ae Ta = ae — oe ibe yo ay aye: . ov avis’: ie THE ae 1 OF PRINCE |, NOV 10 1926. DISCIPLINE” OF THE AND (METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH 1926 GILBERT T. ROWE, Boox EpiTor CURTIS B. HALEY, AssIsTant NASHVILLE, TENN. DALLAS, TEX. RICHMOND, VA. SAN Francisco, CALIF. PUBLISHING HousE METHODIST EpiIscopAL CHURCH, SOUTH. LAMAR & WHITMORE, AGENTS 1926 EDITORIAL AUTHORITY EDITED in conformity with the following direction of the General Conference of 1926: ‘That Bishop Collins Denny, the Book Editor, the Assistant to the Book Editor, the Editor of the Chris- tian Advocate, and the two Publishing Agents be ap- pointed a committee to edit the new Discipline and issue it in the best form upon which they may agree.” COLLINS DENNY, Bishop; G. T. ROWE, Book Editor; CuRTIS B. HALRY, Assistant to Book Editor; ALFRED F. SMITH, Editor Christian Advocate; A. J. LAMAR, JOHN W. BARTON, Publishing Agents. COPYRIGHT, 1926 BY LAMAR & BARTON 2 BISHOPS’ RECOMMENDATION AND ) GREETING key To the Members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South: WE esieem it our duty and privilege most ear- nestly to recommend to you, as members of our Church, our FORM OF DISCIPLINE, which has been founded on the experience of a long series of years. We wish to see this little publication in the house of every Methodist; and the more so, as it contains the Articles of Religion maintained more or less, in part or in whole, by every re- formed Church in the world. Far from wishing you to be ignorant of any of our doctrines, or any part of our discipline, we desire you to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the whole. You ought, next to the Word of God, to procure the articles and canons of the Church to which you belong. 3 BISHOPS’ RECOMMENDATION We remain your very affectionate brethren and pastors, who labor night and day, both in public and in private, for your good. EUGENE R. HENDRIX, WARREN A. CANDLER, COLLINS DENNY, EDWIN D. Mouzon, JOHN M. Moore, WILLIAM F. McMurry, URBAN V. W. DARLINGTON, HorAcE M. Du Boss, WILLIAM N. AINSWORTH, JAMES CANNON, JR., WILLIAM B. BEAUCEAMP, JAMES E. DICKEY, SAM R. Hay, Hoyt M. Dosss, HirAM A. BOAz. 4 CONTENTS CONTENTS CHAPTER I HISTORICAL STATEMENT, GENERAL RULES, AND ARTICLES OF RELIGION Pacu sec. .1/ Origin of Methodism .arebeod. dani 8). 2k 13 ehC. 2. The General: Rules i), 1. catiewat? 20. AE 14 Sec. 3. The Articles of Religion................. 17 CHAPTER II THE CONFERENCES Sec. 1. Of the General Conference.............. 29 Sec. 2. Of the Annual Conferences.............. 33 Sec. 3. Of the Central Conference. ............. 45 Src. 4. Of the Missions of the Church........... 47 Sec. 5, Of the District Conferences. :..........«. 49 SEc. 6. Of the Quarterly Conferences...........: 53 BDEC. i . Of the Church Conferences.............. 64 CHAPTER III MINISTERS AND CHURCH OFFICERS Sec. 1. Of the Trial of Those Who Think They Are Moved by the Holy Ghost to Preach.......... 67 Sec. 2. Of the Election and Consecration of Bish- ops, and. of TheirsDutyrece. arta. cee ees 68 Bere Ute POSING: IG ers pete tec bake n Sc cote 73 mcr, Of Preachera i) Cnarge. tet tee te teks ec s ais a Src. 5. Of Admitting Preachers on Trial......... 83 Sec. 6. Of Admitting Preachers into Full Connec- MON oh and ces ¢ FIOUWRLAMD Be he Lahde Hale ed = Ss 84 CONTENTS PAGE NEC. ai. Oli raveling Deacons, «ieee aes eae 86 NEC. 9. OL Traveling Hiders:. 5. 2.0 ok oe 87 Sec. 9. Of Mission Traveling Preachers......... 89 SEc. 10. Of Supernumerary Preachers........... 90 Sec. 11. Of Superannuated Preachers deilesst ane ae 91 NEC. 12. Of Local Préaciera a hwes.........6e ooo 92 Sec. 13. Of Receiving Ministers from Other COHUTCHES | 2). eg een RRO Cc”. cir es 96 Seer 4 Ofslexhorters yee sek. csc) eee 98 Sec. 15. Of Class Leaders. (14 bese a0 te, cfg ft 99 Sec. 16, Of Stewards. J... Pelpehieiened. sf Ls 100 Sec. 17. Of the District Stewards’ Meeting....... 103. SEC..18,, Of Trustees: cnet cee t ce oo ee 104 CHAPTER. IV. 5 CHURCHES AND CHURCH PROPERTY pec, 1.°Of Building Churches !2 7) 2.)45, 298% 24 107 SEC. 2. Of Building’ Parsonages? j222. 294 2 109 Src. 3. Of the Division, Transfer, or Sale of Church Property 0360 heer, ore ee eee LET Sgc. 4. Of Creating Liens upon Church Property. 113 CHAPTER V THE SUPPORT OF THE MINISTRY Sec. 1. Of the Support of Preachers in Charge.... 116 Sec. 2. Of the Support of Presiding Elders....... TAY SEc. 3. Of the Support of Bishops.......... 00%. 117 CHAPTER VI ADMINISTRATION OF DISCIPLINE Src. 1. Of the Trial of a Bishop.............-.++ 119 Sec, 2. Of the Trial of a Traveling Preacher...... 132 pec. 3, Of the Trial of.a Probationer.......-- a9 129 6 CONTENTS PAGE Sec. 4. Of the Trial of a Local Preacher......... 129 Sec. 5. Of the Trial of a Member............... 133 CHAPTER VII APPEALS Sec. 1. Of the Appeal of a Traveling Preacher.... 138 Sec. 2. Of the Appeal of a Local Preacher........ 142 Sec. 3. Of the Appeal of a Member.....-....... 144 CHAPTER VIII THE DEPRIVATION AND RESTORATION OF CREDENTIALS Sec. 1. Of the Credentials of Traveling Deacons or: Elders. <...... . ct pide reve ee oe oe 145 Sec. 2. Of the Credentials of Local Deacons or He LGV aeceea se er eRe ian IE eda hl og ere ied nals Oe 146 CHAPTER IX COMMISSION ON BUDGET Sec. 1. General Commission on Budget.......... 147 SEc. 2. Conference Commission on Budget....... 150 CHAPTER’ X BOARD OF APPORTIONMENT......... 152 CHAPTER XI BOARD OF FINANCE Sec. 1. General Board of Finance. .............. 154 Sec. 2. Conference Board of Finance............ 159 CHAPTER XII SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD — Src. 1. The General Sunday School Board....... 162 Src. 2. The Conference Sunday School Board.... 174 i CONTENTS Sec. 3. The Sunday. Sehool.oi ~ ts feed oe 8.8 179 Sec. 4. The Preacher in Charge................-- 186 SEC. .D.. LNG LTeSIGIng N5lGeF a. since nea eee te 188 CHAPTER XIII EPWORTH LEAGUE BOARD Sec. 1. Purposes of the Epworth League......... 190 Sec. 2. The General E/pworth League Board...... 191 Sec. 3. The Annual Conference Epworth League BOAT 545.555 7s wien ies eee ee aE i, Oe 198 Src. 4. The Conference Epworth League......... 201 SEC. SEC. CHAPTER XIV BOARD OF EDUCATION . General Conference Board of Education... 202 | . Annual Conference Board of Education... 210 CHAPTER XV BOARD OF MISSIONS Sec. 1. The General -Boardicgeyqasy . ss. .00- +s sun 214 smc. 2: Woman's WOrk 2 se sec ee ee 222 Sec. 8. Annual Conference Board............... 225 Sec. 4. Evangelism se. copes nate. oe Lees Sank Sec. 5. Presiding Elders and Preachers in Charge. 230 CHAPTER XVI BOARD OF CHURCH EXTENSION Sec. 1. The General Board...............e0e0ee 232 SEc. 2. Annual Conference Board............... 236 Spe: 3. City and-District Boards so... ee eae Se 238 Spe. 4.' Sundry, Provisions). a. one cice ei eee ie 241 Sec. 1. Of the Evil of Intemperance Sec. 2. General Board Sec. 3. Conference Boards Sec. 4. Social Creed of the Churches Sec. 1. Constitution Sec. 2. Golden Cross Society Sec. 3. Annual Conference Hospital Board Src. 1. General Board of Lay Activities Src. 2. Christian Stewardship SEc. 3. Wesley Brotherhood Src. 4. The Benevolences Sec. 5. Conference Board of Lay Activities Sec. 6. District Board of Lay Activities Sec. 7. Circuit Board of Lay Activities Sec. 8. Church Board of Lay Activities SEc. 9. Duties of Lay Leaders Sec. 1. Devises by Will or Donations... Sec. 2. Forms of Devises CONTENTS CHAPTER XVII BOARD OF TEMPERANCE AND SOCIAL SERVICE pacer “see ee ee eee e eee eee eo ew eer weeeeeeeereeeee “eee ee ee eevee ee eeeeseee “eee eevee eve CHAPTER XVIII GENERAL HOSPITAL BOARD CHAPTER XIX BOARD OF LAY ACTIVITIES er eee evneere ee | © 2-0 6/6) 616 felis ac Blelese » « © le oe seeereee see eee eee see ee ee eee eee eee eoeee see eee eseeveeee ee eee CHAPTER XX BOARD OF TRUSTEES eeeeee eee CHAPTER XXI PUBLISHING HOUSE Sec. 1. Name, Managers, and Object........ sb SEc. 2, Duties of the Publishing Agents eeerereveeoeee 9 243 CONTENTS PAGE Sec. 3. Duties of the Book Committee........... 286 SEc. 4. General Conference Editors and Their VOPR Ree ro ene tS corny t cod teria agate 291 Sec. 5. Proceeds of the Publishing House. ....... 292 SEC. 6. Conference Membership of Agents and HEGIGOTS.. sess uA SAA ee, 292 CHAPTER XXII THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE CHURCH Sec. 1. Of Receiving Members into the Church.. 293 Src. 2. Of the Children of.the Church... .... :.%). ¢. 294 Sec. 8. Of Affiliated Membership in the Church... 295 CHAPTER XXIII THE MEANS OF GRACE Smo. 1..Of Public Worship... ............0c000. 297 SEC. 27-Of Prayer:Meetings. 7... > os ee oe be cae 300 Ste: 6: OF. Love Peastss tut occ ce oe tess eae 300 Spec, 43-Of. Class ‘Meetings *» te >. =... sos * os eee 301 CHAPTER XXIV THE RITUAL Sec. 1. The Order for the Administration of the Lord's Suppers. 256 aren act ee ee 303 Sec. 2. The Ministration of Baptism to Infants. 311 Sec. 3. The Ministration of Baptism to Children and Youth... . ws; tannit. oo (ivy wd soaryeGl. L 315 Sec. 4. The Ministration of Baptism to Such as > Are ‘of RipersY ears: 2 ee. eae ee ee 318 Sec. 5. The Form of the Reception and Recogni- tion of Children as Members................- 323 Sec. 6. The Form of the Reception and Recogni- Zion of Members. gn: teitinG eet ten senibas tts ae 328 CONTENTS PAGE Sec. 7. The Form of the Solemnization of Matri- NIRS Chorin es ae Gly ceomertte Van -tablacaicr ems e's) ees sik soe ae 332 Sec. 8. The Order of the Burial of the Dead.... 336 Sec. 9. The Form of Laying the Corner Stone of a NUL ey cee ee ne ek Ee ROD, om 344 Sec. 10. The Form of the Dedication of a Church. 348 Sec. 11. The Form and Manner of Ordaining Dea- COR ete Mae sh tekatne s iae Ooo teheire ie Leet steric sve 352 Sec. 12. The Form and Manner of Ordaining ROILETS Tens a5. a) aati aay atte once a, dete 357 Sec. 18. The Form of Consecrating a Bishop..... 368 CHAPTER XXV EPISCOPAL DECISIONS Sec. 1. Relating to the General Conference...... 379 Sec. 2. Relating to the Annual Conference...... 380 Sec. 3. Relating to the District Conference...... 384 Sec. 4. Relating to the Quarterly Conference.... 387 Picco tGlalino LO; DISHODS soc te ae ee eat etter 388 SEC. 6. Relating to Traveling Preachers......... 389 SEC. 7. Relating to Supernumeraries............ 391 SEc. 8. Relating to Superannuates............. 392 Sec. 9. Relating to Local Preachers’............. 394 Sec. 10. Relating to Class Leaders, Stewards, and ETUSTCES Th eraeneeaasAs epee ce 2 oie Paces « 395 Sec. 11. Relating to Sunday Schools and Epworth MMOACTIOS Tyas Trier. 4i1s. 1) ate. oe Seale Saweee 398 SEC.112.. Relating to. Investigations... 5...!..+.«- 399 Miele erelating LOrLTiais es a ¢ Wc c's 6 dlsts sao elds ae: « 401 HCL SK IVELALING CTOUADDEAIS 7 arc ace cee od we eee tie 409 Sec. 15. Relating to Credentials........ Pe Sn 410 DECAL OM elating: LOcMISSIONS? tira. ticles ote bi ete All mina saelating COs AUCATION Ss ~ & ccaueis sie sieca el erat 413 Sec. 18. Relating to Board of Reference......... 414 iM CONTENTS CHAPTER XXVI COURSES OF STUDY PAGE Sec. 1. Educational Requirements. ............. 415 Src. 2. Course of Study for Traveling Preachers.. 416 Sec. 3. Course of Study for Local Preachers...... 419 Sec. 4. Course of Study for Spanish -Speaking Brea cherg 28 G8 oe 4 ce ia ean koe ee 420 Sec. 5. Course of Study for Brazilian Preachers... 423 Sec. 6. Course of Study for Preachers of the Indian IW ISSION =, oie. seit tc ees ce eh ae, Be ie 3 ee 425 | Sec. 7. Course of Study for Preachers of the Korea . CONTCPENCE No: y tatiln tee peeciadn GEt c es co eee 426 CHAPTER XXVII ADDRESS ON WORLDLINESS......... 431 CHAPTER XXVIII BOUNDARIES Sec. 3, Of the Annual Conferences.............. 435 Sec: 2,’ Of ‘Missions tee abet eer ce ee 446 CHAPTER XXIX BISHOPS, GENERAL OFFICERS, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTBES............. 448 DOCTRINES AND DISCIPLINE CHAPTER I HISTORICAL STATEMENT, GENERAL RULES, AND _ ARTICLES OF RELIGION SECTION I ORIGIN OF METHODISM q1. In the latter end of the year 17389, eight or ten persons came to Mr. Wesley in London, who appeared to be deeply convinced of sin, and earnestly groaning for redemption. They desired (as did two or three more the next day) that he would spend some time with them in prayer, and advise them how to flee from the wrath to come; which they saw continually hanging over their heads. That they might have more time for this great work, he ap- pointed a day when they might all come to- gether, which from thenceforward they did every week, namely, on T'hursday, in the evening. To these, and as many more as desired to join with them (for their number increased daily), he gave those advices from time to time which he judged most needful for them; and they always con- cluded their meeting with prayer suited to their several necessities. 13 THE GENERAL RULES [ q2 @2. This was the rise of the UNITED SOCIETY, first in Europe, and then in America. Such a society is no other than “‘a company of men hav- ing the form and seeking the power of godliness, united 1n order to pray together, to receive the word of exhortation, and to watch over one another in love, that they may help each other to work out their salvation.” SECTION II THE GENERAL RULES. q3. There is only one condition previously required of those who desire admission into these societies, a “desire to flee from the wrath to come, and to be saved from their sins.’’ But wherever this is really fixed in the soul, it will be shown by its fruits. It is therefore expected of all who continue therein that they should continue to evidence their desire of salvation, ; First, By doing no harm, by avoiding evil of every kind, especially that which is most gen- erally practiced: such as, The taking of the name of God in vain; The profaning the day of the Lord, either by doing ordinary work therein, or by buying or selling; Drunkenness, or drinking spirituous liquors unless in cases of necessity; 14 q4 | THE GENERAL RULES Fighting, quarreling, brawling; brother govng to law with brother; returning evil for evil, or railing for railing; the using many words in buy- ing or selling; The buying or selling goods that have not De the duty; The giving or taking things on usury, 2. é., un- lawful interest; Uncharitable or unprofitable conversation, par- ticularly speaking evil of magistrates or minis- ters; ~ Doing to others as we would not they should do unto us; Doing what we know is not for the glory of God: as, : The putting on of gold and costly apparel; The taking such diversions as cannot be used in the name of the Lord Jesus; The singing those songs, or reading those books, which do not tend to the meee or love of God; a -Softness or needless “AMsindiilventert Laying up treasures upon earth; . Borrowing without a probability of paying, or taking up goods without a. se age of paying for them. -@4. It is expected of all atin eonbinke in: were societies that they. should continue to eavisignce their desire of salvation, » : Secondly, By. doing good, by. a in. ‘every 15 THE GENERAL RULES [ q5 kind merciful after their power, as they have opportunity, doing good of every possible sort, and, as far as possible, to all men: To their bodies, of the ability which God giveth, by giving food to the hungry, by clothing the naked, by visiting or helping them that are sick or in prison; To their souls, by instructing, reproving, or exhorting all we have any intercourse with; trampling under foot that enthusiastic doctrine _ that “we are not to do good unless our hearts be free to it.” By doing good, especially to them that are of the household of faith, or groaning so to be; em- ploying them preferably to others, buying one of another, helping each other in business; and so much the more because the world will love its own, and them only. By all possible diligence and frugality, that the gospel be not blamed. By running with patience the race which is set before them, denying themselves, and taking up their cross daily; submitting to bear the reproach of Christ, to be as the filth and offscouring of the world; and looking that men should say ali manner of evil of them falsely for the Lord’s sake. q@5. It is expected of all who desire to con- tinue in these societies that they should continue to evidence their desire of salvation, 16 q7 | ARTICLES OF RELIGION Thirdly, By attending upon all the ordinances of God: such are, The public worship of God; The ministry of the word, either read or ex- pounded; The Supper of the Lord; Family and private prayer; Searching the Scriptures; and Fasting or abstinence. q6. These are the General Rules of our so- cieties; all of which we are taught of God to observe, even in his written word, which is the only rule, and the sufficient rule, both of our faith and practice. And all these we know his Spirit writes on truly awakened hearts. If there be any among us who observe them not, who habitually break any of them, let it be known unto them who watch over that soul, as they who must give an account. We will admonish him of the error of his ways; we will bear with him for a season; but if then he repent not, he hath no more place among us; we have delivered our own souls. oe SECTION III ARTICLES OF RELIGION I. Of Faith in the Holy Trinity q7. There is but one living and true God, everlasting, without body or parts; of infinite 17 ARTICLES OF RELIGION [qs power, wisdom, and goodness; the Maker and Preserver of all things, both visible and invisible. And in unity of this Godhead, there are three persons of-one substance, power, and eternity; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Il. Of the Word, or Son of God, who was made very Man qs. The Son, who is the Word of the Father, the very and eternal God, of one substance with the Father, took man’s nature in the womb of the blessed Virgin; so that two whole and perfect natures, that is to say, the Godhead and man- hood, were joined together in one person, never to be divided, whereof is one Christ, very God and very man, who truly suffered, was crucified, dead, and buried, to reconcile his Father to us, and to be a sacrifice, not only for original guilt, but also for actual sins of men. -III. Of the Resurrection of Christ. q9. Christ did truly rise again from the dead, and took again his body, with all things apper- taining to the perfection of man’s nature, where- with he ascended into heaven, and there sitteth until he return to judge all men at the last day. IV. Of the Holy Ghost qi0. The Holy Ghost, proceeding from the Father and the Son, is of one substance, maj- 18 qii | ARTICLES OF RELIGION esty, and glory, with the Father and the Son, very and eternal God. V. Of the Sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures for Salvation @1ii. Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation; so that whatsoever is not read therein, nor may be proved thereby, is not to be required of any man, that it should be believed as an article of the iaith, or be thought requisite or necessary to salvation. In the name of the Holy Scripture, we do understand those canonical books of the Old and New Testament, of whose authority was never any doubt in the Church. Of the Names of the Canonical Books.—Gen- esis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuterono- my, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, The First Book of Samuel, The Second Book of Samuel, The First Book of Kings, The Second Book of Kings, The First Book of Chronicles, The Sec- ond Book of Chronicles, The Book of Ezra, The Book of Nehemiah, The Book of Esther, The Book of Job, The Psalms, The Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, or the Preacher, Cantica, or Songs of Solomon, Four Prophets the greater, Twelve Prophets the less. All the Books of the New Testament, as they are commonly received, we do receive and ac- count canonical. | 19 ARTICLES OF RELIGION [ G12 VI. Of the Old Testament. qi2. The Old Testament is not contrary to the New; for both in the Old and New Testa- ment everlasting life is offered to mankind by Christ, who is the only Mediator between God and man, being both God and man. Wherefore they are not to be heard, who feign that the old fathers did look only for transitory promises. Although the law given from God by Moses, as touching ceremonies and rites, doth not bind Christians, nor ought the civil precepts thereof of neeessity to be received in any common- wealth; yet, notwithstanding, no Christian whatsoever is free from the obedience of the commandments which are called moral. VII. Of Original or Birth Sin @13. Original sin standeth not in the follow- ing of Adam (as the Pelagians do vainly talk), but it is the corruption of the nature of every man, that naturally is engendered of the off- spring of Adam, whereby man is very far gone from original righteousness, and of his own nature inclined to evil, and that continually. VIII. Of Free-Will q14, The condition of man after the fall of Adam is such, that he cannot turn and prepare himself by his own natural strength and works 20 qi7 | ARTICLES OF RELIGION to faith, and calling upon God; wherefore we have no power to do good works, pleasant and acceptable to God, without the grace of God by Christ preventing us, that we may have a good will, and working with us, when we have that good will. | IX. Of the Justification of Man qi5. We are accounted righteous before God, only for the merit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, by faith, and not for our own works or deservings; wherefore, that we are justified by faith only, is a most wholesome doctrine, and very full of comfort. X. Of Good Works qié6. Although good works, which are the fruits of faith, and follow after justification, can- not put away our sins, and endure the severity of God’s judgment; yet are they pleasing and acceptable to God in Christ, and spring out of a true and lively faith, insomuch that by them a lively faith may be as evidently known, as a tree discerned by its fruit. Al. Of Works of Supererogation 17. Voluntary works, besides, over and above God’s commandments, which they call works of supererogation, cannot be taught without arrogancy and impiety. For by them “at ARTICLES OF RELIGION | q18s men do declare, That they do not only render unto God as much as they are bound to do, but that they do more for his sake than of bounden duty is required: whereas Christ saith plainly, When ye have done all that is commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants. XII. Of Sin after Justification qi8. Not every sin, willingly committed after justification, is the sin against the Holy Ghost, and unpardonable. Wherefore the grant of re- pentance is not to be denied to such as fall into sin after justification: after we have received the Holy Ghost, we may depart from grace given, and fall into sin, and by the grace of God rise again, and amend our lives. And therefore they are to be condemned who say they can no more sin as long as they live here, or deny the place of forgiveness to such as truly repent. XIII. Of the Church q19. The visible Church of Christ is a con- eregation of faithful men, in the which the pure word of God is preached, and the sacraments duly administered according to Christ’s ordi- nance, in all those things that of necessity are requisite to the same. 22 22 | ARTICLES OF RELIGION XIV. Of Purgatory @20. The Romish doctrine concerning purga- tory, pardons, worshipping, and adoration, as well of images as of relics, and also invocation of saints, is a fond thing vainly invented, and grounded upon no warrant of Scripture, but repugnant to the word of God. XV. Of speaking in the Congregation in such a Tongue as the People understand q21. It is a thing plainly repugnant to the word of God, and the custom of the Primitive Church, to have public prayer in the Church, or to minister the sacraments in a tongue not understood by the people. XVI. Of the Sacraments @22. Sacraments ordained of Christ, are not © only badges or tokens of Christian men’s profes- sion; but rather they are certain signs of grace, and God’s good will towards us, by the which he doth work invisibly in us, and doth not only quicken, but also strengthen and confirm our faith in him. There are two sacraments ordained of Christ our Lord in the Gospel; that is tosay, Baptism and the Supper of the Lord. Those five commonly called sacraments; that is to say, Confirmation, Penance, Orders, Matri- 23 ARTICLES OF RELIGION [ q23 mony, and extreme Unction, are not to be counted for Sacraments of the Gospel, being such as have partly grown out of the corrupt following of the apostles, and partly are states of life allowed in the Scriptures, but yet have not the like nature of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, because they have not any visible sign or ceremony ordained of God. The sacraments were not ordained of Christ to be gazed upon, or to be carried about; but that we should duly use them. And in such only as worthily receive the same, they have a wholesome effect or operation; but they that receive them unworthily, purchase to them- selves condemnation, as St. Paul saith. XVII. Of Baptism q23. Baptism is not only a sign of profession, and mark of difference, whereby Christians are distinguished from others that are not baptized; but it is also a sign of regeneration, or the new birth. The baptism of young children is to be retained in the Church. XVIII. Of the Lord’s Supper q24. The Supper of the Lord is not only a sign of the love that Christians ought to have among themselves one to another, but rather is a sacrament of our redemption by Christ’s death: insomuch, that to such as rightly, wor- 24 q26 | ARTICLES OF RELIGION thily, and with faith receive the same, the bread - which we break is a partaking of the body of Christ; and likewise the cup of blessing is a partaking of the blood of Christ. Transubstantiation, or the change of the substance of bread and wine in the Supper of the Lord, cannot be proved by Holy Writ; but is repugnant to the plain words of Scripture, | overthroweth the nature of a sacrament, and hath given occasion to many superstitions. The body of Christ is given, taken, and eaten in the Supper, only after an heavenly and spiritual manner. And the mean whereby the body of Christ is received and eaten in the Supper, is faith. The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was not by Christ’s ordinance reserved, carried about, lifted up, or worshipped. : XIX. Of both Kinds q25. The cup of the Lord is not to be denied to the lay-people; for both the parts of the Lord’s Supper, by Christ’s ordinance and com- mandment, ought to be administered to all Christians alike. XX. Of the One Oblation of Christ, finished upon the Cross q26. The offering of Christ once made, is that perfect redemption, propitiation, and satisfac- a5 ; ARTICLES OF RELIGION [ G27 tion for all the sins of the whole world, both original and actual; and there is none other satisfaction for sin but that alone. Wherefore, the sacrifice of masses, in the which it is com- monly said that the priest doth offer Christ for the quick and the dead, to have remission of pain or guilt, is a blasphemous fable, and dangerous deceit. XXI. Of the Marriage of Ministers q27. The ministers of Christ are not com- manded by God’s law either to vow the estate of single life, or to abstain from marriage; therefore it is lawful for them, as for all other Christians, to marry at their own discretion, as they shall judge the same to serve best to godliness. XXII. Of the Rites and Ceremonies of Churches q28. It is not necessary that rites and cere- monies should in all places be the same, or exactly alike; for they have been always dif- ferent, and may be changed according to the diversity of countries, times, and men’s man- ners, so that nothing be ordained against God’s word. Whosoever, through his private judg- ment, willingly and purposely doth openly break the rites and ceremonies of the Church to which he belongs, which are not repugnant to thc word of God, and are ordained and approved by | 26 g30 | ARTICLES OF RELIGION common authority, ought to be rebuked openly, that others may fear to do the like, as one that offendeth against the common order of the Church, and woundeth the consciences of weak brethren. Every particular Church may ordain, change, or abolish rites and ceremonies, so that all things may be done to edification. XXIII. Of the Rulers of the United States sin America q29. The president, the congress, the gen- eral assemblies, the governors, and the councils of state, as the delegates of the people, are the rulers of the United States of America, accord- ing to the division of power made to them by the constitution of the United States, and by the constitutions of their respective states. And the said states are a sovereign and independent nation, and ought not to be subject to any foreign jurisdiction. XXIV. Of Christian Men’s Goods q30. The riches and goods of Christians are 1The Twenty-Third Article of Religion in the Disciplines of all our Churches in foreign lands shall read: “XXIII. Of the Duty of Christians to the Civil Authority. **Tt is the duty of all Christians, and especially of all Christian min- isters, to observe and obey the laws and commands of the governing or supreme authority of the country of which they are citizens or subjects, or in which they reside, and to use all Jaudable means to encourage and enjoin obedience to the powers that be.” 27 ARTICLES OF RELIGION [ q31 not common as touching the right, title, and possession of the same, as some do falsely boast. Notwithstanding, every man ought, of such things as he possesseth, liberally to give alms to the poor according to his ability. XXV. Of a Christian Man’s Oath q31. As we confess that vain and rash swear- ing is forbidden Christian men by our Lord Jesus Christ and James his apostle; so we judge that the Christian religion doth not prohibit, but that a man may swear when the magistrate requireth, in a cause of faith and charity, so it be done according to the prophet’s teaching, in justice, judgment, and truth. THE TEXT OF THE ARTICLES OF RELIGION I HEREBY certify that the text of the Articles of Religion contained in this edition of the Discipline has been compared by me with the standard text, and has been found to be in agreement therewith. GILBERT T. ROWE, Book Editor. NASHVILLE, TENN., June 15, 1926. 28 q33 | GENERAL CONFERENCE CHAPTER II THE CONFERENCES SECTION I OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE Question. Who shall compose the General Conference, and what are the regulations and _ powers belonging to it? q32. Ans. 1. The General Conference shall be composed of one clerical member for every forty-eight members of each Annual Conference and an equal number of lay members. Of the lay members from an Annual Conference, one may be a local preacher. @33. Ans. 2. The clerical representatives shall be elected by the clerical members of the Annual Conference: provided, that such representatives shall have been traveling preachers at least four calendar years next preceding their election (Q671), and are in full connection with an An- nual Conference when elected, and also at the time of holding the General Conference. The lay representatives shall be elected by the lay members of the Annual Conference: provided, that such representatives be twenty-five years of age, and shall have been members of our 29 THE CONFERENCES | G34 Church for at least six calendar years next preceding the time of their election, and also at the time of holding the General Conference. q34. Ans. 3. An Annual Conference, entitled under the second Restrictive Rule to one minis- terial delegate, shall not be denied the privilege of one lay delegate, and he may be a local preacher. q35. Ans. 4. The ministers and lay members shall deliberate in one body; but upon a call of _ one-fifth of the members of the Conference, the lay and clerical members shall vote sepa- rately, and no measure shall be passed without the concurrence of a majority of both classes of representatives. (665.) q36. Ans. 5. The General Conference shall meet in the month of April or May, once in four years perpetually, in such place or places as shall be fixed on by the General Conference from time to time. q37. Ans. 6. The Bishops, or a majority of the Annual Conferences, shall have authority to call a General Conference at any time, if they judge it necessary. q38. Ans. 7. When a General Conference is called, it shall be constituted of the delegates elected to the preceding General Conference, except when an Annual Conference shall prefer to have a new election. The place of holding a called session of the General Conference shall 30 q42 | GENERAL CONFERENCE be that fixed on by the preceding General Con- ference. 7 q39. Ans. 8. The Bishops shall have au- thority, when they judge it necessary, to change the place appointed for the meeting of the General Conference. q40. Ans. 9. At all times, when the General Conference is met, it shall take a majority of the representatives of all the Annual Conferences to make a quorum for transacting business. q41. Ans. 10. One of the General Superin- tendents shall preside in the General Confer- ence; but in case no General Superintendent be present, the General Conference shall choose a president pro tempore. q42. Ans. 11. The General Conference shall have full powers to make rules and regulations for our Church, under the following limitations and restrictions, viz. (666): (1) The General Conference shall not revoke, alter, or change our Articles of Religion, or establish any new standards or rules of doc- trine contrary to our present existing and established standards of doctrine. (2) They shall not allow of more than one representative for every eighteen members of the Annual Conference, nor allow of a less number than one for every sixty: provided, — nevertheless, that when there shall be in any Annual Conference a fraction of two-thirds 31 THE CONFERENCES [ G43 the number which shall be fixed for the ratio of representation, such Annual Conference shall be entitled to an additional delegate for such fraction: and provided, also, that no Conference shall be denied the privilege of two delegates, one clerical and one lay. (8) They shall not change or alter any part or rule of our government, so as to do away episcopacy, or destroy the plan of our itiner- ant general superintendency. (4) They shall not revoke or change the General Rules of the United Societies. (5) They shall not do away the privileges of our ministers or preachers of trial by a committee and of an appeal; neither shall they do away the privileges of our members of trial before - the Church, or by a committee, and of an appeal. (6) They shall not appropriate the produce of the Publishing House to any purpose other than for the benefit of the traveling, super- numerary, superannuated, and worn-out preachers, their wives, widows, and children. @43. Provided, nevertheless, that upon the concurrent recommendation of three-fourths of all the members of the several Annual Confer- ences, who shall be present and vote on such recommendation, then a majority of two-thirds of the General Conference succeeding shall suf- fice to alter any of the above restrictions, ex- 32 q43 | ANNUAL CONFERENCES cepting the first article, which may be altered upon the joint recommendation of all the An- nual Conferences by a majority of two-thirds of the General Conference succeeding; and also, whenever such alteration or alterations shall have been first recommended by two-thirds of the General Conference, so soon as _ three- fourths of the members of all the Annual Con- ferences shall have coneurred as aforesaid, such alteration or alterations shall take effect: provided, that when any rule or regulation is adopted by the General Conference which, in the opinion of the Bishops, is unconstitutional, the Bishops may present to the Conference which passed said rule or regulation their objections thereto, with their reasons, in writ- ing (Q667); and if then the General Conference shall, by a two-thirds vote, adhere to its action on said rule or regulation, it shall then take the course prescribed for altering a Restrictive Rule, and if thus passed upon affirmatively, the Bishops shall announce that such rule or regula- tion takes effect from that time. SECTION II OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCES Question 1. Who shall compose an Annual Conference, and what are the regulations and powers belonging to it? 33 THE CONFERENCES | [ G44 q44.* Ans. 1. All the traveling preachers in full connection with it ((669, 670, 672, 731), and one lay representative for every eight hundred Church members or majority fraction thereof— one of whom may be a local preacher—in each Presiding Elder’s District: promded, however, that no District shall have less than eight lay rep- resentatives to the Annual Conference: and pro- vided, further, that the number of Church mem- bers in each District shall be determined by the statistics of the District reported to the preced- ing Annual Conference. (88, 674, 691.) q45. Ans. 2. The lay members shall be chosen annually by the District Conferences: provided, that no one shall be a representative who is not twenty-five years of age, and who has not been for six years, next preceding his election, a member of the Church. (Q88, 691.) q46. Ans. 3. The lay members shall partici- pate in all business of the Conference, except such as involves ministerial character. ({676.) q47. Ans. 4. Unless providentially hindered, all the members of the Conference shall attend its sessions. All the preachers on trial, and those to be admitted on trial, shall also attend the sessions; but unless by consent of the Con- ference, they shall neither vote nor speak on any question. *The provisions of this paragraph become effective January 1, 1927. 34 Y52 | ANNUAL CONFERENCES Ques. 2. Who shall determine the number and boundaries of the Annual Conferences? @q48. Ans. The General Conference. (667, 669, 674.) Ques. 8. Who shall appoint the times of holding the Annual Conferences? @q49. Ans. The Bishops; but they shall allow every Annual Conference to sit a week at least. (G668.) Ques. 4. Who shall appoint the places of holding the Annual Conferences? @50. Ans. Each Annual Conference shall ap- point the place of its own sitting; but should it become necessary, from any unforeseen cause, to change the place after it has been fixed by the Conference, a majority of the Presiding Elders, with the consent of the Bishop who is to preside, shall have power to make such a change. Ques. 5. Who shall preside in the Annual Conferences? @51. Ans. The Bishops. In the absence of a Bishop, the Conference shall elect the President by ballot, without debate, from among the traveling elders. The President thus elected shall discharge all the duties of a Bishop except ordination. (4677.) Ques. 6. What is the method of proceeding in an Annual Conference? q@52. Ans. The following questions shall be asked (683): 35 THE CONFERENCES [ G52 I. As to Probationers. . Who are admitted on trial? . Who else is in the class of the first year? . Who remain on trial? . Who else is in the class of the second year? . Who are discontinued? II. As to Conference Membership. 6. Who are admitted into full connection? (QQ720-722.) 7. Who else is in the class of the third year? 8. Who are readmitted? 9. Who are received by transfer from other Conferences? (QQ674, 675.) 10. Who are received from other Churches as traveling preachers? 11. Who are located this year? 12. Who have withdrawn or been expelled? 13.. Who are transferred to other Confer- ences? (Q4673, 674.) 14, What preachers have died during the year? III. As to Orders. 15. Who are the deacons of one year? 16. Who else is in the class of the fourth year? 17. What traveling preachers and what local preachers have been elected deacons? ((q676, 691.) ) OO OO ee 36 q52 | ANNUAL CONFERENCES 18. What traveling preachers and what local preachers have been ordained deacons? _ (G742.) | 19. What traveling preachers and what local preachers have been elected elders? (Qq676, 701, 723, 742.) 20. What traveling preachers and what local preachers have been ordained elders? (Q'742.) IV. As to Conference Relations. 21. Are all the preachers blameless in their life and official administration? (673.) 22. Who are supernumerary? (Q@724-726.) 23. Who are superannuated? (QQ732-737.) V. As to Statestecs. 24. What is the number of districts, of pastoral charges, and of societies in this Conference? 25. How many have been licensed to preach, and what is the number of local preachers and of members? (4670, 684, 685.) 26. How many adults and how many infants have been baptized during the year? (685. ) 27. What is the number of Epworth Leagues and of Epworth League members? 28. What is the number of Sunday schools, 37 THE CONFERENCES [ G52 of Sunday school officers and teachers, and of Sunday school scholars enrolled during the year? 29. What is the number of Woman’s’ Mis- sionaries Societies, and what is the number of members of the same? 30. What is the number of Wesley Brother- hoods and of Wesley Brotherhood members? 31. What is the number of members enrolled in the Fellowship of Stewardship? 32. What are the educational statistics? (QQ817-819.) 33. What are the orphanage statistics? 34, What are the hospital statistics? VI. As to Finances. 35. What has been contributed for the follow- ing causes: Foreign Missions? Home and Conference Missions? Church Ex- tension? Education? The American Bible Society? General Conference expense? By the Woman’s Missionary Societies? From the Golden Cross Enrollment? 36. What has been contributed for the sup- port of the ministry? For Bishops? For Presiding Elders? For preachers in charge? For Conference claimants? For Superannuate Endowment Fund? 38 q52 | ANNUAL CONFERENCES 37. What is the grand total contributed for all purposes from all sources in this Conference this year? VII. As to Church Property. 38. What is the number of houses of wor- ship? their value? and the amount of indebtedness thereon? 39. What is the number of parsonages? their value? and the amount of indebtedness thereon? 40. What amount of insurance is carried on church property, and what amount has been paid out in premiums? 41. How many churches and parsonages have been damaged or destroyed during the year? What is the amount of damage and what has been collected thereon? 42. What is the number of superannuate homes, and what is their value? VIII. Miscellaneous Questions. 43. Who is elected Conference Lay Leader? 44, Where shall the next session of the Con- ference be held? 45. Where are the preachers stationed this year? (Q712.) Ques. 7. What method is recommended in the examination of the life and official administra- tion of the preachers? 39 THE CONFERENCES | G53 q53. Ans. 1. The Conference shall proceed with open doors unless, by vote, it order otherwise. q54. Ans. 2. Let the name of every preacher be called, and let his Presiding Elder, or some other member of the Conference, state whether or not there be any complaint against him; and if there be none, the President shall, without vote, declare his character passed. (673, 674.) q@55. Ans. 3. If there be a complaint, and the preacher has been advised of it, let it be stated to the Conference, and let the accused have the privilege of replying. He shall then retire, and the Conference shall determine by vote whether his character shall pass. q56. Ans. 4. If a trial be necessary, it shall be conducted according to the provisions of Chapter VI., Section II. q@57. Ans. 5. But if the complaint be wholly on account of habitual failure in official admin- istration, and any member of the Conference object to the passage of his character, wholly on this account, the question, “Shall his character pass?’’ shall be put on this point alone. And if a majority of the Conference refuse to pass his character because he is not blameless in official administration, the Conference shall grant him an honorable location; but the Con- ference shall not proceed under this provision 40 q61 | ANNUAL CONFERENCES of the Discipline unless the preacher complained of be present, or shall have had notice of the complaint: provided, nevertheless, if the delin- quent preacher desire to be tried another year (making suitable acknowledgments), and prom- ise, if tried another year, to come up to the measure of his duty in these respects, the Con- ference may employ him another year, and upon the issues of that year shall depend his restoration or absolute location: provided, fur- ther, that no preacher shall be located at his own request unless he be present, or his written request, signed by himself, be presented to the Conference. q58. Ans. 6. The names of any who may be expelled or suspended, or have withdrawn from the Church, shall be stated in the Minutes. q59. Ans. 7. The Conference may recom- mend the restoration of credentials, or restore them, according to @325. Ques. 8. What other business shall be done in the Annual Conferences? q60. Ans. 1. Let every Annual Conference near the appeal of a local preacher. q61. Ans. 2. Let every Annual Conference organize a Conference Board of Education (458, 681, 682) and inquire into the state and character of all institutions of learning under its care, and the best means of promoting their interests, and, if necessary, of increas- Al THE CONFERENCES | G62 ing their number: provided, that no new insti- tution below college grade shall be established or existing institution be taken under the care of the Church without first being adopted by the Annual Conference on the recommendation of the Conference Board of Education, after counsel with the General Secretary of Educa- tion ((Q815, 816, 818): and provded, further, that no new college or university or theologi- eal school or educational foundation shall be established, nor existing one adopted, without the concurrent recommendation of the General Conference Board of Education. (See 4333, 349, 373, 458, 476, 505.) @62. Ans. 3. Let every Annual Conference take account of all the church buildings, par- sonages, and other Church property within its bounds, and see that the same be legally secured to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, | according to the provisions of the Discipline. (See (Q233, 234, 237, 238.) q63. Ans. 4. Let every Annual Conference examine the records of the District Conferences. q64. Ans. 5. Let every Annual Conference at the beginning of each quadrennium appoint committees of examination for the courses of study prescribed by the Bishops for candidates for admission and for Conference under- graduates. (QQ678, 679, 743.) The committees shall hold office for four years, and shall dis- 42 U6s | . ANNUAL CONFERENCES charge faithfully their duties in accordance with the regulations in Q824, 825. q65. Ans. 6. Let every Annual Conference have a record of its proceedings, kept by a Secretary chosen for that purpose. Therecords shall be signed by the President and the Secre- tary, and a bound copy, written or printed, shall be sent to the General Conference, at its ensuing session. q66. Ans. 7. The Secretary of every Annual Conference shall forward to the Book Editor, at the Publishing House, full and correct answers to the foregoing Annual Conference questions, for insertion in the General Minutes. (683.) @67. Ans. 8. Let every Annual Conference carefully inquire into the state and character of the Sunday school work in its bounds, and the best means of improving and promoting its interests, giving ample time during the session for their consideration. q68s. Ans. 9. Let every Annual Conference, at its first session after each General Conference, appoint a Quadrennial Committee on Admis- _ gions, who shall inquire into the character and adaptation to the itinerancy of all applicants for admission on trial, admission into full con- nection, readmission, and admission from other Churches. (@164.) If this committee report adversely on any case, a vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting shall be req- 43 THE CONFERENCES [ G69 uisite to grant the application. But so long as the General Board of Missions shall make appropriations to the support of native preach- ers in Mission Conferences in foreign fields, committees of admission shall be nominated by the General Board, subject to appointment by the President of the Conference. q69. Ans. 10. Let every Annual Conference appoint a Committee on Conference Relations, to consist of not less than seven members, to which committee all applications for the super- numerary and superannuate relations shall be referred. (See @Q183, 186.) q70. Ans. 11. Let every Annual Conference, at its first session after each General Conference, appoint a Bible Society Board, to consist of one member from each Presiding Elder’s District, and to continue in office four years. Q71. Ans. 12. Let every Annual Conference, at its first session after each General Conference, appoint a Board of Christian Literature, to consist of one lay member from each Presiding Elder’s District and an equal number of preach- ers, to continue in office four years. Itshall be the duty of this Board to put into effect such plans as the Annual Conferences may adopt to promote the success and efficiency of the Con- ference organs. To this Board shall be referred all matters relating to the publication and distribution of current religious literature. 44 Q73 | THE CENTRAL CONFERENCE This Board shall hold an anniversary at some time during the period of the Annual Confer- ence, and shall prepare a program therefor. q72. Ans. 13. For the better instruction of our members and for the promotion of. all Annual Conference enterprises, as well as the general work of the Church, let Conference organs be maintained by groups of Annual Conferences, or by.a single Annual Conference where conditions require it, and, when neces- sary, let assessments be made for the support of these organs. By means of the budget plan, or in some other practical way, let each Church put the Conference organ into every Methodist home. Let the circulation of Church periodicals and the distribution of Christian literature be diligently and faithfully promoted by pastors and official members. Let each pastor report, for insertion in the Conference statistics, the number of Methodist families in his charge and the number of Conference organs and general organs taken, and the amount raised for the circulation of these organs. SECTION III OF THE CENTRAL CONFERENCE Question. What directions are given con- cerning Central Conferences? q73. Ans. 1. Any Annual Conferences or Mis- 45 THE CONFERENCES | Q74 sions which may find joint deliberation desirable may organize a Central Conference based on race or language or territorial relationship. q74. Ans. 2. The Central Conference shall have supervision, in harmony with the regu- lations of the Discipline, of such general mat- ters as may be agreed upon, and such special interests as may be referred to it by the con- stituent Conferences or Missions. q75. Ans. 3. At any time after May, 1927, steps may be taken to organize a Central Con- ference. (1) In Europe the constituent bodies shall be the Belgian Mission, the Polish-Danzig Mission, and the Czechoslovak Conference. (2) In Brazil the constituent bodies shall be the Brazil Conference, the Central Brazil Confer- ence, and the South Brazil Conference. (3) In such other regions as in the judgment of the Board of Missions such Central Conferences may be desirable. q76. Ans. 4. The first meeting for organization shall be called by the Bishop in charge at such time and place and upon such basis of repre- sentation as he may decide after consultation with the Presiding Elders and Superintendents of the Conferences and Missions. In the first meeting the Conference shall consider such matters as it may elect and shall adopt a plan of permanent organization, all within the regu- lations of the Discipline. 46 Q79 | MISSIONS OF THE CHURCH SECTION IV OF THE MISSIONS OF THE CHURCH Question. What directicns are given concern- ing Missions? q77. Ans. 1. In foreign fields and in sections of the Church at home where on account of race or language it may seem desirable, work that is under the care of the Board of Missions and is not sufficiently advanced to be erected into an Annual Conference may be organized as a Mission. q78. Ans. 2. The Mission shall meet annu- ally, and shall be composed of all regularly ap- pointed missionaries and native preachers, with lay members, the number of whom and the mode of their appointment each Mission shall determine for itself. q79. Ans. 3. A Bishop, or, in his absence, one of the Superintendents chosen by ballot by the Mission, shall preside in the annual meeting. This meeting shall exercise in a general way the functions of a District Conference. It shall have power to license suitable persons to preach and to pass upon the character of preachers not members of the Annual Conference, and to rec- ommend them, when properly prepared, for ordination as deacons and elders. The Bishop or President shall at the annual meeting assign the missionaries and native workers to the AT THE CONFERENCES | G80 several charges for the ensuing year: provided, that no missionary shall be transferred to or from a Mission without previous consultation with the Board of Missions. qs0. Ans. 4. The work of a Mission shall be divided, when necessary, into districts, over each of which a missionary shall be placed as Superintendent. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent, in the absence of a Bishop, to take general supervision of the work in his district with all its interests, and to report the state of that work and its needs to the Bishop in charge and to the Board of Missions. q81. Ans. 5. For the consideration of finan- cial and other matters relative to the policies of the Board of Missions, and the work of the missionaries, the missionaries of each Mission field shall hold an annual Missionaries’ Meeting and report their proceedings to the Board of Missions. In the absence of a Bishop one of the missionaries shall be elected by ballot to preside. q82. Ans. 6. At the annual meeting next pre- ceding the General Conference the Mission shall elect to the General Conference one clerical delegate, who shall be a member of an Annual Conference: provided, that while he is not en- titled to a vote in the General Conference or in the Standing Committees, he shall be accorded the privileges of the floor. 48 q86 | DISTRICT CONFERENCES SECTION V _ OF THE DISTRICT CONFERENCES Question. What directions are given concern- ing the District Conferences? q83. Ans. 1. A District Conference shall be held annually in each Presiding Elder’s District. The time shall be fixed by the Presiding Elder, and the place by the Conference; but should it become necessary to change the place after it has been fixed by the Conference, the Presid- ing Elder may make the change. q84. Ans. 2. The District Conference shall be composed of all the preachers in the District, traveling (687, 688) and local (@@697, 741), including superannuated preachers (whether resident without or within the limits of the Annual Conferences to which they belong), the District Lay Leader, the Charge Lay Leaders, the District Secretary of the Woman’s Mis- sionary Society, the District Secretary of the Epworth League, and other lay members, the number of whom and their mode of appoint- ment (106 [86 (8)]) each Annual Conference may determine for itself. @85. Ans. 3. A Bishop, or, in his absence, the Presiding Elder, shall preside; and if both be absent, the Conference shall elect a Presi- dent. (689.) | q86. Ans. 4. The Conference shall elect a 49 THE CONFERENCES | G87 Secretary, who shall keep a record of all its proceedings. q87. Ans. 5. The Conference shall inquire particularly into the condition of the several charges in the District: concerning— (1) Their spiritual state, and the attendance upon the ordinances and social meetings of the Church. (2) Missions within the District, where new ones should be established, and what missions should be raised to circuits or stations; and the condition of the work of the Woman’s Mission- ary Society within the several charges in the District. (3) Sunday schools, and the manner of con- ducting them, and education generally. (4) The work done by the American Bible Society. (5) Their financial systems, and contributions to Church purposes; the condition of houses of worship and parsonages, and the necessity for new ones. . (6) The manner in which the records of tne Quarterly Conferences have been kept. (7) Epworth Leagues, their number and general condition. (8) Ministerial supply and training, whether there be any candidates for the ministry and what is doing to aid them in their preparation. (9) Lay activities and what the Board of 50 €90 | DISTRICT CONFERENCES Lay Activities is doing in the bounds of the District. (10) The Conference organ and the general organ, and what is doing to increase their circulation. (11) The Golden Cross Society, showing how many members have been enrolled and the amounts that have been contributed through this agency. q88. Ans. 6. The District Conference shall elect by ballot one lay delegate for eyery eight hundred Church members or majority fraction thereof (Qq@44, 45) from the District to the ensu- ing Annual Conference: provided, that in this election no member of the Annual Conference shall vote. ((690.) q89. Ans. 7. At these Odntdrenoa: promi- nence shall be given to religious exercises, such as preaching, prayer meetings, love feasts, and the administration of the sacraments. q90. Ans. 8. The District Conference shall inquire concerning what is doing to discover those who are called of God to the ministry, to test their fitness for this work, and to aid them in their preparation; it shall license proper per- sons to preach, when, in its judgment, their gifts, grace, and usefulness warrant; it shall take cognizance of all local preachers within the District (€Q695-700, 809), annually inquire, by committee or otherwise, touching their develop- 51 THE CONFERENCES [ G91 ment in Christian’life, their progress in literary and theological studies, and their success in Chris- tian work; and, when satisfied of their fitness, on their application, shall renew their licenses. (G739.) All votes to license shall be by ballot. q91. Ans. 9. The District Conference shall recommend to the Annual Conference suitable candidates for local deacon’s or local elder’s orders, for admission on trial, for readmission into the traveling connection, and for the restoration of local preacher’s credentials: pro- mded, that no person shall be recommended to the Annual Conference for admission on trial or for ordination until he. passes be- fore a committee of three, to be appointed by the Presiding Elder, an approved examination in the prescribed Course of Study. (189, 692, 693, 696, 699, 701.) All votes to recom- mend. preachers for admission on trial, for read- mission into the traveling connection, for dea- con’s or elder’s orders, or for the restoration of local preacher’s credentials, shall be by ballot. No recommendation from a District Conference to an Annual Conference shall be valid after the session of the Annual Conference next following the grant of such recommendation. (701.) q92. Ans. 10. On nomination of the Pre- siding Elder, the District Conference shall elect annually a Licensing Committee of six or four. The Presiding Elder shall be a member and 52 q94 | QUARTERLY CONFERENCES chairman of this committee. In case of death, or any other clearly impossible reason to act, the Presiding Elder shall fill the vacancy. The committee shall serve until the ensuing Annual Conference, and, in cases of absolute necessity, shall have the power, by unanimous vote (Q702), on thorough examination on the pre- scribed Course of Study (693), to license’ proper and duly recommended persons to - preach, and to recommend proper persons to the Annual Conference for admission on trial and for readmission. Where it is clearly im- possible for the applicant to reach the District Conference, the Presiding Elder may examine him and report to the Conference. q93. Ans. 11. Before the ballot for the license of an applicant is taken, either in the District Conference or Licensing Committee, he shall be urged to abstain from the use of tobacco for rea- sons, at least, of ministerial prudence. (4164.) SECTION VI OF THE QUARTERLY CONFERENCES Question. 1. Who shall compose a Quarterly Conference? q94. Ans. All the traveling (688) and local preachers (740, 741), including superan- nuated preachers residing within the circuit or station (whether without or within the limits 53 THE CONFERENCES [ G95 of the Annual Conferences to which they belong), with the exhorters, stewards (QQ745; 746), trustees who are members of the Church, and class leaders (744), of the respective circuits, stations, and missions, together with the superintendents of Sunday schools who are members of the Church (758), the secretaries of Church Conferences, the presidents of Senior Epworth Leagues (760), the Charge Lay Leader, the Church Lay Leaders, the chairman of the Committee on Christian Stew- ardship, the chairman of the Missionary Com- mittee, the chairman of any other committee created by the Church Board of Lay Activities, the President of the Wesley Brotherhood, the president of the Woman’s Missionary Society, and none others. Ques. 2. When and where shall each Quar- terly Conference meet? q95. Ans. Four times a year, at such places as the Conference may appoint, and at such times as the Presiding Elder may designate; but the Presiding Elder and preacher in charge shall have authority, when they judge it nec- essary, to change the place, and to call spe- cial sessions. Quarterly Conferences for two or more charges may be held at the same time and place. Ques. 3. Who shall preside in a Quarterly Conference? 54 q102 | GUARTERLY CONFERENCES @96. Ans. The Presiding Elder, or, in his absence, an elder appointed by him, or the preacher in charge. (Q705.) . Ques. 4. What is the regular business of a Quarterly Conference? @97. Ans. 1. To receive and try appeals and to hear complaints. (704, 707.) q98. Ans. 2. To superintend the interests of Sunday schools and the instruction of chil- dren; to elect superintendents of Sunday schools’ and Charge and Church Lay Leaders at the fourth Quarterly Conference of each year, on nomination of the preacher in charge (See @381); and to confirm the Presidents of Senior Epworth Leagues at the Conference next suc- ceeding their election. (760.) q99. Ans. 3. To take cognizance of all the exhorters in the circuit, station, or mission, and to inquire annually into the gifts, labors, and usefulness of each by name. qioo. Ans. 4. To recommend the restoration of credentials, according to 4325. @101. Ans. 5. To recommend proper persons to the District Conference for license to preach (Qq698, 703), when in its judgment their gifts, grace, and usefulness will warrant. All votes to recommend shall be by ballot. qi02. Ans. 6. To elect trustees (QQ753, 755) and stewards according to the Discipline, for the circuit, station, or mission; and of the 55 THE CONFERENCES { ¢103 stewards, to appoint one Recording and one District Steward. (Q4Q747, 751.) @103. Ans. 7. To accept or reject any con- veyance, gift, donation, legacy, bequest, or devise, for the benefit of any Church under its jurisdiction or for the whole charge. @104. Ans. 8. To see that all its proceedings are faithfully kept by the Secretary of the Con- ference, and properly signed by the President and Secretary, to be recorded by the Recording Steward in a book kept by him for that purpose. q105. Ans. 9. On nomination of the preacher in charge, the Quarterly Conference may elect a Board of Religious Education, which shall have supervision of the entire program of religious education for the charge under such regulations as the Quarterly Conference may adopt. On nomination of the preacher in charge, with the concurrence of the Quarterly Conference, the Board of Religious Education may elect for the charge a Director of Religious Education, whose duties shall be defined and whose work shall be supervised by the Board. Ques. 5. What order of business shall be ob- served in the Quarterly Conference? q106. Ans. After religious service, let a Secre- tary be elected, the roll called, and the follow- ing inquiries made (the Quarterly Conference of an Annual Conference on a mission field may 56 q106 | QUARTERLY CONFERENCES substitute for these such inquiries as may be directed by its own Annual Conference): 1. Is there a written report from the preacher in charge on the general state of the Church? Let this report embrace the following: (1) Epworth Leagues. (2) Sunday schools. (3) Pastoral instruction of children. (4) Membership: (a) Names of those who have joined by vows, certificate, or otherwise; (b) names of those removed by death, certificate, withdrawal, expulsion, or otherwise. (5) Missions, including Woman’s Missionary Societies, and Church Extension. (6) Lay Activities, including Christian Stew- ardship and the Wesley Brotherhood. (7) Other items worthy of record. (8) Plans for future work. Note.—This report should consist of facts rather than of comment. It becomes the written history of the local Church. Let it be supplemented by written or oral re- ports from Sunday School Superintendents, Epworth League Presidents, Lay Leaders, and Presidents of Woman’s Missionary Societies. 2. What statistics have been re- ported to the Annual Conference? ((Q684, 685.) 3. What amount has been esti- mated by the Board of Stewards for the support of the preacher in 57 TEE CONFERENCES [G106 eee aww ew a (1) charge (and his assistant) for the present year, and how has it been apportioned to the Churches? 4, What amount has been appor- tioned to this charge by the Dis- trict Stewards (@Q747, 752), and how is such amount apportioned to the Churches of this charge? 5. What is the minimum amount to raise in five years in this charge for Superannuate Endow- ment? Amount paid to date? Amount yet to be raised? 6. Who are appointed as the Superannuate Endowment Com- mittee? (This committee is to be named the first year of the special effort as authorized by the Generai Conference, and appointed annually thereafter. The Quar- terly Conference shall determine the number of members for the committee.) 7. Have the Christian Steward- ship and Missionary Committees been elected? Has any other com- mittee been elected? 8. Has a Missionary Committee been appointed in every Sunday 58 @106 | QUARTERLY CONFERENCES school, and does every school ob- serve a monthly Missionary Day? 9. Who are appointed to assist the pastor in the circulation of our Christian literature? 10. Have directors for the Gol- | den Cross Society been appointed? 11. Who are appointed to ex- amine Church Registers and Rec- ords of Church Conferences, and to report at the next Quarterly Conference whether they have been faithfully kept? 12. Who are confirmed as direc- tors of the Golden Cross Society? (2) 13. Who are appointed to ex- amine the books of the charge treasurer of Superannuate En- dowment and to make a written report at the fourth Quarterly Conference? 14. How many members have been enrolled in the Golden Cross So- ciety, and what amounts have been contributed through this agency? 15. What are we doing for the cause of education? (Let the preacher in charge make a written report answering the following 59 THE CONFERENCES [ 4106 (3) questions: (1) Has the sermon on Christian Education required in @156 been preached in every con- gregation? (2) Has Sunday School Day (759) been observed? (8) Has Education Day, if ordered by the Annual Conference, been observed? (4) Has the educational collection been taken? (5) What students from the charge are at- tending our Church schools, and who are attending other insti-— tutions? (6) What are we doing for the cause of ministerial supply and education? (a) Has the ser- mon on the call to preach been preached? (6b) Are there any can- didates for the ministry (2. e., men who feel called of the Holy Spirit to preach the gospel), and have their names and addresses been reported to the Annual Conference Board of Education? (c) Has any money been raised for ministerial education, and how has it been applied? 16. What has been done by the pastor and his assistants to put our Christian literature into all the homes of this charge? 60 q106 | (4) QUARTERLY CONFERENCES 17. Have the General Rules been read? 18. Are there Church Registers and Records of Church Conference for each Church in this charge, and a Register for the whole charge, and have they been faithfully kept? 19. Is there a written report from the Woman’s Missionary Society? 20. Who is the chairman of the Chris- tian Stewardship Committee, and what is the report from that committee? 21. Is there a report from the Wesley Brotherhood? 22. Who are the Trustees of Church property? (Q753.) 23. Are there reports from the Trus- tees, and what do they show in answer to the following questions: (1) What is the number of churches and parson- ages, and what has been expended on them during the year? (2) What is their value? (8) What amount of insurance is carried on churches, par- sonages, and _ schools? (4) What amount has been paid in premiums? (5) What amount of loss has occurred; and what amount has been collect- ed thereon? (6) Do the deeds con- 61 THE CONFERENCES | G106 tain the Disciplinary trust clauses? (7) Where are the title papers kept? (8) Where are they recorded—give office, book, and page? 24. How many societies do not own houses of worship? 25. Who are elected Stewards for the ensuing year? (QQ745-747.) 26. Who is elected Recording Stew- ard? 27. Who is elected District Stew- ard? (QqQ747, 751.) 28. Who are elected Sunday School ‘Superintendents? (See 4381.) 