tU i $»*** PRINCETON, N. J. Collection of Puritan Literature. Division % Jt P ^" — -^i » ■ •** Number <*\ "*> JJ£&*~ wee tncnJ ^- /%*&/£ J « * 1 0. rt \ 1 H ' <- 7 / objects Zx.v\& W t *p f#*„ *m Mat ■*>#** ^ . t. „ i/f- /W** oft*/?** tfty S& "^ M*"L 1 &£j *$ amf* 4 r^if* 1 U* as h »** M <«*.. »m tj , ona ** ^ l-ii ■ i> ■■ ■ ■ ■ i m, ■ ■ ■»" *■ ■ " " ^' " ' t&+ hks*«. ^ ti&J&e.: c4\i Prcfiuffformefvci 7. C Z Fountatne of Rea[on~for {I 'Brethren, S.vcrf 2 Father, The honfe *f our God, vcrf. £» fl A mandate, %. Ttxt.^i j motive. Obfervation. It is the duty of all Chrifisaus to fr Ay for the peace mf Jcruflkm, and to provoke others to doe the Itks l *»d all their owne good depends upon it* f I. Explication, J Tropoftion. r I For whom: Ierufalem. J I Inclufively* The arfnalyfis. ( I Inclupve/j \ Klgcneral^ the Church^' J iMjflical either^ r . . , . \ V * lV ' r f* 1 ii Liter All % J^ J p^ial. the members ^NaturaJl. C$ Singular, \morcnef?le 2 8xclufivelj % \ i Our own Church. a Principals in iff £"""> . f l?n$verfitus 2 What; P trace. & I general I Latitude, I Proteclion S P /f^ati^ {^Liberation. < < 3 TerfeBion SW*»ration, CPurgation, Propagation to S 1 ty 4 * 1 ?* r a lz Heretic ks> \Ji Speceall proprieties Peace } with the! Chjes 9 C Enemies. 1 AH : to 1 Pray, 2 Excite $ l *"**"«** J * C!** Cth > t ' XQ%te% \2fyiSbes % \* Aid "> 2 ^Manner * 3 Cl Sincerities fr*4 <2 Zeale, C| Conftancie. 7~ I Station foever. I 4 J»fo;tfo rhrifttanf l ? m rH f> , S S Magifirattjnbje. f\Cf Unifier, people. r, Conditio*. -^^c= Learned* ■i n «■ *•« The Analyfis. I ^2 Probation, 1 . Script nr** l TeJ}imonies t % Examples. 2 . Nature of f I. fernftlemy the C I Spoufe ofCtrifi, l* Mother of Chrifiiant 2. Peace i ThefHmmeofbleJJ7ngs m C i Mother ofProfperitie, 2.2 NurfeofPietie, 3. Prayer {Learned^nn learned CWan, woman. 1 i r 1, EfficAcie 1*. ^ectffitie'. {I god rules the world, a Prayer god, for Xt Peace, I 1 . Itrtif*Uml I Sonne of 4. Chriftian. who is\ Ci Ierufitlem, adtbtorofalltbefe J ^2 7««, \dutiei,)uheu* j 63 iV*;,,-, ' 1 , . L* L*r *>**d forth. l.a . ^Application. f_l. Convittion.Reprthenftonof « J Cl Evill doers, 1 v <2 D oers of impertinent things^ J £3 Doers of nothing. 1 CI Not' for Ier*falcm> but B obeli, Sftch as are 1 2 kot for peace, but deftrnclien. t . C 3 iVof importune heaven, but 2, Examination, ( counceHeB 1.1 • Exhortati on, , # Z)^j : • The zAnalyfu. fl Profptritie ; L I X I C* T\efiauration. W (j TrovcUm* toS l $t" tiles > Cl Enemies , 2 Peace Kith <% CW/ 5 r ^// infinitely r v Studies. 1.2 Excite Other s£ either by X T 1 Councels^ w x ^eflexqm[Mely^2 w>fics. 1 1 Manner, by I Strong faith , a Sincere chariti*, I Fruitfuflpenitency - r A 5 njancj* t*l Vigour of ^e ale in the wijhe: of Mcanes, r Z>tpofecarnailfecuritie> 3 Take heed ef the world, 2 A£otives % f I Tc*tnalL in t Intention of de fire. {1 jiU pngnlar t lA/lconjoyned- I I. Command] Ths Analyfir. C\ C*d require* it, u Command^ Qodi) exhibited C 3 The Church injojnes tt, ClNeceJfitteofLove, 1 .Motive \ l Sotietie of Labor ~ g Cert ^ H ^ / 3 Communiue V amHr J,&§ thtmajone I t Additionall. , C i *A wsijrhty matter * agttatea. w I I J I The Ch»rch of G9d % \l Synagogue of Satban. % Our owne good is agitated. {I Communion of good, 1 Contagion of evil. I. Z Article of time is instant. I brethren militathg?nfirmef*r \ I Snemies malignant\ Proud of< 4 Succejfe of wor kg incites. {I Fromcertaineprtmifenttde* % ?oy full from duty performed. f 5 Ornament of prjiyer invites. V Cj SmatleJUmpenfe, «?2 Greatcficompeufationj £3 Foulefi offence. ~i Terfidieufnefie, I Ignomie. 'Weapons, Cm vw * i osfides, 1 " % Policies. i Tb <£> 4 1 4 1 4' 4* ^ $ 4" 4* 4 1 4' 4 1 4* * 4 > 4 , 4' 4° 4* 4*4^ 4 1 '$ , 4' 1 ▼ w 4* • t CHRISTIANS PRAYER FOR THE CHVRCHES P EAGE. Ps A L. 122. 6. Pray for the peace of Ieruftlcw, they Jballprof [pa that love thee. Or as Tome tranflations read it: pray for the peace of Ierufalem, let them pro- per that love thee. — ■ _i m I I i i . HE whole Pfalme brea- theth nothing but a fweetc perfume of inflamed affe&i- J ons to God, and to Jerufi- lem : fuch as that oncly bird, the dying Phoenix,ly- ing in her bed of fpices ( all the fpices of \ B Arabia ) | ^be Cbriflians prayer^ Arabia, ) and fired with the pure beames of the Sun, cannot paralell. The only Paralell may be the Angell in Revel.chap.8. verfe j. Having a goldmcenfer in his hand^ and much odours given nnto him> to offer with the prayers of all Saints y vpon the golden al or before the Throne. That which the ancient legends report of Ignatius, that when he was dead, the name of Itfus was tound winter* in his heart in golden Chare iters. And that which our moderne ftories relate oiQueene Mary : thai flie fliould fay, if they did open her when fhee was dead • they (hould hnd Callu lying at her heart: the loffe (it feemes )of which haftenedherend, Thefe may be,nayare truely verified in ^wM.here v In whole heart you may fee the loue Goo^and of the Church of God - deepcly ingraven in legible and indelable characters. For we have here a double tor- rent of living ajfeclions^ each of them fedde with a double ff ring ofKeafon. The firft is an off eclionoj 'Triumphant joy ,and delight -jinihe apprehenlion of the perteft beauty of the, Church,and his part and pro- priety in it. Not long agoecone pfalme one- ly between) his foule was withered within hisbreaft 5 as the water trees in the Drought, as it were blaftcd with the fadrhoughts of his banilhmcnt : Woe is met hat I dwell in Me- (ech for the Qburcbes peace. feehj that my habitation is in the tents of Kedar : but now his joy flourifheth againe, in the thoughts of an approaching returne i reviue- ing (as it were ) like a dry tree y by the fent of the waters , (as lob fpeakes)and breaking forth into this extacy of divine affections, ( in the beginning of the Pfolme.)Iivasg lad when they faid unto mee, let vs gee into the houfe of the Lord : our feet e (hall Jt and within thy gates , O Ierufalem. Now the firings ofreafon^ that fed this ftrong affeftionin him:arethofeTwo,that the Philcfophers give, as the juft caufe of all goodaffe&ions: There are two things, that make us loue any thing : i. The beauty of it. 2 .The propriety of it. The beauty of the Church, fet his heart fo much in love with it $ that is exprefTed inthe3.verfe. Ierufalem is built as a City com- paEl together. How ever other mens eyes looked fcornefully vpon Ierufalem : as have- ing no beauty, norcomlines in it: yet the godly man feeth,(of all the focieties in the world ) no fuch beauty, as in the Church of God. Secondly, his propriety heehath in it, or the relation in which he ftandeth to it, which isDoubl^i.^erufalemiin the fourth verfe) is the place of Gods worfhip, whether the Tribes goe up : the Tribes of the Lordfo the te- B 2 ftwttyi 1 Iobi4.8.$, II i. 4 ii. *. n. 3. ' The Cbrijiians prayer^ Jltmony, to praife the Name of the Lord. There was the beauty ^becauie there was thewor- ihip of God, the fountaine of all beauty. And there is his fecond relation, and pro- priety, in that there was the company of all the Saints of God •, there bee fet thrones for the houfe of David, And then hecommethto his fecond af- fection, which isanfwerablc to the other : andbutacounter-paine ofit,( his loue ex- prcfling it felfe in both ) and that is : his ar- dent defire for the good of tferufalem^ begin- ning in the verfe. that Ihaue read. And this ardent defire breaketh forth, and expreffeth it felfe in a double ftreame. Wehaue. Firft a precept for prayer, in the verfe read, Pray for the peace of lerufalem. And then a pre fcript forme of prayer for peace in the next verfe : Peace be within thy walls, and $r offer ity within thy pallaces. And then, the fpnngs ofreafon, that feed this loving affe&ion of defire, and makcth it in continuall motion., are anfwerable tQ the former, He lookes upon lerufalem , in the double relation mentioned before, i For my Brethren and companions fake ', I will now foy, Peace bee unto thee. There is the firft relation. And the fecond is : For the houfe of our God^ I will procure thy good, in the Jaft verfe. And fo I have given you in brief c the whole , /or the Qburcbes peace. T. 2. whole fumme of the Pfalme. But to returne to the vcrfc : There be two things obfervable ink. A Mandate, and A Motive. The Mandate : Pray for the peace of Ierufalem. The Motme^ to put us upon it : They flail proffer that lout thee. In either ofthefe^there may be 3. things obfervable : Firft, There cannot be a better imfloymtm for Christians then Prayer. Pray for the peace of Ierufalem. Secondly, wee cannot atmcat a better blefsing in Prayer^ then Peace. Pray for the peace of Ierufalem. Thirdly, There is not a nearer relation wee haue to any y for whom we Jlould rvijh all good, then to Itrufilcm, pray for the peace of Ieru- falem. This is thedired: gradation of the verfe, but I ilia 11 handle it in a retrogradation : be- ginning at the laft. Firft 3 The ncarejl relation a Chrifttan hathta any for whom he Jhould wifl) all good \ is to tfe- rufalem, pray for Ierufalem. Secondly^ The grcatcft blefsing is Peace, pi ay for the peace. Thirdly, The mojl effettuall meanesto ga< peace H y Prayer. Pray for the peace of let** falem. There 3« - 2. 2. * 'The Cbriflians prayer> ■ \M — There bee as many: things obfervablein the fecond branch of the text. The motiue, that is ufed. Let them profper that love thee. Firft, rvee cannot but pray for Ierufalem, ifrve love her, it is an argument wee leue not the Church of God 5 and the honour of God • if we will not doe fo much as.fet forward her peace by prayer. There is a fecond thing too,implied in the other tranflation^ Let them profper that love thee. Our praying for the Church ,gtveth us a flare in all the Churches prayers y we haue a venture in every (hip of prayer, that maketh a voy- age for heaven, if our hearts bee willing to pray for the Church, and if not, we haue no (hare ink. Laftly, All our profper ity depends upon the profperity of the Church, and our defires for the j profperityofit. They (hall profper. It is a certaine thing, all that loue the Church of God, (hall profper : and profpe- rity only belongs to them, and there cannot be more effe&uall inducements to perfwade men to this duty then thefe are. I know there be fo many fands in the Text that (liould I obferve them all, the £la(Tc would out-run me. I (hall therefore contract all into one obfervation,and fo profecute it in many particulars briefly, that fo I may comprehend the maineofthe text,and iliall propound it thus : It \ for the Qburches peace. 7 // is the duty of all Chrtftians, to pray for the peace offerifalem, and to provoke o- tbers to doe the hke i and all their orvne good depends vponit. For the opening ofthe point, to bee very briete in it, there bee two things concer- ning the objeff, that I fhallgiue a little in- largement to,( to take the full meaning of the point. J And alio two branches concer- ning the acJ, which is to be performed. There is a double Object, i. For whom wee muft pray for peace,that is, lerufalem. 2. And what wee muft pray for 3 for lerufalem: that is, Peace. I muft expreffe briefly what is meant with- in the compafTeof Jcrufalem. And what is meant by Peace, which arc the objects of our prayer. I. lerufalem fto expreffe it in a word ) there may be a double iignificationof it, which may com- within the compaffe of the mea- ning of the text. Firftofall, lerufalem Myflicall. Secondly, lerufalem Liter all. I. lerufalem Myjitcall, is the Church of God, or in Generally the common, and publike good, and welfare, which every one" fhould pre- fer re before his owne private^ and not mind fo much his owns cabbin as the fliip in which all Lett. T. 3. 8 ^Ihe Chrijlians prayer, i- all profper, or perilli together. But more particularly to expreffe it, you may take it in thefe three rankes,or degrees. Firft. in the vtmoft generality, the true \ Church of God, is the objcft of our prayers, and the whole Church of God, every parr,and poitionof it.* every branch and member of it throughout the world,a Chriftian fliould haue an inlarged affe&ion, to reach, and comprehend, the good of all in his prayers. Secondly, and more fpecially. Thofe members of the Church that are imminent, the naturdl member j,andthe noble members. The natur all members, that are the living ftones of thebuilding-ofGod, not onelyin the out- ward profeflion of religion, pleafing to God ( Chriftians in name ) but thofe that are real- ly fuch.Andefpecially fuchasare morew- bk members h that aremoreinftrumentall^and organicall : the good of the Church depends more vponthem. Such as arc Eminent in power, in place, in worth, and in fervice, our prayers muft reach to all the Church, and to all the members of it. Thirdly, and more particularly, and fing- gularly,w owne Church, which we haue re- lation to, and the principalis of it : as Cities, and Vniverjiues • thofe which wee haue a peculiar relation to,doe challenge a peculi- ar fliarein our prayers. And jor the (lurches peace. i II. And not oncly the My f /call lerufalem^ but the Literati ferujalem^ fliould be no (hanger to a Chriftians prayers : Rcturne^ returnc, O Shuumite. Wee fliould pray for the refloring of the people of God • even for the I erves ; and tor the fettingvfoftke new ferufalem&s God hath promiied in his word. I will onely adde one thing in this. As thefe are all included in this lerulalem, which we are to pray for: So by the fame reafon by which tln-fe are included, we mufl: alfo un- derstand there is an exclufwn, and collate- rally a praying againft them that are againft Jerufalem ; Againft BttelggAtifk all the oppo- fites of lerufklew, for it is with Jerufalem and the enemies of it,as with a pairc of ballances$ whenoncfcaleisup, the other mufl needs bedowne^and when the oneisdowne -the other isvp :if Babel get aloft, Jerufalem ly- eth low, and if Jerufalem rife, Babel rauft fall. So that the fame prayers that are directed for^r#yS/^ 5 perpen"diculaily bent that way- will alio collaterally reach againft Babel. And fo I have expreflcd as much as I intended in this firft part oftheObje&,which is comprehended in ierufalem. Fray for Ie- rufalem. II. But *p/*tfmuft weprayfor,inthebehalfe of jerufalem i It is expreffed in the text, in one word,butthewordis very comprehen- fiue it is Peace. And Peace comprehends in C the 10 The Qhrijtians prayer the bofom-of it all Meflhgs, it is the He- brew phrafe, wh:n they would with all hap- pines, whatfo^ver that commeth within thecompatfe of making happy,then they fay Peace be to this houfe, that is, all happincs be to it, and in this refpeft there may be given a double fence of this word^Peacc. Firfl in the gcnerall latitude of it, Secondly, in the more fpeciall propriety of it. i. In the generall latitude of it .* all buf- fings and proprieties : all that is good and ufe- full and tends to the welfare of fferufalem, is comprehended under peace which wemuft pray for here. As to giue an inftance in two or three things. We muft pray for the protection of tferufaUmfhix God will prated his Church, delivering thofe that are in danger, and pre- ferving from danger thofe that are out of it; wee muft pray for the perfection of the Church: that God will reftore thofe Chur- ches that are over-runne,and will refine and purge more and more toallpurity,and per- fection, thofe Churches that ftand: we muft pray for the propagation of the Church of God, that God will ftretch the bounds, and ! enlarge the borders of it, and carry the Gof- pell further^that he will bring morefubjeds to acknowledge thekingdome of Chrift 5 and tofubmit to his fcepter, whether among the heathen , for the Qburcbes peace. I I— M >* in ' heathen of the world: or among thofc erring \ people, that hauea name of chriftianity,and yet rafe the foundation of it,that God would tnlarge the borders of his Church,and wligh- ten them. So much for thcgenerall latitude of the word. 2. To take it in the propriety of it: the word Peace,'m itfelfe is an excellent bleillng, and of fpeciall confequencc, which our hearts fhould pray to God, to beftow upon his Church, either preferving peace where it is, or beftowing it where it is not. . A threefold peace, we fhould pray for. I A Peace with God, in caufing his Churches to keepe their peace with him, in walking in the/w/ty,and power of his ordinances^ with- out which though they were at peace with all theworlJ,yet all will come to nothing, if religion be defiled and polluted. As the CardinallmadeithisEmblcme,a Beach-tree^with this infeription, Take off the top^ and it is the mine of all the rcfl ; The na- ture of that . tree is fuch, that if the top of it be cut off, it will never thrive. So it is true of the purity of religion, tamper with that, take away that, defile, and pollute that,and all other blctfings will be gone, they will take themfelves to their wings,except there be fomething to foder us with God, which can be nothing but our exaft walking with him in his ordinances. Except we keepcour C 2 peace II i. 1% l> ^The Cbriftians prayer^ peace with God, ail ocher peace will fall a- Cinder* f As tint great Artificer, who fometime \ made a famous m$fatix&Mi#&3>Ajbp God- defle of the Athenians , he contrived itfo,that hee wroughrhisowncnameinrhe Centerof the Buckler, which was fo framed of fe verall pieces, and mmmims, that it wasimpoltiblc topickeouthis name,who was the author of it, bur the whole buckler would fall in pie- ces. So, the name of God,and the true re- ligion oi' God, is fuch a fupporrer to the ; world,that if that be fleighted, and trampled upon : if you goe about to overthrow that all other bleflings will fall in pieces, As Peace with God, fo alto peace among the Citizens ^\m\S\ peace,free from diflention, diviftons, and diftra&ions, that they may thinke the fame things,and goe the fame way and vnanimoufly minde the glory of the Lord toge:her,the breach and loffe of which Peace is one of the greaicftmifchicfes, and miferies, that can befall us. And a forreigne peace alfo, from all oppo- fition without, that there may be no hofti- lity,no invafion offorraine enemies upon the Churches of God. T.hefelfuppofcare the principalis that comprehend thefumme of what is meant, and couched under the name of Peace. I fhallonely adde one thing ia this \ and that. for the Qburches peace. 1 that is : If wee thinkc onely of temporall pcace,and the bleffings upon that, it is not worth the while to pray for peace to the Churches or God .-it may better pro/per in warre, andmifery. For as rhc Father com- plaints, In the i\rc\z,whenthcyjtonrifhed,tkey all decayed, and the vigour of religion was gone, but when they bad no peace, then they fleurt(l)cdtn religion. The primitive Church which was perfecuted by the red Dragon, was do at bed 'w i tb tbe Sun, and crowned with a crown oftwelue Stars, witb the Moone vnder her feet-hut tbe woman in the iy.of theRevelation was doatbed with fear let, and 'gold, all outward richcs,but no heauenly ornament about her. Thus it may fall fo out,that to aske onely for a temporall peace may not be worth the while : therefore you muft ioync in your prayers • Peace that may be fanfttfied, that we may make a good vfe of it, and fo it is very vfefullfor the woikeofthe Gofpell,andit great bleffmg to inioy it. I (hall exprefle briefly an other branch of the point, which is the office ofaCbrijlian,in regard of the Ad. There is a double Aft, in- timated in the point, and contained in the Text. It is our duty to fray for this blefiing of Peace, for our mother lerufalem. And it is our duty,not onely to pray our felues, but we muft when, and provoke others fo *3 ii. 2. »+ i 'The Qbriflians prayer focodoc, rouze,and awaken others,to joyn in prayer, for thepeacc of the Church. Now, when I lay we are bound to pray-, there are 2. other things included in that af- well as Prayer which is themaine thing. There is one thing implyed inwardly 5 that our hearts fhould worke tolerufalem^owx pulfes beate that way, 0«r^/?w,andwifhes, mould be forit.For prayers are the expieilio of the heart, other wife they are but empty. There is another thing included too out- wardly: they that pray as they ought, will indeavour to attaint what they -pray for. It is not to beebeleeved 5 thataman prayeth for the peace of the Church, when hee doth that which is contrary to the peace of the Church, our indeavours therefore,muft goe along with our prayers, or elfe it is no way futable. Our indeavours in every kind, our coun- cil fhould worke, we fhould lay our heads together to work the welfare of the Church: our examples fhould bee prefidents and pat- ternes to others to provoke them to good workes. Every one that hath any authority, his authority fhould goe that way 5 for the fctling, and furthering the peace oilerufalem elfe wedoebutmockc God in our prayers. Toaddeonc word concerning both the particulaas, wee fhould pray our fdves, and then Jltrrc up others in the lame way, to perrorme ~\ for the Churches peace. 15 pcrforme the fame duty. And both of thefc muft be done in the due wanner. i .Sincerely, not out of by-refpe<3s.-To pre- tend God and the Church, and tolooketoa mans purfe,and to his ovvne private refpefts, is bafeand fordid. 2. Wee fhould doe this alfo eameftly,and frequently, not as if wee cared not fork, but put our ftrength to it, 3. Wee muft dock, conftantly, not by fits, grafhopper-like, to skip up and fall.downe againe prefently -, but to hold a conftant courfe ofprayer. To mention one thing more, whois it^ that are bound to doe all this ( I expreffed it in the point) Every Chrijlian, the true Chri- ft tan ,and every one that is luch muft know it is a part of his duty. Bee hee of whatftatiort foever hee will, there may be a greater obligation upon fomc then others, but there is an obligation up- on all. The Magiftmes in their places, it is a prin- cipall piece of their iervice, to pray for and to promote the peace, and welfare of the Church : and the people are not therefore ex- cufed , for it belongs to them alfo. The Mtmjlers in their places, muft be lea- d ing perfons in their duty , and in the provo- cation of others to it : and yet others are not thereby excufed, but every member of the Church i6 The Cbrifiians prayer* *. Church as well as thefe rauft pray. Of what condition foever whether lear- ned^ or vnlearned^ whether men or mmen^ there is none but may bee fouldiers in this fervice, women may worke here, their af- fections raaybeftrong, and every one hath a(hareinit,itbelongethtoa!l. I will adde no more for the explication of the point,and I will be alfo bricfc in the proofe of it. The Scripture is very cleare,and doth lay many ftrong obligations vpon us, for the performing of this duty, and we fee many prefidents for it, of fuch affe&ions, that haue beene in the Saints of God, toward the Church of God, that they were carried a- way with the good of it, to the neglect of themfelues. I will onely point you to fometwo,or three places out of the hiftoricall part of the Bible, both testimonies and examples. I. Testimonies^ it i-s-a mod incomparable example of Mofes, in Exod. 3 2 . Rather blot mc oat of * the booke that thou haft written^ then fiffer thy people to penfh, and thy name to bee dis- honoured by it. MofiSyW&s fo farre tender of the good of the Church of God, that he could haue beene contented, in a high cx- tatticall affe&ion, rather to haue loft him- {clfe,then God (hould have loft fo much honour, as would haue bin by this mcanes. In for the Churches peace. In the j. Chapter of Judges, and the 23. verfc. | The fpirit of God, which is the fpirit of blefling:yet thunders outcurfesagahitthofe that had no affe&ion toward rhe Churchy Curfe ye Jftr#£(lakhthe Argcll of the Lord) yea, Curfe ye Jnm bitter ly y kcaufe hee came not out to helve the Lord againft the mighty. Not to bee fenfible of the condition of the Church •, and nor to put in, with our beft indeavours for it •, bringeth a heavy curfe from the mouth of bleffingirfclfe. II. And youmay fee, two excellent exam- ples, of a man and a woman. In the 1 Sam. 4. 19. The wife ofphinehas, had the Church written in her heart more deepely then the fonneof herwombe. Shee was newly de- livered of a Ion, but tooke no pleafure in him, becaule the Arke of God was taken. The other is of a man,that may plead as much ex- emption as any, he wasafouldier, and yet was a braue prcfident in this cafe, in the 2 Sam. 11. Chapter, 11. verfe. Vriah^ one of Davids worthies, would not goc home to hishoufe- onely upon this appre- henfion, the deepe thought he had of the e- ftatc of the Church. My Lordloab ( faith he to David) is m the field ,and allffraehn bat- tell, andfoall J goe home to take my pleafure £ As the Lordliveth 1 will not. All other plea- fures were nothing to him in refpeft of the welfare of the Church. D And J '7 4- 1 8 *rbe Chriftians prayer. And in thofe Doffrinall parts of the Old teftament: Phi. 20^. anJ 51.18. and 53. 6. ; The Pfalmift in the midd^ft of the heate ' of the profecudons of his owne welfare, hath many out-lets, and breakings out of heart :0 fend fa hat ion to Zion, build up the walls of lerufdem : Even when he was mod bufie, to feme his owne turne,he cannot for- get the ftate of the Church of God : Remem- ber David in the mtdft of all his afflictions. Minding not fo much his owne particular as the whole houfeof God, and therefore he faid, hee would not goe Vf to his bedde y till he had found out a place for the Lord to dwell in. Soin Pfal. 102.13. Haue mercy vpon Zion y for the time to favour her is come. Such is the property of Gods fervants,that the Church cannot lie in the duft, but there is a tender pitty in the hearts of Gods people: in Pfal. 1 37. 5. (an excellent place)// 7 forget thee^ o Ierufalcm, let my right hand forget her cunnin* ■ if Zfpreferre not Terufalem, before my chief e toy . And fo in the prophecy o£E/iy(that remark- able placejinthe 62 .chap./^ zions fake 1 will not hold my peace, I will not be fdent^untill her righteoufneffe bud forth 9 yoM that are the Lords remembrancers give him noreft^vntill heehauc made lerufalem, thepraife oft he whole earth. It is an office acceptable with God ♦, and all men that arc of the Church, are of that office, to bee Gods remembrancers for his Church, ____ to to puthimin mind of it. In the 22. otE- fay and the 12- verfe. When God did call for mourning^ in regard of the tftate of the Church )and men ran tomadnes,and mer- riment, he was infinitely provoked by it. As I remember a common wealth, when the kingdomeand flatc was in great trouble a great many young ruffins being in a ta- verne, were drinking : and they ufed to crowne there heads with rufhes, which being done one of them lookt out at the window, which did fo provoke the ftate, that they tookc away his head for it. And that in Htggai : I s it time for you to dwell in filled hou- fes y and my houfe not built', faith the Lord. It is not worth the while, to mind our ownc houfes whilft Gods houfelyesintheDuft. Topointat, 2. or 3. places, in the New Tcflamwt : Saint Pauls affcclion in this kind , that fame incomparable affe&ionjinJtaw.p. 3. is not to beexpreficd,in which he para- lelled Mcfs, if not furpaffedhim:^<&j?^ to be accur fed from Chrifl^pr my hrethnns fake. It noted] his infinite fupcrlatiue affedion towards them. So in the 2 Cor. 11.28. Phil. 1. 1 8. 