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PRESENTED BY The Ete eyet BF 1999 .S6 | Spivey, Thomas Sawyer, 1856; 1938. | The resurrection Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library | igo eines OMe Ci l® aX OF PRIW Oy "7 is APR 20 927 | By THOMAS SAWYER SPIVEY GNOSTICISM THE BASIS OF ECCLESIASTICISM A Book to be Read by All Men Regardless of Creed or Condition A SEQUEL TO Ree he\V EEATION An interpretation of the Bible by a secret code revealing Chris- tianity as an exploitation of humanity, and utterly devoid of true religious significance. PuBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR Beverly Hills, California Price $5.00 the copy Postage Paid. Copyright, 1925 by THOMAS SAWYER SPIVEY With All Rights Reserved pete * DEDICATED Instructive Nature, Humanity, and Sane Human Government. CON TENTS Pierace: = = - _ = fact 1—What is Gnosticism? - 2—The Gnostic Astronomy 3—Peopling the Planet - 4—The Cosmic Chemistry 5—Integration and Disintegration - 6—Present Status of Our Planetary System 7—The Bone and Tissue of Our Planetary System - - - 8—Presuggested Forms - 9—Man the Revelation - 10—The Gnostic Origin of the Christian 11—Divine Plagiarism - 12—The Personification of Nature - 13—Mysticism and Concealed 14—Mind and Man - . 15—Why Are We? - - 16—Plausible Hypocrisy - 17—Immortality . - 18—Cultivating National Evils Forces Idea 114 140 165 190 204 257 250 277 Zo 303 527 350 368 391 cP ery ; “> Fy Stet ie) LA a ch he - f vey h f one ¥ - hel _ # \ wate A " li ir: WP al > ye aS fr ‘ re a ee fe SP ea aie rh oe of ie Pa te P) iP, i} qi D eas é : ¥ Helkay ‘ we : , Ke a | ms ih Se et Ry 6 ss ie Aceh rie ‘ Chine vis PERN tee _ Ue Ma oe, | eae a Al im a, if ¥ _ ® it +, 7 iN N@ Ts As a sequel to our previous volume, THE REVELATION, this book will not mince words. It will reveal the true Gnostic origin of the Christian scheme which was made the concealing cloak of Ecclesiasticism, a political organization. We shall attempt to demonstrate that a secret political body conceived the idea of usurping all civil powers and seizing con- trol of and exploiting humanity for power and profit. Its basic policy was to establish a “King of Kings” to lord it over civil sovereigns appointed by the head of the Church as Princes, and to build up an hereditary priestly nobility. “He hath made us Kings and Priests.” (Rev. 1-6.) “The Kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord.” (Rev. 11-15). “We wrestle not with flesh and blood but against princi- palities.” (Eph. 6-12.) “The Kingdom of God comes with power.” (Mark 9:1). “T will give power over the Nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron.” (Rev. 2-27). “For the time is come when judgment must begin at the house of God; and if it first begin at us what shall the end be of them that obey not the Gospel of God?’ (I Peter 4-17). “Behold, I come asa thief.” (Rev. 16-15). | “In the flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and obey not the Gospels.” (11 Thes. 1-8.) To the contrary Christ preached to the people: “My kingdom is not of this world.” (Jno. 18-36.) “T came not to judge the world.” (Jno. 12-47.) Ecclesia is a Greek word meaning a legislative assembly. It has no religious significance. The Christian Church is the militant body to execute all that ecclesiasticism means. ‘Therefore ignorance is made the agent of the predatory wise. 10 THE RESURRECTION “Christ is the head of the church.” (Eph. 5-23.) “Christ is the word (Authority) clothed in a vesture dipped in blood.” (Rev. 19-13.) “The Word is God.” (Jno. 1-1.) (Authority.) “God is manifested in the flesh.” (I Tim. 3-16.) “God is the Father.” (Matt. 23-9.) The holy father is the pope, long addressed by his cardinals as the “Manifested God”—the papa of Mankind. “Then cometh the end when he (Christ) shall have deliv- ered up the Kingdom to God, even the father (the pope) : when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.” (I Cor. 15-24.) “And the Kings of the earth and the great men, and the rich men, and the mighty men hid themselves.” (Rev. 6-15.) This same Christ declared to his apostles: “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace but a sword. “For I come to set a man at variance against his father and the daughter against her mother.” (Matt. 10:34-35.) “l-am come fo send fire on earthy “]C@Liuke 12-408) This is quite sufficient for our purpose. This is Ecclesiasticism reflected through Christianity. Christianity is the pretended, religious cloak to shield an exploitation. We have quoted these drastic things from the Bible, to arouse the readers of this book to the urgent necessity for dili- gent inquiry into the true significance of this so-called Christian religion, which has so long held humanity enthralled. We have published a previous volume, THE REVELATION, in which we expose a secret code, or at least a system not under- stood by the masses of people, which reveals ecclesiasticism and Christianity as associated factors in a well defined exploita- tion of humanity. This is the sole object of Christianity. We have urgently declared that this astounding enterprise is based upon a conglomerated mass of doctrines plagiarized from every previously known religion back to antiquity, an THE RESURRECTION 11 attempt being made to construct a religious form of ethical con- trol to be “all things to all men.” It gradually eliminated the philosophical schools, appro- priating their wisdom and learning as its own. This especially was true with that broad and instructive school known as Gnos- ticism, which it wholly destroyed. This wicked process required about five hundred years and was one of the great human trage- dies of history. All the avenues through which progressing, expanding humanity could rise to higher intellectual planes were closed. Extant learning, especially of a scientific nature, was seized and concealed or destroyed, and men were forbidden to teach. The Church was to be made the “Gateway”’ to learning and was to choose those who might enter. Inthe very beginning the common earthly people were driven out of “the garden of Eden,” signifying a place of cultivation, and condemned to eternal toil, They were forbidden to partake of knowledge under pain of death. We broadly cover this aspect of the subject in THE REVE- LATION. In this present volume we shall take up Gnosticism and show to what extent Christianity is based upon its wisdom and philosophy. The Gnostic system extends into and becomes a part of the code system of concealment throughout the Bible, because the ecclesiasts attempt to appropriate the Gnostic sym- bolisms and similitudes as their own. Gnosis means to know—Knowledge. Christianity means to believe—Ignorance. It is very apparent that if a man knows a thing he does not have to appeal to others for this knowledge, but if he de- sires to know something of which he has no knowledge, he must seek this enlightenment of some one else, and he must believe what is told him is true, or become a skeptic. This is the basis of faith. Look up the definition of the word faith, in Webster. This immediately explains the selfish attitude of the Church. It desired to pose as the dispenser of all wisdom and knowledge, in order that it might possess the exclusive monopoly of training the new generations. To this end and purpose it suppressed Gnosticism; swept the earth of all previous learning; forbade 12 THES RESURRECTION teaching by others than it’s own priesthood, and assumed a vicious attitude towards science, philosophy and evolution. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” (Matt. 4-4.) “Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant.” (Prov. 9-17.) This refers to the secret teaching of the Elect. Lord means loaf-ward, the dispenser of bread, the Master of the house. It is derived from Hlaford, meaning half a loaf, and ford—to give or afford. In our analysis of Gnosticism we are deeply impressed by the always present intimation that it is not a closed organiza- tion, but, on the contrary, 1t reveals understanding of laws which propagate learning. Thus it sows wisdom to become practical knowledge by understanding. It is the true and only system of natural tradition and instinctive education. We adopt two axioms which we believe may not be easily refuted and may become guides to intellect. Gnosticism is a knowledge and understanding of natural tradition and requires no secret initiation. Every man is a Gnostic to the extent of his practical, use- ful knowledge and understanding. “All is plain to him that understands.” (Prov. 8-9.) “I understand more than the Ancients.” (Ps. 119-100.) This egotism reveals that the ancients had wisdom. “Happy is the man that findeth wisdom and the man that getteth understanding.” (Ps. 3-13.) “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom and with thy getting get understanding.” (Prov. 4-7.) “Buy the truth and understanding.” (Prov. 23-23.) Could a more natural sequence be found? After having monopolized wisdom, forbade teaching, and closed every other avenue by which education could be acquired, the Church praises wisdom and understanding as excellent things to pos- sess, and ends with the advice to “buy” them. If this is not making a commerce of education what is it? The first name mentioned in every Bible dictionary is THE RESURRECTION 13 Aaron, meaning the enlightener, teacher. That which he teaches, under pain of death should he teach anything else, is put in his mouth by Moses, the law and authority. “Thou shalt put words in his mouth and be to him instead of God.” (Exodus 4-16.) Now we know why the word Ecclesia was appropriated as a name. It signifies a legislative power to make coercive laws. How many persons understand what is being preached to them from pulpits? Did it ever occur to you that it 1s not intended that the people should understand ? “Ye shall hear and shall not understand.” (Matt. 13-14.) It is not difficult to understand why the reading of the Bible is forbidden in the schools. A false interpretation is to be given from the pulpit—from the Latin pulpitum, meaning the place upon which comedians perform their acts. “Know this first, that no prophecy of the scriptures is of any private interpretation.” (II Peter 1-20.) If there is doubt regarding the meaning of these two pas- sages this will at once dispel it. “And the disciples came, and said unto him (Christ) : Why speakest thou unto them in parables? “He answered and said unto them, because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.” (Matt. 13:10-11.) This refers to the Gnostic wisdom which it is not intended the common people shall know. This ignorance has chained mankind to eternal toil so that he may not acquire a higher knowledge of life. This brings us sharply to our purpose. We shall specify a good and sufficient reason why a reconstruction in our methods of dealing with humanity is necessary to maintain national in- tegrity. The burdens placed upon the productive powers of men overtop the true purpose of Civilization and National life. The Churches are eternally clamoring for money, with which to erect great and glorious temples. We doubt if a preacher ever mounts his pulpit without ask- 14 THE RESURRECTION ing the congregation for money. The Churches are coercive in asking for money to alleviate the suffering, poverty-stricken people somewhere, yet their church edifices cost more millions than any one can approximate. Stained glass windows, mag- nificent panels, grand organs and ornate decorations are visible everywhere. The clergy reside in beautiful and richly furnished residences and ride in their automobiles, and none of these pay taxes. Who pays for all these luxuries? The man who has his back eternally humped to toil: the man who is so tired at night that even sound sleep is denied him. Think? Why, what time has he to think? He cannot even explain the devious ways by which he is penalized. His birth is taxed: his marriage is taxed: he is taxed dur- ing his whole life, and he dreads death because of the expense attaching to it. The result is, the official classes become hardened towards the masses who must pay, and the thinking part of the producing class acquires a justifiable distrust of government, and a con- tempt for oppressive laws. The constant, specious wail of the Church and its allies, that “the law must be obeyed,” logically suggests that they are too deeply interested in the laws which are disregarded, to question whether or not these laws are just and proper. Thou- sands of laws are ground out annually by legislative bodies. One unjust and improper law will breed more crime than a hundred just laws will prevent. We need not go into technicalities. What is the final result? | We surely are being devoured by crime and imbecility, which all laws, and the cruelty of their execution cannot check. There is a limit beyond which the law cannot reach, the suppressed anger and hatred of the masses who have been cheated and deceived. We warn humanity that there is a secret power, an invisible government, dictating the conduct of this nation, which if not brought into visibility, and throttled by sane, public opinion, THE RESURRECTION t will destroy our national peace. Christianity demands a king- dom, although basking in the sunshine of a republic. Its original scheme was to destroy established kingdoms by revolution and to establish republics to be secretly ruled by an invisible power and subsidized political figureheads. We hold that every citizen of this republic has a basic right to raise his voice in protest against manifest illogical things which broadly and materially affect the people at large. We hold in utter contempt that specious and impudent assumption that the layman has not this privilege under the constitutional provision of free speech. Compared with this basic privilege, the constitutional provision for free religion is trivial. Therefore, when we see the gradual extension of the church power by alliances with commerce, politics and even science, which it has insulted and reviled, we demand in the name of the producing masses a plausible explanation of the purpose. On May 9th, 1923, newspaper dispatches made the an- nouncement of an organization to revise the Bible, which may be taken, practically as a proposition to restore the teachings of the Gnostic science and philosophy. This is given the high sounding name of an endowed “Lectureship Foundation,’ which at once places upon it the stamp of propaganda. This association was initiated in the private home of one of the great rich men and bankers of the country, closely associated with vast monopolies, on May Ata JESPRY The promoter is mentioned as honorary vicar of a conspicu- ous New York Cathedral; associated with him are prelates, financiers, lawyers, and soldiers. This is a new combination of revisionists. We assume that the septuagint version, for which it is al- leged $7,500,000 was paid to the Jews, will be dropped into the rich man’s ash-can, for there can be no possible reconciliation between it and the proposed new version. The rich money-changer would be wise to take a bond from those offering him a seat in heaven, before he dusts off 16 THE RESURRECTION the old tables of the money-changers, kicked out of the temple by Christ, for God has a mighty poor opinion of rich men. (Matt. 21-12.) “Go to now ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. “Your riches are corrupted, your gold and silver is can- kered.”” (James 5:1-2.) “Woe unto you that are rich! For ye have received your consolation.” (Luke 6-24.) This new version will of necessity brand as cold-blooded murderers a whole line of Popes who previously had burned at the stake thousands who sought to avail themselves of the very science and philosophy with which the church now seeks re- conciliation, according to the announcement. The Textus Receptus of Pope Sixtus Y, must go with the long cherished Septuagint Version. Perhaps Sixtus will keep his word and radio his curse against the meddlers. “Tf any man shall add unto these things God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book. “And if any man shall take away from the words, God shall take away his part out of the book of life.” (Rev. 22:18- LOS) So much for the rich men; now for the lawyers: “Woe unto you lawyers! for ye lade men with burdens grievous to be borne, and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers.” (Luke 11-46.) “Woe unto you, lawyers, for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.” (Luke 11-52.) We should like to know the argument used, to cause the lawyers to return the confiscated key of science and knowledge, and unite Christ, the money-changer, the lawyers and soldiers. There is some power to be reckoned with. “A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry but money answereth all things.’ (Ecc. 10-19.) About seventy per cent of our legislative assemblies are lawyers. THE RESURRECTION 17 What about the soldiers mixing in this? Does the Church need the army to enforce its usurped privileges? “No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life that he may please him who has chosen him to be a soldier.” (II Tim. 2-4.) This is why the soldier is not required to do labor in times of peace. Thus each element in this combination is ignoring admoni- tions directed against it. The most suspicious element in this combination is the attitude of the high church dignitaries towards an alliance with forces reviled throughout the Bible. Quoting from the public announcement: “It is the purpose of the foundation to make accessible to men and women in general the results of research of modern scholars into the origins of the Christian religion and its inter- pretation and play in regard to the Bible.” The special men- tion of woman is a sop to woman suffrage. “Suffer not a woman to teach.”’ (I Tim. 2-12.) Be careful, this thing is loaded. The first admission made is that, hitherto “‘men and women in general,” have not enjoyed this privilege, although “modern.” It admits that the Christian religion has a plurality of origins. What is meant by “its interpretation and play?” It looks very much as though it intends to nail down the “mass of testimony” left in “Gilead” by removing enmity be- tween itself and strong ruling forces by an alliance, offensive and defensive, as against the same “men and women in gen- eral” commonly called the “lay masses.” There is no intimation of letting the masses into research along independent lines, or that the researches of older periods are to be made “accessible.” This is the whole secret. New evidence is to replace the old which made this radical change necessary, and this evidence must not be questioned. On June 3rd, 1923, there appeared in the newspapers an elaborate article with this scare-head: 18 THE RESURRECTION “New BASIS OF HAITH “Science and religion to join hands.” In the article which followed, declaration was made that “Medieval theology is to be abandoned and science and religion are to be reconciled.” This is food for thought, for it confesses that for several centuries fictitious theology and doctrine were preached, and that, the Church and science were antagonistic. Now, it is a well-known fact, that science did not antagon- ize Christianity, it simply proved it to be illogical and fabulous. There was no room for argument. Christianity had no argu- ment with science, it merely declared it the “work of the devil,” therefore unworthy of discussion. It never presented an argu- ment against science. Let us add to this to give it spice. It is Gnosticism which torments Christianity, for Gnosticism is the natural sciences, traditional wisdom inherited by every living creature. This is why the mind of unthinking humanity must be attracted to some new-fangled “modern” doctrine, and this is why science must be taken into partnership with Christianity. It only in- creases the power of monopoly and the burdens of suffering humanity. The succeeding chapters will elaborate upon all of this. “Faith,” new or old, is the most dangerous word in the Bible. Faith means trust, the world has gone mentally, physically, morally, and financially bankrupt on trust. At the risk of being called tiresome we must extend this preface a little farther. The horrifying world conditions today are beyond com- prehension. Who dares to say that the common people are directly responsible for these conditions? He who does is either a fool or an unqualified knave. The powers that rule the world of mankind are responsible, but who can identify these powers? Are Governments re- sponsible? Then why have governments of this kind? Is the THE RESURRECTION 19 Church responsible? Then why maintain such a parasite and nuisance ? Who makes and controls the government? Be careful how you answer this question. You may let your foot slip by carelessly and indifferently accusing the com- mon people, and thereby admitting that all forms of government are secretly controlled by the same powers, which unwittingly reveals the truth, for all the peoples of the earth are suffering the same confusion, the same hardships, and are trending towards insanity and crime, regardless of forms of government and religion. One or the other, or both of these primary institutions, must of necessity be accused, else there exists some ulterior power which they cannot control, or with which they are in connivance. This brings us up with a short turn. There are three visible forces so closely allied with the people they pose as their protectors: Politics, Commercialism and Professionalism. Regardless of secret control, these three red-handed powers are devouring humanity. Does this wholly condemn these apparently necessary in- stitutions? By no means. The mouth that quickly spits out such a false interpretation is the crook we are looking for. It is the personnel in control who should be put up against the wall. Don’t be hasty: Human nature is the same in all humanity. The law of the survival of the fittest lingers in the blood of man despite the high-flown, altruistic false-pretense softly purred into unsophisticated ears by the very predatory forces which have enthralled them. Protection stands out conspicuously as the underlying cause for the prostitution of necessary adjuncts to national life. This brings us back to Government and Church. The greatest misfortune of civilization was for civil government to have acknowledged and surrendered to the church the ethical training and guidance of humanity, without knowing the underlying 20 THE RESURRECTION truth. It was a crime against nature to take away from the parent the right to educate and control the child. This was the natural unit system, and the very essence of true national- ism. The theory that the individual must sacrifice himself for the whole, makes all visible humanity a sacrifice for the invisible, and that is the underlying secret purpose. This is based upon the original ecclesiastical doctrine that, ignorance and poverty are essential to human control. Three hideous faces leer out of this: Taxation, Imbecility and Crime. Ignorance is essential to promote political intrigue and es- tablish a bigoted following. Political Control is essential to promote favoritism, Brot tion and monopoly, which enrich the chosen few at the expense of the masses. Taxation is essential to promote helpless poverty of the masses and conceal predatory acts. Poverty promotes ignorance; ignorance begets crime, and crime begets imbecility. Is it necessary to go farther into the philosophy of this horrid nightmare? Look to your own seat of government for your answer. ‘The highest persons in your own government have attempted to brand each other as rogues, thieves and grafters. Men who should be above all reproach. It is no excuse to say: Oh, this is politics. That means nothing. What does this signify? If they are telling half the truth, it means that some of them at least have been robbing you, while increasing taxation in every conceivable form is smoth- ering the nation. There are many grim jokes to be found in the Bible—per- haps they are not jokes, but merely sarcasms—or maybe some- thing worse. | “For whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and he shall have more abundance; but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away, even that he hath.” (Matt. 13-12.) Cultivated false-sentiment makes fools of men. They clasp their hands, wet their lips and roll their eyes in an ecstatic THE RESURRECTION 21 attempt to conceal the truth, that they do not understand plain English because of their abject fear of offending the Church powers. The above quotation means exactly what it says. The rich are to be made richer under church patronage, and the poor shall be made poorer by taxation. Now don’t stultify yourself by saying that the poor pay the least taxes. The quotation amply provides for this : “whoso- ever hath not,” refers to substance, ““From him shall be taken away even that he hath,” signifies his productive energy. No one escapes taxation and death. In fact, taxation with the stench of a vulture awaits your death to snatch your life savings out of the mouths of your widows and children. Who taught this doctrine of greed to national governments? That is identically the situation. Greater humanity is phys- ically slaving to produce the wealth over which political office holders and the monopolists are struggling. It is a standing disgrace that few men go into public office under party protection that they do not come out enriched be- yond the visible means of accumulating the wealth. Truly the French proverb is being vindicated: Les larrons sentrebattent et les larcins se découvrent— when thieves fall out the thefts are discovered. We warn the real people of this nation, the invisible power is taking a death grip upon the throat of all present forms of government for the purpose of “fulfilling prophecy.” The “kingdom of God” is no joke; it is a stern reality. Not for one moment has Ecclesiasticism relaxed its vigil, or surrendered its original design to rule the world with a “rod of iron.” That means a row of bayonets—as demonstrated by the welcome in Chicago of a new cardinal on May 11th, 1924. “And she brought forth a man-child who was to rule all ‘nations with a rod of iron.” (Rev. 12-5.) Do you know who she is? She is the Church of Rome. Do you know who the male child is? It is the Pope of Rome, who symbolizes the fabulous Christ as God personified ou THE RESURRECTION on earth in the flesh. The pope is addressed as the Manifested God. Do you know the meaning of the name assumed by this mother, Mary? The name signifies rebellion. Look it up for yourself in any Bible dictionary. Have you been listening entranced to “dve Maria” over your radio? Do you know what this pleasing chant signifies? Maria is a form of Mary, meaning rebellion. Therefore when you chant Ave Maria you are saying: Hail Rebellion! Do you know the meaning of Ava? It means ruin. Such is the fruit of ignorance. This will give you something to think about. Do you want to continue to chant the song of the forces which are devouring you? Here is another warning. This is not an individual matter, although you as an individual are at the mercy of these existing conditions, because they are in absolute control of the machinery of civilization. It is a vast political machine in itself, carefully built up over a period of many centuries. The United States is. the Babylon of the system. Confusion is the deadly weapon used here. Babylon is the Greek form of Babel, meaning con- fusion, mixture. We have no present system nor future policy. It has always been a grab-bag for Europe. Millions of Catho- lics pour into the country, send their earnings back to the “old- folks” at home, amass a competency and return to their native country taking it with them. The present unsettled conditions. in the Eastern hemisphere cause the foreign element to remain here, and Europe seeks to unload her unfit and criminal classes upon our shores. A refusal on our part angers Europe, and sets us in the quarrel between nations. But, what is worse, some power carries this brawl into our congress and politics. Do you believe Christianity is striving for peace between nations? Right now it is anticipating international war and preparing the way for Christian slackers. See the results of numerous church conferences held during 1924, Christ him- self disputes the church plea for peace: THE RESURRECTION 23 “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.” (Matt. 10:34.) “And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass.” (Matt. 24-6.) It is alleged that these things were said two thousand years ago. Because of the crowded condition of the world today, humanity has never experienced a period of greater stress and uncertainty. There is absolutely no indication that Christianity has served any good purpose. It certainly has not brought peace, and the absurdity of its waiting for two thou- sand years to vindicate itself is inconsistent, not only with its pretensions, but with common-sense. We know many are asking: “If this is not a matter for individual initiative, what are we to do to alleviate the situa- tion?’ A very sensible and timely question. “Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.” In a sarcastic strain we are told: “Vain man would be wise though man be born like an ass’s colt.” (Job. 11-12.) Christ is introduced astride an ass’s colt (John 12-15). That symbolizes the rising generation. Nature gave to the ass one trait which he exercises when he is over-burdened, “stubbornness.” He lies down in the road and refuses to carry the burden farther until it is lightened to his capacity. This will be the last resort of over-burdened humanity. Christianity is committed to revolution, hence it invites rebellion because it creates strife between people and civil government. ‘“Stubbornness is as iniquity.” (I Sam. 15 :2-3.) To discredit civil government has been the constant aim of Ecclesiasticism. The contemptible farce recently occurring in Washington is a part of that dispicable game. We declare the common producing masses are absolutely helpless. The eternal grind to support the top-heavy burden of taxation has reduced them to permanent slavery. The ever-increasing non-producing classes prey upon human energy beyond all necessity. The nation is literally 24 THE RESURRECTION bound, gagged and hobbled by a constant stream of laws making it a crime to breathe, much less speak or act. This is not a tirade against just and proper laws; it is a protest against improper, class legislation. Do not be deceived by high-flown ‘romance, this is too serious a matter. Some institution is responsible for the present status of civilization. There is but one posing as the ethical guide to humanity; that is Christianity. It goes without argu- ment, then, that it is responsible for the short-comings of human character and conduct. Without evil it could not exist. Let us go back to the beginning. It is important to know something of the origin of both good and evil, and their intro- duction into the world as things subject to control and exploita- tion. There is no concealment of the fact that Christianity intro- duces the idea of good and evil. It admits that its god originated a garden in which he planted a tree which bore two kinds of fruit, “good and evil,” therefore, there can be no dispute as to who brought both into the world. It is perfectly safe for the Ecclesiasts to put this upon their God, for, ““No man hath seen God at any time.” (I Jno. 4-12.) And yet the same Bible tells us that both Jacob and Moses conversed with him “face to face.” Immediately the question arises in every thinking man’s mind: “If it were in God’s power to plant good or evil, and his desire is so strong to save men from evil, why did he create evil at all?” The same Bible has the effrontery to say that men are tempted to see if they will obey God’s commands. It is wholly needless to answer this question. It answers itself. If there were no such thing as good there could be no pur- pose for a church. If there were no evil there would be no need of the church. Therefore, good and evil were both essential that one might be played against the other. It is the comparison of results that differentiates good and evil as the negative and positive principles in nature. THE RESURRECTION 25 Good and evil, as primary principles, are equal, and are nature’s agents. In nature both are essential elements. Under the natural law one is as essential as the other, hence there is no such distinction between principles as good and evil from the viewpoint of creative evolution. This distinction is an artificial thing invented by men. Merely fanciful names to personity principles. “But the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.” (Rom. 4-15.) This makes it conclusive that evil is a human invention, created by human laws. The law declares this or that evil, and this identifies evil. Do you grasp the tremendous force of this? Our legislative bodies are actually coining evil by placing upon the statute books thousands of new laws annually. Don’t resent this, it is true. No matter how conscientious the lawmakers may be, they are gradually smothering humanity by legally created evil. The perverse doctrine that all men are naturally evil, is responsible for this, and it 1s Christian. If the church did not foster this doctrine it could not exist. All men must be brought into evil by the law to vindicate the doctrine of original sin in man. Whole communities are made criminal by a single law. Whole nations may have been engaged in a legitimate industry, raising up generations of offspring in the belief that they were moral and respectable, and a single law may convert them into criminals, because public opinion is created by sentiment, and is retroactive. The law points its finger at people as having been long engaged in a calling which is now criminal—if crim- inal at one time it is criminal all the time. This theory has worked great hardship and injustice. The people are not ruled by respect or love of law; they fear the law. There must be some very important underlying purpose hidden in a creation and long continuation of such a far-reach- ing system. We do not hesitate to express our opinion that, in its first inception it was an exploitation of humanity for profit. Christianity does not deny this. 26 THE RESURRECTION “Tf we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things?” (I Cor. 9-11.) This is the subtle part of the scheme: the real trafficking in crime is seen in the sale of indulgences. Our system of criminal laws is based upon this principle, a system of fines. The tempta- tion to exploit this power for profit has prostituted the law- making power. It is easy to legalize injustice in the name of humanity. This doctrine narrows both the personal rights and the ethical desires to the will of the law. The drain upon humanity in the name of fines and penal- ties is incalculable, and no man can approximate the graft it involves. The evil moral effects of constant and irritating taxation, and enforcement of manifestly illogical and unjust laws breeds contempt for all law, and this brings us back to the philosophy isnt: The law is not the fruit of justice; justice is the logical fruit and purpose of proper laws. Crime is not the effect of just laws, it is the fruit of injustice done under the cover of law. The proceeds of the sales of indulgences is the fruit of the sales of evil, from petty misdemeanors to capital crime. The fines collected by law is a form of sale of indul- gences. In other words, pardon and forgiveness are purchased at a price. When an act carries a monetary fine only, it may be committed indefinitely at that cost, thus a price is fixed upon crime by the law. It is plain to be seen why crime is increasing. The first act which takes a man into the criminal court lowers his moral stamina, because he cannot help seeing that crime is an exploita- tion. He is disgusted, and forms within his mind a secret hatred for law and especially for those who enforce the law. Here it forms a personal contact. There must be a dangerous underlying cause for all this. And it is not difficult to see it. The theory of rigid discipline, and cruel correction, a form THE RESURRECTION tH | of hateful vengeance, was originally established by Ecclesiasti- cism, and this became the basis of all civil law. The true theory of control was by education, which would have begotten a true patriotic respect for just law. The law would have become the rule of life. The consequence of this perverse system is, that, the law is compelled to attack crime as a fruit of an ever-bearing tree, whereas, it should never have been permitted to develop into a fruit bearing tree. The theory of the law being the avenger, is the hateful Christian idea. The law requires no vindiction; if it is not just Hmitcetace dt isecoercrve; it it 4S +jlst, its very, existence is its vindication. The making of heroes of those who execute the law is also inspired by the Christian idea of deifying everything associated with human authority. The disrespect of the law towards the people who support it, is a very great breeder of disrespect for law. Now we shall declare the one great law invoked by tempta- tion. Political power is the most vicious, vindictive and venge- ful element in human control. This is true of human nature; it hates and reviles that which it seeks to despoil and plunder. The philosophy is, every system cultivates that upon which it depends for its maintenance. The truth is only too apparent. Our nation has lost its mind. The world has gone mad: Christianity has not made good any of its promises; war is a horrid failure, and those who best know the truth are in a state of suppressed panic, for the future holds out no hope for a solution. Time moves forward unashamed, dragging behind it the defiled body of humanity as the African gorilla draws the carcass of his victim into the dark jungle. That is where we are headed. ‘The end 1s less than a cen- tury away. The contents of this book, read in conjunction with our companion volume, will vindicate all that we have said in this foreword. 28 THE RESURRECTION Here is something to make all civil institutions sit up and rub their eyes. POLITICS? CALUS TOs@CH URGE iia Make Religion Practical Urges Speaker Methodist Conference at Santa Barbara Ministers Organize for Important Session (Exclusive Dispatch) (Los Angeles Times ) SANTA BarBARA, Sept. 25.—Scoring the campaign of La- Follette and attacking his stand on the prohibition question, Dr. Clarence True Wilson, secretary of the National Board of Temperance of the church, with headquarters at Washing- ton, called upon all churchmen to get into politics and carry their religion into practice today in an address before the Southern California Methodist convention now assembled here. “The speaking platform can never lead in the great move- ment for civic reform,” he declared.) It can’ never leadmm any great movement. It is too intermittent, here today and gone tomorrow. It can’t follow up its advantage. “The public press cannot lead the movement. It is owned by a corporation and published for dividends. It is run for cash, not for conscience. No force motivated by a desire for dollars can effect the reform. The stage cannot lead the movement. In fact, not during the 3,000 years in the exist- ence of the stage has it shown evidence of fighting for the slightest moral betterment. Who can lead?—the preacher.” It was the church militant, Dr. Wilson declared, that by preaching the Gospel had driven piracy from the seas, killed the slave trade, eliminated duelling, polygamy, lotteries, the liquor trafhe and prize fighting in all the civilized States. THE RESURRECTION 29 "Weve killed the liquor traffic in America,” he said, “but we're not through. In five or ten years the map of Europe will be speckled. In a few years more all Europe will be as white as the United States. Prohibition will be international.” “T come not to judge the world.” (Jno. 12-47.) “My kingdom is not of this world.” (Jno. 18-36.) If the churches insist they are responsible for the pro- hibition laws, as they claim, they repudiate every important character in the bible, including both its God and its Christ. Let this go home to every man. The churches claim to be responsible for filling our statute books with criminal laws. For example the prohibition laws, which have made more major crime than all other laws combined. “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, Ormeiierespectpor tie sabbath day. *.(Col. 2-16: } On September 26th, 1924, a prominent California official broadcasted by radio from Los Angeles, statistics showing the necessity for providing outside camps for convicts, to relieve the overcrowded prisons. This reveals a phenomenal increase in crime in recent years. Now, is this due to conditions follow- ing the war? ‘Then, war is radically wrong. Is it due to pro- hibition? Then prohibition is wrong. Take your choice. Crime is being made; it is not natural. Who is responsible? With human conditions visibly drifting towards anarchy and chaos, the powers responsible for the breaking down of the machinery of civilization are frantically grasping at the air for some impossible antidote. If our work seems to cast a sinister light upon Chris- tianity, we invite the churches to place their cards face up on the table, as we have done, and permit all thinking humanity to pass judgment upon so vital a matter. Secret resentment, righteous indignation, and unfair intrigue, will avail nothing. The seeds are sown and must bear fruit. THOMAS SAWYER SPIVEY. Beverly Hills, Calif. oe Ate 9 av phe a. ‘ J Paes a “hig 7: . oe PART I Wii Dets GN@STICIS Me (Every man is a Gnostic to the degree of his learning.) We shall not attempt to analyze the many learned discus- sions concerning Gnosticism, because they are practically all inspired to becloud the issue. Few of the Bible commentaries even make mention of the name, notwithstanding it is admitted that the original Christian idea was Gnostic. To accuse the Gnostics of secrecy and concealed mystery, is specious, and a libel upon truth, for the name itself disputes this charge by ex- pressing the opposite. Gnosis means “to know,” knowledge. Wisdom, is potential, therefore concealed, but knowledge is active, therefore is accessible for mental examination. The founders of the Christian church were all Gnostics. The fabulous Paul preached Gnosticism to the point of rupture with Rome. The ecclesiastic priesthood at Rome desired to exploit a religio-political enterprise and it needed to suppress Gnosticism, which represented all the learning up to that period. Ignorance was essential to the exploitation, hence the attitude of the church towards Gnosticism, science, philosophy and evolu- tion. We have fully covered this portion of our subject in our preceding volume, THE REVELATION, therefore, we shall go directly into the work by which we attempt to resurrect and restore to life and activity, the Gnostic philosophy, and its sys- tem of inductive reasoning, so radically and directly opposed to Christianity, which does not recognize reason or logic. It mat- ters not what it is called, that reason which trains the mind to recognize the living principles in nature which manifest 1n vis- ible, tangible things, is the true spirit of revelation. A logcal sequence of related events which culminates in an understand- 31 Sys THE -RESURRECTION able truth, requires neither “faith” nor “unreasoning belief.” Knowledge with understanding closes discussion. Gnosticism recognizes living nature as the tradition of evo- lution, and the similitude of invisible ideas, hence the system draws upon nature for all of its symbols by which to put its theories into demonstrated facts. This is the very essence of scientific thought, the aim of science being to hasten experi- mentation to demonstration, and establish truth and fact, that useful discoveries and inventions may be put into practical use for the benefit of mankind. This is the true aim of science, therefore, science not only is the worker of miracles, but is the agent of revelation. It naturally follows that any power antag- onizing science, 1s itself an illogical and hurtful force. THE FRAMEWORK OF THE GNOSTIC PHILOSOPHY In the last analysis of things all is potential mind. In the potential state mind is an invisible, impalpable sub- stance filling all space—it is not matter. Residing within this substance, as an inherent quality, 1s vacuum. This gives quality to unity en massé, without conflict, begetting a state of repose in which expansion and contraction are neutralized. This is the Universal pabulum, a state of potentiality out of which embodied mentation is evolved. Matter is temporary: Universal substance is immortal, material bodies being but tran- sient attitudes of immortal substance. Did not vacuum reside in the Universal pabulum, the Uni- verse would be fixed; there would be no basis for comparison by which something could be distinguished from nothing ; no allow- ance for active expansion and contraction, necessary to the crea- tive act, therefore vacuum is an essential, inherent, inseparable quality of the potential pabulum. The first agent of living mat- ter is respiration, which consists of expansion and contraction in a balanced or compensating attitude towards each other in the same body. This is the basic expression of duality in unity. Mind creates matter through which to manifest itself as a living, creative entity, assuming the forms and attitudes sug- gested by purpose, necessity, contact and environment; hence, THE RESURRECTION ae matter 1s but multiple forms of mind, each form having a spe- cific purpose in the creative act. All bodies are reducible to primary units in the systems to which they belong. Thus mind evolves matter out of its own substantial body, and matter assumes a multitude of forms to manifest the crea- tive will, and reveal the invisible powers of the Universal, in- telligent being. Its reproductive fruit reveals the true purpose of every system. 3 If a part is endowed with mind, all must be equally en- dowed in the degree of its state of being in the evoluting cycle, hence the guiding power must be the cumulative mentation of the whole. : To demonstrate this is to put a logical, creative intelligence back of visible nature. We have no hesitancy in declaring that there is but one Universal mind permeating the whole mass, whether solid mat- ter, or intangible substance. All visible nature is in constant contact with and subject to this Universal mind. We shall demonstrate that every created system, which seems to mani- fest individuality, has been evolved by a simple set of laws which absolutely control the evolution of unit systems. By a system we mean a creation which possesses individual functions of individual motion, fruitfulness, and the power of reproduction. The processes of nature are extremely simple, the invisible manifesting in the visible creations, thereby supplying the inves- tigator with an unerring symbolism which leads him directly to the true source and first cause. THE EVOLUTIONARY STEPS 1. Out of the Unversal pabulum electrons are born. 2. Out of the Electric pabulum atoms are born. 3. Out of the Atomic pabulum molecules are born. 4, Out of the Molecular pabulum nebulous masses are 5. Out of Nebulous masses suns, moons and planets are 6. Out of the planets vegetation is born. 34 THE -RESURRECTION 7. Out of vegetation evolutes animal life. 8. Out of animal life evolutes reasoning man. This is the Gnostic genesis and cosmogony. While everything in nature becomes a living symbol of some invisible force or agent, the Gnostic philosopher only used those which best reveal the invisible creative principles as unerring laws. They especially selected the serpent as the only living creature which could execute all of the waves created by matter in motion, and, because of this, the serpent became the philosophers’ symbol of wisdom, and was subject to the hatred of the ecclesiasts. They also adopted the apple tree to represent the same waves in a state of fixity. The active waves are invisible and subjective, the fixed waves visible and objective, hence the one symbolizes the mental and the other the physical. Both of these symbols were plagiarized by the ecclesiasts and are found in the Christian Bible, and, most singular to say, they both are made to contribute to the fall of man, at once revealing the Christian attitude of opposition to the enlighten- ment of mankind by permitting him to partake of wisdom and knowledge. Nature manifests in circles, waves, straight lines, spirals and globes. It is in the transition of potential life to active life, that the first law of consecutive motion waves is manifested, and this becomes the path of all future material movements. It is amazing to see these waves guiding us through the whole evolutionary process, revealing principles of primary importance. PRIMARY CREATIVE WAVES These waves, in fact, are elongated spirals extended to a straight line. Potential Kinetic Waning Rest Recuperation Atom Energy Force Principles Cold Warm Dry Moist HKlements Nitrogen Oxygen Carbon Hydrogen Consistency Vibratory Gaseous Solid Fluid. THE RESURRECTION 35 Matter cannot assume any other attitudes or states than rhesen These are the only lines that can be made by nature or by the hand of man. These waves pursue each other in consecu- tive continuity, and they cannot regurgitate back through each other for good and sufficient reasons. They represent matter in motion and in states of being, hence it is evident a body may not be at one and the same time, cold and warm, dry and moist, or solid and fluid, therefore, they cannot pass back through previous convolutions and this reveals that these waves are permanent records, hence they have individuality. In the development of physical bodies these waves will be physically differentiated and manifested by waves, masses or consistency, but always naturally attached in their consecutive order. Thus each wave reveals its specific function in the sys- tem. ; We shall introduce the system before we attempt to show its adaptation by Christianity, for it is our desire to resurrect this great fundamental basis of scientific research and reasoning. We are not teaching science. Many of our conclusions may seem absurd. We are giving the results of our work for what they are worth. This primary system of waves represents the process by which the first atoms of matter are evolved out of the electric pabulum. The ring symbolizes orbital motion, which produces the progressive act. The three waves between the ring and the spiral are the formative atoms of matter, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon. The hydrogen spiral represents the basic active atom, having expansion and contraction in one body. This is the origin of mechanical respiration, and represents axial motion. It is the first nucleated cell of matter, but in this form it is not constructive; it must evolute into the molecule, the first nucleated cell of primitive protoplasm. This chemically proves itself, NOCH = at. wt. 43, the well known formula of the protoplasmic clot, out of which come both the vegetable and the animal cells. This makes it important to refer back to the Universal 36 THE RESURRECTION substance to ascertain, if possible, the nature of the electron and the formative atoms, and the manner of their evolution. As far as we know our theory is original. It is only by comparison and relativity that we may know the existence of anything. It seems to be the nature of substance to execute a cycle in the creation of living bodies and systems. It is evident that, the creative waves are reducible to the circle and straight line, both of which symbolize the infinite, but neither is immortal, for should bodies move forever in either an orbit or a straight line, there would be no evolution into other forms. Matter with energy behind it travels in well defined waves, therefore, the straight line symbolizes a state of rest following exhaustion of the propelling force. Nature has wisely provided for breaking up the perpetuity of the straight line. It is a well known law in physics that propelled bodies in motion, upon arriving at this state of exhaus- tion, take a curvilinear course and coil into a spiral. We con- sider this law a vindication of our wave theory. The act, however, which directs the straight line into a spiral suggests a very much more important fact. It intimates that these waves are something more than mere trails through which a body has passed, it records a physical evolution, each atom becoming a different individuality with each move forward, and this introduces our second original theory, in so far as we know. We shall attempt to prove that these waves are living larva, and that the process which they seem to demonstrate is the prim- itive evidence of a premeditated evolution of living matter and the origin of embodied life. No matter how far fetched this theory may seem, we have the satisfaction of seeing it work out logically. Moreover, it proves beyond doubt, that, a mental process plans all material forms before they are manifested as physical bodies, hence, matter is but the ash of spent mentation, no matter what form it assumes. THE RESURRECTION 37. If we are asked for evidence in visible nature which seems a manifestation of this. idea, we refer to the long streamers of nitrogenous bacteria found on the roots of the legumen. We shall later demonstrate that the roots of vegetation symbolize the hydrogen coil. These bacteria carry nitrogen to the root, where it is brought into contact and unites with water, to form sulphur, 32—an element essential to vegetable tissue. Upon performing this function the bacteria die. This sulphur, added to NOCH, forms the essential proteids, NOCHS = 75. The electron is the first product of the creative act, being the unit of the electric pabulum created out of the Universal substance. If the creative will is an eternal thing, which the cyclic nature of evolution strongly intimates, we cannot know the origin of the original impulse, but we may know its products. By an analysis of these primary creations we are enabled to reveal that the primitive mentation consists of well known forces in nature, hence these forces are potential in the universal sub- stance. When they are released they become manifesting agents for primitive, unembodied mind. The constructive process is under the absolute control of the system of creative waves, which we call the rule of four. This enables us to follow the trail back to the first cause, from which point we may recon- struct the whole system. And this we shall now attempt to explain. The Gnostic philosophy embraces Chemistry, Astronomy and Physical Nature. We shall demonstrate the fact that man is the highest evoluted being upon this planet and is the epitome of the whole process of evolution, even to the extent of reflect- ing in visible and understandable form the physical construction and life processes of our immediate planetary system. The planetary system also reveals all of the motions of the atomic unfoldment, the heavenly bodies becoming living symbols to guide us to the truth. (HEaGREATION OF CHE. URGTRON The dual nature of the Universal substance renders it compressible. Unoccupied space is the only contrast which 38 THE RESURRECTION enables substance to expand and contract, therefore, vacuum is an inherent attribute of the Universal pabulum. Vacuum is not compressible, but it is convertible, and this means much, as will soon be shown. Motion is the highest manifestation of life; it never ceases in nature. There is no such thing as absolute rest in substance. Motion is inherent in the Universal pabulum. Motion is due to conflict between the two primary forces, contraction and ex- pansion. It is the struggle.of the one to conquer, bring under control and discipline, the other, which manifests in what we recognize as the creative processes. This conflict reveals the necessity for the existence of vacuum. Contraction is the con- serving force which attempts to crush substance into a state of eternal crystallization. Vacuum prevents this. Moreover, this conflict reveals that contraction and expansion are eternal and individual entities opposed to each other in the same substan- tial body, and one attempts to dethrone the other. Growth re- veals the supremacy of expansion, and crystallization reveals the conquering power of contraction. Expansion requires space, contraction, therefore, attempts to annihilate space by crushing it out of substantial bodies. | We shall now see the reason for all this. We cannot avoid recognizing that this is a conflict between cold and heat, and these are entities. Cold represents the contracting force and heat represents the expanding force. Cold attempts to an- nihilate space by external pressure and heat attempts to create space by internal resistance. Therefore, the primary first cause is a dual power, acting upon a universal substance, and this is reducible to a single power in two positions, one exter- nal and the other internal. This is the original trinity, a negative force, a positive force, and a subjective substance. “I and my father are one.” (Jno. 10-30.) We may now see a reason for the first creative act. Each of these primitive powers attempts to assert its proprietorship and authority over the primary and only substance, and out of this conflict arise all of the phenomena which we call material THE RESURRECTION 39 creation. This is the principle which evolves the struggle be- tween the Church and State over the control of the earthy humanity. It now resolves itself into a simple chemical theorem. The cold and heat of which we speak are purely chemical attitudes of force, for fire, such as we know, cannot exist until a com- bustible element is created. Only two forces are at work in this beginning, external cold and internal heat, the latter begotten by the former. It is clearly true that, to maintain a state of neutrality, the two primary forces assume a conditional equality in the Uni- versal substance, there being no other residual attitude in which such a condition could exist. This is unity. It is equally ap- parent, that, before the trinity can appear, duality must mani- fest. This act creates the electron. Moreover, it conclusively proves that cold is the master principle and the first cause. It also proves that heat is latent in vacuum, and is put into the active state by the oppressive power of cold. The first creative act begets rebellion, and that act is oppression which begets re- sistance, and heat is manifested. Remember this, it 1s of the greatest importance. This heat symbolizes the Christ principle which is born of rebellion. Mary, then, is the resentment of oppression, hence the name means rebellion. The electron is the creative unit. It may be likened to a bubble of cold air surrounded by a film of uniform substance. That which holds it intact is the two forces, external pressure and internal resistance, proving that vacuum is not-compres- sible. As the external pressure increases the internal resistance increases. Cold has captured latent heat and attempts to con- fine it in this cell. The strain is necessarily upon the surround- ing substantial film. If some vent or relief does not occur, this first creative act would terminate evolution. The external pres- sure converts the cold vacuum into heat, proving that vacuum itself is a primary potential entity in which resides the expansive 40 THe RESURRECTION principle which may only be put in the active state by antagon- istic pressure. This reveals duality manifesting in trinity. The Universal substance is compressible. The Universal vacuum is expansive. Between the two is formative matter. We know very well that matter is the plaything of cold and heat. Integration and disintegration are visible things. The electron, as the first creative unit, relieves the strain by giving birth to a heat unit by breaking through the external film. Thus unity creates a physical duality and eccentric motion, for this dual body begins to turn in a dual orbit to break up external direct pressure. This creates an alternating vortex which attracts the materials for new cell structure, finally de- veloping into vast whirlpools or gaseous spirals. This process creates the electric field, out of which atoms are born, the first forms of matter. Friction releases potential electric units. : The creative power now assumes the condition of negative and positive electricity, which manifest in a dual cell, the po- tential atom. ‘These atoms are cast out into space by the whirl- ing spiral vortex. It is a new force, created by spiral motion, which casts the potential atoms out, centrifugal force, born of rotary motion. We must recognize the dual electron as the sun and moon principles in world building. The potential atom becomes the new creative unit. Thus each step is; marked off by a globular fruit which must produce a new system. As the apple falls back to the earth for reproduction, the potential. atom falls back to the universal pabulum for progressive reproduction. Like the apple, it decomposes, that a new tree may spring forth from its disintegration. The potential atom holds for development the four primary principles, cold, warm, dry and moist. Cold and warm have manifested in its production, the dry and moist will manifest in the creation of matter. Therefore, the parent atom is a composite body and must differentiate four formative atoms to THE RESURRECTION 4] reveal its purpose. This explains the purpose of the disinte- gration, for while each of the formative atoms differs from the others, it is only in the number and nature of the electrons it contains. The potential atom consists of a combination of prin- ciples, while each active atom represents a given number of electrons to express these principles as creative forces. Now we shall attempt to prove that these individual atoms are living larva, and that this act begets the first living organ- isms which control the future vegetable and animal evolution. Each atom consists of a specific number of electrons bound to- gether by a cortex or film of compressed universal substance. Nitrogen 14 electrons. Diagram No. 1 This is the first and finest wave executed by the electron cast out into space. It symbolizes kinetic energy—cold potential force, and we believe it emits a cold, heatless light. Oxygen 16 electrons Diagram No. 2 This is the second wave assumed by the body. As the propelling energy wanes the body assumes longer curves, con- sequently more direct external pressure upon the external sur- face occurs, generating two additional electrons. To offset the external pressure the electron cells assume a spiral motion, which radiates their energy. This will in due time exhaust the body by heat radiation. 42 THE RESURRECTION Carbon 12 electrons iia <= ae oe ees Diagram No, 3 This is the third attitude of the body. The inner cells or electrons have exhausted their energy and their bodies have col- lapsed into a series of plaques of compressed substance. This is the first atom of dry, solid matter. The head is a living germ, and the body is held intact by external compression with no internal resistance. 1 electron Hydrogen Diagram No. 4 This is the fourth attitude of the body. We have previously mentioned the law which bends the straight line of exhaustion into a curvilinear course which forms a spiral body. This individual spiral represents moisture and jrecuperation. It is the first nucleated ‘cell "in matte mare atomic weight is one, because it contains but a single living electron. | It is quickly observed why the first animal forms of the sea exhibit spiral shells. But this spiral atom reveals some- thing of much greater importance. It reveals but the single electron, and has an atomic weight of only one. The carbon body is but the ash of chemical exhaustion. If life is to spring anew from this spiral how is this miracle to be accomplished ? This revelation becomes the proof of our larval theory. Each atomic figure symbolizes a period in physical develop- ment, nevertheless, by the atomic law which binds these four principals together, they must unite to perfect a complete act, and attain reproductive powers. It is absolutely necessary for cold, warm, dry and moist to be united in. one balanced body to become living tissue, for these represent the four primary principles necessary to establish respiration. THE RESURRECTION 43 It will be seen that by recombining the four elements the electrons which they represent will restore to the body 31 active electrons; the twelve electrons of carbon being exhausted, may not be classed as living electrons. This is very important. This chemical union produces phosphorus, which symbolizes light. “In him was life; and the life was the light of men.” (Jno. 1-4.) This is a cold phos- phorescent light which, in this primitive state, is life. Oxygen, symbolizing the Christ principle, will raise up this fallen man in the form of carbon dioxide. Carbon always sym- bolizes man. It is well to know the process by which this combination occurs. The law forbidding regurgitation of waves necessitates a forward movement which symbolizes the feeding of one plane upon the next one to perfect a progressive animal evolution, hence the alleged personal sacrifice of the Christ is not a logical story. It is an enforced act. By their convolutions it is seen that the oxygen wave may sheathe the carbon and the nitrogen may sheathe the oxygen and the carbon, in order that nitrogen and oxygen may reach and unite with hydrogen. In this attitude the God principle and the Christ principle are differentiated. This at once reveals that these waves instead of being un- dulations are elongated spirals, hence the spiral motion is inher- ent in the atom, even the carbon atom assuming the spiral path in axial motion. This diagrams perfectly. Diagram No. 5 In this we recognize the caduceus of Greek mythology, the beautiful love story of Apollo and Daphne, an interesting Gnostic lesson in creative nature. The caduceus was the emblem which Apollo gave to Mer- cury in exchange for the lyre. Mercury being the god of commerce, it became the emblem of commerce. 44 THE RESURRECTION Let us see what commercial exchanges occur as the result of this combination. We have already seen that the union brings together 31 electrons: Notrogen, 14; oxygen, 16; hydrogen 1, equal 31, phosphorus. Oxygen 16, unites with carbon 12, to form silicon, which is absolutely essential to physical development. In this chemical process water is formed. Nitrogen 14, plus water 18, equals 32, sulphur. Thus the three basic elements for the development of living matter are immediately evolved out of this apparently simple combination. But what is much more important, this process proves itself; the union of these waves reveals the order oi anima! tissues. Flesh. Muscle. Bone. Marrow. God Christ. Man. Woman. “God manifests in the flesh.” Thus the bones represent mankind bearing all the burdens of the body. Truly Noah was a Gnostic. “God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; Canaan (Ham) shall be his servant.” (Gen. 9-27.) This is a Gnostic lesson in physiology. The muscles are expanded and enlarged beneath the flesh and skin, and the bones bear all of the burdens of the body. This is one of the similitudes of the Caduceus. Without egotism, or a pretense of extraordinary learning, we invite scientists to concentrate a little thought upon this chapter. They will find concealed in this series of waves sug- gested forms for future animal creations. This we hold to be irrefutable evidence that the Universal mind is similar to the ordinary human mind in its constructive processes, conceiving the idea, imagining the form and visioning the being before it is physically created. PAAR IU! DHEEGNOs ELCEAS TRONOMY (The consecutive continuity of creative waves controls evolution ) The creative scheme of nature may be brought into visibil- ity by abstractive reasoning and recorded in visible symbols. The invisible world is as real as the visible, and seeks to mani- fest through physical creation. Mental forms precede the visible material forms. The idea must of necessity anticipate the material realization, else chaos would reign in the material world. There is a ruling mentation guiding nature, and we may safely recognize and acknowledge this power as the uni- versal mind, supreme ruler over all—if it is proper to use the name mind to express such power; it is not necessary to name it God. Visible, material bodies cannot assume forms, or exist, without the individual space or matrix in which they are cast, or to which they are molded. Matrix is derived from mater, mother, therefore, associated with all forms, visible and invis- ible, is the mother principle, the womb, and no form can exist without it. This reveals that the primary electron is the womb out of which the positive electron is born. Some gaseous bodies, and all fluid and solid bodies, are visible, this being the formative procession, therefore, the in- visible, ideal form resides in the vibratory or atomic world, and it is readily seen that this is the matrix or mother form in which material bodies are cast. Moreover, it is equally apparent that, the ideal form having individuality, is not the seat of universal mentation, for individuality means limitation ; hence the mind of the universe is back of the atomic world. This is abstract mentation constructing invisible pictures of material forms be- fore they are projected into visibility as physical bodies, to re- 45 46 THE RESURRECTION veal some premeditated purpose; without preconceived purpose all creation would be chaotic. | This creation of ideal forms prepares the space which material forms shall occupy to perform their functions in the scheme of evolution. From this we may draw the conclusion that, the creative impulse first casts the mould or matrix in which the material form is to. be fashioned. We are convinced that this will apply to every visible thing. To demonstrate this is. to establish a universal, thinking, reasoning mentality capable of designing, and bringing into physical being a premeditated evolution of material, physical and organic bodies. The two formative powers of necessity must be the original external pressure and internal resistance. We are almost shocked to realize that this intimates that our own planetary system is a greater living being, endowed with creative, productive and perhaps reproductive powers. By an analysis, however, it is revealed as the focus in which nature culminates her projects, for it is on the planet that her works are revealed in living vegetation and animal evolution, culminat- ing in man as the highest form of living, thinking, manifesta- tion. We shall demonstrate, in a special chapter, that perfected man is the epitome of the whole scheme of evolution. He is the physical and organic mechanism through which the final revelation is made. This is purely Gnostic, and from it ecclesiasticism takes its idea, that, man is in the “image and likeness” of the creative being in nature. We need not question the why or wherefore at this point, but it is logical to declare that this greater creative process is to make visible, and knowable, the invisible mind, through pic- tures formed in the atomic world and elaborated through the gaseous, fluid and solid states, into more individual and com- plex beings, capable of expressing the will and purposes of nature. There is a well defined evolution in the vibratory world especially intended to guide and control the formation of visible, THE RESURRECTION 47 material systems; otherwise, the original control would be lost and subsequent development would be without continuity and mental guidance, chaos would take the place of law and order. We will conclusively: demonstrate that, a primary law controls every subsequent step in physical development. To deny a premeditated evolution is to deny the existence of a universal mentation, which is to declare that no law, order or system is present in the creative scheme. The primitive pictures are but the results of the assembling power of primary mental forces, and they, too, are subject to enforced evolution, and they assume more diversified and com- plex aspects as they pass from one field to another and assimi- late the influences of experience, necessity and environment, until they arrive at the stature of thinking, reasoning man, the highest type of thinking animals. This need not imply the “earthy man,” yet he is an image of the planetary man. Thus, mind merely constructs material forms through which to manifest. The living, animal being is temporarily endowed with creative powers to construct and maintain a functioning mechanism through which mind manifests. Revelation is by the senses of seeing and hearing, the senses of taste, smell and feeling wholly belonging to the body, neces- sitating direct contact. Mind receives its nourishment from the atomic or vibratory world through the external sense organs of sight and hearing. The body receives its nourishment through the senses of taste, smell and feeling, therefore, from the gaseous, solid and fluid worlds. We may experience and understand the sensuous by contact and observation, but to un- derstand the invisible we must develop understandable pictures which we may put in substantial forms, that they may become visible. To this degree we are endowed with creative powers. This is the Gnostic philosophy, developed to the point of understanding. Understanding is essential to convert potential wisdom into practical knowledge, hence, Gnosis means to know, knowledge. We may now project this into more understandable pic- 48 THE RESURRECTION tures by a more explicit exposition of the origin and process by which the primary atoms are formed. As we have previously stated, inherent in the universal pabulum is vacuum, the function of which is to prevent per- manent crystallization of substance. If contraction and expan- sion were wholly neutralized there could be no power of motion in substance, hence matter could not be created. The universal substance is compressible and cold vacuum is expansive, giving birth to heat. This duality in unity is differentiated by the creation of two primary electrons, one cold and negative, and the other warm and positive, both consisting of vacuum surrounded by a cortex of compressed universal substance. This is the first manifestation of the male and female principles in creative nature! This is the beginning of the creation of matter through which the eternal forces are manifested. In material bodies these forces become life. Life begets light, and light evolutes into intellect. What we call vacuum is potential life in which are concealed the first forces in nature. A careful study of the first motions and attitudes of matter reveals the origin of the first living cell, and the formation of material bodies for the express purpose of setting up in matter a mechanical respiration to sustain life. The negative electron is the surrounding of vacuum with the universal substance, thereby setting up external pressure, which converts cold vacuum into heat, developing internal re- sistance, revealing that vacuum is not compressible, but it is convertible. We are about to establish the origin of respiration as the evidence that what we call nothing is but latent energy, eternal life. | Here we have revealed the two primary forces in nature, cold, external pressure, and warm, internal resistance, the former being the first or master force. We do not hesitate to declare that this is the birth of embodied life: embodied and differentiated mentation due to primitive respiration, compensat- ing expansion and contraction balanced in one body. THE RESURRECTION 49 The negative electron is potential electricity and the posi- tive, or warm, electron, is positive, active electricity. These will assume an active state and manifest as formative atoms, the negative electron giving birth to the positive electron, by ameceboidal division, aggregating 43 electrons. This identifies the original electron as the potential atom, containing the four primary principles revealed by the trans- position of the potential atom into the active state. The number of electrons or energy units stored in each potential atom is 43. The first bodily motion is assumed by the cold electron. It begins to turn in an orbit in an effort to break up direct ex- ternal pressure, thereby revealing the first carnal desire to perpetuate embodied life. It constructs for itself an external protecting body, exactly as do living beings. This produces the first matrix or womb. ' Having thus relieved external strain, the cold electron gives birth to the warm electron to relieve internal strain. ‘Lhis sets up a compensating axial motion in a dual body. Thus both orbital and axial motion are revealed as residing in the electric field. These two principles art inherent in the original electron. The original electron, having established an orbit, the dual body continues in this path in a state of mechanical balance, with axial motion to prevent separation or rupture by external forces. Thus united, they continue to follow the original orbit, converting the dyadic nature into a triad. This process makes suitable distribution of the 43 energy units to maintain balance. This is the cumulative process by which the planetary trin- ity is later formed. It must be kept in mind that, we are not out of the electric field. We are still dealing with electric units. By orbital motion the cold, negative electron multiplies, and constructs for itself, a secondary and external body composed of the same universal substance and also formed by external pressure. This process is extended throughout visible nature, like begetting like. Following the example of the original electron this sec- ondary body generates sufficient internal energy to convert the negative units into positive units, and they are cast out into 50 THE RESURRECTION space, each series developing into formative atoms, and con- taining its allotment of energy units, the atomic series remaining intact, to develop into a greater unit. We shall now describe the bodies thus created, and the path of evolution they pursue. The original negative electron, cold vacuum confined within a cortex or film of universal substance formed by external pressure. The dual electron, negative and posi- tive united. This reveals the struggle between light and darkness. To neutralize these forces in a po- tential body, the negative electrons form an orbital body or ring relieving their internal strain. This is the origin of the division of labor in constructive nature. This orbital ring breaks and passes out into space under the influence of centrifugal force, assuming a spiral wave and for- ward motion. Diagram No. 6 The body consists of fourteen cold or negative electrons enclosed in a cortex of universal substance formed by external THE RESURRECTION SF pressure. The short convolutions in this body symbolize kinetic energy, and the electrons can no longer move in an orbit, there- fore, external pressure begins to generate internal heat, which becomes greater as the projecting force wanes and the waves become elongated, subjecting the body to more direct external pressure. . The only means for breaking up this pressure is for the electrons to assufne spiral motion, and the power of expansion creates two new electrons, the master force surrendering to the expansive force in order to continue progressive action, and prevent crystallization. The negative body is thus evoluted into a positive body by motion of its internal units. Diagram No. 7 The cold negative electrons are converted into warm posi- tive electrons, which, to relieve internal pressure, yield up their heat to the outer body, giving to it life. The exhausted electrons become dead plaques ; the body is deprived of internal resistance, and cold and heat are neutralized in an exhausted body which assumes the attitude of a straight line with no power of for- ward motion. In this phase four heat units disappear. The life spark remains in the head of this body to become the nucleus of a cell. This is the negative, conserving, cold electron, the master spark of mentation. i er (a (as (rae Diagram No. 8 We shall find that the living electrons form carbon dioxide (CO:) becoming the breath of the first living matter, vegetation. It is a law in physics for bodies cast out into space, upon assuming the straight line of exhaustion, to assume a curvilinear course and coil into a spiral. This is exactly what our exhausted 52 THE RESURRECTION body will do. Primarily, this is the perfected atom of solid mat- ter, a living entity. Diagram No. 9 This is the basic active atom of matter with contraction and expansion in compensating balance in one body, by a recip- rocal respiration. The original electron has provided itself with a protecting shell by winding about it the exhausted matter, which protects it from direct external pressure, consequently it remains a cold, negative nucleus to a physical cell surrounded by an external atmosphere which can only generate an external heat by pressure upon the dry body. This nucleus is the first spark of embodied mentation. Let us see what we have here. This is the original suggestion for the animal evolution. Potential Kinetic Waning Exhaustion. Recuperation. Atom. Energy. Force. Principles. Cold. Warm. Dry. Moist. Elemental. Nitrogen. Oxygen. Carbon. Hydrogen. Formative. Vibratory. Gaseous. Solid. Fluid. Physiological.Flesh. Muscle. Bone. Marrow. Symbolical. God. Christ. Man. Woman. This transports us from the electric, or potential field, to the atomic or active field. Vital energy, which is life, is em- bodied and individualized, and is endowed with a guiding men- tation. ) THE RESURRECTION 53 At this point we must say: while we name these active atti- tudes waves, it will be observed that nitrogen and oxygen are elongated spirals, which, upon becoming exhausted, assume a straight line, finally coiling into the spiral. We are wholly justified in naming these figures living larva, which die upon performing their specific functions. These are the first forms of living matter. They are atoms because they are composed of electrons. Combined they form the complex molecule. We are now provided with materials for building planetary trinities, consisting of the Sun, the Planet and its Moon. All inert and solid matter is the deposited ash of living processes which are forms of chemical combustion. The planetary systems are evolved from great nebulous masses of such spent matter, under control of primary laws, which require them to execute identically the same consecutive waves as those followed in the formation of the atoms, and fol- low the same line of developing evolution to form a preconceived system. The greater organic life is resurrected from the spent, cosmic processes. This is the true molecular or gaseous world, and the solid bodies evoluting out of it are greater perfected units, acting towards each other as the original negative and positive electrons were related to each other. The fact that we find the same basic laws directing and controlling matter in motion through every plane of its activity, is of the greatest importance, proving premeditation, ELEMENTAL PERIODICITY We partially anticipate our valence table to illustrate the following processes. We demonstrate only the two first series from Helium to Argon in this exhibit. See more extensive exhibit in diagram Noecombartal vy: 54 THE RESURRECTION Valence Element Atomic Weight I @ Hydrogen 1 O Helium 4 Inert gas J Lithium a7 II / Glucinium 9 Lae Boron il : A ede atars 12 230523 Be 35 Be SOdiMin III \ Nitrogen 14 II \ Oxygen 16 I Fluorin 19 O Hydrofluoric Acid 20 (Neon 20, Inert gas) I/ Sodium Zo II/ Magnesium 24 11/7 Aluminium Da), c c 55 ere 55 tie 5S ORRe So MLE IV, Silicon 28 III \ Phosphorus 4H II \ Sulphur OZ I \ Chlorin o0 O Hydrochloric Acid 36 (Argon 39-+ Inert gas) Diagram No, 10 These are the well known elements in their consecutive order, according to atomic weight, and valence or combining power. As we have previously said, every body must have prepared for it a plane in which to reside, and this means breath and food. This reveals our planetary system as a living, breathing thing, requiring food and breath to develop and maintain it, and these must be supplied by the system creating the body. THE RESURRECTION 55 Diagram No. 11 This diagram illustrates such a field prepared in advance of the creation of the planets which must pass through it, each _ orbit exhibiting its particular element. The following page illustrates the chemical process by which the field is developed. All of the planets originate in the helium field and pursue a spiral outward course, passing suc- cessively through the orbits and exhibiting corresponding char- acteristics with these changes. 56 THE RESURRECTION Preparing the atomic and molecular field. This field 1s pushed out from the center in orbital waves. =e) Helium 4 () Lithium 7 S Glucinium9 Boron ll (C)earbon 12 ASTEROQIDAL ORBIT 14 Diagram No. 12 THE RESURRECTION SA In the planetary system the asteroidal zone clearly is in- tended to form a protecting bulwark between the inferior planets and the major planets, to prevent external pressure from break- ing up continuity, and to avoid physical regurgitation before the completion of the planetary cycle. It is the bone of the system, the deposited ash of chemical action. ae ZA Sey oe a SPs VENUS! ; THE FART age Hi (MARS “7 JUPITER POSITION OF PLANETS INFERIOR TO JUPITER—SHOWING THE ZONE OF THE ASTEROIDS Diagram No, 13 We adapt the well known nebulous bodies to our demon- stration of planetary building. The spiral Nebula 51 Messier, supplies an excellent example of a beginning vortex out of which are cast great masses which appear as comets while executing their formative trails in which they very clearly attempt to reproduce the primary waves. 58 THE RESURRECTION GREAT COMET OF 1811 Diagram No, 14 Observe this comet follows a straight course. Another view of the same comet reveals the natural ten- dency for the straight line to drop into a curvilinear course, preparatory to becoming a spiral. GREAT COMET OF 1811 Diagram No. 15 THE RESURRECTION 59 This comet shows a more decided tendency towards the cur- vilinear course, in fact, it has already begun a spiral course. DONATI’S COMET, 1858 Diagram No. 16 The following spiral body demonstrates the comet after having assumed the spiral position. It has cast off a satellite body. THE SPIRAL NEBULA 51 M. CANUM VENATICORUM Diagram No. 17 60 THE RESURRECTION One of the most beautiful and wonderful comets known, is the great comet of 1744, with six flaring tails. This body be- comes an ideal demonstration of the process by which systems are evolved. We have previously illustrated the primary or vibratory process of atomic construction, from hydrogen to neon, or rather from helium to neon, the process occuring between these two neutral elements. We shall now illustrate the evolution of the process from the vibratory and gaseous into the solid. This comet is an excellent example. GREAT COMET OF 1744 Diagram No. 18 THE RESURRECTION 61 The following diagram illustrates the underlying chemical law by which the planetary bodies are evoluted out of the cen- tral body to assume positions in orbits. Neo ey, Onn & osc hed Lege “ ao yn oss ot Oo oe: gpnorus \ycot minum ggne> 1M i ¢ N n> | / ll Glucinium eg!) Diagram No. 19 In due time the gaseous tails disappear and the bodies as- sume orbits and a state of balance, perfecting a planetary Sys- tem. ‘he elements mark the orbital fields in which the planets reside. veloped out of a nebulous body or gaseous mass, passing the This is the process by which planetary systems are de- evolution of matter from the gaseous to the solid state. Each planet in its development passes through four stages to manifest the planetary trinity and produce living matter upon its surface. 