29. Who is elected Charge Lay Leader, and who are elected Church Lay Leaders? (In stations the Charge Lay Leaders should act as Church Leaders.) 30. Is there a written report from those appointed to examine the books of the charge treasurer of Superannu— ate Endowment? 31. What amount has been raised the present quarter for the support of the ministry, and how has it been applied? (QQ712, 748-750, 752, 810, 811.) (Let the answer to this question embrace only the sum raised and paid on the claims of the Presiding Elder and the preachers.) 32. What amount has been raised the present quarter for Superannuate Endowment, and has 62 106 | QUARTERLY CONFERENCES this amount been remitted to the General Board of Finance, St. Louis, Mo.? 33. What has been contributed for other objects? 34. How many Church Conferences have beer: held during the present quarter, and what is the report of the Church Conference Secretary?’ 35. Has the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper been administered during the quarter? 36. Is there any miscellaneous business? (1) Appeals. (4704-706, 800, 802.) (2) Complaints. (QQ706, 707.) (8) District Conference: (a) Election of delegates to. (b) Recommendations for license to preach. (Qq698, 703.) (4) Epworth Leagues: Confirmation as Presi- dents of Senior Leagues. (760.) ; (5) Exhorters: (a) Applications for license. (b) Reports of exhorters. (c) Renewal of license. (6) Trustees: Vacancies in Boards to be filled. (Q753-755.) (7) Other miscellaneous business. (705.) 37. Where shall the next Quarterly Con- ference be held? Note.—The numerals in the margin indicate the ses- sion at which the questions embraced within the re- spective braces are to be called. Any question indicated 63 THE CONFERENCES [ Q107 for the first, second, or third Quarterly Conference, but unanswerable then, may be called at the session fol- lowing. SECTION VII OF THE CHURCH CONFERENCES Question. What directions are given concern- ing Church Conferences? @107. Ans. 1. All the members of the Church, and resident members of the Annual Confer- ence (688), shall come together at every ap- pointment, once a month, or on circuits at least every three months, to hold a Church Confer- ence, over which the preacher in charge shall preside. It may be held at any time most con- venient for assembling the greatest number of members; but if on the Sabbath, it should not interfere with the morning public worship. q108. Ans. 2. A Secretary shall be elected an- nually, at the first meeting after the session of the Annual Conference. He shall make a record of the proceedings, and shall keep in a book, and return to the Quarterly Conference, all the sta- tistics which the Discipline requires to be re- ported to an Annual Conference. He shall en- ter in chronological order, in a permanent regis- ter, the full names of all who shall join the Church, with the time and manner of the recep- tion, and disposal of each, distinguishing be- tween local elders, deacons, and preachers; 64 q110 ] CHURCH CONFERENCES white persons, colored persons, and Indians; and shall make a permanent record of all thy baptisms and marriages within the congrega- tion; and shall furnish the pastor with an alpha- betical roll of the Church; and shall make a written report to the Quarterly Conference. ' q109. Ans. 3. Unless otherwise ordered, the roll of members shall be called at every meeting, and the Conference may strike off the name of any one who, on account of removal or other cause, has been lost sight of for twelve months: provided, however, that if such member appear and claim membership, he may be restored by a vote of the Conference. @110. Ans. 4. The following shall be the gen- eral order of business: I. Receiving reports, 1. From all the preachers in the Church of their labors since the last meeting. 2. From the class leaders. 3. From the Sunday schools. 4, From the stewards. | 5. From the Epworth Leagues. 6. From the Woman’s Missionary Societies. 7. From the Board of Lay Activities. (1) From the Lay Leader; (2) From the Missionary Committee; (3) From the Christian Stewardship Commit- tee; (4) From any other committee. 65 THE CONFERENCES [ G111 8. From the Wesley Brotherhood. 9. From the Golden Cross Society. II. Question. Can anything more be done to strengthen and build up the Church in the com- munity and to advance the cause of Christ? @111. Ans. 5. If the observance of this order of business is likely to protract the session be- yond a reasonable limit, the President may, from time to time, select the most important matters and bring them forward. @112. Ans. 6. Let the Church Conference be opened and closed with religious service and conducted in a devout and prayerful spirit. @113. Ans. 7. The Secretary of the Church Conference shall present, for inspection by the third Quarterly Conference, his Church Regis- ter and the Records of Church Conferences. 66 q1i4 | PROOF OF A CALL CHAPTER III | MINISTERS AND CHURCH OFFICERS SECTION I OF THE TRIAL OF THOSE WHO THINK THEY ARE MOVED BY THE HOLY GHOST TO PREACH Question. How shall we try those who profess to be moved by the Holy Ghost to preach? @114. Ans. Let the following questions be asked, namely: 1. Do they know God as a pardoning God? Have they the love of God abiding in them? Do they desire nothing but God? And are they holy in all manner of conversation? 2. Have they gifts (as well as grace) for the work? Have they (in some tolerable degree) a clear, sound understanding, a right judgment in the things of God, a just conception of salvation by faith? Do they speak justly, readily, clear- ly? 3. Have they fruit? Are any truly convinced of sin and converted to God by their preaching? As long as these three marks concur in any one, we believe he is called of God to preach. These we receive as sufficient proof that he is moved by the Holy Ghost. 67 CHURCH OFFICERS [ Q115 SECTION II OF THE ELECTION AND CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS, AND OF THEIR DUTY Question 1. How is a Bishop to be consti- tuted? . qi15. Ans. By the election of the General Conference, and the laying on of the hands of three Bishops, or at least of one Bishop and two elders. Ques. 2. If by death, expulsion, or otherwise, there be no Bishop remaining in our Church, what shall we do? qii6. Ans. The General Conference shall elect a Bishop; and the elders, or any three of them, who shall be appointed by the General Conference for that purpose, shall ordain him according to our form of ordination. Ques. 3. What are the duties of a Bishop? @117. Ans. 1. To preside in the General, An- nual, and District Conferences. q@118. Ans. 2. To fix the appointments of the preachers in the Annual Conferences (Q 672, 712): provided, that, before the official declara- tion of the assignment of the preachers to their charges, he shall announce openly to the cabinet his appointments, except those made during the interim of the sessions of an Annual Confer- ence: and provided, further, that he shall not al- low any preacher to remain in the same circuit or station more than four years successively 68 q118 | BISHOPS (but an unexpired term of less than six months shall not be counted), except the connectional. officers, the supernumerary and superannuated preachers, missionaries among the Indians, and on foreign stations, or in the employ of the Annual Conference Board of Missions, chap- lains to the state prisons and military posts, preachers that may be appointed to labor for the special benefit of seamen, for the American Bible Society, for the Sunday League of Amer- ica, for any institution having the care of or- phan and homeless children, and the presidents, principals, or teachers of seminaries under our superintendence (672); and, when requested by an Annual Conference, to appoint a preacher to any seminary of learning not under our care; also a Sunday School Field Secretary to travel within the bounds of the Conference for the purpose of establishing and aiding Sunday schools; an agent or agents for the benefit of our literary and benevolent institutions; a general colportage agent or general colporteur, and the editors of Annual Conference organs. When requested by an Annual Conference, a Bishop may appoint a preacher on trial, or a member of an Annual Conference, to engage in temperance work, or as Secretary of the Young Men’s Christian Association, and provided that any member of an Annual Conference or a preacher on probation who serves in the Army or 69 CHURCH OFFICERS [ 119 Navy of the United States may be appointed by the Bishop as war worker, so that he may retain his Conference relation; or as a student in any of our institutions of learning, or in any university for strictly university work (686): prowded, however, that the time thus spent in school shall not count on the time required for trial in the Annual Conference (GQ165, 171, 190): promded, further, that when a majority of the Presiding Elders shall concur by ballot, the Bishop may appoint a preacher to a pastoral charge for more than four consecutive years. ({Q708.) €@€119. Ans. 3. To choose the Presiding Elders, fix their stations, and change them when necessary: provided, that he shall not allow any elder to preside in the same district more than four successive years: and provided, further, that an unexpired term of less than six months shall not be counted. @120. Ans. 4. To change, receive, and suspend preachers in the intervals of the Conferences, as necessity may require, and as the Discipline di- rects. @121. Ans. 5. To ordain Bishops, elders, and deacons; and to see that the names of the per- sons ordained by him be entered on the journals of the Conference. (Q190, 742.) @q122. Ans. 6. To decide all questions of law coming before him in the regular business of an Annual or District Conference (@Q677, 709- 70 g122 | BISHOPS 711, 788, 809): provided, that such questions be presented in writing, and, with his decisions, be recorded on the journals of the Conference. When the Bishop shall have decided a question of law, the Conference shall have the right to determine how far the law thus decided or in- terpreted is applicable to the case then pending. An Annual or District Conference shall have the right to appeal from such decision to the College of Bishops, whose decision in the case shall be final. No Episcopal decision shall be authorita- tive, except in the case pending, until it shall have been passed upon by the College of Bish- ops. The College of Bishops shall hold semian- nual meetings of not less than three days’ time and as much longer as the work may require; to survey and consider all the work of the Church at large; to plan and suggest new and needed en- terprises in any part of the field; to provide, as far as possible, a uniform policy of administra- tion, so as to secure true Church leadership. At the close of each meeting they shall publish the results of their deliberations, as far as they deem necessary for the interests of the Church, in the official organ of the Church and in the various organs of the Annual Conferences. Each Bish- op at these meetings shall report in writing all his decisions of law, with a syllabus of each case, made during the year. The College of Bishops shall review these decisions, record its we CHURCH OFFICERS [ 123 conclusions in a permanent form, and publish semiannually in the Christian Advocate, and in such other form as the College shall agree to adopt, its conclusions in each case, together with the syllabus; and these conclusions, when published, shall be authoritative constructions of law. @123. Ans. 7. When presiding in Annual Con- ference, to hear and decide appeals (QQ677, 709- 711, 788, 789) from the decision of the President of a Quarterly or District Conference on ques- tions of law; and the questions contained in the appeal, together with the Bishop’s decision, shall be recorded on the journal of the Conference. qi24. Ans. 8. To see that the Districts be formed according to his judgment: provided, that no District shall contain more than forty appointments. 125. Ans. 9. When he judges it necessary, to divide a circuit, station, or mission into two or more, or unite two or more circuits or stations and appoint one pastor for the united congre- gation. (Q713.) q126. Ans. 10. To travel during the year, as far as practicable, through the Presiding Elders’ Districts which may be included in his Episco- pal District, in order to preach and to oversee the spiritual and temporal affairs of the Church. Ques. 4. Shall a Bishop have power to employ as a supply a preacher who has been rejected, 72 q129 | PRESIDING ELDERS discontinued, or located, at the previous session of any Annual Conference? @127. Ans. He shall not employ any preacher’ who has been rejected as an applicant, or who has been discontinued or located, except at his own request, unless the Conference, at the time of such rejection, discontinuance, or location, shall give such liberty; and he shall not employ as a supply any preacher who has previously been expelled from the ministry, or has sur- rendered his credentials to an Annual Con- ference, unless the Conference to which he sur- rendered his credentials, or from which he was expelled, restores his credentials or recommends him. [For additional duties of a Bishop see (Q37, 41, 79085297) 298>'3293" 481, 500,620, “710, 824.] . ooo SECTION III OF PRESIDING ELDERS Question 1. What are the duties of a Presiding Elder? @128. Ans. 1. To travel through his appointed District, in order to preach and to oversee the spiritual and temporal affairs of the Church. @129. Ans. 2. In the absence of the Bishop, to take charge of all the traveling and local preach- ers and exhorters in his District. 73 CHURCH OFFICERS [ g1380 @130. Ans. 3: To change, receive, and suspend preachers during the intervals of the Confer- ences, and in the absence of the Bishop, as the Discipline directs. (@810.) @131. Ans. 4. To be present, as far as practi- cable, at all the quarterly meetings, and call to- gether the members of the Quarterly Confer- ence, over which he shall also preside. @132. Ans. 5. To decide ali questions of law which may come up in the regular business of the Quarterly or District Conference, when sub- mitted to him in writing, subject to an appeal to the President of the next Annual Conference (QQ677, 705, 706, 709, 711, 788); but in all cases the application of law shal! be with the Quarter- ly or District Conference, which shall record in its journals all such questions and decisions. @133. Ans. 6. To take care that every part of the Discipline is enforced in his District; to pro- mote, by all proper means, the cause of Missions and Sunday schools, and the publication, at our own press, of tracts and Sunday school books; to inquire carefully, at each Quarterly Conference, whether the rules respecting the instruction of children and the supplying of our books and periodicals have been faithfully observed; whether the preacher in charge administers the sacraments, holds Church Conferences, enforces moral discipline, and attends to the collections assessed to his charge; and to report to the 74 @136 | PRESIDING ELDERS Annual Conference the names of all the delin- quent traveling preachers within his District. (@Q762, 763.) ~ (134. Ans. 7. To attend the Bishops when present in his District, and, when absent, to give them all necessary information, by letter, of the state of his District. @135. Ans. 8. In connection with the Ex- amining Committees (¢q679, 680), to direct the Conference undergraduates in those studies prescribed for them by the Bishops; and, in connection with the preacher in charge, to en- courage local preachers (Q743) and candidates for the ministry in their studies, and to insist that, when practicable, literary and theological courses of study be pursued in preparation for the work of the ministry; and to report the names and addresses of all local preachers in his Dis- trict to the Annual Conference, to be incorpo- rated in its journal; and also to report the names and addresses of all who have been licensed to preach during the year, and of all candidates for the ministry, to the Department of Ministerial Supply and Training. @136. Ans. 9. To procure full statistics from every charge (QQ683, 684, 819), to be reported at the Annual Conference, should the preacher in charge fail to make his report, and to have the records of his District Conference at the Annual Conference for examination. He shall 715 CHURCH OFFICERS ? [ 137 also furnish to the Chairman of the Sunday School Board at each Annual Conference ses- sion a complete list of the superintendents in his District, with their post office addresses. q137. Ans. 10. If any preacher absent him- self from his charge, the Presiding Elder shall, as far as possible, fill his bite with another preacher. (810.) | Ques. 2. Shall the Presiding Elder have power to employ a preacher who has been rejected, dis- continued, or located, at the previous session of any Annual Conference? _ Q138. Ans. He shall not employ any preacher who has been rejected as an applicant, or who has been discontinued or located, except at his own request, unless the Conference at the time of such rejection, discontinuance, or location, shall give such liberty; and he shall not employ as a supply any preacher who has previous- ly been expelled from the ministry, or has sur- rendered his credentials to an Annual Con- ference, unless the Conference to which he surrendered his credentials, or from which he was expelled, restores his credentials or recom- mends him. (127.) [For additional duties of a Presiding Elder see QQ76, 189, 195, 219, 227, 236, 258, 395- 397, 482, 500, 511, 574, 576, 682, 762, 763, 767, 805.] 76 q142 | PREACHERS IN CHARGE ‘SECTION IV OF PREACHERS IN CHARGE Question. What are the duties of a preacher who has charge of a circuit, station, or mis- sion? @139. Ans. 1. To preach the gospel (QQ713, 716, 717); to celebrate the rite of matrimony, provided it does not conflict with civil laws; in the absence of an elder or Bishop, to administer baptism and the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper with the understanding that no permanent powers of ordination are conferred until granted by the laying on of hands after he shall have met the disciplinary requirements; and in the absence of the Presiding Elder or Bishop, to control the appointment of all services to be held in the churches in his charge. (754.) Unor- dained preachers in charge shall have authority to celebrate the rite of matrimony only within their own pastoral charges, provided it does not conflict with civil laws. q140. Ans. 2. To receive, try, and expel meni- bers, according to the provisions of the Disci- pline. q141. Ans. 3. To appoint all the leaders an- nually, and to change them when necessary. q142. Ans. 4. On a day appointed the preach- er in charge may publicly install all elective officers of the Church. The officers to be in- 17 CHURCH OFFICERS [ q143 stalled (“Sunday School Superintendents, Stew- ards, Lay Leader, etc.) may be brought before the chancel, briefly addressed by the preacher in charge or by some one appointed by him for that purpose, touching the dignity and use- fulness of an officer in the Church of God, and commended to the Church for sympathy and co- operation. In token of such willingness to help, the Church members present may engage in covenant prayer to this end, the preacher lead- ing. @143. Ans. 5. To see that in every congrega- tion all the ordinances and regulations of the Church are duly observed, and that the General Rules are read at least once a year. @144. Ans. 6. To see that a fast is held in every congregation within his charge on the Fri- day preceding every quarterly meeting, and that, wherever practicable, suitable service is held on the occasion. q145. Ans. 7. To hold Quarterly Conferences in the absence of the Presiding Elder or an elder appointed by him. (See 96.) 146. Ans. 8. To hold a meeting of the lead- ers and stewards of his charge once a week, if practicable, to receive their reports. q147. Ans. 9. To report to each Quarterly Conference the names of all who have been re- ceived into the Church, and of all who have died, removed (4714), withdrawn, or been ex- 78 @153 | PREACHERS IN CHARGE cluded from it during the preceding quarter, and to give a statement of the general condition of his station, circuit, or mission. qi48. Ans. 10. To give an account of his charge every quarter to his Presiding Elder. q149. Ans. 11. To see that all the people with- in the bounds of his charge are duly supplied with our books and periodicals. @150. Ans. 12. To keep a directory, in which the residences of all the members shall be noted, whenever it may be necessary to facilitate pas- toral visitation. @151. Ans. 13. To leave his successor a par- ticular account of his charge, including an ac- count of the subscribers for our periodicals. @152. Ans. 14. To see that a permanent rec- ord of all the baptisms and marriages within the bounds of his charge is kept. @i53. Ans. 15. To keep a register for his charge, in which shall be noted the name, with the time and manner of the reception and dis- posal, of every person belonging to the Church in his station, circuit, or mission, distinguishing between local elders, deacons, and preachers, white persons, colored persons, and Indians; and to report to the Annual Conference the num- ber of each that may be under his charge at the time of its session. (@683-685.) In charges containing more than one organized congrega- tion, the names of the members shall be ar- 79 CHURCH OFFICERS l @154 ranged under the name of the Church or ap- pointment to which they belong. q154. Ans. 16. To promote all the interests of the Mission Boards of our Church, as the Disci- pline or the Annual Conference may designate; and to report to the Conference the amount raised within the bounds of his charge for those interests during the year (683); also to preach to each congregation once a year on the sub- ject of the Bible and its circulation and to call attention to the work of the American Bible Society. | @155. Ans. 17. To report at each session of the Quarterly Conference the number and state of Epworth Leagues, and the number and state of the Sunday schools; and annually to the Quar- terly and Annual Conferences, for insertion in their respective journals, the number and mem- bership of Epworth Leagues, and the number of Sunday schools, scholars (including the enroll- ment of the Home Department and Cradle Roll), teachers, superintendents, and Sunday school library books, in his circuit, station, or mission. (QQ683, 684.) q156. Ans. 18. To preach upon the subject of Christian education, and to urge upon par- ents the importance of educating their chil- dren, advising them to patronize, as far as practicable, those institutions of learning under the care of our Church. (815, 816.) 80 q159 | PREACHERS IN CHARGE @157. Ans. 19. To preach upon the claims of the ministry; to seek out young men who feel called to the ministry, and assign them such work as will develop their ability and test their fitness for this service; and to report the names and addresses of all such candidates for the min- istry to the Quarterly Conference, and to the Annual Conference Board of Education. q158. Ans. 20. To make a written report at each Annual Conference of the condition of all the claimants on the Conference collection within his pastoral charge, to be submitted to the Conference Board of Finance. ({738.) @159. Ans. 21. To furnish every one removing from his charge with a certificate in the follow- ing form (QqQ714, 758): The bearer hereof, , has been an acceptable member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in . C. Station (Circuit or Mission), Confer- ence. (When this certificate is presented to another Church and accepted, notice, according to the attached form, shall be sent to the undersigned. The person to whom this certificate is issued shall remain a member of this Church until such notice is received or until otherwise dismissed. ) Void after one year from this date. (Signed) ———, Pastor. The return notice to be attached to a certifi- cate shall be in the following form: 81 CHURCH OFFICERS [ 160 The certificate of membership of , from the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in , is here- by acknowledged. He (or she) has been duly re- ceived as a member of this Church, and hereby ceases to be a member of the Church issuing said certificate. Date—————-. —————., Pastor. Church. Notice of the removal of a member shall be sent to the pastor of the charge, or to the Pre- siding Elder of the District, into which the member shall remove.- The notice shall be in the following form, and shall be printed with the blank certificate and detachable from it: , bearing his (or her) certificate of member- ship, is moving from this charge to Date———_——.. ——_——, Pastor. Address —————. —— Church. A complete record of each transfer shall be kept on the stub in a blank certificate book in the fcllowing form: (Stub) Name Date issued Date of acknowledgment of certificate and actual transfer of membership, Name of pastor issuing certificate, Name of pastor acknowledging certificate, : qié0. Ans. 22. The ministers of our Church shall be prohibited from solemnizing the rites of matrimony between divorced persons, except in case of innocent parties who have been divorced for the one scriptural cause. [For additional duties of a preacher in charge 82 @163 | PREACHERS ON TRIAL see @Q104-106, 389-394, 481, 483, 512, 579, 583, 584, 642, 716.] eee SECTION V OF ADMITTING PREACHERS ON TRIAL Question. How is a preacher to be admitted on trial into the traveling connection? @161. Ans. 1. By the Annual Conference. In the interval of Conferences he may be re- ceived (676) and employed in the work by a Bishop, or by the Presiding Elder of the District, until the next session of the Conference. @162. Ans. 2. No one shall be admitted on trial unless he first procure a recommendation from the District Conference of his circuit, sta- tion, or mission, or from the Licensing Com- mittee of the District Conference; nor shall a vote be taken upon the admission of any can- didate who has not passed an approved exam- ination upon the Course of Study prescribed by the Bishops, before a committee appointed by the Conference for that purpose. (See 468.) (€Q675, 678, 679, 699, 717.) @163. Ans. 3. The Annual Conference may then admit him as a probationer, by a vote of the majority. Observe!—This relation of being on trial embraces the requisites of a competent pastorate, and must apply as well to proper ad- ministrative qualifications as to acceptable 83 CHURCH OFFICERS [ 4164 preaching ability. One on trial may be discon- tinued (697) for want of efficiency in either of these respects, without doing him any wrong; otherwise, it would be no trial at all. q164. Ans. 4. The Committee on Admissions shall require all applicants for admission on trial to agree to abstain from the use of tobacco. (G68, 93.) SECTION VI OF ADMITTING PREACHERS INTO FULL CONNECTION Question 1. Who shall be admitted into the Conference in full connection? @165. Ans. 1. No one except a preacher who has been employed at least two years in the regular itinerant work (which is to commence from his admission on trial by the Annual Con- ference), and who has passed the examinations on our prescribed Course of Study, and who is approved by the Annual Conference. (118, 678-680, 720, 721.) qi66. Ans. 2. Before any preacher is admit- ted into full connection, he shall pass an ap- proved examination upon the Course of Study prescribed by the Bishops for candidates for the ministry; and in no case shall a vote be taken to admit any one until he is recommended by the Examining Committee. (See 468.) (QqQ678— 680, 720, 721, 7438.) 84 q168 | ADMITTING PREACHERS q167. Ans. 3. A missionary employed on a foreign mission may be admitted into full con- nection, if reeommended by the superintendent of the mission where he labors, without being present at the Annual Conference for examina- tion. (4678-680, 720-722, 743.) Ques. 2. What method do we use in admitting a preacher into full connection at the Confer- ence? q168. Ans. After solemn fasting and prayer, every person proposed shall then be asked, be- fore the Conference (722), the following ques- tions (with any others that may be thought necessary), namely: Have you faith in Christ? Are you going on to perfection? Do you ex- pect to be made perfect in love in this life? Are you groaning after it? Are you resolved to de- vote yourself wholly to God and his work? Are you willing to conform to the Discipline of the Church? Will you diligently instruct the children in every place? Will you visit from house to house? Will you recommend fasting and abstinence, both by precept and example? Are you in debt so as to embarrass you? Will you especially observe the following di- rections? 1. Be diligent. Never be unemployed. Nev- er be triflingly employed. Never trifle away time; neither spend any more time at any place than is strictly necessary. 85 CHURCH OFFICERS [ G169 2. Be punctual. Do everything exactly at the time. And do not mend our rules, but keep them; not for wrath, but for conscience’ sake. 3. Act in all things not according to your own will, but as a son in the gospel. It is therefore your duty to employ your time in the manner which we direct; in preaching, meeting the classes, visiting from house to house, and es- pecially visiting the sick; in reading, medita- tion, and prayer. Above all, if you labor with us in the Lord’s vineyard, it is needful you should do that part of the work which we ad- vise, at those times and places which we judge most for his glory. If he give satisfactory answers to these ques- tions, the Conference, by a vote of the majority, may admit him into full connection. SECTION VII OF TRAVELING DEACONS Question 1. How is a deacon constituted? q169. Ans. 1. By the election of a majority of the Annual Conference, and the laying on of the hands of a Bishop. @170. Ans. 2. Before any traveling preacher is ordained deacon, he shall pass an approved examination on the Courses of Study pre- scribed by the Bishops (Q678-680, 743) for candidates for the ministry; and in no case 86 G175 | TRAVELING ELDERS shall a vote be taken to elect any one to deacon’s orders until he is recommended by the Examin- ing Committee. (176.) Ques. 2. What shall be the time of probation of a traveling preacher for the office of deacon? @171. Ans. No one shall be elected and or- dained who has not been two years in the regu- lar itinerant work, except those who are se- lected by the Bishop for the missionary work, in which case the Annual Conference, if deemed expedient, shall have authority to elect to the deacon’s office sooner. (118.) Ques. 3. What are the duties of a traveling deacon? @172. Ans. 1. To administer baptism and to. solemnize the rite of matrimony in the absence of the elder. @173. Ans. 2. To assist the elder in adminis- tering the Lord’s Supper. q174. Ans. 3. To perform all the duties of a traveling preacher. a SECTION VIII OF TRAVELING ELDERS Question 1. How is an elder constituted? @175. Ans. 1. By the election of a majority of the Annual Conference, and the laying on of the hands of a Bishop and of some of the elders that are present. (676.) 87 CHURCH OFFICERS : [ (176 @176. Ans. 2. Before any traveling preacher is ordained elder he shall pass an approved ex- amination upon the Course of Study prescribed by the Bishops for candidates for the ministry (Qq678-680, 748); and in no case shall a vote be taken to elect any one to elder’s orders until he is recommended by the Examining Commit- tee. (Q177.) Ques. 2. What shall be the time of probation of a traveling deacon for the office of elder? @177. Ans. Every traveling deacon shall ex- ercise that office for two years, before he is eli- gible to the office of elder; except in the case of missionaries, when the Annual Conference, if deemed expedient, shall have authority to elect to the elder’s office sooner: provided, al- ways, that when a preacher has passed his ex- amination, and has been elected to deacon’s orders, but fails of his ordination through the absence of a Bishop, his eligibility to the office of elder shall be determined by the time of his election to the office of deacon. (Q723.) Ques. 8. What are the duties of a traveling elder? q178. Ans. 1. To administer baptism and the Lord’s Supper, to solemnize the rite of matri- mony, and to perform all parts of divine wor- ship. @179. Ans. 2. To perform all the duties of a traveling preacher. 88 q181 | MISSION TRAVELING PREACHERS Ques. 4. What shall be done in the case of mis- sionaries and native preachers in foreign lands where there is no Annual Conference? q180. Ans. The Bishop in charge of the mis- sion shall have authority to ordain to the office of deacon and elder on the recommendation of the superintendent and resident missionaries; or, if there be none, at his discretion. SECTION IX OF MISSION TRAVELING PREACHERS Question. What directions are given concern- ing Mission traveling preachers? @181. Ans. A Mission traveling preacher, dea- con or elder, is one who isa member of a Mission Annual Conference without being a member of an Annual Conference. In the election of Mis- sion traveling deacons and elders the Mission Annual Conference shall require of all appli- cants the conditions and qualifications demand- ed of traveling deacons and elders by an An- nual Conference. The duties, responsibilities, rights, and privileges of Mission traveling dea- cons and elders shall be the same as those of traveling deacons and elders, except that their membership is confined to a Mission Annual Conference. 89 CHURCH OFFICERS [ G182 SECTION X OF SUPERNUMERARY PREACHERS Question. What is a supernumerary preacher? @182. Ans. 1. A supernumerary preacher is one who is so disabled by affliction as to be un- able to preach constantly, but who is willing to do any work in the ministry which the Bishop may direct, and he may be able to perform. (QQ724—726.) @183. Ans. 2. A supernumerary relation shall not be granted by an Annual Conference, ex- cept on the recommendation of the Committee on Conference Relations. Nor shall this com- mittee, in its decision, consider anything else than the personal disability of the applicant: provded, however, that should the committee report adversely, the Conference may grant the relation by a vote of not less than three-fourths | of the members present. The Conference may refer to the committee the application for this | relation, with or without the consent of the person concerned. @184. Ans. 3. A supernumerary preacher who refuses to attend to the work assigned him, ex- cept in case of sickness or other unavoidable cause (810), shall not be allowed to exercise the functions of his office, nor even to preach among us; nevertheless, the final determination of the case shall be with the Annual Conference — 90 187 | SUPERANNUATED PREACHERS of which he is a member, which shall have power to acquit, suspend, locate, or expel him: provided, that he shall not be denied trial by committee. SECTION XI OF SUPERANNUATED PREACHERS Question. What is a superannuated preacher? qi85. Aus. 1. A superannuated preacher is ene who is worn out in the itinerant service. (QQ732-738.) qis86. Ans. 2. A superannuate relation shall not be granted by an Annual Conference, ex- cept on the recommendation of the Committee en Conference Relations. Nor shall this com- mittee, in its decision, consider anything else than this question, viz.: Is the applicant really worn out in the itinerant service? Provided, how- ever, that should the committee report adverse- ly, the Conference may grant the relation by a vote of not less than three-fourths of the mem- bers present. The Conference may refer to the committee the application for this relation, with or without the consent of the person concerned. @187. Ans. 3. A superannuated preacher living out of the bounds of the Conference of which he is a member shall be responsible to the Annual Conference within whose bounds he 91 CHURCH OFFICERS [ g188 may reside, which Conference shall have power to try, acquit, suspend, or expel him. SECTION XII OF LOCAL PREACHERS Question 1. What directions are given con- cerning the licensing of persons to preach? g188. Ans. 1. The District Conference shall have authority to license proper persons to preach, and to renew their licenses annually, when, in its judgment, their gifts, grace, and use- fulness warrant. (4692, 693, 695-700, 717, 739-741.) q18s9. Ans. 2. No person shall be licensed to preach without the recommendation of the Quarterly Conference of the charge to which he belongs. (@698.) Nor shall any one be li- censed to preach until he passes, before a com- mittee of three (Q692), to be appointed by the Presiding Elder, an approved examination on doctrines and discipline, and gives satisfactory evidence of his knowledge of the ordinary branches of an English education (91); nor shall any license be valid unless signed by the President and the Secretary of the Conference. The following form of license shall be used: The bearer hereof, , having been duly recom- mended by the Quarterly Conference of Charge, and having been examined, as the Discipline directs, 92 q191 | LOCAL PREACHERS by a committee of the District Conference of District of the Annual Conference of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, South, is hereby authorized to preach the gospel, according to the rules and regu- lations of said Church. Signed, in behalf of said District Conference, , President; , secretary. Date, ,19—. Ques. 2. What shall be the time of probation of a local preacher for the office of deacon? 4190. Ans. A local preacher shall be eligible to the office of a deacon after he has preached four years from the time he received a regular license, and has obtained a recommendation from the District Conference, after a proper examination on the Course of Study préscribed by the Bish- Ops as a preparation for deacon’s orders, signed by the President and the Secretary, and after the Annual Conference has examined and ap- proved his character: provided, that if he has been a local preacher three years successively, and on trial in the traveling ministry for one year next following, he shall be eligible to the office of a deacon when the Annual Conference approves. (4118, 121, 742.) Ques. 3. What shall be the time of probation of a local deacon for the office of elder? @191. Ans. A local deacon shall be eligible to the office of elder after he has preached four years from the time he was ordained deacon, 93 CHURCH OFFICERS | G192 and has obtained a recommendation from the District Conference, after a proper examination on the Course of Study prescribed by the Bish- ops as a preparation for elder’s orders (723); and the fact of passing an approved examination on this course shall be stated in the recommen- dation, which shall be signed by the President and Secretary of the Conference. He shall pre- sent to the Annual Conference this reeommen- dation, with a note certifying his belief in the doctrines and discipline of our Church, the whole being examined by the Annual Confer- ence; and, if approved, he may be ordained: provided, that any time spent in the traveling ministry, whether on trial or in full connection, may be counted as part of the four years’ pro-_ bation for elder’s orders, to which he may be elected when the Annual Conference approves. Ques. 4. What further directions are given concerning local preachers? @192. Ans. 1. They shall aid the preacher in charge of the circuit, station, or mission, to which they belong, in supplying the people with the ministry of the word. They shall according- ly be applied to by the preacher in charge, as soon as he enters on his work, to state what amount of service they are able and willing to perform; he may then draw up a plan by which their labors shall be regulated, and they shall be authorized to form new con- 94 196 | LOCAL PREACHERS gregations, to take a list of the names of all candidates for Church membership, and, if expedient, receive them into the Church: pro- vided, that all such congregations, candidates, and members be reported, as soon as possible, to the preacher in charge, in order that they may be placed immediately under his pastoral care. Local preachers shall report annually in writing to the District Conference the extent and re- sult of their labors. (700, 809.) q193. Ans. 2. Every local elder, deacon, and licentiate shall have his name recorded on the journal of the Quarterly Conference of which he isa member. (697.) q194. Ans. 8. When any traveling preacher is located, he shall be amenable to the District Conference of the District within the bounds of which he last traveled, until he presents his cer- tificate of location to some Quarterly Confer-' ence. (@740.) @q195. Ans. 4. When a local elder, deacon, or kcentiate removes from one charge to another, he shall procure from the Presiding Elder of the District, or from the preacher in charge, a certificate of his official standing, without which he shall not be received as a local preacher in other places. (@740.) @196. Ans. 5. A preacher receiving a certifi- cate of location or of official standing, and fail- ing to present it to some Quarterly Conference 95 CHURCH OFFICERS [ G197 within the period of six months from the date of the certificate, shall not be recognized as a local preacher in our Church, unless he satisfy the Quarterly Conference to which he may apply that the failure to do so was unavoidable. (Q740.) es SECTION XIII OF RECEIVING MINISTERS FROM OTHER CHURCHES Question. How shall we receive ministers who offer to unite with us from other Christian Churches? q197. Ans. 1. Ministers of other Churches, who desire to unite with us as local preachers, may be received by a District Conference, upon giving satisfaction that they are suitable per- sons, provided they stand an approved examina- tion on the Course of Study prescribed for local preachers; but they shall not exercise the pe- culiar functions of deacons or elders until their — orders are recognized by the Annual Confer- ence: provided, that the Bishop may allow min- isters thus received to exercise their functions as deacons or elders until the session of the An- nual Conference. @198. Ans. 2. After such reception, and a rec- ommendation by the District Conference, if sat- isfied that they are in orders and that they agree with us in doctrine and discipline, and also sat- 96 ‘ q200 | RECEIVING MINISTERS isfied with their gifts, grace, and usefulness, the Annual Conference may recognize them with- out the reimposition of hands, on condition that they take upon them our ordination vows. If they cannot attend the Annual Conference, they shall send a certified subscription to our doc- trines and discipline, and to our ordination VOWS. q199. Ans. 3. Ministers of other Churches, accredited as ministers or elders, who desire to unite with us as traveling preachers, may be ad- mitted as deacons or elders into full connection by an Annual Conference: provided, that the Conference is satisfied with their gifts, grace, and usefulness, and their agreement with us in doctrine and discipline, on condition that they take upon them our ordination vows, without the reimposition of hands: prowded, further, that all ministers, except those who may come to us from the Methodist Episcopal Church, the British Wesleyan Church, the Methodist Church of Canada, and the Methodist Protestant Church, be required to pass through the Course of Study prescribed by our Bishops for un- dergraduates, and that their examination be ap- proved by the several committees (See 468): and provided, finally, that this paragraph shall not apply to local preachers. q200. Ans. 4. When a minister has been re-. ceived and his orders recognized, he shall be fur- 4 97 CHURCH OFFICERS [ G201 nished a certificate signed by one of our Bish- ops, as follows: This is to certify that has been admitted into Conference as a traveling preacher [or has been received as a local preacher on Circuit], he having been ordained to the office of a deacon [or an elder, as the case may be], according to the usages of the Church, of which he has been a member and minister; and he is hereby authorized to exercise the functions per- taining to his office in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, so long as his life and conversation are such as become the gospel of Christ. Given under my hand and seal, at day of ——, in the year of our Lord , this SECTION XIV OF EXHORTERS Question 1. What directions are given con- cerning the licensing of persons to exhort? q201. Ans. 1. The Quarterly Conference shall have authority to license proper persons to ex- hort, and to renew their licenses annually, when, in its judgment, their gifts, grace, and useful- ness warrant. @202. Ans. 2. No person shall be licensed to exhort until recommended by the Church of which he is a member, or by the leaders’ meeting of his charge; nor shall any license be valid un- less signed by the President of the Conference. Ques. 2. What are the duties of an exhorter? 98 q207 | CLASS LEADERS @203. Ans. To hold meetings for prayer and exhortation whenever opportunity is afforded, subject to the direction of the preacher in charge. Ques. 3. What further directions are given concerning exhorters? q204. Ans. 1. Let every exhorter diligently exercise the functions of his office, without as- suming those of a preacher. q205. Ans. 2. Every exhorter shall be, ex officio, a member of the Quarterly Conference of his charge; but in all other respects he shall be dealt with as a private member of the Church. q206. Ans. 8. When an exhorter removes from one charge to another, he shall not be recognized as such unless he obtain from the Presiding Elder of the District or from the preacher in charge a certificate of his official standing. eee SECTION XV OF CLASS LEADERS Question 1. How are class leaders appointed? q207. Ans. By the preacher in charge, who shall appoint one person in each class to be its leader. (Q744.) Ques. 2. What are the regulations concerning class leaders? 99 CHURCH OFFICERS [ (208 q208. Ans. 1. Let them be of sound judgment and truly devoted to God. @209. Ans. 2. Let every one of them be care- fully examined by the preacher in charge at least once a quarter, concerning his method of leading his class. @210. Ans. 3. It is the leader’s duty, (1) To see each person in his class at least once a week, in order to inquire how his soul prospers; to advise, reprove, comfort, or exhort, as occasion may require; to receive what he is willing to give for the relief of the preachers, Church, and poor. (2) To meet the ministers and stewards of the society once a week, in order, To inform the minister of any that are sick or that walk disorderly and will not be reproved. To pay the stewards what he received from his class during the preceding week. oes SECTION XVI OF STEWARDS Question 1. How are stewards appointed? @211. Ans. The preacher in charge shall have the right to nominate, subject to the confirma- tion or rejection of the Quarterly Conference. (Qq745, 746.) 100 @213 | STEWARDS Ques. 2. What are the regulations concerning stewards? 9" @212. Ans. 1. Let the stewards be persons of solid piety, who both know and love the Meth- odist doctrine and discipline, and of good nat- ural and acquired abilities to transact the tem- poral business of the Church. q213. Ans. 2. The stewards shall organize by electing a chairman, secretary, and treasur- er; make estimates of expenses and provision for the support of the gospel (747); take an exact account of all the money, or other provision, collected for the support of the ministry; make an accurate return of every expenditure of money, whether for the sup- port of the ministry or the relief of the sick or the poor; seek the needy and distressed in order to relieve and comfort them; inform the preachers of any sick or disorderly persons; tell the preachers what they think wrong in them; attend the official meetings and the quarterly meetings; give advice, if asked, in planning the circuit; give counsel in matters of arbitration; provide elements for the Lord’s Supper; appoint some one, whenever neces- sary, to receive contributions for the sup- port of the ministry and other purposes, and to obtain from each collector the money he re- ceives, that it may be reported to the Quarterly Conference; take up collections quarterly in 101 CHURCH OFFICERS [ q214 every congregation, if it be necessary; if need be, write circular letters to the societies urging them to be more liberal, and let them know, when occasion requires, the financial state of the Church, as reported to the Quarterly Confer- ence. (Q750.) q214. Ans. 3. The stewards of each charge shall be a standing committee (where there is no parsonage) to provide houses for the fami- lies of the preachers, or to assist the preachers to obtain houses when appointed to labor among ‘them. (QqQ718, 719, 757.) Ques. 3. To whom are the stewards accounta- ble for the faithful performance of their duties? @215. Ans. To the Quarterly Conference, which shall have the power to remove them from office. Ques. 4. What shall be the number of stewards in each charge? q216. Ans. 1. Every pastoral charge shall be entitled to one steward for every thirty mem- bers, to be elected annually; provided, neverthe- less, that each society in a circuit may have one steward and each charge may have at least seven; and provided, further, that a Junior Board of Stewards for each charge may be elected, which Board shall be composed of members of the Church between the ages of 12 and 21, and shall meet with the Senior Board and partici- 102 q219 | DISTRICT STEWARDS pate in its deliberations, but shall not be en- titled to vote. @217. Ans. 2. When two or more charges are united, the stewards shall hold office till the first Quarterly Conference elects a new Board. Ques. 5. What are the duties of a Recording Steward? q218. Ans. To preserve the records of the Quarterly Conference, to report to the Annual Conference Commission on Finance a full ac- count of the acts of his Board of Stewards the preceding year, and to have his records at the Quarterly and District Conferences for examina- tion. SECTION XVII OF THE DISTRICT STEWARDS’ MEETING @219. There shall be held annually, in every © District, a meeting composed of one steward from each charge, to be elected by the Quarterly Conference, on the nomination of the Presiding Elder (Q751), at the annual election of stewards. After consultation with the Presiding Elder, who shall preside in the meeting, they shall estimate and apportion among the several charges of the District, according to their ability, the salary and traveling expenses of the Presiding Elder, together with the collec- tions ordered by the Annual Conference and 103 CHURCH OFFICERS [ 4220 assessed to the District by the Conference Com- mission on Finance. The amount apportioned for the Presiding Elder shall be added by the stewards of each charge to the allowance for their own preachers, and its collection provided for in the same way, and distribution pro rata of the amount collected shall be made at the Quar- terly Conference. (QQ747, 749, 752.) The Presiding Elder shall fix the time and place of meeting. @220. The minutes of the meetir.g shall be kept, by a secretary elected for that purpose, in a book of which the Presiding Elder shall be the custodian. The secretary shall inform the stewards of each charge in the District of the sums apportioned to the charge. ———— SECTION XVIII OF TRUSTEES Question 1. How are trustees appointed? @221. Ans. 1. Except where the laws of the State or Territory provide differently, the preacher in charge, or, in his absence, the Pre- siding Elder, shall have the right to nominate, subject to the confirmation or rejection of the Quarterly Conference. @222. Ans. 2. Trustees of District property may be appointed by the District Conference of 104 q226 | TRUSTEES the District to which the property belongs. The Presiding Elder shall have the power of nomi- nating these trustees, subject to the confirma- tion or rejection of the District Conference. Ques. 2. What are the regulations concerning trustees? @223. Ans. 1. Trustees of our parsonages and churches must be at least twenty-one years of age, and must all be members of our Church when proper persons can be had; otherwise, one- third of each Board may be elected from without. q224. Ans. 2. Trustees of our schools, colleges, universities, and hospitals must be at least twenty-one years of age. Three-fourths of them must at all times be members of our Church, and all must be nominated, confirmed, or elected by some governing body of our Church, or by some Board or officers of the Church to which this power has been delegated by the governing body of theChurch. (815, 816.) @225. Ans. 3. All vacancies in a Board of - Trustees, occasioned by death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled without delay. (755.) q226. Ans. 4. Let nine trustees be appointed for holding Church property (Q716), when proper persons can be procured; otherwise, seven, five, or three, who shall elect their own chairman, secretary, and treasurer. (@753.) 105 CHURCH OFFICERS | Q227 q227. Ans. 5. The Board or Boards of Trus- tees shall be responsible to the Quarterly Con- ference of the charge, which shall have power to dismiss any of them from office. (QQ754~756.) They shall present a report of their acts, at least once a year, to the Quarterly Conference. A Board of Trustees appointed by a District Con- ference shall hold the same relation to that Con- ference as the Trustees of the charge hold to the Quarterly Conference. In the interval of Dis- trict Conferences, the Presiding Elder may ap- point a Board of Trustees for District property, to hold office till their successors are elected. @228. Ans. 6. When two or more charges are united, their Boards of Trustees shall by such action be dissolved; and the Quarterly Confer- ence of the new charge shall appoint a Board of Trustees as provided for in 4221. q229. Ans. 7. No trustee shall be ejected while in joint security for money, unless such relief be given as is demanded, or the creditor will accept. (@756.) 106 @231 | BUILDING CHURCHES CHAPTER IV CHURCHES AND CHURCH PROPERTY SECTION I OF BUILDING CHURCHES Question. What shall be done in regard to building churches, and for the security of all our Church property? q230. Ans. 1. Let all churches be plain and decent, and with free seats, as far as practi- - eable. q231. Ans. 2. In order more effectually to pre- vent our people from contracting debts which ~ they are not able to discharge, it shall be the duty of the Quarterly Conference of every charge in which a church is contemplated, to secure a legal title according to our ‘“‘trust clause.” The Quarterly Conference shall appoint a judi- cious committee of at least three members of our Church, who shall secure an estimate of the amount necessary to build; and three-fourths of the money, according to such estimate, shall be secured before any building is commenced: pro- vided, however, that no house of worship shall be built unless the authority of the Quarterly Conference shall first have been obtained; and 107 CHURCH PROPERTY [ 232 provided, further, that no building involving the purchase, sale, creating liens on, or otherwise disposing of Church property, shall be trans- acted unless at least ten days’ notice of the meeting of the Quarterly Conference shall have been given, and that five members of the Quar- terly Conference shall be necessary for the transaction of such business. @232. Ans. 3. In all cases of debts on houses of worship incurred in disregard of the above rec- ommendation, our members and friends are re- quested to decline pecuniary aid to agents who travel beyond their own charges or Districts to collect funds to discharge such debts, except in cases approved by an Annual Conference. @233. Ans. 4. In future we will admit no charter, devise, deed, or conveyance, for any house of worship to be used by us, unless it contain the “‘trust clause,’’or be in conformity thereto. Hach Annual Conference is authorized to make such modification in the deeds as is re- quired by the usages and customs of law in the different States and Territories, so as to secure the property in fee simple, to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South; but in all convey- ances of ground for the building of houses of worship, or upon which they may have been already built, let the “‘trust clause”’ be inserted at the proper place. @234. Ans. 5. The ‘‘trust clause” shall be as 108 236 | BUILDING PARSONAGES follows: “‘In trust, that said premises shall be used, kept, maintained, and disposed of, as a place of divine worship for the use of the minis- try and membership of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South; subject to the discipline, usage, and ministerial appointments of said Church, as from time to time authorized and declared by the General Conference of said Church, and by the Annual Conference within whose bounds the said premises are situated.” SECTION II OF BUILDING PARSONAGES Question. What advice or direction is given concerning the building of dwelling houses for the use of traveling preachers? @235. Ans. 1. It is recommended to our friends, in general, to purchase ground in each pastoral charge, to build a parsonage, to furnish it at least with heavy furniture, and to secure a deed containing the “‘trust clause”’ to trustees appointed by the Quarterly Conference. @236. Ans. 2. The Presiding Elders and preachers shall use their influence to carry into effect the above rules respecting parsonages; and each Quarterly Conference shall appoint a committee (unless other measures have been adopted), who, with the advice and aid of the preachers and Presiding Elder, shall devise 109 CHURCH PROPERTY [ Q237 means to raise money for that purpose. And it is recommended to the Annual Conferences to make a special inquiry of their members respect- ing this part of their duty. @237. Ans. 3. Likewise, in all conveyances of ground for the building of parsonages, or upon which they may have been already built, let the following clause be inserted at the proper place: “Tn trust, that such premises shall be held, kept, maintained, and disposed of, as a place of resi- dence for the use and occupancy of the preachers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, who may from time to time be appointed in said place; subject to the usage and discipline of said Church, as from time to time authorized and declared by the General Conference of said Church, and by the Annual Conference within whose bounds the said premises are situated.” q238. Ans. 4. In all States and Territories where the laws permit, let the society secure a charter of incorporation, and let all real estate and other property now owned, or hereafter to be aquired for Church, parsonage, or other pur- poses, be deeded directly to the society in its corporate name. The secular affairs of such corporation shall be managed and controlled by a Board of Trustees, which shall be elected and organized according to the direction of the Discipline, with power in the corporation to ac- quire, hold, sell, and convey the property, both 110 q239 | DIVISION OF PROPERTY real and personal. In all such cases, and in States or Territories where Church property is required to be held by trustees (and not per- mitted to be held by corporations), let all deeds or other conveyances, under which the Church acquires property for any purpose, contain the appropriate “‘trust clause” set out in 9234 or @237, as the case may be; and the Board of Church Extension shall have forms of deeds suitable to each State or Territory prepared for free distribution. SECTION III OF THE DIVISION, TRANSFER, OR SALE OF CHURCH PROPERTY @239. When any charge shall be divided, each subdivision may constitute a new board or boards of trustees; and the Church property held by the trustees of the original charge shall be conveyed to the new boards thus created, and the former board or boards shall be freed from all pecuniary liabilities, such being transferred to the new boards respectively. And when any division is made of a charge or District, having parsonage property, in order to adjust the rights and equities of the subdivisions in such parsonage property, the Quarterly Conferences of the respective subdivisions, or the District Conferences (in case of the division of a Dis- 111 CHURCH PROPERTY [ 4240 trict), shall each select an arbitrator, and these _ arbitrators an umpire, who together shall con- stitute a board of reference (Q@820-823), to which shall be referred the question of adjust- ing the rights of the respective parties interested in such parsonage property; and the decision of the board of reference shall be aquiesced in and carried into effect by the parties concerned. And if any Quarterly or District Conference shall fail, after written notice, to appoint an ar- bitrator within one year after such division, this shall work a forfeiture of the claim of such Conference in the property. q240. The trustees, with the consent of the preacher in charge and the Quarterly Confer- ence, or if a District parsonage, then of the Presiding Elder and the District Conference, ‘shall have power to sell any Church prop- erty that has gone out of use, or that should be removed to another place, the pro- ceeds of which shall be invested in other Church property under the direction of the Quarterly or District Conference. @241. The trustees, with the consent of the preacher in charge and the Quarterly Confer- ence where property controlled by a circuit or station is involved, or with the consent of the Presiding Elder and the District Conference where property controlled by a District is in- volved, shall have power to execute a mineral 112 q242 | CREATING LIENS lease of such property for the purpose of explor- ing and developing same for oil, gas, and other minerals, and to receive or sell the royalties thereunder and apply the proceeds arising therefrom as may be directed by the Conference - authorizing such a sale. SECTION IV OF CREATING LIENS UPON CHURCH PROPERTY @242. No person, or persons, or board of trus- tees shall have authority to create a mortgage or other contract lien, upon Church property: provided, nevertheless, that if these trustees, or any of them, or their successors, have advanced or shall advance, any sum or sums of money, or are, or shall be, responsible for any sum or sums of money on account of Church property, and these trustees, or their successors, be obliged to pay the money, they, or a majority of them, shall be authorized to raise this money by a mortgage on the property, or by selling it, after giving notice to the preacher in charge, or the Presiding Elder of the District, if the money due be not paid to the trustees, or their successors, within one year after such notice has been given; and if a sale take place, the said trustees, or their successors, after paying the debt and ex- penses, from the money arising from the sale, shall pay the remainder of the money from the 113 CHURCH PROPERTY [ 4243 sale to the steward or stewards in the charge; which surplus of the produce of the sale shall be forwarded by the steward or stewards to the Quarterly Conference within whose bounds it is situated, at its next session; and the Quar- terly Conference shall dispose of the money, by a vote of the majority, for the use of the charge. @243. Provided, further, that the trustees of any house of worship or parsonage, or other prop- erty held for the benefit of the Church, a majority of them uniting therein, by the consent and au- thority of the Quarterly Conference, or of the District Conference, or two-thirds of the Dis- trict Stewards, if it be a District parsonage, may borrow money from the Board of Church Ex- tension or any person or corporation, and secure its repayment by mortgage upon any property held in trust by the trustees, on such terms and conditions as may be agreed on by the contract- ing parties. q244. Provided, further, that the trustees, when duly authorized, as provided in 4248, shall also have power to create a lien upon the prop- erty conditioned for the repayment to the Board of Church Extension of any conditional donation made in aid of such house of worship or parsonage by that Board, in the event that such property shall ever thereafter be aliened from the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, or 114 q244 | CREATING LIENS’ cease to be used for, or be devoted to, other uses than the purposes authorized by the trust clauses in our deeds, as prescribed by our Dis- cipline. In the event of a sale under any mort- gage provided for in this or the preceding par- agraph the surplus money arising therefrom shall be disposed of as provided in 4242. Mon- ey received under the provisions of this or the preceding paragraph shall be used by the trus- tees for the exclusive purpose of purchasing, paying debts upon, or improving Church or par- sonage property. Whenever any property on which such conditional mortgages have been _ placed shall be sold by the trustees for the pur- pose of purchasing property elsewhere, to be used for like purposes, it shall be the duty of the officers of the Board of Church Extension to release its lien, provided equal security be given by mortgage on the new site. 115 MINISTERIAL SUPPORT [ Q245 CHAPTER V THE SUPPORT OF THE MINISTRY SECTION I OF THE SUPPORT OF PREACHERS IN CHARGE @245. Every minister who by the rules and usages of the Church is a claimant on its funds shall have his claim estimated, as far as practi- cable, by those who are to pay it, or by an agent authorized to act for them. @246. The salary and traveling expenses of the preacher in charge shall be estimated by the Board of Stewards, after consultation with him. q247. Thestewards shall report to each Church the whole amount to be raised, and that part of it which each congregation is expected to pay. The Church Conference may adopt its own method of raising the money. Unless other- wise ordered by the Church Conference, the stewards shall adopt the plan of assessment with consent, as provided in the following para- graph: provided, nevertheless, that no Board of Stewards or pastor shall incur any indebtedness for the payment of the preacher’s salary or the benevolences, which indebtedness shall be 116 q250 | SUPPORT OF BISHOPS left upon the charge for his successor to raise. (Q'750.) @248. Each member of the Church is expected to pay according to his ability for the support of the ministry, and the stewards of each charge shall determine whether payments are to be made weekly, monthly, or quarterly, during the year. They shall then ascertain how much each member is able and willing to pay in the installments fixed by the stewards; and what- ever amount each member agrees to pay, he shall be under solemn obligation to pay, and can be released from this obligation only by order of the stewards, or by vote of the Church Conference for good cause shown. SECTION II OF THE SUPPORT OF PRESIDING ELDERS q249. The salary and traveling expenses of the Presiding Elders shall be estimated by the District Stewards. (QQ747, 752.) er SECTION III OF THE SUPPORT OF BISHOPS The Bishops shall be supported according to the following plan: @250. The aliowance of the Bishops for salary and traveling expenses, and of the widows and 117 MINISTERIAL SUPPORT [ @251 orphan children of Bishops, shall be estimated by the Committee on Episcopacy at the General Conference; and the amount so estimated shall be reported to. the Commission on Budget, which shall fix for the Bishops’ Fund such a per- centage of the total apportionment to be asked of the Church for all general interests as may be necessary to secure the amount needed. Each Conference Treasurer shall send monthly to the Publishing Agents, who shall be Treasurers of the Bishops’ Fund, the amount that is prorated to that fund; and the Treasurers of the Bishops’ Fund shall pay in monthly installments to the Bishops and to the widows and orphan chil- dren of Bishops the amount collected, zn pro- portion to the amount estimated for their sup- port; and they shall take receipts for the same. @251. At the annual meeting of the Bishops the Publishing Agents shall report in writing the amount paid to them on the Bishops’ Fund by the several Annual Conferences and also their disbursements. 