ARTIFICIAL KEYS — FO THE NATURAL ORDERS — OF oe FLORA | MIAMI VALLEY, OHIO. — BY — A. P. MORGAN. | BPL | ak180 | M85 | PRINTED BY 1881 J. W. Jounson, Dayton, Ou1o, 1881. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES ARTIFICIAL KEYS THE NATURAL ORDERS PL Oh A —OF The . MIAMI VALLEY, OHIO. — BY — oe MORGAN. PRINTED BY J. W. Jounson, Dayton, Onto, 1881, COPYRIGHT "BY A. P. MORGAN, 1881. ic 4 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. THe VEGETABLE KINGDOM. PHASNOGAMS OR FLOWERING PLANTS. Plants having flowers with stamens and pistil (a) a. Ovules produced in a closed ovary (0) b. Cotyledons two ; leaves netted-veined (c) c. Corolla present (¢) d. Petals distinct 16 d. Petals united it c. Corolla absent Ill. 6. Cotyledon one ; leaves parallel-veined IV. a. Ovules produced upon an open scale V. CRYPTOGAMS OR FLOWERLESS PLANTS. Plants not having flowers with stamens and pistil (e) e. Leafless plants ; stems hollow and jointed VI. e. Leafy plants, the leaves called fronds Vil. I. PoLypETraLous DICOTYLEDONS. Series 1. Thalamiflore. Series 2. Disciflore. Series 3. Calyciflore. II. GaAMOoPETALOUS DICOTYLEDONS. Series 1. Infere. Series 2. Supere. III. AperaLous DICoTYLEDONS. IV. MONOCOTYLEDONS. V. ConIFER&. Evergreen trees or shrubs, VI. EQuiserace®. Scouring Rushes. VII. Fitices. Ferns. 6 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. > To POLYVPEFALOGS PICOZ LEV ORS. Series 1. -THALAMIFLOR-. * Stamens indefinite. Petals six or more .(@) a. Sepals two or three (?) b. Trees or shrubs 2, 3 6. Herbs 8. a. Sepals four or more (¢) c. Plants not aquatic 4, 5 c. Plants aquatic 6 Petals five or less (none 1) (@) d. Sepals five (e) e. Leaves alternate or radical (/) jf. Stamens distinct 1, 7 jf. Stamens united or in sets 17, 18 e. Leaves opposite 16 d. Sepals less than five (¢) g. Sepals two or three 8, 15 g. Sepals four 11 * *K Stamens definite. Stamens six or more (A) h. Petals five or more 5, 14 i. Petals four or less (7) 7. Flowers regular 10 7. Flowers irregular 9, 13 Stamens five 12,° 15 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. 7 ~ 10. Il. af 18. Ranunculaceze. Leaves flat; petals often wanting, sometimes stamen-like ; carpels few— many, rarely one. Magnoliacez. ‘Trees; leaves with stipules. Anonacez. Shrubs or small trees; leaves without stipules. Menispermaceze. Woody climbers; leaves alternate. Berberidacez. Herbs from reotstocks ; leaves lobed or compound. Nymphezacez. Leaves and flowers from a thick rootstock. Sarraceniacez. Leaves pitcher-form. Papaveracee. Herbs with a colored juice; leaves lobed. ; Fumariacez, Leaves ternately dissected ; sepals 2, small. Cruciferz. Flowers cruciform, sepals 4, petals 4, stamens tetradynamous. Capparidacez. Strong-scented herbs, viscid- hairv. Violacez. Flowers irregular, sepals 5, petals 5. Polygalacez. Leaves simple, entire; sepals 5, the two lateral large and petaloid. Caryophyllacez. Leaves opposite, entire; petals mostly 5, stamens mostly ro. Portulacacez. Leaves simple, entire ; flowers regular. - Hypericacez. Leaves punctate with black or pellucid dots. Malvacez, Herbs; stamens monadelphous. Tiliacez. Trees; stamens 5-adelphous. 10 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. fl. POLVPETALOCGS PICOTYIZDONS. Series II. DISCIFLORA. TO TERBS. 