0/.2.y. You Hull find how Saint Paul expreffeth ,t bat all the care of all the Chur- ches^ lay upon him. As it was in the old law, the Pneft was never to enter into the holy of holiefL but hee muft haue his ornaments about him, all die tvVelue tribes, D 2 to _~\ %• The Qhnftians prayer to offer them up ro God. So it was Saint Pads cafe,- and fliould be every minifters, and every Chciftiitii in their fhtion, but I forbeare. lfaz\\ %\\ietht grounds of the foint,( in a word ) from the feverall parcells, which we haue touched in the explication. Euery one of thofe make a contribution, to raife the fumme of a fufficient reafon, whether wee confider. The Nature of Ierufalem, or The Nature of Peace, or The Nature of Prayer, or The NatweofaChriftian* You (hall find it ftrongly demonftratcd in all thefe^That it is the duty of every Chri- \ ftian, to pray for the peace of J-emfalem. Doe but Firfl^confider the Nature of Ierufalcmjuhzx. rferufalemis-y the Church of God 3 and in it there is adouble relation. i. If you looke vpward 5 the relation it hath to God, it is the houfe of God, it is the Spoufd of Chrift, and can there bee a dearer relation to put a deeper ingagement vpon us 5 then to tender thefpoufeof Chrifl. a. Or if you looke downeward, in the rela- tion (hee hath to us:Shee is the Mot her of us aH h all the Saints of God,areall the daughters of lerufalem ; all members of the Church, there is for the Churches peace. 11 is a naturall vnfon,and comunion betwecne them, and there (hould be a fellow-feeling, of the good or ill, of the whole by every particular member. Or if you conlider Peace^ it is thefummeof allbleffings^ it comprehends all bleffings in the bofome of it.The ancients, were wont to ( paint peace with a home of plenty. l. Peace, his the mother of 'all other pro fperities y and blejrmg^arts^ndfcitnceS;, trades and eve- ry thing, flourifli with peacerand all wither,if peace bee gone,warre blafts all. And it is not onely the mother of all inferiour bleflings ; but 2. It is a very car ef nil and ufe full nurfe, to chenfh religion, religion receiveth a great dealc of advantage by peace, as in the Affs The Church had peace, and increased exceeding- ly, AsaGencrallfaidfometimas,when one came to him for juftice, what doeft thou talketo mee of juftice, (faith hee) I cannot heare thenoifeof Law and juftice,. for the founds of thedrumms. Thereisno hearing of the Law of God, the Law of juftice,when men haue their fwords in their hands,therc can be no roomefor religion to grow upand thriue, ifthere bee not peace,to giueit aftati- on, and afctled place. 3. Or if you confider the Nature of Prayer. 3 What prayer is:(to mention onely rhe effica^ cj^ndnecefstty of it) I. It is the mod effica- cious IX ^be Cbriftians prayer, I cious #*£//#: the fummeoi: all policies, for a Chriftian to worke by, for Peace. Is it not Cod that ruleth allthe trdrld,?md hath all hearts in his hands? he canmak'.: the very (tones to beat peace with a man, he fodcrs men toge- ther, Peace and warre depends upon himrand prayer rules Uft^ he faflfrethhimiclte to be o- vercomeby Prayer^Let me alone faith God: by prayera Chriftian ttchethall tromGod, what is in Gods power, is a Chnftians by prayer:Yea there isfuch an efficacy in it, that all the pollicies, of all the men in the world is nothiug to Prayer, becaufe God isaboue all, and can blaft all. II. It is of great necessity alfo ^God will not beftow bleflings, but when a people will feeke him, zndfue to him (or them,and the rea- fon is becaufe he fhall haue little honour by it: if it came without our feeking it from God, wcfhouldafcribeitto fome other way; God fhould have no honour by it, but when it commeth begged by prayer, itappeareth to be the worke oi God, and God hath the glo- ry ofit. So that hee doth not beftow ordi- narily bleflings upon any, but at the requcft of his people, where hee hath a people. Or,Laftly, If you confider the nature of a Chri(lian y take him in relation to all thefe three former: or take him in another relation we (hall adde. A godly man, it is the moft proper worke for him, that can be imagined / *mi for the Qburches peace. ** imagined, he cannot bee excufcdofit. I. He is a Sonne of Ierufalew >it becommeth rurn(atleaft) to pray bard iorhis mother: he is an vnnaturall child, that will not open nis mouth to fauc mifchcifc from his mo- ther. As the Son of Cnefusjhzt never fpake before, the dumbe child through vehemen- cy of tender affe&ion, feeing one goe about to kill his father, cryed our, O man wilt thou t WillCrafusth opened the dumbe mans mouth that could not fpeake bcfore,to plead for his father in a cafe of danger . So (hould it be ^yith us for our Mother Ierufalem. II. Every child of God, is asafon of Urtt- falcm, foafonne of Peace , we arc thefonnes of the Cod of peace • and fonnes of the Cofpell of peace^znd have all the ingagements of peace s the fpirit is a fpiritof Peace : the fpirit of the Dove fhall reft upon the fpirit of the fonnes of God, they are the fonnes of Peace. III . He is thefonne of Prayer, it fhould be the very Element ( faith NixauXg* ) in which wee draw our breath, to run towards God, and towards Heaven, in the way of Prayer. So that a Chriftian,that is the Sonne of God the Sonne of Icrufalem, the Sonne of peace, and the Son of prayer : by all thefe necclTa- ry tyes,is bound to pray for the peace of Ie- rufalem. And (o much the more, becaule he isinabled, when others cannot^hc hath abili- ty± and power, as he is the Sonne : it is in his hand, I. i / hand,andhe is able to bcfenfible of Ierufa- Itm^ and to pray for the peace of Ierufalem^ which others cannot. ^ There bee 3 . things in the generally that I defirc tocommend unto you,from thecon- fideration of this point by way of applica- tion^ to fet it home vpon your confeiences, for the performance of this duty. Firft, we have here & clean conviclion^vA rep roofs of thofe that doe the clean contrary ,that doe not obferuethis, but fall fhort of this duty,and doe not carry themfelves likeChri- ftians. There be 3. forts of men, ( faith Se- neca) thofe that doe evilly thofe that doe no- thing but by things $ and thofe that doe no- thing at all. I might fpeakc of them in this forme: but I (hall comprehend under this notion thofe which doe contrary to this duty. They therefore cfpecially are to be repro- ved, that doe contrary. It this be the duty of all Chriftians to pray for the peaceo ilcrufa- lem : then how are they very Antipodes un- to Chriftians, in a dircd oppofition unto them, that are not for frrttfalem,b»tfor Ba- bel. 1. If there bee any Icfuiticall fpirit,that would build Rome ,with the revenge of the mines of England^ as the firft was built^this iscleaneoppofite to the text: if any one be not for Ierufalem but for Babel, xhey are cleane contrary. Againe jor the Qhiirches peace. 2.Againc if there beanySchifuiaticallSpi- , rks that arc not/*r/w^ and profperky: but for the rutne^ and dcflruclion of the Church : that trouble cities and trouble ftates. Sala- wander-Hkc that cannot liue but in the /fa of contention^ and mate difturbanccs. Like a fimple man that cares not to fetthehoufe on fire, to rod his egge. Such wicked fpirits as are not forpeace^ but for confufion^ had rather fow difcord and make breaches, to rend and teare and devouve, one another in the Church of God, rather then ftudy the viri- on, and concord of the Church : thefe arc cleanc contrary. 3 . Againe they thatare not for Ierufalcm&or for feace, are haft of all for prayer ; If it be the duty of all Christians, to pray for the peace of $crufalcm y to got to Heaven to helpe for- ward the welfare of lerufdem: Then what are they i and how unlike unto Chriftians, that doe nothing but plot the dcflruclion of ' Ie- rufalcnt< and goe to Hell by divelifh coun- fcls,and machavillian polliccs^to ouerthrow theChurchof God^er/^/i/flw^and fet up Babel and a confuted Anarchy 1 I (hall end in this, Remember Edom O Lord, thatfatd tn the day of Urufalemydowne with it ^ downemth Uneven to the ground. God will have fuch fpirits in re- membrance - and willrakehis ownecaufcto heart, and it (hall not fare the worfe for their curfcs,butthey (haliturnc to blelfings. A ** — m %6 II. XIL The Qbriflians prayer godly man, hath thefc two advantages :Thc prayers of the godly: and the curfes of the wicked, and both of them to be blellings ua- to him. Secondly, wee may every one of us make t\\\$>ztouchjlonctotry our felues^ of what tem- per, and mould we are : w T ee pretend all to Chriftianity 5 wee doe not doubt, but that we are members of the Church of God 3 and ofChrift-, and wee hope to haue portion in both. To know whether this bee true ,we may try it by our affection to the Church of God. How doth ourhearts worke towards the Church ( are our hearts [oft i and doe they mdt within xstand dee our hearts worke towards the repairing of the breaches of le- rufalem < This will giue a good teftimony I what we are, if it bee not thus,it is plaine we are not true genuine members, but wood- den members of theChurch.-the liuing mem- bers, that receiue true nouriftiment from the head, havea fellow feeling, of the mifery of the Church, but if wee bebutas wood- den legges,wefhall bee cut off, and it is a (igne wcare butfudyfwehaue.no affe&ion to it. For Exhortation^ which h the principall: that what eucr we haue done hitherto, yet now to take this as our duty, to carry the Church in our bofome,and pray for the wel- fare, the good, and peace of the Church of God. for the Qmrches peace. God,thatGod would pre fewevs in peace that haue ir, and that God would vifittn mercy , thole that haue had the fvvord drunken in there blood along time, wee (hould make this a part of our prayer unto God. Many- things fliould hauebecne laid here: but to omit all other things. If wee would pray for the Church of God,as wee ought, wemuft pray in Fmb^ beleeue Gods word, and the promifes God hath made to his Church. Spread his book before him, and fay : Lord, thou haft promi- fedto doe eood to thy Church, and that thou wouldft confound the bcaft, and the Dragon, the appointed time fcemes to come now,thuspraytoGod,and preffe him with his promiles, and pray in faith. Againe,as we muft pray in faith : fo pray \wfincere charity ,in a true genuine loue to the Church of God, otherwifc it will notbee worth the while. Againe, Pray in repentance : lift up pure hands to God -,if thou art diligent in prayer, and negligent in thy life,and converiation, converting and defiling thy (elfe with the vanities of the world, as bufie in it as any body, and thinkeft to come ofF,becaufe thou remembreft the Church of God, thou arc deceived, Doft thouthinke,God will hare thy prayers, when thoudoii not hearc his jcommands f He commands you to feparate i ! E 2 your *7 ■f I. 2 S The Cbriftians prayer, your felues,from the vanities of this worlds and you will not heare him, and doe you thinke he will heare you < : Pray Wixhinftwcy and edrnefines offpirit : a fearefull begger, teacheth how to giue a deniall.Godloveth a kind of violence, to dafh our prayers againft heavcn ? againft the throne or grace with a holy violence and zeale of fpkit, which will prevaile much with God. The Ieweshauean old Hiving, which may haveagood application. Since the deftru&ion of the Temple of lernfalem thedoore of prayers hath beenc tout, God would not heare the people of fer#falm, but yetthe doorc of teares is not fliut, though God feemcth to ftoppe againft thedoore of prayers, yet not againft teares : if our pay- ers ireake forth inu> teares , God will regard them. As I haue fometimes obferved of Proteus that was wont to give cerraine ora- cles, but it was hard to make him fpeake, and deliver them, but he would turne himfelfe, into feverall fhapesand formes^ yet if they would hold out, and prefTc him hard with- out feare,into whatfoever forme or fhape he appeared, they were furetohauefatisfafto- ry oracles.So,God giveth not bleflings,un- leffe we will wraftle them out : and contend and ftriue with God for them, by an earneft and a fervent fpirit 5 And ( as Tertullian faith) make fryers fitt mtbfifiing^ which ordwari- Jli for the Qburches peace. •m ■■■■ ■■ - ■■ -■■ . ■ — ■ ■■ - * ■ * '■ » ' * ^' — mm ■■ » /y, are ft arved with formalities; If God fhould come and threaten to turne all upfide-downe $ if wee make prayer fac with fafting,with fervency of fpirit, with in- tention, and vigour of zeale, God would bee over-ruled by his fcrvants.-and I know nothing inrhe world, would beamorecei*- tainc pledge of mercy, then if we could fee the fpirit of prayer among Chriftians. * Laftly,* /Vvry conftantly. God may feeme to hide himfelfe, and not regard the prayers of his fervants, but wee muft not give over prefently, wc muft hold out and waite upon him. A nobleman you will waite upon, if you have any fuite vnto him, and you will be glad if he giueyouan'anfwereatlaft^and fhall wee thinkc much to waite upon the doores of God,tQ giue the great Lord- of Heaven, and earth a little attendance < this is but to ferue our ownc turne,if we doe not waite. We muft waite,. if God faith, as hee did to Mefes^ Ltttnee done, why trouble you mee i we muft refolve with Ucob not to let Cod goe tillheblejfevs^ this holy violence is good,if raodeft andconftant. For ameartes to belfe every one of v$ 9 to a ferious performance ofthisduty.In a word lay afide our earntllfecurity^ and lay things U heart : obferuc the eftatc of the Church of GocL and lay it to heart, or clfe wc fhall ne- ver doe it, trie laying is that which the eye fees 1 9 5. u 3° c fhe Qhriflianr prayer | fees not the heart rues not, if wee mind not thefe things,& rhinkenot vpon them, if they doe not makean impreffioa into our hearts, we {hall never fakhrully make our cxpreili- ons vnto God, Take heed of the jiw7*/, Icaft it doe with us, as the Ivy with the o.ike,which twifts about it and hinders it from thriving. So the world twifts about many a godly man, and Chriftianity dies within him : take heed we be not too bufie with worldly affairs,that theychoak not all thoughts of better matters. There is a ftoryof King Henry the Fourth, and the Duke of Alva, the Kingasked whe- ther he hadnotobfervedtheEclipfes: No, ( faith he) I havefo much to doe upon earth, that I have no leifuretolookeuptohcaven, A great many men have fo much to doe upon earth, that they have no leifure to thinke of heaven, or any thing belonging to the Church of God, they have fo much to do? in the puzzleing aflaires of this life, and hfive fuch a roule of them hanging one upon another-, that when one hath done, a- nother comes and woes them •, that they ne- ver have time to thinke of Gods Church 5 to lay to heart their duty in that kind. Many men while heaven, and earth, are on fire about their eares • and the Church of God inruine,and themfelues in danger, yet them- felues are in the duft, minding nothing but earth. A* Archimuksjhs: great Mathemati- cian / Jor the Churches peace. V cian :whcn the city was befleged,himfclfdid more by his curious art, to hinder the taking ofit, then allelic reftofthc cicy could doc to defend it, and the Gcnerall of the enemy, gave a fpeciall charge to preferue Archimi- l»*- ?+ ■. . The Qbrijlians prayer in arms^xA c*vtfdt y thck minds art not fa fodcrcd together : bleaches are made a- mongft them which makes way for there mine, and I know not what can ballancc this but oncly prayer, fojhua. though he bee the weakeft-, yet if Mofes be a praying in the Mount, he may prevaile. There is nothing can counterpoize the odds that is betweene the Church ofGod,andthe ene- mies of it : nothing can make the ballancc cucn, and caft thelcale to the Church, but Prayer. And fo much the more, becaufc God femes to bee afleepe in all their ftorraes, we fhould fay therefore, as they to $on*h, Arifi 4itdpraf ? wee fhould goe and awaken every Chriftian, to Prayer ; that fo wee may awaken God that feemes to flcepe,and I negleft, and let his Churches bee plunged in mifery . Againc we may bee invited with the con- fide ration of the iffueofh: the (hip of the Church may bee ftill toflfed and tumbled, butbecaufe Chrift is in it,it can never periftu The Roman* ]q& many a battcll, and yet were conqucrours in all their Warrcs. So it is with the Church of God :they have sput may loofc many a battcll, but in thecofe dutton the Church will conquer, vnlcffc man could wraftle with God, and beat him out of heaven, they fhall never overcome his Church, or his truth upon earth. Now . horj /or the £burcbes peace. Ihec is a madde man j that will fide with a baddccaufe, whenheeisfure thcgood-caufc will prcvailc. Laftly, t© clofc all, doe but confider fomc CircHwflances y in the bowels of the nature tf prayer, to invite us to it. It is almoft* the ondj thing left that we can doe for them,when we fee them in com- paflcd round about with dangers, and there is no way to makean efcape : Let us doe as Dedalus, that when he could not ef- cape by a way upon earth, went by a way of Heaven, Let us goe by the way of heaven, and that is .by prayer, that is the onely way that is left, and it is fo eofie a thingyZn&offi little d^E,thatnoman fhould fticke at it,to give a fubfidie of prayc rs and fighes this way. Ycacverymanfliould doe this in his private clofet and family $ Pray that God would looke upon his Chur- ches, «o reftore peace where k is not,and to eftablifli it where it is, this is of fo eafie a coft, mce-thinkes no man fhould ftickeat it. As a ftory hath it, there were a great many bookes of thcSybills, brought by a man to a King of the Reruns, and hee prof- fered them to the King,atfuch a rate, at a very great price, and the King would not give it i then the man burnt the one halfe of his bookes,and asked double the price that he did for the whole, the King rcfuied a- ______ f 2 £aine V ~] tf — — — ■ i i ■■ — — «^—~ •^m i ■ i i i . T7; gaine, and he did the like with halfe of thenii and doubled the price of all again, and then the King confidering the value of them gave hitn the price. I am afraid, if wee forbearc to bid prayers for the peace of Ierufalemitlic; time may come wee may be content to bid blood, and our eftates, and yet not doe them one halfe quarter fo much good as we may now by prayer* Againe, confider whatzfoule blot it mil hee^ and what a brand it will fet vpon vs, if we bedefe&iue in this kind.Itis Zferjidt- eus thing to betray the Church, and will leauea great ftaine, and a fhame vpon us fq* ever. It is high time to pray,and therefore in my apprehenfion, you fhould thinke it htgh treafon^not to pray, he is adefperate, dead- ly tray tour to the ftatc of Urufalem^ that is not a daily and dcvouLOratour for the peace and welfare of Iemfalem, and it will leant fuch a ft aim and ignominy behind, that will not eafily be recompenced Jtis anabfervati- on of one that wrote the Hiftory of the Gre- cians relating what worthy a&s many, nati- 1 ons had done : the Lacedemonians did this valiant aft, the Athenians did . other no- ble a&s, and many other countries other worthy afts, and when it was demanded of him what his owne country-men of Cumin had done i he had nothing to fay of them, but that they had done juft nothing. Confider *«a- for the Qhurcbes peace. 37 Confidcr 5 that if when wee have heard that others have done fo much for the Church : and that in the Story itfhould bee faid, wee have done juft nothing, wee have not fo much as prayed throughly for them t, what a ftaine would this bee : it will bee asgreataftaine 5 and brand to vs,and as little honour to be regiftred in Stories if wee (houlddoe nothing in this kind as it is for Pilate to have his name written the Creed. in Fl&CIS. mmm - . ■J ,,' . «« A SERMON won iS am, 2.30 $y Johs StoughtOn, Potior in Divinity, late of dlderman- hurjy London, Quanto major Honor datur^ T.antomaju* Perkulum comparator. Auguft.Ser.62. adfrat.inEremo. LONDON, Printed by $ohn Daw [on, fox IohnBelUmie,zn& Raiph SmitbyZnd are to be fold at their (hop, at the three golden Lions in firytehill necrc the Royall Exchange, 1640. ■—J >' ■'!" *mmmmm -=--- A Mcthodicall Analyfis of theprincipall things treated of in this Sermon^s it was perfected by the Author. I Sa m» a. 30. f I, JntroduElion. I I Context, The Judtciall Procejfe ofgodagainfi E& 1 Thejinne of 'Eli. J I Of his Sonne S) \l Ofhimfelfe. 2 Thefentence ofgodagainft him : wherein <> J C 2 Ofhimfelfe. I r 2 The f entente of God a ] V X C/ods gracious exaltation of htm I 2 a His \nft Degradation, I* U 7>*/. Wherein obferve, 1 ElicS Pat tent for Honour , 2 The Revocation of that Pattent y 3 7"#r r?*/** of that Revocation, {1 Elics'Jfciw, . 2 6odslupce Obfcrvations of his Honour ; 1 ♦ From " 1 Thefevekallpoftures of it : X -7#f r*/^ of Honour > , 1 The fall of Honour, J 3 The rife of Honour 3 j a. T&* Charagtarislicall nature of it* I 7*4* *SV*/# of Honour % Rule of Honour* Ira&ation. I Doa. ThefervUe ofGtdin the MtntficrUoe 4 verj honourablefmtilion. ' J I "Explication. 8 y, ia Evangelicah. i Hot* is it honourable : G* .* J The zAnalyfis. In refpell of the qualitie of it there is a Double "'\ Honour, S l C^ill, ( l Spirit ua/l. 2 Title to it Cl Perfon, r * For Eliesfwneinhis onweperfon-js noted the loofenes of his difcipline, that he carried him- felfc too remiflfely, and indulgently towards his fonnes^in cafe of their finning, and then Secondly, as we have the finne of Eli a- gainft God: So,vpon that, the fentence of God againft £//>wherein we may obferve 2.diftin& things. Gods gracious exaltation of him : vcr.27.whkh God mentions by way of introduction, evin- cing the equity of his proceedings againft Eli : he doth it by a commemoration, and ta- 1 king notice of all the mercy, which hec had bellowed upon him, and upon hisfamily:that he had pickt him out from among the chil- dren of Ifraely and advanced him to the digni- ty of the Pricfthood. And this is brought in as an aggravation of his finae. I faid{ faith God) that thy houfe,and the houfe of thy father fhould rvalke before met for ever : how dijrft tbou then doe fucha thingastokickcat my facri- fice,and at my offering, which I comman- ded in my habitation ,and honoureft thy fons abouemc. Now this being clcare,and the equity, and jufticc of the fentence being evinced, wee have Secondly, (in thewords of the Tcxtyhhjufi hgradation^andthe fever ity ofthefenttncejnbti- in you may obferve (to give briefly the fumme ofic)thefe3. things. _ In A Sermon upon i Sam. 2. 30. Ji In the beginning oftheverfe, you have a pattent or graunt of honour to £//, and his fa- mily : I faid thou and thy fathers houfefhouid rvalke before me for ever. Secondly, we have the revocation of that graunt but now thus faith the Lord, Fane bee tt from me. Thirdly, we have thtreafon of that revoca- tion- why his pattent and graunt of honour was revoked and called in .• wherein there is zfmplycdjnthefwne ofEliJiis provokingGod by defpifingand not honouring of him, in the place of honour that God had fet him in. DirecJly expreft, the luftice ofGed&nd the ho- lines ot his nature, which would not fuffer him to winkeat fuch exorbitancies:it is incompati- ble with his nature, to beare with fuch inju- ries : he (houlddeny his nature, ifhedidfufc ferit-,in thelaft words-, Thofe that honour mee I will honour, but thofe that defptfc mee fh all bee lightly ejlccmcd. Before I enter into the confideration of the words read,I (hall propound but one obferva- tionout ofthehiftory, which though perhaps it mayfeeme fomething curious, yet I know it may be exceeding profitable. In the main of the ftory,wc may,both in regard of every Perfon and every family > and every State, and every Church, fee a mirrour of the courfe of honour, and the fieppes by which it doth decline. H 2 I 1 .Concejfio Honoru. i t Rc r J9cat:o ConcCjJiorjis . cat mis 1 .Culpa Ed. z.Iufluid Tjci — 5* A Sermon upon i Sam.i.jo. I onely note thus much out of this ftory, in one thing. Wee have here three generations recorded to us :Eli,Phinehas,ar\dIch*bod.Eli :> hcb£gct$ Phmehas^nd Phinehas he begets Ichabod.'Now in Eh God taxeth retnijfenejje, want of zcale : in Phinehas he taxeth prophanenejfe^ want of confeience -.and Icbabod^hh very name boades no other. )The glory is departed from Ifraeltjhe note then is this. Let but T^eale in aperfon } ina Family^in ajiate or Church • once degenerate to luke-warmeneffe, And then luke-rvarmenejfe rvillfoone beget prophanenes 9 and prophanenejfemll not be long before it doe pre- cipitate, and bring us to mine, that will bring in Ichabod/ he glory is departed. Wantofzealeis thefirft ftep,from whence there is but one difcentto mine. This being rhuS'briefly, premifedj fliall now fall to the wordsof the Text. And the text may feeme to bee a Charter of the Clergy, or a Kalender for all manner of dignity .*or it is a perpetuall prognoftication of the courfe of honour, though calculated for the Meridian of the high Priefthood, yet fuchas may ferve(as thofemen vfe. to fpeake ) forthegenerall latitude of all eminency. and may concerne all. There bee but thefe 5 . things : ( though there might be many more ) which I will take notice of, in the whole verfe.Wc have* 1. The \ A Sermon upon i Sam. 1.30. 53 1 . Place 2. Fall The ^3. State ^ of honour. 4. Rife 5 . Rule And fo many things the words imply, and infhort,you may cafily havethem at your fin- gers ends. In the three former, we have the feverall po- (lures of honour and In the two latter, wee have the characferifti- i'all nature of honour, In the three former, the feverall poftures of honour; there is 1. Honour Culmenant/m the dignity of the high -prieji hood. 2.HonourOcr/^^in the fall and declining of it. 3. Honour Orient, in the rife of it, which is from God. There is likewife The Character ijticall nature 0/honour. The whole Jpheare or the whole globe of honour,hangs very tickle,.and it is a very hard thing, to mannage honour well. And the Horizon, that bounds both the Hcmif pheares 5 is the laft thing that I propoun- ded in the Rule, by which the jufticc of God doth weigh ( as it were ) in the ballanceall ho- nour, and that by which it either rifes up 5 or fails 3 and declines. One the one fide, Grace ad- — i^^^^ A Sermon upon \ Sam. 2. 3©. iJnJlruBio omnium* 1 JEccleji* , of dcatl/. y zhcn bee at coil: to preferve the V/g'/ij of life, I have heard it hath beene abicrved by ibrae, as an unqi/all car- riage in Mi/iifters, who ; will plead earncftly, for their owne dues, and yet deny God his : Some have obfervedthis as an unequal! kinde ofcarria^vbutliiKiy tellyoiut is unequallto force Minifters to plead for their right untill they bee hoarfe^ even then when they fhouldbe giving of God hisdue,andthe people theirs : but I fuppofe there is no reaib- nabk man, but will thinke that an honoura- ble maintenance is due to an honourable fer- vice. Laftly. There is an honour of obedience y and fervice, which isthechiefeft of all, if they be in an honourable place 5 then whatfoevcrthey do by vertueof their commiifion/uch as they have good warrant for from God, take heed L L how • S.FaciliOlfK l '• 74 A Sermon upon 1 S a m . 