‘ i or A, ney NY, at re cat ¥ Ahh: nA wi ls Ae oe wat aria) yy a ly 7" , Wile ance cece ee ~ le . a ‘ -— nat ——_- ca } * ey w dee, ; : ~ THE BEAST, MODERNISM AND THE EVANGELICAL FAITH AWN OF PRINGE ot LPs GAER ye 1926 | Boca ds The Beast, Modernism and The Evangelical Faith By FRANCIS ASA*WIGHT Author of “THE KincpoM oF Gop” or “The Reign of Heaven Among Men” and “BABYLON THE HARLOT” 1926 THE STRATFORD COMPANY, Publishers Boston, MAssacHUSETTS "/E Copyright, 1926 The STRATFORD OCO., Publishers Boston, Mass. me To that great body of men and women, who know HIM whom they have believed; stal- warts in faith, courageous in deeds, stead- fast in purpose; who ring true whenever tested, is this book affectionately dedicated. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library https ://archive.org/details/oeastmodernismevOOwigh_0O Foreword HE ‘“‘Beast’’ of John (Rev. 13:1-8), the ‘‘ Little Horn’’ of Daniel (7:8, 11, 24) and ‘‘The Law- less One’’ of Paul (II Thess. 2:3-8) describe, without doubt, the last human government, which with the False Prophet will control the earth. This govern- ment is permitted until man sees what an utter failure he is without God, and then it is swept away by the incoming Kingdom of Christ. Modern theorists hold that a belief in the God of the Bible stands in the way of a realization of their Utopia; and mod- ernists in religion are striving to eliminate the super- natural from the Bible—thus removing the evidence of a personal God—which they think will make the Bible a more rational and acceptable book. In their success lies the evolving of the Beast—False Prophet —government (Rev. 18:1-18) which Paul calls ‘‘The Lawless One.’’ Because this book mentions ‘‘beasts’’ and ‘‘horns’’ let no one think that it deals with grotesque figures, in which are hidden hazy theories, the solving of which would be of like interest to the working of a eross-word puzzle. The issues discussed are of a momentous nature, involving the life of both church and state. In fact, the events have followed so rapidly the interpretation of these prophecies, that the dailies i FOREWORD and magazines have furnished the confirmation of their correctness. For the last six months the author has felt a great ‘‘urge’’ upon him in writing the last twenty-four chapters and the first; and the urge is still upon him to get this book out to the people with its fundamental proofs and warnings. In writing this book the author has not had before him the so-called erudite so much as that great body of believers, who are described in this book’s dedica- tion, who are a mighty host and in whom rests the confidence of our great God, and from whom He ex- pects great things. Then there is another large body of inquiring believers, who in the strong current of skepticism, are feeling for the rock, so that they may — stand securely upon the Eternal Verities of God’s WORD. We are in the days of great testings and overturnings and God wants men and women of large hearts, filled with His compassion for the erring, and who, while proclaiming the truth that may eut and blast all false teaching and systems, yet to have it come from a well of tears as was the case with the Master when He denounced and then wept over Jeru- salem. There must be no compromising with SIN or error in any form. Sin and error must be repented of, and confessed and gouged out even if it is an eye. The most deadly heresy is a besetting sin that hides the face of God and blights our fruitage and dulls our comprehension of truth. Who can read the ad- monitions of our Lord at the close of this book, and ul FOREWORD they could have been continued for many pages, with- out seeing how urgent Jesus is on this matter. This book is divided into five parts, each one of which could be separated into a pamphlet by itself. Yet the parts are linked together by the greatness of the subject of which the book treats. Part first is an exegesis of the prophecies concerning the Beast and False Prophet and their utter destruction by Christ’s Return to reign. Part second gives the fundamentals of Our Faith as opposed to these false systems of government and religion. Part third shows the errors of Modernism out of which comes the False Prophet, when it compromises and unites with other false religions for the purpose of a World Religion. Part four gives the evidences that the Bible is the inspired Word of God in the fulfillment of prophecies, as well as to show the stately steppings of our God down through the ages. Part five logic- ally shows the Coming of the King and the inaugura- tion of His glorious Kingdom upon the earth. The time and the signs of His Return have been given with care but the nature and glory of the Millennium have been left for participation rather than a venture into the fields of speculation, which this volume has avoided. It was enough for Paul, after his graphic account of the translation of the saints, to say ‘‘So shall we ever be with the Lord.’’ Citizens of the Coming Kingdom, shall we not gird our loins anew with His might; and come in the ill FOREWORD deepest self-humiliation close to His beating heart, that we may be filled with His Spirit for service; so that, as we move out for new victories we can continually hear Christ say ‘‘THAT which ye HAVE, HOLD FAST TILL I COME”’ (Rev. 2:25). F. A. W. All quotations in this book are from the ‘‘ Ameri- can Standard Version’’ Thomas H. Nelson and Sons, New York. lv Contents PART I THE BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET Chapter I II Iil VII VIII TX xX XI XII Page A World Peace, State and Religion. 1 ‘‘The Lawless One’’—The Proletariat 11 Man’s Government Without God eg: Imminence and Shortness of Reign . 25 The False Prophet. : 32 ‘* Armageddon’’ — Two Beasts staan by Christ’s Coming 4 § . 43 PART II THE FUNDAMENTALS OF OuR FAITH The Cross vs. the Red Flag: <9 O9 The Triumphant Cross. ; . 66 The All-Conquering Christ Yi (2 The Deity of Jesus. 79 The Holy Sian other aearate ob Inspiration of the Bible. : . 101 PART IIT THE Bisie vs. MopERNISM God’s Two Great Books . : eo XIII XIV The Bible and the Critics . i SUL Ae CONTENTS Chapter Page XV _ Objections Turned Into Proofs . 148 XVI Fosdick’s Hebrew Universe . 158 XVII Modernism and Satan ee PART, PROPHECIES AND THEIR FULFILLMENT XVIII Prophecies Fulfilled CV LEE XIX Destruction of Jerusalem . ALSO XX Jesus and Jerusalem . . 199 XXII Restoration of the Jews . 206 XXII The Jews in Revelation ,; Aes PA Ry) Our Lorp’s RETURN XXIII Christ’s Second Coming; Why Un- popular . . 229 XXIV Dates and Vagaries of the I. ‘B: 8, a 243 XXV ‘‘Millions Now Living Will Never Die’’ . 256 XXVI_ Universal Peace anne AY Christ 4 262 XXVIII Christ the King Eternal . 275 XXVIII The Signs and Event of Chren S Coming : . 285 XXIX Visible Signs and pienariiion for Christ’s Return , 292 Appendix . 301 AVS Ea Sa Led rf Peay | o's Ae gy ey Le = Cs 5 a5 + * Part I THE BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET a a dads ti CHAPTER I A World Peace, State and Religion HE whole world is coming rapidly into (1) a World Peace (2) a World State (3) a World Religion. Already we have nominal peace through- out the world, and a world state is partially function- ing under ‘“‘The League of Nations,’’ and the bar- riers that have divided the great religions of the world are rapidly being removed. But strange to say, all of these much lauded events, are being pro- moted by one great cause which in itself is repre- hensible viz., 4 Uniwersal Disregard of Authority. A Worup PEACE One great cause, out of several, for promoting world peace is that wars do not pay. When humanity clearly discerns that wars are harmful to all and ad- vantageous to none; that the victors as well as the vanquished were losers in this late world war, then wars will largely cease. Great Britain, France, Italy, Belgium ete., could hardly survive another such vic- tory. Nothing more quickly muzzles ‘‘the dogs of war’’ when they are being unloosed than this. If war does not pay then why all of this bloodshed, destruc- tion of property and a return to savagery for a year [1] THE BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET or more? When the people really see the futility of war, they will despoil old ‘‘Mars’’ of his shining coat of mail and will drag him off his spirited steed, which so enhances his glory and they will put in its place “‘a pale, sickly horse, whose rider is Death’’ and whose shroud can hardly cover the skeleton beneath. Morau Force DISREGARDED But there is another force or lack of force, besides good horse sense, that will make for peace and that is this universal disregard for Authority. Many nations enter into war, when it brings great sacrifices, be- cause of the ties of blood, or the obligations