1,523 ; * K TREES OR SHRUBS. Leaves simple (2) a. Leaves alternate (0) 6. Shrubs climbing 4, 6 6. Shrubs not climbing 5 a. Leaves opposite 4, 7 Leaves compound (c) C. Leaves alternate (d) _@. Shrubs not climbing 3, 8 d. Shrubs climbing 6, 8 . Leaves opposite 7 . Linacez. Leaves simple, entire, sessile; sepals 5, petals 5, stamens 5. . Geraniacez. Leaves simple or compound, petiolate. . Rutacez. Leaves with pellucid dots; fruit a pod or a samara; seeds 2. . Celastracez. Shrubs erect or twining; leaves simple, undivided. . Rhamnacez. Stamens 4 or 5, opposite the petals. . Vitacez. Shrubs climbing by tendrils, which are opposite the leaves. . Sapindacez. Leaves palmately lobed or com- pound. . Anacardiacez. Shrubs erect or climbing by rootlets; leaves not dotted; fruit a dry drupe. 12 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. I. POLVPETALOUS DIGOLYLE DONS: Series II]. CALYCIFLOR-A. FLOWERS IRREGULAR I FLOWERS REGULAR (A) A. STAMENS INDEFINITE 2 A. STAMENS DEFINITE. ** Stamens an odd number. Flowers not in umbels (@) a. Plants not climbing 3, 6 a. Plants climbing by tendrils 10, 11 Flowers in umbels (4) 6. Petals none 12 b. Petals five 13, 14 ) * -& Stamens an even number. Herbs (¢) c. Styles distinct (d) d. Styles two 3 d. Styles four or five 4, 6 c. Styles united (e) é. Calyx free from the ovary 8 e. Calyx adnate to the ovary 7, 9 Shrubs or treés (/) jy. Leaves dentate 3, 5 j. Leaves entire 15 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. 13 Io. nO Ge I2. t. 14. 15. Leguminose. Leaves alternate, mostly com- pound; flowers papilionaceous, stamens 10 monadelphous or diadelphous (9 and r) rarely distinct. Rosacez. Leaves alternate, with stipules; stamens numerous, perigynous. Saxifragacez. Shrubs or herbs. Crassulacez. Calyx free, carpels four or five. Hamamelacez. Shrubs with simple, alternate leaves. Haloragez. Aquatic or marsh plants. Melastomacee. Leaves opposite 3—5- nerved. Lythracez. Petals and stamens on the throat -of the calyx. Onagracez. Leaves alternate or opposite ; flowers 2—4-merous. Passifloracez. Calyx with a crown of fila- ments in the throat. Cucurbitacez. Petals united at the base. Ficoidez. Prostrate much branched herbs; leaves entire, apparently verticillate; flowers in an umbellate cyme ; calyx free. Umbelliferze. Herbs, leaves alternate, styles two, fruit dry, seeds two. Araliacez. Styles mostly five, fruit a berry, seeds mostly five. Cornacez. Flowers in cymes, style single, fruit a drupe. 16 PLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. Il. GAMOPETALOUWS .DICOTYLEDORMS. Series l INFER-E. * SHRUBS. Flowers not in heads 1 Flowers in globose heads 2 * KK FTERBS. Leaves opposite or whorled (a) a. Flowers not in heads (4) 6. Stamens five 1 6. Stamens four or less 2, 3 a. Flowers in heads 4, 5 Leaves alternate (c) c. Flowers in heads 5 c. Flowers not in heads 6, 7 1. Caprifoliaceze. Mostly shrubs; stipules none or if present not interpetiolar. 2. Rubiaceze. Mostly herbs; leaves entire, stip- ules interpetiolar ; stamens 4. 3. Valerianacez. Stipules none; flowers in cymes; stamens 3. 4. Dipsaceze. Corolla 4-cleft; stamens 4, distinct. 5. Composite. Corolla 5-lobed; stamens 5, their anthers united in a tube. 6. Lobeliaceze. Corolla irregular, split down on one side ; stamens monadelphous. 7. Campanulacez. Corolla regular; stamens distinct. 