1807), m Lysbet Lynott; 4—-Francis (6 1775), m Louisa Dakin; 3-Simeon DeWitt, m Eliza Van Schaick. 9—-Robert Coe (qv); 8—John (1626-89) ; 7-Samuel (1672-1742), m Margaret Van Zandt; 6—William (d 1744), m Hannah Seaman; 5-Samuel (1760-1822), m Elizabeth Dussenberry; 4-William (6 1787), m Sarah J. Hoyt; ape es Jane (1826-96), m John W. Pirsson (1822- 9—-Simeon Hoyt (qv); 8-Samuel (1643-1720), mem. Gen. Assembly, 1692- 1704; m Hannah Holly 7-Jonathan (1683-1768), m "Melicent Penoyer; 6—Joseph (1725-1820), col. Am. Rev.; m Jane King; 5—Joseph (0 1750), m Hannah Seeley; 4-Sarah J., m William Coe (4 above). 2-Son of Robert Fanshawe Bloodgood (b 1847), artist and etcher; m 1889, Floise Pirsson; issue: I-John V. S. (above); II—Eloise (b 1892; m Dela- van Bloodgood Downer). M Apr. 18, 1922, Lida Louise Fleitmann (qv). Author. ‘Mem. SENESa IS Cavan seh ClIbss burt and Field, Riding. Residence: “Conscience Meadow House,” Setauket, L.I., N.Y. 1-FRENCH, Francis Henry, 0 Davenport, Ia., Nov. 2, 1884. 10-William French (qv); 9-Samuel, m Elizabeth Champney; 8—Dea. William, m Sarah Danforth (Jonathan?; Nicholas!, qv); 7-Capt. Jacob, m Mary Brown; 6—Joseph; 5—Peter, m Elizabeth Jaquith; 4-Capt. George (1797-1823), m Mary Richardson; 3-—George Henry (1825-88), mfr. agrl. implements, Davenport, Ia.; m 1848, Frances Wood Morton (See their dau. Alice, Vol. 1, p. 612, for Morton lineage). 2-Son of Judge Nathaniel French (1855-1920), A.B., Griswold, 73; LL.B., Harvard, 1876; lawyer, mfr., Davenport, Ia.; m Marian Montgomery Eldredge; issue: I-Francis Henry (above); II-— Grace Hamilton (m Henry Fifield Evans). I—Not married. A.B., Harvard, ’07, LL.B., 1910. Lawyer, Davenport, Ia. Clubs: Harvard ‘(New York), University (Chicago). Residence: 20 Forest Rd., Davenport, Ia 1-FURNESS, Fairman Rogers, ) Wallingford, Pa., Jan. 7, 1889. 7-Jonathan Furness (d 1745), from’ Eng. to Bos- ton, ca. 1680; m Elizabeth "Mullikin (711-43); 6—John (1733- 1810), m Ann Hurd; 5—William (1767-1833), m Rebekah Thwing (1777- 4-William Henry, D.D., L.H.D. (1802-96), A.B., Harvard, 1820; pastor ist Cong]. Church (Uni- tarian), Phila., 1825-75; author; m 1825, Annis Pulling Jenks: 8-Horace Howard, A.M., Ph.D., LL.D., L.H.D., Litt.D. (1833-1912), A.B., Harvard, 54; editor of the Variorum Shakespeare; m 1860, Helen Kate Rogers (1837-83). &8-Joseph Bullitt (qv); 7-Benjamin (1693- 1766, justice Prince William Co., Va.; m 1st, 1737, Elizabeth Harrison (d 1757; Thomas’, of “Chappawampsic, we Vas): 6—Cuthbert (1740-91), speaker Va. Assembly; mem. Va. conventions; judge Gen. Ct. of Va.; m Helen Scott (1739-95; Rev. James’, m Sarah Brown); 5—Col. Alexander Scott (1762-1816), settled in Ky.. 1783; co-drafter of the first constitution of Ky.; speaker Ky. Senate; pres. Constl. Conv.; first lt. gov. of the state; m 1st, 1785, Priscilla Christian (ca. 1770-1806; Col. William’, pres. Ky. ‘Senate and It. gov. of Ky., m Anne Henry, sis- ter of Patrick Henry); 298 4-William Christian (1793-1877), lawyer; member Ky. Constl. Conv.; m 1819, Mildred Ann Fry; é-John Christian (1824-1902), m 1850, Therese Cald- well Langhorne (d 1881). 1l-Lt. Col. Walter Aston (1607-56), 6 Eng., d in Charles City Co., Va.; 10-Mary, m Lt. Col. Richard Cocke (qv); 9-Richard (1639-1706) ; 8-Richard, settled in Charles City Co., Va.; m Anne Bowler; 7-Tabitha, m Eberneza Adams; 6-Their dau., m Col. John Fry (Col. Joshua’, col. in command of the expedition against Fort Du Quesne); 5-Joshua, of Ky.; m Peachy Walker (Dr. Thomas); 4-Mildred Ann (1798-1879), m William C. Bullitt (4 above). 2-Son of Walter Rogers Furness (1861-1914), m 1886, Helen Key Bullitt (1867-1913); issue: I- Helen Kate (b 1887; m Wirt L. Thompson); II— Fairman Rogers (above). II—Not married. Harvard, 712. Diplomatic serv- ice, 1912-15. Farmer. Sgt., U.S.A., July 3, 1918- Jan. 2, 1919. Clubs: Racquet (Phila.), Rosetree Hunt (Media, Pa.), Harvard (New York). Resi- dence: “Upper Bank Farm,” Media, Pa. 1-GAILLARD, Edwin White, b Louisville, Ky., June 14, 1872. 7-Pierre Gaillard, from Cherneux, Poitou, France, upon the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, 1685, settled on the Santee River, Cra- ven Co., S.C.; m 1694, Elizabeth (LeClair) Melet; 6—-Theodore, m 1st, Marguerite Serre; 5-Theodore, m Ellinor Cordes; 4-John, m Harriet Lord; Te poke (d@ 1820), m Mary Harriet Cantey e. 6-John Gibson (d 1781; whose father came from Scotland, 1700, m Alsie—), of Leonardtown, Md.; m Elizabeth-; 5—William (1753-1832), of “Rose Hill,” Baltimore, Md.; m Sarah Morris, of Joppa, Md.; 4-William, M.D, (1788-1868), m 1811, Sarah Charlotte Hollingsworth (Col. Samuel® [1757-1830], of Baltimore, Md.); s-Dr. Charles Bell (1816-65), M.D., U. Pa., 1835; een gen. State of Va., C.S.A.; m Ellen re. 6-George Eyre, 3d (1700-61; desc. William Le Eyre, knighted by William the Conquerer at Battle of Hastings), came from Eng., 1727, settled at Burlington, N.J.; m 1730, Mary Smith; 5—Manuel (1731-1805), built a fleet of gunboats for Cont. Army; m Mary Wright (1743-98; Richard®, m Mary Coats); 4-Manuel (1777-1845), banker, Phila.; m 1806, Anne Louisa Connelly (John® [1755-1827], m 1780, Anne [1748-1812], dau. of John Little [1712-85], m Mary Longstreth); 3—-Ellen, m Dr. Charles Bell Gibson (3 above). 2-Son of Edwin Samuel Gaillard, M.D., LL.D. (1827-85), A.B., S.C. Coll., ’45; M.D., Med. Coll. State of S.C., 1854; surgeon gen. Army of Va. and inspector of hosps., C.S.A.; 1st dean Louis- ville Med. Coll.; med. editor and publisher; m Mary Elizabeth Gibson (1841-1916); issue: I—E1- len Eyre (b 1870; m William Wayne Ashhurst, M.D.); II-Edwin White (above); III—Charles Bell Gibson (b 1875; m Adele, dau. of Rear Adm. Henry Erben, U.S.N.); IV—William E. G. (b 1877; m Mary S. Bateson); V—Marion Hol- lingsworth (b 1879; m Blanche Griffith); VI- Frank Paschal (6 1882; m Sarah Bradner). II-m Apr. 12, 1902, Clara Humphrey Sackett, b Stamfordville, N.Y., Sept. 5, 1879; dau. of Ste- phen Wells Sackett (desc. John Sackett, from Eng., 1630), of Lithgow, Dutchess Co., N.Y., m Frances J. Gurney, of N.Y. City; issue: 1—Edwin Gibson, b N.Y. City, Sept. 17, 1907; 2- Francis Gurney, 0} Mt. Kisco, N.Y., Apr. 18, Tee 3-Catherine Eyre, 6 Mt. Kisco, Dec. 7, Ed. Trinity Sch., N.Y. City, and under pvt. tutors. Editorial staff, The Independent, 1888-95; librarian, Webster Free Circulating Library, New York, 1897-1904; supervisor work with schools, New York Pub. Library, 1904- 1913, and spl. investigator same since 1913 (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: Mt. Kisco, N.Y. 1-GODDARD, Calvin Hooker, 6b at Baltimore, Md., Oct. 30, 1891, 8—-Gen. William Goddard (qv); 7-Edward (1675-1754), founded Framingham, THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Mass.; rep. Gen. Court; mem. Gov.’s Council; m 1697, Susannah Stone (1678-1754); 6—Edward (1698-1777), Shrewsbury, Mass.; m Hep- zibah Hapgood (1703-63) ; 5—Daniel (1734-1807), Shrewsbury; m 1756, Mary Willard (1731-96); 4—Calvin (1768-1842), A.B., Dartmouth, 1786; mem. 7th and 8th Congresses, 1801-05; judge Superior Ct. of Conn., 1815-18; mayor of Norwich, 1823- 1840; m 1794, Alice Hart (1772-1832); 38-Levi Hart (1808-62), m 1837, Mary Woodbridge Perkins (1812-1886; g.dau. Elisha Perkins, sur- geon Am. Rev.). 2-Son of Henry Perkins Goddard (1842-1916), capt. 14th Conn. Vols. in Civil War; underwriter; literateur; m 1875, Louise Marston; m 2d, 1882, Lida Whitman Acheson (See Vol. 1, p. 288, for genealogy). M Aug. 3, 1915, Eliza Cunningham Harrison (Co- lonial Dame), dau. Chapman Leigh Harrison (See Vol. 1, p. 27, for genealogy); issue: 1—Eliza Cunningham, 6 Washington, D.C., Mar. 26, 1917; ee Woodbridge, b at Washington, Dec. 2, A.B., Johns Hopkins, ’11, M.D., 1915, and mem. faculty, 1915-16; honor grad. U.S. Army Med. Sch., 1917. First 1t., capt.,’maj., M.C.,. Reeu- lar Army, 1917-20. Served with A.E.F. in, France, Germany and Poland; resigned, 1920, and later recommissioned as maj., Ordnance Res. Asst prof., Cornell U., 1924-25. Consult- ant on small arms and projectiles (in legal cases) and now asso. dir., Bur. of Forensic Ballistics, New York. Author on ordnance and allied subjects. Mem. S.C.W., Soc. In- dian Wars, S.A.R., S.W. 1812, M.O.F.W., M.O.L.L., M.O.W.W., Vet. Corps of Arty. (State of N.Y.), Soc. Army of the Potomac, Soc. 14th Conn. Regt., Assn. Mil. Surgeons, Soc. Am. Mil. Engrs., Army Ordnance Assn. Clubs: Army and Navy, Army, Navy and Ma- rine Corps Country (Washington), Johns Hop- kins (Baltimore), Army and Navy (Phila.), Fraternity Clubs (New York). Address: 4 E. 28th St., New York. 1-GOFF, Anne Baker (Mrs. Guy Despard), J} Wheeling, W.Va., 1867. Beh ne Wood, of Delph, Anne Arundel Co., 6-Joshua (1694-1740), m Martha-; 5-Martha (6b 1724), m 1741, Nicholas Baker (b ca. Hoy a8 Spesutia, Baltimore (now Harford) 0., 48 one W. (1756-1841), m Susannah Pennell (1763- 3—John (1795-1835), m 1825, Anne Thornberry Hill (1802-69). 5-Samuel Fordyce (1734-1824), from Scotland, thence to Ulster Province, thence to Amer- ica, .1784; m Elizabeth Huggins (1737-1814), of Ulster Co., Md.; inlet (1776-1848), m Elizabeth Gerard (Gar- rard); 3—-John (1808-82), m 2d, 18386, Mary Anne House- man_ (1817-99; Christopher! [1788-1824], m 1810, Sarah Myers [1791-1849]; Jacob®, m Sarah Johnston). 6-John Gerrard, of Berkeley Co., Va.; 5-Justus (1755-1828), began to write name Gar- rard, of Garrard’s Fort, Pa.; m Rachel Corb- ly (1761-1842; Rev. John® [1733-1803], from Eng. to Pa., 1752, thence to Va., m Ist, Abigail Bull, of Winchester, Va.); 4—Flizabeth (1778-1838), m John Fordyce (4 above). 2-Dau. of Lewis Baker (1832-99), m 1859, Ruth Fordyce (1842-1907); issue: I-Lillian (m Charles . Warren); II—Anne (above); IlI—Virginia (m Charles Wardell Stiles, qv); IV-Susan; V— Ruth (6 1873; m James Rufus Thomas). II—m Sept. 8, 1906, Guy Despard Goff, 6 Clarks- burg, W.Va., 1867; A.B., Kenyon, ’88: LL.B., Harvard, 1891; son of late U.S. Senator Na- than Goff, of W.Va.; issue: 1-Louise Despard, b Nov. 6, 1898; m Oct. 30, 1923, Carroll Reece, of Butler, Tenn. Residence: 1606 N.H. Av., Washington, D.C. Pe oe, Isaac Lewis, 6 Taunton, Mass., Aug. 7-Anthony Goff, from Eng. late in sixteen hun- dreds; m Sarah Polly; 6—Robert; 5—Robert; 4-Levi; 3-Zenus, m Nancy Fish. FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 299 4-Enos Dean, sgt. Mass. Line in Am. Rev.; 3-Clarissa, m Asa Stacy. 2-Son David Fish Goff (1821-1878), farmer; m 1846, Clarissa Dean Stacy (1826-97); issue: I- David Franklin (1849-1912); II-Isaac Lewis (above); IlI-Lydia Ann Clara (1856-1919); IV— Mary Louise (b 1859); V—Carrie Frances (6b 1862); VI-—Lucinda Wheaton (b 1865); VII-—Min- nie Alberta (b 1868). II-m Oct. 21, 1875, Ada Janette Richards (Mar. 23, 1854-Nov. 7, 1907); dau. of William R. Rich- ards, of Providence, R.I.; issue (all 6b Provi- dence): 1—-William David, b Sept. 27, 1876; m Dec. 18, 1898, Alice P., dau. of Thomas Strahan, of Boston (issue: William D., Jr., m 1924; Glad- ine McGregor [issue: Gloria Joan, } 1925] ); 2-Josephine Anne, 6 Jan. 27, 1880; 3—Lillian Lewis, 6 June 12, 1883; 4-Isaac Lewis, Jr., b Mar. 28, 1892; served in submarine service, World War. . Real estate and insurance, Providence, R.I. Served pvt. to lt. col., R.I.N.G.; on staff of Gov. Wetmore, with rank of col., 2 yrs. Mem. S.A.R. Residence: ‘Thorn Mountain Farm,” Jackson, N.H. RRMA ADA IS Louise Dunham (Mrs.), b An- ioch, O, 10-Dea. John Dunham (qy); 9-Benajah_ (1640-80), apptd. capt. of militia, 1673; m 1660, Elizabeth Tilson; 8-Rev. Edmund (1661-1734), founder of Seventh Day Bapt. Ch., Piscataway, N.J.; m 1681, Mary Bonham; 7-Benajah (1684-1742), soldier colonial wars; m 1704, Dorothy Martin (John§); 6-Hezekiah (6 1707), m 1733, Elizabeth Drake; 5-Hezekiah (b 1740), m 1769, Elizabeth Campbell; 4-James Campbell, m 1802, Ann Hoover; 3-Benajah Campbell (d before 1888), m Rebecca Swinney. ; 1l-Edward Fuller (qv); 10-Samuel (ca. 1612-1683), m 1635, Jane Lathrop (Rev. John4, from Eng., 1634); 9-Hannah, m Nicholas Bonham; 8-Mary (b 1661), m Rev. Edmund Dunham (8 above). 2-Dau. of Samuel Swinney Dunham, M.D., (b 1836); served in Co. G, 11th Ohio Vols., 1861- 1863; m_1857, Jane Elizabeth Strickle (1840-99); issue: I—Isaac Strickle, M.D. (m Dora Harris); II—Louise (above). Il—m June 2, 1887, James Bunyan Goldsberry (Mar. 27, 1856-Dec. 6, 1888); son of Delay Fletch- er Goldsberry, of Chillicothe, O. (dese. Golds- borough family); issue: 1-Thaddeus Reamy, 6 Cincinnati, O., Mar. 15, 1888; U. Mo., ’14; mem. bars of Supreme Ct. and Ct. of Ap- peals of D.C. B.S., Wesleyan Female Coll., Cincinnati, ’80. Contbr. poems, short stories to newspapers and mags. Author: Ted and Some Other Stories, 1918; The Open-Air School and Out- door Education (ms. bound by Library of Congress), 1921; The Wedding Garland, 1926. Donor to the Library of Congress, 1926, of nearly 1,900 photographs and prints, called The Louise Dunham Goldsberry Photograph Collection of Oen-Air Schools and Outdoor Education. Residence: 415 4th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 1-GOLDSBOROUGH, Lila Randolph Dodge fete Martin W.), 6 Norwood, Md., May 19, §-William Dodge (qv); 8-William (b 1640), m 2d, Joanna (Hale) Larkin; 7—Robert (1686-1763) ; 6—Isaac (b 1713); 5—-Robert (b 1743), m 1765, Mary Boardman; 4-Francais (b 1782), m 1807, Elizabeth Thornson; eS Perley (1817-87), m 1841, Caroline Rebecca eath. 2-Dau. of James Heath Dodge (1845-1917), m 1870, Mary Lavinia Conrad (1844-1908). M Aug. 19, 1896, Martin Worthington Goldsbor- ough, M.D, (July 12, 1870-Jan. 11, 1924); son of M. Worthington Goldsborough, U.S.N. (Judge Brice’, of Cambridge, Md.); issue: 1— Heath Dodge, b Princess Anne, Md., May 25, 1901; St. John’s, ’22; 2-Phillips Lee, 6 Prin- cess Anne, Nov. 5, 1902; St. John’s, ’25. Residence: 3022 Q St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 1-GOLDSBOROUGH, William Tilghman, } Bal- timore, Md., Feb. 7, 1880. 9-Nicholas Goldsborough (qv); 8—-Robert (1660-1746), came to Md., 1678; mem. As- sembly, etc.; m Elizabeth Greenberry; f 7-Charles (1707-67), mem. Provincial Council 1766; m ist, Elizabeth Ennalls; 6—Robert (1783-88), atty. gen. of Md.; mem. Constl. Conv.; mem. Ist, 2d and 8d Cont. Congresses; m Sarah Yerbury; 5-Charles (1761-1801), held office in Dorchester Co.; m Willamina Smith (Rev. William’, pro- vost Coll. of Phila.); : 4-Sarah Yerbury (b 1787), m 1804, as his 2d wife, eh, Goldsborough (1763-1834), gov. of Md., 3-William Tilghman (1808-75), m Mary Eleanor Lloyd (Gov. Edward, of “Wye House,” Md.). 2-Son of William Tilghman Goldsborough (1840- 1884), of Dorchester Co., Md.; m 1864, Blizabeth Nixon Henry (1844-1907); issue: I—Elizabeth Lloyd (b 1871; m 1899, Lawrence Stowell Adams, U.S.N.); II-William Tilghman (above). II-—m Oct. 21, 1919, Helen Hereth, b Chicago, II1l., Apr. 20, 1898; dau. of Frank S. Hereth, of New York; issue: 1-William Tilghman, 4th, 0 San Francisco, Calif., June 21, 1921; 2-Elisa- beth Lloyd, b Sept. 1, 1925. Ed. Baltimore City Coll. Insurance broker. Organized the first training camp on Pacific Coast. First lt., Aviation, U.S.A., Sept. 12, 1917; capt., May 1919; c.o., 188th Aero Squadron, and hdars. staff of ist Army,. A.E.F.; in France, Feb. 18, 1918-Feb. 1919. Mem. S.A.R., M.O.W.W., A.L. Club: Sierra. Summer place: Mill Valley, Calif. Residence: 1408 Scenic Av., Berkeley, Calif. 1-GOODNOW, Frank Johnson, } Brooklyn, N.Y., Jan, 18, 1859. 8-Thomas Goodnow (d 1666), from Eng. in the “Confidence,” to Sudbury, Mass., 1638; 7-Samuel (1646-1722), m 1670, Mary-—; 6-Samuel (1676-1716), m Sarah Brigham (6 1674); 5—-Thomas (1709-90), m 1734, Persis Rice (b 1714); 4-Edward (1742-98), m 1770, Lois Rice (d 1842); 3-Edward, m Rebecca Beaman. 2-Son of Abel Franklin Goodnow (ca. 1824-1885), mfr., Worcester, Mass.; m Jane Maria Root (1827-1911); issue: I-Henry Root (1857-1925; m Sara H. Whitney); II-Frank Johnson (above). II-m June 2, 1886, Elizabeth Buchanan Lyall, b N.Y. City, Aug. 21, 1860; dau. of David Cooper Lyall, of Brooklyn, m Isabella Buchanan; is- sue: 1—Isabel Lyall, b Brooklyn, N.Y., Mar. 19, 1887; Bryn Mawr, ’09; m Sept. 9, 1911, Ezra Ken- dall Gillett (issue: Ezra K., Jr.; Frank G.; Katherine E.); 2-David Franklin (qv for Root lineage); 3-Lois Root, b N.Y. City, Apr. 7, 1895; Bryn Mawr, ’16; m Feb. 19, 1916, John V.A. MacMurray, of Washington (issue: Joan; Frank G.; Lois). f A.B., Amherst, ’79, A.M., 1887; Ll.B., Columbia, 1881; student Paris and Berlin; (LL.D., Am- herst, Columbia, Harvard, Brown, Princeton). Instr., adj. prof. and prof. administrative law, Columbia U., 1883-1907; pres. Johns Hop- kins U., 1914—. Author (See Who’s Who in America). Summer place: Norfolk, Conn. Residence: 6 W. Madison St., Baltimore, Md. 1-GOODNOW, David Franklin, 8} Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 27, 1888. 10-Thomas (Roote) Root (1605-94), from Eng. to Salem, Mass., 1637; later settled at Hartford, Conn.; 9-Joseph (b 1640); 8-Joseph (6 1664); 7-Joseph (b 1686); 6—Jonathan (1716-1808) ; 5—-Jonathan (6 1747); 4—Cephas (b 1790); 38-Jane Maria (1827-1911), m Abel Franklin Good- now (ca. 1824-1885). 2-Son of Frank Johnson Goodnow (qv for Petey lineage), m 1886, Elizabeth Buchanan yall. M Aug. 2, 1913, Margery Smith, 6 Ballston Spa. N.Y., Oct. 1, 1888; dau. of Samuel Smith, of Saratoga, N.Y., m Mary Baker; issue: 1— David Franklin, Jr., 6b Pelham Manor, N.Y., June 29, 1915; 2-Lois Thompson, 6 Norfolk, Conn., Sept. 13, 1916: 3-Thomas White, 0} Pel- ham Manor, June 13, 1924. A.B., Amherst Coll., 09: LL.B., Columbia, 1912. Lawyer, N.Y. City. Club: University. Resi- dence: 1009 Esplanade, Pelham Manor, N.Y. 1-GOULD, Aubrey, Van Wyck, ) Tarrytown, N.Y., Nov. 14, 1885. 300 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 8-John Gould, from Eng., 1664; Southampton, L.I., 1686; N.J., 1690; m Sarah Axtell; 7-John, constable at Elizabethtown, Martha Frazier (widow); 6-John (b 1708), m Abigail Woodruff (Joseph? [1676-1742], went to Westfield, N.J., 1699); 5-Joseph (1737-1810), pvt. 2d Regt., ‘Essex CSOs N.J.; m Rebeccah Paxton (Daniel®); 4—-Anthony (1774-1856), soldier War 1812; m Mary Sandford (John, m Hannah Campbell); 3-Joseph (1804-80), founder of Joseph Gould Sons, tea mchts., New York; m Eloise Tuttle (1808-60; James*, m Elizabeth Farrand; Capt. landowner, was at Elizabeth, 1718; m Timothy®; Capt. Daniel®; Timothy’; Stephens; Joseph®; William?»), 8-Jonathan Westbrook, officer Cromwell’s Army; settled in Ulster Co., N.Y., 1660; 7—Derck, m Catherina Oosterhout; 6—Jonathan (b 1711), m Jannetje Vander Marken; 5-Gen. Frederick (1749-1823), ensign Am. Rev.; brig. gen. War 1812; m Sarah Dupuy; 4—Cornelius Dupuy, D.D. (1782-1858), A.B., Union, 1801; Ref. Church minister; mist, Hannah Van Wyck (Capt. Isaac); 38—-Frederick Edward (1810-1900), lawyer, York; m Catherine Elizabeth Jackson. 2-—Son of Charles Judson Gould (b 1833), tea mcht., realtor, New York; m 1869, Annie West- brook (6 1845); issue: I—Eleanor Frances (0b 1870; m Walter Dana Swan); II—Rosalie (b 1872; m Howard F. Clark); IlI—Carl Frelinghuysen (6 1873; m Dorothy Wheaton Fay); IV—Edith Laura (1876-1900); V—Ethel A. (b 1878; m Walter Dabney Blair); VI—Muriel (b 1880; m Edward Palmer York); ViI—Aubrey Van Wyck (above). Vil-m June 1, 1911, Winifred Lanier Dana (qv); issue: 1—Winifred Dana, b Flushing, N.Y., Nov. 21, 1912; 2-Aubrey Van Wyck, Jr., b New WiOLK IN. Yiged AN.e lon loos, A.B., Harvard, ’08. With White, Weld & Co., investment bankers, New York. Residence: Great Neck, L.I., N.Y. 1-GOULD, Winifred Lanier Dana (Mrs. Aubrey V.), 6 Gainesville, Ga., July 18, 1889. 9-Richard Dana (q v); 8-Benjamin (1668-1738), m 1688, Mary Buckminster; 7—William (1703-70), m Mary Greene; 6—-Rev. Samuel (1787-98), grad. Harvard, 1755; rec- tor Groton, Mass.; mem. Constl. Conv. of Mass., and Mass. Senate; probate judge; m Anna Kendrick; 5-Capt. Luther (1754-1832), served Am. Rev.; m Lucy Giddings; 4Capt. Nathaniel G. (1797-1833), U.S.M.A., 1814; m Mary Ann Langdon Harris; 3-Maj. Gen. Napoleon J. Tecumseh (1822-1905), U.S.M.A., ’42; served thru Mexican and Civil wars; banker, St. Paul; m 1844, Sue Lewis Mar- tin Sandford (Alfred‘t, m Susan L., dau. of Maj. Thomas Martin; Gen. Thomas® [1762-1808], ee 8th and 9th Congresses, 1803-07, from MA 10-Henry Sherburne (b 1611), from Eng., 1632; a founder of Portsmouth, N.H.; 9-Capt. Samuel (1638-91), killed by Indians in King William’s War; 8-Henry (1674-1757), chief justice of N.H., 1732-42; mem. Assembly and Gov.’s Council: m 1698, Dorothy Wentworth (Samuel, whose son John, was gov. of N.H 7-Capt. Henry (1709-67), was at taking of Louis- burg, 1745; king’s councillor; judge Ct. of Common Pleas; m Sarah Warner (1721-1814) ; 6—-Sarah, m Woodbury Langdon (1738-1805), del. Cont. Congress, pres. N.H. Senate, judge Su- perior Ct. of N.H. (John7; Tobias’; Tobias’); 5-Sarah S., m Col. Robert Harris: 4—Mary A. L., m Nathaniel G. Dana (4 above). &-Dea. John Chidsey, signed the Conn. Colony Constitution, 1644, m Elizabeth-; 7-Dea. Caleb (1661- 1713), m Hannah Dickerman; 6—Caleb (1697-1785), m Abigail Goodsell; 5—Isaac (1731- 1814), m Sarah Bradley (Samuel); 4-Caleb, m Rebecca Page; 3-Jared G., m Julia Ann Barnes (Joshuat, m Amelia, dau. of Philip Daggett®). 2-Dau. of Dr. Alfred Sanford Dana (1851-1901), m 1876, Katherine Chidsey (06 1858). M June 1 1, 1911, Aubrey Van Wyck Gould (qv for issue Residence: Great Neck, L.I., N.Y. New in navy in 1-GRAHAM, Dolliver Wiltsee, b) Ft. Dodge, Ia., Jan. 27, 1891. 9-Samuel Dolliver, m 1654, Mary Elwell; 8-William (6 1656), m Ann Higginson (Rev. John’); teat first mention in Salem registry deed, 1 6~Peter, m 1722, Abigail Sanders (b 1705; Capt. Thomas’, sea capt.); 5—Peter (1726- -1806), m 2d, Esther (Goldthwaite) Rogers; 4-Capt. Henry Dap: 1774), m Maria Voorhees, of Saratoga Co., N.Y.; 3—Rev. James Jones "(1816- 1905), M.E. clergyman for 50 yrs., m Eliza Jane Brown (among their sons was Jonathan P., U.S. senator from Iowa). 2-Son of Mary Hawthorne Dolliver (1859-1919), m 1888, Edwin R. Graham, Litt.D. (1854- 1921), pub- lishing agt., Methodist Book Concern; issue: I—Dolliver Wiltsee (above); II—Robert Haw- thorne. I-m Oct. 26, 1920, Marie Fern Cramer, b Colo- rado Springs, Colo., Mar. 28, 1892; dau. of W. EK. Cramer, of Rockwell City, Ta. BS las State Coll., ’18 (Sigma Chi). Pres. Alas- kan Am. Paper Co.; sec. Internat. Church Film Corpn., New York. Pvt., 158th Depot Brig., World War. Mem. A.L. Summer place: “Maplethorpe,”’ Richwood, O. Residence: 120 E. 31st St., New York, N.Y. 1-GRENELL, Frederic Thorpe, } Paterson, N.J., Dec. 11, 1875. 9-Matthew (Grinnell) Grenell (qv); 8—-Daniel (1636-1703), m 1667, Mary Wodell (b 1640; William’) ; 7—Daniel (1668-1740), m Lydia Peabody 6—Peabody (d 1767), m 1733, Sarah Barnes (d 1780); 5-Peabody, merchant mariner, Saybrook, Conn., soldier Am. Rev.; m 1758, Charity Chapman; 4-Samuel (1765- -1841), m 1785, Rebecca Woodworth (1766-1854) ; Baht an (1796- -1883), m 1836, Eliza Burt Hatton 9-John Alden (qv); 8-Elizabeth (1623/24-1717), m 1644, William Pea- bodie (1619/20-1707) ; 7—-Lydia (1667-1740), m ca. 1683, Daniel Grenell (7 above). 2-Son of Judson Grenell (6 1847), editor and jour- nalist; m 1874, Mary Jane Thorpe (1850-1915); is- sue: I-Frederic Thorpe (above); II-Ralph Woodworth (6 1882). I-—m Mar. 26, 1910, Blanche Jane Adams, b Detroit, Mich., Aug. 17, 1882; dau. of Charles E. Adams. m Anna St. Clair; issue: 1—-Nancy Jane, 0 Cleveland, O., Jan. 28, 1912: 2-Barbara Mary, b Detroit, Mich., May 21, 1915. Pres. Grenell Advertising Agency, Detroit. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit Yacht, Elks, Kiwanis, Masonic, ete. Residence: 746 Balfour Rd., Grosse Pointe Park, Detroit, Mich. ei Thomas Dillard, b Salem, Va., Dee. 6-Augustine Leftwich (desc. de Leftwich family of Leftwich Manor, Cheshire, Eng.), of ‘‘Left- wich Hall,” Bedford Con Va; m Elizabeth Stovall; 5—Col. William, col. militia and furnished sup- plies in Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Haynes; 4-Mary, m William ‘Walton; 3—Lucy, m John McClanahan. 2-Son of Dr. John Hook Griffin (1802-78), physi- cian, Roanoke Co., Va.; m Sarah Jane McClana- han ’(1812- 1903) ; issue: T_Dr. Charles Beale (1833- 1885); II—Rev. John William (1835-64); II1I—Char- lotte (1836-1921; m J. A. Herring); IV—Henry Bowyer (bd 1838) : V-Samuel (1840-1917) ; VI- Lucy; VII—Mary (1842-84); VIII-Elizabeth Pey- ton (1844-84); TX—Winefield (6 1846; m Claudine Booker); X-Henrietta (b 1852; m J. W. Cavitt); XI-Thomas Dillard iabov ens XII-Emeline Johnston (6 1856; m W. Bowles). XI-—m Apr. 21, 1897, en Ash Claytor, b West River, Md., Dec. 17, 1865; D.A.R.; dau. of late Richard Claytor; issue: 1-Thomas Claytor, b San Francisco, Calif., Aug. 1, 1899; 2~John Hook, 6 Charleston, 8.c., May 3, 1904. Ue S.N.A., 76. Commodore U.S.N. Served thru Spanish-Am. War and World War. Gov. U.S. Naval Home, Phila., 1917-20. Mem. M.O:F.W., M.O.W.W. Residence: 1618 E. Ocean AV., Long Beach, Calif. FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 301 1-GUENTHER, J(acob) Jarden, b Philadelphia, Pa., July 12, 1886. SHobert Jarden (1729-1803), m Christiana McCal- mont; 4-Samuel (ca. 1770-1817), m Catharine Maag (Jacob®; Henry®, from Holland in the “Mer- cury,” 1785, settled at Phila.; m Verena Fran- cis); 3-Jacob (1811-89), m Margaret Eppelsheimer. 2-Only child of Ida Virginia Jarden, m 1883, Emil Guenther (0 1857), from Germany, 1874; mer- chant, Phila. M Oct. 30, 1915, Dorothy Erwin Henderson, 0} Phila., Pa., 1892; dau. of Judge George Hender- son, of Phila. (related to Diehl, Busier, Jacoby, Moore, Parke families); issue: 1Jacob Jarden, Jr., 6 Phila., Pa., Oct. 30, 1919; 2-Dorothy Hen- derson, b Phila., Mar. 31, 1921. A.B., Haverford, ’08; S.T.B., Phila. Div. School, 1925. Rector-in-charge, Church of the Saviour, Phila. Club: University. Summer residence: “Friendship Hill Farm,” Paoli, Chester Co., Pa. Residence: Hamilton Ct., Philadelphia, Pa. 1-GUTELIUS, Frederick Erhard, } Aaronsburg, Pa., Oct. 4, 1870. 5-John Peter QGutelius (1708-73; son of Adam Frederick, a Frenchman), Huguenot, came from France via Holland in the “Nancy” to Phila., Pa., 1750; settled and buried at Man- heim, Pa.; physician and surgeon; m Anna Maria Deitzler, of Dutch descent; 4-Frederick Adam (1766-1839), moved to Mifflin- burg, Union Co., Pa., 1800; m Anna Catherine Bistel (1773-1838) ; 3-John Peter (1797-1866), m 1822, Lydia Crotzer (1804-94; Jacob‘, m Elizabeth-, from Easton, Pa., to Miffiinburg, Pa., ca. 1800). 8-John Conrad Weiser (1661-1746), from Germany to New York, 1710; settled at Livingston Manor, N.Y., later at Schoharie; m Anna Magdalena Ubele (d 1709); 7-Col. Conrad (1696-1760), settled in Berks Co., Pa., 1729; Indian interpreter and agt.; first pres. judge of Berks Co.; col. French and Indian War; m 1720, Ann Eve Feck (d 1781); 6—-Frederick (1728-73), m 1751, Anna Amelia Zeller (0 ca. 1729; John’, 6b in France, came to New York, 1710, settled in Pa., 1723; with his brother built Ft. Zeller in the Tulpehocken region, 1745, the oldest Indian fort in Pa.; son of Lady Clothilde de Valois Sellaire, Huguenot); 5-Catherine (1760-1839), m 1781, Jacob Kehl (1756- 1836), pvt. Am. Rev., Berks Co., Pa. (Michael®, court martial man, Berks Co., in Am. Rev.); 4-Salome (1787-1863), m 1811, Johan George Brun- gart (1788-1877; Martin®, m Catherine, dau. of Valentine Wentz, from Germany to Phila., 1748, settled in York Co., Pa.; Jacob®, from Ger- many to Pa., 1752); 3—Catherine (1812-57), m 1829, Jacob Erhard (1804-58; Michael‘ [1783-1878], m Anna Mary Wildasin, from York Co., Pa., to Miles Tp., Center Co., Pa., ca. 1804). 2-Son of Dr. Samuel George Qutelius (1834-95), dentist; Ist lt., Co. D, 150th Reet. ‘““Bucktails.” Pa. Vols. in Civil War; postmaster; m 1869, Mary Melinda Erhard (1850-91): issue: I-Fred- erick E. (above); II—Lydia Ella (b 1872; m Thomas Oscar Morris); III—Daniel Brungart (6 1886; m Louise Weil). I—m Apr. 22, 1896, Besse Alverta Stover, b Aarons- burg, Center Co., Pa., Sept. 3, 1875; dau. of Luther Bower Stover, m Louisa Hoy, of Madi- sonburg, Pa.; issue (all B Millheim, Pa.): 1— Mary Louisa, b Jan. 10, 1897; m Oct. 9, 1924, her distant cousin, Sylvester Gutelius: 2-Violet May, b May 20, 1902; mem. D.A.R.; 3-Catherine, b May 30, 1908; 4-Louise, B Aug. 8, 1912. D.D.S., Pa. Coll. Dental Surgery, 1892. Dentist. Chief burgess of Millheim Boro, Pa. Reformed Church elder. Mem. S.A.R., Huguenot Soc. of Pa., Pa.-German Soc., Sons of Vets., Brungart Family Assn. (sec.), Zeller Family Assn., Wentz Family Assn., etc. Residence: Mill- heim, Center Co., Pa. 1-GRINNELL, Ervin Guernsey, b Genesee Co., Mich., Feb. 1, 1855. 10-Matthew Grinnell (qv); Sey (6 1636), m Mary Wodell (b 1640; Wil- iam?) ; 8-Daniel (6 ca. 1665), m Lydia Peabody (William’, m Elizabeth, dau. of John Alden, qv): 7—George (1700-59), Saybrook, Conn.: m 1725, Mary (Post) Bull (1708-75; Edward Post’; John’); GRINNELL 6—Daniel (1727-1801), Little Compton, R.I.; French and Indian War and Am. Rev.; m 1748, Anna Chapman; 5-Amasa (1750-1820), Galway, N.Y.; Am. Rev.; m 1770, Anne Isaiah (1750-1806); 4-Isaiah (1775-1862), Edinburg, N.Y.; m 1793, Jane Crane (1777-1866) ; 3-John (1796-1889), Medina, N.Y.; m 1818, Praxana Tinkham. 2-Son of Paul Grinnell (1823-96), agriculturist, Medina, N.Y.; m 1846, Sarah Butler (1822-1904); issue: I—Cynthia (b 1846; m Ziba Sanborn); II— Ervin Guernsey (above); II1I—Florence Eliott; IV—Edwin (m Elizabeth Roberts); V—Alice (m Martin Smith). II-—m Nov. 25, 1880, Mary Timmerman, } Barre, N.Y., Sept. 4, 1856; dau. of George W. Timmer- man, of Medina, N.Y.; issue: 1-Glenn Wash- ington, 6 Medina, N.Y., Apr. 25, 1880; m Jan. 2, 1912, Marjory, dau. of Clark Parker, of Elba, N.Y. (issue: Glenora; Parker Ervin); 2—Lloyd Garrison (qv for other lineages); 3—-Pauline H., b Batavia, Feb. 13, 1896; Elmira, 718; 3d and 2d class yeoman, U.S.N.R.F., Apr. 16, 1918-Dec. 11, 1920; m Sept. 30, 1920, Dr. Irving Efner Maul; 4—Ervin, b Batavia, Dec. 23, 1899. Farmer. Mem. S.A.R. Mason. Batavia, N.Y. 1-GRINNELL, Lloyd Garrison, b East Shelby, N.Y., May 14, 1894. 9-Peter Brown, 33d signer of the Mayflower Compact (qv); 8—-Mary (1620-8), m Ephraim Tinkham (1616-88), from Eng. to Plymouth, Mass., 1630; 7—Hezekiah (1663-1739), m Grisel West; 6—John (6 1721), m Sarah King; 5—Daniel (1767-1854), m Adah Winsor (1768-1852; John*®, m Mercy Smith; Joshua’, m Deborah Harding; Samuel’, m Mercy, dau. of Roger Williams, qv); 4—Praxana (1793-1849), m John Grinnell (1796-1888) ; 3—Paul (1823-96), of Barre and East Shelby, N.Y.; m 1846, Sarah Butler (1822-1904; Juda‘, m Cleora Smalley). 5-Lt. John Timmerman (1760-1834), from Ger- many; m 1786, Sarah House (Christian®, capt. in Col. Jacob Klock’s regt. of Tryon Co., N.Y., militia in Am. Rev.); 4—Daniel (1787-1850), of Shelby, N.Y.; m 1812, Eliza- beth Feeter (Col. William® [1756-1844], served in Am. Army, 1776-98, m Elizabeth Bellinger): 3-George W. (1821-62), m 1855, Annis Maria Page (1823-1905). 2-Son of Ervin Guernsey Grinnell (qv for Grin- nell lineage), m 1880, Mary Timmerman. M June 25, 1919, Lola Marion, dau. of Albert A. Grinnell, of Detroit, Mich.; issue: 1—Albert Avery, II, b Higlhand Park, Mich., May 25, 1922. B.S., Cornell, 716 (Alpha Sigma Phi). Salesman, Grinnell Bros., music house, Detroit. Served pvt. to Ist class sgt., 816th Aero Squadron, U.S.A., 1917-18, World War. Mem. S.A.R., A.L. Mason. Clubs: Detroit Golf, Ingleside, Union League, Cornell, Conopus. Residence: 105 Cali- fornia Av., Highland Park, Mich. Residence: 302 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 1-HAVEN, William, } Portsmouth, N.H., Nov. 11, 1845. 7-Richard Haven (1620-1703), from Eng., was at Lynn, Mass., 1640-45; sgt. King Philip’s War; m Susanna Newhall; 6-John (1656-1705), soldier King Philip’s War; rep. Gen. Ct.; m 1682, Hannah Hitchings (Daniel’); 5-Joseph (1698-1776), m 1721, his 1st cousin, Mehit- able Haven (1702-80; Moses® [1667-1747], m Mary Ballard [Nathaniel’, m Rebecca Hudson; Wil- liam8, came in the ‘James,’ 1635, settled at Lynn, m Elizabeth—]; Richard’, above); 4-Samuel, D.D. (1727-1806), Portsmouth, N.H.; A.B., Harvard, 1749; m 1st, 1753, Mehitable Ap- pleton; 3—-William (1770-1856), m 1807, Sophia Henderson (1785-1879). 8-Samuel Appleton (qv); | i 7—Maj. John (1622-99), Ipswich, Mass.; m 1651, Pris- cilla Glover (ca. 1634-1697) ; 6—Capt. John (1652-1739), m Elizabeth Rogers (1661- 1754) ; 3 5-Nathaniel, D.D. (1693-1784), m Margaret Gibbs (1699-1741) ; 4—Mehitable (1728-77), m Samuel Haven (4 above). 9-Robert Cushman (qv); ‘ 8-Thomas (1608-91), came with his father, 1621; m Mary Allerton (1609-99; Isaac®, qv); 7-Thomas (1637-1726), m 2d, 1679, Abigail Fuller (Robert); 6—Benjamin (1691-1770), m 1st, 1712, Sarah Eaton; 5—Thomas (1730-77), m Ann Chipman; 4—Job (1753-1826), m 2d, 1779, Priscilla Ripley (Dea. Timothy®); 3—-Samuel (1783-1851), Portsmouth, N.H.; mem. 24th and 25th Congresses, 1835-39; m 1812, Maria Jane Salter. ; 9-Francis Eaton (qv); ; 8—Benjamin (1627-1711/12), m 1660, Sarah Hoskins (1636-ante 1726); 7—-Benjamin (1664-1745), m 1689, Mary Coombs (d post 1709; John’, m Sarah, dau. of Degory Priest, qv); 6—-Sarah (b 1695), m 1712, Benjamin Cushman (6 above). 10-John Tilley (qv); 9—-Elizabeth (1607-87), m John Howland (qv); 8—Hope (1629-83), m 1646, Elder John Chipman (qv); 7-Dea. Samuel (1662-1723), m 1686, Sarah Cobb (1662/63-1742) ; ! STG ea m 2d, 1725, Bethia Thomas (1701-78) ; 5—-Ann (1730-78), m Thomas Cushman (5 above). 6-John Salter (b 1650), from Eng. to Isles of Shoals, ca. 1680; settled on Salter’s Island, Portsmouth Harbor, N.H.; 5—-Richard (1709-68), m Elizabeth Odiorne; 4-Capt. John (1742-1814), m 3d, 1781, Jane Frost (1757-1837) ; 8—Maria Jane (1790-1847), m Samuel Cushman (3 above). 8—-Nicholas Frost (qv); 7—Charles (1631-97), mem. Provincial Council of N.H., 1681; sgt.-maj. Province of Me., 1689; scalped by Indians; m 1675, Mary Bolles (1642- 1704; Joseph§); 6-—John (1681-1732), cdr. ship of war, 1702; mem. Provincial Council of N.H., 1724; m 1702, Mary Pepperrell (1685-1766: Lt. Col. William’); 5—Joseph (1717-1766 or 68), m Margaret Colton (1724- 1818; Samuel®; Ephraim’; Q. M. George’, qv); 4—Jane (1757-1837), m John Salter (4 above). 2-Son of James Henderson Haven (1808-49), chem- ist, m Mar. 22, 1842, Elizabeth Salter Cushman (1817-1903); issue: I-Samuel Cushman (1843-63; A.B., Harvard, ’62; It., 1624 N.Y. Vols.); II—Wil- liam (above). Ii-m Mar. 21, 1883, Caroline Maria Merwin (Aug. 19, 1859-July 5, 1917); dau. of Henry Merwin, E. Granby, Conn.; issue: 1-Jane Merwin (Mrs. Bernard Ralph Platt, See Vol. 1, p. 322, for Merwin lineage); 2-Elizabeth Cushman (qv for Holcomb lineage); 3-Samuel Cushman (Sept. 1, 1889-Feb. 9, 1919); LL.B., U. Ia., 1914; pvt. Co. B. 314th Field Signal Bn., 89th Div., in France and with Army of Occupation; died pneumonia, Trier, Germany, interred Ottumwa, Ia.: 4-Mer- win, 6 St. Joseph, Mo., Apr. 6, 1893; LL.B., U. Mich., 1917; pvt. to regtl. sgt. maj., judge adv. dept., and in France and Germany; mem. law firm Rogers, Jones & Haven, Tulsa, Okla. B.S., Norwich, ’63. Civil and mining engr.; in charge 10 miles construction, Buda branch C., B.&Q., Wyoming, Ill., 1869. Iowa pioneer coal mine discoverer and operator. Mem. S.C.W. (33 ancestors; gov. Ia. Soc., 1915-17). Residences: 15595 Baylis Av., Detroit, Mich., and 451 S. York- town St., Tulsa, Okla. 1-HAVEN, Elizabeth Cushman, 6 Omaha, Neb., Sept. 26, 1887. 9-Thomas Holcomb (1601-57), a founder of Dor- Core Mass., 1630; went to Windsor, Conn., 8-Joshua (1640-90), m 1668, Ruth Sherwood mas’) ; 7-—Joshua (1672-1760), m Mary Griffin (Sgt. John§, m Anna Bancroft); 6—Capt. Hezekiah (1728-1810), Am. Rev.; m Susanna Alderman; 5-Hezikiah (1750-1820), Am. Rev.; m ist, Dorothy Bates (Lemuel®’, Am. Rey.); 4-Lemuel Cicero, m Julia Griswold (6b 1789; Phineas®, Am. Rev.; Phineas’); aon Reena (1817-94), m 1837, Henry Merwin 2-Dau. of Caroline Maria Merwin (1859-1917), m 1883, William Haven (qv for Haven lineages). Post-grad. student, Cumnock School of Oratory (Northwestern U.), 1906-09, and New York School of Expression, 1915. Mem. Am. Legion Auxiliary. Residence: 1137 So. St. Louis Av., Tulsa, Okla. 1-HEDDEN, James Spencer, b New York, N.Y., Nov. 19, 1866. 9-Dr. Hans Kierstede (d 1671), from Holland to New Amsterdam, 1638; m 1642, Sarah Rollofse, dau. of Anneke Jans; 8—Roloff (6 1647), m Eyke Albertse Rosa (Roosa); 7-Wyntje, m Dirck Rosecrans (b 1674); a ey (bap. 1706), m Sara Decker (Dekker) 5-Johannes (b 1744), killed in action in Am. Rev.; m Barbara Holst (6 1746); 4—Warren (1766-1804), m 1793, Phebe Haff (1769-1822) ; 3—Maria (1795-1856), m James Hedden (d 1827; Zopher’). 2-Son of Warren Rosecrans Hedden (1823-88), merchant; m 1860, Mary Ann King (0 1836); is- sue: I-Warren Rosecrans (b 1861); II-James Spencer (above). II-m Aug. 7, 189, Jean Brown Lindsay, 6 Partick, Scotland, Jan. 4, 1868; dau. of James Clarke Lindsay, m Mary Ann Brown, of Partick, Scot- land; issue: 1-James Lindsay, 6 New York, N.Y., Nov. 19, 1905; Yale-S., ’28; 2-Warren Rose- crans, 6 New York, Oct. 5, 1908; Yale-S., ’30. Ed. Trinity School, New York. Builder; was supt. of construction of the Memorial Quad- rangle and Sterling Memorial Library (New Haven), and Federal Reserve Bank (New York). Sgt., Ist Prov. Regt., N.Y.G., World War; set., Co. F, 23d N.Y.G. Mem. S.C.W., O.F. A., S.R., M.O.L.L. Clubs: Union League, Race Brook (New Haven, Conn.). Summer place: Woodmont, Conn. Residence: 726 Elm St., New Haven, Conn. 1-HILTON, John William, }) N.Y. City, Mar. 27, 1867. 10-Lt. Robert (Cilley) Seeley (qv); 9-Obadiah (d 1657), Stamford, Conn.; m 1647, Mary, widow of John Miller, below; 8—Jonas (1657?-1703), and first wife; 7-Sarah (1694?-1727), m 1707, Jonathan Holmes; 6—Martha (6 1711), m 1747, Jonathan Weeks; 5-Capt. Stephen (1755-1835), soldier Am. Rev.; capt. Westchester Co. militia; m 1780, Esther Dann (1754-1852) ; 4-Elizabeth (1794-1880), mm 1817, Stephen Miller (1793-1850) ; 3-Lydia Ann (1821-84), m 1st, 1842, Edmund Red- gate (b Eng., 1819-d N.Y., 1858). 10-Francis Holmes (b Eng. ca. 1600-d Stamford, Conn., ca. 1675), m Ann-; 9-John (1635-1710-15), m Rachel Waterbury; 8-Stephen (1664-1710), m Mary Hobby; 7-Jonathan (1687-1750), of Bedford, N. Y.; m Sarah Seeley (7 above). 2-Son of Mary Elizabeth Redgate (b 1844), m 1863, John Bulin Whitehead Hilton (1844-1916), saw- maker; issue: I-Charles Bulin (1865-66); II— John William (above); III—Roland Grant (1868- 74); IV-—Charles Edmund (1871-90); W—David Clark (qv). II-m Feb. 3, 1889, Martha Bullock, 6 Davenport, Ta., Jan. 1, 1869; dau. of Asa Bullock, m Martha M. Palmatier, of New York; issue: 1—-Mary Melissa, b Dorchester, Neb., Feb. 6, 1890; m Robert B. Lemmon; 2-Edna Maude, 6 Dor- chester, Feb. 11, 1892; m Ralph L. Stone; 3- Asa Bulin, 6 Bethany, Neb., July 25, 1894; m FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA Ora B. Wertz; 4—-Helen Bullock, 6} Bethany, Mar. 19, 1897; m C. LeRoy Meisinger; 5—-Martha Eunice, 6 Bethany, Nov. 19, 1899; 6-Willa Beu- lah, 6b Bethany, May 6, 1903; m Paul C. Stevens; 7-Lula Florence, b Bethany, July 26, 1906. Ed. Fairfield (Neb.) Coll., Cotner Coll., A.B., and U. Neb., A.M. Minister, Ch. of Christ (Dis- ciples), since 1892; v.p. and dean Coll. Liberal Arts, Cotner Coll., 6 yrs. Mason (82°, K.T.). Residence: Bethany, Neb. 1-HILTON, David Clark, 6 Dorchester, Neb., Apr, 22, 1877. 9-Francis (Week) Weeks (b Eng., 1616-d Oyster Bay, L.I., 1687), landed at Dorchester, Mass., 1635; with Roger Williams at Providence, 1636; a founder of Providence, signer of the Com- pact of R.I.; townsman, Hempstead, L.I., 1657; m Elizabeth Luther; &Samuel (1642-90), m Hannah Rudick (Red- dough); 7—Phillip (1678-1728), m 1700; 6-Jonathan (b 1705), m Martha Holmes (b 1711); 5-Capt. Stephen (1755-1835), soldier’ Am. Rev.; capt. Westchester Co. militia; m 1780, Esther Dann (1754-1852) ; 4-Blizabeth (1794-1880), m 1817, Stephen Miller (1793-1850) ; 38-Lydia Ann (1821-84), m ist, 1842, Edmund Red- gate (b EXng., 1816-d N.Y., 1858). 10-John Miller (b Eng., 1609-d Stamford, Conn., 1642), m 1638, Mary-—; oops (1638-1702), a founder of Bedford, N.Y.; m 8-Capt. Jonathan (b 1667), m Sarah Holmes; 7-Samuel (0 1698), m Ruth Clawson; 6—-Stephen (1730-80), m his cousin, Mary Miller; 5-Increase (1760-1854?), m 1786, Hannah Woolsey; 4-Stephen (1793-1850), m Elizabeth Weeks (4 above). 2-Son of Mary Elizabeth Redgate (b 1844), m 1863, John Bulin Whitehead Hilton (1844-1916), saw- maker. For issue and other lineages See John W. Hilton. M Aug. 23, 1900, Sarah Luella O’Toole, b Vin- cennes, Ind., Feb. 12, 1880; dau. of Michael O’Toole (6 aboard ship en route from Ireland, 1852- d 1884), m Sara Luella Cole (1862-1922; John A. Cole, of German descent, of Greenville, Ill., m Nancy Hickison of French Huguenot extraction); issue: 1—Blossom Virginia, }b Bethany, Neb., Oct. 7, 1904; U. Neb., ’28; 2-Ruth Acacia, 6 University Place, Neb., Sept. 28, 1908; 3-Hiram David, 6 Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 22, 1913. A.B., U. Neb., ’00 (Sigma Xi), A.M., 1901; M.D., Rush Med. Coll., Chicago, 1903; grad. Med. Field Service Sch., U.S.A., 1925. Surgeon; surg. staff, St. Elizabeth’s Hosp., and chief of surg. sect., Bryan Memorial Hosp., Lincoln, Neb. Capt., M.C., U.S.A., Nov. 6, 1918-June 30, 1919; hosp. service at Camp Custer, Ft. Sheri- dan, and Ft. Leavenworth; lt. col., 110th Med. Regt., Neb. N.G., Nov. 6, 1922; col. comdg. same since Apr. 24, 1925; col., Med. Res. F.A.C.S.; mem. Assn. Mil. Surgeons U.S.; past pres, Neb. Ornithol. Union; mem. S.C.W., S.A.R., A.L. Mason (838°). Residence: 2500 Woods- crest Boul., Lincoln, Neb. 1-HINCHMAN, Ford DeCamp, 0} Detroit, Mich., Sept. 3, 1847. 6—Dr. Joseph Hinchman (6 1692; desc. Humphrey Hinchman, bishop of Salisbury and later of London, Eng.), from Eng. to Flushing, L.L, 1692; m Mary Bloodgood; 5-Dr. Joseph (b 1717), m Anna Griffing; 4-James (1762-1826), m Diadennia Redding; 3—John R. (1785-1859), m Mary Morris DeCamp. 9—-William Ford (qv); 8—William (6 1634), m Sarah Ringley; 7—-John (6 1659), m Elizabeth Freeman; 6—-Col. Jacob (1704-77), judge County Ct.; mem. N.J. Assembly and Provincial Congress; m Hannah Baldwin (1701-77); 5-Jane (1736-94), m Moses Tuttle, mem. Com. Safety in Am. Rev.; 4-Jane F., m Joseph DeCamp; 3—Mary M., m John R. Hinchman (3 above). 9-Dea. Samuel Chapin (qv); 8-Japhet (1642-1712), m 1st, Abilenah Cooley; 7-Samuel (1665-1729), m Hannah Sheldon; 6—Caleb (1701-55), killed in French and Indian War; m Catharine Dickinson; 5-Caleb (1736-1815), minute man at Lexington Alarm; m Rebecca Bascom; 4—Dr. Caleb (1759-1838), m Mary Wright; 303 3—Dr. Marshall (1798-1838), m Mary Crosby. 2-Son of Theodore Henry Hinchman (1818-95), wholesale drug mcht. and banker, Detroit; m 1842, Louisa Chapin (1824-1907); issue: I-John Marshall (1845-1912); II-Ford DeCamp (above); IlI—Charles Chapin (d 1909; m 1877, Ella M. Thompson, d 1884; m 2d, 1897, Lola Baker); IV— pide Weed (m Herbert Leigh O’Brien); V— ary. II-m May 4, 1871, Mary Louise Thompson, 0 Homer, N.Y., Sept. 3, 1847; dau. of Alexander Thompson, m Louise Maria Archer, of Lock- port, N.Y.; issue (all 6 Detroit, Mich): 1-Ford Archer, 0} Aug. 18, 1873; m Nov. 3, 1897, Clara Murray Williams; 2-Grace Ella, b Detroit, May 20, 1878; m Jan. 19, 1904, Charles Davies Jones; 3—Charles Frederick, b Detroit, Dec. 21, 1882; U. Mich., 1904; Ist 1t., 32d Engrs., World War, in France. Ed. U. of Mich. (Chi Psi), Retired, Clubs: De- troit, Country, Boat. Residence: 1001 Jeffer- son Av. E., Detroit, Mich. 1-HITCHCOCK, George Collier, } St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 28, 1867. 8-Luke Hitchcock (qv); 7-Dea. John (d 1712), of Springfield, Mass.; wounded in Turner’s Falls fight; freeman, 1682; m 1666, Hannah Chapin (0b 1644; Dea. Sam- uel®, qv); 6—Nathaniel (1677-1777?), first settler of Bromfield, Mass.; m 1713, Abigail Lombard (d 1757); 5—-Noah (1715/16-1799), selectman, Brimfield, Mass.; m 1st, 17388, Mary Burt (1711-92); 4—Samuel (1755-1812), of Burlington, Vt.; A.B., Harvard, 1777; U.S. circuit judge; m 1789, Lucy Caroline Allen (Gen. Ethan®, cdr. of the “Green Mountain Boys’) among their sons Ethan Allen, U.S.A., was mil. adviser to President Lincoln; 38—Henry (1792-1839), grad. U. Vt., 1811; settled in Ala., 1816; chief justice of Ala., m 1821, Anne Erwin (1803-54; Col. Andrew‘, of Nashville, Tenn.); among their sons Ethan Allen, was Sec. of the Interior in Cabinets of Presidents McKinley and Roosevelt. 4-Peter Collier, from Eng., settled nr. Snowhill, Worcester Co., Md.; m Catherine Fassitt, of Phila., who, after Peter’s decease, removed to St. Charles, Mo.; 3-George (1796-1852), merchant, St. Louis; m 1826, Francoise Morrison (1810-35; James‘). 2Son of Henry Hitchcock, LL.D. (1829-1902), B.A., Yale, ’48; maj. and judge adv. on staff of General Sherman, Civil War; organizer and dean and prof., St. Louis Law School; pres. Am. Bar Assn.; m 1857, Mary Collier; issue: I-Henry (b 1858); II-George Collier (above). II-m Feb. 12, 1901, Elizabeth Lawrence Fiske, b Boston, Mass., Nov. 2, 1869; dau. of Francis F. Fiske, of Milton, Mass.; issue: 1-Anne Wil- son, 6 St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 22, 1902; 2-Mary Collier, 6 St. Louis, Jan. 27, 1904; 3—~Henry, b Milton, Mass., July 24, 1906; 4-Ethan Allen, } Milton, July 12, 1909; 5-Elizabeth Fiske, b St. Louis, Apr. 15, 1917, B.A., Yale, ’90; Harvard Law School. Lawyer; was asst. U.S. atty., mem. City Council and judge Circuit Court, St. Louis. Pres. Collier Estate (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. M.O.L.L., S.R. Clubs: University, Yale (N.Y.), Country, Florissant Valley, Round Table (St. T-onis). Summer place: Cotuit, Mass. Resi- dence: 5363 Waterman Av., St. Louis, Mo. 1-HOLLOWAY, Ella Virginia Houck (Mrs. Reuben R.), 6 Baltimore, Md., Sept. 3, 1862. 9-Thomas Todd (d 1676), from Eng. to Baltimore Co., Md., 1664; settled at North Point, Todd’s Neck, Md., 1662; mem. Md. Assembly, 1675; m Ann, dau. of Rev. John Gorsuch, m Anne, dau. of Sir William Lovelace, of Kent, Eng.; 8-Capt. Thomas (ca. 1660-1724/25), of Toddsburg, Gloucester Co., Va.; m Elizabeth-: (gt oars (d 1715), of Baltimore Co., Md.; m Eliz- abeth-; 6—-Thomas (d 1789), of Todd’s Neck, Baltimore Co.; m Hleanor Dorsey (d 1760; Caleb’, m Elinor, dau. of Richard Warfield; John’, m Pleasance Ely; Edward?, qv); 5—-Thomas (d 1798), of Todd’s Neck; 4-Bernard (d 1816), m Mary Green; 8—Elizabeth Frances (1809-60), m 1829, James Porter elit eit Robert4, 1st 1t. Am. Rev., m Susannah uck). 304 2-Dau. of Susannah Frances Porter (1832-1911), m 1852, Jacob Wever Houck, M.D. (1822-88); issue: I—Renthrope; II—Mary George; III—Elizabeth Trisler (m William Fletcher Pentz); IV—Jacob Adae (6 1860); V—Ella Virginia (above); VI- John Mercer Porter; VII—Caroline Somerville; VIlII-Sudie Frances (6 1870; m Alfred Cookman Thompson); IX—Hazeltine Howard (1872-1917; m Rose Birmingham). V—m Jan. 28, 1892, Reuben Ross Holloway (June 13, 1855-Dec. 18, 1908); issue: 1-Virginia Leslie (Mrs. Ernest Smith Jefferies, qv); 2—Charles Thomas, b Baltimore, Mar. 22, 1897; 2d It., U.S. Marine Flying Corps, in France, World War; m June 20, 1918, Frances A., dau. of James Ed- ward Fuller, of Worcester, Mass. (issue: Charles Thomas, III; Allon Lovelace; Patricia). Mem. D.F.P.A., D.A.R., C.A.R. (pres. Nicholas Ruxton Moore Chapter), U.S.D.1812 (historian nat. soc., past pres. Md. soc.), U.D.C., Md. Hist. Soc.; nat. chmn. and state chmn. Correct Use of the Flag, etc. Residence: Roland Park, Baltimore, Md. 1-JEFFERIES, Virginia Leslie Holloway (Mrs. Ernest 8S.), 6 Baltimore Co., Md., Nov. 18, 1892. 5-Abraham Holloway, of Va.; m Rachel-; Fabent (1786-1863), m 1820, Hleanor Humphrey owen; 3—Charles Thomas (1827-98), m 1854, Anna Harden Ross (1830-1909; Reubent, m Sarah-). 8-Edward Foulke (1664-1741), from Wales in the “Robert and Elizabeth” to Phila., Pa., 1698, with his wife and nine children; settled at Gwynedd, Pa.; m Eleanor (d 1783), dau. of Hugh ap Cadwallader ap Rhys, of Wales; 7-Margaret (d 1717), m Nicholas Roberts, of Gwynedd, Pa.; 6-Elizabeth (1723-90), m 1743, David Humphrey (Robert’?, of Gwynedd, m Margaret Evans); 5—Elizabeth (1761-1847), m 1792, Capt. Sabrite Bowen (1758-1811), officer Am. Rev.; bers H. (1792-1874), m Robert Holloway (4 above). 2-Dau. of Reuben Ross Holloway (1855-1908), m 1892, ete Virginia Houck (qv for other line- ages). M Apr. 26, 1913, Ernest Smith Jefferies, b Alliance, O., July 18, 1887; son of E. A. W. Jefferies, of Worcester, Mass.; issue (all 6 Hamilton, Ont., Can.): 1-Ernest Smith, Jr., Bb Apr. 2, 1914; 2— Virginia Lovelace, b July 16, 1916; 3-Eleanor Gorsuch, 6b May 19, 1920. Residence: Burlington, Ont., Can. 1-HOOTON, Mary Beidler Camp (Mrs. Earnest A.), 6 Chicago, Ill., Aug. 11, 1889. 9-Nichloas Camp (b 1597), from Eng. to Salem, Mass., 1630; a founder of Milford, Conn.; m ist; Sarah— (d 1645); 8-Nicholas (1629-1706), dep. Gen. Ct., 1670-72; m Sarah Beard; 7—Joseph (1657-1750), m Hannah Rogers (1664-1740; Eleazar®) ; 6-Eleazar (bap. 1697-1774), moved to Durham, Conn.; m 1728, Mary Bottsford (1715-76; Timo- thy’, m Mary Peck); 5-Heth (bap. 1735-1800), m 2d, Elizabeth Frisbie (b 1761; Jonah®, m Elizabeth Hickot): 4-Heth Frisbie (1792-1849), m 1818, Phoebe Bates (1792-1845; Daniel’, m Anne Smithson); 3-Ebenezer Bates (1825-1909), m 1852, Frances BE. Waller. 9-Joseph Waller (d 1672), lived at Boston, 1669; moved to Fairfield, Conn.; m Lydia-; 8-Joseph (1669-1727), m Abigal-—; 7—Phineas (b 1717), m Rhoda Taylor; 6-Nathan (1753-1831), m Elizabeth Weeks: 5-Phineas (1774-1859), m Hannah Bradley: 4-Abraham Bradley (1800-67), m Frances Webb: 3—-Frances Elizabeth (1830-1912), m Ebenezer Bates Camp (3 above). ed 6—-Jacob Beidler (1708-1810), from lower Germany perhaps 1720 or 1725, settled in Chester Co., Pa., later in Bucks Co., Pa.; m Anne Meyer {Hans?’, from Germany or Switzerland ca. 1725 to Mont- gzomery Co., Pa.); 5-Jacob (1750-81), Bucks Co., Pa.; m Annie Leder- ach; 4-Jacob (1776-1866), m 1807, Susanna Krout (1784- 1864; Jacob®, m Anna Swartley); 3—-Jacob (1815-98), settled at Chicago, 1844; lumber mcht.; m 1844, Mary Ann Funk. 7-Henry (Funck) Funk (d 1760), from Holland or Palatinate to Montgomery Co., Pa., 1719; bishop in Mennonite Church; supervised translation from Dutch to German of van Braght’s Mar- THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY tyr’s Mirror, printed by Ephrata Cloister 1748; 00 r Meyer (Christian’, from Germany, ca. 6—-Abraham (1734-88), began to write name Funk; m Mary Landis (d 1826); 5-John (1768-1816), m Esther Wismer (1771-1852; Henry®, m Barbara Lederach; Jacob’ [1684-1787], from Germany to N.C., 1709, to Bucks Co., Pa., 1726) ; nek (1796-1875), m Margaret Haldeman (d 3—Mary Ann (1821-1900), m Jacob Beidler (3 above). 2-Dau. of Arthur Bates Camp (1860-1906), A.B., Lafayette, ’84; lawyer; m 1887, Emma Beidler (1867-1920); issue: I-Mary Beidler (above); II— Jay Beidler (b 1891; A.B., Harvard, ’15; m Ruth Orton). I-m June 38, 1915, Earnest Albert Hooton, bd Clemensville, Wis., Nov. 20, 1887 (See Who’s Who in America); son of William Hooton, from Eng. to Randolph, Wis., 1883, M.E. min- ister, retired, m Margaret Elizabeth Newton, b Toronto, Can.; issue: 1-Jay Camp, b Boston, Mass., Jan. 26, 1918; 2-William Newton, b Chi- cago, Ill., June 15, 1920; 3-—Emma Beidler, Bb Boston, June 24, 1924. B.A., Smith Coll., 11. Residence: 13 Buckingham St., Cambridge, Mass. 1-HOWARD-SMITH, Robert Spurrier, } Phila., Pas eAp ra wish. 7-William Smith, from Yorkshire, Eng., 1684, set- tled at Wrightstown, Pa.; m 1690, Mary Croas- dale (1672-1716; Thomas’, from Eng. in the “Welcome,” to Pa., 1682, m Agnes-—); 6—-William (1697-1777), mem. Pa. Assembly, 1753-65: m 1722/23, Rebecca Wilson (Stephen? [d 1708], of Hopewell, N.J., m 1692, Sarah, dau. of Henry Baker, mem. Pa. Assembly, 1685, 87, 88, 90, 98): vet (1728-98), m 1752, Sarah Townsend (d 4-Sarah (1755-1829), m 1777, John Smith (1756-1821; Robert® [1724-98], m Rachel Hibbs; Robert® [d 1745], from Eng., m Phoebe, dau. of Thomas Canby, av); 3—Robert (1780-1832), m 1816, Elizabeth (Real) Cobb (d 1832), widow of Lewis Cobb, of Ga., killed in War 1812. 8-Robert Rand, from Eng. to Charlestown, Mass., ca. 1635; m Alice— (said to have been a dau. of Nicholas Sharpe); 7—Nathaniel (b 1636); 6—Ebenezer (b 1688); 5-Thomas (bap. 1720); 4-Abraham (bap. 1757), m Elizabeth— (d 1801); 3—-Benjamin Howard (1792-1862), m 1816, Eleanor Spurrier (d 1874). 2-Son of John Howard-Smith, D.D. (1819-1903), dean Ref. Episcopal Sem., Phila.; m 1848, Elea- nor Spurrier Rand (1817-1901); issue: I-Theodore Parker Rand (1849-1925; m 1889, Minnie Jaques, d 1902); II-Robert Spurrier (above); III—Marion (6 1852; m 1874, Eben Alexander); IV—Allibone (b and d 1854); V—Fairthorne (b and d 1855); VI- Eleanor (6 1856); VII—Leighton (b 1858); VIII— Elizabeth (1861-62); IX—Emma Marshall (6 1864; m 1888, Henry Kent Morrison). II-m June 1, 1882, Lida McKinney (July 3, 1852- Nov. 15, 1823); dau. of Charles James McKin- ney, m Mary Elizabeth Gaines, of Rogersville, Tenn.; issue: 1-Logan (qv for McKinney line- age); 2-Robert (Oct. 30, 1886-June 5, 1888); 3— Elise, 6 Phila., Pa., July 16, 1893. Columbia, 1868-70; A.B., U. of Tenn., ’72, A.M., 1875 (Phi Kappa Phi). Dir. Nat. Bank of German- town. Mem. O.F.P.A. Clubs: Union League, Phila. Cricket, Science and Art, Columbia Alumni. Residence: 4834 Pulaski Av., Ger- mantown, Philadelphia, Pa. 1-HOWARD-SMITH, Logan, b Upper Montclair, N.J., Nov. 18, 1883. 9-John Woodbridge (qv); 8-Thomas (ca. 1648-1681), m 1671, Mary Jones; 7—-Benjamin (1679-1736), m 1706, Sarah A. Gerrish (Moses’, m Jane, dau. of Henry Sewall, av; William’, qv); 6—-Benjamin (1711-97), m 1737, Susanna Tappan (bap. 1713-1771; Christopher’, m Sarah, dau. of Edmund Angier; Peter’, m Jane, dau. of Chris- topher Ball; Abraham’, qv); 5-Mary_ (1742-1805), m 1773, James Ayer (1748-1821); 4—Blizabeth (1787-1868), m ca. 1810, John Augustine McKinney (1781-1845; Robert5, m Elizabeth McIntire); 38—Charles James (1813-80), m 1840, Mary Elizabeth Gaines, FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 8-Philip Pendleton (qv); 7-Henry (1683-1721), m Mary ‘Taylor (d 1770; James’, m 2d, Mary Gregory); 6—Isabella, m William Henry Gaines; 5-James (1742-1830), m ca. 1765, Elizabeth Strother (Francis®, 1700-52, m Susan Dabney; William* [1653-1726], m Margaret, dau. of Francis Thorn- ton; William§ [ca. 1630-1702], from Eng. to Va. ca. 1650, m Dorothy-—); 4—-James (d 1821), m 1816, Frances G. Rogers (1798- 1883; Joseph®, m Mary, dau. of Thomas Amis; James*, m Elizabeth Brown); 3—-Mary Elizabeth (1817-90), m 1840, Charles James McKinney (8 above). 2—-Son of Lida McKinney (1852-1923), m 1882, Robert Spurrier Howard-Smith (qv for other line- ages). M Apr. 21, 1917, Amelia Sparks Douglas, 6 Phila., Pa., Dec. 5, 1898; dau. of Walter Pearce Doug- las, m Laura Sparks; issue: 1-Douglas Sparks, b Phila., Dec. 16, 1922. U. Pa., ’0% (D.K.E.). Editor, John C. Winston Co., Phila. Mem. O.F.P.A., S.R., Welcome Soc., Colonial Soc. of Pa. Clubs: Union League, Merion Cricket. Residence: 300 Hathaway Lane, Wynnewood, Pa. 1-GORDON, Julia Muffly (Mrs. William L.), 0 Centre Co., Pa., Mar. 23, 1844. 5-Nicholas Muffly, from Holland to Germantown, Pas iis; 4-Peter (d 1816), pvt. Northampton Co., Pa., militia in Am. Rev.; m Catharine R. Wana- maker; 8—Henry (1772-1853), m Julia Walker (1772-1861). PE Eckert, from Holland to Phila., Pa., 4-William, settled in Bucks Co., Pa.; 3-Jacob (1780-1836), m Ann Hewing (1783-1852; John‘, from North of Ireland to Mass., later settled in Pa., m Sarah, dau. of Maj. Robert Kilgore, edr. of “Old Fort” in Penn’s Valley, was killed by Indians in attempt to rescue others while being attacked). 2-Dau. of Lucas Henry Muffly (1812-58), grain dealer; m 1832, Nancy Davis Eckert (1810-80); issue: I-Theophilus (1833-98; m 1862, Jerusha Byam); II—William Thomas (1836-53); III—Annie (6 and d 1837); IV—Joseph Robert (1837-1908; m Martha Stuart Gordon, 1845-84); V—Sidney Theodore (b 1840; m Mary Brewer, 1848-81); VI-— James Henry (1842-60); VII—Julia (above); VIII-— Mary Jane (b 1846; m David W. Culp, 6 1830); IX-Israel Putnam (b 1847; m Ella C. Dull, 0 1855); X—Harriet Eliza (1849-77; m Thomas HE, Morris); XI—John D. (b 1851; in U.S.N.); XII-— 90" Muffly (1854-1922; m Carrie Jennings, 1859- VIilI-m Oct. 10, 1867, William Leslie Gordon (Feb. 17, 1840-Sept. 26, 1899); capt. Co. D, 6th Mo. Vol. Inf. in Civil War; issue: 1—Mary (Mrs. John B, Dykes, qv for Gordon lineage); 2—Robert, 0 Howard, Pa., Jan. 28, 1871; m Apr. 24, 1896, Grace Hobson (issue: Robert; Paul; Margaret); 3— Walter, b Topeka, Kan., Sept. 22, 1883. Grad. Irving Coll., Mechanicsburg, Pa., ’86. Mem. D.A.R., Ladies of the G.A.R., W.R.C., Eastern Star. Residence: Mankato, Kan. 1-DYKES, Mary Gordon (Mrs. John B.), } How- ard, Centre Co., Pa., July 7, 1869. 6—Benjamin Dunlop, } in Ireland, came to Amer- ica soon after 1727; founded town of Cham- bersburg, Pa.; 5—-James (1727-1821), settled in Cumberland Co., Pa., 1751; a founder of Bellefonte, Centre Co., Pa., 1796; 1t. col. 10th Pa. Cont. Line in Am. Rev.; m Jane Boggs (1745-1812; William® [6 1716], from Ireland ca. 1728, settling in Chester Co., Pa., m Jane Stein); 4—Rebecca (1778-1872), as Widow McClanahan, m 2d, Robert Steele (1785-1876) ; 3—Mary S. (1813-95), m 1838, James Gordon. 4—Robert Gordon (1754-1832), b N. of Ireland, of Scotch-Irish ancestry; m 1780, Elizabeth Leslie (1760-1851); came to America 1792; J 3-James (1799-1868), m Mary Stuart Steele (3 above). 2-Dau. of William Leslie Gordon (1840-99), capt. Co. D, 6th Mo. Vol. Inf. in Civil War; m 1867, Julia Muffly (qv for Muffly lineages). M May 22, 1895, John Bell Dykes, 6 Hawkins Co., Tenn., Apr. 20, 1860; physician; son of Thomas Dykes, of Hawkins Co., Tenn.; issue: 1—Esther Belle (Mrs. Jay Keim Beachy, qv); 2-Elma, } Lebanon, Kan., Jan. 10, 1899; m Mar. 16, 1922, Benjamin Lewis Dulaney. 305 Mem. D.A.R. (regent Desire Tobey Sears Chap- ter, 1925-26), P.E.O., Eastern Star. Residence: Mankato, Kan. COL. JAMES DUNLOP. 1-BEACHY, Esther Belle Dykes (Mrs. Jay K.), b Lebanon, Kan., Apr. 12, 1896. 7-Richard Shipley (1730-87), from Eng. to Balti- more, Md., 1758; soldier Am. Rev.; m 1759, Christina— (d 1778); 6—Nathaniel (b 1765), m Mary-; 5-James (b 1794), m Nellie—; 4—John B. (1820-82), m Abigail Harvey (1820-80) ; Prince (1841-1900), m 1859, Thomas Dykes (1837- 2-Dau. of Mary Gordon (qv for Gordon lineage), m 1895, Dr. John Bell Dykes (6 1860), physician, Mankato, Kan. M June 15, 1918, Jay Keim Beachy, Db Carleton, Neb., Sept. 11, 1898; U.S.N.R.F., World War; son of Richard Beachy, m Mary Keim, of Somer- set Co., Pa. Ed. Northwestern U. School of Speech. Taught 2 yrs. at Forest Park Coll., St. Louis, Mo., and 2 summers with Midland Chautauqua Co. Mem. D.A.R., U.D.C., P.B.O., A.L. Auxiliary, ete. Residence: Esbon, Kan. 1TJENNE, Ida May Sherman (Mrs. F. R.), ) East Dover, Vt., May 1, 1860. 9-Capt. John Sherman (qv); 8-Joseph (1650-1731), m Elizabeth Winship (Ed- ward’); 7—-John (b 1674), m Mary Bullen; 6—Joseph (6b 1703), m Sarah Perham; 5—Joseph (1742-1778), m Abigail Muzzy; 4—Nathan (1767-1839), m Mary Stearns; 3—Joseph (b 1794), m Chloe Hayward. 8-Matthias Farnsworth (qv); 7-Jonathan (1675-1748), m Ruth Shattuck (6b 1668); 6—Jonathan (1701-55), m Hannah Farwell; 5—-Jonathan (1727-59), m Rachel Nutting; 4—Thomas (1752-1839), m Anna Estabrook (1758-1804) ; 3-Joseph (1782-1853), m Annie Nichols (1788-1880; Dea. Samuelt, m Rhoda, dau. of Benjamin Carpenter, officer Am. Rev., lt. gov. Vt.). 2-Dau. of Sidney Harvey Sherman (1828-98), mer- chant and underwriter; m 1859, Mary Elizabeth Farnsworth (1833-1916); issue: JI-Ida May (above); II—Della Maria; II1I-Clifton Lucien. I-m Sept. 15, 1880, Clarence Fremont Ruben Jenne (Nov. 10, 1856-May 31, 1905); issue: 1-Mary Pau- line, b Brattleboro, Vt., Apr. 10, 1884; B.A., Mt. Holyoke, ’05; m Oct. 21, 1912, Henry Wheeler Warren (issue: Elizabeth Jenne, 6 1914); 2-Sher- man Austin, } Brattleboro, Aug. 24, 1889; m Feb. 14, 1918, Elva Winifred (6 Dec. 9, 1889), dau. of George H. Hawkes, of Hartland, Vt. (issue: Ruth Stark, b Dec. 14, 1914; Clarence Sherman, b Jan. 1, 1924). : Mem. C.D.A., D.F.P.A., D.A.C., D.A.R., U.S.D.1812 (was nat. pres., nat. treas. and now nat. hon. pres.: hon. state pres. of Vt. and Conn. socs. of 1812), N.E. Women (organizer and pres. Clarence 306 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Hartford Colony, and hon. mem, Boston Col- ony); past pres. Hartford Woman’s Club and co. v.p. State Federation of Women’s Clubs. Residence: 254 Ashley St., Hartford, Conn. 1-JONES, Egbert Rufus (1848-1917). 6—-Capt. Roger Jones (1625 or 35-1700), from Eng. with Lord Culpeper, to Va., 1680; m Dorothy (b 1642), dau. of John Walker, of Eng.; 5-Frederick (ca. 1682-1722), of James City Co., Va.; moved to Chowan Precinct, N.C.; m Jane-; 4-Thomas (ca. 1720-1820), of Edenton, N.C.; pub- licist, patriot; wrote the first constitution of N.C., 1776; mem. N.C. Provincial Congress, Com. Safety, etc.; m ca. 1770, Sarah Butler; 3-William (1783-1855), m 1810, Phalba Hutchins (1784-1857). 9-John Crawford (b 1600; g.son of Earl of Craw- ford), from Scotland to Va., 1643; killed in Bacon’s Rebellion, 1676; 8—David (b 1625), came to Va. with his father; 7-Capt. David (b 1662-1762, aet. 100), m 1684, Eliza- beth Smith (d aet. 101); 6—Michael (b 1707), m Elizabeth Terrell; 5-Thomas (6 1736), m 1763, Elizabeth Alston; Teneo (1770-1834), m 1798, Martha Coleman (b 1776) ; 3-Elizabeth A. (b 1794), m 1813, Joseph Reese (b 1780), removed from Va. to Ga., where he was a large planter and slave owner. §-John Alston (1610-87), of the Inner Temple and Parvenham, Eng., was granted tract embrac- ing most of Fairfax Co., N.C.; m 1634, Dorothy Temple (d 1668); 8—John (d 1704), m Anne Wallis; 7-John (1673-1758), from Eng.; first Am. record, 1711, Chowan Co., N.C.; asst. justice; col. N.C. militia; sheriff; m Mary Clark (John’, m 2d, Mary, dau. of Capt. John Palin, chief justice of N.C.; Humphrey®, m Jane—); 6—William (d 1748), justice, Halifax Co., N.C.; m 1735, Anne Kimbrough (Marmaduke’, patented land on Enoh and Little rivers, N.C., 1735); other acy (6 1739), m Thomas Crawford (5 above). 2-Son of Rufus Jones (1811-56), m 1840, Martha Elizabeth Alston Crawford Reese (1820-74). M Sept. 10, 1889, Elizabeth Howard Blanton (See Vol. 1, p. 474, for genealogy); issue (all b Holly Springs, Miss.): 1-Egbert Reese, b June 15, 1890; Miss. A. and M., ’10; flight cadet, 1st It., R.A.F. (Canadian), 1917-19; m 1923, Grace Updike; 2—Clara Leigh, b Nov. 15, 1892; m Aug. 1, 1917, Marvin Treadwell Aldrich; 3-Howard Talia- ferro, 6 Jan. 18, 1895; Miss. A. and M., ’16; 2d It., Air Service, U.S.A., 1917-19; m June 28, 1922, Goa Walker; 4-Francis Crawford, b Mar. 1JOSLYN, Marcellus Lindsey, b Woodstock, Ill., Feb. 6, 1873. 9-Thomas (Josselyn, Jestlin) Joslyn (ca. 1591- 1660/61), from Eng. in the “Increase” to Sud- bury, then Hingham, Mass., 1635; then Water- town, then removed to Lancaster; m ca, 1615, Rebecca-; 8-Abraham (d ante 1670), came to America after his father, and was at Hingham, 1647; re- moved to Lancaster before 1663; m Beatrice-; 7—Henry (1652-1730), settled at Scituate, Mass., 1669; at Hanover Center, Mass., 78 yrs. old; m 1676, Abigail Stockbridge (d 1743; Charles§ [d 1683], m Abigail-; John®, came in the “Blessing,” 1635, m Anne-); 6—Jabez (1690/91-1734), part owner of “Josselyn’s Forge,” later known as the “Old Forge,” Scituate, Mass.; m 1722, Sarah Turner (d 1756); 5-Jabez (b 1723), Manchaster, Mass., then to Poultney, Vt.; m 1742, Mary Lindsey; 4—Lindsey (1749-1826), soldier Am. Rev.; removed from Sheffield, Mass., to Poultney, Vt., where he erected an iron forge; thence to Mt. Mor- ris, Geneseo Co., N.Y.; m Ist, 1778, Susan Welsh (d 1794); 3-Lindsey (1786-1863, aet. 77), from Geneseo Co., .Y., thence to Crystal Lake, McHenry Co., Ill.; m 1809, Polly (Mary) Wait (6 1787; Ben- jamin‘, of Granville, N.Y.). 9-William Robinson (d 1668), from Eng.; at Dor- chester, Mass., ca. 1636; name first appears as member of the church there, 1639; freeman, Se A. and H.A.Co., 1648; m 1st, Mar- garet-; 8-Increase (2d son; bap. 1642-1699), of Taunton, Mass.; m 1663, Sarah Penniman (6 1641; James?®, m Lydia Eliot, of Braintree; Lydia was a sister of John Eliot, “Apostle to the Indians’); 7-Increase (d 1738), of Pembroke and Plympton, Mass.; m Mehitabel Williams, of Taunton; penta of Taunton, Mass.; m Elizabeth ODD; 5-Capt. Nathaniel (1752-1841), pvt. and musician in Am. Rev.; m 1775, Hannah (Hunice) Wood- cock (d 1845, aet. 93; Jonathan®, of Taunton, Mass.); 4—David (1780-1828), m Mary French; 3-David Wilmarth (1807-90), settled at Wood- sroek, Ill., 1865; m 1834, Maria N. Clapp (b ory ues Une Cobb, came to Taunton, Mass., (0; 8-Morgan, m Susannah Willis; 7-Thomas, m Lydia Leonard (among their sons was David, lt. col. and aide to General Wash- ington in Am. Rev.); 6—Elizabeth, m George Robinson (6 above). 2-Son of Merritt Lindsey Joslyn (1825-1904), law- yer, of Woodstock, Ill.; capt. Co. H, 36th II. Vols. in Civil War; many yrs. mem. Ill. House and Senate; first asst. secretary of the in- terior under President Garfield; m 1862, Mary Augusta Robinson (1837-1923); issue: I—David Robinson (b 1866); II-Julia Catharine (b and d 1868); Il1I-—Katy Maria (1870-72); IV—Marcellus Lindsey (above). IV—m Oct. 22, 1899, Alice Cecilia Newell, B Fari- bault, Minn.; dau. of George Washington Newell, of Faribault; issue: 1—Marcellus Newell, 6 Woodstock, Ill., Feb. 28, 1901; B.S., Dartmouth, ’24; LL.B., Harvard, 1927; m June 30, 1925, Beth Le Févre, of Santa Monica, Calif.; 2-George Robinson, b Woodstock, Nov. 22, 1902; B.S., Dartmouth, ’25; 3—-Merritt Lind- sey, b Woodstock, July 12, 1905; Dartmouth, 27; 4-Mary Cecilia, b La Grange, Ill., Nov. 15, 1909; Emma Willard School, ’27, B.S., Notre Dame, ’93; LL.B., Harvard, 1896. Pres. Citizens Telephone Co., Woodstock, ill., 1895- 1905; pres. Citizens Electric Light & Mfg. Co., Crystal Lake, IIl., 1897-1908; pres. Independent Arm & Pin Co., Chicago, 1902-10; pres. Joslyn Mfg. & Supply Co., Chicago, since 1910; also pres. Jobbers Supply Co. (St. Paul), Baker- Joslyn Co. (San Francisco), and Am. Jobbers Supply Co. (New York). Vice chmn. Independ- ent Religious Society, Chicago. Clubs: Sub- urban, LaGrange Country. Winter place: “Violet Cottage,” Santa Monica, Calif. Resi- dence: Hinsdale, I1l. 1-KUNKEL, Robert Sharp, isth June 8, 1864, 6-Johann Michael Kunkel (1727-ca. 1780), from Germany to Lancaster Co., Pa., 1749; settled at Heidelberg Tp., Berks Co., Pa.; Scenes (d 1778), m 1775, Rosina Stump (1749- 4-John (1777-1855), m 1st, 1797, Susanna Coover (1783-1832) ; 3-Aaron (1800-78), m 1825, Rebecca Long (1796-1867 ; Michael* [d 1802], pvt. Am. Rev.). 5-Capt. James Sharp (d 1795), French and In- dian War; m Margaret McConnell (d 1769; Robert® [1707-76], French and Indian War, m Rosanna-, 1711-70); 4—-William (d 1806), pvt. Am. Rev.; m Jane Mc- Clintock (d 1812; Alexander®, pvt. Am. Rev.); 3—Robert (1789-1858), m Rebecca Weaver (1801-84). 2-Son of John Atley Kunkel (1835-1921), Penning- ton, N.J.; was col. Pa. State Militia, 1859-60, and one of Abraham Lincoln’s bodyguards from Harrisburg to Baltimore; m 1863, Susan Emma Sharp (1835-83); issue: I-Robert Sharp (above); II-Alice May (1873-1924; m Emerson Brooks); I1I-Emma Atley (6 and d 1878). I-m Nov. 5, 1890, Anna Hetherington, b Jersey City, N.J., Feb. 27, 1865; dau. of Samuel Read Hetherington, Jersey City; issue: 1-Sons (Aug. 13-Aug. 14, 1892); 2-John Atley (July 23, 1894- Feb. 12, 1895); 8-Lorraine, 6b Brooklyn, INS Yes June 10, 1898; m Aug. 17, 1925, Willard Chase Peare, 6 Sept. 7, 189 (issue: Patricia, b Aug. 17,1926); 4-Margaret, b Brooklyn, Nov. 23, 1908. Merchant, retired. Active in Am. Protective League and otherwise during World War. Mem. S.C.W., S.R.; asso. mem. Grant Post, G.A.R.; mem. Pa. Soc. Club: Garden City Country. Residence: 2107 Albemarle Terrace, Brooklyn, N.Y. 1-LEGGETT, Thomas Haight, b Flushing, L.I., 7 Qapriee aa e i es tt (av) —Gabrie ega egge av); 6—Gabriel (1696-1786); b Newville, FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 5—-Thomas (0b 1721), m 1748, Mary Embree; eat ean (1748-1803), m 1774, Miriam Haight (1750- 3-Thomas Haight (1787-1867), m 2d, 1822, Frances Vaux Pleasants. 2-Son of Charles Pleasants Leggett (1824-1907), physician; m Ellen Currie (1880-97); issue: I- Frances Pleasants (1854-69); IIl—Katherine Dick (1857-1917); I1I-Thomas Haight (above); IV—Eleanor. IlI-m Mar. 18, 1891, Fanny Marshall Borrowe, 0 Alexandria, Va.; dau. of Capt. William Bor- rowe, U.S.A.; issue: 1-Thomas Haight, Jr., } Sausalito, Calif., Apr. 27, 1892; M.D., Colum- bia, 1916; Ist lt, Med. R.C:, Aug. 6, 1918; 2— William Borrowe, 0 Sausalito, July 8, 1897; V.M.1., ‘7; 1st lt, F.A., July, 1918; 3-David Currie, b London, Eng., Dec. 2, 1902; Yale, ’24. E.M., Columbia, ’79. Consulting mining engr. V.p. Instn. of Mining and Metallurgy, Lon- don, 1905; v.p. Am. Inst. Mining Enegrs., 19138- 1916. Clubs: University, Camp Fire, Recess (New York), Plainfield Country. Residence: 427 W. 7th St., Plainfield, N.J. 1-LESTER, Annie Wilmer Jopling (Mrs. A. Novena b Goode, Bedford Co., Va., Jan. 1, 6—-Thomas Jopling (1708-89), of Amherst Co., Va.; capt. of minute men in Am. Rev.; m Hannah-; 5-Josiah (1747-97), non-commd. med. officer in Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Ware; 4—James (1769-1852), d Bedford Co., Va.; m Nan- cy Martin; [ sae ea B. (1810-67), m Sarah Elizabeth Webb 9-Col. John Washington (1627-78), from England, 1659; settled at ‘Wakefield,’ Westmoreland Co., Va.; m Ann Pope (Col. Nathaniel?) ; 8—-Laurence (ca. 1661-1697), m 1690, Mildred Warner (Col. Augustine’, m Mildred, dau. Capt. George Reade, qv); 7-Augustine (1694-1743), m 2d, 1730, Mary Ball (1706- 1789; mother of General Washington); 6—Betty (1733-97), m 1750, Col. Fielding Lewis (1725- 1781; Robert’, m Jane Meriwether; Col. John®; John®; Gen Robert?*, qv); 5—-Elizabeth (1754-1838), m Maj. John Martin (1749- 1837), of Albemarle Co., Va.; 4—-Nancy (1774-1827), m James Jopling (4 above). 2~Dau. of Capt. Thomas Creed Jopling (1849- 1911), merchant, farmer; m 1875, Annie Wilmer (6 1855), dau. of David Barnett, m Frances Schenck; issue: I-Frances Maude (d infancy); II—Annie Wilmer (above); IlI-—Harry Thomas (1880-1910; m Nelle Hume). II-m Sept. 21, 1904, Arthur Vane Lester, b Wil- liamsburg, Ky., July 2, 1878; civil engr.; son of Judge C. W. Lester, of Williamsburg, Ky.; issue: 1-Arthur Vane, Jr., } Toano, Va., Aug. 30, 1906; 2-Creed Jopling, 6 Williamsburg, Ky., Dec. 24, 1908; 3-Harry Nelson, b Dayton, O., Apr. 26, 1921. Ed. Belmont Sem., Bedford, Va., and Randolph- Macon Woman’s Coll. Artist. Mem. Colonial Daughters of America, D.A.R. (regent Jona- than Dayton Chapter, 1921, 26, state historian, 1926-29); past pres. and organizer Gen. Joe Wheeler Chapter U.D.C.; mem. Mary Wash- ington Memorial Assn. Episcopalian. Clubs: College Women’s, Dayton Woman’s, Friday Afternoon. Residence: 917 Bryn Mawr Drive, Dayton, O. pee get Ee William, b Jersey City, N.J., Mar. 8-Lt. John (Libby) Libbey (qv); 7—-Anthony (1649-1718), in garrison at Black Point, 1676; m Sarah Drake; 6-Isaac (1690-post 1746), mem. Rye (N.H.) com- pany at Ft. William and Mary, 1746; m Mary Farmer; 5—Reuben (1734-1820), pvt. Am. Rev.; m ist, Sarah Goss (Richard); 4—Samuel (1757-1843), pvt. Am. Rev.; m Mehitable Seavey (William®; Benjamin‘); po a Seavey (1787-1869), m Sarah Farring- on. 8-Samuel Marsh (1626-1685) ; 7—John (1661-1740) ; 6—David (1707-70); 5—Moses (1740-1808) ; 4-Jonathan Alston (1766-1832) ; 8—-Jonas (1791-1875), m Elizabeth Morse. 2-Son of William Libbey (1820-95), many yrs. partner A. T. Stewart & Co., New York; m 1850, Elizabeth Morse Marsh (1825-1907); issue: 307 I-William (above); II-Jonas Marsh (1857-1922; See Who’s Who in America, Vol. 12); III- Frederick A. I—m Dec. 7, 1880, Mary Elizabeth Green (qv); issue (all b Princeton, N.J.): 1—Elizabeth Marsh, b Dec. 10, 1888; m Jan, 22, 1916, Walter Lester Glenney; 2—-William Henry Green, 0 Jan. 27, 1886; 3-Amy Morse, 6 Apr. 27, 1891; m Jan. 12, 1917, W. Thayer Field; 4-George Ken- nedy (Apr. 27, 1891-Apr. 26, 1892). A.B., Princeton, ’77, A.M., Se.D., 1879. Asst. prof. natural science, 1880-83, prof. physical geogra- phy and dir. museum of geology and archae- ology, 1883-1923, Princeton U.; emeritus since 1923 (See Who’s Who in America). Capt., lt. col. and col., N.G.N.J., 1900-18; maj., Ordnance R.C., U.S.A., Feb. 20, 1918, and was chief rifle demonstrator, Ordnance Dept.; It. col., inf., Sept. 8, 1918; discharged Mar. 25, 1919; col., N.G.N.J., 1918—. Officier d’Academie, France. Ex-gov.-gen. Order of Founders and Pa- triots; gen. sec. Nat. Soc. S.R., 1903-23, v.p. gen., 1923-25, and gen. pres., 1925; ex-pres. N.J. Soc. S.R.; ex-gov. N.J. Soc. Colonial Wars; dep. gov. gen. Nat. Soc. Colonial Wars since 1923; ex-gov. M.O.F.W. Clubs: Century, Army and Navy, Princeton (New York), Hamilton (Brooklyn), Princeton (Philadelphia), Nassau (Princeton, N.J.). Residence: “Thanet Lodge,” Princeton, N.J. 1-LIBBEY, Mary Elizabeth Green (Mrs. Wil- liam), } Princeton, N.J., Oct. 30, 1859. 10-Thomas Sayre (qv); 9—Daniel (d 1708), m 1st, Hannah Foster; 8—Capt. Daniel (1666-1748), sheriff of Norfolk Co.; justice; m Sarah-; 7-Hannah (1690-1763), m 2d, Maj. William Henry Smith (1689-1743; Col. William’, lord of St. George’s Manor, L.I.); pea (1723-62), m Martha Dickinson (Jona- than’); 5—Anna (1749-89), m George Green (1738-77) ; cen S. (1770-1850), m Elizabeth Van Cleve (1772- 8-George S. (1798-1883), m Sarah Stewart Ken- nedy (1804-43). 6—-Thomas Hayes (1643-1702) ; 5-Joseph (d 1777). 4—-Samuel (1728-1811), officer Am. Rev.; m Sarah Bruen; 3-Samuel (1776-1839), m Elizabeth Ogden Keen (1766-1817; George‘; John5; Matthias®; Hans J.7; Joran8, qv). 2Dau. of William Henry Green, D.D., LL.D. (1825-1900), A.B., Lafayette, ’40; Presbyn. min- ister; prof. Hebrew and senior prof. in Prince- ton Theol. Sem.; moderator Presbyn. Gen. As- sembly, 1871; m 1858, Elizabeth Hayes (1831- 1901); issue: I—Mary Elizabeth (above); II- Helen Hayes (b 1863; m J. Mark Baldwin). I-m Dec. 7, 1880, William Libbey (av for issue). Ed. by governesses. Pres. Woman’s Fgn. Mis- sionary Soc. of Presbytery of N.J. Mem. C.D.A. (pres. N.J. Soc.), D.H.D., H.S.A., D.A.R. (state regent, v.p. gen.), etc. Residence: “Thanet Lodge,” Princeton, N.J. 1-LITTLE, Clarence Cook, 6 Brookline, Mass., Oct. 6, 1888. &8-Thomas Little (qv); 7-Ephraim (1650-1717), m 1672, Mary Sturtevant (Samuel); 6—John (1682/83-1767), m 1708, Constant Fobes (Lt. William’, m Martha, dau. William Pabodie, m Elizabeth, dau. John Alden, qv); 5—-Lemuel (1724-98), m Penelope Eames; 4—Luther (1756-1846), m Hannah Lovell (Solomon, brig. gen. Mass. militia, Am. Rev.); 3-James Lovell (1810-89), prominent mcht., Bos- ton; m Julia Augusta Cook. 6-Apollos (Rivoire) Revere (1702-54), from France to Island of Guernsey, thence to Boston, 1715; m Deborah Hitchborne (1704-77); 5—Paul (1735-1818), famous patriot of Am. Rev.; m 1737, Sarah Orne: m 2d, 1778, Rachel Walker; © 4-Joseph Warren (1777-1868), m Mary Robbins; 3-Edward H. R. (1827-62), m Laura Porter Jor- dan. 2-Son of James Lovell Little (1845-1914), Boston; m Mary Robbins Revere (1853-1914); issue: I- James Lovell (b 1874; m Leonora Schlesinger); TI—Laura Revere (b 1876); I1I-Edward Revere (1881-1905); IV—Clarence Cook (above). IvV—m May 27. 1911, Katharine Day Andrews, 6} Brookline, Mass., Dec. 3, 1889; dau. of Robert Day Andrews (See Who’s Who in America); 308 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY issue (all 6 Brookline, Mass.): 1-Edward Re- vere, b May 6, 1912; 2-Louise, b Aug. 10, 1914; 3—Robert Andrews, b Sept. 9, 1915. A.B., Harvard, 710, S.M., 1912, Sc.D., 1914; (LL.D., N.H. Univ., 1924, Albion Coll., 1925). Asst. dir. Carnegie Institution of Washington, at Sta- tion for Experimental Evolution, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y., to 1922; pres. U. Me., 1922-25; pres. U. Mich., 1925— (See Who’s Who in America). Capt., A.S.S.R.C., Nov. 1917-Aug. 1918; maj., Adj.-Gen.’s Dept., Aug.-Dec. 1918. Residence: Ann Arbor, Mich. 1-LLOYD, Emma Rouse (Mrs. John U.), b nr. Crittenden, Boone Co., Ky., Apr. 11, 1858. 6-Dr. William McClure (1743-81), surgeon 6th N.C. Regt. in Am. Rev.; prisoner of war at Charleston, S.C.; m Elizabeth Gaston; 5-John, m Mary Allen; we ee (1774-1848), m 1796, Jane Porter (1773- 9 . Ne 38-—Hannah (1799-1881), m 1827, Rev. Thomas Hen- derson (1781-1846). 2-Dau. of Nancy Ann Henderson (1834-1908), m 1856, Hon. Thomas Rouse (1816-1906), farmer, Crittenden, Ky.; mem. Ky. Senate. For issue and Rouse Lineage see Shelley Rouse. M June 10, 1880, John Uri Lloyd (See Vol. 1, p. 692, for genealogy); issue: 1John Thomas, b at Newport, Ky., Apr. 30, 1884; Cornell, ’10; m Sept. 14, 1917, Olive N., dau. Ezra A. Tuttle (issue: Alita; Emily); 2-Annie, b Norwood, O., Nov. 18, 1886; m June 28, 1909, Dr. O. C. Well- bourne (issue: John Uri Lloyd; Dorothy Car- los); 3-Dorothy, b Norwood, Oct. 28, 1894; m Oct. 22, 1917, James A. Brett, Jr. (issue: Dor- othy Ann; Elizabeth Emily; Mary Helena). Mem. D.A.R. Residence: 3901 Clifton Av., Cin- cinnati, O. gad he Shelley, } nr. Crittenden, Ky., Feb. 19, 1868. Rouse family, Alsatians, thence to Va. ca. 1720; 4-Joseph Rouse, artilleryman in Am. Rev.; m in Madison Co., Va., Mary Tannor; 3—John (1780-1861), m 1808, Nancy Zimmermann (1786-1865). 2-Son of Hon. Thomas Rouse (1816-1906), farmer, Crittenden, Ky.; mem. Ky. Senate; m 1856, Nan- cy Ann Henderson (1834-1908); issue: IHKmma (Mrs. John Uri Lloyd, qv); II—Henderson (6b 1860; m Fannie Morin); III-John Thomas (b 1862); IV—Shelley (above); V—Annie (b 1872; m Dr. Charles R. Bird). IV—m Nov. 20, 189%, Alice Read (qv for issue). A.B., A.M., Centre Coll., Danville, Ky.; LL.B., U. Cincinnati. Admitted to bar, 1890. Pres. Ky. Bar Assn., 1908-10; pres. Covington Bar Assn.; mem. Am. Bar Assn. Clubs: Univer- sity, Pendennis, Ft. Mitchell Country, Liter- ary (Cincinnati), etc. Residence: 427 Wallace St., Covington, Ky. 1-ROUSE, Alice Read (Mrs. Shelley), } Prince Edward Co., Va., Aug. 14, 1873. 6—-Col. Clement Read (1707-63), was co. It.; clk. of Lunenburg Co., Va.; burgess; col. French and Indian War; m 1730, Mary Hill; 5-Col. Isaac (1742-1777), burgess, Charlotte Co., Wa.; It. col. 4th Va. Cont. Line; col. 9th Va: Cont. Army; m Sarah Embra (Col. Henry®; Col. Henry’); 4-Isaac (1777-1824), 1st 1t. 4th Va. in War 1812; m 1802, Anne Mayo Venable (1784-1869); 3-Isaac (1806-79), A.B., Hampden-Sidney; B.L., Harvard; lawyer; m 1831, Susan Mary Nash (1806-79). 8-Abraham Venable (qv); 7-Abraham (1700-68), burgess 20 yrs.; m Martha Davis (1703-65) ; 6—-Nathaniel (1783-1804), early patron of Hampden- one) Coll.; burgess; m Elizabeth Woodson 0-91) ; 5-Samuel Woodson (b 1756), A.B., Princeton, 1780; ens. Am. Rev.; m Mary S. Carrington (Judge Paul®; Col. George’); 4-Anne Mayo, m Isaac Read (4 above). 6—John Nash, co. lt.: burgess; mem. Com. Safe- ty, 1775; from Wales to Va. ca. 1720; m Anne, dau. of Sir Hugh Owen; 5-Abner (1740-86), settled at New Bern, N.C.; mem. Colonial Assembly; col. Am. Rev.; gov. of N.C., 1779-81; del. Cont. Congress, 1782-86; m 2d, 1773, Mary Jones; 4—-Frederick, LL.D. (1781-1858), A.B., Princeton, 1799; chief justice of N.C., 1852-58; m 1808, Mary emigrated to Eng., Nore Kollock (6 1781; Lt. Col. Shepard’, of -J.); 3—-Susan Mary (1806-79), m Isaac Read (3 above). 11—Gov. William Bradford (qv); 10—-Maj. William (1624-1703), dep. gov., asst. treas. Plymouth Colony; m 1623, Alice Richards; 9-Alice (1662-1735), m 1st, as his 24 wife, 1680, Rev. William Adams (1650-85) ; 8—-Hlizabeth (1681-1766), m 1696, Rev. Samuel Whit- ing (1670-1725; Rev. John®; Maj. William”); 7-Rev. John (b 1706), probate judge; col. Am. e160) 2 1st, 1729, Phebe (Greenman) Hallam 6—-Mary (1735-63), m 1757?, Harding Jones (d 1759; Frederick’, colonial chief justice of C2 Capt. John§); 5—Mary (1758?-1799), m 1778, Abner Nash (5 above). 2-Dau. of Edmund Strudwick Read (1841-1920), tobacconist, mfr. fertilizer; capt. Co. B, 26th Inf., Army of Northern Va., C.S.A.; m 1869, Mary Morton Sturdivant (b 1851); issue: I- Frederick Nash (b 1870; m Louise Ludlow Bry- ant); IIl-Edmund Strudwick, Jr. (b 1872; m Grace Meehan); III—Alice (above); IV-—J. Sturdivant, M.D. (m Mrs. Virginia Danger- field Anderson MacAllister); V—-Keith Morton (m Virginia Wheadon Rice). IiI—m Nov. 20, 1895, Shelley Rouse (qv); issue: 1-Shelley (daughter), b Covington, Ky., Nov. 27, 1908; Sweet Briar, ’21. Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R., U.D.C. Clubs: Woman’s, MacDowell (Cincinnati, O.), Ft. Mitchell Coun- try, Seven Oaks Golf. Residence: 427 Wallace Av., Covington, Ky. 1-LUSK, William Chittenden, } Guilford, Conn., July 23, 1868. 9-Maj. William Chittenden (qv); 8-Thomas (d 1683), m Joanna Jordan (John®, of Guilford, Conn., m Anna-); 7-Josiah (1677-1759), m 1707, Hannah Sherman (bap. 1680-1744; John’, of Woodbury, Conn., m Eliz- abeth-); 6-Dea. Simeon (1714-89), of N. Guilford, Conn.; m 1737, Submit Scranton (1712-96; John?, m Mary Norton); 5-Simeon_ (1742-1812), m 1773, Sarah Dudley (1746- 1841; Selah*, m Rachel Stone); 4—Abel (1779-1816), m 1804, Anna Hart Baldwin: 3-Simeon B. (1814-89), merchant, financier, New York; mem. 438d to 48th Congresses, 1874-81; m 1837, Mary Elizabeth Hartwell (b 1818: Sher- man‘, of Warren, Conn., m 2d, Cornelia Bald- win, dau. of Oren Colton, of Phila.). 10-Gov. Thomas Welles (qv); 9-Anna, m 1646, Thomas Thompson; &-Thomas, m Elizabeth Smith; 7-Ann, m 1708, John Norton (1684-1750) ; 6—Charles (1710-86), m 1749, Mary Gould; 5—Olive (1750-1805), m 1772, Timothy Baldwin (1750-1818; Timothy®, m Sarah, dau. of Seth Morse); (1784-1845), m Abel Chittenden (4 4-Anna H. above). 2-Son of Mary Hartwell Chittenden (1840-71), m 1864, William Thompson Lusk, M.D., LL.D. (1838-97), capt., asst. adjt. gen. U.S.V. in Civil War; prof. obstetrics and gynecology and (1889-97), pres. faculty Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll., New York. For issue and Lusk line- age see Graham Lusk, Vol. 1, p. 547. Not married. B.A., Yale, ’90; M.D., Bellevue Hosp. Medical Coll., 1893. Visiting surgeon to Bellevue Hosp.; prof. clin. surgery, New York U. and Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. FA.C.S.; mem. N. Y. Surg. Soc., Med. and Surg. Soc., N.Y. Acad. Medicine, A.M.A., ete. Clubs: Uni- versity, Century. Residence: 47 E. 34th St., New York. 1-LYTLE, Richard Ridgely, Tenn., Dec. 29, 1852. 4-Robert Lytle (1705?-1788?), from North of Ire- land to Lancaster Co., Pa., ca. 1718-20; moved to Orange Co., N.C., ca. 1756; m Sarah Mebane (Alexander®, congressman); 3—Capt. William (1755-1829), Am. Rev.; mem. Soc. Cin.; settled in Rutherford Co., Tenn., ca. 1784, where he founded Cannonsburgh (now Murfreesboro); m Anne Taylor (1770-1825: John‘, of Hillsboro, N.C., officer Am. Rev., m Sarah Day). 7-Col. Henry Ridgely (qv); 6—Col. Henry (1669-1700), m Katherine Greenberry (Col. Nicholas’); : 5—-Greenberry, m 1752, Lucy Stringer: 4-Judge Richard (1755-1824), of “Elk Ridge,” Md.; 6 Murfreesboro, FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 309 justice Supreme Ct.; m Elizabeth Dorsey (Thomas) ; 3—Ann (1795-1877), m Alfred Henry Dashiell, D.D., LL.D. (1793-1880), grad. U. Pa.; Presbyn. minis- ter; educator (Rev. George‘, of Somerset Co., Md., first rector of St. Peter’s, Baltimore, m Esther, dau. of Henry Handy). 2-Son of William Franklin Pitt Lytle (1805-68), A.B., U. of N.C., 1824; planter; m 3d, 1846, Sophie Ridgely Dashiell (b 1826; she m 2d, Capt. Carter Bassett Harrison, brother of Pres. Benjamin Harrison); issue: I—Alfred R. (1847-58); II-Ann R. (1849-50); IIlI-—Foster (1850-52); IV—Richard Ridgely (above); V—Sophie E. (6b 1855; m John Scott Harrison); VI—Marion Dashiell (1858- 1923); VII—Eva (1860-1912; m William Park). IV—m Oct. 12, 1881, Mary Elizabeth Arnold (Apr. 26, 1857-July 28, 1911); dau. of Judge John Ford Arnold, of Perth Amboy, N.J.; issue: 1—Julia Arnold, 6 Kansas City, Mo., July 9, 1882; m June 8, 1904, Charles Chambers (issue: Lytle Graef, b Sept. 12, 1908); 2-Sophie Ridgely, 6 Mattawan, N.J., Aug. 25, 1884; A.B., Smith, ’07; m Oct. 12, 1912, Rev. Roscoe Conkling Hatch (issue: Roscoe C., Jr., 6 Oct. 12, 1913; Mary Arnold Gray, 6 July 24, 1916); 3-Florence Re- becca, 6 N.Y. City, Dec. 28; 1885; A.B., Smith, 709; m June 26, 1917, Ernest Towle Van Zandt; 4-Scott Harrison (June 27, 1889-Sept. 29, 1918); pvt., Co. H., 107th Inf., 27th Div., A.E.F.; killed in action before Hindenberg line, Sept. 29, 1918; 5—-Richard Ridgely, Jr., 6 N.Y. City, July. 21, 1891; Princeton, 718; m Feb. 23, 1917, Elizabeth Fine Spahr (issue: Scott Harrison, 6 Oct. 12, 1918; Jean Fine, 6 Aug. 16, 1920; Elizabeth, 6b Feb. 24, 1924). M 2d, June 28, 1917, Ethel Benedict Cox, b N.Y. City, Mar. 8, 1887; dau. of Benjamin Whitlock Cox, Long Island Quaker origin, m Annette, dau. of Samuel Ward Benedict, of N.Y. AiB., Princeton, “76; A.M., 1879; M.D., U. Va., 1877. Physician. Mem. N.C. Soc. of the Cin- cinnati (8 ancestors were original members). Residence: 160 Claremont Av., New York. 1-GRUNDY, Katherine (Lytle) Price (Mrs. Hugh M.), 6 Murfreesboro, Tenn., Aug. 30, 1878. 5-Robert Lytle (1705?-1788?), from North of Ire- land to Lancaster Co., Pa., ca. 1718-20; moved to Orange Co., N.C., ca. 1756; m Sarah Mebane (Alexander’, congressman); 4—Capt. William (1755-1829), Am. Rev.; mem. Soc. Cin.; settled in Rutherford Co., Tenn., ca. 1784; m Anne Taylor (1770-1825; John5, of Hillsboro, N.C., officer Am. Rev., m Sarah Day); 3-William F. P. (1805-63), A.B., U. of N.C., 1824; planter; m 2d, 18385, Mary P. Logan (1818-44). 2-Dau. of Evander Lytle (1843-1922), m Catherine Bibb (1850-1926; Col. Algernon S.’, of Montgom- ery, Ala.); issue: I—-Elizabeth Bibb (D.A.R., U.D.C.); II—William (1880-1909); IIlI—Katherine (above). III—m Mar. 12, 1902, Vernon Dana Price (June 9, 1848-Dec. 15, 1915); son of James Pope Price, of Va., m Frances Dana; issue: 1-James Lytle, b Bellevue, Pa., Feb. 15, 1908. M 2d, Jan. 15, 1921, Hugh McElroy Grundy, 6 Springfield, Ky., Dec. 24, 1866; son of Palmer Grundy, of Springfield, Ky., m Sarah McEl- roy. Residence: 1441 S. 4th St., Louisville, Ky. 1-MEIGS, Return Jonathan, } Washington, D.C., Jan. 9, 1876. 10-Vincent Meigs (qv); 9-John (1612-71), m 1632, Tamazin Fry, of Wey- mouth, Eng.; 8-John (1641-1718), m 1st, 1665, Sarah Wilcox (d 1691; William’, of Stratford, Conn.); 7-Capt. Janna (1672-1739), first magistrate of East Guilford, Conn.; rep. Gen. Assembly; capt. train band; m 1698, Hannah Willard (1674-1749; Josiah’, m Hannah Hosmer; Maj. Simon’, qv); 6—-Return (1708-82), 1t. Train Band; rep. Conn. Gen, Assembly from Middletown, Conn.; m 17338, Elizabeth Hamlin (1711-62; Jabez’); 5-Return Jonathan (1740-1823), col. 6th Conn. Inf. in Am. Rev., thanks of Cont. Congress with sword; removed to Marietta, O., where the old Meigs house still stands; m 1st, 1764, Jo- anna Winborn (d 1778); their son Return Jon- athan, was gov. of Ohio, federal judge, and Postmaster Gen. of the U.S.; 4—-John (1771-1807), m 1797, Parthenia Clendinen (1779-1839) ; 3-Return Jonathan (1801-91), lawyer, Nashville, Tenn., and Washington, D.C.; m 1825, Sally See Love (1804-58; John‘, of Washington, enn.). 2-Son of Capt. Fielding Pope Meigs (1845-82), capt. of arty., U.S.V., in Civil War; Am. con- sul at Montevideo, Uruguay; lawyer; m 1875, Mary Alice (b 1849), dau. of Dea. James How- ard, of Lowell, Mass.; issue: I—-Return Jon- athan (above); II—-James Howard (m Olive Herron); IlI—Fielding Pope (6 1881). I-m Dec. 19, 1900, Roberta Beverly Brander, 0 Manchester, Va., Aug. 3, 1873; dau. of William Harrison Brander, m Anna Corbin, of Rich- mond, Va.; issue: 1—-Return Jonathan, b Balti- more, Md., Nov. 5, 1901; Cornell, ’25; m Sept. 11, 1926, Genevieve Shepherd, dau. of Charles Gardner Edmonds; 2—Robert Brander, b Bal- timore, Dec. 19, 1903; Cornell, ’27; capt., R.O.T.C.; 3-Beverly Vincent, 6 Lianerch, Pa., July 24, 1912. Valuation engr., Western Union Telegraph Co. Mem. O.F.P.A. Residence: 341 W. Dudley Av., Westfield, N.J. 1-MERRIFIELD, George Edward, ) Bloomfield, Nelson Co., Ky., Aug. 28, 1883. 7—-George Boone, 3d (1666-1744), from Eng. to Phila., 1717, settled in ‘Exeter,’ Bucks Co.; m Mary Maugridge (0 1669); 6—-Samuel (1711-45), m 1734, Elizabeth Cassel (Ar- nold’, of Pa.); 5-Samuel (1736-1805), m 1766, Jane Hughes (6 1745; John®, m Hannah Boone; Ellis’, m Jane, dau. of Edward Foulke, m Eleanor Hugh); 4—Rachel (1767-1836), m Alexander Hamilton Mer- rifield (1765-1847; John®, from Eng. to Va.); 8-Col. Fielding (1795-1872), m Abigail Clemens Bemiss. 8-Joseph (Bemis) Bemiss (qv); 7—Ephraim (0 1656), m Elizabeth-—; 6-Ephraim, m 1736, Lydia Thomas; 5-James (1737-99), m Elizabeth—; Sais (1773-1851), m Elizabeth Bloomer (1780- 863) ; 8—Abigail Clemens (1801-86), m Col. Fielding Mer- rifield (8 above). 5-Edward Rogers, of Fauquier Co., Va.; 4—-George L. (6 1793), m Nancy Floyd (Charles®, m Mary, dau. of Capt. John Stewart; Wil- liam’, m Abediah, dau. of Nathaniel Davis, m Elizabeth Hughes); 3-George Edward, m Mary Phelps (Judge Guy* [d 1844], m Sallie Burke [d 1884]; George®, m Miss Willet). 2-Son of Daniel Boone Merrifield (1840-96), m 1865, Nancy Floyd Rogers (1847-85). M May 29, 1915, Florence Lucille McCutcheon (qv for issue). Address: Armstrong, Cator & Co., Baltimore, Md. 1-MERRIFIELD, Florence Lucille McCutcheon Antes George E.), b N. Clarendon, Pa., Apr. , 1887. 5-Archibald Montgomery (d 1792), from North of Ireland; pvt. 4th Co., Ist Bn., Lancaster Co. (Pa.) Militia in Am. Rev.; m 1767, Martha Campbell; 4—-James (1780-1860), m Sarah Fulton (1775-1847); 8—Mary (1817-99), m James McCutcheon (1809-93; Porter+, m Jane-). 2-Dau. of William Caldwell McCutcheon (1842- 1887), m 1869, Mary Ann Findley (1845-1916; John®, m Gertrude Hofford). M May 29, 1915, George Edward Merrifield (av); issue (all B N.Y. City): 1-George E., Jr., Sept. 29, 1916; 2-William Findley, 6 Oct. 10, 1917; 3-Lucille Bemiss, } Oct. 26, 1918; 4-Rogers McCutcheon, b Mar. 1, 1920. beeper John Lenord, 6 Orange, N.J., Sept. , 1866. 9—Nathaniel Merrill (qv): 8—Abel (1645-89), m Priscilla Chase (6b 1649): 7-Thomas (1678-1756), m Judith Kent (d 1751); 6—-Thomas (1710-1801), m Hannah Bagley (6 1712); 5—-Nathan (1736-1801), pvt. Am. Rev.; m Ednah Griffin (1739-1809) ; 4-Orlando Bagley (1763-1855), (1765-1802) ; 8—John (1793-1861), m Elizabeth Dodge. 9-William Dodge (qv); 8—Capt. William (1640-1720), soldier King Philip’s War; m Joanna Hale (1647-94); 7-Robert (1686-1764), m Lydia Woodbury (1691- 1759) ; 6—-Isaac (1710-69), m Lois Herrick (1715-52); 5—Col. Robert (1748-1823), soldier Am. Rev. and m Hannah Poor 310 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY in 23 battles; m Mary Boardman (1745-1802) ; 4—Robert (1775-1819), m Elizabeth Wade; 3-Elizabeth (1796-1870), m John Merrill (3 above). 9-Jonathan Wade (d 1673), came in the “Lion” to Ipswich, Mass., 1682; m Susanna-; 8-Col. Thomas (1651-96), soldier colonial wars; m Elizabeth Cogswell (1649-1726); op anae (1673-1787), m Elizabeth Thornton (1679- 6-Timothy (1712-63), m Ruth Woodbury (1715-1802); ete William (1742-983), Am. Rev.; m Eunice aker; 4-Hlizabeth (1775-1863), m Robert Dodge (4 above). 9-Samuel Symonds (1595-1678), dep. gov.; m 2d, Martha Read; 8—-Priscilla (1648-1733/34), m Capt. Thomas Baker (d@ 1717/18), in colonial wars; 7-Cornet John (1690/91-1734), in colonial wars; m Mary Perley (1698-1738) ; 6-Col. John (1720-85), in colonial wars and Am. Reyv.; m Eunice Pope; 5—-Hunice (1752-1810), m William Wade (5 above). 9-John Balch (qv); ei ees (1629-post 1715), m Sarah Gardner (d Ieee (1660-1729), m Elizabeth Fairfield (1666- 1 ; ME LAG William (d 1792), m Rebecca Stone (1710- 5-Nathaniel (1738-1802), m Joanna Day (d 1800): 4-John (1761-1836), Am. Rev.; m Bunice Bartlett (1768-1828) ; 3—John (1803-71), m Elizabeth Tappan (1804-32). 2-Son of John L. Merrill (1824-1908), shipowner; m 3d, 1860, Elizabeth Tappan Balch (1832-1924) ; issue: I—Alice Balch (m Henry Fisher Cam- blos); II-George Denny (1864-1918: m Elizabeth A. Haines); I1I—John Lenord (above); I'V—Jo- seph Moulton (b 1869; m Gertrude Reynolds): V—Elizabeth Tappan (b 1871); VI—Julia Balch (d infancy). IiI—m Oct. 16, 1899, Grace Towner, b Brooklyn, N.Y., Jan. J, 1877; dau. of William Allen Town- er, of Brooklyn, m Annie G. K. Wagner: issue: 1—John Lenord, Jr., 6 Brooklyn, Jan. 18, 1902; Princeton, ’24; Harvard Law School, 1927: 2— Robert Dodge, 6 Orange, N.J., June 9, 1904; Phillips Exeter, and Wesleyan U. Pres. All America Cables, Inec., and Mexican Telegraph Co. (See Who’s Who in America). Treas. New York Bot. Garden. Pres.-gen. Nat. League of Huguenot Socs. in the U.S.A.; mem. Huguenot Soc. of N.J. (pres., 1923-25), Huguenot Soc. of America, 8.C.W. (vice gov.-gen., 1918-21, sec. gen. 1915, and gov. N.J. Soc. 1916), O.F.P.A. (councillor gen. and gov. N.J. Soc., 1926-27), Order Cont. Navy, S.A.R. (pres. N.J. Soc., 1913- 1914), S.R., S.W.1812, S.A.W. Clubs: Metropoli- tan, Bankers, India House (New York), Metro- politan (Washington), Essex County Country Club (W. Orange, N.J.), Arundel Golf (Kenne- bunkport, Me., v.p.). Residence: 52 E. 66th St., New York. 1-MOORE, Jared Sparks, 6 Cambridge. Mass., Sept. 29, 1879. 8-Roger Derby (qv); 7—Richard (1679-1715), m Martha Hasket: 6-Richard (1712-83), his ship, commanded by his son John, carried the news of the battles of Concord and Lexington to London, 1775; m 1735, Mary Hodges (1713-70; Gamiel?, m Sarah-): 5-Mary (1737-1813), m 1757, George Growninshield (1734-1815; John®, m Anstiss, dau. of John Wil- liams; Johannes C, R.7, qv); 4—Mary (1778-1835), m 1802, Nathaniel Silsbee: 3-—Mary (1809-87), m 1839, Rev. Jared Sparks (1789- 1866), 22d pres. Harvard U., 1849-53, 9-Henry Silsbee (qv); 8-Nathaniel (ca. 1651-ca. 1717), m 1st, Deborah Thompkins; 7—Nathaniel (1677-1769), m 24, Martha-—: 6—William (1715-ca. 1788), m Joanna Fowle; 5-Nathaniel (1748-91), master mariner; m Sarah Becket; 4—Nathaniel (1773-1850), U.S. Senator from Mass., 1826-35: m Mary Crowninshield (4 above). 2-Son of Florence Sparks (1845-1915), m 1876, Ben- jamin P. Moore (1831-1919). M July 9, 1918, Elsie Linch, b London, Eng., Oct. 7, 1889: dau. of David William Linch, of Lon- don, Eng., and Cleveland, O. A.B., Johns Hopkins, ’00 (Beta Theta 12a) TeanhaDy. Harvard, 1905. Now prof. of philosophy, West- ern Reserve U. Residence: 2508 Edgehill Rd., Cleveland Heights, O. 1-MOYER, Ela Bliss, } Peru, Ill., Feb. 11, 1869. 7-Christian (Meyer) Moyer (b ca. 1675-80-will pro- bated, 1751), as nonconformist fled from Ger- many to Switzerland, thence to Holland and came to Pa. ca. 1700; received land patent for 150 acres in what is now Lower Salford Tp., Montgomery Co., Pa.; m Barbara-; 6-Christian (ca. 1705-ca. 1787), of Franconia pis prominent Mennonite; m Magdalena-; 5—Rev. Jacob (1730-78), Mennonite minister, }b in Montgomery Co., lived in Bucks Co., Pa.; m 2d, Barbara Dirstein (d@ 1778); 4-Samuel (1767-1844), b Montgomery Coz, Pas: leader in the Mennonite emigration to Ontario, Can.,* 1800; m ist, 1789, Anna Bechtel (b 1970; Jacob) ; 3-Abraham Bechtel (1809-65), began to write name Moyer; m 1830, Mary Gross Nash, of Pa. 9-Thomas Bliss (qv); 8-Laurence (ca. 1618-20-1676), early settler of Springfield, Mass.; m 1654, Lydia Wright (Dea. Samuel’, m Margaret-); 7-William (1670-1733), m 1710, Margaret Lombard (d 1759; David’, m Margaret-); 6-William (1711-58), m 1742, Experience White (b 1715; David?, m Hannah Bagg); 5—Gad_ (1748-1826), m 1770, Abiah Colton (Benjamin®‘, m Abiah Cooley); 4-John (b 1779), of Turin, N.Y.; m 1808, Sarah Fos- ter (d 1864); 8-Allen (1810-95), from Plainfield, Tll., to Cedar Falls, Ia.; m 1st, 1887, Almira Brainerd. §$—-Daniel Brainerd (qv); 8-William (1673-post 1747), m 1698, Sarah Bidwell; 7—Josiah (1711-92), of Middle Haddam, Conn.; m 2d, 1738, Hannah Spencer (1709-87): 6-Ezra (1744-1837), of Middle Haddam; deacon; justice; dep. Gen. Assembly; m 1st, Jerusha Smith (1743-1811; Lt. David’, m Dorothy Brain- erd); 5—Ezra (1769-1833), col. militia, E. Hartford, Conn.; ce wer Porter (1770-1833; James*, of E. Hart- ord); 4-Ezra (1787-1832), of Martinsburg, N.Y: m 1808, Louisa Robins (1789-1839; Zebulon5); their son Lawrence R., was father of Ezra Brainerd, D.D., LL.D., pres. Middlebury Coll.; 3-Almira (1818-68), m Allen Bliss (3 above). 2-Son of Samuel Gross Moyer (1835-1917), m 1867, Emma Bliss (b 1849); issue: I-Ela Bliss (above); II—Robert Bliss (b 1870; m 1916, Ethel Oakley Kinnett); II1I—-Louise Brainerd (b 1880). Il—m June 13, 1899, Jessie Watt, b Galva, Tll., June 30, 1878; sister of Elihu De Forest Watt (av for genealogy); issue (all b LaGrange, I1l.): 1-John Watt (June 7, 1902-Aug. 8, 1907); 2-Dorothy pias: b Feb. 19, 1910; 3-Barbara Helen, b Aug. ras NSB With Iowa Life Ins. Co., Sioux City, Ta., 1890- 1900; since with Nat. Life Ins. Co. of ESSA Chicago, as asst. sec., 1903-26, and since sec- retary. Club; LaGrange Country. Residence: 801 S. Catherine Av., LaGrange, Ill. EA el Elihu De Forest, b Galva, Ill., June 7, 10-William Edwards (qv); 9-Richard (1647-1718), m 1667, Elizabeth Tuttle: 8-Timothy (1669-1758), chaplain colonial forces, 1711; m 1694, Esther Stoddard; 7-Jonathan (1703-58), distinguished Calvanistic theologian; 3d pres. Princeton Coll.: m 1727, Sarah Pierrepont (1710-58); 6—-Sarah (1728-1805), m 1750, Elihu Parsons; ees (b 1760), m 1781, David Ingersoll, of Lee, ass.; 4—Moses, m Charissa Hooker; 3—Rachel, m Elihu Ward. 10-James (Pierrepont) Pierpont, from Eng., set- tled at Ipswich, Mass.; m Margaret— (d 1664); 9-John (1617-82), Ipswich, 1640, Roxbury, 1656; m Thankful Stow (d 1668: John?); 8-Rev. James (1659/60-1714), A.B., Harvard, 1681; pastor First Conel. Ch., New Haven; a founder of Yale Coll.; m 3d, 1698, Mary Hooker (1673-1740; Samuel®; Rev. Thomas!®, qv); 7-Sarah, m 1727, Jonathan Edwards (7 above). 2-Son of Charles Robertson Watt (1841-91), m 1866, Mary Charissa Ward (1842-1925); issue: I-Addie Louise (1867-1914; m Francis Marion Ferris); II— Chauncy Ward (b 1872; m Antoinette Ricketts): III-Elihu DeForest (above); IV—Jessie (8 1878; m Ela Bliss Moyer, qv). III-—m Sept. 12, 1899, Florence Starr Rockwell, b Lansing, Ia., May 13, 1876; dau. of Starr A. Rockwell, of Cedar Falls, Ia.; issue (all b FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA LaGrange, Ill): 1-Richard Rockwell, b Jan. 27, 1908; B.S., U. Ill., ’25; m Sept. 25, 1926, Gertrude LeBoutillier Martin; 2—-Margaret, 6 May 26, id ae Ill., ’28; 83-Charles Robertson, 6 Aug. With Nat. Life Ins. Co. of U.S. of A., Chicago, to 1906; asst. sec. and dir. Raymond Concrete Pile Co. from 1906; also pres. Conover Com- pany. Clubs: City (New York), Hamilton, En- gineers (Chicago), LaGrange Country. Resi- dence: 102 S. Stone Av., LaGrange, Ill. 1-PHIFER, Isabella Hunt McGehee (Mrs. Rob- ert S.), b “Burleigh,’’ Person Co., N.C., Nov. 1, planter; 6-Thomas, of St. John’s Parish, King William Co., Va.; planter; m ca. 1688; will dated, 1724; 5-Edward (will proved 1771), of Cumberland and Prince Edward cos., Va.; large land owner, planter; m Elizabeth De Jarnette (Jean’®, Huguenot, fled from France to Gloucester Co., Va., ca. 1699; m Marie-); 4—Mumford (1744-1816), of ‘‘Woodburn,”’ Cunning- ham Tp., Person Co., N.C.; large planter, thor- oughbred horse and stock breeder; m Sarah Moore (d 1793); 8-Thomas (ca. 1785-ca. 1867), councillor of state; mem. N.C. Legislature; large planter, breeder, financier; m Mildred Jeffreys (1795-1825; Thomas‘, of “The Red House,” Caswell Co., N.C.; soldier Am. Rev., m Mildred Mitchell; John’, m Frances-). 