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pA» ie ta Aas Mee 8 bottoy 4 Pate § Onset 8 eet arnt Pe Ss Hit Bad Baits Poh % AB iy te hb te, pew $ Bhi toi WA AP Hea Resi Pals Oode tT aR EAS Helo Ns te i | » siobgsrien a. orice int vata ashi erste §) Iaith A cataepnn Suan es aaa SN et rb el cornea ME a lp 28 185 VDT UN ely ths Hk th tse a * / in rhe Evi hnieion ad ute pa Ale ut, brik ed Nhs 3 Hh it ni ay het 48 pd WA ; Wik He he he ; : ’ MS nat eT We Nea niat san ienatt h mad reae Uru ( hbtiet be heh be vies {ake in ta “antiyhe Gh 3 Yh hh hehe a ahcits Loibe Reale Nea Aw Mahe * haihed : mhby denn was 4st ade by a 44 hy Pe Me hg Dd it dade eed Pheri yon wit wake oe . ot sb leo ead aia Shader Yen teas} ‘4 ah i ‘amin Faun ath “4 Fe EA Al Det Wuhv alge yehons iri ‘nt ch bie aad sae 4 I ? ‘ t) a LT eiy > ] habs the heh, i A is = We \ ’ : ft taht i ae iarly 7 ne eth Va eh 1eigetrdi aren fables uh “en ; ete m etahy es tela She Aa Ae Ag RAE Ns des eh a ttes § Dhaai h are hes ee ae UOC yaya Sete niet eh ben st oe \ AER As Lay Ad oie van ’ ie wat yienneee ‘f ts vd a a A ath ryt he ck, ny erat) rs By he Aa te tafe! gp as Vel ek ri toed wap Ep dey ip Sided bab Boenict Tea ada eh nett 8:2 ‘he ity eon ttahe thy bnbite rhein pute vl iehbr beats \ ehh Ninh inh ‘ : ' ; mine nhs ‘ ke iy ‘ ths 4d ati heet See Aas » WR det Gy ede Rade ates f i penis ite a, Ait, a ee Vea At Felt ate f "hots Mega gs ec Page ett Whe We tebe Kod ys ode Aieiny Meter bee ' 7 ‘ ie ee, pe Re arte hy Lire ade tating ena ‘vote Br BBs tot ie, W M4 amie hey Se Wika te + ai aa he aes onan ite sata Te Whether (LAY A ibaa Lit ul Ne Yes iy ne Be reridey e 'be-ta Ba te es tects bee. ‘Se Rs fte te he dele hl he. a CAty kde Hath iia one el al; wih Weed be thai Nam) Mae Tan he y ¥ ee ee ie ee yr WE ge v een eect es ne OF PRIN FN Op JUN 18 1912 } er Eo ggicar sewSY UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA THE MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS OF THE BABYLONIAN SECTION VOLT IT No. 2 DOCUMENTS FROM THE TEMPLE ARCHIVES OF NIPPUR DATED IN THE REIGNS OF CASSITE RULERS BY \ _ ALBERT T. CLAY ECKLEY BRINTON COXE JUNIOR FUND PHILADELPHIA PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY MUSEUM 1912 s . : i oh co) r Sie ripen ES cee eee ea me eS ’ 1s a apie | , | L | ; ; { ub Te ih ee ‘ : } | > ; ; , 4 Le } ; ~ Y y ‘ » * ; . - ; "7. < : 3 = ' . y ; . ‘ | ; - tr i Se G Ye 2 : i wit . p | - | | ‘ : 4 ; , : : be ‘ . : ) Lien ; , . wy . i r PY y % \ i . = : j : | ‘ ; , y j aa’ ) ~ ; ‘ . : | , ae c ; + . ‘ r . , - 4 - _~ * : ; ; * 7 d : ims ‘ « . Lm . LY a : a A y oy bs . vr. | %& ; whey bs 7 ¢ yy is) rt) 7 ee hie j a * LA b ich 7 oe \ A ; " " v, ‘ie f he i r ane “ ro | \ Fo Tit, Dh , - ’ ' * TO MY COLLEAGUES PROFESSOR MORRIS JASTROW, Jr., Px.D. AND PROFESSOR JAMES ALAN MONTGOMERY, Pu.D., S.T.D. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA WITH PLEASANT MEMORIES OF THE YEARS WE WORKED TOGETHER «#« >. Pet * . 4 ; te . m We nthe \ } Fe Ae Py \ EM aay SM f i a i‘ Pia ae tek ay Se a 7 P : “ ; \ . \ ee Saal, A a ans m6; Wy LT La re we? Sts Pee | Mar LO i CONTENTS. Page EN MRC and Lk tel GN PN ME eR RSI Ey Somes AN ee oS ice! vs Redbgrakds hk ols Bod Gores 63 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES. Pea bey des Op nnorn ME RR arn Eh Sok tam deh tis a ecacdle s toad 69 NAMES OF PERSONS. Era menre etme re ak i Lo. Lae uta e nlite gaa ao 69 eCmaaA ACN IY Cae rg EN gy St Ree eae ened oo 84 ARTS TRE gS OE a a ay PR 85 PSEAE TERS, LeU TR GRO) oO Cs SS Et Ie ee 86 irre Comte ish Vike tic Pane) LA ESE LS rate cae woe ss aig hoe Pages oh 2 ar. 87 CATALOGUE OF TABLETS IN THE UNIVERSITY MUSEUM..... gl tet 1) FeV me Ae comer ha Mayra AVA Sy”, 3 a sos ie ala ole he eed oP EN 93 This volume contains seventy-two plates of Autograph Texts. 61 er % =e 4 eee 4° ude = $ '¢ 7 RON CHA an fe tase + ae) a ee ra re Sy - ar yy id, Pee iT) INTRODUCTION. The administrative documents of these archives, like the letters, are generally written in a legible hand. In copying the tablets the roughness of the surface, due to the moisture in the ground, or expo- sure to the atmosphere after being excavated, has not been reproduced when the writing was perfectly clear. This method of copying seems preferable, for otherwise the reading of the texts is often rendered more difficult than the reading of the originals. As was said in the previous volumes no effort has been made to determine the reigns of the undated or fragmentary tablets. When it is possible to date them the reign can easily be ascertained by noting in what dated documents, of those published in Vol. XIV B.E., and this volume, the names on the tablets in question occur. Naturally, in most cases the dates can only be fixed approximately, because the names of individuals are in many cases found on tablets dated in more than one reign. Several additional minor gains for the understanding of the chro- nology of the Cassite period result from a study of the documents of these archives. Tablet No. 134 is dated on the 22d day of Shebet in the 27th year of a reign not mentioned. The question arises to which reign does this document belong and especially as the highest dated tablet of the previous volume was written in the 25th year. Unfortunately it contains only two names which can be used in dating the tablet. Jlu-iddina occurs on text 132, which must have been written between the middle of the reign of Nazi-Maruttash and Sha- garakti-Shuriash. It occurs also on Vol. XIV B. E., 13:3, which was written in the 5th year of Kuri-Galzu. The other name 7w-ra-du occurs on Vol. XIVB.E., 24:11, which was written in the 16th year. of Kuri-Galzu. It would seem, therefore, that the tablet in question, namely No. 134, probably belongs either to the reign of Kuri-Galzu, or to Nazi-Maruttash, who ruled according to the King’s list, 25 and 26 years respectively. 63 64 UNIV. MUS. BABYL. SEC. Another tablet, C. B.S. 11109, is dated on the 4th day of Nisan in the 27th year. The name of Enlil-kidinni is mentioned on this tablet. This individual appears in the documents of the reign of Burna- Buriash. It is, therefore, safe to say that the reign of this monarch extended into the 27th year, which had already been assumed by others, but on the basis of the previous tablet, which, as we have seen above, belongs to a succeeding reign. : Another tablet, No. 43, records the payment of aklum for the days between the 21st of Sivan and the 25th of Tammuz of the 7th year of Kadashman-Enlil. This is the year following the latest dated tablet of this reign in the previous volume. C. B.S. 13516 is dated still later in the same year, namely, the 21st day of the 8th month. The latest dated tablet of each reign represented in the archives of the tablets thus far studied, is given in the following table: LATEST DATED TABLETS. KING’S LIST. Year. Month. Day. Burna-Burgas}t LL ¥ ye teas) goa eee ee 25 (or 271) 7 | 10 Keuri-Goleu DL oe a ee ch he ee 25 23 (OT 294 )a | 16 Nust-Meruttash e502, Js dae oe eee 26 24 (orsa7?)) - font | 17 Kadashman-T ur gu. cise ok ou euahae paws | ef 16 | 3 | 3 Kadashwtin-lnlid TiN een ee eee II or 12 fi 8 218 Rad arctan art he Pt or a ee 9(?) 12 SHELATAR-~SNUPTISH Tc bo a ee ee 13 12 9 Io Kashisteashu iets oh oe aed ee ee ee 8 1 Cf. C.B.S. 11109, dated twenty-seventh year, first month and fourth day. 2 Cf. Tablet No. 134, dated twenty-seventh year, eleventh month and twenty-second day. Ca G28 510: The personal names of this and other volumes of the series will be treated in a monograph shortly to be published, entitled Personal Names of the Cassite Period. The discussion of certain interesting names and the revised readings of others, as well as the list of deities etc., will appear in this work. Several articles or reviews on the names have appeared since the publication of Vols. XIV B. E. and XV B. E., which volumes contain several thousand personal names, a large per- centage of which appeared for the first time belonging to a period of which hitherto only a few documents were known. Notably among the 8 TEMPLE ADMINISTRATIVE ARCHIVES OF THE CASSITE PERIOD. 6 5 writers of such articles may be mentioned, Bork (Orientalistische Lit- teratur-Zeitung, Vol. 9, Col. 588 f.), Meissner (Géttingischen gelehrten Anzeigen, 1908, p. 130 f.), and myself (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie, Vol. XX, p. 417). Many of the improved readings and omissions, as set forth in these articles, are incorporated in the list contained in this volume. Instead of publishing selected texts as has been done heretofore in the introductions only the index of names besides the texts and _ description of them have been given. ‘The translation of selected texts, however, will be published shortly in a monograph, which is in the course of preparation, on the book keeping of these administrative archives. In this work the position taken in the introduction of Vols. XIV B.E. and XVB. E., with reference to the interpretation of these documents, with some slight modifications will be more fully estab- lished. Further study of these and other texts of the archive since the appearance of the previous volumes, convinces me that my dis- cussions contained in them of these administrative documents of the Ekallu or Bitanu, which terms are synonymous as will be shown, need very little modification. With one notable exception the tablets of this volume do not contain important impressions of seals. This one contains an unusu- ally large seal, one of the oldest representations of the plow known. It is found on text No. 20, which is dated in the 4th year of Nazi- Maruttash (14th century B. C.), the seal having been run over both sides of the tablet as well as the four edges. Unfortunately there is no complete impression of the seal on the tablet. Some parts were repeated several times, but others are wanting. Moreover, owing to the moisture in the earth and exposure to the atmosphere since it was excavated, the surface of the tablet has suffered considerably. A yoke of oxen is represented drawing the plow. The name of the animal is alpu “ox” in the inscriptions and is called at the present time, zebu, or humped bull (bos indicus).1 Three men are employed in operating the plow; one guides it; another drives the animals, who being depicted larger in size than the others 1s doubtless the chief of the gang; and a third, with a bag of grain on his shoulder, is in the 1 See Clay, B. E. X., pl. XVII. 66 UNIV. MUS. BABYL. SEC. act of feeding the tube or grain drill, through which the seed was dropped into the furrow made by the plow. This is the most perfect representation of the ancient plow, as well as one of the earliest, dis- covered. Similar plows with the tube for sowing grain are used in TTTAAAT ATL. WOOHHKT LE SZ Waa Spe Saee REN RRRRRRRRRRRS Syria at the present time. The name of the individual for whom the seal had been made, is Arad-NIN-SAR, which means “Servant of NIN-SAR (the god of vegetation).”’ This picture of a gang of three men employed in working the plow presents an interesting commentary on tablet No. 57 of Vol. XIV B. E., which reads: — a TEMPLE ADMINISTRATIVE ARCHIVES OF THE CASSITE PERIOD. Sheum gis-bar 6 qa sha i-na libbi te-li-ti sha shattu 12 **" Na-zi-Ma-ru-ut-ta-ash ina Za-rat-IM*™ a-na ishshaki°' nadnu (-nu) | kurmat alpi. kurmat tkkari. mu-bi-im. 2 gur 2 pi o | ™Laqibu 2 pi o | ™Addu-bél-kala 2 pi o | ™Band-sha-Sukal 2 gur 2 pi 0 '| ™Kidin-Addu 2 pi 0 | ™Nergal-réshu 2 pi 0 | ™Sukal-ah-iddin 2 gur 2 pi o | ™Résh-Sagila 2 pi o | ™Kishahbut | 2 pi _ 0 | ™Aba-ul-idi 2 gur | 2 pt o | ™I[kkarum | 2 pi o | ™Sin-izkur 2 pi o | ™Nusku-baldt-éresh 2 gur 2 pi . 0 | ™A pdadanu 2 pi o | ™Ubarrum | 2 pi 0 | ™Ardu-tim of” 2 gur | 2 pt o | ™Shamash-iddina | 2 pe o | ™Bél-ahéshu | 2 pe o | ™Izkur-Nergal 2 gur 2 pt o | ™Usatusha 2 pi Oo | ™Gimillum 2 pt o | ™Nusku-étir 2 gur 2 pt o | ™Shuquamuna-érish 2 pi o | ™Ardi-Nusku 2 pi o | ™Nergal-réshu a 2 gur 2pii&8qa oOo, ™Bahusi 2 pi o | ™Meli-Enlil | 2 pt o | ™Piziant 2 gur | 2 pi 18 ga m Feribu 2 pi ™T Gribu 2 pi ™Humbanapir 20 gur Be gur 4 pit&8qa | **“Airu Shattu 13 67 68 UNIV. MUS. BABYL. SEC. The heading with a few additional lines of the tablet read: The grain of the 6 ga tax which was given for the priests out of the taxes of the twelfth year of Nazi-Maruttash from the town Zarat-IM. { FOOD FOR OX.| FOOD FOR FARMER. NAMES. 2 kors 2 pi o | Lagibu 2 pi o | Addu-bél-kala 2 pt o | Band-sha-Sukal The balance of the translation is unnecessary as it would be a repetition of the above transliteration, except the last line which closes with the words “Month Iyyar, year 13th.” The names are divided into groups of three, which doubtless repre- sent plow gangs, as illustrated by the seal 1 impression discussed above. The oxen of each gang received two kors. If two animals were used for a plow, as indicated by the seal, each animal received 1 kor per month. If this is correct, the men only received two-fifths as much as the oxen. It would almost seem as if the hire of man and animal amounted to what they consumed. In the last two groups the first man mentioned, who was probably the chief of the gang, received 18 ga more than the others. He prob- ably was the driver of the oxen, who, as mentioned above, is depicted larger than the others in the seal impression. The check marks (0) show that the last gang was not paid; the oxen, however, were fed, as the totals indicate, showing perhaps that they were temple prop- erty. Again it affords me pleasure to acknowledge the kind assistance rendered me by the Director of the Museum, Professor George B. Gordon, Sc.D., who in many ways has facilitated the publication of this work. ATBERT P2'Gpay. INDEX OF PROPER NAMES, ABBREVIATIONS. b., brother; d., daughter; f., father; hu., husband; mas., master (employer) ;mo., mother; S., son; si., sister; w., wife. Vols. XIV and XV refer to the Babylonian Expedition Series of the Museum. Determinatives: d., deus, dea; f., femina; h., homo (amélu);m., mas; pl., plural. Women’s names in the list of masculine names are preceded by the determinative ‘. Men’s names in the list of women’s names are preceded by the determinative ™ [ refer to the cuneiform texts of the autograph plates. ]-texts restored. The numbers C.B.S., refers to the Catalogue of the Baby- lonian and General Semitic Section of the University Museum. I. NAMES OF PERSONS. Masculine Names. I. A-ba, lullub@u, 137:17. A-ba-u-a, C. B. S. 13498. A-ba-ul-i-di, 62:13. Ab-bu-ut-ta-nu, sha shadudu, 106:21. Ab-di 1. f. of Mukallim, 13:35. 