118 q253 | TRIAL OF A BISHOP CHAPTER VI ADMINISTRATION OF DISCIPLINE SECTION I OF THE TRIAL OF A BISHOP Question 1. To whom is a Bishop amenable for his conduct? @252. Ans. To the General Conference, which has power to try him for improper conduct, and to acquit, to suspend, or to expel him. Ques. 2. What provision is made for the trial of a Bishop, if he should be accused of immoral- ity in the interval of General Conferences? @253. Ans. When a Bishop shall be under re- port, or be accused, of immorality (Q765), three traveling elders, after notice to him, shall care- fully inquire into the case; and if they believe an investigation necessary, they shall report the matter to another Bishop (Qq764, 766), whose duty it shall be to call together at some convenient place not less than twelve traveling elders, and also the witnesses by whom the ac- cusation is expected to be established. These el- ders shall be a committee for the investigation of the charge against the Bishop (769-771); and if two-thirds of them believe a trial necessary, 119 ADMINISTRATION [ Q254 they shall suspend him till the next session of the General Conference. (4780.) The presiding Bishop shall cause an exact record of the inves- tigation, signed by the president and secretary, to be transmitted to the General Conference. (QQ773-776.) By this record, and such other testimony as may be obtained, the case shall be considered and determined by the General Conference without the intervention of another committee. (QQ782-788, 791, 794, 800, 802.) Ques. 3. What provision is made for the trial of a Bishop if he should be accused during the session of the General Conference? q254. Ans. 1. An accusation preferred during the session of a General Conference shall be made directly to the Committee on Episcopacy (QQ761, 775, 776, 782-788, 791, 792), which shall investigate the charges, and, if it consider a trial necessary, report to the General Conference. If the Committee on E;piscopacy should decide a trial necessary, it shall formulate charges and specifications, conforming them to the grade of offense involved in the accusation, and it shall appoint one or more of its members to prose- cute the case. The bill of charges and specifica- tions shall be a part of the report of the com- mittee to the General Conference. Every case to be tried under this process, upon the finding of a bill of charges, shall be referred to a com- 120 q256 | TRIAL OF A BISHOP mittee of twenty-five elders, who shall be ap- pointed by the president in the chair, or in such manner as the Conference may determine. . This committee shall have full power to try the case and its decision shall be final, save as to the right of appeal to the General Conference. (G802.) The accused shall have the right of peremptory challenge of nine, besides the right of unlimited challenge for cause, the validity of which shall be determined by the Bishop pre- siding at the time the challenge is made. The trial committee shall make a written report to the General Conference and deliver to the Secretary the whole record of the case, with the decision rendered. @255. Ans. 2. A Bishop who shall be found guilty by the Committee on Episcopacy shall have the right to appeal to the General Con- ference then in session, which shall finally determine the case. @256. Ans. 38. No charge against a Bishop shall be tried unless it be made in writing with specifications signed by the accusers; and a copy of the charge, with the specifications, shall be delivered to the accused a sufficient length of time before the trial to enable him to make all necessary preparation for his de- fense. 121 ADMINISTRATION | Q257 SECTION II OF THE TRIAL OF A TRAVELING PREACHER Question 1. To whom is a traveling preacher amenable for his conduct? @257. Ans. To the Annual Conference, which shall have power to try, and to acquit, to sus- pend (792), or to expel him. Ques. 2. What shall be done when a traveling preacher is accused of immorality? q258. Ans. 1. If a traveling preacher be under report of immorality (4761-765, 775, 776), or accused thereof in writing signed by a minister or a member of our Church, if it be in the inter- val of the sessions of the Annual Conference of which he is a member, in the absence of a Bishop the Presiding Elder shall call together at least three traveling preachers to investigate the re- port or accusation. (QQ766-773.) If practica- ble, let him bring the accused and the accuser face to face before the committee. If the ac- cused be an elder, the committee shall be com- posed of elders; and if a deacon, the committee shall be either elders or deacons. @259. Ans. 2. If the committee, after hearing the testimony offered by both the accuser and the accused, judge a trial necessary, the accused shall be suspended until the next session of the Annual Conference of which he is a member, or until he shall have been acquitted by a trial 122 260 | A TRAVELING PREACHER committee as hereinafter provided for the trial of a traveling preacher in the interim of the sessions of the Annual Conference. ({780.) The committee shall formulate a bill of charges and specifications, a copy of which shall be pre- sented to the accused a sufficient length of time before the session of the Conference to enable him to make preparation for his trial. (QqQ766- 773.) They shall also appoint some member of the Conference to represent the Church before the committee of trial. (710.) @260. Ans. 3. When a member of an Annual Conference has been suspended by a committee of investigation (QQ774, 780), this fact shall be certified to the Bishop having charge of the Annual Conference of which the accused is a member, and it shall be the duty of the Bishop, in not less than thirty nor more than sixty days, to appoint thirteen elders to try the case, whose decision shall be final save as to the right of appeal (Q800): provided, that the accused shall have the same right of challenge as is now provided, namely, the right of peremptory chal- lenge of five in a committee of thirteen and of three in a committee of nine, besides the right of unlimited challenge for cause; and the valid- ity of the cause shall be determined by the chairman of the committee of trial. The Bish- op, when notified of the finding of the com- mittee of investigation as above set forth, shall 123 ADMINISTRATION [ Q261 appoint the time and place for the trial, allow- ing the defense a sufficient time for the prepara- tion of his case. (QQ782—788, 790.) The Bishop shall preside, or, in his absence, appoint an elder to preside in the trial, and a secretary, who shall keep a record of the proceedings of the trial and forward it to the Committee of Appeals, and in case of appeal, the papers to be filed with that body; and he shall notify the Conference of which the accused is a member of the dispo- sition of the case. q261. Ans. 4. In the absence of a Bishop the Presiding Elder shall preside over the com- mittee of investigation; and in every case the chairman of the committee shall cause an exact record of the investigation, including the charges, evidence, and finding of the committee, sioned by the president and secretary, to be transmitted to the Annual Conference. By this record, and such other testimony as may be obtained, the case shall be determined by the Annual Conference without the intervention of another committee of investigation. (Q4Q772- 776, 778-788.) But should the committee of investigation in any case deem a trial unnec- essary, the Conference, if it differ in judgment from the committee, may appoint another com- mittee to inquire into the facts and report to the Conference. 262. Ans. 5. Should witnesses refuse to at- 124 265 | A TRAVELING PREACHER tend the trial, the Presiding Elder shall appoint some preacher to take their written testimony and give the parties notice, allowing them the privilege of cross-examination. This testimony shall be laid before the committee of trial as evidence in the case. (QQ773, 786.) @263. Ans. 6. If the accused be a Presiding Elder, any three traveling elders or deacons of his District may inquire into the case (766), and, if they deem necessary, report to the Bish- op, who shall appoint a committee of at least three elders from within the bounds of the An- nual Conference of which the accused is a mem- ber, to investigate the report or accusation. (QQ764, 765, 769-776.) A Bishop, or some trav- eling elder appointed by him, shall also preside at the investigation; and if the committee deem a trial necessary, the accused shall be suspended until the next session of the Annual Conference. (G780.) | q264. Ans. 7. If the accused evade an investi- gation, this shall be received as presumptive proof of guilt; and he may be suspended. In that case also the Annual Conference shall determine the whole matter. @265. Ans. 8. When the accusation is pre- ferred during the session of the Annual Con- ference (Q761—788), it shall first be referred for investigation to a committee of three traveling elders, appointed by the president, which com- 125 ADMINISTRATION | 4266 mittee shall report to the Conference whether or not they deem a trial necessary. If they report a trial unnecessary, and the Conference differ in judgment from the committee, a second com- mittee shall be appointed to inquire into the facts, and their report shall be final. q266. Ans. 9. The committee of investigation, reporting a case for trial, shall formulate a bill of charges, and shall appoint some member of the Conference to prosecute the case. (QQ761— 788, 802.) @267. Ans. 10. Every case to be tried shall be referred to a committee of not less than nine nor more than thirteen, who, in the presence of a Bishop or a chairman, whom the president of the Conference shall appoint, and one or more of the secretaries of the Conference, shall have full power to try the case; and their decision shall be final, save as to the right of appeal: provided, that the accused shall be allowed the right of peremptory challenge of five in a com- mittee of thirteen and three in a committee of nine, besides the right of unlimited challenge for cause; and the validity of the cause shall be determined by the chairman of the committee. The committee shall make a written report to the Conference, and deliver to the secretary the whole record of the case, with the decision ren- dered. (QQ778-792, 800, 802.) | 126 q270 | A TRAVELING PREACHER Ques. 3. What shall be done in case of im- proper tempers, words, or actions? - @268. Ans. The preacher so offending shall be reprehended by his senior in office. (QQ798, 799.) Should there be a second transgression, one, two, or three preachers are to be taken as witnesses. If then the offender be not cured, accusation shall be preferred at the next session of the Annual Conference, and he shall be dealt with as in a case of immorality. (QQ761-788, 802.) Ques. 4. What shall be done with preachers who disseminate, publicly or privately, doc- trines contrary to our Articles of Religion? @269. Ans. The same process shall be ob- served as in case of immorality; but if the offending preacher solemnly engage not to dis- seminate such erroneous doctrines, in public or private, he shall be borne with till his case is laid before the next Annual Conference, which shall determine the matter. (QQ761-788, 802.) Ques. 5. What shall be done when a traveling preacher is complained of as being so unaccept- able, inefficient, or secular as to be no longer useful in his work? @270. Ans. 1. The Conference to which he belongs shall investigate the case in open Con- ference or through a committee, as the Confer- ence may elect, and if it appear that the com- plaint is well founded, and if he fail to give 127 ADMINISTRATION | Q271 the Conference satisfactory assurance that he will amend, or voluntarily retire, the Con- ference may locate him, without his consent. (Q761.) @271. Ans. 2. He may defend himself before the Conference, in person or by representative; and if he be located in his absence, without having been previously notified of an inten- tion thus to proceed against him, he may apply to the Conference at its next session to be heard in his defense, and the case shall be re- considered. (Q761.) Ques. 6. What shall be done when a preacher refuses to attend to the work assigned him? @272. Ans. He shall be liable to suspension or deposition from the ministry, unless he have the consent of the Bishop who made the ap- pointment, or is in charge of the work; and the final determination in all such cases shall be with the Annual Conference. (Q777.) @273. In all the above-mentioned cases of trial and conviction, an appeal to the Com- mittee of Appeals shall be allowed (800), if the condemned at the time of his condemnation, or as soon as he is officially informed thereof, signify to the president or secretary of the Con- ference his intention to appeal. (@@794, 801, 802.) 128 275] A LOCAL PREACHER SECTION III OF THE TRIAL OF A PROBATIONER Question. What shall be done when a preacher on trial is accused of immorality? q274. Ans. He shall be accountable to the District Conference within the bounds of which he serves. The Presiding Elder shall appoint a committee of investigation, and the same course of discipline shall be pursued that is provided for a local preacher under a like accusation ((Q695, 761-774): provded, that a preacher on trial, appointed as a student, shall be assigned to a Quarterly Conference, to which he shall be amenable for his moral character. (797.) SECTION IV OF THE TRIAL OF A LOCAL PREACHER Question 1. To whom is a local preacher ame- nable for his conduct? q275. Ans. To the District Conference of the District within which he resides. (QQ761—795, 800, 801.) But when a local preacher is under report of immorality, he may be investigated and the case tried where the offense is alleged to have been committed, and by the authorities having jurisdiction there. Ques. 2. What shall be done when a local preacher is accused of immorality? 5 129 ADMINISTRATION [ G276 q276. Ans. 1. When a local preacher is under report of immorality, or accused thereof in writing signed by a member of our Church, the Presiding Elder shall appoint a committee of three local preachers, or, if local preachers can- not be obtained, three members of the Church, toinvestigate the report or accusation. (@Q761- 796, 800, 801.) | q277. Ans. 2. If this committee deem a trial necessary, it shall formulate a bill of charges and specifications, and appoint a local preacher or member of the Church to represent the Church before the committee of trial. A copy of the bill of charges and specifications shall be delivered to the accused a sufficient length of time before the trial to enable him to make necessary preparation for his defense. The committee shall notify the Presiding Elder of its finding, and he shall notify the accused. (QQ761-796, 800, 801.) @278. Ans. 3. A local preacher who has been notified by the Presiding Elder of a bill of charges and specifications found against him shall not be allowed to exercise the functions of his office from the time of his notification until the case has been determined. (Q@780- 796, 800, 801.) q279. Ans. 4. When witnesses refuse to at- tend the trial, the Presiding Elder shall appoint some discreet member of the Church to take 130 q281 | A LOCAL PREACHER the written testimony of the witnesses, as provided in 4262. (773, 786.) q280. Ans. 5. When notified that a trial is necessary, the Presiding Elder shall call a com- mittee of trial of not less than seven nor more than thirteen official members of our Church. The accused shall have the same right of chal- lenge as a traveling preacher.- At the begin- ning of the trial the Presiding Elder shall ap- point a secretary, who shall keep a record of the evidence and proceedings. When read and ap- proved, the record shall be signed by the Pre- siding Elder, and also by the members of the committee, or by a majority of them; and the sentence of the committee shall be final, save as to the right of appeal. (QQ776, 783-788, 791- 801.) Ques. 3. What shall be done in case of im- proper tempers, words, or actions? @281. Ans. The person so offending shall be reprehended by the preacher in charge. ((Q798, -799.) Should there be a second transgression, one, two, or three faithful friends are to be taken as witnesses. If then the offender be not cured, he shall be dealt with as in a case of im- morality, and, if found guilty and impenitent, shall be expelled from the Church. (QQ716- 788, 802.) Ques. 4. What shall be done with local preachers who disseminate, publicly or private- 131 ADMINISTRATION [ 4282 ly, doctrines contrary to our Articles of Reli- gion? @282. Ans. The same process shall be ob- served as in case of immorality. (QQ761-792, 800, 802.) Ques. 5. What shall be done when a local elder or deacon is complained of as being so unacceptable or inefficient as to be no longer useful in his work, and the District Conference for that reason refuses to pass his character? | @283. Ans. The District Conference shall investigate the case; and if it appear that the complaint is well founded, and if he fail to give the Conference satisfactory assurance that he will amend, or voluntarily surrender his creden- tials, the Conference may depose him from the ministry. He may defend himself before the Conference, in person or by representative. The President of the District Conference shall in this case comply with the requirements of q270. @284. In all the above-mentioned cases of trial and conviction an appeal to the ensuing Annual Conference shall be allowed (800), if the condemned, at the time of his condemna- tion, or as soon as he is officially informed there- of, signify his intention to appeal. (QQ794, 801.) 132. Q287 | TRIAL OF A MEMBER SECTION V OF THE TRIAL OF A MEMBER Question 1. What shall be done when a mem- ber of the Church is accused of immorality? @285. Ans. 1. When a member of the Church is under report of immorality, or accused there- of in writing signed by a member of our Church, the preacher in charge shall appoint a committee of three discreet members of the Church, to investigate the report or accusation. If a trial be deemed necessary, the committee shall for- mulate a bill of charges and specifications, and appoint some member of the Church to repre- sent the Church before the committee of trial. (QQ761-796, 800, 801.) @286. Ans. 2. On presentation of the bill of charges and specifications, the preacher in charge shall appoint a committee of not less than five nor more than thirteen members of the charge, before which the accused shall be cited to appear. The committee shall have power to try the case; and if a majority find the accused guilty, the preacher in charge shall declare him suspended, or expelled, according to the verdict of the committee. (QQ776, 782- 788.) @287. Ans. 3. A copy of the charge and speci- fications shall be delivered to the accused a sufficient length of time before the trial to en- 133 ADMINISTRATION | €288 able him to make necessary preparation for his defense; he shall be allowed the right of un- limited challenge for cause, and the right to interrogate the committeemen to ascertain the cause; the sufficiency of the cause shall be deter- mined by the presiding officer; and the accused shall also have the right of peremptory chal- lenge of two in a committee of five, and in like ratio for any other number. (QQ778-794, 800.) | @288. Ans. 4. The preacher in charge shall preside and decide all questions of law. At the beginning of the trial he shall appoint a secre- tary, who shall keep a record of the evidence and proceedings. When read and approved, the record shall be signed by the president and the secretary. (QQ776, 782-789.) q289. Ans. 5. If after sufficient notice shied ac- cused evade trial, the committee shall proceed as though he were present. Witnesses from without shall not be rejected. If witnesses re- fuse to attend the trial, the preacher in charge shall appoint some discreet member of the Church to take the written statements of the witnesses, as provided in 4262. Ques. 2. What shall be done in case of im- proper tempers, words, or actions, or of dis- obedience to the order and discipline of the Church? @290. Ans. Let private reproof be given by 134 q292] TRIAL OF A MEMBER the preacher in charge or by a leader; and if there be an acknowledgment of the fault and promise of amendment, the person may be borne with; otherwise the preacher must take two or three faithful friends, who shall labor to bring the offender to proper repentance; and if he will not hear them, and there be no sign of amendment, the offender must be dealt with as in case of immorality. (QQ761-788, 802.) Ques. 3. What shall be done when a member disseminates doctrines contrary to our Articles of Religion? q291. Ans. If a member of our Church en- deavor to sow dissension in any of our societies by inveighing against either our doctrines or discipline, he shall first be reproved by the preacher in charge; and if there be persistence in such practice, he shall be dealt with as in case . of immorality. (Q4761—788, 802.) Ques. 4. What shall be done in case of disputes between members of the Church? q292. Ans. 1. Should any dispute concerning the payment of debts, or other matters, occur between members of our Church, which dis- pute cannot be settled by the parties concerned, the preacher in charge shall inquire into the case, and shall recommend to the disputants a reference to a committee of arbitration, con- sisting of members of our Church. Hach dis- 135 ADMINISTRATION [ q293 putant shall choose an arbitrator and these arbitrators shall select another. q293. Ans. 2. If one of the disputants be dissatisfied with the judgment given, he may apply to the Quarterly Conference for a second arbitration; and if that Conference deem best, it shall grant the application. In this case each disputant shall choose two arbitrators, who shall choose a fifth. The judgment of a major- ity of this committee shall be final; and if either person refuse to abide by the judgment, he shall be dealt with as in case of immorality. (QQ761-—788, 802.) q294. Ans. 3. In cases of debt or other dis- putes, if any member of our Church shall refuse to refer the matter to arbitration, when recom- mended by the preacher in charge, or shall enter into a lawsuit with another member before these measures are taken, he shall be dealt with as in case of immorality, unless the case justify a process at law. (761-788, 802.) @295. In cases of suspension or expulsion, the accused shall have the right of appeal to the ensuing Quarterly Conference: provded, that notice of his intention to appeal be given to the pastor at the time of the condemnation, or as soon as he is Officially informed thereof. (qQ706, 793, 802.) q296. Any traveling or local preacher, or lay member, who shall hold public religious 136 q296 | TRIAL OF A MEMBER services within the bounds of any charge, when requested by the preacher in charge not to hold such services, shall be deemed guilty of imprudent conduct, and shall be dealt with as the law provides in such cases. (Q761-788, 802.) 137 APPEALS [ Q297 CHAPTER VII APPEALS SECTION I OF THE APPEAL OF A TRAVELING PREACHER @297. There shall be a Committee of Appeals to review and determine all cases of appeals by traveling preachers. (QQ778, 776, 780, 782-784, 786, 787, 791, 801, 802.) The committee shall be composed of one Bishop, to be selected by the College of Bishops, having regard to the accessibility of the Bishop of that year, and also four traveling ministers who are elders, and three lay members, to be elected by the General Conference on nomination of the Committee on Itinerancy, to hold office until the close of the next General Conference. q298. The Bishop shall preside at all meet- ings, and a vote of four members of the com- mittee concurring shall be sufficient to decide all questions. @299. No member of the committee of trial or representative of the accused or any person connected with the case or personally interested in it shall sit at the hearing of an appeal. (Q782.) 138 @305 | A TRAVELING PREACHER q300. If any member of the committee be challenged, he shall withdraw, and the remain- der of the committee shall decide whether he is competent to sit in the case. ((783.) The Bishop and four members of the committee shall constitute a quorum. q301. If a vacancy occur by death, resigna- tion, or otherwise, it shall be filled by the com- mittee, and the appointee shall hold office till the close of the next General Conference. q@302. At the call of the presiding Bishop, unless for good reasons he shall designate a different place, the committee shall sit at the Publishing House in Nashville, Tenn. @303. The Committee of Appeals shall meet once a year, unless there be no business before it, or unless the appeal be continued by agree- ment of the parties. @304. When a case is called, the appellant shall file a written statement of the errors he complains of and of the reasons he assigns and relies upon for a reversal of the decision. He shall then, in person or by representative, state the grounds of his appeal, and shall be per- mitted to make his argument without inter- ruption, so long as his defense is within the HEED of the case. <.Q305. The representative of the committee of trial shall then be permitted to respond, and the appellant may reply. At the conclusion of 139 APPEALS | G306 the argument, the committee shall consider the case privately and announce its decision to the respective parties. The committee may take the case under advisement for such time as may be necessary properly to examine it, and by letter notify the parties of the decision, if they be not present. If either party have no repre- sentative present, the committee shall appoint some one to represent him. The decision of the committee shall be final, and shall be re- ported to the next General Conference for record. @306. The committee shall appoint one of its members secretary, who shall keep a complete record, which shall be committed to the custody of the Publishing Agents. @307. As soon as practicable after adjourn- ment of the committee of trial, its secretary shall send all records and documents relating to the appeal in some secure manner to the Publishing Agents, who shall preserve them for the use of the Committee of Appeals. Also, the secretary of the committee of trial, from which the appeal is taken, shall immediately notify the presiding Bishop of the Committee of Ap- peals that an appeal has been taken and the record sent. q30g. If the presiding Bishop appointed be ynable to sit, or if he be interested in the case, anotner Bishop shall be designated by the 140 G311 | A TRAVELING PREACHER College of Bishops, who shall have all the powers of the presiding Bishop. q309. If the Committee of Appeals decide that the appellant be expelled from the member- ship of the Church or from the ministry, he shall not be restored to the communion of the Church until he gives satisfactory evidence of repentance of the offense for which he was ex- pelled, unless the Annual Conference become convinced of his innocence, in which case he may be restored to his former standing by a two-thirds vote of the Conference. (703, F1b) q310. The Committee of Appeals may reverse the decision of a committee of trial, or remand the case for a new trial, or affirm the decision. In all cases the secretary of the Com- mittee of Appeals shall notify the Annual Con- ference concerned (791) of its decision, and if a written decision be filed, shall send a copy. (Q715.) In case of reversal the appellant is restored to the position he held prior to the trial. If the case be remanded, the secretary shall send to the Annual Conference con- cerned all records and documents sent with the appeal to be used, if needed, in the new trial. @311. Whenever cases of conflict in authority or administration arising in any of the General Boards or with any other Church authority, or between the Boards themselves, in the conduct 141 APPEALS | 312 of affairs either at home or on the foreign fields, shall be brought to the attention of the presi- dent in a written statement signed by at least one Bishop, two preachers, and three laymen, the Committee of Appeals shall sit as the Board of Conflict at the call of its president or at other times to consider or decide such cases. In these cases the committee shall take testimony according to the law of our Church ((Q761-797, 800-802), shall hear representatives of the parties in interest, and decide the cause at issue. Its decision shall be final. q312. On the written request of one-third of a Board, attested by its Chairman and Secre- tary, the Committee of Appeals shall sit as a Judiciary Committee to decide questions of law which may arise in the administration of the affairs of our General Boards and Committees, either at home or in the foreign fields. @313. The necessary expense of the com- mittee shall be paid from the General Con- ference fund. SECTION II OF THE APPEAL OF A LOCAL PREACHER @314. When a local preacher appeals from the decision of a committee of trial, the presi- dent of the Annual Conference shall appoint a committee of not less than nine nor more than 142 q318 | A LOCAL PREACHER thirteen, who shall try the case. Its decision shall be final. (QQ778, 776, 781, 784, 786-794, 800, 802.) @315. No member of the committee of trial shall be appointed on this committee. ({783.) @316. The records of the trial shall be the only evidence considered by the committee. The decision rendered, together with the whole record of the case, shall be delivered to the secretary of the Conference. @317. The appellant, in person or by repre- sentative (who shall be a member of the Annual Conference) (4782), shall state the grounds of his appeal, and shall be permitted to make his . argument without interruption, so long as his defense is within the record of the case. The representative of the committee of trial shall then be permitted to respond, and the appellant may reply. At the conclusion of the argument, the committee shall consider the case privately and announce its decision to the respective parties. @318. No local preacher, after trial and ex- pulsion, shall be restored until he give satis- factory evidence of repentance of the offense for which he was expelled, unless the District Conference become convinced of his innocence, in which case the Conference may restore him to his previous standing. (4703.) 143 APPEALS | 4319 SECTION III OF THE APPEAL OF A MEMBER q319. Any suspended or expelled member may appeal to the next Quarterly Conference. If appeal be made, the preacher in charge shall present to the Conference the record of the trial, from which record the case shall finally be determined. (QQ706, 773, 776, 782, 784, 786- 794, 800, 802.) 320. No member of the committee of trial shall vote on the appeal. (@783, 797.) @321. The appellant, in person or by his representative (who shall be a member of the Church) (@782), shall state the grounds of his appeal, and shall be permitted to make his argu- - ment without interruption, so long as his defense is within the record of the case. The representa- tive of the committee of trial shall then be per- mitted to respond, and the appellant may reply. The appellant and the representative of the com- mittee shail then withdraw, and the majority of the members of the Quarterly Conference present shall finally determine the case. @322. No member, after trial and expulsion, shall be restored until he give satisfactory ev- dence of repentance of the offense for which he was expelled, unless the Quarterly Conference become convinced of his innocence, in which case he may be restored. (QQ703, 715.) 144 324 | TRAVELING DEACONS OR ELDERS CHAPTER VIII THE DEPRIVATION AND RESTORATION OF CREDENTIALS = SECTION I OF THE CREDENTIALS OF TRAVELING DEACONS OR ELDERS @323. When a traveling deacon or elder is deprived of his credentials of ordination, by ex- pulsion or otherwise, they shall be filed with the papers of his Annual Conference. (@@694, 715, 804-808.) @324. When a minister of our Church desires to surrender his credentials and retain his mem- bership, he shall be permitted to do so, and to designate the Church in which he will hold membership; and the secretary of the Confer- ence to which he surrenders his credentials shall issue to him a certificate of membership in the Church: provided, that no minister shall be per- mitted to take such action when charges in- volving his character have been made and sus- tained or are pending. (Q@Q694, 715, 803-808.) However, when his character is involved in cases where the law permits final adjustment by the surrender of credentials, this shall be also 145 CREDENTIALS | (325 the surrender of membership in the Church. (q803.) @325. Should he later give satisfactory evi- dence to the Conference of his amendment or innocence, and procure a certificate of the Quarterly Conference of the charge in which he resides, or of the Annual Conference that admitted him on trial, recommending their restoration by the Annual Conference to which he surrendered his credentials, the Conference may restore them. (Q@694, 806-808.) SECTION II OF THE CREDENTIALS OF LOCAL DEACONS OR ELDERS @326. When a local deacon or elder is de- prived of his credentials of ordination, by expul- sion or otherwise, the Presiding Elder shall re- quire them of him, and file them with the An- nual Conference in the bounds of which the local preacher resides. (@Q694, 715, 803-808.) @327. Should he later produce to the Annual Conference a recommendation from the Dis- trict Conference for the restoration of his cre- dentials, signed by its president and secretary, they may be restored to him. (694, 806- 808.) 146 q329 | GENERAL COMMISSION CHAPTER IX COMMISSION ON BUDGET SECTION I GENERAL COMMISSION ON BUDGET @328. Provision for the incomes from assess- ments of the various Church Boards, General and Conference, for the support of the Bishops, superannuated preachers, the widows and or- phan children of preachers, the expense of the General Conference, and for meeting the needs of other interests calling for financial support, shall be made according to the following plan: @329. There shall be a Commission on Bud- get constituted as follows: Six ministers and seven lay members, none of whom shall be a member of any Connectional Board, to be nom- inated by the College of Bishops and elected by the General Conference. Vacancies occurring during the quadrennium shall be filled by the Commission. The General Secretary of each of the Boards having charge of interests for which assessments are made or some one appointed by the Board to represent the Board and one Publishing Agent shall appear before the Com- mission to represent the interest for which they 147 COMMISSION ON BUDGET | {330 are responsible. The Commission elected at each General Conference may meet annually on eall of the President, and shall serve until the adjournment of the next succeeding quadren- nial General Conference. Eight members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum. The expenses of this Commission shall be paid by the Treasurer of the General Conference Ex- pense Fund. @330. The assessménts upon the Church for all the various general interests, including For- eign Missions, Home Missions, Church Ex- tension, Education, American Bible Society, Bishops, General Conference expenses, Sunday Schools, Epworth Leagues, and any other be- nevolent interests which may be indorsed by the General Conference, shall be aggregated and assessed in a single sum. @331. The Commission on Budget, after mak- ing diligent effort to secure full information regarding all the general interests of the Church, that none may be neglected or jeopardized, shall recommend to the General Conference, for its action and determination, the total amount to be assessed for all these connectional inter- ests. This amount shall be apportioned to the several Conferences by the Commission on Budget, according to such plan as the General Conference shall adopt (336), or as the Com- mission may adopt in case the General Confer- 148 3832 | GENERAL COMMISSION ence fails to act. The apportionment to an An- nual Conference or a Mission shall be distribu- ted to the several Districts as that Conference or Mission may decide, and the District Stew- ards shall distribute to the pastoral charges the amounts asked of their respective Districts. @332. The Commission on Budget shall de- termine what percentage of the total sum as- sessed and of the receipts therefrom shall be allotted to each of the interests included in the assessments: provided, that any pastoral charge which has paid its assessment in full shall have the privilege of directing any surplus paid by it to any of the benevolences it may choose. All amounts collected on the total assessments shall be sent to the Conference Treasurer, who shall make monthly distribution, according to the allotment made by the Commission on Budget, to the Treasurers of the various Boards and for the various causes. The Treasurer of each of the several Conference Boards, as well as each of the Conference Treasurers, before en- tering upon the discharge of his official duties, shall execute and deliver (with some security company authorized to do business in the State in which such Treasurer-elect is a resident as surety thereto) a bond conditioned upon the faithful discharge of his duties as such Treasur- er; the amount of the bond and the custodian thereof to be determined, and the premium 149 COMMISSION ON BUDGET | 9333 thereof to be paid, by the Board or Conference he is to serve. SECTION II CONFERENCE COMMISSION ON BUDGET @333. There shall be in each Annual Confer- ence a Commission on Budget, composed of five ministers and six lay members, none of whom shall be a member of any Conference Board, who shall be elected at the first Annual Conference following the General Conference. The Chairman of each Conference Board or Commission or some other person appointed by the Board or Commission shall have oppor- tunity to represent the claims of his Board or Commission before the Budget Commission. This Conference Commission on Budget shall serve for a quadrennium. (681, 682.) @334. The Conference Commission on Budget, after making diligent effort to secure full infor- mation regarding all the Conference interests that none may be neglected or jeopardized, shall recommend to the Annual Conference, for its action and determination, the total amount to be assessed for all these interests. This amount shall be apportioned to the several Dis- tricts according to such plan as the Conference may adopt, or as the Commission may adopt in case the Conference fails to act. The District 150 @335 | CONFERENCE COMMISSION Stewards shall distribute to the pastoral charges the amounts asked of their several Districts. | (Q747.) @335. The Conference Commission on Bud- get shall determine what percentage of the total sum assessed, and of the receipts therefrom, shall be allotted to each of the interests represented, subject to the approval of the Conference. All amounts collected on the total assessments shall be sent to the Conference Treasurer, who shall make monthly distribution, according to the allotment made by the Conference Commission on Budget, to the Treasurers of the several Con- ference Boards and for the several causes. The Treasurers of the several Conference Boards, as well as the Conference Treasurer, shall be secured by an adequate and solvent surety com- pany’s bond. 151 BOARD OF APPORTIONMENT | G336 CHAPTER X BOARD OF APPORTIONMENT @336. The Secretary of the College of Bish- ops, or, in his absence, a Bishop, the Secretary of the Board of Missions, the Secretary of the Board of Church Extension, the Secretary of the Board of Education, and the Book Editor, shall together constitute the Board of Appor- tionment. The Bishop shall be the Chairman and the Book Editor shall be the Secretary of the Board. It shall be the duty of the Board to meet at Nashville in the month of June follow- ing each session of the General Conference, and proceed to fix a ratio for the apportionment among the several Annual Conferences of the general connectional assessments. Such ratios shall be expressed in decimals of four figures, and shall be determined in the following man- ner, to wit: An apportionment shall be made according to the number of members in the several Annual Conferences, and another ac- cording to the amounts contributed therein during the preceding quadrennium for the sup- port of Presiding Elders and preachers in charge, not counting missionary collections or appropriations. The average of the two frac- 152 G336 | BOARD OF APPORTIONMENT tions thus obtained for any Annual Conference shall constitute the fractional part of each of the several assessments upon the Church at large to be apportioned to such Conference. The Board shall take into consideration any changes that may have taken place in Conference boundaries, and adjust the ratios according to statistical returns from the territory affected by such changes. The ratios so determined shall continue in force until the next quadren- nial meeting of the Board: provided, that for sufficient reasons, of which they shall be the judges, the Board of Missions, the Board of Church Extension, and the Board of Education shall each have the power to reduce the amount apportioned for its benefit to any Annual Con- ference; but the amount thus taken off any such Annual Conference shall not be added to the apportionment of any other Conference or Conferences. (@331.) 153 BOARD OF FINANCE [ 9337 CHAPTER XI BOARD OF FINANCE SECTION I GENERAL BOARD OF FINANCE @337. The support of the Conference claim- ants of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, formerly administered by the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and the Joint Boards of Finance of the several Annual Conferences, shall hereafter be conducted under the following provisions and regulations: @338. There shall be a Board of Finance, con- sisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and twenty-one Managers, com- posed of three Bishops, nine traveling preachers, and nine lay members, to be elected quadren- nially by the General Conference on nomination of the Committee on Conference Claimants, excepting the Secretary, who shall be elected by ballot as are the other connectional officers; and to continue in office until their successors are elected and accept. The Board shall fill all vacancies that may occur during the intervals of the General Conference. The Board shall re- 154 341 | , GENERAL BOARD (ce ceeeete: Se ee eta tl eh al ge ep i il Se i a a quire good and sufficient bond of all officers re- ‘sponsible far its funds. @339. This Board shall be incorporated and organized under the name and style of ‘‘The Board of Finance of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South,” under the laws of the State of Missouri, with its principal office at St. Louis, and be subject to such amendments to its char- ter as may from time to time be adopted under the sanction of the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South; subject, however, to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the General Conference not contrary to said charter nor in excess of the powers that may be thereunder lawfully ex- ercised, and to be subject to the rules and regu- lations, usages and discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, now existing or here- after to be created. @340. The Secretary shall be the executive officer of the Board, conducting its correspond- ence under its direction, and shall be subject to the authority and control of the Board, by whom his salary shall be fixed and paid. He may bea member af any Annual Conference, but shall reside where the Board is located. @341. The Board shall be located in St. Louis, Missouri, and shall meet annually, and at such other times as the Board or the Presi- dent and Secretary may appoint. Eleven shall 155 BOARD OF FINANCE . | 4342 constitute a quorum. The fiscal year of the Board shall close on March 81. @342. The Board shall have authority to ‘regulate its own proceedings; to determine what amount the General Conference shall be asked to assess the Church annually for the General Superannuate Endowment Fund, and for distribution to the superannuates and widows of preachers and for the expenses of the Board, and the collections on the annual — assessment authorized by the General Confer-— ence for said purpose shall be remitted by the respective Annual Conference Treasurers di- rect to the Board of Finance at its headquarters ~ in St. Louis, Missouri, in accordance with the law of the Church concerning the remittance of — collections on assessments for connectional or general work; to appropriate money to pay in- cidental expenses; to determine the amount to distribute to the several claimants on this Fund, as may hereinafter be provided; and to do such other business as may be legitimate and proper for it to do: provided, however, that no money shall be appropriated for other purposes than oO ee the support of Conference claimants, and that — no part of the capital of the endowment funds ~ of the Board shall ever be spent or appropriated — for arty purpose. @343. The Board shall have authority to raise or receive from tke Board of Trustees of the 156 Q344 | GENERAL BOARD Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and from other proper sources, funds and properties for the Superannuate Endowment Fund; to receive and hold in trust, in the interest of the superan- nuated preachers and the widows of preachers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, real or personal property, and to sell and convey it for the use herein declared; to receive from any Annual Conference or Annual Conference Board of Finance, or Board of Trustees for su- perannuated preachers, or from any other per- son, body, or organization, any funds belonging to or constituting Superannuate Endowment Funds, and to hold, invest, administer, and dis- burse these funds upon the same terms and con- ditions as were applicable to them in the hands of the person, Conference, body, or organization originally holding them; to invest funds, on adequate security to be determined by the Board, the interest from which shall be paid an- nually under the rules of the Board to the su- perannuated preachers and widows of preach- ers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. These provisions shall apply to all Superannu- ate Endowment Funds now in the hands of the Board of Trustees.or other bodies herein above specified, or which shall hereafter come into their hands. @344. It shall be lawful for the Board to ac- cept contributions to its funds from any person 157 BOARD OF FINANCE [ 345 or persons capable of making them, subject to annuities, payable to the order of the person or persons making such donations; but all amounts so received shall be loaned on adequate security or securities, and the aggregate amount of the annuities that the Board shall assume to pay shall never be allowed to exceed one-half of the interest receivable by said Board. @345. The Board shall have authority to es- tablish codperative, participating, annuity, or other plans, for the use of traveling preach- ers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, looking to better provision for their old age and for their families: provided, that it shall not place in jeopardy the permanent or endowment funds of the Board. @346. Funds available for appropriation an- nually by this Board shall be distributed to the claimants of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, as follows: 1. To the superannuated preachers, on the basis of years of service. 2. To the widows of deceased preachers, on the basis of the number of years that they have been the wives of effective traveling preachers; and the amount shall be two-thirds of that paid to the superannuated preachers for a like num- ber of effective years of service. (QQ734, 735.) @347. This Board shall be authorized to re- ceive from Conference Boards of Finance funds 158 @349 | CONFERENCE BOARD and properties, to invest them, and to pay the income therefrom to these Boards in the inter- est of their claimants. @348. The Secretary of each Annual Confer- ence shall certify to the Secretary of this Board the names and years of active service of the superannuated preachers and of the widows of preachers of the Annual Conference. SECTION II CONFERENCE BOARD OF FINANCE @349. Each Annual Conference shall organ- ize a Conference Board of Finance, composed of one lay member from each District, and an equal number of clerical members, which shall. be auxiliary to the Board of Finance and shall have charge of all the interests and work of pro- - viding for the Conference claimants, except as provided for by the General Board. (4681, 682, 726.) The Conference Board of Finance shall annually estimate the amount that will probably be necessary to provide a reasonable support for the ensuing year for the superannu- ated preachers, and the widows and orphaned children of deceased members of the Conference, and recommend this amount for assessment upon the Conference, as other funds are assessed upon the Annual Conference. (729, 733- 737.) 159 BOARD OF FINANCE | 4350 @350. The Conference Board of Finance shall distribute the moneys received on assess- ment and otherwise to the superannuated preachers, and widows and orphans of deceased members of the Conference, according to their several necessities (Q730): provided, however, that in case of equal necessity the Board may take into account the time of active service ren- dered by the claimants; and provided, further, that when a preacher breaks down in the work, and is placed on the superannuate list, his claim shall begin from the time at which he ceased to receive any support from his last charge. (QQ727, 728.) @351. The members of the Conference Board of Finance shall collect such authentic informa- tion in regard to the financial circumstances of the claimants on the Board as will facilitate the business of the Board at its annual meeting. 352. The Conference Board of Finance shall decide all issues that may exist between the stewards and the presiding elders, or any of the preachers, in regard to salaries, and its decision shall be final; but in no case shall it allow any preacher to have a claim on the Church he has served, as of debt, after his pastoral connection has ceased. (Q@749, 750.) @353. 'The Conference Board shall make an annual report to the Annual Conference, giving the names, addresses, and years of active service 160 @354 | CONFERENCE ‘BOARD of the superannuated preachers and widows of preachers of the Conference, showing separately the amount paid to each of these claimants for the year by the Conference Board and by the General Board, and stating the names of any of these claimants who have died during the year; the names of orphaned children of deceased members of the Conference, with the amount paid to each for the year by the Conference Board, shall also be given; and the report shall be published in the Annual Conference Minutes. (Q’728.) @354. The Conference Board shall make an annual report to the General Board, immediate- ly following the session of the Annual Con- ference, using the report form provided by the General Board. 6 161 SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD [ @355 CHAPTER XII SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD SECTION I THE GENERAL SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD @355. For the purpose of promoting the re- ligious instruction and training of our children, youth, and adults, and for the spread of Bible knowledge, there shall be a General Sunday School Board, incorporated according to the laws of the State of Tennessee, under the name of “‘The General Sunday School Board of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South,” with headquarters in the city of Nashville. The Board shall have oversight of the Sunday school work of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, including allied week-day religious in- struction, under such regulations as the General Conference may prescribe, and shall have au- thority to make such by-laws for its government as it may find expedient, in harmony with this Constitution. @356. The Board shall be composed of three effective Bishops, twelve traveling preachers, and twelve lay members, to be elected quadren- nially by the General Conference on nomina- 162 @359 | | GENERAL BOARD tion of the Committee on Sunday Schools, and the Sunday School Editor and the General Secretary, who shall be members ex officio. Fifteen members shall constitute a quorum. q357. All vacancies occurring during the interval between General Conferences shall be filled by the Board; the members so elected to serve until the close of the next General. Conference, except that a vacancy among the Bishops who are members shall be filled by the College of Bishops. Two consecutive unexcused absences from the sessions shall auto- matically cancel membership on the Board. @358. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Sunday School Editor, the General Secretary, the President of the Board, and two clerical and two lay members, to — be elected quadrennially by the Board. The Executive Committee shall transact all the busi- ness of the Board between its regular and ealled meetings, but all its actions shall be subject to confirmation by the Board. The Chairman of the Executive Committee shall be elected by the Board. Four members shall constitute a quorum. @359. The duties of the Board shall be as fol- lows: 1. To awaken general interest throughout the Church in the Christian instruction and training 163 SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD | G359 of children, youth, and adults, and to arouse the Church to the magnitude of this responsi- bility. 2. To inaugurate and promote plans of evan- gelism in the Sunday school to the end that each pupil may be led, through the operation of the Holy Spirit, to a knowledge of God’s will and to an acceptance of Jesus Christ as personal Sav- iour and Lord. 3. To inaugurate and promote plans for Sun- day school extension throughout the Church and to contribute to the support of Sunday schools requiring assistance in mission territory. 4. To determine and promote standards of efficiency for the Sunday school. 5. To determine the Sunday school curricu- lum, including special courses for parents, pas- tors, Sunday school officers and teachers and Wesley classes, and courses for week-day reli- gious instruction correlated with the Sunday school. 6. To consider and pass upon recommenda- tions made by the Sunday School Editor in re- gard to literature for the various departments of Sunday school work. 7. To provide for the training of teachers, of- ficers, and other leaders in Sunday school work by maintaining a correspondence department, organizing and supervising training schools, and cooperating with schools and colleges in promot- 164 q359 | GENERAL BOARD ing Christian education, and to make such ar- rangements for the supervision of this work as it may deem necessary. 8. To provide for Conferences, Institutes, and other meetings in the interest a Sunday school work. 9. To codperate with Rodetace Sunday School Boards in promoting Conference Sunday school organization and other work of the Con- ference Board for the purpose of bringing about the effective codrdination and cooperation of our Sunday school forces. 10. To maintain Departments of Elementary Work, Intermediate, Senior, and Young Peo- ple’s Work, Adult Work, Home and Parent- Teacher Work, and School Administration, to determine the scope of the work of each de- partment, and to provide for the several departments such supervision as it may deem necessary. 11. To provide for education in missions in all our Sunday schools and to promote and supervise Sunday school work in all our mission fields and in home mission territory in accord- ance with plans to be worked out in codperation with the Board of Missions. 12. To assign to Sunday schools and depart- ments and classes in Sunday schools such spe- cials in home and foreign missions as are re- served for this purpose by the Board of Missions 165 SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD [ G359 after consultation with the General Sunday School Board, and other specials that may be selected by the General Sunday School Board in its own field of work. 13. To make provision at its discretion for co- operation with any of the General Boards of the Church in any matters which, in the judgment of the Boards concerned, may best be provided for jointly. 14. To arrange any needed codperation in its own field of work with other denominations and agencies: provided, that no such arrangement shall interfere with the right and responsibility of the Church to provide and control its own organizations and programs of work, both gen- eral and Conference, or with its right and re- sponsibility, through its own properly consti- tuted channels, to provide for and to supervise the training of its own Sunday school teachers and officers and for the religious instruction and training of its own children, youth, and adults: and provided, further, that to the Annual Con- ferences shall be reserved the right to determine each for itself whether or not it shall undertake so to codperate with other denominations or agencies. 15. To provide, in codperation with the Stew- ardship Department of the General Board of Lay Activities, instruction and training in the principles of Christian stewardship, which shall 166 ~ F360 | GENERAL BOARD include: (1) The consideration of Christian stewardship in connection with the regular expositions of the International Uniform Les- sons; (2) the incorporation of suitable studies on this subject in any future revisions of the International Graded Lessons; (3) the prepara- tion of one or more elective courses for Inter- mediates, Seniors, Young People, and Adults; (4) and the inclusion of a unit on Christian Stewardship in the curriculum of the Sunday School Standard Training Course. @360. The Board shall elect from its member- ship a President and two Vice Presidents, and it shall also elect a Recording Secretary and a Treasurer. It shall also elect such officers and assistants as may be required for carrying out its duties as set forth in the preceding para- graph. The Editor and the General Secre- tary and all the officers elected by the Board shall be responsible to it for the faithful performance of their duties, and also, ex- cept the Editor and the General Secretary, may~ be removed at any time by a majority of the Board. ‘Their salaries shall be fixed by the Board and paid out of its funds, except that the salary of the Editor shall be provided for as hereinafter defined and that the salary and travel expense of the General Secretary and of the officer in charge of training work and the expenses of the correspondence section of train- 167 SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD [ (361 ing work shall be met in the same way as is the salary of the Sunday School Editor. @361. The Sunday School Editor, and such Assistant Editors as he may designate, the Gen- eral Secretary, the officer in charge of leadership training, department superintendents, and such other persons as the Board may elect shall con- stitute a Committee on Curriculum. It shall be the duty of this committee to consider such matters in regard to the Sunday school cur- riculum, as defined in 4359 (5), as the Sunday School Editor and the General Secretary may jointly bring before it, and to make such recom- mendations to the Editor and the General Secretary as it may agree upon. Care should be exercised by the Sunday School Editor that all material accepted shall be conformed to our existing and established standards of doctrine as stated in the Discipline. @362. The General Conference shall elect quadrennially a Sunday School Editor, whose duties it shall be, after consultation with the General Secretary, to recommend to the General Sunday School Board and to the Book Commit- tee and Publishing Agents such books, period- icals, and other literature as the Sunday school work of the Church may require, including mis- sionary and social service lesson material for use in Sunday schools and in allied week-day religious instruction, and programs for Mission- 168 G363 | GENERAL BOARD ary Sunday in the Sunday school; to provide for the preparation of this literature and to edit it, and to promote through the Sunday school publications the plans and policies adopted by the General Sunday School Board. He shall re- port annually to the Book Committee ana to the General Sunday School Board, and quadrennial- ly to the General Conference, the conditions and needs of Sunday school literature. The Book Committee shall pay his salary and furnish him with all necessary editorial and clerical assist- ance. A vacancy in the Sunday School Editor- ship shall be filled by the Sunday School Board. @363. The General Conference shall elect quadrennially a General Sunday School Secre- tary, who, under such rules as the General Sun- day School Board may adopt, shall have general supervision and direction of all work projected by the Board in all its departments, except as limited by the authority and duties of the Sun- day School Editor. He shall advise the Sunday School Editor concerning the literature required for carrying out the plans and programs of the Board and for meeting the needs of our Sunday schools, of allied week-day religious instruction and of leadership training. He shall supervise the initiation of new policies and shall be re- sponsible for the codrdination of the plans of all departments and of all programs of work. He shall look after the legal and other business of 169 SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD [ G364 the Board and shall be responsible to the Board for the execution of its policies and for promot- ing the circulation of our Sunday school litera- ture. Heshall make annual reports to the Board and quadrennial reports to the General Con- ference as to the needs and conditions of the Sunday school work of the Church. @364. If the Sunday School Editor or the General Secretary shall be under report of im- morality or shall be accused thereof in writing signed by a minister or a member of our Church, there shall be a speedy investigation according to the chapter on Administration of Discipline. If the Committee on Investigation judge a trial necessary, the General Sunday School Board shall immediately suspend the accused from office and take charge of his work until the is- sue of the trial is determined; and if the accused be found guilty, the Board shall declare the office vacant. The Board shall have authority to fill any vacancy in the Editorship or Gen- eral Secretaryship occurring during the interval of General Conferences. _ @365. The Board shall appoint or elect a Committee of Five on Religious Education, which, together with a like committee from the Board of Education, shall constitute a Joint Committee on Religious Education, whose duty it shall be to promote the work cf specific re- ligious instruction and training for religious 170 G368 | GENERAL BOARD leadership in the educational institutions of the Church and other institutions of learning. @366. The Board shall elect five persons, who, together with five representatives elected by the Board of Church Extension, shall constitute a Joint Committee on Sunday School Architec- ture. This committee shall have authority to prepare standards for Sunday school architec- ture for the Church and to recommend such standards to the codperating Boards. The committee shall also be authorized, under such provisions as the Board may agree upon, to offer advice and guidance to the Church in the erection of Sunday school buildings. @367. For the purpose of developing the members of our Sunday schools in Christian character and training them for Christian service through intelligently directed religious activity, the Board shall promote the organi- zation and enrollment of Adult, Young People’s, Senior, and Intermediate Wesley Classes. @368. For the inspiration, instruction, and training of our Wesley Class officers and leaders and in order to encourage mutual fellowship and cooperation between Wesley Classes, the Board shall aid Conference Sunday School Boards in promoting the organization of Charge, City, District, and Conference Wesley Class Feder- ations. When it is deemed best, the annual meeting of the Conference Wesley Class Fed- 171 SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD { (369 eration shall be held in connection with the Sunday School Conference of the Annual Con- ference. @369. In order that the Sunday school work- ers of the Annual Conference may take counsel together for united effort, the Board shall co- operate with Conference Sunday School Boards in promoting the holding annually in each Conference of a Conference-wide meeting to be known as the Sunday School Conference of the Annual Conference. This Conference may elect such officers and provide such organization in harmony with the plans of the General Sun- day School Board as the Conference Sunday School Board may determine. q370. (1) The funds of the Board shall be raised (a) through an assessment laid by the General Conference; (b) through such a percent- age of missionary offerings raised in the Sunday school as shall be agreed upon after mutual con- ference between the Sunday School Board and the Board of Missions; (c) through such specials taken in the Sunday school for support of Sunday school work in mission fields as shall be — arranged jointly by the Sunday School Board | and Board of Missions, and for such other ob- — jects as may be selected by the Board in its own field of work; and (d) through gifts and bequests. (2) The Board may, at its discretion, elect 172 371 | GENERAL BOARD such Field Secretaries as the needs of the work may require, who shall travel in such territory and under such supervision as the Board may determine, for the promotion of any phases of Sunday school work that may be assigned to them by the General Board. @371. The General Sunday School Board, in harmony with the provisions of 359 (8), shall have authority to enter into agreements with Conference Sunday School Boards, in accord with the policies of the General and Annual Conference Sunday School Boards, whereby an Annual Conference Sunday School Board may employ a Sunday School Extension Secretary working in the rural and missionary areas of the Conference. When such agreement is reached and the Conference Sunday School Board has employed a Sunday School Exten- ~ gion Secretary, then one-half of the Missionary Day offering from the Sunday schools shall be devoted to the promotion of Sunday school work in the missionary areas of the Conference, and one-half to the promotion of Sunday school work in the foreign fields, until the budget authorized by the Conference Board for this work in the Conference and the budget author- ized by the General Sunday School Board for Sunday school work in the foreign fields shall have been provided. All funds raised for mis- sions on Missionary Day in the Sunday school 173 SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD [ 372 in excess of the budget for the home and foreign Sunday school extension work shall go to the general missionary work of the Church. To con- serve the results of the work of Sunday school extension and rehabilitation in home mission areas, the Board shall have authority to co- operate with the General Board of Missions in securing pastoral supervision of newly organized charges under the provision of 4469 (2). SECTION II THE CONFERENCE SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD @372. Each Annual Conference, at the session next succeeding the General Conference, shall elect for the quadrennium a Conference Sunday School Board composed of one lay member from each district and an equal number of traveling preachers, the preachers to be selected without regard to district lines: provided, how- ever, that no Conference shall have a Board of less than six members, composed of equal num- bers of lay members and preachers. (4681, 682.) The members of this Board should be selected on the basis of their knowledge of Sun- day school work and their efficiency. Vacancies in the Board shall be filled by the Conference. Two consecutive unexcused absences from the sessions shall cancel membership in the Board. 174 : q374 | CONFERENCE BOARD Under the provisions of this chapter and in harmony with the policies of the General Sun- day School Board, the Conference Board shall have power to determine the scope of its operations. @373. The Board shall organize by the elec- tion of a Chairman, a Vice Chairman, a Secre- tary, a Treasurer, and an Executive Committee: provided, that a majority of members shall be present at the organization meeting. Meetings of the Board shall be held annually during the sessions of the Conference, but a meeting may be called at any time by the Executive Commit- tee. The Executive Committee shall transact the business of the Board between its meetings, but its actions shall be subject to the approval of the Board. The Committee shall, if practi- cable, meet quarterly, but may be called togeth- er at any time by the Chairman. The Chairman of the Board shall be a member of the Execu- tive Committee and shall be its chairman. A majority of the committee shall constitute a quorum. @374. The Board is authorized, with the consent of the Conference, to employ an Ex- ecutive Secretary, who shall be the Conference Superintendent of Sunday School Work. He shall have general supervision of the work committed to the Board, under such regulation as the Board may adopt, and shall direct and 175 SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD [ Q375 supervise the work of all its workers. He shall make quarterly reports to the Executive Com- mittee and an annual report to the Board, and do such other work as the Board shall direct. The Board is authorized, on recommendation of the Chairman and the Conference Superin- tendent, to employ any other workers deemed necessary. Funds to meet the expenses of the Board shall be provided (a) through the regular Conference budget, (b) through Sunday School Day offerings, and (c) through such other chan- nels as the Board may find available. q375. The duties of the Board shall be as fol- lows: 1. To have general oversight of the Sunday school work of the Conference, including allied week-day religious instruction. 2. To promote the organization and develop- ment of new Sunday schools and to assist needy schools in securing proper literature and sup- plies. 3. To promote evangelism through instruc- tion, better organization and equipment, in- struction and training in the principles and practice of Christian stewardship; and more effective training in worship and in missionary, social service, and other forms of religious activity. 