5-James Hunt (will dated 1791), planter; justice, sheriff, Charlotte Co., Va.; m Sarah Whitlock; 4-Nathaniel, planter; justice, sheriff, Halifax Co., Va.; patriot Am. Rev.; m Mary Allen (David) ; 38—Eustace (1789-1845), planter, ‘‘Hunting-Glen,” Pittsylvania Co., Va.; ensign War 1812; m 1818, Lone Anderson Glenn (James*, m Isabella Wil- son). 2-Dau. of Thomas Jeffreys McGehee (1819-52), of “Burleigh,” Person Co., N.C.; ed. William and Mary and Univ. N.C.; large planter and thor- oughbred horse and stock breeder; m 1846, Mary Allen Hunt (1830-1910); issue: I-Ellen (6 1847); II-Isabella Hunt (above); III—Eliza Glenn (m Percy Clark). II—m Mar. 18, 1874, Robert Smith Phifer (1852-1910) ; issue; 1-Wilhelmina Glenn, 6 Charlotte, N.C., Feb. 1, 1875; m Mar. 25, 1907, Josiah P. Giles; 2— Thomas McGehee, b Person Co., N.C., May 19, 1878; m Nov. 18, 1908, Jane Bobo Childs (issue: Elisabeth Springs, b 1911; Thomas McGehee, Jr., b 1913); 3-Robert Smith, Jr. (qv for Phifer line); 4-Maie (Mimi), B Danville, Va., Dec. 8, 1886; m Dec. 21, 1914, Samuel Henry Sheib (issue: Mimi Elbert, b 1919); 5-Isabelle (Dec. 8, 1886- Sept. 25, 1887); 6-Dieudonnee Locke, b Danville, Mar. 27, 1894; m Oct. 12, 1915, Thomas Jefferson Lipscomb, Jr. (issue: Isabel McGehee, 0 1916). Owner and operator, Burleigh Plantation. Mem. Huguenot Soc. of S.C., U.D.C. Residence: “Burleigh,” nr. Semora, N.C. 1-PHIFER, Robert Smith, 6b ‘‘Burleigh,”’ Per- son Co., N.C., Aug. 5, 1882, 6-Maj. Martin Phifer (1720-91), from Switzerland to Pa., 1738; settled first in Lunenburg Co., Va., where he received large grants of land; estab. “Cold Water,” on Cold Water Creek in Mecklenburg Co., N.C.; large land owner; planter; justice; soldier; statesman; m 1745, Margaret Blackwelder (1722-1803; Caleb7, m Mary-, Rev. patriots); among their three sons, John was lt. col. Am. Rev. and signer Meck- lenburg Declaration of Independence, and Caleb was col. Am. Rev., councilor of state and mem. N.C. House and Senate); 5—Martin (1756-1887), capt. of Light Dragoons, 1776; capt. Cont. Army; was with Washington at Valley Forge; col. N.C. state troops; councilor of state; planter; largest land owner in N.C.; m 1778, Elizabeth Locke (1758-91; Gen. Matthew’, planter, brig. gen. Am. Rev., mem. of 3d, 4th and 5th Congresses from N.C.); 4-George (1782-1819), Univ. of N.C., 1799; planter, “Coddle Creek,’ Cabarrus Co.; clk. Superior Ct.; m 1808, Sarah Fulenwider (1786-1868) ; 8-William Fulenwider (1809-82), Hampden-Sidney, 30; planter; financier; in whose home at Char- 311 THOMAS McGEHEE, of Woodburn. great thoroughbred horses. lotte, N.C., was held the last meeting of the entire cabinet of President Davis; m 2d, 1849, Mary Martha White (1827-79). 2-Son of Prof. Robert Smith Phifer (1852-1910), Leipsic Conservatory, ’68; prof. Roanoke Fe- male Coll.; gentleman and scholar; m 1874, Isa- bella Hunt McGehee (qv for maternal lines). M Jan. 15, 1918, Corinne Elise Williamson (qv for genealogy); issue: 1—Isabella Glenn, 6 Jackson, Miss., Sept. 3, 1918; 2-Calhoun Williamson, 0 Jackson, Dec. 9, 1924. Hampden-Sidney, ’03. Lawyer, Jackson, Miss.; atty. for State Revenue Dept. of Miss. from Jan. 1924; now spl. counsel, atty. gen.’s office, Miss. Dept. Justice. Was Ist lt., Ist Inf., Va. Vols.; a.-d.-c. to Gen. Cecil C. Vaughan, comdg. Breeder of ist) Briss Val. vVols.;. comma. capt, J.A4.G., O.R.C., U.S.A., Sept. 2, 1924. Hon. mem. The Old Guard, State Fencibles, Phila.; mem. S.C. W., S.C., S.A.R., S.R., S.W.1812; asso. mem. R.E. Lee Camp 1, 8.C.V.; mem. Order of Wash- PHIFER = ‘ ye Arms: Argent, an eagle sable, crowned gold. Azure, @ rock with five domes argent, surmounted by an eight-pointed star or. Crests: Helmets—over the first helmet the charges of the 2d quarter argent ; over second helmet the eagle sable. 312 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY ington (dep. vice cdr. for Miss.), Order of La- Fayette (chevalier cdr. for Miss., 3d v.p. and vice chancellor), Swedenborg Scientific Assn., Miss. Hist. Soc., Huguenot Soc. of S.C., Am., Miss. State and Hinds Co. bar assns. Summer place: “Burleigh Plantation,” nr. Semora, N.C. Residence: Battle Hill Pl., Jackson, Miss. GEN. ANDREW PICKENS (1789-1817), of “Tom- massee,’ Pendleton District, S.C. Was officer in French and Indian War and distinguished in the American Revolution, becoming brigadier general ; was major general of S.C. militia, 1794; member S.C. Legislature, and member 3d U.S. Congress, 1793-95. 1-PHIFER, Corinne Elise Williamson (Mrs. Robert S.), ) Raymond, Miss., Jan. 18, 1882. 5-James Williamson (1713-1806), planter; patriot Am. Rev.; resided in York District, S.C.; 4-Samuel (1759-1815), planter; soldier Am. Rev.; m Ann Starr (1759-1806) ; 3—Arthur Starr (1797-1869), removed to Panola and Marshall cos., Miss., 1846; large planter; m 2d, Mary Meek (1820-62; widow of Henry McGehee). 7-James Calhoun (b Scotland, ca. 1680), removed to Ireland; came to America, 1733; planter; m Catherine Montgomery (1684-1760); 6~Ezekiel (1720-ca. 1762; uncle of John C. Cal- houn, the statesman), planter; resided in Va. and S.C.; m Jean Ewing, of N.J.; 5-Rebecea (1745-1814; aunt of Mrs. John C. Cal- houn, heroine Am. Rev.); m 1765, Gen. Andrew Pickens (1739-1817), see portrait and biography above (Capt. Andrew*%, mem. first court of Augusta Co., Va.; capt. French and Indian War); 4-Jean (1774-1848), m 1805, her first cousin, John Henry Miller, M.D. (1777-1851), ed. Hampden- Sidney Coll.; planter; moved to Pontotoc Co., Miss., 1819; surgeon and maj. War 1812 (Rey. Serpe m Jean, dau. of Capt. Andrew Pick- ens); 3-Lt. Col. John Henry (1812-63), planter; Presbyn. minister; lt. col. lst Miss. Cav., C.S.A.; killed at Ripley, Tenn.; mem. Miss. Senate; m 1838, Eliza Dicea Givhan (1815-88; Jacob* [1789-1843] ; PhilipS). 2-Only dau. of Chalmers Meek Williamson (1856- 1918), A.M., U. of Miss., 1875; eminent lawyer, Jackson, Miss.; mem. Miss. House and Senate; m 1st, 1880, Corinne Miller (1859-82), M fairs 15, 1913, Robert Smith Phifer (qv for issue). Ed. Bellhaven Coll. (Jackson, Miss.), and Miss Huger’s School, N.Y. City. Contbr. to papers and magazines. Organized and was sec. Hinds Co. (Miss.) R.C. Chapter, World War; organ- ized and is exec, sec. Miss. Tuberculosis Assn, Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R., U.S.D.1812, U.D.C., Hugue- not Soc. of S.C. Residence; 145 Battle Hill Pl., Jackson, Miss. 1-WILLIAMSON, Mary Jane Robinson (Mrs. Chalmers Meek), b Jackson, Miss., Jan. 31, 1867. 8-William Robinson (d 1668), earliest ancestor of family in America, 1635-36; an original founder of the church of Dorchester, Mass.; mem. A. and H. A. Co.; freeman, 1642; m Margaret-; 7-Samuel (bap. 1640-1718), of Dorchester; select- man, 1688-93; rep. Gen. Ct., 1701-02; m Mary Baker (bap. 1641-1715; Richard’, m Faith With- ington); 6—John (1671-1745), A.B., Harvard, 1695; missionary to Newcastle, Pa., 1698; minister at Duxbury, Mass., 1700; m_ 1705, Hannah Wiswall (1680-1722; Rev. Ichabod’, m Priscilla, dau. of William Pabody, m Elizabeth, dau. of John Alden, qv); eae (1715-84), m 1748, Thankful Hinckley (1723- ‘ ; 4-Samuel (1752-1815), patriot Am. Rev.; m Pris- cilla Metcalf; 3-Jabez (1783-1864), ensign War 1812; m 2d, 1819, Anne Ten Broeck (1798-1873). 9-Gov. William Bradford (qv); 8-William (1624-1704), m Mary Wiswall (widow): 7-Lt. Joseph (1674-1747), m 1698, Anne Fitch (1675- 1715; Rev. James’, m Priscilla, dau. of John Mason); 6—Priscilla (6 1702), m Samuel Hyde (1691-1730); 5—Zeriah (1730-1829), m Dr. Andrew Metcalf (desc. Michael Metcalf and Jonathan Fairbanks); 4—Priscilla (b 1759), m Samuel Robinson (4 above). 6—John Bradford (b 1677), Fauquier Co., Va.; d in Burke Co., N.C.; m ca. 1716, Mary Marr King- cart (widow); 5-Joseph Bennett (1738-1828), soldier Am. Rev.; 4—William (1760-1831), soldier Am. Rev., entered service at the age of 14; m 2d, Catherine Mor- gan, 3-Joseph Bennett (b 1803), m Martha (Patton) Smith (1830-92; William Patton‘, planter, of Huntsville, Ala., m Martha, dau. of Charles Hays, from Ireland to Louisa Co., Va.; Rob- ert®, from Ireland to Monroe Co., Va., 1791, m Jane Ramsey). 2-Dau. of John William Robinson (1823-81), mer- oe hen planter; m 1852, Mary Jane Bradford ( -91). M Oct. 26, 1887, as his 2d wife, Chalmers Meek Williamson (Mar. 22, 1856-Nov. 2, 1918); lawyer; mem. Miss. House of Rep.; issue: 1-Chalmers Meek, Jr. (qv). Has adopted two sons of her brother, John W. Robinson: McWillie Mitchell and Joseph Fielding Robinson (qv). Grad. Fairmount Coll., Monteagle, Tenn., 1883. Mem. S.M.D., C.D.A. (ist registrar in Miss.), DIC: G DE PsA. DLA CR e(pastieveD. se enemand hon. state regent), U.S.D.1812 (past state pres.), U.D.C., ete. Residence: 714 N. State St., Jack- son, Miss. 1-WILLIAMSON, Chalmers Meek, b Jackson, Miss., Sept. 16, 1888. 10-Oloff Stevenson Van Cortlandt (qv); 9-Maria, m Jeremias Van Rensselaer (1632-74; Kiliaen?®) ; 8-Hendrick, m Catherine Van Brugh (Johannes Pieter® [1624-97], m Katrina Roelofse, dau. of Roelof Jansen, m Anneke Jans); 7-Maria_ (1689-1771), m 1712, Samuel Ten Broeck (1680-1756) ; "an ene (bap. 1727-1802), m Marytje Van Alen 5-Johannes I. (1764-1854), m 1785, Sophia (Fytje Miller) Miler (1765-1824) ; 4—Anne (1798-1873), m Jabez Robinson (1783-1864) ; 3—John W. (1828-81), m Mary Jane Bradford. 2-Son of Mary Jane Robinson (qv), m 1887, Chal- mers Meek Williamson (1856-1918), A.B., LL.B., U. Miss.; lawyer and banker; mem. Miss. House of Rep., ete. Not married. A.B., U. Miss., ’08 (Kappa Alpha), LL.B., 1911. Accountant, Miss. State Highway Dept. Trustee Y.M.C.A., Jackson, Miss. Club: eee Residence: 714 N. State St., Jackson, iss. 1-ROBINSON, McWillie Mitchell, b Jackson, Miss., Jan. 27, 1900. 5-Adam McWillie (son of Capt. Donald McDon- ald, Scotchman, who changed his name to John McWillie), came from Ireland; cdr. S.C. regt. War 1812; m Anne McCullough (John®, m Anna Beall, of S.C.); 4—William (1795-1869), of ‘Kirkwood,’ Madison Co., Miss.; grad. S.C. Coll., 1817; lawyer; mem. S.C. Legislature, 1836-40; went to Miss., 1845; mem. 31st Congress, 1849-51; gov. of Miss., 1858- 1860; m 2d, Catherine Anderson; 3—-Annie (d 1878), m 1858, Thomas Jefferson Mitchell (1830-1912), of Jackson, Miss.; M.D., U. Pa,, 1852; surgeon 39th Miss. Regt., C.S.A.; supt. Miss. State Hosp. for Insane. 4 FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 7-Richard Anderson (1725-78), came to America, 1760; was of Montgomery Co., Md., and pro- genitor of the S.C. family; m 1750, Priscilla Briscoe; 6-Edward. (b 1754), m Lucy Este 5-Dr. Edward (1781-1843), m iat * 1809, Catherine ce Morris (d 1824; Capt. Jonathan’, officer Rev., m Anna Maria Kemble); Gathering (1812-73), m William McWillie (4 above 2-Son of Ida McWillie (1865-1900), m John William Robinson (1862-1905); adopted son of Mrs. Chal- mers Meek Williamson, qv; issue: I-John W., III; Il1-Thomas Mitchell; Il1I—Joseph Fielding (av for other lineages); IV-McWillie Mitchell (above). IV—Not married. Ed. Gulf Coast and Augusta mil. acads. Fire underwriter. Club: Country. Residence: 714 N. State St., Jackson, Miss. Setbntrtad et Joseph Fielding, b Jackson, Miss., et: 6, : 10—William Buell (ca. 1610-81), from Eng. to Dor- chester, Mass., 1630; m 1640, Mary-; 9-Samuel (1641-1720), m 1662, Deborah Griswold (1646-1719; Edward?) ; ae: John (1671- -1746), m 1695, Mary Loomis (1679- 7-Mary (1696-1774), m Gershom Hinckley (1682-1774; Ens. John’, m Bethia Lothrop); 6—-Thankful (1723-99), m John Robinson (1715-84) ; 5-Samuel (1752-1815), m Priscilla Metcalf; 4-Jabez (1783-1864), m Anne Annetje Ten Broeck (1798-1873) ; ion W. (1823-81), m Mary Jane Bradford (1832- 1i—Michael Metcalf (qv); 10—Michael (1620-54), m 1644, Mary Fairbanks (ca. 1620-1684; Jonathan); 9-Jonathan (1650-1727), m 1674, Hannah Kenrick (1639-1781) ; 8-Ebenezer (1680-1755), m 1702, Hannah Abel; 7-Benjamin, m Sarah Abel; 6—Dr. Andrew (b 1736), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1758, Zeriah Hyde; 5—Priscilla (6 1759), m Samuel Robinson (5 above). 2-Son of John William Robinson (1862-1905), m Ida MecWillie (1865-1900); adopted son of Mrs. Chal- mers Meek Williamson (qv). For issue and other lineages see MceWillie Mitchell Robinson. Not married. Ed. Gulf Coast Mil. Acad. and A. and M. Coll. of Miss. Wholesale grocer. Served in Baty. C, 141st F.A., Mexican border, 1916-17; 2d l1t., 141st F.A., in France, 1918-19. Club: Country. Residence: 714 N. State St., Jackson, Miss. 1-OMWAKE, Jeremiah Simon, 0} nr. Greencastle, Antrim Tp., Franklin Co., Pa., Mar. 14, 1869. 7-Leonhard (Am Weg) Omwake, came in the “Allen” to Phila., Pa., 1729; m Magdalena-—; 6-John Michael (d 1777-79), of Cocalico Tp., Lan- caster Co., Pa.; m Ursula-—; 5—Jacob (ca. 1730-1790), Am. Rev.; m Catharine-; 4—Jacob (1773-1814), of Franklin Co., Pa.; m Cath- erine Hassler; 3—John (1799-1865), began to write name Omwake; m Elizabeth Ledy (1794-1888). 2Son of Henry Omwake (1830-1910), farmer, Greencastle, Pa.; m Eveline Beaver (1833-1914) ; issue: I—John (m Carrie Brough); II—William Tell (m Mary Lundy Snively); IlI-Susan Re- becca (d@ childhood); IV-—Charles Henry (d childhood); V—Mary Katherine (b 1862); VI-— Augustus Beaver (b 1865; m Lulu Tait); VII-— James Edward (m Netscher Snyder; m 2d, Jes- sie Spielman); VIII-—Jeremiah Simon (above); TX—George Leslie (qv); X—Chalmers Payson (b 1873; m Nellie Snively); XI—Howard Rufus (0 1878; m Frances Geiger). VIII-m June 2, 19094, Mary Rummel, b Newburg, Cumberland Co., Pa., May 11, 1877; dau. of J. Calvin Rummel, m Alice Parker Lowe, of Shippensburg, Pa.; issue: 1-Dorothy Alice, b Fn PPOUEDErS: Cumberland Co., Pa., Mar. 25, Residence: Shippensburg, Pa. 1-OMWAKE, George Leslie, ) Greencastle, Pa., July 13, 1871. Brother of Jeremiah Simon Omwake (qv genealogy). M June 18, 1902, Bessie May Landis (1873-1904); dau. of John C. Landis, of Hummelstown, Pa. M 2d, Aug. 28, 1906, Sophie Hendricks Casselberry, b Oaks, Pa., Dec. 11, 1873; dau. of Joseph Cas- selberry, of Oaks (nr, Phoenixville), Pa.; is- for 313 sue: 1-Stanley, 6 Phila., Pa., Mar. 15, 1908; Mercersburg Acad., ’27; 2-Eveline Beaver, bD Collegeville, Pa., Oct. 1, 1911. Azb., Ursinus, 798, AM. 19012) Bi Dy wale 1901: Ped.D., Franklin and Marshall, 1910 (LL.D., same, and Lafayette, 1923). Mem. Ursinus Coll. faculty since 1901, and pres. since 1912 (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. Huguenot Soc. of Pa., S.R. Residence: Collegeville, Pa. 1-PLATT, Mildred Sellers (Mrs. Charles), 0 Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 4, 1859. 7-Samuel Sellers (av); 6-Samuel (1690-1773), m Sarah Smith (b 1689); indies (1728-1804), mem. Provincial Assembly of ; disowned by Friends for part he took in Re Rev.; m Ann Gibson (1729/30-1805) ; 4-John (1762-1847), m Mary Coleman (1761-95); 3—John (1789-1878), m Elizabeth Poole (1792- 1859). 9-Joran (Kyn) Keen (qv); 8-Hans Juriensen (d ee 1684), m Willemke— (d before 1707/08); 7—-Matthias (1667-1714), mem. Provincial Assembly of Pa.; m 1st, Henricka Claassen (b 1666; Jan§, of Bucks Co., Pa.); 6-John (1695- 1758), m 17138, Susannah Steelman (1694-1753; James’, of Gr eat Egg Harbor, N.J.); 5-Matthias (1721- -97), m ist, 1748, Mary Swift (John); 4—John (1747- -1832), soldier Am. Rey.; m 1770, Mil- dred Cooke (1752-1832; James’); 3—Joseph Swift (1789-1883), m 1st, 1818, Ann (Long- streth) Parrish (1781-1840). 2-Dau. of John Sellers, Jr. (1826-1906), of ‘Mill- bourne,” Pa.; v.p. and treas. William Sellers & Co., Ine., mfrs. machine tools, Phila.; _m_1853, Ann Caroline Keen (1827-1900); issue: I-— —Lucy (1854-1910; m George Taylor Barnes); II-Howard (6 1857; m Sarah Mendinhall Worrell); III- Elizabeth Poole (6 1858; m Granville Worrell); IV—Mildred (above); V—Marion (1869-77). IV—m Feb. 11, 1885, Maj. William Ellery Almy, U.S.A. (Nov. 9, 1856-Aug. 1, 1901); son of Rear Adm. John J. Almy, U.S.N., and twin brother of Augustus Craven Almy (See Vol. 1, p. 417); issue: 1—-Marion Sellers, b Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Aug. 14, 1888; m Lt. Arnold H. Vander- hoof, U.S.N.; 2Helen Audry, b Fort Leaven- worth, Aug. 2, 1890; m David Kitchen Reeder; 3—Ann Caroline, } Fort McIntosh, Tex., Feb. 18, ee 4—William Miter yiauO ni til laear ae "Nov. 18, M ah oa 3, 1916, Dr. Charles Platt (See Vol. 1, Dp “Hillbrook,” Wister Mem. D.A.R. Residence; and Roberts Rds., Ardmore, Pa. 1-ROBERTS, Hiram Parsons, b Louisville, Ky., Apr. 12, 1868. 3-Maj. George E. Roberts (1808-85), maj. Va. militia; settled at Portland, nr. Louisville, Ky., 1856; became head of the Louisville school System; m ist, Sophie Keggel. 11—Robert Pease (1607-44), from Eng. in the “Fran- cis,” to Salem, Mass., 1634; m Marie-; 10-John (1630-85), m Mary Goodell; 9Capt. John (1654-1734), founder of Enfield, Conn.; m 1682, Margaret Adams (b 1654; James”, m Frances, dau. of William Vassall, son of John Vassall, alderman of London, who built and commanded the “Samuel” in the fight with the Spanish Armada); 8-Mary (1685-1745), m 1715, Capt. Thomas Abbe (1686-1759; Thomas®, King Philip’s War, m Sarah Fairfield; John!*, from Eng. in the “Bonaven- ture,” 1634); 7-—Mary (1715-88), m 1737, Capt. Dennis Bement, of Enfield, Conn. (g.son of John Bement, from Eng., 1653); 6—Mary (1739-1821), m 1755, Richard Abbe (1735-1807), ay at Lexington Alarm; ens. and capt. in Am. ev.3 Senn aa (1762-1820), m 1786, Joel Booth (1764- 4—Tryphosa_ (1787-1872), m 1804, Plyn Parsons (Thomas’, m Jemima Lee); 3-Charles B., D.D., LL.D. (1805-71), Shakespearian actor, later Meth. minister; m 1830, Emily Cob- bett Oldham (g.dau. of Capt. Reuben Field, of Culpeper Co., Va., mem. Soc. Cin.; g.g.dau. of John Oldham, of Prince William Co., Va.). 2-Son of Henry Keggel Roberts (1836-81), lawyer; prin. Louisville public school; m 1863, Emily Tryphosa Parsons (1833-1917), widow of Wil- liam Thomas Weaver; issue: I—George Clif- ford (1864-1923); II-Minnie (b 1866; m George H. 314 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY . Wilson); III-Hiram Parsons (above); IV— Henry Chester (b 1870); V-Ruby Marie (6 1873). III-m Oct. 14, 1890, Sarah Miranda Duckwall, 0b New Albany, Ind.; dau. of William A. Duck- wall (1848-94; William Coll; for Women, ’26; 4-Francis Jonathan, b Sewickley, Nov. 21, 1908; 5-Mary Rea, Bb Mineral Ridge, Mar. 8, 1910. Grad. Bishop Bowman Inst. Pres. Woman’s Synodical Auxiliary of N.C. (Presbyn.); mem. Woman’s Advisory Com., Presbyn. Ch. LGRSSE trustee Mission Court. Mem. D.A.R. Resi- dence: Acme, N.C 1-WISNER, Mary Jeannette Gardiner (Mrs. Frank G.), } Clinton, Ia., Aug. 21, 1875. 9-Lion Gardiner (qv); 8—David (1636-89), 1st child born of English par- ents in Conn.; m 1657, Mary Leringman, widow; 7—-Lion (d 1723); 6—Lion (1688-1781), m 1720/21, Hannah Merry (d 1774; John’; Cornelius®, from Ireland); 5—Jeremiah (1727/28-1815), m 1st, 1750, Mary Parsons (bap. as -1771; Samuel’, m Hannah Baker; Tho Tanne, (1764-1858), m 2d, Sarah (Hodge) Schuyler (1789-1869 ; Reuben Hodge, m Amy Haven); 3-Stimson Brockway, lumber mfr. (1819-1903), Clinton, Ia.; m 1844, Nancy Bonney, Penn Yan, N.Y. (Jethrot, m Abigail, dau. of Cornelius Genung, Am. Rev.). 2Dau. of Silas Wright Gardiner (1846-1907), b Carroll Co., Ill., reared at Penn Yan, A lived at Clinton, Ia.; m 1870, Louisa Catherine 330 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Henkel (b 1850), lineal descendent of Rev. Anthony Jacob Henkel, known in history as Rev. Gerhart Henkel, an exiled Lutheran cler- Zyman who came from Germany to Pa., 1717, one of the founders of his church in America; issue: I—Philip Stimson (b 1872; m Margaret Eleanor Hench); II—Elizabeth Louisa (b 1873; m Arthur John Cox); IlI-Mary Jeannette (above); IV—Charlotte Margaret (b 1888; m George Duryee Hulst). IlI-m Sept. 28, 1897, Frank George Wisner, 0 Clinton, Ia., Mar. 5, 1873; lumber mfr., pres. First Nat. Bank, Laurel, Miss., etc.; son of George E. D. Wisner, of Clinton, m Mary Eliz- abeth Henpel; issue (all 6 Laurel, Miss.): 1— George Brockway (Feb. 22, 1899-Apr. 30, 1900); 2—Elizabeth Gardiner, b May 28, 1903; grad. Nat. Cathedral Sch. and Smith Coll., ’24; m Sept. 28, 1925, Alexander Field Chisholm; 3—Louise Gardiner (Jan. 1, 1907-Mar. 17, 1908); 4-Frank Gardiner, b June 23, 1909. Mem CoD A., D.ALR., Y.W.GC.A.,, ete: lian. Residence: Laurel, Miss. 1-WITHERS, Robert Edwin, }) Danville, Va., Mar. 18, 1865. 7-John Withers (d 1698), from Eng. about the middle of the 17th Century and settled in Staf- ford Co., Va.; and thru his cousin (2): 6—William; 5-Thomas; 4—Enoch Keane, officer Am. Rev.; m Janet Chinn (Thomas) ; 3—-Dr. Robert Walter, m Susan Dabney Alexander (Robert*; Robert®; William*®; Thomas’). 8-Joseph Royall (1600-58), from Eng. in the “Charitie,”’ to Jamestown, Va., 1622; m 3d, ca. 1645, Katherine Banks; 7-Capt. Joseph (1646-1732), m before 1681/82, Mary Eppes (Col. Francis®, m Elizabeth [Littleber- ry] Worsham); 6—Joseph (6 1681), m Elizabeth Kennon; 5—-John, m Blizabeth Worsham; 4—John, m Elizabeth Townes; 3—-Joseph Edwin, m Mary Elizabeth Gwatkin. 2-Son of Robert Enoch Withers, M.D. (1821-1997), SradmsU Via ts COl sloth her ta G. SeAcmelG: gov. of Va., 1873; U.S. senator, 1875-81: Am. con- sul at Hong Kong, 1885-89; m 1846, Mary Vir- ginia Royall (1827-1901); issue: I-Elizabeth Royall (6 1846; m Dr. E. Lewis Carter); II— Susan Dabney (1848-1924; m Henry S. Williams); III—Alice Chinn (1850-92; m Edmond Pendleton Goggin); IV—Jennett Ann (b 1851; m Henry Cook; m 2d, Maj. Waller Massie Boyd): V— Josephine (b 1854; m John T. Read); VI-—Kate Massie (1856-1911; m G. Woodville Smith); VII— Betty Ellison (1858-1918; m Stephen Putney); VIII-Willie Clare (b 1859); IX—Virginia Seces- sia (6 1861; m John Y. Terry); X—Robert Edwin (above). X-m June 2, 1892, Mary Cloyd Kent, Bb Wythe- ville, Va., 1868; dau. of Robert Craig Kent, of Wythe Co., Va.; issue: 1-Robert Edwin, MJr., b Wytheville, Va., June 1, 1894; U. Pittsburgh; 2-Kent Cloyd, 6 Parnassus, Pa., Dec. 28, 1910. Grad. V.M.I., ’85 (Sigma Chi). Am. vice and dep. consul at Hong Kong, 1886-90. Treas. since 1898, also v.p. since 1919, of Aluminum Co. of Amer- ica. Clubs: Duquesne, University, Oakmont Country. Summer place: Wytheville, Va. Residence: 924 Aiken Av., Pittsburgh, Pa. ahah Eric Fisher, ) New York, N.Y., Jan. 10-William Wood (b 1582), from Eng. to Concord, Mass., 1638; . 9—Michael (d 1674), m Mary-; 8-Abraham (b 1660), m Sarah Knight; 7—Abraham (b 1684), m Hannah Browne; 6—-Nathan (6 1723), m Rebecca Haynes; 5—-Abel (b 1755), m Phebe Holden; 4-Benjamin Franklin (6b 1791), m Lucinda Mer- riam; 3—Abel (b 1818), m Sarah Ann Patten. ll—William Brewster (qv); 10-Jonathan (1593-1659), m 1624, Lucretia Oldham; 9-Mary (b 1627), m 1645, John Turner (Hum- phrey”) ; 8-Benjamin (6b 1660), m Elizabeth Hawkins; 7-Benjamin (6 1698), m Mary Turner; 6—Mercy (b 1738), m Benjamin Stetson (b 1736), of Scituate, Mass.; 5—-Fanny (b 1775), m James Bradburn (b 1777), of Beverly, Mass.; EXpiscopa- 4-anny (b 1798), m Albigence W. Fisher () 1794), of Lowell, Mass.; , 3—-Waldo A. (6 1822), of Cleveland, O.; m Angelina Hawes (6 1827). 2—-Only child of William Benjamin Wood, m 1886, Frances Fisher. M Apr. 20, 1918, Baroness Vera de Ropp, 0 N.Y. City, July 30, 1894; dau. of Baron Alfred de Ropp, of Russia, m Elizabeth Annesley Mor- ton (g.g.g.dau. of John Morton, a “signer’’); issue: 1—Hric Fisher, Jr., b Los Angeles, Jan. 25, 1919; 2-Eleanor Morton, b Pittsburgh, Pa., May 19, 1921; 3-Peter de Ropp, b Pittsburgh, Nov. 9, 1922. Ph.B., Yale-S., ’10, B.A., 711; studied Columbia U. Sch. of Architecture, and Eceole de Beaux Arts, Paris. Mem. firm of Eric Fisher Wood & Co., architects, Pittsburgh. Author (See Who’s Who in America). Served as civil attaché, Am. Embassy, Paris, 1914; officer Am. Ambu- lance Corps in France, 1915; maj., British Army, 1917; wounded in Battle of Arras; maj., U.S.N.A., Aug. 1917, and asst. chief of staff, 838d Div.; lt. col., G.S., asst. chief of staff, 88th Div.; wounded in Meuse-Argonne. Lt. col., 176th U.S.F.A.. Jan. 1920; col., 107th U.S.F.A.,; Nov. 1923. Awarded Croix de Guerre, Medaille d’Honneur; Officer de la Legion d’Honneur. Mem. S.C.W. (73 ancestors). Clubs: Yale (New York), Duquesne, Allegheny Country (Pitts- burgh). Residence: 6652 Ridgeville St., Pitts- burgh, Pa. 1-WOOD, Richard Gilpin, Jr., b McKeesport, Pa., Aug. 17, 1887. 7-James Wood, from Ireland to Gwynedd, Pa., ca. 1725; m Catherine Davis; 6—John, m Elizabeth-; 5-James, m Tacy Thomas; 4-Alan (1800-81), a pioneer iron mfr. of Phila.; propr. Conshohocken Rolling Mills and Dela- ware Iron Works; m Ann Hunter Dewees: 3-Waters Dewees (1826-99), pres. W. Dewees Wood Co., iron mfrs.; m 1847, Rosalind Howell Gil- pin (Richard B.4, of Phila.). 8-William Dewees (b 1677), from Holland to New York, 1688, removed to Germantown, Pa., where he established a paper mill, 1710; 7—William (1712-77), sheriff of Phila., Pa., 1732: 6—-Col. William (d 1782), served in Pa. militia in Am. Rev., owner of the farm upon which Val- ley Forge is located; m Sarah Waters; 5-Waters, m Ann Hunter; 4-Ann Hunter, m Alan Wood (4 above). 2—-Son of Richard Gilpin Wood (0 1849), chmn. bd. Alan Wood Iron & Steel Co., Phila.; m Mary Louise McFarren. M June 12, 1909, Helen Devotion, dau. of Charles Clucas, of Far Hills, N.J., and N.Y. City; issue (all b Bryn Mawr, Pa.): 1-Helen Elise, 6 Mar. 18, 1913; 2-Mary Louise, b Feb. 8, 1916; 3-Richard Gilpin, 3d, b May 11, 1917. Yale, ex-’10 (Book and Snake). Megr., Alan Wood Iron & Steel Co., Conshohocken, Pa. Clubs: Yale, Racquet, Radnor Hunt, Merion Cricket. Residence: Bryn Mawr, Pa. 1-WOOD, Mary Ethel Eldridge (Mrs. William R.), b N.Y. City, Aug. 25, 1862. 8-William Eldridge, was at Yarmouth, Mass., 1645/46; m Ann Lumkin (d 1676; William®, from Exng., 1637); aa (d 1705/06), m 1680/81, Keziah Taylor (d 6—John (6 1692/93), m 2d, 1722, Sarah Howes; 5—-Samuel (b 1726), m Sarah-; 4-Eli (6 1756), m Rebecca Howland; 3-John (b 1783), m Sarah Kellogg. 9-John Howland (qv); 8—John (b 1627), m 1651, Mary Lee (Robert®); 7-Shobal (b 1672), m 1700, Mercy Blossom; 6-Jabez (b 1701), m 1727, Elizabeth Pasifull: 5—James (b 1729), m Rebecca Hall: 4—Rebecca (1757-1827), m Eli Eldridge (4 above). 2-Dau. of Orlando W. Eldridge (1822-89), commis- sion merchant; m 1847, Harriet McGlauchlin (1818-97); issue: I—Millard F. (1849-1925: m Ada- line R. Crocker); II—Permelia D. (1853-1906; m William T. Cooley; m 2d, Elson T. Osborne); III—Dwight S. (1853-1918; m Isabel Irving); IV— John H. (1857-78): V—Mary Ethel (above). V—m June 1, 1892, William Robert Wood (Apr. 21, 1860-Feb. 14, 1904); Bapt. minister; son of Matthew Wood, from Scotland to Can.: issue: 1—Gordon Blake, 6 Chicago, Ill., Apr. 21, 1893; U. Mo.; pvt., Signal Corps, and 2d It., Avia- FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 331 tion Sect., U.S.A., July 1917-Jan. 1919; m June 28, 1921, Ruth, dau. of William Frederick Rode- kopf, of Kansas City (issue: Robert Gordon; Marilyn Ruth); 2-Roberta Virginia, b Chicago, Nov. 22, 1894; U. of N.M. Sec. United Charities of Galveston since 1914. Residence: Galveston, Tex. 1-WOODBURY, Ida Sumner Vose (Mrs. Clinton A.), 6 Dennysville, Me., Dec. 14, 1854. 9-Robert Vose (1599-1683), from Eng. to Milton, Mass., 1683; 8-Thomas (1641-1708), m Waitstill Wyatt (d 1708- aet. 84); 7—Henry (1663-1752), m Elizabeth Babcock; 6—Robert (b 1693), m 1721, Abigail Sumner; 5-Thomas, m Mary Tucker; 4-Thomas, m Mehitable Hayden; 3—Peter Thacher, m Lydia Cushing Buck. 2-Dau. of Peter Ebenezer Vose (1820-99), mer- chant, lumber mfr.; genealogist and historian: m 1847, Lydia Kilby (1822-96); issue: I—Mary Matilda (6 1848; m Edmund B. Sheahan, 18#- 1919); II—John Thacher’ (b 1853; m Lizzie E. Mack); IlI-Ida Sumner (above); IV—Lydia Caroline (b 1860; m William B. Johnson). IlI-m Clinton Aaron Woodbury (Dec. 4, 1851-Sept. 29, 1894); son of Aaron Woodbury, m Sarah Lewis (desc. John Howland, qv); issue: 1—Car] Vose, b Skowhegan, Me., Aug. 18, 1877; Bowdoin. 99; prof. physics, Norwich U.; m June 17, 1903. Ella Frances, dau. of George H. Lovell (issue: Doris; Olga; Claire; Ida Vose); 2—Donald Clin- ton (Sept. 30, 1879-Aug. 28, 1881); 3-Malcolm Sumner (Mar. 27, 1881-Jan. 6, 1920); A.B., Bow- doin, ’03; M.D., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1906; 1 June 7, 1911, Stella, dau. of Alden Baker (issue: Margaret; Alden; Emily; Elizabeth): 4-Ruth Lincoln, 6 Feb. 25, 1889; kindergarten principal, Auburndale, Mass. Author, lecturer on historical, patriotie and lit- erary subjects. Field sec. Am. Missionary Assn., 1855-1920 (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. D.A.R., etc. Summer place: Dennysville. Me. Residence: 217 Coyle St., Portland, Me. 1-WOODMAN, Edward, !) Mineral Point, Wis., Oct. 5, 1855. §-Edward Woodman (1612-914), from Eng. to New- bury, Mass., 1635; dep. Gen. Ct.; m Joanna-—; 7—Joshua (1636-1703), m 1666, Elizabeth Stevens (d 1714; Capt. John’); (—-Beniamin (1683-1748), m Elizabeth Longfellow (William’); 5-Joseph (1715-96), m 1739, Catherine Smith (6 1721: Isaac®, m Mary-); 4-Joseph (d 1824), m 1773, Abigail Woodsum (bap. 1755; Michael’, m 1749, Elizabeth Dyer); 38—Joseph (1783-1857), m 1st, 1813, Susanna Coffin (d 1833; Rev. Paul’). 5-Daniel Thompson, killed on the retreat of the enemy from Concord, Apr. 19, 1775, by a grena- dier, who shot him as he was reloading his gun; m Phebe Snow; 4-Isaac S., m Charlotte Hay; 3—Phebe (1789-1865), m Ephraim Flint (1782-1865), of Baldwin, Me. 2-Son of Cyrus Woodman (1814-89), lawyer, banker; m 1842, Charlotte Flint (1814-1907); issue: I-Mary (6b 1842); Il—-Frank (1844-45); IlI—-Frank (1846-1918; m Nannie Maria Cotton); IV—Walter (1849-50); V—-Walter (b 1852; m Mary E. Weston: m 2d, Anna Cora Cutler); VI-Edward (above). ViI-m Oct. 24, 1888, Caroline Bowers, 0B Lynn, Mass., Oct. 4, 1856; dau. of Wilder T. Bowers, of Lynn; issue (all b Portland, Me.): 1-Hannah. b July 31, 1884; Y.M.C.A. work in France and Germany during World War; 2-Paul, b Sept. 19, 188; A.B., Harvard, ’08: m Nov. 18, 1915, Katharine Stuart Cramer (issue: Edward, ITI. b 1916; Caroline, b 1919; Stuart Cramer, b 1920); 3-Edward (Dec. 31, 1888-Jan. 20, 1914). Studied at Robert Coll., Constantinople, and at Athens, Greece; A.B., Harvard, ’77, A.M., 1879, LL.B., 1881. Admitted to bar, 1881, and since in practice at Portland, Me.; v.p. Western Rys. & Light Co.; dir. Ill. Traction Co., Canal Nat. Bank; trustee Portland Savings Bank, etc. Clubs: University (New York), Union (Boston), Cumberland, Portland Country, ete. Summer place: Mountain Lake Club, Lake Wales, Fla. Residence: 75 Vaughan St., Portland, Me. 1-JUNKIN, Francis Thomas Anderson, } Fall- ing Spring, Rockbridge Co., Va., Feb. 3, 1884. 5-Joseph Junkin (d 1777), from Ireland to New Castle, Del., 1742; settled in Cumberland Co., Pa.; m Elizabeth Wallace (John*, of York Co., ietie 4—Joseph (1750-ca. 1825), officer Am. Rev.: m Elinor Cochrane (John, of Franklin Co., Pa.); 3-George, D.D., LL.D. (1790-1868), founder and pres. Lafayette Coll. and of Miami U.; pres. Washington Coll. (now Washington and Lee U.); m Julia Rush Miller (1795-1854; John‘, of Phila., m Margaret, dau. of the Laird of New- ton, of “Newton,” nr. Hawick, Scotland). 5-Robert Anderson (ca. 1733-1825; son of Robert, of Parish of Killagarven, Co. Donegal, Ireland, m Miss Graham), went from Ireland to West Indies, thence to Phila., Pa., 1755; later settled in Augusta Co., Va.; m Margaret Neely (1738- 1810), of Md.; 4—Col. William (1764-1839), of ““Walnut Hill,” Bote- tourt Co., Va.; capt. at age 15 in Am. Rev.; col. War 1812; repeatedly mem. Va. Assembly; presiding justice Botetourt Co. Ct.; m Anne Thomas _ (1770-1848; Francis5, ‘“Montvue,” nr. Frederick, Md., m Grace Metcalf); 3-Francis Thomas (1808-87), of “Glenwood,” on James River, Va.; judge Supreme Ct. Appeals of Va., 1870-82; rector Washington and Lee U.; m Mary Ann Alexander. 9-Capt. John Aylett, cavalier (son of Sir Ben- jamin, high sheriff of Essex), fled from Eng., 1656, after the Battle of Worcester, and settled on the Northern Neck of Va., m Ann-; 8-Philip (b 1658), founded the family seat “Fair- field,” King “William Co., Va.;: 7-Col. William, of “Fairfield”; burgess, 1723-26; vestryman St. John’s Parish, 1731; m Anne (said to be Taylor or Tayloe); 6—-Philip, clk. King William Co., m 1st, Martha Dandridge; 5-Col. William (1743-80), burgess, mem. Va. Conv. of 1775-76, dep. com. gen. of forces in Va., later com. gen. Southern Dept., m 1766, Mary Macon; 4-Anne Dandridge (1778-1818), m Andrew Alex- ander (1768-1844), of ‘Liberty Hall,” Rockbridge Co., Va. (William® [1738-96], m Agnes Ann, dau. of Andrew Reid, of Augusta Co., Va.: Archi- bald® [6 1708], from Ireland to Phila., Pa., 1737, 332 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY thence to Rockbridge Co., Va.; desc. Earl of Stirling); 3—Mary Ann (1806-81), m Francis Thomas Ander- son (3 above). Q C 10-Hon. Col. John West (1590-1659; son of Sir Thomas, II Lord Delaware, and dese. William the Conqueror, m Anne Knollys, dese. Ed- ward I), B.A., Magdalen, Oxon, 1613; mem. Colonial Council of Va., 1630-59; gov. and capt.- gen. of Va.; m Anne-; 9-Col. John (1633-91), of ““West Point,” Va., sr. justice Colonial Gen. Ct.; burgess; m Unity Croshaw (Maj. Joseph"); 8-Capt. Nathaniel (ca. 1655-1723/24), of ‘West Point’; burgess; m Martha-, widow of Hon. Gideon Macon; 7-Unity, m ca. 1719, Capt. William Dandridge (d 1748), capt. R.N.; of ‘“Elsing Green,” King Wil- liam Co., Va. (brother of Col. John, whose dau. Martha, m 2d, Gen. George Washington); 6—-Martha (1721-47), m Philip Aylett (6 above). 2-Son of William Finney Junkin, D.D., LL.D. (1831-1900), m Anna Aylett Anderson (1833-1911); issue: I-Mary Evelyn (6 1856; m Lawrence Rust, LL.D., 1851-95; m 2d, Edward West Nich- ols); II—Julia Irvin (1859-93; m Louis Ravenel); IlI—Anne Dandridge (Mrs. John Gallatin Pax- ton, See Vol. 1, p. 762); I[V—-Francis Thomas Anderson (above); V—Elinor Jackson (b 1867; m Lewis Berkeley Cox, d 1901; m 2d, John Hol- laday Latané); VI—Isabelle Spotswood (1869-87) ; VII—William Dandridge Alexander (b 1875). IV—m Apr. 30, 1913, Emily Sprague (Hutchinson) Crane, b Johnstown, N.Y., Sept. 12, 1869; dau. of Dillon Beebe Hutchinson, m Emily Sprague Stewart. A.B., Kenyon, ’84, A.M., 1890; LL.B., Columbia, 1887; (LL.D., Kenyon and Washington and Lee, 1913). Lawyer, retired (See Who’s Who in America). Lt. col. U.S.A., World War service, assigned to Board of Contract Adjustment, P., S. and T. Div. of the General Staff. Mem. S.C.W., S.C., ete. Summer place: “Jersey- hurst,’ Lake Geneva, Wis. Residence: Chi- cago, Ill., and Washington, D.C. Ahead Harry Fowler, b Cincinnati, O., Mar. 4-William Woods (1760-1825), from Carragallan, Co. Leitrim, Ireland, to Baltimore, Md., 1785; merchant and shipowner over 40 yrs.; mem. M.E. Ch.; m 1787, Mary Haggart (d 1798), from Scotland; 8—-William Hawkins (1794-1821), 3d and 2d Ilt., Ist Arty., 3d Brig., of Md.; mason; m 1814, Mary Ann Kent (1799-1855), who m 2d, 1833, William Disney, of Cincinnati. 4—Morris Sharp, m Elizabeth Stagg; 3—John (b 1799), merchant, Cincinnati; m 1821, Nancy Martin (1799-1832; John‘, m Elizabeth-). 2-Son of William Woods (1817-1902), settled at Cincinnati, 1889; pres. Chatfield & Woods Co.; m 1841, Elizabeth Martin Sharp (1822-85); issue: T—Mary Ella (1845-1908; m 1876, William Plankin- ton, of Milwaukee, Wis.); II—John Sharp (1846- 1911; m 1865, Susan L. B. Ball); IlI—-William Hawkins (1848-1922); I1V—Sarah Caroline (1851- 1911; m 1885, William M. Wilson); V—Harry Fowler (above); VI—Lizzie (b 1862; m 1902, Wil- mot J. Hall). V-m Nov. 25, 1890, Katharine Longworth Ander- son (qv for issue). Pres. Chatfield & Woods Co., The Chatfield & Woods Sack Co., v.p. Chatfield Mfg. Co., Se- curity Storage Co. Trustee Children’s Home of Cincinnati; treas. Cincinnati Museum Assn. Clubs: Queen City, Cincinnati Golf, Cincinnati Country, Cincinnati Automobile, The Pillars, Cincinnati Athletic, Adirondack League. Sum- mer place: Bisby Lake, N.Y. Residence: 2519 Grandin Rd., Cincinnati, O. 1-WOODS, Katharine Longworth Anderson (Mrs. Harry F.), 6 Cincinnati, O., Nov. 30, 1870. 8-Richard Anderson, Gloucester Co., Va., 1662; 7—Robert (ca. 1644-1712), m Cecilia Massie; 6—Robert (d 1716), of New Kent Co., Va.; m Mary Overton (William’); 5—Robert (1712-92), of ‘Goldmine,’ Hanover Co., Va.; m 1739, Elizabeth Clough (Richard®); 4—-Col. Richard Clough (1750-1826), It. col. 3d Va., Cont. Line; brig. gen. militia; first surveyor gen. of western lands; settled at ‘“‘Soldiers Re- treat,” nr. Louisville, Ky.; m 2d, 1797, Sarah Marshall (b 1779; William®, of Caroline Co., Va., and Henry Co., Ky., a cousin of Chief Justice John Marshall); 3—Larz (1803-78), m 2d, Catharine Longworth (Nicholas, philanthropist and first millionaire of the west, Cincinnati, O.). 4-Little Bury Fore (1767-1853), of Prince Edward Co., Va.; m Mary Gwynne; 3-Pryor Gwynne (1812-75), physician, Cincinnati; m Emmaline Moore (Augustust, m Kezia Miller). 2-Dau. of Edward Lowell Anderson (1842-1916), lawyer and author Cincinnati; lt. and capt. U.S.V., 1862-65; m 1865, Mary Fore (6 1844); issue: I-Pryor (b 1867); II-Katharine Longworth (above). II-m Nov. 25, 1890, Harry Fowler Woods (qv); issue (all b Cincinnati): 1-Mary Anderson, 0b Nov. 21, 1891; m Feb. 3, 1917, John Ledyard Mitchell (issue: Joanna Mary; Katharine Rosalie; Angela); 2-Dorothy, b July 25, 1895; m June 11, 1919, Hugh Whittaker (issue: Henry Woods; Katherine; Dorothy; David); 3-Bea- trice, b July 25, 18—; 4-Edward Anderson, BD Dec. 11, 1896; Yale, ex-’20; U. Va., ex-’21. Mem. C.D.A. Residence: 2519 Grandin Rd., Cin- cinnati, O. 1-WOODWARD, Van Lear, July 24, 1890. 10-Richard Woodward (qv); 9—George (1621-76), m Mary— (d 1686); 8-John (1649-1732), m Rebecca Robbins (d 1695/96); 7—Daniel (b 1681), m 1704, Elizabeth Greely; 6—Jonas (b 1711), m 1734, Mary Cook; 5-Soloman, m 1762, Priscilla Holmes; 4-Josiah (1766-1848), m 1800, Hesiah Collister; 3—Isaac (1810-83), m 1835, Cynthia Stanley Hatstat. 6é—John Van Lear, of Williamsport, Md.; maj. of arty. in Am. Rev.; 5-Mary, m William McMahon; 4-Mary, m William Rianhard; 3—John V. L. (1830-99), m Adelaide Locke (1830-95). 2-Son of Arthur Stanley Woodward (1856-92), mfr.; m 1881, Mary Rianhard (1856-1902); issue: I—Jeannette Rianhard (b 1882); II—Louise Clin- ton (b 1884; m Frank P. Ball; m 2d, Myron G. Doll); I1I-Stanley (b 1886; m Anne Laurie); IV— Van Lear (above). TV—m Oct. 21, 1911, Eda Lefferts Perry, b 1890; dau. of William S. Perry; issue: 1-Mary Rianhard, b Monmouth Beach, N.J., July 30, 1912; 2—Nina Perry, 6 New Brighton, N.Y., Feb. 16, 1915; 3— Van Lear, Jr., b New Brighton, Sept. 23, 1918. Hd. Hackley Sch., Tarrytown, N.Y. Managing official of exporting, importing and chem. mfg. business. Mem. Co. K, 7th Regt., N.G.N.Y., 1908-14 and since 1917, now capt. Clubs: City (New York), Richmond County Country. Sum- mer place: “Vanidah Manor,” High Falls, N.Y. eel 68 Davis Av., West New Brighton, habe th rete t A, George Muirson, }) N.Y. City, Aug. 8-George (Joris) Woolsey (qv); 7-Capt. George (1652-1740), m Hannah Van Zandt; 6-Rev. Benjamin (1687-1757), B.A., Yale, 1709; m 1714, Abigail Taylor (1695-1771; John’, m Mary, dau. of Maj. Daniel Whitehead, of Oyster Bay, N.Y., m Abigail Stevenson); 5-Benjamin (1720-71), B.A., Yale, 1744; m 2d, 1757, Ann Muirson (1787-1807; Dr. George’, m his first cousin, Anna Smith [both grandchildren of Col. William Smith, 1655-1705, gov. of Tan- giers]; Rev. George’, from Eng. ca. 1702); 4—George Muirson (1772-1851), m Jane Abby; Pama John (1803-73), m Emily Phillips Aspin- wall. 2-Son of Edward John Woolsey (1841-95), mer- chant, New York; m 1870, Frances Marvin Smythe (d 1892); issue: I-—George Muirson (above); II—Edward John (b 1878). I—m Feb. 16, 1901, Esther Morris Hunt (Sept. 9, 1876-Oct. 19, 1901); dau. of Richard Morris Hunt, of New York, and Newport, R.I. Columbia School of Mines, ’94 (Delta Phi). Banker and broker. Asst. to chmn., N.Y. Co. Chapter of A.R.C. Sec. St. Nicholas Soc. Clubs: St. James (London), Knickerbocker, b Quincy, Mass., Racquet and Tennis. Residence: 1 E. 35th St., New York. 1-WORTHINGTON, George, } Cleveland, O., Aug. 8, 1854. 7-Nicholas Worthington (d 1683), from Eng. to Saybrook, Conn., 1649-50; settled at Hatfield. FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 333 Mass.; m ist, ca. 1668, Sara (Bunce) White (d 1676; Thomas. Bunce); 6-William (1670-1753), of Hartford, Conn.; m 1693/ 1694, Mehitable (Graves) Morton (1671- 1742; Isaac Graves’, of Hatfield); 5-Elijah (1710-64), m 17388, Mary Welles, of. Col- chester, Conn.; 4-John (1744-88), of Colchester; m 1770, Abigail Wright (1746-95; Dudley®, of Colchester, 1st lt. Dudlen m Dimmis Lomis; Joseph*, m Mary u 3—Ralph (1778-1828), settled at Cooperstown, N.Y., ca. 1802; m 1808, Clarissa Clark (1784-1871; Jerome’, m Anna Pinnéo). 2-—George Worthington (1813-71), settled at Cleve- land, O., 1835; founder The George Worthington Co., and First Nat. Bank of Cleveland; m 1840, Marie Cushman Blackmer (1817-1902); issue: I- Ralph (0b 1841); II—Abigail Maria (m George Hoyt); IlI-Mary Beadle (m Clark Irving Butts); IV—Clarissa Clark (m Willis Benjamin Hale); V—George (above); VI—Alice (m Martin James Pendleton). V—m Oct. 12, 1880, Lily Marie Smith (June 21, 1857- June 30, 1921); dau. of J. Wesley Smith, m Alice Downer; issue: 1—George, III, } Cleveland, O., July 10, 1890; Yale, 713; m June 14, 1917, Madeleine Constance, dau. of Warren Herbert Fiske (is- sue: George, IV, b Mar. 20, 1918). les ex-’77 (Psi U.). Retired. Author. Mem. S.M.D., S.C.W. Clubs: Union, Country (Cleve- land), ‘Mt. Anthony Country (Bennington, Vt.). Residence: ‘‘Worthlea,’’ Old Bennington, Vt. PNP homered Henry F., 6 Chicago, Ill., Mar. 12, 1863. 8-Francis Wyman (1617-19-1699; son of Francis, of West Mill, Herts Co., Eng.), from Eng., set- Reedy” Woburn, Mass., 1640; m 2d, 1650, Abigail ee 7-Timothy (1661-1709), m Hannah-; ee (6 1695), of Billerica, Dracut and Pel- ha revi (1732-67), of Pelham, N.H.; m 1760, Patience Webber; 4—Levi (1761-1844), Am. Rev.; m Dorothy Wells; 38-William Wells (1800-64), m 1826, Emeline Tupper. 9Thomas Tupper (qv); 8—Capt. Thomas (1638-1706), mem. council of war: town clk.; selectman 14 yrs.; rep. Gen. Ct.; m Martha Mayhew (Gov. Thomas’, qv); 7—-Dea. Israel (1666-1745), mem. Mass. Senate 10 yrs.; m 1704, Elizabeth Bacon (Nathaniel’, of Barnstable); 6—-Samuel (1692-1772), mem. Senate 17 yrs.; select- man 19 yrs.; m 2d, 1726, Hannah Fish; 5-Israel (1744-1817), m 1770, Deborah Tobey; 4-Israel (1781-1854), of Potsdam and Canton, N.Y.; m 1803, Polly Parmeter; s-Hmeling (1807-48), m 1826, William Wells Wyman (3 above 5-George (Fieck) Fake 1735-37-1821; son of Johann Georg, of Brunswick, Germany), from Ger- many to N.Y. State, 17538; Am. Rev.; m Maria Elizabeth Lohnes; eee, (1766-1856, or 18607), m Catherine Snyder 8—-Henry (1806-84), m 1836, Elmira Fellows. 2-Son of Albert Uriah Wyman (1833-1915), was 12th and 14th treasurer of the U.S.; m 1860, Har- riet Catherine Fake (1838-76); m 2d, 1877, Mrs. Margaret T. Roosa (d 1922); issue (ist? mar- riage): I-Henry F. (above); II-William Tupper (1865-1923; m’ Mabel Grey Orchard); (2d mar- riage): Il1I—Helene (6 1878; m Capt. William S. Neely, U.S.A.). we abe 26, 1894, Clara Margaret Brown (qv for ssue). Real estate investments. Clubs: Omaha, Omaha Country, Omaha Athletic. Address: 503 Keeline Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 1-WYMAN, Clara Margaret Brown (Mrs. Henry F.), b Omaha, Neb., Aug. 8, 1866. 8-Thomas Brown (1628-93; son of Nicholas, m Jane Leids, of Inkborrow, Worcestershire, Eng.), m Mary Newhall; 7-Eleazer (1670-1734), m 1698, Ann Pendleton; 6-James (1696-1750), m 1718, Elizabeth Randall; 5-Joshua (b 1740), m 1761, Joanna Rogers; 4—-Adam (1772-1845), m Susannah Morey; 8—Randall A. (1804-84), m 1827, Margaret Sweet. 2-Dau. of James Jay Brown (1832-1901), m 1865, Missouri Kenedy; issue: I-Clara Margaret (above); II-Randall Kenedy (b 1869); I1I-James Jay (1872-96); IV—Charles H. (1875-1916); .V— Jeanie D. (6 1877; m J. Dan Lauer). I-m June 26, 1894, Henry F. Wyman (qv); issue: 1—James Brown, 6 Omaha, Neb., Jan. 15, 1898; McLee seoss 2—Margaret Woodney, b Omaha, Mar. 3, 1906. Mem. C.D.A. Residence: Blackstone Hotel, Omaha, Neb. 1-YARNALL, Zachariah Sprigg (Oct. 25, 1847- Nov. 26, 1902). 6—Francis Yarnall (d 1721), Quaker, from Eng. to Edgemont, nr. Phila., Pa., 1683; mem. Pa. As- sembly; m Hannah Baker; 5—-Mordecai (b 1705), m 2d, 1745, Mary Roberts; 4—~Mordecai (1747-1811), m 1780, Phoebe Joliffe (their son Commodore John Joliffe Yarnall, U.S.N., of Lake Erie fame, War of 1812, awarded Con- gressional Medal and honors and Pa. and Va. state honors; lost on the U.S.S. Epervier in the Atlantic fleet; Destroyer U.S.N. “Yarnall” was named in his honor during late World War); 3-Peter (1786-1868), m 1811, Lucinda Sprigg. 8-Thomas Sprigg (ca. 1630- 1704; brother of Sir John Gordon Sprigg, premier of Cape Colony and mem, Privy Council), came from Eng. to Northampton Co., Va.; later in Md.; high jus- tice of Calvert Co.; 3 m 2d, Eleanor Nuthall (John?®) ; 7-Lt. Col. Thomas (ca. 1670-bet. 1728-39), member Gen. Assembly of Md.; m Margaret Mariarte (Edwards); 6-Thomas (d 1725), m Margery Beall; 5-Thomas (1714-81), m 1787, Blizabeth Galloway (Richard) ; 4-Samuel, 19th gov. of Md., 1819-22; 3-Lucinda (1789-1855), m Peter Yarnall (8 above). 2-Son of John Joliffe Yarnall (1818-1902), entered West Point, 1888; m 1841, Susan Elizabeth Cox (1821-55); issue: I—Mordecai, M.D. (1842- ae Se Eliza Jane (1844-76; m Loisel Papin, M.D., 1898); IlI—James Cox, M.D. (1846-91); IW act ariah Sprigg (above); V—John Joliffe (1850-1900) ; ViI—Robert (1855-56). IV—m Nov. 11, 1885, Elizabeth Hough Sargeant (See Vol. 1, p. 898) ; issue: 1-Mary Lucile (Feb. 20, 1887- 1891) ; 2-Marie Sargeant, b St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 5, 1889; 3-Susan M. (Mrs. Harlow Phelps Donovan, See Vol. 1, p. 898); 4John Joliffe (1893-94). Was prominent mfr., St. Louis, and member clubs at St. Louis and elsewhere. earn es Yarnall Place, Kirkwood, St. Louis O., 1-YORK, Francis Lodowick, b Ontonagon, Mich., Mar. 9, 1861. 7-James York (1614-88), from Eng. to Va. in the “Philip,” 1635; soon after moved to Bain- tree, Mass.; m ca. 1637, Joanna— (d 1685); 6—James (1648-76), m 1669, Deborah Bell (d 1672); 5-Thomas (0b 1676), m ca. 1700, Mary Brown; 4—Bell (b 1725), soldier Am. Rev., name appears on army list as ‘Bill’; m 1747, Ruth Main; a (1770-1861), m "1814, Catherine Collins 6-—John (McAlister, McCollester) Collester (b Scotland, 1696), m Martha-—; 5—-Samuel (1734-1815), m 1756, Mary Marr; 4—-James (1759-1836), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1790, Abigail King Hitchcock; 3—Dr. Samuel (1792-1845), m 1821, Amanda Curtis. 2-Son of Rev. Lodowick Clark York (1817-1907), M.E. minister; prof. mathematics; m 1845, Frances DeGrace Collester (1826-1910); issue: I—Vroncelia Adelaide (b 1847; m Rev. John S. Joslyn); II—Delor Collester (1850-64); IlJ—Bert- howe pee ie (6 1852); IV—Francis Lodowick above IV—m Sept. 6, 1883, Mary Olive Albright (qv); issue: 1-Kate Ethel, b Ann Arbor, Mich., Sept. 7, 1885; m Feb. 1, 1911, Paul Honoré (issue: Paul York, b 1912; Ethel Mary, b 1916); 2—-Satia Frances, b Detroit, Mich., Oct. 8, 1891; m Oct. 15, 1918, Ernest Winfield Osborne, ordnance sgt. throughout World War (issue: Cather- ine Mary, 6 1920; Satia Frances, b 1922); 3-John Francis (d infancy); 4-Leila Dorothea, b De- troit, Feb. 16, 1898. A.B., U. Mich., ’82, A.M., 1888; studied organ and composition with Alex. Guilmant, Paris, 1892, 1898. Dir. Detroit Conservatory of Mu- sic since 1902 and pres. of corpn.; author and editor of mus. publications (See Who’s Who in America). Clubs: Authors (London), 334 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Acanthus, University. Residence: York Place, Royal Oak, Mich. J-YORK, Mary Olive Albright (Mrs. Francis L.), b Brighton, Mich., Nov. 30, 1859, 9-John Wheeler (bap. 1598-d ante Oct. 11, 1670), from Eng. in the “Mary and John,” to Salis- bury, 1634; settled at Hampton, N.H., later at Hssex, Mass.; m 1611, Agnes Yeaman (d 1662); 8—Henry (bap. 1634-1696), m ca. 1658, Abigail Allen; 7—-James (1667-1753), m ca. 1690, Grizel Squire; 6—Col. Philip (1698-1765), m ca. 1720, Martha Sal- isbury; 5-Col. Valentine (1725-91), 1st, 1747, Sarah Goff; 4—Nathaniel (1767-1840), m Anna Read; 8—Olive (1802-35), m 1822, Amos Fowler Albright (1801-90). 2-Dau. of Egbert Fowler Albright (1823-1915), millwright; m 1858, Sarah Cornelia Barnes (1833-82); issue: I—Lillian Frances (1857-1911; m Morris Field); II—Mary Olive (above); III-— Kate Cornelia (m George E. Lawson); [V—Leila Ruth (b 1878). IIl-m Sept. 6, 1888, Francis Lodowick York (qv for issue). Residence: York Place, Royal Oak, Mich. 1-YOUNG, Hugh Hampton, }) San Antonio, Tex., Sept. 18, 1870. 9-Sir John Lamont (of the Clan Lamont, Scot- land), m Miss Young, of Dunbar, Scotland; 8-Andrew (b Scotland), began to write name Andrew Lamont Young; 7-John, of Ballygowan, Houston; 6—-Hugh, from Ireland to Staunton, Va., 1741; m Agness Sittlington, of Ballygowan, Ireland; 5—Capt. John (1787-1824), Augusta Co., Va.; capt. Am. Rev.; m ist, Mary White; 4-Hugh (1772-1818), m Sarah Steele (1780-1848) ; eae ee: (b 1808), m 1st, Frances Gibson 1818-42). 2-Only child of Brig. Gen. William Hugh Young (1838-1901), lawyer; m 1869, Mary Frances Michie Kemper (1843-1911). M June 4, 1901, Bessy Mason Colston (qv for issue). A.B., A.M., U. Va., ’98 (Chi Phi), M.D., 1894 (Nu Sigma Nu); Johns Hopkins, 1894-95. Chief, dept. of urology and urol. surgery, Johns Hopkins Hosp. and U.; clin. prof. urology, Johns Hopkins U.; dir. Brady Urol. Inst. Author (See Who’s Who in America). Served as dir. urology, A.E.F., 1917; sr. consultant in officer Am. Rev.; m Ireland; m Annie same, A.E.F., 1918; col., M.C., U.S.A:, A.E.F. (resigned Jan. 1919). Awarded D.S.M. Clubs: Maryland, Baltimore, Baltimore Country. Residence: Cold Spring Lane and Charles St. Av., Baltimore, Md. 1-YOUNG, Bessy Mason Colston (Mrs. Hugh H.), 6 Baltimore, Md., Sept. 19, 1879. 7-James Colston, from Eng., settled in Talbot Co., Md., purchased “Clay’s Hope”; 6-James (d 1729), m 2d, Elizabeth Bayly (Henry’, m Elizabeth Clements); 5-James (1720-73), m 1743, Alice Orem (1725-1814; Morris®, m Alice—); 4—Jeremiah (1757-1800), m Elizabeth-; 3—Josiah (1795-1870), m Eliza Pendleton Tutt (Charles P.4, m Ann M., dau. of Richard M. Chichester, of Va.). 6-John Campbell, from Scotland to N.C., 1750-60; m Mary Edwards; 5—-Archibald (d 1821), m Rebecca Keith; 4-Col. Duncan Green (1787-1828), m Mary Law- rence Williams; 3—John Archibald (1811-89), grad. U. Ga., 1826; asso. justice Supreme Ct. of U.S., 1853-61: asst. sec. of war of C.S.A., 1861-65; m Anne Esther Goldthwaite. 2-Dau. of Frederick Morgan Colston (b 1835), capt. C.S.A.; banker, Baltimore; m 1868, Clara Campbell; issue: I-Anne Esther (0 1869; m Wil- liam Ellis Coale); II—-Eliza Pendleton (6 1871; m Wyatt W. Randall); Il1I—Mary Ellen (b 1874; m John B. Whitehead); IV—George Anderson (6b 1876; m Eleanor G. Patterson); V—Bessy Mason (above); VI-Frederick Campbell (b 1884); VII- John Archibald Campbell (6 1886). V—-m June 4, 1901, Hugh Hampton Young (qv); issue (all 6b Baltimore, Md.): 1-Frances Kem- per, b May 4, 1902; 2-Frederick Colston, b July 30, 1904; 3-Helen Hampton, b Dec. 5, 1908; 4- Elizabeth Campbell, 6 Oct. 6, 1914. Residence: Cold Spring Lane and Charles Street Av., Baltimore, Md. 1-YOUNG, Laurens Garlington, } Union, S.C., Nov. 10, 1861. 5-Widow Agnes Young, removed from Md. or Culpeper Co., Va., to Laurens, S.C., 1756, with 7 sons all of whom were soldiers in Am. eV.; 4—-William (ca. 1740-1781), m Elizabeth Hunter (sister of John Hunter, U.S. senator from SHGAIE 3—John (1777-1826), m 1804, Sarah Blackaby Maddox (1788-1876; Justinian‘, of Culpeper Co., Va.; m Judith-). 8-Edwin Conway (av); 7-Col. Edwin (1640-44-1698), m Sarah Fleete (Capt. fon mem. Md. Assembly, 1637, burgess, 6—Col. Edwin (1681-1763), burgess; m 1704, Anne Ball (b 1686; Col. Joseph’, of ‘Epping Forest,’ Lancaster Co., Va. m 2d, Mary [Montague] Johnson, and their other dau. Mary, became the mother of George Wash- ington); 5-Elizabeth (b 1705), m 1724, Christopher Garling- ton (whose father came from Eng. ante 1651); 4-Edwin (1746-1823), m 1774, Susan Dickie (6 1755; John®, from Scotland, 1750); 3-John (1784-1866), m 1880, Susan Washington James (1804-80). 8-John Washington (qv); 7-John (6 1663), of Stafford, Va.; 6—-Anne, m John James; 5-John, justice of Stafford Co., Va., 1773; m Anne Strother (Benjamin®, m Mary [Mason] Fitz- hugh, dau. of George Mason, of “Gunston Hall’, author of the Bill of Rights); 4-Benjamin (6b 1768), Am. Rev.; m Jane Stobo (Richard P.5, m Blizabeth-; Rev. Archibald®, m Elizabeth Park); 3-Susan W. (6 1804), m John Garlington (3 above). 2-Son of John Laurens Young (1820-1903), pres. S. & U. RRS Co:shlicut ComAy 18thes:Caint: C.S.A., 1861; m 1857, Susan Jane Garlington (6 1832); issue: I-—Laurens G. (above); II—Mac- beth (b 1863; m 18983, May Bates Cravens, b 1873); IiI—Susan James (6 1865; m 1888, John Langdon Weber); IV—Conway Stobo (1867-99); V—Jean Octavia (b 1872). I-m Nov. 15, 1887, Mamie Hunter, 6 Union, S.C., Jan. 30, 1865; dau. of John Calhoun Hunter, of Union, soldier C.S.A., 1862-65 (James; James’), m Frances Elmira, dau. of Alfred Roe Aughtry; issue (all 6 Union, S.C.): 1-Imo- gene Hunter, Bb Aug. 24, 1889; m Oct. 2, 1912, William Farr Gilliam (issue: William Farr, Jr. b Aug. 18, 1913; Laurens Garlington, b Oct. 28, 1917); 2-Frances Elmira, b Feb. 24, 1891; m Apr. 10, 1917, Marcus Wilson Arthur (issue: Marcus W., Jr., 6 Dec. 18, 1918; Frances, 6 June 8, 1921; Dogan Humphries, 6 Jan. 8, 1926); 3— Mamie Garlington, b Jan. 2, 1894; m Dec. 28, 1921, Bobo Burnett (issue: Mamie, b Oct. 25, 1922); 4— Caroline Gibbes, 6 Mar. 14, 1898; 5-John Laur- pes aN 25, 1899; 6-Calhoun Hunter, b Nov. Ed. Davidson Coll. Civil engineer. Mem. S.A.R. (chapter pres.), Order of Washington. Mason. Residence: Union, S.C. aera ey pyres Macbeth, b Philadelphia, Pa., ct. 8, ; 8-J. Zeller (6 Zurich, Switzerland), whose wid- ow, Lady Clothilde de Valois, a Huguenot, of France, came to America, 1710, with her two sons; lived at Livingstone Manor, N.Y., 1710- 1718, at Schoharie, N.Y., 1718-28; they built a log fort in Lebanon Co., Pa., 1723, on land deeded by Sassoonan, chief of Schuylkill In- dians; present stone Fort Zeller built 1745; 7-Jean Henri (b in France, 1685), served in cam- paign against Canada, 1711; m Anna Maria Preigell (Van Breugel; 6b Holland ca. 1690): 6—-Hartman (06 ca. 1711), served in Indian cam- paign, N.Y. Province, 1763; m 1st, ca. 1738; 5-George (Johan; 1748-post 1785), sgt. in Am. Rev.; m Mary Coleman (b 1750); 4-Jacob (1772-1838), of Phila., Pa.; m Elizabeth Worne (1772-1855; Philip, Sr.°, m Mary Hey); 3-William EB. (1810-72), m Isabella (1812-1900), dau. of Walter Finlay, K.C., M.P., atty. gen. of the Bahamas. 2-Son of Edwin Adrian Zeller (1833-1921), steam- FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 335 ships and insurance; m Catharine Victoria Slater (1838-1920); issue: I-Frank Macbeth (above); IlI-Edwin Adrian (b 1866; m 1892, Caro- line Elizabeth Weston); III—Eliza Isabelle (b 1874; m Edwin Augustus Chasteney). I-Not married. Ed. Central High School, Phila., ’83. Mining engr. and lumber business. Mem. S.R., Huguenot Soc. of Pa., Hist. Soc. of Pa., Ft. Zeller Memorial Soc. (pres.). Sum- mer place: Ft. Zeller, Lebanon Co., Pa. Resi- dence: 1419 N. 12th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1-ZIMMELE, Edith Honeyman (Mrs. Charles batons Oldwick (New Germantown), N.J., Dec. 11-Wolferte Gerretsen Van Cowenhoven (d 1660), from Holland to Albany, N.Y., 1630; moved to New Amsterdam; enrolled among the small burghers, 1657; was granted the earliest pat- ent of land in L.I.; 10-Gerritt Wolfertse (1610-45), magistrate, 1644; m Altai Cornelis Cool; 9—-Neeltje Gerrittsen (1641-72), m 1660, Capt. Roelof Martense Schenck (qv); 8-Gerret Roelof (1671-1745), m ca. 1693, Neeltje Coerten Van Voorhees (1676-1750); 7—Mary (1699-1747), m 1721, Hendrick Smock (1698- 1747; Johannes H.§; Hendrick Matteyse®, from Holland to New Utrecht, 1654); 6—Col. John (1727-1808), 1t. col. in Am. Rev.; m 1747, Elizabeth Conover (1725-1812); 5-Elizabeth (1762-1823), m 1784, Peter Lane (1764- 1819; 4th from Matthys Janse Lanen Van Pelt, from Liege to New Utrecht, 1663); 4-Matthew P. (1789-1870), m 1807, Anna Honnell (1793-1872) ; 3-Mary Ann (1810-36), m 1828, Robert M. Honey- man (1800-73; 24 from John Honeyman, from Eng., 1758, with Gen. James Wolfe; in Battle of Quebec, 1759; settled at Phila.; m Mary Henry). &-Nicholas (Du Prey, Dupuy), Dupue (d 1691), a Huguenot, from Artois, France, 1662; served in militia under Capt. Steinwyck, 1673; settled in New Amsterdam; 7-—Moses; 6—Nicholas, m Weyntjen Roosa; 5-Benjamin (1729-1811), m Catherine Van Campen (Col. Abraham‘, one of the first judges of Sussex Co.); ee nee (1765-1851), m Susanna Hoffman (1771- 3—Jacob (1810-39), m Catherine Stocker. 2-Dau. of Lt. Col. Robert R. Honeyman (1836- 1873), served in 3lst N.J. Vols., Brig. Gen. Paul’s brigade, Gen. James W. Wadsworth’s division, Army of the Potomac; m 1865, Eliz- abeth Depue (1837-1909); issue: I-Edith (above); II—Robert Browne (m Emilie Broadhead); III— Paul Depue (6 1870). I-m Oct. 22, 1890, Charles Frederick Zimmele, } Bethlehem, Pa., June 7, 1866; son of John B. Zimmele, m Julia Wernle, both of Phila., Pa. Mem. C.D.XVIIC., D.R. Residence: 155 Win- throp St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 1-TYNDELL, Charles Noyes, 6 Fall River, Mass., May 2, 1876. Desc. William Tyndale, the martyr, who was burned at the stake in 1532 for his transla- tion of the Holy Bible into English. Also eed connection of the scientist, John Tyn- all. §$—Nicholas Noyes (qv); 8-Cutting (1649-ante 1734), m Elizabeth Knight; 7-Cutting (1676-1757), m Elizabeth Toppan; 6—Jacob (1704-86), m Jane Titcomb; 4—-Joseph (b 1736), m Hannah Knapp: 3—-George Rapall, D.D. (1798-1868), A.B., Harvard, 1818; Hancock prof. Hebrew, Harvard Div. Sch.; eminent theologian and author; m 1828, Eliza Wheeler Buttrick. 9-Maj. Simon Willard (av); 8-Elizabeth (d 1690), m 1658, Robert Blood (d 1701); 7-Elizabeth (1656-1733), m 1677, Samuel Buttrick (1654-1726; William’, came to N.E., 1635, at 18); a eta (1690-1767), m 1718, Elizabeth Wooly 5—Maj. John (1731-91), cdr. of the minutemen of Concord and the action at Concord North Bridge, Apr. 19, 1775; gave the famous order of fire, and himself fired the first shot on the American side in the Revolution; m Abi- gail Jones; 4—-Stephen; 3-Eliza W. (1804-68), m 1828, George Rapall Noyes (3 above). 2-Only child of Rev. Charles Henry Tyndell (1841-1919; son of Charles, who came from Eng., m_ Rebecca Skillman), P.E. priest; m Martha Willson Noyes (1841-1916). M Oct. 3, 1900, Rebecca Holmes Lewis (qv); issue: 1-Cary Noyes, 6 Front Royal, Va., July 21, 1901; m Dec. 18, 1924, Peyton Jacquelin Marshall (qv); 2-Rebecca Holmes, b Win- chester, Va., July 29, 1903. Colgate, ex-’94; grad. Theol. Sem., Alexandria, Va., 1900 (S.T.D., Dickinson, 1922). Deacon, 1900, priest, 1901, P.E. Ch.; rector Christ Ch., Wil- liamsport, Pa., 1914-23, St. Luke’s, Memphis, Tenn., since 1923 (See Who’s Who in America). Depy tor Gens Conv, P.s Chae 19169195 22525: apd gee 19 S. Auburndale Boul., Memphis, enn. I-T'YNDELL, Rebecca Holmes Lewis (Mrs. beh N.), 6 Jefferson Co., W.Va., Jan. 5, 7—-William Lewis, from Wales, settled in North- umberland Co., Va.; 6-Vincent (0 1707), removed to Loudon Co., Va.; m Ann Longwith; cris (1754-1823), m 1775, Elizabeth Berkley (d 4-John Hancock, M.D. (1779-1833), of Loudon Co., Va.; m 1807, Mary Muse (b 1788; Battaile, of Jef- ferson Co., Va., m Margaret Tate); 3-Lt. James Battaile, U.S.N. (1810-73), m 1841, Ann Catherine Hume (1814-83). 6-Gabriel Jones (b Williamsburg, Va., 1724-1806), mem. Va. House of Burgesses; del. Cont. Congress; mem. Va. Conv. of 1788; m 1748, Mar- garet Strother; 5-Capt. Strother (b 1758), on Washington’s staff in Am. Rev.; m 1780, Frances Thornton; 4-William Strother (b 1783), m 1825, Ann Cary Randolph; 3—-Beverley Randolph (1832-1912), m Rebecca J. Tidball. 2-Dau. of Robert Hume Lewis (1843-1912), served in C.S.A., 1861-65; m 1872, Ann Cary Randolph Jones (1859-1908). oh Nae 3, 1900, Charles Noyes Tyndell (qv for issue). Residence: 19 S. Auburndale Boul., Memphis, Tenn. 1I-MARSHALL, Peyton Jacquelin, b Winchester, Va., Feb. 3, 1897. 9-John Marshall (qv); 8-Thomas (1655-1704), m Martha Jane Pendleton; 7—John (1700-52), capt. French and Indian War; m ca, 1722, Elizabeth Markham (1704-75; John§, of Eng. and Va.); 6—Thomas (17380-1802), officer French and Indian War and Am. Rev.; burgess; m Mary Ran- dolph Keith; 5-John (1755-1835), officer Cont. Army; Sec. of State, 1800, in Cabinet of President Adams; Chief Justice of U.S., 1801-35; m Mary Wills Ambler (Jacquelin®, treas. of Va.); 4—Dr. Jacquelin A. (1787-1852), m Eliza L. S. Clarkson; Bape Bee A. (6 1829), m Rebecca P. Marshall (b 1833). 9-William Randolph (qv); 8-Thomas (06 1683), of “Tuckahoe”; Fleming; 7—Mary Isham, m Rev. James Keith (qv): nba (1787-1809), m Thomas Marshall (6 above). 2-Son of William Clarkson Marshall (1863-1924), of Winchester, Va.; m 1885, Lucy Meredith (b 1863); issue: I-Rev. William Clarkson, Jr. (b 1887; m Wistar Craighill); II-Mary Meredith (6 1889; m Dr. Hugh McCulloch); III—Peyton Jacquelin (above). : III-m Dec. 18, 1924, Cary Noyes Tyndell, } Front Royal, Va., July 21, 1901; dau. of Charles Noyes Tyndell (qv for genealogy). : Ed. V.M.I., ’18 (Kappa Alpha). Orchardist. Athletic dir. and coach, Shenandoah Valley Acad. Residence: Winchester, Va. DUNLAP, Boutwell, } Sacramento, Calif., Nov. 14, 1877. 6-Capt. Alexander Dunlap (1716-44), from Ireland to Augusta (now Rockbridge) Co., Va., and also came to Augusta Co., Va., Capt. James and William Dunlap (these three leaving many dis- tinguished descendants), and to Knoxville, Tenn., came Hugh Dunlap (Knoxville’s first m Judith 336 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY mcht., and among whose sons were Gen. Rich- ard Gilliam Dunlap, Sec. of War of the Re- public of Texas, and William Claiborne Dun- lap, M.C., Tenn.), all four immigrants being related; was capt. of horse, 1748; first settler in the Pastures region of the Valley of Va.; grantee by orders of council of lands (un- patented) on Greenbrier river, (now) W.Va.; m Ann McFarland (b Scotland), said to be desc. of a chief of Clan MacFarlane (she m 2d, Capt. Robert Bratton); 5-Ensign Robert (1740-1781), of “Aspen Grove,” Rockbridge Co., Va.; furnished money to the McConnells to found McConnells’ Station (lo- cated in what is now Lexington, Ky.), for which he was to receive 500 acres of present site of Lexington, but this estate was lost to grandchildren by decision of the Court of Ap- peals of Ky. in 1805; ensign at battle of Guil- ford Ct. House, in which he was lost or killed because he refused to obey orders of his half bro., Capt. (later Maj.) James Bratton, to retreat; m Mary, dau. William Gay (6 Ireland), of Gay’s Run, Augusta (now Rockbridge) Co., Va., m Margaret Walkup (sister of Capt. James Walkup, a cdr. at Battle of Walkup’s Plantation, N.C., in Am. Rev., m Margaret Pickens, aunt of Gov. Israel Pickens, of Ala.; and sister of Lt. John Walkup, cdr. of Warm Springs Ft. on Va. frontier, in Am. Rev., whose g.son was Joseph Walkup, It. gov. of Calif., 1858-59); 4-Maj. William (1767-1834), of “Aspen Grove’; m Elizabeth, dau. Capt. James Coursey, Orange Co., Va., m Winifred Riddle (kinswoman of Conf. States Senator William Lowndes Yan- cey, protagonist of secession and distin- guished orator of the South); 3-William (1797-1871), one of the first men to ex- plore Kan.; driven from Mo. to Kan. by Fed- eral troops, because of his Conf. activities and sympathies; m Mary, dau. of Rev. Daniel Hite, m Esther Baer (dese. Peter Blosser, colonial Mennonite leader and minister in Valley of Va. and Pa.). 6-John Robinson, of “Mt. Pleasant,” Fluvanna Co., Va., m Elizabeth Parrish (of Va. descent); 5—Michael (1763-1819), pioneered with his brother, Capt. William Parrish Robinson, in Tenn., 1806-09; one of the early pioneers of II1l., 1809; merchant, landholder and one of the founders of Shawneetown, IIll., which 1814, became the first incorporated city in Illinois; m Sallie W., dau. Claiborne Saunders (desc. Col. William Claiborne, sec. of state, dep. gov. and treas. of Va.); 4-John (1792-1850), landholder, of Shawneetown, Ill., and Evansville, Ind.; m Polly Carroll (of Irish descent); 3—John (1821-1860), merchant and landholder of Shawneetown, IIll., and Gallatin County, IIl.; m Mary Madeline, dau. of Rev. Alexander Kelly Boutwell (son of Stephen Boutwell, pioneer, of southern branch of Boutwells). 2-Only child of William Dunlap (1827-1909), capi- talist, Calif. pioneer of ’49, one of the largest pioneer landholders of Sacramento Valley, m Sarah Jane Robinson (1846-1920). Not married. B.L., U. Calif., 01 (Kappa Sigma); attended Georgetown U. Law Sch., 1905 (Delta Chi); LL.B., Catholic U. America, 1905, LL.M., 1910. Lawyer, San Francisco; hon. consul of Argentina at San Francisco since 1917 (See Who’s Who in America). Lt. gov. Calif. S.C. W.; historian Sacramento Soc. Calif. Pioneers; dir. Calif. Hist. Soc. Hobby: Collector of rare books and Mss.; is owner of one of best rac- ing libraries on Pacific coast, a notable collec- tion of Californiana and a notable collection of trans-Allegheny Americana. Summer place: “Green Point,’ Auburn, Calif. Resi- dence: San Francisco, Calif. 1-DUNLAP, Renick William, 6} Kingston, O., Oct. 21, 1872. 6-Capt. Alexander Dunlap (1716-44), from Ireland to Augusta (now Rockbridge) Co., Va.; and also came William, Capt. James and Hugh Dunlap (first mcht. of Knoxville, Tenn.), all related, and who left many distinguished de- scendants; grantee by orders of council of unpatented lands on Greenbrier River (now), W.Va.; capt. of horse, 1743; first settler in Pastures region of Valley of Va. frontier: m Ann McFarland (b Scotland), said to be desc. of a chief of Clan MacFarlane (she m 2d, Capt. Robert Bratton); 5-John (ca. 1738-1804), explorer of southern Ohio, 1776; largest landholder of Rockbridge Co., Va.; owner of Ky. lands and 7,000 acres, in- cluding Old Chillicothe (now Frankford), O.; m Ann Clark (James’, kinsman of Gen. George Rogers Clark); 4-John (1767-1854), inherited part of father’s old Chillicothe land; pioneer of Ohio, 1796, as sur- veyor with his cousin, Col. James Dunlap, distinguished Ohio pioneer; permanent set- tler of Ohio, 1825; m Dorcas Tabitha Dowell (niece of Benjamin Franklin); 3—John (1811-79), of ‘‘Basin View,” O.; m Mary Ann Minear (Philip, m Elizabeth McCollister). 10—John Tripp (b 1610), m Mary Paine; 9—-Peleg (b 1647), m Ann Sisson; 8-Job (b Portsmouth, R.I.); 7-Isaac, moved from R.I. to Wyoming Valley, Pa., 1769 (his g.dau. Phebe, m Amos Harding, ancestor of President Harding); 6—-Ruth, m Jonathan Slocomb; 5—-Judith, m Hugh Foresman; 4—Ruth, m Thomas Bell; 3-Hugh, of ‘Bellevue,’ Ross Co., O.; trustee Wooster U. many yrs.; m Lavinia Renick (1818-98; George* [1776-1863], Chillicothe, O., m 1802, Dorothy Harness). 2-Son of Nelson John Dunlap (6b 1843), large landholder; pres. of First Nat. Bank of Kingston, O.; m 1867, Elizabeth Jane Bell (1846- 1918); issue: I-Mary (m Amos Leist); II—Renick William (above); III—Nellie (1875-1921; m Dennis Dreisbach); IV—Alice (m Lynn Brady). II-m June 9, 1897, Maxine Ethel Cummins, Bb Co- lumbus, O., Apr. 8, 1876; dau. of Edward Cum- mins, of Columbus; issue: I1-Nelson Henderson, b Kingston, O., Feb. 16, 1902; Ohio State U., 24; 2-Mary Maxine, 6 Kingston, Oct. 6, 1916. B.Sc. in Agr., Ohio State U., ’95 (Kappa Sigma). Farmer and banker; operates “Congo Stock Farm,” Kingston, O. Mem. 76th Ohio Gen. As- sembly, 1904-05; dairy and food commr. of Ohio, 1907-11; sec. of agr. of Ohio, 7 months, 1915; asst. sec. of agr. of U.S., 1925— (See Who’s Who in America). Summer place: Kingston, O. Residence: The Embassy, 1613 Harvard St. N.W., Washington, D.C. ae oe es Robert Finley, b Giles Co., Va., July 6—Capt. Alexander Dunlap (1716-44), from Ireland to Augusta (now Rockbridge), Co., Va., and also came to Augusta Co., Va., Capt. James and William Dunlap (Capt. Alexander and William leaving many distinguished descend- ants), and to Tenn. came Hugh Dunlap (first mcht. of Knoxville, among whose sons were Gen. Richard Gilliam Dunlap, Sec. of War of Republic of Tex. and its diplomatic agent to U.S.; James T. Dunlap, state comtroller of Tenn.; and William Claiborne Dunlap, M.C., Tenn.), who were all related; was capt. of horse, 1743; first settler in Pastures region, Valley of Va. frontier; grantee by orders in council of lands (unpatented), on Greenbrier river (now) W.Va.; m Ann McFarland (b Scot- land), said to be desc. of a chief of Clan Mac- Farlane; she m 2d, Capt. Robert Bratton, capt. French and Indian war; 5-Ens. Robert (1740-81), “Aspen Grove,’ Rock- bridge Co., Va.; furnished money to found McConnell’s Sta. (located in what is now Lex- ington, Ky.), for which he was to receive 500 acres of present site of Lexington, which estate was lost to grandchildren by decision of Ct. of Appeals of Ky., 1805; ensign at Bat- tle of Guilford Ct. House, in which he was lost or killed, because he refused to obey or- ders of his half brother, Capt. (later Maj.) James Bratton, to retreat; m Mary Gay (Wil- liam’, of ireland, of Gay’s Run [now] Rock- bridge Co., Va., m Mary Walkup, 8 nr. Belfast, Ireland [sister Capt. James Walkup, a cdr. at Battle of Walkup’s Plantation, N.C., Am. Rev., m Margaret Pickens, aunt of Gov. Israel Pickens, of Ala., and of Lt. John Walkup, cdr. Warm Springs Ft., Va., Am. Rev., whose g.son was Joseph Walkup, It. gov. Calif., 1858); 4—Hon. Alexander (1768-1841), mem. Va. Legisla- ture, 1823-27, 1829; m Jane Alexander (aunt of Gen. Augustus A. Chapman, M.C., Va., and aunt of Delilah B. Alexander, m Hugh Ca- perton, M.C., Va., and whose stepson was FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 337 Allen T. Caperton, Conf. States Senator of Va., and U.S. Senator of W.Va.); 3-Alexander (1812-53), lawyer, owner Red Sul- phur Springs, (now) W.Va., famous ante-bel- lum southern resort; m Mary Ann Shanklin (Robert, desc. Shanklins of Rockingham Co., Va., m Polly Shirkey, dese. Shirkeys of Boute- tourt Co., Va.). Maternally, desc. David Carlisle Humphreys (1741-1826), from Co. Armagh, Ireland, to Pa., 1763 to Augusta Co., Va., 1771 (his bro. Dr. Alexander, of Staunton, Va., and Frankfort, Ky., coming later), m Margaret Finley (niece of Pres. Samuel Finley, of Princeton Coll.); and thru: 3—-Rev. James Moore (1816-90), Presbyn. minister and. educator of Va.; m Elizabeth Margret aris. 2-Son of Henry Dunlap (b 1848), of Monroe Co., W.Va., and “Bellevue Farm,” Pulaski Co., Va.; merchant and farmer; m 1870, Amelia Margret Humphreys (1851-84); m 2d, 1896, Margaret E. Nicholson; issue (Ist marriage): I-Robert Fin- ley (above); II—-Mary Elizabeth (m Andrew L. Hogeman); III-Ida Bittinger (m John S. Draper, Jr.); (2d marriage): IV—McClure; V— Louis A. I-m Nov. 17, 19094, Emma May Wysor, b Newbern, Va., Aug. 16, 1880; dau. of Hon. J. C. Wysor, of Pulaski; issue: 1—May Lucile, 6 MHinton, eee Mar. 2, 1906; 2-Kmma, 6 Hinton, Aug. A.B., B.S., Hampden-Sidney Coll. ’94 (Sigma Chi). Lawyer, and pres. or dir. various corpns. Pros. atty., Summers Co., W.Va., 1905-09; chmn. W.Va. Dem. State Exec. Com., since 1920. During World War, atty. for local draft bd., local counsel for food and fuel administra- tion, and chmn. of bond sales and Red Cross drives. Clubs: Kanawha Country (Charleston, W.Va.), White Oak Country (White Oak, W.Va.), Willow-wood Country (Hinton, W. Va.), Cheat Mtn. and Allegheny Sportsmen’s Assn. Residence: Hinton, W.Va. 1-DUNLAP, Charles Kephart, b Greenfield, O., Sept. 30, 1863. 5-Capt. Alexander Dunlap (1716-44), from Ire- land to Augusta (now Rockbridge) Co., Va., and also came William, Capt. James and Hugh Dunlap (the latter the first mcht. of Knoxville, Tenn.), all related, and who left many distinguished descendants; capt. of horse, 1748; first settler of Pastures region of Valley of Va. frontier; grantee by orders of council of unpatented lands on Greenbrier river, now W.Va.; m Ann McFarland, said to be desc. of chief of Clan MacFarlane (she m 2d, Capt. Robert Bratton); 4-Col. Alexander (1743-1828), built Clover Lick Ft., outpost of Am. Rev., in now Pocahontas Co., W.Va., sold later to his cousin, Maj. Jacob Warwick; Indian fighter; founder of Pisgah Ch., Woodford Co., Ky., 1784, and Pis- gah Acad. (forerunner of Transylvania U.); built Dunlap’s Ch., pioneer Ohio ch. of Disci- ples of Christ, Brown Co., O.; m Agnes Gay (James®, m Jean Warwick, aunt of Capt. Jacob Warrick, in honor of whom Warrick Co., originally comprising 11 Ind. counties, was named, and dau. Lt. William Warwick, m Elizabeth Dunlap); among their children were Nancy, m U.S. Senator Alexander Camp- bell, of Ohio; Col. James, distinguished Ohio pioneer and Whig candidate for gov. of Ohio; Col. Alexander, Woodford Co., Ky.; Margaret, m Rev. Samuel Thornton Scott, D.D., pres. of Vincennes U. and founder first Presbyn. ch. in Ind.; 3—William (1772-1849), pioneer of Brown Co., O., 1796; anti-slavery leader and asso. of his son- in-law, Rev. Samuel Crothers, D.D., as such; financed the legal contest of Rev. John Mahan in latter’s fight on slavery, the ‘Mahan ar- rest” resulting in the defeat for re-election of Gov. Vance of Ohio; m Mary Shep- herd (John‘; Thomas‘, founder of Shepherds- town), niece of Col. David Shepherd, col. of Ohio co., comd. at siege of Ft. Henry and sec- ond in command of Coshocton expdn. (William Dunlap and Mary Shepherd had son, Dr. Alex- ander Dunlap, v.p., A.M.A., and who shares honors with Dr. Ephraim McDowell as one of two first successful ovariotomists in modern world; and they had g.g.son, Rev. Samuel McChord Crothers, D.D., American essayist, See Who’s Who in America). 2-Son of Dr. Milton Dunlap (1807-90), physician, of Greenfield, O.; m 1838, Frances Louisa (1821- 1904), dau. of Maj. David Kinkead, m Narcissa Calhoun; issue: I-Mary Narcissa (b 1839; m Rev. Samuel Dickey Crothers); II-Nancy Don- avan (1841-1915); III—William Kinkead (6b 1843; m Mary J. Irwin); I1V—Louise Matilda (b 1845; m EK, Burgess Watts); V—Caroline Foster (0 1847; m Samuel Q. Duncan, d 1905); VI-—Shep- herd (1840-1915; m Mary Cox); VII—Robert Scott (1851-1923; m Helen Boyd); VIII—David Leonidas (1854-1923) ; IX—Samuel Crothers (b 1856; m Mary James); X—James Alexander (1858-60); KI-—Ar- thur Beardsley (b 1861); XII-—Charles Kephart (above); XIII—Frances Amanda (b 1866). XII-—m Feb. 10, 1891, Martha Thorne Simpson, } Lexington, Ky.; dau. of Samuel Pruitt Simp- son, of Belmont Co., O., and sister of Mrs. James M. Goggin (qv for genealogy); issue: 1-Sydney, m John Speed Elliott (issue: Mar- tha Thorne; Joan Stewart; Sydney Dunlap). With Mexican Internat. R.R., 1887-1901; gen. frt. agt., Galveston, Harrisburg & San. Antonio Ry., Houston & Tex. Central R.R., and Hous- ton, East & West Tex. Ry., 1901-06; traffic mgr. same and Tex. & N.O. and Houston & Shreveport rys. from 1906; pres. S.P. lines in Tex. and La., 1918-20 and since traffic mgr. same lines (See Who’s Who in America). Clubs: Thalian, Houston, Houston Country. Ape aoa Houston Country Club, Houston, ex. 1-GOGGIN, Lilla Hatfield Simpson (Mrs. James M.), 6 ‘‘Airslie,”” Lexington, Ky., Mar. 1, 1870. 9-Edward Dorsey (qv); 8-Col. Edward (1645-1705), of “Major’s Choice”, Md.; judge High Ct. of Chancery; burgess, etc.; m 1st, 1675, Sarah Wyatt; 7-John (6 1692), of ‘Long Reach,” Md.; m at 16, 1708, Honor Elder; 6—Michael, of “Good Range,” m Ruth Todd (desc. Capt. Thomas Todd, owner of the original site of Baltimore); 5-Lancelot, m Sarah Warfield; 4—Darius, m Mary Talbot; 3-—Mary, m Sidney Simpson, settled in Ohio. 4-Isaac Reed (1776-1847; son of —Reed, of Pa., soldier Am. Rev.; m Miss Schrack), m Re- becca Prall (1785-1852) ; 5 fis) William (1806-64), m Martha Thorne 2-Dau. of Samuel Pruitt Simpson (1836-97), pio- neer banker of Hagle Pass, Tex.; m 1866, Mary Ann Bridges Reed (1841-1911); issue: I-Martha Thorne (m Charles Kephart Dunlap, qv); II- Lilla Hatfield (above); III-Samuel Pruitt (1872- 1924); IV—Meme Stockwell (1874-1924). II-m Apr. 11, 1894, James Mann Goggin (See Vol. 1, p. 208); issue (all b Eagle Pass, Tex.): 1-Henry Reed, b Feb. 2, 1895; pvt. to 2d lt. of inf., U.S.A., May 30, 1917-Dec. 1918; m 1924, Frances Dixon Ball (issue: Elizabeth Frazee, b Nov. 22, 1925); 2-Mary Simpson, b Nov. 19, 1897; Bryn Mawr, B.A., ’21; 3-James Mann, 3d, 6b Jan. 28, 1900; Wale, BAL we 22. Mem. C.D.A. Residence: 1224 Magoffin Av., El Paso, Tex. 1-BRATTON, William Andrew, } “Rock Rest,” Bath Co., Va., Dec. 24, 1869. 5—-Capt. Robert Bratton (1712-85), from Ireland to Orange (now Augusta) Co., Va., 1733; capt. French and Indian War, 1756-58; mem. council of war for protection of Va. frontier, 1756; owner of 2,284 acres in Augusta Co., and other lands (uncle of Col. William Bratton, comd. at Battle of Huck’s Depot, in Am. Rev., whose g.son was Brig. Gen. John Bratton, C.S.A.); m Ann (McFarland) Dunlap, dese. of chief of Clan MacFarlane, and widow of Capt. Alex- ander Dunlap; 4—-Maj. James (1746-1828), of ‘‘Rock Rest,” Bath Co., Va.; capt. at Battle of Guilford C.H.; built “Rock Rest,” 1806; owner 2,650 acres; m Rebecca Hogsett (they were parents of William Brat- ton, of the Lewis and Clark expdn.); 3-Andrew (1799-1871), of ‘Rock Rest’; elder Windy Cove Presbyn. Ch. 38 yrs.; m Mary Jane Tilford McKee (James‘, pensioner Am. Rev.; g.dau. of Jane Logan McKee, killed in Kerrs Creek massacre, 1763). 4—-Robert Guy, for political reasons left Co. Der- ry, Ireland, for U.S., after “’98’; to Augusta 338 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Co., Va.; justice; m Nancy Glendy (sister Rev. John Glendy, D.D., chaplain of U.S. Congress, father of Commodore William Marshall Glen- dy, U.S.N.); 38-William (1796-1864), of Augusta Co.; m Mary Ann Sitlington (John‘, m Barbara Ann, dau. of Peter Hull; Robert®, pensioner Am. Rev.). 2-Son of Andrew Sitlington Bratton (1842-1914), of “Rock Rest,’ Bath Co., Va.; mem. of Bath Squadron, C.S.A.; elder of Windy Cove Presbyn. Ch. 35 yrs.; m 1867, Mary Moore Guy (1839-75) ; m 2d, 1888, Sue (Guy) McDannald; m 3d, 1898, Elizabeth Handley; issue (Ist marriage): I-William Andrew (above); II—Robert James Glendy (1873-91); I1I—Susan Rebecca (1875-94). I-m Sept. 9, 1896, Fanny Berry Cologne, b Mar- shall, Va., Oct. 10, 1874; dau. of J. C. Cologne, of Fauquier Co., Va., m Fanny Gray Maddux; issue: 1-Mary Frances, b} Marshall, Va., Jan. 22, 1898; 2-Virginia Guy, 0 Marlinton, W.Va., Aug. 16, 1900; m Mar. 30, 1926, Dr. R. G. Frame; 3—-Sue McKee, }b Marlinton, Dec. 30, 1905; 4-Rob- ert Andrew, 6 Marlinton, Dec. 20, 1914. Ed. Washington and Lee U., ’90 (Phi Delta Phi). Lawyer; pros. atty., Pocahontas Co., W.Va., 1906 and 1917; asst. counsel at Washington, to U.S. Food Administration during World War. Still owns ‘Rock Rest,’ patented to Maj. James Bratton, 1771, the house being built in 1806. Residence: Marlinton, W.Va. Popa toe Peter Jacob, b Ross Co., O., Jan. 22, 5—-Rev. Peter (Blaser) Blosser (b ca. 1715), from Switzerland to France, to America, 1739; Men- nonite leader; minister and landholder in York (now Springettsburg) Tp., York Co., Pa., and Blosserville, Shenandoah (now Page) Co., Va.; ancestor of many Mennonite bishops and large landholders; 4—Jacob (1758-1842), Am. Rev.; from York Co., Pa., to Shenandoah (now Page) Co., Va., ca. 1779; to Mahoning Co., O., 1825; landholder; m 1788, Bar- bara Beery (1764-1840; Nicholas® [1739-1811], of Rockingham Co., Va., owner of 10,240 acres in Fairfield Co., O., m Elizabeth Keller); 3—Joseph (1795-1863), moved to Pike Co., O., 1831; landholder; m 1822, Sarah James Basye (1803-76). 8-Edmond Basye (d ca. 1724), from France to America, 1670; settled in Northumberland Co., Va.; planter; 7-Isaac (d 1739) ; 6é-—Edmond (ca. 1720-1810), Prince William, Fau- quier and Culpeper cos., Va.; sgt. in Indian wars; 5-Edmond (1750-1783), Am. Rev.; m 1770, Nancy Mauzy; 4—-Henry (1777-1857), Culpeper Co., Va.; m 1796, his cousin, Elizabeth James (1779-1852; Thomas’), kinswoman of Pres. Taylor and Pres. Madison, through Strother family; 3-Sarah James (1803-76), m above). 8-Henry Mauzy, from France to Eng. after rev- ocation of Edict of Nantes; came to Charles- ton, S.C., later to Stafford Co., Va.; planter; m in Eng. a dau. of Dr. Conyer; 7-John, m Hester Foote; 6—Henry (b 1721), m 1744, Ann Withers; 5-Nancy, m 1770, Edmond Basye (5 above). 4-Andrew Zahn (1791-1845), from Germany, 1838; settled in Pike Co., O.; m Evelina (1796-1830), dau. of Philip Jacob Schaeffer (1773-1840), m Elizabeth (1773-1841), dau. of Baron Von Kennel; 3-Anna Mary (6 1826), m 1848, Jacob Biszantz (1806- 1877), from Germany to Pike Co., O., 1843; set- tled in Ross Co., O. 2—-Son of Jacob Blosser (1829-1908), one of largest landholders of Scioto Valley, O., owning 2,000 acres in Ross Co., O.; m 1860, Margaret Bis- zantz (1844-1906); issue: I-Mary (1861-66); II-John (1863-66); II1I—Anna (6 1867; m George W. Struck- man; m 2d, L. M. Murlin); IV—Sallie (6 1869: m Lincoln C. Anderson); V—Peter J. (above); VI-— Margaret (1877-1914; m Rollo W. Marchant): VII-Elizabeth (6 1880; m Judge Frank L. Tou Velle). V-—m Apr. 29, 1903, Katheryn Mae DeWeese (qv); issue: 1-John DeWeese, 6 Chillicothe, O., Nov. 12, 1904; A.B., Harvard, ’26. LL.B., U. of Mich., 1898. Lawyer, landholder and banker. Pros. atty. of Ross Co., O., 1904-10; Rep. candidate for Congress, 1912; judge Ct. of Common Pleas, -Ross Co., since 1920. Resi- dence: Chillicothe, O. Joseph Blosser (3 1-BLOSSER, Katheryn Mae DeWeese (Mrs. Peter J.), 0 Chillicothe, O., Sept. 24, 1879. 8-Garrett Hendricks (deWees) DeWeese, from Friesland, Holland, to New York, 1689; land- owner, Germantown, Pa., 1690; m Zytian-; 7-Lewis (d 1743), at Phila., 1718; landowner in Kent Co., Del.; 6-Samuel (d 1753), Kent Co., Del.; m Mary-; 5—Joshua (1742-1819), Am. Rev.; Presbyn. later Bapt. minister, 6 Kent Co., Del., d Miami Co., O.; m Hlizabeth New (1745-1821); 4—-Lewis (1769-1840), m Mary McKelvey (1772-1847; Jonathan®, Am. Rev.); 3—James (1807-76), m 1829, Rebecca Blue (1811-69). 6—Ezekiel Chaney (d 1769), of Frederick Co., Md.; had land in Va., Md. and Pa.; m Ann-; 5-Nathan (d 1804), of Washington Co., Md., and Bedford Co., Pa.; m Susanna-; 4—Anne (1784- 1873), m Michael Blue (1784-1875), War 1812 (Uriah, Sr.® [1752-1829], Am. Rev., m Ruth-, 1753-1817) ; 3-Rebecca (1811-69), m James DeWeese (3 above). §-Hugh Mosher (1600-94), from Eng. to America, 1630; ens.; ordained in Bapt. Ch., 1674; m 1632, Lydia Maxon; 8-Hugh (1633-1713), an original owner of Wes- terly; large landowner; mem. Ct. Martial for trial of Indians, 1676; m Rebecca Harndel (John?) ; 7—Capt. Nicholas (1664- 1747), m Elizabeth-; 6—-Nicholas (b 1703), m 1729, Rebecca Wilcox (b 1711; John’; Daniel’, m Elizabeth Cooke [John’, m Sarah, dau. of Richard Warren, qv; Fran- cis), avl; Edward’, at Portsmouth, Te 1638) ; 5—Wilcox (6 1733/34), at Tiverton, R.I., Dartmouth, Mass., Hoosick Town, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., prior to 1775; large landowner; m Hannah-; 4-Camel, d before his father; m Sarah Ann Harl; 38-Sebra (1802-51), m 1827, Catherine Hogle (1808- 1893; Jeremiah‘ [1773-1843], 1t. War 1812, m Cath- erine Lucas, b 1780). 2-Dau. of Dr. Francis Marion DeWeese (1841-1909), stock raiser, farmer and mfr.; m 1871, Olive Elizabeth Mosher (6b 1843), composer; issue: I— Francis Earl (1874-1909; m 1897, Beatrice Davis); II—Katheryn Mae (above). II-m Apr. 29, 1908, Peter Jacob Blosser (qv); is- sue: 1-John DeWeese, 0 Chillicothe, O., Nov. 12, 1904; Harvard, ’26. Mem. S.M.D., U.S.D.1812, D.A.C., D.A.R., Wom- en’s Nat. Council, U.S. Flag Assn., ete. Clubs: Chillicothe Country, Century. Residence: Chil- licothe, O. 1-McCLERNAND, Edward John (Dec. 29, 1848- Feb. 9, 1926). 3—John McClernand (d ee b ees thence to Va., to Breckinridge Co., .; ed. for a physi- cian; m Fatima ree oF Va. 6-William Dunlap, bought, 1749, his first land in Augusta Co., Va. (relative of Capt. Alexander and Capt. James Dunlap, of Augusta Co., Va., and Hugh Dunlap, ist meht. of Knoxville, Tenn., which immigrants left many distin- guished descendants); 5-Maj. William (1744-1816), soldier in Am. Rev.; pioneer of Fayette Co., Ky., 1784; m Rebecca Robertson (sister of Col. Alexander Robert- son, rep. Mercer Co., [now] Ky., in Va. Conv., 1788, for considering Federal Constitution, and in Va. Gen. Assembly, 1788-89, and aunt of George Robertson, chief justice of Ky., M.C., who declined four times seats in U.S. Cabinet and twice seats in U.S. Supreme Ct.); Bvt. Brig. Gen. Henry C. Dunlap, U.S.V., in Civil War, and George W. Dunlap, M.C., Ky., were g.sons ate Maj. William Dunlap and Rebecca Robertso 4—Rev. raion (1773-1866), Bapt. minister in north- ern Ky., Champaign Co., O., and Jacksonville, Tll.; m Emily Johnson (Edward); 3-Col. James (1802-97), bvt. brig. gen. vols., 1865, “For meritorious service in the field”; m "Bliz- abeth Freeman. 2-—Son of Gen. John Alexander McClernand (1812- 1900), distinguished officer in Civil War, cdr. 13th A.C., maj. gen. vols.; lawyer; newspaper editor; circuit judge; mem. Ill. Legislature; chmn. Dem. Nat. Conv.; M.C. from Ill., 1843-51, 1859-61; m Sarah Dunlap; m 2d, Minerva Dunlap, sister of Ist wife. M Nov. 1888, Sara, dau. of Charles Pomp. .- U.S.M.A., 70. Served 2d lt. to brig. gen. U.S.A., retired Aug. 27, 1912. Bvtd. 1st lIt., 1890, “For gallantry in pursuit of Indians and in actions against them at Bear Paw Mountains, Mont., FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 1877.” Awarded Congressional Medal of Honor, Nov. 27, 1894, ‘‘For most distinguished gallan- try in action against Nez Percés Indians.” Served in Santiago Campaign in Spanish-Am. War, later in Philippines. 1-LOCEKRIDGE, Ethel Rowena Gibbs (Mrs. Lancelot C.), b ‘“Raphine Hall,’ MRaphine, Rockbridge Co., Va., July 27, 1874. 8-Rev. Peter Prudden (1600-56), brought a com- pany of settlers to America, 1637, and settled at Milford, Conn.; a judge of the colony, 1640; m Joanna Boyse (Rev. John®, m Joanna-); 7-Sarah (b 1650), m Gideon Allen; 6—-Lt. Gideon (d 1750/51), 1t. first co. or train band, Fairfield, Conn.; m 1696, Ann Burr (1675-1747; Nathaniel’?; Jehu, qv); 5-Hannah (1716-79), m as his 2d 1742/43, Thomas Gibbs (1707-68; John‘); 4-Edward (1749-91), sea capt. and ship owner; m Ruth Harpin; 3—Richard (1788-1858), from Conn. to Rockbridge Co., Va., 1816 (?); m Isabella Pollock Poague (1792-1855; James Pollock‘, m Margaret Eakin; James’, from Ireland to Pa., thence to Va., m Isabella Lemon). 9-John Talcott, ‘‘The Worshipful” (qv); 8-John (1625-88), asst. magistrate of Conn.; treas., 1660-76; maj. and lt. col. in Indian wars; m Mary Cook; 7-Ruth (6 1677), m John Read (1679-1748), grad. Harvard, 1697; queen’s atty. for Conn., 1712; bought land from Indians, 1714, and founded town of Reading; later atty. gen. for Mass., and mem. Council; known as most eminent lawyer in the colonies (William’; William’); 6—Col. John (1699-1786), colonial service; m Mary Hawley (1697-1748; John’, m Deborah Pierson; Joseph§, qv); 5-Mary Ann (1724-81), m John Harpin (1722-91), grad. Yale, 1741; rep. Gen Assembly, from Mil- ford, 1761-62 (Jean® [1690-1765], Huguenot, set- tled at Milford, Conn., 1715, ‘“‘practiced physick and surgery 50 yrs.,’” m Mary, dau. of John Camp, m Mary, dau. of Joseph Northrup, qv); 4—Ruth (1754-1808), m Edward Gibbs (4 above). 6-Samuel Given (d 1740), from Ireland to Orange (now Augusta) Co., Va., proved his importa- tion ca. 1738; owner of 1,050 acres; one of 4 Orange Co. justices apptd. for Augusta Co. area before Augusta Co. was formed; 5—William (1740-93), Augusta (now Highland) Co., Va.; soldier Am. Rev.; m Agnes Bratton (Capt. Robert’, officer French and Indian War, m Ann Terie widow of Capt. Alexander Dun- ap); 4—Robert (6 1765), boy soldier in Am. Rev.; mem. Va. Legislature from Bath Co., 7 sessions bet. 1805-16; m Margaret Elliott (William'); 3-Col. Samuel (1793-1862), planter, merchant: owner 22,000 acres in Nicholas (now Webster) Co., W.Va.; co. clk. and sheriff for 20 yrs.: m Mary Gibson (John‘ [d 1826], of Augusta Co., Va., m Catherine Cloverfield; David® [1743-1833], Kilrain, Ireland, to Augusta Co., Va.). 2-Dau. of James Edward Allen Gibbs (1829-1902), of “Raphine Hall,” Raphine, Rockbridge Co., Va.; inventor of Willcox & Gibbs sewing machine; capitalist; maj. in ordnance dept., C.S.A.; m 1st, 1852, Catherine Given (1834-87); m 2d, 1893, Margaret Craig, of Craigsville, Va.; issue (1st marriage): I-Florence Virginia (b 1853; m 1876, Capt. Benjamin Cason Rawlings, C.S.A.); II- Cornelia Alice (1856-84; m Robert Geddes Davies); III—Ellabell Blanche (b 1859; m 1879, John Carson Moore); IV-—Ethel Rowena (above). Bia Oct. 25, 1893, George E. Wade, of Raphine, a wife, M 2d, Nov. 8, 1911, Lancelot C. Lockridge, b “Lock- wood,” Raphine, Va., May 4, 1870; son of Elisha Francis Lockridge, of “Lockwood (g.g.son of Maj. Andrew Lockridge, capt. in Colonial wars. maj. in Am. Rev., Augusta Co., Va., son of James Loughridge, immigrant, justice in first et. of Augusta Co., 1745); issue: 1—Lancelot Charles, b “Bonnie View,” Raphine, Va., Sept. 20, 1914. Ed. Mary Baldwin Sem., Staunton, Va. dence: “Bonnie View,” Raphine, Va. 1-GETTY, Robert Nelson, }) Ft. Hamilton, N.Y., Jan. 19, 1855. 3—Robert Getty (1780-1842), from Ireland to U.S.; prof. at U. Pa.; afterward resident of George- Resi- 339 da D.C.; m Margaret Wilmot, at Annapolis, 3-Capt. Levi Lamb Stevenson (1787-1873), mayor of Staunton, Va.; m Elizabeth Dunlap (Rob- ert*, of Augusta Co., Va., m Margaret Kerr), their son Gen. John Dunlap Stevenson, bvt. maj. gen. of vols. and distinguished officer in Civil War. 2-Son of Gen. George Washington Getty (1819- 1901), maj. gen., U.S.A.; distinguished officer in Civil War; m Elizabeth Graham Steven- son; issue: I—Annie L. (0 1845; m Col. Charles McClure, U.S.A.; see their son George G.); II-Wilmot Stevenson; III-child (d young); IV—Robert Nelson (above); V—Caro- line (m Edward Page); VI—Margaret (m Ver- non Walsh); VII—George Graham. IV—m Oct. 14, 188, Cornelia Thomas Colegate (d 1925), dau. of James Colegate, of Washington, D.C. (dese. of Capt. John Worthington, 1650-1701, mem. House of Burgesses of Md.); issue: 1— Cornelia Colegate, 6 Washington, D.C., Apr. 29, 1887; m Maj. James Nixon Peale, U.S.A.; 2— Elizabeth Laurie, 6 Ft. Lewis, Colo., May 25, 1888; m Maj. John Marshall True, U.S.A.; 3— Eleanor, 6 Ft. Keogh, Mont., June 17, 1891; 4-Robert Nelson, Jr., b Ft. Keogh, Nov. 27, 1894; 5-Georgiana Worthington, b Washington, July 3, 1899; m Capt. Karl Minnigerode, U.S.A. Grad. U.S.M.A., ’78 Col. U.S.A., retired; brig. gen., N.A., during world war (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 2945 Pacific Av., San Francisco, Calif. 1-McCLURE, George Getty, b Washington, D.C., June 18, 1872. eRe: West, m Elizabeth, dau. of Count de inez; 5-Anne, m Col. George Gibson, Am. Rev.; 4-John Bannister, LL.D. (1780-1853), ed. Dickinson Coll., ex-1798; chief justice of Pa.; m Sarah Work Galbraith; 3-Margaretta, m Charles McClure (desc. of John McClure, 0 1696), from Scotland to Carlisle, Pav Lilo. 4-Robert Getty (1780-1842), b Maydown, Co. Derry, Ireland; came from Ireland to America; prof. at U. of Pa.; afterward resident of George- town, D.C.; m at Annapolis, Md., Margaret Wilmot; 3-Gen. George Washington (1819-1901), maj. gen., U.S.A.; distinguished officer in Civil War; m Elizabeth Graham Stevenson (see their son Brig. Gen. Robert Nelson Getty). 4-Capt. Levi Lamb Stevenson (1787-1873), mayor of Staunton, Augusta Co., Va.; m 1815, Eliza- beth Dunlap (Gen. John Dunlap Stevenson, maj. gen. vols., distinguished officer in Civil War, was their son); 3—-Elizabeth Graham, m Gen. George Washington Getty (above). 5-Robert Dunlap (1765-1847), Augusta Co., Va.; m 1792, Margaret Kerr (1766-1848); 4-Elizabeth, m Capt. Levi Lamb Stevenson (4 above). 2-Son of Annie L. Getty (b 1845), m Col. Charles McClure (1837-1902), 1t. col. U.S.A. and bvtd. maj., lt. col. and col. vols., Oct. 21, 1865, ‘““For faithful and meritorious services.” For issue and McClure lineage see Vol. 1, p. 705. M Dec. 26, 1904, Caroline Sumner Wood (See Vol. 1, p. 705, for genealogy and issue). Stock broker. Was in P.M. dept., U.S.A., Philip- pine campaign, 1898-99. Summer place: Ocean Beach, Fire Island, N.Y. Residence: 302 W. 79th St., New York. 1-McCLURE, Caroline Sumner Wood (Mrs. George G.), b St. Louis, Mo. 9-William Sumner (1605-88, son of Roger, m 1601, Joane Franklin), from Eng. to Dorchester, Mass., 1636; m 1625, Mary West; &-William (1627-75), m Elizabeth Clement; 7-Clement (b 1671), m 1698, Margaret Harris; 6—-Benjamin (bd 1711), m 1733, Mercy Melvil; 5-James (6 1740), m 1761, Alice Waldron; pre nemar Waldron (06 1768), m Elizabeth Hub- ard; 3-Thomas Hubbard, m 1834, Salina C. Malcolm. 2—-Dau. of Elizabeth Sumner (b 1846), m 1872, Judge Horatio Dan Wood (1841-1905). For issue and other lineages see Vol. 1, p. 7065. M Dec. 26, 1904, George Getty McClure (qv); issue: 1—H. D. Wood, 6 New York, Dec. 10, 1905; 2— Caroline, 6 New York, July 27, 1909. Sculptor. Residence: 302 W. 79th St., New York. 340 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 1-DARNALL, William Edgar, 0 Pearisburgh, Va., Apr. 9, 1869. 5-James Johnston, m 1776, Margaret Bay; 4—James (1780-1835), justice, Rockbridge Co., Va.: m 1807, Jean Montgomery (their son, Robert Johnston, was rep. of western Va. in the Confed. Congress and distinguished Confed. statesman); 3-Samuel (1810-64), Rockbridge Co., Va.; m Mil- dred Wilson. 6é-—Humphrey Montgomery, Lancaster and Ches- ter Gos. 58:5 5-Humphrey (d 1798), Rockbridge Co., Va.; sol- dier Am. Rev.; m Jean Gay; 4-Jean, m James Johnston (4 above). 6—John Gay (d ca. 1776), from Ireland, ca. 1744, to Augusta Co., Va., with bros. James, Robert, William, Samuel and Henry Gay; m_Jean Ramsey (their g.dau., Melinda Gay, m James Brown Ray, early gov. of Ind.); 5-Jean, m Humphrey Montgomery (5 above). 2-Son of Margaret Poague Johnston (1840-1902), m Rev. Henry Thomas Darnall (1837-1908). For issue and Darnall lineage see Vol. 1, p.-577. M Feb. 27, 1907, Elizabeth Nesbitt, b Chatham, Pa., Nov. 12, 188; dau. of David Nesbitt, of Chat- ham; issue: 1-William Edgar, Jr., 6 Atlantic City, N.J., Feb. 20, 1911; 2-Jean Mauzy, 6 At- lantic City, Feb. 4, 1922. A.M., Washington and Lee, ’92; M.D., U. Va., 1895. Surgeon, specializing in gynecology. F.A.C.S., ete. (See Who’s Who in America). Pres. bd. Atlantie City Public Library. Clubs: Univer- sity (Phila.), Seaview Country, Atlantic City Country, Atlantic City Yacht. Residence: 5 S. Morris Av., Atlantic City, N.J. 1-JONES, Margaret Allen Gay (Mrs. Henry eganianl b “Mound Hill,’’ Clark Co., Ky., Oct. 10, : 5-James Gay (ca. 1719-1776), of Calf Pasture and Gay’s Run, Augusta (now Bath) Co., Va.; came from Ireland to Pa., thence to Augusta Co., Va., with bros. William, John, Rob- ert, Henry and Samuel Gay; explorer with son-in-law, Maj. Samuel Stevenson, of central blue grass Ky., 1776; m 1st, Jean Warwick . (killed by Indians, 1759; William®, m Elizabeth Dunlap); she was aunt of Capt. Jacob War- rick, in honor of whom Warrick Co., Ind., originally comprising 11 present Ind. counties, was named; 4-Capt. James (1758-1840), of “Mound Hill,” Clark Co., Ky.; owner of 15,000 acres in Ohio and in Clark and Montgomery cos., Ky., and other tracts; ensign in Am. Rev. in Va., 1776-81; set- tled in Ky., 1782; importer, with brothers-in- law, of first improved cattle into Ky.; estab- lished “Mound Hill,” Clark Co., Ky.; m 2d, 1797, Blizabeth Dunlap (1762-1815; John’, of Rock- bridge Co., Va., m Ann, dau. of James Clark, kinsman of Gen. George Rogers Clark; Capt. Alexander’, of Orange and Augusta cos., Va., immigrant, capt. of horse, 1743, m Anne Mc- Farland); 38-Jacob Warwick (1801-56), inherited ‘Mound Hill’; m 1828, Lucinda Spurgeon. 8-Elder Robert Allen, elder First Presbyn. Ch. of Larne, Ireland, 1669; was in siege of Lon- donderry; 7-Elder Robert (1676-1770), inherited the home- stead in Bally Craigy, Co. Antrim, Ireland; ruling elder at Larne, 1715-63; m 1695, Janet (1679-1754), dau. of Elder William Hare, of Larne; 6—-William (1711-99), from JIreland with his brother David, 1729; lived in Hunterdon Co., N.J., 33 yrs.; settled at “Red Hill Plantation,” Loudoun Co., Va., 1762; m 2d, Jane Warford (three sons died in Am. Rev.); 5-David (d 1830), served in French and Indian War and Am. Rev.; settled in Hampshire Co., Va.; removed to the blue grass region of Bour- bon Co., Ky., 1805; m 1st, 1779, Ivea Fox; 4—Margaret (1780-1870), m 1804, David Spurgeon (1780-1865), land and slave owner in Bourbon and Clark cos., Ky. (William® [1740-1821], from Essex Co., Eng., was extensive landowner in Monongalia Co., Va., and Bourbon Co., Ky., m 1761, Priscilla Robinette, 1740-1817) ; 3-Lucinda (1809-36), m Jacob Warwick Gay (3 above). 