2. £. of Umishu-limir, 50-11% S01 Ore, 8320) 35: A-bi-e-pi-ir, Mér-, 98:4. A-da-gal-pain-4A-e(?), 95:4. Adi-ma-ti-Addu and Adi-ma-ti-ilu, were read in Vol. XV EN-ZU-TI-ilu and EN- ZU-ti-Ramman. Addu-bél-ka-la, 95:20. Addu-érish(-ish), kabbi, 76:8. Addu-hegallu(H E-GAL), Mér-, 113:31. Addu-iddina, 143:12, 13. Addu-i-qi-sha, 48:2. Addu-ma-ilu,was read Ramman-ba-an, in Vol. XIV and XV. Addu-mu-shal-lim, 62:4 | 73:30. Addu-mush-te-shir, "banti, 99:6. Addu-nasir, 81:3 | 100:2. Addu-qar-rat, Méar-, 117:13. Addu-ré’u-ni, 130:14. Addu-sha-gim, was read Ramman-sha-kim-ta(?) in Vol. XV. - 1. Mar-, 133:8. 2. L950 Ini Volx RV522c201s ito ben serted. Addu-sha-muh-ni-shi was read Ramman-sha- éli-ni-shi in Vol. XIV. Addu-shar-ilani, 34:14 | 98:15. - Addu-shar-mGti, 118:48. Addu-sharru (read Vol. XV). 1. f. of Hambu, 76:4. 2. f. of Sin-nddin-ahé, 135:Col. V, 9. ee ee Addu-she-mi, Méar-, 72:21. Addu-shub-shi was read Ramman-ru-shi in Vol. XV. Addu-shu-ri-ha, C. B. S. 3651. Addu-za-kir 1. f. of USH-ni-Addu, 136:24. 2. Mar-, 18:29. 3. 9:8 | 132:8, 26. Addu-si(?)-nu-ti-a, KAL-, 53:35. Addu(4IM)-GAL...., 18:23. Addu-shit-mar, 44:4. Ad-li-e-a, TOSI 7 3 A-ga, 84:0. A-gab-ta-ha 1. f. of...-Shugqamuna, 139:12. 2. Arundju, 13:42. A-ga-ai, C. S..B. 3480. 70 UNIV. MUS. BABYL. SEC. Masculine Names. A-ga-li, MGr-, 82:2, 8. A-ga-ri-bu, C. B.S. 3685. A-gi-ia 1. f. of Mindi-iballut, 111:27. A altices. A-gi-is-St, 11:7. A-gi-Te-shup (was read in Vol. XV A-gi-te-ru), tert s 81805230; Ah-e-rum, C.B.5. 3416. A-hi-ia-ti-a,. MGr-, 106:14. A-hi-ia...., 130357. A-hi-ili, C. B.S. 3188. A-hi-ba-ni, Ahu-bint 1. f. of Banani, 116:6. 2. f. of NINIB-ah-iddina, 125:10. 3. Méar-, 130:20. 4. 100:15 | 106:17. Ah-iddina-M arduk 1. s. of Erbamma, 80:5. 2. s. of Gamali, 116:16. Bees Os} -01 20 als 7210 4] tans Ah-iddina(ASH)-Shamash, 95:6. A-hi-du-tum (cf. A-hi-id-du-tum, C. B.S. 11899), 95:7 | 118:33 | 133:5. A-hi-it-tu-tum, A-hu-it-tu-ut-tum, A-|n-tu-tu, Mér-, 72:2 | 75:2 | 122%0. Ah-la-mu-ti(mi-i), 18:18 | 56:3 | 114:16. Ah(Ih, Uh,)-li-ku-sha, 11:10. A h-ma-ti-a-mar, 130:17. Ah-u-a, bani, s. of Shumalum, 11038. Ah-ti-a-at-ta, Mar-, 46:3. Ah-ti-a-tum, 117:6. A hu-DU-kan 1. Ss. of Irashi, ishparru, 76:7. 2. s. of Murani, KAL-, 111:9. 3. riggu, 136:4, 14 | 137:4. 42/43 3290) Ah-ummi-shu, Mér-, 72:4 | 75:4. A-hu-ni, 20:28 | 113:13. A-hu-ni-ia, 91:5. A-hu-shi-na 1. s. of Llu-lirib, 100:9. 2. AcTT. Ai-rum, Ai-ri (read Ia-ri in Vol. XV). 1. Mér-, 118:o9. 2. 20:24. Ak-(Aq)-ba-ru, C.B.S. 11505. Ak-kul-en-ni, 84:26. Ak-ri-ia-ash, XVI, 12:9, 10, 11 to be inserted. A-la-tum, 73:12. Al-gi-zi-zi (was read Ag-gi-iz-zi in Vol. XV), -132:45. Al-sa(?)-du-ri, 95:3. A-mar-4Si-mu-tu, Ma@r-, 113:17. Am-bi-ia, 132:78. Amél-Addu pC ES ALE 2. 89:8 | 106:23. Amél-bant, 34:21. Amél-Enlil, 110:13. Amél-hal-sha, {. of Ea-itti-pishu, 116:10. Amél-kurgart of Vol. XIV, was read Amél- KUR-GAR-RA. Amél-*La(?)-ba(?)-na, f. of Enlil-alsah, 116:7. Amél-M arduk 1. GU-EN-NA 56:13. 2. 49:5 | 85:4 | 140:12. Amél-Shu-i-gi-na, Mdr-, 116:8. Amél-Sir-ri, MGr-, 6:18. Amél-Uruk* F 1. arrabhajui, 18:27. Ayes alos Gee A-mi-lu-uju, Mar-, 130:78. Am-ma-na-tum, 106:13. Am/(?)-man-nu-ti, Mér-, 18:15. Am-mar-sha-tli, 95:42. Am-ma-ru, XIV, 12:13, to be inserted; also CB? Si a3400% Am-ra-ai, C. B. S. 3480. Am-ru-di, C. B. S. 8999. Amurru(4KUR) dajan, C. B. S. 3521. Amurru(4KUR)-kara-bi-ish-me, 19:4. Amurru(¢MAR-TU and 4KUR)-ma-ilu (was read Amurru-ba-an in Vol. XV), Maér-, 74:4. ALM \. cing 132753: An-nu-ba-ni, 143:0. An-nu-ka(or pit)-4Sukal, 7:22. A p-da-da-nu, was read Sin-ap-da-da-nu in Vol. XV. A p-li-id-en-shi-il-tum, A pli-i-di-en-shi-tl-tu 1. Mér-, 25:9. 2. 86:18 | 103:15. A pil-Addu 1. Mér-,.72:9 | -75:9 |. 122218. 2. 132:30: A p-pa-ai-i, MGr-, 137:24. A psu-dajan, Mér-, 18:11. TEMPLE ADMINISTRATIVE ARCHIVES OF THE CASSITE PERIOD. 71 Masculine Names. 44 psu(4ID)-GAL...., f. of Shamash-bél-kitti, 100:3. A-ra, 92:11. A-ra-ha-am-rum, C. B. S. 12605. A-ra-mu-uz-ni, s. of Nusku-épushshu, 100:9. Ar-da-am-ma, 132:01. Ardi-tAZAG-SHUD, f. of Sin-ibni, 27:10. Ardi-Bélti(-ti), 7:4 | 20:24. Ardi-E-Kish**, 121:39, cf. also C. B. S. 3750. Ardi-Enlil, 121:309. Ardi-iléni, 11:13 | 121:26. Ardi-li-dar, dupsar, C. B. S. 12605. Ardi-Marduk, 26:9. Ardi-Nergal, s. of Sibbusha-, 106:5. Ardi-*-NIN-SAR Ti UL)-su-!l 63°47, 2-023, Ardi-Nu-bat-tim(ti), Ardi-Nu-ba-at-ti 1. f. of Lbni-Marduk, 27:7. 2. f. of Izkur-Marduk, 27:16. 3. f. of Nabi-nddin-ahhi, 2:4, 11, 21. 4. f. of Rimtitum, 27:17. 5. damgar, 130:16. 6. 20:19. Ardi-Shamash, lullubaji, 132:66, 135. Ardi-timu o *2 (incorrectly read 3** in Vol. XV), 1. pahdrum, 95:18. 7 Boag 3 a ny a Ardi-timu 19%" was read Arau-timu 13*¢” in Vol. XV. Ardu-*Amurru (*KUR), Mér-, C. B. S. 116109. Ar-du-tum, kashsht, 55:2. Arhi-shu-nasir, f. of NINIB-mudammig, 27:23. A-ri-ia-am|-ma], 132:68. A-ri-ba, C. B. S. 12605 A(?)-ri-ib-sa-sa, C. B. S. 12605. A-ri-ha-ma-nu, 84:14. A-ri(-ik)-ka-zu, 9:7 | 13227. A-ri-gim-shu, 9:16. A-ri-la-lum, 118:52. A-ri-lu(?)-ub...., 84:21. A-ri-Te-shup of Vol. XV, was read A-ri-te-ru. Arka-sha-ili 1. f. of Burrugqu., 100:6. 2.-106:18. Arkét(EGIR-at)-4Banad(KA K-a), "dali, 95:44 Arkat ¢Dam-ga(also 4SHI-BIR), 19:10 | 91:11. Arkéit(SHUD)-4Nergal ré’u, 47:1, 3, 12. Ar-mi, f. of Sambi, Vol. XIV, 12:2, to be in- serted. Ar-ra-bi, "NI-SUR, 51:6. Ar-si-ia-en-ni, C. B. S. 12605. Ar-st-at... ., 132:69. As-sul-la, 113:5. A-shar-Sah, 130:11. A-shi-gi 1. MGr-, 72:20. Pam NOES ty Ash-ri-sha, MéGr-, 20:23, 25, 29, 31, 32- Ash-i... ., 121326. Ash-ri-sha-sharri, Mér-, 68:6 | 86:19. A sh-shur-aji-i (without det.”, but written with det..C. Bid 2873) 205:5. A sh-shur-ri-zu-u-a, C. B. S., 11145. Ash-tu was read Me-li in Vol. XV. A-ta-na-ah-ilu, lullubaji, 132:136. At-kal-shu, Mar-, 109:8, 39. A-wi-la-a-ti, C. B. S. 3732. 44 ZAG-BI-érish(-ish), 103:14. 44 ZAG-BI-tl-la-as-su, 100:8. Ba-du-ga, C. B. S. 12605. Ba-hu-u, 62:6. Ba-hu-ti, f. of Sin-érish, 100:7. Ba-tl-Marduk 1. s. of Nabi-¢Lamassishu, 25:2. ON.GA Ve N2IN A. 30: Ba-il-Te-shup, Vol. XV,190 I1:15 to be inserted. Balat(TI)-lishir(SI-DI), 114:14. Ba-la-tu of Vol. XIV, to be read Ba-la-tu. Ba-na-nu-u(ni-1) 1. s. of Ah-ibni, 116:7. ay Fee Bana-a-sha-Enlil, 106:9. Bana-a-sha-Marduk, 20:13. Bana-a-sha-Nergal, 116:4. Band-sha-Shamash, 121:3. Ba-ri-id, 142:14. Ba-a-shi 1. f. of Kudurdnu, 95:13. 2. TUR-SAL-, (if same as 95:13. then SAL is mistake of scribe), 95:29. Be-la-nu(ni), 36:7 | 61:8 | roo:1z | r14:11. Bél-er-ba, gallabu (was incorrectly read Bél-erba- shu-t,-in Vol. XV), 106:19. Be-li-i-din-nam, £. of NINIB-zékir-shumt, 2:2. Béal-kit-ti, 34:7 | 101:8. Be-li-4A psu(4I1D), 20:39. 72 UNIV. MUS. BABYL. SEC. Masculine Names. Bélit-mudammiq(SHI-BIR), 106:29. Bél(EN)-na-si-ir, 11:17. Bél-shu-nu 1. Mér-, 12:27, 25, 27, 30:4, | 72:3.| vEw | EEO7O (ot o5 As 29.53) OF pt 10073; 2, 145°5 |" t2e710.| Ta2sitga: Bél-u-ti, M@r-, 113:32. Be-lu-ti, 34:36. Bél-u-za(sa)-tu(ti, tum), 81:19 | 91:3 | 101:8 105 :4. Bi-lu-u, Vol. XV, 155:28 is to be inserted. Bi-ni(or li)-ti, 31:67. Bi-in-nu-nu, I01:12. 4Bi-ish-ilu, 122:109. 4BIT (or LIL)-LU (amél)-TI(uballit) cf. Ma(or Ba)-Ma-LU-TI, Vol. XV, 109:13. Bu-ub-bu, 136:10. Bu-ga-ash, Vol. XIV, 12:30, 40, to be inserted. Bu-uli-she-en-n1 ° 1. Méar-, 122:7. 2. 13:43 | 132:48. Bu-kur-ra-nu, 113:9. Bu-li-ma-nu (read Bu-li-ba-nu in Vol. XIV and XV), cf. also C. B. S. 11430 and 9807, 118:20 | 133:31. Bu-na-bu, C. B. S. 12790. Bu-na-Bu-ri-ia-ash, sharru, 2:18. Bu-ni-e-a, C. B. S. 3642. Bu-un-na... ., 113224. Bu-un-ni-Addu, nuhatimmu, 27:21. Bu-un-nu-tum, 118:18. BUR-*Addu, 132:30. Bu-ra-me(sip) LS OLA O7sst), DL e1s 2. 11:18 | 132:35. Bur-a-sha-Marduk, C. B. S. 11678. Bu-rat-tu of Vol. XIV perhaps to be read Pu-rat-tu. Bur na-Bu-ri-ia-ash, sharru, 1:1, see also Bu- na-Bu-ri-ia-ash. BUR-Nergal, 90:15. Bur-ra-Bar-hu, C. B. S., 2120. Bur-ra-Mi-ni(n)-zi-ir, XIV, 12:5, 37, to be inserted. Bur-ra-Enlil, MGr-, abil babi, 103:11. Bur-ra-¢La-gu-da...., 20:20. Bur-ra-Marduk, 72:14 | 75:14 | 122-23 (kash- shi-t in C. B. S. 12767). Bur-ra-Shu-hur (KIKKINU), zébil, C. B. S. 3487. Bur-ru-qu, s. of Arka-sha-ili, 100:6. Bur-te-Shu-gab, amél urqi, 91:10. Bur-za-an-di, Vol. XIV, 12:33, 38, to be inserted. Bur-za-ra-ash(rum), Vol. XIV, 12:20 to be inserted. Bu-us-su-lum, C. B. S. 12636. Bu-she, Vol. XIV, 12:19, to be inserted. Bu-ut-tu-ri, Vol. XIV, 12:10, to be inserted. Bu-zur-Addu, C. B. S. 3640, R. Bu-uz-2u-ri, 95:21. RIB GN Boneh e.g fob He}. Da-a-bi and Da-bi-ia, of Vols. XIV and XV probably to be read Ta-a-bi and Ta-bi-ia. Da-bu-ti of Vol. XIV, and XV is probably to be read Ta-bu-ti. Da-gil-ilu, Da-gi-al-ilu tM F-07350: Dou 22nT0. Da-’-hu was read It-’-hu in Vol. XV. Dajén-Marduk, 54:2 | 90:14 |. 98:10, 11 123 °10, Dajan-Nergal(SHI-DU), 118:45. Dajan-NIN-IB Tea UPA -0% 2.05027: Da-li-lu-sha 1. ishparu, MéGr-, 13:5, 33. BaVIOO:LO; Dam-qu, KAL-TUR-, 89:6. Da-mu-néasir (STS), 5:13. Dan-an-*Amurru(4KUR), Mér-, 136:17. Dan-an-*Nergal, SAL sha-, s. of Hunnt, 53:36. Dan-Ishtar, 41:5. Da... .sha, 98:10. Di-mah-di-4Urash(4IB) t! f. of Etil-pt, 55:5. . 2. MéGr-, 106:19. of ak ert Dishpu-E-kur, 1:3, 14 | 63:20 | 105:42. Dishpu-Shamash, 106:31. Duh-har...., 4:6. . Du-ul-bi-bu, C. B. S. 3642. Du-ul-bi-she-en-ni, 11:9. Du-ul-bu, 132:29. Dup-zi-ba-dar, XIV, 12:8, 29, 38, 44, to be inserted. fe a: TEMPLE ADMINISTRATIVE ARCHIVES OF THE CASSITE PERIOD. 73 Masculine Names. 4F-q-bal-ti, f. of SAiritum, 53:38. 4Fa(NIN-SIG)-itti(KI)-pi-shu, GU-EN-NA,s. of Amél-Halska, 116:t0. 4E-a-mu-dam-mi-iq, s. of Ea-shar-ilani, r@7i ili, 5a Be Boy Ba 4E-a-ki-di-ni, C. B. S. 9950. 4F-a(?)-lamassi-shu(BI)(?), Mér-, 106:13. 4F-a-ri-man-ni, Mdr-, 72:6 | 75:6. 4F-a-shar-iléni, f. of Ea-mudammiq, 27:4. 4Ea-zér-shub-shi, was read in Vol. XV, E-a-zér- ru-shi. E(?)-bu-ul-mash... ., 7:7. E-kar-ra-igisha(-sha), 83:28. E-la-mu-t, 41:11. E-mi-ta-ah-ru, 132:67. E-mid-a-na-Marduk, 137:9, C. B. S. 3188. Enlil-a-bi-en-shi, 22:5. Enlil-al-shah(dun) 1. s. of Amél-4La(?)....,na, 116:7. 2. 25:6 | 86:3, 7 | 89:9, 11 | 136:3.- Enlil-ba-ni, nuhatimmu, tupshar, 48:5. Enlil-ba-gir, C. B. S., 12636. Enlil-e-pi-ir (was read Bél-e-tu in Vol. XV), * 73:4: Enlil(EN-LIL)-ia, C. B. S. 3642. Enlil-it-mah, 22:4. Enlil-mu-ba-al-li-it, C. B. S., 12529. Enlil-mu-shal-lim, {. of Usattia, 27:20. Enlil-nédin-ahé 1. s. of Kilamdashu, 51:2, 27. 2. 86:6. Enlil-nadin-shum, 80:7 | 136:6, 16. Enlil-na-si-ir, 2:13. Enlil-ni-shu T.6. OL Fubsos:.) , ‘111710. re OLD Enlil-tu-kul-ti, 1:9 | 6:19 | 98:16. En-na-du-ul(?), 132-89. Eni-ia-a, C. B. S..11706. Er-ba-Addu 1. s. of Huba...., 98:6. 2. 25:1. Er-ba-am-ma, f{. of Ah-iddina-Marduk, 80:5. Er-ba-tEa, 18:10. Erba-ilu, 95:11. Er-ba-*Ishtar, 7:15 | 113:10. Er-ba-Marduk 1. damgar. 130:15. 2. Mar-, 5:12. 3. 62:10. Er-ba-Nergal 1. MGr-, 34:5, 35. 2, 13°28 |.73°6.| 122:41. Er-ba-Sukal 1. shaknu, 136:21. SPO AT: Erba-Shamash 1. Mar-, 72:25. 2. 109:15, 29. Er-ba-tum, 136:8, 25. Er-bu, *nuhatimmu, 48:7. Er-bu-mi, 133719. Finis gO 27 0 E-ri-bu 1. tupshar, 136:2, 13, 18. 2. 95:32 | 118:10 | 137:33- E-ri-en-shu-ti 1. M4r-, 106:18. 2. 98:8 E-ri-kim(dim)-shu, 132:16. E-ri-shu, KAL-, s. of Niraérum, 111:7. E-til-pi, E-til-put 1. s. of Dimahdi-4Urash, 55:5. 2. in Dunni sha Etil-pi. E-til-pi-4-NINIB, 58:1, 12 | 125:8. E-tir-Addu, 132:95. Etir(KAR)-an-ni-*Shamash, 98:9. ° E-ul-mash-bitum, rigqu, 137:5. E-zi-ri-en-m1, 132:92. Gab-bur-ia-ash, C. B. S. 12605 Gab-ni-il-la, C. B. S., 3642. Gal-du-ra-nu, 7:6. Ga-ma-li, §. of Ah-iddina-Marduk, 116-16. Ga-ma-lu-tum, C. B. S. 12934. Ga-ar-du, midi, 92:7. Gimil(SHU)-*Gu-la, 5:5. Gimil-...., 132-:57- Gu-ub-bu-hu (read Du-bu-hu- in Vol. XV) 1. b. of Rabé-sha-NINIB and Taklaku- ana-NINIB, 18:12. 2. 72:27 | 118:23. Gula-balét-érish(-ish), 108:19. Gula-érish(-ish), Mar-, 106:11. Gu-za-ar-za-ar-Bu-ga-ash, MGr-, 83:30. Ha-ba-na-ni, £. of Sin-ludlul, 53:23. Ha-ba-ru, 95:20. Ha-ab-bil-ilu, 9:9 | 132:9. Ha-bil-di-ni, C. B. S. 9940. Ha-bi-rab-ba-tu-u, C. B. S. 11602 Ha-bi(?)-ir-Ti-il-la, 89:2. 74 UNIV. MUS. BABYL. SEC. Masculine Names. Ha-bi-ri, 84:9. Ha-bi-ir-si, C. B. S. 12767. Ha-bi...., £. of KAL-Kidin-Sin, 11:5. Ha-aia-’, Vol. XIV, 12:28, to be inserted. Ha-ih-4Sukal, C. B. S., 12790. Ha-li-li, Mar-, 91:14. Hal-si, Vol. XIV, 12:3, 32, to be inserted. Ha-mat-ti-Mi-nil-zir], Vol. XIV, ‘12:12, to be inserted. Ha-am-bu(bi) 1. s. of Addu-sharru, késirum, 76:4. 22° S4510 4117-7, 14, 115; Ha-na-nu-u, 41:3. Ha-an-bu(bi), 6:17 | 28:3 | 63:21 | 68:3 | TOSS 1100-3 7,842: Ha-bil-ki-nu, MGr-, 72:23. Ha-ni-bi 1. f. of Pirhi-Sukal, 78:2. 20 110t21. 5 i Ha-ra-ak-shi, Vol. XIV, 12:15, 21, 27, 40, to be inserted. Har(Mur)-bu-uk-shi, Vol. XIV, 12:33, to be inserted. Ha-ru-uk(ug), C. B. S. 12617. Ha-shar-du, Vol. XIV, 12:32, to be inserted. Hash-ma-a-bu, 84:16. Hash-mar-Sah, 83:27. Hash-me-ia, 84:18, 34. Ha-si-ib-Til-la, 84:22, 35. Ha-at-tu-u, 117:14. Wi-di-im, 132:82. Hi-li-zu-Ishtar (perhaps = Hi-li-id-shu-Ishtar, ci. H1-il-di-a, C. B. S. 4561, Hi-il-di, 3480, and Bi, thn), TUR-SAL-, 103293) Hi-in-nu-un-nu, "riqqu, C. B. S. 3737. Hi-ra-a-nu, 14:10. Hi-si(?)-ib-Til-la, C. B. S. 3480. H1-it-In-it-te, C. B. S. 3737. Hu-ba-an, 9:10. Hu-ba...., f. of Erba-Addu, 98:6. Hu-ub-bu-shu, 19:6. Hu-bi-di, C. B.S. 3646. Hu-ud-ba-bu, 84:13. Hu-ud-di-ma-nu and Hu-di-md-nu were read Hu-ud-di-zu-nu and Hu-di-ba-nu in Vol. XV). 1. Ss. of Sin-bél-zér, 59:4. 26a ne ea, C0 S. OOka. Hu-di-ia, 84:29. , Hu-di-ia-2i(?), 132:84. Hu-di-na-bu, 84:17. Hu-din-na-bu (same as preceding), C. B. S. BEL 1. s. of [lu-ma-tlu, 116:15. 2. f. of Kashshumbi, Vol. XIV, 12:14, to be inserted. Hu-wm-ba-ilu(an), 132:10. Hu-um-ba-ri-man-ni, f. of Mukallim, 95:37. Hu-mu-rum, 13:37- Hu-na-bu (bt) 1. s. of Zakirum, UR-LIL, 89:12. 2. Mér-, 98:10 | 106:28. Bo 173 Hu-un-ni, f. of Danan-Nergal, 53:36. Hu-un-nu-bu t. 'nuhatimmu, 48:9. 2. s. of Nir-Nergal, 106:14. Hu-un-zu-’, Hu-un-zu-v, 18:24, 34:18. Hu-un-zu-hu, C. B. S. 12766. Hu-up-pi-i, Mar-, 106:20. Hu-ush-shi-Gal-du, Vol. XIV, 12:12, 35, to be inserted. Hu-ush-shi-Gal-zu, f. of .... sir, Vol. XIV, 12:18, to be inserted. Hu-ush-shi-Gal..., XIV, 12:19, 23, is to be inserted. Hu-ut-Te-shup, wasread Hu-ut-te-ru in Vol.XV. Hu-ut-tir-me, 140:10. Hu-za-li(lum) aS 1. f. of Kudurdnu, 95:45. Le IB lB la-bu-u-a, 19:8. Ta-a-ti, 62:3. - Ta-gi-ia, C. B. S. 13464. Ia-um-ri, 95:10. I-ba-ga-a-sha-ah, Vol. XV, 186:11, to be in- ’ serted. ms : I-ba-an-nu, C. B. S. 13490. I-bil-4Papsukal, 90:11. Ib-ni-Addu, 9:15 | 132:15. Ib-ni-4Amurru, 105:49. Ib-ni-*Ishtar, 7:14. Ib-ni-Marduk 1. s. of Ardi-Nubattim, mas. of NINIB- shum-iddina, 27:6. 