INITATORY CATECHISM JAMES GALL aT ay | WSS" SJ98e y W \ ins aie eee NCPovocicat SEW “> a”) vie ae “<< SNesodes i lS 7 € ST iy LEG nit THE FLPst INITIATORY CATECHISM; vA BY JAMES GALL; WITH THE TEN COMMANDMENTS AND THE LORDS PRAYER. _ IN THE OJIBWA LANGUAGE: TRANSLATED BY REV, P. DOUGHERTY, AIDED BY D. RODD. ~ PRINTED FOR THE BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS OF THE PRESBYTERLAN CHURCH. GRAND TRAVERSE BAY. 1847. JOHN WESTALL AND CO., PRINTERS, 11 Spruce street, New-York, fA 4 FIRST INITIATORY CATECHISM. SECTION I. CREATION AND PROVIDENCE. Who created all things? God at first made all things of nothing. Hod did God make man ? God made Adam of dust, and gave him a soul to love and to serve him. Who preserves all things ? . God preserves all things, and makes every thing that happens do good to his people. In what state was man made 2 God made our first parents, Adam and Eve, holy and happy. , What agreement was made with Adam ? If Adam obeyed God, he and his children were to get life; but if he sinned they were all to die. _f 2h @ « FIRST INITIATORY CATECHISM. SECTION I. CREATION AND PROVIDENCE. Ah-wa-nan kah-o-zhe-tod kuh-ke-nuh ah-noj ga-go? Wah-yash-kud Ge-zha-mun-e-do 0-ge-o-zhe-ton kuh-ke-nuh ah-noj ga-go kah-wen ga-go o-ge-ah-no- kah-zo-sen. Ah-nen kah-e-zhe-che-gad ow Ge-zha-mun-e-do ke- o-zhe-dd e-nu e-ne-ne-wun ? Ge-zha-mun-e-do o-ce-o-nuh-de-non e-nu e-ne-ne- wun Ah-dam a-zhe-ne-kah-zood e-mah we-e-guh-sa- ing, gi-ya ke-me-néd e-nu o-je-chah-gwun che-zah-ge- e-good gi-ya che-buh-me-tah-good. | ‘Ah-wa-nan ka-nuh-wan-dung kuh-ke-nuh ah-noj ga-go? phat Ge-zha-mun-e-do o-guh-nuh-wan-d6n ah-noj ga-go, gi-ya dush o-de-nan-din eu ah-noj a-nuh-kuh-me-guk che-me-no-do-dah-go-wod e-nu o-ne-jah-ne-sun. Ah-nen dush a-zhe-wa-be-ze-go-buh-nan ow e-ne-ne wah-yash-kud ? 7 Ge-zha-mun-e-do wah-yash-kud o-ge-o-zhe-6n e-nu ke-ne-ke-go-nah-nin Ah-dam gi-ya Eve me-no-e-zhe- wa-be-ze-wah-go-bun gi-ya me-no-ah-yah-wah-go-bun. Ah-nen dush kah-e-nédd e-nu Ah-dam wah-yash- kud ? : Eu suh, kish-pin ow Ah-dam bah-bah-me-tah-wod e-nu Ge-zha-mun-e-don wen gi-ya e-nu o-ne-jah-ne- sun che-ah-yah-mah-w6d eu be-mah-de-ze-win ; kish- pun — wen muh-che-do-dung kuh-ke-nuh che-ne- o-wod. 1* 6 SECTION II. OF THE FALL OF MAN. How did men become sinners 2 Adam disobeyed God, and he and all his children became sinners. How did men lose heaven 2 Men lost heaven and all good, because Adam did not obey God. How came death into the world 2 Death and every evil came upon all men, because Adam sinned. - In what state is man by nature? Men being all sinners, cannot serve God, but sin against him always. Must every sin be punished 2 God must punish every sin, because he is just. _ What does every sin deserve 2 Every sin deserves hell, and the anger of God for ever. : a What kind of a place is hell 2 Hell is a place of punishment for the wicked. - =o @ SECTION If. OF THE FALL OF MAN. Ah-nen nuh kah-e- zhe- bah- tah- -Ze- -wid e-2u kah-be: mah-de-ze-jig ? -Ah-dam kah-o-ge- -ta-bwa- ib: sSieield ie e-nu Ge-zha- mun-e-do, me dush eu wen on-je gi-ya kuh-ke-nuh e-nul 0-ne- “jah- -ne-sun kah-e-zhe-bah-tah-ze-nid. Ah-nen nuh kah-e-zhe-nuh-nuh-we-buh-ne-zid ow e-ne-ne ew Ish-pe-ming? E-gu_icah-be-mah-de-ze-jig 0-ge- -nuh-nuh-we-buh- ne-ze-nah-wah eu ish-pe-ming gi-ya kuh-ke-nuh wa- ne- -zhe-shing, Ah-dam mah kah-ke-e-zhe-che-ga-se eu kah e-zhe-mun-dah-wa-ne-me- good e-nu Ge-zha- -mun- e-don. Ah-nen nuh kah-e-zhe- tuh- -2we- -she- no-mah- nr eu ne-bo-win o-mah ah- king? - Bu ne-bo-win gi-ya ah-noj eu muh-je-ah-yah-e-wish, o-ge-buh-guh-me-skah-go-ah-wah e-gu kah-be- mah- de-ze-jeg Ah-dam mah-ke-muh-je-do-dum. Ah-nen dush e-go on-je-duh a-zhe-wa-be-zid ow e- ne-ne ah-pe nah-ge-jin ? E-gu_ be-mah-de-ze-jig eu kuh-ke-nuh_ bah-tah-ze- w6d kah-o- gush-le-to-se-nah-wah eu che-bah-me-tah- wah-wéd e-nu ke-zha-mun-e-don, a-tuh go uh-puh-na muh-je-do-do-walhi-w6d. Kuh-ke-nuh nuh eu bah-tah-ze-win tuh-a0- -duh-ge- ton? Ge-zha-mun-e-do suh. o-guh-go-duh-ge-ton kuh-ke- nuh eu bah- tah-ze-win me-no-e-zlie-wa-be-zed mah. _Ah-nen dush ka-nah-o-nind ow. e-ne-ne o-bah-tah- ze-win on-je ? Ow bah-yah-tah-zid tah-uh-puh-ge-nah e-mah kah- ge-ga go-duh-gan-duh-mo-we-ning gi-ya dush go eu o-nish-kan-je-ga-win ow Ge-zha-mun-e-do uh-puh-na ka-ge-nig. Wa-go-nan dush eu kah- ‘pe- ga go-duh-gan-duh-mo- win? Kah-ge-ga go-duh-gan-duh-mo-win me mah ka-ah- puh-ge-nin-dwah e-gu ma-je-e-zhe-wa-be-ze-jig uh- puh-na che-go-duh-gan-duh-mo-wé6d. SECTION ITI. What must be done to save man ? Sin must be punished, and God’s law obeyed, be- fore sinners can be saved. Can we not save ourselves ? All men being helpless in their sins, we cannot save ourselves from hell. Will sorrow for sin save us 2 Sorrow for sin will not satisfy God’s justice, and therefore cannot save us. Will good works save us ? Our best works deserve punishment, because they are mixed with sin. Can our sufferings save us ? Our sins while suffering add to our guilt, and would make us suffer for ever. Can any creature save us ? Creatures cannot suffer infinite wrath, nor obey God for any but themselves. 9 SECTRON fil. — Wa-go-nan dush eu ka-e-zhe-che-@ang ¢he-be-mah- de-zid ow.e-ne-ne ? : Eu bah-tah-ze-win a-nan-dah-gwuk tah-e-zhe-go- duh-gan-dom, gi-ya dush eu o-guh-ge-qua-win ow Ge-zha-mun-e-do tuh-da-bwa-t6m, che-bwah be-mah- de-ze-wod e-gu bah-yah-tah-ze-jig. ees Ke-dah-gush-ke-to-min nuh ke-nuh-wind che-no-je- mo-e-de-zo-yung ? Kuh-ke-vuh mah e-gu ba-mah-de-ze-jig bah-tah-ze- we-ne-won on-je ne-nuh-me-ze-wug, me dush eu Ke- nuh-wind wan-je gush-ke-to-se-wung che-o-zhin-duh-_ mung eu muh-je-ish-ko-da.- — Eu e-nuh che-ge-de-mah-gan-dah-mung on-je eu bah-tah-ze-win ka-gah on-je no-je-mo-min ? Che-ge-de-mah-gan-dum-ing on-je eu bah-tah-ze- win kah-wen ta-be-sa-sen che-me-no-nuh-wa-ind ow Ge-zha-mun-e-do, me suh dush o-oh wan-je gush-ke- to-se-wung che-no-je-mo-e-de-zo-yung. E-nu wa-ne-zhe-shin-gin e-zhe-che-ga-we-nun ke- guh-no-je-mo-e-go-nah-nin ? E-nu ah-pe-je wa-ne-zhe-shin-gin ke-de-zhe-che-ga- we-ne-nah-nin e-nan-dah-gwuh-don eu che-go-duh- gan-dah-me-tong, ke-ne-ge ah-yah-mah-gud mah eu bah-tah-ze-win. Kah-nah e-nu ke-go-duh-gan-dah-mo-we-ne-nah-nin ke-guh-no-je-mo-e-gu-se-nah-nin 2? — ? O-no_ ke-bah-tah-ze-we-ne-nah-nin. on-je° ma-gwah go-duh-gan-dah-mung ash-kum bah-te-nud, eu uh-puh- na kah-ke-nig ka-on-je go-duh-gan-dah mun-go-bun. . Kah nuh wen ah-we-ah ba-mah-de-zid ke-dah-no- je-mo-e-go-se-non ? Ow ba-mah-de-zid kah-wen kah-ge-ga tuh-go-duh- gan-dah-ze on-je ke-nuh-wind ga-mah che-bah-me- tah-w6d e-nu Ge-zha-mun-e-don on-je ke-nuh-wind, we-nah-wa go a-tah. 10 SECTION IV. Is there any hope of salvation ? Yes; God loved men, and from eternity resolved to save them. By whom are sinners saved ? Salvation was perfected by Christ, the Son of God, and is applied by his Spirit. What did Jesus do to save us 2 Jesus became man, to obey God’s law, and to die on the cross for our sins. For whom did Jesus obey God’s law ? Jesus perfectly obeyed God’s law for us. What may we obtain by the obedience of Christ 2 The obedience of Christ secures, to those who be- lieve in him, heaven, and every good they need on earth. | Why did Jesus suffer ? Jesus suffered to satisfy the justice of God for man’s sin. . What may we obtain by the sufferings of Jesus? The sufferings of Jesus, for our sins, save us from their punishment. Where is Jesus now ? Jesus rose from the dead, and is now in heaven, pleading for his people. 11 SECTION LV. Kah nuh go ga-go ah-yah-se-non eu ka-ah-pa-ne- mo-yung che-be-mah-de-ze-yung ? Eh. Ge-zha-mun-e-do suh o-ge-zah-ge-on e-nu ba- mah-de-ze-ne-jin, ke-e-nan-dum dush eu ah-pe wah- yash-kwid che-be-mah-je-dd. Ow wa-nan dush ow ka-no-je-mo-6d e-nu bah-yah- tah-ze-ne-jin ? Eu be-mah-de-ze-win wen ow Je-sus, Ge-zha-mun- e-do o-gwe-sun, 0-ge-o-ne-zhe-she-ton o- -dah- buh-je-ton dush ow Bah-ne-zid O-je-chog. Wa-go-nan dush ow Je-sus kah-e-zhe-che-gad eu che-be-mah-je-e-nung ? Je-sus suh ke-e-ne-ne-we eu che-o-ne-she-tod eu euh-ge-qua-win ow Ge-zha-mun-e-do, gi-ya dush eu che-tuh-zhe-ne-bood e-mah ah-zhe- da- yah-te-goong e-nu ke-bah-tah-ze-we-ne-nah-nin on-je. Ow wa-nan-nun nuh kah-zhah-wa-ne-mah-j jin ow Je-sus ke-o-ne-she-tod dush eu o-guh-ge-qua-win ow Ge-zha-mun-e-do ? Ow Je-sus o-ge-o-ne-she-tah-won e-nu Ge-zha-mun- e-don o guh-ge-qua-we-ne ke-nuh-wind on-je. Wa-go-nan dush eu ke-gush-ke-to-yung e-mah ow Christ o-wuh-wen- ga ze-we-ning ? Ow Christ o- wuh- wen-ga-ze-win kah-ge-wah-da- ne-mo-se-wug e-gu_ tah-ya-bwa-ya-ne-mah-jig eu Ish- pe-ming gi-ya dush go kuh-ke-nuh e-nu zhuh-wan- dah-20- -ze-we-nun o-mah ah-king. Wa-go-nan dush eu kah-on-je we-suh-gan-dung ow Je-sus ! Je-sus ke-we-suh-gan-dum eu che-me-no-nth-wa- 6d e-nu Ge-zha-mun-e-don eu on-je o-bah-tah-ze-win ow e-ne-ne. Wa-go-nan dush en ka-gush-ke-to-yung e-mah ow Je-suis o-we-suh-ge-na-ze-we-ning ? Eu we-suh-ge-na-ze-win ow Je-sus eu ke-bah-tah- ze-we ne-non ke-don-je be-mah-je-e o-go-min. Ah-nen-de dush ah-yod ow Je-sus non-gom ? Je-sus \ke-ah-be-je-bah non-gom dush wen Ish-pe- ming ah-yah an-duh-zhe kah-no-duh-mo-wod e-nuw tah-ya-bwa-ye-ne-me-go-]in. 12 SECTION y. Who may be saved 2 God offers salvation freely to all men. What is required of us by God? God requires faith, repentance, and new obedience. What is faith 2 Faith is believing in Jesus, and trusting in him alone for salvation. How is true faith known 2 True faith is known by its always producing love to God and good works. What is repentance 2 Repentance is real sorrow for sin. How is true repentance known 2 True repentance is known by making us hate all sin, and forsake it. yt What is new obedience ? New obedience is a-constant wish and endeavor to please God. How are we to get faith, repentance, and new obedience ? God will give us faith, repentance, and new obe- dience, if we continue diligently to use the means of grace. 