7-George Fox, will probated, 1754, Hunterdon Co., N.J.; m Mary-; 6—Gabriel (1736-will probated, 1799), removed to Fairfax, later to Hampshire Co., Va.; m 1757, Ann Warford; 5-Ivea (1758-87), m David Allen (5 above). — 6-Gen. George Byrd Prewitt (6 and d in,Va.), of Huguenot ancestry; gained his title in French and Indian War; 5 Sa 5-—Michael (ca. 1722-1798), of Campbell Co., Va., and Shelby Co., Ky.; m 1742, Elizabeth Simp- kins (ca. 1724-ante 1789; her mother, Elizabeth Adams, was cousin of Pres. John Adams); 4—Robert (1758-1819), soldier Am. Rev.; large land and slave owner in Campbell Co., Va.; re- moved to Fayette Co., Ky., 1794; m 1782, Martha Chandler (1762-1833; Robert® [1729-92], of Hali- fax Co., Va., m Mary, dau. of Daniel Hamblen, of Prince Edward Co., Va.; William®; Robert’, of York and New Kent cos., Va.); 3-Nelson (1806-70), of ‘‘Vergeland,’’ Montgomery Co., Ky.; mem. Ky. Legislature, 1841-44; m 1829, Mary Ann Coleman, 8-Sir James Coleman, high sheriff of Braxton Mangno, Essex Co., Eng.; 7-Capt. John, capt. British Army; America, 1650; m Miss Hawes; 6-Judge Robert, of “Piccadilly,” Drysdale Par- ish, Caroline Co., Va.; justice of Essex Co., 1700-20; m Mary Spencer; 5—John (1722-63), of ‘Pine Forest,’’ Spotsylvania Co., Va.; m 1748, Eunice Hawes (1723-1806; Sam- uel’, of Caroline Co., Va., m Ann, dau. of Col. Nicholas Spencer’, m Frances, dau. of John Mottram$, burgess); 4-John (1753-1837), of ‘“Maple Lawn,” Fayette Co., Ky.; m 2d, 1791, Lucy Chiles (1773-1840; Capt. John® [d 1796], m 1st, Mary Ellen Winston; eee Chiles®, m Lucy, dau. of Tarleton Wood- son); 3—Mary Ann (1807-67), m Nelson Prewitt (3 above). 2-Dau. of James Dunlap Gay (1830-88), inherited “Mound Hill” and owned “Breeze Hill,” nr. Winchester, Ky., where he died; m Ist, 1850, Elizabeth (1831-54), dau. of Matthew Dyer Hume; m 2d, 1860, Lucy Caroline Prewitt (1832- 1920); issue (Ist marriage): I-Maria Hume (bd 1851; m 1868, George Lewis Payne; m 2d, 1880, Gano Hildreth); (2d marriage): II—Nelson Prewitt (6 1861; m 1898, Lila Manning Chenault); IiI-Margaret Allen (above); IV—David Spur- geon (1864-1923; m 1911, Ruth Coleman); V—Hen- rietta Chandler (b 1867; m Stanley Tebbs Prewitt); VI-William Winston (1869-1922; m 1899, Margaret Woodford); VII—Mary Dunlap (6 1871; m Robert Thompson Gay, 1864-1914). IIlI-—m Oct. 22, 1884, Henry Morford Jones (6b 1861, deceased); son of Joseph F. Jones (see Lewis H. Jones for Jones lineage), m Emma, dau. of Noah Barton Morford, artist, of N.J., m Ann Meriwether, dau. of Meriwether Smith, of Louisa C.H., Va. Has compiled: “Margaret Allen Gay and Her Kin,” exhaustive family genealogy, includes Gay, Dunlap, Warwick, Clark, McFarland, Spurgeon, Robinette, Allen, Fox, Warford, Herriot, Forman, Bonham, Beekman, Cox, Prewitt, Simpkins, Adams, Chandler, Hamblen, Coleman, Hawes, Spencer, De Jornette, Graves, Buckner, Clay, Winston, Chiles, Woodson, Tarlton, Fleming, Cheadle, and many others. Residence: Winchester, Ky. 1-BALLOU, Sidney (Miller), ) Providence, R.I., Oct. 24, 1870. : 8—Maturin Ballou (qv); 7-James (1652-1741), m Susanna Whitman (ances- tors of Eliza Ballou Garfield, mother of Pres. James A. Garfield); 6—Nathaniel (1687-1748), m Mary Lovett; 5—-Noah (1728-1807), m Abigail Razee; 4—Oliver (1763-1843), m Abigail Colburn; 8—-Dexter (1789-1849), m Esther Fisher Aldrich. 9-John Miller, m Elizabeth-; 8-Robert, m Elizabeth Saben; 7-Ephraim, m Experience-; 6—Daniel (1718-98), m Hannah Thayer; 5—-Peter (b 1745), m Anna Aldrich; 4-E\phraim (b 1774), m Sally Williams (6th from Roger Williams); . 38—-Edward Franklin (1801-66), m Louisa Hitchcock. 2-Son of Oren Aldrich Ballou (1813-77), A.B., Brown U., ’32; cotton mfr., Providence, R.I.; came to FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 34] m Charlotte Hitchcock Miller (1835-86); issue: I-Howard Malcolm (1866-1925; m Helen Fair); II-Florence Sophia (1867-1903); III-—Clara Lou- ise (1869-1916; m Joshua Ward Nichols); IV- Sidney Miller (above). 1V—m Dec, 21, 1895, Thomie Morgan Duke (1867- 1905), dau. of Ger. Basil W. Duke; issue: 1-— Barbara, 6 Honolulu, H.T., Mar. 7, 19065. M 2d, July 27, 1907, Lucia (Burnett) Burnett, b St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 25, 1876; dau. of Thomas Burr Burnett (Thomas P.°; John‘; James; George’). | A.B., Harvard, ’93 (Delta U.), A.M., 1899. Lawyer, San Francisco, Calif.; justice Supreme Ct. of H.T., 1907-09 (See Who’s Who in America). Seconds 1G... A.C. 1918-19") lt. cdr., U5 .N.R: Mem. S§.A.R., A.L., etc. Clubs: Metropolitan, Chevy Chase, Racquet, Army and Navy (Washington), Bohemian, Pacific Union, Army and Navy (San Francisco), Harvard (New York, San Francisco and Honolulu), San Mateo Polo.. Residence: 1925 Gough St., San Francisco, Calif. 1-BROWN, Harriet Elizabeth Johnson Elijah A.), 6 Atlanta, Ga., July 6, 1869. 7-Thomas Johnson (1621?-1704), related to Chan- cellor John Johnson, of Md.; was first in Md., later in Va.; m Mary-; 6—-Thomas, Jr., m Nancy-; 5-Nathan (1720-1805), soldier Am. Rev.; m Nancy Elizabeth Hutchins Johnson; 4-Aaron (1776-1842), m Elizabeth Daniel (6 1770; Allen, officer Am. Rev., m Mary Allen); 3-Rev. Marquis de LaFayette Clayton (1807-49), m 1835, Harriet Rebecca Long. 8-Dr. Charles Burnham (d 1782), arrived at Charleston, S.C., 1692; mem. S.C. Assembly; m Elizabeth— (d 1720); 7—Charles (d 1729), m 1716, Mary Morecock (d 1766; Nicholas’, m Mary Burnham, of Boston); ep (1728-54), m 1752, Mary Harrison (1724- 5—Ann (1753-1839), m 4th, Hugh Wardell; 4—Mary Eliza (1781-1843), m 1804, Michael Long (1782-1824) ; 3-Harriet Rebecca Rev. M.D.C. Johnson (3 above). 8-John Hollinshead (d 1699), was first gov. of N.J.; m Grace-; 7-William, m 1692, Elizabeth Adams; 6-Samuel, settled in N.C., 1736; m 1736, Ann Rosell; §—-John (?); 4—William (1771-1842), m 1804, Ann Sophia Hiley (1787-1867; Jacob’, Am. Rev.); 3-William Hiley (1812-80), m 1886, Mary Jane Cars- well (1817-60; Alexander‘, m Elizabeth W. Ash- ley; Alexander®; Alexander®). 2-Dau. of Marcus William Johnson (1837-1919), capt., 57th Ga. Inf., C.S.A., 1861-65; pres. Nat. Cotton Planters Assn.; m 1862, Lavinia Pene- lope Hollinshead (1840-1916); issue: I—Lena Penelope (6b 1863); II-Mary Cornelia (d infancy); IlI—Harriet Elizabeth (above); IV—Marcus W., Jr. (b 1872); V—Blakely Hollinshead (b 1874; m Bessie Kate Thomas); VI—Palmer (b 1877; m Emma Belle [Du Bose] Chamberlin). IiI-m June 26, 1901, Elijah Alexander Brown (Sept. 4, 1857-Jan. 28, 1926); See Vol. 1, p. 528, for genealogy; issue (all b Atlanta, Ga.): 1-Marcus Johnson, b Dec. 19, 1904; 2-Joseph Emerson, BD hte 28, 1908; 3-Penelope Hollinshead, b June 15, (Mrs. (1811-98), m L.I., Peabody Normal Coll., Nashville, Tenn., ’88. Editor of woman’s page of Wesleyan Chris- tian Advocate. Mem. D.A.C., D.A.R., U.D.C., etc. Residence: 720 Piedmont Av., Atlanta, Ga. ater fol Sally Eugenia, } Canton, Ga., June 6—-William Brown (1687-1757), from Ireland to Pa. ca. 1745, thence to the Valley of Va. and to Guilford Co., N.C.; m in Ireland, Margaret (1701-1801), dau. of Joseph Fleming, of Ireland; 5—Joseph (1731-1815), from Ireland with his father; removed to Va., Guilford Co., N.C., and lived and died near Belton, S.C.; m Mary Porter (Hugh, m Violet Mackey; Porters came from Ireland ca. 1740); 4-Joseph (1760-1800), pvt. Am. Rev. at 16; m 1781, Jemina Broyles; JOSEPH EMERSON BROWN (1821-1894). Yale, 1846. War Governor of Ga., 1857-1865; Chief Justice Supreme Court of Georgia, 1868- 1870 ; U. S.« Senator, 1880-1891. President West- ern and Atlantic Railroad; president board of Trustees, University of Ga., thirty-two years. First president Board of Education, Atlanta, eighteen years. LE (1797-1874), soldier War 1812; m 1816, Sally ce. 7—Michael Wilheit, will proved in Orange Co., Va., 1746; m Mary-; 6-Tobias, began to write name Wilhoit; will proved in Culpeper Co., Va., 1762; m Catherine-; 5-Mary, m Adam Broyles (d 1782), of Washington Co., Tenn, (Jacob A. Broil’, of Va., m Cath- erine, dau. of Thomas Wayland; John Broyll’, from Germany to Va.); 4-Jemima (1765-1860), m Joseph Brown (4 above). 7-John Looney, from Isle of Man to Va.; m Lewellyn-; 6-Absalom, of Botetourt Co., Va.; m Peggy-; 5-Michael, settled in Hawkins Co., Tenn., 1782; m Temperance Cross (Brittian’); 4—-Margaret (d 1804), m Daingerfield Rice (1775-1827), of Mo. (Josiah®; Joseph®; Josiah’; Caleb’; Jo- seph®; Dea. Edmund”); 3—-Sally (1797-1874), m Mackey Brown (3 above). sake Halbert, from Wales to Va.; m Elizabeth ones; 5—-William (1744-1809), pvt. Am. Rev.; justice Pen- dleton District Co. Ct., 1789-93; m 1765, Eliza- beth Hill (1747-1886; William® [1710-15-1787], mem. Provincial Congress of N.C., 1775, m 1736, Susan- nah Smithers); 4—-Martha (1772-1810), m 1788, John Gresham (1761- 1835), pvt. Am. Rev. (John® [1714-1814], m Bar- bara, dau. of Richard Burdyne, of Culpeper Co., Va., m Catherine-); 3-Joseph (1789-1857), began to write name Grisham; was sheriff, coroner, postmaster; capt. S.C. militia, 1816; a.-d.-c. with rank of lt. col., 1819; surveyor gen. Anderson and Pickens cos., S.C.; Bapt. minister; m 2d, 1822, Mary Love Steele (1789-1860; William’, Am. Rev.; Aaron, Am. Rev.). 2-Dau. of Joseph Emerson Brown (1821-94), gov. of Ga., 4 consecutive terms, 1857-65; chief jus- tice of Ga., 1868-70; U.S. senator, 1880-91; m 1847, Elizabeth Grisham (1826-96); issue: I—Julius Lewis (1848-1910; m Frances Gilmer Fort); II- Mary Virginia (b 1850; m Dr. Elijah L. Con- nally; see son Thomas W.); III—Joseph Mackey (See Vol. 1, p. 528); [V—Franklin Pierce (1858-71); V—Elijah Alexander (1857-1926; m Har- riet Elizabeth Johnson, qv); VI-—Charles Mc- Donald (1859-81); VII-—Sally Eugenia (above); VIII-—George Marion (See Vol. 1, p. 528). VII—Ed. public and private schools and tutors at home and abroad. Mem. C.D.A., D.A.R., U.S.D. 1812, U.D.C. Club: Atlanta Woman’s. Mem. Second Bapt. Ch. Summer place: Sargentville, Hancock Co., Me. Residence: ‘‘Cherokee,”’ 1100 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. 342 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Dr. Elijah Lewis Connally and his u , Mary Brown Connally, taken at their estate ‘The Homestead,” Atlanta, Ga., at their Golden Wedding celebration, April 15, 1924. Elijah Lewis Connally, Atlanta, Ga., (b 1837), M.D., Emory, 1859 ; oldest living alumnus of Medical Dept. of Emory U.; surgeon First Confederate Regiment. Vice-President Board of Trustees of Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky.; first president Board of Health; retired physician and capitalist. Mrs. Elijah Lewis Connally (Mary Brown Connally), daughter of Joseph EH. Brown; C.D.A., D.A.R., U.S.D.1812 (state v.p.), U.D.C. (v.p.) ; v.p. Uncle Remus Memorial Assn.; life mem. Atlante Woman’s Club, Y.W.C.A.; life mem. and treas. Grady Hospital Aid Assn.; mem. Ga. Hist. Soce., Gold Star Division, Nat. Service Star Legion, Sheltering Arms, Red Cross; pres. Woman’s Mis- sionary Soc. and founder of the Mary V. Connally Fund of Second Baptist Church, Atlanta; mem. Woman’s Board of Ga. Baptist Hospital; sec. Ga. Bapt. Orphans’ Home Assn. 1-CONNALLY, Thomas Whipple, } Atlanta, Ga., July 30, 1881. 6-George Connally, of Va.; m —Oldham, of Va.; 5-Thomas (d aet. 82), Am. Rev.; teacher, actively interested in establishment of U. of N.C., 1792, subscribed 100 acres of land for that; m Polly Price, of Norfolk, Va. (John®, m Elizabeth, dau. of William Lindsey, of Eng., m Jane Prescott): 4-David (1776-1848), soldier War 1812; m Elizabeth Christian (Elijah, of Va., m Elizabeth Britt): 3-Thomas W. (1809-84), of Fulton Co., Ga.; del. Dem. State Conv., 1857; founded M.E. Ch.., South, at East Point, Ga., 1847; m Temperance Arnold Peacock (1818-96; Lewis‘ [1792-1850], War 1812, m Avy, dau. of Mordacai Hill; John® [d 1826], m Nancy-, d 1820). 2-Son of Dr. Elijah Lewis Connally (b 1837), M.D., m 1874, Mary Virginia Brown (6 1850); see portrait; issue: I-Joseph Brown (see memorial tablet); II-Mary (Mrs. John S. Spalding, qv for Brown lineage); III—Elizabeth Grisham (1878-80); IV—Thomas Whipple (above); V—Sally Brown (6 1884; m Hiram Warner Martin); VI-— Frances (6 1888; m Hal F. Hentz). ELIJAH LEWIS CONNALLY (b 1837), THOMAS WHIPPLE CONNALLY (b 1881), SALLY PATRICIA CONNALLY (b 1926). FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 343 JOSEPH BROWN CONNALLY (1875-1920). Emory and U. of Ga., 1896. Twelve years in National Guard, served as colonel on personal military staff of three yovernors of Ga. May 1917, commissioned captain, 325th Infantry, 82d Division, August 1917. Entered first Officers’ Training Camp at Fort McPherson, Ga., In France, May 1918-May 1919. Brigaded first with British, afterwards in Toul Sector, Marbache Sector, in St. Mihiel offensive and Meuse-Argonne offensive where he was severely gassed, from the effects of which he died at military hospital, Ft. McPherson, Ga., Aug. 20, 1920. Above is picture of tablet erected in the Capital City Club, Atlanta, in memory of him, honors. by his fellow members. IV—m Apr. 13, 1925, Dorothy Copeland, b Seneca Falls, N.Y., Jan. 25, 1896; Vassar, 718; dau. of Rev. Arthur Copeland, of Auburn, N.Y. (dese. John Alden, qv); issue: 1-Sally Patricia, b At- lanta, Ga., Feb. 6, 1926. Ph.B., Emory, ’02; B.L., U. Ga., 1904; LL.B., Yale, 1905. Admitted to bar, 1904, and engaged in practice at Atlanta; sec.-treas. Connally Re- alty Co. Trustee Emory Coll., 1913-16 and 1925—, and pres. Alumni , of Sturbridge, Mass.); 8—Alfred Brewster (1817-72), Newton; m 1849, Lucy Ingraham (1831-56; Charles‘, of Tolland, Conn.). 6-Maj. Walter Rutherfurd (1723-1804; son of Sir John, of Edgerston, Scotland), lt. Royal Scot. Regt., 1746-54, and maj. Royal American Reet. in French and Indian War; m 1st, 1758, Cath- erine (Alexander) Parker, dau. of James Alex- ander (whose son, William, was Earl of Stir- ling); 5-John (1760-1840), U.S. senator from N.J., 1791-98 ; m Helena Morris; 4—Walter (1788-1851), A.B., Princeton, 1806; m his cousin, Sabina Morris (Col. Lewis, 4th5, of Tranquility, N.J.); 8-John (1810-71), A.B., Rutgers, 1831; m 1855, Char- lotte Livingston (See their son Morris, Vol. 1, p. 810, for lineages). 2-Son of Alfred Ely (1852-1914), of New York: A.B., Amherst, ’74; m 1880, Helena Rutherfurd (1858-1920; she m 2d, Benjamin Thomas Fair- child, of “Fayrewold,” Greenwich, Conn.): is- sue: I—Alfred (above); II—Helena Rutherfurd (D ay m Richard Worsham Meade, See Vol. 1, De ve I—m Oct. 17, 1914, Frances Burr, b Boston, Mass., Nov. 24, 1890; dau. of Winthrop Burr (See Vol. 1, p. 520, for genealogy); issue: 1—Alfred, Jr., Lawrence, L.I., June 22, 1918. A.B., Princeton, ’05; LL.B., Harvard, 1908. Ad- mitted to bar, 1908, and since in practice at N.Y.City; mem. law firm of Agar, Ely & Fulton. Commd. ist lt., Aviation Sect., Signal Corps, U.S.A., Sept. 24, 1917; capt., Mar. 25, 1918; maj., A.S. Mil. Aeronautics, Sept. 17, 1918; service in office of chief signal officer and in office of dir. of mil. aeronautics, Washington; hon. dis- charged, Dec. 21, 1918. Mem. S.M.D., S.R. Clubs: Union, University, Piping Rock, Down Town. Residence: 148 E. 65th St., New York. 1-HAWLEY, Frederick William, } Carthage, IIl., July 16, 1866. 8-Joseph Hawley (qv); 7-Samuel (1647-1734), farmer, Stratford, Conn.; m 2d, Patience Hubbell, a widow; 6—Benjamin (1696-1765), farmer, Hawleyville, Conn.; m 1724, Mary Nichols; m 2d, Experience Dibble; 5—-William (1782-91), farmer, Hawleyville; m Mary Glover (1738-91) ; 4—Joseph (1762-1829), farmer, Hawleyville; m 1786, Ruby Camp (1765-1850) ; 38-William C, (1789-1835), farmer, Carthage, I1l.; m Betsey Baldwin (1799-1855). 2-Son of Joseph William Hawley (1825-98), farmer; m 1851, Sarah Symonds (1832-1912); issue: I—Mary E. (b 1853; m Stuart S. Findley); II-Rev. Theo- dore §S, (1855-1914); I1I-Charles Asa (1857-1916); IV—Josephine (b 1859; m James N. Currens); V— Gertrude (b 1863; m Will C. Miles); VI—Fred- erick William (above). ViI-m July 30, 1895, Pauline Aston, b Washington, D.C., Aug. 12, 1873; dau. of David Aston; issue: 1—Herrick Kent, b Oklahoma City, Okla., July 5, 1896; 2-Frederick William, Jr., b Oklahoma City, Apr. 28, 1898; A.B., Park Coll., 19; A.M., Harvard, 1925. A.B., Carthage, ’88, A.M., 1892; grad. McCormick Theol. Sem., 1892; (D.D., Center Coll., 1911, Carthage, 1911; LL.D., Knox, 1916). Ordained Presbyn. ministry, 1892; pastor, Oklahoma City; Okla., 1892-97; supt. missions in Okla. and In- dian territories, 1897-1906; pastor, Bloomington, Ill., 1906-11; pres. Henry Kendall Coll., Tulsa, Okla., 1911-15, Park Coll., 1915— (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: Parkville, Mo. 1-HEROD, William Pirtle, } Columbus, Ind., July 27, 1864. 5-William Herod, b in southern Va. or N.C.; m Sarah-; 4—-William (d 1888), settled in Ky. ante 1801; m Ann Reed; 3-William (1801-71), lawyer; practiced in Ky. until 1824, when he moved to Columbus, Ind.; pros. atty.; mem. Ind. House and Senate; mem. Con- gress, 1833-37; m Cassandra Wingate (d 1864; John W.‘ [1773-1851], in Indian campaigns, 1793, brig. gen. War 1812, m Mary Dillon; Samuel'). 7-Giles Rogers (1645-1730; John’; Thomas M.9: Bernard”; John, the martyr, burned at the stake, 1554/55; nephew of Thomas Rogers, the Mayflower Pilgrim), came to Va., 1670, and the second time 1680; m in Eng., Rachel Eastham; 6—John (?) (6 1680), m Mary Byrd (William? [1652- 1704], of “Westover,” Va., from Eng., was pres. of the Council and receiver gen. of Va., m Mary Horsmanden; John®, of London, m Grace, dau. of Capt. Thomas Stegg, speaker Va. House of Burgesses); 5-Joseph (d 1762), of Culpeper Co., Va. (a grand- son of Giles and probably a son of John), m Lucy Burgess (Thomas’, of Orange Co., Va.): 4-Joseph Hale (1741-1834), of Horse Shoe Bend, Culpeper Co., Va., and Bryan’s Station, Lex- ington, Ky.; Am. Rev.; m 3d, Susan Coons; arya Fowler (1816-45), m Mary Ann Coons 14-98). 7-Joseph (Countz) Coons (b ante 1700), came to Va., Apr. 1714; m Kathrena-; 6—-Joseph, b in Va.; 5-Henry, 6 in Va.; began to write name Coons; Am, Rev.; m Mary Ann Allen (their dau. Susan, m Joseph Hale Rogers, 4 above); 4—Martin (1788-1857), m Mary White; 3—Mary Ann (1814-98), m Bernard Fowler Rogers (3 above). ° 7—-William Shelton (b in Va.), m Patience-; 6-Henry (6 in Va.), Am. Rev.; m —Long; 364 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 5-Mourning, m John White; j 4—Mary (1792-1832), m Martin Coons (4 above). 2-Son of William Wirt Herod (1835-1905), lawyer, Indianapolis, Ind.; m 1861, Susan Coons Rogers (1841-1913); issue: 1-William Pirtle (above); II Elizabeth Rogers (b 1866; m Frank M. Baldwin); IlI—Joseph Rogers (1869-1908; B.A., Yale, 791; was sec. Am. Legion at Tokio, Japan, and Ist sec. and chargé d’affaires at Seoul, Korea; author; m 1893, Annette Vernor Atchison); IV— Lucy (6 1874; m Hiram Gillett Keays). I-m June 5, 1890, Mary Beaty Applegate (July 19, 1866-Apr. 25, 1923); dau. of Bergen Applegate, m Mary Jane Beaty; issue: 1-Bergen (qv for Ap- plegate lineage); 2-Mary Beaty (Mrs. Nelson Montgomery Graves, qv for Sanford lineage); 3—-William Rogers (qv for Boone lineage). B.A., Yale, ’86 (D.K.E.). Lawyer. Prof. med. jurisprudence, Central Coll. Phys. and Surg. (then Purdue U.), Indianapolis, 4 yrs.; U.S. commr. 4 yrs., and spl. judge Marion Co. Su- perior Ct., ete. (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. Ind. Pioneers. Clubs: Yale (New York), University (Chicago), University, Woodstock, Athletic (Indianapolis). Residence: 1822 N. Ala- bama St., Indianapolis, Ind. Stporgerct Bergen, } Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 13, 1893. 7-Samuel Applegate, desc. of either Thomas or Bartholomew Applegate, who were in Amer- ica, 1635; 6-Samuel (b in N.J.); 5—Asa (b 1789), m Mary Stults; 4-Henry Stults (1819-52), m 1837, Henrietta Hedden (b 1820: John®> [b 1782], m Hannah Cook); 3-Bergen (1842-96), m 1864, Mary Jane Beaty (1843- 1888). 10-Jacques Cortelyou (b 1625; son of Jacques [D 1590], of Holland), surveyor and mathemati- cian; came to New Amsterdam, 1652; m Neeltjie Van Duyn (Gerret Cornelius!) ; °-Jacques (1662-1726), m 1685, Marretie Hendricks Smock; 8—Hendrick (b 1711), m 1731, Antie Coeste (or Antie Albertse) VanVoorhees; 7—-Albert (0 1734), m Maria Ann Black; 6—Ellen (b 1768), m Henry Stults, Am. Rev.; 5-Mary (b 1793), m Asa Applegate (5 above). 2-Son of Mary Beaty Applegate (1866-1923), m 1290, William Pirtle Herod (qv for paternal line- ages). Not married. Ph.B., Yale-S., ’18. Commad. It., Ordnance Corps, U.S.A., when U.S. entered the war; at own request was transferred to Tank Corps and served overseas. Clubs: Yale (New York and Phila.). Address: Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co., Buffalo, N.Y. 1-GRAVES, Mary Beaty Herod (Mrs. Nelscn M.), 6 Indianapolis, Ind., May 21, 1895. 11-Thomas Sturman (d 1645), a Puritan; lived in Md. and owned land in Va.; mem. Md. Assem- bly, 1642; 10—John; 9—-John (b 1650), m Elizabeth Spens (Patrick" [1633- 1689], m Doreas-—); 8—Doreas, m Thomas Sanford (d 1752), of Va.; 7T-Richard (d 1759), of Va.; 6—-Richard (d 1795), Am. Rev.; m Winnifred Red- man (d 1825; Soloman’, d 1783); 5-Elizabeth, m John R. Beaty; 4—-David Sanford (1814-75), m 1842, Nancy Singleton Sanders; Sod ee (1843-88), m 1864, Bergen Applegate (1842-96). 2-Dau. of Mary Beaty Applegate (1866-1923), m 1890, William Pirtle Herod (qv for paternal lineages). M May 22, 1920, Nelson Montgomery Graves, of Buffalo, N.Y.; issue: 1-Nelson Montgomery, Jr., 6 Apr. 6, 1926. Id. in Switzerland and Paris. Served as in- terpreter at Base Hosp. 32, U.S.A., in France, Cees Residence: 105 Ashland Av., Buffalo, j-HEROD, William Rogers, ) Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 18, 1898. 9—-George Boone, 3d (1666-1744), from Eng. to Phila., Pa., 1717; settled in and named Exeter Tp.; m nee Mary Milton, dau. of John Maugridge, of Ong. 3 8-Squire (1696-1765), m Sarah Morgan (1701-77); their son Daniel was the famous explorer: peu rehet (1733-1814), m William Grant (1726-1804), m, Rev.; 6—-Sarah, m John Sanders; ; 5-John H. (b 1791), m 1816, Polly C. Gray (0 1801; Presley® [1764-1838], Am. Rev., m 1790, Agnes Singleton, 6 1771); 4-Nancy Singleton (1821-76), m 1842, David San- ford Beaty (1814-75) ; ee (1843-88), mm 1864, Bergen Applegate (1842-96). 2-Son of Mary Beaty Applegate (1866-1923), m 1890, be ae Pirtle Herod (qv for paternal line- ages). Not married. Ph.B. (magna cum laude), Yale-S.., 18 (Sigma Xi, Delta Phi, and Torch). Served pvt., corp., sgt., 2d and ist lt. of arty., U.S.A., being battery cdr. at time of Armistice. Mem. Am. Soc. M.E. Clubs: Mohawk, Schenectady Golf (Schenectady), Yale (New York). Address: General Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y. 1-HOLMAN, Alfred Lyman, !) Newton, Mass., Dec. 28, 1854. 7-Ens. John Holman (1602/03-1652), from Eng. to Dorchester, Mass., probably, 1630; m 2d, 1640, Anne Bishop (b 1616); 6—Thomas (1641-1704), m 1663/64, Abigail Rigby (1645- 1702/03) ; 5—-Samuel (1683-1728/29), m 1715/16, Katherine Rob- erts (1690-1740) ; 4—Ebenezer (1727-95), m 2d, 1771, Rachel Wright (1740-1831) ; arta (1776-1854), m 1800, Polly Warriner (1780- 2-Son of Edwin Holman (1816-1903), insurance agt. and broker; m 1845, Sarah Elizabeth Hemen- way (1824-1909); issue: I-Charles Edwin (1846- 1919; m 1876, Jane Elizabeth Blair); II—Mary Abby (1848-1918; m 1870, Elmore Albert Kent, d 1890); Il1I—Rev. William Henry (6b 1852; m Mary BE. Warner, d 1879; m 2d, Clara E. Colburn, d 1909; m 3d, Josephine Stagg Heydrick); IV—AI- fred Lyman (above). IV-—m Nov. 25, 1885, Lucy Cécile Woodruff, b E. Hartford, Conn., July 28, 1851; dau. of Henry Erastus Woodruff, of Hartford, m Almeria Sophia Hall; issue: 1—Cécile Alexandrine, ) Chicago, Ill., Aug. 20, 1886; m Dec. 8, 1919, Alfred Martin Beale; 2—Doris Elizabeth, } Chicago, July 10, 1888; m Aug. 30, 1919, Lawrence Cuth- bert Brodribb. Genealogist. Residence: 2036 Indiana Avy., Chi- cago, Ill. ; 1-LINCOLN, George William, ? Savannah, Ga., Oct. 4, 1854. 8-Samuel Lincoln (qv); 7—-Samuel (1650-1720/21), King Philip’s War; m 1687, Deborah (Chubbuck) Hersey (1665-1706): 6-Samuel (1690/91-1758), m 1713/14, Ruth Cushing (1692-1736/37) ; 5-Jonathan (1719-98), m 1745, Susanna Lincoln (1721- 1793) ; 4-Royal (1754-1837), m 1779, Jerusha Waterman (1758-1848) ; arn (1779-1865), m 1805, Harriet McLillan (1779- 2-Son of William Waterman Bincoln (1814-1901), wholesale druggist; m 1852, Mary Waite Lewis (1817-1910); issue: I-George William (above); II- Frank T. (1856-1900). I-m Novy. 29, 1888, Jennie Elizabeth Kershaw (Apr. 12. 1850-Nov. 1889); dau. of James Kershaw, m Martha Hill, of Columbus, O.; issue: 1-Thorla, b Columbus, O., Feb. 10, 1885; 2-Elizabeth, 6 Columbus, Mar. 10, 1887; m Dec. 29, 1917, Charles Dixey Shellenberger (issue: Elizabeth; Wil- liam Dixey). M 2d, Jan. 5, 1892, Julia Jenks Handy, 6b Phila., Pa., Apr. 18, 1859; dau. of Charles Handy, m Margaret Jenks, of Philadelphia. B.A., Trinity, ’75 (Delta Psi): B.D., Berkeley Div. Sch., 1878. Ordered deacon, 1878, ordained priest. 1879, P.E. Ch.; rector St. Paul’s, Windsor Locks, Conn., 1877-80, St. Paul’s, Columbus, O., 1880-90, St. John Baptist, Germantown, Pa., 1891, St. Barnabas’, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1896, St. John’s, Newark, N.J., 1900, St. John Baptist, German- town, 1905-19; librarian, University Club, Phila., Pa., since 1920. Mem. O.F.P.A. (sec. Pa. soc., 1926), Hist. Soc. Pa. Clubs: University, Philo- biblon. Residence: 107 Sehool House Lane, Germantown, Pa. 1-MESERVE, H(arry) Fessenden, } Arlington, Mass., May 7, 1867. : pp a 8—-Clement (Messervy) Meserve (1655-ante 1720; son of Jean Messervy De Gorey Grouville, —— FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA who was desc. Gregoire Messervy, 1495, Isle of Jersey), came from Isle of Jersey, was list- ed as taxpayer at Portsmouth, N.H., 1673; la- ter at Newington, N.H.; m Elizabeth-; 7—Clement (1678-1746), of Scarborough, Me.; began to write name Meserve; m 1702, Elizabeth Jones; 6—John, m Jemima Hubbard; 5-William, m Margery Deering; 4-John, m Hannah Libby; 3-William, m Rebecca Chandler. 9-Thomas Smith, from Eng., 1635, settled at Wa- tertown, Mass.; 8—-Thomas; 7—-Jonathan; 6—Zachariah; 5-Jonas; 4—Blijah (1760-1807), m Lydia Flagg; 38-William (b 1794), m Joan Jacobs. 2-Son of William Pitt Fessenden Meserve (1832- 1914), m 1861, Mary Elizabeth Bridge Smith (1834-1896); issue: I-—Josephine Chandler (m George Francis Fay); II—-William Smith; III-— Harry Fessenden (above); IV—Grace; V—Ida May. IIlI—m Sept. 10, 1902, Helen Struve (d 1919), dau. H. G. Struve, Seattle, Wash. A.B., Harvard, ’88. V.p. Nat. City Bank of New York. Clubs: Metropolitan, Chevy Chase, Montgomery Country (Washington), Yoko- hama United (Japan), Interallie, Travellers, Tir Au Pigeon, St. Cloud Country (Paris). Residence: 1825 R St., Washington, D.C. 1-MINTURN, Joseph Allen, } Athens Co., O., June 20, 1861. 6-Jacob (Minton, Mintun, Minthorn) Minturn (ca. 1725-1804; father said to have come from north of England); m Mary Hare (b ca. 1729); 5-John (ca. 1752-1826), wrote name Minturn; sol- dier and officer in Am. Rev. 4% yrs.; m 1774, Rebecca Fairchild; 4-John (1776-1864), wrote name Mintun; soldier War 1812; m 1st, Sarah Leazenby; 3-Thomas Leazenby (1809-87), wrote name Min- tun; postmaster and mayor of Nelsonville, O.; probate judge Athens Co., O.; m 1830, Nan- cy E. Herrold (1811-78). “ 10-John Howland (qv); 9-Desire (d 1683), m 1648, Capt. John Gorham (qv); 8—John (1651-1716), m 1674, Mary Otis (d 1733); 7-Thankful (6 1690), m John Fuller (1689-1732); 6—-John (6 1712), m Temperance Gorham (6 1721); 5-Job (6 1751), Am. Rev.; m Susannah Russell; ee (1777-1835), m 1796, Jonathan Allen (d 3—Joseph (1805-52), m 1832, Sally Davis (1815-1907). 2-Son of Thomas Drake Minturn (1834-1905), law- yer; capt. U.S.V. in Civil War; m 1857, Mary Catherine Allen (1836-74); issue: I-Frank Leaz- enby (1858-1915); II-Joseph Allen (above); III— Samuel Arthur; IV—Mary Catherine (1873-1919). II—m Oct. 23, 1888, Leona Miller (June 15, 1864-Nov. 29, 1902); issue (all b Indianapolis, Ind.): 1— Mary Catherine, b Sept. 25, 1885; m Nov. 28, 1907, Maurice Levi Fessler (issue: Meredith; Helen; Mary); 2-Herbert Allen, b July 20, 1889; Purdue, ’14; naval aviation service in France and Eng., World War; m Dec. 24, 1914, Ruth, dau. of John Harcourt (issue: Mary Harcourt); 3-Lucy Gwendolyn, b Feb. 14, 1892; Butler U.: m June 1912, John Gillespie Haston (issue: Lucia; Eleanor Jane); 4-Esther Leona, 6 May 21, 1897; Purdue U.; m Dec. 22, 1917, Charles M. Dawson (issue: Howard; Robert; Joseph). M 2d, June 15, 1906, Miamz (Harlacher) Grove. 6 nr. Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 1, 1855; dau. of Peter Harlacher, of Abbotstown, Pa., m Eliz- abeth Law. Ph.B., Pa. Mil. Coll., ’80, C.E., 1880. Designer and engraver on wood. Admitted to bar, 1895; mem. Minturn & Minturn, patent and trade- mark lawyers, Indianapolis. Mem. Ind. Gen. Assembly, 1901. Trustee Ind. Soldiers and Sailors’ Orphans Home, 1921—. Capt., 309th Enegrs., and G-5, G.H.Q., A.E.F., Chaumont: instr., A.I.S. School, Langres, France, World War. Author: The American Spirit, 1921; The Pilgrims, Frances Slocum, and other poems. Mem. S.M.D. (dep. gov. gen.; sec. Ind. soc.), S.R., A.L., M.O.F.W. Summer place: “Miami Lodge,’ Nashville, Ind. Residence: 2175 N. Capitol Av., Indianapolis, Ind. 365 CLAYTON A. GRINNELL. 1-GRINNELL, Clayton Albert, ) Barre Center, Orleans Co., N.Y., Dec. 2, 1859. 10-Matthew (Grenelle) Grinnell (qv); 9—Daniel (b 1636), Little Compton, R.I.; m 1667, Mary Wodell (b 1640; William’); 8-Daniel (6 ca. 1665), m Lydia Peabody (William!®, m Elizabeth, dau. of John Alden, qv): 7-George (1700-59), Saybrook, Conn.; m 1725, Mary (Post) Bull (1708-75; Edward Post8; John’); 6—Daniel (1727-1801), Little Compton, R.I.; French and Indian War and Am, Rev.; m 1748, Anna Chapman; 5-Amasa (1750-1820), of Galway, Saratoga Co., N.Y.; pvt. Am. Rev. 6 yrs. and 4 mos.; m 1770, Anne Isaiah (1750-1806); 4-Isaiah (1775-1862), of Edingburg, N.Y.; m 1793, Jane Crane (1777-1866) ; 3—Ezra (1795-1862), m Lucretia Leonard (1795-1887). 2-Son of Ira Leonard Grinnell (1818-65), farmer and stock raiser; m Betsey Ann Balcom (1822- 1865); issue: I-Louisa Jane (b 1843; m Thomas Van Gieson); II—Lucretia (d;: m Charles Pouch- er); Il1I-Ira Leonard, Jr. (1848-1921); IV—Ferdi- and Ezra (d); V—Herbert Balcom (1852-90: m Lucy Ann Ward; see son Herbert J.); VI- Clayton Albert (above); VII—Lauretta Grace (6 1863; m Frank Johnson). Vi-m Feb. 11, 1881, Stella E. Young (deceased), of Vermontville, Mich. M 2d, May 21, 1904, Myrta Maude Gay, b Bright- on, Mich., Feb. 16, 1873; dau. of Victory W. Gay, of Brighton; issue: 1-Geraldine, b De- troit, Mich., Oct. 30, 1905; grad. Miss Bennett’s School, Millbrook, N.Y., 726. Pres. Grinnell Bros., owning 40 music houses in Mich., Ohio and Canada. Mason (32°, Shriner). Mem. Detroit Chamber of Commerce. Clubs: Detroit Athletic, Detroit Golf, Exchange, Red Gun Golf, Brooklands Golf, Pine Lake Coun- try, Aviation Country, Detroit Yacht, Daytona Beach Golf, Everglades. Winter place: Day- tona Beach, Fla. Residence: 90 Arden Park, Detroit, Mich. 1-MUZZY, Herbert Thompson, } Paterson, N.J., June 18, 1881. 9-John Muzzy, from Eng. in the “Mary and John’, 1633: settled at Ipswich, Mass., 1634; 8-Benjamin (6 ca. 1645); 7-John (b ca. 1667); ae ea es (ca. 1700-1754), m Abigail Cozzens (d 77); 5—John (b ca. 1745), m Hannah Call; ais (1780-1832), m 1808, Betsy Hamilton (1778- 1858) ; 38—Henry (1811-86), m 1851, Elizabeth Van Houten Van Saun (1828-72). 10-Roger Williams (qv); 9—-Mary (1633-81), m 1650, John Sayles (qv); 8-Phebe (d 1744), m 1685, Maj. Job Greene (1656- 366 THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY 1745; Maj. John?®, qv); EP (1705-91), m 1781, Elizabeth Wickes (1707- 1 6—William (1746-1809), m 1774, Welthian Lippitt (1745-1808) ; 5—Christopher (1776-1854), m Low (1774-1840) ; 4—Eliza (1804-89), m Festus Lyon Thompson; 3-Mary R., m William M. Halstead. 2-Son of Gen. Samuel Van Saun Muzzy (b 1852), silk supply business, Paterson, N.J.; m 1876, Lucy Vaughn Halsted (1851-1902); issue: I—Hel- oe Blah ted (1877-80); II-Herbert Thompson (a II-m Oct. 3, 1907, Olive Adair Nevin (divorced 1917); dau. late Col. John Irwin Nevin, m El- eanor Collins Hawes (See Vol. 1, p. 323, for genealogy); issue (both b Los Angeles, Calif.): 1—Nevin Halsted, 6 Mar. 18, 1910; 2-Samuel Adair, 6 June 22, 1914. M 2d, Irene Rose Gibson, b Hartford, Conn., Jan. 28, 1896; dau. of James Howard Gibson (1867-1924), m Nellie Elizabeth Turmey (b 1869). Princeton, ’04. Asst. bus. mgr., Board of Edu- cation, Los Angeles. Residence: 740 N. St. Andrews Pl., Los Angeles, Calif. 1-NORTON, Mary Clarke (Mrs. Irvin), ) Deans- boro, N.Y., June 15, 1882. 9-Jeremiah Clarke (qv); 8—Jeremiah (1648-1729), m Ann Audley (John®); 7—-James, m Mary Buckling; 6—-Cornelius (1711-90), m 1741, Patience Carter; 5-James (1747-1814), of Exeter, R.I.; Am. Rev.; m 1773, Barbara Tillinghast (Pardon*; John’; Pardon’; Pardon’, qv); 4—Silas (d 1868), m Elizabeth Reynolds (Henry’): 38—-Pardon Tillinghast (1820-74), Co. A, 176th N.Y. Vols. in Civil War; m Anna L. Smith (David D.‘, m Althea Preston). 9-Nathaniel Browning, from Eng., 1636, settled at Warwick, R.I., 1645; m Sarah Freeborn (Wil- John®, m Anne Almy; 1808, Ann Frances liam?!®) ; 8-William (1650-1730), m 1687, Rebecca Wilbur (Samuel®; Samuel?®, qv); 7—William (1693- 1773), m 1728, Mary Wilkinson (Lt. Gov. William’); 6—Wilkinson (1731-1805), m 1758, Susannah Hazard (Jeffrey’?; Robert; Robert®; Thomas”, qv): 5—Jeffrey Hazard (1762-1820), m 1787, Martha Pot- ter (John®, of S. Kingston, R.I., soldier Am. Rev.; Col. John*?; John’; Ichabod®; Na- thaniel’®); 4—-John Pet sie (1790-1852), m 1808, Bathsheba Knowles 3William (1816-1906), m 1840, Amy Sheldon Shoales (Isaac*t; Joseph‘). 9-Henry Knowles (1609-70), Warwick, R.I.; 8-William (1645-1727), m Alice Fish; 7—Robert (1680?- 1759); m 1721, Ann Hull (Joseph; Joseph®; Tristram??; Rev. Joseph, qv); 6-Joseph (1730-1809), m Bethsheba Segar (John’, m Alice, dau. of John Hull); 5—-Robert (1758-1812), m 1782, Lucy Ann Rodman (Benjamin®; Dr. Thomas’7; Dr. Thomas’): peer wis (1788-1871), m John W. Browning (4 above). 2-Dau. of Elmer Jay Clarke (b 1847), Co. A, 176th N.Y. Vols. in Civil War; m 1866. Mary Brown- ing (b 1847); issue: I-Anna (6 1868: m 1891, Mansfield L. Snow); II-Amy Browning (6 1871: m 1891, Len lL. Saunders); III—Alice (1876-97: m Orville Himman); IV—Charles (b 1878: m 1908, Olive Wilcox); V—Mary (above); VI—Catha- rine (b 1884; m 1908, Roswell D. Ripley): VII— Homer Jay (b 1886; m 1904. Ethel Merrey); VITI-— Howard S. (6 1888; m 1910, Lucy Ripley); IX— Ruth Eliza (b 1891; m 1920, John Tuttle). V—-m June 29, 1910, Irvin Norton, 6 Schuyler. IN AY co SULLY 31, 1879; Cornell, ’05: issue: 1-Roger Clarke, 6 Albany, ING May 11, 1911; 2-Blanche Clarke; 6 Utica,: NzY.,, Apr. ‘1,) 19133 3—Eelmer Clarke, 6 Webster Groves, Mo., July 24, 1917; bagel Clarke, 6 Webster Groves, Jan. 31, Mem. D.A.C., D.A.R., N.E. Hist. Geneal. Soc., Mo. Hist. Soc. Residence: 446 Greeley Av., Webster Groves, Mo. ceoneed Harrison Gray, b Seattle, Wash., Apr. 10-John Otis (qv): 9-John (1621-84), Barnstable, Mass.; m 2d, Mary Jacob (Nicholas”, av); Surgeon, 8-Judge Joseph (1665-1754), m Dorothy Thomas (1670-1755; Capt. Nathaniel®; William?®); 7-James (i692- 1754), m Sarah, dau. of Col. Tudor, of N:.Y.; 6—John (1732- 1817), said to have been soldier Am. Rev.; m Lucy Darrow; 5-James (1756-1840), one of Gen. Stark’s “Green Mountain Boys,’ wounded at Battle of Ben- nington; m Lucy Otis (1761-1828), Mayflower ancestry; 4—Chester (1804-69), m Phoebe Wright; 3-Norman Leonard (1834-1916), farmer; minister in Congl. and Meth. pulpits for 60 yrs.; chap- lain with captain’s commission in Union Army; m Elizabeth Morgan (1836-63; John‘, from Aberdeen, Scotland, 1843). 9-John Beed (1633-1730), officer in Cromwell’s army; to Providence, R.I., 1660; m Ann—-, widow of Francis Derby; moved to Norwalk, Conn., 1684; 8-John (d 1784), voter Norwalk, 1694; admitted to bar, 1708; atty. for crown and dep. for Norwalk; m Elizabeth— (b 1666; John®, m Kat- tareen [Lane] Tuttle, dau. of William Tuttle, av); 7_Daniel (1697-1755), a founder Middlesex church; m Elizabeth Kellogg (1703-64); 6—Eliakim (1725-1810), moved to Amenia, N.Y., 1773; signer “Honor Roll’, 1775; contbr. arms to Colonies; m Sarah Richards (1727-95; Sam- uel’) ; 5-Silas (1758-1834), signer “Honor Roll’: soldier Am. Rev. from Amenia, N.Y.; m Bethia Hurd: 4-Carlo (1791-1865), to Oberlin, O.; a founder of Oberlin College; to Olivet, Mich., a founder of Olivet College, trustee of same till death, pawned watch to keep school going; m Mar- tha McPherson; 3-John S. (1818-72), a founder of Olivet College, and A.B. same; m 2d, Olive Abigail Sexton (1822-81; Lucius*, m Roxa Lana Weatherby, who died on “covered wagon” trip into IIli- > mois, 1839; Exzra® [1758-1843], Am. Rev —Son of Clark Chester Otis (b 1856), “B., Olivet ~ Coll., "79; realtor, Plainwell, Mich.; m Mary Amelia Reed (b 1856); issue: I-Florence Irene (6 1888); II—Harrison Gray (above); I1I—Walter Reed (b 1888); IV—Arthur Frederic (6 1895). II-m Nov. 18, 1916, Gretchen Alice Jones, b Coosaw, S.C., 1893; dau. of James Jesse Jones (6 Charleston, S.C.), m Elizabeth Bostock (0 Savannah, Ga.); issue: 1—Barbara, and 2- Elizabeth (twins), 6 Jan. 1, 1921. AB: Olivet. Colle i -6720U. Mich., 1914-15. .City manager, Beaufort, S.C., 1915- 17, Auburn, Me., 1918, Clarksburg, W.Va., since 1921. Hdars. staff, War Camp Community Service, N.Y., 1919-20. Sec. Internat. City Managers Assn., 1916-21, pres. 1925-26; founder and Ist pres. W.Va. Municipal League, etc. (See Who’s Who in America). Mem. S.M.D., Pilgrim Soc., ete. Residence: 306 Elm St., Clarksburg, W.Va. 1-PETERS, Iva Lowther (Mrs. Frederick), 0} Middlebourne, W.Va., Apr. 23, 1876. 6—Robert Sears, of King and Queen Co., Va.; capt. Am. Rev., served 7 yrs.; on Founders Honor Roll, D.A.R.; m Eleanor Dallas: 5- a fey 6 Loudoun Co., Va.; m Ann McNab (d 4-William [6 1667], m Elizabeth Smith; David® [b Scotland, 1625]; John?®, of Scotland); 6—-Clifton (1740-1819), pvt. militia of Louisa Co., Va., French and Indian War, 1758; of Albe- marle Co., Va.; magistrate and high sheriff, 1783-85; moved to Fayette Co., Ky., 1788, later to Scott Co.; m Sarah Waller (b 1742; Col. John’, m Agnes, dau. of Maj. Thomas Carr of “Bear Castle,” Caroline Co., Va., m Mary, dau. of Cornelius d’Aubigne); 5-Waller (1768-1808), of Scott Co.; m Elizabeth Thomson (1770-1843), she m 2d, Gabriel Slaugh- ter, gov. of Ky., 1816; 4—Col. William (1792-1856), 1t. War 1812; mem. Sen- ate, 1841-45; m 1st, his cousin, Sarah Waller Burch (1789-1818; Joseph®, m Mary Rodes); sas Waller (1817-78), m Sarah Evans Mar- shall. §6-Capt. Peter Evans (1755-1814), Am. Rev.; m Ann Newman (1755-1836; Capt. John’, of Prince Wil- liam Co., Va., m Miss Posey); 5—Richard (1783-1836), m Sarah Pulliam (1786-1856; Joseph’, of Spotsylvania Co., Va., m Elizabeth Holliday [Benjamin’, d 178, m Susannah-—; John’, capt. Va. Rangers of Spotsylvania Co., Va., m Elizabeth—]); Tater ba (1808-1900), m Robert Marshall (0 3-Sarah E., m Joseph Waller Rodes (3 above). 7-William Higgins, had land surveyed in King William Co., Va., 1720; 6—Joel (1748-1807), ens. in Am. Rev.; settled nr. Cynthiana, Ky., where with his brothers built a fort called Higgins Blockhouse; m Drucilla—; 5-Richard (1770-1843), justice, co. surveyor, sheriff of Fayette Co., Ky.; soldier War 1812; m Sally Allen (Richard’, m Ann Wisdom, of Ky.); 4-Joel (1802-59), ed. Transylvania Coll., Ky.; m Ann Louisa Gibson (1804-81; Rev. Randal®, m Harriet, dau. of John McKinley, from Ireland, capt. Am. Rev., m Mary Connelly; Gibeon’, from Va., settled in Miss., m Mary O’Connell); 3-John Allen (1831-80), ed. Transylvania Coll.; planter in Ark. and Ky.; m 1832, Bettie Chinn Webb, of Scott Co., Ky. (Mitchum B.4, m Su- san, dau. of Robert Holmes; John V.5; Wil- liam C.®§). 2-Son of Dr. William Rodes (1851-1907), ed. Tran- sylvania Coll.; M.D., Coll. Phys. and Surg., Baltimore, 1876; physician, Lexington, Ky.; m 1888, Mary Ford Higgins (0 1859); issue: I- Allen Higgins (above); II—Louise Webb (b 1885; m Wallace Kelly); III—-William (6 1887; m Katherine Logan); I1V—Joseph Headley (1889- 1894) V—Mary Ford (b 1898; m Horace H. Wil- son); VI-—Joseph Waller (6 1899). I-m Oct. 7, 1918, Louise De Moss Cain, }b Hot Springs, Ark., Oct. 1, 1889; dau. of Lewis De Moss Cain (1846-1907; Aaron’, m Sarah-—), of Hot Springs, Ark.; m Sarah Ellen Wilson (1850- 1916; Rev. Dr. Samuel’, m Mary Cunningham). U. of Ky. 3 yrs. (Sigma Chi). Pres. Two Re- publics Life Ins. Co., El Paso, Tex. Mem. S.R.,S.A.R. Mason (32°, K.T., Shriner). Clubs: El Paso Country, Toltec. Residence: 2919 Federal St., El Paso, Tex. 1-SMITH, Josephine Fairfax (Mrs. Tunstall), 0 “Northampton,”’ Md., Aug. 20, 1865. 6—-William Fairfax (qv); 5-Bryan (1736-1802), 8th Baron Fairfax, m Ist, Elizabeth Cary (Col. Wilson®, of ‘‘Ceelys,” Va.; Col. Miles’; Col. Miles’, qv); 4-Thomas (1762-1846), 9th baron, of ‘‘Vancluse’’; m 3d, Margaret Herbert; 3—Albert (1802-35), m Carolina Eliza Snowden. 9-John Kirby, from Eng. in the ‘‘Hopewell,” to Plymouth, Mass., 1643; settled at Hartford, Conn., 1645; m Elizabeth—; 8—Joseph (1656-1717), m 1681, Sarah Markham; 7—John, m Hannah Stow; 6—Roger; 5-Abraham (1730-96), m Eunice Starkweather; 4—-Col. Ephraim (1753-1804), officer Am. Rev.; a founder Soc. Cin.; m 1784, Ruth Marvin; 3-Col. Edmund, U.S.A. (1794-1849), m 1825, Eliza Brown (1808-64; Maj. Gen. Jacob‘, at one time cedr.-in-chief U.S.A.). 2-Dau. of John Contee Fairfax (1830-1900), 11th, baron; m 1857, Mary Kirby (1838-1912); issue: ICaroline Snowden (1858-1924); II—Josephine (above); Il1I—Albert Kirby (6 1870; succeeded as 12th baron, 1900; m 1922, Maud McKelvie); IV— Mary Cecilia (b 1871); V-Charles Edmund Kir- by (b 1876); VI-—Frances Marvin (6 1878; m Clarence M. Roberts). II-m Mar. 1, 1892, Tunstall Smith, 6 Norfolk, Va., Mar. 14, 1855; son James Marsden Smith, of Norfolk; issue: 1—Josephine Tunstall, 6 Balti- more, May 29, 1894; m Mar. 30, 1918, Lee Barroll (issue: Louise Tunstall, b Feb. 1919); 2-Louise Tunstall (July 19, 1895-Oct. 11, 1918). Mem. C.D.A., etc. Residence: The Preston, Bal- timore, Md. J-SPERRY, George Barker, ) Ogdensburg, N.Y., Nov. 6, 1851. Desc. Richard Sperry (6 in Wales), from Eng. to New Haven, Conn., 1634; m Denise—; and thru: 4-Bbenezer, soldier Am. Rev.; m Hannah Pardee; 3—-Charles (1703-1871), m Hannah Willard. 8—-Phillippe Delano (qv); 7-Jonathan (1648-1720), m Mercy Warren; 6—-Jonathan, m ist, a dau. of Samuel Winslow; 5-Hannah, m Sampson Wetherill, of New Brain- tree, Mass.; 4-Hannah, m Humphrey Willard (b 1757; Josiah®; Joseph*; Benjamin’; Maj. Simon§, qv); 3—Hannah, m Charles Sperry (3 above). 2-Son of Simon Willard Sperry (1822-86), Sperry & Co., Stockton, Calif.; m 1850, Caroline Eliza- beth Barker (1880-1905); issue: I-George B. (above); II-James Willard (d; m Elizabeth Ashe); III—Austin Burkett (1859-91; m Kate Parson); IV—Alfred Easton (1864-88); V—Ethel Willard (m William Henry Crocker); VI—Eliza- beth (m Price Poniatowski). I-m Dec. 1, 1880, Georgie Mary Staples (Apr. 21, 1861-July 17, 1918); dau. of Capt. George W. Sta- ples, of Gardiner, Me.; issue (all 6 Stockton, Calif.): 1-Blizabeth, b Nov. 21, 1881; m June 1908, Arno Dosch (divorced 1920; issue: Betsy; Daphne); 2-William Hatfield, b June 28, 1885; served with Belgian Relief Commn., 1914-16, with Belgian Army 7 months and with A.R.C. 10 months; It., Int. Div., U.S.A., 10 months; m Grace Godwin; 3—Alfred Willard, b Sept. 7, 1887; m Nov. 24, 1912, Loraine Brooks (issue: George Brooks; Willard Staples). Ed. Racine (Wis.) College, ’73. Retired merchant. Clubs: Rocky Mountain (New York), Pacific Union. Address: Pacific Union Club, San Fran- cisco, Calif. 1-STILES, Charles Wardell, 6 Spring Valley, N.Y., May 15, 1867. 10—John Stiles (1595-1662), from Eng. to Windsor, Conn., 1635; m Rachel— (d 1674); 9-John (1633-83), m 1658, Dorcas Burt (6 1643), of Springfield, Mass.; 8—Ephraim (1670-1765), m 1694, Abigail Neal (6 1670); 7-Isaac (1696-1790), m 1720, Mary Brooks (d 1734); 6—-Lt. Martin (1728-1808), French and Indian War and lt. in Am. Rev.; m 1751, Dorcas Adams (d 1813, aet. 83), of Suffield, Conn.; , 5—-Martin (1753-1811), m 1772, Tirzah Loomis, of Southwick, Mass.; FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 4-Salmon_ (1781-1823), m 1805, Anna Dewey, of Southwick; 3-Ethan Dewey (b 1805), chemist; m Catharine M. Parmalee. 2-Son of Rev. Samuel Martin Stiles (1834-1904), B.A., Wesleyan, ’60; M.E. minister; m 1861, Elizabeth White (1838-1908); issue: l—Anna Jo- Sephine (6 1863); II—-Charles Wardell (above). Ii-m June 23, 1897, Virginia Baker, b Wheeling, W.Va., Dec. 22, 1869; sister of Mrs. Guy Despard Goff (qv for genealogy); issue: 1—Virginia Ruth Fordyce, 6 in Am. Embassy, Berlin, Germany, Aug. 24, 1899; m May 23, 1922, Fads Johnson (is- Sue: Wardell Stiles, 1924-25; Virginia Fordyce, b 1926); 2-Flizabeth, b Washington, D.C., Dec. 18, 1904; George Washington 26 Wesleyan U., Conn., 1885-86; College de France, 1886-87; U. Berlin, 1887-89; U. Leipzig, 1889-90; Trieste Zool. Sta., 1891; Pasteur Inst, and Col- lége de France, 1891; A.M., Ph.D., Leipzig, 1890; (hon. M.S., 1896, D.Sc., 1906, Wesleyan Wigs Tio ayy U. of N.C., 1912; hon. M.D. Richmond [Va.] Coll., 1913; D.Se., Yale, 1915). Prof. zoology, U.S.P. H.S., since 1902, and asst. surgeon gen., ibid. since 1919 (See Who’s ‘Who in America), Summer place: Bradley Beachy NJ.) Resi- Syn Wilmington, N.C., and Washington, eGs 1-ULLMAN, Percival Glenroy, } Tompkinsville, S.1, N.Y., May 29, 1849. 10—Peter (Coursen) Corson (qv); 9—Cornelius (1612-57), m ca. 1640, Tryntje Hendricks; 8-Capt. Cornelius (1645-93), located on Staten dee 1678; m 1666, Marett Jacobse Vander Ltt 7—Cornelius (1667/68-1730) ; 6-Cornelius (1698-1755), m ca. 1722, Jannetje Van- buskirk; 5—Cornelius (1731-89), m Nelly-; 4-Cornelius (1759-1832), m 2d, Louisa Lockman (Samuel®, dese. Covert Lookerman, mem. ist Colony of New Amsterdam, 1633) ; 3-Richard (1798-1844), m 1820, Henrietta Maria Lockman (Samuel’). 2-Only child of Mary Louise (Corson) Bowen (1880-66), m 1848, Bernard Emile Ullman (b Paris, France, 1826-d Paris, 1886). Cousin to late Adm. A.E.K. Benham, U.S.N., and his dau. Edith, wife of Admiral Helm, U.S.N. M Jan. 18, 1875, Isabelle Sarah Butcher, b St. Aud- ries, Eng.; dau. of William Freeman Butcher, of St. Audries; issue: 1-Pervical Glenroy, Jr., b Huguenot Park, S.I., N.Y., Dec. 29, 1877; m Nov. 29, 1907, Edna, dau. of Agnew Joline (is- sue: Reginald Glenroy); 2-Roscoe Tucker (d infancy); 3-Isabelle Sarah, b Huguenot Park, S.I., Feb. 15, 1881; m May 16, 1900, Rev. Robert Henry Locke (issue: Robert Glenroy, b June 11, 1901; Reginald Glenroy Ullman, } Oct. 5, 1908). Ed. Stapleton Collegiate Inst. Counsellor-at- law; admitted to bar, 1870; dir. First Nat. Bank of S.I. V.p. Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Children; vestryman, Ch. of The Holy Com- forter (P.E.). Compiled The Coursen (Corson) Family History, 1612-1917. Mem. Huguenot So- ciety of America. Summer place (for 32 yrs.): reselaa L.I. Residence: Huguenot Park, SL. IN. Y. 1-WARREN, Tracy Bronson, } Watertown, Conn., Dec. 20, 1847. 9-Richard Warren (qv); ea ier (1624/25-1669), m 1645, Sarah Walker (d 7-Richard (1646-97), m Sarah-; 6-John (1690-1768), m 17183, Naomi Bates; 5-James (1714-1800), soldier Am. Rey.; m 1744, Abi- gail Thomas (1722-1807); 4—Edward (1760-61-1814), of Watertown, pvt. Am. Rev.; m Mary Steele; 38-Alanson (1793-1858), Watertown; m 1818, Sarah M. Hickox (1799-1866; Maj. Calebt, m Ruth Sco- ville, desc. Gen. John Mason, qv). 9-Gov. William Bradford (qv); 8-Maj. William (1624-1703), m Alice Richards; 7-Meletiah (b 1664), m 1693, John Steele; 6—Ebenezer, m 1720, Susannah Merrill (b 1700); ‘ 5-Maj. Bradford, Am. Rev.; m 1755, Mary Perkins (1731-88) ; etd (1764-1847), m 1780, Edward Warren (4 above). §-Richard Bronson (d 1685), from Eng. in the “Hercules,” 1628; 8—John_ (1615-80), in Pequot War; 7-Segt. Isaac (1645-1719), m 1669, Mary Root; Conn.; 381 6-Isaac (1670-1751), m 1701, Mary Morgan; 5-Capt. James (6 1725), Am. Rey.; m 1750, Sarah Brockett; 4—-Asahael (1759-1850), Am. Rev.; Upson; 38—-William (1787-1856), m 1815, Almira Tyler. 10-John Alden (qv); 9Y—Ruth (1634/35-1674), m John Bass (1632-1716) ; 8-Sarah (1672-1757), m 1692, Ephraim Thayer (1669- 1757; Shadrach®, m Deliverance, dau. of James Priest, son of Degory Priest, qv); 7-Hannah (b 1698), m Samuel Tyler (b 1685); 6-Capt. Daniel (1714-94), Am, Rev.; m 1742, Eunice Tyler (0 1717); 5—James (1742-94), m 1763, Anne Hungerford (b 1746) ; Septet (1764-1836), m Susannah Easton (1767- 3—Almira (1789-1855), m William Bronson (3 above). 2-Son of David Hard Warren (1825-58), farmer, Watertown, Conn.; m 1847, Louisa Bronson (1828- 1912); issue: I-Tracy Bronson (above); II-Sarah Cornelia (1850-53); III—Jennie (1853-76; m 1871, Robert B. Lewis). I-m Oct. 28, 1894, Clara Arabella Mills (Sept. 2, 1854-Mar. 30, 1912); dau. of John Franklin Mills (1822-76), of Boston, m 1849, Sarah Rumrill Dud- ley (1824-67; desc. Gov. Thomas Dudley, qv); issue: 1-John Mills, b Boston, Mass., July 1, 1875; Yale-S., 96; m 1908, Harriet E. Bird (issue: Charlotte); 2-Louise Bronson, 6 Bridgeport, Conn., Jan. 27, 1877; Bryn Mawr, ’98; 3-Tracy Russia (Aug. 29, 1878-July 11, 1880); 4-Jennie Mills (Dec. 3, 1879-Aug. 11, 1880); 5—Bronson Mills (Jan. 8, 1883-Dec. 17, 1915); Yale, 04; m Apr. 1909, Pauline, dau. of Edward Downs (issue: Alice; Dorothy); 6-Harvey Tracy, b Bridgeport, Sept. 14, 1888; Yale, ’10; 1st It., U.S.A., World War: m Feb. 1, 1918, Mary, dau. of William McClave (issue: William Tracy; Richard Bronson); 7— Mildred Dudley (Aug. 9, 1892-May 1, 1894). Collegiate and Commercial Inst., New Haven, Conn. Real estate and insurance. Col., a.-d.-c. on staff of Gov. Henry B. Harrison, of Conn. ; capt. and commissary, Old Guards of City of N.Y.; capt., adj., 4th Regt. Conn. IN; Ges stelt., Co. F, 2d Regt., Conn. N.G. Mem. S.M.D., Alden Kindred of America, S.CoWe Oh PyAwES DED S.A.R., Sulgrave Instn., ete. Clubs: Algonquin, Brooklawn Country. Residence: 2354 North Av., Bridgeport, Conn. 1-WILLSON, Mary Rose Camp (Mrs. Notley 0O.), b Kent Co., Md., Sept. 6, 1873. 4-William Camp, m Grace Emory; 3-Col. William (1797-1864), fought in Battle of North Point in defense of Baltimore, 1814, also Seminole and Black Hawk wars; m 1821, Au- gusta Beck (1806-94; John‘, officer in Battle of Caulk’s Field, in War of 1812). 10-Leonard Calvert (qv); 9-Anne (1644-1714), m 1664, Baker Brooke (1628-79), Surveyor gen. of the Province, 1671-79; mem. Md. Council, 1658-79; 8-Baker (ca. 1666-1698), m 1690, Katherine Marsham (1672-ca. 1712); 7-Leonard (ca. 1692-1736), m ca. 1722, Anne Barnall (ca. 1705-1779) ; 6—-Capt. Leonard (1728-85), cdr. of “Horatio” that plied bet. the colony and London, Eng.; m at London, 2d, ca. 1753, Elizabeth Maxwell (ca. 1735-ca. 1790); 5-Hester (ca. 1755-1835), m 1781, Capt. Henry Hill (ca. 1750-ca. 1830), capt. Am. Rev.; 4-Mary A. H. (1795-1847), m 1st, 1814, James Brooke (1758-1822) ; 38—Henrietta Eleanor (1820-77), m 1837, Capt. George Hayward Willson (1810-73). 6-Thomas Smyth, m Mary Ann Ringgold: 5-Hon. Thomas (1729-1819), judge of the Co. Ct. of Quorem, 1757-59, 1762-69; judge of the Ct. of Oyer and Terminer, 1761-65; signer of assn. of free- men, 1775; mem. Md. Convy., 1774, 75, 76; mem. Md. Com. of Safety, 1775-76; mem. Kent Co. Com. of Safety, 1776; m 2d; 1764, Margaret Hands; 4-Anna Maria (1786-1823), m 1806, Dr. Thomas Will- son (1778-1859) ; 3-George H. (1810-73), m 1887, Henrietta Eleanor Brooke (3 above). 2—-Dau. of Samuel Albert Camp (1832-82), agricul- turalist; m 1871, Elizabeth Hill Willson (1839- 1920); issue: I-Mary Rose (above); II—William Willson (b 1874); IlI—George Hayward (0 1877; m Mabel Pettijohn; m 2d, Helen Turney). —m Dec, 28, 1918, Notley Oswald Willson (July 8, m 1784, Esther 382 1852-Dec. 22, 1922); son of Richard Bennett Will- son, Kent Co., m Ann Martha Young, of Prince George Co., Md. Teacher in public grammar and high schools 281% yrs. Residence: Rock Hall, Md. GAYLORD CALIARD Arms: Azure, a bend or, between three roses or, stalked and leaved vert. Crest: An arm embowed vested gules, holding in the hand proper a rose sprig vert, topped with a rose or. mC En la rose je fleurier (In the rose I flour- ish). 1-RATHBURN, Elizabeth (Bessie) Emily Gay- pie males Howard M.), ) Fairmont, Neb., Oct. 10-—Dea. William Gaylord (qv); 9-Walter (1622-89), Windsor, Conn.; m 2d, 1658, Sarah Rockwell (1638-83; Dea. William?*, qv); 8-Fleazar (b 1662), m 1686, Martha Thompson (0 ea. 1665; Hdmund®, m Martha Fiske); 7-Samuel (1697-1729), m 1719, Margaret Southmayd (1691-1730; William’, m Margaret Allyn); 6—-Samuel (1722-92), capt. in French and Indian War, 1755-60; m 1745, Margaret Clark (1725-1806; Cheney’, m Elizabeth Hall); 5-Jonathan (1747-1819), sgt. Am. Rev.; removed from Middletown, Conn., to what is now Stow Samuel Gaylord Homestead, Middletown, erected 1720-21. Middletown when it room for a Masonic hall. Conn., It was the oldest building at was demolished to make THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Tp., Summit Co., O., 1808; m 17738, Elizabeth HE Ae (ca. 1750-1809; Thomas®, m Abigail yale); 4-Thomas (1781-1868), of Cuyahoga Falls, O.; m 1st, ca. 1810, Betsy Butler (1785-1825; Stephen’, m Phebe Graves); 3-Sylvanus Graves (1812-75), m ca. 1836, Emily Whitney (1814-62; Luther’, m Hannah Whitney). 2-Dau. of William Rattle Gaylord (b 1850), law- yer, Lincoln, Neb.; m 1875, Margaret Belle Brazelton (1856-1915; Maj.-Surgeon John B.%, m Margaret Jane Boyd); issue: I-Elizabeth Em- ily (above); II—Nell Margaret (m Lucius B. Smutz); Il1I—Lida Ella (m Otto Martin Sander); ITV—William Brazelton (d 1895); V-Mignon Boyd (m Wallace Butler Griswold; issue: Paige But- ler, 6 Nov. 3, 1918; Mignon Virginia, 0b Dec. 26, 1915); VI-Alva E. (m Bertha Grimes; issue: Sherwood Boyd, b June 6, 1914; Yvonne Grimes, b Oct. 14, 1916); VII-Charles E. (m Beatrice Markland); VIII—-Iva E. (m Leonard Moller; m 2d, Eberle T. Childs). T-m Sept. 20, 1898, Howard Martin Rathburn, } Cleveland, O., July 27, 1876; son of Riley Henry Rathburn, of Lincoln, Neb. (Martin D2, m Fanny Harvey), m Lillie Richardson (Zodac S. W.%8, m Mercy Jane Balcom); issue (all b Lincoln, Neb.): 1-Winthrop Gaylord, 6 Apr. 22, 1900; m Sept. 14, 1920, Mary Helen, dau. of John Widick (issue: Constance Darline); 2-Margaret, b Oct. 1, 1902; Bethany Coll.; m Nov. 28, 1923, George Roland Kaser (issue: Douglas Roland); 3-Lois Mercedes, 6b Aug. 5, ea 4-Constance Elizabeth (Betty), 6 June 9, Mem. D.A.R., Neb. and Midwest Geneal. Soc. - Clubs: Woman’s, ete. Residence: 1905 C St., Lincoln, Neb. 1-WAITE, Julia Alston (Mrs. Frederick D.), 0 Orrville, nr. Selma, Ala., Feb. 9, 1868. 8-Rt. Hon. John Alston (qv); 7-John (d 1704), m Anne Wallis (b ca. 1645; John’) ; 6—Maj. John (1673-1758), asso. justice Supreme Ct. of N.C., 1725; m Mary Clarke (g.dau. of John Palin, chief justice of N.C., 1731); 5—Solomon, of Granville Co., N.C.; m Sarah Ann Hinton; 4-Lemuel James (1760-1836), mem. 10th and 11th Congresses from S.C., 1807-11; moved to Clark Co., Ala., 1816; m Elizabeth Williams; 8—William Williams (1799-1860), m 1820, Mary Hay- wood Burges (1808-41). 2-Dau. of Alfred Augustus Alston, M.D. (1839-92), M.D., Tulane U.; came to Fla., 1883; m 1867, Margaret Ulmer (1840-1902); issue: I-—Julia (above); II—Margaret (b 1870; m G. R. Haile); IlI—Annie (b 1876; m J. C. McMillan). I-m Frederick Daniel Waite, b Apr. 10, 1858; is- sue: 1-Margaret (6 and d Sept. 4, 1889); 2-Edith, b Belleview, Fla., Mar. 16, 1892; Shorter Coll., Rome, Ga.; m Apr. 18, 1912, Hatton B. Rogers, pres. Bank of Commerce, Tampa, Fla. (issue: Hatton B., Jr.; Dorothy Waite); 3-Ethel Alston, b Belleview, Nov. 12, 1897; Brenau Coll., Gainesville, Ga.; m Feb. 11, 1920, Harold Van Voorhees, of Indianapolis, Ind. Mem. C.D.A., U.D.C. Clubs: Woman’s_ (past pres.), Golf and Country. Residence: 404 River- side St., Palmetto, Fla. 1-WALLACE, Alice Gale (Mrs. Lew E.), } Gales- burg, Ill., Feb. 28, 1881. 6-Joseph Gale, from Eng. to Stamford, Conn., ca. 1714; m Rebecca-—; 5—Josiah (1742-97), m Rachel Mead; 4-George Washington, LL.D. (1789-1861), grad. Union Coll., 1814, Princeton Theol. Sem., 1817: founder Galesburg, Ill., and of Knox Coll.; m 1820, Harriet Selden; 8—William Selden (1822-1900), m 1845, Caroline Fer- ris (1822-1904). 0—Thomas Selden (bap. 1616/17-1655), from Eng., an original settler at Hartford, Conn., 1636; m Hester Wakeman; 8—Joseph (ca. 1651-1724), m Rebekah Church; 7-Samuel (1695-1745), m Deborah Dudley (Gov. Joseph’, gov. Province of Mass., 1702-15, m Re- becca Tyng; Gov. Thomas’, qv); 6—Col. Samuel (1723-76), cdr. first regt. from New London, Conn., in Am. Rev.; died a prisoner of war; m Elizabeth Ely; 5=Gharles;) of ‘Troy; INoY<; U.S.A.; mem. Soc. Cin.; 4-Harriet (1800-40), m George W. Gale (4 above). 2Dau. of George Washington Gale (b 1848), It... Ams Rev.3 capes FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 383 farmer, Galesburg, IlJ.; m 1872, Frances Candee (1850-1944). For issue and Candee lineage see George Candee Gale, Vol. LD 612): M Aug. 25, 1903, Lew E. Wallace, 6 Caanan, O., Mar. 6, 1873; son of Dr. James H. Wallace, m Sarah Jane Troutman, of Monmouth, IIl.; is- sue: 1—-George Gale, b Monmouth, IIll., Sept. 6, 1904; 2-Carolyn Gale, b Galesburg, Ill., May 10, 1908; 3-Lew, Jr., b Galesburg, Jan. 27, 1910, Residence: “The Gale Farm,” Galesburg, Il. tapered! George Henry, b Tunbridge, Vt., Aug. , 1866. 9-John Alden (qv); 8-Joseph (1624-97), farmer, Bridgewater, Mass.; m Mary Simmons (Moses, Jr.®); 7—-Dea. Joseph, of Bridgewater, Mass.; m Han- nah Dunham (Daniel, of Plymouth); Pecoue? of Bridgewater; m Abigail Shaw (Jo- sep ; 5-Dea. Daniel, of Stafford, Conn.; m Jane Tur- ner (Seth®); 4-Daniel, of Stafford; m Sarah Alden (Dea. Ezra‘); 3-Elam, of Windsor, Vt.;. m Sarah Hyde (Asaph‘), 2-Son of Rev. Edwin Hyde Alden (1886-1911), Congl. clergyman; m 1863, Anna Maria (b 1888), dau. of John Whittemore; issue: I-—George Henry (above); Il-Frederick W. (b 1873). I-m June 238, 1898, Dora Hall Page, b Spring- field, Me., June 1, 1868; dau. of Edward S. Page, of Anoka, Minn.; issue: 1-Rodney Whitte- more, 0 Northfield, Minn., May 18, 1899; Wil- LAMetLO NU, ye233) pVvtiCo. 1,) 140th Inf., 35th Div., and with A.E.F. in France 17 months; 2-Margaret Marion, b Seattle, Wash., Dec. 12, 1903; Willamette, ex-’25; m July 9, 1924, William Henry Abel. B.S., Carleton, ’91; A.B., Harvard, 1893; fellow in history, U. Chicago, 1893-95, and U. Wis., 1895- 1896, Ph.D., 1896. Prof. history and govern- ment, Cornell Coll., Ia., 1897-98; prof. history and political science, Carleton Coll., 1898-1903 ; asst. prof. and asso. prof. history, U. Wash., 1903-09; dean, 1914-25, prof. history since 1915, Willamette U. (actg. pres., 1914-15, 1924-25). Author (See Who’s Who in America). Resi- dence: 760 N. Church St., Salem, Ore. + ae Charles Ira, b Brandon, Vt., May 8-Matthias Button (d 1672), from Eng. to Salem, Mass., 1628; with Gov. Endicott; commoner at Ipswich, Mass., 1641; m Teagle— (d@ 1663); 7—Peter (1660-1726), of Haverhill, Mass., Stoning- ton, Conn., and Westerly, R.I.; m 1687, Mary Lanphere, of Westerly; 6—Joseph (1702-50), m 1737, Abigail Rood; 5—-Charles (1739-90), a first settler of Clarendon (then Durham), Vt.; m Anna Wilcox (1739-77) ; 4—Charles Frederick (1763-1809), of Clarendon, Vt.; Am. Rev.; m Hannah Kinney (1767-1809) ; 3-Ira Daniel (1797-1863), moved to Brandon, Vt., about 1820; merchant; Vt. Senator; m Phoebe F. Marsh (1805-74), 2-Son of Frank Rodney Button (1828-1905), Calif. argonaut, 1849-51; rep. 1858; mcht., Brandon, Vt., 1863-1905; m 1865, Laura Ann Morse (b 1838) ; issue: I-Frank Morse (b 1866; m Florence Rit- ter Brison, 1866-1918; m 2d, Eunice Salome [Por- terfield] Martin); II-Edwin Heman (m Grace Vail Ross); III-Charles Ira (above), III—m July 10, 1906, Abigail Hopkins Ray, b Or- well, Vt., Dec. 28, 1876; dau. of Walter O. Ray, of Orwell and Brandon, Vt. Ph.B., U. Vt., ’99 (Sigma Phi, P.B.K.); oy, Be Chicago-Kent Coll. of Law, 1902 (Phi Delta Phi). In law practice at Middlebury, Vt., from 1904. Judge of probate, district of Ad- dison, Vt., from 1910; mem. Vt. Legislature, 1921, Vt. Senate, 1927. Residence: 11 Court St Middlebury, Vt. 1-CANTEY, Samuel Benton, Jr., 6b Ft. Worth, Tex., July 17, 1893. 8-George Cantey (1657-post 1714), from Barbados to S.C., 1670; mem. House of Commons for Berkley, 1708, 04; vestryman of St. James’, Goose Creek, 1707; m ante 1671, Martha-—: 7-William_ (d 1729), tax commr. for English Santee, S.C., 1715; m ante 1671, Arabella Oldys: 6-John (1720-92), of Pine Tree Hill: commr. for St. Mark’s Parish, S.C., 1757; capt. against Cherokees, 1759-60; m Mary McGirt: 5-James (1755-1817), of Camden, S.C.: lt. in Snow campaign, 1775, and in Cont. Army; capt. S.C, militia; m Martha Whitaker (d 1806) ; 4—James Willis (1794-1860), m 1822, Camilla Flor- ide Richardson; 3—James (1818-85), capt. in Mexican War, 1846-47; brig. gen. in Civil War, 1861-65; m 1858, Martha Elizabeth Benton (b 1839). 2-Son of Samuel Benton Cantey (1861-1924), atty. at law; m 1885, Italia Marie Brooks (6 1867); issue: I—Craig C. (m Maurine Martin); 1I—Mar- guerite (m Joe B. Hogsett): IlI—Martha (m S. A. Teas); IV-Samuel Benton, Jr. (above). Iv—m June 18, 1913, Grace Ambler, 6 Ft. Worth, Tex., Sept. 29, 1898: dau. of Emory Thayer Ambler, of Danbury, Conn.; issue: 1-Samuel Benton, 3d, b Ft. Worth, Apr. 17, 1914; 2—Emory Ambler, b Ft. Worth, Apr. 25, 1917. LL.B., Cumberland, 1914 (Kappa Sigma). Atty. at law. Mem. S.A.R. Residence: 1226 Penn- sylvania Av., Ft. Worth, Tex. 1-OGLESBY, Juanita Bullard (Mrs. Wood, Jr.), } Cochran, Ga., Oct. 11, 1886. 10-Richard Pace (ca. 1590-1628), from Eng. to James Town, Va., ante 1620, when he received a grant of 400 acres on south side of James River, four miles above James Town, which he named “Pace’s Paines’”; m ea. 1618, Isabella— (ca. 1595-post 1635), she m 2d, Capt. William Perry, of the Council; 9-George (ca. 1620-ca. 1700), heir of “Pace’s Paines,” granted 400 acres in corporation of James City; m ca. 1642, Sarah Macock (or May- cox; 1622-ca. 1690; Capt. Samuel?, d 1622); 8-Richard (ca. 1655-1738), moved from Va. to Bertie District, N.C.; m ca. 1688, Rebeccah— (ca. 1665-post 1738); 7-William (ca. 1690-1775), colonial magistrate, Northampton Co., N.C.; m ca. 1715, Celia— (ca. 1695-post 1775); 6-Hardy (ca. 1720-1792), m ca. 1745, 1723-post 1792); i Thomas (ca. 1750-1795), lived in Halifax Co. until 1768, when he moved to Ga.; he was granted 250 acres in St. Paul’s Parish, 1769: officer Am. Rey. and received a grant in Washington Co. for services; m ca. 1780, Ce- belle Matthews (ca. 1763-ca. 1850), she m 2d, Benjamin Carr; 4—Hardy (1784-1836), m 2d, 1812, Fannie Hopkins (1793-post 1836); AGO ce et m Ist, 1842, Kennedy Bullard 8-James Taylor (qv); 7-John (d 1780), soldier Am. Rev.; m 1716, Cath- arine Pendleton (1699-1774: Philip’, qv); —Mary (1718-57), m 1735, Joseph Penn (ca. 1710- post 1763); 5-Mary, called Mollie (1757-ca. 1830), m ca. 1783, William Stewart (1762-1848), soldier Am. Rev.; 4—Thomas (1768-1871), m 1812, Nancy Russell (1796- 1883; Robert5, Am. Rev., m Jane, dau. of Wil- liam Rutherford, m Hannah, dau. of John Beard, m Plizabeth-); 3-Amanda Melvina (1832-1918), m 1857, John New- ton Hudson (1832-86). 2-Dau. of Kennedy Cornelius Bullard (1851-1925), m 1877, Joannah Hudson (1858-90) : issue: I-Alma Maud (m BE. Moseley; m 2d, Hughes Browning): II-Newton Hudson; III-—Lucile (m J. G, Thomas); IV—Juanita (above). IV—m May 27, 1907, Zeanas Wise Oglesby. Jr. (Feb, 1882-Feb. 21, 1914): son of Zeanas Wise Oglesby, of Quitman, Ga.: issue: 1—Katherine Hudson, } Quitman, Ga., July 28, 1910. M 2d. Feb. 15, 1918, James Wood Oglesby, Jr., b Kingston, Ga., July 1, 1881: son of James Wood Orlesby, of Quitman, Ga.: issne: 1— Martha Elizabeth, b Quitman, Nov. 14, 1923 Mem. D.A.R., U.D.C. Summer place: White Sulphur Springs, Gainesville, Ga. Residence: Quitman, Ga. 1-CODY, Susan Boydstun (Mrs. Robert Alex- Reet b in Neshoba or Leake Co., Miss., Dec. 6. 1866, 11-Stephen Hopkins (qv); 10—Constance (1610-77), m 1627, Nicholas Snow: Lt. Jabez (1643-90), m Elizabeth Smyth: S—Jabez (1670-1750), m Elizabeth Treat (g.dau. of Gov. Robert Treat, of Conn.): T-Jabez (b 1696). m Elizabeth Paine (d 1755): 6—Mehitibel (1731-1811), m 1746, David Boydstone (1726-1811) ; 5-James (1747-1814). patriot Am. Rev.: wrote name Boydston; m 1761, Mary Prewett (1745-1809) ; James Lucy— (ca. 384 4—-Samuel (1762-1846), wrote name Boydstun; sol- dier Am. Rev.; m 1787, Sarah Reed (1768-1850) ; 3-Jesse (1788-1869), soldier War 1812; m 1824, Ur- sula Miles (1810-88). 2-Dau. of James Guthrie Boydstun, D.D. (1831- 1912), Presbyn. minister; m 1862, Martha Ver- netta Fincher (1835-81). For issue and Boyd- stun lineage see Mrs. Robert F. Johnstone. M June 2, 1892, Robert Alexander Cody, D.D., b Raleigh, Tenn., Sept. 1, 1857; son of Thomas Jefferson Cody, of Arlington, Tenn.; issue: 1-Edward Franklin, } Arlington, Tenn., July 9, 1894; vol. World War; Presbyn. minister; m Jan. 1918, Mamie Pleasants; 2—Robert Alex- ander, Jr., B} Meridian, Miss., Aug. 24, 1898; vol. World War; m Nov. 27, 1928, Hazel Bates; 38-Irving Boydstun, Bb Meridian, Sept. 26, 1903; 4-James, b Meridian, June 18, 1908; 5-Joseph Fincher, 6 Meridian, Apr. 6, 1911. Mem. D.A.R., U.D.C., O.E.S., Rebeccas. Resi- dence: Penney Memorial Homes, P. O. Pen- ney Farms, Fla. PENDAR Arms: Azure, a chevron ermine between three lions’ heads, erased ermine, crowned or. Crest: A lion’s head erased ermine, crowned or. Sata cgt tan Oliver Simon, } Salem, Mass., Sept. 8-Henry (Pynder, Pinder, Pender) Pendar (1578- 1661), from Eng. in Gov. Winthrop’s Fleet, 1630; settled at Ipswich, Mass.; his wife and family came in the “Susan and Ellen,” 1635; m Mary-— (b 1582); 7—John (1627-1707), ma dau. of Theophilus Wilson; 6—-Simon (1670-1725), m Hannah Browne; parole (1700-85), m 1729, Kathrine Kimball (1706- +-Simon (1748-1813), m 1772, Mehitable Dutch (1747- 3-Samuel (1774-1838), began to write name Pen- dar; m Mehitable Putnam (1777-1836). 9-Thomas Leavitt (1616-96), from Eng., a first settler of Exeter, N.H.; moved to Hampton, N.H.; m 1644, Isabella (Bland) Asten (d 1696); 8-Hezron (1644-1712), m 1667, Martha Taylor; 7—Moses (1673/74-1732), m Mary Carr (1680-1747) ; 6—John (b 1719), m 1735, Abigail Giles (6b 1710); Br herreyreiie, (1744-1830), m 1767, Mary Fogg 4—-Joseph Stacy Hastings (1771-1803), m 1792, Mary Dearborn; 8-Oliver (6 N. Hampton, 1792-d Salem, Mass., 1843), m 1814, Eunice Batchelder (d 1872). 2-Son of Simon Pendar (1800-87), m 1848, Ann Towle Leavitt (1815-98); issue: I-Almira Ann (1849-1852); II—Louisa Colby (1853-54); ILI—Eliz- abeth (1853-83; m 1876, Joseph M. Parsons); IV-— THE ABRIDGED COMPENDIUM OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY Oliver Simon (above); V-—Samuel Dutch (0) 1859; m 1889, Isabelle Tuttle). IV—m Nov. 1, 1883, Mary Ellen Flint (Sept. 18, 1858-July 1, 1884); dau. of Simeon Flint, of Salem, Mass., m 1845, Ellen R. Pollard. M 2d, Aug. 10, 1904, Ruth Whittemore, 6 Roch- ester, N.Y., Nov. 17, 1880; dau. of Charles S. Whittemore, of Rochester, N.Y., m HEugenia Morgan; issue (all b Sioux Falls, S.D.): 1—Oli- ver Ansel, b June 5, 1905; Harvard, ’27; 2— Kenneth Whittemore, b Dec. 22, 1906; Harvard, 30; 83-Jean Ann, b Feb. 10, 1914. First postmaster and named the town of Salem, Dakota Ty.; 1st clerk of the Federal Ct. (now retired). Winter place: Washington Hotel, Shreveport, La. Residence: Pendar’s Lane, Hunters Grove, Sioux Falls, S.D. 1-CONVERSE, Allan Dean, 6 Dorchester (Bos- ton), Mass., Sept. 23, 1880. 10-EKdward Converse (dv); 9-Set. Samuel (1637/38-1669), m 1660, Judith Car- ter (Rev. Thomas”, m Mary Parkhurst); 8-Samuel (1662-ca. 1732), m ante 1694, Dorcas Pain; 7-Ens. Edward (1696-1784), m 1717, Elizabeth Cooper (d 1776, aet. 76; John’, m Elizabeth—); 6—Jonathan (1723-61), m 1748, Keziah Hughes (Jon- athan’, of Killingly, Conn.); 5—Dea. Jonathan (1760-1845), of Thompson, Conn.; soldier Am. Rev.; m 1783, Esther Whipple (1762-1832) ; 4-Dea. Joseph (1795-1849), m 1820, Betsey Day (1796-1880) ; 3-Joseph Henry (1828-1902), m 1849, Sophia G. Prentiss (b 1825). 2-Son of Charles Henry Converse (0 1850), of Boston, Mass.; m 1874, Martha Elizabeth Dean (1853-1915; Rev. Myron Munson’, m Harriet Car- penter Moriarty); issue: I-Ethel Dean (m Wil- liam Walker Rockwell, See Vol. 1, p. 406); II-— Bertha Elizabeth (1875-1917); I1I-Joseph Henry, 2d (1878-1905; A.B., Harvard, ’02); I1V—Allan Dean (above). Iv—m June 12, 1906, Nina Katharine Weaver, 0 Millerstown, Pa.; dau. of Joseph Curtis Wea- ver, m Nancy Bell Thorne; issue: 1—Julia, 0 Bloomfield, N.J., June 27, 1907; 2-Allan Dean, Jr., b Bloomfield, Aug. 12, 1911. Mem. firm of Kelley, Drayton & Converse, in- vestment brokers, New York. Clubs: Wy- kagyl Country (New Rochelle), Union (New York). Residence: 1150 5th Av., New York. 1-HERTZOG, Walter Sylvester, 6 Shamokin, Pa., May 20, 1881. 6—-Capt. Philip Hertzog (1720?-1785), served in Am. Rev. and French and Indian War; a founder of the Dutch Reformed Ch., Zionsville, Le- high Co., Pa., 1740; m Anna Margretha Déer- ster (1725-1808); three sons in Am. Rev.; 5-Theobald (1753?-1830), Am. Rev.; m 1776, Cath- arine Rether; 4-Adam_ (1794-1870), pioneer in anthracite coal industry of Pa.; m 1816, Elizabeth Heberling (1800 ?-1862) ; 3—Wiltliam (1827-77), m 1846, Sarah Romberger. 6-John Romberger, Indian trader; guide for Count Zinzendorf, leader of the Moravians, in his journey over the Blue Mountains of Pa., 1742; soldier Am. Rev.; m Elizabeth Math- er (desc. Rev. Richard Mather, qv); 5-Baltzer, m Susanna-—; 4-Jacob, m Marguerite Conrad —Muth); 3-Sarah (1828-1917), m William Hertzog (3 above). 2-Son of Theodore Burr Hertzog (1850-1922), mcht., Shamokin, Pa., 40 yrs.; m 1874, Fayetta (Van) Schminkey (b 1852); issue: I-William Franklin (b 1875); II-Sarah Elmira _ (1877-78); TlJ-Cora Jane Meyers (1879-1916); IV—Walter Sylvester (above); V—Jennie Rebecca (b 1883; m John Harvey); VI-—Clarence Theodore (0 1885): VII—Howard Sinton (b 1886); VIII—Allen Tsaiah (1888-1908); IX—Harry Wallace (6 1890); X—Donald Scott (b 1892); XI-Florence Grace (b 1894). Iv—m Apr. 21, 1906, Sadie Roselle Dinger, b Ash- land, Pa., June 2, 1886; dau. of J. A. Dinger, of Pottsville, Pa., m Kathryn Long; issue: 1-Walter Sylvester, Jr., 6 N.Y. City, May 29, 1907; U. Calif., ’28 (maj., R.O.T.C.); 2-Dorothy Beatrice, b N.Y. City, Mar. 31, 1909; U. Calif, (George®, m FIRST FAMILIES OF AMERICA 385 ‘30; 3-Catharine Fayetta, b Glendale, Calif., May 27, 1915. Lafayette Coll. 1900-02 (hon. Litt. M., 1926) ; A.B., Harvard, ’05; Columbia U. Graduate Sch. of Polit. Science, 1907-09; Columbia Law Sch., 1909-10; Union Theol. Sem., 2 yrs.; grad. stu- dent, U. Calif. and U. Southern Calif. His- torian and educator; taught in Mt. Pleasant (N.Y.) Mil. Acad., Cutler School, N.Y. City; and Mercersburg (Pa.) Acad.; prof. history, Hollywood (Calif.) High School, 1911—. Pio- neer in the use of the radio for educational purposes and has delivered 504 consecutive lectures on Am. history; writer on history and genealogy. Bibliophile; presented to Harvard U. Library the Hertzog Collection of rare books and mss. of early colonial print- ing presses; also books and mss. to John Carter Brown Library, Providence, R.I., and to Lafayette Coll, ete. Fellow Am. Geog. Soc.; hon. mem. Tau Nu Nambda (U. Calif.), Gen. George C. Crook Camp of Nat. Indian . War Vets., printing trades div. of Mchts. and Mirs. Assn. of Los Angeles, Hollywood Shrine Club; mem. S.C.W., S.R., etc. Clubs: Harvard (New York), Sunset Country (Los An- geles). Residence: 818 N. Curson Av., Holly- wood, Calif. 1-NEWCOMB, Lucy Theodora Comstock (Mrs. Harry T.), 6 Owosso, Mich., May 11, 1869. 9-William Comstock (qv); 8-Daniel (ante 1637-1683), m Paltiah Elderkin; 7—Daniel (1671-1746), m 1700, Elizabeth Prentice; 6-John (6 1705), m Mary Lee; 5-John (1734-76), 1t. Am. Rey.; killed in Battle ines Plains, 1776; m Eunice Stoddard (1736- Sepa (1771-1834), m 1797, Sarah Green (1777- 3-Elias (1799-1886), m 1827, Lucy Lamson (1804-90). 2-Dau. of John Elias Comstock (1842-1925), m 1867, Emma Jane Wheeler (1845-1908); issue: (sy Theodora (above); II—Harold Orange I-m Oct. 11, 1898, Harry Turner Newcomb (See Vol. 1, p. 741, for genealogy); issue: 1-Com- stock (6 Washington, D.C., Jan. 31, 1895-d Aug. 16, 1901); 2-Ellsworth, b Washington, Dec. 16, 1899; m_ Mar. 4, 1922, Lt. James Clark McGuire, Jr.; 3-Winifred Wheeler, b Wayne, Pa., Sept. 5, 1901; m Oct. 8, 1921, Lt. Armon Davis Ache- son Crawford (issue: Armon D. A., Jr., b Mar. 1, 1924); 4-Josiah Turner, 6 Kensington, Md., Sept. 24, 1903; Yale, ’26; m July 12, 1926, Ann E., dau. of Charles Van Buren Bookhout; 5— Lucy Lamson, } Kensington, Md., Dec. 17, 1904; 6-Maryland, b Bethesda, Md., June 26, 1907; m_ June 27, 1925, Malcolm Murray Brig- ham; 7—-Holly, b Bethesda, Aug. 20, 1908; 8 Simone, and 9—Harrie Janet (twins), b Beth- esda, Feb. 6, 1910; 10-Harry Turner, 2d, b Beth- esda, Oct. 12, 1911. U. Mich., 98. Mem. D.A.R. Clubs: Washington (Washington, D.C.), Woman’s (Scarsdale). Summer place: Holly Farms, Washington, Sane Residence: ‘“Maplehurst,” Scarsdale, al Arthur Ray, } Cleburne, Tex., Mar. 4—Thomas Curry (d ca. 1848), of Green Conky m Nancy Crane; 3-Thomas Green (1814-87), m 1839, Nancy Royal Bolling. 5—“Billie B.” Bolling, of Petersburg, Va.; went to Ky., 1800; 4-Dred (1789-1846), m Mary Davis; m 2d, Mary Kimberlin; 3-Nancy R. (d 1870), m Thomas Green Curry (3 above). 5-Thom Johnston, of Va.; 4—Moses (ca. 1788-1872), of Macon, Ga.; m 4th, Elizabeth Cummings (d ca. 1850); 3-Alvenia Rozella (b 1838), m 1855, Stephen Fran- cis Ray _ (1829-1920; George Washington!, m Mary Nelson). 2-Son of James Silas Curry (1844-1921), m 3d, 1887, Ella Annie Ray (6b 1859); issue: I-Arthur Ray (above); II—Lillian Ella (b 1893; m 1913, Omer Cole). ‘ I-m May. 28, 1924, Miriam Marguerite Lewis, 0 Indianapolis, Ind., June 13, 1898: dau. of Frank Lewis, of Indianapolis, Ind.; issue: 1—Jean Eloise, b Ft. Worth, Tex., Aug. 20, 1925. cAC em Cox lose ts Oo Ula Til etgel me nduca- tional work to 1919; reference librarian, U. Okla., 1921-28; exec. sec. Ind. Public Library Commn., 1923-25; librarian, Mary Couts Burnett Library of Texas Christian U., 1925— (See Who’s Who in America). Residence: 2803 Greene St., Ft. Worth, Tex. peep eat Elmer, 6 Rockwall Co., Tex., Jan. 5-John Renfro (1760-1846), b Bedford Con 8 V.a.; drummer boy in Va. militia in Am. Rev., pen- Sioned; m 1781, Esther Peach (1764-1851); 4-Jesse (1785-1876), served in Ky. militia in War ra m 1806, Mary (“Polly”) Mitchell (1789- 3-Robert A. (1820-1908), m Sarah H,, 911 Jonathan, 86-352-468- 977 Joseph Loring, 441 Joseph T., 324 Lucius, 82 Matthew, 165 Nathan, 780 Nathaniel, 352 Prentiss Bailey, 157 Samuel Cotton, 324 Steven, 780 Sturges, 176 Thomas, 82-649 Uri, 753 Wells Smith, 352 GILBERT-CARTER, Gertrude C. Parker, 533 Gilbert Thomas, 533 Thomas, 533 GILBRETH, Frank B., 920 George, 920 John Hiram, 920 GILCHRIST, Albert W., 621 Allen, 362 FF. W., 546 John, 402-621 John D., 647 Nimrod, 621 Obadiah, 621 Robert, 386 - Thomas, 362 William E., 621 GILDER, George de Kay, 157 GILDER Henry, 156 John, 156 Joseph B., 156-157 Reuben, 156 mecnere Watson, 157- 23 Rodman de Kay, 548 William Henry, 156 GILE, Ephraim, 809 John, 809 Samuel, 809 GILES, James, 32-685 Josiah P., 771 Nicholas, 562 William, 131-558-562 GILFILLAN, Jas., 884 GILFORD, Mrs. Sam- uel T., 1000 GILL, Alexander, 145 Charles, 145 John, 145 Robert, 145 William, 145 GILLAN, James, 507 GILLESPIB, Alfred J., 131 Earl A., 563 George Cuthbert, 165 |- John Finley, 518 John Jones, 712 John W., 372 Leonard, 165 GILLET (see also Gil- lett, Gillette) George Martin, 165 George Musgrave, 165 James McClure, 404 Jonathan, 165-977 Joseph, 165 Josiah, 165 Martin, 165 GILLETT (see also Gil- let, Gillette) Bezaleel, 343 Clarence Sherman, 712 Ebenezer, 343 Israel, 343 John, 342 Jonathan, 342-977 Joseph, 342 Leslie Kemper, 343 Roger, 343 GILLETTE (see also Gillet, Gillett) Anson Tuller, 744 Benjamin, 165 Cornelius, 165 Edward, 165-166 Jeremiah, 165 Joel Hoyt, 165 Jonah, 165 Jonathan, 165-977 Lewis Singer, 165 Mahlon B., 165 Morgan D., 744 Nathan, 977 Samuel, 165 Simeon, 165 Thomas, 165 GILLHAM, William Harrison, 746 GILLILAND, Jas., Nathan, 775 Samuel, 775 William, 775 GILLIS, Archie Coburn, 178 Charles E., 671 Gaylord W., 917 GILLMING, Joséf, 734 GILLMORE (see also Gilmore) Edmund, 622 Henry Van Kleeck, 622 Maria McIlvaine, 622 Quartus, 622 775 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Quincy Adams, 622 Quincy O’Maher, 622 GILMAN, Allen, 860 Benj. Ives, 283-502 Bradley, 439 Chas. Ashburton, 283 Charles Jervis, 283 Daniel, 283-312-742- 914 Daniel Coit, 884 Edward, 72 - 283-312- 368-719-734-742-902- 914-976-977 Geo. Houghton, 768 Jacob, 902-914 John, 283-312-368-402- 554-719-742-902-914 John Melvin, 751 John Stratton, 860 John Taylor, 283-312- 742 Joseph, 283 Nathaniel, 283-742 Nathaniel Clark, 368 Nicholas, 283-312-742 Oscar Fitzgerald, 368 Theodore, 283-502 Thomas, 368 Winthrop Sargent, 283-475 GILMER, Albert H., 679 Francis Meriwether, 906 George, 283-284-906 George H., 586 George Hudson, 284 James Blair, 283 John, 906 John Blair, 906 Peachy R., 906 Thomas, 586 Thomas Walker, 284 William Barnett, 906 Wm. Barnett, Jr., 906 GILMOR, John Scott, 755 GILMORE (see also Gillmore) oN Wee ole lp Addison, 531 John, 641 Nathaniel, 142 Samuel, 142 Thomas, 426 William, 907 GILMOUNT, Arvid Emanuel, 626 Emma KL. Lott, 626 GILMOUR, John, 109 GILPIN, Bernard, 285 Charles, 285 Charles, Jr., 285 Charles Davis, 285 Edward, 284-285 Francis H., 284-285 Frederic Morton, 285 Gideon, 285 Henry Brooke, 285 Hood, 284-285 James, 285 Joseph, 284-285-977 Samuel Stapler, 285 Vincent, 284-285 Washington Hood, 496 GINDRAT, Abram, 851 Henry, 851 GINTER, George, 816 GIORNI. Aurelio, 386 CAB AUR Maurice, 641 GISELEN (see also Ghislen) Caesar, 634 Reverdy, 634 William, 634 GIST, Christopher, 157 Richard, 157 William, 157 GITTINGS, Geo., 868 James, 868 John, 868 John, Jr., 868 Phillip, 868 Thomas, 868 GIVENS, Thos. Karr, 487 GLADDING, George Anthony, 196 Geo. Washington, 430 John, 430-737 John Hill, 430 Jonathan, 430 Nelson A., 430 Royal E., 834 Timothy, 430 GLAENZER, Georges Auguste, 287 Jules, 287 Richard Butler, 286 GLASGOW, Arthur, 922 Ellen Anderson Ghol- son, 922 Francis Thomas, 922 ‘George Russell, 917 Robert, 922 GLASS, Benjamin Franklin, 920 Ebenezer Pollock, 920 Franklin Potts, 920 Samuel, 924 Thomas E., 642 GLASSELL, Andrew, 38 GLAZEBROOK, John, 166 Richard, 166 Robert Snead, 166 GLEANE, Anthony, 743 GLEASON, Charles Billings, 495 Ebenezer Steele, 115 William, 903 GLEN, Jacob Sanders, 28 John, 701 GLENN, Alexander L., 463 Elias, 463 Jacob, 463 Johannes, 463 John, 315-463 John F., 364 Samuel, 463 GLENNY, Bryant B., 278 GLICK, Benjamin, 707 George, 752 Geo. Washington, 752 Isaac, 752 John Philip, 752 Jonathan, 700 GLIDDEN, Arthur B., 287 Charles, 287-622-977 Charles Jasper, 622 John, 287 Jno. Murray, 287-288 Joseph Warren, 287- 288 Nathaniel Ames, 622 Richard, 287 Robert Grinnell, 667 William Taylor, 287 Zebulon, 287 GLOVER, Charles Car- roll, 622-623 Dawson, 918 Charles Carroll, Jr., 622 Griff, 624 John Irwin, 436 R. F., 82 Richard, 624 Richard L., 623 Samuel Taylor, 624 475 GOGGIN Thomas, 210 GOAD, Wm. Frank, 652 GODARD, George Sey- mour, 1004 William, 977 GODBOLD, John, 367 Thomas, 367 GODDARD, Benjamin, 288-579-936 Calvin, 288-923 Calvin Hooker, 28-288 Daniel, 288 David, 408 Edward, 288-579 Edward Lewis, 288 Eliza W. Acheson, 288 Francis Wayland, 34 Frederick Worth, 288 George H., 288 Giles, 37 Henry, 856-936 Henry Perkins, 288 Hezekiah, 288 James Edward, 288 John, 856 John Calvin, 63-288 Joseph, 37 Levi Hart, 288-547 Martha P. Wade, 922 Miles, 183 Nathan, 288 Nichols, 288 Robt. H. I., 36-37 Samuel, 936 Warren M., 297 William, 37-288-579- 936-977 William Giles, 37 William Henry, 923 GODFREY, Francis, 777-971 George, 624-652 Henry Fletcher, 322 John, 365-624-652-963 Richard, 229-624-652 Samuel, 624 GODLEY, Fredk. A., 461 GODRY, Peter, 294 GODWIN, Abraham, 624-920 Earl, 624 Frederick M., 798-920 Harold, 203-920 Harry, 624 Harry Post, 624 James Charles, 656 Parke, 920 GOH, James B., 641 GOELET, Francis, 288 Jacobus, 288-289 Jan, 289 John, 289 John E. B., 289 Peter, 289 Peter P., 617 Robt. Walton, 288 pts eee Herman, 364 GOETCHIUS, Henry K., 289 J. Milton, 289 Johannus M., 289 John, 289 John Embler, 289 Mauritius, 289 Morgan, 289 GOETZ, Frank, 578 GOFF, David, 703 Frederick Channing, 289 Frederick Harris, 289 Samuel, 289 GOFORTH, Wm., 116- 422 GOGGIN, Jas. Mann., 203 James Monroe, 203 GOGGIN Lucien B., 203 Pleasant M., 203 Stephen, 203 GOHLKE, W. F., 905 GOKEN, Henry Davis, 55 3 GOLD (see also Gould) Chas. Lockwood, 289- 290 Enoch, 984 Hezekiah, 289-290 James Douglas, 290 John, 695 Nathan, 103-290-552- 978 Samuel W., 289-290 Theodore Sedgwick, 289-290 Thomas, 281-417 GOLDER, Isaac, 318 John, 318 Peter, 318 GOLDSBOROUGH, Chas., 33-282-625- 721-803-922 Charles B., 625 Charles Henry, 33-721 Chas. Worthington, 33 Bamund Lee, 33 Edward Yerbury, 282 Edwin G. L., 33 Fitzhugh, 922 Griffin Washington, 625 Henry Bedinger, 33 Henry H., 30 Howes, 138 John Alden, 292 John Schley, 282 Murray Lloyd, 921 Nicholas, 33-282-493- 625-721-802-803-921- 977 Richard, 802-803 Robert, 33-282-625- 721-803-921 Thomas, 625 Thomas Moore, 625 Washington Elwell, 625 William, 338-282-721 Wm. Tilghman, 411- 922 Winder Elwell, 625 GOLDSMITH, Frank, 3 William Martin, 518 GOLDTHWAIT, Wm. Johnson, 153 GOMBES, John, 424 GOOCH, Frank Austin, 350 James, 350 John, 350 Joshua Goodale, 350 Samuel, 350 Thomas D., 822 GOOD, Samuel, 546 GOODALE (see also Goodell) Abraham, 314 sea Montgomery, 1 Benjamin, 293 Benjamin Nourse, 293 Nathan, 279-432 Richard, 108 Robert, 293-977 Stephen Lincoln, 293 Zachariah, 293 GOODAN, Roger, 100 GOODE, Daniel, 182 Edward, 625 John, 95-182-224-625 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Joseph, 182 Richard, 625 Richard Livingston, 625 Robert, 625 Samuel, 625 Thomas, 95 William, 182-625 William Thomas, 625 GOODELL (see also Goodale) Amasa, 302 Edward, 302 Joseph, 442 Luther, 28 Robert, 302-350-442- 612 Roswell, 302 Roswell Eaton, 302 Thomas, 302 William, 612 Zachariah, 302-442 Zina, 442 GOODENOW, Daniel, 831-889 David, 889 Thomas, 889 ae Es See, Chas. E., 18 Frederick E., 181 Henrietta L. McCor- mick, 181 GOODHUE, Andrew I., 350 Andrew J., 961 Benjamin, 961 Ebenezer, 961 Francis Abbot, 293- 294-855 George, 293 Joseph, 72-293-961 ZG. Cushing, 293 Robert Wadleigh, 72 Samuel, 72-293 William, 72-293-498- 961-977 GOODING, Alfred, 182 Frederic, 182 Josiah, 182 Matthew, 151 GOODLOBE, David Short, 187 George, 75 Henry, 76 Robert, 76 William, 76 Wm. Cassius, 187-188 Wm. Clinton, 76 GOODMAN, Eldad, 654 Grace H. Griswold, 294 John M., 65 Joseph, 597 Joseph Wadsworth, 597 Moses, 73-294 Richard, 73-294 Sara I. Abercrombie, 347 Timothy, 73-294-597- 926 William, 73-294 William A., 294 William E., 347 William Ernest, 347 RENE Samuel, 0 Thomas, 500-967 GOODRICH, Allyn, 403 Chauncey, 684 David, 684 David Marvin, 308 Edward Elizur, 684 Elisha, 403 Blizur, 684 Horace, 403 Horace A., 938 John, 403-599 Josiah, 403 Richard, 599 Thomas, 599 Timothy Watson, 256 William, 366-403-684- 973-977 GOODRUM, Charles William, 608 GOODSELL, Elihu, 241 Sp pl tots Edgar J., 2 Geo. Stephen, 922 Henry S., 938 Jason, 922 Nathaniel, 922 Roger, 922 Stephen, 922 Thos. Harper, 922 GOODWIN (see also Goodwyn) Abel, 720 Asa, 630 Ben Prentice, 441 Charles Archibald, 295 Charles Ridgely, 296 Daniel Le Baron, 738 Ernest A., 958 Edmund Pendleton, 295 Edward, 630 Edward Scott, 294 Francis, 294-295 Frederic Sprague, 341 Frederick L., 687 Henry Wheaton, 832 Hill Chandler, 630 Homer Stanley, 613 Ichabod, 237 James, 166-294-295 James Junius, 461 John, 294-780 John Chapman, 295 Jonathan, 294-720 Joseph, 294 Lyde, 296 Nathaniel, 294-874 Ozias, 294-832-874- 978 Peter, 295 Philip Swing, 630 Richard, 630 Robert, 295-327 Robert A., 628 Robert Morris, 296 Samuel Olmsted, 294 Simeon, 630 Thompson West, 295 William De Vries, 296 William, 720 \ fore Brownell, 294- Wm. Thompson, 295 William Wallace, 720 GOODWYN (see also Goodwin) Richard Tugegle, 434 Robert, 794 Robert Howell, 420 Thos. Jefferson, 313 BO Oe Andrew, Charles, 200 Charles W., Jr., 541 John, 118-200 Stephen, 118-200-485- 978 Theophilus, 200 Titus, 118 GOOKIN, Daniel, 384- 978 Nathaniel, 875 Samuel, 939 GOOLD, James, 879 GORDIGIANI, Ed- 476 GOSFORD uardo, 538 GORDON, Adam, 625 Alexander, 299-300 Allen T. C., 299 Ambrose, 297 Armistead C., 296 Basili, 625 Brampton, 47-300-741 Chapman, 626 Charles, 625-675 Conway Harrison, 297 Donald, 921 Frances BR. Haralson, 625 George Arthur, 190- 297 George Loyall, 296 James, 296-297-978 Jas. Holdsworth, 299- 300 James Newton, 297 James Waddell, 297 John, 296-297-299-300- 921-978 John Brown, 625-626 John Newton, 297 Jonathan Rhea, 297 Malcolm K., 950 Marquis L., 212-921 Nathaniel, 297 Peter, 297-675-873 Robert W., Jr., 132 Thomas, 125 William Alexander, 299-300 Wm. Fitzhugh, 296 William Gilchrist, 470 wn. St. Clair, 297 Wm. Washington, 297-298 Zachry Herndon, 626 GORDON-SMITH, Frances, 625 GORE, Henry Graham, 36 2 John, 459-988 Joshua Walker. 627 Margaret C. Williams, 627 GORGAS, Miles C., 185 gone Edward H., 41 GORHAM, Benjamin, 32-289-300-960 Isaac, 263-432-690 Jabez, 263-432-690- 960 James, 432-878 James Lane, 300 John, 32-159-161-177- 263-289-300-323-324- 432-522-544-690-748- 847-878-960-967-978 © John Hood, 432 John W., 534 Joseph, 300 Josiah, 300 Miles, 263 Nathaniel, 22-349 Richard, 263 Samuel, 432 Sturgis, 32-289 Thomas, 456 Walter Messinger, 300 GORMAN, Wm. H., 442 GORSUCH, John, 770 EA tor Gosse Onno, 00 James Polk, 300 GORTON, Joseph, 653 Samuel, 34-55-109- 151-221-229-390-946- 978 Thomas, 307 GORUM, John, 978 GOSFORD, Carolina M. Carter, 86 = GOSHORN GOSHORN, Allan Oli- ver, 903 GOSS, Simon §S., 847 GOSSBERG, Jacob, 730 Victor Hubert, 730 GOUGH, Matthew, 539 Richard, 90-794 William, 333-893 GOULD (see also Gold) Abraham, 179-657-825 Benjamin, 402 Charles, 300-301 Charles B., 739 Charles Judson, 473 pat Winthrop, 300- 1 Clarendon I. T., 921 Edward W., 742 Elgin R. L., 921 Erl C. B., 148 George, 639 George H., 832 George Huntington, 300 Grace H. Purnell, 921 Henry, 888 J. Harold, 607 James, 300-639 Jay, 825 John, 425 John Burr, 825 John Edgar, 414 John Thomas, 921 Joseph, 921 Lyttleton B. P., 921 Mary H. Purnell, 921 Nathan, 179-657-824- 978 Richard, 300-639 Samuel, 824 William, 300-639-755 William P., 145 GOULDING, George Albert, 346 Thomas, 93 GOULDSMITH, George, 173-811 ee: Henry Eugene, 41 GOUVERNEUR, Nich- olas, 128-902 GOUX, Daniel, 604 GOVE, Edward, 748 Elijah, 748 Elijah Atwood, 748 Hartley, 459 John, 748 Jonathan, 748 Squires, 748 GOWEN, John B., 594 GOWER, Siddie, 574 GRABILL, Jacob, 880 Seren Joseph, 5 GRACE, Lee Ashley, 233 Ralph, 755 GRACIE, Archibald, 177-194-273-750-869 William, 750 GRAEFF, Abraham op den, 702 GRAFF, Carroll F., 352: GRAFTON, Asbury, 227 John, 422 Joseph, 292 GRAHAM, Archibald, 359 Bernard, 287 David, 48 Edwin R., 913 Ennis, 65 George Brown, 393 George Franklin, 488 Henry Tucker, 301 James, 128-199-746- 810 James Robert, 301 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE James W., 301 Jared, 199 John, 665 John Crockett, 665 John Smith, 562 Joseph, 189-190 Peter M., 27 Robert, 665 Walter, 438 William, 301 William A., 190 William Montrose, 28 GRAHLFS, Hermann, 329 GRANBERY, James Trainor, 790 GRANDIN, John Liv- ingston, 277 GRANGER, Abner, 820 Alfred Hoyt, 627-628 James, 627 John, 604-627 John T., 369 Launcelot, 627 Moses Moorhead, 627 Oliver, 627 Samuel, 627 Sherman Moorhead, 628 GRANNIS, Cyrus, 388 Edward, 388 Joseph, 388 Levi, 388 Pierrepont E., 386 William, 388 GRANT, Alexander G., 238 Daniel, 143 Denison, 301 Edward, 606 Elijah, 646 Elliot, 606 Mrs. Eugene J., 1002 Eugene Josias, 301 Gustavus, 606 James, 302-652 James Benton, 302 Jesse Root, 301 Joel, 646 John, 606-646 John Thomas, 143 John William, 143 Josiah, 301-646 Josias, 301 Lester Bradner, 490 Mary M. Goodell, 302 Matthew, 301-606-646- 696-931-978-981 Miner, 301 Moses, 161 Nathaniel, 199 Noah, 301 Oliver, 301 Patrick, 922 Randolph, 606 Robert, 238-652-922 Samuel, 301-606-686 Samuel Rockwell, 606 Sweton, 552 Tahan, 606 Thomas, 143-606 Thomas McDonough, 302 Ulysses S, 301-896 Ulysses S., 3d, 806 William Daniel, 143 William West, 302 Wm. West, Jr., 302 GRASON, Chas. S., 87 GRASSIBE, Geo., 733 een Benjamin, 539- GRAVATT, John Jas., 628 William Loyall, 628 GRAVES, Amos C., 120 Benjamin, 923 Charles A., 64 Cyrus, 275 David, 943-962 Eliphas, 697-945 Erastus, 943-962 EKzra, 923 Geo. Franklin, 331 Germont, 371 Henry, 185 Henry Solon, 275 Isaac, 757-943-962 Isaak, 943-962: Jedediah, 923 John, 151-185-275-923- 943-962-984 John Card, 923 John Herkimer, 278 Phineas, 943-962 Ralph, 185 Rufus Rowe, 943-962 Russell, 923 Samuel, 275 Thomas, 185-218-943- 962 William, 275 William Blair. 