2. s. of Shirni-Sah, 125:12. BOW awe 0 Necks ge TEMPLE ADMINISTRATIVE ARCHIVES OF THE CASSITE PERIOD. 75 Masculine Names. Lo-niets, 1 o, 1:7, 10. I-din-Addu 1. "bn, 99:7 | 121:5, 13. 2. 03:0. | Idin-Enlil, 1:11 | 58:8. I-din-Marduk, Idin-Marduk 1. s. of Kurdakme, 73:5. 2. mékisu, 17:12. 18120 (pi 22513. I-din-Nergal I. mandidi, 92:8. Oo a. I-din-Nusku, 133:14. Tdin-Sin, 2:15 | 10:12. I-din-Shamash, 113:30 | 118:53. I-din-*.,. ., 8437 |+132254. I-gar-shu-e-mid, kurgarti, Méar-, (was read I-sha-shu-e-mid in Vol. XV), 106:16. I-har(mur)-il-lu-za-ra, 8:4. I-hu-ur-Sin, Mér-, 83:1. Tk-ki-in-na-an-m, C. B. S. 11613. I-ku-un-pi(KA)-Sin, C. B. S. 12636. I-ku-na-ta, 20:34. dla en 5 132 :27- Ili(NI-N1I)-ai-ba-ash, 26:5. Tli(NI-N1I)-a-nu-ti-a, C. B. S. 3312. Tli(NI-NI)-ia, 15:8. Ili(NI-N1I)-ia-a-tu, s. of Rakribbati, 51:3, 27. Ili(NI-N1I)-ish-ti-gal, 118:44. Tli(NI-N1I)-kil-la-an-ni, C. B. S. 11602. Ili(NI-N1)-ma-ilu, Vol. XIV, 24:5, to be in- serted. tiie, C..By S., 12731. Il-li-lum, 118:109. Il-lu-ul-lum, Il-lu-lum, 19:5 | 34:32 | 62:9 | 106:29 | 118:24. Il(?)-ti-ia, 5:6. Ilu-ah-érish or Nannar(4SIS)-érish, MUN- Re aha ilo eb Ilu-a-la-tum, C. B. S. 3467. Ilu-i-din-nam(idina), 132:22 | 134:5. Ilu-ip-pa-ash-ra, Ilu-ippashra(BAL-ra) Peto OLOHenit, LUL:10; 2 AOS 001 5130555, 779 Tlu-isl-sur-shu], 132:62. Ilu-li-ri-ib, {. of Ahushina, to00:9. Tlu-ma-ilu, £. of Hulalum, 116:15. Ilu-mi-na-a-qa(?), 106:7. Ilu(mu-)murashshu-ri-ma, pagdu, 47:17. I-lu-ni 1. Mér-, 113:34. Cb ine UM Les ees is I-lu-ni-ik-ki-is-su, 69:1. Ilu-rabi, MGr-, 125:11. I-lu-lu-ti, C. B. S. 9950. Im-ba-am-bu, 113:26. Im-gur-4Bél, C. B. S. 11003. Im(?)-ka-shu-i-na-E-kur, perhaps Shari-pt-shu- 1-na-E-kur, 108:6. I-na-E-kar-ra-igisha(-sha), C. B. S. 3799. I-na-pi-i-kal-bi-i-ri-ih, 100:5. I-na-shari-Nusku-a-lik(alik), 88:6 | 113:3 | E2E2e 21 eIGAV EL eoO: In-bu-sha, Vol. XV, 190, I:20, to be inserted. In-du, Mar-, irrishu(PIN) C. B. S. 3534. In-ga-bi-ia, MGr-, 13:10. In-na-an-nu(ni), In-na-nu, ardi [sharri], 15:7 | gr:16. LUNA Ae In-ni-bu(bi) 1. s. of Mannu-batisha, 116:2. 722.) Ole, In-na-an-ni(ni), 138:9, 14 | 141:8. I-pi-ra-an-ni, C. B. S. 12605. Tp(Ur)-ku, 133:24. Ip-pa-ni-bi of Vol. XV was read Ur-pa-ni-bi and Ur-pa-bi, cf. Ni-b1-Shi-pak, Scheil, Del. en. Perse, Vol. II, p. 92. I p-pa-shi-Bar-hu, 132:20. I-qi-sha-Addu, Igqisha-Addu t.hAs A053 330. WG DP Tqisha(-sha)-Enlil, {. of Ntir-Ishtar, 27:18. I-qi-sha-Marduk, Iqisha(-sha)-Marduk 1. b. of Bélshunu, 12:22, 24. a, *BI-LU IZ 48:2. 8.6216; [34:07 Igisha(-sha)-NINIB, 118:22. Tatsha-"ae, O022. - I-ra-shi, £. of Ahu-DU-kan, 76:7. E-ra.s.., Méar-; 13-12. Tr-ha-an-na(?), 132:25. I-ri-ba-Marduk, *nuhatimmu, s. of Zundurt, amél urqt, 47:13. T-ri-ba-Sukal, 132:11. I-ri-bu-ni, Marat-, 36:2. I-ri-en-shu-Marduk, 5:18. Trim-shu-NIN-IB, 42:3. 76 UNIV. MUS. BABYL. SEC. Masculine Names. I-ri-im...., 130:54. Loris ce ea as Ir-ra-rum, C. B. S. 3478. Ir-ri-gi, 11:19. Ir-ti-ib-[4Shamash], 13256. Is-ga-an-Shar, C. B. 8. 3480. I-sha-gu-um-ri-sha-shu, 130:8. Ish-man-ni-Shamash, C. B. S. 12766. Ish-mu-li-mi, M4Gr-, 72:17. Ttti(KI)-¢Ea-lu-ub-lu-ut, C. B. S. 3646. Ttti(KI)-ili-ia-ab-bu-ut, C. B. S. 10469. 47 shtar(4DILBAT)-li-su, 106:8. Ishtar-ri-a-at, 40:2. Ish-ti-Sah, C. B. S. 13464. Fi-RU he 132775. Iz-kur-Addu 1. maléhu, 137:23. Ree eas Iz-kur-Enlil, 122:6 | 130271. Iz-kur-*Ishtar(DILBAT) 1, MGr-,. 17:9 41055. EL. 5. Iz-kur-Marduk, s. of Ardi-Nubaitim, 27:15. Iz-kur-Nergal, 95:53. Iz-kur-NIN-IB, 5:10 | 114:15. Iz-kur-Sukal, 9:18 | 132:18. Te okt Mor 5 it 4. Ka-bit-li(ni)-su, Mar-, 7:5. Kab-ka-du, C. B. S. 3651. Kab(Du)-ra-ai, MGar-, 103:23. Kab-rum(ri), 37:6 | 38:3. Kab-ta-er-ba, Vol. XV, 167:18, is to be in- serted. Kab-ta-i-lu(AN) Mér-, 72:5 | 75:5 | 122:3. Ka-dash-man-Enlil, (sharru), 43:8. Ka-dash-man-Sah, MéGr-, 90:5, 10, 13. Ka-dash-man-Shi-pak, C. B. S., 2120, 11602. Ka-dash-man-Tur-gu, sharru, 37:9 | 38:7 | 39:5 | 40:5 | 41:14 | 42:7. 4Ka-di-li-su, Mar-, 34:3. 4K a-di-mu-tir(or li), Mér-, 17:3. Ka-a-gi, Mar-, C. B. S. 3770. Kal-bu; C: B: 3.422760. Ka-lu-mi-sha, 53:12. Ka-an-du, C. B. S. 12605. Ka-nik-ki, késirum, 76:5. Kar-zi-ba-ra-ta-ash, 85:7. ; Ke Cs. aw ee, Ka-sha-ak-ku-tum, C. B. S. 13464. Ka-shak-ti, of Vol. XIV, 12:13, 38 | 152:12, to be inserted. Kash(Bi)-ia-u, 136:8, 25. Kash-shi-i(shu-ti) 1. Médr-, 118:8. 2. 03:275 Kash(or Bi)-shum-bi,s. of Hulalam, XIV, 12:14, 32, to be inserted. Kash-ta(?)-a-tum, Kashshiti. Kash-ti-il, C. B. S. 3521. Kash-til-ia-shu, sharru, §3:2,43 | 54:21 | 56:12. Kash-til-li, Mér-, 42:2. Ka-si-rum, 130:3. Ka... iri, f. of Burame, 111221, EDU ea 11 pees Ki-din-Addu, 56:8 | 125:5 | 130:78. Ki-din-*AZAG-BI, 113:14. Ki-din-Enlil, 5:3 | 106:23. Ki-din-Gula 1. KAL-, kugarrat, b. of /Usat-Gula, un. of KAL-Tagisha-Gula and ‘/Shiba-isat, 53:8. ; 2. Mér-, 73:7. : Set erAg. Ki-din-i, s. of Idin-Ishtar, *nappahu, 49:4, 17. Ki-din-Marduk 1. Ma@r-, 6:19. ' 22.5210 es tOsiad anaes Ki-din-NIN-IB, 132:87. Ki-din-Nusku, “122 ‘nse Ki-din-Papsukal, 130:2. Ki-din-Sin, KAL-, s. of Habi...., 111:5. Ki-din-Shamash 1. nangaru, Mér-, 106:17. 23012 30; Ki-din-SHU-GAL, EN-BAR-GIG, 15:6. Ki-di-nu-ti, 130:19, 45. Ki-dint-...., 11:4 | 18:19. | Ki-di-tum, 137334. ; Kid-shi-Bar-hu, 9:20. Ki-lam-da-shu, {. of Enlil-nddin-ahé, 51:2. Ki-lam-di-Bu-ri-ia-ash, C. B. S. 3646. Ki-la-an-di-Bu-ri-ia-ash, 1:15. Ki-la-an-di-Marduk, 61:15. Ki-la-an-di-Ub-ri-ia-ash, 68:4 | 72:31 | 75:20 98:18. Ki-la-an...., of Vol. XIV, 12:43, to be in- serted. Ki-il-di-ia, 84:32. sa ae sv ae ag = a OF ae = é TEMPLE ADMINISTRATIVE ARCHIVES OF THE CASSITE PERIOD. Ye Masculine Names. Ki-il-Te-shup (was read in Vol. XV, Ki-il-te-ru), 84:25. Ki-il-te, NI-SUR, Mér-, 106:12. Ki-i-lu-un-di, C. B. S. 3520. Ki-na-as-si, C. B. S., 3651. Ki-ir-ga-gi, Méar-, C. B. S., 3460. Ki-rib-ti, 105 :33. Ki-rib-ti-Enlil, 75:22 TOO 24) 3350,°172 Ki-ts-st, C, .B. S.,. 11683. Ki-sha-a-tum, 130:74. - Ku-u-a, Mér-, 72:11 | 75:10. Ku-ub-bu, 125:2. Ku-bu-ilu, C. B. S., 12605. Ku-du-uk-ka, 84:11. Ku-du-ra-nu 1. s. of Bashi, 95:13. 2. s. of Huzali, 95:45. Ku-dur-Enlil, *4Ku-dur-ri-Enlil, sharru, 44:7 | 45:8 | 46:16 | 47:18. Ku-gul(zir)-me 1. pi-ig-du, 18:9. 2132112. Ku-ul-ku-ul, 90:3. Ku-lu-uh-hu, C. B. 8. 3333. Ku-un-ba-ti, C. B. S. 12636. Ku-un-na, C. B. S. 12605. Kun-nu-gi, C. B. S. 12605. Ku-nu-du-Ub-ri-ia-[ash], 73:11. Ku-nun-di-Bu-ri-ia-ash, 83:21. Ku-nu-nu 1. 2adbil bitati, 116:11. Dar 728. Kun-zi-zak...., Vol. XIV, 12:6, 24, to be in- serted. Kur-dak-me, £. of Iddina-Marduk, 73:5. Kur-di, 85:6. Kurgarti was read KUR-SHA-RA in Vol. XIV. Ku-ri-i, Mér-, 72:8 | 75:8 | 122:4. Ku-ri-ia-a-ni, Mar-, 73:33. Ku-ri-Gal-zu, sharru, 4:1 | 5:1 | 6:1, 9, 13, mule ree Bere Reet fit0:n2s |) TT it P2sIN Viscl. We ose) | tcc |) E727 | FG. De Ku-ru-uk...., Vol. XIV, 12:31, to be inserted. Ku-zi-rat(?)-hu, C. B. S., 13464. , La-bi-shum-bi, Vol. XIV, 12:10, to be inserted. La-qi-pu (was read La-ki-bu and once [z-ki- bu in Vol. XV, 198:48), cf. La-qi-pi, Cepia REALL 1. sha GIS-KAQ-QA, 92:9. Palo pe te TOLe 71:1 | 132:46, see also Vol. XV, 180:3.. La-ni-ba-ash-ilu, Vol. XV, 195:7, is to be in- serted. Cf. La-ni+-ba-ash-ilu,C.B.S. 3416. Li-bur-qi-nu, s. of Pashabzati, kabbi, 92:5. Lil-bu, C. B. S. 3644. Lil-ta-bir-ilu, amél urgi, 59:9. Lil-ta-bir-Shamash, 31:6. Li-shi-ra-ni-Shamash, C. B. S. 13109. Lu(Dib)-a-hu, 95:36. Lu-ti-a@...., 117:9. [Lu-]dar-be-li (in Vol. XV read Lu-dar-be-li- BRGR ELS]. Wks 820, Lul-lu-e, 84:24. Lul-lu-ma-aji-i, 108:5, cf. C. B. S. 10782. Lu-ul-le. . .., ITV:1I. Lul-ta-mar-NIN-IB, 9:17 | 132:17. Lul-ta-mar-Sin was read Ug-ta-mar-Sin, in Vol. XV. Lul-ta-[mar], 4:8. Lu-um-she-en-ni in Vol. XIV was read Lu-ap- she-en-nt. Lu-ri-i, C. B. S. 3646. Lu-ri-ia-me, 132:81. Lussu(UD-DU)-a-na-niir-tEnlil, 12:19 | 34:7 | 118:6. Ma-da-nu, 91:9. Ma-di-ba-bu, 84:8. Ma-ak-ki, 132:90. Man-di-1-bal-lut, 24:7. Man-kit-iu, 132:83. Ma-an-nu-ba-lum-4Shamash, irrishu, 130:79. Man-nu-ba-ti-sha, "riqqu, {. of Innibu, 116:2. Ma-an-nu-ki-ilu, 57:5. Man-nu-tukulti(-ti) (read Man-nu-ku-ti in Vol. XV) . Pista WN D-e0, Sst. 10027. Ma-an-nu...., 130:58. MA-AN-SUM (idin)-*UG(or KISH)-LUL, 20:17. Man-zi-ir, Vol. XIV, 12:6, 18, to be inserted. Marduk-a-bil...., 20:29. Marduk-ibni(KAK), dst, 110:10. Marduk-li-su(zu), 61:13 | 94:4. Marduk-mu-shal-lim, 68:12 | 72:30. 78 UNIV. MUS. BABYL. SEC. Masculine Names. Marduk-mu-kin-SHI, (perhaps murashshi, TUK-shi) 53:3, 44 | 93:13. Marduk-MU...., s. of Rabdé-sha...., 49:8. Marduk-nasir, mékisu, 58:4. < Marduk-ni-shu was read Marduk-epush-shu in Vol. XV. Marduk-ri-man-m1, 13:46. Marduk-she-mi, 15:10. Marduk-shum-iddina, or Marduk-ndédin-shum, T22°15; Marduk-shum-u-sur, C. B. S. 3670. Mar-ka...., 130:40. Mar-si, C. B. S. 3642. Mar-tu-ku, 118:28. : Ma-si-“[Bélit] was read Zu-si-+....,in Vol. XV. Me-li-Marduk, s. of Nahzt, 136:20. Me-li-Mi-nim-zi-ir, Vol. XIV, 12:6, to be in- serted. Me-li-Shi-pak, 114:17. Me-e-Tur-gu, C. B. S. 13490. Mi-lu-tum (perhaps Silu(MI-lu)-tum), 73:2. Mi-na-a-e-gi-a...., 91:13. Mi-na-a-e-pu-ush-ilu, 111:20. Mi-in-di-t-bal-lu-ut, cf. Man-di-i-ba-al-lut, KAL-, s. of Agia, 111:26. Mi-sha-rum, r@% imeré, 95:17. Mu-dam-mi-iq-Addu, (Mu-) Mudammig-Addu 1. Mar-, 20:36. Pia entre Wace he $i Mu-kal-lim Fn 7S:) Ol) A Odean egies 2. s: of /Gadilti, 122:22. 3. s. of Humba-rimanni, 95:37. 3. Mar-, 46:14. 4. 1:8. | 67213 | 72%24*| 108:0, Mu-ra-ni 1. f. of KAL-Ahu-DU-kan, 111:9, ro. 2. f. of ‘Zaprum, 13625\>12. 3. hu. of *Shagat-ina-AGA DE**, 95:32, 35. 4. Mar-, 121:27. 5. KAL-, 151:12. 6. 108:4 | 143:16. ; Mu-she-tiq(?)-Shamash, was read Mu-li-Sha- mash in Vol. XV. Mush-te-shi-mu, 95:14. Na-bi-4Enlil, C. B. S., 11003. Na-bi-um-na-din(nddin)-ah-hi(ahhi),s. of Ardi- Nubatti, 2:3, 10, 20. Nabii-ah....1:17. _ Nabi-4Lamassi-shu, f. of Bail-Marduk, 25:3. Nabi-li-su, 34:37. Nabi-na-si-ir, C. B. S. 3641. Na-bu-qu, C. B. S. 11899. Nabi-shar-ra-ah, MéGr-, 83:26. Na-gu-tum, 132:60. Na-gu-u, C. B. S. 12790. Na-hi-ra-ni, C. B. S. 9960. Na-hi-ish-she-mu, C. B. S. 3494. Na-ah-zi, f. of Meli-Marduk, 136:20. Nannar(4SIS**)-me-du, 106:25. Na-an-Te-shup (was read Na-an-te-ru in Vol. SV), 032744) Na-nu, C. BOS 11007: Nap-shi-ra-Marduk, 130:12. Nap-shi-ra-Shamash, 121:10, 35. Nap-shi-ri-Béltu, Napshiri(-ri)-Béltu, Mér-, 9227 ANTS 7. Na-’-ri-e, C. B. S. 3840. Na(?)-ra(?)-shu, 130:43. Na-si-rum, 48:19, 23. Na-zi-Ma-ru-ta-ash(tash), sharru, 20:43 | 21:5 | 22:15, | 23:rz | 24:6 | 29:13 | 26:24 27:25. Na-zi-Marat-tash, 27:25. Na-zi-Mu-ru-ta-ash(tash), 19:2, 14 | 28:8 29:10 | 30:10 | 31:10 | 32:6 | 33:8 85041 Goi. Nergal-mu-shal-lim, hu. of SLabi’tum, 53:33. Nergal-mush-shi, C. B. S. 13455. Nergal(4*SHI-DU)-nésir(SIS), 6:18. Nim-gi-ra-Har-be, C. B. S. 13490. NIN-IB-ah-i-din-nam(idinnam) 1. s. of Ahu-bani, 125:10. 2. s. of Ardi-Nubbattim, ishparu, ardu sha Ibni-Marduk, 27:5. 3-.9:4'| 13:32, |)100:14 | 116:11 } 13274, 33: NIN-IB-bél-shu-nu, C. B. S. 3511. NIN-IB-dajén, 68:2. NIN-IB-e-a, s. of Mannu-kuti(?), 55:1. NIN-IB-1-pi-ra-ni, C. B. S. 13253. NIN-IB-kara-bi-ish-mi(me), 9:13 | 15:5 | 132-43. NIN-IB-mu-bal-lit, (mu-ba-al-lit), nangaru, 17:3 | 59:83] 8532)[) rr7t2: NIN-IB-mu-dam-mi-iq, tupshar, s. of Arhishu- nG$ir, 27:22. TEMPLE ADMINISTRATIVE ARCHIVES OF THE CASSITE PERIOD. 79 Masculine Names. NIN-IB-mu-shal-lim, 93:7. NIN-IB-mu-tir-gimillu (was read NIN-IB-mu- tir-shu in Vol. XIV and XV), 7:6 | 98:14 | 118:27. NIN-IB-nédin-ah-hi, 43:9 | 45:9. NIN-IB-na-sir, 137:28. NIN-IB-ni-shu, 7:19 | 35:3 | 89:10. NIN-IB-ra-im-zér, NIN-IB-r@’im-zér, 103:18 | 1167304. 13727: NIN-IB-résh, arad ekalli, 95:43. NIN-IB-résh-dannu, @bil babi, 133:18 | 137i25: NIN-IB-résh, 38:5 | 115:6 | 117:1 | 133:48 (Amél-GIS-BAR, C. B. S. 9950). NIN-IB-résh-iléni, 1:16. NINIB-rim-ilint, 91:8. NINIB-ri-man-ni, 9:6 | 132:6. NINIB-shum-iddina, 109:46. NINIB-za-kir-shu-mi, s. of Béli-iddinnam, 1. NIN-SA R-a-lik-idi-a, C. B. S. 11430. NIN-SAR-bél-u-sur, 118:43. Ni-tp-pu-ru-4% 1:11. Ni-pu-tum; C:.-Bi'S. 3473. Ni-ra-ash(rum) si RS KAL-Erishu, TL: 2. 84:27, 4o. Ni-si-in-a, XIV, 12:23, to be inserted. Ni-st-in-ni-du(?), 133:21. Nu-uh-hu-ri, Vol. XIV, 12:4, 27,'31, to be inserted. Nu-na-ak-te, 137:26. Nun/(zil)-sha-hi, 84:28. Niir-Addu, 58:11. Nir-Amurru, (*MAR-TU and ¢KUR) (was read Is-sab-K UR in Vol. XV), 100:17. Nir-t*AZAG-bi, MGr-, 34:4. Niur-bél-ilani, 66:0. Nér-ili(NI-NI)-shu, C. B. S. 11003. Néri(LAH)-shu-unammir(LAH), 2:14. Nir-*Ish-ha-ra, 13:40. Nir-Ishtar(¢DIL-BAT, ¢*U-DAR) 1. s. of Igisha-Enlil, 27:18. 2. arad ekalli, 18:4, 5. 2 a 2Or26 | SO72":|) 7858. Nir-Marduk, s. of Shili, 50:2, 6, 16. Nir-Nergal(4SHI-DU) 1. Mér-, f. of Hunnubu, 106:14. Pe PUROAL, OL :12. Nir-Shamash, zammeru, 29:3. Niir-4Shu-shi-na-ak, C. B. S. 3251. Nu-ur-Te-shup, 132:28. Niri-. «8 5 103:22. Nusku-ah-iddina, 95:5. Nusku-bél-shu-nu, 95:47. Nusku-er-ba, 95:31. Nusku-e-ti-rum, 95:49. Nusku-ibni, Méar-, (cf. Nusku-ib-ni, C. B. S. 31036), SOuzp/1 50 Nusku-la-it-ilini, was read Nusku-abu(?)- rabu(?)-ildnt in Vol. XV. Nusku-mu-shab-shi, 95:19. Nusku-mu-shal-lim, 106:13. Nusku-mush-te-shir, 95:2. Nusku-mu-tab-li, 95:16. Nusku-nésir, 125:14 | 143:20. Nusku-ni-shu, f. of Taribtum, 59:5. Nusku-ra-im-balati(TI), 7:16. Nusku-r@im-zer(?) (cf. C. B. S. 3737), 12:18. Nusku-ri-man-ni, 141:6. Nusku-she-im-mi-1, 88:8. Nusku-ta-qish-bu-ul-lit, 14:3. Pa-i-da, 84:31. | Pa-ka-bu, 13034. Pa-li-li, Méar-, C. B. S. 11807. Pén-Marduk-lu-mur was read Limur(SHT)- Marduk, in Vol. XV. Pa-an-ni, 132:65. Pa-ap-pa, 11:20. Pa-shab-za-ti, f. of Libur-qinu, 92:5. Pat-si Teles 7: yy Pee eis Pi-ik-ka-an-du, Vol. XIV, 12:17, 29, to be in- serted. Pi-li-Ishtar, 26:2. - Pi-gid-4Sibi, Vol. XIV, 105:4, is to be in- serted (the name was read Pi-v-4Sib1). Pi-ra-di of Vol. XV, is to have the reference 190 II:27 instead of 190 I:27. Pi-ir-hi-Amurru(¢4KUR), Pir-i-Amurru (4M AR-TU) 08:5 £3°7:30. Pir-hi-4*Sukal, s. of Hanibi, 78:2. Pir(or Tam)-hi-Te-shup, C. B. S. 3492. Pir-me, 132:31. Pir-na-qu, 95:34. Qar-ra-du was read Kar-ra-du in Vol. XV. Qi-is-ri, {. of Sin-muballit, 136:7. Sor UNIV. MUS. BABYL. SEC. Masculine Names. Qi-sha-ah-bu-ut of Vol. XV is not fem. and is to have the reference 188 II:13. Qishat(SH A-BA)-Amurru(4¢*MAR-TU),170:73. Oishat(SHA-BA)-4E-a, "bantu, 73:26. Qishat(SH A-BA)-Gula, 133:30, 49. Qi-sha-at-*Marduk, Qishat(SH A-BA)-Marduk, TAcA HG Dr Ore L L520. Qishat(SHA-BA)-4SITR, 42:4, 8. Qi-is-ri, f. of Sin-muballit, 136:7. Qu-ba-nu(ni) 1. TUR-SAL-, 10338. 