18 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. Il, GAMOPETALOUS DICOTYLEDONS. SERIES II]. SUPER. * TREES OR SHRUBS. Leaves alternate 1, 3 Leaves opposite 4, 16 * KK FTERBS. Plants climbing 6, 11 Plants not climbing (a) a. Stamens five or more (b) 6. Stamens more than five 1, 2 6. Stamens five (c) c. Stamens opposite the petals 2 c. Stamens alternate (d) ; d. Style cleft (e) e. Style trifid 8 e. Style bifid 7, 9 d. Style entire (/) jf. Ovaries two 5, 6 jf. Ovary one (g’) g. Seeds four 10 g. Seeds numerous 12, 13 a. Stamens four or less (h) h. Plants without green foliage 14 h. Plants with green foliage (2) 7. Plants aquatic 15 7. Plants not aquatic (2) k. Leaves opposite (/) /, Corolla regular 7 2. Corolla irregular (7) FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. 19 Io. m. Seeds numerous, indefinite 13, 17 m. Seeds few and definite (7) n. Fruit a 2-celled pod 18 n. Fruit 1-seeded nutlets 19, 20 k. Leaves all radical 21 Ericacez. Flowers pefect, stamens 8-10, ovary 4-10 celled, style undivided. Primulacez. Flowers regular; stamens 5-7 opposite the lobes of the corolla. _ Ebenacez. Flowers dicecious ; calyx 4—parted, corolla 4-lobed; stamens 16; styles 4, each 2-lobed. Oleacez. Flowers appearing in early spring, small; fruit a samara, ; Apocynacee. Plants with milky juice; no crown; filaments distinct. . Asclepiadacez. Plants with milky juice; a crown of five hoods or parts between the corolla and the stamens; filaments united. . Gentianaceze. Leaves opposite, simple, ses- sile, entire ; flowers regular. Polemoniacee. Flowers regular; ovary 3-celled. Hydrophyllacez. Leaves alternate; flowers regular. Borraginacez. Leaves alternate ; flowers in scorpioid racemes. . Convolvulacez. Leaves alternate. 12. Solanacez. Leaves alternate ; flowers regular. 20 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY, 13. 4. 15. TO: 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Scrophulariacez. Corolla irregular; ovary 2-celled, the placentze in the axis. " Orobanchacez. Leaves alternate; corolla irregular. Lentibulariaceze. Calyx 2-parted, corolla 2-lipped, spurred ; stamens 2. Bignoniacee. Flowers large and showy; limb of the corolla irrégular. Pedaliaceze. Flowers large, irregular; pod with a long, incurved beak. Acanthacez. Leaves entire. Verbenacez. Corolla irregular; stamens in- cluded; ovary not 4-lobed.) Labiatz. Herbs with square stems, opposite leaves anda mint odor ; corolla mostly 2-lipped ; ovary deeply 4-lobed. Plantaginacez. Leaves ribbed; flowers reg- ular, 4-merous ; corolla scarious. FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. bo bo Ill, APETALOUS. DICOTYLEDONS. * HERBS. Not growing under water (a) a. Leaves opposite (0) 6. Stigmas one or two 1, 14 6. Stigmas six 13 a. Leaves alternate (c) c. Leaves without stipules (d) d. Stamens five or less 2, 3 d. Stamens six or more (e) e. Stigmas ten 4 e. Stigmas six or less 7, /8 c. Leaves with stipules (/) J. Stipules ochreate 5 /. Stipules distinct 13, 14 Growing under water 6, 20 * OK SHRUBS OR TREES. Flowers not in aments (g) g. Leaves not serrate (/) A Stamens six or more 9, 10 A. Stamens five or less 11, 12 g. Leaves serrate 14, 15 Flowers in aments (2) z. Fruit one-seeded (2) k. Leaves pinnate 16 k. Leaves simple 17, 18 7. Fruit a many-seeded pod 19 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. Zs To. 1 12. ran 14. . Ilecebracez. Leaves entire, stipules scari- ous; flowers perfect. . Amarantacez. Flowers imperfect, calyx in- closed by a bract and two bractlets. . Chenopodiacee. Flowers perfect, calyx bractless. . Phytolaccacez. Flowers perfect, calyx 5-parted, stamens Io. . Polygonacez. Flowers mostly perfect, stam- ens 4-8, styles 2-3. Podostemacez. Leaves alternate. . Aristolochiacez. Flowers perfect, calyx 3-lobed, stamens 6 or 12. . Saururacez. Flowers perfect, calyx none, stamens 6 or 7, carpels 3 or 4. . Lauracez. Twigs