275 Wm. Phillips, 275 GRAY, Albert, 891 Albert Z., 602 Alexander, 259 Algernon Sydney, 45 Allen Eugene, 963 ClR., 841 Carl Raymond, 302- 303-1006 Carl Raymond, UJr., 303 David, 132 Edgar Harkness, 761 Edward, 150-216-470- 710-738 Francis Calley, 513 Frazer, 132 Frederick Turell, 150 George, IV, 600 Henry, 47 Henry Winthrop, 311 Herbert E., 713 Horace, 413-723 Jacob, 816 James, 95-736 James Richard, 486 James T., 323 James W., 185 Jethro Locke, 95 Job, 701-913 John, 197-446-628-816 John Bowie, 628 John Whitten, 725 John William, 486 May Inman, 486 Morris, 298-922 Oliver Crosby, 302- 303 Pardon, 701-913 Peter Tufts, 302 Philip, 701 Richard, 679 Robert, 45-302-445- 498-978 Samuel, 701-913 Solomon, 95 William, 95-132-150- 378-410-628 Mrs. William, 1001 William A., 209 William Ashley, 841 William F., 255 GRAYDON, Joseph Spencer, 719 GRAYSON, Benjamin, 26-367 Robert H., 26 Spence, 705 William, 26-367 GREATHOUSE, Chas. E., 282 GREBLE, Edwin, 348 Edwin St. John, 360 477 GREEN GREELE, Andrew, 978 GREELEY (see also Greely) Andrew, 275-277-978 Edward, 276 Edward Hanford, 276 Encch, 277 George, 387 Jonathan, 276 Joseph, 277 Louis May, 277 Morris Larned, 277 Norman Frost, 277 Philip, 276 Rufus Frost, 277 Russell, 277 Samuel, 277 Samuel Sewell, 277 Thomas H., 277 William, 277 Wm. Bradford, 275- 276 GREELY (see also Greeley) Adolphus Washing- ton, 276-277 Adolphus Washing- ton, Jr., 276 Andrew, 276 Benjamin, 276 Jacob, 276 John, 276 John Balch, 276 Jonathan, 151-276- 697 Joseph, 276 Philip, 276-503 Samuel, 276 Stephen, 276 GREEN (see also Greene) Adolphus W., 752 Andrew Heatley, 728 Annie Amis, 303 Askbel, 303 Benjamin, 629-881 Caleb S., 637 Charles, 116-117-191 Chas. Boden, 532 Charles M., 1006 Daniel, 264 Donald Ross, 195 Elliott, 629 Ernest Mathews, 628 Farnifold, 628 Francis Matthews, 491 George, 637 George S., 637 Gilbert, 117 Halcott Pryde, 922 Henry, 72-303 Jacob, 303 James, 340-543-959- 978 James O., 340 James Sproat, 303 James W., 302 Jesse, 800 John, 264-629-817 John Curtis, 628 John Pugh, 495 John W., 302-955 John Williams, 303 Jonathan, 204 Joseph, 173-628 Joseph F., 583 Katherine Mills, 628 Leonard, 800 Leslie, 384 Nathaniel, 249 Norvin, 303 Oliver Bourne, 53 Percival, 586 Philip Kip, 870 Rachel Gardiner, 116 Reid, 1007 Richard, 264 GREEN Robert, 48-303-404- 800 Roger, 628 Samuel, 732 Samuel H., 732 Solomon, 795 AW, 12 Bs RY) Theodore, 206 Thomas, 303-360-781- 800-822-978 Thomas Dudley, 800 Thomas Edward, 1007 Thomas J., 93 Timothy, 543-544-732 IW) diss 90 William, 542-543-629- 795 Winter M., 216 GREENBERRY, Nich- olas, 282-325-588- 803-921 GREENBURY, Nich- Olas, 282-325-588- 803-921 GREENE (see also Green) Albert E. S., 709 Albert Gorton, 279 Albert S., 709 Alexander Wilson, 675 Benjamin, 151-183- 280-281-417 Benjamine, 768 Caleb, 151-280 Carleton, 280 Caroline Cornelia, 151 Charles, 279 Charles Russell, 279 Charles Samuel, 279 Christopher, 151-279- 280-432 Christopher Albert, 432 David, 312-785 Edward, 698 Edward Aborn, 280 Francis Vinton, 280 Francis Whittier, 151 Frederick, 614 Gardiner, 280-281- 417-596 Geo. de Boketon, 56 George Sears, 280 Geo. Sears, Jr., 280 Geo. Washington, 69- Henry, 281 Henry Copley, 280 Henry Lehre, 151 Howard, 1006 Tra Wesley, 281 Jabez, 69-279-281 James, 69-221-279- 643-676-694-909 James Anthony, 279 Jerome Crosby, 569 Job. 151-280-705 John, 69-70-109-151- 221-278-279-280-281- $12-417-432-491-614- 643-676-694-709-754- 785-851-909-915-978 John Holden, 279 John S. C., 280 John W. A., 280 Jonathan, 676-909 Joseph Warren, 279 Mary Anne, 280 Myron Wesley, 281 Nathan, 281 Nathanael, 69-279 Nathanael Ray, 69 Nathaniel, 280-281- 312-417-432-785 Perry, 279 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Peter, 278-279-643- 694-709 Philip, 151-280 Prescott Morrill, 36 Ray, 915 Rhodes, 694 Richard, 279 Richard H., 1006 Robert, 333 Rufus, 279 Samuel, 151-432-671- 851-915 Simon Henry, 151-280 Stephen, 676-694 Stephen Van R., 909 Theodore Ainsworth, 263 Thomas, 221-280-281- 312-333-417-694-785- 978 Thomas Rice, 279 Warwick, 280 William, 183-279-643- 851-915 William Brenton, 279-851 Wm. Brenton, Jr., 279 Wm. Parkinson, 281 William Perry, 279 GREENEL, Daniel, 258 GREENEWALT, Frank L., 224 GREENFIELD, Archi- bald, 696 Ernest, 944 Peter, 931 te het Samuel, 965 GREENHOW, George, 590-718 John, 590-718 Samuel C., 718 GREENHUT, Benedict J., 1005 GREENLAW, William Prescott, 1004 GREENLEAF, Bick- ford, 948 Daniel, 374-939 David, 948 Donald Leal, 870 Edmund, 374-939-978 Israel, 374 Stephen, 374-939 William, 374 William Riley, 374 ee rank Edward, 8 George Henry, 82 Lewis Collins, 729 GREENOUGH, Carroll, 347 Chas. Backhouse, 305 Charles Edward, 305 Daniel, 747 David, 218-699 David Stoddard, 304- 805% Ezra, 305 Freeman Parker, 747 Henry, 218 Henry Vose, 365 Henry Waldo, 218 James Carruthers, 218 John, 217-218-304- 347-699 Jonathan, 747 Joseph Merrill, 747 Malcolm §S., 347-348- 403 Nathaniel, 747 Richard, 305 Richard Saltonstall, 699 Robert, 305-747 Thomas, 217-218-304- 347-699 William, 217-218-304- 347-348-699-978 Wm. Bates, 217-218 Wm. Whitwell, 347 GREENVILLE, Roger, 259 Sue Eugene, 173 William, 703 GREENWOOD, James, 893 John, 893 Samuel, 893 GREER, Ellis A., 141 Elwyn Wayne, 378 Lawrence, 749 Robert, 834 Robert Charles, 923 Robert Papin, 923 GREGG, David, Jr., 586 Donald, 102 George N., 776 James, 190-978 James E., 649 John B., 48 GREGORIE, James McPherson, 815 GREGORY, Charles Noble, 305 Daniel, 230-305 - Ebenezer, 305 Elizabeth Franklin, 923 Elnathan, 305 Ezra, 305 Ezra Eugene, Henry, 305-978 Isaac, 648 Isaac Newton, 648 305 Janet M. Tappan, 305 Jared Comstock, 305 John, 305-995 Lewis, 305 Nathan, 305 Noah, 305 Stephen Strong, 305 Tappan, 305 Thomas, 305 Wm. Benjamin, 305 William Denton, 923 GRELE, Andrew, 978 GRESHAM, John, 528 Joseph, 528 GRESLEY, Wm., 753 GREVE, Chas. M., 630 Chas. Theodore, 630 Harriet B. Fisher, 630 Theodore L. A., 630 GRIMES GRIFFIN (see also Griffen, Griffing) Charles, 471 Cyrus, 725 Edward Herrick, 306 Francis, 872 Frank Loxley, 923-924 George, 162-872 James, 306 Jas. Franklin, 923 Jasper, 306-872-927- 978 John, 306 John Wheeler, 306 Jonathan, 923 Joseph, 923 Lemuel, 872 Malcolm, 863 Mary L. Chambers, 923 Matthew, 923 Miles Flint, 923 Nathaniel, 306 Nathaniel Edward, 306 Nathaniel Herrick, 306 Raymond G., 758 Samuel, 106 Solomon Bulkley, 306 Wingfield, 526 GRIFFING (see also Griffen, Griffin) Jasper, 798-799-978 John, 798-799 Stephen, 798-799 GRIFFIS, William El- liot, 838 GRIFFITH, Charles E., Jr., 390 Daniel M., 944 DavidVA Pkt Ephraim J., 307 Fannie B. Lyford, 307 Greenbury, 307 James, 441 John, 441 John William, 306-307 Joseph, 40-506 Philip, 307 Rhys, 657 Samuel, 174 Walter Lyford, 307 William, 441 GRIFFITTS, Joseph R., 925 Samuel Powel, 925 William, 925 Wm. Fishbourne, 925 GREVEMBERG, Carlos |GRIGG, Richard, 742 E., 360 GREW,’ Henry, 467 Henry Johnson, 467 Henry Sturgis, 640 Joseph Clark, 380 GREY, Adam, 958 George, 286 James, 919 GRICE, Charles, 93 GRIDLEY, Elnathan, 73 Samuel, 73 Thomas, 73 William, 326 GRIER, Ida EK. Bower, 630 Matthew James, 630 Nathan, 465 GRIEVE, Walter, 69 GRIFFEN (see also Griffin, Griffing) Henry R., 631 Jacob, 60 John, 631 Mary R. Penny- packer, 630 Robert Allen, 326 478 GRIGGS, Charles, 307 Chauncey, 307 Chauncey Milton, 307 Chauncey Wright, 307 Wdwin Eugene, 723 Weury Charles, 307 Ichabod, 121-307 John Williams, 121 Joseph, 121-307 Joseph Emerson, 445 Joshua, 121-307-723 Robert Foote, 307 Roswell, 307 Stephen, 307 Thomas, 121-307 GRIGSBY, Reuben, 705- 706 GRIMBALL, George Elliott, 512 GRIMES (see also Grymes) Asa, 657 Bryan, 55-804 Charles Greene, 519 TDemsie, 55 Henry, 309 James Wilson, 483 John, 315 GRIMES William, 55 GRIMK&#, Edward Mon- tague, 308 Henry, 308 John Faucheraud, 308 John Paul, 308 St. Julien, 308 GRIMM, Daniel, 516 GRIMWOOD, Thos., 697 GRINDAL, Archibald, 253 GRINNAN, Andrew Glassell, 38-39 Daniel, 38 Randolph Bryan, 38 St. George T., 38 GRINNELL, aren 309 Charles Andrews, 309 Charles Edward, 309 Cornelius, 514 Daniel, 308-309-514- 589- 933 Edwin Morgan, 531- 735 Frank Washburn, 308 George, 308-309-589- 933 George Bird, 308 George Blake, 308 Herbert L., Jr., bd5 Joseph, 514 Josiah, 933 Matthew, 308-514-933- 978 Myron, 933 Peter, 309 Reuben, 933 Richard, 309-514 Robert, 869 - Thomas Eddy, 309 William, 308 GRISHAM, Joseph, 528 GRISWOLD, Alexan- der, 294 Almon W., 200 Arthur B., 339 Benjamin ‘Howell, 309 Benj. Howell, Jr., 309 Chester, 309- 310- B17- 518 Daniel, 309-517-518 Ebenezer, 309 Edward, 294-309-323- 443-505-517-518-636- 692-925-978 Elizur, 309 Ezra, 675 F. Gray, 310 Geo., 309-310-517-518 Hezekiah, 294 Jacob, 309 John, 129-765 John Augustus, 310- 517-518 John Wool, 310 Joseph, 294 Justin, 430 Matthew, 129-138-294- 310-356-443-716-723- 765-978 Matthew, Jr., 311 Merrill, 925 Michael, 309-675 Nathaniel L., 443 Nelson, 646 Phineas, 323 Robertson, 309 Roger, 129-311 Roswell, 646 Rufus Wilmot, 925 Seth, 517-518- 646 Simeon, 309-517-518 Thomas, *430-675 Walter Scranton, 430 Whiting, 309 . William E. S., 311 Wm. McCrillis, 925 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE GROESBECK, William Slocum, 918 GROFF, John, 336 GROGN, Madeline Mas- ters, 631 Neils, 631 GROOME, Charles, 631 Harry Connelly, 631 John, 631 Samuel, 631 Samuel William, 631 GROSER, John, 312 Robert, 312 Samuel Haskins, 312 Thomas, 312 Thomas Waldo, 312 Thos. Wentworth, 312 GROSH, Peter, 621 GROSS, Thos., 328-622 GROSVENOR, Asa, 30- a Asa Waters, 30 David, 30-31 Ebenezer, 30-31 Edwin Augustus, 30- 31 Edwin Prescott, 31 George Sumner, 746 Soom (Hovey), 30- 5 John, 30 Robert, 405-891 Thomas George, 891 William, 104 GROVE, George, 515 Hans, 515 Hans Graff, 515 GROVES, Mrs. Charles S., 1000 GRUBB, Adam, 174 Davis Hanson, 136 Isaac R. D., 136 John, 136 Joseph, 136 William, 136 GRYMES (see also Grimes) Benjamin, 954 Charles, 111-192-327 John, 203 Ludwell, 718-776 Philip, 725 GULRARD, Edward Percy, 328-925 Godin, 631 Jacques, 631-925 Jean, 631 John, 631 Joseph Nancred, 557 Peter, 631 Robert Charlton, 631 Robert Godin, 631 GUERNSEY, Mrs. Geo. Ten L001 James, 935 Joseph, 935 GUERRANT, Jackson D., 558 John, 526 GUERRIER, S. G., 752 GUERRY, Alexander, 312 Le Grand, 312 Le Grand F., 312-313 Peter, 312 Pierre, 312 William A., 312-313 William Capers, 312 GUEST, Frank Barks- dale, 631 George, 631-928 John, 631-822 Jonathan, 631-822 Lionel G. W., 464 GUIGNARD, C. Gads- den, 704 James, 160 John Gabriel, 160 GUIGNON, E. E., 698 GUILD, Aaron, 313 Benjamin, 84 Charles E., 83-84 Courtenay, 679 Curtis, 679 George M., 263 Georgiana, 313 James, 220-932 Joel, 313 John, 83-313-679-735- 978 Moses, 679 Nathaniel, 313-679 Reuben, 313 Reuben Aldridge, 313 Samuel, 63-313-679 GUILFORD, Benj., 314 John, 314 Jonathan Marble, 314 Simeon, 314 William, 314 William Wallace, 314 GUILLAUDEU, Will- iam Leggett, 809 GUILLOU, Alfred, 631 Rene, 631 Victor Gabriel, 631 GUION, Owen H., 804 GULL, William, 126 GULLIVER, William CF 803 GUMMERE, Amelia Mott, 313 Barker, 637 Francis B., 314 Francis Barton, 313 Johann, 314-636 John, 314 Richard Mott, 314 Samuel, 314-636 Samuel James, 314 Samuel R., 636 GUN, Thomas, 660 GUNDY, John, 800 GUNN, James Newton, 374 Thomas, 990 Walter C., 844 GUNNING, Josiah FE. H., 696 GUNTHER, Adolphus B., Q 39 GUNTHER, Franklin L., 925 Franklin Mott, 925 GURLBEY, Davis Rob- ert, 706 Ephraim, 573 Jonathan, 573 Lucius, 573 Samuel, 28-573 William, 573 GURNEE, Caleb, 597 Daniel, 597 Francois, 597 Isaac, 597 Stephen, 597 GURTEEN, Edith Car- penter, 537 Stephen Humphreys, Bait GUSTIN, John, 821 GUTHRIE, Anna N. Stuart, 314 John, 881 Livingston Stapp, 625 Wardell, 881 William Eugene, 314 William Norman, 314 GUY, Alexander, 925 Augustus A., 693 John H., 186 Nicholas, 973-993 Orchard, 300-639 William Evans, 925 GUYTON, Lucy H. Mil- ton, 315 479 HAGAN Moses, 315 GWATHMEY, Mary P. Langhorne, 315 Owen, 255 Temple, 255 William Watts, 315 GWIN, Isham, 706 John, 706 Richard, 706 GWYNN, Henry Bash, 926 William Scott, 925 GWYNNE, Abraham E., 957 David, 957 GWYNNE-EVANS, Evan, 423 H HAARDT, John An- thony, 906 HABERSHAM, Fred- eric A., 89 HACK, Christopher A., 124 Frederick H., 79 Harold Wright, 124 Henry Seaver, 124 Nathan, 124 Roy Kenneth, 859 William, 124 HACKBURNE, Samuel, 974 HACKETT, Chauncey C., 926 Corcellus H., 218 Frank Warren, 926 HACKLEY, Thornton Kemper, 449 HACKSTAFF, Charles LL, 321 Lodowick, 65 Ludwig Albertus, 65 William Greene, 65 HADDEN, Hamilton, 329 HADDOCK, Charles Bricket, 359 HADDON, Robert, Jr., 675 HADDUCK, Edward, 247 HADEN, William Doug- las, 377 HADLEY, Arthur Twining, 734-926 Brooks, 58 Edwin Marshall, 631 Emerson, 469 Enos, 314 George Hadley, 926 Helen H. Morris, 926 James, 926 James Marshall, 631 John, 543 Samuel, 630-926 Silas Matthew, 115 William, 632-875 HADLOCK, James, 585 HADSELL, George Ar- thur, 392 HADWEN, William, 37 HAFF, Carroll Barse, 570-927 Delbert James, 927 Ellis, 927 Ethan Clark, Jacob, 927 Joshua, 927 Jurian, 927 Lawrence, 927 Lawrence Jurianse, 927 HAGAMAN, Adrian, 370 Hendrick, 370 Simon, 370 HAGAN, Hugh, 557 927 HAGAN Jane M. Gray, 628 John Lyle, 628 William C., 628 HAGAR, Isaac, 350 John, 350 Joseph F., 350 Samuel, 350 William, 350 BaCNne Charles E., 125 Francis Randall, 125 John Randall, 125 John V., 125 Peter, 125 HAGOOD, James O., 125 Johnson, 125 Lee, 125 William, 125 HAGUB, James R., 127 HAHN, Benjamin D., 765 HAIG, George O., 261 HAIGH, Henry A., 632 Richard, 632 HAIGHT (see also Hoyt) Benjamin, 632 Benj. Isaacs, 632 Charles, 667 Charles Coolidge, 632 Charles Sidney, 632 David, 632 Fletcher M., 126 George Ives, 47 Henry Huntly, 126 John, 126-632 Jonathan, 126 Louis Montrose, 126 Nicholas, 632 Samuel S., 126 Simon, 126-632 Stephen, 126 HAILE, Henry C., 633 John, 527-633 Thomas E., 853 William, 633 William Henry, 633 HAINES (see also Haynes) Abram, 126-127 Abram Brouwer, 633 Arthur, 126 Benjamin, 127-261 Caspar Wistar, 127 Chas. Davis, 261-273 Clayton, 127 Harold Atlee, 126 Henry A., 843 3 Henry S., 66 Isaac, 126 Isaac H., 126 John, 127-261 John Peter, 391 John T., 417 Josiah, 127 Lindley, 126 Matthias, 633 Matthias Loring, 633 Peter, 434 Reuben, 127-668 Richard, 126-127-978 Richard Townley, 261 Robert Bowne, 127- 727 Samuel, 633-844 Sarah L. Kouwenho- ven, 633 Thomas Harvey, 127 William, 633 Zebedee, 127 HAIRSTON, Robert, 747-748 HALBERT, Wm., 528 HALD, August, 132 HALE, Albert, 371 Albert Cable, 128 Ambrose, 129-504 Arthur, 129 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Asahel, 128 BRenjamin, 504 Carrie H. Angell, 128 Clarence, 503-504 Daniel, 128 David, 504 Edward Everett, 129 Edward Everett, Jr., 129 Elias E., 762 Enoch, 129 Ezekiel, 691 George Ellery, 819 Harry, 130 Jacob, 129-371 James, 762 James D., 614 James Sullivan, 504 Job, 128 John, 24-128-129-371- 614-762 Joseph, 24-129-504 Marshal, 129-130 Moses, 130 Nathan, 24-129-130- 961 Philip, 130 Reuben Brooks, 130 Richard, 24-129-371- 962 Robert, 24-129-614- 682-762-961 Samuel, 24-129-614- 978 Stephen, 762 Thomas, 128-129-130- 239-371-504-978 Thomas W., 614 William A., 809 Wm. Bainbridge, 130 William Browne, 606 William Ellery, 527 HALEYBURTON, Will- iam, 297 eres eta Richard, 0 Sheree: Hugh C. G. Sarah M. P. Stokes, 633 HALL, Aaron, 757 Andrew, 131 Asahel, 130 Asaph, 1005 Basil Douglas, 644 Benedict William, 118-157 Benjamin, 72-199-202 Bolling, 644 C. Lester, 912 Camilla R. Morris, 633 Carter Allen, 807 Charles Henry, 637 Charles Howard, 73 Clarence L., 343 Clayton Colman, 634 Daniel, 148-946 David, 30-31-478-637 Ebenezer, 132 Edmund, 174 Edward, 131-360 Fdward Fitch, 131 EKawin, 828 Elihew, 573 Elisha, 130-573 Eliza Phillips, 279 Elliot Chapin, 130 Elliot Snell, 130 Francis, 132 Francis C., 768 Francis Catesby, 926 Frederic, 174 Fredk. Garrison, 37 Frederick James, 634 Frederika W. Par- rott, 634 George Atwater, 566 George Rogers, 23 Giles S., 714 Gracie, 21 Grafton, 202 Gustavus Abeel, 131 Harry Orville, 130 Henry, 202-478-573 Henry B., 403 Henry Hinckley, 550 Henry Peirce, 131 Henry Snow, Jr., 531 Hezekiah, 159 Hezekiah J., 131 Hiland, 657 Homer L. S., 504 Hugh, 644 isaac Freeman, 174 James, 279 James Frederick, 634 James Harrison, 279 James M., 634 James Parker, 945 James White, 631 Jeremiah, 807 John, 73-130-131-157- 174-238-286-474-476- 586-635-637-657-822- 978-997 John A., 130 John Alexander, 131 John A. R., 635 John Edward, 932 John G., 220 John Grafton, 227 John Hubbard, 73 John T., 238 John Tonnele, 492 Joseph, 31-174-555- 586-635-637 Josiah, 174-785 Josias Carvel, 157 Keppele, 131 Lewis Christian, 132 Lyman, 624 Mary D. Hunter, 131 Murray F., 893 Nathaniel, 657 Orlando, 132 Patrick, 180-181-409- 705-706 Percy Foster, 634 Reuben, 174 Richard, 132-573-789 Richard Duckett, 202 Robert, 376-377-635 Samuel, 73-132-720 Samuel Edwards, 172 Seth, 72-132 Stephen, 807 Theophilus, 73-828 Thomas, 131-430-634- 635-657-807 Thomas W., 634 William, 130-175-202- 376-377-478 William Edward, 634 William Maclay, 573 William P. H., 89 William T., 146 Willis Edward, 635 HALLAM, John, 740 HALLE, Ernest Alex- ander, 770 HALLETT, Andrews, 644 Ansel, 644 Ebenezer, 644 Edward, 644 Jonathan, 644 Joseph, 159-522-762 Reuben, 852 Richard, 972 Samuel, 879-914 William, 237-762-879- 914 HALLEY, Samuel Hampton, 333 480 HAMERSLEY BRALLIDAY, William Horton, 682 HALLOCK, Homan, 224 Moses, 224 Noah, 224 Peter, 224 Samuel, 224 Thomas, 436 William, 224 amp eee ee Arthur, 76 Caleb, 133 Charles, 133 Charles Tyson, 133 James Mott, 133 Joel, 766 John, 133-978 Joshua, 133 Luke, 766 Morris L., 133 Norwood Penrose, 69 Richard Price, 133 Silas T., 766 Thomas, 133-766 Thos. Jewett, 133-134 William, 133-766 William D., 766 William Penrose, 622 HALSEY, Ananias, 926- 941 Charles H., 273 Decca C. Singleton, 134 Edmund Drake, 168 Edwin Lindsley, 134 Elihu, 134 Elisha, 134 Elisha Lindsley, 134 Frederick Arthur, 134 Gaius, 134 Gaius Leonard, 134 Harlan Page, 927 Henry A., 941 Henry Augustus, 927 Ichabod Benton, 453 Isaac, 453 Jacob, 134 James Taggart, 718 Jeremiah, 134 John Jacob, 135 Joseph, 453 Le Roy, 134 Matthew, 134 Nathaniel, 134-926- 941 Recompense, 134-926- 941 Rena Isabelle, 926 Robert Hurtin, 135 Stephen, 926-941 Stephen Alling, 135 Thomas, 134-453-926- 941-978 William B., 926 William Bolles, 134 HALSTEAD, Griffin, 726 Mrs. J. Morton, 1000 HALSTED, David, 596 Jonathan, 596 HALY, Gilbert, 506 Robert, 506 HALYBURTON, J. B:, 186 HAM, John, 805 HAMBLEN, James, 446 HAMBLETON, John, 750 John Adams, 750 Thomas Edward, 750 William, 750 HAMBLEY, Littleton C. F., 848 : HAMBLY, John H., 738 HAMERSLEY, James Hooker, 546 John William, 692 Lewis R., 806 HAMES HAMES, John B., 119 HAMILL, Chas. D., 635 Chas. Humphrey, 635 Elisabeth D. Gum- mere, 636 Ernest A., 556 Hugh, 635 Hugh Henderson, 637 James, 635 John, 635 John Lyon, 536 Lawrence, 635 Philip Walbridge, 635 Robert, 635 Robert C., 635 Robert Walbridge, 635-636 HAMILTON, Alexan- der, 640 Alfred K., 837 Amos, 499 Andrew, 18 Benjamin, 824 Charles Wesley, 135 Charles William, 135 Charles Wm., Jr., 135 David, 778 David Gilbert, 616 David Ponton, 605 Edward Henry, 371 Ezra, 135 Frank A., 524 George, 371 George Langford, 637 George Porter, 109 Geo. Washington, 637 Gordon Battelle, 637 Hosea, 824 Isaac, 135 Jas., 181-637-828-833 James E., 72 Jas. Lawrence, 125 Jesse, 135 John, 135-181-637 John Church, 640 John Rowan, 371 John William, 637 Justice William, 371 GL. Morgan, 640 Leander James, 181 Matthew Allen, 476 Nathan, 135 Patrick, 371 Pierpont Morgan, 640 Robert, 142 Samuel, 371-824 Silas Marland, 509 Squire, 135 Wallis, 628 William, 371-637-824 William C. P., 637 William Gaston, 640 William Patrick, 637 Wm. Pierson, 639-640- 794 HAMLIN, Alfred D. F., 643-644 Asa, 137 Benjamin, Benj. Nason, 644 Byron Delano, 137 Charles, 137 Christopher Robert, 643 Cyrus, 643 David, 522 Delano Richmond, 137 Ebenezer, 137 Eleazer, 41-643-644 Frank, 644 Giles, 137-522-978 Hannibal, 41-643-644 Herbert William, 137 Jabez, 137-359 James, 41-137-522- 643-644-978 John Austin, 137 Joseph, 644 INDEX TO Micah, 644 Nathaniel, 137-522 Paul Delano, 137 Theophilus, 402 Thomas, 137 William, 137-474-522 HAMMER, Alexander McK., 376 Alfred Emil, 337 HAMMETT, John H., 871 HAMMOND, Charles Howes, 138 Daniel, 121-483 Erwin A., 825 Frank H., 702 George W., 181 Harry, 467 Harry Parker, 111 James, 197 James H., 471 John, 61-121-138-715- 827-978 John Henry, 685 Josiah, 42 Karl R., 961 Kensey Johns, 138 Nicholas, 138 Samuel, 138 Thos., 121-138-421-696 William, 79-811 William A., 703 HAMPTON, Thos., Wade, 747 HANAFORD, John Parker, 139 Mary E. Neal, 139 Nathaniel P., 139 HANCH, Isaac, 144 John, 144 Joseph, 144 Jos. Lippincott, 144 HANCHETT, George M., 940 John, 627 HANCOCK, Arthur Boyd, 139 Augustin, 230 Clarence Eugene, 927 Daniel, 156 Enoch, 139 Francis A., 138 Frank Woodson, Jr., 536 George, 230 Godfrey, 155 Harris, 139 Hector, 139 John, 156 John Lane, 938 Lewis, 927 Mortimer R., 220 Nathaniel, 139-927 Richard Johnson, 139 Robert, 230 Theodore E., 927 William, 139-156-230- 524 672 41-643-644 | HAND, Aaron, 140 Aaron Hicks, 140 Alfred, 140 Bayard, 140 Ezra, 140 Isaac Platt, 54-140 James, 140 John, 140-978 Judson L., 534 Moses, 364 Philip Lyman, 140 Richard L., 128-873 Samuel, 400 Stephen, 140 William Jessup, 140 HANDFORD, Thos., 978 HANDLAN, Jno. R., 98 Joseph Martin, 98 HANDLEY, John, 663 Jos. Franklin, 664 VOLUME ONE William, 663 HANDY, Bolling Hall, 644 Dora Keen, 163 Frederick A. G., 140- 141 Frederick Chaille, 141 George, 141 George W., 163 George William, 164 Isaac, 141 Isaac Wm. Ker, 141 Jairus, 661 James Henry, 141 John, 644 Lelia Cowherd, 140 Richard, 661 Samuel, 141-644-789 Sewell, 517 Thomas Reed, 644 Truman P., 661 William, 661 William Winder, 493 HANENKAMP, Rich- Fahey 122s WARES HANFORD, Abraham, 141 Charles William, 644 Comstock, 644 Cornelius Holgate, 141 Ebenezer, Jr., 141 Edward, 141 Edward C., 141 Franklin, 141-142 John Munn, 142 Nathan, 644 Philander C., 644 Samuel, 141 Thaddeus, 141 Theophilus, 141 Thomas, 141-644-978 William Haynes, 141 Wm. Haynes, Jr., 142 HANKS, Benjamin, 927 Charles Stedman, 927 Horace, 927 Joseph, 689 Stedman Shumway, 927 Stedman Wright, 927 Uriah, 927 HANN, Gelon, 255 HANNA, Benj., 142-318 Chas. Augustus, 142 Howard Melville, 318 James, 164 Jason R., 142 John, 142 John Evans, 142 Joshua, 142 Leonard, 59-318 Louis Benjamin, 142 Marcus A., 59 Neri Augustus, 142 Oliver Samuel, 30 Robert, 142-318 Samuel Edward, 142 Thomas, 318-689 HANNAH, George, 189 George C., 189 HANNAU, Louis, 952 HANSCOM, Thos., 524 HANSELL, Barnet, 521 Frederick C., 275 William S., 521 HANSLAP, Henry, 588 HANSON, Benj. F., 144 Benj. Franklin, 144 Bert, 144 Daniel Dustin, 696 Ebenezer, 144 Eugene Ball, 356 Isaac, 144 John, 79-144-541 Joseph, 161 Joseph Berry, 136 Joshua, 144 481 HARDING Nathaniel, 144-145 Nathaniel Luther, 145 Ralph T., 144-810 Samuel, 541-752 Thos., 79-144-752-978 Timothy, 79 William, 144-752 HAPGOOD, Artemas, 144 Asa, 144 Norman, 465 Shadrach, 144-978 Thomas, 144 William Frank, 144 HARALSON, Hugh A., 625-626 Jonathan, 625 Paul, 625 Peter, 625 HARBISON, Emma Jane Boyd, 145 James, 145 Matthew, 145 Ralph Warner, 145 Samuel Pollock, 145 William Albert, 145 HARBOTTLE, Thomas, 490 HARD, Anson Boris, 171 James, 54-170 Noble, 170 Zaddock, 170 HARDAWAY, Thomas Rutherford, 625 HARDEL, John Lewis, 94 HARDEMAN, Letcher, 539 Thomas, 59 HARDENBERGH, Am- brose, 74-75 Charles Morgan, 622 Clarence Morgan, 622 Frederick F., 622 Gerardus, 423-622 Gerrit Janse, 74-423- 622 Jacob Rutsen, 74-622 Jas. Bruyn, 423-622 Jan, 74-423-622-978 Johannes, 74-423-622 John Gerardus, 423- 622 John I., 423-622 John Pool, 74 Thomas Eddy, 74-75 HARDER, Worth C., 617 HARDIN, Benj., 334 John, 626 Mark B., 404 HARDING, Abiel, 145- 719 Abraham, 23-57-145- 719-745-928 Amanda V. Hupp, 645 Benjamin Fosdick, 133 Butler K., 464 Charles Vachel, 645 Chester, 145-146-719 David, 774 Ebenezer Denny, 641 Edgar, 89 Edward, 440-641 Elisha, 23-928 Emor Herbert, 23 Frederic, 775 Gena Russell, 928 George Franklin, 809 George Russell, 22- 23-928 George Stetson, 133 Geo. Warren, 23-928 Henry, 745 Horace, 145 James Morgan, 641 HARDING John, 232 Joseph, 23-133-774- 809-928 Lewis, 23-928 Nathaniel, 133 Oliver, 745 Samuel, 23-133-145- 719-928 Stephen, 745 Thomas, 131 Vachel, 645 William, 133-441 William Lawrence, Jr., 706 William P. Gould, 145-146-387 HARDON, Henry Win- throp, 521 HARDY, Alpheus &., Why Arthur Sherburne, 218-369 Atwood, 480 Beulah Greenough, 218 Charles E., 892 Elias, 892 George, 146-979 James Andrew, 146 James Graham, 729 John, 146-979 Joseph, 146 Stella Pickett, 146 Stephen, 787 Theophilus, 144-276 Thomas, 146 Thornton S., 218 William Austin, 146 William Henry, 147 Wm. Jarvis, Jr., 205 HARE, Charles Willing, 147 Emlen S., 876 George Emlen, 147 Hobart A., 147-383 James Montgomery, 147-798 Jesse, 804 John Powel, 781 Moses, 763-804 Richard, 147 Robt., 89-147-205-781 Robert Harford, 89 Wm. Hobart, 147-383 HARGRAVE, Charles C., 296 HARGREAVES, Rich- ard Lewis, 510 HARGROVE, Dudley, 556 John, 390-454 HARISON (see also Harrison) Beverly Drake, 645 Francis, 645 George, 645 Minturn, 645 Richard, 645 Richard Nichols, 645 William, 645 HARKER, Asa, 112 HARKNESS, Adam, 148 Albert, 148 Albert Granger, 147- 148 John, 148 Katherine M. Beebee, 147 | Samuel, 148 Southwick, 148 HARLAKENDEN, Richard, 979 HARLAN, Aaron, 928 Edgar Rubey, 928 - Edward Seymour, 462 Elihu, 928 Geo., 148-149-928 George B., 462 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE James, 148-149-462- 689-928 James Shanklin, 149 Joel, 462 John, 928 John M., 21-149 John Marshall, 149 Joshua, 462: Michael, 462 Ralph M., 435 Richard, 462 Richard D., 148-149 Samuel Alex., 928 HARLAND, Charles Deighton, 429 John, 429 HARLOW, Alfred B., 149 Bradford G., 149 Branch, 149 Eleazer, 205 Eliphaz, 205 Jonathan, 149 Samuel, 205 Thomas, 149 William, 149-205 HARMAN, Ralph Au- gustus, 716 HARMAR, Josiah, 131 HARMASON, Geo., 230 HARMHER, Albian, 119 John E., 641 HARMON, Abner, 431 Ada Douglas, 154 Anan, 154-710 Artemas, 431 Augustus Ely, 154 Benj. Franklin, 154 Charles R., 881 Ira, 154-710 John, 154-431-710-979 John Eugene, 308 Jonathan, 431 Nathaniel, 154-710 Oscar Es Til Rawson, 154-711 Rawson Blaine, 154 Samuel, 431 Walter, 757 William, 431 HARNER, William, 426 HARNEY, Gerald B., 155 John Milton, 155 John Mullanphy, 155 Thomas, 155 William Selby, 155 HARPER, Ernest B., 95 James, 156 James Philip, 344 John, 427 Joseph, 156 Paul Vincent, 872 Philip, 156 HARRAL, Jared A., 645 Jobe, 645 Whitfield, 645 HARRIES, Joseph R., 156 Oscar Louis, 156 William, 156 William Edward, 156 HARRIMAN, David, 745 Edward H., 541-645 Edward R. N., 645 J. Low, 807 John Walter, 358 Mary W. Averell, 645 Oliver, 751 Orlando, 645 W. Averell, 645 William, 645-807 HARRINGTON, Ed- ward, 446 Francis, 446 John, 190-738 John Lane, 710 Nathaniel, 446 Purnell F., 1004 Robert, 446 William P., 527 HARRIS (see also Har- riss) A., 428 Abner, 492-723 Alfred Turpin, 157 Alfred Turpin, Jr., 157 Allen, 492 Andrew, 898 Anna C. Stewart, 159 Arnold, 372 Augustine, 132 Benjamin, 160-931 Buckner, 123 Charles, 488 Charles N., 816 Christopher, 420 Daniel, 159 Daniel Lester, 492 David, 157-393 David Bullock, 680 David F., 493 Edward, 131-493-655 Elmore, 145 Estelle M. Jenkins, 160 Francis, 382-669 Fred A. W., 265 Gabriel, 160 George, 160 George Hunt, 655 Gibson, 160 Gideon, 195-371 Gideon Dowse, 655 Graham H., 158 Henry Patterson, 157 Iveson, 132 James, 157-158-496 James Morrison, 157 Jasper Delano, 232 Jeptha Vining, 655 John, 63-139-158-159- 160-164-496-708 John Adams, 160 John Hempstead, 160 John McArthur, 158 John Thomas, 159 John Woods, Jr., 89 Jonathan, 492-723 Joseph, 123-493 Joseph H., 381 Julian Hartwell, 123 Nathan, 131-158-655 Nathaniel, 771 Peyton Randolph, 159 Reginald G., 62 Richard, 492-723-898 Rokert, 139-158-420 Sampson Hines, 653 Samuel, 159-160-708 Samuel Arthur, 159 Samuel Smith, 123 Stephen, 158 Stephen Cushing, 838 Stephen N., 556 Thomas, 131-139-157- 158-371-492-655-723- 828-898-979 Thomas Griffen, 159 Thomas Jefferson, 159-160 Thomas Walton, 653 Uriah Rose, 159 W. J., 884 Walter, 159 Walter Stewart, 159 Walton, 131-655 William, 123-131-139- 157-158-420-491-655 William Hall, 157-158 William Hall, Jr., 158-1007 William Joel, 160 HARRISS Wilmot Louis, 160 HARRISON (see also © Harison) Adelia Leftwich, 646 Ammi, 263 Archibald C., 27 Benjamin, 25 - 27-38- 62 - 159-167-335-362- 473-525-605-646-668- 721-743-789-794-797- 807-862-865-939-954- 970 Bernard Johnson, 789 Burr, 366-367-704-864 Burton Norvell, 646 Carter Henry, 25-26- 27-167-362-737-797 - 864 Chapman L., 27-288 Charles, 219 Charles Custis, 26-27 Chas. Fauntleroy, 111 Charles Kuhn, 168 Charles Leland, 172 Christopher, 168 Dabney Carr, 167 Daniel, 263 David, 174 David Alex., 73 Edmund, 473 Eliza M. Stewart, 167 Ellen M. Hawkes, 174 Fairfax, 646 Francis Edwin, 263 George Leib, 26-27 George Malcolm, 168 Hall, 168 Hartman K., 168 Henry, 865 Henry Hilbert, 142 Henry Norris, 172 Hiram, 263 Isaac, 307 James P., 88 Jared, 136 Jared Francis, 136 John, 26-172-174 John Caile, 168 John De Hart, 168 John Le Roy, 174 John Martin, 174 John Scott, 807 Joseph, 263 Joseph Le Roy, 174 Julia A. Gallup, 174 Justus, 263 Laura L. Hendree, 29 Mary S. Lord, 646 Michael, 145-172 Nathaniel, 216-263- 296-297-473-978 Peter, 263 Peyton, 167-363 Philip, 704 Randolph, 27-167-363- TENE Reuben, 263 Richard, 17-136-263- 828-892 Robert Carter, 25-26 Robert Clifford, 90 Samuel, 136-564 Samuel T., 168 Stephen, 263 Thomas, 26-118-136- 172-263-704 Thomas Perrin, 646 Thos. Randolph, 27- 197 William Cole, 743 William Henry, 62- 335-473-587-605-789- 794-807-827 William Ogden, 136 William Preston, 26 William Welsh, 27 Zadok D., 29 Williams Cooper, 160!HARRISS, Meares, 881 HARRISS William, 454 William James, 454 HARROD, Charles, 860 Joseph, 860 HARROLD, Charles Cotton, 646 Helen S. Shaw, 646 Uriah Bullock, 646 HARRY, Hugh, 506 Jesse, 506 Lewis, 506 William, 784 HARSIE, William, 979 HART (see also Harte) Abraham, 920 Albert Gaillard, 315 Alice A. Clark, 316 Ambrose, 315 Amos, 647 Anna J. Bacot, 315 Ard, 647 Arthur Hartwell, 315 Asahel, 316 Benjamin, 540 Bliss, 647 Charles Byerly, 316 Charles Edward, 895 Chauncey, 647 David, 551 Ephraim, 316 Frank Wilbur, 647 Freedom, 316 Gad, 315 Geo. Washington, 316 George W. S., 317 Hastings H., 315-316 Hawkins, 316 Henry Gilbert, 316 Hornell Norris, 315 Isaac, 979 James, 316 Jane S. Griswold, 646 Jerome Alfred, 316 John, 155-317-540-583- 650-730-793 Jonathan, 702 Joseph, 315 Merwin Kimball, 316 Nathaniel, 26-873 Oliver, 317 Oliver James, 317 Robert, 315 Samuel, 316 Simeon, 647 Stephen, 315-316-500- 636-647-702-827-979 Thomas, 26-188-315- 316-551-647-702-920 William, 702-920 William Bryan, 316 William Cook, 316-317 Wm. Ellsworth, 647 William Lee, 317 William Rogers, 317 HARTE, Richard, 317 Richard H., 317 William H., 317 HARTER, Henry, 94 Michael Daniel, 463 HARTIN, Charles George, 815 HARTLEY, Charles Pinckney, 398 E. Bradfield, 467 Beda August, Augustus, 158 Beverly Mercer, 669 Clara L. Stillman, 317 Paul, 61 Rudolph, 318 HARTPENCE, Alanson, 800-801 James, 800 James Bray, 800 Johannes E., 800 HARTS, John, 527 Peter Wilde, 527 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE William Wright, 527 BTR Piker toa Stewart, 124 HARTSHORNE, Charles, 647 Francis Cope, 647 Howard M., 701 Hugh, 647 Joseph, 647 Richard, 196-647 Sidney G., 623 William, 647 HARTSOOK, Daniel J., 459 HARTSTENE, Henry, 615 HARTWELL, John, 752 Joseph, 440 William, 752 HARTZELL, Randall M., 449 HARVEY, Augustus, 881 D. Carroll, 273 Edmund, 978 Elbert Alpheus, 212- 213 ' John, 213-804-881 Johnson, 213 Jonathan, 692 Kate B. Hanna, 318 LeRoy, 223 Matthew, 242-692 Miles, 804-881 — Patrick, 560 Paul, 213 Perry Williams, 318 Richard, 213 Samuel, 127 Samuel Clark, 101 Thomas, 127-213-804- 881 Turlington W., 213 William, 127-692 HARVIE, Lewis Edwin, 718 HARVUOT, Isaac, 675 HARWARD, Frederic Thatcher, 318 George, 318 John Thatcher, 318 Thomas, 318 Moses, 599 Reuben, 963 Roger, 161-319-604- 979 Roswell, 319 Timothy, 963 William, 504-505 William A., 318 HASKET, Stephen,-974 HASKIN, Jos. A., 653 HASKINS, Benj., 289 Charles, 785 Charles Homer, 204 David Greene, 312 David Greene, Jr., 312 Enoch, 492 John, 531-785 Joseph Inman, 130 Ralph, 312-785 Robert, 531 Weldon, 246 HASLETT, Wm., 635 HASSAM, Childe, 319 Frederick Fitch, 319 Samuel, 319 Stephen D., 319 William, 319 HASSELL, Benj., 580 Jason, 580 Joseph, 580 Richard, 580 HASSELMAN, Ida L. Blood, 319 L. W., 320 Watson J., 320 HASTINGS, Benj., 895 Charles William, 757 Clarence W., 665 Elijah, 875 Isaac, 895 John, 1389-813 Jonathan, 64-139 Robert Edgar, 928 Samuel, 895 Samuel Dexter, 389 Simon, 895 T. Mitchell, 928 Thomas, 350-522-820- 895-979 Thomas Wood, 453 Wells Southworth, 839 HARWOOD, Jeremiah, |HASWELL, George Ed- 696 John Wesley, 696 Nathaniel, 480-900 Peter, 214 Richard, 696 Robert William, 100 Stephen P., 917 Thomas, 696 Thomas Edward, 528 HASBROUCK, Abra- ham, 318-647-740- 979 Alfred, 318 Benjamin, 740 Daniel, 647 Francis, 740 Frank, 318-319 Harold J., 859 Jonathan, 647 Joseph, 318-647 HASCALL, Daniel, 716 HASELTINE, Charles Field, 601 HASKELL, Aaron, 505 Abel, 505 Albert McClellan, 319 Coburn, 318 David, 504-505 Elijah, 161-319 Henry, 749 John, 771-963 John De Forest, 319 Joseph, 504-505 Leonidas, 505 Mary G. Hanna, 318 gar, 877 Henry Burhans, 853 John, 138-853 HATCH, Abijah B., 320 Alfrederic Smith, 888 Azel Farnsworth, 320 David Phillips, 760 Hardin, 494 Harold A., 615 Henry Reynolds, 320- 754 Horace, 547-888 John, 787-888 Joseph, 888 Mary C. Browne, 320 Moses, 963 Reuben, 888 Richard Edward, 390 Roswell D., 87 William, 937 Zenas, 200 HATCHER, Benj., 486 Frederick, 486 HATFIELD, Abraham, 1004 William, 625 HATHAWAY, Arthur, 339-753-913 Ethan Allen, 157 HATHORNE, Jas., John, 786 William, 319 HATTON, Emily B. Hoffman, 321 Richard, 920 786 483 HAWLEY Villiers, 321 Villiers La Touche, 321 HAUGHTON, Chas., 760 James, 647 HAUPT, Edward, 322 Herman, 322 Jacob, 322 Jacob Benj., 322 Johann H. S., 321-322 Lewis Muhlenberg, 821-322 Sebastian, 321-322 HAUXHURST, Stanley Cottrill, 256 HAVEMEYER, Fred- erick Christian, 322 Henry, 535 Henry Osborne, 311- 322 Theo. Augustus, 322 William, 535 Wm. Frederick, 535 HAVEN, James H., 322 John, 822-323-396 Joseph, 322-323-787 Joshua, 323 Moses, 323-787 Richard, 322-323-787- 979 Samuel, 322-323-787 William, 322 HAVENS, Dexter Eber, 323 James Smith, 323 Simon, 323 William Vinson, 323 HAVILAND, Aaron G., 174 Thomas, 69-70 William David, 79 HAWHBS, Aaron, 147 Arthur Prince, 541 Daniel, 147-755 Edmund, 323 Edward, 147-755 George, 147 Granville P., 323 Isaac, 323-324 James, 147 James Anderson, 323 John, 323-324 John W., 171 Joseph, 323 Joshua, 323 Lowman L., 324 Lowman P., 324 Richard, 582 Stephen Starr, 147 Sylvanus T., 778 Thomas, 323 HAWKH, Matthew, 118- 688 HAWKES, Daniel, 324 Elihu Smead, 174 Elizer, 174 John, 174-324-342-343- 450 Samuel, 174 Seth, 174 HAWKINS, Anthony, 316-500 John, 307-456-953 Joseph C., 526 Philemon, 933 William, 953 William G., 598 Zachariah, 75-428 HAWKS, Chas. H., 788 Edward A., 324 James Dudley, 324 Moses, 324 Thomas, 324 Thomas Sidney, 324 HAWLEY, Benjamin, 174-982 David, 811 Blias S., 158 HAWLEY Ephraim, 226 Gideon, 226 Hezekiah, 955 Jehiel, 702 John, 811 Jos., 290-811-955-979 Joseph C., 955 Joseph Henry, 955 Ruggles, 242 Samuel, 811-955 Stephen, 955 Sylvanus, 811 Thomas, 409-974 William, 927 William C., 586 HAWTHORN, Thomas Goulding, 93 HAWTHORNE, Archi- bald Cary, 338 Warren, 200 William, 979 HAWXHURST, Chris- topher, 647 Howard H., 647 Jotham, 647 Philip, 647 Phineas Rice, 647 Samson, 647 HAXALL, Bolling W., 157-168 John, 168 Philip, 168 William, 168 HAY, Adam, 325 Arthur, 325 Charles, 325 Charles Edward, 325 Clarence L., 325-874 Daniel, 131 Henry, 131 John, 325-488-874-979 Logan, 325-326 Malcolm, 131 Milton, 325 Peter, 131 Samuel, 424 Southworth, 131 William, 156 HAYDEL, Henry, 458 HAYDEN, Aaron, 489 Benjamin, 218 Charles D., 218 Cotton, 326 Daniel, 457 Festus, 326 Henry Whiting, 326 James, 121 James Albert, 326 James Edwin, 784 John, 218-326-345-979 Jonathan, 326 Josiah, 326 Nehemiah, 218 Robert, 218 Rowland C., 839 Samuel, 326 Wm., 345-457-696-789 William Buck, 615 Edward, 788 HAYES (see also Hays) Albert H., 441 Alfred, 326 Anson Everis, 326 Benjamin, 326 Edward S., 654 Elizur, 326 Everis Anson, 326 George, 326-357-979 James, 743 Jay Orley, 326 John, 326 John A., 564 Robert, 326 Thomas, 326 William, 826 HAYFORD, Albert, 866 Daniel, 866 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE John, 866 Nathan, 866 William, 866 HAYHURST, Edward M., 881 HAYNES (see also Haines) Abijah, 748 Andrew, 803 Asher, 748 Clark Lewis, 487 D. Oliphant, 328 George Henry, 543 Hilliard McK., 327 Israel, 748 James, 327-748 John, 308-327-361-439- 487-633-748-759-768- 961-993 Jonas, 748 Jonathan, 525-719 Joseph, 525-719-828 Leonard, 327 Levi Hasbrouck, 327 Manley Bostwick, 141 Oliver Hart, 944 Roger, 327 Samuel, 487-525 Thomas, 525-719-803 Thornwell, 327 Walter, 487-748 William, 141-525 William D., 781 Williams, 327 HAYNIE, Henry, 663 John, 663 Lawrence, 664 Maximillian, 663-664 HAYS (see also Hayes) Aaron B., 328 Adam, 328 Alexander, 647 David, 328 George Metzger, 328 Gilbert Adams, 647 Hiram W., 508 Jacob, 328 Jas: Griffith, Jr. John, 328-647 Joseph, 328 Michael, 328 Samuel, 647 Walter H., 429 Wm. Jacob, 328-329 535 HAYTOR, Israel, 510 HAYWARD (see also Heyward) Charles W., 557 Francis, 202 Isaac D., 575 Jonas H., 330 N. Peabody, 822 Nathaniel, 330 Nehemia, 330 Nicholas, 330 Thos. Bertram, 330 Thomas Jonas, 331 William, 312 HAYWOOD (see also Heywood) John, 331-763 Marshall DeL., 331 Richard B., 331 Sherwood, 331 William, 331-763 HAZARD, A. Clinton, 126 Augustus, 711 Caroline, 36 George, 491 Mary P. Bushnell, 36 Oliver, 380-411-902 Robert, 36-250-491 Roland Gibson, 37 Rowland, 36-818 Rowland G., 36-87 Silas H., 693 Thos., 36-164-491-979 Vincent Gilpin, 515 William, 434 HAZELTINE, Abner, 331 Abraham Jones, 331 Abram, 331 Daniel, 331 John, 331 Nathaniel, 700 Samuel, 331 HAZEN, Charles, 253 Edward, 253 Melzer F., 337 Moses, 253 Richard, 253 William, 253 ere et Isaac, 676 J. Edward, 727 HEAD, Benjamin, 331 Charles, 843 Henry, 331 Henry Oswald, 331 Franklin H., 411 James Marshall, 332 John, 40 William, 459 HEADEN, Walter C., 585 HEADLEY, Albert O., 772 Davis, 772 Leonard, 772 Samuel, 772 Thomas, 772 William, 772 HEALD, Amos, 239-240 John C., 484 HEALH, George, 741 HEALY, Daniel, 94 John C., 294 Richard, 79 HEARD, Isaac Thomas, 648 John, 805 Nathaniel, 907 Stephen, 601 Stephen D., 648 HEARDE, Luke, 968 HEARN, Lawrence Henry, 315 Michael, 315 HEARNE, William Watson, 406 HEARSEY, Wm., 979 HEARST, John, 551 HEARTT, Nehemiah, 75 HEATH, Charles, 431 Ebenezer, 431 John, 431 HEATH, Joseph Kem- ble, Jr., 692 Peleg, 431 Robert, 27-511-793 Samuel, 713 William, 431 Romer hore Caleb, 0 Charles William, 332 William, 332 William T., 332 Stee Abraham, 00 Augustus, 200 Augustus Goodyear, 200 James, 200 John, 200 Edward, 453 Nathaniel, 200 Robert, Jr., 572 Seth, 200 Thomas, 453 Wilson G., 347 HEAYDON, John, 979 HEBARD, Diah, 332 George D. A., 332 Grace Raymond, 332 484 HELME Lockwood, 332 Nathanil, 332 Robert, 332-979 Zebulon, 332 HEBERTON, Edward Payson, 638 John Craig, 876 HECK, Jonathan M., 830 Yost, 830 HECKSCHER, Charles, 855 Charles August, 581 John Gerard, 176 John Gustave R., 520 Ledyard, 316 Stevens, 33 HEDDEN, Cornelius Howard, 333 Edward H., 333 James, 333 Zopher, 333 HEDGCOXE, Otto, 545 HEDGE, Barnabas, 878 Charles, 393 Elisha, 878 John, 878 Samuel, 793 Thomas, 878 William, 878 Bere Charles L., 6 Wilbur Olin, 54 HEDSTROM, Arthur E., 887 HEERMANCE (see also Heermans) Andries, 180-812 Edgar Laing, 812 Garet, 812 Harrison, 812 Henry, 812 Jacob, 812 Jan, 812 Martin, 812 Nicholas, 812 Radcliffe, 812 HEERMANS (see also Heermance) Forbes, 812 Jan, 812 Philip, 812 Thos. Beekman, 812 eee J. Wilton, 480- 90 HEFFRON, Jno. L., 949 HEFLEY, George W., 626-627 HEGARDT, Gustave Bernard, 746 HEGEMAN, Wm., 441 HEGEN, A. M., 76 HEIBLER, Max, 394 HEILMAN, Harry A., 395 Peete Ss Louis Cass, 18 HEIN, Charles S. F. E., 333 Otto Louis, 333 HEINMULLER, Robert John, 155 HEISER, Henry An- thon, 309 HELBIG, John, 950 HELLWEGE, Peter, 594 HELM, Cyrus T., 895 George, 334 yy Pendleton, 333- 334 John Larue, 334 Pattie A. Kennedy, 333 Thomas, 979 Thomas Kennedy, 334 HELME, Anselm, 428 HELMS HELMS, Jno. Thos., 524 HELVENSTON, B. W., 882 HEMENWAY, Augus- tus, 22-23-9111 Joshua, 23 Lawrence, 23-855 Phineas, 23 Ralph, 23-979 Samuel, 23 HEMINGWAY, Abra- ham, 928 Enos, 928 Ralph, 928 Samuel, 928 Willis, 928 HEMPHILL, E. Dallet, Jr., 394 Elisabeth S. Henry, 293 James, 293 John James, 293 William, 612 William Edgar, 903 HEMPSTEAD, Benja- min, 369 Joshua, 160-365-905- 956 Nathaniel, 905 Robert, 365-905 HEMSLEY, Fredk., 622 HENCH, George, 619 HENDERSON, Archi- bald, 166 Frank Bignell, 163 Isaac, 834 Isaac James, 873 James, 695 Andrew Fisher, 891 Archibald, 928 Frisby, 891 John, 887-954 John Steele, 928 Peter, Jr., 26 Richard, 928 Robert, 166 Thomas, 891-928 Thomas Frisby, 891 Wilbur S., 635 William, 548-887 William Gates, 166 William Grey, 906 HENDREE, George Diefendorf, 29 John D., 29 George Rieley, 29 HENDREN, Wm., 715 HENDRICK, Anthony, 335 Ellwood, 335 James, 335 John, 335 John Buford, 399 HENDRICKSEN, Mar- tin, 867 HENDRIE, Edwin Beard, 302 HENDRYX, Charles F., 62-335-605 , Fanny G. Taylor, 335 James Beardsley, 335 HENKEL, Anthony Jacob, 169 HENKLE, John Bunn, 10683 HENLEY, Leonard, 541 HENNING, David M., 959 Matthew, 112 HENRI, Pierre, 395 HENRIE, James, 739: HENRY, Augustus, 484 C. S. Ashley, 472 Charles D., 370 Charles Wolcott, 379 David, 648 George, 556 George W., 335 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Horace Chapin, 648 Huntington B., 850 James, 753 John, 293-648 John Campbell, 293 John F., 883 Joseph, 231 Lewis B., 362-819 Matthews Winston, 335 Paul Mandell, 648 Patrick, 95 - 335-398- 434-517-568-617-625- 706-834-979 Patrick, Jr., 506 Robert, 335-979 Robert G., 397 Robert Llewellyn, 335 Robert Llewellyn, Jr., 335 Robert Rosebrough, 753 Ryder, 293 Seton, 42 William, 335-648 William G., 103 Winston Patrick, 335 HENSHAW, Benj., 208 Daniel, 208-216-876 David, 216 Jonathan Hoyt, 841 Joseph Burnham, 208 Joshua, 208-216-876 HENTON, James, 42 HERBERT, Arthur, 336 Buller, 550-912 D. Oscar, 813 Ebenezer, 840 George, 384 Helen L. Gammel, 336 John, 384-558 William Pinckney, 77 HERING, Oswald C., 648 Rudolph, 648 HERMAN, Augustine, 172 Christian Bowers, 336 John Armstrong, 336 Martin, 336 Raymond Elmer, 881 HERMANY, Chas., 620 HERNANDEZ, Marcos » del) Pino y., 333 HERNDON, Jno. C., 551 Joseph, 719 Stanley B., 933 William, 719 HERON, Benjamin, 419 Samuel J., 964 HERPIN, John, 537 HERR, Abraham, 336 Benjamin, 336 Benjamin Groff, 336 Charles, 336 David, 336 Dougal, 336 Edwin Musser, 336- 337 Emanuel, 336 Francis, 336 Hans, 336-979 Herbert Thacker, 337 John, 336 Theodore Witmer, 336-337 Willis Benjamin, 336 HERRESHOFF, Charles F., 979 J. B. Francis, 797 HERRICK, Castle Hop- kins, 648 Claudius, 929 Dwight Stiles, 931 Edward, 648 Edward P., 929 Ephraim, 648 Harold, 339 Harold Edward, 339 Henerie, 400 Henry, 339-648-929 James, 306-929 John, 339 Jonathan K., 339 Joseph, 339 Josiah, 339 Nathan, 929 Rufus, 648 Samuel, 648 Stephen, 648 William, 339-929 William Worthing- ton, 929 HERRING, Leonard, 689 Owen W., 106 HERRON, Francis, 516- 851 John W., 850-851 William, 851 HERSEY, Charles, 422 Daniel, 339-887 Henry Johnson, 339 James, 688 John, 339-887 Jonathan, 339-422 Joseph O. B., 339 Joshua, 422 Laban, 422 Thomas, 422 William, 339-422-714- 887-979 HERSHMAN, Henry Logan, 339 Oliver Sylvester, 339 HERSIE, William, 979 HERSOM, Andrew J., 930 HERTER, Christian A., 179-782 HERTLE, Eleanor M. Daughaday, 929 Louis, 578-929 HESLEP, Clinton, 362 Joseph, 362 Lewis Buckner, 362 Thomas, 362 HESS, George McAllis- ter, 208 George Powell, 357 Hans Theobold, 991 Jean Jacques, 88 HESSENBRUCH, Her- man Markle, 584 HESSERT, Gustav, 382 HETRIC, David A., 960 HEWES, Adam, 339 Clarence Bussey, 340 Harry Bartram, 339- 340 Henry Fox, 929 Isaac, 339 Jacob, 339 James E., 180 James Tracy, 929 John, 339 Joseph, 339-781 Saml. Darlington, 339 HEWETT, George, 747 Henry, 704 HEWITT, Abram Ste- vens, 340 Charles B., 936 Edward Ringwood, 340 John, 340-979 HEWLETT, Cleora M. Whitney, 255 Frederick, 255 George, 660 James, 256 Jas. Augustus, 502 Jas. Munroe, 521-561 HEWSON, Addinell, 726 Robert, 308 HEYDON, John, 979 485 HIGGINS HEYDT, Hans Jost, 980 HEYHDR, Ellis W., 319 Isaac, 522 Matthew Johnston, 454 William, 522 HEYRICKH, Henry, 979 HEYWARD (see also Hayward) Daniel, 155-979 Jonathan Thos., 155 Josias, 155 Thomas, 155-261 William, 261 HEYWOOD (see also Haywood) Amos, 579 Benjamin, 579 John, 579 Joseph Lee, 579 Nathan, 112 Samuel, 579 Silas, 579 Winslow, 112 HIBBARD, Daniel, 459 Edward Luther, 340 Jedediah, 340 Jesse, 340 John, 340 Omri Ford, 340 Robert, 340-979 Roger, 340 Wm. Gold, Jr., 606 HIBBEN, Thomas, 682 HIBBERD, Robert, IJr., 574 HIBBERT, Robert, 979 HICKMAN, David, 334 David Henry, 335 Edwin, 334 James, 334 John, 556 Nathaniel, 334-556 Thomas, 334-886 William, 459 HICKOK, John Jas., 750 W. O., 461 Wm. Orville, Jr., 590 HICKS, Charles Spen- cer, 782 Elias, 634 George, 331 Henry F., 348 Israel, 672 Jacob, 331 John, 219-331 John Franklin, 782 John Gustavus, 331 Lewis Wilder, 1004 Robert, 331 Thomas, 331 William W., 52 HIDALGO, Juan, 799 HIDDEN, Andrew, 38 Eben, 38 Ebenezer, 38 Ephraim, 38 Ephraim Nelson, 38 Price, 38 Samuel, 38 HIGBEHR, Charles, 102 HIGBEY, Absalom, 814 HIGBIE, Alexander, 340 Daniel, 340 Edward, 340 Henry, 340 James, 340 John, 340 Robert Winfield, 340 Samuel, 340 HIGGINBOTHAM, Aaron, 849 John, 849 HIGGINS, Aldus C., 340-341 340-341- Benjamin, 446-850 Cecil Campbell, 809 HIGGINS Ebenezer, 850 Elkanah, 446-850 Freeman, 340-341 Henry Vincent, 418 Ichabod, 850 Isaac, 446 John Woodman, 340 Joshua, 850 Latham, 343 Lewis, 340-341 Milton Prince, 340-341 Oscar Thomas, 49 Prince, 340-341 Richard, 340-446-850- 979 Timothy, 340-341 HIGGINSON, Charles Henry, 266 Francis, 134-310-341- 979 Francis Lee, 341-348 Frederick, 656 George, 310-341 George, Jr., 310 James Jackson, 152 John, 310-341-913 Nathaniel, 422 Robert, 25 Stephen, 310-341 HIGH, Geo. Henry, 247 Mrs. Joseph M., 1001 HIGLEY, Seth, 217 HILDEBURN, John Martin, 945 Samuel, 945 HILDRETH, Eugene McM., 424 James, 723 Joseph, 723 Oliver, 723 Richard, 723 Samuel, 723 Samuel Prescott, 723 HILDT, John McLean, 243 HILEMAN, Joseph 284 HILL, Abraham, 593- 594 Alexander, 243 Andrew, 615-944 Andrew Neal, 615-944 Arthur, 243 Arthur Dehon, 351 Bezaleel, 343 Caleb, 492 Charles, 199 Charles Ebenezer, 342 Chas. Van Dyke, 687 Clement, 199-274-979 Daniel A., 491 Daniel Harvey, 190 Daniel Trembly, 342 David, 342 David Jayne, 342-1005 Eben Clayton, 342 Ebenezer, 342-343 Edward, 85-362-706- 766 Edward B., 342 Elisha, 343 Fannie T. Gillett, 342 Francis de Long, 956 Geo. Washington, 316 Gershom Hyde, 344 Gillette, 343 Gladys Lusaddar, 341 Hamilton Alonzo, 351 Henry, 274-552 Henry Baker, 342 Henry Hickson, 343 Horace G., 658 Humphrey, 929 Isaac, 342-956 Israel, 343 Jacob, 219 James Hamilton, 343 James J., 210 Bs INDEX TO VOLUME ONE James Jeremiah, 343- 344 Jas. Langdon, 343-344 Jeremiah, 343 John, 343-430-665-780 John Gyr, 190 John Philip, 342 Jonathan, 343 Jos., 236-342-343-545 Joseph Bancroft, 342 Joseph Goss, 746 Joseph Morrison, 190 Julien Harrison, 929 Leslie Kemper, 343 Levi Gerrish, 614-615- 944 Lucy B. Dunham, 344 Lysander, 811 Mark Langdon, 343 Marshall, 343 Norman Francis, Jr., 627 Peter, 343-979 Peter Henry, 51 Ralph, 342-979 Robert, 475 Roger, 343 Samuel, 342 Thomas, 342 Walker, 694 Walter J., 210 William, 190-475-593 William D., 460 William Eustis, 665 William Maury, 929 William Stuart, 475 Wilson §S., 730 Zeph Turner, 302 HILLARD, Henry, 836 HILLEARY, Thos., 381 HILLEGAS, Michael, 170 HILLER, Allan Maxcy, 929 James, 929 Jonathan, 929 - Thomas, 929 HILLES, David, 929 Hugh, 648-929 Jesse, 648 Richard, 648-929 Samuel, 929 Samuel Eli, 929 William, 929 William S., 648-930 HILLHOUSE, David, 438 Francis, 356 James, 356-438-979 Margaret Prouty, 356 Thomas, 356 William, 348-356 HILLIARD, Isaac, 753 Philip G., 736 Robert B., 8438 Robert Courtney, 437 HILLIARY, Thomas, 921 HILLIER, Hugh, 817 HILLIS, Richard Dwight, 666 HILLS, Benjamin, 742 Clarence Eugene, 690 Edmund, 742 Elliott, 564 Francis Lowell, 742 Harry Neville, 720 John, 742 Joseph, 366-742-979 Joseph S., 742 Lewis O., 737 Moses, 742) Nathan C., 564 Nathaniel, 742 Samuel, 742 Smith, 742 HILLYER, Asa, 357 57-209-316-342- Daniel, 357 Edwin, 357 George, 357 Henry, 357 James, 357 y. John, 357-979 Junius, 357 Munson Curtis, 502 Nathaniel, 357 Shaler, 357 HILTON, Charles, 76 Edward, 76-523-742- 746 Edward, Jr., 276 Jonathan, 76 Joshua, 327 HINCHLIFF, Harriet E. Emerson, 358 Ralph, 358 William, 358 William E., 358-359- 951 HINCHMAN, Edmund, 976 John Joseph, 807 Se ieee Gershom, Ichabod, 775 John, 775 Samuel, 775-832-972- 979 Sylvester B., 467 Thomas, 144-155-171- 300-654 HINCKS, John, 240 HIND, Henry Lincoln, 706 HINDMAN, James F., 762 HINE, Homer, 567 James, 567 Noble, 567 Samuel, 567 Thomas, 567 HINES, Henry Clay, 593 John Fore, 399 John H., 947 HINGSTON, Edward J., 837 HINKIN, Thomas, 546 HINKLE, Anthony Howard, 654 Philip, 130 HINKLEY, Holmes, 84 Susan Heywood, 84 HINMAN, Andrew, 249 Benjamin, 832 Edgar L., 643 Edward, 36-249-832 Ephraim, 36 Frank H., 211 Jennie, 1001 Joel, 832 Noble, 249 Samuel, 574 Titus, 36-249 HINSDALE, Barnabas, 359-636-649 Daniel, 359 Frank Gilbert, 649 Guy, 359 Henry Butler, 359 Horace Seymour, 359 James Henry, 649 John, 359-649 Robert, 359-649-882- 979 Samuel, 882 Theodore, 359-649 William, 649 HINTON, John, 362 HIPWELL, William O., 443 HIRSCH, Gilbert J., 853 HIRST, Barton Cooke, 649 Henry B., 649 486 HOBART John, 649 John Cooke, 649 John Cooke, 2d, 649 Joshua, 649 Thomas, 649 William Lucas, 649 HISLOP, James H., 82 HITCH, Frederic D., 238 John, 359 Louther, 359 Robert M., 359 William Winder, 359 HITCHCOCK, Edward, 505 Frank Tenney, 405 Henry Chapman, 942 Henry Lawrence, 759 Ichabod, 841 John, 759-912 Joseph, 912 Justin, 505 Luke, 505-618-725- 912-979 Matthew, 980 Matthias, 759 Medad, 912 Nathaniel, 912 Peter, 759 Ripley, 475 Thomas, 569 Valentine, 759 HITE, Daniel, 281 John, 590 Joist, 590-980 HITT, Joseph, 53 William F. R., 588 HITZ, Benjamin D., 650 Elizabeth C. Holliday, 650 ‘i HIXON, Geo. H., 530 HOADLEY, Samuel, 263 William, 586 HOAG, Benjamin, 270 Clarence Gilbert, 269- 270 Enoch, 270 Gilbert Congdon, 270 James, Jr., 145 John, 270 Jonathan, 270 Joshua, 270 Moses, 270 HOAGLAND, Edwin, 740 Peter, 740 HOAR, Charles, 74-240 Daniel, 240 Ebenezer Rockwood, 240 Geo. Frisbie, 240 John, 31-240-923 Roger Sherman, 240- 733 Samuel, 240 Sherman, 240 HOARE, Chas., 240 Joanna Hinkesman, 240 HOBART, Aaron, 278- 888 Benjamin, 278 Charles H., 327 Daniel Kilby, 888 Edmund, 147-278-594- 888-980 Enoch, 147 Fred Albert, 888 Garret Augustus, Jr., 495 Harold P., 755 Henry Lee, 656 Isaac, 278 . Jeremiah, 745 John, 147 John Henry, 268 Nathan, 278 HOBART Peter, 147-608-639- 720 Thomas, 278 Walter Scott, 438 Se ee Frederick, 331 HOBBIE, Seymour, 458 HOBBS, Benjamin, 560 Edward, 249 Samuel T., 878 Sheldon, 144 William, 371 HOBBY, Charles, 350 HOBLIT, James’ T., 795 HOBSON, Arthur L., 485 Edwin L., 506 Matthew, 562 William, 562 HOCKADAY, Irvine O., 834-840 Isaac, 840 HOCKER, Benjamin W., 328 HODECKHER, Henry, 324 Ap lent Benjamin, 74 HODGE, Andrew, 360- 9380 George, 96-549 George Woolsey, 394 Harold H., 958 Henry Latimer, 523 Hugh, 360 Hugh Lenox, 359-360 John, 510 John Aspinwall, 359- 360 Richard Morse, 360 Thomas Leiper, 523 SO: Benjamin, 481 HODGES, Edward Ful- ler, 364 Ezra, 679 Gamaliel, 364 George, 364-911 George W., 1004 Harry Foote, 364 Henry, 364 John, 364 Nathaniel D. C., 364 Silas, 364 Silas H., 884 William, 364 She ea wm., 38 HODGMAN, Amos, 361 Charles, 650 John, 650 Jonathan, 650 Josiah W. H., 650 Josiah Webber, 361 Lansing Derrick, 361 Leonard, 361 Marshall, 650 Samuel, 361 Thomas, 361-650 William Lansing, 361 Wm. Wade, 650 HODSON, George, 843 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE John, 935 John Francis, 364 John Jacob, 935 Peter, 935 Violet Browne, 364 HOFFECKER, George Richard, 536 James Henry, 536 Mary Canby, 535-536 HOFFMAN, Charles Burrall, 321 Chas. Frederick, 320 Eugene Augustus, 321-743 Francis Burrall, 320 Geo. Edward, 321 Harmanus, 320-321 J. Edward, 870 J. Ogden, 321 John White, 321 Joseph Librand, 578 Martin, 320 Martinus, 320-321 Martinus Hermanzen, 980 Murray, 320 Nicholaes, 320-321 Ogden, 321 Samuel V., 320-321- 1004 Wickham, 320 William Date, 784 William M. V., 320 HOGAN, Cornelia S. Heslep, 362 Howard Arkell, 555 John, 480 Robert George, 362 Russell, 822 Thomas, 362) HOGE, James, 362-484 Moses, 362-484 Moses Drury, Jr., 434 Cie bee Harrison, 362- Peyton Harrison, Jr., 363 Samuel, 362 Thomas, 601 William, 362-483-980 William James, 363 William Lacy, 363 William S., 817-818 HOGEMEYER, Arthur H., 634 HOILES, Steven M., 113 HOKE, George, 329 John, 557 Michael, 557 Saar trate Mrs, Frank, 1000 HOLBROOK, Amos, 785 Arthur, 837 Daniel Owen, 785 Edwin A., 785 Edward Hamilton, 151 John, 688-730-785-900 Micah, 785 Nathaniel, 785 Thomas, 900-974 HOE, Arthur Ingersoll, | HOLCOMB, Charles 361 Evelyn Perry, 361 Olivia P. James, 361 Richard March, 179 Robert, 268-361-362 HOES, Derick, 460 Johannes, 460 John D., 460 Stephen H., 460 Mrs. William M., 1001 HOFF, Charles, 693 Sharles W., 365 Chas. Worthington, 364 Henry Clay, 417 Mortimer, 365 Hezekiah, 323 John, 365 Richmond Cranston, 365 Samuel, 365 Thomas, 975 Thomas A., 365 HOLDEN, Anthony, 109-110-425-472-690 Charles, 709 David, 747 Delia E. Bulkley, 365 Edward P., 1005 Jabez, 930 John, 690 Jonas, 228 Justinian, 980 Leonard, 930 Levi, 670 Liberty Emery, 365 Randall, 980 Randolph, 109 Redfield, 930 Robert, 930 Robert Fletcher, 930 Samuel, 930 Thomas, 930 HOLDGES, Seth, 583 HOLDREDGHE, Henry, 263-264 HOLDREGEH, Samuel, 263 HOLGATH, Abraham Levering, 141 Cornelius, 141 John, 141 Matt, 141 HOLINGSWORTH, Mark, 742 HOLLADAY (see also Holliday, Hollyday) Alexander Quarles, 363 Alexander Randolph, 364 Alexander Richmond, 363 Charles Bolling, 363 Dupuy, 364 BH. Burke, 384 John, 363-364-980 John Zachary, 364 Joseph, 363-364 Lewis, 363-364 Lewis Littlepage, 364 Waller, 363-364 Wm. Waller, 363-364 HOLLAND, Charles Ed- ward, 485 Clifford Milburn, 351 F. Raymond, 840 HOLLEY, Horace, 413 John, 413 Luther, 413 HOLLIDAY (see also Holladay, Holly- day) Adam, 650 Henry, 51 John, 672 John Hampden, 650 Samuel, 650 Thomas, 804 William, 650-940 William Adair, 650 HOLLINGER, Chris- topher, 741 Jacob S., 741 Samuel, 741 HOLLINGSHEAD, Joseph M., 925 HOLLINGSWORTH, Henry, 267-634 John, 883 Thomas, 634 Valentine, 634-706 Zebulon, 634 HOLLIS, Abijah, 366 Allen, 366 Daniel, 821 John, 24-366-980 Thomas, 366 HOLLISTER, Albert F., 444 Amasa, 173-811 Clay H., 874 Edwin M., 366 George, 366 Geo. Buell, 366 George Cooper, 104 Gideon, 173-366-811 Granger A., 880 487 HOLT Howard C., 446 John, 29-173-366-760- 811-817-852-980 John, Jr., 359 Joseph, 378 Josiah, 173 Nathaniel, 173-366- 811 Samuel Dwight, 173 Stephen, 104 Thomas, 173-366-811 Wesley, 173-811 HOLLOWAY, James L., Jr., 126 Mrs. Reuben R., 1007 HOLLYDAY (see also Holladay, Holli- day) Henry, 95-138-367 James, 367 Richard C., 367 Thomas, 367 HOLMAN, Adam T., 938 Elisha, 735 John Barker, 59 Jonathan, 30 S. W., 571 Solomon, 30 HOLMES, Abiel, 368 Adam, 336 Archibald, 501 Charles Aiken, 813 Christopher C., 910 Daniel, 812-889 Daniel Franklin, 812 Daniel Henry, 654 David, 368 196 Gis, cea Ebenezer, 443 Elijah, 923 Erwin, 856 Ethan, 677 Frances W. Winches- ter, 443 Francis, 400 George, 400-812-813- 906 Horace, 400 Isaac V., 37 Jabez, 690 Jehoshaphet, 400-923 Jesseriah, 400 John, 368-812-813-889- 980 John D., 501 John McC., 413 Joseph, 813-856 Josiah, 501 Melatiah, 889 Nathaniel, 400-813 Obadiah, 48-898-980 Oliver Wendell, 368 Samuel, 812-813 Thomas, 501 106 TA Re ae, William, 443 William Wheeler, 677 Zephaniah, 813 HOLSTEIN, Otto, 368 HOLSTIEN, A., 395 HOLT, Abiel, 650 Alvah, 650 Benjamin, 859 Dan, 369 Daniel, 369 De Villo R., 650 Edmund, 984 Fred Park, 650 George, 368 Geo. Chandler, 368- 369 George L., 82 Hamilton, 368 Harrison J., 503 Henry, 368-369-943- 962 Henry P. R., 369 Henry Winston, 650 HOLT Hiram, 368 James, 650 John, 369-781 John Caldwell, 657 Joseph, 369-650 Lawrence Shackle- ford, 781 Lucius, 650 Lucius Hudson, 453- 650 Luther Emmett, 959 Micajah, 650 Micajah Quincy, 650 Michael, 781 Nathaniel, 369 Nehemiah, 368 Nicholas, 368-650-980 Philemon, 369 Robert, 369 Thomas, 868 William, 369-569-645 William Arthur, 650 William Rainey, 781 HOLTON, Edward Dwight, 470 Henry, 470 Horace F., 459 Joseph, 469-470 Nicholas M., 910 Samuel, 561 Timothy, 470 William, 162-166-256- 528-671-702-846-982 HOLYOKE, Edward, 786-788 Elizur, 359-852 Frank, 930 HOMER, George, 930 Herman C., 824 Horace Stebbins, 930 John, 930 Michael, 91 Thomas, 572 HOMES, Robert, 789 William, 368 HONE, John, 902 Philip, 902 HONEY, Horace Aus- tin) £13 John W., 113 HONEYMAN, James, 719 John, 719 Be a a: Israel, 221 HONORE Francois, 756 Henry Hamilton, 756 Jean Antoine, 756 Oo Earle Stetson, 53 Frederick Clark, 369 George Henry, 369 Jacob, 369 James, 930 John, 369-378-834-930 John Murray, 930 Nathaniel, 369-834 Richard, 369-834 Robert, 729 Rosalie Caswell, 930 Samuel, 834 Thomas, 294 Tunas, 378 HOOK, James C., 249 HOOERY, William, 525 HOOGLAND, Dirck Jansen, 740 John W., 338 William, 740 HOOKER, C. Osgood, 651 Charles Gay, 652-937 Elon Huntington, 598 Henry, 651 Henry D., 63 James, 702 John, 288-369-477-651- 852 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Lord, 166 Nathaniel, 746 Ransom §&., 633 Richard, 369-741 Roger, 852 Roger Farmington, 288 Samuel, 20 - 36 -189- 288-369-477-640-651- 835-852 Seth, 651 Thomas, 36- 107- 108- 121-189-229-288-369- 370-375-477-636-640- 651-702-776-780-828- 835-852-957-980-986- 995 Thomas Hart, 288-852 HOOPER, Arthur G., 553 Arthur Upshur, 30 Eliza J. Allerton, 930 Greenfield, 931 Henry, 757 James Edward, 652 John, 242-574 John Albert, 449 Joseph, 931 Joseph Geo., 406 Leverett F., 296 Robert, 931 Robert Poole, 652 William, 410-652-757 Wm. Berrian, 930-931 William E., 652 William Hatch, 476 William Woart, 931 HOOPES, Levi, 515 HOOVER, Andrew, 370 Eli, 370 Herbert Clark, 370 Jesse, 370 Jesse Clark, 370 John, 370 HOPH, Peter E., 924 Walter Ewing, 924 HOPIN. Stephen. 980 HOPKINS, Amos Law- rence, 243 Archibald, 243 Arthur, 25-551 Benjamin, 370-942 Chillingsworth, 881 Ebenezer, 470-942 Edward Whiting, 652 Edwin B., 695 Ehud, 403 Enoch, 643 Francis Wayland, 121 George, 643 George Augustus, 370 George Jenks, 370 George M., 63 George R., 884 Gerrard, 249 Giles (Gyles), 142- 870-583-858-952 Henry St. George, 536 Ichabod, 390 James, 438 James Campbell, 248 John, 243-306-403-497- 621-652-934 John Henry, 371 Joseph, 643-858-934 Joseph S., 621 Joshua Morse, 858 Linton C., 143 Mark, 661 Nelson, 643 Prince, 858-881 Samuel, 142-652 Samuel Cornell, 387 Samuel Frederick, 652 Seth, 370 Solomon, 370-942 Stephen, 57- 97-142- 154-213-243-303-370- 403-407-425-435-497- 530-583-597-618-652- 654-683-710-716-745- 749-752-763-769-784- 801-858-900-901-934- 952-980-991 Theodore Austin, 371 Thomas, 371-425-643 Timothy, 243-652 Walter L., 1007 Washington, 438 William, 59-425-687 William T., 132 ST eee Charles, 47 Edward, 284 Francis, 53-284-430- 892 John, 838 John Prentiss, 83 Jonathan, 83 Joseph, 53-284-285- 892 Michael, 83 Oliver, 53-284-285 Theophilus, 83 Thomas, 53-83-284- 980 William Francis, 284- 285 HOPPER, Andries, 871 George Henry, 442 Hardwicke M., 173 HOPPIN, Benjamin, 386 Courtland, 575 Francis Edwin, 386 Frederick Street, 639 Stephen, 386-980 Thomas Coles, 386 Tracy, 519 William Warner, 617 HORD, Abner, 896 Arnold Harris, 372 Eleanor V. Harris, 371 Elias, 372-896 Francis Triplett, 372 Jesse, 372-896 John, 372-896 Peter, 896 Thomas, 372-896 Wm. Taliaferro, 372 HORN, Grace C. Mar- tin, 372 Thomas Lyman, 372 Wm. Palmer, 372 pe pepe te Edson A., 50 HORNBLOWER, Emily A. S. Nelson, 372 George Sanford, 372 Joseph Coerten, 372 Josiah, 372 Wm. Butler, 372 Wm. Henry, 372 HORNE, Geo. W., 121 William, 144 William Dodge, 410 HORNELL, Geo., 315 HORNER, Charles, 376 Joseph Wilkins, 902 Leonard S., 210 HORNOR, Benjamin, 394 John, 394 HORNSBY, Joseph, 427 Joseph Lewis, 427 Thomas Walker, 427 HORRY, Elias, 420-616 HORSEMANDEN, Warham, 525 HORSEY, John, 627 John A. E., 627 John Leatherbury, 627 Nathaniel, 627 488 HOUGH Stephen, 627 HORSFORD, Cornelia C. Felton, 373 Daniel, 373 Eben Norton, 373 Jerediah, 373 John, 373 Roger, 373 Timothy, 373 William, 373 HORSLEY, Frederick M., 373 J. Shelton, 373 John, 373 Robert, 373 William, 373-803 HORSTMANN, Sig- mund H., 461 Walter, 386 HORT, Samuel, 478 HORTON, Craven, 146 Ebenezer, 491 George Peter, 374 Gideon, 456 Henry, 491 Henry K., 456 James Edward, 176 Julia Greenleaf, 374 Richard, 491 Samuel, 491 Samuel C., 491 Sampson, 491 Walter G., 705 William, 146 William Henry, 146 HOSFORD, Job, 374 John, 636 Joseph, 374 Schiller, 374 Willard, 374 Willard Deere, 374 HOSKINS, Charles Lansing, 226 Daniel T., 912 Ebenezer, 226 Oswald, 274 William, 687 HOSMER, Abel, 765 Oliver Ellsworth, 135 Stephen, 135-170 Stephen T., 135-169- 170 Thomas, 135-170 Titus, 135-170 ESSAI SS Jacob, HOSTETTER, Abra- ham, 374 D. Herbert, 374 David, 374 Jacob, 337-374 Oswald, 337 HOSTETTLER, Wil- liam Thomas, 177 Be eS Caleb, 74 Chauncey, 535 Clark Beers, 374 Daniel, 375 Elijah, 374 H. Stuart, 375 Henry, 375 Henry Lucius, 108- 375 Horace Leslie, 374 Horace Leslie, Jr., 374 Horace Leslie, ITT, 442 Jacob, 374 John, 374 Joshua, 374 Justus, 375 Obediah, 375 Samuel, 374-375-553- 980 Timothy Dwight, 553 Ee eL David Leavitt, HOUGH Joel, 441 Joseph, 214 Samuel, 553 HOUGHTELING, Abra- ham, 238 Jacobus, 238 James Lawrence, 104- 238-239 James Lawrence, Jr., 238 Jan Willemsen, 238 Philipus, 238 Wilhelmus, 238 Wm. De Zeng, 238 Wm. Jans, 238 PAARL Abijah, Abijah Otis, 877 Arthur Amory, 366 Benjamin, 138-877 Caleb, 375 Charles, 138 Charles A. J., 375 Charlotte J. Morris, 375 Cyrus, 375 Ebenezer, 375 Israel, 138 Jacob, 138-877 James Franklin, 137- 138 John, 138-375-877-980 Ralph, 980 Robert, 375 William Addison, 375 William Morris, 375 HOUK, Adam, 376 George Washington, 376 Moulton, 1007 Robert Thruston, 376 Robt. Thruston, Jr., 376 HOULTON, Joseph, 66 Ete Chas. Shearn, . Edward Mandell, 376 James A., 290 William A., 676 Mary E. Shearn, 376 HOUSER, Daniel, 378 Daniel Malotte, 899 Elias, 899 Horace M., 378-538 Isaac, 899 Julia M. Crouse, 378 HOUSMANN, John, 666 HOUSTON, David, 966 David Franklin, 378 George Harrison, 363 Henry Howard, 379 Hubert Todd, 922 John, 379 Paterson, 378 Samuel F., 379-380 Samuel Nelson, 379 William, 378-379 HOVEY, Chas. H., 448 Daniel, 381 Edmund, 381 Edmund Otis, 381 Franklin Henry, 612 Horace Carter, 381 James, 381 Roger, 381 HOW, Daniel, 385-876 John, 980 HOWARD, Abel, 534- 920 Allen, 892 Alleyne, 382 Baker, 568 Benjamin, 381-382- 892 Benjamin Chew, 364 Calvin, 381 Chancey Otis, 80-323 Chandler, 656 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Charles, 868 Charles H., 525 Mrs. E. S. W., 1000 Edmund, 568-920 Edward, 520 Ernest, 687 Eugene, 308 Ezra W., 427-781-782 Frank F., 867 Frank L., 344 Frank Leonard, 381 George Austin, 741 George Henry, 381- 673 George L., 940 Groves, 534 Harry Stinson, 323 Horton, 757 James B., 866 James Leland, 381 Jesse, 323 Jett Thomas, 790 John, 323-382-421-520- 534-568-782-892-920- 991 John Kenneth, 121 Jonathan, 323-920 Joshua, 323-980 Leland, 381 Levi, 850 Matthew, 50-421-494 Nathan, 520 Oliver Otis, 323 Robert, 534 Roberta T. gill, 381 Rowland Bailey, 323 Samuel, 50-271-371- 381 Seth, 3238 Thomas, 782 Thomas H., 707 William, 379-381- 382-534-725-892 William Alleyne, 382 William Travis, 382- 892 William Travis, Jr., 891 HOWE, Abner, 382 Abraham, 147-383- 386-952 Alonzo J., 382 Anna L. Belknap, 382 Asa, 382 Charles, 357-382 Daniel, 385-876 David, 160 Ebenezer, 880 Edward, 382-880 Eliphalet, 880 Ephraim, 386-816 Gardner, 385 George, 338 Geo. Allaire, 382 Henry John, 382 Herbert Alonzo, 382 Herbert Marshall, 939 Isaac, 382-599-952 Jacob, 849 James, 147-383-980 James Lewis, 333 Job, 419 John, 147-382-383-385- 386-599-755-900-980 John Morgan, 755 Josiah, 385-386 Jotham, 385 Lorenzo Gilman, 105 Mark A. De Wolf, 147- 383-384 Marshall Avery, 385 Marshall Otis, 385 Nathaniel, 382 Nehemiah, 382 Oliver H., 761 Otis, 385 B. Mac- Perley, 147-383 Peter, 900 Reginald Heber, 383 Reginald Heber, Jr., 383 Sampson, 147-383 Samuel, 208-382-599- 880-952 Seth, 755 Sylvanus, 900 Thomas, 383-991 Thomas Marshall, 383 Thorndike Dudley, 262 W. B. W., 668 William, 386-599 William Torrey, 359 HOWELL, Benjamin B., 309-595 Charles E., 202 Christopher, 386 D. L., 899 Edward, 139-386-659- 980 George, 660 Hampton Pierson, 581 Harrison Scott, 62 Jacob, 309 John, 309 John White, 386 Joseph, 309-659 Joshua, 309 Joshua R., 515 Lewis E., 248 Mark, 545 Martin A., 386 Nathan P., 946 Oliver, 660 Richard, 386 Silas, 579-580 Stephen, 386 Sydney, 262 Warner Roberts, 861- 921 William, 130 Zebulon, 659 HOWES, Abram, 977 Anthony, 950 Daniel, 652 Ebenezer, 652 Jeremiah, 652-950 Leander Townsend, Moody, 652 Nathaniel, 950 Prince, 950 Reuben Wing, 652 Reuben Wing, Jr., 652 Reuben Wing, 3d, 652 Thomas, 583-652 HOWLAND, Barnabas, 888-386-387 Benjamin, 88-386-387- 618-702 Chester, 541 Clark Goodhue, 541 Cornelius, 386 Ellery A., 618 George, 386-541 Gideon, 386-387 Henry, 88-386-387- 618-702-777-980 Henry Raymond, 386 Humphrey, 702 Tsaac, 618 Jabez, 182-768 Jethro, 88 Job, 386 Job Fisher, 386 John, 32-55- 72-101- 124-159-160-166-168- 173-177-182-223-263- 270-276-289-300-312- $22-324-360-386-411- 482-436-444-445-477- 510-522-527-541-544- 553-554-583-654-660- 489 HOYT 684-690-723-732-748- 749-768-774-777-778- 785-822-847-854-878- 890-904-939-960-967- 980 John H., 387 Joseph, 878 Matthew, 386 Nicholas, 702 Richard Smith, 386 Samuel, 182 Samuel S., 380 Solomon, 641 Stanley, 386 Thomas, 878 Walter Morton, 831 William Jethro, 88 Zoeth, 88-386-387-618- 702 HOWEES, Daniel, 698 HOWRY, Chas. Bowen, 652 Daniel, 652 James Moorman, 652 HOWSON, Hubert, 340 HOXTON, Hyde, 17 Stanislas, 17 Walter, 17-828 William Wilmer, 17 HOYOS, George, 827 HOYT (see also Haight) Abner, 389 Abraham, 931 Albert Ulysses, 508 Alfred Miller, 390 Anne McMichael, 299 Ard, 528-871 Avery Atkins, 389 Benjamin, 389-931 Chas. Sherman, 388- 389 Colgate, 388-389 Colgate, Jr., 388 Comfort, 528-871 Daniel, 786-885 Darius, 528-871 David Picket, 388 Drake, 388 Edward Randal, Edwin, 931 Eli Thacher, 769 Eliphalet, 885 Elton, 2d, 288 Enoch, 389 Enos, 769 Ephraim, 786 Ezra, 786 Franklin Chase, 931 George, 885 Gerald Livingston, 426 Harry B., 228 Henry, 885 Henry Lafayette, 389 Henry Martyn, 298- 299 Henry Warrington, 389 Howard, 248 Howard Henry, MJr., 905 James, 390 James Humphrey, 388 James Madison, 388 James Moody, 390 Jesse, 390 John, 388-389-528-769- 777-871-885-980 Jonathan, 769 John Sherman, 390- 633 Joseph, 332-389-390- 475-603 Joseph Blachley, 390 Joseph Gibson, 389 Joshua French, 389 Matthew, 786 389 HOYT Moses, 371 Nathan, 638 Noah, 388 Phelps B., 850 Ralph Warren, 389 Richard, 389 Roswell, 576 Samuel, 390 Samuel B., 528 Simon, 388- 390- 470- 528-769-777-786-871- 885-931-980 Stephen, 389-644 Thaddeus, 786 Thos., 389-528-871 Tristram, 389 Walter, 388-390-528- 769-786-871-931 Willard Evans, 390 William, 389 Wm. Sprague, 931 Zerabbabel, 786 HOYTE, Stanley, 888 HUBARD, Edmund W., 680 SNE eae Ebenezer, 1 HUBBARD, Alvira, 650 Charles Henry, 289 Charles T., 474 Charles Wells, 380 Daniel, 281-474 David, 596 Edmund, 980 Elijah, 391 Elijah Kent, 391 Elizabeth A. Skinner, 956 Ezekiel, 232 Gardiner Greene, 596 George, 391-486-579- 594-650-651-935-980 Harry Putnam, 198 Henry, 596 Henry B., 474 Hiram, 486 Isaac, 436-650-651 Jeremiah, 594 John, 474-594-650-651- 675 John Flavel, 43 John Sherwood, 486 Jonathan, 579 Joseph, 391-960 Josiah Meigs, 594 Langdon, 593 Louis de Koven, 391 Nathaniel, 486-594 Nehemiah, 594 Noadiah, 28-486 Paul M., 1002 Ralph, 634 Robert, 391 Samuel, 518-596-651- 907-970 Thomas, 705 Thomas Swan, 651 William, 149-442-474- 596-980 Wm. Henry, 956 William S., 659 HUBBELL, Albert C., 408 Amos, 909 Charles Bulkley, 447 Ezekiel, 909 George Loring, 391- 392 Henry Wilson, 909 John, 909 John Wolcott, 392 Julius C., 392 Matthew, 226-391 Nathan, 909 Peter, 391 Richard, 391-558-909- 980 Samuel, 909 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE William Stone, 1005 Wolcott, 226-392 HUBBERT, Eric, 908 William F., 1007 HUBBUCH, Otto, 822 HUBER, Henry, 596 HUCK, Peter H., 819 HUCKINS, John, 544 HUDDELL, Joseph, 800 HUDDLESTON, Henry, 168 Isaac, 168 William, 168 HUDGENS, John A., 833 HUDGINS, John, 811 Wiliam, 811 William Blake, 811 HUDSON, Barzillai, 392-650 Christopher, 284 Daniel, 392 Frederic, 392 Isaac, 642 James, 72-190 James Fairchild, 163 | John Leveret, 413 Jonathan, 436 Nathan P. S., 758 Obediah, 436 Percy Kierstede, 536 Richard, 436 Samuel, 309 William, 309-392-650- 914 William Miller, 650 Woodward, 392 HUGER, Alfred, 46- 1003 Daniel, 46-89 Daniel Elliott, 90 Francis Kinloch, 90 John, 46 Joseph Alston, 89-90 Percival Elliott, 89 William Elliott, 668 HUGHES, Alfred, 393 Antoinette Carter, 392 Charles Edwin, 937 Charles Evans, 392 David Charles, 392 E. D., 226 Edward Everett, 651 Edward S., 831 Felix, 393 Felix Turner, 393 Henry Mallory, 651 James, 393 John V., 949 Joshua William, 393 Josiah, 393 Orlando, 393 Rice, 393 Rupert, 393 Susan T. Mackey, 651 Thomas, 393-842-924 Thomas, Jr., 393 William, 393 HUGHES-HALLETT, Emilie Page von Schaumburg, 393 Francis Charles, 393 HUGHITT, Marvin, 628 ake a va ba Alfred, 39 Arthur Clarke, 394 Edgar, 393-394 Frank Calhoon, 281 Frederic Louis, 394 Frederic Wolters, 394 Harm Jan, 393-394- 980 Reginald Shippen, 394 HULBERT, Amos, 194 Ebenezer, 194 Harries, 735 John, 194 Joseph D., 808 Milan Hulbert, 194 Olive E. Woodward, 194 HUNT HUMBERT, Arthur C., 180 HUMBIRD, Jas. S., 131 John A., 101 Samuel Augustus, 194 | HUME, Charles, 399 Thomas, 194-980 William, 981 Wm. Augustus, 194 William R., 237 HULBURD, Charles Henry, 382 De Forest, 382 Ebenezer, 382 Hiram, 382 Obadiah, 382 William, 382-981 HULETT, Amos, 395 Erastus, 395 Frank Amos, 395 Geo. Augustus, 395 John, 395 Mason, 395 HULINGS, John, 395 Lars, 395 Marcus, 395 Willis James, 395 HULL, Alice R. Sibley, 396 Amasa, 398 Amasa Cornwall, 398 Andrew, 226-569-720- 967 Andrew C., 55 Asbury, 396 Benjamin, 55-397 Clark, 818 Cornelius, 665 David, 436 David Denton, 665- 838 Ebenezer, 827 Edward Ware, 396 Eliphalet, 899 Geo., 565-665-838-981 George Gilmer, 438 Geo. Washington, 397 Gertrude, 397 H. B., 463 Hope, 396 Hopewell, 396 Isaac, 397 Jas. Merriwether, 396 Jasper Girard, 397 Jep Rucker, 396 John, 55-286-397-398 John W., 505 Joseph, 396-397-398- 805-811-981 Josiah, 654-960 Leverett Russell, 553 Nathaniel, 665 Norton, 665 Richard, 55-981 Samuel, 185-286-397- Thomas, 565 Thomas T., 665 Titus, 55 William Hope, 396 Zephaniah, 55 HULME, John, Jr., 326 Peter, 318 HULSE, Edward, 399 Estelle L. Campbell, 399 Hamilton John, 399 HULST, E. Covert, 633 HUMANN, Charles Lu- cien, 113 HUMASON, Abel, 924 Daniel, 924 Ebenezer, 924 Henry, 924 Jeremiah, 924 Thomas, 924 Wm. Lawrence, 924 William Lorenzo, 924 490 David, 484-853 Edgar Erskine, 399- 1000 Enoch Edgar, 399 Francis, 399 Frank, 381 George, 399 George Lee, 695 Leland, 400 Lewis, 399 William, 400 HUMFREY, John, 890 HUMISTON, Caleb, 707 Samuel G., 670 HUMPHREVILLE, Lemuel, 687 HUMPHREY (see also Humphreys) Alexander Pope, 724 Ashbel, 400 Edward Frank, 400 Heman, 400 John, 731 John Gould, 400 Jonas, 631 Jonathan, 400-457 Micah, 400 Michael, 229-355-400- 618-931-981 Nicholas, 400 Noah, 618 Samuel, 400-618 Simon, 400 HUMPHREYS (see also Humphrey) Asher, 931 Edward Walsh, 266 Erastus, 931 Frank Landon, 931 Frederick, 931 George D., 355-931 George Frederic, 931 Jonathan, 931 Michael, 229-355-400- 618-931-981 Oliver, 931 Samuel, 931 William Young, 931 Wm. Young, Jr., 698 HUMRICHOUSKE, Levin Minford, 405 HUN, Abraham, 400 Harmen Thomase, 400 Henry, 400 Johannes, 400 Thomas, 400 Thos. Harmense, 400 HUNGERFORD, Ashel Smith, 958 Benjamin, 316 Thomas, 228 ae ree Frank P., 9 HUNNEWELL, Hollis Horatio, 925 James M., 859-1004 HUNNICUTT, B. H., 81 Wiki Gs nek HUNT, Abraham, 63- 621 Adelbert Bancroft, 209 Caleb, 401 Carleton, 401 Charles Cummins, 860 Charles Lucas, 458 Daniel, 401 Ebenezer, 264 Edward, 401-621 Edward I., 275 Edward Lawrence, 795 Emory William, 400 ; : HUNT Enoch, 400 Ephraim, 400 Eustace, 771 Harrison Perry, 400 Harry, 933 Henry Jackson, 401 Henry Jackson, 3d, 400 James, 771 John, 400-621 John Elliot, 310 John Wesley, 621 Jonathan, 247-335- 670-776-925-981 Leigh, 798 Montgomery, 917 Nathaniel, 771 Peter, 621-981 Ralph, 621-772-951 Richard, 932 Robert, 401 Samuel, 313-400-401 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE George Herbert, 384 Gurdon, 175 Henry Edwards, 385 Henry Strong, 384 Hezekiah, 675-686 Jabez, 254-255-384 James, 653 Jared, 653 Jedediah, 384-532 John, 384-402-675 John M., 821 Joseph, 384 Jonas, 745 Joshua, 384-532 Margaret Wendell, 402 valentine Goldsmith, 81 HUSSEY, Alfred Rod- man, 878 Christopher, 76-914- 981 BE. Frank, 159 Jedidah, 914 John, 914 Record, 914 Thomas, 541 HUSTACE, William Augustus, 930 HUSTED, Howard, 453 James William, 931 Robert, 931 Oliver Ellsworth, 384|HUSTON, Abner, 156 Samuel, 98-325-384- 773-829 Saml. Whitmore, 961 Simon, 42-98-140-384- 402-532-653-674-745- Alexander Botkin, 294 Alice Griswold, 294 Aubrey, 395 Charles, 727-728 Charles Lukens, 727 HYNES John, 664 John M., 804 HUXFORD, Harry Eells, 962 Joseph, 962 Samuel, 962 Thomas, 962 William, 962 HUXLEY, Thos., 883 HUZZEY, Christopher, 981 HWOSCHINSKY, Basil, 802 HYATT, Abraham, 387 Alpheus, 721 Cornelius, 633 John Bowne, 633 Nathaniel, 387-781 Stephen, 387 Thomas, 633 HYDE, Alvan, 344 Alvan Pinney, 344 Samuel Wellington, 855-961-981-992 David, 156 Alvan Waldo, 344-381 401 Solon, 384 Israel, 156 Arnold Schmidt, 653 Theodore, 458 Susan L. Butler, 403 James A., 73 Arthur P. S., 344 Thomas, 310-400-401- Theodore S., 682 John, 156 Austin Wheeler, 620 772-917 William, 98-384-653 Paul B., 294 Carolyn Knowland, Thomas, Jr., 785. William Pitkin, 98 Robert Mendenhall, 931 Ward, 917 William Reed, 403 727-728 Charles, 344-932 Willard Henry, 401 William Edgar, 621 William, 727-728 HUTCHENS, Horace Charles Winthrop, 99 Clayton Herbert, 345 HUNTON, Eppa, 403 Eppa, Jr., 403-404 William Prescott, 401 James, 403 King, 352 Daniel, 344 Wilson, 621 Thomas, 403 HUTCHESON, Samuel David Abel, 344 HUNTER, Adam, 318 Virginia S. Payne, Carter, 224 Edward Clarenden, Allan Armstrong, 875 404 HUTCHINGS, Francis, 372: Andrew, 675 William, 403 101 Edward Warden, 345 Archibald, 401 HUNTRESS, Christo- John, Jr., 450 Edwin, 344 Bushrod W., 628 pher, 915 John Henry, 255 Blijah, 344-345-346- Chas. Frederick, 401 George, 915 Sealy, 377 756 Charles H., 935 Joseph Patterson, 915 | HUTCHINS, Ezra, 252- Enoch, 653 David, 18-401 Leonard, 915 405 Enoch Pratt, 653 David Moore, 401 Mark, 915 Francis Sessions, 405 Ephraim, 344 Duncan, 253-690 Fred C. S., 352 Frank Frazier, 711 Henry Clinton, 720 Erastus, 156-344-345 HUPP, John, 645 Francis de Lacy, 931 John Cox, 645 Frederick W., 667 HURD, Adam, 930 Henry T., 622 George, 372 Isaac, 208 Asa, 930 Isaac Thompson, 405 Gershom, 344 Jacob F., 667 Benjamin, 52 John, 405-653 Henry, 653 James, 213-318-401 Daniel, 930 John W., 767 Henry N., 870 James W., 43-1002 Ebenezer, 930 Jonathan, 653 Herbert Henry, 345 Joel Du Bois, 401 Hebron, 930 Joseph, 653 Jacob, 344-345 John, 131-513-621-628 Jack Vandervort, 653 Nathaniel, 653 Jas., 156-344-345-489 John D., 933 Jacob, 52 Nicholas, 405 James Mott, 453 John Patten, 318 John, 52-327-930-981 Otis, 708 Jedediah, 42-891 Louis C., 933 Joseph, 52 Penuel, 405 John, 156-344-345-862 Robt. Grosvenor, 405 Stilson, 653 Stilson, E., 653 Walter Stilson, 653 William James, 405 HUTCHINSON, Bar- Jonathan, 345-584- 653-981 Marcus Darius, 577 Mark Powell, 54 Nathan, 500 Nathaniel, 344 Nathaniel Chapman, Thaddeus, 327 628 William, 52-653 Peter, 711 William Lambert, 653 Raymond, 580 William Stone, 357 Richard Lewis, 132 HURDLE, John J., 164 Robert, 29-131-401- | tHURLBURT, Jos., 759 633 3 = tholomew, 856 Orange Pearce, 344 Samuel, 584 th emedeh Edwin Wil-} Charles, 616 Ralph Mead, 344 William, 584-819 Winoa a? Davis, 167 Samuel, 156-310-311- HUNTING, Amos, 401 eh Edward, 742-851 344-345-346-653-756 Ebenezer, 401 Hiram Enos, 82 Elisha, 167 Simeon, 345-541 Ebenezer. Newell, 401 ee pe “3 James, 262 Simeon, Jr., 345-346 George Coolidge, 401 59 4 a cenogy James Sloan, 406 Thomas, 344-345 John, 314-401 Jesse, 167 Thos. Worcester, 345 Thomas, 82-980-981 William, 965 HURST, Carlton Bailey, Jonathan, 401 HUNTINGTON, An- John, 262-406 Joseph, 167-406 Tristram Tupper, 345 Tristram Tupper, Jr., drew, 384 404 Joseph Kellogg, 406 346 Asahel, 403 Joslyn, 592 Walter, 344 Barnabas, 403 Edward, 404 Mahlon, 876 Walter Graham, 489 Charles, 402 Elijah, 405 Nathaniel, 856 Walter Woodburn, Charles Phelps, 384 John, 921 Pemberton S., 262 344 John Fletcher, 405 Chester, 402 Randall, 262 Wm., 42-47-156-300- Christopher, 402-403-|__ Samuel Edward, 404 Richard, 167 344-345-346-756-981 675 HUSH, Abel, 405 Robert Hare, 50 William Waldo, 344 Dan, 98-384 Caleb, 405 Sydney Pemberton, Zabdial, 344-346-756 Edward Boylston, 384 Harry Pinckney, 405- 262-714 Zina, 345 Elisha, 403 886 Thomas, 834 HYLAND, Thos., 993 Ezra, 402 Joseph, 405 Wesley, 776 HYMAN, Harry, 407 Ezra Abel, 402 Ralph Cross, 405 William, 270-742-875- Joseph, 407 Frances Isabel, 653 Samuel, 405 981-990 R. W., 523 Francis Cleaveland, Thomas, 405 HUTTON, Frederic Samuel B., 219 Sarah M. Scott, 407 HYNES, A. D., 400 Andrew, 774 Remsen, 683 Gaun McRobert, 406 George, 666 403 HUSH, Florence M. Frederic Dan, 98 Woods, 814 Frederick Jabez, 384 Peter, 814 491 HYNES Samuel Burke, 618 HYNSON, Charles, 631- 924 John, 407 Joseph, 407 Joseph H., 407 Joseph H., Jr., 407 Nathaniel, 407 Robert C., 407 Thomas, 407-981 HYPES, Jas. Wm., 774 I IASIGI, Oscar, 516 ICKES, Harold L., 125 Jesse B. Williams, 126 John Loy, 125 Michael, 125 Nicholas, 125 IC-KING, Bernard, 701 IDDINGS, Lewis J., 653 Lewis Morris, 653 Richard, 653 William, 653 IDE, Francis, 326 George O., 47 Josiah, 74 ILER, Mrs. George Hills, 1000 ILGENFRITZ, Burr D., 658 Daniel, 322 Samuel, 322 ILKO, Josef, 902 ILSLEY, Chas. F., 127 Edward, 127 Enoch, 127 George Boardman, 733 Isaac, 127 James Keeler, 127 John Parker, 127-128 Parker, 127 William, 127 IMBRIBE, Charles Fred- erick, 907 IMUS, Alonzo, 896 William, 896 INGALLS, Abner, 132 Albert Stimson, 850 Edmund, 132-204-654- 981 Elias, 132 Ephraim, 204 Ezra T., 654 Pay, 654 Francis, 132 Henry, 132-204 James, 132-204 Jerome, 132 John, 132 John James, 132 Joseph, 132 Melville Ezra, 654 Nathaniel, 132 Phineas H., 225 Robert, 132 Samuel, 503 Sheffield, 132 Theodore, 132 Theophilus, 132 Walter Benton, 132 INGERSOLL, Benj., 728 Chas. Jared, 379-380 Charles J. J., 958 Charles Thomas, 958 Colin Macrae, 136 Daniel Wesley, 90- 136-695 Ezra, 895 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Horace, 138 Horace Lorraine, 138 Howard Lyman, 442 Isaac Newton, 728 Jared, 379 John, 136-138-379-728- 895-934-957-981 John Avery, 137-138 Jonathan, 136-138- 379-957 Josiah, 136-895 Moss, 138 Ralph Isaacs, 136 Richard, 136-770-958- 981-987 Samuel, 136-138 Stephen, 895 Thomas Stiles, 958 Worthington H., 54 INGHAM, James, 878 Jonas, 139-981 Jonathan, 139 Robt. Maxwell, 139 Samuel D., 139 William Henry, 139 INGLE, James Addison, 794 John William, Jr., 38 INGLIS, Richard, 431 INGRAHAM, Daniel Phoenix, 143 Duncan N., 668 Edward, 783 Edward J., 603 Francis A. Leverich, 143 Phoenix, 1005 Wm. Moulton, 1006 INGRAM, Charles, 921 David, 654 David Asel, 654 Erskine Bronson, 654 Orrin Henry, 654 INMAN, Abednego, 143- 144-486-981 Edward Hamilton, 143 Henry Arthur, 143- 144 Hugh T., 144 Hugh Theodore, 143 John Hamilton, 144 John Ritchie, 143-144- 486 Nelson, 653 Samuel Martin, 143 Shadrach W., 143-144 Walker P., 486 INNES, Harry, 303 Hugh, 489 Robert, 303 INNIS, Aaron, 392 NIST ia F. Robbert, 65 J. Albrecht, 654 Julia Cooley, 654 INSKEEP, Abraham Hulings, 32 IRELAND, John B., 712 Robt. Livingston, 318 IRISH, George, 417 Miles Standish, 657 Nathaniel, 148 IRVIN, Richard, 634 IRVINE, David, 840 William, 363 IRVING, Alexander Duer, 134-222-654 Alexander Duer, Jr., 134-654 Alvin Whit, 145 David Olyphant, 520 Francis Gregory, 304 Frederick Gerard, 137 George, 136-593-594 Geo. Edmund, 136-137 Gideon, 136 Gilbert, 136 Ebenezer, 134-654 Evelyn du Pont, 654 Henry Schnell, 122 James, 799 Louis du Pont, 133 Paulus A., 951 yeaa Paris, 133-134- Richard Jones, 145 Washington, 654-732 William, 134-654-981 Willie B. Scott, 145 IRWIN, Anderson F., 682 Archibald, 807 Bernard J. D., 706 David Duryea, 438 Henry, 146 Henry Taylor, 146 James, 807 John, 146-496-708 John Mifflin, 497 Matthew, 497-516 Miller R., 757 Thomas, 516 William Henry, 146 William M. H., 708 ISAAC, Wm. Moore, 138 ISAACS, Asher, 520 Benjamin, 701 Henry, 694 Ralph, 701 ISBURGH, Charles Henry, 654 Karl, 654 ISELIN, Adrian, 148- 655 Columbus O’D., 655 Isaac, 148-655 O’Donnell, 655 ISHAM, Charles, 689 Charles H., 582 Edward Swift, 149 Ezra, 149-783 Henry, 26-459-988 Isaac, 149-150-783 John, 149-150-783-981 Lincoln, 1005 Nelson, 150 Noah, 150 Pierpont, 149-783 Ralph, 105-150 Ralph Nelson, 150 ISMAY, C. Bower, 198- 655 Joseph Bruce, 198 Julia F. Schieffelin, 198 Matilde C. Schieffelin, 655 Thomas H., 655 Thomas Henry, 198 ISOM, Edward, 574 James, 574 ISZARD, Daniel E., 248 IVES, Alfred Eaton, 161 Augustus W., 160 Benjamin, 336 Caleb, 535 David, 709 Enoch, 160 Georgiana L. Stone, 160 James Edmund, 160 Joel, 160 Joel Stone, 160 Jonathan, 160 Joseph, 160-709 Lewis Thomas, 160 Ralph Olmsted, 413 Mrs. Robert F., 1000 Robert Hale, 336 Samuel, 160 Theodore A., 324 Thomas, 709 Thos. Poynton, 37-336 William, 160-709-981 IVINS, William, 569 EON Maynard C., 62 IZARD, Ralph, 161-175- 669-895-981 Ralph Stead, 161 Walter, 161 492 JACKSON J JACK, Abner McG., 161 Guy, 161 James, 161 Patrick, 161 JACKMAN, David K., 318-648 JACKSON, Abner, 830 Abraham, 629-918 Amasa, 295 Andrew, 113-186-232 Anson Blake, 489-655 Anson Blake, Jr., 210- 655 Arthur Loring, 150 Benjamin Aborn, 151 Cc. C., 844 Caleb, 431 Chas., 152-530-531-918 Chas. Cabot, 151-152 Charles Eben, 152-789 Charles H., 157 Charles Hunter, 295 Chas. Loring, 150-151 Charles Pringle, 192 Charles Thomas, 918 Daniel, 152-715 Daniel Dana, 152 Ebenezer, 152-295-431 Edward, 150-151-152- 153-190-291-295-529- 813-981 Edward Quintard, 152 Eleanor B. Gray, 150 Elihu, 153 Eri B., 448 Eri Henry, 448 Eva, 431 Francis, 590 Frederick Gray, 150 George Anson, 153 George BE. B., 512 George P. B., 491 Geo. Somerville, 168 Giles, 698 Henry, 153-558 Henry Godden, 153 Henry Greene, 151 Hugh, 153 Isaac, 473-762 Isham, 830 Israel, 762 Jacob, 153 James, 143-153-291- 350-431 James Churchill, 431 Jane A. Perry, 448 Jerome Bonaparte, 153 Jerome Paul, 152 John, 153-190-590- 660-698-721-762 John B. S., 153 John Farrow, 590 John Luther, 153 John Norris, 469 John Parker, 656 Jonathan, 150-151- 153-190-291-353-529 Joseph H., 822 Joseph Taylor, 762 Joseph W., 388 Joshua, 152-153 Lucy A. Greene, 151 Margaret A., 1002 Michael, 152-295 Nathaniel, 918 Nicholas, 431 Oliver Phelps, 295 Oscar Roland, 564 Patrick Tracy, 150- 151-529 Percy, 153 Peter, 153 - Reginald, 841 Richard, 146-151 Richard William, 151 JACKSON Robert George, 453 Robert Tracy, 153 Samuel, 153-431-590- 655 Sebas, 152-295-813 Stephen, 151 Thomas, 29-918 Thomas J., 190-663 Wilbur Fiske, 493 William, 153-762-921 William B., 655 Wm. Henry, 157-292 Wm. Purnell, 153-154 Winthrop Alsop, 152 JACOB, John J., 375 Nicholas, 629-630-697- 967 JACOBI, Abraham, 787 JACOBS, Benjamin, 456 Edward, 658 Ferdinand, 655 Henry, 829 Henry Barton, 919 Horace, 500 Isaac, 702: James Carroll, 162 John, 513-702 Laura Harris, 655. Nicholas, 162-981 Nicolas, 697 Pressley, 655 Samuel James, 829 Thomas, 655 Walter Ballou, 162 William P., 48 William Plumer, 655 William States, 655 Wilson, 829 JACOBSEN, Henry G., 165 JACOBUS, Melancthon W., 566 JACQUELIN, Edmund, 437-718 H. T. B., 749 JAFFRAY, Edward S., 464 George, 281 Robert, 162 JAGGAR, Jehiel, 932 Jeremiah, 926-932 Thos. Augustus, 932 Walter, 932 JAGGER, Jeremiah, 926-932 Jeremiah, 2d, 926 Jeremy, 994 John, 926 JAMES, Colin Dew, 655 Daniel, 194-361 Edmund Janes, 655 Enoch, 229 G. Watson, 1007 George, 80 George Abbot, 529 Henry, 194-575 Henry Pratt, 119 John, 194-377-590-607- 627 John Herndon, 590 Joshua Gilbert, 95 Maria A. Williams, 590 Melanchthon, 544 Nathaniel, 194 Norman, 125 Philip, 991 Robertson, 470 Thomas, 194-655 Thomas L., 185 Thomas Neely, 948 Walter B., 179 William, 237-244-405- 575-961 Wm. Armstrong, William B., 655 William McCully, 706 706 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Fsatereey, Alexander, 24 Arthur Hugh, 242 David, 824 Hugh, 242 John Alexander, 242 Samuel, 824 Thomas, 242-788 William, 80-242 William C., 246 JAMISON, Armstrong, 770 JANES, Elijah, 960 Peleg Cheney, 378-758 JANEWAY, Henry H., 513 Jacob Jones, 513 John Howell, 175 William Francis, 397 JANIN, Mrs. Violet Blair, 1000 JANNEY, Walter C., 268 JANS, Aneke, 134-654 JANSEN, Roelof, 634 JANUARY, Derick A., 93 Peter, 376 JANVIER, Thos. A., 261 JANVRIN, Dennis, 369 John, 369 JAQUES, Herbert, 456 JARRETT, James, 373 John, 590 William Norris, 645 JARVES, Deming, 656 John, 656 JARVIS, Charles, 884 John, 884 John Samuel, 226 Leonard, 884 Nathaniel, 884 William, 884 JASPER, Robt. T., 272 JAUDON, Daniel, 610- 795 Elias, 795 Peter, 610 Samuel, 610 Wm. Latta, 536 JAUDSON, Daniel, 397 Elias, 397 JAY, Alvah, 47 Augustus, 78-116-638- 639-981 John, 78-174-560-600- 638-639 John Clarkson, 78 Peter, 638-639 Peter A., 78-639 Samuel, 174 Samuel S., 173-174 Stephen, 174 Walter D., 560 William, 560 JAYNE, Horace, 89-616 Nathaniel, 342 JEANJEAN, Raoul, 175 JEFFERIES (see also Jefferis, Jefferys, Jeffreys, Jeffries) John, 343 Joseph, 343 Thomas, 343 JEFFERIS, Robert, 270-853 JEFFERSON, John, 351-420 Joseph, 57 Peter, 26-89-167-351- 863-420-797 Thomas, 26-27-89-167- 351-35 2-353-363-420- 541-646-694-797-896 Thomas L., 867 JEFFERYS Jefferies, Jefferis, Jeffreys, Jeffries) Charles P. B., 656 Edward Miller, 656 John L., 656 Peter, 656 JEFFREYS (see also Jefferies, Jefferis, Jefferys, Jeffries) John, 771 Osborne, 919 Thomas, 771 William, 919 JEFFRIES (see also Jefferies, Jefferis, Jefferys, Jeffreys) David, 281 Enoch, 546 James E., 546 James M., 562 John, 281 Wm. Augustus, 281 JELLIFFE, Samuel Gould, 645 JENCKES (see also Jenks) Daniel, 898 Joseph, 103-981 Nathaniel, 72-493 Walter I., 933 JENKIN, Jenkin, 462 JENKINS, Adelaide V. Lowe, 656 Alfred, 425 Austin, 656 Benjamin, 160-386 C. Bissell, 345-1003 Charles E., 445 David, 828 Edward, 43-425 Edward Austin, 656 F. de Sales, 656 Frederick Meredith, 936 George, 828 George C., 45 George Carrel, 45 Isaac, 727 James, 85 James S., 502 John, 333-828 John Thomas. 325 Joseph, 160 Josiah Whipple, 159 Mary C. Key, 45 Michael, 43-45-317- 425 Nathaniel, 782 Newton, 958 Paul G. T., 160 Richard, 160 Robert, 828 Robert Edwin, 828 Thomas, 43-45-327- 424-981 Thomas Canfield, 354 Thomas Courtney, 45 Thomas J., 785 Walter H., 462 William, 43-45-160- 424-536 William Thomas, 198 JENKS (see also Jenckes) Ebenezer, 765 Edward W., 661-768 Ephraim, 656 George J., 127 Hosea, 656 Jas. Lawrence, 656 John, 483-619 John Adams, 656 Joseph, 656-768-981 Nathan, 768 Nathaniel, 656 Obediah, 768 William Furness, 861 493 JOHNS (see also| JENNEY, John, 318-778 JENNINGS, Abraham G., 179 Arthur H., 1007 Beach, 521 Charles Godwin, 656 Charles Waters, 510 Edward H., 712 Ezra, 656 Frank Elias, 932 Frederic Beach, 657 George, 855 Hennen, 926 Irving H., 61 Isaac, 179-521-657-932 Israel, 510 Jacob, 365 John, 521-656 John Giles, 932 John Gould, 932 Joseph, 656 Joshua, 179-521-656- 657-932-981 Laura H. Park, 657 Minerva P. Phelps, 932 Oliver Burr, 179 Oliver Gould, 179 Percy Hall, 657 Philemon, 521 Samuel, 793 Samuel K., 365 Thaddeus, 521 Thomas, 245-656 Thos. Augustus, 656 Tipton D., 936 Willard H., 511 William, 526 Zachariah, 656 JENNISON, Robert, 638 JENSO, Michael, 687 JEQUIER, Auguste Jean, 254 JEROMHE, Aaron, 679 Asahel, 241 Eugene M., 390 Leonard, 679 Samuel, 679 Timothy, 679 JERVEY, Jas. P., 788 JESSOP, Edward, 101 Samuel, 499 JESSUP, Henry, 140 John, 140 John Colgate, Jr., 448 Thomas, 140 William, 140 Zebulon, 140 JETT, Raymond Sher- rer, 674 JETTER, Louis H., 728 JEWELL, Ezra, 543-942 Henry Chapin, 543 Joshua, 543 Nathan, 543 Nathaniel, 543 Oliver, 543 Thomas, 543 JEWETT, Caleb, 133 Edward, 519 Edward H., 728 Eleazer, 133 GaRikot Henry Smith, 701 Jedediah, 929 Jeremiah, 133 John, 133 Jos., 133-205-929-981 Maximillian, 519 Thaddeus, 133 Thomas, 133 JOHN, Peter, 367 JOHNES, Edward, 978 JOHNS, Benjamin, 138 George, 851 Glover, 950 Henry Van Dyke, 568 Joseph, 475 JOHNS Kensey, 138-568-938 Richard, 138-395-430- 535-568 Thomas, 568 JOHNSON, Abraham, 375 Alexander B., 185 Alexander Bryan, 680 Alexander S., 680 Alfred, 1004 Alward, 680 Antoine, 932 Arthur §S., 852 Baily, 663 Baker, 245 Barent, 932 Bennett Lord, 285 Burges, 884 Charles, 770 Charles A., 860 Charles Alfred, 621 Charles H., 772 Charles Montgomery, 663 Chas. Morehead, 663 Charles Nelson. 949 Chas. Williamson, 408 Charles Worthington, 245 Chesley Penick, 658 Constance Moody, 597 Darwin Ward, 569 Dirk, 354 Ebenezer, 375 Edward, 48-268-783- 839-981 Elihu, 408-981 Elizabeth L. McCul- lough, 657 Elliott Otis, 791 Elmer Harland, 658 Ezekiel, 398-783 Fanny J. Betts, 658 Finley Armstrong, 949 Fontaine Dickerson, 658 Fred L., 767 George, 634-663-874 Grafton, 916 Hallett, 658 Hambleton, 680 Henry Valentine, 597 Hezekiah, 130 Horace, 597 Horatio, 493 Howard S&., 70 Isaac, 264-932 J. 8S. A., 833 Ais awe fhe J. W. Cantey, 658 James, 397 James Burrows, 658 Jas. Gibson, 831-884 James R., 374 James W., 960 Jan Barentse, 932 Jeremiah, 658-884 Jeremiah Aug., 658 Joel, 48 John, 31-208-263-268- 276-354-375-440-585- 634-658-663-783-874- 909-981 John Barent, 932 John Bates, 473 John Edgar, 224 John Milton, 557 John R., 56-354 Joseph, 478-658 Joseph Henry, 932 Joseph Y., 304 Joshua, 17-410 Kenneth C., 602 Kurtz, 680 Lawrence, 268 Lewis Y., 206 Lorenzo Dow, 658-884 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Luther Hartwell, 783 | JONES, Abraham, 686- Marcus William, 528 Montgomery, 737 Nathaniel, 537-895 Nellie G. Hall, 932 Nicholas, 906 Oran, 408 Otis Russell, 42 Peter Roosevelt, 614- 933 Ralph Miller, 104 Reverdy, 634-874 Richard, 139 Richard M., 48-397 Robert, 268-375-537- 634-781-874 Robt. Wilkenson, 119 Russell Hampden, 268 Samuel, 354-467-636- 659 Samuel Robert, 663 Samuel Roosevelt, 932 Stephen, 492 Sterling, 99 Sylvester, Jr., 430 Thomas, 17-245-410- 679-692-981 Thos. Jennings, 245 Tristram B., 147 Walter Erwin, 149 Whittington, 680 William, 208-658-714- 783-799-839 William Colet, 932 William H., 939 William Hallock, 224 Wm. Henry, 408-537 William Mount, 597 William Samuel, 67 William T., 80 William W., 856 Wolcott Howe, 659 JOHNSTON, Adam, 512 Albert Sidney, 864 Archibald, 864 Archibald S., 512 Campbell, 735 David, 659 David Steele, 659 George Ben, 644 Geo. Doherty, Jr., 185 Gilbert, 488 Henry, 488 Howard Agnew, 659 Hugh McBirney, 382 James, 488-659 John, 659-864-911-933 John Harris, 659 John Taylor, 911 Joseph, 659 Luke, 885 Mary H. Stoddard, 659 Robert, 488-822 Robert Alexander, 735 Mrs. Robert J., 1001- 1007 Robert James, 659 Samuel, 223-359-577 Sarah N. McGiffin, 659 Thomas Skelton, 172 William, 100-334-488- 592-659 William Milton, 659 William Poyntell, 536-664 William Preston, 864 JOHNSTONE, Homer C., 468 John, 298 John M., 851 Robert Dickey, 197 Rufus Dickey, 197 Wm. Clarkson, 765 JOLINE, Agnew, 412 JONAS, Edward A., 551 494 689 Abraham, Jr., 331 Alfred, 673 Archibald T., 126 Arthur Lafayette, 393 Augustus Lee, 933 Benjamin Walter, 176 Bruce, 419 Cadwallader, 598-933 Caleb, 114 Caleb Morris, 88 Caroline I. Poole, 933 Carrie H. Grinnell, 933 Charles Colcock, 538 Chas. Edgeworth, 538 Charles Porter, 647 Clarence H., 392 Clifford Randall, 603 Czar, 587 David, 207-657-933- 937 Dwight Arven, 683 EK. Ruffin, 38 Ebenezer, 587 Edmund, 995 Edward, 123 Edward B., 587 Edward E., 752 Edwin S., 918 Begbert Rufus, 475 Eliot Norris, 482 Elizabeth H. Blanton, 474 Ellen S. Van Cleef, 659 Erasmus D., 874 Ezra, 795 Francis, 560-882 Frank Hatch, 301 Frank Johnston, 933 Frank William, 68 Frederic, 912 Frederick, 64-419-919 Fredk. Rhinelander, 103 George Fenwick, 572 Harrison, 884 Harry R., 769 Harvey Llewellyn, 560 Henry Champion, 482 Henry K., 286 Hezekiah, 114 Isaac, 587-605-780 Isaac Colford, 655 J. H., 916 J. Willis, 622 Jacob, 587 James, 238 James Alfred, 373 Jeremiah, 55 John, 106-213-238-537- 538-560-655-660-700- 795 John Blackwell, 899 John Davies, 933 John F., 1007 John Hewlett, 660 John Keen, 760 John Paul, 876 John Rawls, 933 John Ridley, 882 John Wynne, 560 Jonathan, 475-933 Joseph, 456-537-538- 687-885 Joseph A., 416 Joshua, 780 Josiah, 121-159-243- 795-918 Leonard Chester, 253- 254 Lewis, 121-243-795 Lewis Colford, 655 ep es ap Roger, 7 JORDAN Matthias, 88 Mordecai, 88 Myron W., 504 Nathaniel, 121-817 Noah, 121 Owen, 897 Paul Townsend, 254- 255 Peter, 238 Philip H. Le Roy, 422 Phinehas, 817 Redding, 882 Rees J. W., 395 Richard, 598-884-933 Richard S., 238 Richard Stith, 238 Robert Francis, 319 Robert G., 383 Robert H., 142 Robt. McKittrick, 796 Robert Ralston, 40 Robin ap Robin, 933 Robin Cadwallader, 933 Roger, 319-419-475- 897-919-981 Roland, 712 Rufus, 475 Rufus Matthew, 40 Russell K., 662 S. Morris, 41 Sambola, 567 Samuel, 114-254-489- 560-876 Samuel A., 660 Saml. Beach, 253-254 Samuel Chandler, 64 Samuel Fosdick, 933 T. Barton, 168 Thomas, 207-254-319- 419-456-475-519-533- 537-660-981 Thomas Catesby, 318- 319 Thomas Grant, 882 Thomas King, 320 Thomas Scott, 622 Tignal, 882 W. Strother, Jr., 266 Walter, 111 Walter Mott, 660 Walter Nelson, 319 Walter Rysam, 660 Wiley, 64 William, 74 - 88 - 121- 20 7-238-296-319-386- 587-605-659-660-673- 697-876 William H., 585 William Morgan, 794 William S., 214-628 William Victor, 482 William Y., 497 JOPLING, Morgan White, 380 JORALEMON, Tuenis, 62 JORDAN, Albert Hast- ings, 471-934 Albert Rufus, 934 - Anson, 608 Clement, 934 David Starr, 811 Eben D., 21 Elijah, 811 Francis, 41 Hiram, 811 Israel, 934 James Francis, 803 James R., 44 James S., 574 Jediah, 608 John, 95-546-608-811- 934 Josiah Matthias, 680 Nathaniel, 934 Noble, 95 Robert, 934-981 JORDAN Robert Anson, 608 Robert Keating, 934 Rufus, 811 Samuel, 95-608-680 Stephen, 934 Thomas, 95-680 William, 785 William Henry, 934 William Watts, 601 JOSLYN, Abraham, 660 Darius, 87 Henry, 660 Jabez, 660 Jabez Farnham, 660 Lee Everett, 660 Thomas, 660 Willis Benham, 660 JOUETT, Edward S., 428 JOY, Abijah, 736 Benjamin, 736 Charles, 660 Daniel, 200 Edmund Lewis, 660 George Ward, 249 Helen H. Newberry, 661 : Henry Bourne, 661 Hiram, 736 Homer Thrall, 660 Jacob, 661-768 James, 661-768 James Frederic, 661 Jedediah, 249-660 Joseph, 249-660 Nathaniel, 249-660 Richard Pickering, 661 Samuel, 661-736-768 Thomas, 249-660-661- 736-768-981 JOYCE, John, 750 John Jay, 560 Laurens, 787 JOYES, Jesse, 227 JOYNES, Edward S., 117 Levin, 117 Thomas R., 117 JUDD, Chandler, 511 Frederick, 511 Fredk. Welton, 567 George, 233 Henry E., 41 John, 511-647 Samuel, 511 Thomas, 243-511-982 William, 243 JUDSON, Albert, 662 Azariah, 778 Benjamin, 662 Cyrus Field, 662 David, 520 Frederick Wm., 241 Isaac, 29-662 James, 817 Jeremiah, 28 John, 662 Joseph, 662 Josiah, 930 Oliver Albert, 662 Oliver Boyce, 662 William, 28-662-982 William Francis, 662 SUS RING: TOUNEC ac, 3 John Christopher, 934 JUNG. John, 991 JUNKIN. George, 662- 663-762 Joseph, 662-762 Joseph de Forest, 663 Martha D. Johnson, 663 William Finney, 763 JUSTICE, George Ran- dolph, 316 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE K KACKLEY, Thomas lk., 430 KAGEY, Abraham, 880 Henry, 880 Jacob, 880 John Rudolph, 88v KAIGHN, James, 41 John, 41 Joseph, 41 KAMANSKI, Chas., 562 KANE, Bayard, 155- 156-610 De Lancy Astor, 148 Edward, 156 Edward Elmore, 156 Elisha, 155-610 Grace Franks, 156 John, 155-810-896 John K., 846 Jno. Kintzing, 155-610 John P., 289 Thomas, 861 William, 861 KANTNER, Adam, 935 KAPLE, John, 617 KAROW, Lester, 191 KARRICK, Hugh, 663 James Lawson, 663 James Vance, 663 John Walter, 663 Walter, 663 KARTHAUS, Peter Ar- nold, 792 KASSLER, Mrs. Edwin S., 1006 KATZ, J. Rudolf, 482 KATZENELLENBO- GEN, Edwin, 772 KAUFFMAN, Frank Edgar, 491 Nelle E. Dunham, 491 KAULBACK, Ralph Murch, 313 KAULL, John M., 70 KAUPE, Robert, 862 KAVANAUGH, Edwin Carr, 161 KAY, Robt. Duncan, 44 Robert Wardlaw, 44 KAYE, Robert, 989 KAYLOR, Daniel P., 743 George, 743 KEACH, Anna Frances Handley, 663 James, 664 Otis A., 664 KEAN, Andrew, 352-680 Hamilton, 896 Jefferson R., 353 John, 798 John Vaughan, 352 Lancelot M., 352 Peter Philip Jas., 798 Robt. G. H., 352-353 Samuel, 352-680 KEANE, Austin F., 465 KEARNS, Abraham, 231 Henry, 231 John, 231 KEARNY, John Watts, 929 Richard A., 411 rrp res Anthony, 162 Anthony Quinton, 162 Edward, 162-982 Fdward Ouinton, 162 Henry Miller, 162 Segre Anthony F., 0 Clare L. Burt, 162 Francis Talfourd, 163 James Belknap, 163 John M., 816 KEATOR, Chauncey, 664 Cornelius, 664 Frederic R., 1002 Frederic William, 664 Jacob, 664 James G., 774 Jerman, 664 Jerman Samuel, 664 Joseph, 664 Mattheus, 664 Melchert Claessen, 664 Niclaes M., 664 Samuel Sands, 664 Thomas, 664 KEAY, Nathaniel S., 820 KEE, David McKen- dree, 224 KEEGAN, Lawrence P., 68 : KEEHN, David, 163 John, 163 Jonathan, 163 Roy Dee, 163 KEELER, Alton D., 739 Charles, 127 James, 127 Thomas, 127 KEELING, John, 76 John Henry, 76 John S., 76 Mary W. Allis, 76 Thomas, 454 William, 454 KEELY, Fredk. C., 441 KEEN (see also Keene) Charles Barton, 164 Charles Burtis, 164 Fredk. Lyne, 562 Gregory Bernard, 664 Hans J., 163-537-664 Johan Printz, 982 John, 163-537-664 Joran, 157-163-537 664-982 Joseph, 163-537 Joseph B., 49-664 Joseph Swift, 664 Matthias, 163-537-664 William Williams, 163-164-537 KEENAN, Jas. R., 714 John A., 714 Samuel, 228 KEENE (see also Keen) John, 949 Samuel Stryker, 164 William Faitoute, 164 KEENBEY, Chas. C., 165 Charles McIntosh, 165 Joseph, 471 Leontine Spotts, 164 Willard F., 613 KEEP, Albert, 150 Frances S. Hender- son, 166 Frederic A., 478 Henry, 166 John, 166 Samuel, 166 Theodore John, 166 William John, 166 KEESEE, George, 562 Jesse Frayser, 561- 562 KEHLOR, Jas. R., 796 KEIGHLER, Daniel, 673 Samuel Ames, 673 William Henry, 673 KEIM, Geo. de B., 664 Hans Nickel, 664 Johannes, 664 John 664 John May, 664 495 KELLOGG KEISER Edward H., 158 George E., 53 KEITH, Abiah, 699 Asa, 699 Bethuel, 699 Boudinot, 166 Charles Smith, 665 Darwin M., 358 Elmer D., 36 Henry Clay, 699 Isaac, 278 James, 516-649-665- 699-982 Joseph, 468-526 Julian C., 210 Lucien, 876 Ormes Boyd, 166 Richard Henry, 665 Samuel, 166 Tymoth, 699 William, 166 KELCEY, Daniel, .654- 960 William, 654-960 KELLER, Benj., 321 Charles Andrew, 321 Johann Peter, 321 Nicholas, 110 KELLEY (see also Kelly) Alfred S., 167 Daniel, 167 Datus, 167 BE. Henry, 167 Effie B. Bowles, 166 Frank Arthur, 854 Gilman D., 312 H. Spiller 166 Hermon Alfred, 167 James, 747 James Herbert, 665 Joseph, 167 Loretus, 665 Samuel Grant, 563 KELLOGG, Abraham, 608 Amos, 316 Brainerd, 168 Charles, 629 Charles Poole, 169 Daniel, 168 Darsie D., 415 Ebenezer, 316 Elijah, 168 Ezekiel, 490 Frank W., 169-170 Frederic Rogers, 168 George, 406-755 George Casper, 168 George Henry, 406 Henry, 289 Hiram, 169 Horace, 169 Jabez, 169 Jacob, 755 Jacob Poole, 169 James Crane, 210 John, 169-839 John Prescott, 169 Joseph, 168 - 169-289- 316-406-710-755-950- 982 Joseph M., 169 Loomis, 169 Lorenzo, 168 Lyman Beecher, 169 Martin, 294-883 Myron G., 248 Samuel, 289-755 Silas, 406 Stephen, 168-169-316- 406 Stephen Wright, 169- 170 Sylvester A., 168 Truman, 710 Vernon Lyman, 169 KELLY KELLY (see also Kelley) Abner Bailey, 429 Alfred, 167 Henry Kuhl, 171 Horace, 167 Horace R., 492 Howard Atwood, 170 Independence M., 728 John, 429-830 John Sulger, 170 Joseph Luther, 665 Mabel McClellan S., 665 Mary E. Hull, 665 Moses, 429 Reynolds, 167 Robert, 665-666 Robert N., 363 Thomas, 170 Thomas M., 167 William, 429-665-666 KELSEY, A. Warren, 271 Albert Hannibal, 272 Albert Warren, 271- 272 Cadwallader W., 272 Daniel, 272 Enoch, 934 Erastus Spencer, 934 Henry Hopkins, 934 Jeannette G. Wash- burn, 271 John, 272-934 Mark, 349 Stephen, 934 Sylvester, 934 William, 272-934 KELTON, James, 171 John C., 171 Robert, 171 Robert H. C., 114-171 KEMBLE, Charles, 897 Edward B., 887 Gouverneur, 171 Peter, 171 William, 171 KEMP, John, 214 John B., 583 Matthew, 729 Perrin, 509 KBEMPER, Charles, 171 Charles Joseph, 171 Charles Pendleton, 171 Daniel, 171-172 David Rice, 479 Frederick, 478 George Whitfield, iby fal Graham Hawes, 171 Jackson, 171-172 James, 479 James L., 478 John, 171-478-479 John Jacob, 171 John Peter, 171-478- 479 Lewis Hoffman, 171- 172 Samuel Relf, 171-172 William, 478 William Poyntell, 172 KEMPLEY, Henry, 314 KEMPSON, St. George, 954 KEMPTON, James B., 99 James Coppick, 793 Moses, 793 KENAN, Livingston, 155 KENDALL, Ebenezer, 458 Francis, 73-167-458- 982 Frank, 685 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Frederick A., 167 George, 488 Hayward, 167 Isaac, 458 Jacob, 167 John C., 610 Joshua, 458 Nathan, 167 Samuel, 458 Thomas, 583-948 Thomas Clarence, 377 KENDIG, John, 336-979 KENDRICK, Alston W., 146 Asahel C., 400 Caleb, 671 Charles D., 87 John, 583 Samuel §S., 829 KENKEL, Frederick Philip, 861 KENLEY, Albert Clark, 729 Fielding, 832 KENNARD, Charles H., 464 Edward, 813 James, 813 Michael, 813 Richard S., 227 Samuel M., 498 KENNEDY, Albert E., 110 Andrew Eskridge, 77 Bernet S., 912 Charles William, 666 Edmund P., 922 Faith Kelly, 666 Francis, 370 George, 345 George H., 107 Gilbert, 667-775 Grafton C., 667 Grafton S., 667 Henry, 775 James, 172-173- 274- 515-516-775-910 James J., 172 James Madison, 666 John, 595-910 Joseph, 667 Madison B., 666 Matthew, 173-333 Maxwell, 516 Michael, 109 evant Cowell, 172- 569 Richard Lea, 173 Robert, 601-775 Robert T., 516 Seneca W., 109 Thomas Benton, 172 Thomas L., 666 Thomas Smith, 333 Vernon, 813 William, 109-172-515- 516-775 William Lewis, 274 William T., 53 William Wilson, 910 KENNERLY, James, 775 KENNEY, John, 512- 626 KENNICOTT, Wm. R., 96 KENNON, Richard, 25- 363-551 KENRICK, John, 492- 944 KENT, Benjamin, 174 Charles, 918 Charles Nelson, 261 Daniel, 174-286-959- 982 David, 495 Ebenezer, 495-918 Edward, 385 Elihu, 675 Ezekiel, 173 Gertrude F. Hall, 174 Henry Augustus, 286 Henry Mellen, 495 Ira Rich, 173 Jacob, 261 James, 892-919 John, 173-261-323- 495 Joseph, 173-495 Josiah, 261-904 Julia T. S. Haines, 261 Le Roy Abdiel, 173 Lindley Coates, 174 Marvin, 959 Noah, 495 Remember, 173 Richard, 875 Richard Peabody, 261-273 Rodolphus, 638 Roland Grubb, 174 Samuel, 286-495-904- 959 Stephen Girard, 97 Thomas, 959-982 William, 440-495 William Austin, 495 Wm. Stewart, 959 Wm. Winthrop, 495 Zenas, 286-959 KEOGH, Richard E., 375 KEOWN, James, 748 KEPNER, David, 938 Lida Hooper, 931 Wm. Allerson, 931 KER (see also Kerr) “Nathan, 408 154 tS) Walter, 408 William, 408 KERBAUGH, Joseph F., 937 Seater Redmond, 1 KERFOOT, John B., 667 Richard, 667 Richard T., 419 Samuel Humes, 667 Warren §&., 141 KERIN, William, 565 KERN, Christian. 