13 SECTION V. Ow wa-nan ow ka-be-mah-de-zid ? Ow suh Ge-zha-mun-e-do wa-ne-puzh o-de-ne-nuh- mo-won e-nu kuh-ke-nuh e-ne-ne-wun eu kah-ge-ga be-mah-de-ze-win. Wa-go-nan dush eu nan-duh-wan-duh-mo-nung ow Ge-zha-mun-e-do ? Ge-zha-mun-e-do suh ke-nun-duh-wan-dah-mah-go- non eu ta-bwa-yan-duh-mo-win, gi-ya min-je-nuh- wa-yan-dah-mo-win, gi-ya eu o-ske bah-bah-me-tuh- mo-win. i Wa-go-nan dush eu ta-bwa-yan-duh-mo-win ? Eu suh ta-bwa-yan-duh-mo-win che-ta-bwa-ya-ne- mind ow Je-sus, gi-ya dush eu wen a-tuh che-uh-pa- ne-mo-yung eu be-mah-de-ze-Win. Ah-nen dush a-zhe-ke-kan-duh-ming eu qui-yuk ta-bwa-yan-duh-mo-win ? Ku ka-gat qui-yulk ta-bwa-yan-duh-mo-win o-oh e-zhe-ke-kan-je-gah-da eu mo-zhug sah-ge-ind ow Ge- zha-mun-e-do gi-ya we-me-no-e-zhe-wa-be-zing: Wa-go-nan’ dush eu min-je-nuh-wah-yan-duh-mo- win ? Eu min-je-nuh-wa-yan-duh-mo-win me eu ka-gat ke-de-mah-ga-ne-mong wan-je eu bah-tah-ze-win. Ah-nen dush a-zhe-ke-kan-duh-ming eu ka-gat min- je-nuh-wa-yan-duh-wo-win? Ku ka-gat min-je-nuh-wa-yan-duh-mo-win me oh a-zhe-ke-kan-duh-ming eu che-zhing-gan-duh-mung kuh-ke-nuh eu bah-tah-ze-win gi-ya eu che-ah-pe-je puh-ge-de-nuh-mung. Wa-go-nan dush eu o-ske bah-bah-me-tuh-mo-win? Eu suh o-ske bah-bah-me-tuh-mo-win e-zhe-da-a- skah-ga-muh-gud eu uh-puh-na che-go-che-a-e-wing eu ch ewe-me-no-nuh-wa-ind ow Ge-zha-mun-e-do. Ah-nen nuh ke-nuh-wind ka-zhe-ah-yah-mung eu ta-bwa-yan-duh-mo-win gi-ya min-je-nuh-wa-yan- duh-mo-win gi-ya o-ske bah-bah-ine-tuh-mo-win 2 Ow suh Ge-zha-mun-e-do wen ke-guh-me-ne-go- non eu ta-bwa-yan-duh-mo-win, gi-ya min-je-nuh-wa- yan-duh-mo-win, gi-ya eu o-ske bah-bah-me-tuh-mo- SECTION VI. What are the means of grace? Vv - p] The common means of grace are God’s word, prayer, and the sacraments. What is the design of God’s word? Its use is, to teach us our duty to God, to convince us of our sins, and to lead us to Jesus. What is the use of preaching God’s word ? Preaching his word is the usual means of con- vincing and converting sinners. How does the word of God edify souls ? God’s word, read and obeyed, makes us grow in holiness and happiness. What is praver? Prayer is the desires of the heart, thought or spoken to God. ° For what should we pray? We should ask deliverance from all evil, and pray for all that God sees to be good for us. 15 win, kish-pin go uh-puh-na mush-kah-wan-dah-mung eu che-we-do-kah-wung e-mah 0o-we-do-kah-ga-we- ning. SECTION VI. Wa-go-nan dush eu o-we-do-kah-ga-win ? En suh o-we-do-kah- -ga-win me eu Ge-zha-mun-e- do o-de-ke-do-win gi-ya < ah-nuh-me-ah- win, gi-ya dush e-ni o-do-ke-ke-nuh- vah-je-che-kkuh-nun. Ah-nesh a-zhe-ah-buh-je-tong eu Ge-zha-mun-e-do o-de-ke-do-win ? i zhe-ah-buh-je-ton eu o-de-ke-do-win che-ke-kan- duh-ming eu che-buh-me-tuh-wind ow Ge-zha-mun- e-do gi-va ke-ton-je ke-kan-dah-min e-nu ke-bah-tah- ze-we-ne-nah-nin gi-ya dush e-zhe-we-ne-go-yung e- mah a-nah-suh-med ow Je-sus. Ah-nen dush a-zhe-puli-gwe-she-tong eu on-dah-je- mung e-mah Ge-zha-mnun-e-do o-de-ke-do-we-ning ? On-dah-je-mung e-mah o-de-ke-do-we-ning me suh eu wan-je ke-kan-duhsmo-w6d gi-ya dush wan-je 6n- je-en-dwah e-gu bah-yah-tah-ze-jeg. Ah-nen dush eu o-de-ke-do-win a-zhe-ke-ke-no-ah- mah-go-w6d e-gu ba-mah-de-ze jeg? Bu Ge-zha-mun-e-do ah- gin-duh- ming gi-ya ta-bwa-tuh-ming ke-don-je mah-je-ge-min e-mah be-ne-ze-we-ning gi-ya bah-pe-uan-dah-mo-we- ning. Wa-go-nan dush eu ah-nuh-me-ah-win 2 Eu ah-nuh-me-ah-win me eu a-nan-duh-mo-muh- guk eu o-da e-nan-dah-ming, ga-mah kuh-no-nind ow Ge-zha-mun-e-do. Wa-go-nan dush eu ka-nun-do-dah-mung e-mah ke-duth-nuh-me-ah-we-ne nong? Ke-nuh-wind suh ke-dah-bah-gwe-sa-ne-mo-min che-me-dah-gwa-nuh mo-nung eu muh-je-a-yah-e-wish gi-ya dush go e-nu kah-ke-nalt wah-yah- bun-dun-gin ow Ge-zha-mun-e-do che-ah-ko-uuh-mo-nung. 16 In whose name must we pray ? We are unworthy and sinful, and must ask every _ thing for Christ’s sake. What are the sacraments 2 The sacraments of Jesus, are baptism and the Lord’s Supper. What is baptism ? Washing with water in baptism represents the cleansing of the soul in the blood of Jesus, and our becoming his servants. What is the Lord’s Supper? Receiving broken bread and wine in the Lord’s Supper commemorates the death of Jesus, and repre- sents his sufferings as the life and joy of our souls. How are the means of grace made effectual 2 The Holy Ghost alone can make the means of grace effectual for salvation. SECTION VI: Who shall judge the world? Jesus Christ, at the last day, shall come in glory, to judge devils and men. 17 Ah-wa-nah dush ow o-de-zhe-ne-kah-zo-we-ning ka-ah-nuh-me-a-tah-wung ? KCe-nuh-wind wen kah-guh-nuh-ga ke-da-ah-pe-tan- dah-go-ze-se-min gi-ya dush ke-bah-tah-e-zhe-wa-be- ze-min, me dush ka-on-je nun-do-dah-mah-ga-yung, ah-noj ga-go wen ow Je-sus on-je. Wa-go-nash e-nu o-do-ke-ke-nuh-wah-je-che-guh- nun? fi-nu 0-do-ke-ke-nuh-wah-je-che-enh-nun ow Je-sus me oh ze-gah-un-dah-de-win, gi-yadush eu ta-ba-nin- ga o-do-nah-go-she we-se-ne-win. | Wa-go-nash eu ze-gah-un-dah-de-win 2 Eu suh ketze-be-ging eu ne-be e-mah ze-gah-un- dah-de-win-ing oh tuh-e-zhe-te-bi-e-gam nah-sob eu che-e-zhe-ke-ze-be-ged ow o-je-chog e-mah Je-sus o-inis-qtte-ming, gi-ya dush nah eu clie-o-buh-me-tah- guh-ne-me-nung. ‘ ; Wa-go-nan dush eu ta-ba-nin-ga o-do-nah-go-she We-se-ne-win ? O-dah-pe-nind ow bah-wash-k6d buh-qua-zhe-gun gi-va eu kah-mis-quah-guh-mig e-mah ta-ba-nin-ga o-do-nah-go-she we-se-ne-we-ning che-me-quan-duh- ming ow Je-sus o-ne-bo-win eu tuh-o-zhs-te-bi-e-gam e-nul o-we-suh-ge-na-ze-win ah-wung eu be-mah-de- ze-win gi-ya che-mo-je-ge-ze-wod e-gu ke-je-chah-go- nah-nig. Ah-nen dush eu ge-che-we-do-kah-ga-win a-zhe- wa-buk ? , Ow suh Bah-ne-zid O-je-chog wen a-tah. o-dah- gush-ke ton eu ge-che-we-do-kah-ga-win che-on-ze- k6g eu be-mah-de-ze-win. SEE LON WEL, Ow wa-nan ka-de-bah-ko-nédd e-nu be-mah-de-ze- ne-jin ? | Je-sus Christ, e-wa-de ish-qnah ge-zhe-guk, o-guh- be-we-jen-dén eu be-she-gan-dah-go-ze-win, che-be- de-bah-ko-néd e-nu muh-je-mun-e-don gi-ya e-nu e-ne- ne-wun. 2 18 How can the dead be judged ? At the last day the dead shall be raised, and the living shall be changed. How shall the righteous rise? The righteous shall rise in glory and power, to meet Christ in the air. What shall become of the wicked ? The wicked shall rise in horror, and shall be cast into hell for ever. What shall become of the righteous ? The righteous shall be acquitted, for Christ’s sake, and shall reign with him in glory and happiness for ever. 19 Ah-nen ka-e-zhe-te-bah-ko-nin-dwah e-gu kah-ne- bo-jig ? ku ah-pe ish-quah ge-zhe-guh e-gu kah-ne-bo-jig tuh-buh-zin-gwe-de-nah-wug, e-gu dush wen be-mah- de-ze-jig tuh-6n-je-ah-wug. Ab-nen dush e-gu qui-yuk a-zhe-wa-be-ze-jig ka-e- zhe-o-nish-kah-wod !? E-gu qui-yuk a-zhe-wa-be-ze-jig tuh-o-nish-kah- wug e-mah be-she-gan-dah-go-ze-we-ning gi-ya gush- ke-a-we-ze-we-ning che-nuh-quash-kah-wah-wod e- nu Christ e-wa-de ish-pe-ming. Ab-nen dush wen ka-e-zhe-wa-be-ze-wod e-gu ma- je-e-zhe-wa-be-ze-Jig. E-gu suh ma-je-e-zhe-wa-be-ze-]ig tuh-o-nish-kah- wug e-mah ke-che-za-ge-ze. we-ning tah-ah-puh-ge- nah-wug dush e-mah muh-je-ish-ko-dang uh-puh-na kah- ge-nig. 7 Ah-nen dush wen ka-e-zhe-wa-be-ze-wod e-gu qui- yuk a-zhe-wa-be-ze-jig ? E-gu suh qui-yuk a-zhe-wa-be-ze-jig tuh-wa-be- nuh-muh-wah-wug e-nu o-muh-je-e-zhe-wa-be-ze-we- ne-wén ow Christ on-je, o-guh-we-je-tuh-nuh-ke- mah-woén e-mah be-she-gan-dah-go-ze-we-ning gi-ya e-mah bah-pe-nan-dah-mo-we-ning uh-puh-na kah-ge- nig. 20 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. I, Can you tell me, my dear child, who made you ? God made me. Cau you tell me what else God has made? God has made all things that are made, whether they are in the heaven, or on the earth, or in the sea. And what do you suppose God has made you for? To love him with all my heart, and to obey all his commandments. Do not all people love God 2 They do not. Those who do not try to obey his commandments, show that they do not love him. Can you tell me some of God’s commandments ? The first is, Thou shalt have no other gods before me. When do we break this commandment 2 Whenever we love any thing more than we love God. Yes. And now, before I ask you to tell me what the second commandment is, I will tell you a story. I knew a little boy once, who was taught by his kind parents that he should pray to God every morn- ing aud every evening. ‘This was right. We ought to thank God in the morning for our safe and good 21 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. I. Ke-dah-gush-ke-ton nuh che-wen-duh-muh-we-yun, ow kah-o-zhe-ik 2 Ge-zha-mun-e-do suh ne-ge-o-zhe-ik. Ke-dah-gush-ke-ton nuh me-nah-wah che-wen-duh- mah-we- yun Ke-zha-mun-e-do kah-o-zhe-tod ? Ge-zha-mun-e-do suh me-zo-da ga-go 0-ge-o-zhe- ton, eu wa-zhe-che-gah-dag, e-wa-de ish-pe-ming an- duh-gog, gi-ya o-mah ah-king, gi-ya ah-nah-me-bing. Wa-go-nan dush ke-de-nan-dum ow Ge-zha-mun- e-do kah-on-je o-zhe-ik ? Che-sah-ge-ug suh a-ne-go-ko-da-a-yon, gi-ya che- ta-bwa-tuh-m6n knh-ke-nuh e-nu o-guh-ge-qua-we- nun. Kah-nuh kuh-ke-nah ba-mah-de-ze-jig o-sah-ge-ah- se-wah-won Ge-zha-mun-e-don ? Kah-wen suh wen. E-gu suh qua-je-a we-se-gog che-ta-bwa-tuh-mo-wod e-nu o-guh-ge-qua-we-nun wah-buh-tuh-e-wa-wug eu sah-ge-ah-se-gwah. Ke-dah-gush-ke-.on nuh che-wen-duh-muh-we-yun ah-nind e-nu Ge-zha-mun-e-do o-guh-ge-qua-we-nun ? Eu sul-ne-tum me o-o a-zhe-sing, ka-go-wen puh- kdn-e-ze-jig mun-e-dog o-mah-ne-do-me-kan, Nen suh a-tuh go. Ah-nen dush an-do-tuh-mo-wug buh-nah-je-to-yung 0-0 guh-ge-qua-win ? Ah-wuh-she-ma suh ga-go sah-yah-ge-to-yung-oon ri dush wen ka-e-zhe-sah-ge-ung ow Ge-zha-mun-e- 0. Eh. Che-bwah suh dush guh-gwa-ge-me-non a- zhe-sing a-ko-ne-zhing guh-ge-qua-win ke-guh-nuh- kuh-wa te-ba-je-mo-ton. Nin-ge-ke-ka-ne-mah suh ba-zhik qua-we-zans ning-o-ding, kah-ke-ke-no-ah-mah-good e-nu sah-yah- ge-e-g0-jin o-ne-ke-gon eu e-nan-dah-go-zid che-ah- nuh-me-a-tuh-w6d Ge-zha-mun-e-don an-duh-so kuh- s 22 sleep, and ask him to take care of us through the day, to keep us from sin, and to help us do his will. And then, after he has taken care of us all day, we ought to thank him for this, and ask him to take the same kind care of us through the night. 