2.136320. Qu-na-ni-bi, Mar-, 11 4:2. Qu-ru-un-ni, C. B. S., 3516. Qu-qu-ba-an-nu, C. B. S. 10469. R@im-hit-ti, 143-22. Ra-i-mu, C. B. S. 3644. Ra-sha-*Ba-ui, Mar-, 95:51. Rabi-(a-)sha-¢Gu-la, Ra-bi-a-sha-*Gula, 9:5 | Lith [VIS Bee Rabi-a-sha-ilu, Mér-, 72:22. Raébi-sha-Marduk, 139:8. Raba-sha-Nergal, 95:38 | 137:16. Rab-a-sha-NIN-IB 1. b. of Gubbuhu and Taklaku-ana- NINIB, 18:13. 2. ishparru, 111:17. Beare Way Ve 4. 5u:1, 26 | 66:4°| -73220,|"'0827. Rab-a-sha...., f. of Marduk-MU...., 49:9. Rab-e-lam-ma-shu, Mér-,{. of Usatusha, 1314:6, DE: Ra-ba-ti, Méar-, 34:20. Ra-bi-e-lam-ma-shu, Mar-, mandidu, 106:10. - Rak-rib-ba-ti, (cf.. Rak-ra-ba-ti,, Vol. XV), f. of [lidiu, 51:3. Ra-qu-ui, C. B. S., 3487. Résh-Enlil, C. B. S. 3644. x Résh-kil-li of Vol. XIV is 132:26 instead of a aehs ROR: Mare ex: Ri-esh-A psu(ZU-AP), C. B. S. 3670. Ri-esh-e-ri-ib-shu of Vol. XV, 186:14, is to be inserted. Ri-esh-na-pa-ah-shu 1. Mér-, 60:4 | 65:3 | 81:20. 2..75°23' 1 Su:go, Ri-ma(?)-i-ma(?)-ba-tum, 116:12. Ri-gi-im-4*Addu, 106:21. Ri-hi-it-4Gula, C. B. S. 3816. Ri-hi-tu-sha, 95:33. Ri-mu-tim (ti) 1. s. of Ardi-Nubattim, 27:17. 2. s. of Zapri, 2:16. 3. 29:6 | 48:20 | 79:4 | 118:25 | 133:27, 47. *Rigqqu, f. of Taribtum, 73:30. Ri-ish-E-sag-ila, 106:15. Ri-ish-Ki-nu-ni bal Gr- eT 336s ua re 2. TZ00L0: Ri-ish %b4U-lu-lu, Mér-, 13:7. Ri-esh(ish)-tu-shu, Mér-, 72:18. Ri-esh(ish)-tu-shu 1. Mér-, 72:18. 2. KA-ZID-DA, 137:6. 3. tupshar, 133332. 4. 91:7 | 106:22 | 118:55 | 122:8. Runa?) 02. £93513. Sa-bi-ha-ri, Mér-, 90:6. Sag-gi...., 524. Sa-ak-ka, C. B. S., 3513. Sa-am-bi, s. of Ar-mi of Vol. XIV, 12:2, to be inserted. Sa-am-bi-ha-ri, of Vol. XIV, 12:9, to be inserted. Sa-mi-di, C. B. S. 12766. Sa-a-mu; 11:6. Sa-an-qu, C. B. S. 3685. Sa-nu-na, of Vol. XIV, 12:43, to be inserted. Si-ia-tum, 163:16. : Si-ib-bu-sha...., £. of Ardi-Nergal, 106:5. Si-gi, 13:45 | 84:20, 39 | 132732. Si-gi-tum, KAL, 111:24. Sig-li .1. Mar-, 73:8. a 14esy Si-kil-di, C. B. S. 12605. Si-kil-tum, "bant, 59:6. Si-ki-in...., Vol. XIV, 12:15, to be inserted. 4Si-mu-tu-érish(PIN-ish), C. B. S. 12605. Si-il-Te-shup (was read Si-il-te-ru in Vol. XV), 84:41. Silo’. oer s2-70, Si-li, 132:88. Sin-a-bi-en-[shi], 130:44. Sin-a-da-lal, 121:5, 13. Sin-ah-erish, 105:7, 17. Sin-ah-iddina, 84:23 | 103:4 | 138:17. (sha siribi, C. B. S. 9938.) er Ss = = TEMPLE ADMINISTRATIVE ARCHIVES OF THE CASSITE PERIOD. 81 Masculine Names. Sin-apil-E-kur, 116:1. Sin-apil...., 15:12. Sin-bal-ti, C. B. S. 11505. Sin-bél-iléni, 20:33. Sin-bél-zér, f. of Huddimanu, 59:4. Sin-da(?)-ma-qu, Mar-, 46:5. Sin(?)-du-gul of Vol. XV 188, IV:24, is to be inserted. Sin-e-pi-[ir], 132:59. Sin-érish(-ish) 1. s. of Bahuti, 100:7. Bee OU O87 Sin-e-til-lum, 15:4. Sin-ga-mil, "SAK, 136:15, 22. Sin-ib-ni, s. of Ardi-AZAG-SHUD, 27:19. Sin-i-din-nam, 132:63. Sin-ig-mi-il-an-ni, 13:34. Sin-im-gur-an-ni, 18:26. Sin-i-mit-ti, 95:27. Sin-i-qi-sha, 85:8. Sin-i-ri-ba(-am), 106:28 | 116:13. ' Sin-ir-ra, Vol. XV, 196:18, is to be inserted. Sin-ish-man-ni, Mér-, 92:12. Sin-is-sah-ra, 138:6. Sin-ish-ma...., 130:42. Sin-kara-bi-ish-me (written Sin-ka-ra-bi-esh- meer. Bo: (6t803), 0:8. Sin-mu-bal-lit Gea.) OF (577; E30°7- Bayo 275-1) | BES 33; Sin-mu-shal-lim, 113:27. Sin-mu-tab... %, 130:46. Sin-nap-shi-ra, 118:49. Sin-nddin-ahé 1. s. of Addu-sharru, 135:Col. V, 9. « ae L327 20. Sin-na-din-ah-hi, Mdar-, 106:11. Sin-nddin-shum 1) GS8%, 10-11. Be tgol, 77 Os) 04, Sin-pi-la-ah, 15:3. Sin-ra-im-u-ri, C. B. S. 61509. Sin-she-en-me-i, Mdr-, 100:10. Sin-she-im-me-i (same as previous name, 13:47). Sin-za-ki-ri, C. B: S. 3423. Sip-pi, 17:15, 16. St-ir-rt, C. B. S. 3534- Si-si-ti-4Nergal, 13:36. Su-bu-11.:.., 9124. Su-bur-Addu, C. B. S. 3732. Su-ud-du-u, C. B. S. 8999. Sukal-érish, 95:23. Sukal-li-su, 106:4. Sukal-ta-am-lak-ilani was read Ea-tamlak-ildni in XIV), Mér-, 34:6. Sukal-tukulti(-tt), 95:48. Su-rd-ash, 132:37. Sha-*Ba-na-a, 100:16 | 126:12. Sha-du-rum-te, 11:8. Sha-du-ni-, KAL, in ™Sha-du-ni**, *addubu, TLista: [Sha]-ga-ra-ak-ti, 130:72. Sha-ga-rak-ti-Enlil, abdu, 63:22. Sha-ga-rak-ti-Shu-ri-ia-ash, sharru, 48:24 | 49:16 | 50:14 | 51:25 | 54:10. Sha-garak-ti-Shu-ri-ash, 52:7. Shag-gi-ia, C. B. S. 3530. Shag-ila-da-ri, 83:23. Sha-ki-di-ni, 62:12. Sha-lim-pa-lih-tAddu, mékisu, 13:32. Sha-lim-pa-li-ih-ili-shu of Vol. XIV, was read Sha-shi.... Shal-shi-lu-mur, Mar-, 73:9. Shamash-ah-iddina, :341, 18 | 108:15. Shamash-bél-kit-ti, s. od Aspu-GAL...., 10033. Shamash-da-bi-bi, ishparu, MGr-, 13:4, 31. Shamash-dajan, 113:11. Shamash-di-ni-épush(K AL), 108:11. Shamash-e-pi-ir, 7:3. Shamash-i-din-nu, 9:3. Shamash-i-qi-sha-am, (igisham), 48:12, 17. Shamash-mu-dam-mi-iq(mu-SHI-BIR), 3:3, 8 | 118:31. Shamash-nédin-shum(or (shum-iddina) ,*117:4. Shamash-nap-shi-ra, 83:32. Shamash-ndasir, 50:3, 12. Shamash-nu-ri, KAL-TUR-, 92:2. Shamash-pi-la-ah, C. B. S. 13499. Shamash-rabi, 113:2. Shamash-ri-man-ni, at, 95:41. Shamash-ri-u-a, C. B. S. 13480. Shamash-shar...., 10:7. Shamash-shum-iddina, kudimmu, 106:22. Shamash-su-lu-li(zu-lu-li) 118:34 | 130:77. Shamash-tak-la-ku, suhitum, 55:3. Shamash-ub(or ar)-shu, 117:12. Sham-hu-u-tum, was read U-hu-u-tum in Vol. XIV. 82 UNIV. MUS. BABYL. SEC. Masculine Names. Sha-mi-ni(or sili)-sha, (*)KA-ZU, 48:16. Sha-am-shi-Marduk, 13:47. Sha-mu-uh-Nergal, 79:6 | 118:46. 4Sha-mu...., 13:46. Shap(Sap)-pur-ni, C. B. 8. 3492. Shari-Nusku-alak(DU), 105:62 | 129:17, 19. Sha-ri-Za-na, 73:3. Shar-ri-gi, Vol. XIV, 97:7, to be inserted. Sharru-dajan 1. kasiri, 135:Col. V, Io. 2. Mar-, 72:10 | 7S:1t | 122320. She-im-mi-i, was read She-’-mi-i in Vol. XV, see also Vol. XV: 188, IV:23. She-en-ni 1. KAL-, s. of Ilu-ippashra, 111:18. 23. 11320-)] *E28%To: She-en-ni-1a, 132-42, 85. She-en-nu-na, 11:14 | 132:58. She-ri-ia...., Vol. XIV, 12:30, 41, to be in- serted. Shi-da-ur(lik)-AN, Mér-,. 4:4. Shi-ga-di-Sah, ardi sharri, 18:16. Shi(?)-ga-ri-Til-la, 84:12. Shi-li 1. f. of Nuér-Marduk, 50:2. ONL 3 227%, Shim-di-Bu-ri-ta-ash, 137:11. Shim-di-Sah, kashshti, 103:17. Shim(Rik)-ri-ish, Vol. XIV, 12:39, to be in- serted. Shi(?)-pa-ar...., 122112. Shi-ip-pi-it-sha, C. B. S. 3646. Shi-ri-du, C. B. S. 3525. Shi-ri-ilu, Méar-, 106:7. Shi-ri-in-du Vol. XIV, 12:11, 36, to be in- serted. Shi-ri-ish-ti, 90:18. Shi-tr-ni-Sah, {. of Ibni-Marduk, 125:12. di S-T UR 10783 Shu-ub-bu-ri, Mar-, 17:6. Shub-shi-Sukal, was read Ru-shi-Sukal in Vol. XIV. Shub-shi...., GIR, 20:31. *Shu-ud-da-e-pir was read Ilu-shu-urra-e-pir (ir) in Vol. XV. Shu-hi-la (cf. Shu-hu-li-Shu-gab, Scheil, Del. en Perse), f. of Ubbulti-lishir, 51:4. Shu-gul-me, or Ku-kul-me, 9:12. Shu-gur-Te-shub, 84:10. Shu-ul-lu-qu, C. B. S. 12617. Shu-ma-ilu, 105:57 | 137:31. (Shu-um-ma-li, perhaps the same, was read Shu-um- zu-li, in Vol. XV). Shu-ma-lum (cf. preceding name), f. of A hua- tbni, 110:8. Shum-ma-ak(aq)-la-an of Vol. XIV, perhaps with Meissner to be read Shum-ma- bs (4) Nabii-la-ilu. Shu-ma-ilu was read Shu-zu-ilu in Vol. XV. Shum-ma-la-4Marduk, 5:11. Shum-man-la-Marduk, C. B. S. 3737. Shum-shu-nu 1. nuhatimmu, 48:8. 2. Mdr-, 106:209. Shu-ri-ha...., 98:12. Shu-ru-ut-te, piqdu, Mér-, 18:4. Shizub(-ub)-Addu, 118:40. Shu-zu-ub-Marduk, Shiizub(KAR-ub)-Marduk Peres 20:37; 2. nangaru, 92:4. BAOS LED 5037 3321 Shizub(-ub)-NIN-IB, 46:4 | 132:43. Shu-zu-bu, 34:16 | 106:13. Shiizub(KAR)-Urash(4IB), 125:1. Sii(MI-li)-Addu, 132:38. Sili(MI-li)-Bélti-Ak-ka-di, Vol. XV, 52:6, is to be inserted | 59:10. Sili( MI-li)-E-a-lu-ub-lu-[ut], C. B. S. 13510. Stli(MI-li)-Marduk, 7:10. Sili-Nergal, nangaru, 130:7. Sii-(MI-li)-Shamash . 1. MGr-, 72:19. 2. 17:4 | 106:2 | also Vol. XV, 108:3. oui(MI-li)...., Mér-, 125:6. 4Sir-shar-ilaéni, C. B. S. 3781. S1-su-nam-rat was read Si(?)-ma(?)-nam-rat in Vol. XV. Tab-bi-u-sur-A d-du, 118:42. Ta-di-ba-bu, 84:7. Ta-a-qu, C. B. S. 13499. Ta-gu, 132:80. Ta-i-Til-la_ was XV. Tak-la-ku, KAL-, s. of Muréni, 111:10. Tak-la-ku-a-na-be-li-ia, 63:12 | 105361. Tak-la-ku-a-na-Marduk, 118:54. Tak-la-ku-a-na-NIN-IB, b. of Rabé-sha- NINIB and Gubbuhu, 18:14. read Ta-i-be-la in Vol. es i i i i TEMPLE ADMINISTRATIVE ARCHIVES OF THE CASSITE PERIOD. 83 Masculine Names. Tak-lu, Vol. XIV, 168:25 to be inserted. Ta-ku-sha-Har-be, C. B. S. 13464. Ta-ni-il-la, 11:12. Ta-gi-sha-Gula 1. KAL-, s. of /Usét-Gula, 53:6 | b. of 1Shiba-isdt, nephew of KAL-Kidin- Gula, 53:7. F216 17) 1100'S! || 413-29} 432:04. Ta-qi-shu, Gti, 117:17. Ta-ri-ba-Gula, 62:11. Ta-ri-ba-ilu, 13:30 | 122:11. Ta-ri-bi Bene Ot OA ae sf TO3°2Te 2. Mér-, 130:9. Ta-rib-ium 1. s. of Ahatani, késirum, 2. s. of Nusku-nishu, 59:9. 3. S. Of *riggu, 73:39- 4. 73:14 | 136:9. Ta-ri-bu 1. hazénu, 91:6. ; 2. 34:33 | 58:6 | 95:15 | 118:26. Ta-ri-bu-ni, 62:5. Tar-ku-a-bu of Vol. XV, I intended to omit, having corrected the reading into Hash-ma-a-bu, which is correct, see 84:16. Tar(Kud)-sha-mi, C. B. S. 3667. Ta-ru-ub-tum, "KU, 48:11. Ta-at-ta, 35:11. Te-it-ti, MGr-, 7:20. 4TIR-AN-NA-ra-bat was read *SHE-RIR-an- na-ra-bat in Vol. XIV. Ti-it-[tum], (see above Te-it-ti), 132:70. Tu-gu-uh-li, C. B. S. 3225. Tuk-ki-Shar, 84:15. Tuk-ki-Te-shub, 84:10. Tu-kul-ti-4A (?)-GU(?)-DA, 20:30, 33, 40. Tu-kul-ti--Nabti, C. B. S. 11003. Tu-kul-ti-NIN-IB, Tukulti(-ti)-NI NIB, 106:8 1o8:17 | 132°137; Tu-kul-tum, 118:32. Tu-ku...., f. of Enlil-nishu, 111:17. Tu-ra-2.... , of Vol. XIV, is 14:11 instead of 26:11 (cf. following name). Tu-ra-ilu, 134:7. Tu-ra-ri-Te-shup (was real Tu-ra-ri-te-ru in Vol. XV) C. B. S. 3646. Tab(HI-ab)-a-da-ash, 9:14 | 132:14. , Tab(HI-ab) ashéb(KU)-shu, *KA-ZID-DA, 73728. Ta-bi-ia, 35:4 | 133:16. Ta-a-bi and Ta-bi-ia of Vol. XV was read Da-a-bi and Da-bi-ia. Tab(HI-ab)-ki-din-shu, Tab(HI-ab)-ri-gim-shu, 59:3. Tab(HI-ab)-sili(MI-li)-sha, 116:19. Tab(HI-ab)-KAR-shu-nu, C. B. S., 10782. U-ba-ai, MGr-, 106:20, 23. U-bal-li-is-su-Marduk, Ubalissu(-su)-Marduk U-bal-li-su-Marduk, U-be-li-su-Mar- duk, 2:12, | 7:8 | go:9 | 106:26 | 118:5. U-bar-rum, 58:3. Ub-bu-ul-ti(SIG-ti)-li-shir, (li-shi-ir, lishir, SI-DI) 1. s. of Shuhila, 51: 4, 28. 2. s. of STaribium, "KU, 47:7. 3. 73:29 | 100:4 | 114:14. U-da-an-ni-me-di of Vol. XIV is registered correctly Lu-da-an-ni-me-d1. U-da-sha-rum, 1:6. Uk-ni-damqu(SHANGA) of Vol. XV was read Uh-ni-Bau(SHUL). U-la-gi-su-uk(?), 90°8. U-lam-ga-di-di, Mér-, 125:13. U-la-za-na, 132:86. Ul-tu-ili, C. B. S. 9254- U-lu-li-ti, (read U-lu-ni-iu in Vol. XV), Mér-, ree Ul-im-ta...., 130:47- Um(UD)-bi-da-du, C. B. S. 13490. Um-bi-ia-en-ni, C. B. S. 12605. Um-bi-Te-shup was read Um-bi-te-ru in Vol. XV. Umi-shu-limir(-ir) 1. s. of Abdi, ishparru, 59:11. 2. 'nuhatimmsy, 48:6. Un-nu-nu, 84:30. Upahhir(NIGIN)-¢Addu, bant, 29:5- U-qa-résh-ili of Vol. XV, was read U-ga-shak- ilu. Ur-hi-ia, 132:47.- Ur-hi-Te-shup (was read Ur-hu-te-ru in Vol. XV), 132:61. Ur-gi-id, 75:21. U-ri...., 132279. U-ri-Marduk, 103:6. 84 UNIV. MUS. BABYL. SEC. Masculine Names. Ur-li-ru, C. B. S. 3492. Ur-pa-bi and Ur-pa-ni-bi of Vol. XV to be read I p-pa-ni-bt. 4Ur-ra-ga-mil, 6:13. Ur-ru-zu, 95:8. ‘Uruk**-raba, NI-SUR, Mér-, 92:6. UR-*Ba-u, Mér-, C. B. S. 11538. U-sa-ti, 110:7. U-sa-tu-ti-a 1. s. of Enlil-mushallim, 27:20. ee 2 ALE U-za-tu-sha 1. s. of Rabelammashu, 131a:5, 10, b. 4, 11. AS Orie e > TO0i0 | T424t. Ush-bi-1-Sah, C. B. S. 12605. Ush(nit)-ni(li)-Addu, s. of Addu-zékir, 136:23. Ush-ri-bi, f. of Tsat-Gula, 53:37. Ush-shu-tu-tum, 20:11. Ut-te(?)-uw-a, 111:25. U-za-an-ni-e-a, 116:8. U-za-at-Marduk, gallabu, 68:9. U-zi-shi-Sah, C. B. S. 13490. Za-ap-rum(rt) 1. s. of Muranu, 136:5, 12. 2. f. of Rimiitum, 2:16. 3. Mar-, 106:1. Za-ki-rum(ri) 1. f. of Hunabu, 89:13. 2. "KA-ZU, 48:14) 15) 3. Mér-, 80:6 | 125:o9. ALISIIS LTT 7 4G OF eres oe Za-kt-ri-i, 54:2, 19. Za-al-mi, *"damgar, 105:55. Zu-uh-hu-tum, 95:9. Zu-mu-la-an, C. B. S. 9854. Zu-un-du-ri, amél urqi, f. of Iriba-Marduk, 47:14. . Zu(or Ma)-ri-a, 132:77. .. .an-da-ri-shu(?)-im(?), 84:36., nangaru, 130.25. .. .ash-shu-u, 130:26. ...bél-aplu, nargaru, 130:21. ..di-ba-nu, 133:54. ... hu-zu-rum, 118:39. ..trim-shu, Mér-, 122:10., 90:21. .. US-SU-’-U, 130:22. .. .U-shir, 118:38., 132:40 ...M-1a, 84:37., Mér-, 86:21. . .she-en-ni, 84:38. ..4Shu-qga-mu-na, suhartum, s. of Agabtaha, T20:T2, eb -IMe, ByeOn ...20-rt, s. of Hushshi-Galzu, Vol. XIV, 12:18 to be inserted. Feminine Names. II. tA-da-ri.... , 142:8. t Ai-ri-tum, d. of ™Ka-baltt, 53:38. ‘Aja-i-nu-ush-sha-du, C. B. S. 12635. OH Sheree, 132i07, TAl-si-gu, C. B.S. 9803. A-lish-pi, 103:5. 1Am-mi-ni-an-ni, 53:31. !A-na-di-ni-sha-at-kal, 137215. 1A-na-4A psu-tak-la-ku, 53:11. 1A-pa-a-bi-sha, C. B. S. 13253. ° 1AS-su-me, 11:3. ‘As-su-rum, C. B. S. 3638. ‘Ash-shum-mi-ia-li-bur, C. B. S. 12635. ‘A-ta-mar-qat(SHU)-sa, 53:16. /Ba-aq-ra-tum, 137:13. Bal-ti-Addu, Mérat, GAB, 53:34. 4Ba-ru-un-du...., 18:25. 4Bu-un-na-Bélit-E-kur, C. B. S. 3646. 4Bur-ru-uk-tum, arad (=amat) ékalli, 18:6. 4Da-aja-an-TI-i-na-Uruk**, SAL-TUR-, 89:4. 1Di-mash-sha-nam-rat, C. B. S. 13455. 4Ga-di-il-ti, f. of ™"Mukallim, 122:22. 4Ha-mi-na-ar-tum, C. B. S. 3650. 4 Har-ra-an-sha-ri-sha-at, (was read Kash-sha- ri-shat in Vol. XV), Mérat-, 53:10. 4H u(pak)-2i, 132:93. 4] d-ki-tum-ri-bat, C. B. S. 9803. !T-lat-Gula, d. of Ushribi, 53:37. S]-na-E-kur-shar-rat, SAL-TUR-, 89:3. 4I-na-ish-sha-im-ri-ir of Vol. XV was read I-na-pi-sha-im-ri-ir. 4I-na-ni-ip-hi-sha-al-si-ish, 53:32. TEMPLE ADMINISTRATIVE ARCHIVES OF THE CASSITE PERIOD. 85 ST-na-shar-sha-al-si-ish, SAL-TUR-, 53:20. 4I-na-UL-MASH-shar-rat, C. B. S. 3640, cf. fUL-MASH-sharrat(LUGAL-at) of Vol. XV and /I-na-E-UL-MASH- shar-rat,-C. B. S. 13253. 1T-na-zu-bu-ri-sha-unammir(-ir), 95:46, cf. Vol. Ve LOG2i, 1In-bi-Ai-ri, 142:16. 4T-ri-en-shi-Gula, C. B. S. 3648. f]-ri-sha-ina-pani-maéti(KUR), C. B.S. 13455. 4 Ki-(or Itti)-Bélit-ah-bu-na, C. B. S. 3640 R. I Kash-ia-um, C. B. S. 3689. 4Ki-na-az-zi, (as-si), C. B. S. 3650. 4Ki-sha-ti-la, d. of...., 53:18. 4La-bi-um, wi. of ™Nergal-mushallim, 55:33. 4La-ki-ib-tum, C. B. S. 9803. 4La-mas-su-tum was read /PIN(?)-su-tum in Vol. XV. 4Li-ba-a-shu, Mérat-, 86:5. 4T1-ta-at-4Gula, C. B. S. 3460, R. 4Lu-ul-ta-mar-zi-kir-sha, C. B. S. 12635. 4Ma-la-ka-a-i-tum of Vol. XV was read Ba- la-ka-a-i-tum. 4Man-di-i-bal-lu-u{, SAL-TUR-, 53:17. 4Ma-an-nu-sha-Nusku was read Zu-an-nu-sha- ; Nusku in Vol. XV. 4Mi-il-ha-aja-tum, C. B. S. 12635. 4Mi-sha-ri-tum, 53:9. 4Mu-na-shi, C. B. S. 12767. 4Nim-ma-ki, C. B. S. 13498. 4Ni-in-aqja-tum, C. B. S. 13498. ININ-LIL-i-shat-ni, Pirsatum-, 53:14. 4Ni-ik-ka-aju-tum, C. B. S. 13456. SNi-sa-ni-tum, (was read Ni-ir-ni-tum in Vol. XV) 142:10. 4Rab-bat-Gula, 142:6. fRa-ab-din-sha, 95:29. fRa-ah-di-E-UL-MASH, C. B. S. 3486. 4Ri-mu-tu-Gula, TUR-SAL-GAB, 53:22. SRi-shat-Gula, TUR-SAL-GAB, 53-29. fRi-shat-i-na-she-ri-tim, mo. of /Usat-Gula, CLG 59.253 4Ri-sha-tum, 53:15. 4Ri-shu-im-bu-sha, C. B. S. 13248. 4Sin-a-bu-sha, 142:7. 