mac ae aT ee ae 3 + gh aha et a eae of SSS Ses = Hah ae AG Wass & a ee <8 ty ae AS cae 8 CS tae At eda ge “ aa Vv “ea rt My aon IS JESUS OF NAZARETH — THE SON OF GOD? IS JESUS OF NAZARETH THE SON OF GOD? FPR DEC 9 - 1926 “ey e Logica, ek BY H . SCHEUING Author of “Psychology of Mediumship” (The Christopher Publishing Heuse Boston, U. S. A. Saleen: iy i Copyright 1926 — Neue | LAY NWN BY THE CHRISTOPHER PUBLISHING F HOUSE » bp : rh } : yay is ’ is eee ’ € ce oi F , , f WAY SRSA OU LAES ay b A 4 5 ‘| ~ 4 a sO j DEDICATION Discoursing the question “Is Jesus of Nazareth the Son of God?” and publishing the result of my Psychic Researches concerning the answer to the question, I fully realize the responsibility which falls upon me, and being aware that the orthodox reader may be inclined to condemn me, I must point out that as long as we do not care to make ourselves ac- quainted with the affairs and the men of the times during which our present day Religious Concepts came into existence, we have no right whatever to condemn those who—seeking knowledge—studied the matter. There are certain facts, which while not inspir- ing us with faith in the so called “Holy Men of the Early Church,” show us how an EMINENT TRUTH can be destroyed as yell as misused; how we, being brought up in Creeds, not only miss the Great Fund- amental Truth, but also entirely loose our Spiritual Perspective by becoming Materialists, because we failed to realize the Underlying Spiritual Principle connected with all Religious Concepts. This Spiritual Principle, of course, is ‘‘Christ’’, but since we can not comprehend this Issue without making ourselves acquainted with the Fundamentals of the so called Mysteries contained in the Ancient Religious Concepts, we must do some Research Work ourselves, and this we can do only by studying the present day phenomena. The result of this study will bring before us the same Fundamental Facts the Apostles taught, consequently we learn gradually to understand the Spiritual Issue and thus, whatever the Leaders of the Early Church did does not worry us at all, for now we even understand them. Having by our own Research Work laid the foundation to a New Reformation we can thus help to better the Moral and Physical Condition of Man. Knowing that the Truth of the Spiritual Facts received in Psychic Research makes us free, I dedi- cate this book to the Truthseeker. AUTHOR. rf a int eee Rin. doles, ¥ ae Mi t J ifs 4 4 bf i oki yyy iw Pat Sales ip eae PLRe EY ae Wy, Ae as id - ets) sam" “a eA AS bi p Wy Fa FOREWORD In the year 1910 I was going over some of my old manuscripts which I had for many years in a very fragmentary form, and which dating back to about 1890 contained my ideas in regard to the Old and New Testamental Supernaturalism, with which my reasoning very severely collided. I had for many years intended to finish and to publish these manu- scripts, but for various reasons I never came to it. However in the year 1910, while discoursing such miatters with friends, who were thinking as I did, I again gave the matter new thought and so I begun in all earnest to finish what I had begun. Finding that I had lost many references, I went to the library and worked through a number of books by various authors, some of whom were familiar to me from previous studies. Thus I was ‘able to fill in the lost kates which are given in the historic part of this At the time when I was just about ready to have my manuscript iin shape for publication something happened again, and the matter had to be postponed. Six years passed and circumstances altered cases. This time a more thorough investigation of the Phenomena forced me to absolutely change my ideas, and instead of becoming a foe to the Old and New Testamental Phenomena, I became a convert to them, that is: “I was involuntarily forced to become a stu- dent of Psychic Research in my own behalf, and thus a defender of the very thing I had tried to help to destroy.” My book on “The Psychology of Mediumship” (Two Worlds in One) was the result of this study (published in 1923), andthe present book is the natural sequence thereof. THE AUTHOR. “Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? If he called them gods. unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?” (John, ch. X. v. 34-36.) TABLE OF CONTENTS Is Jesus of Nazarath the Son of God? ........ UTE USB OTTOS Uh Le ae Gia lesel Mol erta abe: atest com ahere Ore ons Gh PRIEST CTD RRO Uy COLA UAI NG a ASG aoa Ann a EET A ere hal ciao tok stadonay Cia Np eaners tetaceee ASIA A diay BND ON LPO VDOT OR Ui lM er atiio e RAO iallaia (iy CLP EAL a SS Me tea ae OCI AI ang a AE DM UI AL PENG VIED PDOOV TE Ts ate aera ual age, Lilele WE as MAA POMERAT US Gli asia Masala bere aie oa lelecavwrannan: Wy alata PUI ORIN IGT DOCUOND TT Wie telat eres, sw Cw daple artenacetel, nwa o/c PAA RCOTISIOING cy vis tiie inte th oe ee Te a Wade Nugid ones ase ol ak EDM INK tS FOSUS (OTM. Rie Cari eye aa hi OP a MOISCOUTSOR ) cr si halve syed ewe br hated ieb'ell« OLS ATR TER EES go AIG Rt AREA LN So LARD ce AOA a arinity-Discourse .......2..0.... Wenn aniteN Monae Annunciation-Discourse ............ceceee0e RMT RR CT AUMUND Ne A UO MG a Sk a SNORT AY Uw RLU LV AL Weigel) eat: Jesus—The Son of God . AE OVAL ii GO I Cah aN TIO ANGSOTO sy LOUVRE! Fall sie kh Osho si eiale isl Gosia g eee iS Tae pe yids i “FO 2 dt Ae Ni Aue es ty ati * ise iad Ne ied ig 4 OER Beles Is Jesus of Nazareth the Son of God? From a dogmatic viewpoint this question is em- phatically answered with yes, in fact to ask the ques- tion appears to an orthodox clergy, if not to deny, at least to doubt the principle doctrine of the Christ- ian church, hence to ask the question. may imply here- sy. However, from a human standpoint such a ques- tion implies the questioner reasons, that he asks for some kind of a tangible assurance after which he is willing to accept the respective doctrine. The question “Is Jesus of Nazareth the Son of God?” is not the kind which can be answered with a shrug of the shoulder, for it is a question of the ut- most importance, hence demands study, and includes a number of other questions. Eusebius, the father of the Church History says in Ecc. Hist. Lib. V, ch. 22: “They (the first Christ- ians) affirm that all their ancestors, yea, and the apostles themselves, were of the same opinion and taught the same with them, and that this is their doctrine, so they called it: Jesus a man like other men, we all can equal or in some respect excel him. (1). That this doctrine was preached and embrac- ed unto the time of Victor XIII, Bishop after Peter and corrupted by his successor Zephyrimus.” Eusebius states further in his Ecc. Hist. Lib. III, ch. 24: ‘They believed Jesus to be a simple, a common man, born as other men, of Mary and Jos- eph.” (2), and in Gibbon’s Rome Vol. I p. 515 we read: “Itis a well known fact that the Ebonites (1) John XIV, v 12. (2) 1. Gal. IV, v. 4, 12 IS JESUS OF NAZARETH THE SON OF GOD? (Poor Men) were the immediate successors of the Congregation of Jerusalem, that Joseph and Mary and their sons were members of this sect of poor people. The Ebonites or Nazarenes were rejected by the Jews as “Apostates” and by the Egyptian and Roman Christians as ““Heretics’”. As such they were tyrannically prosecuted until they completely disap- peared. The last traces of them are discovered in the IV. century, but then they either melted into the Roman Christian Church or into the Jewish Syna- gogue. With their disappearance the original gos- pel of Matthew perished.” _ Eusebius said: “It is lawful to lie and to cheat for the cause of Christ” and in ch. XXXI book XII —PRAE PARATIO EVANGELICA— 3 a 3 ’ . ry 4 hg atte } eton Theologi : Princ logical Seminary-Speer Library / 1.1012 01015 4898 ‘ J fe ‘« e Pm a .