sik a ey vidtievebe . bo : ’ ~ . ss at ~ : : : $3 : : is - = . 2 5 “ . : ; chee Digitized by the Internet Archive In 2022 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library Institute of Social and Religious Research American Village Studies EDMUND DES. BRUNNER, Director A CENSUS ANALYSIS OF AMERICAN VILLAGES The Institute of Social and Religious Research, which is responsible for this publication, was organized in January, 1921, as the Committee on Social and Religious Surveys. It conducts and publishes studies and sur- veys and promotes conferences for their consideration. The Institute’s aim is to combine the scientific method with the religious motive. It co- operates with other social and religious agencies, but is itself an independent organization. The directorate of the Institute is composed of: John R. Mott, Chair- man; Ernest D. Burton, Secretary; Raymond B. Fosdick, Treasurer; James L. Barton, W. H. P. Faunce and Kenyon L. Butterfield. Galen M. Fisher is Executive Secretary. The offices are at 370 Seventh Avenue, New York City. A CENSUS ANALYSIS OF AMERICAN VILLAGES Being a Study of the 1920 Census Data for 177 Villages Scattered Over the United States DY in y, C. LUTHER FRY WITH TABLES, CHARTS AND MAPS Institute of Social and Religious Research New York Copyright, 1925. Institute of Social and Religious Research. PRESS OF CLARENCE S. NATHAN, INC., NEW YORK, INTRODUCTION An analysis of village populations is important from many dif- ferent viewpoints. It is important merely because of the number of people living in villages. It is even more important because village populations are intimately involved in certain great national problems. The cityward migration of rural populations is one of these problems since many of the people now moving into our great industrial centers are from villages. Town and country relation- ships create another problem involving village populations. Just as the respective attitudes of capital and of labor are vital to indus- trial peace, so the attitude of village to open country and of open country to village are vital to agricultural peace. Yet all too often these rural contacts are characterized by friction and hostility. In spite of the importance of these problems, the available information about the village populations of the United States has been quite meager. Although the Federal Government has been accustomed regularly to collect its Census data separately for each incorporated village, nevertheless it has never published this infor- mation in any detail except for places having more than 2,500 in- habitants. For incorporated villages below this size it prints only a single figure—the total population of each village. Because the information about villages was so meager, the Institute of Social and Religious Research decided to undertake, under the direction of Dr. Edmund deS. Brunner, a rather elaborate study into the economic, social and religious aspects of village life. From the outset it was agreed to limit the inquiry to “agricultural” villages. By an agricultural village was meant one that was located in a strictly farming area. This distinction was made to avoid the complicating factors that would arise if in addition to agricultural villages there were included in the same study suburban villages, cotton mill villages, mining villages, lumbering villages, etc. The original plan of the inquiry provided for the sending of trained investigators into approximately 150 villages scattered over the country. It was agreed that these surveyors should be sent out in teams of two and that each team should spend from two to three weeks in studying each village. It was proposed to ask the Institute’s field workers not only to write up in detail the particular Vii situation and problems they found in every village surveyed, but also to fill out a rather elaborate questionnaire calling for precise quantitative facts about many aspects of village life. It was hoped in this way to gain insight into the distinctive problems of each village and in addition to get data that would be strictly compar- able for all the villages. The general plan of the inquiry also included more intensive studies in nine villages. It was proposed to make in these places a house-to-house canvass to ascertain the composition of each house- hold as well as certain social and religious affiliations and attitudes. It was also proposed that, in a number of places, the high-school pupils should be asked to answer a questionnaire that would give some insight into the attitudes of these boys and girls toward certain major problems of village life. This in brief was the village project which the Institute approved in principle in January, 1923. But the project had hardly been approved, before it was sug- gested that the scope and plan of the study be materially expanded. In a word, the change proposed was that the material collected by the Institute’s field workers be supplemented by an analysis of the 1920 Census figures for the same villages. The obvious argument in favor of this plan was that it would supply far more accurate information about the composition and characteristics of village populations than could possibly be obtained by the Institute’s field workers. Through the invaluable coéperation of Dr. Charles J. Galpin of the Department of Agriculture, and of the Honorable William M. Steuart, Director of the Census, such an analysis was finally made. Although the special tabulation of Census data was undertaken solely because it would supplement the Institute’s field study of American villages, the material was felt to be of sufficient value on its own account to warrant separate publication. In order to test the public demand for the information, it was decided to begin by publishing only that part of the Census material that dealt with the villages of the Middle Atlantic states. Because the entire edition of this monograph, which appeared under the title of “A Census Analysis of Middle Atlantic Villages,’ was practically exhausted within a month, the Institute felt justified in publishing the rest of its Census data in three additional monographs dealing viii respectively with Southern, Middle Western and Far Western villages. The general interest in these pamphlets has finally led to the decision to put out the present book which, except for the summary at the end, consists of the four pamphlets bound into a single book. This volume, therefore, contains the detailed Census findings for all the villages included in the Institute’s special tabu- lation. Since the Federal Government does not compile data for individual villages that are unincorporated, the study has neces- sarily been limited to villages which in 1920 were incorporated. With few exceptions, all the places studied fell within the definition of the term “‘village’’ as used throughout the Institute’s earlier studies; namely, population centers ranging between 250 and 2,500. Many people codperated in making possible this Census analysis of villages. The invaluable services of Honorable William M. Steuart, Director of the Census, and of Dr. Charles J. Galpin of the Department of Agriculture, have already been mentioned. The actual work of tabulating the material from the Census sheets in Washington was done under the direction of Mrs. William C. Hunt, whose long experience with Census procedure enabled her to turn out an unusually accurate piece of work in relatively short time. Miss Mary Johnston, was responsible for preparing the Tables in Part I for presentation in published form, while Miss Gwendolyn S. Hughes had charge of compiling the Tables in Parts II, HI and IV, and also wrote the text accompanying the Far West Tables. CONTENTS TW PHODUCTION rt eae eae arn tence pria Sete near tata Cele Maa Vii Parr I: Miuppie ATLANTIC VILLAGES............-20e0000- i DAR Da ae MOUTHERNGW ALUAGIS, ii We ie oe Souris Vania cts Pelee anes 33 Part IIIT: Mip-Western VILLAGES.............2..0 ec c eee 65 DARTULVe OMAR WESTERN VILLAGES E. ii.) seit og te hones te 121 LAR TIORY COO UMMARY Unc aree er are eye enero falcon a fet 153 xi nf mM ava af Yi a”) Hoa. At tek it TABLES Title REGIONAL SUMMARY—COMPARATIVE FIGURES FOR VILLAGES “AND FOR! Crrims ho es a ok PoPpuLATION GROWTH AND DECLINE OF VILLAGES FROME SOO PTOI OSLO Feet cos a eee She oles Cotor, Nativiry AND PARENTAGE OF PoPULA- TION RS wae os PERCENTAGE-DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION BY Cotor, NATIviry AND PARENTAGE......... Native Waite Popuntation Born IN STATE OF RESIpENCH 4 Ar eee Native Waire Popruuation Havinae MorTuHer Born IN STATE OF RESIDENCE............. Puace oF BrirtH oF ForreIGN-Born PopunatTion. YEAR OF IMMIGRATION OF ForREIGN-BoRN Porv- TATION DL tee eae oe TRIO Ae Oat bts La DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION BY SEX.......... xili Number Villages Page I Middle Atlantic 9 XXV_ South 41 XLIX Middle West 13 LXXIII Far West 129 II Middle Atlantic 10 XXVI South 42 L Middle West 74 LXXIV_ Far West 130 III Middle Atlantic 11 XXVII South 43 LI Middle West 76 LXXV_ Far West 131 IV Middle Atlantic 12 XXVITT South 44 LII Middle West 78 LXXVI_ Far West 132 ‘V Middle Atlantic 13 XXIX South 45 LIII Middle West 80 LXXVII Far West 133 VI Middle Atlantic 14 XXX South 46 LIV Middle West 82 LXXVIII Far West 134 VII Middle Atlantic 15 XXXI South 47 LV Middle West 84 LXXIX Far West 135 VIII Middle Atlantic 16 XXXII South 48 LVI Middle West 86 LXXX_ Far West 136 IX Middle Atlantic 17 XXXIII South 49 LVII Middle West 88 LXXXI Far West 137 TABLES Title Number Ace-DistrRIBUTION OF Mates By TEN-YEAR INTERVALS. Oe ohol se bas eek ROT Cn x XXXIV LVIII LXXXII AGrE-DISTRIBUTION OF FEMALES BY TEN-YEAR INTERVAIBI LG fF aiekee we ook e eee XI XXXV LIX LXXXIII Marita, ConpiTtion ‘or Mares 15 YEARS OF Agn AND) OVER: 377000229 apc eee XII XXXVI LX LXXXIV Maritat ConpITION OF FEMALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Yeti Geen ee eee eter XIII XXXVII LXxI LXXXV Scuoot ATTENDANCE OF Maes BETWEEN 7 AND 21 UW. XEARS OF AGHE Hie iiiccs see eee eer XIV XXXVIII LXII LXXXVI ScHooL ATTENDANCE OF FEMALES BETWEEN 7 AND 21, ¥ WARS OF CAGE 5). oy mene bine en XV XXXIX LXIII LXXXVII ILLITERATES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER By SEX XVI XL LXIV LXXXVIII ILLITERATES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER BY Coton ‘ann’ NATIVITY cs wan oe ee dee XVII XLI LXV LXXXIX NATURALIZATION OF ForEIGN-BoRN WHITE Pop- ULATION 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER..... XVIII XLII LXVI XC Villages Middle Atlantic South Middle West Far West Middle Atlantic South Middle West Far West Middle Atlantic South Middle West Far West Middle Atlantic South Middle West Far West Middle Atlantic South Middle West Far West Middle Atlantic South Middle West Far West Middle Atlantic South Middle West Far West Middle Atlantic South Middle West Far West Middle Atlantic South Middle West Far West Page 18 50 90 138 19 51 92 139 20 52 94 140 21 53 96 141 22 54 98 142 23 55 100 143 24 56 102 144 25 57 104 145 26 58 106 146 TABLES Title Home OWNERSHIP AND Size OF FAMILY........ OccuPaTIONS OF GaAINFULLY EMPLOYED MALEs 10 Years or AGE AND OVmR..............; OccuPATIONS OF GAINFULLY EMPLOYED FEMALES 10 Years or AGE AND OVER.............. MaritTaL ConpiITvTION oF GAINFULLY EMPLOYED 15 Yrears or AGE AND OVER..... NATIONAL SUMMARY—COMPARATIVE PERCENT- AGES FOR VILLAGES BY REGIONS AND FOR THE UNITED STATES AS A WHOLE...... Number XIX XLITI LXVII XCI XX XLIV LXVIII XCII XXI Villages Page Middle Atlantic 27 South 59 Middle West 108 Far West 147 Middle Atlantic 28 South ‘60 Middle West 110 Far West 148 Middle Atlantic 29 South 61 Middle West 112 Far West 149 Middle Atlantic 30 South 62 Middle West 114 Far West 150 Middle Atlantic 31 South 63 Middle West 116 Far West 151 Middle Atlantic 32 South 64 Middle West 118 Far West 152 All Regions 163 DIAGRAMS Number Page MippiEe ATLANTIC VILLAGES I—LocaTION oF THE 34 MippLE ATLANTIC VILLAGES................. @& IJ—Puace or Birra sy States, oF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION IN THE 33 New YoRK AND PENNSYLVANIA VILLAGES Born OUTSIDE OF STATE (OF RESIDENCES. us carats ae ha soiree he ea ee 4 I1J—Country or Brrtu or THE ForErIGN-BoRN PoPULATION oF 33 MIp- DLE ATLANTIC "= VILUAGES is ay cto voele ate Ghd Ge ie aie ae ten IV—Ratio or Mates To FEMALES IN VILLAGES, CITIES AND Farm Pop- TILATIONS eiccenous csi: cies beleive aa aval i beat Shee s Uarepaimels nee esti iGc geal, mat ee rf V—AcE-DISTRIBUTION OF THE POPULATION OF THE 34 MiIppLE ATLANTIC VILLAGES AND OF THE UNITED STATES..... isl Con WER wr aie Ob oR RE I, VI—Occupations oF Mates 10 Yrars or AGE AND Over GAINFULLY EMPLOYED IN 34 VILLAGES AND 10 CriT1IEs oF THE MIDDLE AT- LANTIC: REGION 04 GuoUe pe ehw ce 6 sete eRe ae ee ee 8 SoUTHERN VILLAGES VII—LocaTIon oF THE 44 SOUTHERN VILLAGES................2-ee002-. SA VIJI—P ace or Birtu By States oF THE NATIVE WHITE PoruLATION Born OuTsIDE OF STATE OF RESIDENCE: (ABOVE) IN THE 14 NortTH AND SoutH CAROLINA VILLAGES, (BELOW) IN THE 9 TEXAS AND ARKANSAS?) VILDAGES Vit CR no eke oe eh os eee Cee ate re a IX—AGE-DISTRIBUTION OF THE POPULATION OF THE 44 SOUTHERN VIL- LAGESCAND OF ATLANTA, (GEORGIAY f. 0 soo, tee oe aie ce eee MippLeE WESTERN VILLAGES X—LocaTION OF THE 65 MippLe WESTERN VILLAGES................. 