4 Sin-lu-ud-lu-ul (lul) 1. d. of “Habanat, 53:23. 255142513: 4Si(GAR)-zu-ni-nu(?)-, 142:9. 4Su-da-e-mu-ga-sha, C. B. S. 3649. 4Sha-ku-Uruk*‘-udammiq, C. B. S. 3649. Sha-qat(-at)-ina-A-GA-DE,**, wi. of"Murdnu, 95:35. ; fSha-qat-i-na-Nippur**, C. B. S. 3649. fSha-silu(IS-MI-lu)-sha, 53:13. SShi-ba-na-at, C. B. S. 12767. $Shi-i-ba-i-lat, Pirsatum-, d. of /Usat-Gula, b. of KAL-"Tagisha. fShi-i-da-aja-na, C. B. S. 13253. fShi-pat-sa-Til-la, 53:26. fShu-zu-li-ia, C. B. S. 9803 $Ta-ra-ash-i-na-sag-tla. $Ta-ra-shu-tum, 53:24. fTa-ri-ba-tum, SAL-TUR-, 53:25. $Ta-rib-tum, "KU, mo. of ™Ubbulti-lishir, 47:8. 4T1-ik-ki-tum, 133:7, 40, 58. tTi-la-aji-i-tum, “Woman from Tila,” was read Balat-ar-ium in Vol. XV. fTil-mu-na-a-i-tum was read /Be-mu-na-a-1- tum in Vol. XV. ; fU-sat-Gula, d. of fRishat-ina-shéritim, mo. of KAL-"Tagisha-Gula, and Pirsatum- fShi-bailat, and si. of KAL-"Kzidin- Gula, 53:5. $Zu-da-e-mu-ga-sha, C. B. S. 3649. ...-G-SU-NU, 14235. III. Names oF CITIES. atuA-buk*, 47:11. 6lu Ardi-Bélit, 22:3 | 79:5 | 133217) 23¢ 4tu 4 sh-shal-da(?),** 100:7. sluBAN**, 42:2 | 95:28. 4luBe-li-iddina(-na), 12:23. atuBsli-e**, 4:2. 4luBe-li-shu-u**, C. B. S. 13488. Bit-A psu**, 80:1. Bit-Be-la-ni, 86:17. Bit-Gula, 83:9. Bit-™In-na-an-ni, 136:9, II, 19. Bit-"In-ni-bi, 105:60. Bit-*Ishtar, 37:3. Bit-2>Kunukki, 28a:2. Bit "MUN?! Abdullu-A, 77:13. Bit "MUN?! Abullu Id-di-ti, 77:12. 86 ) UNIV. MUS Bit "MUN?! 44Hi-lu-ni, 77:9. Bit ™NIN-IB-ba-ni, 58:5. Bit-NIN-LIL, 11:1. Bit-4Sin-sihru**, 12:6. Bit-sha-gir-ri, 88:7. Bit-4Shamash**, 111:8. 4luDi-zu-za-a[**], 6:6. Du-un-ni-4Addu|**], 12:4, 15. Du-un-ni-sha "E-til-pu, 130:6. 4luDu-un-nu*', C. B. S. 3466. Diir-A-gu-um**, 10:4 | 16:5. Dir-“Amurru(*4MAR-TU, 4*4KUR)*, 19:1 | LID 1: Dir-Enlil**, 86:9 | 128:8 | 131:4., Diir-EN-KUR-KUR**, 16:4. Dir-EN-LIL-MESH, 87:4. Diir-*Gula**, 95:40. Diir-ilu**, 47:15. Diir-Ku-ri-gal-gu**, 103:19 | 134:11and XIV, 12:42. Diir-NIN-IB**, 12:4 | 96:4, 5. Dir-Nusku**, 10:6°| 66:3. Dir-Sin[**], 6:7. 4'uDiir-SHAK-Enlil, 69:34. Diir-Ul-mash, 80:7. Ditr-4MAH*, 7:96, Enlil-IGI-BAR-RA*, 6:5. E-KASH-GID*', 100:19. 4luF-li-im-gi, 11:13. 4luGa-li-ta, 3:7. 4luGi-shal-li-e**, r11:15. Ha-mad-ri-mad*', C. B. S. 13488. 4lulTj-lu-ni**, in abullu 4luiluni**, 106 :24,33. 4luAi-lu-ni elt in abullu @“Yiluni eli, and Bit "MUN?! Hiluni, 77:7. Hu-ul-ga-ni**, 18:31, cf. also C. B. S. 13488. Is-ki-il-la-she(?)**, C. B. S. 13488. Is-lim....**, 16:9. Ka-nam-ka-ri**, C. B. S. 13488. Kar-Adab(UD-NUN)*‘, 7:24. Kar-4Ba-u*i, 7:1, 18, Kar-E-Kur, 130:76. Kar-Kash-til-ia-[shu*], 10:5. IV. Names oF GATEs. Abullu-A, 77:4, 13. Abullu-Addu, 76:3 | 77:5 | 106:32. Abul u 4! Hi-lu-nié, 106:24, 33. Abullu 4 Hi-lu-ni, él, he Be Abullu 4 Yi-lu-ni shapli, 77:8. - BABYL. SEC. Kar-NIN-IB*, 11:25:| 12:0. Kar-NIN-SAR*, C. B. S. 13488. Kar-Sukal[*], 6:3. Kar-Shamash**, 16:11. Kar--EN-ZU**, 12:7. Alt Kara® 3324 os. Kar-*Urash(4IB)**, C. B. S. 13488. 4luKT (Irsitu or Ashru) ar-ku-u, 112:6. 4“ KT (Irsitu or Ashru) mah-ru-u, 112:5. BGR Ages eh SYK 6 Ku-ri-Bit-ili®*, C. B. S. 13488. a Li-mi-tum**, C. B. S. 13488. 4luMa-ak-su, 17:11 | 18:2. Ma-si-ia-ti**, C. B. S. 13488. MAN-GAR-U-AD**, 95:52. Ni-mit-Enlil**, 16:3. Ni-mit-4NIN-IB**, 12:10. Nippur*, 61:23 | 98:17. Ni-si-in**, 85:10. Dated at Nisin. Parak-mari**, 16:6 | 68:10. alt Pi-sa-m, 'C. B.S. 12570. ; aluRE'A, 4luSin-sha-mu-**, 62:2. Sha-di-ri**, 111:18, 22. 4luShe-li-bi, 117:11. aluShi-it(?)-u-la, 69:25. Shu(?)-ba-at-E, 37:2. Shubat-Marduk**, 26:5. SUS aT OD: 4luTah-la-ash(rum), 76:2. TUR-BARA-TUR*, 116:13. Cie Ta) ee ee 4lul7-lyu-uk-ku**, 100:17. Uruk®s co831% | 33595) 8 4A URU*™, mah-ru-u, 112:5. URU*™, ar-ku-u, 112:6. UR-RA-ga(?)-mil(?2), 96:3, chip KEV 47180, 47 A-gar, 47:10. 4Za-qar-Enlil**, 130:23. Za-rat-IM**, 73:37. pea es TtQ8-3, 4lu A sh-shal-K A K(?)**, 100:7. -...nim-ma**, 9:14. Abullu Id-ki-te, 77:3, 12 | 106:27. Abullu Shi-bi-Uruktku, 77:6, to. Abullu Shi-bi-Uruk**, 106:6. Bab-bit-4E-a, 106:25. Bab TUR-MESH sharri, 77:14 | 106:26. | - * DESGRTPabRI\ bs IS POF -DABLEDS: The measurements are given in centimeters, length (height) X width X thickness. ever the tablet (or fragment) varies in size, the largest measurement is given. (Ext E LATE. Oo ON AN BPW DN HH No RH RH HR RH RH WH 00 ON AN BW DND H OC I I 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 Io 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 Ly 17 | 17 REIGN. Burna-Buriash do. Kuri-Galzu do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Nazi-Maruttash do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Kadashman-Turgu do. YEAR. Month. Davy. C.B.S. 20 20 x 2 6 2 Io 87 30 Usb 14 11672 12916 3725 LES 25 3530 T2551 I1610 11541 11828 11939 3645 11648 11647 11883 3767 11799 11894 IIQ51 11676 3657 11655 12901 10477 IZIO1 12933 13100 12928 11629 12528 11631 3719 13102 T1959 3721 2101 11658 3735 11263 11262 DESCRIPTION. 4.7X8.5 X2. 5-9 X4.8 X 2. Sn I eo ei ick 6.1% 7.6X1.8. ISD. M2 11.3 X 10.6 X 3.3. TOK O.O 26200: 355 3 os ls OG Frk was Es 6.0 207.0564 .2- §.4X 8.6 X 4.4. 6X9 X 2.8. 10.2 X70 X34: 5.2 7AM oe. SA OOsy 2s 11-0 612:5 <5. 3.6X4.6 X 2.8. 34412 %9.0; 5X7-5X2.7- TL45 X07 HG. B62 5X Or 228: BO a4 Gls 7 53 032A Aste e. ROX 362 1.0: SOX Feds Py Ba ele 6.8X5X2.1 22a ew 1.0; 3X4.4X% 2. 2.5X3-4X1.9. BO Tih ae BOX 3-G XN 21 2.5 NSIS Nes BOM 2.7 yr 1:0 10.5 X6.8 X 2.5. 2X 3.1K 1.0. 72 AK O13, 2.2% 41:0. 2.7% 3.2X1.6. When- 88 TEXT. PLATE. 39 40 41 17 TF 18 18 18 18 REIGN. Kadashman-Turgu do. do. do. Kadashman-Enlil Kudur-Enlil do. do. do. UNIV. MUS. BABYL. SEC. YEAR. Monta. Davy. C.B.S. 14 14 13 16 i I I 6 Shagarakti-Shuriash Acc. do. do. do. do. Kashtiliashu do. do. do. / Acc. 21(?) 22(?) 00 Ww 7 Vr1205 11264 3 13099 12586 25(?) 12921 11524 29 12919 12583 11507 11636 20(?)11702 £2 VIr0s% 22 T2032 12556 13092 12931 7 12927 LO, 51 5092 29 11718 12918 6 12923 IOI51 GO elisis 15 6645 24 10200 10976 23(?)10725 3202 9 11843 27 Zieh ie 3658 3° 611443 TO, “Li578 3475 6608 6 6648 3484 19 =. 3.464. 21 et 2GT2 Be L CANT 6633 12925 10704 6652 6652 3532 3478 16 3540 & i] DESCRIPTION. 2M 23 17s 223X275 wile G he 4X4.75X2. 3-94.72. 3.8X4.65 X 2. 4X5.4X 2.2. 3-45 X4X 2.05. Ge 2K Gas Nae Te 5:0X 3.9 X 2.4. 4-45 X4.35 X 2.35. 7-7X4.9 X 2.5. 3.7X4.2X1.8. 6.8X 4.3 X 2. 4.75 XQ.25 X 2. I4X10.7X5. te oe Ato We ene 6X4.1X1.6. 3.0 205.3 Also CUR poe Meee, ey ce. 4X5-45 X1.55. 5.0926 7. baw Ss 4.35 X5.8X 2.45. 7.3X4.9 X 2.2. 4.5 (5-0 2:5; 7.8X 5.9 X 2.0. 13.6 X9.15 X3.8. AST QOS NiaiT: 5-8X 4.35 X 2.1. 4.4% 5.45 X 2.1. 4.2X5.3X 2.2 I0oX 6.6 X 2.7. Srl 0.9 Bary A TASH A 203: 13.6X 7.95 X3.1. 9.8X 7.6X 4. 2.05 3 Kis 8.4X8.8X 3.2. 4.8X 6.3 X 2. 6X8.5 X 2.7. AAS MR. 4X 4.9% 1.9. 5-6X7.6X 2. TIT Ae aie 2.605 204 cg: 2.05 Maid ks ER RE 7 TKD as S27 56 5 oats 9-46.45 X 2.7. TEMPLE ADMINISTRATIVE ARCHIVES OF THE CASSITE PERIOD. TEXTS OP LATE: REIGN. YEAR. Month. Day. C.B.S. DESCRIPTION. D282%. 230 5 14 3783 3-7X5.1X2.3. 88 40 6 By IIO77 7 4.0 40.0.4 2.3+ : 89 4o 9 $2020 4.2 65-20 1.0: go 4I 10829 7.2X7.6X3.6. gI 41 . 11864 6.8X8.7X3.1. 92 42 11639 93 42 Shagarakti-Shuriash RT OG. e523 TL OC 220: ' 94 43 12607 6X7.4X3. 95 43 BASS ac L5:2 AO. FN 32: 96 44 6650 4.3X5.8X2. 97 44 TLOLA ALS X 5A 2.2 98 45 11944 6.98.7 X3.1. 99 45 TIv40 "S12 X 6.2 <3; 100 46 BOO Seu 7 hee aeks IOI 46 24 I 12), F2006.553.5.44.2% 1.0: 102 46 11836 6.2X4.7X 2.4. 103 47 2480) 12.57.04 3.05: 104 47 SAAT 52K Oo 425 7 105 48 3470 10.2X12.9X4. 106 49 3481 17.4X9.3 X 3.4. 107 50 T1087 “35X74 233- 108 50 T1130 -8.5% 7.7 X% 2.6. 109 51 6609 10.5X7.3X2.6. 110 52 12920 3.4%4.7XI1.7. LIz 52 10953 8X4.8X2.5. 112 52 10500 6X5.7X2.6. 113 53 10967 8.64.85 X 2.4. 114 53 TTOSOL 0.045 4 2.2. 115 1] 12 T2 11886" 4.8X5.4X 2:2. 116 T2004) 15.7,40.8 % 2.5- ary 54 3485 7.8X10.4X%3. 118 55 3468 I1.7X 10.3 X3.5 119 56 15 5 29 11439 4.8X5.4X1.0. 120 56 11817 16.7X9.8X4.8. 12d 58 3522 7 10.440:043.5. 122 59 Gh205 Ol (22-0: T23 Tablet was catalogued after being copied, and then lost sight of. 124 59 12935 5.4X4X2.3. 125 59 . T1423 .055 A Sion 250 126 60 3664 6X8.3X2.7. 127 60 11872 8.8X5.1X3.8.' 128 61 T2593) 314.5 6115164. 129 61 IO5II 7.9X%5.0X2.4. 130 62 13090 14.60X8.3X3.5. 131 63 24 2 I 10968 3.2X4X1.8. 132 64 3482 16.3X12.3X3.7. 32 66 14 TAOOL. ATO ANo Ss 85? 134 67 24 II En TI007 Os Ora es 275 go TRxT: PLATE. 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 T4-4 68 79 71 71 71 71 a2 72 72 69 - UNIV. MUS. BABYL. SEC. REIGN. YEAR. Monta. Day. C.B.S. 10752 3020 21 8 Bsoy 3143 20 13093 3144 ORL TS 3097 6619 12621 DESCRIPTION. © 18.5 X14.4X 5.2. TO,2 x O12 2a. 7.4.X9.9 X 2.9. 4.6 X 6.9 X 2.2. 8.2X7.9X3.4. ST 5 Oa acy 3.9X2.8X1.7. 53 NGeh wero: LY. 0.3225: 57K 0es oN 210. CATALOGUE. 1. TABLETS IN THE UNIVERSITY MUSEUM, PHILADELPHIA. Cd eRe ‘LEX To DATE. CBS aor: PLATE? (2bS: ExT PLATE. 2502" 34 16 3783 87 20)? 11631 29 15 2998 101 46 6608 yi 33 11636 48 20 3020 136 69 6609 109 a 11647 13 8 3097 142 2 6619 143 72 11648 i2 7 3175 I4I re 6625 82 37 11655 21 12 3143 138 71 6033 79 35 11657 50 21 3144 140 ee 6645 62 27 11658 35 17 3202 ; 66 29 6648 74 34 11672 I I g227 137 70 6650 96 44 11676 19 Il 3424 104 47 IOISI 60 26 T1693 56 24 3457 ye 32 10200, 63 aM Lie 49 20 3404 76 34 10477 23 13 11718 57 24 3468 = 118 55 10500 112 oe 11799 16 3476 105 48 IOSII 120 61 11817 120 56 3478 84 38 10704 81 36 11828 9 5 3481 106 STAG 10725 65 20 11829 go 41 3482 132 64 10752 "135 68 11834 67 29 3483 95 43 10953 LAT 52 T1836 102 46 3484 75 34 10967 113 53 11840 99 45 3485 Lrg 54 10968 131 63 , 11864 2 2 3489 103 47 10976 64 28 11872 027 60 3512 17 35 LOggl 34 16 11878 71 31 3518 68 30 11024 97 44 11883 14 9 3522 121 58 11056 II4 if 11886 iS 53 3528 122 59 11130 108 50 11894 LF Ke) 3530 5 _ @ 11262 38 17 T1939 IO 5 3532 83 37 11263 137 17 11944 98 45 3535 86 39 11264 40 17 IIQ51 18 Io 3540 85 38 11265 "39 17 T1959 2 15 3045 II 6 11433 125 59 11987 107 50 3652 100 40 11430 IIQ 56 12551 6 3 3064 126 60 II441 78 25 12553 128 61 3657 20 II 11443 70 31 12556 52 22 3058 69 30 T1507 47d 19 12583 40 19 3719 30 ie TY5r2 Ole 26 12586 By gy Tako 3721 33 15 ib A 4 2 12607 94 43 3725 3 2 11524 44 18 Pee T2024 144 72 3735 36 17 11541 8 4 12805 27 14 3767 15 9 11610 7 3 12809 55 2 3768 93 42 11629 28 15 12893 51 21 92 UNIV. MUS. BABYL. SEC. C:.B'Si2 eText see cAtTe. (2 BiOf ek PAT See A Th C.B-oia) a Dexa Plates 12901 22 13 12921 43 TG 5iF.. wat TOS 24 13 12904 116 54 12923 59 25 13102 31 15 12907 134 67 12925 80 36 13090 130 62 12916 2 I 12931 54 23 13091 133 66 12918 58 25 12933 25 Ls 13092 53 22 12919 45 18 12035 124 59 13093 139 71 12920 IIO 52 13100 26 13 13099 AT 18 ett i= nr “oh abe > a Boe. Bea ei 10 15 20 WH iif) Ve, YH Z Vy, : WY, Ly YW Diy yy, a Uy ip . fa (aaa gy > ( AGH AY en my AY, 4 VE Sam Z a? Wi; Ce 4 Ly “iffy yyy YY, Med ty Why, WY YY ey Ny et “Ny Wf 2 oi, Uy MP py 7% y hy iy LM Vaan 0A PA -Oner TEER ees 5 y Wi iy, VG x i ia Eee vy My yy} 2 LSS a ee ae 15 Veta ee PrA]}A ie ARV TA pana eee ae Lak TAT a YW i, fax id ! be Hey Le Wy Wy Eel Pet oe hy y; ann = ZY m Ard 7 ier 5 Bie ily My, Li) Hoa WLP ay i) YY Ln Gy if AP 4 4, YR 4 Yy Wy, Yip UA Y et ] My if Wg Vy Wiis VY, V7 A VAM 7) Y YOY 74 WALLA “WY é " Le ~ & = ° AA UE yy Ne CE PL we NY Sie VPP PES; Vill Yy Ls as FA\ yy Uy: hy hy ih Van FER VLD, 2 fi Wi “iy 4 ii Yy, Mifyif, “Urrny May, “Wa im = > aN My Wn 20 ih Wig THAR PART RG aac Vr ba rak ) “1/44 VLA, y yj ; uh Pl. 2 4 : Radios anita sa y A PRAY is é “EY Epo Cs Ys Up Yili i TN Wi PA A | : Y laa 2 SCS acta =I Lig 7 YA ffl fy “y yy, VY yf? 7 e-yY vay, ax 40 ZX HW Bs 7, Lith ! YY ARKS Y Lh Vi a ly YD co LK Yi Yi 10 Noah Y, (amney Yh Wy YA Nea Hyp oe Lia, tI iy iy Uy bil Ui) yy We te, Wg Obi. iy Wy YY, Yi Wy MAME LL Hl) Gs Ai) Wi, Yy NMG MIME: ‘Byyf if, Wy, 4 y Wd Li ty 4 ify SE; CLITP MALL) Nyy ij Ys YY YY 0 HY Wii Mi Will ) Yi YY Histor tle RBS y by,’ REE EAT di A Bi in ? Pelt Yi i), MY) je by WY bps an) i, { YY Yip, — 1) “hi a aot Wy WY Ve Ce Hy \ i Hiss Uf, fe Wy YY YY | ra = sta iil YUMMY MEY, =e 5 Yume: ef ptt} py? WY Wp ae ta Y pit Y MN Hint y Paver ay Wy Uf iM: Yt aoe i if a. Py, iy jfaekies Li Yh i AA wy WY : veh th Why yp jes = 7 & a palais res, ‘am 10 Vs i |. / Wie nee CEE: Wy eS LA fe 8, > , } lr” as een a Sie jm Lp P| Sine a = in Ue ABR | pA NZ 15 17 i e Ais > Hip ee Fea a ha = a Coes aes eye Wye RE saan i Sree Pare nis 20 fed a 0. W 4 Yi YY Wy Yy es y YY VL > Oi foe ye yp ey yas YY he 2 SA a vs =a = =< s Lif YY My, Yi YY) V, by Wy, Yee Pare IN ee ty Zs a VY Ul Wipf 617 A 7 — NS TS OL LY PLS LZ - aie VV LA BS 1 = ; ra’ b Pte = lr JARAS py, Hy Waco a, y ae jac ee U, hone ne Ma Pty AF A 4 PN BATES STESCR ES Nay ca ate ree ye satehe ANAS Ed py rE ‘Wie | gy Yr rte We ps Z Gg TT We ee YD Gy / ‘aul bbs % p ena \ on ‘a =a / Ky VU YY ie "| : VLE, ‘ jams b Wii, ,,. ‘ ron Win tae, g V / , ie 10 b— TA ila rey as a ie iy A j h y ge D WM iy, HW, + Mil Y 4G Uy, Y 7p aaa tacts : MY Mulls, Uy Mp, huni Var 16 26 EES Continued VE—VA 7, = (YGF; DP, pPIAY% us PRT, WE 4 Uy (= Eb feed 119, 4 Z iy yy 7 ‘ Var 1 Lif) a Yi Yy MLE ZK Z YEZZ, 8 TAH i AG pot oa ie), WieX y, i's Bae baa fs ras id \ ' eS re de 55) 0 AAS PR ° “iy Ve “4 — ae Art kL PTE: ee Wee, "hie Me Yi set Te Ae | CTE | ; Tae HH i | YR a ee a s YU ate 2; een an? bee sia tastic pista PARAS a rites oe c{ Yj ee ae Zz Bp Dy wy F 2 iy y WAM; WY) Wie Wyss, “fs Ling Vhs Ly ‘ EMM v f Wye eat a? Cie. a, a 5 we . (YY AS UN) YT Vy AA YG y Ups ey ee y Ys My by, Ly “7 awe YY YY, i ye Catal tie: 2p, LLM 4 ft My MY, Ny Yi f Clg iii) Wp ‘iif Ze ye Hie == y co Mid 9 Y= Yi LY, Yay ops = Lé re Wf a if if ’ Y, bar iY, } ae, 5 ; an EX Y,,\, TVA Ty LY Ye 5 z iy y SLAG ey aa at 10 7 i EP Jamie NT EA ieee ALT Wipe for | Tie 16 - aes oy aR tte ak tesa Ph pr aiper | | rot lh Uy! Vy WM big! | {yi eA ites rm OLE ais. pa //, ty ae iy iy, ee os Le Uy yi YY iy Lit Wy yy Yih Yi WIL Ws Yo MM YY Vi MEY: MMi V7 YUL, Wits f; rz GD bj, = yy o4fy) fy 4 4, 4, V; 4 ni, hi Zi 7 4 By YU, wie Olan 4 Wi Dilip yp al yp TENY rl | Wy LON a am) 1 | yyy) aay Y¥ re V/), iia Y YR Wo HI Uy Y HH AIT LZ Vee YY EI TL | ee Le vy ee ‘ ‘ — oe 10 ee 15 20 26 to—1/ Vy YF By pee A RAY AEyy pp ip LETT A flss Geren ann poA Bs tv WYsy BPAY PEEL a 2 razah zs | tm FRG phan MILD ip rt V ¥ Ora ; Aa a Vly X ry SY d YAY a r | A 4 ae UME. TA een! Y YW Tide Ti Lys Hifi) li Wey ae a W yh 1/797, Wy Y Y Uf Iz WY Wi y SPY CHa hey yy Lie, Ly yy WW iy et Be LU), il" iy Yip) ce y QML LA $$ ee oan — W). Wty VERY Whi, Ip ° } : °o [YP > 7 a " ; { | ‘au: a sa rest erasure. Lele? : | aa: OMEN ar ty) ihe t ; j ae ) « ' >! i 4 yee ANjoy ARS a % . ~ ee ) oy ‘as : F es ae | Pera ao a) AY a = ; . a * q Py - ? » Gd . d : ‘ ‘ ; ; P > Pu é , whee” Oe ‘ +e Put a ‘ vA S uk . Sele oh : ¢ Z 7 7 e n ; ay : ; f 7 °F iw aed i J Hae V OH Echt > ipet . : ‘a we A . cor aSal ce 7 } Fe he Pye gS) Sar a ek ; « ~ y Si Ms iy i 4 Sr ee a 4 ' eArhh oy “fe aA Ts ie ? ee ‘ , oe a * vt oy . Ps baa P af i eo by - 2 PRL od u i i; a , ~ aly ts ae aL i “fy _ al i in Sy me , Oge i . Ce ie Bee: ‘ ‘ rh y & ts Z ae + 4 3 ' 4 re <“ « ba ‘ , j ie vob ‘J wiv : sy Lor wy 4 y ry ’ 7 es a - 7! é fn , ist r on “ae F } . ? a ~ \ fe, ° * - — ' A ax J a wd Th fe i CV. oe ; ; 2. ' 7 ae a, r . - J a ps - i J - ‘ . e | / f * ba ue ly Fe ; - fn ~ ‘ fe * f E t ’ : rv e * ie j i 7 1 . e r IEAM Ue : a ‘ : = - eal ~~ i * = Fe ee Biel F : -: ‘ ’ e A: 2% 4 i. mn! et an < ; ~ az } it 4 ad 4 ae oW F P : habe * ‘ hl | ER aval ‘ Pet ee ee we : ‘ sa ‘ Ppeped AR od ue 18 hs ‘ai oe VETS, owes pel all SE TTL PAY i amaai riaes ey YY ant estas ws raemn'( Win R—-V VV ry caey 7 PH J y v ° Erasure. aacak 20 / sig p (san y Erasure. hy AA EY a GL FR “ A 7 ‘aim. e, SO Ata A ie NY VV VB V yp AYA A Ki, “4: av ee Fai, HAY AA ae: ip Afi J eas 6 Pl. 8 i ¥ a. es , AMT STUN oa Be a 4 os, ue - iy: * eer Continued 1S) 40 A y hAS esas : My ) Ai Yi a Ba Eby Al an, vi eg Wh Yylty b—- Le = AY rn FAIEY = YY) 45 . Ve J), 1, iy Wy TO a My Lhe : YL SUM UMIN NAN WML MM OH UY, ME Lah | nN YY Ui Yh Z te \7 hy J r9 yf Wg Yy, OG VY = PEAY KX y M VAG : i y YL YY fll p Yy bys Wig ih : 0 FERPA TAE ALP, i a, rt KAZ (Sve genis ax bry PASH Pee SO sat ae yt * Erasure. iaeupian y 2 x1 YY LAZA a WAY, “ rh hao Nady 4 AKL AV EZ PAY Reed LAY DPA \ PPR ARE 5 (eae: WY, ; Goua a ff Ay aR oe Ms é eS oe | seme iG yyy by, Y/Y By VT, Vy, 10 Wi WN, (Yy Vif Dy, YY Yo uh ae, Ith, Dini i fj Milt With iB YY, sii My VOM “ih = Se) anes Mini WU, Vy Lp ih HY Hy WHY, Mii oy [ys >, “ity, Wy i, REY Cy A’ Pb 7) 77] 4 4 =f By emltaee UM, ay ep he 16 jo iM) We hij. a . FANE ae A ALA EY VAI ee) : EIT MG yy YG, WY ff 10 pe y, 5 i Pi. 10 y wad | | f ~ ‘5 Jinicasaesane Ug aie H L LAV 2D ie R. Yi YY Yi WY We = My S [fits He yy YY, Vy YY Wy VA ae ip 18 Mb 7 bo " 7, ; a PY AAG ARE NT omitted, ET EN KAY ay la i Yy TMG YY M5, Vy jy, ra DiTV7Y7 A Vecrr oY Wipe Mi sizes 10 if a My ae R. CUE KN . ay CEPT PAE TY in te) age 26 if Wy liff fr i aye. Son HA KRY Pe Seok sai EES Wad ee. h ii ; Wy, \ a ard NYA Y VY Lip oe 30 ips = AAY PAYA Ye, bY AY bp f(s ae WAAR re yy SE aBe Tih kA Gy Z EV HU RIT iy 20 Ay fag 4 ‘ } iP we! ; a ; r) 3 4 oft ohbe. Kee! eed 19 et Wate merge tens HRY pera Cre D may "7 Hi x oy ; ! Wy, iy vy fal: y iat Ques: Uy Hf Wy i) —_ (Ses 4, NG Py Ny TRAY Ay Wy wuss Myr a WNL py Y y 4 G/M) SA RKY yy YE i Y) 10 Mi Wy LYE We LAY Vip b wy LS ih i} Yi) yy Hf, Wide UE PET AF ie) R. Sees ¥ i Te t a Pe S —#>, SOL TO DSS. . s ze ~ LS ‘hi 7 wy’ Mie V Fee % AY RR PREY A AN, ays AVS ALI AX Ais ’ pile Ly Uf} rf A diay, lip Wins Upbdd vii v4 1p Aeeg 10 Wy fin Ley 44 VG Bh ies Uy Mi hs 3 =~ les. Py Wis: fl Lyi) UMM 17 = We, Mt Wie Up iss : Gy WLALMELE ry 4: KM lit6iiese ff Sy Wipes f MCL LL a y q N NS AQ SNS WS AWS ASN Wists NS SY SX SES SSX Wows ve es é GEN / t, 44 7 YU WA 7 £ YY 4 EK! pit, ot. MG', VY AV AA Az Vi Wily 15 Ay WMG ry My Jat AGET LY) 'S ) ZL >» 1) | >/ > oy ~ NS sa ‘As > + SS aes SS) NSS We, if fil fy oe % A ee" Ly, Be Hat AN K AWY HY NAS WO FT OREO Bt RG 20 ja\tte ee = VA My) Wi, Uh, = A} Sums vous WU “iiy yy Yee j=t PAY ih yf ia = Hi Le Lr {[YYy\ AA aa ”» QA Aw. aaere P Y Gs = =, Sa eal ae Tp PEpb A PITT Pil Mae fine ey y ~ on eae iG » a te PIOITg Continued Ys ut We Li yi 1, Y/ ps J ps =< YAW fu Ye, G0) R. a Ee VL Lee is oe ‘ i YY hanes Gtlye Wy AER VR As yp yy : Bly! tapi VL Le us “ Rgponpess G aa AY , “ny il ty as fidites Cathe BRIE / 26 Yy NY, a iy 4 yes py = Wk: Wp 7, J YG YW si iy YY kp WAL 444444 ,¢ 48 Uallin “LH, YO) Wel? Chl Uj Ye CME G Wiis vin pir y Z ty “lj Ie Uy /0) Lflllig f. ME Wu hl Wht M9 Uy Yyy pps F ai f Vey Wy VY Yy, Uy VM VAAL why Vt, “) ad } Yh, f 10 pif (= ma: A WAY a py RY Lal Men ; z = AVA , E AV Mf Mf, V4 % Uy, Fe Bs } TN Re iit 7 y, Po V// / = EAE oe Tare Ee a Wifey Ayn HEH EA me My 30 “7 A V7 VW My LE AS TAA AG I ray, ry ALLY AQOOM fy il, Db / es AYx WO ca Ke yh p ; Wh phys" VE yy yf yp Vie YY iy? Yigg, Wil LNG 7 Vist az Yh P Ye Li Vira tie, My, Wee iy “if Wye Wy We Wty t ‘cae 36 We A A ce “Ny . Pr N ip Sie, Y i: OG, ceo b Uy /) Zs Spee Lo filly, py, “Uy, fl'G 7%, (My. CM Men Gy My e Gir’ Mir ‘M4 Y Le, WZ y Mn Ma 40 EA | SET AS th Lf 11hy WZ; Myf Saft! pr Wt Yr yA A 4 M YY My iy Hy thy Wy tif is ty yy Wy My Yvyyf Gi Mi AW Wy UY Me Willd Wilf Lh ULLAL L 0 1EY* rt 2] Lif} YOY, TZ TUG LYO liyy Y mite Mhipyfy, 0. WT, Uy Ui Ti f CU yy) YY ‘ Wy Yigg YUL, Ti 7 VY as att 7 ‘ bop and eas ee eee Gy ry ee rae URLS, 0. GA seve a VAYALEL Vey ey hilfG WCAC Wiig Yrs 4), Wf MU AL, WME Vy lpia We 5 Wye Gi ihe HMUEL Os hin, “iy TE eeu by WD? V9 Yas is Yop LY ys Se LU YY WY 2 Le f EX R. YO Wiad Me} 10 ee iA Ul 24 Wi bt iy Ke 2 Ree i Ten « Yh fa A pm oe O ° Y /i CU My Hea es : ius yf Witt WL HY ae WS as R.10 7 Lae by 4 yj y} y REE In : “an hMihiey (HA Va) Wits 4 Me Lf Wi! TM 7 Y i ky’ Ufa Fates vanes PEARS ARORIO R, fh HET RYT Akar eat ea ER thn. bers Erasure. ek = $4 * Ly iat se ae a tc : vend LUE V Wf jy bog fh ft, / Y, cr AYYy od aw, rY VyY¥ A > YY Ee o. YY PEE TEX aL = WY LG” eT ALLL ty Wiese Yam My lyy! finnly Te Ma, Mts Lp? YY ff i} MW), —Z / Wij VM R. YY YY Nijpyy Wi /), Wy Wy Ys 14 YW? Aa GUY YY; 7 R. 6 WY Yj ZY VUE , yy Uy : : | “Wy pO YH Ws : U, Se Wi GI. iy 1 7 % AY Z, MU pe Abe ; / iff Maye Y UG? “, Wa? UG PRR AM it? Uf NYSE UY) iy Wy Uf I, Uy} Wy — 4/5 | yy bi i ° ro 2 mw) Ane a7 any ak i | ht ae eels 10 ae EX fans PAY PR EE foes “ye A : Hf Be as wena ian a + Ye hi Lo. E. 6 a ae AR fats nit ae AEE | fata rite bese y Re naratgn ry f 10 PENNE. ! | Pot o iy G4 CHEER A Al yi ip He: 0. ME AE pA / YY oy Yf HH, Ye TT Ly HY ly ae ‘ 1 10 / ff Yi Yj YY sig UT Mama LAYS L R 5 i, Wis R. 0 © be Mini lt Yi { 4 Wt Uf) ‘ 10 y ié : { : Py i a y coat a be Arn iit igiag te ct st oe are a ee .}-Y " 0. FERAL El aN id [site WY Aik ae: NG: Cae ES faz aN i ae (22¢ragisaeaNaae oc fase Sacer ae ioe CPR TS PETE fi hy WH Wi ay Lik TAR 1 0 ¥ fi es A a: 5 2 Ay IA V eo KYW Saag x ZK a & see SA ane isare \/ rer iY Wy WY YD Lie ME Yy Ce Pa ae Wp is TAN AA aay ie | Y, fa QO 7 f 15 Y i VV A A \/ PY V os Wy, 4A} = Uy Vids, HY ez LW ¥q=s V-VL—AV A 7 fay Tee ==> ‘hia = ae aaa = Lee Ta a - ( 4 R. 20 28 Len , WER es ay yy cn Wy) Gy 44g (le b Lt Lo Mo Tipe ayy Vas aa We Tie We, ¢) Ly fe Wy, a ce aoe . ae aso Ty \ AS 5 Sh ar a er Nara i adaon P| oie SSN ae rs Pi. 16 > 4 a a Y ‘ Lh @e ali ; e ae i in , = ih nay: ‘ “thy a q a. by Wait: pa . ws: : . . ae ol j ¥ 2 | . ~ ¥ s M4 — % - . a pie . —* ‘od . } » a} i ) 4 % - ~ ~ + 7 - yi ; , an 4 . a i] a > &s bY “3 Seo) a 7 er 4, ‘f 5 ~ pty hw eI < dogs . , ay 7 ‘2 r 4 ’ fi ; aN rag eg Sf ' ape ‘: vy ; ’ } ‘ 4 - 7 ; ? [ y alse u2 a Aya. < t mi tS w _ / . td - , . ,! “ - is - 7 . - A 2 - i . ~ * § - > “ . I ~ , , = ¢ * r+ ha j ‘ = ee t vi ; 4 -, Ls f. ¢ i < > \ i , . + . 9 ry be ‘ A a 7 es i 7 | . z q ia ‘fea 4 7 i ¥ ‘\ ea =a ea : } : i : { ie ie y : x ) e> Tare . : is F + 7 - all = ' W. FA one ~~ iS. ee d stb al Age 7c Yaa! 4 VA “ttt, oy O. aan - Whi? YU G > \/ O / KA Ray ; ee ge me Wid iipsiry / Wh s47 pad iy, Wy VMAs iis Vy! / YW yf re Wy Wj “yyy fy Yi YY) YY ify UG M14, Yi Uf ayé 10 YY Y : y , Ms 1, bya O VARA BS pA. Wy yy Yh Z = ) HAV ym : WY UM iii R. , Ee V4, Uy Ws ”L, AG NBe V > a 7 Y % 40 bea Was a EIS W/, / My, TY Wat oe a aS ” Wiig Hy Wy i j/ "| LAAN : re a8 Wh), $ Y is y Mp Hy ipa Snr aa i fin Me up / jy, 1, Wii HY, Myer, Bilin Wy CLE Tie) eran LULL 1H saraces Wi PARE A “Ss GID >; q Yi, Wy U1, / rs) Yu eo i 45 R YY WL? ‘ Til My YG MHI, Yi), _ tl TA YY Wp usiiys y 7] YY if y Ue Dy is) ZZILL th Ur X { omitted by scribe. ay) i ae ; Cie ee a q ‘f Say a i 42 na — © aT = 1A » 4 oe Red. | ae A , 7 : ‘ a ag 7 7 : he : jaw ni \ a : Tit Oe | . ay r ‘ontee uy 7») > ‘ ' He he ‘ ay ‘hha a0 ta, =4 1 Pet Me aed alia ot Ph ‘ psaey 2 | REY grief las ys ae 2 vente i eae * wien cs aA ‘ : i y . +. ae Albee fsa Pk BR id vt le 7 ¢ 1 w) Scr L aT 4 “ ; a Ry oe i pa viegs- it a” % 7 ~ Ag? ~~ 1 : 1A ‘ Vale ei ‘a a ei + ‘ - i oS eva Le Meee bee \g | * = ; Py ¢ bo ete AE ia ~ he a °t ee te eae - us eas A Pa ¥ 1) Wi 1 i Pal , ave ® Rw AP) al ap .S ‘ ASD Gtul AS Cut al 2 ree AL’, a rT" ; Ss ma ar kr : ; £3 ee ee = ee aa + ys « ¥ : ab 8 “ rales Fine) aS ae _ ae | cs 7‘ oq ee A woe sd fe * 5 Ms ‘on We, + F "hy . ; eis . t _ Vx +f ‘i, ay iS ba | . ba od : > . ary - “is } * , a , «4 tn ear eens % 4 i \ , 1 F ie neo ‘ ve a } i ' “ 7 i 4 : ' : 1 { ' . ’ a i i ,/ { i ba + - Ld : s rd A ay. ; 4) 7 5 ' a HM » * i eo < : & 4 6 ne * <,* —/ - id - ~ - J 4 “a j d .» * a ’ x roa ; ra H 4 rT bad 4 J Nigh * ppahen 4 re. Pl. 19 1 RA hi (2 y PP, LA MY VV eet gers aa EE Dipse AG PY Rey 47 VY 'p Yy, Myr Nino S { 5 y Ee 4 Wy 4 Y UZ, Lj 6 Wry WY RP¥ yyy Sy Wy Yui) Ly * 1/7 VY x = ity, Yas Z YY) LY My), MY Wy 2 p— br GY y YY} YY iffy ' GX 4 == b iy Yi yy Wiig YL Wy Y 1a k | y) Wy YY YU) : 4= Y, YY Lpy ayy Hb AR : “YY y tye S CX >— . iy, ye a an NG FIRS VES ‘ (\ >— Vy, Yi Gh yy Y, Vb r RAL p ES = Sh a ey, Wf Ue eh Uf iy Yi iy p—YV V YY : SAY ip. Y \A ee WY YY y THY) 6 ee 7 & LY £¥ J EV Van al B Mth ip. Ny iif HO, Me, Ve y = ph A LAY, WY Yi Y Why iy Hi ay Wii Li ys: 4h Y Woe Ue UD) ™N ‘ a , Y) Ys Y NRX atk AYA fi i) Wa y yf ML Wt) an os Ye LA I es) LE tL Wf YY, yl v6 PI bP thy WY MILe, Lip OT PR RY n. TPERRUEB AEM ALAR Sarifedettantaee: a 1 PT RY FRR OE eX \ eed ae “a TAY KR EN 4 WY ey War ent et fl ca EPEC RTT SMUD, My YY ju Gy Yi Wifi WY Yi, YY U. E. *! ud 4 4 aie. ends H hs 49 - Tere Pl. 20 i\VY V Vb AY aca vv a K, Vv ey ‘an’, 6 TAN faq? e aS Lo. E. 10 16 20 Fe PULL f Z y Ye, Y Yi ak >-——— 4 yy Mp GMM MUAYYEP YL 14 Wy VGA CLIO Lh ttt (, YY “ys 44 /f Va Wj Ck a> rest erasure. 10 ¢ Siehe Tt Ty tae a ‘eo! he Penere ab Ae e te. a4 Graaie ry ee P Ce cANSh Pe ee e 9 ; ear | Sk «7 2 ow » Tar 'Pieet Continued TWABRR DET A A ey rae Ui Yaw 1 by 7) tf py H "1 TF: = NX 7 Yip ‘ RX N= SaGil RA oe (il) (| omitted by scribe. bs Pork ar. rar ua regen A Lie ined ve nt Fl ae | i eee ee iy ., ae Bieee 52 5 —T//, Uy 7 4 h. \ ee GY YU TE, 1 Y p /\ Be 7 wash. mye \A / ELAL Vas Sib sce IK Ath jae = ari eth Che —A Bea Q Hy I, WM, Wd LYSOL Uy Yi lr yi puby Tit MT) “OM phe: CHV YEA WONAIS SZ QO. Waite NS LUN. ' ey, LY y Hy Vis Wiis Uy Wf, WW if CMW TH, if Wil wal ie ieee Mili 1 a LM yt ME yt, 9 iP aaa canes Naan ne TN , ? ae SH) FEN a fi 10 al Ue HU Up. EEA p—lAD Ty pA is vA, a=. ee Hy yA jae "e, eS mae a Wes 15 i ARAM Ma Wd zat 20 Lo. B. ‘a aii wy Vie j zany: BAN 25 iB yy WU pisiay Lite Mp3 has A 5 Uy gor} ‘ryA 7, Ge : i Mill, / if} ae he Me iy ne: iy : yy WT, Mp W777} Ly iy Wy Yee Ty HIN IPR if “ii YH) I Vibes Lysis) Wi Tp ie Wig Yip aes ' 4 7 “01 mee Uy Yip iy y WNL ep Vey ay Vf Uhl yy Wy WM, typ Uy i ye Typ Lute iy oe ise . a a“ ? i : - ' : pew ‘7 ‘ . . ‘ o 4 a e - ‘iatthe te fi 7. “ A Cg a 1 Wert { pier 4! - 1 - s i oaee pik tel Nid nat 3 +, J Ve a new hy Ve el eae: , FA eae fA ees Pe eee a OA A a, A PRS: e — 3 = - a i Se. vi bites ‘4 7 a eae . oe 5 i ‘ Lee * ike irk PPD Af = : ‘ re. nae 7 © ; . e te Ss Mn oe ‘ ai Pon alt pepe tgh ae too a P " rh ry ves ome " j ay OT: bes na. S : E Lak } Se u ' ee . j A r¢ He Eves bee neaa a £3 Hes PSY SRC ATE RE: 5 “wy is Fil ‘am cae ae se RAN Ua vie. Pies SHE en ~ 7 , = ise / Pe »& rte ire ie ‘Lagi Joh ) ER eee ¥ * =) 3 7 ener kee ied oe ey, Pet i " ¥, x . a2 a ’ a ki a q Ai Shs a A e i ae ~ esa AA phy : a : ; Ty ' (Ae Es STIS ES Hee ea Be Rah US MGA gt at aaa + Ins at = he : ve sal a | ‘ | Se: Raha, 1 ES od ' 2 vy S yt wae a , A i S ‘+ # ya ty wip : . - ‘ 5 a y Ly ‘ i, his 1g a hy ‘ i 3 ‘ t re . * Mi Ve Mid a ai ry # re Re ie 1 i Ta: "% x ‘ , 4 . < ¥ ° be . OTR ee See tite east an o's » ue J3 Slee Be | PS ve SAE ate ay Pr SRR Me Wad tk SO Rel eae a : D A ae : ? ; £ ve LL eat vet — PA. Continued MMA YM YT Ed Yj, CCO UTTAR TTI. fy. “AL, Yi, h Ly Yj, YL WAN ‘Adnat Gh MMM yy VY} Uy Myst tids 1 ey b—ve BKM Y y Uy Ui Yi, Yen WHIM iff Me San wan AA bp i aS Yi My YYy Lyf) S Wy 11, Lr iif, SP yy YY Hy Hp / vV FF V VE TT ff) WH i 30 Ui, Ytiyiis' “, ae AE gai aX o, by ey, Mihiiip> aan eee yy YY TIT H fini) Wie A pe A YY VALLE AC UU) 2 BabA ra? hy | Hi) WM VARA b Vey BATT Wy Ye MAY) Sr EK 2 f - YY IY {/O7, ae Siti | aanaee Beene a: SM 35 i rie Vr TRL A Tene) + 4 ——_ Zp ah eat meal Bann ete a WIR Wy WY YN a TE Se aes Hay ae, l é Ap AV 7] /] (eae a WD a iy Wy, W ay fi Myx / yy iy (EA can Uy IE Ay Ams) °o q en, - . Erasure. PAP PAS 54 a Vex. = URRY EC EURAY pp Gene y pir . s, - D Pp N PA Raines ARR zd Sq Vy V AA \ Y (LLIN AYES V EG ARON “AV AI CAI ie ‘ ARMA Np ry LD, YW ian INT Fee XY His x) VEY Gx gaa l, My, Y| t: | Wi ry, Uy My a3 y YU YUy 10 Tey et UL lye UU); by 5 YY Ue Le ty 23 Continued Pl, 24 NT FEAR : TEYVIEXY Ve yp _\ — i / TH, y. WML Y Wh ih Yi UTA A 7 LA Wt a My U4; hs LR, Lig in, Uj [> 7 PTTL 7 ay Wh, ! mya @ atria. boy YE = LIN kVVIY Lev Kao, Ah SOEUR ES PA a Re 15 SPUR VV — Yh — esa ee NEON enn oe es ZA Na EW | ava yi a ae [>4a p— TV j Lf / , f = : A A “- ——— = y , bo ' A 7, KY Py j b—t YY “4 AA, mm: q j y t czAS YY, 20 aa @ccaQ Redon: aCaenaes ME ye BY, Yh BRA IM jot=@ is: : rte SDs WY RUK re ; Pp ae munis / CREE Ey ra per ere : wey 66: 4 a Uike A 6 ANE RATS t S [p> "4 VV hoy VY PAS rata on: a. pee 11 58 P1525 vy TD, Mipiity, 0 sesame See a AN 4K BIN £3 FT CAL VV FAUNA Vhs Ai, YY iy rs] LGA Wy Sb LLL. =>, V7 xe Rants: Y ‘ae Y > WA S ran Y ky an P| p Pee PE Baad ae cant = a : ls X 15 Lt y Gy o Voge MY fygan i Z Vi a, TL iG i VEE Mil: (hp DG, LAR Wy, We Mey ASAE Pl. 26 67 YbishsE “ay tip Vi : TR +k L, / My tl ia LU IR LT Tih hhh LY V ~ aaa j eas fit fi gate i ——- 10 apy PEARY “A dé cary ANY 'E AA ATER ri BRAT iY U rt S A py a ry is Ti, Mi YM / “pSV LV Ey Wen VY pak Wa IRR RAAT 7X AGS ara AY NiY \ boy wang. =< A\ 15 Se mY AV YY \@a PURAR RAR as "a = g > WY, ‘fi 14, Y/ 4h , AY t Y} Hilts Gy (iy? Vlg ; UW, “MN Yyfae LEUNG MLL 4 hin = Abe V/ ) i (aa ABTS a yiry, WY 7 ALN LLL, M)) ? Md ify it Wif! Ms TEE ih; : i, LA Sabie \ Bi ey / ] J . //. J Wate) Lo. E. pAY ri eS a? ha 7 { i: ae Sha aya wh , iy 62 Pl. 27 O thay LY MN Udfgeh Mh, WY (pgp yy UN hs dap VA A thot. thy y ‘yes Y OM py jie GYM) Yh Wy ee Mie Yy eo dk a Y Yee: Midi; Ye a OY, Ss sist Lo. E. 10 jax er A 44° yy hy 4 TY Mnf ty MGETIST // typ MH") 1/4 / “V/s ag i/ LY) My yy 7a YL id fa Ui atidy Ys Yo tigt) 4, VM fet fp, VUuligd YUE WM pM Ye Ly Sy, i? Vii LYE Wise AUT Wi / YE Wy ity FY Uf, LE > LE TT a “a % ‘ai 4 ars Wy iy HY Nena cas a y * Wy Yh, yy YY a ara _ ee. ee B eee = ‘ A\ P RAL 4, Wy =» hs 7 1 Ty Vo tae. b Sens ae a - siti Al BA GE Erasure.. 