4 Now the little boy I was telling you about, arose quite early one morning, and saw the ground was all white with snow. He had a little new sled, which his uucle had given him before; and he had been waiting and waiting for snow, that he might slide. And now the snow had really come. So he pat on his clothes as fast as he could, and ran down stairs. He thought of his prayers once, for a moment, but Said to himself, “I will say them by and by.” It was a fine time to slide; and he loved the sport so well, that he was playing with his sled all day, except while he was at school. At night he was so tired that he wanted to go to bed as soon as he had eaten his supper. He was too sleepy to say his prayers; and so a whole day passed without prayer. Did not this little boy love his play better than he loved God? 20 ge-zha-bah-wuh-guh-de-nig gi-ya an-duh-so_o-nah- go-she-nig. Me-no-do-duli-mo-win suh o-o, Ke-dah- e-nan-dah-min suh che-me-ewach-e-wa-ne-mung ow Ke-zha-mun-e-do ka-ge-zha-bah-we-guh-kin ke-me- no-kuh-nah-wa-ne-me-nung kah pech we-ne-bah-yung, gi-va che-guh-gwa-je-mung che-on-gwah-me-guh-nuh- wa-ne-me-nung ka-ah-pech-e-ge-zhe-guk, che-bah- tah-ze-se-wung, gi-ya cha-we-do-ko-nung che-e-zhe- che-ga-yung eu o-de-nan-dali-mo-win. Me-me-no-guh- nuh-wa-ne-me-nung dush kuh-ba-ge-zhik, e-nan-dah- gwud eu che-me-gwachi-e-wa-ne-mung, me-nah-wah gi-va che-guh-gwa-je-mung che-ne-me-vo-guh-nah- wa-me-nung eu ka-ah-pech-e-te-be-kuk. Mah-bah dush wen que-we-zans ta-bah-je-mah-ge- bun uing-o-ding kuh-ge-zha-bah-wuh-guh-de-nig, ah- pe guh-ge-zhab ke-o-nesh-kah, e-nali-bid dush ah- gwah-jeng, o-ge-wah-buh-moire-nu go-nun wah-besh- ke-she-ne-ned. ‘T'e-be-nah-wa-we-ze-go-bun_ e-nu o- zhe-sha-yun che-bwah-so-ge-po-nig shah-guh je-be-e- go-bun dush eu we-so-ge-po-nig we-zho-shosh-qwah- de-nah-wad. A-zhe-nun-duh-wan-dung ah-uo ke-so- ge-po-nig. Ke-wa-we-be-tah dush ah-pe-je ke-pens e- ko-nah-yad ke-ne-son-duh-wa-buh-tod dush. Ah-je- nah go ke-e-nan-dan eu we-ah-nah-me-ali-pun ke-e- de-zo dush pah-ne-mah suh nah ning-uh-ah-nuh- me-ah. Ah-pe-je ke-me-no-e-zhe-wa-buh-de-ne eu we-zho- shosh-quah-de-nahi-wad ; ke-min-wan-dum = suh eu ke-zho-shosh-quali-de-nah-wad, kuh-ba ge-zhik dush ke-e-vali-no-ke, me a-tuh ke-puh-ge-de-ndd e-nu o- tah-bon-ans-un kah-e-pe-je ke-ke-no-ah-mah-wind. Ah-pe dush ta-be-kuh-de-nig ke-gah-ge-je-wuh-ge-ze ke-e-nan-dum dush ke-ah-squah we-se-nid we-guh- we-she-mod. On-zom dush ke-buh-duh-bah-de-ze eu we-ah-nuh-me-6d, kuh-ba-ge-zhik dush kah ke-ah- nuh-me-ah-se. Kah nuh wen mah-bah que-we-zans ah-wuh-she- ma o-ge-sah-ge-to-sen eu o-buh-kuh-me-ge-ze-win eu wen ka-ge-e-zhe-sah-ge-oh-pun e-nu Ke-zha-mun-e- don ? 24 Il. And what is the second commandment 2 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. ‘Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them; for I, the Lord thy God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth genera- tion of them that hate me; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my com- mandments. When do we break the second commandment 2? 4 WpanaNeE we worship any person or thing except od. \ Here is a poor man who has bought a god from the god makers. I suppose he gave a dollar or two for it. He takes it home, and puts it upin his house, as we do a Clock, and then he prays to it as his God. Perhaps he teaches his children to do as he does; - and there is no one totell them any better. You see this boy is following the example of his father, worshipping the same idol that his father worships. Would he do soif he had the Bible, and went to Sunday-School ? 25 IT. Ah-nen dush a-ke-do-mah.guk a-ko-ne-zhing eu guh-ge-qua-win ? Ka- go wen ah-we-ah mah-zin-e-neg kah-o-zhe-tah- mah-de-so- sel, gi-ya ga-go ish-pe-ming a-zhe-nah- gwuk, gi-ya o-ge-duh-kuh-inig, gi-ya ali-nah-me-bing ah-nah-muh-kuh-mig: ka-go wen z1ah-gush-ke-tah- wah-ka-gon, gi-ya che-ati-nuh-me-a-tah-wa-gwah- bun: Nen wa-ge-mah-we-yon Ge-zha-mun-e-do-we-ydon qui-yuk Ge-zha-min-e-do-we-yon, nah-ze-kal-mo- wah-gwah e-nu o-muli-je-e-zhe-wa be-ze-wit-ne-won eu ka-e-zhe- -ah-qnan-dan-mo-w6d e-gu wa-o-siin-in- jig gi-ya e-nu o-ne-jan-ne-se-w6i ah-ne o-je-se-ne-nig e-nu o-muh-je-e-zhe-wa-be-ze-win-ne-w6n nis-sing ne- Win ah-ne-ah-yah ne-ka-be-mah-de-ze-wod e-gu zhon- ga-ne-me-jig; wah-bun-dah-ah-gwah dush wen ne- zhah-wan-je-ga-win ne-be-wa dus-sing me-dah-swauk e-gu Zi-yali-ge-jig, gi-ya ka-nah-wan-duu-gig nen gah- ge-qua-we-nun. Ah nen dash an-do-tuh-mong buh-nah-je-to-yung 9-0 guh-ge-qua-win ? Ah-we-yah suh a-nuh-me-a-tuh-wun-gon ga-mah gi-ya ga-g0 pa-mah-de-ze-yok wa-na-ne-mind dush wen ow Ge-zhia-mun-e-do. E-nuh mah-bum_ pa-go-nah-we-zid e-ne-ne kah- gish-pe-nah-nod e-nu Mun-e-don o-ge-ah-yah-mo-w6n suh e-au Mun-e-don wa-zhe-ah-ne-jin. O-ge-ge-wa- we-6u, ah-we-ah-sdd dush e-mah an-ddd, an-do-duh- mong ali-go-nung ow te-bi-ye-ke-ze-sw6u e-mah an- doug, o-je-jeng- -wah- ne-sod gi-ya ah-nubh-me-a-tuh- w6d o-no o-mun-e-do-mun. Mong-e-zhah o-de-zhie- ke-ke-no-ah-mah-w6n e-nu o-ne-jah-ve-sun che-do- tuh-me-uid eu au-do-dung kah ah-we-yuh mah e-mah ah-yah-se ow ke-wen-duh-mab-wah-pun eu che-do- dun-ze-gwah. Ke-wah-buh-mah mah-bum que-we- zans ke-ke-nah-wah-buh-méd e-nu o-sun o-]e-jeng- wah-ne-tah-wah-nid o-no mun-e-dou. ‘Iah-e-zhe-che- ga nah o-o kish-pin ah-yong-e-bun eu Ge-zha-mun-e- do o-de-ke-do-win gi-ya e-zhah-pun eu ah-uuh-me-a- ge-zhe-guk ke-ke-no-ah-mah-ding ? (3) 26 IE. What is the third commandment 2 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord wiil not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. When do we break this commandment 2 Whenever we lightly use the name of God, or Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit; as when we pro- fanely curse and swear. A young man was taken sick. He was so very sick that those who had the care of him thought he would not live, and they told him so. tie was afraid to die. They told him to pray to God, and perhaps God would, for Christ’s sake, have mercy on him, and save him. The young man said he wished he could pray, but that he had so long been in the habit of using God’s name in vain, that he could not use it in any other way; and in a few hours he died with- out a prayer. IV. What is the fourth commandn ent 2 Remember the Sabbath-day to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work; but the 27 Ill. Ah-nen dush a-ke-do-mah-guk a-ko-ne-sing eu guh- ge-quia-win? Ka go wen o-nish-quauj wah-wen-ah-kan Ge-zha- muu-e-do: kah-wen o-gah-e-zhe-buh-ge-de-nah-sen e-nti o-nish-quanj ka-wah-wen-dah-me-ne-jin o-de- zhe-ne-kah-zo-win, Ah-nen dush an-do-tuh-méng buh-nah-je-to-yung 0-0 gulh-ge-qua-win 2 Ku suh ah-pe-je ka-che-ne-ge-kuh-wan-duh-mun- gon Ge-zha-mun-e-do 0-de-zhe-ne-kah-zo-win ga-mah Je-sus Chnist ga-mah ow Pah-ne-zid O-je-chog ma-je- gezh-wa-yung-oon suh go, Ba-zhik osh-ke-nah-wa 0-ge-me-zhe-kah-gon eu ah-ko-ze-win. | Ali-pe-je ke-ge-che ah-ko-zed e-gu dush kah-guh-nah-wa-ne-mah-jig kah-wen tuh-pe- mah-de-ze-se ke-e-nan-dah-mog, gi-ya dush o-ge- wen- duh-mah-wah-wdu eu we-puh-nah-de-zid. Ke-za- gan-dum we-ne-bood. O-ge-e-nah-w6n dush ah-nah- me-a-ton ow Ge-zha-mtn-e-do, ko-ne-mah go-shuh Ke-zha-mun-e-do ke-guh-me nah-we shah-wa-ne-mig gi-ya che-be-mah-je-ik on-je e-nuu Christ. Ow dush osh-ke-nah-wa ke-e-ke-do, ah-pa-gish gush-ge-to-yém- bon en che-ah-nuh-me-ahi-y6n e-zhe-nah-guh-je-kezh- wa-go-bun suh on-z6m kin-wazh wah-nish-quoj wah- wen-duh-mo-go-buh-uan eu Ge-zha-mun-e-do o-de-zhe- ne-kah-zo-win, kah dush gush-ke-to-se-go-bun me- nah-wah puh-kon che-e-zhe-ah-buh-je-tod, no-nug dush go ke-le-mah-de-ze me dush uh-pe-na ke-buh- buh-nah-de-zid kah-wen ke-ah-kuh-wa ah-nuh-me- ah-se. IV. Ah-nen dush a-ke-do-mah-guk a-ko-ne-wing eu guh-ge-qua-win ? Kahn-wan-dun ah-nah-me-a-ge-zhik qui-yuk dah- guh-nah-wan-dah-mon, 23 seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sab- bath-day, and hallowed it. When do we break this commandment? Whenever we spend the Sabbath, or any part of it, in play or idleness, or any sort of labor. There was a poor widow who had only one child. His name was ‘Thomas. When he was a little boy, he was advised to go to Sunday-school; but his mother thought he was too young. When he was older, he was asked to go; but he did not know how to read, and he said he was too old to learn then. One Sunday morning some young men made up a fishing party, and stopped at the door in a waggon to take this young man with them. His mother wanted his help at home. but all she could say did not prevent his going. In the afternoon, he was brought home upon a settee, borne on the shoulders of four men. He was dead! His head was all broken in, and his face and clothes were covered with blood. He and his companions drank too freely, and in returning home, the horse was frightened and ran. They were none of them sober enough to drive him. 29 Nin-go-dwah-so-gon ke-gah-dah-no-ke kuh-kin-nah ke-dah-no-ke-win dah-e-nah-no-ke-yun: eu dush wen nezh-wah-so-go-nah-guk me eu Ge-zha-mun-e-do o- dah-ah-num-e-a-ge-zhe-goom eu ge-zhe-guk : kah-wen pa-go ke-gah-e-nah-no-ke-se, ken, gi-ya ke-gwis, gi- ya ke-daun, gi-ya e-ne-ne-ba-me-tok, gi-ya e-qua-ba- me-tok, gi-ya ke-dah-wah-kah-nug, gi-ya ge-mah- yah-dah-we-zem ben-dig an-dah-yun a-yod : Me eu nin-go-dwah-so-gon Ge-zha-mun-e-do ge-o- zhe-tod ge-zhik, gi-ya ah-ke, gi-ya ge-che-gum, gi-ya kuh-kin-nah me-nik an-dah-go-mah-guk, me dush ke-on-wa-bid nezh-walhi-so-go-nah-gah-de-nig: me dush kah-on-je shah-wan-dung, gi-ya ke-o-ne-zhe- se-ton. . Ah-nen dush an-do-tuh-mong puh-nah-je-to-yung 0-0 guh-ge-qua-win ? Ma-je-do-tuh-mun-gon suh a-nuh-me-a-ge-zhe-guh- kin ga-mah ah-duh-me-nong ga-mah gi-ya ke-te-mish- king ga-mah gi-ya go ah-no-keng. Ke-ah-yah suh ow she-gah kah-ba-zhe-go-nid a-tuh o-ne-jah-ne-sun ‘Thom-as, e-zhe-ne-kah-zo-go-bun ma-gwah che-que-we-zans e-wid ah-no k6n-je-nah- zhuh-wah-win-de-bun che-e-zhod eu ah-nuh-me-a-ge- zhe-guh-kin ke-ke-no-ah-mah-ding; e-nu dush wen o-mah-mah-yun on-zo6m a-gah-she-eh ke-e-nan-duh- mon. Ah-pe dush ah-no nah-wunj sah-ze-ke-zid me- fah-wah_ ke-we-quh-je-we-nah kah-wen dush o-ge- ne-se-duh-we-nah-zen eu mnh-ze-ni-e-gun me dush kah-e-ke-dod kah-wen ne-dah-ne-se-duh-we-nah-zen muh-ze-ni-e-gun ne-gah-ah-nah-wan-dum e-go nah. Ning-o-ding ah-nuh-me-a-ge-zhe-guk kuh-ge-zhab ah-nind e-gu osh-ke-nah-wag ke-mah-mah-we-e-de- wug ke-go-yun ; we-ah-we-no-je-ah-wod ke-be-me- rio-ge-tah-bah-ne-go-go-wug dush e-mah_ ish-quon- dam-ing pe-me-nah-kuh-wash-kuh-wah-wod 0-no osh-ke-nah-wan. E-nu dush o-mah-mah-yun o-dah- no-ke-nah-ah-mah-gon che-ah-bid, kah-wen dush_ o- ge-ta-bwa-tuh-wah-sen e-nu o-mah-mah-yun_ ke- twa dush ke-e-zhah. A-ne-ke-ge-wa-zung dush ke- be-ke-wa-we-nah ne-win e-gu e-ne-ne-wug 0-ge-be-be- me-gah-nah-won. Ah-zhe-go-ne-bo-go-bun. Eu o- 3% 30 The waggon was overturned; Thomas was thrown out upon the rocks, and instantly killed! Here was disobedience to parents, drunkenness, and Sabbath- breaking, altogether. O who can tell how much guilt there was on this youth, when he was called in &@ moment to appear before God. | V. What is the fifth commandment? Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. When do we break this commandment 2 Whenever we disobey our parents, or such as are in the place of our parents, or are sullen and cross towards them, or neglect to do what we know they wish us to do. 31 ste-gwon ah-pe che-pe-go-gih-nah-ge-de-bash-kah-ne, gi-ya eu o-dan-gwi gi-ya ma-din-dun-gin a-pech kuh- ke-nah mis-que-wuh-ne-ne-wun. _ Ke-wuh-squa-be- wah-go-buh suh, ah-pe dush kah-wa-w6d, ke-za-ge- ze ow ba-ha-zhe-go-guh-zhe ke-ge-je-buh-t wah-ne-go- wod dush. Kah ah-we-yah muh-kuh-we-se-go-bun an- duh-che-w6d ka-ge-be-me-non-zhuh-wah-pun_ ba-ba- zhe-go-guh-zhen. Ow te-te-be-tah-bon ke-ah-ne-me- ko-sa. Thom-as dush ke-ge-je-pe-zo ma-gwah ah- sin-eng dush ke-ah-pung-e-shing, me dush go kah-e- zhe-ah-pe-je-sing! Pe-nuh me o-o gah-gal-ze-tuh- win-dwah e-gu o ne-ke-e-go-mog gi-ya ke-wuh-squa- be-win gi-ya pah-nah-je-tong ah-nuh-me-a-ge-zhik mah-mah-we. »Ah ah-wa-na ka-wen-dun-ge-bun eu me-nik mah-man-dah-go-ze-win kah-e-nan-dah-go-zid mah-bum osh-ke-nah-wa kuh-yuh-se-kuh ke-nun-duh- wan-dah-go-zid e-mah a-nah-suh-me-nid e-nu Ke-zha- mun-e-don. Ve Ah-nen dush a-ke-do-muh-guk a-ko-nah-ning eu guh-ge-qua-win ? Nah-nuh-e-tow, git-che-twah-wa-nim kos gi-ya ke- guh, me-gah-ah-ne-on je-gali-gahn-waug ke-ge-zhe- sud-o-mun o-mah o-ge-duh-kuh-mig Ge-zha-mun-e-do mah-ne-kin. ; Ab-nen dush an-do-tuh-mong puh-nah-je-to-yung euh-ge-qua-win ? Eu suh ah-yah-gwun-wa-tuh-wun-gwah-nin ke-ne- ke-go-nah-nig ga-mah gi-ya go e-gu nah-yah-bish- kuh-wa-jig e-nu ke-ne-ge-go-nah-vin ga-mah gi-ya nish-kah-de-ze-tuh-wun-gwah ga-mah-gi-ya e-zhe-je- ga-se-wung ah-no ka-kan-duh-mung-on eu a-zhe- mun-duh-wa-ne-me-nuh-gwah che-do-tuh-mung. 32 v1. What is the sixth commandment 2 Thou shalt not kill. When do we break this commandment 2? Whosoever hateth his brother, is a murderer, and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. 1 John iii. 15. VII. What is the seventh commandment 2 Thou shalt not commit adultery. When do we break this commandment 2 Whenever we do, speak, or think what is impure and unchaste. But | say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. Matt. v. 28. VIII. What is the eighth commandment 2 Thou shalt not steal. When do we break this commandment 2 Whenever we secretly take that which belongs to another. 7 33 A Ah-nen dush a-ke-do-muh-guk a-ko ning-o-dwah- ching eu guh-ge-qua-win } Ka-go wen nish-e-wa-kan. | Ah-nen dush an do-tuh-ming pub-nah-je-to-yurg o-o guh-ge-qua-win ? Ah-wa-gwan shdng-a-ne-mah-gwan e-nu we-kah- ne-sun nish-e-wash-ke suh ow: ke-ke-kan-dah-nah- wah suh ow na-she-wash-kid kah-wen kah-ge-ga be- mah-de-ze-win o-ge-gish-kun-sin. 1 John il. 15. Vil. Ah-nen dush a-ke-do-muh-guk a-ko nezh-wah-ching eu guh-ge-qua-win ? Ka-go wen bish-e-gwah-de-ze-kan. An-nen dush an-do-tuh-mung pah-nah-je-to-yung 0-0 guh-ge-qua-win ? Eu suh ma-je-e-ke-do-yun-gon ga-mah gi-va ma-je- e-nan-duh-mun-gon eu suh go gnh-ge-bah-de-ze-win. O-o suh nen ke-de-ne-nim, ah-wa-gwan suh go ow ma-sah-we-kuh-nah-wah-buh-mah-gwan e-nu e-qua- wun nin-go-de-no dush e-na-ne-mod, me-suh go ah- zhe-gwah ke-be-she-gwah-de-zid e-mah o-da-ing. Matt. v. 28. V1. Ab-nen a-ke-do-muh-guk a-ko swah-ching eu guh- ge-qua-win ? Ka-go wen ke-mo-dish-ke-kan. Ah-nen dush an-do-tuh-mung puh-nah-je-to-yung 0-0 guh-ge-qua-win ? Ke-moj suh ga-go wa-dah-pe-nah-mun-gon puh- kon-e-zid ta-ban-dung. 34 THE TWO PINS. A little boy had a kind father and mother, anda good home, and every thing that a good boy can want to make him happy, except a new heart. When he was about five years old, he was left alone In his mother’s room, and he saw a paper of pins on her table. So he took two of them, and put them in a little tin box to make them rattle. His mother heard the noise, and she asked him where he got the pins. He said he found them on the floor. By and by this little boy began to take cakes and apples from his mother’s closet. When he went to school, he took the pens and penknives of other boys. When he was an apprentice to a watchmaker and jeweler, he took rings, and little pieces of gold and silver; and at last he broke open one of his master’s letters, and took the money that was init. For this he was sent to prison, and when I saw him in his little dark room locked up, he looked very unhappy, and told me that all his troubles began in taking those two pins ! 35 NEZH E-NU SA-SA-GWAH-BE-DA-E-GON-SUN, Ba-zhik quo-we-zans ah-pe-je shah-wa-ne-me-go- go-bun e-nu o-bah-bah-yuu gi-ya o-mah-mah-yun, gi-ya o-ne-she-she-ne-go-bun eu an-duh-wéd, gi-ya kuh-ke-nah ah-noj ga-20 ah-yah-ne-go-bun ow ka- me-no-que-we-zaus-e-wid ka-on-je pah-pe-nan-dun- ge-bun muh-ua-ze-go-bun a-tuh osh-ke-o-da. Ah-pe dush nah-no-be-bo-nuh-ge-zid, ne-zhe-ka nah-gah- nah-win-de-bun e-mah o-mah-mah-yun o-dah-je-suh- go-ming o-ge-wah-bun-don dush ne-go-muh-ze-ni-e- gun e-nu sa-sa-gwah-be-da-e gon-sun o-ge}] 0o-do-po- win ah-ta-nig. Me dush ke-muh-méd ah-kik-wah- be-ko muh-kuh-kon-sing dush o-ge-ah-to-nun we-zhe- now-o-wa-be-nung. O-mah-mah-yun dush o-ge-non- ddu eu zhe-ndw-o-wa-nig o-ge-guh-gwa-je-mon dash kah-on-de-nung e-nu sa-sa-gwah-be-da-e-gon-sun. O-o-e-dush ke-e-ke-do me-je-sug suh ne-ge-on-de-nah- nun. Pah-ne-malh dush menah-wah nin-go-ding mah-bum qu-ewe-zans o-ge-muh-mo-nun_ buli-qua- zhe-gous-un gi-ya me-she-me-nun e-mah e-pu o-mah- mah-yun o-dah-tah-so-we-ning. Ah-pe dush a-zhod ke-ke-no-ah-mah-ding o-ge-mun-nah-we-de-nah-mah- Won wej que-we-Wwe-zans-un me-gwuhn-un gi-ya me- qwuh-ne mo-ko-mon-ans-un. Ah-pe dush gi-ya eu ke-ke-n0-ah-mah-good tuh-bi-e-ke-zis-won-e-ka-we-ne- ne-wun gi-ya sho-ne-ah-ka-we-ne-ne-wun o-ge-muh- nah- we-de-nah-mah-w6n te-de-be-nin-je-pe-zo- we-nun gi-ya a-ue-pe-wa-guh-non-duh-ming o-zah-wah_ sho- ne-yah gi-ya sho-ne-yah ; ish-quahj dush o-ge-bah-ke- ge-nuh-mo-w6n e-nu o-do-ge-mah-mun eu mah-je-be- e-guh-ne muh-ze-ni-e-gin ke-muh-méd dush eu sho- ne-yah ah-ta-go-buh-uan e-mah. O-o dush ke-e-zhe- che-gad_ ke-bah-quah-o-de-we-gah-me-goug, ke-e-zhe- nah-zhah-wah, ah-pe dush wah-yah-bun-inug o-mah ke-bah-quah-o-de-we-guh-me-gong puh-suh-gesh-kuh- bid, gi-ya ka-gat suh ge-che-gush-kan-duh-me-nahi-go- ze, ne gi-ya a-zhid kuh-ke-nah o-no ne-go-duh-ge- ze-\we-tin me wan-je-sing e-nuh nezh sa-sa-gwah-be- da-e-gon-sun. 36 GOD SEES YOU. I once heard it related, that a man, who was in the habit of going to his neighbor’s field to steal grain, one day took with him his son, a boy about eight years of age. he father told him to stand still, while he looked if there was any person near to see him. After standing on the fence, and peeping through all the corn-rows, he returned to take the bag from the child, and began his guilty work. Father,” said the boy, “you forgot to look some- where else.” The man dropped the bag in a fright, and said, ‘‘Which way, child?’ supposing he had Seen some one. “ You forgot to look up to the sky, to see if God was noticing you.” The father felt this reproof of the child so much, that he left the grain, returned home, and* never again ventured to steal, remembering the truth the child had taught him. ‘The eye of God always beholds us. Think of this when tempted to omit prayer, to steal, and take what you have no right to. Look upwards. God is in the sky, and in the clouds, and in the sun, and at night he is in the moon, and in the thickest darkness, and he sees you all the time, 37 GE-ZHA-MUN-E-DO SUH KE-WAH-BUH-MIG. Ning-o-ding ning-e-non-dum te-bah-je-mind ba-zhik e-ne-ne me a-ne-no-ke-go-buh-nan muh-we-nas-kung eu ba-zhik go mun-dah-me-ne-ke-te-gon o-wej be-mah- de-zeen o-ke-te-gah-ne-ne ke-mo-did dush, ning-o-ding ke-zhe-guh-de-nig o-ge-we-quah-je-we-nén o-gwe-sun shwah-so-pe-po-nuh-ge-ze-go-bun pe-zon-e-gah-buh- win ka-ah-pech nun-duh-wah-be-yon kish-pin ah-we- yah e-ne-ne pa-shu ah-yah ka-wah-buh-me-pun. No- mug dush kah-ne-buh-wid e-mah o-gij me-che-kuh- nah-ko-pe-je-guh-ning wah-wen-ga nun-dah-wah-bid eu o-yosh-a-ke-zo-nid se-bwah-guh-nun, me dush ah- kah-wod o-gwe-sa-yun nah-did eu mush-ke-moot mah-je-ke-mo-did dush. ‘‘ No-sa,” e-ke-do dush ow que-we-zans, “ ke-ke-wah-nan-don suh che-mun-duh- wah-be-yun me-nah-wah ne go-je.” Ow dush e-ne- ne o-ge-puh-ge-je-wa-be-nén eu o-mush-ke-moot za- ge-zid, guh-gwa-je-mod dush “‘ ah-nen-de e-nuh-kuh- ka-yah nin-gwis?’ O-wah-buh-mah-do-ga-nuy ah- we-yahe-nan-dum. ‘ Ke-ke-wuh-nan-d6n suh e-wa- de ke-zhe-gong nuh-kuh-ka-yah, we-nun-duh-wah-be- yun kish-pin ow Ge-zha-mun-e-do mah-yah-me-no- nah-buh-me-no-qwan.”’ - Ow dush o-se-mah ke-e-nan- dum eu kah-e-good e-nu o-gwe-sun ke-ahn-wa-ne-de- zood ke-puh-ge-de-nung dush eu kah-ge-mo-did ah- ne-ke-wad dush kah-we-kah dush me-nah-wah we- ke-mo-de-ze me-quan-dung eu ta-bwa-win kah-e-good enu o-gwe-sun. Ge-zha-mun-e-do suh mo-zhug ke- wah-buh-me-go-non. Me-quan-dun 0-0 ah-pe ka-gwa- je-e-go-yuh-nin tuh-guh kah-wen non-gom ne-guh-ah- nuh-me-ah-se che-we-e-nan-duh-mun, ga-nfah gi-ya che-we-ke-mo-de-yun bung-e-she gi-ya che-we-muh- mo-yun ta-ban-dun-se-wun. Ish-pe-ming e-nah-bin. Ge-zha-mun-e-do suh ke-zhe-gong ah-yah, gi-ya e- mah ah-nuh-qua-dong, gi-ya e-mah ke-ze-song ta-be- kuh-kin dush te-be-ke-ze-song ah-yah, gi-ya e-mah ah-pe-je puh-suh-gesh-ke-te-be-kuh-de-nig ah-yah, mo-zhug suh go ke-wah-buh-mig. 38 IX. What is the ninth commandment? Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. When do we break this commandment ? Whenever we tell a falsehood of any kind to the injury of any one else. a What is the tenth commandment 2 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his man-ser- vant, nor his maid-servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor’s. When do we break this commandment ? Whenever we envy others what belongs to them, and wish we had it instead.of them. Theregwas once a king who had as much land and as much money as one could wish. One of his neighbors, who,was quite poor, had a little garden spot, which his father had given him. It was close by the king’s land, and the king thought he must have it; but the poor man would not let him have it. The king offered to give him another garden just as good, but the man did not want to give it up; so the king felt very sad indeed, because he could not get this poor man’s garden. The queen, his wife, was a very wicked woman: she saw how much the king “« 39 IX. Ah-nen dush a-ke-do-mah-guk a-ko shong-uh-ching eu guh-ge-qua-win ? Ka-go wen ah-nish-shah-bah-iah-mah-kan ke-je-be- mah-diz-ze. Ah-nen dush an-do-tuh-mung puh-nah-je-to-yung 0-0 guh-ge-qua-win ? Eu suh kah-wuh-ne-mun-gon ah-we-yah bah-tah- mung ah-we-yah, X. Ah-nen dush a-ke-do-muh-guk a-ko me-tah-ching eu guh-ge-qua-win ? Ka-go wen zho-be-go-kan ke-je-be-mah-diz-ze o- wig-e-w6m, ka-go wen gi-ya ke-guh a-zho-be-e-go-se- wah-nun we-wun, gi-ya o-dah-no-ke-tah-ga-we-ne- ne-mun, gi-ya o-be-me-tah-gun-e-qua-nun, gi-ya o-be- zhik-e-mun, gi-ya o-ma-mah-gesh-a-e-mun, gi-ya me- nik a-zhe-de-ban-dah-sood ke-je-be-mah-diz-ze. Ah-nen dush an-do-tuh-mung puh-nah-je-to-yung 0-0 guh-ge-qua-win ? Eu suh ma-suh-wan-duh-mah-wah-gwah-nin kej be-mah-de-ze-nah-nig o-zhe-te-ban-dah-so-wod ah-pa- gish nen ah-yah-mon e-nan-duh-mung we-nah-wah_ dush kah. Ning-o-ding e-go nah ba-zhik ge-che o-ge-mah ge- che-o-duh-ke-me-go-bun gi-ya ge-che o-sho-ne-yah- me-go-bun eu go me-nik ah-we-yah wah-ah-yong. Ba-zhik dush e-nu wej be-mah-de-zen ke-te-mah-ge- ze-ne-go-bun ne-go-ke-te-gon-ans dush e-nan-dah- gwuk eu ah-ke-ke-me-ne-go-go-bun e-nu o-sun. IKa- gah go wan-je-téng-uh-kuh-me-ge-ze-ne-go-buh-nan eu ge-che o-ge-mah o-duh-kem, ow dush ge-che o-ge- mah ke-e-nan-dum nin-guh-ah-yon suh o-o ah-kens, ow dush ka-de-mah-ge-zid e-ne-ne o-ge-zah-ge-tuh- mah-won. Ow dush ge-che o-ge-mah o-dah-no 0-we- 40. envied the garden of his poor neighbor, and she told him to cheer up, and she would get it for him. So she laid a plan by which the poor man was murdered, and then the king got the garden. So we see that envy sometimes leads to the dreadful crime of murder. Can you mention any other commandments besides these ten ? Love one another. Love your enemies. Fear God and keep his commandments. Seek first the kingdom of God. All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them. Can you mention the two commandments that include all the rest ? Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neigh- bor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets. Matt. xxii. 37—40. What can be more sinful than to disobey and offend Al mash-quh-don-ah-mah-won mash-quad ah-ke nin-go- je eu go te-bish-ko a-nan-dah-gwah-de-nig, ow dush e-ne-ne o-ge-ah-pe-je-zah-ge-ton ; ka-gat dnsh ow ke- che o-ge-mah ke-ge-che o-sid-ah-wan-dum puh-ge-de- nah-mah-go-sig o-no ka-te-mah-ge-ze-ne-jin e-ne-ne- wun eu o-duh-kens-se-me. Ow dush o-ge-mah, e-nu go we-wun, muh-je-e-zhe-wa-be-ze-go-bun o-ge-ke-ka- ne e-nu ge-che o-ge-mon a-zhe-me-suh-we-nuh-mo- wod e-nu ka-de-mah-ge-ze-ne-jin o-wej be-mah-de-zen o-duh-ke-me-ne, o-o o-ge-e-ndn o-nah-ne-gwan-dun wen dush we-we-quah-je-duh-wod. Me dush kah-e- zhe-che-gad eu ke-ne-se-mind o-no ka-de-mah-ge-ze- ne-jin e-ne-ne-wun me dush ke-ah-youg ow ge-che o- ge-mah eu ah-kens. Ke-wah-bun-dah-non dush eu me-suh-wan-duh-mah-de-win nah-ne-go-de-nong on- je ne-se-ding. Ke-dah-gush-ke-ton nuh che-wen-duh-mon ka-yah- be ah-nind e-nu guh-ge-qua-we-nun o-no dush wen me-tos-we ? Sah-ge-e-dig. © Sah-ge-ik e-gu shong-a-ne-me-na-gog. Ke-gah-go-sah ow Ke-zha-mun-e-do gi-ya ke-guh- nuh-wan-dah-nun e-nu o-guh-ge-qua-we-nun. Ne-tum suh dush ke-nah-wah nun-duh-wan-dah- mo-yok eu Ge-zha-mun-e-do o-do-ge-mah-we-win. Kuh-ke-nah suh dush eu a-zhe-mun-dah-wa-ne-me- na-gwah che-do-do-na-gwah e-gu e-ne-ne-wug, me eu gi-va ke-nah-wah nah-sdb-do-duh-wik. Ke-dah-gush-ke-ton nuh che-wen-duh-mun e-nu nezh guh-ge-qua-we-nun nah-gah-ne-sin-gin ? Ke-guh-sah-ge-ah suh ow Ke-ge-zha-mun-e-don a- ne-go-ko-da-yun gi-ya a-ne-go-ko-je-chog-we-yun gi- ya a-ne-go-ko-quan-duh-moén. Me suh o-o ne-tum ge-che-guh-ge-qua-we-ne-wung. Medush go fne-nah wah eu ba-zhik a-nan-dah-gwuk. Ke-guh-sah-ge-ah suh ow kej be-mah-de-ze eu nah-sob a-zhe-sah-ge-e- de-zo-yun. Me suh o-maho-no nezh guh-ge-qua-we- nun a-go-dag kuh-ke-nuh eu te-bah-ko-ne-wa-win gi- ya e-nu an-wah-je-ga-we-nun. Matt. xxii. 37—4.0 da ice ah-wuh-she-mah muh-je-do-duh-mo- 42 a kind father or mother, who does every thing to make you happy that can be done ? I am sure it must be more sinful to disobey God than to disobey the best father or mother that ever lived. God is more kind, and has done more to make us happy, than any father or mother can do. What has God done to make you happy? All the blessings I have ever received have come from him, and he has given his Son, Jesus Christ, to die for sinners like me, that we might repent of our sins, and believe in him, and so be happy in heaven for ever and ever. GRACE BEFORE MEALS. Heavenly Father: Please to bless the food thou givest me at this time. Make me thankful for it, and may it strengthen me to do thy will, for Christ’s sake. Amen. MORNING PRAYER. My kind Father in Heaven: I thank thee for my life, and for all my comforts and friends. I thank thee for the light of the sun. I thank thee for my rest and sleep the last night. I do not deserve these or any other favors from thee, because I have been a A3 win a-nan-dah-gwuk eu dush wen che-ah-gon-wa- tuh-wind gi-ya che-nish-ke-ind ow shah-wa-ne-gad o-se-mah gi-ya o-ge-mah ow ah-noj ga-go wan-de-nuh- mok eu ka-on-je bah-pe-nan-duh-muh-bun ? Ka-gat suh nin-de-nan-dum ah-wuh-she-ma muh- je-do-duh-mo-win eu che-ah-gon-wa-tuh-wind ow Ge-zha-mun-e-do eu dush wen che-ah-gon-wa-tuh- wind ow te-be-nuh-wa o-se-mah ga-mah o-ge-mah ow kah-be-me-e-nung 0-0 on-je, Ke-zha-mun-e-do ah- wuh-she-ma me-no-e-zhe-wa-be-ze ah-wuh-she-ma gi- ya ke-e-zhe-che-ga eu ka-on-je bah-pe-nan-dah-mung ow dush wen te-be-nuh-wa o-se-mah ga-mah o-ge- mah ka-e-zhe-che-ga-pun. Wa-go-nan dush Ge-zha-mun-e-do ka-e-zhe-che-gad eu ka-on-je bah-pe-nan-duh-mun ? Kuh-ke-nah e-nu shuh-wan-dah-go-ze-we-nun kah- be-ah-yah-mah-nin wen ow ke-be-on-je-bah-muh-guh- don, gi-ya dush o-ge-me-ge-wa-nun e-nu o-gwe-sun Je-sus Christ che-ne-bo-tuh-wéd e-nu bah-yah-tah-ze- ne-jin nen do-wuh, gi-ya che-ahn-wan-duh-mung e-nu ke-bah-tah-ze-we-ne-nah-nin, gi-ya che-ta-bwa-ya-ne- mung, me dush che-pah-pe-nan-duh-mung e-wa-de ish-pe-ming kah-ge-nig gi-ya kah-ge-nig. et MAH-MO-YAH-WANG CHE-BWAH WE-SE-NING. Ish-pe-ming ne-nun-duh-zhe Nos: tuh-guh shuh- wan-duh-muh-we-shin o-o me-jim Ken mah-zhe-yun non-gom. E-zhe-da-a-shkuh-we-shin che-me-gwach- e-wa-ne-duh-mon, mah-no suh ne-guh-on-je-ke-zhin- zhuh-wizh che-e-zhe-che-ga-yon eu ke-e-de-nan-duh- mo-win, wen Christ on-je. A-men. KUH-GE-ZHAB AH-NUH-ME-AH-WIN. Shah- wa-ne-me-yun no-sa ish-pe-ming a-yah-yun : ke-me-gwach-e-wa-ne-min suh 0-o non-gom ne-be- mah-de-ze-win gi-ya e-nu kuh-ke-nah ne-me-no-ah- yah-we-nun gi-ya nij-ke-wa-yug. Ke-me-gwach-e- wa-ne-min suh gi-ya ow ke-sis wah-yah-sa-yah-se- 44 wicked, disobedient child; and have not tried, as I should have done, to love and serve thee. I pray thee to fit me for all that I have to do or suffer this day. Perhaps it is the last day I shall live. Thou knowest. May I remember, that whatever I do, God sees me. May I try to imitate the example of my blessed Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who was meek, and gentle, and kind to all; and when I die, may I go to be where thou art, for Christ’s sake. Amen. EVENING PRAYER. O Lord, my heavenly Father: another day of my short life has gone. I have been protected this day by thy kind care. Thou hast fed me, and clothed me, and kept me alive; but O how ungrateful and disobedient I have been! Please to forgive all my sins for the sake of Jesus Christ, thy dear Son, my blessed Saviour, who died that I might live. O make me like him, and give mea heart to love and trust in him. May I sleep safely and quietly this night. If I should not live to see another day, may my soul be prepared to dwell with thee in thy happy kingdom above; and whether my days are few or many, may they all be spent in thy fear, for Christ’s sake. Amen. 45 gad. Ke-me-gwach-e-wa-ne-min suh ke-me-no-ahn- wa-be-yOn gi-ya ke-me-no-ne-bah-yon te-be-kong. Kah-wen ne-de-nan-dah-go-ze-se 0-no ga-mah gi-ya puh-kon-ah-kin e-nu shuh-wan-dah-go- ze-we-nun, on-zom suh ke-ge-be-ah-gwun-wa-ton gi- ya ne-ge-be-muh-je-ah-be-no-je-eh ;_ kah gi-ya ne-ge- g0-je-a-e-we-se eu wen ka-ge-do-duh-mah-bon che-ge- sah-ge-e-non gi-ya che-ge-buh-me-to-non. Ke-puh- gwe-sa-ne-min suh che-ge-zhe-tah-we-e-yun ke-zhah et. wah-e-zhe-je-ga-yon ga-mah wah-go-tuh-ge-ze- wah-nan non-gom che-ge-zhe-guk. Mon-ge-zhah me a-tuh non-gom che-be-mah-de-ze-yon. Ken dush wen ke-ge-kan-don. Mah-no gi-ya ne-cuh-me-quan-don wa-go-do-gwa-ne-dok kah-me-kin-duh-mo-wah-nan Ke-zha-mun-e-do suh ne-wah-buh-mig. Mah-no suh gi-ya ne-guh-go-je-a eu che-we-e-nah-wug eu kah-e- zhe-be-mah-de-zid ow zha-wan-dah-go-zid ne-do-ge- mom gi-ya Pa-mah-je-e-wa, Je-sus Christ, ow kah-no- kah-de-zid gi-ya kah-ba-kah-de-zid gi-ya kah-me-no- do-dah-wéd kuh-ke-nah; ah-pe dush ne-bo-yon, mah- no suh ne-guh-e-zhah e-wa-de ah-yah-yun, wen Je- sus on-je. A-men. O-NAH-GWE-SHE AH-NUH-ME-AH-WIN. Oh Ta-ba-nin-ga-yun ish-pe-ming Wa-yo-se-me-go- yun: me-nah-wah eu ba-zhik ge-zha-gud ke-ge-be-ko- sa-mah-gud ah-je-nah wah-be-mah-de-ze-yon. Ne- ge-me-no-kuh-nah-wa-ne-me-gon suh ke-zhuh-wan-je- ga-win non-gom ke-ge-zhe-guk. Ken suh ke-ge-ah- shum gi-ya ke-ge-ah-gwe gi-ya ke-ge-guh-nuh-wa-nim ke-be-mah-de-ze-y6n dush; oh nuh go-shuh kah-e- zhe-muh-je-e-zhe-wa-be-ze-yOn ke-be-ah-yah-gwun- wa-to-non! Tuh-guh wa-be-nuh-mah-we-shin kuh- ke-nah e-nu ne-bah-tah-e-zhe-wa-be-ze-we-nun wen on-je Je-sus Christ, ah-pe-je sah-yah-ge-ud ke-gwis ow sha-wan-dah-go-zid Pah-mah-je-e-wa ow kah-ne- bod che-be-mah-de-ze-yon. Oh e-zhe-e-shin te-bish-ko wen gi-ya che-me-zhe-yun eu o-da che-sah-ge-ug gi-ya che ah-pe-ne-mo-yén. Mah-no non-gom ne-guh-me- no-ne-bah che-te-be-kuk. Kish-pin dush o-de-sah- bun-dah-se-won eu me-nah-wah che-ge-zhe-guk mah- A6 SCRIPTURE LESSONS. Fcc. xii. 13. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his command- ments, for this is the whole duty of man. Feb. ii. 1. Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip. Rev. i. 3. Blessed is he that readeth, and’ they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand, Mark vii. 7. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines, the commandments of men. Deut. xxvii. 