846 Frederick, 846 John Adam, 846 Robert Horace, 624 Scone Hubert D., 565 KERNION, Anatole Le B. H 5 dels Bld Aventin C. La B., 175 George Campbell, 174 Jean Francois, 174 Jean Rene, 175 KERR (see also Ker) Albert B., 521 Allan H., 765 David, 521 Enoch Van A., 586 George, 586 John Campbell, 427 Mrs. John M., 1000 Ralph, 859 William, 168-822 KERRUISH, William Sheldon, 761 KERRY, Charles O’- Connor, 861 Mea Ep NN Cornelius, 5 261-286-820- KIERSTED KETCHAM (see also Ketchum) Albert R., 881 Edward, 69-70 Enoch, 75 John, 75-951-982 Levi, 75 KETCHUM (see also Ketcham) Amos, 857 Joseph, 857 Landon, 857 Morris, 857 Nathaniel, 857 Reuben, 114 Stephen C., 500 KETELTAS, Abraham, 266 KETTER, Charles, 958 KEVIN, Charles, 90 KEY, Albert Lenoir, 224-225 David MckK., 225 Francis, 45 Francis Scott, 953- 960 Philip, 45-982 Philip Barton, 45 KEYHES, Charles H., 934 Cyperian, 893 Daniel A., 595 Edward, 444 Edward Lawrence, 445 Edward Loughbor- ough, 444 Blias, 444-893 Erasmus D., 444 Harold Brown, 934 Henry E., 934 Hervey, 174 Homer E., 408 Horace, 893 John, 56-175 Jonathan, 545 Jotham, 893 Justus, 444 Melville, 175 Robert, 893 Solomon, 444 Thomas, 893 Thompson, 175 Victor Ernest, 175 KEYS, Arthur de F., 553 George, 392 James, 161 See ere Christian, Dirck, 667 Henry Barroll, 119 Herman J., 523 Johannes, 667 John, 667 Judah, 667 Pieter Dirck, 667 Robert Brent, 506 William Swift, 667 KIBBE, Isaac, 471 KIDD, Richard, 364 KIDDER, Alfred, 175 Alfred Vincent, 175 Francis, 175 George Everard, 934 George Wilson, 934 Henry Purkitt, 393 James, 175-934-982 Jerome Faber, 591 Jerome Henry, 721 John, 934 Joseph, 175 Reuben, 934 Samuel, 175 Thomas, 934 KESSINGER, C. B., 226 | KIERSTED, Hans, 666 KESTER, Edgar Cross- man, 326 496 Johannes, 666 Ruliff, 666 KIESSLING KIESSLING, Calvin, 741 KILBORNE, Robert Stewart, 956 KILBOURN, James, 717 John, 71 Russell, 71 Thomas, 71 KILBOURNE, Charles, 682 Thomas, 989 KILBRETH, John Wm., 30 KILGORE, Benjamin, 24 James, 24 KILLIBREW, George Wimberly, Jr., 867 KILPATRICK, Judson, 641 KILVERT, Charles A., 408 KIMBALL, Amos, 700 Arthur Reed, 170 Benjamin, 617 Boyce, 316 Caleb, 530 David, 530 Ebenezer, 155-316 Edmund, 617 Edward D., 667 Elisha, 248 Eugene §., 945 BEzekial, 155 Frank Reed, 667 Isaac, 320 Jacob, 248 John, 248-530 Joseph, 773 Moses, 530 Nathaniel, 530-667 Phineas, 700 Reuel, 316 Richard, 155-248-299- 316-320-530-667-700- 794-982 Royce, 155 Samuel, 155-316 Thomas, 700 Thomas Jefferson, 654 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Basil, 751 Bohan, 177 Campbell, 668 Carl, 282 Charles, 166-273-670- 669-1004 Charles B., 546 Clement, 492 Daniel Rodney, 462 David, 166-387-427 Edmund C., 301 Edward, 177-273-669 Edward Bronson, 616 Francis, 88-177 Harris Macleod, 669 Henry Campbell, 668 Henry Lewis, 251 Henry William, 177 Hezekiah, 818 J. Francis, 427 James C., 764 James Doyle, 120 James Gore, 177-194- 272-278-869 John, 30-166-177-194- 247-273-669-670-776- 818-825-869-925-982 John Alsop, 511 Jonathan, 166 Leicester, 675 Le Roy, 794 Mac Millan C., 668 Miles, 393 Mitchell, 668 Mitchell C., 668 Nicholas, 776 Oren Granger, 367 Reuben, 177 Richard, 177-273-669- 670-869 Robert, 293-371-776 Roswell, 669-906 Rufus, 177- 194- 272- 273-430-669-670-869 Samuel, 373 Seymour, 166 Thomas, 669-973 Thomas Butler, 207- 420 Thomas F., 85 Thomas Starr, 85 Nathaniel, 178-670 Oliver, 670 Oliver Richmond, 670 R. S., 88 Samuel, 178 KINGSLAND, Am- brose C., 670 Cornelius, 670 George Lovett, 310 Gustavus, 670 Isaac, 670 Walter Frederic, 670 Williams, 372: KINGSLEY, Daniel, 670 Ebenezer, 670 Edward Daniel, 670 Eltweed, 670 Enos, 378-670-758 George Pomeroy, 670 James Luce, 101 John, 670 Medad, 670 Quartus, 670 Seth, 670 William Lathrop, 101 KINKADE, John, 422 Samuel, 422 KINLOCH, Cleland, 668 Francis, 668 KINMAN, Alexander P. W., 154 KINNEAR, Beverly O., 660 KINNEY, Charles D., 178 George W. G., 508 Joseph, 790 Joseph Newcomb, 178 Louise A. Maddux, 178 Thomas, 677 Thomas T., 924 Thomas Talmadge, 311 Ear elena Daniel, 9 Edward, 930 Francis H., 178 Gustav Herman, 865 W. Eugene, 374 KIMBELL, Jno. M., 579 Joseph, 579 KIMBER, Anthony M., 270-667 Caleb, 270-667 Henry, 682 Isaac, 270-667 John S., 667 John Shober, 270-271 Richard, 270-667 Richard Preddy, 270 Thomas, 270-667 Thomas William, 668 William M. C., 667 KIMBERLEY, Abra- ham, 890 A. V. H., 806 Israel, 542 John Liberty, 542 Liberty, 542 Nathaniel, 542 Shepard, 542 Thomas, 542: KIMBRO, Az, 574 poke oe, Joseph, 67 KIMMELL, Joseph C., 163 KINCAID, James, 93 James Madison, 480 KING, Alexander, 273 Alex. Campbell, 668 Archibald Gracie, 869 Aubrey E., 636 Barrington, 669 Barrington S., 669 Thomas W., 273 Timothy, 669 William, 177-478 William S., 465 KINGERY, Christian, alread Daniel, 177 David, 177 Hugh M., 177 John, 177 KINGMAN, Abel, 808 Abel Willard, 808 Barton Elliott, 808 Eliza, 257 Eugene A., 834 Henry, 808 John, 808 Matthew, 808 SO ene Abijah, 7 Charles Denison, 670 Daniel, 178 Ebenezer, 670 Edward A., 178 Edward P., 505 Francis Bullard, 744 Frank Burnside, 178 George H., 349 Henry, 670-772 Howard, 670 Howard Thayer, 670 Jacob, 697 James, 178 John, 670 John Henry, 46 Joseph, 178-670-982 Josiah, 178 John, 178-904 Josiah, 904 Lincoln Newton, 178 Paul, 958 Roger, 178-904 Shubel, 178 Thomas, 178 KINSEY, R. W., 723 KINSLEY, Daniel, 849 KINSMAN, Aaron, 484- 636 Henry W., 484 Robert, 484 Stephen, 484 Thomas, 484 KINSOLVING, Arthur B., 506 KINZIE, Arthur M., 490 John, 106-297 John Harris, 297 Robert A., 106 EKIP, Abraham L., 179 Charles Augustus, 179 Cornelius, 179 Elbert S., 179 Garrett Bergh, 180 George Goelet, 179 Gerrit, 180 Hendrick, 179 Hendrik H., 179-982 Henry James, 180 Isaac Hendrickse, 180 Isaac Leonard, 794 Jacob, 328-812 Jacobus, 179-180-654 Jan Batist, 180 John, 179 497 KITTREDGE Nicasius, 179 Nicholas, 179 Peter, 654 Roeluf, 180 Samuel, 179 Wm. Bergh, 180 Wm. BRuloff, 179-180 KIPLING, Arthur W., 671 KIRBY, Daniel, 909 Eliab Burgis, 183 Elisha, 183 George L., 191 Gustavus T., 286 John, 183 Jonathan, 183 Joseph, 183 Julian Noyes, 183 KIRK, Alan G., 311 Daniel, 114 Elmer Reuben, 183 Emma L. Foote, 183 George, 114 Reuben Thomas, 183 Roger, 183 William, 114 KIRKBRIDE, Joseph, 59 KIRKLAND, Alex., 214 Charles P., 554 Daniel, 639-640 John, 639-640 John Thornton, 198 Joseph, 639-640-641 Nathaniel, 639-640 Philip, 639-640 Robert R., 214 Spenser A., 601 William, 641 KIRKPATRICK, Abra- ham, 910 Alexander, 698 Andrew, 77-173-698 John L., 100 KIRKWOOD, John H., 944 KIRSHNER, Charles Henry, 596 Henry, 596 Mary A. Fairchild, 596 KIRTLAND, John, 229 KIRTLEY, Francis, 141-808 KISSAM, Henry Sny- der, 1004-1005 Philip, 634 Samuel, 958 KISSEL, Rudolph, 733 KITCHEL (see also Kitchell) Abraham, 370-693 Charles Henry, 693 Daniel, 370 Jacob Crist, 370 James, 693 John, 370 Joseph, 693 Mathias, 693 Robert, 370-693 Samuel, 370-693 KITCHELL (see also Kitchel) Abraham, 693 Jesse, 693 John, 693 Obadiah, 693 Robert, 693 Samuel, 693 Silas Hopping, 693 KITCHEN, John, 601 W. K., 209 Wm. Whitney, 7380 KITTREDGH, Benja- min, 671 Benjamin Rufus, 671 Ebenezer Eaton, 671 Francis, 671 KITTREDGE John, 671-839 Jonathan, 902 Josiah, 839 Rufus, 671 Solomon, 839 Stephen, 671 Timothy, 839 William P., 98 KITTS, Jacob G., 800 John Franklin, 800 Katherine Wallace, 800 Thomas Jefferson, 800 KLAER, Henry Jacob, 799 KLAYDER, Julius F., 672 Mary Twyman, 672 Paul A., 671 KLEBERG, Alex. A., 41 KLEITZ, William Lam- bert, 165 KLINE, David, 275 Wellington, 452 KLINGENDER, Mel- choir Geo., 45 KLOMAN, Edward F., 96 KNAB, Harold, 887 KNABLE, G. Elkins, 907 KNAGGS, Jackson, 527 Thomas, 527 KNAPP, Alfred, 958 George W., 921 Harry K., 780 John, 417 Royal C., 826 William, 854-900 KNEASS, Carl M., 1002 KNEELAND, Benja- min, 632 Ebenezer, 632 George, 632 Henry, 632 KNEFLER, Frederick, 889 KNICKERBACKER, Johannes, 870-872 KNICKERBOCKER, Hermen Jansen, 553-870 Johannes, 870-872 John, 870 KNIGHT, Artemas, 100 Benjamin Brayton, 361 Charles, 524-772 Charles Sanford, 811 Edward, 100 Eugene Vernon, 581 Francis M., 411 Henry Walter, 378 James, 903 Jesse, 811 John, 672-910 John Hughes, 672 John Thornton, 672 Jonathan, 100 Joseph, 100-910 Louis Aston, 494 O’Ferrall, 672 Peter, 672 Richard, 361 Rodger, 494 Samuel, 100 Walter J., 66 William, 871 William J., 50 Woodson, 672 KNIGHTON, John, 81 KNIGHTS, John, 915 KNOEDLER, Paul Al- bert, 68 KNOLLYS, Francis, 762-916 KNOPF, Adolph, 475 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE KNOTE, Heinrich Ru- dolph, 115 KNOUFF, A. S., 441 | KNOWLAND, Fred- erick, 674-931 Pare ate Charles E., 7 David, 679 Ezekiel, 679 Francis B., 617 Henry, 109-690 James Gray, 754 John, 562-679 Morris, 679 Richard, 437 Samuel, 764-779 Thomas C., 514 William, 202 eet eret tat Stephen, 332 KNOX, Abraham, 43 Abraham P., 43 Charles Gordon, 825 Charles Henry, 831 Charles W., 831 Daniel, 691 Daniel McC., 691 James H. M., 548 John, 448 Levi, 831 Thomas T., 353 William, 448-691-831 KNUBBE, Frederick, 609 KOHLRAUSCH, Fried- rich, 549 KOHLSAAT, Herman H., 756 KOLB, Dielman, 846 KOON, Martin B., 490 KOONS, Chas. H., 165 Frederick, 462 Frederick Aug., 462 Geo. Michael, 462 John, 462 KOOP, G. Phelps, 295 Johannes, 295 KOPPELE, John H., 131 Michael, 131 KORFF, Serge Alexan- der, 870 KORN, Anna Lee Bros- ius, 672 Frank Nicholas, 672 John Nicholas, 672 Julius F., 40 KOSTER, Charles, 672 Charles Henry, 672 Fanny L. Leonard, 672 KOUWENHOVEN, Francis Duryea, 633 Garret, 633 George, 633 Gerret Wolphertse, 633 Luke, 633 William Williamse, Wolfert Geritsen, 633 KOWENHOVEN, Wol- fert, 236 KRAMER, George, 227 Le Roy, 302 Samuel E., 442 KRANKHEYT, Hercks, 752 KRECH, Alvin W., 935 David, 935 David C., 935 Edward, 935 Shepard, 935 KREISCHER, Bal- thaser, 935 George Frederick, 935 John B., 935 Nicholas, 935 acer Herman P., 4 uf KRESS, Jas. Chatham, 276 ERIEGER, Agnes C. Keighler, 672 Henry, 673 Louis C. C., 673 KRUM, Chester H., 146 John Marshall, 718 KUECHLER, Oscar H., 746 KUHL, Henry, 170 KUHN, Charles, 17 KULL, Christian G., 397 KULLING, Catherine E. S. Wood, 663 Otto Walther, 663 KUNST, Cornelius B., 9 799 Jan B., 20-688-799 KUNZ, Edward D., 813 KUPRION, Josef, 42 KURTZ, Chas. M., 673 Davis Brooks, 673 Henry Keller, 59 Julia Stephenson, 673 KUSER, Anthony R., 673 J. Dryden, 673 Rudolph, 673 KUYPER, Abraham, 707 Cornelius Claesz, 707 Theunis, 707 Tunis, 707 EYES, Helen M. My- ers, 673 Walter Smith, 673 KYLE, Claiborne, 519 Hugh G., 586 Thomas McDevitt, 703 KYN, Joran, 982 KYPE, Hendrik Hen- driksen, 982 L LABAREE, Benjamin, 906 Peter, 906 LA BARGE, Joseph, 526 LABATUT, Jean Bap- tiste, 32 LABOUISSE, Alice Monroe, 32 John W., 32 Peter, 591 Samuel S., 32 LACEY-BAKER, Arthur, 773 LACHARN, John, 982 LA COUR, Merile Nich- las, 935 Nicholas, 935 Ovide, 935 Ovide B., 935 LACY, Drury, 362-673 George, 106 Graham Gordon, 673 James Horace, 673 Thomas, 673 William, 673 William Sterling, 673 LADD, Benj. W., 154 Charles W., 175 Daniel, 183- 184- 401- 402-982 Dudley, 183 George E., 648 George Tallman, 183 Henry M., 288 Horatio Oliver, 183 James, 184 Jedediah, 401 Jesse, 183 498 LAMSON John, 154 Jonathan, 183 Joseph, 402 Joses, 402 Maynard, 183 Nathaniel, 183-184- 401-402-902-914 Samuel, 183 Sam. Greenleaf, 183 Silas Trumbull, 183 Stephen Franklin, 401 Trumbull, 183 Walter G., 941 William, 154 William Mead, 184 Wm. Sargent, 184-782 Wm. Whitehead, 1006 LADUE, George N., 184 Howard Angell, 184 LA FARGE, C. Grant, 694 John, 380 LAFARGUBE, John, 295 LAFLIN, Geo. Hinman, 674 Louis E., 674-931 LAHENS, Alfred E., 99 LAIDLAW, Wm. Rae, 588 LAIGHTON, Cedric, 531 LAIRD, James, 572-625 John, Jr., 134 John Spencer, 353 Wm. Winder, 224-625 LAKE, Daniel, 149 Delos, 935 Frederick Billings, 935 George Baker, 736-737 Walter C., 737 LAKER, Benjamin, 882 LAKIN, Isaac, 744 Jonas, 665 William, 665 LALANDE, Arsene, 583 LAMAR, Barney Dun- bar, 471 Basil, 575 Charles A. L., 575 Clarinda H. Pendle- ton, 674-1000 Gazaway Bugg, 575 James S., 674 John, 575 Joseph Rucker, 674 Philip, 674 Philip Rucker, 674 Robert, 674 Thomas, 674 LAMB, Caleb, 939 Edward, 965 Francis J., 866 Fredk. Stymetz, 184 Joseph, 184 William, 374 LAMBERT, Adrian Van Sinderen, 184 y Edward W., 184 Francis, 184 George, 739 Jonathan, 184 Samuel W., 184-185 Thomas, 184-533-902 Wm. Gage, 184 LAMBERTON, George, 767-978 LAMBOLL, Thomas, 254 LAMBORN, Robert, 555 LAMONT, Daniel Scott, 801 Thomas Wm., 122 LA MONTE, Robt., 404 William, 404 LAMSON, Albert H., 1004 Charles M., 514 Isaac P., 932 LAMSON Reuben, 162 LANCASTER, Dabney S., 187 Eugene A., 494 George Calder, 426 Geo. Washington, 281 Henry Carrington, 186 Jacob, 930 John, 186 John Alexander, 186- 187 Nathaniel, 186 Robert Alexander, 186-187 Robert Alex., Jr., 186 Wm. Carrington, 186- 586 LANCE, John Hancock, 630 LAND, Richard, 920 LANCRAFT, Henry Samuel, 381 LAND, Edward, 454 Edward Cannon, 454 Francis, 454 Jeremiah, 454 Peter, 454 Renatus, 454 LANDER, Miles K., 445 LANDIS, Absalom Lowe, 935 Augustus S., 779 Christopher, 935 Jacob, 935 John T., 935-936 Melinda B. Boone, 935 LANDON, David, 675 Charles Griswold, 675 Francis Griswold, 675 H. C., 454 Henry Hutton, 675 Hugh McKennan, 818 Nathan, 675 Nathaniel Ruggles, 675 Samuel, 675 Thomas, 526 Wm. Grinnell, 801 LANDRIDGE, F. V., 337 LANDRY, Maurice Francis, 481 LANE, Aaron, 404 Alfred Church, 192 Mrs. Alvin V., 1007 Charles, 153 Charles W., 585 David, 466 Derick, 254 Ebenezer, 623 Edward, 702: James, 404-623 Jesse, 540 Job, 192-193-623-982 Joel, 362-882 John, 192-193-466-617- 623-709-882 John H., 607 John Merrifield, 617 Jonathan, 193 Jonathan Abbott, 193 Joseph, 540 Joshua, 466 Josiah, 466 Philander P., 709 Samuel, 193-623 Washington Jeffer- son, 623 William, 404-466-579 Wm. Bartlett, 118 William Homes, 617 LANFORD, James, 146 LANG, Howard W., 492 John, 49 John Dammon, 49 Malcolm, 205 Samuel, 49 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE William, 49 LANGCASTER, Thos., 930 eee ae Josiah, 39 LANGDON, Edward, 529 Eugene, 580 Frederic Allyn, George W., 915 George W., Jr., 485 John, 122-236-343-529- 530-773 Nathaniel, 529 Oliver, 122 Paul, 122-272 Philip, 529 Solomon, 122 Tobias, 343-805 LANGBH, Wilhelm Rod- erich, 655 LANGFORD, John, 152 LANGHORNE, Chis- well Dabney, 139 Henry S., 139 James Potter, 298 John, 139-315-489-982 John Devall, 315 John §S., 139 John Trotter, 315 Maurice, 80-315-489 William, 139 LANGLEY, James, 454 LANGSFORD, Richard, 152 Timothy H., 152 LANGSTON, T. L., 923 924 LANGSTROTH, Lovell, 896 LANGTON, John, 597 LANGWORTHY, W. G., 944 LANHAM, Will H., 596 LANIER, Buckner, 193 Charles, 191-426 Henry Wysham, 193 James, 17 John, 17-193 Robert Sampson, 193 Sampson, 17-193 Sidney, 193 Sterling, 193 Sterling S., 81 William Lewis, 17 Wm. Sturdivant, 17 LANKFORD, Wm., 377 LANMAN, James, 765 LANSDALE, Philip Moylan, 552 LANSING, Abraham, 845 Abraham G., 308 Abraham Jacob, 308 Abram, 723 Dirck Cornelius, 308 Emma Sterling, 28 Gerrit Frederickse, 28-308-982 Gerrit Geritse, 308 Gerrit J., 28-308 Gerrit Yates, 308 Hendrick, 308 Jacob, 308 Jacob G., 28-308 John, 28 Robert, 28 Sanders, 28 LAPHAM, Geo. B., 193 Geo. Henry T., 485 Joshua, 193 Lewis Henry, 740 Samuel, 193 Thomas, 193-277 eee Edward John, 393 LAPPE, Alfred, 395 LAPSLEY, David, 496 Joseph B., 496 LARCHER, John, 690 LAWRENCE Melatiah, 198 LARCOM, Cornelius, 283|LATIMER, George L., David, 23 Henry, 23 Mordecai, 23 LARKIN, Ebenezer, 688 Edward, 197-961 Edwin J., 590 Eli Hilles, 413 John, 961 Jonathan, 197 Roger, 197 Samuel, 197 Thomas, 413 Wm. Harrison, 198 Wm. Harrison, Jr., 197 LARMON, Frank P., 676 John, 676 Ruth M. Becker, 675 LARNED (see also Learned) Charles William, 125 Darius, 725 Edward Penniman, 561 Isaac, 125-277-616-725 John I. B., 198 John Smith, 125-277- 616 Samuel, 125-277-616 Simon, 725 Walter Cranston, 198 William, 125-277-616- 725 Wm. Edmund, 125 entero to Joseph, 73 LARRABEE, Charles Rollin, 207 John, 207 Lucius C., 207 Wm. Henry, 207 William M., 873 LARSEN, Oscar, 702 LARTIGUE, Girard, 125-815 Isadore, 815 LA SALLE, Charles O., 538 LASELL, Chester W., 880 LASH, William H., 282: LASKIN, Hugh, 979 LASSITER, D. W., 889 LATANE, John H., 763 Lewis, 145 Louis, 687 tae ee Arthur, 54- 391 Mrs. Charles A., 1002 Chilton, 54 Daniel Terry, 918 John, 141 Jonathan Fish, 918 Joseph, 918-956 Nehemiah, 54 Robert, 54-520 Thomas, 733 William Harris, 54 LATHROP (see also Lothrop) Charles, 224 Ebenezer, 140 Edward B., 41 Edward Potter, 359 Eleazer, 862 Gardiner, 198 Hope, 198 Ag, Lee, GUE John, 166- 198- 358- 401-612-982 John Hiram, 199 John P., 50 John P. P., 280 Joseph, 198 Mary Emerson, 358- 359 499 402: Henry, 468 LA TOURETTE, David, 586 Henry, 586 Jean, 586 John, 586 LATROBE, Benjamin Henry, 676 Charles Hazlehurst, 676 Charles Hazlehurst, II, 676 Gamble, 676 LAUBENHEIM, W. H., 244 LAUGHLIN, Alex., 676 Charles H., 333 Geo. McCully, 148 Geo. McCully, Jr., 148 Geo. McCully, III, 148 Harvey C., 676 Irwin, 148 James, 148-676 James Knowlton, 518 James Laurence, 676 Robert, 676 LAUGHTON, John, 961 Thomas, 961 LAURENCE, Walton, 65 LAURENS, Andre, 676 Henry, 668-676 Henry Rutledge, 676 ~ Jean, 676 Jean Samuel, 676 Keating Simons, 676 LAURIAT, Charles Emelius, 193 LAURITZEN, Margaret Flannery, 676 Max Ronnow, 676 Peter, 676 LAVAND, Guy, 872 1 Bee Geo. E., 0 Howard Corning, 542 LAW, Benedict, 375 Charles, 777 Ernest, 86-460 Eugenia Carter, 86 Henry Herbert, 283 Jonathan, 375-569-720 Jonathan H., 765 Ransom, 765 Robert Adger, 677 Thomas Hart, 677 Walter William, 765 William, 677 LAWLER, John, 773 A ON James, 325 LAWRENCE, Abbott, 354 Abraham Riker, 678 Albin Yeaw, 485 Alpheus, 824 Amory Appleton, 351 Amos, 21-23-292-354- 440 Amos Adams, 21 Austen Richard, 677 Benjamin, 667 Caroline T., 339 Charles Edward, 451 Charles Lanier, 249 David, 338 Dudley Bates, 338 Effingham, 278 - 338- 452-605-932-952 Eleazor, 94-744 Ella Park, 677 Enoch, 219 Francis C., 645 George Appleton, 677 Geo. Newbold, 338 LAWRENCE George W., 722 Henry, 219-337-629 Henry B., 819 Henry Effingham, 546 Ira, 256 Johannes, 879 John, 21- 23- 94- 219- 292-338-339-354-417- 418-439-440-452-605- 638-655-677-678-722- 739-744-876-932-952- 982-993 John Burling, 337-3 38- 339-739-897 John L., 274-678 John Watson, 338-452- 932 Jonathan, 678-722 Joseph, 219-256-278- 337-338-339-452-605- 629-638-655-739-932- 952 Josiah, 763 Judah Morris, 256 Katharine L. Cleave- land, 23 Leaven, 667 Nathaniel, 21-23-219- 292-354-440-862 Newbold, 339-739 Otho, 667 Peleg, 94-744 Richard, 278-337-338- 452-605-629-638-655- 667-739-932-952 Robert David, 338 Robert Means, 23 Ruth, 678 Samuel, 21 - 23 - 292- 354-440 Seth, 722 Stephen, 744 Thomas, 274-333-338- 678 Thomas Henry, 202 Watson Effingham, 605 William, 21-22-23-89- 198-278-292-337-338- 339-452-605-629-638- 655-697-722-739-774- 932-952-982 Wm. Appleton, 22 William H., 763 William Richards, 23 Wm. Van Duzer, 338 LAWSON, John, 833 Robert, 687 Walter E., 275 LAWTON, Abner Brownell, 817 Alexander James, 191 Alexander Robt., 191 Alex. Rudolf, 191 Benjamin T. D., 936 Cecilia Lawton, 936 Francis, 915 Isaac, 417 James Henry, 795 Joseph, 191-484-491- 676-795 Joseph J., 559 Joseph Maner, 795 Robt. Themistocles, 936 Samuel, 484 W. Wallace, 936 William, 484 William Henry, 795 LAWYER, Edward Simms, 730 LAY, George Wm., 950 John, 718 Peter, 186 LAYCOCK, Abner, 650 Thomas, 838 Hot Sos James Donly, 3 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE LAYTHROP, John, 982 LAZELL, Silvanus, 99 Van Ness, 370 LEAYCRAFT, Charles LEA, Charles Mathew, 536 Henry Charles, 536 Isaac, 535-536 J. Tatnall, 954 James, 60-535-536 James McC., 94 John, 338-108-535-536 982 Joseph, 33-108 Joseph Tatnalj, 743 Preston, 592 Thomas, 33-108 LEACH, Alonzo, 936 Giles, 936 Henry Goddard, 936 James, 571-572-764 John, 936 Jonathan, 939 Joseph S., 936 Josiah, 708 Lemuel, 936 Samuel, 708 Stephen, 708-936 Zephaniah, 708 Russell, 702 George, 209 Richard, 554 LE BARON, Lazarus, 801 LEBENGOOD, Lewis, 567 LE BER, Jacques, 458 LE BRETON, Philip, 855 LE CONTE, Guillaume, 418-841 John, 841 John Eatton, 419-841 Joseph, 841 Lewis, 419-841 Louis, 419-841 Pierre, 419-841 William, 419 LECOQ, Henri, 935 LEDOUX, Albert Reid, LEAKE, Andrew K., 680 Charles Garrison, 908 David Harris, 680 Josiah, 680 Samuel Davies, 680 Stuart Carlisle, 680 WwW. W., 485 Walter, 680 Walter D., 680 William, 680 William Josiah, 680 681 Francois, 681 Joseph, 681 Louis, 681 Louis Eugene, 681 Louis Palemon, 681 Louis Vernon, 681 Pierre, 681 LEDYARD, Benjamin, LEAKIN, George Armi- stead, 828 33-34 Frances I. Morris, 34 Henry, 34 John, 33-519-746 Lewis Cass, 33-34 Lewis Cass., Jr., 34 Youngs, 33-574 LEE, Alto Velo, 763 LEALE, Charles A., 156 LEAMING, Josephine Lea Baker, 33 Robert Waln, 33 Thomas, 32-33 LEARNED (see also Larned) Bela Peck, 589 Benjamin, 681 Benoni, 681 Calvin, 681 David, 918 Ebenezer, 381 Edward, 681 Edwin Julius, 277 Erastus, 212-277 H. Barrett, 681 Isaac, 212-277-681 James, 212-277 John, 173 John Calvin, 681 John Wilson, 681 Samuel Julius, 277 William, 212-277-681- 982 LEAROYD, Charles H. 1388 LEARY, Cornelius, 760 John, 760 Richard, 760 Thomas, 760 Thomas Haughton, 760 LEAS, Augustus S., 555 John Augustus, 555 LEATHE, Francis, 115 LEATHERMAN, Ore- gon Tyler, 475 LEAVELL, John, 681 John Rowland, 681 William Hayne, 681 LEAVENS, John, 59 Joseph, 405 LEAVITT, Andrew, 167 Henry Sheldon, 733 John, 471-982 John Brooks, 166 Jonathan, 958 500 Arthur, 588 Arthur Hamilton, 955 Benjamin, 273 Benj. Franklin, 273 Burr Edward, 62 Caroline King, 273 Charles, 111-626 Charles H., 768 Daniel, 273-324-367- 823 David, 795 Edmund Jennings, 33- 91-192 Eli, 251 Elizabeth Collins, 327 Francis Wilson, 153 Frederic Schiller, 252 Frederick G., 192-842 Geo. Winthrop, 460- 863 Hancock, 457-763-770 Henry, 33-85-91-111- 192-306-327-341-681- 823-884 Howard B., 661 James, 327-795-907 James Howe, 451 James Wilson, 113 Jeremiah, 682 Jesse, 251 John, 251-273-682-763- 770-823-982 John Adams, 206-620 John Clarence, 251- 252-619 John Clarke, 460 John Rose, 460 John Stebbins, 251- 252 John Theophilus, 955 Jonathan, 204 Joseph, 460 Josiah, 222 L. Lyons, 944 Lansing B., 209 Lawrence, 90 Leslie W., 924 Lewis Earle, 720 LEFFERTS Lewis Hersey, 324 Lovard, 763 Martha W. Taylor, 682 Mary W. Middleton, 669 Melville Lauriston, 955 Nathaniel, 460 Nathaniel Cabot, 460 Needham, 763 Paul S. H., 728 Philip L., 327-668 Richard, 33-38-91-111- 192-221-327-400-457- 546-548-626-668-760- 763-770-936-954-982 Richard Bland, 327 Richard Dozier, Jr., 125 Richard Henry, 33- 111-192-314-327-668- 802 Robert, 386 Robert E., 17-85-91- 221-327-526-669 Robert Ives, 682 Roswell, 324 Ruth Moore, 955 Samuel, 251-324-682- 840 Se Worthington, Stephen, 310-311-324- 728-796 Stephen States, 728 Thomas, 273-327-344- 845-346-460-668-697- 728-763-796-823-982 Thomas Amory, 681 Walter, 324 : William, 327-800 Wm. Brewster, 324 Wm. Fitzhugh, 91 William H. F., 669 William H. L., 194 Wm. Raymond, 682 Wm. Tully, 622 Willis Atwell, 770 Zacheus Collins, 327 LEECH, Tobias, 429 LEEDS, Carey, 500 Daniel, 149-814 Japheth, 149-814 Nehemiah, 814 Samuel, 527 Thomas, 149-814 LEEMING, Joseph, 386 LEESE, Wilton St. Jno., 615 LEESON, Wm., 700 LEETHE, Alexander, 682 Andrew, 682-683 Charles, 39 Edith Payne, 683 Frederick De Land, 682 Jared, 682 John, 692 John Hopkins, 683 Menzo Smith, 682 Samuel, 683 Thomas Towar, 683 William, 39-69-78-553- 603-606-682-692-702- 982 LEEVER, Adam, 553 LE FAVOR, Richard Merritt, 57 LE FEBRE, Simon, 193 LEFEBVRE, Hugh Pierre, 889 LE FEVRE, Abram, 96 Abram P., 96 Isaac, 59 Isaac L., 227 Philip, 96 LEFFERTS, Gillet, 184 LEFFERTS Jacobus, 683 John Leffert, 683 Leffert, 683 Leffert P., 683 Marshall, 683 Marshall C., 683 Oscar L., 941 LEFFINGWELL, Bena- jah, 224 Benjamin, 936 Charles Russell, 936 Charles Wesley, 936 Christopher, 224 Geo. Washington, 936 Joseph, 936 Lyman, 936 Nathaniel, 936 Russell, 936 Russell Cornell, 936 Samuel, 936 Thomas, 140-589-862- 877-936-982 LEFTWICH, Augus- tine, 646 James Turner, 646 Thomas Lumpkin, 646 William, 646 LEGARE, Alexander B., 313 Geo. W. S., 313 Hugh Swinton, 313 Isaac S. K., 313 Solomon, 313-982 Thomas, 313 Thomas Keith, 312- 313 LEGAT, Gabriel, 982 LEGENDRE, James Al- bert, 463 ee Abraham, 937 Gabriel, 160-936-982 Henry Theo., 936 Louis, 518 Theodore, 937 Thomas, 160 William Haight, 160 LE GRAND, Alexander, 186 Peter, 186 LE HARDY, Louis M., 209 LEHMANN, Sears, 899 LEHNEMANN, John, 266 LEHR, Elizabeth Drex- el, 42 Harry S., 42-43 LEIB, George, 26-172 LEIDY, Carl, 983 Carl Ludwig, 683 John Jacob, 683 Joseph, 683 Philip, 683 LEIGH, Benj. W., 27 Ferdinand, 27 John, 982 Maurice, 117 Rowland, 297 William, 27 LEIGHTON, Andrew, 615-944 Gideon, 615-944 John, 805 LEIPER, Thomas, 437- 600-886 Thomas Irvine, 840 LEISLER, Jacob, 785 LEITCH, Andrew, 685 Jas. Alexander, 937 James Sample, 937 John David, 685-686 Mary S. Lewis, 685 Nelson Carver, 937 LELAND, Adam, 447 Baldwyn, 400 Caleb, 447 Charles, 172 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Henry, 275 Hopestill, 450-735 John, 400 Wm. Archibald, 400 LE MAISTRH, Glaude, 412 LE MAITRE, Claude, 508 LEMBECK, Julius, 409 LEMCKH, Julius A., 609 LEMEN, Louis E., 737 LEMMON, Alexander Chambers, 29 LEMOINE (see also Le Moyne) Edwin S., 355-767-925 John Estave, 767 LEMON, Charles Hen- TY, LZ LE MOND, John Neely, 210 LEMONT, Adam, 767 John, 767 LE MOYNE (see also Lemoine) Francis Julius, 507- 776 John Julius, 507 John V., 507 Louis Valcoulon, 507 LEMPERT, Leon Hen- ry, 112 LEMPRIEREH, Jas., 138 L’ENGLBE, Peter Por- cher, 208 Wm. Johnson, 208 LENIHAN, Edward Francis, 320 LENNIG, Fredk., 937 George Grossman, 937 LENNON, Thomas, 264 LENOIR, Albert S., 225 William, 225 William Ballard, 225 LENOX, Robert, 254 LENT, Eugene, 937 George H., 652 Wm. Mandeville, 937 LENTHALL, Edmund, 371 ee George Adrian, 12 William C., 412 LEON, Frances J. W. Goodrich, 684 Maurice, 684 LEONARD, Abiel, 666 Allan Langdon, 684 Alpheus, 684 Asa, 666 Benjamin, 624 Caleb Francis, 607 Charles Ellis, 624 Charles H., 72 Charles Henry, 672 Charles Melvin, 624 Clarence E., 624 Daniel, 672 David, 325 David Augustus, Eliphalet, 684 Ephraim, 624 Ephraim Wilkes, 624 George, 847 Henry, 22-672-983 Jacob, 672-820 James, 111-624-666- 672-684-847-983 James Biddle, 494 John, 325-723 Joseph, 325-624-820 Josiah, 278-723 Joshua, 723 Melvin Holmes, 624 Moses Gage, 672 Noadiah, 778 Oliver Langdon, 684 325 Percy Allan, 684 Philip, 624 Reuben, 723 Rice, 108 Robert, 723 Robt. Woodward, 684 Samuel, 462-666-735 Simeon, 820 Solomon, 325-666-819 Stephen C., 657 Thomas, 847 Uriah, 672 William, 672 William A., 1006 William Henry, 684 LE ROY, Alfred, 232 Daniel, 503 Francis, 232 Francois, 232 Henry, 232 Robert, 577 Simeon, 232 Stuyvesant, 366 LESH, Maud, 655 LESHER, Stephen R., 675 LESLEY, James, 684 Peter, 684 Robert Whitman, 684 LESLIE, Henry G., 28- 29 L’ESPENARD, Antoine, 842: LESTER, Andrew, 684 Ebenezer, 684 Elias, 684 Blihu, 684 Frederick Wm., 684 Jonathan, 684 Thomas, 684 LETCHHER, John, 842 LETCHWORTH, Thom- as, 386 LE VALLEE, Chas., 819 Francois, 819 Pierre, 819 LEVERETT, John, 675- 983 Thomas, 983 William, 544 LEVERICH, Caleb, 143- 685 Edward, 685 Henry, 685 John, 143-685 Richard Berrien, 143 Samuel, 143 Watts Kearny, 685 William, 143-685 William Edward, 685 LEVERING, Enoch, 685 Eugene, 685 Eugene, Jr., 119 Frederick A., Jr., 214 Peter, 685 Rosier, 685-983 William, 106-685 Wyezard, 685-983 LE VERT, Claudius, 912 Francis John, 912 eas Lewis Jones, 820 LEVY, John B., 411 LEWELLEN, Martin L., 801 LEWIN, William, 189 LEWIS, Abel, 478 Adonijah, 687 Alexander, 215-523- 537-687 Algernon §&., 687 Amos, 642 Andrew, 558 Benjamin, 28-775-817- 831-844 Charles, 536-557-558- 625-626-687-964 501 LEWIS Charles H., 719 Charles Smith, 271 Charles T., 122 Charlton Miner, 235 Charlton Thos., 685 Curtis, 817 Daniel, 59 David E., 100-333-334- 405 De Lancey, 902 Eben, 111 Ebenezer, 405 Edison, 348 Edmund, 642-686 Edward, 802 Edward Aug., 686 Edward McE., 686 Edward Simmons, 686 Elisha, 470 Elijah, 515 Enoch, 685 Ernest Sidney, 687 Ethan, 59 Evan, 271-515-685-802 Fielding, 626-774-775 Fielding Otis, 800 Francis, 93-205-581 Francis D., 267 Frank E., 710 George, 405-775-887 George C., 741 George Lester, 849 Gershom, 687 H. Bertram, 687-940 13k, thy 18h, GAs H. Latané, 687 Harry, 363 Henry, 515-685-802- 983 Henry F., 747 Henry Hamilton, 569 Henry Martyn, 687 Howell, 557-558 Hugh, 995 Isaac, 831 James, 229-405-687- 817-887 James A., 215 James Booth, 817 James P., 589 John, 215-362-515-517- 536-557-558-625-626- 642-686-687-775-802- 906-940-964-983 John Earle, 940 John Jay, 405 John Taliaferro, 626- 687 John Thompson, 262 John V., 24 Jonathan, 271-687 Joseph, 557-832 Joseph Clark, 831 Joseph Jackson, 685 Joseph S., 27 Joshua, 687 Lawrence, 171-774 Leo Rich, 405 Lewis, 59-244 Marvin H., 1006 Meriwether, 38-333 Mordecai, 271 Morgan, 93-205-581 Nathaniel, 216 Nelson Peter, 197 Nicholas Meriwether, 625-626 Orlando F., 405 Perry J., 590 Peter Hanger, 428 Richard Henry, 219- 296 Robert, 207 - 586-557- 558-625-626-687-765- 775-983 Samuel, 686 Sam. Thatcher, 585 Seth, 687 LEWIS Shubael, 583 Thomas, 686-817-906 Tom, 687 Walter Herron, 260 Warner, 687 William, 557-558-687-735-820- 983 William F., 777 William M., 162 William Mather, 687 Willis, 409 Zachary, 363-364 LEYDIG, Carl, 983 L’HOMMEDIEU, Syl- vester Y., 162 LIAS, C. C., 833 LIBBEY, John, 983 William, 1007 LIBBY, Abraham, 524 Arthur Albion, 523- 524 David, 524 Elias, 144 John, 144-524-983 LIDDELL, Mark Har- vey, 600-882 Mary S. Field, 600 Vinton, 220 LIDE, Robert, 559 LIDELL, Walter J. F., 342 LIEVERSE, Levinus, 308 LIGGET, J. Thos., 343 Robert C., 904 LIGHTFOOT, Goodrich, 599 John, 598 John T., 673 LIGHTNER, Adam, 469 Clarence Ashley, 469 Frank Waterman, 469 Milton Chas., 469 Milton Clarkson, 469 Nathaniel, 469 Nathaniel Ferree, 469 William Hurley, 469 LILE, Wm. Minor, 864 LILLINGTON, Alexan- der, 419-918 George, 918 LILLY, Henry Walter, 5 0 James W., 62 LINCOLN, Abraham, 48-686-689 Alexander, 688 Amos, 688 Benjamin, 225-320- 444-688-878 Caleb, 905 Daniel Waldo, 58 David, 688 Elisha, 451 Enoch, 57-688 Ensign, 688 Ezekiel, 266-450 Frederic Walker, 688 Henry, 688 Ichabod, 688 Increase S., 639 James Field, 343 James Minor, 688 Jedediah, 57-688 John, 688 John Larkin, 688 Jonathan, 266 Josephine Vermilye, 688 Levi, 57 Lewis, 451 Louis, 688 Merrick, 58 Minor Sprague, 688 Mordecai, 686-688 Natalie Sumner, 639 187-515-642- 59-215-271- INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Nathan Smith, 639 Nathaniel, 688 Noah, 688 Preston Shepard, 688 Robert Todd, 689 Roland Crocker, 861 Rufus, 688 Samuel, 57-266-451- 686-688-689-983 Stephen, 688 Theodore, 878 Thomas, 225-688-689- 878 Waldo, 57-58-584 William, 688-820 William Ensign, 688 William Henry, 688 LIND, Alice A. Shepard, 689 John, 689 LINDALL, Henry, 769 LINDERMAN, Henry R., 946 LINDLEY, Charles A., 280 John, 253 LINDLY, Bayard Blachly, 689 Francis, 689 John, 689 John Milton, 689 Levi, 689 William, 689 LINDSAY, Andrew Jackson, 689 Daniel Slater, 689 David, 206-620 Jno. Summerfield, 248 Reuben, 296 Samuel McCune, 689- 712 William, 689 William H. C., 488 LINDSLEY (see also Linsley) Abram Bradley, 899 Adrian, 862 Benjamin, 91 Eleazer, 899 Francis, 91-862-899 Halstead, 213 Isaac, 862 J. Ba soe John, 862-899 Matthew, 91 Philip, 862 Samuel, 91-899 Thales, 91 LING, Geo. Dudley, 569 LINGAN, James Mc- Cubbin, 18 LINKLETTER, Justus OF 116 LINN, Andrew, 77 Asahel, 703 James, 496 John, 496 Joseph, 77 Lewis F., 703 Robert Andrew, 77 William, 703 William Robert, 181 LINNARD, Wm., 945 LINNETT, Robert, 419 LINSLEY (see also Lindsley) Benjamin, 721 Dan, 592 James, 592: James Harvey, 593 John, 592 Joseph, 592 LINSLY, Jared, 781 LINTNER, Geo. W., 359 See Alonzo H., 50 Benjamin, 506 Edwin, 506 John, 506 Joseph, 506 Joshua, 506 Mahlon, 506 LINUS, Robert, 855 LIPPETT, John, 983 - LIPPINCOTT, Alfred Harmer, 937 Amaziah, 461 Barzallai, 283 Catharine Koons, 462 Charles, 937 Craige, 461 Crispin, 461 Daniel, 462 Freedom, 283 George Eyre, 462 Horace Mather, 462 Jacob Collins, 462 Jacob Wills, 460 James, 460-461-462 John, 283-461-462 Jonathan, 460 Joseph Barlow, 461 LIVINGSTON Enoch, 691 Ephraim, 138-851-860 Francis K., 939 George, 691-692 George Peabody, Halsted, 427 Hiram Kinsman, Isaac, 691 691 692 J. Russell, 691 John, 860 John Dovier, 937 John Mason, 750 Joseph, 691-692 Kimball, 100 Moses, 146 Nathaniel, 568 Otis, 860 Robert Forsyth, 692 Samuel, 691-738 Thomas, 138-456-691- 692-738-851-860-878- 937-983 William, 692-937 Wm. Augustus, 937 Joseph Wharton, 461/ LITTLEFIELD, De- Joshua, 461 Joshua Allan, 461 Joshua Ballinger, 460-461 Joshua Bertram, 460- 461 Levi, 460 Nathaniel, 283 Restore, 460-461-462 Richard, 283-460-461- 462-937-983 - Robert C., 748 Robert Cook, 462 Thomas, 283 Walter, 461 LIPPITT, Charles, 109- 110-472-690 Charles Warren, 690 Christopher, 109-110- 472-690 Henry, 690 Henry F., 148 Henry Frederick, 690 John, 109-195-690-983 Moses, 109-195-519- 690 Warren, 109-110-472- 690 LIPPOLD, Oskar, 834 LIPSCOMB, Kendall, 28 Nathan, 955 Thomas Jefferson, Alyse Cheah William, 955 LIPTROT, John, 95 LISTER, James Fred- erick, 645 LITCH, George H., 772 John, 722 LITCHFIELD, Allyne C., 937 Bayard Sands, 691 David, 691 Edward Hubbard, 691 Edwin Clark, 691 Electus Darwin, 691 Elisha, 691 Israel, 691 James, 937 Josiah, 691-937 Laurence, 691-937 Lawrence, 937 Nicholas, 691-937 William Backus, 691 LITTAUER, Wm., 201 LITTLE, Archibald, 692 Arthur Malbon, 691 Bond, 692 Clarence Belden, 691 Cyrus Harvey, 692 David, 629 Edmund, 691 Elbridge Gerry, 691 pendable, 304 Dudley, 304 Edmund, 304 Edmund, Jr., 218 Eliab, 53 Francis, 304 George Abner, 476 Moses, 712 Samuel, 304 Steven, 304 Sylvanus, 304 LITTLEJOHN, Robert Malcolm, 397 LITTLEPAGE, Jas., 766 John C., 766 LITTLETON, Thos. J., 957 LIVEMORE, David, 395 LIVERMORE, Edward St. Loe, 408 Elijah, 852 Harris, 213 Isaac, 519 John, 408-500-519- 852-937-983 Jonathan, 408-852-937 Nathaniel, 519 Samuel, 408-519-852- 937 Solomon Kidder, 937 Thomas, 519 Thomas Adkins, 937 Thomas Leonard, 937 Thomas Leonard, Jr., 937 A aa Abram, 716 Anson, 330 Bayard N., 387 Cc. Ludlow, 330 Edward Chinn, 682 Clermont, 692 Edward P., 208-330- 692 Farrand, 938 Gilbert, 226-597-810- 848 Gilbert R., 810-884 Goodhue, Jr., 331 Henry, 226 Henry Brockholst, 34- 330 Henry Walter, 330 Herbert, 1000 Herman, 692 Isaac, 938 James, 682 James D., 1004 James Dalzell, 949 James Duane, 329 James Kane, 810 John, 682-812-847 John Griswold, 330 LIVINGSTON John Henry, 692-1004 John Swift, 330 Livingston, 330 Ludlow, 330 Maturin, 205-580-581 Peter Van Brugh, 798 Philip, 34-133 -199- 266-329-330-692-758- 869-974 Philip Henry, 330 Philip Philip, 330-692 Robert, 34-78-133-214- 226-261-265-266-329- 330-331-387-503-542- 575-597-602-610-639- 682-692-751-758-809- 847-848-938-983 Robert B., 519 Robert Cambridge, 329-330 Robert Edward, 330 Robert Gilbert, 810 Robert R., 581-692- 751-848 Robert Reginald, 330 Schuyler, 758 Stephen Tracy, 938 Walter, 330-758 William, 34-78-330-- 639-983 William Robert, 812 William Wallace, 938 LIVINGSTONE, Daniel, 422 LLOYD, Alice Gilpin, 285 Arthur Selden, 577. Edward, 367-922-953 Finley Hall, 932 Francis Vinton, 532 Isaac, 395 J. Hubard, 215 John, 192-395-692-983 John David, 325 John Uri, 692-693 Nelson Ashley, 692 Nelson Marvin, 692 Nicholas Waln, 192 Richard, 395-579 Robert, 395 Robt. McAllister, 255 Stacy Barcroft, 267 Thomas, 27 - 42 -192- 267-354-465-724-892- 929-983-986 William Henry, 285 LOBDELL, Charles Walter, 938 Charles Wesley, 938 Edwin Lyman, 938 George Anson, 938 Isaac, 461 Jacob, 938 Joshua, 938 Simon, 408-938 LOCEY, Thomas, 948 LOCHREN, Wm., 41 LOCKE, Arthur Ware, 925 Charles E., 518 John, 198 Matthew, 771-781 Oliver, 874 Richard, 17 Robert, 694 Robert Henry, 412 LOCKETT, Jacob, 378 Royal, 378 LOCKHART, Ashe, 70 LOCKMAN, Saml., 412 LOCKWOOD, Abraham, 694 Addison, 197 Amos, 694 Armwell, 192-694 Benjamin, 756 Benoni, 694 Caleb, 694 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Charles Daniel, 694 Daniel, 541 Daniel C., 694 Eliphalet, 695 Emma H., 1002 Ephraim, 694-695 Erastus Chester, 599 George, 695 George Robinson, 694 Gershom, 694-730 Hamilton D., 121 Hamilton S., 319 Hanford Nichols, 136- 694-695 Isaac, 694 Jacob, 70 James, 70 : James Cannon, 695 Jay Cannon, 695 Jeremiah T., 70 John, 192-694 John Alexander, 192 John Hughes, 694 Jonathan, 70 Jos., 70-192-694-695 Lambert, 695 Peter, 695 Richard, 192 Richard John, 694 Robert, 70-192-694- 695-983 Stephen, 695 Thomas St. John, 20 Thos. Wildman, 695 Walter, 197 William Kirkley, 192 LODGE, Anna C. M. Davis, 529 Clarence V., 308 Giles, 529 Henry Cabot, 17-529 John Ellerton, 529 LOESER, Jacob, 904 John, 904 LOGAN, Baxter W., 524 Benj., 110-516-858 Charles, 563 David, 110-325 Edgar, 681 Frank Granger, 938 Frank Tribble, 699 George, 32 Hugh, 931 Jas., 27-261-271-354- 533-563-929-931-983 James M., Jr., 402 John, 110-325-581-582- 938 John Alex., 581-582 John Alex., Jr., 582 John Lee, 864 Matthew, 938 Samuel, 32-907 Simeon Ford, 938 Stephen Trigg, 325 Thomas Muldrup, 32 Thomas Walker, 516 Wm., 379-516-533-563 Wm. Archibald, 828 LOGUE, Frank Reeves, 782 LOMBARD, Benj., 749 David, 749 Edward H., 943 James, 749 Jedediah, 749 Lewis, 749 Thomas, 749 LOMISON, Wm., 444 LONG, Abraham, 938 Abraham, Jr., 938 Alexander, 819 Andrew Baxter, 695 David, 938 . Fredk. Farwell, 799- 800 Fredk. Farwell, Jr., 800 503 Henry, 800 Jas. Washington, 703 Jesse Green, 799-800 John, 797 John Nicholas, 938 John T., 606 Jonathan, 695 Joseph, 592 Nicholas, 219-729 Philip, 703 Robert, 983 Roger D., 610 Theodore Kepner, 938 Thomas Holmes, 164 Thurman B., 695 William, 695-800 Wm. Locksley, 695 LONGCOPEH, Charles S., 695 Edmund McLeod, 695 Madeleine I. Beall, 695 Warfield Theobald, 52 LONGFELLOW, Fred- erick W., 580 Henry Wadsworth, 50-51 Jonathan, 555 Nathan, 555 Stephen, 51 William, 51-332-555 LONGSTREET, Ander- son T., 90 Gilbert, 90 Richard, 90 William, 90 LONGSTRETH, Bar- tholomew, 269-983 Benj. Taylor, 269 Isaac, 269 Isaac Thomas, 269 Thomas Morris, 269 William Collins, 269 LONGWORTH, Joseph - #H., 579-580 Nicholas, 20-421-579- 580 Richard, 579 Thomas, 579-580 LONGYEAR, Jacob, 696 John, 696 John Munro, 696-761 John Wesley, 696 Peter, 696 LOOCKERMANS, Ja- cob, 239 LOOK, Frank N., 320 LOTHROP Nathaniel, 51 Odiah, 696 Ozlas, 696 Pascal, 696 Philip, 491 Pliny, 75 Samuel, 470-491 Thaddeus, 522 Thomas, 492-696-748 Thomas Warham, 696 Timothy, 522-696 William, 75 LOPER, Wm. K., 833 LOPEZ, Ramon B., 429 hea Sah de Sanders, 9 Chester Webster, 697 David, 697 Ebenezer, 597 Edward, 697 Gershom, 597 James, 831 Joel, 697 Joseph, 796 Lynde, 640 Manton E., 697 Marvin, 586 Nathan, 597 Richard, 934 Robert, 201-610-831 Russell, 862 Russell Farnham, 646 Samuel, 597 Solomon, 646 Solomon Z., 646 Theophilus, 166 Thomas, 166-316-697- 831-890-934-981-983- 992 Thomas §&., 43 Tobias, 318 William, 413-697 William Delafield, 498 William Leland, 400 Wm. Wilberforce, 792 Zelotus, 646 ee ae Maximillian, 396 LORILLARD, Geo., 443 Peter, 443-983 Peter A., 443 LORIMER, Wm. A., 47 LORING, Benjamin, 24 Caleb, 151-697 Caleb, William, 697 Chas. Greely, 151-697 David, 24-697-939 Be 697% Horace, 882 William, 882 LOOKER, William, 776 LOOKERMAN, Covert, 412 LOOMIS, Alfred L., 634 Amasa, 696 Archibald Gilbert, 696 Archie Harwood, 696 Arphaxed, 522 Beriah, 51-657 Caleb, 470 Chauncey, 696 Clark, 75 Francis H., 841 Gershom, 696 Henry P., 212 Henry Patterson, 857 Mrs. Henry T., 1000 Ichabod, 522 Jeduthan, 51 Jennie, 696 John, 51-115-470-522- 696 John Usher, 620 Jonathan, 75 Joseph, 51-75-123-470- 491-522-654-686-696- 890-983 Moses, 75 Edward, 697 Henry, 909 John, 151-697 Joshua, 697 Lindsley, 532-697 Otis, 697 Prescott, 92 Robert P., 476 Thatcher, 102-697 Thomas, 24-101-151- 697-983 Wm. Caleb, 22-697 LORTON, Heth, 338 LOTHMANN, Horace W., 697-945 LOTHROP (see also Lathrop) Abram, 754 Alden, 755 Hope, 491-754 Ichabod, 491 John, 491-570-729-754- 982 Joseph, 306-491-754 Malitiah, 754 Mark, 755 Seth, 755 Solomon, 491 Sylvanus, 755 Thomas, 977 LOTHROP Thornton K., 1004 William S. H., 436 LOTHROPP, Benj., 198 Hope, 198 John, 198 John Hosmer, Joseph, 198 LOTT, Henry, 688 Jerome, 688 Martin K., 626-627 Pieter, 688 William H., 626 LOTTIER, John D., 19 BT ate ae John N. 198 Cre LOUD, Joseph Prince, 133 LOUGHBOROUGH, Da- vid, 444-907 Hamilton, 445 Nathan, 444-907 Robert H. R., 907 LOUGHREY, Jos., 699 William, 699 LOVE, Adam, 315 Donald M., 937 Dwight W., 837 Gabriel, 540 Joseph, 528 Milton, 698 Richie, 681 Robert, 315-540 Thomas, 540 Thomas Cutting, 540- William, 315 William De Loss, 315 LOVEJOY, Francis, 112 Francis T. F., 697-698 Frank W., 428 Jane C. Fleming, 698 Joseph, 697 Samuel, 697-698 Warrner W., 790 Wm. Alexander, 698 LOVELACE, William, 202-674 aN poi Elijah, 57 Elisha, 257 Francis Aug., 698 Thomas B., 257 William, 698 LOVELL, Andrew, 939 John, 939 Jonathan, 585-908 Joseph, 939 Joseph Allen, 939 Ransom Marlow, 939 Robert, 763-939 Ross Meacham, 939 Silas, 939 Wallace D., 919 William, 763 Be: Jonathan L., ti LOVERING, Geo., 653 Henry Morton, 463 Richard Sears, 83 William, 488-489 LOVETT, Daniel, 866 George, 670 LOVING, Hector Vol- taire, 568 William, 870 LOW (see also Lowe) Abbott Augustus, 286 Andrew, 297 Anthony, 280 Benjamin R. C., 939 Caleb, 485 Cornelius, 296 David, 939 Derrick, 296 Ethelbert Ide, 339 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Jacob, 612 Jacob Derrick, 296 John, 109-110-280-472- 690 Joseph Holden, 280 Juliette M. Gordon, 297 Peter Perlee, 296 Samuel, 280 Seth, 939 Thomas, 939 Wm. Gilman, 546-939 William Henry, 939 William Mackay, 297 LOWE (see also Low) Absalom, 935 Bradley, 656 Daniel, 923 David Perkins, 312 Enoch Louis, 656 Gertrude Merrell, 698 Henry, 656 John, 656 John Gilbert, 73 Lloyd, 656 Michael, 656 Thomas, 698 Vincent, 314 William Baird, 698 LOWELL, A. Lawrence, 354 Abner, 450 Alfred Putnam, 370 Augustus, 354 Charles Russell, 414 Ebenezer, 354-430-532 Francis, 150 Francis Cabot, 225- 353-532 George Gardner, 354 Gideon, 450 James Arnold, 533 John, 252-354-430-532- 952-983 John Amory, 354-430- 532 John Lowell, 533 Lewis, 450 Percival, 252-353-354- 430-450-532-805-983 Ralph, 697 Richard, 450-983 Robert T. S., 896 Stephen, 450 LOWES, John Wilber, 607 Joseph Edwin, 582 LOWNDES, Christo- pher, 47-983 Lloyd, 699 Mary E. McDowell, 699 Richard Tasker, 699 LOWREY, Alan J., 337 Charles, 55 LOWRIE, John Mar- shall, 677 LOE Alexander, 40 Benjamin, 40-41 Hugh, 282 Isaac, 40 Israel Hugh, 761 Jas. McLenahan, 282 Philip Wager, 959 Reigert Boliver, 959 Ricardo St. Philip, 959 Robert, 917 Robert K., 959 Samuel, 282 William, 40-233 LOWTHER, Alexander, 699-700 Alice Blight, 699 Charles C., 700 Edgar Allan, 700 Gerard Augustus, 699 Granville, 699-700 Hugh Sears, 700 Jesse, 700 John Fulton, 700 Robert, 699-700 William, 699-700-983 William I, 700 LOXLEY, Benj., 923 LUBBE, Augusta B. Kimball, 700 Bernard, 701 George Anthony, 701 LUBBERTSON, Fred- erick, 944 LUCAS, Harleston T., 951 Lewis Simons, 790 LUCKE, Wm. H., 186 LUCKEY, Charles Pinckney, 64 LUCKIN, Edwin, 590 LUCKY, Seth J. W., 875 LUDEN, Henry, 310 LUDINGTON, Charles Henry, 514 Henry, 514 Jesse, 928 Lewis, 514 Nelson J., 1007 William, 514 LUDLAM, Gertrude de la M. Denison, 701 Isaac, 701-947 Isaac Townsend, 701- 947 Joseph, 947 Stephen, 947 Thomas, 947 William, 947 LUDLOW, Gabriel, 526- 645-971 Geo. Duncan, 645 Henry, 746-926 Israel, 398 James R., 595 Roger, 75-428-983 Theodore R., 688 William, 926 LUDLUM, Isaac, 746 John Frank, 940 Mary M. N. Stewart, 939 Seymour DeWitt, 940 LUDWELL, Philip, 668- 954 Thomas, 668 LUDWIG, Carl, 983 LUERE, Frederick, 583 LUKENS, Charles, 727 David, 727 Jan, 727 William, 727 LUM, James, 571-572 LUMBERT, Thomas, Jr., 149-783 LUMBIRTH, Henry Warner, 663 ee nee Walter E., 132 LUMPKIN, Joseph Henry, 558 Richard, 992 LUND, Arthur Graves, 24 Charity, 915 Harry Mejende, 941 Stephen, 915 Thomas, 915 William, 915 LUNT, Daniel, 701 Henry, 701 yee Fletcher, 701- 13 Horace Gray, 701-913 Johnson, 701 Joseph, 701 Lawrence Kirby, 701 Orrington, 701-913 504 LYMAN William Webb, 701 LUPHER, John, 779 LUPTON, George Fred- eric, 933 Nathaniel T., 745 ot AS Abraham, 7 Jan, 701 Lea, 701 Lea MclI., 701-1002 Nicholas, 701 Thatcher T. P., 701 LURTON, Henry C., 119 LUSADDAR, Daniel &., 341 LUSH, Richard, 490 Stephen, 719 LUSK, David, 547 Elizabeth L. Fearn, 548 Erastus C., 548 Frank Stillman, 548 Graham, 547 James, 547 Jas. Washington, 548 John, 547-983 Mrs. John A., 1007 John Alexander, 548 Stephen, 547 Sylvester, 547-633 Sylvester G., 547 Thomas, 241 Wm. Chittenden, 547 Wm. Jennings, 187 Wm. Thompson, 547 LUTHER, Alvin H., 940 Ebenezer, 940 Edward Staats, 940 Gideon, 940 John, 940 Martin, 425 Samuel, 940 Thomas, 565 LUTZ, Adam, 940 Frank A., 397 John, 940 William Filler, 940 LYDIG, Carl, 983 Philip, 581 LYETH, J. M. R., 696 LYFORD, Dudley, 306 Francis, 306 Moses, 306 Oliver Smith, 306 Stephen, 306 Will Hartwell, 306- 307-955 LYGH, John, 982 LYLE, Albert Franklin, 2 702: Alexander Lacy, 119 James, 119 John, 702 Joseph, 119 Joshua B., 702 Matthew, 119-486 Samuel, 119 William Thomas, 702 LYLES, Joseph Berry Sloan, 802 LYMAN, Asahel, 893 Azariah, 919 Ceylon E., 489-940 Chester, 469 Daniel, 425 David, 702 Ebenezer, 702 Elias, 31-469-532 Ephraim, 532 Erastus, 532 Francis O., 50 Frederick, 568 Fredk. Wolcott, 532 George Nelson, 940 George Richard, 705 Geo. Washington, 469 George Williams, 530 Tsaac, 83-530 LYMAN James, 702 Joel, 532 John, 31-83-140-286- 469-530-532-702 Jonathan, 346 Joseph, 759 Moses, 83-469-530-532- Richard, 31 - 83 - 346- 441-469-496-530-532- 698-702-761-940-948- 983 Ronald Theo., 298 Samuel, 320 Stephen, 469 Theodore, 83-530 Thomas, 702 William, 346-702 LYN, George A., 872 LYNCH, Anthony, 751- 848 Dominick, 751-848 James, 751-848 Lewis Chenoweth, M. L., 295 Samuel, 699 Thomas, 332 Walter C., 539 i LYNDE, Benjamin, 431 Joseph, 782 Nathaniel, 310-311 Simon, 983 Thomas, 983 William Burdette, 331 LYNE, William, 880 LYNN, John, 245-875 LYON, Asa, 585 Benjamin, 571-593 Daniel Latham, 453 David, 326 Edward, 392 Edward Dewis, 593 Elnathan, 909 George, 585 George Percival, 664 Henry, 585-593 Isaac, 326 Isaiah, 883 J. Denniston, 267 John, 63 John B., 635 Jonathan, 326 Samuel, 182-424 Thomas, 326-585 Thomas Harris, 63 Thomas R., 578 William, 593-605-883 William Penn, 326 Wm. Penn, Jr., 326 LYONS, Wm. Lee, 188 LYTLE, Wm., 297-560 LYTTLE, Carlo B., 118 M MABBHETT, Jonathan, 482 MABIE, Gordon Mon- tague, 197 MABILLE, Caspar, 868 Pierre Gaspard, 868 McADAMS, Geo. B., 19 McADOO, William Gibbs, 638 McAFEHE, Joseph Er- nest, 497 McALISTHER, James D., 458 McALLISTER, Abra- ham Addams, 702- 703 Addams Stratton, 702 Archibald, 136-175 Cutler, 136 Hugh, 702 Hugh Moffet, 703 J. Gray, 703 Joseph T., 702-703 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Julia G., 1001 Julian, 175 Matthew, 136-175 Matthew Hall, 136 Meta E. Russell, 703 Richard, 136-175 Thompson, 702-703 William, 702-703 McALMONT, Daniel, 745 John, 745 Samuel H., 745 McALPIN, Geo. L., 244 Kenneth Rose, 781 McARTHUR (also Mac- Arthur) Charles P., 214 Harriet Nesmith, 703 John, 158-703 Lewis Ankeny, 703 Lewis Linn, 703 Robert Steuart, 501 William Pope, 703 McASHAN, Everett, 557 Nehemiah, 376-377 MACATEE, Charles A., 50-579 McBEE, Vardry, 312 Vardry Alex., 312-313 MACBETH, Norman, 650 McBIRNBEY, Hugh J., 212-616 McBRIDH, Andrew Jay, 528 McBRYDEH, Henry, 743 James Bolton, 704 John McLaren, 704 McBURNIE, Rudolph, 517 McCABHE, Hugh, 800 McCAIN, John §S., 704 Mary L. Earle, 704 Samuel Norman, 716 Wm. Alexander, 704 McCALEBB, James, 161 McCALL, Archibald, 902 George, 35-157 James, 262 James L. L., 262 John, 262-880 Samuel W., 117 Thomas, 251 McCALLA, Bowman H., 816 John Moore, 33 William, 316 McCALMONT, John §., 508 McCAMIC, Chas., 175 Isaac, 175 Nathan Stanton, 175 Samuel, 175 McCANDLESS, J. Guy, 845 Stephen C., 741 Wilson, 741 McCANDLISH, Robert, 730 McCANN, James G., 28 Patrick, 169 Samuel Glenn, 497 McCARTHY, James J., 632 John, 408 MacCARTNEY, Hugh, 543 McCARTY (also Maccarty) Abner, 565 Geo. Weyman, 704 George Weyman, Jr., 704-705 James, 704 John, 565 Peter, 704 Richard, 565 Silas, 704 Thadeus, 439 Wm. Anderson, 704 Re aan Alexander, 16 pera at Robert L., McCAUSLAND, Mark, 595 McCAW, James B., 718 McCAWLEY, Charles L. 811 William Morris, 855 MacCHESNEY, Alfred B., 940 John, 940 Nathan, 940 Nathan William, 940 McCLAIN, Allen, 839 McCLANAHAN, Clai- borne N., 100 Thomas, 334 McCLEERY, William B., 935 McCLELLAN, Austin J., 801 Emelyn Story, 175 George, 176 George Brinton, 176 James, 176-485 John, 319-485 John H. B., 176 Joseph, 612 Joseph Eugene, 801 Robert, 485 Robert Anderson, 176 Samuel, 175-176-319 Thomas Cowan, 176 Thomas Joyce, 176 William, 175-176 McCLELLAND, James, 719 McCLENAGHAN, Ho- ratio, 315 McCLINTOCK, A. Gar- rison, 581 Alexander, 457 Emory, 467 James, 457 John, 691 Matthew, 574 Samuel, 574 McCLOY, William Con- rad, 555 McCLUNG, Charles, 415-955 Charles James, 955 Franklin H., 955 John, 459 Matthew, 955 Saml. Alfred, 176-724 McCLURE, Archibald, 177 Caroline S. W., 705 Charles, 705 George Getty, 705 James, 962 James G. K., 177-1006 James G. K., Jr., 177 John, 705 McCLURG, Alexander, 469-705 Alexander C., 705 Joseph, 469-705 Ogden Trevor, 705 McCOLLOM, Charles A., 705 Charles Rolfe, 705 Daniel, 705 William Henry, 705 McCOMAS (also Mac- Comas) Daniel, 180 Elisha, 955 Frederick, 180 Henry Clay, 180 Henry Gough, 180 Louis Emory, 76 505 McCRACKIN Rufus French, 306- 955 William, 180-955 McCONIHE, Alonzo, 169 McCONNELL, Isaac, 475 James, 606 John, 606 John Martin, 475 Matthew, 475 Samuel Parsons, 606 Thomas, 475 William, 475 McCOOK, Alex. McD., 279 Anson George, 180 Daniel, 180 George, 180-983 George Anson, 180 George W., 180 John, 180 John J., 369-414 McCOOL, Adam, 241 Joseph, 241 Thomas, 241 McCOOMBS, A. P., 154 McCORCKLE, Alex., 577 John, 577 McCORD, Samuel, 896 McCORKINDALE, William J., 222 McCORKLE, John, 922 McCORMACK, George Walter, 922 McCORMICK, A. B., 304 Chauncey Brooks, 705 Cyrus Hall, 181-182 Harold Fowler, 181- 803 Henry, 182 Henry Buehler, 182 Hugh Holmes, 285 James, 182-706 James, Jr., 706 ZL. Hamilton, 180-181 Leander James, 180 Robert, 180-181-409- 705-706 Robert Hall, 181 Robt. Rutherford, 706 Robt. Sanderson, 706 Stanley, 181 Thomas, 180-181-182- 409-705-706-983 Vance Criswell, 182 William, 182-706 William Grigsby, 706 William Sanderson, 705-706 McCORMICK - GOO D- HART, Frederick E., 181 Henrietta L., 181 McCORVEY, John Mur- phey, 185 Murdock, 185 Thos. Chalmers, 185 MACCOUN, Andrew Ellicott, 393 McCOY, Duncan, 137 Gauin, 137 George W., 645 Henry, 746 Jay P., 901 John, 137-746 Ri Hise. Thomas, 137 William Young, 137 MacCRACKEN, Henry, 651 Henry Mitchell, 651 Henry Noble, 650 John, 651 John Henry, 651 John Steele, 651 McCRACKIN, Alex- ander, 603 McCRACKIN Belle F. McPherson, 603 William, 603 McCRADY, Edward, 46 McCRAY, William, 356 McCREADY, Frederick, 437 John, 775 McCREERY, James, 707 Madelon Matthews, 707 Robert Samuel, 707 McCRILLIS, Aaron B., 941 Arthur Milton, 941 Eloise H. Brown, 941 McCRORY, Joseph, 362 MAC CUBBIN (also Maccubbin) John Henry, 78 Nicholas, 78-494 ARES Roderich, 983 McCULLOCH (also Macculloch) George P., 162 Champe Carter, 706- 707 Champe Carter, Jr., 706 Emma M. Basset, 706 John W., 432 Richard, 185 Robert, 185 Robert Neelley, 560 Roderick, 185-706-803 Shirley Hope, 707 William H., 185 Wm. Horsley, 706 McCULLOUGH, Alex- ander, 657 David, 579 Eliza H. Park, 657 Hall Park, 657 Henry P., 647 semiess Ae John, 7 John Grimith, 657-658 W. S., 132 McCULLY, George, 148 McCUNE, Joseph, 126 Seth, 126 Thomas, 125 McCURDY, Allen A., 428 Charles J., 205 Edmund S&., 856 John, 205 Richard, 205 Robert H., 205 Samuel P., 569 McCUTCHEN, Samuel, 281 McCUTCHEON, George Barr, 707 John, 707 John Barr, 707 John Tinney, 707 MACDANIEL, Edward, 52 McDANIEL, Benjamin, =» DOD James, 635 John, 52 McDAVITT, James C., 4 22 William H., 679 McDERMETT, William, 724 McDERMID, Neil, 660 MacDERMOTT, Chris- topher, 940 Jas. Christopher, 940 McDONALD (also Mac- Donald) Alfred J., 718 Angus, 984 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Bryan, 123 George W., 845 Humphrey Alex., 633 Jas. Whitsitt, 671 John Alexander, 633 John Bacon, 123 Jonathan, 123 Joseph, 123-635 Joseph Bibb, 123 Julia L. Haines, 633 Mark L., 199 Moses, 478 Thos. Eastburn, 737 Walter, 353 William, 123 William Alexander, 202 McDONELL (also Mac- Donell) Archibald, 185 Augustus Masters, Martin, 436 McDOUGAL (also Mac- Dougal) Charles John, 185-186 David Stockton, 185 Douglas Cassel, 185 John, 185 Kate Coffee, 185 Robert, 185 William, 753 MAC DOUGALD, Jno. Fitten, 471 William A., 143 McDOUGALL, Chas., 40 David, 40 John, 40 Robert, 40 McDOWELL, Alex. K. : M., 187 Cassius M., 187 Ephraim, 187-188-699- 984 Henry Clay, 95-187- 188 Hervey, 187 ate 188-35T7- John, 187- 188-699-904- 984 John Lyle, 187 Joseph, 699 Samuel, 187-699 Samuel C., 113 Thomas Clay, 187-188 Wm. Adair, 187-188 Wm. C. G., 187 Mh ape Charles L., 90 James A. B., 707 Warren Finley, 707 William, 185 McELWAIN, Donald Merriam, 180 McELWEE, James, 395 John, 923 McELYEA, Ludovic, 745 McENERY, Douglas J., 707 Douglas Wiltz, 707 Henry O’Neal, 707 Mathew, 707 Samuel Douglas, 707 McENTEER, Arthur Daniel, 713 McEWAN, Arthur, 931 William, 728 eae EN, Charles B., 19 Duncan, 647 Gersham, 473 Milton, 647 McFADDEN, Geo., 226 H. Willis, 556 John Burch, 647 Thomas, 647 McFALL, Frank B., 865 MACFARLAN, Robert, 117 McFARLAND (also Macfarland) Corey F., 940 Henry Moses, 708 J. Theodore, 55 Jacob Corey, 940 James, 223 Moses, 708 Nathan, 708 Osgood, 708 S. Audley, 645 Samuel, 841 Wm. Hamilton, 223 MACFARLANE, An- Scott Bartlett, 854 poet pe beter Colin, 1 McGANN, Jno. Moore, 279 McGAUGHEY, John, : 561 William, 561 McGEHEEH, Edward, T¢1 Mumford, 771 Thomas, 771 Thomas Jeffreys, 771 McGENNISS, Charles Burrill, 616 McGEORGE, William, Jr., 820 McGIFFERT, Arthur Cushman, Jr., 83 MET ae Nathaniel, 5 Thomas, 659 MACGILL, Charles G. Wi LL James, 381 Oliver Patrick, 381 Patrick, 381 William, 381 William Jennings, 381 MacGILLIVRAY, Dun- can, 344 McGINLEY, Thomas Atterbury, 365 McGINNIS, Nestor, 695 McGONIGAL, Wm., Jr., 504 McGOWAN, Charles I., 941 John, 463 McGRAFT, Newcomb, 6 88 peep Harrison B., 761 Theodore Andrews, 469 McGREGOR (also Mac- Gregor) David, 763-984 James, 771 Wm. Skinner, 298 MacGREGORIHBE, Pat- rick, 436 MeO ree Dallas D. L., 5 1 John F., 524 MACGRUDER, Alex- ander, 984 McGUFFEY, Alexander, 676-948 ER John T., 8 McGUIRE, Edward, 190 Hugh Holmes, 190- 679 Hunter, 190 Hunter Holmes, 297 Ag 1S by, 506 MacKAYE James Clark, 741 Sara E. Johnson, 679 Stuart, 190-679 William P., 864 McGURK, Daniel, 694 McHARG, John, 724 MACHEN, Jas. Patter- son, 941 John, 940 Lewis Henry, 138-940 Thomas Gresham, 29 pbeapeeys Barnabas, MacHUGH, Jas. Eus- tis, 905 McILHENNY, Edmund, 08 Edward Avery, 708 John, 708 Robert, 708 McILVAINE (also Mac- Ilvaine) Edward S., 621-622 Francis Shippen, 621- 622 Jesse, 246 John, 246 Orville, 246 William, 246-621-622 Wm. Brown, 507 William R., 621-622 McINTIRE, Harry H., 545 John, 962 McINTOSH, Charles L., 945 Daniel, 708 David Gregg, 296 James, 165 John, 708 John Esterley, 708 John Houston, 605 John Mohr, 984 McINTYRE (also Mac- Allan F., 490 Carolyn M. King, 670 Donald Ross, 670 Dugald Stewart, 670 Jonn CG, 2 Salem, 839 Thomas, 195 McIVER, Hanford, 155 Henry, 155 MACK, Edward, 190 Isaac W., 2 John, 984 Joseph Bingham, 191 Oscar A., 6 William, 190 MACKALL, Benjamin, 191-708 Henry, 122 James, 191-709-984 J its Grahame, 708- Lawton, 191 Leonard, 191 Leonard C., 191 Louis, 708-709 Sally Somervell, 707 William Whann, 191 McKAY (also MacKay, Mackay) Donald L., 616 Donald Sage, Jr., 218 Geo. Knox, 198 Hugh, 616 John, 168-419 Joseph J., 813 Robert, 89 Samuel S., 400 William, 61-616 MacKAYE, James, 709 James Morrison, 709 Steele, 709 William, 709 McKEAN McKEAN, Thomas, 148- 430-641-904 oat Donald, McKEE (also MacKee) Charles Brown, 589 Chas. Judson, 296 David, 191-281 David Ritchie, 191 Edward J., 100 Henry Sellers, 65 James, 589 James Snyder, 589 John, 191 Lanier, 191 Redick, 191 Samuel, 45 William E., 45 William L., 451 McKEEHAN, Samuel, 914 McKEEN, Henry, 719 James, 92-685-962 John, 685 Joseph, 283-685 McKEEVER, Isaac, 401 McKELDEN, John Cox, 200 McKELVEY, Charles’ Wylie, 418 McKELWAY, John, 951 McKENNA, Edward Wm., 659 McKENNAN, Thomas Mae TIT ui48 William, 148-507 McKENZIE (also Mac- kenzie) Alex., 146 Colin, 891 Cosmo, 57 Hugh, 842 James, 337 James MacG., James S., 891 John, 419 Joseph C., 849 Kenneth, 891 Patrick, 397 Thomas, 57-891 William, 419 Oe Benj. W., 58 MACKEY, Chas. W., 651 Cyrus Fay, 651 James S., 651 John, 651 John §S., 651 MACKEYHE, Thos., 629 McKIBBEN, Frank P., 172 McKIBBIN, Joseph, 468 MACKIE, Andrew, 709 David Ives, 709 John, 709 John Milton, 709 Peter, 709 McKIM, Haslett, 192 Hollins, 710 Hollis, 634 John, 192-710-984 John, Jr., 871 Robert, 192 Robert V., 192 Smith Hollins, 710 Sterrett, 571 Thos., 191-192-710-984 W. Duncan, 191-192- 710 William, 710 Wm. J. Albert, 192 McKINLEY, James Graham, 951 John, 482 William, 77 McKINNEY, Edward P., 366 235 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Frederick, 717 Harold Austin, 425 John, 524 Joseph, 662 MACKINTIRE, Eliab Parker, 490 Jonathan, 490 Joseph, 490 Philip, 490 MACKINTOSH, John Sherman, 487 McKISICK, Daniel, 695 McKISSICK, Anthony F., 833 bo geties a Archibald, 12 MACKUBIN, George, 49-192 James, 192 John, 50-192 Richard, 50-192 Richard Creagh, 50 paprrecce 3 Michael, 73 McLANE, Alex., 194 Allan, 192-194-984 Allan, Jr., 194 Charles E., 890 Ellen L. Tuck, 194 James Latimer, 194 John, 194 John Roy, 195 Louis, 194 McLAREN (also Mac- Laren) John, 487 Patrick, 487 Robert N., 137 William, 796 McLAUGHLIN, Andrew C., 195 Chester B., 893 Chester Bentine, 196 David, 195-872 George M., 921 James, 872 John, 196-872 Lois T. Angell, 195 Lyman, 196 McLAURY, Walker G., 749 MACLAY, Wm., 496-708 McLEAN (also Mac- Lean) Alexander, 196-197 Allan, 196-197-984 Charles, 197 Charles Clothier, 721 Charles Ephraim, 197 Cornelius, 197 Edwin Lockwood, 197 Edwin W., 196-197 Ensley Bryant, 253 Estelle G. Stewart, 197 Finis Ewing, 197 Geo. Hammond, 197 Hugh, 242 James, 435 James Hammond, 197 James Monroe, 197 John S., 857 Miles R., 327 Neill Archibald, 197 Ridley, 197 S. W. B., 435 Samuel, 386 Thos. Chalmers, 306 Thornton, 197 William, 197 Wm. Bradley, 196-197 McLELLAN, Bryce, 144 George, 849 Hugh, 144 McLENDON, J. J., 119 McLEOD (also Mac- leod) Donald, 382-669 Eldon, 269 Francis Harris, 382- 669 Frank Hilton, 420 John Cochrane, 173 John Donald, 382 Katharine W. M., 269 Norman H., 884 William Harris, 669 McMAHON (also Mac- Mahon) Edward, 199 Ida H. Bowie, 199 James, 43 John, 430-4381 John Eugene, 43 John J., 199 John Joseph, 199 MacMATH, Wm., 415 McMICHAEL, C. Em- ory, 27 Cephas M., 813 George, 813 Jacob, 813 John, 299 Morton, 299-608 William, 299 McMILLAN, Francis W., 710 James, 710 John, 204-830 Neill Alex., 540 Philip Hamilton, 421 Robert, 165-177 Samuel J. R., 229 Thomas M., 852 Williar Blair, 96 aN, John M., 24 McMULLEN, Jas., 912 MacMURPHY, Daniel, 411 George, 411 McMURRAY, James M., 544 McMURRY, Wm. P., 74 McMURTRIE, Robert, 873 Samuel, 873 Thomas, 873 William, 810 McNAIR (also Mac- Nair) : Edmund D., 881 Helen Willard, 710 Hugh, 881 Ales We YOKY John Long, 873 Lilburn Gazzam, 689 Ralph, 881 William Irving, 716 McNAIRY, Amos B., 32- 754 James, 199 McNARY, James Gra- ham, 199 John, 199 William Hill, 199 William Pollock, 199 McNAUGHTON, Daniel, 910 McNEAR, Frederick William, 652 MACNEE, Forrest F., 487 McNEEL, Thomas Sum- mers, 710 McNEELEY, Hugh, 792 MACNEIL, Robert Lis- ter, 492 McNEILAN, James Stuart, 66 McNEILIL, Charles C., 941 George Palmer, 941 John, 941 MacNICHOL, Archi- bald, 530 507 MacV EAGH McNULTY, Charles See, 710 Daniel, 710 Frank, 710 John, 710 Martin, 96 McNUTT (also Mac- Nutt) Alexander, 181-199- 526-984 Barnard, 199 Francis Aug., 526 Gideon, 526 John, 922 John M. U., 526 Joseph Gideon, 527 Maxwell, 199 Samuel, 199 William, 199-526 William Fletcher, 199 MACOMB, Augustus C., 199 John Gordon, 199 John Navarre, 199 MACOMBER, Abiel, 598 Jeremiah, 598 Merit, 598 Thomas, 598 William, 598 MACON, Geo. A., 1007 Gideon, 123-558-729- 762 Nathaniel, 729 William, 558 MacPHAIL, Jas., 436 McPHAIL, Lilias Blair, 541 McPHEETERS, Will- iam M., 803 McPHERSON (also MacPherson) Daniel H., 641 Gordon, 123 Henry Hendley, 735 Henry Stephens, 474 Jameson Glass, 253 John, 245-603 John C., 75 John Finlay, 711 Lucy B. Harmon, 710 Mayard, 603 Peter, 711 Reynolds, 641 Robt., 245-603-641-673 Robert Lain, 298 Simon John, 711 Warren, 467 William, 641-735 William Smith, 603 McQUISTON, Chas., 527 John, 527 Laura F. Fitch, 527 McRABFE (also Macrae) Collins Lee, 279 Finley, 211 John M., 106 MacROBERT, Alexan- der, 711 Rachel Workman, 711 McROBERTS, Wm., 444 McSHANE, John A., 374 MacTAVISH, Duncan A., 561 MACUBBIN, Nicholas, 381 MacVEAGH, Benjamin, 685-686 Charles, 685-686 Eames, 686 Edmund, 685-686 Fanny D. Rogers, 686 Franklin, 686 John, 685-686 Lincoln, 685 Lincoln, 2d., 685-686 Nathan, 685-686 Rogers, 686 Wayne, 685 McVEAN McVEAN, Duncan, 709 James, 709 McVEIGH, Llewellyn W., 33 McVEY, Archibald, 872 James B., 269 McVICKAR, John, 565 McWHIRTER, Alexan- der, 711 Felix Marcus, 711 Felix T., 711 Hugh, 711 Luella F. Smith, 711 Samuel H., 711 MacWHORTER, Alex- ander, 148 George G., 411 George Gray, 508 McWILLIAMS, James A., 124-781 MACY, Carleton, 941 Henry, 560 John, 560 John H., 453 Josiah, 941 Josiah H., 941 Paul, 560 T. Ridgway, 785 Thos., 453-560-941-984 Ulysses S., 301 V. Everit, 941 MADDEN, Daniel J., 642 MADDOX, A. W., 924 MADDUX, Lazarus, 178 Lewis Oliver, 178 Rufus Foote, 178 Samuel, 178 Thomas, 178 William, 178 William B., 178 MADEIRA, Addison D., 711 Easton Earl, 711 George, 712 Isaac B., 712 Jacob, 711-712 John, 711 Louis Cephas, 712 Louis Childs, 712 MADISON, Charles T., 335 Henry, 674 James, 220-674-713- 829-937-951 John, 674 MAGEHBH, Christopher, 712 Frederick MeN., 712 George Jefferson, 941 Henry, 941 Hugh, 941 James McDevitt, 712 John, 941 John Gillespie, 712 Robert, 712 Samuel, 712 Thomas, Jr., 814 William Adam, 814 MAGHER, Thos. H., 563 MAGILL, A. N., 941 Alfred Thurston, 301 Arthur W., 297 Charles, 17-301 Frank S., 741 James, 941 John, 301-901-941 Robert Edward, 941 William, 941 MAGINNIS, Charles Benjamin, 935 MAGNY, Francois, 434 MAGOUN, David C., 200-712 Elias, 200-712 Elisha, 200-712 Frederick A., 690 Henry A., 68-200 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Herbert W., 690 Herbert William, 712 John, 200-712 John Wallace, 200 Recompense, 200-712 Thomas P. I., 712 MAGRANE, Charles Edward, 907 MAGRUDER, Alexan- der, 138-227-656-695 Edward, 138-227 Haswell, 138-227 Ninian, 695-750 Ninian B., 695 Samuel, 138-227-659 Thomas, 138 MAGUIRE, Jeremiah D., 850 MAHIGAULT, Arthur M., 668 MAHLRER, Frederick E., 408 MAHON, Paul, 441 MAHONE, Wm. G., 167 MAHONY, Walter A., 640 Walter Butler, 640 MAIES, John, 984 MAINDORT, Doodes, 985 MAINWARING, Roger, 101-696 MAITLAND, John, 55 John Digby, 923 Joseph, 55 Robert, 254 MAKANT, John, 656 MAKEPEACH, Frank iat Ss Aen GY Thomas, 970-980 MALBON, Micajah, 691- 796 MALCOLM, Henry, 395 James Harvey, 397 Joseph G., 395 MALE, Arthur J., 282 MALLARD, Abraham, 207 Frank H., 247 MALLER, John, 698 MALLERY, Otto Tod, 663 MALLET, Pierre, 944 MALLETT, David, 728 Edward Jones, 728 Peter, 728 MALLINCKRODT, Louis W., 253 MALLISON, Amos, 162 MALLMANN, Alfred William, 629 MALLORY, Augustus H., 556 Peter, 746 MALLOWS, Oliver, 914 MALONE, Chas. B., 575 Dana, 801 James C., 801 Margaret B. Robbins, 801 MALTBY, Anson, 399 Benjamin, 540-594 Daniel, 540 Frederick C., 925 Tsaac, 540 Lucien Goggin, 203 Nathaniel, 605 Ralph R., 203 Samuel, 203 Timothy, 203 William, 203-540 MAN, Samuel F., 187 MANATT, J. Irving, 41 MANCHESTER, Chas., 183 Earl, 579 MANCIUS, Geo. W., 666 508 MANDEVILLE, John H., 318 MANER, John S., 795 Samuel Perry, 795 William, 795 MANFORD, Erasmus, 494 MANGRAM, Charles William, 92 MANICH, DeForest, 201 Edward A., 200-201 William, 201 Wm. DeForest, 201 MANIERRE, Alfred E., 948 Cyrus Edson, 26 George, 26 John, 26 Louis, 26-984 William Reid, 26 MANIGAULT, Gabriel, 175-677 Henry Middleton, 677 MANLEY, W. R., 428 MANN, Alexander, 712 Andrew, 814-942 Benson, 465-649 Francis N., 556-602- 654 Frederick Maynard, 942 Henry, 294 Horace, 251 John, 942 Joseph, 227 Moses, 755 Nathaniel, 942 Richard, 712-942-984 Salmon, 755 Samuel, 754 Samuel Rexford, 942 Theodore, 754 Thomas, 755 William, 754 William Brayton, 26 MANNAR, Claiborne H., 227 MANNEY, Hugh, 443 MANNING, Charles P., 481 Cleveland Pratt, 942 Ensign, 915 Frederick J., 850 Hezekiah, 880 Jeffrey, 632 John, 188-241-481-632 John Brown, 942 Joseph Cogswell, 942 Josiah, 720 Melville Malcolm, 942 Nathaniel, 880 Samuel, 481-720-880 Thomas, 787-984 William, 481-942 MANSFIELD, Giles, 598 Glover, 598 Jared, 821 John William, 598 Jonathan, 598 Moses, 598-821 Nathan, 598 Richard,, 598 William, 605 MANSON, Benj. T., 500 Thomas L., 500-869 MANSUR, Geo. H., 320 John, 319-320 Robert, 319 William, 320 MANTON, Daniel, 201 Edward, 201 Joseph, 201 Shadrach, 201 Walter Bartlett, 201 Walter Porter, 201 MANVILLE, Elim, 49 Harry, 49 MARLETTE MAPES, Augustus §., 201 David, 201 Edward, 201 John Augustus, 201 Jonathan, 201 Thomas, 201-984 William, 201 MAPP, Francis, 227 MARBLE, Samuel, 314 MARBOURG, Carolyn A. Foster, 201 Edgar Foster, 202 Edgar Marcella, 201- 202 Frederick, 201 Hezekiah Wilson, 201 Maxmillian, 201 MARBURG, Edgar, 712 Fanny D. Moncure, 712 tek Woe, yl MARBURY, Fran., 709 John, 709 Somervell, 709 William, 709 MARCH, Andrew P., 713 Daniel, 713 Francis Andrew, 713 Hugh, 713-984 Moncure, 713 Perrin George, 585 Peyton Conway, 713 Samuel, 713 Tappan, 713 Thomas Stone, 713 MARCHANT, Henry, 834 MARCY, Asahel, 176 Benjamin, 176 James, 585 John, 176-585 Laban, 176 Randolph B., 176 Seneca S., 830 MARDEN, James, 162 MARHEINECKE, Carl Bernard, 136 Te Edward, 898 MARIf#£, Albin, 208 Leon, 361 Luis, 135 genie py Fletcher E., 20 Harriet P. Hall, 202 Jonathan, 202 Matthew, 202 Milleson, 202 Richard Elliott, 202 William, 202 William Matthew, 202 Zorababel, 202 MARION, Francis, 279 John, 219 Joseph, 219 MARIS, George, 142- 158-202 Jesse J., 202 John, 853 John McIlvain, 202 Jonathan, 202 MARIUS, Jacob, 172 Sylvester, 171-172 MARKHAM, John, 649 Joseph, 287 MARKLE, Caspar, 713 Christian, 713 George, 713 George Bushar, 713 John, 713-714 Mary E. Robinson, 714 ; MARKOE, Hartman, 257 MARLETTE, Edwin R. 378 MARLETTE Gideon, 378 Jeremiah, 378 John, 378 MARLOW, Tuisco, 550 MARMION, Saml., 238 MAROT, Pierre, 130 MARPLE, Nathan B., 724 MARQUAND, Allan, 203-920-1002 David, 875 Frederick Alex., 203 Henry, 203 Henry G., 203-878 Isaac M., 203 John Phillips, 875 Joseph, 875 Philip, 561 MARRIOTT, Isaac, 59 James H. W., 627 John McKim, 627 Lucretia E. Williams, 627 Thomas, 59 MARS, James A., 520 MARSELIS, Jan, 67 MARSELIUS, Charles W., 868 MARSELLISEN, Pie- trje, 69 MARSH, Abei, 343 Chester, 525 Daniel, 632-724 Elam Smith, 747 Elias, 205 Elias Joseph, 205 Henry W., 942 James, 612 Job, 724 John, 50-343-632-698- 724-875-887 Joseph, 205 Mordecia, 634 Morris de Camp, 612 Perez, 724 Richard, 824 Robert McCurdy, 205 Samuel, 205-632-875- 887-942 Thomas, 822-921 Thomas Jefferson, 942 William, 725 MARSHALL, Alexan- der C., 329 Barton Hirst, 649 Benjamin, 329 Burwell Keith, 205 Charles, 329-644 Charles Boss, 116 Charles E., 728 Chas. Henry, 329-599 Conrad, 116 Cylus, 358 David, 206-549 Elbert Pike, 206 Elizabeth Hirst, 649 Fielding Lewis, 206 Frederic Panet, 372 George M., 97 George T., 206 Harriet P. Ely, 97 Henry Rutgers, 283 Isaac, 549 James, 329-563-632 James A., 644 James Keith, 205-649 James Markham, 649 John, 79-99-116-205- 206-343-421-488-489- 516-536-543-544-549- 649-665-763-897-899- 984 John G., 206 John Lee, 563 Joseph, 329 Josiah, 897 Louis, 516 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Nathaniel B., 205 Richard Maynard, 671 S. E., 199 Samuel, 210-549 Seth, 97 Thomas, 205-206-214- 516-584-649-899 Thomas, Jr., 541 Thomas John, 488- 489-969 IWeebie Bs soa William, 116-421-899 MARSHAM, Richard, 788 MARSHFIELD, Josiah, 608-755 Samuel, 755 Thomas, 755 MARSTELLER, Aclp- far Arell, 942 Fredk. Ludwig, 942 Philip G., 942 MARSTON, Almerin, 714 Casper F., 714 John, 206 John, III, 206 Maude L. Swett, 714 Nathaniel, 206 Peirce, 714 Stephen, 643 Thomas B., 775 MARTAIN, Guilliane, 561 Jaque, 561 Joseph, 586 Nicholas, 362 William, 561 MARTENSIE, Adrian, 153 MARTIAN, Nicholas, 203-437-575-741-984 MARTIAN, Nicholas, 203-437-575-741-984 MARTIN, Abram, 68- 177 Andrew, 715 Archer Nevins, 38 Barent P., 868 Benjamin W., 190 Benson Blake, 206 Camilo, 372 Chas. Barnard, 167 Charles K. V., 536 Chesley, 658 Clarence Linden, 206 David, 824 Edmund H., 207 Edward, 845 Edward Livingston, 942 Edward Sandford, 714 Eliza J. Gathright, 206 Ephraim, 655-688-730 Eugene, 206 Frederick Roy, 715 George, 536 George Whitney, 262 Gideon, 715 Gottlieb, 845 Hendrick, 845 Henry, 68-559 Henry H., 65 Hezekiah, 824 Hubert §S., 68 Hudson, 207 Hugh, 143 Isaac L., 955 Jacob, 68 Jerome, 745 John, 303-333-454-561- 632-658-845-976 John Douglas, 715 John Lewis, 333 John M., 206 John Massie, 207 Joseph, 119-715 Joseph Austin, 715 Joseph Denegre, 207 Josiah, 334 Luther, 942 Michael, 845 Nathan, 714 Nathaniel M., 729 Newell, 308 Peter, 868 Rawley White, 658 Richard, 813 Robert, 536 Robert Delos, 660 Samuel, 714-715 Thaddeus, 714 Thomas, 333-493 Thompson T., 714 Wallace L., 227 Walter, 177 Wm., 658-714-715-814 William D., 331 William John, 729 William R., 678 William T., 814 MARTINDALE, Theo- dore, 752 MARTINI, Joseph, 186 MARVEL, John, 154 Josiah, 153-154 Josiah Phillips, 154 Philip, 154 Robert, 154 Thomas, 154 MARVIN, Anthony, 333 Charles, 332 Elihu, 333 Henry L., 333 John, 332-333 Josiah, 332 Matthew, 332-333-984 Ozias, 655 Reinold, 107-589 Roswell E., 333 Samuel, 332 Walter, 333 MARWICK, James, 494 MARX, Joseph, 215 © MARYBE, James, 207 John L., 207 Morton, 207 Philip Thornton, 207 MARZONI, Peterson B., 920 MASKELL, Daniel, 389 MASON, Alfred Bishop, 715 Allen, 527 Arnold, 715 Arthur, 610 Benajah, 527 Benjamin, 380-529- 610-922 Beverley R., 586 Charles, 843 Charles Francis, 715 Charles W., 331 Christopher, 527 Clinton Staples, 112 Daniel, 608-715-720- 745 David, 464 David Marshall, 378 Dexter, 598 BE. M., 840 Edward, 994 Edward H., 213 Eliphalet Fales, 715 Francis Eliphalet, 715 Frank Tucker, 871 Franklin Marion, 608 Frederick A., 169 George, 98-107-438- 586-715-984 Herbert Cowpland, 610 Herbert Delavan, 955 Herbert W., 955 Hugh, 715-955-984 509 MATHEWS Isaac, 107-527-715 Isaiah, 381 James, 619 Jas. Frederick, 715 James Means, 715 James Murray, 98 John, 48 - 98-230-438- 471-478-529-608-610- 720-730-731-780-843- 871-897-900-922-978- 984 Jonathan, 529-610-922 Julian Jacquelin, 206 Landon R., 98-715 Mary BR. Crouse, 378 Nathan, 107-715 Otis T., 562 Peter, 608-720 Ralph, 529-610-922 Richard, Chichester, 715 Robert L., 914 Roswell B., 715 Sampson, 107-527-715- 984 Samson, 715 Sidney, 521 Silas B., 864 Sophy G. Marshall, 206 Stephen, 378 Thomson, 802 Wiley Roy, 718 William, 715 William Powell, 530 Wily Roy, 206 MASSIE, Eugene Car- ter, 558 Henry, 558 John W., 404 Peter, 558 Thomas, 558 William, 558 MAST, John, 250 Nr eat Edgar Lee, 28 Hardin W., 631 Hillary, 631 James, 185 Josiah, 185 Nicholas, 185 MASTICK, Seabury Cone, 618 MATHER, Amasa S., 388 Atherton, 33-883 Bartholomew, 462 Cotton, 477-588 Eleazer, 162-470 Frank Jewett, 943- 962 Frank Jewett, Jr., 943-962 Increase, 216-876 John, 580-943-962 Joseph, 162-462-470- 943-962 Joseph Higgins, 943- 962 Penrose, 462 Richard, 162-170-316- 369-462-470-588-716- 943-962-984 Rufus Graves, 962 Samuel, 162-170-588- 716 Samuel Livingston, 716 Thomas, 984 Timothy, 162-170-462- 470-588-716-943-962 MATHEWS (see also Matthews) Baldwin, 868 Chas. Drelincourt, 943 Chas. Henry, Jr., 738 Chas. Thompson, 943 Daniel, 59 MATHEWS David, 716 Edward Bennett, 716 Egbert R., 460 Elijah, 716 Elisha, 716 Francis, 809-868 Gideon, 809 Henry, 59 Increase, 59 James, 716-984 John, 59-716-868 Jonathan, 716 Jonathan B., 716 Reuben Whittier, 809 Samuel, 868 Shailer, 716 Thomas, 716 Thomas R., 868 William B., 868 MATHEWSON, Albert McClellan, 319 Bucklin, 58 Darius, 319 Henry, 319 James, 58-196 Jeffery, 58 Joseph, 319 Philip, 58-196 Rufus Smith, 319 Thomas, 58-196 Wm. Williams, 319 MATHISON, Alan, 778 MATLACK, Timothy, 358-371-429-508 MATSON, Anna Glover, 435 Israel, 854 Joshua, 854 Nathaniel, 436-854- 934 Stephen J., 436 Thomas, 854 MATTESON, A. R., 848 Elnathan, 302 Mrs. Fredk. W., 1007 Joel Aldrich, 302 Samuel, 302 MATTHEWS (see also Mathews) Benjamin, 658-716 Daniel, 413-414 Edwin Parrott, 716- 717 Edwin Parrott, Jr., 717 Fitch James, 716-717 Franklin, 759 George, 707 Isaac, 658 James, 658-984 John, 707 John E., 226 John Henry, 707 Joseph Clark, 716 Joseph Merritt, 414 Matthew, 716-717 Mortimer, 413 Nathan, 1004 Oliver, 413-414 Randolph, 607 Stanley, 413-414 Thomas, 413-414-716 Thomas Johnson, 413- 414 Watson, 658 William, 716 William H., 708 MATTHIAS, John J., 591 MATTINGLY, William Francis, 530-761 MATTLE, Thomas, 974 MATTOLI, Agostino, 963 MATTOON, Isaac, 648 Richard, 276-742 Samuel, 648 MAUD, Joshua, 379 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE MAUDE, George Ash- ley, 866 MAUDSLAY, Alfred Percival, 128 Annie C. Morris, 128 Joseph, 128 MAUGRIDGE, Wm., 29 MAULD, Thomas, 984 MAULDEN, Francis, 568 MAULE, Alfred Collins, 27 Caleb, 717 Daniel, 27-717 Elisha Price, 717 Ethelbert Rounds, 717 Evert Price, 717 Israel, 27 John, 27-717 Patrick, 717-984 Samuel G. M., 27 Thomas, 27-717-984 MAUPIN, Daniel, 159- 463 Gabriel, 159-463 Jennings, 463 John, 463 Wayne Carroll, 672 MAURAN, Frank, 409 Harriette F. Ames, 409 MAURER, Manuel, 625 MAURO, Philip, 613 MAURY, Dabney H., 718 Greenhow, 718 Herndon Jansen, 718 James, 718-719 John Minor, 718 John Walker, 718 Mathew, 718-984 Matthew Fontaine, 417-718-719 Matthew Fontaine, Jr., 718-900 Richard, 718-719 Robert Henry, 718 Rose Robinson, 718 Walker, 718-776 William A., 827 William Grymes, 718 MAUS, Geo. Vance, 959 MAVERICK, Moses, 324 MAXON, Geo. Gary, 719 Richard, 719 Wm. Densmore, 719 MAXSON, David, 82 John, 82-907 Paul, 82 Richard, 82-907 Silas, 82 William Ellery, 82 MAXWELL, Clara M. Barry, 719 Henry Dusenbery, 719 Isabella Neff, 719 James, 55 Jas. Taliaferro, 883 John, 139-515-540-719 John W. C., 260 Lawrence, 719 Nathaniel Van, 720 Mrs. Robert C., 1007 William, 139-719 Wm. Kilpatrick, 331 MAY, Charles, 512 Charles W., 530 Chester, 963 George Henry, 963 John, 790-963-969-984 Samuel, 228 Silas, 963 Thomas, 963 William, 963 MAYBIN, Wm., 802 MAYER, Alfred M., 721 Chas. Frederick, 280 Christian, 280 John, 322 Petrus, 94-827 William, 98 MAYES, John, 984 MAYFIELD, Stanwix Greenville, 815 MAYHEW, Thomas, 41- 224-385-551-575-612- 963-984 MAYNARD, Alfred F., 720 David, 721 Ebenezer, 721 Elisha, 720 Ephraim, 721 Gardner, 720 George, 448 George Colton, 721 Horace, 721 James, 721 James Pickands, 720 John, 442-720-721-984 Jonathan, 721 Joseph, 748 Lucy J. Warner, 720 Matthew Henry, 720 Simon, 720 Ulrie, 720 W. E., 723 MAYO, Chester Garst, wad Ebenezer, 961 Edward Carrington, 157 Ephraim, 961 Henry, 721 Henry Thomas, 721 John, 321-721-742-961- 984 Joseph, 721-961 Mary L. Carpenter, 70 Nathaniel, 721-888 Nelson Slater, 70 Peter Helm, 534 Samuel, 961 Sheldon Smith, 614 Thomas, 721-961-984 William, 459-621-865- 902-971-984 William S. P., 929 MAYO-SMITH, Mabel P. Ford, 607-608 Richard, 608 MAYOR, Alfred G., 721 Charles, 721 Christian, 721 MAYS, Benjamin, 722 Edwin, 722 Elijah, 722 John, 984 John H. F., 315 Robert, 722 Thomas, 231 William, 722 MAYTON, Wm. H., 923 MAZYCK, Philip Por- cher, 668 Stephen, 790 William G., 1003 MEACHAM, Eleazer Hale, 939 Isaac, 939 MEAD (see also Meade) Benjamin, 97 Caleb, 97 Calvin, 97 Charles Levi, 943 David, 722 Ebenezer, 268 Edward, 539 Enoch, 268 Enoch Milan, 268 Ethan, 884 Fredk. Sumner, 722 Gabriel, 722-943 George Jackson, 363 510 MEEKER Harry Eldridge, 376 Henry C. A., 865 Henry H., 355 Jeneil, 97 Job, 355 John, 268-355 Joseph Bundy, 722 Joshua, 722 Larkin G., 943 Lawrence J., 268 Levi, 943 Moses, 722 Nathan, 355 Peter B., 174 Solomon, 268 Sumner Rust, 722 Theodore Hoe, 268 Vinton, 174 William, 268-355-984 William Pearse, 174 MEADE (see also Mead) Andrew, 954 David, 18-364-954 Everard, 463-625 Everard B., 297 George, 722-816 George G., 25-722-816 Hadijah, 625 John Nelson, 954 Richard, 954 Richard W., 722-816 Robert, 722-816 Terry, 407 William, 984 MEADER, Jos. F., 718 Lewis H., Jr., 69 Nathaniel, 692 MEADES, William, 984 MEADOR, John, 144 MEADOWS, William Gregory, 836 MEADS, Elias, 273 John H., 273 Orlando, 273 MEAKER, Robert, 985 MEAKINS, Thos., 254 Te David McG., Ellison Cooke, 722 Gordon, 129-292 John, 722-723 Robert, 984 Thomas, 984 Thomas W., 723 William, 722 William Allen, 649 MEANY, J. C., 936 MEARS, David Otis, 933 John, 376 Mary C. Grinnell, 933 MECAR, Robert, 985 au ee Henry C., 933 MEDBERY, Abner, 723 Benjamin, 723 Ebenezer, 709 Edward Stephen, 723 Harold Laverry, 723 Henry, 723 Nathan, 723 Nathaniel, 723 MEDBURY, Josiah, 709 Nicholas, 709 MEDE, William, 984 MEDILL, Joseph, 706 William, 706 MEDLICOTT, William B., 663 MEDSTAND, Thos., 626 MEECH, Daniel, 677 MEEDS, Hollyday 3., Jr., 223 © trey Arthur, 723- 4 Arthur Burr, 723 Benjamin, 723 MEEKER INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Daniel, 723 MENDINHALL, Estelle Obed, 725 George Walker, 724 M. Rice, 724 Samuel Vaughan, 463 onise Ackerman, 723 Jesse, 724 Thomas, 725-943 Moses Taylor, 723 William Gibbons, 724 William, 583-952 Robert, 723-985 MENGEL, Chas. C., 363 | MERRILL (see also Samuel, 723 Emily Tryon, 363 Merrell) MEEKS, Marcus H., 954 |MENGHS, Mrs. Fred- Abram Dow, 742 MEEM, Andrew R., 231 erick W., 1000 Asa, 699-914 Gilbert, 231 MENNELL, Elisabeth Benjamin, 257 John Gaw, 231 W. Allen, 204-724 C. H., 914 Peter, 231 Jas. Beaver, 204-725 Charles E., Jr., 737 MEGAW, Robert, 174 MENZIES, Grahame, Chester Wright, 565 MEGGINSON, Wm., 373 128 Daniel, 587-699-802- MEGGS, Vincent, 985 MERCEIN, Thomas R., 914 MEHAFFY, George W., 245 Daniel Ford, 914 314 MERCER, C. Douglas, Daniel P., 699 MEIGS, Chas. D., 379 71 Ebenezer, 257 Ferris Jacobs, 338 Corbin Waller, 725 Ebenezer R., 257 Henry, 816 David H., 42 Elijah Hedding, 906 Janna, 379-816 Fanny B. Nelson, 725 Eliphalet, 699 John, 379-558-816-985 Hugh, 149-725 Enoch, 255 John Forsyth, 379-380 ished US Wye, opr Eugene A., 159-698 John Forsyth, Jr., 380 John C., 725 Ford, 914 Josiah, 379-816 Peter McCall, 63 George, 832 Mark, 985 Waller Nelson, 725 George Spencer, 37 Montgomery, 431-752- | MERCIER, William Gilman, 450 915 Nathaniel, 730 Horatio, 943 Return, 379-816 MERCUR, James Israel, 699 Robert Rodgers, 379- Watts, 49 James, 914 380 MEREDITH, David, 828 James Alfred, 237 Titus B., 306 Elisha, 725 Jared, 699 Vincent, 379-722-816- Elisha Edward, 725 John, 255-699-714-755 985 John, 725 John H., 159 MEIKLEHAM, David John Taylor, 725 Jonathan, 255 Scott, 353 Jonathan, 943 Joseph, 914 T. M. Randolph, 353 Joseph Dennie, 147 Joseph Warren, 699 William, 353 Roy Brodhead, 543 Joshua, 264-742 MEISSNER, William Samuel, 725 Keith, 698 Cristen, 413 Sullivan Amory, 943 Moses, 255-742 MEIXSEL, Jacob, 61 Thomas, 725-766 Nathan, 699 MELCHER, George, 813 Wm. Morris, 667-943 Nathaniel, 255 - 587 - John, 813 William Payne, 725 699-742-755-914-925- Nathaniel, 813 MERIWETHER, David, 985 MELCHERS, Gari, 191 253-906 Oliver Brown, 587 MELLEN, Abner, 91 Edmund Taylor, 363 Pauline G. W. Dress- Henry, 286 James, 253 er, 503 : James, 91-291 Nicholas, 253-807-906- Payson, 846 Richard, 91 985 Peter, 742 - Simon, 91 Rivers B., 481 Robert Morrill, 587 MELLETTE, William Thomas, 906 Samuel, 257-258 Moore, 730 William, 253 Sherburne Sanborn, MELLICK, Andrew D., | MERKLEE, Geo. W., 48 255 513 MERRELL (see also Spencer, 643 MELLIER, Mabry, 199 Merrill) Stephen, 587 MELLON, Archibald, Abijah, 698 Thomas, 255-257-699 724 Caleb, 698 William, 587 C. Henry, 201 Caleb Barton, 698 William Augustus, Edward P., 177 James Chandler, 698 107-587 Edward Purcell, 724 John, 698 Wm. Bradford, 943 Prentiss, 385 John Jackson, 698 MERRIMAN, Caleb, 96- Thomas, 724 Nathaniel, 698-985 791 Thos. Alexander, 724 |MERRIAM, Alfred Charles, 96-511-791 MELLOR, Alfred, 724 Brooks, 813 Ebenezer C., 791 Elizabeth L. Mar- Benjamin W., 813 Eliasaph, 96-791 quand, 203 Clinton Hart, 24 Geo. Grenville, 503 John Seymour, 203 Ela, 437 Greenlief A., 276 Maybury Brooks, 425 John, 813 Nathaniel, 96-791 Rowland Fisher, 909 Joseph, 437-813 Richard, 220-932 Thomas, 724 Lucius B., 312 Roger Bigelow, 84 Walter, 724 Nathan, 813 Titus, 96-791 MELYN, Cornelis, 116 Nathaniel, 437 MERRITT, Benj., 391 MEMMINGER, Christo- Robert, 159 Charles C. P., 697 pher G., 668-669 Samuel, 813 Daniel, 390 MENDE, Edwin, 724 William Rush, 347 Douglas, 391 Elsie Porter, 724 MERRICK, Cyrus, 725 G. W., 176 MENDELSON, Walter, Cyrus Henry, 725 George, 391 724 David, 943 Henry, 726 MENDENHALL (see Edwin, 943 Henry Stanton, 390 also Mendinhall) Edwin Thomas, 943 Isaac, 390 Aaron, 496 Elliott T., 390 Jacob, 717 Benjamin, 724 Henry Spencer, 725 John, 726-795 Charles, 697 J. Hartley, 463 Jonathan, 726 George, 270 James, 725 Joseph, 390-391 James, 724 John, 463 Matthew Franklin, Lawrence, 720 John Vaughan, 462- 390 Robert, 724 463 Nehemiah, 390-391 Stephen, 724 Jonathan, 943 Noah, 726 Thomas Corwin, 724 Nathaniel, 952 Obediah, 726 511 METCALF Samuel T., 342 Schuyler, 390 Thomas, 390-391-985 MERRYMAN, Jno., 202 Nicholas Bosley, 83 MERSHON, Augustus Hull, 725 Henri, 725 S. L., 497 William Butts, 725 MERTINS, Gustave Ferdinand, 626 MERWIN, C. H., 914 Daniel, 322 Henry, 322 Jesse, 322 Miles, 115-322 MERSEREAU, John D., 776 MESERVE, Clement, 944 Frederick Hill, 944 H. Fessenden, 726 William Neal, 614-944 William P. F., 726 MESSENGER (see also Messinger) Benoni, 349 Bille, 349 Bille Norman, 349 Edward, 349 Nathaniel, 349 Return, 349 MESSINGER (see also Messenger) Chas. Raymond, 647 Ebenezer, 564 Henry, 564 Mildred BR. Hart, 647 Pelatia, 564 Thomas, 564 Wigglesworth, 564 Wm. Harrison, 564 MESSLER, Abraham, 591 Cornelius, 591 Eugene Lawrence, 591 Jan Adamsen, 591 Johannes, 591 Thomas Doremus, 592 MESSMORE, A. B., 345 MESTREZAT, Stephen Leslie, 595 METCALF (see also Metcalfe) Alfred, 162 Arunah, 492 Benjamin, 492 Bryce, 492 Carlton, 757 Ebenezer, 492-493 Eleazer, 492-493 Eliab, 492 George Dickson, 385 George Putnam, 492 George Reuben, 492 Guy, 162 Henry B., 492 Isabel Harris, 492 James, 492 James Betts, 492 James Whiting, 492 Jesse, 944 Jesse Houghton, 263 Joel, 944 John, 492 John Brockway, 384 Jonathan, 193-492- 493-944 Joseph, 204-493-877 Joseph Prescott, 493 Julia B. French, 492 Leonard, 493-895 Liberty, 493 Manton Bradley, 944 Michael, 98-193-492- 493-944-967-985 METCALF Nathaniel, 493-944 Orlando, 492 Orlando Paul, 492 Prescott, 493 Samuel, 493 Timothy, 492 William, 492 William H., 87 William P., 493 Zebulon, 492 METCALFE (see also Metcalf) John, 208 Michael, 985 Robert Henshaw, 208 Thomas, 912 METHOT, John Sam- uel, 606 Seer Enne- nd, 273 MEYER, Charles Hee Ls, Cord, 854 Geo. A., 290-726-953 George von L., 726 Henry, 672 J. Edward, 416 Robert R., 525 MEYERS, Henry, 659 Phillip, 659 MEYSENBURG, Otto W., 867 MICHAEL, John, 230 William, 768 MICHALIS, E. Martin, 565 MICHAUX, Abraham, 64-186 MICHELSON, Herman, 927 MICHENER, John, 726 Louis Theodore, 726 Mordecai, 726 William, 726 MICHIE, Henry Bow- yer, 726 John, 726 Robert, 726 Thomas Johnson, 726 MICOU, John, 726 Paul, 726 Richard, 726 Richard Wilde, 726 William, 726 William Chatfield, 726 MIDDAGH, Aert An- thonsz, 296 Derrick, 296-871 MIDDLEBROOK, George, 694 Jonathan, 694 Joseph, 694 Joseph Weed, 694 Michael, 694 Samuel Bradley, 694 Summers, 694 MIDDLETON, Arthur, 90 - 533-555-668-669- 810-897-981 Austin D., 944 Catharine ro Tomp- kins, 9 Edward, 38 668-669- 810-985 Henry, 533-668-669- 810 Henry A., 668 Henry Izard, 669 John, 668 John N. B., 944 Oliver Herring, 810 Ralph Izard, 669 Theodore, 828 Thomas, 161-668-669 William, 668 MIFFLIN, Benjamin, 116-497 John, 116-285-497 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Thos., 53-116-284-285 MIKELL, Ephraim, 727 Franklin Moses, 727 Henry Judah, 727 Isaac Jenkins, 727 John, 727 John Calder, 727 Thomas Price, 727 Thomas Waring, 727 William Ephraim, 727 MILBANK, Albert G., 403 Isaac Morris, 552 Nichols, 552 Samuel, 552 MILES, Abel, 447 Alfred Hart, 373 Benjamin, 977 George W., 56 Henry, 447 Henry Humphrey, 447 Herbert Edwin, 447 John, 447 Jonathan, 978 Nelson A., 1004 Richard, 263-432-987 Samuel, 115 Vincent Morgan, 763 William A., 634 William Porcher, 669 MILHAU, John Jeffer- son, 241 MILLAR, Mrs. Preston S., 1000 William, 285 MILLARD, Abiather, 470 Ashley, 470 Frank Ashley, 470 George Northrop, 470 Jesse, 470 John, 470-985 Justin, 389 Nehemiah, 470 Robert, 470 MILLEDGE, John, 813 Richard H., 813 MILLEN, John, 669 MILLER, Adolph C., 433 Alexander, 92 Alex. Erskine, 216 Andrew, 663-728 Benjamin, 727-728 Benjamin H., 626 Benjamin I., 727-728 Cc. F. Huston, 728 Charles, 733 Charles Addison, 149 Charles Dexter, 559 Charles S., 71 Charles Tyler, 470 Christian, 728 Clara Huston, 727 Daniel S., 825 David, 162-728 E. Spencer, 147 Edward, 656-728 Elisha, 247 Ernest P., 796 Frank, 348 Frank Harvey, 209 Gaylord B., 934 George, 28-29-653 George Douglas, 541 George Norton, 320 George Peckham, 255 Geo. Walbridge, 349 H. M., 587 Harmon, 944 Harry John, 728 Helen L. Seymour, 728 Henry, 664 Henry G., 715 Henry N., 351 Henry Wise, 273 Hezekiah, 828 512 Hilliard Eve, 658 Horace William, 944 Hugh, 487-778 Increase, 598 Isaac S., 858 J. J., 437 Jacob, 702-791 Jacob Welsh, 162 James, 111 James Sidney, 728 John, 381 - 92-159-425- 475-598-662-678-728- 762-779 John Barnes, 728 John Budd, 598 John Craig, 457 John Edgar, 728 John Gaines, 539 John Henry, 162 John M., 407 John R., 723 Jonathan, 598 Joseph, 28-386-728 La Fayette, 92 Lawrence M., 18-418 Lewis Leprilete, 425 Lucius Hopkins, 559 Mabel Ingersoll, 728 Mary A. Sprague, 433 Matthias Burnet, 728 Merritt, 729 Michael, 729 Morris Smith, 728 Moses, 386 Nathan, 55 Nathaniel, 425 Philip, 425 Re Caio Richard, 386-787 Robert, 159-425-463 Rutger Bleecker, 728 Samuel, 386-598-699- 779 Samuel Fisher, 386 Sarah F. G., 728 Spencer, 386 Stanley, 790 Thomas, 111-728-729- 966 Thomas Grier, 728 Virginia, 111 IWieaWe58 9 Walter Hodges, 729 Walter Siegrist, 620 Walter T. H., 729 Walter Tully, 729 Wm., 273-656-678 Wm. Augustus, 863 William C., 791 William C., 1003 William H., 135 Wm. Nicholas, 840 MILLET, Francis D., 943 MILLHOLLAND, Wm. B., 160 MILLIGAN, Francis, 428 Henry C., 433 Robert, 194 MILLIKEN, Benj., 615 Elias T., 767 Foster, 376 Hugh, 615 John, 615 Josiah, 615 Seth Mellen, 614-615 Seth Minot, 615 Thomas, 116 MILLIS, John, 553 John William, 553 Walter, 553 William, 553 MILLS, Abbot Low, 686 Abram G., 943 Adam L., 955 Amasa, 629 Asahel, 676 MINOR Calvin, 123 Charles Burdick, 944 Charles Ferdinand, 552 Edward, 107-801 Elijah Hunt, 17-85- 529 Elisha, 107 Gardner, 629 George Edward, 693 Henry E., 944 Isaac, 729 Isaac atte 729 James, 729 John, 87-122-499-629- 729-840-974 John Foster, 461 Alyepowe Ube yal John Peter, 877 Jonathan, 860 Joseph, 123-629 Lewis Hunt, 22 Menan, 717 Nathaniel, 729 Ronald V. A., 102 Samuel, 123-729 Sidney, 629 Simeon, 629 Simon, 122-629 Thomas, 729 William, 716-717-729 William Stowell, 729 MILLSPAUGH, Alan- son Gillespie, 251 Frederick W., 1006 Mrs. Fredk. W., 1007 MILNE, Alexander A., 729 Caleb Jones, 710 David, 710 James, 729 Wm. Edwards, 474 Winifred C. Murray, 729 MILNER, Francis, 526 Thomas, 515 MILNOR, Howard Stabler, 61 SOT ae Geo. W., MILTON, Abraham, 214 Homer Virgil, 314 John, 314-315 Wm. Hall, 314-315 Wm. Henry, 315 MILWARD, Henry Kavanaugh, 29 MINER (see also Minor) Anne Parker, 944 Charles, 685 Clement, 26 David W., 735 Edward G., 944 Henry, 944 John Henry, 961 John Tyler, 772 Joshua Lewis, 140 S. Henderson, 243 Sylvester, 26 Thomas, 26-985 William, 26-678 Worthington C., 505 MINFORD, Levis Waln, 480 MINGAKEL, Thos., 995 MINGBA, Milton E., 557 MINNIGERODE, Cuth- bert Powell, 300 MINOR (see also Miner) A. Webb, 364 Charles L., 188-189 Charles W., 946 Christopher, 544 Dabney, 38 MINOR Doodes, 38-189-719- 985 Edmund C., 108 Garret, 38-189 James, 38 James Monroe, 189 John, 38-88-189-719 John Barbee, 814 Raleigh C., 188 Seth, 662 Thomas, 985 Wm. Wardlaw, 38 MINOT, Chas. H., 292 George, 291-292-985 George Richards, 290- 291-292 Grafton W., 292-529 James, 209-960 James Jackson, 291- 292 James Jackson, Jr., 292 John, 291-292 Joseph Grafton, 292 Stephen, 292 Thomas, 985 Vredenburgh, 292 William, 102-291-292 MINOTTO, James, 850 MINSHALL, William, 817-990 MINTURN, Joseph A., 1006 Robert, 290 Robert Bowne, 414 LL I. Hazleton, 8 Mary C. Schaffer, 708 Thomas Hazleton, 708 MISNER, Lewis, 918 MITCHEL, Laura M. Macon, 729 Peter, 729 MITCHELL, Alfred, 467-547 Asahel, 441 Austin B., 434 Benjamin, 730 Chauncey Root, 441 Clarence Green, 633 Cushing, 99 Daniel Patrick, 169 David, 441 Donald Grant, 616 Harl Nathan, 730 Edward, 30-99-480- 774 Edward Douglas, 730 Ephraim, 730 Experience, 99-515- 879 George, 169 George Edward, 894 George W., 940 Guy, 561 Harold Hubbard, 650 Harvey L., 339 Henry, 449 James Henry, 99 James W., 2438 John, 169-452-985 John C., 302 John Kearsley, 955 John Pearce, 730 John W., 570 John Waite, 730 Justus, 441 Manton C., 82 Marcus, 441 Matthew, 441-805-985 Meal, 730 Michael, 730 Morris R., 295-296 Nahun, 99 Nathan, 730 Nathaniel, 928 Roger Sherman, 429 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Samuel, 77 Samuel C., 295-296 Theodore, 928 Thomas, 259-279 Wesley Clair, 433 William, 188 William H., 825 William L., 265 MITTON, Michael, 737 MIX, Charles Moran, 944 Robert Ebenezer, 944 Thomas, 944 MIXER, Isaac, 350-839- 918 Jessie M. Anthony, 679 Joseph, 918 Knowlton, 679 MIXTER, Chas., 426 Charles Galloupe, 945 Charles Whitney, 613 Samuel Jason, 945 MIZE, Edward, 576 Edward Aug., 576 Robert Herbert, 576 MODE, Alex., 853 William, 853 MOE, Miles, 944 MOEN, Philip W., 178 MOFFAT, Gilbert, 836 John, 785 Thomas, 194 MOFFETT, Cleveland, 547 William Henry, 802 MOFFITT, Nathaniel Lyon, 481 MOHLER, John, 764 MOHR, Johannes, 753 John Jacob, 753 Martin, 753 MOHUN, Barry, 726 Philip Vasa, 943 MOISH, C., 912 Todd L., 98 MOLINES, William, 277 MOLLER, Charles August, 799 William, 920 MOLLISON, Jno., 632 MOLLOY, William, 259 MOLLYNEUX, Rich- ard, 988 MOLSON, Wm. M., 703 MONAGHAN, Robt. Emmet, 851 MONCURHE, George Vowles, 713 games Ashby, 713 John, 712-713-985 John Conway, 712 Richard L. C., 712 Walker Peyton, 393 James, 21-26-31-808 Joseph, 808 Jules Blanc, 32 Spence, 31 Thomas Bell, 31-32 Victor, 32 William, 31-985 Wm. Blanc, 32 MONTAGUE, Abraham, 145-730 Cary, 190 Edgar Burwell, 730 Fairfax Eubank, 730 Giles, 263 Henry, 145 John, 262 Josiah, 263 Latané, 145 Lewis, 730 Lewis Brooke, 730 Norton Thayer, 262 Peter, 145-263-672- 730-985 Richard, 105-262-985 Theodore Giles, 263 Theodore L., 263 William, 145-730 MONTGOMERIB, Rob- ert, 848 MONTGOMERY, Alex- ander, 106-730 Archibald, 730 Archibald, E., 730 Benjamin F., 731 David B., 61 Donald E., 412 Frank L., 730-731 Frank Warren, 731 Grenville Dodge, 383 Henry Engliton, 848 Henry Granville, 731 Hugh, 730-731 James, 848 James Boyce, 591 James M., 329-1007 John, 61 John Crathorne, 848 John G., 61 John Seymour, 730- 731 Joseph R., 731 Mack, 731 Mary A. Phelps, 591 Richard B., 568 Robert, 61-848 Robt., III, 732 Robt. Eglinton, 383 Robert L., 866 Warren, 731 William, 829-848 William Slack, 623 Zin Jeno oe MONYPENY, Wm., 482 MONDELL, Mrs. Frank |MOOARS, Abraham, W., 1000 MONEY, George Pier- son, 730 Hernando de Soto, 730 James, 730 Pierson, 730 MONFORT, Mrs. Geo. S., 1002 Pieter, 193 MONNETTE, Abraham, 397 Isaac, 397 Jeremiah Crabb, 397 Mervin Jeremiah, 397 Orra Engene, 397 William, 397 MONROE (see also Munro, Munroe) Andrew, 31-985 Frank Adair, 31-32- 96 Frank Adair, Jr., 32 787 MOODY, Caleb, 531-597 Chas. Drummer, 597 David Jewett, 597 George Taylor, 324 Jameson, 377 Jason Bell, 731 John, 377-4387-597- 902 Joseph, 597 Katharine Twining, 597 Loman A., 98 Mark, 597 Paul, 597 Samuel, 531-597 Silas, 235 Thomas, 597 William, 72-531-597 Wm. Anderson, 731 Wm. Lewis, 377 Wm. Lewis, Jr., 377 Wm. Lewis, II, 377 513 110-379-568- MOOKS MOOR, Hiram D., 350 MOORE, Albert B., 916 Alexander, 760 Alice M. Rogers, 731 Augustus C., 923 Barrington, 34-577 Benjamin, 30-527-576- 577-632 Benjamin B., 748 Bernard, 886 Cc. de Bham, 576 Charles, 1000 Clement C., 527-576- 577 Daniel, 677-809 Daniel Sackett, 30 E. B., 963 Edward, 714 Edward C., 502 Edwin, 619 Enoch, 714 Ephraim, 197 Hric C., 674 Francis, 194-982 Francis A., 217 Fred Porter, 732 Henry, 500-809 Henry C., 501 Henry D., 955 Hubert, 131 Isaac, 59-632-687-754 Israel Snead, 732 James, 90-160-419-458- 563-688-794-848-957 James W., 415 Joel, 955 John, 380-228-231-282- 441-457-526-576-577- 632-661-714-785-825- 848-875-941-955-958- 985 John Constable, 576 John Godfrey, 955 John Wells, 576 Joseph, 40-195-196-231 Lindsay Coates, 735 Lucian S., Jr., 917 Luke, 339 Manning S., 525 Mary de C. Banks, 732 Maurice, 419-732 Nathaniel, 714 Philip North, 500 Pliny, 392 Richard, 968 Richard Channing, 916 Robert, 500-955-995 Robert R., 346 Roger, 794 Roy W., 646 Samuel, 30-231-576- 577-677-714 Samuel W., 576 Sherley, 452 Stephen, 231 Sydenham, 145 Thomas, 677 Thomas P., 781 Wm., 205-576-661-892 Wm. Arthur, 930 Wm. Austin, 661 William K., 875 Wm. Scoville, 577 William Van, 661 Wm. Van H., 660-661 MOOREFIELD, Chas. H., 358 MOORES, M. C., 750 MOORHEAD, James K., 515 Joseph, 231 Maxwell K., 515 William, 515 Wm. Jefferson, 516 MOORS, Abraham, 529 Benjamin, 529 John Farwell, 536 MOORS Joseph, 529 Joseph Benjamin, 529 MORAN, Charles, 192- 660-944 Claude Charles, 660- 944 Hugh A., 487 Jacques, 660-944 Jean, 660-944 John Bell, 660-661 John Vallee, 660 Owen, 441 Patricius, 227 MORAND, Ragland, 418 MORDECAI, Alfred, 848 John B., 18 MORE, Abel, 718 Brookes, 642-954 Cyrus Burnham, 238 Edward Anson, 642 Enoch, 642 Enoch Anson, 642-643 Enoch Hudson, 642 John Douglas, 642 John Steel, 438 Joseph, 642 Richard, 985 MOREAU, Jean Victor, 927 MORECROFT, John, 838 MOREL, Octave J., 34 MOREY, Daniel Haz- ard, 556 Frank Andrew, 313 Jonathan, 216-732 Joseph, 732 Joseph Harrison, 732 Norris, 732 Roger, 732 Samuel, 732 Stephen, 879 Thomas, 732 MORGAN, Abner, 732 Alexander E., 936 Amasa, 831 Amos, 86-733 Appleton, 732 Brooks S., 704 Charles E., 447 Charles Waln, 514 Colin Daniel, 290 Daniel, 304-634-802 David, 237-401-641- 732 David Pierce, 86-732 Edwin D., 369-765 Evan, 237-641 Frances L. Tracy, 639 George, 237-641-751 George Brinley, 369 Harry Hays, 641-957 Isaac, 640 Israel, 659 Jacob, 429 James, 86 - 210 -304- 641-733-831-985 Jedediah, 86-733 John, 86-210-237-286- 304-641-659-733 John Pierpont, 251- 639-640 John Sands, 770 John Williams, 524 Jonathan, 732 Joseph, 639-640 Junius Spencer, 411- 639-640 Junius Spencer, Jr., 180-640 Justin, 640 Lewis H., 684-885 Marshall S., 268-1007 Martha W. Gold, 290 Miles, 251-294-639- 640-732-985 Nathaniel, 639-640 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Otho Herron, 501 Peyton R., 732 Philip Hickey, 641 Ray L., 659 Robert K., 771 Samuel, 831 Theodore Miles, 476 Theophilus, 207-210- 888 Thomas, 86-429-514- 733-751 Thomas Gibbes, 237- 401-641 Walter May, 553 William, 659 William Fellowes, 86- 308-733 Wm. Festus, 832 William J., 540 Wm. Morgan, 290 William Pitt, 733 Wm. Prentiss, 85 William Rogers, 21 MORGANDOLLAR, Jno., 852 MORIARTY, George Andrews, 733-734- 1004 John, 734 John Moseley, 734 Thomas, 734 MORISON (see also Morrison) George Abbot, 734 John, 734 John Hopkins, 734 Nathaniel, 734 Robert, 734 Robert Swain, 734 Thomas, 734 peereraee John Rufus, 22 MORLING, Geo. W., 402 MORRELL, Daniel, 637 John H., 587 William, 416 MORRILL, Abraham, 817 Anson Peasley, 797 David C., 74 Edgar L., 944 Lot Myrick, 797 Moses, 817 Peasley, 797 Samuel, 817 Simeon, 817 William, 817 William Barnes, 817 MORRIS, A. Saunders, 734 Alfred Hennen, 34 Alfred Paul, 27 Alva BE. L., 735 Amos, 662 Andrew, 908 Anthony, 88-267-268- 354-432-734-820-821- 928-930 Anthony, 2d, 267-268- 269-985 Anthony, 3d, 734 Anthony, 4th, 734 Anthony C., 928 Arthur Breese, 388 Benj. Wistar, 267-511 Benj. Wistar, 3d, 294 Caspar, 267-793 Chas. Gould, 734-735 Charles Marcius, 388 Daniel, 734-926 David, 525 De Witt Clinton, 375 Effingham B., 267 Eli G., 734-926 Fordham, 617 Francis Bolton, 269 Fredk. Wistar, 268 Geo. Eadie, 433 Geo. Spencer, 88 Gerard Walter, 78 Gouverneur, 128-810- 943 Harry Innes, 303 Henry, 734-908 Henry Gurney, 734 Henry Lewis, 181 Henry Lincoln, 663 Horatio, 712 Howard, 388 Isaac Willson, 735 Israel, 268-269 Israel Wistar, 267- 268-269-734 Jacob, 388-798 James, 49-387 James Cheston, 267- 268 James Lawrence, 735 James Maury, 437 James Rounds, 634 John, 303-432-633-634- 735 John Boucher, 634 John Cox, 67 John Speed, 352 Joseph, 508-734-926 Lawrence J., 268 Lewis, 78-93-128-175- 305-387-388-536-602- 735-746-798-810-943- 1004 Luzon B., 734-735-926 Mary A. Anthony, 679 Maud B., 735-1001 Nicholas, 663 Page, 352 Paschall H., 268 Pendleton S., 303-304 Ray, 734 Reginald H., 269-271 Richard, 78-128-305- 352-387-388-746-810- 985 Richard H., 375-708 Richard J., 268-269 Richard L., 387-388 Robert, 27-303-746- 876-908 Roland S., 266-267 Samuel, 27- 88- 267- 268-269-511-734-821 928 Samuel Wells, 267 Stuyvesant F., 387- 388 Sylvanus, 352 Theodore H., 269 Thomas, 662-734-735- 926-985 Thomas Burnside, 267 Thomas H., 634 Victor, 388 W. C., 511 William, 78-352-432 William A. P., 388 William Ellis, 267 William H., 330 William Henry, 268- 269-734 William Lewis, 746 Wm. McKendree, 679 William Montgomery, 735 Wm. Paul, 269-270 Wm. Sylvanus, 352 MORRISON (see also Morison) Andrew L., 317 Benjamin, 331 David, 786 Frank, 309 Frank Pierce, 317 George, 394 Harley James, 735 Henry Ruffner, 399 514 MORSS James, 38-790 James Martin, 786 John, 735 John Rowan, 862 Joseph H., 849 Mabel Stillman, 317 Moses, 459 Robert, 189-190 Robert Hall, 190 Roberta A. Johnston, 735 Thomas, 849 Wi boos William, 189-190-849 MORRISS, Charles Wilson, 18 Robert F., 18 agree eee James, 4 MORROW, Geo. P., 255 John, 641 MORS, John, 232 MORSE (see also Morss) Alexander P., 360 Alice Walker, 735 Alonzo A., 345 Amos, 735 Anthony, 72-102-359- 360-744-985 Benjamin, 102-775 Charles P., 709 Daniel, 286-459 David, 109 Edmund, 102-146 Edward Clarke, 360 Elijah, 459 Ephraim, 685 Ezra, 735 Fred Winslow, 736 Gilead, 735 Harold Marston, 593 Harry F., 945 Hazen, 102 Henry Dutton, 102 Horatio Gilead, 736 Isaac, 360 Isaac Edward, 360 J. Parker, 945 Jane Schuyler, 945 Jedediah, 359-360 Jesse Wood, 736 John, 359-360-735-736- 772-813 John W., 94 Joseph, 360-447-459- 736-813-976 Leila L., 360 Moses, 102 Nathan, 360 Peter, 102-359-360 Philip Sidney, 365 Richard Cary, 359-360 Robert McNeil, 300 Ruggles S., 732 Samuel, 287-735-736- 813-985 Saml. F. B., 359-360 Samuel T., 93 Seth, 74 Sidney E., 359 Silas, 313 William, 102-459-945 Wm. Goodrich, 360 Winslow B., 736 Zachariah, 736 MORSMAN, Edgar Martin, 945 James, 945 Joseph Jenry, 945 »Martin T., 945 Moses Jenry, 945 Oliver, 945 Timothy, 945 eaten James Bruce, 05 MORSS (see also Morse) MOESS Anthony, 736 Charles Anthony, 736 Everett, 374-736 Joshua, 736 Robert, 736 MORTIMER, Benj., 193 Campbell, 369 David Benjamin, 193 MORTON, Abner, 736 Abraham, 736 Alexander Logan, 418 Caleb, 66 Daniel Oliver, 800-801 De Forest W., 945 Ebenezer, 800-801 Eleazer, 612-613 Ephraim, 612-613 George, 344-491-578- 612-613-736-747-800- 985 Howard, 518 Jacob, 578 James Austin, 357 James Madison, 613 INDEX TO VOLUME ON John, 141-540 Leroy Hartley, 402 Margaret P. Handy, 141 Philip Ball, 141 Thomas, 14 Thos. Jefferson, 625 MOSSE, George, 936 MOSSER, Jacob, 802 MULLANPHY, John, 246-689 MULLEN, Loring B., 735 MULLER, Adrian, 401 Charles, 402 George, 77 John Frederick, 878 MULLIGAN, Edward MOSTYN, Berkeley, 512 MOTE, David, 560 MOTLEY, Jas. M., 685 MOTT, Adam, 313-660- 677-699-925 Charles Bouton, 962 Edward, 427 James, 313-314-985 John, 677 Oscar Harold, 427 Richard, 313-314 Richard Field, 314 Richbell, 313 Robert F., 313-314 Samuel, 699 Jas. Madison, Jr., 613 | MOTTE, Ellis, 817 Job, 613 Jacob, 668 Howell, 317 John, 840 W. T., 494 MULLIKIN, James, 199 MULLINS, John B., 635 William, 213-411-965- 985 MULLOCK, Jeremiah, 777 Jesse, 777 MULOCK, Eli Perry, 737 MUMFORD, Daniel B., John, 66-384-432-578- MOULD, Henry Scriv- 800-801 Joseph, 189-727-766 Joy, 736-737 Julius Dewey, 736 Julius Sterling, 736 Knute, 945 Levi P., 800 Lindley C., 288 Livy, 800-801 Marcus, 612 Mark, 850 Mesheck, 578 Nathaniel, 344-491- 612-613-918 Paul, 831 Richard, 736 Samuel, 736 Samuel Walker, 945 Sterling, 737 Thomas, 111-908-975 Thomas Dwight, 735 William, 189-481-812 MORWOOD, James, 454 MOSBY, Alfred D., 810 John S., 810 MOSELEY, Abner, 707 Consider, 719 Daniel, 719 Edward S., 408-962 Gideon, 707 Increase, 707 Joseph, 852 Josiah, 719 Lycurgus H., 302 Nathaniel, 42-341 Peter G., 302 Robert C., 442 Robert Peter, 302 Thomas, 719 William, 814 Wm. Grandison, 562 MOSER, Jacob Schafer, 819 MOSES, Franklin J., 727 James, 515-737 John, 660 Mary W. MacDonald, 737 Myer, 727 MOSHER, Frank R., 819 Hugh, 82 John, 287 MOSS, Alford, 141 Edward, 141 George F., 806 George West, 141 Hunter Holmes, 98 James, 563 James H., 840 James Tompkins, 335 ener, 393 MOULTON, Augustus Freedom, 737 Charles Pine, 737 Daniel, 737 Freedom, 737 George S., 279 Jonathan, 1737-773 Joseph White, 646 Joshua, 737 Robert, 737 Stephen, 310-517-518 William, 737-989 William A., 211 MOULTRIE, Wm., 312 MOURT, George, 985 387 David, 47-300 Frederick B., 367 James Gregory, 50 Thomas, 47-300-301- 985 MUNCASTER, R. W., 315 MUNDEN, Lydia Moody, 731 Oswald E., 731 Rudolph B., 731 MUNFORD, Beverley Baw John D., 19 Mary C. Branch, 19 MUNGER, Chas. R., 681 MOVIUS, Edward Hal- lam, 541-945 Hallam Leonard, 945 eee Nathan B., 82 MOWRY, Henry, 898 Nathaniel, 898 Philip, 898 Roger, 898 Uriah, 898 MOXLEY, William Rutledge, 439 MOYER, Benjamin, 22 John, 221 John Benjamin, 221 Julia A. McCormick, 220 Peter, 221 Samuel H., 700 Elijah, 44 Elijah Hinds, 44 Fredk. Searle, 737 Harry L., 901 Henry Gillette, 737 Jarius H., 737 John, 44 Jotham, 737 Nathaniel, 44 Nicholas, 44-737-898 Samuel, 44-737 MUNN, Benjamin, 839 1 Elijah, 839 John, 830 Joseph L., 603 Nathaniel, 839 Reuben, 8389 Reuben King, 839 MUNOZ, Edmund A., 627 Lena W. Custis, 627 MUNRO (see also Mun- MOYLAN, Stephen, 113 MOYSE, Joseph, 978 MUDD, Harvey G., 737 Henry, 737 Stanislaus, 737 Thomas, 737 MUDGEE, John, 593 Nathan, 593 Simon, 593 Thomas, 593-985 MUDGETT, Bruce D., 581 MUHLENBERG, Fred- erick A., 546 MUIREEAD, Helen Quincy, 383-384 roe, Monroe) Bennett, 737-738 Dana C., 738-999 Dana G., 738 Edward, 737 George, 738 Harry, 600 John Bennett, 737-738 John Cummings, 838 Peter Jay, 600 Walter Lee, 738 Wilfred Harold, 737- 738-1006 William, 737-738 MUNROE (see also James Fullarton, 384 MUIRSON, George, 81 MULFORD, Barnabas, CMR Elisha, 67 Hervey, 477 John, 477 Joseph, 602 Thomas, 477 William, 477 2 515 Murro, Monroe) Addison P., 643-1006 Benj. Hersey, 739 Burden, 643 Charles Andrews, 938 Charles Edward, 738- 739 Charles W., 787 Chester Pierce, 643 Enoch, 738 George T. B., 738 Harold Bateman, 643 MUSSER Hersey, 739 John, 642-643 Nathan C., 108 Stephen, 643 William, 739-985 MUNSELL, Thomas, 70 MUNSON, Baszel, 739 Edgar, 461 Edward Lyman, 739 Ezra, 739 Gilbert, 739 Joel, 739 John, 739 Lyman Ezra, 739 Samuel, 739 Thaddeus, 603 Thomas, 707-739-827- 985 MURCH, Maynard Hale, 405 MURCHISON, Kenneth M., 86 BPA Alexander, Carlisle, 945 Florence Carlisle, 697 James Riley, 697-945 John, 172-246-623 Thomas, 72 William M., 697 MURDOCK, Amos, 154- 710 Arthur H., 135 Robert, 986 MURF'IN, Robert, 432 MURPHEY, Chas., 65 Samuel G., 463 Roger, 65 MURPHY, Chas. E., 739 Daniel, 123 Deas, 255 Edmund, 739 Fred Towsley, 739 Francis, 684 James, 739 James Crow, 353 John Barret, 334 JohnitG:) 135 Mande Carpenter, 538 Simon J., 739 Timothy, 566-567 William D., 538 William Herbert, 661 MURRAY, Arthur, 784 Bronson, 575 Francis Wisner, 339- 739 Francis Wisner, Jr., 739 Harold G., 1006 Henry M., 267 James, 472-809-861 John, 472-575-729-827- 917 John Boyles, 575 John Gardner, 214 Jonathan, 917 Malcolm R., 548 Nelson Burgess, 420 Robert, 325 Samuel John, 420 Seymour, 917 Stirling, 111 William, 98-472-729- 787-861 William B., 420 William H., 723 William Pitt, 729 William S., 767 MURRELL, John, 950 Thomas W., 562 MUSE, George, 846 Robert, 703 MUSGROVE, Josep? 