26 10 YW Wy Mh ry x . Bt tt "ER Yi) = y (Sak ji vy | Le fi : ar: 3 tae : rr "EL a S2N@::: SS — =~ TSS SS Ss SS V . WS Aare. 2 oa . -- Dos Dial , rs, = en A = a te at ; Cm 64 Pl. 28 Obverse. KOKA ASE TY TAY HATCH J a mee RSL PL Pas aie Soa Sea \ "a DY %, 7, VV V v/hh' Lh = xr YV Tar, = a ne SR Te in Bit AT MA, aa AA ae Speak iieeeersseae PZ hi ‘ Lay Ws Hp Zr (= i? 1 a a ap ey ey = (Tae ty a BREE Why lly, VIA p 4 WA lf UY (i A — wy My! MY, —_—_ rO.8: ep ye = Ul s oe Nl ti VIET Rael oe re YY i TN WEN ae ae 1 oe LUN VE_yY SV NX ph HOY es ed, VU I ke My aT yy YY 25 ag be Vi YY We MULL) YY WY y ih N So i; a . Le i, HH i Le pie Ui i i nm ae iy Wf cy K ee" % “> ‘sy 2 u 5) Py ed S> tet, va Es ee in FOP at “-¢1 ; ry , arr | 4 Ep) ‘, 14a, ¥ id ae 9 tS eh yan ary ~ x 7 > o + 45 4 ta? ot a yan ¥, an a a: Pee ee cane . a . a at) | U i P a in “7 : 4 Mio \ : P [ HINO M } yt See te ee a ; Hy 3 Fi ia , et " M ' “ Jr iS os n wR Ch WN oe Cet) Fin Ms ao a + a Af at 7 . 2% ‘ 4 £ “ ng ¢ Dal Oe ews rs * 5 Seer iat / re ° i i . (iia " . ~ 4% , = ‘ i 1 Ag ba tate y, Ges - bt! om mar: ys * ¢ ‘ At aia : PY ee a er. ran ; ah re . . re - ari oe tk b ° i= * L i ) } i; —_ ; ie fy i ee : - - Pp oe | poy r ; + ae oa al ; : A et oie at ao , é 7 ; 7 f 7 lL me 7" Y ; r ies Le vier vies | rl we FS fF. Ne . gree ) he 1a ; f “ , 4 5 ; b s ; Ke _ 4 “ ia ‘ | onal mG TN cal fe + 0) | = rs wh, ‘ ? pee a 5 tes hi} a ie.» ¥ Ores le ost a, I ‘ 2 at, 4 Me: 7 : wee pi ! ‘ . >| : 5 iA Fg . et wets A at ae J ; b ae hee 4% nee, iY f Vis i Pt & ; eh a er e ; ry 7 as ae hie . ra : is 7 at tas ; east - Smet Yt ey a / - ue r A . ; mies ? i UAE “ ae ~ : “. ¥ a te KP a Ps a 2 Ph i Rese bib? al , i, its ; ae Or tN. ; v2 a ’ 7 Aa ws Te ak ut As rer Wi iy a . rat mae Ce: ms An va tele as EL29 7, c Y, V1) Yi Vf t yy Ni Mi Y Y Wty » YM yg ff) TUMYYYE Ae EY Yan AlY/ WL Mi); Uy YY YY Mire fy v Mf WY Yi Wy y YY Uy) yyy alin Y wat it ie ly a LL (¥ = ae a sc A V5 | Y, VY VAY V. Of) j Mi sng pam ee PL eas = We, Wit e A ; uy / / ie ti a RUT, f NYGt Ss RS ¥ Whe Y Kd J My, pA : Y, = aT Wi YVV Ay ip My, nade =¢ eae AN ANY Xe Mt Ly btrrs NN Abd Vi A a is é 4 “Ay q ea ss ETE aR 10 bh ec <) a ol 4 s ‘ fs aa re = «> - i a \¥ ‘ | | - , 7 € A 1 ¥ } - 5 I SH My LA VOX ' 7 Py ‘ = 5s t 4 ; es r , : 5. 2: S| _ §: ‘ A 3 ( 2 a 3 . a - - + ! Fs a ~ fs ‘ x \ . ' ; x i ee x ie) a f ; * Pa) P ai’ ir am i P i AY - = ~t al | cm : ' “= = j ' ’ } ig ete teks pi ee A. ~ \ ‘ bei tae - = = _ f = fs Ca ~*~. > Gees 3 { I <4 > i oe ee a - rt ei i. 3 . « hey ‘ aay Lin ke iets —e Foe We = 68 GMYUYYUyy LYE: O Gee LS V 7 V Y VA \/ 4 YA>Y¥ 10 wa ae , ae in ae YY SV \otaVaany as 4( AG RY 0’ wary {>} pre eT Agr -¥-Y VV Aa VV TV “3 [ KA : Poo LA PY AR AY AR AE D> > YVvvV “eth b < Say Ey, VY bY a n-V », a P, LAA b RK | Pp KEE bP — > ~ = ras < o so (=> b ¢ V aes Ar F y V ‘ yA L = —_= Y pyr Yb ey V RABY JEN TK UE Ty PE PPP ped pay LPI WL 7 0. RUA UR DAK WEAN GY Ack Ypi!1 MLL" lyse A pe DA } | 7 t 7 > fis, TORR USA >——>>—_// Z\ —=- >—p> V/ AVA =p & ag W. bP AV ye RN\VARARY “89 SEV UY 7, aA TS 4 A A oa LF [Vv Cr ARE yy AY W Yan ey 4) Lif a S bY R—Y ¥ Ar, OS > =a { 7, PY ry © bY ms VY >> > AA Pia Lk aa a 2 ot V y yy han Y ARIS ~ y « TV VU re & FHM Ly x SAY VAVAY, V7 7 U/: La WHY ARN EN A Ties a YL WW za = p-— | s LB b = f\ A fs bby! Yi) TX = sh, L 16 WEN Ax Wit Wis, ie | Pl. 30 Continued ‘a Pitre Vi— Y YY AVE} vane 20 A ys 4 WAY UMW aN b MN ) Lb YY Wife Hai UW ayy j Whi ii Li Ayr ude BY“ 5 1 30 A LAL Ms ery ee MU yjV/1: Ve WN, UE mye , Nr ! So tf ALL SAY AA OEE eee AIR RAT soya Be BAA PAL ply libs lls4uy Ms ty R. YEO A YEE, WA Uy TES VLA YY LL YL Mylex’ Hs hye byt UM Ay Jy), YO, Lil 4 Wh Z ‘ / Vibe ie Lp VL 4 aii, YY Ni fay ff fhe WM lee My, “My Uy, Ls 4% Lily 41), Ui, ; MN, fee a yj 10 iy} , AY nie Ss 3, don ae AS a) oF es S G = y { — nm 2, i” ; ‘ - vs a > a P i . > " i. * i DP? gyi Ny ’ ‘~ i ; , : ite ey 4 iba i ‘ero i ioe eo ‘ \ at ar n 2 Sayer tt +. [ . Tk of, >) + reat * ip mr] : . + ®, - ~ \t = bd i 5 . - { s . { ¥ + rs Nod i 2 S ‘ ‘ “4 2 ' ACF LY 4 avs at § at \ - 5 ay" « ” Jae - . o A “S ~ <= % SI au « : f 1 - cx = : *; ¢ v s + " Aa? ? , put it i. 1 J oh 4 iy ke re Le oe to 2 —* ee ie mt « ; * ' ; ~ ae ¥ ‘ Ly 3 F J ‘ = w : i ole th ‘ s rey 3 pe 4 — a: = b, sf 7 a a) Or ~ Se * d * ; rf en - a L. A j = 4 Shey } =" } dy’, ' 7 = i] = ' J - ~ ¢! P : 3 ie] s, w by / ; ahs % a ji ‘ r > Wee etch ' . ‘ty 5 ae. ee Sek _ : { re eo ese | hire Uy ad 4 “4 Si } | - 1 pot hl ve Mi - ‘ ‘ he Te ser " ah 4 7 a: } Pf 5 Lif * — ve ; ae |e i “ P1382 st ane cA Be tee ek EEE GEES ERG TE ca ARTA V -Y ary AN er Ty A Biles on ss) aa ge “TMGAGS i ana iy Hy Wy i, La j oy BURP ts ed ee aad ae EAE ey i, AY i) Wy } 2 i 1 Eg : ats ASS. at We) (arate 20 VV L) : VV le ean * YX RAREY 4YERp A\ i) - fa 26 Py b Py A WI fl 7h > LL My Ys whi nv " I) We COM, ye ML YE Oa P ep Amedeo Wot {= j wea ot hy WY arty sa ( y i LA ie Da Yi EW x roe f P+ | pte Wy ere Myer, Le YY Wy, yy! p R. 30 jars Vr Af eae annals “Sat rest erasure. A Mig Nagiesleekcs eae cake sats are ria omitted by scribe. bi, My, 4 le Pa iil ase i) VMI AE Z aa Beis by ti! Pere wt fs i Pl. 33 10 R. Yi) f it /p a Uf He lO NGM, “Wit, eee say g 0 tp Sethe j} Se WY, My Yi y) ast ‘7 Wy YY /, YY A ty me is LY byl e ih \ Hy yoy I i BhGUl Wh GH = Gy Uf YY Uy Wife caine % yy iy ) 25 i Te 1, HAG Wy Ay), i Uff Me My ee fl Wi Mies RA AG ¢ 4p ‘ a A" 0 Lkk 5 =VY LY OM ee 7 Hi [1 Hy Wt (sag ova = Gree My f rae — 30 oy Nie ae YL AY} - =) Z Y DAPY VY) = A= Qn SY eesx Fhe RY; / PR] 0 ARE A} py AD y UA taal een i . sa EN aie ra ste Aa iy RAE 46 Le, TROT HER er v NN é j j NEI WT =: a pel \7 V SY Ga AN Te f > i? : {7 WM “7 h Uy a 9 7, mM si YY Che anagracs ai WL ipfeary = g My Lif a " “ PY ‘AALA'- Y) Tih (anasge= Mii SOR it TAYE Ui PUY MEY n 5 yy 4 Yi) WL aa Wf, tN i) UPLLILE ee Y “UL: MI Ml yy yy, Ly fale a a “fi th, yy eo Yy Ys ise : SoM ecistle E Fan, EARP Wigete Pl. 35 ih O Ka KAMAE £ ie HAART ANY, ; i, Wy VI, ; a (Naas ame yy Hyp Uy 1 MH pf Wi] HEN : Loi ; ea = ‘ = aia ( : = aan eaia) rN i ia . | rx YR ys A\ \f 5 ea Se Berea AD Oe mv. AV 2 Sat ceat cnt 2a pore ay - vay ay. bs ses ve sa y a } : ae aie nN a Vi es OA AP y Ups EM aS A 5 8 a a a eT, SOLE 10 imeayy Wh hie. GVEA GL iif ZV UY, 5 a Guu, HL, AT? i= Fp ANY We WA? iy HMlldi2 VV KY , rE ye = @ Lig i ; CY iis fi | ae @ i. : ‘ Yih L hijo O. His xh V1} on NX a eee ee ee DPA Oa te 80 | Pl. 36 YU Pm, jack rest erasure. (EY ASS VA-LP-YAV VY VAN RCV RE AY, ARERET OE WEA PA Jr p AY < b ia CBYY.Y) aay, A VASA VAR, V Vx fs Wy “Vv /VE-¥ PN AR HAAR LA WY AL Kah HRN WS WHY WY) WY LOY Ny y Ly W}. face A — Yy es 4 LARA WW PREPAY f 7 pels 4 "4 £\ 7p 4a MINI po fe Nyt Yih A, nf UT ut v7 } 1, v, b ra HI - : [ei te eal AA y AY Kk > p yy VV SAR ) rf t a Vf pry ARS rey 4 iat A ay L Y 10 ¥ ~ my , a i ce “a > tA ¥ q \ 4 Gi ys ce a a Z te * 4 ) ie ay I ; ie | P yy VYY “4 | v7 "AY, D ’ 4 Continued 46; Pe TAN PAL YT Lear = ag; LAN af (Ve He EX PALA Di V p>—-AY vy by ae, PTY Ys ai r ; fi hy add MW) oS } FR BTR RE pA& pos neice ERAN AR ae ‘ Wy AAA ecules ES aaa O Wid iy Uy he ME icure. Hecke yA TARY VEY LY peer yin | AA Dy VY h, 7, WAT, q ‘As b- | PG oat ye V AY } p74 VO ica i We UW VVV} A o/) 4 R Vil f, b V (4 WATTS I, Z LZ A 4 —s ¢— AAA AA COCs ag 7 we Erasure 30 a) a my ‘WY Yi, i, Way or YOU, Wit GY if Lb, WY yy 4 WUE Mes Rees a eo ae A.¢ , by ‘a CM oo St : a) oy IY TOE RES : pe r ‘ is Sek IE BES ai ee { / Sunt, a WM Y_ 7 aa : # Lary — Arey Lan Py 84 Wal ey + lie i aa O. He 26 rw | | TLR AT Simm 2 ne 22 ea = Ui iil YT Cease Se et 2 a (227 My WM), Yi Wp Ua Tel OE eS Pre se ed me 5/7, Wy Yas Ds ty % Yi Y Grains Ga Ly i eel oth Rez ae Pais WM Vi LN, Wl Uy ay 10 el : babuce ame Bo) ke AR F 1 6 BA UE Mls ie ya KY | a hy Pe. VY & : yy Us ; [1 Lif Yj, Lil jews i, 4 % 4 y b : AA i, wy Vy /, YH a = y. fla 1, iy ify: so rh ty iis Uy, /, yy Uy, AA TV A “4 YY) , Af ‘vys Vp byt, Ay Ura fle Maa vaeadad AZ Me bo YOON, ai Baas ly, Lllegi/X| Vii eae PT | ri | Erasure. wer p ’ ’ ' te : A AY iL a _— t ot i] ‘ ‘i baa s h Le fe 0 Yin, Weta ot ins Pen Naser tee Ve aaa ae a a me aj a Ce) Dee 4, A PONDER Be Se? | ac erik tee ae ow ats ey ae ke 4 { * a iad . Ly 6 ki tisk 7 ~ hee AS f - Or at Tih aC raeTe ‘ A 3. —— tT .¥ . 7 " ae a? 5 et ) ; Vette : - es « : “rs acy . @ Vas z - / 7 « > a“ © * ‘ * a a y i te : 4 i > ri et Y ia hy } a J i : ye iv a by * ' 4 t J a . , >» J i a \ i F ® «e. .* - ) ‘ ‘ Vy ra! ] Oe ary tures! , 4 eta) be pes , : ‘ pee . sg hive ri x ae a4 te i.e Ki é ‘ Tn Y. y SA the Ae | > q * « ad . wes ") * - > Ll Pa oe Pr) | & 4 ‘ «Fig Regd a R 1 , > - ~ + y ine 4 af , , - ails : t » b ¥ ‘ dis ‘ i i? J i . , ‘ °? it j 34) * es \ : } i + ‘eo A ‘ = { ' i of “4 “4 \ Lhe ig re re ; r f A ‘ - ~ ' ’ . 5 y's ’ - A 5 ‘ s ~ tt 3, opt = $ al * = d > * y) , / ve 1 j es = Pee: Vi - F 7 * oe ‘ 4 : i re i a lar ? ‘~ r , a ~ | : ‘ * fi me i ‘] 7 ~ i. s ‘ s 1 pe 2 — = = ' 1 + t Pa ye “si 2 A ' 5 ’ ‘ , r » od prea ibe eons . - is mee ih a = 4: } aed § e 7? bse a A Se Ci ates 4 eA cn \ i a tit) 2 fi yo a eae & oJ ‘t A de : ' k ile: i a : [ Py A 4 J . ye WP ets. : he - os Z v rz ‘a heat 7 4 A, totes, y } Pati: " iz aut i t ® é 7 , ut . one ab & ~~ *% Pu 4 . are ru ih : 4 Pe eM co bay Wd ea Sk , 7 ‘ tay ys i P i ‘ MG ar A j <2 Pee F ir A - we itt ’ eof .) ta x ; ‘ AY i: yi j “ Ye , LG s é ard 7 7 107 F er Ary es ( ry in’ i? 3 2 P ? a + wa a AS; At A ws ® ie 4 ’ a r\ a i ‘ eS Oy a Te ' \ \ % a "4 : - 4 bi oly 7 | Vn hs ae [ : Te ie a ah vi Jae , Phar! : if d id tif ott oe Sa) oan “4 - Pis39 GO} d ° AYRE Y Erasure. o ARY B-Y VY ; PY fe a & rest erasure. A Be k A \/ é Cl WAY q 4 UL OM ME. SUA A’) ‘A Y OT Yy YM Mi = ‘/ W “pf, 14, WY =(@ hy foe Mis A UME Mh aan Wy }, Lie Megiie aw sf HUG p 2 wil RASA ne See! GA aL Ree kA Rory boo : =\O-nl(=a=—— ; WAH V7 re 0.0 K) S — <= 10 aa Xp ah ARs AY }, AAT i ; TY \b i ANE Erasure. iy. V7 ‘> AN’ 1am Ay Y CEE (aides 3@2 Dy) MAU IU 4 Mb husseyr R. 20 iu iii} p ig Peed bid f f YOGA > - R. Whi YY ih 10 ‘Vy WA Uy yyy) MWA Pl. 40 88 | UW, YU i ( Ak LA O. Wy Hy YW YY My ov: ae yore Wii Yi Ye i! YY Yi Hy, YY 1G HMiily Hay iy “it “ee Hh “ Cle Wits MM mA \/ i HIAK\ A YY Li Wi ee W4G GUE LY yr wit a Pisce ag £0 15 ¥ = a ery) a — ‘ 90 Pl. 41 typ Mh ANIM O Ay Ys SS V1, ie Wy Ye rk a yy iy ON rey a A. =a Wit YY. Y ‘ f imag = We ah) AV Y 17 IX A aaa roa ih My Wi ¥ Yee Eo KYY- AA / MY, Hn Ma Gj ie Vy VA je) A AL 7 V i} ex eave Ui oN {> Yup iy Ty, eS awa Z YY Wig YY) y ptt eae LAVY CH HE, HY 0. Ba EAN dal gm spa, Mal Hal toy) 5 aa aa a a Wi icon (| Sa et te Sie Gy, : ae |e ie aaa nes aa a | ier ra vaae Brae aoe 10 as Sarnia wa \ . PAS = =| =n ae A 26 oH 15 re Yi ee emi? (ane (is ea V AXA PRY) 7 if iy Hy, m4 via Lp VT AS, ip MY, Wi, WY LS ae : ML TY CH YY, Ye q UL Ul: , NY ae ere a f 99 Pl. 42 Wy d MW 7 Wi Yi} V Bis = “MY, r YY YM M44 i); ; YAY ‘ Aa Wt 4 py > vee OY aaa, iyi WA 4 YY y tiie \ Ly, high / 4 ‘lf4, @ L high 4 d Ge ey ty ows a | ,; “MU ff: GAM fy VUSLL Y Uy ip WA Y Wy MMU Mio QQ Lo: E. LLG Uy Be 3s ‘ary & Rial ort aw hs HA Se Fahey SEH, ph lee me i a i i J wae SEs, ~ PA iif oe analy Petes TER A Se — - | li AP NGA To es Pe 5 pig a OPCW LES, SP ar ak de bo rele IES. 10 10 16 20 25 Yi! 4 Ahi piety. Zi lie y Ley 7} “Mt flap h,! f 1 beg if AM yy (ie We Le, if Uy yy ig Ya Fai M1 Yip Yl ! Yi /), Wh, Uy re (aE Tor a ray — Pelt = aC LmySanG ae Ati i Pe oe PI VAR PA ea 7 SAIL [RENE es EPCRA TPR IDET OS 2 Be Vay Tar pee VAY TGR Ee Ve gti \ AY | mY saw e PIL4S rt rey ; 1 My Lp = ¥ ® a * a Tie Fe f ee.) a fife ' ' Continued — ; PL ta R. ‘ > ; ViCy Y, s2 aaa = ) A V A TA AS }— VIA = aes Zs ano Va A A / AY \/ re / hj Aa f 4; re, fi Xr | fy / s > V WIE nmi > y V _ ¥, AA A V7 Y ppt Ay =o RAY y | AK | LU V VY VY X ay, Arty V VY V r LA AYA EIN } rene ae KA ae => Y2 | I reer iA i oe Y Uf Wy i VMLIUMM YG MUTT AUT | ft, WOM YELLE y RI Sf Yi WHIM f [LLM MEE O. Li nadie fas" EMG MG GES, Lae a i id 7 7 yf Wi vi Y V i 4 7 by \ AY lan AAS A 4 y, fi "Cs fh 4 1/7 pA > : a z, re: rf BS — A bs A VE—-V yA , « = A bt A GN ae 5 TARA A ok i ~ S78 ere \ # Me mas re feats + ™ ‘ bby a0 ¢ f 5 Sh ee olen | y “= = a ee er Es ah Fag SIE oe ‘oe o* a - ‘ke rd YY Lyi) UY) Hf A Wp hy) Wi iy Y ae oa 4 | ; Sica ene MY 4 5 BR ere ae ~~ KAA Ay ry D aa eS Wine = > a ia ; Palau byes 10 Wax = ‘ ee = 16 ip HH WM fj) Wy rin Ady | Ni MY MOM Ae bt WAT) LH yy: i fi} Oh Wf yy Ley TAY Z 2 7 Si soo Uy UYU Wis P| ART RAT i, oh y yy, Ky 7 1.12 Cem ry uy WE y Yf YYW yp VY G, 2C ave Y QU YOOHTLEE. a Gincintss Me SSL : ae Yi YY) i. Wy Wij hk SSL YVA i iy) 14 Yi 4 ai) Ny YY Wy Ye 4 Wy Wy WY, YY WAVY, YY iif YA “Uf, yyy , , My yy 26 a My, A a iy) yy, ys y _/ YH Yy ie a f Vif AMS, 2 jai RAM O. Mie tis, " Apa za MLL — 5 Tree Bene a t= nN == 20 ese am TEEN RTT TASS YY rhs EL aae iiss at0at Pei tae uy Renew CRS” 4 V7 AAb—AD sates pes" WINK INA (aS Mie anteteane AAT LIL? ee 10 15 65 60 be ohare 105 Wik WARK aN Aye t Wy “h Noe RU As yy Yy sy p ramait AVY YY: Lh ; YY / We Yo Wy Yay. Tear if a Ny Tx Ne eae pay ee: ian A] Y/N] AGL UNO) (4 30 aot (is A ae noes Ty al REP AY ae sti o- V ms 30 Gia pie YM) am ° Erasure. Uy yyy, Wi Due Wi We Ways Up t td 4 Z LE LLiij YM ipl Wy CL wZ ya ¥ ae a TnL anes A OLE, E as a ine (a ¢ “Nhdage ly, Y aa : nee y, v y Theek ‘a We THEY NF Ltt, Wy y WIT) bib Wy ly V7; Te A aS nae A Me YY We Yi, Y 7 - A ga: yyy THA 5 i; Yh wy yy ‘a MY 4, Lb, Wy T yr XK NEOSESINE Tt Tate yy 40 Pres AEP TAA ER iat IPAS vy V RET V rages 5 stan Wa EN ALY) ata My 4 yi (Me Ay 4 4 } baal Oy T= Wl iy > my i Nii, AN / 4) Inf WY’, wy iyi 14! //) 4) Yh hy WM, YW), HUY WY Vy, MAM iy | i "Pea 106 Dae aa FEY, Wis V4 wa 0. Y THe pie Wy bye LAH Ae ean ti Hy Wily Hy) ee Gig ty LEE My Ye yy Y : Z ~y Y Ui og Wir ay WY, YY HY Ui P oa Si ty y LY), aa wee A Wp V 4 a a ER aim iy) Wi = ax a MD _ ay rae Rane A rHVVY NPE 7% <\ & = ae aan" Y aA TAA vg \eny os A : BOAR SE Gs REA YA vw Agalai: EARN VI PAV PAR A Wy J cae eee ey 4 ANGE ih a ee aman alee nt BP TA tUabsite mn ¢ ’ Yin, A kA was; < a, = Ts eae = SEG 1o i Lt ght ph Uy / J 15 (eam Fel \ 20 A 4 FAY Y Tit AS Ay is iS v Y, — -_ \"| Yj A y bp UV Ly aa TAT, =avew* = . b Tah = PHI ly (y AER re Y, (AA, V & e ry P tas! ise YY VW; 4 iy YE, Wh UU / Vg Vs My, ENE “Uy dips coe Soe : Y; yy Wi W) Yj Wii, Lily Y YL AERP = EBSA Re bee h fh 85 & yy YYW y ig YY wD PLAC AE AT EAT mY YY 4 aes k NY We Hie Uf . = v YS 477 NP HY Al Ky] pe 7 Vv Vo M UF ak Gh A ACI EE 20 ae 2 ‘ ue Gee Peis Tbe 108 WHY WM yy) et As Fry Ate ial YY La PA } t- VY, Uy Uli VY yes W//), Abr V/ Uh 7 7 A = Ya e yi (= oo XY (386 : : / aay UT ELING # WHS ZAK Wie TP lee Val A ry Fey vy Aer Ty EAT A Aa age : r y ’ wh ’ w 3 x 4 ; ' ' 4 A 2 é re i aty , *, “of a o rt * \. 