66 XI—Country or Brrtu or THE ForREIGN-BoRN POPULATION OF THE 65 VGA GES es. hee! Coen es ore eer cre EU Res ato Rea ee eee XII—Ratio or Mares to FEMALES IN VILLAGES, CITIES AND Farm Pop- GUATIONS one tees pene ree ree Mahala Ae te’ ta ia eed eee ere RED XITI—AcE-DIstTRIBUTION OF THE POPULATION OF 65 VILLAGES AND OF ST. Lous; sMiIssourr. 2a Kihei iie oe SA athe © aes een Ge nat ora het eae Far WESTERN VILLAGES XIV—LocatTion oF THE 34 Far WESTERN VILLAGES...............-2-0-- 122 XV—Occupations or Mates 10 Yrars or AGE AND Over GAINFULLY EMPLOYED IN 34 VILLAGES AND 8 CITIES IN THE Far WeEstT.... 128 SumMMARY For Auu VILLAGES XVI—Ratio or Mates TO FEMALES BY REGIONS .............-.. 1857 X VII—AGE-DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGERS BY REGIONS.............--. 159 XVIITI—PERcCENTAGE OF MALES AND FEMALES OF DIFFERENT AGE- GROUPS IN VILLAGES AND IN THE RuRAL AREAS OF THE UNITED STATES...... até Petes ea dees aa en are wales 162 PART I—MIDDLE ATLANTIC VILLAGES The following pages present a Census analysis of thirty-four villages, of which eighteen are situated in New York, fifteen in Pennsylvania and one in Maryland. The actual location of the villages is shown in Diagram I. Although Thurmont is located in Maryland, it has been included in this discussion of Middle Atlantic* villages because the Census data as well as a first-hand survey of Thurmont revealed the fact that this village, which is located just below the Pennsylvania state line, is northern rather than southern in its chief characteris- tics. For example, it has only one Negro in a total population of 1,074. In Tables II to XXIV inclusive, the important facts gathered by the 1920 Census have been presented for each village, showing in considerable detail the composition, characteristics and occupa- tions of its population. Although the Census data show that the villages of New York and Pennsylvania have many points of resemblance, their differ- ences were thought of sufficient importance to warrant the com- pilation of separate subtotals for each state. Such comparisons show, for instance, that the proportion of foreign-born in New York’s villages is several times as large as in the Pennsylvania villages. In addition to the tables giving the Census data for individual villages, a summary tabulation has been included as Table I, which presents figures showing how the totals for the thirty-four villages compare with the 1920 Census facts for a group of representative cities. In this way, it has been possible to bring out some of the significant differences in the composition and characteristics of village populations and those of cities. The New York cities chosen for comparative purposes are Amsterdam, Auburn, Binghampton, Elmira, Jamestown and Rome, while those of Pennsylvania are Allentown, Harrisburg, Lancaster and York. All of these cities had populations in 1920 ranging between 25,000 and 100,000, and all had diversified industries. It is confidently believed that these ten places are representative of the medium-sized cities in the Middle Atlantic region. * The Census limits the term Middle Atlantic to the area covered by the three states—New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Webste r© @ve dus Boonvi/le f es Phelps Honeoye Falls ® @ Skon- ah) ae ae é © -eate/es © fu/torville Pee we feat (nterlaken @£er/-, ® p a ville Ellicottville Bainbridge @ 6 Altamont Catraraugus Delhr See a a © 2 OCanisteo _ ON t0n PA. eS @Linesvil/e OWyr/usin @ BSenton A411 Hall CHOP er ry AR oad fiowar /®@ @A ace burg $ Cerzrer Aalt® Ho lifa x A Afartinshurg ©) © @Richlond p> NZS Conne ci oe Gu 1G Ader cersbhurg © Grove oe IM fe © Cale ids SGALE OF MILES Dracram I—LocaTIoNn or THE 34 MippLtEe ATLANTIC VILLAGES It may seem strange that the summary presented in Table I excludes Census totals for the entire Middle Atlantic region. After careful consideration, however, it was decided not to include such regional figures because it was found they were so largely influenced by the two metropolitan districts of New York City and Philadel- phia that they were of little value for comparative purposes. Among the more striking facts revealed by Table I, the first point to be noted is the relatively slow growth of villages. The thirty Middle Atlantic villages for which population figures are available for the last three Census periods* grew only 13.2 per cent. during the last twenty years, or at one-fourth the rate of the ten * Four villages had to be dropped from this comparison because they were not incorporated in 1900 and therefore population figures were not available for the earlier period. selected cities. Data for the United States as a whole, show that during the same period the nation grew three times as rapidly as our thirty villages. Further analysis shows that during this twenty-year period, the fourteen Pennsylvania villages for which population data for all three periods were available, grew 26.8 per cent. compared with a growth of 5.1 per cent. for the fifteen New York villages. A special tabulation of all the Pennsylvania and New York villages which were incorporated prior to 1900,* shows that during the interval the average Pennsylvania village grew 27.8 per cent. and the New York, 8.9 per cent., indicating that the population trends revealed by our village sample are representative of general ten- dencies in the two states. Turning to the composition of the population, figures for the thirty-four villages show that a very high proportion of the inhabi- tants are native Americans who were born in the states in which they now reside. Approximately ninety-five out of every 100 villagers are native whites, which is one-eighth higher than the ratio in the cities. This difference is explained by the large pro- portion of foreign-born settling in cities. Not only are the vast majority of the village people native whites, but more than four out of five are native-born of native parents, while only about three out of five of the city inhabitants fall in this class. Moreover, 93 per cent. of the native whites in villages were born in the states in which they now reside, and even those born elsewhere came mainly from adjacent areas. This fact is clearly demonstrated by Diagram II which shows by states the birthplaces of all the native white inhabitants of the thirty-three New York and Pennsylvania villages who were born outside these two states. Taking up the question of the foreign-born, analysis shows not only that immigrants bulk three times as large in the population of cities as of villages, but that the aliens living in these two pop- ulation areas are of different types. Seventy-two per cent. of the foreign-born in villages and only 44 per cent. in the urban centers were born in Northwest Europe. In other words, the foreign-born who have settled in villages are largely representative of the “‘older”’ rather than of the “newer immigration.” This statement is borne * This special tabulation was limited to villages that had in 1920 popula- tions ranging between 250 and 2,500. DracrRAM IJ—Puacer or BirtH By STATES OF THE NATIVE WHITE POPULATION IN THE 33 New YorRK AND PENNSYLVANIA VILLAGES Born OvrTsIDE oF STATE OF RESIDENCE The native whites in these 33 villages born outside of state of residence constitute only 6.6 per cent. of the total native white population. Data for Thurmont, Maryland, have not been included in this diagram. out by the fact that in villages considerably more than half the foreign-born came to this country prior to 1900, compared with 36 per cent. in the cities. A map showing the country of birth of the foreign-born villagers is presented as Diagram III. One of the most amazing differences between the villages and the cities is the proportion of males to females. In the ten selected cities, this ratio is 96 males to every 100 females, while the recently published Census analysis of 1920 farm populations shows that in the Middle Atlantic region males exceed the females in a ratio of 110.6 to 100. In the thirty-four villages, on the other hand, there are only 88 males to every 100 females. This dearth of men in villages is shown graphically by Diagram IV. Another amazing fact brought out by Table I, is the prepon- derance of elderly people in villages. In the thirty-four villages studied, only one-third of the men and women are between the ages of twenty and forty-five, while more than one-third are forty-five and over. In the cities, however, no fewer than four persons out of ten, both males and females, are between twenty and forty-five, while only one-fourth are forty-five or over. The abnormally large proportion of old people living in villages is graphically shown by Diagram V which compares, by ten-year periods, the age and sex distribution of the village populations with total figures for the United States as a whole. Differences in the marital condition of village dwellers and city dwellers are also significant. In villages, roughly 27 per cent. of both the males and females fifteen years of age and over are single. ‘This ratio is lower than in cities where 29 per cent. of the women and 32 per cent. of the men are single. In view of the relatively low proportion of single men and women in villages, one would natur- ally expect that the proportion of married people living there would be correspondingly higher. For the men this inference is correct, but curiously enough it does not hold for the women. ‘The pro- portion of women who are married is actually lower in the villages (A * DiacramM [II—Country or Birtu or THE ForEIGN-BorN POPULATION or 33 Mippue ATLANTIC VILLAGES The foreign-born constitute only 4.5 per cent. of the population of these 33 villages. Data for Thurmont, Maryland, have been excluded from this diagram because no foreign-born live there. than in the cities. The explanation for this fact lies in the unusu- ally large number of widows living there. Almost one-sixth of all the village women fifteen years of age and over fall into this class, compared with slightly less than one-eighth in cities, In the matter of school attendance the villages make a better record than the cities, particularly among the older girls. Sixty- two per cent. of the girls sixteen and seventeen years of age are in school, compared with 35 per cent. in the cities, while among the eighteen to twenty-one age-group, the village record is twice the urban figure, being 24 contrasted with 12 per cent. At first thought the attendance records of village schools might appear to account for the fact that illiteracy in villages is only one- third as great as in cities. Further analysis, however, indicates that this is owing mainly to the larger number of foreign-born living in cities. Among the native whites the proportion of illiterates is much the same in both population areas. As might have been expected, the proportion of “homes rented”’ is much smaller in villages than in cities. Nearly 60 per cent. of village homes are owned, as against 41 per cent. in urban areas. Coming finally to the question of occupations, the data show that three-quarters of the village men and one-fifth of the women ten years of age and over are classified by the Census as gainfully employed. These are appreciably lower proportions than are found in cities, where 81 per cent. of the males and 29 per cent. of the females are gainfully employed. For the boys and girls in their teens the contrast is even more striking. Less than half of the village boys fifteen to twenty years of age are gainfully employed, compared with two-thirds in the cities, while for the village girls of the same age the ratio is 30 per cent., contrasted with 54 per cent. in cities. One of the remarkable facts revealed by this occupation analysis is the relatively small number of villagers gainfully employed in agriculture. Only 9 per cent. of the men and less than 1 per cent. of the women fall into this classification. Of course these low ratios can be accounted for in part by the fact that the 1920 Census, unlike former enumerations, was taken in January, when there was very little agricultural employment; nevertheless it is significant that the occupational classification of village populations does not differ materially from that of city populations. In both, the largest group of wage earners, male and female, is engaged in manufactur- M1 /dd//e Atlantic Region Siales Fer 100 fena/es o 40 SELECTED CITIES 34 VILLAGES Brees «eee teed FARM | POPULATION DracramM IV—Ratio or Mates to FEMALES IN VIL- LAGES, CITIES AND FarM POPULATIONS Fer Cent, Fer Cer. Fer Cent. Per Cent, Gene er he eS © Ue - DracramM VI—OccupaTions oF Mates 10 YEARS oF AGE AND OVER GAINFULLY EMPLOYED IN 34 VILLAGES AND 10 CitTIes or THE MIpDLE ATLANTIC REGION 1920 Crnsus SUBJECT Population: Increase 1910—-1920.. . Increase 1900-1910... Wihites er Colored. = hos a ee Native White.......... Native parentage... . Foreign parentage... Mixed parentage..... Foreign-Born White... . Foreign-Born: Northwestern Europe. Other Europe........ Ganadatcey tn". All others........ Year of Immigration: SUL On Loe0 Wy. aac eos Illiterates: 10 years and over..... a's BS) Feel der Re ie aaa re Wemales ee (i. eats Native white. ....... Foreign white. ...... Colorentiea so bos ak Tenure of Homes: Rented fers eels tones Ownedses ss see. Free.... Encumbered...... : Unknown ick fis. Tenure unknown.... . Gainful Employment Per Cent. 34 10 Vil- Cities lages *7.5 *5.3 99.3 ef 94.9 82.0 Females 15 yrs. and over: Married wisi os 23b4 Not married......... 9.0 37.9 13.2 57.4 Mippue Atiantic REGION TABLE I—SUMMARY—COMPARATIVE FIGURES FOR 34 VILLAGES AND FOR 10 CITIES SUBJECT Age: Under 10 years....... LO TOIZU Rah evans 2 cue AB GS GE) MA G5anG OVEEY ca weea Unknown........ Marital Condition 15 Years and Over: Widowed) fe ee Divorced...... Unknown....... School Attendance Age Group: TetO LAL eae TART AL eee tae eal SONG ae Ste Lee ets Gainful Employment Age Group: 10 years and over...... BUA ph aya Ra Ba NS ae ee ESCO Si eeteacrats eens SO) tO Gai site cee alee s 45 to GbFP 2s A 66 and over... )...... Occupation: Agriculture.......... Extraction of minerals Manufacture......... Transportation....... rade Ree eo. Public service. ....... Professional service. . . Domestic and personal Service ee Wie ets as Clerical , pa... * For only 30 villages; see Table II. Per CENT. MALE FEMALE 34 10 34 10 Vil- Cities Vil- Cities lages lages 16.3 15.4 33.4 23.8 11.0 74.8 96.0 91.9 61.9 tt iat cer tO ox CO ee mt 3 69 HH —_ 9 ie) 1920 Census Mippie ATLANTIC REGION TABLE II—POPULATION GROWTH AND DECLINE FROM 1900 TO 1920 FOR 30 VILLAGES* DATA FROM THE FOURTEENTH CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES, VOL. I, TABLE 51 STATE AND VILLAGE LOLRL OU ee New YorK...... ATTN Copan. woe ee Altamont ii. ccs cee Bainbridge.......... Boonville fn, Canisted een ics, 4 Cattaraugus...... Delhi ste eels Earlville: (0.35 ..6: Ellicottville... .... Franklinville. .... Fultonville.......... Honeoye Falls....... Newport......... Rhelpsii i} ice sce Skaneateles...... PENNSYLVANIA....... Benton fore eee Centre Halligan ox ASEM EN me MRTG asap! Howard!) 00. 46% Linesville......... Martinsburg........ McConnellsburg.... . Mercersburg........ ; Middleburg......... Mi Hae eras Millville......... Spring Grove.... PL POV te oc Wiatbige eae wavs Weyaittene +, 242k. MARYLAND Lhurmontyr. 2 tots POPULATION 1920 1910 33,291 30,957 19,240 18,476 782 729 797 674 1,259 1,159 1.914 1,794 2,201 2,259 1,347 1,165 1,669 1,736 792 874 950 985 2.015 1,568 869 812 1,107 1,169 703 583 1,200 1,354 1,635 1,615 19.07% s 211-578 696 719 525 500 771 745 621 667 1,015 833 955 920 689 579 1,663 1,410 984 531 1,238 1,043 658 611 1,115 1,152 1,419 1,288 628 580 1,074 903 1900 29,405 18,305 722 689 1,092 1,745 2,077 1,382 2,078 711 886 1,360 977 1,175 610 1,306 1,495 - 10,232 635 537 618 563 661 590 576 956 513 1,010 593 1,005 1,450 525 868 DEcENNIAL INCREASET 1910-1920 Num- Per ber Cent. 2,334 7.5 764 4.1 53 fies: 123 18.3 100 8.6 120 6.7 —58 —2.6 182 15.6 —67 —3.9 —82 —9.4 —35 —3.6 447 28.5 57 7.0 —62 —5.3 120 20.6 —154 —11.4 20 ie 1,399 1A | —23 —3.2 25 5.0 26 8.5 —46 —6.9 182 21.9 35 3.8 110 19.0 253 17.9 453 85.3 195 18.7 47 vey) —37 —3.2 131 10.2 48 8.3 171i 18.9 1900-1910 Num- Per ber Cent. 1,552 5.8 iw 9 7 1.0 —15 —2@2 67 6.1 49 2.8 182 8.8 —217 —15.7 —342 —16.5 163 22.9 99 11.2 208 15.3 —165 —16.9 —6 —.5 —27 —4.4 48 bs Hd 120 8.0 1,346 13.2 84 13.2 —37 —6.9 127 20.6 104 18.5 172 26.0 330 55.9 a Oo 454 47.5 18 3.5 33 3.3 18 3.0 147 14.6 —162 —11.2 55 10.5 35 4.0 * Table includes only the 30 villages which were incorporated by 1900. { A minus sign (—) denotes decrease. 10 1920 Census Mippie ATLANTIC REGION TABLE III—COLOR, NATIVITY AND PARENTAGE OF POPULATION ToTAaL WHITE CoL- Popvu- Total Native-Born Foreign ORED* STATE AND LATION White Total NativeForeign Mixed Born VILLAGE Native Parent- Parent- Parent- Born = age age age Total................ 87,841 37,065 35,439 30,603 92%,615 . 2,221 1,626 276 WN Er ORK ate arias 22.449 22.328 20,863 16,726 2,297 1,840 1,465 121 Dar Ak pee pea 782 782 771 720 24 Q7 11 Witeamonts <> flee. « 797 797 760 711 28 21 37 Bainbridge... 1.5 . aul, 259) 5 15990-12207) TTS 57 50 39 Boonville.) wea. coe 914) 1,914) * 41,7965 11,882 295 239 118 are Canisteo.........., 9%,201 92,199 92143 1,995 59 89 56 Q Cattaraugus........ 1,847 1,347 1,250 1,000 124 126 97 aie Dee wees C69) TOE 1628 1: 206 139 178 92 54 OATEVING ees athe 792 792 762 661 48 53 30 BH Ellicottville. ....... 950 934 881 630 148 103 53 16 Franklinville....... 2,015 2,011 1,911 1,642 128 141 100 4 Fultonville......... 869 862 807 667 74 66 55 7 Honeoye Falls...... 1,107 1,091 995 712 185 98 96 16 Interlaken......... 633 633 617 545 41 31 AGS INewportic ss «6a ost 703 695 639 488 89 62 56 8 EDOM arg ce rae oa as SOU ls LOO tal LL ST, 897 164 76 62 1 Skaneateles........ 1,635 1,628 1,422 908 317 197 206 4 Sodus 4.0. yd rene es S29 Sean ToT 806 213 138 166 6 Webster... 5.40.02, A1j;947)) -29477..1, 072 693 234 145 175 PENNSYLVANIA....... 13,818 13,664 13,503 12,815 314 374 161 154 Benton anctaas os 696 696 696 673 10 13 aie Centre Hall........ 525 525 520 502 8 10 5 Tablas. cesta 771 767 763 738 8 17 4 4 Howard... cao) 621 621 619 585 12 22 g 1,015 1,015 995 912 42 41 20 Martinsburg........ 955 954 951 907 16 28 3 1 McConnellsburg. .. . 689 689 686 663 13 10 ae Mercersburg....... 1,663 1,519 1,499 1,412 43 44 20 3=144 Middleburg........ 984 984 982 973 Q 7 2 PLease ae 1,288 1,238 1,204 1,195 45 34 34 Millville ou ae 658 658 650 615 3 $2 8 Richland. is5 ee S 841 841 840 830 ace 10 1 $8 Spring Grove....... 1,115 1,114 1,106 1,081 10 15 8 1 LTOY (ake eel ates 1,419 1,415 1,375 1,220 78 77 40 4 Wyalusing......... 628 628 617 579 24 14 11 MARYLAND LOUPMOUGS nites aks 1,074 1,073 1,073 1,062 4 7 Ha, 1 * All colored persons in these 34 villages are native-born; 2 are Indians, all others Negroes. rin 1920 CENSUS Mippie ATLANTIC REGION TABLE IV—PERCENTAGE-DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION BY COLOR, NATIVITY AND PARENTAGE WHITE Cou- Total Native-Born For- ORED* STATE AND White Total Native Foreign Mixed _ eign VILLAGE Native Parent- Parent- Parent- Born Born age age age Oba ee Wai oren in. Wits 99.3 94.9 82.0 7.0 5.9 44 rf INDW, oY OBR 3. ota sh 99.5 93.0 74.5 10.3 8.2 6.5 oO ATOR Meek er ee ae 100.0 98.6 92.1 3.1 3.4 1.4 Allamontivseeiiyeso 100.0 95.4 89.2 3.5 2.7 4.6 Bainbridge.......... 100.0 96.9 88.4 4.5 4.0 oe Boonville 227 Gh 100.0 93.8 69.6 EL 12.5 6.2 Canisteos 2 sistant 99.9 97.4 90.7 2.7 4.0 2.5 1 Cattaraugus......... 100.0 92.8 74.2 9.2 9.4 1.2 he a Delhei eran iy 96.8 91.3 72.3 8.3 10.7 5.5 3.2 BRarlvilles) fea 100.0 96.2 83.4 6.1 6.7 3.8 Se Ellicottville......... 98.3 92.7 66.3 15.6 10.8 5.6 1.7 Franklinville........ 99.8 94.8 81.5 6.3 7.0 5.0 2 Fultonville. ;270..2.2 99.2 92.9 76.8 8.5 7.6 6.3 8 Honeoye Falls....... 98.6 89.9 64.3 16.7 8.9 Sone). 4 Interlaken.......... 100.0 97.5 86.1 6.5 4.9 2: Snes Newportie. va, fi. 4 98.9 90.9 69.4 12.7 8.8 S009 LI Phelosweier nee tet 99.9 94.7 74.7 13.7 6.3 5.2 ok Skaneateles......... 99.6 87.0 55.5 19.4 12.1 12.6 A Soduse fea a 99.5 87.0 60.6 16.0 10.4 12.5 5 Webster............ 100.0 86.0 55.6 18.8 11.6 14.0 > PENNSYLVANIA........ 98.9 97.7 92.7 2.3 2.7 Loramie? Benton. views eee 100.0 100.0 96.7 1.4 1.9 Cate Centre Hall......... 100.0 99.0 95.6 1.5 1.9 1.0 set's Hahiax is Si ifr § 99.5 99.0 95.7 1.1 2 O 5 Howard sy.k ees 100.0 99.7 94.2 1.9 3.6 3 pays Lanesville: vce aes 100.0 98.0 89.9 4.1 4.0 2.0 ot Martinsburg........ 99.9 99.6 95.0 Liat 2.9 a ak McConnellsburg.... . 100.0 99.6 96.2 1.9 1.5 e Eea eee Mercersburg........ 91.3 90.1 84.9 2.6 2.6 Lita 8.7 Middleburg......... 100.0 99.8 98.9 2 PY I 2 a Mall Halles ches hse 100.0 97.3 90.9 3.6 2.8 2.7 Millville oe yeg: 222. 100.0 98.8 93.5 4 4.9 1.2 a: Richlands: J232-%3 28 100.0 99.9 98.7 ah 1.2 “| Pants Spring Grove........ 99.9 99.2 97.0 9 1.3 fr nh LOVES oo teeas ne 99.7 96.9 86.0 5.5 5.4 2.8 Oo Wyalusing.......... 100.0 98.2 92.2 3.8 22 1.8 3 MARYLAND RUPMONG si wi ea ee 99.9 99.9 98.9 4 6 Suen 1 * See note (*), Table III. 12 1920 CENsUs MippLE ATLANTIC REGION TABLE V—NATIVE WHITE POPULATION BORN IN STATE OF RESIDENCE TotraL Bornin State ofr Resi- Born OvtsipE or STATE STATE AND NATIVE DENCE VLLAGE Wuire Total Male Female ‘Total Male Female Total Number 26)... .. ur 35,4389 33,093 15,484 17,609 2,346 1,035 Sik Per. Centiv. one 100.0 93.4 43.7 49.7 6.6 2.9 3.7 New York Numbersearae. os 20,863 19,328 8,958 10,370 1,535 670 865 Ber Centienscctie? 100.0 92.6 42.9 49.7 7A 3.2 4.2 ALLOW eres tacos T71°°. 694 330 364 ris 35 42 Altamonte. +... 760 732 334 398 28 9 19 Bainbridge........ 1,220 1,102 544 558 118 AT 71 Boonvillets.2.06.). 1,796 1,729 775 954 67 23 44 Canisteosc. bs Ue. 2,143 1,886 850 1,036 Q57 125 132 Cattaraligus, . 7... 1,250 1,141 562 579 109 48 61 Delhi, Mea bo oY. 1,523 1,390 649 TAL 133 55 78 Earlville: ...00s ... 762 719 326 393 43 16 27 Ellicottville....... 881 819 373 446 62 Q7 35 Franklinville...... 1,911 1,760 805 955 151 60 91 Fultonville........ 807 765 365 400 42 21 21 Honeoye Falls..... 995 923 435 488 72 34 38 Interlaken........ 617 581 259 322 36 17 19 INEWDOris ean nr sl 639 601 965 336 38 20 18 Phelnsseiys ca cea Lisi 1,086 506 580 51 23 28 Skaneateles....... 1,422 1,318 589 729 104 38 66 SMUG See lene act 1 hey Sy 1,086 493 593 val 35 36 Webster or. i. 0s: 1,072 996 498 498 76 ST 39 PENNSYLVANIA Numer, wens het 13,503 12,761 6,061 6,700 742 SOF 405 Per. Cents wess. gee 100.0 94.5 44.9 49.6 5.0 2.5 3.0 Benton ee ies. 696 679 313 366 17 9 8 Centre Hall....... 520 510 998 282 10 Q 8 Hahfaxme ens fone. 763 751 367 384 12 3 i HOWATO Oe nieces. 619 606 279 327 13 5 8 Linesville:........ 995 838 400 438 157 75 82 Martinsburg wes 951 929 418 511 22 11 11 McConnellsburg.. . 686 671 317 354 15 5 10 Mercersburg. ..... 1,499 1,360 628 732 139 79 60 Middleburg....... 982 956 479 477 26 10 16 MAH al 0a so: 1,204 1,180 593 587 94 8 16 Millvilla@ei 3.2.2. 650 627 291 336 93 9 14 Richlandyl. tae. 840 834 399 435 6 2 4 Spring Grove...... 1,106 1,076 527 549 30 15 15 LTOY Aeneas C89 1,375 1,188 554 634 187 78 109 Wralusing <0. 55. 617 556 268 288 61 26 35 MARYLAND Thurmont........ 1,073 1,004 465 539 69 28 41 13 1920 CENSUS Mippie ATLANTIC REGION TABLE VI—NATIVE WHITE POPULATION HAVING MOTHER BORN IN STATE OF RESIDENCE TotaL MortrHer Bornin State Moruer Born OvtsipgE STATE AND NATIVE oF RESIDENCE OF STATE VILLAGE Wuire Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Number.......... 385,439 28,307 18,255 15,052 2 ASZ 3,264 3,868 Per Gente oie. ese 100.0 79.9 37.4 42.5 20.1 9.2 10.9 New YorK Number... ....... 20,863. 15,414 7,153 8,261 5,449 QAT5 2,974 PersCentin. ime ae 100.0 73.9 34.3 39.6 26.1 11.9 14.2 ATTON eek a naeteet ag 623 294 329 148 71 fit! Altamont ci ae 760 685 311 374 75 Se 43 Bainbridge........ 1,220 969 481 488 951 110 141 Boonville......... 1,796 1,332 605 i at f 464 193 71 Ganisteosii Saiki zoe 2,143 1,685 756 929 458 219 239 Cattaraugus....... 1,250 934 463 A471 316 147 169 Delhi, cece 1,523 1,141 541 600 382 163 219 Hariviller: ijcaur) a 762 610 QTA 336 152 68 84 Ellicottville....... 