630 MUSIER, John, 748 MUSSER, Benj., 337 Jacob, 337 MUSSER Johan, 337 John Dunn, 202 Martin, 337 MUSSEY, Benj., 783 John, 783 Thomas, 156 MUZZY, Herbert Thompson, 324 MYERS, Barton, 215 Benjamin F., 739 Charles, 389 Christian, 739 Hamund TS -D., Jr:, 157 Ephraim, 739 Fredk. Tobias, 875 Henry T., 682 Isaac W., 673 Michael, 827 Moses, 215 Petrus, 739 Petrus Louw, 739 Samuel, 215 Thomas E., 46 William Shields, 739 MYGATT, Comfort S., 409 Eli, 739 Frederick T., 739 Gerald, 739 Jacob, 608-739-982 Joseph, 608-739 Lemuel C., 739 Miles Boughton, 739 MYNDERSE, Herman V., 257 MYNNE, George, 743 MYNTER, Herman, 505 MYRICK, Charles E., 945 Freeman F., 753 Julian §., 945 N NAGLEE, Henry M., 600 NALLE, Albert Galla- tin, 740 Francis, 740 Frank, 740 Jesse, 740 John, 740 Martin, 740 “Sue F. Buford, 740 NANCE, Eaton, 27 NAPIER, Alex. D., 946 Arthur Howell, 946 NAPIER-MARTIN, Guy, 385 J. A. N., 385 Mary Dexter, 385 NASH, Abel Wells, 757 Abner, 534 Francis, 534 J. Frank, 845 Jacob, 773-777-791 Thomas, 534 NASON, Arthur C., 962 Arthur H., 961 Benjamin, 802 Charles, 962 Charles Henry, 961 Clark, 962 Daniel, 802 Edward, 802 Joseph Frost, 961 Joshua, 802 Lewis Clark, 962 Richard, 802-961-962 Thomas, 962 William, 962 Willoughby, 962 Zachary, 916 NAYLOR, Emmett H., 740 Henry, 789 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE James, 740 John, 789 Robert, 740 William, 740 William Alex., 740 William H., 119 William Rogers, 740 NEAD, John D., 692 NEAL (see also Neale) Andrew, 444 Arthur, 607 David, 39 Elijah, 444 James, 444 John, 444-646-831-968 John Miles, 33 Joseph, 139 Peter Morrell, 444 Samuel, 139 Smith, 139 Walter, 139 NEALE (see also Neal) Daniel, 559 George F., 691 James, 101 Joseph B., 740 Mary M. Vliet, 740 Robert Waller, 740 Samuel, 900 Walter, 900 NEEDHAM, Lord, 85 NEELY, Abraham, 208 Albert, 917 Henry, 208 Henry A., 917 Jerome, 208 Joseph, 917 NEERGAARD, Theo- dore E., 778 NEFF, Charles, 595 John H., 336 John Rudolph, 595 Joseph Seal, 595 Peter, 595-719-720 Peter Rudolph, 720 Rudolph, 595-719 NEGLEY, Alexander, 724 Richard Van W., 519 NEHER, Carl, 918 George, 918 Jacob, 918 NEIL, William, 273 NEILL, H. Humphrey, 258 Henry, 328 James P. Wilson, 904 John, 328 NEILSON, Alex., S., 566 Anna Louise, 741 Francis, 849 George H., 492 Hugh, 741 John, 210-427 John, Jr., 427 John Land, 185 Joseph H., 741 Lewis, 712 William Smith, 741 Wright W., 389 NELLIS, Peter P., 208 NELSON, Alexander H., 741 Alexander K., 741 Anderson D., 372 David, 682 Edward, 356 Frank H., 73 Frederick, 442 George B., 334-882 Gilbert, 468 Jas. Augustus, 320 John, 356-865-954 Mary V. Anderson, 419 Philip, 252 Prince, 555 Ray Harrison, 327 Reuben, 208 Robert, 871 Robert Carter, 865 Roger, 667 Samuel Edgar, 420 Thomas, 203-372-544- 586-725-865-886-954- 986 Thos. McDowell, 741 Wilbur A., 707 William, 203-338-356- 372-725-747-798-954- 986 William Bonneau, 419 William Marbury, 395 William R., 365 Willis Bush, 673 NESBITT, David, 577 George F., 102 Harry A., 114 William, 635 NESMITH, Isaac, 962 James, 276-703-962 James Willis, 703 John, 276-277 Thomas L., 276-277 William Morrison, 703 NETTLETON, Alvred B., 960 Bernard P., 698 Hiram, 960 Jeremiah, 654-960 John, 654-960 Joseph, 654-960 Joshua, 654 Samuel, 654-960 William, 606 William Martin, 654 NEVIL, James, 870 NEVIN, Charles K. B., 741 Charles W., 554 Daniel, 638 Daniel E., 324 David, 638-741 David W., 638 Eleanor C. Hawes, 323 George Balch, 638 John, 638 John Irwin, 324 John W., 638 Mary E. Saltonstall, 741 Samuel W., 638 Theodore W., 426 NEVINS, David, 465 James, 612 NEVIUS, Christian, 241 David, 240 James S., 240 Johannis, 240-241 Peter, 240 Pieter, 240-241 Roeloff, 241 NEW, William, 557 NEWBERRY, Amasa, 661-662 Arthur C., 167 Arthur St. John, 370- 741 Barnes, 662 Benj., 493-661-662 Elihu, 661-662 Emma P. Eells, 741 John Stoughton, 661- 662: Joseph, 661-662 Phelps, 662 Spencer B., 167 Thomas, 638-661-986 Truman H., 661-662 Walter, 710 NEWBOLD, Caleb, 337 Clayton, 124 Daniel, 337 George, 338 516 NEWLAND Michael, 124-337-946 Michael T., 337 Thomas, 337-946 Trenchard E., 267 Walter, 468 William, 124-946 William Allibone, $46 William Lawrie, 946 William Romaine, 946 NEWBURY (see also Newberry) Egbert Starr, 26 NEWCOMB, Andrew, 216-674-741-986 Azariah, 677 Benjamin, 741 Dalton, 216 Geo. Washington, 741 H. Dalton, 216 H. Victor, 216 Harry Turner, 741 Harvey, 507 Henry Martyn, 741 Herman D., 216-217 Hezekiah, 216-674 Matilda F. Churchill, 216 Peter, 216 Silas, 674 Simon, 216-674-741 Warren P., 428 William, 741 NEWCOME, Andrew, 986 NEWCOMER, Benja- min F., 285 Christian, 807 Frisby Snively, 807 Henry, 807 Martin, 807 Theodore P., 850 Wolfgang, 807 NEWELL, Abraham, 487-742-986 Alfred C., 357 Artemas, 487 Augustus T., 487 Augustus Wm., 487 Ebenezer, 128 Fredk. Haynes, 487 Gertrude B. Merrill, 742 Isaac, 487 Jacob, 742 John, 619-742 John Edmund, 742 Joseph, 742 Josiah, 128-487 Moses, 742 Robert, 57 Samuel, 742 Thomas, 500-687 W. A., 337 William Allen, 742 William Ellis, 742 NEWGARDEN, George Ae Bbod ee! NEWGATE, John, 981 NEWHALL, Allen, 514 Cheever H., 513 David, 268 Henry A., 661 Robert Stuart, 610 Thomas, 986 Thomas A., 550 NEWHART, Horace, S35 NEW OUeS Henry A., 55 NEWKIRK, Abraham, 159 Cornelis Gerritz, 159 Cornelius, 159 Garret C., 159 Isaac Roberts, 202 Johannes, 790 NEWLAND, Elijah, 581 Henry, 980 NEWLAND Joseph M., 866 William, 866 ah ET Nathaniel, 1 Dea 727-728-799- 1 NEWMAN, Charles, 496-709-863 Clarence E., 709 Francis, 365-992 Frederic C., 711 George, 496 George W., 753 Henry, 496-709 Herbert S., 546 Jared T., 892 John Ludlow, 710 John §S., 545 Robert O., 593 William Truslow, 415 NEWTON, Abner, 757 Alvan, 288 Benjamin, 927 Benjamin Ball, 288 Charles S., 315 Curtis, 757 Hervey Curtis, 757 James, 854 ; John, 459-757-951-957 John B., 951 Josiah, 288 Moses, 288 Obed, 757 Paul, 288 Richard, 288 Roger, 757-780-986 Samuel, 757-957 Seth Smead, 757 Thomas, 558-951 Willoughby, 951 NIBLACE, Albert P., 527 John, 527 Mason Jenks, 527 William C., 850-858 William Ellis, 527 NICE, John, 299 NICHOLAS, Byron, 873 George, 507-896 John, 896 John §S., 364 Joshua F., 896 Louis, 858 Philip N., 507 Robert Carter, 353- 420-507 Wilson Cary, 353-420- 507 NICHOLES, Daniel C., 47 NICHOLL, Francis, 986 NICHOLLS, Edward Church, 360 Thomas C., 207 NICHOLS (see also Nicols) Arthur B., 561 Benjamin Ropes, 482 Charles, 552 Charles Hubert, 552 Charles Lemuel, 58 Daniel, 583-948 David, 482-742 Edward West, 763 Ephraim, 552: Francis, 47-453-552 553-986 George, 640 George Henry, 742 George L., 329 George R., Jr., 466 Harry Peirce, 622 Henry Atherton, 742 Ichabod, 742 Ignatius, 552 Isaac, 226-552-553 Issac, 47 John, 695-987 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE John T. G., 742 Jonathan, 552 Joshua, 927 Josiah, 552 Josiah H., 552: Josiah Morse, 652 Lemuel, 553 Malcolm E., 43 Nathaniel, 47-553 Othniel, 769 Peter, 553 Richard, 47-553-948 Samuel, 581 Theophilus, 553 Thomas, 221-583-742- 787-927-948-986 William Ford, 552-789 William H., 453 Wm. Noble, 553 William T., 553 NICHOLSON, Abel, 743 Angus, 616 Bal; oon Jas., 113-575-617-977 John, 904 John Whitall, 768 Joseph, 743 Samuel, 743 William Hopkins, 743 Wm. Hopkins, Jr., 743 NICHOSON, Frederic P., 366 NICKERSON, Ebenezer, 321-743 Hoffman, 321 Levi, 57 Nicholas, 321-743 Seth, 321-743 Theophilus, 221 Thomas White, 321- 743 William, 57-321-446- 743 NICKLIN, Benjamin P., 743 Dwight P., 743 John Bailey, 743 John Bailey, II, 743 John Bailey, III, 743 Joseph, 743 NICOL, James, 765 pe eben Harry T., 23 NICOLAY, Herman Ed- gar, 672 NICOLL, Abinael, 575 Augustus, 332 Benjamin, 193-194 Edw. Holland, 124 Henry, 916 Henry Denton, 533 John Cochran, 575 Matthias, 193-194-642- 982 Samuel, 194 William, 193 Wm. Leonard, 254 NICOLS (see also Nichols) Abraham, 659 Caleb, 659 Francis, 659 James, 659 Joseph, 659 Nathan, 659 NICOLSON, George Dudley, 299 George Llewellyn, 299-300 Robert, 299-803 NIEDRINGHAUS, Ag- nes H. Delafield, 238 Albert Wm., 238 William F., 238 NIGHTINGALE, Geo. Elbridge, 517 Horatio Rogers, 878 Joseph, 878 Samuel, 878 William, 878-986 NILES, Arthur L., 374 Emory H., 891 John, 743 Joshua, 585 Nathaniel, 743 Samuel, 743 William, 744 William Watson, 744 William White, 743 NIMMO, James, 863 Walden Carey, 61 NIMS, George Wells, 757 NIPHER, Francis Eugene, 744 Michael, 744 Peter, 744 NISBET, David A., 487 James Douglas, 326 John, 207 NIX, John, 995 William, 861 NIXON, George, 450 Henry, 27 James Boyd, 746 Jeremiah, 588 Jeremiah S., 588 John, 588 Thomas, 411-903 NOBLE, Abel, 702 Belden, 149 David Johnson, 577 Frank Milton, 745 Fred Dorset, 745 George, 745-803 Henry Harmon, 1006 John, 150-151-682 Lazarus, 150-876 Lewis, 577 Mark, 150 Matthew, 168-582 Moses, 150 Noah, 916 Robert Ernest, 745 Samuel, 582-682 Seth, 264 Stephen E., 789 Thomas, 582 Wm. H. L., 876 William R., 209 NOEL, E. F., 741 James William, 745 Julia H. McAlmont, 745 Richard, 655 William Alex., 745 NOELL, Charles, 552 NOLAN, John Edwards, 407 NOLTENIUS, Heinrich F., 81 NOOMAN, Jerry C., 133 NOON, William A., 323 NORBURY, Chas. J., 745 Frank Parsons, 745 George, 57 Heath, 745 John, 745 Joseph, 745 Joseph Britt, 745 NORCROSS, Jeremiah, 350-948 Nathaniel, 948 Page, 809 Richard, 948 NORDSTROM, Carl E. J., 488 NORMAN, Joseph Swift, 893 NORMENT, Henry Blair, 81 NORRELL, Geo. W., 681 NORRICE, Isaac, 986 517 NORTHROP NORRIE, Adam G., 418 Ambrose L., 443 NORBEIS, Alice W. Greenough, 747 Charles, 465-466-746 Charles C. P., 555 Charles Sumner, 747 David, 413 David Holden, 747 Edwin Mark, 393 Ezra, 746 Frank Lee, 626 George W., 466 Greenleaf D., 731 Henry, 172-465 Henry McCoy, 746 Henry Pepper, 465- 466 Isaac, 465-466-746-986 Jacob, 747 James, 747 John, 746-747 John Hurd, 746 Jonathan, 746 Joseph, 172 Joseph Parker, 465- 466-746 Laura L. Dixon, 214 Luther W. P., 413 Martha V. Bussing, 412 Moses, 746-747 Nicholas, 746-747-986 Richard, 555 Richard H., 76 Robert Van A., 946 Septimus H., 172 Thomas, 946-986 Thomas Baldwin, 946 Thos. Pinckney, 946 William, 172-555 William H., 214 William T., 214 NORTH, Augustus, 501 Francis Stanley, 501 Isaac, 500 James, 501 James H., 271 John, 500-501-887- 986 John B., 714 John W., 392 Linus, 501 Salmon, 500 Samuel, 500-501 Thomas, 500-501 William, 500 William C., 959 William Stanley, 501 NORTHAN, Jas., 967 Dotan atest ENO Hugh O.., 02 holes SEN Edmund, 37 Edwin Clyde, 377-378 Edwin Coke, 378 Martha Traylor, 747 Mary E., 377 Thomas Henry, 747 William, 378 William J., 747 Wm. Tarpley, 378 NORTHINGTON, Wm. T., 454 NORTHROP (see also Northrup) Amos B., 512 G. Norton, 947 George Wm., 835 Harris, 301 Ira, 947 John, 301 John Edward, 543 Joseph, 947 Josiah Norton, 947 Nathaniel, 947 Remmington, 301 Walter Scott, 947 NORTHROP William, 301-473 NORTHRUP (see also Northrop) Claudian B., 308 Joseph, 510-986 William, 308 NORTON, A. L., 870 Aaron, 551 Andrews, 290 Charles Eliot, 290 Charles Oliver, 748 Edward E., 899 Edwin, 443 Eliot, 290 George, 818 Ichabod, 477 Jabez, 551 John, 290 Joseph, 714 Lillian A., 1001 Lottie E. Gove, 748 Nicholas, 551-962 Samuel, 290 Thomas, 373-720 Walter, 820-949 William, 290-986 NOTEWARE, Geo., 135 Jacob, 135 James, 135 James H., 135 NOTT, Abraham, 243 Charles Cooper, 243 Eliphalet, 243 Joel Benedict, 243 John, 243 Stephen, 243 NOTTINGHAM, Wm., 606 NOURSE, Benj., 293 Charles Joseph, 329 Franklin, 604 Julia L. Peabody, 329 NOWELL, Geo. M., 37 NOWLIN, Benj., 352 NOYES, Benj., 948 Charles Phelps, 283 Daniel, 183 Daniel Rogers, 283- 502-514 Edward Herbert, 748 Ethel J. R. Chese- brough, 748 Geo. Clement, 752 Henry D., 405 Jas., 24-183-502-514- 478-756-762-943-986 James, Jr., 501 John, 748-948 Jonathan, 948 Joseph, 126-183-249- 254-255-502-514-576- 748-749 Moses, 108-748 Moses, Jr., 107 Nicholas, 523-752-770- 948-986 Richard, 749 Samuel, 948 Thomas, 183-502-514- 576-756 Walter C., 748 William, 748-752-948- 986 William C., 748 NUGENT, Carrie Casey, 227 Daniel Cline, 227 James Gillespie, 947 Lillie W. Patton, 947 Pratt, 59 Thomas, 227-947 NULL, Telford B., 200 NUTHALL, John, 898- 991 NUTT, Aaron, 748 Adam, 749 John, 748 John Joseph, 749 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Levi, 748 Thomas, 156 William F., 779 NUTTER, Geo. Read, 947 Hatevil, 947 Thos. Franklin, 947 Wm. Read, 947 NUTTING, John, 948 Jonathan, 948 Samuel, 948 NYE, Benj., 749-775 Caleb, 775 Ebenezer, 775 Elisha, 820 George, 775 James Warren, 749 John, 775-820 Joseph, 749 Nathan, 820 Stephen, 820 NYMAN, Hazel Lom- bard, 749 Howard S., 749 Joseph, 749 O OAKES, Chas., 701-947 Charles J., 947 Daniel, 749 Francis Garaux, 749 Frederick, 264 Gertrude E. Ludlam, 947 James, 749 Prescott, 749 Thomas Fletcher, 749 Urian, 749 William, 749 OAKLEY, Francis, 750 Imogen Brashear, 749 John, 750 John Milton, 749-750 Owen H., 237 Thornton, 750 OAKMAN, John, 875 OAKS, Chas. Henry, 817 OATLEY, Walter M., 880 OBER, Albert G., 750 Frank Benedict, 600 Gustavus, 750 Lizzie W. Hambleton, 750 OBERTEUFFER, Her- man F., 641 CoA tae Roland Lord, 4 O’BRIEN, Edward F., 324 Edward J., 36-37 Harry Russell, 178 William, 324 O’BRYAN, Volney, 131 O’CONNOR, Bernard F., 258 Francis Barnard, 285 Gabriella Gilpin, 285 James, 861 Thomas, 861 O’DANIEL, Andrew Al- lison, 630 Ethel I. B. Goodwin, 630 ODELL, Benjamin, 453 Joseph H., 222 ODIN, John, 490 ODIORNE, John, 930 Thomas, 554 O’DONEL, Chas. Max- imillian, 645 O’DONNELL, Colum- bus, 148-655 John, 148 O’DONOVAN, Charles, 425 Sa meth cter Matthew, 512 OELLIG, John B., 938 OESTRICH, Robert F., 659 OETTL, Julius, 292 O’FALLON, Edward, 238 OFFLEY, David, 986 OFFUTT, Henry F., 399 T. Scott, 750 William, 750 William Scott, 750 Zadok, 750 OGDEN, Aaron, 750 Alfred, 586 Archibald G., 750 Charles M., 916 Charles Walton, 750 David, 810 David B., 911 Dayton, 750 Elias Bailey, 750 James, 586 John, 36-62-87-685- 750-810-88 4-986 John D., 527 Jonathan, 289-638- 750 Kate I. Trecartin, 586 Robert, 750 Robert Nash, 26 Thomas, 810 OGELBAY, James, 270 OGILVIE, John, 148 OGLESBY, Junius G., 534 O’GORMAN, James Michael, 487 OGSTON, Alfred Jas., 810 O’HARA, James, 488- 489 OHLEN, Stephen Van Rensselaer, 244 OHMER, Edward G., 716-757 OLCOTT, Douglas W., 177 Jacob Van V., 320 Jonathan, 719 Samuel, 719 Thomas, 177-719 William James, 296 OLDER, Clarence E., 562 OLDHAM, Wm., 216 OLDS, Asa G., 664 Charles Louis, 224 Clark, 664 Ezekiel, 664 Irving Sands, 664 Lewis Wilson, 664 Phineas, 664 Robert, 664 William, 664 OLIN, Abraham B., 750 Ezra, 48 Gideon, 750 Henry, 751 John, 48-750-751 John Myers, 750 Justin, 751 Nathaniel G., 750 Stephen, 751 Stephen Henry, 179- 456-751 OLIPHANT (see also Olyphant) David, 327 Duncan, 327 Hughes, 401 Jonathan, 327 OLIVER, A. Lodge, 322 Andrew, 431 Daniel, 431 James, 270 John, 346-732-981 518 ORDWAY Peter, 431 Robert Shaw, 549 Thomas, 431-986 Thomas Fitch, 431 OLLER, Wm. E., 556 OLMSTEAD, Richard, 986 OLMSTED, A. Paul, 179 James F., 832-925 Julia C. Smith, 925 Levi, 751 Nicholas, 977 Richard, 671-751-986 Timothy, 710 Wm. Beach, 751-925 Wm. Nisbet, 750 OLNEY, Charles J., 400 Frank Fuller, 164-218 George, 134 James, 697 Joseph, 134 Stephen, 134 Thomas, 134-456-839- 953 OLSON, Charles, 164 Henry T., 881 OLYPHANT (see also Oliphant) David, 520 David W. C., 520 F. Murray, 520 Mrs. Robert, 1000 Robert Morrison, 169 Talbot, 846 atl NE Donald, 2 ONATIVIA, J. Victor, Jr., 30 ONDERDONE, Andrew J., 116 Andiaen, 116 Adrian, 116 Andries, 116 Benjamin T., 116 George, 116 Hendrick, 207 Henry U., 116 Horatio Gates, 116 James Lawrence, 117 Joseph, 116 O’NEIL, Joseph, 491 O’NEILL, Henry Basil, 435 Hugh, 60 Marianna Lippincott, 461 William, 894 Wm. Paul, 461 ONION, Mrs. Frank, 1002 ONORATO, Walter, 88 OOTHOUT, Hendrick J., 751 Jan, 751 Jan Janse, 751 Jan Jansen, 400 John, 751 William, 751 OPDYKE, Louris Jan- sen, 808 OPPERMANN, Gustav F., 587 ORAHOOD, Harper M., 82 Oe ee John, 373- 899 ORCUTT, Hiram, 751 Ieabod, 751 John Snell, 751 Joseph, 751 Nathan, 751 William, 751 William Dana, 751 ORD, Pacificus, 784 Robert Brent, 827 “William Wallace, 467 ORDWAY, Aaron, 751 y a“ ORDWAY Aaron Lucius, 751- 752 James, 751 John, 751 Lucius Pond, 751 Moses, 751 Samuel Hanson, 752 ORITZ, Alice E. du Pont, 222 Julien, 222 ORMES, Jonathan, 305 Samuel, 166 ORMSBEE, John H., 690 ORNE, John, 109 William, 719 O’ROURKE, E. V., 481 ORR, Arthur, 411-752 Benj. Franklin, 482 Eleanor Noyes, 752 James L., 242 Jas. Washington, 752 Jennie Glick, 752 John, 367 Wm. Shockey, 590 ORTH, Christopher Henry, 693 as Edward, 521- 522 Edward, Jr., 521-522 Gerrit V. Z., 433 John, 521 Joseph, 521 Miles, 521 Milton Pardee, 521 Samuel, 521 Samuel Geo., 521 Thomas, 521 ORVIS, Arthur E., 416 Charles Eustis, 847 OSBORN (see also Os- borne) Alpheus, 114 Chase Salmon, 752 Edward Field, 753 Edward Hubbard, 753 George, 752 George Augustus, 752 Geo. Henry, 114 Harold G., 708 Henry Fairfield, 411 Isaac, 752 John, 752-754 Louis Ernest, 753 Moses, 818 Richard, 114-411-788- 986 William Henry, 412 OSBORNE (see also Osborn) Charles Devens, 348 Cyrus C., 651 Edward, 396 Fredk. Allen, 947 Jeremiah, 801 John A., 618 Jordan, 259 Loyall Allen, 947 Noah H., 618 Peter, 395 Richard, 986 Robert Cryer, 509 Roger, 983 Thomas, 139-158-947 William, 270-511-761 OSER, Max, 181-803 OSGOOD, Alfred T., 629 Benjamin F., 885 Charles, 652 Christopher, 92-382 David, 491 Emory, 382 Erastus, 629 George, 947 Hooker, 491-652 Howard, 629 Isaac, 629 Joel, 652 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE John, 485-491-498-629- 651-753-947-986 John Hamilton, 753 John Sabine, 754 Ralph Woodland, 753 Joseph, 947° Reginald, 510 Joseph Otis, 947 Robert, 227-285 Joshua, 652 Samuel, 92 Josiah, 491 Thos. Jefferson, 207 Josiah Alonzo, 753 Luther, 491 Manasseh, 652 Peter, 629 Phineas, 92 Sewall Mason, 382 Stephen, 491-651 Thomas M., 24-25 Washington, 227 Washington W., 227 William, 261 William M., 25 OWENS, B. A., 1007 Frank Camden, 143 Timothy, 629 Obijah, 459 William, 629-947 OWINGS, Richard, 365 Wm. Fogg, 947 Jesse, 365 OSKAMP, Alfred, 370 Samuel, 365 OSTERHELD, Henry, Samuel S., 245 241 Thomas, 365 OSTERLOH, Adolph, OWSLEY, Heaton, 26- 867 737 OSTRANDER, Charles Henry Farrer, 611 F., 78 OXNARD, Benj. A., 754 Hendrick, 941 Thomas, 754 Marcus, 941 OYLER, William B., Marcus J., 941 488-489 Mary M. Edwards, 78 Pieter, 799-800-941 P OSTROM, Henry E., 711 O’SULLIVAN, Jas., 260 | PABODIE, Francis, 987 OSWALD, Robert, 936 William, 36-258-302- OSWEGO, David H., 435 319-324-384-576-589- OTEY, John, 646 614-666-815-860-908- OTHEMAN, Francis 933 Wayland, 791 PACA, Aquila, 568 OTIS, Arthur H., 432 PACE, James M., 625 Asahel, 629 PACE, Charles Lathrop, Chas. Augustus, 587 754 Edward Osgood, 629 George, 754 Elwell S., 150 George Willis, 754 ‘Geo. Edmund, 680 PACKARD, Abiel, 777 Geo. Livingston, 391 Alpheus, 385 Harrison Gray, 100 Anna J. Sprague, 946 Israel Taintor, 629 Asa, 386 James, 136-496-629- Charles, 385 630-878-883-935 Daniel, 64-777 John, 100-629-630-697- 847-883-986 Francis Randolph, John Thatcher, 629 386 Joseph, 629-630 Frederick A., 328-386 Joseph E., Jr., 693 George T., 946 Nathaniel, 629 George Thomas, 946 Seth, 629 Hezekiah, 385-946 Seth Taylor, 629 Jacob, 385-386-946 Stephen, 629 John Hooker, 386 Walter Joseph, 629 Katharine P. Shippen, Wm. Augustus, 629 328 William K., 390 Kent, 946 OTTEWELL, Alfred, Nathaniel, 277 719 Roland E., 323 OTTIS, John, 986 Samuel, 385-386-777- OTTLEY, Enoch, 753 946-965-986 Francis, 753 Solomon, 385-386-946 Jas. Henry, 753 Warren, 619 John King, 704 Zaccheus, 385-386- Thomas, 753 777-946 William, 753 PACKER, Hezekiah, 342 OTTO, Bodo, 753 James, 496 Frank Reed, 753 Philip, 496 John Augustus, 753 PADDOCK, Benjamin John Bodo, 753 Henry, 286 Ebenezer, 476 Lewis H., 286 Nathaniel, 560 iets ed ery Robert, 74-286-476- OVERALL, John, 753 John Henry, 753 Wilson Lee, 753 OVERBY, Basil H., 625 OVERSTREET, James, 125 560-594-986 OVERTON, Helen E. C., Seth, 286 1001 Stephen Tappan, 54 Robert, 420 Zachariah, 286-476- William, 110-139-158- 560 363-420-421-558 Zenas, 476 OVIATT, Stephen, 104 | PADELFORD, Adoni- OWEN, Daniel, 648 ram J., 733 Edward, 227 Frank William, 733 James L., 833 Fredk. Morgan, 733 John G., 753 Jonathan, 108 519 PAINE PADGITT, Tom, 262 Marie S. Bankhead, 25| PAGE, Andrew, 38 Benjamin, 38-466 Benjamin Greely, 38 Curtis Hidden, 37 Edward Aug., 431 Edward D., 63 Gilbert, 521-754 Henry, 38 Jabez, 38 John, 387 - 38-203-295- 352-590-718-951-954- 973-986 John F., 892 Joseph, 38 Jos. French, 521-754 Louis Rodman, 754 Louis Rodman, Jr., 754 Mann, 203-352-353- 420-758-954 Matthew, 203-352-954 Moses, 38 Nathanael, 836 Nathaniel, 193 Robert, 352-393-737- 951-954 Samuel, 38 Sara Sherrerd, 521 Stephen, 393 Thomas, 521-754 Thomas Nelson, 506 William Byrd, 954 William D., 308 William Hansell, 521 PAGENSTECHER, Al- brecht, 754 Gustav, 754 Virginia D’Oench, 754 PAIGE, Alonzo, 56 Christopher, 56-440 James William, 440 John, 56 Nathaniel, 56-440-986 Timothy, 651 William, 440 Winslow, 56 Edward Newman, 385 | PAINE (see also Payne) Abraham, 436 Albert Bigelow, 947 Alsop, 754 Asa, 606 Asahel E., 677 Benj., 72-436-607 Brinton, 942 : Charles, 530 Charles Cushing, 530 Clara A. Sibley, 396 Clarence Sumner, 395 Cordelia Ayer, 606 Daniel, 678 David, 607-752 Edward, 114-677 Edward C., 29 Edward Tatnall, 755 Elijah, 948 Elisha, 435-436-711 Ezra, 677-754 Ezra Kempton, 396 Fredk. Holmes, 607 Mrs. Fredk. Holmes, 1000 George B., 319 George Lyman, 530 Henry Delavan, 678 Henry Elisha, 953 Henry Gallup, 677 Horace Marshfield, 755 Howard Simmons, 755 James, 530 James Martin, 606 Jay, 72 John, 71-607-754-888- 948 John Alsop, 754-755 John Jay, 72 PAINE Joseph, 606 Leonard Gregory, 607 Levi, 607 Levi Leonard, 607 Luther, 752 Moses, 606-607-986 Nathaniel, 607-755 Nathaniel E., 754-755 Nicholas, 986 Noah, 947 Parker, 606 Peter, 754 Philip, 22-208 Robert Treat, 530- 531-761 Robert Treat, 2d, 529 Roswell, 114 Samuel, 678-947 Samuel B., 948 Seth, 678 Silas, 607 Stephen, 114-607-677- 678-755-947-986 Thomas, 435-436-530- 606-710-754-755-798- 888-948-986 Thos. Bridgham, 755 Thomas Luther, 752 Thomas W., 29 Waldo Grant, 606-654 William, 29-606 William Cushing, 530 PAINTER, Byron H., 755 Clarke, 755 George, 755 George Edward, 755 Jacob, 755 Park, 828 PAIST, Fredk. M., 532 PALFREY, Arthur Griswold, 289 George, 289 Henry Wm., 32-289 John, 32-289 Jonathan, 289 Peter, 32-289-966-986 Thomas, 32-289 William, 32-289 William Taylor, 865 PALIN, Henry, 475 John, 918 John H., 570 PALMER, Alex. M., 214 Anthony, 228 Anthony A., 383 Armin Butler, 613 Bazaleel, 495 Benjamin, 756 Benj. Morgan, 44 Bradley W., 55 Bruce, 809 Charles A., 228 Christopher, 614 Courtlandt, 40 Dirck L., 568 Edward, 44 Elias Sanford, 756 Ephraim, 332-475 Erastus Dow, 122 Frederick S., 731 George Smith, 755 Gershom, 487-756 Gershom, 3d, 584 Gideon, 614 Gregory, 244 Henry, 32-400 Henry W., 872 Herbert Armin, 613 Honoré, 756 Howard, 735-790 Ichabod, 756 Isaac, 618 J. Culbert, 756 Jacob, 685 James D., 886 James Monroe, 614 Job, 44 ; INDEX TO VOLUME ONE John, 221-426-614-702- 818-876 John Gendron, 537 John Simmons, 614 Jno. Simmons, 2d, 613 Jonathan, 482-614 Joseph, 613-765 Joseph Pease, 787 Julius, 614 Lucius Noyes, 756 Luther, 756 Martin, 228 Moses, 614 Nat, 755 Nehemiah, 756 Potter, 756 Potter, Jr., 756 Samuel, 44-383-613- 614-756 Simeon, 613 Thos., 44-383-613-756 Trueworthy, 614 UnahtCrt22 W. Ben, 740 Walter, 487-755-756- 985-986 Walter W., 923 William, 44-228-613- 614-986-991 William Lincoln, 614 PALMIER, Jean, 874 Michel, 874 Michel Beaulieu, 874 Michel Joseph, 874- 875 Pierre, 874 PANCOAST, Henry §., 946 PANTRY, John, 817 PAPIN, Edward V., 182 Francois, 182-473-923 Gilles, 182-473-923 Hypolite L., 923 Joseph, 182-473-923 Loisel, 898 Pierre, 182-473-923 Sylvester V., 182-473 Theophile, 182 Timothy L., 473 PARDEE, Ariovistus, 451 Calvin, 451 Ebenezer, 452 Enoch Homer, 452 George, 451-452-987 George Cooper, 452 Israel Platt, 451 John, 451 Joseph, 451-452 Luther, 451 Myron, 451 Myron Fredk., 451 Samuel, 451 Thomas, 451 Wheeler, 452 PARFITT, Chas. D., 233 PARISH-WATSON, M., 447 PARK (see also Parke) Arthur, 987 Avery, 677 Benjamin F., 677 Edgar, 45 Edward, 657 Edwin Avery, 677-678 Elisha, 677 Franklyn A., 677 George Shepard, 677 Hezekiah, 677 Howard Gray, 552 Joseph, 987 Julian, 677 Luther, 657 Nathan, 657 Paul, 677 Richard, 657 Robert, 677-987 Robert Emory, 29 Roswell, 677 Thomas, 657-677 Thomas Kinney, 677 Trenor William, 657 William, 584-657-890 PARKE (see also Park) Daniel, 487-525-774 Ethel M. Cushman, 756 Guy James, 601 Hervey Coke, 756 John, 193-774-814 John Purdy, 878 John §S., 170 Josiah, 665 Nathan Grier, 2d, 584 Robert, 193-665-987 Samuel, 193 Thomas, 482-665 William, 852 PARKER, Aaron, 430 Abiram, 546 Abraham, 430-944 Addison, 430 Alexis du P., 22-269- 271 Amasa, 890 Amasa J., Jr., 890 Amasa Junius, 890 Anthony, 773-970 Augustin H., 39 Brace Morgan, 698 Charles Edward, 272 Chas. Hamilton, 272 Chas. Pomeroy, 312 Charles Wolcott, 298 Chauncey G., 298 Cortlandt, 298 Daniel, 593-594-890 Ebenezer, 152-295 Edward, 297-756-828- 832-890 Edward Gregory, 81 Edward Parker, 456 Edward Wheeler, 756 Elijah, 757 Elisha, 144-298-987 Ephraim, 382-634 Felix Kay, 800 Francis Stuart, 805 Francis Vose, 533 Francis W., Jr., 358 George Stanley, 383 Glowacki R., 258 Gurdon §S., 548 Henry, 883 Horatio G., 757 Horatio Newton, 756 ral Isaac, 228-446-593- 594-930 Javez, 841 James, 144-178-298- 440-575-844 James C. D., 272 James Eugene, 144 James Phillips, 272 Jeremiah, 115 John, 258-298-634-832- 890-897 John C., 832 John Dwight, 832 John Fredk., 646 Jonathan, 258 Joseph, 440-465-606- 710-746-756-890 Joseph Upton, 258 Josiah, 606-961 LeRoy, 258-259 Linus, 158-832 Matthew S., 272 Maxwell, 333 Montgomery D., 271 Moses, 430 Nathaniel, 79-756 Oliver, 961 Orson, 258 520 PARRISH Peter, 413 Philip Stanley, 272 Ralph Chandler, 259 Richard, 766-896 Richard Green, 271 Richard Wayne, 297- 298-299 Robert, 634-783-981 Samuel, 22-144-271- 272-726-832 Samuel Eugene, 144 Samuel F., 144 Stephen, 756-757 Stevens, 271 Thomas, 258-580-756- 766-890 Titus, 832 We Gurowve William, 22 - 228-271- 272-440-681-726-745- 766-986-987 William F., 791 William Price, 756 Winthrop, 271 PARKES, Wm. J., 677 PARKHURST, Geo., 971 PARKIN, John W., 741 ear AGEN Henry, 48 Hugh Griffin, 948 John George, 681 Ralph W., 572 Robert Henry, 948 Royal, 948 William, 948 PARKMAN, Ebenezer, 304-305-566 Elias, 304-566 Francis, 566 Henry, 298 Henry, Jr., 420 John, 305 Margaret R. Ander- son, 420 Samuel, 305-566 Samuel Breck, 304 William, 304-566 PARKS, J. Lewis, 793 Leighton, 323-806 Warren, 707 PARLIN, Eleazer, 255 John, 255 Nicholas, 255 PARMALEE (see also Parmele, Parmelee) Ezra, 827 John, 783 Joshua, 59 Nathaniel, 783 Olive Lewis, 55 PARMELE (see Parmalee, lee) Howard 1L., 359 John, 987 PARMELEE (see also Parmalee, Parmele) Ezra, 827 Horace Hall, 795 John, 702-827-987 Nathaniel, 827 Robert M., 272 Samuel, 827 William Samuel, 827 PARMBLY, Richard M., 827 PARMENTER, Fred- erick J., 542 Robert, 765 PARMERLY, John, 987 PARR, I. M., 45 Israel, 792 PARRAT, Francis, 494- 643 PARRISH, Claiborn, 552 Earl Thomas, 92 Townsend, 835 also Parme- PARROTT Pate Abner, 716- 57 Abraham, 634 Burton E., 876 Henry Eugene, 757 James, 716-757 John, 634 John Ennals, 757 John Fabian, 634 Peter Pearse, 634 Richard D. A., 634 Thomas, 716-757 PARRY, Henry Ches- ter, 727 John, 931 PARSHALL, David, 426 James, 426 Jonathan, 426 Joseph, 426 PARSON, Edward, 923 Richard Heller, 923 PARSONS, Aaron, 757 Adolphus G., 754 Albert Ross, 757 Benjamin, 169 Charles Allen, 146 Charles Francis, 758 Daniel, 757 David, 146-566-758 Ebenezer, 169 Edward, 378-758 George Ayer, 240 Geo. Burrington, 758 Henry M., 844 Isaac, 99 Ithamar, 566 James Challis, 409 Jeffrey, 146 Joel, 566 John, 146-378-758 John E., 147 John Jehiel, 757 John Randolph, 758 Jonathan, 146-169- 943-962 Joseph, 38- 203- 204- 378-566-757-758-801- 956-987-996 Justin, 801 Lemuel S., 474 Moses, 378-758 Noah, 204 Percy Allen, 146 Richard Chappell, 7538 S. DeWitt, 758 Samuel, 116-566 Samuel H., 135-170 Samuel Holden, 169 Thomas, 878-566-758- 988 W. Eugene, 795 William, 729 William Barclay, 758 William Bowne, 586 Wm. Burrington, 758 Wm. Cheney, 758-759 William Edward, 758 Sp eee Cotton, 75 Edward Lasell, 759 Frank R., 736 Geo., 64-356-674-954 George Henry, 751 Joseph Lyman, 759 Ralph, 993 Samuel, 648-759 William, 759 PARVIN, Francis, 515 PASCHALL, Thomas, 395-536 Walter Goode, 578 PASCRE, Chas. E., 470 PASSANO, Edward Boteler, 138 Louis Durbin, 138 PATCH, Howard H., 290 Isaac, 422 James, 218-952 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Nathan, 713 PATCHIN, Aaron Drake, 548 PATH, John, 541 PATERSON, Wm., 869 PATRICK, James, 706 PATTEN (see also Pat- ton) George Francis, 759 George W., 759 Jeanie M. Coyle, 760 John Alanson, 312 John Dewhurst, 760 Nathaniel, 759 Thomas, 760 William, 759-760-987 Wm. Samuel, 760-792 Zeboin C., 225 PATTERSON, Andrew, 347 Andrew Henry, 415 Antoinette De Cour- sey, 601 Catherine Y. Norris, 172 David, 347 Edmund D., 867 Elsie Louise, 724 Enoch, 348 Francis M., 295 Frank Thorne, 172 George Washington, 570-927 George Washington, Jr., 570 Henry, 157 Henry Stuart, 243 J. J.; 882 Jacob, 132 James, 347-601 Jay Howard, 284 John, 601-914 John D., 638 Joseph, 601 Joseph Wyman, 348 Peter, 570 Robt., 347-600-601-914 Robert Emmett, 588 Robert Maskell, 600 Robert Rowley, 570 Rufus Lenoir, 415 Samuel, 415 Samuel Finley, 415 T. H. Hoge, 601 Theodore Thos., 191 Thomas, 570 Thomas L., 724 Wallace, 650 William, 157 William C., 347 William Christie, 186 William M., 676 shee rit Robert A., 888 PATTISON, Francis W., 258 Maria L. Dowd, 258 Thomas Harwood, 258 PATTON (see also Pat- ten) Charles H., 947 James, 26 James D., 760 James D., Jr., 760 James Lindsay, 680 John, 230-760 John Walker, 518 Robert, 760-987 Robert Weston, 760 William, 760-947 William S., 760 William Weston, 760 PAUL, C. R., 30 Carroll, 696 Charles Henry, 755 Ebenezer, 761 Henry Martyn, 761 Henry Neill, 328-329 5 9) a Jacob, 268-269 James, 162-328 John, 162-996 John Rodman, 162-328 Joseph, 162-268-269- 328-987 Richard, 761 Samuel, 761 William W., 268-269 PAULDING, Hiram, 722 John, 722 Joost, 722 Joseph, 722 William, 594 PAULSON, Leonard, 749 PAVEY, Geo. M., 428 PAWLING, Albert, 799 Henry, 513-798-799- 800-852 John, 798-799-800 Levi, 798-799-800 PAXSON, Abraham, 762 Elias, 762 Frederic Logan, 762 Helen H. Jackson, 762 Henry, 762 Howard, 762 James, 762 Joseph A., 762 Samuel Canby, 283 Thomas, 762 PAXTON, Anne D. Jun- kin, 762 Elisha W., 675 John, 185-903 John Gallatin, 763 Joseph, 57 Thomas, 185 PAYBODIB, Francis, 987 PAYNE (see also Paine) Abraham, 683-763 Arthur A, M., 404 Augustus F., 683 Charles, 683 Charles Bland, 404 Charles Thomas, 763 Daniel, 404 Edward, 404 Edward Waldron, 161 Blisha, 519-683-763 Eugene B., 763 Francis Edward, 161 George, 220-404-932 George Houson, 404 Henry, 404 Henry B., 683-763 Imogen B. Berry, 404 Inman Horner, 404 John, 220-404-682-701- 937-982 Josias, 220-932 Randolph, 547 Richard, 404 Robert, 220-404-932 Thatcher T., 701 Thos., 683-701-763-986 Thomas H., 763 William, 220-259-404- 701-932 William A., 1005 William H. F., 404 William M., 161 William Winter, 404 PAYSON, Arthur Lith- gow, 611 Charles, 271 Edward, 763-987 George, 763 George S., 616 Geo. Shipman, 763 Gilbert R., 271 John, 482-893 Phillips, 768 Samuel, 763 Samuel C., 688 1 PEARSE Seth, 763 PEABODIBE, Wm., 187 PEABODY, Alexander ML, 329 Asa, 329 Augustus 8., 239 Charles, 925 Charles A., 329-330 David, 367-508-624 Enoch Wood, 329 Ephraim, 83-84 Francis, 84- 239- 329- 367-440-508-623-624- 644-834-987 Francis Bolles, 239 Francis G., 83-84 George, 691 George Foster, 329 George Henry, 329 Harold, 22 Horace B., 917 Jeremiah, 624 Jeremiah D., 508 John, 367-508-624-987 Moses, 624 Philip G., 829 Richard, 261-329 Robert Swain, 84 Samuel, 329 Samuel E., 440 Stephen, 238-239-329- 852 Thomas, 84-508-691 W. B., 654 William, 84-239-329 Wm. Henry, 329 PEACE, E., 892 PEACH, Geo. W., 763 John Hixon, 763 Lillie V. Lee, 763 PERACHY, Leroy, 559 Samuel, 231 Thomas Griffin, 231 William, 231 William D., 231-911 William Samuel, 231 PEACOCK, John, 214 Thomas, 214 PEAKE, Christopher, 360 Jonathan, 360 Thomas, 966 William, 899 PEALE, Alexander, 18 Charles, 694 Chas. W., 694-822-989 Rembranédt, 822 PEARCE (see also Pearse, Peirce, Pierce) Arthur Williams, 144 Benjamin, 688 Caleb, 763 Charles A., 798 Daniel, 763 Earl Douglas, 688 Harle D’Arcy, 486 Ephraim, 688 Gideon, 572 James, 859-572 James Alfred, 572 James Heustis, 904 James Sturgis, 764 John, 763 Meal, 688 Michael, 688 Nathan, 688 Nathaniel, 763 Beginald, 763 Silas, 904 Thomas, 768 PEARSALL, Benj., 175 Benjamin S., 49 Hamilton W., 340 Job, 175 PEARSE (see also Pearce, Peirce, Pierce) PEARSE Augustus F., 333 Geo. Augustus, 333 Nathaniel, 333 Richard, 333 PEARSON (see also Peirson, Pierson) Amos, 948 Arthur Emmons, 948 Forrest G., 567 Hiram, 948 J. A., 626 James, 948 John, 948 John Keeling, 767 Jonathan, 948 Nathaniel, 146 Nella J., 348 Robert H., 773 Robert N., 959 Thomas, 496-761 William, 948 William Henry, 948 Zilpah, 146 PEARSONS, Amos, 583 Daniel, 583 George Read, 583 James, 583 John, 583 Jonathan, 583 PEASE, Benj. W., 240 Dennis, 764 Edward Allen, 764 Bli, 764 John, 612-764-897 Richard Henry, 81 Robert, 612-764 Samuel, 667-764-897 Theodore D., 764 PEASLEE, Jas. M., 53 Joseph, 38 PEASLEY, James C., 238 PECK, Adam, 148-486 Albert F., 512 Arthur Minot, 416 Asa, 425 Benj., 143-486-746 Claude Jewell, 239 Eliphalet, 764 Ephraim, 470 Frank Jas., 330 George, 470 George Wesley, 764 Gideon, 470 Helen S. Hand, 140 Henry, 417-764 Herbert R., 634 Hiram, 417 Hiram David, 417 Jacob, 143-486 Jathniel, 417 Jeremiah, 97 Jesse, 764 Jesse T., 764 John, 417-764 John Lyman, 140 John Weld, 417 Joseph, 417-470-764- 925-987 Lawrence F., 478 Louise GL. Aborn, 425 Luther, 764 Odadiah, 97 Paul Noble, 1006 Robert, 984 Samuel, 97 Samuel Lyman, 140 Seth, 470 Theophilus, 97 Walter Asa, 425 Walter T., 42 William, 927 William Ward, 348 PECKHAM, Benjamin, 63-491 Geo. Hazard, 491 George Taylor, 491 Henry A., 421 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE John, 491 Peter, 74 PEDERSEN, Fredk. M., 693 Gertrude H. Kitchel, 693 Joseph Silvey, 693 PEEBLES, A. B., 534 William, 62 PEEK, Julius A., 546 PEEL, Bryant L., 89 Wm. Lawson, 534 PEELLE, John Cox, 764 Pasco, 764 Stanton C., 764 Stanton J., 764 William, 764 PEET, Abijah C., 111 Abiram, 111 Benjamin, 695 Frederick T., 695 John Peet, 695 Lewis Leavitt, 111 Thomas, 695 William, 695 PHETS, Orville H., 535 PEGRAM, Francis E., 119 George Braxton, 764 George W., 764 John, 764 William, 764 William Howell, 764 PEGUES, Alex. H., 423 Eliza S. Dobyns, 422 Samuel W. E., 422 PEIRCE (see also Pearce, Pearse Pierce) Abijah, 240 Benjamin, 291 Charles Sanders, 371 George, 132-535-876- 987 Isaac, 757 Jeremiah, 757 John, 736 Joseph, 757 Marston, 714 Oliver, 332 Thomas W., 175 William Staples, 714 PEIRONNET, Jas. S., 927 Robert Daniel, 927 Stephen, 927 PEIRSON (see‘also Pearson, Pierson) Abel L., 239 Edward Brooks, 239 Edward &L., 239 Frank Ensign, 96 Samuel, 239 PELHAM, W. E., 681 PELL, Alfred, 426-639 Alfred S., 387 Benjamin, 387-426 Caleb, 198-804 ¥F. Livingston, 387 Herbert C., Jr., 465 Howland, 617-1006 Howland H., 387 James Duane, 387 John, 198-387-426- 987 John H., 387-503 Joshua, 387-426 Morris Shipley, 387 Robert T., 145 Stephen H. P., 145- 387-1001-1004 Theodore R., 1004 Thomas, 387-426-804- 987 Walden, 387 Wm. Ferris, 387-426 PELLEGRIN, Harold Francis, 894 PELLET, Richard, 482 PELLETT, Henry Ho- bart, 832 PELOT, Charles Moore, 848 James Charles, 848 John Francis, 848 Jonas, 848 PELZER, Francis Joseph, 789 PEMBERTON, Bennett, 873 Clifford, 147 James, 604 John, 700 PENCE, Wm. H., 832 William P., 275 PENDLETON, Benj., : 743 Benjamin §S., 743 Brian, 764-765-987 Caleb, 765 Dudley Diggs, 33 E. M., 864 Edmund, 171-291-562- 577-674-743-804 Ellen Fitz, 764 Enoch B., 765 Henry, 171-674-743 Huntington K., 675 James, 765 John, 171-674 Joseph, 765 Joseph W., 171 Mace, 912 Mace C., 912 Nathan, 765 Nathaniel, 743 Philip, 171-577-674- 743-804-987 Philip Y., 674 Samuel H., 912 W. Hz. K., 546 William, 743-765 William K., 674-675 Wyman, 96 PENFIELD, Abisha, 127 John, 127 Peter, 769 Samuel, 127 Simeon, 127 Walter Scott, 127 William, 127 William L., 127 PENGILLY, John, 299- 794 PENICK, John, 658 Nathan, 658 William, 658 William S., 658 PENIX, Wm., 539 PENMAN, Georgia R. Law, 765 John Simpson, 765 Robt. Hederwick, 765 PENN, Abram, 839 John, 437-886 Robert L., 579 William, 828-854 PENNELL, Robert F., 629 PENNIMAN, Chiron, 765 Blias, 765 Frank L., 580 Gardner B., 765 George Henry, 765 J. A. Dushane, 326 James, 765-987 James F., 765 James H., 765 James L., 765 John, 452 Josiah H., 765 Nathan, 765 Obadiah, 765 Samuel, 765 522 PERKINS Sylvanus, 765 William F., 319 PENNINGTON, Eph- raim, 248-843 John, 248 Josias, 633-1006 Judah, 248-843 Nathan, 248 Samuel, 248-843 PENNOCK, Isaac, 727 Joseph, 535 PENNOYER, Elias R., 766 Frederick W., 766 Frederick W., Jr., 765 Harvey, 766 Robert, 765 Samuel, 766 William, 766 PENNY, Thomas, 261 PENNYPACKER, Hen- drick, 630 Isaac A., 630 Isaac R., 630-631 Jacob, 630 Matthias, 630 PENROSE, Bartholo- mew, 523-987 Charles B., 42-523 Clement B., 523 James, 523 Richard A. F.. 523 Richard A. F., Jr., 523 Spencer, 523-710 Stephen B. L., 522- 523 Thomas, 523 PEPPER, Archibald M., 766 Charles Hovey, 733 Daniel Gilbert, 766 David, 154 Eva L. Boothe, 766 George, 465-466 George D. B., 733 Geo. Wharton, 328 Jacob, 733 John, 733 Joseph, 733 Robert, 733-987 Stephen, 733 Stephen C., 240-733 William, 380 PEPPERRELL, Wm., 211-322-490-987 PERCY, Robert D., 594 PERINHE, E. Glenn, 920 PERKINS, Abraham, 714-765-767-953-987 Albert T., 767 Andrew C., 396 Annie A. Anthony, 425 Calvin, 919 Charles, 111 Charles Elliott, 410- 411-531 Charles L., 780 Charles S., 767 Cornelius, 767 David, 767-780 Edmund, 410-411-529- 987 Edward C., 595 Edward Cranch, 410 Elias, 129 Elisha, 288 Emma Mand, 767 Enoch, 439-768 Eva S. Lemoine, 767 Francis B., 410-752 Frederick B., 768 Frederick H., 425 George A., 411 George D., 165 George H., 421 Gideon, 767 Gilbert B., 384 PERKINS Hamilton, 347 Herbert F., 411 Isaac, 548-714 Jabez, 488 Jacob, 129-304-488 James, 410-425-529- 767 James H., 410-411-566 James P., 596 John, 129-202-304-328- 488-548-556-557-767- 780-817-987-990 John Carroll, 767 John D., 568 John Forbes, 566 John W., 767 Jonathan, 780 Joseph, 129-639-640 Joseph W., 111 Joshua, 767 Josiah, 304-767 Lafayette, 411 Luke, 767 Matthew, 639-640-767 Maurice, 129 Merritt G., 1006 Moncure, 139 Moses, 767 Moses B., 211 Nathan, 759 Nicholas T., 111 Orren, 767 Robert F., 531 Robert Forbes, 410- 411 Roger G., 129-507 Samuel G., 102-410- 697 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Christopher R., 380- 411-902 David B., 446 Ebenezer, 942 Edward, 380-411-769- 885-886-902-987 Edward C., 769 Emery, 448 Ezra, 778 Frederick B., 454 Freeman, 380-411-902 George B., 408 Helen Doane, 446 Henry E., 446 Henry H., 768 Hoyt O., 797 I, Newton, 494 Isaac, 870 James, 448 James A., 380 James de W., 380-381 James DeW., Jr., 381 James de W., II, 380 James Young, 312 Job, 769 Joel Washington, 803 John, 446-447-448-785- 886-987 John Adams, 411-412 John Hoyt, 769 John R., 361 Joseph, 448-769-803 Josiah, 446 Justus, 239 Lewis, 447 Mary J. Newton, 757 Matthew C., 380-902 Moses, 146-446 Ellen M. Beale, 709 George, 192 Letty L. Todd, 770 Robert, 192 Robert A., 770 Thomas, 192 Walter, 192 Walter G., 709 PETERS, Andrew, 309- 987 . Andrew J., 345 Edmund, 766 Edward D., 309 Frederick, 700 George A., 547 Harriet P. Felton, 472 Iva Lowther, 700 Jacob, 296 John, 309-700 Lovett, 309-792 136, 185 Ghyll Ralph, 392-472-758 Richard, 109-431-472 Richard, Jr., 471 Samuel, 309 Samuel W., 463 Theodore, 592 Thomas McC., 309 William, 309-471-987 William R., 309 PETERSON, Arthur H., 673 Batt, 911 Frederick, 262 PETICOLAS, Theodore V., 409 PETTEE, Joseph, 813 William, 813 PHIFER John, 396 Thomas G., 628 Valentine, 367-713- 995 PFAEFFLIN, Herman, 695 PFAELZER, Blanche B. Walker, 771 Franklin Theobald, 771 Simon, 771 PFERSHING, Fred- erick, 987 PHELON, Joseph, 828 PHELPS, Abraham, 411 Alexander, 592-913 Alfred, 574 Ansel, 636 Anson G., 361-633-913 Arthur Stevens, 592 Asahel, 949 Austin, 635 Benjamin K., 636 Caleb, 662 Charles, 636-850 Charles Edward, 636 David, 590-591-592- 913 Dryden W., 592-593 Dudley, 636 Ebenezer, 949 Edamund Joseph, 949 Edward Johnson, 635 Bliakin, 635 Elijah, 592 Blisha, 591 George, 411-633-932 Hardy H., 205 Thomas, 568-780 Nathan, 446 PETTENGILL (see Henry, 411 Thomas Adie, 767 Nathaniel, 769 also Pettingell) Tsaac Newton, 633 Thomas Clapp, 768 Nathaniel H., 380-411 Amos, 211-212 Israel, 592 Thomas H., 410-529- Nathaniel W., 107 Andrew, 113 James H., 592 697 Mrs. O. LaF orest, Benjamin, 113-202- John, 137-636-932 Thomas N., 410 1002 610 John Case, 592 Thomas Shaw, 129 Oliver Hazard, 146- David, 113 John Jay, 592-913 Timothy, 780 380 Heman, 948 John S., 574 William, 202-411-767 Oliver Henry, 769 Heman Judson, 948 Joseph, 590-591-592- Wm. David, 767 Orrin Henry, 361 Richard, 113-948 633-636-913 PERLEY, Harry Otis, Peter, 769 Samuel, 113 Joseph Edmund, 949 768 Raymond H. J., 380-|PETTES, Henry, 777 Joshua, 636 Martha BR. Jenks, 768 381 Samuel, 777 Josiah, 454-455-633 Sidney, 834 Richard, 769-987 PETTIBONE, John, Judah, 592 Thomas, 445 Safford G., 244 122-629 Lynde, 706 PERRIN (see also Per- Samuel, 446-447-448- | PETTINGELL (see Mason, 247 rine) 769-870 also Pettengill) Nathaniel, 635-636- Charles N., 448 Seely, 501 Cutting, 770 949 Daniel, 987 Silas Childs, 870 Frank H., 770-1006- Noah, 591 Hervey Bates, 768 Simeon, 769 1007 Obadiah, 636 John, 587-768 Talmon, 769 Josiah, 770 Royal, 580 John Taylor, 192 Talmon C., 769 Matthew, 770 Rufus, 636 Maud Tabb, 192 Thomas, 769 Nathaniel, 770 Samuel, 454-455-924- Robert, 849 Thomas Doane, 446 Nathaniel H., 771 932 Samuel, 120 Thomas S., 64-380-529 Richard, 770-987 Samuel Merrick, 831 Thomas, 768 Thornton, 803 PETTINGILL, Richard, Seth, 574 William K., 192 PERRINE (see also Perine, Perrin) Walter, 447-769 332 William, 447-448 PETTIS, Peter, 862 William H., 24 PETTIT, Curtis H., 914 Seth Alfred, 574 Stephen, 411 Stowe, 636 ——————_ === SS -~—-sst— Daniel, 768-901-987 Garrett, 768 James, 768-901 James Forgy, 768 John, 768-901 Peter, 901 PERRY, Abner, 448 Adams, 448 Alexander J., 411-412 Arthur, 768-785 Arthur L., 446-447 Baxter, 446 Benjamin, 380-411- 902 Bliss, 446-447 Caleb, 785 Yelverton, 785 PERRYMAN, Geo. H., AB te: Wai Isaac, 493 PERS, Louis, 437 Seer ed Abraham, Daniel, 770 Edgar Jamison, 770 Frederick, 770-987 Isaac, 770 James H., 770 John, 770 John F., 770 John Joseph, 770 Joseph M., 770 Daniel, 665 David Woolley, 665 John, 362-665-914 Jonathan, 914 Joseph, 914 Nathaniel, 914 Thomas, 665-914 William, 914 PETTUS, Thomas, 558 PETZELT, Christopher Cr 22 PEW, Charles H., 117 Henry, 334-539 Samuel, 173 Wm. Andrews, 619 PEYRAN, M. A., 932 Sylvanus D., 592-593 Thomas, 361-633-932 Thomas Stowell, 411 Timothy, 636-662 William, 454-455-574- 590-591-592-635-636- 662-831-949-987 William C., 153 William Eliott, 536 William George, 592 William Lyon, 593 William Walter, 592 William Woodward, 636 Williams, 913 Ziba Bennett, 592 Charles, 768-769 Charles H., 757 Charles M., 757 Christopher G., 380 Peter F., 770 PEYSTER, Abraham B., Thompson F., 770 255 PERSON, Wm., 729 PEYTON, Henry, 367- PETER, Arthur, 770 575 523 PHIFER, Caleb, 771 George, 771 Wm. Fulenwider, 771 PHIFER Isabella H. McGehee, 771 John, 771 Martin, 771-781 Robert Smith, 771 Robert Smith, Jr., 771 PHILBRICK, Abner, 236 Elbridge, 264 Herbert Shaw, 716 Joseph, 236 Samuel, 236 Thomas, 236 PHILBROOK, David, 838 Henry, 900 Samuel, 900 Thomas, 402-900 Walter, 900 William, 900 PHILIPPI, E. Martin, 772 Jane E. Headley, 772 PHILLIP, Wm., 65 PHILLIPA, Wm., 154 PHILLIPS, Aaron, 602 Aaron Hart, 602 Alex. Hamilton, 772 Alonzo Daniel, 964 Battiste S., 152 Benjamin, 272 Charles M., 653 Charles T., 562 Charles Worsham, 707 Clement S., 176 Elijah, 839 Elliot S., 442 Ephraim, 772-951 George, 279-345-376- 461-507-613-719-772- 924-951-964-987 George Brinton, 176 Henry D., 772 Henry Ormsby, 317 Henry Wisner, 507 Horatio Gates, 279 Isaac, 272 Israel, 964 James, 272-839 James Laughlin, 621 John, 142-176-272-345- 554-602-772-924 John Charles, 345 John Feaster, 772 Jonathan, 279 Jonathan D., 279 Jonas, 727 Joseph, 461-964 Joseph Davis, 135 Joshua, 172 Joshua G., 711 Lawrence L., 89 Michael, 839-953 Moro, 490 Philip, 279-842 Richard, 456-953 Samuel, 279-345-507- 719-763 Simeon, 602 Smith R., 961-964 Symington, 526 Theodore F., 507 Theophilus, 279 - 772- 924-951-964 Thomas, 142 Thomas W., 772 Thomas Wharton, Jr., 772 Thomas Wright, 244 Ulrich Bonnell, 608 Walter Jenkins, 595 Wendell, 345-403 Wm., 142-176-345-384- 951 William J., 707 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE William Magruder, 258 William Wirt, 526 Zerobabel, 772-924-951 perre e Robert, 5 PHILPOT, Bryan, 938 PHINIZY, Bowdre, 534 Ferdinand, 534 Ferdinand B., 533 Jacob, 534 Stewart, 563 rn PMO E Edmund, 43 PHIPPS, Benj., 914 John, 286 Paul, 139 William, 286 PHOENIX, Daniel, 255 PHYSICK, Edmund, 129 Philip Syng, 129 PIATT, Abraham, 422 John, 422 PICKANDS, James Dinsmore, 720 PICKARD, John, 948 Jonathan, 948 PICKEL, Jas. Marion, 363 PICKENS, Andre, 562 Andrew, 562-563 Francis W., 563 Robert Pike, 562 William, 525 Socrriice Frank B., PICKERING, Edward, 483 Henry White, 483 John, 482-483-661-844- 987 Thomas, 844 Tilghman, 903 Timothy, 482-483 William, 844 William Henry, 483 Wm. Thurston. 483 PICKET, Adam, 249 John, 108-234-249-663- 733 PICKETT, Albert J., 123 George, 146 George E., 663 James, 123 John, 108-234-249-663- 733 Martin, 146-802 Steptoe, 147 William, 146 William Henry, 147 William Rayford, 123 PICKMAN, Edward Motley, 542 Se John, 91 PIDGEON, H. W., 822 PIERCE (see also Pearce, Pearse, Peirce) Albert J., 71 Anthony, 198-772 Asa, 250 Dean, 444 Edward Peter, 772 Elbridge, 784 Ephraim, 643 Frank, 284 Franklin, 152 Frederick, 66 George, 515 Harold, 180 Henry Clay, 796 Isaac, 643 James, 198 James A., 407 James Theodore, 438 Jeremiah, 750 Jeremiah S., 438 John, 197-198-250-422- 522-687-772-814 John A., 112 Jonas, 772 Joseph, 198-606-772 M. Vassar, 456 Mial, 250-643-653 Michael, 250-643 Nathan, 198-643 Nathaniel, 438 Nicholas, 607 Peter, 772 Phiney, 654 Stephen, 786 William, 206-620 PIERPOINT, Chas., 481 Francis, 481 PIERPONT (see also Pierrepont) Francis, 828 Francis H., 828 Hezekiah, 36 James, 20-36-104-149- 291-639-640-783-828- 929 John, 20-36-639-640- 828 Robert, 149-783 PIERREPONT (see also Pierpont) H. B., 565 Henry Evelyn, 701 Hezekiah, 189 James, 189-835 John, 37-189-835 PIERSON (see also Pearson, Peirson) Abraham, 91-96-303- 370-564-693-772 Abram, 91 Henry, 987 PIETERSEN, Pieter, 941 PIGGS, Thomas, 985 PIKE, Daniel, 772 E. Bertram, 772 Edward W., 246 Edwin Burbank, 772 Isaac, 772 John, 66-4385-557-772- 832 Jonathan, 486 Joseph, 772 Moses, 772-900 Robert, 76-967 PILCHER, Elijah H., 602 James, 602 James Taft, 602 Lewis Stephen, 602 Stephen, 602 PILLSBURY, Caleb, 773 Charles Alfred, 773 Charles Stinson, 773 George Alfred, 773 John, 773 John Sargent, 773 Micajah, 773 Moses, 773 William, 773-988 PIM, John, 29 Moses, 29 Richard, 29 William, 29-270 FINCHEON, Wm., 988 PINCHOT, Constantine C. D., 590 Gifford, 590 mearrey ett Charles C., Gustavus M., 669 Philip, 987 Roger, 925 Theo. Ward, 788 524 PLATT Thomas, 161 William, 537 PINDER, Thomas, 894 PINEO, Benj. C., 773 Gamaliel, 773 Jacques, 773 Jonathan, 773 Peter, 773 Willard Byther, 773 PINGREE, Thomas P., 228 PINGREY, John, 250- 383 PINGRY, John, 250-383 PINHEY, Robert W. S., 787 PININGER, Wm., 126 PINKERTON, Henry, 904 Sherwood M., 62 PINKHAM, Thos., 179 William E., 547 PINKNEY, Wm., 673 PINTARD, John, 575- 973 PIOLLET, Victor, 81 PIPER, Daniel B., 555 Harry C., 165 John, 31 PIPES, David W., 85 PITCHER, Henry, 973 John Charles, 523 PITKIN, James Sher- man, 604 John Jay, 212 Timothy, 759 William, 357-728-759- 768 PITMAN, Harold M., 773 Henry Munger, 933 Isaac, 773 Stephen Minot, 773 William, 773 PITNER, Paul Jerome, 355 PITNEY, Henry C., 949 James, 483-949-993 John QO. H., 949 Mahlon, 949 PITT, Faris Chappell, 65 PITTMAN, Samuel Kemp, 47 PITTOCK, Henry Lew- is, 332 : PITTS, Edward, 661- 736-768 Richard S., 142 Samuel, 221 PIXLEY, David, 142 Peter, 142 William, 142 PLACE, Edwin B., 507 James K., 453 Thomas, 453 PLAISE, Wm., 30 PLAISTED, Elisha, 3438 PLANT, Samuel, 595 PLATER, Anna G. But- ler, 773 George, 45-774 Richard C., 774 Thomas, 774 PLATMAN, Samuel D., 306 PLATT, Bernard R., 323 Charles, 417-774 Charles G., 885 Clayton, 774 Edmund, 392 Eliphalet, 392 Epenitus, 124-392-774 Frederick A., 774 Gilbert, Jr., 428 Haviland, 774 PLATT Henry B., 592 Isaac, 392-507-508- 774 Isaac Hull, 774 Isaac L., 413 Israel, 413-451-828 Jane M. H., 322 Jesse, 774 John, 774 John Alex., 323 John I., 392 Jonas, 774 Joseph, 392 Lucien Tudor, 520 Richard, 392-774-988 Richard Newbold, 774 Stephen, 413 Uriah, 774 William, 774 PLATTS, Abel, 948 Moses, 205-948 Samuel, 205-948 PLEASANTS, Alfred W., 83 Edward S., 102 H. Clay, 557 Henry, 774 Henry, Jr., 774 Israel, 774 John, 557-774 Joseph, 557 Joseph Corbin, 557 Missouri Alston, 123 Samuel, 774 William H., 123 PLIMPTON (see also Plympton) Chester, 775 Geo. Arthur, 775 Jenny Faulkner, 774 John, 988 PLUM, Elias, 87 John, 87-689 Matthias, 87 Samuel, 87 PLUMARD, Justin Pierre, 186 PLUMB, Ebenezer, 596 Frederick H., 807 John, 988 PLUMBE, John, 596 PLUME, David S., 170 Frank Cameron, 170 John, 877 Robert, 877 Sarah A. Kellogg, 169 PLUMER, Avery, 117 DeWitt C., 804 Francis, 509-804-805 John, 509 Jonathan, 509 Joseph, 509 William, 509-805 William Swan, 509 PLUMLEY, Charles, 328-622 PLUMMER, David, 530 Edward, 180 Francis, 530-714 Forest, 114 George Albert, 62 Kemp, 219 Joseph, 530 PLUNKETT, Patrick, 194 William R., 406 PLYMPTON (see also Plimpton) John, 409-792-988 Jonathan, 792 Joseph, 409-792 Sylvanus, 792 POAGE, Robert, 44 Thomas, 44 William, 44 POAL, Edward, 988 PODE, William, 377 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE POE, Orlando M., 604 POFFENBARGER, Clinton, 775 George, 775 Henry, 775 John, 775 Livia N. Simpson, 775 Valentine, 775 POGUH, Henry, 122-950 POINDEXTER, George, 775 James, 775 John, 775 Joseph, 775 Madeline R. Wade, 776 Robert Warner, 775- 776 William G., 363 POITEVENT, Schuyler, 139 POLE, Eltweed, 988 POLHEMUS, Abraham, 522 Daniel, 193 Isaac Heyer, 522 Johannes T., 522 POLHILL, Thomas, 790 POLK, Charles, 122 Charles Peale, 776 Cumberland, 92 David, 31-300 ‘Du Val F., 776 Ezekiel, 122-805 James, 300-656 James K., 31-805 John, 92 John Widener, 122 Leonidas, 122 Lucius, 933 Robert, 776 Robert Bruce, 31-92- 122-300-776-805-933- 988 Robert I. W., 776 Taylor, 92 Thomas, 122-407-933 Thomas Melville, 805 Tyler, 122 William, 92-122-300- 805-933 William B., 31-300 William Stewart, 497 William Wilson, 805 William Winder, 31 Winder, 32 POLLARD, Edward Bagby, 561-562 Harry Moses, 744 J. Garland, 562 James Martin, 739 John, 561-562 Joseph, 562 Robert L., 718 William, 562 POLLOCK, Thomas, 731 Robert Bruce, 988 POLLY, Hiram, 308 POMEROY, Arthur, 124 Caleb, 911 Charles S., 124 Daniel, 124-235-335- 467-670-776-825 Ebenezer, 124-225-247- 701-776-825-832-925 Eldad, 225 Eleazer, 235 Elisha, 875-911 Eltweed, 124-225-235- 247-458-702-776-825- 832-875-881-911-925- 988 Eugene Cowles, 776 Geo. Eltweed, 776 Geo. Potwin, 776 Jabez Backus, 881 John, 758 John H., 489 Joseph, 235 Lemuel, 247 Medad, 124 -247 -458- 776-825-832-925 Noah, 235-574-629 Quartus, 776-832-925 Samuel, 911 . Sanford B., 690 Seth, 247-776-832-925 Stephen, 225-911 Stephen B., 911 a Cara2o Theodore M., 433 Wm. Lemuel, 502: POMERY, S. Harris, aly y/ POMROY, Eltweed, 988 POND, Allen Bartlit, 777 Benjamin, 776 Dan, 776 Edwin Watson, 101 Elihu Bartlit, 777 Irving Kane, 776-777 Jared, 776 Josiah, 101 Julius Roswell, 101 Philip, 776 Robert, 990 Roswell, 101 Samuel, 101-776-988 PONDER, James, 820 John, 820 POOLE, Abiathar, 778 Albert Gallatin, 777 Benjamin, 778 Benj. Hudson, 777 Christopher C., 933 Daniel, 777 De Witt Clinton, 777 Edward, 777-778-988 Edward V., 777 Erford Wilson, 778 Geo. 157 Isaac, 777 Isaac Barker, 778 Jacob, 169-778 EKopahal, Wirt John Hudson, 777 Jonathan, 169 Joseph, 777-778 Murray Edward, 777 Samuel, 777 Sibrinus, 778 Sidman P., 777 Theodore Lewis, 777 Thomas Suplee, 77 William, 80-777 POOLEY, Cecil S. W., 312 POOR (see also Poore) Benjamin, 623-624 Charles Henry, 623 Charles Lane, 623 Charles Lane, Jr., 623 Clarence Henry, 963 Edward Eri, 623-624 Edward King, 802 Eliphalet, 623 Enoch, 555-604 Henry, 623-624 Jeremiah, 623-624 John, 439-623-624-988 Joseph, 439 Moses, 623-773 Samuel, 623 POORE (see also Poor) Cliaton A., 673 Daniel, 948 Henry, 948 John, 948-988 Robert, 937 POPE, Alexander, 778 Alfred McC., 789 Alfred T., 375 525 PORTER Allan Melvill, 778 Benjamin, 375 Curran, 375 Daniel Newhall, 691 Ebenezer, 778 Edmund P., 375 Eleazer, 691 Fanny L. Shaw, 470 Frederick, 778 George R., 951 Gustavus W., 470 Henry Lewis, 205 James, 314-691 Jenkins Mikell, 420 John, 778 Joseph, 691-938 Lawrence, 539 Lemuel S., 855 Micajah W., 710 Miller, 559 Nathaniel, 17-88-375- 575-773-864-979-995 Ralph, 778 Ralph W., 778 Seth, 508-624-697-778 Stephen, 691 Thomas, 508-624-778 William, 342-778 Wm. Carroll, 778 Willard, 470 Willard Smith, 470 Worden, 375 POPPENHEIM, Chris- topher Pritchard, 778 John, 778 John Frederick, 778 Lewis, 778 Mary Barnett, 778 POPPLETON, Wm., 737 PORCHER, Edward, 881 Henry, 790 Isaac, 778-790 Julius Theodore, 779 Peter, 779-790 Samuel, 778 Thomas, 790 Thomas William, 779 PORTER, Addison, 69 Albert A., 587 Albert Delance, 949 Albert H., 477 Alexander, 779 Alexander J., 211 Alfred S., 820 Amos, 858 Amos Phelps, 105 Andrew, 724 Arthur Kingsley, 390 Augustus, 477 Benjamin, 570 Charles Martin, 127 Clinton Hiram, 326 Daniel, 390 David, 779 David R., 724 Dudley, 205 Ebenezer, 619 Edward Wesley, 707 Eleazer, 777 Eleazor, 566 Elijah, 939 Elisha, 566 Emery Moulton, 773 George E., 674 Harold Everett, 949 Helen Benezet, 99 Henry Homes, 783 Hezekiah, 105 Horace, 724 Hugh, 120-528 Huntington, 773 Isaac, 858 Tsrael, 938 Ais AY, Vly, koah James, 270 PORTER James Amberson, 779 James Benton, 851 James Ross, 779 John, 105-477-491-566- 696-724-773-777-779- 922-930-939-988 John Addison, 659 John Biddle, 108 John Lupher, 779 John Watson, 922-923 Jonah, 105 Joseph, 939 Joseph Brown, 270 Joseph Young, 270 Joshua, 477-779 La Fayette Le V., 67 Louis Hopkins, 390 Nathaniel, 270-477- 779-939 Nathaniel Buell, 779 Nehemiah, 608 Oliver, 922 Peter Augustus, 779 Peter Augustus, Jr., 779 Peter Buell, 779 Reese, 270 Richard, 773 Richard King, 430 Robert, 724 Samuel, 105-477-566- 583-724-773-777-779- 852-922 Simon, 858 Stephen, 858 Thomas, 99-539-939 Timothy, 390 Timothy H., 390 Tisdale, 570 William, 270-583-779 William A., 659 Wm. David, 779 William Gibbs, 99 William Gove, 105 Wm. Hamilton, 942 PORTIS, Thos. G., 539 PORTNER, Robert, 725 POSEY, David R., 110 Francis, 110 Horace, 459 John, 110 William, 110 Wm. Campbell, 109- 110 POST, Abraham K., 780 Albert Kintzing, 780 Charles Alfred, 780 Charles Kintzing, 780 Edward H., 406 Geo. Browne, Jr., 139 Henry A. V. Z., 780 John, 467-780 John Reed, 58 Jothan, 42-780 Marie C. de T., Post, 780 Richard, 780-988 Samuel, 467 Stephen, 467 Waldron B., 780 Waldron Kintzing, 7380 William C., 772 William H., 499 POSTELL, James, 848 John, 848 POSTLES, Zadoc H., 504 POSTLETHWAITE, Samuel, 129 POTTENGER, Francis Marion, 106 John, 106-422 Samuel, 106-422 Samuel S., 106 Thomas, 106 POTTER, Abel, 125-780 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Alonzo, 418 Ashton H., 199 Cedric, 422 Cristy, 423 David, 125-780 Dexter Burton, 484 Edward C., 322 Edward M., 907 Edward T., 418 Ellis M., 144 Fanny M. Clark, 422 Frank A., 389 Frederick, 124-780 George, 280 Henry, 423 Holliman, 425 Howard Nott, 418 Ichabod, 270-423 James, 54-315 James Addison, 54 Jeremiah, 484 John, 54-125-315-418- 423-780-842 Jonathan W., 755 Joseph, 54-418 Luke, 960 Martha S. Lawton, 484 Nathaniel, 270-423 Orlando B., 124-125- 780 Philip, 422 Philip J., 236 Robert, 418-484-988 Robert Bail, 236 Robert Brown, 418 Rouse, 270 Saml., 125-518-756-780 Shelley W., 174 Thomas, 270-418 Walter A., 327 Whipple, N., 251 William, 307-347-518 William Cicero, 54 William Richard, 418 William T., 270 POTTS, Aidline D., 626 Allen, 781 Clara Hefley, 626 George Charles, 129 George E., 129 John, 781 Jonathan, 920 Joseph Collins, 394 Joshua, 123 Robert, 791 Stacy, 394 Thomas, 21-394-781- 806-923 Wm. Pancoast, 394 William S., 136 POULTNEY, Evan T., 464 Richard, 464 Thomas, 300-464 POUND, Elijah, 195 Hugh, 195-196 John, 195 Louise, 196 Nathan King, 195-196 Roscoe, 195 Samuel, 195-196 Stephen B., 195-196 POWE, Claudia Joseph- ine, 781 Edward Knox, 781 Erasmus, 781 Thomas, 781 Thomas E., 185 William, 781 POWEL (see also Pow- ell) C. Earnest, 875 George, 868 H. W. Hare, 781-782 H. W. Hare, Jr., 782 John, 868 LS) John Hare, 781 Lewis, 868 Samuel, 781-925 Thomas I. H., 361 Thompson, 868 William, 868 POWELL (see also Powel) Aimee E., 1000 Burr, 366-367-864 Charles W., 121 Cuthbert, 551 Daniel Lee, 61 Edward Burr, 367 Elisha, 451 Elizabeth B. Smith, 367 George Brown, 451 George T., 67 Grahame H., 1004 Howard, 618 Humphrey B., 367-864 John, 712 Leven, 366-367-864 Llewellyn, 226 Robert W., 582 Thos., 69-70-156-625 William, 864-922 William Levin, 367 William Sothoron, 366-367 POWER, John, 814 John Anthony, 643 Richard, 942 POWERS, Charles An- drew, 782 Edward, 217 Enoch, 217 George Eliot, 782 Jacob, 217 Jonas, 217 Samuel, 597 Stephen, 594 Walter, 217-782 William P., 681 POYNTZ, N. C. S., 189 POYTHRESS, Francis, 377 John, 377 Peter, 56-672-951 Thomas, 376-377 PRALL, Abraham, 782 Arent, 782 Daniel, 782 Peter, 782 Theodore, 782 W. Mortimer, 782 William, 782 PRANG, Louis, 782 Mary Amelia, 782 PRAT SAT OLUatte te, 961 Abner, 624 Albert S., 934 Asa, 675-782 Banail, 564 Benjamin, 136 Charles, 782 Charles M., 734-926 Dallas Bache, 675 Daniel, 455 Dexter, 314 Edward M., 454-455 Frederic Bayley, 782 George Dupont, 782 Harden de V., 940 Harvey Hunter, 584 Henry Jones, 584 Herbert Lee, 194 Horace L. E., 675 Ira, 675 J. Lyman, 558 Jacob, 782 John, 564-584-675-782- 988 John A., 584 366-367-530- PRESCOTT Joshua, 564 Julia A. Smith, 454- 455 Linus, 675 Matthew, 584-988 Nathaniel, 584 Noah, 584 Orville Charles, 675 Orville Chas., Jr., 675 Richard, 782-988 Robert, 584 Samuel, 277-584 Seth, 584 Theodore, 943 Thomas, 782 Timothy, 681 William, 136-468-639- 640-675-988 William H., 944 Zadoc, 136 Zephamah, 136 PREBLE, Abraham, 782-783-988 Edward, 754 Esaias, 783 Henry, 782 Samuel, 783 William Pitt, 783 PREINERSTORFER, Franz X., 798 PRENCE, Thomas, 57- 97 - 171-229-324-341- 407-415-446-499-651- 654-684-707-764-776- 779-821-850-878-881- 888-950-988 PRENTICE (see also Prentis, Prentiss) Daniel, 477 E. Parmalee, 783-803 Edward Dwight, 384 Henry, 783 John, 477 John Atwater, 477 John H., 846 Jonas, 477 Joseph, 286 Nathaniel S., 323-783 Samuel, 477 Sartell, 323-783 Solomon, 783 Thomas, 120-477-736 William P., 688 William Packer, 666 PREENTIS (see also Prentiss, Prentice) Joseph, 229-230 Peter Bowdoin, 229 tly: Riddick, 229- William, 229 PRENTISS (see also Prentis, Prentice) Charles William, 59 James Frederick, 107 Jonas, 59-107 Samuel, 59-107 Theodore, 107 Thomas, 59-107 Valentine, 443 PRESBREY, Frank, 783 Levi, 783 Otis, 783 Otis Fletcher, 783 William, 783 PRESBY, Elisha, 784 Joseph, 784 Joseph Waite, 784 Samuel, 784 Samuel Baker, 784 William, 784 PRESCOTT, Benj., 784 Benjamin, Jr., 439 Fernando C., 784 Frank Clarke, 784 James, 784-988 PRESCOTT John, 31-543-596-723- 988 Jonathan, 30-31-614- 723-784 Mark, 784 Mark Hollis, 784 Philemon, 784 Samuel, 723 William H., 786 William M., 352 PRESLEY, Peter, 184 PRESSEY, John, 787 PRESTON, Albert Will- iam, 784 Asa, 757 Barnard, 493 Charles Francis, 493 Francis, 95 George Riley, 888 Hugh C., 215 Hugh Lawson, 784 Jacob Alex., 493 James, 493 James Bond, 493 James H., 784 James Harry, 493 James Patton, 563 John, 26-95-230-398- 399-511-563-779-988 John, 3d, 332 John A., 910 John Fisher, 493 Ord, 784 Richard, 395 Roger, 784 T. S., 662 Thomas, 493 Thomas B., 845 Thomas Ross, 784 Walter Lane, 784 Willard T., 784 William, 26-230-511- 558-563 William Ballard, 563 PE ae Lowerens, 65 PREW, Edward J., 429 PREWETT, John C., 33 PRICE, Andrew, 334 Benjamin, 233 Caroline C. Beall, 695 Cedric, 785 Charles, 785 Daniel, 233-334 Daniel Branch, 539 Edward, 830 Elizabeth E. Lancas- ter, 186 Francis Lewis, 695 Henry Brooks, 417 Hervey, 785 Isaac, 67 Isabella D. Haskins, 785 James Barry, 334 James Hervey, 785 John, 334-539-789-988 John Ewing, 334-335 John W., Jr., 334 Joseph, 233 Joshua C., 42 Leslie Allen, 785 Maraday, 334-539 Marshall Langton, 728 Mary D. Hickman, 334 Matthew, 334-539 Matthias, 233 Meredith, 334 Meriday, 334-539 North J., 565 Pew, 539 Philip, 67 Richard, 631-830 Robert Stuart, 539 Ssmuel, 25 Samuel Mosby, 186 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Stephen, 785 Thomas, 38-270-507- 789-988 Walter Winston, 785 William, 334 Wm. Armstrong, 186 William Morris, 268 PRICHARD (see also Pritchard) Arthur William, 406 Canon H. A., 406 Lucette M. Hutton, 406 PRIDE, Halcott, 933 Malachi, 852 Reuben, 852 William W., 852 PRIER, Matthew, 818 PRIEST, Degory, 322- 444-564-612-988 PRIME, Alfred Coxe, 1006 Frederick, 205 Joshua, 205 Mark, 205 Nathaniel, 205-225 Samuel, 205 PRINCE, Benjamin, 611 Christopher, 611 Edward, 855 John Moffat, 785 Samuel, 115 Samuel Armour, 785 Sarah Merwin, 115 William, 115-785 PRUDDEN, James, 972 PRUYN, Augustus, 477 Casparus, 308 Francis C., 308 Franz Janse, 308-988 Franz Samuelse, 308 John V. L., 890 Robert Clarence, 308- 733 Robert Hewson, 308 Samuel, 308 PRYOR, Frank Davis, 845 James C., 828 John, 176 Luke, 176 Richard, 56 Samuel, 56-176 Theodorick, 56 Theodorick B., 56 William H., 106 PUCKETT, John E., 524 PUE, Arthur, 493 PUFFER, Richard, 549 PUGH, Achilles H., 785 Frederick H., Jr., 145 Frederick O., 611 Isaac, 820 Jacob Van B., 611 James, 34 Job, 34-611 Hugh, 929 PUGSLEY, Chas., 785 John, 34-611-704-820- 988 John Dyneley, 634 John Duffield, 611 Morton, 611 Thomas, 34-611-988 Cornelius, 785 Edward, 785 Edwin, 785 John, 785 Mathew, 785 Samuel, 785 Thomas, 785 PULITZER, Joseph, 577 PULLIN, Jonathan, 775 PULLIS, Robert Alon- Willlam Babcock, 611 William E., 34 William Job, 34 William L. T., 842 PRINDLE, Lucius, 263 Lucius Henry, 263 William Edwin, 263 William Henry, 263 PRINGLE, Edward J., 375 Peter, 743 Walter, 512 zo, 769 William W., 246 PULLMAN, Thos., 401 PULSIFER, Freeman, 753 PULTNEY, Thos., 986 PUMMERY, Eltweed, 988 PUMPELLY, Harold, 592 PURCELL, Mrs. Benj. PRIOLEAU, Elias, 546- 547 Hext, 546-547 PRIOR, Ford Edward, 875 PRITCHARD (see also Prichard) George, 464 Paul, 778 Roger, 485 Thomas H., 363 William, 586 PROCTER, Richard C. 440 William A., 413 PROCTOR, John, 498 John Carroll, 107 John Francis, 91 Lemuel S., 75 William Ross, 1004 1 L001 Edward, 786 Edward Benton, 786 Hannah A. E. Hoyt, 786 James J., 653 John, 786 PURCHASE, Oliver, 527 PURCHIS, Oliver, 971 PURDY, Ernest Win- fred, 66 Fay, 808 Francis, 400 Isaac Hart, 301 PUREFOY, Thos., 518- 558 PURINTON, David, 838 Orpheus, 838 Thomas, 838 PURMORT, John, 349 PROSSER, Wm. &S., 315 PROUDFIT, Andrew Ellis, 731 PROUDFOOT, David Citi Lawrence, 707 PROUTY, Dwight, 771 Lewis Isaac, 340 Phinehas, 149 Joshua, 349 Minor, 349 PURNELL, Andasia R., PROVOOST, Benjamin B., 115 David, 115-785 John, 115 527 721 Chesed, 185 Elisha, 185 Francis Jenkins, 721 Isaac, 921 John, 920 John Fisher, 921 John Hurst, 921 Lyttleton B., 921 Matthew, 921 Thomas, 185-921 QUACKENBOS Recs Reynolds, 13 PURON, Juan G., 156 PURRIER, William, 201-984 PURVES, Alex., 904 John, 130 PURVIANCE, Samuel A., 146 PURY, Edward, 987 PUSEY, Caleb, Jr., 886 Jacob, 79 PUTNAM, Albert, 786 Albert Edward, 786 Albert William, 786 Andrew, 354 Benjamin, 787 Benjamin Risley, 787 Charles Edwin, 787 Daniel, 787 David, 248-354 Earl Bill, 496-786 Earl Bill, Jr., 786 Eben, 787 Eben F. A., 786 Ebenezer, 786 Edward, 173-470-786- 787 Eleazer, 248 Elisha, 173-470-787 Frederic Ward, 786- 787 Franklin D., 178 George, 317-354-786 George Haven, 787 George Palmer, 787 George Rockwell, 787 Gideon, 787 Henry, 787 Herbert, 787 Isaac, 786 Israel, 631-787-788- 938 James, 786 James Madison, 585 James W., 923 Jeremiah, 786 John, 59-173-248-354- 470-492-583-585-786- 787-788-938-988 John Byron, 55 John Risley, 788-827 Joktan, 173 Jonathan, 786 Joseph, 248-354-938 Josiah, 492 Louise Carleton, 787 Lucy E. Chase, 109 Micah, 786 Nathan, 786 Nathaniel, 786-787 Osgood, 109 Rufus, 470-635-787 Samuel, 248 Samuel Osgood, 109 Seth, 788 Stephen, 787 Thomas, 173-248-354- 470-786-787-788-938 Warren Edward, 788 William, 248-354 Wm. Lowell, 354 PUTNEY, Clayton L., 900 PYNCHON, Wm., 111- 490-594-852-890-988 PYNE, Moses Taylor, Jt bab PYNNEY, John, 988 Q QUACKENBOS, George C5188 George Payn, 788 Johannes, 788 130- QUACKENBOS John, 788 John Duncan, 788 Pieter, 788 Wouter, 788 QUACKENBUSH, John V. BP: 85 Sybrant, 164 QUAIL, Robert, 214 QUAINTANCE, Brough P., 790 QUAKER, George M., 924 QUARLES, Henry L., 216 William, 648 QUEEN, James, 788 Louis M., 788 Marsham, 788 Richard, 788 Richard Edward, 788 Samuel, 788 — QUEREAU, Benj., 434 Edmund Charles, 385 Joseph, 655 QUICK, Tunis, 237 QUIGGLE, Jas. W., 827 QUIMBY, Isaiah, 572 John, 572 Josiah, 572 William, 572 QUIN, Thomas H., 607 QUINCY, Daniel, 571 Edmund, 150-151-153- 272-384-529-571-986- 9388 Henry Parker, 17 John, 571 Josiah, 384 Josiah P., 383-384 QUINLAN, Wm. Jas., 48 QUINN, Bartholomew, 564 Patrick, 3938 William, 791 QUINTAED, Alex. 5., 788 Charles Todd, 788 Edward, 788 Edward Augustus, 152-552-788-789 Isaac, 152-788 Peter, 152-788 QUINTON, Edward, 162-793 QUIROLLO, Mrs. Law- rence H., 1000 R RAAS, George W., 114 RABB, Robert, 488 Thos. Alexander, 488 RADCLIFFE, David V. N., 812 Elizabeth W. Vernon, 115 James Anderson, 115 James D., 115 Jan, 812 Joachem, 812 John, 328-812 Norborne, 115 Vernon, 115 William, 328-812 rag he ge Gilbert, 8 RAGE, Robert, 989 RAGIN, Richard, 833 RAGLAND, G. G., 302 George Orville, 593 Seas James W., Littleton R., 117 Marie L. Joynes, 117 RAILEY, John, 459 RAINS, Gabrielle, 534 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE RAINSFORD, Edward, 978 John, 755 RAIT, James McK., 63 RAITT, Alexander, 211 John, 211 RALSTON, Jackson Harvey, 789 James, 620 James Harvey, 789 John, 789 Robert, 254 RAMBO, Ezekiel, 828 Peter G., 619-828 RAMBEY, William, 875 RAMSAY (see also Ramsey) Caroline J. Canby, 535-536 Henry Richard, 800 James, 572-630 Joseph Gales, 536 Nathaniel, 631 William, 631 Wm. Gouveneur, 536 William H., 239 RAMSBURGH, Edith Roberts, 789 Jesse H., 789 Stephen, 789 RAMSDELL, Harry T., 836 Henry, 156 William, 543 RAMSEY (see also Ramsay) Henry Ashton, 839 Stanley M., 449 RANALDSON, Archi- bald, 185 Drewry Allen, 185 RAND, Albert Tyler, 263 Frank Prentice, 120 John, 120 John C., 722 John Prentice, 121 Nehemiah, 120 Robert, 120 Thomas, 120 Thomas Prentice, 120 Mrs. Wm. B., 1001 RANDAL, Christopher, 588 RANDALL, Aquilla, 249 Christopher, 249 James, 920 James Graves, 920 Job, 120 John, 125 John Wirt, 634 Thomas, 988 William Bradley, 115 William Coleman, 920 RANDOLF, Wm., 747 RANDOLPH, Alfred M., 17-99 Bennington, 233 Buckner Magill, 17 David Meade, 18 Edmund, 422 Edmund Jennings, 889 Edward, 233-789-922- 988 Evan, 521 Francis, 233 Harold, 119-120 © Harrison, 789 Hollins Nicholas, 789 Innes, 120 Isham, 25-26-27-167- 351-363-420-797 James Innes, 120-159 James Lingan, 18 John, 38-92-301-510- 803-863-864-889-994 528 John Anthony, 353 John Feild, 789 John Parkhill, 377 Joseph, 233 Joseph B., 353 Joseph Fitz, 233 Lewis Van &., 233 Lingan Strother, 18 Marion Fitz, 233 OF Re802 Peter, 17-27 Peyton, 120-159-889 Peyton Skipwith, 353 Richard, 18-128-363- 364-551 Robert, 17-233 Robert Lee, 17-90 Thomas, 205-206-352- 353-420-516-649-758 Thomas Isham, 27- 167-363-797 Thos. Jefferson, 353 Thos. Mann, 18-128- 351-352-353-420-758 Wallace F., 781 William, 17-18-26-38- 56 - 99 - 120-159-176- 352-353-363-420-459- 510-516-646-665-672- 718-758-776-789-814- 863-864-889-922-954- 982-988 Wm. Beverley, 18 William Lewis, 789 Winslow Hoxton, 17 RANES, William, 471 RANKIN, Abraham, 343 Alexander, 42 Calvin A., 426 James, 343 James Auld, 573 John, 343 John Hall, 343 William, 884 William T., 789 Wm. Washington, 343 RANLET, Robert, 781 RANNEY, Ambrose Ar- nold, 204-205 Dudley Porter, 205 Elizabeth Balch, 963 Ephraim, 204 Fletcher, 204-205 Frederick Tappan, 789-963 Frederick Thos., 789 Thomas, 204-988 Waitstill, 204-205 Waitstill R., 204 Wm. Stillwell, 443 RANSOM, Alice R. Carter, 670 Amasa, 470 Caroline B. Edwards, 789 David, 670 Elijah, 470 Joseph, 574 Joshua, 558 Luther Asa, 558 Monroe A., 558 Paul Carlton, 670 Pelatiah, 558 Rastus Seneca, 790 Robert, 558 Ronald, 557-558 Stephen, 166 William Ziba, 450 RAOUL, Wm. G., 553 RAPALJE, Joris Jan- sen, 201-235-236- 606-707-989 RAPER, Joshua, 432 Thomas, 432: RASIN, Carroll W., 45 RATIMER, David, 935 John, 935 REA Jonathan, 935 RATHBONE, Clifford K., 196 AM DOL John, 733 John Adams, 548 RATSEY, Robert, 289 RAVENEL, Daniel, 778- 1003 Henry, 790 Louis, 763 Mazyck Porcher, 867 Rene, 790-895-988 Rene Louis, 790 St. Julien, 512 Samuel Prioleau, 266- 646 Thomas Porcher, 790- 1003 William deC., 764 RAVENSCROFT, Will- iam, 626 RAWES, Jas., 268 RAWLE, Henry, 683 RAWLINS, Jas., 555- 989 RAWSON, Abner, 850 Edmund, 402 Edward, 154-710-790- 850-988 Edward Stephen, 790 Grindall, 108-402-554 Warren, 790 William Clarke, 558 RAY, Alexander, 37 Cornelius, 225 Mrs. Frank S., 1000 John, 225-688 Obed, 37 Obed S., 37 Richard, 225 Robert, 225 Samuel, 37 Simon, 705 RAYBURN, Calvin, 443 Jennie Buttolph, 443 ete Abiel B., Andrew, 332 Augustus, 266 Benjamin, 133 Charles E., 283 Charles Harlow, 711 Edward, 332-828 Eliakim, 475 George Lansing, 581 Irving Edward, 332 Isaac S., 111 James, 332 James Irving, 332 John, 133-320-332-475 John Howard, 475 Joshua, 80-332 Nathaniel, 475 Paul, 585-908 Richard, 332-475-988 Samuel, 332-475 Samuel A., 133 Samuel G., 332 Seth, 133 Silas, 332 Thomas, 133 Thomas Lynch, 332 William, 585-808-908 William Galt, 111 William H., 699 William HH. Vatat RAYNEAU, Daniel, 60 RAYNOLDS, Joshua S., 199 REA, John, 790 John H., 248 Marsellair, 790 Samuel Greene, 790 William, 790 READ READ (see also Reade, Reed, Reid) Alvan C., 335 Benjamin Huger, 264- 533-668 Beverly Allen, 730 Calvin Hall, 627 Charles Lewis, 216 Clement, 76 Clement, Jr., 865 Clement C., 569 George, 192 Harold Wilson, 832 James, 161 Jesse, 579 John Harleston, 161 Mrs. John J., 1001 Martin, 579 Rhesa, 579 Rhesa Walker, 579 S. R., 225 Thomas, 216 William, 161 William, 2d, 705 William G., 751 William J., 822 William Watkins, 186 READE (see also Read) Edmund, 896 Francis, 658 George, 203 -362 -437- 525-526-536-557-558- 575-658-687-718-741- 760-773-775-865-964 John, 203 READING, John, 358- 461-894-968 Thomas, 461 REAGAN, Francis W., 849 James, 849 REAM, Abraham, 424 REARDON, John Z., 1007 REATH, Thomas, 631 REBHUN, Daniel C., 790 Lewis James, 790 Mathilde Effier, 790 REBOUL, Jean Bap- tiste, 135 RECEVEUR, Chas., 511 REDDING, Isabella C. Remshart, 790 James Tarpley, 791 Joseph Henry, 791 wae James Martin, Sea Charles B., 58 Ebenezer, 258 George, 258-259 Heman J., 258-259 James, 258-259 Peleg, 258-259 Theophilus, 258-259 Walter Marsh, 233 William, 258-259 William Cox, 258 William N., 1006 REDFORD, Francis, 206-620 REDFRED, John, 203 REDICK, David, 191 REDMAN, Allston M., 644 John, 989 REDWAY, Albert Jas., Jr., 298 REDWINEBE, John, 791 Martha C. Buck, 791 Wilburn Nash, 791 REDWOOD, Abraham, 432-461-883 William, 432-461-883 REECE, David, 370 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Isaac, 370 William Peters, 792 REED (see also Read, | REFO, Caesar, 849 Reid) Albert Chester, 791 Alexander, 791 Alfred, 791 Alfred G., 791 Aubrey Cook, 285 Barnabas, 791 Clyde Leon, 639 Colin McF., 792 Daniel, 195 David Allen, 930 David N., 752 Earl H., Jr., 938 Ebenezer, 791 Frederick Wilcox, 276 George W., 791 Guilford S., 736 Guy E., 424 Harry Lathrop, 791 Henry G., 178 Henry L., 84 Horatio Blake, 871 Hugh Bertram, 556 James, 276 John, 768-846 John P., 349 Lansing P., 22 Medford, 671 Moses, 791 Nelson B., 791 Ralph D., 368 - Robert, 791 Robert Rentoul, 791 Samuel B., 291 Thomas, 442-576 William, 683-791 Wm. Ebenezer, 791 Willis E., 441 REEDER, Jacob, 342 REEL, Adolf, 617 REES (see also Reese) Cornelia Maynard, 720 David, 720 Jacob Singer, James, 785 Wm. David, 720 REESE (see also Rees) Beverly Patrick, 792 Charles Lee, 792 David, 792 Lietrich, 67 Frederick Focke, 792 George, 67 George Bickham, 67 Hubert K., 808 Jacob, 67-627 John, 792 John Smith, 792 Joseph H. B., 753 Robert Grigg, 792 William Bernard, 902 Wm. Jas., 390-627-628 REEVE, George D., 41 J. Stanley, 354 John J., 551 Joseph, 354-355 Josiah, 354 Josiah Miller, 355 Josiah Richardson, 354 Mark, 354-355 William, 355 REEVES, Arthur, 793 Francis B., 126 Jacob, 561 James Eyre, 309-792 Jesse Siddall, 309 John, 309-792 Mark, 309-792 Oswin Knox, 468 Perry, 441 Thomas, 309-429-792 Walter, 309-792 165 309- REGAN, J. S., 428 REGESTER, Edmund, 792 Jacob Asbury, 792 Robert, 792 REGIER, Henry L., 740 REGISTER, Jas., 459 REICHNER, Geo., 792: John, 792 L. Irving, 792 Lewis, 792 REID (see also Read, Reed) Alexander, 143 Andrew, 414 Archibald E., 344 Charles S., 508 Ae MNS SH BRS John, 488-785 John Thomas, 881 Robert R., 471-671 Samuel, 143 Samuel Chester, 92 Solomon, 378 William, 26-143 REIFSNIDER, Charles Shriver, 921 REILY, Geo. Wolf, 168 George Wolf, Jr., 168 John, 168 Luther, 168 REINHARDT Chris- tian, 695 Michael, 695 Wallace, 695 REINHART, M., 202 REIS, Jared M. B., 595 RELF, John, 172 Samuel, 172 RELPH, William, 506 REMICK, Alva, 112 Christian, 112 Jacob, 112 John, 112 Samuel, 112 William, 112: REMINGTON, Alvah, 307 Beekman, 793 Clement, 793 Cyrus C., 750 Cyrus K., 820 Daniel, 307 David W., 820 Harvey Foote, 307 Isaac, 793 John, 51-307-793-820- 988 Jonathan, 51-102 Joseph Price, 793 Mark, 793 Rebecca W. Kempton, 793 Seth, 820 Shadrach, 820 Thomas, 307-820 Thomas Pim, 793 Wm. Procter, 31-793 William Thomas, 308 REMSEN, Hendrick, 201-254-856 Henry, 201-254-255- 856 Henry Rutgers, 254 Joris, 254-856 Rem, 201-254-856-989 Rem Janse, 201-254- 856 Rem Vanderbeek, 856 William, 201-857 REMSHART, Daniel, 790 John, 790 John W., 790 RENCH, Peter, 423 529 RHINELANDER RENCHER, A. M., 161 RENEHAM, Edward B., 630 RENKARD, J. Philip, 751 RENNICK, Alexander Hueston, 770 RENNINGER, Abner Rutherford, 612 RENOUARD, Edwin, 262 RENOUF, Peter, 369 RENTON, John, 132 Richard, 132 RENTOUL, John, 775 Robert, 775 William, 775 REPPLIER, Francis Ewing, 91 RETTGHER, R. E., 896 REVELL, Randall, 627 REVERE, Apollos, 989 Paul, 554-688 REVINGTON, Geo., 815 REVOIRHE, Paul, 554 REYMER, Harmer, 770 Rah Beg ek Fred H., 833 Darter cee John, 192- 23 REYNOLDS, Benjamin, 402-403-554 Constant, 402 Daniel H., 190 David, 436 Dorrance, 793 Edgar Laing, 155 Edward, 403-554 Edward Fuller, 793 Fred J., 122 George, 154 Grindall, 402 Henry Suydam, 154 Isaac, 793 James, 154-400 John, 154-262-400-402- 403-554-625-794 John Bowers, 793 John F., 793 John Phillips, 352- 520-554 Jonathan, 835 Joseph, 154-794 Julius, 402 Lucius Delmar, 757 Marcus T., 411-400 Mark, 419 Martin Cassity, 518 Nathaniel, 400-402- 403-554 Robt., 402-403-554-989 Sheldon, 793 Stephen, 400 Thomas, 698 William, 793 William Bell, 621 William C., 364 William Hornell, 939 Zaccheus, 698 RHPA, John §S., 822 RHEES, John L., 923 Morgan John, 923 RHEIN, John, 156 John H. W., 155 RHEINBERGER, Frank, 701 RHETT, Albert M., 794 Alfred, 224 Edmund, 90 George, 989 R. Goodwyn, 794 Thomas Moore, 794 William, 90-794 RHINELANDER, Le Roy King, 694 Philip J., 794-842-989 Philip M., 640-794 RHINELANDER T. J. Oakley, 794 William, 794-842 William C., 842 RHOADES (see also Rhoads, Rhodes) John Harsen, 546 Zachary, 96 RHOADS, J. Snowdon, 742 Samuel, 438 RHODES (see also Rhoades, Rhoads) Charles, 709 Charles R., 94 James M., 647-913 John, 110-339-425-472- 690-709-847 Mosheim, 624 Peter, 709 Zachariah, 425-709- 847 RHODEWALD, Will- iam MacNeill, 320 RICARDO, W. F., 577 RICCIARDI, Michael, 290 RICE, A. Hamilton, 795 Abner, 88 Arch, 122 Benjamin, 177 Benj. Franklin, 795 Beriah, 500 Bezaleel, 900 Cale Young, 795 Caleb, 528 Calvin F., 828 Charles Francis, Chauncey, 88 Daingerfield, 528 David, 405-900 Ebenezer, 177 Edmund, 125-177-500- 528-780-795-837-900- 922-950-989 Edward, 922 Edward Loranus, 500 Edward Luff, 724 Elijah, 795 Ephraim, 500 Evan, 724 Ezekiel, 795 Ezekiel Carew, 795 George S., 837 George T., 410 Gershom, 500 Harold, 438 Harry Lee, 500 Harvey Adams, 479 Henry, 159-795-900 Henry Gardner, 922 Isaac, 88 Ithamar, 500 Jacob, 922 James, 503-795 James Henry, 795 James Henry, Jr., 795 James Rhodes, 795 John, 500-795 John A., 660 John Abbott, 211 John H., 749 John Hamilton, 795 Jonathan, 795 Joseph, 177-528 Josiah, 528 Kenneth Ives, 44 Laban M., 795 Matthias, 500 Moses, 88 Nathan, 500 Obadiah, 922 Obed, 500 Robert, 88 Samuel, 125-780-950 Seth, 950 Thomas, 500-724-795 Tilly, 922 500 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Washington, 724 William, 177-500 William Acker, 817 William Ball, 500 Wm. Gorham, Jr., 83 William North, 500 RICH, Alice N. Parme- lee, 795 Andrew Jackson, 795 Andrew Jerome, 795 Herbert Madison, 24 Samuel, 173 Stephen, 173 Thomas, 779 William, 996 RICHARD, Ezekial, 796 Geo. H., Jr., 742 Samuel, 796 RICHARDS, Alex., 45 Auguste, 23 Benjamin, 314-489 Clarence E., Jr., 400 Daniel, 45 Dickinson W., 184 Eben, 61-795-796 Ebenezer, 796 Eber, 796 Edward, 314-795-989 Fredk. Barnard, 796 George, 1007 Giles, 23 Helen, 1001 Henry C., 841 Henry Howe, 351 Isaac Pratt, 265 James, 47-300-741- 796-893 James G. K., 287 James Russell, 539 Jeremiah, 314 Jonathan, 172 Joseph, 796-893 Joseph Swift, 33 Lemuel, 207 Leonard B., 441 Levi Lyman, 893 Nathaniel, 314-796 Obadiah, 720 Orson, 796 Owen, 796 Peter, 33-532 S. Bartram, 796 Samuel, 796 Thos., 23-39-314-796 Thomas Pownal, 314 William, 89-272-314- 796-893 William Treat, 494 RICHARDSON, Addi- son Bentley, 512 Alfred M., 955 Alice M. Dennis, 245 Amos, 140 Andrew Peyton, 797 Asa, 213 Charles F., 949 Charles H., 646 Ebenezer, 213 Edward, 115-702-770- 6 782-79 Edward F., 563 Edward P., 21-823 Ezekiel, 782-989 Francis, 991 Frank W., 956 George Carter, 796 George O., 437 Henry D., 685 Hilary Goode, 910 Hugh, 143 James, 115-796 Jeremiah, 679 John, 23-79-122-796- 936-983 John Francis, 483 John Lyman, 140 John Lynn, 245 Jonathan, 140 Joseph, 79-115-481- 702-802 Josephine V. D. In- man, 143 Julia W. Harrison, 797 Luke, 796 Lunsford, 830 Malbon Gore, 796 Margaret W. Peirson, 239 Mark Wyman, 796 Maurice Howe, 239 Nathan, 122-140 Nathan Henry, 796 Nathaniel, 213-796 Richard, 79-481-658- 782 Robt. Emmet, 27-797 Rufus Byam, 369 Samuel, 115-122-702- 989 Samuel B., 802 Samuel M., 802 Samuel S., 79 Seth, 115 Solon Osmond, 121- 122 Solon Osmond, UJr., 122 Stephen, 140-796 Theophilus, 782 Thomas, 213-413-782- 796-989 Thomas Francis, 885 William, 160-246-481- 796-802 Wm. Merchant, 366 William P., 140 William Shelton, 687 Wyman, 796 RICHBELL, John, 925- 985 RICHESON, Ezekiel, 989 RICHMOND, Cyrus, 551 Edward, 253-551-614- 624 Gamaliel, 614 George, 614 George Gilbert, 63 George Martin, 253 Gilbert, 614 James H. C., 979 John, 253-365-551- 614-624-989 John §S., 112 Josiah, 624 Lewis, 253 May M. Dunn, 797 Nathaniel, 614 Peleg, 614 Samuel N., 253-851 Stacy Courtis, 797 Sylvester, 187-253- 551-614-851 Thomas W., 643 William, 187 RICK, Herman, 428 John George, 428 RICKENBACKER, John F., 813 RICKER, Ebenezer, 343 Herbert, 346 RICKETSON, Jas. C., 53 RICKEY, Alexander, 374 John, 374 Randall, 374 Randall H., 802 RIDDELL, Harvey, 795 John, 795 RIDDICK, Edward, 583 Isaac, 766 Robert M., 229-230 William, 416 RIKER RIDDLE, James, 172 Thomas, 870 RIDEOUT, Benj., 276 Henry Milner, 276 Nicholas, 276 Samuel, 276 William, 276 RIDER, John, 293 Joseph, 950 Samuel, 950 William, 286-287 RIDGELY, Ann S. Wol- ford, 761 Charles, 86-797 Charles Carnan, 86 David, 86 Greenberry, 325 Henry, 61-325-480- 588-695 Kate Deering, 797 Nicholas H., 325 Orndorf L., 762 Otho E., 505 Robert, 86-296-989 Vincent, 762 Westfall, 636 William, 86 William, Jr., 636 William Barret, 797 RIDGEWAY, William Bailey, 689 RIDGLEY, Nicholas H., 51 2 ert et Edward, 0 Richard, 200 Thomas, 200 Thomas Shinn, 200 RIDINGS, Estelle D. Bacon, 44 Johnson, 44 Walter A., 44 RIDLEY, Bromfield, 797 Chancellor B. L., 197 Charles A., 562 Daniel, 562 Irma Grey, 797 James, 797 James Lucas, 797 John, 586 Mark, 562 Nathaniel, 882 Robert, 797 Thomas, 797 RIEFFESTAHL, Hard- ing B., 769 RIEGER, Benjamin, 791 John B., 791 RIELY, Henry C., 367 Marie A. Evans, 367 RIEMAN, Adam, 650 Alexander, 650 Charles Ellet, 296 Daniel, 296-650 Henry, 296-650 Joseph Henry, 296 RIGGS,.B. Reath, 797 Ebenezer, 884 Edward, 117-797-900 Elisha, 325 ene Francis, 324- 5 3 Francis, 324 George W., 325-571 Gideon, 117 Jos., 117-216-324-588 Karrick van Z., 751 Lawrason, 571 Richard, 324 Samuel, 324-325 Stephen, 117 Stephen B., 117 T. Lawrason, 325 Thomas, 324 RIKER, Abraham, 797 Andrew, 678-797 RIKER Andrew L., 769-797 John Lawrence, 797 Samuel, 797 William James, 797 RILEY, Frank, 474 John Newton, 798 Katherine E. Higgins, 340-341 Leonard Wm., 797 Paterson, 349 Robert T., 341 Robert Sanford, 341 William Douglas, 265 Wm. Robinson, 167 RIMMINGTON, John, 988 RING, Andrew, 801 Joseph, 614 Seth, 614 RINGO, Willis L., 723 RIPLEY, Charles C., 199 Ezra, 264 Hezekiah, 476 John, 639-765-963 Joshua, 963 Noah, 264 Philip F., 36 Samuel, 264 William, 229-580-639- 765-963-975 RISLEY, Edward, 149 Jeremiah, 149 Josiah Price, 149 Richard, 1493 Sarah Anna, 149 RISPAL, Jules, 913 RITCHIB, Albert, 19 Albert Cabell, 19 Archibald A., 627 Craig, 191-740 Hugh W., 627 John, 19-740 William, 19-627 RITTENHOUSE, David, 814 William, 967 RITTER, Daniel, 109 David, 109 John, 109-594-918 Peter, 756 Thomas, 109 RITZ, Christian, 462- 463 RIVERS, Jones, 525 M. Rutledge, 512 Robt. Wheaton, 102 RIVES, Alfred Landon, 781 F. Bayard, 798 Francis R., 798-931 George Barclay, 147- 798 Geo. Lockhart, 798- 920 Horace P., 427 Robert, 798 William, 798 William C., 794-798 RIVOIRE, Apollos, 989 RIX, William, 986 ROACH (see also Roche) Isaac, 800 John, 798-799 John Baker, 798-799 Joseph Chandler, 800 Joseph Huddell, 800 Walter Thomas, 800 Wm. McPherson, 799 ROALFE, Wm., 912 ROANE, Archibald, 454 Hugh, 454 John Selden, 454 Thomas, 534 39- 249- 319- 476-639-720-765-880- INDEX TO VOLUME ONE RO BARDS, Wm., 393 ROBB, Alex., 589 Alex. D., 322 Eliakin, 589 Henry Burnett, 928 Jas. Hampden, 855 Walter Russell, 99 ROBBELEN, Ernst August, 808 ROBBINS (see also Robins) Ammi R., 801 Andrew B., 165 Chandler, 18 Daniel M., 685 Francis Le Baron, 800-801 Henry Asher, 847 Herbert D., 580 Hiram, 102 Howard Chandler, 801 Jethro, 459 John, 403-918 Jonathan, 918 Joshua, 918 Lucy M. Hartpence, 800 Nathaniel, 801 Orlando, 18 Philemon, 801 Reginald L., 444 Reuben, 918 Richard, 18-801-989 Royal, 347-403 Royal Elisha, 347-403 Samuel, 801 Solomon, 918 Stephen, 918 Wm. De Laun, 918 ROBERSON, James, 742 ROBERT, Bessie H. Stark, 397 Christopher, 794-842 Daniel, 397-794-795- 842 Edward S., 204 Jacques, 397-795 James Jehu, 397 John, 397 Joseph Clark, 397 Pierre, 397-795 Wm. Henry, 397 Wm. Pierre, 397 ROBERTS, Alfred J., 801 Alfred R., 802 Alton True, 696 Arthur L., 849 Cadwalader, 802 Charles, 802 Chas. B., 309 Charles P., 419 Daniel, 368-750 David R., 802 Donald Alfred, 801 Edwin Snelling, 802 Elihu, 70 Eloise A. M. Taylor, 801 7 Elzey M., 883 Francis, 722 Frank Lewis, 802 Geo. B., 496 Geo. Brooke, 593 Geo. Litch, 722 George McK., 1007 Geo. W. B., 517 Hatevil, 722 Hiram, 631 Homer Clayton, 294 Horatio, 330 Hugh, 222-535-989 James, 170-247-331- 837 James Adams, 153 James Gordon, 926 James H., 635 Jesse, 412: John, 70-238-722-989 John Taylor, 908 Joseph, 802 Kenneth Lewis, 802 Lemuel, 294 Malcolm, 340 Odin Barnes, 722 Paul, 722 Pierre, 70 Reuben, 722 Richard, 535 Robert, 60-535-802 Robert R., 447 Samuel, 722 Sidney Lewis, 802 Solomon White, 802 Theodore, 330 Thomas, 331-578-632- 722 William, 331 William Elder, 789 ROBERTSON, Abram Heaton, 200-201 Albert J., 881 Alexander, 200 Archibald, 631 Archibald G., 837 Archibald Thos., 119 Benj. Franklin, 303 Daniel Alex., 388 Edward, 119 Edwin Wales, 802 George, 246 H. E., 963 Harriet T. Holton, 463 Harrison, 802 Heaton R., 200 Henry Stuart, 559 James, 303 John, 119-488-802 John A., 807 John Brownlee, 200 Jonathan F., 303 Joseph, 326 Joseph R., 648 Julia Johnston, 488 Lionel, 355 M. Arnold, 654 Marion M. Richard- son, 802 Norman, 190 Orrin Wood, 470 Robert Walton, 94 Samuel, 200-470-828 Thomas, 488 Thomas James, 802 Thomas Markoe, 460 Thompson, 119 William, 488-525-989 William H., 735 William Ross, 488 William V. M., 773 ROBESON, Andrew, 33 Jonathan, 33 Peter, 33 ROBIE, Henry, 910 Ichabod, 910 John, 910 Jonathan, 910 Walter, 910 ROBINS (see also Rob- bins) Edward, 600 George, 367 James Wiltbank, 600 John, 600 Kingman N., 396 Obedience, 600 Thomas, 600 ROBINSON, A. H., 221 Aleck V., 343 ' Alex., 694-802-989 Alex. Humphrey, 599 Alfred K., 537 Almos Dishus, 718 531 ROCHESTER Anthony, 572 Anthony W., 236 Aquila, 714 Archibald, 18-694 Arthur, 477 B. Dudley, 271 Ben, 123 Cecil G., 583 Chalfant, 637 Charles, 477 Charles Bonnycastle, 802-803 Chas. Bonnycastle, Jr., 803 Christopher, 430 Corrine Roosevelt, 21 Douglas, 20-21 Francis, 79 Frederick C., 876 George, 907 George, Jr., 748 Georgiana Ford, 723 Helen B. Avery, 803 Henry C., 185 Henry Crane, 249 Henry Mortimer, 723 Henry Seymour, 294 Herbert C., 768 Ichabod, 477 Isaac, 492-718-989 J. B., 438 Jacob, 718 James, 723-781 James Edwin, 723 James H., 563 John, 57- 65-281- 319- 384-477-492-562-572- 629-671-686-718-820- 908-989 John Almos, 718 John Mosely, 804 John Norris, 714 John Randolph, 493 Jonathan John, 876 Joseph H., 685 Joseph P., 756 Leone, 803 Leoni Warren, 65 Littleberry, 797 Louis Barclay, 537 Lucius F., 908 Lucius F., Jr., 194 Lyles Robert, 802-803 Michael, 281 Nathaniel, 430 Nicholas, 79 Patrick L., 803 Peter, 492-718 Philip, 907 Robert, 440-714 Robert Randolph, 714 Samuel, 477 Sanford M., 748 Starky, 572 Thomas, 471-842-907 Thomas Horn, 698 Timothy M., 415 Tully, 117 V. Gilpin, 820 Walter Ambrose, 745 William, 477-723-797 Wm. Andrew, 663 Wm. Meade, 803 William Parrish, 281 Wm. Robinson, 79 pe Thomas, 314- 3 ROBISON, Wm., 713 ROBY, Henry, 747 ROCHE (see also Roach) John, 798-799 Patrick, 798-799 ROCHESTER, De Lancey, 599-600-884 De Lancey, Jr., 599 ROCHESTER John, 543-600-803 John Henry, 803 Nathaniel, 543-600- 803 Nicholas, 543-600-803 Paul Affordby, 803 Thomas, 495 Thomas F., 600 Thomas Hart, 600-803 William, 543-600-803 ROCKE, Cyril A., 653 ROCKEFELLER, God- frey, 803 Johan Peter, 343-803- 809-989 John Davison, 783- 803 Peter, 803 William, 803 William A., 688-803 ROCKENBACH, Frank James, 804 Samuel Dickerson, 803 ROCKWELL, Ferry, Jr., 552 Francis Williams, 406 James &., 244 John, 28 Joseph, 28-406 Julius, 406 Philo, 177 Reuben, 406 Samuel, 406 Samuel Forbes, 406 William, 28-406-978- 989 William Walker, 406 RODENBAECK, G. R., 410 RODES, Charles, 487 Francis, 487 John, 487 Robert, 487-753 William, 487 RODGERS (see also Rogers) Christopher R. P., 726 James Renwick, 710 John, 199-279-380- 614 Robert S., 380 William, 819 RODMAN, D. M., 333 James, 436 John, 328-804-989 Thomas, 804 Thomas Clifford, 599 Thomas H., Jr., 691 Wiley Croom, 804 William, 621-622 Wm. Blount, 804 William L., 593 William Wanton, 804 Willoughby, 599 ROE, Azel, 695 Daniel, 498 ROEBLING, Ferdinand W., 493 Ferdinand W., Jr., 493 John A., 493-621 Margaret S. McTl- vaine, 621 Ruth Metcalf, 493 Washington A., 621 ROELKER, Alfred, Jr., 608 Millicent W. Turle, 608 ROEPPER, Charles W., 4 749 ROESSLE, Elwood Os- born, 888 ROGERS (see also Rodgers) Abraham F., 491 Archibald, 518-804 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Arthur Carpenter, 804 Arthur Herbert, 381 Asa, 163 B. Woolsey, 387 Bernard Fowler, 110- 11 al Carroll Pickens, 448 Charles, 804 Charles Butler, 287 Charles C., 237 Charles Francis, 455 Charles Thomas, 804 Clark N., 447 Daniel, 324-455-627 Daniel D., 455 David, 507 Derby, 456 Dorinda, 1000 Dwight, 290 Edmund, 93 Edmund H., 708 Edmund P., 804 Edwin, 163 Elizabeth J. Goelet, 289 Eustace Barron, 627 Frances J. Dennis, 245 Geo. Washington, 804 Giles, 110-989 Gustavus A., 686 Hanford Newell, 116 Henry, 163 Henry Aug., 107 Henry W., 245 Hezekiah, 666 Hope, 448 Hopewell &L., 109-111 Horatio, 764 Ichabod, 546 Jabez, 123-686 Jabez, Jr., 168 Jacob, 750 James, 287-627-731- 804 James Gamble, 110 James Newell, 116 Jason, 230 Jeremiah, 546 Jethro, 448 John, 15-94 - 110-123- 187-188-253-287-453- 455-456-491-546-604- 627-686-742-804-808- 847-851-960 John A., 52 John Arthur, 110 John G., 110-606-804 John Jacob, 604 Jonathan, 507-666 Joseph, 110-123-686- 808-875 Joseph Hale, 110 Joseph Martin, 110 Juliet Gardiner, 116 Kennedy G., 133 Lee Lay, 732 Leonidas G., 805 Lot, 368 Lovewell, 448 Luke, 491 Mark W., 805 Melancthon, 666 Moses, 666 Nathaniel, 94-123-150- 188-455-604-686-731- 732-989 Nathaniel P., 790 Obediah, 666 Oliver, 448 Owen W. G., 289 Publius V., 287 Ralph, 287 Reuben, 534 Richard, 627 Robert Clay, 627 Robert F., 653 Rufus B., 26 Samuel, 123-686-804 Sherman S., 686 ROSE Bene meet Hey- 799 Susan M. Erskine, 447 ROOSEVELT, Alfred, Thomas, Timothy, 732 W. E., 602 Walter Henry, 289 William, 731-750-808-989 Wm. Anson, 448 Wm. Arthur, 665-666 William B., 341 Wm. Bowditch, 168 Wm. Skillman, 188 Wm. Timothy, 732 Wilmot Polk, 804 Zabdial, 129-311 Zophar, 666 ROHDHE, Max Spencer, 772 ROHRER, Frederick, 270 ROLFE, Benj., 672-805 Charles G., 705 Daniel, 980 Geo. Wm., 805 Henry, 805 John, 631-805-950-969 Samuel, 805 Thomas, 25-128-363- 551-969 William James, 805 ROLLER, John Wil- liam, 512 ROLLINS, Anthony W., 753-834 Ashton, 805 Daniel, 805 Edward Henry, 805 Edward W., 805-806 Fitzhugh S., 161 Franklin J., 504 Henry, 753-834 Hiram, 161 Ichabod, 161-805 James, 161-805-809- 989 James S., 753-834 James Wingate, 494 Jeremiah, 161-805 John, 161 Philip Ashton, 754 Sherwood, 805 Walter H., 161 ROLLINSON, Chas., 184 William, 184 ROLLO, Alfred, 705 ROLPH, Henry, 632 John, 396 ROLSTON, Holmes, 56 ee Sere Benj. F., 70 Lawrence B., 658 ROMAN, Philip, 158-168 ROMBAUTS, Francis, 488 ROMER, James L., 892 ROMEYN, Claas, 401 Hugh, 302 James V. C., 401 John, 401 Radcliffe, 89 Romain, 401 Thomas, 401 ROMEYON, Benj., 442 ROMNEY, Wm., 626 RONDTHALER, Wm. David, 706 ROOBACH, Barrent, ROOD, vAteee 36 Azariah, 36- 499 Heman, 499 Thomas D., 36-499 ROOMBE, Peter, 153 ROOS, Wm., 361 532 110-123-188- 437-686-847-986-989 188-448-666- 25-128-363-551- 354 Archibald B., 20 Claes Martenzen, 20- 21- 239- 634-688-806- 989 Cornelius Van §S., 20- 21-806 Edith K. Carow, 20 Elliott, 21-239 Franklin D., 21-238- 239 Gracie Hall, 21-239 Isaac, 239 Jacobus, 20-21-239- 688-806 James, 238-239 James Alfred, 354 Johannes, 20-21-634- 688-806 John Ellis, 806 Kermit, 20 Nicholas, 20-21-239- 634-688-806 Robert Barnwell, 806 Theodore, 20-21-517 Theodore, Jr., 20-579 ROOT, Charles, 806 Ebenezer, 806 Elihu, 806 Erastus S., 806 Hewit, 806 James, 806 James Banks, 806 Jesse, 806 John, 582-806-989 Marshall Jewell, 806 Oren, 806 Sebastian, 110 Thomas, 582-806 Walter S., 167 ROOTE, John, 989 ROOTES, Philip, 184 Thomas Reade, 557- 558 ROPER, Albert Lons- dale, 323-806 John Lonsdale, 806 Richard B., 806 Samuel, 95 Wm. Bryan, 458 ROPES, Benjamin, 742 George, 742 John, 742 Samuel, 742 ROSBOTHAM, Joseph, 643 ROSBRUGH, James, 620 John, 620 ROSH, Alex., 676 Alfred Hicks, 766 Andrew W., 416 Charles, 550-766-907 Ezekiel, 159 Fredk. Dodds, 807 Freeman M., 738 John, 159-807-907 John B., 908 John Carter, 807 Jonathan, 807 Justus, 807 Mary G. Walcott, 807 Robert, 550-748-766- 807-907-989 Robert Alex., 907 Robert H., 183 Robert Henry, 907 Sarah L. Tardy, 766 Uriah, 159 Wm., 77-299-766 Wm. Alfred, 766 William Henry, 925 William John, 299 William Searls, 956 William Solon, 766 ROSE ROSEBRUGH, James, 620 John, 620 Ae reat Warren, ROSEN, Felix T., 807 Mary B. Harriman, 807 Max T., 807 ROSEWELL, Wm., 47- 300-741 ROSS, August Wm., 565 David, 172 Elbert Darling, 807 Frances H. Erwin, 560 George, 192-438-556 George W., 560 Hugh, 741 J. Stewart, 81 J. Wm., 596 James, 333-572-807 vames A., 594 James Archibald, 490- 807 James White, 807 John, 760-807 John J., 596 Jonathan, 648 Leroy W., 81 Linus High, 397 Marine Duval, 596 Parke, 202 Samuel, 648 Thomas, 759 Wm. Neely, 854 Worth, 560 ROSSITER, Edward, 807 Wm. W., 335-807 Wm. Wickes, Jr., ROSSMASLER, Ed- ward C., 431 ROTAN, Edward, 262 Ellwood, Jr., 130 Eate S. McCall, 262 ROTCH, Abbot L., 420 Benj. Smith, 420 Arthur Grinnell, Joseph, 514 Morgan, 514 Thomas Morgan, 514 Wm., 513-514 Wm. James, 513-514 ROTH, Almon E., 326 Philip, 919 ROTHERY, Jay E., 456 ROTHROCK, Francis Blake, 811 George, 811 Henry, 811 John, 811 Philip, 811 rs ee Andrew, 5 Jacob, 825 Uo eap ore, Daniel, Joseph, 553 ROUNDS, James, 634 William, 634 William E., 717 ROUNTREE, John, 337 Thomas, 337 ROUS, Peyton, 237 ROUSE, Thomas, 692 Willard G., 894 ROUTLEDGE, James, 807 514 829 coe. Horace D., 8 ROWAN, Archibald H., 435 James, 42 Stephen C., 435-917 ROWAND, Mrs. Benj. M., 1002 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE William Wallace, 337; ROWE, Casper H., 808 Estelle Ewing, 807 Eugene F., 808 George Ransom, 808 Henry, 417 RUGGLES, Benj., Henry Woodbury, 808 John, 944 John, Jr., 943-962 Madeleine A. King- man, 808 Nicholas, 944 Perry Belmont, 202 Sherburne, 808 Walter Ransom, 808 earn ent Andrew, 4 Baldwin, 747 Creed Taylor, 748 Dunbar, 747 Edmund, 170 Francis F., 936 Henry J., 533 John, 747 Michael, 748 Nathan, 747 Thomas, 379 Wm. Brewer, 748 ROWLEY, Issachar, 570 Josiah Cass, 570 Samuel, 729 Thomas, 729 Thomas Wood, 714 Warren, 570 William B., 570 ROWSE, Edward C., 490 Edward S., 491 Richard, 491 RULOFFSON, Harmon, RULON-MILLER, John, Nathaniel, 675 952 Edward, 888 John, 888 John Gould, 888 Samuel, 193-290-839- 951-952 Thomas, 290-675-809- 888-951-952 Timothy, 290-951-952 Willard G., 386 Wm. Stickney, 809 281 Hermanes, 281 Isaac, 281 Laurens, 281 109 Sumner, 109 RUMBOUGH, J. Wright, 360 Stanley M., 360 RUMERY, Ralph R., 809 Samuel D., 809 RUMMEL, August, 360 Franz, 360 Leila Morse, 360 RUMMLER, Joseph Jacob, 809 Susan Harding, 809 Wm. Richard, 809 RUMNEY, John Gaine, 254 RUMPH, David, 813 RUMSEY, Aaron, 541- ROWZIE, John, 766-767 ROY, Mungo, 319-832 Thomas, 111 Walter Scott, 579 ROYALL, Joseph, 26 Nathaniel R., 120 William L., 637 ROYCE, Geo. Monroe, 808 John Harrison, 808 Joseph, 500 Thomas, 500 ROZET, Geo. Hollen- back, 401 ROZIER, T. A., 359 945 Bronson, 541 Bronson Case, 411- 541-945 Charles Cary, 645 David, 541-945 Dexter Phelps, 887 Israel Parsons, 650 Jennie Cary, 540 John, 541-945 Laurence D., 541-645 Lewis M., 595 Robert, 541-945-989 RUMSIB, Robert, 989 RUNCK, Jacob, 989 RUNDALL, Herbert, RUBEY, Joseph Willis, 928 248 RUNDLETT, James, RUCKER, Booker Hall, Sr., 808 Ephraim, 808 John, 808 John Dabney, 808 John Fleming, 808 Joseph, 674 Lamar Cobb, 471 RUNKE, H. Ten Broeck, Margaret Barron, 808 Nathan, 704 Peter, 808 Reuben, 704-887 Wm. Early, 808 RUDD, Jonathan, 968 Robert Barnes, 43 RUNYON, Clarkson, 488 RUDOLPH, W. H., 521 Zebulon, 619 RUDOLPHY, Charles Bruno, 808 Jay Besson, 808 John L., 808 147 Theophilus, 747 809 Jacob, 343-809-989 John, 343-809 Louis Barcroft, 343 Peter Ten Broeck, 343-809 Samuel, 343-809 Wm. Mentz, 343-809 Ephraim, 488 John, 488 Peter, 233 Reune, 488 Vincent, 488 RUPP, Nelson G., 587 RUPRECHT, Rudolf, 947 RUSH, Benjamin, 86- RUFFIN, Edmund, 550 John, 373-534 Robert, 534 Sterling, 534 Thomas, 534-928 William, 534 RUGG, Amos, 808 Daniel, 808 Fred O., 480-901 Frederic Waldo, 808 John, 808 533 809-861 Jacob, 861 James, 86-809-861 John, 86-317-809-861- 989 Julia, 809 Louisa Bowdoin, 86 Murray, 86 Richard, 86-809-861 Richard Henry, 86- 809 951- RUTHERFURD William, 86-809-861 Wm. Rees, 529 RUSHMER, Thomas B., 70 RUSLING, Emily Wood, 897 Gershom, 897 James Fowler, 217- 879 RUSSEL, Albert, 932 Henry C., 824 John Hooe, 932 Walter S., 254 RUSSELL, Albert, 593 Albert B., 372 Alexander, 424-673 Andrew, 143-231 Benjamin, 123 Charles F., 221 Charles P., 810 Charles Silas, 539 Charles Wells, 810 Charles Wells, 2d, 809 Christopher A., 381 David, 703 Edward Perry, 901 George D., 528 George Harvey, 594 George Robert, 414 Henry R., 501 Henry S., 431 Hobart Henry, 597 Isaac, 703 Isaac Wm., 703 James, 42'4-531-538- 539-673-949 James Andrew, 942 James McPherson, 424 James Savage, 380 John, 24-251-807-810- 925-989 John, Jr., 543 John Bent, 949 John Francis, 810 John Geo., 539-949 John Henry, 381-673 John Hiram, 251 Joseph, 127-538-539- 949 Joshua, 809 Nathaniel, 669 Philip, 286 Richard, 703 Robert Grier, 673 Samuel, 456-496 Silas Bent, 539 Thomas H., 739 William, 25-26-204- 538-539-911-949 William F., 806 Wm. Hoge, 424 Wm. Pew, 251 RUST, Aloney, 754 Amasa, 754 Daniel, 754 Elisha, 754 Henry, 754 Israel, 754 Jonathan, 754 Lawrence, 111 RUSTIN, Gilbert, 323 tts Anthony, 30- {6 RUTGERS, Harmanus, 115 Hendrick, 572 RUTHERFOORD, Alex H., 578 Thomas, 578 RUTHERFORD, Hugh 33 Robert, 33 Thomas, 989 Thomas Scott, 467 ARR NDS John, 1 Morris, 810 RUTHERFURD Walter, 810 RUTLEDGE, Arthur M., 668 Benjamin Huger, 145- 810 Hugh, 810 John, 441-676-810 RUTSEN, Jacob, 606- 622-848 John, 848 RUTSON, Jacob, 610 RUTTAN, Abraham, 940 RUTTER, David, 811 Mary E. McMurtrie, 810 Thomas, 811 RUXTON, Wm., 946 RUYL, Louis H., 221 RYAN, Joseph T., 360 O’Neill, Jr., 899 RYCKEN, Abraham, 937 RYDER, Absalom, 752 John, 752 Samuel, 752 RYERS, Gozen, 793 John Pelliou, 793 RYERSE, Michel, 696 RYERSON, Arthur, 570 David, 810 Edward Larned, 616- 763 Edwin Warner, 616 Frans, 616 Geo. Wilson, 616 John A., 616 Joris, 616-810 Joseph Turner, 616- 763 Marten, 616-810-989 Martin, 77-616-810 Martin Antoine, 61¢ Theunis, 616 Thomas, 616 R.ERSZEN, Marten, 989 RYLEY, Frances B. Engleman, 558 Warfield, 558 William, 558 RYON, Wallace P., 724 S SABIN, Elihu, 170 Sede Gustavus A., 2 Stephen Webb, 440 Wm. Tufnell, 261-405 SACKETT, Adnah, 678 Benjamin, 678 Buel, 678 Frederic Moseley, 678 Frederic Moseley, Jr., 678 George Woodruff, 460 Henry Weston, 678 Henry Woodward, 678 Isaac, 678 John, 678 Jonathan, 678 Joseph, 678 M. W., 217 Philo, 678 Simon, 471-678 Solon Philo, 678 William, 678 SADLER, Abiall, 812 Anthony, 812 Ebenezer, 812 Holmes Elias, 812 John, 812 Levi, 812 Manley Chapin, 813 Thomas, 663 William, 648 SAGE, Dean, 147-890 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Comfort, 359 Solomon, 918 Stephen, 918 SAHLER, Abraham, 813 Abraham du Bois, 813 Daniel, 813 Daniel Du Bois, 813 Helen Gertrude, 313 SAILOR, Peter, 370 ST. pe Henry, 6 ST. CLAIR, Arthur, 876 Isaac, 609 Wayman, 609 SAINT JOHN, Clara H. Seymour, 759 Edward Francis, 759 George Clare, 759 John T., 478 Moses, 332 Oliver, 567-732-745 Samuel Henry, 101 ST. MARTIN, Pierre Bouche, 32 SALARNIER, Jules, 913 SALISBURY, James Coffin, 813 James Williams, 813 John, Jr., 813 Monroe, 478 Sylvester, 172 William, 813 SALLE, Abraham, 561- 972 SALLEY, Alex. McQ., 813 Alexander S., 813 Alex. Samuel, Jr., 813 D. Hammond, 794 George E., 813 Henry, 813 John, 813 SALMON, Harvey W., Jr., 830 SALTER, Henry, 813 Jabez, 150-153-529 John, 490-813 John Edward, 813 John Lowe, 813 John Lowe, Jr., 813 Richard, 490-689 Sumner, 490 Titus, 813 William, 490 William Frost, 490 Wm. Mackintire, 490 SALTONSTALL, Fran- cis G., 741 Gurdon, 47-300-301- 741 Gurdon, Jr., 47 Nathaniel, 39-47-300- 741 Philip L., 726 Richard, 47-300-699- 734-741-937-989 Richard M., 22 William Wanton, 741 Winthrop, 741 SALTUS, Nicholas, 514 Rollin Sanford, 502 SAMBORNE, John, 989 William, 989 SAMES, William, 864 SAMMONS, Jacob §S., 323 SAMPSON (see also Samson) Abigail S. Donham, 814 Abraham, 483 Alexander, 813 Amos, 174 Caleb, 174-777 Ephraim, 74 George, 767 George Graves, 838 Henry, 174-193-777- 866-874-989 Isaac, 74-313 John, 874 John Seaver, 483 Joshua, 174 Miles, 174 Stephen, 813-874 William, 813-814 William S., 814 William T., 832 SAMS, Berners B., 815 Bonham, 814 Bonum, 815 Conway Whittle, 814 Donald Decatur, 815 Franklin F., 815 Horace Hann, 814 Robert, 815 Stanhope, 658 William, 815 SAMSON (see also Sampson) Henry, 44-989 William H., 471 Webb, M., 835 SAMUELSON, Francis, 181 SANBORN, Abner, 30 Arthur L., 318 Ebenezer, 318 Eliphalet, 815 Enoch, 318 Franklin B., 640 Frederick, 815 Henry Fredk., 815 John, 30-112-318-989 John Bell, 318 Josiah, 815 Louisa W. Kirkland, 640 Reuben, 815 Richard, 112 Sherburn, 87 Simpson E., 318 Thayer, 30-31 Theophilus, 30-31 Victor Channing, 641 Walter Henry, 815 William, 112-815-989 Willis James, 963 SANDBERG, Martin, 26 SANDERLAINE, Jas., 157 SANDERS, Aaron, 886 Anthony, 697 Edward, 339 George, 752 George Nicholas, 92 Henry, 815 Tra, 815 Jacob, 824 James, 160-824 Job, 824 John, 815-824 Joseph, 815-826 Lewis, 92 Louis Peck, 815 Newell, 815-816 Oliver, 697 Oren, 886 Raymond Y., 304 Sherman, 815 Stephen, 697 Thomas, 913 Wilbur Fisk, 815 William, 160 Se ESOL Charles, 568 Chester, 228 Edward, 350 Joseph, 228 Richard, 752 Robert, 228 Thomas, 228 William, 228 534 SARGENT