spicy and aromatic, leaves alternate, flowers dicecious. Thymeleacez. Bark very tough, leaves alter- nate ; flowers perfect, stamens 8. Loranthacez. Parasites on the branches of trees; leaves opposite; flowers dicecious, sta- mens 3. Santalacee. Branches herbaceous, leaves alternate; flowers perfect, stamens 4 or 5. Euphorbiacez. Plants usually with a milky juice; flowers, moncecious; ovary 3-celled, 3-lobed; styles 3, each 2-fid or multifid.. Urticacez. Leaves serrate, with stipules (ex- cept Parietarta) ; stamens as many as the lobes of the calyx, styles 1 or 2. FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. 19. 20. Platanacez. Leaves palmately lobed ; flowers in globular heads. . Juglandacez. Fruit with a fleshy or leathery exocarp and a hard or bony endocarp. Cupuliferze. Flowers moncecious; nut in an involucre. Betulacez. Flowers moncecious ; nutlets 2 or 3 under each bract. Salicacez. Flowers dcecious, one under each bract ; calyx none, stigmas 2. Ceratophyllacez. Leaves whorled, finely dissected, 26 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. IV. MONOCOTVLEDONS. * Leaves netted-veined. Plants climbing 5, 7 Plants not climbing 6, 10 © Leaves parallel-veined. Plants not rush-like or grass-like (a) a. Plants not aquatic (d) b. Ovary inferior (c) ¢. Perianth irregular 2 c. Perianth regular 3, 4 b. Ovary superior (2) ) d. Flowers not on a spadix 6, 9 ad. Flowers on a spadix 10 a. Plants aquatic (e) e. Perianth with petaloid segments ( /) /. Flowers from a spathe 1, 8 /. Flowers not from a spathe 14 é. Perianth none or not petaloid (g) g. Plants with leafy stems 11, 13 g. Plant a small floating leaf 12 Rushes, Sedges or Grasses (7) h. Perianth of six segments 15 A. Perianth none 16, 17 . 1. Hydrocharidacez. Flowers regular, dicecious or polygamous ; ovary inferior. 2. Orchidacez. Leaves alternate; perianth of six segments in two sets, one of the inner set more or less different in form from the others, is called the dabellum or lip. . ee FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. 97 £5: 16. i Iridaceze. Leaves equitant; perianth 6-cleft, the segments petaloid, in two sets; stamens 3. Amaryllidacez. Bulbous plants, stemless ; perianth 6-parted ; stamens 6. Dioscoreacez. Plants with twining stems ; flowers in racemes. Liliaceze. Flowers regular, perianth with alj its segments petaloid; stamens 6 ; ovary 3-celled. Smilacez. Plants climbing by a pair of ten_ drils on the petiole ; flowers in umbels. Pontederiacez. Flowers more or less irregu- lar, perfect; ovary superior. Commelynacez. Perianth with 3 segments herbaceous and 3 petaloid. Aracez. Spadix usually inclosed in a spathe. Typhacez. Flowers in dense spikes or heads. Lemnaceez. ‘The simplest and smallest flow- ering plants, the flowers and fruit seldom seen. Naiadacez. Plants growing under water. Alismacez. Perianth of 3 sepals and 3 petals; carpels 3—many, more or less distinct. Juncacee. Rusues. Perianth glumaceous, persistent. Cyperacee. Sepces. Culms solid, often 3-edged ; leaves 3-ranked, with closed sheaths. Graminez. Grasses. Culms hollow, terete ; leaves 2-ranked, with open sheaths. ~~ 98 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. IT, GAMOPETALOUS DICOTYLEDONS. Series I]. INFERZ. ORDER V. COMPOSITA.. Flowers not all ligulate (a) a. Pappus of capillary bristles (4) 6. Bracts of the involucre not prickly (¢) c. Bracts imbricated in two or more series (@) d. Flowers all tubular (e) e. Flowers all perfect tS Fis e. Flowers not all perfect IV. d. Flowers of the ray ligulate LEE c. Bracts in a single series VIII. 6. Bracts of the involucre prickly. IX. a. Pappus none or of awns or chaff (/) jf. Receptacle chaffy V. VIL. f. Receptacle not chaffy Vio VEE Flowers all ligulate. X. I. VERNONIACE. Leaves alternate ; recep- tacle naked, flowers purple; anthers sagittate at base, branches of the style subulate. 