62 THE RESURRECTION Before passing to the development of planetary bodies we desire to call attention to the remarkable provision by which these systems are maintained in a state of balance. The potential atom contains 43 electrons. The formatién of progressive atoms differentiates these electrons into nitrogen 14, oxygen 16, carbon 12, and hydrogen 1 = 43. The spiral motion of hydrogen reassembles these into the differentiated molecule, again bringing them under orbital control and estab- lishing a reciprocal activity within the molecule which becomes the balancing power between the vibratory, gaseous, solid and fluid fields. The molecule contains the four original atoms and the original 43 electrons. Its electron value is 43; its atomic value is 4. Now examine the spiral figure, Diagram No. 19. It 1s seen that, in the progression of elements from the first elemental series to the second, the corresponding element of the old added to the new produces molecular balance 43. Even numbers are negative and odd numbers are positive. Sodium 23 + Neon 20 = 43. Magnesium 24 + Florin 19 = 43. Aluminum 27 +' Oxygen 16 = 43. Silicon 28 + Nitrogen 14 = 42 (?) — 1. Phosphorus 31 + Carbon 12 = 43. Sulphur 32 + Boron 11 = 43. Chlorin 35 + Glucinium 9 = 44 (?) plus 1. Hydrochloric acid 36 + Lithium 7 = 43. Hydrogen and chlorin unite in equal volumes, hence the single hydrogen atom necessary to balance silicon with nitrogen is used by chlorin to produce nitrous oxide 44. First phase of the development of the planetary trinity. This spiral will give birth to eight planets. The Dyad Warm Spiral. Cold Globe. THE RESURRECTION ' 63 The solid body is cast out by the spiral and it remains a satellite to the warm spiral body, assuming an orbital path about it. It has no atmosphere and is in a frozen state, therefore it has no life upon its surface. It does not turn upon an axis, hence one side of it is constantly towards the warm body. At this period no heat is radiated from the warm body to the cold body, hence its surface is uniformly cold and devoid of activity, its only motion being the unbroken circuit or orbit about the central body. This will briefly take us back to the original electron in order to explain how the master force in nature is surrendered by cold to heat. The power of internal pressure is begotten by external pressure. It is a self-evident fact that, if external pressure was equal to internal pressure the external status of the original electron would be a state of balance and the creative act could go no further, therefore, the power of expansion is given two additional electrons or energy units, to enforce pro- gressive evolution. We are now going to see the wonderful wisdom of this illustrated in the second phase of trinitary de- velopment. It is evident that, did the cold, conserving wave continue unchanged between the warm body and its cold satellite, plane- tary evolution could progress no farther, but the stronger wave of expansion pushes back the cold wave and forms a direct contact with the cold body. The second phase of trinitary development. The dyad begins to manifest the triad. Dual Cold Body. The warm body radiates energy to the side of the cold body exposed toward it, and melts away the outer frozen shell. It is evident that this is a greater chemical action performing the function of elimination, for the holding power of the remain- ing disk grows weaker as the thawing process encroaches upon 64 THE RESURRECTION its edges. Its direct contact is being undermined, and it is at the mercy of centrifugal force generated by orbital motion. Eventually it must be released to swing out into space to become a satellite to the cold body of which it is a part. It is very possible that vegetation originates during this phase in a belt between the hot and cold hemispheres. A vaporous atmosphere constantly covers the side towards the sun, leaving the body in semi-light. The unexposed side is in permanent darkness. Carbon dioxide, the breath of vegeta- tion, is probably released in great quantities, rendering animal life in the air impossible. The third phase of trinitary development. This phase follows a cataclysm, therefore no vegetable or animal life is present. The Triad Radiating ON eet Sun Dual Receptive Planet. Diagram No. 20 It is here revealed that the planetary forms were pre- suggested by the original electron. Now we have a real chemical problem. These waves symbolize the four primary elements, and the principles involved. Cold. Warm. Drv Moist. Nitrogen. Oxygen. Carbon. Hydrogen. Vibratory. Gaseous. Solid. Fluid. We at once see the reason for the process which releases the moon. It restores the cyclic wave continuity. This, how- ever, does not perfect the trinity, for the planet is not yet turn- ing upon its axis, because the warm body has not released its THE RESURRECTION 65 direct contact with the carbon surface of the planet. It is moisture that breaks the attraction of the warm for the dry. As the planet becomes superheated dense clouds of water vapor arise to obscure the sun and absorb the energy rays. The alter- nation of heat and cold occurs, and the planet being a dual body, consisting of land and water, begins to turn upon an axis, in order to blend heat and cold into a vital atmosphere essential to the further progression, and to break direct pressure and ~ energy rays. The next phase perfects the creative trinity. The following diagram contains the secret of radio activity. The fourth phase of trinitary development. The Creative Trimty. Sun. FA : » yi —— “ See F Y M oon. CP Peps St eee ae, Dual Planet Diagram No. 21 This is truly an amazing revelation. The sun, a radiating body, sends its energy rays towards the planet. The moon receives from the sun and other radiat- ing bodies, energy which is converted into cold waves and re- flected to the planet. These two waves of negative and positive energy, upon coming in contact with the atmosphere of the planet, come under the influence of axial motion and are diverted from a direct course. It will be observed that the waves are in an antagonistic attitude towards each other, their heads meet- ing. Due to this, a chemical union cannot take place, conse- quently each wave assumes the original form which it symbol- izes, the warm wave progressing into a spiral, and the cold wave a ring, and they become the essential elements of our at- mosphere. This explains why our atmosphere is a mechanical 66 Tue RESURRECTION mixture and not a chemical compound. The nitrogen ring ex- poses neither a positive nor a negative end for oxygen to seize. They must be broken up by planetary contact. In another place we reveal that the ring symbolizes helium, atomic weight 4, and the spiral hydrogen, atomic weight 1, the proportions of nitrogen and oxygen in our atmosphere. Oxygen attaches itself to its natural affinity, carbon, and nitrogen forms contact with water. The result is exactly what we should expect, the chemical formation of essential elements for the further planetary development. Oxygen 16 + Carbon 12 = Silicon 28. Nitrogen 14 + water 18 = Sulphur 32. Oxygen 16 + Nitrogen 14 + Hydrogen 1 = phosphorus 31. These are the basic elements for physical, organic and nervous development. It is interesting to observe the process by which these chemical combinations occur. The primary waves represent forces which operate to create substantial forms. ibe singh and oxygen waves are elongated spirals, &Y OA suitrogen pe ER oxygen. a The carbon wave is a straight line —==cEEe The Seen effect is the hydrogen spiral @& Carbon and hydrogen form a mechanical union. Both oxygen and nitrogen have an affinity for hydrogen. These waves cannot regurgitate back through each other, for the simple reason that matter cannot, at one and the same time, be both hot and cold, or dry and moist, therefore, they cannot execute the convolutions of these different waves, but nature wisely provides mechanical means for overcoming this. It is a beautiful demonstration, recognized by the wise old Greek philosophers. The oxygen spiral wave sheaths the carbon straight line, and the nitrogen spiral wave sheaths both the carbon and the oxygen, thus making a mechanical bridge over which oxygen and nitrogen may pass to come in contact with hydrogen. In another place we reveal that this is the original symbol of the papal title, Pontiff, meaning bridge or bridge builder. THE RESURRECTION 67 Nitrogen. Oxygen. Carbon. Hydrogen. The oxygen wave which contains potentially one hydro- gen spiral is first to form contact with the previous hydrogen spiral, forming HO, water, 18. Nitrogen forms the second contact, N 14 + H:O, 18 = 32, sulphur. In the formation of sulphur, water is decomposed, releasing hydrogen and oxygen, -and silicon and phosphorus are formed. It must be observed that this mechanical combination of the three progressive waves reveals the original scheme of sub- stance intervening between the negative and positive forces to beget spiral action. As the three heads come together, carbon is between nitrogen and oxygen as a stabilizing element. When they come in contact with hydrogen, water is formed, which mechanically unites with carbon, and nitrogen and oxygen take their logical positions to form the elemental continuity and they form the atmosphere for the dual body. This is the process of planet building. A reciprocal compensation is set up, beget- ting balance, and trinity in unity becomes a living fact. The beautiful story, found in Greek mythology, telling of the origin of the Caduceus, proves beyond a doubt that the ancient Greeks understood the Gnostic philosophy. The Caduceus SQA } was the rod carried by Mer- cury. Mercury was the son of Jupiter and Maia. He pre- sided over commerce. He received the Caduceus from Apollo in exchange for the Lyre which was his own invention. The story of the origin of the Caduceus is this: 4 OA nitrogen, and sma Sse OXYeN) Opposing one emer (cold and heat). He cree his nod (—= = carbon) between them and they were immediately reconciled and mutually em- braced and entwined themselves about the rod, becoming the Caduceus, the herald of harmony, the messenger of light. This symbolizes also the flesh, muscle, bone and marrow. 68 THe RESURRECTION Diagram No. 22 Could anything be made plainer than this Gnostic symbol of the progressive evolution of the bird and animal life of the atmosphere out of the reptilian life of the earth and waters, as well as chemical action in the primitive field? Latona, the mother of Apollo, turned those who refused her water to drink into reptiles and frogs, which is very close to the modern theory of evolution. The reptile creeps, the frog leaps, the animals walk and the birds fly. Let us return to the large orbital diagram which illustrates the chemical process of creating and eliminating the elements in their atomic order, which process is followed by subsequent systems. (Diagram No. 11.) ' We must begin with the explanation, that this diagram represents the gaseous field. Its central body represents the atomic field, out of which it is evolved, in the center of which is the spiral vortex. We have mentioned the four principles manifested in the creation of the true atom, the original material or atomic spiral. This spiral holds the four principles, represented by the forma- tive atoms in one body for differentiation. This act reveals a rule of four which controls all future expansion of matter, and the formation of material bodies. The spiral develops into the molecule, the first creative unit; hence, the molecule has an electric value of 43, an atomic value of 4, and a molecular value of one. The molecular plane is evolved out of the atomic, and the atomic out of the electric. To differentiate the atomic powers, a common molecular pabulum is formed, each basic molecule containing the four primary principles. The creative powers of THE RESURRECTION | 69 molecules are cumulative by the addition of four, to progres- sive elements. 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 aye This law passes on into the formation of more complex elements. It is easy to determine that the molecule is the unit of progression. | 20 23 24 ia 28 31 3 4 4 4 + 4 24 ay 28 ol a2 32 36 3h) Thus it passes the constructive process on from one plane to another by chemical progression. These elements are in consecutive order, according to their atomic weights. To make this more understandable we shall identify these elements : O) TSI NUNN ae vere Mn ALA Wie LOMNGCOTuiteee et E82 at. wt. 20 Ie geet ae Hi STO NVA ey ee ee anne. AOLUGIAL II) ees aes, Magnesite +22 he oo I ROpR OX ET: ee eee Labeda eal PALO eee eee Ms GAL GarDOl nee hes Hf be SCO meer = a nen pe fas: RO UCOG Chie eatee ms ae NOS DUOLU Sageeeeters er CONQUER) ie ae eee LO SUG) Boyes Yo RY HGLUO il tise ee sar eer tes. Hogs, Gilorinieees eens eee 89 ING ae eee eae es OWN TO Ot Reape ie een 2, ON Se Helium, Neon, and Argon, are all inert gases standing between the several fields. Helium stands between the electric and the atomic fields. Neon stands between the atomic and the molecular fields. Argon stands between the molecular and the composite fields. | These inert gases do not combine directly with other com- binations, and they are especially intended to prevent regurgita- tions which would defeat a progressive and cyclic evolution. Having developed our planetary trinity, we must create, by the same principles, first the vegetation, then the animals. Vegetation is necessarily orbital. It being directly attached 70 THe RESURRECTION to the surface of the planet, it may only follow an arbitrary orbit as a part of the planet itself. Axial motion would signify individual, voluntary motion, which it does not possess, hence, this first form of living matter blends orbital and axial motion into a reciprocal or compensating respiration, and in the process of differentiation, animal life with voluntary motion will de- velop, and the reciprocal respiration will reveal itself by the exchange which occurs. between the vegetation and the animals. Vegetation inhales carbon dioxide (CO: 44) and exhales oxy- gen. The animals inhale nitrogen and oxygen and exhale car- bon dioxide. By the surrender of one atom of oxygen the vege- tation retains silicon 28, the most essential element for the con- struction of its solid tissues. The animals, breathing NsO = 72, and eliminating CO: 44, retain silicon 28, for the solid animal tissues, both the vege- tation and animal structures requiring these substantial tissues to support their bodies. The vegetable tissues become fixed until old age stops assimilation, but the animal tissues undergo constant renewal. The orbital nature of vegetation reveals that it is atomic in its internal processes, although molecular in its direct respira- tion. As we have hitherto adopted the philosopher’s serpent to symbolize the waves executed by matter in motion, we shall also adopt the philosopher’s apple tree to symbolize vegetation and its functions. This assembled tree is, the fixing of the primary waves in material forms. Our superficial consideration of these simple emblems gives no adequate impression of their truly wonderful significance. Being directly attached to the earth, as an integral part of it, vegetation must possess vital functions more than the mere pro- duction of fruits and the reproduction of trees. We find it has a dual nature corresponding with the planet itself. The first revelation is that it is the physical manifestation of the invisible system of waves as previously shown in the unfoldment of the atom. It reproduces in consecutive con- tinuity the waves representing the four primary principles, THE RESURRECTION Al revealing their functions and their permanent positions in the series. In nature the primary waves manifest in direct waves, masses or consistency. 2 Read from the spiral upward. Potentiality : Nitrogen Contraction } Potential Fruit Conserving Oxygen Expansion Leaves Expansive Limbs Carbon Rest Supporting Trunk (GE i Compensating Hydrogen ¥(35 Recuperation Qo Root The Atomic Tree, invisible. |The Physical Tree, visible. Diagram No. 23 On its face it would appear that the only function of this tree is to produce leaves and fruit. This is its visible function. We shall find, to our amaze- ment, this tree is not so dumb as it appears. It has a psycho- logic power of tremendous value and as ulterior and invisible as our own thought. The planet to which it is attached actually depends upon it for its vital breath. Not the carbon dioxide inhaled through its leaves, that is the molecular or gaseous breath of the tree itself, but a vibratory, electrical breath direct from the universal store. Here is, doubtless, the origin of the Caduceus as the em- blem of commerce. TZ THe RESURRECTION The planet breathes through the vegetation. It inhales an electrical energy during the period when the vegetation is bare of leaves and fruit, and the sap is down, and it exhales when the tree produces leaves and fruits. It inhales direct from the electric field, assimilating the electric waves before they have been absorbed into the atmosphere and converted into nitrogen rings and oxygen spirals. The process illustrates as follows: Its process of acquiring nourishment is respiratory. The bare tree becomes a con- ductor of electric currents, to be converted into chemical compounds in the earth. The vegetation is evolved by a reactive process, actually be- ing pushed out of the face of the earth in order to maintain the integrity of the wave con- tinuity, hence the heads of the branches all point towards the trunk and root, therefore, no opposition is offered to the flow of the ensheathing waves until they reach the root, where they encounter the spiral, a convolution into which they cannot pass, consequently they form chemical combinations as previously shown. Diagram No. 24 Greek mythology makes the Caduceus the emblem of com- merce. Here we find it in actual operation, making chemical exchanges between the heaven and the earth. | We may be impressed by this lesson, because it practically declares that all material bodies are but agents through which vital forces operate. Combined, these invisible forces must constitute the universal mind. We must approach this cau- THE RESURRECTION AS tiously, for it reveals a direct connection between the planet and a field more subtle than our atmosphere, and this can be none other than the electric field, for our atmosphere is the gaseous envelope of our planet. The electric field fills all cosmic space throughout the planetary system, therefore, understanding is the key to all knowledge. If we learn to interpret the uni- versal waves we may have revealed to us all the wonders of our infinite system. Jt is evident that our atmosphere also resides in an impalpable, invisible field of vibratory substance. We treat too lightly the invisible forces which are the life principles back of material creations. This trait itself demon- strates that carnal desire is in the flesh. The ecstatic sensations which thrill us are but the transfusion of life from one body to another, and the higher physical manifestation is external. All living matter strives to reach the surface, why? Because life is there and the life is the light of the world. All fruits are born on the surface. “In him was life; and the life was the light of men.” (Jno. 1-4.) Sensation, then, is the paramount desideratum of evolution —the higher the promotion of matter the more exaggerated and intense the sensation; hence the evolution of inanimate matter into the animate and carnal. This evolution reveals its pro- gression by external means for forming contacts with those things which beget sensation. Our external sense organs have all been developed thus. This is the process by which the greater being is educated, for the fruits of sensation are the thoughts and acts of physical being, and these become the breath and food for the higher being. This gives a plausible reason for the fruits manifesting on the surface. This may be traced back to the first cause. Right here we are going to reveal the first steps in the evolution of incarnated life. To us it is not a theory, it is a living fact. It is not open to discussion, as bigoted as that may sound, but we are not seeking controversy or debate; we are trying to demonstrate vital truths. We have previously declared it our belief that the elements 74 THe RESURRECTION nitrogen, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen, evoluting out of the electrical pabulum, which is born of the primordial substance, are living larval entities, and that the waves which they create in their progression from the potential to the active state of energy, are living bodies of universal substance intended to differentiate and carry the primary life principles into more complex substance which we call matter. We have also attempted to explain our idea of the creation of these larval bodies to which we have referred as the four primary waves revealed in the unfoldment of the atom. There- fore we shall confine this explanation to the four waves which symbolize the progressive course of evoluting, incarnated life. Each of these waves signifies an essential state of being. Cold. Warm. Dry. Moist. Nitrogen. Oxygen. Carbon. Hydrogen. Vibratory. Gaseous. Solid. Fluid. The elements indicate the progressive conditions of the primary substance, which embodies the principle, hence it is plain that this is one principle passing through four phases in orie creative act, and this differentiation converts the original substance into complex substance or matter. It is the substance then, which is differentiated, and not life. The four elements are but four aspects of embodied life passing through the form- ative process which creates composite beings. They are the primordial matter from which the basic molecule is evolved, and this molecule becomes the unerring measure in the formation of a multitude of subsequent combinations and forms. The functions of these four phases of matter will reveal the pur- pose of differentiation. In the final revelation of the animal being we recognize these four attitudes as Flesh, Muscle, Bone and Marrow. Let us now pass back to the origin of this. We may safely admit that the electrons are but the eggs spawned out of the original, primordial substance. Out of the electron are propa- THE RESURRECTION 75 gated the four phases or aspects of formative matter, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon and Hydrogen. We have said these are living larval entities. We shall not only emphasize this, but they will reveal the underlying idea of future animal development. Nitrogen. God. Flesh. Oxygen. Christ. Muscle. abort Man. Bone. Hydrogen. Woman. Marrow. The purpose is to clothe each principle in its own material body, yet bind the four principles together in one super-system. An analysis of these is a revelation. Nitrogen is the first embodied element cast out of the electrical field. It is cold because it is evolved out of orbital motion. It consists of fourteen negative electrons held intact by a cortex or skin of compressed primordial substance which prevents these cold units from further external pressure which begets internal heat, and the Nitrogen wave is converted into the Oxygen wave with sixteen positive or warm electrons. The power to create two additional positive electrons is justified by the necessity for internal resistance to overcome external pres- sure, in order to release the expansive force to forward the crea- tive act. We have previously seen the origin of this in the electron. If this power did not exist external pressure would hold the original electrons in a state of perpetual crystallization. The longer wave of oxygen permits more direct external pressure, thereby increasing the heat of internal resistance. The internal electrons assume spiral motion in order to relieve strain by radiating the increasing heat, thereby developing expansive growth in the outer body or cortex. When the electrons exhaust their individual heat or energy, they collapse into a rouleau of flattened plaques. Twelve of these plaques form the first atom 76 THe RESURRECTION of solid matter, the carbon atom, which symbolizes the bone of the system. What have we here? First, the foundation elements of flesh,. muscle, bone and marrow. Second, the original idea of the cold-blooded animal life ; the warm-blooded reptillian life; the vertebrates, and the spiral shell life. The hydrogen spiral symbolizes the original electron with the carbon straight line coiled about it as an armor to prevent crushing by external pressure. Here is a wonderful provision in nature. While the internal electron escapes being converted into a positive unit by external pressure, because of the protecting external shell, nevertheless the external pressure fully clothes the external carbon body itself and surrounds the internal electron with incarnated life. This dual positive action will gradually eliminate the dead carbon plaques as carbon dioxide (CO). | By this we may recognize the first germ of nervous develop- ment within a physical body endowed with positive life units begotten by external influences, and this spiral coil becomes the first protoplasmic cell with a living nucleus. Its atomic value is NOCH = 43, and this is the recognized formula for the primordial clot out of which living cells, both vegetable and animal, evolute. Now we must attempt to give living examples. The first example we quote is the long streamers of nitro- genous bacteria which are found upon the roots of the legumes. These are microscopic, living insects so laden with nitrogen they are gathered as invaluable fertilizers for plants. They supply the nitrogen which develops the long pods of beans and peas so suggestive of the identical symbols, which we have demonstrated, and these primary bacteria are only found on the roots of the legumes. Another reference may be made to the eggs of birds and fowl. They are formed within the fowl, but are fertilized by the positive principle, and are hatched by external influence. They more properly symbolize the molecular principle. THE RESURRECTION hi The most wonderful example of the evolution of peripheral fruit is to be found in the propagation of the frog. The usual method is by spawn, but there is a species of frog, found in Sumatra, which gives birth to its young out of pouches formed in the skin of its body. If the swampy pools and waters between French Lick Springs and West Baden, in Indiana have not been removed, we have seen there these strange frogs. Upon thus giving birth to the young frogs, ready for active life, the parent dies. We watched these frogs, and saw them before birth occurred; we saw the tiny offspring gradually leaving the body, and the dead body of the parent frog. These are a few of many instructive examples, which take their origin from the primary process, and reveal that the higher manifestation is on the periphery. That which produces on the earth’s surface trends upward, that which destroys, for instance the lightning, points towards the earth and tends to strike down that which strives for an. upright position, hence the lightning symbolizes the ecclesiastic vengeance. When the lightning strikes an upright body it executes a spiral path about it and enters the earth, proving that the light- ning is but an accumulation of positive units seeking contact with the earthiover a carbon conductor. Most of us have seen the spiral course of lightning strokes upon the bodies ot trees which have been so wounded, a deep spiral groove being exposcd where the bark was torn off.‘ This is but an exaggerated form of the process of the tree acting as a conductor to transfer nitrogen and oxygen to the earth. In other chapters of this book we clearly expose the adjust- ment of the ecclesiastic enterprise to these natural processes, in an elaborate system of similitudes, attempting to conceal a per- sonification on earth, of natural principles and forces, as the foundation for a religio-political organization to control and exploit humanity. Ecclesia is a word derived from the Greek, signifying an ancient legislative body, having no religious significance. PART III PEORLING STILE aArN ral (To imitate is easier than to originate. ) As the serpent reveals the invisible, creative processes, he becomes the agent of mentation, manifesting in fixed forms in the material world, proving conclusively that mind formulates physical bodies through which to reveal itself. Hence, we may follow the primary atomic waves as the trail of creative menta- tion. The fruit-bearing tree is the second, natural, Gnostic simili- tude. It, too, has been adapted into the Bible symbolisms to | construct a genealogical tree back to the first cause. ‘The tree makes the system of creative waves visible in their consecutive order, therefore, they are fixed and unchangeable symbols of natural evolution. This one similitude convicts ecclesiasticism of hypocrisy in its attitude of opposition to premeditated evolu- tion. Without this evidence of natural evolution it could not construct a consecutive genealogy to support its Christ idea. An obscure and esoteric similitude reveals an Adam and a Christ in each perfected system, because the origin of the idea is atomic, hence, wherever the waves appear these characters appear. | In our previous chapter we have shown the consecutive order in which they appear: God, Christ, Man and Woman. In the atomic procession it is chemical: Nirtogen, Oxygen, Carbon and Hydrogen. In the planetary formation, as we shall in due time explain, the first man, Adam, the undeveloped planet, is the “son of God,” and this is man; hence the second birth out of the frozen external crust became the “son of Man,” the “quickening spirit,” the planet turning upon its axis and pro- ducing living things. The word “quickening” becomes a key word. THE RESURRECTION 79 “The father raiseth up the dead and quickeneth them; even so the son quickeneth whom he will.” (Jno. 5+21.) We may understand by this why God is fire, and Christ is light. This refers to the sun as the father, and the energy which produces the light as the quickening spirit, the son, light being the manifestation. The sui begets, and the son is the thing begotten. “For our God is a consuming fire.” (Heb. 12-29.) “T am the light of the world.” (Jno. 8-12.) The consuming fire is judgment and vengeance. The light of the world is education and intellect. There is another important cue in John. “But this spake he of the spirit, for the holy ghost was not yet given, because that Jesus was not yet glorified.” (Jno. 7-39.) This clearly refers to the third planetary phase, before the planet had received its atmosphere and had begun to turn upon its axis, for holy ghost means breath, atmosphere. Light could not manifest until the atmosphere appeared. The glori- fication was the development of the thinking animal out of the vegetation, as indicated by the holy ghost signifying animal respiration. Light is thus personified into animal intellect. It is essential to thus dignify the vegetation, because the tree now becomes the most important symbol in Genesis. As the first living matter, vegetation is the essential link in the genealogical tree. The serpent is repudiated because it extends the first causes back of the period adapted by the ecclesiasts as the “beginning.” We are now stepping out into the light which Gnosticism casts upon the ecclesiastic imitation and the scheme will no longer be a mystery. The god of nature long precedes the ec- clesiastical god. In order to keep the theme clearly before the reader we shall repeat the symbolisms that they may be compared. Only bigoted prejudice may interfere with a full and clear under- standing of the scheme. 80 THe RESURRECTION Read downward. Read from the spiral upward. Potential— z 4} Atom Conserving- Nitrogen ‘ Potential Seth Fruit animals Conserving ig Abel : Leaves atmosphere Expanding— Christ Oxygen Expanding mieain Limbs vegetation Stabilizing— Man Stable Adam Carbon Trunk Earth sag Bp Equalizing Eve Equalizing— hse 4» Woman Rooe rite Hydrogen Diagram No, 25 This symbolizes the fall of man and the raising up of new generations. The Tree of Life. The Tree of Good and Evil. This is the evidence of a well defined knowledge of natural and premeditated evolution. This is the Adamic genealogic tree, absolutely essential to the Christian scheme : Eve means life. Generation. Adam means earth. Production. Cain means possession. Vegetation. Abel means breath. Respiration. Seth means compensation. Animals. Vegetation breaths through its leaves, therefore Abel signi- fies breath. The falling of the leaves symbolizes the death of Abel. THE RESURRECTION Sl The vegetation breathes carbon dioxide and exhales oxy- gen. The animals breathe oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, therefore Seth means compensation. We shall now remove all doubt regarding our theory that this is the true story of the Christian origin. Moreover, we shall forever eliminate the argument over the moot question of premeditated evolution, in so far as Christianity is concerned. Man is the essential object of this elaborate scheme. We have seen living evolution rise from the earth through vegeta- tion to animal life, as symbolized by the Adamic genealogic tree. Man can come from no other source but the continua- tion of this animal evolution, and ecclesiasticism agrees with - this conclusion, and right here, at the identical spot where he should rise, man appears in direct succession. “And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: Then began men to call upon the name of the Lord.” (Gen. 4-26.) Enos means mortal man, subject to fall. This establishes the necessity for a correcting lord or master, and recognition of authority. Is this plain enough to shut off argument? We think so. The highest evoluted production of nature is marked for the ecclesiastical debasement, as an excuse for the establishment of a mediator between nature and mankind. This is acknowl- edged as a usurpative act by their characters, Jacob and his mother Rebekah, as we have fully revealed in our volume “THE REVELATION.” Jacob means he who supplants. Rebekah means snare, trap. The first injunction to the Israelites by the Lord was to “spoil” the Egyptians, the oppressed. } It is not our purpose to repeat in this volume the transla- tions by secret code which belong in the previous volume. It is by the extention of the branches of this Adamic tree that all subsequent peoples are symbolized. It may be readily understood why it was so urgent that Gnosticism be suppressed and the serpent discredited. The 82 Tue RESURRECTION atomic waves revealed the first cause as something which they could not utilize, hence they adopted the planetary period as the beginning, with an abstract god, proving that they had no logical means of direct communication with a god capable of transmit- ting to a select priesthood the powers and divine rights claimed by the Ecclesiasts. Every possible line leading out from the Adamic tree is traceable along a definite set of waves, hence, a preferred set of human beings must be raised up, with the power to establish contact with the invisible god. The fact that the Ecclesiastic theme continues to follow along the lines of Gnostic philosophy, only strengthens the evi- dence of plagiarism. It peoples four planes, earth, water, air and fire, the system being thus divided, we have explained these peoples in the previous volume. The Earthy period is symbolized by Adam; the Water period by Noah; the air period by Abraham, and the fire period by Moses. The first four names in the genealogy of Christ by Luke 3 are: God, Adam, Seth, Enos. This reveals Adam and the vegetation, of the earth earthy, because the vegetation is attached to and 1s a part of the earth. This necessitates the elimination of Cain, meaning possession, from the genealogical line, and the extension of the ancestry along visible accepted lines of evolution. Possession is the foundation of the Christian scheme of divine authority. The Ecclesiasts have never attempted to justify their denial of natural evolution, or, their mean attitude towards science. We may extend the similitudes further on into nature to demonstrate many other palpable plagiarisms, for the reviled serpent refuses to be relegated to oblivion. Even the river systems, and the contour of the earth’s surface, reveal that the living process extends into each ele- mental plane to complete a cycle. Practically all vegetable and animal life is found between the mountains and the sea. THE RESURRECTION 83 Mountain oea V Plane C Springs Branches River Sea-level Diagram No. 26 The waters adjust themselves to this contour; hence the church assumed control of mountain and sea. The clouds rise from the waters into the atmosphere, fall upon the land, and flow to the sea, performing a cycle. This figurative arch, from sea to mountains, is the Ecclesiastic heaven. Everything seeks the level of the sea, the point of rest and recuperation ; hence we know that this is why nitrogen and oxy- gen seek the straight line of exhaustion, carbon, and the recu- perative hydrogen spiral, they neutralize these two opposing forms of energy by blending them back into an orbital path, and they become fixed in material forms. The Ecclesiastic code attempts to personify and put into service, every gift of nature, and every feature of the planet. Mountain symbolizes the high church. The sea becomes the Holy See, into which everything flows. The foothills symbolize the smaller churches and schools. Waters symbolize masses or multitudes of people, also ordinances. Rivers symbolize the flow of the masses of people toward the church for purification, as the fresh waters flow into the salten sea. Rain signifies doctrines. Dew signifies conversions—distilled or purified waters. The personification of the water system of the land is an important matter. Mountain means the Church of Christ, the fountain-head of living waters. 84 THe RESURRECTION Mountain— The churches and Springs the priests Foothills— The branches and Branches the bishops Plane— The trunk and the River pope, the father Sea-level— The Holy see. The Sea Mer, Mary the aroha Diagram No. 27 “And he shewed me a pure river of water of life.” (Rev. 22-1.) That which gives life to physical things is food and breath. This is the Ecclesiastic tree, and the one similitude that betrays the imitative nature of the church. Moreover, it con- victs the system of hypocrisy and deceit. This tree is reversed and it bears no fruit, but through its leaves it absorbs “carnal substance.” This symbolizes the Holy See and the seven churches of Rome, also the established church system and the organized priesthood. This tree bears no substantial fruits, whereas it draws sub- substantial support from both sea and land. The spiral repre- sents the Holy See; the straight stem is the papal control; the branches are the ramifying lines of the church; the circles are the churches, and the radiations represent the congregations contributing to the local churches. This makes plain why the waters symbolize the people. A natural tree sends substantial energy outward from the roots to nourish the tree and produce leaves and fruit, to become the food for the people. This Ecclesiastical tree gathers energy upon its periphery and sends it to the root to maintain the governing church system. THE RESURRECTION 85 The natural tree feeds the people; the artificial tree feeds the church. Because the church assumes this similitude gives it no productive power. The circles represent the fountains, or perpetual springs, from which well the “pure waters of life’—the carnal profits. The branches represent the avenues through which these waters flow to the main artery, which empties into the coffers of the papal palace. There is no back-flow to the people through the system; what they get is the vapor arising from the Holy See and into the atmosphere, as the clouds rise to renew the ever-flowing springs. Even this vapor must fall in rain to re- plenish the church. “Tf we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we reap your carnal things?” (I Cor. 9-11.) In plain language, they follow up the scheme and reap the substantial crops of the land. Spiritual things are immaterial, ecclesiastical things. Material things are things to eat and wear; things upon which our life, health and happiness depend. How long would any one live wholly dependent upon spir- itual food? The evidence that this is not a fair exchange is in the fact that there is no known place of redemption for this spiritual coin. You cannot exchange it, therefore, it has no intrinsic value. There must be a logical place of redemption for a rational token of exchange which’ purchases substantial things. We may now understand why the Ecclesiasts symbolize their system by the river system. Spiritual things, like fog and vapor, rise upward while material things go downward to the level of the sea. Thus they even recover the spiritual things which they pretend to give in exchange for the substance. It is a peculiar fact that the word mountain does not ap- pear in many modern Bible vocabularies, although frequently mentioned in the Bible. The word mountain signifies the Church of Christ. It is readily understood why the people, symbolized by the surface waters, must be cast down and become corrupted. We shall now take up another Gnostic feature of the sub- Rect. 86 THE RESURRECTION Our close analysis of the formative process constrains us to believe that evolution, as represented by the unfoldment of the atom, preconceived the forms which vegetation and animals should assume, before they were materially manifested. Again, too, we have evidence, in their own words, that the Ecclesiasts were aware of this Gnostic truth. “And the Lord God made every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew, for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.” (Gen. 2-5.) We shall insist that this is not merely accidental. The writer of this passage necessarily had to have a scientific reason for making the statement. It clearly signifies premeditated forms for these creations before they actually appeared, no matter what the figurative application it might have to the Ec- clesiastical scheme. We have already seen that the apple tree is a physical manifestation of the primary atomic waves. This is quite suff- cient reference to vegetation, for this is the well known Chris- tian symbol. What is of much greater importance is the fact that the creative processes by which the planetary system is formed very emphatically suggest premeditated forms for the animal creations. As examples, the spiral and valvular sea shell animals are predetermined by the hydrogen spiral, and subsequent planetary development. The reptiles and amphibious animals are plainly defined by different phases of the formative waves, and as all organic creations are due to reaction, the atomic waves plainly symbolize the several creative periods. Fishes and fowl, and the vertebrates, are presuggested. We may easily trace a well defined evolution of respiration, circulation and nervous development from the lowest type of animal life up to the highest type of mankind. We invite the reader to go back and study well all of the waves and diagrams and ponder these similitudes. He will find, after all, that the THE RESURRECTION 87 visible, physical beings upon our earth, are but combinations of preceding beings, Man being a composite model of the whole. The capsheaf of it all is in the fact that Man is the epitome of the whole preceding scheme of evolution. He is the true revelation. We give this important lesson a separate chapter. This is why mortal man is the culminating figure in the Adamic TLEe: We declare that, whether through bad human judgment, or willful perversion, Man has been cheated out of his birth- right. The church has always played the role of Jacob, the supplanter, whereas the mass of humanity has been treated as Esau, whose name is changed to Edom, signifying earthy, to bring the producing masses under the curse of Adam, also meaning the earthy production, the lowest type of mankind. It is well to keep in mind that Rebekah, the mother of Jacob the supplanter, means snare. Mary, the mother of Christ, means rebellion, and that the alleged Christ himself declared that he “came not to bring peace upon the earth, but the sword.” Christ resided in Galilee, which signifies revolution. We shall conclude this chapter with the declaration that, if a law of Mortmain is not established, the church will acquire control of all the surplus properties of the world by cumulative powers of their special privileges. The billions of property they now possess should be placed upon the tax duplicates to lighten the burdens of slaving, strug- gling humanity. It is time to recognize that the god of nature is “the god of the living, and not the god of the dead.” The world should shake off the monstrous parasites riding humanity to death. Cultivated ignorance is breeding insanity. The endless schemes of extortion, hidden under the guise of charity and taxation, are smothering the world. Men will turn beasts and rend each other if relief does not come soon. A century hence, more people will die of diseases due to lack of sustaining food than of all other diseases combined. We refuse to subscribe to the brutal theory that “God pro- vides” by wholesale slaughter of helpless humanity. 88 THe RESURRECTION Eliminate the self-appointed human gods, posing as “di- vinely appointed” guardians of men, and turn to an honest civil government to solve all human problems. Middle men and mediators have no place in the great scheme of civilization. The man who proves disloyal to humanity at large should be put out of the way of sane, good government. Turn the sunlight into all hidden places and demand to know their secret purposes. Eliminate foolish mystery, the time of the revelation is now. If the so-called professional classes are not drastically checked and regulated in their practices, the producing classes will sink to the level of the serfs of the Sudra agriculturalists of India. Caste is rapidly gaining a foothold in the United States, through a tacit understanding between the favored or profes- sional classes. They are in absolute control of government and the lawmaking and scents machinery. The purest waters may be defiled. We warn the producing masses that they are being brought down to abject slavery by the non-producing classes by which they are governed. There is a larger parasitic element in pro- portion to the population in the United States, than in all the balance of the world combined. Is it a wonder that we have some twenty million illiterates as a part of our assets? Take this seriously—it is a law: Every system cultivates that upon which it depends for its maintenance. Apply this to the professional classes and get an unexpected thrill. There are too many middle agents, too many mediators. There are no saints living in this world, and suspicion falls heaviest upon those who loudly boast of the good they are doing for humanity. Bread and soup lines loudly protest against spiritual nourishment. There are one hundred million of people in Europe, and perhaps five hundred millions in Asia, eating horses, dogs and cats. While the newspapers in the United States are heralding THE RESURRECTION 89 the fact that a church is being erected in Chicago to cost several millions of dollars, and will tower as the highest structure in America—purely a speculative, business venture of the church, solely intended for its own glorification, a single church in New York boasts of wealth exceeding $13,000,000. cols wetheshicheretnemiohtenneshbarderetie sallmen! hese church towers, symbols of the plagiarized doctrines of the ancient Phallic worship, should be removed from the sight of men. ‘They are insults to modern understanding and common sense. We cannot close this chapter without repeating a warning to the people of this nation. It has been the policy of the church since its origin to stir up rebellion of the people against their governments to cause drastic and cruel measures of re- sentment and arbitrary enforcement of unjust and unpopular laws, that the government may come into bad repute. Nine-tenths of the filth being stirred up at the seat of our government is without foundation of truth, nevertheless it turns the trick of discrediting the government in the minds of the masses. If one-tenth is true, it casts upon the nation the accusation that it is criminal at heart to that degree. When we find our national insurance companies issuing statements that eighty per cent of our population are in some degree defective, we need not wonder regarding crime and imbecility. That in itself is a national crime for which some institution should suffer. The conditions under which we live are responsible for these evils and these conditions are inspired by an insidious hatred for the common people on the part of predatory institutions. Nature does not produce such imperfections and deformities. Taxation has become a disease. Every dollar derived from taxation in any form represents that much human energy. Therefore, undue taxation is confiscation. The extravagance of governmental expenditures is measured only by the ability to coerce excessive taxes. Little discretion is shown in the adjust- ment of taxes to the best physical, moral and mental needs of the great producing masses. IPRS IE IPN THE COSMIGIGHEMIS@R a (Elemental exchange is the clearing house of nature. ) It is within the power of every living creature to lend some service to science. Let a man be an egotist, if he will pay for this luxury in some useful knowledge. One need not be a recognized savant or scientist to reveal new things in the natural sciences, and it is within the province and privilege of every man, capable of abstractive thought, to add something to the store of human knowledge, therefore, it is pure, selfish impu- dence to repudiate the work of non-professional thinkers as merely the droolings of untrained minds. There is much that is speculative in all the sciences and certainly in the illogical and unscientific ideas in the Bible. It will be a grand day for humanity when the ban on inde- pendent thinking is wholly repealed, if it ever is, and some suitable reward is offered for original ideas from unprofessional thinkers. Too much stress has been put upon the importance of professionalism, and too many obstacles have been cast in the way of general, speculative thought. Every man should be sys- tematically taught to think and reason concerning the science and philosophy of life, and that includes all that is worth think- ing about. Exploration and prospecting always precede discov- ery. It is not always the expert mining engineer who discovers gold. In attempting to reveal the invisible process of nature by deductive reasoning, to the point of chemical demonstration, we know that we invite the scrutiny and criticism of those who have covered this field by more practical methods. Neverthe- less, our work, though crude, is worthy of analysis and exam- ination. 90 THE RESURRECTION 91 Our list of elements, showing a systematic rise and fall of valence, is novel and of the greatest importance, to show the progressive formation of elements and their powers and func- tions in the whole system. It is of the utmost importance to realize that, in a complete list of elements we may vision all of nature in so far as her materials are concerned, for all like matter is the same and acts the same wherever found. With all the multitudinous works of nature reduced to four basic motions, involving four primary principles, and this limited number of elements as our text, it does not seem such a formidable task to diagram our subject. The valence system is the most wonderful thing in chem- istry, symbolizing the universal circulatory system. It follows and controls the elemental progression, proceeding by periodic series, of eight elements each, with a rising and falling period- icity for each series, which terminates in a neutral, inert gas. Each position in the series is occupied by an element having a specific function of its own. | We must caution the reader against drawing the conclusion that we are merely juggling elements for desired results. Such a thing is impossible. Out of the whole list of known elements, we have taken the first twenty-eight in the consecutive order of their atomic weights. Noticing the periodicity of the valence in this order, we were amazed to find a perfect system in control of elements. This is the measuring-rule of progressive evolution. The whole list is evolved out of the hydrogen spiral with helium as the elemental, molecular pabulum. Helium is the beginning of the molecular period, and Neon, a similar inert gas, is the pabulum out of whicl the more com- plex elements are developed, with sodium as its first product as a basylous element for the next following series. Some amazing things will manifest themselves in an analysis of these elements and of the several succeeding diagrams. The chemistry of nature is truly a marvelous thing, and yet its rules are limited and invariable. 9? THe RESURRECTION Elemental Periodicity We only demonstrate the two first series from Helium to Argon in this exhibit. Potential atomé F The primary electron—Neutral Nitrogen 14 The wave of kinetic energy—Cold Oxygen 16 The wave of waning forcee—Warm Carbon 12 Straight line of exhaustion—Dry Hydrogen & The recuperative spiral—Moist InertgasO Helium 4 The basic molecule. I Lithium 7 ; II / Glucinium 9 dil) ee OTOn 1l : IV eran 2 23 20 LO 20 ae OCrieE III \ Nitrogen 14 II \ Oxygen 16 I Fluorin 19 THE RESURRECTION 93 OQ Hydrofluoric Acid 20 (Neon 20, Inert gas) I / Sodium 20 I] Magnesium 24 III “’ Aluminium Whe IV. Silicon 2g Sia ESE) Salad) eel aR dopa! III \ Phosphorus ot II \ Sulphur bye I \ Chlorin Sh OQ Hydrochloric Acid 36 (Argon 40 Inert gas) Diagram No, 28 The negative and positives uniformly produce new ele- ments. We have not attempted to work out the idea, but we be- lieve this consecutive valence best reveals the elemental progres- sion in planetary development, the eight elements in each series corresponding to the planets in their cyclic progression. The first two series adhere strictly to the rising and falling valence inflection, O, I, II, III, IV, III, IJ, I, O: We believe this valence series has an immediate connection ‘with the eight planetary positions. The original set of waves is the vibratory period in which atoms are developed into the basic molecule, forming the first elemental field. The first series is molecular, the helium unit carrying the powers of the four primary atoms, to be distributed in the form- ing of elemental progression. The second series manifests the true constructive elements of which worlds are made. In as much as valence signifies combining power, we believe the period following the thrid series represents the point where the asteroidal field is created between Mars and Jupiter. We find a long series of bivalent metals arranged in consecutive atomic order but they very materially interfere with valence continuity. Following this break, however, there is a marked tendency to return to the valence order, and the termination of periods in acids and inert gases to mark off a series. As examples: 94 THE RESURRECTION Hydro-bromic acid and Krypton. Hydro-iodic acid and Xenon. Following these the acids and inert gases seem not to appear in the consecutive list of elements. In the fourth series, at the point where the acids usually are formed, Arsenic, a deadly poison, appears. This valence list proves the cyclic nature of the chemical progression. Moreover, it holds the process under the control of the principle revealed by the rule of four: Cold, Warm, Dry and Moist. Vibratory, Gaseous, Solid and Fluid. Naturally, water being a molecule, it does not manifest until solid bodies appear, with which it mechancially associates itself as a solvent and stabilizer. We do not follow the demonstration farther than the first two series, from Helium to Chlorin. The first series repre- sents the molecular or formative period, and the second series the constructive or gaseous, merging into the solid. First Series. At. Wt. Helium 4 Inert gas Lithium 7 oe Glucinium % ee Boron 18 = 2305 2305 2323 es odin Carbon 12 Nitrogen 14 ee Oxygen 16 Fluorin 19 Neon 20 Inert gas Diagram No, 29 This reveals that the acid, Fluorin, which will not unite with oxygen, breaks up the atomic process in order to form Neon, the new pabulum for the second basylous element. In order to appropriate the 43 electrons contained in Helium. Molecules of Sodium, 23, are formed by uniting positive and negative elements as shown above. THE RESURRECTION 95 These original elements are built up from Helium as follows: Elements. Valence. Helium 4 + 0 = 4, Helium. Lithium 7 + 1 =8 (?) Glucinium. Glucinium 9 + 2 = 11, Boron. Boron 11 + 3 = 14, Nitrogen. Carbon 12 + 4 = 16, Oxygen. Nitrogen 14 + 3 = 17, Ammonia. Oxygen 16 + 2 = 18, Ammonium. Fluorin 19 + 1 = 20, Neon. Here is a beautiful demonstration. The original 43 electrons are accounted for thus: Neon 20 + Sodium 23 = 48 electrons. Sodium was formed as the basic molecule by combining two elements. But now we are to see that it is in the gaseous plane where spiral motion begins to evolve secondary molecules out of the field of Neon. 20 + 4 = 24, Magnesium. 20 + 8 = 28, Silicon. 20 + 11 31, Phosphorus. 20 + 14 = 34, Sulphureted Hydrogen. 20 + 16 = 36, Hydrochloric Acid. Ammonia 17, and Ammonium 18, unite to form Chlorin, which, plus its valence, 1, is converted into Hydrochloric acid 36. True to its purpose, Helium 4, added to hydrochloric acid, produces the next inert gas, Argon 40, proving that Helium is the balancing power. These 16 valence units are welding forces and they are limited in their progression by the Helium unit, which is a universal molecule, being composed of the four original atoms. - Its purpose is to prevent regurgitation. In the first series the 16 valence units plus Helium 4, equal Neon 20, the second inert gas. 96 THE RESURRECTION In the second series Neon 20 plus the 16 valence units equals Hydrochloric acid 36. By the addition of Helium 4, Argon 40, is formed, the third inert gas. These inert gases act as shock absorbers, reservoirs of ma- terials for progressive evolution. It is evident that each of these fields contains the elements belonging to the succeeding series. We find great variations in the published lists of elements, which renders it difficult to adopt a hard and fast rule for atomic weights of elements and their valence or combining powers. This valence system manifests the successive formation of the elements of which whole planetary systems are created. The first series is the fruit of the vibratory field, the second series the gaseous field, and the third series the solid field. It is in this field that a break in valence continuity occurs. We believe this reflects the period where the conditions appear which de- velop into the asteroidal belt, the bone of the planetary system. We do not attempt to determine the cause of the break in valence in the heavier elements. It is sufficient for our demon- stration that the first two elemental series conform strictly to the law of valence periodicity. Moreover, the whirling spiral bodies cast these off in perfect continuity. At least in these two series, the valence wave controls the cumulative and suc- cessive continuity. The break in continuity seems to occur in the more distinct metals, and this emphasizes another important matter. These metals are practically all dyads, indicating a dual attraction. II. Manganese. Lee leon II. . Nickel. Tipe @obalt, Tie Copper: Lie Zinc: And others. They are found in the reversing layer of the sun by spec- trum analysis. THE RESURRECTION 97 They are found in meteors, evidently fragments of disinte- grating bodies, which may be the explanation of their being at variance with the valence continuity. They also have the same atomic heat, indicating that the electron is the unit of primary energy. We also believe these metals may be found in the great belt of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter. This belt assumes an orbit instead of continuing in the planetary spiral. We are informed by the text books that the inert gases, Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton and Xenon, are rare gases which do not combine with other combinations. This is about all we can find regarding these all-important elements. Never- theless, when we examine their true functions they become of first importance. Helium is the pabulum out of which all the other elements are evolved, being the blending of the four primary principles potential in the hydrogen spiral. It is the common substance through which the other elements approach each other and com- bine into new substances. We have concluded that it is the vibratory state of water, therefore it is a form of hydrogen, a neutral electric state standing between the atomic and gaseous worlds. Neon and the other inert gases act in the same capacity between periods, in the elemental progression. They separate the periods, standing as a sort of cushion to prevent regurgita- tion of energy. This is one of the strong evidences of a pre- meditated evolution. It is absurd to say that this enforced pro- gression only occurs in the chemical processes. Examination proves it is universal. When we examine the planetary system this becomes important. Out of a central spiral body are evolved all of the elements necessary to develop, perfect and manifest each system. The spiral first converts its components into a common pabulum represented by these inert gases. 98 Tue RESURRECTION The following diagram represents the elemental, spiral body out of which the valence series are evolved. This con- tains the first two series. Note the strict valence continuity. Diagram No. 30 This is the process by which planetary systems are made. This advances the system from the vibratory, through the gaseous to the solid state, the central spiral being the first true atom of matter, containing potentially the powers of the forma- tive atoms. The peripheral elements, excepting Chlorin, are solids, hav- ing been cast out of the gaseous mass. Neon, it will be observed, marks the eliminating non-com- bining line. THE RESURRECTION 99 Sodium 23, becomes the electro-positive, base-forming element for the second series, including Magnesium, Aluminum, Silicon, Phosphorus, Sulphur and Chlorin. Fluorin forms hy- drofluoric acid, which neutralizes the first serial elements into an inert gas, Neon, preparatory to this eliminating process. The formation of Neon is a disintegrating process in which oxygen is released. : These elements evolute out of the central spiral to form the second series, as here shown. The following diagram reveals the evoluted elements in their orbital positions. LDP Lith, Glucinium e | i Diagram No. 31 Neon is the inert gas which separates the inner body from the series of expelled elements. 100 THE RESURRECTION In order for Neon to take the place of Helium, as the inert gas between the first and second series, Helium must be ab- sorbed into the elements of the second series to beget molecular progression. 20 23 24 Da, 28 31 oe 32 + 4 + 4 4 + 4 24 Zi, 28 ol OZ 35 36 39 Thus the Helium unit carries the second series on into hydrochloric acid 36, and Argon 40, the next inert gas. The atomic weight of Argon is variously given at 39.60 to 40. We find the next inert gas, Krypton, is 80; hence, we shall assume that these inert gases merely carry forward the 16 valence units and the atom of Helium 4, to form the next serial pabulum : 16 + 4 = Neon 20 20 + 20 = Argon 40 40 + 40 = Krypton 80. That Oxygen is the element which carries forward this progression is plain by the following: C Bhs 2 Ze 3 Z = Fe nes zs yo g g 5 Ee = ¢ = ; : 7 9. 11, b12% “14. Tele OMEN 16. 16. 165. Gee Lone DEO MnOen CHET 23 125 (24)27, 28) 301GINb2 ae BB) ee OE ge So ee = = 5 . 9 5 5 E e. ! | 2 After having perfected new combinations Oxygen is cast out of the series (See diagram No. 30, Page 98) signifying a cooling process. THE RESURRECTION 101 It will be noted there is a variation in the atomic weights of Magnesium and Phosphorus of one electron, one, however, offsets the other, balancing the series. Absolute accuracy and agreement on the atomic weights of elements are not found in the text books. We believe these slight deviations are due to the hydrogen atom, which is ever ready to harmonize dif- ferences. We believe this is the underlying principle which causes all things on our planet to seek the level of the sea. It seems very evident too, that Oxygen is the irritant, carrying elements into the acid state and Helium is the stabilizer. Neon 20 + Oxygen 16 = Hydrochloric acid 36. Hydrochloric acid 36 + Helium 4 = Argon 40. It is because of the formation of Neon that neutrality be- tween the first and second series is established in order that the second basylous element, Sodium 23, may be formed without regurgitation of energy occurring. ‘Neon will neither regurgitate back into the acid Fluorin nor directly unite with Sodium. Therefore the new series with intermittent control by Helium. Fluorin 19 + 4 = Sodium 23. Neon 20 + 4= Magnesium 24. Sodium 23 -- 4 = Aluminum 27. Magnesium 24 + 4 = Silicon 28. Aluminum 27 + 4 = Phosphorus 31. Silicon 28 + 4 = Sulphur 32. Phosphorus 31 -- 4 = Chlorin 35. Thus Helium carries the first series on into the second and continues the elemental progression step by step. The odd elements are positive. The even elements are negative. In this process, like begets like through a common medium, making an alternating series. The addition of oxygen as a common positive agent carries this on into the next series. The final evidence that the first series consists of the orig- inal 43 electrons is, that, after passing over to the second series Sodium 23 electrons, the residue is Neon 20 = 43 electrons. 102 THE RESURRECTION Thus we reduce the whole process to the two active agents Hydrogen and Oxygen, combined these two form water. “Verily, I say: except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” (Jno. 3-5.) Water signifies hydrogen, spirit signifies oxygen, the king- dom of God is the living kingdoms of the earth; therefore he who wrote the above quotation knew the Gnostic philosophy. That carbon is the resultant ash of this valence series is also quite manifest—carbon is the original earthy man. Adam means earthy. There are eight elements in the series. The process of fruit production is by the blending of elements. The first four elements have to do with production, and the falling inflection with reproduction, hence the fall of man and the original sin, have to do with reproduction. This process 1s wholly dependent upon and under the con- trol of Hydrogen and Oxygen, moisture and warmth. These truths are all amenable to demonstration. It would be inconsistent to attribute all of these successful demonstra- tions to accident. O Helium 4 I Lithium 7 ae II Glucinium 9 III Boron i a ; IV Carbon 12 ieee 23)> 23/5 290R Sodas III Nitrogen 14 ee pn Oey ren 16 I Fluorin 19 92 electrons 23 4=92 electrons Diagram No. 32 Add to these electrons the 16 valence electrons I, IJ, III, IV, III, II, 1,92 + 16 = 108 9= 12, carbon. That the intention of this cycle is to form a basylous element for the succeeding series is equally plain, as demon- strated by the combinations above. THE RESURRECTION 103 That the 16 valence electrons are responsible for carrying forward the basylous elements is shown by adding to Sodium 23, these 16 electrons, 39, which is Potassium, the basylous element in the third series, coming out of the inert gas Argon. That the differentiating agent is Helium is found by divid- ing the 92 electrons by four, equalling 23 Sodium. Helium is a product of blending of the four original atoms by which they became a common pabulum for differentiating purposes, in or- der that the four primary principles may be carried through the whole system without losing their identities and their dependence upon each other. | It is by this provision that control is maintained. By an examination of the first series we see how true this is. The elements may not regurgitate back into each other. The wave of Oxygen cannot pass back into that of Nitrogen. Fluorin will not unite with Oxygen. But Oxygen 16 and Helium 4, mechanically unite to form the inert gas Neon 20, therefore, these inert gases are forms of chemical atmospheres which do not burn. Sodium decomposes Neon, setting Oxygen free, and passes Helium on through the series. The 16 free Oxygen electrons become the valence units for the second series. That these inert gases are the agents which check the progression of the series is plain, from the fact that Neon 20 + Oxygen 16 = 36, Hydrochloric acid. The addition to Hydrochloric acid of Helium 4 accounts for the next inert gas, Argon 40, proving that the rule of four is the controlling and balancing power in the whole system. Out of Argon comes Potassium, the third basylous element. Gravitation alone seems to show a tendency to temporarily break this power of continuity, but centripetal force quickly breaks this force, proving that the apparent straight line, repre- senting the gravitation, 1s but the path of the transition of cen- trifugal force into centripetal force, or orbital motion into spiral motion, therefore, it is safe to deduce that, there is no such thing as a straight line for free bodies in motion. That which seems to be a straight line is at its lowest pitch a turning point 104 Tue. RESURRECTION | where sufficient lagging force culminates to carry the body on into a curvilinear course to form the reciprocal spiral; other- wise the straight course would be eternal. This is the very essence of the process of life itself. The pendulum best reveals the law. At the highest pitch there is a temporary pause, and, at the lowest point cumulative momen- tum sends it on. | When carbon is formed, apparently bringing matter to a condition of rest, the cumulative force behind it is sufficient to revive within it motion and life. This is the process producing all organic life. There is no such thing as absolute gravitation ina body. If there were, life would cease with crystallization. Nature, long ago solved the problem of perpetual motion. There is a lapse between production and reproduction, a period of apparent suspended animation, a period of rest and recuperation, the straight line symbolizing the state of rest and the spiral recuperation. This is the period of gestation. This reappears in a new process, respiration, the point of rest appearing between inspiration and expiration. Throughout nature we find the constant manifestation of this law. Respiration assumes a great variety of forms. It is the regulating power in nature. The seasons check off the respiration of the planet; the fruit and leaves are the material manifestations of vegetable respiration. The tree inhales all the essential elements for form- ing its leaves and fruits, and it then exhales or releases them back to the earth. In the valence series cumulative production is represented by the four rising valence elements in each series ; the temporary power of gravitation is represented by the three falling elements in the series, representing the deliverance back to the earth of the fruits of the chemical proéess, but there gravitation ceases and centripetal force takes possession. An apparent tempor- ary rest follows before the tree reproduces. This temporary suspension of progressive motion symbolizes the periods of the inert gases. We may conclude that the temporary rest signifies the © THE RESURRECTION 105 period of gestation, and there is no such thing as a dead center or absolute rest in the body. The body, as a whole, may appear to be inert, yet this is but a matter of comparison, for, within, chemical action never ceases. In inorganic matter this eternal motion is primitive mentation. It must be remembered that, a very limited number of the elements are found in their native state; they are found in combinations with other elements to form compounds. ‘This gives a clue to the tremendous amount of patience and labor which have been expended by studious and philosophical minds, in bringing scientific knowledge up to its present standard. We rather doubt if due appreciation of this labor in the interest of humanity has been shown; not because of lack of gratitude, but because humanity has not been permitted to understand the true importance of science. Moreover, science has been pur- posely hindered by insidious opposition. As we have quite plainly demonstrated, the processes of nature are revealed by a series of rising and falling inflections, or a system of periodicities or cycles. This is the great uni- versal respiration. The rising inflection expands nature and engenders growth and production; the falling inflection sus- pends growth and conserves energy for reproductive purposes to perpetuate living systems. As we eliminate by exhalation, carbon, dioxide, as the gaseous excrement of our body, so do the planetary bodies eliminate those elements which are deleterious to them. These excrements become the breath and food for other systems, exactly as carbon dioxide is inhaled by vegetation, which in turn exhales oxygen as the breath for animals. 7 The list of elements represents the constructive materials from which worlds and their products are made, and they are eliminants. | The rise and fall of the valence system represents the periods of fruition, and the return of the products to the parent earth, therefore, these are positive and negative periods in the life and progress of a system, similar to our own planetary 106 THE RESURRECTION seasons, periods of constructive activity alternating with periods of rest and recuperation. “While the earth remaineth, seed-time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” This proves a knowledge of axial motion of the earth. (Gen. 8-22.) “Tn the morning sow thy seeds, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou*knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both be alike good.” (Eccl. 11-6.) In the ecclesiastic code, morning means the beginning of a gospel period. And evening means the beginning of affliction, oppression and ignorance. This intimation of speculative Christian practices needs little interpretation. ‘Get while the getting 1s good.” “The field is the world; (humanity at large). The good seeds are the children of the kingdom (the church.) but the tares are the children of the wicked one (the children of people not of the church.)” All people not of the church are classed as wicked. “The enemy that sows them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.” (priests and agents of the church, the crusaders and the inquisitors). “As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in a fire; so shall it be in the end of this world” (the end of the eccle- silastic period of propaganda, when the priesthood is in supreme control ). “The son of man shall send forth his angels (the agents of the church) and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend.” “And shall cast them into a furnace of fire. There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.” (Matt. 13 :38-42.) “Thrust in thy sickle, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.” (Rev. 14:15.) “There is time for sowing and time for reaping.” They continually dwell upon this “harvest” idea; what do they propose to sow and reap; what is this “seed time,” and THE RESURRECTION 107 “harvest time?’ They are not teaching agriculture, what is it that Christianity must sow? If it sows good, to make good its promises to humanity the harvest should belong to the people. If a harvest for the church is to be the result, the people must pay. Both the church and the people may not reap and garner the same crop. Are there two kinds of fruits developed out of the same seeds, one for the people and one for the church? Reader, you may take this as you please. We have no right to dictate to you your personal views, but in nature the tree sheds its leaves to fertilize the earth, and sheds its fruit to feed a higher evolution of matter. In the ecclesiastical code earth means, productive humanity. That means you; therefore, you are going to get the husks; the real fruit belongs to the church. “The first fruits belong to God,” and god means the church, the authority which rules you. Here is the secret. “If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things?’ (I Cor. 9:11.) This is the heart of ecclesiasticism; spiritual means imma- terial, ghostly; carnal means substantial, material things. “To be carnal minded is death, but to be spiritually minded ieslitesandspeace. © \(Rom:: 8:6.) According to their theory they are willing to exchange life and peace for death. What imbecility ! To those who are deceived, we say: Do you hunger? Try to appease your hunger with this spiritual stuff. Are you and your family cold? Try to get warmth out of your spiritual exchange. Nature gave to man substantial “carnal” things for food and comfort. How does it occur that a select priesthood has been given the exclusive monopoly to issue some kind of invis- ible coin with which to purchase the necessary food out of your mouth? The very fact that they require your substantial things to live, proves our assertion that, the Christian exploiters orig- inally intended to monopolize and sell some sort of knowledge 108 THE RESURRECTION to humanity. Is not this alleged exchange a clean-cut commer- cialism ? Has the reader seen one single evidence that the god of ‘nature intended to create such a commerce? Has he found any place in human experience where the spiritual coin, or token of exchange, given for his substantial things, could be recon- verted into something substantial and useful during this life? Is it not important to inquire regarding the bank of redemption for this alleged medium of exchange? The proof that this priestly commerce is a false pretense is found in the fact that, in all other forms of commerce, that which is received for one product has an intrinsic purchase power which is acceptable in the acquirement of other necessities of life. To repudiate this spiritual traffic even the Christian Bible declares its God will not deal with dead men. Yet this traffic continues. “God is not the god of the dead, but of the living.” (Mark 1222725) “The dead know not anything, neither have they any more reward: for the memory of them is forgotten.” (Ecc. 9:5.) This repudiates the saints to whom prayers are offered. Now, where are vou going to cash your spiritual tokens? Think about this. It is more important than you believe. If it is your pleasure to give your earthy substance, select some really worthy and needful object for your direct charity. Don’t purchase a benign and hypocritical smile of a sleek, fat priest and let the hungry pass you by. “A living dog is better than a dead lion.” (Ecc. 9:4:) There are hundreds of thousands of able-bodied clergymen purchasing “‘material things” from unsuspecting humanity with their “spiritual tokens.” There are billions of church wealth being amassed by this process that pays no taxes. The masses of humanity are slaving and stinting themselves of the least luxuries and pleasures of life that they may set aside a little surplus to provide against adversity and old age, only to have this absorbed by some mysterious taxing power, either in the form of substance or human: energy. | THE RESURRECTION 109 This is not just, but it is Christian, while the fat priest has his daily ration of “mutton, bread and good wine on the lees,” millions of hungry human beings are glad to receive horse- meat, cats and dogs. Before closing this chapter we must impress the absurdity of a human system claiming a divine right to imitate, control or represent the natural elements and powers of nature. This has a direct bearing upon what we have just said, for, if it is demonstrated that these things are abnormal and contrary to natural laws and processes, humanity will not surrender its rights without full compensation. The Christ character, best of all, illustrates the illogical Christian pretense. Oxygen is taken to represent the Christ principle, and a brazen attempt to personify this all-pervading element is made. Nature has wisely provided against stratification of gases in our atmosphere by the law of diffusion, which enables gases to uniformly mingle, thereby providing a uniform medium for the transmission of light and sound waves. Oxygen is the great king in manifested nature, and the support of organic life. It is estimated that oxygen constitutes about one-half of the earth’s crust, and a larger proportion of all the bodies it produces, and this means three-fourths of our own physical bodies, and four- fifths of every plant. Eight-ninths of the water consists of oxygen, as well as one-half of the solid rocks. A pressure of fifty-five thousand pounds to the square inch will not change its condition. Moreover, the proportion of oxygen and nitrogen does not change on the highest mountain or in the deepest shaft ever made in the earth. These are things which must be kept in mind in any study involving the planet and its life. To personify these all-essential elements, and attempt to pretend to transfer their powers to human beings is mere false- pretense. It is in the much-reviled scientific and philosophical truths that this ecclesiastic deceit and hypocrisy are exposed, hence the church antagonism towards them. It is not a simple matter to demonstrate that which the world’s greatest power has at- tempted to conceal, and bring into contempt for twenty centuries. 110 THE RESURRECTION Due to this fact, we repeat our fomulas and symbolisms fre- quently, to keep the readers’ mind constantly fixed upon them. It is our urgent desire to make very plain our conception of a universal mentation which directs, guides, and controls visible creation. This necessarily implies a thinking, reasoning person- ality, back of and superior to the visible, differentiated beings. We assume that, the super-mind 1s potential in its primary state, which we call the umversal pabulum, which is substance but not matter. Dormant within this universal womb are all of the primordial and eternal forces which are the manifesting agents. There are four principles which control the transition of potential energy into the active state. In the manifestation of these principles the true matter is created out of the universal substance, to differentiate, individualize and reveal these prin- ciples. Individuality naturally implies a substantial or material body. There is but one name which identifies the original, or initiative force; that is vital energy in the potential state, which becomes life in the embodied state. We can find no plausible reason for applying the name God to nature. God is a coined word, with a dual significance, to be applied only to human purposes. Between potential energy, sleeping in the universal sub- stance, and life, active in matter, are to be manifested all of the phenomena which can give us knowledge concerning the nature, aspects and purposes of the creative processes. There are four formative principles or attitudes which con- trol the creative processes and these become our unerring guides. We can follow them from the beginning to the end of each system; they do not deceive or mislead and they are al- ways found in their positions to reveal their functions. Two of these principles are active and two are passive, the latter be- ing the deposited residue or ash-of the active forces. It is by this fact that we conclusively prove that the original substance is chemically converted into the true matter, and that even the released active principles are embodied entities, which we have previously named as living larva: Tue RESURRECTION 111 Cold, warm, dry and moist. These are the attitudes assumed by vital energy, in its transition from the potential state to the active, creative state. It is one energy revealed in the several phases which are essen- tial to create matter, or material bodies, through which to reveal other combinations of creative forces. Cold is the negative state of energy. Warm is the active state of energy. Dry is the ash of chemical combustion, hence it is matter, the product of the reduction of the substance which held intact the original larva. Moisture is equally a form of ash resulting from the same act. Water neutralizes cold and heat. What may we recognize here? Our well demonstrated primary elements as the bodies of these principles: Nitrogen, Oxvcen so. Carbon, Hydrogen, old: Warm. Dry. Moist. This is the act which creates the first true atom of matter, and this true atom is a living, nucleated cell—life surrounded by primitive matter, carbon. This is the first true spark of living matter having expansion and contraction in the same body, with spiral motion and mechanical respiration. The creation of this primitive atom is but the active or un- folding half of the process of creating the basic forms of matter. Reaction is equal to action, and the creation of physical, organic .bodies is a reactive process, the waves concealed in the spiral atom actually being pushed out in reverse attitudes. Vegetation definitely manifesting the reactive process; the root symbolizing the spiral, the supporting trunk the carbon body, the expanding limbs the positive nature of oxygen, and the conserving leaves the negative nitrogen, with all their heads pointing towards the root, symbolizing the nursing and nourishing of the young by the parent. | ) Intermediate, between the atomic state and the physical, 1s the molecular process which prepares and differentiates the essential, basic elements for physical bodies. The atomic is Jel bye THE RESURRECTION the vibratory because impulse is from unit to unit, each atom being composed of a certain number of electron units. Nitro- gen is composed of fourteen negative or cold electrons; Oxy- gen is composed of sixteen positive or warm electrons; carbon is composed of twelve dry electrons, and hydrogen is a union of all of these combined to from one living, nucleated atom, the nucleus or living germ, passing the vibratory on into the gaseous or molecular state. Where the atomic or vibratory is composed of electrons the gaseous or molecular is composed of differentiated atoms. The first molecule is evolved from the hydrogen spiral, forming a union of four secondary elements which are compounds of atoms. These new elements become the basic materials for, first, world building, and, second, for the physical bodies of vegetation and animals. This now becomes a simple chemical theorem, the com- bination of atoms to form molecules, and the union of mole- cules to form chemical compounds. It will be found that the original rule of four continues as our guide. Oxygen 16, unites with Carbon 12, the resultant product being silicon 28. Hydrogen 1, is released. Nitrogen 14, unites with oxygen 16, and hydrogen 1, and the resultant product is Phosphorus 31, the cold, chemical light. In this process, two hydrogen atoms are evolved, which unite with oxygen and water, HO, is formed. Nitrogen 14, and water 18, unite and sulphur 32, is formed. These are the basic elements out of which evolute physical and organic bodies. In the process of world building we find these elements, and these forces, revealing themselves, and extending their sug- gestive influences to greater aggregations: as examples: Oxygen is always found as the aggressive, expansive and distributive element. It is in the atmosphere we find this decomposing element most active. Sulphur is found in a free state, therefore, open to the attack of oxygen. When sulphur is heated in con- tact with air it forms sulphur dioxide SO» 64, equal in atomic weight to a molecule of sulphur, 64. Hvdrogen sulphide, or sulphuretted hydrogen, H2S. THE RESURRECTION TH83 H—O—H is water ; H—S—H is hydrogen sulphide. Hydrogen sulphide is heavier than air and under a pressure of 17 atmospheres it forms a colorless, mobile fluid which crys- Fallizeseatioo | (122° Fu) . Now, here is the evidence of our statement that water is one of the original constituents of sulphur. If burned in a small supply of oxygen, free sulphur is deposited and water is formed. If burned in a sufficient supply of oxygen, the products are water vapor and sulphur dioxide. Thus, in the creation of worlds, these prime elements plainly manifest their functions, even though passing from one consistency to another. All mat- ter must follow the rule of four, Vibratory, Gaseous, Solid and Fluid, in progressive action, and the reverse in reaction. In other chapters we demonstrate our concepticn of the ultimate purposes of the creative scheme. PART V INTEGRATION AND DISINTEGRATION (In physical evolution, death is as essential as life.) In a crude and unorthodox way we shall take up some of the chemical processes which reveal the Gnostic secrets of the integration and disintegration of material bodies. Science, by long and patient research, has provided sym- bols and established atomic values, for a known list of elements recognized in chemistry as the basic substances for the creation and development of material bodies. It is in the combining of these elements into new bodies that we find creative phenomena. Elements are propagated by growth and _ reproduction. Addition signifies growth, and has reference to the units of which bodies are composed. Multiplication signifies reproduc- tion, having reference to the whole body, its purpose being to extend the system to produce more fruits and perpetuate the species. Both are governed by the rule of four. The hydrogen spiral is the beginning of both. The four atoms of which the spiral 1s composed, are blended into a com- mon pabulum, bound together by the law which prohibits re- gurgitation and enforces progressive evolution. A remarkable valence system rules the combining of elements. Helium, atomic weight 4, is the new pabulum, and the first molecule of matter. ELEMENTAL VALENCE PERIODICITY We only demonstrate the first two series from Helium to Chlorin in our succeeding diagrams: 114 THE RESURRECTION . bss The Hydrogen Spiral 1 Valance Atomic weight Inert gas O—Helium ; 4 Electropositive base I Lithium a II / Glucinium 9 j He eens Dreee 23 23 23 Sodium III \ Nitrogen 14 ee II \ Oxygen 16 I \ Fluorin 19 Inert gas (Neon) O — Hydrofluoric acid 20 (Neon 20) Electropositive base I Sodium 23 II Magnesium |24~. A Ill luminium 20 DVAe@ Silicon III \ Phosphorus 31 II \ Sulphur 32 I\ Chlorin 35 55 >55 Iron Inert gas (Argon) O — Hydrochloric acid 36 (Argon 40) Electropositive base WA Potassium SG) Il / Calcium — RAS Candin wl 48ers V \ 90-90 90 90 Zirconium II Chromium |51 IV Titanium Ill Naeer 50 I \ Manganese! 