SANDES, James, 990 SANDS, Anne A., 1000 Benjamin, 816 Charles Edwin, 794 Comfort, 205-872 Henry, 691 James, 643-691-990 John, 691 John M., 691 Joseph Hoban, 816 Joshua, 208-643-691 Richardson, 746 Robert, 816 Samuel M. B., 691 Wn. Franklin, 816 SANDSTROM, Charles Johan, 786 SANDYS, Edwin, 202- 674-691 George, 202 James, 990 SANFORD, Baylis, 816 David, 372 Eliada, 739 Elihu, 372 Ephraim, 372 George, 221 Harriet B. Williams, 816 Henry C., 694 Henry G., 1006 Henry Lindsay, 559 Hervey, 372 John, 221-385-739-816 Joseph, 221 Peleg, 132-417-501-756 Perit Meriman, 739 Robert, 606 Samuel, 372 Samuel King, 816 Thomas, 372-739-990 William Elihu, 372 William Henry, 152 SANGER, Calvin, 286 Charles Robt., 68-455 Daniel, 286 David, 918 Eleanor W. Davis, 68 George P., 68 Henry K., 286 Joseph Prentice, 286 Prentice, 286 Ralph, 412 Richard, 286-287-990 Richard Watson, 287 Samuel, 286 Zedekiah, 287 SAN GERMANO, Emi- dio, 363 SANGSTER, Edward, 457 James, 457 Thomas, 457 SANMAN, Matthew, 483 phot y ceed ni José J., 8 SANTEE, Elijah, 816 Ellis Monroe, 816 John, 816 John Clark, 816 Valentine, 816 SANXAY, Theodore F., 1002 SARD, Grange, 569 SARES, Richard, 990 SARGEANT (see also Sargent, Sergeant) Jacob, 898 John, 898 Joseph A., 60 Joseph Hough, 898 Samuel, 898 William, 898 SARGENT (see also Sargeant, Sergeant) Abner, 817 Benjamin, 815 SARGENT Charles, 787 Daniel, 566 Daniel W., 889 Edward Rupert, 817 Epes, 774 Felton, 816 Fitz William, 774 Francis Porter, 817 George Henry, 816 Henry Bradford, 817 James, 990 John, 216-312-785-817 John Sumner, 368 Jonathan, 216 Joseph, 817 Joseph Denny, 817 Joseph Bradford, 817 Moses F., 816 Nathan, 216 Philip, 816 Porter Edward, 817 * Robert, 816 Robert Smith, 816 Roger, 990 Samuel, 773 Stephen, 817 Thomas, 817 Walter, 817 William, 216-771-774- 816-817-990 Winthrop, 774 Winthrop, Jr., 262 SARMIENTO, Caro Bowen, 498 SARTELL, Nathaniel, 783 SA TIN. Do bes LiLo SARTWELL, Henry J., 695 SARVER, William, 556 SATCHELL, Christo- pher, 117 SATER, Henry, 106 John Jones, 106 John Richard, 293 Joseph, 106 William, 106 SATTERLEEH, Benedict, 67-990 Charles B., 537 Edward, 67 Edward R., 67 George Reese, 67 Herbert L., 639-1005 William, 67 SATTERWHITE, Thos. Palmer, 230 SAUERPECK, Geo., 863 William, 863 oP eas Willard, 22 SAUNDERS, Ann C. Anderson, 419 Dillard H., 303 Edward Angell, 246 Florence Fuller, 402 Henry Rowland, 402 Jacob, 894 Jesse, 303 John Dillard, 303 Joseph, 271 Mildred T. Bradford, 303 Percy, 689 Romulus M., 208 Samuel, 582 Samuel Preston, 402 Stephen, 834 Swepson Harrison, 419 Thomas, 303-894-997 William, 805 Wm. Leonidas, 419 SAVAGE, Albert B., 817 Anthony, 184 Charles Albert, 817 Charles Gustav, 284 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Daniel, 615 Francis Martin, 586 Habijah, 875 John, 887 Joseph, 817 Littleton, 627 Samuel H., 370 Thomas, 454-579-814- 873-990 Timothy, 544 SAVELLI, Alberta G., 127 SAVERY, Charles, 904 Lemuel, 344 Samuel, 344 Thomas, 344 SAWIN, John, 340 SAWTELLE, Hezekiah, 809 Jonathan, 809 Obidiah, 809 Richard, 809 Solomon, 809 SAWYER, Caleb, 543 Charles B., 818 David, 818 Edgar Philetus, 543 Edward, 818 Ephraim, 543 Eugene M., 675 Francis, 346-732 George Pliny, 887 Israel, 219 James, 818 Jesse, 737 John, 543 John LeRoy, 176 John Pascal, 59-818 Jonathan, 543 Joseph, 818 Joseph D., 818 Josiah, 736 Pascal Hall, 818 Philetus H., 543 Rollin A., 482 Thomas, 543-775 William, 732 William Newman, 818 SAXON, Charles, 428 Lewis, 428 SAXTON, Bert J., 476 Joseph, 756 SAYER, Jonathan, 637 Thomas, 990 hae Gees Elisha, 456- 53 Frederic Clark, 105- 818 John, 69-456-705-818- 839-953-957 Richard, 456-953 Robert Wilcox, 818 Willard, 456-954 SAYLOR, Ulrich, 935 William B., 768 SAYRE, Archibald, 637 Benjamin, 895 Daniel, 637-638 Ephraim, 637 Francis Bowes, 638 J. Will, 827 Jessie W. Wilson, 638 John, 638 Joseph, 638 Lewis Albert, 637 Reginald H., 637 Robert Heysham, 638 Thomas, 431-637-638- 990 William H., 638 SAYRES, Thomas, 990 ey ere E. Tucker, 1 SCADDING, Chas., 776 SCAFF, James A., 654 SCAIFE, Geoffrey, 444 James Verner, 712 Lauriston L., 444 Roger L., 444 William B., 444 SCAISBROOK, Henry, 139 SCARBOROUGH, Ed- mund, 117-627 SCARISBROOK, John, 558 SCARRITT, Winthrop T., 847 SCATCHERD, James M., 540 SCATTERGOOD, Al- bert Garrett, 270 Alfred Garrett, 269 Joseph, 269 Joseph Henry, 269 Thomas, 269-990 Boe eae Francis, 231 William F., 231 SCHAF, J. C., 768 SCHAFF, Edward, 819 Ida M. Cox, 818-1001 Louis, 819 SCHAFFER, Geo., 708 SCHALL, William, 494 SCHARFF, John Paul, 835 SCHEERING, Edward, | 106 SCHELLING, Emanuel, 863 SCHELLINGER, Jaco- bus, 116 SCHENCK, Caspar, 71 Charles L., 1002 Garret, 833 Gerretse Roelofse, 819 Jas. Findlay, 71-819 Jan Roeloffse, 241 Johannes, 637-847- 990 Joseph Graham, 819 Koert Gerretse, 819 Martin, 637 Paul W., 415 Robert C., 71 Roelof, 819 Roelof M., 71-241-990 William, 819 . Wm. Cortenus, 819 William Edward, 311 William S., 772 Woodhull S., 819 SCHENK, Henry Harri- son, 824 SCHENKINGH, Ber- nard, 90 SCHERER, Fredk., 819 Jacob, 819 Jacob Daniel, 819 James A. B., 819 Nicholas, 819 Paul Armand, 819 Simeon, 819 SCHERMERHORN, Abraham, 274 Arnout, 274 Edward Gibert, 274 George Stevens, 274 J. Maus, 819 Jacob Janse, 274-819- 990 Johannes, 819 John, 274 John Peter, 274 John S., 237 Maus, 819 Peter, 274 Ryer, 819 Simon, 819 Symon Jacobse, 274 SCHICK, Robert P., 132 535 SCHUYLER SCHIEFFELIN, Chas. M., 546 George R. D., 198-655 George Richard, 655 Jacob, 198-638-655-990 Richard L., 198-655 Schuyler, 1001 William Jay, 1002 SCHIFF, Theodore, 508 SCHLADOR, Fredk., 100 SCHLECT, Cornelius Barentsen, 799 SCHLEY, Charles, 245 Eleanor T. Murdoch, 245 George Jacob, 245 Henry, 245 John, 245 John Thomas, 245-990 Thomas, 827 SCHLOSSER, Geo., 851 SCHMIDLAPP, William H., 719 SCHMIDT, Charles Ed- ouard, 240 Georgia P. Wilson, 824 Gustavus, 240 Heinrich, 799 Julius, 656 Louis Bernard, 824 Oscar, 545 SCHMIDTMANN, Her- man, 609 Mary R. Fortson, 609 Waldemar A., 609 SCHNEELOCH, Hugo, 36 SCHNOOR, Maximil- lian, 160 SCHOETTLE, Ferdi- nand, 208 Marc A., 208 Rita C. Metcalf, 208 SCHOFF, Frederic, 820 Hannah Kent, 819 Jacob, 820-990 John, 820 John Chase, 820 Leonard H., 820 Stephen A., 820 Wilfred Harvey, 820 SCHOFIELD, John Mc- Allister, 879 SCHOLTEN, Henry, 949 SCHOOLEY, Benj., 244 SCHOONMAKER, Hen- drick J., 143 Joachim, 143 Jochem H., 143 Martinus, 143 Nicholas, 143 SCHOTT, William, 940 SCHRADER, Geo., 113 SCHREIBER, Andreas, 991 : SCHREINER, Aime Charles, 145 SCHREUDER, Harold N., 679 SCHROEDER, Seaton, JP is6 SCHULER, Michael, 126 SCHULTZ, Carl H., 857 Frederick, 698 John Godfrey, 42 William D., 628 SCHULTZE, Fredk., 130 Wi Baoo SCHUMACHER, Peter, 846 Thomas, 991 SCHURMEIR, Theo- dore L., 815 SCHUYLER, Aaron, 820 Anthony Dey, 820-949 SCHUYLER Arent, 820-904-949 Casparus, 820-904-949 Charles Edward, 798 Garret Lansing, 945 Johannes, 640 John, 904-908 Montgomery, 820-949- 1004 Norton, 949 Peter, 758 Philip, 640-855-908 Philip Pieterse, 119- 597-640-682-820-904- 908-945-949-983 Pieter, 682 Remington, 820 William R., 820-949 SCHWAB, Gustav, 929 SCHWARTZ, James E., 904 SCHWARZ, Adolph, 700 Gustav, 462 Mabel E. Lowther, 700 Theodore E., 705 William Tefft, 700 Sea Poh Abraham, 84 George, 846 Hans Michael, 846 Jacob, 846 SCHWRAR, John Geo., 835 SCOFIELD, Daniel, 665 SCOGEN, John, 539 SCOLLAY, James, 939 John, 786-939 Malcolm, 939 William, 939 SCOTT, Albert W., Jr., 92 Alex. Harvey, 820 Alex. Yerger, 959 Alfred B., 660 Andrew, 527 Andrew Finley, 527 Bertha Drake, 259 Beverley D., 145 Charles, 188-959 Daniel, 493 David, 890 Edgar H., 250 Edmond, 959 Edward P., 391 Eli, 890 Frederic R., 92 George, 646 George W., 65 Henry, 700-982 Henry Clarkson, 259 Henry Edwards, 1004 Hugh, 259 J. Hutchinson, 554 James, 18-145-596 James D., 601 Jarius Hart, 949 Jesse, 527 John, 259-749-820-925- 926 John Morin, 820 John W., 646 Johnny, 925 Jonathan, 450 Joseph, 959 Lewis Allaire, 820-821 Malvina Yerger, 959 Matthew, 259-399 Phineas, 849 R. Carter, 904 Robert, 197 Thomas, 414 Thomas P., 412 Walter F., 870 Whitfield, 145 William, 378-527 William Thomas, 407 William Wallace, 546 SCOTTOE, Joshua, 672 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE SCOVEL (see also Sco- vill, Scoville) Hezekiah, 72 Jonah, 72 Sylvester, 72 William, 72 SCOVILL (see also Sco- ville, Scovel) Darius, 520 Edward, 520 Edward Ely, 520 Hubert, 520 James, 520 John, 520 Selah, 520 Thomas Lamson, 520 William, 520 SCOVILLE (see also Scovill, Scovel) Amassa, 654 Arthur, 654 Geo. Boyington, 654 James, 654 Jonathan, 190 Samuel, 654 SCRANTON, Henry, 430 Ichabod, 430 John, 430 Theophilus, 430 SCREVEN, Geo. Proc- tor, 297 James, 155-420 Thomas, 420 SCRIBNER, Benjamin, 198-990 Charles, 198 Gilbert H., Jr., 256 John Woodbury, 579 Matthew, 198 Uriah Rogers, 198 Pe Samuel, 43 SCRIVENER, Benja- min, 990 SCROGGINS, Thomas Byes ir flst SCROGIN, Joseph, 544 SCRUGGS, Gross F., 539 Gross Robert, 539-540 Henry, 539 Jas. Briscoe, 539-540 Marion 8S. Price, 539 Richard, 539 Stuart Briscoe, 539 Thomas, 539 William, 539 SCRUGHAM, Jas., 964 Mrs. Wm. D., 1002 SCUDDER, Charles D., 595 Henry, 445-821 Henry Joel, 821 Henry Townsend, 821 Jasper S., 621 John, 830 John Anderson, 480 Thomas, 821-990 Timothy, 821 William H., 753 ‘SCULL, Alfred P., 462 Edward M., 268 John, 814 Nicholas, 462 Pieter Jensen, 814 William Ellis, 782 SCULTHORPE, James, 961 Josiah, 961 Seabrook, Robert, 976 SEABURY, Charles W., 549 Sm OREO AL John, 367-869-990 , Samuel, 367-656-869 SEAL, Joseph H., 595 William, 595 SEALIS, Richard, 443- 574-996 SEAMAN, Geo. W., 718 Gilbert E., 1003 Harold H., 594 John, 160-507-821 Louis L., 821 Nathaniel, 160-821 Samuel, 160-821 Valentine, 160-821 Willet, 160-821 William Grant, 500 SEAMANS, Martin, 690 Young, 109-110-472- 690 SEAMER, Richard, 990 SEARLES, Austin D., 348 Edsall, 737 William T., 737 SEARS, Amos G., 821 Benjamin, 950 David, 53-885 Ebenezer, 821 Edmund, 850 Frederic, 602 Frederic William, 821 Fredk. Edmund, 950 Fredk. H., 950 Hector, 821 Henry F., 950 Herbert Mason, 865 Isaac, 79 J. Montgomery, 548 John, 700-821 John W., 700 Josiah, 950 Mary E. Balch, 950 Nathaniel, 950 Nathaniel C., 821 Paul, 53-643-644-821- 850-950 Peter, 821 Philip Shelton, 341 Richard, 53-286-476- 821-850-950-990 Richard Dudley, 292 Roland, 950 Rufus, 950 Samuel, 950 Seth, 950 Silas, 950 Thomas, 53-72 Willard, 53 William, 821 William A., 700 William Sewall, 821 SEAT, Robert, 362 SEATON, W. B., 723 Willard, 499 SEAVER, Ebenezer, 250 Horace, 250 Howard E., 347 Joshua, 250 Lewis Wheaton, 250 Robert, 250 William, 250 SEAWELL, Henry, 990 SEBLEY, John, 991 SECCOMB, Eben D., 451 SEDDON, Jas. A., 506 John, 506 Thomas, 506 SEDGEWICK, Joshua, 245 Samuel, 698 SEDGWICK, Alex., 686 Benj., 289-290-497 Charles, 497 Ebenezer, 37 Ellery, 290-529 Harry, 289 Henry Dwight, 290 Robert, 37-289-290- 497-535-755-990 Samuel, 37-289-290- 497-698-755 Theodore, 290-497 536 SEMPLE William, 37-289-290- 497-755 SEEBERGER, Louis A., 550 SEELEY (see also Seely) Charles H., 70 Charles L., 177 Ephraim, 588 George Percy, 664 N. R., 941 Thomas Melville, 880 SEELY (see also See- ley, Seelye) Edwin C., 229 James Madison, 85 Jerome, 282 Jonas, 282 Obadiah, 282 Robert, 282-629 Seth, 282 SEELYE, Lindsley P.» 520 SEGAR, Ezra, 114 SEIBELS, Henry G., alg Robert Emmet, 254 SEIDEL, Henry B., 60 John Philip, 60 Jonathan, 60 SEIMOR, Richard, 990 SEKDEN, Samuel, 243 SELBY, Jeremiah, 165 Robert, 233 William, 165 SELDEN, Charles, 617 Charles C., 859 Edwin Van D., 821 George, 821 George Shattuck, 821 Joseph, 563-745-821 Samuel, 498-567-568- - 617-745-821 Thomas, 821 SELLECK, Gold, 576- 665 SELLERS, Alfred H., 822 Coleman, 822 David, 576-665 Edward, 333 Frank Harrold, 822 Horace Wells, 822 John, 333-774-822 John, Jr., 664 Jonathan, 576-665 Nathan, 822 Samuel, 395-822-827- 990 SELLEY, Thomas, 771 SELLMAN, John Hen- ry, 800 Jonathan, 800 SELOVER, W. Updyke, 961 SEMMES, Alexius, 920 Anthony, 920 Bennett B., 920 Ignatius, 920 James, 822 John Edward, 822 Joseph, 822 Marmaduke, 822-920 Raphael, 17-822 Richard T., 822 Samuel M., 822 Thomas, 789 SEMPLE, Edward H., 283 Frank, 56 James, 900 John, 900 John Bonner, 56 John Walker, 900 Samuel, 56 William, 56 William Percy, 367 William T., 850 SENAT SENAT, Louis Duval, 300 SENEY, George Ingra- ham, 677 SENTION, Matthias, 695 SERGEANT (see also Sargeant, Sargent) Charles S., 741 John, 243 Jonathan, 243-380 Jonathan D., 380 Thomas, 380 SERRH, Noah, 563 SESSIONS, Jared D., 88 Robert Harvey, 88 Stephen W., 834 SETH, William Cham- berlain, 274 SETON, Alfred, 443 George, 488 SETTLE, Cooper, 822 George Thomas, 822 Henry Clay, 822 Joseph A., 590 Thomas, 539-822 SEUBERING, Roelof, 995 SEVER, William, 124 SEVERANCE, Jno., 990 Pierre Clarke, 514 SEVERENCH, Wm., 784 SEVERNS, John, 990 SEVIER, John, 534-867- 904 Robert, 866-867 Valentine, 829-866- 867-904 SEWALL, Arthur, 823 Charles, 45 Drummer, 822 Harold Marsh, 822 Henry, 45-146-398- 822-990 John, 822 Joseph, 822 Jotham B., 613 Nicholas, 45 Oscar T., 901 Saml., 146-805-812-822 William Dunning, 822 SEWARD, John, 789 William, 840 SEWELL, Henry, 45- 146-398-822-990 SEXTON, David, 863 James W., 863 Joseph, 863-897 SEYMOUR, Andrew, 453 Belden, 838 Charles, 758-'759 Ebenezer, 104 Henry, 680-728 Horatio, 680-728 Isaac, 569 Isaac Newton, 730- 731 Jesse, 730 Joel, 730-731 John, 597-680-728-730- 731-758-759-854-926 John F., 731 John Fellows, 730 John Forman, 680 Lewis, 453 Morris W., 372 Moses, 680-728 Nathan P., 758-759 Richard, 104-453-680- 696-728-730-731-758- 759-854-990 Samuel, 104-453 Thomas, 453-490 Thomas Day, 759 Timothy, 758-759 Walter, 198 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE William, 730-731 William Henry, 839 William North, 453 SGRENA, Barthelemy, 76 SHACKELFORD, Geo., 959 James, 563 John, 959 Lyne, 959 William, 563 William Henry, 959 SHACKFORD, Charles B., 614 Samuel, 614-629-735 Samuel B., 614 William, 614 SHAFFER, George Al- fred, 708 Isaac, 816 SHAFTER, James, 684 Oscar Lovell, 684 William R., 684 SHAILER, Asa, 716 Hezekiah, 716 Samuel, 716 Smith, 716 Thomas, 716 William Hosmer, 716 SHALER, Charles, 910 Nathaniel, 910 Reuben, 910 Peer eS Wyatt, 4 SHALLENBERGER, James M., 859 SHAND, Peter J., 895 Robert, 895 SHANE, Charles F., 762 SHANKLIN, Gilbert, 803 John, 149 SHAPLEIGH, Alexan- der, 717-914-990 Alex. Wessel, 717 Alfred Lee, 717 Augustus F., 717 Augustus F., Jr., 717 Elisha, 717 John, 717 Nicholas, 717 Richard Waldron, 717 Robert, 717 SHAPLEY, Alex., 990 Benjamin, 733 SHARP (see also Sharpe) H. Rodney, 224 Jacob, 945 James, 423 John, 423 Joseph Samuel, 945 Joseph W., 269 Joseph W., Jr., 395 Philip, 945 William, 423-823 William W., 823 SHARPE (see also Sharp) Caswell A., 578 Henry, 996 Nicholas, 120 Richard, 864 Thomas, 978 William, 488 SHARPLES, John, 990 Philip Price, 734 SHARPLESS, Charles L., 550 Evan B., 127 Isaac, 769 John, 133-515-876-990 Lawrence P., 799 Samuel Jones, 876 Townsend, 876 SHARPLBEY, Alexander, 990 SHARRET, James, 395 SHARROCK, Thos., 766 Bea geagl ed Edward, 12 SHATTUCK, Alvin, 919 Benjamin, 94-823 Cyrus, 919 Daniel, 919 Frederick Cheever, 464-823 George B., 341 George Cheyne, 823 Joseph C., 382 Stephen, 823 Warren S., 427 William, 813-823-919- 976-990 William B., 320 SHAW, Abraham, 777 Allena Bassett, 823 Anthony, 823 Bela, 470 Boardman O., 824 Charles Gray, 823 Daniel, 845 David, 818 Edward Henry, 608 Edward T., 608 Elijah, 470 Francis, 414 Francis George, 414 George B., 470 George E., 148 Graham, 608 Guthrie, 858 H. M., 554 Hiram, 637-824 Horace Gray, 823 Ichabod, 216 John, 637-646-777-824- 845 John Balcom, 823 Joseph, 646 Joseph Bacon, 572 Joshua, 461-777 Leslie Mortier, 824 Lloyd, 467 Nathaniel, 824 Nicholas, 777 Ralph Martin, 824 Robt. G., 139-414-460 Roger, 824 Samuel, 216-470 Samuel P., 843 Thos. Benjamin, 900 William, 646 William Checkley, 646 William Goodhue, 470 SHEA, Edward, 710 John, 710 Nicholas, 710 SHEAFER, Arthur W., 824 George, 824 Henry, 824 Peter Wenrich, 824 SHEAFF, Henry, 513 John, 513 SHEAFFE, Edmund, 370-693 Edward, 693 Jacob, 971-993 SHEAR, Theodore, 788 SHEARER, Louis, 163 SHEARMAN (see also Sherman) Benjamin, 252 Isaac H., 930 John, 991 Jonathan, 252 Philip, 252-991 Robert, 252 William Pitt, 252 SHEARN, Charles, 376 Charles Paul, 376-377 Charles Paul, Jr., 377 John, 376-377 537 SHEPARD SHEDD, Charles B., 711 Daniel, 121-221 Ebenezer, 121 Henry P., 221 John M., 931 Solomon, 121 William A., 532 Zechariah, 121 SHEDDEN, William M., 477 SHEDDON, Thos., 325 SHEEHAN, James, 649 SHEFFEY, Daniel, 510 Henry, 510 James White, 510 John Preston, 511 SHEFFIELD, Alfred D., 84 Edmund, 734 Edward, 478-592-990 George Gardiner, 734 Ichabod, 734 Isaac, 478-592 Joseph, 734 Joseph Earl, 478-592 Josiah, 734 Paul King, 478-592 Robert, 478-592 Roy K., 683 William Paine, 734 SHEIB, Samuel Henry, W71 SHELBY, Evan, 990 Evan Dhu, 583 SHELDON, Charles E., 952 Isaac, 150-990 Jas. Rhodes, Jr., 170 John, 151-990 Luther, Jr., 272 Nicholas, 829 Paul B., 738 Seth, 75-151 Walter L., 647 William, 151 SHELLMAN, William FY, 792: William H., 654 SHELMERDINE, Geo. C., 154 SHELTON, Henry T., 150 John M., 373 Joseph, 373 Richard, 808 William Henry, 825 SHENK, Johannes, 990 SHEPARD (see also Shepherd, Sheppard) Abraham, 543 Alexander B., 641 Alexander Robey, 788 Alonzo Frisbie, 343 Annie E. Bartlett, 555 Augustine, 941 Charles, 543 Charles B., 508 Charles R., 567 Charles Sidney, 824 Charles Upham, 604 Daniel, 915 David, 508-542-543- 824-941 Edward, 244-542-689- 990 Edward Martin, 244 Eldad, 244-245 Elliott Fitch, 958 Finley Johnson, 825 Frank Parsons, 229 Frederick Job, 543 Fredk. Johnson, 555 Fredk. Wm., 543-544 Helen M. Gould, 824 Isaac, 542-543-824 Jacob, 508-604-605 James, 244-245 SHEPARD Jesse, 824 Jesse B., 941 Jesse George, 941 Job, 543 John, 244-245-508-909- 915-941 Joshua, 543 Mase, 604 Otis, 342-787 Phineas, 689 Richard, 689 Ralph, 342-542-543- 782-824-915-990 Samuel, 244-245-342- 542-543-824 Seth, 639 Sidney, 824 Thomas, 146-342-508- 604-605-990 Thomas Peletiah, 689 Thos. Rochester, 543 William, 508 William B., 534 William Henry, 555 SHEPARDSON, Paul A., 126 SHEPHEARD, Ralph, 990 SHEPHERD (see also Shepard, Sheppard) Charles, 379 Edward, 990 George F., 63 R. Bowden, 27 Ralph, 990 William Edgar, 957 SHEPLEY, Geo. L., 492 SHEPPARD (see also Shepard, Shepherd) Geo. Ashbridge, 485 John Shoemaker, 623 Moses, 485 Morris F., 485 Thomas, 485-824 Walter B., 485 SHERBURNE, Henry, 350-805 John, 343 John Henry, 157 Joseph, 350 SHERER, Gilbert, 434 William G., 382 SHERFEY, Jacob, 725 Kasper, 725 Simeon, 725 SHERIDAN, John J., 213-355 SHERIFF, Andrew BR.., 825 George Lewis, 825 Thomas, 979 SHERLOCK, Stephen, 252 SHERMAN (see also Shearman) Anthony, 778 Asa, 718 Audrey T., 465 Benjamin, 676-825 Benjamin Borden, 918 Bezaleel, 74 Byron, 825 Charles Pomeroy, 825 Charles R., 389-628 Charles T., 389 Daniel, 388-389-628 Eber, 527 Edmund, 74-825-990 Gordon Edward, 825 Henry Hopkins, 950 J. Homer, 889 Jacob, 527 James, 74-825 John, 74 - 81-388-389- 439-440-527-628-782- 825-868-950-991 John T., 45 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE John W., 950 Jonathan, 825 Joseph, 439-440-676 Josiah, 441 Nathaniel, 817 Noah, 74 P. Tecumseh, 389 Philip, 300-527-676- 778-825-918-985-991 Richard U., 825 Richard W., 825 Roger, 240 - 279 - 385- 439-440-441-487-595- 772 Samuel, 388-389-628- 778-825 Taylor, 388-389-628 Thomas, 95-825 Willet, 825 Wm., 439-440-527-950 William H., 736 William T., 389-628 Wilson, 778 SHERRARD, Thomas J., 224 SHERRERD, Jas. H., 521 John, 521 William D., 521 SHERRILL, Charles Hitchcock, 825-826 Darius, 825 Jacob, 686-825 Jeremiah, 825 Recompence, 825 Samuel, 825 SHERWOOD, Albert, 667-958 Andrew, 958 Benj. Cheney, 392 Daniel, 958 Henry, 958 Henry Hall, 125 Hugh, 371 Isaac, 958 Jabez, 97 John) Cy TiL Joseph, 90 Thomas, 958 SHERWOOD-DUNN, Berkeley, 826 SHEWALTER, Aileen Rothrock, 811 Joseph D., 811 SHEWARD, James, 886 SHIELDS, Chas. W., 842 Begbert Oswald, 870 Henry Burnett, 177 James, 177-870 John, 698-870 Lytton Edward, 916 Patrick (i Wilmer H., 864 SHIELS, Charles, 101 SHIFFER, A. W., 140 SHILLITO, Stewart, 720 SHIMANS, Avram, SHINKLE, Edward Marsh, 133 SHIPLEY, Adam, 697 Charles, 826 George, 826 James Lester, 826 Morris, 426 William, 59-60 Wm., Jr., 535 Wm. Watters, 619 SHIPMAN, Chas. 229 Edward, 229-991 J. S., 423-520 John, 229 Joshua, 229 Louis Evan, 463 Nathaniel, 523 Samuel, 229 694 Sylvester G., 201 SHIPPEN, Edward, 35- 328-393-394-621-622- 892 Henry, 393 Joseph, 35-328-393- 621-622 Julian, 875 Lloyd Parker, 158 Richard, 328 William H., 417 SHIPPEY, Thomas, 703 SHIRAS, George, 516 George, Jr., 516 George, 3d, 516 SHIRER, Daniel G., 682 Hampton L., 682 SHIRES, Charles Ed- gar, 868 SHIRK, Andrew, 826 Caspar, 826 Ellen Walker, 826 John C., 826 Milton, 826 SHIRLEY, Rufus G., 1005 SHOBER, Andreas, 261 Blathwaite, 261 Reginald K., 465 Samuel, 261 Samuel L., 262 SHOEMAKER, Abra- ham, 667 Benjamin, 667 Benjamin H., 668 George, 27-511-667- 793 Hanyoost, 827 Helen Parmelee, 827 Henry, 826 Henry Francis, 827 Henry Wharton, 826 John, 826 John J., 942 John Wise, 826 L. D., 946 Lazarus D., 592 Michael Myers, 827 Peter, 826 Richard M., 667 Robert, 667-827 Robt. Myers, 827 Rudolph, 827 Samuel W., 891 Thomas, 827-991 SHOENBERGER, Geo., 421-915 George K., 137-604 Peter, 915 SHOFFNER, John, Martin, 578 Michael, 578 SHOFNER, Jacob Mor- ton, 935 SHONK, Geo. W., 927 SHONTS, Theodore Perry, 467 SHOPE, Mrs. Samuel Z., 1007 SHORES, James, 813 James Foster, 813 Thomas, 686 SHORT, Charles Wil- kins, 827 Henry, 965 John Cleves, 827 Peyton, 827 William, 827 SOR John L., ST anes Spencer P., 1 SHOUP, Martin, 515 Samuel, 515 SHOUSKE, John §&., 827 Jouett, 827 578 538 SIKES SHREVE, Benj. F., 858 Edith D. Jenkins, 828 Isaac, 478 Jesse Hayward, 828 Octavius B., 239 Thomas Tolliver, 213 William Clement, 828 William Price, 440 SHREWSBURY, Drury, 626-627 SHRIVER, Albert, 425 Alfred Jenkins, 424 Andreas, 424-991 Andrew, 424 David, 424 J. Alexis, 424 Jacob Sherman, 424 John Alexander, 424 John Schultz, 424 William, 424 SHUART, Abraham, 960 Denton G., 960 Johannis, 960 Nella Phillips, 964 Wm. Herbert, 960-964 SHUE, Joseph, 659 SHULL, Charles Edwin, 53 SHUMAR, Joseph, 961 ae Edward G., 4 Mrs. Franklin P., 1001 Joseph Hill, 597 SHUNK, Casper, 504 Francis, 504 Francis Rawn, 504 John, 504 SHURRAGER, Andrew, 70 Sate ers Nathaniel A., 3 SIBBETT, Geo. E., 641 SIBLEY, Brigham, 395 Ebenezer S., 917 Frances E. Campau, 917 Francis P., 505 Frederick T., 917 George Leonard, 396 George Royal, 396 Gideon, 396 Henry, 917 Hiram, 880 Hiram W., 655 Joel, 396 John, 395-396-991 Jonathan, 395-396 Joseph, 395-396 Josiah, 396 Paul, 395 Robert, 396 Robt. Pendleton, 396 Rufus Adams, 395 Simon, 396 Stephen, 396 SICKLER, Peter E., 940 SICKLES, Daniel, 926 Garrett, 926 Robert, 926 Thomas, 714 Zacharias, 926 SIDDONS, Edward, 612 SED ew aae Franklin, SIDNEY, John, 922 Montague, 662 SIDWAY, Frank St. John, 836 Franklin, 837 James, 836 Jonathan, 837 SIEBERS, Ernest E., 427 pity ey Christopher, 69 SIGAFOOS, Orville Lin- coln, 624 SIKES, Benjamin, 610 SIKES Increase, 610 Jonathan, 611 Oren, 610 Richard, 610 SILER, Joseph F., 941 SILL, Edward, 550 Joseph, 550-586 Richard, 550 Sylvester, 550 William, 775 SILLIMAN, Benjamin, 576-665-666-803-908 Daniel, 576-665-908- 991 Ebenezer, 576-665-908 Gold Selleck, 576-665- 666-908 Jonathan, 576 Robert, 576-665-908 SILLSBEY, Henry, 991 SILSBEE, Henry, 346- 991 Nathaniel, 346 William, 346 SILVER, Benjamin, 481 Edgar Oscar, 256 Gershom, 481 John, 481 Joseph Davis, 481 Samuel, 256 William, 481 SILZ, Walter, 947 Joseph, 667 SIM, Patrick, 667-789 BON Charles Jno., 669 SIMES, John, 150 SIMKINS, Eldred, 563 SIMMONS, Fisher, 708 Frank Daniel, 777 Fredk. Johnson, 437 G. Philip, 737 Henry, 174 James, 437 John, 437-914 Jonathan, 614 Joseph, 437 Joseph Ferris, 848 Moses, 278-437-468- 526 Moses, Jr., 28 Nahum Ludwig, 438 Nathaniel, 437 Sylvester, 383 William, 17 SIMMS (see also Sims) Henry C., 116 James E., 421 William E., 421 SIMON, Chas. F., 482 James, 658 SIMONDS, Benj., 447 George W., 761 John, 458 Louis D., 794 ae ae Jacob, 496- 9 SIMONS, Benjamin, 676 George W., 429 Harleston R., Jr., 815 Harry M., 820 J. Hume, 224-676 Keating, 676 T. Grange, 676-1003 T. Mitchell, 161 Theodore J., 794 SIMONSON, William A., 1005 foo Geo. W., 1 SIMPKINS, John, 414 Nathaniel Stone, 218 Nathaniel Stone, Jr., 218 Olivia Thorndike, 218 SIMPSON, A. D., 332 Alston R., 558 Andrew, 333-775-822 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Clyde V., 166 Edward, 894 Edward T., 77 George Perry, 775 George W., 395 James, 333 James Cook, 255 John, 333 John Wesley, 561 Josiah, 775 Nathan, 775 Richard, 955 Samuel Pruitt, 203 Thomas, 333 William, 702 William Dunlap, 134 Williamson, 955 SIMS (see also Simms) Charles A., 358 James, Jr., 652 SINCLAIR, Donald B., 254 John, 317 John Johnstone, 332 SING, John, 576 William, 576 SINGLETON, Esther, 402 Henry, 402 Horace Leonard, 402 John, 134-402 John Coles, 134 Matthew, 134 Richard, 134 Richard R., 134 SINKLER, Charles St. George, 779 SINNICKSON, Geo. R., 690 John, 139 SINNOT, Michael, 714 SINTON, David, 850 John, 850 SIOUSSAT, Albert W., 828 Charles, 828 Jean Pierre, 828 St. George Leakin, 828 SISE, John, 182 SISK, David, 200 SISSON, Edward, 715 George, 579 James, 339 SITTS, Jacob, 903 James, 903 SIVITER, Anna Pier- pont, 828 Francis P., 488 William Henry, 828 SIZER, William S., 779 SKEEL, Emily E. Ford, 607-608 Roswell, Jr., 608 SKELDING, Wm., 390 SKELTON, Jno. G., 889 Samuel, 109 SKERRETT, Jos., 710 Joseph S., 493 Robert Gregg, 493 SKERRETT-ROGERS, Henry, 671 SKIDDY, John, 788 Justus Taylor, 788 William, 788 SKIDMORE, John, 340 Joseph, 340 Samuel, 340 Thomas, 340 SKILLERN, Penn-Gas- kell, 828 Penn-Gaskell, Jr., 828 Samuel R., 828 SKILLMAN, Francis, 116 SKINNER, Augustus T1610 Calvin, 242 5 Charles King, 610 Chas. Mather, 499 Ebenezer, 585 Edwin A., 51 Frederika, 956 Henrietta C. Dana, 51 Henry Whipple, 50-51 Israel, 448 John, 123-610-686 Joseph, 686 Mark, 956 Nathaniel, 610 Richard, 956 Richard Dana, 51 Robert Peet, 610 Robert T., 273 Thomas, 748-956 Timothy, 956 William, 822-956 SKIPWITH, Grey, 991 Henry, 202-935 Peyton, 944 William, 827 SLADE, F. Louis, 706 George P., 846 Job, 615 Lewis, 361 Olivia Hoe, 361 Walter F., 599 Mrs. Wm. Gerry, 1007 Winthrop, 131 SLATER, Jno. Whipple, 336 SLATON, Jno. Mar- shall, 143 SLAUGHTER, Francis, 598-599 John, 598 John B., 959 John Suggett, 598 Robert, 81-598 Samuel, 65 William, 598 SLAYBACK, Geo. M., 209 SLECHT, Cornelis Barentse, 96-590- 991 SLEDGE, Thomas, 25 SLEEPER, Nehemiah, 659 SLESMAN, Henry, 32 SLETOR, John, 267 Thomas, 267 SLIDELL, James, 171 SLOAN (see also Sloane) Andrew Jackson, 828 Burrows, 828 David, 518 SAU TE Dede Henr A wm. ininaen. II, 237 SLOANE (see also Sloan) _John, 311 John Nelson, 828 Rush Richard, 828 Thos. Morrison, 828 William, 828 William Milligan, 580 SLOCUM, Francis R., 133 Holder, 417 Jonathan 304 Joseph, Oliver Ellsworth, 829 Wm. Frederick, 829 SLOPER, Richard, 494 SLOSSON, Frank, 650 SLUYTER, Benj., 568 SMALL, Alpert, 904 James H., 125 Jonas, 762 Samuel, 459 SMALLEY, John, 232- 632 SMITH SMALLWOOD, Bayne, 26 William, 26 SMART, Isaac, 162-982 SMEAD, Raphael C,, 328 Selah, 328 SMEDKES, Albert, 666- 781 SMEDLEY, James, 447 Levi, 447 Nehemiah, 447 Samuel, 447 SMILLIBE, G. F. C., 141 George Henry, 829 James, 829 Sheldon, 829 SMINK, Francis Chas., 496 SMITH, Abijah, 164-320 Abraham, 164 Alan Penniman, 742 Albert, 162 Alexander H., 87 Alex. Wyly, 829 Alex. Wyly, Jr., 829 Amos Woodruff, 142 Apollas, 833 Arthur, 307-979 Arthur Crittenden, 829 Asa, 897 Augustine, 437-718 Augustine Jacquelin, 718 Azariah, 193 Baldwin M., 868 Barton, 348-349 Benj., 55-193-432-832- 928-993 Benj. Biggs, 630 Benj. Bosworth, 383 Benj. Pierce, 291 Benj. Raper, 432 Benoni, 765 Berverly Walker, 59 Bissell, 348 Bolton, 829 Bradford, 155 Burton, 626 Caleb, 637 Carl L., 428 Carlos Lilley, 356 Carlton M., 541 Caroline H. Parker, 832 Chas., 590-835-902 Charles Alphonso, 830 Charles C., 703 Chas. Claibourne, 348 Charles D., 951 Charles Emory, 735 Sine Henry, 830-83 2- 5 Chas. Howard, 830 Charles Jackson, 830 Charles Shaler, 910 Chileab, 452 Christopher, 898-981 Clement, 47-789 Clifford, 562 Clifford William, 793 Cooper, 49 Cornelius Bishop, 51- 884 Cotton Mather, 865 Dan, 883 Daniel, 124-432-454- 793-795-865-928 David, 639-640-860 David A., 752 Dockeray, 897 Dudley, 566-901 Dwight A., 831 Ebenezer, 164-403- 634-831 Edmund, 90 SMITH Edward, 402-639-701- 898 Edward Alfred, 831 Edward Everett, 206 Edward Gower, 831 Edward Lincoln, 356 Edward Wanton, 431- 432 Egbert Watson, 830 Eleanor J., 1004 Eleazer, 764-927 Eli, 830 Elijah, 726 Eliphalet, 831 Elisha, 139 Emma Hanford, 142 Ephraim, 521 Erastus, 318 Ernest Walker, 884 Eugene, 830 Eugene Allen, 454-455 Eugene Ferry, 37 Ezekiel, 830 Ezra, 291 Francis, 26-511-829- 964 Francis H., 557 Francis Shubael, 832 Francis Wyman, 371 Frank, 700 Frank A., 1007 Frank Biddle, 755 Frank Fremont, Jr., 83 Frank G., 596 Frank Marshall, 964 Frankin B., 245 Frederick G., 175 Frederick Rose, 910 Gad, 887 George, 794-831-991 George A., 951 George Albert, 1007 George Cowles, 957 George Herbert, 307 George Jay, 251 Geo. Lawrence, 84 George T., 601 Geo. Washington, 687 Geo. Weissinger, 363 Gerrit, 52 Giles, 164 Harry Hudson, 316 Harry M., Jr., 297 Harvey, 227 Henry, 50-63-472-490- 557-639-663-844-865- 883-927 Henry A. M., 668 Henry Boardman, 521 Henry Hart, 831 Henry Lamar, 829 Henry Louis, 830 Henry St. John, 472 Henry Stephen, 652 Herbert Eugene, 831 Herbert Knox, 831 Hezekiah, 711 Hildreth, 557 Hoke, 557-558 Hugh, 557 Hugh McCormick, 142 Ichabod, 865-883 Ira, 42 Irving F., 199 Tsaac, 811 Isaac B., 760 Isaac Edward, 831 J. Bowen, 367 J. Condit, 494 J. Lawrence, 403 J. S., 499 Jacob, 687-898 Jacob Henry, 830 James, 90-124-182-220- 245-515-603-687-772- 787-793-830-831 James Cosslett, 787 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE James Hopkins, 472- 831 James Richard, 883 James S., 323 James Smith, 794 James Wiggin, 688 Japoth, 481 Jasiel, 964 Jeremiah, 139-832 Jeremiah M., 832 Job, 50-830 John, 26- 47- 50- 117- 158-261-271-323-348- 437-465-473-515-518- 524-526-531-566-639- 678-686-718-741-760- 831-832-991 John, 3d, 770 John B., 475-571 John Condit, 225-494- 662 John Cotton, 865 John Day, 831 John Dwight, 832 John Hardy, 289 John Hill, 628 John J. P., 668 John Speed, 187 John Wesley, 96 Jonas, 726 Jonathan, 356-452- 648-698-726-950 Joseph, 134 -158 - 356- 776-789-831-898-923 Joseph Lindon, 787 Joseph P., 673 Joseph S., 380 Joshua Ernest, 535 Josiah, 276-507 Josiah E., 457 Julius D., 653 Justin, 630 Larkin, 832 Lemuel, 687 Leonard, 367 Levi, 950 Lewis, 713 Lewis Bayard, 321 Lewis Worthington, 831 Luke, 452 Marion, 558 Marshall, 964 Marshall P., 368 Martin, 950 Matson, 162 Matthew, 770-830 Mitchell, 454 Moses Rogers, 832 Munroe, 293 Munroe Edward, 829 Nathan, 639 Nathan Proctor, 906 Nathaniel, 348-687- 778-783-784 Nehemiah, 186 Nicholas, 139 Normand, 760 Obadiah, 908 Obadiah, Jr., 166 Ormond Gerald, 832 Peter, 52-830 Petrus, 52 Philip, 29-566-701- 741-835-868-950-992 Philip Martin, 898 Polycarpus, 630 Proman, 348 Ralph, 710 Richard, Sr., 25 Richard, 47-124-139- 191-276-386-403-557- 558-678-709-737-742- 830-916-930 Richard Morris, 354 Richard Penn, 645 Richard S., 313 Richards, 789 540 Robert, 139- 158-164- 432-465-473-536-537- 668-772-832-848 Robert Johnson, 417 Roger, 206-620 Roy Campbell, 832 Rufus, 898 St. John, 831 Samuel, 101- 124- 239- 313-333-348-448-452- 500-557-566-671-778- 831-832-854-865-883- 927-928-950-958-964- 991 Samuel Abbot, 113 Samuel Clark, 794 Samuel Parrish, 454- 455 Samuel Runckle, 830 Samuel W., 473 Seba, 964 Seth, 452 Sheldon, 75-164 Sherman, 586 Shirley W., 123 Shubael, 832 Sidney Mason, 279 Sidney W., 827 Spencer H., 235 Stanhope, 230 Stephen, 653 Sterling S., 773 Stuart Farrar, 685 Sydney K., 840 Thomas, 17- 90- 397- 410-420-437-454-481- 526-531-557-571-700- 710-726-755-794-831- 928 Thomas Bolton, 558 Thomas Church, 440 Thomas Croggon, 142 Thomas Floyd, 334 Thomas Mather, 865 Thomas Miner, 140 Thomas P., Jr., 100 Thomas W., 945 Thomas William, 793 Travis, 230 IW Ren teo a0 Walter, 47-61-708- 789-828 Wareham, 348 Wells Samuel, 352 William, 17-90-94-157- 208-410-458-526-557- 571-600-625-637-726- 760-793-844-903 William A., 43-355 Wm. Benjamin, 832 Wm. Brinton, 515 Wm. Fulton, 91 Wm. Henry, 637 Wm, Horner, 774 Wm. Larkin, 628 Wm. Marshall, 964 Wm. Medill, 199 Wm. Preston, 26 Wm. Sidney, 356 William Stone, 60 William T., 291 William True, 557 Wm. Walker, 950 Willis Raymond, 111 Wilson Fitch, 212 Wilson Lawrence, 929 Withers, 804 Woodhull, 819 Worthington, 452 Wright, 663-950 Zachariah, 726 SMOCK, Geo., 833 Hendrick, 833 Hendrick M., 833 Isaac G., 833 Johannes H., 833 John, 833 SNOW John Conover, 833 Leendert, 833 Leonard, 833 Peter, 833 Peter Monroe, 833 William, 833 SMOLK, Abram, 156 SMOOT, Robt. L., 562 Wm. Sydney, 150 SMYTH, Chas., 477 David, 136 Ellison Adger, 833 Ellison Adger, Jr., 833 Horace, 136 Jas. Adger, 833 John, 840 Joseph, 840 Lindley, 136 Nathan Ayer, 513 Newman, 860 Ralph Dunning, 840 Richard, 840 Thomas, 833 William F., 369 SMYTHE, Augustine T., 457-512 James, 589 Wm. Watkins, 534 SNAPE, Harry M., 556 SNEAD (see also Sneed) Carey, 833 Chapman Price, 833 Charles Scott, 444 John, 166 John Patrick, 908 Samuel, 444-833 Thomas Burton, 19- 833 William, 833 SNEED (see also Snead) Frank Woolford, 834 John, 834 John M., 834 SNELL, Arthur Veeder, 317 Bbenezer, 130-920 Ebenezer Strong, 130 John, 130 Josiah, 130-920 Thomas, 130-642-920 Zachariah, 130-920 SNELLING, John, 161 Jonathan, 161 Joseph, 161 Samuel, 161 Samuel George, 162- 328 SNIDER, Howard Lee, 199 SNODDY, Allen T., 964 Minnie B. E. Eddle- man, 964 SNODGRASS, Elisha K., 205 SNOW, Aaron, 835 Abraham, 219 Anthony, 749 Arthur Willard, 58 Benjamin, 946 Charles Henry, 835 Charles Williams, 835 David, 749 Ebenezer, 835 Edmund, 835 Eduard, 654 Eleazer, 868 Frederic E., 862 Freeman G., 835 George W., 150 Isaac, 407 Jabez, 654-837 John, 228-749 John B., 407 Jonathan, 407 SNOW Joseph, 654 Mark, 57-407 Nicholas, 57-321-407- 435-436-530-597-654- 683-701-710-743-749- 763-835-837-991 Reuben, 868 Robert Bruce, 407 Simeon, 868 Stephen, 835 William, 837-868 William Quigley, 837 SNOWDON, John Thos., 835 Philip, 81 Philip M., 81 Richard, 81-101-199- 835-991 Samuel, 81-835 Wilton, 835 SNYDER, David A., 907 Simon, 589 Valentine, 370 William Tayloe, 121 SOHIER, Edward, 464 Edward, III, 464-991 William Davies, 464 SOLOMONS, John N., 774 SOMERLY, Henry, 972 SOMERVELL, James, 991 SOMERVILLE, James, 991 Walter Byers, 44 SOOY, Joost, 642 SOPER, Edmund, 218 Samuel, 218 SORENSON, Holger J., 688 SORONDO, Agustin, 333 SORREL, Antoine, 191 SOTHERON, William, 973 SOTHORON, Henry G., 856 SOULE, Barnabas, 901 Benjamin, 581 Ebenezer, 581 Ebenezer G., 835 Freeman, 193 George, 53 -193 -437- 646-835-901-912-991 Joseph, 152 William, 835 SOULLARD, Edward A., 883 Etienne, 883 Jean, 883 SOULTHE, Wm., 86 SOUMAUDE, Fran- cois, 458 SOUPLIS, Andrew, 667 Andros, 485 SOUSA, Jno. Philip, 371 SOUTH, James, 814 Jeremiah Weldon, 399 John, 399 Samuel, 399 Stephen Benton, 814 William, 814 SOUTHALL, Dasey, 625 Mark John, 510 Philip Francis, 625 Philip Turner, 625 Stephen, 188-625 Turner, 188-625 Valentine Wood, 188 SOUTHARD, Constant, 991 SOUTHERLAND, An- drew, 436 David, 436 William, 436 Wm. H. H., 436 ake eee Gibson, INDEX TO VOLUME ONE John, 766 John Peter, 766 John W., 766 William, 766 SOUTHGATE, Lafay- ette, 808 Richard, 235-808-991 William Wallace, 808 SOUTHWELL, Calvin, B., 449 SOUTHWARD, Wm., 854 SOUTHWICK, John C., 636 Nathan Marshall, 71 SOUTHWORTH, Abiah, 605 Abraham, 131 Chester, 731 Constant, 36-306-510- 605-991 Edward, 605-969-991 Harrison, 293 Henry, 131 Ichabod, 216-470 John H., 306 Josiah, 731 Nathaniel, 216-470- 605-731 Samuel, 36-687 Samuel Lewis, 131 Thomas, 131 Thomas Shepard, 604 William, 36-731 William P., 136-289- 916 SOWERS, Wm. F. M., 109 William H., 300 SOX, Edward F., 120 SPACKMAN, Geo., 79 SPADER, Vanderbilt Reginald, 453 SPAIGHT, Richard Dobbs, 508 SPALDING (see also Spaulding) Albert G., 836 Andrew, 327 Benjamin, 327-574 Benj. Pendell, 327 Burleigh Folsom, 327 Charles, 443 E. Hilliard, 836 Edward, 248-327-574- 836-991 Elizabeth Churchill, 836 Ephraim, 574 Erastus, 574 Eugene Chas., 836 Jesse, 159 John, 443 Jonas, 327 Mack, 574 Nathaniel, 574 Noah, 327 Oliver, 574 Willard, 248 William H., 783 SPANN, Franklin M., 127 SPARHAWE, Blake, 137 Elisha, 137 Nathaniel, 137-884 Noah, 137 SPARKS, Daniel, 904 SPARR, George Wash- ington, 786 SPARROW, Jackson -, 1007 John, 850 Jonathan, 510 SPAULDING (see also Spalding) Andrew, 94 Ebenezer, 836-837 Edward, 94-824-836- 837-930-991 Edward Rich, 836 Elbridge Gerry, 836- 837 Henry Blanchard, 836 Isaac, 94 J. B., 931 Josiah, 94 Levi, 836-837 Lyman, 836 Oliver Lyman, Jr., 836 Phineas, 836 Rolland Harty, 327 Samuel Strong, 836- 837 Silas, 305 SPEAKMAN, Towns- end, 793 SPEAR (see also Speer) Ebenezer, 65-609 Jonathan, 495 Lewis E., 255 SPEARMAN, Jno. F., 681 SPEARS, Jacob, 334 SPEED, Ewing, 273 James B., 678 SPEER (see also Spear) Charles E., 755 Dexter Firmin, 919 John Z., 148 Wm., 148-674 SPEERS, James, 957 SPEIDEN, Wm., 401 SPELLER, Frank New- man, 393 SPELMAN, Harvey, 803 SPENCE, Andrew, 837 David, 745 James, 381 Keith, 381 Maria C. Tallmadge, 837 Robert Traill, 381 Thomas, 745 Thomas H., 50. Thomas Wilson, 837 SPENCER, Austin, 67 Calvin, 837 Christopher, 448 Edward, 935 Elihu, 380-567 George, 567 George Gilman, 837 Gerard, 67-567-568- 837-991 Gideon, 837 Gustavus, 837 Henry Benning, 334 Henry Evans, 744 Howard, 774 Isaac, 567-568-744- 745-837 Israel, 568 Israel Selden, 568 James S., 774 Jared, 567-744-745- 991 Jno., 221-300-586-639- 744 John Eatton, 567 Jos., 34-567-673-745- 774 Matthias, 67 Nelson Stanley, 837 Nicholas, 61 Obadiah, 449-639-837 Oliver, 744 Oliver M., 744 Paul, 837 Richard L., 208 Robert S., 78 Samuel, 448-567-568- Pet URL 541 SPOTTSWOOD Samuel S., 479-568- 745 Samuel Wright, 567 Selden Palmer, 568- 1007 Simeon, 134 Stephen, 449 Theodore, 576 Thomas, 449-639-837 Timothy, 67 Walker Brainerd, 567 Wm., 67-568-975-991 William Brainerd, 567 William H., 373 SPENSER, Willard, 268 SPENSER-BROWN, Adelaide C. Bos- tock, 834 Harry, 834 SPERING, Henry, 427 SPERRY, David Bald- win, 206-620 John T., 74 Lyman, 834 Richard, 834 Selden Bennett, 171 Watson Robertson, 834 SPICER, Edward, 834 Geo. Thurston, 834 Hiram L., 574 John, 834 Joseph, 834 Peter, 834 Wm. Arnold, 834 SPIER, John, 919 SPIERBE, Alex., 919 SPIES, Adam Wm., 180 SPILLER, Wm., Jr., 511 William G., 946 SPILMAN, Benj., 582 Henry, 582 James, 582 Jonathan E., 582 Lewis Hopkins, 582 William M., 680 SPINDLER, Geo. F., 792 Henry Jacob, 792 Seana Humphrey, BENING Matthias, SPITZER, Lyman Strong, 349 SPOFFORD, Amos, 834 Chas. Milton, 834 Daniel, 834 Geo. Milton, 834 John, 834 Jonathan, 329 Sewell, 834 SPOONER, Paul, 513 Samuel, 513 Seth, 513 Thomas, 732 Walter, 513 Walter Sprague, 513 William, 513-604 SPOOR, John, 835 John Alden, 834 SPOTSWOOD, Alex., 85-524-577-766-767- 852-886-991 Elliott, 766 John, 766-767 nee Harry Innes, if James H., 164 John, 164 Samuel, 164 William, 164 SPOTTSWOOD (see also Spotswood) Alexander, 85-524- 577-766-767-852-886- 991 SPRAGUE SPRAGUE, Albert A., 433 Anthony, 443-444-808- 946-963 Bernando, 217 Charles, 444 Charles H., 960 Charles James, 444 Edward, 433 James, 443-946 Jeremiah, 443-444- 808-946 John, 216-433-594-752 John H., 443 Jonathan, 216-433 Knight, 443-808-946 Otho S, A., 433 Ralph, 216-433-491- 991 Richard T., 754 Roswell, 443-946 Samuel, 444-963 William, 128-433-443- 444-931-946-963-991 Ziba, 433 SPRAGUE-SMITH, Charles, 835 Isabelle J. Dwight, 835 SPRIGG, John G., 898 Samuel, 898 Thomas, 898-991 SPRIGMAN, Peter, 556 Peter Augustus, 556 SPRINGS, John, 583 Richard, 583 William Polk, 583 SPROUL, Emeline Wal- lace Roach, 798 R. W., 860 Wm. Cameron, 799 William Hall, 799 SPURR, Alfred S., 837 J. Edward, 837 John Cooper, 837 Michael, 837 Robert, 837 Shippey, 837 Thomas, 837 SQUIBB, Edward E., 838 Edward R., 838 James R., 838 SQUIER (see also . Squire) William, 417 SQUIERS (see also Squires) Herbert G., 261 SQUIRE, Andrew, 838 Andrew Jackson, 838 David, 780 Ezekiel, 838 Thomas, 838 SQUIRES, Charles C., 838 Charles Winder, 838 John §., 838 Jonathan, 838 Samuel S., 838 Vernon Purinton, 838 Wm. H. T., 665-838 error Samuel, 746- 10 STABB, N. H., 931 STABLER, Jordan H., 883 W. Laird, 536 rg et oe Henry, STACY, Francis N., 896 Mahlon, 80-394-793- 991 Nathaniel, 365 STAFFORD, Oliver M., 574 Samuel, 768 Stukeley, 492 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE William B., 643 STAINES, Henry Bromby, 305 STAIR, Irvin Louis, 909 STALHAM, John, 996 STALLING, Gustave, 81 STAMFORD, James Taylor, 374 STAMP, Joseph Byron, Jr., 288 STANARD, Beverley, 950 Beverley Chew, 950 John, 950 John Champe, 950 Larkin, 950 Mary M. P. Newton, 951 Robert, 950 Robt. Conway, 951 William, 950 Wm. Glover, 950-951 STANDEN, Douglas, 347 Eleanor A. Appleton, 347 Robt. H. F., 347 STANDISH, Alexander, 74-174-313-450-581- T77-797 Ebenezer, 450 Fred Dana, 486 John, 450 John Dana, 486 Josiah, 486 Moses, 450 Myles, 31-44-74-122- 126-174-213-249-313- 437-440-450-486-581- 646-773-777-797-858- 991-1006 Samuel, 486 Sherwood H., 486- 487 STANFIELD, Francis, 146 STANILAND, Wm., 919 STANLEY, Abm., 423 Allyn, 490 Augustus, 490 Donald Stanley, 144 James, 698 John, 647-882-992 Nathaniel, 490-746 Thos., 519-647-746- 882 Timothy, 776-882 STANLEY-BROWN, Joseph, 619 STANNARD (see also Stanard) Joseph, 54 STANSBOROUGH, Josiah, 134-926 STANSFIELD, Mrs. James H., 1001 STANTON, Benj., 838 Elijah, 739 Geo. Washington, 207 Gerald N., 632 Horace Coffin, 838 James, 838 Joseph, 207 Lodowick, 207 Phineas, 890 Robert, 653 Thomas, 207-328-748- 756-838-890-992 pirerthieer ot Daniel C., 47 Ebenezer, 479 Edward, 479 Tsaac, 213-479 Jacob, 182 John, 146 Jonathan, 479 Philip, 213-479 William, 213-335 STANYAN, Jno., 555 STAPLER, Henry B. B., 839 James, 839 James Beverley, 839 Stephen, 839 STAPLES, Abram P., 839 John, 552 Peter, 150 Samuel, 839 Solomon G., 89 STAPLETON, Daniel CALs Stella M. M. Hamil- ton, 135 Thomas H., 871 William, 135 STARK (see also Starke) James N., 599 John, 324-329-896 Rufus, 324 STARKE (see also Stark) Belfield, 397 Bolling, 397 John, 233 Patrick Henry, 233 Robert B., 623 Thomas Wm., 778 Wm., 233-397-623 Wm. A. C., 397 William B., 397 STARKWEATHER, Chas., 170 Charles H., 629 Charles Merrick, 893 Ephraim, 758 Joel, 170 John, 170 Oliver, 758 Robert, 170 Rodney, 170 Samuel, 758 Bee Samuel Scott, 02 STARR, Benjamin, 956 Comfort, 137-367-369- 702-801-956-958-992 Daniel, 956 Edward, 268 James, 662 James Comfort, 958 Jeremiah, 515 John, 515-958 Jonathan, 367-369-801 Josiah, 137 Merritt, 958 Moses, 515 Paul, 958 Samuel, 367-369-801 Samuel Tallman, 956 Thomas, 367-369-801- 956-958 William, 956 William James, 956 START, Alarac, 392 Septet Victor, 35 SP ees Charles W., aye John Robert, 1 STEAD, Benjamin, 161 STEARNS, Arthur F., 839 Asahel, 84 Charles, 854 Chas. Cummings, 839 Daniel, 839 Elijah, 662 Frederick K., 956 G. Reynolds, Jr., 213 Geo., 350 Horatio Nelson, 839 STELL Isaac, 84-254-446-481- 813-839-908-992 James W., 905 Jesse, 839 John, 839-854-977 , Josiah, 84-839 Josiah Milton, 839 Samuel, 84-839 Shubael, 854 Thomas, 84 Wallace Nelson, 839 Wm. Augustus, 839 Wm. French, 839 ah Jno. Burnett, 0 ay eal Edward, Henry Hamlin, 477 Horace C., 569 John, 635 Rowland, 251-992 Russell, Jr., 341 Samuel, 701 Thomas, 893-996 STEDMAN, Charles E., 52 Daniel Baxter, 840 Henry Rust, 371 Isaac, 840-992 Joseph, 840 Josiah, 840 Livingston Boyd, 840 Robert, 52 Thomas, 840 Lu ain Chas. Jz, James Harrison, 882 STEEL, Wm. B., 886 STEELE, Aaron, 528 Charles A., 97 Daniel, 709-710 Eben, 24 Eliphalet, 608-755 Frank B., 1007 John, 244-245-608-709- ; 755-928-992 John Andrew, 399 Josiah, 755 Oliver, 709 Oliver Phelps, 710 Robert, 459 Robert Clifton, 411 Robert E., 737 Samuel, 608-709-755 Thomas Sedgwick, 46 Timothy, 709-710 William, 42-528 STEELMAN, Hiram, 25 Isaac, 149 James, 163-537-664 John, 642-814 John Ingersoll, 642 John Ingersoll, Jr., 642 Peter, 149 STEERE, Clark, 844 Robert, 96 STEIN, Alex. W., 840 John Bethune, 840 W. F., 499 STEINER, Bernard C., 840 Christian, 840 Henry, 827-840 Jacob, 827-840 John, 840 John Conrad, 827 Joseph, 840 Josephus M., 519 Lewis Henry, 840 Robert Eugene, 846 Walter Ralph, 840 STEINMETZ, Conrad P., 859 STEINMEYER, Charles Siebert, 94 STELL, Wm. S., 365 STELLWAGEN STELLWAGEN, Thos. Cook, 800 STEPHEN, Adam, 577 STEPHENS, Abijah, 441 Adam, 863-864 Edwin Wm., 840 Elijah, 840 Henry, 123 Isaac, 793 James 793 James Leachman, 840 James Reeves, 793 Jeffrey C., 793 Redmond Davis, 824 William, 840 STEPHENSON, Andrew Tribble, 673 George S., 499 John G., 931 Joseph H., 673 Robert L., 435 Thomas, 673 STERETT, Samuel, 79 STERLING (see also Stirling) Adaline W., 1002 Daniel, 549 Elisha, 549 Frederick A., 549 Joseph, 549 Robert Dutcher, 361 William, 549-934 STERNBERGH, Jas. H., 566 Eatharine E. Cornell, 566 STERNE, Isaac, 992 Zebina, 679 STETSON, Abisha, 656 Amos, 841 C. Rochford, 841 Caleb, 461-841 Elisha, 738 George Rochford, 841 Isaac, 656 Jesse, 709 John, 392 Joseph, 841 Lemuel, 656 Levi, 656 Robert, 193-656-738- 841-992 Samuel, 107-108 Theophilus, 739 Thomas, 738 William, 656 STEVENS, Albert G., 193 Albion Morse, 841 Alex. Hodgdon, 512 Amos, 378 Ansley Chesley, 605 Asa, 201 Asahel A., 841 Ashton, 372 Augustus C., 841 Benjamin, 557-842 Breese Jacob, 841 Calvin, 753 Ebenezer, 113-243-274- 331-519-617-746-794 Edward, Jr., 276 Elihu, 841 Elisha, 884 Emanuel, 378 Erasmus, 113-274-331- 519-746 Francis, 467-962 Frederic Wm., 331 Frederick, 842 Frederick H., 204 Fredk. Waeir, 841 George, 841 Geo. Beckwith, 1006 George Conner, 815 George T., 873 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE George U., 847 Henry, 992 Henry James, 351 Hestor Lockhart, 467 Horatio G., 113-617 Ir Augustus, 471 Isaac, 318 Isaac Gilkey, 842 Israel, 467 Jacob, 467 James, 202 John, 113-127-243-274- 331-351-519-746-787- 841-857-884-992 John Austin, 520-746 John C., 262 Jonathan, 308 Joseph, 809 Joseph S., 805-806 Josiah, 841 Josiah Peter, 842 Ledyard, 247-512 Leonard F., 181 Levi W., 753 Linus, 841 Linus Felt, 841 Mary E. Farmer, 841 Mary Morris, 746 Nathan, 135 Nathaniel, 841-842 Oliver, 841 Orlando Seymour, 841 Richard, 564 Samuel Sprague, 355 Samuel Willard, 841 Squire, 378 Thomas Holdup, 485 W. Bertrand, 842 Walter Barlow, 841 Walter Le Conte, 841 William, 317-331-753- 841 William Ashbury, 318 STEVENSON, A. Rus- sell, 172 Andrew, 673 Barton, 389 Edward, 793-914 Elnathan, 914 John, 673 John Allan, 659 Robert, 793 Thomas, 793-842-914 William, 842 Wm. Francis, 842 William Sidney, 842 STEWARD, Campbell, 658 John F., 553 William, 991 William P., 594 STEWART, Albert A., 851 Alexander, 842 Archibald, 663 Baylor, 29 Charles, 164-842 Daniel, 20-21-159 David, 646 Floyd R., 217 Frank E., 395 George, 106 George Hume, 106 Hart L., 658 Hugh, 659 Isaac, 303 James, 106-197-663 James Harper, 197 James Turner, 727 John, 159-197-509- 510-518-534-646 John Alex. S., 939 John Henderson, 131 John James, 286 John Pinkney, 197 John Shaw, 940 Jefferson Davis, 376 Joseph S., 836 Lispenard, 842 Mathew, 197 Ralph Wm., 250 Reuel, 663 Richard Thomas, 168 Robert, 166-842 Thomas Bruen, 201 Thomas Page, 663 William, 166-663-892 William A., 762 William A. W., 911 William Rhinelander, 842 William Scott, 692 Wiliam Shaw, 688- 939 STEWARTON, James Caskie, 19 STEYDT, Christian, 799 STHRESHLY, Thomas, 459 STICKLES, Thomas Crane, 647 STICKNEY, Amos, 744 Benjamin, 744 Jonathan, 809 Lewis P., 400 Robert Adams, 468 William, 744-992 STILES, Charles G., 666 Edward A., 457 Ezra, 900-958 Hugh Grevill, 613 Isaac, 457 Israel Newton, 584 John, 457 Jonathan, 457 Robert, 900 Timothy, 900 STILLMAN, Amos, 317 Carl S., 391 Edwin Amos, 317 Elisha, 317 Ellicott Roger, 317- 318 George, 82-317-992 Jacob Di B; 817 John Davis, 548 John, 82 Joseph, 317 Stanley, 317 Walter N., 675 STILWELL, Silas M., 496 Thomas, 744 Thomas Joseph, 744 STIMPSON, Geo., 992 Thomas, 698 STIMSON, Charles D., 516 Daniel T., 854 Edward, 213 | Frederic Jesup, 213 Fredk. Julian, 136 Geo., 212-213-992 Henry A., 211-212-213 Henry Bartlett, 212 Henry Bowen, 212 Henry Clark, 212 Henry Lewis, 213 Jeremy, 213 John, 212-213 John Ward, 212 Lewis A., 213 Philip Moen, 212 Thomas, 654 STINSON, Charles, 773 John, 773 Thomas, 606 William, 773 William C., 558 STIRLING (see also Sterling) Arthur Upshur, 714 James, 992 543 STONE Upshur, 835 William R., 305 Yates, 621 STITELER, Chester A., 332 STITEHS, John, 116-297- 298-992 Richard, 298 Richard M., 298 Richard Wayne, 298 Samuel, 655 William, 298 STITH, Drury, 238 John, 238-396-397-623- 803-969 Richard, 238 Taylor, 246 William, 776 William, 803 STOCKBRIDGE, Chas., 726 John, 726-992-993 Samuel, 726 STOCKDALE, Philip, 224 STOCKING, George, 968 Samuel, 286-659 STOCKTON, Bayard, 842 Howard, 842 John, 791-842-843 John Potter, 843 Joseph, 755 Louis Witham, 843 Philip, 792-843 Philip Augustus, 843 Richard, 24 - 86 - 165 - 791-792-809-842-843- 861-992 Richard, Jr., 843 Richard, 3d, 393 Robert, 303-755 Robert Field, 276-517- 580-842-843 Thomas, 755 ee Brutus, 234 Frederick E., 651 Samuel, 840 ‘TODDARD, Anthony, 173-388-843-852-893- 992 Ashbel, 843 Charles Augustus, 320 Gideon, 173-843 Henry Luther, 843 Henry M., 883 James Gallup, 659 John, 659-893-992 Jonathan, 659 Mark, 659 Simeon, 173-843 Solomon, 173-843-852- 893 Wm. Bolles, 843 William Bull, 61 STODDER, Anthony, 992 John, 992 STODDERT, Benjamin, 47 STOKES, Anson Phelps, 390-633 Charles, 664 Edward Lowber, 497 Fredk. Abbott, 843 James Boulter, 633 James Osborn, 843 Thomas, 633 William J. B., 588 STOLL, George, 964 Richard C., 964 Richard P., 964 STONE, Amasa, 325-716 Benjamin, 844 STONE Carl Downer, 631 Charles M., 202 Charles P., 284 Chas. Waterman, 843 Charles Wellington, 844 Daniel, 160-843-844 David, 680-713-843- 844 Ebenezer, 817-844 Edgar Parkman, 844 Edith Earle, 844 Bliab, 765-953 Florence P. Weeks, 844 Francis H., 514 Francis Wm., 144 Geoffery, 845 Geo. A., 396 Geo. Chickering, 408 George Edward, 160 Gregory, 160-325-716- 843-844-992 Harold D., 72 Henry, 652- 843-844 Henry Asaph, Jr., 87 Herbert S., 706 Hezekiah, 160 Horatio O., 631-844 Hugh, 579-834 Israel, 845 Jacob, 150 James Savage, 483 John, 160-318-443-579- 844-979-992 John H., 680 John Timothy, 844 Jonathan, 318-716 Joseph A., 559 Joshua, 844 Kimbrough, 680 Lemuel, 843 Lemuel M. E., 843 Leonard, 844 Lincoln R., 364 Miles A., 745 Nathaniel, 844 Nehemiah, 480 Orren W., 481 Perley A., 161 Phineas A., 844 Raymond, 273 Robert Edward, 844 Samuel, 717-844 Simeon, 121 Simon, 844-942-992 Simon, Jr., 958 Stephen, 845 Thomas, 680, 713 Timothy, 840- 844 Timothy D. P., 844 Uriah, 160 ba ator 844 Welcome, 579 Wm., 93-443-480-579- 680- 713-743 Wm. Alexis, 845 Wm. Eben, 150-371 Wm. Henry, 844 William J., 371 William Joel, 680 Wm. Leete, 844 William S., 832 STONEY, Gaillard, 845 John, 845 Samuel G., 1003 Thomas Porcher, 845 STORCH, Geo. L., Gustavus F., 586 STORER, Augustine, 236-530 David H., 531 Geo. Lord, 304 Geo. Washington, 237 Horatio R., 531 John, 236-304-530 Jno. Humphreys, 530 Joseph, 236-530 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Robt. T. P., 530 Samuel, 236-237 William, 236-530 Woodbury, 530 STOREY (see also Story) James Arnot, 845 John M., 305 Wm. Bainbridge, 845 Wm. Benson, 845 STORM, Dirck, 847-992 Garrit, 847 Gregoris, 847 Stephen, 847 Thomas, 847 STORMS, Wm. H., 398 STORRS, Adna, 28 Amariah, 341 Augustus, 28 Chas. Backus, 505 Henry Martyn, 505 John, 505 Joseph, 28 Richard Salter, 505 Samuel, 28-505 STORY (see also Storey) Ebenezer, 641 © Elisha, 218-219 Isaac, 219 Ae ey Ah eos James, 641 Jonathan, 641 Joseph, 219 Samuel, 641 Walter, 541 William, 219-641 Wm. Edward, 218 STOTESBURY, Edward Townsend, 909 STOTT, Edward Grif- fith, 745 STOUGHTON, Edwin W., 26 Henry Evander, 260 John, 260-845 Joseph M., 542-845 Livy, 845 Nathaniel, 260 Norman Clark, 845 Samuel, 260 Thomas, 260-845-887- 981-992 Thos. Potwine, 260 Timothy, 260-845 Timothy M., 260 STOUT, Charles H., 1001 Emmanuel, 214 George W., 6 Henry Hartzell, 846 James, 560-801 John, 559-560-801 John Wilson, 386 Jonathan, 559-560 Platt, 559 Richard, 559-560-826 St. Leger, 801 Samuel, 560 STOVALL, Geo., 747- 748 John L., 563 STOVER, John L., 813 William, 813 STOW (see also Stowe) Elihu, 167 John, 20-86-189-352- 640-828-835 Zebulon, 757 STOWE (see also Stow) Freeman, 636 Geo. Moore, 94 John, 636 Samuel, 636 William, 636 STOWELL, Benj., 982 Isaac, 845 Israel, 845 Jacob, 845 Joel, 845 Samuel, 845 Sylvester, 845 a 845 STRACHINY, "John, 911 William, 911 svar Christian, 434 STRAIN, Alice J. Canby, 535 Robert, 536 Robert, Jr., 536 STRAITH, Jno. Jas. A. COE. 4 STL ae Daniel “f 2 James, 282 Stet: Richard, 07 Robert, 307 STRASSBURGER, Jacob A., 846 Johann Andreas, 845 John Andrew, 846 Perry Beaver, 846 Ralph Beaver, 845 Reuben Y., 846 STRATER, Wm. Ed- ward, 880 SE ee Archibald, 70 Asa Strong, 666 Charles, 613 Charles Edwin, 613 Dickinson, 703 Edward, 703 Blisha, 613 Frank W., 62 Henry, 703 John, 613 Jonathan, 613 Joseph, 613 Mabel Kelly, 665-666 Philip Gleason, 666 Samuel, 350-613 Thomas, 703 STRAUSS, Carl W., STRAWBRIDGE, Welsh, 97 STREET, Geo. Parke, 846 770 John, 846 John Oliver, 846 Nicholas, 200-992 William D. C., 111 STREETER, Edward CPELZ0 John Williams, 635 STREETT, J. Clark, 883 STREIT, Frederick, 799 STRETCH, Thomas, al 37 STRIBBLING, Gray Carroll, 694 STRICKLAND, David, 586 Luke, 41 STRICKLER, Givens B., 581 Jacob, 379 STRINGER, Hiliary, 229-230 Samuel, 430 STRINGHAM, Irving, 36-248 STROCK, Elizabeth Bogart Perry, 769 James Thomas, 769 Samuel, 769 STROH, Wm., 700 STROM, Rudolph, 525 STRONG, Adonijah, 846 Agnes L. Freer, 555 Alexander, 554 544 STRYKER Asa Bloomer, 450 Ashael, 477 Benjamin, 201 Benjamin R. W., 846 Benjamin W., 72 Caleb Alexander, 308 Ms Augustus, 3 Davis Swift, 554 Demas, 554 Ebenezer, 36 Edward Alex., 554 Elijah, 705 Elijah Gridley, 705 Elisha, 836 Ezra, 449 Frank, 449 Fredk. Wolcott, 586 Freeman Poole, 488 Geo. Alex., 520-554 George Henry, 57 Gordon, 242 Harry Carter, 450 Jacob, 872 James W., 705 Jedediah, 449-450-846 John, 201-204-256-287- 341-378-384-449-450- 477-554-705-757-758- 828-836-846-872-958- 992 John Butler, 450 John E., 645 John Thomas, 450 John Warham, 836 Jonathan, 554 Joseph, 289-835-846 Josiah, 554-720 Justice Joseph, 256 Martin, 846-872 Noah, 450 Paschal, 890 Philip, 449 Preserved, 450-846 Richard, 974 Richard Pearson, 554- 555 Richard Polk, 554 Samuel, 201-836 Selah, 201 Theodore, 256-846 Theron Geo., 846 Theron Rudd, 846 Thomas, 201-256-477- 846 Timothy, 872 Walter Ansel, 693 William, 479 William B., 705 William K., 100 STROTHHER, Anthony, 18 Benjamin, 18-7438 John, 18-230 William, 18 STROUD, Edward, 40 Edward S., 40 Joseph I., 593 STRUTHERS, John, 821 Robert, 299 STRUVE, H. G., 726 STRYCKER (see also Stryker) Abraham, 49-637 Christoffle, 49 JancS., 49 Pieter, 49-637-847 Samuel S. S., 49-637 STRYKER (see also Strycker) Abraham, 49-637 Christoffe H., 637 Daniel Perrine, 847 Isaac Pierson, 847 Jan, 153-636-637-847 John, 847 STRYKER Melancthon W., 806- 847 Pieter, 49-637-847 Samuel S. S., 49-637 STUART, Albion W., 587 Alexander, 56-190 Alexander H. H., 190 Archibald, 56-190 Arthur Lee, 314 Charles C., 314 David, 186-314-367 Edna G. Storm, 847 Edwin W., 106 Elkanah, 257 Ernest Boyce, 452 Eugene, 753 Garden C., 709 George, 847 George R., 96 Harold Leonard, 847 Harriet F. Barnes, 847 Henry Clarence, 392 James E. B., 56 James R., 305 John, 172-325-367 . John Todd, 325 Joseph, 848 Joseph, 2d, 848 Joseph A., 947 Malcolm, 848 Robert, 186-325-367- 539 Robert Douglas, 177 Samuel D., 275 Thomas, 90 Wm. Alexander, 56 STUBBS, Daniel, 132 John C. S., 132-133 John M., 656 John Webster, 132 Joseph D., 132 Thomas, 132 STUCKY, Anne C. McDowell, 187 Jos. Addison, 188 William S., 188 STUDEBAKER, Clem- ment, 67 STUMP, Alex. H., 922 Henry, 894 John, 894 STURANI, Pier Cesere, 496 STURDEVANT, Chas., 322 STURDIVANT, Jno., 17 STURDY, E. W., 192 STURGES (see also Sturgis) Barnabas, 412 Hale, 905 John, 411 Jonathan, 107-412-520 Peter, 412 Rush, 36 Samuel, 412 STURGIS (see also Sturges) Edward, 32-289-354- 414-532-732-992 James W., 101 John, 384 Joseph, 769 Nathaniel R., 414-532 Russell, 414-532 Thomas, 414-532 STURTEVANT, Henry Dexter, 848 James Dexter, 848 Lemuel, 820 Samuel, 820-848-860- 992 STUYVESANT, Peter, 387-503-602-967 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Petrus, 239-427-512- 542-602 paces Frederick, 4 ieee rete Abraham, 541 John T., 541 Peter, 541 Tierre Louis, 541 SUCKLEY, Geo., 848 Robert Bowne, 848 Thomas H., 848 SUDLER, Carroll H., 848 John W. E., 848 Joseph, 848 SUFFERN, John, 519 Thomas, 519 cake ue Edgcombe, 8 Louis V., 188 Roya Carsv0 William, 521 SUYDAM, Chas., 274 Charles Crooke, 273 Eliza Gracie, 273 Ferdinand, 274 Hendrick, 273-274-857 Hendrick Rycken, 273-274-856-992 Henry, 273 Jan, 274-857 John, 201-274-857 John Richard, 274 Lambert, 273 Ryck, 274-857 Walter Lispenard, 274 Walter Lispenard, Jr., 274 SULGER, Alden H., 308|SWAIM, Wm., 284 SULIVANE, Daniel, 293 James, 293 James B., 293 Vans Murray, 293 SULLENBERGER, Charles, 881 set ey Harvey, 18 PALE eat Harry R., 64 James, 417-952 James F., 320 John, 144-992 John S., 647 Joseph Ennals, 757 Thomas Russell, 874 SUMMERALL, Chas. P., 848 Elhanan Bryan, 848 Thomas, 848 William, 848 SUMMERLIN, Jacob, 393 Thomas, 393 Winburn, 393 SUMMERS, Milo C., 1005 SUMMERSON, Henry Edward, 792 SUMNER, Allen M., 352 Arthur Foster, 777 Benjamin, 849 Charles Bennett, 271 Clement, 849 Duke W., 882 Edward Allyne, 848- 849 Eustace Lowell, 279 Jethro, 55-220-312 John, 55-219-220 Roger, 564-848 Samuel, 849 Thomas H., 705 Thomas Waldron, 705 William, 216-543-564- 848-849-992 William Russell, 849 SUNDERLAND, James, 924 James Albert, 587 SUPPLEE, Peter, 485 SUTCLIFFE, Daniel W., 406 Harry Willis, 120 SUTHERLAND, Ken- neth W., 527 Thomas, 326 Walter J., 65 SUTPHEN, David, 522 Derick Janse, 992 SUTPHIN, Henry Hul- bert, 838 SUTTON, Geo. W., 217 James H., 585 John, 942 SWAINE, Daniel, 797 Samuel, 143 SWALM, George A., 834 SWAN (see also Swann) Caleb, 849 Charles Fearing, 640 Frank Herbert, 849 Harmanus, 563 James, 424-849-919 John, 849-919 Joseph G., 849 Joshua, 849 Paul, 122 Richard 849-971-992 Robert, 849 Sidney Turner, 391 Theodore F., 48 Timothy, 51 William, 849 SWANN, Samuel, 919 Thomas, 919-954 SWARTWOUT, Roelof, 180 SWARTZ, Leroy Win- field, 866 SWAYNE, Jeremiah, 583-948 Walter S., 50 SWEARINGEN, Garret, 849 Henry Chapman, 849 William, 849 SWEATT, Benjamin, 775 John, 775 Shabaney, 775 Thelner, 775 SWEENEY, Connor M., 432 John, 432 SWEENY, Thomas William, 849 Wm. M., 849 SWEET, Clayton E., 164 Geo. Clinton, 849 John, 560-849-992 Joseph Buffum, 849 Reginald Lindsey, 474 Stanley Adams, 138 SWEETSER, Oliver S., 584 Warren C., 312 SWEITZER, J. Bow- man, 915 SWENSON, S. M., 861 SWENY, Harry Roy, 890 SWETT, Benjamin, 714 Enoch, 714 George W., 714 John, 714 Joseph, 931 Nathaniel, 714 545 TAFFINDER Samuel, 153 Stephen, 714 SWIEGER, David, 107 SWIFT, Augustus M., 149 Charles, 667 Edward Foster, 850 Foster, 348 Frederick, 514 George Hastings, 850 Gustavus F., 849-850 Isaac, 283 Jireh, 667 Job, 783 John, 35-330-664-763 Joseph, 35-849-850 Joseph Gardner, 33 Louis F., 849-850 Nathaniel, 362-849- 850 Noadiah, 149-783 Rodman, 449 Samuel, 35-362 Silas, 667 Thos., 362-849-850-978 Wm., 667-849-850-992 William H., 363 Zephaniah, 667 SWIGART, Geo. W., 524 SWINDELL, Frederick D., 680 Walter B., 830 SWING, George, 630 Joseph M., 713 Richard, 630 SWINTON, Hugh, 880 SWOPE, Michael, 930 SWYFT, Wm., 777-992 SYBLEY, John, 991 SYDNOR, Garland S., 299 William, 658 SYKES, Edwin M., 590 Eugene O., 959 Gerrit S., 182 James, 189 SYLVESTER, John E., 221 Richard, 992 SYMES, George G., 440 John Foster, 440 Lancaster, 148 SYMINGTON, James M., 192 W. Stuart, 168-874 SYMMES, John Cleves, 62-65-335-605 - 794 - 827 Zachariah, 992 SYMOND, Samuel, 914 SYMONDS, Daniel, 210 Jacob, 210 James, 474 John, 210-474 Mark, 971 Nathaniel, 474 Nathaniel G., Samuel, 955 Thomas, 210-474 William, 474 SYVERTS, Olfert, 20- 688 474 T TABB, Edward, 192 Humphrey, 192 John, 192 John Prosser, 192 Philip, 192 Thomas, 192 TABER, Charles C., 369 Philip, 992 Thomas, 144 TAFFE, Robert, 992 TAFFINDER, Sher- woode A., 196 TAFT TAFT, Aaron, 850 Alphonso, 850 Charles Phelps, 170- 654-850 Chas. Phelps, 2d, 851 Enos N., 695 Joel Freeman, 851 Joseph, 850 Moses, 108 Oren Byron, 851 Peter, §50 Peter Rawson, 850 Robert, 850-851-992 William Howard, 396- 522-850-851 TAGGART, Jno. A., 831 TAILECOAT, John, 993 TAILER, Edward N., 519 Henry A., 304 William, 519-993 TAINTOR, Charles, 748-993 Henry Fox, 748 Jesse F., 388-423 Joseph, 993 Macaiell, 748 Micael, 748 Michae', 629 Starr, 462-748 TALBOT (see also Tal- bott) Archie Lee, 1005-1006 Arnold Gindrat, 851 Benjamin, 851 Charles Nicoll, 851 Daniel, 851 Edward Martin, 852 Ethelbert, 223 Eugene §., 413 Fritz Bradley, 851 George, 851 George A., 835 George Newell, 851 George W., 851 J. Alden, 852 Jared, 851 Mary C. Arnold, 851 Peter, 851 Richard, 802-993 Russell, 591 Samuel, 851 Samuel D., 851 Silas, 851 William R., 851 TALBOTT (see also Talbot) Harry E., 376 John, 376 John Littler, 376 Joseph, 376 Leander J., 711 Richard, 376-481-993 Samuel, 376 Mrs. William H., 1001 TALCOTT, Abraham, TEN b Aurel, 111 Benjamin, 359-852 J. Frederick, 852 James, 852-869 John, 111-359-760-824- 852-992-993 John Butler, 924 Joseph, 111 Nathaniel, 111-366 Samuel, 111-254-255- 359-852 Seth, 852 Wait, 358-359 William, 358-359 William H., 233 TALIAFERRO, John, 626 William, 319 > Spee Daniel Dee, ff INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Daniel Dee, Jr., 157 Nathaniel, 157 Tazewell T., 563 TALLMADGE, Benja- min, 837 Henry Floyd, 837 James, 837 John, 837 Montgomery, 837 Robert, 837 Thomas, 8387-993 TALLMAN (see also Talman) Frank B., 338 John, 183 Samuel, 957 TALMADGE, Thos., 993 TALMAN (see also Tallman) Isaac, 576 James T., 952 James Townsend, 278 Samuel, 952 TALMASH, Thos., 993 TAMORIN, Henry, 371-978 TAMS, W. Purviance, 216 TANEY, Cecil M., 224 John Peter, 960 Mary Florence, 960 Michael, 960 Roger Brook, 960 Roger M., 960 TANGBLODT, Carl, 861 TANNEHILL, Minion, 935 TANNER, John H., 892 Kenneth &., 46 TAPLEY, John, 787 TAPP, Edmund, 961 TAPPAN (see also Toppan) Abraham, 65-305-368 Arthur, 305 Benjamin, 305-368-789 Benjamin E., 305 Benjamin E. A., 305 J. Nelson, 346 Jacob, 713 Lewis, 369 Samuel, 305-368 Sewell, 346 William, 789 TAPPER, Michael, 32- 289 TAPPEY, Ernest T., 469-849 TARBELL, Thos., 440- 993 TARBOX, Godfrey, 935 John, 935 Jonathan, 935 Samuel, 935 Solomon, 935 TARDY, Annie L. Southerne, 766 Balthazar, 766 Clarence Minge, 766 TARNH, Miles, 221 TARRANT, Homer P., 681 TARRENT, Leonard, 907 TASKBER, Benj., 61-983 Simon, 389 TASSEY, John C., 324 TATNALL, Edward, 79-535-993 Henry, 109 Henry Lea, 535 James Edward, 314 James Latimer, 535 Joseph, 33-59-535 TATUM, Samuel C., 930 TAUBBE, Henning Gus- tav, 73 TAUFFLIEB, F. A., 657 TAURMAN, Henry E., 144 TAUSIG, Albert E., 681 TAYLOE, Benjamin O., 879 John, 879 William, 879 TAYLOR, Albert G., 77 Andrew, 246 Andrew T., 506 Anthony, 268-550-551 Asa, 545 Augustus, 652 Benjamin, 788-903 Brimage, 961 Charles Culver, 118 Charles H., Jr., 472 Creed, 922 David, 682 David, Jr., 682 David Watson, 437 E. Winslow, 550 Ebenezer, 545 Eber, 801 Edmund, 807-964 Edward, 345-961-993 Edward L., 682 Edward L., Jr., 682 Eldad, 345-961 Elmer T., 770 Emerson Gifford, 118- 1003 Erasmus, 39-951 Frank Eugene, 345- 346 Frank H., 742 Frank J., 695 Frank Mansfield, 392 Franklin, 550-551-853 Gamaliel, 801 Geo., 303-852-853-903 Geo. Boardman, 852 George Braxton, 852 George Henry, 961 George Warren, 871 George William, 852 Graham, 240-468 Griffin, 285 Hancock, 582 Hartwell A., 562 Henry, 437-886 Henry, Jr., 437 Henry Augustus, 392 Henry Hobart, 545 Henry Von Phul, 689 Herbert H., 682 Herbert T., 345 Herbert Tyler, 346 Hudson, 760 Isaac, 158-167-853 Jacob Bloom, 896 Jas., 171-246-303-346- 437-582-610-674-743- 744-760-804-886-903- 951-964-993 James Barnett, 852 James H., 345 Jas. Henry, 345-346 Tames Taylor, 345 James W., 810 Jaquelin P., 951 Jared Otis, 763 Jeremiah, 392-852 Jesse, 718 Jno., 158-167-168-246- 345-346-877-386-392- 433-437-480-611-742- 788-812-852-886-896- 961 John Calvert, 215 John D., 952 John M., 852 John Martin, 303 John Metcalf, 118 John Otis, 545 John §&., 608 John White, 96 Jonathan, 303-489 546 TEMPLE Joseph, 104-853 Joseph W., 594 Julian, 80 Justus, 788 Louis B., 796 Margaret I., 682 Maris, 853 Matthew, 682 Moses, 896 Najah, 433 Oliver, 608 Peter, 932 Reginald D., 852 Richard, 303-582 Robert, 491-550-551- 682-853 Robert Coleman, 119 Robert Fenwick, 852 Robert J., 937 Robert Lenox, 246 Roger W., 59 Samuel, 392-550-551- 922 Samuel M., 303 Seth, 604 Stephen, 947 AM Sty Mee! Theophilus, 433 Thomas, 196-433-525- 760-903-971-933 Thomas, Jr., 37 Thomas B. B., 903 Thompson, 303 Timothy, 585-908 Virgil, 779 Virgil Corydon, 779 Virginia Bagby, 436- 437 W. G. Langworthy, 961 William, 392-545-779- 788-993 Wm. G., 62-122 William H., 593 William H., Jr., 652 William H. H., 62-335- 605 William J., 721 William Mode, 853 William S., 122 Zachariah, 788 Zachary, 582-951 TAYLOUR, Wm., 993 TAYNTOR, Joseph, 993 TEACKLE, Thomas Upshur, 86 eee George C, P., 2 Nathan, 942 Oliver, 942 TEBBETTS, George Parish, 784 TEFFT, John, 103-361 Joseph, 361 Peter, 103 Royal, 103 Samuel, 103-361 Thomas, 361 William H., 103 TELANDER, Carl A., 166 John V., 166 Lois M. Coffeen, 166 TELLER, D. Isaac, 853 James Harvey, 853 John, 853 Remsen, 853 Wilhelm, 853 William, 853-904 . TELLO, Manly, 167 TEMPLE, James, 853 Joseph, 255 Mary Boyce, 853 Miller, 52 . Oliver P., 853 Thomas, 853 William, 853 TEN BROECK TEN BROECK, Abra- ham, 239 Dirck, 239-682-692 Dirck Wessels, 239- 330-343-356-809 Johannes, 809 Peter, 809 Petrus S., 239-512 Wessel, 239-809 Wessel W., 241 Abraham, 853 TEN EYCK, Abraham, 853 Abraham C., 853 Anthony, 853 Coenradt, 154-236-853 Coenradt A., 85% Jacob, 853 Jacob C., 28 Peter G., 853 Samuel, 236 Thomas, 236 BEEN. David B., x Henry C., 721 TENNEY (see also Tenny) Daniel, 644 Henry F., 588 Isaac, 960 Jesse, 960 Jno., 494-617-6438-960 Joseph, 494-960 Luman, 960 Samuel, 494-644-960 Silas, 494-644 Thos., 94-643-644-960- 993 William, 494 TENNILLE, Wm. Alex- ander, 250 TENNY (see also Ten- ney) Charles P., 252 John, 252 Nathan, 252 Phillip, 252 Samuel, 252 Thomas, 252-993 William, 252 TEN WAERT, Gillis, 115-785 eae te Albert, 310- Albert A., 993 TERRELL, Chas., 139 Edmond, 754 Richard, 891 W. J. J., 203 William, 754 TERRILL, Edmund, 887 Roger, 510 TERRY, Charles Apple- ton, 853-854 Charles T., 335 Daniel, 963 Ebenezer, 612 Edward L., 516 Eliphalet, 946 Ephraim, 346-479-818- 853-946 James Pease, 854 John T., 695 Marie E. Cady, 854 Nathaniel, 345-346 Peyton L., 295 Roderick, 203 Samuel, 479-818-853- 854-946 Solomon, 854 Stephen, 168-982 Thomas, 993 TEST, George, 811 TETHER, George, 169 TETLOW, Joseph, 554 TEW, Richard, 492 TEWK, Robert, 994 THACHER (see also INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Thatcher) Anthony, 993 George Hornell, 440 Henry Clarke, 439 James K., 439 James Kingsley, 439 John, 439 Nathaniel, 440 Peter, 102-439-440 Ralph, 439 Samuel, 440 Samuel O., 440 Sherman Day, 439 Thomas, 4389-440-718- 993 Thomas A., 439-440 Thomas C., 86 THACKARA, Alexander M., 389 THACKER, Henry, 335- 950 THATCHER (see also Thacher) Albert, 143 Anthony, 246-411-768- 993 Daniel, 246 Ebenezer, 611 George W., 246 Hezekiah, 146 John, 246 Josiah, 246 Richard, 214-515-876 Samuel, 611 Thomas, 993 THAW, Alex. B., 854 Benjamin, 854 John, 854 Samuel, 854 William, 854 as Adam W., 54 Gerald Nash, 854 John, 854-887 Samuel, 778-854 Samuel Goffe, 854 Thomas, 854 SEE Abijah W., Abraham, 262-263 Addison P., 929 Benj. Bowditch, 262 Caleb, 263 Calvin, 855 Charles, 854 Charles Edward, 854 Charles F., 899 Charles Snow, 263 Christopher, 264 Cornelius, 263-855 Ebenezer, 218-855- 960 Blihu, 855 Ephraim, 42-264-341- 489 Ezekiel, 960 Geo. Augustine, 855 Harry B., 1004 Isaac, 263 James B., 264 John Alden, 821 John B., Jr., 268 John Eliot, 23-293- 855 Joseph T., 262 Josiah, 262-670-854 Jotham, 690 Lucius F., 263 Lucius H., 263 Martin, 262 Martin R., 262 Nathaniel, 262-263- 670-854-855 Norton, 263 Peter, 960 Richard, 63-262-263- 670-854-855-993 Russell, 262 Seth, 690 Shadrach, 264 Stephen, 670 Stephen H., 670 Thomas, 264 Warren, 960 Wilbur Fenno, 954 William, 264 William H., 838 William Sydney, 264 THEALL, Elisha S., 91 THEBALD, Clement, 993 THEBAUD, Edwd., 855 Edward V., 855 Joseph, 855 Leo Hewlett, 855 THEOBALD, Clement, 920-993 Samuel, 386 THEODOLI, Beatrice Thaw, 854 Filippo, 854 Francesco, 854 THILMAN, Paul, 255 THOM, Alex., 621-626 Hunt BR. M., 621 John Catesby, 626 John W. T., 621-626 Joseph Pembroke, 621 Pembroke L., 215-296 William Taylor, 626 THOMAS, Alfred, 484 Allen Mason, 855 Anthony, 685 Arthur Abbot, 210 Arthur P., 834 Charles, 493 Charles C., 161 Charles Francis, 624 Charles L., 210 Columbus E., 454 David, 314-702 Ebenezer, 483 Elder Minor, 450 Elias, 856-890 Elisha S., 855 Evan, 434-572 Evan Henry, 434 Francis, 506 Frank B., 352 Frederick S., 695 George, 855-856 George S., 54 Helen F, Poor, 623- 624 Henry, 483 Henry T., 288 Holmes, 856 Hovne La F., 795 Isaiah, 856 James, 79-483-625- 855-856-993 James R., 856 John, 163-254-450-483- 537-572-855-856-993 John Hanson, 79 John J., 702 John Jenks, 483-909 Joseph, 856 Kendall, 45 Lambert, 459 Lemuel, 695 Lyne Starling, 146 Martin, 299 Moses, 299 Nathaniel, 854 Nathaniel S., 855 Noah, 607 Peter, $93 Philip, 79-480-802- 957-972-993 Philip E., 88 Recompence, 450 Richard B., 102 Richard R., 689 Robert, 314-855 Samuel, 802-855 547 THOMPSON Spencer, 856 Stephen, 200 Stephens, 357 T. Rowland, 855 Theodore, 371 Thomas, 855-993 Tristram, 493 Waterman, 685 Wethered B., 957 Wm., 493-855-856-993 William A., 856 William C., 856 William Clark, 624 William D. Nelson, 50 William E. C., 856 William Edwin, 610 Wim. Holcombe, 856 Wm. Widgery, 856 THOMPSON (see also Thomson) IN eat UP Alexander, 968 Amos, 951-952 Andrew, 162-982 Anna W. Hinsdale, 359 Anthony, 403-829-917- 943-951-952-993 Augustus, 403 Benjamine, 959 Burkett D., 726 Caleb, 820 Carmi Alderman, 856 Charles D., 810 Charles E., 1006 Charles H., 721 Charles Lewis, 959 Charles Oliver, 403 Clark W., III, 377 Cuthbert, 363 David, 233-295-951- 952 David Sein, 533 Eben Francis, 856 Ebenezer, 348-930 Edward K., 930 Elias, 879 Enos, $17 EKustis, 33 Francis Henry, 856 Frank D., 761 George Lee, 379 Gideon, 403-951-952 Granville, 856 186 Wey BLY Heber S., 427 Henri, 943 Henry Dallas, 354 Henry G., 364 Henry Rice, 278 Herbert Gordon, 268 Hiram E., 225 Horace, 137 Hugh Miller, 359 Isabella L. Phillips, 951 J. A., 659 Ja Sy Beco Jacob, 791-820 Jacob Weeks, 348 James, 168-403-770- 857-879-993 James Alden, 299 James D., 390 James S., 779 James Wilfred, 391 Jane Remsen, 856 John, 144-263-327-342- 355-403-405-485-615- 635-703-726-791-856- 917-951-952-893 John Bodine, 355 John F., 715 John H., 647 John I., 573 John J., 856 John Lewis, 993 John Miles, 615 THOMPSON John T., 934 John Thomson, 820 John W., 253 Joseph, 951 Joseph T., 60-857 Lemuel, 959 Nahum, 144 Norman, 951 Norman B., 951-952 Norman C., 951 Norman F., 358-952 Norman F., Jr., 952 Palatiah, 959 Philip R., 726 R. E., 317 Ralph, 231 Richard R., 399 Robert, 52-348 Robert B., 715 Robert M., 387 Rogers, 744 Samuel, 403-473-917- 951-952 Samuel T., 79 Shubael, 405 Sumner, 117 Thomas, 73 Victor E., 877 Waddy, 775 Walter Duke, 959 William, 303-342-403- 486-615-635-7038-733- 744-820-903-977 William F., 753 William Gillen, 310 William Goodrich, 403 William Joseph, 857 William R., 854 William S.. 915 William W., 951 Wm. Warriner, 879 Wirt Lord, 617 THOMS, Burton, 901 John B., 901 THOMSON (see also Thompson) A. Roland, 26 Alexander, 38-515- 684-993 Anthony, 993 Archibald, 684 Benjamin S., 841 Frank, 684 George H., 912 James, 276 John, 199-354-450-814 Joseph, 593 Moses, 814 Nathaniel, 607 Stevens, 98-715 Thaddeus A., 61 Uzal, 354 P William, 558-871 William R., 558 THONG, Walter, 266 THORBURN, Jas., 393 Robert D., 393 THORINGTON, Jack, 787 THORN, Jonathan, 597- 857-858 THORNDIKE, Alden A., 218 Andrew, 952 Augustus, 952 Augustus, Jr., 533-952 Charles, 952 George Quincy, 916 Herbert, 219 Hezekiah, 218 Israel, 952 James, 218 John, 218-219-993 John Hill, 218 John L., 218 John Prince, 218 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Paul, 218-219-389-952- 993 Samuel W., 218 THORNE, Charles, 858- 909 Chester, 857 Daniel, 858-909 Edwin, 857 George Arthur, 858 George R., 858 Hallert, 858 Harold, 155 Isaac, 857 John, 858-900 Jonathan, 597-857-858 Joseph, 857-858-909 Landon K., 857 Samuel, 857-858 Samuel, Jr., 857 Thomas, 858-909 Victor Corse, 857 William, 857-858-909 THORNTON, Anthony, 184 Francis, 18-184-906 George W., 161 Harry Innes, 880 James Dabney, 880 James Goodlett, 363 John, 880 Lewis B., 184 Peter Presley, 804 Philip, 950 William, 184 William, Jr., 935 William M., 880 THOROUGHGOOD, Adam, 230 Argall, 863 THORP, Jackson, 672 THORPE, Eliphalet, 858 Francis Newton, 858 John, 589 Joseph E., 858 Judah Welles, 858 THRALL, Aaron, 660 Homer L., 660 John, 660 Samuel, 660 Timothy, 660 William, 660 THRESHER, E., 231 THROCEMORTON, C. Wickliffe, 858-1001 Charles B., 858 Gabriel, 858 Henry Clay, 671 John, 858 John Aris, 858 Mordecai, 858 Robert, 858 Thomas, 858 THROOP, Abia, 917 Enos T., 714-752-917 George, 917 George Bliss, 714-917 William, 917 THRUSTON, Buckner, 376 Chas. M., 301-375-376 Charles W., 376 Edward, 375-376 John, 375-376 R. C. Ballard, 376 Robert A., 376 THUM, Ward, 686 THURBER, Caroline M. Nettleton, 960 Dexter, 959-960 George S., 776 Gorham, 960 Henry T., 242 James, 960 John, 959 Samuel, 960 William B., 380 THURMAN, Peter, 574 THURSTON, Irvin H., 587 Nathaniel, 527 Richard, 549 THWAITES, Norman G., 305 THWING, Benjamin, 858-859 Charles F., 858-859 Edward, 859 Edward P., 859 Eugene, 859 Francis W. Butler, 859 John, 858-859 John G., 858 Joseph P., 858 Nathaniel, 858 Nicholas, 859 Thomas, 859 TIBBALS, Morton P., 511 TIBBETS, Ebenezer A., 802 TIBBITS, Caleb, 653 George, 653 Henry, 653 John, 653 William, 653 TICK, Henry, 255 TICKNOR, Benjamin Holt, 859 Elisha, 859 John, 859 William, 859-993 TIDD, John, 982 TIEDEMANN, Freder- ick, 274 TIFFANY, Benj., 548 Charles L., 107-547 Comfort, 547 Ebenezer, 547 Humphrey, 547-548- 993 James, 547-548 Louis Comfort, 547 Lucius F., 548 P. Dexter, 347 Walter C., 469 TIFFT, Lewis E., 477 TILDEN, Henry, 391 John, 915 Lyman, 744 Nathaniel, 193-744- 783-988 Stephen, 744 Thomas, 775-915 eer ee Edmund, ; 59 Edmund Pitt, 859 Ezekiel, 23-859 John B., 77-859 Lemuel, 23 Thomas, 23-859 Timothy, 23-859 Wilder, 859 TILGHMAN, Edward, 100-536 Henry Cooke, 83 James, 860 Lloyd, 860 Oswald, 612 Paul, 100 Richard, 83-367-494- 860-924-993 Richard A., 386 Richard C., 83 Sidell, 860 Tench, 922 William, 922 TILLETT, Edward, 457 TILLEY, John, 322-411- 510-527-544-654-822- 980-993 TILLINGHAST, Caleb E., 607 548 TODD Charles F., 425 Daniel, 425 George H., 425 Henry A., 425 John, 69-957 Joseph, 425 Pardon, 425-607-613- 898-993 Stephen, 425 William E., 589 William R., 425 TILLMAN, J. Ralph, 526 James W., 513 John, 513 John C., 304-513 William, 513 TILLOTSON, Daniel, 73 Thomas, 751-848 TILNEY, Robt. F., 817 TILTON, Benj. T., 307 Charles, 961 Daniel, 606 Edward W., 961 Esperus, 149 Francis Theo., 961 Frank Shumar, 961 Frederic W., 291 Jacob, 799 Jeremiah, 961 John, 799-961 Newell W., 464 Reuben, 961 William, 523 William F., 929 TIMMONS, John W., 596 TIMPSON, Lawrence, 692 TINGEY, Thomas, 61- 237-926 TINGLEY, Palmer, 962 Pelatiah, 962 ~ Samuel, 962 Thomas, 962 Timothy, 962 TINKER, Wilkes, 762 TINKHAM, Ephraim, 878 Franklin T., 878 Shubel, 878 Spencer, 878 TINSLEY, Edward, 80§ James G., 191 John, 29 Thomas, 29 TIPLADY, John, 295 TISDALE, John, 295- 847 Joseph, 287 TISON, Albert, 860 Alexander, 860 Hippolyte, 860 TITCOMB, Jonathan, 40 Joseph A., 802 Lewis H., 183 TITUS, Edmund, 678 Edward, 678 George P., 869 Peter, 194 Robert, 951 TJADER, Richard, 857 TOAL, William, 107 TOBEY, Nathan, 747 Gershom, 778 ort, James Calvin, TOBIN, Cornelius, 125 Daniel, 125 John, 125 TOD, Henry, 492 TODD, Andrew, 645 Archibald S., 645 Christopher, 860 Elmer Ely, 860 Enos, 739 Henry, 860 TODD Henry Alfred, 860 James, 635 James Harvey, 860 James Madison, 770 Jehial, 570 John, 645-860-993 Lemuel, 570 Leonard C., 643 Levi, 487 Philip, 680 Richard, 770 Richard Kimball, 860 Robert S., 689 Samuel, 570-707 Stephen, 570 Thomas, 770 Timothy, 887 William, 770 Zerah, 570 TOEL, William, 675 TOFFEY, Daniel, 374 TOLAND, Edward Dale, 809-861 Henry, 861 Robert, 631-861 William Gridley, 695 TOLLEEMACH, Lionel, 993 TOLLEY, Henry B., 524 John F., 524 TOLLIFSON, John, 476 TOLMAN, Benjamin, 495 _ Daniel, 952 Elisha, 495 Herbert Cushing, 495 James Turner, 496 Jonas, 952 Samuel, 495-496 Thomas, 495-952 William, 952 William Edward, 952 William Howe, 952 TOMLIN, Williamson B., 712 TOMLINSON, Agur, Henry, 695 Zachariah, 695 bee cama Brownell, 05 Daniel D., 944 Hamilton B., 34 John A., Jr., 194 Michael, 877 Nathaniel, 993 Thos. Snowden, 469 TOMPSON, Anthony, 993 TOMSON, Anthony, 993 Caleb, 607 Jacob, 607 John, 607-683 Nathaniel, 607 ee ahd Henry John, Gabriel, 609 Robert, 609 Robert Augustus, 609 TOOMBS, William, 609 TOOMEY, Daniel, 861 Patrick J., 861 Sean, 861 Sean Oge, 861 Sean O’T., 861 Thomas, 861 Thomas Noxon, 861 BO re Roger, 34 Peco Thomas E., a TOPLIFF, Samuel, 479 TOPPAN (see also Tap- pan) Abraham, 855 Christopher, 855 Edmund, 855 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Peter, 855 Samuel, 251 OE as Frederick, Jonathan, 830 TORBERT, John Pey- ton, 779 TORRANCE, Hy., 695 TORREY, James, 196 John, 121-760 Josiah, 121 Samuel Wm., 31 William, 993 TOTTEN, John R., 1004 William Jack, 526 TOULMIN, Harry, 704 Harry Aubrey, 705 Harry Aubrey, Jr., 704 John Butler, 704 Morton, 704 Theophilus L., 704 TOUMEY, Jas. M., 304 Scene age Daniel, 7 TOWER, Asahel, 511 Benjamin, 196 Charlemagne, 786 James, 196 Jeduthan, 786 John, 786-994 Reuben, 786 LAOR oi John Alden, 0 TOWLE, Samuel, 910 William C., 938 TOWLES, Florence Ewing, 953 Henry, 953 John, 186 Oliver, 186-953 Thomas Oliver, 953 William Beverly, 953 William Lewis, 953 TOWNE, Archelaus, 54 Benjamin, 132-861 Edmund, 132-861 Henry Robinson, 861 John, 861 John Henry, 861 Joseph, 132-861 Nathan, 132-861 William, 132-861 TOWNER, Benj. F., 235 Ephraim, 235 Henry A., 235 Mrs. Horace, 1000 Samuel, 235 TOWNLEY, Richard, 198-722 SY cae Absolom, Andrew, 317 Benjamin, 952 Benjamin R. B., 146 Christopher, 322 Daniel, 317 Dwight, 43 Edward Corning, 666 Edward M., 348 Edward Nicoll, 257 Edward W., 935 Elmer, 862 George, 32-43 Henry, 194-278-317- 994 Henry Arnold, 194 Henry Clay, 952 Henry Elmer, 862 Howard, 249 Ingersoll Day, 362 Isaac, 862 Jacob, 952 James, 32-43-952 James Bliss, 43 James Mulford, 598 Jeremiah, 862 John, 32-43-48-317- 952-994 5 John W., 952 Joseph, 346 Joseph B., 3d, 796 Lawrence, 952 Moses D., 120 Peter, 278 Reginald W. T., 43 Richard, 69-70-214- 994 : Robert Elmer, 861 Robert Tailer, 615 Samuel, 862 Stephen Van R., 288 Thomas, 317-660-861- 981-994 Uriah, 752 Walter Wilmot, 43 William, 32-43-862- 952 ea vee Robert, TOWS, Coe D., 200 Ferrars Heaton, 200 Francis Henry, 200 George, 200 TOWSLEY, Alonzo, 739 TOYE, John Francis, 727 TOZER, Richard, 597 TRABUE, Antoine, 862 Chastaine H., 862 Edmund Francis, 862 James, 862 John James, 862 Stephen, 862 Stephen Fitz-James, 862 TRACY, Charles, 639 Charles Edward, 464 Christopher, 780 Daniel, 140 Eliphalet, 639 Frederic E., 862 Howard, 862 Howard Van S., 862 Hudson P., 831 Isaac, 589 Jared, 639 Jerusha, 42 John, 346-589-639-707- 862-909 Jonathan, 744 Joseph, 639-938 Josiah, 862 Nathaniel, 683 Patrick, 150-151-152- 153-529-909 Paul, 862 Percy Wheeler, 409 Samuel, 140 Solomon, 140 Stephen, 707-938 Thomas, 42-140 - 344- 346-639-718-780-862- 938-994 Uriah, 300-639 William, 862 William Gedney, 639 Winslow, 639 Guna Eugene Ellis, 96 TRAFFORD, Bernard W., 482 TRAILL, Robert, 381 TRAIN, John, 994 TRASK, Aaron, 593 Alanson, 593 Everett Arthur, Jr., 203 John, 583-593 Jonathan, 583 Josiah, 583 Samuel, 583-593 Wayland, 684 William, 593 TRAVER, Sebastian, 799-800 49 TRIPP TRAVERS, William R., 474-874 TRAVIS, C. Claud, 57 Daniel D., 451 Joseph M., 104 TRAWEEK, Thaddeus, 912 TRAYLOR, Edward, 747 Humphrey, 747 John Cousins, 747 John Humphrey, 747 William, 747 TREADWAY, Nathani- el, 978 TREADWELL, James Parker, 199 TREAT, Charles Henry, Jonathan, 961 Joseph, 961-962 Joshua, 961-962 Richard, 104-194-500- 597-730-749-860-877- 926-93 2-961-974-980- 994 Robert, 45-87-375-447- 511-530-571-588-629- 689-749-837-860-877- 932-961 Samuel, 749-860-961 Sidney W., 53 Thomas, 363 TRECARTIN, John, 586 TREDWELL, Benja- min, 869 TREE, Lambert, 452 TREGO, Thos. Markley, 234 TREMAIN, Grenville, 714 Ee age ier Curtis, 64 Edward, 643 George, 642-643 Stephen Decatur, 643 TRENHOLM, Geo. A., 400 Grover Holmes, 547 Thomas B., 315 TREVIS, Joshua, 861 Robert, 861 Se ae Henry Graff, 1 John Bond, 842 Samuel, 469-705 TREWORGH, Jas., 914 TREXLER, Edwin W., 863 Frank M., 863 Jacob, 863 Peter, 863 Reuben, 863 Le SSO N ake Daniel, 72 George Sewell, 727 TRIBBLE, Andrew, 673 TRICO, Joris, 296 TRICOT, George, 740 TRIGG, Daniel, 25 James Newell, 534 W. Shields, 653 TRIMBLE, Isaac R., 457 James, 862 John, 862 William, 702 TRINKLE, Christopher, 863 Elbert Lee, 863 Elbert Sevier, 863 Steven, 863 TRIPLETT, Francis, 372-896 Thomas, 896 TRIPP, Isaac, 579 TRIPPE TRIPPH, Henry, 563- 919-994 John, 563 TROMBLEE, George, 772 TROOP, Thomas, 737 TROTH, Henry, 395 Samuel, 395 William, 395 TROTTER, Daniel, 339 Joseph, 339 Theodore V. A., 526 William, 339 TROUT, George W., 460 Grace Wilbur, 459 Thomas, 460 TROW, John, 362 John Fowler, 362 TROWBRIDGE, Caleb, 216-876 Daniel, 375 Henry, 375 James, 304-817 James H., 715 John, 304 Luther, 304 Mason, 501 Rutherford, 375 Samuel B. P., 304 Stephen Van R., 304 Thomas, 304-375-994 William Petit, 304 TROXELL, Edward L., 535 Does Chauncey 38., 47 Evva R. Egan, 588 Sewall, 588 TRUE, Allen Tupper, 73 Benjamin, 555 Edward Parker, 381 Frank Daniel, 503 Henry, 523-557 Winthrop, 557 TRUEMAN, Richard, 206-619 eS LS: James, 21 Richard, 721 Samuel, 721 Samuel Wheaton, 721 TRUFANT, David, 822 George, 407 TRUITT, Ralph P., 606 TRUMAN, James, 367 TRUMBOWER, Henry ieee tae l OO ee, Ammi, if Henry Clay, 600 John, 666-994 Jonathan, 319-384- 532-576-666-908 Joseph, 576 William, 170 Be uO: James L., John, 46 Thomas, 46 TRYON, Frank, 363 Isaac, 363 Joseph, 363 Marshall, 363 William, 363 TUBBS, Wm. A., 904 TUBMAN, Henry, 856 TUCK, Amos, 365-366 Eben Baker, 194-195 Edward, 365-366 John, 195-365-366 Jonathan, 365-366 Joseph, 195 Robert, 365-366-989- 994 Samuel Lee, 195 Thomas, 195 William, 195 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE TUCKER, Albert Sid- ney, 864 Andrew, 931 Benjamin, 133 Benoni, 787 Beverley Dandridge, 460-863-864 Beverley Dandridge, Jr., 863 Carll, 232 Daniel F., 787 Daniel Reese, 396 Ephraim, 233-863 Ezra, 787 George, 377 Gilbert M., 863 Henry, 865 Henry St. George, 301-863-864 Henry W., 599-865 John Hyrne, 383-688 John Randolph, 864 (2) Joseph, 782 Lewellen, 865 Luther, 233-863 Guther Henry, 232- 233 Morris, 787 Nathaniel, 133 Nathaniel B., 863 Robt., 232-863-994 Robt. Henry, 599-865 Samuel, 520 Samuel A., 21 St. Geo., 38-373-509- 510-863-864-994 Stephen, 233-863 Walstine, 900 William, 787 William A., 369 Willis Gaylord, 786 TUCKERMAN, Bayard, 865 Bayard, Jr., 865 Charles Sanders, 426 Edward, 865 Eliot, 918 John, 865-994 Joseph, 865 Lucius, 865 Walter Cary, 916 TUDOR, Frederick, 180 TUFNELL, William Bewley, 261 TUFTON, Joseph, 900 Robert, 900 TUFTS, James, 865 James Hayden, 865 John, 109-865-906 Jonas, 906-907 Peter, 109-906 Timothy, 906 Walter, 554 William, 865 TULIEN, Joseph, 73 TULLER, John, 87 Joseph, 87 Reuben, 87 Samuel, 87 TULLIDGEH, Frank G., 421 TULLY, Joseph E., 948 TUNSTALL, Jos., 164 TUPPER, Allen, 865 Eldad, 613 George, 416 Thomas, 963 Tristram, 416-865 TURBEVILLE, Rich- ard, 314 TURBUTT, Foster, 625- 897 TURCK, Abraham, 953 Fenton Benedict, 953 Jacob, 953 416-612-865- Jacob A., 953 Jacobus, 953 James Byron, 953 Johannes, 953 Paulus J., 953 Peter, 953 TURELL, Daniel, 150 Joseph, 150 TURLAY, Thos. M., 709 TURLE, Henry, 608 Kathleen G. Ford, 607 Robert Hobbs, 608 TURMAN, Robert L., 562 TURNBULL, Lawrence, 691 William, 623 TURNER, Abraham, 780 Austin Graham, 115 Austin Haydn, 115 Charles, 866 Charles W., 944 Chauncey, 586 Daniel, 994 E. Raymond, 866 Edward, 741-866 Emory S., 122 Ezekiel, 234 Frances Mary, 115 George W., 61 Harold M., 847 Henry S., 900 Herbert B., 642-658 Humphrey, 726-994 James Varnum, 915 John, 224-338-611-726- 741-820-939 John Benjamin, 552 Jonathan Hinds, 490 Joseph A., 557 Josiah, 741 Lewis, 128 Moses, 338 Nathaniel, 780 Samuel, 741-865 Thornton Floyd, 658 Zephaniah, 923 TURNURH, Arthur B., 136 TURPIN, George Wil- mer, 297 Walter, 216 TURRELL, Daniel, 855 TURTON, Arthur, 731 TUTHILL, Burnet C., 339 Felen Hersey, 339 Richard S., 959 TUNE Chase ieees02 Richard, 539 TUTTLE, Amos, 163 meager? Farwell, 104- 38 Arthur Lemuel, 449 Caleb, 156 Charles, 449 Chas. Augustus, 735 Daniel, 449 Daniel Bliss, 449 Daniel S., 449 David, 163 Eliphalet, 156 Ephraim, 734-735-926 Ezekiel, 735 Ezra, 841 Ezra A., 692 Fannie Farwell, 104 George Marvine, 449 Henry, 735 Henry Blakeslee, 163 Henry Nelson, 104 Horace A., 163 Horace Burt, 163 James S., 841 Jehiel, 449 John, 841 550 TYLER Jonathan, 735 Joseph, 707 Levi, 156 Lucius, 734-735-926 Lucius Bement, 735 Moses, 693 Nelson, 104 Oliver, 169 Richard, 817 Samuel, 94 Sidney, 471 Simeon, 94 Simon, 163-449-734- 735-926 Thomas, 156 Timothy, 163-734-735- 926 Titus, 735 William, 156-163-449- 734-735-926-994 Wooster Henry, 735 TUTWILER, Carring- ton C., 922 Henry, 185 TWEED, A. C., 52 Chas. Harrison, 595 TWEEDY, John H., Jr., 256 TWIGGS, John, 537 John David, 563 TWINING, Stephen, 597-926 Thomas, 597-610-926 William, 597-610-926 TWITCHELL, Benja- min, 900 Calvin, 900 Ezra, 900 Joseph, 681-900 TWOMBLEY, Geo., 660 TWOMBLY, Alexander H., 445 Alex. Stevenson, 445 Edward Lambert, 445 Frances Doane, 446 H. McKown, 958 Henry Bancroft, 445- 446 Isaac, 445 John, 445 Ralph, 445-994 Reuben, 445 William, 445 TWYMAN, Francis K. By 6%2 George, 672 Joel, 672 Joel Kirtley, 672 Reuben, 672 William, 672 TYLER, Amos, 581 Charles, 899 Daniel, 20-866 David, 581 David Gardiner, 373 Ebenezer, 581 Francis, 899 Frederick, 866 George Fredk., 866 George Grey, 899 George S., 113 Henry, 373-590-628- 718-899 Hopestill, 20-866 James Monroe, 899 Job, 20-581-866-994 John, 373-419-475-589- 590-718-730 Jonathan, 581 Joshua, 355 Lyon Gardiner, 373 Moses, 581 Robert, 106-422 Robert Bradley, 331 Samuel, 814 Sidney F., 383-866 Simon, 553 TYLER Thomas, 994 W. W., 333 TYNDAL, John, 996 TYNDALL, J. Jeffer- son, 221 TYNG, Dudley, 875 Edward, 875 TYSON, Daniel, 994 Derrick, 994 George, 380 Isaac, 94-568 Isaac, Jr., 267 Jesse, 568 Laurence D., 285 Reynier, 94-727-994 U UBELACKER, Charles F., 409 UHL, David Edwin, 866 David M., 866 Edwin Fuller, 866 Henry, 866 John, 798-799-866 UHLE, Fredk. L., 787 UHLHORN, Jno. Fred- erick, 372 : UIHLEIN, Henry, 52 Robert A., 127 ULLMAN, Bernard E., 412: Percival G., 412 ULMAN, Julien S., 30 UNDERHILL, Abra- ham, 906 Allis, 1000 Amos, 953 Arthur W., 821 Benjamin, 953 Benjamin T., 953 Francis Townsend, 953 Jacob, 906 Jay Weeks, 953 John, 194-319-906-953- 994 Nathaniel, 906 Samuel, 313-314-906 Townsend, 953 Walter M., 52 WEIS a aoa Daniel, 86 Earl, 866 Edna Worthley, 866 Frank L., 243 Oscar W., Jr., 455 Robert B., 77 William, 598 UNTHANK, Christo- pher, 34-417 UPDEGRAFF, Abra- ham, 866 Jacob, 866 Joseph, 866 Milton, 866 Nathan, 866 Nathan, Jr., 866 Thaddeus S., 524 William B., 866 UPDIKE, Daniel, 75 Gilbert, 37-75 John, 773 Lodowick, 37-75 Thomas B., 108 Wilkins, 75 UPHAM, George B., 817 George P., 225 Jacob, 312 John, 311-312-785~813- 994 Phineas, 311-312-785 Phinehas, 715 Warren, 311 William. 715 UPJOHN, Edwin P., 634 UPSHUR, Abel, 245 UPSON, Ashbel, 721 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE UPTON, Edgar W., 631 Emory, 714 George, 953 John, 953 Roger, 953 URBAN, Wilber M., 233 URQUHART, John, 674 USHER, John, 281 JODne Eo Lt Robert, 994 Thomas, 917 UTLEY, Ephraim H., 780 George Burwell, 780 George Tyler, 780 John, 780 John C., 780 Peleg, 780 Samuel, 780 UTTER, Nicholas, 694 William, 694 UULAND, Herman, 348 UZILLHE, Peter, 231 V VAGLIANO, Andre, 331 VAIL, Carl M., 1006 Chauncey, 232 David, 320 David M., 320 Derrick G., 232 Derrick Tilton, 232 Harris Holmes, 232 Harvey W., 232 Hiram S., 232 Horatio N., 834 Israel, 232 John, 232-320 Joseph, 232 Luther H., Jr:, 683 Moses, 232 Platt, 232 Richard P. H., 254 Samuel, 232-320 Stephen, 232 Theodore N., 232 Thomas, 232 William, 320-950 William H., 643 VAIRIN, Julius, 59 Nugent B., 32 PERE John Henry, 895 VALENTINE, Corbin B., 559 Dennis, 413 Peter, 413 Robert G., 613 ON ae Julius I., 828 VALLANDINGHAM, George, 964 VALLE, John Baptiste, 246 VALLEAU, Pierre, 238 VALLETT, David, 116 Henry, 116 Jacques, 116 Peter, 116 Pierre V., 116 VALLETTH, Jeremiah, 120 VALLIANT, Rigby D., 9 78 VAN AKIN, Cornelis, 761 James, 761 Marinus, 761 Simeon, 761 VAN ALEN, Abraham E., 870 Adam, °870 Everet, 870 JIchannes, 273-388-870 Pieter, 870 VAN ALLEN, John W., 849 VAN ALSTYNE, Fay- ette S., 239 Martense, 461 VAN AMRINGH, Guy, 1005 VAN AUKEN, Abra- ham, 341 Barrett, 341 Daniel, 341 Elijah, 341 Jan Koster, 341 Jesse, 341 Marynus, 341 VAN BENTHUYSEN, Arthur L., 657 VAN BERGEN, Hans H., 968 William, 372 VAN BEUREN (see also Van Buren) Coertland, 434 Frederick T., 660 Hendrick, 676 Jacobus, 660 Jan, 660 Michael, 660 Michael Murray, 660 VAN BIBBER, George L., 424 VAN BLARKUM, Gys- bert, 927 VAN BOERUM, Hen- drick W., 969 VAN BOKKELEN, Lib- ertus M., 756 VAN BRUGH, Johan- nes, 634 Peter, 34-133-266-330- 692-758 VAN BRUNT, Willard N., 620 VAN BUREN (see also Van Beuren) Abraham, 273-388 Conlin, 655 Cornelis Maessen, 239-273-388 James L., 570 John, 273 Marten, 273-388 Martin, 273-387-388 Peter Martense, 273- 388 Smith T., 387-388 VAN BUSKIRK, De Witt, 1002 Isaac, 445 Isaac Shelby, 445 Laurens A., 445 Michael, 445 Thomas, 445 VANCH, Chas. R., 867 James Henry, 866-867 James Isaac, 866-867 John, 866 John C., 48 Affolohsl, Whey chery CMY) Joseph Anderson, 867 Patrick, 866-867 Robert B., 48 Samuel B. H., 806 Samuel C., 876 William, 866 William K., 866-867 VAN CLEAVE, Aaron, 867 Cary Allen, 867 Henry Mason, 867 Isabrant, 867 James W., 867 John, 867 Lee Wallace, 867 VAN CLEEF, Benj., 659 Cornelius, 659 Tsaac, 659 James Spencer, 659 Jans, 659 551 VAN DEUSEN Laurens, 659 VAN CORTLANDT (see also Van _ Court- landt) Jacobus, 78-639 Oloff S., 994 Stephen, 908 Stephanus, 600 VAN COT, Elbert, 729 VAN COTT, Joshua Marsden, 359 VAN COUENHOVEN, Gerret W., 241 VAN COURTLANDT (see also Van Cort- landt) Jacobus, 638 Stephen, 640 VAN COWENHOVEN, Wolfert G., 683-701 VANDENBURG, Corne- lius, 114 VAN DEN HEUVEL, John Cornelius, 640 VANDERBEECK, Rem J., 989 VANDERBILT, Alice C. Gwynne, 957 Cornelius, 366-957-958 Cornelius, Jr., 957 Edith Dresser, 503 Frederick Wm., 957 George W., 503 Jacob, 957-958 Jacob J., 957-958 Jan Aertsen, 957 Reginald C., 957 Wm. H., 503-957-958 VANDERBURGH, Jas., 192 VAN DER GRIFT, Jackson, 419 VANDERHEYDEN, Matthias, 172 VANDERHOOF, Arnold bei, (HC Cornelis, 867 Cornelis C., 867 Cornelius, 867 Douglas, 867 Edward A., 867 Hervey B., 867 Johannes, 867 Matthew, 867 VANDER HORST, Ar- noldus, 867 Elias, 867 John, 867 VANDERPOEL, Aaron J., 783 John, 783 S. Oakley, 30 VANDERSLICH, Henry Bats VANDER VEER, Abra- ham H., 868 Albert, 867-868 Cornelis J., 867 Dominicus, 867 Garrett, 868 Jacob, 868 James Newell, 868 Tunis, 868 VANDERVOORT, Peter, 236 William, 350 VANDERVORT, Rob- ert, 653 VAN DER WERKER, Adam, 454 Gerit Roelof, 454 VAN DER WONDE, R. G. A., 348 VAN DER ZEB, Storm, 231 VAN DEUSEN, Abra- ham P., 799-800 VAN DEUSEN Jacob, 799-800 William J., 751 VAN DEVENTER, Ja- cob, 950 Jan Pietersen, 950 Jeremia, 950 Peter, 950 Peter Lewis, 950 Pieter J., 950 Pieterson, 833 VANDEWALL, Nathan, 625 VAN DEWATER (also Van De Water) George R., 1001 Jacobus, 994 William, 751 VAN DUSEN, George R., 949 VAN DUZER, Abra- ham, 338 Christopher, 338 William, 338 VAN DYCK, Clinton D., 602 Jan T., 994 VAN DYKE, Abraham, 256 Achias, 256 Alexander O., 903 Douglass, 256 George Douglass, 256 Henry, 256-1002 Jan, 256 Jan Janse, 256 Jan Thomasen, 256- 902-994 John, 256-560 John Charles, 256 John H., 53 John Henry, 256 Lambert, 256 Nicholas, 138-223-568- 903 Peter, Jr., 322 Thomas J., 143 Thomas John, 903 Thomas N., 1438-902 William, 256 William Duncan, 256 VAN ELMENDORF, Coenradt, 321 Jacob, 321 John, 321 Peter Z., 321 Petrus E., 321 VAN ETTEN, Barent, 718 Jacob J., 718 Jacobus, 718 Jan, 718 Mathew, 718 VAN FLEET, M. B,, 639 VAN GILDER, Rogers, 955 VAN HARDENBERGH, Jan, 978 VAN HARLINGEN Arthur, 162 Johannes M., 162 John M., 162 VAN HOESEN, N., 132 VAN HORN, Cornelius, 585 Thaddeus, 954 VAN HORNE, William Henry, 682 VAN HOUSEN, Edward H., 889 VAN HUSAN, Caleb, 660 Harry C., 662 VAN ee eee Baltus, 622 Isaac Baltus B., 622 Johannes, 232 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Peter, 622 Tunis, 622 William H., 622 VAN LEER, Edward S., 868 Waldine Z., 868 VAN LOON, Hendrik W., 483 VAN MASTERLANDT, Roelof J., 666 VAN METER, Henry 579 Isaac, 579 Jan Joosten, 579 John, 579 Joost Janse, 579-590 Solomon, 579 Solomon Lee, 537 VANN, Elizabeth C. Denny, 544 Eugene E., 544 VAN NAARDEN, Jan P., 868 Pieter K., 868 VAN esa i: Egbert, 4 VAN NAME, John, 666 VAN NESS, Cornelis Ee tor Cornelius H., 758 David, 328 Davis, 812 James, 868 Joseph, 868 Sarah Bowman, 868 VAN NEST, Abraham, 131 Pieter, 296 VAN NORDEN, Adam J., 869 John A., 869 Theodore L., 684 Theodorus, 869 Thomas L., 869 Warner, 869 Warner de la Mon- tagnie, 868 Warner M., 852 VAN NOSTRAND, Aaron J., 869 Benj. Tredwell, 869 Jacob J., 869 John, 869 Samuel, 869 VON NOTE, Joseph, 961 Thomas, 961 William, 961 VAN OSTRAND, De Witt C., 869 Edwin H., 869 Mattie A. Culver, 869 VAN PELT, Anthony Te A88 Johannis, 292 Johannis W., 292 John V., 292 John V., II, 292 Reuben, 292 Teunis J. L., 292 Wouter T. L., 292 Van Petten, Alfred E., 1006 VAN RANST, Corne- lius, 154 Cornelius W., 154 John, 154 Peter, 154 VAN RENSSELAER, Alex., 225 Cornelius G., 869 Florence, 869 Hendrick, 541-610-869 Henry, 869 Jeremiah, 193-610 Jeremias, 610-855-869 Johannes, 610-869 John J., 610-869 John Jeremias, 869 John King, 869 John §S., 610 Kiliaen, 610-846-855- 869-919-994-1004 Kilian M., 780 Killian, 343 Killian K., 610 Maria D. King, 869 Maunsell, 610 Nicholas, 983 Peyton Jaudon, 610 Philip, 610-855 Philip S., 460 Robert, 155-610 Sanders, 610 Stephen, 239-581-855- 69 8 Visscher, 846 William P., 869 Wm. Stephen, 369-869 VAN REYPEN, Cor- nelis G., 870 Cornelius, 870 Cornelius C., 870 Daniel, 870 Gerrit J., 870 Juriaen, 870 William K., 870 VAN ROSEVELT, Claes Martenzen, 989 VAN RYKE, Wilson J., 419 VAN SANT, Garret, 994 Grant, 815 Samuel R., 815 VAN SANTVOORD, Cornelius, 994 VAN SCHAAK, Corne- lius, 20 Cornelius P., 809 Henry C., 783 Peter, 783 Robert H., 524 VAN SCHAICK, Fran- cis, 870 Gerrit, 676 Goosen G., 131-676- 994 . Jacob, 676 John, 870 John, Jr., 870 Joseph, 870 Koert, 870 Stephen, 870 Sybrant, 676 William, 870 VAN SCHAL-KUYCK, Vincent Classe, 855 VAN SCHERMER- HOOVEN, Jacob J., 990 VAN SCHOENDER- VOERT, Rutger J., 606-968 VAN SCHOONHOVEN, Guert, 254-858 Guert H., 254-857-858- 995 Jacobus, 254-857-858 . James, 254-857-858 William H., 857-858 VAN SCHUYLER, Philip P., 990 VAN SINDEREN, Wm. Leslie, 496 VAN SLICHTEN- HORST, Brant Arentse, 990 VAN SUTPHEN, Der- ick J., 659 VAN SWEARINGEN, William, 849 VAN SWINDEREN, Rene, 623 VAN TAERLING, Floris, 76 552 VAUGHAN VAN TIENHOVEN, Cornelis, 642 Luykas, 642 VAN VALKENBURGH, . B., 482 Lambert, 829 VAN VALZAH, Robert, 326 William W., 326 VAN VECHTEN, Jacob, 402 VAN VLIET, Seaman, 879 VAN VOOR HEES, Steven Coerte, 995 VAN VOORHEES, Jo- hannes, 153 VAN VORST, Cornelis, 69-681 Eden, 69 Ide, 681 Ide C., 69 Pietrje, 69 VAN VREEDENBERG, William I., 222 VAN WAGENEN, Bar- ent, 718 VAN WESTERVELT, Lubbert L., 918 VAN WIE, Hendrick, 234 VAN WYCK, Cornelis 1 By-387 VAN YSSELSTEYN, Cornelis M., 222 Isaac C., 222 VAN YVERSEN, War- ner, 308 VAN ZILE, Edward §S., 870 Ferdinand, 870 Jesse, 870 John, 870 . Oscar E., 870 Rutger A., 870 VAN ZUTPHEN, Der- ick J., 992 VAN ZUYT DAM, Hen- drick R., 992 VARICK, Abraham, 591 Abram, 591 Johannis, 591 John, 591 John R., 591-592 John V., 591 Richard, 591 VARMAN, Hattill, 515 VARN, Henry A., 687 VARNER, William, 856 VARNEY, Everett, 733 eee ae Ebenezer, 57 George, 246-953 Joseph, 246-953 Joseph B., 246-953 Robert Taylor, 246 Samuel, 246-953 VASSALL, John, 612 William, 409 VAUCLAIN, Samuel M., 41 VAUGHAN, Abiel, 24 Benjamin B., 319 Donald C., 758 George, 870 George Tully, 870 Henry H., 776 James, 319 John, 870-871 John W., 936 Lemuel H., 319 Peter, 319 Salathiel, 319 Sampson, 871 Victor C., 871-936 Walter, 870 Washington L., 870 William, 870 VAUGHN VAUGHN, John, 158 Robert G., 830 Neer aay ck aan Frederick, 1 VAUX, Richard, 511 Roberts, 511 VAWTER, Edward, 475 VEATCH, Carleton W., 671 VEAZEY, Duncan, 871 Edward, 871 George Ross, 871 John, 871 John T., 871 Thomas B., 871 William, 977 VEECH, Richard S., 206 VEGHTE, Claes A., 871 Gerrit Claes, 871 Gerrit Jans, 871 Jan Gerrits, 871 Nicholas, 871 VENABLE, Abraham, 77-188-536-871-995 Charles, 536 Chas. Scott, 188 Francis P., 188-189 John, 871 : Nathaniel, 77-188-871 Nathaniel E., 77-188 Paul C., 628 Samuel Hoyt, 871 Samuel W., 77-188-865 William G., -870 William R., 871 eee James P., eee Leander R., Voie eee Adrian, Cornelius, 871 Cornelius C., 871 Isaac Davis, 871 oe. Johannes, 1 VERNON, Frederick R., 115 Randal, 309 Samuel, 115-520 VER PLANCK, Abra- ham, I., 995 William G., 1001 VERRY, Benjamin, 723 James, 723 Joseph, 723 Samuel, 723 William, 723 William A., 723 William C., 723 VEGAN or John I.., Ae ah EIA Wyatt, 1 ees Moses F., VIBBERT, Elisha, 677 James, 677 John, 677 William, 677 NERS Wm. Henry, VICTOR Malay VIEL#, Cornelis V., 872 Egbert L., 872 Jacob, 872 John L., 872 Kathlyne K., 872 Kenyon G., 344 Louvis, 872 Ludovicus, 872 Pieter C., 872 VIEL£-GRIFFIN, Francis, 872 VILLAS, Chas. A., 432 Edward P., 432 Elizabeth G. Atwood, 432 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE George HL, 432 Henry S., 497 Levi B., 432 Malcolm G., 432 Moses, 432 Noah, 432 Peter, 432-995 Royal, 432 VINAL, Elijah, 183 John, 183 John, Jr., 183 Stephen, 183 VINCENT, Andrian, 820 Bethuel, 872 Bethuel, B., 872 Boyd, 872 Cornelius, 872 Edward E., 809 George A., 31 George Edgar, 872 John, 872 John Heyl, 872 John Himrod, 872 Levi, 482-872 Robert H., 642 William David, William K., 872 VINEY, Alvin, 113 VINGE, Geyeyn, 995 VINJEER, Guillaume, 642 VINNEDGE, Allen R., 62 VINSON, Joseph Car- roll, 671 William, 146 VINTON, Alex. H., 954 Blaze, 456 David, 954 David H., 954-955 John, 456 VIOLETT, Atwood, 494 VIVION, James Alex- ander, 454 VLIET, William, 740 VOAR, Richard, 966 VOGDES, Jesse Tyson, 460 VOGT, Carl, 861 Caspar, 861 William, 861 VOLCK, Jean George, 135 VOLE, Douglas, 872 Garrett, 872 Henry, 872 Leonard W., 873 VOLKMANN, Arthur L. K., 782 VON BOROSINI, Rit- ter, 834 VON CONSTAT, Ear- nest S., 458 VON KEMPER, Jo- hann, 171 VON KLEEBLATT- WAGNER, Anton, 487 VON KLINKOFSTROM, Baron, 237 VON KRONSHELD, Jo- hannes C. R., 973 VON PUTTKAMER, Ulrich, 289 VON RIEDENAU, Riedl, 712 VON SCHAUMBURG, James W., 393 Bartholomew, 393 VON SCHLEGEL, Frank, 560 VON SCHRILTZ, Adam Lewis, 775 Louis V., 775 VON STOCKHAUSEN, Otto, 886 872 VON STUMM, Ferdi- nand, 299 VOORHEES (see also Voorhies) Carolus Ford, 418 Charles A., 843 Garrett, 873 Lucas S., 873 Minne L., 873 Oscar McMurtrie, 873 Samuel S., 873 Steven C., 873-995 VOORHIES (see also Voorhees) Abraham, 873 Charles H., 873 Coert S., 873 Cornelis C., 873 Cornelius, 873 Daniel, 873 Gordon, 873 Peter Gordon, 873 Steven Coerte, 873 William, 873 VORE, Richard, 966 VOSBURGH, Abraham P., 736-995 Dirk, 736 Evert, 736 Evert R., 736 Jacob, 736 Richard, 736 Stephen, 736 Stephen Earle, 736 VOSE, Charles L., 323 Samuel H., 312 VOSS, Edward, 207 Robert, 207 Tarquinia L., 1002 VOWLES, Henry, 713 VREDENBURG, Wm. Tees VREDENBURGH, John S., 292 VREELAND, Frederick King, 888 Thomas S., 151 VROOMAN, Ephraim, 405 VRYCH, Mervin, 960 VURPILLOT, Florian, 1003 W WADDELL, Chauncy Ta, 2 James, 297-414-819 James W., 912 Lyttleton, 297 William, 819 WADE, Augusta EK. Black, 471 Benjamin, 776-925 David, 732 David E., 925 Francis, 650 Horatio Gates, Tsaac, 776 James, 776 Newman C., 948 Nicholas K., 776 Peyton Lisbey, 471 Reuben W., 803 Robert, 138-776 Robert M., 471 William, 776 WADHAMS, Abraham, 873 Albion V., 873-874 Fredk. Eugene, 873 John, 873-995 Jonathan, 873 Luman, 873 Noah, 873 Sanford H., 430 William Grant, 895 Wm. Luman, 873-874 650 553 WAITE WADLLEIGH, John, 72 WADSWORTH, Alexan- der, 874 Augustus W., Charles, 874 Charles, Jr., 874 Charles Lee, 874 Clarence §S., 391 Christopher, 290-874 Elijah, 874 Eliot, 874 Harry, 874 James, 874 James Samuel, 874 James Wolcott, 874 James Wolcott, Jr., 325-874 John, 290-745-874 John Noyes, 874 Joseph, 597-874-926 Oliver F., 874 Peleg, 51-874 Richard G., 431 Samuel, 241-290 Stephen D., 48 Walter, 745 William, 784-874-926- 992-995 WAENTIG, Eugene Herbert, 730 WAETZOL, Hans, 459 WAGENER, George A., 789 WAGGENER, Stokeley Tolls, 51 WAGNER, Ann L. Har- lan, 462 George Corydon, 307 Hearty Dimock, 307 Jerg Heinrich, 73 Johan Peter, 73 John, 462-463 John Peter, 73 Samuel, 462-463 Samuel Tobias, 462 Tobias, 462-463 Wade H., 205 William C., 44 William Henry, 307 WAGONER, Adeline P. Myers, 874 Harry Epply, 875 Henry Hoover, 875 WAGSTAFF, Alfred, JYr., 827 Samuel Jones, 366 WAINWRIGHT, Isaac, 202 Jonathan, 202-908 Joseph, 41 Joseph R., 395 Samuel, 202 William, 202-778 Zachariah, 41 WAIT (see also Waite) Clara W. Hadley, 632 Clarke G., 164 Elijah Smith, 875 Elisha, 887 Jabez, 875 John, 312-875 Joseph, 312-785 Nathan, 875 Nathan Williams, 875 Nelson, 632 Peleg, 164 Reuben, 164 Richard, 432-995 Samuel, 312-875 Thomas, 164-995 William Cushing, 875 William Henry, 632 WAITE (see also Wait) Alex. Black, 323 Benjamin, 323-449-676 Daniel, 784 Daniel A., 859 418 WAITE Ebenezer, 323 Edward, 859 Edward Foote, 449 Henry Matson, 230 John, 323-449-676 John Leman, 449 Jonadab, 323 Merton Benway, Richard, 995 Samuel, 676-831 Solomon, 449 Thos., 323-449-676-995 William, 676 WAKEFIELD, John, 449-681 Joseph, 681 Thomas, 681 Timothy, 681 William, 681 WAKEM, Jas. O., 310 WAKEMAN, John, 552 WALBRIDGH, Charles Ost fal Charles E., 512 Ebenezer, 635 Gustavus, 635 Henry, 635 Henry Sanford, 635 William, 660 WALCOTT (see also Wolcott) Benjamin, 807 Benj. Doolittle, 807 Benj. Stuart, 807 Henry, 135-357-454 Jonathan, 807 Mary Newcomer, 807 Oliver, 135 Robert, 239 Roger, 135 Simon, 357 William, 807 William Dexter, 807 WALDHAUER, Jacob Casper, 790 WALDO, Chas. Sidney, 688-730 Cornelius, 39-473-525- 811 Daniel, 57-58-218 Edward, 473-811 Edward, Jr., 811 Ephraim, 473 Jedediah, 525 Jesse, 473 John, 473-811 John E., 811 Lewis C., 154 Loren P., 344 Shubael, 473-595 Zachariah, 811 Pe ee ON Albert V., Benjamin, 265 Cornelius, 500 Edna L. Britton, 500 Isaac, 184 John G., 161 Nathaniel, 738 Neil Albert, 500 Resolved, 413 Richard K., 79-184 Samuel W., 79-184 Thomas, 737-738 WALES, Arvine, 610 Edward Howe, 223 George W., 613 Nathaniel, Jr., 527 Salem Howe, 806 Thos. Beale, 589-590 WALKER, Aaron, 483 Abel, 771 Aldace, 571 Alden, 483 Alexander, 44-875 Alfred, 831 Alvah, 771 Amasa, 26 164 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Arthur Francis, 797 Arthur T,, 844 Benjamin, 949 Caleb, 406 Charles, 360 David Norvell, 77 David V., 216 Ebenezer, 406 Edmund W., 950 Edward, 260-735 Eleazer, 313 Elihue F., 260 Francis, 260-798 Francis Amasa, 260 Frank Hazelton, 407 George, 601 Geo. Crosby, 334 George L., 72 Gilson, 771 Goolsby C., 791 Guy Warren, 771 Harry, 168 Henry, 826 Henry Oliver, 875 Henry Pickering, 483 Hugh, 875 Hugh Kelso, 875 Israel, 826 James, 718-726 James Alex., 44 James Bache, 299 James P., 103 James Ransom, 723 Jas. W. G., 483-484 Jno., 44-260-319-691- 831-919-981-990 John George, 237 John Grimes, 483 John K., 268 John Reed, 953 John W., 875 Joseph, 482-771-826 Joseph, Jr., 804 Joseph Alcott, 735 Joseph Henry, 826 Joseph Rogers, 875 Joseph Thomas, 568 Joshua, 260 Laura M. Marquand, 875 Matthew, 231 Nathaniel, 260-579- 831 Newton Farmer, 359 Nina Chinn, 483 Peter, 313-483 Philip, 406-483 Phineas, 260-831 Richard, 744-771-826 Robert, 215 Robert Henry, 176 Samuel, 260-483-744- 771-826-831 Seth, 735-771 Solomon, 552-826 Thos., 284-558-706-976 Timothy, 579-580-586 Walter, 260 Wm., 227-303-406-475- (35) Wim. Coleman, 878 Wm. H. C., 954 Wm. Me. C., 950 Wm. Perrin, 406 Mrs. William S., 1001 Wm. W., 260-398 WALKUP, James, 281 WALL, Alfred G., 400 Charles, 552 William E., 951 WALLACE, Andrew, 876 Asa A., 497 Benjamin, 498 Benj. Lambert, 258 Bodine, 266 Caleb. 