2 . \o. i &£otiva. Ret a^uiu:> Vcccatigra- vitus, In f Deum t Teipfum. how any man kicke or fpurne againft them 3 but let us fay as Cornelius faid to Peter , Loexve are all here ready to heare all things that are commanded \ thee of God. We muft looke up unto God there- fore as helayesthe charge upon theminiftery and fo we muft take our charge from them 5 and \ yeeld obedience anfwerably . To adde a word or two by way of motive. It is not bec&ife I would plead my o wne caufe or the caufe of others, that are of my coate, for I doe not frequently harpe upon thefe things, neither doe I comp!aine-,for honour,God hath given mee more then my expe&ation , and for maintenance, fufficient according to my defire. , So that it is not for any private refpe& to my fclf.But the motives I defire to commend unto you,areinrefpe&ofyourfelves. Two things I (hall but mention. Firftofall confideritis agreatftnne y not to give the minifters of God, thofe honourable refpe&s of obfervance, and obedience, as is meetetodoe. It is a-finne againft God.Andaftn againft amansfelfe. A finne againft God, the injury and difho- nour that is done to any of the melfengers-, and ambaffadours of God, reflets upon Godhim- felfe,God takes it as done to himfelfe,it being done to his minifters and meflcngers. So that in this refpeft, we (hall be found eto^xeivto be fighters againit God himfclfe. And as his a fin againft God-, So A Sermon upon i Sam. 2. }©. 7* So it is zfinne againft our fehes, you are here- in moft injurious to your felues, for by this meanes you hinder the efficacy^ and powerfull working of the Miniftery of the word upon your owne foules, there is no greater impedi- ment,and chec king bufines to hinder the recei- ving of good from any minifter, then when a man is anticipated with bafe^and meane,& low conceits of him, if men contemne their perfems ortheircallings, and give them not the honour in their hearts whkh is due to them.it is a migh- ty let and impediment, of their improvement and advantage in goodnes, by their miniftery. So that it is a fin againft God, and a fin againft our felves, but then Doe but confidcr, rrhat mil be the endandiffuc offinne^tin owesamaaa fpight, and will pay him home one day. God will not fuffer fin un- punifhed : Efpecially a finne of this nature, that ftrikes, and reflects to upon himfelfe, hee hath faid, touch not mine annointed, and doe my prophets no harme, if we therefore faile in this duty, God will not faile to meetc with us for it another day. It is reported, that Rome was deftroyed to the ground, for ibrac abufes that were offred to an AmbafTadourthat was fent unto it. And David wc know never played any fuch haifli play in all his life, as he did to the Ammonites^ that defpitefully ufed his AmbafTadours 5 which he fent unto them, when they jhaved their beards and cut their mtes^tet us take heed of abufing the L 2 mefTen- ; Veve acerbi, tut. J 76 4S ermonu P mi ^ Am> ' 1 ^o. ! rneflengers of God ; of cutting their coatck in any kind,ofcuccingthcmfhort of. their tythes aslbme doe that allow not them ncedhiJliiram- ■tcnance^even fo imichas is touicccjlity^that if the minifters themfelues fliould cut their coates according to their c loath, they muft be forced to goein part naked. Let us take heed of this, asalfo give untothera., all due refpecls.vffibfir- and not evt/Ijthat you may live. LONDON, Printed by R.B. for lehnBellamie, Henry Overton, John ^thwelly and Ratpb Smith, j 6 4 o . "ii *■ ' • . AMethodicall Anatyfis of the chicfc Points handled in thefc Sermons, on Jeremie 45. Ltjlverf. CMc(Iagc,Cl From Cod. 1 Summe. Record of a Prophecy, few byway of< <^i By /eramtb, ^Letter, £$ To Barui z PjrticiHaii, the Pro,>hcc l Tenders the ihength of his commiflion, wherein wc have, i The infalption of the Piophecv,co tuning the cucuniRancc o> {i Pcrlbns. 1 Occalion, intimated in the time circumfcribca, J 1 Generally, by the Ad. I a Particularly, by the time. F.ipcrfcription of the letter. a Delivers the fummc of his errand, or negotiation, which I may propound 1 Metaphorically, like a "1 Chyrurgian, the Ci Impofthumation of i Sore of B^rucb gently opened, J humours. tenderly toucht, being jz Inflammation of fpi- C r ' rs * >i Salve of God skilfully applied, in a PhiOer x Cofrofivc. 'i Strong, to eat out the proud flefh , and abate the I fwelling . I I Sharpe, to cut the tough humour, and mitigate tbc raging. a Iacarnative. \T 1 Though it were E- .1 Drawing, 3 pidemicall, \z Healing, that thewound^a Should not prove C. mortall. L» PhyGtian, Si Redundancy of humours pec- cant, Plcthory. anlino trom "Si Deficienc £ thymic. ency of fpiiits, Lipo- z Pradick-, of remedie. i Ealing nature, and dif- 5 t Gentle preparative pill, burthening, by a £ i Sharp purgative potion. a Raifing nature , and begetting good bloud, fpirits^by a "*l Strengthening Eleciuaiy, rectifying the part I affected. ii Soverngnc cordiall , fortifying the heart de- jected, a Properly, like a Divine, BdTucbs cafe of confeience. A z i Pl.u .cly s { *! Plaincly propounded, cemplaint of $ i Dtfbrtion. Punctually refolvcdj cured, for which two things Are, Premifci. J i Strong and cle:ire conviction. 2 i SvOcetand fh&rpe Rcprehenlion. i Piefcru-cd, jjamething by way of, Sptf'itual! and grave Instruction. Sweet Confolation. r G.-ncr::ll,G:>dsgracious careof him. 2- Particular circtiiiiitai'.ccs, commending that grace. .i Singularity among the many perilling • he in the ^ -.eateft danger preferved. i Sufficiency tor the ro^ine, what ever became of o- ihrr things, he mould have his lifegivrn him for a prey wherefoevcr.hc went. > z ObfemtionSy ^om the fi Co.mmimon, fi Tjod take? particular notice of his meaneft Terrains, to provide for them, ami thcil meaneft (erviccs,to.requitc them^rathev than frjle, in H more than ordinary, yea no lefle than honorary way. Baikchs prrfon ^nd (e: vi c c mesne, but leremies W iiter 3 set a Prophet is dif- p atehed to Inn, ai Vnrcafonable. How we may or not. z Then leaft of all,it < a Ignoble, uncomely. 2 Application. being moft C$ Vnconfciojiable. 1 Beware you be not for Your fclfc. ^1 Lamentation. \ \i Great thin°s. )i Examination. J *i I Seeking greedily. (.? Exhoitation. IbefccchyouA A Godly fiaruebs at leaft. 4 IneviU times. c\ Vnreafonable. Confidcr hoWitis'Sz- Ignoble. (-} Vnconfcionablc. i * h. C> & * * Jeremiah ^5. laft Verfe, beginning of the Verfe. Seekefl thou great things for thy Jelfe? Seefy them not. His Chapter being one of the (horteftin the Bible, I fliall de- fire to prefcnt fome generall obfervations out of the whole Chapter, and then faftenupon particulars . The words that Je- remiah the Prophet [pake unto Bar tick the fin of&c. ~i i jfi. From God. The words are words^ of Prophecy,by way^ 2 . By lercmiab. ofMeffage or Letter^ J# roBdrucb . /• 1 . He tende rs the ftrength V of his Commillion, with In the Particularsj fome circumftances. of the Letter ,^) 2. He delivers the fubftance ,^2. He deli / of his E >> tiation. Errand and Nego B The 2 f XarncUs Sore gen tly opened, Theftrengthofhis CommirTion appeares out of. the Circurr fiances, noted in the be- ,ng. There be twothings in reference to the Let fcri for fo I exprefTe it . _. T r . . X 1 - ThePerfons. i. The Infcnptionof^ the Prophecy in thc^ , % The circumfcrifti i. ^containing. £ onohime# The perfon/^rfwjj that was imployed^and the perfon Baruch,io whom it was fent. fi. Generally, And the Time circumfcribed^ by the A&. by a double Circumftance,j2. Particularly, £ by the Time. i . In the Time when Baruch wrote all thefe words from the mouth of leremy the Prophet, | Now for the time, I fhall defire you at leafure (becaufe it is materiall for underflanding this Chapter) to perufe the 36. Chapter of Jeremy, and there is mentioned a double Commiflion, and a double Writing , wherein God com- mands ler.emyxoufc Baruch to write the Role, containing the words he was to deliver againfl ludah ,and to read and publifhthcm in the eares of the people, leremy himfelfe being then fhut up. And this Baruch did. Upon which,the Princes having tydings thereof, were fomc- what affc&ed with it, fo that they would have a fecond reading of it.before them; and fo they laid up the Role j with an intent itfhouldnot die die with them , but they would communicate it to the King, which they did, andhecaufed the Role to be burnt, fitting in his Winter- houfe, when it was read by the fire, &c. Thenthere is a fecond Commiflion grant- ed : they did not mend themfelves with this , thinking to efcape Gods judgements: forthere was a fecond ConimifiTion, with additions of more words, and that was all they got. This relates the Story. 2. Then there is a fecond Circumfcri- ption of the time, in what yeare it was, In the fourth yeare of lhojakitn fonne of lofuxh: and then which of thofe times gave the occafion to the complaint of Baruch , and was the hint of this Prophecy. Some have thought it was up- on the fecond time , that then he began to fhvinke, having feenc the expteffion of wrath and difplcafure to increafe , God ( faith he) hath added forrow to my forrow . but the Circumfcriptionoftime, was in the fourth yeare of the King,asitappearesby comparing it with the firft time. Upon the firft time that God commands Ieremy to caufe a Role to bee written, lercm) cals for Barttcb to do it:and the fecond time he begins to fhrugg at this, leremj being (hut up 5 and now the bbertieof fpeech dangerous, and fo Barucb was afraid he mould come to be a lliarer with leremy, and therefore was af raid.Hereupon God was plcafed to give this Prophecy , to encourage him , for it was B 2 then *Baruchs Sore gen tly open ed, then in lerufaUm grown to that height, that the Word of God was accounted little better then a Libell, and the Preaching or pubbfliing of it, little better then fedition, as in that plainly ap- peares. But now to go on with that which re- aiaincs t&JMrttib. 2. There is the Super fcription of the Letter, Thus faith the Lord to thee Baruch, &c. This makes all apparant which I faid,/<7?- mtcs tender of the ftrength of hisCommifflon, and authority, and warrant, upon which he ut- ters this MefTage. 2 .There follows the fumm of his Negotia- tion,andthe contents of his meffage and Com- mifllon.and may be not amifle to expreffe this. x , , . .. ri. Asa Chirureion. Metaphorically-^ AsaPhyflti * # Barnchs fore , gently i. I.Asa Chirurgion ion, \ opened and tend vly it containes thefe-^ touched. ( two things. Ji. Gods falve, skilfully £ applyed. fi. An Impofhun K*an i. The fore of Baruchty ofHui: ours. hefeemestohave. ")2. An Inflammation £ of Spirits. His griefe is, he complaines of mi feries and Aches, forrow upon forrow , and I find no rcftto my bones. | 2 Then. Gods Salve skilfully apply cd. i. A Corrofive Plai ftcr, which is. s i . Str< l thepr -J batetl r. 2. 2. Then the S live that God applies for cure, is a foveraigne Salve, andconfifts of divers particular Plaifters: For there is a double Cor- rof ive,and a double Lenitive, which he applies to make a perfect cure. Strong, to er.te out oud flefh,anda- hefwelling. Sharpe, to cut the tough humour , and mitigate the raging. A Drawing. A healing Plaifter, which allures him 3 and makes ir good , that though the wound and difeafe we; e F- pidemicall , yet it fhoul; notbemortalh God would deftroyall fkfh /here, but he would give him his life for a prey. 2. OrtoexpreiTcitinthew r ayof a Pinyfiti- an,intheftmekind. Ci. The Prognofticke of Burnchi] There is< Maladie. C2 .The Pratficke of Gods Remedy i .Redundancie of humors peccant^aPlethory. 2. Deficiency of Spirits, A Lipothymy •• B 3 The 2.Incarnative,asJ i. The Progno flick of Bantcbs Malady it was. TZaruch's Sore gently opened \ the fpirits failing , and would not fupport him in the bufineffe he was about , and in that ftate and condition he was in, and according to this. 2 .The Pra&ique of Gods Remedy follows, in a fweet way according to Rules. i . The firft way of Cure is by eafing of Nature,by purging away evill and peccant hu- mours,disburdening niture oft'hem. i . By a gentle and prepara- Which is donc.^ tivc R Pill - n 2. By a fharpeand purga- tive Potion. •2. Then there is not only eafing of Nature, but a raifing of Nature , breeding good blood and fpirits againe by other Phy fickc which he ufes, which is. i. Firft,a ftrengthening Ele&uary, re&ifi- ing the part affe&cd. .2 . Then a Soveraigne Cordiall, fortifying the heart deje<3ed,to corroborate his fpirits a- gainft all difficulties he was to undergoe. 2. Secondly, more properly as a Divine. We have in this, the whole fubftancc of the Commiflion , which Jeremy delivers unto Bartcch. i. Wee have Mdnumxzk of confeience plai'nly propounded, verf 3 . What was it he complained of i viz,, of the condition he was in, or of thefervice he was put upon, being now fct upon theCannions mouth,a complaint ofdefeition,affiiftion,endlefTe,eafeiefte. 2. And (^Wx cS'^/t;^ sty/fully apply ed. 2 .And then fccondlyjie punctually refolves this cafe of confcicncc propounded , and fo counfcll is given for cure of thediftemper he was in-, wherein there is fomcthingprcmifed for refohjtion and fatisfaftion,to make way for the Cure. i . There is a ftrong and cleare conviction by an invincible argument/ that he was in an unreafonable temper 5 be'caufe ( faith God) I breake down what I have built, and pluck up what I have planted : This is a ftrong convi- dion , which God began w.ithall to convince his reafon: and then. 2 . Secondly, there is a fweer, but fh lrp re- prehenfion after conviction : the reproofethat comes, though it be with a gentle hand, yet there is not a word but hatha fting in it,and an edge toprkk Barucb and make him fmarc, if it beierioufly confidered 5 ^Andfeekefl thou great \ things- for thyfe/fe f Art thou greedy in fceking ofthefeforthy felfer* Thou* A godly man, and a Barucb too, and a Levite f And thefe fad times of publike judgement and calamity I Is this a ti me to feeke great matters for thy firlfc/* There is not a word but hath an accent, and an Emphafis upon it , and (hewes the unreafona- blencfle of the temper he was in. Thefe things are premifed, for all thefe did not the -cure,but only made way, as the needle makes way for the thread, fothis makes way : but there muft be fomewhat elfc to temper the 8 c Barnchs Sore gently opened. the fpirits oiBarnch aright, therefore there arc two other things prefcribed. i. Firft, by way of fpirituall and grave in- ft r uft ion, Seeke them not, &c. 2. By way of fweet Confolation ; by which God doth fortifie and corroborate his fpirits, tofatisfiehim, that he will not dealeharfhly with him, or overburden him in the fervice, in which he puts him : which is. i. Generall, contenting the afTurance of Gods gracious favour and care over him, that he doth not flight and negleft him,and Squan- der away his life , as though it were a thing vile,that God regards it not,to fpill it upon the ground,for no ufe and fervice: but God aflures him hee will have a care of him , for the maine, howfoever he rauft undergoe difficul- ties and dangers. 2. Particular, In the circumftances com- mending that grace and favour : where i . The Angularity of it, that is, when thoufands fhall fall at his right hand, and ten thoufands on his left, when God would deftroy the whole land, yet he fhould be fafe. 2 . The fufficiencie for the maine \ that God would give him his life for a prey^and that was fuch a blefling,is God in his efteeme counted fufficient for Baruch to be contented wit hall. Now to come to the feverall obfervations, which may be of Angular ufc as they arifc out of the whole Chapter* To Gods Salve skilfully apply ed. To begin with that that is firft in the Chapter, ws.thc ComraifTion, with the Authority of the ComniifTion. And then afterwards to propound fomthing out of the Sujiime of this Negotiation: Briefly in all. The firft thing that I obferve out of the Infcri- ption and the reft of the Circumstances, which lets out the Authority of the Commiffion , is this: wc, God takes particular notice of the meanefl fervants of his, to provide for them^ and of the meanefi fervice of theirs, to nquite them, rather than fade in a mere than ordinary, yea no leffi than honorary way . Every branch of the obfervation is ckare in the Text, Baruch he was but an ordinary man, the fer- Vant to the Prophet leremie, who was no great man, and yet we fee God takes particular notice of Baruch, and particular care of him j yea rather than he fhould be disheartened , God doth it in a more than ordinary, yea in an honorary way $ to fend a Prophet to him, to beftow a Prophecy up- on him,to have a Prophecy upon record of Gods familiar tender care towards one man, Thus faith the Lord to thee, O Baruch. And this allures cverv Chriftian, that there is not themeaneft of Gods fervants, nor the meanefl fervice(for this was but a meane fervice to be a writer to a Prophet, and a reader of that which he had written , yet contri- buting, dnd being fubfervient to the honour an J glory of God, and being in his fervice,) God ac- cepts of it,and takes notice of it,and meets it. and C anfwers Obferv. 1. -»■»• Obfcrv.ll. obferv.IU. - — - - - i ■ - ■ — ^— — — — — TS&ruchs Son gently opened y anfwers it fo honourably , as wee fee it here. This may be a fweet com for: to every Chrifti- an, to SimeM, \ 4. \ 'Baracb's Sore gently opened, j Note. obfrv'lV. vjw Simeon, which is pregnant for it.and even through thy foule fhall a fvvorc 1 pierce, even the beft Chri- ftiaisare fubje&tofharpeaffii&ions, asfharpeas any fword, and that to the foule , and fuch as not onely fcorcheth the foule , butpierceth through and through, experience alfo teacheth it. To.add one thing more : God takes notice of all our words, and our very ex- prep ons in ever) fiate and condition , and not onely of our carriage : Jo that , though it be fa- cile,yet not free to offend in them. All the * Crifis of our diftemper lies upon the tongue, all breaks out in words. Thou haft faid. Ever in complaining words : God takes notice of our words, and we muft be accountable for them. It is the cafieft to offend in the tongue, and he is a perfeft man that offends not in his tongue •, thoughts are not free, nor words, but all muft be regulated by the Word of God , and the tongue is one of the grcatcft inftruments, for Gods glory and honour •, there fhould be the principall watch, that nothing fhould pafle the doore of our lips to cut our owncthi oats: Words are light things, but bring fharpe punifhments: Therefore we fhould fet our fclves in Gods prefence, wherefee- ver we are, and whatsoever we are doing, making confeience , not onely of great matters , but of fmall 5 weigh our words, and not onely do , but fpeake all by line and level], by weight, and mea- fure, every thing exa&ly . He that builds a mud wall, may tumble it up, hand overhead, yet it muft be with fome care in that too- but if a man build I build a ftatcly Palace,he muft do all by fquare and plummet, lie muft be: exaft, lcaft all tumble down againe: fo in this cafe, if we care not what be the iflue and confequence of our lives , and couifes, and words, care not what iwc make of them, in- tend no great matter by them, that may be carri- ed hand over head,and may be more cheaply done without care and watch : but if we intend, as we muft be accountable for allthefe, and great ad- vantage is to be made by them, we may be juftifi - ed or condemned by them, therefore we had need to weigh our fteps, and the words of our mouth, that they be according to the rule of Gods Word. And Co we pafle the malady of Barmh. But now for the remedy, and Gods proceed- ing : in that there be many fweet and profitable obfervations. There be three ranks of them I fhailnoteoutof it. 1. Something general!. 2. Something fpeciall. ?. Something particular. FirftinjjereTiIl^ote, that Cod is not all fire and fivord dgAinjl every fin 0fd finrttt He dotli not prefentlv, when we are in a fault, c: (1 us ©ff,hc di* 1 not call off Baruch, kick him off, never look on him againe. God is not all fire and (word/ o breath nothing but mine and dcftradiion, towrircnll his lawes inbloud, to make nodiftin- (flion betwixt fin and fi nners . but there is infinite grace and goodneffe in God, that he will oncly punifh where there is neaflity , but not where there obfirv. L \6 \ obj-rv. 11. TZarvictis bore gently opened. . there is a poifibility of cure, yea he will take care of the cure of his fervants. God is f leafed in goodneffe graciouflj to accommo- date him fife to our weakeneffe , and to conde- scend to us. We fee it was but a weakened, that he was unwilling to go on Gods fervice , but was ready to complaine , this was but weakeneife, and he forgot himfelfe , yet God comes in a fweet way, and is fo farre from rejecting him for his weake- ned, that he is pleafed to fit him with more ftrength , and fecure him more , and fo to prop uphisweakencfle. We lhould do welltobeare with the infirmities of the weaker , not to call them off prefently , but thinke of cure and ac- commodation , as much as may be , and to bow and ftoope to them. As it hath been an obferva- tion, that they that have beene able to bow low. eft backwards, it was no argument of weaknefle and infirmity, but of ftrength and a&ivity : fo in this cafe,it is not an argument of infirmity or pu- fillanimity, to yeeld to the weake brethren,fo that a man bow not fo low as to offend , but fo as he may rife againe with credit. It is an excellent ob- fervation the Moralifts have: It is lnvfull to ftoope to another, butkisnotlawfull tojoyne in the fals of others, to participate in their finnes. A man may ftoope and yeeld to weakeneffe , fo that he himfelfe fals not into weakneffe , and into finne- to yeeld to a man,as f irre as may be with- out finne, is requifitc- for it is a fweet thing for Chi iftians to gainc the weak by fuch fweet condi- tions. Seconcilv> Cjod's Salve skjl fully apply ed. '7 Secondly, there be fome fpcci:ill obfervations; briefly to name J' i. From the whole Proceffe. them ; t 2 . From the peculiar Promife. God doth take care of the cure , as well as all to thinkeof fury j And killings and cutting of his creatures . That is not the firft thing a wife man will do, if his finger ake , to cut it off, but rather to cure it. But to take the particulars. Firft of all, from that which God premifes for an argument of convidlion , to mikzEaruch fee his errour : Behold, 1 breake down what I have built, and flucke up what 1 have planted , even this whole people, this whole land. The obfervation is this . That God when he is provoked , will not $ are his owne^ to flucke up what he hath planted , even whole nations. God provoked will forget all relations and in- dearements that afiy (lands to him, in legard of exlernall profeffion, or priviledges he hath affor- ded : but when he is provoked by a continual! courfe of finnc, and rebellion againft him with impenitency - God infuch cafes fpares not his owne people, but proceeds to fearefuil judge- ments againft them, againft a whole land, to root up and pull downc all from the very foundation: and if God doth [o with that, which he hath planted 5 topluckeitup , what maybe expe&ed in thofe things that he hath not planted I If this (hall be done upon fuch provocation , then what will he do to that he hath not planted i Every vUnt which my heavenly Father bath not planted , D fhall Obferv. I. Obferv. iS Obfirv* 11. Obftrv.lll. 'Barucb's Sore gently opened, fhallbe plucked up: If Gods fcivants than aie in covenant with him , and make profeflion , (hall (mart fo deeply, what (hall Gods enemies { lhail not Antichriit downed Shall not Babylon downe f If Sion (in fuch cafes,rather than Gods honour (hall fuflfer) (lull be ruined, what may they expeft £ If the righteous flntll fiercely be fa- vea\ where jhall the ungodly and finners appeare f If thofe things of Gods owne liking be loath fome, with what loathfomenefle will he fpue the other out of his mouth? When God is in the great eft fury and rage againft fmne and ftnners - 7 he dot h not forget t he ftveet- eft and under eft mercies to his Saints and fervants. It is not with God as it is with men 5 when they are in a rage ? it may be one fets them out,and they flie out upon all and every body they meet with in their rage: but God keeps his temper andpo- ftureftill, he when he is in the greateft ragea- mongft wicked people, that his honour being at the ftake, he thinks to come and revenge himfclfe upon them, yet in the middelt of the hotteft brunt of this , if one of his fervants come in the way, there is nothing but fweetnefle and gentlenefle : fweet, poore Baruch y how precious is he in Gods eyes? and God takes care of hino, to recover him out of his infirmhy 3 and fo lets him right. Againewefee 3 That the drooping Jpirit^ thefjirit of weakneffe, is a very tender thw? y and had need to be handled very tenderly^ to be dealt tenderly wit hall. Tt It is not the way to deale hardily with a gentle fpirit, there is a difference of fpirits, and diffe- rent cafes how they are to be dealt with . As we ufe to obfervethe feverall wayes women ufe to preferve things 3 if they would preferve groffe meats, as flefh , Beefe, and fuch kind of things, thebeftway tokeepe them is in Salt and Brine : But if they would preferve, as ufefull, thefe ge- nerous fruits , as Apricocks , Quinces , and the like *, they do not preferve them in Salt , but Su- gar: So, in this cafe, there be different fpirits > fome rough and boyfterous fpirits, that there is no dealing with them, but with breaking of them, tough meanes muft be ufed • for tough knots muft have tough wedges. There be alfo foft ten- der fpirits 5 if their failing be through infirmity in a generous fpirit, that hath ingenuity, though it hath infirmity , it muft not be fo roughly dealt with. There is nothing fo tender as conscience, nothing fo tender as anaffli&ed fpirit .every touch goes to the heart-, therefore they that deale with them, fhould deale tenderly- there is no fuch butcherly minde , asofthofe that love to rackd tender confeiences , and will fray and affright tender fpirits, as if they would winde them a- bout their fingers for their own turnes-it is the ba- feft and moft barbarous ufage that can be :but then particularly ? if we do obferve any failings and weakneffe, it is neceflary to do that, which we attempt in that kinde, in a right fpirit, and in a due way: it is neceflary to be done with a right fpirit*. take fome few rules, D 2 Firft, \ 20 'Barucb's Sore gently opened, Firft, let us go about Godsworke, i. With Gods Spirit , and 2 . In Gods method , for the re- covering of any diftemper. Firft, With Gods ftirit : it is Gods work, and it is fit that thofe that go about that, fhould goc with his Spirit 3 the Spirit of God is proper to be imployed in that work, that (o it may be managed with the greateft felicity: and that it may have the better fucceffe, it muft be doe, 1. With the Spirit of Hoi: ruffe , it is not my owne fuppofition or diflikc, or difference of judg- ment that I muft harp upon , but when I go to cure another, I muft go in Gods name, and with the holy Spirit of God : it is not leremit that comes in his owne name to cure Baruch* s it was not Uremics fpirit, will, or judgement , but the authority he charges him withall, is, when leremj can fay, thus faith the Lord to thee - 7 it is the Lord that fends this (thou muft/ay) I can (hew that k is difhonourto God, I can evidence that God is in the caufe, when a man comes thus with the Spirit of God 3 and with the Spirit of Holimjfc, and not witharefpe&tohimfelfe, but with his to God, and that he can have God in it, who will not de- cline, but will owne it: that is the b:ft way of cure and recovery. 