4, To promote the training of Sunday school 176 375 | CONFERENCE BOARD teachers and officers and other Christian work- ers. 5. To promote the observance of Sunday School Day, Promotion Day, and Decision Day. 6. To promote the use of our own literature and such additional literature as may be ap- proved by the General Sunday School Board. 7. To publish and distribute such promotion literature as it deems necessary for the advance- ment of its work. 8. To codperate with the General Sunday School Board in carrying out its plans and poli- cies, including the promotion of standards, of Conference, district, subdistrict, city, and cir- cuit Sunday school organization, of training schools, of Wesley Class Federations, and of Conference-wide Sunday School Conferences. 9. To furnish the General Sunday School Board, at the close of each Conference year, a summary of its work, together with the names and addresses of Sunday school superintendents and of district and Conference officers, giving the district, charge, and school of each. 10. To present a written report of its work annually to the Conference, and whenever prac- ticable to hold a Sunday School Anniversary during the Conference session. 11. To estimate annually the amount of money that may be required for the support of the work under its charge and report the amount 177 SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD | €376 to the Conference Commission on Budget for their consideration and direction in fixing the percentages of the various Conference interests. q376. The Board may elect a committee of three or five, one of whom shall be the Confer- ence Superintendent, which, together with a like committee from the Conference Board of Education, shall constitute a Joint Committee on Religious Education, whose duties it shall be to promote the introduction and study of courses of religious education in our Church schools and other institutions of learning. This committee shall work in codperation with the Joint Committee on Religious Education of the General Sunday School Board and the General Board of Education. @377. The Board may elect a committee, one of whom shall be the Conference Superintend- ent, which, together with a like committee of the Conference Board of Church Extension, shall constitute a Joint Committee on Architecture, whose duties it shall be to promote the stand- ards of Sunday school architecture provided by the Joint Committee on Architecture from the General Sunday School Board and the General Board of Church Extension. @378. The Board may, with the authority of the Annual Conference, purchase, lease, or im- prove property for the purpose of providing a place for the training of workers and for the in- | 178 | q381 | THE SUNDAY SCHOOL tellectual, religious, and social culture of our young people, or for any other use of the Board. Such property, if purchased, shall be deeded to a Board of Trustees to be held in trust for the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, for the work of this Board. The trustees shall be nomi- nated by the Sunday School Board and elected by the Conference. Vacancies in the Board of Trustees shall be filled in the same way. The trustees shall be a Board of Control of the prop- erty and may raise funds for its improvement and maintenance. The trustees shall make an annual report through the Sunday School Board to the Annual Conference. SECTION III THE SUNDAY SCHOOL q379. A Sunday school shall be organized in every congregation where ten persons can be assembled for that purpose, and mission Sunday schools shall be organized wherever practicable. @380. Let all Sunday schools connected with our congregations be under the control of our own Church and use our own literature. q381. The Quarterly Conference of each cir- cuit and station shall be a Board of Managers, having charge of all Sunday schools within its bounds. At its fourth session each year, on 179 SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD [ 382 nomination of the preacher in charge, it shall elect a superintendent of each Sunday school (Q758) under its care, and, on nomination of the superintendent, with the concurrence of the pastor, all necessary assistant superintendents, superintendents of departments, and general of- ficers: provided, that when a vacancy occurs in the superintendency of any school during the interim of Quarterly Conferences, the preach- er in charge shall appoint a superintendent to serve until its next session: and provided, that the preacher in charge shall appoint a superin- tendent for any new school that may be or- ganized between the meetings of the Quarterly Conference. It shall be the duty of the Quar- terly Conference to keep itself informed as to the condition and needs of the Sunday schools under its care, and to see that they are fur- nished with all necessary equipment. @382. The Quarterly Conference may con- stitute the pastor, the Sunday school officers elected by it, and not more than three other persons a Sunday School Committee. The du- ties of this committee shall be as follows: to de- termine the policies of the school, supervise its work, including that relating to allied week-day religious instruction, and to provide for the co- ordination of its various departments and ac- tivities; to elect annually, on nomination of the superintendent, the pastor concurring, the 180 G383 | THE SUNDAY SCHOOL teachers of the school and such officers as are not elected by the Quarterly Conference, and with the consent of the pastor and the superin- tendent to remove such officers and teachers, whenever it may be deemed necessary; to pro- vide for and to promote the training of officers and teacher; to create such special and stand- ing committees as it may deem necessary; to elect such members as may be called for on general committees of the local Church; to devise ways and means for securing needed equipment and helps for the Sunday school; to develop, wherever practicable, effective plans for codrdinating the work of the school with that of other agencies of the local Church; to cooperate with the pastor in preparing the an- nual installation service for the Sunday school officers and teachers and to make a full report of its work, through the superintendent, to each Quarterly Conference. The superintendent shall be chairman of the Sunday School Com- mittee @383. Each Sunday school shall have a Work- ers’ Council, which shall be composed of the pastor and general and departmental officers and the teachers of the school. In case, how- ever, the Young People’s and Adult Depart- ments are not organized, one representative of each of these groups shall have membership in the Council. The functions of the Workers’ 181 SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD [ (384 Council shall be as follows: To offer a medium of exchange of ideas between the leaders of the school; to see that the school is organized and conducted according to the standard provided for it by the General Sunday School Board, and to bring the school to a full attainment of the standard as rapidly as possible; to assist in co- ordinating all the plans and policies of the school in the several classes and departments; to con- sider all the interests of the school and to recommend plans and policies to the Sunday School Committee or to the superintendent where no Sunday School Committee has been created ; to consider and to provide for the carry- ing out of plans and policies brought to it by the superintendent or by the Sunday School Com- mittee; to consider with the pastor all matters which he may desire to bring to the attention of the entire local school leadership. The Work- ers’ Council shall meet at least once a month wherever practicable. The superintendent shall preside over its meetings. @384. The superintendent shall see that the Sunday school is organized according to the standards established by the General Sunday School Board; supervise the sessions of the school; see that meetings of the Sunday School Committee and of the Workers’ Coun- cil are regularly held; preside over the meetings of the Sunday School Committee and the 182 q384 | THE SUNDAY SCHOOL Workers’ Council, and bring before each of them all matters requiring their consideration; nominate to the Quarterly Conference, with the concurrence of the pastor, the assistant superintendents, the department superintend- ents, and other officers of the school elected by it; nominate to the Sunday School Committee, after consultation with the respective depart- ment superintendents and with the approval of the pastor, such officers and teachers as are not elected by the Quarterly Conference; or in case no Sunday School Committee has been constituted, after consultation with the re- spective department superintendents, and with the consent of the pastor, appoint all officers not elected by the Quarterly Conference, and remove them when deemed necessary; make a full report to each Quarterly Conference in regard to the work of the school. This report to the Quarterly Conference must include the following items: (1) Number of officers and teachers; (2) number on Cradle Roll; (8) num- ber in Home Department; (4) number of mem- bers in school not included in (1), (2), and (8); (5) total enrollment for the entire school, in- cluding (1), (2), (8), and (4); (6) number of pu- pils uniting with the Church during the quarter; (7) number of persons taking our training courses; (8) amount raised on Sunday School Day (third or fourth Quarterly Conference); 183 SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD [ G385 (9) amount raised for missions during the quar- ter; (10) amount rais3ed for all other purposes during the quarter; (11) total amount raised during the quarter; (12) how far standards of the General Board are being promoted: (18) number of meetings of Workers’ Council held during the quarter; (14) summary of the work of the Sunday School Committee. @385. Each school shall have a secretary and a treasurer. The secretary shall keep accurate records of the school and see that class, de- partment, and school record books are provided and properly kept. The treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all the money raised by the school, receive and pay it out as directed by the Workers’ Council or as the book of Discipline may provide; promote systematic giving by the pupils and prepare an annual budget for the school and submit it to the Sunday School Committee or, in case there be no committee, to the Workers’ Council for approval and direc- tion. Both the secretary and the treasurer shall report at least quarterly to the Sunday School Committee or to the Workers’ Council @386. (1) Let every Sunday school be regard- ed as a missionary organization to promote education in missions; and let the superintend- ent, after consultation with the pastor, appoint annually a committee which shall have special 184 —— — | (388 THE SUNDAY SCHOOL responsibility for the promotion of instruction and training in missions. (2) Let one Sunday in each month, preferably the fourth, be observed as Missionary Day, and let the offering taken on this day, as the Workers’ Council may elect in advance, be a special for missions, jointly approved by the General Board of Missions and the General Sunday School Board; or a special for the promotion of Sunday school work under the General Sunday School Board in missionary areas at home and abroad. @337. Let every Sunday school observe with appropriate services the third Sunday in April, or as near thereto as practicable, as Sunday School Day, and take an offering for Sunday school work, to be forwarded to the Treasurer of the Conference Sunday School Board. Fifty per cent of this offering shall be retained by the Conference Sunday School Board, to be used in its work. The remaining fifty per cent shall be forwarded to the Treasurer of the General Sunday School Board: provided, that when a Conference Sunday School Board employs one or more full-time workers it shall retain all the Sunday School Day offerings for its own use. (Q759.) @388. Each Sunday school shall have a stewardship director, selected in the same man- ner as the other general officers of the school 185 SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD | G389 (381), who shall be the representative of the Sunday school on the Christian Stewardship Committee of the local Church, and whose duty it shall be to promote the knowledge and prac- tice of the principles of Christian stewardship through the various organizations and depart- ments of the Sunday school. SECTION IV THE PREACHER IN CHARGE @389. The preacher in charge, with the aid of the Quarterly Conference, shall organize a Sunday school in every congregation where as many as ten persons can be brought together for that purpose, and organize mission schools in the bounds of his charge wherever it is prac- ticable. @390. He shall see that each school in his charge is supplied with our periodicai literature, and, after consultation with the superintendent and the Sunday School Committee, decide what books and other publications shall be used in the school. @391. He shall attend the schools as often as practicable, be present whenever possible at the meetings of the Sunday School Committee and the Workers’ Council, advise with the super- intendent and the Sunday School Committee in 186 q394 | PREACHER IN CHARGE regard to the work of the school, and preach on the subject of Sunday schools and the re- ligious training of children. @392. He shall preach to children, catechize them in the Sunday school and in public meet- ings appointed for that purpose, and form class- es wherever he can for the instruction of the larger children and youth in the Bible and in the doctrines and history of our Church; and where he cannot superintend them personally, appoint suitable leaders for that purpose. In his pas-. toral visitation he shall pay special attention to the children and speak to them personally on experimental and practical godliness, according to their capacity. @393. He shall see that a Committee on Mis- sions is appointed in each Sunday school, that one Sunday in each month is observed as Missionary Day, and that an offering is taken on that day, in accordance with the provisions of Q386. and see that an annual installation service for Sunday school officers and teachers is held. It shall also be his duty to see that the third Sunday in April, or as near thereto as practicable, is observed in each Sunday school as Sunday School Day, and that an offering is taken, and to have it forwarded at once to the Treasurer of the Conference Sunday School Board. @394. He shall make a written report to each 187 SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD [ G395 Quarterly Conference on the number and state of Sunday schools, including information in re- gard to all phases of work provided for in the standards of the General Sunday School Board; and annually to the Conference Sunday School Board on blanks furnished by the Board, and to the Annual Conference on the following items: (1) Number of Sunday schools; (2) num- ber of officers and teachers; (8) number on Cra- dle Roll; (4) number in Home Department; (5) ‘number of members not included in (2), (8), and (4); (6) total enrollment, including (2), (3), (4), and (5); (7) average weekly attendance; (8) number of pupils uniting with Church dur- ing the year; (9) number of persons taking our training course; (10) number of Wesley Classes; (11) amount raised on Sunday School Day; (12) amount raised for missions during the year; (13) amount raised for all other purposes during the year; (14) total amount raised during the year. SECTION V THE PRESIDING ELDER @395. The Presiding Elder shall promote the Sunday school cause by aiding in the establish- ment of new schools, visiting the schools of his District as often as practicable, preaching on the religious training of children, and en-— 188 : : ; q397 | PRESIDING ELDER couraging the holding of Sunday School Con- ferences, Institutes, and Training Schools. q396. He shall urge in his institutes, in his visitation to Sunday schools, and especially, under the missionary question in the Quarterly Conference, that every Sunday school in his District be organized for missions by appointing a Missionary Committee and observing Mis- sionary Day and see that Sunday School Day is observed in each congregation in his District. @397. He shall see that the Quarterly Con- ference of each charge performs its duties as a Board of Managers of the Sunday Schools, in- quire at each Quarterly Conference whether the schools are organized according to the require- ments of the Discipline and are supplied with our own books and periodical literature; wheth- er the rule respecting the instruction of children has been faithfully observed, and furnish to the Chairman of the Sunday School Board at each Annual Conference a complete list of the Sunday school superintendents of his District, with their post office addresses and the names of the charges and schools with which they are connected. 189 EPWORTH LEAGUE BOARD | G398 CHAPTER XIII EPWORTH LEAGUE BOARD SECTION I PURPOSES OF THE EPWORTH LEAGUE Question. What directions are given concern- ing the organization of our young people into societies under the control of the Church? @398. Ans. The pastor shall organize Ep- worth Leagues for the cultivation of Christian fellowship 2mong young people, the expression of their Christian experience in prayer, testi- mony, and exhortation; their instruction and training in personal evangelism; their training in Church life and teaching; their employment in works of charity and social service; their in- struction in missionary ideals and principles, and their training in Christian stewardship; their direction to lives of service at home and * abroad; and the supplying of their normal re- quirements of recreation and social life under the safeguards of religion and by the aid of courses of reading and study. | 190 q401 | GENERAL BOARD SECTION II THE GENERAL EPWORTH LEAGUE BOARD The purposes herein expressed shall be car- ried out by a Board and executive officers or- ganized under the following Constitution: @399. The name of this organization shall be “The Epworth League of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, South.” q400. The management of the Epworth League shall be vested in a Board of seventeen members, constituted as follows: Seven clerical and seven lay members, elected by the General Conference on nomination of the Committee on Epworth Leagues, the President of the Board, appointed by the College of Bishops, the Gener- al Secretary, and the Education and Promotion Secretary of the Board of Missions. The Board shall have power at any regular or called meet- ing to fill vacancies that may occur. @401. The Board shall have authority to reg- ulate its own proceedings, raise money under the provisions of this Constitution, appropriate money to defray its expenses and the expenses of its officers in the discharge of their duties, to provide the officers with clerical help, and to ‘pass by-laws for its own government. It shall have supervision, according to the intent of this Constitution, of the young people’s societies herein described, and shall be charged with the 191 EPWORTH LEAGUE BOARD | G402 formation and development of the same through- out the Church. @402. The officers of the Board shall be, (1) a President, who shall be one of the Bishops desig- nated by the College of Bishops; (2) a Vice President, to be elected by the Board for four years; (8) a General Secretary, who shall be elected by ballot by the General Conference: provided, however, that the Board may fill a vacancy occurring in the General Secretary- ship during the interim between General Con- ferences. On nomination of the General Secre- tary, the Board may elect an Assistant Secre- tary who shall serve also as Treasurer, and such assistants as may berequired. They may also, in connection with the Board of Missions, se- lect and recommend for appointment to the bishops in charge of foreign missions suitable persons for Field Secretaries within the several foreign missions. @403. The President shall preside at ali meet- ings and represent the Board before the Church at large. @404. The Vice President shall uesige in the absence of the President. @405. The General Secretary shall be the ex- ecutive officer of the Board, shall conduct its correspondence, attend to its business, put into effect its acts, and promulgate its policies. He shall travel at large throughout the Church in 192 q408 | GENERAL BOARD the interests of the young people’s societies, re- port annually to the Annual Conferences and the Epworth League Board, and quadrennially to the General Conference. He shall suggest annually to the Board such matters relating to the societies as may call for action on its part. He shall edit the E'pworth Era and other litera- ture of the department and shall recommend to the Board suitable reading and study courses for the several classes of young people’s so- cieties. @406. The Assistant Secretary shall work in codperation with the General Secretary and un- der his direction. It shall be his duty to con- duct the correspondence of the Central Office relating to the work of the League, to promote the organization of Epworth Leagues through- out the connection, and, in such ways as the Board and the General Secretary may approve, . endeavor to aid in the enlistment and training of young people in all forms of Christian service. q407. The Treasurer shall receive and keep on deposit the funds of the Board, and shall check on them by authority of the Board, all drafts being countersigned by the General Sec- retary or by his authorized agent. @408. The Board shall choose its own Exxecu- tive Committee, which shall have authority to act in matters that require attention during in- tervals between meetings of the Board. 198 - EPWORTH LEAGUE BOARD [ G409 q409. The Central Office of the Board shall be in Nashville, Tennessee. @410. The salary of the General Secretary and Editor shall be fixed by the Book Commit- tee and paid by the Publishing Agents. The salaries of all other officers not otherwise pro- vided for shall be fixed by the Board and paid out of the income hereinafter provided for. @411. The revenue of the Board shall be de- rived in the following manner: 1. An offering for young people’s work shall be made on Epworth League Anniversary Day, the fourth Sunday in March, and the proceeds shall be remitted without delay to the Treas-' urer of the Conference Epworth League. (Q428.) This Treasurer shall then remit one- fourth of the amount received to the Central Office, and the remainder shall be retained for extension of League work within the Annual Conference. In case there is no Conference or- ganization, the Chapters shall remit direct to the Central Office. 2. The Board of Missions shall pay to the Central Office ten per cent of the amount of spe- cials contributed by the Epworth Leagues for the objects of the Board. 8. The Commission on Budget shall rec- ommend, and the General Conference order, an assessment upon the Church of such an amount 194 @416 | GENERAL BOARD as may be required for the conduct of the work of the Epworth League Board. @412. The Epworth League Board shall meet annually at such places and times as it may de- termine. A majority of the members shali con- stitute a quorum. Meetings may be called ad interim by joint action of the President and Secretary or by the Executive Committee. @413. In connection with the Publishing Agents, the Board shall arrange for the publica- tion of the E'pworth Era, the general organ of the Epworth League. Other literature as needed may be published by the Publishing House. or otherwise secured. @414. The Board shall determine what courses and books shali be adopted for the local Chapters, and no others than those approved by the Board shall be officially recommended. Each Chapter may organize a Book-a-Month Club or Circle, the members agreeing to read at least one book each month and report to the Secretary of the Club or Circle. Details of such organization may be worked out by our Central Office, including suggested books to be read. @415. All local Chapters formed under the provisions of this Constitution shall be responsi- ble to the Quarterly Conference, and shall be under the control of the preacher in charge. @416. The Board shall provide Constitutions for Epworth Leagues designed to serve the fol-. 195 EPWORTH LEAGUE BOARD [ Q417 lowing ends: (1) The holding of weekly devo- tional meetings for Christian fellowship and the cultivation of spiritual life; (2) the employment and training of young people in Church life and activities; (3) the development of missionary giving and the instruction of its members in missions, foreign and home; (4) the furnishing of proper recreation under the auspices of the Church, and the promotion of Christian culture through reading and other exercise. q417. The Board shall provide for Intermedi- ate and Junior Chapter Constitutions, having the same general purpose as Constitutions of the Senior Epworth League. @418. On application, the Central Office shall issue to Chapters and Unions of the several classes charters in English or in the languages of the mission fields. @419. The Board shall provide Constitutions for the organization of young people’s societies ' into larger associations, such as City Unions, District Unions and Institutes, Subdistrict Unions, and Circuit Unions. @420. Epworth League Unions may be formed in all places where there are more Chap- ters than one. The object of these Unions shall be to promote the connectional spirit of the young people and to employ them in larger works of community service and evangelism. In circuits and in localities affording favorable 196 : @425 | GENERAL BOARD conditions, Epworth League Unions may be or- ganized on similar lines. q421. A District Institute may be formed within a Presiding Elder’s District especially for the study of methods of Christian work and the development of the activities of the young people of the Church. q@422. For the training of leaders and the more intensive study of methods of Christian work and missions, the Epworth League Board may organize Assemblies for the holding of summer sessions. These Assemblies shall be conducted under the direction of the Central Office and the General Board. @423. There shall be held annually at such time and place as the Board may determine a meeting of Regional and Conference Field Sec- retaries, the Presidents of Annual Conference Epworth League Boards, Conference Epworth Leagues, Epworth League Unions, and the Jun- ior and Intermediate Superintendents of Con- ference Epworth Leagues. @424. The Board shall make provision, at its discretion, for codperating with any of the Gen- eral Boards of the Church on any matters that’ in the judgment of the Boards concerned may best be provided for jointly. @425. Wherever a Conference Field Secretary is employed, the policy shall be outlined jointly 197 EPWORTH LEAGUE BOARD [ G426 by the General Secretary and the President of the Conference Epworth Leagues and the Ep- worth League Boards. The same policy shall apply to Regional Secretaries. eee SECTION III THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE EPWORTH LEAGUE BOARD @426. Each Annual Conference shall elect quadrennially an Epworth League Board com- posed of one minister and one lay member for each Presiding Elder’s District: provided, that no Conference Board shall have fewer than six members. (QQ681, 682.) The Board shall give special attention to Epworth Leagues, and shall cooperate with the Central Office and the League organizations within the Conference territory. They shall be especially charged with fostering and supporting the Conference Ep- worth League. @427. The Conference Board shall be organ- ized by the election of a President, Vice Presi- dent, Secretary, and Treasurer, who shall hold office four years. ‘The Board shall have au- ‘thority to make nominations to the Conference to fill vacancies. It shall meet annually at the time and place of meeting of the Annual Con- ference. It shall act as a Committee on Ep- worth Leagues, and in connection with the Con- 198 @429 | ANNUAL CONFERENCE BOARD ference Committee of Public Worship it shall arrange for the holding of an anniversary in the interest of its work at each session of the Con- ference. @428. The Conference Boards shall be re- lated to the Central Office in the following way: They shall promote the observance of Anniver- sary Day by recommending appropriate service in every pastoral charge in which there is an Epworth League, and shall urge the making of an Anniversary Day offering. (411 [1].) If there be pastoral charges in which there are no Epworth Leagues, they shall endeavor to secure in them the recognition of Anniversary Day as Young People’s Day, thereby leading up to the organization of Epworth Leagues. ‘They shall diligently codperate with the Central Office and the Conference Epworth League in the en- couragement of Epworth League organization and activity within their several Annual Con- ferences. @429. The Conference Boards shall be related to the Conference Epworth Leagues in the fol- lowing way: (1) They shall make appropriations out of the funds in their hands to aid in defray- ing the expense of carrying on the Conference Epworth League. (2) They shall constitute an Advisory Council to aid the Conference Ep- worth League, and in case there should be no 199 EPWORTH LEAGUE BOARD [ q430 Conference Epworth League organization, they are to bring about such organization and ar- — range for the holding of its first annual meeting. (3) The President of the Conference Board and the Treasurer shall be, ex officio, members of the Cabinet of the Conference Epworth League. (4) The President of the Conference Epworth League shall make a written report annually to the Conference Epworth League Board of the policy and activities of the Conference organi- zation. @430. The Conference Board shall be financed ~ by assessment recommended by the Commis- sion on Budget and ordered by the Annual Conference. @431. The Conference Board shall promote Epworth League work by aiding in the forma- tion of local Chapters, District Institutes, and Epworth League Unions. For this purpose the several members of the Board shall be es- pecially appointed to care for the work in the several Districts in the Annual Conference, and shall report their work at the annual meetings of the Board. They shall by pen and voice advocate the young people’s work, and shall assist the Presiding Elders in the District Conference function of inquiring into the number and general condition of Epworth — Leagues. 200 433 | CONFERENCE EPWORTH LEAGUE SECTION IV THE CONFERENCE EPWORTH LEAGUE @432. The Epworth Leagues of each Annual Conference shall be organized into a Conference Epworth League, the membership of which shall be composed of all the Epworth Leagues within the bounds of the Annual Conference. The ob- jects of these larger organizations shall be to hold instructional and inspirational meetings annually, to promote the formation of Epworth Leagues within the bounds of the Conference, to undertake large missionary operations, and in general to direct the policy of the Leagues within their territory: provided, however, that all their operations be in harmony with the policies of the General Board and the Conference Board. The President and the Treasurer (@429 [3]) of the Conference Epworth League Board shall be, ex officio, members of the Conference Epworth League Cabinet. @433. The Conference Epworth League shall be financed by the appropriation of funds by the Annual Conference Epworth League Board which shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Con- ference Epworth League, by voluntary gifts and pledges, and by proceeds of the Anniver- sary Day offering. 201 BOARD OF EDUCATION | J434 CHAPTER XIV BOARD OF EDUCATION SECTION I GENERAL CONFERENCE BOARD OF EDUCATION @434. The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, stands committed to education sound in principle and Christian in spirit as fundamental to its work, and it accepts the duty and obliga- - tion of maintaining institutions dedicated to the diffusion of a distinctively Christian culture. Such institutions are a necessity as special agen- cies to help the Church more effectively to per- form its own divinely appointed ministry of service. Central, therefore, at the heart of the supreme educational processes in which the Church is engaged, the Bible must be placed, as inspired of God, and the sufficient rule of faith and practice. The educational operations of the Church shall hereafter be conducted un- der the following provisions and regulations. @435. There shall be a Board of Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, to be known as “The General Conference Board of Edueation,” and to consist of twenty-seven members elected quadrennially by the General 202 @437 | GENERAL CONFERENCE BOARD Conference on nomination of the Committee on Education. As many as twelve lay mem- bers may be on the Board; three Bishops and the General Secretary must be members. Any vacancies occurring during the interval be- tween Conferences shall be filled by the Board, the member (or members) so elected to serve until their successors are elected by the next General Conference. Should any member cease to be a member of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, South, his membership in the Board shall terminate at the same time. @436. The work of the Board of Education shall be conducted under such rules and regula- tions as may be prescribed by the General Con- ference from time to time. Under the provi- sions of the charter granted by the State of Ten- nessee to James H. Carlisle, W. A. Candler, and others, and approved on the 17th day of July, 1895, or such other charter as may be hereafter granted, the Board shall have power to contract and be contracted with, to sue and be sued, to receive and to apply donations, devises, and bequests; to own, buy, and sell real estate; and to do all other things provided for in the char- ter, or subject to the provisions of the charter under which the Board operates. @437. Upon the call of the General Secre- tary, the Board shall meet as soon after its elec- tion as practicable, and shall organize by elect- 203 BOARD OF EDUCATION [ G438 ing from its own members a President, a Vice President, a Recording Secretary, and a Treas- urer: provided, that at the discretion of the Board, the Treasurer need not be a member. @438. The Board shall be located in Nash- ville, Tennessee, and shall meet at least annual- ly, when and where it may appoint, and in spe- cial session when called by the President, either upon his own motion or at the written request of five members: provided, however, that no busi- ness shall be acted upon at any special session which was not named in the call. Eleven shall constitute a quorum at any annual meeting, and nine at any other meeting. @439. The General Secretary shall be elected by ballot by the General Conference for a term of four years. His salary shall be fixed and paid by the Board. Should a vacancy occur by death, or otherwise, the Board may elect a General Secretary to serve until the - next General Conference. q@440. The General Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Board, visit assem- blies and institutions in the interest of the work, and be the agent and executive officer of the Board, under its direction, to carry out all the purposes herein set forth. @441. The Board shall determine the number of officers, in addition to the General Secretary, necessary to carrv on the work committed to it 204 @444 | GENERAL CONFERENCE BOARD by the General Conference, shall elect them, on nomination of the General Secretary, and shall prescribe their duties. @442. The Board shall appoint an Executive Committee of such number as it may determine and may commit to it such duties as the Board may see fit. The Committee shall keep a record of all its proceedings and submit it to the Board. @443. The Board shall appoint annually a Standing Committee on Finance, consisting of three of its members, with whom may be associated as advisory members two persons not members of the Board. The Finance Commit- tee shall fix the bonds of the officials of the Board, properly invest the funds, audit the books of the Treasurer, and codperate with the Secretaries of the Board in the preparation of the annual budget. Minutes of all the pro- ceedings of the Finance Committee shall be kept and submitted to the Board for approval. @444. The Board shall have authority to regulate its own proceedings; to report to the Commission on Budget its estimate of the amount that will be needed annually for the general educational interests that have been committed to the Board, the proceeds of which are to be used at the discretion of the Board in carrying on its operations, unless otherwise di- rected; and to fix and pay the salaries of all the officers and employees of the Board; to ceter- 205 BOARD OF EDUCATION | (445 mine annually what schools and educational en- terprises, and also what persons, shall receive aid, and the amount, terms, and conditions thereof; to appropriate money for the necessary expenses of carrying on the work of the Board: provided, however, that no appropriation shall be made for buildings except from funds con- tributed for that particular purpose: and pro- vided, further, that all persons who shall de- sire to become beneficiaries of the loan funds of the Board must be recommended by the Board of Education of an Annual Conference, and if preparing for the mission field also by the Board of Missions, and that preference shall be given as follows: (1) To students for the foreign or home ministry; (2) to other promising and needy students, especially the children of our itinerant preachers. @445. The Board shall have authority to in- crease both its endowment and loan funds. These shall be held separate from funds raised for general distribution. The interest only of the endowment and loan funds shall be used (unless in the case of loan funds the donor shall otherwise direct). The Board shall have au- thority to receive and to hold in trust for the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, any real or personal property, and to sell and convey it for the uses and objects herein declared. @446. No educational institution or educa- 206 @449 | GENERAL CONFERENCE BOARD tional foundation of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, shall hereafter be established or receive support from the funds of the Church unless its plans and organization have been first submitted to the Board of Education for its counsel and advice. @447. No institution of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, shall change its type of organization—for example, from an acade- my to a college—without having first secured the approval of the Board of Education. q44s. All the educational institutions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, shall make provision in their curricula for the study of religious education, including courses in the Bible. @449. The Board shall gather statistics and other educational information, and shall pre- pare, publish, and distribute leaflets, pamphlets, and other publications suitable to advance the cause of Christian education in our homes and schools and among our people. Through its members, agents, Annual Conference Boards of Education, and other agencies, the Board shall seek to secure funds with which to increase en- dowment and otherwise strengthen our institu- tions in harmony with the general educational policy of the Church; to correlate existing in- stitutions, and to originate new ones where they can be judiciously established and main- 207 BOARD OF EDUCATION [ @450 | tained: provided, that in so doing the Board shall not create or assume any debt beyond the resources actually in hand and applicable to such purpose: and provided, also, that no new institutions shall be established or adopted without the approval of the patronizing Confer- ence or Conferences. q450. The Board may establish an agency which shall serve as a medium of communica- tion between teachers desiring employment and institutions needing their services, and also be- tween Directors of Religious Education desiring positions and Churches which need their serv- ices. q451. The Board may serve as a Board of Reference or Arbitration, and, when necessary, may take measures to protect the property in- terests of our educational institutions.. @452. The Board shall conduct a Department of Life Service, including ministerial supply and training. This department shall seek to secure recruits for the ministry and for other forms-of Christian service. It shall keep before the Church its responsibility for raising up young men and women for such service. It shall in- spire candidates for the ministry and for other forms of Christian service with high ideals of their work and stimulate them to a thorough preparation; by developing and correlating the agencies of the Church for the education of can- 208 @454 | GENERAL CONFERENCE BOARD didates for Christian service; by giving to candi- dates preparing for Christian service financial assistance from the Christian Workers’ Educa- tion Aid Fund, and from any other funds that may be in the hands of the Board for this pur- pose; by conducting Correspondence Courses for the benefit of preachers, teachers, and other Christian workers; and by such other methods as the Board from time to time may deem de- sirable. @453. The General Board shall seek, in clos- est possible codperation with the Annual Con- ference Boards, to promote religious education in the homes of the people, in the institutions of the Church, and in tax-supported and in- dependent institutions, including the public schools. It shall assist in prosecuting evangel- istic work in universities, colleges, and second- ary schools. It shall have authority to codper- ate with the Sunday School and other connec- tional Boards in the promotion of religious edu- cation, to the end that all the religious educa- tional efforts of the Church may be harmonious- dy and helpfully related; and also to codperate with Boards other than those of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, to the end that the blessings of Christian education may be more widely diffused. @454. The revenues of the Board shall be 209 BOARD OF EDUCATION | @455 derived from assessments, collections. gifts, de- vises, bequests, and otherwise. @455. The Board shall have authority to so- licit, create, and administer a fund which shall aid in providing retiring allowance for presi- dents, professors, and other members of the faculties of the educational institutions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and may adopt rules and regulations for its administra- tion. @456. The Board shall have authority to ad- minister any funds, gifts, or bequests committed to it for educational purposes, and shall be au- thorized to solicit and create any special funds deemed wise in the carrying out of the objects ‘and purposes of the Board and to administer them under such rules and regulations as it may adopt. @457. The Board may from time to time adopt by-laws for the regulation of its affairs not inconsistent with its charter or with General Conference legislation. SECTION II ANNUAL CONFERENCE BOARD OF EDUCATION @458. Each Annual Conference shall organ- ize within its bounds an Annual Conference Board of Education, which shall have special charge of all educational work within the Con- 210 @459 | ANNUAL CONFERENCE BOARD ference. (61, 681, 682.) The Annual Conference Boards of Education shall be auxiliary to the General Conference Board of Education; they shall conduct their work in harmony with the educational policy of the Church as set forth in this chapter and in other actions of the General Conference; they shall cooperate with the General Board in promoting both general and local educational interests. Each Annual Conference Board shall arrange for an educational anniversary during the Confer- ence session, and shall codperate with the Gen- eral Board in providing a suitable program for the meeting. Furthermore it shall codperate with the General Board in securing educational statistics and information from the schools un- der its care, in distributing educational infor- mation and literature among the preachers and people; and shall hold at least one meeting annually for the consideration and promotion within the bounds of the Annual Conference of the general and local interests of education, at which meeting the General Secretary or other representative of the General Board shall be present, if practicable. (817, 819.) 459. In accordance with the financial plan of the Church, each Annual Conference shall make an assessment for educational purposes, for all Conference interests, to be distributed among its charges in the same way as other Con- 211 BOARD OF EDUCATION | G460 ference assessments and applied by the contrib- uting Conference to such educational work as it may desire to foster. Provided, (1) that donors may give special direction to their contribution (Q818) ; (2) that no new institutions below college grade may be established, nor one already exist- ing be taken under the care of the Church, without first being adopted by the Annual Conference on the recommendation of the Conference Board of Education, after counsel with the General Secretary (QQ815, 816); (8) that no university or college or theological school or educational foundation shall be estab- lished, nor existing one adopted, without the con- current recommendation of the General Board; and (4) no institutions shall receive the financial © support or recognition of the Church whose trustees or directors are not selected in accord- ance with the requirements of the Discipline so far as the laws of the several States will permit. (Q818.) @460. Each Annual Conference Board of Edu- cation shall nominate for appointment by the President of the Conference a Secretary of Edu- cation, who shall be, ex officio, a member of the Conference Board. The Conference Secretary shall codperate with the General Secretary in circulating educational literature and in promot- ing within the bounds of the Conference, in every way practicable, both local and general 212 q461 | ANNUAL CONFERENCE BOARD educational interests. The Secretary shall performa these services in addition to his regular work, unless his support is provided by the Conference Board of Education or otherwise. @461. A Commission composed of two or three members nominated by the Board of Edu- cation of each Annual Conference in the State and elected by the Annual Conference, to serve at least four years, may be constituted for the purpose of providing for the religious education of Methodist students in the schools maintained by the State. 213 BOARD OF MISSIONS | G462 CHAPTER XV MISSIONS SECTION I THE GENERAL BOARD @462. ARTICLE I. (1) The missionary opera- tions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, formerly administered under the Board of Mis- sions, the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, and the Woman’s Home Mission Society, shall continue to be administered by the corporation heretofore chartered and organized under the name of “Board of Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South,” hereinafter termed the Board, which shall have charge of all foreign missions of the Church and of such missions in the home field as are not provided for by the Annual Conferences. The Board shall carry on its operations under three departments—viz., Foreign Work, Home Work, Education and Promotion Work. Each Department shall have two sections, General Work and Woman’s Work. (2) The Board shall be located in Nashville, — Tennessee. Its annual meeting may be held when and where the Board ¢ghall determine. 214 @463 | GENERAL BOARD @463. Art. II. (1) The Board shall be com- posed of the President and Vice President, the effective Bishops, a General Secretary, to be elected by the General Conference, the Presi- dent of the Woman’s Missionary Council, the General Secretary of the Board of Church Ex- tension, the General Secretary of the Sunday School Board, the General Secretary of the Epworth League Board, the General Secretary of the Board of Lay Activities, the Editor of the Christian Advocate, and one manager from each Annual Conference in the United States, of whom thirteen shall be laymen, thirteen women, and the remainder traveling preachers, .all of whom shall be elected quadrennially by the General Conference on nomination of the Committee on Missions, which shall have as a basis of choice one preacher and one layman, nominated by each Annual Conference in the United States, and one woman on nomination of each Annual Conference Woman’s Mission- ary Society in the United States. The De partment Secretaries and the Treasurers shall be elected quadrennially by the incoming Board on the nomination of its Committee on Nominations, one of whom shall be the General Secretary. The officers and members of the Board shall continue in office until their suc- cessors are elected. Twenty members shall constitute a acuorum. The Department Secre- 215 BOARD OF MISSIONS [ q464 taries and the Treasurers shall have the privi- lege of the floor without vote. The General Conference shall elect the President and the Vice President of the General Board, on nomina- tion of the Committee on Missions. (2) On nomination of its Nominating Com- mittee, one of whom shall be the General Secretary, the Board shall elect a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, a Treasurer for the Section of Woman’s Work (who shall be a woman), two Secretaries for the Foreign Work Department (one of whom shall be a woman), two Secretaries for the Home Work Department (one of whom shall be a woman), two for the Ed- ucation and Promotion Work Department (one of whom shall be a woman); and such assistants as it shall determine upon by a two- thirds vote at a regular meeting. (8) The Board shall fix tneir saiaries and tne salary of the General Secretary. It shall assign the Secretaries to their particular fields of work. q464. Art. III. (1) The Board shall deter-' mine the fields that shall be occupied and the number of persons to'be employed in each, to estimate the amount necessary to support the missions under its charge, and to consider all matters pertaining to its work. The President, upon the request of the General Secretary and three members of the Board, shall have authori- ty to call an extra session. 216 465 | GENERAL BOARD (2) The Board shall have authority to regu- late its own proceedings; to sue and be sued; to make by-laws in harmony with its charter and constitution; to fill vacancies in its mem- bership; to remove any officer and fill any vacancy in the official staff; to appropriate money for current expenses; to establish mis- sions; to enlist, train, and employ missionaries for service in the home and foreign fields, for evangelistic, educational, and medical work and other related forms of service; to build churches and residences for missionaries; to build and maintain hospitals, schools, training schools for Christian workers, and social settlements; to promote and maintain Goodwill Industries and other forms of community service; to co- operate with other denominations or agencies in the support of such institutions; to provide for superannuated missionaries, their widows and ‘orphan children; to provide for the education of the Church in missions; and to solicit and raise money for carrying on all the work under its care. q465. Art. IV. The General Secretary shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Board and shall be the administrative and legal executive thereof. He shall be held responsible for codperation, codrdination, and efficiency in all the work of the Board and its several de- partments. He shall be charged with the culti- 217 BOARD OF MISSIONS [ 7466 vation and education of the Church in missions and with the promotion of plans and methods of financing the Board and increasing missionary liberality. He shall have such assistance as the Board may determine upon, and all Secre- taries and employees of the Board shall be responsible to him for the discharge of their respective duties. q466. Art. V. The Treasurers shall hold the funds in safe deposit in the name of the Board of Missions, subject to the authorization of the Board and the order of the General Secretary. They shall furnish an annual report to the Board and perform such other duties as the Board and the General Secretary may direct. They shall give bond to the Board in such sums and upon such conditions as the Board may fix. The accounts of the Treasurers shall be ex- amined by a public accountant chosen by the Board, and his report shall be presented to the Board. The Treasurers of the Board shall in no instance honor a draft for an amount larger than the balance on hand to the credit of the department for which it is used, and neither he nor any other agency shall in any year borrow for maintenance more than seventy-five per cent of the expected annual revenue of the Board for that year. @467. ArT. VI. The revenues for the General Work of the Board shall be derived from ap- 218 QA68 | GENERAL BOARD portionments distributed to the several Annual Conferences for collection in every congrega- tion, from Sunday schools, Epworth Leagues, gifts, donations, annuities and specials, and from freewill offerings taken in every Church each year during the months of January and February, within which period a special mis- slonary cultivation campaign shall be con- ducted throughout the whole Church in every congregation when each member of the Church shall be given an opportunity to make a free- will offering for maintaining the general work of the Board. This freewill offering shall be in addition to the missionary assessments for the year, and shall not include the income from Sunday schools and Epworth Leagues: pro- vided, that all moneys so raised shali be directed to the Board of Missions, Section of General Work. (814.) q468. Art. VII. The revenues of the Section of Woman’s Work shall be derived from dues, pledges, special offerings, and specials from Auxiliary, District, and Conference Missionary Societies, from devises, bequests, annuities, gifts, and collections at meetings held in the interest of the societies: provided, that the funds raised by these societies shall be appro- priated to the work already established by them or hereafter to be entered upon by the Board of Missions, Section of Woman’s Work. 219 BOARD OF MISSIONS [ G469 q469. Art. VIII. (1) The Foreign Secretaries shall administer the work of the Foreign De- partment. There shall be a committee of thirteen, five of whom shall be women, which committee, in conjunction with the Secretaries and the Bishops in charge of the foreign fields, shall be responsible for the policy and plans of work in these fields. The Bishops in charge of the foreign fields shall confer with the mission- aries and native workers concerning the needs of the fields and shall represent their views to the Board. They shall be responsible for pro- moting and carrying out the plans agreed upon, and for supervising the work and appoint- ing workers. (2) The Home Secretaries shall administer the work of the Home Department. There shall be a committee of thirteen, five of whom shall be women, which committee, in connection with the Secretaries, shall develop plans and policies for the department. (3) The Secretaries of the Education and Promotion Department shall have charge of the missionary cultivation of the Church (with special reference to the Sunday school, Epworth League, Lay Activities, Woman’s Missionary Council, Auxiliary and Conference Missionary Societies, schools, colleges, universities, in co- operation with the General Conference Boards concerned and other agencies), according to the 220 471 | GENERAL BOARD regulations of the Board. This department shall be charged with: (a) The education of the Church in missions by means of literature, Church schools of mis- sions, institutes, and other methods. (b) The enlistment and training of candidates for the work at home and abroad. (c) Editing the Missionary Voice and other literature, as may be authorized. There shall be a committee of thirteen, five of whom shall be women, for this department. q470. Art. IX. In addition to the depart- mental committee, there shall be the following standing committees: Executive, Estimates, Candidates, Nominating (one of whom shall be the General Secretary), and By-Laws, the functions of which committees shall be defined by the Board. @471. Art. X. There shall be a General Mis- sionary Council composed of the chairman of each Annual Conference Board of Missions and the Conference Missionary Secretary, the Secretaries and Treasurers of the Board of Missions, and the members of the Depart- mental Committee on Education and Promo- tion. The Council shall hold an annual meeting for the purpose of promoting the missionary work of the Church and its extension through- out the connection. The expenses of Annual Conference representatives shall be paid by 221 BOARD OF MISSIONS | 472 their respective Boards. The General Secre- tary shall be the Chairman of this Council. SECTION II WOMAN’S WORK @472. ART. XI. The women of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, are authorized to or- ganize and conduct missionary societies among women and children in the Annual Conferences and in the Churches in the interests of home and foreign missions. These societies shall promote missionary intelligence and activity and secure missionary funds, by means of membership dues, life and honorary member- ship fees, from devises, annuities, bequests, voluntary offerings, and collections at meetings appointed in behalf of the society. @473. ArT. XII. There shall be a delegated body to be known as the Woman’s Missionary Council. It shall be composed of a President, one or more Vice Presidents, two or more © Secretaries, the Treasurer for the Section of Woman’s Work, the Candidate Secretary, the Secretary of Organization, the Secretary of Literature, Superintendents of Bureaus, — a Corresponding Secretary or alternate, the — President or alternate of the Woman’s Mis- sionary Society of each Annual Conference Society, the President and Secretary of the ana q474 | WOMAN’S WORK Deaconess Workers’ Conference, the Secreta- ries of the General Board of Missions, both men and women, the Treasurer of the Section of Woman’s Work, the women members of the Board of Missions, and ten women elected at large by the Council. q474, ArT. XIII. (1) The Council shall hold annual meetings for the purpose of hearing reports from the home and foreign fields and from the societies, to consider the fields, lines of work, and various enterprises. It shall make recommendations to the Board of Mis- sions regarding all its work, including estimates needed for its prosecution. It shall also conse- crate the women who have been accepted for service as deaconesses, and shall make recom- mendations to the Board concerning their em- ployment and support. (2) The Council shall enact its own by-laws and provide a constitution and by-laws for the Conference and Auxiliary Societies, all of which shall be in harmony with the Consti- tution of the Board of Missions. The Council shall plan to enlarge the membership of the societies, to increase the income from them, and to further the work of missionary education among women and children. (3) At its annual session preceding the Gen- eral Conference the Council shall elect its officers by ballot. All property hereafter ac- 223 BOARD OF MISSIONS [ Q475 quired by the Woman’s Missionary Societies through devises, bequests, annuities, gifts, or purchase, shall be held by the Board of Mis- sions for the use and benefit of Woman’s Work. q475. Art. XIV. The office of deaconess is hereby authorized. ‘The office and work of deaconess shall be under the direction of the Department of Home Missions, Section of Woman’s Work. When accepted for service, a deaconess shall be a single woman or a widow not less than twenty-three years of age nor more than fifty. She must be a member of our Church, in good standing, and have shown fitness for her duties by active service in some Christian work. She must have good health, ahigh school education, two years of college work, and must have completed the prescribed. course of study in an accredited training school. She must be recommended for consecration by a Quarterly Conference. A deaconess uniform shall be prescribed, but the wearing of it shall be optional. Relinquishing all other pur- suits, she shall devote herself to such work as the Church may determine. Anyone applying for recommendation from a Quarterly Conference should have considered this step carefully and believe herself called of God to this work. A deaconess desiring to retire from the work shall be permitted to do so at the close of the term of her appointment, when she shall surrender 224 q476 | ANNUAL CONFERENCE BOARD her certificate. If found unsuited to the work and calling of a deaconess, she shall be retired and her certificate revoked. oo SECTION III ANNUAL CONFERENCE BOARD q476. ArT. XV. (1) Each Annual Conference shall organize a Board of Missions, auxiliary to the General Board, to which it shall report annually. It shall keep the General Board of Missions informed of the status of its work, of unoccupied territory or other needed work, and shall by every means promote the work of the General Board throughout the Conference, and seek in every way to carry forward the mission- ary work of the Church. The Conference Board shall consist of one layman from each District, and an equal number of clerical members: provided, that each Annual Conference shall be entitled to at least eight members who shall be elected quadrennially by the Annual Con- ference at the first session after the General Conference. (2) The Annual Conference memoer of the General Board of Missions, the Conference Lay Leader, the Conference President of the Woman’s Missionary Society, and the Con- ference Missionary Secretary shall be members, 8 225 BOARD OF MISSIONS | G477 ex officio, of the Annual Conference Board of Missions. (681, 682.) The work of the Board shall be subject to the approval of the Annual Conference. Missions shall be estab- lished only with the consent of the Bishop in charge. (@@812-814.) This provision shall in no wise interfere with the activities of the Board in the interval of the Annual Conference sessions. @477. ArT. XVI. The Conference Board shall provide for adequate presentation of the mis- sionary work of the Church, by promoting practical plans for the missionary education of the Church, and by such other means as it may choose shall disseminate missionary infor- mation among the people. It shall codperate with the Presiding Elder and pastors in conduct- ing missionary institutes. The Conference Board shall seek to cover all unoccupied terri- tory in the Conference by the establishment and support of missions, promote the cause of an intensive and ‘concerted evangelism for the whole Conference, publish a full report and estimate annually the amount that may be necessary for the support of Conference Mis- sions (reporting the estimate to the Commission on Budget), and hold a mid-year meeting. @478. ArT. XVII. Each Annual Conference Board of Missions shall nominate a man to be selected Conference Missionary Secretary, and 226 q480 | EVANGELISM make rules to govern his work. He may be either a preacher or a layman. Ifa preacher, he shall be appointed by the President of the Conference. He shall be, ex officio, a member of the Conference Board, and shall travel in the interest of its missions. If he be a full-time Secretary, his salary shall be provided by the Conference Board. If otherwise, he shall per- form his duties in addition to his regular work. He shall coéperate with the General Board in its promotion program. q479. ArT. XVIII. The Treasurer of the Conference Board shall give bond in such sum as that Board may require, to be approved by the Executive Committee of the Board. On the first day of each month, he shall transmit to the Treasurer of the Board of Missions all moneys on hand for missions. His accounts shall be audited annually by an accredited. accountant elected by the Conference Board. The Conference Treasurer of the Woman’s Missionary Society shall transmit quarterly to the Treasurer of the Board of Missions, Section of Woman’s Work, all money on hand for missionary work. SECTION IV EVANGELISM q4s0. ArT. XIX. The Department of Home Missions General Work, through a Committee 2a6 BOARD OF MISSIONS — [g481 on Evangelism, shall aid the evangelistic work of the Church in all its departments. It shall promote revivals throughout the Church, inspire and train the ministry for earnest pastoral and personal evangelism, develop the evangelistic spirit and method among Church members, and make available trained and competent accredited evangelists. The Board may author- ize the Committee on Evangelism to conduct a Bureau of Evangelism, and may also appoint and maintain a Superintendent of Evangelism to labor under the direction of the Committee on Evangelism and the Secretary of the De- partment of Home Missions. Each Annual Conference Board of Missions shall nominate for election by the Conference a Committee on Evangelism, which shall be auxiliary to the General Committee on Evangelism, and shall promote revivals throughout the Conference. @481. ArT. XX. (1) In accordance with the policies of their respective Boards and in harmony with the Presiding Elders and preach- ers in charge in the fields in which the evan- gelists are to labor, the General and Conference Committees on Evangelism shall be authorized to indorse, recommend, and employ evangelists and direct their labors, whether they are itiner- ant or local preachers. All preachers, local or itinerant, who engage in evangelistic work as a calling shall be required to secure annually the 228 q481 | EVANGELISM approval of the General Committee on Evan- gelism, or of the Conference Committee on Evangelism within whose territory they reside. On the recommendation of the General Com- mittee the Bishop in charge may appoint members of an Annual Conference as general or approved evangelists; and on recommendation of the Conference Committee, he may appoint members of the Annual Conference to the office of Conference Evangelist. Conference Evan- gelists are men appointed principally for evan- gelistic services within the Conference territory, and shall be required to labor some defined part of each year in the pastoral charges of their respective Conferences and they may not accept invitations to assist in revivals outside of their Conference territory unless the privilege be eranted by their Conference Committee on Evangelism. (2) Members of an Annual Conference may not be given appointments which are nominal in order that they may do the work of evangelists independent of the Committee on Evangelism, and they may not be given the appointment of Conference Evangelist when it is known to be virtually nominal. General and Conference Evangelists shall make reports of their work, the results of their labors, and their financial receipts to their respective committees as often as may be required. As far as practicable, 229 BOARD OF MISSIONS | 4&2 pastors who require the assistance of evangel- ists shall use the evangelists indorsed by the General or Conference Committees on Evan- gelism. SECTION V PRESIDING ELDERS AND PREACHERS IN CHARGE q482. ART. X XI. The Presiding Elder shall preach annually on missions in each charge in his District, see that adequate plans are adopted for the missionary education of all the Churches and for raising missionary funds, conduct with his preachers and lay representatives a mission- ary institute early in the Conference year, in which institutes he shall lay plans for a District- wide observance of intensive missionary culti- vation during the months of January and February, as directed in (467, urge the ap- pointment of a missionary committee and the observance of Missionary Sunday in every Sunday school in his District, see that mission- ary mass meetings are held, and encourage the organization and foster the work of the Wom- an’s Missionary Societies. @483. Art. XXII. The preacher in charge shall preach frequently on missions and or- ganize a Missionary Committee, which shall be auxiliary to the Conference Board of Missions and whose Chairman shall be a member of the 230 @ Ass | PREACHERS IN CHARGE Board of Lay Activities. The Missionary Committee shall codperate with the pastor in missionary education, distribute missionary literature, and, under the direction of the pas- tor, make an every-member canvass, hold a school of missions annually in every Church in his charge, and shall otherwise promote the cause of missions in the congregation. He shall also see that a missionary committee is appointed in each Sunday school, that one Sunday in the month in the Sunday school, preferably the fourth, is observed as Missionary Day, and that the entire missionary offering of the Sunday school goes to the cause of missions, and that this offering shall be desig- nated, forwarded, and reported as expressly directed in (386. He shall see that each League holds a monthly meeting for the study of missions, that the Woman’s Missionary Societies are organized in every Church where at all practicable, and especially conduct through the months of January and February, as directed above, an intensive missionary culti- vation, during which time he shall hold mission- ary mass meetings, seek in every way to educate and inspire his people concerning the evangeliza- tion of the world, and through the missionary committee conduct an every-member canvass in every congregation to secure a freewill offer- ing for missions in addition to the assessment. 