881 559 245 314 322 155 167 Franklinville ...... 1,911 1,511 700 811 400 165 235 Fultonville. . 2...) 807 636 307 329 val 79 92 Honeoye Falls..... 995 658 291 367 aie 178 159 Interlaken........ 617 498 220 278 119 56 63 INGWDOFL. a chs lie rs 639 459 211 248 180 74 106 Phelps Side LAST 849 386 463 288 143 145 Skaneateles....... 1,422 859 887 472 563 240 323 Sodtis (vied bei iF 746 347 399 411 181 230 Websteriniie.bis Gas 1,072 660 334 326 412 201 211 PENNSYLVANIA NomMmpDEL oe. sea Ma) MLO. DUA LO 5,654 6,261 1,588 T44 844 Ber Cents. v.04 she ah 100.0 88.2 41.8 46.4 11.8 5.5 6.3 Bentoni-?... i. aoe 696 645 293 352 51 29 22 Centre Hall....... 520 499 221 278 21 9 12 Wa siifaxee cc sive kee 763 729 354 375 34 16 18 Howard s.2 eer 619 559 255 304 60 29 31 Lanesville@cc' wa cit 995 687 328 364 308 152 156 Martinsburg...... 951 886 397 489 65 32 33 McConnellsburg.. . 686 658 mai 347 28 11 17 Mercersburg...... 1,499 1,245 569 676 254 138 116 Middleburg....... 982 948 AT5 473 34 14 20 TTS Pits sites 1,204 1,111 556 555 93 45 48 MTU ile. Veet epee 650 608 286 322 42 14 28 Bichlann vies. ys aes 840 836 399 437 4 g 2 Spring Grove....... 1,106 —_‘1,050 518 532 56 24 32 BE POW rect ee cueaae 1,875 982 465 617 393 167 226 Wyalusing........ 617 472 232 240 145 62 83 MaryYLAND (Thurmont. 4 <). <2 1,073 978 448 530 95 45 50 14 1920 Crnsus AtTLANtic REGION TABLE VII—PLACE OF BIRTH OF FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION ToTAaL Persons Born IN Foretien- North-* STATE AND Born’ western Other South All VILLAGE Europe Europe Canada Mexico America Other Total Number) 0.0.6 « 1,626 1,167 249 198 Q 4 6 Per Centin., sigs. 100.0 71.8 15.4 12.2 1 sy 2 3 New York Nain ber sc sia peste 1,465 1,059 212 185 Q 3 4 PAM eOU O rs 100.0 72.3 14.5 12.6 l a 3 ON PLD cree sree ss 11 8 3 a ae 2) ae Altamont:.20c5 0040 37 22 13 g ae ’ ‘ Bainbridge........ 39 24 14 1 A Boonville. ..0...... 118 79 13 26 Canisteosiease eo sk3 56 92 15 19 ALLATAUSUS. 3... 0.0 97 78 | 5 14 ee (BET s OC Ser yaaa e 92 77 10 4 is Hartville. eco ees. 30 18 7 5 Ellicottville....... 53 44 6 2 1 Franklinville...... 100 67 18 12 2 1 Fultonville........ 55 42 9 4 Honeoye Falls..... 96 49 25 22 Interlaken........ 16 10 3 3 INTER POT E: siarhe ats! 56 46 1 9 ree athate 107 81 56 Fultonville..... 421 62 50 58 61 59 54 39 38 ae Honeoye Falls. . 520 88 76 40 us 75 66 60 41 1 Interlaken. .... 282 Q7 37 25 = ¥ f 39 45 48 2Q4 ws Newport....... 315 47 65 39 38 33 40 35 18 Bhelysiny re. 555 86 45 63 70 70 89 60 42 Skaneateles.... 726 107 92 93 84 113 95 88 54 SOGUE He cy dome 620 95 87 ian 98 87 81 55 4A - Webster....... 629 Lit bt a 84 95 86 63 49 97 1 PENNSYLVANIA Number....... 6,556 1,197 1,182 977 826 847 684 539 344 10 Per Cent.. Sele srk 00.037 518.3 17S LA Ow ISG To ear tO 8.3 5.2 Zz BEntON 4c ed 322 46 58 38 36 45 43 26 30 a0 Centre Hall. ... 234 36 38 20 29 29 30 $2 19 1 Hahfaxs? tare Sia 61 60 62 56 57 rats 20 24 Howard: 058 284 48 40 46 33 31 31 38 Li Linesville. ..... 483 81 80 68 60 59 58 37 40 Martinsburg... 433 98 78 60 46 57 25 44 25 McConnellsburg 324 66 59 Ss 43 39 30 35 19 Mercersburg... 784 174 126 125 112 101 60 55 31 Middleburg... . 491 82 89 72 61 67 52 43 25 Mill Hall...... 621 130 126 106 ra! 75 51 39 23 Millville....... 304 48 52 48 34 39 44 24 15 Richland....... 401 66 65 66 51 60 50 29 14 an Spring Grove... .48 110 105 3 69 62 70 Q7 10 2 LTO oe 655 101 101 108 87 89 70 61 35 3 Wyalusing..... 299 50 55 32 38 37 37 29 17 + MaryYLAND Thurmont..... 493 92 73 68 57 63 58 51 3] * Less than one-tenth of one per cent. 18 1920 Census Mippue ATLANTIC REGION TABLE XI—AGE-DISTRIBUTION OF FEMALES BY TEN-YEAR STATE AND VILLAGE Total Number...... Per Cent... New Yorr Number....... Pew Cent 57.0. 14.9 oO ‘Bentonrt) ost 294 56 185 52 Bele. 62.9 tek 4 Centre Hall... ..... 221 59 123 38 Vie 267 ebor nla ce 4 Haliiae sca cen 300 77 170 50 3 25.7 56.7 16.6 1.0 FIGWATOA hans i 259 82 = 142 35 A Ole O48. 18.6 ee Panesvillés ones hs 414 905 245 66 35 21%7as G16 9116.0 wi Martinsburg....... 886 125 195 65 1 324 50.5 .16.8 oO McConnellsburg. .. . 283 113 137 42 1 39.9 449 14.8 4 Mercersburg....... 621 2038 334 81 O2Oscs. .00.o mma LO. 5 Middleburg........ 395 95 253 45 2 24.0 64.1 11.4 5 Ai Hall io 435 99 87t7 59 oh ay 4 A oy COM be As: the Millyallecs fe) he3 275 76 160 36 Mo eine OO. eae Look Ft Richland- 3) a0) dan 335 87 200 47 1. 26.0' 59.7 , 14.0 ... TAT 15 688 8 55 i Honeoye Falls.... . 943 18 834 5 95 15 Interlaken......... 568 5 552 3 16 2 Newporti.. .. 023, 599 2 537 1 55 1 RGIS ee cee a ye, 0,090; 96 974 5 60 21 Skaneateles........ 1,432 10 1,219 Q 206 8 PSO same ae) ty Pek 14 968 a 163 10 Websters. s.4.- 74) 1,040 22 871 3 169 19 PENNSYLVANIA igiiselenmee ty omar eeres BAe BE 89 11,141 63 158 15 Per: Centev crac, 100.0 38 100.0 6 100.0 9.5 Bentonseeeeveres os 598 1 598 1 ae nbs centre: allen ea. 448 1 443 1 5 nit Halitaxee eet eo. 636 if 629 6 4 1 Bioware ete 6. 522 1 520 1 2 Linesvilleosis ch ee 856 Q 836 Q 20 Martinsburg....... 763 Q 759 1 Sailgias McConnellsburg. .. . 568 S 565 3 3 Ae Mercersburg....... 1,307 19 eal 9 20 : Middleburg........ 834 13 832 13 Q o Milbtalieey >, S28 978 91 946 12 32 9 Mallwillet 24.2 a5 oe: 553 1 545 a 8 1 Richlands os 336 23 713 1 712 1 1 Spring Grove....... 901 6 892 6 8 i LYOVAI Snares” L2G 6 1,171 3 40 3 Weralusings joes ce2 522 5 512 4 10 1 MARYLAND Thurmont..<)...:.. 895 Q 894 Q CoLoRED* Tllit- Total erate 215 100.0 99 tT 106 * All native-born, 2 Indians, all others Negroes. 7 Per cent. not shown, base less than 100. 25 10 1920 CENSUS Mippie ATLANTIC REGION TABLE XVIII—NATURALIZATION OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Botu SEXES MALEs FEMALES STATE AND Natur- Natur- Natur- VILLAGE Total alized Total alized Total alized Total INvimMber es on eate es 1,529 1,044 782 516 TA47 528 PérCenttiatis eeu ace 100.0 68.3 190.0 66.0 100.0 70.0 New York Wumiber 409) Seek 2h. 59h 1,377 970 703 476 674 494 Periient yee 100.0 70.4 100.0 Orne 100.0 to Ms: ATEOIAS,t eee ces ote 18! Q 8 2 3 he Altamont? co. corte ae 35 31 15 13 20 18 Bainbridge............ 38 28 29 15 16 13 Boonville; ae ese 115 81 59 AO 56 4] Canistedy incre wes ae 52 34 33 19 19 15 Cattaraugus, . 2. 64... 90% 92 74 46 38 46 36 Delhi yy Per ase Ace 88 78 42 38 46 40 Kariville;. a2 ee 30 25 16 12 14 ES Ellicottville........... 53 36 29 20 QA 16 Hranklinyulle s/s) .o0 oo 97 49 55 25 42 24 Pultonyilles. 8502-7 54 39 31 19 23 20 Honeoye Falls......... 89 74 39 at 50 43 Interlaken (300 So Oo) 16 10 6 5 10 5 INGWROPLE tiisi: ey Se 58 48 Q7 a 26 23 Pele cue cine. ces oe 58 51 23 20 35 ol ekaneateles.. 0)... 2. 50%; 200 148 94 76 106 72 POUR aes cron Sines eee 138 74 74 35 64 39 Webster sc. oes viet 158 88 84 43 74 45 PENNSYLVANIA Mum ber ged Ue eee 152 74 79 40 73 34 Per Cents cies. eee 100.0 48.7 ‘a . c * Bentan ce) ee oe a Mt Ag Centre Hall....... 5 4 4 3 1 1 Haliawsoe as 4 4 2 2 2 Q Howard setce ck Q be af iz: 2 ae Linesville........ 19 6 8 Q 11 4 Martinsburg.......... 3 2 3 2 me or McConnellsburg.... . 3 3 2 2 1 1 Mercersburg.......... 19 10 8 4 11 6 Middleburg 5 oom e 2 Q 2 2 ot % Mialitall 23 higig cee oe § 29 13 ib is 12 6 Milivillers (a eues 2.5 8 3 4 i 4 2 PUCHIBNG: Loc. ren Ane 1 | sil + fe 1 1 Spring Grove........ 8 4 5 2g 3 2 gba By Nite ale A 40 19 20 11 20 8 Wyalusing..... 9 3 + 2 5 1 MARYLAND -LRMTMONnL: ge aka es * Per cent. not shown, base less than 100. 1920 CENnsuUsS Mippie ATLANTIC REGION TABLE XIX—HOME OWNERSHIP AND SIZE OF FAMILY met SD Ot *W ToTaL Famities Livinc In Homes PrEr- STATE AND Fami- Rented Owned Tenure SONS VILLAGE LIES* Encum- Un- Un- TOA Total Free bered known knownFamity+ Total Number.......... 11,002 4,324 6,496 4,841 1.531 124 182 3.4 Per Gents. O07 se: we 100.0 39.3 59.0 44.0 13.9 1.1 1 hy Me New York Number.......... 6,848 2,510 4,244 3,000 1,183 61 94 oro Ber Center satin o 7100/0 36.7 62.0 43.8 LW fore: 9 1S elton Pie4 3) Marek 248 92 148 105 42 1 8 $.2 AMAMONE. «o)fao ys 254 117 136 86 30 20 1 SI Bainbridge........ 374 134 226 L3z 52 Q 14 3.4 Boon Ville a 613 233 375 291 84 ‘ 5 Sil Gamsteo! sie cat.. 655 Q42 400 292 106 g 13 3.4 Cattaraugus....... 390 108 282 190 92 a. Me 3.5 LBW Tipe ee oS eae 508 227 Q79 176 98 S Q 3.3 Harlvilles. 4 ry 256 74 182 141 41 iv, st 3.1 Ellicottville....... 298 88 204 130 62 12 6 3.2 Franklinville...... 576 253 307 208 99 ae 16 3.5 Fultonville........ 262 141 114 90 23 1 1 ete Honeoye Falls..... 342 104 235 164 68 3 3 8.2 Interlaken........ 231 84 136 96 37 3 iI 2.7 Newporti<) 226. 202 73 127 86 41 2 Q 3.5 JELV TS Be ee oat oe 380 108 Q71 206 56 9 1 a2, Skaneateles....... 503 150 353 255 97 1 3.3 ere LV Ba ben Ce 414 157 Q57 180 76 1 i ae Webster yi 4; M22. 342 125 212 132 79 1 5 3.6 PENNSYLVANIA Number.......... 3,859 1,724 2,055 1,700 314 41 80 3.6 Per Cents). baa. 400.0 44.7 53.2 44,1 8.1 1.0 elt Benito ses rises 219 84 132 102 28 Q 3 3. Centre Hall....... 163 56 104 93 10 1 3: Sy PS TST Ps YR at RE Q21 112 107 99 8 Q os Haward. aAc80.. 171 66 105 96 8 1 ry 3. Linesville......... 328 134 186 160 23 3 8 3, Martinsburg...... 261 89 172 143 28 1 i 7 McConnellsburg.. . 195 73 121 104 17 an 1 3.5 Mercersburg...... 436 Q54 179 140 38 1 3 3.8 Middleburg....... 284 114 167 137 28 Q 3 3.5 WH Halle as & 299 139 151 117 28 6 9 4.1 IMiulvillein. is ahoee 194 97 96 83 5 8 1 8.4 Ruchiand 4 2 teas 222 98 123 87 36 oo 1 3.8 Spring Grove...... 284: 145 128 99 29 re 11 3.9 PLIPG Viena sea te 399 193 175 143 17 15 31 3.6 WY Calieuiey tigeers. 183 70 109 97 Th 1 4 3.4 MarYLAND A OUIFINOD bet. aa oes 295 90 197 141 34 29 8 3.6 * By census definition, each family has a home which may or may not be a separate dwelling. { For the total population of each village see Table III. 27 TABLE XX—GAINFULLY EMPLOYED MALES IN EACH AGE GROUP ToTaL Yrars or AGE Strate AND Jl0andover 10to15 15 to 20 20 to 45 45 to 65 65 and over* VILLAGE Em- Em- Em- Em- Em- Em- Total ployed Total ployed Total ployed Total ployed Total ployed Total ployed Total Number..... . 14,637 10,963 1,433 24 1,254 595 5,846 5,550 4,157 3,794 1,947 1,000 Per Cent..... 100.0 74.9 100.0 1.7 100.0 47.4 100.0 94.9 100.0 91.3 100.0 51.4 New York Number...... 8,877 6,666 '783 15 699 325 3,494 3,326 2,618 2,354 1,283 646 Per Cent..... 100.0 75.1 100.0 1.9 100.0 46.5 100.0 95.2 100.0 89.9 100.0 50.4 Aftonts cere sel eroLO me eoe 29 af) 14 10 125 124 92 88 1S 42 Altamont...... 318 218 24 on Q1 A C1Ss et 10 97 83 53 21 Bainbridge..... 518 400 54 Q 34 91 312 204 150 145 68 28 Boonville. ..... 747 =—57B 62 4 55 28 282 270 222 199 126 qi Canisteo.4...:2: 855 681 fal 1 74 88 360 344 234 218 116 80 Cattaraugus.... 552 435 48 Se 61 88 295 218 154 143 64 36 Delhvwi yw ie 1656.) 442 63 om 53 15 235 213 209 183 96 31 Barlyillest 5 oUt 21s 23 vy 22 db S167 95 101 91 54 Q1 Ellicottville.... 379 278 30 We 23 6 153 142 116 101 57 Q4 Franklinville. . 774 576 74 dis 59 98 343 333 201 172 97 43 Fultonville..... 359 288 93 re 3 27 18 152 147 °-105 97 52 26 Honeoye Falls... 432 328 30 me 46 23) 15541489 eStart z0 70 S7. Interlaken..... 255 177 17 we 20 4 81 VF 96 78 41 18 Newport....... 268 201 35 5 30 22 94 91 80 70 29 13 Phelps*.1..c.3%.. 469 $42 44 1 31 LO) (AL 726 2165. 05100. eLa0 66 32 Skaneateles. . . 619 467 51 1 41 16. 232 217 °190 “172.105 61 Sodus Seer ieae O20 4S 52 1 35 19 218 2138 154 145 66 35 Webster. ...... 618° 3377 60 ads 53 Ae ae EA IS On Be 50 27 PENNSYLVANIA Number..... 5,359 3,996 613 9 519 256 2,193 2,073 1,427 1,337 607 321 Per Cent..... 100.0 74.6 100.0 1.5 100.0 49.3 100.0 94.5 100.0 93.7 100.0 52.9 Benton. 276 193 33 ae 25 4 94 88 82 80 42 gi Centre Hall. 198 129 29 1 16 4 65 56 62 55 33 13 Halifax. .. reece to. S71 Mi 93 9 189. 187 79 69 34 16 Howard? ee 206 LZ 19 1 21 6 92 89 70 62 34 14 Linesville...... 402 282 42 Age 38 TirtlDO sao." 100 98 66 34 Martinsburg.... 335 241 54 a 24 1S ole 78 74 48 24 McConnellsburg 258 169 38 a: 21 9 95 83 61 538 43 24 Mercersburg.... 610 471 70 Q 56 34 280 9265 154 145 50 25 Middleburg.... 409 309 44 ~ 45 ol NS ho al RY a es 97 46 28 Mill Hall.:;.... 491 378 69 i 57 42 211 206 114 110 40 19 Millville....... 256 200 23 Ayes 29 Vs Bea Guy 98 79 15 94 12 Richland....... 335 279 35 Qg 30 93 144 4189 102 101 24 14 Spring Grove... 438 356 56 2. 49°). 88° 190° -186 116." T1S = 2a Ss Troy.. rt, (Obes youd 49 te 52 18 (SST) Sih.) 1564188 60 29 W yalusing. . Rh oe 949 190 22 ‘ pa 1 12 91 86 68 67 35 25 MARYLAND Thurmont.... 