1. It muft be done in the Spirit of meehejfe , Reftore fuch a one ( faith the Apoftle) in the Jpirit ofmeeknefe. A Father compares the diftemper of a godly man to a bone out of joynt: now if fuch apart fhould be handled roughly, it would in- flame the fpirits, and make it more incurable, fuch a a man is notable to bearei: patiently , it being af- fliction enough that it is out of the place: (b it is in this cafe, the Spirit ef meeheffe is the fitted fpirit to go through withall, efpecially when we have to do with ingenuous fpirits. 3. The jpmtef wifdome^ there is no one thing, in all tilings, humane or divine, is of greater confequence , and had need be more looked into than this, that we lofe not the doing of a good bii- finefle for want of wifdome 5 wifdome is all in all, todifcernc the fit opportunities , andtoob- ferve the condition of the pcrfon, and of the thing a man is to dealein, andfo to allow, and proportion, and difpenfe all his cure with relation and reference to the precedent circumftanccs. Wifdome is all in all. Take the ftory-, which though it be but low in fuch arguments ., yet it is apt to exprtflc re When Bucephalus the great horfe was fii ft brought to Court, he was like to have been fentbacke away for a little miftake, which was, when they came to back h;m,hc would fuf- fer none to get on,\vhich the King obferving,took notice of the miftake, and backed him himfdfc; w T hereas they ail came on the Suh-fide,and fo fea- red the horfe with their fliadow. So there might be many men that might be backt for Gods ufe, if men did not go upon the wrong fi de,if men would go with wifdome and difcrction, fet themfches onworke the beft way they could, sb'ftainc from giving offence , ufing difcrction in the br.fineffe, much more might be done than is cone-, the rcfore I that is the firft thing , to handle him tenderly and \ wifely. " D 3 Secondly, 21 . ■!■■ ■ ■■■ I ■■ ■ ■ ■ . I ■ ■ . ■ ■■ | , . | — | || , , ^— I— . m | Tsarucb's Sore gently opened, vin» the due Secondly, in Gods method : it is not neceflary oncly to ufc a right fpirit , but alfo to go to work in a due way, if we would cure anybody, obfer- i. tJManner. 2. Temper. 3. order. To mention onely the order, and comprehend the other two in that : It is worth the while to ob- ferve the order and way God goes for the curing of Barucb, and railing him. Obferve in this thefe few things. Firftof all, he gives him an equall audience and hearing of his ftate> caufe, and condition $ and that is very neccflary : for, if a man be partiall in that kinde,be lofes at the firft bout •, but God doth fo. (Thou baft faid) he takes it not upon heare-fay,but brings it in what he had faid , let men fpeake for themfelvcs, let them have a faire hearing , before you go about to cure, or reprove, or re&ifie any thing : Let it appeare what the fault is • not only heare the firft relation, but keepe one eare open for the other party.. Secondly, the fecond thing is, candid and inge- nuous judging and cenjuring: God fees no more but Barnctis owne words , no aggravations , nor puttmgungHcminulcere, to make the wound ran- kle more, but even as Bamctis owne words pre- fentit, God judges him by it, and takes notice of the diftemper by it , there is no farther aggra- vation: andfoit is a good courfe of wifdorae, not to aggravate things, but to take things as they are, not to make them worfe than they are, bur as Cjod % s 'Salve slql fully apply ed. as candidly to judge of thrm as the things will permit. Thirdly, a rashnall and f aire proceeding, here is no boyfterous rayling , God nfes no bitterncfle of ray Hog; this will neither cure, nor do any good, In t as if one would caft out one divell with ano- ther- when a man offends , it may be a great of- fence, a i call offence againft God, yet to go this way to cure him, is not the way- but let it be done in a rational! way : man is a rationall creature, and muft be overcome by mattering his reafon , and that is the way to makeacure-, a man that deales rationally with them , workes befl upon them. Againe, take fome particular fteps. f I . Strong And cleare convincing . ■p. >k J 2 - Sharpe and fiveet reproving. ^S 3 . 5 ound. and grave inftruff/ng. £4 . Sea finable and necejjary comforting. Firft of thofe that God ufes here is convincing, that is the firft thing towards the cure, God con. vinceth him of the unmectnefle and unreafona- bleneffe of his fpirit , that when God fpares not a whole land , that Baruch fhould have an exempt place to be free from danger , to take no part nor fhare with all his fellow countrey-men and Saints, this was founrcafonable, that he convinces him at firft: before a man go any faitherin a cure , he muft begin with conviction , bring fo much light as may breake open the eyes of the under/landing, to make way andpaffageto convince the under- ftanding, and then you have the key of the worked the minde is as a ftrong fort in a city , which 1 H TSamchs Sort gently opened, which being once gayned , it is eafic to command the whole Country. Secondly ( another ftep after conviction) Jhaxpe and Jivect reproving, God comes to reprove him, though (weedy and gently, with an excellent tem- per, yetfharpe enough, every thing cutting, yet widi fweetnefTe andgentlenefte. [Seckejl thou great things for thy fife t ] After he had convinced i him oi theunreafonableneffe, then he takes up- ; on him to reprove him , not to fpare the fault, or dawbetfovcr , but lees him fee a little light by i convincing 5 for he would not have becne able to have borne the reproofe els- without light he had aotbeene convinced, but now he abhorres himfdktnduftand afkes, he is willing to enter - taine the reproofe, becaufc he is bound to the good behaviour , he was bound with that argu- ment before , that now he cannot winle , left he cut and lance hitnfelfe farther ; this was the fe- cond ftcp after conviction. Then thirdly after reproofe 5 he comes with found and grwe inftruttions j not meercly tore- prove and beat downe what another man doth , and to fparkle that way , though it be with rca- fon , and fo to heape up arguments , to make it feeme vile and Ioathfome , and here to reft, this is meerely to rake in the wound ^ but then to come with fweet inftru&ions, as God doth, here is the way , when he hath purged out evill hu- mours, now hefalvesand heales him by right counfell: [Seckcthcmuot.~] Fourthly, after he hath convinced , and then reproved, reproved, and given good counfell , then a man is capable, and it is very fealonable to give feafona- ble confolation and comfort, it now comes in feafon, it is not good antedating things , if a man be prepared, be humbled, by a conviftion and re- proofe, and thus directed in a good way, then to powre balm & comfort in,is very feafonable^ and fo you fee in the whole paflage/iW?/ Phyfick for the foul,good dire&ions in dealing with our brethren, how to win and recover them out of any evill. 2. Now for the fingular confederations out of the laft vet fe , containing the peculiar promife mzfex.o Baruch , concerning the confolation and comfort, the afTurance God gives him, of his life in the middeft of thefe apparent dangers. Firft of all obferve, Life is a precious prey , where God gives and flares it, fyecially in fublike calamities. If God did no more but let a manfeape with life 5 it is a choice gift and prey , not becaufe any man muft refped it fo deare, ; nd to be fo feareful' of it, as to be afraid to be withChrift: I do not fpeake this to interre feare withthofe notions in Scripture, but though w< lo^e goods*, and lands, and all, yet life is a precious prey to be given, and nothing is fofweet as a prey; the very comming of it, it commends it to be more precious, and fo in this cafe, when a man hath efc aped our of a difficulty, a mans l.fc is a precious thing,in regard that God fhewes it fo much favour , and lets him have fo much grace fhowne, as to be refcrved for future fervice. E Cod Obfcrv. I. obferv* 11. obfirv.HL Obfirv.lV. ^Baruch's Sore gently opened, Cod can and doth enfire his fir v ants livcs. y even at the rvorjl, as often as he flcafcth. When death rages round about him, when the fwordis drunkc with the bloud of the Saints , in times of mortality, God can affurc the lives of whom he pleafes : there be but few have had this priviledge; as Ezekiahs life, P4/*/jlife, and fo here Baruchs life , befide fome others. God can in the greateft difficulty ^ when heaven and earth is ready to fall into a combuftion and confufion, yet God can afTu e life. Duties muft bed; (charged, whatjoever difficulties we meet mthall. We muft not pretend difficulties, for that was Baruchs fault 5 though God hath not enfured our lives, yet we muft not pretend difficulties,to think our felves discharged of duty , if it be to the ha- zard of our lives, Cenerall promifes may Juffice, though wt have not particular pr f viUdges. All have not f uch peculiar privile dges as Ba- ruch had, but God gives his peculiars fo oft as the cafe requires it ; as in Gideons cafe, and fo here m I Baruchs cafe ; but Gods gcnerall promifes are as a rich Mine of comfort, andfuch as can bearca manupagainft all difficulties, though he have not any but gcnerall promifes: what if he had but this, [We are more than conquer ours through h m that loved us~] or this, [i^dll fhallrvorke together for our good] or this [Life and death \\ullbe game unto us~] Thefe general! promifes fhould be enough to beare us up in duties,without particular afTurance. I Laftly, ■••^ . ■ " ■ . J ' J!- i « i * m m. Cjods Salve sfyl fully applied. Laftly, The qrdxtefi adventure in Gods cauft is the obferv.V. btfl affurance. The boldeft venturing, the bed alluring : Ba- rucb, it he had refufed the adventure, it had beene aqueftion whether he had fcapedomo- t>ut he got afTurance by running upon the danger-, fo then if there be any poilibility, the bed way toaffure our lives, is to refolveand adventure upon our duties, to do God fervice in our place and conditi- on 3 for flying is not fo fecure , God will rather then meet with us. It is a very memorable thing, when dMordeca't put Efiher upon that great fervice for the Church, fhe trembled to undertake the fer- vice, being to come before the King, which was fo dangerous without leave ; he teh her , Deli- verancc Jhall ceme another way , if thon rcfufe y bat th$u and thy houft Jhall penjh^ and indeed, as (he faid her felf e, whenfhcrefolved, if I perijh, J fcrijh • If /he had nor refolvcd as lhe did, (he had pcriflicd j though it was dangerous, and &c carri- ed her life in her hands, yet we fee adventuring is thebeft way to affurc life, if it be in Gods cauf *. I n r. 23 obferv. 'Baructis Sore gently opened, <%& *&fa&&w& www Jeremiah 4.5. laft Verfe, beginning of the Verfe. ? See^e/i thou vreat things for thy felfei Seethe them not. E have already difpafched the gene- rail delineation of the Chapter, with the obfervations that offtt themfelyes to our confideration o>r of it- We come now to draw the fubftance of all into one Propofition , which 1 propound thus. It is a mo fl unreasonable thing, an ignoble And un- comely thing 5 nay, it is a moft nnconjci enable thing, for a godly man to be all for himflfe^ to a:me at great matters , to fecke greedily af- ter him fife , ejpecia/ly in tv ill and calamitous times. Every one of thefe paiticulars are exprefly contained in the words 5 there be but two things in the explication of the point. i. The Cjod V Salve skilfully appljec/. i. The Predicate of" this Proportion only ob- ft rved from the forme of propounding it. 2. Then the maine fubjtctoutof the particu- lars propounded. Firft to begin with the forme of propounding it, is by way of intei rogation. And feekeftthon great things for thy jelfe ? Now there is a double uie of the Queftion. i . There is a Grammatical! ufc. 2 . Thrre is a Rhetoricall ufe. The Plaine Song and the Defcant upon it, and fo according to thefe there is a double fcope of the queftion propounded, the enquiry in the Gram- matical! fenfe \sde faftoy requires anfwer 5 whe- ther he doth, or not doth: but in the Rhetoricall it hath anorher fcope, it cnquiies^/r jure, doft thou well to do foe' and fo the laft fenfe of thefe words containe two things. i. It fcemes to prove the fact, that he did fo, takes that for granted, and withall, 2. It denies the juft right , that hee did not well to doe fo, and reproves the fault, and re- proves ir, i . Asa thine unreafonable, as if this were the fenfe of the queftion, doft thou well to feek gre.it tkngs for thy felfe ? Is there any reaibn for kin thefe times i Or, 2. It implks that it is an ignoble and uncome- ly thing, and fo the fenfe of the queftion is as if it were propounded to this purpofe- 7 art thou not afhamedof it t and feeft thou not thine owne un- comelinelTeinfuch feeking,infuch tiroes t E 3 Eaftly, % 9 ?° II, ~~ ■ -- — Til . I U.«-l-l^-B 'Barucb's Sore gently opened, I 5. Laftly, it implies more, that it is not corv fcionable, butafinfull defire; infomuch that it implies a plaine affirmation, and as if it were an appealing to his owne confeience. Doft thou not thy fclfe ( if thou faweft thy fclfe in a glaflfe ) fee that thou carried thy felfe unworthily , and doft that which is not fit to be done,to be proleing and fecking great matters for thy felfe* And fo much for the Predicate- But the maine thing is the Subjeft of which it confifts, of all thofe particulars. Ait thou for great things for thy felfe, and to feeke them gree- dily? Art thou fo, a godly man, a Levite, a £4- ruch f Art thou fo in thefe times , and feckeft thou then (which is a connexion) when God is plucking down what he hath built? And art thou fo now? Every one of thefc would require a parti- cular explication, but Iforbcare all piooic and demonftration , andrefervethemto the applica- tion. Prefling of the duty there be two things for explication in every one of thofe particulars. To begin with the firft in order according to the beft method. 1 For thy felfe: 1 . What is meant by a mans felfe. 2 . How a man may, or may not feek, or be for him felfe. That we may underftand what is meant by a mans fclfe . Art thou for thy fclf i Seekeft thou for thy felfe ( I fhall propound the due intention, and full extenfion of [thy fil/e] and the neceflary interpretation to make way to the fecond branch . I. The Qod's Salve skilfully apply ed. 1. The true intention, as I conceive [_offelfe~] in this cafe, is briefly this. i. Doft thou fceke thy fclfc? Thy felfc\ that is, the welfare of thy body and foule 5 or firft the foule, then thy body, art thou altogether for that, for thy ownc welfare and good in either of thefe kinds ? Or, 2 . Doft thou feeke the fatisfa&ion of thy own reafoa, and thy owne will and defires? There may be a lawfull and a luftfull fatisfa&ion : Doft thou feeke thy ownc fatisfa&ion i Or, 3. All things in accommodation, and for the ufc of both thefe, for the whole man , doft thou fceke accommodation of thofc things in the world which may give fatisfa&ioi to thy reafon and thy own defircs , which may make and con- currc to the perfe&ion of foule or body * This is the true intention of a mans felfc, in this cafe. II. But then to take withall the due extenfion of a mans felfc • it may be confidered in a threefold latitude. 1. Selfe circumfcribed^zs I have refolved it al- ready within the compaffe of his owne pei- fon. Or, 2. Divided: as a man hath another fclf,which is his wife, or his friend, which hath a (hire or intereft with him.and as there is a relation or con- nexion bctweene them , therein is a mans fdfc deare. 3. Selfe multiplied: there is a rmns felfe , /. e. all children and pofterity proceeding from him, and defcending of him, all thefe come in- doft thou v ** \ *Bamctis Sore gently opened, thou fccke thy o wne felfe in thine ovvne pcrfon,or for thofe about thee , for thy wife and family , or friends, &c. And thefe in relation to him area mans felfe. III. There is alfo a neceffarj interpretation to make way to the fecond, briefly, 2. How we may or may not feeke our felves. And this I propound in a double diftin&ion. A mans felfe may be tonfidered , i . Either in conjunction with others, or in op- pofition to them , or in oppofition to God , or to the good of others, the publike good of the com- mon-weale and State , or the good of particular neighbours: A man may fcek himfelf either con- joyntly in feeking of thefe , or in oppofition to thefe, in oppofition to God, his will, and glory,or to the publike good, or to the good of my neigh- bour, which is but a private man. 2 . Another diftin&ion is, a man may feeke a mans felfe ( it is the fame with the other in fome refpeft, but hath difference ) feeking may be an Aff of concomitance , or of predominance. Now thefe two will make it plaine and eafie. i. This is that I iliall affirme, we may and muft feeke our felves in fome refped , fo as our feeking be in conjun&ion, and not in oppofition to the glory of God, or the publike good , or to the good of my neighbour : A man is bound to feek him felfe , and he that provides not for h : m felfe and his family , is worje thdn an infidcll-, I will not truft: any mans ere for an houre, whofe charity begins not aC home : the law of charity teacheth a man God's Salve skilfully apply (d. V> man to begin ^c home, and himielfe is the Rule to which he muft adequate his love and caietowards his neighbour, Thou Jh alt love thy neighbour as thy felfe ^ if a man love not himfck, be not carefull of his owne prefcrvation and wel- fare, of himfelfe, his owne foule and body , in a lawfullway, itisnotpoifible he fliould doe any thing for the good of others, rroximus ego fum mihi. Hethatcontemnes and defpifeth himfelfe, there is no ti uft to him;he that contemnes his own life, let him not be mafter of thine. This is unna - turall, not to looke to a mans felfe. But then we muft remember, Firft, it muft ^ fubordinate to Gods glory; I muft feeke my felfe , but fo as I feekc God too, and labour to approve my felfe to him, to do his will, I muft not prize my felfe above God, nor a- ny thing that belongs unto me : it was Elies cafe, Because thou hafi honoured thy (onnes above me , (faith God) therefore God degraded him from honour, and thruft him out of his office. It is accounted an honouring of a thing above God , when a man forceth through any of Gods difpleafurr, to grarifie another, whomsoever ; ourfctking muft be fubordinate.' Secondly, it muft be djficiate, it muft be fo that a man take in, and feeke the publike good, a man muft fubordinate himfelfe to the pub- likc in fome fenfe, feeke that in fame fort more than his owne, not to be carefull of his owne cabbin, when the whole (hip is in dan- ger , the beft way is to fecure the (hip : a man F mould \i w 'Barucb's Sore gen tly opened, \ inoula prererre the publike good before his owne ' private , but at leaft our neighbours good muft be (ought in a Tociable way , that I doe not labour to feeke mine ownc,with thedetriment ofmy neigh- bour -, but muft fo have an eye to my fe\te , that 1 have an equalh ye to my neighbour. Laftly, it muft be done foberly and difireetly : a man may feekehimfelfevery inordinately, even in things that are good and warrantable-, a man hath a body and a foule, and he is to feek the wel- fare of both 5 but he is a mad man that will neg- lect the foule to looke after the body, and preferre the body before the foule-, feed the body 5 and ftarve the foule 5 to feeke the worfe part,and neg- lect the better} I knovrnot how to refemble it bet- ter, than by fuch a comparifon as this. There be fome eftates to be let out by lives ; a man hath liberty to put what life he will, into fuch a peece of land ; fuppofe a man hath an elder fon, who, befides the primogeniture , hath a fpeciall portion of my love belonging unto him • and care for him \ and befides , he is moft dutifull , moft vertuous • and fohath moft right to propa- gate my name , and preferve it with honour when i I am gone-, befides, he is moft healthful!, moft like to preferve the condition; and befides him, I have a yonger fonne, which is not onely yonger, but dull and fot till), and of a bad life,liketofpend all : Were it not a mad part (of him that hath li- berty to make choice) to paffe by the elder , and take the younger i Juft fo in this cafe , there are two parts of a man , the foule and the body, the elder Cjod, s Salve skilfully applied. *5 elder and younger 5 the lbuleis every way more worthy to be provided for, and withall it brings the body with it, and is more fit to honour God, and of more worth and confequence. Now for a man to provide for the body, and all that belongs totheneccflity and comfort of that, and negleft the foi le, is moft mad , becaufe the body at beft cannot live long, for all the pampering, and prick- ing, and trimming- for all the repairing, and dawbing , and painting , it will lie downe in the duft, it hath but afliorttime to live- and a man doth not fobcrly , if he putt eth the body into it leafe, and makes all the provifion for that, and not for the foule, which endures for eternity. 2, To adde a fecond thing for refolution of the point, though we may, and ought to feekc our fclves , with thefe circumftances , in conjun- ction, and feeke our beft felfc in predominance, yet when it comes in oppofition to God, and in predominancy , there we are forbidden, and it is not lawfull to A eke our felves , fo as to negleft Gods Law. Seekett thou great things for thy felfe f a. Great things. There be two things confiderable in this. Firft, What are thofe great things here meant, and, Secondly, how we may or may nor Peek g^eat things. I. VShztthofe great things arc here meant-, in generall weftUl underftand by thefe two diftin- (flions. Firft, there are great things which are great,' F 2 things I 3* 'Barucb's Sore gently opened, • things in reality •, and then there are great things which are oncly great things in the imagination, ot fancy. Firft, Heavenly things : thofe are truly great, that belong to heaven, grace and vertue , and the fervice of Gods commandements, all that belongs to thefe things, is truly and : ^ally great, Se condly, but then there arc great things infan- cy, but fcarcc deferve the name of great, in com- parifonof the former, and they arc all worldly things. II. Now for refolution , how we may , or may not fcekc after great things , as hon$ur , great riches , great fleafure , or content, or fwcet- neffe in this world $ they arc all counted great, fo that there is great difference in the worlds efteemc, betweenc thofe things which are tru- ly and really great , and thefe are not fo ac- counted : thofe that are not truly great , they are eftecmed to bee fo, thofe which in them- felves are fmall , yet are accounted great ; hea- venly things are accounted fmall by the world-, fo contrary , earthly which are fmall , are great in their cyes^ and there is-no wonder in this, if we confider the ferverfnejfe of mens judgements, in this cafe it is as a man that ftands upon the earth, and if but an ignorant man, hath no art or fcience, hce lookes upon the ftarres in heaven , and fees them but little fpots of light, pretty little golden fpots, of the breadth of a mans finger, or not bigger than a burncrl!-, two two things arc the caufc of his ignorance J firft he leokes finely by pnje , and hath no art J nor inftrument of art, to take the Latitude, or the Altitude of them : Now the Artift hec knowes many of them to bee bigger than the whole earth 5 but the couatrey-rrran will never believe him, becaufe he lookes onely byfcnfe: the other caufc is the diftance of pUce between them , thc-y are fo many thoufand millions of miles above the earth, and they will not al- low for the diftance, and fo not able to judge: So if a man faw another man from the top of an high tower , and fee a tall man walke below , hec would fecmc but like a Crow ; and fo a man on the top of a fhippes mail feemes very little ^ Diftance abates of the magnitude: Now worldly men are ignorant men, and looke upon thefe heavenly things being at a diftance, and having no judge- ment, but fenfe to judge of them, though they bee exceeding great , yet they fcem very fmall to them. Againc on the other fide, if a man were in heaven , and flood in the place where the Saints are-, and then the earth would (come like a blacke nothing, a mote not to bee ait- cerned: Now a godly man that is exalted and made partaker of the Heavenly Nature, thus looking upon thefe lower things, and ieeing fuch a diftance betweene them, they fceme fmall to him. F 3 2 . Againc. ?8 ISarttctis Sore gently opened, 2 , Againe, things may be faid to be great, and are To called, either absolutely , or comparatively : To ipe;>ke ablolutcly and indeed, as man may ice all theie worldly things ( take every thing ) they are little, and that which is great, in fome refpcft, comparatively with greater, are finally as hee faid when a thoufand men came into his countrey, how do you come into my countrey i come you as enemies, to do me hurt 1 or as friends, tovifir If you come as friends, you are a great ma- me ny to be entertained-, but if you corneas enemies, I fcorne ye, ye are nothing: So the number that is great , compared with a fmaller , is great - y but with a greater, is nothing: So nothing is great itv the world, the greateft things that are, are little in comparifon of what is greater than it. But now wee arc to fpcake of comparative greatneife,for that is here meant: now two things for that which tend to the opening of the point. i. There is a comparative greatnefTc in relati- on to the feafon , in which things arc had and enjoyed. 2 . With comparifon to the perfon that hath them, i . With relation to the feafon,a man may have great things in the world in comparifon of the fea- fon -, as fome hundred yeares agoe three or foure hundred pound a yeare was as much as a thoufand now •, and fo many hundreds with a daughter , was a great portion in thofe times-, fo long ago a thoufand pound was a great eftate for an ordinary man : and fo there may be greatnefTc in regard of the* j ' (jod's Salve skilfully apply cd. 19 the fcafon- and fo to the purpofc: in troublc- fome times, in dangerous and.calamitous times, he that feekes, though but moderately , feekes to live at eafc, and in fccurity, though he defirebut a competency, it is a great thing for the times: It feemcstome, Barucb here fought not any great eftate, for worldly things, butgreat in that fcafon, and fo God accounted it in regard of the feafon. 2. Againe, things may be great in rcfpe&of the perfon - 7 a man feekes great things that feekes to have, i. Above the portion of others, to be aloft, and above his neighbours , that hee may looke downe, and below upon them 5 he would be a- bove, and exceed , and excell his neighbours j and that is a feeking of great things, comparative- ly, inourfenfe-, Or, 2. That fecks great things aSove his own pro- portion: for, toleeke great matters that arc not above his owne proportion, is not a feeking of great things, if a man proportion his fceki g to his condition : now the proportion is very hard to take, but it may be done a"d circumfciibed by C Competence, thefe three things :< Cqnfcien'. e, ^Providence, i. Ifwedoebut take aright view bvariaht *s ■ v. rule , for, if a man take a right rule , then a com- petency of a mans eftate, according to a nvns condition,thara man may live comfortably in his efhte,in all kinds to have fo much as is neceflary to make him fcrviccablein his condition. 