of solemn treaties, or in response to the call of Conscience. Great Britain’s obligation to the neutrality of Bel- clum was one cause for her entrance into the world war. The United States, in order to save a helpless world, forsook her ease and past traditions, and en- tered the world conflict at vast expense when she thought it was more lucrative to stay out. These, with others, obeyed the voices of conscience and duty and sacrificed much because of them. But it is very doubtful whether these voices of obligation would be obeyed to-day. Not only will the authority of kings and of presidents, legislatures and dictators go un- heeded, but the voices of duty and patriotism that have brought with enthusiasm whole nations to arms will fall on dull ears and hearts. There has come over the world a spirit of indifference ; call it lawlessness or [2] THE BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET good nature, or a love for fairplay—‘‘to live and let live,’’ or it may be a combination of all of these; but it will resist every call to enter into the responsibilities and sacrifices of war. ‘*Wat’s the h’odds as long as we're ’appy’’ expresses it. It is illustrated by the ereat Russian armies, who, when betrayed by their leaders and duped by their government, said ‘‘ What are we fighting for anyway; we are brothers to all; let us lay down our arms and quit.’’ And they did! ‘‘ How Admirable!’’ most will say. Yet, but as the sequel shows, How Dangerous! A few millions of the Bol- sheviki, with wild schemes and distorted views, fell upon these unsuspecting ‘‘ Brothers of all’? who might under the Christ have developed into a mighty na- tion; and they exploited the wealth and business of the better classes and seized the accumulated wealth. of the great empire itself, to use all of these vast treasures to spread their Godless, bloody propaganda throughout the earth. The Bolsheviki, like the Phil- istines of old, are ‘‘still in the land’’ and let the Christian nations beware. A. WorLD STATE An international government which is composed of fifty-five ‘‘member states’’ under the name of ‘‘The League of Nations’’ is already functioning as a lim- ited world state. The United States, though not yet a member, will probably enter the world court, which is universally favored by Americans from the Presi- [3] THE BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET dent down. This nation must find a market and it will discover that ‘‘aloofness’’ does not open doors etc. But she has a great open door by being a ereditor nation, which we believe she will wisely use. What she has already done in furnishing the ‘‘ Dawes Plan’’ to Germany may be extended to France, Italy, Belgium, ete. This*is, we believe, the cause of her pressing the payment of these war debts that are due; for it will lead these nations to enter into nego- tiations instead of a silent repudiation. This will establish mutual plans that will be helpful to both parties, and will also beget in these debtor nations, self respect and confidence that is so much needed for all. Two neighbors, manfully facing their obliga- tions to each other instead of ignoring them, brings a blessing in cooperation that is greater than if the obligations had not existed. The greater blessings that will flow from these vast loans of this nation to others is yet to come, if treated in a kind but firm manner. All of these things are great factors in bringing the nations of the earth into a closer union. DISREGARD FOR AUTHORITY But this same reckless disregard of Authority will contribute its part. The voice of patriotism will be muffled by the larger call of the world. The authority of the home, state and country will be ignored as of too small account when compared with these great world affairs. Just as the Easterner, who comes into [4] THE BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET the great West with his conscientious scruples over the small things of life; which are not only just and right, but very needful in the forming of character; yet they seem to the big Westerner to be like the pen- nies which the Easterner brought with him for trad- ing. ‘‘Pard, it may be that you are right’’ comes the reply, ‘‘but this is a Big country and small things don’t count out here.’’ This reckless, careless spirit will break down race and state lines and make the world almost akin. PERILS OF BOLSHEVISM But there is one nation, and other people of like political ereed, that will not enter this world state until they are ready to absorb it in themselves. The fear of this atheistic Soviet government of Russia will tend to drive the other nations together. Lloyd George in his cabled articles published in the Pitts- burgh Press, June 13, 1925 says: ‘‘ While the govern- ments of Europe are fidgeting over an army of 100,000 men in a country which once had an army of 4,000,000, a new peril is arising in the east, which may alter the history of the world.’’ This refers to the trouble in China. He continues, ‘‘But Bolshevik Russia, near at hand and watching her opportunity, has not been slow to take advantage of the forces of discontent. Indeed the ground has been assiduously prepared. In Moscow there is an important school for Chinese in which young men from China are in- [5] THE BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET tensively trained in Bolshevik principles and sent back in hordes to their native land to spread the new gospel. It is the instinet of the revolutionary to fish in troubled waters and Russia has decided views about China. With the idea set on a great combination which might control the world, the Soviet govern- ment has been busy with its propaganda. Its agents fan the flames, and here its knowledge of eastern Psychology has helped them in the work. For the Russian is Asiatic in origin and blood and tempera- ment. Moscow admits that Bolshevik agents are active in China.”’ So writes the shrewdest diplomat and the Christian statesman, who has the clearest vision of the affairs of Europe and Asia. In Rev. 16:12 we read of ‘‘the kings that come from the sunrising’’ (East), which are gathered by the slimy frog-like spirit of the Beast and False Prophet (vs. 18, 14). China is doubt- less one of these governments, along with Japan and India, which are to be important factors in bringing the governments of the world under the final control of the Radical Socialists. A Worup RELIGION This spirit of indifference to Authority called ‘‘Tol- eration’’ that has contributed so much toward world peace and a world state, will be the controlling factor in producing a World Religion. It grows from the same tap-root, the Umversal Disregard of Authority, [6] THE BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET and will infect all of the great religions of the world. This will be true, not only with Christianity as 1s shown by the Modernists, but even the Jews are ready to accept Jesus as their great teacher and probably the greatest Jew. ‘‘Is he not a Jew?’’ they ask, ‘‘and are not his ethical teachings the purest and best? then why should we not enroll him as our greatest Jew.’’ This will bring the applause of the Modernists and of the unthinking world. But another Jew, who acknowl- edged Jesus as a ‘‘teacher come from God’’ heard Jesus say ‘‘Ye must be born anew’’ to ‘‘enter the kingdom of God’’ (John 3:3-7). ‘‘And I, if I be lifted up from the earth (on the cross John 12:33 vs. 24) will draw all men unto myself.’’ It is a faith in a once crucified, but now resurrected and glorified Saviour that saves (John 3:14; Luke 24:46, 47). Mr. Gandhi of India is ready to accept the precepts of Jesus, but is not willing to bow to the ‘‘ All Author- ity’’ (Matt. 28:18-20) of the Crucified Redeemer by obedience and follow under His standard and _ let Christ reign supreme. COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS Let it be said in thunder tones ‘‘Christianity is a LIFE to be lived and not only rules to be followed.’’ It is Christ living in our inmost being and then that life shining out in loving deeds is what differentiates Christianity from all other religions. If you are gsoing to compare Christ and His religion with others [7] THE BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET let it be done by Christ’s own standard viz., ‘‘By their Fruits ye shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?’’ (Matt. 7:16-20). Take for instance the Hon. William HK. Gladstone as he is seen picking out of the gutter a drunken woman to take her to his home so that Mrs. Gladstone, in the strength of Christ, may clean her up within and without and thus give her a new start; and then turn to a company of Turks, who are tossing up a tender baby, so that they may catch it upon their bayonets and then hear the demoniacal laugh when the cruel blade pierces through the tender body of the babe. Extreme cases! Yes, but it is not possible for such bloody fruit to grow upon the Christian tree, neither ean Mohammedanism grow a Gladstone. If Mr. H. G. Wells in his extolling the religion of Gautema Buddha, would descend from the heights of his imag- ination long enough to see the plight of ‘‘sad, sad India’’ under the blighting stagnation of the dead religion of Buddhism, he would understand that ““NIRVANA—self abnegation’’ alone, without the consequent life that Christ alone can give, works death and not life. This comparing religions with a note- book in hand is the devil’s own trap, and is the scheme of the Sanballots to stop the work by holding a con- ference ‘‘in the plains of Ono.’’ Oh, that all Chris- tian missionaries might also reply ‘‘We are doing a great work so that we cannot come down’’ (Neh. 6:2, 3). [8] THE BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET CHRIST’S GREAT COMMISSION The Christ did not send His missionaries into China or India ete., to have them put Him into a moral contest with Confucius or to compare philoso- phies with ‘‘the Wise men of the Kast.’’ He sent them there to proclaim with the unction of the Holy Spirit ‘‘the gospel of Christ, which is the Dynamite of God unto salvation to everyone who believes”’ (Rom. 1:16). How far would Paul have gotten if he had invited the Grecian philosophers to meet him at Corinth to compare religions and then compromis- ing by retaining what was good in their heathen philosophy. Paul said ‘‘But we preach Christ Cruci- fied; unto Jews a stumbling block, and unto Gentiles foolishness ; but unto them that are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God (I Cor. 1:23-24). Paul knew that his gospel was considered weak and foolish by the wise. He was not so foolish as some missionaries in China, India, Japan etc. who are ready to retain the good in the religion of the natives and mix it in with the Christian and thus make a religion that will be acceptable and also practical in its working. Paul knew that such work would have ended in utter failure (I Cor. 1:18- 21), and there is no doubt about the failure of this plan. Do not these missionaries know that it was just such a procedure of compromise during the time of Constantine and the events that followed in absorbing [9] THE BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET the heathen religious customs that produced the Great Apostasy and the consequent ‘‘Dark Ages’’ for a thousand years? But such compromises of to-day will usher in, not the dark ages, but the dark midnight out of which will soon come a glorious Millennial Day of Righteousness and Peace. The world is gradually merging into this threefold condition, getting ready for the final government of the Beast—‘‘The Lawless One’’—and the False Prophet, which lasting only three and a half years, yet will demonstrate the utter futility of a man’s government without God. [10] CHAPTER II The Lawless One—The Proletariat “And he (Satan) stood upon the sand of the sea” (Rev. eral) ATAN is cogitating. He is looking out over the sea of humanity, which having passed through the terrible convulsions of a world war, is now emerg- ing into a new order which is much like a brotherhood of nations, which presages the kingdom of God on earth. Once Satan had offered these kingdoms to Jesus, if He would fall down and worship him; but the offer was spurned by the Son of God, who chose to win His kingdom by the way of the shameful cross. As the time is about due for the Nobleman to return ‘‘having received His kingdom,’’ (Luke 19:12, 15) Satan, realizing it was his last chance, seizes the situa- tion to produce his masterpiece in human govern- ment, and to show to God, angels and men, that he could have a universal government in which God is entirely eliminated. Yea, he would defy and _ blas- pheme God and heaven, and yet rule the earth with such wisdom and skill that he would draw forth the homage of the whole world (Rev. 13:4). [11] THE BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET A UNIVERSAL DEMOCRACY ‘‘ And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea’’ (Rev. he 1) ‘‘The waters (sea) are peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues’’ (Rev. 17:15; for text and meaning of symbols see Appendix 1). As