401 301 sve ea 36 14 159 151 112 108 57 $s * Includes persons of unknown age. 28 1920 CreNsuUs Mippie ATLANTIC REGION TABLE XXI—GAINFULLY EMPLOYED FEMALES IN EACH AGE GROUP STATE AND VILLAGE Total Number..... Per Cent.... New York Per Cent..... ATO era Altamont...... Bainbridge..... Boonville...... Canisteo....... her ay sa Delhi. . a Earlville. . es Ellicottville At Franklinville ... Fultonville..... Honeoye Falls. . Interlaken..... Number..... Hahtax/ 2. :. Howard aaa ap Martinsburg... . McConnellsburg Mercersburg... . Middleburg... . Mill Hall 8 <: Richland....... Spring Grove... ETOV eae. ieee Wyalusing..... MaryLAND Thurmont.... ToTAL 10 and over Em- 10 to 15 Em- 15 to 20 Em- YEARS or AGE 20 to 45 Em- 45 to 65 Em- 65 and over* Em- Total ployed Total ployed Total ployed Total ployed Total ployed Total ployed 17,030 3,369 1,487 . 100.0 19.8 100.0 10,481 2,197 864 100.0 21.0 100.0 368 53 27 390 33 2 563 123 57 926 236 78 1,038 280 100 603 124 52 786 171 71 375 49 33 452 76 44 924 166 £97 388 160 24 511 86 8§6. 40 313 43 14 331 100 29 566 104 46 813 164 #50 612 123 40 522 106 40 6,055 1,085 577 100.0 17.9 100.0 Ofer O90) eo 250 39 £29 324 2 @A 286 46 27 454 53 40 428 50 42 310 43 27 697 158 76 425 83 30 487 70 52 297 53 2 378 127 43 463 105 56 661 107 56 273 = 40 25 494 87 46 6 1,539 4 100.0 2 883 .2 100.0 28 22 37 Ethie gs 1 106 60 62 29 37 95 23 32 16 41 54 67 59 40 * Includes persons of unknown age. 29 458 6,713 1,925 4,844 29.8 100.0 28.7 100.0 268 4,097 1,263 3,035 30.4 100.0 30.8 100.0 6 127 23 110 2 149 21 133 10 224 74 = 157 17 338 128 264 51. 402 151 263 23 252 76 155 12 288 95 9251 Dee AZT Ie BS aud RS Pith ds uate bol 34 377 92 236 Ua EWA 94 113 3 214 56 154 3 112 2% 106 19 122 #855 94 10 205 60 176 17 326 103 246 P1er 299), C2171 8 241 78 152 182 2,427 619 1,660 29.8 100.0 25.5 100.0 4 124 22 92 2 83 23 76 14 134 44 103 10 115 32 8686 3 178 28 125 11 162 26 112 7 114 21 74 15 292 83 183 19> 181 ip dopa lg 13 209 44 120 1S a 1 P2838), Se 25 150 65 107 30 207 55 =108 138 251 67 196 4 105 24 79 8 189 43 149 819 2,447 16.9 100.0 550 1,602 18.1 100.0 19 76 9 64 33 88 OGRE CL 60 167 21 84 57 «114 13 63 13 63 36 119 45 51 22 71 13 65 22 845 29 85 39 «124 35 103 18 46 PST oe 14.3 100.0 Ss, 11 45 12 38 4 24 20 74 11 66 12 57 49 82 8 55 13 48 6 38 31 35 18 35 25 86 9 41 32 64 161 6.6 J — met © “Te Oe Or © Or &r Or hm %© Or © Poe ae Oop mOC§M WwW: WO WO oO tO © Ort 1920 CENsUS Mippie AtTiANtic REGION TABLE XXII—OCCUPATIONS OF GAINFULLY EMPLOYED MALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER OccUPATION STATE AND Agri- Ex- Manu-Trans- Pro- VILLAGE cul- trac- fac- por- Pub- fes- Per- Cler- tural* tivef turef tation Trade lic§ sional sonal{ ical Total Number: 3p cae. os 974 23 5,186 1,287 1,869 158 635 405 426 PetiGentir en! 8.9 2 wT Saw Leven eek 1.4 5.8 ST. 3.9 New York Number 3s ose. 654 8 3,121 743 1,169 OF 22-3010 e285 282 Per Centili, ae ah 9.8 a Rare" io ae a Be ie Be as 1.5 5.4 3.0 4.2 Altos are Sek test hi 37 a 125 31 4A 1 15 8 3 Altamontiy eases oe 28 is 66 30 29 Q 17 11 35 Bainbridge.......... 15 ia ia oe 51 61 ff 17 9 21 Boonwillesss.. ues es 53 4 239 63 114 11 39 28 21 Ganisteo.,). sean. ts 75 a 999 © ALS Oeil 05 8 28 18 35 Cattaraugus......... 38 he 951 23 60 s" 25 18 17 Delhi, Fars Ae ee 40 oe 171 67 87 11 30 Le 19 Karivilles: 5 ee. eee 36 ne 68 29 51 Q 11 4 11 Ellicottville......... 16 sv 159 21 40 Q 18 9 8 Franklinville........ 25 Ae 339 82 75 6 23 13 13 Fultonville.......... 11 Hs 180 29 35 7 4 12 10 Honeoye Falls....... 42 Lah 32 59 11 16 12 15 Interlaken. 2...) 2.4. 26 a 54 20 46 3 14 8 6 Newport cuca was cans 38 4 88 fs 25 4 11 12 4 Phelps aaj uaeiem cad 46 ig 140 AD5 62 6 19 10 14 Skaneateles......... 50 Sees 87 109 fi 28 26 28 SOUS Ginen cau ye 56 sate 199 32 80 3 20 11 12 Websterat a hiaa.) ces 29 a 201 23 87 S 92 9 10 PENNSYLVANIA INimper an obits 267 15 1,951 505 653 54 = 254 162 135 Per tCenvaen sortie 6.7 4 48.8 19.6 16.3 170 6.4 4.1 3.4 Benton s 574,220 Gas 11 ea 85 22 46 3 15 5 6 Centre Hall......... 15 5 46 26 2S 1 8 ¥y 3 Pi lat a td) eae 9 ae 113 AT 30 4 10 7 11 Howardi a!) ee 19 2 64 33 29 Q ee 6 6 Linesvillé se ee 19 2 95 71 54 4 20 8 9 Martinsburg........ 18 ee V8 33 32 3 16 9 12 McConnellsburg.... . 14 ay 38 40 40 3 18 9 7 Mercersburg......... 26 pe 200 31 87 3 57 55 12 Middleburg......... 40 ae 137 28 57 5 23 1l 8 Nill alee ene. 10 Ge. zor 39 31 1 i) 9 13 Millvilleses): 4e2h ooo 33 Re 101 15 34 5 7 il 6 Techland oy ates ae 19 S52 12 38 27 Q 5 6 iT Spring Grove........ 6 2: 239 20 39 10 16 7 17 TOY as ei te ae ek 8 Ay 210 37 75 9 yh 17 13 Weralusing ) Gen .2 we 20 be 71 25 49 1 14 5 5 MarYLAND POTION D A wate ie 53 ih 114 39 47 iY, 24 8 9 * Agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry. 7 Extraction of minerals. t Manufacturing and mechanical industries. § Public service (not elsewhere classified). {1 Domestic and personal service. 30 1920 CrNnsts Mippxie ATLANTIC REGION TABLE XXIIL—OCCUPATIONS OF GAINFULLY EMPLOYED FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ; OccuPATION Agri- Manu- Trans- Pro- STATE AND cul- fac- _—ipor- Pub- fes- Per- Cler- VILLAGE tural* tureft tation Trade lic{ sional sonal$ ical ‘Total PN UCT coe Sale ain 4 ace 24 1,216 123 222 8 550 838 388 Per Cent.e 22 F30 7 36.1 OL 6.6 2 16.3 94.9 11.5 New York Numbers. 5504 oo! 17 759 70 131 4 365 560 291 Per Centos clad 8 34.6 3.2 5.9 - 16.6 25.4 13.3 ELON tvieck tepciete. hte 2 9 g Q ah 15 22 1 Altamont as eee tks AE 3 Q 1 o3 9 8 10 Bainbridge......... 1 57 bs 4 ae 11 30 17 POM Y LLG cis en 4 65 8 24 Me 43 67 25 CAIStOOu. ek ae ue sh x 157 oD 14 Me 24 52 28 Cattaraugus........ aH 36 4 6 ae 23 30 25 Bleinis kere tises es 1 91 4 a 1 35 65 31 Harivalle, ce. 1 a 13 2 1 : 8 18 tj Elhicottville .).0.23 6. 1 32 3 3 13 14 10 Franklinville....... 2 76 7 15 Q7 26 14 Fultonville......... aN 103 2 3 ri 36 9 Honeoye Falls...... Q 10 7 2 28 18 19 Interlaken......... 1 5 8 4 ui 11 8 5 INGWHOP Estee sea: 15 eee a3 61 1 3 13 16 6 Phelosecor ccc. al 13 4 6 24 41 16 Skaneateles........ ae 21 2g 11 1 41 59 29 SOdUuS A Gee. Se 1 41 4 6 13 31 Q7 Webster (ac 7 o4./: 5 36 3 12 1 20 18 13 PENNSYLVANIA INUMDer ost as wes 5 420 49 81 4 175 259 92 Per Centar hh tales. A 38.7 4.5 7.5 4 16.1 23.9 8.5 Benton see. eee an 12 4 5 10 8 2 Centre Hallie g)< ia) 1 10 5 3 1 vi 9 3 Visitors.) © be! yy 51 is 2 1 6 6 6 Howards fee ee. . 1 15 3 3 14 5 5 Tanesville. avstices 6: a; 15 4 Q 16 | 9 Martinsburg....... Ms 9 2 4 17 11 7 McConnellsburg. .. . 1 12 1 4 13 | 5 Mercersburg....... M. 21 4 20 25 84 4 Middleburg........ Le 47 2 2 8 16 8 MilF Halbarweie i 31 5 9 1 Fi 8 9 Millville yocs5 ste: 1 26 oe Q 5 11 5 Richland ys h20'. 8. Ay 96 1 3 9 16 2 Spring Grove....... 1 53 4 6 14 20 7 ERO ulece x Plats deiase we 15 fs 12 20 37 16 W yalusing .)02)5 a0" he 7 4 6 1 4 14 4 MaryYLAND SD HUPMONts aie co. 2 37 4 10 10 20 4 * Agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry. {| Manufacturing and mechanical industries. t Public service (not elsewhere classified). § Domestic and personal service. 3l 1920 Crnsts Mippie ATLANTIC REGION TABLE XXIV—MARITAL CONDITION OF GAINFULLY EMPLOYED FEMALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER SINGLE Marriep Winowrep Divorcep UNKNOWN STATE AND *Em- Em- Em- Em- Em- VILLAGE Total ployed Total ployed Total ployed Total ployed Total ployed Total Number........... 4,157 2,046 8,745 '791 2,550 478 69 39 2 Per Cent........... 100.0 49.2 100.0 9.0 100.0 18.7 Tt tT T T New York Numberw) .6 ie. 00 11.260 95 S955 OF Gia aso 45 23 A 3 Per Cent........... 100.0 50.4 100.0 10.6 100.0 20.3 ea publ ATLON 5, cs cea es OF aoe 210 1D 63 9 1 Altamont a cae peas S20 2S e207 1 79 9 oe Bainbridge......... 96 50 314 54 95 19 1 Boonville.......... 950 117. 445 74>. 172. 45 1 +e ote CANISLEO ise oa ae 914 129 . 581 98.180 41 11 9 2 g Cattaraugus........ 1388 83 329 % 81 16 3 1 Delhiee. saan ee ane 2909 107 882 41 4119 #£=20 5 3 Barlville? so Sus fale Tha ou wee LA 62 8 i 1 Ellicottville. ....... 119 60 226 a 60 12 2 1 1 Franklinville....... 908 107, Na4Gb 9 Soe 14s 21 9 3 Fultonville......... 88. 68 - 207 _69 67 = 96 2 2 ih Honeoye Falls...... 141) 47685 (251 9 79 14 PE le tr. Interlaken tise. 2... WZ0 129 i] 6S 5 62 8 Biwip\ xe 1 1 Néwportyis ck cise © 03 VOS tat loa oe 51 15 Pay oe Phelpg ss iinet 134 358; 7287597) 22 DOTS 4 3 Skaneateles i277. . oe 1p e0li 120 Ooe w nion lists et am Sodus rcereneeaase T4657 CRC Seieresl o7 2S g Websteranaurise.s 1265760) SUL a 20 54 Il 1 PENNSYLVANIA Number.y. ¢) oie 2896 72) 3.1255 2072 8155180 24 16 18 8 Per Cent.. ........ 100.0 48.2 100.0 6.6 100.0 16.0 if t t T Benton. . owe 66. 426) 185 4 52 9 1 1 Centre Hall........ 59F 2275 1128 7 38 3 1 1 Halifax. ... pen PO TAB TO Le 50 7 3 3 Howard) «.i2.... 82 39 142 4 35 3 ae Linesville cee 90 Sl 265 8 66 14 3 Martinsburg, ai...) 1125) 40 e1o5 2g 65 rd i] : McConnellsburg.... 113 34 127 4 42 5 ett, Mercersburg....... 203 86 334 52 81 16 3 2 Middleburg........ 95° 758 94: 2538 7 7165 45 7 g 2 Mal Hall ie age O92 oe leer. it 59 7 : Moilivilies ti eran 10 vos ako 7 36 5 3 3 af Richland. . setts 87 65 200 42% 47 19 1 1 ae Spring Grove....... 109 72 949 18 47 18 1 1 1 1 Troy. . ras 268 Te oa OL jake on Le eee 3 g Le 7 Wyalusing. . seats Dae 57 25 1465 6 45 9 1 ; , MARYLAND nurmont acs. 70s 160 65 227, 18 61 9 * Gainfully employed. + Per cent. not shown, base less than 100. 32 PART II—SOUTHERN VILLAGES* The forty-four villages here analyzed, are located in eleven Southern states, their distribution being: North Carolina, eight; South Carolina and Texas, six each; Georgia, five; Alabama and Virginia, four each; Arkansas and Mississippi, three each; Ken- tucky and Tennessee, two each; and Delaware, one. Diagram VII shows the location of these villages. A comparison between this map and one showing the main geographic divisions employed by the Census, makes it evident that the term “South” has been used in this analysis to include the area covered by the three Census divisions known as the “South Atlantic,” “East South Central” and “‘West South Central.” + The detailed data from the 1920 Census are presented topic by topic in Tables XXVI to XLVIII inclusive. These tables give not only the facts for each village and totals for all villages combined, but in addition, sub-totals for the villages of the ‘Old South” and for those of the ‘‘Southwest.”’ The latter term is meant to include the same region as the ‘“‘West South Central” division of the Cen- sus, while the “Old South” covers the two areas which the Govern- ment calls “South Atlantic” and ‘East South Central.” The reason for dividing the villages into these two sub-groups is that the data for the forty-four villages revealed certain significant dif- ferences between the nine villages in Texas and Arkansas and the thirty-five located in the other Southern states. For example, the facts as presented in Table X XIX, show that less than three-fourths of the native white population in the Southwestern villages were born in their present states of residence, whereas nine out of ten in the Old South were born in the states in which they were residing in 1920. A comparison of the two parts of Diagram VIII helps to make clear this contrast. The former chart shows the place of birth by states of the native white inhabitants of the North and * All the villages analyzed in this pamphlet were selected because they were believed to be representative villages in agricultural areas. Without exception, they were places which fell strictly within the definition of the term “‘village”’ as used throughout this study; namely, population centers ranging between 250 and 2,500. As the Federal Government does not compile data for individual villages that are unincorporated, the study was necessarily limited to villages that in 1920 were incorporated. + According to the Census the South Atlantic division includes the states of Del., Md., Va., W. Va., N. C., S. C., Ga., and Fla.; the South Central comprises Ky., Tenn., Ala., and Miss., while the West South Central covers Ark., La., Okla., and Texas. 