516 David, 498-798-799- 800-876 David M., 498 Frances C. Bagley, 875 Frank Rich, 550 George Y., 449 Harry Brookings, 498 Henry B., 727 Mrs. Henry C., 1000 Henry Lane, 876 James, 29-207 Jesse G., 830 Jno., 662-762-798-799- 800 John Alva, 800 John Peter, 798-799- 800 Joseph, 563 Lew, 876 Lew, Jr., 876 Lew E., 617 Matthew, 918 Matthew G., 238 Peter, 876 Robert, 720 Samuel, 876 Thos., 207-390 Uriah, 831 Wilhelm P., 798-799- 800 William, 258-419 Wm. Alfred, 227 William C., 853 Wm. Henry, Jr., 876 Wilson De Witt, 625 WALLER, Albert, 621 Benjamin, 403 Benj. Carter, 352 Earll Colden, 538 Harcourt E., 538 John, 363-364-621 Robert Hall, 93 Robert P., 352 William, 492 WALLEY, Thos., 529 WALLING, Willough- by, 590 WALLINGFORD, Buckner Ashby, 579-580 WALLOP, Gerard Ver- non, 780 WALLS, James, 950 WALN, Charlotte M. Sharpless, 876 Edward, 27-876 Jacob S., 26-27-511 Nicholas, 27-383-511- 514-793-876-995 Richard, 27-511-793 rs Geo. Douglas, WALRADT, Arthur Eugene, 666 WALSH, Anne W. Bates, 450-451 David J., 451 Frederick T., 467 James W., 339 Peter A., 451 Thomas Joseph, 451 Byes M. Cragg, Sere George, 127- Joseph Horace, 762 Nehemiah, 216 Philip, 333 WALTERS, Geo., 450 WALTHALL, Archi- bald, 918 ee oe Edouard, WALTHOUR, Fredk. D., 940 WARDELL John, 204 John W., 932 Moses, 204 Robert, 672 Romulus F., 143 William, 320-564 William T., 429 WALWORTH, Benj., 42-891 Charles, 349 John, 42-891 Reuben, 42 William, 42-891 WALZ, Jacob, 696 WAMPOLEH, Albert K., 180 WANDS, Jas. B., 335 John, 335 WANN, Thos. Lestie, JD Ooo WANTON, Gideon, 425 John G., 425 Joseph, 741 WAPLES, Grafton, 339 Nathaniel, 27 Paul, 27 Peter, 27 Samuel, 27 William, 27 WARBURTON, Benj., 579 Edgar Townsend, 164 John, 579 WARD, Andrew, 74-93- 448-623-707-995 Andrew Henshaw, 216 Artemas, 216-876 Artemas, Jr., 876 Augustus Henry, 623 Mrs. C. D., 1001 Cabot, 575 Calvin T., 96 Daniel, 96-153 Edmund, 623 Edmund A., 669 Edward, 416 Edward C., 248 Frank A., 25€ George A., 200 Harold B., 543 Henry, 458 Henry Augustus, 803 Henry Dana, 876 Henry G., 203 Herbert D., 636 James, 416 James C., 460 James Otis, 416 James McCall, 880 James Wm., 876 Jno., 47-300-416-458- 542-741-880-957 John C., 458 John H., 209 Jno. Hardin, Jr., 770 Jno. Robert, 459 Jonathan, 159 Joseph, 96 Joshua, 880 Montgomery, 232 Moses, 623 Nahum, 216-876 Phineas, 96-876 Reginald H., 216 Richard, 69-160-520- 542-957 Samuel, 69-96-279- 282-416-432-528 -542- 623 Thomas, 30-542-871 Uriah, 895 Wm., 96-153-216-415- 528-552-707-871-876- 995 : Wm. Emerson, 876 WALTON, George, 131- |] WARDELL, Robt., 880 807-357-655-672-961 554 Thomas, 462 WARDEN vty, Clarence A., Herbert W., Jr., 124 William G., 567 Ut eee Benj. Head, Charles, 401 Jeremiah, 40 John, 40-594 Philip, 594 Nc De Lacey, WARDNER, Allen, 595 Frederick, 595 Philip, 595 WARDWELL, Henry L., 22 John, 182 WARE, Ebenezer, 350 Edmund Asa, 515 Henry, 416 John Allen, 875 Leonard, 854 Robert, 241-416-754 Robert Dexter, 854 WARFIELD, Henry M., Jr., 493 Milton Welsh, 27 Richard, 995 : WARING, Basil, 282 Florence C. Pell, 387 Francis, 282 Guy, 874 James, 282 John T., 387 Pierre Crosby, 387 Pinckney A., 94 Richard, 995 Sampson, 282-995 Thos. Malbone, 885 Wm. Edmonds, 655 WARLEY, Alex. F., 481 Allen Huger, 481 WARMAN, H. Have- lock, 929 WARNE, Joseph Bright, 912 WARNER, Abel, 618 Adin, 721 Alfred Dupont, 877 Alfred Dupont, Jr., 877 Alonzo Franklin, 618 Andrew, 193-618-709- 877-965-995 Augustine, 17-88-362- 404-437-575-626-718- 741-773-864-964 Augustine, II, 536- 557-558-625-626-687- 775 Benjamin, 720 Charles, 877 Clement Edson, 877 Daniel, 193-618 Daniel DeWitt, 877 David, 720 Edward Tatnall, 77 Edwin Gaylord, 761 Eleazer, 877 Elijah, 53-618 Eliphaz, 877 Ephraim, 53-721 Ernest Noble, 877 Franklin H., 618 Frederick, 145 Frederick H., 956 George, 774 Henry, 721 Ichabod, 193 Ira, 618 Isaac, 193-877 Jabez, 877 James, 721 Jas. Harrison, 721 James Ward, 877 Jno., 53-171-720-877 John H., 724 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Joseph, 618-877 Lilian H. Mills, 877 Lucien Calvin, 618 Lucien T., 618 Lyman, 53 Mark, 105 Mary B. Whitman, 618 Murray, 217 Philip, 196 Rollin E., 196 Samuel, 877 Thomas, 877 William, 877 Wryllys, 53 WARNICK, Leslie, 253 a NO Jas, EX, 40 WARREN, Arthur, 94- 731-769 Augustus, 731 Bently Wirt, 125 Chas., 476-878 Chas. Henry, 878 Daniel, 879 Daniel Webster, 398 David, 879 Edmund, 288-879 Eliakim, 288-879 Ephriam, 287-731 Hsaias, 879 Etheldred, 202 Eugene, 879-919 Ezra, 769 Francis Emroy, 769- 770 Frank S., 69 George, 878 Geo. Bouton, 879 George Bowers, 879 Henry, 878 Jabez, 865 Jacob, 731-769 James, 524-877-878 James F., 579 James Goold, 879 John, 138-520-570- 879-887-968-995 John Henry, 839 John Parker, 865 Jonathan, 138 Joseph, 461-522-731- 769-879 Joseph Mabbett, 288 Joseph Spencer, 769 Life, 158 Luther Rice, 525 Nathaniel, 570-604- 865-877-878 Richard, 53-94-114- 138-149-187-190-205- 213-216-275-287-291- 325-339-396-400-411- 432-437-442-443-444- 452-456-461-520-570- 604-643-646-691-692- 697-722-732-734-738- 745-746-747-753-808- 851-860-877-878-879- 884-897-930-937-950- 963-967-971-983-995 Samuel, 855-879 Stephen, 158-288-865 William, 995 William C., Jr., 543 Winslow, 877-878- 1005 WARRINER, Benj., 757 David, 500 James, 500 Joseph, 723 William, 500-723-967 WASHBURN, Abiel, 309-644 Abram, 278 Asel, 721 Cadwallader C., 271- 879 Charles, 879 Darius, 879 Edward, 309-644 Edward Wight, 398 Edwin Chapin, 879 Elihu B., 879 Blijah, 355 Ephraim, 398 Frederic A., 346 George, 398-643-644 Geo. Hamlin, 643-644 Harold Connett, 879 Israel, 271-879 Jacob, 879 James, 309-644-721 Japeth, 398 Japeth Coombs, 398 Jedediah, 355 John, 271-277-309- 855-398-644-721-879- 995 Jonah, 721 Joseph, 355-398 Maurice King, 408 Morgan Stephen, 879 Nathaniel, 277-278 Philander, 644 Samuel, 271-355-879 Silas, 879 Stanley, 315 WwW. W., 523 Wm., 69-70-879 Wm. Drew, 879 Wm. Gilmor, 398 William R. P., 309 William Tucker, 945 WASHER, Ensign, 928 WASHINGTON, Augustine, 17-88- 404-774-864-954 Corbin, 864 Geo., 48-67-189-404- 457-483-546-553-577- 609-626-627-686-712- 713-729-774-775-833- 864-941-954 George C., 17 Geo. Steptoe, 770 James Barroll, 17 Jno., 17-88-193-404- 489-575-686-704-773- 864-954-995 John Augustine, 17- 863-864 Joseph E., 375 Laurence, 17-404-773 Lawrence, 67-88-609- 686-704-864-995 Lewis William, 17 Lund, 401-705 Patty W., 1000 Richard, 17-193 Robert, 705 Townshend, 705 Wm. Augustine, 17 W. Lanier, 17 WATERHOUSE, Abra- ham, 136 WATERMAN, Free- man, 897 Harry S., 324 Henry, 142 John, 492-694 Resolved, 110-339- 425-472-492-690-694- 709-847 Richard, 425-694-847 Robert, 221-495-718 Thomas, 718 Re eto ais Frank J., 81 WATERS, Asa, 30 Asa Holman, 30 Edward, 393 John, 30 Jonathan, 30 Joseph Berens, 224 Lowry A., 210 555 WALL Nathaniel, 30 Richard, 30-115 William Otis, 1006 eet e et a Robert, WATERWORTH, Henry W., 128 WATKINS, Benj., 27- 358 Edward, 188 Francis, 358 George, 357 Henry, 64 Henry N., 64 Jno. Elfreth, 358 Joseph, 358 Samuel Venable, 865 Thomas, 64-357-358 Thomas A., 914 Thomas Frank, 677 Thos, Hamer, 759 Mrs. Walter, 1002 Warren B., 781 Wm. Morton, 865 WATLINGTON, Armis- tead, 658 Paul, 652 WATMOUGH, Edmund, 511 James Horatio, 511 John G., 511 WATROUS, Charles Leach, 195 WATSON (see also Wattson) Abraham, 422 Alex. Mackenzie, 879 CeCe est Christopher, 879 Cyprian, 101-587 Daniel, 880 David S., 506 Don Alonzo, 880 Douglas, 922 Ebenezer, 50-880 Edward Howe, 880 Egbert R., 830 Eliphalet, 880 Elmer, 349 Frederick, 837 Frederica K. D., 68 Grant, 939 Harvey, 101 Henry, 470 Hiram, 588 James, 830-880 James O., 312 James Sibley, 880 John, 50-101-587-698- 730-830-880 John Broadus, 126 John Crittenden, 880 John Henry, 321 John Marshall, 664 Joseph F., 880 Joseph Hanscom, 880 Josiah, 879-995 Levi, 101-587 Lewis, 807 Luke, 985 Marmaduke, 930 Patrick, 262-880 Philemon M., 430 Philip J., 905 Richard Furman, 560 Robert, 51-101-587 Samuel Henry, 691 Stephen Van R., 836 AS oC RY) Thomas, 588-753 Thomas Eugene, 88 Thomas Russell, 68- 69 Walter B., 717 William, 50-744-769- 880 WATT, George, 698 James B., 295 WATT Stewart, 674 WATTERS, Andrew, : 516-968 WATTLES, John, 367 Nathaneal, 367 William, 367 WATTS, Geo. Burghall, 186 James, 146 John, 146 John Allen, 839 John §., 184 Oliver P., 521 William, 839 WATTSON (see also Watson) John, 699 Joseph, 699 Thomas, 699 WAY, James Clark, 624 WAYLAND, Francis, 981 Harry Bledsoe, 578 Heman Lincoln, 891 James, 880 John Elton, 520 John Walter, 880 John Wesley, 880 WAYNE, Anthony, 880 Arthur Trezevant, 880 Daniel Gabriel, 880 Francis, 715 Gabriel, 880 Gabriel Wm., 880 Richard, 832 William, 880 WAYTH, Thos., 995 WEAD, S. D., 459 WEARH, John, 736 WEATHERBY, Benja- min, 793 WEAVER, Abram, 881 Benjamin, 881 Clement, 881 Erastus Brown, 881 George W., 417 Henry, 881 c Henry Erastus, 881 James Baird, 881 James Bellamy, 881 Lawrence G., 881 Rufus Henry, 881 Thomas, 881 Walter Reed, 408 William, 881 WEBB, Aaron B., 898 Alex. S., 758-1005 Charles, 898 Christopher, 408-510- 642-672-981 @urtisels, 2.0 Edward, 510 Edward C., 607 Francis E., 422 Gregory B., 436 Henry, 993 Henry Randall, 1005- 1006 Henry Walter, 518 James Avery, 642 James Watson, 421- 518 John, 672-887 John Griswold, 517- 804 Joseph, 422-517-518 Joseph Paleman, 887 Luther, 510 Reynold, 887 Richard, 413-421-517- 887-995 Samuel, 413-887 Samuel Blachley, 422- 518 Thomas, 887 Ulys Robert, 572 William, 887 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Wm. Robert, 396 Wm. Seward, 958 Zebulon, 641 WEBBER, Josiah, 361 Stephen E., 276 Wolfert, 451 WEBER, Peter, 576 Robert Grove, 417 Wm. Myers, 576 WEBSTER, Abel, 693 Andrew T., 774 Ashbel, 693 Bela Camp, 693 Benjamin, 692 Benjamin, Jr., 692 Charles, 101 Charles Ripley, 751 Daniel, 346-608-671- 697-739 Edwin Sibley, 317 Elijah, 692 Felix, 704 George H., Jr., 578 George Huntington, 693 George Sidney, 693 Hamilton Fish, 780 Harrie, 333 Henry Keeney, 693 Henry Kitchell, 693 Herman Armour, 693 Isaac, 907 James, 428-907 Jesse, 479 John, 73-101-113-195- 196-343-479-511-566- 597-608-669-671-680- 692-693-698-724-728- 730-739-759-875-887- 894-907-926-981-995 Jonathan, 73-692-693 Joshua, 73-693 Kenneth G. T., 531 Lorin, 956 Moses, 101 Nathan, 73-479 Noah, 375-607-608- 684-692-693-739 Peter E., 479 Ralph Waldo, 749 Robert, 101- 597- 608- 669-680-692-693-730- 759-926 Samuel, 894 Sidney, 602 Sidney Smith, 693 Simon, 693 Stephen, 73-479 Thomas, 72-479 Towner Keeney, 693 Uri, 692 William, 101-894 WEDDELL, Alex. Wat- son, 882 Alex. Wilbourne, 882 Archibald, 882 James, 882 John A., 219-881 Laura B. McNair, 881 Matthew, 881 WEDDERSTRANDT, Philemon C., 360 WEED, Hugh H. C., 422 Walter I., 792 WEEDEN, W. O., 446 Wm. Babcock, 689 WERK, Caleb B. K., 367 WEEKS, Ammiel, 754 Brackett, 844 Charles M., 798 Charles S., 178 Ebenezer, 754 Edward A., 273 Edwin Ruthven, 881 George, 755-995 Holland, 341 Ichabod, 844 Jacob Mott, 821 Jas. E. P., 844 John W., 178 Jonathan, 881 Joseph, 754-881 Joseph Van R., 881 Leonard, 844 Robert D., 911 Russell, 881 Samuel, 844 Walter, 844 WEEMS, David, 892 George, 892 Mason L., 892 WERBLE, Louis Bran- deis, 600-882 Otto A., 882 WEIL, David Birney, 508 WEINMANN, Mrs. Jno. F., 1007 WEINRICHTER, Ralph M., 67 WEIR, James, 403 John Ferguson, 381- 817 Robert, 403 Wm. Boyd, 537 WEISER, Conrad, 428 WELBORN, Jesse D., 831 WELBOURNE, O. C., 692 WELCH (see also Welsh) Alexander M., 1004 Andrew, 937 Edward Sohier, 84 Francis, 573 Thomas, 757 WELD, Benj., 520-746 Christopher M., 292 Edmund, 746 Edward, 519 Edward Joseph, 709 Eleazer, 416-417 Francis Minot, 84 Geo. Francis, 347 Geo. Minot, 417 Habijah, 402 John, 402-416 Joseph, 402-416-992- 995 Thomas, 221-520-746 Wm. Gordon, 416-417 WELKER, Joseph, 700 WELLBORN (see also Welborn, Wel- bourne) Chas. W., 882 Elias, 534 James, 534 James M., 534 John, 534 Leila Jones, 882 Olin, 882 Samuel, 534 Thomas, 534 William, 534 WELLER, Geo., 882 Joseph I., 189 Michael I., 189 Reginald H., 882 WELLES (see also Wells) Asa, 101 Charles H., 333 Edwin Pillsbury, 538 Elisha, 760 Gideon, 294-538-882 Henry H., 183-810 Horace, 822 Ichabod, 101 John, 29-294-538-817- 882 John L. R., 538 Jonathan, 101 Leonard, 538 Martin, 760 556 WELSH Oliver, 822 Robert, 294-538-882 Roger, 294-882-883 Samuel, 226-294-538- 760-822-882 Solomon, 294-538-882 Thomas, 29-62-73-74- 101-226-254-255-294- 305-403-538-663-700- 702-710-760-817-822- 882-890-976-977-995 Wait, 822 William, 28-29-760 WELLIORD, Chas. Carter, 299 Robert, 299 Robert Carter, 631 WELLING, Stephen A., 65 WELLINGTON, Benj., 439 Charles, 844 Joseph, 844 Louis B., 205-529 Roger, 844 Samuel, 401 Thomas, 844 William, 844 WELLMAN, Wm. A., 893 WELLS (see also Welles) Albert T., 870 Arthur G., 37 Ashbel, 776-934 Bulkeley W., 938 Calvin, 45-307 Charles, 809-822 Charles Bartlett, 883 Chester R., 824 BH. Re EF. 352 Ebenezer, 934 Edward, 317 Elisha, 824 Erastus, 883 Everett C., 849 Frank, 393-883 Frank R., 814 Geo. Doane, 883 Geo. North, 693 Henry, 372 Hezekiah, 897 Horace, 822 Ichabod, 934 Ira, 897 Israel, 887 James, 194 John, 37-304-887 John Bill, 955 John Franklin, 496 Jonathan, 419-883 Joseph, 317 Judah, 883 Lampson, 897 Lemuel, 887 Michael B., 881 Noah, 883-887 Otis, 883 Ralph, 520 Ralph G., 24 Rolla, 883 Samuel, 317-883-890- 891 Schuyler C., 806 Sedgwick, 887 Seth, 883 Shipley, 934 Simeon, 883 Thomas, 317-496-824- 883-934-995 Thomas Tileston, 659 Wm. Davis, 317 Wm. Herman, 816 WELSH (see also Welch) ° Charles, 317 Frank H., 664 Geo. Winston. 113 WELSH John, 202-827 John Lowber, 612 WELTON, Felix B., 725 Note Alonzo E., 5 Horace Russ, 778 John, 471 WENDELL, Abraham, 348-717 Arthur Rindge, 348 B. Rush, 348 Barrett, 847-348 Barrett, Jr., 341-348 Benjamin Rush, 348 Edith Greenough, 348 Evert Jansen, 345- 348-400-717-995 George Blunt, 348 Hermanus, 348 Isaac, 717 Jacob, 345-348 Jacob H., 348 Jeronimus, 348 Johannes, 345-348-640 John, 348-717 John W., 217 Matthew, 289 Oliver, 368 Peter, 348 WENNEIS, John M., 539 WENSLEY, John, 878 WENTWORTH, Benj., 805 Bertrand H., 271 Bzekiel, 805 John, 369-802 Paul, 597 Ralph, 849 Robert, 963 William, 112-369-597- 805-838-995 WERLEIN, Leila W. Ewing, 671 P. P., 671 Shepard Halsey, 671 WERNER, Carl Ter- hune, 559 WESCOTT (see also Westcott) Daniel, 818 John, 818 Reuben, 818 Richard, 818 Stukeley, 995 Thomas, 818 WESLEY, John, 818 WESSEL, Augustus, 717 WEST, Anthony, 404 Charles W., 883 Davenport, 592 Elmer H., 356 Francis, 705 George Webb, 945 James Minor, 666 James Selby, 369 John, 19-117-141-404- 627-762-766-805-916 John Randolph, 883 Jonathan, 404 Lillie B. Soullard, 883 Nathaniel, 762 Nathaniel T., 404 Robert, 295 Roger, 760 Thomas, 577-762-916- 989 Thorowgood, 404 William K., 620 Wm. Tomkins, 59 William W., 267 “* ble Yaar John, 639- 0 Mt idee Chas., Cornelius D., 282 Derck, 282 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Frederick, 282 John Beekman, Jonathan, 282 WESTCOTT (see also Wescott) Henry, 768 282 Stukeley, 375-491-995 WESTENHAVER, M., 786 WESTERN, Henry M., 442 Thomas, 442 WESTERVELT, Jacob, 918 WESTFALL, Abraham, 706 WESTFELDT, Gustaf Ravi raos WESTGATE, Robt., 425 WESTINGHOUSE, John, 844 WESTOFER, Wm., 259 WESTON, Edmund, 437 Elnathan, 437 Franklin, 492 Frederick, 248 Joseph, 733 Nathan, 402 Robert Dickson, 52 Robert Spurr, 233 S. Burns, 647 Samuel, 733 Theodore, 212 William, 867 Zachariah, 760 WESTWOOD, Wm., 927 WETHERBEE, Benj., 313 Francis, 609 William H., 208 WETHERED, John, 189 Lewin, 189 Richard, 189 Samuel, 189 WETHERELL, Daniel, 160-249-433 James M., 64 WETHERILL, Daniel, 160-249-433 Edward, 24 John Price, 589 WETMORE, Amos, 710 Charles P., 710 John A., 326 WETTENHALL, Wm., 135 WHY, Hamilton D., 485 WEYBURN, Jas., 883 John, 883 Lyon, 883 Samuel, 883 Samuel Fletcher, 883 Thomas, 883 William, 883 WEYGANDT, Cornelius N., 158 Jacob, 158 WHALEY, William Bayard, 794 Meee ents Jno. Wm., 8 WHALLON, Edward Payson, 370 James, 371 Margaret E. Kitchel, 370 Thomas, 371 WHAN, Jno. M., 848 WHARTON, Anne Hol- lingsworth, 883 Charles, 432-461-883 Charles A., 593 Henry, 694 John, 42 Joseph, 432-461-883 Kearney, 42 Thomas, 42-432-461- 883-995 Thomas Lloyd, 42 William, 164-432-461 WHEAT, Samuel, 229 WHEATON, Charles, 55 Charles B., 255 Daniel, 55 John, 74 Nathan M., 55 Nathaniel, 55 Thomas, 721 WHEELER, Aaron, 306- 884 Abiel Smith, 456 Arthur Dana, 650 Benjamin, 306-884 Charles, 465 Charles Barker, 600- 884 Charles W., 212 Cyrenus, 884 Daniel Greenleaf, 456 David Everett, 884 E. B., 367 Elliot, 862 Everett Pepperrell, 884 George, 120-901 Henry, 96-883 Isaac, 482 James, 786-883-884- 929 Jeremiah, 482-883 John. 25 2-306-883-884-971 John Brooks, 306-884 Joseph, 456-486-884 Junius B.. 879 Lucy Louise, 884 Mark, 70 Moses, 596-884-890- 995 Obadiah, 456 Richard, 482 Richard H., 212 Roger, 714 Samuel, 884 Samuel Alfred, 890 Sherman, 370 Thomas, 306-482-884- 968 Thomas M., 166-213 Timothy, 396-884 William, 276 Wm. Morton. 358 WHEELOCK. Alex., 93 Renj.. 938-690-884 Fleazer. 690-759 Frank, 853 Geoffrey M., 348 Joseph, 690-884 Joseph Albert, 884 Josiah, 93-690 Lewis Philippe, 958 T.vnds, 93 Moses, 690 Moses Ames, 690 Obediah. 93-690-884 Ralnh. 938-690-685- 884-958-995 Webster, 884 William, 690 William Conner, 690 Wm. Hawxhurst, 249 WHEELWRIGHT, Jno., AR3 WHETTDON, Wm. G., RAP WHELDEN, Frank H., 884 Gabriel, 583 James Henry, 885 WHELEN. Chas., 347 Dennis. 611 Edward Siddons, 612 Israel, 611-612 James Stephenson, — 611 57 45-140-239-240- WHITE WHELESS, Wesley Ea- kin, 658 WHELPLEY, James W., 810 Joseph, 769 WHERRY, Joseph A., 407 WHIDDEN, Michael, 350 WHIPPLE, Aaron, 885 Ashley Cooper, 885 David, 885 Eugene J., 643 Geo. Hoyt, 885 Jacob, 885 James, 885 Jeremiah Page, 634 John, 50-961-995 Jonathan, 950 Joseph, 51-109-690- 885 Matthew, 51-885-950 Moses, 885 Napoleon D., 634 Roberta P. Parrott, 634 Russell, 490 Samuel, 765 Solomon, 885 William, Jr., 381 WHITACRE, Caleb, 749 John, 749 Thornton, 749 WHITAKER, Augustus G., 865 Cary, 893 Charles, 302 Charles Edward, 365 Eli B., 397 Jabez, 333-893 James, 630 John, 333-397-893 Joseph, 630 M. C., 302 Richard, 333-893 Theodosia, 224 William, 333-638-893 Wm. P. C., 630-631 WHITALL, James, 743 Job, 7438 John Mickle, 743 John Siddon, 743 WHITCOMB, Barnard, 468 David, 885 Geo. Henry, 885 , Henry Donald, 299 Henry F., 468 Israel, 824 John, 824-885 Josiah, 136 Moses, 323 Robert, 824 Samuel, 824 WHITE, A. C., 425 A. Ludlow, 920 Abijah, 271 Albert Beebe, 885 Albert Smith, 758 Alex. Robinson, 85 Alfred J., 934 Alonzo Jas., 512 Alward, 95 Alward McKeel, 95 Andrew, 271 Anthony, 271 Arthur Corning, 604 Benjamin, 195 -218- 290-508-737-930 Blake Leay, 512 Charles A., 213-455 Charles James, 885 Christopher, 753 Cornelius, 878-885 Daniel, 176-195 - 275- 471-878-930 Daniel A., 84-719-736 Ebenezer, 28 WHITE Edith A. Denny, 544 Edmund, 885 Edward, 687-900 Edwin, 788 Edwin N., 956 Elbert Hedding, 946 Eliza Orne, 719 Enoch, 569 Francis, 275 Francis Harding, 596 Francis Samuel, 576 George A., 791 Geo. Edouard, 902 George F., 562 George L., 307 George M., 451 Gideon, 878 Gustav J. S., 180 Harry Keith, 233 Harry Kent, 495 Henry, 735-958 Hugh, 47-703 Isaac, 275 Jack, 176 Jacob, 603 James, 603 James Clarke, 885 James Jones, 334 James Patterson, 885 Jno., 176-271-346-352- 512-597-607-636-703- 719-732-885-890-996 John Blake, 512 John Campbell, 673 John Jay, 580 John Jay, Jr., 274 John P., 861 Jonas, 271 Joseph, 607-673-885 Joseph H., 829 Lawrence Grant, 542 Lemuel, 176 Libbeus, 776 Luke Matthews, 863 Lyttleton, 108 Moses, 275 Nathaniel, 275 Nathaniel S., 603 Octavious A., 512 Peregrine, 195-218- 272-290-516-776-784- 878-930-937-996 Richard, 231-603 Richard J., 62 Robert, 465-673-777- 885 Roderick, 275 Roscoe Marvin, 544 Roswell, 769 Samuel, 255 Samuel G., 190 Solomon, 802 Thomas, 607-885 Timothy, 346-732 Townsend, 565 Wm., 27-195-218-278- 290-346-487-603-719- 732-753-878-885-913- 937-996 William Howard, 271 William Orne, 719 Windsor T., 365 WHITEHEAD, Elisha P., 406-674 John, 537 Oothout Z., 56 Robert, 827 Thomas, 762 William Boykin, 416 William Riddick, 416 WHITEHILL, Henry R., 505 WHITEHOUSE, Shel- : don, 414 William Penn, 90 WHITELAW, Wm. M., 711 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE WHITELBY, Arthur, 996 Zebulon, 507 Zechariah, 100-113 WHITELOCK (see also | WHITMARSH, Ebene- Whitlock) George, 885-886 Isaac, 885 William, 405-886 Wm. Wallace, 885 WHITEMAN, Alonzo Jay, 654 John, 996 Reuben, 654 -WHITESIDH, Alex., 826-843 James, 557 Joseph, 228 William, 489 WHITFIELD, Geo., 357 Henry, 111-976 N. G., 628 William, 518 WHITING, A. B., 682 Arthur, 300 Augustus, 322 Clarence Carlyle, 35 EBliphalet, 491 : Elmer Milton, 717 George A., 774 George Nathaniel, 882 Gideon Mason, 778 Harold, 52 James Raynor, 797 Jeremiah, 944 Jno., 326-491-957-996 Jno., Downes, 350 John §S., 427 Joseph, 490 Lewis, 491 Nathaniel, 491-996 ‘Richard L., 934 Samuel, 142-326-732- 745-758-759-996 Wm., 326-478-982-996 William E., 880 William Joseph, 957 Zenas, 101 WHITLEY, James, 458 Paul, 552 Samuel, 552 Thomas, 552 William, 552 WHITLOCK (see also Whitelock) Benj. Morris, 508 Brand, 886 Elias, 886 Elias D., 886 Hezekiah, 508 James, 886 John, 886 Jonathan, 221 Oliver, 508 Thaddeus, 508 Thomas, 886 WHITMAN, Alfred, 619 Allen Earle, 911 Alphonso L., 618 Arthur Train, 619 Mrs. Charles, 1001 Edmund Allen, 252- 619 Edmund Burke, 619 Elnathan, 101 Ephraim Parks, 113 Hendricks H., 545 John, 100-113-340-618- 619-996 Joseph, 113 Mary H. Howland, 618 Nicholas, 618-619 Oakes, 618 Raymond Lee, 369 Samuel, 101 Solomon, 101 Thomas, 113-618-619 William, 101-618 William Warren, 716 zer, 304 Francis Leggett, 138 Jacob, 304 John, 304 Richard, 304 WHITMIRE, Geo. F., 552 Henry, 552 WHITMORE, Annie Goodell, 302 James Day, 302 John, 935 Thomas, 935 Wm. Franklin, 138 WHITNHER, Eston Ran- dolph, 785 WHITNEY, Abner, 255 Abraham, 942 Albion Paris, 255 Asa, 383 Benjamin, 291-715 Benj. Franklin, 744 Charles, 234 Cornelius, 415 Cyrus, 744 Daniel, 383 David, 605 Ebenezer, 715 Bleazer, 605 Eli, 100-499 Elijah, 605 Erastus, 527 Geo. Hrastus, 527 George J., 714 Gertrude Capen, 527 Harry Payne, 957 Henry Austin, 291- 292 Henry M., 250 Isaiah, 744 James Lyman, 684 James Phinneas, 68 James Scollay, 583 Jason, 715 Jno., 68-255-291-383- 415-543-583-605-715- 744-8 24-942-996 Jno. Randall, 162 Jonathan, 383 Joseph, 292 Joshua, 415-543-824 Josiah, 583 Josiah Dwight, 204 Levi, 383 Mark, 715 Miles, 415 Moses, 255-942 Nathaniel, 37-68 Payne, 325 Phinnehas, 68 Richard, 255-583-942 Robert, 996 Rufus Hayden, 605 Ruluff, 415 Samuel, 255-291 Santon, 266 Stephen, 583 Thomas, 68-291-605- 744-996 Warham, 899 William, 68-255-415 Wm. Channing, 744 _ WHITON, Elijah, 49 Israel, 49 James, 49 James Morris, 49 Jno. Milton, 49 Joseph. 49 Thomas, 49 WHETRIDGEH, Andrew labs aii) Arnold, 414 Horatio L., 118 Jno. Augustus, 891 Morris, 891 558 WIGH~ Thos., 118-891-996 Wm., 118-891-996 Wm. C., 118 WHITTEL, Robt., 482 WHITTEMORE, Daniel, 817 Francis, 86 Joseph, 931 Lawrason L., 155 Nathaniel, 105 WHITTET, Robert Mc- Lean, 941 We Chas. A., WHITTINGHAM, Wm., 47-300-741 WHITTINGHILL, Dex- ter G., 852 WHITTLE, Wm. C., 38 teehee Asaph, 3805 Eliphalet, 760 M. M., 921 WHITTRIDGH, Wm., 996 WHYTE, Elmer Nor- man, 352 GAA Frank B., 60 WICHMAN, Geo. I., 774 WICK, Henry, 567 Job, 567 John, 567 Lemuel, 567 Thomas, Pe. 738i WICKENHAUSER, Hans, 629 WICKES, Jacob, 879 Joseph, 879 Thomas, 879 William J., 725 WICKHAM, Clarence Horace, 886 Edmund F., 779 Henry Taylor, 886 Hezekiah, 886 Horace John, 886 John, 27-779-886 Jonathan, 886 Joseph, 779-886 Thomas, 779-886-996 William, 321-886 William F., 886 Williams C., 886 WICKLIFFE, Chas., 858 David, 858 Nathaniel, 858 Robert, 230-858 WIDENER, Joseph Early, 683 WIDENHAM, Wm., 632 erry Leonard Jno., 43 WIDMER, Charles, 887 Joseph C., 887 Kate A. Webb, 887 WIERUM, Thornton Briggs, 785 WIGGIN, Albert H., 1004 Andrew, 615 Augustus, 411 Charles E., 818 James, 333 WIGGINS, John, 333 Joseph P., 887 Samuel, 421 Sarah Henderson, 887 Thos., 333-614-615-735 William, 887 WIGGLESWORTH, Michael, 251 WIGHT, Benoni, 398 Daniel, 761 Daniel O., 398 Ephraim, 398-761 Henry, 398 WIGHT Ira E., 595 Joel, 398 Joseph, 398 Joshua, 811 Nathaniel, 398 Peter, 761 Seth, 398 Thos., 398-563-761 Walter B., 815 Willard, 398 William, 356 William W., 761 WIGHTMAN, Geo., 716 John, 430-839 Richard, 729 Valentine, 430 Ae eae Jno. Henry, WILBER (see also Wilbur) Joseph, 459 Pardon, 459 Samuel, 459 Thomas, 459 William, 459 WILBUR (see also Wilber) Aaron, 460 Abijah, 784 Benjamin, 460 Daniel, 151 Dwight L., 532 Elisha, 460 Ezra, 532 Franklin F., 295 Job, 784 John, 460-768 Joseph, 532 Marcy G., 151 Oliver C., 151 Peleg, 151 Ray Lyman, 532 Samuel, 151-459-491- 996 Thomas, 151-460 William, 151-459 WILCOCKS, Wm., 996 WILCOCKSON, Wm., 996 WILCOX (see also Willcox) Alfred G., 814 Ansley, 887 Azariah, 654 Barnabas, 991 Daniel, 56 Daniel H., 775-887 Frank B., 173 George H., 85 Israel, 887 John, 663-887-996 Jonathan, 887 Jonathan S., 887 Joseph, 887 ‘Josiah, 56 Lemuel, 56 Lemuel N., 56 Obadiah, 887 Reynold Webb, 887- 1005-1006 Royal, 441 Samuel, 654 Thomas, 887 Vincent M., 887 William, 654-887-996 Zenas, 887 WILCOXSON, Wm., 996 WILD, Fredk. F. G., 698 Henry F., 50 John L., 698 WILDBORE, Samuel, 996 WILDE, Arthur W., 60 George C., 192 Griffen, 60 James, 60 Richard, 60 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Thomas, 60 WILDER, Abel, 888 Albion, 888 Caleb, 511 Edward, 887 Gerald Gardner, 887 Jabez, 887 Joseph, 511-887 Joseph J., 420 Levi, 511 Robert Parmelee, 883 Royal G., 888 Theophilus, 887 Thomas, 511-996 Wilber E., 714 WILDES, Jno. E., 665 WILDMAN, Herbert A., 260 WILDS, Louis T., Jr., 65 WILES, Alice R. Brad- ford, 888 Robert H., 888 Seba Squier, 888 WILEY, Benj. B., 780 Clarence H., 381 Clifford, 335 Ebenezer, 780 Frank G., 738 Harvey W., 171 James, 780 John, 780 Thomas, 780 Timothy, 780 WILKERSON, Thos., 229 WILKES, Gilbert, 242 Henry J., 245 WILKINS, Benj. H., 919 Daniel, 239 John, 488-489 John F., 157 Martin G., 387 WILKINSON, Edward M., 699 Elisha F., 699 Francis, 668-727 Horace S., 699-700 John, 70-699 John B., 387 John C., 953 Joseph G., 699 Ogden D., 1003 William, 920 WILKS, James, 493 WILKSON, Samuel, 156 WILLARD, Benj., 382 Charles, 888 Daniel, 710 Daniel D., 710 Daniel H., 710 Henry, 250 Henry B., 888 Hezekiah, 250 Hiel, 484 James, 484 Joseph, 671 Joseph E., 20 Josiah, 484-710 Mary Y. Hatch, 888 Samuel, 530-996 Simon, 722-778-868-996 Stephen, 484 Thomas, 484 WILLCOX (see also Wilcox) Ella Goodenow, 889 James M., 684 Jesse, 888 Joseph, 888 Oliver, 888 Stephen, 888 Walter Francis, 888- 889 William, 888 250- 288- 295- 379-382-445-484-710- William Henry, 889 WILLCOXEN, Jno., 482 WILLET (see also Wil- lett) Edward, 321 Elbert, 321 Marinus, 321 Nathaniel L., 527 - Richard H., 227 Thomas, 237-321-634- 651-776-996 Thomas C., 634 WILLETS, Fredk., 387 Howard, 941 John T., 184 WILLETT (see also Willet) Andrew, 314-604 Charles S., 785 James, 280 Robert V. H., 227 Thomas, 314-477-996 WILLETTS, Chas. C., 275 Richard, 69-70 WILLIAMS, Abbott, 818 Abraham, 561 Alexander S., 633 Andrew M., 586 CXC5 «82 Charles Clark, 671 Charles F., 88 Charles Richard, 889 Charles W., 859, Charles Warren, 963 Chauncey P., 308 Clarence C., 292 Clarence Charles, 529 Clyde E., 389 Daniel, 96 David E., 463 David J., 958 David R., 190 David Rogerson, 114 Ebenezer, 515-890 Edward G., 673, Edward H., 584 Edward P., 438-619 Blie, 167 Eliphalet, 346-732-852 Elisha, 346-732 Elisha S., 852 Emanuel, 479 Ennion epee he 889 Enos D., 51 Ephraim, tae 243-290 Bzekiel, 758 Frederic A., 606 Frederick C., 732 Frederick Wells, 891 G. Thurston, 299 George, 530-996 Geo. C. F., 890 George D., 444 George E., 32 George F., 133 George W., 363 Gershom M., 672 Henry, 328-530-892 Henry H., 732 Henry K., 651 Henry R., 648 Hinckley, 479 Howard T., 366 Ira Cone, 889 Irving R., 224 Isaac, 243- 328- 346- 584-725-732-852-890 Tsrael, 724 Jacob, 892 James, 891-996 James H., 208 James J., 134 Jane Cranston, 962 Jehial, 892 Jeremiah, 391 Jesse, 584 559 WILLIAMS John, 185-254-4386-479- 530-557-573-714-748- 816-889-890-891-928- 932-955 John B., 816 John Camp, 890 John F., 145 John H., 744 John Howell, 333 John L., 889 John Newton, 469 John P., 555 John R., 949 John Skelton, 889 John W., 155 John W. M., 627 John Whitridge, 891 John Winslow, 823 Joseph, 209-391-431- 545-889 Joseph §., 272 Joshua, 914 Josiah, 892 Josiah B., 892 Justus, 515 Leroy E., 559 Lewis, 914 Lewis C., 889 Lewis H., 914 Lewis M., 559 Maramaduke, 220-932 Mason L. Weems, 891 Michael, 627 Nathan G., 328 Nathaniel, 555-932: Nehemiah, 328 Nelson B., 181 Norman, 584 Oliver, 912 Otho H., 673 Patrick, 378 Peleg, 96 Philip, 891 Philip C., 382-891 Phineas, 584 Ralph, 151 Ralph B., 152 Ralph §S., 358 Raymond G., 162 Reuel, 742 Richard, 996 Richard G., 536 Richard P., 452 Robert, 105- 243- 346- 584-725-732-852-889- 890-891-932-996 Robert S., 890 Roger, 69-81-96-109- 110-128-148-196-209- 229-280-339-365-391- 425-456-472-492-545- 635-648-682-690-694- 697-705-709-732-737- 755-818-829-847-898- 907-953-957-958-963- 987-996 Roger Butler, 892 Samuel, 555 Samuel W., 891 Scoville C., 572 Seth, 328 Sidney J., 304 Silas, 74-96 Solomon, 346-732-852 Stephen, 121-816-890- 891-892-996 Thomas, 556-590-636- 816-890-891-892-921 Thomas G., 590 Thomas M., 449 Thomas W., 863 Trezevant, 763 Veach, 890 Waldron, 374 Warren, 328 Wayland Wells, 891 WILLIAMS William, 1638-202-319- 327-346-407-430-537- 584-725-732-797-816- 852-890-891 William B., 946 William C., 577-890 William Cook, 890 William S., 576-577 William W., 537 Winthrop B., 763 WILLIAMSON, Adam, 601 Benjamin, 246-247 Caleb, 330 Chalmers M., 771 Charles H. §S., 744 Edith D. Ely, 98 George, 330 George T., 744 Grace E. Kane, 156 Harvey F., 201 Hedley, 156 Hugh, 457-638 James D., 156 James DeL., 97-98 James Walter, 454 Joel B., 729 John, 638-790 Joseph A., 951 Josephine Stilwell, 744 Matthias, 205 Robert, 246-247 Thomas, 200-723 Timothy, 330 William D., 330 William F., 744 WILLING, Chas., 781- 892-897 “ George, 328 Henry J., 956 Joseph, 892 Richard, 892 Richard L., 892 Thomas, 35-222-694- 892 WILLIS, Charles Eth- elbert, 382-892 Edwin E., 892 Emma B. Howard, 892 George R., 595 George W., 64 Harold B., 374 Henry, 48-88-770-780- 892 James W., 892 Lewis, 88 Mary C. Hawley, 955 Park Weed, 892 Richard B., 478 Richard S., 955 Russell, 892 Short Adam, 955 Stephen, 892 Thomas, 892 Thomas C., 892 William, 892 William McK., 893 WILLISTON, Asahel L., 893 John, 893 Joseph, 893-996 Lyman R., 893 Noah, 893 Payson, 893 Robert Lyman, 893 Samuel, 196-893 WILLOCK, Frank &., 549 WILLOUGHBY, Thos., 823 Thomas, Jr., 770 WILLOX, James, 76 WILLS, David, 62 George E., 171 Geo. Stockton, 893 James, 62 John W., 562 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Richard, 893 Richard H., 893 Richard S., 893 Thomas, 831 Thomas J., 572 William H., 893 WILLSON (see also Wilson) Alpheus P., 595 Fredk. Newton, 894 James, 595-894 James S., 894 John, 759-894 Joseph, 759 Levi, 130 Luther, 759 Moses, 894 Robert, 759 Samuel, 130 Thomas, 595 Thomas N., 894 Wm. Buckler, 826 WILMARTH, Henry M., 126 John, 522 Moses, 522 Stephen, 522 WILMER, Harry B., 271 Richard H., 143 Simon, 924 WILMERDING, Chas. 12 baesit(el John C., 581 WILMOT, Asa, 838 Benjamin, 746-838 Elisha, 838 Thomas, 838 William, 838 WILSON (see also Wiilson) Alexander, 333 Alexander M., 894 Alfred James, 91 Benjamin W., 276 Calvin Dill, 894 Charles W., 356 David, 345 Edward H., 332 Edward S., 894 Fitzland L., 660 Franklin, 732 G. A., 56 George, 422 George W., 171 Gordon, 93 H. D., 470 Harlan R., 936 Henry, 824-894 Henry Lane, 894 Jas., 168-273-550-577- 638-710-809-824-895 James M., 895 James §&., 373 James W., 220 John, 103-108-122-188- 200-229-327-350-422- 723-751-894-895 John Appleton, 732 John Lush, 490 John M., 771 John Q., 490 John S., 858 John Wall, 894 Joseph, 174-458-673- 674 Joseph R., 638 Joseph T., 556 Lee A., 963 Mary A. Webster, 894 Paul E., 223 Peter, 458 Richard T., 904-957 Robert, 345-790-894- 895 Robert, Jr., 895 Robert H., 345 Russell, 675 Samuel, 345-651-805 Samuel M., 790 Thomas, 347-732 Thomas B., 894 Thomas R., 154 William, 541-685-732- 894 William A., 824 William B., 658 William H., 467 William Hutton, 327 William T., 648 Woodrow, 396-638-999 WILTSIE, Charles Has- tings, 895 Cornelius, 895 Cornelius, Jr., 895 Hendrick, 895 James, 895 James M., 895 Marten, 895 Philippe M., 895 Thomas, 895 WINANS, Isaac, 406 Jan, 406 Ross, 406 Thomas DeK., 406 William, 406 WINCHELL, Alex., 896 Alexander N., 895 Benj. La Fon, 895 Horace, 896 James, 896 Joseph R., 895 Martin, 660-896 Martin E., 896 Nathaniel, 895 Newton H., 896 Stephen, 895 WINCHESTER, Ea- mund, 439-574 Henry, 443 John, 443-574-996 Jonathan, 48-443 Lycurgus, 675 Philander’ 443 Philip, 442-443 Stephen, 574 WINDER, Aaron, 268 John, 268-634 Levin, 572-634 William, 31-634 WINDLE, Wm. B., 778 WINDSHIP, Edward, 996 WINDSOR, John, 578 Joshua, 996 WING, Charles, 721 Daniel, 721 Heman R., 721 Henry Hiram, 522 Horace, 721 John, 721 Jonathan, 721 Samuel, 721 Stephen, 154 WINMILL, Edgar W., 64 WINN, Frank Long, 478-896 George, 188 Jesse D., 896 John, 166-841 John S., 708 Philip B., 896 William, 896 Pept Abraham L., Petrus, 400 WINNER, Joseph, 550 Joseph E., 550 Septimus, 550 WINNIE, Geo. H., 900 WINSCOTT, Geo., 826 WINSHIP, Benjamin, 40-450-451 Edward, 40-439-450- 451-996 560 WISEMAN Isaac, 40-450-451 Joseph, 450-451 Robert, 450-451 Samuel C., 758 WINSLOW, Arthur, 896 Cameron Mc R., 322 Edward, 444-742-816- 862-877-878-896-942- 996 Francis, 896 Geoffrey, 830 George Scott, 287 Henry, 793 Henry J., 350 Homer, 492 Isaac, 455-877-878- 896 James, 816 Job, 543-544-816 John, 37 - 54-216-317- 455-470-520-529-531- 533-646-734-738-742- 878-896-996 John D., 952 Joshua, 896 Josiah, 31-639-862- 877-878 Kenelm, 543-544-550 551-816-996 Nathan, 816 Nathan C., 816 Pelham, 878 Richard, 816 WINSOR, Ernest, 431 Frederick, 113 Joshua, 128-996 Kennard, 153 Samuel, 648 William D., 616 hee Anthony, Geddes, 578 Geddes H., 578 Isaac, 404-473-548- 680-904 James, 680 John, 578-674-680 John J., 404 Nicholas J., 680 Philip B., 773-807 William, 558 William K., 680 bs Edwin W., 43 Ferdinand, 430 WINTERBOTTOM, Archibald D., 347 eres Eugene A., WINTHROP, Beekman, 896 Benjamin, 542 Francis Bayard, 896 Henry, 818 John, 64 - 76-104-276- 301-403-542-555-660- 663-735-742-818-831- 860-868-896-996 Jno. Still, 47-301-542- 741 . Robert, 896 Thomas Charles, 896 Thos. Lindall, 292 Wait, 301 Wait Still, 542-896 LE nee Ue Walter, WIRTZ, Johannes Con- rad, 997 WISE, Edward E., 623 Henry A., 243-901 John, 627 John Sargeant, 901 WISEMAN, Henry, 800 James, 172 Thomas, 800 WISNER WISNER, Gabriel, 209- 896 Gabriel H., 338-897 siendrick, 209-896 Henry, 42-209-896 Henry Gabriel, 896 Jeffery Amherst, 586 Johannes, 209-896 John, 209 Percy, 896 WISTAR (see also Wister) Caspar, 127-267-268- 734-820-821 Dillwyn, 59 Joseph Bassett, 322 Richard, 127-820-821 Thomas, 127 WISTER (see also Wistar) Chas. Jones, 897 Daniel, 897 Hans Caspar, 897 Johann, 897 Owen, 897 Owen Jones, 897 William Rotch, 897- WISWALL, Ichabod, 384-477-908 Noah, 723 WITHAM, Robert, 842 Wm. Stuart, Jr., 534 WITHERBEE, Frank Spencer, 842 WITHERS, Clarke, 554 Edward, 117 Ezekiel Daniel, 117 James, 117 James W., 117 John, 912 John W., 117 William, 117 WITHERSPOON, David, 120 James, 120-230 John, 120-230-345 WITHINGTON, Henry, 252-789-996 Richard, 477 WITMAN, Wm., 753 WITMER, David, 336 NAA eS te Peter, 4 WITT, John, 316-320 John M., 1007 Lee, 887 Robt. Richard, Jr., 723 WITTEN, Wm. P., 565 WITTER, Clark, 698 Dean G., 767 John, 698 Josiah, 698 Samuel, 698 Weeden, 698 William, 698 WITTIG, Gustav Frederick, 597 WIWALL, Ichabod, 319 a Samuel, afk WODELL, Silas, 413 William, 679-933 WOLCOTT (see also Walcott) Alexander, 297 Elisha, 899 Epaphras, 493 Erastus Bradley, 899 Gideon, 899 Henry, 226 - 311-322- 368-443-493-701-716- 723-728-865-899-918- 978-996 James, 493 Oliver, 865 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Roger, 129 - 297 - 307- 311-493-561-611-765- 865 Samuel, 135-311-493- 701-728-865-899 Thomas, 728-899 William, 728 WOLDRIDGHE, Walter, Parrish, .537 WOLF (see also Wolfe, Wolff) Abraham, 424 George, 424 Henry Gast, 466 Jacob, 466 Michael, 466 Paul, 466 Peter, 424 Ve Napoleon B., 7 Leonard, 865 Moses, 897 Philip S., 625 Richard, 386 Robert Serrell, 483 Samuel, 705-997 Simeon, 318 Stephen, 239-734 Thomas, 663-838-874 Valentine, 625 Wilkes, 624 William, 239-240 Wm. Brewster, 663 WOODBERRY (see also Woodbury) Humphrey, 219 Jacob, 219 John, 219 Richard, 219 Samuel T., 219 WOLFF (see also Wolf, }WOODBRIDGE, Ashbel, Wolfe) Barnard C., 426 Bernard, 357 Bernard L., 357 G., 877 Geo. Michael, 426 John George, 426 John Barnard, 426 Marion J. Hillyer, 357 WOLFORD, David, 565 George, 762 Henry, 762 Jacob, 762 Johannes, 762 Milton John, 762 WOLLING, J. W., 327 WOLTMAN, Ernst, 209 Henry, 209 WONSON, Frank P., 837 WOOD, Abiel, 318 Abraham, 918 Abram, 558 Andrew, 802 Andrew J., 949 Benjamin, 796 Benj. Howland, 194 Benj. Whiteman, 802 Charles Blake, 58 Charles Morgan, 417 Charles Nash, 838 Charles S., 386 Cyrenius, 435 - Cyrus Grout, 594 Daniel, 240 David, 705 David Return, 866 Ebenezer, 318 Edward, 774 Edward Stickney, 495 Eliphalet, 461 Ellen Persis, 897 Ephraim, 239-240 Ezekiel, 396 Ezekiel G., 461 Fernando, 908 Henry, 318-860 Henry Austin, 432 Horatio, 705 Horatio Dan, 705 Isaac, 897 Jacob, 239-240 James, 240-386-816 James Barrett, 240 Jeremiah, 428 Jeremiah P., 875 Jesse, 461 Jethro, 194 John, 494-719-960 John B., 728 John D., 896 John McKee, 901 Jonas, 392-705-774- 814 Jonathan, 329 Joseph, 274-705-756 Joseph Pilmore, 756 Joseph W. H., 756 450-667 Benjamin, 35-293-554 Charles Lester, 734 Deodatus, 35 Haynes, 361-633 Henry Hall, 575 Howell, 667 Jahleel, 78 John, 35-78-293-361- 554-633-667-759-768- 846-997 Joseph, 35-78 Powhatan, 770 Russell, 35 Samuel, 35 Theodore, 450 Thomas, 293 Timothy, 361-450-633- 667-759-768 Wrylly, 575 WOODBURN, John, 344 Moses, 344 WOODBURY (see also Woodberry) Humphrey, 808 John, 808 Nathan, 808 William, 682 WOODCOCK, John, 313- 679 WOODFORD, John, 64 Thomas, 990 WOODHOUSE, Jona- than, 454 WOODHULL, Gilbert Tole John Tennant, 581 Nathaniel, 678-916 Richard, 678 WOODIN, Wm. Hart- man, Jr., 932 WOODMAN, Edgar, 399 Edward, 630-888 Jeremiah Hall, 888 John, 888 Joseph, 888 WOODRIFF, Elaine du Pont Irving, 654 Jaa oos John J., 134-654 WOODROW, Thos., 638 Nghe Carle A., Charles H., 372 Clinton Rogers, 284 Edwin, 133 Ernest, 450 Ezekiel, 714 Joseph A., 714 Jonathan, 956 Matthew, 104-714-997 Nathaniel, 714 William, 714 WOODS, Abel, 897 Alva, 897 Andrew, 476 Andrew Salter, 467 561 WOOSTER Archibald, 76 Edgar H., 959 Frank C., 191 James, 476 John, 476 John C. B., 897 Marshall, 408-898 Michael, 187-188-239- 240-476 Robert Kay, 476 Samuel, 53-814-897- 997 William Wood, 814 WOODSON, Jno., 167- 189-206-358-459-620- 908-932 L. G., 920 Richard, 189-908 Robert, 189-220-932 WOODWARD,. Abra- ham, 636 Abram, 556 Amos, 193 Benj. Duryea, 193-194 Mrs. Clarence S., 1007 Ebenezer, 392-817 Ezekiel, 524-692 George, 318-379 George Evertsen, 193 Henry, 247-318-556- 636-670-778-925 Jason, 318 John, 318-324-817 Jonathan, 692 Joseph, 318-392-556 Nathaniel, 196-692- 997 Parke, 193 Peter, 807 Richard, 997 Ritchie Ogden, 209 Robert, 196 Stephen, 692 Thomas, 193-488 Thomas M., 446 Wm., 556-636 Wm. Amos, 193-194 William W., 556 WOODWARE, David, 409 Soe Naa Benj., 898 Caleb, 898 Gershom, 898 Herbert Grafton, 292 Philip Bell, 898 Stephen Elias, 898 Stewart C., 136 Thomas Bell, 898 Walter, 898 WOOLDRIDGE, Wm. BeeobL Nee ae Zachariah, 75 WOOLFORD, Roger, 857 Thomas, 857 WOOLSEY, Benj., 812- 847 George, 812-847-997 George Jarvis, 847 George M., 1005 Heathcote M., 35 Henry L., 226 Joris, 997 Melancthon L., 226 847 Melancthon T., 847 Theo. Dwight, 812 Wm. Walton, 812 WOOLSON, Chas, Jar- vis, 716 WOOLSTON, Stephen, 886 SOO Ee John, WOOSTER, L. T., 909 WOOTTON WOOTTON, Wm. Sam- uel, 463 WORCESTER, Eldad, 179 Horatio, 179 John, 179 Moses, 179 Samuel, 179 William, 179-997 WORK, Alanson, 889 WORKMAN, Daniel, 711 George, 301 William, 711 William Hunter, 711 WORMELEY, Ralph, 192-299 WORMSTED, Robt., 55 WORRALL, Frank IL., 828 John, 168 Joseph, 214 Walter Laning, 41 WORRELL, Isaac, 555 John, 555 Thomas, 555 WORRILOW, Christo- pher, 158 John, 158 Thomas, 158 WORSHAM, Milton R., 427 William, 25 WORTH, Hal V., 363 John, 691 Lionel, 773 WORTHINGTON, Brice John, 50 Edward, 241 Eugene, 206 James Tolley, 421 John, 421 John Thomas, 776 Nicholas, 50-115-803 Robert, 540 Samuel, 421 Thomas, 50-273-540- 588 Vachel, 421 William, 540-673-785 WRENSHALL, Edward, 301 WRIGHT, Andrew Donaldson, 671 Ansel, 320 Arthur B., 946 Arthur W., 665-785 Asahel, 228-320-929 Benj., 589-714-780 Benjamin F., 101 Benoni, 950 Boykin, 19 Charles B., 631 Clarence Gordon, 167 Cyrus M., 417 David, 882 David Minton, 882 Eben, 387 Edward H., 647 Elnathan, 320 Enoch, 201 Geo. A., 681 George C., 856 George Henry, 397 Gustavus, 623 Hamilton, 879 Hamilton M., 44 INDEX TO VOLUME ONE Harrison B., 395 J. Howard, 350 James, 155-378-895 James Hood, 714 Jedediah C., 589 John, 30-179-201-320- 379 John, Jr., 379 John D., 350 John Seward, 875 John Skinner, 30 Jonathan, III, 763 Joseph, 201-309-412- 624 Joseph A., 496 Joseph Maxwell, 623 Jos. Van Buren, 214 Joshua Butler, 436 Louis L., 353 Miers Fisher, 236 Nathan, 801 Nathaniel, 623-882 Preserved, 378 Rial, 378 Robt., 30-623-895 Robt. Clinton, 623 Samuel, 320-378-478 Solomon, 30-378-623 Stephen, 93-169 T. J., 669 Thomas, 309-687 William, 201-882 Wm. Alfred, 581 William P., 1004 WULSIN, Fredk. R., 93 Lucien, 93 WURTS, Johannes C. 997 Robert Kennedy, 797 WYATT ACC. 609 Franklin, 498 William H., 174 eee Leonard J., 5 Marion Sims, 752 WYLES, Tom R., 796 WYLLARDE, Richard, 445 WYLLYS, George, 361- 553-633-768-997 Samuel, 361-633-759- 768-993 WYMAN, Francis, 413 Herbert W., 208 John Palmer, 350 Joshua, 413 Samuel, 413 William, 413 WYNKOOP, Cornelius, 825-826 Dirck, 826 Evert, 825-826 Gerardus H., 388 Henry, 231 Jefferson, 826 Peter, 825-826 ee. James Osgood, WYNNE, Thomas, 249- 481-533-897-902 Xa YAGER, David H., 844 Frank, 91 Johannes, 846 YALE, Aaron, 111 David, 619-975 Elihu, 111-451 John, 619 Josiah, 619 Moses, 111-654 Nathaniel, 111-654 Thomas, 111-160-451- 471-619-654-709 Meee Chas., 674- 1 John, 674 Lewis D., 916 William L., 281-704 YARDLEY, Thos., 997 YARNALL, Edward, 647 Eli, 647 Elizabeth H. Sargent, 898 Ellis, 647 Francis, 647-898 Harold E., 593 John Joliffe, 898-899 Mordecai, 429-898-899 Nathaniel, 647 Peter, 898-899 Philips, 33 Zachariah Sprigg, 898-899 YATES, Bartholomew, 922 Chas., 499 Christoffel, 67 Christoffelse, 172 Christopher, 67-172 Edward, 172 Henry, 67 Henry C., 172 Joseph, 67-172-727 Robert, 922 Theodore, 899 William, 922 William Black, 727 YAWGER, Philip, 435 YEAMANS, John, 563- 848 YEARDLEY, Argall, 2380 George, 230-454-863- 997 YEATES, Jasper, 157 YEATMANS, John, 160 YEISER, Henry Craig, 32 2 YELLOTT, John Israel, 750 YEOMANS, Alfred, 177 as bat Richard, 3 YERBY, Geo., 809-861 YERGER, Alex., 959 George, 959 Michael, 959 William, 959 YODER, Albert H., 445 Conrad, 445 Jacob, 445 John, 230 William Henry, 445 YOPP, Alfred Price, 459 YORK, Jesse, 765 YORKE, James, 903 Louis S., 669 YOST, Francis M., 106 gees Joseph, 501- 562 ZORN YOUMANS, Christo- pher, 481 Earle Stimson, 482 Jeremiah, 482 John, 482 Samuel, 482 Solomon, 482 Vincent, 482 YOUNG, Aaron, 784 Baltzar, 504 Benjamin, 274 Charles A., 107 Charles J., 619 Charles Mervyn, 395 Christopher, 801 D. H., 229 David, 47-703-801 David Lucien, 730 Edgar, 951 Edgar M., 255 Edward M., 282 Ephraim, 801 Frank H., 221 George, 358-401 George Wright, 93 Henry, 371 Hobart Paul, 100 Jacob, 811 John, 47-166-703-801 John Jay, 703 John Manning, 392 John Wallace, 693 Joseph, 526 Joseph N., 274 Joseph R., 308 Mason, 353 Notley, 274 Robert, 111 Samuel B. M., 672 Stephen, 801 William, 62-424-703 William Clark, 47 YOUNGLOVE, Samuel, 146 YOUNGS, Benj., 33 Christopher, 677 Z ZABRISKIE, Edward PLSD George, 401 ZANTZINGER, Clar- ence Clark, 511 ZEIGLER, Chas., 322 Charles L., 384 S. J.; Jrg0t12 ZEISS, Carl Henry, 744 ZELIFFH, Jas., 777 ZENT, David, 750 ZIEGLER, Andrew, 846 Michael, 846 ZIEHLER, Henry, 424 ZIMMERMAN, Chris- topher, III, 445 Henry, 452 Herbert Paul, 106 William, 452 William F., 636 ZIMPLEMAN, George Bernard, 868 ZINSSER, John Shar- man, 874 ZOGBAUM, Rufus F., Jr., 591 ZORN, Joseph The- ophilus, 796 VOLUME ONE The foregoing alphabetical index of names in Volume One graphically illus- trates the size and scope of that volume. Its 1,148 pages contain upwards of Ten Thousand lineages—the boiled-down essence of the bibliography of Amer- ican Genealogy. Volume One is the foundation upon which the genealogical history of the American Nation is being compiled and succeeding volumes can only supple- ment and not supplant it. It is the one volume which will be valued above all others of this series, not for its intrinsic value, but because the greatest part of the data in it can be found nowhere else in print and probably never will appear in print elsewhere. Fortunate, therefore, is the library possessing the initial volume, since available copies of it are becoming scarcer daily and within a short time may be had only at a premium, if at all. While the supply lasts orders will be filled at the publication price of $22.00. For information address: F. A. Virkus & Company, Publishers, 440 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, Illinois. 563 } ie = as ‘aa ’ a ied ees Saray a ie “5, ie F) Si ee ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF NAMES IN VOLUME TWO Names in bold face type indicate the subjects of preceding records, and numbers in bold face type indicate the page upon which the record appears. This index was compiled with the view of providing, as nearly as possible, an index of ancestors, and at the same time of furnishing the maximum amount of data in the simplest form. Every man mentioned in the lineages in the preceding pages is listed in this index; but his wife’s name has been omitted from the index because its inclusion would more than double the number of names without any appreciable advantage. It is only in rare instances that a genealogical investigator does not know the name of the father or husband of the woman whose name he is seeking, and the names of the father and husband are listed in the index when known. However, women who are the subjects of the lineage records are listed in the index in bold face type under their maiden names or, if married, under their married names. The husbands and fathers of these women are also listed in proper alpha- betical order. The names of unmarried children (or not recorded as married) of present gener- ations have been omitted from the index for the reason that the father’s name is the only name of genealogical importance in present generations. But the names of children of present generations are listed in the index, and in bold face type, when they themselves are the subjects of records, and also to show intermarriages. The bold face type numbers following the names of immigrant ancestors in the index, refer to the pages upon which their biographical records appear (pages 387-421); other page numbers refer to lineage records. A William, 23 ACKERT, George H., Winifred Buck, 20 270 Joseph, 30-139-162- 347 ABBE, John, 313 ABBY, Benj;, 59 ACKLEN, Joseph H., atl Joseph Hinman, 30 Richard, 313 David, 59 Katharine Kellogg, 33 Thomas, 313 John, 59 ADAIR, James, 46 Lawrence S., 299 ABBOT (see also Ab- Samuel, 59 ADAMS, A. Egerton, 222| Marcellin Cote, 42 bott) Samuel Abbe, 59 Abel, 134-139-347 Matthew, 139-347 Abiel, 211 ABEL, George H., 258 Abraham, 194 Moses, 29 Abiel J., 255 John J., 258 Albert, 146 Nathan, 29-270 Abner, 156 Mary W. Hinman, 258| Alvinzie S., 270 Nathaniel, 270-277 Edward M., 255 George, 211-387 John, 156-211 Joseph Stevens, 156 Natalie S. Baron, 255 Stephen, 156 Thomas, 393 Timothy, 163 William Fitzhale, 156 ABBOTT (see also Ab- bot) Asa, 206 Bancroft, 23 Benjamin, 231 Caleb, 206 Ephraim, 206 Gardner, 206 George, 21-23-206-387 Isaac E., 233 Jacob, 21 James, 23 John, 206 TONNES. ConeoL John William, 23 Joseph, 21 Lawrence Fraser, 21 Luther Jewett, 23 Nathaniel, 21 Ned Culbertson, 23 Nicholas, 23 Robert, 387 Timothy, 206 Walter L., Jr., 56 Robert, 387 William Henry, 383 ABELL, Caleb, 283 Robert, 387 Samuel, 283 Seip hes ee ee Alex., 2 Francis P., 23 James, 23-202 John Joseph, 23 Robert P., 23 ABNEY, John P., 96 ABORN, Collins Wal- ton, 27 Everett A., 27 James, 374 John, 27 Loury, 135 Lucius, 27 Lucius Anderson, 27 Moses, 27 Samuel, 27-374 Warren Lucius, 27 ACHESON, Thomas, 53 ACKERMAN, Albert W., 128 Jacob, 128 James, 128 John, 128 John Clayton, 128 Robert, 128 Theodore M., 128 56 Ambrose, 139 Amos, 30-112 Boylston, 162 Calvin, 42 Charles, 30 Charles C., 33-34 Charles E., 300 Christopher B., 33 Daniel, 139-347 Ebenezer, 162-362 Eberneza, 298 George, 139-347-362- 387 George O., 265 Harry Clifton, 61 Henry, 30-42-43-83- Prag sid We a peso Hiram, 139 Isaac, 33 James, 151-270-313 Jeremy, 387 Jewett P., 29 John, 29-62-134-162- 2'50-252-264-340-387 John Quincy, 314 Peletiah, 43-242-297 Philip, 29-33 Robert, 98-220-362-387 Samuel, 29-83 Seth Samuel, 171-245 Stephen J., 42 Thomas, 29-33-42-43 Waldo Peck, 368 Wesley, 171-245 William, 62-130-139- 171-245-308 William H. H., 33-34 Wm. W., 362 Wirt, 362 ADDAMS, Phillip, 33 William, 33 ADDISON, John, 201 ADKINSON, John, 388 AGNEW, James, 157 AIKEN, David, 85 James, James Reid, 85 William, 223 AINSWORTH, Geo., 43 Geo. Jennings, 43 John C., 43 Lawrence Sutton, 42 herp pigs A. Sutton, Nathaniel, 42 AKERS, James, 88 Peter, 277 AKERS Robert, 277 William, 87-88-277 AKIN, Aaron B., 106 Benjamin, 106 David, 106 John, 106 Jonathan, 106 Josiah, 35 Ransom W,, 35 William Merchant, 35 ALBEH, Benj., 190 James, 190 Obadiah, 281 ee aie William J., ff ALBRIGHT, Amos Fowler, 334 Egbert Fowler, 334 ALBURTIS, Arthur, 249 Pietro C., 249 ALCORN, James W., 52 ALDEN, Cyrus, 250 Daniel, 383 David, 80-230-234-296 Ebenezer, 39 Edwin Hyde, 383 Elam, 383 Ezra, 383 George Henry, 383 Isaac, 39 John, 386-39-56-80-82- 90-115-119-121-129- 142-148-162-181-219- 220-230-234-244-250- 264-268-271-278-296- 300-301-307-312-320- 343-36 2-365-381-383- 387 Jonathan, 268 A 39-56-250-271- ALDRICH, David, 144 George, 79 Joseph, 79 Marvin T., 306 Noah, 144 Peter, 79 Philip, 144 Robert, 85 Samuel, 79 Sylvanus, 79 ALEXANDER, Alan- son, 190 Alexander, 46 Andrew, 331 Archibald, 42-95-331- 348-387 Augustus, W., 46 Charles B., 256 Eben, 304 Eugene, 385 Hodges Perry, 46 James, 363-387 John, 46-64 Joseph, 348 Karl Perry, 46 Lawrence Stirling, 64 Oliver B., 252 Bhilip, 64 Robert 64-278-330 Samuel Hamilton, 170 Thomas, 330 Timothy, 190 Washington, 46 Whitney, 190 William, 64-170-330- 331-348-363-397 William P., 272 ALGER, Andrew, 171 Cyrus, 149 John, 171 Jonathan, 171-172 Preserved, 171 Russell A., 259 Thomas, 387 ALLAIS, Arthur, 233 ALLD, W., 255 ALLEN, Addison L., 49 Benjamin, 49 Charles, 66-153 Charles A., 234 Daniel B., 166 David, 49-150-311-340 Dorothy Baker, 26 Ebenezer, 178 INDEX TO VOLUME TWO Edmund, 387 Edwin L., 49 Eleazer, 185 Ephraim, 116 Ethan, 178-303 Francis, 321 George, 186 Gideon, 339 Harry, 166 Howard H., 149 Jacob, 395 James, 387 James E., 26 James Roy, 26 Jedediah, 186 John, 118 Jonathan, 365 Joseph, 365 Martin Smith, 49 Nathan, 186 Ralph, 186 Reuben, Jr., 349 Richard, 380 Robert, 52-340 Samuel, 89-178-269- 387-403 Wim., 49-292-340-387 Wm. Lafayette, 49 Zachariah, 49 ALLERTON, Isaac, 30- 39-96-113-114-302-387 ALLING, Edward, 315 Elisha, 288 John, 288 Jonathan, 288 Roger, 288-387 ALLIS, William, 387 ALLISON, Jas. H., 290 ALLMAN, John, 233 Laurence, 53 Thomas, 53 ALLYN, John, 248 Joseph, 292 Matthew, 170-178-199- 387 Peletiah, 199 Robert, 248-387 Samuel, 199-387 Samuel W., 199 Thomas, 199-209 ALMY, Augustus C., 313 Christopher, 61 Job, 297 John, 297 John J., 313 Sanford, 243-297 William, 297-387 William Ellery, 313 ALSTON, Alfred A., 382 James W., 171 John, 45-138-170-306- 348-382-388 Joseph, 45-348 Jos. John, 45-138-170 Lemuel James, 382 Philip, 138 Solomon, 382 William, 306-348 Wm. Williams, 382 Willis, 171 ALTMAN, Anthony, 173 ALVORD, Alex., 53-388 Alwyn A., 319 Caleb, 53 Elijah, 53 Elijah Smead, 53 E(lijah) Smead, Jr., 53 John, 53 Pliny, 53 Thomas, 53 AMBLER, Emory Thayer, 383 Jacquelin, 335 AMBROSH, John, 54 Nathaniel, 206 AMES, Adelbert, 54 Jos. Sweetman, 327 Oakes, 54 Oliver, 54 Thomas, 54 William, 54-388 Wm. Hadwen, 54 AMIDON, Edmond6§., 233 AMIS, Thomas, 305 AMMONBET, Andre, 57-58 Jacob, 57-58 AMORE, William, 367 OR: Jonathan, 348- 33 AM WEG, Jacob, 313 John Michael, 313 Leonhard, 313 ANCELL, Thomas, 370 ANDERSON, Alice S.,20 Andrew, 44 Benjamin M., 272 Cc. C., 183 Charles L., 18 Dexter, 216 Edward, 313 Edward Lowell, 332 Francis Thomas, 331 George, 27 Gilbert, 230 Isabel W. Perkins, 20 James, 145-158 James Blythe, 20 James Grant, 61 James Harvey, 61 John, 230 John Kraus, 98 John L., 189 Joseph Nelson, 61 Kenneth, 20 Larz, 20-332 Leonora M. Hunter, 61 Lincoln C., 338 Louis Francis, 211 Norinne Sanders, 61 Olis C., 69 Richard, 313-332-388 Richard Clough, 332 Robert, 27-110-331- 332-388 Samuel, 250 Solomon, 216 Thomas, 27 William, 110-145-216- 230-331 William A. C., 145 William Hunter, 61 ANDERTON, William B 281 ANDREW, A. Piatt, 61 Abraham Piatt, 61 James, 61 John, 61 Samuel, 30 ANDREWS, Champe §., 64 Clara L. Spilman, 69 Daniel, 211 Edward S., 69 Elmer E., 137 Garnett, 64 George William, 69 Henry, 194 James, 64 John, 64-202-211 Moses, 211 Nathaniel, 211 Rokert, 36-276 Robert D., 307 Robert Lyle, 209 Samuel, 211 Seth S., 69 Walter E., 89 William, 388 ANGEL, James R., 163 William G., 163 ANGELL, Philip, 350 Thomas, 49-144-388 ANGELLOTTI, Emma C. Cearley, 70 Frank M., 69-70 Giuseppe, 70 ANGIER, Edmund, 304 Oakes, 54 ANKENY, Peter, 166 Beyer Anthony, il ANSHUTZ, Alfred P., 42 George, 42 ANSLEY, Jesse, 321 pee ENS Abraham, Christopher, 196 Daniel, 258 Daniel R., Jr., 258 566 ARNOLD Daniel Read, 258 David, 258 Humphrey, 258 John, 258-388 Joseph, 196 Samuel, 196 William, 258 ANTON, Willis A., 190 APPEL, Joseph H., 72 APPLE, Andrew, 72 Henry H., 72 John, 72 John Peter, 72 John W., 72 Thomas Gilmore, 72 William Nevin, 72 APPLEGATE, Asa, 364 Bergen, 364 Henry S., 364 Samuel, 364 APPLETON, Chas. H., 65 Daniel Fuller, 19-20 Francis Randall, 19-20 Isaac, 19-65 James, 19-20 Jas. Waldingfield, 20 John, 67-302 Joseph, 65 Nathaniel, 302 Randolph M., 19 Samuel, 19-20-23-65- 67-217-295-302-388 Samuel A., 23 William, 65 APPULTON, Saml., 388 ARCHER, George A., 72 Harriet H. C., 72 Jacob, 72 John, 72 Shreve Maclaren, 72 William Shreve, 72 ARCHIBALD, Byron J., 123 prosctemc rt Philip Ja ARDEN, James, 145 Richard D., 145 Thomas, 145 ARMISTEAD, Anthony, 51-231-388 John, 90-139-388 Robert A., 51 Westwood, 51 Wm., 51-207-231-388 ARMITAGE, Enoch, 67 Godfrey, 372 Reuben, 67 ARMOUR, James, 388 ARMS, Consider, 59 Daniel, 59 William, 59-388 ARMSTRONG, Abram S., 372 Alice Shofner, 372 Charles H., 372 George, 76 George Lenher, 76 John, 62-76-189-344 Nathan, 76 Richard Turner, 76 Thomas, 62-189 Thomas P., 189 William, 27 William Clinton, 77 ARNOLD, Abraham, 140 Anthony, 173 Bendedict, 173-272 Benjamin, 66 David, 173 David C., 66 David Saxon, 66 Elisha, 83-225 Hendrick, 66 Ira, 66 John, 140-173 John Ford, 309 Jonathan, 140-173 Joseph, 90 Josiah, 173 Kate K. Fairchild, 77 Le Roy, 77 - Lewis, 85 Samuel, 90 Stephen, 83 Thomas, 66-140-388 ARNOLD William, 83-134-140- 173-388 William Bideston, 66 William Hendrick, 66 ARNOULT, Cyril Hon- ore, 360 Jean, 360 ARRINGTON, Mans- ford, 79-319 ARTHUR, Alan, 18 Chester Alan, 18 Gavin, 18 Marcus W., 334 William, 18 ASCOUGH, John, 345 ASH, Alex. F., 372 ASHBY, John, 138 Robert, 138 Thomas, 138 ASHCRAFT, Thos., 233 ASHENFELTER, Peter, 268 ASHHURST, Astley P. C., 68 John, 68 Richard, 68 Wm. Wayne, 68-298 ASHLEY, Abraham, 258 Clyde, L., 259 Daniel, 239 David, 85-239-251-288 Henry De Lancey, 91 Israel, 251 Jeptha, 258 Jonathan, 288 Josiah L., 258 Marcus M., 259 Robert, 85-239-251-288 Roy Vernon, 258 Samuel, 239-240 William, 258 ASHMEAD, Duffield, Jr., 80 Henry Clifton, 80 Isaac, Jacob, 80 John, 80 Samuel, 80 ASHMORE, James, 260 William, 260 ASHTON, Henry, 98 * James, 49-144 Peter, 64 ASPINWALL, John, 122 Joseph, 122 Peter, 122-388 ASTON, David, 363 Walter, 19-113-298 ASTOR, John Jacob, 388 ATHEROLD, Thos., 389 SAD EAE E. Louis, Humphrey, 20-105-388 ATHBEY, Elisha, 68 George, 58 John, 58 ATKESON, John, 388 ATKINSON, Alatau T., 385 Benjamin F., 229 Benjamin W., 194 Bradbury, 151-152 Aye nee, 151-152- 8 John, 151 John C., 229 M. S., 109 Roger, 45 Theodore, 151-152 Thomas, 147-151 ATLEE, Samuel, 388 William, 221-388 William A., 146-221 William Pitt, 221 ATMORE, Thomas, 372 ATTMORE, Isaac, 372 Jonathan, 372 William Penn, 372 ATWATER, David, 90- 199-388 Fred, 83 Isaac, 199 John, 199 Jonathan, 90 June Lyon, 82 AUDLEY, John, 366 AUERSWAL, Carl, 83 AUGHTRY, Alfred R., 334 AUGUSTINE, Amos, 231 William, 231 AULER, Hein, 249 AULL, Charles H., 173 Pack atest Jessica Tyler, 8 AUSTIN, "Anthony, 118- Charles Bernard, 87 John, 214-222 Jonathan, 214 Joshua, 294 Nathaniel, 118 Richard, 118-214-388 Walter G., 119 William, 278 AVENT, John, 94 Thomas, 94 AVERELL, William, 388 AVERILL, Isaac, 287 Nathaniel, 249 Nicholas, 228 Samuel B., 287 William, 228-249-388 AVERY, Abner, 259 Abraham, 360 Amos Walker, 360 Caspar Hugh, 360 Chas. Hedding, 360- 361 eee ceo ane 259-360- Elisha, oT86 Elisha. Denison, 386 hy McKendree, 360- Elroy Putnam, 361 aceon 22'8-259-360- James G., 88 John Herbert, 214 Jonathan, 259 Joseph, 386 Miles, 104-193 Samuel, 259-386 Stephen B., 259 Thomas, 161 William, 360-388 AXMINSTER, Lord, 160 see also Ayers, Chas. Washington, 86 Christine Merrick, 86 Henry Morton, 86 Jonathan, 97 Mary C. Warren, 86 Robert, 86-97 AYER, James, 304 John, 206-388 Robert, 206 AYERS, John, 326 John Wilson, 326 Obidiah, 326 AYLETT, Benjamin, 331 John, 1i6e 331 Philip, 115-331 William, gest baie AYRES, Gharise G., 85 Edward, 213 INDEX TO VOLUME TWO Lewis cept hi: 376 ATWOOD, Tone 26 Jonathan, 189 Henry Fairfax, 85 Henry P., 86 Isaac, 86 Jabez, 85 John, 85-86-122-388 Obadiah, 86 Robert Williams, 86 Romeyn Beck, 85 Samuel, 85 Stephen Cooper, 86 William, 146-167-289 Wylie, McLean, 86 B BABCOCK, Asa, 72 Charles M., 185 David, 72 Edward H., 72 George, 70-72 Gideon, 72 James, 72-388 John, 72 Robert, 283 William F., 86 BABER, Adin, 220 BACHE, Richard, 388 BACHELDER, Benja- min, 283 BACHELLER, Jas., 211 BACHELLOR, Nathan- iel, 132 Stephen, 132 BACHILER, Nathl., 232 Stephen, 232-404 BACKUS, Chas. C., 99 Clinton Davis, 99 Elisha, 99 Frances Belden, 96 Henry Clinton, 99 Herbert, 96 Lafayette, 96 Stephen, 99-151-388 Timothy, 99 William, 99-388 BACON, Andrew, 388 Cyrus, 371 David, 371 Ebenezer, 55-56 Ebenezer F., 56 Edward R., 22 John, 283 John William, 22 Josiah, 55 Michael, 55-113-131- 283-388-389 Moses Sawin, 22 Nathaniel, 333-371-388 Raymond C., 22 Robert Cram, 22 Stephen, 42 William, 388 BACOT, Pierre, 388 BADGER, Daniel, 259 Daniel B., 259 Erastus B., 259 Giles, 84-259-388 Henry, 84 John, 84-259 Nathaniel, 84 Sherwin C., 34 Stephen, 259 Thomas, 259 Walter I., 259-321 Walter I., Jr., 259 William, 259 BAER, Michael, 268 BAGGARLY, Baldwin B., 32 Charles, 32 Cranson, 32 David Clark, 32 Franklin C., 32 Henry, 32 John, 32 Samuel Hitt, 32 BAGLEY, George, 245 John J., 358 John Newbury, 358 Samuel, 358 ow ee Arthur Low, Buenos W., 122 Charles Everett, 320 567 BALCH Charles L., 259 David S., L175 Ebenezer, 196 Edward, 259 Edwin M., 326 Frederick, 259 Frederick H., 259 Frederick W., 259 James B., 259 Jesse, 196 John, 72-78-176-259 Joseph, 196-259-287 Obadiah, 259 Richard, 196-287-388 Samuel C., 196 Thomas, 259 Timothy, 287 William, 259 William B., 259 BAIRD, Alexander, 140 David, 140 John, 285-388 Robert, 140 Thomas, 388 William, 140 William R., 140 BAKER, Adam, 173 Alden, 331 Alex., 171-211-260-388 Arthur D., 260 Arthur Latham, 26 Benjamin, 26-260 Benjamin F., 260 Benjamin H., 260 Charles Chaney, 27 Charles Wood, 27 Cornelius, 26 David, 217 Dorsey Synge, 211 Edith Cooley, 259 Edward, 119-283 Elisha, 211 Ernst, 173 Ezra, 211 Francis, 388 Francis Elisha, 100 Henry, 151-173-260- 304 Henry C., 211 Henry R., 264 Howell M., 260 Irvin, 39 James, 119 James E., 173 James M., 260 John, 19-26-27-119- 120-211-252-260-283- 298-310 John D., 224 John G., 26 John Townsend, 26 John W., 298 Jonathan, 26 Joseph, 46-328 Joshua, 211-220-260 Lewis, Luther A., 260 Luther B., 260 Luther H., 260 Nicholas, 298 Ozi, Remember, 260 Richard: 115-119-264- Robert, 26 Roger, 157-404 Samuel, 119-120-151 Samuel T., 29 Solomon M., 27 Stephen, 129 Stephen H., 27 Thos., 19-310-389-392 Una Jacobs, 260 Vernon Pell, 30 William, 173 William W., 211 BAKEWELL, Charles M., 261 Madeline Palmer, 261 BALCH, Benj., 292-310 Freeborn, 310 Hezekiah, 260 Hezekiah J., 260 Hezekiah J. B., 260 James, 260 BALCH John, 260-292-310-389 Nathaniel, 310 Samuel C., 260 Thomas, 234-260 William, 310 William G., 260 BALDERSTON, Morde- cai, 55 BALDRIDGHE, Alex., 157 David Agnew, 157 James R., 157 William, 157 BALDWIN, Abraham, 261 Arthur D., 261 Austin, 261 Austin P., 261 Austin R., 261 Beard, 261 Charles, 261 Edward, 99 Edward R., 261 Elbert F., 246 Elijah, 261 Elijah C., 261 Enos, 261 Frank M., 364 Henry Ives, 261 Isaac, 261 J. Mark, 307 Jacob, 122 John, 122-261-389 Jos., 122-173-261-389 Nathaniel, 122 Reba L. Williams, 260 Richard, 261-389 Thomas, 194-261 Timothy, 91-308 BALL, Benjamin F., 53 Christopher, 304 David, 386 Edward, 30 Farling, 53 Frank P., 332 Fred, 30 Frederic D., 30 George, 134 George Cornelius, 53 Geo. Washington, 53 Harry Leland, 386 Isaac, 53 Ivanilla Dunham, 30 James, 35-319 Jas. Rosser, 30 John, 53-109-134 Joseph, 25-30-104-334- 386 Mary S. Hereford, 386 Richard, 376 Robert Edward, 386 Simon Adler, 53 Spencer, 30 Stephen, 64 Washington M., 53 William 30-35-134- 319-389 William Franklin, 53 William Hereford, 386 see at Hezekiah, Nathaniel, 302 Seymour, 327 William, 109-302-389 BALLOU, Ariel, 83 Dexter, 340 Howard M., 341 James, 883-144-340 Maturin, 83-340-389 Nathaniel, 340 Noah, 340 Oliver, 340 Oren Aldrich, 340 Sidney, 340 BALTHIS, John, 232 John Milton, 232 BANCKER, Evert, 276 Gerret, 145-276 Johannes, 276 Laurens M., 261 Thomas B., 276 BANCROFT, Amos, 34 Charles, 34 Ebenezer, 346 Edmund, 34 George, 23-272 INDEX TO VOLUME TWO George F., 140 Guy, 34 Hugh, 34 Samuel, 34 Thomas, 34-346-389 Timothy, 346 William Amos, 34 BANDFIELD, Carlos D., 126 George D., 126 George Henry, 126 James, 126 Peter, 126 BANGERTER, Fred., 128 BANGS, Edward, 122- 316-389 : Jonathan, 122 Joseph, 122 Lemuel, 122 Samuel, 122. BANISTER, John, 97 John M., 97 BANKER, Adolph, 261 Alexander bD., 261 Amos B., 2 Howard J., John, 261 Laurens M., 261 Louis Ws, 35 Nathaniel, 261 BANNING, Calvin, 41 John, 41 Kendall, 41 William, 41 William Calvin, 41 William Josiah, 41 BANTA, David D., 361 BANTZ, Gideon, 35 BAQUET, Camille, 85 Louis Joseph, 85 BARBEH, Christ., 51 William Gaston, 51 BARBER, George, 389 Joel, 114 Joel Albert, 114 Thomas, 3&9 BARBERIE, Geo. N., 74 BARBOUR, George, 389 Thomas, 389 BARCLAY, John, 389 Robert, 389 BARDEN, Ezra S., 186 Noah, 186 Seth, 186 Stephen, 186 Timothy, 186 William, 186 BARFIELD, Rich., 128 BARKHER, Abraham, 46 Charles, 43 F. Marion, 43 Isaac, 46 Jacob, 46 James, 433-121-214 John, 273 Joshua Perry, 43 Matthew, 121 Michael, 214 Peleg, 43 Philemon, 69 Richard, 273 Robert, 46 Samuel, 46 Samuel Haydock, 46 Thomas Oscar, 43 Wharton, 46 Willard, 43 Zenas, 221 BARKLEY, Hugh, 89 BARLOW, John, 205 Thomas D., 287 BARNABY, Ambrose, 77-238 James, 77-238 Samuel, 238 Samuel S., 77 Stephen, 25 BARNARD, Abner, 48 Bartholomew, 222 Benjamin, 81 Dorus, 222 Francis, 48-134 George M., 291 Harrison Bernard, 48 SES James Ely, 48 John, 81-222-389 Jonathan, 81 Joseph, 48 Tas C466. Ralph P., 33 Samuel, 48-134 Thomas, 247-389 William Edwin, 49 pan Abram, 110- 31 Albert M., 253 Alfred Smith, 155 C. Eugene, 231 Daniel, 374 David, 187-374 David L., 187-374 Bi, 155 George Leonard, 374 George T., 313 James Aborn, 374 John, 374 Joshua, 78-300-378 Julius Cullen, 92 Phineas, 287 Robert E., 290 Solomon, 70 Thomas, 327-374-389 Thurlow Weed, 87 W. Morris, 290 William, 272 BARNET, Hugh, 79 BARNETT, Chas. W., 53 David, 307 Ira Nelson, 53 Lockie Ball, 53 William, 263 BARNEY, Jacob, 389 BARNUM, Eli S., 279 Eliphalet, 278 Ephraim, 225 Matthew, 225 Thomas, 225-278 athe Edward, John, 262-389 John G., 88 Joseph W., 262 Nathaniel, 262 Robert, 262 Robert W., 262 William H., 262 BARON, Charles C., 255 BARR, Ethel H. Stew- art, George Winfred, 53 John Watson, 39-40 Robert, 108 Thomas, 39 William, 39 BARRAS, Louis R., 192 Madeleine B. Duncan, 192 Samuel T., 192 BARRAUD, Philip, 147 BARRELL, George, 389 BARRETT, Christ., 404 Peter, 404 BARRETT, Don. M., 83 Elizabeth Benner, 97 Henry, 76 Joseph, 76 Oliver, 76 Reuben T., 97 Thomas, 76 Wilbert H., 97 BARRINGER, John, 389 BARROLL, Lee, 380 BARRON, Ellis, 69-151 BARROW, Benj. H., 210 Bud, 66 David Crenshaw, 210 David Francis, 210 James, 210 John, 389 Pope, 210 Thomas, 210 Thos. Augustine, 210 BARROWS, Ebenezer, 29 John, 389 BARRUS, John, 389 BARRY, Herbert, 38 BARSTOW, Henry, 320 Job, 206 William, 262-389-412 568 BATES BARTELOW, Wm., 328 BARTH, Charles J., 167 William, 167 BARTHOLOMEW, Ern- est L., .139 William, 389 BARTLETT, Benjamin, 268-272 George M., 375 Harry P., 262 Ichabod, 268 Irving’ C., 115 John, 25-154-262-268 Josiah, 268 Luther, 375 Moses, 262 Phineas, 262 Richard, 262-389 Robert, 77-96-137-216- 238-268-389 3 Shubael, 269 Warren S., 262 William, 262-375 William Allen, 269 Samak AN Andrew, 186- Benjamin, 186-271 Edward, 289 Matthew, 289 Robert C., 271 Rufus, 186-271-374 Samuel, 271-288-289 Thomas, 389 William, 271-417 William H., 271 BARTOW, Basil, 34 John, 34 Peter, 34 Punderson, 34 Thomas, 34 BASCOM, Aaron, 251 Henry N., 251 James, 251 Joshua, 251 Samuel, 251 Thomas, 251-389-404 BASDEN, Charles, 290 BASE oe Chas., 107 George, 107 Hamilton Meade, 107 Henry, EGCarie7 John, 107 Patrick H., 107 William, 107 BASS, Arthur S., 98 Henry, 34 John, 36-90-119-121- 129-142-162-381 Samuel, 144-389 Thomas, 144 BASSETT, Ansel, 230 Ebenezer, 22 George W., 214 John, 204 Nathaniel, 230 Richard, 122 William, 389-404-419 BASYE, Edmond, 338 Henry, 338 Isaac, 338 emp rreartr James, John, 232 John Langdon, 211 Nathan, 232 Nathaniel, 232 Stephen, 178-232 Timothy, 15% William, 405 BATCHELER, John,118 BATCHELOR, Benja- Humphrey, 141-378 James, 141-378-389 BATES, Clement, 389 Daniel, 142-304-314 David, 314 Hervey, 314 James, 389 James Hale, 217 Lemuel, 302 William M., 99 BATHURST BATHURST, Edward, 352-356 Lancelot, 352-356 BATISON, James, 262 BATSON, Robert B., 231 BATTERMAN, John, 117 John Henry, 117 John Joseph, 117 John Otto, 117 BATTERSON, Geo., 262 James, 262 James G., 262 Simeon S., 262 BATTRY, Francis C., 322 BATTLE, Jane H. Hall- Lidde’l, 112 John, 389 S. Westray, 112 BAUGHN, Henry, 283 Nathaniel, 283 Richard, 283 Stephen, 283 BAXTER, Frances, 262 George, 262 Gregory, 389 Henry, 186-262 Henry G., 262 John, 262-280 John Lincoln, 143 John W., 262 Pettit, 262 Stebbins, 280 Thomas, 262-389 BAYARD, Balthazar, 314-404 Jacobus, 314 James, 122-194 James A., 122 John, 194 Petrus, 122-194-274- 389 Richard H., 122-123 Samuel, 122-194-314- 389-416 BAYEUX, Thomas, 176 BAYLES, John, 389 BAYLESS, Benj., 285 John, 389 BAYLEY, John, 176 Nathan, 176 Robert, 28 Thomas, 176 BAYLIES, John, 389 BAYLIS, John, 389 a ARS Edwin Orin, John, 389 BAYLY, Henry, 334 BAYNE, John W., 274 BAYNTON, John, 38- 184-359 Peter, 38-184-359 BAYRD, Edward A., 227 BEACH, Adna, 98-99-262 Amos, 239 Arthur G., 17 Charles C., 262 Charles Fisk, 98-99 Chauncey, 239 Eben, 248 Eben C., 248 Ebenezer, 262 Edmund, 248 Elnathan, 315 Ezra, 345 Fisk, 99 George, 262 George Raimes, 99 Goodwin B., 262 Isaac, 315 John, 98-99-239-248- 262-315 Jonathan, 248 Joseph, 143 Joseph W., 262 Marcus, 99 Moses, 204 Nathan, 148 Richard, 389 Samuel, 199 Theron, 239 Thomas, 98-99-239- 248-262-389 INDEX TO VOLUME TWO BEACHY, Esther B. Dykes, 305 Jay Keim, 305 Richard, 305 BEAL, Jeremiah, 192 John, 192-389 BEALE, Alfred M., 364 George, 191 James Shields, 191 John, 191-389 Reuben, 169 Robert, 191 Robert S., 191 Thomas, 191-389 BEALL, John, 389 Ninian, 268-389 BEALS, John, 339 BEAMBER, Robert, 24 BEAMIS, Joseph, 390 BEAMOND, Wm., 288 BEAMSLEY, Wm., 411 BEARD, Isham B., 362 James B., 362 John, 383 Norvelle Adams, 362 BEARDSLEE. John, 167 William, 390 BEARDSLEY, Jos., 167 Levi, 167 Obadiah, 167 Samuel, 225 Saml. Raymond, 167 William, 167-225-390 BEARNS, Henry, 30 James S., 30 BEASLEY, Frederic, 101 John B., 101 Mercer, 101 BEATTY, Charles, 390 Hooper, 216 John, 390 Joseph M., 99 Laura M. Schaefer, 99 BEATY. David G., 364 John R., 364 BECHTEL, Jacob, 310 BECK, Henry L., 263 John, 263-381 John A., 182 John Chappell, 263 Joseph Huquenin, 263 BECKER, Charles, 290 Emil Arthur, 147 BECKHAM, Abner, 263 David Y., 263 J. C. Wickliffe, 263 James, 263 Jean R. Fuqua, 263 John C., 264 William, 263 William N., 263 William T., 263 BECKWITH, Albert C., 265 Asahel L., 265 Constance Dickinson, 265 David, 265 Elisha, 173 Frank A.. 163 Gurdon C., 173 James, 265 Jason, 173 John, 173 Jonathan, 356 Marmaduke, Marvin, 265 356 Matthew, 173-265-390 Reynold, 265 BEDFORD, Augustine V., 209-210 Benjamin F., 210 Ernest, 210 James, 210 Jeptha D., 209 Lalla, 209 eres te 209-210- Stephen, 209-268 Thomas, 209-210-268 BEDLE. Joel, 102 Joseph D., 102 Randolph, 102 Thomas I., 102 BEEBE, Jonathan, 78 BEEBER, Alexander MacwW., 143 Samuel, 143 Seeds Henry Lee, 1 Hezekiah, 78-102 Isaac, 288 John, 85-143 Mary R. Treadwell, 102 Samuel, 288 BEECKMAN, see also Beekman Cornelius, 176 Johannes M., 176 Martin, 176 BEEKMAN, see also Beeckman Benjamin B., 266 Cornelius, 266 Cornelius C., 266 Hendrick, 266-390 Henry, 378 John, 266 Maarten, 266 Marten, 266 Wilhelmus, 314-390 BEEKS, Christopher, 33 David, 33 James, 33 BEEMAN, Ebenezer, 258 Lemuel, 258 Thomas, 258 BEERS, Elias, 72 Richard, 154-390 BEERY, Nicholas, 338 BEESON, Alford, 265 Benjamin, 265 Charles Henry, 361 Edward, 265-361 Henry, 361 Henry Norris, 361 Jasper Luther, 265 John W., 265 Malcolm A., 265 Richard, 265-361 William, 361 William Baker, 265 ~ William James, 265 BEGEER, A. C., 72 BEGERT, Jacob, 347 BEGGS, James, 189 Thomas, 189 BEHETHLAND, Rob- ert, 187 BEIDLER, Jacob, 304 BEIRNE, Andrew, 64 BEK, Walter, 33 | BELCHER, Adam, 265 Amherst W., 265 Gregory, 257 Johannes, 265 John, 265 John Adam, 265 John R., 266 Jos. Warren, 265 Jos. Warren, Jr., 266 Peter, 265 Raymond J., 265 William H., 265 BELDEN, Alonzo, 96 Dexter Alonzo, 96 Samuel, 96 BELDING, David, 242 Moses, 242 Richard, 242 Samuel, 58-242 Stephen, 242 AEE John, 352- Joseph, 352 Thos. Wright, 352 BELKNAP, Abraham, 69-266-390 Edwin, 266 Joseph. 266-390 Samuel, 266 Seth, 266 Seth Edwin, 266 Thomas, 266-390 BELL, Arthur W., 115 Charles Gibson, 266 Charles Wright, 266 David, 142-267 Francis, 78 569 BENNER Frank Frederick, 372 Frederic George, 266 George, 163-266-267 George Hoglen, 266 Haney Hardy, 267 Henry, 266 Hugh, 336 Ione Sharpe, 372 Isaac B., 267 Isaac W., 267 Isaiah, 266 James Ewell, 266 James Ford, 266 James Stroud, 267 Joab, 266 John, 265-266-372 John Davis, 267 John Nelson, 266 John Smith, 266 John Thomas, 267 Landon C., 267 Mary W. Williamson, 267 Nelson John, 266 Richard John, 266 Robert, 32-195-266 Samuel, 163-266 Savage, 266 Thomas, 32-266-336- 390 Wallace Acres, 266 Walter Houck, 266 Walton Elliott, 267 William, 51-163-266 William A., 266 William J., 249 William Kelling, 266 Willie Wingo, 267 BELLAMY, Samuel Wentworth, 211 BELLEW, Abraham, 214 BELLOWS, Benj., 60 Charles Fitzroy, 60 John, 60 Peter, 60 Solomon, 60 William Edwy, 60 BELSHER, Adam, 265 BELT, Jeremiah, 138 BEMEN, Samuel, 288 BEMENT, Dennis, 313 John, 313 BEMIS, Abijah, 130 Amariah, 130 Augustine §&., David, 118 Elisha, 327 Gideon, 118 John, 130-327 Joseph, 130-267-309- 327-390 Robert, 118 Timothy, 118 William Peter, 327 BEMISS, Eli L., 267 Ephraim, 267-309 James, 267-309 John, 267-309 Joseph, 267-309-390 Samuel M., 267 BENDER, Jacob, 200 BENEDICT, Daniel, 225 Samuel Ward, 309 Thomas, 225-390 BENHAM, A. E. K., 381 Elihu, 40 BENJAMIN, Carolyn Gilbert, 103 Edmund B., 103 pee A. Briggs, 04 John, 103-390 Joseph, 103 Marcus, 103 Nathan, 103 Orson, 103 Samuel, 246 William Wallace, 104 BENNER, Henry, 97 Henry L., 97 Martin, 97 William E., 97 327 BENNET BENNET, James, 390 Peter, 29 Richard, 291-390 BENNETT, Charles A., 205 Edward, 260 Gideon, 229 James, 108-390 James A., 174 Joseph, 151 EDs 215 Nehemiah, 190 Oliver P., 214 Richard, 390 Thomas, 120 William, Jr., 126 William P., 259 BENSEL, James B., 321 BENSON, Dirck, 390 Harry, 258 Robert, 145 BENT, David, 74 John, 74-390 Samuel B., 74 BEING Y Elam? el, 135 Henry, 162 Milton, 162 Peter Efford, 171 Thomas, 162 William, 162-166 BENTON, Andrew, 297- 390 Edward, 390 Isaac, 297 Joseph, 297 Nathan, 242-297 BERDSLEY, Wm., 390 BERGEN, Hans Han- sen, 390 A Louis D., 279- BERGMAN, F. H., 223 BERKELEY, Anne P. Harrison, 105 Edmund, 105 Edward, 407 Harrison C., 105 Landon Carter, 105 Lewis, 105 Norborne, 105 Thomas Nelson, 105 BERL, William, 359 Beran. David M., Thomas, 187 William, 18-19-319 SEN, Cornelis J.. Cornelius, 239 Cornelius P., 239 Peter, 239 datas Bartholomew, Daniel Graves, 206 Elijah, 206 Fred P., 206 Jacob, 206 Jacob Warren, 206 John, 206 Joseph, 206 Samuel, 206 Thaddeus, 206 aS Josias, BERSLEY, William, 390 BESSE, Anthony, 96 David, 96 Jonah, 96 Nehemiah, 96 BESSON, Francis, 199 Jacob, 199 John, 199 Thomas, 35 BBST, Christopher, 105 Henry, 105 J. Austin, 105 James, 105 James Register, 105 John, 105 Richard, 105 Robert W., 105 BPSUDEN: Henry C.,, INDEX TO VOLUME TWO | BETTS, Daniel, 268 George Frederic, 268 John, 390 Richard, 67-390 Samuel Comstock, 268 Samuel Rossiter, 268 Theodore Lyman, 106 Thomas, 152-268 Uriah, 268 BEUFORD, Henry, 266 John, 267 Richard, 267 Thomas, 266 BEUTELSPACHER, John Conrad, 372 BEVAN, Aubrey, 289 Davis, 289 Evan, 289 John Ap, 289 BEVANS, Ira, 224 BEVENS, Richard, 118 BEVERLEY, Carter, 143 Robert, 274 William, 274 BEVERLY, Peter, 65- 267-346 BIBB, Algernon &., 309 Benjamin, 53 James, 53 Thomas, 53 BICKERTON, John, 33 BICKFORD, George, 215 John, 215 BICKNELL, James, 272 William Clarence, 224 BIDDLE, Clement, 243 Edward E., 243 John, 243 Jos. Dinwiddie, 371 William, 243-390 William Philip, 345 BIDLACK, Christopher, 177 ae ees Casper, Charles Garrard, 268 Henry, 268 James Culver, 268 Jonathan A., 268 BIGBY, Frederick, 198 BIGELOW, Abijah, 268 Abraham, 264 Asa, 163 Charles Henry, Jr., 39 Daniel, 222 David, 163-222 Frederick S., 268 George Frederick, 268 Isaac, 264 Jacob, 268 John, 163-222-268-390 Joshua, 163-222 Samuel, 268 Thomas, 268 BIGGS, George W., 264 Job, 264 John, 59-264 Richard, 264 William, 264 BIGHAM, Ebenezer, 254 James, 254 John, 254 BIGLO, John, 390 BIGLOW, John, 390 BIKLE, Henry W., 269 Lucy L. Cable, 268 piu George, 38-184- Wm., 38-184-359-421 BILISOLY, Joseph, 315 BILLER, D. S., 107 Harrison E., 107 Katherine E. Hast- ings, 107 BILLING, William, 390 BILLINGS, John, 358 Richard, 358 William, 390 REAPS EBON Francis, John, 390 yeh tee Alonzo L., Eben, 48 Elijah, 189 Harry Harris, 39 Homer, 189 Jabez, 57 James, 39 Johnson, 48 Joseph, 189 Samuel Y., 39 Silas, 57 Thomas, 189-388-390 Vine, 189 BINSSE, Elizabeth H. Scudder, 269 Henry, 269 Louis Bancel, 269 Louis Francois, 269 BIRCH, Harold W., 240 Jeremiah, 137 Jonathan, 137 Thomas, 137-279 BIRCKHEAD, Christo- pher, 237 Solomon, 237 BIRD, Abraham, 349 Andrew, 349 Annie D. Bedford, 209 Charles R., 308 Elmer Bedford, 209 George, 209-349 James, 258 Joseph Elmer, 209 Mark, 349 Marshall H., 353 Pickens B., 169 Thomas, 258 BIRGH, Asahel, 361 Cornelius, 270 Daniel, 270-321 Edward Asahel, 361 Edward Grant, 361 Edward White, 361 John, 321-361 John N., 321 John T., 361 Richard, 321-361 Simeon, 77 BIRKBECK, George, 34 BIRKETT, John, 190 SEEN Arthur Alex- s, BISCOHE, Nathaniel, 272 BISHOP, Edward, 292 Giles, 89 James, 29-218-234-322 John, 29-369 John J., 374 Joseph, 369 Phannel, 374 Philip G. C., Samuel, 369 Thomas, 369 BISPHAM, Clarence Wyatt, 282 as Arthur D., Asaph Leavitt, 269 Daniel, 199-269 Ebenezer F., 199 Eugene, 269 Eugene Van Name, 269 Isaac, 269 Jeremiah, 269 John, 269-277-390 378 Lloyd, 269 Mary V. Y. Bissell, 269 Pelham St. G., 269 Samuel, 269 BISZANTZ, Jacob, 338 BIXBY, Amasa, 269 Benjamin, 269 Joseph, 269-390 Jotham, 269 Jotham W., 269 Samuel, 269 Solomon, 269 BIXLER, Christian, 106 Daniel, 106 Floyd Smith, 106 Lewis Clyde, 106 BIZZELL, Henry A., 128 BJORNSTAD, B. O., 25 BLACK, A. A., 200 Isaac, 349 570 BLAKESLEE John, 390 Marshall, 349 BLACKBURN, Christo- pher, 363 George, 174 John A., 367 Thomas, 363 BLACKINTON, John P., 134 BLACKLEDGE, Thos., 184-219 BLACKLOCK, Dennis De 3) BLACKMAN, Benj., 269 Bennett, 158 Elijah, 269-270 George W., 270 Herbert F., 270 John, 269 Joseph, 269 Nathan L., 269 BLACKMER, Jirah, 159 John, 292 Joseph, 159 BLACKSHAW, Randall, 38-184 corre Ty George, 2 John, 322 Louis Lorenzo, 106 Marmaduke, 322 Michael, 322 William, 52 BLACKWELDER, Ca- leb, 311 Ba ee Frank E., George E., 270 Jacob, 131-270 James M., 270 John, 100-131 Joseph, 104 Robert, 130-131-270 Robert. Thomas, 171 Samuel, 131-270 BLADES, Arthur T., 222 BLAGDEN, Augustus Silliman, 164 BLAINE, Ephraim, 386 James, 386+390 BLAIR, Archibald, 263 Frederic, 73 Harold H., 220 James, 175 Lemuel Stephen, 132 Robert, °225 Walter Dabney, 300 BLAKE, Arthur W., 107 Benjamin, 132 Elijah, 155 Ellis Gray, 132 Frances Greenough, 107 Fredk. Deering, 155 George Baty, 107 Hamlin, 155 Increase, 132 James, 132 John, 155 Jonathan, 155 Joseph, 153 Nathaniel, 132 Philemon, 55 Stephen, 155 Thomas, 153 William, 132-390 BLAKENEY, Benj., 271 Benjamin B., 271 James, 271 James B., 271 James L., 271 James M., 271 John, 271 John G., 271 John O., 271 Robert Q., 271 William R., 271 Beet phe Barton, David, 271 Ebenezer, 271 BLAKESLEE Grace C. B., 271 Jarvis, 271 Nelson, 271 Samuel, 271 Thomas, 271 BLAKESLEY, Moses, 42 Ther gy tea George, Marmaduke, 322 harp eet Frederick, et ape Alfred, Augustus, 20 Charles A. L., 65 John, 195 Justus, 195 Samuel, 64-195 Simons, 195 Thomas, 64-195-390 ier John Archer, 75 Richard, 45-71-227- 328 Robert, 143 Theodoric, 45-71-328- 390-418 William, 45 pr ae Isaac 5&., BLANEY, John, 70 BLANKENBAKER, Michael, 220 BLANTON, Anderson nes AGL David, 271 Edward A., 271 Hattie V. Tyler, 271 Leigh M., 271 Richard, 271 Robert G., 271-272 BLASER, Peter, 338 Bh SD John, BLEECKER, Jan Jan- sen, 390 BLESSLEY, BLEW, Charles F., 187 BLISS, Abdiel, 89 Alexander, 272 Allen, 310 Beriah, 344 Byron B., 344 Charles Emory, 205 Charles T., 272 Clinton, 189 Ebenezer, 272-361 Eliakim R., 108 Eliakim R., Jr., 108 Elijah W., 108 Ellis, 344 Ephriam, 262 Gad, 310 George, 272 George Everett, 341 George I., 344 George R., 108 George Raymond, 344 Henry W., 108 Hosea F., 344 Isaac, 344 Jedediah, 272 John, Josiah, 272 Lawrence, 310 Lewis Oscar, 344 Mary Hannah, 344 Nathaniel, 256 Noah, 120 Samuel, 104-162-272- 344-363 Samuel C., 83 Solomon, 83 Thomas, 36-162-272- 810-344-361-390- 393-410 William, 272-310 William J. A., 272 BLOCK, Francis C., 93 BLODGET, Daniel, 228 Josiah, 228 Thomas, 15-228 William, 228 dere sna ae Joseph, 1 8t, COis Niort ae 272-310-344-361 INDEX TO VOLUME TWO Samuel, 121 Thomas, 121-390-417 BLOETGOBERT, Frans J., 326-390 BLOGGET, Thomas, 390 BLOOD, Robert, 100-335 BLOODGOOD, Abra- ham, 297 Francis, 297-326 Frans J., 297-326-390 Hildreth Kennedy, 326 John, 326 John V. S., 297 Lida L. Fleitmann, 297 Mathias Hildreth, Robert F., 297 Simeon D., 297 William, 297-326 BLOOM, George, 176 Jacob Clinton, 36 John, 36 BLOOMER, Gilbert, 214 Robert, 214 Robert Frank, 22 BLOSSER, Jacob, 338 Joseph, 338 Katheryn M. De Weese, 338 Peter, 336-338 Peter, Jacob, 338 BLOSSOM, Pelham H., 86 Thomas, 27-199-390- 412 BLOUNT, Ambrose, 109 Charles Worth, 136 Elisha, 109 Hambury, 109 Henry Fitch, 109 James, 101-136 John, 101-136 Mabel P. Slappey, 109 Thomas, 101 Walter, 109 Walter Eames, 109 William, 109 BLOW, George, 109 George Preston, 109 Richard, 109 Samuel, 109 William, 109 BLOXOM, L. D., 181 BLUE, Michael, 338 Uriah, 338 BLYTH, Douglas, 385 BOARD, Charles Au- ville, 345 Frank, 345 BOARDMAN, Amos, 268 Benjamin, 268 Charles E., 272 Charles H. E., 272 Daniel, 268-292-361 Elderkin J., 272 Isaac, 272 Nathaniel, 272 Roger S., 292 Samuel, 268-272-292- 361-390 Samuel W., 292 Samuel W., Jr., 292 Stephen, 272 Thaddeus, 268 Timothy, 292 BOCHMAN, Charles F., 88 BOCKEE, Abraham, 109-110 Isaac Smith, 110 Jacob, 110 Jacobus, 109 Jerome, 109 BODINE, Jean, 230-417 John, 230 BOERKER, Irene F. Bostwick, 112 John, 112 Richard He. Da ire BOGAERT, Jan L., 390 BOGARDUS, Everar- dus, 251 Washington A. H., 251 BOGERT, Jan, 223 Jan L., 390 326 BOGGS, William, 305 BOIDSTONE, Benj., 232 James, 232 Thomas, 376 BOLLEN, James, 227 BOLLES, Joseph, 302 BOLLING, Billie B., 385 Dred, 385 John, 125-140-171-250 John P., 164 Robert, 65-97-125-140- 164-171-207-250-390 Thomas, 250 Thomas T., 164 William, 250 BOLLS, Anna B. Shelby, 204 Newman, 203-204 Pat Ernest, 204 BOLSTER, Baruch, 45 David, 45 Isaac, 45 John, eb ak hae Robert, 91 BOND, Benj. D., 272 Benjamin H., 272 Duke, 112 Elias, 272 Elias C., 272 Holdsworth W., 112 Hugh L., 293 James D., 272 John, 112-272-391 JODNeTE eb Jonas, 272 Jonathan, 409 Kenneth D., 272 Lester Legrand, 87 Thomas, 272 Thomas H., 112 William, 272 William L., 272 ST eae as Alexander Lee, 273 Gabriella M. Means, 273 George P., 273 Samuel R., 273 Thomas M., 273 ERE Tah George, 98- Nicholas, 299 BONNELL, Benj., 314 Charles, 314 George W., 246 Henry, 314 Jacob, 314 Nathaniel, 314 William, 314 BONNER, Thomas, 52- 184-219-260 BONNEY, Jethro, 329 John, 218 Thomas, 202-218 BONNIFIELD, Arnold, 95 BONTE, Charles E., 113 Eppe J., 112 George W., 112-113 Jan, 112 Johannes, 112-113 John, 113 Marie L. Quarles, 113 Seba E., 112 BOOGHER, Nicholas, 391 BOOKER, Edmund, 52 Edward, 52-116 Frank Eubank, 116 George, 116 aeoree Edward, Jr., John, 19 Marshall BG Paul Jones, 52 Richard, 52-116 Samuel, 52 William, 116 BOOKHOUT, Chas. Van Buren, 385 BOONE, Daniel, 87-122- 124-137-364-371 571 Alex. J., 98-180-199- BOULDEN Elliott W., 245 Fleming, 294 George, 122-124-137- 309-364-371 George W., 124 Hiram C., 124 Jacob, 87-294-371 Jeremiah, 122 John, 245-371 Joseph, 245 Josiah, 122 Nicholas, 17 Peter, 294 Samuel, 124-309 Squire, 122-124-137- William Jones, 245 BOORAEM, Hendrick W., 391 BOOTH, Charles, 116 David, 123 Ebenezer, 116 Elijah, 123 Emmons Rutledge, John Samuel, 116 Mary Batterman, 117 Ralph Harman, 117 Robert, 323-412 Robert Mermod, 116 Thomas, 116 William, 212 William A., 212 BOOZER, E. R., 236 BORDEN, Benj., 101 Francis, 166 Josiah, 166 Richard, 101-166-391 Samuel, 166 Thomas, 190 BOREN, Benj. N., 31 James, 381 Nicholas, 31 Richard Long, 31 Samuel H., 3 BORROWBE, Wm., 307 BOSHER, Geo. F., 202 BOSSON, Albert D., 215 Frederick N., 215 George Chapman, 215 Henry Palfray, 215 Jonathan Davis, 215 William, 215 ech heer Arthur, 112- Francis Harry, 235 BOSTROM, Carl A., 245 BOSTWICK, Adolphus By, Amos, 260 Arthur, 112-260 Gideon, 260 James Alba, 112 John, 112-260 Leonard, 274 Lyman, 112 Nathan, 112 Nathaniel, 260 BOSWELL, John, 267 John Iverson, 267 Joseph Colgate, 267 BOSWORTH, Benja- mine, 78 Charles Homer, 117 DaVvacye us Edward, 117 George Sherman, 117 John, 117 Jonathan, 117 Lawrence, 97 Martha Edna, 117 Sherman, 117 DOs Timothy, BOUCQUET, Jerome, 109 fe SER Elias, 101- John, 271 BOUKER, Edmund, 278 BOULDEN, Nathan, 182 BOULDIN BOULDIN, James Wood, 54-148 John, 54 Powhatan, 54 Thomas, 54 William, 54 Wood, 54 EE Nathaniel, aish BOUQUETTE, M., 128 BOURNE, Dudley L., 157 Ezra, 171 Francis, 157 Richard, 171-391 Shearjashub, 171 Thomas, 248-391-417 BOUTON, Christopher Bell, 82 Daniel, 159 Jachin, 82-152 Jared, 159 ee 82-152-159-172- Joseph, 82-152 Joshua, 152 Nathaniel, 82-159-163 Nicholas, 159 Ralph Leonard, 159 William, 82 BOUTWELL, Alex. Kel- ly, 336 James, 75-391 Stephen, 336 Thomas, 75 BOVEE, Halsey, 279 BOVEY, Charles A., 120 Frank Alden, 119 So ee, Alfred, (e William, 391 BOWDOIN, James, 314 John Tucker, 147 Pierre, 391 BOWEN, Abraham, 120 Charles, 169 Edward C., 120 Elijah, 97 Fanny Corey, 120 Griffith, 391 Harold C., 120 Harold King, 273 John, 120-169-273 Joseph A., 120 Joseph H., 120 Joseph W., 120 Moses, 169 Nathan, 120 Oren B., 167 Peter D., 273 Richard, 391 Robert, 169 Sabrite, 304 William W., 273 BOWER, Ernest T., 279 BOWERS, John, 40 Lloyd Wheaton, 18 Wilder T., 331 BOWIE, John, 320-391 BOWKER, Antipas, 273 Charles H., 273 Edgar Marshall, 273 Edmund, 273 Gideon, 273 John, 273 Josiah, 273 Levi, 273 Mitchell H., 273 Roswell, 273 BONA SEEs Thomas, 126- BOWLES, J. M., 116 John, 391 W. B., 300 Zachariah, 273 BOWLING, Edgar S., 45 Simeon, 45 BOW UREEIR T. James, BOWMAN, Abraham, 86 John, 86 Michael, 86 BOWN, John, 273 BOWNE, John, 391 INDEX TO VOLUME TWO Peter D., 273 Thomas, 391 BOXLEY, George, 27 Joseph, 27 Thomas, 27 BOYD, Carl, 344 Gideon M., 344 Gladys E. Burrows, James, 344 Jess Taylor, 152 John, 120 John M., 344 Oliver Colwell, 152 Oliver Dean, 120 Robert, 344 Waller Massie, 330 Willard, 120 Willard W., 120 Willis Morgan, 344 BOYDEN, Thomas, 391 BOYDSTON, David, 383 James, 383 Jesse, 384 Samuel, 884 > BOYDSTONE, David, Samuel, 384 BOYDSTUN, Benj., 232 Charles Terrel, 232 Clarence Edgar, 232 David, 232-376-383 Edward, 232-376 Irving Guthrie, 376 James, 232-376-383 James Fincher, 376 James Guthrie, 376- 384 Jesse, 376-384 Marvin V., 376 Samuel, 376-384 Thomas, 232-376 Thoms, 232 William Samuel, 232 BOYKIN, Burwell, 327 Francis, 327 Frank, 201 BOYLSTON, Henry, 176 Richard, 176 Thomas, 102-176 ee dr ieee David, Hdward, 232 Thomas, 232-376 Thoms, 232 eth ee rae! John, 197- Joseph, 119-197-282 Warren H., 29 BOYS, Almon Ives, 361 Edward, 291 BOYSH, John, 339 BRABSON, Ben D., 371 John, 371 John B., 371 BRACE, John, 105 Jonathan, 105 Stephen, 105 Thomas Kimberly, 105-106 tir Sackfield M., BRACKETT, John, 202 Richard, 391 Ware ri ye James, BRADBURY, Thomas, 391 Be William W., BRADFORD, Baldwin HH 32 Baury de B., 156 David, 264 Gamaliel, 156 Gideon, 261 Isaac, 156 Israel, 133 James, 165 John, 261-273-312-417 Joseph, 27-175-312 Joseph Bennett, 312 Robert, 273 Robert Forbes, 156 Samuel, 156-181-261 Seth, 156 Shadrach §&., 261 Thomas, 92-113-165- 420 William, 27-32-62-72- 73-92-103-108-113- 130-133-156-165- 181-199-206-221- 261-262-264-272- 273-276-292-308- 312-381-391-415 Zebdial, 261 BRADISH, Robert, 211 BRADLEY, Aaron, 96 Abraham, 204 Andrew, 40 Baird, 261 Benj. C., 176 Daniel, 204 David, 37 Ebenezer, 181 Eli, 204 Frederick T., 274 Jabez, 204 John, 110 Jonathan, 20 Joseph, 274 Morris A., 252 Peter, 34-152 Robert Barnes, 274 Samuel, 78-274-300 Seymour, 274 Seymour M., 274 Steven, 320 Titus, 274 Walter G., 204 William, 204-274-347- 391 one eek Henry, Humphrey, 246 James Neal, 64 John, 246-322 John Neill, 64 May E. Alexander, 64 BRADSTREET, Elijah, 117 Humphrey, 403 John, 117 Samuel, 117 Simon, 84-117-391 BRADT, Harmanus, 276 BRADY, Hugh, 46 John, 46 Lynn, 336 Samuel Preston, 46 BRAGG, Fred, 218 William I., 218 BRAID, Allen, 391 BRAINARD (see also Brainerd) Daniel, 350-391 Ezra, 350 Fiske, 350 Frederic, 350 Jessie Florence, 350 John, 350 Josiah, 350 William, 350 Wilson Fisk, 350 BRAINERD (see also Brainard) Daniel, 310-391 Erwin C., 235 Ezra, 310 Josiah, 316 Lawrence R., 310 William, 310 BRAITHWAITE, Wil- liam, 407 BRAMBILLA, Gui- seppe, 65 Julia A. Meyer, 64 BRANCH, Christopher, 391 Darius, 96 John, 39-96 John P., 110 Joseph, 96 Matthew, 81-171 Peter, 96 Rufus, 96 572 BREWER BRANDER, Wm. H., 309 BRANDON, Charles, 57 John, 159 William, 57 iene pie George A., BRANDT, Frank E., 120 Randolph, 392 Thorwald E., 120 BRANLIERE, Jules, 2238 BRANN, Isaac, 95 BRANSFORD, Benj., 57 Clifton W., 57 John, 57-58 John Dunlop, 58 John §S., 58 Johnson, 58 Mortimer F., 58 Robert, 57 Thomas, 58 Thomas Lewis, 58 William, 57 BRASEE, John Scho- field, 37 BRASWELL, Bennette Bell, 141 BRATT, Albert An- driessen, 59 BRATTON, Andrew, 337 -. Andrew S., 338 James, 336-337 John, 337 Robert, 336-337-339 William, 337 William Andrew, 337 BRAUTIGAM, Jacob Castor, 163 BRAY, Asa, 94 BRAYNHE, Edward, 220- 415 iy ge: John B., BREAD, Allen, 391 BRECHT, William, 378 BRECKENRIDGE, Alex., 391 BRECKINRIDGE, Alex., 196-274-391 Cary, 196 James, 196 John, 274 Joseph Cabell, 274 Peachy G., 196 Robert, 196-274 Robert J., 274 Scott Dudley, 274 BREDES, Henry Thomas, 369 BREED, Allen, 391 BREESE, John, 321 Samuel, 321 Sidney, 321 BREEZE, Evelyn N., 64 Thomas, 64 William Francis, 64 BREMERMAN, Charles M., 86 Mrs) ee Howard S&., 7 John, 274 John, Jr., 275 Lulu J. A. Swart, 274 Marion, 274 Paul, 274 Randolph, 275 BRENT, George, 110 Giles, 391 Hugh, 241 James, 241 William, 241 BRERETON, Thos., 391 Bue ee James A., Jr., BREVARD, Alex., 275 Jean, 275 John, 275 John, Jr., 166 Robert Joseph, 275 Theodore W., 275 BREWER, Charles, 86 Daniel, 275-391 Everard C., 275 Harry Frank, 275 Thomas, 196 BREWSTER BREWSTER, Benjamin, 48-114-141-178-2385 Daniel, 235 Ebenezer, 114 Harold Sidney, 269 John, 235 Jonathan, 34-83-114- 160-161-178-181- 235-278-330 Love, 48-268-272-280 Nathaniel, 141 Simon, 48 William, 34-35-39-46- 48-67-82-113-114- 149-158-159-160- 161-162-169-174- 178-181-190-193- 205-230-235-268- 272-278-280-293- 316-330-362-363- 368-375-387-391- 411 BREWTON, Miles, 348 Robert, 348 BREYER, George, 19 BRIAN, Hazel M. Clarke, 121 Walter D., 121 BRICE, William, 279 BRICKER, Hans,, 268 Jacob, 268 Peter, 268 BRIDGE, John, 145-391 Samuel, 222 Thomas, 320 BE ere Samuel W., 28 ean mm Henry R., 2 Isaac, 36 James, 391 Jonathan W., 122 Thomas, 122 Thomas H., 122 BRIEN, Bernis, 125 Lindsay D. M., 125 BRIESEN, Arthur v., 91 BRIGGS, Clement, 49 Egbert E., 81 Elijah, 49 George W., 264-265 Jerub, 81 John, 391 John DeQ., 264 Jonathan, 49 LeBaron R., 264 Le Baron R., Jr., 264 Luther, 77 Maud E. Grinnell, 81 Philip, 37 Pierson D., 104 Richard, 265-391 Thomas, 49 Walter Abel, 81 William, 265 BRIGHAM, Ebenezer, 91 Malcolm Murray, 385 Thomas, 81-163-391- 412 BRIGHT, Henry, 272 Nathaniel, 272 Robert C., 42 pO ee Albert, BRINK, Lambert H., 59 BRINSMADE, John, 391 BRINSMEAD, John, 112-260-391 rece Charles C., Edward, 146 Ferree, 78-275 Joseph, 78-275 Joseph P., 275 Moses, 78-275 Paul H. M.-P., 275 William, 78-146-275- 391 BRISCOE, John, 112- 229-391 Philip, 112-229 Samuel, 112-229 Walter H. S., 112-229 William Dent, 112-229 INDEX TO nine ap Edward, John, 20 Mordicai, 20 Richard, 20 Thomas, 20 BROADFOOT, Henry B., 345 John Barrett, 345 Sarah F. Bryan, 345 William Gillies, 345 BROADHEAD, Daniel, 291 Richard, 291 BROCK, Henry C., 125 Henry Irving, 125 John W., 175 Philip, 125 Robt. Kincaid, 125 Robert King, 125 BROCKAWAY, Charles A BROCKENBOROUGH, Bowyer, 165 BROCKETT, John, 67-9 BROCKLEBANK, Samuel, 396 heared sae Wm. S., 184 Walston, 225 a ee Thomas, 10 Ber Walter, BRODNAX, John, 84 Robert, 83 Thomas, 83 William, 84-97 BRODRIBB, Lawrence C., 364 BROIL, Jacob, 343 Jacob A., 341 hl Abraham, 27 Bourgon, 275-391 George Tuttle, 275 Howard C., 275-276 Irving, 275 Isaac, 275 Isaac V., 275-276 Simeon, 275 BROME, James T., 229 BRONSON, Abraham, 375 Asahael, 381 Herman, 255 Hiram V., 255 Ira, 84 Isaac, 42-255-381 James, 381 John, 47-255-381-391 Joseph, 255 Richard, 381 Seba, 255 William, 381 Ree peor Thomas S 17 BROGKHE, Baker, 229- 381 Benjamin, 191 Clement, 123-347 James, 381 John, 391 Leonard, 381 Michael, 418 Robert, 1238-153-191- 220-229-347-391 Thomas, 18-19-123- 153-191-347-392- 396 BROOKES, Thos., 392 BROOKS, Benj., 270 Charles W., 86 Daniel, 276 Ebenezer, 273 Ellen R. Sage, 93 Emerson, 306 Floyd D., 93 Frederick W., 276 George Sage, 93 Horatio Gates, 74 Isaac Curtis, 93 J. Wilton, 378 James, 86 VOLUME TWO Job F., 276 John, 276 Jonah, 273 Joshua, 74-244-270- 273-276 Luke, 120-244 Noah, 244-270-273 Oliver, 74 Robert L., 276 Simon, 273 Stephen, 244 Thomas, 244-270-273- 276-392 Timothy, 97-244 William, 74-276 Wm. Frederick, 276 BROOKSHIRH, James, 369 BROSS, Moses, 377 William, 377 BROSSEAU, Alfred Joseph, 277 Grace L. Hall, 276 BROUCARD, Bourgon, 391 4| BROUGHTON, William Henry, 154 pees Willem I1., ue BROWER, A. Vedder, 276-277 Abram Giles, 276 Hegmont Giles, 276 Giles, 276 Gillis, 276 Hendrick, 276 Peter, 276 Pieter, 276 Willem H., 276 BROWN, Abner, 133 Abraham, 392 Adam, 333 Albert, 133 Albert Gallatin, 52 Albert Roberts, 278 Alexander, 62 Arthur L., 277 Augustus J., Austin, 40 Benjamin, 52-55-71- 277-278-286 Benjamin F., 124 Benj. Perry, 44 Calvin S., II, 277 Calvin Smith, 277 Campbell, 278 Chad, 133-205-251-277- 314-392-402 Charles Albert, 133 Charles C., 277 Charles F., 228 Charles Henry, 277 Charles Henry, Jr., 162 Charles V., 277 Chas. Wellington, 375 s Christopher, 71 Cornelius, 71 Cyrus P., 244 D. Chester, 277 Daniel, 133-164-277 - 386 David, 165-277 David Dan, 277 David Franklin, 60 Deliverance, 165-379 Ebenezer, 165 Edward, 52 Edwin, 128 Eleazer, 96-133-134- 333 Elijah, 314 Elijah Alex., 341 Elisha, 89-133 tnoch, 129 Ephraim, 165-206 Eva R. Ingersoll, 129 Ezekiel, 205 Fanny Pomeroy, 277- 129 278 Gabey, 133 George, 134 George Marion, 341 George P., 278 Gustavus, 408 573 BROWNE Harriet E. Johnson, 341 Helen G. Noyes, 62 Henry, 36-147-206 Henry D., 46 Henry Purchis, 165 Hope, 346 Hopestill, 346 Houston, 50 Isaac, 133-346 Jabez, 133 Jacob, 380 Jacob Standish, 49 James, 62-89-194-277- 333 James Crosby, 62 James Duncan, 175 James Harvey, 277 James Jay, 333 James P., 278 James William, 53 Jarvis, 278 Jeremiah, 277-273 Jesse, 277 John, 36-55-59-71-127- 128-178-278-297-314- 392-402 John Black, 98 John Crosby, 62-182 John Riggs, 35 John S., 142 Jonathan, 36-277 Joseph, 52-60-71-133- 165-206-314-341-343- 409 Joseph Emerson, 341- 343 Joseph Mackey, 341 Joshua, 133-206-333 Josiah, 346 Jothan, 346 Julius Lewis, 341 L. Lindsey, 278 Lewis Douglas, 266 Lucius Polk, 278 Mackey, 341-343 Maud Morrow, 277 Milton Wilbert, 128 Nehemiah, 379 Nicholas, 71 Obededom, 133 Orlando, 278 Park, 379 Percy, 278 — Peter, 228-277-301- ~ 379-392 Preston W., 59 R.