2. Then 2. Then wemufl fetupa right judgement or the proportion, not to thinke covetoufneffethe right judge, nor any corrupt fancy or humour, but true heightened rcafon, and conicience together; for a godly mans conicience that is rightly in- formed by the Word of God, and underftands himfclfewcll, let him hearken to the voice of his owneconfeience, it is a thoufand witnefles unto him,which covetoufnclTe will not fuggeft,nothing to that is a competency , butftill ftretching high- er, and higher, cries, give^givc: yet his confid- ence will tell him, he hath a good eftate, futeable tohiscondition,wherein he may be more fervicc- able, than in a greater , for greatneiTe makes not a man more ferviceable, but lefle fomtimes. 3. There is another thing.for when all is done, you mud: looke for a competency, and that accor- ding to a right rule, judgement, and confeience^ it maybelmaybaffleconfcience-, then take Gods providence, what God holds fit in a way of his holy providence, to fubmit to that, that if I can- not bring my eftate to me, I will bring my felfe to my cftat£. There is a fit comparifon to exprelTe it 5 A man is in a boat upon a river, and there is a willow 5 1 have a minde to rake hold of and pull it to me ; now I pull not it to me, but it puis me to ir,becaufeitis upon a folid foundation, and I am notfo: It is not poflible to draw Gods xrouofell to me , but let me go about that which will draw .me to him; if a man can do that willingly, tore- figne himfelf to God and his wifdome; I will hold that heft whichGod fees beft for me,and reft con- tented with that. 2 . Now Cjod V Salve skilfully apply ed. 2 . Now how wc may or may not leek great things. Firft , Wee may feeke them in fome fort , two things in that too /wherein theieisalaw- fulnefle. i. Things that are truly and really great, it is a moft unworthy and bafefpirit, and low, not to feck them: for heavenly things w r e are bound to be high-minded, to have heavenly minds, to fcorne and to defpife all things in companion of them , and to make out after the greateft things: it be- comes the fpirit of a man to be fatisfied with Gods image , with nothing els, we may be cove- tous of that, ambitious,it is a holy ambition, we may defire the higheft and excellcnteft pitch of improvement that may be • all men may, without queftton,feek-, and the more they feek, the greater their commendations. 2. Things that are abfolutcly great at leaft, fome men may feck them lawfully, as to inftance- a Noble-man may feek the prefer vation of an e- ftate fit for a Noblc-man,with the cautions given, fubmitting to the providence of God: any man may defire a competency, a trade convenient,that is,convenient tor him, or you, in comparifon of others 5 and fuch for fuch is lawfull to be fought, fuppofing fuch qualifications. Secondly, againe to come to what we may not feek, two things far that. i. It is a great point of wifdome not to aflfeft comparative grcatnefTc, it is the defire of mans nature to bee fupercminent , and to bee aloft, G whereas + i 1 ■ ■ - - ■ — - ■ -' llarucb's Sore gently opened, whereas companfons are odious, and in this cafe dangerous to run thevye, amanfhallfcarcerun thus,but he (hall come within the compaffe of fin, and that which is odious to God and man* 2. The fumme of what I will fay, wemuft make choice of a proportionable grtatneffe, not to feeke great things above our proportion, but to ftiitf our defires,andto fatisfieour felves accor- ding to our proportion, a proportion of true com- fort for my condition , fuch as my confeience rightly informed fhallgive, and fuch as Gods pro- vidence (hall fee good- it is the courfewhicha 1 godly man fhould hold, not to feeke a great eftate I in this life, but a fit eftate, to manage himfelfe in a ferviceable way to heaven: for, it is not a great eftate that gives the greateft comfort, but a fit and proportionable. Would a man, if he had choice of a thoufand futes of apparell before him for his owne wearing, would any one be fo mad tochufe one, becaufe bigger, and too big for himfelfe < No fure: So neither would a poore man make choice of the gawdieft and gallanteft fute for his owne wearing • there be fome rich futes, a load of riches-, now for a poore man to make choice of one for his owne life too rich for him, (a Noble- mnns fute) he would make himfelfe ridiculous to all the world. To ufc another expreifion: Sup- pofca man were to run a race, the queftion is, what fine lie would chufe to run it, a great com- berfome futc that would lode him ( fuppofc it were of goldj he would lofe the race by it: So we are all travellers, and it is moft expedient for us (jod's Salves fitfully applied. us co help forward, iand to go foft in our race that way- fo a moderate eftate, without over much! fulnefle, not too much nor too little, neither extre- mity , becaufe that is dangerous •, a man is upon= extremity if he be pinched with want, and both arc dangerous , and many mifcarrie with them, both: therefore a moderate is more defireable, and the beft to be chofen. A man would not have his houfe without windowes, but to have it warm, and likewife to have it lightfome ; he would not chufe therefore to place thicke and mud-wals, in* ftcad of windowes, for warmth onely, but glafle windowes-, therefore an eftate like glafle, that willkcepe out raine and ftorraes, and let in the Sunalfo, is definable, fuch an eftate that confifts in mediocrity, will not make a man fo proud, as to keepe out the beames of heaven, to fcorne Gods Meflengers$ yet withatl a man would have fuch an eftate to keepe out the raine and weather of ex- tremity. And fo much for that. 3. To come to the third particular [feekingl needing explication, obferve alfo two things con- cerning this. 1. What is meant by fecking $ and then, 2. How we mayor maynotfeek: For thefe Points multiply and begin with the feverall re- lations. Concerning the firft,what is mennt by feeking: 1 . Here is one thing imported directly ,and an- other implied-, the a<2 imported , and the manner implied: an a<3 imported is, faking : it imports a threefold aft, take it in three words, thus •, G 2 1. The 4* 44 ^Barucb's Sore gently opened, i. The Act of endeavouring. 2. ThcA&of Dcfire. 3. The Aft of Defigne. Firft , an Aft of endeavouring after any thing a iranfeeksfor, ufi-ng mear.es and iaduftry for ob- taining it. Secondly, it imports fecking of the heart, a breathing of the foule, and b.nt of theaffe&ions , and defires, longing and reaching after it,whether it be in fimple defires, or in defires that may be re- prefented in prayer, that is the way of fecking,be- caufe the way of exprefle defire. Thirdly,it implies an Ad of the underftanding, the firft is the aft of the whole man, the fecond is of the will and the affe&ions 5- the third is the a Rachels feeking children; (he comes to her huf-, band as to a God, impatiently 5 ^Am 1 God, faith her husband * He taxeth her for it ; fo that if a man will feeke rightly and prudently, he muft firft goe to God, or els he fetkes very imprudentl) 5 he muft not feek impatiently. A man may feek car- neftly for almes and fome reliefe of God,and may get nothing , as beggers fometimes ^ but then when he goes without, he falsa railing andcurf- ing 5 lobs friends taxed him with impatiency- if a man feekes impatiently, that he will have it, and brooke no deniall, this is a wrong feeking. 3. Not importunately : the maine thing is an impudent and importunate feeking 5 and that is a thing forbidden : itconfiftsinthefc two circum- ftancesandrefpe&s. 1. We may not feeke immoderately. 2. We may not feeke inordinately. Firft , not immoderately. In one word to de- fine it : 1. Not with height of defigne: We may not feek forourfelves any woildly things whatsoe- ver, with the heat of our foules and endeavours, to fpend oui ftrength day and night after worldly things, though never fo ncceflary 5 but it mi ft be within the bounds of competency: fuppofe the cautions obfi. rved , yet if it be immoderate, that a man fpends all his ftrength, all his care runs that way, where bethinks all the water runs by the mill, that runs not into his channell : a man muft not fpend his ftrength in feeking ofthefe things, fo that all is gone for feeking of better things,notl i ig is left for them. 2. A (jod's Salve skilfully apply ed. 2 . A man muft not feek with the height of his cefires, not to powre out that precious boxe of ointment uponthefc things, call fwect water into the fink, but fct them upon Cod , the choice and flower of our affections and endeavours, they are immoderate when we feek theft things with the prime of our affedions. 5. Laftly , not with height of devoire : We muft not fet the height of our defires,fpin out our i foules, ( as the fpider, to catch a fliej to fpend the firft-borne of our thoughts, and meditations,con- tinually plodding, anddevifing, and all this de- figne is nneerely for the worlds all this is immode- rate, when it hath the height and heat of our un- derftandings. So long as it runs thus, to beftow the vacant times uponthem, we may lawfully,but we muft not fet all upon them, the height of all, that is immoderate. So fecondly, we muft not feek them inordinate- ly : ithen we feeke worldly things inordinately , when, Firft, we feek impioufly, in refped of God. Secondly, when we feck them injuiioufly, in re Ipeft of man. To feeke thefe things impioufly, 1. With refpeft or uponperfwalion of the devill, as the Pect : Fleet ere ft neqneo fttperos, Acberonta movebo. Riches I muft have, and if I finde them not above ground, by the favour of heaven-, I will go un- der ground, by hell, rather than miflfe them: when a man feckes honour, and will have it, but by any unit 47 a$ \ ^Barvicbs Sore gently opened. unjufl cneanes,with any relation to Satan,or with- out dependance, or refpect to God. If a man do not feck all in dcpcndancc upon God, afcribing to Gods providence morethan to his owne endea-* vouis, rcfolving,that ("when all is done) it is God that makes all rich • and as we fay of the King,he is the fountaine of honour,fo God is the fountainr of all,all comes from him; if a man do not feck all with reference to God and to his providence, it is inordinate fecking. Neither muft wc fcek injurioufly againft the law of juftice and equity, or againft the law of I charity , both of them are forbidden , which ; fliould be clofed up to every Chriftian man. i. Againft juftice and equity, to raife my fclfe out of the mines of the publike good, toexhauft and make the common. wealth bare, fo as to make a private foitune out of all-, to bemangle heaven and earth to get a Soveraignty, to fifh in troubled waters , to (eek mine own without refped to the common good,and to the generall good,is againft the law of equity : a man may feek theie things, but not fcramble for them , not fnatch them from others, not flie upon the propriety of others to ferve our own neceffity , not to fcek with the bur- den of others,againft the law of )uftice. 2. Neither againft the law of charity, but in fuch cafes to deny our felves this hberty.It is law- fuil in fome cafes to feek riches, but it is a great dcale more comfort when they come withoi t ft eking,when God offers them into our hands, ir islawfulltotakc them when hecafts them upon us, (jod 's Salve skilfully applied. +9 us, but not to {hatch them out of his hand, in any undecent way, normuft we pilfer and fteale them when God hath beftowed them upon others, and made them owners of them , we muft abftaine , from all inordinate feeking. 4. Thefouithcircumftance upon the reproof and deformity of the thing in him: [Seckeft Thou] Thou,a godly man? A Levite? A Bar*ch f Take all in two things. 1. Who may not/who it is to whom it is fo un- comly, unconfcionable, and ignoble, and unreaso- nable thing, tofcek himfelfe and great things in an inordinate way : Now there may be a three- fold latitudein that. . i # A godly man in reputation, hcthatisinthe profeifion of the true faith, and he that is in the o pinion of the world fuppofed for a godly man* profeffion may a little blinde the opinion that o- thers have of them, and increafesthe obligation-, aqd the more he is t his way, the more he is bound to the good behaviour, the more ftri&ly muft he look ro his watch, as in every point of duty fo in this,whicb the world is very fenfiblc of,and is rea- dy eii her to make anobloquie, or an honour to Religion. 2. A godly man that is really fo, areallgodly man,hethat hatha principall of grace.and is ma ie partaker of the divine nature,hath found theboun- ty of Gods goodneffe to him, in changing and re- newing him in the inner man, he that is fuch a man in his affections, a hearty godly man, a godly nun in his conversion and adions, which puts adiffe- H lence 50 ^Baruch's Sore gently opened, I rence between fuch as are onely in the opinion of others , andfuch whofe affedions arewonne to God 5 and are in truth godly, and his con- version accordingto Chrift,,a man may f.e him by his foot-fteps, fuch a trian hath a greater obli- gation lies upon him. 3 . 1 hen thirdly^ a godly man no: onely reputed fo, nor onely read, but one that is in iome height and elevation , in fome higher Jphere of godlweffe, and therefore more exemplary, the eyes of men are more upon him, they are more in generall upon a godly man than upon ano- ther, and more inquifitive after them, and their adions are more fcanned and pryed into, there- fore it concernes all thofe-, the more renowned a godly man is,and moreexemplary, whether it be in regard of c pr -emotion • the place he holds in the world, among the people of God, one in emi- nent place, whofe place makes him eminent or re- nowned and exemplary, or in regard of his perfi- nad perfections , he that God hath made eminent among the Saints of God, and among the wicked to ftill them, the higher thefe things rife,the high- er the obligation rifes, thefe men ought to look to all their carriage, for a fmall failing in them is a great blemifh, and therefore, it concernes them efpecially to look tothemfelves. And that is the firft thing, whoitis. II. Now fot the next, how a godly man may or may not look after thefe things: to exprelTe this briefly. Wee have already faid, nene'm an inordinate n>dy> Cjod's Salve skilfully apply ed. 51 #47, and j'ucb a wan le.tfi of all, hee is more bound to the good behaviour than any other, as in all , fo in this particular - y Co that which is lavvfull for him to doe, as he may provide for his ownc nectiTities, and rcfpc&tohis own good as much as another, (Imply and intrinfe- calJy. but yet he muft have reip O. to the de- cency of his proceedings , and what may be ho- nonficall and exemflary , and as the faying is , a godly man mull: count that thehigheft point of his wifdome, not onely to doe what he may doe lawfully, but looke togoeuponan honorificall and exemplary w-y, which may be fuch to God , and to himfelfe , and Religion, and ex- emplary upon all others , and have an influence upon others , and therefore in this refpeft , for a godly man to fall , though a thaufand others mould ,yct his is more than they all-, as fuppofe for | a fcullion to fcrape and fcramblc in a kitchin,were nothing^but for a Lord and a Prince,ifthey mould go ande'o fo,it were difhonourable : it was one of the Prophet Uremics Lamentations , fox men in jctrlet togojr Princes to iwbr&ce dunghils^Lam.q.. 5 . To ftethefein the- ftreets among boyes,were bafe. And as they make the embleme of the Lapwing,it hath a crowne upon the head, and feeds 1 pon the dunghill,fo to be crowned with honor from God, and to feed as bafely as other men. It was a gene- ous fpcech of a naturall man, jhewftocles, he came by a thing that feemed to be a pearle in the darke, but fcorned to ftoope for it, but bid :mther ftoope, faying- for thou art not Thcmiftoclcs. Hz It , i ■ ' — 51 'Baruch's Sore gently opened, v- — »^- *mm** t - ' It was a faying of Alexander to one that told him, that without all doubt he being of a&ivity of bo- dy,as he was, he might get much honour at the Olympickgames^wejl faid he,anfwer me one que- ftion, Bo Kings ttfi to run there? It was below him. If Kings did not run like ordinary men for an O- lympickcrowne; the Crowne of heaven is for • fuch . And as he faid that was a Prince,and invited to a fcaft, oefor c he went, was fo cautious arid re- fpeftive, that he enquired of his tutor how he fhould carrie himfelfe C I fay no more , bwt re- member you are a Prince. Me thinks there fhould need no more to be faid to godly men , but re- j member they are kings children, and it is an unfit thing for them to fcramble for worldly things. 5 . But now there remaines one thisg, and that was for the time. Every one of thefe hath an ero- phafis to it, as to be for a mans filfe : to be for great things for amansfelfe: to feek great things greedily for a mans felfe : for a godly man efpecial- ly: and that which is the height of all, 1 n Jad and' calamitous times > in t jtnes of publike miferies and calamity, it is a moft uncomely thing : there are many other greater workes to be done , if a man coniider well what is to be done, there are the I workes of God , and the workes of the day , and of the times. Cor.li -Jer what time it is , when it is fo unfeafo- nable, a time of publike calamities and dangers, and fo in times of calamities when Gods wrath fmoakes, and his fury breaks out upon a people, is it then a time to b;* wanton and fooliih, to negled feckine (jod's Salve skilfully apply ed. n feekingof God, and to drive a trade for a mans fclfe, for thefe petty things of ours? to doc this when dargers are incumbent , and when they arc impendent^ hovering ovct our heads , and threat- ncd'f 1 1 was Baruchs cafe here, the ftorme was not yet fallen.', but it hanged over their heads , and it was more than probable, for it was certaine God had fore-told it,befides all the f ymptomes of dan- gers in fuch times . It was not then a decent thing. As they did feverely punifh the man that looked out of a window, with a wreath of rofe- buds up- on his headland was drinking and delighting him- felfe,when all the citie mourned,it was an unfeem- Iy thing: fo in this cafe, when dangers are iflcum- bcnr,and when they areirrtpendent too^ we have need to provide for out felves in a better way, to remove and deprecate the evils, to meet God^and to pacifie him with tome prcjem, as Jacdb did £fiu, other works are to be done then. 2 . Again,how we may or may not feck them, 1 told you, at any time, everyone of thefe things makes it undecenr, but there is a moft hainous of- fence when it is at fitch times as the fi ,fot then comes in all in full weight and ftrength concerning this fubjccl in the predicate. Then it is mod: uncomely ignoble*, and nncwfcionabie for a man to forget him- felfe, and look part duty, if he be fummon'd by God, and by publike calamities, then * ^feek hiin- felfe, and thefe things, and look another way, if he betroubled,or frighted no more, it is a figre of a defperate f ^rlorne fpirir. Thofethat Godintends to ftrike with the thunder, it commonly fals out Co H 3 tka • : 54- llamch's bore gently opened, Vfci Vfci. tlut their cares arc dcafc,thac they heart it not be - fores itisafigne that judgement is tofcizcupon diem, who will (lop their cares, and not confidcr tnc times, but withdraw thcmfclvcs in the profe- cution of other things , and fet thcmfclvcs ano- ther w^y. Now for application. Firit of all, we might here take up a Lamentati- on, it is great matter of griefc for any heart to fee how in every point, out of the word of God, the whole world, even of thofe that profeffe Chrift, run direclly contrary, as if they were Ann f odes to God, and kicked againft the holy rules, which he hath appointed us to walk by: who is there , but forhimfelfc { who cares how the publikc good goes, or how other men thrive or fare, but all for nimfelfe? If he can drive his owne trade, that is the common cave of the world. Who is there, that notwithftanding thefword of the Angell be drawn againft us, yet arc not for great things , that afpires as high as he can , and would make as great a fnow~ball as he can, is ra- ther for great things,than for any thing, and fo of the reft * What a lamentation is it to confider, that we cannot enter upon any point of Religion, but when we have becne in meditation aloft , it would fetch teares, to come and fee below, as it did Mojes, when he had been in the mount, when he came downc and found all contrary to what God commanded , fo it is in every point we have todealewithall. It ferves for Examination : I fliall defirc every godly man to try his own heart, and to fet thefc as a (fad's Salve skilfully vppiycd. a lword to his own foule, and to fee how farre he is gu ky of- any of thefe,that fo he may do his du- ty for the time to come, andfo fee his true ftatc and condition , and not over-value himfeife, bit walk humbly with God. Laftly,it ft I'VCS for Exhortation, to provoke all to the duty, in all the particular branches : i nil cad of being men for our felves, to get publike Jpirits, to be for the publike good^ to get heave ly Jpirits, to be for Godrand fo for all the reft. And inftcad of feeking great things, to retfife that corrupt hu- mour^and to perfwade that it is beft ;to have a mo- deration, our feeking is beft for heavenly things,it fits mod for our journey, and beft for our owne content ,to prevent a thoufand fnares and troubles, that come with a heapc of great things ,in this world, when thofe that are in lower condition,are under fhelter of them: and fo of all the reft. It might have been preft from all thefe particu- lar arguments, with inducements of rcafbn to quicken a man,and ftrengthen a man to them, as to confider the umeafin/iblenejfe^ and ur.comlimffe y and immfci$*Mcncflh of the courfe, it were enough, if We would but chew upon thefe, it were enough to a godly man , to perfwade him to turne the con- trary way. FI N IS, . i n rf*3. «fr . ! — — -^» THE ARRAIGNEMENT OF COVETOUSNESSE In three Sermons. John Stoughton, Do&or in Divinitie , fbmetimes Fellow of lmmanud CoHcdgc in Cambridge, late of ttAldcrmanbury , London. ±\ X •fr: ♦if * * * 1 P S A t M E I I £. 3 6 . Xwfe w>' tairl ft> r/^> T^fl.mBnies^anH not to Coze: oaf wjfe. LOT^DO 2^, X| Printed io\.Ubn BclUmie, Henry Overton, John Rotlnvell^ * 'Richard Serger y *nA Ralph Smith, 1^40. *& . - . 1 . A methodical! Analyfis of the chiefe things treated on in thcfc Sermons on Luk n 12.15. as they were perfc&ed by the Author, (1 < A Sermon of Chrift. Begun, commending. j 1 Sincerity, i. (.z Magnanimity. 4. Interrupted by a worldling, whole motion {1 Propounded. 1 $ . 2 Anfwcred. 1 Reproved. 14. L * Improved. 1 J in an exhorta- tion agJinit covctoufneflc. 1 B-icked,explicated with ftrong rcafons. t Edged, illuftrated with aParablc. U Coatinucd. 11 S r Revoking from worldly mindednefle. 22. fi Occafionaily.^ , Pl0 foking to heavenly mindednefle. ji. [z Intentionally. Exhorting to fi Watcafulnefle. $ j. 1 Propoondcd, from the condition of 1 Their To doing. J 1 BleiTcdncilcofduxie. 1 1. VVofulneflc of neglcd. T,i Matters fodainc co mming." 40. 2 Reiterated and enlarged. {1 Occaiion. 41. : Exhortation. 1. Nature. i Felicity in duty. 41 2 Milery in defed, Abuic .4$ Meafurcto thofe that iinne of i i\ Knov\ ledge ,greatcr. 47, Ignorance, lefle. 48. { a Mccknefle to 1 Beate butcherly oppofition, which '1 Muft be expe c\ed 49- z May be prefaged* 54. Forbcarc brotherly contention. f 8. A » c Co- 1 Doft. CpxnufMjfeu a vttt tbtu u h»Jly Hfitmed, it h* Utile m .;,:,, vtct 'largely fpxaditn a generaU one ■ , tls deejely rooted andrtvette'dmth* JMtttfmu.admUkrtfytt beaten out mtk "many retfm eotd a .*™ much wr^ and ebafmg, « is « vue lhat is h ^ „ h J ^ w >™*> foule nam -avdcmfequMe and the.efm a vice, 'that all thai mil be Thrill Dtfapes Should k « t y aimm to cbferve, tmlcmlim to av,id, to » jrf ,£ fence themj cites against. ' ***^«-««« Explication- Nature ofcovetoufneflc. i Prcmife. i Prodigall. z Fiugall. '5 Liberall. , 2 Propound fomcthing concerning the 1 Name* 1 Large. » Strict. .3 Indifferent Nature . fi Defcriptionjcontainingthcruture Generall. ft Vice, ti Mora J 1: Ci ForixialI,AfF c aioa. 1 Seat Soul^xRjdical^underftandinc O Vcrtuall, Actions C " State. Ci Mediocritie. f 1 LmcofV (i Extrcmitie a Rule, Gods wj!1 written in ~! His owne breaft. - Oar licirts. O T keword. Particular. 1 5 f« Objea. Riches, -W Manner, in Ci Generall J J)op polite to ) 1 Liberalities Frugal it it. 1 Specially Liberality. Magnificence. Piodigalir/.' • In. i Affcftiom.. i Infe&ing whole foulc Jz ApprehenGons. iThoughc I Adi'ons^tWord. ^Dced. Ci Getting. x Exceeding what love requires ©f< £* Saving, i God. > Scire. I Neighbour. [jk Djftribution, according to 4 i Subject, in i Godly,concomitant. fi Oppofed. [x Ncglcfted. z Wicked predominant. 2. State. fi Innged. Li Rcdrauicd. t .^ Cfiminall,fubfcrviefit to i Pride. .$ Degree. fi Lefle, L* More. 3 Defigmtion of properties. fi Initfelfe. i Subtikj hardly difcerned. {i Generall. a Speciail. «i yz 7 hcrefore take heed f i Accufe others. [• you do not lightly. L» Excufcv-ourfcjvcs. a Vniverfall, largely difperfecf in all i Sbrts. X Wicked, z Godly. z fancies, i Rich. z> Poore. )j Vocarions.i Civdl.z Ecclcfiafticall. .f Conditions,^ regard of i Sex.zA^c I Tenacious : deepcly rooted>noteafily A 3 i Laid J JI i Laiddowne. Aiayed by any cure oU a-Reafon. Jl C/ Time. Dangerous. i Procrfc. "i Scripture. {i lei Teftimonic* ^i. Colof.j.y. yz. i Tim. 6. 9 .io. y. Luke 16. 14 Pfal n 9 . j$. ics J 4. 1 Cor. 6, 10. compared vri \ Ephef.*,*. Examples. y?.Exod.x« 21. / o". 1 Tim $.?. , ^7. 1 Cor.j.io.ii. 1 I I I 1 Negative. • ■Ci Nabal. „ n r • 3 z Laban. z Pofinre. i Needleffe. 14. ^Fruulcffc. 15. $ Brutifli it, '4 Hcathcnilh. •j Hurtfull. • I Fetters heart. J 4 "(2 Hinders. 3 j, w i Heavenly, more Ci Eafie t *;r, H Hippy. $i \ < <\ niJon / . Luke, Chap. 12. Vcr. 15. %And he [aid unto them y tal^e heed and beware of Covetoufnejje. » His Chapter containes in it an excellent gnd a di- vine Sermon of our Sa- viour^ to an innumera- ble multitude of people, 'gathered together; fo that they trod one up- on another : In which Chapter,to give you the generall Summe of it, you may obferve three things. 1. A Sermon begun , in the beginning whereof our Saviour exhorts to a double vertue : 1 .Sin- cerity or fimplicity of heart, contrary to hypocrifie, zndthcleaven of the Pharijees, which in the nrft place he willieth them to take heed of \ Verfi. B 2. M A?nx- -Mmm ld^£H)?! %w *^'$mmU / AfiY^^5HHcSv w$M& =Q S L R M . I • T'be Arraipnemmt 2. CMagnammity , to dcfpife and contcmnc all difficulties that nuy occurrc, in the free, fincere, and ingciiiiousprofcffion of a mans religion , not tobe afraid of any difficulties, no,though they go as frtie as death, fVrj? 4. 2. This heavenly dif- courfc of our Saviour is interrupted , by the un- mannerly admittance of them which came to this fpuituall meeting with carnall hearts, they came to Church to liearc Sermons, but their minde was upon their eftate, and on outward things-, and therefore one of the company , a worldly man , propounds aqueftionto our Saviour, which he anfwers. 1. The queftion propounded is in the i^.Ver. Undone of the company Cud unto him welter, Jpeak . to my brother, that he divide the inheritance with me: J his brother, itfeemes, had the advantage of the pofIcffion,and he thought our Saviour was a good man , and it might be eafie for him to do a good office • he, not regarding the imployment our Sa- viour was about, troubles and interrupts him with this un/avoury motion. 