16. Cursed be he that setteth light by his father or his mother. And all the people shall say, Amen. Matt. x. 24. The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord. Matt. xiii. 57, 58. And they were offended in him. And he did not many mighty works there, because of their unbelief. John x. 20. And many of them said, He hath a devil, and ismad, why hear ye him? AY no suh ow nin-je-chog tuh-gah-ge-zhe-tah che-ah-we- we-je tuh-nah-ke-mig e-wa-de ish-pe-ming me-no-wah- ne-go-ze-we-nin o-ge-mah-we-we-ning ; me suh-wah dush e-nu ne-ge-zhe-go-mun bun-ge-sha-wuh-guk ga- mah pah-yah-te-nuh-do-gwan, mah-no suh kuh-ke- nah ne-gah-ah-no-kah-zo-nun eu che-buh-me-to-non, wen Je-sus on-je. A-men. SCRIPTURE LESSONS. Ecc. xii. 13. Tuh-guh non-dun-dah, kos-ah-dah ow Ge-zha-mun-e-do, gi-ya kuh-nuh-wan-dun-dah e- nu o-guh-ge-qua-we-nun: me suh 0-0 kuh-ke-nuh e- zhe-nun-dah-wan-dah-go-zid. Heb. ii. 1. Ke-te-nan-dah-go-ze-min dush ah-wuh- she-ma eu che-ah-yong-wah-me-ze-yung e-nu ah-ye- en kah-non-dah-mung-in, mon-ge-zhah nin-go-ding ke-guh-ge-wuh-nan-dah-min. Rev. i. 3.. Shah-wan-dah-go-ze suh ow a-gin-dung gi-ya e-gu ba-zin-dun-gig o-no e-ke-do-we-nun a-zhe- sing 0-0 an-wah-che-ga-win, gi-ya man-je-man-dun- gig o-no ah-ye-en o-mah wa-zhe-be-e-gah-da-gin: shah-ye-gwah suh puh-guh-me-ah-yah o-o ah-pe. Mark vii. 7. Uh-ne-shah dush wen nih-ge-che- twah-wa-ne-me-gog, guh-ge-qua-no-tuh-mo-wod e-nu e-ne-ne-we guh-ge-qua-we-nun. Deut. xxvii. 16. Kuh-gwah-ne-suh-gan-dah-go-ze suh ow ka-ge-che-twah-wa-ne-mah-sig e-nu o-sun gi- ya o-gen, kuh-ke-nah dush e-gu ah-ne-she-nah-bag o-o tuh-e-ke-do-wug a-men. Matt. x.24. Kah-wen nah-wuj ish-pan-dah-go-ze- se ow ke-ke-no-ah-mah-gun, dush wen e-nu ka-ke- no-ah-mah-go-jin; gi-ya ow buh-me-tah-gun kah- wen nah-wuj ish-pan-dah-go-ze-se, dush wen e-nu o-do-ge-mah-mun. Matt. xiii. 57, 58. O-ge-ah-nah-wa-ne-mah-won dush. Kah dush gwach ne-be-wah ke-ge-che-mah- mon-dah-wuh-no-ke-se e-mah, on-je eu o-dah-gon-wa- yan-duh-mo-we-ne-ne. John x. 20. Ne-be-wah kush e-gu o-o ke-e-ke-do- wug, o-ge-gish-kah-w6n suh e-nu muh-je-mun-e-don, 48 Matt. xxvi. 66. Whatthink ye? They answered and said, He is guilty of death. 67. Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him, and others smote him with the palms of their hands. Matt. xxvii. 29. And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee be- fore him, and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews. 30. And they spit upon him, and took the reed, and smote him on the head. 3l. And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him, and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him. Mark xv. 27. And with him they crucify two thieves, the one on his right hand, and the other on his left. Luke iv. 28. And all they in the Synagogue, when they heard these things ,were filled with wrath, 29. And rose up, and thrust him out of the city, and led him unto the brow of a hill (whereon their city was built) that they might cast him down head- long. : Heb. ii. 14. Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same, that through death he might Spey him that had the power of death, that is, the evil. AQ ge-wuh-nah-de-ze dush; ah-nesh-e-wen dush be-zin- dah-wag. Matt. xxvi. 66. An-nen dush e-nan-duh-mag? O- ge-guh-no-nah-won dush, 0-0 ke-e-ke-do-wod, che-ne- boéd suh e-nan-dah-go-ze. 67. Me dush ke-se-kwah-nah-wéd e-mah a sken- zhe-go-ning gi-ya ke-puh-quah-ko-nin-je-tah-wah- w6d; ah-nind dush wen o-ge-nah-bah-ga-us ke-nin- je-tah-wah-won. Matt. xxvii. 29. Ah-pe dush me-na-sah-gah-wun- zhe-pah-se-qua-be-zon kah-o-kah-da-nah-mo-wod_ o0- ge-puh-ge-de-nah-nah-wah e-mah osh-te-gwah-ning, gi-ya ah-sah-gah-nushk e-mah o-ge-che-ne-kong: ke- o-je-jing-wah-ne-tah-wah-wod dush e-man a-nah-suh- mah-bid, ke bah-pe-no-dah-wah-w6d o-o dush ke-e- ke-do-wéd Ha ke-tah-nah-me-a-kah-go Jew o-ge-mah? 30. O-ge-ze-quah-nah-win dush, gi-ya o-ge-o-dah- pe-nah-nah-wah eu ah-sah-gah-nushk ke-puh-ke-ta- wah-w6d dush e-mah osh-te-gwah-ne-ning. 31. Ah-zhe dush kah-ish-quah bah-pe-no-dah-wah- wod, o-ge-ma-tah-gwah-zah-be-nah-won dush eu ah- gwe-win, ke-pe-se-ko-nah-w6d_ dush wen o-duh-gwe- win, ke-mah-je-we-nah-wé6d dush eu we-ah-we-ah- g wah-quah-wah-wod. Mark xv. 27. Nezh gi-ya e-nu ka-mo-dish-ke-ne- jin e-mah ke-duh-go ah-gwah-quah-o-mon ba-zhik e- mah o-ge-che-ne-kéng e-nuh-kuh-ka-yah e-nu dush ba-zhik e-mah o-nuh-muh-je-ne-k ong. Luke iv. 28. Kuh-ke-nah dush e-gu kah-ah-yah- jig e-mah ah-nuh-me-a-we-go-me-gong, ah-pe kah- nou-duh-mo-wod o-no ah-ye-en o-ge-mosh-ke-nash- kah-go-nah-wah eu nish-ka-de-ze-win. 29. Ke-puh-ze-gwe-wug e-dush gi-ya ke-sah-ge-je- wa-be-nah-w6d e-mah o-da-nong. Ke e-zhe-we-nah- wod e-ko gish-kuh-de-nah-nig, e-mah ke-o-zhe-che- gah-da-nig eu o-do-da-nah-we-wah e-wa-de dush we- be-on-je uh-je-tuh-ke-wa-be-nah-wéd. Heb. ii. 14. Kah-e-zhe dush e-go e-gu wa-ne-jah- ne-se-mind-jig eu 0-we-ds-e-we-w6d gi-ya o-mis-que- me-wod, wen suh gi-ya te-be-nah-wa nah-sob ke-e- zhe-nah-gwe-o. B 5 50 Heb. iv. 15. For we have not a high Priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities: but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. John xvii. 3. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. Gal. iv. 4. But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son made of a woman, made under the Law, 5. To redeem them that were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption of_sons. Eph. in. 9. And to make all men see, what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world, hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ. Rev. xix. 13. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, and his name is called, The word of God. 16. And he hath on his vesture, and on his thigh a name written, King of kings, and Lord of lords. John xiv. 9. He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father. 11. Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works’ sake. John xvii. 5. And now, O Father, glorify thou me, with thine own self, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. 51 Heb. iv. 15. Kah-wen suh ke-dah-yah-wah-se- wah-n6én ow Ge-che-sah-ge-we-je-ga-we-ne-ne ow ke- mo-zhe-to-se-go-bun e-nu ke-shah-g we-we-ne-nah-nin, ah-noj e-suh-go gi-ya wen ke-e-zhe-guh-gwa-de-ban- dah-go-ze, te-bish-ko ke-nah-wind; kah dush wen we-kah ke-muh-je-e-zhe-wa-be-ze-se. John xvii. 3. Me suh o-o kah-ge-ga be-mah-de-ze- win eu che-ke-ka-ne-me-quah ken a-tuh ta-bwa-we- ne Ge-zha-mun-e-do-we-yun, ki-ya che-ke-ke-ka-ne- mah-w6d e-nu Je-sus Christ-un e-nu kah-pe-e-zhe- nah-zhah-o-muh-jin. Gal. iv. 4. Ah-pe dush ta-gwe-she-no-muh-guk eu ta-bish-ko-sag, Ge-zha-mun-e-do 0-ge-pe-e-zhe-nah- zhah-w6n e-nu o-gwe-sun, e-nu e-qua-wun ke-ne-ge- e-good, che-nah-ye-dung e-dush gi-ya wen eu te-bah- ko-ne-ga-win. 5. Che-uh-zha-kish-pe-nuh-néd e-nu ta-ba-ne-me- go-ne-jin eu te-bah-k6-ne-ga-win eu che-o-dah-pe-nuh- mung eu che-o-gwe-se-me-ge-e-yung. Eph. iii. 9° Gi-ya kuh-ke-nah ah-ne-she-nah-bag che-wah-bun-duli-mo-wéd e-nu kah-yah-mo-tuh-kin, e-eu ah-pe-na mah-yah-je-ah-ke-wung gah-kah-je-gah- da-muh-guh-kin, wen a-tuh Ge-zha-mun-e-do o-ge- ke-kan-dah-nun ow kah-o-zhe-tod kuh-ke-nah ah- yuh-en e-mah ow Je-sus Christ. Rev. xix. 13. O-ge-pe-se-kon dush eu ah-gwe-win ° e-mah mis-queng ge kin-dah-be-ge-ne-gah-de-nig: eu dush o-de-zhe-ne-kah-zo-win, me 0-0 o-de-ke-do-win ow Ge-zha-mun-e-do. 16. E-mah dush o-pe-se-kah-guh-ning, gi-yae-mah o-no-guh-nong eu e-zhe-ne-kah-zo-win ke-o-zhe-be-e-_ gah-da-ne, me suh 0-0 wa-do-ge-mah-me-me-good e- nu o-ge-mon, gi-ya ‘Ta-ba-ne-mod e-nu ta-ba-nin-ga- ne-jin. John xiv. 9. Ow suh kah-wah-buh-mid, o-ge-wah- buh-mon e-nu wa-os-se-me-min-jin. 11. T'a~-bwa-ya-ne-me-shig, suh eu ke-gish-kah- wug ow Wa-o-se-mind, gi-ya wen dush ke-gish-kah- wid ow Wa-o-se-mind. : John xvii. 5. Non-gom dush, No-sa, ken te-be- nah-wa be-she-gan-dah-gwe-e-shin eu be-she-gan-dah- go-ze-win kah-ah-yah-yom-b6n ma-gwah wej-ah-yah- we-nom-bon che-bwah ah-yog o-o ah-ke. 52 Heb. i. 1. God, whoat sundry times, and in divers manners, spake in times past unto the Fathers by the Prophets, 2. Hath in these last days spoken to us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds, 3. Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high. Matt. iv. 10. For it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Col. ii. 18. Let no man beguile you of your re- ward, in a voluntary humility, and worshipping of Augels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshy mind. Rev. xxii. 8. And I John saw these things and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down, to worship before the feet of the Angel, which showed me these things. 9. Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellow-servant, and of thy brethren the Pro- phets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book : worship God. 53 Heb. i. 1. Ow Ge-zha-mun-e-do ne-nin-gim kah- yut pa-puh-kon kah-ah-ye-zhe-guh-guh-no-nah-go-bun e-nu o-ge-te-ze-me-mén ke-ah-no-nod ah-nwah-je-ga- we-ne-ne-wun che-guh-ge-ke-mah-nid. 2. No-mah-yah ke-ge-guh-ge-ke-me-go-nén ke-ah- no-nod e-nu o-gwe-sun che-guh-ge-ke-me-nung, e-nu kah-e-nuh-ge-m6d_ che-o-ge-mah-kun-dung kuh-ke- nah e-nu ah-ye-en, wen wah ow kah-o-zhe-tod kuh- ke-nuu e-nu ah-ye-en ; 3. Ow ah-yah-wid eu wah-sash-kah-nik eu o-be- she-gan-dah-go-ze-win, gi-ya te-bish-ko e-nah-dah- go-zid eu o-de-nan-dah-go-ze-win, gi-ya a-zhe-mush- kah-we-ze-muh-guh-de-nig 0-de-ke-do-win 0-do-ge- mah-kun-dah-non e-nu kuh-ke-nuh ah-ye-en, ah-pe wen te-be-nuh-wa kah-o-zhe-tod eu pe-ne-ze-win on- je e-nu ke-bah-tah-e-zhe-wa-be-ze-we-ne-nah-nin, ke- nuh-muh-duh-be e-wa-de o-ge-che-ne-kong-in e-nu Ash-pan-dah-go-ze-ne-jin e-wa-de ish-pe-ming. Matt. iv. 10. O-o e-ge-nen e-zhe-be-e-gah-da, ke- gah-o-je-jin-gwuh-ne-tah-wah ow Ta-ba-nin-gad ke- ke-zha-mun-e-dom me ge-nen a-tuh ow ka-buh-me- tah-wud. Col. ii. 18. Ka-go ah-we-ah e-ne-ne ke-guh-on-je- te-bah-ko-ne-go-se-wah eu ke-te-bah-ah-mah-go-ze- we-ne-wah, eu te-be-nah-wa che-we-tuh-puh-sa-ne- mod, gi-ya ah-nuh-me-a-tah-wod e-nu ish-pe-ming tuh-zhe ah-ne-she-nah-ban, gi-ya ke-twa nun-duh- wan-dung e-nu ah-ye-en, e-nu kah-wah-bun-duh-se- gun, gi-ya guh-ge-bah-je wah-we-zhan-duh-me-e-de- zod on-je eu ah-ke wan-duh-mo-win. Rev. xxii. 8. Ah-pe dush kah-non-dah-m6n gi-ya kah-wah-bun-dah-mon, ning-e-kah-we-se dush e-mah o-ze-dong ow ish-pe-ming tuh-zhe ah-ne-she-nah-ba, eu we-ge-che-twah-we-ug ow suh-go kah-wah-bun- duh-id ah-ye-en. 9. (-o dush nin-ge-ik, Nush-ka, ka-go 0-0 e-zhe- che-ga-kan: nen suh wen nin-dow ow o-we}-buh-me- tah-guh-ne-me-non, gi-ya ke-kah-ne-sug e-gu an-wah- je-ga-we-ne-ne-wug, gi-ya e-gu ka-nah-wan-dung-ig o-no e-ke-do-we-nun e-ke-do-muh-guk 0-0 muh-ze-ni- e-gun: ge-che-twah-we suh ow Ge-zha-mun-e-do. 5* 54 CHRIST COMING TO JUDGMENT. Matt. xxiv. 30. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaveu: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. 