54-+ Diagram No, 33 We find some differences in the atomic weights of elements, which, doubtless, may be reconciled by careful adjustment. We are not explaining orthodox chemistry. We are exhibiting curious facts which do not appear in chemical text books. Let more learned minds determine their values. Helium measures the degree of heat necessary to weld or disintegrate bodies. While this element binds the four primary principles together in invisible unity, oxygen differentiates them in visible or manifested unity, giving to each its primitive tem- perature and a body through which to reveal its function in the whole. Temperature determines under what controlling wave elements shall fall in forming molecular combinations, therefore oxygen is the revealing power, giving to matter heat, light, sensation and visibility. Oxidation of bodies evolves heat; rapid oxidation mani- fests in light. 116 THE RESURRECTION We shall attempt to illustrate the process by which ele- ments emerge from the primordial pabulum and evolute into material forms, one field systematically merging into another until the physical development is perfected. It is wholly a process of disintegration and integration, quickly recognized as the well known law of destructive assimilation. One body is destroyed that another may be given life, hence, after all, it is but the manifestation of the original process by which atoms are formed, the transfer of life from one body to another. In this process the trend is towards a progressive or higher evolution. It is logical to conclude, then, that death is as essential as life in the evolution of physical being. Without the one we could not have the other. In the same sense so-called good and evil are co-ordinate powers, having absolute equality in .nature’s processes. Does this signify that by death there is waste or loss of matter? On the contrary, the apparent retrogression is as active as progression in the completion of the cycle; in fact, there is no such thing as actual retrogression in the universal scheme. What seems to be a retrogression in the dissolution of bodies is but the preparation of dormant matter for further progression. Regurgitation of the life current never occurs, but reaction occurs in the form of bodily progression, 1n which life seems to reverse. It 1s to prevent regurgitation of the life current that nature quickly converts straight lines into circles and spirals. The circle, which represents orbital motion, is con- servative and the spiral, representing axial motion, neutralizes the negative and the positive, holding them under a controlled state of compensation, called respiration, until the progressive waves may again be set up and released. The erroneous idea of the transmigration of individual animal souls is based upon this system of integration and disin- tegration of physical bodies. The idea that the soul of one living body intact, may leave one body and preempt another physical body intact, is based upon an erroneous understanding of the law of destructive assimilation. It is not a bodily process, but 1s atomic. When the life of a composite body seems to leave THe RESURRECTION ay it, a reactive life, purely chemical, takes possession of the ap- parently dead body and begins its dissolution, converting it back into universal substance. Even atoms are decomposed into electrons in the last analysis. This process merely completes fae; cycle: | The fabulous resurrection, preached literally by Christian- ity, is a gross error and misunderstanding. It well knows the underlying principles, but permits the ignorant masses to believe that their physical bodies will be raised up and their indivdual identity restored. Resurrect means to restore to life. Whena gross body is disintegrated, its basic molecules and atoms are restored to their primitive states of being. This is the true resurrection of primitive matter. Resurrection signifies to rise. These primary elements will rise into their natural gaseous or vibratory fields, not as gross aggregations, but as prime units. The second resurrection is the manifestation of the new body from the seed, as the tree arises from the seed of the fruit. This especially reveals the fallacy of the bodily resurrection as taught by Christianity. The planting of the body is not the planting of a seed. Animal life is not propagated that way. When the seed is placed in the earth, it also decomposes, but that decomposition is set up for the identical purpose of reproduction, whereas, when the dead animal body is placed in the earth it has surrendered its function of reproduction. But in either event, the original, physical body does not arise, nor 1s it subject to resurrection. Not one single evidence exists to intimate such a phenomenon. The animal soul is a complex thing, the psychology of which wholly depends upon the working mechanism of the phys- ical body. If this mechanism ceases to perform any part of its functions, to that degree the soul ceases to manifest. If the physical body ceases to function as a whole, life ceases to mani- fest through that physical body; therefore, in the last analysis that which we are pleased to call an individual soul, to enhance the profits of the church, is the life of the body, a complex thing, measured by physical manifestation, an abstract thing measured by potentiality. 118 THE RESURRECTION All of this works out by Chemistry, and is enlarged and exaggerated into commonplace fact in Astronomy. It plainly mnaifests in the visible life upon our planet by an understand- able reflex imitation. We should approach it without fanatical hysteria and absurd awe and fear. All the foolish prayer and solicitation that the whole of humanity could offer up could not displace one single wave in an atom, or alter its creative course. It is the atom which directly concerns us, because it is the primordial matter. In its recognition of the four primary principles by per- sonifying them, Christianity betrays the source of its origin. Nitrogen Oxygen Cal ponpaae Hydrogen Cold Warm Dry Moist God Christ Man Woman Flesh Muscle Bone Marrow Thus does its God chemically. manifest in the flesh. Its Christ takes possession and gives impulse through the muscles, and makes Man and Woman servants to burden and toil—the skeleton bears all the burdens of the body, hence it is the cross or tree, upon which the exhausted muscular Christ is crucified. The function of oxygen, as the provider of living energy, is essential to evolution. In the valence table which we have exhibited, it must be observed, there is a progressive series of periods, with a rising and falling inflection running through the list of elements. To emphasize what we have said in a previous chapter we repeat. In each series three elements rise to a solid, which disinte- grates by three steps to an acid, out of which is evolved another inert gas for a succeeding series. Each new series is begun by a basylous element. It is the function of oxygen to transfer energy from one basylous element to the next succeeding series. It will be recognized that this is the identical process which we have previously explained whereby one body yields up its life to promote another. THE RESURRECTION 119 The basylous elements of the three first series are as follows: Lithium 7 || Oxygen 16. Sodium 23, || Oxygen 16. Potassium 39. Thus oxygen transmits this base making power from one series to another in consecutive order, revealing a primary con- trol over the distribution of energy to form elements. The same rule applies to the formation of the carbonaceous elements. Carbon 12 || Oxygen 16. Silicon 28 Hl Oxygen 16. Carbon dioxide 44 || Oxygen 16, Silica 60 || Oxygen 16. Carbon bisulphide 76. Again we find oxygen standing between the neutralizing elements between series: Helium 4 || Oxygen 16. Neon 20 || Oxygen 16. Hydrochloric acid 36. We shall find more of this as we examine succeeding dia- grams. As we have previously said, elements are formed by two motions, orbital and spiral. Developing physical life begins in the spiral. An early diagram will exhibit a spiral body combining its constituent ele- ments into new combinations and ejecting the resultant ash from its system exactly as we observe in all living nature. The ash need not necessarily be a dead excrement. 120 THE RESURRECTION This goes far to demonstrate that the whole universal sys- tem is one great being, and the creative processes differentiate and reveal his parts. Orbital blending draws elements into a conserving circle. Spiral blending casts its elements outward to give them inde- pendent motion. Carbon and its allotropic forms are the solid products of each series. This is the origin of chemical digestion. In the construction and growth of all bodies there is an excess which is cast out of the body as excrement, the ash of chemical combustion. The fruit becomes the food for the higher evolution, and the seed for reproduction of species to extend the projected system. Even in the animal economy the digestive process is spiral, therefore, digestion is governed by contraction and expansion, mechanical respiration. In the living, breathing body, this dual nature signifies mechanical respiration. Each department of the body exhibits its own res- piratory act. The digestive process in the stomach is spiral. The digestive process in the lungs is circulatory or orbital. Preceding the diagrams exhibiting the orbital and spiral chemical action, we shall illustrate our idea of a universal sys- tem of valence, showing a greater cosmic unit bound together in all of its parts, by the system of primary waves released by Helium, and controlled and guided by the rule of four. The 16 valence electrons accompany Helium, representing the energy necessary to fully unfold and develop the system. This is the dual nature of the cyclic process. This brings into visibility every element contributing to- wards the creation of systems. Like great trees with their branches, leaves and fruits, the systems develop froma center and bear fruit upon the periphery. Some of the waste products of this system must be drawn back into the parent body, but the greater amount of energy is cast out into space by, reflection, to become the nourishment of the universal body. In the following diagram the central spiral is evolving Helium units. Each Helium,unit, in fact, is a basic molecule, THE RESURRECTION 11 hence it is a reproductive and multiplying seed. It has a unit power of four and a cumulative power of eight. The units combine to form the primary molecules up to the power of 32, which is sulphur. Out of this center are evolved the more complex elements by spiral blending. The respiratory and circulatory system of the universal cosmic unit. The physical universe consists of these units bound together by this system of valence. Diagram No. 34 1. A central field evolving primitive matter and energy. 2. Eight secondary systems, each evolving seven tertiary systems. , 3. Seven tertiary systems, each evolving six quarternary systems. 1277 THE RESURRECTION 4. A continuation of this process of division and subdi- vision until the disintegrating energy becomes exhausted and matter blends into the universal pabulum. That the 16 valence units represent the expansive energy 1s easily determined. There are eight columns radiating from the center, of 16 electrons in each column, 128 =~ 8 = 16, oxygen. Blended, they form the fifth inert gas, Xenon, 128, intimating control of the whole system. We have promised to explain how the Helium unit is ad- justed to the progressive wave series in a manner to maintain a controlling balance. It will be observed that the 16 heat or energy units are accompanied by the atomic waves between the different cosmic systems. In the unfoldment of the atom, each wave represents a principle, and the powers they represent are in proportion to the distance, by wave, from their origin, which is always the electron or a potential body symbolizing the elec- tron. Diagram No. 35 These are the differentiated atomic powers of Helium. Nitrogen is one remove from the original potential state. Oxy- gen is two removes from the original potential state. Carbon is three removes from the original potential state. We have previously shown that these principles are con- stantly in pursuit of each other, therefore their significance is cumulative. Valence adjusts its electrons to balance these differences. Valence units lm SRRe TAY PRE Ine i! Value of waves Sh TO see: PAY a) 4 itd tap ear eee ose Se The valence exhibits the expended energy, the waves the unexpended energy. Therefore, the function of Helium is to equalize and bal- THE RESURRECTION 123 ance cosmic respiration and circulation, by setting up reverse forms of expansion and contraction. With this cushioning system between the cosmic units, the minimum of shock is assured and the law which forbids regurg- itation is carried from the center to the circumference. This is a wise and wonderful balancing power, for should regurgitation occur progression would cease. It is revealed in the pendulum, also in the ocean tides, these being equivalent to forms of compensating adjustment, or me- chanical respiration. A careful study of this intercosmic system reveals that, the spiral centers are ganglionic and digestive centers, the spirals all turn in one direction and the whole system follows a well defined course. This reveals why the planets all move in nearly one plane, corresponding with the sun’s body, and why the motion of the sun on its axis, that of the planets around the sun, and the satel- lites around their primaries, and the motions of all on their axis are in one direction, namely: from west to east. Does this not emphasize law and premeditated evolution? There is a theory that Uranus and Neptune reverse this planetary motion. We shall describe at length the universal valence system, which represents both respiration and circulation, the vibratory and the gaseous. The atomic waves are equivalent to the nerves, and the 16 valence units the circulation. These permeate the whole system and are inseparable. They maintain the rhythmic respiration by balancing contraction and expansion in the body, and regu- late temperature in the circulation by the distribution of heat units. Helium as we have shown, is the common stabilizing element, or more probably, the equalizing distributor. Our valence diagram represents a greater cosmic unit. A perfect understanding of this unit system is to know all, for all other cosmic units are identically like this. We can find no visible law by which they may differ one from another. We have said that every system limits its expansive ex- tension by division and subdivision, to control its growth and 124 Ihizeo RESURRECTION increase its productive capacity. This cosmic unit demonstrates this. It also reveals evolution as it approaches the consumma- tion of its cycle, as a process of disintegration and elimination, for we find that each emanation from the centre eliminates the ash of its chemical combustion as an excrement, and these are set free as our recognized chemical elements. This diagrams perfectly as we shall illustrate in this chapter. Moreover, this cyclic principle is an abstraet thing and formless. We may only vision this cosmic process to the third eman- ation, because the subdivision beyond this is invisible. Never- theless the principles are known and they reveal the invisible beyond blending back into the universal pabulum. The central spiral, surrounded by Helium units, is the source of the energy for the whole cosmic unit, and while the distribution of energy is uniform throughout the system, the number of units in each emanation diminishes, to compensate for the loss of energy between the center and the circumference. Subdivision of each greater unit into lesser units is to uniformly distribute energy. | The first emanation is a series of eight secondary systems, and these each evolve seven tertiary systems, and so on until the distribution of energy ceases by limitation. If Uranus and Neptune reverse the usual course pursued by the planetary bodies, it is probably due to their having passed beyond the central control. It is by the process of elimination that we know this sub- division is a cooling process, for it is the ash of exhausted chem- ical combustion which is cast out. The central spiral, although the symbol of moisture, is fluid but not moist. It evolves mois- ture through the function of Helium. Helium itself is cumu- lative in its power of mass as its units are blended by the central spiral motion and it registers the gradual decline in the thermal progression until the central energy becomes exhausted. The cumulative powers of the Helium units, and the ele- ments evolved by digestive elimination, are as follows: the last element in each line is eliminated. THE RESURRECTION 125 4—8— 12—16—20—24—28—32 Sulphur. 4—8—12—16—20—24—28 Silicon. 4—8—12—16—20—24 Magnesium. 4—8—12—16—20 Neon. 4—8—12—16 Oxygen. 4—8—12 Carbon. 4—8 (perhaps Glucinium). 4 Helium. It will be observed that nitrogen does not appear in this elimination process, hence, it is not an excrement, but is an external force with which eliminated elements unite. It in- trudes itself between these elements and oxygen, hence they are dead. The law of multiple proportions makes nitrogen a constant quantity in five compounds of nitrogen and oxygen in exactly the proportions of these eliminations. In the frst, N 144.0 8 4 second, N 14 + O 16 ‘s third, N 14 + O 24 ‘ fourth, N 14 + O 32 “ fifth, N 14 + O 40 This demonstrates the origin of the valence series of eight, as shown in our first valence table with its rising and falling inflections. It is noticeable that these five oxygen es are all divisible by 4, Helium. The fact that the first compound contains N 14 and O 8, shows that Oxygen is divisible into heat units or original elec- trons, hence, heat is divisible by the interjection of a non-con- ducting element, such as carbon, and silicon, which, in the valence series mark off the rising and the falling periods. This we know is true in nature, the division of a body gives it greater radiating surface. The process of blending and elimination logically disinte- grates the aggregated body to the point of total exhaustion. 126 THe RESURRECTION This is the underlying law which causes all bodies to cast off their living fruits at the surface, not only in vegetation, but also in the animal reproduction. We shall now begin the elimination process. As each element is evolved out of the center, a helium unit is released, to that extent decreasing the central store of atomic force. The blending of these units is a digestive process and gives remarkable results. 4+8+124 16+ 20+ 24 4+ 28+ 32 = 144—8 = 18. This is the atomic weight of water, which becomes the first common molecular pabulum, hence it contains in potentiality the creative powers. By the release of water the ash, 32, is eliminated. This 1s the atomic weight of Sulphur. It is a chemical fact that when hydrogen sulphide is burned in a small volume of oxygen, water is formed and sulphur is deposited. 144 — 32 = 112 + 7 = 16, Oxygen The element eliminated is Silicon, 28. 112 — 28 = 84 +— 6 = 14, Nitrogen The element set free is Magnesium, 24. 84 — 24 — 60 ~— 5 = 12, Carbon The element set free is Neon, 20, an inert gas which will not unite with compounds. Thus we find the origin of valence or combining power of elements; it is in moisture and heat, when these are exhausted bodies fall apart. The water of crystallization binds elements together, hence hydrogen controls valence. Water, the first remove from the hydrogen spiral, has a common combining power with an affinity for Nitrogen and Oxygen, and mechanically unites with carbon. Hydrogen has a valence of I. Oxygen, two removes from the spiral, has a known valence tue lee Nitrogen, three removes from the spiral, has a known valence of III. THE RESURRECTION 127; Carbon, four removes from the spiral, has a known valence on nive Therefore the spiral is the axis of the body. We shall now attempt to demonstrate the cosmic process by which this elimination of elements occurs. The first elimination is that of sulphur, therefore we may expect to find a spiral body in operation, because sulphur is considered a product of combustion. If hydrogen sulphide be burned in a small supply of oxygen solid sulphur is deposited and water is formed. Diagram No. 36 Sulphur, 32, is eliminated. It must be noted that one Helium unit, 4, disappears with each elimination, also one valence unit between periods, with its accompanying wave. 128 THE RESURRECTION It is not necessary to repeat the whole diagrams. Eliminates Sulphur, 32. Eliminates Silicon, 28. Eliminates Magnesium, 24. * Eliminates Neon, 20. Eliminates Oxygen, 16. 9) Eliminates Carbon, 12. Xe —\© Nowe D © Eliminates 8 electrons (perhaps Glucinium). —_— @) Eliminates the last Helium unit, 4. Diagram No. 37 THE RESURRECTION Zo This leaves Helium as an atmosphere to the spiral. It will neither unite to form compounds nor burn. That this is an exchange between the atomic and molecular fields is manifest by the functions of valence and Helium units. In each elimination one valence unit is set free, 1. Also one Helium unit is set free, 4. We may use one of our previous diagrams to illustrate this phenomenon. As these bodies cool and take their orbital positions, their meteoric tails will disappear and they will pursue a controlled course about the central body. g se — = —_ — “A = s >> oat _ T= (ep) == 3 2. fe = a Oo Sp LF SSS oS a ———====T=_= WO tl \ | : | Diagram No. 88 This illustrates the formation of the second series in our valence table, from Neon to Chlorin. This is identically the process by which planetary systems are formed. These suc- 130 THE RESURRECTION cessive elements may symbolize the eight planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The central spiral represents the sun, hence we see why it seems to be located nearer to a mass of stars on one side| than on the other. This visible mass is the milky way. But when we analyze this body, and the elements involved, we find interesting results. We find that each of the central elements as it is cast out,.1s absorbed into the new complex element external to the central sun. Moreover, this chemical union involves the original elements of which the first valence series consisted. Let us prove this: 35 — 28 = 7 Lithium. 32 — 24 = 8 (9) Glucinium. 31 20 (== hisBoron: 28 — 16 = 12 Carbon. 2/7 — 12 = 15 (14) Nitrogen. 24 — 8 = 16 Oxygen. 23 — 4 = 19 Fluorin. It will be observed that Glucinium and Nitrogen show a variation, each of one electron, from their supposed atomic weights. This same deviation occurs at other places in like manner, but as one neutralizes the other it makes no difference in the series. There are many variations in atomic weights in elemental tables. The manner by which this evolution occurs has been exhibited in diagram No. 31. These alternating even and odd elements are evolved out of a system of even elements. Even elements signify the nega- tive or potential. Odd elements signify the positive or active, hence this reveals how the potential state is awakened into the active, progressive state. It matters not whether it be a positive body of odd elements or a negative body of even elements, or a spiral body of mixed elements, the ash is a product of combustion. There is a difference, however, in the elemental bodies produced. Tue RESURRECTION 131 8 CONSECUTIVE Opp ELEMENTS It is evident that this silicon excrement is being cast out of a field of sulphureted hydrogen. Diagram No. 39 By an examination of our valence table, it will be found that this body has practically evolved the elements for the third series, eliminating Silicon 28, Titanium 47, being formed. A balanced body of even elements is quite a different propo- sition. It blends its elements by orbital motion. Nevertheless, it is a chemical process and Silicon is eliminated as its ash or excrement. This makes a highly interesting diagram, because of the loz THE RESURRECTION * peculiar arrangement of the valence powers of the elements in a balanced body. Diagram No, 40 This body contains no nitrogen, therefore, it 1s due to a ripening process, like the apple, which also has no nitrogen, is the fruit produced by the tree. Malic Acid (CsHsOs) is the essential juice of the fruit. An analysis of this balanced body is most interesting. The radiating lines are governed by eight, therefore, they are under the influence of the 16 valence units which are the agents of expansion. The circumfluent lines are governed by four, therefore, they are under the blending influence of Helium 4, which is the agent of balance. THE RESURRECTION 133 Therefore, Helium, and the rule of four maintain con- servation of energy, and Oxygen promotes expansive growth; Helium is conserving and Oxygen expansive. Beginning with carbon, the radiating lines from West to East, alternate in valence as follows, the O signifying a neutral gas between valence series. IV II O IE IV IT O I] O II IM uit O II IV II IV 1 OP MR IV {I O 1h O del IPE IT O IT IV idk IN II O if IRV II O II O IT IV ih O II IV II LAY II O II IV it O 1B O iT IV Bk O tt IV II There are sixty-four distinct elements outside of the inner circle. | There are sixteen quadrivalent elements, with alternating, inert gases, in the quadrivalent columns aggregating sixty-four valence electrons, which is equivalent to sulphur dioxide, SO: = 64, which resembles carbon dioxide, CO: ~ 44. In this balanced diagram, next to the last product is hydro- chloric acid, HCl = 36. By the addition of Helium 4, the last — product is formed, Argon, A 40. To Argon add Helium 4, and we have carbon dioxide, CO: = 44. Silicon is the rejected element in this diagram, leaving sulphur dioxide, SO2 = 64, the dominant gas. This is highly important, as will be revealed. There are 32 bivalent elements in the four bivalent columns aggregating 64 valence electrons, which corresponds to sulphur dioxide, SO2 = 64. Therefore the two series unite to produce sulphur dioxide, in order to eliminate Silison and form water. If the 64 electrons in thd quadrivalent columns and the 64 electrons of the bivalent columns were permitted to unite into a composite field, the inert gas Xenon 128, would be formed, 134 THE RESURRECTION which is not due at this stage of development. Therefore, Neon is interjected to prevent this union. This is identically the process by which planetary bodies are formed, as well as the elements. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that this balanced body of even elements is weighing out the proportions for the sun, the moon, the planets, and the stars. It represents the conservation symbolized by the moon. It is significant that, the-ancient meaning of the word Moon is the Measurer. This very closely corroborates our theory regarding the composition and formation of the moon, as an examination of the product sulphur dioxide SO: = 64, proves. Sulphur dioxide contains no hydrogen, but when sulphur is burned in air, with the volume of oxygen small, solid sulphur is deposited and water is formed. But when sufficient oxygen is present the product is wholly gaseous, namely, water vapor and sulphur dioxide. This separates sulphur from water and Silicon. Right here we are going to vindicate our theory regarding the formation of the cold body which we call our Moon. This sulphur dioxide is more than twice as heavy as air, therefore it settles and displaces the air, becoming an external photosphere about the body, liquifying at +14° F. It is very soluble in water H2O, which takes up about 40 times its volume at ordinary temperature. When thus saturated sufficient sulphur is present to form hydrogen sulphide. | Sulphur burned in an atmosphere of hydrogen forms hydro- gen sulphide H:S 34, a colorless gas, heavier than air, and which, by external pressure, becomes a colorless fluid which crystallizes at —122° F. In our previous demonstration of the formation of the planetary trinity, we illustrate the gradual melting away of one side of this shell and the casting off into space of a portion to become a satellite moon to the planet. Hence the Moon is a body of crystallized sulphureted hydrogen, symbolizing nitrogen as a frozen body. io THE RESURRECTION 33) We may safely deduce that, this balanced body of even elements has to do with the control of the cosmic systems. It rejects all those elements which have a disturbing ten- dency, evidently seeking a state of balance in a progressive process. It reveals both growth and reproduction, following the law of reproduction by multiplication of abstract numbers by the rule of four. The following table produces the elements found in the balanced diagram of even elements. lee 4 Helium 2* 4=—> 8 (we believe this is Glucinium) Stee be Garbo Ao 1 Ou Ox veer 3 4)—— 20>) Neon 6X 4= 24 Magnesium fa 4 — 28% Silicon Cee ei OA Ol DLT JeNe4—) oO veliydrochloric. acid LOR tA dO eA roo 11 X 4 = 44 Carbon dioxide 12 X 4 = 48 Ozone LO eee Ae Ohroniitiim 14 X 4 = 56 Calcium oxide Loe OU me ilica 16 X 4 = 64 Sulphur dioxide As we have previously shown, the rule of four is prac- tically inviolable in the progressive propagation of elements. These elements become essential agents in the evolution of matter into worlds and their products. They become the food and breath for physical systems. A whole volume could be written about this evenly bal- anced body, because it symbolizes a living body, a perfected cosmic fruit. The above table showing a systematic production of our well known elements in the order of their atomic weights is important. Here we have a reproduction of the elements found in our 136 THE RESURRECTION diagram by the simple process of multiplying these consecutive numerals by four. We have previously shown evidence that this is not acci- dent. There are other strange things about this balanced body revealing that it is not a haphazard or accidental production. The inner circle, surrounding the hydrogen spiral, contains eight units which blend into-144 electrons. The power by blend- ing is cumulative. 144 ~ 8 = 18 water is the common pabulum. Let us in like manner blend each circumfluent series from the center outward: 1. 12+ 16 + 20 + 24 + 28 + 32 + 36 + 40 = 208 — 8 22 Ome ceLy lefics z BUS cia Bea ears SO ar a amen iicaer c * = 34, Hyd. sulphide. 3. 28 + 32 + 36 + 40 + 444+ 48 + 52 + 56 = 336~+8 maaan OH ONCE) 4. 36+ 40 + 44+ 48 + 52 + 56 + 60 + 64 = 400 — 8 = 50, Vanadium. Nos. 5, 6 and 7 are reproductions of the above, Acetylene reappearing on the periphery. A remarkable thing is that, if a line be drawn through the body, from northeast to southwest, dividing it into two equal hemispheres, the following occurs: 1. The central numbers are divided, yet each half blends into 18, water: 28 + 324+ 44+ 8=/72—4= 18 12+ 16+ 20+ 24—72—-4=18 And, in like manner, the other divided lines correspond with the whole undivided circles. The curious phase of this is, no other division of the body will produce like results. We have suggested that the universal chemistry would vin- dicate our primary wave theory and prove that these waves arbi- trarily fix the path of matter in motion and formative progres- sion. In our diagrams attempting to illustrate this, we feel confident that we have created the impression that our ideas are at least worthy of study and-examination. THE RESURRECTION 137, Our consecutive wave system may be speculative, but the valence system 1s an established fact, and we have only exhibited it in new phases. In as much as our waves specifically coin- cide with the valence system, we are convinced that we have developed something new. The deduction we draw is this: The valence units, in their rise and fall, measure the ex- penditure of electrons for each periodic series, and the waves concealed in Helium control the distribution of energy from one series to another, and the series merge one into another through a neutralizing gas, the specific function of which is to prevent regurgitation. Let us examine these two primary factors in progressive creation. Valence units: Atomic waves: Valence units: Atomic waves: The valence electrons terminate in a potential unit. The atomic waves terminate in an active unit. The one negative and the other positive, the latter being the active state of the former. A combination of these two powers beget axial motion in solid bodies, with a blended surrounding atmosphere. It should be noted that Helium has an atomic value of 4, and the spiral a value of 1, the proportions of nitrogen and oxygen in our atmosphere. It is important to further examine the powers of these two phases of elemental progression. So many variations are found in the numerous lists of elements giving atomic weights, it is apparent there must be some errors. We find a disturbance in the valence continuity after the second valence series, but the first two series seem to be quite correct, the third slightly less so. The inevitable guide 138 THE RESURRECTION is found in the sixteen valence units belonging to each series. That these are the blending electrons is easily determined. Lithium Glucinium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorin Ist series 7 9 11 12 14 16 19 Plus 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 2d series 23 25 (24) 27 28 303132 35 Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Chlorin 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 3rd series 39. = 41: (40) 43 44 46 48 Sim Carbon- Nit. Potassium Calcium Scandium Dioxide Peroxide Ozone Chromium As far as these three series are concerned the variations are only very slight. There is only a difference of three elec- trons in the three series. We have another evidence that the valence units produce spiral motion and the Helium units produce orbital motion. Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Chlorin Va 24 waif 28 ol Oe 35 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Zh 28 ol 62 aie) 36 39° Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Chlorin Hydrochloric Argon Acid The deduction we draw is this: The valence units, and Helium, unite and produce an acid and a neutral gas at the end of each series, and out of the neutral gas is evolved the basylous element for the succeeding series. Valence 16 + 4 = 20 Neon, an inert gas, Symbol €) Neon 20 + 16 = 36 Hydrochloric acid, an active element. @ Helium, carrying the power of the four primary principles, maintains the integrity of the consecutive continuity of waves, while releasing energy and evolving new elements, hence we may conclude that subsequent solid bodies represent the cumu- lative ash and cinder of chemical combustion. a THE RESURRECTION 139 Hydrofluoric acid — Neon, an inert gas, 20. Hydrochloric acid — Argon, an inert gas, 39-L. Hydrobromidic acid — Krypton, an inert gas, 8l. Hydroiodic acid — Xenon, an inert gas, 128. It would be inconsistent for all of this to be due to acci- dent. We need not carry this theme further in this chapter. We have other urgent subjects to discuss. ANRC Sy II PRESENT STATUS* OF OURVE LAIN Tak aes ween (Living matter originates in the Hydrogen spiral) The spiral symbolizes living matter because it signifies res- piration. The early animal life upon our planet assumes, as its ex- ternal protecting body, the spiral shell, proving that when the straight line of carbon coils into a spiral, it is to protect the primitive nucleus which makes it a living, protoplasmic cell. The shell life in the waters is an imitation of this pre-suggested form. External to this form are Nitrogen and Oxygen; there- fore, this primitive cell is but a microscopic planet, with the solid and fluid elements united in a dual body, and surrounded by an atmosphere of vibratory and gaseous elements. ‘This is why respiration is set up. Our planetary system is no exception, to this rule. We shall demonstrate that it describes a great spiral, each planet definitely manifesting a period in the evolution and life of the system. Planets, like all other propagated things, are subject to gestation, birth, childhood, adolescent youth, old age, death and disintegration. Each of these periods is plainly punctuated in the great planetary spiral by a planet developed to that degree. We declare that each planet is a living individual organ in the system, performing the functions in the whole, as re- vealed by its position, and by its degree of development. We must fully appreciate the close relationship which exists between our planetary system and the products of this, 140 THE RESURRECTION 141 our own planet, and this especially has reference to physical, organic man, the “image and likeness” of the perfected system. This revelation belongs to this particular position and none other. The system is based upon limited elements, under chemical control, and simple, natural laws of action and reaction. ‘he active beginning is atomic and vibratory, and the reactive is molecular and gaseous. The fruit of these is physical and or- ganic manifestation on our planet. Our planetary system in its progressive, spiral development, especially reveals the law of action and reaction, due to spiral motion and centripetal force. A compensating balance between centrifugal and centripetal force begets respiration. , Mercury is a potential body wholly depending upon i; the parent body for its development. It can neither F receive from, nor reflect to, other bodies active in- fluences, because of its dormant condition. It may be likened to the unhatched egg. Although fertilized it requires external heat to give it power to break through its shell and become a living, breathing body. It has neither atmosphere nor axial motion, but it turns in an orbit about the central sun. It can- not support organic life in this potential state. : Venus has broken her shell and may receive and as- &4 similate energy from the parent body, as the mother suckles her young. The resultant products must be of the most primitive kind, and of local character, because the planet does not turn upon its axis to give it diversified in- fluences and suggested forms. It is logical to believe that, any vegetable or animal life produced upon Venus would be of the most rudimentary type, which could not live upon our planet because of the radical difference in the two atmospheres. There- fore, the remnants of preaxial life are found upon the earth as having lived while this planet was in the same position and state which Venus now occupies. The forms are abnormal and con- form to environment and elemental requirements. 142 THE RESURRECTION The remains of strange animals, found in the most illogical places, suggest types which would fit such conditions upon our own planet, while undergoing the planetary changes in which Venus now resides. Venus is not in a condition to reflect energy to our planet to influence our living beings, but it is a function of our planet to reflect to Venus suggestions for future development of both vegetation and animal life. This will bear fruit upon Venus as she acquires the power to assimilate and reproduce it. This is planetary reaction or reflection, requiring a local moon or satellite, such as our planet has, to perfect it. When Venus casts off her moon and assumes full axial motion she will occupy our present status. It requires long ages of time for a planet to recover its balance following such a rupture. Due to the in- tervening neutral gases, such as Helium, Neon, Argon, Kryp- ton and Xenon, which act as cushions, the consequent shock to the system is minimized. The progression brings about a slow evolution. Two important conditions follow the casting off from the side of the planet a moon. Not until the planet and moon both have recovered a state of balance, with the moon executing an orbit about the planet, is a perfected atmosphere estab- lished. The planet distinctly becomes a dual, mechanical body consisting of land and water, the water being saturated with Chloride of Sodium to prevent freezing and congealing, which would prevent its stabilizing motion, the tides. We believe that, in the first stage, the planet and the moon having the same orbital momentum about the sun, the spiral motion turned them as one body in the beginning of axial mo- tion, and that, as the atmosphere gradually developed about the planet it freed itself from the burden and the moon assumed an independent orbit about the planet, giving axial motion, only to the planet, the moon becoming the servant to the earth. THE RESURRECTION 143 With true axial motion, and a per- fected, vitalized atmosphere, the earth is capable of receiving, blending, di- gesting and assimilating influences and forces which are sent to its atmosphere by planetary reflections for the de- velopment of perfect vegetation and animal life as we recognize them. This period symbolizes the perfection of the greater physical molecule, uniting the four elements in one creative body. Our planet is the only one in the system thus combining the four primordial elements in a state of creative differentiation. This is the only position in the system capable of assem- bling living bodies which combine the primary continuities of formative matter in individual, independent bodies, vibratory, gaseous, solid and fiuid. These manifest in the planet as atmos- phere (consisting of nitrogen and oxygen), land, and water. In the vegetation they manifest as root, trunk, limbs and leaves. In animals they manifest as flesh, muscle, bone and marrow. The earth has the greatest density of all the bodies in our system, therefore, the character of its living productions should reflect this nature. The revelation is in the physical differentia- tion of the four primordial principles. Each of the elements of which our planet consists mani- fests its own type of living bodies, visible in air, water and earth, as the gaseous, fluid and solid, and we attempt to demon- strate a similar adjustment of planetary life to an invisible, vibratory state, but physical individuality ceases with the death and disintegration of bodies. This is the point where all of the planetary influences are focused to produce a picture, or living symbolism of the plane- tary process. Each planet, as it is pressed forward, reflects back to this point of focus a suggestion of the impress which it is required to make upon this image of evolution. This is all according to a universal, chemical formula. It is not a mys- tery. Neither is it inconsistent with what astronomy and chem- 144 THE RESURRECTION istry teach; but it is not in accord with the teachings of Chris- tianity, hence, it antagonizes it, because it reveals the Christian ideas as stupid nonsense. It is not strange to deduce that, each planet is experiencing its own peculiar conditions corresponding to its position in the system. It is impossible for all the planets or any two of them, to have the same chemical conditions at one and the same period, any more than a body may be both solid and fluid at one and the same time, and this is exactly the reason why they differ. They pass through a period of development which carries them through the relative consistencies of matter, and in their present states they all differ from each other. Nevertheless, they main- tain a continuity of chemical communication and exchange which is reflected in their products, which must of necessity con- form to their atmospheres and available elements. If a living, reproductive body is by nature solid, it will reproduce solid bodies ; if a body is gaseous, the bodies evolved out of it will be gaseous, and the same with fluid, and we say, also, with the vibratory, consequently none of the other planets can produce a life similar to that upon our solid planet, upon their surfaces. Their elements are not the same and their pro- cesses are dissimilar. This is true to natural evolution. Ex- ternal influences may evolute bodies into new states or condi- tions after birth. We may conclude that the planet of physical perfection is our own earth, and that Mars marks the reactive or reflective position where the physical disintegration begins, this being manifested by the decline in density and the increase in the expansion of the major planets, as they recede from the center. It is an evolution of the individual body from its birth through a definite process of development which causes physical changes. | Division and subdivision are but grosser phases of disin- tegration. Mars safely may be given credit as the planet of moisture, as differentiated from our dual planet, which a THE RESURRECTION 145 is both dry and moist, con- sisting of land and water, symbolizing carbon and hy- drogen, as the sun and moon become the physical symbols of oxygen and nitrogen. Mars corresponds to the spiral of moisture in the wave pro- gression, and right here we have one of the surprises of this theme. If the system requires the separation of land and water, with Mars standing for the fluid planet, we have a plaus- ible reason for the appearance of the great field of Asteroids between Mars and Jupiter. These asteroids represent the reactive, carbon wave. We declare as our opinion, that our own planet is approach- ing dangerously near to a similar disintegration which is the next logical step forward in the spiral progression. Mars will pass through the Asteroidal field and take its place as a major planet, attracting to it from the Asteroidal belt a gaseous body and organic life will cease upon its surface. The reflective powers of Mars, with its two moons, enables it to reflect to us such forces as may influence life upon our planet, especially vegetation and life in the waters. Two forms of animal life we may safely attribute to this influence, spiral shell life and the bivalvular shell life, the former reflecting the spiral character of Mars, and the latter its two moons. More- over, many of our vegetable forms may be attributed to the re- flected influence of Mars. The evolution of reptilian and am- phibian life is the progressive separation of animal life from the water to develop on the land. Therefore, land animals will not appear upon Mars, but water reptiles may exist there as a remnant of the old earthy life. The true physical structure of life on Mars will be of a gelatinous nature. Which sounds the more plausible, that the planet which has already passed through the position now occupied by our earth, and has the remnants of our forms of life upon its sur- face, millions of years older than our planet, should reflect a 146 THE RESURRECTION mental suggestion of these forms to our earth, or that our present vegetation and animal life is all due to spontaneity and local influences ? The one is true to evolution and the other would be wholly due to accident and environment, without regard to past or future. While physical forms are modified to adjust themselves to environment, the underlying life principles are unchange- able, maintaining a progression adjusting itself to the changes in the consistency of matter. The new and undeveloped planets, Mercury and Venus, have not the power to impregnate the earth with ideas of forms which they themselves have never known. Whereas, the planets which have had the experience may reflect to our planet, ideas of such forms as have previously been supported by them. It is but a repetition of chemical forces. In nature the older nour- ishes and teaches the younger until the latter is self-sustaining. As Venus approaches the period of the birth of her moon, our earth will be drawing out of the period of shell life and will reflect this back to Venus as the first forms of life in the waters. It is the spiral motion which begets the spiral shell life, and the birth of moons which begets the valvular shell forms; both imitate planetary evolution. The forward motion of Venus will move forward all the other planets one position, and all life slowly adjust itself to new conditions. As the parent body loses its direct reflective powers, it evolves its satellite moons to compensate this loss in mass. Density decreases with each change. Jupiter represents the gaseous, as following Cr \) the solid, as symbolized by the Asteroidal field. (© dD Disintegration having begun with the separation w of the dual planet into land and water, a second solid body could not be formed. Therefore, the fluid portion logically became the planet Mars and the solid portion was disrupted, and its fragments took up an orbit about the central body. In as much as these fragments are not of a gaseous nature, they cannot combine to form one new world. THE RESURRECTION 147 They must continue to accumulate to the end of the planetary cycle, and this brings us to another startling proposition. We have declared that our planetary system is a living, breathing individuality, with identically the same physical re- quirements as are found in man, the epitome of the system. These planets are his organs. We have seen that the ultimate tissues of all living animal bodies are flesh, muscle, bone and marrow. We do not hesitate to say that we believe that this orbital field of Asteroids represents the deposit of heavy, metallic sub- stance cast out of calcifying centers. It represents the fifth wave from the center, and its atomic weight is cumulative to this point. — 55 electrons This is the atomic weight of Manganese and Iron. This doubtless is the source of the multitude of meteorites filling solar space, millions of which fall into our atmosphere annually. The meteoric activities are to disintegrate solid bodies into primary elements. The attraction between carbon and hydrogen may not be broken, therefore, as long as moisture remains within this planetary bone its positive head will point toward the center. In due time, when there are no more inner planets to conrtibute to it, and no more moisture to keep it moving, it will harden into a solid ring about the central body, to prevent the pressure of the major planets from crashing into the central field. This is only fulfilling the law which forbids the regurgitation of the progressive waves. The central body will expand into one vast body with axial motion. ; This makes it quite easy to determine the position and function of Jupiter in the spiral progression. Following the solid is the gaseous. This planet is a whirlpool of burning car- bon surrounded by cyclonic clouds of carbonic acid gas. The 148 THe RESURRECTION planet is continually enshrouded by these concealing clouds, therefore, its surface cannot be examined by our great telescopes but we may safely deduce that it is gaseous to the core, because it occupies the gaseous wave in the spiral progression. It, too, in its outward course gathered its gaseous body from the Aster- oidal belt. It is as he increases in age that the father accumulates around him his progeny of-children. Jupiter pater is no excep- tion to this rule. We give him credit for five moons only, be- cause this is the Gnostic number attributed to him, symbolizing the fifth position from the central sun. Moreover, this number of moons is more logical than nine, regardless of the telescope. Carbonic acid gas, or carbon dioxide (CO:) does not burn. Neither will it sustain animal life, but it is essential to vegeta- tion. The head of the Jupiter wave is pointed towards the Asteroidal field, hence we may conclude that Jupiter is fueled . from this field and itself yields up the respiratory elements for both vegetation and animal life which cannot exist upon its own surface. By the universal respiratory compensation these ele- ments are reflected to the atmospheres of the inner planets upon which these forms of life exist. The vegetation first absorbs the carbon dioxide and exhales the oxygen for the animal respi- ration. Therefore, we may say, Mars symbolizes vegetation standing between the earth and Jupiter to free oxygen, for the animal breath of our planet, and Jupiter is the great reserve source of oxygen, hence it occupies the position of the oxygen wave in the continuity. The inner oxygen wave promotes planetary progression, and the reactive oxygen wave produces organic life. In the cyclic procession this accounts for the positive wave inflection, cold, warm, dry and moist, and for the dry and warm in the negative or reactive period as represented by the major waves with their heads pointing towards the center. We receive our physical strength from within and our mental strength from without. We know this is true. The five moons of Jupiter symbolize the five commonly recognized animal senses, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling, hence this planet does not represent the fully evoluted THE RESURRECTION 149 man. Abstractive thought, inductive reasoning, and human speech are not developed to this point in the evolution. In- stinct, the sense of reproduction, and the sense of self-protec- tion and the procuring of food, are the highest mental attain- ments. They belong to respiration. Nevertheless in man this planet manifests in the external bodily extensions. Saturn represents the nitrogenous ay ie wave in the outer field. This always @ S\) signifies conservation and mentation, which develop thought and _ reason. (O) ) Saturn has constructed its own protect- ing rings, and is a self-contained and Ce 2) self-controlled body, therefore it is a ee! thinking, reasoning body. It has at- tained physical and mental perfection. Its central body and its rings are the physically differentiated elements revealing a manifestation of the purpose of systematic evolution. It is the sage of the system, and, as the patriarch teaches his children, Saturn holds about him his eight moons as his offspring. To these children he surrenders the wisdom born of experience and contact, that this wisdom may be reflected to coming generations upon successive planets. We receive our true planetary wisdom from Saturn. In chemistry we are taught that phosphorus belongs to the nitrogenous group, and is essential in the development and nourishment of nervous tissue. The rings about Saturn are luminous and consist of a multitude of small bodies having great activity. When we reason out the logical result of Jupi- ter’s active state, we see that body casting out certain elements from its equatorial periphery which evolute into these Saturnal rings upon coming under the control of the nitrogenous wave. That naturally signifies chemical union of the elements making these waves. By the union of Oxygen and Carbon Silicon is formed, and, by the union of Oxygen, Nitrogen and Hydro- gen, Phosphorus is formed. These form peripheral belts or rings such as we observe about Saturn. Hence, while Saturn’s central core may not be a solid body, it may be a core of glow- 150 THE RESURRECTION ing and cooling matter, the remnant of the internal fires while it occupied the position of Jupiter. Do not lose sight of the important fact that through the whole process the four primary elements seek individual differentiation. Five of the eight moons which we accredit to Saturn, are identical with the five moons of Jupiter, reflecting the five senses, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling. The other three moons reflect the faculties which convert the animal into man, abstractive thought, inductive reason, and intelligent ex- pression of logical thought. Hence the manifestation of the rings which so eloquently reveal differentiation and embodiment of primary elements. The purpose of the moons about all of the planets is two- fold. They gather mental nourishment for the planets from external sources, and they reflect mental nourishment to other planets in exchange. This is the respiration of the vibratory world, and Helium is the intermediate agent. The moons then are the physical fruits of the planets and the agents of menta- tion throughout the system. Instead of physical reproduction, they evolve mental reproduction; instead of material food they supply mental nourishment. ‘Thus they reflect the identical functions of the fruits of the tree, with the difference, that it is mental and universal, whereas the material fruits are physical and individual. The increase in number of moons is to in- crease the capacity to acquire external wisdom. We need not follow this similitude on into Uranus and Neptune. They were unknown to the ancient philosophers, and little is known regarding them by the modern scientist. But by deductive reasoning they very clearly define the continuation of the system into old-age and physical and mental decline. They are of extreme tenuity and their reflective power is prac- tically exhausted. This, in our opinion, reveals our planetary system as a developing universal unit, with well defined parts, each part per- forming a well defined function in given attitudes or positions in the system, hence, it is an evoluton of units from birth to death. In one attitude it is a child in the formative period; in THE RESURRECTION Li another it is the youth growing into manhood and performing the functions requisite to this development; in another it is the full grown man capable of performing physical, manual labor ; in another it has become the patriarch, surrounded by his off- spring, to which he commits the wisdom of previous experience to guide them in their future conduct, and, then follow old-age, death and dissolution. We quickly recognize this as the logical course pursued in our own individual lives; hence, we must conclude that, our own planet occupies that peculiar position to which the preceding planets reflect their experiences to be assembled and manifested as a visible, physical revelation of the creative work, man becoming the focus of this evolution. This perfect sequence and adjustment of necessity signi- fies a premeditated evolution. Not even man could attempt to execute an enterprise exhibiting greater thought and skill. Only a sane and planning mind could carry forward a scheme requir- ing this meditation, and most understandable thought, reason and logic in making this revelation. Each successive step re- veals premeditated purpose which may be reasoned out to a material result before the culmination is revealed. Originally, somewhere in that great nebulous mass, out of which our planetary system has gradually developed, there was concealed a mentation capable of preconceiving a logical system in detail and form, before it was created. The fact that, the development of the trinity reveals the progressive development of the system of planets, is wonderful in itself, but when we examine this system and find that not one independent act may be performed by one of these planets without the consent of that great invisible mentation, as revealed by the uniform effects reflected throughout the whole system, we must believe we are being guided and controlled by some great living being in which we are but temporary working cells. Don’t make a mistake and believe this is the god of Chris- tianity. This is the god of Nature denied and denounced by Christianity. We shall attempt to analyze the system and fol- low the creator through the process. \E Se THE RESURRECTION This will reveal an astonishing vindication of our original wave theory. We cannot help it if we are not fully in accord with orthodox Astronomy and Chemistry. We are not dis- puting with nor attempting to teach either. No one could have a higher regard for science and scientists than we profess. If our own views reveal something new to stimulate investigating minds we will be happy. We do not seek applause and we are immune against criticism. . We are past the age when men are ambitious for notoriety. We shall attempt to demonstrate a theory regarding the present status of our planetary system, the spirit of which is: the visible is intended to reveal the invisible. Before we exhibit our planetary diagram, we must refer somewhat to our vibratory waves and our symbols. gw Nitrogen, a cold wave, atomic weight 14. tes Oxygen, a warm wave, atomic weight 16. z=x> Carbon, a dry wave, atomic weight 12. Hydrogen, the moist spiral, atomic weight 1. The spiral does not always signify moisture, but it sym- bolizes fluidity. | Circles indicate globular planets and orbital motion. Spirals indicate nebulous suns and axial motion. Crescents represent frozen moons and satellite bodies. These symbols mark off planetary evolution. Each wave outward prepares an orbital atmosphere for its particular planet. We are going to prove our theory that, this planetary sys- tem, and doubtless all other similar systems, are greater living beings, by well known astronomical and chemical facts. Every living being is a unit in a greater system. | The orbital planes evoluting outward from the central sun, represent the physical body, and the planets are the functioning organs of that being, performing practically the same functions which are observable in the living organs of our own bodies. A functioning organ is not a basic unit of the bodily tissues; it is an intelligent agent. THE RESURRECTION sie Take this seriously, reader, it means more to humanity, if demonstrated, than all else known to science. It truly makes gods of men. Those who constructed the Bible knew this, but they were too selfish even to transmit this wisdom to their own kind. Energy constructs this planetary body, exactly as vital energy constructs our own bodies, and this energy is dispensed by the planets and by our organs, therefore, each system has its definite allotment of vital energy to accomplish a given task. Our waves will definitely reveal the relative quota belonging to the system, the proportion expended and the proportion remain- ing for future labors to complete the cyclic task. Each planet reveals its own status, which is a vital element in the status of the whole system. It is one mentation passing through many phases to accomplish one act. We have a curious means of determining the nature of the elements deposited in the orbital rings. Our system is not un- like Bode’s law, with the difference that, instead of using his base numbers we use the consecutive wave distances of the planets from the sun as a base line, and add to these numbers the position values of the waves involved in the forward move- ment of the planet. The position values of the waves are as follows: Nitrozen eo Oyen, 2; Carbon, il: This represents the combining power of each of these ele- ments to form new elements. | Mercury i eee eee GLelititn Violet Venus 2 et ee eithitim Indigo Earth on Ore OCs Glucinium Blue Mars eos hota | eB Oron Green —(Asteroids )— Jupiter See a) me) aN trogen Yellow Saturn 6:44 10 — 16. Oxygen Orange | Uranus 7 + 12 = 19 Fluorin Red Neptune 8 + 12 = 20 Neon Black These elements are in their consecutive order in the list of elements, and when we exhibit our valence list these elements 154 THE RESURRECTION form the first series. We find Bode’s law applies to the second series in the valence list, hence it refers to the gaseous spiral as applied to the great planetary spiral. It is of the greatest importance to note that carbon 12, does not appear in this list, conclusively revealing that at this point the Asteroids are formed. The disappearance of carbon at this point is due to the fact that, as a state of disintegration it is eliminated from the spiral, assuming an orbit. This is the position where Bode could not find his planet. Our sky appears blue, whereas the sky from Mars perhaps appears green, and that of Jupiter yellow. From a careful analysis of this idea of our planetary sys- tem, we draw the deduction that, the orbital structure symbol- izes the tissues of the physical body, and the spiral represents the organic system within this body. The course of the devel- opment of the planets pictures the development of the cells and organs, the planets being to this system as the several organs are to the human body. Hence the planetary system becomes the original pattern for the development of our own physical bodies. We cover this in a special chapter in which we reveal man as an epitome of the whole system. This planetary system pic- tures human development from birth to death. This resemb- lance, which is a living fact, first caused the ecclesiasts to at- tempt to construct a universal religio-political system of human control along planetary and natural lines. In a previous chap- ter we have exhibited the progression of Gnostic Astronomy into the Genesistic similitudes of living kingdoms on our planet. The great error of Ecclesiasticism was its attempt to control humanity as a plastic mass instead of individual, intelligent units. Before leaving this theme we shall make much plainer the Astronomic similitude, proving beyond dispute that, the Chris- tian scheme was evolved out of this early knowledge of natural science. The Ecclesiasts selfishly attempted to gather and mo- THE RESURRECTION 155 nopolize all science and learning, in order to pose as mediators between nature and humanity. There may always be found a strange analogy between the planetary system and the human system, suggestive of a menta- tion in common, in their relationship and development, and in a very large degree the animal kingdom. We do not hesitate to declare that, Ecclesiasticism has juggled early scientific knowledge, to adjust itself to this scheme of nature, in order to claim its own close relationship with an alleged god of its invention, and it failed. In view of the astonishing familiarity it betrays in astro- nomical facts, even up to recent centuries, one of three things must be true. 1. The ancients must have had a greater knowledge of astronomy than they are given credit for; 2. There is a psychic or esoteric system which reyeals the truth without direct objective vision and contact ; 3. Or, what is more probable, the alleged divine Bible has been corrected up to later periods. Wiauth our present knowledge of the Ecclesiastical exploitation, we decline to accept any theory which is intended to justify it; therefore, we shall assume that this latter surmise is correct, and this explains the attitude of Ecclesiasticism towards science. The ancients are given credit for having a knowledge re- garding Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, and this is sufficient for all practical purposes, for Uranus and Neptune, because of their vast distance, being invisible to the human eye, are of little importance, all that is known about them being wholly speculative. They have been discovered only in the 18th and 19th centuries. The attempt to pattern the Christian scheme after the planetary idea is too palpable to permit of dispute. Let us examine the six planets known to the ancients, to reveal the resemblance of their development to human develop- ment, and their adoption to symbolize Biblical characters. There are three important phases in this revelation. 156 THe RESURRECTION 1. The Gnostic similitude, which compares the planetary development with the phases of human life, anticipates the eight planets. 2. The Genealogical line from Cain, as named in the 4th chapter of Genesis, only includes five planets, including Jupiter and five of its satellites. 3. The genealogical line from Seth, shows a correction up to and including Saturn and eight of its satellites. Up to the 20th century these were the moons accredited to Jupiter and Saturn. We are convinced that, with the discovery of Uranus by Herschel, March 13, 1781, and Neptune in the 19th century, the genealogical line as found in Luke 3 was corrected to include these two planets, in order not to disrupt the scheme, and this is why there are two lines out of Adam so similar in names. Planets. Developing planetary life. Venus—birth, instinct, beginning of physical life. S)) Earth—Childhood, thought, reason, reflected light. ; Mercury—Gestation, potential mentation. Eo Ge Mars—Youth, the eye, seeing, desire, possession. wae Cee aS Jupiter—Manhood, hearing, the five external (©) senses; also instruction, obedience, discipline, we eo) regulation, especially referring to physical de- velopment. THE RESURRECTION oy os Saturn—Maturity, flesh, muscle, bone, aaa S) marrow, eight organs, brain, lungs, heart, liver, spleen, stomach, kidneys, C (O) ) and generatives. SG 2) i &) Uranus—Mental and physical decline. A Me 3 ©) Neptune—Old age, death, disintegration. This will cause every man to think. It makes of man a composite symbol of the planetary system. A study of our parts and their functions reveals the purpose and function of each planet. We may safely conclude that the planets reflect their functions in these earthly similitudes. Tue BIBticAL ADAPTATION This will vindicate all that we have said concerning the Christian plagiarism. The Adamic or Earthy Line Mercury ‘Man. (Gen. 1.) Venus @- Adam. (Gen. 2.) Adam means earthy. Adam and Eve. Eve means life. Evi means Earth desire. Mars ta Adam, Cain and Abel. Cain means posses- ai) sion, vegetation. Abel means atmosphere, Ace) breath. 158 THE RESURRECTION | (AS | Jupiter (©) Cain cast out, and his offspring, five 2) moons. i, Enoch means dedicated, disciplined. Irad, descent, empire. Mehujael, smitten. Methusael, who demands his death. 5. Lamech, poor, made low, who is struck. eet Gad Wh te “God hath appointed me another seed.” (Gen. 4:25.) ~ (- ‘) Saturn C (O) ) Seth, meaning compensation, animal life. Nay) 1. Enos means mortal man, subject to fall. 2. Cainan means possessor. Mahalaleel means he that praises God—the high priest. Jared, empire, descends or command—the king. Enoch, dedicated, disciplined, regulated. Methuselah, dart-man, he has sent his death. Lamech, poor, made low, who is struck. Noah, repose, rest, consolation. STEN SORT Seth typifies the beginning of animal life upon our planet, out of which evolutes mortal man. See Luke 3:38, in the genealogy of Christ. The discovery of Uranus and Neptune necessitated a new arrangement of this genealogic line to show a logical progres- sion and that no new branch is springing out from the tree al- ready described. This brings the date of Genesis up to the 19th century. THE RESURRECTION 159 Mercury © ‘Adam, earth and vegetation. Venus C3 ‘Seth, animals. Earth S)) nos, mortal man. Mars @ Cainan, possessor. WY Bn Jupiter ( (©) Mahalaleel, praise. ee ex G ‘) Saturn « )) Jared, empire. < QD Y ae Uranus &) Enoch, mental and physical decline. Neptune- e Methusaleh, old-age, dart-man, death. We advise the reader to examine the genealogy of Christ in Luke 3. Begin at the end of the chapter and read upward. We conclude that the meaning “dart-man” and “death” given to Methusaleh was suggested by the fact that in Mythology 160 THe RESURRECTION Neptune is pictured as the god of the sea, and always carries in his hand the trident or dart which 1s his emblem. Let us sum up our view of the merging into a great mind of our own mental energy. No one seriously disputes the cooperative progression of the physical, working cells in the animal body, and these per- form well defined functions in the interest of the whole body. When these working cells have exhausted their limited menta- tion, which they undoubtedly possess during the period of their life and activity, this energy has been yielded up to the greater body and the exhausted shell is eliminated from the system. The process of destructive assimilation is a law which no one, with regard for established scientific truths, disputes, and to acknowledge this law is to recognize evolution. Sophistry always works on weak minds trained in preju- dice by fallacy and false-pretense. The strongest argument used against evolution 1s, “who is willing to declare that his ancestor was a monkey?” This same baby-like false-pretense forbids the modern so- ciety leader from confessing that her ancestor was a fur-beater, a soap-maker, or a shoe-cobbler. The answer to the foolish question is given by the Christian Bible: God 1s*thestatheroi allsthiigs: "Cie G@or com Therefore, by their own philosophy, the Christians deny the divine origin, of a living cell in the body of their own god. It is this puerile, contemptible littleness of the church which disgusts thinking, reasoning people, therefore, the church culti- vates ignorant bigotry and intolerance, which blunt the power to reason. Progressive cell-life gives us a logical reason for evolution. Why should we despise the vehicle which carries us where we ourselves are incapable of reaching with our own energy or strength. “T have hated them that regard lying vanities.” “TD *hate’vain thoughtss% *(PsrellOalasm) If there remains a doubt regarding the underlying deceit of the Christian scheme, we remove it in this connection and it THE RESURRECTION 161 especially refers to science and philosophy, the firm foundation of education. Despite the vanity which disputes evolution, we have this admonition, as vain and hypocritical as the “monkey ancestry” sophistry. | “Beware, lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of PheawOLld aa Colm2<87) This plainly forbids the acceptance of scientific truths which form the basis of all our higher instruction, and repudiates the Christian pretense, and, yet, this also disputes the traditions upon which Christianity pretends to establish its “endless gene- alogies” and repudiates its, own Genesis. We will give up this digression and proceed to our deduc- tion concerning the unit evolution. The unit of every system is its unit of strength. If its units did not yield up their energy to develop higher forms, evolution would cease. If new units were not formed, the body would soon consume its quota of life and energy. The product or fruit of the unit is energy, and energy is life; therefore, when the unit surrenders its energy it dies physically and a new cell takes its place. The dead ma- terial shell is not revived, it is disintegrated into primary ele- ments, matter being converted again into creative substance to form other new and useful material bodies or cells. This checks up another false doctrine of modern Christian- ity, the resurrection of the real, composite, material body after death. We do not hesitate to declare that those who advocate this doctrine do so to wilfully deceive credulous, trusting humanity. As usual, all such duplicity is exposed by its, own scriptures. “The living know that they shall die: but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more reward, for the mem- Oeveotsthemus rorgotten. § (Hicc) 9 :5,) Why dispute with those who dispute their own proposi- tions as convenience and emergency require such inconsistent attitudes ? We do not declare our theories as infallible doctrines. We advance them as ideas to be worked into scientific truth or 162 THE RESURRECTION eliminated as unproven. We are constrained to make known our line of thought because we are impressed with a belief that it points to something higher and better. If visible systems reveal a logical process of physical ex- change and mental advancement due to such evolution, it is more than plausible to deduce that greater invisible bodies follow the same physical and mental laws. | We are thoroughly imbued with the belief that, our plane- tary system is a greater personality, and, that, the living systems on our planet reflect and reveal the mental process by which the planetary economy is governed. The animal life reveals the four primary units of embodied mentation, and evolution has focused this mentation into the power of abstract reasoning in man. Therefore, a careful analysis of man will reveal. the underlying, invisible laws of nature. Abstract thought enables us to analyze systems and exam- ine their units, a power not possessed by the lower animals, be- cause it develops the power of mental projection. Nevertheless, the embodied life of each plane posseses the instincts and rea- soning power belonging to its sphere, and reveals this to the next higher plane for examination, analysis and assimilation, if desired for physical or mental nourishment. Man as the think- ing animal may turn his thought back over the field of evolution and review the progressive works of nature, and the wisdom which he draws from this is converted into practical knowledge for future generations. Wisdom is reflected. Knowledge is radiated. This is natural tradition, that which Christianity forbids. This is a visible, logical animal evoluton, which may not be refuted. Mere denial and disputation do not refute demon- strated truths. Faith is not demanded by science. It reveals the truth in understandable forms. The mind of man may have access to the wisdom of water, earth and air, and a revealed correlation establishes contact with the invisible, universal plane. Man becomes a composite mental unit of the greater planetary being. Physical action gathers the potential wisdom of water, earth and air, and mental action THE RESURRECTION 163 converts these into universal knowledge. This makes of every man a creative unit, for out of his accumulated wisdom, ac- quired by actual contact, he constructs mental pictures which are absorbed into the universal mental pabulum. His waking acts are solid and fluid. His somnolent dreams are gaseous. His imaginative thought is vibratory. The solid and fluid influence only physical being. The gaseous is chaotic and without system. The vibratory is universal, and may be controlled or directed at will. This reveals man as an active unit, with certain individual powers which may, more or less, influence humanity at large as a body. This physical unit may be restrained and even de- stroyed for cause, but no human power can suspend, suppress or even limit the power of independent, imaginative thought in a normal, living human being, therefore his power of thought is a gift from Nature, and by the law of reciprocity it must yield a return to the vibratory plane. The waves created by thought are picked up in the atomic field, and united into complex com- binations by a chemical process, and these combinations are absorbed and interpreted by organic matter. Thus the unit sur- renders its energy to the greater mind. When it is exhausted it ceases to function and its individuality ends. We saw the origin of this back in the formative period of atoms, the surrender of the inner units to the outer body. The most logical proof of this theory, in our opinion, is in the fact that no provision has been made in nature to adequately provide for over-population by reproduction on this planet. It is a self-evdient fact that, Nature is indifferent to this emer- gency, because animal life has practically fulfilled its mission. What it has yielded for the good of the planetary system, of which it is the thinking pabulum, has been refined to the nervous tissue of the perfected planet, which seems to be Saturn. This planet has probably differentiated its elements into a greater physical being with tissues and organs, and it is the thinking, reasoning planet of the system, as the flesh, muscle, bone and 164 THE RESURRECTION marrow is developed in the human body by destructive assimila- tion, the medullary matter of brain and nervous system being the highest form of matter in the process. This medullary matter consists of electrons, nourished and developed by uni- versal thought and wisdom. This makes it very plain that man is the master of his own destiny. All the life he will ever know is his life in the flesh. The greater mentation intg which his life is submerged is the eternal, formless, universal pabulum. Only to the extent of his mental contact with the greater mind while in the flesh, does he participate in the greater mentation. As a living unit of mentation he is a part of the greater being, receiving from the higher source the thrills of life making it worth living. In- spired education is the feast of universal consciousness, but inspired ignorance 1s a vile disease with which designing institu- tions inoculate humanity to render it submissive to their selfish purposes and themselves immune against resentment. Live your life now, for individual consciousness ceases with the death of the body. This again reminds us that the Christian doctrine of the soul is disputed by their own words. “God is not the god of the dead, but of the living.” (Matt. L232) Let us here express one other thought in this connection. It looks very much as though the new era is near in national life. Nations are in a state of turmoil. Those who are in con- trol have no regard for human life or personal rights. Look carefully into this. A new move is due in the great invisible power playing its game with human pawns. This, after all, may be due to planetary influences. Pais Wall itp BONE SAN ie losUh Or OUR PLANETARY. SYSTEM (A greater mind than our own individual consciousness guides us.) We will attempt to illustrate the planetary system and re- veal the two phases of expansive development; the orbital fields and the progressive spiral. The field of Asteroids is of the utmost importance, for it falls in the exact position, and is of the elemental nature to corroborate the theory that it is the bone principle in the system. This field of Asteroids is a part of the orbital system, hence, it does not participate in the spiral progression. This emphasizes its structural position in the sys- tem and strengthens the theory of this being a physical and organic body, because it obviates the necessity for two solid bodies appearing at this point. Moreover, it proves that the first wave evolved out of the spiral adheres to the law of the primary, elemental continuity of waves, and it is broken up to permit the muscular principle, as represented by Jupiter, to assume its normal position between the flesh and the bone. This suggests that Saturn represents the external, fleshy structures. To corroborate this arrangement, Saturn assumes a similar succession of tissues, as shown by its rings. It is the purpose to differentiate the primary aspects of matter into separate zones to perfect a greater unit. The planets are located as follows: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars inside the Asteroidal orbit, and Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune outside the Asteroidal orbit. All of these planets are parts of the progressive spiral. The solid and fluid planets lie within the Asteroidal ring and the gaseous and vibratory without. 