2 . Our Saviours anfwtr is, partly by his repro- ving, rejecting, condemning of the motion, in the 1 4 . Vctfi ' And he faid unto him, man, who made me a judge or a divider over jot4 ? my office is of -another nature, and the mcaneft Judge in the world can arbitrate this j It is not fit to leave the Word of God , and to ferve tables , no not in a work of charity 5 there are things of a higher na. ture • but then, 2 . He contents not himfelfe with this reproof, but ofCovetoufnejJe. but improves this unfeaibnable importunity, and takes the oppoitunity of convciglung a vciyfea- fonabledo&rinc Or exhortation upon this occafi- on, that.ftrikes at the very root of the diftafc which lurked in this man, andfo more generally dchorts from cevaoufaffe , which he conceived was the fpring of this mans diibrder. Now that is, i . Backed and replicated with a ftrong reafon,in thofe words, for the life of man, or the happinefTe and content of man, conjifls no: in the abundance of that he pojfiffith : the world is miftaken in it, it is notthat which makes a man happy, or that which will give a man true content,fo I take the meaning of the word to be, although the world promife much. 2 . As it is backed with a ftrong reafon , fo it is edged and illufl rated with a fweet Parable; The great rich man he had a great crop , and bethought hiwfclfe what to do, to pttlldowne his harms y wd build them greater 3 and fing a requiem to his foule, the ifluc whereof was, Thou foole^ and fuch are all they which fet up their reft here, and thinke that the life of man confifts therein , and that happi- nefTe depends thereon. 3. As our Saviour condemnes, and reproves, fo he improves the unmannerly proceedings o^ this man, and takes occafion to continue his hea- venly Sermon, wherin I lhall diftinguifli bntthcfc two things. I. Our Sa> iourgoesonin the wifhing them not to Jeeke theft things , but the kingdome of God, II. He proceeds to his former intentional! thoughts, wherein he commends efpccially two ex- cellent venues to all his difciples. i, Wauhfulneffe , in the 35. Verfe ^ that they would always keep a watchfull pofture, preparing for, and expecting the comming of the Lord, to be fitted for it , w henever it fliould be , fooner or later, fudden or otherwife, and this is, 1 Propounded and preffed , and then iterated and inlarged. It is propounded and pre (Jed, 1 . From the con- dition of a duty, which being difcharged^ ?nakes a man hie '[fed, in thofe words. Ana if he come in the fee ond or third watch , and fnde them fo, hie (fed are thofe fervants. 2. From the mifrytlut will fol- low upon the neglect hereof, in the following J • words, of CovetoufncJJe. avoids, if the good man of the houft knew what bottre t£e thief e would come, he would watch, &c. 2 . It is ' pre (] ed from the condition of their m afters comming, which is cxprefled to be fuddcn> no man knowes the houre • and thus farre our Saviour hath propoun dedand prcflcd this argument of watchfulneffe. 2 Upon a particular cccafion he doth reiterate and inlarge the profecution of this very argument: thcotcaiion is expreffed in the 41 Vet ft , Piter fttps in, and puts the queftion ,not fo unmannerly | as before , but proper enough for the Auditory : M after , ftcakeft thou thti parable unfy m, or to all ? This gives our Saviour occafion to re-inforce his former exhortation , wherein are the fame argu- ments I mentioned before, partly from the fel city in the difcbarge of this duty,how happy and blefjed is that man, that when his Lord commeth ± flia/l finde well doing, preparing and fitting himfelfc for thai meeting ; and then the miftry and the wofo 11 condi- tion o£ thcevillfervant, who infread of giving a portion to his Lords fervants, fhall prefumc his mafterwill not yet come , but delay and prolong the time, and fall te heat And abuft his fellow- ftrv ants. I conceive in this place, and other places of Scri- pture, where this cvillfervant is mentioned fbe- fides the general! notion of any that carrieth him- felfc diforderly) I fay, it hath a particibr intenti- on againft that evill fervant in particular, that An. tichrtft, whom the Lord ft) all deft roy with the breath of his mouth, and abandon with the brightneffe of his camming, finding him drunke with the blond of the Saints, This eviU f«yant, I fay, will be in a vetfy ! B 3 tViil RRM I L The Arraignement cvill and fad condition. Our Saviour farther ex- preflcth this by adding one thing concerning the meafure of this cvill, that will befall the unfaithfull fervant, and he propounds it as a rule of the mife- ry, the mifcrywJbe great-, as this is done more out of knowledge , he which knorveth his maflers mil , which finneth hypocritically, againft the light, a- gainft confeience , thofewill have a double fhare in the mifeiy, and it will be more fearcfullto them: it will be fomething mitigated to them which knorvleffe, yet bad enough, as is exprefled in the 47 ancCq-8 vtrfe. This was the firft vertue that our Saviour exhorts unto, watchfulnefle and carefulnefle to prepare that they may not be fur- prized with his fuddencomming. 2. Thcfecond vertue our Saviour exhorts un- to, is ftirituall tvifdome , although there be fome ambiguity in fome interpreters, either meekneffe or fpirituall wifdome, it is agreed upon. Ihere be two things wherein this is recom- mended in generall. I. In bearing unbr other ly oppofitions • and our Saviour tels them, that this is that which muflbe expected, and maybe prefaced and fore- fecn. 1. It muftfc expected , Verf. 49. for our Saviour tcls them plainly, that he came to fend fire on the earth . and not to make a carnall peace , but to convcigh the light of the Gofpell 5 thc events whereof would breed combuftions , wicked men oppofing the preaching of theGofpcll, and of the godly ; and this is made cvenbythofe which arc neareft to them, in the fame houfe, Ver[e 5a, 5 3 . Our Savi- our of Covetoufncjje. our prepares them with this before-hand, that they may metkclyand wifely beare unbrothcrly oppositions. 2. In which this meeknciTe con- sists more particularly, to forbeare brotherly con- tention : Or, as fome interpret it, ir may rather be exprelTedthus, to take care to make peace with God lb much the more, a*ree with thine adverfi- ry y it may commend brotherly conjunction: for thofe which aie brethren, they lhall meet with oppofitions in the world , they had not need to devoureone another; Or, as many interpreters fay, that adverfary is Gcd, which,while we are in this world, we Should make our peace with, fince we can have fo little peace in the world •, there- fore our Saviour puts his fervants in mind.that it is a great point of wifdome, at the leaft, to make theirpeace with God, thattheymay havefweet comfort from him in the raiddeft of all bittc rnefTc in the world. I omitted one thing that I Should have fpoken, in opposition to the two things that mull be expe&cd, which the condition of the Gofpell will produce, and that maybe preftged, in the 54. Verf. And he fiidunto all the people, &c. If men were but fo wife toobferve thofe prognosti- cations of grace, and the way of the times of the Gofpell, as they are to prognosticate the face of the heavens, when they fee the evening faire and red, they prefage faire weather , and on the ap- pearance of a cloud, fovrle weather: if men were fo wife in the face of Scripture , they might fore- fee when calmes and ftormes are likely to fall , when they are like to fall into opposition and 8 Serm. I. The drraigmment Doctrwe. and affli&ion , and fo wifely might prepare and arrae for the fame. Out of all give me leave to mention one thing needfull, from the unfcafonable and rude motion of the worldly-minded man, interrupting our Sa- viours Sermon with an earthly queftion, w&. It is no new thing nor flrange , that men jhottld bring car nail hearts to Jpirituall duties. You are not fecure by being in the houfe of God , by hearing Sermons , but you may be full of carnall thoughts , if you be not carefull to purge them out , you may be thinking of your houfe, moneyes, or trade, talking, or bartering a- bout worldly things, and fo turning the Church into an Exchange, or you may be gazmg after poorerthings, this bodies- fafhion, orthat bodies drefTe, but every onefhould be carefull of that. To omit all other things, I fliall onely fallen upon one obfervation, and propound that, fo as it may be comprehend ve to take the very fubftanccof the truth, of the whole do&rine that our Saviour propounds, and I fliall expreflfc it thus. Covet oufnejje is a vice that is hardly difeerned, it is a fubtill one , it is a vice largely Jpread , it is a generall one, it is deeply rooted and riveted in the foules of men , and-will hardly he beaten off with many reafons and arguments much working and chafing, it is a vice that is highly to be ab- horred \of a very foule nature and conjequence-, And therefore a vice that all that will be Chrifts d/fc/ples fhordd be very curious to obferve , and cautious to avoid, toward and fence them fe Ives againjL You \ of Covetoufneffe. You fee every one of thefe contained and inti- mated in the very words of our Sayiour,akhough I might have made fo many feverall obfervations, yet I chofe rather to contract all ir.toone; And I hold it very expedient fo to do, that if a man can but remember the point,he may carie away all the maine things that are faid concerning it , though he any forget other particulars, yet he may have the maine in the obfervation ; But before I enter into the explication of the point, I mall i. Pre- mifi one caution : there be three forts of men which happily may be here , that may take fome offence at this doftrine, taking things with a wrong hand,and hearing them with a wrong eare, which are delivered right, i. The prodigall man maylaugh in his fleeve,and be tickled, thinks he, I am fhot-free, this Sermon concerncs not me, a I am not guilty of that fin , the world knowes it, and I proclaime it well enough, and this may pleafe him, and fo harden him,while he ftands jeering at another ,man that walks con- trary to him. 2 • The jrugallman, he is cleane contrary, he is afoberandagood husband, and he thinks it his wifdome to be fo, as indeed it is,in a vertuall way, and with moderation, but he is offended , and thinkes this may touch him many wayes , taking that to himfelfe which is aimed againft covctouf- neffe, as though it were fpoken to him . q. T he liber all man^ may take fome offence, which is in the right path and line of vertue, he may receive fome prejudice , becaufe he is not C onely ER M I. The Arraipnemcnt oiiely tree troni extremes, but is conicious of the contrary venu?, and fo he may dance upon the rope of confidence, and be fecure in that one ver- tue , as though he need no more j whereas a man may have one vertue, and be liable to many re- proofs, not being out of thegun-fbor, therefore he mould not be confident, of that one, but rather extend himfelfe to every one. And I defire every one of thefe whom it mayconcerne, that they may by this caution be advifed to take heed of of- fence or fcandall, which may hinder them in their way. 2. And fo I come to the explication of the point, wherein 1 (\u\\ propound, i. Something concerning the name, cove- toufnejfe. a. Concerning the nature, andfo mail indea- vour to cleare the thing, Firft, by a difcription of it, what it is. Secondly, by a diftribution of it, according to the feverall kinds and ranks of it. Thirdly, by a fhort defignation of the proper- ties of it : not fuch as might make fignes and cha- rafters of it, but fuch onely as I expreiTed parti- cularly in the point. i. This onely I fhall note concerning the name, covet oufoeffe, (for I cannot well go about to define any thing, what it is, except firft the name be agreed upon ; for names and words play faft and loofe, and fo the definition muft varie, accor- ding to the latitude of the words. ) To omit all Metaphors , and fuch which are farther off, there there is a threefold latitude of rhi, word. i . It is taken in a lar^e jenfe^ and fo it compre- hends dMtwrdtndtc defire, most than that which is properly called covctonf/ic(]e > or which o..r Saviour aims at in this yhcZjCoietoupttjft or concuf (cence af- ttr any thing^it may reach to all things inoidinatly defired: As for example, to me: tion but three creatures,, that there may be concupifcence after, honour, luft, and riches : Now we have nothing to do with it after this laige fcoft, 2 . It is takpn in a ftritt p^which I defire not to make ufe of,though it is uied by fomc Divines, as indeed every one wili have his owoe apprchen- _ fion, and yet there is no great I'ifRrencc for my part, fo long as things are agreed on, I (hall never make contention about woids, for chat weiebut to hinder all knowledge. Know therefore , fome take the word more flri&ly than is neceffai y, they would have cove- toufnefleto bean inordinate appetite onely in re- gard of keeping and faving riches, and not to reach to getting of them. 3 T take it here in a moderate indjferent fen ft , andfoit s dl inordinate defire toward riches in that cxceflflve way, our affeAiaris and inclination^ being fet on them inordi p'ely: I take covero. f nefTe in that middle fenfe, which comprehends both dtfiring inordin:ul\\ and ge^rin^ ioordi- nately,and faving inordinat ly ithcr defii ine,get- ting, or faving inordinate! yi this is cov( toufnefle. And this being premi fed concerning the wcrd, I (hall in the fecond place indeavour to expreffe C 2 the bE*M r i IZ ERM The Arraign em ent I. i ihe nature of it, firit, in a briefedcjcription, which I " promife not to be Accurate in, bccaufc it is not cafic to define it accurately, for an accurate definition fhould have nothing but the meere cfTentiak, and alltheefTentials, which is wonderfull hard inall things, efpecially in moral! things, but rather a rude draught or defcription , which maybe fuffi- cient for ordinary underftandings , and for the gcnerall ufe of men: What I conceive fuf. ficient for the nature of the thing \ I exprefTe it thus. Covet oujhe/p is a morati vice, or an inordinate affe- ction toward riches , or worldly things, whereby the whole heart of man is inclined excefively thereto, and inordinately carried towards them , arifing from a judgement perverted , and producing perverfe fruits or actions. There bee two things to bee dilated and in- larged in briefe , for it will be neceiTary to lay the foundation thoroughly, becaufe the true un- derftandingof this comprehends all that (hall be built upon it: As there is in all defcriptions, the gcnerall nature and the particular nature wherein the formality of the thing confifts* Soit is in this defcription, for it containes , i . The gcnerall nature of this, it is a vice, and a morall vice. i . It is a vice : for there be two kinds of difpo- fitions which the foule of man is capable of- there is a crooked difpofition and a ftraight ^ that difpofition of the foule which is right in the right frame, toward any thing , that difpofition is ver- tuous, of Covetoufncffe. tuous, and there is a crooked difpofition, and that is, when the foule is not in its right temper, and that is vice, being not in the rank of vertue, which is a commendable ornament that beautifies the foule,but in the rank of vice, which is a ftainc and a fpor that defiles and fhames the foule. 2. It is a morall vice. There be two forts of vermes and vices, intellectually and morally wif- dome is an intelle&uall vertue, and fo all the preg - nancy of the intellecluall part of the underftand- ing, thefe excellencies of the underftanding are intellc&uall vermes, but this is none of thofc, but a morall vice,th: re be moral! vices which corrupt mens hearts, the inclinations of their foule being corrupt, their underftanding, and the will and affe&ions are corrupt , and this is of that nature, it is a morall deformitic: Now in a morall vice there be thefe two things which are moft princi- pally confiderable, and I frnll briefly touch them, becaufc I would have this defcription , though rude, yet ufefull, not onely for defcribing this particular thing, but for any rmn to frame a de- fcription of vertues or vices by. Two things are moft confiderable in a mo- rall vice. Firft, the feat of it , and that is the foule of man, and the foule univerfall ; and fo it is, i. Formally, in the will and affections, which aie the proper feat of every morall vice or vertue. I conceive the will and the affedions are in reality the fame, and without all queftion, according to the generall opinion of all the learned, the proper ; C 3 feati '3 Serm. I. V «4- I StilM.I. The Arraignement I (cat of every morall vice or vertue is intheaffc-j dions , in the right or wrong temper of the affe- ctions or Will 5 when the will is right fer, ic hath attained to vertue- when it is wrong fct, it hath attained to vice: therefore Ichofe to defcribe it principally to be an inordinate affe&ion^ yet with- *all I added fome other things ( becaufe there is a gcnerall pollution ot thefoule by this vice) al- though the proper feat be in the will , yet it hath an influence into, and defiles the reft of the facul- ties: and fo it is, 2. Radically , in the understanding , for there is no deformity in the will and affe&ions , but there is a concurrent diflemper in the underflanding, it framing a wrong judgement and opinion, for that is the radix whence the affections are raif-led and mif-informed •, and as all vertues , fo all vices are formally and radically in the underflanding , and all the reft of the faculties of the foule 5 fo they are, 3 . Vertually , in the actions •, for the propenfi ty of the foule towards vertuesor vices, towards right or wrong, ismanifefl in ordinate or inordi- nate acls-, I fay, in the a&ions, though vice be feated formally in the will, and radically in the underflanding , yet it appeares vertually in tlu a&ions. Secondly, the fecond thing confiJerable ins morall vice or vertue, is the jlate, nature and qua- lities of them , wherein you may obferve two things. t.Thr lineyOvforizin , that divides b. twixt vertue and vice, i . The rule, by which wc find of Covetoufnefje. findc out this line. The Urn that divides betwixt vem;e and vice, I cxprefTe thus: when a man keepes the goldm pnth of mediocrity, then a man is in the right line of venue, when hiswayes are! equinoxiall, even, when he fwerves from this, his ?ffe nocency, reafon was a competent judge , beeaufe it was not depraved •, and full of light and beau- ty, all darknefle being difpelled (by thofe heavenv lybeames) which did fervefor the guiding of a mans life, but now nature is corrupt , and it is as hard to have right reafon, as it is to fay what me- \ diornrv 11 \6 The Arrawnement Serm. I. diocrity is, therefore I add in the third place, mit- ten in the wordy as the will of God is written in his ownebreft, in the hohnefTe of his owrie nature , and in our hearts^ fo all vertue is but an extrad of fomething in the mount , according to that pat- terne which is left written in the word, God re- vealing to his people his will, ajid the way of ho- linefle, which is pleafing and acceptable to him, that muft be the judge and rule by which we muft difcerne the line of mediocrity, wherein vertue confifts , fwerving from which in the one, or de- fed in the other, is vice. And fo much concer- ning the generall nature of it, that it is a vice, and amorallvice. 2. Now to add fomething concerning the par- ticular , that which makes the formality of this vice of covetoufneffe , that you may difcerne it from other vices , I would propound but two things. i. Something more generally confider the objett, and the ^Act towards that Objed. i. The object* for every kinde of vice or ver- tue receives its Jpcc/es from the Objed: now the Objed is riches, the obliquity of it is byway of excefTe, as the obliquity of the foule inmatters of pleafureisluftor wantonncile, in matters of honour is pride or ambition: Covetoufneff'e is the obliquity which is in refped of riches and world- ly goods, that is ^ when we are carried towards them inordinately, aiming at more than is compe* tent : what is competent, may be judged by nature, what is nece[fary and fif fit; ient for nature, maybe judged I of Covetoufnejje. »7 judged by rcafon, what is reasonable •, may be judged by faith , now to be defirous,and covet, and lult ahrermore than fuch a competency, to go be- yond competency, befides neceffity, reafbn or faith 5 this is a vicious difpofition toward riches , this is all I (hall fay in generall concerning the ob- ject, that it is a vice, the exercife whereof gives a vicious tincture and perverfe inclination to the foule, when it hath to deale with riches; onely let me add by way of caution, moft of all, both Phi- lofophersand others, make covetoufneflc to be a vice in the defect, not in the excefle : I am hard to believe, but it is the exceflivc carriage of the foule towards riches, but this is eafily reconciled- if men confider vices with relation to venue, take the excefle and the defect as they ftand in the ha- bit to vertue, then covetoufnelTe isadefe<5i to li- berality ; for liberality is the moderate feeking af- ter riches and ufing of them, prodigality is the ex- cefle,and covetoufnefle prevaricates from the rule in the mount,in,or by way of defect, excefle, be- ing fomething oppofite : but if you take it accor- ding to the object, as they ftand in habit with the object: formyownepart, with fubmiflion to o- 1 thers, I conceive that covetoufneflc is rather in the excefle, than in the defect, in forcing the foule to worldly things, when a man is like the woman in the Gofpell,that had a fpirit of infirmity , bowes downc toward earthly things: prodigality is a de- fective carriage , when a man regards them not with due moderation, but threwes all out at win- dowes : upon the point they come both to the D fame ER W I. 8 tfbe Arraipnemtnt Se K M.I. fame point and lilue, and what I have laid of this, may be faid of all vertuts and vices. 2. More particularly, the exorbitance of this covetoufnefle may be apprehended, partly by the opposition in which it ftands to other things, partly in iisowr.c proper temper and dijpofwon. i. For the oppofition, there be two things to which cove- toufnefle is oppofed in the fame ranke, refpe&ing the fame objc ft of riches, it is oppofed to, i . Liberality, in all the ranks and degrees-, and, 2. To prodigality $ I onely note this by the w.iy, although we generally mention but one ver- tue upon the line in matter of eftate, and that is li- bcrality • yet this liberality may have a threefold latitude, it may comprehend three diftinft branches, thediftindtionof which may be taken diverfe wayes. The loweft rank to which covetoufnefle is op- pofed to liberality, is frugality $ he which is fru- gally libtrall, which hath but a meane eftate, and in a meane bufinefle, though he be f paring, yet he kcepes the character and temper of vcrtue, accor- 1 dnigto the proportion of the eftate, nature, and condition of his bufinefle. The middle ftory to which covetoufnefle is oppofed to liberality, is that we call moderate libe- rality , that is in thofe which have but ordinary e- flaies, and in ordinary cafes, to be fimply liberall, and not toaimeat great proportions inordinary cafes, men of ordinary places, ordinary liberality is the true charter. * The higheft ftory is magnificence y to be more than ofCovctouJncfJc. than libcrallj to exceed proportion, cither taken from propoitionof a mans eftate, as a great man is not liberall, except lie be magnificent propor- tionable to his eft ate, or to the thing, the bufineffc he is about to a<5t- a man is rot liberall to the publike good, which is barely liberall, if he be not magnificent according to his eftate, and pro- portionable to the publike good , it is not right f for nwgnificencels the true temper of liberality , which magnificence may be taken in lefpe&of two fcverall things. i . In regard of the $er[on in w T hom it is : there be perfons which are of meane condition, it is c- nough for them, according to their eftate and con- dition, to be frugally and fo they fhall came thenffclvesvertually, though they goe no farther than frugall liberality, with refped to their mcanes and condition. Others , which are of a middle fort, it is not enough for them ro be frugally libe- rall, but they muft be liberally liberall , or els they come within the compafTc of covetoufnefTe ^ though it be not fordid and bafe covetoufneffe, yet they arc not without the verge. The laft rank are thofe which have fulled eftates ; it is not c- nough for them to be frugally liberall, nor liberal- ly liberal], they will not avoid covetoufneffe, ex- cept they be magnificently liberally ftill to keep the proportion: if he which hath a great eftate, doth no more than he which hatha meane one, or an indifferent one-, he doth covet bafely, becaufe he doth not magnificently, as his eftate affords. 2, In regard of the feverall cafes, and fo there D 2 be ■<9 b P R H . I . 20 Se RM. I. The Arraignement be three feverall cafes, in which thefe feverall ranks may be confidered, and accordingly ex- prefled. i. Trvviall and ordinary cafes 3 and there frugall liberality is fufficient. 2.' Great and neceffary cafes , and there liberall I iberality is to be exprened. 3. Vrgent and extraordinary cafes, and there, ac- cording to a mans proportion magnificent libera- lity is required. I remember an obfervation that the Rabbins have, it may be it may pleafe fome of this audito- ry, but in a perverfe way •, I defire there may be nomifconftru&ion-, they give this rule, to have every man carry himfelfe according to his eftate , the thing they fpecifie is in matter of cloathes, or apparell-, they would have every man keep to his eitate , and yet they allow of fome excefle , and fome defect, yetfo, as liberality may rule: the thing is this , ctoath thy wife above thy eftate, cloath thy children according to thy eftate, and cloath thy fclfe beneath thy eftate - ? they allow excefle on the one fide, and defeft on the other , and fo upon the point they are made even • if there be excefle in one,moderation in another,and defeat in another, that makes the fupply; the thing I note it for, is not for the particular, but for the general!, according to the three ranks how we may legulate our felves, according to the three I rules, and thofc according as the cafe requires, whether in a way of frugality, liberality, or mag- nificence: I give but this rule proportion to that, for of Covetou/iieJJe. 