31. And he shall send his Angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Matt. xxv. 31. When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy Angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: 32. And before him shall be gathered all nations, and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats. Eph. i. 20. Set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, 21. Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come : 22. And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the Church. 55 CHRIST COMING TO JUDGMENT. Matt. xxiv. 30. Me dush eu ah-pe che-nah-gwuh- de-nig o-ke-ke-nah-wah-je-che-gun ow e-en-ne 0-gwe- sun e-wa-de ish-pe-ming: me dush gi-ya eu ah-pe che-nah-ne-nah-wan-duh-mo-w6d kuh-ke-nuh e-gu ah-noj a-zhe-o-do-da-me-jig o-mah ah-king che-wah- buh-mah-w6d dush e-nu e-ne-ne o-gwe-sun pe-ah-yah- nid e-mah ish-pe-ming ah-nuh-quh-dong pe-we-jin- dung eu gush-ke-a-we-ze-win, gi-ya eu ge-che-bish-e- gan-dah-go ze-win. 31. O-guh-zhe-nah-zhah-w6én e-nu o-dah-nish-e- nah-ba-mun che-ge-zhe-wa-wa-to-nid eu ge-che-be-be- gwun, e-mah dush ne-wing e-nuh-kuh-ka wa-o-yon- dah-ne-muk che-on-je mah-wun-do-nah-w6éd e-nu wah-wa-nah-bun-je-guh-nun a-ne-go-quég eu ge-zhik. Matt. xxv. 31. Ah-pe suh tuh-swe-shing ow e-ne- ne o-gwe-sun o-guh-be-ge-ge-zin 0-be-she-gan-dah-go- ze-win, gi-ya o-guh-pe-we-je-we-gon kuh-ke-nuh e-nu pah-ne-ze-ne-jin ish-pe-ming tuh-zhe-ah-ne-she-nah- ban, me dush che-wah-wa-nah-bid e-mah o-be-she- gan-dah-go-ze-we-ne ah-puh-be-we-ning. 32. E-mah dush a-nah-suh-mid tuh-mah-wun-do- nah-wug kuh-ke-nah an-duh-swa-ah ge-ze-w6d e-gu ah-ne-she-nah-bag: te-bish-ko go a-zhe-nah-ya-tah- we-nod ow mah-nish-tah-nish-un, gi-ya e-nu me-sah- bo-zon, me eu nah-séb kah-e-zhe-nah-nah-we-ndd. _ Eph. i. 20. Ke-uh-sod e-mah te-be-nuh-wa o-ge- che-ne-kong e-wa-de ish-pe-ming. 21. Eu mah-yah-muh-we ish-pan-dah-gwuk e- nah-kuh-ne-ga-win, gi-ya mush-kah-we-ze-win, gi-ya ge-che-twah-we-ze-win, gi-ya te-ban-je-ga-win, gi-ya kuh-ke-nuh eu _ e-zhe-ne-kah-zo-win a-zhe-ne-kah- zong, kah-wen a-tuh o-mah ah-keng, eu suh go gi-ya ke-tuh-g we-she-no-muh-guk ; 22. Gi-ya kuh-ke-nuh ah-ye-en ah-nah-me-zid o- ge-ah-to-nun, gi-ya ke-o-nah-ko-néd eu che-ne-gah- nan-dah-go-zid me-ze kuh-ke-nuh e-nu ah-ye-en e-mah e-nu a-nuh-me-ah-ne-jin. 56 23. Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all. Phil. ii. 9. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a Name which is above every name : 10. That at the Name of Jesus, every knee shall bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and thing under the earth: 11. And that every tongue should confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Rom. xiv. 17. For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Isa. xxiv. 5. The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof: because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the ever- lasting covenant. 20. The earth shall reel to and fro, like a drunk- ard, and shall be removed like a cottage, and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it, and it Shall fall, and not rise again. L Sam. ii. 10. The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken to pieces; out of heaven shall he thunder upon them: the Lord shall judge the ends of the earth ; and he shall give strength unto his king, and exalt the horn of his anointed. Isa. xxvi. 20. Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee ; hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indig- nation be overpast. 57 23, Me suh e-nu wa-o-we-ah-we-jin ke-che-mah- mah-we-no-ah-jin ow ta-ban-dung kuh-ke-nuh. Phil. ii. 9. On-je dush eu ow Ge-zha-mun-e-do o- ge-ge-che-twah-we-on, gi-ya o-ge-me-non eu e-zhe-ne- kah-zo-win mah-yah-mah-we ish-pan-dah-gwuh-de- nig, dush wen e-nu kuh-ke-nuh e-zhe-ne-kah-zo-we- nun: 10. Eu dush e-mah_ o-de-zhe-ne-kah-zo-we-ning ow Je-sus; kuh-ke-nuh o-guh-o-je-jin-gwuh-ne-tah- wah-w6n e-wa-de ish-pe-ming a-ah-jig, gi-ya ah-nah- muh-kuh-mig a-ah-jig ; 11. Gi-ya kuh-ke-nuh ba-mah-de-ze-jig tuh-e-ke- do-wug ow Je-sus Christ Ta-ba-ning-ad, eu che-be- she-gan-dah-gwe-ind ow Ge-zha-mun-e-do Wa-o-se- mind. Rom. xiv. 17. O-do-ge-mah-we-win mah ow Ge- zha-mun-e-do kah-wen eu we-se-ne-win gi-ya me-ne- qua-win ah-wun-se-non ; me suh wen eu me-no-e-zhe- wa-be-ze-win gi-ya pe-zah-ne-e-wa-win, gi-ya me- nuh-wah-ne-go-ze-win e-mah Ge-che-o-je-chah-gong. Isa. xxiv. 5. Gi-ya dush eu ah-ke ke-we-nud on-je e-gu an-duh-nuh-ke-jig ew ke-ah-gwon-wa-tuh-mo- wod e-nu guh-ge-qua-we-nun, ke-on-je-do-w6d e-nu e-nah-ko-ne-ga-we-nun ke-bo-ko-be-do-w6d eu kah- ge-ga ke-kin-de-win. 2). Ku dush ah-ke ah-we-yah kah-wush-qua-be- jin tuh-e-zhe-ah-yah-muh-gud gi-ya dush tub-ge-ke- ne-gah-da-mah-gud, _te-bish-ko we-ge-wah-ma-sing gi-ya dush eu muh-je-e-zhe-wa-be-ze-win ma-min- dun-ga tuh-me-zhe-shin e-mah ah-king tuh-pun-ge- sin dush. Kah-wen dush me-nuh-wah tuh-muh-yah- we-muh-guh-se-non. 1 Sam. ii. 20. E-gu dush nash-ka-ne-mah-jig e-nu Ta-ba-ning-an gi-ya e-gu ma-je-e-zhe-ga-jig, tuh-kah- se-nah-wug. H-gu dush wen tuh-ya-bwa-tuh-wah- jig e-nu T'a-ba-ning-an o-guh-de-ban-dah-nah-wah eu ah-ke. Psa. xxxvii. 9. Isa. xxvi. 20. Um-ba_ ne-duh-ne-she-nah-ba-me- dog bin-de-gag e-mah ke- we-ge-wah-me-wong, ke-bah- quah-ah-mok gi-ya e-nu ke-desh-quon-da-me-w6n. Kah-zook suh ah-je-nah pah-ne-mah-pe eu nish-kah- de-ze-win ke-pe-me-ke-be-kah-go-yag. 58 21. For behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniqui- ty: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall ho more covet her slain. Isa. xxxiv. 4. And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and asa falling fig from the fig tree. | 8. For it is the day of the Lord’s vengeance, and the year of recompenses for the controversy of Zion. Prov. ii. 21. For the upright shall dwell in the land, and the perfect shall remain in it. 22. But the wicked shall be cut off from the earth, and the transgressors shall be rooted out of it. Mal. iv. 1. . For behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven, and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly shall be stubble: and the day that com- eth, shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. 2. But unto you that fear my Name, shall the Sun of righteousness arise. Rev. xix. 1. And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; salvation, and glory, and honor, and power unto the Lord our God: 59 21. E-nu ow Ta-ba-ning-ad pe-on-je sah-guh-um suh e-nu an-dod we-be-de-bah-ko-néd e-nu ah-king an-duh-nuh-ke-ne-jin on-je eu o-muh-je-e-zhe-wa-be- ze-we-ne-won. Isa, xxxiv. 4. Kuh-ke-nuh dush e-nu ish-pe-ming a-yah-gin tuh-un-gwah-ah-noon, gi-ya eu ke-zhig tuh- de-de-be-gin-ne-gah-da: gi-ya dush kuh-ke-nuh wa- zah-me-no-kin, e-wa-de ish-pe-ming a-yah-gin tuh- pun-ge-se-non, te-bish-ko eu ah-ne-besh pan-ge-se-gin, gi-ya pan-ge-se-gin eu sho-we-min on-je e-mah sho- we-me-nuh-gah-wuh-zheng. | 8. Me mah eu 0-go-duh-ge-e-wa-win 0-ge-zhe-gom ow T'a-ba-nin-gad gi-ya eu ke-ke-no-win che-de-buh- ah-mah-gad. Prov. li. 21. E-gu mah-wen qui-yuk a-zhe-wa- be-ze-jig tuh-duh-nuh-ke-wug e-mah ah-king, gi-ya dush e-gu ma-no-e-zhe-wa-be-ze-jig o-guh-ah-be-tah- nah-wah. 22. E-gu dush wen ma-je-e-zhe-wa-be-ze-jig tuh- guh-se-nah-wug e-mah ah-king gi-ya e-gu bah-yah- tah-ze-jig tuh-bah-quah-ko-je-be-ka-wah-wug e-mah. Mal. iv.1. E-nuh eu ge-zhe-gud tuh-duh-gwe-she- no-mah-gud, eu ke-ge-bo-ze-ga-muh-guk_ te-bish-ko eu buh-qua-ze-guh-ne-kah-gun ; gi-ya kuh-ke-nah e- gu ga-che-e-na-ne-mo-jig, ka-gat suh go kuh-ke-nuh e-gu ma-je-do-dun-gig buh-qua-zhe-gun-ush-kong tuh- e-zhe-uh-yah-wug: gi-ya eu ge-zhe-gud wah-tuh- gwe-she-no-muh-guk o-guh-un-gwah-ke-zo-go-nah- wah, e-ke-do ow Wa-ge-mah-wid e-wa-de ish-pe-ming, kah-wen o-guh-ish-ko-nah-sen che-be-kah-we-nid o- de-quah-ne-we-nid. 2. WKe-nuh-wah dush wen kah-ko-duh-mag eu ne- de-zhe-ne-kah-zo-win ow quah-yuh-ke-ze-we-ne ke-zis tuh-puh-ze-gwe. Rev. xix. l. Kah-ish-quah ah-yég dush o-no ah- ye-en nin-ge-non-d6n eu o-ge-che-in-wa-we-ne-wah e-gu ge-che-ne-be-wah ah-ne-she-nah-bag e-wa-de ish-pe-ming, 0-o e-ke-do-w6d Al-le-lu-yah: mah-no eu shah-wan-dah-go-ze-win, gi-ya be-she-gan-dah-go- ze-win, gi-ya ge-che-twah-we-ze-win gi-ya gush-ke- a-we-ze-win o-guh-de-ban-din ow T'a-ba-ning-ad Ge- che-ge-zha-mun-e-do-me-non. 60 2. For true and righteous are his judgements. Psa. Ixxii. 8. He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river, unto the ends of the earth. 9. ‘They that dwell*in the wilderness shall bow before him, and his enemies shall lick the dust. Psa. li. 1. Have mercy upon me, O God, accord- ing to thy loving-kindness : according unto the mul- titude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgres- sions. 2. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. 3. For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. 4. Against thee, thee only have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. 5. Behold, I was shapen in iniquity: and in sin did my mother conceive me. 10. Create in me aclean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Il. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy Spirit from me. {2. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation : and uphold me with thy free Spirit. 13. Then will I teach transgressors thy ways, and sinners shall be converted unto thee, a 16. For thon desirest not sacrifice: else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt-offering. 61 2. ‘Ta-bwa-muh-guh-de-ne-wun gi-ya qui-yuh- quan-dah-gwuh-de-ne-wun e-nu o-te-bah-ko-ne-ga- we-nun. ; Psa. Ixxii. 8. Wen suh o-guh-de-ban-dah-nun e- nu ge-che-guh-men gi-ya on-je e-mah se-beng nah- wunj go ah-ne wah-ya-quah-kuh-me-gég eu ah-ke. 9. f-gu dush an-duh-nuh-ke-jig e-mah-puh-gwuh- duh-kuh-mig 0-gah-o-je-jin-g wah-ne-tah-gon. | Psa. li. 1. Shah-wa-ne-me-shin, O Ge-zha-mun-e- do, a-nan-dah-gwuk eu ke-zah-ge-e-wa-we-ne zhah- wan-je-ga-win : a-nan-dah-gwuk go e-nu pah-yah-tuh- ye-no-kin ke-zhah-wan-je-ga-wa-nun kah-se-be-ah- mah-we-shin-nim bah-tah-ze-we-nun. 2. Wah-wen-ga wa-bah-bah-we-duh-we-shin ne- muh-je-e-zhe-wa-be-ze-we-nun, gi-ya dush e-ko-nuh- mah-we-shin nim-bah-tah-ze-win. 3. Nin-dah-wah ne-wah-wen-dah-nun muh-je-e- zhe-wa-be-ze-we-nun: gi-ya eu nim-bah-tah-ze-win mo-zhug nin-ge-be-skah-gon. 4. Ken suh, ken e-go a-tuh, ke-muh-je-do-don, gi- ya ke-e-zhe-che-ga-ydn o-oh muh-je-ah-yuh-e-wish e- mah a-nah-suh-me-yun; ken mah ke-ta-bwa kah-ke- do-yuh-nin, qui-yuk-quan-dah-gwud eu ke-de-bah- ko-ne-ga-win. 5. E-nuh! nin-ge-guh-ge-o-zhe-be-shin ah-ne-she- nah-ba eu muh-je-e-zhe-wa-be-ze-win ; gi-ya e-mah bah-tah-ze-we-ning nin-ge-on-dah-de-ze-ig ow ne-guh. 10. Be-ne-ton ninda, O Ge-zha-mun-e-do ; gi-ya on-je-tuh-muh-we-shin eu nin-de-nan-duh-mo-win. Il. Ka-go wen. ah-ne-wa-ge-da-me-kan; ka-go wen gi-ya mah-kuh-me-she-kan ow ke-je-chog. 12. Me-zhe-shin na-yob eu mo-je-gan-dah-mo-win che-me-no-e-na-ne-me-yun; dush nah gi-ya ow ke- che-chog nin-guh-be-we-do-kah-wa-ne-mig. 13. Me dush che-ke-ke-no-ah-mah-wah-gwah e-gu ma-je-e-zhe-wa-be-ze-jig e-nu ke-de-zhe-wa-be-ze-we- nun; gi-ya e-gu bah-yah-tah-ze-jeg tuh-qua-kan-duh- mog. 16. Kah-mah wen ke-nun-dah-wan-duh-zen eu che-sah-ge-we-che-gang; ga-mah ke-dah-ge-me-nin : kah-wen ke-min-wan-dun-zen eu ish-ko-da sah-sah. ge-we-je-gun, 6 62 17. ‘The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. Psa. xxxvii. 