165 166 THE RESURRECTION A logical continuity of consistency very clearly is defined in the spiral progression of the planets. Mercury is a solid body having no atmosphere, hence it can have neither vegetation nor animal life. This planet is probably surrounded with Helium, controlled by Nitrogen. Venus is solid and semi-fluid, with a semi-atmosphere cap- able of sustaining vegetation, and, perhaps, life in the water, but not in the air because of carbon dioxide. Earth—Solid, fluid and gaseous, having an atmosphere of Nitrogen and Oxygen to establish a compensating respiration in the water, upon the land and in the air, hence it is capable of sustaining life in each. ‘The earth is the densest body in our planetary system, being about one-half Silicon. Mars may well be associated with the earth, because it symbolizes the water planet, the spiral. It has an atmsophere capable of sustaining aquatic vegetation and limited life in the waters. Its atmosphere is one of constant and dense moisture. It is the beginning of solid disintegration. Asteroids. The limit of solid planetary bodies. It is chaotic in structure and confined to an orbit, solid matter being eliminated from the spiral progression at this point. The bodies may be submerged in Neon, an inert gas which will not directly unite with other combinations. Jupiter—The gaseous planet. Its center is a fluid, molten spiral, emitting vast volumes of carbon monoxide, which is quickly converted into carbon dioxide, rendering its surface and atmosphere unfit for any form of physical life. Its moons in order to reflect back to the inferior planets its experiences and influences, may have some form of living substance, which must be of an invisible, gaseous nature, and living upon the surface of the satellites of Jupiter. The process of nourishing such life would be wholly respiratory, hence but a process ot chemical digestion, inhaling carbon dioxide and exhaling Oxy- gen. Hence, Jupiter may be the source of our Oxygen. The planet of Jupiter symbolizes the muscle of the planetary sys- tem, as the Asteroids symbolize the bone. The molten center of Jupiter may consist of Sulphur, for Silicon was removed by THE RESURRECTION 167 the forming of the Asteroids. Carbon dioxide will neither burn nor support life. Saturn—The perfected planet. This is a living, self-sus- taining body. Its center and its rings constitute an individual, living body. The four primary elements Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon and Hydrogen, are differentiated into substantial living tissues, equivalent to the flesh, muscle, bone and marrow of our physical bodies. Its moons represent the differentiation of the mental faculties of universal being, and these reflect back to the succeeding planets the wisdom they manifest. The process of nourishment is by absorption. It is a single, living being with a vibratory mentation from unit to unit. Uranus and Neptune are excrements of the system. Fluorin 19 Oxygen 16 Diagram No. A Diagram of the Planetary System 168 THE RESURRECTION The first thing to which we will call attention is the appli- cation of Bode’s law to this diagram. In 1772 Professor Bode announced a peculiar law for ascertaining the relative distances of the planets from the sun. He adopted a series of numbers: 0 3 6 12 24 48 96 192 384 Each, with the exception of the second, being double the preceding one, and to each he added 4, with the following results: Mercury Venus Earth Mars (?). Jupiter Saturn (7?) (?) 4 vi 10 16 28 BV 100 196 388 It must be noted that this law was promulgated before the Asteroids, Uranus and Neptune were discovered, so, there was a break in the series corresponding to the number 28. The dis- covery of Uranus in 1781, and the fact that its distance agreed roughly with Bode’s law, strengthened the conviction that an unknown planet revolved about the sun in an orbit between Mars and Jupiter. Not until 1801 were the Asteroids discov- ered at this identical spot in the series. Bode had in his grasp the greatest secret of Astronomy, but had not the mechanical means of wholly establishing it. It is not egotism that causes us to say so, but we believe we can materially improve upon Bode’s law. No particular reason is given for the selection of his basic numbers, or for the doubling process, unless it is based upon the law of falling bodies. Neither is 1t explained why he added 4 to these numbers. Nevertheless, he must have had a sufficient reason for choosing nine numbers long before the discovery of the bodies they were supposed to represent. It is, in fact, a marvelous thing that one of these numbers could actually predict this Asteroidal field, and it is even more wonderful that it should correspond to the elemental number 28, Silicon, and exactly where our Silicon appears. We believe the following will be a puzzle to Astronomers and Chemists: THE RESURRECTION 169 We take the planets in the order of their distance from the sun, thus: Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune 1 Z 5 + 6 if 8 To these numbers we add the relative energy value of the waves, as shown in the diagram between each planet and the sun, these wave values being: Nitrogen 3. Oxygen 2 Garbonel i Hydrogen 1. The result being: 1 2 3 4 5 6 I gS. 3 5 6 z 9 10 (Omname (2 4 7 9 11 14 16 LOO Helium Lithium Glucinium Boron Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorin Neon These are the standard elements, in their consecutive order, according to their atomic weights. Carbon does not appear in its usual position in this list, proving conclusively that the Aster- oids have displaced this element. Moreover, this eliminates the Asteroids from the planetary spiral and gives them a position which their chaotic nature suggests, an orbital path in the system of orbital waves through which the planetary spiral must take its outward course. Consequently we must deduce that the Asteroidal orbit is a part of the supporting bodily tissue ab- sorbed into the field, not belonging to the planetary spiral. Moreover, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, having progressed to the Nitrogenous period in the progressive spiral, are now rest- ing in a field of neutral gas, Neon, which also appears in its natural serial position. We may now understand the purpose of the orbital waves pushed out from the central sun; they are to prevent regurgi- tation of the bodies back into the sun. Each planet is in its own chemical atmosphere and balanced in its own plane, and 170 Diagram No. 42 Sti GN rl GY aoa aa) st ra aes Jupiter THE RESURRECTION 4. I oa — in the great spiral progression each planet acts upon another to send it on in its spiral jour- ney. Each orbital field repre- sents the deposited ash of the chemical combustion involved inthe’ process: 2) Lieweame identical principles are in- volved whether primary mole- cules or worlds are being con- structed. The ash simply im- plies release of elements. This explains why our formula, based upon the dis- tances of the planets from the center, reveals the primary ele- ments in serial order. This gives us a theoretical basis for determining the rela- tive distances of the planets from the sun. These distances are governed by the energy which is back of the planets in their spiral progression, and this energy has an un- changing unit, the primary electron, the unit of potential energy. The nitrogen wave of 14 electrons, becomes the measurer, because it repre- sents kinetic energy, the full force of energy released from the potential electron. This un- folds into the primary atoms, this being one progressive act converting the potential energy Diagram No, 43 THE RESURRECTION 171 into a_ self-contained, active spirale mL hisvsetsy the pattern for all subsequent living sys- tems, being most conspicuous in our Own planetary system. By the waves involved we may determine the relative dis- tances of the planets from the sun, both in a direct line and in the progressive, spiral route. Let us attempt to make these estimates. In a direct line from the sun Pig ee Oto It will be observed that the difference between Mars and Jupiter is 28, Silicon. This reveals the necessity for the spiral nature of the planetary progression. It is to maintain balance. The four inner planets are expansive bodies, and the posi- tive heads of their waves point towards the secondary spiral, while outside the spiral the heads of the waves of the ma- jor planets point inward. Thus the inner planets are the active bodies and the major planets are the reactive or re- flective. These latter have all arrived at this reactive state, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune having reached the limit of ex- pansion, which signifies that the chemical cohesive power is We THe RESURRECTION practically exhausted. They cannot even attract and hold their own satellite moons, which begin to vanish beyond Saturn. Moreover their density grows less with each outward position. It is seen that, although the carbon wave evolved out of the spiral is broken up to form the Asteroidal zone, nevertheless, it is a forward wave in the spiral progression, and neutralized by rupture, breaking continuity. No matter what the actual distances from the center may be, these are the relative distances of the planets as measured by chemical force. The three outer major planets are now only influenced, by spiral contact. If we accept the estimates of science regarding the actual distances, we may give to our waves values in distance. A close study of this theme reveals many interesting things not found in the chemical text books, and yet, they are consistent. We cannot help but believe that we have found something new in relation to our atmosphere, which chemically vindicates our theory of a spiral continuity throughout the planetary sys- tem. No one will seriously consider a haphazard, accidental, lawless condition, as against system, law and logical sequence, in the creation of the visible phenomena about us. This naturally implies a thoughtful, reasoning mentation and premeditated evo- lution of creative events. We have plainly demonstrated a natural continuity and sequence of waves, in our theory regarding the origin of matter, and the progressive creation of material, physical and even organic bodies, in which no break occurs. In examining the elements and their motions, attitudes and phases in our atmosphere, we reproduce the illustration of the fourth phase of the development of the planetary trinity, con- sisting of the sun, our planet and its moon. Each of the pre- ceding planets has passed through this same trinitary process while occupying the position in the great planetary spiral now occupied by our planet) \“Vhey were -all®@ the earth” faneras. period. This is the point of revelation of solid and semi-solid living bodies. The earth is the densest body in our system, and there is a reason for this. THE RESURRECTION is The fourth phase of trinitary development. Radiating Reflecting Sun Moon The dual receptive planet Diagram No. 44 The sun is reflecting its energy to the earth, the moon, and to the moons of other planets. It is evident that the positive sun cannot receive radiations from other positive bodies, but it can radiate its energy to re- ceptive and reflective bodies to the limit of its projecting power. The moon receives, also, energy rays from other radiating bodies. This exhibits some strange situations. In its relation to the sun, the moon in its orbital motion ‘about the earth, exposes all parts of its surface towards the sun, which is equivalent to axial motion, in so far as the sun’s energy is concerned, but that is not axial motion which is essential to bend the energy rays and blend them into a mechanical atmos- phere such as our planet enjoys. This demonstrates some important things to prove almost conclusively that a logical reasoning mind is back of the whole process. First, axial motion of the moon would break the attraction which binds it as a satellite to the earth. Second, it proves that the moon is a frozen body requiring an equal distribution of energy radiated to it over its whole surface, to prevent unequal thawing, which would throw it out of balance. Third, it proves ‘that the moon is being held intact as a permanent body for some purpose. 174 THE RESURRECTION We do not believe that our moon has any tendency towards individual, axial motion, because it occupies the same position towards the earth that Mercury does towards the sun, with the exception that it receives no energy from the earth. This opens up the great question. If our moon is the reflector which receives the rays from other sources to be re- flected to this planet as universal wisdom to guide and influence our living creations, by what means are these rays reflected to us? The ray between the earth and its moon is a negative wave, otherwise it could not be a reflected wave, therefore, it is a cold, potential wave which must be translated in our atmos- phere. If its path around our planet enables it to present all parts of its surface towards the sun, its path with the earth around the sun will also expose its surface to many other radiations and reflecting lines which could be reflected into our atmosphere to be blended into direct influences. Therefore, we may safely conclude that two types of energy rays enter our atmosphere, to be blended into a common pabulum for the physical and mental development of the planet. A wonderful provision is made against the chemical union’ in our atmosphere of direct positive and negative rays, proving that these rays are intended for digestion in the body of the earth. The direct ray of positive energy from the sun strikes our outer, electrical photosphere head on. ‘The negative ray reflected by the moon also strikes this same field head on. Con- sequently, instead of chemically uniting they are antagonistic. These are the two primordial and supreme powers in nature, and we quite always find them seeking a state of mechanical neutrality towards each other, rather than one of permanent antagonism. Each of the waves, upon forming contact with our atmos- phere, assumes the form or phase which it symbolizes—the posi- tive force coils into a spiral, and the negative force assumes an orbital ring. This at once declares. that these heads are material, for THE RESURRECTION 15 only matter can assume these waves, which symbolize the paths of primary matter in motion. Again, we have the reminder that this is one entity in two phases. The entity, which the sun radiates against the moon is converted into a cold negative entity, and is reflected to the atmosphere of our planet as a cold atom. There it refuses to unite with the positive atom direct from the sun. They are both turned from their active, progressive waves to assume each its potential attitude, the one the potential ring, and the other the compensating spiral, and we believe the cold ring encircles the warm spiral. We have previously seen that, by its dual nature, the planet has no exposed wave ends by which either of these new elements can directly attach itself to the planet. This is the purpose: of axial motion. Only by decomposition may these elements be absorbed by the planet, and decomposition is merely chemical exchange. We may here practically solve the problem of our atmos- phere, without technicalities. It is said to contain one atom of oxygen to four atoms of nitrogen. Of course it contains other inert elements, but they do not affect these proportions. We have seen that the original potential atom contained unmanifested, the four primary atoms. Three of these in the atomic unfoldment exhaust themselves to form the true atomic spiral. Until developed into the spiral the true atomic value of the circle is 4, and the atomic value of the spiral is one. What does this tell us? The energy radiated by the sun to the moon is in the form of positive electrons, which, coming in contact with the cold body, are converted into cold, negative electrons, which are reflected to the potential electrical field or photosphere, which envelopes our atmosphere. The direct ray reaching us from the sun completes the unfoldment and assumes the body of an active atom, the spiral, hence we are surrounded by an excess of positive and negative energy from which to draw our life. We know that the atomic value of the spiral is one, and the atomic value of the negative potential 176 THE RESURRECTION atom is four, and this gives us the proportions of positive and negative energy in our atmosphere. There is a much more important purpose for these pro- portions. The spiral in atomic value is equivalent to one atom of Hydrogen. If the potential atom is dissolved it yields one atom each of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon and Hydrogen. The oxygen atom picks up the two atoms of hydrogen and forms water. The Nitrogen atom unites with water and forms Sul- phur, to be converted into Sulphureted Hvdrogen. This leaves the Carbon which unites with Oxygen to form the most im- portant element in the solid structures of the earth, Silicon, 28. In the gaseous state this is Carbon Monoxide; in the solid state Silicon. Thus we recognize that the electric field is actually the source of our energy and our atmosphere is the source of our primary elements. It matters not whether we name these factors as elements or forces, they are material entities which carry the creative principles, and it is by the combining of these principles that new attitudes of energy are revealed. If the entity cast against the moon and reflected to the planet is substantial, and passes through changes to convert it into a different form of potential energy, concealing new forces or principles to be digested in our atmosphere, and assimilated by our planet, we may at once determine the character of our planetary exchanges by their positions in the planetary spiral. Each planet casts into the electrical photosphere of our planet its influences in like man- ner, to be translated and assimilated. We are convinced, however, that the Oxygen spirals are surrounded by the Nitrogen rings, and the chemical digestion occurs by the same forces and motions as exhibited by original electrons, before they may be assimilated by the earth. We have previously lilustrated the method by which positive and negative electricity are transferred from the atmosphere to the earth. Forces and creative principles may not be trans- ferred from one position, attitude or phase to another, excepting by material mediums, therefore, all of this interplanetary ex- THE RESURRECTION 177 change is atomic and vibratory, one unit transmitting energy to another unit without bodily momentum, and these units unite to form new chemical compounds. Color especially comes into our atmosphere from the orbital fields in which the planets revolve about the sun. It is a pigmentary deposit due to chemical combustion, therefore the atoms contributed by the several planets have each its primary color, and the living. substance on our planet absorbs the color which is food for it and rejects the color which it does not require, the rejected colors manifesting upon the surface. These pigments are being picked up by the atoms passing through our atmosphere ; they are not inherent qualities of these atoms. We are assuming that this system is a living body requir- ing nourishment, and that it receives its breath and food from the orbital planes, hence these planes must consist of elements suitable for this purpose. A marvelous provision is made to construct the bone of this planetary body as recognized in the nebulous mass or ring be- tween the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, known as the Asteroids. We have previously referred to this in this chapter. This un- doubtedly is intended to break the spiral continuity between the inner and outer planetary fields. A superficial view of the diagram reveals two principal spheres, with the asteroidal orbit as a dividing firmament. In our chapter on Biblical, similitudes we shall reveal this as the fabulous firmament separating the waters, waters symbolizing peoples. Within this orbit are the four inner or terrestrial planets, and without are the four major planets. These are the work- ing’ Organs or agents of the body. This whole process 1s identi- cal with that observable in the living process of our own planet. It has passed through the process revealed by the inner planets, and, in due time, it will pass on to the next progressive step in the great spiral, finally to be eliminated at the periphery. Uranus is just passing out of vision and Neptune is no longer visible in the system. Nevertheless they still have an important planetary mission, although excrements. 178 THE RESURRECTION The process chars its record 1n a color scheme, each orbital position having a specific color in a gamut, from the center to the circumference. These colors are due to pigmentary depos- its caused by chemical combustion. An analysis of the diagram of the planetary system, based on this wave theory, reveals some remarkable facts. We have said that we believe this system is the organic body of a thinking, reasoning being, so vast that we cannot grasp him as a whole, and so infinitesimal in his microscopic parts that we are unable to vision him as an organism. This gives a substantial reason for the vegetation and animal life upon our planet. They are for the specific purpose of focusing greater nature into appreciable visible being at some point in the process. When Bode announced his famous law he held in his grasp a great secret, but he did not fully develop it. In his progres- sive line he could not find a planet to correspond to his number 28, but 1t was discovered that a nebulous mass appeared at this point. He had concluded that a planet had existed here, but had been destroyed. Subsequently, in the astral space between Mars and Jupiter, at the very place where he had located this destroyed planet, an orbital ring was found, made up of a great number of small bodies called Asteroids. We feel positive that the modern discovery vindicated Professor Bode’s calculations, and our method of computing the relative planet distances, by the adoption of chemical pro- portions, as exhibited in a consecutive elemental succession, improves upon his theory. We call attention to the remarkable fact that, in our list of elements, Carbon 12, should appear between Boron 11 and Nitrogen 14, and this is exactly where Bode’s planet 28 is missing. This is the atomic weight of Silicon, an allotropic form of Carbon, appearing in the secondary series of elements, as exhibited in our chapters on planetary chemistry. We may now draw our analogy between the planetary sys- tem and the animal organism. ‘The supporting tissues of the human organism may be reduced to flesh, muscle, bone and THE RESURRECTION 179 medullary matter. We know much less about the marrow than we know about the other three. Within this sustaining body are eight well defined organs which carry on a specific system of functions towards the sus- taining body, like those of the planets towards their supporting system. The wonders of our physical system are concealed in the marrow and medullary matter, and the planetary system reveals this. We shall now make this plain. The diagram reveals that out of the bone is born the original potential cell, as represented by the undeveloped planet Mer- cury. All the potential forces are dormant in this cell and they manifest as they pass into and nourish the bodily tissues, assum- ing physical changes in accordance with their progression. We may say with perfect safety that Bode’s Silicon and our Carbon, have not been wasted. Carbon is converted into Silicon, or other solid materials, the mass of nebulous matter between Mars and Jupiter, to form the bone of the planetary system. The apparent spaces between elements and parts, as compared with terrestrial bodies, are not out of proportion with their relative sizes. Within the bone are the creative forces which maintain organic and physical life. External to the bone are the forces which reflect to the internal, the mental energy, impulse and guidance for intelligent manifestation, as the nerves and blood vessels are in contact with every part of our physical bodies. The moon principle in this system is the reflective system. The sun principle is spiral and radiant. The moon principle is globular and orbital, hence in the human anatomy we find the head the seat of receptive and reflective powers, the brain cells and medullary matter manifesting the cumulative store of excess wisdom. The brain is the seat of will of the whole. This is why it is said: “Will is in the brain; desire is in the flesh; im- pulse is in the muscles, and action is in the bones.” The bone is constructed by the processes evolved fromm the chemical combustion in the central body. Therefore we may 180 THE RESURRECTION estimate the life of the body by the expended energy. The central spiral signifies the sun of the system, which is burn- ing itself out. Saturn, with its wings and its eight moons, is the perfected planetary man of the system, bringing the system into visible, physical manifestation. It is the source of our greatest re- flected wisdom, its reflective power being eight times as great as that of our own planet, with its single moon. There is every reason to believe that the writers of Genesis in the Bible were familiar with this planetary scheme. In its cosmogony it divides the outer planets as the heaven, from the inner planets as the earth. The nebulous ring between the outer and the inner planets is the firmament which “separates the waters above the firmament from the waters which are be- low the firmament.” They assume that the four planetary phases symbolize the process by which the earth is brought to a state of perfection. A combination of these four phases is essential to form the planetary trinity ; the dual solid and fluid planet, surrounded by an atmosphere of Nitrogen and Oxygen. By the invention of the first created man, and the Adam, the Bible differentiates and distinguishes the inner man from the outer man, the physical from the organic. “The first man Adam is a living soul, the second man Adam is a quickening spirit.” This very plainly signifies the spiritual will which operates the earthy man of muscle and bone. All systems manifest their fruits externally. By an inspection of the planetary diagram, it will be ob- served that outside the nebulous circle are the Oxygen and Nitrogen waves and we know these symbolize muscle and flesh surrounding the bone, also the atmosphere of the system. We have previously said that, the marrow within the bone THE RESURRECTION 181 symbolizes woman, which corroborates the theory that this is the reproductive sphere of the system. It is very plain that the fruit of this inner system is the spiral which symbolizes the primary nucleated cell or first clot of protoplasm, and its sym- bol is NOCH = 43, that of the perfected respiratory atom which develops into the molecule. Now we have something, and may account for the Aster- oidal rings. The spiral cell is equivalent to planetary blood cor- puscles. In the chemical transmutation the Carbon is deposited to become the bone tissue and the nucleus, which is Hydrogen, rises above the nebulous ring, being the lightest of all the gases, uniting first with Oxygen, becoming the burning Hydro-carbon of Jupiter, then with Nitrogen of Saturn to form a phosphor- escent circle about that planet, making it a self-sustained lumin- ous planet. In our body this is the simple process of tissue building. We call attention to the direction taken by the waves. Those emanating from the center have their positive heads pointing outward and supply Carbon and Hydrogen. Those external to the bone have their positive heads pointed towards it and Jupiter supplies Oxygen and Saturn Nitrogen, therefore this nebulous belt 1s given both mental and physical support. We know that the bones support the body and bear all the bur- dens of the flesh. The flesh supplies the stored energy and the muscles carry the impulse to the bones. Uranus and Neptune represent old age and decline of the system, the direct contact with both mental and physical recuper- ation being broken. The heads of their controlling waves are turned outward. It is intimated that their axial direction is reversed. The central spiral is a vortex of burning Hydro- carbon gas. Nitrogen always signifies negativity and cold. The first field surrounding the sun is negative electricity. Mercury has its orbit in this field. The second field is positive electricity. Venus is in this orbit. The third is Carbon, in which the Earth is located, it being the densest body in the whole system. The fourth is Hydrogen, in which Mars resides. Thus are mani- 182 4 THE RESURRECTION fested in consecutive order the vibratory, gaseous, solid and fluid. The Earth and Mars are close akin, Carbon and Hydrogen usually being united through the offices of water. Mars is prob- ably a semi-fluid body. From some of the surrounding facts we are constrained to believe that Mars consists mainly of Hydrogen Dioxide (H:O: = 34) which at a temperature of 32° F. is a crystalline solid, merging from the consistency of snow into ice. Its vapor is colorless and transparent. At the proper temperature it forms a colorless, syrupy liquid heavier than water. It is a powerful oxidizing agent, and we have already said that disintegration begins at this point to release Carbon to the Asteroids and to set free Hydrogen. We are convinced that the atmosphere in this Asteroid zone is Carbon Dioxide, reflected from Jupiter. This gas is not combustible. The axial period of Mars approximates that of our Earth, it requiring but forty minutes longer for Mars to complete its day. It is important, too, that the atomic weight of Hydrogen Dioxide is identical with that of Sulphureted Hydrogen (H:S = 34), of which we believe our own moon is composed. H:2S is a mobile fluid which crystallizes at 85°. The action of the sun’s energy upon this satellite begets the most essential ele- ments. There are things in common intimating a close relationship between the Earth and Mars, the latter marking the turning point between the inner and external planets, and symboliz- ing the blending of the solid into the fluid and the fluid on into the gaseous as manifested by Jupiter, and the gaseous into the vibratory, as manifested by Saturn. There is also a chemical aspect to this spiral progression which must not be overlooked. Mercury exhibits no activity, but Venus is preparing to cast off her moon. We have previ- ously intimated at least a vegetable life on parts of this planet. We have seen that the atomic waves are cumulative up to the spiral. If we add to the Nitrogen wave of Mercury 14, the THE RESURRECTION 183 value of Venus 30, we have an atomic value of 44, which is equivalent to the atomic value of Carbon Dioxide, which is the essential breath of vegetation, making the probability of vegeta- tion upon Venus almost a certainty. Again, when we give the earth credit for its quota 42, and deduct 14 for its moon, we have remaining 28, the atomic value of Silicon, which, after Oxygen, is the largest constituent of the solid structures of our planet. We have already seen the probability of Mars being composed of Hydrogen Dioxide. We show in our Chemistry that our moon, by the same process, consists of crystallized Sulphureted Hydrogen, which, under the influence of the Sun’s energy, produces water, Sul- phur and Sulphureted Hydrogen gas, and these are essential elements to promote the process. The energy involved in the creation of our planetary sys- tem measures the life thereof, for vital energy is life. The con- structive period falls within the Asteroidal orbit. Four planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars still lie within this zone, the other four planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune having passed to the outer sphere. Analysis of this system gives us a basis for estimating the relative allotment of energy contributed by the universal store to construct the system; the quota of each planet, the relative energy consumed to this period by each planet, and the unused portion for each planet. The Units of measure are: Nitrogen 14, Oxygen 16, Car- bon 12, and Hydrogen 1 = 43 electrons. Each potential atom out of which these active atoms are unfolded contains the equiv- alent power to create 43 active electrons to be thus distributed. Eight planets are cast out of a greater potential unit. 8 X 43 = 344 units involved in the promotion of the eight planets. to the Asteroidal orbit. By a reference to the previous tables of progression it will be seen that five of the planets have exhausted this constructive quota, although the fifth, Mars, has not yet passed outside the Asteroidal orbit. The other three inner planets have expended respectively, the Earth 42 units, Venus 30 units, and Mercury 14 units. This 184 THE RESURRECTION leaves unexpended, the Earth 1 unit, Venus 13 units and Mer- cury 29 units, or a total of energy expended 301 units, and unexpended 43 units. This refers to the whole system. The Earth approaches the moist period when it will assume the position now occupied by Mars. The period of decline sets in following Mars. The first sacrifice made by each planet is to lay down the solid portion of its body, its own bone substance, each planet contributing its Carbon or Silicon to the Asteroidal orbit as the bone matter of the whole system. Five of the planets have made this contribu- tion, hence the reactive Carbon wave or straight line, is elimi- nated as a progressive wave and its substance passes no further into the spiral progression as a living force, and the remnants take up an orbital course about the sun. This belt has absorbed 60 units and will absorb 96 Carbon units, which aggregates the Carbon of all planets. By the waves of Oxygen and Nitrogen we may determine the relative expenditure of energy beyond the Asteroidal orbit. Jupiter 16, Saturn 30, Uranus 30,, Neptune 30>— 1 0Gsuai- expended out of a total allotment for all the planets in this sphere of 240, which leaves remaining 134 units. This gives a fair estimate of the relative conditions of the planets at this time. Those qualified to extend this theory mathe- matically have ample known facts concerning the planets to closely approximate the true present physical condition of the whole system. If there is any basis of truth in our wave theory, we should view with grave concern the fact that our planet is approaching a planetary crisis. It has passed through three of its four primary attitudes or conditions, vibratory, gaseous, and solid, and it requires but the exhaustion of Hydrogen to convert it into the fluid state, and the condition in which’ the planet Mars now resides. Our Earth will yield up its solid substance to be contrib- uted to the Asteroidal body, the bone of the system, as all the preceding planets have done. By this process we may understand why the Earth is the Tue RESURRECTION 185 densest planet in the system, and why it should be the only planet in the system to manifest perfect physical and organic beings. The same elemental conditions do not exist on any one of the other planets, therefore, the same type of physical life cannot be developed. Physical, organic life, such as occupies the solid earth today, will wholly disappear from this planet upon its passing one move forward and surrendering its solid character. Only in the waters will animal life continue, and this will be merged into life in the air, when Mars assumes the position of Jupiter, where Oxygen becomes the breath of life. Venus will take the position of the Earth and reproduce the animal life disappearing from the Earth. This is a serious lesson. We elsewhere have shown that Phosphorus, in these systems, symbolizes cold, potential light, which is personified in intellect, that is, the intelligent stage of living matter, because light is the true agent of revelation, which always manifests on the periphery. The Ecclesiasts, when they declared that God was the beginning and the end, and that he manifested in the flesh, and that Christ was the light of the world, referred to this identical system. These waves begin at the centre, as the Nitrogen wave. We have previously said this external plane represents the flesh of the planetary being, while the Oxygen sphere represents the muscle, exactly as they are situated in our own bodies of flesh, muscle, bone and marrow. Now we can demonstrate the necessity for the Asteroidal field. It breaks the spiral continuity to enable Nitrogen and Oxygen to directly unite with Hydrogen to form Phosphorus, hei © 16 -— HH 1 = 31, Phosphorus. This accounts for the presence in our nervous tissues of Phosphorus. In our bodies this process provides the field for our different nervous system, which places us in intimate contact with the external world. In the planetary system the same principle gives light to the inner planets. The milky way is the visible bone struc- ture of the planetary system. This milky way, which consists wholly of stars, is placed in a state of luminosity by the presence in the field of Phos- 186 THE RESURRECTION phorus if it is not directly a constituent part of the bodies of which the field is composed. The field supplies no heat, al- though called stars, which usually implies spiral burning masses. The apparent tendency for it to assume the aspect of gathering masses, is due to the fact that it is in process of disintegration, each of the major planets having contributed largely to its com- position. If we have not revealed sufficient grounds for our declara- tion that this planetary system is a living, thinking individual- ity, we have at least supplied the scientific world with some new food for speculative thought. It will be interesting to examine the Chemistry of this system. Before closing this chapter we desire to advance this sug- gestion: The planetary system reveals the union of the circle or orbital, with the spiral or axial, as manifested by its orbital fields and the spiral course taken by the eight planets. The living matter produced by the system physically reveals the eternal respiration, expansion and contraction in the same body. It has the power to create individual beings, to which it trans- mits the respiratory sense. This proves it is a living, breathing being. The ancient philosophers recognized and taught the lessons of life as we do not understand them today. An understanding of the four primary elements is to know the most intricate secrets of life. Heat begets fire; fire begets light, and light begets life. A lifeless body is consumed and converted into smoke, ash and dry cinder. If a body is not consumed by fire, it de- velopes into a living phosphorescent body by chemical pro- gression. If a living body is not supplied with food, which is its fuel, it, too, is devoured by a dry consuming heat and dies. Therefore, the degree of heat in a living body determines the nature and amount of food it should have. The food we eat is consumed by a chemical fire which we call the digestive process. The heat which is released within THE RESURRECTION 187 the body arouses the tissues and structures to a state of activity which actually consumes them as fire consumes a solid fuel, and this waste is compensated by the cold and moist elements released by the digestive process. This does not apply to the matter of which the nervous system is composed. This makes clear the two destructive processes which are continually going on in our economic systems. One decomposes the food which we eat to supply fresh elements for the restora- tion of the tissues destroyed by the physical activities of the body: the other process burns up certain cells in the tissues, forcing them to yield up the energy essential to give vital force to the different parts of the body to enable them to perform their functions. Thus it is a question of fuel, with fire as the consuming element. This fire is life in living bodies, hence life is but the potential, chemical fire in physical, organic bodies. How clearly this distinguishes between living bodies and dead bodies; the one has the power of recuperation, while the other has not; in the one heat manifests as a chemical process; in the other heat manifests as fire, consuming the body which has no power of ‘ recuperation. The elimination of Carbon prevents the burning of the major bodies by fire. It at once becomes apparent that, the regulation of the heat in bodies determines the duration of their lives; therefore, the selection of our food, both in quantity and quality, is of para- mount importance. Moreover, the adjustment of our food to our physical requirements is of equal value to our health and comfort. If we continue to ply a flame with combustible fuel, the fire will continue; when we discontinue the fuel, the fire gradually ceases to burn as the body becomes exhausted of its elements and disintegrates. This sharply reminds us that the dual process in our bodies merely regulates the fire which animates or consumes us. It is the inner system which regulates the fire and it is the tissues of the external body which are burned. What we call fever is merely excessive heat devouring our body, due to lack of proper 188 THE RESURRECTION food or mal-assimilation, which prevents a compensating regu- lation of the heat. Compensation, then, is essential to sustain life, a chemical compensation between the organic and the physical systems. The energy expended by the physical body demands an equiva- lent in new elements. The nearer approach to a perpetual state of balance the longer we will live. The primary manifestation of this vital compensation is the respiration. A perfect respiration supplies both heat and cold, Oxygen and Nitrogen, direct from the atmosphere. This ex- plains why our atmosphere is merely a mechanical mixture. These two primary elements upon entering the body perform the two separate functions which they represent, Nitrogen giv- ing a cooling, conserving influence, and Oxygen the vitalizing heat for the new pabulum. Right at this point we have a revelation. Wausdom is re- flected and knowledge is radiated, hence cold is the agent of wisdom, and heat the agent of knowledge. ‘This primarily is thought and action. The degree of intelligence, reason and good sense betrayed by the action reveals the degree of thought back of the impulse. Wusdom is the potential state of knowledge, and understanding is the translation of wisdom. Applying this to our previous subject we may devise a system whereby we may adjust our physical action to a rule of life to best attain a perpetual state of balance between the re- flective and active functions of our dual bodies by which we may keep the life fires burning without too rapid combustion. It is the heat which we must keep down in our bodies; that type of destructive heat which we call fever, an irritating, con- suming fire struggling for more fuel. It is the cooling influence of calm, conserving thought which quenches our burning fever. Is this not. proven by the fact that the ‘higher the téversine fiercer the delirium which robs us of the power of consecu- tive thought? Anger and abnormal excitement raise the tem- perature of the body above normal; morbid sorrow, grief and melancholia lowers the physical temperature below normal with equally evil results. THE RESURRECTION 189 How well do the Ecclesiasts know the underlying principle in “provocation which engendereth wrath.” “Oppression maketh a wise man mad.” (Ecc. 7-7.) Respiration; the regular pulsation of the heart, and the normal temperature of the body, all are wise provisions for maintaining balance. It requires no physician to teach the people these simple facts. Nor should it require the services of a physician to keep them in harmonious unison. All of these simple truths belong to the mass of humanity, not particularly to the professional specialists who must be paid for their serv- ices, thereby adding fuel to the consuming fire which helps to shorten life—the heavier the burden the more energy it requires to bear the load. Now, let us refer back to our planetary similitudes. If, as we have previously intimated, man is an epitome of the planetary scheme, we may appreciate that it is not so far- fetched, after all, to believe there is a physical and organic resemblance between the two. The planets represent the or- ganic system, and the orbital circles the physical body. The underlying principles are revealed in the parts. Our planet reveals a miniature reproduction of the whole. Saturn mani- fests a perfected planet body, its rings reproducing on a grand scale the flesh, muscle, bone and marrow of a vast physical body. We may know by an examination of our own bodies that, the planets represent the functioning organs of a greater being whose physical body is so vast that it may not be fully visioned by the human mind. These inner organs digest the food of this system, exactly as our organs digest our food, the resultant pabulum being assimilated by the outer physical body. As our bodies are sub- ject to death, so are these greater planetary units subject to death and physical disintegration. PAGES IE WIE PRESUGGESTED FORMS (Forms are the images of the Universal imagination ) Throughout this whole creative system imitation and mimi- cry assume the importance of laws. The reason the ancient philosophers adopted living symbols to demonstrate processes, was because these similtudes gave reality and fact to their theories. Visible evidence is always convincing. There is a perverse contrast between this and the Ecclesiastic system, which makes concealment and mystery its shield. Nature always strives toward tangible revelation. Christianity disputes visible nature and attempts to erect a concealing wall between humanity and its alleged association with an impossible and unapproachable god. Its alleged knowl- edge of such a god is clean-cut false-pretense. This, in its last analysis, is mimicry, imitation, competition and. concealment. It requires no elaborate demonstration to convince thinking people that invisible nature is elaborating forms which future mimicry and suggestion will combine into composite, visible forms, perfectly adjusted to the best needs and requirements of evoluting kinds. The need for such forms is anticipated, and they could not manifest without combination. As necessity and environment require changes or elabora- tions, they quickly appear, even to the extent of the elimina- tion of parts and the development of new parts to execute new physical functions. Man has never fully grasped the true mean- ing and purpose of the power of reason, or he would see this truth. 190 Tue RESURRECTION 191 It is in the animals that grotesque mimicry becomes vain conceit. Originally it was to conceal and camouflage against dangers of jungle life, hence many of the cultivated forms were grotesque and even abnormal. The savages followed the animals, daubing colored pigments and clays upon their bodies, and concealing their persons in dresses of skins, feathers and vegetation, to deceive their enemies and their prey. Out of competition evoluted the vanity of camouflage, pri- marily for the purpose of the male attracting the female. The most conspicuous examples are the cockerels among the fowl. While the female is quite always a drab, demure creature, the cockerel is decorated like a bandwagon, and he is always strut- ting about to show his fine feathers. The turkey gobbler and peacock are examples. The male dandies of the middle ages were equally vain. In the human beings we find a well defined evolution of natural mimicry, exaggerated into the most contemptible forms of vain conceit, both on the part of men and women, the latter, however, assuming the finery, imitating the savage. The imi- tative man attempts to mimic the brute creation. The tall man wears a tall hat and tight clothes; and the short man a low hat and ample clothes to exaggerate their ugli- ness. A sharp nosed man attempts to adapt angular appendages, the fat faced man, the opposite. But, the most disgusting form of mimicry is seen in the painted and berouged faces of women. Formerly this was a prerogative of the aged harlot to imitate youth and attract men, but the power of competition attempts to bring all women to a common level in mimicry to form class. We shall again refer to our primary waves. Thus the serpent, representing the vibratory state of matter, 192 THE RESURRECTION is the only living creature that can execute all of the convo- lutions of our waves. Of necessity these waves are consecutive. With his tail in his mouth, representing a potential state, the serpent is harmless. The only position from which he can strike is from the spiral coil, therefore this represents the viru- lent or active state—strike and recoil, attack and retreat, a re- spiratory compensation. These are the basic figures of all material forms. No mat- ter what the system, the principles represented by these primary waves are in absolute control. If they are invisible they will manifest themselves in material forms and in consecutive order, either as waves, mass or consistency. Viewed as a whole the primary scheme stands out conspicu- ously and reveals a well defined progression, with mentation always going forward. From the microscopic cells, threads and conglomerated masses of protoplasm, to the highly organized animal is a wide span, yet each step in the evolution is definitely measured by these controlling waves. It is pertinent to ask on what part of this planetary scheme do we base the idea of presuggested forms. We have elsewhere referred to the fruit-bearing tree as manifesting a physically differentiated continuity of the four primary waves; also the physical contour of the earth’s surface and the water systems. The spiral and valvular sea shells spe- cifically conform to this law. But the animals are the real reve- lation. It is amazing to find the birds and land animals actually mimicing the suggestions found in the planetary process, even to imitating the forms of nebulous and gaseous bodies. Naturally the waves, as executed by one body, first would be revealed by the reptiles which creep upon the earth. The philosopher’s serpent, which we use to symbolize primary mo- tions of matter, is the best example. But many animals adopt and make conspicuous, single phases of these waves, examples of which we shall exhibit. THE RESURRECTION 193 The mimicry attempts to adjust itself to the element to which the animal belongs. The fowl, better than any other of the animal kind, portrays or imitates the process by which the planetary system is developed. We give two extraordinary examples of mimicry. The potential planet when first cast out of the gaseous body, is symbolized by the egg. The attitude of this body towards the sun while in the de- veloping state may be thus symbolized: Sun Moon The female hovering her nest Ru to hatch the egg The Cockerel Diagram No. 45 “Mother Earth” is an old expression. 194 THE RESURRECTION The Cockerel | Diagram No. 46 These similitudes emphasize the idea that the sun is posi- tive and masculine, and the moon principle is negative and feminine. The gender of the production which will be hatched out of the egg remains an unrevealed secret until born, symbolizing an embryotic chaos. The perfected planet. Sun—heart. Moon—Brain Body THE RESURRECTION 195 The dual planet, with its atmosphere, symbolizing the brain, heart and the flesh, muscle, bone and marrow. There are eight planets to which this similitude may be ap- plied. Saturn represents the perfection of mentation in the ~ planetary animal production, its reflective powers being its eight moons. This affords a very beautiful Gnostic similitude. ~~ —, Saturn Diagram No. 47 Two interpretations may be put upon this, one with refer- ence to the Sun, and the other with reference to the individual planet. 196 THE RESURRECTION =— The Sun, the Tees Saturn, the female with eight chicks Diagram No. 48 The second interpretation is better, because it reveals the original idea of flocks, which are mimicked by men in forming families and communities having a father, chief or king as a ruler. Diagram No. 49 THE RESURRECTION 197 The planet and eight moons. The cockerel and his flock of females. The comb on the cockerel’s head symbolizes the crown of the king. This is the theory on which the Eastern harems are based. We are inclined to believe this also is the origin of nunneries. This is not merely romantic symbolism—far from it. The following is an example of planetary symbolism in which the animal imitates the nebulous forms. > fi ie ne ae as tt bc Bier i Muy 4 i ik My The Ibex Sheep Diagram No. 50 Goat These horns even betray the primary tendency of the elongated spiral. They follow the law of projection, the straight line dropping into a curvilinear course and coiling into a spiral, following the natural course of evolution. These animals are all practically of one origin. Is there any particular reason why one should develop straight horns, another curved and the third spiral? Yes, evolution. It is proper that we should carry this similitude forward. Rising above the quadrupeds, man stands erect and reveals the 198 THE RESURRECTION whole process. This is entitled to a special chapter, which fol- lows this one. Science recognizes a law in the development of both vege- tation and animals which demonstrates the tendency to follow suggestion in a specific evolution of forms and intelligence. By natural selection the law of the survival of the fittest trends upward. Since the earliest pertods men have practiced preferential selection for the betterment of species. All living matter re- sponds to selectivity. Our domesticated vegetation and animals have been derived from this promotion. We believe that this distinctly signifies that man is but reflecting back to the lower beings his wisdom, as the major planets reflect their super-influence to the terrestrial planets. Man possesses a tremendous power to direct the course of earthy productions to his own uses: and ends. We are told by Darwin, and other great investigators, that the variations in domesticated animals adapt themselves more to the use of man than to the improvement of the animals. This is indeed remarkable if correct. This is said to be due to mans’ power of cumulative selec- tion; nature responds to man’s needs in successive variations, and man guides nature’s works into channels most beneficial to himself by selection. The plastic character of animal and plant organizations, under the magic touch of scientific breeding, truly makes of man a creative god. This power is based upon deductive and inductive reasoning. The response is due to natural suggestion and mimicry, which are not necessarily matters of choice. It is worthy of note that, a knowledge of this principle dates back to high antiquity. The principle of selectivity is found in an ancient Chinese encyclopedia. The principle of suggestion and mimicry is expressly named in Genesis, Jacob producing a variety of colors in the herds of his father-in-law, Laban, by exhibiting before them poles from which he had stripped the bark in spots, rings and stripes. (rene 0s3 Zs) THe RESURRECTION 199 This secretly refers to Gnostic similitudes, which we have previously illustrated as rings, waves and spirals. This is, of course, a romantic story attempting to account for striped and spotted cattle. Nevertheless, it reveals an early knowledge of natural selection, mimicry, and suggestion, and planetary processes reflected by the reasoning powers of man. The importance of selection is probably known to all races of men. The practical aspect is sometimes carried to grewsome extremes, as in the case of the people of Tierra del Fuego, who kill and devour their aged persons, in times of famine, rather than their dogs, which are more useful. Nothing can better demonstrate the tendency of nature towards a higher evolution than the results of preferential se- lection. It is natural for animal life to aspire upward. This has developed the animals which live in the trees, and the birds of the air. We may immediately perceive the importance of this prin- ciple as applied to man himself. It goes without argument that preferential selection will be most successful the larger the field from which selections are made. Therefore, if men are divided into classes which bar large masses from participating in the selective improvement of the race, the selections will be made from the higher class, which is naturally the one which would be interested in such application of the principle, and the field of operation would be limited, and the greater part of humanity would be deprived of the higher evolution, and the select few would pose as supermen. We cannot believe other- wise than, that this is understood and premeditated usurpation, under present visible human conditions. ‘There are too many illiterate people for the present state of civilization. This justifies our previously expressed belief that Ecclesi- asticism deliberately brought upon the great masses of humanity a state of debasement and ignorance, in order to produce a common pabulum from which to select a super-race. The error was in the adaptation of involution to promote a fictitious evo- lution. 200 THe RESURRECTION The “chosen people” could signify nothing else, and the “dark ages” could not have been possible under any other con- dition than one of complete control of educational forces. }‘vo- lution can no more be reversed than water can be made to run up a hill instead of downward. The code by which the scriptures may be interpreted plainly reveals that the alleged sojourn in Egypt merely symbolizes the raising up of an imaginary generation as a historical precedent. The name Joseph means increase, and he declares that he is sent into Egypt to raise up a posterity. Egypt signifies a state of darkness, oppression, affliction and ignorance. We are convinced that, in the very beginning Christianity intended to raise up a people of its own by casting the rising generation into a state symbolized by Egypt, hoping by a selective process to reap the glory of raising up a super- class. This is corroborated by their having selected another Joseph, meaning increase, as the adopted father of Christ, the new generation by which the Christian scheme was to be put in actual practice. Increase could not be the natural father of Christ, because this would invalidate the “immaculate conception,’ and make of Christ an ordinary sinful being. Moreover, increase was a thing of the future. In like manner the code reveals the journey in the wilder- ness as equally fabulous, and a rehearsal of the procedure of the introduction of the Christian dispensation and the estab- lishment of the church. It pretends to symbolize the rescue of the ignorant masses from a state of darkness and affliction— leading humanity out of Egypt. The passing of the Israelites merely symbolizes the dying of the old generation. Most of them died in the “wilderness of sin.” We believe this is sufficient to prove two very important things. It first proves that nature preconceives or suggests the forms which her created things shall assume, and secondly it gives a logical reason for the biblical similitudes. It is a clean cut attempt to construct a chosen people by natural selec- tion and imitation of the natural evolution of forms and systems. THE RESURRECTION 201 Reflection and imitation are essential elements in the crea- tive scheme. If there is any doubt regarding the living things upon our planet being a reflected image of the creative process, this is removed by an analysis of these creations. Moreover this same study reveals the truth that the cosmogony of the Bible is drawn from the Gnostic philosophy. Life itself follows the creative laws. The vegetation, attached to the earth, represents that period preceding the casting off into space of the moon, hence the moon is identified with vegetation. The birds of the air represent the moon cast off into space, but still attached to the earth by attraction. Their laying of eggs and hovering them in a concave nest is a constant reminder of this period. The animal life of the waters represents Mars. The rep- tillian and amphibian life represent the progressive vibrations between the planets. The insect life represents the Asteroidal field between Mars and Jupiter. The animals of the land rep- resent Jupiter and man represents Saturn, as the highest evo- luted being, both in the system and upon earth. We are sufficiently convinced that, Ecclesiasticism origi- nally looked upon the common people of the earth as the mere agents and slaves of a super-class, of which it assumed to be the body, that we do not hesitate to warn all men that recent moves of the modern church forces, intimate that an open dec- laration of this superiority is contemplated. Many warnings that the churches are to assume a militant attitude have been expressed. In recent years a constant fear of the exposure of the underlying principles upon which Christianity is founded has caused the churches to attempt to prevent a scientific discus- sion of moot questions. There are many weak spots in the antique Christian armor, but there are three particularly har- rassing things which rise up constantly to grin at the Christian efforts to keep them down. 202 THE RESURRECTION 99 66 “tvolution,” “the immaculate conception” of the fabulous Christ, and ‘scientific development.” Evolution is about the plainest theme found in the bible. The first four names in the genealogy of Christ, could signify nothing else but that nature created the vegetation; animal life developed out of vegetation, and man is evoluted out of the animals. God, Adam, Seth, Knos. (Luke 3:38. } God is an abbreviation of the word good. Adam signifies the earth and the vegetation attached to it. Seth signifies the animal life feeding upon vegetation. Enos means mortal man, the highest evoluted animal. In the attempt to establish man as a special dispensation, it became necessary to split the offspring of Adam into two lines: the one to symbolize the animals and the other to symbolize mankind, but even so, Seth could not be eliminated as the miss- ing link. He had to stand between the animals and man and pose as the father of mortal man. Mortal means subject to death, or destined to die. It applies alike to all living matter, therefore, the accusation that man brought death into the world only proves that the Ecclesi- asts knew that, in the Gnostic philosophy man signified all living matter upon the face of the planet. Man and mind mean prac- tically the same and all living matter is in some degree blessed with mind. Originally the word man was applied to all animals. These early races were allegedly destroyed by the flood, and we find a cunning device to conceal the fact that, the urgent past is one and the same with the present and the future. In conjuring the new generation to take the place of the old, Israel is raised up. The division of the Adamic race is carried for- ward. Jacob and Esau become the two stems of the new tree. Jacob is the younger, hence he is chosen to usurp the powers and inheritance of the elder. It was in the attempt at concealment of the underlying truth that the Ecclesiasts un- wittingly dropped the seed of betrayal to spring up in the twen- tieth century to annoy them. In order to make excuse for per- mitting Jacob to usurp the birth right of Esau, the latter’s name ‘THE “RESURRECTION 203 was changed to Edom. To have left the name Esau, would have been a confession that man was out of the same womb as the hairy animals, for Esau means hairy. The name Edom means red, earthy, of blood, signifying the red-blooded animals of the earth, man being but the higher evoluted type. Edom, originally, was Mount Seir, meaning hairy, demon, the wild animal state. A significant meaning is given to Esau, who finishes, mean- ing that animal evolution is finished with Esau, and man begins as a special dispensation, chosen by the Lord. Lord means master, loafwarden, the dispenser of bread. Jacob symbolizes this special dispensation, and very promptly identifies the new and chosen race as the priesthood, and the Lord God as the high-priest, with whom he struck a bargain, the substance of which was: He was to receive bread to eat, and clothing to wear, and his master was to be his God. Of all that he received he was to give one-tenth to his master. (Gen. 28:20-21-22.) The name Jacob means to supplant, and, from the very be- ginning, he and his offspring were taught by the Lord God, his master, to usurp, rob and steal. The first admonition to the Israelites was to “spoil the Egyptians.”’ This identical Lord God principle becomes the Christ idea in the new testament. Egypt merely symbolizes the human masses in a state of oppression, affliction and ignorance. This instruction to the Israelites symbolizes a secret command to the priesthood to take away from the masses their fine raiment, and the love for jewelry, by casting them down into the state symbolized by Egypt. It is one of the plainest stories concealed in theBible. It is a clean-cut story of plunder. Moses confiscated the stolen jewels and cloth with which to decorate the tabernacle. One of the greatest evils of Chris- tianity is the vain decoration of churches, and the pomp and splendor of the priesthood, maintained to this day, to that ex- tent enhancing the burden of slaving humanity. This is something to think about. PrN RL 1X WANG ELE EEO TS Lp, el GaN (To know man is to understand evolution ) Despite his frailties, his dumb animalism, his vain con- ceits, and his exaggerated egoism, man is the last product of animal evolution, and the epitome of the whole. His short- comings are wholly due to a misconception of his purpose, de- veloped by mental suppression and false education. Neverthe- less, individually he is but an infinitesimal unit in the creative system. If he performs his allotted functions perfectly, he will have added, to that extent, to the welfare of the greater being. His individuality ceases with his death, his essenic nature al- ready having been absorbed into the greater system. By its very material nature, his body must disintegrate and the ele- ments of which it is composed be distributed to take their places in the physical economy of the system. If, as a unit, he fails to function, he becomes a laggard in the system, takes an un- natural position as an irritant to the body, and inherits nothing in the greater cosmic scheme. It is all a part of a well organized, fully controlled, chemical and cosmic process. Man, individually, has inherited a cumulative mind. superior to that of animals less physically developed for carrying for- ward the intent and purpose of the Universal idea, hence, he is endowed with a power of reasoning which enables him to under- stand the purposes of wonderful external sense organs, and physical developments, for acquiring knowledge and applying it to normal purposes, which is the sole means of cosmic pro- motion to a higher state of being. Let it be definitely under- stood, at once, that this future promotion has no individuality, it is but the merging of one field into another, and the blending of masses from one consistency to another. Permanent indi- 204 THE RESURRECTION 205 viduality belongs only to the universal state of being. There- fore, it is plain to be seen, that should the unit with temporary individuality be deflected from the natural course in this blend- ing process, he is cast out by lateral forces which bar him from his rise to a higher state; hence, we may recognize the two great forces in nature, the one maintaining a harmonious progression of the whole, and the other striving to eliminate from the sys- tem those things which tend to create inharmony. In these we may also recognize the principles involved in destructive assimi- lation giving us an excellent demonstration of what we have said regarding essenic promotion, and material disintegration of the physical body, we will further along prove that this law applies alike to all physical systems. It depends upon mental cultivation as to the degree in which the man may participate in the higher estate by blending or merging into the Universal mentation, and strange to say, never- theless it is true, it is in their relations toward each other that men exhibit the poorest exercise of reason. All of the mental and physical ills of mankind are artificial and self-imposed. Per- fect harmony is a law in nature and 1s essential to promote life from one estate to another. Does it necessarily follow that, because man seems to be the culmination of the creative succession, he should be regarded as a special dispensation in nature? Such a suggestion is blas- phemous. We do not find a single evidence of special dispensa- tions. To the contrary, every atom of matter, and every creative act, are so dependent upon each other, that to displace them begets chaos in the system. Every motion of matter is due to an instinctive Universal impulse to maintain balance. Inhar- mony is due to external causes. That which seems to be storm, conflict and inharmony in physical nature, is but the readjust- ment to restore balance; hence, that force which causes in- harmony and conflict is the source or cause of all evil. Right here we may draw attention to the greatest error in the Christian scheme. Christ is born of Mary, meaning re- bellion, and rebellion begets conflict and revolution, hence it is a corrective and not an educational system. 206 THe (RESURRECTION Nature had a logical purpose in creating the living beings upon this earth, and out of the lower orders was evoluted man, giving him mental functions to enable him to reason out this purpose, and prevent its defeat by the lower types. We do not subscribe to that brutal theory that nature blindly multiplies her creatures, and that an individual god provides calamities to destroy the surplus population. Only fools believe that an all- powerful, all-knowing God*overpopulates his own Earth with his own creatures for the joy of killing them out of their misery. No, nature gave to men reason, and discretionary individuality, to evolve a perfected unit system of thought, in order to pro- vide and perpetuate mental food for the universal mind. Men perverted this idea in a vain attempt to make of themselves gods upon earth, and censors of nature’s works. They took mean advantage of the fact that all babes are born ignorant and innocent, to deprive mankind at large of the unit system, and to convert humanity into a plastic mass to be moulded to its worldly purposes. The true purpose of nature has been thwarted by designing men, and nature has taken the normal course of correction by saturating humanity with its own poisons, insanity and crime, that it may quickly destroy and eliminate itself, as the wounded serpent inoculates itself with its own virus and dies out of its misery. As we believe, so are we. We have been taught evil as a eift from nature, consequently, as we have created our own conscious environment, and defined evil as a human thing, we are evil by cultivation, independent of primary, natural intent. We are not evil by nature’s standards, but by human discrimi- nation. Nature knows no evil, hence the newborn babe is ig- norant of evil. It is taught evil by environment as it develops in animal stature. When the sane, reasonable husbandman desires to produce good fruits, does he plant brambles? No, he follows the dictates of reason and cultivates only those trees which he knows will yield good fruits. This brings us again to an illustration of the perverse teachings of Christianity. We do not subscribe to that damnable doctrine which commercial- izes both good and evil. THE RESURRECTION 207 “Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt; for the tree is known by his fruit.” (Matt. 12-33.) Does this not suggest the cultivation of evil for the fruit it yields? The man who declares that nature creates evil is a base slanderer of his own mother. Evil is a human invention, culti- vated for the profit it yields. We must get closer to the theme of this chapter. Nature does not build great systems without a logical reason for doing so. It matters little whether we examine men or ants, one Is as much a part of the original scheme as the other. Man, how- ever, exhibits all of the traits of preceding animal kinds, there- fore he focuses our study of life upon this planet into one sub- ject. We shall demonstrate that this culminating product has a very much greater purpose than the visible acts of his daily life. He not only betrays the natures of the living evolution upon this planet, but he reveals the invisible processes of the planetary systems of which our planet 1s but a part. When the authors of the romantic Bible conceived the story of Noah and the Ark, and put into the Ark pairs of all the known animals of the earth, they betrayed a knowledge of esoteric philosophy of the Gnostics, for the Ark symbolized the physical body of man and the animals symbolized by the na- tures of all the known creatures epitomized in man. No means place; ai means God, hence, Noah means the brain—the seat of God—thought, which visions all animal kind and stores their images in the brain cells. Compared with this trivial romance, the true purpose of man, in relation to the planetary scheme, is of vastly greater importance. We shall attempt to show that he reveals the plane- tary scheme even better than he deos the animal evolution of this planet. If this can be demonstrated the perfection of man is the vindication of evolution, and his mission on this planet is to focus and reveal the invisible parts of the greater being, that we may understand our functions and conserve the creative scheme on this particular sphere of manifestation. This planet 208 THE RESURRECTION is the only one in the system having the four primary principles in creative nature clothed in material bodies and associated as a creative system. Water, earth, and air each sustains its particular form of life, and we clearly demonstrate the fourth as thought, re- leased to nourish the chemical fire—the universal mentation. An analysis of man is the most wonderful study in nature to which we have access. It reveals the invisible worlds. Let us lead up to this by a brief speculation, to identify animal evolution as a chemical and astronomic proposition. There is little dispute about our animal life having evoluted out of the waters on this planet. We have already demonstrated that the physical arrangement of elements to best sustain life is first determined by the unfoldment of the primary elements, the solid preceding the fluid in this arrangement, as a supporting element. The fruit tree reveals the reaction from this—the root the hydrogen spiral; the trunk the straight carbon line; the branches the expanding oxygen wave, and the leaves the conserving nitrogen wave. The ensemble produces the fruit. This may appear simple on its face, but it is a revelation, for it fore-pictures the course of animal evolution; symbolizing the fluid, solid, gaseous and vibratory. ‘This is the course of developing animal life, from the waters, to the land, to the air, and into the electrical field; the fishes, the reptiles and animals, the birds, and what? We shall see it is an evolution of mind, with thinking, reasoning man as the higher evoluted type. Can you now realize the wonderful significance of this? The tree proves there must be a fourth physical element mani- fested before the fruit is produced. Naturally, this is the basis of the Christian idea that man is a special dispensation, and this fourth element, basing this upon the false premise that man alone of animal kind thinks and reasons, a mere sophistry, easily disproved, for, by the same line of reasoning we know that it is the ensemble which produces the fruit of this plane- tary life, therefore, each field must contribute its proportion. Moreover, man does not necessarily symbolize the leaves, al- THE RESURRECTION 209 though Christianity symbolizes his fall by the fruit ready to harvest. Is it not curious that the Bible tells us the fall of man was due to his tasting of the fruit? Is it not remarkable that the leaves fall back to the earth to fertilize the soil which produces the tree, and that man is sent back to the ground to till the soil? “For out of it wast thou taken; for dust thou art, and unto dust BeloetnolmLcturny es ret. O19.) This is one of the most sinister passages in the Bible. The ground here signifies the earth, and earth symbolizes mankind, and till means preparation for the propagation of human fruits —new generations and all their energy will produce. The error in this Christian idea is easily found. The man is physically and mentally an animal. Later in this chapter we shall show that the evolution of mentation is the evolution of the brain and nervous devolepment, and is as clearly defined as the physical evolution in animal life. This evolution is pre- figured in the fcetal development of the human brain demonstrat- ing that mentation wholly depends upon a physical evolution of an animal nature. We know that physical man cannot reside in the air inde- pendent of earthy contact. He must remain a product of the earth. Nevertheless, he must be classed as the principal ele- ment of the animal tree, because of his higher nervous develop- ment and mental attainments. There are many references in the Bible to man as a tree. “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall forwitners «) (Ps. se:3)) “The Lord has removed men far away, and there be a great forsaking in the midst of the land. “But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return, and shall be eaten as a teil tree. The holy seed shall be the substance thereof.” (Isa. 6:12-13.) The fiction of the eating of the body of Christ grew out of this. In other connections we are convinced that this has refer- 210 THE RESURRECTION ence to the colonization of foreign lands under the church pat- ronage, which yields tithes of ten per cent under the instruc- tion and control of missionaries. This gives us a clue that the fruits of the Christian tree are substantial, material things. The church is the body of Christ, which feeds the priesthood. “If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things?” (I Cor. 9:11.) “For he shall be as a-tree planted by the waters and shall not cease from yielding fruit.” (Jer. 17:8.) It is the fruit produced by physical man tilling the soil that the church is ever reaching out for, and according to Matt. 3:10, every man who does not produce substantial fruit is marked for the ax. In contradiction to this we are told by the same Matthew that corrupt fruits are equally important to the church. “Either make the tree good and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt; for the tree is known by his fruit.” (Matt. 12:33.) This is sufficient digression to illustrate that the Christian scheme is aware of the natural philosophies of life and have made use of them for selfish personal ends, making of man a mere machine and plaything, and the greater humanity a mere plastic mass. | It is apparent that man is but the highest branch of the physical animal tree. The bird life of the air symbolizes the leaves of the animal tree. Physically they are the highest in the air, they must rest upon the branches of the trees, nevertheless, they nestle upon the ground and lay their eggs, their physical fruit. Many of them, in imitation of the fruit in the tree, nestle in the branches amidst the leaves and there lay their eggs and hatch their young, which leave the tree as do the natural fruits, symbolizing the evolution of animal life out of vegetation. This has not identified the vibratory fruits of the animal tree. Human thought, properly manifested, is the highest fruit of the animal mentation. This brings us face to face with the fact that we live, move and have our being in the vibratory world which absorbs the fruits of our mentation; hence human thought is the food of Universal mentation. Therefore, instead THE RESURRECTION ABU of the life upon succeeding planets being physical and animal, it is elemental and intellectual. Throughout our work, we find specific evidences that the evolution which seems to guide the development of living matter upon this planet, is but the reflection of a greater evolution which belongs to the whole universal system, and is first reflected into cosmic units, thence into planetary systems and their living products, as physical and mental food. We see each of the elements of which our planet is com- posed, liquid, solid, gaseous and vibratory, producing its own life and adjusting it to respiration, and to forms which previ- ously have been suggested. Therefore, we may safely conclude that respiration controls evolution by adjusting it to the elements. It may seem inconsistent to believe that, a single planetary unit in the whole planetary system, as our planet represents, should be the sole producer of organic life. There must be some kind of differentiated life on some of the other planets, but it does not follow, in fact it is impossible, that living matter on the other planets of this system should resemble in the remotest de- gree the living matters upon our planet, the earth, as we name it. Our physical state is adjusted to our conditions, as the life of other planets is adjusted to their atmospheric and elemental conditions. The atmosphere of each living class is that element in which it resides, hence atmosphere does not necessarily signify only the invisible mechanical element surrounding our earth, which we call air. This gives us our cue. The physical condition of the planet determines the life it produces and the breath it inhales. We know by the progressive evolution of matter that such life must conform to the rule of four. This rule of four in plan- etary processes, manifests in four conditions of matter, vibra- tory, gaseous, solid and fluid. In the formation of planetary systems the rule of four becomes a trinity by uniting the solid and fluid as one dual body and surrounding it with nitrogen and LAN THE RESURRECTION oxygen. Our planet is the manifesting phase of planetary pro- gression. World building, like the creation of living planetary beings, is a reactive process, therefore, the planets themselves represent a process of disintegration corresponding to their distance from their sun, which provides them with the living energy which produces their living beings. Of necessity, as upon our own planet, life upon these other planets must correspond with, and adjust itself to the distribu- tion of the elements of which the planets are composed. It cannot be of the same consistency as that upon our planet. It follows then, that the atmosphere of these other planets must differ from that of our planet, and their productions would correspondingly differ. In the simile between the human system and the planetary system, some remarkable resemblances occur between planets and our own vital organs. The fact that Mars is between the in- ner or terrestrial planets and the major planets, gives it a pecu- liar function, resembling the spleen in our organism, and strange to relate, no definite function has been assigned to either. More- over, attending the spleen are numerous detached bodies which very fitly symbolize the Asteroidal mass between Mars and Jupiter. The spleen symbolizing Mars, stands between the stom- ach as the earth, and the liver as Jupiter. We shall reserve our own definite opinion regarding these apparently far-fetched resemblances, for they require tedious research to corroborate them. Nevertheless, we are, in our own mind convinced that they are intended to reveal abstruse truths regarding the correspondence between planets. Let us now continue our speculatiom concerning the plane- tary life, that we may make our comparison with man. It is evident from previous demonstrations, that our planet, with its living productions culminating in man as the full reve- lation, is the third phase of planetary development, and its products are simply the reflection of the living systems of the planets which have themselves evoluted into higher planes from this same phase. The prevailing planes in which life has mani- THE RESURRECTION 213 fested on our planet are the water, earth and air, the fluid, solid and gaseous. Man, the highest evoluted being on our planet, can draw from the vibratory, but his powers of radiation ap- parently do not extend beyond his own atmosphere, hence, inter- stellar communication is not fully realized, although the fact of visibility evidences that nature intended to cultivate the animal mind to full universal contact. From intuitive reasoning man gathers from himself and his surroundings evidence which seems to suggest influences which reveal the natures of the planets directly preceding his earth—Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Our diagrams of the planetary process very conclusively show that Mars is closely allied with the earth, symbolizing the spiral ending of the inner process. This suggests that Mars is the water planet, the hydrogen spiral symbolizing moisture. This demonstrates that which we have previously urged, that every developing system must follow the series of waves orig- inally set by the unfoldment of the atoms, representing the transfer of living energy from a potential state to an active state in a spiral body. From this point living processes are reactive; hence, as we have illustrated by the tree, the heads of the creative waves reverse and point toward the center. The process of expansion beginning at this point is influenced by oxygen, the expansive element, therefore it signifies the begin- ning of a disintegrating process, which immediately eliminates all possibility of the presence of organic life upon the major planets. The elements and forces are destructive and not con- structive. Again the tree becomes the living symbol; it begins to expand and subdivide from the time it is pushed from the earth until its powers of growth become exhausted by natural limitation. This same law governs the physical growth of man; he, too, is physically subdivided until he reaches the limit of his functions and his growth ceases. Now we find this law operating on a tremendous scale in the development of the planetary system. Mars is the spiral phase of the inner system and from this point the reactive process begins, hence we find the major pianets becoming more expanded and less dense in character as they 214 THE RESURRECTION recede from the central system. It is at Mars also we find the point of conflict between the external pressure and internal re- sistance, as symbolized by the opposing heads of the creative waves. Did not nature provide against it the external pressure would crush the life out of the inner system and prevent natural evolution. The Asteroids are diverted from the spiral process and into an orbital path for the purpose of turning the direct rays of external pressure, thus preventing the assimilation by the outer system of the carbonaceous elements with which to construct a self-sustaining, physical body, and arrogating to it- self the powers of the original inner system, which would pre- vent the perfecting of the four minor planets. In fact, this very act makes the outer and inner system one body, with the Asteroids the bone thereof. When we refer to man as the image of this greater being, we shall reveal that the outer portion of this great being is truly his flesh and muscles, surrounding this bone exactly as flesh and muscle cover the bones of man. With- in the Asteroidal body are the digestive organs of the system. Now, we may understand that the Asteroids are but the elimination of carbon before it can enter into the construction of the outer tissues, hence it is the ash of the inner chemical combustion, being cast out after having performed its function of digestion. We may know by this process that the bones of our own bodies are made from within, and are the products of chemical, digestive processes. We have revealed another wonderful truth; the heat of this system is not wholly derived from the central sun. There is a vast difference between the heat of chemical action and the heat of fire. While it is true that all heat is due to degrees of oxidation, one form is positive and the other negative, the one expansive and the other conserving. At the point where the outer waves meet the heads of the inner waves, the conflict of external pressure and internal re- sistance begins, and a new form of heat is created, this is life, which quickly seeks a material body into which to take refuge and reestablish a state of neutrality, peace and balance. This THE RESURRECTION 215 reaction creates living bodies at the point of least resistance, where the four primary atoms of matter may reveal their hidden forces and principles in a state of differentiated balance. It becomes now but a simple problem in chemistry to prove that, that point is focused upon this planet and none other. The life upon this planet is the true revelation of the creative process. There is a physical evolution of the planets as a greater living system, involving gestation, birth, childhood, adolescence, manhood, decline, old age and death. Each of these periods is punctuated by a planet in the great spiral. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. We illustrate the process of expansive development in our Universal system of valence. An image of this procession is reflected back to our planet, suggesting and influencing the forms and natures of its living products. Mercury and Venus are undeveloped; the Earth has come into the life period; Mars approaches the period of expansion; Jupiter has arrived at the limit. of physical growth, and Saturn has attained to physical and mental perfection. Uranus and Neptune have passed on into the period when they can no longer contribute strength to the system. Mars has a direct attachment to the Earth by virtue of hydrogen and reflects suggestions for vegetation, and probably, the animals of the waters. Jupiter, having previously occupied the same position now held by the Earth, reverses its wave and becomes the physical instructor to the animal life upon the Earth, suggesting external, physical development, and forms, to best perform their external functions. Saturn, having also previously occupied the same position and evoluted through the physical, becomes the mental or spir- itual instructor to the earthy beings. The Earth, upon receiving these suggestions, and putting them into practical revelation, reflects them back to the forma- tive planets, thereby generating a desire and aspiration for greater development. 216 THE RESURRECTION Here is a natural system whereby the older, and more ex- perienced, teaches the younger. It is the oldest law in nature, the parent suckling and fostering the young. The Earth is the point of completion of the rising inflec- tion, therefore, it reveals the four conditions of matter—solid, fluid, gaseous and vibratory, in one combined body. From this point it is a process of physical disintegration, due to one cause, and one reason, the cause being the natural progression of ele- ments toward the attenuated states and the consequent lack of cohesion, and the reason being the necessity for light, that the body may retain an intelligent contact with the system which produces it. It has ai logical place in the creative act, and light is essen- tial to its conscious existence. It desires not to die and cease to function in the system before its time. We have an example in our own body. If one vital organ dies the whole body dies. Therefore, we may understand that as long as these planets function they must have some condi- tion of life. This life need not be differentiated like life upon our planet. If the planetary bodies trend towards a higher state, as intimated by their tendency towards the more attenuated state, we may expect the planetary life to be more ethereal, therefore, the life is traveling toward universalism, hence has nothing in common with our physical manifestations, which are external to the main progression. We draw the conclusion that Jupiter is a gaseous body, the outer portion of which is a swirling, cyclonic mass of gas, cast out from a spiral center. What is this gas? It is not burning, although the product of a chemical decomposition and combustion. Jupiter is digest- ing its own carbon body to maintain its planetary contact. Our atmosphere must of necessity tend towards the condi- tions which influence the disintegration of the preceding planets. It consists of nitrogen and oxygen, the nitrogen prevailing. We believe, therefore, that the atmosphere of Jupiter should be of ——— THE RESURRECTION ZVI the character of the exhalation of animal life upon our planet, and that is carbon dioxide. Let us examine carbon dioxide. It may become something greater than the mere breath of vegetation. Carbon dioxide is a product of the complete oxidation of carbon, or of any substance containing carbon. This is import- ant, for it releases elements for new combinations. Carbon dioxide is discharged into the atmosphere on our planet by volcanoes, proving that it seeks to expand into the open. It is a suffocating gas. Under pressure, and diminished temperature, it is a very volatile liquid, which solidifies at —90° (—130° F.) Gaseous carbon dioxide will neither burn nor support combustion, or animal life. So important is it that COs should not accumulate in our atmosphere, it is at once absorbed by vegetation, under the influ- ence of sunlight, to be decomposed. The reason for this is, it causes immediate death to animal life, therefore the destruction of our great forests may result in grave chemical consequences. If, then, the associated atmosphere of Jupiter is carbon dioxide, the planet cannot support animal life on its immediate surface. If so, how does it produce life with its extraordinary surface conditions? (listribution {Arterial blood} Circulation Solid (Venous blood § The formative system. Fluid { Chyle Assimilation @ elimination ak | Lymph §The equalizing system. The Organic man. Vibratory eases face) Thought sensation Gaseous Rea sie Sue RxD action 335595532227, execution Solid oun ieee TE j (Stomach and Liver$ Fluid Fae ee ae: ae Elimination © Reproduction The vital organs are all located in hermetically sealed cavi- ties, and all are invisible to the ordinary use of the eye; hence they are the invisible man. The Physical man. Read from the spiral upward. NUE aieh coe Sensation gr of gratification Gaseous ns | Acquisition Rese possession Solid purines | Pursuit Approach Fluid j Pelvic | | Reproductives j Desire © covet THE RESURRECTION 225; The Earthy man. Flesh Bee ate Contact Impact Muscle Raden A {Action Motion Bone | O hear eS fs t Repose Rest Marrow Nate Reaction © Recuperation This is truly a revelation. This persistent duality, fitting perfectly the scheme of wave continuity, must mean something of vast importance, for this being, in so far as we may yet deter- mine, is the last of nature’s living creations to appear upon this planet. His manifest adjustment to the primary creative laws, must signify the purpose of revealing the invisible processes of nature. A careful study of the tissues and organs which have been so delicately evolved out of the primary protoplasmic unit, not only will reveal a definitely apportioned division of labor, but amazingly portrays the origin of impulse and the purpose of each branch of labor. . How perfectly do these arrangements fit to our original four states of physical being. The transmission of impulse over the cold vibratory nerves. The transmission of our breath by gaseous respiration. The distribution of the solid constructive and nourishing elements by the circulation of the blood. The transmission of the waste elements by the fluid for elimination. It is plain that the brain requires nitrogen, the lungs oxygen, the stomach carbon, and the kidneys hydrogen, to enable these central organs to perform their necessary functions. It is equally plain that we extract these primary necessities from the air we breathe, and our food and drink, therefore, to procure this food, nature has provided the external sense or- gans to observe and locate the substances which we require for 226 THE RESURRECTION food, and with hands to acquire them after our body has been brought to them by the use of our feet and legs. We observe a very important thing in this process of desire, pursuit, possession and gratification, and that is that, physical desire originates in the reproductive parts, proving, conclusively that the process is only intended to restore waste until the cycle is completed, for each composite body is sooner or later pushed out of the system as a dead excrement, as having fulfilled its functions, exactly as the cells of the vascular dermis become © the coarser, more sluggish cells of the non-vascicular epidermis, and finally appear upon the surface of the skin as dead, horny shells to be excreted and disintegrated into primary elements. Examine the chapter on elemental evolution for a more elabor- ate exposition of this scheme. The difficulties of executing all of these animal functions are naturally to be encountered in the material body, in which are found physical action and reaction, usually arising from external conflict. ‘All differences arise from the conflict for supremacy over material bodies by the original four primary atomic principles, cold, warm, dry and motst. Thus we are specifically reminded that, the life of the or- ganic body is predetermined, and limited, before the body is formed. We previously referred to the foetal evolution of the human brain as evidence of his animal supremacy. We adopt this from Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation (Harper).a remarkable revelation concerning the evo- lution of the foetal human brain, to evidence the foregoing. First month it resembles that of an avertebrated animal; Second month, that of a fish; Third month, that of a turtle; Fourth month, that of a bird; Fifth month, that of a rodent; Sixth month, that of a ruminant; Seventh month, that of a digitigrade animal; Eighth month, that of the quadrumana; Ninth month, attains full human character. THE RESURRECTION 227 Here nature has provided indisputable evidence of the pre- meditated evolution and, that in the bimana (man) it reveals an epitome of the whole previous works, for each step in this evolution is a well defined step in previous animal creations. Now, we should like to know how those who dispute a progressive animal evolution are going to reconcile their views with these startling truths, for this applies to more animals than man alone. At certain stages, it is practically impossible to dis- tinguish between developing foetal bodies of several different animals, including the human, and all living substance originates in the same protoplasm. This eliminates from serious consideration the absurd story of the creation of Adam in Genesis. But, that is another story, which we shall tell in another place. Although taught literally, it is but figurative fiction and romance. One of the most interesting lessons we have found is con- cealed in the foot-prints of man. It will be remembered that we said that, under certain conditions, the nitrogen and oxygen waves attain their progression by sheathing the straight carbon line, to form contact with the hydrogen spiral, which symbolizes recuperation. It reveals the process by which negative and positive elec- tricity passes over a conductor. ee coe © Only bipeds can make the following record of consecutive or progressive motion in the act of walking. This definitely records both physical and mental action. The straight line represents the exhaustion of expended energy. 228 THE RESURRECTION The vertical waves represent will. The alternating, lateral waves registered by the foot prints represent the active energy. The spiral represents rest, the end of the journey, the point of recuperation. This is more than a coincidence. In the process of walking man. actually executes and reveals the primary waves of matter in progressive motion, thessame waves made by the formation of atoms. The most lasting impression is made by the wave of oxygen, as recorded by the impressions, hence the tracks or foot prints in the process of walking may well be the ash of this cea operation. e446 The up and down motion of the feet. The lateral motion revealed by the tracks. zx> ‘The straight line of progression and exhaustion © The point of rest and recuperation. The first leaves no record; the second leaves a record in the tracks, revealing a physical act; the third reveals a condi- tion of exhaustive exercise, by recording the distance traveled, and the fourth reveals the rest and recuperation after the ex- penditure of physical energy in the transfer of a material body from one point to another, involving: energy, time and distance. The first momentarily perishes as having performed a spe- cific function; the second fades more slowly; the third is a permanent fact, and the fourth merely restores the expended energy in the body by respiration, which the spiral symbolizes. The same thing occurs in walking in a circle. The up-and- down motion and the lateral motion is circular instead of follow- ing a straight line, and is limited to the circumference of the circle, whereas, the straight line is limited to will and physical endurance, for the circle is endless and does not terminate in the spiral. This reveals the two eternal phases of motion, the circle and the straight line, both symbolizing infinity, because, were they continued unbroken there would be no ending of progres- sive motion, consequently no evolution of material forms. Will THE RESURRECTION 229 and exhaustion convert the infinite into the finite. This reveals the necessity for death and disintegration of physical bodies, for only matter can execute or assume the attitude of the straight line, because it symbolizes a period or condition of rest after physical exercise. But the circle symbolizes the mental and eternal in the creative cycle. Death and disintegration merely perpetuate the living cycle by converting exhaustion back into the electrical state of substance, from which it was originally evolved. The circle symbolizes time and the straight line dis- tance. It is well to elaborate more the relativity between the human physiology and the planetary system. This is neither astrolatry nor astrology; it is a compari- son of actual known facts concerning two living organisms. In this connection, however, we feel constrained to criticize the modern tendency to belittle the ancient science, astrol- ogy, which was to the ancient astronomer as alchemy was to the ancient chemist. They both signified the science of their respective subjects. They are the parents of the subsequent astronomy and chemistry. Had they not existed we would be centuries behind in both of these sciences. Considering the period and the inconveniences, astronomy and chemistry con- tain no fewer errors than their ancient prototypes. It is not so far back to the middle centuries, when astrology and al- chemy thrived. Judicial astrology was the basis of the Chris- tian prophecy regarding nations and individuals. Natural as- trology was as correct in prognosticating events concerning the changes of weather as are our modern weather bureaus. There are as great absurdities in modern chemistry, in regard to the medicinal values of plants, as any betrayed in alchemy. It is the underlying principles involved which most concern us. Where astrology, derived from the Greek Astron, star, and logos, word, signifies practically the language of the stars, modern astronomy, derived from the Greek Astron, star, and nomos, a law, attempts to define the laws of the stars. There is no difference between these. 230 THE RESURRECTION Right here we are uncovering some of the petrified tracks of Ecclesiasticism. Nomos in the Greek means law. No means place. Mo means water. Mo-ses was the law giver. Waters mean ordinances, laws. Why should these things fall so closely together ? Because they refer to the stars. Astron means star. The principal female deity of the Phoenicians was Ashtor- eth, meaning star. This is the /shtar of the Assyrians, and Astarte of the Greeks and Romans, and Esther of the old tes- tament. Solomon introduced her worship (star-worship) into his kingdom, Judges 2:13; I Kings 11:5-33, and II Kings 23:13. Ashtoreth is also the goddess of the Zidonians (I Kings 11:5.) Sol means the sun. Omon is Amen, the sun-god worshipped at ancient Thebes in Egypt. Zidon means hunting and fishing, hence the Zidonians sig- nify savage tribes, which in different degrees worshipped the stars. ; But this is sufficient. If we discard astrology, we must discard Christianity founded upon the sciences perfected by Gnosticism. What we desire to impress 1s, that instead of extending the underlying principles of astrology into the great educational institution contemplated by the Gnostics, Christianity attempted to destroy Gnotsicism in order to suppress the truths of ancient astronomy and chemistry, because they revealed to man that he was a perfect reflection of the planetary system, which con- stituted every animal upon earth on embryonic god, and every man a perfected god, basing this upon the Bible itself. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” (Gen. 13:27) Image means likeness, picture, representation, effigy. THE RESURRECTION 231 Man is a physical being, therefore, he is a visible thing. Of necessity, we may only recognize him as an image of some other physical being by his contour and material form. This reveals god as a physical being. The word god signifies noth- ing in this comparison, for god is simply a word coined out of the root word good, to identify the highest creative power and attribute to its processes only that which is good for the things created. The Christian personification of this power is merely an attempt to usurp nature and establilsh a self-constituted power and authority over worldly things. Hence we are told that: “The kingdom of god comes with power.” (Mark 9:1.) This brings us to the point that man is an important being, for only through him may this kingdom be established, and by his form and personality we recognize him as the image of god himself. We do not hesitate to declare that he reflects the physical attributes of the planetary system which produces him. We have already explained a psychic resemblance of man to the planets. We previously have attempted to adjust him more intimately to the planetary development. The first resemblance divides man into the four primary parts manifesting principles. The head symbolizes the moon principle. The thorax symbolizes the sun principle. The abdominal and pelvic region symbolizes the dual earth and sea. This makes the head the seat of will, the thorax the seat of circulation, the abdomen the seat of production, and the pelvic region the seat of reproduction. The greatest manifestation of thought and reflective power is in the brain, located in the head, and it is a remarkable fact that everything we assimilate as mental and physical food first passes to the head and is afterwards reflected to the body for its functional distribution, spiritual things for the mind; breath for the lungs, and solid and fluid things to the stomach, there to be emulsified by a spiral or rotary motion to be digested and Zon Tue RESURRECTION converted into pabulum for the nourishment of the flesh, mus- cles, bone and marrow, which constitute the outer body, the physical manifestation of the four primary principles in nature. Thus we are reminded that the mental process precedes the physical. Desire, pursuit, possession, digestion and assimila- tion all precede the building of solid tissues, therefore, the outer physical body is the ash of this process. The inner or psychic man builds the outer or physical man, and this outer being is merely the development of tentacles for the protection and the support of the psychic being. It sees, hears, smells, tastes and feels for the one object, to serve the mental power which dictates its every act. The proof of this is found in the fact that, with the destruction of each of these senses or facul- ties we are limited in our living and productive capacity to that extent. It is the processes of the abdominal and pelvic region which supply the materials for the construction of the bodily tissues, and eliminate the waste products of chemical combustion, the heart and the blood circulation, distribute these elements to the tissues which they nourish. The brain and nerves give mental guidance for all these acts. This is the foundation for our comparison of physical and organic man with our planetary man. The sun is the seat of circulation and elemental distribu- tion, its powerful, direct rays penetrating to the utmost limits of its orbital body. The moon principle reflects the guiding mentation giving consistency, form, direction and purpose to the process. ‘The meaning of the word moon is measurer. The dual planet actually constructs the physical body. Each of these principles manifests externally, symbols of its functions and attempts to reveal its ancestry, or the source of its control. In the human body the brain, the heart, the stomach and the reproductives are the vital centers. We have demonstrated in our planetary diagram that the THE RESURRECTION LES inner planets contribute towards the construction of the physical system, and the major planets procure and supply the materials or elements. If this is true, these outer planets will manifest external physical symbols. This is evidence of the origin of the Christian idea taken from the Gnostic system, for we are going to show that Jupiter reveals but five moons and Saturn eight moons, whereas modern astronomy gives to Jupiter nine moons, and to Saturn ten moons. We have worked out our scheme on the old theory and we are more than satisfied, with the results. Jupiter symbolizes the physical man, and Saturn the men- tal or psychic man. Saturn wills, Jupiter supplies the ENE and the internal, organic man, executes. Jupiter is symbolized by the arms and legs, hands and feet, as the physical agent. Let us analyze one of these symbols, an arm and hand. Out of the socket of the scapula is developed the humerus, a single bone; this symbolizes the first moon, as cast off by the earth, the whole skeleton symbolizing the earthy man. Out of the end of the humerus spring two bones, the ulna and the radius, the ends of which are concave, symbolizing the two moons of Mars. The carpus is a mass of small bones symbolizing the Aster- oids between Mars and Jupiter. The five fingers, counting, the thumb as a finger, symbolize the five moons of Jupiter, more specifically manifested by the five fingernails, with a crescent at the root of each. We have said that Jupiter, as representing the muscular man supplies the materials for the construction of the tissues. Is it not a fact, that were we deprived of arms and hands, and legs and feet, we would be unable to procure substantial food? If this is true of Jupiter, Saturn should prove to be a much more important factor. Our planetary diagram shows Saturn as having passed to the period of mental perfection. The head, symbolizing the planet Saturn, also is external to the body. The fact that every- thing which enters the body is first passed to the head, to be 234 THE RESURRECTION examined, classified, masticated and partially digested before it is permitted to pass into the body, proves beyond doubt that the seat of mentation and discrimination is in the head. The external sense organs reveal the eight moons of Saturn—two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, the mouth and the spiral axis. Here is an amazing revelation. If we are deprived of any of these senses, we are mentally weakened to that extent. If we are deprived of all, we can no longer give mental impulse and guidance to sustain our physical being, hence we die. Here, truly is the seat of mentation. We need not attempt to analyze Uranus and Neptune. The ancients knew nothing about them. We are certain, how- ever, they have to do with old age and death. They are excre- ments of the great system. Now let the astronomers turn their wits to the study of Jupiter and Saturn. Our physical body will reveal many un- known things concerning them, their functions in the system and their influences upon products here upon our planet. Our bodies are living symbols of this planetary scheme. The organic system, representing the great spiral process, and the outer body the supporting orbital system. The spiral process especially signifies digestion and circu- lation. The alimental system carries the solids. The circulatory blood carries the chemical products. The lymphatics carry the excess fluids. The nerves carry the mental impulse. This proves our previous explanation that solids, fluids and gases must be carried in vascular or tubular retainers, while the vibratory transmission is from unit to unit, and not by a flowing of the whole content. The seat of digestion is the stomach, and involves the solid and fluid, being supplied with solid and fluid elements for chem- ical digestion. The seat of circulation is the heart, which energizes and distributes the products of digestion, therefore it represents the gaseous. THe RESURRECTION 235 The seat of respiration is in the lower brain, the spinal and sympathetic nervous systems being the distributing systems for mentation to the body. The pneumogastric nerve controls res- piration. The seat of reflected mentation is in the greater brain, which receives through the external sense organs vibratory nourish- ment from external sources. Now we have before us a beautiful exemplification of the planetary system as a, greater living being. The planets are his organs, and the orbital rings are his supporting body. It is principles which are involved in this greater process, for forms are adjusted to necessity and environment. The two great principles, easily discerned, are those of di- gestion and distribution of elements for the physical develop- ment, and the elimination of waste, and the principles which control mentation, the fruit of the system. The sun principle is the first and the moon principle is the latter; hence, we know that the physical is nourished by spiral motion and radiation, and the mental is nourished by orbital mo- tion and reflection. The sun principle is in the heart. The moon principle is in the brain. This is why we find each of the great- er organs provided with a satellite helpmeet—the body and the head ; the heart and the lungs; the stomach and the liver, and many others. In fact there is a common duality running through the whole system. It is evident that, in every living system, both the physical and the mental nourishment is derived from without the body, and mentation is from within. In the planetary system the spiral represents the digestive process, and the orbital fields the physical result. Special adaptation of physical parts so link together man and the lower animals, it is foolish to insist that man is some sort of special dispensation in nature. In man, as in the lower animals, rudimentary evidences of physical changes to meet new conditions are the same. The eyeless fishes, found in places where eyes are not needed, because of the absence of light to develop and exercise vision, reveal rudimentary eyes. 236 . THE RESURRECTION There is a perfect resemblance and correspondence to the various parts of the skeleton of man found in fishes, reptiles, birds and quadrupeds—in the wing of the bat and the bones of the human arm, for instance, Thus nature preserves her general plan of construction even where the parts are not needed. Variations are but pro- visions for some specific ends which require the change. The universal dynamical laws are unchangeable, but nature has the power to direct these laws in physical manifestations to meet some obvious end and purpose. Science is supposed to have been built up by an inviolable code of inductive reasoning, but natural analogies must not be ignored or even belittled. Moreover, any attempt to couple true science with Christian fiction only hurts science, for fiction very often is mistaken for truth. PRE OS Pe aGNOS TIC ORIGIN OF THE CHRISTIAN IDEA (The unfolding of nature reveals the evolution of man.) Our definition of the universe includes all, the infinite— one being, composed of many differentiated units and parts. It is almost painful to think there is no limit to living systems. Through endless ages they form, disintegrate and reform, like the monotonous grinding of a never-ceasing mechanical motion. Yet, this is palliated by the belief that, the greater units of the infinite system are identical in their nature, and that it is pos- sible to know all by an analysis of one perfected unit. There- fore the mind need not extend into limitless realms to know all. Nature wisely focuses her revealing rays to bring into visible and understandable range the invisible secrets of the infinite. This universal limitation of units alone makes possible the in- finite. Without the finite there could be no conception of the infinite. The puny, inconsistent character of the Ecclesiastical pre- tense comes home to us, when we take up the study of the Gnos- tic cosmography—the science of the universe as a whole. We may readily understand why they chose to make of a single ter- tiary part of the great universal system the “beginning.” The absurdity of attempting to establish a human monopoly of mediumship between a single planet and the infinite, should have forbade such an enterprise, did they realize the nature of the universe. Nevertheless, Gnostic philosophy practically demonstrates the possibility of establishing universal mental contact through available universal units having a thought in common. The sense of being truly is the fourth estate, and through this sense universal mentation is possible. 238 THE RESURRECTION It is the wonderful system of valence, acting as a vital medium, which binds together all of the universal parts and reveals their natural attitudes, positions and functions, which makes the revelation possible. In the last analysis all matter resolves back into the electric pabulum, completing a cycle. Planetary systems are the solid fruits of the cosmic pro- cesses. In the evolution of worlds we have seen this valence system adjusting the combining powers of elements to intelli- gently construct the greater manifestation of mind in matter. An outer body is formed to protect the inner or organic system from disruption by external assault or shock, exactly as our external bodies are formed to protect and support our vital or- gans within. It is these organs which perform the functions which bind us to the universal scheme. This is mind manifesting in matter. “And the word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” (Jno. 1:14.) ) This merely personifies the universal mind in the living tissues of physical being, intelligent matter, capable of express- ing its form, purpose, and functions in the economy of nature, as the eye, ear and hand reveal their usefulness to the whole body. The following diagrams illustrate the manner by which the great cosmic systems are bound together by the external rule of four, and are controlled by the system of valence. This is one of the greater cosmic units. The universal story is like a vivid romance. We have previously said that, the creation of our planetary system, and doubtless an infinite number of similar systems, manifests in a spiral as the bodies which become our planets are evolved out of a great, central, nebulous vortex. It is, in fact, a process of controlled elimination—a greater chemical act in a body follow- ing absolute laws established by previous steps in cosmic evolu- tion. } As each body is cast out, it presses forward the whole previous system one wave in the progression, until eight planets THE RESURRECTION 239 are born. All of these planets are bound by attraction to the parent, central body. They pass through a definite unfoldment of gestation, birth, childhood, adolescence, old age, senility; death and disintegration, all of which are reflected back to each planet as it takes the position which our planet now occupies. It is at this point that revelation occurs. Upon arriving at mental and physical maturity, which is the sixth position in the planetary procession, the planets pass out of the direct influence of the central sun and assume posi- tions in a common orbit in which they exercise new functions to perfect the greater planetary unit, assuming an orbital ex- ternal ring about the system. It must be observed that the planets are the solid fruits of the central sun; the moons are the solid fruits of the planets. Diazram No, ol 240 THE RESURRECTION The stars are ganglionic centers of recuperation for the systems. That is, they are centers of light and energy reflected from the bodies of the external planets. They are also suns and bodies belonging to other systems similar to our own. This diagram represents the development of the planets and their moons. The elemental source of the planets and the plane through which they evolute is a field of helium, atomic weight 4. Jupiter marks the point where physical growth cul- minates, and physical decline begins. Saturn represents the culmination of mental development. One by one the planets pass to the peripheral orbit to be- come secondary systems. The order of this progression is as follows : Mercury, solid; Venus, semi-solid; Earth, solid and fluid; Mars, fluid; Jupiter, gaseous ; Saturn, vibratory; Uranus, solid; Neptune, nebulous. From the earthy period they all exercise axial motion, which holds the great spiral intact. On the periphery, billions of miles from the original center, these bodies reproduce secondary, and tertiary systems, the ter- tiary being stars It is a process of disintegration. The following diagram illustrates the developing process by which the eight planets are perfected and equalized after all have reached the periphery and assumed orbital motion. ; From our observation we are convinced that the period of vegetation and flesh only extends from the first intimation of primitive, living matter on Venus, to the remnant of physical life upon Mars, the elemental conditions of all the other planets not being consistent with such forms of life. This diagram explains the cause for all the planetary bodies turning in one plane or direction. Moreover, it also illustrates why one side of the visible heaven seems to be more thickly studded with stars. It is a developing system of sun, planets, moons and stars. The fruit of the systems, like all other systems, manifests upon the periphery, hence the stars are but the reproduction of suns, and, in due time they, too, will reproduce planetary THE RESURRECTION 241 © ono @ Ow~-6 ee: ey Ce: te ls Oe Diagram No. 52 systems. ‘The tree comes out of the spiral, and the circle pro- duces the fruit. This is a reminder again, that the sun prin- ciple is physical, masculine and positive, and the moon principle is mental, feminine and negative, and these two are one in the objective purpose. This is all governed, directed and controlled by a perfectly balanced circulatory and nervous system, which gives life, res- piration and nourishment to every part of the body causing it to function and bear fruit. In the following diagram we attempt to demonstrate this theory in a well defined bo Ss bo THE RESURRECTION Universal Nervous and Circulatory System Diagram No, 53 The atomic waves represent the nerves and respiration. The valence units represent the blood circulation. They balance each other and work in perfect unison. In the construction of living, breathing systems there are four ultimate tissues, the flesh, the muscle, the bone and mar- row. In principle these are the same in all bodies. We have an excellent example of it in these universal diagrams. But the ideal example is the animal body. The spiral center represents the marrow or medullated matter; the surrounding circle represents the bones, even the THE RESURRECTION 243 elemental nature of their composition. The field in which ap- pear the vibratory and gaseous elements represent the respira- tory act and the exchange of vital energy in muscular action. The surrounding bodies represent the muscular and fleshy tis- sues. It is well to examine the respiratory act. The vibratory waves between the inner and the outer parts of the system rep- resent respiration, which at once reveals that it distributes elec- trons, the valence units, each complete respiratory unit supplying the equivalent of one atom of oxygen, 16 electrons. This is spirit, and spirit is life. The words respire and spirit are both derived from the Latin resperare, re + spirare, to breathe, lit- erally to rest, recuperate, to respirit. ‘To expire is to despirit the body, to die. From this the Ecclesiasts take their idea of the soul signify- ing a shade, ghost, apparition. The breath is the holy ghost. The respiration is to distribute the vibratory, or primary life or energy equally to all parts of the system and the circu- latory system distributes the basic elements for cell construction and nourishment. These are inseparable. Should one cease the other immediately ceases. The attempt to make of respiration a spirit, and circulation the soul, 1s absurd on its face. The process is merely the combining of the elements from primary sources to provide a store of living pabulum upon which the system may, draw for the energy which it requires in its activi- ties. The circulation simply embodies and holds the products of respiration, oxygen and its chemical products. Circulation becomes the final proof of the cyclic nature of creation. The word circulation simply means the act of moving ina circle or in a course which brings the moving body back to the point from whence it started. We recognize this as the distribu- tion of the arterial blood from the heart, and the return of the venous blood back to the heart. Throughout the body a calcin- ing or hardening process is going on. Chemical combustion is producing carbon in its several forms. The surplus is cast out of the body as carbon dioxide, especially by exhalation. The 244 Tue RESURRECTION bones consist of calcified products of this combustion. The venous blood carries away the waste and the arterial blood re- plenishes the cells with life-giving substance, hence, every living body is a storage battery of reserve energy. Radiated energy especially has to do with the distribution of elements, reflected light measures this energy. We have not clearly defined the reflective functions of the satellite moons, which seem to be essential helpmeets to the sev- eral planets. The moon principle balances the sun principle in nature. This signifies cold and warm, negative and positive. The nega- tive is conserving and reflective, and the positive is expansive and active. They are both born out of the same potential cen- ter, the original potential, universal pabulum, and they develop the balanced potential atom out of which nitrogen, oxygen, car- bon and hydrogen, are consecutively evolved and manifested. It is by the character of these primary atoms that we are en- abled to follow the creative process and demonstrate it as a cycle. They are living entities, and are ever in pursuit of each other in a consecutive set of waves recorded by their motion. It is because of the physical fact that the elements cannot regurgitate back through the convolutions of each other’s waves, that they are compelled to record a complete act. Each of the primary creative waves is born with a forward or positive trend, with the head representing the positive end of the wave and the tail the negative end, hence we find the head of the one al- ways attached to the tail of the preceding wave, on the theory that they are antagonistic and the one attempts to devour the other. The positive trend is bent into a neutral attitude in the hydrogen spiral. In fact, the hydrogen spiral symbolizes diges- tion, hence, out of the spiral we find the reaction of the same waves forced out backwards, we may say, with their heads pointing toward the spiral, yet maintaining the same wave con- tinuity, proving them to be individual entities, which may not pass through each other’s convolutions. It is this reflective set of waves which manifests the mentation of living systems and THE RESURRECTION 245 causes reproduction, therefore, its physical fruit will be globu- lar and orbital, and’ will appear on the periphery of the system. This especially applies to the formation of the satellites called moons, which we observe pursuing their orbits about the several planets. Spiral motion produces planets, and the axial motion of solid bodies produce moons. Nevertheless, the planets may well be regarded as the moons to the central sun, which produces them. In this sense the sun symbolizes the patriarch father in Ecclesiastic similitudes. It is by the manifestation of this system of moons we pro- pose to demonstrate that Saturn is the perfected planet of our system, and that man is a living reproduction of the system. Of necessity, the several planets are of different elements, consequently of different consistency, hence, the moons which they evolve must differ. We shall not here indulge in techni- calities, but shall make a direct assertion of our theory regarding the elemental nature of the moons preceding Saturn, and shall depend upon that planet to vindicate us through our system of creative waves. | Mercury, as symbolizing the new-born planet, is the first reflective body. For reasons explained back in our chapters on planetary chemistry, we believe the external photosphere of Mercury is crystallized hydrogen sulphide (H2S 34). There- fore, the body clinging to the outer portion of Venus, which must become its satellite moon, must be hydrogen sulphide, as also the moon of our own planet. It is plain, then, that these three planets are, practically, composed of similar elements, and these three phases merely reveal the process by which the potential planet is awakened and prepared to manifest life upon its surface. This is the positive or forward motion, culminating in Mars as the hydrogen spiral. What then is the nature of the two moons of Mars? Mars represents the point where reaction sets in, and we shall find that it is true, reaction is equal to action, and this is a law of conservation, action is the rising inflection and reaction the falling inflection of the same act, and they culminate in a 246 THE RESURRECTION neutral or balanced fruit. Physical expansion begins with Mars, hence her moons must reflect to our planet the new forces to influence this expansive nature in the living matter upon its sur- face. We have previously seen by our planetary diagrams that Mars occupies the hydrogen orbital zone. We must therefore conclude that this element is the fruit, yielded by Mars, a body of hydrogen monoxide (HO 18) [water], ranging in consis- tency from vapor to ice, which forms at 2 aaue We may now easily determine the nature of the two moons of Mars and the process by which they are cast off the planet. Mars is very closely akin to our planet, because the solid and fluid cling together. The original carbon straight line coils into the hydrogen spiral. Thus we see our planet, which is the densest body in this system, merging its influences with the moist influence of Mars. The physical body! merging toward disinte- gration with new chemical elements resulting. Mars turns upon its axis in 24 hours and 37 minutes, prac- tically the same as our earth. This holds its fluid body in bal- ance with our earth. Its seasons resemble those of our earth, except in being nearly twice as long, for the Martian year is of 687 days. We may readily see that, great quantities of ice pile up at the poles of Mars. The force of gravity is much less on Mars than on our planet. The result was inevitable, two moons were born from the two poles, and there can be no ques- tion as to the composition of these two moons. They are frozen hydrogen monoxide—water. The moons of Mars are pure ice. The vapor of water is colorless and transparent, hence the surface of Mars seems to have no atmosphere, making an exam- ination quite plain. Hydrogen is released into the orbit of Mars by the decom- position of water. In a normal temperature hydrogen and oxy- gen will remain free, but will immediately unite with a change of a single degree in temperature. It seems clear that this free- dom is only intended to supply a reservoir of these all-important elements for immediate use, exactly as the reservoir of ozone about our own planet supplies us with oxygen. THE RESURRECTION 247 As the earth approaches the period of Mars, it, too, is prepared to give birth to two caps or moons of ice from its poles. As disintegration of the physical bodies of these inner planets progresses, the Asteroidal orbit is constructed to pre- vent regurgitation, and to give a supporting tissue to the greater body, that the internal and external pressure may be neutralized. We have previously attempted to explain that Jupiter repre- sents the gaseous period of expansion following the fluid. Its whole structure seems to be gaseous. As we have said, we be- lieve its moons are crystallized carbon dioxide (CO: 44) reflect- ing back to our orbit, through the orbit of Mars the elements essential to the physical development of the life upon our planet. Thus, it is seen that, in the disintegration of solid bodies, following the period of their construction, the atoms fall back into their native gravitational positions, or form useful combina- tions for the conservation of the integrity of the system during its formative period. Now we must consider a much more important phase of this theme. Where we have been dealing almost exclusively with its physical aspect, we must now cautiously approach the mental. A mind must be guiding, directing and controlling a system so logically and manifestly intelligent in its operations. Saturn is the perfection of the system, as an organ in the planetary body. It represents the head, the seat of mentation, the source of original thought, the seat of will. Where the central sun supplies the energy to digest and distribute elements, and the several formative planets each executes its constructive function by both action and reaction. All of these are assembled in Saturn, to be examined and scrutinized before distribution can occur; hence, like the process which carries all of the ele- ments which stimulate and nourish our own bodies, we must recognize Saturn as the head and brain of the planetary system. We have previously discussed the composition of Saturn. We shall now attempt to demonstrate that the physical nature of Saturn reveals the plan of universal mentation as a cycle. We have repeatedly declared that the primary motions of matter 248 THE RESURRECTION record a cyclic progression which seeks to unite.all the creative waves in a state of potential reserve. These nine phases complete the cycle —action and reaction balanced. Positive side Balance Negative side Seeing Hearing @ Smelting Tasting Diagram No. 54 This is the nature of Saturn absorbed into our own physi- cal structures. It explains why our eyes, ears and nostrils are dual, and why the normal human being is “right handed.” To be a self-contained being he must be of a dual nature, to bal- ance the positive with the negative and give him axial motion which releases him from external control. Saturn is a self- sustained body. We have previously said that, in the progressive develop- ment of planets their waves reveal the expenditure of the energy allotted to each. By the waves allotted to Saturn we found that it had expended 85 units. By an examination of the THE RESURRECTION 249 foregoing diagram we find two nitrogen waves equal 28; two oxygen waves equal 32, and two carbon waves equal 24, and one hydrogen spiral 1, totaling 85. These units come out of and re-enter a potential globe, performing a cycle. This is equivalent to the afferent and efferent nervous process in our body. Moreover this potential globe has a value of 43, which plus 85 equals 128. Xenon, the fifth inert gas in the valence list. These forces can only reach our atmosphere in an un- broken wave continuity. Mars supplies the hydrogen spiral, the Asteroids the carbon, Jupiter the oxygen, and Saturn the nitrogen, each reflecting its respective wave from the surface of its moons in order to not form direct contact between the planets, thereby creating new systems independent of the nor- mal progression. We are laying down no new rules to govern chemical or astronomical study. We are simply making known our gen- eral line of research with the conclusions which seem to be logical. Those who are more experienced in these studies may consider our deductions inconsistent, nevertheless it will be difficult to explain the persistent continuities running through our work and we invite scientific minds to examine these for anything which they may find useful in scientific research. Weare neither egotistical nor stubbornly prejudiced in favor of our own views. aR OX DIVINE PLAGIARISM (The display of pilfered property often exposes the culprit.) Throughout our work we have declared that gnosticism was the basis of Christianity, although we doubt if much of the secret gnostic wisdom was permitted to come out of the ec- clesiastical refrigerator. It is evident from the utterances of the Christ character, to his alleged apostles, that, the system was divided into three separate parts, the inner circle of the priesthood, the working disciples, and the masses of people—the will, the execution and the object of Christianity. 1. The alleged Christ taught to the apostles the interpre- tation of the “inner mystery,’ and put into their mouths the parables which they were to teach to the people. He who was wise enough to understand these parables, fables and allegories went higher, following the system of the old philosophers. 2. The alleged apostles taught to the disciples that which was to be revealed to the untutored masses. Let us examine the evidence. Christ said to his apostles: “Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; and hid that shall not be known.” (Matt. 10:26.) “And the disciples came, and said unto him, why speakest thou unto them in parables? “He answered and said unto them, because it 1s given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it 1s not given. “Therefore speak I to them in parables; because they see- 250 THE RESURRECTION OL ing see not; and hearing they hear not; neither do they under- stand.” (Matt. 13:11-13.) This makes it quite clear that the apostles and disciples were entirely different elements in the work. The disciples not fully understanding the apostolic instructions, they sought first hand information from Christ himself, with this answer. It is equally clear that no revelation was to be made to the masses, “those without.” There must have been an urgent reason for this. “Lest at any time they should be converted and their sins should be forgiven them.” (Mark 4:12.) This should make it plain that conversion and forgiveness of sins were not the primary purposes of the sending out of the apostles and disciples. All the explanation words can form cannot unsay this, and all subsequent history proves it. No Christian revelation has ever been made to humanity and it is not intended there shall be. We declare that the original sin was ignorance, and this refers to the instruction and super-education of the priesthood, and the working agents of ecclesiasticism. The purpose being to build up a super-class to lord it over the producing masses. To prevent self-education, the working organization included schools for the superficial teaching of the masses, which was nothing short of inspired and cultivated ignorance, intolerance, bigotry and superstition. These schools are the churches, mere adjuncts to the main purpose. As a reward for obedience this sop is cast’ to the workers, to fill them with pride, vanity and selfishness. “For whoso hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.” (Matt. 13:12.) We do not hesitate to accuse ecclesiasticism of deliberately premeditating the mental debasement of mankind by this plain confession. Something is going to be secretly taken away from the people. The proposition requires no argument. One thou- sand years (486 to 1495) of abject ignorance and intellectual B52 THE RESURRECTION degradation, the “dark ages,’ prove conclusively that, this horrid plan was put into execution. Moreover, humanity at large never recovered from this state of mental and physical degradation. The high state of learning, science and philosophy long preceding Christianity, sufficiently evidences that, the period of ignorance and intellectual darkness following its introduction was a premeditated suppression of human mental progression and development. There is endless proofs of this found throughout the Bible. Ecclesia is derived from the Greek, meaning a governing or legislative and law making assembly which ruled ancient Athens. . The first ten words in the Bible: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth,” uncovers the most vital secrets of the Christian enterprise. Its secret interpretation reveals an original intent to usurp tem- poral power; seize and reform governments; make new laws, and assume control over mankind. Heaven means Ecclesiastical government. Earth means productive mankind. Law means authority, with power to forbid or license every human act, and guide the physical, mental and moral develop- ment of the human race. This has smothered humanity in criminal laws. God means the supreme head of this worldly organization for the exploitation of humanity. God is an abbreviation of the word good—an anomalous personification, because good is a relative term. “There is none good but one, that is God.” (Matt. 19:17.) “The kingdom of God comes with power.” (Mark 9:1.) Power means authority. The meanest theory ever conceived in a human mind is here exposed. The word world, as used in the Bible, signifies humanity at large. “The law maketh all the world guilty.” (Rom. 3:20.) THE RESURRECTION 253 “T had not known sin except by the law.” (Rom. 7:7.) “The law worketh wrath: for where no law is there is no transgression.” (Rom. 4:15.) “For without the law sin was dead.” (Rom. 7:8.) “TI will punish the world for their evil.” (Is. 13:11.) “The friendship of the world is enmity with God.” (James 4:4.) “The world is crucified by Jesus Christ.” (Gal. 6:14.) This is an amazing confession, that, to correct an original error which accused mankind of inherited sin, without law, a temporal authority is set up to formulate statutory laws by which all mankind is brought into sin that it may be punished. This is the crucifixion of humanity through the alleged Christ. It was not a Christ, but the world, humanity, which was cruci- fied. (Gal. 6:14.) “That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet (Is. 13:11) I will open my mouth in parables. I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.” (Matt. 13:35.) This refers to the first ten words in the Bible. If there is doubt of this, Christ sent the multitudes away, but secretly de- clared that: “The field is the world; the good seed are the chil- dren of the kingdom (the church). The tares are the children of the wicked.” (not of the church) (Matt. 13:38.) This perverted theory that man, the highest evoluted crea- tion in nature, must be submerged in sin and evil, that he may be scourged by authority, is the basis of all statutory law ruling humanity today. It has borne evil fruits far beyond the wildest dreams of the imbecilic minds originally conceiving it, filling the world with law-made crime. Reader, do not get the impression that we are opposed to just and proper laws. The underlying purpose is to provoke men to evil deeds that sin may be made profitable. The greatest commerce in the world today is in the execution of criminal laws. What is the great mystery concealed from all but the chosen few? It must be something of tremendous importance that it has been kept a profound secret for twenty centuries. 254 THE RESURRECTION Ask Ecclesiasticism why it swept the earth to find, seize and destroy all evidences of scientific learning which existed ages before the launching of the Christian enterprise. Ask it why it has been the open enemy to scientific research, and why the persecution of learned men was a part of its pro- gram from the very beginning of its usurped power. Ask it why it is viciously opposed to natural evolution, a principle absolutely essential to give sense to its own preten- sions. Then ask it to reveal the process by which it received from its God the message to negotiate peace with these hated and reviled human tendencies, in recent times. The only answer you will receive will be a silence so elo- quent you may hear it speak. This is its trail, in the dragging down into a common level of stupidity the whole human race. The church is the mother of avarice, greed and monopoly ; it preaches forgiveness and secretly inspires hatred and ven- geance; it preaches charity and takes all it can coerce out of humanity, erecting great and imposing wealth for its own glori- fication, and it 1s the most self-centered and selfish organization ever instituted by men. All grounded upon absurd mystery and superstitious fear of the unknown. Its pious front is but a cheap veneer to conceal endless faults and inconsistent attitudes. We are now going to ruthlessly tear away the “purple veil” of this monstrosity. We are going to reveal this mystery which is nothing but Chemistry, Astronomy and Physiology taught by learned men, whose recorded truths they trampled in the ashes of their burning bodies. The whole Christian scheme is concealed in Genesis, but so adroitly veiled in a confusion of senseless jargon, it only may be interpreted by the initiated. We shall condense the revelation in as small a space as possible. We warn the reader in advance, that as a story, or as his- tory, every word in the old testament is fable, and pure fiction; therefore, when we refer to names or places we merely refer THE RESURRECTION 2D to what is said in this “mass of testimony.” Just stop and think of the great god of nature having to come to his own created earth with his pockets bulging with letters of recom- mendation from an extinct line of fabulous high priests, yet not bearing one credential which will identify him so any human being can understand what he even signifies. “No man hath seen God at any time.” (I Jno. 4:12.) We shall reveal Christ as a well known principle in nature, about which the Ecclesiasts wove their fantastical theme. The original idea was to unite all religions into one, and bring all humanity to a common level, hence the name selected was Cath- olic, derived from the Latin word catholicus, meaning universal or general. This is also the Greek meaning. Thus both Ecclesia, meaning a governing assembly, and Catholic, meaning universal, are the keys to the Christian purpose. Universal Control and Government The religions involved in this community of interest, to control and monopolize both heaven and earth, and all they contain, are easily traceable, because they embraced all the scien- tific learning back to antiquity. It readily may be understood why not one of the important doctrines of the Christian church is original. They are culled from all religions, and all nations. Yet the followers of those previous religions, and the nations not embracing Christianity, are named barbarians and heathens. This after all is not so bad. Barbarian simply means a person whose language is not under- stood ; a heathen is a country person. That is the true spirit of Ecclesiasticism. The theme adopted the Gnostic system of science as its guide, a basic chemistry and astronomy. Fire is the God, and light is the Christ. Earth is man, and water is woman. These are figuratively drawn from heaven, and personified on earth. Bl @imoun GOUmseasconsuming mires.) ELep.9L2 729.) “T am: the light of the world.” (Jno. 8:12.) “God was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” (Jno. 1:14.) 256 Tue RESURRECTION “God made man in his own image, male and female.” The scientific basis of this is found in the Babylonian and Egyptian astronomy and their worship of the heavenly bodies, as portrayed in the Gnostic philosophy. The Christian scheme attempts to personify this idea, and establish these deities upon earth in human beings acting as vicars. Christianity attempts to pattern its system after creative processes and laws laid down by Gnosticism. Gnosis means to know, knowledge; therefore we may know the reason why Ecclesiasticism fought Gnosticism for five hun- dred years, finally suppressing it. It was absorbing Gnostic knowledge, which was of a universal nature. To be itself unt- versal, it was essential that Christianity destroy all opposing systems, and absorb their wisdom and doctrines. We shall combine the Gnostic with the Christian as we reveal the true Gnostic truth, and the Christian imitation. To get the full text of the Gnostic philosophy, it will be necessary for our readers to study our chapters which go into the Chemistry, Astronomy and Physiology of the subject. To quickly lead up to the phase which Christianity selects as its beginning, we will repeat what the Gnostic philosophy teaches in order that the reader may keep the system in mind. Theory of the universal creative process. | 1. An invisible, impalpable, universal substance, out of which all material bodies, accompanied by their motive principles, are evolved, and into which all matter merges upon the disin- tegration of material bodies. 2. Beginning Sun.—Nitrogen wave.—Potential state of planet. “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Heaven means Ecclesiastic government. Earth means man- kind. “The earth was without form and void.’ An unorganized period before nations and governments. “Darkness was upon the face of the deep.” A state of human ignorance prevailed. “The spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” Human intelligence designed laws; waters mean ordinances. This first phase of planetary development reveals the nebu- lous body of the beginning central sun casting out the planet, a cold potential body, without light, atmosphere or external life. The two bodies are bound together only by the cold, vibratory, nitrogenous wave, hence no warmth is directed against the cold body. In our other chapters we demonstrate the outer cover- ing of this potential body to be crystallized hydrogen sulphide, which, under the influence of oxygen, generates water and sul- phur, essential elements in the further development of the plane- tary trinity—sun, moon and planet. It is this trinity which becomes the foundation of the Chris- tian enterprise. “Let there be light, and there was light.” THE RESURRECTION 259 The second phase of the planetary process. Radiating sun. Absorbing body. The sun has evoluted into a radiating body, sending rays of energy against the side of the cold body exposed toward it. This cold body is a fixed satellite, and is not turning upon an axis, hence light and darkness do not alternate. The reflected energy has melted away the frozen shell, forming water and sulphur for the future planet, which will remain after the cling- ing shell is cast off its side to become its satellite moon. “The spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” Glseiel 2.) | In the Ecclesiastic code the spirit of God is symbolized by the oxygen wave in the atmosphere, and carried from point to point by the wind. This signifies that an atmosphere was created on this portion of the planet exposed towards the sun. The natural, chemical process was for the small amount of oxygen reaching the surface to first form water, and deposit solid sul- phur, and, as the oxygen increased, these naturally became wholly gaseous, water vapor and sulphur dioxide. The atmos- phere would of necessity partake of this nature. This gas is twice as heavy as air, and is poisonous, hence animal life can- Hateexistain«the: air: Before we proceed to the next phase of planetary develop- ment we must make clear the subtle similitude of the Christian scheme, associating itself with this evolution. In the first place, we shall show that the church contem- plated usurping the power of civil governments by a pretense of priority of authority. The sum symbolizes civil government. The moon symbolizes the church. The sun is an expansive, radiating body, and the moon, while attached to this planet, is an absorbing body, absorbing sufficient warmth from the sun, to finally release it from the planet. The similitude is that it will be maintained by the sun 260 THE RESURRECTION while it keeps its grip upon the earth by attraction. The earth symbolizes humanity. This premeditates support of the church by the state. The first wave between the sun and the cold body shows no nourishment from that source, because “‘the earth was with- out form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the cleep as There was neither humanity nor government at that stage of planetary development. Symbolizing a state or condition in human progress, this period naturally signifies the age of savagery, with no form of government and no intellectual development. It was a state of mental darkness. ‘The creation of the heaven and the earth figuratively means the organization of the nation which is the earthy people, and a government of super-intelligent men to control the illiterate mass. It was ages later that a political priesthood attempted to usurp the temporal authority. In the second phase it will be observed that the cold nitro- genous wave is displaced by the warm oxygen wave, symbolizing the warm energy radiated to the planet. The Earth, symboliz- ing humanity, is receiving the benefit of this, and finally it will cast off the church burden. Nevertheless, it will be found that the church will cling to both the sun and the planet—the govern- ment and the people. This represents the period of union of church and state in the dual role of civil and ethical control. This is a lesson to be heeded. Temporal power, and control over sovereigns was the goal of the church, and it gained and possessed this ascendancy for several centuries. Posing as the educational power, the moon symbolizing wisdom, it educated the masses in bigotry and intolerance, thus binding them to its service. The planet carries the moon about with it, supporting it, as the people carry the church. In the separation of the outer crust from the planet, the earth and sea become mechanically united and a form of atmos- phere appeared. Genesis states that the vegetation appeared on the planet at this stage and before the functions of the sun and moon were differentiated. THE RESURRECTION 261 Inasmuch as the oxygen supplied by the sun comes in contact with earth and water at this period, this theory may be well grounded. When the moon is cast off the side of the planet the sea symbolizes the church authority over the earthy people. } The third phase of the planetary process “And God made two great lights.”’ (Gen. 1:16.) The sun The moon Warm ,Cold Gaseous Vibratory Solid Fluid Dry land Moist sea The iBywea Planet Diagram No, 55 This is the Ecclesiastic Trinity Now we see in operation the Ecclesiastical scheme. As we have previously said, the oxygen wave symbolizes Christ, signi- fying the support of the church. The heads of the oxygen waves point to the Moon and to the Earth. Through Christ the church, which takes possession of the sea and assumes to dictate the ordinances to the government, and the controlled government extends the execution of these inspired laws to the people, symbolized by the sun’s ray being reflected by the moon to the earth. At this phase the planet is not turning upon its axis, there- fore, to form a direct contact with the people, the cold nitrogen- ous wave must pass through the sea, hence the sea symbolizes the holy see. This is why they say: “And God made two great lights: the greater light to rule over the day, and the lesser light to rule over the night. He made the stars also.” (Gen. 1:16.) That is, the civil govern- ment to control the educated and the church the ignorant. The side of the planet towards the sun necessarily receives more light than the side away from the sun, because the planet is not turning upon its axis. 262 THE RESURRECTION We do not believe the moon at this stage is capable of re- ceiving and reflecting sunlight to the planet and this is why the influence must pass through darkness to form contact, hence this symbolizes the “dark ages” and the debasement of mankind. This specifically reveals the cyclic system. The Moon symbolizes the Ecclesiastical will. The Sun symbolizes civil government, execution. The Earth symbolizes mankind. The sea symbolizes the church authority. The cycle is from the moon to the earth, to the sea to the moon. ‘The last act signifies the evaporation of the waters of the seas to form clouds which fall back to the earth as rain. Clouds signify concealment, church mystery. Rain signifies church doctrines. Dew signifies conversions. The second and third phases tell another very important story. Adam, meaning the earth, admittedly symbolizes mankind. In the second phase: “The Lord caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam; and he took one of his ribs: and closed up the flesh instead thereof.” LGenjecez ts) This rib is the crescent moon cast off the side of the earth. “And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made heva swoman, 9ui( Gene2e22.) The proof of this is that he made this woman to be a help- meet to ‘Adam, and the moon is a satellite to the planet by at- traction. 7 When God drove Eve out of the garden he said: “Thy desire shall be unto thy husband.” Moreover, “Man is not of the woman, but the woman of the manvowy Gly ores lace 8 It is true, the moon symbolizing woman is cast off the side of the planet, but nature declares that the planet was born out of the concave moon. “Neither was the man created for the woman but the woman ot, the man.) Wi LeCoralia2 5) THE RESURRECTION 263 This is to smooth over the suggestion that the doctrine of “the mother of God” suggests that something precedes God. Bi teatiade therstarsralsd.* (Gen, 1:16)) In the code stars signify the priesthood, over which the head of the church has the controlling power. The church was created for mankind, is the concealed idea, and the church is “the mother of God.” “For this cause ought the woman to have power on her Meadmbecatise Otethe-angels.’ (1.Cor.°11<10,) (Tim? 2 12° dis= putes this.) Thus the woman becomes the symbol of the church. It is well conceded that, the stars, like the sun of our own system, radiate their light to our moon, which reflects it to our atmosphere. This is a clever similitude. In the code angels signify priests as messengers of the church. Hence the church aspires to usurp education. Now, we are convinced that we have made plain the truth that the Christian plan is patterned after the planetary system, but this is trivial compared to what will follow. The lights, including the stars, were to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. This proves beyond all dispute that it was originally planned to differentiate the people into two classes, the learned and the ignorant. Moreover, the prince was to rule the learned nobility, and assume civil control over the people, and the head of the church was to assume the role of the invisible God, and was to assume the educational function for the ignorant masses. History demonstrates the truth of this. Ecclesiasticism erected between itself and governments a militant, bigoted, intolerant mob, coined out of ignorance and superstition. It erected be- tween itself and the mob a wall of armed, sycophant sovereigns. This was accomplished on the fourth day which is The fourth phase of the planetary process. In the following diagram is a whole story. The planet is turning upon its axis, therefore, it has de- veloped a vitalized atmosphere capable of sustaining vegetable 264 THE RESURRECTION Sun and planets, Moon and stars, Government and nations Church and priesthood The dual planet Diagram No. 56 and animal life called natural kingdoms. The sun radiates energy to our planet and to the other planets of this system. These planets symbolize nations. The moon receives substantial energy from the sun and other stars, and concentrates all of its forces upon the planet. This is one of the sinister similitudes. It will be seen that while the sun is distributing its in- fluence to many bodies, the moon assumes a reflective attitude towards the planet, sending its influence only into its atmos- phere where it becomes a potential ring. This personifies an important fact in cosmic chemistry and ecclesiastic practices. — It was the practice of the Roman church power, through many centuries, to involve sovereigns in international en- tanglements to draw their attention away from the fact that it was concentrating its whole power to convert the ignorant masses into an intolerant, bigoted following. The final result of this was that it usurped temporal power, and enthralled humanity by superstitious fear of the all-power- ful excommunication. The church thus converted physical courage into moral cowardice. Let us examine the illustration of the fourth phase. It is seen that axial motion of the planet has blended the influence of the sun and the moon into a mechanical atmos- phere. THE RESURRECTION 265 In the outer photosphere the oxygen and nitrogen waves, representing civil government and the church, are antagonistic to each other which is natural. The positive heads meeting, they cannot chemically unite, but are drawn into the atmospheric plane, each assuming its primitive form, oxygen the spiral, representing axial motion and nitrogen the ring, representing orbital motion. These are the symbols of the active sun and the passive moon. ‘This is the ulterior principle upon which the church works. It must receive before it contributes. Then it assumes a circle to prevent the civil government from con- fiscating it. | They constitute the mechanical atmosphere of our own dual planet, and nitrogen may only be conveyed to the earth by following the oxygen wave. If normally permitted to fulfill their functions, these two influences would exactly balance our atmosphere and develop upon the planet a perfect evolution of vegetation and animal life as intended by nature, but a secret purpose to usurp in- visible, temporal power is the goal of ecclesiasticism. In the control and development of mankind, by a design- ing exploitation, these elements are seized upon as designs for a fabulous ruling power, to direct and coerce men to follow paths contrary to natural evolution. This is one reason why ecclesiasticism assails national evolution. It is in the vitalized atmosphere, then, we must look for the poisonous influences of perverse systems, for it is in this realm, that vegetation and animal life manifest as the normal products of nature. These living products respire the air con- sisting of oxygen and nitrogen, therefore if this atmosphere is tampered with, they suffer in proportion to the nature of the foreign elements they inhale or absorb, revealing the tremen- dous dangers of human control over natural resources. This is where all human systems begin, and naturally it signifies that, millions of years have preceded anything that man may represent. Nevertheless, it is the gift of intellect, by deduction and inductive reasoning to form contact with a Gnos- tic intuition, which teaches the secret, invisible laws and pro- 266 THE RESURRECTION cesses of the universe. This was known to the ecclesiastical priesthood, and it abused it by attempting to monopolize it and erect a super-government to take over the absolute control of mankind and his world. They boldly planned to level human- ity to an abject state of ignorance, and remold it to conform to its ideas of a super-race of its own, to rule the multitudes. This was the Christian idea, and we shall continue with Genesis with greater evidences of plagiarism from the Gnostic wisdom and philosophy. ~ The essential foundation was to establish a people, then bring to the earth from the firmament a visible God to be per- sonified in a human vicar to rule the earth, hence: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth,” the ecclesiastical government and humanity at large. Mankind and governments had existed long centuries pre- vious to the Christian idea, therefore, it was necessary to bring down a genealogical line to the Christian period. Of necessity, this genealogy had to date back to the beginning to form a di- rect contact with God. The story is a simple, childish, false, pretense to impress only the ignorant. This necessitated personifying each step in living nature, and this becomes the living evidence by which ecclesiasticism is convicted of willful plagiarism, and false pretense. “God said, let us make’man in our image, after our like- ness.1at( Gens 13203) This was Adam, the earth. “Adam begat a son in his likeness, after his image.” (Gen. Nea Let us analyze this image and likeness scheme. If Adam is the image and likeness of God, Adam’s offspring must be the image and likeness of God. Adam is the earth. What is the first living production of the earth? Naturally the answer is vegetation, hence the earth is a living, producing personality, and the revealed God is all living matter, differentiated into units or parts. Both, the Gnostic philosophers and the Christians adopt the serpent to symbolize vibratory wisdom, and the apple tree THE RESURRECTION 267 to represent the fruit bearing vegetation and symbolize evolu- tion of higher living matter. “Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.” GGetaoets We must keep in mind that the Lord God simply implies a good master. This is quite sufficient introduction to identify the Gnostic serpent. We have previously exhibited the primary waves made by matter in motion symbolized by the motions of the serpent. We shall now reveal a great Christian secret. As we have said, no system can be created without mani- festing the four primary waves in consecutive continuity, either in direct wave, Or in mass Or consistency. Potentiality Conservation ¢& X Nitrogen Expansion Oxygen Stability Carbon Equalization 4 Hydrogen ay Sagat The tree of life. Diagram No. Potential Seth fruit respiration Conserving Abel leaves atmosphere Expanding Cain ; limbs possession Stable trunk Adam earth Equalizing Eve root life The tree of good and evil. BT 268 THe RESURRECTION The tree of life produces and the tree of good and evil reproduces. The Ecclesiastic plagiarism is not confined to the Gnostic wisdom and ancient doctrines. It juggles with words well up into the centuries. The following are examples: Have you taken monastic vows? No? Then you are not religious. That is the original significance of the term. It has an ulterior coercive meaning derived from the Greek, “take heed,” “have a care.” It is intended to coerce an acknowledge- ment of human fear or awe of some super-natural, over-ruling power. This has been carefully trained to a belief in a sacred reverence for some power. It applies alike to images, gods or devils. It was enforced by oath upon those taking monastic vows as monks or nuns, and this made them religious. An oath of allegiance to the church is quite sufficient to save one’s soul. That eliminates the word religion as a divine word. It was coined by men to coerce men, mental coercion is the mean- est form of conversion. The word piety is another word to conjure with because it plays upon human emotions. It is derived from the Latin pietas, meaning also pity, kindness. This is exaggerated into pious, meaning reverence for church things, dutiful, religious. Thus it comes under the same’ coercive influence: uponmtic weaker emotions. There is nothing especially godly about any of these catch-words, they apply alike to any form of discipline or ul- terior training. This word-play is the very essence of hero worship, it always having an objective which is personified in the chief or head of the organization. The self-hypnotized promoters of all cant and hypocrisy love to roll upon their tongues the words Lord, master, father. It is an obsession, a form of ecstatic hysteria, highly contagious, and practically in- curable, because it causes mental lesions, which may not be mended. It leads to confirmed melancholia, and often to suicide. It is a form of subdued and restrained grief, which only too often comes to humanity naturally, without cultivating it. Re- THE RESURRECTION 269 _ ligious fervor is a specific mental disease. Piety is more often assumed than real. Clergy. This word comes from the same root as clerk. Cleric or clerc. It is enlarged into clericus meaning priest or clerk. The “ric” termination signifies authority. The word priest is akin to pristinus, prior. The presumption in the adoption of this name is in the suggestion that the priesthood represents the primitive or pristine state of innocence, wholly a gratuitous assumption and without justifying facts. No human being can arrogate to him- self a secret formula for purging himself of the “original sin,” according to the Bible. : “What is man, that he should be clean? And he born of a woman that he should be righteous?” (Job 15:14.) “How can man be justified with God? or how can he be clean that is born of a woman?” (Job. 25:4.) We wonder if the reader grasps the significance of this. Does his association with the church unman the priest? “Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom OieGrod, = (}ohns3 :35) “Except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” (John 3:5.) Do you believe that having a few drops of water cast upon you by the consecrated priestly aspergill can rejuvenate you and give you a new and super-natural form of being? By his associating himself with the priesthood the priest is born again. He is reclothed with the pristine innocence. Isn’t that easy? He unmans himself by adopting the frock of the very woman his Bible reviles. In reference to the church and the priesthood, the king- dom of God is the ecclesiastical government. We have previously seen that spirit means the breath, there- fore they have merely borrowed from the Gnostic idea that all life is born out of the waters and by respiration breathes the life-giving oxygen which gives it a place in the animal kingdom on the earth, which is personified into the ecclesiastical king- dom of men, with the head of its church as God. 270 Tue RESURRECTION The name pope comes from papa, father. Originally all presbyters were called papa. But the Roman Catholic Church gave the name exclusively to the Bishop of Rome. We have seen that a bishop signifies an inspector, therefore the pope is given the title pontiff, a word derived from pont, signifying a bridge, a far-fetched suggestion that the pope is the bridge be- tween the earth and the heaven. Milton uses the word pontific as bridge-building. Hence our great architect and bridge-build- er of Chicago is the papa of all pontiffs. Cathedral is derived from cathedra, meaning a chair in which the Greek philosophers sat to deliver their learned ora- tions. The church only borrowed this name to dignify the pontiffical chair of office. But this was not sufficient, it was soon changed to throne. See, the Holy See, from the Latin sedes, a seat, or sedere, to sit, a place where sovereign power is exercised, a throne. We have found evidences that the see also symbolizes the Sea in the Gnostic similes. We do not hesitate to declare that, the papa, or parental idea of human control, has been the curse of humanity, and has defeated the original scheme of nature. Heavens: surely it is important to find in this name signifi- cance of something more in keeping with divine things than those which we have previously examined. The word heaven is derived from the Anglo-Saxon heafen, meaning feaved up. One might believe by this that any ordinary upheaval is some sort of heaven, which is true. It is clear that the Ecclesiasts chose this word to signify the expanse of sky in which are located the heavenly bodies, sun, moon and stars, which they use to symbolize the source of their “divine power.” If you are called a heathen, don’t be offended. The name is derived from the same root as heath, and signifies one who lives in the country or on the heaths and in the woods. We fre- quently hear them called “yaps from the back woods,” “yokels.” We can only call people names when we want to be disagree- THE RESURRECTION Zea able to them, and that is exactly the reason why the church ap- plies the name heathen to those who are not deceived -by its hypocrisy. Barbarian isn’t so offensive, either; it means one difficult to understand. Words like sermon, Ecclesia, etc., etc., have been wholly appropriated by the church. Sermon simply means a discourse on any subject. Prayer comes from precari, meaning a request depending on the will or pleasure of another. Precarious comes from the same root. There is no particular significance in the use of the word by the church other than inspired solicitation to give dignity and standing to the object to which appeal is addressed. Such prayers are usually due to fright or fear when One is in a precarious state or in distress. Preach 1s derived from praedicare, meaning to cry in pub- lic, to proclaim. It may mean a prize-fight, or anything else ad- vertised, and that is precisely what the preacher is doing when he preaches—advertising his wares. Pulpit is from pulpitum, meaning a stage on which the juggler performs his tricks. Purgatory naturally comes from the word to purge, to cleanse, to purify. It is a brazen false-pretense, without justi- fication other than that it is a source of tremendous profit and income to the church. A similar graft in any other line of busi- ness would land the perpetrators in prison for fraud. This playing with words to deceive and mislead innocent, untutored peoples is an unworthy thing, yet it is carried through the Bible to the end, with no pretense of keeping faith with the deluded world to which the promise of revelation of all mysteries has been made for two thousand years. When jammed against the wall for an explanation of the sin, crime and vulgarities of the old testament, Ecclesiasticism only says: “Christianity is not responsible for the shortcomings of ancient Jewish customs; the answer is the contrast between the old testament and the new.”’ We are justified in saying you cannot bind a sound beam to a decayed beam without weakening the sound one. In our volume, THE REVELATION, we expose this as rank hypocrisy. In the following few pages we give an example of 2/2, THE RESURRECTION concealed deceit in the new testament identical with that of the old. We have previously referred to this, but it is of sufficient importance to be repeated here. In Acts 6:5, we are informed that certain deacons were appointed out of a number of converts, to minister to the wid- ows, because the twelve apostles declared: “Tt is not reason that we should leave the word of God and serve tables.” (Acts 6:2.) This was the origin of the church deacons, including “bro’r. Johnsing,”’ and, to this day, any pining, sorrowing widow may send for the church deacon to minister to her comfort, for his spotless title removes all reason for gossip. Originally there were seven church deacons, and as every such reference found in the Bible conceals a hidden precedent we must look for the “nigger in the wood-pile.” The first deacons were: Philip, meaning warlike. Stephen, meaning crowned. Prochorus, meaning leader. Nicanor, meaning conqueror. Timon, meaning honorable. Permenos, meaning permanent. Nicholas, meaning victory. I overcome the people. The qualification of a deacon is explained in 1 Timothy 3, and these instructions do not modify the significance of the above names. Before the deacon is installed he must first be proved, and he is held blameless for his acts after installation. That proof refers only to a discreet tongue and loyalty. There is a sly, insinuating tone to these instructions, for the deacon stands as a bumper between the priesthood and the congregation. It is important to analyze the meaning of these so-called church deacons. They do not balance with the alleged intent of their appointment. They more likely stand for making widows than for mending them. Taken in this consecutive order they undoubtedly conceal a militant intent. THE RESURRECTION 21a Philip was an apostle of Beth-Saida. (Matt. 10:3.) Beth- saida means a fishing-house near Galilee. The first deacon will reveal the sinister background for the institution of deacons. Beth means house. Beth + el means house of god. Bethlehem means house of bread and house of war. Galilee means revolution. “Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the Lord, and they shall fish them, and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them.” (Jer. 16:16.) Beth-Saida, meaning fish-house, was the birthplace of Andrew, Peter and Philip. Christ said unto Simon Peter and his brother Andrew: “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matt. 4:19.) Are you closely following this, reader? Christ was born out of Mary, meaning rebellion; he took refuge in Galilee, revolution, and there adopted a warlike atti- tude, as symbolized by Philip, and began to hunt and fish for men as symbolized by Andrew, and Simon Peter. He drew all of these from the sea, which signifies an army. Andrew means a strong man. Simon means obedience. Peter means rock, and rock signifies a refuge. In Matt. 4:18, we are informed that Peter resided in Ca- pernaum, which was the chief residence of Christ and his apos- tles. Capernaum means the hamlet of Nahum. Capernaum means the place of repentance. Nahum means the comforter. Peter’s alleged first epistle comes out of Babylon. Babylon means confusion, mixture. The third deacon was Prochorus, meaning one who leads or presides over, or directs; the fourth deacon, Nicanor, means a victorious conqueror; the fifth, Timon, means honorable; the sixth, Permenas, means steadfast or permanent, and the seventh, Nicholas, tops off with the meaning, “I overcome the people.” 274 THE RESURRECTION We have left Stephen, the second deacon, as the last, be- cause he seems to set a definite time when this was put into operation, and gives quite an interesting sidelight upon Paul. Although old lists place Philip first, Acts 6:5 places Stephen as chief of the deacons, He was stoned to death before he could fully explain his intentions in a harangue, proving conclusively that the deacons’ function was anything but to comfort widows. Stephen was preaching revolution. His death is alleged to have occurred A. D. 37, and he is named the first martyr. The emblem of St. Stephen should have been a hod full of bricks; instead, he holds a napkin filled with stones, or his robe filled with stones, or stones in his hands. All of which is a hint as to how the bigoted mob should arm itself. It is alleged that Saul was present and witnessed this ston- ing of Stephen, and it was the cause of his conversion near Damascus. Saul means the sepulchre, destroyer. Paul means a worker. Damascus means a sack full of blood. In simple, this whole fable is a scarehead, a grewsome story to beget hysteria. Stephen is merely an example of martyr- dom and Paul is a reminder of death and the grave, as the con- sequence of disobedience. This is sufficient to connect the new testament with the old. The word canon, which makes dogma, creed and doctrine church law, is derived from the same root as canopy, a covering to protect a sleeper from mosquitoes. The true meaning of canon, Kanon, 1s a rod, always a symbol of discipline, hence the word canon has no religious significance whatever. The canon law was not introduced into England until 1154 A. D., and the dignity of Canon did not exist before the rule of Charlemagne about 768. The canonization of martyrs as saints was not in- stituted in the Romish church until Pope Leo III in 800, since which time saints have accumulated so that every day in the calendar is now a saint’s day. (Hensault.) Angel. This word has no religious significance other than THE RESURRECTION 275 that applied to it by Ecclesiastical adaptation. Both in the Latin and the Greek it signifies messenger. The Anglo-Saxons switched the “Il” giving the word angle a more practical mean- ing, applying it to themselves. The English like to be thought angel-like men; the same applies alike to High and Low Dutch. Men love to be classed with angels. Cherubim means terrible. In several parts of the Bible this word is printed with a final s—‘“‘cherubims.” This is wrong. The singular of the word is Cherub, the plural is Cherubim, without Bers. Satan merely means an enemy or adversary. Devil means a slanderer. In the Anglo-Saxon the word yfel signifies both evil and devil. The common synonyms of this word are, “old Nick,’ “old scratch,’ and “old Harry.” Therefore these are all merely names or terms to express hatred and contempt for those opposing or speaking ill of one. There is not the slightest religious significance connected with the name, any more than there is with the name evil, from which it is derived. A thing may be good or evil, according to the cir- cumstances. It is needless to continue this analogy. Every word in the Bible is of human origin, and the original root will quickly reveal any misuse to which it may have been put. What merit is there in introducing and advocating a god who must wholly depend upon human language to prove his existence, and this unsupported by anything but arbitrary assertion. In this connection we must insist that the warlike nature of the Christian pretense, as revealed in more than a hundred passages in the Bible, has a sinister significance which should not be belittled. On May 11th, 1924, a newly installed Catholic cardinal was welcomed and escorted through the streets of Chicago by armed forces. It is said that a million people applauded this scene. In what respect could this enhance a belief in a Christian God? It was not intended to convey any such thing; it was to inspise mankind with a fear of the church power. Each gun 276 THE RESURRECTION displayed by a soldier, according to the Ecclesiastical simili- tude, signified death to those who opposed Romanism. And this in the United States, a republic, “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” What hypocrisy! Beware of any movement which smacks of war, it has a hidden purpose of political and commercial nature, and is secretly inspired. ‘ Fon inglige one lit THE PERSONIFICATION OF NATURE (Mankind has been dwarfed by superstition and fear. ) It is not difficult to trace the process by which Ecclesiasti- cism foisted Christianity upon the world. Fabulous traditions of the unrecorded past, and romantic stories by which nature was personified, and human beings were deified, thrilled and enthralled the ignorant masses while they were being drilled in superstition and fear, to become the militant guard of the church. It is by the personification of forces and powers and natural objects, and the arbitrary transference of their imaginary authority to human beings, that religious control and “divine rights” are created. In the designing of the Christian scheme, the head of the church poses as “God on earth;” the priesthood symbolizes the cosmic things, and the church assumes control over mankind as the earthy subject of this heavenly government. This en- ables the humanizing of wholly usurpative powers, which sub- jects the government of mankind to all the ills due to the weak- nesses, passions and shortcomings of vain, selfish and ambitious men. The doctrine of reward and punishment, to enforce the will of government and law, is, in its last analysis, plain bribery and vengeance, neither of which is naturally corrective. The one begets avarice and the other hatred. Education alone can inspire loyalty to a cause involving control of large masses of people. A singleness of mind and purpose may only be estab- lished by recognized mutuality, agreement and understanding. This gives us an immediate clue as to why Ecclesiasticism con- cealed its purposes in a secret symbolism and code understood only by the initiated priesthood. “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” (Gen. 1:1.) 277 278 THE RESURRECTION Heaven signifies an Ecclesiastical government. Earth signifies producing humanity. This explains why the priesthood symbolizes the stars, rais- ing them above the common herd, the earthy mass. To perfect such a system was to personify upon earth the astronomical knowledge which had been acquired by ancient philosophy and science, and garnered by Gnosticism. For the Ecclesiasts. to confiscate this wisdom, and exploit it as their own, necessitated the elimination or absorption of the Gnostics; the destruction of all extant evidences of previous education and learning; the persecution of those who attempted to reveal the Gnostic wisdom, and the subsequent antagonism toward science and philosophy. Does anyone dispute this? Then, they must condemn all history subsequent to the introduction of Christianity. It is a well known fact that it required five hundred years for Eccles- iasticism to eradicate Gnosticism, and, it is equally well estab- lished that the “dark ages,” covering a thousand years, date from 486 to 1495. The purpose of this drastic policy has subsequently been well defined. It was intended to reduce the common people to a plastic mass out of which to mould the imaginary new people. What did the church accomplish in that thousand years of abject ignorance? It cultivated its hysterical, fanatical, bigoted, intolerant mob, as a militant guard, while it usurped temporal power. It dwarfed the human intellect and forever stunted mental growth. Superstition, fear and hysteria are permanent human diseases. To thus bind the world in a state of ignorance, some great underlying motive must be concealed. That motive is palpable, and its selfishness stands out like an accusing finger. It was to establish a class of men, banded together as an oath-bound priesthood, for profit and political power. It was first to pose as mediator between the ignorant masses and a fabulous power in heaven, an unknowable God, located in some remote realm which cannot be identified or demonstrated by the most learned men in the world. After having thus brought humanity under THE RESURRECTION 279 the spell of superstition and fear, it seized the temporal power, set up an, antagonism between the peoples and their sovereigns, and posed as mediator between the people and their govern- ments. Thus the heaven is brought to earth and established as the Ecclesiastical government. Its ulterior scheme is exposed by its secret code. Earth means producing mankind—its soil or field. Rain means doctrines—to fertilize this field. Waters mean ordinances—to govern and cultivate this field. This clearly defines a secret purpose to both educate the peopl and dictate the laws. To lay claim to divine authority necessitated an imaginary origin in antiquity, dating far back of extant history. This is the fabulous Hebraic or Mosaic system, pretending to date back to the first cause of earthly creations. The old testament—or so-called scriptures—is a mass of senseless jargon, profane and vulgar in the extreme. The word scripture merely means writ- ings, having no religious significance excepting that given it by Ecclesiastic law. It is an insult to make this the foundation of a decent self-respecting religious sentiment. It is neither in- structive nor edifying, and it teaches neither morals nor logic. Nevertheless, this spurious stuff contained the poisons with which humanity was to be inoculated—superstition and fear. All the well known natural elements and forces were ap- propriated by the Ecclesiasts, to be made fearsome agents in their great enterprise. Thunder, lightning, rain, hail, clouds, water, all were made to simulate the voice and will of the unseen, unknown God, whose every thought was known to the priest. The Hebraic system develops this fear of the natural phe- nomena to a degree of hysteria in order to impress the untutored masses. “T will call unto the Lord, and he shall send thunder and rain, that ye may perceive and see that your wickedness is great. “So Samuel called unto the Lord; and the Lord sent thun- der and rain that day, and all the people greatly feared the Lord and Samuel. 280 THE RESURRECTION “And all the people said unto Samuel, ‘Pray for thy servants unto the Lord thy God, that we die not.’” (I Sam. 12:18-19.) It is by apparently trivial things that great secrets may be exposed. Samuel says he will call unto the Lord, and the Lord shall do his bidding. This makes the Lord a servant subject to command. Samuel uses these words: “That ye may perceive and see.” (Allegedly 630 B.C.) B. C. 700, Isaiah had used practically the same words. (Isaiah 6:10.) Now compare this with the same language used nearly a thousand years later by the alleged Mark (4:12): “That, see- ing, they may see and not perceive,’ and we may understand that the whole book was composed at the same time. But, these are small matters; there are multitudes of such evidences of concealment. Samuel was merely establishing the authority of the high priest to appoint kings and impressing upon the people the terrible power he had with God. Let us follow this development of fear. “Hear attentively the noise of his voice and the sound that goeth out of his mouth. He directed it under the whole heaven, and his lightning unto the ends of the earth. After it a voice roareth: he thundereth with the voice of his excellency.” (Job. 37 :3-4.) This merely makes use of the fact that the thunder follows the flash of lightning. We have all observed this phenomena. The idea is to impress the superstition that this is the voice of Jehovah. The Greeks said it was the voice of Jove, long before the Christians were born. “The Lord shall show the lighting down of his arm with the indignation of his anger, and with the flame of a devouring fire, with scattering, and tempest and hailstones.” (Is. 30:30.) Hailstones also symbolize the divine vengeance. It requires the force of Moses to drive home these terrors of a wrathful and rampant God. | THE RESURRECTION 281 “And it came to pass on the third day, in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud, so that all the people that were in camp trembled. “And Mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in a fire, and the whole mount quaked greatly. “And when the voice of the trumpet sounded long, and waxed louder and louder, Moses spake and God answered him. “And all the people saw the thunderings and lightnings and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking.” Moses was paving the way to give divine authority to man- made laws. “And they said unto Moses, speak thou with us, and we will hear ; but let not God speak with us, lest we die.”’ (Ex. Chapters LO Fandezo.) Reader, did you ever attend a revival of ignorant, super- stitious negroes, and hear the equally ignorant preacher firing this kind of stuff at the assembly? Then you must know the effects of deceit and hypocrisy on credulous minds. The God of modern Christianity is no more authentic than this God of Moses. The purpose of this Mosaic show was to frighten the people into recognizing the high priest as a mediator between the people and their fearful God. Just think of having a God to whom the people are afraid to speak! The priest or preacher thus is made the speaking medium. The next step is fire. As we progress it becomes more and more apparent that the whole scheme is to establish a human god on earth, through superstitious fear and priestly manipulation. They put prayers into the mouths of fictitious persons to impress the hysterical and propagate this superstition. “T prayed to the Lord, my God, and said: “Oh Lord, the great and dreadful God.’” (Dan. 9:4.) What possible merit can there be in thus introducing a god who inspires only dread and terror? This is precisely what is intended. 282 THE RESURRECTION . The professional clacquer is indispensable to the church promotion. Hypnotic suggestion is one of the greatest powers of propaganda. The new testament declares that God is fire. “Por our! God useacconsumince trea Llepwmln 29) Back in Isaiah we are told what this fire is. “The light*ot Israeltshall) bes torsa tite. = sQlomi0e ie) This suggestion of fire-worship can have no other origin than the Mosaic fire-worship of the old testament. Moses was a pastmaster at coining “scare-heads.” “Did ever a people hear the voice of God speaking out of the midst of the fire as thou hast heard, and live?’ (Deut. 4:33.) While this is a cheap suggestion of favoritism, nevertheless it is intended to impress upon the minds of the ignorant the importance of priestly mediation. Now, let us examine the process by which the church is made the living symbol of all this priestly hocus-pocus. The sun is in the sky, the literal heaven. The storm, with thunder, lightning, hail, and rain, arises in the mountains and manifests in the atmosphere upon the plane. The sun symbolizes the king. The heaven symbolizes the Ecclesiastical government. The mountain symboilzes the church of Christ. The thunder symbolizes the preaching of doctrine. The lightning symbolizes the expression of God’s wrath. The storm symbolizes the expression of Gods’ wrath. The rain symbolizes doctrines. The hail is the execution of vengeance. The wind means war. Earthquakes mean revolutions. Fire means God’s judgment. Clouds mean the concealment of all this as the secret church promotion. “Who maketh the clouds his chariot.” (Ps. 104:3.) The chariot is the vehicle of war, and is only used by warriors. THe RESURRECTION 283 This gives men something important to think about. They need not take our simple word for what we have written; take the Bible dictionaries and vocabularies and verify it. There can be no misconstruction of this application of the cloud as a vehicle of war. God, the sun, is hidden behind the cloud and from out its concealing folds manifests his wrath and threat of vengeance by the thunder and lightning of the storm, hence, the lightning, a form of fire, becomes a manifested aspect of God. “And then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” (Matt. 24:30.) The word glory in this passage is the key word. “Glory” as used by the church, has always signified pomp and splendor. The very fact that earth symbolizes mankind, and that Christ comes in the symbol of a war chariot and brings mourning to all tribes of men, quickly reveals that humanity shall not partici- pate in this “Glory.” Let us examine the word glory. All of the early painters, in order to coddle the church and save their own heads, surrounded the heads’ of saints, angels, images and “holy men” with a nimbus of glory in the form of rays of golden light, symbolizing the worship of the sun-god. This was originated by the flatterers of the Caesars of Rome long before Christianity had arisen to the importance of such things. The church has maintained the suggestion of power and warfare in connection with this glorification. This is why the people are not permitted to participate. How many people know when they hear the sweet anthem, Ave Maria, understand the meaning of these words? They are, literally, “Hail Rebellion.”. In like manner, when the congre- gation rises in pompous reverence to sing the dovology of the prayer Gloria Patri, it was ordained in the Catholic church of Rome, and was called the doxology, because it began with the Greek word, glory. There is not the slightest religious significance attaching to this. Glory simply is an exuberant expression of praise, usually 284 THE RESURRECTION due to a sycophant fawning or to fear. The use of the word throughout the Bible is associated with ancient dogma and legend, hence it is plagiarized. The significant use of this word in the passage previously quoted, associated with human sorrow and power, 1s suggestive of what Christ later said to his apostles: “T come not to bring peace, but a sword.” Malachi warns humanity in his last message of the coming of the “great and dreadful day of the Lord.” Only a lot of addle-pated fools would allow themselves to be thus juggled into hysterical frenzy through fear of an imaginary monster, wholly contrary to nature, and inconsistent with all the experiences of thinking men, and a system con- structed of all the fragments, and flotsam and jetsam, of previ- ous mythological and fabulous theories of religion and human government. Common sense and reason have never been cultivated in humanity by Christian teachings, because they are incompatible with superstition and intolerant bigotry, the bulwark of the church. Uncompromising, all-devouring selfishness is the mother instinct of the priesthood. Just why the glorious coming of an exploited savior should cause all nations to mourn, weep, wail and gnash their teeth, has always been a mystery to honest seekers after a true religion. What possible benefit to humanity is a religion which prophesies in advance its own failure as a saving institution, while it boasts of its own glorification? Why does it eternally preach all the forms of human suffering which are incompatible with peace, comfort and human happiness? There is but one plausible answer: persons in grief and sor- row seek comfort and solace. The priest and clergyman poses as the comforter. One of the first warnings given by God to scare the people into obedience is: “T kill and I make alive: I wound and I heal. (Deut. S2°598) “He healeth the broken in heart.” (Psalms 147:3.) “He maketh sore and bindeth up.” (Job 5:18.) THE RESURRECTION 285 Did it ever occur to ask yourself this question? If this all- powerful God can do all things, why does he subject humanity to all such trials? Why not make them happy, healthy and con- tented all of the time and receive their love and gratitude? Now you try to answer these questions. These same questions are anticipated back in Moses’ time. The answer then was: To try you, to see what is in your heart, and to know if you will obey my ordinances. This is sufficient to make any man blush for his own cre- dulity. Let us continue our theme of symbolisms. “My doctrine shall drop as rain. My speech shall distil Peatnescews (Deut. 32:2.) Rain means doctrines. Dew means conversions. Now we may understand: “Behold he cometh with clouds.” (Rev. 1:7.) It explains why, through all these centuries, the theme has been hell-fire, damnation, war and vengeance. The original policy was to frighten, terrify and coerce humanity. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profit- able for doctrine, for reproof, for correction.” (II Tim. 3:16.) This is worthy of analysis. The word inspiration only appears twice in the English Pinemmelob o276.) -(liislims 3:16.) Inspiration, as used in the Bible, merely borrows an essen- tial, natural function to give importance to an abstract idea, hence the word is given an unwarranted latitude. It is one- half of respiration. In its Gnostic sense, everything which en- ters the human body is by inspiration, and this includes, all the wisdom we acquire by our external sense organs, and our breath, our food and our drink. We give credit to the natural creative processes for these gifts, but the church attempts to refer all these natural functions to a fabulous being with power to give or withhold according to the laws promulgated by the church. It may not be disputed that, inspiration is the intake of the 286 THE RESURRECTION breath in respiration, and, of course, it controls the life and death of the body. There is not the slightest religious signifi- cance attaching to the word. ‘The wickedest individual in the world will live by the side of the best under the same respira- tory conditions, hence, it is cautiously referred to in the Bible. Nevertheless, it is elaborated upon to the limit by verbose com- mentaries. In the above quotation it is especially used to give import- ance to the word scripture. To give to the men who wrote these so-called scriptures a monopoly of the type of inspiration con- veyed by its use in this connection, convicts Ecclesiasticism of the very selfishness with which we previously charged the church. It deprives all other men not only of access to divine knowledge but of the very breath of life, for inspiration is the most vital half of the act of breathing. Scripture simply means the writings and narratives of a scribbler. Daniel admits this (Dan. 10:21, in R. V. writing) and the Ecclesiasts are very careful to guard against a truthful interpretation of the scripture by nosey individuals who have little respect for words whose sense is changed to suit by church canon. “Know this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any Drivateginterpretation:: mC Ulm ctermleZOs) Here is another evidence of selfish monopoly. This so-called scripture is the romantic fiction in the pre- tense of establishing a history of a fabulous people as a back- ground for the Christian exploitation, a contemplated religious government as rank in superstition as the most primitive savage hoodoo religions. The word doctrine is plainly interpreted in this connection as instruction. No inspired twisting of this word can give it any other meaning. /eproof simply means to scold. It is true, a very large part of the scripture is bitter reproof, and correc- tion. This is the limit of the purposes to which the scripture may be put, according to this remark of Peter. Always that eternal, bull-headed determination to fasten guilt upon human- THE RESURRECTION 287 ity, and that impudent, self-important, self-righteous, self-im- posed right to accuse, correct and punish. We may now vision the cunning of this scheme. It arro- gates to itself the exclusive privilege of instructing, reproving, and correcting humanity by virtue of an alleged divine author- ity transferred by the scripture, and then, it denies to humanity the privilege of inquiring into the authenticity of that authority by a scrutiny and analysis of the same scripture, on the ground that it is blasphemous to question that which has been canonized by the church. This line of scriptural examination may be made endless with the same accusing results. We have been unable to find one mitigating excuse for the foisting upon humanity of such a far-reaching system, which, by analysis appears trivial and inconsistent as compared to the natural trend of developing nature. The most essential functions of nature in the devel- opment of mankind is disputed and repudiated by this so-called Christianity. The doctrine of mysticism in the Christian scheme, like all of its other important doctrines, is easily traceable to earlier periods. The Talmud reveals an ancient order of mystics, with every means to safeguard its traditions from becoming common knowl- edge thrown about it. The command of the Lord God to Adam not to partake of knowledge, is specifically taken from previous mysticism. The chariot of the cherubim, as described in Ezekiel 1, is to frighten the inquisitive, and is boldly appropriated from the Kaballah. A discussion of the creation is forbidden by both the an- cient mystics and the Christians, excepting by learned members of the elite. The most terrible consequences befell those who sought such knowledge. Cherubim means terrible, and chariot means heavenly host. Host means an organized army. Heaven means Fcclesias- tical government. In the apocryphal book of Ecclesiasticus Sirach is named as 288 THE RESURRECTION the father of Jesus. The word Sirah means rebellion, and in view of the fact that Mary, the mother of Jesus means rebellion, there is evidently a close relation between the two systems. Mysticism established itself in Babylonia, its adepts calling themselves “men of faith.” The most important priestly oath in the Christian scheme issto™ Keep theiaith.. Now, this “keeping of the faith” is as much of a coercion as the command not to seek knowledge. Jesus said to his disciples: “Tf ye will have faith, and doubt not, ye shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea, and it shall be done.” (Matt. 21:21.) “A great company of the priests were obedient to the faith.” (EN CtSnOe/e) “Exhorting the disciples to continue in the faith.” (Acts 142225) “And so were the churches established in the faith.” (Acts Lor bs} “Receive grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith.” GRom wine) That this promise to reveal something to the disciples was a bribe to those being schooled for the priesthood is plain. Disciple means a learner. Apostle is the official name of an active disciple and means one sent forth. That mystery was concealed in this, is apparent. “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: Be ye therefore, wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” ( Matt. 10:16.) “But no man is justified by the law in the sight of God it is evident: for the just shall live by) faiths Galeooui So important is this word faith, it appears in the Bible three hundred and seventeen times. Therefore, it seems of the greatest importance to ascertain its true significance. The bible says: THE RESURRECTION 289 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evi- dence of things not seen.” (Heb. 11:1.) This is a frank admission that, it is necessary to attempt to justify the word “faith,” yet it is also an acknowledgement that it signifies nothing tangible. If one is entitled to some- thing, why doesn’t God give it to him? If not, why encourage him to hope? Webster defines “faith” as a word, derived from the Latin fidere, meaning to trust. The Greek significance is to persuade. Elaborating upon the significance of the word Webster con- tinues: “The assent of the mind to the truth of what is declared by another resting solely and implicitly on his veracity.” A reliance on uncorroborated testimony. It cannot be said that this reveals anything substantial. The synonymous words are even less convincing. The use of the word faith in the Bible is nothing more than a determination to coerce a belief in an intangible and undemonstrable dogma. Faith, belief, confidence, trust, credence, credit. Not one of these words establishes truth. This is an excellent demonstra- tion of the difference between Gnosis, to know, and the Chris- tian faith, meaning blind credence. Faith in what? No one has ever known what, for practically every import- ant statement made in the Bible reverses itself at some place in gllcatext: Remove this word faith and Christianity would fail: this is why it 1s so urgently preached. Not only did this faith idea long antedate Christianity, but names common in the Bible are found associated with it. Elisha ben-Abuja, surname Acher, meaning “the other one,” a Gnostic student. Elisha means God his salvation. Eli means God, Psha means ruler. Ben means son. Ab means father. Ja means Jehovah. Achar means troubler. One of the alleged founders of the Cabala was Rabbi Is- mael ben Elisa. Ismael is Ishmael, meaning whom God hears, he who prays. 290 THE RESURRECTION It is suggestive that this mysticism responds to the Eccle- siastic code, with sufficient variation to intimate suitable changes | . as a disguise. Why should these ancient names link up to Chris- tianity? BAR CLT MYSTICISM AND CONCEALED FORCES (People fear the dangers which are concealed.) The purpose of the mysticism found throughout the Bible, is solely to create superstitious fear in the minds of the ignorant masses, while Ecclesiasticism builds up a super-class of highly educated men to control the world. The most amazing thing in civilization today is, that the laws permit so-called preachers to stand in their pulpits and frighten those seeking the truth, into hysteria, by threats of “hell-fire’ and “eternal damnation.” The church still insists that it must “mother” and “father” humanity as a child, with its eternal hypocrisy and fairy tales. Never, once, in two thou- sand years, has Christianity shown concrete evidence that it favored the education of the masses along the higher lines. It has always clung to the original dogma that ignorance is an essential element of control, to coerce the people churchward. It is astonishing to observe this great republic coddling and encouraging the Christian powers while they steadily creep towards their goal, a kingdom, with the head of the church as king. There is scarcely a sermon preached in which the words Lord and king are not the key to the theme. If they are preaching that to which they aspire, what is this republic going to do about it? Are the churches going to be permitted to insidiously instill into the masses of foreign blood brought into this country the idea that a king should rule the nation? This foreign blood never knew any other form of government, therefore, this is not improbable. If they claim that they do not mean literally what they preach, then it is high time to demand a reason for binding masses of people in hysteria and fanaticism by terrorism, for 291 292 THE RESURRECTION the best philosophy and science prove conclusively that Chris- tianity is pure fable and romance. What is the real situation at this time? The answer is simple: American Politics and Church Intrigue The churches hold the balance of power under our system. They are preaching exactly what their aspirations have been since Christianity became a power, a religious civil government. For several centuries the church held the temporal power in Europe. Are we to understand that Europe was wrong in re- moving the church from this illogical control of the world— if it did shake it loose? Many incurable diseases may be tem- porarily driven from the surface of the body. The prompt answer by the church is to point to the condi- tion of the European nations today. The reply to this is the record of torture and murder of some fifty millions of innocent men, women and children, in the name of Christ, while Christianity held temporal power, and a state of terrorism which no other animals ever experienced. It was truly a reign of terrorism which makes the present con- ditions seem Elysian. We need not dwell upon this. Our business is to show that Christianity is built upon sand instead of a rock. Rock signifies, in the Ecclesiastic code, a refuge. It isa living fact, that legislative control is the rock to which Eccles- iasticism is frantically clinging at this time. The hope of Chris- tian supremacy is in the conglomerated mass of nationalities of which the United States is composed, and their untutored na- ture. Ignorance and poverty are the two edges of the eccles- iastical sword, which would cleave its way around the world. We warn mankind that, it is fostering a serpent in its bosom, which is amassing untold wealth at the expense of credu- lous humanity, against the approaching day of famine, which is not far distant. In less than a hundred years, more people will die of diseases due to lack of food, than from all other diseases combined. Mullions of people throughout the world today have THE RESURRECTION 293 not sufficient food, because the parasitic, non-producers outnum- ber the true producers. There are hundreds of thousands of able-bodied men in the ranks of the clergy who, by entering useful fields of produc- tion, could lighten the terrible burden of mankind. What we see about us is not suffering humanity ; it is the veneer which dis- guises the cheap fabric beneath. This symbolizes the shoddy nature of our boasted civilization. It has neither system nor stability. Men shout loudest when they are most uncertain regarding their safety. They whistle loudest when it is darkest. We try to frighten away the unknown dangers by assuming a bravado which is unnatural. The real danger is in the fanatic by our side, who has been trained in the belief that to live he must kill; to breathe himself, he must throttle others. Monopoly and control are the true savages of civilization. They can feed or starve humanity, therefore, they are all-powerful weapons to compel obedience. That is why Christianity cherishes the centuries old aspiration to a power over rulers which will make it in fact, “Lord of lords and King of kings.” Did it ever occur to you that this “King of kings’’ must refer to control of earthly kings? If it does not, where are the kings to be governed by a super-king ? It is our purpose to reveal the subtle means by which the Ecclesiasts perform their miracles. In our research for evidences of plagiarism in the Bible, we find practically every Christian doctrine plagiarized from mythologies, religions, and systems of philosophy and so-called magic, which are centuries older than Christianity. Its methods of subtle persuasion, hypnotic suggestion, and slow and patient training of human minds in inspired ignorance, superstitious fear, fanatical intolerance, and hysterical hallucina- tions, are a combination of the so-called magic of early philoso- phers; what was in that day called magic, we name today psy- chology. It was then the literary style, as it were, to exaggerate the most simple and natural phenomena, by clothing them in figure, 294 THE RESURRECTION allegory and mysticism, to train the unsophisticated mind to reason out the truth. The highest attainable accomplishment of a learner, was the ability to convey an understanding of the truth of a theorem to the master, in mystic language which would not reveal it to others. The learner could not assume to be a teacher. This was the origin of mysticism in the Bible. The disciples of Christ asked questions, but they did not presume to teach in his presence. The first instruction given by Christ to his disciples was a lesson in subtlety : “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” ( Matt. 10:16.) This is plainly disguise, for no shepherd would deliberately send his sheep to the wolves, for subtlety could not save them; but men in sheep’s clothing could protect themselves by subtlety, while secretly sowing propaganda. The system was infallible. It was like pouring a poisonous gas into a community. ' The motives were evil. It was an as- sault upon the weak, impressionable masses; nervous organ- izations were cast into a state of frenzy; those prone to hysteria were smothered in hallucinations; superstitious ignorance took full possession. Every man was armed with invisible weapons. Whispered suggestions to stir the impressionable, became an unanswerable power. Subtle praise aroused wonder and foolish false. sentiment in weak minds; insidious innuendo aroused the ire and hatred of the fanatical. A sly nod of disapproval, a mere motion of the hand, suggestive grimace of the face, a smirk, frown or sarcasm, all became a code language to move the people. A confidential leer is more potent to egg on an irre- sponsible fanatic than spoken words, and leaves no accusation against the instigator. This is the most contemptible trait in human nature. A gush of artificial emotion, at the right moment, will throw a whole congregation into a state of suppressed or expressed THE RESURRECTION 295 hysteria. It may disgust one who understands and provoke him to anger or laughter, but it catches ninety-nine. This is the power of the preacher, the actor, the political orator and the mountebank. Those who have made a study of psychology will readily recognize the insinuating, invidious trickery of sophistry. If there is any doubt in your mind about Christianity having been guilty of these methods, read our book, THE REVELATION, an interpretation of the Bible by its own secret code. This method is called the magic chain of the Kabbalistic tommy-rot, yet be- neath it, is that dishonest, hypnotic suggestion, to which the ignorant and untutored are so susceptible. This mean, insinu- ating thing is employed by every intriguing system for spread- ing its secret propaganda. During the middle centuries this was the exclusive method of the inquisitors for arousing fanatical mobs to execute their horrible raids upon humanity. The peo- ple literally lived in an atmosphere of hysteria and mental, moral and physical fear. At this very time, when political parties desire to forward some secret propaganda, they follow this despicable method. The same may be said of the churches and numerous collateral organizations, the underlying principle being an inspired moral fear, causing an epidemic of hysteria, a form of coercive hyp- notic suggestion, which utterly deprives whole communities of self-will, rational thought, and judgment. Each individual seized with the fanatical impulse becomes a powerful agent for evil propaganda. To say that those who employ such agencies do not know the underlying forces and principles involved, is to declare that they have no knowledge of reactions. Is it to be supposed an institution posing as the intellectual light of the world for two thousand years is ignorant of the principles involved in the scheme which it has successfully imposed upon humanity dur- ing that time? Such a supposition is irrational and absurd. From the hoo-doo doctor of the savage tribe, down the line, the priest has been a trickster, and the people have been the gaping crowd, wondering at his magic. The indifference of the 296 THE RESURRECTION world today is far more dangerous than the credulity of earlier ages, because the churches are forming close affinity and alli- ance with sycophant, but powerful bodies depending upon the same circumstances and conditions for their own non-produc- tive existence. ; The burden is too heavy; humanity will quit and lie down in the middle of the road. There are two many non-producers posing as essential to the success of the great game of civiliza- tion, and these are they who revel in the luxuries provided by the over-burdened producing classes. Some fine morning the vain exploiter of mankind will awaken to find that Job is vindicated. “For vain man would be wise, though man be born like a wild-ass:sicoltes (Job sLli12) It is a well known trait of the ass to lie down in the road in protest of his overburden—he quits! ‘That is exactly what humanity will do. God help the world when that happens. Chaos will be master, and Anarchy is no respecter of persons. Well do the Ecclesiasts know the principles which build up strong control. Power attracts power. The strong absorbs the weak. This is the law of the survival of the fittest up to man. Reason, was given to man to enable him to use a large degree of discretionary judgment, and one of his first lessons was, that he had risen, above brute necessity, and it was the duty of the strong to protect the weak. Men must be their own judges under this discretionary power. “Let no man, therefore, judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holy day, or of the Sabbath.” (Col. 2:16.) Ecclesiasticism, therefore, knows this, nevertheless, from the very beginning it erected a banner to protect its chosen priesthood and named the common masses the earth, and their rulers beasts. These are the secret names given to them in the ecclesiastic code. Their alleged first man they called Adam, and this name means earth or earthy. THE RESURRECTION 297 Well did they know the necessity for seizing temporal power. It was not so much to openly rule, as it was to control government and dictate legislation. They refer to this coveted power in the Bible more than one hundred times. By power they create the mob. The ignorant are carried away by the excitement and enthusiasm of the crowd, a specific type of in- tuitive fear. The wise take mean advantage of this weakness, in fact cultivate it for their own ends. Preachers and orators are solely intended to inspire the mob to blind unthinking action. Back of these, sit smug and safe, the Lords. On the part of the priesthood, this power is called the “magician power,” they assuming to be magically gifted. The spell-binder is always a faker. Well do we know the magic power of “brilliant oratory,” and, practically all such oratory is filled with sophistry. It is well to ponder these things now. Look with suspicion upon the man who makes light of them. He may be as Job says, “born like an ass’s colt,’ but more than likely he is a designing knave. The Bible code, by which its true significance 1s under- stood, reveals the most wonderful system of influencing hu- manity by subtle suggestion and inspired fanaticism and hys- teria. Every human passion, emotion and sentiment is kept attuned to hysteria, a known nervous disease which may be flashed into an epidemic form at the will of those who know its terrible power. Do you want to act the excited hysterical fool at the will and suggestion of another? No! then here is the antidote. Do your own thinking and be your own judge in your own personal affairs. Good and evil and right and wrong are as discernible as night and day. Become a god yourself. “Become one of us.” Reason is offered to all men alike, but not all know how to avail themselves of its limitless powers. The understanding use of reason, assisted by the philosophy of intuitive thought and illuminated by revealed science, makes monarchs of men. By the interpretative powers of these agents of revelation, we 298 THE RESURRECTION may wrap ourselves in seclusion and silence, and vision the worlds, and all they know, parade before us, and we may record this wisdom. Liberty of thought is the inheritance of all men alike, but, like reason, all men have not been taught its proper use, hence, only too frequently, thought and reason clash. Liberty of thought, like the liberty of person, may run wild, and accom- plish only evil, for thought begets both good and evil results. Not all men may be given personal liberty, but no man may be deprived of liberty of thought, but the evil results of unreason- able and irrational thoughts soon place the man where these thoughts may not inspire evil acts to the detriment of others. As long as men reside together in a community life, they owe to the whole certain amenities which must not be despised. These duties are suggested by reason, therefore, it 1s every man’s duty to learn how to reason for himself the necessity for community duties, and judge if he is conscientiously fulfilling his duty in full measure or is shirking responsibility by placing his burden upon others. If you give to others your free gift of thought, they will most likely, abuse it for selfish ends. Community life has its duties also towards the individual ; he should not be deprived of his personal right to attain the reward of genius or industry, and by his own efforts to lighten his own burden. He only owes to society his fair proportion, the average proportion yielded by all men to equalize the whole burden. The gravest injustice is in that debasing theory that the individual should contribute in proportion to his power to produce. This encourages idleness and indolence 1n some, and breeds that greatest of all social evils, organized “easy charity,” in its many aliases and disguises. Under civilizing habits, customs and privileges, it is the right of every man to enrich himself to the extent that he may rest from personal labor and indulge himself in thought, study, research and experimentation, but his primary reason for this should be to give to the community the benefits of his inventions or discoveries. It is thus the cumulative thought of the nation must bear fruit. THE RESURRECTION 299 The pleasure of spending is necessarily greater than that of gaining. This is especially true when one’s personal wealth is untainted by unfair methods of acquisition, and is the result of one’s own labor, or genius, or both. Neither community nor individual has a right to demand undue contributions to the public maintenance based upon in- dividual producing power; that is unfair confiscation. This means wealth legitimately acquired by one’s own energy. The whole world has been involved in this error, with the result that the temptation to confiscate wealth through abnormal taxation has become a species of legalized robbery. All of- ficial power has become an obsession, with a desire to take away wealth from the individual by law, even though he has acquired it by lawful personal processes, and perhaps at great personal sacrifice and benefit to humanity a thousdnd fold greater than what he possesses. Aggrandizement is not a sign of refined civilization. No community should assume the expenditure for public purposes of a sum greater than an average per capita taxation, fair to the average, individual producing power. Civilization should not outstrip nature. The nation can be more intemperate than the individual citizen. Unfair taxation causes men to adopt unfair methods of acquiring wealth to the detriment of an honest reward for genius and personal effort; it breeds a disrespect for law, and that means disregard for the community interest. Greed and selfishness take the place of economy and fair competition. That meanest of all national evils, monopoly, creeps in and takes control of the community exchanges, and that which was the honest community spirit and social pride, becomes a consuming disease. Government seeks to devour acquired property by unfair taxation; monopoly seeks to devour all the benefits and profits of commerce and these become examples to cause the people to devour each other. Designing politicians quickly make this an excuse to prey upon honestly acquired wealth. This is identically the world situation today. 300 THe RESURRECTION If we were asked to name a basic cause, we would not hesitate to say the abandonment of reason in the conduct of national development, and the utter disregard for science, and natural law. Add to these, too much class legislation, too many criminal laws and too much taxation. Civilization is commercialized and over capitalized. We do not hesitate one moment in declaring that statutory law has been a curse to mankind, and that it was inspired with this understanding ; common law was the natural law of justice. After all, science is but the exercise of the dogma of analogies, therefore, no ground for excuses for world con- ditions exist. History is replete with effects from identical causes. Men are responsible, not mankind. The effects of evil living and evil doing are plainly written upon the faces and in the mien of men. A community or na- tion is but a composite man, and his face and mien will equally depict the national faults. The destiny of the nation may be foretold by an analysis of its average citizen. A single act may be the precedent for a series of drawbacks for man or nation, to make or break either. One piece of misfortune may introduce a series of calamities. This is just as true of nations as it is of men. These all fall under the dogma of analogy, and it is the function of science to reason out the causes for evil effects, and pro- vide means for evading misfortune and calamity before they overtake us. Eliminate the cause and there can be no effect. The practice of governments deliberately and intentionally has been guided towards perverse and irrational theories which make a commerce of the effects which should have been elimi- nated by suspending the causes. The miseries of the world, and no one denies they exist, are wholly without reason. The causes to which they are due may be traced to the false doctrines of men. It is sufficient that evil effects have resulted without accusing them of design or duplicity. Nevertheless, had the masses been permitted to do independent thinking, or had they been taught to reason, science would have deprived questionable powers of the privi- THE RESURRECTION 301 lege of applying illogical experimentation to the development of nations of people. A reasonable pantology is not illogical as a national founda- tion. Is there a choice between a universal knowledge and national ignorance? Yes, undoubtedly. Then why choose universal ignorance? There are 20,000,000 illiterate people in the United States today. | Referring to the masses at large, we have universal ig- norance with consequent evils. Having made our choice there is no means by which this horrible error may be corrected. The world must bear its burden to the end. Humanity has lost. The end of civilization is not far distant. The ecclesiasts, learning from the Gnostic science that equilibrium is a universal law, due to the opposition of two equal forces, attempted to adopt this philosophy to the adjust- ment of its unbalanced conception of a universal political re- ligion with curious consequences. Their god is a being of severity and mercy. Why the severity if mercy is to be the balm? Why make a wound merely for the sake of healing it? Why attribute to their god attributes which would necessitate future acts for their exercise? On what did they base this an- ticipation? On the doctrine of original sin, of course. A pure fabri- cation, a mean slander, and a dishonest attitude toward strug- ling humanity. If this doctrine is scientifically wrong, the evil results are accomplished, therefore, they cannot be corrected, hence the necessity for the doctrine of infallibility. If the doctrine of original sin is correct, then evil must be considered a part of God’s inheritance to mankind, for “God is all and in all.” In his innocent state man knew no wrong, who taught him wrong, and for what purpose? It is quite sufficient to say that, that which is evil in man is evil in God, and were there no evil, there would be no jus- tification for the church; there would be no need for a media- 302 THE RESURRECTION tor, nor would a burdensome priesthood be astraddle of hu- manity and in control of legislation. There are two things conspicuous in the world today: the limited number of persons who may be named as profound philosophers and scientists, and the slowness with which great inventions, useful to humanity, are brought into service. The latter is acknowledged to be due to monopolistic reasons, and all great inventions are soon monopolized by that evil dogma of the mediator or middle man. That damnable doctrine.of the Ecclesiasts, that human- ity must not be permitted to realize personal comforts too rapidly, is responsible for the opportunities to monopolists, and the habits formed by governments. They know that, in the last analysis, the government is, theoretically, the con- sensus of opinion of the people, therefore the necessity for inspired ignorance in the masses, that public opinion may be easily moulded by designing men and institutions. That is the very life essence of world politics. This is not intended as a lecture on morals; it is the plain truth which should go home to all men, whether pleasing or not. To many, our whole work will be anything but pleasing. We are not catering to the whims or tender feelings of anyone. If anyone is hurt by anything we have written, they may at once be put down as enemies to mankind, or the willing dupes or agents of institutions which do not have the best in- terests of the masses of humanity at heart. Ridicule will only exaggerate the importance of this book. We invite it. | These words have been spoken and no power on earth can suppress them. Seize them, burn them among the smoulder- ing fires of the inquisition, and they will arise to smother those who attempt to destroy them. Gnosticism is a living thing; it has come to life; its resurrection is at hand, and humanity will see and hear, and wonder why reason has so long slum- bered. The answer is because reason has been chained to a blank wall in prison, by the powers which once exploited the murderous inquisition. EEN. IPs) OEE MIND AND MAN (“Man that is a worm, and the son of man, which is a worm.”) The purpose to which the fruit is put explains the reason for its creation. Every system produces something useful. If it is a reproductive system, it produces a dead excrement and a living excrement; for example: the dead leaves, and the living fruit of the tree. One represents the elimination of the waste of a digestive process, and the other represents the true purpose of the tree, to supply food for other beings and to perpetuate the species, evidently to perpetuate the supply. That is the highest aspiration and purpose of vegetation. Is there visible evil in this? It is essential to evolution. Man is no exception to this rule; his excrements perform similar functions. The deposits of his material body represent the waste due to destructive assimilation, and they are returned to the earth to be distributed to the elements which originally contributed them; solid to solid, fluid to fluid, gaseous to gase- ous, and vbratory to vibratory, all to be purified and re-ener- gized for future.use. Not one atom is lost in the end. It is most significant that we find each plane absorbing its own proportion. For instance the breath we exhale into the atmosphere is carbon dioxide, and is promptly inhaled by the vegetation. This is the direct reciprocation between vege- tation and animal life, for we breathe the oxygen released by vegetation. Evil is a comparative thing, and may only be applied as between individuals. There is no such thing as evil in nature; even the Bible admits this. “God is all and in all.” If evil exists God is evil. These simple truths open up a tremendous field for specu- lative thought. 304 THE RESURRECTION Let us delve deeper into this system of reciprocity, for it has to do with respiration, the most vital function in physical being. “And God said, ‘Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree. yielding seéd ;*to you it shallsbetor meat)? (Gena Chee éarthe bringethei orth breadams | OD mea am We are going to prove that the god of nature gives sub- stantial things for spiritual things, whereas the Christian God gives spiritual things for the substantial, and this is identically the difference between the real Gnosticism and the imitative Christianity. “If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing that we shall reap your carnal things?’ (1 Cor. 9:11.) The man surrenders his solid excrements to the earth, which symbolizes man. wihhesearths brincethmtorthmbreadss , He surrenders his fluid excrement to the waters which “nourisheth vegetation.” He surrenders his gaseous breath to vegetation, and re- ceives its solid fruits and the vital element for his own breath. He surrenders his thoughts to the vibratory God of na- ture in thankful recognition of material things. We believe that, like the other elements, the vibratory also yields up its potential wisdom and returns it to man, the whole planetary system following this law. The contempt in which mankind is held by the Ecclesi- asts is the strongest evidence of premeditated persecuton of men. Men revile that upon which they have evil designs to appease their conscience. “Vain man would be wise, though man be born like a wild ass SucOliqw a (hs Obmligles) “Man that is born of woman is of few days and full of troublesga (opel ie) “What is man that he should be clean? And he which is born of a woman, that he should be righteous?” (Job 15:14.) THE RESURRECTION 305 Yet Christ was allegedly born of a woman, and Christ Wassthies son oteman.” *(Mat)3:20,)°"A man,’ (1 Tim: 2755) Christ is called the “son of man” 84 times, and Ezekiel is so called 90 times. “How can man be justified with God? Or how can he be clean that is born of a woman?” (Job 25:4.) This 1s something for both men and women to think about. It is a mean insult to both, and an accusation against nature, which produces them. Every mother and wife should resent such slander. “How much less man, that is a worm? And the son of man which is a worm.” (Job 25:6.) Christ himself alleges he is “the son of man.” (Matt. 8:20.) “What is man that thou art mindful of him?” (Ps. 8:4.) meOlmturnestumantordestriction.. 64 (bs: 90:3.) “Man goeth forth unto his work and to his labor until the evening.” (Ps. 104:23.) This base opinion of man is a mean slander broadcasted by Ecclesiasticism, to justify its own vicious attitude towards humanity, and give cause for the church. “That which hath been is named already, and it 1s known that it is man: neither may he contend with him that is mightier Pham neee ces 710?) This is a challenge to civil government by the church. “Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted for?” (Is. 2:22.) “Thus saith the Lord; cursed be the man that trusteth in Mate Gere L/:o.) Peter said of Christ, the man whose murder was premedi- tated to justify Ecclesiasticism: “T know not the man.” “And again he denied with an oath, I do not know the iat Natta 20:/25) “Surely oppression maketh a wise man mad.” (Ecc. 7:7.) This is to inspire anger and resentment. 306 THE RESURRECTION “The forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife.” (Prov. 30: 334) “He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly.” (Prov. 14:17.) We again call attention to that sinister fact, that the alleged Christ is born of Mary, meaning rebellion, and one of the first statements; he made to his disciples was: “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I. came not to send peace, but a sword.” (Matt. 10:34.) And now we have the kings of the earth praying for de- liverance from the promised wrath of the Lamb because “wrath begets strife.’ (Rev. 6:16.) If mankind will stand for the church having symbolized it as the producing earth, it should not complain that it gives to it its excrements in return for carnal things produced by the sweat and blood of men. No thinking, reasoning person can study and analyze man as the highest evoluted being of animal kind, and not held in contempt such vicious assaults upon his nature. This man, of which Ecclesiasticsm speaks in these mean terms, is an imaginary man of its own making. It contemplated the de- basement of mankind and pictured its man in the evil aspect in which it proposed to place him. (Ecc. 6:10.) We shall attempt to vision man as the epitome of all of nature’s creations, and the last link in the chain which was to unite the living creatures of this planet with the universal mind. If there is glory or profit in the deed, Ecclesiasticism reaped it, for it ruthlessly broke that chain and violated the . course of natural evolution. Nature intended man to be more than ‘“‘a wild ass’s colt,” and more than the “beast of the field,’ and more than a mere producing agent. We shall now take up the analysis of man as an essential factor in the fulfillment of natural evolution. His mind 1s truly a wonderful thing, and his senses well defined agents of nature. In a previous chapter we have analyzed the physical man. THE RESURRECTION 307 When we consider the possibilities of a thought in com- mon, there are many strong evidences in its favor. We can only think exactly as we express thought by words, signs or symbols. In simple, we first think what we wish to convey, therefore, mental contact would convey or transmit from one brain to another the same impression that spoken or written language conveys. Written language is assimilated by vision, therefore, a blind person cannot receive such thought messages. Spoken language is conveyed by sound, therefore a deaf person cannot receive such thought messages. Transmission of thought by touch or feeling is not prac- tical for general purposes, although possible in a limited way. Having eliminated seeing, hearing and feeling, there re- main but the senses of smell and taste. These both belong more to the nourishment of the body, therefore, they are not available in the transmission of ‘thought to external objects, both being afferent senses. If, as is commonly believed, there is a sixth sense, it is important to know if it is one by which thought may be trans- mitted from one mind to another. It is most interesting to examine the specialized senses as revealing the mental man. It is quite evident that the mind cannot subjectively vision pictures which it has not objectively seen. Neither can it con- struct imaginary pictures without having received in the brain a knowledge of the materials of which such pictures are con- structed. Therefore, a person born blind has no basic knowl- edge of pictures; nor can a person born deaf appreciate music, or analyze sound, hence, such persons are usually also mutes, and speechless, therefore harmless in so far as the transmission of thought is concerned. This at once gives us a clue. By the sense of seeing we gather the materials for mind pictures through visible contact, an afferent process, the eye merely acting as a camera for re- ceiving these materials to be adjusted to their proper propor- tions in the memory. This is mental food, exactly as our 308 THE RESURRECTION varied ligqiud or solid foods are for the bodily tissues. The evidence that they supply energy in both cases is in the fact that the only mode of reproducing, modifying or reconstruct- ing these mind pictures, to convey them to other minds is mus- cular and mechanical, and by the expenditure of vital energy. It is clear then, that even muscular action is the expression of mental impulse. The mind determines the act by which it expresses its will, and refers the execution of this idea to that department of the body best qualified to carry out the will in a creative act. For instance, one mind desires to convey to the mind of another person, who is present and capable of receiving the message, some idea. It forms a word picture of the idea and conveys it by spoken language or signs, normal vision and hearing being the receiving agents. 2 If the person is distant and incapable of receiving the message by sound, the mind mechanically places the word pic- ture upon a substance and has it mechanically transferred to the receiving mind, which interprets it. If the mind desires to construct some useful thing of solid materials, it refers this idea to the parts of the physical body capable of executing the instructions; the materials are mechanically brought together, and the structure is mechani- cally erected. This all requires the expenditure of vital energy, and this energy passes through all the phases of the creative act, vibratory, gaseous, solid and fluid. The mental act sending forth the thought is efferent, pass- ing over the efferent nerves. The mental act of receiving the message is afferent, passing over the afferent nerves. Here is plainly the avenue for the transmission of thought or intelligent, mental energy from one person to another. Therefore, we must ascertain the atmospheric mediums through which this communication is conducted. It must be a medium capable of holding intact mind pictures exactly as they have been created in the nervous centers of the sender before being projected. It is apparent that they follow the atomic wave system in their execution. If we cast a solid body from us THE RESURRECTION 309 we surrender control of it. If it strikes the object at which it was aimed, it has executed its mission, and then it drops under the influence of gravitation, and is carried to the solid earth. The same thing occurs if it fails of contact with the objective point. When the energy is exhausted it falls, but not in a straight gravitational line, but by a curvilinear path. If we cast a stream of water out into space, whether it performs a perfect function or not, it falls to the earth and gradually wends its way to the sea. We lost control when we released it. This is the underlying law which prevents regurgi- tation of waves. If we shout a message to a person, and he receives it, it is the impression made upon the afferent agents by the impact of sound waves, which mechanically conveys the message to the mind of the other. The interpretation of the waves occurs in the sense centers. If the other person does not hear the sounds, where do they go? There is no reason for doubting that these sounds are absorbed into the electrical pabulum as the earth, the sea and vegetation have absorbed the solid, fluid and gaseous. We have thus accounted for the solid, fluid, gaseous and vibratory excrements. The solid excrement lies impotent until revived by some external agent. The water remains dormant until revived by some external agent. Are we to conclude that the gaseous and vibratory are wholly lost, because we cannot vision them? Certainly not, our gaseous exhalations are absorbed as the breath of vegeta- tion, which lives in the atmosphere, and in silent potential thought belongs to the universal, vibratory mind, whether that mind is embodied or in potential freedom, it is one and the same, the universal, electric substance. In the distribution each plane receives its own, the vibratory, gaseous, fluid and solid. | The solid and fluid are eliminated from the lower body. The gaseous is eliminated from the thorax. The vibratory is eliminated from the head. 310 THE RESURRECTION But these eliminations only cast out the products of the organic chemical processes. Seeing and hearing beget thought—vibratory. Respiration begets speech—gaseous. Circulation begets action—solid and fluid. By the vibratory sense of seeing and hearing, we procure the vibratory food for the mind; through our eyes and ears, we assimilate this, and coin it into our own thoughts, which we broadcast as our mental fruits. By the gaseous process of respiration we receive through our nostrils the gaseous breath of life and we surrender to vegetation carbon dioxide for its breath, and we provide the power of vocal expression. By the fluid and solid processes, we receive through the mouth our fluid and solid foods for nourishing our bodily tissues. The head provides the thought, the thorax provides the energy, and the external body provides the physical execution for the pro- duction of material things and the pursuit and acquirement of solid and fluid foods. All the food for the physical being must pass the inspec- tion of the mental being, before it is delivered to the physical, hence it is passed to the head to undergo the scrutiny of the five primary senses, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling. lhe. light..of the body, is :the:eye.” .(Matt™ouZ2g) “Doth not the ear try words and the mouth taste his meat?” (Jobmizall>) sche hearing eareand the seeing eye,” (Prov. 204125) “He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” (Gen. 2:7.) “Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things: so that thy youth-is arenewed>.€ Ps. 103):5a) All of this reveals a familiarity with the Gnostic philoso- phy founded on observation, contact, experience, intuitive thought and deductive and inductive reasoning. We advance this as our theory, whether original or not. In so far as we are aware it is new. The cumulative power of our organism is to nourish and sustain it as a living battery of stored forces having specific egal THe RESURRECTION Say functions to perform in the economy of nature. This energy is classified by our rule of four, to make delivery to the four primary planes the peculiar mentation belonging to each. The human body is the epitome of the whole evoluted scheme, therefore it generates these differentiated mental forces as a fruit of the system, in order to perpetuate a cycle. There are four planes: Vibratory, gaseous, solid and fluid. Each of these planes represents a living condition in itself and must be nourished by its own kind of food. To maintain equity and balance, everything intended for nourishment must pass through a chemical, digestive process, which separates the matter into four elements in order that each plane may receive its own; solid and fluid for the planet; gaseous for the atmosphere, and vibratory for the electric pabulum. This is the fruit of the body; when it ripens it falls where it is to be assimilated. In our physical bodies it is distributed to the flesh, muscles, bones and marrow, symbolic of the planet, and the ultimate tissues of the system. Vibratory, universal pabulum: Atmosphere, gaseous Nitrogen, Oxygen, flesh muscle Solid, carbon Hydrogen, bone lymph, fluid Earth Sea Diagram No. 58 We at once see that this system is held intact by mentation, respiration and dual circulation. The mental products of this trinity of forces manifest as thought, speech and action. 312 THE RESURRECTION Nitrogen nourishes mentation. Oxygen nourishes respiration. Carbon and hydrogen nourish circulation. Therefore we may quickly determine the elemental dis- tribution as shown above. The first fruit of the living processes on the planet is thought, which is nitrogenous. “The first fruit belongs to God.” As the solid, fluid and gaseous seek their planes, so does the vibratory seek the universal, electric field as stored wisdom. This is universal mind, and permeates all space. In fact, it is a Gnostic truth used by Christianity. “It is all in all,” but manifests in different phases. } What is the nature of the medium which may bring the human mind in direct contact with this universal well-spring of wisdom? We may reach forth our hand and partake of the solids, and through our mouths the fluids; we inhale the gaseous through our nostrils, and we may partake of the vibratory through the sense of sight and hearing. ‘This takes us right back to the potential wisdom, the universal substance 1n which all mentation is potentially stored. “Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil. Now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat and live forever.” (Gen. 3:22.) This tree of life is the atomic tree which draws its sus- tenance direct from the universal pabulum, and it symbolizes the nervous system in man, which in form is a perfect, in- verted tree. Jesus tells his disciples: “T am the light of the world; he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness; but shall have the light of life.” (Jno. S32.) “T am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the father but by me.” (Jno. 14:6.) “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men,ithe’man Christ Jesus’. (le lin. 2-om THE RESURRECTION aie This is the Gnostic way in disguise. Nitrogen. Oxygen. Carbon. Hydrogen. God. Christ. Man. Woman. Flesh. Muscle. Bone. Marrow. Every Gnostic lesson we have had, has intimated that the universal field may only be reached through oxygen, because it is the element which begets expansion. This was known to the ancient philosophers, and the Ecclesiasts attempt to hold the process as a great mystery. The truth of the matter is, this alleged light is the human intellect. It was originally intended by nature that the intellect of man should attain the power to form direct contact with universal mind. The first act of Ecclesiastic power was to debase the intellect of men to a com- mon level of ignorance to prevent their attaining this power, that they might hold up a simile as a living Christ and name him: “Christ, the power of God, and the wisdom of God.” (I Cor. 1:24.) That no questions should be raised concerning its educa- tional policies, a clean-cut attempt to monopolize the greatest gift of nature was made. History proves conclusively that it was the policy of the church to forbid the masses partaking of scientific education, and only through such education could they learn the truth. Hence, we find the priesthood saying: “Behold the man is become as one of us. “Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden Gimt Geng (Grethn 3.22073.) A garden means a place of cultivation. Paradise means pleasure. Eden means delight. Man was deprived of both education and pleasure, because of his disobedience and attempt to delve into things it was not intended he should know. It is not our purpose to attempt to explain here the process by which the human mind may attain direct contact with the universal mind. We think it extremely doubtful if this power 314 THE RESURRECTION will ever be reached by the present human race, because of two thousand years of stunted development. Nature does not hold her processes in a state of suspended animation for two thou- sand years to wait upon egotistical whims of men. The present state of Radio experimentation is a close me- chanical imitation of the common transmission of thought. But even this must be transposed into a common understanding. We especially invite attention to our conception of the universal contact within cosmic systems as illustrated in dia- gram No. 34. This reveals mental action as atomic, and oxygen as the universal distributor. That is, oxygen is the measuring unit of heat distribution, and heat manifests light. A reciprocal compensation permeates the whole creative sys- tem. Physical regurgitation is not permissible, therefore, inter- planetary communication is through the vibratory, cosmic pab- ulum, and this permits the planets which have passed into the major field to reflect back to the terrestrial their garnered wis- dom which manifests in our physical forms. A body may only reflect that which it has received, as the instructor teaches that which he himself has learned. The mother bird teaches her nestling to fly and to seek food. Nothing which nature has created by her unchangeable laws wholly perishes. Memory records these works in the imperishable universal mind. In making new forms she draws upon this recorded wisdom for guidance, that an evolution of higher attainments may persist, while the lower orders are com- ing forward. If we are asked for a simile, we have one, which may not be disputed. We were present when the babe was born, we knew it through childhood, youth and young manhood, and we now converse with the same being as an old man. We may draw upon memory at will, and vison the being as we previously had known him, but all the aid and advice we can give cannot alter the errors of that past life. Memory, however, holds up the past before us that we may eliminate its errors from our future, and that is what memory is for. It is nature’s guide. THE RESURRECTION Bip This is the very essence of evolution, and the evidence of premeditated evolution which may not be refuted. The evidence that we do draw upon some potential reserve in the exercise of memory, may be found in the fact that ex- ternal light is not essential for this invocation. Memory is mental vision. It does not require physical exertion, therefore, no heat is involved. Nevertheless, a vivid recollection may be- get physical action, and consequent heat, of love or hate, has- tening the action of the heart and circulation. Memory espe- cially arouses the passions, and sentiments which thrill the phys- ical being and stimulate it to action, and consequent chemical combustion which must deposit an ash to be eliminated from the body, hence it is well to keep the thoughts of our budding youth alive in our memory to inspire our tissues. There is a wide difference between memory and imagina- tion. Memory reflects a picture already recorded, while imagi- nation creates a mental picture. Nevertheless they are so closely allied they sometimes seem the same, but the pictures of the imagination are not recorded in the universal memory unless they are released or projected by some form of expression. We may see before us the image of some one whom we know. The vision of the person is from memory, but his posi- tion or attitude may be wholly under the control of our imagina-. tion. We may, by our imagination, dissect him piece-meal, and stand him up before us maimed beyond recognition, yet memory tells us it is the same person. This is why our imagination is held under restraint, else we could confuse nature by abnormal forms. Hence, we may conclude that memory can neither add too nor take from our true picture, without our knowledge, but imagination can do both or demolish it. But, not even imagina- tion can prevent our recalling the picture from potential mem- ory at will. This intimates a permanent record, and that em- bodied mentation is limited in its creative powers. A vital question here arises. By physical injury te the brain, memory may be temporarily or permanently destroyed. B16 THE RESURRECTION Does it follow that the experiences which that mind had stored in memory previous to the accident are destroyed? The fact that, upon recovery from the injury, memory may be restored as before, would seem to indicate that the recorded pictures are not wholly destroyed, but that by no means answers the question; it but suggests even a greater question. Is this recorded experience stored only in the brain, or is it stored in the great universal mind, to be drawn upon by the human mind and the recovery is but the restoration of the interpretating machinery as a radio receiver might be repaired? We do not hesitate to declare that the knowledge acquired by human experience is the knowledge of contact, therefore, its absorption is afferent. To dispense this wisdom requires the reactive exercise of efferent mechanism, under the control of will. Consequently, it may only be dispensed by reflection, which is under mental control. If spontaneously projected, it would come under radiation, which has no selective choice. Dis- pensed under such force it would simply mean a chaotic jumble. This 1s evidenced by our somnolent dreams, which are not wholly under the control of the rational, thinking mind. The irrefutable evidence that the store-house of the forces which revive our memory is our brain is, first, in its construc- tion, and secondly, in its mechanism specifically arranged to ac- quire and dispense wisdom under the censorship of a discrim- inating mind. The brain is supplied with afferent apparatus to receive and convey to it external wisdom, and efferent mechanism to project this wisdom at will. This will itself is a product of discrminative judgment, therefore, it is the messenger which arouses intelligent impulse in the physical mechanism through which the will is expressed; that is the muscular system. One part of the brain is intended to receive external wis- dom; another part is expressly constructed to examine, analyze, classify and appraise this wisdom, and a third division is for the judicious distribution of the wisdom; first, to nourish the material man; hence this impulse is distributed through the cere- bro-spinal nervous system, which is closely associated with the mi THE RESURRECTION 317) circulatory system; secondly, to govern the inner or organic man, the chemical system. This is the function of the sympa- thetic nerves; thirdly, to reflect the fruits of this physical and organic process to external things, as compensation for what the external world contributes. This undoubtedly is a function of the discriminating brain center, from whence springs the will. We now draw a deduction which it will be difficult to dis- prove, and that is: All of our original thoughts are exclusively our own, until we dispense them by some form of speech or action, after which they belong to the universal system, and are assimilated and recorded in universal memory as potential wis- dom, to be reflected on to other developing systems as mental food. It is evident that some natural selection censors the uni- versal absorption. This only bears out what we have previously said: the excrement of one system becomes the breath or food of another. We have previously said that the process of nourishment by the greater vibratory body is by absorption. This is made very plain by the influence our speech or actions have upon the conduct of those with whom we come in contact. By this deduction we may realize the truth that there is a compensation between each individual and the system which produces him, when we cheat, or shirk this responsibility, we only draw to ourselves similar contacts. Evil begets evil, and good attracts good. By what we say or do we buy a smile or a frown. A kindly act begets a goodly return, and more serious things, in proportion. Let us now indulge in a little analogy. It seems to us inconsistent that we may store in our brain all the thoughts which arise in our mind, and pictures of all the things we have known‘and seen. But pause and compare one of your brain cells, as a unit of your system, with yourself as a unit of the vast universal system, and you have your an- swer. The brain, with its accessory nerves, 1s to our system, as we with our accessories are thinking units of the greater 318 THE RESURRECTION system, and our brain is the electric pabulum of our physical being, each brain cell being a physical electron of living energy. That compensation is the respiratory force, in this living association, 1s easily proved. We receive from the earth and vegetation our solid and liquid foods. We recompense this by returning to the earth solid and liquid, excrements. We receive from the vegetation and the atmosphere vital- ized breath. We compensate this by giving to vegetation car- bon dioxide for its respiration. Through our external sense organs we receive the vibra- tions and sensations which nourish our minds. We compensate this by speech and action, which express our thoughts. Is there any responsibility resting upon us to return meas- ure for measure, and quality for quality, in this last transac- tion? This is worth thinking about. We must admit, however, that a starved body cannot yield a full quota of productive energy. Neither may a starved mind think only good thoughts. Hence, after all, we are the crea- tures of environment and circumstances. We are what we make of ourselves under example and environment. A starving man is not choice about the food available. A necklace of pearls is as valuable on a pig’s neck as it is decorating the throat of a prnicess, but we have been taught otherwise. If jewels were only intended for pigs to wear they would be of little value; between pearls and grains of corn the pig would choose the corn, because he has. not! vanity. This is the attitude which certain types of men assume towards the common masses of humanity; if the higher educa- tion were extended to all men alike, they could not shine as special dispensations. Mankind has been mentally starved; therefore, it cannot understand the true purpose of life. It cannot understand how it is possible for human thought to become food for a higher phase of planetary evolution. Men are purposely taught the sa THe RESURRECTION 319 abnormal idea that, individual existence, whether physical or spirtual, is the only existence worth while. We receive wisdom from other suns, moons and planets; that is evidenced by the fact that we know they exist, and reflect to us light; that in itself is wisdom of the highest order, for it is light that reveals all that we know. Then why does not this planet reciprocate that act and send its wisdom to other suns, moons and stars? This, after all, is but the law of exchanges, which bind man together in communities. Light conveys wis- dom. “I am the light and the way.” From whence do the planets receive new wisdom, which is not already known to all such bodies? From the life which it produces, of course, for that is its fruit. Its perpetuation is by reproduction of material bodies, which cannot rise above its atmosphere, but its mental fruits are atomic and vibratory, and lighter than air, hence they rise above our atmosphere and are attracted to the higher phases of evolution, to become the food for more etherial beings. That is the universal reciprocity—the eternal respiration. There are four kinds of inspiration, solid, fluid, gaseous and vibratory, and these provide the food for the four phases of existence. There are four kinds of expiration, vibratory, gaseous, solid and fluid, and normally they follow in this order. This is the reciprocal compensation, hence, inspiration is longer in duration, and life is more desirable than death. But, we find in every productive system two kinds of products, one a refuse, and the other a living fruit; one the product of decomposition, and the other the product of com- position, therefore, one is the sign of dissolution, and the other the sign of evolution, hence the dual blood circulation, the pure arterial blood and the impure venous blood. We may chemically differentiate these products, therefore, we may determine their purpose by the direction of their waves. Hope and aspiration look upward, sorrow and despondency look downward. The dead excrements of every system go downward, the living fruit continues the evolution. 