33 ower a ie 2 = vMbD. nW.VA. v SN : ¥ J Pn -_s" 4 Goerryvil/é 3 f se Cts AW aw KY. \ i g wae! : f aowtirg® 2% en Cotumbia AN A Gree X rors — oe j Me 22, son © i y » OKLA - Ae PLR iP £ ‘ Hon: fax® Ga oy @) hy AR Que omy TENN. TNC. Nasavitty. © OXY * Afountain Homé Pay Tiptonville Vonesbors * ag -o@) © ae Saye yee? | —Skoore © OG ki iss. TALA™ P3 MASG a Cite iif ee ree lle © OUR ais va ms 7 Gib aio ack OsBergew tttabeno Ar © ‘shoprrile 3 TEX Std A NI 4 edt \Oroyerte ’ a Ur Marthews Whitesboro® ©, Hompro®® Donough gamer Leonard Aen | (Srecksveirle g LA. 3 \ Vackson * Moskell 3 i ’ \ \ / | ; ‘4 f Poplarviss RrLam eas SCALE OF MILES Dracram VII—LocaTION OF THE 44 SOUTHERN VILLAGES South Carolina villages who were born outside their states of resi- dence, while the latter presents similar data for the Texas and Arkansas villages. Since the native white population in the nine Southwestern villages is approximately 11,000, and in the fourteen Carolina villages about 12,000, one is justified in directly contrast- ing the number of dots on the two maps. This comparison clearly indicates that the Carolina villages, in spite of their greater aggre- gate populations, have far fewer native white inhabitants who were born in other states that have the Southwestern villages. | Following the method used in the discussion of the Middle Atlantic villages, a summary tabulation has been included as Table XXV, which permits comparison of the totals for the forty-four Southern villages with combined totals for ten selected cities: Mo- bile, Ala.; Little Rock, Ark.; Augusta, Ga.; Lexington, Ky.; Charlotte and Wilmington, N. C.; Knoxville, Tenn.; Austin and Waco, Texas; and Roanoke, Va. Each of these cities has widely diversified industries, and each has a population falling between 25,000 and 100,000. They should, therefore, serve as an adequate basis for comparing our findings for Southern villages with urban condi- tions in the same region. This comparison shows, first of all, that unlike the Middle Atlantic villages, Southern villages have grown during the last twenty years 34 with something like the same rapidity as Southern cities. Between 1900 and 1920, the thirty-five villages for which population data are available at all the Census periods* increased in population 65 per cent. compared with a growth in the ten cities of 80 per cent. There is, however, a significant difference in the growth records of these villages and cities. The cities grew at a 39 per cent. rate during the decade 1910-20, while during the previous ten-year period the increase was only 29 per cent. The villages, on the other hand, increased only 17 per cent. during the last decade, com- pared with 41 per cent. during the earlier ten-year interval. More- over, this tendency, which the table shows only for the villages in our sample, is typical of Southern villages in general, as was proved by making a special computation of the increase in population of all the incorporated villages in the eleven Southern states covered by the survey. This tabulation, which was strictly limited to villages that in 1920 had populations ranging between 250 and 2,500, showed that during the decade 1910-20 the 1,382 places covered in the analysis increased in population only 14.5 per cent., while these same villages had grown 31 per cent. in the previous decade. As might have been expected, the outstanding characteristic of the composition of the village populations in this region is the large percentage of Negroes. The data for the forty-four villages show that slightly more than one-quarter of the population in these places is “‘colored,’’+ which is nearly the same proportion as that found in the ten selected cities. On the other hand, the proportion of foreign-born whites living in these Southern villages is low, being only 1.6 per cent. of the population. This figure is not, however, representative of the entire Southern region. As is shown in Table XXVIII, the foreign-born white element is only six-tenths of 1 per cent. of the population of the villages in the Old South. Even in the Southwestern villages, where these aliens comprise one-twentieth of the total, the Mexican rather than the European immigrants constitute the majority of the foreign-born whites. Of 656 foreign- born whites in these Southwestern villages, 450 are Mexicans. * Nine villages had to be dropped from this comparison because they were not incorporated in 1900 and therefore population figures were not available for the earlier period. + The term “colored” includes not only Negroes but Indians, Orientals, etc. Of the 15,363 colored persons living in the forty-four villages, however, all but 87 are Negroes. 35 The distribution of village populations by sex and age is remark- ably “normal.” True, these Southern villages show a preponder- ance of women over men, but this is also characteristic of the adjacent cities. As far as age is concerned, the forty-four villages follow very closely the average distribution for the nation. This means that in these Southern villages there is nothing like the preponder- ance of old people that characterized the villages of the Middle Atlantic states. Diagram IX, which presents graphically the age and sex distribution of these villages compared with similar figures for Atlanta, Ga., makes it clear that the village pyramid shows relatively little distortion compared with a similar chart for that city. The facts show also that in general the marital conditions of village and city dwellers in this region are almost identical. In school attendance, however, the villages make a better record than the cities, especially for the older boys and girls. On the other hand, illiteracy, except among the native whites, is higher in the villages than in the urban centers. Among the colored population, for example, the illiteracy rate in villages is nearly 25 per cent. compared with 18.4 per cent. in cities, while among the foreign- born whites the village rate reaches 38 per cent., which is almost four times the urban rate. This high percentage among the foreign- born whites in villages is owing largely to the fact that in South- western villages the rate of illiteracy among the Mexicans is very high indeed. Of the 314 illiterates ten years of age and over who live in the nine villages of the Southwest, 279 are Mexicans. In this connection, however, it should be mentioned that about sixty of these belonged to a group of transportation laborers in Whites- boro, Texas. Home ownership is more common in villages than in cities. In the former, approximately half the homes are occupant-owned, compared with a ratio of one-third in cities. Except for agriculture, the data for occupations show consider- able similarity in the distribution of the gainfully employed village and urban dwellers. Throughout this analysis the question will probably occur to the reader: In how far are these conditions typical of Negroes as well as of whites? The data in Tables XXVI to XLVIII inclusive are not adequate to answer this question. In addition to the num- ber of colored persons, by sex, in each village, they give only the 36 a LEGEND wire t PERSON DracraM VIII—Puace or Birtn sy STATES OF THE Native WHITE PoPULATION Born OvtsipE or State or ResipENcE: (ABOVE) IN THE 14 NorTH AND SoutH Caro.ina VILLAGES, (BELOW) IN THE 9 Texas AND ARKANSAS VILLAGES The native whites in the 14 North and South Carolina villages born outside of state of residence constitute only 6.4 per cent. of the total native white population, while in the 9 Texas and Arkansas Villages they constitute 27.7 per cent. 37 — 3 {peerion! « * AGE ieenits =a ~-2se @e © HRP © eee ss ese enme cc ewe woe =e ae @e CH ewe Os - c@@f a ew ees os «pw 6 @0.)) cs be 0) ate e oeete 12.8 12 10 “8 6 “ 2 a 2 PS € ‘6 10 2 4 2 to 6 é 4 2 ° 2 4 6 6 io 42 Per Cent Fer Cent Per Cent Per Cent ATLANTA GA. VILLAGES DiacrAM IX—AGE-DISTRIBUTION OF THE POPULATION OF THE 44 SOUTHERN VILLAGES AND OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA number of illiterates who are colored. To determine the extent of differences in the composition, characteristics and occupations of the two races, special tabulations were therefore compiled to show certain facts for whites and Negroes* separately. Comparative data regarding age-distribution, are presented in the following table: Per Cent. Males Females Age Negroes Whites Negroes Whites All ages. . idea dices OOO 100.0 100.0 100.0 Under 10 years. iia5 v2.0 22.2 20.4 20.5 10 to 20.. 2g te ae 19.4 91h, 20.7 20:to 80. eck eae ee 19.0 16.1 21.6 17.9 30 to 40. eee ee 14.1 14.1 14.1 40 to SO ee eee 0.8 11.7 10.1 11.2 50 £6. BOL. vies, eee 6.7 7.6 5.7 ‘ir GOTO 0 ce tcl kes mice 3.9 5.9 3.2 5.1 70 and over. 2.1 2.8 2.5 3.2 Unknown...... 7 2 By 1 These figures clearly show that the age-distribution of Negroes and whites is quite similar. It is significant, however, that among both the males and the females the proportion of Negroes is higher than for the whites among the younger age-groups; whereas the reverse is true, among the older people. * These comparisons have been strictly limited to the whites and Negroes in these villages. In other words, the 87 Indians and Orientals which the Census also classifies as colored persons have been excluded. As this group of 87 includes 49 males and 38 females, the total number of Negroes in our 44 villages is 15,276 of whom 7,252 are males and 8,024 females. 38 Regarding their marital conditions, the two races again show ~ striking similarities. Comparative figures follow: Per Cent. Males Females Negroes Whites Negroes Whites EOUBL sgh de Ce ere) a Cee ALOULO 100.0 100.0 100.0 Single 2.25 Sl ee dept SSIS 32.4 27.2 28.8 Moartied 2.25 08 ae a BSD 62.4 52.9 58.2 Widowed fer etre. 6.7 4.6 18.7 12.4 Divorcedi cere ova ees: 4 a 8 4 Unknown iso feet. ocak g 5 5 4 2 Although Negroes and whites are quite alike in both age-dis- tribution and marital status, there are decided occupational differ- ences between the two races. To begin with, a larger proportion of Negroes than of whites is classified by the Census as gainfully employed. Of the 16,014 white males ten years of age and over living in the forty-four Southern villages, 11,687, or 73.0 per cent., are gainfully employed as compared with 4,391 of the 5,620, or 78.1 per cent., of the Negroes. Among the females, 2,461, or 14.4 per cent. of the 17,093 white women ten years of age and over are gainfully employed and 2,671 or 41.8 per cent., of the 6,389 Negro women. The proportions of men and of women ten years of age and over who are at work in the ten major occupation groups of the Census are given in the following table: Per Cent. Gainfully Employed (10 Years of Age and Over) Males Females Occupations Negroes Whites Negroes Whites Total employed.............. 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Agriculture. . . 22.4 14.3 8.5 3.5 Lumbering, Fishing ‘and Forestry. . 8 A Extraction of Minerals. 3 7 mak Manufacturing. . wae. 44.4 25.5 5.3 20.2 Transportation. .. i RR MA ae Ea 10.8 4 | 4.5 Trade. . BET tate Meas ante 4.7 29.2 6 15.5 Public Service. . Pa i Aie 1.3 2.9 hy 1.1 Professional Service. . phe 2.5 7.8 4.3 26.7 Domestic and Personal DEFVICES 5... Lee om 102 3.4 81.1 14.6 CELE TO) ee RS! eee 1.2 5.0 ol 13.9 These figures show that 44 per cent. of the Negroes are engaged in manufacturing, compared with only 25 per cent. of the whites. 39 Agriculture comes second among the Negroes with 22 per cent., contrasted with but 14 per cent. of the whites. Certain of the other occupation groups show, as between the two races, even more striking differences. Proportionately, more than three times as many Negroes as whites are engaged in domestic and personal services. On the other hand, more than four times as many whites as Negroes are employed in clerical occupations, and six times as many in trade. The occupational data for the women show differences between the two races that are more marked than for the men. More than four out of five of the gainfully employed Negro women are engaged in domestic and personal service, while most of the rest are classified under agriculture, manufacturing and professional service. The professional service group is confined almost entirely to teachers. Among the gainfully employed white women the largest single group—one-quarter to be exact—is engaged in professional service. Here again the great majority are teachers. Of the 656 women who fall in this class, 543 are school teachers and 62 are musicians or music teachers. One out of five gainfully employed white women work in manufacturing industries; slightly less than one-sixth are in trade and about one-seventh in domestic and personal service. This analysis clearly indicates that there are important regional variations between villages of the South and those of Middle At- lantic states. Certainly the facts for the forty-four Southern vil- lages are quite different in several important respects from those for the thirty-four Middle Atlantic villages, analyzed in Part I of this study. It will be interesting to learn to what extent the vil- lages of the Middle West and of the Far West also show regional variations. The data for these areas will be presented respectively in Parts III and IV of this analysis. 