4 ats m+ at i a Pyare” UHH, Wf pe Ui if Wy e “tt PY Y a! “ ly iy At .< gn ro YT f {S p> za Tete SB 7 A = I 2 i 29 252 a Sis aaa V ae a Y Ty Ge PMA AR ee A Oe V/ b “EX A ats CF A yr VT Ww c SE IRR a A 4 /\ VW\7 V. A A \/ A 4 Z\ iy P B Wey Mam SIs 7 Ap YY Gi A > #3; yy YH Ty) Cr br” AY TY Giggs | Mi iy Wy ry ye IS /\ Wy Yyy I —vA ? YY vy AYA EES Wii; i) D> 7A" ALAR i‘ V KL Ui}! q ah ave ie fae | ~ 45 Hake 51 ‘4 ’ q 7 7 } 4 j ; aw * “ ) oe Ve ‘ a ; - - , ° . , > Ay . = 9 ; Joi Kisag.> Pat : i cat Uy pe ee 1 Vy 5 ) apr C= a é , oe nl, ¢ f _ ‘ j 4 é 7 bs oo 7 Sa ; Ap Es oe oe as gad & fine & ‘a . im x d Fs Loxf rhs Bla 7 ‘> ee a tb, heen S ot ‘ “‘X a Sri ape . ? ¥ ie : hs f re bg Teen Peer’ > tees : ures i Tie ' Ly eta . Pat a we ‘ . . 4 * o 4 w Feks cA ee a & AT hg AT Peo, ee ce 3 + . i» ae wn i “4 LS eaves J 4 ' ¢ rf —S) en a 7 e , - > ay J 1 ~ u ¢ ig ary 5 . , . : f 1 ah oy Fh ee : 1 ‘. ey 4 ; PAT ey! dy NT ak ne ? a ° Cry = Les? ! Sash ba) Bs ’ ve y tat ; ’ = . i i a "oy U ’ bee ‘ oi 5 v . ay I oe a hy je 4 : e . roearg 5 7 “ie Ee . - t >. = . “ - = 2 \ \ ij ? 7 ‘ ‘ ~ J - - ‘ ra z f 7 Take | ber > . ne 2 ' : - Py = + 4 te s] Pe ® na zag iy aS ‘ , » ba , * “. ; 2 } 4 : ah ‘ > £ ‘ ef he 3 s - * ‘ a x 4 *s f ~, ; ao ay - ; ; = Ss - - + 3 4 ’ J tad , = - é : nN . : . \ Leak Ae i ‘ 4 i - , hk , ‘ ; ~ ¥ 4 v Ne ay Sy . = be ws. \ , =| ’ ; - ~ x Le ‘ a * 7 7 ty 5 ae , ' ’ a = \ 14 a 4 , . ie 7 } i S59 # [ = ~ ss] . ey ~ r ie Fant a » = { = } ¥ . = . ee oa tT A 7 A i df : - rt ~ ‘ ar - 4 Mg = . - ‘ Baz il 1 . a = ? { ahd - , > E _ y) { , ae ae ~ *, me. * - ® % : ‘ * . - > » ' . # ‘ - ¥ a, ‘ = = thee’ : z bs ~ i * - "f ‘, oe st a - * } a, Coe | C a 4 Ke oe ft ™ : Ja an | i ‘ EY 2 , rs 7 . n? J iy Pooks e* ae Wal i 4 . Fits ea UE ae a ; * 7 ’ f i + 44, 4 ' * - ad Te 4 - Ay . : : ‘ ’ ‘ 7 { » “ } c ' Fa. Ba ° ' f - y eof af . } i ‘ Jt ue t. j , ov 4% ‘ 4 ee ‘ =a, : 7 r 1 Ay ‘ ‘ ‘ ' - wt % i NM i : ' : wa \ a ; P . i rs ' r 71 ua cue 7 ie Ate ak ae a ~ v:' ie Poa! - 7 é k aay : : i ' ‘ r - | ‘ 4 f > i , > a i a q @ . an . : ty e i17 Pl. 62 CRY. ff NEY CY) Lily YY Wisp a Wy Yh YY, AML. Ee OU Wy hy Wi, Vif ft eS ee ys “i Ly YY a 4 Wp Wy Vee by of VigF YM Wy Wy Y, yh Uy, 4 oo 6 UB fie ee oe Ze P My WY UY M§é@M"l: Yo ‘ Wy 5 b+ ; Hy Coplige Ly: hy LX /) Ye i: v Wi ty tL pr), Hip Oa Y, Yi = r Ui: Mf. ] wie O ft) sy h < APL v " | Yi, hy ‘Me | iby | j ’ ip hie . 1, 5 i ogy . Hh HO 4 VI ft. Np y ae . H hi ene 10 bey Sat af MAb pips EN eis i oe YI Wy Yip Yi Mi, iy vy YY Yn We pai ly wy pala ly Wy WL, a on => SA SSSSN SSSe2 S S SAS SA NS SN SSE SE S YS a I~ S YS . WS IW NN S~ THEO 5 TPR EES PRE The eA ae TEE TRA evant aH Bp ake 7 i Say ll! YY) GUM) “1, 7 st AI gargs a 7. 7 » oe a a Wipe (}, / Sidi ape: 114 0. LUE RE PER Yo : /, fy Wh y ij VL Wy My Whistle, aN Me WIMWIMION af aes iy yy iy hehe 122 | Mii 14 Re o 9 U. Mil Mee Wy yy My ne ide Sc rb Ay A OWA A rh fey WEA Re * b— e os s p Pb cd LL roy \/ ==> of aay C ASay wR wee 2 OS SE S — “ "7 ether tae sa we | 7 { ys ra ilo Y YY Yh. Rxee Wy Te t. i} AU} ee Yih hy Vy Vi Diss Ui fi ay AY : arses b- / Mit, Va Br Uh ars ae eae, Ssilenas ° i, i Wy Yy y} tia yg 74) = of Hi a e PTY phy 2 : BAY JA EGG Saiz) fiji “IV REY YZ YY YY YY Y & 13 Yi y, ‘a (WY Vs 4 YY a jy Wan ‘i J. Cor leane ag he He by) Wi LLY Wy, Mita de LN Nes ( IV rN ; a ANE Giesigass we ar fe 5 Ce Aaa arate : TIE My UY) ests) a iss y aoe yr de Ipoh Wy YE : SETS ey a oe ee iy a A H ie My iD a jz bAYY a \ RK}A S Las 4 Wye 4 Win? _P T i Wy za : boy] 16 ys ek td + a, re. “at ay i) se = = ~~ - : 126 Pl. 60 7) ”y yy My AE ed Ha, GUN 14, Wt Vif 4 y ‘¢ YY YY ai \y tiny Wi : Kae i if, b> —b>+ ¥ PANPEYY : AM, Dbl YAS EY Pe ay, Ye WLLL ey: (/ diy, § Miptig hf, iy} Yip. ip Wy Z NB NY Wf) F LZ Wha! YY V Sif / He Mi? a VAwa y — GN S ts 4 ~ A hy Y LLY aan ee 10 VY : Reverse. ‘ Wy | : CV yoy Vey Be Hy "EY Vv, bY EV b-VbEy F-4 4 AY PA \) re an= | a UT y ‘ ] Wy) 4 My} 5 IY & a “d ' ; § ; i ‘ ‘, 2 ¥ ; 10 - es Ui 11 * o; ( Hy 30 Y / é 5 pe UY, Vy LNs ry 1), Ui i Wiis Up, if [1 ME YA My yy*y) ff, Hi hy ft jt i, Uf is USS Uf 4 yi is TREES WIA 5 VIYLLM, “iff BG. /, g — ee y VHS 4 ty EY AY be WiaLe/ WOM Rag Yas P| b j Wii, YUL i YW iy yoy : =! PM Mee TRY kA PA) Te, Ub Marg \ _} Hes Us f n§, ae * r ee in 2 - “i iat ay ay rth ¢ ie. 4 ahhus oT ste 128 Pl. 61 7, We TN WL, TRY ae MU; Yi Yi} yy VW ‘ th LI yiiia ey, L Ki Wie aaa Ai | 7 4 d ' Hy if ‘ a ! at ie Ar ART \ its aay) Dy V AY gy Y, 129 i Hee hf TPS EE . th He Tore seals os = SEAT TETET BURY HIE yy VV “ig ee ee ee ne ee a Qn SoS Hi fil", SOT ML, yy / iy dues “Pe are | Hela kt (—_— eee ——————— ee Continued Wy “/177> Pi. (lf Lil $a fe G, Sy W747, Ope R hi Up Whe ban ’ Wi poy Ma BN LT uy ip a Magy YY Ly uy yb “WM, na 1 Sargenat aapes = y CR eS I) ) Te (CEN VA AA 26 Ti ate PEA MOI Tiss ; 10 \ WY Y prt pee VY fe = x + le 15 ae ~ hy a Ai Hy i io al \/ LD PMN VY. b Ay LV ase 7 / A pH \’ PN FEA % Wi Viny no Yj Ws ae Lyfe) Uy ae hy We, Me Nye) 14 a ‘ / yj OT RO; LP ve < HOY fs, Y hea 62 Continued Pl. 63 sa VA, HEIL, bt fy iy UU UML VME “Lp, MMM VM Wf; Lig, UTD m R. no. Bi, Z, Lefrey Why yy Vy, Vey 7 Mie > l/, YH Ue tity , 4 Y Z Z gy Ge LS, fo Wy ppg fle Wi lepegs Yh 4 Wy Y YY Ye me a Mf, Yy LY / — Z LG MILEY? / a), Yo Zp VME 7, Lh INS YS) 7H) ee bi 70 : ‘ J | | usr dees V Fey — VV Y bi AY LV Ary : : ig Pee Uh AY bQeteeme | I , nae MY AA (CY ay ERAT Fe STAY “TERA EN EEL bus a Ut fe qs Wi ai Witt (MU, yy Yl 80 WUT TS M1, YM Mug he ee /. = SS DS ~ > 7 Sec a Y: Pa Need RS SSS Yj v YUU ILL, fi YY) YY) YOY MYL Y YL LY IU Wy YY WH LYE cam r uae ant lo. ara a % a - "i py A ok 10 me La KR 10 FOOL | BRE RSE Bat YR EN 10 15 20 eAS) Nn 30 36 0 45 =a | = | = Fey 182 PlS6 ss easaaleie 4 zs a Wy /, MY C2 = frp Sp) Hid ¢, MMM Gf), ns Ri eneUre zi ba \? Ly Uff fi HM tie 2 ( ita b-y WN uy) Wb tat Gs: Cn eee Se aah Vif YIN 177 MM) Vo if) ) #1 a iy he i ( Uy > LA a, coe rea Hy rat Pe es eanemi: , ies ata] slo igi Y, vay, VVy V Vy 7 a, es Sie a ao re mesa an Pee a pal Hors £ Nic 2 i TV " ws vy PA A i : A > aa Wy ral on rood Oy ring ee Hi is { SS < = — Batt =s V ie Un > Y > . z b 4a) ti s q ipa ee N = N [| , , 4 ; f 4 : F } " . Continued nee WT y WY YY WY y Yo yy Yj Y, Uy Y, Wy ZI LU, / oe Za / Li iy Yf§ by yy Z oY 77 y iy Yh My VY) Ye HY Y, is / 0; YY SoM / YY Wy we Yffs ip Ly! Z Wi, Yb 111), Me 4 fi ze iy D yy ie. if Hf jj / WEY Ya S, ae Ue My di ii Yi th Wy YE My OY, bes YY y Ve Lip YY L, UM IML 100 HOW yy y Wf ; WY iy YY TMM IY Tl iy iy WYygiy Uy / le ee Me Vig yy Wy, : iy) HY yy yy , Wi Hy) Ys ae Mi i WM Wy 7 Hy ao 2 iC Co / a TA Hh HH yy Yj Li) VAY ay if Wy ll pl 108 UY j i) Wy me YY We ify tl My: om “ Wes rY uy LUD af es aa itz, ip LIN yes aT ae THis Hi) Hey Wy Vi) y are te Vy) 140 ELA Y Wy YU Ng Vy Wi Wy Tink ii are MY Yi pr Hi Viys Wh Wy LYNG Wii iki koh YY eet UN AVY ar yy A AT YY VE SOM), i Vie a Ve a Moy YE V7 y) b> Y VL ys \/ = ly Wy ty Ly iy Y, yy, UY Wy Uy ie M44 Y Hy yy if / Laer P TK 117 ty CMY AU a Ys Wf; 1), M; G [1 Ys /, ; Gy) a Wh hy Vy, Li / 7 MAM, CY ML HY Uap 1 NY Voy ys My fh VV v AY, MY yy WW wy CLT ae VV YV i i} TIPE aa) 220 Hy 126 yy Uti Wi), Wy LY GUY Lily YY ; ~ Lt. te y 7 ed . \ ko . fate) es * J : ony em fh hae , ; “ Ah i t i rat : - , 4 \ 2 ehh PP 4 ; J Al mee ore : ry 7 Ms Naar eda ai ths es se ll : She Witatee eer sy { . / : a Ms bal i. es re : 3 aio | ais Ces ‘ ~ v . . Fa i , , tn - , 7 y ' £* ae : if 4 LY f i is i ‘ P c .. . ast : te ~ nae ; + } + ~ ai “ 4 \ F 4 ‘ A / t . —_ $ rs 7 , hm ‘ ek a>. 85 i Line | ' \ = co to é vr ' , hy eb oe : WR A pel Oe . } vk Thy od 7 A \ . , - i} a : y 3 ; ¥ 7a % . y ’ vt ; 7 -‘ 5 ms 7 : ‘ ‘ A ASA C] a : - i 4 ¥ ’ - - t i ao 1 i 4 : ae an 7 2 tig i | Pl. 66 138 YY UW AX r. We Y Yee, GY Hie Wf 14 Yaw : YY ty Ye oy ep BC ; 7 a My y 7G Na he iy eth 7. ; UN, Ht EER YY hy A Vi pinexes + WMyey YELYR Mip , ASi 7 (s SiC ees My i a a Fe Cry LY YTY - = eiie laud ¥, ‘ a bes = LYA) - 2 aa We Tv, ay PITY ALY b—A wo \p der Ady ANG ag = OA (ON Glee: EE IVP PAA RA Ar AR ir Bey ; . k 4 a 7, qa a NG AY , OW GO ca KAS P A Pk) (CAKE 25 (atactca: ine aut A eYY}, Arty yA RY PARA Mints cag: an ne \b Vat Mii) We Mf, ———_____ Vani t) 2 ily, NE 27 Dose Wy THEY, i) bis iy iy; tax She Erasure, 30 ENGIN U5 I 6 502 Loaats St ee Ser ; ia : o mw id= a V , Lory =; V> ‘a'fi PEYY ‘a K atta S. wu fi An ( mie: Na Pb ines Ws yy 7 E ; D Y/f// Yo YA Ui vr Uy py AAT Gr _| | ; / iy OT77, ST Naa, , lap Ny Ye IR TANG ae/! me esas Aa aa ae AN V YY fae, O---0 Wil Merit p WS Wp YL YY YR Lin) 35 40 we a py a U4, YL, A) YY Uy U, Uf. LAs 5h, ans ae a 7 “s PIS 67 Continued 0 (| es a ae vif ifs aaa: i) Y/ 7, Gey in ae As Wy hf 4 1414 — Wy a he | re iy NEP RER VD), Ui/1: Uy, Wy Wh oo Se i He, AY Vig Y Whey 55 ies K ELITE ee A E, iy) a ee yi ae a Gy We fa wh o Wy i ih, ig yy Yh Mo, i ee Lif ty ihe i YO iy My MN, / Ty Wop Wy Mf dy My ity ih oy iG yf I / yin Lh “ih MY, Wy Diet A an amma), Ub le TY é y ry, boat phe by. Yy Yi Vi bh We) jf yh Meh Mj, ey 4 Mh V 7; ay ]/ yy 60 TAL tes ecto) Nn a } ta Ligh fe Yi Uy Yi My Y, TR / pit Main ‘id i! y My os Wp Wi WIE 4% i Yj 4 y 5 Ag ‘ Y/ Y Yj i i ee iy f ghey FS y YIM di Je P yes : A f < 1 . ‘ : j r * © ' > ; 71 i cae ti! heey 4 rf ' | tH , ‘ £ \ » § - F . : ‘ > 4 > F 1" : Z | ‘ ce ). * AY & s ‘ - ; t 7 +4 ~ Ay q » i yy sw i] a Fay te { ‘ ‘ 4 ' . ' J “4 * ‘ Pee | ' - j bs i ae | —* 4! BiG F T 4 iw 24 a(t i OO aon & - ¢ * Lodi™ % | be Ril aaa XA.) Re. ah ENR te a ‘ a Al ib ; iy * 4 ry : a nee ree PS AR yy) apie ee Wid Ye UY ff; UY, Wf Yp ty “M1 pel. Whey Col. Il ; : ey ULE y Yh My Y Wa My WY, rh Wy, Yi YY ids Wy by yy MYA, Wy, } liye WM Mi MUL YL fee iy iy o M/ ys a ji (as eo ueat ng: TMs ay) fi) Ul AEE: ear (a " VY AS Hei if Wf ey eal a Ae Niece) aqqua AY irs =a; THN Seed aif ¢ Mane KC ae: oan Soil ee Be meee ata iy pe: ay i oe 2 10 rime eat Ly Up hiy: UY ey i) Wy) Vy LT Myo YY y Lo Th, 14), q) A Yi i yy y} yi Nha wis Mi ae A i — iis YY wy hy, Uy) f ed aE: YY Z We. Wits / HH ee a Hin Ange Mey y Uh i - WY AF Wl Wei a nis? L any AAS (p—}H ay =, I vara) i ae Sibley Jv "4 AA a A = E ' AA ae RA Te TERY RS Ata eX GAR x2 IY aut om (VA HY iM aN auyeili . A 7k ax = Wy in Ty Gey Pia 1 Wh PAV K fnsii HY Win ae EA _ i afl yey = KN, it iy OTB NUE ES, UE A WHY Cen = 4: : LAY IY, : /} ) He sel LRH I “eh TiN Re: auaieae SONOS EAE RY Vig a LOY Th yf! ITT ViVY AN AY ay Hy TEN, a i c ' = pMyy) VAT, y! Ye f Wh y mh HEN ee one SGis ig Yih WY a is Ww = RS: = i Dal Tf AY 1h pun yy) mee @ Uy He aie AS AG: Avy (i) npn HAY LEN | yh yy i, iy) i i AFF} Bhi i = : ) Wy "5 aaa (ae hye Wy CU uae = ie WML ji): Wann ) Mi 777 dy) Wy oh dy My Te) } ihe ati} Wy pe Uy, Wife iy Mie WA YY fp ; Wh vf We HO S al He ae Ue Uy Hy, Vig tr Ty) Wi Ye Ye Uy MY) iy if YUM) iy Yip / Lip + yy tp be Wy hy ) We i Mp ff {yl Yan / Hy Wy iy Dr i arma ANY MPN i) Tih Oy ee 5 ih oy ET on a s i eae Bali 6h Ley, Ms YW /, fh Wh cas On hs Ly iy Wipe j if / Yh Wes WY, Lif Mf Yi Wi hh My th Wie Wy MA hi My Hn HE Y WD, ELE Yy igs Wf iy LN NY HN a, Sn WW, hones i OY Ms Wi Lith Wy ae ayy / i os Uy ip Uy, ys ee Maps Ny YY dl Wy //, S04 7 mF hy Hy / My ae oy yo Ws Wy i YY iy yey Ly, Ll) LM, Wy ya Z a Wy Wit iy 3 Ye Ty Wp Yi) yy Continued 271, 69 Col. oe Col. IV, Mp > Thy, 3 7; ht LY ye lie GR ii Ly WHS Wye (ie Lp = "i Yt Y 1 Hig THE //f izes hin Lis My is, HY) fp. roe fi Me YY 7h (POR YY y 4 (VEYA ae aca wm Lama imiem en ry yy Wy, sal Y Py Et bp AA Af ion V ai E BS be = No Fe y é he CA Tp oo ae, Uy" 4 is a Neen ro rN saan + eee yy : oe YY, 7. } 9 Wy V v , ye {fflls, Mi / = nay Ey ARaHy ne iy GEES U4) \F (7 _ la i cms = iy CD Hi, aa ee Wy YL Lipsey } iN X AZ Wf Nig H} h sine iejam: Wie AYA u Wii WY ‘ y «: ae Vata NCR = WG, y) ys 10 | j A MY VVV A ie hi] Yi aa : Wa" VY / , : mS Et br YY TAAL f, yy Be WME) Ui YLT AE FAL, fens q VY Uh ikke h Vif ip? W/ /1 We f Wf Wy Yi, Life 4 Me ( IY } hy Ws Ky YW4 Vig i fi} WZ WY We ty UY Obverse. F/ 3 6 Reverse, anaes eS ELV PAR ye PUY (aan i rely FT 1 by A b FOE f AAG D2 V Gwe Lv VW ZAL Bo Lev bevy kK } MM Sees, tp fy <2 at Teed! : esis! Pl. 70 137 U. EB. rt ee Bass Age Z PT acetal oe sale - \/ Kes ALLE , ry Hees suateat am es Sa Ma eaecfon! ea ea ees ba ee “ ; eal i Hey eG Alé ae OF nies 20 Te = er Gate A = ae ee a 2 (neti) | pee Oh SR ae leo > Ue es ON sel 2 | IG nal ee a. oer sice | ce Pe a 35 EFY iA . a 1 te § y J : 4 t a ; 7 ; j { +) ‘ i \ a + : ; an vith 4 +s t 4 i be U 4 ¢ ; ‘ r " Z ey a j ’ tr S " ; ; * 4 > 5! ‘ i ; : ‘ c - ‘ ‘ r wifi ; a ' 4 i an ‘ F +: * = 5 , ‘ ¢ a 4 ; i i é si : ‘eu = , \ ‘ a J s { ' j . fi r y +». - ee ay) a Pate - Ti _¢ fA) Cer ~ 4 a - ‘ . 1 ‘ ' \ ‘ i is 3 , j “ 3 oy ~~ a o 3 ' i R wa 4 ba ae i a \ i : 1 { i ’ 4 1 i - ‘ F o: pe : - “ ' “ s a - “ae a as 5 co . t 4 7 & : fe é Ta 7 5 — y ‘ e \ € L~ " ‘ j “ : ar A iy ' ‘ int 4 4 ‘ é ? . . ry J . — + € Th, ) 1 47 - 1 ‘ rt : “| ba - ¥ ‘ q : \ : ' : : é Zs ‘ ° ' j > ‘ { a : : : “Ot Bi ee ee ere et Ses LL as Pl. 73 138 0. ie eee per be 0. Tees Oe beer PS a Al ne ae \ i ar +f mi ee Lo. E. pcos ATES as as Y ? Uf AI fj ‘7 4 MO ae HOGG! nan ai Ui» A ber WY Ip 16 AE EE pee . sancel ph hee EN A ees Neat neren TEAR “0 a 7 eA AH TN a (Ysa LEA vy fie y 1" AY aq “y “J EL ANY | 7 cy LV b A A’? bt be A 4 r M, nae Mey) Mil, ST 77 Bp iste fla) hy & fe Ti LN, en Ui) Wh! Ys ian yy sai ae wa’ KR, A A, Upe Y key Y Vy % Ie OE I i y, yy Ue Lee 10 Wo if ey EA AY / or LAMY Y LLIN my Ue Yj Wi ip Wry, Hip Ty, Wp Alaa: Lo. E. SARA =) Ys YV t— GD, 3 VY. ee - |} 4, WiNihy Ry MUZYY Hy! Weed V yp 4) e Ul op i iia . ne aid RAs rae NLA. ! far LY EAYAY 2 \aasat Nea L YVR-Y YY ve: YY > 7s = roa cases ECAR AR ia Lo. E. 10 Wi an } Wy, . yin liy , TTT TOT 77, = i “14 ih ly . ;, R UM Mi UY TAS Le SE Wy Wis ‘ YA Whiit/) 1/ My TAH WY My, / 2 A Vee My, yy iy a aes tig y We Ny} ee Whe We rai Wy Uf, 7 Yap Ih) Wh i y tk iy) (4 TA a ae 15 My Reh Ye My ms.d AE BI Ak SOM [hamaeeces Y y, V4 Y AY, C.y==— ae 77) mare We Seal Yo) WORT] a Ye a AY yi ay ‘WA 2 AG My, se Mj: ff, af Soa R Ceol = ADA 10 15 a = BRAN a aC ETOD Ga ks Bet Wy Mi LY My ip) iy re carmen Yih MILLE UML eT AAT Hy YY yt Lip Vy Uy Wii, Ny BU él w= Will YY fp Mie LOY), Wie : AVA ha 0 My ft Ni, (MG, Wha 20 Ye Wy, ‘ ey | Ning VAL iad Mia oh %! : ‘ » v7 7 ¥ i 4 ¥ i ha j ’ 7 ’ 7 ¥; : A ‘ " 4 ri P ‘ . PJ3711 .P41 v.2 eg oe ne rae sons of NN 1 1012 00027 4219