21 for matter of diet and apparell, an ingenuous fru- 1 Sa km gall liberality is commendable, rather keep within the compafle, it is the bed rule of vertue that can be given in this cafe,becaufe the exceffe, or incli- ning to excefle , doth but foment vice, asexcefTe in dier, floathfulneffe, which hinders and impaires the intelletfuall parts, exceflfein apparell is but a flag of pride, and an inclination to it : therefore in thofe things the bed rule is, to keep the temper of frugality, go in a liber all way, not fordidly,but in a way of frugality, rather under, than above a mans eftate. There be fome other things, wherein the cha- ncer of liberality lieth, to be obferved, I will mention but two h towards the diligent Ubonrer, and towards the necefiitAtedbeggtr, and there go a little beyond the compafle of frugality • be not penurious,pinching the labourers wages,and beat- ing it downe, or the poore tradef-manswaie: do as you would be done by • for it may be better almes, and bafer covetoufneffe, to grate upon the poore labourer , beat downe the hire upon the poore man that felleth his commodity , fo as he cannot live 5 herein goe in an ingenuous libe- rall way. There be other things that characterize magni- ficence, in all publikc fervices, which are fortbc publikcgood, for the good of the Church,or the advancement of the glory of God; for the good of the common- weale, or the fervice of the King, I and the fupporting his State and Honour , the beft way is to baulk a frugallway, tranfeendarneerc D 3 liberall I. ISerm-I- The Arraignement liberall way, and Araiwab-X\Ve, go in a magnifi- cent way , rather beyond our felves $ for it I a- bate fomething below the rule in diet andappa- rcll, I (hall have fcope to exalt my felfe above my felf in the publike good ; this was the firft thing to which covetoufnefTe is oppofed to liberality-, comming iliort thereof is, when a man forbeares to go according to the rule of vertue , and keeps aloof off. 2. OntheotherfidejCovetoufnefTeis oppofed to prodigality, itisfo farre from comming fliort of the rule of moderation , that it exceeds , the golden line is a free, ingenuous, liberall ufing and (pending thefe things,as difcretion (hall prefcribe: but when a man is beyond the bounds, careleffc for matter of eftate , riches, throw all away in a night, upon dice or vaine courfes, the extremity is in the exceffe. 2. But now, befidesthe oppofition, the pro- per temper and difiojition of covetoufnefTe doth beft characterize it, it doth infett the whole foule, although formally it be, i . In the affetftom> an inordinate affe&ing, and a love towards money, love of having much, im- moderate defirc , and immoderate griefc and ve- xation, if he have them not ; immoderate feare jf there be any danger of lofing them 5 it may be circumfcribed by any of thefe inordinate affe- ctions, it is the defire, or love,either of them will expreffe it fully, im moderate or inordinate love to riches, affecting of them, that is the defilement of the foule, in regard of the affections. In of Covetotijnejje. 2 . In the npprehenfion radically,!: is in the un- demanding, which ariicth from feme mifconceic in the underftanding-, I will but mention one or two of the maine. In the undc rftanding an over- weening of worldly things-, a man thinks there is a great deale more good and excellency, more de- finable, and more conducible towards his happi- neiTc and content, than indeed they do ^ he hath hn erroneous opinion concerning the excellency of them, if he did not efteeme them fo highly, he would never affeft them fo deeply - y for a mans affedions depend upon his opinion. There is another root of bitternefle,and that is atheifme, or infidelity, or diffidence , when men are poyfoned with a low efteeme of Gods provi- dence, thinking Gods Word is not to be taken heed of-, they dare not truft Gods providence, but themfelves, and their own folicitous care, for providing for themfelves, dare not give any al- lowance to Gods providence^ thefe are the mainc roots of covetoufnefle in the underftanding. 3. Itmanifcftethitfelfein/> are hard, but yet a confeicmious proofe betwixt God and a mans owne confeience , may be difcerned: though thy finne be fuch a flie finne as covetoufnefTe , that another man is loath, hap- pily, to charge it upon thee, remember it is a flie finne, and may lie at the heart , fufpeci thy fclfe therefore, and do not eafily excufe it. 2. It is an univerfdl and gcnerall fime y largely difperfed, our Saviours words implie fomuch, therefore of Covetoufnejje. \ x therefore hixhhc,t*ke/i*$iJ)4fldbef9*rc • there is a Sf.rm.1I. double cannon, as it he hid laid, you had need to watch , and 10 looke narrowly to it , it is a (lie fin^ajuglcr, th t willcaft athoafand mifts before your eyes : and vvithall, if implies that it is a gene- rail finne, I fpcake to all of you, faith our Saviour to his DifcipLs,and others alfo, ars if this were a ge- nerallio u of biuerneiTe all the world over ; and ill truth i( is fo, a man may fee it univerlallydbr, 1. TlKreisnorjHciorjSrt ofmen, which are altogether ftfic. i. Wicked men, fomc fceme to walke contra- ry to it, in prodigalitie ; yet either in predominan- cies or fubferviencie,fcarcea wicked man but he is covetous 9 he which is prodigallmuft (crape un- juftly to mamtaiuethat. 2 . Godly men arc not altogether free , there are the rclickes of this corruption in originall fin, and it fheweth it felfc even in them 5 godly men may doe it under pretence of religion they fas he faid) are then only godiy 5 whengodlinefTe is fpar- ing,andfrugali. many men are againft drunken- nefle in their families, becaufe it fpends their e- ftates, under a vizor of godlineffe they keep men fober • fo that a man may pretend religion,and yet within have a root of covetoufneffe. II. It is in all forts and ranckes of men. 1. Poorc men think they are not capable of it, and yet notwithstanding , their defires may be as large as hell, there may be as much covetoufnefle in a poore man, as in a rich man. 2. Rich men it is evident that they are excee- F din< I 54- The Arraignement Se km. II. ding obnoxious to it,the having of much, increaf eththe dcfire of having of more. 3 . It is to be found among all callings^ the Ci- tizen, the Countrey-man, the Trades-man, the Gentleman, the Miniftcr, the Lawyer all callings, whether Civill or Ecdefiafticall, even Church- men may be fubjed to covetoufnelfe , itisadif- eafe that every ranck may be infected withall. 4. In regard of every mans condition, there is no (ex nor age free , thofe to whom it belongs to take the care of families , women alfo as they are more impotent , their affections are more inordi- nate,and Co they are more unreafonably covetous*, in all ages it is , although it be more rare in youn- ger age, covetoufnefle is not fo proper thereto, youth is not free, but old age efpeclally. III. Ic is alfo a tenacious fmne ^deeply rooted , and therefore not eafily laid downe, ofourowne ac- cord, a thoufand to one, if a man lay it downc of his owne accord, to have fomuchgoodnefleof himfelfeas to ft rip himfelfe of this vice,not one of a thoufand doth it, no nor is it cafily allayed ox bea- ten dorvne , not by thofe meanes by which vices may be cured. I There are three things which may cure any vice. Firft, the authority ef religion. Secondly : thcrvaigh nfreafon. Thirdly, the tract of ^time. 1 . The beft curing is,when the author hie of re- ligion will do it, if when a man heares the word of ' God,amanisreadietofay, fpeake Lord for thy fervant heares , that»man is in a good temper , when he will be beaten from vice by the word of God, \ of Covetoufneffi. God, God hath fo much authority over his foule, that if hcc heare this finne is difpleafingtohim, he will owne none of it , but throw it out of his hands,as children many times at the very word of their parents 5 and this is the belt : butcovetouf- neffe is (b tenacious,and rooted in many, as many words from God will not worke , to get it removed : our Saviour here is faine to ufe many words and argumen:s,belides his owne authority his bare word will not doe it. 2 The rvaight of rcafon may ftep in and fecond religion , fhewing the deformitie and bafeneiTe of it, and convincing the confcience,and yet this will not do it: furely that is not a good temper , when men will not be regulated by reafon, when it j neither wit nor reafon that will make the cure- our Saviour is faine to heape reafon upon reafon , I dare fay,never any thing more larger difcourfed of, and more fully convinced, then our Saviour doth here in this Chapter,andinu^j/^m, and yet all reafon will not doe it , not beat it downe it wasfo tenacious, and ftickt Co clofiy. 3 ManythingSj neither authority of religion, nor weight of reafon,yec time it felfmW cure them: love is overcome with time, but time doth not cure covetoufnefTe, but rather inflame it : the lon- ger a man is acquainted, the Icfle he gyowes wea • ry, feeing no inconvenience in this finne of cove- toufneife, although it pinch him a thouti 1 times, r.nd ride him bafely, yet (thinks he) itisnofrch b.tfe thing, although indeed it makes amanfo fordid and bafe , that it tramples upon his nature , I F 2 and i S E R M . 1 1 • *tf The Arraignement S e rm. II. 1 andhis very excellencies, and makes himabafe drudge,ana the longer he is in it, the more beaft- likeheis, the better he likes it : and whereas age cures many diftempers, time when it comes to •endjfrees a man, being wcarie , and having runne themfclves out of breath,v/ich their foolifh waics -, butcovetoufnesgrowes upon a mad in his age, the nearer 3 PWO growes to the earth, the greedier he is after the earth, his mouth will be full of earth one day .and yet quo minor v/a,eo flus viaticum^ the kfle way he hath to goe,the more tenacious he is. 4. Which is the principall thing . kisamoft dangerous finne y a finne of a dangerous and a hidi- ous co:^fcquence . I thought now to have demon- fl rated it by fome places of Scripture, wherein I fliould fetdownc the black ftimpc, and fearefull name that this finne h;ith,fo fearefull that it ihould make every man lhie of it, and abhorre it, yea, the very thoughts of it ; for there is not a blacker finn inallthebookeof God, in fome refpe&s , of an ordinary morall finne , then this finne of cove- 1 toufnefTe. Some examples I fliould give, I flu.ll briefly touch fome of them, befides many negative exam ■ pies which Divines doeobfewc : there ; s not any o.ie ma'i m Scripture which was noted for a god- ly man, which hath ever beene tainted with this finne of c ovetoufnefle 3 not anv one example, though you may meet with examples oi many fin$,yet w r ith none of this : No ;h was torched with di ui kennefle , David with murder and adukeric, JVftr denyed his matter, we (hall not meet with _ any , of Covetoufneffe. \7 \ any one tnftancc, that the Scripture approves for a I S e r m . II. godly man, that was ever tainted withthis hnne,it is fo little kin to godlinefle : not that I will (ay , that there never was any 5 yet it fhewes , it is very fane from pictte and Chriftianitie, from the way thereof : and thofe affirmative examples that we have ofany that were covetous , we mall fee they are fct downe unto us, to fliew, that they are moft contemptible perfons, asthemoft vile and odious perfons to be abhorred. I had thought alfo to have flawed it by ground of reafon : briefly in ge- nerally touch it but in a word,reterring the main of this, the application, to the next time. There be two things, by which a man may fee the dan- ger and follic of this finne of covetoufneffe. i . It offofetb all the good of 'nature ,and all the good ofgrace y \t checks all graces, and the wayes there- of, and the whole Spirit of grace, it cafts a dampe and chokes a man from hearing the Word, from doing the worke of the Lord, and thriving by the meanes of grace, it ftifles every grace in the funic, the groweth of it,it chokes all the good of la.ure, fo that a man that is tainted with this finne, hath not common humanity,no bowels of compaifvo as though he were made of flint , it doth fo farte efhange him from the power of the excellency of grace,that it degrades him of all the fweetneife of nature. 2 . The fecond eenep 11 thing is , that it expof cth him to all kinds of w^ckrdn'fie, there is no evilly whether of fin ox fum foment Jout covetoufnefTe ex- ' pofethamanto. F 3 i. It 3« The Jrraignement s ERM. II. i . It leads a man into a thoufand fnares , hce which is once fet on with a greedy defire after the world , will not ftickc to commit any finne in the \vorld,to run upon the fwcrds point, hee is drawn into the trap by the bake: fuppofe a man hold a peece of gold at the end of a lack ; the Dr. ell hee dothfo, a covetous man he will creepe into the fack to be catched by the Divell, and caft into hell, while he goeth into the fack after the gold. It exfofeth a man to ail kindofpunijhments, both becaufe it takes away all that watchfulneffe, that men obferve not the feafon of danger : hence it is 3 that our Saviour wifheth them,to take heed of being $vereome with furfeting, anddrunkennes y andthe cares of this Iffejeft that day come on them unawares :a man which is laden not only with drinke, but with lu- xury , he grows wanton, and fo minds not when evill approacheth to avoid the ftorme ; . this is the drie drunkennefTe, the cares of this life , if a man be overburdened, bufie,plodding after the world, it makes him forgetfull of himfelfe. I remember a Story> of a City in Sicilia being befeiged by the Romanes, the mainc experienced and mod: artifici- all man in the City was one Archimedes , heufed many devices, and did many wonders , but at laft for all his ftratagems the City was furprized, the Souldiers brake in, arid great meanes was made to finde out Archimedes, at laft,thc Souldiers hearing where he was., brake into his houfe, and he was in his Studie, he never tooke any notice that the Ci- tie was taken 3 when the Souldiers opened his Stif- dy doore, they found him bufie,drawing lines in the ofC(wetouJhejJe, \9 dufl,like fome Mathcmatician,thc Souldiers flood S f r m . ftill looking on him,at laft, in fcorne and difdaine, one of the Souldiers, feeing him fo barbarous, and inhumane, drew his fvvord and killed him, much againft the Generals minde : Although God be- fcigc us round about, though the Church be taken and furprized , though a mans owne houfebee in danger, yet if a man be bufie, drawing lines in the duft after worldly things, he will take no notice of any thing, nor ufe any meanes to prevent it, fee no danger,and fo not be able to avoid danger. II. Lu K £ - /-■ r f nm (IV M1M 1 H T r. bile, Cz^p. 12. V::. c t.i'dbc f*idmtotbcni 7 tabbed enihexxrt of Gnctmfneffe. one poiar of I i* : : -" -- -: :: : r - - fijfflc , fbbdk,a£. 71 » JocdbyaD, ::::::... - ; : 1 '-"'}'• : _ r : ~.-..:r. '..: : r - r ; - ' I of fawtoufrttfje. Second^ maverfall - c or Idle, bur arc covetous , all are t Thirdly, that if. ous • faft,and clcavrsclofci; ■-:. Co*. - isforcvittcd ., tharwccai o-:. Fourthly, iris a fin of : I (hall only ah upofl it being ° thine Iwillilluft] -.-.A, partly by5^ | :>yj nrqji** Imeni led then, (the Iih: I :namt Uj thatthere pregnant TcxtsofSo tore, which rcprei the 3angerousn turc end cc: ^n of this I: w 3 • 5 • ^ I or ti fie therefor mbers which x ~ithe e. ir :h, forme &ticn ) unclt.m. r/on, cvill concupifccnce ^ &riA cc wjft Uh- , try-, maike there, he oked , c coifequer.ce it be :re more fubtile finne, hardly d: rancked with fornication , cs that all the world cries fatmeof, the Spirit of God amcr.ethofe : ijn ci brand on th. -ove all the reft - r. nance rbrtcinicat:on,fc:rcecL: : torcov touf .the esno r eof fuehrer- (bns,theworl hathietadal inawh . but God; :h flampedablac don it, r. htchist . tnie, thctfc noiintharca.. any creature, b at it may be I bar! oris the luftfoll n I G 4' in. Serm .1 II. The Arraign ement of her : preferment and honour is the ambitious mans idoll, it leades him to it, but yet we doe not find that the Scripture doth expreflv brand any o- therfinne,which is not diredtly idoiatry,with that | Dame, but only covetoufneffe : I conceive, to omit other things , there is one thing, as the particular reafon of it, which is very confiderable ( for there is a generall reafon for other finnes,) which ! is this •, what a man preferres before G«od, that hee makes as his God, exalts it in the throne of God, and therefore for that generall reafoa,coVw j touf. neffe is called idolatry : But there is a fpeciall evil) in covetoufneffe which makes it idolatry in a deeper dye, a covetous man befides that in the ge- nerall ref pecfi, his money is his idoll in the particu- lar,!^ puts truft in it , he hath a confidence in it , and that is the greateft honour that God can have, when we can put truft, and fecure our felves, and beare our felves out upon Gods prote&ion, and in that refpeft, there is a great deale of propriety in thofe words to this finne : for which things fake the wrath of God commeth upon the children of difobedi- enct, verfthe 6. It is not only true of other finnes, which may betaken notice of,but to provoke God in this fecret finne , which the world takes not fo much notice of , for this thing the wrath of God commeth upon the children of difobedience. One remarkable place wee have in the firft of Timothy 6: 9 , 1 o . But they that will be rich fall into a temptation^ and a Jh are, and into many foolif})and hurt full lufls^ &c. For the love of money is the root of alley 1 II, which while fome coveted after y they have er- red of tovctoujnefle. red from the f.ut h , a/id pe treed t hem fc Ives through with ?/ianj (orrowes : this is as full a place as I can well conceive : thofc that will be lich , that are tnad after the world, they are in a molt dangerous condition : fuch men can: themfclves upon a thou- fand datigei s, every expreflion, every word is full of weight, I will not take it now on me, to dilate at full unto you oa them, I will leave it to your owne thoughts : li is the root of all evilly I will only fpeak of this, it is truc 3 any finne which is predominant , maybe the univerfall root of all evill in that man, fo that it maybe applycd farther then the matter of covetoufnefle , but yet there is fomethingem- phaticall in covetoufneffe above other things, that precipitates a man into all evill, for that man which is fct upon gaine, will not flick upon any e- vill courfc that may advance him that way- it per- verts the eyes of the wife, makes them blind, that they can fee no danger : thus we fee , that it is the root of all thofe evills, which do arifc in that man which is bent upon covetoufneffe ; but there bee fome other men which goe not upon the root of covetoufneffe, but upon lome other grounds, and fo may breake into many evils. And therefore there is a caution to be obferved in thefe words , all kinds of evill , which is a large woid,for covetoufneffe will not put a man into all kinds or evill, if you take it in the Ariel: fignificati- on, for it will not put him on prodigality , not m an ordinary courfe , I fay,fuither then to advance covetoufnefle , tmicuique alnjms efl frmptus qui vttlt facere lucrum , a man malt bee at cod to I G 2 g-une S R M.I 1 1. ..'I*. 44 Tbe Arraign em ent ERM.IIljg^ine oftentimes : but to adde another place. Another place to prove this,is in the 1 6 of Luke vtrfe 1 4 . CA nd the Pharifees aljo who were covetous hem d ad l heft things > and derided him : A c o v etou S heart is fo tarre out of frame towards any good , from any poffibilitie of recovering him to a good eftate , that the meanes of grace are but afcorne andderifionto him: our Saviour h:m- felfe, I dare bee bold to fay , theproudeftand raoft captious man in the world could not ex- cept againft his Sermon : happily in any mans Sermon there maybeefomeinfirmitie or weak- nefle , fo that a man may except againft it 5 but our Saviours Sermon was not obno- xious to any fuch thing : And you fee cove- toufriefTe made our S a v iour himfelfe deri- ded ; when men deride wifdome it felfe, this is a high pitch , but covetoufnefTc doth this : Therefore the Pfalmift makes a prayer to God, Pfalme 1 1 p. verje 36. Incline my heart O Lord to>thy Tejlimonies y and not to covetoufneffe ? im- plying, there is an incompoffibilitie betweene regarding Gods Word , and covetoufnefTc : if a man bee inclined to covetoufnefTc 5 hee is clejne out cf the way from obedience to Gods commands , they are put in the ballancc onea- eainft an other, and David therefore here de- hies God that hee would incline his heart ro kecpe his TcfHmonics, and therefore that hee /would keepe him uprightly, free from cove- ton fneff.-.. 1 Corinthians Chap. 6. verfio. compared with Ephe- ' I ofCovetoufneffe. Epheftans Chap. 5- verfe j, you (hall findc that co- vetoufncs bars a man out of Heaven, there isthc very fame obfervation which I propounded in the firft place 3 1 Know you not that the unrighte- ous J1)aII net inherit the Kingdome of God 7 nor Thieves 7 nor covetous : obferve, that covetous perfons are rancked with uncleane perfons , and with Thieves 5 they goe altogether , for they are no better then Thieves on the High-way in Gods eftimate , and fhallas much bee barred out of Heaven, how fmooth a finne foever it fcemes to bee , fuch cannot inherit the King- dome of God, 1 Corinthians 5. lo.il, Not alto- gether with the fornicators of this world , or with the covetous , ejre. It is fuch an odious finne and fo ab- horred of God, that God would have all men to abandon it , but efpecially his owne peo- ple, and therefore amongft other perfons which are vicious and finnfull , hee warnes the faith- full not to eat with no fir tker, not greedy of filth/ e lucre, but patient, not a brawler, nor covetous : A Paftor or teacher of the Church of God,fhould feed the flock of c/;;v/?, and rule well, andtherfore mould be free from covetoufnelle , nay, and bate covetoufne-flc - for they that are covetous , are like to looke more, J and aime more at their owne advancement, how J they may advance themfelves , and at their owne gaine^then at Gods glory,and the good of foules : and therefore not fit to governeina Church. 2. Bcfidesthefeteftimonies of Scripture, let me addefome examples, fome I mentioned the laft 'aft day on the negative fart , that whereas w ith o- ther fins foment the Saints of God were tainted, as Noah was tainted with drunkennes, David with murder and adultcric: i:is obfervable,thatnotone that bearcs the name of a reall godly man, is couched with covetoufneile . I will only mention thofe affirmative examples , two or three of them 5 whereby we fhall fee, that they are as bad as bad may be, which are ftained with this vice of cove- toufneffe, ' Laban was a covetous man,one that the Scripture brands for a bafc vile perfon, and fers an ignominious note upon him ; Nabal^ for that was the Anagram of his name : Nabal thechurleis mentioned with infinite difgrace to be a covetous man. There is a command given for Kings that they fhould not bee covetous , and of all men in the world, they have mod ufe of money, for the fup- port of their it ate, and the defence of their King- domes,and yet they are commanded not to be co- vetous. i^Abab his covetous humour after Nabotbs Vineyard, is mentioned in Scripture as the root of the ruincof him and his familie, and pofterity, there were other fins which followed, butcove- toufnefle was the root from which all fprung 3 we reade of one in the new Teftament , Demos a for- ward man once in religion, but when once hee came to imbrace the rvorld^nd cleave to that,it was in him a root of bitternefTe,he apoftatized and fell from Chriftianity, leaped through all that he had taken upon him before hand. 2, There bee two grounds or reafons of the point Se rm.III 4 8 ERM III \ The Jrraignement of it. poirr, taken from the nature I. Ikcaufe covetoufnefTe is a fin which oppof- eth all good. i. Ic chokes and checks the growth and very beginning of all that is good in a man. I might illu- ftv&e tins by divers places of Scripture-, it Jloppet/j the good of grace, and all the growth of any excel- lencie in grace, it is thofc Thornes which flop and choke the growing to perfc&ion,as I have forae- timesexprefied. The Hedge-hog in the Fable comes to the Connie-berrie in ftormie weather and defircs harbour, he promifeth faire to lie qui- et and the like , but when once hee is entertained, hee never leaves pricking, till hee hath thruft: his hoft out of doores : fo it is with covetoufnefTe, it hath many faire pleas and pretences to get enter- tainement in a godly heart, it telshim he will be but a frngall fteward , but if once it be admit- ted,^ will never leave till it hath thruft out all pietie, and quenched all godlineffe, and heavenly mindednes, all will be eaten up with covetoufnes. i.Thtvay good of nature is exceedingly chok- ed by covetoufnefTe, all bowels of compaflion are ftopt towards our ownefkfb and blood, there is no noble nor generous thoughts in fuchperfons, they are not ingenuous, but fo fordid ,that asruft confumeth iron , fo covetoufnefTe confumeth the fubftanceofnaturall perfection, it eates out all. Naturaliftsobferve, that thofe places where there are Mines of filver or gold, they are all barren 5 af- fording nothing for the refreshing of man or beaft , bearing no graine nor crop $ and befides that : _~— of Covctoujncjjc. that which is worfc, they arc haunted with Di- vels , I am fure it is tiuc of a black fplrit which is addi&ed to covetoufnefle, it is not only barren of all good, but itexpofeththemin whom it is, to the very pofldfion of the Dive)!, to be led by "a bafe and fordid fpiiit in all their a Jlions. 2 As \t0pp9feth all good) fo i: expofeth tn all kinds of evill : there be two forts of evil? • the evill of fwn, and the evill of puniJhmentfwWich attends fin, and covetoufnciielayeth a man open to both. 1 There is no evill of JinneJDUt a covetous man will doe- the Divell harh hold of him in that vice, and he is at the Divels fervice for any kind of fin, to draw 7 hispurfe : there is n "'tiling in the world as I remember is more oppofire to coveroufnciTe in nature then luxury and wantorncflTe, a covetous man is temperate of his ownehumoj-v yet cove- toufneffeproftrates to thebafeftune'e.-nrreffefor hireorgnine thatis' : the -whole fpheareofthe commandsof God doth appeale covctou'nefTe as the breach of them allsit were no difficult tiling (though I have no intention to inlarge fo muchj to fhew thot there is no evill but covetoufneiTe di- fpofcthunto • tt takes a man from all good, and proftrates him to all evill. 1 And conftqui ntly there is no pwi foment but itlayesamanjopenco : To mention Iv* 1 word 5 thewrr^hof God is the founraine of all ptonijh- roent which comes forothet (iunes, and cove- toufnefle expoff th a man to the Wrath of Gm.\, as I have (hewed before : but more expreflV fee pfalme 10.3. For the wicked bofietb of his he< \rts de- 12. Se RM.1II. H i- re, 50 \ The Arraigncment S E R M m \\\}fire , andbklfetk the covetous whom the Lordabhir- reth : ir brings Gods wrath, it brings the fcorne and dc rilion of men upon a man, there is fcarcc a- ny one vice fo contemptible to all men in generally as covctoufneffc is, it is the argument of a play to be jeered at on a Stage : which is an argument, that although it carneth agenerall applaufewith forne, yetmoft men fall foulc on covecoufneffc , the world fpits in his face , hee is jeered at by all men ^ it cxpofeth to all kind of judgement 5 , which come either from the wrath of God, or from the hatred of man : I mentioned one thing the laft time,and I will but only mention it now ^ to take up where we left, and makefome addition where it is necefTary : It makes a man unfit to obferve Gods j udgementSf and fo to avoid thera^nd take ' care to fhun them. A covetous man- in the mod dangerous time, isfochoaked with the cares of the world, that hee mindes not any danger , but plods on till he is taken in the very fnare, And thus much concerning covetoufnefle, the predicate that is affirmed of it, in regard of ic'fclfe. the other thing I mall mention in a word , and fo come to the application. 