1920 CrENsUs THE SoutH TABLE XXV—SUMMARY—COMPARATIVE FIGURES FOR 44 VILLAGES AND FOR 10 CITIES Per CENT. SUBJECT 44 10 Vil- Cities lages Population: Increase 1910-1920*.. 16.8 39.0 Increase 1900-1910*.. 41.0 29.5 Whiter cic... fhe So Hib 28} Colored...... 26.7 27.9 Native White. ... 71.7 69.6 Native parentage..... 69.5 63.9 Foreign parentage.... 1.3 3.1 Mixed parentage..... 092.0 Foreign-Born White.... 1.6 2.5 Foreign-Born: Northwestern Europe. 17.3 51.4 Other Europe.... 25.3 23.8 Uanguae 0: nh 2 ee) MeETICH san Leslee. 21 4010.9 All others. .... 3.6 8.4 Year of Immigration: 1911 to 1920.... 37.8 13.3 1901 to 1911.. 16.2 17.2 1900 or earlier........ 19.7 38.6 Unknown.... 26.3 30.9 Males to Females....... 94.3 93.6 Illiterates: 10 years and over.... 8.9 7.2 Male.. 8.7 6.8 Female. , 9.2 7.7 Native white. 22 2.4 Foreign white... ... 38.3 9.6 Colored. . 24.9 18.4 Tenure of Homes: Rented.... 47.3 63.0 Owned. . 49.2 34.5 Free. : 37.7 22.7 Encumbered ... 7.0 10.6 Unknown.......... $657,152 Tenure unknown..... 3.5 2.5 Gainful Employment Females 15 and over: Marriedic).:..:.. ) ....12.9,/18,8 Not married........ 40.6 53.3 SUBJECT Age: Under 10 years... 10 to 20.. 20 to 45... 45 to 65 ... 65 and over. ..... Unknown.. Marital Condition 15 Years and Over: 6; 0:6 le levee 9, 46) 9/4 Je Divorced. .. Unknown. . School Attendance Age Group: Ca BS 4 Nh ROE sol a eae Lae tas 14 and 15.. 16 and 17.... 18 to 21.. Gainful Employment Age Group: 10 years and over.... 10 to. 16... 15 to 20.... ay. WU tO Sac atid eee 45 to 65.. ; 65 and over....... Occupation: Agriculture. . Extraction of ‘minerals Manufacture. . A Transportation. .. BANS as LYaAder. wares Public service........ Professional service... Domestic and personal SEPYVAICE Ploy eta ak Clerical. . * For 35 villages; see Table XXVI. 41 Per CEnt. MALE FEMALE 44 10 44 10 Vil- Cities Vil- Cities lages lages 60.9 1920 CrENsus THE SoutH TABLE XXVI—POPULATION GROWTH AND DECLINE FROM 1900 TO 1920 FOR 35 VILLAGES* DATA FROM THE FOURTEENTH CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES, VOL. I, TABLE 51 POPULATION STATE AND VILLAGE 1920 1910 1900 Total (yeah rnd ins to. 48, FOOPaL 721 neo OBO Old South................ 40,965 34,984 25,460 Georgetown, Del........ 1,710 1,609 1,658 Berryville, Va...:........ 1,188 876 938 Bowling Green, Va...... 463 433 458 Halifax (Varo fae: tort 411 516 687 Smithfield, Va.......... 1,181 1,278 1,225 BurgawyiNgrts casas, 1,040 956 387 Carthare (NSC ini. 962 836 605 Farmville, N. C......... 1,780 816 262 Hertford, N. C.......... 1,704 1,841 1,382 Nashville, N. C......... 939 750 479 Pittsboro, Ni@sios.. Jos 584 502 424 Scotland Neck, N. Ct 2,061 1,726 1,348 Bamberg, S. C.. Wie 2,210 261.997 1 al ose Bishopville, S. Perch lie nye O00. DLGOo 715 Edgefield, S. C.......... 1,865 1,771 1,775 Pickens, S. C.. ie 895 897 449 St. Matthews, S. ‘oh 1,780 1,877 758 Winnsboro, S. C........ 1,822 1,754 1,765 Hampton Gas. es os 5 927 1,093 468 Jackson, Gar reece SUSE tL eOe ae. See Bae Gags etn ae Os 882 683 Pavo, Ga.. es terse 990 572 262 Fayette, Ale auiie 1,741 636 452 Hartsells, Alat... srsspepikeet, Wee UME ea Eye 670 Brooksville, Miss........ 854 850 612 _Ittabena, Miss.......... 1,620 1,427 416 Poplarville, Miss........ 1,290 1,272 990 Jonesboro, Tenn........ 815 806 854 Columbias Ky. A4e0a140- L076 0 Loe 654 Marion, Ry) ite ays cer cu de Chek Os ae Oe SOUTHWEST «ces kina on ok IO L1S uu, tol we alee Mountain Home, Ark.... 492 446 363 Nashville, Ark.......... 2,144 2374 928 Granger, Tex........... 1,944 1,708 841 Leonard. lex) uhhng ek Clo 990 750 Whitesboro, Tex........ 1,810 1,219 1,243 DEcCENNIAL INCREASET 1910-1920 1900-1910 Num- Per Num-_ Per ber Cent. ber Cent. 7,017. 16.8.12,136 * 41.0 5,981 17.1 9,524 37.4 101 63 —49 —2.9 262 299 —62 —6.6 30 69 —25 —5.5 —105 —20.3 —171 —24.9 —97 —76 53 . 48 84 8.8 569 147.0 99 11.5 258 42.6 964 118.1 554 211.5 cord oY Aleit raat A | 459 33.2 189 25.2 271 56.6 82 16.3 78 18.4 335 19.4 378 28.0 273 14.1 404 26.4 431 26.0 944 32.0 94 5.3 oily | mel) S rege Sven ter! 448 99.8 403 = 29.3 619 81.7 68 8.9) aE he +166; --15.2 625 133.5 165 8.9 375 25.2 381 = 43.2 199 - 29.1 418 73.1 310 118.3 1,105 173.7 184 40.7 635 46.2 704 105.1 4 5 238 38.9 193 13.5 1,011 243.0 18 1.4 282 28.5 9 LD 46 ab 6 54 5.3 368 =: 56.3 91 5.6 563 52.9 1,036 15.4 2612 63.3 46 10.3 83 22.9 —230 —9.7 1,446 .55.8 236 13.8 867 103.1 893 $9.7 240 32.0 591 485 —24 —1.9 * Table includes only the 35 villages which were incorporated by 1900. + A minus sign (—) denotes a decrease. t Also spelled Hartsell and Hartselle. 42 1920 CENSUS THE SoutH TABLE XXVII—COLOR, NATIVITY AND PARENTAGE OF POPULATION TOTAL WHITE CoL- Popu- Total Native-Born For- oOREpD* STATE AND LATION White Total Native Foreign Mixed _ eign- VILLAGE Native Parent- Parent- Parent- Born Born age age age Total............... 57,455 42,092 41,188 39,920 735 533 904 15,363 Oxup SoutH......... 44,559 30,433 30,185 29,755 215 215 248 14,126 Georgetown, Del... 1,710 1,490 1,475 1,439 16 20 15 220 Berryville, Va..... 1,138 792 779 738 26 15 13 346 Bowling Green, Va. 463 390 386 377 4 5 4 73 Halifax, Va........ 411 292 286 286 fe ya 6 119 Smithfield, Va..... 1,181 707 702 700 ap i 5 4°74 Burgaw Ns. Gres cs 1,040 554 554 554 Be a a. 486 Carthage, N.C.... 962 902 887 862 1 4 15 60 Clarkton, N. C..... 368 308 308 308 7 ie al 60 Farmville, N. C.... 1,780 963 943 924 16 3 20 817 Hertford, N. C..... 1, 704 783 778 770 1 if 5 921 Nashville, N. C.... 939 687 685 685 ey, bes 2 252 Pittsboro, N. C.... 584 347 346 343 1 2 1 Zod. Scotland Neck, N. C. 2,061 1,489 1,482 1,468 4 10 7 572 Bamberg, 8. C..... 2,210 1,267 1,251 ° 1,223 7 21 16 943 Bishopville, S. (is . 2,090 «48839 13,818 ° 1,291 12 15 21 751 Edgefield, 8. C..... 1,865 1,148 1,127 1,121 6 16 722 Pickens, S. C.. 895 709 705 699 1 5 4 186 St. Matthews, g Ke 1,780 795 780 756 20 4 15 985 Winnsboro, S.C... 1,822 930 915 890 8 17 15 892 Bethlehem, Ga..... 246 211 211 211 ne es a! 35 Hampton, Ga...... 927 702 702 700 2 225 Jackson, Ga....... 2,027 1,201 1,194 1,182 5 ri 7 826 McDonough, Ga... 1,263 859 857 852 3 2 2 404 Pavo, Ga.. i 990 719 719 715 1 3 ty 271 Albertville, yAla.) . 1,666 1,555 1,554 1,543 4 7 1 Lit ATR UAE he ee 264 264 264 263 1 a ig ns Fayette, Ala....... 1,741 1,279 1,268 1,253 11 4 ll 462 Hartsells, Ala...... 2,009 1,608 1,599 1,564 16 19 9 401 Brooksville, Miss... 854 388 387 385 oy: 2 1 466 Ittabena, Miss..... 1,620 796 775 755 16 4 21 824 Poplarville, Miss... 1,290 1,031 1,029 1,015 g 12 2 259 Jonesboro, Tenn.. . 815 730 728 724 i 2 2 2 85 Tiptonville, Tenn.. 1,050 680 674 660 6 8 6 370 Columbia, Ky..... 1,076 1,049 1,045 1,036 3 6 4 27 Marion, Ky....... 1,718 1,474 1,472 1,463 4 {3 g 244 SouTHWEsT......... 12,896 11,659 11,003 10,165 520 318 656 1,237 MountainHome,Ark. 492 492 483 476 4 3 9 Ws Nashville, Ark..... 2144 1,735 1,732 1,712 9 11 3 409 illarrarkin ti 350 280 277 265 4 8 3 70 ons Lex tee 0) Lote 1,076 1, 220 891 200 134 353 1 Granger, Tex...... 1,944 1,605 1,424 1,078 256 90 181 339 Haskell, Tex....... 2,300 2,215 2,203 2,162 11 30 12 85 Leonard, Tex...... 1,383 1,361 1,355 1,340 3 12 6 22 Waelder, Tex...... 894 585 570 546 18 6 15 309 Whitesboro, Tex... 1,810 1,808 1,734 1,695 15 24 74 2 * Colored includes 15,276 native-born Negroes, 46 native and 34 foreign-born Indians and 7 foreign-born Orientals. 43 LGaAU WUEBNSUS AEM VWUUIN TABLE XXVITI—PERCENTAGE-DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION BY COLOR, NATIVITY AND PARENTAGE STATE AND VILLAGE Totals tre jieg teu OR OLp SouTH.. Georgetown, Del... Berryville, Va... .. Bowling Green, Va.. Halifax, Va....... Smithfield, Va.... Burgaw, N.C.... Carthage, N. C...... Clarkton, N. C........ Farmville, N.'C........ Hertford, N. C...... Nashville, N. C.. Pittsboro, N. C.. Scotland Neck, N. ioc Bamberg, S. C.. Bishopville, S. Chey Edgefield. S. C.. Pickens, S. C.. Be cen tk St. Matthews, S. C.. She CANE he Winnsboro, 8. C..... Bethlehem, Ga.. Hampton, Ga... Jackson, Ga............ McDonough, Ga....... Pavo, Ga.. ate Albertville, Male ArabwAla. ois: Fayette, Ala.... Hartsells, Ala..... Brooksville, Miss... Ittabena, Miss... . Poplarville, Miss...... Jonesboro, Tenn...... Tiptonville, Tenn........ Columbia, Ky.. Marion, Ky... SOUTHWEST... Mountain iste: Rae Nashville, Ark. . ' Tillar, Ark... DOnDNR. i OXshe se ceke (sranger,. Lex, 3 oe5 a Haskell: Texi3.0 to. keel: Leonard, Tex..... uf Waelder, Tex........ Whitesboro, Tex... . Total WHITE Native-Born White Total Native Foreign Mixed Native Parent- Parent- Parent- age Born ave 67.7 86.2 68.5 83.4 69.6 59.5 53.3 92.2 83.7 53.0 45.7 ; ¢ Sdlreied DHO~T WwW “3D or age 69.5 66.7 84.1 64.9 81.4 69.6 59.3 53.3 89.6 83.7 51.9 45.2 73.0 58.7 71.2 55.3 61.8 60.1 78.1 42.5 48.9 85.8 75.5 58.3 67.4 72.2 92.6 99.6 72.0 77.8 45.1 46.6 78.6 88.9 62.8 96.3 85.2 78.8 96.8 79.9 75.7 56.4 55.5 94.0 96.9 61.1 93.6 a mt. — : Pm rete Co 09 TOO: ‘at's 69 tO ib ro > . . . . . . 3 DOWN WYK SRD OC HWRWW O- DAK WH Ws. age = : IO odo: BPiioic ! Sia! pad ee ee tee. ed hy een aee ie pk eae WArOio DMNwWAD HX PNBDWS Kwon: _ For- eign- Born wisbio SLbicie wu: tO bo - ar — Meer ee 69 09 = Cm — de DOr CO ee: ro gE Saket pet 2 Or CoL- ORED* * See note (*), Table X XVII. 44 1920 CrENsUs THE SoutH TABLE XXIX—NATIVE WHITE POPULATION BORN IN STATE OF STATE AND VILLAGE Total Number. . Per Cent.... Otp SoutH Number..... Per Cent.... Georgetown, Del... Berryville, Va.. Bowling Green, Va.. Halifax, Va.. : Smithfield, Van Borgaw; N. Goo... 28... Carthage, N.C........... Clarkton, N. C.. pe Oe Farmville, N. Ce Hertford, N. C..... Nashville, N. C.. Pittsboro, N. C.. wats Scotland Neck, N. C ree, Bamberg, S. C.. eee Bishopville, S. Co ae Edgefield, S. C.. Pickens, S. C.. St. Matthews, S. Cy Winnsboro, S. C.. Bethlehem, Ga.. Hampton, Ga.. Jackson, Ga.. McDonough, Ga.. Pavo, Ga.. Albertville, Ala. . Arab, Ala........ Fayette, Ala..... Hartsells, Ala............. Brooksville, Miss.......... Ittabena, Miss... . ; Poplarville, Miss....... Jonesboro, Tenn......... Tiptonville, Tenn......... Columbia, Kye? 0s. Marion, Ky..... A SouTHWEST Number.... Per Cent.... Mountain Home, Ark...... Nashville, Ark.. = Tillar, Ark... Donna, Tex... Granger, Tex... Haskell, Tex..... Peonard: kexts os oes Waelder, Tex............. Whitesboro, Tex... RESIDENCE Totat Born 1n STATE OF NATIVE RESIDENCE Wuite Total Male Female 41,188 35,211 17,050 18,161 100.0 85.5 41.4 44.1 30,185 27,204 13,119 14,085 100.0 90.1 43.4 46.7 1,475 1,239 578 661 779 654 306 348 386 345 167 178 286 252 116 136 702 667 298 369 554 550 291 259 887 831 404 427 308 287 138 149 943 882 477 405 778 716 333 383 685 681 a U7 364 346 326 172 154 1,482 1,392 628 764 P2517 71170 550 620 1,318 1,258 620 638 Hie7 999 464 535 705 618 290 328 780 750 399 351 915 851 3888 463 211 208 107 101 702 680 328 352 1,194 1,149 533 616 857 832 395 437 719 630 293 337 1,554 1,221 598 623 264 235 105 130 1,268 1,057 523 534 1,599 1,400 726 674 387 335 164 171 775 646 334 312 1,029 841 390 451 728 665 326 339 674 547 282 965 1,045 988 467 521 1,472 1,302 612 690 11,003 8,007 3,931 4,076 100.0 72.8 One otek 483 335 167 168 1:782 ~1;351 646 685 O77 230 127 103 1,225 687 348 339 1,424 1,203 611 592 2.205 79-676 795 88] 1,355 908 432 476 570 484 926 258 1734-5 L363 579 574 45 Born OvTsIDE OF STATE Total Male Female 5,977 3,001 2,976 14.5 tee 7.2 2,981 1,446 1,535 9.9 4.8 5.1 236 hr 125 125 53 72 41 14 27 34 14 20 35 17 18 4 1 3 56 26 30 21 10 1) 61 29 32 62 25 37 4 4 aan 20 11 9 90 41 49 81 39 42 60 34 26 128 72 56 87 39 48 30 14 16 64 35 29 3 3 ya: 22 13 9 45 22 23 25 12 13 89 56 33 333 154 179 29 13 16 211 101 110 199 97 102 52 22 30 129 65 64 188 94 94 63 30 33 127 62 65 57 24 33 170 89 81 2,996 1,555 1,441 27.2 14.1 13.1 148 61 87 401 216 185 47 21 26 538 290 248 221 115 106 527 274 253 447 227 220 86 44 42 581 307 274 1920 CENsUs THE SoutH TABLE XXX—NATIVE WHITE POPULATION HAVING MOTHER BORN IN STATE OF RESIDENCE Totat Morurer Born in) Moruer Born Otvt- STATE AND NATIVE STATE OF RESIDENCE SIDE OF STATE VILLAGE Wuite Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Number................. 41,188 29,161 14,064 15,097 12,027 5,987 6,040 Per Genta. sok ete 860% 4.100, 0° S670. 