¢. rr Vagetze Bs | eer) eases : : ire , 3 fouk as oe | ? z Wb ees Sieg Psd i : io SS ‘ 3 i! os ; t iizes : ae. Pes Peas ake eae) | Opestiees ! SORT LT Nato | 3 Robe fPe repitenest ea siais8 w ny House JOINT RESOLUTION No. 59.—Mr. DODGE. Authorizing the Governor to appoint a Commission Sor the purposes therein ee named. Can Whereas, The Governor of Obio, in his jagt annual message, ‘most: ee 3 earnestly asked the consideration of the General Assembly to the subject of good 3 roads; and suggested the appointment of a Commission to investigate and care- fully consider all plans proposed and experiments being made, and to submit ee report with recommendations in time for the meeting of the ss session of the > gas next General Assembly; and Whereas, /t is the opinion of many engineers and inventors that electtic ee and other artificial powers may. be successfully applied to the country POAMS SS = when properly prepared, so as to reduce the cost and time of transportation, both on freight and passengers, far below that which can ever be attained by the continued use of horses and other animals; therefore, eee Be it Resolved, By the General Assembly of the State of Obio, That the Governor be and he is hereby authorized to appoint a Commission, composed of four suitable “ Le i Mit PS i : } x . { om e ars P ‘ i, x esa | The Ohio State University inulin 29 4 REPORT OF THE OHIO ROAD COMMISSION a! ECT SHLF SIDE PO ar <3 95 8 02 THE D Al 8