beast means govern- ment so this last human government is seen ‘“coming up out of the sea (waters),’’ which are peoples of all nations of the earth. A government coming up out of the peoples and multitudes must be a ‘‘ government of the people and by the people,’’ which is a Democ- racy; and as the sea is universal, this must be A UNIVERSAL DEMOCRACY (Rev. 18:7, 8). The word ‘‘multitudes’’ (oxloi) is used in Rev. 17:15 instead of the word ‘‘tribes’’ (phules) as in the other Six groupings of these words (Rev. 5:9, 7:9, 10:11, 11:9, 13:7, 14:6). This Greek word ‘‘oxloi,’’ which is inserted here in a marked way, means ‘‘The com- mon people opp. to the rulers’? (Grimms-Wilkes’ Greek Lex.—J. H. Thayer). This Lexicon also men- tions this very verse, viz., ‘‘In Rev. 17:15 seems to designate troops of men assembled together without order.’’ This indicates that this is a government of the multitudes, a populace, like the Soviet of Russia, or the Commune of France—the rule of the Pro- letariat. It 1s a Radical—Socialistic or Communistic government, “arising up out of’? the ‘‘peoples and multitudes,’’ yet retaining the ‘‘iron’’ of Rome, as is [12] THE BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET seen in Russia today; and covering the earth (Dan. 2 :41-48; Rev. 13:7). SEVEN MountTAIN GOVERNMENTS This government has seven heads, which ‘‘are seven mountains,’’ and ‘‘they are seven kings’’ or govern- ments (Rev. 17:9-10). This would indicate that seven great promontories or world-wide governments that are mountain-peaks in history (Jer. 51:25 ef. Dan. 2:35, for a great mountain to fill the earth) would constitute the basis of this last World government, which partakes of and sums up all of them in itself; that in its destruction all human governments will come to an end. All of these seven—Babylonian, Media-Persian, Grecian, Roman, Napleonic Empire, The Central Powers and the League of Nations, occupy about the same territory, and concern the same peoples in some ways, and have been the scenes of great world activities in the past and during this last world war. Napoleon carried his conquests into Asia, and Germany built its railroad from Berlin to Bagdad on the Kuphrates, and included the Turkish Empire. Babylonia, Media-Persia and Greece, and the states that constituted the once Roman Empire have been the battle ground. These seven heads have no diadems like the ten horns, therefore are not now reigning: neither are they active like the ten kings, who have not only diadems, but hate and destroy the harlot, and also ‘‘war against the Lamb’’ (Rev. 13:1; [13] THE BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET 17:14, 16, 17). These seven heads have only names of blasphemy, which characterizes all of these moun- tain governments from Babylonia down to. this eighth one, whose main characteristic is blasphemy. Even the seventh head, ‘‘The League of Nations,’’ ignored God in its covenant and in none of the ses- sions of the Peace Conference was public prayer offered to God. Four of these, Babylonia, Media- Persia, Greece and Rome, are revealed in Dan. 2:31- 45; 7:1-7; but in Dan. 7:8, 20, 24 we find three more which become component parts of this Beast govern- ment (which is the same as the ‘‘little horn’’) which make seven. But these last three, being absorbed by ‘‘the little horn’’ as the last human government (Dan. 7:8, 24, 26) would make ‘‘an eighth,’’ which agrees with the statement in Rey. 17:11, viz., which though ‘‘of the seven’’ he ‘‘is himself also an eighth.”’ The angel says ‘‘The five are fallen’’ (Rev. 17:10). These would be the first four above mentioned, and the fifth one would be the French Revolution that headed up in the world-wide empire of Napoleon, which is now ‘‘fallen.’’ The one that now ‘‘is,’’ which is the sixth and the time of John’s standpoint, was the German autocracy, that summed up in itself and its militarism the autoecracies of the world—Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey and even Russia, which came at last to be under German propagandists. In its overthrow, Autocracies and their concomitant militarism are forever swept away. The seventh head [14] THE BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET is ‘‘the other that is not yet come and when he cometh he must continue a little while’ (Rev. 17:10). This one, we would say, is ‘‘the League of Nations,’’ which has already commenced to function. It may have to be readjusted, so that its power will not rest so much upon a super-government, as upon the combined moral force of the sentiment of all the nations in common consent and agreement: which shall be expressed through an international court, ete. which will enforce its decisions, not so much by armed force, but by the moral sentiment of all mankind, expressed through the Boycott (Rev. 13:17). It continues only *‘a little while’? (Rev. 17:10). ‘“RRENCH REVOLUTION’’ REVIVED This last government, then, that John sees (Rev. 13:1-8) and the composition of which the angel gives by showing how it reached its maturity (Rev. 17:8- 17), is the eighth one (in suecession) ‘‘though of the seven,’’ and it ‘‘plucks up by the roots’’ these last three; viz. (1) The French Revolution—Napoleonic Empire, (2) The Five Autocracies—‘‘the Central Powers,’’ and lastly, (8) the League of Nations (Dan. 7:8, 20). It is this ‘‘eighth’’ one that when he was one of the seven ‘‘receiveth the death-stroke of the sword,’’ and was healed. ‘He ‘‘was and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss’’ (Rev. 13:3, 12, 14. 17':8). [15] THE BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET ‘‘And the beast that was, and is not, is himself also an eighth, and is of the seven; and he goeth into perdition’’ (Rev. 17:11), is the beast of Rev. 13:1-8. Then, this last world government must be (1) ‘‘of the seven’’ (2) must have received ‘‘the death-stroke of the sword’’ and (3) ‘‘is not’’ and (4) is healed and (5) ‘‘comes up out of the abyss’’ and (6) goes ‘‘into perdition.’’ Let us try these marks of identifica- tion on the fifth head—the French Revolution of 1792-99, which headed up in the Napoleonic world empire. (1) It is of the seven (2) received its death-stroke by ‘‘the sword’’ of militarism (8) ‘‘is not’’ for over a hundred years but now (4) is healed. Modern writers instead of denouncing this ‘‘ Reign of Terror’’ (1792-95) applaud it as the dawn of a new era of freedom and (5) is arising up out of the abyss under the name of Bolshevism, Radical Socialism, I. W. W., rule of the Proletariat, and (6) will go into perdition (Rev. 17:14, 19:20) for he is ‘“‘the son of perdition’’ (II Thess. 2:8). Tue LAWLESS ONE But this fifth head also fits exactly into Paul’s de- scription of this same government which he ealls the ‘‘Liawless One.’’ ‘It (Christ’s return) will not be except the falling away comes first and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, he that opposeth and exalteth him- [16] THE BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET self against all that is called God, or that is wor- shipped; so that he sitteth in the temple of God, setting himself forth as God. Remember ye not that when I wast yet with you I told you these things. And now ye know that which restraineth, to the end that he may be revealed in his own season. For the mystery of lawlessness doth already work: only there is one that restraineth now, until he is taken out of the way. And then shall be revealed the lawless one, whom the Lord Jesus shall slay with the breath of his mouth, and bring to naught by the manifestation of his coming; even he whose coming is according to the working of Satan, with all power and signs and lying wonders’’ ete. (II Thess. 2:3-9). This is a graphic description of the rule of the ‘*Proletariat’’ in France in 1792-5, which is called the ‘*Reign of Terror,’’ and also of that which is now seen in embryo all over the world. Though checked by the ‘fone that restraineth,’’ which was Napoleon, followed by the ‘‘Holy Alliance’’ (1815-1848) and the Central Powers (1871-1918) it has been in the period of incu- bation until now, when all autocracy and militarism are overthrown, he is ready ‘‘to be revealed in his own season’? (vy. 6). ‘‘The one that restraineth now’’ in Paul’s day was imperial Rome, whose greatest virtue was law and order; and ‘‘the one who restraineth’’ until our day was the monarchies called ‘‘The Con- cert of Europe’’ which headed up in the Empire of Germany under its Kaisers (Caesars). As all re- [17] THE BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET straint is now removed, we see the same ‘‘lawless one’’ being revealed. Daniel says ‘‘He shall think to change the times and the law’’ (Dan. 7:25). ‘‘The Assembly’’ at Paris in 1792-3, passed an edict that ‘