231 BOARD OF CHURCH EXTENSION | 4484 CHAPTER XVI BOARD OF CHURCH EXTENSION SECTION I THE GENERAL BOARD @484. The work of Church Extension shall be conducted under the following provisions and regulations: @485. ARTICLE I. There shall be a Board of Church Extension, consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and twen- ty Managers, to be elected quadrennially by the General Conference on nomination of the Com- mittee on Church Extension, except the Secre- tary, who shall be elected by ballot as are the other connectional officers, and all shall contin- ue in office until their successors are elected and accept. The Bishops and the Secretary of the Board of Missions shall be, ex officio, members of the Board. The Board shall fill all vacancies that may occur during the intervals of the ses- sions of the General Conference. q486. ArT. Il. The Board shall be conducted as a body corporate under the name of “The Board of Church Extension of the Methodist 232 g4s89 | GENERAL BOARD Episcopal Church, South,” and subject to the provisions of a special charter granted by the Legislature of Kentucky to George F. Pierce, H. H. Kavanaugh, and others, approved February 20, 1884, and amended March 10, 1886, and such amendments thereof as may from time to time be adopted under the sanction of the General Conference; subject, however, to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the General Conference, not contrary to the charter, nor in excess of the powers that may be thereunder lawfully exercised. @487. ArT. III. The Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Board, under its di- rection, and shall be subject to the authority and control of the Board, by whom his salary shall be fixed and paid. He shall reside where the Board is located. @488. ArT. IV. The Board shall be located in Louisville, Kentucky, and shall meet at least annually, and at such other times as the Board, or the President and Secretary, may appoint. Fifteen shall constitute a quorum. The fiscal year of the Board shall close on March 31. q489. ArT. V. The revenues of the Board shall be derived from annual collections in every congregation; from special collections by the Secretary, pastors, Presiding Elders, Lay Lead- ers, and Bishops; and from gifts, devises, and bequests. 233 BOARD OF CHURCH EXTENSION | G490 q490. ArT. VI. The Board may accept contri- butions to its funds from any person capable of making them, subject to annuities payable to the order of the person making such donations; but all amounts so received shall be loaned by the Board on adequate security and the aggre. gate amount of annuities that the Board shall assume to pay shall never be allowed to exceed one-half of the annual interest receivable on the loans made by it. q491. Art. VII. The Board shall have author- ity to regulate its own proceedings; to determine what amounts the Church shall be asked to raise by collections for the use of the Board dur- ing the ensuing year; to appropriate money to pay incidental expenses; to determine what amount may be donated or loaned to each ap- plicant; and to do such other business as may be legitimate and proper for them to do: provded, however, that no money shall be appropriated in the general work for other purposes than the purchase or securing of church lots and the erection or securing of church buildings and parsonages: and provided, further, that the Board shall not involve itself in debt, except as provided for in Article VI. q492. ArT. VIII. The Board shall have author- ity to raise and administer a Loan Fund, which shall be held separate from funds raised for general distribution, and which shall be used 234 q494 | GENERAL BOARD only in loans on adequate security, to be de- termined by the Board, to receive and hold in trust for the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, any real or personal property, and to sell and convey it for the uses and objects herein declared. @493. ArT. IX. All applications for aid shall set forth, 1. A description of the building for which aid is asked. 2. The estimated and probable cost when completed. 3. The amount of cash and reliable subscrip- tions now on hand. 4, The nature of the title, its validity, and whether held in trust for the Methodist Epis- copal Church, South. 5. The names of the Board of Trustees. 6. The number of Church members, Sunday school scholars, and population of the place, if within a town or city. 7. Every application for aid, whether to the - General Board or to the Conference Board, must have the approval of the Quarterly Con- ference of the charge from which it comes. 8. Any additional facts that may be required by the Board, or that may be deemed necessary or useful to it in making a decision. q494. Art. X. The Board shall elect five persons, who, together with five representatives 235 BOARD OF CHURCH EXTENSION | ]495 elected by the General Sunday School Board, shall constitute a Joint Committee on Church and Sunday School Architecture. This com- mittee shall have authority to prepare standards for the codperating Boards. The committee shall also be authorized, under such provisions as the Boards may agree upon, to offer advice and guidance to the Church in the erection of church and Sunday school buildings. SECTION II ANNUAL CONFERENCE BOARD q495. ART. XI. Each Annual Conference shall organize a Conference Board of Church Exten- sion, which shall be auxiliary to the General Board, and shall have charge of all the interests" and work of Church Extension within the Con- ference. It shall be composed of one lay mem- ber from each District and an equal number of clerical members, who shall be elected quad- rennially by the Annual Conference. (681, 682.) The Conference Board shall elect its own officers. Its Secretary and Treasurer shall each make a report to the Board of Church Exten- sion at such times and subject to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Board. The preachers shall see that a collection is taken up in each Church annually for Church Exten- 236 g496 | ; CONFERENCE BOARD sion; and the amount collected on assessment or otherwise for the General Board shall be turned over to that Board, and the amount collected on assessment or otherwise for the Conference Board shall be turned over to its Treasurer, to be expended under its direction, unless donors give special direction concerning their contri- butions. Provided, further, that any Conference Board may turn over all funds to the General Board to be expended by it within the bounds of the Conference under the direction of the Con- ference Board. (818.) Provided, further, that before any donation authorized by a Conference Board is paid by the Treasurer, there shall be filed with him a certificate from a reputable at- torney, clerk of court, register of deeds, or keep- er of records in the county in which the benefi- ciary is located, testifying that the Trustees of the recipient Church hold a good and indefeasi- ble title to the property and that the deed con- tains the “‘trust clause,” also a certificate from the Trustees to the effect that the property is insured in an amount satisfactory to the Board. If, however, it should be found impossible to perfect the title to the property, the Confer- ence Board may make the donation, notwith- standing the defect in title, provided three- fourths of the members of the Board present and voting shall agree. @496. The Conference Board shall also have 237 BOARD OF CHURCH EXTENSION | (497 authority toloan any part ofits funds, where the end desired can be accomplished as well by aloan as by a donation, and the amount loaned shall become a part of the Conference Board Loan Fund, to be administered by the General Board on the same terms and conditions as the Loan Funds of the General Board are administered: provided, that the Conference Boards shall have the right of appropriation. The General Board shall make detailed reports of all Conference Board funds to all meetings of the Conference Board or its Executive Committee. SECTION III CITY AND DISTRICT BOARDS q497. ArT. XII. A City Board of Church Ex- tension may be organized in a city having three or more pastoral charges of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, South, under the following gen- eral provisions: (1) The members of this Board ‘shall be elected by the Quarterly Conferences on nomination of the preachers in charge, who, with the Presiding Elders of the Districts em- bracing such cities, shall be, ex officio, members thereof, and shall be authorized to incorporate under the laws of the State where it is located: (2) this Board shall have authority to locate churches and parsonages, advise Quarterly 238 q497 | CITY BOARD Conferences as to their size, style, and cost, se- cure donations and funds in the cities where located for their erection, and shall see that the title in each case is secured in trust for the Church as the Discipline prescribes; (3) the City Board shall codperate with the General Board in the procurement of special Loan Funds to be administered by the General Board according to its regulations, for the benefit of the par- ticular cities in which such funds are raised when so directed by the donors or requested by the City Board concerned; (4) the City Board shall also have authority to do all acts necessary to the work of Church Extension and Missions in the city where located not in viola- tion of the rules, regulations, and work of the General and Conference Boards of Church Ex- tension and the General and Conference Boards of Missions; (5) the City Board shall report through its Secretary and Treasurer to the Gen- eral Board and to the Conference Board the names and value of church edifices and parson- ages aided, the amount of its receipts and dis- bursements, subject to such rules and regula- tions as may be prescribed by the General Board. No part of its work shall conflict with the col— lections and operations of the General and Con- ference Boards of Church Extension. A City Board shall file a copy of its Charter, Constitu- 239 BOARD OF CHURCH EXTENSION [ G498 tion, and By-Laws with the General and Confer- ence Boards of Church Extension. q498. Art. XIII. A District Board of Church Extension may be organized in any Presiding Elder’s District under the following general pro- visions: (1) On nomination of the Presiding Elder, the District Conference shall elect a Board of not less than seven members. This Board shall be authorized to incorporate under the laws of the State in which it is located, and shall have authority to direct all funds secured by it for the purpose and under the regulations hereinafter stated, subject to the approval of the District Conference; (2) the District Board shall have authority to secure by donations, devise, purchase, or otherwise, real estate or property of other kinds, and dispose of it for the use and benefit of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, within the District where it is ‘located; (8) it shall also have authority to do all acts necessary to the work of Church Ex- tension and Missions in the District not in violation of the rules, regulations, and work af the General and Conference Boards of Church Extension and the General and Con- ference Boards of Missions; (4) it shall report through its Secretary and Treasurer to the General and Conference Boards of Church Extension the names and value of church edifices and parsonages aided, the amount of 240 q499 | LOAN FUNDS. its receipts and disbursements, and such other items as may be of general interest, and at such time and subject to such rules and regu- lations as may be prescribed by the General Board; (5) it shall codperate with the General Board in raising special Loan Funds, to be administered by the General Board according to its regulations for the benefit of the particular section in which such funds are requested by the District Board concerned: provided, that the District Board shall have the right of appro- priation. A District Board shall file a copy of its Charter, Constitution, and By-Laws with the General and Conference Boards of Church Extension. SECTION IV SUNDRY PROVISIONS q499. ArT. XIV. With the consent of the Annual Conference and the Bishop in charge any Annual Conference, City, or District Board of Church Extension may employ a Secretary to give all or part of his time to the interests of the Board in the territory represented by it. Whenever practicable, these auxiliary organ- izations shall establish Loan Funds, which shall be administered through the office of the Board of Church Extension in the interest of church building within the Annual Conference, 241 BOARD OF CHURCH EXTENSION | 500 city, or Presiding Elder’s District represented. The interest earned by such Loan Funds may be used, as donations, to assist needy congrega- tions in building churches, if so desired, and the principal loaned within the territory repre- sented, if there be demand for it, and the secu- rity be approved by the Board of Church Ex- tension. q500. ArT. XV. Presiding Elders shall bring the subject of Church Extension prominently before the District and Quarterly Conferences and see that the most efficient plans are adopted for raising the amounts apportioned to each charge; and the Bishops shall call for a report of the Annual Conference Board in the regular order of Conference proceedings, and direct attention to the subject. q501. Art. XVI. The Conference Board may elect a committee, one of whom may be the President of the Conference Board, which, to- gether with a like committee of the Conference Sunday School Board, shall constitute a Joint Committee on Architecture, whose duties it shall be to promote the standards of Sunday school and church architecture provided by the Joint Committee on Architecture from the Gen- eral Sunday School Board and the Board of Church Extension. 242 q50 4 | EVIL OF INTEMPERANCE CHAPTER XVII BOARD OF TEMPERANCE AND SOCIAL SERVICE SECTION I OF THE EVIL OF INTEMPERANCE Question. What shall be done for the extirpa- tion of the great evil of intemperance? q502. Ans. 1. Let ail our preachers and mem- bers faithfully observe our General Rule which forbids “‘drunkenness, or drinking spirituous liquors unless in cases of necessity.” q503. Ans. 2. In cases of drunkenness let the Discipline be administered as in case of immor- ality; drunkenness being a crime expressly for- bidden in the word of God. In cases of drinking, except of necessity, let the Discipline be admin- istered as for imprudent or improper conduct. @504. Ans. 3. Let all our preachers and mem- bers abstain from the manufacture or sale of in- toxicating liquors to be used as a beverage, from signing petitions for their sale, from becoming bondsmen for any person as a condition for ob- taining a license, from acting as a dispenser or voluntarily accepting an appointment or elec- tion as such under the laws of any State in which there is a dispensary law authorizing the sale of 243 ’ BOARD OF TEMPERANCE, ETC. | @505 intoxicating liquors by the State, county, or municipality, and from renting property to be used for such sale. If any member shall violate any of the provisions of this paragraph, he shall be deemed guilty of immorality: nevertheless, in the case of a member who shall sign a petition for such sale, or shall become a bondsman for any person engaged in such traffic, or shall rent property to be used for such sale, or shall act as a dispenser or voluntarily accept election or appointment to any office created for the pur- pose of selling or dispensing intoxicating liquors on behalf of the State, county, or municipality, it shall be the duty of the pastor to deal with the offender as provided for in 4290. This para- graph shall not apply to persons who are acting under instructions or decrees of any court, or who are acting as officers of the law otherwise than as voluntary dispensers. SECTION II GENERAL BOARD OF TEMPERANCE AND SOCIAL SERVICE @505. There shall be a Board of Temperance and Social Service of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, to be composed of seventeen members: one Bishop, five traveling preachers, five lay members (at least one of whom shall be a woman) who shall be nominated by the Com- mittee on Temperance and Social Service, 244 q507 | GENERAL BOARD and elected by the General Conference, together with the General Secretary of the Board, the Sunday School Editor, the General Secretary of the Epworth League Board, the General Secretary of the Board of Lay Activities, the General Secretary of the Board of Missions, or one person whom each shall designate to represent him; and the Superintendent of Social Service of the Woman’s Missionary Council. q506. At the call of the Bishop who is a member, or at the call of three members, the Board shall assemble for organization within sixty days after its election by the General Conference. It shall organize by the election of a President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and such other officers as it deems necessary. It shall appoint such standing committees as are needed. ‘The Board shall meet annually at such time and place as it may designate, and at such other times as the Board may deter- mine. It shall choose the place of its head- quarters. q507. For the ensuing quadrennium the General Secretary shall be elected by the Board, and thereafter by the General Confer- ence. He shall be the executive officer of the Board and see that its plans are faithfully carried out. The Board shall elect such assist- ants as are necessary for its work. It shall fill 245 BOARD OF TEMPERANCE, ETC. [ q508 all vacancies occurring ad interim, including that of the General Secretary. q508. In harmony with its Constitution, the Board shall have authority to regulate its proceedings, define its work, and adopt its by- laws. It shall present to the Committee on Budget the amount estimated to be necessary to carry on its work, fix the salary of all its officers, and make a quadrennial report to the General Conference. The funds for the ex- pense of this Board shall be derived from the allotment in the assessment recommended by the Commission on Budget and authorized by the General Conference and also from voluntary contributions. q509. It shall be the function of this Board to formulate the principles of Temperance and Christian Social Service, carry on a comprehen- sive plan of education for the Church in these principles, point out the practical application of these principles to particular social problems and conditions, make careful study and sur- veys of such social conditions as it may deem wise, prepare needed literature to create and cultivate interest in the whole Church in Temperance and Social Service, by every legiti- mate Christian way and means codperate with the other Boards and Agencies in the Church in advancing human social welfare, and codperate 246 @511 | CONFERENCE BOARDS with other denominational and interdenomina- tional agencies for the same purpose. SECTION III CONFERENCE BOARDS @510. Each Annual Conference shall organ- ize a Board of Temperance and Social Service, auxiliary to the General Board, with which it shall codperate and to which it shall report annually. It shall consist of one layman and one clerical member from each District (provided that each Annual Conference shall be entitled to at least eight members), who shall be elected quadrennially by the Annual Conference, at the first session after the General Conference. ((Q6381, 682.) The Superintendent of Social Service of the Conference Woman’s Missionary Society shall bea member ex officio. This Board shall formulate a plan for advancing the cause of ‘Temperance and Social Service in the Con- ference (subject to the approval of the Confer- ence), and devise ways and means for carrying out this plan. @511. There shall be in each District, aux- iliary to the General Conference Board, a District Board of Temperance and Social Serv- ice, composed of one lay and one clerical repre- sentative from each pastoral charge. The 247 BOARD OF TEMPERANCE, ETC. [ q512 Presiding Elder shall be, ex officio, a member, and shall call the Board together for organiza- tion. This Board shall promote Temperance and Social Service in the District, and co- operate with the Conference Board in all its work. q@512. Auxiliary to the Conference Board, a Committee on Temperance and Social Service shall be elected in each congregation, which committee shall be confirmed by the Quarterly Conference. The pastor shall be, ex officio, a member of this Board. The committee shall advance, as far as possible, the interest of the Temperance and Social Service work in the bounds of the congregation. ee ee SECTION IV SOCIAL CREED OF THE CHURCHES @513. Whereas the Church of God is divinely appointed to interpret Jesus Christ and his gospel to each successive generation and to la- bor to the end that all things be brought into subjection to him; and whereas the problems of industrial readjustment and social redemption that are forced upon this generation constitute a call to the Church to assert the Lordship of Jesus Christ in the social as well as in the in- dividual life and to interpret the gospel of this 248 q518 | SOCIAL CREED OF THE CHURCHES age in social as well as in individual terms; therefore we stand with our brethren repre- sented in the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America— 1. For equal rights and complete justice for all men in all stations of life. 2. For the protection of the family, by the single standard of purity, uniform divorce laws, proper regulation of marriage, and proper hous- ing. 3. For the fullest possible development for every child, especially by the provision of proper education and recreation. 4. For the abolition of child labor. 5. For such regulation of the conditions of toil for women as shall safeguard the physical and moral health of the community. 6. For the abatement and prevention of pov- erty. 7. For the protection of the individual and of society from the social, economic, and moral waste of the liquor traffic. 8. For the conservation of health. 9. For the protection of the worker from dan- gerous machinery. 10. For the right of all men to the opportuni- ty for self-maintenance, for safeguarding this right from encroachments of every kind, and for the protection of workers from the hardships of enforced unemployment. 249 BOARD OF TEMPERANCE, ETC. [ q513 11. For suitable provision for the old age of the workers and for those incapacitated by in- jury. 12. For the right of employees and employers _alike to organize; and for adequate means of conciliation and arbitration in industrial dis- putes. 13. For a release from employment one day in seven. 14. For the gradual and reasonable reduc- tion of hours of labor to the lowest practicable point and for that degree of leisure for all which is a condition of the highest human life. 15. For a living wage as a minimum in every industry and for the highest wage that each in- dustry can afford. 16. For a new emphasis upon the application of Christian principles to the acquisition and use of property, and for the most equitable di- vision of the product of industry that can ulti- mately be devised. 250 @515 | . CONSTITUTION CHAPTER XVIII GENERAL HOSPITAL BOARD SECTION I CONSTITUTION q514. The Methodist Episcopal Church, South, recognizes its obligation to relieve human distress in the name of the Lord Jesus, who “went about doing good and healing all manner of diseases.”’ Accordingly, the Church believes that hospitals should be established and main- tained by our denomination for the care of the sick and wounded. For promoting this cause, let the following provisions and regulations be made: @515. There shall be a Board to be known as the General Hospital Board of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. This Board shall consist of fifteen members to be constituted as follows: There shall be six clerical and seven lay members elected by the General Conference on nomination of the General Conference Com- mittee on Hospitals, a Bishop appointed by the College of Bishops, and the General Secretary of the Board. These shall constitute the Gen- eral Hospital Board until their successors are 251 GENERAL HOSPITAL BOARD | G516 elected and seated. Eight members shall con- stitute a quorum. @516. All vacancies caused by death, resigna- tion, or otherwise, during the interval between. General Conferences, shall be filled by the Board, the members so elected to serve until the ensuing General Conference, except that the College of Bishops shall fill the vacancy in case the Episcopal member of the Board should be removed by death, resignation, or otherwise. Two unexcused absences from the regular annual sessions of the Board may cancel mem- bership on the Board. The Board shall have power to fill all vacancies ad interim, including that of the General Secretary. @517. The work of the General Hospital Board shall be conducted under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed from time to time by the General Conference. @518. Under the provisions of the charter granted by the State of Georgia to Warren A. Candler, Charles C. Seleeman, and others, and approved on July 8, 1922, and amended July 23, 1924, or such other charter as may be hereafter granted, the Board shall have power to contract and to be contracted with; to sue and to be sued; to receive and to apply donations, de- vises, and bequests; to own, buy, and sell real estate, and to do all other things required in the 252 @522 | CONSTITUTION charter and subject to the provisions of the charter under which the Board operates. @519. The Board is empowered to study the hospital situation in the Church, to make sur- veys with a view to locating institutions wisely, to create literature, to devise plans for pro- _ moting the hospital movement throughout the connection, and to assist in locating, building, and financing hospitals. @520. On the call of the General Secretary, the Board shall meet as soon as practicable after its election, and shall organize by electing from its membership a President, two Vice Presidents, a Recording Secretary, and a Treas- urer, provided that the Recording Secretary and the Treasurer need not be members of the Board. @521. The General Secretary shall be elected by the General Conference and shall serve for a term of four years. His salary shall be fixed and paid by the Board. - @522. The General Secretary shall be the executive officer of the Board. He shall conduct its correspondence, carry out its decisions, and execute its policies. He shall travel throughout the connection in the interests of the work, visiting Conferences and hospitals. He shall report annually to the Annual Conferences and to the General Hospital Board, and quadrennial- 253 GENERAL HOSPITAL BOARD | G523 ly to the General Conference. He shall reside where the Board is located. q523. The Board shall determine what de- partments shall be created for carrying on its work and what other salaried officers in addition to the General Secretary may be necessary for office and field administration. It shall pre- scribe their duties and fix their support. @524. The Board shall appoint an Executive Committee of such number as it may determine and commit to it such duties as it may see fit. The Executive Committee shall keep a record of all its proceedings and submit it to the Board. @525. The work of the Board shall be fi- nanced as the General Conference may direct. It shall be the duty of the Board through its General Secretary to indicate to the Commission on Budget the amounts that will ke needed annually for its work. q526. As provided in its charter, the Board shall be located at Atlanta, Ga. It shall meet annually at such times and places as it may itself determine, and oftener if necessity should | require. @527. From time to time the Board may adopt by-laws for the regulation of its affairs not inconsistent with its charter or with the General Conference legislation. @528. It shall be the policy of the Board to encourage and promote the hospital movement. 254 @529 | GOLDEN CROSS SOCIETY rather than to own and operate hospitals in its own name. Such hospitals as are essentially connectional in character may be owned and operated by the Board in such manner as it may think best. Where it seems wise to the Board and to an Annual Conference, the Board may assume ownership of an institution and operate it until such time as the Board and the Annual Conference may determine that the institution should be transferred to Annual Conference ownership and control. In like manner the Board may initiate a hospital enterprise with the view of transferring it ultimately to Annual Conference ownership and control. No hospital enterprise shall be undertaken in the bounds of an Annual Conference without the consent, authority, and support of that Conference, except that an institution distinctly connection- al in character may be undertaken by the General Board on its own motion. SECTION II GOLDEN CROSS SOCIETY q529. The Golden Cross Society is author- ized as an Annual Enrollment of our members and adherents with the view of securing their interest in the cause of hospitals and to aid in their support. The Constitution of the Golden Cross Society is as follows: 255 GENERAL HOSPITAL BOARD [ G530 530. The name shall be “The Golden Cross Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South.” @531. The purpose of this Society shall be to promote the hospital work of the Church; and it shall be auxiliary to the General Hospital Board of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. @532. Anyone desiring to aid needy and suf- fermg humanity may be enrolled annually in the Society by the payment of $1. By the payment of twenty-five cents, persons under fourteen years of age may be enrolled as Junior members. @533. The Board is authorized to arrange an ascending scale of higher memberships for those who are able and willing to contribute more largely to the cause of hospitals. q534. The Annual Enrollment shall take place during Hospital Week and be completed as soon thereafter as possible. Hospital Week shall include the second and third Sundays in May. Members may be enrolled, however, at any time and place. q535. A local chapter of the Golden Cross Society shall be organized in every congrega- tion. q536. The pastor shall appoint a Church Director of the Golden Cross subject to con- firmation by the first Quarterly Conference. 256 q539 | GOLDEN CROSS SOCIETY The pastor and the Director shall select a suit- able committee and carefully organize it for the work of the enrollment. 537. Every Sunday school, Epworth League, Missionary Society, and Board of Lay Activi- ties shall be a recruiting station for the Golden Cross. The pastor, the Lay Leader, the Sunday School Superintendent, President of the Ep- worth League, and President of the Woman’s Missionary Society shall be recruiting officers of the Golden Cross; and they shall render the - Director and his committee all reasonable assistance in the work of the Enrollment. q@538. All funds raised by the Annual Enroll- ment in this Society shall be used for the erec- tion, endowment, or support of hospitals -hav- ing connection with patronizing Annual Con- ferences and indorsed by the General Hospital Board. @539. The Golden Cross button as already adopted and in use by the Board is hereby recognized as the official badge of the Society. The name, button, and general enrollment plans of the Society are hereby declared to be the property of the General Hospital Board. No institution inside or outside of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, is authorized to use these except by agreement with that Board. The Board is authorized to create literature, devise plans, and accumulate other material for 9 257 GENERAL HOSPITAL BOARD [ (540 the Golden Cross Enrollment and furnish them to the officer or the institution authorized by the Annual Conference to direct the Golden Cross Enrollment. q540. The enrollment shall be under the direc- tion of the Annual Conference Hospital Board. A hospital under the control of the Conference may be authorized to promote for itself the enrollment. Such an institution shall apply to the General Hospital Board for Golden Cross material, which shall be furnished at reasonable cost. The hospital shall receive the entire proceeds of the enrollment. @541. Where there is no hospital in an Annual Conference, the Conference through its Hospital Board shall promote the enrollment. The Conference Director of the Golden Cross, or, if there be no such officer, the Secretary of the Annual Conference Hospital Board, shall apply to the General Hospital Board for Golden Cross material and it shall be supplied by that Board. The Conference shall see that the funds re- ceived from the enrollment are sent to the Gen- eral Hospital Board, as provided for in 4551, until such time as the Conference may see fit to enterprise a hospital in its own territory. @542. Where there is a hospital which elects mot to promote for itself the enrollment, the Annual Conference Hospital Board shall direct the enrollment as in 4541 for the benefit of the 258 545 | CONFERENCE BOARD hospital. In this case the funds arising from the enrollment shall be sent by the Conference Treasurer to the hospital; and the cost of Golden Cross material used in the enrollment shall be charged against the hospital benefiting and paid by it. q543. Any Annual Conference may appoint a Conference Director of the Golden Cross to work within its bounds and promote the en- rollment. If this officer gives his entire time to the work, the Conference shall provide for his support. @544. Each Presiding Elder shall appoint a District Director of the Golden Cross subject to the confirmation by the District Conference. ree SECTION III ANNUAL CONFERENCE HOSPITAL BOARD @545. Each Annual Conference, at the session next succeeding the General Conference, shall constitute for the quadrennium a Conference Hospital Board composed of one lay member from each Presiding Elder’s District and an equal number of traveling preachers to be se- lected without regard to district lines: provided, however, that no Conference shall have a Board of less than six members, composed of an equal number of laymen and preachers. Vacancies in 259 GENERAL HOSPITAL BOARD [ (546 the Board shall be filled by the Conference. Two consecutive unexcused absences from the sessions may cancel membership in the Board. Under the provisions of this Chapter and in harmony with the policies of the General Hospital Board, the Conference Board shall have power to determine the scope of its opera- tions. @546. The Board shall organize by the selec- tion of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Executive Committee: provided, that a majority of members shall be present at the organization. Meetings of the Board shall be held annually during the sessions of the Conference, but a meeting may be called at any time by the Executive Committee: In the interim of its meeting the Executive Com- mittee shall transact the business of the Board, but its actions shall be subject to the approval, of the Board. The Chairman of the Board shall be a member of the Executive Committee and shall be its Chairman. A majority of the committee shall constitute a quorum. @547. With the consent of the Conference, the Board is authorized to employ an Executive Secretary, who shall be the Conference Director of the Golden Cross Society. He shall have general supervision of the work committed to the Board, under such regulations as it may adopt. Funds to meet the expenses of the 260) 551 | CONFERENCE BOARD Board shall be provided (a) through the regular Conference budget, (6) through any other available sources. @548. The Conference Board shall have over- sight of the Golden Cross Enrollment through- out the Conference and under the General Hospital Board. @549. The Board may ask the Conference to authorize a hospital belonging to the Church and patronized by the Conference to direct for itself the enrollment and receive all. moneys raised by such effort. Such hospital shall apply to the General Hospital Board for Golden Cross material, which shall be furnished at reasonable cost. @550. The Board shall assist in securing a proper observance of Hospital Week, in using this week not only for enrollment in the Golden Cross, but in bringing before our people the cause of hospitals, the nursing profession as a field of Christian service, and the call of the poor for surgical and medical attention. @551. The moneys contributed during the Golden Cross Enrollment shall be sent to the Conference Treasurer, and by him remitted to the hospital for which they were raised. In case there is no hospital in the Conference the money shall be sent by the Conference Treas- urer to the General Hospital Board; twenty per cent of these funds shall be the property of the 261 GENERAL HOSPITAL BOARD [ G552 General Hospital Board and eighty per cent shall be the property of the Annual Conference that raised it. The General Board may use said Conference funds as a loan fund for hospi- tals under such safeguards as it may see fit to employ. The funds are the property of the An- nual Conference raising them and can be called for at any time by the Annual Conference and used for hospital purposes by giving reasonable notice to the General Board. @552. Where there is a hospital which elects not to promote for itself the Golden Cross Enrollment, the Conference Board shall direct the enrollment as in @541 for the benefit of the hospital. In this case the funds arising from the enrollment shall be sent by the Conference Treasurer to the hospital; and the cost of Golden Cross material used in the enrollment shall be charged against the hospital benefiting and paid by it. @553. The Conference Board shall advise the Conference in reference to locating, financing, erecting, and operating hospitals. It shall make a written report each year to the Annual Con- ference on the state of the work and the condi- tion of such hospitals as may be within the bounds of the Conference. 262 556 ] GENERAL BOARD CHAPTER XIX BOARD OF LAY ACTIVITIES SECTION I GENERAL BOARD OF LAY ACTIVITIES @554. The General Board of Lay Activities shall be composed of all Conference Lay Leaders elected by the several Annual Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South: pro- vided, that the General Secretaries of the several General Boards shall be consulting members of the General Board of Lay Activities without power to vote. @555. The Board shall promote Christian stewardship, the Wesley Brotherhood, full pay- ment of all assessments, lay speaking; codper- ate with the other general agencies of the Church; and devise methods of securing among the laymen an increasing loyalty and interest, with the ultimate end in view of having an active working force in every local Church. @556. The General Conference shall elect a General Secretary, who shall have general super- vision of the work under the direction of the Board and who shall be subject to the authority and control of the Board. On nomination of the 263 BOARD OF LAY ACTIVITIES { Q557 General Secretary, such Associate Secretaries as are necessary shall be elected by the Board. _ The Board shall have authority to fill vacancies occurring ad tntervm, including that of General Secretary. @557. The work of this Board shall be consid- ered a benevolent interest of the Church, and the Commission on Budget shall include in the assessments recommended for adoption by the General Conference such sum as may be neces- sary for the proper support of the Board. This Board shall report to the Commission on Budget its estimate of the amount needed annually for its work. @558. The Methodist Layman shall be the offi- cial organ of the Board. @559. This Board shall report quadrennially to the General Conference. @560. This Board shall be organized by the election of a President, Vice Presidents, Re- cording Secretary, and Treasurer. It shall have authority to regulate its own proceedings. oe SECTION II CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP @561. The General Board of Lay Activities shall be charged with the cultivation and promo- tion of Christian stewardship. It shall initiate 264 q562 | CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP plans, develop literature, and perfect organiza- tions to utilize effectively in the work of the Church and in the development of Christian character this fundamental doctrine of Christian faith and practice, and for this purpose it should correlate the various educational and administra- tive agencies of the Church. A definite period during the year, preferably at a time when no im- mediate financial objective is in view, shall be designated, in which major’ emphasis shall be given to the study and promotion of stewardship principles. The practical application of these principles shall be stressed in connection with the every-member canvass and financial plans of the Church, and the stewardship interpreta- tion of the gospel message shall be encouraged in the regular services throughout the year. @562. The Committee on Christian Steward- ship shall consist of the chairman, who shall be elected by the Church Board of Lay Activities on nomination of the pastor, a stewardship representative each from the Woman’s Mis- sionary Society, the Epworth League, the Sunday school, the Board of Stewards, and the Wesley Brotherhood, and such other mem- bers as the pastor and chairman’ may deem necessary. This committee shall correlate and promote stewardship education in the local Church in accordance with the plans of the General Board. It shall elect a Secretary, 265 BOARD OF LAY ACTIVITIES [ (563. who shall keep a permanent roll of the tithers of the Church. SECTION III WESLEY BROTHERHOOD @563. The men of the Methodist Episcopal. Church, South, are hereby authorized to organ- ize for fellowship and larger service in the work of the Church, and ‘‘The Wesley Brotherhood of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South,” shall be the duly authorized organization for this purpose. This organization shall be auxiliary to the General Board of Lay Activities, which shall have authority to promote and charter local Church Brotherhoods in accordance with the constitution of the General Wesley Brother- hood. . @564. The Board of Governors of the Wesley Brotherhood shall consist of the members of the General Board of Lay Activities and shall have power to adopt, amend, and execute the provisions of its constitution. 565. The General Secretary of the General Board of Lay Activities shall be the General Secretary of the Wesley Brotherhood. Onnomi- nation of the General Secretary, such Associate Secretaries as shall be necessary shall be elected by the Board of Governors. @556. The Conference Lay Leaders shall be ) 266 q569 | THE BENEVOLENCES Field Representatives and the District and Associate Lay Leaders shall be District Or- ganizers of the Wesley Brotherhood. q@567. Let Brotherhoods be organized in all our congregations wherever practicable for fellowship, personal evangelism, and all phases of men’s work, and to assist the pastor and the Church Board of Lay Activities in promoting the entire work of the Church. The Methodist Layman shall be the official organ of the Wesley Brotherhood. The President of the Wesley Brotherhood shall be a member of the Church Board of Lay Activities. @568. The Wesley Brotherhood of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, South, shall be affiliated with the World Brotherhood Federation, and shall promote world peace and international good will. SECTION IV THE BENEVOLENCES q569. The General Board of Lay Activities shall be charged with the promotion of the payment of the benevolent assessments of the Church. It shall inaugurate plans and policies to reach our entire membership in developing a conscience on this question and securing a con- tribution from every member. The Conference, District, Circuit, and Church Boards of Lay 267 BOARD OF LAY ACTIVITIES [ G570 Activities, working in harmony with the General Board and in full codperation with the Bishops, Presiding Elders, and pastors, shall strive dili- gently to obtain full payment of all assessments. @570. The General Board shall be charged with the promotion of an annual every-member canvass throughout the Church in behalf of all the benevolent claims, in which effort it shall have the codperation of all the general agen- cies of the Church. The Conference Board, together with the Bishop in charge, shall be responsible for promoting this canvass in the Annual Conference, and shall have the co- operation of the other Conference Boards. The District Board, together with the Presiding Elder, shall be responsible for promoting the canvass in the District. The Circuit and Church Boards, together with the pastor, shall have this responsibility in the Circuit and Church, respectively. Ample provision shall be made in the budget to be secured in this canvass for all the current benevolent needs of the Church. The Church Board of Lay Activities, under the direction of the pastor, shall be charged with the collection of the pledges obtained in the canvass, with securing contributions from new members, and with the full payment of all the benevolent claims. 268 q571] CONFERENCE BOARD SECTION V ANNUAL CONFERENCE BOARD OF LAY ACTIVITIES @571. There shall be in every Annual Confer- ence a Conference Board of Lay Activities, composed of the Conference Lay Leader,. who shall be Chairman of the Board, the District Lay Leaders and Associate District Lay Leaders from each Presiding Elder’s District. The Conference Lay Leader shall be elected an- nually for a term of one year by the Annual Conference, on nomination of the Conference | Board, which nomination shall be by ballot. This Board shall report to the Annual Confer- ence at its annual session, and shall hold an an- niversary or otherwise provide for an adequate representation of the work of lay activities during the session of the Conference. ‘This _ Board shall carry out the program of lay activi- ties as outlined under the direction of the Gen- eral Board and also codperate with all other Conference Boards in executing their plans for larger service in the work of the Church. This Board shall hold one annual meeting each year in connection with the Annual Conference session, and such other meetings as may be deemed advisable by the Board, and upon the call of the Chairman. The Conference Board shall have authority to fill vacancies in the office of Conference Lay Leader. 269 BOARD OF LAY ACTIVITIES [ 572 q572. The Annual Conference Board shall estimate annually the amount necessary for the support of such work as may be under its control, and report the amount to the Annual Conference Commission on Budget for its con- sideration. @573. The minutes of all meetings of the Conference Board shall be kept in a permanent record by a Secretary elected for that purpose, of which record the Secretary shall be custo- dian, and he shall furnish copies of the records _ of all meetings to the members of the Board. see eee ee SECTION VI DISTRICT BOARD OF LAY ACTIVITIES q@574. There shall be in every district a District Board of Lay Activities, composed of the District Lay Leader, who shall be Chairman of the Board, two Associate District Lay Leaders, the Presiding Elder, and the Lay Leader of each charge in the District. The District Lay Leader and the two Associate District Lay Leaders shall be elected annually by the District Conference on nomination of the District Board of Lay Activi- ties, which nomination shall be by ballot. This Board shall codperate with the Annual Confer- ence Board of Lay Activities in promoting the program of lay activities outlined under the di- 270 Q577] CIRCUIT BOARD rection of the General Board, as follows: to pro- mote Christian Stewardship, the Wesley Broth- erhood, full payment of all assessments, lay speaking, and all other interests of the Church. @575. The minutes of all meetings of the District Board of Lay Activities shall be kept in a permanent record by a Secretary elected for that purpose, of which record the Secretary shall be custodian. @576. The Presiding Elder, together with the two Associate District Lay Leaders, shall have authority to fill vacancies ad interym in the office of District Lay Leader. SECTION VII CIRCUIT BOARD OF LAY ACTIVITIES @577. There shall be in every charge having two or more Churches a Circuit Board of Lay Activities composed of the Charge Lay Leader, who shall be Chairman of this Board, the pastor, the Church Lay Leaders, the Chairman of the Board of Stewards, the Chairmen of the Com- mittees on Christian Stewardship and Missions, Presidents of Wesley Brotherhoods, and the Sunday school superintendents in the charge. The Charge Lay Leader shall be elected by the Quarterly Conference at its fourth session, on nomination of the pastor. The Church Lay Leaders in circuits shall also be elected by the 271 BOARD OF LAY ACTIVITIES [ Q578 Quarterly Conference at its fourth session, on nomination of the pastor. This Board shall co- operate with the District Board of Lay Activities in carrying.out the program of lay activities as outlined under the direction of the General Board. It shall also promote harmony and good fellowship within the charge to the end that a larger service may be rendered by the charge. The Circuit Board of Lay Activities shall consti- tute the pastor’s cabinet. @578. The minutes of all meetings of the Circuit Board of Lay Activities shall be kept in a permanent record by a Secretary elected for that purpose, of which record the Secretary shall be custodian. SECTION VIII CHURCH BOARD OF LAY ACTIVITIES @579. There shall be in every Church a Church Board of Lay Activities, composed of the Church Lay Leader, who shall be the Chair- man of the Board, the pastor, the Chairman and two other members of the Board of Stew- ards elected by that Board on nomination of the pastor, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, the Chairmen of the Christian Stewardship and Missionary Committees, the President of the Wesley Brotherhood, the Superintendent of the Sunday school, the President of the Wom- 272 q581 ] DUTIES OF LAY LEADER an’s Missionary Society, and the President of the Epworth League, whose duty shall be to promote Christian stewardship, men’s work through the Wesley Brotherhood, full payment of all benevolent and missionary claims, lay speaking, and all the other interests of the Church through such committees as the Board shall deem it wise to create from the mem- bership of the local Church: provded, however, that every Church Board of Lay Activities shall create a Committee on Christian Stewardship and a Committee on Missions. This Board shall coéperate with the District Board of Lay Activ- ities in carrying out the program of lay activities as outlined under the direction of the General Board. In stations the Church Lay Leader is also the Charge Lay Leader and the Church Board of Lay Activities shall be the pastor’s cabinet. q580. The minutes of all meetings of the Church Board of Lay Activities shall be kept in apermanent record by a Secretary elected for that purpose, of whichrecord the Secretary shall be custodian. SECTION IX DUTIES OF LAY LEADERS @581. The Conference Lay Leader shall call the Annual Conference Board of Lay be elected a delegate to the General Conference should be counted from the time of his reception on trial. {1914.) (33.) q672. A Teacher a Traveling Preacher.—A member of an Annual Conference, appointed as a teacher, is a “traveling preacher.”’ (1885.) (44, 118.) q673. Where the Character of a Transferred Preacher Is Passed.—Every transfer of a traveling preacher is conditioned on the passage of his character by the Conference from which he is transferred and to which he is amenable up to the time of its occurrence. (1885.) (QQ52 (18, 21], 54.) q674. When a Transfer Takes Effect.—The official announcement that a preacher is transferred changes his membership, so that his rights and responsibilities in the Conference to which he goes begin from the date of his transfer. (1905.) (@@44, 48, 52 [9, 13], 54.) q675. A Supply Cannot Be Transferred.—A local preacher serving as a supply in one Annual Con- ference was recommended for admission on trial into another Annual Conference. He declined to be exam- ined on the Course of Study, alleging that he had been announced as a transfer to the Conference, and hence was already in connection with it. The Bishop decided: A preacher employed as a sup- ply, but not otherwise connected with an Annual Con- ference, cannot become a probationer or a member of an Annual Conference by transfer, and can only be ad- mitted in the manner prescribed in the Discipline. {1911.) (52 [9], 162.) q676. Lay Members of the Annual Conference.—The 381 EPISCOPAL DECISIONS [ G677 right to vote includes the right to speak, and the lay members of the Annual Conference can vote on the question, ‘‘ What traveling preachers are elected elders?’’ (1902.) (46, 52 [17, 19], 161, 175.) ‘ 677. Appeal from the Decision of a Bishop.—The right of appeal from the decision of a bishop belongs only to the Conference over which he is at the time pre- siding, and cannot be claimed or exercised by any in- dividual member thereof. (1891, 1925.) (@@q@51, 122, 120, 1pee) @678. Authority of Examining Committees.—The law of the Church does not make it mandatory upon the Examining Committee of an Annual Conference to accept from an applicant for admission on trial into the traveling connection certificates of satisfactory examination from our institutions of learning in lieu of examination by the committee. (1908.) (@64, 162, 165, 167, 170, 176.) q679. Examination on the Course of Study.—An An- nual Conference Committee of Examination may ac- cept from an undergraduate the certificate of an ap- proved college for any part of the Course of Study that he has completed, even though several years have elapsed since the work was done, provided the com- mittee is satisfied that the work was properly done; but the books used must be those prescribed in the Course of Study. (1918.) (G64, 135, 162, 165-167, 170, 176, 824.) q680. In Our Law What Is a “Standard College,’’ and What Is “Equivalent Work”? Duties of Examin- ing Committees.—Only a college that meets the mini- mum requirements fixed by the commission of ten prac- tical educators and classified as standard by the General Board of Education is in our law a “‘standard college.?? (Q825.) 382 q683 | RELATING TO ANNUAL CONFERENCE ‘Equivalent work”? means work done in an institu- tion Which meets at least these minimum requirements. Committees of examination must approve the exami- nation of a candidate before he can be admitted on trial or advanced to another year, and without such approval the Conference cannot vote to admit or to advance (QQ165, 166, 176); but these committees must hold the candidate responsible for a knowledge of the books pre- scribed in the course of study (679), except in the specific cases referred to in the proviso in 825. (1919.) ~ (QQ135, 165-167, 170, 176.) @681. Annual Conference Boards and Commitiees.— The following was offered in an Annual Conference: *‘Resolved, That the standing rule of the Conference requiring nominations for boards and committees to be made by the presiding elders be changed so as to re- quire these nominations to be made by a Committee on Nominations composed of one member from each dis- trict, nominated annually by the presiding elder of that district.” The bishop presiding decided that, ‘“‘The resolution cannot apply to the Committees of Examination or to any of the quadrennial boards, but is valid in reference to committees appointed annually.” (1893.) (@q61, 333, 349, 378, 426, 458, 476, 510.) @682. Presiding Elders May Nominate for Vacancies.— It is admissible for the presiding elders, acting as a Com- mittee on Nominations, to make nominations to fill va- eancies in the quadrennial boards, except in the case of boards touching which the Discipline makes other pro- vision. (1906.) (QQ61, 333, 349, 373, 426, 458, 476, 510.) 683. Annual Conference Statistical Blanks.—The forms supplied by the Publishing House in conformity ‘with the action of the General Conference must be used by Annual Conferences, but any Conference may em- O83 EPISCOPAL DECISIONS : | (684 ploy such additional forms as it needs. (1887.) (Qq52, 66, 186, 1538-155.) q684. Gain or Loss of Members, How Determined.— The gain or loss of membership on the blank for report to an Annual Conference must be determined by the records of the charge, and not by the statements or cor- rections of the last pastor. (1889.) (@Qq@52 [25], 106 [2], 186, 158, 155.) @685. Baptized Infants and Church Membership.—A roll of baptized infants should be kept, but not counted in reporting the number of Church members. (1913.) | (QqQ52 (25, 26], 112 [2], 153, 624.) 686. Appointment o, Students in Schools.—A preach- er just admitted on trial may be appointed a student in one of our schools. (1907.) (@Q118, 274.) SECTION III RELATING TO THE DISTRICT CONFERENCE @687. Presiding Elder a Member of District Confer- ence.—The presiding elder of a district is a member of its District Conference. (1892.) (84.) 688. Membership of the District Conference.—A con- nectional officer residing outside the territory of his Annual Conference is not a member of the District Conference including the place of his residence. (1911.) (Qq84, 94, 107.) @689. President of a District Conference.—The presi- dent elected by a District Conference must be chosen from its membership. (1873.) (Q85.) 690. Who Can Vote for Lay Delegates.—In the elec- tion of lay delegates to the Annual Conference ‘‘no member of the Annual Conference shall vote’; but every other member of the District Conference is en- titled to a vote; and preachers on trial having appoint- 384 @695 | RELATING TO DISTRICT CONFERENCE ments in the district are members of the District Con- ference. (1912.) ({88.) q691. Membership of Local Preachers in Annual Con- ference.—Local preachers and lay members are eligible to membership in the Annual Conference on the same terms as to the qualifications of age and number of years of membership in the Church. (1910.) (@q44, 45.) q692. A Lay Member’s Right to Assist in Examining Candidates for License to Preach-—A lay member can serve on a committee of the District Conference to examine candidates for license to preach. (1903.) (Qq91, 188, 189.) @693. Examination for License to Preach.—The right of a presiding elder to examine an applicant who cannot reach the District Conference, and to report the result of the examination to the Conference, does not include the right to examine him in the absence of the Licensing Committee and to report to that committee. Where the Licensing Committee is intended to be included it is specifically mentioned. (1915.) (Q@91, 92, 188, 621.) q@694. Licensing of Deposed Ministers.—A preacher deposed and deprived of his credentials must be recom- mended, examined, and licensed, in regular form, in order to bring his case under the provisions of the law for the restoration of credentials. (1872.) (Q@323- 327.) @695. District Conference .Neither Passes Character Nor Renews License of a Probationer.—The passage of the character of a preacher on trial was brought up at a District Conference. The presiding elder was asked, “‘Do preachers on trial need to have their characters passed and their licenses renewed by the District Con- ference?”’ and he decided that it was necessary. An appeal was taken, and the bishop decided that the pre- siding elder was in error; that the character of a preach- ia 385 EPISCOPAL DECISIONS [ G696 er on trial passes in the Annual Conference; that an admission on trial is a license to preach, and continuance on trial is a renewal of that license. (1911.) (90, 188, 274.) @696. Licensing a Preacher in His Absence.—A Dis- trict Conference may license a preacher in his absence, provided his examination is satisfactery to the Confer- ence. (1900.) (90, 91, 188.) q@697. License of a Preacher Who Is Discontinued.— The discontinuance of an unordained preacher on trial takes him out of the itinerancy, but his license to preach will continue in force till the meeting of the next Dis- trict Conference, otherwise a discontinuance would really be an expulsion from the ministry. (1918.) (Qq84, 90, 163, 188, 193.) @q698. Who Can Recommend for License to Preach, Admission on Trial, and Readmission.—A Quarterly Conference within one district can recommend a brother to the District Conference of another district for license to preach, admission on trial, or readmission. (1896.) ({Q90, 101, 106 [86], 188, 189.) q699. Recommendation for Readmission.—A traveling preacher who withdraws from the ministry and mem- . bership of our Church, and afterwards reunites with ~ the Church, may not be recommended for readmission into an Annual Conference, but must be relicensed and begin his ministry de novo. (1893.) (Qq90, 91, 162, 188, 775, 776, 808.) @700. Written Report of Local Preacher.—The law of our Church requires a local preacher to report annually in writing the extent and result of his labors; and if he fail to comply, the District Conference may refuse to pass his character, but this failure does not prevent the Conference from entering into the merits of his case and passing his character. (1907.) (@Q90, 188, 192.) 701. Recommendation for Orders.—lf the reeommen- 386 @706 | RELATING TO QUARTERLY CONFERENCE dation of a District Conference for orders in the local connection come for the first time before an Annual Conference within a year, it may be considered, even though the District Conference be not included within the bounds of that Annual Conference. (1901.) (Qq52 f17, 19], 91.) 702. Recommendation of Licensing Committee.—The recommendation of an applicant for admission on trial by a Licensing Committee is irregular and invalid un- less all its members be present and unanimously ap- prove the recommendation. (1910.) (@92.) @703. One Conference Cannot Defy Another.—When one Conference deposes a preacher, another cannot in defiance immediately relicense him, nor recommend him for the restoration of his credentials. (1887.) (€Q101, 309, 318, 322.) SECTION IV RELATING TO THE QUARTERLY CONFERENCE q@704. No Proxy on Appeal in Quarterly Conference.— A member of a Quarterly Conference cannot vote by proxy in a case to be tried on appeal. (1897.) (497, 106 [86].) 705. Appeal from a Legal Decision.—An appeal of a Quarterly Conference from the decision of the presiding elder should contain, not an independent statement of the matter, but a transcript from its journal. Except in trials, an appeal must be taken by the Quarterly Con- ference, or a majority of it, and not by an individual member of that body. (1871, 1886, 1919.) (@q96, 106 [36], 132.) @706. Appeal to a Quarterly Conference.—Complaint against a presiding elder was made to an Annual Con- ference, because a Quarterly Conference over which he 387 EPISCOPAL DECISIONS [ G707 had presided had declined to entertain the appeal of an expelled member of the Church. The bishop presiding decided: 1. Can a Quarterly Conference or its president de- cide whether an appeal shall be entertained? Answer: For justifiable reasons a Quarterly Conference may de- cide not to entertain an appeal. 2. When a Quarterly Conference has decided not to entertain an appeal, has its president any recourse by which he can compel it to entertain the appeal? Answer: He has not. (1877.) (106 [86], 132, 295, 319.) q707. Are There Any Complaints?—In a Quarterly Conference, under the question, ‘‘Are there any com- plaints?”’ the pastor was complained of for neglect of certain duties, and record was made of it. The case coming before the bishop, he decided: The question, “Are there any complaints?” applies only to official members of the local charge, and the Quarterly Con- ference has no jurisdiction over any member of the An- nual Conference. (1875.) (Q97, 106 [86].) SECTION V RELATING TO BISHOPS @708. Request Regarding an Appointment Not Man- datory.—The request of an Annual Conference that a Bishop shall make a specific appointment is not man- datory. (1920.) (118.) @709. Cases the College of Bishops Cannot Decide.— The College of Bishops cannot deliver an official opin- ion on any question of law, unless it come up in regu- lar order, as by appeal or for review. Hypothetical cases, however ingenious and interesting, cannot be entertained; but only those actually arising in the ad- 388 q715 | RELATING TO TRAVELING PREACHERS ministration of Church law, and these in the way prescribed. (1867.) (@Q122, 123, 132.) q710. No Decision on Settled Questions. — Even though presented in due form, a question of law already settled by the College of Bishops need not be decided by the Bishop presiding. (1887.) (@@122, 123, 259.) Q711. What Decisions of Law Are Not Binding.—No unrecorded decision of law is of any force. (1913.) (QQ122, 123, 182.) SECTION VI RELATING TO TRAVELING PREACHERS q712. No Right to Decline Appointment.—The law striking out a fixed sum for the support of a preacher, and leaving the stewards to estimate the salary, does not give the minister a right to decline to serve an ap- pointment, since he had no such right before this action of the General Conference. (1867.) (@Q52 [86], 106 [31], 118.) q713. Plan of the Work.—A preacher in charge has no right, immediately after Conference, to change the plan of his work so as to leave a large portion of it un- supplied. (1872.) (@@125, 139.) 714. Unlawful Certificates of Membership.—It is not lawful to give a certificate of membership to one who does not intend to move from the charge, and who de- clines to say what use he proposes to make of it. 1860. ) (Qq147, 159.) @715. Restoration of an Expelled Preacher.—A preach- er who was expelled for immorality by an Annual Con- ference whose decision was sustained, on appeal, by the General Conference, was admitted to membership in the Church by a preacher in charge, with the advice and consent of his leading official members, without con- 389 EPISCOPAL DECISIONS [ G716 fession or any expression of repentance of the crime for which he had been expelled. The question arose: ‘*Can an Annual Conference, upon allegation of ille- gality in the reception of the expelled member, investi- gate the question whether such reception was according to law?”’ The following decision was approved unani- -mously: ‘‘It is competent for an Annual Conference to inquire into the official administration of every member of it. Nevertheless the law constitutes the preacher in charge the proper judge of the eligibility of a candidate for membership in the Church.” (1867.) (309, 310, 322-324, 326, 622.) q716. Pastor Not Required to Consult Trustees.—The preacher in charge is not required to secure the consent of trustees of Church property before appointing a serv- ice in any Church in his charge, since the law makes it his duty ‘“‘to control the appointment of all services to be held in the churches in his charge.” (1896.) (QQ139, 226.) 717. Women Not Recognized as Preachers.—Our Church does not recognize women as preachers, with authority to occupy the pulpit, to read the Holy Scrip- tures, and to preach, as ministers of the Lord Jesus Christ; nor does it authorize a preacher in charge to in- vite a woman claiming to be a minister of the Lord Je- sus Christ to occupy our pulpits, to expound the Scrip- tures as a preacher. Such invitations and services are against the authority and order of our Church. (1896.) (139, 162, 188.) @718. Renting Parsonage Property——With the con- sent of the Quarterly Conference, a preacher in charge may rent the parsonage and occupy another residence. (1887.) (@214.) @719. Rental of Parsonages.—It is not in harmony with our Discipline to require rent from our preachers 390 q725 | RELATING TO SUPERNUMERARIES who use parsonages provided by the Church for their use and occupancy. (1901.) (@214.) @720. Probation Not in Calendar Years.—A preacher who has traveled two Conference years, even though not twenty-four months, may be admitted into full con- nection. (1877.) (52 [6], 165-167.) @721. A Probationer Appointed to Teach.—A proba- tioner appointed to teach a public school is entitled to have the time spent in that work count on the time re- quired for admission into full connection and for ordi- nation. (1915.) (@@52 [6], 165-167.) @722. Presence Necessary for Admission into Full Connection.—Except a missionary employed on a for- eign mission, who may be admitted in his absence from the Annual Conference on the recommendation of the superintendent of the mission, those who ask to be re- ceived into full connection must be present and must be approved by the Annual Conference. (1915.) (QQ52 [6], 167, 168.) 723. Time Limit for Elder’s Orders.—A deacon ad- mitted on trial into an Annual Conference is not eligible, after a service of two years, to the office of elder, even though he may have completed the Course of Study for that office, and may have been admitted into full connection. (1891.) (52 [19], 177, 191.) SECTION VII RELATING TO SUPERNUMERARIES q724. Who Can Be Made Supernumerary?—Only a preacher afflicted in his own person. (1859.) (@4@52 [22], 182.) 725. Remuneration of Supernumeraries.—A super- numerary is not entitled to any remuneration from the charge to which he is appointed, unless there be an ex- 591 EPISCOPAL DECISIONS { Q726 press stipulation between him and the Board of Stew- ards. (1872.) (52 [22], 182.) 