BY GEORGE ELIOT W—CWENDOLEN GETS HER cHolce «= | WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS EDINBURGH AND LONDON SOLD BY CHEMISTS AND STATIONERS. a wg PRICE SIXPENCE PER BOTTLE. p (JU RS ONS 4 SIMPLE DYES. A sixpenny bottle of magenta or violet is enough to dye a child’s dress or twenty yards of bonnet ribbon in ten minutes, without soiling the hands, r NAMES OF COLOURS. MAGENTA. Maroon, PINK, BLACK. MAUVE. Borr. GREEN. LAVENDER, VIOLET. CERISE, CLARET. SLATE. Puce. SCARLET. RvuBY. GREY. PURPLE. ORANGE. — CRIMSON. PONCEAU. CaNaARY. BLveE, ; Brown. Linac. JUDSON’S DYES. TESTIMONIAL. Sir,—Your “Simple Dyes for the People” only require a trial to be duly appreciated. I have used them for some length of time, and recom- mended them to many friends, who, with myself, find in them an item of » the highest economy. Having been successful with the smaller articles, I tried the larger, and now dye all at home—viz., Curtains, Table-Covers, Dresses, &c.—with the most satisfactory results. W. B. A. March 16, 1875. From the ‘ ENGLISHWOMAN’s Domestic MaGazine,’ May 1875, ‘The sun will soon: be beginning to make up for lost time, and fade our ribbons, feathers, and lightly-tinted dresses. As a spring invest- ment we ought all to lay in a supply of Judson’s Dyes, those invaluable aids to economy, Some people are repelled by the very idea of under- taking to dye anything themselves, because they have an idea that their hands will get stained or soiled, but these can have no conception what 14 an exceedingly simple process these dyes make the formerly elaborate $ task. You proceed as follows :—Soak the article to be dyed in boiling ay water, and stir it round till all the dirt and grease have been abstracted. in Then change the water, still keeping it hot, and again soak the article. oa Lift it out of the water, and pour in a sufficient quantity of dye to make ar it the required colour, Stir the water to mix the dye, and then put the ag article in again, working it about till it shall have absorbed the colour ay from the water. Fringes, feathers, and ribbons, all of which fade so S readily, can easily be dyed in this manner in ten minutes.” SF he -_————$—$——_——. = 7 JUDSON’S DYES—Sold by Chemists and Stationers. ae % ADVERTISEMENTS. SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, & CO.S NEW PUBLICATIONS READY, OR NEARLY READY. Now ready, the New Work by the Author of ‘ Campaigning on the Oxus,’ 1 vol. demy 8vo, cloth extra, price 18s., with Illustrations and Map, UNDER THE NORTHERN LIGHTS: the Cruise of the Pan- dora to Peel’s Strait in Search of Sir John Franklin’s Papers., By J. A. MACGAHAN. Now ready, in 2 vols. demy 8vo, cloth extra, with numerous Illustrations and Maps, price £2, 2s. MONGOLIA, THE TANGUT COUNTRY, AND THE SOLI- TUDES OF NORTHERN TIBET. Being a Narrative of Three Years’ Travel in East- ern High Asia. By LizuTeNanT-CoLoneL N. PREJEVALSKY, of the Russian Stiff Corps. Translated from the Russian by E. 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Originally published in ‘ Blackwood’s Magazine.’ WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & SONS, EvinBurGH and LONDON. THE HISTORY OF SCOTLAND. By John Hill Burton, His- toriographer-Royal for Scotland. Continued in this edition down to the Extinction of the last Jacobite Insurrection. New Edition, Revised. In 8 vols.'crown;Svo, with Index Vol., £3, 33, “ The best account that has yet been written of the national lifeand being of Scotland.” —Times. “One of the completest histories that we ever saw of any country.”