1. Vernonia. Heads many-flowered, corymbose: 2. Elephantopus. Heads 3—5-flower ed, capitate. FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. 29 Il. EUPATORIACE. Receptacle naked, an- thers not sagittate at base ; branches of the style rather terete, obtuse. Leaves opposite 3, 4 Leaves alternate, 5, 6 3. Eupatorium. Heads corymbose, receptacle _ flat, flowers white or purplish. 4. Conoclinium. Heads corymbose, receptacle conical, flowers bluish. 5. Kuhnia. Ueads paniculate, flowers cream-color. 6. Liatris. Heads spicate, flowers rose-purple. Ill. ASTEROIDEE. Leaves alternate; recep- tacle naked, anthers obtuse at base. Ray flowers yellow 7 Ray flowers not yellow 8, 9. 7. Solidago. Heads very small, rays very short. 8. Aster. Bracts of the involucre in many series, unequal. g. Erigeron. Bracts of the involucre somewhat in two series, nearly equal. IV. INULOIDEZ#. Leaves alternate, receptacle naked, anthers caudate at base. Ray flowers none (a) a. Flowers purplish ro a. Flowers whitish 11, 12 Ray-flowers present 13 10. Pluchea. Strong scented herbs; heads with the outer flowers fertile, the inner sterile. 11. Antennaria. White-woolly herbs; heads dicecious. DATE DUE call 292-3000 th 1g ot The Ohio State University Form 10620 ~~ ww wee ee ARE EEE REE Cp CULE SU UES . Lepachys. Achenium flattened. Helianthus. Awns caducous, achenium 4-sided. ? Actinomeris. Awns persistent, achenium flat. . Coreopsis. Awns upwardly barbed. MAIN STACKS FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY, 31 26. Bidens. Awns downwardly barbed. VI. HELENIOIDEA., Ray-flowers yellow, receptacle naked or bristly, pappus chaffy. 27. Dysodia. Leaves opposite, pinnately parted. 28. Helenium. Leaves alternate, decurrent. Vil. ANTHEMIDE. Leaves alternate, ray- flowers white or none, pappus none. Rays present (a) a. Disk-flowers white 29 a. Disk-flowers yellow 30, 31 Rays none 32, 33 29. Achillea. Receptacle chaffy. 30. Maruta. Ray-flowers neutral. 31. Leucanthemum. Ray-flowers pistillate. 32. Tanacetum. Heads corymbose. 33. Artemesia. Heads in panicled spikes. VIII. SENECIONIDEZ. Leaves alternate, receptacle naked. . Rays none 34, 35 Rays present 36 34. Erechthites. Leaves sessile. 35. Cacalia. Leaves petiolate. 36. Senecio. Rays yellow, pistillate. IX. CYNAROIDEZ. Leaves alternate, recep- tacle bristly, flowers all tubular, purplish. Leaves not prickly 37 Leaves prickly 3g, 39 37- Lappa. Leaves large, ovate, petiolate. 38. Cirsium. Achenium oblong, flattish. 39. Onopordon. Achenium 4-angled. 32 FLORA OF THE MIAMI VALLEY. X. CICHORIACEEZ. Herbs with milky juice, leaves alternate, receptacle naked, pappus of capillary bristles. Achenium terete (a) a. Achenium without a beak (0) 6. Pappus double, white 40 6. Pappus single, not white 41, 42 a. Achenium with a beak 43 Achenium flattened (c) c. Achenium with a beak 44, 45 c. Achenfum without a beak 46 4c. Cynthia. Stem-leaves 1 or 2, flowers yellow. 41. Hieracium. Flowers yellow. 42. Nabalus. Flowers whitish or yellowish. 43. Taraxacum. Stemless, flowers yellow. 44. Lactuca. Flowers yellow or purplish. 45. Mulgedium. Flowers bluish. 46. Sonchus. Flowers yellow.