2 . In iefpe«it ofu*, it is a fione to be avoided iy all men^ and by all meanes. , i . By all men^ common men H that have but any fpaikcof ingenuitie, muft of ncceffity abftaine from this, and prcferve thcrufclves that they bpe not foiled with this finne. But Chriftian men , which pretend to be the Difdples of C/;r//?, mull: |fhunne it , efpecially it being a thing furthert: off from )ff si of Covet oufncjje. 5* from picric and Chriftianitie , there is nothing io Shkm.III unfuitablc to, nor fo incompatible with Religion : and therefore fngiat hoc opprobrium a nobis , it is a fhame that a Chnftian man mould be liable to bee upbraided with covetoufncfTc, and not to have a faireanfwei for it, becaufe it is fcandalous to Reli- gion and dilhonourablc to God : nay it hinders the progrefle of- Religion, therefore it is to be avoid- ed by all men. 2 . By all mcanes: our Saviour ufeth two words here o^n yjl (pvKebs&t^ firft \& Ti ,looke well to tbyjelfe, as if he had faid, rvatch and take notice of thy fi If left thou doe flip, looke narrowly to your courfes and v/ayes, left you be overtaken with this (innc , and this is ncft enough o&t*^ but pttiv&jt is a placeof danger , danger lyeth therein : as you would in times of danger redouble your watch in the Cine, fo here mould be a ftrong ward kept , to arme and fortifie , antidote and ftrcngthen your fclves with all the ftrength you can againft the danger of this finne, and this arifeth naturally from the former*, for if covetoufnefTebe fo dangerous in it felf 5 then it concerncs all men bv all mcanes to watch and ward themfelvcs againft it. But I fhallpafte to the application. Ifcovetouf- neffe be fo dangerous a finne, it concerncs all men then by all meanes to watch and ward themfelvcs agamftit: many things might befpokenby way ofapplication, but I pafTebriefeovcr many: as, For Conv;cfion, many men may bee arraignfci that ftand convidted of this vice , if men would wellwaighit,and draw out thedefcriptionof it H 2 it Ffi. Vpl. The Arraignement . it would fall point blancke upon a great many men which thinke thcmfclves free. 2. For repioofe 'of them , as being in a fbule fault, it may be fouler then they are aware of,men are readie to pleafe themfelves in it, and plead no r guiltic : if they be free from other finnes, that they cm fay ? I am not like fuch a man , they take no notice of this, this fubtilc finne moves them not, if they come not within the verge of other finnes, they flight fpirituall finncs,and as they take no no- tice of them, fo neither doe others, forthis finnfas fome other finnes J comes not within the lafh of the Churches cenfure, the covetous man is not found fault wit hall, no'neither is the proud man found faultie , there is no man cenfured for his pride^or his covetoufnefle, the world takes no no- tice of this finne : yet if it be a thing fo dangerous, heie is a juft reproofc for them. But I pafTe over thefc. 3. It fcrvesfbro^?>7/*//0;*, partly that every one would, 1. Examine bimfdfe.l gave fufficient hints, by which a man may try himfclf, (in my apprehend- on) in the defcription,by uhichany man may re- ceive comfort, by applying them to his own heart anil wayes, and feeing,wbether in fome, more,or all of them, he comes not to be obnoxious to this finne : I fhall bnl v give vou two or three cautions, in which others may examine themfelves. 1 . Be jealous andfufpiaous ofthyjelfe, it is a fub- tile finne,veiy general], and universally fpread. I know it is rtpoitedof Luther , that though hee' found ofCwetoufneffe. found the roote almoft of all iinnes in him, yet he never found any inclination to covetoufneffe, hee was free from that. But for our felves , and our better examination, let usnotbefecure 5 but be a little fuf picious and jealous that there bee no fuch propenfion in us towards it • for there may be, al- though we ate not aware of it. And therefore for your better confideration , take this along with you, upon your examination be not confident,bee a little jealous and fufpicious, that there may be a propenfion in thee towards it:upon tryals take not up foolifhconceits upon frugaliue, but be jealous to fcan thy heart in thiskinde, whether it be inor- dinate in its propenfion towards the world: I have given fufficient directions for this already. 2. What you do in this kinde, doit confeienci- oufly, not to cofen thy felfe,"but as in the prefence of God, and as you will anfwer him. I have told you that rule alreadie, I would have no man light- ly to charge another, nor eafily to juftifie himfelf, and therefore examine your fclvs confeiencioufly, nor as you can (land with the judgement of men by outward appear jnce,but judge as conference judges, and as you think you may ftand and beare out at the day of judgement, at that ftrift account you muft then give. 3 . Labourto bring your mindes and heart to be ingenuous, not to ftudiefhifts and devices, to beare up thy reputation and credit, and fo to tree thy felfefromit . O it is a rare thing to have an ingenuous fpirit, fuch asthat % if a man be not free from a fault, yet he will not be readie co defend it , H ? but n ERM .111 r H The ArrAwnement »ERM III. but fwcetly and ingcnuoufly to acknowledge it, it isimpoflible but he that (lands upon his points, maybeguiltie : I could give you divers touches thereof. Many men pretend it is not covet oufneffe, but frugality, providing for pofter ity, this is no inge- nuous fpirit 3 nor plainnefle of heart f Why then doft thou negleft thy child,and beftowes not good breeding on her or him , but fpare a penie and fpoile the foule of thy child , and the bodie alfo ? Why art thou To bafe, if all be for thy child, as to marric her ^ and not to give a portion with her, when all comes to tryall, thou haft no ingenuous fpirit, be ingenuous therefore, I fay, doe notfoo- lifhly cofen thy feife , but bee willing to fee what thou doft fee, and baffle not thy felfe with foolifli pretences. 4. Suppofe the matter be a thing doubtfull , I befeech you ftand not upon points with God , to avoide covetoufneffe, be generous , be farre from covetoufneffe, (hun all apparancesof covetoufnes, be noble and generous minded, keep a broad dif- ference andavaft latitudefrom covetoufneffe, if you would bee clcare,make it appeare, be not ob- noxious to fufpicion, withhinching and pinching and fuch bafenefle, which makes others , and up- on probable reafon and good ground, thinkc that indeed you are fo ; but if you would not be tainted with this dangerous finne, doe the contrary, be fo farre from covetoufneffe, that you wilFrather bee gencroufly mngnificent,accouIing to the propor- tion of your eftate,and the nature of the thingrbut this of Covetoufnejje* 55 this is not that I intend, this is thefirft branch of ' Skrm.III. the exhortation , that men would examine them- felvcs, 2.1 defirethat men would humble thcmfclves, and fee their corruption , rmd bee affeded truly withforrow for it, even fuch forrowasbecom- . meth Chriftians, in that humility of fpirit which fhould bee in us, upon every taking our fclvs nap- ping in every finne f doll: thou upon examination find thou art not free from covetoufneffe i do not thou Hand on thy pantables, as they fay, but make amends, humble thy felfe before God , acknow- ledge the bafeneiTe and vilenelTe of thy fpirit, that thou art guiltic of that finne which is abominable to God, hatefullto men, beingafcorne and dcri- fion to them rand, 3 . I defire that men would reform themfelvs, ftay not hecre, but take out a new IciTon , make | progrciTe to reformation, recover thy felf, or if thou be already free , labour to prevent it, in the whole latitude, in all the three (pedes which! mentioned in the application, in our judgements, undei (landing, not thinking too high of riches, in ourarfe&ions, not cleaving inordinately to them, in our a(ftions,bee not too thoughtfull and careful! for worldly things . to be talking and breathing of earth continually, having nothing at allto fpeak of but riches. There is a part of the mouth which the naturalifts call the caiiun^ heaven, it is the up- per roofc of the mouth,there be many men which I have no heaven at all in their mouths, no upper ( part, but all lower , talking ftill of thole bafc and lower i 5<* RM.I II.I rfbe Arraignemnt lower things, : avoid it therefore in your talke, in your anions, and in your deeds, be not covetous in (craping in riches j having, norfaving, efp?d- ally let it not carry thee inordinately either to impious courfes, to trample upon God, or unjuft or uncharitable towards thy neighbour, or thv felf,^ bodie to pinch that,or thyfeul to ftarvc that, or to thofe about thee, to carry thy felf injuriously towards them,in one word , fet thy felfie upon re- formation, againft all the fpiccs of covetoufnefle. For the further profecution of this,to cut offall other things , I fball only propound thofe things that may be antidotes againft this finne, and reme- dies to cure this finne: both to recover thofe which have been touched with this dangerous finne, and to prevent it for the future : I take them both, and for them both there be two forts of helpes. i. Something habituall, totakecaretofurnilh thy foule with , that may lock it up , and take up the roome , that there be no roome for covetouf- nefle in the heart. 2 . Something that is a&uall , to be done by a renewed acT:, and continually ufed,for the preven- tion and the recovering a man from it. Ifhallbut mention the former , for thofe things which are habitual. I .\ngencr all yhhoux to ejlabltjh thy heart with grace, for vice and finne is never caft out kindly nor cer- tainly, bur by the introduction of that which is contrary. and that is grace : therefore i f you would emptie your hearts of finne, we muft davumclavo pet/ere, as they fay, drive out finne, widi driving in of of tovetoujnejjc. of grace, as one wedge,if wee would get it out of a hard pceceofwood, we mud drive in another : io nothing can free u$ from finne bur the introdu- ction of grace : what can take off darknefle from the fact of the earth i nothing irvthe world but light ; fo, what can drive out finne? itmuftbee grace brought into the foule, otherwifc a man may do, as when a man reproves a fault co amend his brother, fometimes hee cafts out one Divell with another, fo the only true way of driving out finne in general!, and fo this fin or covctoufneiTc in particular, mud be by grace brought into the foule, to have a heart titablifhed full of gracious thoughts, inclinations and affe&ionsjl fhall menti- on fome more especially. There bee foure pairc of graces in particular , which are wonderfull conducing, andcffc&uall for the difpolTeffing of this Divell of covetouf- neffe. The firft paire ('for I (hall joyne two together) arc Humilitie and Tewperwce, or fobrietie : it may bee fome will thinke, thofetwo beefarreoff,bi,t I tould you in the explication, that covetoufnt ffe is foraetimes in an efbte of rcger.de., it is mailer : fometimes alfo it is in the eftate of a fervant , i: waites upoa feme other finne: trwre are two other finnes that covetcufr.elTe doth frequently tfc it up- on (when a man is not oventtafUred wi r h c"ve- toufrieiTe,'that is not hisdirei* imne) there may be other finnes that will :>fc thr f? rvicc of cove- toufneiTc , have it as a fcrvant : to inftance, cove- toufneffe is a fervant to pride, and luft, and to in- I torn- J7_ Se rm.III. 53 The Arraignement S*H m .III J temperancie, now if a man be of an humble fpirit, it will kill thcfclufts, a man wouldnaaimeata high eftate : for the moft part men aimc at great things rather for pride, becaufc hec would bcarc a high port in the world, he would be -nauyatjis it is faid of him in the^tf^fome great one in the world out of pride/hat makes them fcrape from this man and from the other,it makes them fet upon any in- jurious courfe to advance his pride*, thcrf jtc if any one would keep pride down,let him learn humility and if a man would keep pride undcr,that would be a good means to fuppreflc his covetoufneflc. 2. Temperance and fibrietieisznothct excellent meanes to keepe under covetoufneflc : if I bee a temperate fober man, and doe not affeft either ex- ceile in diet or apparel] , but am content with or- dinary dyet and cloaths, and to go in a fober way, what need I tumble fo much in the world? a little will ferve for neceflitie, all is for the back and the bellie, covetoufneflTe plunges amanintoathou- fand inconveniences, it makes them lay about them infinitely in the world, becaufc they mufl live at a luxurious rate , they muft goe fo fine in cloaths,and have fuch diet: whereas it might bee as advantagious every other way ; a man might drive a trade within a lcfler compafle, fo contract it,it would turnc to more advantage , and to his greater glory, if he made his pride exceed in no- th ing but in intemperancie or grecdinefle aftcrthe beft things , this would cleanc turne the channell another way. 2 . The fecond paire of graces, which I would have of Covetoufhejfe. have you to fix 3 incieafe and cherifti in your hearts is the due love ofGod> and the love of thy neighbour, and this will be an excellent weapon to keepe un- der covetoufneflfe, for if a man do love God, and love his neighbour as he ought, at leaft it will take him off from all bafeneffe of covetoufnefle , hce will not be bafe to the fervice of God , pinching hisfoule, forbearing to allow any thing to the ad- vancement of the kingdome oiChrift^nov will he bee injurious to oppreffe and defraud hisneigh- bour,if he be not altogether for hirafelfe,for cove- toufnefle arifeth extremely from felfe-love, when a man regards not God, nor his neighbour , hce cares not whom he pinches from, fo hee may ad- vance himfelfe, now the love of God and of his neighbour will be a great prefervative, and there- fore labour to ingraffthofe affe&ions in thy heart. 3. The third pay re of graces which I would have you to labour for, is heavenly mindedneffe And contentcdnefe, if a man be heavenly minded, that his face is towards lerufilcm^ towards heaven, if that be the great defigne of his life; it will infinite- ly keepe him off from covetoufneffe, he will not ftoop to thofe bafe things as rich men do, becaufc he hath more high thoughts, and a more generous aioic, his mind is not Cct on the world,but on hea- ven : what needs he trouble himfelf with the cares of the world, which hath placed all his happinefle in heaven. And fo for a contented fpirit , as the Apoftle fpeakes, godlinejfc mth contentednefie u\ gKAtgdine : and for he which can frame himfelfe to a contented fpirit,a little will fuffice, if he have 1 1 2 but I Sf.rm III. • 6o The Arraknement s erm .1 IF. I but food and raiment, mce necefTities,a content- ed fpirit can reft quiet , and not reftlefly reach af- ter great things in the world . 4. Labour to get and to cherifh both/4//^ and fyiritua'lmfdome : it would be an excellent prefcr- vutiveinthiscale, if a man get faith , atrueand lively faith,and adherence to chrifi , bring chrtfi into thy heart, the love of Chrifi, and the prizing of him, and adherence to Cbnfl , will infinitely make D agon fall- as Dagon fell before the Arke, fo this bi cakes the neck of all fmnes,all will fall to the ground, and particularly this bafe finne, faith in the afiurance of Gods promife , that I believe the promifes of God in his word, that he will not leave, forfake , or faile them in their necclTaries, which are carefull not to faile in dutic towards him : this faith will bee an admirable antidote a- 1 gainft covetoufnefTe. Sprituall wijdomc alfo is a great helpe , for the root of all the poy fon is not any defeel in the acti- ons or affections, but in the underftanding ; if men were wife to know the great good , and to defire what was rnoft defirablc and advantageous for them, they were then in the right way, to put themfelves towards that great thing : but if men bee fooliih and thinkeall lieth in wealth , nothing elfe is worth talking of but wealth , nothing will make a man really good, which hath any feeling with it,but fo much wealth, if a man be thus poy- foned with thefc foolifh conceits, he will defpifc and undervalue all the wifdome/md all the godli- nefTc, and the excellence that is in any man, mca- _____ furing of Covetoufnejje. 61 Turing all exccllencic according to a mans eftatc St rm.1 asindced the world goes too farre this way, all Magiftracic is chofen by cftatc , all reputation by eftate, thefc things do fecretly poyfon, and as the wifeman faith, that eftate will never excell in ver- tue, in which there is a high price fet on riches : if men would get fpirituall wifdomc to difecrne the excellency of things,and to moderate a mans felfc according to the worth of things 3 it would bee a goodmeanestokeepebackc the overweaning af- ter wealth, which hinders the growth of goodncs, and advances covetoufnefle. There be thefe habituall graces', that muft bee gotten into the heart. 2. Ifhallgiveyoua brief e touch of the other branch. There be fome other things acJuallto be done, which are of great importance:! will men- tion all in foure fteps and degrees,and but mcerely name them. 1. Wcmuk watch. 2. Wc mud pray. 3. We \ mutt Jlrive. 4. We muft meditate upon thofe things which may give us vi&oric. 1. Wee muft watch againft, and take heed left webefurprizedand drawn unawares to it. 2. We muft alfo pray againft it, manyfinnes we fall into,becaufe we beg not Gods afliftance,if we would pray ingenuoufly,and fincerely, as Da- viddid y Lord incline my heart unto thy tefiimonies , and not to covet on foefie : if men make their daily prayers unto God, efpeciallv thole which findc themfclves prone thereto, |as every oae mould do againft his mafter finic, it would be an excellent I 3 meanesl a The Jrraignement Se-rm. III. incancs to preferve the foulc from this finne. * 3 . We muftjlrt've againft ic,labour to mortifie theie our members on cajth r and this amongft the rcftjWe muft ftrive continually and wraftle againft chis corruption, not cherifli it, and make a darling cfit,and cockering it, becaufe thegaineis fweet, but becaufe the finne is odious, therefore we muft fti ive againft it. 4. Laftly, we muft meditate upon thofe things which are conducible to eftablifh the foule againft ccvetoufnefte , I will runne them over in generall becaufe I cannot go though the particulars. 1. Confider the events of it, which I named formerly , if we did but confider how much it op- pofeth all good : it choakes all gracious thoughts and all the means of grace : the very ..word of God is choetked,when a man is brim full of this errour ,/ then Gods word cannot enter : itoppofeth and choakes all the good of nature , a man becomes like I to a beaft,or Tiger, he hath no bowels of compaf- fion, a man hath no noble ingenuous thoughts in him that is covetous, hee is all blurred with dirt , and the image of God is blotted out. 2 . Confider how it expofeth to all kindes of c- vill both of finne and punifnment : firft^of finne a- gainft God,and againft his neighbour 5 yea,againft himfelfe,hc is injurious to all : and as it expofeth to all evill of finne, fo fecondly, to all evill of pu- nifhment,tothewrathofGod, to the fcorneof mcn,to all punifhments, in this life and the life to comc,it barres a man out of heaven,and from any reputation on earth, not capable by Gods law of «*■ any of Covetoufnejfe. any exccllencic, neither (if all were wcllj fliould be by mans law. And for thofc arguments , I fhould have propounded which our Saviour men- tions in this difcourfc immediately after the Text, I know not any in facrcd or prophanc writings , where it is fo admirably prefled as it is here,and in thofe paralcll places which I mentioned before . Now there bee two ftcps and degrees of thofe arguments. Firft, hec labours to bcAtuoutof him thatdt- flurbedhim. Secondly, out of his Difcipln. Firft, our Saviour dealcs more generally with thofe of his ranck, he which came to difturbe him in his heavenly courfe : and then hee proceeds to other arguments to take offhis Difciples. In gcnerall this he faith in this very verfe, that men of great eftates in the world, avemiftaken, a mans lift or happints conftfts not in riches jl man may be a happic man although hee bee not a rich man, but he cannot be a hippie man by vertue of that he is a rich man, a mans nappincs and excellency lieth not in riches,that is the argument in generall. And fomething in particular is mentioned al- fo in the parable which is remarkable : as, Firft, riches will not free a man from cares, riches brings its cares with it : here is a rich man, his ground We a great crop, yet hec was to ftu- die what he was to doe , he was full of cares and thoughts what to doe , how to difpenf e and im- ploy his riches : they are lo farre from emptying his heart of cares as that they fill a mans heart with new «? Serm.IIL <54- ■ ■ Sehm.III T^be Arraignement new cares, how to iecurc them, and to dilpoic ot them, it fettles a thoufand other thoughts in the heart h to that they free not from cares. 2 . Nay , it brings not fo much as delight, fiule thou haft much goods laid up for many yeares, it brings not a man to this, it doth not fecure a man in a way ofdclicacic, that a man may injoy hispleafure and doe his will, which is the ground of a mans aimes, his end which he aimes at : if I had an e- ftate I might eat, and drink, and flecp, and then do what I would, this is not the thing. 3 . It doth not bring a man to wifdome, nor ar- gue a wife man : for there is a counrerbuffe to that {thou foole ) that man that thought himfelfefo jolly a wife man, becaufe hee had fo great an c- ftate, our Saviour gives him here but the foole, it doth not put a man into the poffeiTionof wifdom, nor argueth any wifdome , to get a great eftatc :' thefc are arguments in bricfe of our Saviours dif- courfc to him that interrupted him. 2. There are other arguments that hcufedto hisDifciples, which are proper only to Chrifti- ans ; I (hall give you but a briefe touch of the fame* There is a double care,a worldly care, and a hea- venly care, our Saviour gives a touch of both, fpeakes fomcthing of either,for both will fcrve for J the beatiicj Jowne of covctoufneffe. i . And concerning mrldly cares, I will tell you what our Saviour faith concerning them. i. Worldly ures they arc more then brutiih, it is a fcnfleiTe thing to trouble a man with the cares of of the world, our Saviour ihaves chat the beads I Ser m .111. art providedfor by God , thofethat neither icuv nor roape,and therefore is mo: e then biuti (h to be ovcrcarefull. 2 . It is altogether ftuitleffe and footleffejherc is no boote nor benefit which comes thereby, not o \t manbyhiscaie can aide one cubit toh/sl/fe, no mans care can make hicn rich, it is Gods bleifing, and not immoderate caring. 3. It is a needieile are, to trouble a mans felt with cares: what need a child of two yeares old take care what he fliould eat todinnrr or Ripper, or what deaths he fliould have:' his parents will looketothat: [o it is here, God takes care for his children, what need his fervants take immoderate and inordinate care.' 3 4. N ay, it is a heathenijh care, and a faithlefle care, the Gentiles do thofc things, they feeke af- ter them, it is enough for Heathens which have no God,nor any promife made to them,to be to care- full after thefe outward things, unlefie a man will fhew himfclfe worfe than a heathen^ he mult not pra&ife covctoufnefle. 5 . Laft ly, it- is vay hurt full. 1. It fetters f/^^r^andbitvlesthitinch;iins ; for where the treafitre is the heart n '< mufi be , it glewsa mans heart to the wo: IdyVtd keeps him off from God : and, 2. It hinders the pnfTare of preparation .or meeting with God,or expecting the ck-/ tchrijls comming, we cannot have a glympfe of iiis com- ming,orbe ready to looke for hino, if webepuz- K lirrr 66 The Arraign em en t Se RMjII.-l'ng here below , and thus much our Saviour fpeakt s by way of argument agaiaft covetoufnelfe and inordinate cares of this life. 2 . In ftead of that worldly care, he exprefTeth the contrary concerting the care of heavenly things, i. It is a more eafie Carey and mere eafie gaine , in the 3 1 . vcrf. firjl feeke the kingdome of Cod and his right eoufntffe^and all the fe things fb all be added un- to yon : all other things which are necefTary , will comeeafily to us without caring: God will call them into the bargaine asover waight. 2 . A man fhall have a richer bargaine, what e- ver other things may bring , it may a great eftate, but it cannot make a man a king, nor bring us to a kingdome,/6W£ not Lttle flock jt is your fathers plea- fur e to give you a kingdome. 3 . It brings more continued and durable gain. If a man have great ftore of money in his cherts and coffers,thieves may breakein, and athoufando- ther things may happen, but if wchavetreafurein heaven, that brings gatnc that we cannot loofe: thefe are the maine things by Which our Saviour labours to beat downe covctowfnefle in his Difci- ples, and tho!ethat will follow him : there were fome other things,! thought to have added. 1. From the confederation of ri hesitfelfe. 1 . That they are not (o corfiderable . nor fo de- fir cable things, 2 . They are not Co beneficiall fhty will not p' e- fei ve a man from danger. 3. They are altogether uncertainty riches will take their wings , when a man hath laboured all _ his ••*« .m », of Covetoujkeffe. hi$ life long to get riches, he may loofe them all at a clap: fouldicrs,orwarre, or fire breakes in,and what haft thou of allrhouhadft,nllis uncertame. 4. They are exceeding unprofitable, nay, more then unprofitable] 5. 7 bey are dangerous , they breed a thoufand vices, as felfe-love, and felfe-confidence : the rich man purs his truft in his riches , in his wedje of gold : fo is taken off from God, it breeds prid? and puffs up the minde of a man K*pfanrudj> »pop : fo that his head ftaqds I know not how farre above his /houlders, it breeds a great dcale of licenciouf- nciTe,men think they may do what they lift if they be rich : they are farre off from God , it puts a man into a thoufand evillcourfes, as riches are nothing considerable in them which arefo greedy. I 2. 0/ competencies a moderate eft ate, fit men would be truly peifwaded ) is moie defirable a thoufand times. A^urs condition isthemoftde- fi reable in the world, Give me neither povertif, nor riches , hut feed me with food convenient for me^ the beft condition and the molt defireable,is neithcrto have great matters^it is a foolilh thing to be gree- dymor on the other fide to be in extremity. But a moderate and competent eftate 5 fuch an eftate as I have fomtimes expreffed,is like unto glaffe in the windows, that will be the beft, which although it kecpes out winde and weather,yet it keepes not out the light of the Sunne , the piofpcA of hea- ven, fuch an eftate that will keepe a m in from the injurie of the world , that a man (hall, not bee in want,as will keepe out extremitie : that I bee not K 2 an- J7_ SHRM.IU. A 68 The jfrraignement Sehm.111. anoicd with extremities dcfireablc, and not fo ; great an eftate, as will keepe ojtthef cic -of Gods countenance, whereas a sreat cftate may do it,it may make us covetous, arid fuch a man is un- capable forgodlines,u:tti\adablefortheMinifte~ rk. A moderate cftate is moft defir- able thing in the woiid. FI*(IS. V U i i/i£ * /A' n r^' - /en • — I m prince cQ) SMuetti /tip ^^ c wy tr/tsu- /Ay - aajam^ >«i ' 6Zut&. arid can ZU&Z I *_^i ^Mk.^ Li m