—Saturday Review. WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & ‘SONS, EpinpureH AND LONDON. FIVE PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED TO GOODALLS HOUSEHOLD SPECIALITIES. A single trial solicited from those who have not yet tried these splendid preparations. GOODALL’S BAKING POWDER. THE BEST IN THE WORLD. A The cheapest because the best, and indispensable to every household, and an * inestimable boon to housewives. Makes delicious Puddings without eggs, Pastry without butter, and beautiful light Bread without yeast. Sold by Grocers, Oilmen, Chemists, &c., in ld. Packets ; 6d. and 2s. Tins. Prepared by GOODALL, BACKHOUSE, & CO., LEEDS. YORKSHIRE RELISH, THE MOST DELICIOUS SAUCE IN THE WORLD. This cheap and excellent Sauce makes the plainest viands palatable, and the daintiest dishes more delicious. To Chops and Steaks, Fish, &c., it isincom- parable. Sold by Grocers, Oilmen, Chemists, &c., in Bottles, 6d., 1s., and 2s, each, Prepared by GOODALL, BACKHOUSE, & CO., LEEDS, GOODALL’S QUININE WINE. The best, cheapest, and most agreeable tonic yet introduced. The best remedy known for Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, General Debility, &c. Re- stores delicate invalids to health and vigour. Sold by Chemists, Grocers, &c., at 1s., 1s. 1}d., 2s., and 2s. 3d. each Bottle. Prepared by GOODALL, BACKHOUSE, & CO., LEEDS. DR HASSALL'S FOOD FOR INFANTS, CHILDREN, AND INVALIDS. DR ARTHUR HILL HASSALL, M.D., the inventor, recommends this as the best and most nourishing of all Infants’ and Invalids’ Foods which have hitherto been brought before the public. It contains every requisite for the full and healthy support and development of the body, and is, to a considerable extent, self-digestive. Recommended by the ‘ Lancet,’ and Medical Faculty, &. Sold by Druggists, Grocers, Oilmen, &c., &c., in Tins, 6d., 1s., 2s., 3s. 6d., 6s., 15s., and 28s, each. A Treatise by Arthur Hill Hassall, M.D., London, the inventor, on the ‘ Alimentation of Infants, Children, and Invalids,’ with hints on the general management of children, sent Post Free on application to the Manufacturers, GOODALL, BACKHOUSE, & CO., LEEDS. ADVERTISEMENTS, ° 5 WRITING PAPER AND ENVELOPES, Produced from pure unworn Irish Linen Cuttings, ‘* A peculiarly substantial and elegant description of stationery, on which it is an absolute luxury to write.”—Daily Telegraph. ‘* Precisely the kind of surface which is so agreeable to the ready or unready writer.” —Morning Post. \ ATERMARK (as above) and ‘‘ Marcus Warp & Co.” in every octavo sheet. Watermark in the Second Quality, ‘‘ PurgE Fiax.” Sample Packet of all Varieties, 6d., post free. Wholesale of the Manufacturers : MARCUS WARD & CO., London, and Royal Ulster Works, Belfast. FINEST OLD MARSALA WINE.— WE beg to draw attention to our large and well-matured Stock of this Excellent and Moderate-priced Wine. The price at which we offer it is so reasonable, and the quality so fine, that we consider it THE BEST and most ECONOMICAL White Wine we know for DINNER and HOUSEHOLD USE. In Quarter Casks of 22 to 23 gallons, In Octaves of 14 gallons, \ at 8s. 6d. per gallon, Casks included. vat 8s. 9d. do. of 4, 5, and 6 but allowed for In Wickered Jars p Jars charged extra, at 8s. 9d. do gallons, when returned. SAMPLES SENT. Carriage paid to any Railway Station in England or Scotland, on receipt of remittance. JAMES SMITH & COMPANY, WINE MERCHANTS, LIVERPOOL, MANCHESTER, BIRMINGHAM, Lord Street, : 76 Market Street. 28 High Street. 6 ADVERTISEMENTS. NINE EXHIBITION PRIZE MEDALS. FRY’S COCOA in 3-lb. and }-lb. packets. tt CARACAS COCOA specially recommended by the Manu- facturers is prepared from the celebrated Cocoa of Caracas, combined with other choice descriptions. Purchasers should ask specially for ‘‘ FRY’s CaRacas Cocoa,” to distinguish it from other varieties. ‘