1. Fret not thyself because of evil doers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. 2. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass; and wither as the green herb. 3. Trust in the Lord, and do good, so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. 4. Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. 5. Commit thy way unto the Lord: trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass. 8. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. 9. For evil doers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth. * 12. The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth. 13. The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming. 63 17. E-nu o-sah-ge-we-je-guh-nun ow Ge-zha-mun- e-do me eu ah-yah-nwan-nin da-zo-muh-guk o-da e-mah; ah-yah-nwan-nin dah-zo-muh-guk gi-ya ma- je-nuh-wa-yan-duh-mo-muh-guk o-da e-mah, Ge-zha- mun-e-do kah-wen ke-guh-me-we-ne-uh-zen. Psa. xxxvii. 1. Ka-go wen muh-go-shkah-je-da-a-. kan on-je e-gu ma-je-e-zhe-che-ga-jig, ga-mah-gi-ya che-zhin-ga-muh-dwah-bun e-gu ma-je ah-no-ke-jig. 2. Wuh-ye-buh mah wen tuh-gish-kuh-wah-wng te-bish-ko eu mush-ko-sa, gi-ya tuh-ne-bo-wug nah- sob eu wa-zhah-wush-ko nwah-kuh-skuk. 3. Ah-pa-ne-mon ow Ge-zha-mun-e-do gi-va wa- ne-zhe-shing do-dun ; me suh dush o-oh che-duh-nuh- ke-yun e-mah ah-king, ka-gat dush ke-guh-buh-muh- shuh-me-go., 4. Min-wan-dun eu che-buh-me-tuh-wud ow Ge- zha-mun-e-do ka-gat dush ke-guh-me-nig ka-e-zhe- nun-dah-wan-dah mo-muh-guk-eu ke-da. 5. Puh-ge-de-nun che-ah-ne-guh-nuh-wan-duh- mok ow Ge-zha-mun-e-do; ah-pa-ne-mo-nuh-dow ; wen dush wa-wa-ne o-guh-buh-guh-me-we-don. 8. Bo-ne-ton eu nish-kah-de-ze-win, gi-ya wa-be- nun eu we-suh-ge-ge-dah-zo-win: ka-go wen me- go-shkah-je-da-a-kan eu che-muh-je-do-duh-mun. 9. E-gu mah wen ma-je-e-zhe-che-ga-jig tuh-gesh- kuh-wah-wug: e-gu dush wen ka-buh-me-tuh-wah- jig e-nu Ge-zha-mun-e-don, o-guh-de-ban dah-nah- wah eu ah-ke. 12. K-gu ma-je e-Zhe-wa-be-ze-jig o-nun-duh-bah- tah-ah-wod e-nu qui-yuk a-zhe-wa-be-ze-ne-jin. 13. Ow dush Ge-zha-mun-e-do o-guh-bah-pe-on ; o-wah-bun-dén mah eu 0-ge-zhe-gom pe-bah-guh me- ah-yah-nig. ~ 64 PRAYERS. Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Maker of all things, Judge of all men: We acknow- ledge and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness, which we from time to time most grievously have committed, by thought, word and deed, against thy divine Majesty, provoking most justly thy wrath and indignation against us. We do earnestly repent, and are heartily sorry for these our misdoings; the remembrance of them is grievous unto us. Have mercy upon us, have mercy upon us, most merciful Father; for thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ’s sake, forgive us all that is past; and grant that we may ever hereafter serve and please thee in newness of life, to the honor and glory of thy Name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. A PRAYER FOR THE CELEBRATION OF THE LORD’S SUPPER. Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who of thy tender mercy didst give thine only Son Jesus Christ to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption : who made there (by his oblation of himself once offered) a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, obla- tion and satisfaction for the sins of the world: and 65 PRAY ERS. Ga-che Ge-zha-mun-e-do-we-yun, Wa-yo-sid ow Nin-do-ge-mah-me-non Je-sus Christ, kah-o-zhe-tod kuh-ke-nuh ah-noj ka-gon Ta-bah-ko-nod kuh-ke-nuh e-nu ene-ne-wun: ne-wen-duh-nah-nin suh_ gi-ya nin-guh gwah-ne-suh-gan-dah-nah-nin e-nu gwa-tah- me-gwe-nah-kin min-bah-ze-we-ne-nah-nin gi-ya ne- muh-je-e-zhe-che-ga-we-ne-nah-nin, ah-pech-e-nog go wa-dah-pe-nah-mon-gin, e-mah nin-de-nan-dah-mo- We-ne-mog, gi-ya e-mah nin-de-ke-do-we-ne-nong, gi-ya e-mah nin-de-zhe-che-ga-we-ne-nong ke-bah-pe- no-dah-mong eu ke-do-ge-mah-we-win ne-nah-wind dush go ke-o-zhe-tah- mah-de-zo-yong ou wan-je nish- ka-ne-me-yong. Kah-ga-tin suh nin-ge-sah-dan-dah- min gi-ya nin-ge-che min-je-nah-wa-ze-min 0-0 ke-e- zhe mah-je e-zhe-che-ga-yong:; nin-guh-gwa-ne-suh- gan-dah-min suh ma-quan-dah-mon-gin e-nu. Ke- de-mo-ga-ne-me-she-nom — suh, ke-de-mo-ga-ne-me- she-nom suh, ah-pe-je ka-de-mo-ga-ne-ga-yun Wa- yo-se-me-go-yun; mah-buh suh Ke-gwis, Wa-do- ge-mah-mo-yong Je-sus Christ ne-we-on-je wa-be- mah-mah-go-ze-min kuh-ke-nah e-nu ish-qua-yong ne-muh-je e-zhe-che-ga-we-ne-nah-nin. Mon-o dush me-zhe-she-nom eu osh-ke-be-mah-de-ze-win ah-puh- na dush kah-ge-nig che-buh-me-tah-go-yun gi-ya che- me-no-nuh-wa-e-go-yun che-o-ge-mah-we-to-yon g dush gi-ya che-be-she-gan-dah-go-to-yong eu ke-de-zhe-ne- kah-zo-win, e-mah ow Je-sus Christ Wa-do-ge-mah- me-yong. Ah-men. A PRAYER FOR THE CELEBRATION OF THE LORD’S SUPPER. Ga-che Ge-zha-mun-e-do-we-yun ish-pe-ming nin- nun-dah-zhe No-se-non, a-pech ke-de-mo-ga-ne-mo- yong suh ke-ge-me-zhe-min ow pah-ya-zhe-good Ke- gwis Je-sus Christ kah-dah-pe-nah-nind e-mah ah- zhe-da-yah-te-gong eu we-no-je-mo-e-yah-min-gid ; pereuvalic: (od dush e-mah (eu ke-sah-sah-ge-we-dod 6 66 did institute, and in his Gospel command us to con- tinue a perpetual memory of that his precious death, until his coming again: hear us, O merciful Father, we most humbly beseech Thee, and grant that we, receiving these thy creatures of bread and wine, according to the holy institution of our Saviour Jesus Christ, in remembrance of his death and passion, may be partakers of his most blessed body and blood ; who in the same night that he was betrayed, took bread; and when he had given thanks, he_brake it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, Take, eat, this is my Body, which is given for you; this do in remem- brance of me. Likewise after supper he took the cup; and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; for this is my Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. This do ye, as oft as ye drink of it, in remembrance of me. Grant that we may ever hereafter serve and please Thee, in newness of life, to the honor and glory of Thy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 67 in-go-ding eu we-yow) eu ah-pe-je wah-wen-ga sah- sah-ge-we-je-gun ka-dishk dush ke-ge-zhe-kah-mo-wod kuh-ke-nuh e-nu o-bah-tah-e-zhe-wa-be-ze-win-e-won o-mah ah-king a-yah-ne-jin : Ko-o-zhe-tod dush gi-ya dush go ke-gah-gén-dwa e-mah o-min-wah-je-mo- win-ing uh-puh-na kah-ge-nig eu che-zhe-che-gang che-mah-me-quan-dah-ming dush nah eu ke-ne-bo- tah-gad ow nah-nonzh go ah-pe me-nah-wah che-be- tuh-gwe-shin : non-dah-we-she-nom suh dush o-zhah- wa-ning-a Wa-yo-se-me-go-yun kah-ga-tin suh ke- buh-go-sa-ne-me-go che-zhah-wa-na-me-yung ma- gwah o-dah-pe-nah-mong mon-dah pah-qua-zhe-gun gi-ya mon-dah zhah-we-me-nah-bo, kah-e-nah-ko-ne- gad ow Ke-gwis Kah-nah-non-dah-we-yah-min-gid Je-sus Christ che-zhe-che-ga-yong, mon-o suh dush tah-gwah-ko-ne-she-nom e-mah o-we-yah-wing gi-ya e-mah o-mis-que-ming ; wen go ow eu ta-be-kuh-de- nig ah-pe bah-yah-tah-ind o-ge o-dah-pe-non e-nu buh- qua-zhe-guh-nun ; ah-zhe dush kah-mah-mo-yah-wad o-ge-bah-qua-be-don, o-ge-e-ne-nah-mah-wén dush e- nu o-me-zhe-nuh-wa-mun, 0-o ke-e-nod o-dah-pe-nah- mok suh me-je-yok dush, me suh mon-dah Ne-yow pa-ge-de-nah-mah-go-yag ;_ e-zhe-che-ga-yok suh 0-0 che-che-me-qua-ne-me-yag dush nah. Gi-ya dush go kah-ish-quah we-se-ne-wéd o-ge o-dah-pe-nin eu ma-ne-quah-je-gons ; ah-pe dush kah-ish-quah mah- mo-yah-wad o-ge e-ne-nah-mah-won e-nu, 0-0 ke-e- nod, kuh-ke-nuh suh me-ne-qua 0-0; me mah o-o Ne- me-squem; osh-ke zhah-wan-dah-go-ze-win zah-gwa- bo-nah-mah-go-yag gi-ya dush go ne-be-wah, ka-on-je wa-be-ne-gah-dag dush nah e-nu bah-tah-ze-we-nun; e-zhe-che-ga-yok suh 0-0 tuh-ching dush ma-ne-qua- ya-gon me-qua-ne-me-shig. Mon-o dush me-zhe-she- nom eu osh-ke-be-mah-de-ze-win uh-puh-na dush kah-ge-nig che-bun-me-tah-go-yun gi-ya che-me-no- nuh-wa-e-go-yun che-o-ge-mah-we-to-yong dush gi-ya che-be-she-gan-dah-go-to-yong eu ke-de-zhe-ne-kah- zo-win e-mah ow Je-sus Christ wa-do-ge-mah-me- yong. Ah-men. 68 THE LORD’S PRAYER. Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven; Give us this day our daily bread ; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for ever and ever. Amen. 69 THE LORD’S PRAYER. No-sa-non ish-pe-ming a-yah-yun gwa-tah-me- quan-dah-gwuk ke-de-zhe-ne-kah-zo-win; Ke-do-ge- mah-we-win tuh-pe-ah-yah-muh-gud a-zhe-min-wan- duh-mun ; mah-no tuh-e-zhe-wa-bud o-mah ah-keng, ish-pe-ming gi-ya; me-zhe-shé-nom suh non-goom ke-zhe-guk kuh-ba ge-zhik kah-o-buh-qua-zhe-guh- ne-me-yong, gi-ya wa-be-nah-mah-we-she-non eu nim- bah-tah-e-zhe-wa-be-ze-we-ne-nah-nin, e-zhe-wa-be- nah-mah-wung-e-dwah e-gu ma-je-do-duh-we-yuh- man-ge-jig; ka-go guh-gwa-de-ba-ne-me-she-kong-in ‘ning-uh-je che-sho-be-ze-yong; gi-ya me-tah-gwa-ne- mah-we-she-nom muh-je ah-ye-we-shun ; ken stih ke- te-ban-don eu o-ge-mah-we-win, gi-ya eu kush-ke-a- we-ze-win, gi-ya eu be-she-gan-dah-go-ze-win, kah- ge-nig gi-ya kah-ge-nig. Ah-men. ace ane, feelin ne Wea cs Taaney Hod Hue Sh 5a | eka a ae oy idsovy BY MAAS KIO Gas tts tt A01-9-.8 47 i 2 ae ao Fate 2 : "el BilnOiye <0 Wag: ad. “AW - Hely cst ae dos Ie a hii eds Nn Sa See ‘Have. s-gonw- -inietes Glace -87hey £Th-4 Ae a “Award 6%: ga : Ming come wt; AVY S- ‘dotsin AY: ae ae re foe. ipa Arte ora. a ing ia ay itee Hon : b Ategalee aw wi vith a “pay? BLOM oflt.awy- Cham * SS ph ifen yf oe ae i) or i. HES a. ag. nop i railed “At lla: PEN 8 pet thy he Sf wd 8 wt: ry - ME-* the oe ) 4 ‘ a Bahl fie aa ane gid-ag-darl ny-ty yea « i 4 WX, .n ar ‘ 1 : ’ : : . - i a ™ ; A a! re ns ‘ i. vo} v P p< a i r a o fi! . =~ * a3 } ‘ ’ } ¢ ‘ . ’ os " } ~ ry i 47,\ Ly as i. ‘ he eee |e i’ at 7. 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