726. Supernumeraries Not Conference Claimants.—A supernumerary has no claim on the fund in the hands of the Board of Finance. (1872.) (QQ52 [22], 182, 349.) SECTION VIII RELATING TO SUPERANNUATES q727. Ad Interim Claim of Superannuate-—An ap- propriation may be made by the Board of Finance to one whose claim has arisen since the preceding session of the Conference. (1894.) (350.) @728. Powers of the Board of Finance.—The Board of Finance may reserve as much of the funds in its hands as may be necessary to pay during the year the funeral expenses of deceased claimants, and to relieve claimants who, by reason of sickness or other causes, may be brought into unforeseen need or distress, the Conference having the right to approve, recommit, or amend its re- port. (1893.) (350, 353.) q729. Lay Members of the Board of Finance.—It is not required that the lay members of the Board of Fi- nance should be members of the Annual Conference, but there must be one from as well as for each district. (1871.) (349.) @730. Distribution of Publishing House Funds.—The produce of the Publishing House set apart for superan- nuated preachers and the widows and orphans of preachers should be added to the Conference collection by the Board of Finance, and distributed among the claimants according to its best judgment of their several necessities. (1889.) (@350.) @731. Claimants in Ceded Territory.—In equity, Con- ference claimants living in the bounds of territory ceded 392 q736 | RELATING TO SUPERANNUATES by the General Conference from one Annual Conference to another should be ceded with the territory; but legally they continue to be claimants on the Annual Conference from which the territory is ceded. (1903.) (q44.) 732. Where Is the Claim of a Superannuate?—The claim of a superannuate is on the Conference of which he is a member. \(1892.) (52 [23], 185.) 733. Who Are Conference Claimants?—Only to su- perannuated preachers and the widows and orphans of itinerant preachers can funds collected for Confer- ence claimants be appropriated. Location for any cause. instantly cancels all claims on that fund both for the preacher and for his family; but the Conference can levy an assessment and make an appropriation for any charitable object, though not so as to divert the collec- tions taken for Conference claimants. (1913.) (@q52 {23], 185, 349.) 734. Families of Probationers Not Beneficiaries.— Families of deceased preachers on trial are not benefici- aries on the superannuate fund; but only preachers in - full connection with the Annual Conference and their dependent widows and children. (1922.) (52 [23], 185, 346, 349.) 735. What Widows Are Not Beneficiaries —Widows of superannuated preachers who married them after their superannuation do not become Conference claim- ants, because the law states that the Board of Finance shall distribute funds “‘to the widows of deceased preachers on the basis of the number of years that they have been wives of effective preachers.” (1923.) (4346 [2].) q736. Family Claims Cannot Be Renounced.—The voluntary renunciation by a member of an Annual Conference of his own claim or that of his family upon the Conference funds does not abrogate the subsequent 393 EPISCOPAL DECISIONS | Q737 claim of his widow and orphans. (1870.) (52 [23], 185, 349.) @737. Orphan Children of Deceased Members.—The daughter of a deceased traveling preacher, twenty-one years of age, sound in mind and body, is not a proper claimant on the funds of the Board of Finance. (1893.) (Q@52 [23], 185, 349.) @738. Claims of Widows of Traveling Preachers.—Be- cause the widow of a traveling preacher withdraws from our Church or unites with another denomination she does not forfeit her claim on the funds of the Church raised for Conference claimants; but it has been de- cided that ‘‘claims upon this fund may be forfeited by immoral conduct,’’ and by parity of reason a person of responsible mind who withdraws from the Church and attacks it would thereby forfeit any claims on:+this fund, the facts to be determined by the records and _ law of the Church. (1920.) (@qQ158, 185.) SS eiaiemnthemeeta SECTION IX RELATING TO LOCAL PREACHERS Q739. Application for License or Renewal.—An “‘ap- plication”’ for a license to preach or for the renewal of a license must be made by the applicant in person, or by letter, or by some one whom he has requested to act for him. (1923.) (90, 188.) q740. Local Preacher’s Certificate-—A local preacher who holds an authentic certificate of membership and official status more than twelve months before he pre- sents it to another Quarterly Conference, if he can sat- isfy the Conference that the delay was unavoidable, does not on this account forfeit his membership and Official standing. (1899.) (Q@94, 188, 194-196.) q741, Suspension of Functions of Local Precchers.— 394 Q747 | RELATING TO STEWARDS, ETC. If there be rumors affecting the moral and ministerial character of an ordained local preacher justifying the District Conference in refusing to pass his character, he is suspended from all ministerial functions till the case is judicially settled. (1870.) (84, 94, 188.) @742. Ordination without Recommendation.—A local - preacher who has preached four years consecutively from the time he received a license to preach, and one of those years has been on trial in the traveling connection, is eligible to deacon’s orders without a recommenda- tion of the District Conference. (1902.) (@Q@52 [18, 20], 121, 190.) q743. Local Preachers to Pass Examinations.—A. lo- cal deacon or elder who enters the itinerancy on trial must pass approved examinations on the whole Course of Study. (1870.) (@64, 135, 166, 167, 170, 176.) SECTION X RELATING TO CLASS LEADERS, STEWARDS, AND TRUSTEES q@744. Class Leaders.—There can be no class leaders where there are no classes, since they must have been members of the class they are appointed to lead. (1899.) . ((q94, 207, 646.) @745. Stewards.—A member of one pastoral charge may be elected steward of another pastoral charge. (1901.) (qQ94, 106 [25], 211.) @746. Stewards Must Be Members.—A person not a member of the Church cannot be elected a steward. (1914.) (@QqQ94, 106 [25], 211.) q747. Relation of Stewards io Annual Conference.— An Annual Conference took this action: ** Resolved, That the district stewards, in apportioning the claims of the presiding elder and the collections or- dered by the Annual Conference, shall make the assess- 395 EPISCOPAL DECISIONS [ G748 ment to the charges in proportion to the claims of the preachers upon those works respectively.” The bishop was asked whether this was legal. His answer, concurred in, was: “The law empowering an Annual Conference to -adopt its own method of raising money to pay those who, by the rules and usages of the Church, have claims upon it, has reference exclusively to the collections for superannuated preachers, widows and orphans of preachers, and for bishops. No Annual Conference can pass mandatory resolutions interfering with the rights and duties of district stewards, or the stewards of charges, as laid down in the Discipline on ‘the support of the ministry.’”’ (1872.) (102, 106 [6, 25, 27], 213, 219, 249, 334.) q748. Board of Finance to Arbitrate—When a ques- tion between a preacher and his stewards is referred for settlement to the Board of Finance, both parties must have due notice and opportunity to make statements before the board can render a decision. (1871.) (106 [31].) q749. Pro Rata Division of Funds.—A disagreement between a presiding elder and a preacher in his district was referred for adjustment to the Board of Finance. The following questions were submitted to the presid- ing bishop: 1. By law the district stewards are required to appor- tion the claim of the presiding elder among the several charges, and the Board of Stewards must add this amount to the claim of their pastor. Can that board make any other than a pro rata division of the funds collected? Ans. No. 2. If other than a pro rata division be made by the board, must the one receiving more than his proportion refund the excess to the other? 396 @ 755 | RELATING TO STEWARDS, ETC. Ans. Yes. 3. In settling between the two a disagreement con- cerning receipts, can the board consider the manner in which each has performed his duty? Ans. No; for this both are responsible only to the Annual Conference. (1876.) (106 [81], 219, 352.) @ 750. Power of Board Over Trustees and Stewards.— Neither trustees nor stewards have the right to apply money raised for the support of the pastor to the pay- ment of other Church debts; and it is lawful for a Board of Finance, when appealed to in such a case, to decide that any funds so misapplied be repaid to the proper claimant. Such claim is not forbidden by the clause of the Discipline which says of the board: ‘‘But in no case shall they allow any preacher to have a claim on the Church he has served, as of debt, after his pastoral con- nection.”’ (1871.) (106 [81], 218, 247, 352.) _ @751. Nomination of District Stewards.— When a Quarterly Conference refuses to confirm a nomination for district steward, the presiding elder need not con- tinue to nominate until the entire Board of Stewards is exhausted. (1907.) (102, 106 [27], 219.) @752. Salary of Presiding Elder.—The district stew- ards may fix the salary of the presiding elder at a cer- tain percentage of the salaries of the pastors in the dis- trict. (1901.) (106 [6, 31], 219, 249.) 753. The Number of Trustees.—The law providing for nine trustees of Church property refers to the num- ber of trustees that may be elected for the separate properties. (1915.) (102, 106 [22, 36], 226.) @754. Powers of Trustees.—Trustees of our Churches have no right, by virtue of their office, to permit them to be used for other than religious purposes. (1869.) (GQ106 [36], 139, 227.) @755. Removal of Trustees —A Quarterly Conference instructed the trustees to sell a piece of property. Some 397 EPISCOPAL DECISIONS [ @756 of them refused to obey instructions and to execute the deed. At the next Quarterly Conference the presiding elder declared vacant the office of the recalcitrant trustees, and the Conference filled the vacancies. An appeal was taken from the decision of the pre- siding elder and the action of the Conference. The bishop decided that the presiding elder had no right to declare the office of a trustee vacant, but that the Con- ference, having the power to remove a trustee at will, could legally remove the recalcitrant trustees and elect their successors. (1911.) (102, 106 [86], 225, 227.) @756. Relief of Trustees.—The resolution of a Quar- terly Conference ordering trustees to mortgage par- sonage property to relieve indebtedness for which they are responsible meets the disciplinary requirement of relief to the trustees before their removal; but they may demand reinstatement if their successors fail to con- summate the transaction intended for their relief. (1896.) (227, 229.) q757. To Whom Rent of a Parsonage Is Due.—Trus- tees, acting under authority of the Quarterly Confer- ence, may apply the rent of a parsonage to the benefit of a preacher or presiding elder who declines to occupy it for valid reasons; but the rent cannot be claimed as a right by a preacher or presiding elder unless the parsonage be impracticable as a residence. (1896.) (q214.) —_——— SECTION XI RELATING TO SUNDAY SCHOOLS AND EPWORTH LEAGUES @758. Sunday School Superintendent—A member of another denomination may be elected Sunday school superintendent in our Church, but this election does not make him a member of our Church, nor of the Quarterly Conference. (1887.) (G94, 110, 381.) 398 q763 | RELATING TO INVESTIGATIONS @759. Collections Made on Sunday School Day.—Col- lections made on Sunday School Day cannot be used for any other purpose than that designated by the Gen- eral Conference. (1890.) (106 [15], 387.) @760. Confirmation of League Officers —Of Epworth League officers, the Quarterly Conference confirms only the presidents of the Senior Leagues. (1911.) (QQ94, 98, 106 [86].) SECTION XII RELATING TO INVESTIGATIONS @76i. Complaints May Be Referred to Committee.— The case of a traveling preacher against whom com- plaint is made during the session of the Annual Con- ference may be referred to a committee to report and recommend action thereon, before he has had the privi- lege of reply, and before the Conference has decided on the passage of his character. (1887.) (@@254, 258, 265-269, 274, 277, 281, 282, 285, 290-296, 311.) @762. Presiding Elder’s Duty about Unformulated Charges.—It is the duty of a presiding elder, if he know of any report against a preacher in his district of such gravity as to require investigation, to mention it to the Annual Conference, although no written charge has been presented. (1896.) (133, 248, 265-269, 274- 277, 281, 282, 285, 290-296, 311.) 763. When a Presiding Elder Can Arrest the Charac- ter of a Preacher.—lIt is not contrary to law for a pre- siding elder to present to the Conference for its action the report of an investigating committee appointed in the interim of Annual Conferences, when that report declares no trial necessary, nor to arrest the passage of the character cf the preacher by presenting the report to the Conference. (1906.) (133, 258, 265-269, 274-277, 281, 282, 285, 290-296, 311.) 399 EPISCOPAL DECISIONS [ (764 q764. Duty of an Officer with Charges.—A presiding elder, with charges signed by a minister or a member of our Church against a traveling preacher of his district, cannot judicially prejudge the case and decide that no trial is necessary, but must refer it to a committee; nevertheless he ought to advise against trials that ap- . pear to him needless and damaging. (1889.) (@qQ253, 258, 268, 265-269, 274-277, 281, 282, 285, 290-296, 311.) q@765. Delayed Charges.—Charges of immorality against a traveling preacher may be made even though the accuser has allowed one or more sessions to pass be- fore bringing the accusation. (1889.) (253, 258, 263, 265-269, 274-277, 281, 282, 285, 290-296, 311.) 766. Appointment of Committee of Investigation.— When a presiding elder hears rumors affecting the moral character of a traveling preacher, he must use discre- tion about appointing a committee of investagition, but he is answerable to the Annual Conference for the manner in which he discharges his duty. (1901.) (QQ253, 258, 259, 263, 265-269, 274-277, 281, 282, 285, 290-296, 311.) 767. Where Investigation Can Be Conducted.—The presiding elder of a district within the bounds of which a local preacher is accused of immorality can conduct the investigation, even though the local preacher has his membership in another district. (1906.) (Qq258, 259, 265-269, 274-277, 281, 282, 285, 290-296, 311.) @768. Selection of a Committee of Investigation.—lIf an impartial committee of investigation cannot be obtained in the class or society to which a member belongs, the pastor may select the committee from any other so- ciety. (1879.) (QQ258, 259, 265-269, 274-277, 281, 282, 285, 290-296, 311.) q769. A Committee of Investigation—A committee of investigation is not to try a case, but to ascertain 400 Q773 | RELATING TO TRIALS whether there be a case requiring trial. The accused, if allowed to appear before it to show that no trial is necessary, may not present any testimony in defense. (1879.) (QqQ253, 258, 259, 263, 265-269, 274-277, 281, 282, 285, 290-296, 311.) @770. Secretary of an Investigating Committee.—The secretary of an investigating committee appointed in the interval of Annual Conferences is to be appointed by the committee from its number. (1891.) (Q@Q253, 258, 259, 263, 265-269, 274-277, 281, 282, 285, 290-296, 311.) q771. No Counsel before Investigating Commitiee.— Before a committee of investigation the accused is not entitled to counsel. (1889). (253, 258, 259, 263, 265-269, 274-277, 281, 282, 285, 290-296, 311.) Q772. Only Majority of Committee Necessary.—A ma- jority of a committee of investigation, before which the accused can introduce no evidence, may declare a trial necessary, frame a bill of charges and specifications, and appoint some one to represent the Church in the trial. (1897.) (QQ258, 259, 261, 265-269, 274-277, 281, 282, 285, 290-296, 311.) SECTION XIII RELATING TO TRIALS 773. Concerning Conduct of Trial.—The Discipline contains no form for a bill of charges. In drawing such bills, analogies from our law and obvious proprieties, as these have been recognized and established by usage, must be followed. The charge should be definite as to time, place, substance, and circumstance. This is neces- sary, (1) that the accused may understand the pre- cise nature of the charge against him; (2) that the com- mittee of trial may determine whether the facts con- stitute an offense, and thus graduate its guilt; (3) that the decision in the case may bar a future trial for the 401 EPISCOPAL DECISIONS [ Q773 same offense. If, however, the parties in the case waive all objection to the form of the bill of charges, and agree to proceed with the trial, the committee of trial is under no obligation to interfere, unless to protect those who are too ignorant to know their rights. An accused person is entitled to the protection of all the rights which the laws and usage of the Church secure to him. An agreement not to introduce ex parte testimony may be waived by mutual consent, and such testimony may be introduced subject to the decision of the presi- dent of the committee. An episcopal decision often quoted allows the introduction of ex parte testimony in certain cases, some of which it specifies. The records and usage of the Church everywhere justify ex parte tes- timony, provided the rights of all concerned are pro- tected as far as possible. The Church has no power to compel a witness to answer questions. The presiding officer may decide that a question is improper, and the witness may de- cline to answer. A witness is not bound to reveal con- fidential communications made to him as an intimate friend, or as an adviser or representative. A witness may at his own suggestion, or on demand of the president, or of any committeeman, explain testi- mony that has been misapprehended, and he may do this at any stage before the decision is reached. Even after the argument has been closed, there may be peculiar circumstances that warrant the introduc- tion of a new witness. In this case this was demanded by the affirmation of the accused, and if he were misin- formed it may be necessary for the vindication of the accuser. Our usage gives to the president the right and duty to remain with the committee while it is making up its decision, to take part in its deliberations, and to aid in reaching its decision. Our law gives to a preacher no 402 q778 | RELATING TO TRIALS privilege which it denies toa member. As a preacher is pastor of a particular charge, so is a presiding elder the pastor of his district. An administrator, in the absence of specific direction to the contrary, is not to be con- demned who simply conforms to long-established usage. (1858.) (Q@Q258, 258, 259, 261, 263, 265-269, 274-277, 279, 281, 282, 285, 290-297, 311, 314, 319.) q774. No Reinvestigation after Suspensionn—When a committee of investigation finds a trial necessary and suspends a traveling preacher, it is not lawful to rein- vestigate and find no trial necessary. Having proceeded so far, the case must go to trial. (1880.) (@@253, 260, 261, 2638, 265-269, 274-277, 281, 282, 285, 290-296, 311.) Q775. When a Preacher May Withdraw.—The Annual Conference by vote may allow one of its members to withdraw though rumors of immorality be against him. (1901.) (@QQ253, 254, 258, 261, 263, 265-269, 275-277, 281, 282, 285, 290-296, 311, 699.) q776. Withdrawal from Ministry or Membership.— Should the Church require vindication, a person under charges cannot withdraw from the ministry or member- ship pending trial. (1901.) (@@Q253, 254, 258, 261, 263, 265-269, 275-277, 280-282, 285, 286, 288, 290-297, 311, 314, 319, 699.) Q777. Voluntary Abandonment of Work.—In the case of a preacher who refuses to attend the work assigned him the Discipline contained a proviso that ‘‘such cases shall not be denied trial by committee.” It was decided that this proviso did not give the ac- cused a right to choose the mode of procedure, but pre- scribed the process for “‘such cases,’’ as appears both in the terms used and the history of the case in which it had its origin. (1891.) (Q265-269, 272, 275-277, 281, 282, 285, 290-296, 311.) Q778. Committees of Investigation and Trial.—The 403 EPISCOPAL DECISIONS [ q779 statement in the Discipline and in the Manual of the Discipline, that a traveling preacher is amenable for his conduct to the Annual Conference, does not neces- sarily imply that the Conference, and not the Chair, shall appoint the committee of investigation, a view confirmed by long custom. (1891.) (@Q261, 265-269, 275-277, 281, 282, 285, 287, 290-296, 311.) 779. Chairman of Committee of Trial.—The law stating that the chairman of a committee to try a trav- eling preacher shall be appointed by the president of the Conference does not exclude him from appointing the other members of the committee; but if the Conference claim the right of appointment, it cannot be denied. (1891.) (QQ261, 265-269, 275-277, 281, 282, 285, 287, 290-296, 311.) @780. Notice of Trial.—Suspension of a preacher after investigation during the year is itself a sufficient notice of trial. (1871.) (253, 259, 261, 263, 265— 269, 275-278, 281, 282, 285, 287, 290-297, 311.) q7381. Relation of Chairman of Committee of Trial to Presiding Bishop.—As the committee represents the Conference, the chairman represents the president of the Conference, who is responsible for orderly proceedings. The chairman should consult the bishop and be in ac- cord and be controlled by his directions in conducting the trial. This is necessary to secure uniformity of ad- ministration. Only the bishop is responsible to the General Conference; and at times it may be expedient for him to preside in the committee of trial. (1871.) (QQ261, 265-269, 275-278, 281, 282, 285, 287, 290-296, 311, 314.) @782. Representative of a Preacher in a Trial.—Only a member of his Annual Conference can represent a preacher in a trial. (1898.) (@@253, 254, 260, 265- 269, 275-278, 281, 282, 285-288, 290-299, 311, 317, 319, 321.) 404 Q788 | RELATING TO TRIALS 783. Whom Prejudice Disqualifies.— Prejudice against the accused does not disqualify one for repre- senting the Church in a trial, though it should exclude him from membership on the committee of trial. (1879.) (QqQ253, 254, 260, 261, 265-269, 275-278, 280-282, 285-288, 290-297, 300, 311, 315, 320.) 784. Change of Law During Trial.—Should the Gen- eral Conference make a material change in the law af- fecting an incomplete trial, it should be stayed. If nec- essary, proceedings should be conformed to the later requirement. (1879.) (253, 254, 260, 261, 265-269, 275-278, 280-282, 285-288, 290-297, 311, 314, 319.) 785. Withdrawal of Bill of Charges.—Neither charges nor specifications may be withdrawn at the will of the accuser after a trial has begun. (1879.) (@@260, 261, 265-269, 275-278, 280-282, 285-288, 290-296, 311.) 786. Ex Parte Evidence.—Ex parte affidavits, cer- tified letters, or letters whose signatures are proved by one or more persons other than the writer, are admissi- ble evidence only when the person offering them es- tablishes the fact that due effort has been made to have the witness cross-examined. Willful negligence to give to the other person concerned the opportunity to cross- examine the witness is a bar to the admission of such evidence. The weight to be given to ex parte affidavits and certified letters is to be decided by the committee. (1914.) (Q@Q253, 254, 260-262, 265-269, 275-282, 285— 288, 290-297, 311, 314, 319.) @787. A Private Letter as Evidence.—A private letter, not before the committee of investigation, may be in- troduced as evidence before the committee of trial, even though it deal not explicitly with the charges and speci- fications. (1897.) (QQ253, 254, 260, 261, 265-269, 275-278, 280-282, 285-288, 290-297, 311, 314, 319.) 788. What Does Not Restore Surrendered Credentials or Membership; Hypothetical Questions Not To Be An- 405 EPISCOPAL DECISIONS [ 789 swered.—A committee appointed to investigate ru- mors of immorality against a traveling preacher re- ported a trial necessary. The preacher surrendered his credentials and withdrew from the ministry. At the ensuing session of the Annual Conference the bishop stated that the accused, after a committee of investiga- tion had reported a trial necessary, had presented a bill of charges for immorality, and had suspended him, could not by withdrawing from the ministry escape a formal trial. A committee of trial heard the case, and decided that the accused was not guilty. The following questions were presented for decision: 1. Does acquittal terminate the suspension and re- store to membership in the Annual Conference the preacher who had withdrawn? 2. Was the preacher a member of the Conference during his trial? If not a member, could he be expelled from the Conference, if found guilty? If a member during the trial, at what time, in law, did that connec- tion cease? 3. A series of hypothetical questions. The bishop answered, and the College of Bishops approved: 1. Acquittal does not in itself restore to membership a preacher who has withdrawn from the ministry of the Church after a formal charge of immorality has been pre- sented against him by a committee of investigation. 2. During the trial the accused was answerable to the Church for his life and official administration up to the time of his withdrawal from the ministry. 3. By our law a bishop has no authority to give a legal decision on hypothetical questions. (1910.) (@q122, 128, 182, 253, 254, 260, 261, 265-269, 275-278, 280- 282, 285-288, 290-296, 311, 314, 319.) q789. Bishop to Inspect Report of Committee.— Before a committee of trial presents its report to an 406 q794 | RELATING TO TRIALS Annual Conference, the bishop presiding should inspect it to determine its legality. (1886.) (QQ122, 123, 275- 278, 282, 285, 287, 288, 311, 314, 319.) q790. To Whom a Preacher Tried Ad Interim Can Appeal.—Not to the bishop in charge who appointed the committee and its chairman, but to the Committee of Appeals. 4789 refers to trials conducted during the session of the Annual Conference. (1920.) (260, 275-278, 282, 285, 287,311; 314, 319.) @791. Action of a Commitiee of Trial the Action of the Conference—Members of a Conference who are dis- satisfied with the decision of a committee of trial cannot take the case before the Conference, nor can they ap- peal. The committee represents the Conference, and its action is the action of the Conference and the Church. The accused may appeal, but the Church cannot appeal from its own committee. The report of the committee is final, save the right of appeal by the accused. (1867.) (@Q@Q258, 254, 275-282, 285, 297, 314, 319.) @792. Limit of a Sentence of Suspension.—A preacher cannot be suspended for a period beyond the next ses- sion of his Conference. (1921.) (254, 257, 275-282, 285, 287, 311, 314, 319.) q793. Expelled Member Cannot Be Hesicned Pending Appeal.—An expelled member who has given proper notice of appeal to the Quarterly Conference cannot be restored to membership pending his appeal. One who has taken an appeal is at liberty to abandon it, but in that case his status is the same as if the Quar- terly Conference had affirmed the decision. (1876.) (QQ275-278, 280, 285, 287, 295, 311, 314, 319.) ; q794. Maladministration Nullifies a Trial—When a presiding elder has been pronounced guilty of malad- ministration ‘‘in all and singular” of the proceedings against a local preacher, the effect is to nullify those pro- 407 EPISCOPAL DECISIONS [ G795 ceedings, and to leave the accused in the position he occupied before his character was arrested. (1861.) (Q258, 278, 275-278, 280, 284, 285, 287, 311, 314.) 795. When a Traveling Preacher May Not Represent the Church in a Trial.—A traveling preacher may not represent the Church in the trial of a local preacher or of a member of the Church. (1897.) (QQ275-278, 280, 285, 311.) q796. Change of Place of Trial.—For sufficient cause a pastor may conduct the trial of a member at some other place than that at which his membership is held. (1879.) (QQ276—278, 280, 285, 311.) Q797. Disqualification by Arrest of Character—Mem- bers of a Quarterly Conference against whom charges are pending cannot sit in the Conference, though the trial has not yet been had. They are under arrest of character. (1879.) (274, 280, 311, 320.) q798. Intoxicating Liquors.—On his trial the accused admitted that he was engaged in the sale of intoxicating liquors by the quantity and by the drink with the rea- sonable knowledge that it was bought to be used as a beverage, but his defense was that there was no law violated. From the decision of the committee of trial expelling him he appealed to the Quarterly Conference, which affirmed the decision of the committee. The ac- cused desired that the case might come before the bishop presiding at the Annual Conference; and to give his wish effect, the Quarterly Conference, although deeming the decision just, under the construction of the law rendered, appealed from the decision of the presiding elder to the bishop on the question of law: “‘ Does the sale of intoxi- cating liquors, by the large or small quantities, to be used as a beverage, constitute an actionable offense under Methodist law, as found in the General Rules re- quiring the avoidance of evil of every kind, and the doing of no harm—these General Rules themselves 408 q802 | RELATING TO APPEALS being based upon the written word of God?” The plea of the absence of specific law was relied on by the ac- cused in the case referred to. The preacher in charge decided that the case was actionable under the General Rules; and this ruling was sustained by the presiding elder. Decided, That both were correct. (1874.) (268, 280, 281.) q799. Dancing.—It is contrary to the spirit of the Discipline and of the New Testament to teach mod- ern dancing or to practice promiscuous dancing, and such a case comes under the rule of the Discipline for- bidding ‘‘improper tempers, words, or actions.” (1858.) (268, 280, 281.) SECTION XIV RELATING TO APPEALS q800. The Church Cannot Appeal.—The Church ecan- not appeal from the decision of its own committee. (1877.) (Q106 [86], 253, 260, 273, 275-278, 280-285, 287, 311, 319:) q801. When Expelled Preacher Forfeits Rights —When a member of an Annual Conference under sentence of expulsion unites with another Christian denomination, and thus rejects the jurisdiction of the Church under whose sentence he lies, and refuses submission to its penalty, he is not entitled to any benefit accruing from his former relation to it. (1888.) (273, 275-278, 280, 284, 285, 297, 311.) q802. Informality in a Trial Remands the Case.-—A charge of immorality against a member of the Church was supported by two specifications. The accused was found guilty and expelled. He appealed to the Quar- terly Conference, and urged this plea: ‘The specifica- 409 EPISCOPAL DECISIONS | G803 tion on which he was convicted belonged to a grade of offense less than immorality—viz., improper conduct.” The presiding elder ruled that the charge belonged to one class of offenses and the first specification to anoth- er. Without considering the testimony the Quarterly Conference reversed the decision of the committee. The presiding bishop decided: Except on the merits of the case, a Quarterly Conference cannot reverse the decision of a committee of trial. For irregularities or illegalities the proper course is to remand the case for a new trial. A reversal of the decision ends the case. (1876.) (106 [86], 253, 254, 266, 268, 269, 273, 281, 282, 290-297, 311, 319.) SECTION XV RELATING TO CREDENTIALS @803. Surrender of Credentials—An Annual Con- ference to which a traveling preacher offers to surrender his credentials has the option to receive or reject them. (1907.) (324, 326.) @804. Deprivation of Credentials——A Conference has no right to deprive a preacher of his credentials without atrial. (1859.) (323, 324, 326.) q805. Restoration of Surrendered Credentials.—A local elder under charges surrendered his credentials to the presiding elder, whereupon proceedings against him were stopped. Rumor exaggerated his offense, and he demanded the return of his credentials and that he be reinstated for a trial. As the custodian of his creden- tials, the presiding elder declined to return them and filed them with the Annual Conference. His action was legal. The applicant must first be licensed before the restoration, and the latter can be done only by an An- nual Conference. (1879.) (@Q@323, 324, 326.) 410 @810 | | RELATING TO MISSIONS q806. Restoration of an Elder’s Credentials.—Cre- dentials of an expelled elder cannot be restored until a previous restoration to membership in accordance with the provisions of the Discipline. (1888.) (@Q323-327.) @807. Restoration of Credentials—The recommenda- tion for the restoration of the credentials of a deposed preacher must be from the Quarterly Conference of the charge in which he lives. (1899.) (QQ323-827.) 808. When a Conference May Restore the Credentials of a Preacher Who Has Withdrawn.—A traveling preach- er withdrew from the ministry and membership of the Church, and surrendered his credentials. He was again admitted on trial, and subsequently the Annual Con- ference was requested to restore his credentials. The bishop decided, and the College approved, that his cre- dentials could be restored by the Annual Conference, provided the requirements set forth in the chapter of the Discipline entitled, “The Deprivation and Restoration of Credentials,’ were met. (1911.) (QQ323-327, 699.) q809. Deprivation of Credentials of Local Elders.— A District Conference has no right to deprive a local elder of his credentials without trial; and such action is void, (1861.) (@Q90, 192.) ——__— SECTION XVI RELATING TO MISSIONS @810. Withholding Missionary Appropriations.— Missionary money was appropriated to a _ pastoral charge. The presiding elder directed the stewards to make a pro rata division between the pastor and him- self. Because of the absence of the pastor on account of sickness in his family, a supply was appointed. The following decisions were approved: 1. Only for the delinquency of the pastor can a pre- All EPISCOPAL DECISIONS [ G811 siding elder withhold from the pastor any part of the mission funds appropriated to the charge. 2. A pastor not deserting or willfully neglecting his charge, who employs a brother in good standing to la- bor during his absence, forfeits nothing under the Dis- cipline. 3. The failure of a pastor, present or absent, to do his work, because of the extreme sickness of his wife or child, is a ‘‘necessary”’ failure in the disciplinary sense; and his resumption of his work at the earliest practical time, in the absence of other proof, is evidence of his in- tention. 4. A presiding elder can make a pro rata division of the appropriated funds only among preachers placed by his decision or otherwise on the same basis. 5. A presiding elder is morally bound to refund money diverted by his act from its legitimate claimant. (1858.) (106 [31], 130, 187, 184.) @811. Distribution 0) Missionary Funds.—A Confer- ence Board of Missions has authority to determine whether an appropriation made by it to a mission shall be divided between the presiding elder and the preacher in charge, or the whole appropriation paid to the preach- er in charge. (1894.) (106 [31].) @812. Appropriation of Missionary Funds.—An Annual Conference Board of Missions cannot appro- priate any part of its funds to other than mission charges, known and recognized as missions on its minutes. (1890.) (@476.) @813. Power of an Annual Conference Board of Mis- sions.—Unless given authority by the Conference, an Annual Conference Board of Missions cannot make an appropriation for the support of a preacher beyond its bounds; but two or more Annual Conferences can au- thorize their Boards of Missions to unite in establishing and maintaining a mission at an institution in which A12 q818 | RELATING TO EDUCATION they have a common interest, and may unite in making appropriations for the support of a preacher or teacher or missionary in an institution already established where it is clear that the work cannot be properly done without such appropriation. (1920.) (QqQ476, 495.) @814. What Credits Are Not Allowed.—The Treasurer of the General Board of Missions, in his account with an Annual Conference, may not credit that Conference with an amount raised within its limits for the support of a mission for which no estimate was made by the General Board, and which is consequently not embraced in the assessment made on that Conference for the sup- port of its missions. (1892.) (467, 476.) SECTION XVII RELATING TO EDUCATION q815. What Educational Institutions Belong to the Church?—No educational institution can become the property of the Church till it is accepted by the Confer- ence on the recommendation of the Board of Education. (1900.) (@Q61, 156, 224, 459.) @816. Institutions of Learning Under Care of the Con- ference.—An institution of learning is under the care of the Annual Conference when it has been formally _ adopted by the vote of the Conference, independently of the question of the legal title of the property. (1893.) (QQ61, 156, 224, 459.) @817. Report of the Board of Education—A report of the Annual Conference Board of Education may be amended by the Conference. (1902.) (@Q52 [32], 458.) @818. Special Donations for Education.—Special do- nations by a member or congregation to education can- not be credited on the regular assessment of the Con- ference unless paid to the Annual Conference Board 413 EPISCOPAL DECISIONS — | (819 of Education to be used for its appropriations. (1898.) (QQ52 [82], 61, 459.) 819. Educational Statistics—The Annual Confer- ence Board of Education should, in its report to the Conference, answer the question, ‘“‘ What are the educa- tional statistics?” (1889.) (QQ52 [32], 136, 458.) — ee SECTION XVIII RELATING TO BOARD OF REFERENCE 820. Board of Reference.—Less than three members cannot constitute a ‘‘board of reference” to act for two pastoral charges having claims on property. (1901.) (Q239.) @821. Equities in Parsonages.—A charge transferred from a district or circuit with a parsonage to which it has contributed, to another district or circuit without a parsonage, has a right to call for a “‘board of reference” to determine its equities, even though other charges in- volved in the readjustment of the district or circuit lines have set up no claim. (1914.) (239.) 822. Hquities in Parsonage Property, when General Conference Divides Charge-—The section of the Disci- pline entitled, ‘“‘Of the Division, Transfer, or Sale of Church Property,’ having reference to the equities in parsonage property in cases in which the division of a pastoral charge has been effected, applied alike whether the division is made by the General Conference or by other authority. (1897.) (@239.) @ 823. Division of Pastoral Charge-—When a pastoral charge has been divided, and a “‘board of reference” has been created to arbitrate the rights and equities in the parsonage property, the board cannot, in the absence of evidence, assume that one of the subdivisions has no rights in the property, and decline to perform the func- tion for which it was created. (1901.) (@239.) 414 q825 | EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS s CHAPTER XXVI COURSES OF STUDY* SECTION I EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS q824. The College of Bishops shall prescribe courses of study for the following: (1) Candidates for license to ~ preach; (2) applicants for recommendation for admis- sion on- trial; (3) local preachers; (4) itinerant preachers; (5) Biblical and theological courses for candidates for admission on trial; and shall quadrennially review the courses and make such changes as it deems advisable. The requirements for admission on trial into the travel- ing connection, so far as academic training is concerned, shall be at least two years of work in a standard college, or its equivalent: provided, that under special conditions, clearly recognized as unusual, the Annual Conference may by a two-thirds vote admit a candidate who does not meet this academic standing, in which case the Pre- siding Elder or the Committee on Admissions shall fur- nish to the Conference a statement of particulars show- ing definitely in what respects the case is special and unusual; and provided, further, that this requirement shall not apply to the Indian and Mexican preachers; and provided, further, that a two-year period of grace (from 1926) be extended all candidates, but that at the expiration of such period of grace these advanced stand- ards are to be strictly enforced. @825. All ministerial candidates are strongly urged *T he courses of study indicated herein are adopted for the Conference year 1926-27 only. A415 COURSES OF STUDY [ 4826 before entering the traveling connection to secure, if possible, a thorough collegiate and theological training. In the case of English-speaking Conferences the course for undergraduates shall be taken with the Correspond- ence School or at a Preachers’ Institute approved by the General Conference Board of Education, and in each case an official statement testifying to that fact shall be presented to the Committee on Examination; on the presentation of such a statement these committees may test the applicant’s knowledge of the course of study and shall report to the Annual Conference: provided, that a certificate from a standard college (Q680) may be accepted in lieu of any collegiate subjects prescribed for | undergraduates, and a certificate from a theological seminary or from the Biblical Department of a standard college that equivalent work (680) has been done may be accepted in lieu of the Biblical and theological sub- jects prescribed for candidates for admission or for Con- ference undergraduates; and provided, further, that a cer- tificate of graduation with the B.D. degree or its equiv- alent from one of the graduate schools of theology of our Church may be accepted in lieu of the course for admission and for Conference undergraduates. The work of the committees may be done in connection with the Preachers’ Institutes or other mid-year meetings, in which case the student will be permitted to enroll im- mediately in the Correspondence School for the work of the succeeding year, subject to the formal passage of his character and admission into the class of the succeeding year at the ensuing Annual Conference. SECTION II COURSE OF STUDY FOR TRAVELING PREACHERS 826. For Admission on Trial 1. The Discipline of 1926. 416 828 | FOR TRAVELING PREACHERS 2. “Studies in the Life of John Wesley,” E. B. Chap- pell. 3. “Life of Christ” and “Life of St. Paul,’’ James Stalker. 4. The candidate shall give a written account of his conversion, religious training, service in the Church, and his call to the ministry. The candidate’s papers shall be graded upon their punctuation, grammatical cor- rectness, and rhetorical form, and this shall give his grade in English. @827. First Year 1. The Four Gospels and Acts, with ‘‘The Story of the New Testament,’ by Thomas Carter. (Examina- tion to be on the text of the Scripture itself.) 2. Wesley’s Sermons, 1-26. 3. “The Heart of Wesley’s Journal,’ Edited by Percy Livingstone Parker. 4. “Wesley and His Century,” W. H. Fitchett. 5. “Manual of Christian Doctrine,” J. S. Banks (J. J. Tigert’s edition). 6. “Letters on Baptism,’’ Edmund B. Fairfield. 7. “Ministry to the Congregation,” John A. Kern. 8. The Discipline, Chapters I.-VIII. 9. Written sermon on Repentance. Required to be read:* 1. ‘‘Francis Asbury: The Prophet of the Long Road,” Ezra S. Tipple. 2. “Organization and Administration of the Sunday School,’’ Cuninggim and North. 3. ‘‘Evangelism,’’ F. W. Hannan. @828. Second Year . 1. Romans to Revelation, with ‘‘The Story of the *The candidate must certify to the Committee on Examination that he has read the books ‘‘Required to be read,”’ A417 COURSES OF STUDY | 4829 New Testament,’ by Thomas Carter. (Examination to be on the text of the Scripture itself.) 2. Wesley’s Sermons, 27-52. 3. ‘Christian Doctrine,’”’ R. W. Dale. 4. ‘‘History of Methodism,” H. N. McTyeire. _ 5. “Lectures on Preaching,’’ Phillips Brooks. 6. “General View of the History of the English Bi- ble,’”’ B. F. Wescott. 7. “Logic,” William Minto. 8. The Discipline, Chapters IX.-X XIII., X XV. 9. Written sermon on Justification by Faith. Required to be read:* ‘1. ‘Brain and Personality,’ W. Hanna Thompson. 2. “The Art of Writing English,’’ Brown and Barnes. 3. “The Rural Church Movement,’ Edwin L. Earp. @829. Third Year 1. Genesis to Esther, with “‘An Outline for the Study of Old Testament History,” by Frank Seay. (Exami- nation to be on the text of the Scripture itself.) 2. ““The Christian Faith,’’ Olin A. Curtis. 3. “‘The Reformation in Germany,’ Thomas M. Lindsay. 4. “The Reformation in Lands Beyond Germany,” Thomas M. Lindsay. - §, “Life of William Tyndale,’’ Robert Demaus. 6. ‘‘The Building of the Church,” Charles E. Jef- ferson. 7. Written sermon on the Witness of the Spirit... Required to be read:* 1. “Life of Hugh Latimer,’”’ Robert Demaus. 2. ‘Building the Kingdom,” E. B. Chappell. @830. Fourth Year 1. Job to Malachi, with ‘‘An Outline for the Study *The candidate must certify to the Committee on Examination that he has read the books “‘Required to be read.” 418 q832 | FOR LOCAL PREACHERS of Old Testament Prophecy, Wisdom, and Worship,’’. by Frank Seay. (Examination to be on the text of the Scripture itself.) 2. “Grounds of Theistic and Christian Belief,’ George P. Fisher. 3. ‘‘Evidence of Christian Experience,’ L. F. Stearns. 4. “The Church and Ministry in the Early Centu- ries,’ Thomas M. Lindsay. 5. ‘‘Christianity and the Nations,’’ Robert E. Speer. 6. ‘‘Life of William McKendree” (complete edition), Robert Paine. 7. ‘Manual of the Discipline,’’ last edition. 8. Written sermon on Regeneration. Required to be read:* 1. ‘‘Life of Joshua Soule,’’ H. M. Du Bose. 2. ‘The Romance of Preaching,’’ Sylvester Horne. SECTION III COURSE OF STUDY FOR LOCAL PREACHERS @831. For Deacon’s Crders 1. New Testament, with ‘‘The Story of the New Testament,’ by Thomas Carter. 2. “History of Methodism,’”’ H. N. McTyeire. 3. ‘‘Life of Christ,’’ James Stalker. 4. ‘‘Winning the World for Christ,’’? W. R. Lambuth. 5. “‘How We Got Our Bible,’’ Smythe. @832. For Elder’s Orders 1. Old Testament, with “‘An Outline for the Study of Old Testament History,” by Frank Seay. 2. ‘‘Studies in Theology,’ James Denney. *The candidate must certify to the Commi:tee on Examination that he has read the books “‘Required to be read.”’ 419 COURSES OF STUDY [ 833 3. “‘History of the Christian Church,’”’ George P. Fisher. 4. ‘‘The Apostolic Age,’’ George T. Purves. 5. ‘Ministry to the Congregation,”’ John A. Kern. 6. ‘‘ Manual of the Discipline,” last edition. SECTION IV COURSE OF STUDY FOR SPANISH-SPEAKING PREACHERS CURSOS DE ESTUDIOS—PREDICADORES ITINERANTES q@833. Para Admisién a Prueba 1. Educacién elemental: Gramatica; Aritmética; Geografia; Historia de la Patria e Historia de las Améri- cas (Estébanes). 2. La Biblia con referencia a las doctrinas en general. 3. Sermones de Juan Wesley, sobre la Justificacién por la Fe y el Testimonio del Espiritu. 4, Disciplina de la Iglesia, Capitulos 1-4. 5. Catecismo Primario de la Iglesia Metodista Epis- copal y de la Iglesia Metodista Episcopal del Sur. 6. Relacion escrita de la conversién del candidato y de su vocacion al ministerio. @834. Primer Afio 1. La Biblia: De Génesis al Segundo Libro de los Reyes, inclusive. 2. Sermones de Juan Wesley, 1-12. 3. Historia de la Iglesia Cristiana (Primera Parte), Obispo Hurst. 4. Disciplina de la Iglesia, Capitulos 5-8. 5. Vida de Cristo, Stalker. 6. Evidencias Cristianas, Mair. 7. Sermon escrito sobre Arrepentimiento. , Libros para leerse: 1. Los Evangelios Explicados: Mateo, Ryle. 420) G836 | FOR SPANISH-SPEAKING PREACHERS 2. El Hombre de Galilea, Obispo Haygood. 3. El Deber, Smiles. 4, El Escudo del Metodista Novel, Hudson. 835. Segundo Afio La Biblia: De Esdras a Eclesiastés, inclusive. Sermones de Juan Wesley, 13-26. Historia de la Iglesia Cristiana (Segunda Parte), Obispo Hurst. 4. Disciplina de la Iglesia, Capitulos 9-12. 5. El Primer Libro de Logica, Jevons. 6. Homilética: La Predicacién, Obispo Neely. 7. Razones Sencillas contra los Errores e Innova- ciones del Romanismo, Littledale. 8. Vida de San Pablo, Stalker. 9. Sermon escrito sobre Regeneracion. Libros para leerse: 1. Los Evangelios Explicados: Marcos, Ryle. 2. El Arte de Ganar Almas, Mahood. 3. Problemas y Métodos de la Escuela Dominical, Roads. 4. El Caracter, Smiles. 5. La Legién de Honor, Hamill. q@836. Tercer Avio 1. La Biblia: Profetas Mayores y Menores. 2. Sermones de Juan Wesley, 27-39. 3. Historia de la Iglesia (Tercera Parte), Obispo Hurst. 4. Disciplina de la Iglesia, Capitulos 13-18. 5. Teologia SistemAtica: Manual de Doctrina Cris- tiana, Banks. 6. La Vida de Juan Wesley, Lelidvre: 7. El Domingo el Verdadero Sabado, Gamble. 8. El Arte de Escribir en Veinte Lecciones, M. Toro y Gomez. 9. Sermén escrito sobre El Testimonio del Espiritu. 421 ee COURSES OF STUDY [ G837 Libros para leerse: 1. Los Evangelios Explicados: Lucas, Ryle. 2. Teoria del Pensamiento y del Conocimiento. Bowne. 3. Vida y Trabajo, Smiles. 4. El] Bautismo, Discusién; Baez-Cheaveus. 5. Christus Auctor, Obispo Candler. @837. Cuarto Afio 1. La Biblia: El] Nuevo Testamento. 2. Sermones de Juan Wesley, 40-52. 3. Historia de la Iglesia (Cuarto Parte), Obispo Hurst. 4. La Religion y las Ciencias Naturales, Bettex. 5. Elementos de Psicologia Pedagogica, Osuna. 6. Historia Universal, Decoudray. 7. La Palabra en Piblico. Traduccién de Jests Urneta. 8. Sermén escrito sobre Santidad. Libros para leerse: 1. Los Evangelios Explicados: Juan, Ryle. 2. Trabajo Habil para el Maestro, Obispo Hendrix. 3. Historia de la Reformacién, Fisher. 4, La Salvaci6n Personal, Tillett. 5. El Reino de Dios en Mantillas, Obispo Atkins. PREDICADORES LOCALES 838. Para Licencia de Predicar 1. La Biblia con referencia a las doctrinas generales. 2. El Catecismo Primario de la Izlesia Metodista Episcopal y de la Iglesia Metodista Episcopal del Sur. 3. Las Materias Ordinarias de Educacién. 4. Disciplina de la iglesia, los Articulos de Fe y los Reglamentos Generales. 5. Catecismo sobre el Gobierno de la Iglesia, Opispo McTyeire. 422 341 | FOR BRAZILIAN PREACHERS @839. Para el Orden de Didconos 1. Compendio de Teologia, Partes 1 y 2; Binney. 2. La Predicacién, Obispo Neely. 3. La Disciplina de la Iglesia, Capitulos 2-11. 4. Serm6én escrito sobre Arrepentimiento. Libros para leerse: 1. Sermones de Juan Wesley, Primer Tomo. 2. El Arte de Ganar Almas, Mahood. 3. Ayadate, Smiles. @840. Para el Orden de Presbiteros . Compendio de Teologia, Partes 3 y 4; Binney. . Historia de la Reformacion, Fisher. . Disciplina de la Iglesia, Capitulos 12-20. . Noches con los Romanistas. . Serm6n escrito sobre la Justificacién por Fe. Libros para leerse: 1. Historia de la Iglesia Cristiana, Obispo Hurst. 2. El Hombre de Galilea, Obispo Haygood. 3. Sermones de Juan Wesley, Segundo Tomo. 4. Historia de México o Cuba. or OD Re SECTION V COURSE OF STUDY FOR BRAZILIAN PREACHERS CURSO DE ESTUDO PARA OS PREGADORES BRAZILEIROS 841. Para Admissio em Experiencia 1. Educacéo elementar: Portuguez, Arithmetica, Ge- ographia. 2. Historia Universal e do Brazil. 3. Disciplina, Capitulos 1 e 2. 4. Compendio de Theologia, Binney. 5. Catecismo Primeiro da Egreja Methodista. 6. Sermones de Wesley, sobre Justificacdo pela Fe o Testemunho do Espirito. 423 COURSES OF STUDY [ (842 7. Relatorio escripto de conversao do candidato e da vocacao para o ministerio. 842. Primeiro Anno 1. Historia, Doutrina e Interpretacdo da Biblia (An- gus Green), Capitulos 17-21. 2. Principios de Interpretacéo da Biblia, por Bar- rows. 3. Manual de Evidencias do Christianismo, por Fisher. 4, Sermones de Wesley, Vol. 1. 5. Noites com os Romanistas. 6. Disciplina, Capitulos 3-6. 7. Vida de Christo, Stalker. 8. Serm4o escripto, sobre o Arrependimento. @843. Segundo Anno 1. Historia, Doutrina e Interpretacao da Biblia (Angus Green), Capitulos 1-9. . Manual da Doutrina Christan, por Banks. . Wesley e o Seculo deile, por Fitchett. . Escola Dominical em Actividade, Faris. . Homiletica, Burt. . Disciplina, Capitulos 7-17. . Vida de Sao Paulo, Stalker. . Sermao escripto, sobre a Justificacao pela Fé. OND ok w bo q844. Terceiro Anno 1. Historia, Doutrina e Interpretacéo da Biblia (Angus Green), Capitulos 10-16. . Esbocos de Theologia. . Historia da Reforma, por Lindsay. . Ethica, por Muirhead. . Historia da Egreja Christan (partes 1 e 2), Hurst. . Disciplina, Capitulos 18-26. . Sermao escripto sobre o Testemunho do 4Nspirito. 424 “1m oP CH DO q850 | FOR INDIAN MISSION PREACHERS NAD oP CDR 845. Quatro Anno . Consideracao sobre a Biblia, Rodrigues. . Esbocos de Theologia. . Psychologia. . Educacao Religiosa e a Egreja, por Cope. . Historia da Egreja Christan (partes 3 e 4), Hurst. . Disciplina, Capitulos 1-26. . Serm4o escripto, sobre a Regeneracdo. SECTION VI COURSE OF STUDY FOR PREACHERS OF THE INDIAN iL. MISSION @846. For License to Preach The Bible (especially the New Testament with reference to Christian doctrine). 2. 1} The Discipline. @847. For Admission on Trial “Life of Christ’’ and ‘‘Life of St. Paul,’”’ James Stalker. 2. 3. me WD One “Methodist Armor,’’ Hudson. The Discipline. @848. First Year . The New Testament: The Four Gospels and Acts. . **Persona! Salvation,” Tillett. . “Wesley and His Century,” Fitchett. . The Discipline. q@849. Second Year . The New Testament: Romans to Revelation. . “The Building of the Church,” Jefferson. . “Manual of the Discipline,” last edition. q850. Third Year . The Old Testament: Genesis to Esther. A25 COURSES OF STUDY { 4851 Hm G) bo m GC De ‘“‘History of Methodism,” McTyeire. . “Building the Kingdom,” E. B. Chappell. . Wesley’s Sermons, 1-26. @851. Fourth Year . The Old Testament: Job to Malachi. . ‘The History of the Christian Church,” Hulbert. . ‘The Pastor and Missions,’’ Mott. . Wesley’s Sermons, 27-52. @852. For Local Deacon’s Orders 1. The New Testament. 2. ‘‘Methodist Armor,’’ Hudson. 3. “Short History of Methodism,’’ Boswell. 4, The Discipline. 853. For Local Elder’s Orders 1. The Bible: Old and New Testaments. 2. “Life of Christ’? and ‘‘Life of St. Paul,’’ James Stalker. 3. ‘Personal Salvation,” Tillett. A, ‘Wesley and His Century,” Fitchett. 5. ‘‘Manual of the Discipline,”’ last edition. 1. SECTION VII COURSE OF STUDY FOR PREACHERS OF THE KOREA CONFERENCE q854. For Admission on Trial Complete the first year in the Union Methodist Theological Seminary. 2. Supplemental course for the time while not at- tending the Seminary: (1) Matthew, James, and Deuteronomy. Also read the introductions to the above books in the “‘Introduc- tion to the New Testament” and the ‘‘Introduction to 426 @855 | FOR KOREA CONFERENCE the Old Testament” prepared by R. A. Hardie. (Ex- amination to be on the Scripture itself.) (2) ‘“‘Life of John Wesley,” translation by J. R. Moose. (Telford’s ‘‘Life of Wesley” to be substituted as soon as printed.) (3) “A Plain Account of Christian Perfection,” Wesley (translation by J. D. Van Buskirk). (4) ‘*Apologetics,” adapted and translated from Terry’s book by C. S. Deming. (5) “Geography of the Holy Land,” translation by E. M. Cable. (6) A book on the Christian Sabbath. (Not yet printed.) (7) The biographical sketches published in the The- ological World, Volumes I. to IV. (8) Discipline. (Intensive study of the paragraphs relating to the Articles of Religion, General Rules; Church, Quarterly, and District Conferences; Exhort- ers, Class Leaders, Stewards, and District Stewards’ Meeting.) (9) Read the Theological World. @855. First Year 1. Complete the first term of the second year in the Union Methodist Theological Seminary (or its equiva- lent). 2. Supplemental course for the time while not at- tending the Seminary: (1) Luke, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Judges, and Ruth. Read the introductions to the above books in the In- troductions to the Old and New Testaments prepared by R. A. Hardie. (Examination to be on the text of the Scripture itself.) (2) Wesley’s Sermons, 1-5. (3) Wesley’s Journal to 1742. 427 COURSES OF STUDY [ G856 (4) “‘Theism,’”’ W. N. Clarke (translation by C. S. Deming). (5) “‘The Preacher and Prayer,’’ Bounds (transla- tion by C. S. Deming). (6) ‘‘The Pupil.”” (First Part of Weigle’s ‘‘The Pu- pil and the Teacher.” In preparation.) (7) “ Mary Christopher’s Victory,” Calkins (trans- lated and adapted by Miss Frey). (8) The Discipline, Chapters I.-V. (9) Read the Theological World. @856. Second Year 1. Complete the second term of the second year in the Union Methodist Theological Seminary (or its equivalent). 2. Supplemental course for the time while not in the Seminary: (1) 1 and 2 Corinthians, 1 and 2 Samuel, and Prov- erbs. Read the introductions to the above books in the Introductions to the Old and New Testaments pre- pared by R. A. Hardie. (Examination to be on the text of the Scripture itself.) (2) Wesley’s Sermons, 1-10. (3) Review and complete Wesley's Journal. (That is, all published in Korean.) (4) “‘The Life of Christ,” Stalker. (Not yet printed.) (5) *‘ Personal Salvation,” Tillett (adapted and trans- lated by C. 8S. Deming). (6) “The Teacher.” (Second part of Weigle’s ‘‘The Pupil and the Teacher.’’) (7) “The Life of Paul,” Stalker. (Not yet printed.) (8) “The Preparation of the World for Christ,” Breed (translation by R. A. Hardie). (9) The Discipline, Chapters VI.-VIII. (10) Read the Theological World, 428 @858 | FOR KOREA CONFERENCE @857. Third Year 1. Complete the first term of the third year in the Union Methodist Theological Seminary (or its equiv- alent). 2. Supplemental course for the time while not in the Seminary: (1) 1 and 2 Peter, Jude, Joel, Amos, and Jeremiah. Read the introductions to the above books in the In- troductions to the Old and New Testaments prepared by R. A. Hardie. (Examination to be on the text of the Scripture itself.) (2) Wesley’s Sermons, 1-15. (3) ‘‘Life of Asbury.”’ (Not yet translated.) (4) ‘“‘The Holy Spirit,’ Cooke (translation by C. S. Deming). : (5) Arthur’s ‘‘Tongue of Fire” (translation by Miss Cooper.) (6) ‘‘The Preacher, His Life and Work,” Jowett. (Not translated.) (7) “Building the Kingdom,” Chappell. (Not trans- lated.) (8) The Discipline, Chapters IX.-X XII., XXIV. (9) Read the Theological World. @858. Fourth Year 1. Complete the second term of the third year in the Union Methodist Theological Seminary (or its equiv- alent). 2. Supplemental course for the time while not in the Seminary: (1) 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Ezra, Nehemiah, Hag- gai, and Malachi. Also articles on Ezra and Nehemiah in the Theological World (Vol. II., No. 6; Vol. III., No. 1). Read the introductions to the above books in the Introductions to the Old and New Testaments 429 PRT. COURSES OF STUDY | [ 9858 prepared by R. A. Hardie. (Examination to be on the text of the Scripture itself.) (2) Wesley’s Sermons, 10-20. (3) ‘‘Spiritual Development of St. Paul,’’ Matheson (translation by E. M. Cable). (4) “‘Atonement,” translation by C. S. Deming. (5) ‘‘Wesley and His Century,’”’ Fitchett. (Not yet translated.) (6) “‘The Fact of Christ,”” Simpson. (Not yet trans- lated.) ' (7) “A Man and His Money,” Calkins (translated by J. S. Ryang). (8) ‘*The Human Element in the Making of a Chris- tian,”” Conde. (Not yet translated.) (9) ‘Social Institutions and Ideals of the Bible,” Soares. (To be adapted and translated ; (10) Read the Theological World. 430 q859 | ADDRESS ON WORLDLINESS CHAPTER XXVII _ ADDRESS ON WORLDLINESS (Prepared by the Bishops and published by order of the General Conference) @/859. It has been the custom of the bishops, in watch- ing over the souls of those for whom they must give an account, to warn against the insidious influence of worldliness, which is one of the most subtle and relent- less foes of spirituality. It is the spirit of the world in opposition to the spirit of Christ. It is against this that the beloved disciple warned the early Christians when he said: ‘‘ Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.’”’ The apos- tle had in mind the same harmful worldliness when in- stancing the foes of faith he summed them all up in one and declared: ‘‘ This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” Imagine a state of society where all were dominated by the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, and where all the customs of society were determined by such low standards, and it is evident that the conditions are absolutely opposed to a life of faith. Only Christianity could stop the brutal and inhuman ferocity of the gladiatorial shows and other forms of amusement which long dominated and brutalized the Roman populace. The indecencies of the stage can be checked by the same divine influence at work in society as the obscenities and gross improprieties of the printed 431 ADDRESS ON WORLDLINESS | (3859 page, whether of the drama or the novel or the sensual poem, have been outlawed by the spirit of Christ that cleansed the temple of those who profaned it by unholy customs. Custom cannot make right. Custom is too often the unbridled spirit of worldliness, as in the days before Christianity exercised any restraint whatever. It is the mission of Christianity to change the customs of the world until they conform to the spirit of Christ. The one law of the Church is to avoid what we know is not for the glory of God. This forbids the taking such diversions as cannot be used in the name of Christ, the singing those songs or reading those books which do not tend to the knowledge or love of God, and those forms of needless self-indulgence that unfit the believer for communion with God or for faithful and effective service for man. The law of expediency has the grip of moral duty when we abstain even from what is doubt- ful for the sake of others. To go to no place of amuse- ment where we cannot invite our Lord to go with us, and to engage in no recreation on which we cannot in- voke his blessing, is a safe rule of conduct toward God and man. This leaves to the Christian the safeguards of a divine presence in all things. Our Lord knew well the value of relaxation from a too strenuous life when he said to his disciples, ‘‘Come apart into a desert [or un- inhabited] place, and rest awhile’’; and he looked with complacency upon the sports of children as he noted their very language when at play in the streets of Je- rusalem; but it was “‘the Lord in the midst”’ who gave to such recreation the sanction of his presence and blessing. The family altar, with its Deiter; the right ob- servance of the Sabbath made for man; the avoidance of all that would secularize its sacred hours; the faith- ful attendance upon all its means of grace; and the cheerful codperation with all who are aiding in the re- 432 @859 | ADDRESS ON WORLDLINESS ligious instruction of our children—must make the home the beneficent agency for good in forming and main- taining those lofty ideals of right living for which Chris- tianity has ever stood. Thus the spirit which was in Christ must be in us also, and as many as are led by the spirit of Christ show themselves the sons of their Father. If we would be the children of our Father in heaven, we must adopt the rules of heaven for life on earth. In vain do we pray the model prayer if we do not seek to do his will on earth as it is done in heaven. Thus alone can his kingdom come. The true mission of Christ is both to save and to leaven—to destroy the works of the devil, and to im- part the power as well as the spirit of right living. Be- cause the spirit that now rules among the children of disobedience is a spirit of worldliness, making men lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, making self rather than Christ the center of life and thought, bid- ding men live without God in the world, the avowed aim of Christianity is to enthrone the Lord Jesus Christ in the heart and to make no provision for fulfilling the lusts of the flesh. The expulsive power of a new and holy affection has ever been needed to keep the life of God in the soul of man. If Methodism has often seemed strenuous in insisting on abstaining from every form of evil, she has found her justification in the blessing of her Lord in influencing the lives of men. God forbid that she should ever fall so low as to throw down all barriers about the flock of Christ and, in her lust for numbers, admit to her communion those who have no supreme desire to flee from the wrath to come and to be saved from their sins, and who do not show this desire by the fruits of holy living. A passion for the souls of others, born of this desire, as well as the desire to please Him who has called us to be soldiers, will best prevent becoming entangled in the affairs of this life incon- 433 ADDRESS ON WORLDLINESS | (859 sistent with the discipline of holy living. With the battle lines drawn against the devil, the world; and the flesh (the sworn and cruel foes of the soul), this is no time to relax our vigilance. ‘‘There is no surcease in that war.”’ Finally, brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put onthe whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day; and having done all, to stand. Stand, therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Thus was our Lord equipped and armed in his temptations when he was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin; for there is no temptation that overtaketh you but that there is provided a way of escape. Satan ever desires to have us that he may sift us as wheat. Our hope, O Lord, is in thee, who dost ever pray for us that our faith fail not. 434 862 | OF ANNUAL CONFERENCES CHAPTER XXVIII BOUNDARIES SECTION I OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCES q860. (1) Alabama Conference shall include West Florida (except Apalachicola), and all Alabama lying south of the following boundary line: Beginning at the southwest corner of Pickens County; thence along the south of Pickens and Tuscaloosa Counties, and a direct line on the same parallel of latitude, east of the Coosa River; thence down that river to the southern boundary of Coosa County; thence east by that county line, and through Tallapoosa County to the south of Chambers County, and by that county line to Georgia. @861. (2) Arizona Conference shall embrace Arizona and the town of Needles, California. @862. (3) Baltimore Conference shall embrace all that part of Maryland which lies north and west of Great Choptank River, and also the part of Caroline County, in that State, lying south and east of the river; New- castle and Kent Counties, in Delaware; and so much of Virginia and West Virginia as is included in the follow- ing lines: Beginning at the mouth of the Potomac River; thence up the river to the county line between Stafford and King George Counties; thence with that line to Rappahannock River, and up the river (but including Fredericksburg Station on its southern bank) to the Blue Ridge Mountains; thence by these mountains to the Holston Conference line, and following that line to 435 BOUNDARIES [ E863 East Radford on New River, in Montgomery County, Virginia, and by that river westward (excepting Big Stony Creek appointment) to (and including) Hinton, West Virginia, and thence to Dougher Knob, in Green- brier County, West Virginia; thence along the divide (leaving Meadow Bluff in the Western Virginia Con- ference and Clintonville in the Baltimore Conference) to Big Clear Mountain; thence to the southwest corner of Randolph County, where Pocahontas County touches Randolph County; thence with the line of those two counties to the Alleghany Mountains; thence north along those mountains, including all the territory which may be now or hereafter under our jurisdiction, and not embraced in other Conferences. @863. (4) Brazil Conference shall include all Brazil north of the Central Brazil Conference. @864. (5) Central Brazil Conference shall include all the State of Sao Paulo, the triangle of Minas, and the State of Matto Grosso, in Brazil. @865. (6) Central Texas Conference shall be bounded as follows: Beginning on Trinity River at the south- west corner of Navarro County, and running thence on the south line of the county to the northeast corner of ‘Limestone County (including those parts of Wortham and Cotton Gin Circuits that are situated in Freestone County) to a point opposite the line between Thornton and Kosse Circuits; thence west to the southwest corner of Thornton Circuit; thence in a direct line to the south- east corner of McLennan County; thence with the south line of that county (including the Mooresville Church in Falls County) to Bell County; thence with the east line of Bell County to Milam County; thence with the south line of Bell County to Williamson County; thence with the east line of Williamson County to Lee County; thence on the south line of Williamson County to the Austin and Northwestern Railroad; thence with the rail- 436 g870 | OF ANNUAL CONFERENCES road, not including Liberty Hill and Leander charge, to Burnet County; thence with the east line of Burnet and Lampasas Counties to Hamilton County; thence west on the south line of Hamilton County to Mills County; thence north and west with the lines of Mills County to Colorado River, including Bethany Church in Indian Creek Circuit; thence with the Colorado River to Mitchell County; thence east with the county lines to the southwest corner of Eastland County; thence north with the west lines of Eastland, Stephens, and Young Counties to the northwest corner of Young County; thence with the west and south boundaries of the North Texas Conference and the west boundary of the Texas Conference to the beginning. q@866. (7) China Mission Conference shall include all our work in the Republic of China. @867. (8) Cuba Conference shall include the work in the Republic of Cuba. @868. (9) Czechoslovak Conference shall include all our work in the bounds of the Republic of Czechoslovakia. @869. (10) Denver Conference shall include all Colo- rado and the counties of San Juan and Rio Arriba in the State of New Mexico. q@870. (11) East Oklahoma Conference shall include all Oklahoma east of the line beginning with the south- ern boundary of Oklahoma at the intersection of Red River and the eastern boundary of Love County; thence north with the eastern boundary of Love, Carter, Mur- ray, Garvin, and McClain Counties to South Canadian River; thence west with the north bank of South Cana- dian River to the intersection of the river and the east- ern boundary of Cleveland County; thence north with the eastern boundary of Cleveland, Oklahoma, and Logan Counties to the southern boundary of Payne County; thence east with the southern boundary of Payne County to its eastern boundary; thence north 437 BOUNDARIES [ G871 with the eastern boundary of Payne County to the southern boundary of Pawnee County; thence east with the southern boundary of Pawnee County to its intersection with Arkansas River; thence along the west bank of Arkansas River with the eastern bounda- ries of Pawnee, Noble, and Kay Counties, to the Kan- sas line. @871. (12) Florida Conference shall include all Florida not included in the Alabama Conference. @872. (13) Holston Conference shall include East Tennessee, and that part of Middle Tennessee east of a line drawn on the western boundary of the Counties of Marion, Sequatchie, Bledsoe, Rhea, Roane, Morgan, and Scott; thence north to Kentucky (Monteagle, in Marion County, and Bethel, in Sequatchie County, ex- cepted); thence east with Kentucky to Cumberland Gap, that part of Virginia and West Virginia, beginning at junction of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia at Cumberland Gap; thence Northeast to Tug River, on the line dividing Kentucky and Virginia; thence up Tug River between Virginia and West Virginia, cross- ing that river and up War Eagle Creek, including War Eagle town, to the head of the creek on the line dividing Mingo and Wyoming Counties, West Virginia; thence east on the line dividing those counties to McDowell County; thence along the dividing ridge between Tug and Guyandot Rivers, and the line between McDow- ell and Wyoming Counties, to Flat Top Mountain, and with the crest of that mountain to Barn, West Virginia; thence east to the junction of Bluestone and New Rivers, and up New River (including Big Stony Creek appointment) to East Radford, in Montgomery County, Virginia; thence in a straight line to Floyd, in Floyd County, Virginia (including Auburn, in Montgomery County, and all the territory nowin Floyd Circuit, in the Holston Conference); thence with the Baltimore and 438 qs78 | OF ANNUAL CONFERENCES Virginia Conference lines to the North Carolina line, and with that line to Georgia (including Savannah Church, in Alleghany County, North Carolina); thence with the Georgia-Tennessee line to the intersection of Hamilton and Jaines Counties, Tennessee; thence south to (and including) Graysville, Catoosa County, Georgia; then in a straight line to (but excluding) the town of Chickamauga, Walker County, Georgia, and all the present Ringgold Circuit, and southwest to the base of Lookout Mountain, including all Flintstone Mission; thence southwest along the base of the mountain to Alabama, and along that line to the beginning, includ- ing Deer Head Cove. @873. (14) Illinois Conference shall include Illinois and Indiana, except the city of Jeffersonville, Indiana, and Davis Chapel, near Rono, in Perry County, Indiana. q@874. (15) Kentucky Conference shall embrace all the State of Kentucky (not included in the Western Virginia Conference) lying north and east of the fol- lowing line: Beginning at the mouth of Harrod’s Creek, on the Ohio River; thence south on the northern line of the Middletown and Jeffersontown Circuits, to the Bardstown turnpike; thence with the turnpike to Bards- town; thence with the direct road to Springfield; thence to the towns of Hayesville and Liberty; thence south to Cumberland River; thence up the river to the fork; thence up South Fork to Tennessee, including Liberty, and the strip lying between Wolf River and Kentucky. @875. (16) Korea Conference shall include all the work in Korea. @876. (17) Little Rock Conference shall embrace all Arkansas not included in the North Arkansas Confer- ence. Q877. (18) Louisiana Conference shall embrace the State of Louisiana. @878. (19) Lowisville Conference shall embrace all 439 BOUNDARIES | 879 Kentucky not included in the Memphis, Kentucky, and Western Virginia Conferences, and the city of Jefferson- ville, Indiana; and also Davis Chapel, near Rono, Perry County, Indiana. q879. (20) Memphis Conference shall be bounded by the Mississippi, Ohio, and Tennessee Rivers, and by the line between Tennessee and Mississippi. @880. (21) Mexico Conference shall include that part of the State of Tamaulipas north of a line beginning at Matamoros, on the Gulf of Mexico, and running west to the eastern line of Nueva Leon, the entire States of Nueva Leon, Coahuila, and Durango, and all the State of Chihuahua except Cuidad Juarez. @881. (22) Mississippi Conference shall embrace that part of Mississippi south of the southern bounda- ries of Washington, Holmes, Attala, Winston, and Noxubee Counties. @882. (23) Missouri Conference shall include all Missouri north of Missouri River, and that part of Kan- sas (except Wyandotte County) and Nebraska north of the Kansas River not included in the Southwest Mis- souril Conference. @883. (24) New Mexico Conference shall include all New Mexico except the counties of San Juan and Rio Arriba, and that part of Texas beginning at the southeast corner of New Mexico, and running east along with the line dividing Winkler and Ector Counties to the north- west corner of Midland County; thence south with the west line of Midland and Upton Counties to Pecos River; thence along the river to its mouth; thence northwest along the Rio Grande to the south line of New Mexico. @884. (25) North Alabama Conference shall embrace all Alabama not included in the Alabama and North Mississippi Conferences, and a part of Monroe County, Mississippi, described as follows: Beginning at a point 440) Q887 | OF ANNUAL CONFERENCES where the Buttahatchie River crosses the Mississippi State line; thence west two miles and a half with the Buttahatchie to the Kansas City Railroad; thence southeast four miles and a half to Alabama. @885. (26) North Arkansas Conference shall include that part of Arkansas lying north of the following line: Beginning at the mouth of White River, running up the river to the mouth of Des Arc Bayou; thence up the bayou to the mouth of Cypress Bayou; thence up Cy- press Bayou to the main line of the Iron Mountain Rail- road; thence down that railroad to Arkansas River, in- cluding all the towns along that railroad; thence up Arkansas River to the south line of Perry County; thence along the south lines of Perry, Yell, and Scott Counties to Oklahoma. @886. (27) North Carolina Conference shall be bounded on the east by the Atlantic Ocean; thence along the southern line of Virginia to the eastern line of Rocking- ham County, North Carolina, including Union Church, in Mecklenburg County, Virginia, and excluding New Hope Church, in Hertford County, North Carolina, also Knott’s Island and Currituck Inlet Churches, in Curri- tuck County, North Carolina; thence south with the eastern boundary of Rockingham, Guilford, and Ran- dolph Counties to the southern boundary of Randolph County, excluding Pelham Church, in Caswell County; thence west with the southern boundary of Randolph County to the Uwharrie River; thence with that river to its junction with the Yadkin River; thence with the Yadkin and Pedee Rivers to South Carolina, and thence along that State line to the Atlantic Ocean. @887. (28) North Georgia Conference shall embrace all the State of Georgia (except a small part heretofore described as in the Holston Conference) which lies north of the following line: Beginning at Chattahoochee River, at Pine Mountain, and running along that moun- 4A1 BOUNDARIES | (8838 tain to Flint River; thence down that river to the south- ern line of Upson County; thence along the southern line of Monroe County to Ocmulgee River; thence along the south line of Jones, Baldwin, Hancock, War- ren, and Richmond Counties to Savannah River. @888. (29) North Mississippi Conference shall in- clude all Mississippi not included in the Mississippi and North Alabama Conferences. @889. (30) North Texas Conference shall be bounded on the north by Red River, beginning at the north- west corner of Wichita County; thence east down the river to the northeast corner of Red River County; thence south along the east line of that county to its southeast corner; thence west along the south line of the county to the northeast corner of Franklin County; thence south along the east line of that county to its southeast corner, but including the town of Winnsboro; thence west along the south lines of Franklin and Hop- kins Counties to the northwest corner of Rains County; thence south to the southwest corner of that county; thence west on the south of Hunt County to the north- east corner of Kaufman County; thence south with the east of that county to its southeast corner; thence along the south and west lines of that county to the south- east corner of Dallas County; thence along the south and west lines of that county to the northeast corner of Tarrant County; thence west on the south lines of Denton, Wise, and Jack Counties to the southwest corner of Jack County; thence along the west line of that county to the northeast corner of Young County; thence west with the south line of Archer County to the south- ‘west corner of the county; thence north with the west lines of Archer and Wichita Counties to the beginning. @890. (31) Northwest Conference shall embrace the States of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana. @891. (32) Northwest Texas Conference shall be bound- 442 894 | OF ANNUAL CONFERENCES ed as follows: Beginning on Red River at the northeast corner of Wilbarger County, south with the east line of Wilbarger and Baylor Counties to the northwest corner of Young County; thence south and west with the western boundary of the Central Texas Conference to Colorado River; thence west with the county lines to the southeast corner of New Mexico; thence north along the State line to the northwest corner of the State; thence east with the State line to the northeast corner of Lipscomb County; thence south with the State line to the south fork of Red River; thence down Red River to the beginning. @892. (338) Pacific Conference shall embrace the State of California, except the town of Needles. @893. (84) South Brazil Conference shall include the States of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catharina, and Parana, in Brazil. q@894. (35) South Carolina Conference shall include that portion of South Carolina lying east and south of the following: Beginning at the North Carolina line, follow the line between Chesterfield and Lancaster Counties, between Kershaw and Lancaster Counties, between Kershaw and Fairfield Counties, thence across Richland County in a direct line from the junction of Kershaw and Fairfield Counties at the Richland line to the junction of the Seaboard Air Line and Southern Railways; thence in a direct line to Ridgewood, thence along the trolley line to Hyatt’s Park; thence in a direct line to Simms Station on the Atlantic Coast Line Railway; thence in a direct line to the junction of Calhoun and Lexington Counties at the southern Richland line, thence along the line between Calhoun and Lexington Counties, between Orangeburg and Lexington Counties, between Orangeburg and Aiken Counties, between Barnwell and Aiken Counties to Savannah River; except that Heath Springs charge, 443 BOUNDARIES [ 4895 Ebenezer and Smyrna Churches, Salley Church, El- lenton Church, and College Place charge (Columbia District), shall be in the South Carolina Conference, and Dentsville Church, Hopewell Church (Wagener Circuit), and Williston Church shall be in the Upper South Carolina Conference. 895. (36) South Georgia Conference shall include all Georgia south of the southern line of the North Georgia Conference. @896. (37) Southwest Missouri Conference shall in- clude all Missouri south of Missouri River not included in the St. Louis Conference, and that part of Kansas south of Kansas River and including Wyandotte Coun- ty; the town of Cabool to be included in the St. Louis Conference. q897. (38) St. Louis Conference shall embrace all Missouri south of Missouri River and east of the line beginning at the mouth of Gasconade River and fol- lowing that river to the mouth of the Big Piney; thence along that stream to its headwaters, at or near Cedar Blufis; and thence in a straight line to the east line of Range 11, and south along that line to the southern boundary of Missouri; the town of Cabool being in- cluded in the St. Louis Conference. @898. (39) Tennessee Conference shall include Middle Tennessee, except that portion east of the western boundary of the counties of Marion, Sequatchie, Bledsoe, Rhea, Roane, Morgan, and Scott, to the top of Cumberland Mountain, and thence to Kentucky— Monteagle, in Marion County, and Bethel, in Se- quatchie County, being included in the Tennessee Conference. q8s99. (40) Texas Conference shall be bounded as fol- lows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Red River County, thence east with Red River to the northeast corner of Texas; thence south with the State line to the 444 q903 | OF ANNUAL CONFERENCES Gulf of Mexico; on the south by the Gulf of Mexico to Matagorda Bay; thence to the mouth of Colorado River; thence north, up the river to the north line of Wharton County; thence east to the southeast corner of Colorado County; thence north with the west line of Austin, Washington, and Lee Counties to Williamson County; and on the north by the line of the Central Texas Conference to Trinity River at the northeast corner of Freestone County; thence with Trinity River to the southwest corner of Kaufman County; thence with the boundary line of the North Texas Conference to the beginning. q900. (41) Upper South Carolina Conference shall in- clude all South Carolina not included in the South Carolina Conference. @901. (42) Virginia Conference shall be bounded on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, embracing the eastern shore of Virginia, and all Delaware and Maryland not included in the Baltimore Conference; on the north by the Potomac River from its mouth to the line of Stafford and King George Counties; from that point by that line to the Rappahannock, and up the Rappa- hannock (excluding Fredericksburg Station) to the Blue Ridge; on the west by the Blue Ridge to North Carolina; on the south by North Carolina to the Atlantic Ocean, excluding Union Church in Mecklen- burg County, Virginia, and Patrick and Carroll Counties, Virginia, south of the crest of the Blue Ridge west of Dan River, and including New Hope Church in Hertford County, North Carolina, also Knott’s Island and Currituck Inlet Churches, in Currituck County, North Carolina. @902. (43) West Oklahoma Conference shall include all Oklahoma not included in the East Oklahoma Con- ference. q903. (44) West Texas Conference shall include all 445 BOUNDARIES { 4904 Texas west and south of the Texas, Central Texas, and Northwest Texas Conferences, except the area west of Pecos River. q904. (45) Western North Carolina Conference shall include all North Carolina west of the North Carolina Conference, except Savannah Church, in Alleghany County, North Carolina; and also that part of North Carolina lying north of New River, and including that part of Virginia lying south of that river in the loop in Grayson County, Virginia; including all the territory in Carroll and Patrick Counties, Virginia, south of the crest of the Blue Ridge, and west of Dan River. q905. (46) Western Virginia Conference shall include all West Virginia not included in the Baltimore and . Holston Conferences, and that part of Kentucky east of the following line: Beginning on the Ohio River at the mouth of Kinniconick; thence up that creek to the mouth of Trace; thence in a straight line to Carter County; thence with the western lines of Carter and Elliott Counties to the divide between the waters of Licking and Big Sandy Rivers; thence with that divide to the intersection of Magoffin and Johnson Counties; thence with the western lines of Johnson, Floyd, and Pike Counties to Virginia. SECTION II OF MISSIONS q906. (47) Belgian Mission shall include all the work of our Church in Belgium. q907. (48) California Oriental Mission shall include all the work of our Church among the Koreans and Jap- anese in California. G908.(49) Congo Mission shall include all the work of our Church in the Congo Belge, Africa. 446 q915 | OF MISSIONS q909. (50) Indian Mission shall include the dis- tinctively Indian pastoral charges and missions in Oklahoma. @910. (51) Japan Mission shall include our work in the territory contiguous to and in coédperation with the Conferences of the Methodist Church of Japan. @911. (52) Polish-Danzig Mission shall include all the work of our Church in Poland. @912. (53) Russian Mission shall include all the work of our Church among Russians in Siberia, Manchuria, and Russia proper. @913. (54) Siberia Mission shall include all the work of our Church among Koreans in Siberia and Manchuria. q914. (55) Texas Mexican Mission shall embrace all the work for Mexicans in Texas east of Pecos River. @915. (56) Western Mexican Mission shall include all the Mexican work in Texas west of Pecos River, in New Mexico, Arizona, and California, and in Mexico, the city of Juarez, and that part of the State of Sonora lying north of (and including) the line beginning at the State of Chihuahua due east of Cananea and running west through Cananea, Santa Anna, and Pitiquito to the Gulf of California. 447 GENERAL OFFICERS, ETC. | (916 CHAPTER XXIX BISHOPS, GENERAL OFFICERS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES q916. BISHOPS EUGENE RUSSELL HENDRIX........ Kansas City, Mo. WARREN AKIN CANDLER........ gmt yGim Atlanta, Ga. ISOLLING SEIN Vater se nore Shek cin oe Richmond, Va. EDWIN DUBOSE MOUZON............ Nashville, Tenn. JOHN MONROE MOORE............22-222- Dallas, Tex. WILLIAM FLETCHER McMurry.........St. Louis, Mo. URBAN VALENTINE WILLIAMS DARLINGTON, Brussels, Belgium HORACE MELLARD Du BOsE.... Winston-Salem, N. C. WILLIAM NEWMAN AINSWORTH.......Shanghai, China JAMES GANNON, ditties se eee ste seve Washington, D. C. WILLIAM BENJAMIN BEAUCHAMP. .......Atlanta, Ga. JAMES EDWARD DICKEY.............. Louisville, Ky. SAMURT ROSSI AY. 0 ee hon ae Houston, Tex. Hoyt MCWHORTER DOBBS......... Birmingham, Ala. HIRAM ABIFF BOAZ oF .eeetins. .... Little Rock, Ark. @917. SECRETARY OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE An KW ATKINS ($2 sadn oodsiak oe Meridian, Miss. G918. PUBLISHING AGENTS A. TATAMAR Krtge RM ee ee Nashville, Tenn. BeAs WHITMORE S, FiOS RR AE Nashville, Tenn. D. M. SMITH, Emeritus. ............ Nashville, Tenn. q291 | GENERAL OFFICERS, ETC. @919. EDITORS ELECTED BY THE GENERAL CON- FERENCE GILBERT T. ROWE: Book Editor and Editor of Metho- dist Quarterly Review.............. Nashville, Tenn. ALFRED F. SMITH: Christian Advocate. Nashville, Tenn. * E. B. CHAPPELL: Sunday School Publications, Nashville, Tenn. FITZGERALD §. PARKER: E’pworth Era. Nashville, Tenn. @920. TREASURERS OF BOARDS JOHN W. FRISTOE, Finance............ St. Louis, Mo. A. L. DIETRICH: Sunday School...... Nashville, Tenn. R. E. NOLLNER: Epworth League. ...Nashville, Tenn. - W. E. HoGAn: Education. ........ .. Nashville, Tenn. eM AWUS:# MISSIONS“... ust cco Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. INA DAVIS FULTON: Woman’s Work, Nashville, Tenn. J. ADGER STEWART: Church Extension.. Louisville, Ky. J. M. Way: Lay Activities.......... Nashville, Tenn. ALTON T. O’STEEN: Hospital............ Atlanta, Ga. 921. COMMISSION ON BUDGET CLERICAL D. H. Hotchkiss, Chmr. J.T. McClure, V. Chmn.; W. M. Alexander, Sec.; J. M. Dannelly, T.A . Smoot, H. B. Trimble. LAY C. B. Lewis, J. G. Brown,. H. O. Thornburg, W. W. Lastinger, F. M . Weiss, J. M. Williams, Cnarlton Durant. EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS The General Secretary of each of the Boards for waich assessments are made. 15 449 GENERAL OFFICERS, ETC, [ G922 @922. BOARD OF FINANCE BisHoP W. F. McMurry, President; X. P. WILFLEY, Vice President; JOHN W. FRISTOR, Treasurer; L. E. Topp, General Secretary, St. Louis, Mo. BISHOPS W.N. Ainsworth, U. V. W. Darlington, Sam R. Hay, CLERICAL R. A. Clark, T. S. Hamilton, Frank P. Culver, W. A. Cooper, James Kilgore, J. T. Leggett, D. F. Ellisor, . H. E. Draper, C. W. Tadlock. LAY S. P. Cresap, J. T. Catlin, Addison Maupin, W. Stackhouse, J. R. Dominick, G. W. Donaghey, R. P. Brewer, W. E. Brock, W. G. Hardy. @923. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS CHAPPELL, Editor; SHACKFORD, General Secretary, Nashville, Tenn.; DIETRICH, Secretary-Treasurer. BISHOPS John M. Moore and U. V. W. Darlington, V. Presidents; W. B. Beauchamp. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE E. B. J. W. A.L J. R. Pepper, E. B. Chappell, J. W. Shackford, W. B. Ricks, Marvin T. Haw. fred A. Carter, J. H. Ledyard. 450 ie . E. Hayes, . S. Holmes, ite Ledyard, . R. Pepper, President; GENERAL OFFICERS, ETC. CLERICAL Henry M. Barton, W. E. Morris, W. M. Pearce, J. H. Graves, W. B. Ricks, W. A. Christian, LAY A. E. Bonnell, A. L. Brooke, F. A. Carter, Hiram Gardner, J. D. Gardner, L. B. Rogers, Mrs. H. E. Jackson. 2 @924. EpworTH LEAGUE BOARD BisHop H. M. Du Boss, President; PAUL B. KERN, Vice President; F. S. PARKER, General Secretary, Nashville, Tenn.; RALPH E. NOLLNER, Asst. Secretary and Treasurer. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE L. H. Estes, Orville Zimmerman, W. W. Holmes, C. W. Sarver. EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS The General Secretary. Education and Promotion Secretary of Board of Mis- sions. CLERICAL Paul B, Kern. L. H. Estes, E. L. Woolf, V. G. Clifford, W. W. Holmes, J. N. R. Score, C. S. Kirkpatrick. 451 GENERAL OFFICERS, ETC. . [ 4925 LAY George Pohlman, Orville Zimmerman, C. W. Sarver, J. C. Smith, J. H. Therrill, S. H. Short, Miss Katherine Tatum. 925. BOARD OF EDUCATION BisHop E. D. Mouzon, President; H. H. SHERMAN, Secretary; STONEWALL ANDERSON, General Secretary, Nashville. Bishop James Cannon, Jr., Andrew Sledd, Bishop H. M. Dobbs, J. S. French, H. N. Snyder, Robert Selby, D. O. Terrell, Rial, Oak, R. E. Blackwell, L. W. Duval, J. H. Reynolds, R. H. Winn, R. G. Mood, C. H. Booth, R. L. Flowers, E. P. Puckett, G. W. Read, J. E. Cockrill, Ivan Lee Holt, H. H. Sherman, J. S. Candler, C. C. Grimes, W. F. Quillian, Carl Hollis, Sea PaO] Tg Fog me The General Secretary. @926. BOARD OF MISSIONS BIsHoP W. B. BEAUCHAMP, President; P. D. MADDIN, Vice President; W. G. Cram, General Secretary. SECRETARIES Offices: Nashville, Tenn. Foreign Department O. E. Goddard, Miss Esther Case. Home Department J. W. Perry, Mrs. J. W. Downs. 452 q926 | GENERAL OFFICERS, ETC. Education and Promotion Department E. H. Rawlings, J. F. Rawls, O. S. Welch, C. Raymond Gray, Mrs. J. T. Copeland, W. Erskine Williams, A. P. Harley, M. L. Butler, W. F. Dunkle, L. M. Thomas, C. C. Markham, Davis Davies, E. R. Steel, J. G. Snelling, Mrs. W. J. Piggott, Mrs. C. W. Nichols, G. L. Harrell, Robin Gould, Mrs. K. C. Childers, Ira F. Hawkins, O. E. Goddard, Mrs. B. W. Lipscomb. TREASURERS Mrs. Ina Davis Fulton. MANAGERS F. S. Love, Mrs. Luke Johnson, J. W. Kyle, W. B. Hamilton, Mrs. E. J. Harper, Mrs. Nat Rollins, Nathan Newby, Louis Boeger, A. J. Cauthen, Mrs. E. P. Peabody, Mrs. Fred A. Lamb, J. J. Gray, Jr., Mrs. J. W. Mills, Mrs. D. N. Bourne, Mrs. Lee Britt, Mrs. R. E. L. Morgan, M. A. Childers, J. F. Shinn, H. L. Clay. EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS The Effective Bishops. ‘General Secretary of Church Extension. General Secretary of Sunday School Board. General Secretary of Epworth League. General Secretary of Board of Lay Activities. President of Woman’s Missionary Council. Editor of Christian Advocate. 453 GENERAL OFFICERS, ETC. [ 9927 @927. BOARD OF CHURCH EXTENSION J. W. JOHNSON, President; W. F. Boacsss, Vice President; J. ADGER STEWART, Treasurer; T. D. ELLis, General Secretary, Louisville, Ky. BOARD OF MANAGERS James Thomas, R. N. Allen, J. H. Eakes, S. E. Allison, J. H. Wells, S. H. Meyer, O. F. Williams, M. A. Beeson, J: R: PRMaion T. C. Ragsdale, W. L. Scarborough, E. B. Hawk, M. H. Norton, A. P. Lyon, J. W. Hunt, W. J. Simms, C. S. Wallace, Keith Snyder, E. E. McMillan, J. A. Baylor. EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS The Bishops. Secretary of Board of Missions. @928. BOARD OF TEMPERANCE AND SOCIAL SERVICE BISHOP JAMES CANNON, JR., Chairman. CLERICAL W. A. Lambeth, C. M. Woodward, W. G. Henry, J. S. Peters, E. L. Crawford. LAY Mrs. Mary Harris Armour, George L. Hackney, Morris Sheppard, J. N. Hillman, Secretary; Charles M. Hay. 454 931 | GENERAL OFFICERS, ETC. EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Editor of Sunday School Literature. General Secretary of Epworth League. General Secretary of Lay Activities. General Secretary of Board of Missions. Superintendent of Social Service of Woman’s Mission- ary Council. @929. BoARD oF LAY ACTIVITIES G. L. MORELOCK, General Secretary, Nashville Tenn. EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS The Lay Leaders of the Annual Conferences. CONSULTING MEMBERS The General Secretaries of General Boards. q930. BOARD OF TRUSTEES J. T. Leggett, John R. Stewart, Sec.-Treas.; J. A. Burrow, Goodloe Cockrill, J. H. Garner, R. L. Kennedy, A. J. Lamar, President; D.C. Scales, Vice President; P. C. Fletcher, W. H. Wiseman. 931. GENERAL HOSPITAL BOARD BISHOP W. A. CANDLER, President; CHARLES C. JARRELL, General Secretary, Atlanta, Ga. CLERICAL F. W. Brandon, R. H. Harper, W. J. Young, S. H. C. Burgin, Alfred F. Smith, J. R. Jones. LAY S. J. Hilburn, J. B. Ivey, 1, J Cox, R. J. Guinn, G. A. Neuffer, M. M. McCall, H. L. Ott. 455 q932 | GENERAL OFFICERS, ETC. q932. BooK COMMITTEE CLERICAL L. C. Branscomb, J. D. Randolph, S. P. Wiggins, John Durrett, R. E. L. Morgan, ©. D. Bulla. LAY J. Lee Davis, Walter Keith, Jo B. Morgan, W. Louis Davis, C. A. Craig, W. R. Odell, R. H. Shuttles. @933. COMMITTEE OF APPEALS BisHop E. D. Mouzon, Chairman. CLERICAL W. W. Peele, C. A. Spragins, W. E. Arnold, 1. P. Martin. LAY E. R. Malone, B. H. Hiner, M. E. Lawson. @934. EDUCATIONAL COMMISSION W. M. Alexander, Paul Kern, Mrs. D. N. Bourne Mrs. W. A. Newell, J. L. Cuninggim, W. F. Quillian,. J. L. Decell, C. M. Reves, J. S. French, C. T. Talley, O. E. Goddard, Goodrich White. @935. COMMISSION ON STATISTICAL BLANKS L. H. Estes, George L. Beale, W. E. Morris, D. H. Hotchkiss, H. M. Canter. 456 GENERAL OFFICERS, ETC. | (940 @936. COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS FOR NEXT GENERAL CONFERENCE FORNEY HUTCHINSON, Chairman. J. W. Johnson, Secretary; R. M. Kelly, G. L. Hackney, L. P. McCord. @937. COMMISSION ON CONNECTIONAL AND CONFER- ENCE PERIODICALS D. H. Aston, T. A. Sikes, M. E. Lazenby, Homer Thompson, S. K. Cockrell, | G. A. Hanke, P. E. Riley, John W. Barton. @938. COMMISSION ON EXCHANGE OF TERRITORY WITH M. E. CHURCH W.F. McMurry, Chmn.; Frank Barrett, W. A. Cooper, Nathan Newby, Secretary; W. E. Arnold, E. L. Woolf, W. E. Brock. @939. ARIZONA HOSPITAL COMMISSION L. J. Cox, : C. D. Bulla, W. P. Dudgeon, D. E. Hawk, Frank Barrett, C. C. Jarrell, Bishop Sam R. Hay. @940. DELEGATES TO WORLD CONFERENCE ON FAITH AND ORDER ‘BISHOPS James Cannon, Jr., W. N. Ainsworth, W. A. Candler, J. M. Moore (Alternate). CLERICAL F. N. Parker, C. C. Selecman, C. W. Tadlock, Forney Hutchinson (Alt.), G. E. Booker (Alt. pe A. C. Millar (Alt.). 457 q941 | GENERAL OFFICERS, ETC. LAY , H. N. Snyder, YT). R. Anderson (Alt.). @941. MEMBERS OF FEDERAL COUNCIL BISHOPS W. A. Candler, James Cannon, Jr., John M. Moore, H. A. Boaz, James E. Dickey, S. R. Hay. FROM THE CHURCH AT LARGE Plato Durham, R. M. Weaver, R. E. Dickenson, F. H. Schuler, Henry Jackson, R. Ira Barnett, J. A. Bays, W. E. Brock, M. O. Shivers. FROM ANNUAL CONFERENCES . E. Northeutt, . M. Bruce, . D. Harris, . F. Sensabaugh, . P. Atkinson, . H. Aston, . B. Peeler, . A. Carter, bert Quail, . W. Ball, . Millar, . Parker, . Akin, . Leggett, . Holliday, . Johiison, . Walker, . Branscomb, DPHaAOSOaARS O Bek oes atte, Ope ee 20 S. R. McWhorter, G. C. Hardin, M. T. Plyler, R. G. Smith, Carroll Varner, K. J. Harper, A. J. Weeks, C. D. Bulla, R. L. Russell, Peter Stokes, J. C. G. Brooks, W. R. Eckles, J. W. Barton, M. L. Carlisle, S. H. Babcock, S. H. C. Burgin, D. B. Coltrane, L. S. Cunningham, R. E. Blackwell. 458 GENERAL OFFICERS, ETC. [ q943 €]942. ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON NEAR EAST RELIEF BISHOPS James Cannon, Jr., Chairman; H. M. Du Bose, John M. Moore. CLERICAL W. A. Shelton, W. B. Garrett, W. W. Pinson, R. H. Harper, C. D. Harris, . ©. Seleeman, John W. Smith, R. P. Shuler, W. W. Peele, C. M. Woodward, E. B. Chappell, F. S. Parker, Joint Secretaries. LAY W. P. Few, C. E. Hayes, R. T. Burge, Mrs. J. H. Dickey, Mrs. Luke Johnson, Mrs. F. F. Stephens, J. H. Reynolds. @943. TRUSTEES OF SCARRITT COLLEGE FOR CHRISTIAN WORKERS 1927 Miss Esther Case, John R. Pepper, Mrs. J. H. McCoy, - R. L. Russell, Mrs. L. P. Smith, E. H. Rawlings, John W. Barton. 1928 Mrs. J. N. McEachern, T. S. Southgate, Mrs. F. F. Stephens, Percy D. Maddin, Mrs. H. 8. Steele, Bishop W. B. Beauchamp. 1929 Miss Mabel K. Howell, Bishop H. M. Du Bose, Mrs. R. L. Hobdy, Mrs. H. M. Remmel, Miss Daisy Davies, Walter Keith, Sr. 459 q944 | GENERAL OFFICERS, ETC. 1930 Mrs. J. W. Downs, Mrs. Henry S. Owen, Mrs. Luke G. Johnson, Mrs. Attilla Cox, Bishop E. D. Mouzon, Dempsey Weaver. 1931 Mrs. W. A. Newell, Mrs. R. H. Lacey, Mrs. R. L. Kirkwood, JJ. Gray, Jre Mrs. Lee Britt, J. W. Perry. 1932 C. A. Craig, W. W. Pinson, Charles W. Scarritt, _ Miss M. L. Gibson. Mrs. Nat G. Rollins, Mrs. H. P. Murrey. @944. SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF RESEARCH AND INVES- TIGATION F, N. Parker, Chairman; TT. D. Samford, Andrew Sledd, W. P. Few, J. W. Mills, M. E. Lawson, Ivan Lee Holt, H. C. Stuart, A. R. Kasey, J. M. Rogers, V. C. Curtis, Secretury; Nathan Newby, A. L. Moore, H. H. White. ‘460 INDEX INDEX PREPARED BY CURTIS B. HALEY [The figures refer to paragraphs] Abandonment of Work, An- swerable to Annual Confer- ence for, 272. Episcopal decision concerning, ds Absent Preacher, Place to be filled, 137. Absent Witnesses, Testimony, how taken, 262, 279. Abstinence and fasting com- mended, 5. before Quarterly Conference, 144. before reception of preachers, 168. from marriage, not required, 27. Accusation of a bishop, 254. of a local preacher, 276. of a member, 285. of a probationer, 274. of a traveling preacher, 265. Accused, Rights of, 768, 771. Accused Bishop, Amenable to the General Conference, 252. Charge to be in writing with specifications, 256. Right of appeal, 255. Trial in interval of General Conferences, 253. Trial, when accusation is made during General Conference, 254. Accused Local Preacher, Amen- able to the District Conference, 275. For disseminating doctrines con- trary to the Articles, 282. Accused Local Preacher (con- tinued). For improper tempers, words, or actions, 281, 296. Right of appeal, 284. Trial for immorality, 276, 280. Unacceptability and inefficiency, 283. Accused Member, For dissemi- nating doctrines contrary to the Articles, 291. For improper tempers, words, or actions, 290, 296. For refusal to arbitrate, 294. Pastor’s duty, 285. Right of appeal, 295. Trial for immorality, 285-289. Accused Preacher on Trial, Accountable to his Quarterly Conference, 274. Duty of presiding elder, 274. Accused Traveling Preacher, Amenable to the Annual Con- ference, 257. For disseminating doctrines con- trary to the Articles, 269. For improper tempers, words, etc., 268, 296. Refusal to attend work, 272. Right of appeal, 273. Trial for immorality, 258-267. Unacceptability, inefficiency, sec- ularity, 270, 271. Action of a Committee of Trial, Episcopal decision concerning, 791, 461 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs| Address on Worldliness, 859. Adjourned Session of Annual Cenference, 668. Administration, Trial of a bishop, 252-256. Trial of a local preacher, 275-284. Trial of a member, 285-296. Trial of a probationer, 274. Trial of a traveling preacher, 257-273. Admission of Members, certificate, 159. Directions concerning, 621, 622. Form for receiving, 657. From other Churches, 623. Record to be kept, 153, 159. Report to Annual Conference, 153. Report to Quarterly Conference, 147. Admission of Preachers, By re- admission, 52. By transfer, 52, 54, 673. From other Churches, 52, 197- 200. Admission of Preachers into Full Connection, Approved examination, 166. Exception of missionaries, 167. How qualified, 165. Questions to be asked, 168, Term of probation, 165. Admission of Preachers on Trial, By whom admitted, 161. Course of study for, 826. Discontinued without wrong, 163. Embraces requisites of pastorate, 163. Examined on course of study, 162. Recommended by District Con- ference or licensing committee, 162. By 46 Admissions, Committee Every Annual appoint, 68. Shall report to Conference, 824. To urge applicants for admission to abstain from use of tobacco, 93, 164. When nominated by Board of Missions, 68. Adoration of saints and images forbidden, 20. Advisory Committee on Near East Relief, 942. Affiliated Membership, 629, 630. Agents, Conference relations of, 620. of general colportage, 118. of literary and benevolent in- stitutions, 118. of Sunday schools and tracts, 118. of the American Bible Society, 118. of the Publishing House, 596- 620. Alabama Conference boundaries, 860. Almsgiving, 30. General Rule concerning, 4. Alterations, in Restrictive Rules, method of procedure, 43. American Bible Society, An- nual Conference business, 52. Assessment for, 330. Board in the Annual Conference, 70. Concerning the work of, 154. District Conference business, 93. Preachers may be appointed agents of, 118. Amusements, Taking of, 3. In Bishops’ Address, 859. Anniversaries, Christian Litera- ture, 7L on, Conference to Article concerning, 2 nd INDEX |The figures refer to paragraphs] Anniversaries (continued). Annual Conference (continued). Education, 458. Epworth League, 427. Sunday School, 355. Annual Conference, Adjourned session, 668. Admission into, 162-167. Anniversaries, 71, 375, 427, 458. Appeal to the College of Bishops, 122. Applicants to attend, 47. Appointment of boards and com- mittees in, 681. Appointments of preachers in, 118. Attendance required, 47. Boards in: Bible Society, 70; Church Extension, 495, 496; Christian Literature, 71; Edu- cation, 61, 458-461; Epworth League, 426-431; Finance, 349-354; Lay Activities, 571- 573; Missions, 68, 476-479; Sunday School, 373-378; 476— 479; Temperance and Social Service, 505. Boundaries defined, how formed, 48. Care of Church property, 62. Commission on Budget in, 333- 33315) Committee on Conference Re- lations in, 69. Complaints against preachers, 54-57. Courses of study, 64, 824-858. Credentials, deprivation of, 323-— 325. Deacons and elders elected by, 52. Districts, how formed, 124. Episcopal decision concerning lay members, 676. 860-915; 463 Episcopal decision concerning withdrawal from, 776. Evangelists, 480, 481. Examination of character, 54—57. Failure in administration, 57. Field Secretary for Sunday schools in, 118, 370 (2). If no Bishop, 51. Institutions of learning, under care of, 61. Journals to be inspected, 65. Law, questions of, 122. Lay members, how chosen, 45. Lay members of, 44-46, 676. Local preachers, addresses re- ported to, 135. Locating members, 57. May recommend restoration of credentials, 59. Members composing, 44. Members to attend, 47. Method of procedure, 52. Official positions, ministers in, 620. Order of business, 52. Other Churches, ministers from, 197-200. Place of holding, how appointed, 50. Place of holding, how changed, 50. Powers of lay members, 46. Preachers on trial to attend, 47. President of, 51. Proceed with open doors, 53. Procedure, method of, 52. Publishing Agents, make exhibit to, 598. Quadrennial Board of Temper- ance and Social Service, 505. Questions asked in, 52. Readmission into, 52. INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Annual Conference (continued). Record of District Conference examined, 63. Record of proceedings, 65. Representation in General Con- ference, 32. Representation not to be denied, 34. Request not mandatory, 708. Restoring of an expelled preach- er, 715. Secretary, duties of, 65, 66, 348. Shall hear the appeal ofa local preacher, 60 Sunday School Board, 372-378. Sunday school work in, 67. Superannuaterelation granted by, 186. Supernumerary relation granted by, 183. Times of holding, appointed by bishop, 49. Transfers, 673-675. Trial, cases of, 56, 257-273. Withdrawal from, 776. Apostles’ Creed, in adult baptism, 665. ~ in public worship, 631. Apostolic Benediction, to be used in closing service, 634. Apparel, gold and costly, forbid- den, 3. Appeal, Church cannot, 800. General directions, 297-322. growing out of arbitration, 293. of Annual Conferences, 122, 677. of bishops, 255. of District Conferences, 123, 132. of local preachers, 280, 314, 317. of members, 295, 319-321. of Quarterly Conferences, 97. of traveling preachers, 297-813, 790. Procedure, 304-306. 464 Appeals, Appeal (continued). Quarterly Conference entertain= ing, 706. Right of, guaranteed, 42. Vote by proxy not allowed on, 704. Committee of: Ap- pellant to file statement and make argument, 304. Appointment of secretary, 306. Bishop to preside, 298. Challenged member, 300. Committee and appellant ‘to be heard, 304. Constituting quorum, 300. Course as to decision of trial committee, 310. Final decision of committee, 305. How composed and elected, 297. Nominated by Committee on Itinerancy, 297. Of presiding bishop, 308. Paying expense of committee, 313. Personnel of, 933. Place of sittings, 302. Report to General Conference, 305. Restoration of accused, 309. Restriction as to member at hearing of case, 299. Secretary to notify Annual Con- ference, 310. Security of records and docu- ments, 307. Session once a year, 303. Vacancies, 301. Application for License, 739. Appointment of Boards and Committees in Annual Con- ferences, Episcopal decision concerning, 681. INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Appointments of Preachers, Bishop’s powers and duties, 118. Bishops to announce in open cabinet, 118. Exceptions to the rule, 118. Limited to four years, exceptions, 118. No right to decline, 712. Apportionment, Board of: Ap- portion general assessments to Annual Conferences, 336. Certain Boards may reduce amount, 336. Chairman and secretary, 336. Duties of, 336. Of whom constituted, 336. Place and time of meeting, 336. Process of fixing the ratio for apportionment, 336. Ratio to continue quadrenniaily, 336. . Appropriation of Mission Funds Episcopal decision concerning, 812. Approved Examination, Before ordination, 170, 176. for admission into full connec- tion, 165, 166. for admission on trial, 162. for license to preach, etc., 189- Lore Arbitration, Board of, in Board of Education, 451. Arbitration, Committee of, Pro- vided for, 292. Arbitrations, Members refusing to abide by, 293. Provided for, 292. Architecture, Joint Committee on, 366, 377, 494, 501. Are There Any Complaints? Episcopal decision concerning, 107. with Arizona Conference boundaries, 861. Arizona Hospital Commission, 939. Army and Navy, Preachers who serve in, 118. Articles of Religion, Doctrines contrary to, 268, 281. Method of changing, 43. Not to be altered or revoked, 42. The Twenty-five, 7-31. Assistant Editors, Provision for, 618. Assistant Secretaries, Provision for, 463 (2), 556. Assistant Superintendents, Elec- tion of, 381. Nomination of, 384. Associate Secretaries, Provision for, 556. Atonement, Articles on, 8, 26. Audit of Reports and Accounts of Mission Board Treasurers, 466. of Publishing Agents, 598. Authority of Board of Education, 444, 445, of Epworth League Board, 401. of Board of Finance, 342, 343, 845. of Board of Lay Activities, 556. of Sunday School Board, 355. Baltimore Conference bounda- ries, 862. Baptism, A sacrament, 22. A sign, 23. Administered by deacons, 172. Administered by elders, 178. Administered by preachers in charge, 139. Articles on, 22, 23. Choice of mode (rubrics), 653- 655. Infant, to be retained, 23. 465 INDEX reer ee eee EERE [The figures refer to paragraphs] Baptism (continued). Office of: For children and youth, 654; for infants, 653; for persons of riper years, 655. Preacher in charge, duty of, 189. Record to be kept, 152. Ritual: For adults, 655; for children, 654; for infants, 653; must be used, 635. Sign of profession, 23. Unordained preacher in charge may administer, 139. Baptized Children, Bible classes formed of, 628. Catechisms to be used, 627. Membership, to be admitted to, 626. Pastoral instruction of, 625. Record to be kept, 152. Trained for the Church, 625. Belgian Mission, 75, 906. Benediction, Apostolic, to be used, 634. Beneveolences, Assessments for, 330. Board of Lay Activities charged with responsibility for, 569. Disposition of collections for, 832, 335. Distribution of apportionment for, 331, 334. Ratio for apportionment of, 336. Bequests and Endowments, Regulations concerning, 586-588. Bible Society, Board to be ap- pointed, 70. Collections for, 52, 87, 154. Bible, the Holy, Books compos- ing, 11. classes to be formed, 628. only rule of faith and practice, 11. the sufficient rule, 11. Bill of Charges, 254, 259, 266, 277, 278, 285, 773. Birth Sin, Article on, 13. Bishops, Address on Worldliness, 859. Addresses, 916. Allowance for salary, etc., 250. Amenability, 252. Announce appointmerts to open eabinet, 118. Appeal of, 255. Appoint evangelists, 481. Appoint to service in army and navy, 118. Approve Conference connection of officials, 620. Arrange the districts, 124. Authorized to call General Con- ference, 37. Cabinet, 118. Call for report on Church Ex- tension, 500. Change, receive, preachers, 120. Choose presiding elders, 119. Consolidate circuits, stations, ete., 125. Consecration of, 664. Decide certain appeals, 123. Decide questions of law, 122. Decisions of College of, 122, 665— 823. Divide circuits, stations, etc., 125. Duties of, 117, 126. Election of, 115, 116. Episcopacy not done away or destroyed, 42. Fix the appointments, 118 Form districts, 124. Form of consecrating, 664. Fund collected for, 250. Fund sent to Publishing Agents, treasurer, 250. How constituted, 115.- If none remain in the Church, 116. and suspend 466 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Bishops (continued). Investigation of, 253. Need not interpret a law already decided, 710. Nominate Commission on Bud- get, 329. None at Conference, 51. One on Committee of Appeals, 297, 298. Opinions of, 122. Ordain bishops, elders, deacons, 124, Post office addresses of, 916. Prescribe courses of study, 824. Preside in Annual Conferences, agp Ne By ps Preside in District Conference, “shy 1b ye Preside in General Conference, ZI ay ee Preside in Missions, 79. Salary, by whom fixed, 250. Secretary of College member of Board of Apportionment, 336. Shall cali for report on Church Extension, 500. Shall hold semiannual meetings, 122. Shall not employ certain supplies, 127. Shall publish result of official meetings, 122. Shall report in writing all de- cisions, 122. Special provision for election of, 116. Support provided for, 250, 251. To be attended by presiding elder, 134. To whom amenable, 252. T::avel through the districts, 126. Trial of, 254, 255. Uniform policy of administration, 113, 781. Bishops (continued). Unite circuits, stations, etc., 125. Widows and orphans of, 250. Bishops’ Decisions: See Episco- pal Decisiors. Bishops’ Fund, Treasurer for, 250. Annual report on, 251. Bishops, General Officers, Com- missions, and Committees, 916-943. Board of Conflict, Duties of, 311. Board of Reference, Episcopal decisions concerning, 820-823. For adjustment of rights and equities, 239. In the Board of Education, 451. Board of Religious Education, OSs Boards and Committees, How Constituted: Bible Society Board appointed by Confer- ence, 70. Board of Christian Literature appointed by Conference, 71. Board of Church Extension or- ganized by Conference, 495. Board of Education organized by Conference, 61; auxiliary to General Board, 458. Board of Finance organized by Conference, 349. Board of Lay Activities com- posed of various Leaders, 571. Board of Missions organized by Conference, 476. Board of Temperance and Social Service elected by General Conference, 505. Board of Temperance and Social Service organized by Confer- ence, 510. Commission on Budget elected by Conference, 333. 467 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Boards and Committees, How | Bonds for Treasurers (continued). Constituted (continued). Committee of Examination ap- pointed by Conference, 64. Committee on Admission ap- pointed by Conference, 68. Committee on Conference Re- lations appointed by Confer- ence, 69. Committee on Course of Study appointed by Conference, 64. Committee on Evangeiism elected by Conference, 480. Conference Board of Lay Activi- ties composed of various Lead- ers, 571. Epworth League Board elected by Conference, 426. Joint Committee on Architecture elected by Boards, 377, 501. Joint Committee on Religious Education elected by Boards, 376, 461. Standing Committee on Finance appointed by Board of Educa- tion, 443. Sunday School Board elected by Conference, 372. Boards, General: Apportionment, 336. Church Extension, 484-499, 927. Education, 434-461, 925. Epworth League, 398-4381, 924. Finance, 337-354, 922. Hospital, 428, 429, 931. Lay Activities, 554-560, 929. Missions, 462-472, 926. Reference or Arbitration, 451. Sunday School, 355-397, $23. Temperance and Social Service, 502-513, 928. Trustees, 585-595, 930. Bends for Treasurers, Custodians of, 332. Required, 332, 335, 466. Book-a-Month Club, 419. Book Agents, 596. Book Committee, Accounts of Publishing Agents audited by, 598. Annual, monthly, and called meetings of, 612. Audit and certify accounts, 598. Cannot involve Publishing House in debt, 613. Composition and number of, 602. Control Publishing House, 596. Elect Publishing Agents, 596. Elected quadrennially, 596. Examine books and accounts, 598, 611. : Five shall be residents of Nash- ville, 602. Fix certain salaries, 608. Furnish assistance to certain editors, 618. Meetings of, 612. Personnel of, 932. Powers and duties of, 602-613, 616-618. Prescribe regulations, 603. Proceeds of Publishing House, 619. Provide sinking fund of securities, 607. Quorum of, 612. Record and report of, 611. Relation to Publishing Agents, 596, 601, 603, 608, 613. Report to both Annual and General Conferences, 605. Require monthly reports from Publishing Agents, 604. Residence of five members of, 602. Saiaries provided for by, 608. Settle differences, 598. 468 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Book Committee (continued). Settle with Publishing Agents annually, 605. Shall have free access to books, 611. Sunday School Editor, recom- mendations of, 362. Suspend certain officers, 608, 609. Vacancies, how filled, 610. Book Editor and Editor of Review, Books to be approved by, 582, 599. Conference membership of, 620. Editorial assistance to, 618. Election and editorial duties of, 615. Exempt from four years’ rule, 118. Member and secretary of Board of Apportionment, 336. Post office address, 917. Salary fixed by Book Committee, 608. Books and Periodicals, Editors of, 614-618. People to be supplied with, 149. Publication of, 599. Books, Canonical, 11. 606, Books, Unprofitable, Reading, censured, 3. Borrowing, without the prob- ability of paying, forbidden, 3. Boundaries of the Annual Con- ferences, Change of, episcopal decision concerning, 658. Defined, 860-915. Effect of change of, on superan- nuates, 731. How determined, 48. Brazil, Central Conference in, 75. Brazil Conference, 75; bound- aries, 863. Brazilian Preachers, Course of study for, 841-845. Breach of Ministerial Vows, 272. Budget, Commission on: Ag- gregation of assessments, 330. Collections to be distributed by treasurers monthly, 332. Conference Commissions, their duties, 333-335. Determining percentage to each interest, 332. Expenses of, 329. Fix percentage Fund, 250. How constituted, 329. Interests needing financial sup- port, 324. Manner of ascertaining and ap- portioning amount assessed, 331. May meet annually, 329. Personnel of, 921. Privilege of pastoral charge, 332. Quorum, 329. Secretaries appear before, 329. Treasurers to execute bond, 332, Vacancies, 329. Building Churches, Control of Quarterly Conference, 231. Debts, 232. Deed of settlement, 231. Deeds to contain trust clause, Zoo Form of trust clause, 234. Plain, with free seats, 230. Building Parsonages, Duty of presiding elders and preachers, 236. Quarterly Conference committee, Zoe Recommended, 235. Bureau of Evangelism, 480. Burial of the Dead, Ritual for, 659. and. for Bishops’ 469 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Business, Arbitration, 292-294. Disagreement in, 292-294. Cabinet, Bishop’s, 118. Pastor’s, 579. Calendar Years, 720. California Oriental Mission, Work included in, 907. Call to the Ministry, How es- tablished, 720. Called Session of the Geaeral Conference, 37. Members of, 38. Candidates, Examining commit- tees for, 64, 91, 170. for admission on trial, 68, 91, 161-164. for Church membership, 621, 622. for full connection, 165-168. for license to preach, 188. How recommended, 189. Laymen’s right to assist in examining, 692. Canonical Books, 11. Catechism, In Sunday schools, 627. Our own to be used, 627. Pastor to catechize, 392. Celibacy of the Clergy, Doctrine of, condemned, 27. Central Brazil Conference, 75; boundaries, 864. Central Conference, concerning, 73. First meeting, 76. In Brazil, 75. In Europe, 75. Central Texas Conference, boun- daries, 865. Directions Ceremonies and Rites of Churches, Article on, 28. Certificates of Membership, Form of, 159. Limitation of, 159 Certificates of Membership (con- tinued). Notification to another pastor, 159. Record of, to be kept on stub, 159. To be given, 159. Unlawful, 714. Chairman of a Board of Stewards, to be elected, 213. Challenge, Right of, by accused on trial, 254, 260, 267. Change of boundaries and Con- ference membership, 669. of law during trial, 784. Chaplains to State prisons and military posts, 118. Character of local preachers, when rumors affect, 741. Passage of, 54-57, 673. Charge Lay Leaders, Duties of, Sy ae Election or, 98. Members of District Conference, 84. Charges, Delayed, 765. Duty of an officer with charges, 764. Charges and _ Specifications, Episcopal decision concerning, 785, 787. Presentation of, to accused, 287. Charters, Deeds, ete., must contain trust clause, 233-235, 237, 238, 287. Child Welfare, 513. Children, Admitted to Church privileges, 624. Baptism of, 624, 653. Bible classes for, 628. Catechisms for, 627. Directions concerning, 624-628. Duty of parents, 624. Duty of preachers in charge, 392. A470 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Children (continued). Christian Men’s Goods, Article Duty of presiding elders, 133. Education of, 156. Entitled to baptism, 624. Form of reception as members, 656. In Sunday schools, 155. Pastor to eatechize, 392. Pastoral instruction of, 106. Pastoral oversight of, 156. Pastors to instruct, 625. Quarterly Conference inquiry, 106. Ritual for baptism of, 653. Ritual for reception as members, 656. China Mission Conference boundaries, 866. Christ, in unity of Godhead, 7. Made very man, 8. Oblation of, 26. _ Only sacrifice for sin, 26. Resurrection of, 9. True divinity of, 8. True humanity of, 8. Christian Advocate, Conference membership of editor, 620. Editor a member of Board of Missions, 463. Editor elected by General Con- ference, 614. Post office address of editor, 919. Publish exhibit of Publishing Agents, 598. Publish conclusions of College of Bishops, 122. Salary of editor fixed by Book Committee, 608. Christian Literature, Board of: | Appointment of the Board, and duties, 71. Christian Man’s Oath, Article concerning, 31. concerning, 30. Christian Stewardship, 94, 106, 359, 375, 388, 398, 561, 562. Christian Stewardship Com- mittee, 388, 398. Christians, to obey authorities (footnote), 29. Church, Expulsion of members, 286. Form for receiving members, 657. General Rules of, 1-6, 31. How membership is forfeited, 6. How membership is restored, 322. Its nature, Article on, 19. Membership in, 621, 623. Register to be kept, 108, 153. Rites and ceremonies may be changed, 28. , Service in an unknown tongue forbidden, 19. Social Creed of, 513. ~ Traveling preacher cannot prose- cute member of, 795. Visible, 19. Church Board of Lay Activities, 579, 580. Church Buildings, Creating liens upon, 242. Form fer dedication of, 661. Form for laying corner stone of, 660. Method of securing, 233. Reported to Annual Conference, 52. Sale of, 239, 240. Seats free, 230. To be secured, 233. To secure charter, 238. Trustees of, 223. Chureh Corferences, Duties of Secretary, 108, 113. How composed, 107. All INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Church Conferences (continued). How membership is restored in, 109. Inspect records, 113. Members lost sight of, 109. Order of business in, 110. Religious service, 112. Roll to be called, 109. Secretary elected, 108. When to be held, 107. Church Extension Board: nuities provided for, 490. Applications for aid, 493. Body corporate and charter, 486. City Boards and their functions, A497, Conference Boards, how com- posed, 495. Constitution of, 485-501. Corporate name, 486. © District Boards, their authority and duties, 498, 499. Duties of bishops and presiding elders, 500. Duties of the secretary, 487. Election of, 485. General Secretary on Boards of Missions and Apportionment, 336, 463. Loan fund to be raised, 492. Loan funds of auxiliary boards, how used, 499. Location of, 488. May reduce its apportionment, 336. Officers, and how elected, 485. Personnel of, 927. Powers of the Board, 491. Revenue, how derived, 489. Secretary in employ of auxiliary boards, 499. Vacancies, 485. Church Lay Leaders, Election of; 98, An- Church Property, Creating liens, 242-244, Division, sale, transfer of, 239, 823. Episcopal decision concerning, 823. Method of securing, 244. Quarterly Conference control, 240. To be secured by deed, 62. Trustees may execute lease of, 241. Trustees may sell, 240. Trustees of, regulations cone . cerning, 223-229. Church Register, To be kept by Secretary of Church Confer- ence, 108. To be kept by the pastor, 153. To be submitted to Quarterly Conference, 106. Circuit Board of Lay Activities, 577. Circuits, Stations, Division of, 125. Duties of pastors of, 139-160. City Board of Church Extension, Authority of, 497. Election of members of, 497. May employ secretary, 499. Organization of, 497. Report to General Board, 497. Shall file charter, etc., 497. Claimants, Conference: Episco- pal decisions concerning, 726, 132, 733, 736. Support of, 337. See Conference Claimants. Class Leaders, By whom ap- pointed, 207. Episcopal decision concerning, TA4, For improvement of, 649-651. Missions, A472 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Class Leaders (continued). Members of leaders’ and stew- ards’ meeting, 210. Members of Quarterly Confer- ence, 94. Regulations concerning, 208-210. To be examined quarterly, 209. Class Meetings, Directions con- cerning, 646. Leaders may alternate, 647. Methods of improving, 649-651. Pastors to visit, 648. Clerical Representatives in the General Conference, 33. Collections for American Bible Society, 154. for Church Extension, 489, 495. for Conference claimants, 343- 345. for Missions, 467. for Sunday School Day, 315. for the ministry, 213. in the classes, 210. on Sunday School Day, 759. Colleges, Standard, Certificates from, 824, 825. Defined, 680. Colporteurs, Appointment of, 118, Commission on Budget (Annual Conference), 219, 333-335. on Budget (General Conference), 328-332, 921. on Connectional and Conference Periodicals, 937. on Education, 934, on Exchange of Territory, 938. on Statistical Blanks, 935. on Religious Education in State Schools, 461. Committee of Appeals: Of the appeal of a traveling preacher, 297-313. Personnel of, 933. Committee of Trial: Action of, the action of the Conference, 791. Appointment of, 778. Chairman of, 779. Committee on Admissions, Ap- pointment of, 68. Committee on Architecture, 366, 377, 494, 513. Committee on Arrangements for Next General Confer- ence, 936. Committee on Conference Re- lations, Appointment and authority of, 69. Superannuates, 186. Supernumeraries, 183. Committee on Episcopacy, 254, 250. Committee on Evangelism, 480, 481. Committee to Edit Discipline, page 2. Committees and Boards: Boards and Committees. Committees of Examination: For admission on trial, 162. For course of study, 64. For deacon’s orders, 170. For elder’s orders, 176. For full connection, 165, 166. For license, 83, 93, 189. Committees of Investigation, Appointment of, 258, 254. Chairman of, 261. Episcopal decisions concerning, 766-772, 778. Secretary of, 770. Majority determines proceedings, {Ps Not to try the case, 769. Communion in Both Kinds, Article on, 25. See 473 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Community of Goods, Not en- joined, 30. Complaints against ministers, 54. Failure of administration, 57. in Quarterly Conferences, 707. may be referred, 761. Part of regular business, 106. Preacher in charge not referred to in Quarterly Conference question, 707. Preachers to be notified of, 55. Condensed Minutes, Duty of Annual Conference Secretary, 66. Conference Boards: ciety, 70. Christian Literature, 71. Church Extension, 495. Education, 61, 458. Epworth League, 426, 432. Finance, 349-354. Lay Activities, 571. Missions, 476. Sunday School, 372. Temperance and Social Service, 505. Conference Claimants: Assess- ments in control of Commis- sion on Budget, 328-335. Certificate of Conference Secre- tary concerning, 348. Collections for, 343-345. Conference Board as auxiliary, 349-354. Defined, 733. Episcopal decisions on, 726, 732- 137. Provisions and regulations for, 342-348. Questions concerning support of, 52, 106. Supernumeraries not, 726. I, Bible So- Conference Claimants (contin- ued). Support administered by the General Board of Finance, 337. Written report of pastor, 158. Conference Commission on Budget, Composition of, 333. Duties of, 334, 335. Conference Evangelists, Appoint- ment of, 480. Employment of, 480. May not accept certain invita- tions, 480. Must perform certain labors, 480. Conference Lay Leader, 52, 571. Conference Missionary Secre- tary, 478. Conference Organs, 72. Conference Records: Annual, 65. Church, 113. District, 63. Quarterly, 87 (6), 104, 106 (11, 18). Conference Relations, Commit- tee on, 69, 183, 186. Conference Treasurer, Duties of, 332. To be bonded, 332, 335. Conference Years, 720. Conferences: Annual, 44-72. Central, 73-76. Church, 107-112. District, 83-93. General 32-43. Quarterly, 94-106. Confirmation, Not a sacrament, gan Conflict, Board of, Duties of, 311. Congo Mission, Work and terri- tory included, 908. Congress, Members of, 530. Connectional Officers, Election of, 362, 402, 439, 463, 485, 521, 556, 596, 614, 615. A74 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Connectional Officers (continued), | Course of Study (continued). Exempt from four years’ rule, 118. Place of membership, 620. Consecrating a Bishop, Form of, 664, Consolidation of circuits, stations, ete., 125. Constitutions: Board of Church Extension, 484-501. Board of Education, 434-461. Board of Finance, 337-354. Board of Lay Activities, 554-584. Board of Missions, 462-483. Epworth League Board, 399- 431. Hospital Board, 514-528. Sunday School Board, 355-397. Conversation, Uncharitable or unprofitable, 3. Corner Stone of a church, laying, 660. Corporate Names: See Incorpora- tion. Correspondence Courses, 452. Correspondence School, 825. Counsel must be a member of Conference, 782. None before investigating com- mittee, 771. Ceurse of Study: Academic re- quirements, 824. Bishops prescribe, 824. Committee on, 64. Educational requirements, 824, 825. for admission on trial, 826. for Brazilian preachers, 841-845. for Indian Mission preachers, 846-853. for Korean preachers, 854-858. for local deacon’s orders, 831, 839. for local elder’s orders, 832, 840. for local preachers, 831, 832. for reception into full connection, 827, 828. for Spanish-speaking preachers, 833-840. for traveling preachers, 826-830. for undergraduates, 826-830. Preparation of candidates, 825. Prescribed by College of Bishops, 824. Presiding elders direct to, 135. Required of ministers from other Churches, 197, 199. Reviewed by bishops quadren- nially, 824. Cradle Roll, 384-394. Credentials: Deprivation of a local elder’s or deacon’s, 326, 804, 809. Deprivation of a traveling preach- er’s, 323, 804. Episcopal decisions concerning, 803-809. Papers to be filed by presiding elder, 326. Restoration to a local elder or deacon, 327, 805, 807. Restoration to a traveling preach- er, 325, 806-808. Surrender of, as a minister, 324, 803. Credits Not Allowed Treasurers of Annual Conference Boards, Episcopal decision concerning, 814. Creed, Apostles’, 631, 655. Social, of Churches of Christ in America, 513. Cuba Conference boundaries, 867. Cup of the Lord not to be denied to laymen, Article on, 25. Curriculum, Committee on, 861. A75 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Custedian of Surrendered Cre- dentials, Episcopal decision concerning, 805. Czechoslovak Conference, boundaries, 868, Dancing, Episcopal decision con- cerning, 799. Deaconess, Office and work of, 475. Deacons, Administer baptism, 172. Amenability of, 257. Approved examination of, 170. Assist elder, 173. Authority of, 172-174. Duties of, 172-174. Election of, 169. Examination before ordination, 170. Form of ordaining, 662. How constituted, 169. Perform duties of preacher, 174. Questions concerning ordination, 52. Solemnize rites of matrimony, 172. Time of probation for local deacon’s orders, 118, 190. Time of probation for traveling deacon’s orders, 118, 171. Traveling, election of, 169. Under missionary rule, 171, Dead, Ritual for Burial of, 659. Debt, Episcopal decision concern- ing, 750. Not to be incurred by steward, 247. Unpaid salary of preacher not a, 352. Debts, Disputes concerning, how settled, 292, 293. Question concerning, 168. Decision Day, 375. Decisions of Bishops, 122. of College of Bishops, 685-823. 1450 traveling Decisions (continued). of presiding elders, 132. on District Conference appeals, AY on Quarterly Conference appeals, 123. to be reported to the Episcopal College, 122. to be reviewed, recorded, and published, 122. Dedication of a church, form of, 661. Deeds must contain trust clause, 233-238. of gift, form of, 591. of settlement, 233, 234, Definition of Society, 2. Delayed Charges, Episcopal de- cision concerning, 765. Delegates, Clerical, to General Conference, 32, 33. Lay, to Annual Conference, 44- 46. Lay, toa District Conference, 84, _ Lay, to General Conference, 32, 33. To World Conference on Faith and Order, 940. Denver Conference boundaries, 869. Deposed Ministers, Episcopal decision concerning, 694. Deprivation of Local Elder’s Credentials, Episcopal de- cision concerning, 809. Devises and Gifts, Board of Trustees for, 585. Donations to Board of Finance, 595. Donations to cause of Missions, 593. Donations to Church Extension Board, 594. 476 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Devises and Gifts (continued). Donations to Publishing House, 592. Donations to the Church, 586. Duties of preachers in charge, 588. Duties of the Board, 586. for Church Extension work, 594. for Superannuate Endowment Fund, 595. Form of deed of gift, 591. Form of devise by will, 590. - Report to General Conference, 589. Diligence and Frugality en- joined, 168. Rule concerning, 4. Director of Religious Education, 105, 450. Directory of pastoral charge, 150. Disagreement in Business, 292- 294. Disciplinary Questions asked in Annual Conference, 52. asked in Quarterly Conference, 106. Discipline, Editors of, page 2. in Courses of Study, 826, 833- 857. Discontinuance of probationer, 52, 163. Episcopal decision on, 697. Dispensary, Preachers and mem- - bers prohibited from conduct- ing, 504. Disputes—between members, man- ner of settlement, 292-294. between preachers, presiding elders, and stewards, 748, 749. Disqualification by Arrest of Character, Episcopal decision concerning, 797. Dissemination of Contrary Doc- trines, 269, 282, 291. Dissensions, sowing, in societies, 291. District Board of Church Ex- tension, Authority of, 498, A499. Election of members of, 498. May employ secretary, 499. Organization of, 498. Report to Conference and Gen- eral Boards, 498. Shall file charter, etc., 498. District Board of Lay Activities, BIT. District Conferences: American Bible Society, inquiry as to, 87. Composition of, 84. Credentials, restoration of, 327. Delegates to Annual Conference, 88. Elect District Lay Leader and Associates, 574. Elect lay delegates by ballot, 88. Elect licensing committee, 92. Epworth Leagues, inquiry as to; 86. Examine local preachers, 189. Held annually, 83. Lay Activities, Board of, 574. Lay Activities, inquiry as to, 87. Licensing local preachers, 90. Licensing Committee elected by, 92, 93. Local preachers amenable to, 194, 275, 700. Meetings, 83. Members, 84. Ministerial Supply, inquiry as to, 87. Mission annual meeting as District Conference, 75. Missions, inquiry as to, 87. Organs, inquiry as to, 87. Oversight of local preachers, 90. Place and time, how changed, 83. ATT | INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] District Conferences (continued). lace and time, how fixed, 83. Preacher on trial, when amenable to, 274. President must be a member, 689. Presiding elder fixes the time, 83. Presiding elders members of, 687. Quarterly Conference records, 87. Recommend for admission on trial, 91. Recommend for local deacon’s orders, 91, 701. Recommend for local elder’s orders, 91, 701. Recommend for readmission, 91. Recommendation of licensing committee, 702. Recording Stewards report to, 218. Records to be examined, 63. Religious exercises prominent, 89. ’ Renew licenses, 90. Secretary elected for, 86. Sunday schools, inquiry as to, 87. To elect Lay Leader, 574. Tobacco, applicant for license to abstain from use of, 93, 164. Trial of a local preacher, 275. Various duties of, 87. When to be held, 83. Who compose the, 84. Who presides in, 85. Woman’s Missionary Society, inquiry as to, 87. Written report of local preacher, 700. ‘District Lay Leader, Chairman of Board of Lay Activities, 574. Elected by District Conference, 574, Member of District Conference, 84, District Secretary of Epworth League, Member of District Conference, 84. District Secretary of Woman’s Missionary Society, Member of District Conference, 84. District Stewards, Duties of, 219. Election of, 102. Estimate presiding elder’s salary, 249. How appointed, 102, 219. Meeting of, 219. District Stewards’ Meeting, Min- utes of, 220. Districts, By whom formed, 124. of not more than forty appoint- ments, 124. Diversions, Bishops’ advice on, 859. Rule concerning, 3. Division of Conference Terri- tory, Episcopal decisions con- cerning, 667, 669. Division of Funds, Episcopal decision concerning, 749. Division of Pastoral Charge, Episcopal decision concerning, 823. Divorce, Rule respecting marriage of divorced persons, 160. Doctrines, Inveighing against, trial for, 269, 282, 291. New standards, 42. Doctrines, Unscriptural, Dis- semination by local preachers, 281. Dissemination by members, 291. Dissemination by traveling preachers, 269. Doing Good enjoined, 4. Donations for Education, Epis- copal decision concerning, 818. Dress, Deaconess uniform, 475. Gold and costly apparel, 3. 478 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Drunkenness, Discipline in cases | Education (continued). of, 502. General directions concerning, 502, 504. | Rule concerning, 3. Duties of Lay Leaders, 581-584. Duty, Paramount to feeling, 4. East Oklahoma Conference boundaries, 870. Editorial Authority, page 2. Editors, Assistance provided for, 361, 362, 618. Conference membership of, 620. Duties of, 362, 405, 615, 617. Elected by General Conference, 362, 402, 614, 615, 919. Exempt from four years’ rule, 118. ; Investigation of, 364, 609. of Books and Review, 66, 599, 608, 615, 618. Of Christian Advocate, 608, 614, 618. of Conference organs, 118. of Epworth League organ, 402, 405, 608, 617, 618. of missionary literature, 471. of Sunday school books and periodicals, 361, 362, 608, 616. Post office addresses, 917. Removal of, 364, 608, 609. Salaries provided for, 362, 410, 608. Trial provided for, 364, 608. Vacancies, how filled, 362, 364, 610. Education: ANNUAL CONFERENCE BOARD— Anniversary, 458. Assessments, 459. Commission for Religious Train- ing in State schools, 461. Conference Boards and their duties, 61, 458-460. Conference Secretary of Educa- tion, 460. Episcopal decisions concerning institutions under the care of the Church, 815, 816. Episcopal ' decision concerning report of, 817 Special donations for, 818. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS— Appointments to, 118, 686. Educational Commission, 932. Inquiry concerning, 61. Retiring allowance for members of faculties of, 455. Trustees of, 224. GENERAL CONFBRENCE BOARD— Annual and special sessions, 438. Authority in general, 444, 445. Authority to administer funds, 456. Authority to increase endowment and loan funds, 445. Board of Reference, 451. Body corporate and charter, 436. Bureau of information, 449. Composition of, 435. Codperation with Conference Board, 453. Corporate name, 435. Correspondence Courses, 452. Department of Life Service, 452. Department of Ministerial Sup- ply and Training, 452. Determines number of officers, 441. Developing a more ministry, 452. Duties of, 449. Executive Committee of, 442. Funds for retiring allowance, etc., 455. General Secretary and his duties, 439-441. efficient 479 INDEX eS ee [The figures refer to paragraphs] Education (continued). Income from loan funds, 445. Loan funds, 444, 445. Location of, 438. May adopt by-laws, 457. May reduce its apportionment, 336. Officers, 437, 441, Organization of, 437, Personnel of, 925. Power of, 436. Quorum of, 438. Revenues, how derived, 454, Salary of General Secretary, 439. Secretary a member of Board of Apportionment, 336. Secretary of, election and duties of, 439, 440. Standing Committee on Finance, 443, e Vacancies, how filled, 435, 439. Education and Promotion Sec- retaries, Members of Epworth League Board, 400. Names of, 926. Education and Promotion Work, 462. Educational Commission, 934. Educational Foundations, 446, 459. Educational Institutions: under Education. Educational Requirements for ministerial candidates, 824, 825. Educational Statistics, Confer- ence question, 52. Episcopal decision concerning, 819. Elders, Administer baptism, etc., 178. Authority of, 178, 179. Baptized infants and Church membership, 685. See Elders (continued). Course of study for, 829, 830. Duties of, 178, 179. Election of, 175. Episcopal decisions concerning expelled, 801, 806. Examination before ordination of, 176. Failure of deacon’s ordination, 177. Form for ordaining, 663. Local, time of probation for orders, 191. Lord’s Supper administered by, 178. Missionaries excepted, 177, 180. Ordination of, 663. Perform all parts of divine wor- ship, 178. Solemnize rites of matrimony, 178. Time limit for orders, 177, 723. Time of probation for, 177. To be examined on studies, 176. Traveling, how constituted, 175. Under missionary rule, 177, 180. Election by Ballot, In Annual Conference, for delegates to General Confer- ence, 32-35. for president when no bishop is present, 51. In District Conference, for ad- mission on trial, 91. for deacon’s and elder’s orders, 92. for delegates to Annual Confer- ence, 88. for license to preach, 90. In General Conference, for Bish- ops, 115, 116. for Book Editor and Editor of Review, 615. 480 INDEX ges ppt pe [The figures refer to paragraphs] Election by Ballot (continued). Episcopal Decisions (continued). for Editor of Christian Advocate, 614. for Genera: Secretary of Educa- tion, 439, for General Sunday School Sec- retary, 354. for General Secretary of Missions, 463. for Secretary of Board of Lay Activities, 556. for Secretary of Church Exten- sion, 485. for Secretary of Epworth League, 402. for Sunday School Editor, 362. * Endowments and Bequests, Regulations concerning, 586-589. Episcopacy, Committee on, 254, 255. How guarded, Restrictive Rule ones Episcopal Address, pages 3, 4. Episcopal Decisions: ANNUAL CONFERENCE— Adjourned session, 668, Amenability of a transfer, 673. Appeal from bishop’s decision, 677. Appointing preacher as a student in school, 686. Appointment of boards and com- mittees, 681. A supply cannot be transferred, 675. Baptized infants not Church members, 685. Change in boundaries and mem- bership, 669. Examination by institutions of learning, 678. Examination on course of study, 679. 16 Gain or loss of members, how determined, 684. Lay members of Annual Con- ference, 676. Membership of traveling preach- er, 670. Passage of character of a transfer, 673. Presiding elders may nominate for vacancies, 682. Request regarding appointmcnt not mandatory, 708. Statistical blanks must be used, 683. Stewards not under control of, TAT. Transfer changes membership, 674, Traveling preacher as a teacher, 672. Traveling preacher as delegate to General Conference 671. When a preacher may withdraw, 6765. P When a trarisfer iad effect, 674. APPEALS.— Church cannot appeal, 800. Expelled elder’s union with another Church, 801. Informality remands the case, 802. Of preacher tried ad interim, 790. When expelled preacher forfeits rights, 801. BIsHoPS— Cannot deliver official opinion in certain cases, 709. Cases the College cannot decide, 709. Decisions of law that are not binding, 711. Need not decide question already decided, 710. 481 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Episcopal Decisions (continued). Request regarding appointment not mandatory, 708. BOARD OF REFERENCE— Division of pastoral charge, 823. Equities in parsonages, 821, 822. Less than three members cannot act, 820. CLASS LEADERS, STEWARDS, AND TRUSTEES— Disagreement between preacher and stewards, 748. Disagreement between presiding elder and preacher, 749. No class, no leader, 744. Nominations of district stewards, 751. Number of trustees, 753. Pastor not required to consult trustees, 716. Power of Board of Finance over trustees and stewards, 750. Powers of trustees, 754. Presiding elder’s salary, 752. Pro rata division of funds, 749. Relation of stewards to Annual Conference, 747. Relief of trustees, 756. Rental of parsonages, 718, 719. 757. Stewards may belong to another charge, 745. Stewards must be members, 746. Trustees removable by Quarterly Conference, 755. CREDENTIALS— Deprivation of credentials, 804. Deprivation of local elder’s cre- dentials, 809. Expelled eider’s restoration, 806. Restoration of surrendered, 805. Restoration to deposed preacher, 807. Restoration to expelled elder, 806. Episcopal Decisions (continued). Restoration to preacher with- drawn, 808. Surrendered, 788, 803. DisTRICT CONFERENCE— All members of licensing com- mittee must approve, 702. Deposed ministers to be re- licensed, 694. Examination for license to preach, 693. Failure of local preacher to report in writing, 700. Layman’s right to assist in ex- amining candidates, 692. License of a discontinued preach- er, 697. License of a preacher when ab- sent, 696. License of a probationer, 695. Local preachers eligible to mem- bership in Annual Conference, 691. Membership of, 688. President of, 689. Presiding elder a member of, 687. Recommendation for orders, 701. Recommendation of licensing committee, 702. Vote for lay delegates to Annual Conference, 690. EDUCATION— Educational statistics, 819. Institutions under care of Con- ference, 816. Report may be amended by Conference, 817. Special donations for, 818. What institutions belong to the Church, 815. GENERAL CONFERENCE— Legality of General Conference act, 667. 482 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Episcopal Decisions (continued). Vote by lay and clerical, 665. When a law becomes operative, 666. INVESTIGATIONS— Committee not to try case, 769. Complaints may be referred, 761. Delayed charges, 765. Duty of an officer with charges, 764. Duty of committee of investiga- tion, 769. Majority of committee decides, U2. No counsel before committee, 771. Presiding elder can arrest the character of a preacher, 763. Presiding elder can conduct investigations, 767. Presiding elder must use discre- tion, 766. Presiding elder’s duty about unformulated charges, 762. Secretary of committee, 770. Selection of committee, 768. LocaL PREACHERS— Application for license or renewal, 139. If under arrest, to desist from his ministry, 741. Local preacker’s certifivace, 7+0. May be ordained without recom- mendation, 742. Must pass examinations, 743. Ordination without recommenda- tion, 742. Suspension of functions of, 741. Traveling preachers may not prosecute, 795. MissIons— Appropriation of mission funds, 812. Credits not allowed Conference Board treasurers, 814. Episcopal Decisions (continued). Distribution of missionary funds, 811. Power of Conference Board of Missions, 813. Withholding missionary appro- priations, 810. QUARTERLY CONFERENCE— A legal question, who can appeal, 705. Appeal from legal decision, 705. Appeal to a Quarterly Confer- ence, 706. Are there any complaints? 707. Entertaining appeal, 706. License to preach, by whom recommended, 698. No proxy on an appeal, 704. One cannot defy another, 703. Recommendation for readmis- sion, 699. Sunday schoot 758. Trustees removable by, 755. Who can recommend for license, etc., 698. SUNDAY SCHOOLS AND EPWORTH LEAGUES— Confirmation of League officers, 760. Epworth League officers, 760. Sunday School Day collection, 759. ‘ Sunday school superintendent, 758. SUPERANNUATES— Ad interim claim, 727. Claimants in ceded territory, 731. Claimants on Conference collec- tion, 733. Claims of widows of traveling preachers, 738. Discribution of Publishing House funds, 730. superintendent, 483 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Episcopal Decisions (continued). Families of probationers not beneficiaries, 734. Family claims cannot be re- nounced, 736. Funeral expenses of deceased claimants, 728. Lay members of Board of Fi- nance, 729. Orphan children of deceased members, 737. Powers of Board of Finance, 728. Produce of the Publishing House, 730. What widows are not benefi- ciaries, 735. Where is the claim of a super- annuate? 732. SUPERNUMERARIES— Not Conference claimants, 726. Qualification for relation, 724. Remuneration of, 725. TRAVELING PREACHERS— Appointment to teach public school, 721. Pastor not required to consult trustees, 716. No right to change plan of work, Td. No right to decline appointment, WSs Presence required for admission into full connection, 722. Probation not in calendar years, 720. Rental of parsonage, 718, 719, 757. Restoration of an expelled preach- er, 715. Time limit for elder’s orders, 723. Unlawful certificates of member- ship, 714. Women not preachers, 717. Episcopal Decisions (continued). TRIALS— Action of a committee of trial, 791. Appeal of preacher tried ad interim, 790. Appointment of chairman of trial committee, 779. Appointment of committees of investigation and trial, 778. Biil of charges, 773. Bill of charges cannot be with- drawn, 774. Bishop to inspect report of trial committee, 789. Change of law during trial, 784, Change of place of trial, 796. Concerning conduct of trial, 773. Dancing, 799. Disqualification by arrest of character, 797. Ex parte evidence, 786. Expelled member, pending ap- peal, cannot be restored, 793. Hypothetical questions, 788. Intoxicating liquors, 798. Limit of a sentence of suspension, 792. Maladministration trial, 794. No reinvestigation after suspen- sion, 774. Notice of trial, 780. Private letter as evidence, 787. Relation of chairman to bishop, 781. Representative must be a memes ber of Conference, 782. Result of informality, 802. Surrendered credentials, 788, 803. Traveling preachers may not prosecute, 795. Voluntary abandonment of work, aw (of nullifes a 484 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Episcopal Decisions (continued). When a preacher may withdraw, THiS. Whom prejudice disqualifies, 783. Withdrawal from membership, ibe Withdrawal from the ministry, UR MLE Withdrawal no bar to trial, 788. Withdrawal of bill of charges, 785. Epworth Era, Conference mem- bership of editor, 620. Editor elected by General Con- ference, 402. Post office address of editor, 917. Publication provided for, 413. Salary of editor, 410. Epworth League: GENERAL BoARD— Anniversary Day offering, how disposed of, 411, 428. Annual meetings, place, time, and quorum, 412, Assemblies for summer sessions, A22. Assistant Secretary, duties of, 406. Authority of Board, 401. Board of Management, constituted, 400. Book-a-Month Club, 414. Called meetings authorized, 412. Central Office, where located, 409. Charters issued to societies, 418. City Unions and District Insti- tutes, and their objects, 420, 421, 431. Conference Field Secretaries, 423, 425. Constitution of, 399-431. Constitutions to be provided for Senior, Junior, and Intermedi- ate Chapters, 416, 417. how Epworth League (continued). Codperate with other Boards, 424, Corporate name, 399. Courses and books for local societies, 414, Education and Promotion Sec- retary member of, 400. Election of General Secretary, 402. i Ends designed for Leagues, 416, 417. Executive Committee, and its authority, 408. Field Secretaries, 423, 525. General Secretary a member of Board of Missions, 463. General Secretary, duties of, 402, 405. Management of, 400. Meeting of Presidents and Super- intendents, 423. Officers of the General Board, and how chosen, 402. Percentages to be paid by Mission Board, 411. Personnel of, 924. President of, 402, 403. Provide Constitutions for Unions, 419. Publication of Epworth Era and other literature, 413. Regional and Conference Field Secretaries, 423, 425. Revenue of the General Board, and how derived, 411. Salaries of General Secretary and assistants, and how paid, 410. Treasurer, duties of, 407. Vice President, duties of, 402, 404. LOCAL AND CONFERENCE WorK— Anniversary, 427, 428. 485 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Epworth League (continued). Annual Conference Board, 426-— AST. Annual Conference business, 52. Annual Conference Leagues, 432, 433. Charters, 418. City Unions and District Insti- tutes, and their objects, 420, 421, 431. Conference Board, organization of, 426, 427. Confirmation of presidents, 98, 106, 760. Courses and books for local societies, 414. Directions for cieties, 398. District Conference inquiry, 87. District Secretary, 84. Field Secretaries, 423, 525. Financing of Conference Epworth Leagues, 433. Local societies under direction of Quarterly Conference, 415. Meeting of Presidents and Super- intendents, 423. President a member of Quarterly Conference, 94. Regional Secretaries, 423, 425. Equal Representation, Lay and clerical, 32. Equities in Parsonages, Episco- pal decision concerning, 821, 822. ‘Equivalent Work,’? Definition of, 680. Estimates, Committee on, 464. Europe, Centrai Conference in, 75. Evangelical Churches, Receiv- ing members from, 623. Receiving ministers from, 199. Evangelism, Committee on, Gen- eral and Annual, 480, 481. organizing so- Evangelistic Work in colleges, universities, etc., 453, 480. Evangelists, General and Con- ference, 481. Missionary, 480, 481. Must secure approval, etc., 481. Evasion, Effect of, 264, 289. Every-Member Canvass, 483, 561, 570. Evidence, Ex parte, 786. Evil Speaking, denouneed, 3. Examination, Committee of: See Committees of Examina- tion. Examinations: Admission on trial, 162. Before the Conference, 168. Certificates of graduation, 825. Character passed without vote, 54. Committees of, 64, 68, 162, 165, 166, 176, 825. Courses of study, 824-858. for full connection, 165. for trial in Annual Conference, 162. Generali Statement, 824, 825. License to preach, 91, 92, 189, 692. Local preachers to pass, 189, 743. of preachers in Annual Confer- ence, 54. Probationers, 114. When complaint is made, 55. Examining Committee, For ad- mission, 68, 164, For full connection, 166. Exchange of Territory with M. E. Church, Commission on, 938. Exhorters: Annual examination of, 99: By whom licensed, 201. 486 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] - Exhorters (continued). Certificate of removal, 206. Directions concerning, 201, 202, 204, 206. Duties of, 203. How recommended for license, 202. Members of Quarterly Confer- ence, 205. To whom amenable, 99. Ex Parte Evidence, 786. Expelled Members, 793. Expelled Ministers, Names to be stated in minutes, 58. Restoration of, 715, 806. Union with another Church, 801. Expenses, General Conference, 52, 330. Extreme Unction, Not a sacra- ment, 22. Faith in the Trinity, 7. The condition of justification, 15. Faith and Order, Delegates to World Conference on, 940. Family Claims, Episcopal de- cisions concerning, 733-738. Family Prayer, Duty of holding, 5. Fasting before admission of preach- ers, 168. before quarterly meetings, 144. commended in General Rules, 5. Father, The, In unity of Godhead, 1s One living and true, 7. Federal Council, Members of, 941. Social Creed of, 513. Field Secretaries, for Sunday school work, 118, 370 (2). Fighting, Rule concerning, 3. Finance, Board of: CONFERENCE BoARD— Annual Conference Boards, how composed and empowered, 349- 354. Finance, Board of (continued). Duty of, as to distribution of moneys, 350. Episcopal decisions concerning, 727-729, 748. Financial status of claimants to be investigated, 351. Full report of transactions to be made by Annual to General Board, 354. Lay members of, 729. Powers of, 728. Relation to trustees and stewards, 750. Report to Annual Conference, 353. GENERAL BOARD— Acquire, hold in trust, and sell real or personal property, 343. Administers the support of Con- ference claimants, 337. Amendments to charter, 339. Annual meeting, 341. Annuities and their relation to donation of funds, 344. Authority of the Board, 342, 343, 345. Bonding officers responsible for funds, 338. Closing of fiscal year, 341. Composition of Board, 338. Control of Superannuate En- dowment funds, 343. Corporate name, 339. Determine and distribute amount of annual collection, 342. Duty of Annual Conference Sec- retary, 348. Endowment funds not to be placed in jeopardy, 345. Episcopal decisions concerning, 127-7129, 748. Filling vacancies, 338. A87 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Finance, Board of (continued). Funds and properties from Con- ference Boards, 347. Funds for appropriation annually, how distributed, 346. Incorporated under Missouri, 339. Money for support of Conference claimants, 342. Name and style of organization, 339. Names and years of active serv- ice of claimants, 348. Officers and managers, elected, 338. Personnel of, 922. Plans for provision for old age and families of claimants, 345. Principal office at St. Louis, 339. Quorum, 341. Raise, receive, and invest funds, 343. Salary and Conference member- ship of Secretary, 340. Secretary as executive officer, laws’ of how 340. Subject to certain restrictions, 339. Support of Conference claim- ants, 337. Florida Conference boundaries, 871. Foreign Missions, of, 462, 469. Formality in Singing, How to guard against, 636-641. Forms, Deed of gift by will, 591. Devise, 590. License to preach, 189. Must be used, 688. Recognition of orders, 200. Transfer of membership, 159. Four Years’ Rule, Exceptions to, 118. Department Fraction, Representation of, in General Conference, 42. Free Seats in churches, 230. Free Will, Article on, 14. Frugality commended, 4. Full Connection, Preachers to be admitted must be present, 722. Funds of Sunday School Board, how raised, 370. Gain or Loss of Members, How determined, 684. General Conference: Articles of Religion, 42. Bishops, election of, 115, 116. Bishops preside in, 41. Bishops, trial of at, 254. Book Committee, election of, 596. Called session of, 37. Committee on Arrangements for, 936. Connectional officers, election of, 362, 402, 439, 468, 485, 521, 556, 596, 614, 615. Delegates to, 32-35. Episcopacy, not to do away, 42. Expenses of, 52, 330. General Rules, no revocation or change in, 42. How composed, 32. How place is changed, 39. Its place of meeting, 38. Least representation in, 34. Members, how elected, 33. Members of a called session, 38. Ministers and laymen deliberate together, but may not sepa- rately, 35. Place, how determined, 36. Powers of, 42. Presidency in the absence of a bishop, 41. Quorum of, 40. Restrictions upon, 42. Secretary of, 917. 488 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] General Conference (continued). Time of meeting, 36. Trustees of the Church, election of, 585. Two-thirds vote, 43. Voting by orders in, 35. General Minutes, Secretaries of Annuai Conferences to furnish answers to questions for, 66. General Officers, etc., 916-943. General Rules, Enumerated, 3-6. How guarded, 42. Inquiry concerning, 106. Not to be revoked, 42. of the United Societies, 3-6. Penalty for breaking, 6. Preacher in charge, duty of, 143. Quarterly Conference question, 106. to be read publicly annually, 143. Gifts, for the benefit of Churches, 103. Godhead, Unity of the, 7. Gold, Putting on, Article on, 3. Golden Cross Enrollment, 529- 552. Golden Cross Society, Annual enrollment, 534. Chapters, 535. Church Directors, 536. Conference Director, 543. Constitution of, 529-544, District Director, 544. in Church Conference, 110. in District Conference, 87. in Quarterly Conference, 106. Purpose of, 531. Recruiting officers and stations, 537. Good, Doing, 4. Good Works, Article on, 16. Goods of Christian Men, Article on, 30. Government, Duty to civil (foot- note), 29. Grace, Means of: Against formal- ity in singing, 636-641. Class meetings, directions for, 646-651. Enumerated, 5. Epworth League, 398-431. Love feasts, directions concern- ings, 644, 645. Order of public worship, 631. Prayer meetings, directions for, 642, 643. Ritual to be used, 635. Service in afternoon and evening, 632. Sunday schools, 355-397. The Lord’s Prayer, 634. The Lord’s Supper, 633. Historical Statement, 1, 2. Holston Conference boundaries, 872. Holy Ghost, Article on, 10. In unity of Godhead, 7. One with Father and Son, 10. Holy Orders, Not a sacrament, 22. Holy Scriptures, Article on, 11. Holy Trinity, Article on, 7. Home Department, Sunday school, 359. Home Missions, Department of, 462, 469, 480. Honesty enjoined, 3. Hospital Board, Annual Con- ference, Authority of, 547. Composition of, 545. Executive Secretary, 547. Expenses, 547. Golden Cross Enrollment, 548- 551. Hospital Board, General, Au- thority of, 516, 519. - Composition of, 515. Executive Committee, 524. A89 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Hospital Board, General (con- tinued). General Secretary, 515, 521-525. Golden Cross Society an auxili- ary, 531. Location of, 526. Officers, how elected, 515, 520. Personnel of, 931. Powers of, 518, 519. Vacancies, 516. Hospital Enterprises, 519. Hospital Week, 550. Hospitals, Trustees of, 224. Hymnal, in Order of Worship, 631. Hypothetical Cases, Not to be considered, 709, 788. Illinois Conference boundaries, 873. Image Worship, unscriptural, 20. Immoral Conduct of a bishop, PAS of a local preacher, 276. of a member, 285. of a probationer, 274. of a traveling preacher, 258. Improper Tempers, Words, or Actions, of locai preachers, 281. of members, 290. of traveiing preachers, 268. Incarnation, Article on, 8. Incorporation: Church Extension, Board of, 486. Education, Board of, 436. Epworth League Board, 399% Finance, Board of, 339. Publishing House, 596. Sunday School Board, 355. Trustees, Board of, 585. Indian Mission boundaries, 909. Course of Study for preachers of, 846-858. Inefficient Preachers may be located without consent, 270. Institutions, Insurance, Infant Baptism: Baptized in- fants not to be counted as members, 685. Order of administering, 655. to be retained in the Church, 23. Institutes, Preachers’, 825. Sunday school, 395, 396. Appointments to, 118. below college grade, 459. Benevolent, agents for, 118. Cannot change type of organiza- tion, 447. of learning, 52, 447, 678, 816. Patronage of, 156. Annual question, 52. Quarterly Conference question, 106. Conference Intemperance: Alcohol, a medi- cine only, 502. Bondsmen for obtaining license, 504. Drinking, 503. Efforts to extirpate, 502, 504. Liquors, drinking, 3. Manufacture and sale of liquors, 504. Renting property, 504. Rule concerning, 3. Signing petitions, 504. Treatment of offenders, 503, 504. Intoxieating Liquors, Episcopal decision concerning, 798. Inveighing against Doctrine, by local preachers, 282. by members, 291. by traveling preachers, 269. Investigating Committee, Ap- pointment of, 253, 254, 258, 274, 276, 285, 768. Chairman of, 261. Episcopal decisions concerning, 763-774, T78. 490 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Investigating Committee (con- tinued). Secretary of, 770. Invocation of saints, condemned, 20. Itinerancy, Committee on, Nomi- nates Committee of Appeals, 29 Ts of superintendents, constitutional provision for, 42. Japan Mission, Territory and work included in, 910. Joint Committee on Architec- ture, 377, 501. Journals, Duty of presiding elder, 136. Duty of Secretary, 65, 66, 86, 104, 113. of Annual Conferences, 65, 66. of Church Conferences, 108, 113. of District Conferences, 86, 87. of Quarterly Conferences, 104, 106. Judiciary Committee, questions of law, 312. Expenses of, 313. Junior Board of Stewards, Com- position of, 216. Duties of, 216. Justification, Article on, 15. Of sin after, Article on, 18. Kentucky Conference bounda- ries, 874. Korea Conference, Course of study for preachers of, 854— 858. Work included in, 875. Law, Change of, during trial, 784. Going to, 3. When it becomes operative, 666. Law, Moral, Obligation of the, 12. Law Questions in Annual Con- ference, 122, 123, 132. in District Conference, 122, 132. Decide Law Questions (continued).' in Quarterly Conference, 132. Lawsuits may be necessary, 294. Rule concerning, 3. Lay Activities: GENERAL BoaRD— Benevolent interest Church, 557. Chairman of, 562. Christian stewardship, 555, 561. 562. Composition of, 554, 560. Co6peration with other boards, 555, Duties of, 555-557, 569. General Secretary, 463, 556. Official organ, 558. Organization of, 560. Personnel of, 929. Report quadrennially, 557, 559. Support of, 557. Vacancies, 556. Wesley Brotherhood, 563-568. MIScELLANEOUS— Annual Conference Board, 571. Church Board, 94, 579, 586 Circuit Board, 577, 578. Conference Board, 571-573. District Board, 574-576, Duties of Lay Leaders, 581-584. in Quarterly Conference, 106. Lay and Clerical, Vote by, 35, 665. Lay Delegates: Annual Confer- ence, 44-46. District Conference, 84. General Conference, 32-35. Missions, 78. Quarterly Conference, 94. Lay Leaders of Annual Confer- ences, 554, 566, 571, 581. of charges, 46, 98, 577, 579, 581. of Churches, 98, 579, 581, 584. of circuits, 583. of District Conferences, 581, 582. of the A91 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Lay Leaders (continued). One for every charge, 577. One for every Church, 579. One for each presiding elder’s district, 574. Their duties, 581-584. Lay Members Speak and Vote Under Question 19, Episco- pal decision concerning, 676. Laymen, in Annual Conference, 44-46, 676. in District Conference, 571. in General Conference, 32, 33. may examine candidates, 692. not to be denied cup of the Lord, 25, on Annual Conference Sunday School Board, 372. on Board of Finance, 338, 349, 729. on Board of Missions, 463. on Board of Trustees, 585. on Book Committee, 602. Lay Representatives, Duties of, 46. Elected by ballot, 88. How chosen, 33, 45. in Annual Conference, 44. in District Conference, 84. in General Conference, 32. Qualifications for, 33, 45. Leaders and Stewards to meet regularly, 146. Leaders, Lay: See Lay Leaders. Learning, Institutions of: See Institutions. Leases of Church Property, 241. Lessons, in Church service, 631. may be omitted at afternoon and evening services, 632. License to Preach, Application for, 738. Form of, 189. License to Preach (continued). Granted by District Conference, 90, 92, 188. Instruction before ballot for, 93. Recommendation by Quarterly Conference, 101, 189. Renewal of, 188, 739. Vote for, by ballot, 92, 93. Licensing Committee, Elected annually by District Confer- ence, 92. Licentiate, Certificate of official standing, 195. From another Church, 197. Name on Journal of Quarterly Conference, 193. Liens on Church Property, Ex- ception stated, proviso, 242— 244, for borrowed money, 243. forbidden, 242. Life Service Department, Duties of, 452. Liquors, Intoxicating, 798. Literary and Benevolent Insti- tutions, Agents for, 118. Literature, Church, 149. Little Rock Conference bound- aries, 876. Loan Funds, Church Extension, of Annual Conference Board, 495. of City Board, 497, 499. of District Board, 498, 499. of General Board, 492. Local Deacons, Time of proba- tion of, 191. Local Preachers, 194. Appeals to Annual Conference, 284. Application for license or renewal, 739. Approved examination, 189. as supplies, 675. Amenability, 492 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Local Preachers (continued). Authority of, 192. By whom recommended, 189. Cannot be transferred, 675. Certificate of belief, 131. Certificate of location, 196. Certificate of removal, 195. Course of study for, 831, 832. Credentials of expelled, 326. Duties of, 192. Elected by Annual Conference, 52, 190. Entering traveling connection, proviso, 190. Episcopal decision concerning certificate of membership, 740. Examined before District Con- ference, 189. Further directions concerning, 192-196. How licensed, 188. Licensed by District Conference, 90, 188. Licensed on recommendation of Quarterly Conference, 189. Name and address reported to Annual Conference, 135. Name on Quarterly Conference Journal, 193. Not to be prosecuted by traveling preacher, 795. Oversight of, by District Con- ference, 90. Probation for deacon’s orders, 191. Probation for elder’s orders, 191. Quarterly Conference trial record, 316. Received from other Churches, 52. Recommendation of Quarterly Conference, 189. Removal, certificate of, 195. Report in writing, failure to, 700. Local Preachers (continued). Restoration of credentials, 327. Time limit for renewal of license of, 697. to pass examinations, 743. To whom amenable, 194, 275. Trial for disseminating false doctrines, 282. Trial for immorality, 277, 280. Trial for improper conduet, 281. Trial for inefficiency, 283. Under arrest, to desist from ministry, 741. When eligible to deacon’s orders, 742, Work, arranged by preacher in charge, 192. Local Preacher’s Certificate, Episcopal decision concerning, 740. Located, Not to be, unless present or by written consent, 57. Located Preachers, Failure to deposit certificate with Quar- terly Conference, 196. To whom amenable, 194, 275. Location in Absence, 271. Lord’s Day, Not to be profaned, 3. Lord’s Prayer, in public worship, 634. in the Ritual, 653, 657, 660. Lord’s Supper, Administered monthly, 633. Article on, 24. at every quarterly meeting, 633. Attending, 5. Choice of method (rubric), 652. Deacon to assist, 173. Elder to administer, 178. Elements provided for, 213. Obligation to receive, 5. Order for administration, 652. Preacher in charge to administer, 139. 493 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Lord’s Supper (continued). Sacrament, 22, 24. Sign, 24. Transubstantiation not proved, 24, Louisiana Conference bound- aries, 877. Louisville Conference aries, 878. Love Feasts, Directions concern- ing, 89, 644, 645. Magistrates and Ministers, Speaking evil of, forbidden, 3. Majority, 40. Maladministration, 794. Marriage, Deacon to solemnize, 172. Elder to solemnize, 178. Not a sacrament, 22. of divorced persons forbidden, 160. of ministers not forbidden, Ar- ticle on, 27. Record of, 152. Ritual, 658. Scripture cause of divorce ex- cepted, 160. to be recorded, 152. Masses denounced, 26. Matrimony, Form of solemnizing, 661. Not a sacrament, 22. Unordained pastor may brate rite of, 139. Means of Grace, The, 631-651. Meditation and Prayer enjoined, 168. Members: Affiliated, 629, 630. Appeal in cases of suspension or expulsion, 295. Arbitration recommended, 292, 293. Directions for receiving, 621, 622. Duties concerning debts, 292. bound- cele- Members (continued). Form of receiving, 655, 656. How gain or loss is determined, 684. Improper tempers, words, etc., 290. Receiving a member from any other Church, 623. Refusal to arbitrate, 294. Ritual for receiving adults, 657. Ritual for receiving children, 656. Sale or manufacture of liquors, 504. Sowing dissension, 291. Transfer of, 159. Traveling preacher not to prose- cute, 795. Trial for drunkenness, 503. Trial for immorality, 285-289. Trial for imprudent conduct, 296. Membership, Affiliated, 629, 630. Change of, 669. Episcopal decision concerning withdrawal of, 776. _ How to determine loss and gain in, 684. Of a traveling preacher, 670. Transfer of, 159. Memphis Conference bound- aries, 879. Methodist Layman, 558, 567, 582, 583, 584. Methodist Quarterly Review, Assistance for editor, 618. Election of editor, 615. Post office address of editor, 919. Salary of editor, 608. Mexico Conference boundaries, 880. Mid-Year Meeting, 477, 825. Mineral Leases, 241. Ministerial Supply and Train- ing, 135, 452. Ministers, Speaking evil of, 3. A94 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Ministers from Other Churches, Admitted to the Annual Con- ference, 199, Certificate of orders, 200. May be received by a District Conference, 197. Recognition of orders, 198. Take the ordination vows, 198. Ministry, Episcopal decision con- cerning withdrawal from, 776. Proof of a call to the, 114. Ministry of the Word, Attend- ance upon, 5. Minutes: Annual Conference, 65. Church Conference, 108. District Conference, 86. District Stewards’ meeting, 220. Quarterly Conference, 104. Mission Funds, Appropriation of, 812. Mission Traveling Preachers, Directions concerning, 181. Missionary Appropriations, Episcopal decision concerning, 810. Missionary Committee, 94, 106. Missionary Council, Woman’s, 463, 473-475. Missionary Day, Observation of, 371, 386, 393, 396, 482, 483. Offering, 371. Missionary Evangelists, 480, 481. Missionary Funds, Distribution of, 811. Missionary Societies, Woman’s, 462, 472, 473, 479. Missionary Sunday, Program for, 300, 482, 483. Missions, Boundaries of, 906-915. Missions, Committee on, 393. Missions, Board of: CONFERENCE WORK— Annual Conference Board, 476— AT9. Missions, Board of (continued). Annual Conference Secretaries, 478, Annual Conference Treasurers, 479, Annual meeting of Conference Secretaries, 471. Auxiliary Boards, 476. Bond to be given by Treasurers, 479, Committee on Evangelism, 480, 481, Composition of, 476. Conference Board of, 476-479. Conference Missionary Secretary, A478, Conference Treasurer, 479. Duties of preachers in charge, 483. Duties of presiding elders, 482. Mid-year meeting, 477. Practical plans for missionary education, 477. Remittances to the Treasurer, 479, GENERAL WORK— Accounts to be audited by expert, 466. Bequests made to, 593. Bond to be given by Treasurers, 466. Committee on Candidates, 470. Committee on Education and Promotion, 463, 471. Committee on Estimates, 464, 470. Committee on Evangelism, 480, 481, Committee on Nominations, 463. Composition of, 463. Duties of Foreign Secretaries, A469 (1). Duties of General Secretary, 465. 495 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Missions, Board of (continued). Duties of Home Department Secretaries, 469 (2). Duties of Treasurers, 466, 479. Education and Promotion De- partment, 400, 469. Executive Committee, 470. Extra session, 464. Foreign Missions, of, 469. General Missionary Council, 471. Home Missions, Department of, 469, Location of the Board in Nash- ville, 462. Managers, 463, 924, May reduce apportionment, 336. Nominating Committee, 463, A70. Officers of the Board, how elected, 463. Personnel of General Board, 926. Powers of the Board, 464, President and Vice President, election of, 463. Quorum of the Board, 463. Reports made to the Board, 466. Revenue, how derived, 467, 468. Salaries of Secretaries, 463. Salaries of Treasurers, 463. Secretary member of Board of Apportionment, 336. Special charge of all foreign missions, and of home missions in part, 462. Department Three departments, foreign, home, and education and promotion, 462. To meet annually, 462. Treasurers, 463, 466, 479, 924. Vacancies, how filled, 463. WoMAn’s WorkK— Deaconess, office and work of, 475. Missions, Board of (continued). Duties of Woman’s Council, 473- A75. Missionary Societies, 472. Office and work of deaconess, 475. Revenues, how derived, 468. Societies for women and children, A472. Woman’s Missionary Council, 463, 469, 473, 474. Woman’s Missionary Societies, 106, 462, 463, 468, 469, 474. See also under General Work. Missions in Sunday School Work, 359, 393. Missions of the Church, Annual meeting and its powers, 78, 79. Annual meeting of missionaries of each field, 81. Assignment of missionaries and native workers, 79. Bishop or superintendent to preside, 79. Boundaries of, 906-915. Composition of annual meeting, 78. Division of work into districts, 80. Duties of superintendents, 80. Functions of annual meeting, 79. Of whom constituted, 78. One clerical delegate to General Conference, 82. Organization, reasons for, 77. Presidency of, 79 to meet annually, 78. Mississippi Conference bounda- ries, 881. Missouri Conference boundaries, 882. Money, Love of, denounced, 3. Moral Law, binding on Christians, 12. 496 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Mortgages on Church Property, Episcopal decision concerning, 756. Exception stated, proviso, 242— 244, for borrowed money, 243. When forbidden, 242. Mosaic Rites, not binding on Christians, 12. Near East Relief, Advisory Com- mittee on, 942. New Mexico Conference bound- aries, 883. New Testament, Canonical books, gy ye No Right to Decline Appoint- ment, Episcopal decision con- cerning, 712. Nominal appointments, 481. Nominations for vacancies in Boards, 682. North Alabama Conference boundaries, 884. North Arkansas Conference boundaries, 885. North Carolina Conference boundaries, 886. North Georgia boundaries, 887. North Mississippi boundaries, 888. North Texas Conference bound- aries, 889. Northwest Conference bounda- ries, 890. Northwest Texas boundaries, 891. Oath, Christian man’s, 31. Oblation of Christ, Article on, 26, ' Officers of the Church, Instaila- tion of, 142. Officials, Conference membership of, 620. Conference Conference Conference Old Testament, Canonical books, 1 Not contrary to New, 12. Order of Worship, Directions for uniformity of, 631-641. Orders, Not a sacrament, 22. Recognition of, 197-260. Ordinances, Attending upon, 5. Ordination of Ministers, Form of, deacons, 662. Ordaining a bishop, 664. Ordaining elders, 663. Without recommendation, 742. Origin of Methodism, 1, 2. Original Sin, Article on, 13. Orphan Children, Episcopal de- cision concerning, 737. Orphans and Widows of Travel- ing Preachers, Collections for, 52; Deceased bishops, 250. Rights secured, 42. Other Churches, Members from, 623. Ministers from, 197-200. Pacific Conference boundaries, ' 892. Pardons, Romish doctrine of, condemned, 20. Parental Duties, Baptism of children, 624. Education of children, 156. Parsonages, Building to be en- couraged, 235. Episcopal decision rental of, 719. Equities in, 820. Number reported to Annual Conference, 52. Oversight of, 62. Rental of, 718, 719, 757. to be properly furnished, 235. to be secured by deed, 62, 237. concerning A97 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Parsonages (continued). Trustees of, regulations concern- ing, 223-229, Passage of character, 695. Pastoral Charge, Division of, 823. Pastoral Visiting, Directory to aid in, 150. Duty of preachers, 168. In ordination of deacons, 662, In ordination of elders, 663. Pastor’s Cabinet, 577, 579. Patience, Running with, Gen- eral Rule on, 4. Pelagianism, Article against, 13. Doctrine of free will, 14. Penance, Not a sacrament, 22. Perfect Love, Question to preach- ers, 168. Periodicals, Commission on Con- nectional and Conference, 935. Editors of, 614-618. People to be supplied with, 147. Publication of, 599. Plan of the Work, Episcopa! de- cision concerning, 7138. Polish-Danzig Mission, 75, 911. Poor, Collections for, 213. Post Office Addresses: Bishops, 916. Editors, 919. Publishing Agents, 918. Treasurers of Boards, 920. Powers of Board of Finance, Episcopal decisions concerning, 727-729, 750. Powers of Trustees, Episcopal decisions concerning, 754, 755. Prayer, Family and private, 5. in public worship, 631. Lord’s Prayer in public worship, 634. Lord’s Prayer in ritual, 653, 657— 660. Prayer Meetings, Directions con- cerning, 89, 642, 643. Preach, Call to, 114. Preachers in Charge, Account of the charge, 148. Administer baptism and sacra= ment of Lord’s Supper, 139. Attend Sunday schools, 392. Catechize children, 392. Directory to be kept, 150. Duties in regard to Lay Ac- tivities, 579, 583, 584. Duties in regard to Sunday schools, 389-394, Furnish certificates of removal, 159. Furnish written reports, 106. Hold missionary mass meetings, 154, 483. Hold prayer meetings weekly, 642. In absence of presiding elder, to preside, 145. Install officers, 142. Keep directory, 150. Leave successors account of charge, 151. Meetings of leaders and stewards, 146. Members of Committee on Temperance and Social Serv- ice, 517. Nominate Board Education, 105. Not to consult trustees, 716. Observance of quarterly fast, 144. Organize Sunday schools, 389. Oversight of the Church, 148. People supplied with books, 149. Preach to children, 392. Preach upon education, 156. Prohibited from marrying di- vorced persons, 160. of Religious 498 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Preachers in Charge (continued). Promote benevolent movements, 154. Read General Rules annually, 143. Record of baptisms and mar- riages, 152. Register to be kept, 153. Relation to Conference evan- gelists, 481. Report of persons received, ete., 147. Report on Conference claimants, 158. Report to Annual Conference Board of Education, 157. Report to presiding elder, 148. Report to Quarterly Conference, 104, 155. Rule as to marriage of divorced persons, 160. Support of, 245-248. to appoint leaders of classes, 141. to control all appointments, 139. to preach on ciaims of the min- istry, 157. to read the General Rules, 143. to receive, try, and expel mem- bers, 140. Presiding Elders (continued). Can conduct investigation where offense was committed, 767. Can hold up the character of a preacher under charges, 763. Change, receive, and suspend preachers, 130. Charges preferred against, 263. Children, instruction of, 133. Course of study, direction to, 135. Custodian of surrendered creden- tials, 805. Decide questions of law, 132. Direct undergraduates in studies, 1645). Discipline, enforcement of, 133. District Stewards fix the salary of, 219. Duties of, 76, 128-138, 482, 500. Duty as to unformulated com- plaints, 762. Duty in regard to Church Ex- tension, 500. Duty in regard to Lay Activities, 574, 576. Duty in regard to Missions, 482. Duty in regard to Sunday schools, 395-397. Duty respecting building of parsonages, 236. Preachers’ Institutes, 825. Preachers on Trial: See Proba- tioners, also Admission. Prejudice Disqualifies a Juror, Not a Prosecutor, Episcopal decision concerning, 783. President of a District Confer- ence, Episcopal decision con- cerning, 689. Presiding Elders, Appoint licens- ing committee, 189. Attend quarterly meeting, 131. Attendance on bishop, 134. By whom appointed, 119. Employing power limited, 138. Encourage preachers and candi- dates, 135. Enforce discipline, 133. Episcopal decision concerning salary of, 752. Fill absent preacher’s place, 137. Furnish certificates to local preachers, 195. furnish list of Sunday school superintendents, 136. How salaries are collected, 249. In absence of bishop, 129. in Missions, 75. 499 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Presiding Elders (continued). investigate traveling preachers, 258. Investigation of, 263. may appoint District Board of Trustees, 227. Menibers of Committee on Tem- perance and Social Service, 511. Members of District Board of Lay Activities, 574. must use discretion before ap- pointing committees, 766. nominate district stewards, 219. nominate for vacancies, 682. not. bound to continue nomina- tions, 751. Oversight of district, 128. preside at district stewards’ meeting, 219. preside over Quarterly Confer- ences, 131. procure statistics, 136. promote all benevolent work, 133. Relation to Conference Evan- gelists, 481. report statisties, 136. report to Annual Conference addresses of local preachers, 135. report to Department of Min- isterial Supply and Training addresses of licenseesand candi- dates, 135. report to the bishop, 134. represent the bishop in his ab- sence, 129. shall not employ certain preach- ers, 138. Support of, 249. Term limited to four years, 119. to direct studies for candidates, 135. travel through district, 135. 5 Presiding Elder’s Salary, Episco- pal decision concerning, 752. Presumptive Proof of Guilt, 264. Preventing Grace, Going before good works, 14. Prisons, Chaplains in, 118. Pro Rata Division of Receipts, - Episcopal decision concerning, 749, Law concerning, 219. Probation Not in Calendar Years, Episcopal decision con- cerning, 720. Probationers in the Ministry, Appointed to teach, privileges of, 72k. Families of, not beneficiaries, 734. How admitted, 114, 161-164. ‘To whom amenable, 274. Trial of, 274. Produce of Publishing House, Episcopal decision concerning, 730. Not to be diverted, 42, 619. Promotion Day, 375. Proviso, to the Restrictive Rules, 43. Proxy, No vote by, on appeal, 704. Public Worship, Afternoon and evening, 632. Attendance on, 5, enjoined, 5. How conducted, 631. Order of, 631. Publishing Agents, Cannot in- volve Publishing House in debt, 613. Conference relation of, 620. Duties of, 598-601. Elected by Book Committee, 596. Exempt from time limit, 118. Furnish exhibits to Conferences, 598. 00 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Publishing Agents (continued). Have charge of Publishing House property, 598. How they may be removed, 606. Investigation of, 608. Investments restricted, 601. Keep separate accounts, etc., 598. Number of, 596. Post office addresses, 918. Publish exhibit in Advocate, 598. Report to bishops, 251. Report to Book Committee monthly, 604. Report to General Conference, 598. Responsible to General Confer- ence, 598. Salaries of, 608. Sell books for cash, 600. Settle with Book Committee, 605. Sunday School Editor, recom- mendations of, 362. Suspension of, for misconduct, 606. Translate and publish certain literature, 599. Treasurer of Bishops’ Fund, 250. Trial of, 608. Trustees of gifts and bequests, 592. Publishing House, Appropriation of its produce, 42. Conference relations of Agents and editors, 620. Corporate name, 596. Donations to, 592. Duties of Book Committee, 602- 613. Editors and their work, 614-618. Episcopal decision concerning produce of, 730. 501 Publishing House (continued). Limitation on publication of literature, 617. Name, managers, and object, 596. Object of, 597. Proceeds of, 619, 730. Regulations concerning, 613. 602- Punctuality, enjoined, 168. Purgatory, Article on, 20. Purposes of the Epworth League, 398. of Sunday School Board, 355. Quarterly Conferences, Accept or reject gifts, ete., 103. Appeal to President of Annual Conference, 132. Arrest of character disqualifies members, 797. Board of Managers of Sunday schools, 397. Board of Religious Education elected by, 105. Composition of, 94. Conveyance, etc., to accept or reject, 103. Court of appeals for members, 819. Credentials, restoration of, 325. Directions concerning license, 197. Duties to Sunday school, 397. — elect Board of Religious Educa- tion, 105. elect lay leaders, 577. elect trustees and stewards, 102. Entertaining an appeal, 706. hear complaints, 97. How composed, 94. license exhorters, 201. One cannot defy another, 703. Order of business of, 106. Oversight of exhorters, 99. Oversight of Sunday schools, 381, INDEX [The figu-es refer to paragraphs] Quarterly Conferences (contin- ued). Oversight of trustees, 227. Pastor nominates the stewards, AL, pastor or presiding elder nomi- nates trustees, 221. Preacher on trial, when amenable to, .204¢ President of, 96. Proceedings recorded, 104. recommend the restoration of credentials, 100. recommend to District Confer- ence for license, 101. Records examined, 104. Regular business of, 97, 105. Renting parsonage property, 718. Secretary of, 106. Statistics, inquiry as to, 106. Superintendents of Sunday schools, 98. Support of the ministry, inquiry as to, 106. to elect trustees and stewards, LOZ to receive and try appeals of members, 97. try appeals, 97. When and where held, 95. Who presides in, 96. Quarterly Review, 608, 615, 618. Questions, in Annual Conference, 52. in Quarterly Conference, 106. of law, in trial of member, 288. Quorum: Board of Church Ex- tension, 488. Board of Education, 438. Board of Finance, 341. Board of Missions, 463. Book Committee, 612. Epworth League Board, 412. Editor of, Quorum (continued). General Conference, 40. Sunday School Board, 356, 358. Ratio of Representation, Every Conference entitled to two delegates, 42. in General Conference, 32. Maximum and minimum, 42. Reading and Singing, Rule con- cerning, 3. Readmission, tion, 52. Recommendation for, 91. Recommendation not in order, 699. Recalcitrant Trustees, Removal Of, (55. Receipts, Pro Rata Division of, Episcopal decision concerning, 749, Law concerning, 219. Receiving Ministers from Other Churches, As local preachers, 52, 197, 198. As traveling preachers, 52, 199. Certificate of orders, 200. Reception into Full Connection, | By the Conference, 168. Course of study for, 827, 828. Recognition of Orders of min- isters from other Churches, 197-200. Recommendation for Readmis- sion, by District Conference, 91. Episcopal decision concerning, 699. Recording Steward, Custodian of records, 218. Duties of, 218. Reference, Board of: See Board of Reference. Refusal of Ministers to Attend Work, 272. Conference ques- 502 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Relations, Conference: See Com- mittee on Conference Rela- tions. Relics, Not to be adored, 20. Religion, Articles of, 7-31. Religious Education, Board of, in Quarterly Conference, 105. Committee of Five on, 365. Director of, duties of, 105. Must be provided for in our educational institutions, 448. Religious Literature, Circulation of, by preachers, 149. Our own to be used, 380. Remuneration of Supernumer- aries, Episcopal decision con- cerning, 725. Renewal of license, 695. Rental of Parsonages, Episcopal decisions concerning, 719, 757. Report of Board of Education, Episcopal decision concerning, 817. Representation, Ratio of, in Gen- eral Conference, 32, 42. Reproach of Christ, 4. Reproving Sin, Rule concerning, 4, Research and Investigation, Special Committee of, 944. Restoration of an expelled preach- er, 715. of credentiais, 310, 318. of membership, 322. Restoration of Credentials, By Annual Conference, 59. By Quarterly Conference, 100. Episcopal decisions concerning, 807, 808. Restrictive Rules, Limiting pow- ers of the General Conference, 42. Proviso to, 43. Six, 42. Resurrecticon of Christ, Article On; oe Riches, Laying up, 3. Right of Appeal, from decision of a bishop, 677. Rites and Ceremonies of Churches, Article on, 28. Ritual, Admonition concerning use of, 635. Adult baptism, 655. Adults as members, 657. Apostles’ Creed, 631. Baptism to children and youth, 654. Burial of the dead, 659. Children as members, 656. Consecrating a bishop, 664. Dedication of a church, 661. Infant baptism, 653. Laying a corner stone, 660. Lord’s Supper, 652. Matrimony, 658. ? Ordination of deacons, 662. Ordination of elders, 663. Reception of children as mem- bers, 656. Reception of members, 657. Rulers of the United States, Article on, 29. Rules, General, cannot be altered. by General Conference, 42. of the United Societies, 1-6. Sufficiency of, 6. to be read annually by pastors, 143. Rules, Restrictive: See Restrictive Rules. Rumors of Immorality, 788. Running with Patience, General Ruie on, 4. Russian Mission, Work included in, 912. Sabbath-breaking, Rule against, 3. 503 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Sacraments, Articles on, 22-26. Two in number, 22. Satisfaction for Sin, The only, 26. Scarritt College, Trustees of, 943. Schools, Colleges, Universities, Appointment of preachers to, 118. Trustees of, 224. Scriptures, Duty of searching, 5. Sufficiency of, 11. Seats, Free, 320. Secretaries, Annual Conference, 65, 66, 348. Apportionment, Board of, 336. Church Conference, 108, 113. Church Extension, Board of, 405, 487, 927. College of Bishops, 336. Committee of Appeals, 306, 307. Committee of Investigation, 770. District Conference, 86. District stewards’ meeting, 220. Education, Board of, 435, 439, 925. Epworth League Board, 400, 402, 405, 924. Finance, Board of, 338, 340, 922. General Conference, 917. Lay Activities, Board of, 463, 556, 929. Missions, Board of, 463, 464, 465, 466, 926. Quarterly Conference, 106. Stewards, 213. Sunday school, 363, 385. Sunday School Board, 356, 358, 360, 363, 364, 923. Self-Denial, and taking up the cross, 4. Self-Indulgence forbidden, 3. Seminaries of Learning, Ap- pointment of preachers to, 118. Service in Army and Navy, 118. in Y. M. C. A. and other causes, 118. Siberia Mission, Work included in, 913. Sick, Class leaders, duties of, 210. Stewards, duties of, 213. Sin, After justification, 18. Original or birth, 13. Singing, Formality in, 636-641, Order of worship, 631. Unprofitable songs, 3. Slander denounced, 3. Social Creed of Churches of Christ in America, 513. Societies, Young People’s, 401. Society, Rise of United, 2. Softness, 3. Son of God, Incarnation of, 8. South Brazil Conference, boundaries, 893. South Carolina boundaries, 894. South Georgia boundaries, 895. Southwest Missouri Conference boundaries, 896. Spanish-Speaking Preachers, Course of study for, 833-840. Speaking Evil of Magistrates, 3. Speaking in an Unknown Tongue, Article on, 21. Special Committee of Research and Investigation, 944. Special Sessions, General Con- ference, 37. Spirituous Liquors, As a bev- erage, 3, 503. Manufacture or sale forbidden, 503. Penalty for drinking, 503. St. Louis Conference boundaries, 897. Standard College, 680, 824, 825. Standard Training Course, 359. Standards of Doctrine, No new to be made, 42. f 05 Conference Conference 504 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Standards of Efficiency, Sunday school work, 359, 383, 384. State Prisons and Military Posts, Appointments to, 118. Statistical Blanks, Commission on, 935. Statistics, Baptized infants, etc., 685. Certain blanks furnished, 394, 683. Educational, 819. Gain or loss, how determined, 684, Presiding elders to obtain, 136. report to the Annual Conference, 1552 report to the Quarterly Confer- ence, 155. sent to the Book Editor for use in General Minutes, 66. Sunday school, 385, 394. to be reported, 106. Stewards, A standing committee, 214, Accountability, 211. District Stewards, nomination and duties of, 218, 219. Duties of, 213. Election of, 211. Elements for Lord’s Supper, 213. Episcopal decisions concerning, 745, T46. How appointed, 211. Junior Board of, 216. Leaders’ and stewards’ meeting, 146. Minutes of District Stewards’ meeting, 220. Nomination of, 211. Not under control of Annual Conference, 747. Number of, 216. in | Stewards (continued). Power of Board of Finance over, 750. Provide elements for Supper, 213. Qualifications of, 212. Quarterly Conference elects, 211. Recording Stewards, duties of, 218. Support of the ministry, 213. ‘To whom amenable, 215. Two or more charges, 217. When two or more charges are united, 217. Stewardship and Tithing, 359, 375, 561, 562. Stewardship Director, 388. Student, Appointment as, 118. Preacher on trial appointed as, 2746 Sufficiency of the Holy Scrip- tures for salvation, 11. Sunday League of America, Preachers appointed to labor for, 118. Sunday School Architecture, Committee on, 366, 377, 494, 501. Sunday School, The: CONFERENCE BOARD— Field Secretaries, appointment of, 118. Organization, scope of, operation, and duties, 372-378. Promote observance of special days, 375. Specific work in educational institutions of Church, 376. Wesley Classes and Federations, purpose of, 368, 375. GENERAL BOARD— Absences from meeting of, 357. Arrange codperation with other denominations, 359. Assign specials, 359. Lord’s 505 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Sunday School, The (continued). | Sunday School, The (continued). Authority to make by-laws, 355. Committee on Architecture, 366. Committee on Curriculum, 361. Committee on Religious Educa- tion, 365. Committee on Sunday School Architecture, 366. Composition of, 356. Consider recommendations by Editor, 359. Coéperate with Boards, 369. Corporate name, 355. Curriculum determined by, 359. Departments of work, duties of superintendents of, 359. Duties of, 359. Editor of Literature, 360. Election of Editor, and his duties, 362. Election of Executive Commit- tee, 358. Election of General Secretary, and his duties, 363. Election of members of Board, 356. Elects Field Secretaries, 370 (2). Executive Committee, its mem- bers, and their actions, 358. Field Secretaries and their duty, 118, 370 (2). Funds of Board, how raised, 370. General Secretary, 360, 363, 364. Incorporated under laws of Tennessee, 355. Joint Committee on Architec- ture, and duties, 366. Joint Committee on Religious Education, and duties, 365. Located in Nashville, 355. Maintain various departments of work, 3593 Conference Make provision for codéperation, 359. Members and quorum, 356. Number and election of members, 356. Officers and their election, 356. Organization and functions, 356— 370. Oversight of Sunday schools of the Church, 355. Personnel of, 923. President of, 360. Provides for training of teachers, etc., 359. Purpose of, 355. Quorum, 356, 358, Recommendations of Sunday School Editor, 362. Recording Secretary, 360. Religious pedagogy and Sunday school methods, special course in, 359. Removal of officers, 360. Responsibility of officers, 360. Salaries and expenses of officers, 360. Secretary, duties of, etc., 363. Standards of efficiency, 359, 382. Training classes, 359, 365. Treasurer of, 360. Trial of officers of, 364. Vacancies, how filled, 357, 362. Vice Presidents of, 360. Wesley Classes and Federations, purpose of, 368, 375. LocaL ScHOOL— A Sunday school in every congre- gation, 389. Collection, how applied, 387. How organized, and its many interests conducted, 379-387. Missionary Day in, 386. Missionary organization in, 386. 506 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Sunday School, The (continued). Organization of, 379. Relation of Quarterly Conference to, 381. Secretary and treasurer, 385. Services to be observed, 387. Standards of efficiency, 359, 382. Stewardship director, 388. Sunday School Committee for, and its duties, 382. Sunday School Day, observance of, 387, 393, 396. Superintendent of, 381, 384, 758. Use our own literature, 380, 390. Workers’ Council in, and its function, 383-386, 391. PREACHER IN CHARGE— A Sunday school in every congre- gation, 378. Amounts raised for all purposes, 394, Committee on Missions in each school, 393. Duties of, 389-394. Each school to have our own literature, 379. Missionary Day, 386, 393, 396. Numbers in the several depart- ments and training and Bible classes, 394. Offering taken on Sunday School Day, 393. Preacher in charge and the chil- dren, 391, 392. Sunday School Day, observance of, 387, 393, 396. Total enrollment in all depart- ments, 394. Workers’ Council, 383-386, 391. Written report to Quarterly Conference, 394. ~ PRESIDING ELDER— Duties of, 395-397. Missionary Day, 386, 393, 396. Sunday School, The (continued). Sunday School Day, observance of, 387, 393, 396. Sunday School Committee, du- ties of, 382, 384. Sunday School Curriculum, 161. Sunday School Day, 375, 387, 393, 396, 759. Sunday School Editor, Member of Board of Missions, 463. Post office address, 919. See Sunday School Board, 355- Stile Sunday School Extension Sec- retary, 371. Sunday School Secretary, Duties of, 363, 385. Election of, 363. Post office address, 923. Sunday School Standard Train- ing Course, 359. Superannuate Endowment Fund: See Board of Finance, 342-345. Superannuated Preachers, An- nual Conference question, 52. Character defined, 185. Claimants on Conference collec- tions, 733. Episcopal decisions concerning, 727-738. in ceded territory, 731. Living beyond the Conference territory, 187. Members of Quarterly Confer- ence, 94, Names recorded in Annual Cone ference, 52. Reference with or without cone sent, 186. Relation, how granted, 186. See Board of Finance, 342-354. Where is the claim of? 782. 507 . INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Supererogation, Works of, Arti- cle on, 17 Superintendent of Sunday Schools, Duties of, 384. How elected, 98, 381. May be member of another de- nomination, 758. Member of Quarterly Conference, 94, Supernumerary Preachers, Character defined, 182. Consequences of refusal to attend work, 184. Names recorded, 52. Not claimants on Conference collection, 726. Relation, how granted, 183. Remuneration of, 725. Who can be made supernumer- ary, 724. Supper of the Lord, Article on, 24. Order of administration of, 652. Support of the Ministry, Claims estimated, by whom, 245. Duty of members to pay for, 248. How claims are raised, 247, 248, of preachers in charge, 245-248. of presiding elders, 249. of the bishops, 250, 251. on circuits and stations, 246. Question concerning, 106. Surrendered Credentials, Custo- dian cannot restore them, 805. Optional with Conference to receive, 803. Suspension, After investigation, 780. Limit of, 792. No reinvestigation after, 774. Swearing, Profane and rash, de- nounced, 31. Teachers, as traveling preathers, 672. Temperance: See Intemperance. Temperance and Social Service, Board of: All to abstain from abetting the liquor traffic, 504. Annual Conference Board, 510. Assistant Secretaries, 507. Committee in each congregation, 512. Composed of seventeen, 505. Conference Board, and how com- posed, 510. Crime of drunkenness expressly forbidden in God’s law, 503. District Board, 511. Drinking disciplined as improper conduct, 503. Drunkenness dealt with as in case of immorality, 503. Drunkenness, or drinking spiritu- ous liquors, 503. Each Annual Conference shall organize Board, 509. Evil of intemperance, aids to the extirpation of, 502-504. Functions of, 509. General Rule against drunken- ness to be observed, 502. Meeting and organization of, 506. Name, membership, and election of, 506. Personnel of, 928. Power to fill vacancies, 507. Report to General Conference, 508. Salaries of officers, 508. Social Creed of the Churches, 513. Superintendent of Social Service of Conference Woman’s Mis- sionary Society, 510. To meet annually, 506. Traveling preacher can be ap- pointed to temperance work, 118. for 508 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Temperance and Social Service | Traveling Preachers (continued). (continued). Vacancies, 507. Violators deemed guilty of im- morality, 504. Work of, 508, 509. Temperance Work, Appointment of preacher for, 118. Tennessee Conference bounda- ries, 898. Testament, The Old, 11, 12. Texas Conference boundaries, 899, Texas Mexican Mission bound- aries, 914. Theological Seminary, Certifi- cate from, 825. Time a law becomes effective, 666, Time, Conference and calendar years, 720. Limit on pastorate, 118. Tithing, 561, 562. Tobacco, Preacher to abstain from using, 93, 164, Tongues, Speaking in unknown, 21. Tracts, Agents for distributing, 118. Circulation of, 133, 599. Transfer of Member, Form for, 159. Notice to be sent, 159. Stub to be kept, 159. Transfer of Preacher, When ef- fective, 674. Transubstantiation, Article de- nies, 24. Traveling Preachers, Appeal of, PA BAPAC Appellant to be heard, 304. Applicants for admission not to use tobacco, 164. Appointments, how made, 118. By whom recommended, 162. Ceasing to travel, 137, 194, 810. Examination before full connec- tion, 165-167. Examination of character, 54. Examined before admission, 162. Examined before the Conference, 168. Examined for deacon’s orders, 170. Examined for elder’s orders, 176. How admitted on trial, 161. How restored, 310. Meaning defined, 672, Membership of, 670. Not to prosecute local preacher or member, 795. Record of appeal for General Conference, 305. Refusing to do appointed work, 272. To whom amenable, 257. Trial for disseminating false doctrines, 269. Trial for immorality, 258-267. Trial for improper tempers or conduct, 268-296. Trial of appeals by committee of General Conference, 297-301. When unacceptable, inefficient, secular, 270, 271. Treasurers, Bonding of, 332, 335, 466, 479. For Woman’s Work, member of Woman’s Missionary Council, A473. of Boards, names and addresses, 920. Treasures upon Earth, Laying up, 3. Trial, of a bishop, 252-256. of a local preacher, 275-284, 296, of a member, 285-296, 796. 509 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Trial (continued). of a probationer, 274. of a Publishing House officer, 606-609. of a traveling preacher, 257-273, 296. of candidates for license, 114, Right of, guaranteed, 42. Verdict not to be reversed be- cause of informality, 802. Trinity, The Holy, Article on, 7. ‘“*Trust Clause’’ in deeds, charters, etc., 231, 2383-235, 237, 238. Trustees, Board of: Appointment of members and terms of office, 585. Bequests, devises, and donations made for Church Extension, 594, Bequests, devises, and donations made for Superannuate En- dowment Fund, 595. Bequests or devises made for missionary work, 593. Composed of five ministers and five laymen, 585. Donations, devises, or bequests made for our publishing inter- ests, 592. Duties of the Board, 586. Form of a deed of gift, 591. Form of devises, 590. Inception of the Board, 585. Incorporation, name, style, and title, 585. Location in Nashville, 585. Name in which all donations, devises, or bequests for Church or Conference shall be made, 587. Personnel of, 930. Preacher to give notice of do- nations, 588. Trustees, Board of (continued). Report to General Conference, 589. Vacancies, how filled, 585. Trustees of Church Property, Age and qualifications, 223. Appointed by Quarterly Confer- ence, 235. Bishops’ decisions, 753-756. Boards of, when united, 228. By whom nominated and elected, 221. How constituted, 102. Number of, 226, 753. Of district property, 222. Of parsonages and churches, 223, Of schools and hospitals, 224, Pastor not to consult, 716. Powers of, 754. Presiding elder may appoint District Board, 222. Regulations concerning, 223. Relief of, 756. Removal of, 227. Report to Quarterly Conference, PHA To whom responsible, 235. Trustees as security, 229. Trustees of charges, 227. Vacancies to be filled, 225. Trustees of Scarritt College, 943. Unacceptable Preachers, Local, investigated by District Con- ference, 288. Traveling, may be located with- out consent, 270. Uncharitable or Unprofitable Conversation, Forbidden, 3. Unction, Extreme, Not a sacra- ment, 22. Undergraduates, Course of study for, 826-829. United Societies, Condition of membership in, 3. 510 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] United Societies (continued). Definition of, 2. Genera! rules of, 1-6. Rise of, 1. United States, Rightful rulers of the, 29. Uniting Circuits, Provision for, 125. Universities, Trustees of, 224. Unordained Preachers may ad- minister baptism, 139. may administer sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, 139. may celebrate rite of matrimony only within their own charges, 139. Unscriptural Doctrines, Dissemi- nation by local preachers, 281. Dissemination by traveling preachers, 269. Upper South Carolina Confer- ence boundaries, 900. Using Many Words, 3. Usury, 3. Vacancies, How Filled: By Book Committee, 610. In Board of Church Extension, 485. In Board of Education, 435, 439. In Board of Finance, 338. In Board of Lay Activities, 556. In Board of Missions, 464. In Board of Temperance and Social Service, 507. In Board of Trustees, 225, 585. In Conference Sunday School Board, 372. In connectional offices, 610. In Epworth League Board, 400. In Hospital Board, 516. In Sunday School Board, 357, 362, 364. In Sunday School Editorship, 362, 364. Vacancies, How Filled (contin- ued). Presiding elders may nominate, 682. Veto of the Bishops General Conference proviso, 43. Virginia Conference boundaries, 901. Voluntary Abandonment of Work, Episcopal decision con- cerning, 777. Vote by Ballot, Delegates to Annual Conference, 88. Recommendation to Annual Con- ference, 91. To license preachers, 90. See also Election by Ballot. Vote by Orders, Lay and clerical, 35. Vote by Proxy, Not allowed on an appeal, 704. Week-Day Religious Instruc- tion, 355. Wesley Brotherhood, 94, 106, 110, 563-568. Wesley Class Federations, 368, upon action, 375. Wesley Classes, Organization of, Sole Wesley, John, Origin of United Society, 1. West Oklahoma Conference boundaries, 902. West Texas Conference bound- aries, 903. Western Mexican Mission, Terri- tory and work included in, 915. Western North Carolina Con- ference boundaries, 904. Western Virginia Conference boundaries, 905. Widows and Orphans of Bishops, Support of, 250. 511 INDEX [The figures refer to paragraphs] Widows of Traveling Preachers, Episcopal decision concerning, 735, 738. Will, Free, 14. Withdrawal from Ministry or Membership, Episcopal de- cisions concerning, 699, 775, 776, 788, 808. Question at Annual Conference, 5a Restoration of credentials, 808. Woman’s Missionary Council, How constituted, and lines of work, 473-475. President a member of Board of Missions, 463. Woman’s Missionary Societies, President a member of Quarterly Conference, $4. Report to Quarterly Conference, 106. Revenue derived from, 468. To be organized in every Church, 472, Women, Not recognized as preach- ers, 717. Women of the Church, How con- stituted, and lines of work, 472- 474, Word of God, Incarnation of, Article on, 8. Workers’ Council, 383-386. Works, Good, 16. of supererogation, 17. World Brotherhood Federation, 568. World Conference on Faith and Order, Delegates to, 940. Worldliness, Bishops’ Address on, 859. Worldly-Mindedness denounced, 3. Worship, Attendance on, enjoined, 5. Public, directions for, 631. Years, Conference and calendar, 720. Young Men’s Christian Associa- tion, Traveling preacher may be appointed Secretary of, 118. Zeal, enjoined, 4. Exhortation to preachers, 168. 512 Princeton Theological Seminary-Speer Library “yy int. 3 his i ta ett BLY a) oes ie a :: a 2 oe ee of et Pee (lg ate there - y =) _ Sade | ee «4