320 THE RESURRECTION We stand up to sing. We kneel to pray. We lie down to die. We go into the grave to rot. The preacher in the pulpit attracts your mind upward in hope, and makes you kneel in doubt, to pray for mercy which — alone is in yourself. To know gives courage, hence the necessity for universal ignorance, fear being the foundation of faith, cowardice is abso- lutely essential to the supremacy of the church over the people. It is of much importance to note the difference between the lessons of vegetation and those of the animals. Vegetation has no spoken language, therefore light and vision are necessary to recognize and understand it. It has a written language, however, quickly recognized in its form and contour, all very plainly revealing, through vision, the purpose of recording the continuity of the atomic waves. It has but one means of perpetuating this unspoken language, and that is by reproduction. The fact that, when the individual tree dies and disintegrates its whole identity ceases, is ample evi- dence that it has neither abstractive thought nor reason, nor the means of establishing a record to live after it. This at once gives us a clue to the identity of the animal soul, merely the ability to leave a record after the death of the body, which will _ recall the individual identity. The longer these records endure the nearer the approach to immortality. Necessarily man will leave the most lasting of the animal records, his records being distinguished from those of the lower animals because of his ability to record his words in material images. Man, however, is not the only animal to leave constructive records. Many ani- mals construct long enduring material works, for instance the beaver. Language is any means or process by which thought and ideas may be understandingly transmitted from one mind to another, therefore, it requires both light and sound to express and understand the language of animal life. This reveals that light precedes sound in the creative process. Before we may THE RESURRECTION Bval read a written language we must have light and vision by which to decipher it; before we can speak it aloud we must hear it spoken, that we may understand the proper combinations of sounds to formulate spoken words. This symbolizes the light of intellect before the spoken word. “This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light.” (I John 1:5.) “The light of the body is the eye.” (Matt. 6:22.) “Pray that God would open unto us a door of utterance.” (Col. 4 :3:) ~This means speech. “And they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues, as the spirit gave them utterance.” (eR ctse24) The holy ghost is the breath of animal kind. The sounds they utter are their words. “He giveth to all life and breath.” (Acts 17:25.) “God is a spirit.” (Jno. 4:24.) “Hold fast the form of sound words.” (II Tim. 1:13.) “Father, word and holy ghost.” (1 Jno. 5:7.) Thought, speech and the breath. Will, Impulse and action. Seemg, hearing and breathing. The first great distinction between vegetation and animal is voluntary motion; the next is voluntary utterance of sounds. The progression of animal evolution is distinctly checked off by intelligence as displayed in motion and speech. These alone can express or reveal the fruits of animal production. Reproduc- tion merely extends or perpetuates the species. The bar against regurgitation is to prevent the higher animal from uniting with the lower to produce an inferior species. This is one of the strongest evidences of premeditated evolution. Man’s greatest power of revelation is by symbolisms. Writ- ten language is but the putting of sound into understandable symbols. Man, of all the animals, excells in this method of transmitting thought, and recording wisdom. GYRE THE RESURRECTION Within our own consciousness we may vision these symbols and translate them into mental sounds; therefore, memory is the process by which we record wisdom to be drawn upon at will and reconstructed into spoken language, or written on material surfaces as messages to others who understand. It is our be- lief that, all memory is recorded in the universal pabulum. We are approaching the end and purpose of evolution. There is as great difference between the highest developed man and the lowest type of his kind, as there is between the lowest type of man and the brute creations, therefore all men are not equal, if intellect is the guage. This is largely due to maladministration of education. Are we to take the highest evoluted man to represent man- kind in immortality, or the lowest? Or is there an intermediate type? Surely it would be unpleasant to believe that all alike are immortal. If the highest, then the greater part of humanity may fall short of the requirements. If the lower type, why waste time and energy on education? It is evident that there cannot be grades in immortal existence, and it is equally. certain that there is no element in animal kind which will finally rise or fall to an immortal equality. If there is, we can quickly determine what part of man becomes immortal, for all the elements of which he is composed may be examined. We know that the physical, material part of man dies and is disintegrated. That eliminates all possibility of an individual immortality, for there is no other known form which can be assumed by the spiritual part of man, by which nervous action may be transmitted to convey conscious sensation. This is why Christianity found it necessary to adopt the illogical and senseless doctrine of the physical resurrection. It had promised individual consciousness after the death of the body, and could not demonstrate it because consciousness is a physical attribute, revealed through sense organs, and received by other sense organs. Therefore, we are told that: “God is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living.” (Viarka222/25 THe RESURRECTION 323 It is the works of man which are immortal, and let us not misunderstand this word. The meaning of the word immortal- ity is “exempt from death, imperishable.” This signifies some- thing formless, for all forms must perish by immutable laws. Again this repudiates individual immortality, for individuality signifies form and dimension. We can draw but one conclusion; that which we call im- mortal is unembodied thought, that which is immaterial. If the universal, electric pabulum is a formless substance, it may absorb a formless spirit which merges into it from the material world and this becomes the potential wisdom for future generations of worlds and their products, as one person may pass an idea to another to be transmitted on into other genera- tions. This is the Gnostic tradition. All thought need not be absorbed into the great universal pabulum. According to the Bible, we are all physical gods. When we have placed before us different substances for food, we choose those which we know are proper food for us. Why, then, may not a spiritual being select and assimilate the thought which is set free in our physical world which harmonizes with his requirements, and assimilate it as the universal sustenance? It is all a chemical process. “There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body. (1 Cor. 15:44.) » lheespirit) of imaneis. tne*candle of. the: Lord: (Prov. TOTES “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God, who gave it.”” (Ecc. 12:7.) This does not even hint at personal individuality. If the dust mingles with the dust, why does not the spirit mingle with spirit? “A spirit hath not flesh and bones.” (Luke 24:39.) “God is a spirit.” (Jno. 4:24.) “The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and Pevratenlitem.()no162035) “The spirit of God searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. 324 THE RESURRECTION “For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? Even so, the things of God knoweth no man, but the spirit of God.” (I Cor. 2:10-11.) “Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”” (II Cor. 3:17.) No power can prevent secret thought. } “Christ offered himself through the eternal spirit.” (Heb. 9:14.) “The spirit of wisdom and understanding shall rest upon Hint Saretie en) It is plain that all of this signifies a theory of a spirit being, independent of physical, material bodies, and capable of consecu- tive will, thought and action, but it does not intimate a being of physical parts. He may not resemble a human being in the remotest degree. “Christ is the power and wisdom of God.” (I Cor. 1:24.) “God is light, intellect.” “Christ is the word of God.” “Christ comes from the eternal spirit.” Thus we are vindicated in our belief that universal menta- tion is a formless, electric, universal pabulum, a living thing, having the inherent power to manifest through matter evolved from its own substance, in order that individuality may manifest. We may conclude this chapter with a statement which will cause every man to think seriously. There is not one evidence in science, philosophy or religion, which can explain away the raw fact that in time, over-popula- tion must exceed the powers of maintenance on this planet. No sane or sensible person will seriously advance the brutal theory that multitudes of innocent human beings must be slaugh- tered to overcome the horrors of starvation. What good pur- pose did the Christian God have in view when he made man a special dispensation to over-populate the earth and die of starva- tion after he had destroyed all other animal life? “God will provide” is not a logical answer. When we extract the juice or essence from a body we cast the pulp away. THe RESURRECTION 325 When nature has completed her task she will cast human husks away. “For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts ; even one thing befalleth them; as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no pre-eminence over a beast. bolleeo; unto; one place wall"arerof- dust, andeallvot: them turn to dust again. “Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?” (Ecc. 3 :19-20-21.) Let us not close our eyes to the truth, that the education of men has purposely been bent towards heroism and brutality ; hence, we have at this time innumerable organizations engaged in the self-appointed function of leading men along false paths, allegedly towards some kind of armed peace, but, in truth, they are coddling the powers which permit them to live and thrive off slaving humanity. They are always found hanging onto the tail of any kite which will bring them into public notice, and give them the thrill of notoriety which they seek. The latest fad is preparedness, an itching for the return of the fat days of bloody war, that they may rush their millions of members upon suffering humanity to collect untold millions of money in the name of false mercy and charity. These parasite organiza- tions are neither instructive nor beneficial, because they are selfish clans attempting to rise and shine at the expense of others. They have taken their cue from Christianity, and they stand together to wield a political power which protects them. When they see churches piling up fabulous wealth, they are fired with enthusiasm to emulate the example. Have you ever attempted to analyze the problem of church accumulation and extravagance? We venture to say you have not. Here is a thrilling example for your consideration. A single church corporation in New York has assets of $13,329,053.00; its income is $1,248,681.00 annually; it pays its clergy annually $87,704.17; its organs cost $46,734.71; it expends annually for music, $50,965.00,and the alterations alone 326 THE RESURRECTION in the residence, recently purchased for its rector, was $20,- 084.00. Now, reader, pause a moment and contemplate the charac- ter of a God who will thus smother a small congregation with wealth and luxury, and leave millions without, the real necessi- ties of life. The income of that single church, properly dis- tributed, would supply the annual food for 10,000 people, and the distribution of this wealth would furnish comfortable homes for 20,000 families. This tremendous concentration of wealth not alone in churches, but in every organization, engaged in the false pretense of saving humanity, is surely impoverishing the great masses. It is a self-evident fact that an even distribution of wealth would give wider comfort to humanity. But why dwell upon this theme? The time of calamity and chaos is creeping upon us. The crucifixion of humanity in the name of a fabulous Christ is about ended. To you who only think of today, with no thought for the suffering for the new generation, it matters little. The odors of the church hypnotize the thoughtless. PARA WHY ARE WE? (The excrement of one system is the food or breath of another. ) Let us make an attempt to establish the possibility of cul- tivating a more diaphanous cortex through which to absorb the wisdom of the ages in which we are! submerged. The soul can perceive by its own exercise of desire, and independent of phys- ical aids, when we learn the secret of soul sight. We refer here to the psychic power usually called the soul. In the vibratory or electric world all is light, a still, poten- tial, invisible light without devouring heat. Fire is gluttonous and constructs opaque bodies by the constant deposits of the ash of its ravenous combustion of living matters. Could we cool our bodies to transparency, and yet retain our living functions, we would instinctively vision all, without the intermediation of thought, as one looks out upon an ever-broadening landscape through an open casement of transparent glass. Light passes through the glass without transmitting heat, and with it visible pictures. This form of lucidity was the goal of evolution, but evil surroundings necessitated Solomon’s wall to protect life ; where- as, the soul requires but a thin, transparent cortex merely to differentiate it from the universal, electric pabulum, from which it is drawn. Life is essential to progressive revelation, therefore self-protection is a first law in nature. Dreams are but the fantastic glimpses into the vast mental deep, during that ecstatic pause in physical activity, which we call sleep. During sleep the consuming fire slumbers within us. Life is but a consuming fever. When we are burned out, our light, our life, is extinguished. Our souls are slowly incin- erated, and our bodies are but the ashes of this sacrifice. When 327 328 THE RESURRECTION our souls are burned out, the physical organs cease to func- tion. The immortal essence which is our light and life, passes back into its mother pabulum as our soul is consumed, therefore we are momentarily dying, and converting our soul into essence. While we sleep, our imprisoned soul creeps stealthily to the bars and peers cautiously out into the great, cold, living light, in which resides every thought which has been evolved by living beings. These soul glimpses, stolen during our sleep, are our dreams, lucid or turbid according to the degree of ecstasy of the physical body, entranced by the joy of rest from that con- suming fire of the waking period. We do not die while we sleep, that 1s our period of recuperation. Little by little, our recupera- tive powers wane, until we fall into our last sleep in which we do not renew our powers of physical living to again awaken. Our faculties cease to function, and due preparation begins for dissolution and disintegration. Now, we are confronted by the great, unanswered ques- tion: Why have we lived? We shall not attempt an abrupt answer to so vital and abstruse a question. It is too inviting a morsel to swallow with one gulp; let us play about it awhile. First, let us thrill our minds by a species of revelation, which can be made permanent by intuitive thought; lucid and rational without imagination, and closely resembling the libera- tion of the soul, therefore, a waking ecstasy, free from the som- niferous aspect of physical sleep. This is the ignis-fatuus of the somatist who refuses to accept the triune man, corporeal, psyche and pneuma—body, soul and spirit, as a permanent union. Intuitive reasoning so resembles a lucid clairvoyance, it is with the greatest reluctance that psychic research yields the belief of a differentiated individuality, yet, to accept this belief is to dispute irrefutable evidence to the contrary. Our soul is our life, and may not be temporarily eliminated THE RESURRECTION 329 from our body, as a person would walk out of his house. The soul is imprisoned, as it were, and is only permitted to peer at the outer world through the windows provided for that pur- pose. Nevertheless, a proper adjustment of those port-holes to liberty, may let in a flood of the primitive, living light. This is subjective vision. If we are imprisoned and only permitted to look upon a blank wall, life becomes unbearable, but if we may look from a window upon a broad expanse of beautiful landscape, we may exercise our imagination and relieve the monotony of physical limitation. Therefore, we require fuel to keep our minds burn- ing, that our light may cast shadows upon the walls of our inner consciousness, for us to conjure into fabulous beings, demons or angels, according to the bent of our imagination. The more we feed the mental fire, through the agency of the external sense organs, the more dense and opaque becomes the body, and the more hampered and cumbersome become our efforts to think. Our mind becomes clogged by the clinkers formed by our burning our candle at both ends. The fire which burns the waste materials delivered by our waking faculties, as compared with the slow combustion of in- tuitive thought, may be likened unto the incineration of the household garbage and the incense arising from the censer. Intuitive thought does not deposit a physical ash, but re- moves the blank wall, and, with cautious exercise, a diaphanous cortex is formed through which the imprisoned soul may come in direct contact with the infinite, universal mind, which merely manifests through the physical agents as predigested thought. Pictures constructed and stored in the astral light are reflected into our minds. The human mechanism automatically interprets the waves which impinge directly upon the sense centers, with- out the expenditure of muscular energy, consequently while under the influence of this intuitive force, the mind assumes a semi-clairvoyant state, and the body experiences the ecstatic »., repose of sleep, without its somniferous aspect. External con- is tig, sciousness is veiled, and subjective reason is enthroned. 330 THE RESURRECTION If we are confined in a tightly closed room, we gradually exhaust the oxygen in the air, the atmosphere becomes satu- rated with carbonic acid gas, or carbon dioxide, and, if the air is not renewed we die of toxic poisoning. But if the doors and windows be thrown open, a flood of new life pours into the room, and the soul revives. Thus we see, life after all, isa chemical problem. We feed upon oxygen, and when the supply is shut off we “give up the ghost,”’ the breath, we cease to re- spire; our heat is exhausted; our light goes out; our body be- comes cold; therefore, fire, not light, is life. Light then is but the product of fire? Far from it, light is revelation, therefore, it is the agent of intuition as long as it is associated with life. When life ceases the light is disassociated from heat and blends back into the cold potential state. If light is the agent of intui- tion, we very promptly recognize it as the soul essence of living bodies. It is heat made visible. ‘When it is no longer associated with heat, it is light invisible. Pure phosphorus is a medium for this light. This is immortality. What is this? It is the azote of the ancient philosophers. To the modern chemist it is nitrogen. If oxygen is heat and active life, nitro- gen is cold and potential life. To manifest, oxygen must be: come embodied. Nitrogen attempts to suppress the activities of oxygen, therefore, nitrogen is the original and immortal power. : “T am the beginning and the end.” “T am all and in all.” Chemistry tells us that nitrogen very reluctantly unites with other elements. This has not answered our question: Why are we? Somewhere in nature there is a state of physical being with a transparent body. Of necessity it will be a cold body. If it were a warm body it would oxidize and become opaque. The animal evolution upon this planet has shown a strong tendency towards transparency of the flesh. There is a vast THE RESURRECTION B31 difference between the horny-skinned alligator and the white human being, and an equal difference in their intellects, demon- strating that transparency, light and intellect are associated to- gether. The alligator lives in the mud and slime. Man lives in the light. We cannot find one single evidence that this planet will pro- duce a higher physical being than the highest type of man. He is the reflected image of the planetary system producing him. Neither can we find one single evidence that, at death, man yields up an individual soul; whereas, every evidence declares an essenic immortality, a merely chemical sequence. We must then look elsewhere for the final answer to the question. The evolution on this planet clearly gives us a clue to look for a continuation of only the psychic aspect of evolution, as- sociated with other planets, corresponding with their physical differences. It is absurd and egotistical to suggest that conscious mentation exists only upon this unit) planet of ours. Neverthe- less, the radical physical differences would necessarily give to each planet a conscious life corresponding with its peculiar posi- tion in the cosmic evolution. Our physical organs are only intended to support our ever- dying bodies until they have completed their task in the whole creative cycle. As our tissues become more dense, and opaque, the more we draw upon our inner machinery for light. This 1s but a reflection of what is doing in our planetary system. As the central sun grows colder it draws upon its satellite bodies for their heat, and their heat diminishes to that extent, and the power of cohesion of elements becomes weaker. Therefore, the planets farthest away from the central sun are less dense than those nearer the sun. This we quickly recognize as the gradual disintegration of matter to enable the body to absorb more light, therefore, it is a continuation towards a transparent body which can be none other than the mother pabulum into which all matter merges. Now we have found it. It matters little what forms we 332 THE RESURRECTION assume during our planetary existence, so long as we are in the path of progression. This stream of evolution carries us toward the final goal. If we successfully ride the current without acci- dent, we accomplish a perfect function in nature; if we are caught in the flotsam and jetsam, to be dragged into a drift of imperfect things, we may be carried back through ages to begin our lives over again in the creative slime. How quickly we observe the intelligent boatman skillfully guiding his boat away from the derelicts to ride safely on the crest of the stream, hence, it is intellect we must strive to attain. Intellect is light, the light which guides us through the darkness. Light reveals, and revelation is absolutely essential to the development of intellect; therefore, the greater the light the more intellectual we become; hence, all nature bows toward the rising sun in a grateful obeisance, and kneels to bid adieu to the ruler of the day, uttering a soft prayer that it may live to see him rise again. We look upward when we sing. We kneel to pray. We lie down to die, and we continue downward into the darkness of the grave. This is the course into which we are guided by Christianity. The joyous song is the canticle of the morning dawn. The prayer is for the night. When the sun disappears behind the darkening horizon all nature shrinks into the somber, melan- cholic gloom, to hide away from the mysterious unknown. Fear is born of the night, but courage is renewed in strength with the rising of the sun. Light is not the life; heat is life, and light is intellect. When we sleep we are in darkness, and the rational intellect is sus- pended, but the reserve heat of our body keeps our blood cir- culating. It is in simple errors Christianity betrays its fallacies. Its Christ character symbolizes the light of men, the intellect, which leads the way to life (Jno. 8:12), but he is not the life as stated in Jno. 14:6. If he were, truly Paul would be right, we would THE RESURRECTION Se “die daily.” It is due to this error which caused the makers of the Christian system to attempt to convert Christ, light, into God, fire. The Christ says: “I am come to send fire on the earth.” fieukes 12:49; ) Thus he admits that he is not fire. “Our God is a consuming. fire.” (Heb. 12:29.) Light does not consume; therefore, fire and light are not the same; hence, Christ and God cannot be one, excepting in the sense that they constitute a dual force. Moreover, the words put in Christ’s mouth are contrary to chemical truth, the light does not bring the fire. Heat, upon attaining to the proper degree of temperature, becomes fire and manifests light. This is a chemical process, for heat may not manifest excepting by the oxidation of a material body. The standard formula of chemistry says: “The oxidation of matter produces heat; rapid oxidation produces fire and light is evolved.” Potential light is cold and invisible. Nevertheless, fire can perform its function even though the light be concealed. This proves that the fire-god is with all living matter all the time. It is variable, from a degree of darkness to that of light, and even light is variable from the twilight to the zenith. Therefore, in a potential state, heat and light are unity, but in the active state they are dyadic; upon becoming the life and intel- lect of animals, they are both triadic and tetradic. In chemistry we learn that oxygen is a dyad and nitrogen is a triad, and carbon is a tetrad. Therefore the concealed Gnosticism in the Christian scheme is “rooted out” by the despised Sihon, king of Heshbon— science and invention, and Christianity gracefully drops into a chemical theorem. The system of universal valence, which we demonstrate in another chapter, reveals the true functions of the fanciful God, and the fabulous Christ, in simple chemical terms, and as things which should be taught to children in their grammar schools, 334 THE RESURRECTION not as religion, but plain common-sense knowledge and under- standing. And still our question goes unanswered. Why are we? There are two kinds of light, the light of heat, as recog- nized in the sunlight, and the light of cold, as recognized in the pale, white moonlight. It is readily seen that the one is due to a radiated energy, which is developed into light in coming into antagonistic contact with our atmosphere, and the other is the reflection of the same energy from the mirror-like surface of a cold reflecting body. It is amazing to what extent Christianity attempted to imitate these natural laws. This conflict between the energy of the sun and our planet is typified by the “terrible vengeful God.” We devour the active and absorb the passive light, or rather, the heat devours us and the light swallows us. This is why the Christ is made to say: “I came to bring ” Heat accompanies light. This attempts to make of a consuming element a personality through a simple law in nature. The active light begets the revelation. fire. The passive light begets inspiration. The one, objective observation, and the other, subjective intuition. The objective gives physical action, which burns up the soul, as we have previously said, and deposits the ash of this combustion to form the tissues of the body, hence this process involves destructive assimilation. The subjective does not involve physical action, hence is not associated with life and death of the body. On the contrary, it cools the system, soothes the mind and conserves vital energy. Nevertheless, it has the power to draw upon the physical to express itself. We may safely conclude that the objective senses gather knowledge to be stored in memory by the subjective mind as universal wisdom. Do you see anything coming? THE RESURRECTION . 500 Wait till we make a brief explanation. Like begets like. The sun is a body in process of rapid oxidation, therefore, it “radiates heat and evolves light.” In course of time its energy will become exhausted and but the cinder of chemical combus- tion will remain. This is the original principle of physical death, a simple problem in chemistry. What has become of the energy which it has released? It has gradually transferred it to other bodies, and it has . begotten in them the very chemical habit which destroyed it. That habit causes death in every physical body. Dissolution comes when the living process is exhausted. To say that man brought death into the world is criminal libel. The radiating sun does not inhale, it continually exhales heat until it cools. That is its death. We may understand by this, that the only product we receive from the sun is its radi- ated energy. That is active life. We explain the process in other parts, and reveal that this energy consists of differentiated units. The moon 1s a cold, conserving body, receiving light from every visible, cosmic body, both radiated light and reflected light. These are blended inta a universal wisdom and reflected to our own planet to be absorbed as nourishment for the sub- jective mind. This manifests in intuitive reason. ‘This, too, is a destructive chemical process, in the sense that, all light is in some degree a product of chemical digestion. The ash of intuitive thought is deposited to form the nervous tissues. Nev- ertheless, it does not interfere with physical life. But physical life very materially interferes with it. As the sun exhausts its energy and becomes a cold body, the moon converts this energy into a cold light as potential wisdom, which it reflects to the receptive planet; hence, the brain becomes more active with cumulative knowledge and ex- perience. As the planet has its day and night, the moon also has its light and dark periods, in relation to the earth. The earth and Jer ‘THE RESURRECTION its inhabitants are greatly affected by these alternating condi- tions. The all-important aspect is, the window through which we receive the intelligence of the universe is the moon, a reflective body. The sun gives us no direct wisdom, but it does provide the way for our accumulation and assimilation of wisdom, and the manifestation of it in our thought, speech and action. This principle is personified in the Christ character. “I am the way.” (John 14:6.) We do not possess a power to radiate our products beyond our own atmosphere. Our planet is not a radiant body, but to the surrounding worlds it is a luminous body. Within that glow is the light peculiar to this planet. We contribute potential wisdom to our atmosphere to the extent of our power of pro- jection, and this merges into the universal pabulum which fills . interstellar space. That is the store-house of the universal wisdom. Its source is unidentified and unrecorded. Every human thought is absorbed into the electric pabulum which permeates our atmosphere, and this electric pabulum is the universal mind, which distributes this wisdom to every crea- ture in the universe capable of interpreting the waves. This gives us the ground for the philosophers’ Macrocosm and Micro- cosm. The Macrocosm is the universe, and the Microcosm is the animal, especially man, the little world. We describe man, as the epitome of the planetary evolution, in another chapter, but we do not attempt to analyze him as the Microcosm. This will be an.appropriate place to examine this similitude. It is more than a similitude; it is a living fact. Man is the unification of all these principles, hence he is the only living god on this earth. Viewed externally, man symbolizes the planetary trinity. The head is the moon and seat of thought; the thorax is the sun and the seat of energy, and the dual abdomen and pelvic re- gion form the dual planet, and the seat of production and repro- duction. Internally he symbolizes the planetary system: the brain, THE RESURRECTION 337 the moon; the heart, the sun, and various correspondences be- tween the other planets and the human organs have been sug- gested. We are reminded of the reflective nature of the moon by all of our food passing to the head to be reflected to the body. There are many very strange resemblances involved in this similitude, and we shall be convinced that our own bodies re- veal every cosmic secret. We previously called attention to the fact that oxygen is a dyadic element and that nitrogen is a triad. Nitrogen also is a pentad. In the planetary trinity the sun symbolizes oxygen, and the moon nitrogen, with the dual planet representing carbon and hydrogen as the receptive pair, hence the seat of reproduction. The heart, as symbolizing the sun, depends upon a constant supply of oxygen, and its dyadic nature is revealed by the ar- terial and venous systems under its control, distributing the pabulum resulting from the digestion of the foods reflected to the body from the head. The brain, as symbolizing the moon, requires nitrogen. Its triadic nature is found in the three principal divisions of the brain, and its pentadic nature is found in the five senses, cen- tering in the brain, and reflected as the external sense organs of the face. These sense organs are specifically the agents of the mind. Don’t think this is far fetched and imaginary. In another chapter we reveal much more wonderful similitudes strongly corroborative of this theory, which is as ancient as astronomy itself. This cosmic resemblance brings man into close contact with the greater being. Man is the shadow, as it were, of the greater being, and the physical body of that greater being is the plane- tary system. Christianity figures man as the child of the greater being, hence the resemblance, but in an attempt to create a close per- sonal touch in the similitude, many contradictions are found. Christ is made to say: eleandamyerather areione. \.( [nox 10:30.) 338 THE RESURRECTION The father is “fire’’ and the son is “light,” therefore, they cannot be one on this planet, but in the end of the planetary process they blend as one. Christ knows and admits this, by his separation and return to the father, and that the father is a superior being. “T go unto the father: for my father is greater than I.” (Jno. 14:28.) Life is greater than intellect. Fire is more powerful than light, its product. One of the meanest things in the Christian theme is its conception of ‘the true relationship between father and son. “If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?” (ElebsalZse) In all the history of mankind, including the age of savagery, the Christian scheme has been the most systematically cruel, hateful and vengeful of all institutions. It breathes only hatred and vengeance against humanity. Seldom indeed does it encourage pleasure and true happiness, especially for the individual. But we must not draw too far away from the main theme of this chapter. There is a clearly defined evolution in nature, fulfilling a cycle. This evolution passes from the universal pabulum, through the vibratory, the gaseous, the solid and the fluid planes; then it reacts back from the fluid, the solid, the gaseous and the vibra- tory to blend back into the universal pabulum. This is the living process. The mechanical is somewhat different. This evolution may bei physically traced; it is not a matter of speculation. There is a reflected image or reproduction of this evolution revealed by the living products of this planet. The question naturally arises: 1s the process extended on into other planets belonging to this system? THE RESURRECTION 339 We say yes, basing our belief upon the remarkable resem- blance between the planetary system and the human organism. But this need not imply a physical resemblance of products. Our nervous and circulatory systems we find in intimate association with every organ and every tissue in our body; then why not, the same system in the greater body, of which man is the image? The moon principle gathers wisdom and the sun principle digests and distributes this wisdom. This is revealed by the universal destructive assimilation. This is as true in the planetary system as it is in our own bodies. The cosmic interchange is through the agency of radiated and reflected light. If energy is life, and light is intellect on this planet, coming from the same source they logically must be life and intellect on all the other planets of this system, pro- ducing similar results. Living beings on the other planets need not have the remotest resemblance to the physical beings of this planet, for forms are wholly adjusted to necessity, purpose and environment, often anticipating these very conditions; but the assumed attitudes of life must conform to the elemental condi- tions. Our moon receives the geometrical forms reflected by other planets, and these geometrical patterns are aggregations of forces which seize upon a common pabulum and create complex forms. The evidence of this 1s found in the beautiful snow crystals formed in our own atmosphere. ‘The process is a true creation of bodies from primitive: substance, because it is under the control of cold nitrogen. For assimilation they are digested by oxygen, heat, and cast into the circulation. If these crystals are accidental, practically all forms are accidental, for their formation is controlled by a system of valence which produces monads, dyads, triads, etc., etc. More. of them exhibit six emanations projecting from a geometrical central body, intimating the influence of the sixth major planet, Saturn. In the usual collection of snow crystals none exceed the sexivalent forms excepting one, which exhibits twelve exten- 340 THE RESURRECTION sions. We believe this intimates that we receive these cosmic influences only up to Saturn, and the universal force. Saturn seems to have developed into a perfect astral body having its own permanent, luminous circle of perpetual light, suggestive of a high degree of intellect. The great bands about Saturn are differentiated into unit cells, perhaps its form of embodied life. If the beings upon Saturn have attained the attenuation which would give to them transparent bodies, it would not be necessary for them to form bodies such as we have upon this planet. They would be intuitively in direct contact with uni- versal mind, and would perceive the truth of things without the process of reasoning or analysis. All would be an instinctive sensation. Therefore, such beings would be super-human and capable of understanding every act and every thought which put into motion the inter-planetary substance. The power of inter- pretation would be a primary faculty of their being. Their whole respiration would be the living light and by absorption. Our own brain development exhibits the power of multiple cells. Every thought, before it is spoken, will-instantaneously pass to the super-planet before the sound can impinge upon the sensory nerve of a listener on this planet. We believe this is what the ancients had in mind when they conceived their Jehovah, an eternal and self-existing being. Self-existing would mean a balanced and self-contained body not requiring what we would term material food. The beings of every plane are sustained by the elements surrounding them, as we who reside upon the earth, require solid and fluid food. Our atmosphere is of a gaseous or molecular nuture, saturated with moisture, and permeated with imponderable influences de- rived from the other planets. The atmosphere of Saturn is probably of a vibratory or atomic nature, hence mental attraction would be the process of acquiring food, the primitive elements requiring no digestion. THE RESURRECTION 341 These beings, if individuals at all, would need no internal organs; neither would they require external sense organs. It goes without argument that, to draw from a storehouse the elements which sustain life, these elements must be there, else there would be nothing to appropriate. This is logically true in every system requiring substance to sustain life and maintain the integrity of individuality. If we do not supply fuel, the fire ceases to burn; that is the underlying principle. We have found throughout our whole study that the evolu- tion of living systems requires that one system feed upon the excrement of another. Each system forming a link in the evo- lutionary chain, produces a dead excrement, and a living excre- ment. The dead excrement passes back to the body which pro- duced the system, to be reconverted into food to enable it to continue to produce. ‘The living excrement is the essential ele- ment in the process; it is the fruit which performs two living functions; it becomes the food for the next evolutionary step. and to insure a perpetual supply, it contains the seeds which re- produce the system. Therefore the living excrement in every system reveals the self-sustaining Jehovah. Let us give a suitable similitude to make this perfectly plain. The earth produces the apple tree. This tree produces its leaved as its dead excrement, and the fruit, which is its living excrement. When the process of production is complete, and the har- vest comes, the earth claims its own, the leaves, and progressive evolution claims the fruit for food. Animal life consumes its fair proportion, and a reservation is made for reproductive purposes. Thus each system not only feeds the system in ad- vance of it, but it must produce its own food; hence we have adopted an axiom which is unanswerable. A system cultivates that which produces its food. Chris- tianity thrives by this law. It poses as that super-being. The compensation does not cease here, the leaves are con- verted into gasses and salts for the nourishment of the tree, 342 THE RESURRECTION that it may continue to produce. These are expressly for its respiration, circulation and productive processes. This is be- tween the earth and the tree. The animals which partake of the living fruit, also recip- rocate with fertilizing excrements, which must pass first to the earth before the tree can claim them. Nevertheless, there is a direct reciprocity between the vegetation and the animals feed- ing upon its fruits. When in leaf the tree inhales the animal excrement, carbon dioxide, and exhales oxygen for animal respiration. The animals inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide for vegetable respiration. Now we are approaching the point) where we may attempt to answer our great question. Every living thing must produce and pay its way, and this system of reciprocity perfects the cycle, involving the solid, the fluid, the gaseous and the vibratory. Vegetation symbolizes the fixed or solid state of evolution, attached to the earth. Animals with voluntary motion, symbol- ize the fluid or flowing state of evolution. Respiration sym- bolizes the gaseous state. The thinking, reasoning man symbol- izes the vibratory state of evolution; thought is vibratory. By circulation, respiration, and reason, the evolution slowly and patiently wended its way upward from the lowest animal type to man, the highest physical being this planet can produce, this planet being the only one of our system producing our type of physical and organic beings. It will be seen that physical forms are not direct products in the gaseous and vibratory portions of this cycle. These are produced by the physical beings by respiration and mentation. The gaseous and vibratory constitute the personal atmosphere in which we reside. This makes individuality of a soul, or a soul-body after death impossible. Intellect, from the lowest degree to the highest, is the guiding spirit in this planetary cycle. The intellect of the lower animals gradually developed into the higher being, the first fruit Tue RESURRECTION 343 of the lower became the food of the next higher, the higher always being the lord over the lower. “The first fruit belongs to God.” The god is always the higher. This is the theory of the older serving the younger. With the evolution of mind and intellect was the cyclic involution of the physical; therefore, in the planetary evolution, which of necessity must be greater than the mere mass of this one planet, each preceding planet in the system draws upon the first fruits of the succeeding planet for its own progressive de- velopment, and it must reflect its reciprocal compensation as its excrement. As material manifestation is blending forward into the mother pabulum, the food for sustaining systems is growing more attenuated with each evoluted system, to correspond with this cyclic progression. There can be no physical regurgitation, therefore, the reaction is mental suggestion. We have, right here upon this planet, a composite picture of the whole process, and without inviting controversy, and to shorten this story, we relate our deduction for what it is worth. From our superficial examination of the planetary system, of which our present planet is a part, we formulate the follow- ing deductions: There is a reactive interchange of intelligent forces between the planets, pictured by the living processes on this planet. This is the inter-planetary consciousness reflected. The planets in their formative period increase in density up to our earth, and then decrease in proportion to their dis- tance from the sun, which is the source of life, therefore they require less substantial food, and absorb more light and reflect greater intellect. Without inviting argument, and leaving it for others to follow the idea up the line of planets, we accept the sixth major planet, Saturn, as the culminating point of the mental process. Its rings reveal the truth that intellect has evoluted upward from vegetation itself, through the brute creation and man, each de- 344 THE RESURRECTION gree being recorded in the atmosphere of the planet to which it corresponds, with the intuitive reasoning powers of man mani- festing in a visible, vibratory body surrounding the planet of Saturn, and consisting of uniform units of like substance, hence all mentation would be in common. Where we may not be refuted by positive evidence to the contrary, we may indulge in speculation. Why may not the living, intelligent part of Saturn reside in these rings, as the body of the perfected planetary mind? The Saturnian rings, subordinate to the luminous external ring, represent the lower orders, as developed upon our own planet. This would differentiate the body into manifested solid, fluid, gaseous and vibratory planes in one system. That the Ecclesiasts held some such theory, is illustrated in this, about the last important message in the Bible: “And there shall be no night there: and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light.” (Rev: 22%5,) It will be observed that the light of the moon is not men- tioned. This corroborates our theory. The moon symbolizes the source of reflected light or intellect, which typifies the church, which is the body of the Lord God. The simile is, that civil government will disappear, and all wisdom and all control will be centered in the church,. which symbolizes the established kingdom of God on earth. Therefore, the purpose of man on this earth is to perfect a system of deductive reasoning, which is projected out into space, for the benefit and use of succeeding systems, all men- tal and physical knowledge which has been produced by the evo- lution of this planet. in waves which naturally may be assimi- lated into the vibratory pabulum. In more practical words, our radiations are received and interpreted by the preceding planets. ) We are almost shocked to realize that this is all of one vast system, each planet performing a specific function towards revelation, as we exhibit in another chapter. THE RESURRECTION 345 In the reciprocal process which we have seen in the living things of this planet, the other planets focus their influences upon this planet to reveal a visible image of the whole, hence, man becomes the highest physical manifestation of the creative scheme upon this planet, and he reflects in his body the whole planetary system, as we have previously noted. Nevertheless, he, like all the other living bodies of this planet, is a form of ash, deposited in the system. Upon surrendering his vital forces, to feed some higher evoluted being, he dies and disintegrates. Logically, he has passed on to the other planets the mental crea- tions which only may be evolved by organic being. We are but a unit in the great work; our function is merely mechanical, and our end unmourned by the process which pro- duces us. Only an ignorant, simple-minded egotist seeks to pose as a special dispensation in nature. Our heaven and hell are artificial and temporary dreams of no consequence. We cannot fool or deceive nature by our pretensions which, after all, are gratuitous, self-imposed and self-appraised. Our physical body disintegrates and with the distribution of the elements of which it is composed individuality ceases. Our pleasures and pains are inventions of our own, in which nature has little concern. But it matters much to human- ity at large, for the one duty we owe to our own, free state, 1s to dwell in amity with all nature, and that especialty refers to our reciprocal duties toward our fellow creatures on this planet. We have already seen that the living systems on this planet all return their dead excrements to the source which produces them, and the living products are passed, on to the next higher system as its food, a portion being reserved for seed. There- fore, assuming that man is the last and highest product of our planet, we may closely approximate the disposition of all his products, as the final fruit of this planet and this planetary phase. He exhibits the habits of all the other animals, contribut- ing to the four planes: solid to the solid, fluid to the fluid, 346 THE RESURRECTION gaseous to the gaseous, and vibratory to the vibratory, and this. brings us to the truth. The earth absorbs the solids and fluids; the atmosphere absorbs the gases, and then what? We know the solid and fluid excrements are the ordinary wastes of destructive assimilation. We know that the gaseous is the product of respiration, and that vegetation absorbs it in the form of carbon dioxide» It is also the agent of vocal expres- sion. The vibratory is the product of mentation. Thought is manifested by speech and action. Action must impinge on solid or fluid bodies to produce results. Speech sets up vibrations in the air, transmitting sound. These are dependent upon mus- cular action, therefore they do not fully cover the vibratory process. It is by unspoken thought that mentation is absorbed into the true vibratory or electric pabulum. This thought 1s chem- ical, active and reactive ; it passes into the universal mind and is reflected back into the physical being for visible manifestation. This is the individual reproductive act, which causes new cells to take the place of old. We are largely responsible for our own pains and sor- rows. In the compensation between systems, action begets reaction; like begets like: a kindly act reflects a kindly act; an evil act begets an evil result. In like manner a good or evil thought will produce good or evil results in our own organism, but evil will have no universal result, because of the selective sense in the vibratory or atomic plane. To be absorbed by living beings, our thought must be put into speech or action in order that the waves bearing them may impinge upon the afferent agents and be carried into the system, there to be interpreted and digested, exactly as we absorb our food. Thus our own thoughts may arouse in others, hatred or love; joy or sorrow; pain or pleasure, by our placing them in the active state by speech and action. How careful, then, one THE RESURRECTION 347 should be concerning the things they say and do unto others, for reaction is equal to action. This, too, is a chemical problem. Anger is a positive, an- tagonizing force, begetting.warfare among elements exactly as speech begets resentment between persons. These antagonisms are neutralized in the vibratory plane by their positive and nega- tive natures being corrected, in order that they may not propa- gate and beget a continuation of anger. Like a consuming fire, anger burns until it gradually dies out for want of fuel; the storm rages until exhausted. It will at once be seen that we cannot release evil thoughts into the universal or vibratory world, excepting by speech and action, because, the discrimination or selective sense refuses to supply fuel for destructive forces. A reaction takes place which burns out the evil thought in our own systems, depositing the ash of such chemical combustion as a harmful element to be absorbed by our own bodies. This is the primary cause of phys- ical ills and diseases. We discharge our overplus of anger or evil upon others in order to vent our own pent up condition, and we do get a phys- ical relief by transferring our venom to others, but our subcon- scious mind does not get relief, because it binds us to the law which forbids regurgitation. The reaction occurs in the nucle- ated cells of our tissues. They become the fuel for our subcon- scious fire and our vitality pays the toll. Anger is heat and heat must have its associated fuel. We are endowed with the faculties of analytical thought, and deductive reason, for this identical purpose, that we may understand these natural laws, and train our minds away from thoughts which beget evil speech and action. By a chemical reaction we are responsible for every hurtful thing we say or do to others, and we pay the penalty, whether we understand and appreciate it or not. The god of nature is not the speculative god preached by Christianity. He holds his court in every human conscience and judges every act and the punishment is chemical. 348 THe RESURRECTION This is the source of the Christian declaration: “Our God is a consuming fire.” (Heb. 12:29.) It is a lesson in natural chemistry which should have been taught to children in schools, not as mysterious and fearful things of the church. We perhaps have not made perfectly clear our reason for being a living part of this planet, but we have opened up the way for deductive reasoning, and further along we may find the tangible truth. However, the fact remains, the moon prin- ciple accumulates and blends that which we call wisdom; the sun principle digests and distributes that wisdom, and these two principles are united in a dual being upon this planet, which we call man. Therefore, we shall assume that the product of his mentation is the connecting link between this planet and the other planets, and that the planets have an intellect in common. Let us compromise the question then, by the conclusion that, the universal pabulum is endowed with a power to instan- taneously absorb that psychic force which we call thought. It appropriates that which promotes the universal continuity and harmony, and rejects that which is antagonistic and tends to create inharmony. This rejected thought is a force which must become embodied to manifest and exhaust itself. This sets up a reaction, and evil forces are reflected back to physical mani- festation to beget inharmony in the body from which this evil thought emanated. It is purely a chemical problem directly as- sociated with our individual being. The problem, then, is to differentiate between good and evil thoughts, for we know the results of good and evil speech and action. It is in our attitude towards each other and towards all animated nature we have our answer. If we cultivate and water our vegetation, it smiles back in better fruits; if we do kind deeds and speak kind words to each other, this is smiled back to us in similar fruits. These are the things which pass out into the great universal system and become immortal. Only selfish- ness and egotism demands a personal and individual credit for the good we radiate. THE RESURRECTION 349 We must not forget, that which is once radiated or cast out may not be recalled. The sun cannot recall its energy rays; the tree cannot again pick up its fruit and replace it upon its branches, and by the sameslaw, we may not recall our words when once spoken, no matter what the result. On the other hand, a reflective body can hold in reserve that which it does not want to send out, therefore, reflect and meditate concerning the effect which may follow a word or an act, and wisdom accompanies it, and the consequence will be good. This is the difference between an angry radiation and a reflective emanation. The thoughtful man controls his speech and action. The angry, unthinking man, strikes out blindly. Do the Christian forces understand this law? “Surely oppression maketh a wise man mad.” (Ecc. 7:7.) This is to inspire anger and resentment. “The forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife.” (Prov. 30: BOS) “He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly.” (Prov. 14:17.) One of the shameful things inherited from the Catholic inquisition of the middle centuries may be observed in the atti- tude of public prosecutions in modern courts towards accused persons, in order to prejudice the judges and the jurors—an angry man quickly makes enemies. | PART XVI PUAUSIBEHALLY hO@ hl (Mystery and secrecy usually imply treachery. ) We add this chapter to demonstrate what we have fre- quently said regarding the Bible being subject to interpretation by a secret code. By secret, we mean the concealment of the true significance of words, names and places in a plausible text expressing an entirely different meaning than the ulterior sense. Any system requiring the methods of a thief to attain its ends and purposes, must betray itself by letting slip indications of concealed treachery. “Teshall come) on) thee astagihiel. = (nev arom) Not like a thief, but “as a thief.” “He that entereth not by the door, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.” (John 10:1.) Let us apply this theory to the Christian approach. Which should symbolize the door, a frank, open religion, which the simplest minds may understand, or one smothered in mystery and suspicious concealment ? According to this text, Christianity is not entitled to the confidence of any man. Moreover, its; demand for blind faith, and humiliating obedience to illogical requirements, dictated only by its will, is the meanest form of coercive hypocrisy. We shall now give examples of this concealed hypocrisy, which may not be refuted. The very essence of the Christian scheme is to impress upon humanity that, it is subject to some grave danger or calamity from which the church alone can rescue it, through the saving qualities of its deified agent, a savior. While the idea of a savior is ages older than Christianity, nevertheless, should this idea be removed from the Christian 350 THE RESURRECTION oi a scheme, it would be absolutely without force or foundation. It is in the analysis and true interpretation of names and words that we find concealed the priestly duplicity. Joshua is the first specific savior in the old testament, al- though a number of earlier characters performed the same func- tions of leadership since religion first began. The name Joshua is a contraction of the name Jehoshua, sometimes abbreviated to Oshea or Hoshua. The Greek form of Joshua is Jesus or Jeshua. All these names have the common significance—savior. The name itself does not reveal the saving quality, but an analysis gives a startling explanation. The original intent prob- ably conceals the word Jehovah, which word signifies a self- sustaining or self-supporting condition or position, which was the highest goal of Ecclesiasticism, for Jo also signifies God, as in Jo + ab, means God his father; ab means father, hence the name Joshua primarily means god of wealth. Jo is a common abbreviation of the word Joseph, meaning increase, shua means wealth. The Ecclesiasts recognized the power and necessity for an increased wealth to sustain their position, hence, they sent Joshua, a warrior, on plunderirg expeditions to procure this wealth, in the fabulous journey of the Israelites. It is signifi- cant that Shua is the father-in-law of Judah, meaning praise. Later this ripened into the plundering crusades under the popes, in which praise inspired, even kings and princes became licensed brigands at the will of popes. It is important to corroborate this by associated words hav- ing a similar element of concealment. The designs of the Chris- tian dispensation were more intricate, elaborate and far-reaching, covering longer periods of time. Posterity, new generations, trained by the church, take the place of the drastic and danger- ous crusades in the acquirement of wealth. The coerced gifts of the multitude were closer at hand and safer to acquire. Jo + shua is the son of Nun. Nun means son, posterity, and the virgin fruit belongs to 352 THE RESURRECTION God. Nunneries, with their secrecy, have always been under the ban of suspicion. Nun is of the tribe of Ephraim, meaning doubly fruitful, that grows, increases. | Ephraim is the son of Joseph, meaning increase. The second generation is doubly fruitful. Could anything be plainer than this? These names when analyzed tell a plain story. The original idea was not an “immaculate Christ,’ but an “immaculate priesthood,” uncontaminated by contact with the outside world. It is profitable to pursue this theme farther. The first son of Joseph is Manasseh, meaning forgetfulness. Ephraim, fruit- fulness, was permitted to pass over Jordan, but only the half tribe of Manasseh was permitted to pass over, signifying that, some things in the Hebrew dispensation must be forgotten, and some must be carried on into the Christian dispensation, clearly showing that the alleged river Jordan is but the dividing line between the old and the new dispensations, the old and new testaments. This at once reveals a highly significant element. Manas- seh is the father of Machir, meaning sold, or he that knows and sells. Machir’s mother isan Aramite woman. Aram means deceit, one who deceives. Machir is the father of Gilead. Gilead means the mass of testimony left on the other side of Jordan to be drawn upon in the justification of the Chris- tian exploitation. | It is a commonly told story, vouched for by Flavius Jo- sephus, that Ptolemy, king of Egypt, purchased from the Jewish scribes the so-called Hebrew scriptures, paying therefor a sum equal to $7,500,000. This is the mass of testimony left in Gilead. It was al- legedly translated into the Greek, becoming the Septuagint Version. Hence, deceit was the mother, and gold was the father THE RESURRECTION B50 of the inspired old testament, from which Christianity derives its divine authority. Here another savior is introduced. Ptolemy Soter means savior. A paramount question has always been in the mouths of thinking men. From whence came the old testament? How did the Christians come into possession of it? This story of its purchase is flimsy, and without the ring of truth. Josephus is quoted as the authority. This caused us to scrutinize the name Flavius Josephus, an alleged renegade Jew. To our surprise we found all the earmarks of collusion. The name Flavius is an adopted Roman name, which does not respond to the code. Jo, as we have previously said, is an abbreviation of Joseph, mean- ing increase. We do not find in the code the word sephus, but we do not hesitate, in the connection, to assume that it signifies cephas, meaning rock, the name given to Peter, the foundation of the church. Rock means refuge, hence the refuge of Christianity is in increase, the new generations, and this is the rock upon which the church is founded. Our close scrutiny of this Flavius Josephus attaches him to the Chrisitan scheme in no uncertain manner. His alleged Jewish history is part and parcel of the Christian background, therefore, we feel justified in our suspicion regarding his refer- ence to the purchase of the alleged Jewish records, especially in that they are recognizd by all learned men as pure romance and fabrications. We call especial attention to the significant fact that the works of Josephus are the only ones which respond to the Ecclesiastical code in the same manner as does the Bible. Also the Ptolemy characters respond to the code, in our mind suggest- ing collusion. Greek mythology does not, as a whole, respond to the code, but certain names taken from it do. Josephus’ true identity is in the name, Joseph ben Matthias. Ben means son, hence this signifies Joseph, son of Matthias. All of these Matt names signify gift. 354 : THE RESURRECTION In the genealogy of Christ, Luke 3 we find Mattathias is the son of Semei, and Semei is the son of Joseph, who was the son of Juda. Juda means praise. Joseph means increase, and Semei means obedience. Matthias was the apostle allotted to fill the place of Judas —gifts to take the place of praise, or what is plainer, praise begets increase; increase begets obedience, and obedience be- gets gifts. When we examine the alleged authenticity of the gospels of the new testament, we find we must depend almost wholly upon the integrity of the bishops of Antioch. Keep this in mind: the most colossal liars to be found in church lore are the bishops of that constructive period. Moses was the law-giver. He led the Israelites out of Egypt, oppression and affliction, and into the “ sin.” wilderness of “The law worketh wrath: for where no law is there is no transgression.” (Rom. 4:15.) It is true, criminal laws bring men under accusation of crime. Joshua superseded Moses and was a warrior. He led the Israelites into conquest and plunder. Now read the book of Joshua and you will appreciate what this means. The trans- lation of Joshua into the Greek makes him Jesus. Joshua passes over Jordan, and becomes Jo, increase, the new genera- tion, and Shua, wealth. (Josh. 1:11.) Jesus Christ supersedes Joshua. He leads the Israelites into rebellion and revolution. His mother Mary means rebel- lion. Galilee means revolution. | “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth. I came not to send peace, but a sword. “For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother. “And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.” (Matt. 10:34-35-36.) THE RESURRECTION Boo Now, what kind of a religion is this that sets manifestly evil examples, and holds them up as evidences of righteousness and piety? It is a curious fact that, tle bishops of Antioch are always brought forth to combat heresy. The word heresy is from heres, meaning the sun. The sun typifies the source of light, which is personified in intellect. The old form of direct worship of the sun must be suppressed, because all the people worshipped the sun, which was manifested by light. Light, as applied to living beings, symbolizes intelligence revealed by vision, observ- ation and direct contact. The Christian worship of light per- sonifies intellect in human agents, requiring that all education be acquired through the church organization, a form of human control by suggestion, superstition and blind faith in something intangible. We suggest the reading and interpretation of Judges I, _ which follows the activities of Joshua. To examine further the Ptolemies. Ptolemy Soter means savior. Ptolemy Dionysus was the god Bacchus. We find it necessary to refer to the apocrypha and to the Greek mythology to clear this up. There are many such things which must be kept concealed, hence the code is careful not to too intimately link the Bible up with other well known systems. In Greek mythology it is Bacchus. In the Ecclesiastic code this is concealed in the name Diony- sus, for a good reason. Bacchus is the well known Greek god of wine, and in classical Greek mythology Dionysus is the son of Jupiter, which is derived from Juvans, pater, father, Jove, mean- ing the father that helpeth. Here is the origin, doubtless, of the use of the words papa, pater, father, pope, on the part of the Ecclesiastic priests, for Dionysus was the current name of this god among the Romans prior to the Christian period. Soter was the Greek surname of numerous gods, signifying savior or preserver, long antedating Christianity. The name 356 THE RESURRECTION was applied commonly to all prominent characters conspicuous as benefactors of the people. Zeus was a Greek savior. The name Themis is that of a Greek goddess, the earthly wife of Zeus. She is the personified Jaw and order, therefore symbolizes the civil government. Dione is the heavenly wife of Zeus, a Titan goddess, daugh- ter of Oceanus, the sea, and Tethys, another sea goddess, by Zeus This was all romantically woven into the learning of the Greeks. It reveals here a remarkable thing. Seemingly it dis- closes a knowledge of the part of the learned Greek philosophers of an encircling ocean current independent of the body of the seas themselves. In classical mythology Oceanus is this ocean current or stream personified. The Titans were a mythological line of primordial deities, children of Uranus, the personified heaven, and Gaea or Ge, personifying the earth. Now we may draw some instructive and interesting deduc- tions which will come near to linking this up with Ecclesiastic plagiarism. Ptolemy I is said to be the savior of something. He was allegedly the founder of the Greek dynasty in Egypt. He was the son of Arsi-noe. Notwithstanding, we find Arsinoe is named as his daughter, and concubine to Philip of Macedonia. Again Arsinoe is named as the wife of Ptolemy II. We shall come close to uncovering some of the early trick- ery of Ecclesiasticism in this connection. There was, at that time, conspicuous as a producer of fabulous writings, an Egyp- tian monk by the name of Arsenius. It is well conceded by students of the subject, that the scriptures of the old testament were originally the fabulous inventions of the imaginative minds of the monks who infested ancient Egypt. Their monasteries were scattered throughout the region in which all this romance originated. As a part of the scheme, Christianity absorbed these mon- astic orders, together with their priestly enterprise. These THE RESURRECTION Siey/ monks had no particular religious views; they were of a mil- itant character and simply wanted to be left alone, hence, in the alliance they were granted that semi-independence which has subsequently characterized the monkish orders, which have been recognized as a mysterious adjunct to the Christian church. We must observe that, this early preparation revolves about the three centuries directly preceding the Christian era, and Alexander’s success in war formed the axis of all that was scientific, philosophic and literary. His victories brought to Egypt the learning of Greece, uniting this with the Egyptian mysteries. Alexandria became the great seat of learning. Gnosticism was there perfected, becoming the consensus of all that had previously been deduced by scientific thought, research and ex- perimentation. It is right here that we are going to uncover something which may well be looked upon with suspicion. This gave the Ecclesiasts an opportunity to juggle into sight their fabulous Hebraic scriptures ; hence, Ptolemy is named the savior, and given credit with having established the great Alexandrian library, and with the purchase of the Hebraic story from the Jews for $7,500,000, and having it translated into the Greek as the very sacred Septuagint version, which subse- quent popes have mutilated beyond recognition. It is more than suspicious that one Flavius Josephus, whose identity we have previously analyzed, should arise, di- rectly after the alleged death of Christ, as the favorite of the Roman Vespasians, even assuming the Roman name Flavius under them, and receiving large presents of lands from them, and that he should pose as the Jewish historian, to write an alleged history of the Jews as a background for the Christian scheme, and that same work which it was alleged an Egyptian king had paid to Jewish rabbis a fabulous sum. It is not very likely that an acknowledged renegade Jew would be selected to write a favorable history of his own people, without large recompense, hence the gifts of lands made to him 358 Tue RESURRECTION and located in Judea. It is evident that the Vespasians had confiscated these lands from the Jews who originally possessed them, if this story is true. But, our evidence is in the fact that this is the only work of its kind which responds to the Ecclesiastic code. How did the Roman Ecclesiasts come in possession of these works? They were avowed enemies to the Alexandrian school, and later systematically suppressed the Gnostics. Who will at- tempt to deny that this was to conceal the trickery and con- nivance attaching to this fictitious work? . No one with a logical mind can excuse the clumsy subter- fuge of giving to a Jew who had deserted and betrayed his own people the shallow honors attributed to Josephus. Flavius was the name of the imperial family, in whose sunshine he allegedly basked. Every important character in the Bible was given a stand- ing by this cheap and palpable process. It is curious to find Ptolemy, the alleged founder of the Greek dynasty in Egypt, originally classed with Zeus and the Titans, Greek gods, and Josephus, a Jew of “high priestly parentage,” assuming the Roman name of Flavius from Titus Flavius Sabinus Vespasius, and that Titus was a Christian con- vert and companion of Paul. To us this is too far fetched to stand close inspection. Without Genesis, the old testament would be without sense. It attempts to delve into the sciences of astronomy, geography and mathematics. It is easily determined by their own stories from whence the Ecclesiasts plagiarized these. They mention another Ptolemy, one Claudius, as a celebrated astronomer, geographer and mathematician. This was plainly the Gnostic science confiscated by the Ecclesiasts. Much of it was quoted up into the 16th and 17th centuries, when the Christians began to smother it because it betrayed the origin of the story in Genesis, and that they had merely changed the names to follow the Greek mythology. Noah was Saturn. Ham is Jupiter. Japheth is Neptune, and Shem is Pluto. THE RESURRECTION 359 Zeus, with his Dione in heaven and his Themis in earth, has its similitude in Adam, symbolizing the earth, with Evi, desire, as his heavenly wife, the moon taken from his side, and Eve, life, the waters directly attached to him, as his earthly wife. In view of many apparent similarities, we must look with suspicion upon the most trivial evidences of imitation if not collusion. For instance, a part of the name of Arsi-noe, mother to Ptolemy Soter (savior) is the new testament and apocryphal name of Noah, another reference to water. See Matt. 24:37; Luke 3:36. Some of these references may seem trivial, but a multitude of them have a significance which may not be treated with in- difference. It would be most absurd to compare the Christian Bible, with its rude and suggestive themes, to the beautiful and truly poetic mythology of Greece, therefore, any similarity is but a crude imitation. The laudation of so-called poetical grandeur of any part of the Bible is mere sentimental gush. These so-called saviors are merely precedents, to justify Christ as a savior. The prophets are humbug evidence to jus- tify innumerable abnormal and even sinister practices of a secret priesthood bent upon accomplishing a purpose. The entire old testament is a rehearsal of precedents. We select Jeremiah as an example of these fake prophets. Jeremiah, exalted grandeur of the Lord. Prophesied during the reign of Josiah. Josiah means God-healed, the fire of the Lord, and his father was Amon. Jo is increase, Sia is assembly. Amon means mystery, faithful, true. Amon was an Egyptian god worshipped at Thebes as “Amen the Sun.” No-Amon is, place of Amon, Thebes. No means stirring up, forbidding. Thebes means life of the god. Jeremiah also prophesied during the reigns of Jehoiakim and Zedekiah. 360 THE RESURRECTION Jehoiakim means God established, the resurrection of the Lord. God means good. Lord means loafward. His name was Ehakim, raised of God, the resurrection of God, God the avenger. Under this name he was master of Hezekiah’s household. Master means one who commands. Hezekiah means the strength of the Lord. Jehoiakim was successor to Jehoahaz, meaning possession of the Lord. Jehoahaz was son and successor of Josiah. Josiah means the fire of the Lord. Fire means judgments. Zedekiah means justice of God, derived from Zadok, mean- ing justified. Son of Josiah and brother of Jehoahaz, Jehoahaz was also called Shallum, meaning revenge. Revenge is the very essence of the whole scheme. We find the surname of Joseph as Justus, meaning just. But Joseph signifies increase. Surnames were not adopted by men until centuries after the alleged time these stories were written. Joseph is also called Barsabas, meaning the son of rest, of swearing. (Acts. 1:23.) Jesus also 1s called Justus. (Col. 4:11.) Judas, also is called Barsabas. (Acts 15:22.) Does any normal minded human being believe all of this is more than a mere imaginative romance? There is absolutely no reason or excuse for applying it to a sensible, conscientious religion. Nevertheless, it has an ulterior motive of far-reach- ing importance. The whole Bible is subject to this interpretation, by a code understandable to anyone desiring to delve into the subject. In fact, we urge every thinking person to take up the study in order to ascertain the truth at first hand. | Every leading Biblical character responds to the code, not only to his own name, but to the logical sequence of his ancestry and associations, attaching him to a well defined system. THE RESURRECTION 361 It is absurd to say that this has no particular significance, and that there is no ulterior motive. History proves that the theory of the system has been largely worked out in practice. The original power is as potent_.for action today as when first conceived. In this whole scheme, the control of future generations, the increasing masses, has been a theme. It is well to examine the name Joseph, meaning increase. Jacob was dwelling in the land wherein his father was a stranger, in the land of Canaan. Meaning merchandising, trad- ing, in which Isaac had not been engaged. Joseph, increase, being seventeen years old, was feeding the flock—swelling the congregation—with his brethren, simply an increase of numbers. | The lad was with the sons of Bilhah, concubine to Jacob— and the sons of Zilpah, also concubine to Jacob. Bilhah means timid, old, troubled, confused. She was the mother of Dan, meaning the judge, and Naphtali, a fighter. The younger generation was influencing the older. And Zilpah means distillation. She was the mother of Gad, a troop armed and ready. This all signifies a state of prepared- ness. Jacob means supplanter. His name is changed to Israel, meaning who prevails with God, in order that he might become the head of the religious organization called the Israelites. He loved Joseph, increase, more than all his children, be- cause he was the son of his old age, and he made him a coat of many colors. This especially referred to Egypt, in which there were four distinct races of differing colors; the black Nahsu, the yellow Namu, the red Rot (the true Egyptian) and the white Tamahu. Later this is applicable to the United States, with its mixed iacass Joseph, increase, dreamed that the “sun and moon and the eleven stars’ made obeisance to him, meaning the worship of 362 THE RESURRECTION the heavenly bodies by the Egyptians, also his father, mother and brethren. 7 Jacob sent Joseph, increase, out of Hebron, meaning so- siety, friendship, to seek his brethren. He was informed that they had gone to Dothan, meaning the law and the custom. Upon approaching his brethren, they conspired against him to slay him, saying one to another: Behold, this dreamer cometh, and they desired to kill him and cast him into a pit. Pit means device (Ps. 119:85) grave (Ps. 28:1) game- trap eC zekaslOcS ale Reuben, meaning the vision of the son, said no, shed no blood, but cast him into this pit that is in the wilderness. Pit means trap; blood means slaughter, death; wilderness means state of affliction. And they cast him into a pit; and the pit was empty; there was no water in it. Water means masses of people, also law, ordinances. This clearly signifies the establishing of a new, composite nation. The Ishmaelites came from Gilead to go down into Egypt. Ishma means ruin. Eli means God. Ishmael means whom God hears, he who solicits. Gilead means the mass of testimony. Egypt, in Hebrew, means mizraim, meaning that binds, troubles or oppresses and afflicts. The casting of Joseph into a pit symbolized the degrading of increasing humanity. Joseph, increase, is the son of Jacob, the usurper. Now we have another clue of the sale of the Septuagint. Judah, meaning praise, proposed to the Israelite the sale of increase. “And they brought imcrease into oppression.” Joseph, increase, was sold into Egypt, oppression, unto Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh’s, by the Midianites. Pharaoh means the sun-king. The king of Egypt was so called under sun-worship. THE RESURRECTION 363 Potiphar means belonging to the sun. Midian means judgment, measure, covering. ‘This typifies the selling into servitude of the new generation. Judah, praise, went to a certain Adullamite named Hirah, and saw a daughter of a certain Canaanite, whose name was Shuah; and he took her and she bare a son, and he called his name Fr, and another son named Onan, and another son called Shelah, and he was at Chezib when she bare him. Judah took a wife for Er, his firstborn, whose name was Tamor. Adullam means their testimony, their prey. Hirah means noble. Shuah means pit, humiliation. Er means watchman, enemy. Onan means pain, iniquity. Shelah means that breaks. Chezib means liar, false. Tamor means palm. The palm symbolizes victory. This is a clean-cut conspiracy. Tamor disguised herself as a harlot and solicited her father-in-law, Judah, who thinking her a harlot, went in unto her. She bore Pharez, who is a link in the genealogy of Christ. There are three elements in the establishment of Christian- ity which especially identify it as a secret exploitation: increase, rebellion and the sea. Joseph symbolizes increase. There is: nothing concerning Joseph, as the husband of Mary, which can mean anything. It is said he was the son of Heli, who is a new testa- ment name for Eli, God, because the dead Eli could not be re- vived after falling from hhis chair and breaking his neck. (I Sam. 4:18.) The very suggestive thing is, in both the old and new testa- ments, the name Joseph is used exactly where the necessity for increase and a new posterity, are essential to the cause, pre- 364 THE RESURRECTION ceding the exodus, and the development of the Christian dis- pensation. Mary is derived from Mer, meaning the sea. She symbol- izes rebellion. There is nothing in the new testament to identify her as other than a myth—the character symbolizes the church. The four times she is mentioned as being present after the commencement of the alleged ministry of Christ, associates her with Cana, meaning zeal; Galilee, meaning revolution, and Ca- pernaum, meaning repentance. The fabulous stories about the “immaculate conception” were not mentioned as a doctrine for more than a hundred years after Christ. This is but the gradual building up of a religion of fable and superstition. Superstition 1s one of the most potent powers for evil to be found in the vocabulary of words which describe the effects of morbid teaching. Ecclesiasticism has filled the ignorant masses coming under its control with superstition. The word has a broad significance. It primarily is derived from a Latin word which signifies survival, in the sense of a permanent mental impression. It is the record which survives the thought aroused by a story involving supernatural things. Therefore, we may understand the true purpose of teach- ings which beget superstition. They are to engender in the untutored mind amazement, wonder, dread, and fear of the unknown and mysterious. The natural result follows: an irra- tional worship, fear of and belief in an unseen and unknowable supreme deity. This, of necessity, involves exaggerated and false beliefs in the direct agency of supernatural powers attrib- uted to a mysterious and unnatural God. The best synonym for superstition is hallucination. Both beget fanaticism. We wonder if there is anyone who denies the existence in Christianity of superstition and fanaticism, both abnormal things. So-called faith is founded upon these two words. We prefer to define them as cause and effect, rather than strictly THE RESURRECTION 365 synonymous words. Fanaticism is the defense of superstition and hallucination. The early Christians, in their overzeal to extend and broaden faith, made the great blunder of rejecting science and antagonizing philosophy and learning, to conceal the Kabbalis- tic origin of many of their dogmas. Their fanaticism led them into senseless indiscretions. It was truly the blind leading the blind. To establish blind faith, they had to blind their own senses to the fact that, established wisdom may be hindered, but it may not be destroyed, by burning up the written records. Tradition is no respecter of persons; it is as fair to science with its vindicating truths, as it is to the blundering nonsense of the Christian inventions, which attempt to give foundation in fact to fabulous scriptures and manifestly fictitious gospels. In these modern times, with the world filled with revolution and uncertainty, we have no assurance that the Christian fanat- ics may not come into legislative control, and by the extension of its offensive so-called blue laws, attempt to condemn, seize and burn all the scientific literature offensive to it, as it did in previous periods. We have repeatedly declared that this power today is identical with that which mothered the murder- ous inquisition. It is the same narrow, mean, vindictive, venge- ful force, whetted to greater resentment by the great discover- ies made by science which put upon the Christian pretensions the stamp of falsehood, and, reveals its mysteries as mere natu- ral phenomena which long ago should have been taught to chil- dren in the common schools of the nation. The literal teaching of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, Solomon and Jesus Christ should be for- bidden by law, that the true underlying principles of nature may be known to all men alike. The first step towards the censoring of the future litera- ture, will be an attempt to control the press, and forbid the publication of all literature offensive to Ecclesiasticism in ful- fillment of the warning of Cardinal Wolsey. 366 THE RESURRECTION “Tf the church does not suppress the press, the press will suppress the church.” While the God of Christianity of today is admittedly but a hypothesis, nevertheless, the teachings of centuries have poi- soned the whole human system, and the intoxication of the h- censed fanatical mob is as potent today as back in the bloody centuries. Like a rat which gnaws its way through the bottom of the bin, it is not discovered until it has multiplied into myriads of rats, consuming a large portion of the contents and tainting all the balance. As a hypothesis, the argument has not established the Chris- tian God by facts; hence, the theory is condemned, or the argu- ment is unfinished. Ecclesiasticism, as a political power, is a living fact. It matters, therefore, little what the world may think concerning the Christian God. The original goal of the system is prac- tically attained. The “kingdom of God,” the same hypothetical, unproven God, is secretly established in the control of ecclesiastic political power, the balance of power in world government and the key to heaven and hell upon earth. : Some one has declared that the spiritual powers of the church are weakened by its attempt to usurp temporal power. That is true enough, but reaction is equal to action; this weak- ened spiritual force is recompensed by a strengthened physical force. Usurpation does not work along such flimsy lines. It knows its weakest points and fortifies them. It may, however, be truthfully said, that the temporal power weakens, when it at- tempts to absorb into the temporal regime certain unproven and so-called spiritual schemes for the better moral development of mankind. It surrenders basic prerogatives, to foolish experi- mentation. The degree of silent, and sometimes turbulent, rebellion and revolution of a nation, may be guaged by the number and effects of certain so-called blue-laws which the church can insidiously THE RESURRECTION 367 slip into the code. The people resent this “spiritual” interfer- ence with the natural trend of government, and civil rights. Because of its long standing, and its open alliance with government, the people fear to openly denounce the church. Nevertheless they know its flimsy foundation, and seize upon such occasions as the drastic application of some restrictive law, to vent their wrath. But the church sits in the back- ground, with complacent mien, and smug piety. Any institution which starts its chosen people with the command that they rob and steal is not religious. Any institu- tion which chooses a usurper as the father of its adopted fol- lowers, is not religious. Any institution which compares the coming of its god with the acts of a thief is not religious. Any institution which declares that wars are essential to the promotion of the best interests of humanity is not religious. Any institution which preaches vengeance and wrath against humanity because it refuses to bow down to its unauthorized and unwarranted assumption of power, holds no friendly in- terest in the welfare of humanity. All that is Ecclesiasticism. PART XVII IMMORTALITY (Only the universal pabulum is immortal. ) The unthinking masses have been taught to believe that each individual here on this earth, and billions who have died, possess a soul, whatever that may imply, which is subject to about all that may befall the human body, including a well de- fined Ecclesiastical commerce. The Hebrew ideal of a man was three-fold: the body, or material part; the vital part, seat of sensations, passions, etc., and the sentient thinking, or spiritual part. The physical body cannot be the immortal part, because it is subject to dissolution after death. To teach the doctrine of the actual resurrection of the physical body is wrong. Numbers 16:22 speaks of the spirits of all flesh, intimating that a man may have more than one spirit. Moreover, I Thess. 5:23, intimates that only a part of the spirit may be saved: “And I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless.” Hebrew 4:12 speaks of “dividing asunder of soul and spirit,” signifying different entities, for, to be individualized they must be entities. Isn’t it absurd to believe that thought and sensation may be separated in a living body? Well, it is just as inconsistent to believe that God can store away a bundle of souls under his altaram(evero 4) There were no Christian altars for 135 years after Christ. The first Christian altar in Great Britain was in 634. The Church of England and all the reform churches long ago abol- ished the name altar, and the doctrine that supported it. Let us not be deceived regarding immortality of the soul, 368 THE RESURRECTION 369 and the resurrection of a disintegrated body to slip on like a garment. The resurrection of the individual body long after its death, ° to be reinhabited by its former soul, is not only a myth, but a mean deception to attract the ignorant masses to the church. Every scientific and logical evidence forbids belief in such non- sense, and the Bible when properly interpreted, does not teach such a fabulous doctrine. As for the so-called soul itself, it is but an imaginary thing, having no scientific or philosophical standing. Its alleged indi- vidual existence after the death of the body is merely an inven- tion of the Ecclesiasts for commercial purposes, as is the fabu- lous purgatory to which it is consigned. The Bible itself defines a soul as a living, breathing, physi- cal being. “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life: and man be- Game aviivine soul. (Gen: 2:7.) Is there anything in this which defines a soul separate from the physical body? On the contrary, if breathing the “breath of life’ into a physical body converts it into a living soul, evi- dently, taking the breath out of the same body desouls it, the breath of life returning to the atmosphere from whence it came, and the body to the dust from whence it came. This is the only breath of life for the human being known to science. “For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; as the one dieth so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that man hath no pre-eminence above a beast. “All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again. “Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?” (Ecc. 3:19-20-21.) Thus even their own scripture denies the doctrine. Their Christ is the “son of man.” The Bible tells us so in 84 differ- ent passages. Immortality, as preached by the Ecclesiastic system, is a 370 THE RESURRECTION myth, and this fallacy should be made plain to those who place their faith in the integrity of others to such an extent that they may be misled and deceived in so vital a matter. If, then, there 1s no immortal body, and no immortal soul, what may we look forward to, to justify a belief in a future existence? As individuals we quickly and unhesitatingly de- clare, nothing. It is absurd. Reader, if you have set your plans for a future home in some remote place in the sky, where neither science nor religion can ever again come in contact with you, you would better de- mand of your “spiritual adviser’ a show-down, and an under- standable demonstration of the Christian heaven, for eternity is a long time. Immortality is a comparative thing. No physical thing can be immortal, that is contrary to the known laws of nature, and, according to Genesis, the human soul is a physical thing, and, therefore, is perishable. The histology of man reveals him as a composition of well known elements, easily accounted for before he is assembled, and traceable after his death and disintegration. His organic being consists of an assemblage of special organs with specific functions, co-ordinated to give to the physical man discriminat- ing action. The physical structure of these organs are com- posed of almost identical elements, as those of the bodily tissues, yet each performs a separate and distinct function in the whole body. While this living being is truly a great and wonderful work of nature, all the mystery involved in his composition 1s due to lack of analytical knowledge. His purpose in nature is as easily determined as is the nature of his composition. — The romantic ideas concerning man’s alleged divine origin and character are but the hysteria of false teaching, which has tainted the whole human race with a superstitious belief in im- possible and fabulous things. However, man does rise above the lower animals,. by virtue THE RESURRECTION SAl of his being the highest evoluted creature. This superiority is manifested in his mental faculties, and nervous development. He is not especially endowed with the faculties of analytical thought and deductive reasoning; these are rudimentary in the lower animals and are evoluted to perfection in the higher ani- mal, man. Every living system produces two kinds of physical fruits, one a waste product, the ash or cinder of the chemical diges- tion of elements in the living process, and the other contain- ing the seeds or principles for reproduction and perpetuation of the species. Thus the products of every system consist of a dead excrement and a living excrement. We frequently have referred to this because of its vital importance. It is evident on its face that, the dead excrement, in its eliminated form, is not immortal, for this form represents a state of exhaustion, requiring it to rapidly chemicalize and dis- integrate. But what of the released elements? They are liv- ing, indestructable substances, well known chemical entities. Let this phase of the subject rest until we examine the body which has eliminated this dead excrement. Let us assume that we are analyzing a fruit-bearing tree. The dead excre- ment would be its leaves, and the living excrement would be its fruit. We have seen the leaves fall and we know they disinte- grate. In this disintegration, certain of the elements released are reunited into food for the tree itself, hence the tree culti- vates that upon which it feeds. Should the tree die or be destroyed, it no longer produces this fertilizing element. That eliminates this item as an 1m- mortal thing, in so far as the system for producing it is con- cerned. It does not follow, however, that some other living tree may not absorb these elements and thus pass them on into a similar process. But should all vegetation disappear, the pro- duction of the elements would cease, again eliminating immortal- ity in this sense. No person is so simple-minded as to believe a tree, dead in root and branch, could be resurrected after decay and disintegration, and again stand as the original tree. 372 THE RESURRECTION We shall continue to use the tree as a simile, and will take up the living fruit. It, too, is wholly eliminated from the tree that produces it. This’ fruit is not a tree, yet it holds po- tentially within it, the primary principles which reproduce a tree of the same species, providing the necessary external ele- ments are brought in contact with it. This eliminates the im- mortality of the fruit, because it is contingent upon external forces which may prevent its perpetuating the species. More- over, the fruit itself, as a material body, dies and disintegrates after the seeds have burst and given impetus to a new living plant. Then, the destruction of the first body terminates produc- tion of the seeds, and the destruction of the fruit and seeds terminates reproduction of the tree. With both destroyed, the species ceases to exist. Must we believe immortality is thus limited to temporary things, and is subject to accident? Can anything now be found to intimate an immortal re- minder of this species, insofar as individuality 1s concerned? It is quickly declared that no one has intimated immortality for vegetation, but we shall demonstrate that the same identical law applies to animals, including man, insofar as physical indi- viduality is concerned. Animal life, like vegetation, produces dead excrements and living fruits. The dead excrement of vegetation is returned to the earth which produces it, to again be taken up for its own nourishment. The living fruit of the tree returns to the earth which produced the tree, and engrafts itself upon the earth in the form of a new tree, therefore, the tree stands between the earth and the production of the fruit. Destroy the tree and no fruit can be produced; destroy the fruit and no tree can be reproduced. Destroy both and the species disappears. What becomes of the materials of which their bodies were composed? What has become of the life which ani- mated them as living tissues? This animal process differs from vegetation in this respect ; where vegetation deposits two excrements, animals eliminate THE RESURRECTION 573 four; where vegetation deposits its excrements to become its own nourishment, animals deposit their excrements to nourish vegetation, which becomes food for animal nourishment ; hydro- gen, as moisture; carbon for the trunk and lmbs, and carbon dioxide for the breath of vegetation. This respiration is through the leaves. One intimation of the death of the tree is the per- manent loss of its leaves, for without these it cannot breathe, which clearly defines respiration, as the basic principle in living physical bodies. In a reciprocal exchange, vegetation returns to the animals, fruits for food, and oxygen for respiration. This, we claim, proves conclusively that every system cul- tivates that upon which it depends for food. Moreover, it proves that we are not carnivorous by nature, for our excre- ments do not become the nourishment for the animals we eat, whereas they do become the nourishment for the vegetation which supplies us with food and breath, and breath is life. Vegetation stands between the earth and the animals, and the atmosphere stands between the animals and vegetation. We have said that the animals eliminate four excrements. We have mentioned the solid, the fluid and the gaseous. There remains but the vibratory. The first three are manifestly substantial elements which may be weighed and measured, and we know they are elimi- nants of the physical body by scientific experiments. The dual abdomen and pelvic region eliminates the solid and fluid, and the thorax eliminates the gaseous breath. All of these are directly or indirectly contributory to the nourishment of vegetation. Where does the vibratory excrement go? This at once reveals the superiority of animals over vege- tation. The vibratory is a mental emanation. Vegetation does not absorb it, proving that vegetation does not require mental food, it having no nervous system. No nitrogen is found in the essential juices of its fruit, malic acid. These are the four eliminants produced by destructive as- — 374 THE RESURRECTION similation in the animal economy. None of these intimate re- production. We shall demonstrate two essential things, which will elim- inate all argument concerning the evolution of man out of the lower animals, and this will enable us to confine our analysis to man, as representing the highest animal type. “That which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts.” GE CCmoe LO") First, Man’s physical organization is a reproduction of the planetary system. The head symbolizes the moon—Wisdom. The thorax symbolizes the sun—Power. The abdomen and pelvic regions the dual planet—Produc- tion. This suggests a mechanical working organism. Now, we may understand Genesis. “God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” (Gen. 1:27.) This applies to all the higher animals, as well as to man. » Christ-1s the light of-the world.” “Christus lifemsea slimes is the power of God.” Christ is a living principle, not a human being. The Christ principle is Gnostic, not Ecclesiastic. It has no religious significance. Second, Man is the epitome of the whole process of evolu- tion, from the electric potential atom, to the perfected man, and he reveals the progressive steps of animal evolution in his own foetal development, an evidence which no one disputes. There- fore, nature attempts, through reproduction by the dual man, to visualize her whole works in one being, through which to manifest the universal mentation. Foetal Human Brain (Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation—Harper. ) First month, that of an avertibrated animal ; Second =month, that ofa fish: | Third month, that of a turtle; Fourth month, that of a bird; Fifth month, that of a rodent; THE RESURRECTION 375 Sixth month, that of a ruminant; Seventh month, that of a digitigrade animal; Eighth month, that of the quadrumana ; Ninth month, attains full human character. In man the cycle, is complete; there can be no higher phys- ical evolution upon this planet. We have shown that three of his four eliminants may not aspire to infinite existence except by disintegration of matter, and a return to the universal elec- tric pabulum. This, of necessity, eliminates all possibility of an individual, physical personality after death; only designing hypocrites preach such a doctrine. Only deluded and selfish fools pretend to believe such a doctrine. A spiritual individuality after this disintegration is incon- sistent, for individuality naturally means a physical state. No force or principle can manifest excepting through a material body, and such manifestation may only be appreciated by a “material, organic being. This is one of the evidences of hypocrisy in the doctrine of the resurrection of the real body. The simplest mind can understand that, without a physical body, spirit or soul means nothing. If the soul is saved, to give it individuality, its body must be saved to justify Genesis, hence the doctrine of the resurrection. Reproduction in the animal plane, merely perpetuates the human tree that bears the universal fruit, revealed mentation, and this is essenic. The material monuments left by man upon earth, are temporary and perishable. They have nothing to do with nature.’ They are symbols of imaginative thought, and only of profit during their use by living man. Ruins of great human works of past ages, scattered over the world, attest the truth of this. Let us attempt to determine the disposition of all the fruits of living things upon the planet, bearing in mind that when the waters of the river flow into the sea, they are still water, but no longer reveal the individuality they enjoyed in the body of the river. That which occurs to the fluid also applies to the 376 THE RESURRECTION vibratory ; they all flow back to the universal reservoir. Be- cause of this principle. Ecclesiasticism became universalism— catholic. The planet itself, including the atmosphere, produces vege- tation, putting upon it the responsibility of producing for itselt certain elements for its own nourishment and perpetuation. Each individual must labor for his own maintenance and pro- duce something. | Therefore, the highest aspiration of vegetation is repro- duction and expansion. The nearest approach to immortality is this perpetuation of species, and extension of volume. This instinct is wholly earthy, and both its dead and its living fruits drop to the earth. It is the genealogical tree of Adam, the earth, and Eve, the waters. We hesitate to give vegetation credit for an exhaled, gase- ous excretion, because it rejects the oxygen which it inhales with carbon dioxide, for oxygen is not created in vegetation. It is more like the releasing of an element which it does not assimi- late. Nevertheless, this is a close approximation to a third ex- crement. But this very act becomes significant when we under- stand the universal nature of oxygen, which is so often called life. In as much as vegetation is devoid of action, external vibratory manifestation, we doubt if this product of vegetable exhalation passes further than the atmosphere, while animal thought must extend into the vibratory plane. The exhaled oxygen differs from the other excrements, in that it becomes a direct element for the breath of higher evo- lution. It is the passing of this life-giving element on into ani- mal beng that links vegetation up with evoluton, and with the universal process. To this extent it is a fruit or excrement. Vegetation surrenders carbon to the earth in the form of solid matter. This tribute reveals that vegetation is an integral part of the planet itself. Animals surrender carbon to the earth as a semi-solid, and to the atmosphere as a gas, in the form of carbon dioxide, show- ing the transition from one plane to another by the nature of THE RESURRECTION STF the excretions. The process of the vegetation is mechanical. and is governed by fixed laws. The animal process is first men- tal and then mechanical, the animal having great discretionary powers and voluntary action. This develops into reason in man, and reason begets understanding. The very fundamental lesson taught by reason and under- standing is: 1. All matter is immortal as universal electrical sub- stance, into which all material forms are merged by universal assimilation. 2. All mind is immortal in the potential universal state, but devoid of individual differentiation in this state. 3. Universal substance and universal mind merge into one electric pabulum, in which all the primordial creative powers of nature are stored in potentiality and subject to the creative will, hence: miGoceic diuandsineall aa( liCor15::28;) “Through Christ (light) God is made unto us wisdom.” fie or-.1::30, ) “Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God.” (I Cor. 1:24.) : This is pure Gnosticism, and clearly defines life and wis- dom as the only immortal things, and one in the last analysis. It is to renew life and wisdom in its own substance that inspires nature in the creative act. Individuality belongs to the material, physical world. When individuality is-blended into the universal substance active men- tation ceases. When the universal substance creates matter through which to manifest, the first act is to awaken mentation to individualize material bodies. Evolution directs the creative acts to complete a creative cycle. When individual materal bodies cease to function, they are no longer units in the system, therefore they disintegrate and are absorbed into the mother pabulum. Nature forbids regurgitation; they must go forward, passing through the required stages of dissolution. The uni- versal pabulum is in constant contact with living matter; it is 378 THE RESURRECTION everywhere, filling all space not occupied by material bodies, hence disintegration quickly restores matter to the electric state of harmony and balance. There are many who would like to know that, when their bodies die, an individual soul or spirit, or something by which they may be identified in some future existence, might remain intact. To these deluded persons we speak frankly. Those who preach such an absurd, in fact ridiculous, doctrine, are either ignorant of the truth, or they choose to deceive the innocent minded, for their own scripture declares: “He (God) is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living 2" (iVlar kl 7 a) “For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts ; as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath, so that man hath no pre-eminence above a beast. “All-go unto one place; all aré of the dust;andealmnine tOedUSteavain. a Lcomonl70)s) This intimates the Gnostic, cyclic theory. There is no evidence of an individual conscious existence after death, such a thing is impossible by natural laws, as may be demonstrated. No one can successfully refute our theory of a law forbidding regurgitation. Any individual body must assume one of the four states of being, solid, fluid, gaseous or vibratory. There is no other state of existence for matter. In which of these states are souls to be located? The solid state: the alleged Christian soul surrenders this state at death. | The fluid state: the solid and fluid are always united, and are subject to gravitation. It is not likely that the soul assumes a fluid state, which would confine it to the earth. The gaseous state: We should like to have a demonstra- tion of how an individual body may reach the gaseous state: before having passed through the fluid. Moreover, the gaseous signifies the molecular state. Nebulous bodies do not directly arise from a solid body without disintegration. These states refer to material bodies. THE RESURRECTION 379 That this theory was understood by the authors of the Bible is admitted. “Except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he can- not enter into the kingdom of Ged.” (Jno. 3:5.) This is a clear admission that only through these states may material bodies enter the vibratory state. Water signifies the fluid state. Spirit signifies the gaseous state. The kingdom of God, in this connection, signifies the atomic state. Atoms are primitive matter and constitute the vibratory state. Now, will some wise person explain by what law in nature a body may remain intact and retain a conscious identity, and pass through these several states to reside in some imaginary place, unknown to any human being on earth? It is not difficult to understand why Christianity so vehe- mently repudiates science and evolution. We have said that, immortality, as blindly desired by humanity, is a comparative thing. There is no process by which the Chrihstian conception of immortality may be made under- standable. Blind faith is essential to the church policy. Primitive atomic and molecular forms forbid the construction of such a body as the Christian soul. All matter must successively pass through the vibratory, gaseous, solid and fluid states, and disin- tegrate into the fluid, gaseous and vibratory, finally merging into the potential, universal state. There is but one state in which a conscious differentiation can exist, and that is the state in which the solid and fluid are united and surrounded by an atmosphere consisting of nitrogen and oxygen in contact with an external vibratory pabulum. All other states are chaotic, insofar as reasoning individuality 1s concerned. They are progressively co-operative parts of a sys- tem which culminates in an organic consciousness which can only function through specialized sense centers in the brain, and the external sense organs. What logic is there in a dummy 380 THE RESURRECTION soul without powers of feeling or sensation? Where could such a soul reside and for what purpose? Everything in exist- ence has some logical purpose. If this superstitious belief in a fabulous soul, and a mythi- cal identity, after the death of the body, is destroyed, what may take its place? Something as good, if not better, must be of- fered to the great mass of people who strive to be good, not particularly for the sake of good, but because of this promise of a glorious future existence, with “harps,” “songs,” “golden crowns” and “white shrouds,’ for, should humanity become convinced that life was a haphazard, aimless existence, discipline and order would disappear, and laws would be without avail under the present artificial state. We do not subscribe to that detestable creed that “the end justifies the means,” therefore, we shall attempt to demonstrate that man is a physical being with special organs of sense and that all that he will ever know or experience, he will encounter right here on earth, and between the moment of his birth and the moment of his death, through the functioning of these or- gans. When the organs cease to function, life ceases, and he can contribute no more to himself, his kind, or the system which produces him. Heaven and hell are only symbols of the theory of disci- pline by rewards and punishments, therefore, we eliminate them from all consideration. But the conditions which they repre- sent concern us. | The Christian God and devil mean good and evil. Good rewards, and evil punishes, and both are within the conscious- ness of the individual while he lives. When he is dead he knows neither good nor evil. The comparative immortality consists of his good deeds and his bad deeds, which live after him. They may be of such significance that they may live in memory, tradition and recorded history, as long as men are upon the earth. They concern no one but men, therefore, human immortality ends with the human race. Individual existence ends with the death THE RESURRECTION 381 of the body. The sooner men are taught this law, the quicker will they return to the original state of innocence. The Ecclesiasts know this. “For the living know that they must die; but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward: for the memory of them is forgotten. “Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart.” (Ecc. 9:5-8.) “God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.” (Matt. Pe OZ: Had men been taught the truth in the beginning, sin could have been conquered by common consent. But sin was com- mercialized and propagated for profit. The meanest accusa- tion ever uttered by men is, that man, the highest evoluted being of creation, is evil by nature. This was the leaven which fermented the whole world in crime and imbecility. There is not one living, human being untainted by this Ecclesiastical poison. Mind and matter, as primary things, are immortal; mind creates matter through which to manifest. Matter blends again into mind. Individual identity is physical. The perpetuation of the species is a comparative infinity, applying only to the period of existence of the race. The wisdom and deeds evolved by men give them a me- morial record which endures in proportion to their benefits to the world as a whole. Nature dictates that every individual shall give to himself and his brood first consideration. Only in man is this surrendered to the community interest, with the result that the unit is lowered. We doubt if it may be demonstrated, but we believe that wisdom acquired by incarnated mind is potentially recorded in a universal mind in the form of stored energy, and this is the traditional wisdom and fruit of evolution. This is not a state of consciousness, but a state of sleep, as the potential force in a high explosive is dormant unti! aroused to action by an antag- 382 THE RESURRECTION onistic force. The law forbidding regurgitation of waves main- tains this integrity. This clearly intimates that the vast interstellar space is a storage battery for forces set free by physical evolution. As the human brain holds in a potential state the memory of all the experiences and knowledge accumulated by the living being, to be drawn upon and put in action at will, so does the poten-. tial wisdom of the universe remain dormant and undeveloped until the universal will calls upon this storehouse of nature to put in action its reserve or sleeping forces. In our study of abstract astronomy, chemistry and physi- ology, we are more and more convinced that, we are dealing with a great universal being, endowed with thinking and reason- ing faculties, and this being awakens to action wisdom stored in memory, exactly as the human being draws upon the brain for wisdom stored in memory, the experience of physical, ob- jective consciousness. | This gives us a cue. The experiences of the greater being, which we choose to name the creative nature, are the experi- ences of his parts and units. This wisdom is stored in the universal mind, which is the potential universal pabulum. The units producing this wisdom are varied and many, and widely © differ in the nature of their products. As an example, we may compare the powers of animal mentation with the casting of a stone into a body of perfectly calm water. The weaker will manifest in small circular waves and the stronger will extend these waves to the utmost expansion of animal mental powers. ~ Thus each living creature contributes to the universal store, in proportion to its powers to formulate thought images, which may be recalled to the active state by objective consciousness of a living, physical being capable of interpreting or translating the potential waves holding these mental images intact. The waves cannot regurgitate back into matter to destroy the consecutive order or integrity. Therefore, it is wholly possible, that after formulating in the animal brain a perfect image of an idea, the active mind THe RESURRECTION 383 casts it out into the universal, electric field, where it is absorbed and held intact as universal thought, and when we recall from memory our thoughts and experiences, we draw them from this stored mentation, instead of from our own brain, but our brain interprets the waves. ; There must be a logical reason for advancing an idea so radically different from common belief. Let us repeat the enumeration of the fruits of living matter : Vegetation evolves: 1. The solid reproductive fruit, for food and reproduc- tion. 2. The leaves, whose material elements become the fer- tilizer for the parent body. 3. Oxygen, symbolizing the gaseous, for animal respira- tion. There is no evidence that vegetation has the power to form- ulate thought which may be released as wisdom. But, by a potential symbolism it conveys to the waking animal a world of wisdom by the perpetuation in material forms of the original creative waves, and in consecutive continuity. Thus the mental influence of vegetation cannot rise above the gaseous world, but vegetation conforms to the rule of four in its manifesta- tions. The fruit of the tree possesses two functions: it perpetu- ates the tree, and it supplies the animals with food. “Thou shalt not delay to offer the first of thy ripe fruits, and of thy liquors unto me.” (Exodus 22:29.) These were offerings of priestly perquisites, before any others received anything. Nevertheless, the Gnostic significance is that the first purpose of the seed-bearing fruit is for perpetu- ating the species. The priesthood merely assumes the attitude of symbolizing or personifying God on earth, thereby claiming themalirstesriits,? The priesthood must be well fed if the people go hungry, because their fat bellies digest the food for the Christian God, 384 THE RESURRECTION and become the receptacles for the “strong liquors” and the “good wine on the lees’ which he demands. As we have previously shown, the animals contribute to the solid, fluid and gaseous planes for the benefit of vegetation, this being a compensation for what vegetation contributes to the animals. The animals, however, exhibit a power of thought which manifests in well-defined fruits, expelled by speech and action. The earthy portion of these products are expressed in physical forms, but devoid of voluntary motion, the productions of man far excelling those of the animals. Neither man nor the animals can endow their handiwork with life. This is the dif- ference between nature and man. This demonstrates that the mental tree also yields dead excrements which soon disintegrate. This brings us to the great problem. If the process ended here, there would be no definite purpose of evolution. The thoughts of animals live after them, the thoughts of man having pre-eminence over those of the lower animals in proportion to their mental and nervous development, despite Ecclesiastics. Animal thought is the contribution to the universal scheme by evolution. The wisdom of the ages is stored in the potential, universal pabulum. This is the immortal essence, matter re- turned to potential mind, the brain of the greater being, rich in the experiences of incarnation. Man, as the epitome of the whole process of evolution, focuses the conscious thought of the greater being into indi- vidual, physical units which are linked up to the universal mind during their living existence. All thought merges into the uni- versal mind and these physical units die and disintegrate when they cease to function. “Better also that the soul be without knowledge, it is not good Hy UETOVRELO Zo} There is but one way to deprive the Christian soul of knowledge and that is to make the man ignorant. Christianity exercised this theory. THe RESURRECTION 385 The Christian soul may be killed, therefore, it cannot be immortal by nature, but is subject to discretionary powers of a male being; immortality signifies indestructibility. “Fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matt. 10:28.) Hell means to conceal. In Hebrew it is Sheol translated “grave.” In the new testament Gehenna is translated hell. Gehenna means the valley of Hinnom signifying a place of burning and torture. It was the place of wailing in Tophet where human sacrifices, especially of children, were made to the fire-god Molech. Toph means drum. The constant beating of drums drowned the wails of the mothers whose children were burned before their eyes. The fire was kept constantly alive. “For Tophet is ordained of old; yea, for the king it is prepared; he hath made it deep and large: the pile thereof is fire and much wood, the breath of the Lord, like a stream of brimstone, doth kindle it.” (Isaiah 30:33.) The Christian soul is a divisible thing. “The word of God is quick, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit.”’ (Heb. 4:12.) We should like to examine a theory which differentiates the soul, the spirit and the body, without revealing our rule of four. The Christian soul is a thing to be ransomed. “Then shall they give every man a ransom for his soul unto puemeords a) (l.xodus,30212:) In China this would smack of brigandage. This is one of the precedents by which the Christian church demands a ransom for souls in purgatory. “For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell.” (Ps. 16:10.) Thus is the soul individualized as a movable thing, sub- ject to pleasure and pain, which may not be experienced ex- cepting by physical bodies. Pain is due to abnormal pressure, and pleasure to relaxation. We ask that some Christian philosopher explain to us if this commercialized soul is: 386 THE RESURRECTION Cold, warm, dry or moist; vibratory, gaseous, solid or fluid; atomic, molecular, or physical. If it is none of these it is nothing. That a soul signifies a physical person is illustrated in the case of Noah. “Eight souls were saved by water.”’ (1 Peter 3:20.) We fail to see the saving grace of water here, for the waters would have quickly drowned Noah and his whole family, had he not built the ark. It is rather odd to give credit to water instead of to the ark. Christian souls change in their texture, or tissues, or perhaps in their mental aspect. “Beguiling unstable souls.” (II Peter 2:14.) The Lord stored the souls of the martyrs under his altar, therefore they must have been something substantial which could be piled up in order. They must have been labeled or numbered else these were all differnt kinds of souls. “T saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God.” (Rev. 6:9.) Pause right here, reader, and see if you can make yourself believe that billions of these alleged souls could be individually identified. If so, kindly make known the distinguishing marks. Following is an extraordinary line of Christian philosophy : “By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” CROmaAr 2s) Thinking men are not to be deceived by such palpable sophistry. They begin to look for the motive. “Tf through the offense of one many be dead, by the gift by grace by one man Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.” CRonie pata) : In simple, it was necessary to declare that one man could bring eternal life, to offset the declaration that one man brought death unto the world, in order to justify the Christ idea. Let us see to what extent this one man idea applies to natural processes. The word death, in its absolute meaning signifies : THE RESURRECTION 387 “The cessation of all vital phenomena without capability of resuscitation, either in animals or plants.” Dead means: “destitute of life.” Die means: “to cease to lives to suffer a total and ir- reparable loss of action of the vital functions; to expire, to perish, applying to animals and vegetation alike.” (Webster) “In death there is no remembrance of thee.” (Ps. 6:5.) “The living know that they shall die: but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more reward, for the mem- ory of them is forgotten.” (Ecc. 9:5.) | “A living dog is better than a dead lion.” (Ecc. 9:4.) By the same theory, a live monkey is better than a dead man. This is hard on saints, nevertheless, it is Christian philosophy. The poor boobs who devoted their lives to the church to be sainted were the victims of a bunko-game. “There is no man that hath power over the spirit to re- tain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death.” (LECCar O2)) “God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.” (Matt. Poi} The contradiction: A covert threat: “All’they that"hate me love death.” (Prov. 8:36.) A matter of individual choice: “T set before you the way of life and the way of death.” (Steree cc 18s) A selfish reason why men should live: “T have no pleasure in him that dieth, saith the Lord God: mieretore tuineand liverye. (Fz. 13:32.) This is why Christ is called a healer. Why the necessity of healing, if he has the power to give everlasting life? The basis of the doctrine of rewards and punishments: “Tf the wicked restore the pledge he shall not die.” (Ez. Baro e) “But when the righteous turneth from righteousness he Shaltidie. 5° (1.z.)33518-) 388 THE RESURRECTION As a bribe: “T say unto: you, if a man keep my saying, he shall never Scomcedtis sem |) OOo mous) The Jews were right in demanding an explanation why Abraham, Isaaic, Jacob, David and the prophets died. The answer that it is ‘““My father that honoreth me; of whom ye say, that he is your God,” is no answer, it is s simple evasion, for in the next breath we have this: “Ye have not known him; but I know him: andsiiem should say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you.” (John 8:55.) it and inystathersarerone: a) OnnmlLGro0s) Is it any wonder that the Jews began to stone Christ for thus making fools of them? He declared he was being honored by his father and in the same speech he declares that he alone knew who this father was, and followed this up with the confession that he meant himself all the time. The tenth chapter of John should condemn the whole Christian idea on the ground of exaggerated egoism. So much for the play on death. Let us examine life. Life of necessity implies a body: “The state of being which begins with generation, birth, or germination, and ends with death. “That state of an animal or plant in which organic func- tioning exists.” (Webster ) We shall first quote the following as it is stated in the concordance which we are using: ~ellemen=areiliarss, ©(UsenlG- ily} Christ declares himself a man. He is called) themcon of man” 8&4 times throughout the Bible. “See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death andeevily @)(Deut..30215") This disputes the declaration that Adam brought inevitable death unto men. Had this been true Christ could not have saved those who died through the centruies before he came. THE RESURRECTION 389 The above quotation makes it optional with men whether they choose good or evil; and both are living at the time, which is supposed to be long ages after the alleged original sin. Men call each other liars in the anger of dispute, and to avoid the kick-back in that, “all men are liars.’ God is de- clared not a man. (Num. 23:19.) Mention is made of the proclivities of men to lie thirty- five times in the Bible. “Men of low degree are vanity, and men of high degree piemomlices tS... 02-9.) This reveals the ever concealed hatred for men by the priesthood—an ever growing envy. “Let God be true but every man a liar.” (Rom. 3:4.) “Whose mouths must be stopped. “The Cretians are always liars.” (Titus 1:11-12.) The word Crete signifies carnal. No man is permitted to judge his own conscience. “If we say we have not sinned we make him a liar.” (I Olin 1:10: } Thus every man must confess to sin to prevent Christ from being called a liar when he accuses all men of guilt. By this perverse doctrine mankind convicts itself to love one man. This is abhorent to nature. This is hero worship with a vengeance. We shall return to the mention of life. Meath and life are in the power of the tongue.” (Prov. Hsi-2 1) “In him-+ was life; and the life was the light of men.” (John 1:4.) This is bringing life, and the spoken word, into the power of speech, or the tongue reflecting the personified light as hu- man intellect. “He that believeth on the son hath everlasting life.” (s) ohne 3636.) | If Christ, the son, is the spoken word, our theory regard- 390 Tur RESURRECTION ing a universal mind is corroborated. This idea of expressed wisdom becoming eternal life is Gnostic philosophy. sleam*@the:breadvotelite ava )|ohng0752.)} Bread means brew or ferment, hence these are words be- ing spoken for an abstract, life engendering principle in nature. Used as a threat: “He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life, but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction.” (Prov. 13:3.) This is the true spirit of ecclesiasticism which had the adamantine conscience to exploit the inquisition, which tore to shreds and burned all unbelieving humanity upon which it could lay its murderous hands. PAIS av Lil CULTIVATING NATIONAL EVILS (The sowing of evil suggestions begets universal crime.) It may seem out of place to interject this chapter, but it is essential to show that every system produces its fruit on the periphery. Both the church and the government seem bent on driving through humanity the illogical policy conceived by ec- clesiasticism centuries ago. The debasement of humanity was preconceived and inevitable. The doctrine of inherent evil has truly borne its fruit. The laws hold that all men are evil until tried and found innocent. They deal with humanity on the periphery. Superficiality beclouds the true facts about human conditions. Despite the fact that the nation is smothered in crime, the legislatures continue to grind out the most in- consistent criminal laws to befuddle and entice men. This perverted theory is wholly Christian in its origin. Governments are cultivating the soil for the ecclesiastic har- vest. A disrespect for government and law is being fostered. If the Christ principle is at work in the world today it 1s doing its work well, for rebellion, revolution, international dis- putes and internal warfare are everywhere in blossom. The gospel of hate, greed, avarice and selfishness is well established. Reader, take this digression not lightly. In the belief that the time had arrived to “thrust in the sickle,” one harvest, estimated at fifty million human tares was gathered and burned at the stake or tortured to death in some horrible manner by the “Angels of the Lord,” the ecclesiastical crusaders and the inquisition. The other harvest is about ripe. The hellish sickle of war has just destroyed eleven million human lives in the name of that Christian sarcasm, “sweet peace,” without visible rea- 391 392 THE RESURRECTION son, excuse or human profit. The result is, the whole world is in a ferment of revolution, rebellion and warfare, and man- kind is smothered in crime and imbecility. What will be the fate of the ten million orphan children left by the late war? In the month of May, 1924, nations are openly repudiat- ing their own governments; high officials throughout the world are being pointed at with scorn, and accused of about every crime men can commit; repudiated monarchs are attempting to get back upon their thrones; the people are struggling to seize the reins of government in socialistic revolutions; and designing political crooks are trying to take mean advantage of this abnormal stress. In Russia, suicides, official murders and red revolution are rampant. It is announced that fifty thousand persons are tagged for the horrors of Siberia, for which former govern- ments were condemned. A Catholic bishop was condemned to be shot for high treason, and his property was confiscated. A dispatch says the pope is “intensely angry,” because “women of the Franciscan Order,” and “Catholic priests” were imprisoned for political activities. The pope contemplates “strong action.” Revolutionary movements in Siberia recently cost hun- dreds of lives of men, women and children. Judges, prosecutors, investigators and lawyers are im- prisoned for bribe taking. The Russians are ranting because the German authorities raided their private offices in Berlin—“‘friendly relations” exist between Germany and Russia. In Spain “sweet peace” is having a lovely time with Spain and Morocco jabbing bayonets into each other’s bowels. Japan: “Elections in Japan were marred by every kind of rowdyism all over the country.” China: “Bandits and pirates,’ both male and female, are being hunted and shot by the authorities. Thirty-nine pirates were shot in one lot. Subsequently two deadly revolutions have occurred. THE RESURRECTION 393 England: One of the best known English statesmen, once secretary of state, declared that the government was ‘‘one vast sham and humbug,” calling a conspicuous member a “political cuckoo.” In the United States May 21, 1924, froma single issue of a prominent California paper : “A former mayor accused of horse stealing. “Bank president takes own life. “Calendar jam holds up trial of murderess. “Schools to be closed because of lack of funds. “Labor unions plan revenge. “Burglars clean out tea room. “Policeman accused by woman. “Same officer arrested in a ‘bootlegger raid.’ “Fifteen autos stolen on Tuesday, May 20th, 1924 (this in a single city). “Couple held charged with contributing to girls’ delin- quency. “Jury for bomb trial. “Officer held in bandit den. “Death of girl held to be suicide. “Police capture two men in burglary. “Surgeons demand more hospitals. “Realty dealer suicides. “Former beach mayor indicted. “Detectives accused. “Held on charge of extortion of money. “Promoter goes to prison. “Held in forgery case. “Peddler sent to prison for theft. “Flood of rum at state door ready to come in. “District tangle put up to court. “Woman admits forgery. “Chain gang looms. “Confesses to shooting. “Victim of ‘drop-purse game.’ 394 THE RESURRECTION “Nabs theft suspect. “Pupil flogged, principal held. “Girl victim of oriental germ. “Judge deplores lack of respect for law. “Found guilty in mail robbery. “Charged with assault with deadly weapon. “Beach auto thieves strip woman’s car. “Youth put in jail for disturbing the peace. “Beach hospital row. “Docket is filled by rum cases. “Planning detention home for boys. “Gets sojourn in jail for ignoring police auto tag. “State has no power to subpoena naval sailors. “Heavy market slumps due to legislation at Washington. “Bank murder suspect trial halted. “Jail term for woman passing bad checks. “Accused in stolen goods case. “Woman accused of larceny and fraud. “Perjury case continued.” In this same issue we find: “Twenty-two divorce cases filed. “Twelve divorce decrees granted.” Here are some sixty-five crimes reported in a single daily newspaper. These items are not repeated; this is the daily grind. On October 30th, 1924, thirty-six burglaries were com- mitted in Los Angeles, and on October 31st, 1924, twenty- seven burglaries. Did you ever attempt to analyze this crime problem? If this should hold good for 365 days in the year it would mean about 24,000 crimes a year ina single city. Also it would mean 6,600 applications for divorce, and 3,600 divorces granted. It would mean the theft of more than 5,000 automobiles annually. Is this an indication of peace and morality? Is it an indication of decent national life? Are we only banded together as a nation to foster crime? This is not con- fined to a single state or city. THE RESURRECTION 395 Who is responsible for this condition, the government, the churches or the people? Let us examine these three elements. One of these must be primarily responsible. What is the government doing towards setting an example of peace and morality? We shall only refer to the mud-slinging contest called ‘‘con- gressional investigations” which has recently cast a film of dis- grace Over practically our whole government. Governors are sent to the penitentiary, and prosecuted for numerous crimes: congressmen are sent to prison; high officials in every branch and department of government are accused, arrested and con- victed or whitewashed. Mayors are accused of horse-stealing ; the police and clergy are as conspicuous in the criminal columns as are other classes, and lawyers are generally looked upon with suspicion. Now, what chance has an ordinary citizen? He is the prey of all these. What are the churches doing? They are quarreling among themselves about things which are upon their face illogical, inconsistent and unscientific. For instance, they are split on the absurd question as to whether their Christ was an actual, living character and of “immaculate conception.” ‘The world at large does not even know what the brawl is all about, yet it pretends to be in the interest of human- ity, which pays the toll. According to the news dispatches of May 22, 1924, bishops are accused as traitors to doctrine in the moot question as to whether man evoluted out of the monkey, giving evidence that he is not yet evoluted out of the ape. The monkeys must feel deeply disgraced. But there is one ray of intelligence always visible, the in- evitable Catholic supremacy. A cardnial returns from Rome and is welcomed in Chicago by a million Catholics. He is escorted through the streets by armed soldiers, and the Mayor of Chicago kisses his hand. This is un-American. * 396 THE RESURRECTION This same cardinal frankly admitted that his motives were political by setting forth his views regarding the mixing into the affairs of Europe by the United States. He is not for mankind at large. What concern should it be to him what the govern- ment of the United States does internationally ? On the other hand, we find the Presbyterians courting the power of woman suffrage by granting the “right of office’ to women. “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. “But suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority, butpein silences aa aiutierc: bie) ~ “How can man be clean born of woman?” (Job 15:14.) What are we to think of this bald attempt to repudiate their own doctrines in political flirtation with the new powers? The Methodists are courting labor, urging an altruistic system of communism wholly contrary to our constitution. The Baptists are always found coddling the Negroes. Is there nothing sinister and significant in this bald hypoc- risy? These are the elements which possess and control the gov- ernment and nation; make and execute our laws, and dictate our mode of life, with the result previously demonstrated. Can you not see the scheme? Lach of these branches of Christianity is seeking to foster the class which maintains it, consequently they bargain at the political feed trough for the legislation they require. All of them depend upon evil as the excuse for their ex- istence, hence a multitude of criminal laws are encouraged, to bring all humanity under the yoke of universal evil, that all men may stand accused before God, and forgiveness is only through repentance at the feet of a priest, the church and the law. This is a raw conspiracy against ignorant, unthinking man- kind. If there was no other evidence of mock religion the one question being played upon at this time is that simple-minded, THE RESURRECTION 397 so-called doctrine of the “immaculate conception” of the Christ. The doctrine was not even mentioned for a hundred years after Christ. Christ was not deified for centuries later, and the doc- trine was not canonized by the church for more than a thou- sand years after Christ, yet we are edified at this time by imbe- cilic controversies over that which neither nature, science nor common sense recognizes. Moreover, even the original Christ idea was hundreds of years older than Christianity. Every im- portant modern church pretense is boldly disputed by their own scriptures. Christ declares he does not come to bring peace. (Matt. 10:34.) ebheslord comeseas a thier. (1 Thes. 5:2.) “Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies.’ (1 Tim. 1:4.) “Let no man judge you in meat or in drink, or in regard to olvedayseor sabbathia: (Cole 2::16;) “Suffer not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority, but Demnesilence. 7 (1 Lim.02<11-12: ) They cultivate a spirit of vengeance and resentful anger. “Tf thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out and cast it from Ehecmmm( VLatteeo):29.)) To corroborate the declaration of Christ that he came to bring the sword, fire and division to the earth, we have the fol- lowing confession: “Ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, for all these things must come to pass. “Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.” (Matt. 24:6-7.) Christ declared himself to be the son of God. He also de- clared he was the son of man. He tells the Jews that they also are gods (Jno. 10:34) in order to appease their anger towards his doctrines and pre- vent them from stoning him. At San Antonio, Texas, on May 20th, 1924, at the Presby- terian conference, a committee declared for the church: 398 THE RESURRECTION 1. “A belief in the scriptures of the old and new testa- ments.” “Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies.” (1 Tim. 1:4.) 2. “Faith in the deity of Christ as the only begotten son OTA God “Adam which was the son of God.” (Luke 3:38.) “Christ is called the son of man 84 times in the Bible.” (Standard Bible concordance. ) “We declare that Jesus Christ was conceived by the holy ghost in the womb of Mary.” Holy ghost signifies the breath. Mary signifies rebellion. (Boyd Bible dic.) “Christ is called the son of man 84 times in the Bible.” “A ghost is that which terrifies.” (J. P. Boyd’s Bible dic- tionary. ) Holy is from the German helig, signifying health, hence, “Holy ghost” merely signifies a “healthy breath.” 4. “We declare our faith in the vicarious sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.” Vicar means a bishop’s assistant. Vicarious means, as used above, to sacrifice oneself for another. Nature abhors such practice. The “Vicar of Bray,” during the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth, from 1533 to 1558, changed his religion four times in order that he might hold onto his living. Money was god then, as now, because it purchased the comforts of life. The word crucify was not used in Palestine in the alleged time of Christ, but the word hanged was used. The first refer- ences to Christ used the name “hanged one,” therefore the word crucify used throughout the scripture is inconsistent. Christ was allegedly hanged for creating the very thing he stands for, rebellion and sedition. Barabbas was cast into prison for the THE RESURRECTION | 399 same offense. Christ was condemned to appease Rome, for he was stirring up rebellion against the established government. Pilate merely signifies the governor appointed by the Roman emperor, and the crucifixion of a Christ is a fiction. Herod means heroic, and Pilate means armament. The crucified Christ merely signifies the toleration of civil government under imperialistic form, until an Ecclesiastical form of government may be established by the church, wholly controlled by a sycophant following. This is the heroic policy requiring personal sacrifice for the good of the whole. This created the saints and martyrs. The word Calvary only adds to the evidence. It signifies the place or base of the skull. The expression or phrase “Mount Calvary” is not warranted by any expression in scrip- ture. It simply signifies the cemetery. Primarily it is taken from the Gnostic, signifying the exhaustion of the muscles of the human body, hanging upon the skeleton. By standing erect and extending the arms we form the Christian cross and the weight falls upon the skeleton at the base of the skull. Calvary is the Greek kraneon, skull, 5. “We declare our faith in the bodily resurrection.” It is needless to waste space to comment upon this; their own so-called apostolic-fathers and church-fathers, ages ago, declared this to mean the Gnostic story of the planting of the seed and the raising up of the vegetation therefrom. There is nothing mysterious, religious or fabulous about it. The sug- gestion that this signifies the literal arising of the human physi- cal body to again be entered by its soul or life, is pure bunk, and repulsive to think about. These designing men know the secret truth. 6. “We declare our faith in the ascention of our Lord from Mount Olivet to the right-hand of the throne of God, where all authority in heaven and on earth is given unto him.” Now, reader, we are going to give you a jolt. Mount always means the church, therefore, it is to be the recipient of this power and authority. 400 THE RESURRECTION Olive means oil, but Olivet is beyond the brook Kidron, and Kidron means turbid. It is between Jerusalem and Olivet, beyond the turbulent period. Jerusalem means place of peace, and the olive branch means solicitation of peace. Olive means the casting of oil upon the waters. Waters mean the multitudes. “Christ. is the head of the body, the church.” | ( Colmigtas: Then the body of Christ is the church. Therefore, the resurrection simply means the re-establishment of the church in temporal power. Don’t you believe this? Then read the history of the middle centuries, when the popes of Rome exe- cuted this identical thing and secured temporal power which they held for nearly five hundred years. The churches are at- tempting to pull together to secure that identical power in the United States today, to enable them to combine and conquer the world. Don’t be foolish and laugh at this. It is true. It is too tragic to be comic. 7. “We declare our faith in the intercession of Christ as our great high priest at the throne of grace, where he makes daily intercession for us.” This 1s one of the meanest insinuations in this whole declar- ation. It implies that humanity is so sinful that it requires daily pleas for mercy. Grace means mercy. This is where the church poses as the mediator between the people and the cruel execution of the law. Secretly it inspires the laws which are thus executed. 8. This is mere blather. 9. Same as above. 10. A belief in the blind faith of cultivated ignorance. Think of this occurring in modern times, and without en- gendering ridicule or public condemnation. Not one single item in the list conveys to humanity a ray of hope or promise of relief. Each of these denominations is brazenly catering to some new political force in a manner to win it over and bring it under its control. It is in secrecy they bargain for favors, and it is by a secret intrigue they control the politics of this nation. THE RESURRECTION 401, No one can seriously follow the trend of church pretense and not see the true origin of our national imbecility. All men are not blind to the deceit and hypocrisy which conduct the course of government. The apparent crime and imbecility is the fruit of this Ecclesiastically controlled system. A sane, honest government by the people would do much to mollify present abnormal conditions, but all influences of parasitical institutions must be torn loose from such a govern- ment. Class legislation and class influence must cease. It is a shame and disgrace to modern civilization that end- less so-called private institutions must openly pose as the distrib- utors of charity to a large part of humanity living and slaving under conditions which fatten these very institutions. These mediators must be eliminated quickly. Every sys- tem cultivates that upon which it depends for food. They are saturating humanity with fear and assuming the right to command obedience. Thus they cater to the churches. Have you ever attempted to analyze the purpose and sig- nificance of the important words used in the Bible? Well, it is worth while. We shall, save you the laborious task of doing so, and at the same time open your eyes to the underlying truth. These words are used in every sense to which they respond. OBEDIENCE Used as a Threat: “Tf any man obey not our word, note that man and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.” (II Thes. 3:14.) This is the boycott of the devilish excommunication. To Suppress Women by Command: “Let your women keep silence in the churches; for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are cmvinhareinlae to be under obedience.” (I Cor. 14:34.) To Inspire Rebellion Against Civil Government: fic apostles said, ‘We ought to obey God, rather than Ch Meee CtSao -29.2) “That God has never been identified except as the head of the church. A402 THE RESURRECTION As a Bribe: “Tf ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.” (Isaiah 1:19.) This plainly intimates that the church contemplated a monopoly which would enable it to control the dispensation of the good of the land. Now we shall examine this word obedience. The meaning is, compliance, submission, subjection, pas- siveness, resignation, allegiance, loyalty, fealty, homage, differ- ence: Reader, if you have in you a spark of manhood you will quickly grasp the significance of this. It points to a groveling, cringing, humiliating subservience which good civil government does not demand. It demands a surrender of your whole con- scientious self to a fanatical master, who dictates your every act, hence you are made a mere dummy to scare and influence others. FEAR There are one hundred and eighty passages in the Bible in which the word fear appears. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” (Ps. Lele) This is a plain threat of the consequences of disobedience. “My flesh trembleth for fear of them, and I am afraid of thy judgements: “4 CPs i197120) Clearly to inspire abnormal and hysterical fear in ignorant minds. “T will mock when your fear cometh.” (Prov. 1:26.) Think of the childishness of a God thus expressing a petty warning to some one who has not been imposed upon. It is evident that some human being had to express this threat. We shall insist that the salvation of humanity rests upon the integrity of the thinking classes, and this does not include the prejudiced Christians. Every day, we observe the ever-narrowing coils of a ser- pent about us, teasing, tormenting, persuading and coercing the THE RESURRECTION 403 unthinking masses into the same state of enthrallment and hys- teria that brought on the inquisition. It is coddling the intol- erant mob, and cultivating a refined bigotry. Brazenly men arise before their hypnotized audiences and preach the most incendiary harangues against our government, our people and our systems, and we see our unthinking masses openly applauding because they are unable to see and understand the secret motives. We are especially concerned to see this power taking pos- session of modern inventions, wholly the product of that science which Christianity has always reviled, to spread its poisonous propaganda. We shall answer, or rather challenge, one of these con- spicuous propagandists to answer to our criticism of his so- called sermon presumably in the interest of peace. They always seize upon topics nearest to the heart of human necessity. May 26th, 1924 (over radio KHJ, Los Angeles Times) : “Tt is the established and recognized sovereignty of Jesus Christ—Christ on the throne, his right to rule unquestioned, and the homage of all hearts gladly laid at his feet—the redeemer’s kingdom set up among men.”—Dr. H. L. Hoyt. Does this mean a ruling sovereign, or is it figurative? It is too literal to be misunderstood. It means a man on a throne, a king! posing as a living personification of an unknown and unknowable god. If Dr. Hoyt’s kingdom is to be understood by men, it must be a human administration. If it is to prevail among men, it must be upon this earth, for men do not reside elsewhere. “No man hath seen God at any time.” (I John 4:12.) “God is a spirit, and they who worship him must worship him in spirit.” (Jno. 4:24.) “A spirit hath not flesh and bones.” (Luke 24 :39.) “My kingdom is not of this world.” (John 18:36.) “Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.” (1 Gor 5,:50.’) “They that are in the flesh cannot please God.”’ (Rom. 8:8.) 404 THE RESURRECTION “The word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” (Jno. 1:14.) “God was manifested in’ the flesh Joe ( 1) linmeor fom) Now, Dr. Hoyt, we should like to have an explanation of these contradictions. You are preaching peace, and this is con- trary to the teachings of the very Christ you are trying to make king in this republic. He declared: “Think not I am come to bring peace on earth; I came not to send peace, but a sword.” (Matt. 10:34.) “For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother.” (Matt. 10:35.) You boast of your Christian power to bring about a condi- tion of peace and good will among men and nations upon earth, and your own Christ declared: “And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that ye be not troubled; for all these things must come to pass. “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.” (Matt. 24:6-7.) Your Christian clans have been preaching your blather to mankind for all these centuries, and humanity has been com- pelled to eat of the fruits of the earth fertilized by human blood. How much longer do you believe men are going to listen to your sophistry and bear the burden of supporting the churches, now | openly boasting of their wealth? How many centuries have missionaries been preaching this creed in Japan? In how many wars has Japan been in- volved during that period? And, now, she orders the Christian missionaries out of her country and threatens war against the United States. Does this not fulfill Christ’s declaration? You take your text from Micah. Have you ever attempted to interpret the book of Micah? The book refers to the United States as the seat of Chris- tianity. The Lord declares against peace. “The Lord cometh out of his place and will tread upon the high places of the earth. THE RESURRECTION 405 “What are the high places of Judah? Are they not Jerusa- lem?” (Micah 1.) Jerusalem means place of peace, and is to be destroyed. “Jerusalem shall become heaps.” (Micah 3:12.) “And he shall judge as among people, and rebuke strong nations afar off.” (Micah 4:3.) Does this signify world rule except through a dictation of one powerful nation to the weaker? It is the cast-off of others nations which are to be made a mixed nation which is to be called Zion, the first dominion. (Micah 4:7-8.) What does this Zion signify? It is derived from the Greek Sion, meaning noise and tumult. Anciently it was Mount Her- mon, meaning anathema, destruction, curse. Zion was the original name ot Jerusalem, the seat of the Jebusites. Jebus means he that treads underfoot, contemns, hence the expression in Micah 1:3. Now, from whence comes this Lord? What is meant by “out of his place?” The daughter of Zion signifies the church. “Thou shalt go, even to Babylon; there shalt thou be de- livered; there the Lord shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies. “Now also many nations are gathered against thee. “But they know not the thoughts of the Lord. Neither understand they his counsel, for he shall gather them as the sheaves into the floor. “Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion, for I make thy horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass, and thou shalt beat in pieces many people: and I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord, and their s&bstance to the Lord of the whole earth.” (Micah 4.) Zion here signifies the pete floor for separating the grain from the chaff. Babylon means a mixture, confusion. The United States is the only mixed nation which may thus 406 THE RESURRECTION be manipulated and be made sufficiently powerful to dictate to other nations. It is not intended that their gods, or their forms of religions, shall be taken away from other nations. “For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of our Lord.” (Micah 4:5.) The word Lord signifies a master, the loaf-warden, the dis- penser of bread. Here is a great warning. In the end it is the purpose to unite all the churches in the United States into one all-powerful political organization to rule. “Peace” does not mean a state of harmony as between all men, it means only to those who humbly bend their necks to a fanatical church discipline. Jerusalem, peace, is to be broken, but Bethlehem, the house of bread and war, is to be made the vehicle of successful enterprise. The Ephrathifes, the inhabit- ants of the house of bread and war, shall be saved, because they are fruitiul.” ,(Micah 5:2.) Assyria is to be destroyed by the sword, because it means happiness, and interferes with the scheme. Nimrod is to be destroyed, because it means the rebellious. Nimrod is the son of Cush, meaning black, ignorance. Cush is the eldest son of Ham, who settled in Ethiopia—‘‘darkest Africa,” ignorance, oppression, affliction. “The remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people, as a dew from the Lord, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor uniteth for the sons of men. “And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles in the midst of many people.” (Micah 5:7-8.) Dew means conversions. Rain means doctrines. : Jacob means to supplant. Rebekah, the mother of Jacob, means snare, trap. This refers to the judicious distribution of the Jews to control commerce under the protection of the political church. THE RESURRECTION 407 “And I will execute vengeance in anger and fury upon the heathen, such as they have not heard.” (Micah 5:15.) Does that sound like universal peace? Did you ever look up the significance of the word “‘hea- then?’ Maybe not. The heathens are those who dwell upon the heaths, the barren open country. At the beginning of the Christian propa- ganda into Germany, the word heathen was applied to the wild dwellers on the heaths which longest resisted the efforts to con- vert them. The word pagan comes from the Latin pagus, a hamlet or village, signifying the dwellers in hamlets or villages. Both of these innocent terms have been vulgarized into terms of mean reproach as applying to all persons not bowing to the will of the church. There is but one continuity running through this absurd screed called the book of Micah, the bombastic threat of an overwhelming desire to wreak vengeance upon those who re- fuse to take seriously a fanatical usurpation of civil control, and the whine of disappointment of an unworthy human aspiration and ambition to seize control of humanity. There is not one intimation of the peace to which greater humanity aspires. There is not one single plausible excuse for selection from Micah a text for peace. On the contrary, one sees only that horrid, selfish, uncompromising determination to rule or ruin humanity on the part of the church. It is an obsession so hide- bound in fanaticism, and so saturated with bigotry it cannot be reached by common sense and reason. It is true, peace will not come until humanity has been enslaved or Christianity has been exposed and eradicated. The tendency of the churches to grasp popular themes upon > which to play, in their dissertations, only proves they are merely | playing with public opinion, and attempting to run an interest- ing show to amuse thoughtless humanity. Some of these shows are disgraceful. I will recall the fact that during the late world war the 408 THE RESURRECTION people of the United States were raided by the churches to the tune of a billion dollars. What was done with this money? On Sunday, May 25th, 1924, several of the Los Angeles preachers made peace their theme. We have referred to the sermon of Dr. Hoyt. One preacher becomes the publicity man for the movies, suggesting that all of his hearers go to see a photoplay in a new structure for picture-plays and sporting events. Another declares that peace may be realized only through sitting with his feet on the rock of ages. How may the whole of humanity place its feet upon the same rock? Or, maybe a rock will be supplied for each pair of feet. Rock means a refuge. Why, of course we know this 1s figurative, what of that? He also tells us that all must cast their anchor in God. Must every man go to a ship chandler’s shop and buy an anchor? Why, of course not, they must listen to this figurative stuff and believe in a god whom “no man hath seen” or conversed with at any time. Isn’t that far fetched and blind faith? Another is not for peace. He quotes an aphorism made popular because of its euphonic profanity, and attributed to General Sherman, “War is hell,’ but he hastens to say that “peace may be a bottomless pit,” unless fought in defense of the church, and he quotes the late war as an example. A few days later, at a conference of one of the denomina- tions, it was resolved to discard the word “hell” and adopt the Hebrew form, “Hades,’”’ which is translated hell, meaning the grave. Another has the astonishing theory that “optimism is the atmosphere of the spiritual,’ and declares that pessimism has been the theme of prophecy in all ages. He defines a spiritual man as “one who puts full value in the service he renders for wages.’ This is getting it pretty close home to those whose whole lives are so lashed to labor they have no time for intel- lectual cultivation. It seems to most men that manual labor is the opposite to the spiritual. If all men should lay down the THE RESURRECTION 409 spade, the shovel and the hammer, and begin to deal out spiritual stuff they would be called strikers. Yet we find the preachers excusing their own pretense with this plea: “If we have sown unto you_spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things?’ (I Cor. 9:11.) A Rabbi takes the popular name of Mark Twain as his theme, not even mentioning his real name, because most people never heard of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, but “Mark Twain” was a name to juggle with. Another takes it upon himself to criticise the different re- ligious factions for all wanting to sit at the right hand of God, “giving to God more right hands than the average Hindu idol.” He is frank to admit the inconsistencies of religious sermons, but he does not forget to pile on the human burden. “Those who would be the greatest among you, let them be the servants of all.” He confesses that humanity has been “long overburdened by thoughtless religion.” Another Rabbi declares the true religion to be based upon the “law,” “service,” and “charity.”’ Now, his ancestors named these “obedience,” “servitude,” and “tithes,” and most of the Israelites were killed for not strictly observing them. Still another declares that all the troubles are due to sec- tarianism, “a greater sin than the saloon.” This led into a sermon advocating the unity of all churches, as a “conquering force of the world.” He declares there are 300 different sects. Why not choose the lesser of two evils, eliminate these sects and restore the saloons? Another declares that “love” is the panacea for all worldly troubles. Yet a number of clergymen are on trial in love en- tanglements. And so on, down the line. On Saturday, May 31st, 1924, there appeared in the Los Angeles Times fifty advertisements of as many denominations, seeking to entice the people into their churches. Here are some of the advertised attractions: 410 THE RESURRECTION “Moving picture.” “Two men.” . “What shall we do with our holy dead?” “Divine discounting of stage scenery.” “The glory of vision.” Datu carte Here is one to think about, for it intimates understanding. “Armageddon, the battle of that great day of God almighty, ‘Its certainty and its outcome’.” “Armageddon” means a typical battlefield. “Where are you going?” “Too many stats too many creeds.” “Two pictures.” “Stereopticon Hise Wheaties of the Pacific.”’ _ “Moving Picture, “Your Boy and My Girl.’ ” “Gospel songfest.” just “Is the K. K:.K. more dangerous than/the 13VV Vv “Ts the klan backed up by the bootleggers ?” “A stronger man than Dempsey or Montana.” Are these dignified and godlike subjects? “Japan and America.” The Methodist missionaries have been ordered out of Japan. “Can a minister be honest and hold his job?” “The servant in the house.” “The snare of the south wind.” “Marriage—Luck, Lottery or Chance?” “The church’s challenge to the world.” “Roosevelt fife and drum corps.” “America, carry on.” “Millionaires.” This gives a line on the sensation-mongering tendency of the churches to entice the people. Not one of these sermons gave to humanity a hope for saner conditions of life, or the alleviation of its burdens, and perhaps not one closed without the usual: “We will now receive the love offering.” Money ! Money! _~ T+ eRe THE RESURRECTION 411 In closing this chapter we desire to call attention to the evidences of rapidly increasing crime, using the figures pub- lished by Los Angeles, July 31st, 1924, in the Times: Let us say: it would hardly, be fair to intimate that Los Angeles is more criminal than other cities, therefore we may safely use these statistics as a basis for estimating the city con- ditions throughout the United States. | Police court fines collected in Los Angeles for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1924, $1,344,444. That means an equiv- alent of one dollar and thirty-five cents for every man, woman and child in Los Angeles. This is an increase of $366,760 over the previous year, or approximately an increase of 30% in this type of crime. There was, of course, a corresponding increase in the number of cases ; 118,597 persons were charged with law-breaking; 327 cases every day; 14 cases every hour. Practically a law is violated every four minutes of the twenty-four hours, and 10% of the people are criminals. Now, one of two things must be true. Either there are sO many criminal laws the people cannot avoid violating them, or, the whole community is trending towards universal crime. It is a significant fact that, during the same period the city council ground out 2,546 new ordinances, or eight new laws for each working day. Is it to be believed that these laws were made without a fore knowledge that they would involve persons who otherwise would not be drawn into the criminal net? “Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law 1s, there is no transgression.” (Rom. 4:15.) If there were no transgressions the wrath of the law could not collect in a single year, $1,344,444. “Christ is the law-giver.” (James 4:12.) “The Lord is our lawgiver.” (Isa. 33:22.) Truly the Bible prophesies correctly. “Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the Lord, and they shall fish them; and after I will send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them.” (jer. 16:16.) 412 THE RESURRECTION Jesus was walking by the sea of Galilee and saw the breth- ren, Simon Peter and Andrew, and he said unto them: “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matt. 4:19.) Galilee means revolution. Sea means an army. Waters mean ordinances, laws. Simon means obedience. Peter means the church, a rock of refuge. Andrew means a stout, strong man. Is there nothing sinister in this? Is it accidental that a multitude of criminal laws are surely drawing all humanity into a legal net? Now, don’t say we are opposed to proper legal restraint. We are no more opposed to proper laws, than was the alleged Jesus Christ, but we do say there are too many criminal laws which tend to make all men criminals. Neither shall we say that the temptation for placing an endless grind of criminal laws upon the statute books is the millions of dollars collected as in- dulgence money. Humanity must solve that problem. But we do say, the system smacks loudly of precedents found in the Bible. The suggestion that all mankind must be brought under sin is rapidly being put into practice. We do not hesitate to express as our opinion, based upor a close study of analogies between the subtle teachings of the Bible and the trend of civil governments, that the underlying purpose is to bring civil governments and statutory laws into contempt, that they may be repudiated by the people, opening the way for church supremacy and a new form of temporal power. “For Christ is the end of the law.” (Rom. 10:4.) The Lord cometh to execute judgment upon all. (Jude 15.) “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” (I Peter 4:17.) THE RESURRECTION 413 We especially call attention to the word “us” in the last quotation. This can only refer to the church forces, and this reveals the highest aspiration of the church, temporal power. We suggest the reading of qur volume THE REVELATION. It will truly be a revelation to all those who have been con- scientious believers in the Bible and Christianity. They may lay down the burden with a great sigh of relief. No longer need they cower in fear, and pray that Moses may speak to their God for them, “lest they die.” Their God smiles from the face of all nature, and bids them speak for themselves. He is not the revengeful terror and murderer he is declared to be by those who would have us believe their fictions and fables. This is the end; we offer no apologies; we fear no re- sentment, and we invite criticism. Our work is no doubt crude, but we believe it is forceful. We believe it will awaken a new era of thought and bring to slaving humanity new hope. The better thought of the world will find the way out of the desolate wilderness into which we have been wandering these many centuries. We have left open a broad path by which all who desire to test, vindicate, corroborate or condemn our work may examine and analyze it in the light of true interpretation and revelation. Humanity is badly in need of rest from constant driving. There has been too much altruistic sentiment wasted on heroes and gods. Men must be permitted to live and act for them- selves for awhile. They must be permitted to taste of the sweets of life before the bitter irony of their hard fate begins to canker in their sore hearts. Chauvinism will become a grim sarcasm if all humanity must become a living sacrifice to its absurd whims. The day will soon come when men will refuse to lend their services to the greater cause of humanity if confiscatory taxation does not cease to roost upon its fence as a ravenous vulture. & If a better class of men are not placed in legislative and 414 THE RESURRECTION executive offices, our boasted civilization will become a lawless mob and chaos will be Lord of Lords and King of Kings. We believe all normal minded men will say we have done our work conscientiously and without fear. — Here our task is ended. ane ae noe = aang Ne a cad a Ua Sa ho et Be et tel Pa! . 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