8 sel 36.7 29.2 14.5 14.7 SoutH Numbers, oe utes be. ta lle ae 30,185 25,178 12,089 13,089 5,007 2476 2% 531 Per Cent, See ee waren) a LUOLO 83.4 40.0 43.4 16.6 8.2 8.4 Georgetown, Del.......... 1,475 1,175 551 624 300 138 162 Berryville, Va.. eye 779 571 266 305 208 93 115 Bowling Green, Vi Wb et 386 314 143 hea 72 38 34 Halifax, Va.. Li eke 286 257 117 140 29 13 16 Smithfield, Vau dp are 702 651 288 363 51 aff 24 Burgaw, N. ely ir eater ch ae 554 552 292 260 2 ae 2 Carthagé" Nick cides 887 818 396 422 69 34 35 Clarkton, (IN=/Usi te whilst 308 282 137 145 26 11 15 Farmville wN Guu oo ane 943 870 468 402 %3 38 35 Hertford, (Ns Gi iene 778 690 321 369 88 37 51 Nashville, N. C.. em 685 684 320 364 1 1 Eee Pittsboro, N. C.. mA 346 316 168 148 30 15 15 Scotland Neck, N. ‘Co ATURE Ging 1,482 1,366 616 750 116 53 63 Bamberg, S. Po Se er ee ee 540 600 111 49 62 Bishopville, S. Cat cis WE ks EO 1S Vid eeoo 608 631 79 46 33 Edgefield, S. C.. ar EOS T 990 459 531 137 77 60 Pickens, S. C.. etn 705 566 260 306 139 69 70 St. Matthews, S, rere 780 723 383 340 57 30 27 Winnsboro, S. C.. Sim 915 809 363 446 106 60 46 Bethlehem, OF RD RW ON eae 211 210 109 101 1 1 or Hamptons Gava se wees 702 672 324 348 30 17 13 Jackson) Ga. ic... 2 ses LOS ALIS 515 608 a1 40 31 McDonough, Ga.......... 857 813 384 429 44 23 21 Pavo, Ga.. reese 719 546 253 293 173 96 v1 Albertville, Ala. . ae edo 847 413 434 707 339 368 ArabvoAla.¢ Sit. ae 264 198 85 113 66 33 33 Fayette Alaszic 0.0. 2ae, = oD 943 462 481 325 162 163 Hartsells, Alaoiv:. sacs 2) W1y599 V1 196 628 568 403 195 208 Brooksville, Miss.......... 387 258 121 137 129 65 . 64 Titabens: *Missic' 6 dees 7115 540 267 273 235 132 103 Poplarville, Miss... ) ea. .°.. A029 703 335 368 326 149 177 Jonesboro, Tenn.......... 728 608 297 311 120 59 61 Tiptonville, Tenn......... 674 439 233 206 235 111 124 ColambiasiKyun. 3s ss.hes. bh,045 944 447 497 101 44 57 Ma riorty Isy: ace bs 2 fe con) TS Ven Leb 520 605 347 181 166 SouTHWEST Number.,:.. cui... doves s (1),008 68,988 1,976. 2.008» 7,020. 8:31 3.608 Per Cent. ees ees 20 100.0 36.2 17.9 18.3 63.8 31.9 31.9 Mountain Home, Ark...... 483 174 84 90 309 144 165 Washwille, Arkin). :saee,s a) #1789 893 437 456 839 425 414 "TillawoaArkesd BA20 33 vagsi ex 277 161 78 83 116 70 46 Donnas eect cs ea ke ees 328 168 160 897 470 427 Grangere lexi din... ge. o> “el eee 528 279 249 896 44.7 449 Haslcalls Tesincay ss: shee va eee 844 412 432 1,359 657 702 Lennard: cL eriius i\05 hives oo eed 337 158 179 + 1,018 501 517 Waelder; Tex.c: ....0 a ls 570 287 137 150 283 133 150 Whitesboro, Tex.......... 1,784 431 222 209 = 1,303 664 639 46 1920 CENSUS THE SoutH TABLE XXXI—PLACE OF BIRTH OF FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION Toran Persons Born IN STATE AND Foreien- North- VILLAGE Born western Other All Europe* Europe Canada Mexico Othert Total Numberosvdtcn cates oot 945 163 239 23 486 34 Per: Cents tas ee ea. 100.0 17.3 25.3 2.4 51.4 3.6 OLp SoutH PN UI DER Ye eral ar oe ete aie 255 79 129 11 2 34 Per Gent oceaerer ee: ol. 100.0 31.0 50.6 4.3 8 13.3 Georgetown, Del........... 16 9 5 2 Berryville, Va.. eae ih 13 11 2 Me Bowling vheate Va.. i 4 2 2 Ae Halifax, Va... Rte Jeitel 6 3 be) 2 1 Smithfield, Va.. beer itis 6 1 2 2 BN Ge wan: 4 Pe Ad Carthage Ne. ir ee5 sa. 15 Me 15 ay WIBPEIOU IN Clee coke cee . ; . as Farmville, N. C............ 20 2 9 Hertford! NaGo eee). 5 1 1 Nashville NOC. oe, 2 ne ie 2 Pittsboro, N. C.. A 1 1 Ne a Scotland Neck, N. Co 8 6 1 1 Bamberg, S. C.. yeas, 17 4 12 1 Bishopville, S. C... AU A MN te 21 ‘/ 12 2 WOGWeNGIG, Ss ale. hake vine 16 3 13 Pickens, S. C.. at 4 1 2 1 St. Matthews, S, C.. ; 15 2 12 1 Le Winnsboro, S. C.. SAGE 15 9 1 1 4 Bethlehem, Ga.... F He . BASING LON, Aad os eee e/a 0's my ns ae ui ec Ate dna 8 3 2 2 te 1 McDonough, Ga........... 2 1 :y Bi ny: 1 Pavo, Ga.... eres Hl sy Ae aE a 2 re Albertville, Ala... 1 1 Oe ne. : ig ae Fayette, Ala..... il SF 11 Hartsells, Ala........ 9 5 4 f Brooksville, Miss..... 1 1 he Ittabena, Miss..... 23 21 2 Poplarville, Miss... . 2 a 1 be 1 Jonesboro, Tenn.. . g 1 1 oa Tiptonville, Tenn.......... 6 1 1 i, 4 OlUMbDIA: Yc wii ee beens 4 g 1 1 Marion, Ky.. 2 1 1 é SouTHWEST ITM DEE eee ox ed es 690 84 110 12 484 Pen Genk. vk.) re Yeu 100.0 12.2 15.9 1.7 70.2 Mountain Home, Ark....... 9 7 1 1 Nashville, Ark..: oc 2.258. 3 2 : 1 LILAC PAT tor hy ety 3 1 2 oe i. DiOtinee Leki hk haere) 353 36 10 7 300 Granger Tex... ae. 5 a6. 181 20 90 a 71 PEROMOLE LOS Oe: 0.4 Bh ars deters ais 12 vi it 3 1 SOOTATEL bh ON 25 chao eas eo. 6 2 3 me 4 WV SEIGEE Ox eee be a cnc 49 4 4 38; 41 Whitesboro, Tex........... 74 5 2 ate 67 * Germany and Austria are included. + Twenty-three from Syria; 7, China; 2, West Indies; and 2, other countries. 47 1920 CrNnsus THE Soutu TABLE XXXII—YEAR OF IMMIGRATION OF FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION Tora. 1911 1906 1901 1900 STATE AND For- to’ “toy, stooges ands Un- VILLAGE EIGN- 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1914 1911 1906 Priorknown Born Total Number... . 945 92 44 45 27 23 40 86 85 68 186 249 Per Cent... . 100.0. °°9:75 (4.0), 4.8575 2.9) 2.4" 4:2-.:9.1 40.0) {72 O 7 eee Oup SoutH Numbetud0 foe) i 255 st Bi 2 2 3 S* | 27.535) 86 (a! 72 Per Cent.... 100.0 ate by 8 28. 1:2. 3.15. 10.6 518.7 LIS 7 2a es: © Georgetown, Del... 16 1 2 5 8 Berryville, Va.. 13 1 4 z 3 3 Bowling Green, Va.. . 4 1 1 g HalifaxeVat se): 6 1 3 2 Smithfield, Va... 6 1 3 2 Burgaw, N.C... : es ; RS oe Carthage, N..C...... 15 a 4 3 8 ClarktengNiGeia.s BS na as Farmville, N. C...... 20 1 1 3 3 5 1 1 5 Hertford, N. C...... : 5 * 1 1 2 1 Nashville, N. C.. 2 24 rae a 2 Pittsboron 1 A, : 1 ; Scotland Neck, N.C.. 8 i oY ae 8 ak Bamberg, S. C....... 17 1 1 1 3 2 3 6 Bishopville, S. C..... 21 3 4 4 6 4 Edgefield, S. C.. 16 LMR 3°). aes 2 6 Pickens, S. C.. Bs 4 shy | ea 2 1 St. Matthews, S. roe. 15 5 + Se 3 4 Winnsboro, S. C..... 15 2 2 1 fs 3 Bethlehem, Ga....... Hampton, Ga..... i LP Eh Jackson, Ga.. ee 8 1 2 5 McDonough, Gane 2 2 Pavo, Ga.. a adane a Hf Albertville, Ala.. 1 1 Arab, Ala... ok Ne, a Fayette, Ala..... ; 11 1 4 2 3 1 me Hartsells, Ala...... 9 ¥ 1 1 6 1 Brooksville, Miss.. 1 Ve cP 1 Ittabena, Miss....... 23 2 3 6 8 4 Sy! Poplarville, Miss..... 2 1 1 Jonesboro, Tenn... .. 2 es Mes 2 Tiptonville, Tenn.. 6 1 1 3 ie 1 Columbia, Ky....... 4 1 2 1 Marion, Ky......... i. 1 1 SOUTHWEST Numbers ccs eee 690 92 44° -43. ° 25° ~20 '.$2, »59.>'50. $3 115 177 Per Cent... 100.0. 18.8.. 6.4) 6.2°.:3.6...2:9;. 46°) 8.6 272) 435 16 22a Mountain Home, Ark. 9 3 3 3 Nashville, Ark..... 3 y af 3 Tillar, Ark... Brines Mi . 2 7 Loe 1 1 ag Donna, Tex...... S58 VS4. | £3470 -ST b5 23s) (20>. 28) 2495-37 9 67 15 Granger, Tex........ 181 1 6 ek B | 20 139 Haskell, Tex....... 12 2 9 Leonard, Tex... 6 i: is i 6 a Waelder, Tex... . : 49 8 5 2 1 3 2 7 6 11 4 Whitesboro, Tex..... 74 50 5 4 1 1 2 2 5 4 1920 CENsUS THE Souta TABLE XXXIII—DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION BY SEX ALL CLASSES WHITE CoLoRED* STATE AND Males Native-Born Foreign-Born VILLAGE Fe- to 100 Fe- Fe- Fe- Male male Females Male male Male male Male male OUR ee so ne eae ee 27,886 29,569 94.3 20,051 21,137 534 370 7,301 8,062 APE OOUTH Uo ces vere ls. 21,485 23)194 92.7 14,565 15,620 160 88 6,710 7,416 Georgetown, Del......... 803 907 = 88.5 689 786 8 Th) LOBES Derry ville, Vary ss. «lk 534 604 88.4 359 420 7 6 168 178 Bowling Green, Va....... 215 250 85.2 181 205 3 1 29 44 HahlasVa.cse.c24*.., 189 222 85.1 130 156 4 2 55 64 Smithfield, Va........... 541 640 84.5 315 387 3 Se Pesce nee | IDUTZAW ING eR cd cee 538 502 107.2 292 262 ue LA 246 240 Carthage, NOC. 28.5... 461 501 92.0 430 457 fh 8 24 36 Clarktonz N2G.... 2%....60! 172 196 87.8 148 160 oe Oe 24 36 Farmville, N. C.......... 985 795 123.9 506 437 13 7 466 £351 Hertford, NSC. 2228 0..64 % 801 903 88.7 358 420 4 1 439 482 Nashville, N. C.. sees 447 492 90.9 321 364 1 1 125 127 Pittsboro, N. C.. ia 296 288 102.8 183 163 1 oy 112 125 Scotland Neck, N. C.. see. 935 1,126 83.0 669 813 6 To S60" S12 Bamberg, S. C.. vOreul Ose lee 88.6 589 662 1 | 5 488 8505 Bishopville, S. Cas pce pe USS Bit iy 4 98.7 654 664 13 Site Stk 380 Edgefield, S7€........... 868 997 87.1 536 591 12 4 320 6402 Pickens, S. C.. ae 412 483 85.3 329 376 2 2 81 105 St. Matthews, S. res. 860 920 93:5 413 367 7 8 440 545 Winnsboro, S. C.. 2 846 976 86.7 423 492 13 2 410 482 Bethlehem, Ga........... 125 121 103.3 110 101 Ves ahs 15 20 Hampton, Gan. 3... : 441 486 90.7 341 361 A -. 100 125 Jackson, Ga.s....c0..0.- 934 1,093 85.5 555 639 4 Se) oO u aot McDonough, Ga......... 602 661 91.1 407 450 1 1 194 210 Pavo, Ga. Ao), eee 482 508 94.9 349 370 bi) KA 133 138 Albertville, Ala... AA AR oe 800 866 92.4 752 802 l 47 64 ArabrAlaw getva3 2s ccet 118 146 80.8 118 146 PR ae Ve ap FavettesAlaie 8.3 053 863 878 98.3 624 644 6 fi 5235 pre 29 Hartsells, Ala............ 1,028 981 104.8 823 776 6 3 199 202 Brooksville, Miss......... 392 462 84.8 186 201 1 Hie 205 261 Ittabena, Miss........... 805 815 98.8 399 376 ll 10 395 429 Poplarville, Miss......... 600 690 87.0 484 545 2 114-145 Jonesboro, Tenn......... 402 413 97.3 356 372 2 44 41 Tiptonville, Tenn........ 534 516 103.5 344 330 6 tp 184 186 Colimbia Vic. oes ne ce 508 568 89.4 491 554 3 1 14 13 Mariott KVio eu tes oes 824 894 92.2 701 yr | 4 121 123 SOUTHWEST. . ate ... 6,451 6,445 100.1 5,486 5,517 374 282 £591 646 Mountain Home, Ae Se tye 234 258 90.7 228 255 6 3 A rau Nashville, Ark.. ... 1,058 1,086 97.4 862 870 1 Pie Oboe S14 TillantArk Ae te el se 180 170 105.9 148 129 3 in 29 41 Dpnnde Leman see ae 827 752 110.0 638 587 188 165 1 “ep Granger, Pexiys 3. ai. '< eos 984 960 102.5 726 698 89 92 169 170 HiseK ells Ofer ees LASS) lL TIS 95.2 1,069 1,134 4 8 49 36 Leonards Lette e suse 676 707 95.6 659 696 3 3 14 8 Waelder, Texin 2608 411 483 85.1 270 300 iF 8 134 175 Whitesboro, Tex......... 959 851 112.7 886 848 aa 1 2 * See note (*), Table XXVIII. Twenty-seven males and 14 females are foreign-born. 49 1920 CENSUS THE SoutH TABLE XXXIV—AGE-DISTRIBUTION OF MALES BY TEN-YEAR INTERVALS ALL Years or AGE STATE AND Acres Under 10 to 20to 30to 40 to 50to 60to70and Un- VILLAGE 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 over known Total Number.............. 27,886 6,218 5,512 4,699 3,902 3,181 2,061 1,493 720 100 Per Center. cake ce oe LOU re 2.S: ALO ted Oita ed al) chy bee 7.4 0.0 2.6 4 Oxup SoutH Number.............. 91,435 4,750 4,224 3,631 2,945 2,476 1,622 1,154 570 63 Per Gente Me. oss Sene00,.0 B22. 21977 elo 1S. Fil io 7.6 5.4 Aye ms Georgetown, Del....... 803. 130 136 129 97 111 91 62 47 Berryville, Va......... 534 115 104 52 71 71 38 53 30 Bowling Green, Ver 213 oy 43 27 28 34 21 13 10 Halifax, Va.. Senay 189 30 47 34 26 20 18 11 3 Smithfield, Va.. AAS 541 135 93 64 86 82 45 22 14 Burgaw, N. CE ee 538 144 133 85 56 57 25 28 10 th Carthage, N. C........ 461 109 81 15 70 43 36 $1 13 $ GlarktoniNe.C.-. sks oe 172 58 31 17 16 25 15 8 2 £ Farmville, N. C........ 985 189.172 268 152 +114 49 31 ll 4 Hestiordsny Goa sare as 801 POG al 16a Le 95 84 51 27 20 30 Nashville, N. C........ 447 122 82 fie’ 78 39 5 16 5 1 Pittsboro Ne. Ceca. 296 83 45 51 42 26 19 19 10 I Scotland Neck, N. Cxate 935 225 185 150 128 92 74 51 26 4 Bamberg, S. C.. ee OSS. t 2SC nr SO? aia? 1 San 16a eo LS 60 38 17 1 Bishopville, S. C2 He cis OSGi, 2a6 190 201 174 130 51 34 12 Edgefield, S. C......... S68 SISt Ole reo LL E 97 64 45 17 Pickens, S. C... me 412 98 92 54 57 47 32 18 14 cvs St. Matthews, S, C.. sf 860 §@i1 164 179 + 118 87 52 SL 17 I Winnsboro, S. C....... 846 186 AGS lol 114 84 56 56 31 5 Bethlehem, Ga......... 125 34 29 17 17 8 13 6 1 2 Hampton, Ga.......... 441 96 107 72 54 41 33 30 7 1 Jackson, Ga........... 934 192 172 158 149 84 90 62 24 i McDonough, Ga....... 602 118 ‘181 88 83 72 51 37 27 - Pavo, Ga.. hes boas 482 118 111 71 49 54 34 32 12 ] Albertville, Ala’: Tay, ear 800 194 170 126 =s:101 91 51 49 16 zg Arabella tae iis cae ae a 118 28 20 20 18 14 9 9 ay Fayette, Ala........... 863 186 170 175 129 97 43 45 18 Hartsells, Ala.......... 1,028. 252 227 148 188 1925 78 40 20 Brooksville, Miss....... 392 70 84 55 44 56 45 27 11 Ittabena, Miss......... 805 142 155 145 124 120 13 30 16 Poplarville, Missive oi: 600 125 136 §=6103 86 fel 42 29 8 Jonesboro, Tenn....... 402 73 81 53 48 50 48 33 16 we Tiptonville, Tenn...... 534 101 101 109 65 76 45 22 9 6 Columbia, Ky......... 508 94 91 88 64 62 44 39 26 p Maron inves. pee te 824 154 149 110 93 99 99 70 50 SOUTHWEST Number. semeth evs 0451 36468 1288 1,068" O57° 706. .489 4689 150 37 Per Cent.. waded es. 4100.0) 22:8" 720.0 > 16:65) 14.84,110.9 6.8 5.2 2.3 6 Mountain Tee. eS 234 49 48 38 31 26 21 17 4 Mes Nashville, Ark.. (2 O68: S84 187 156. 180%, 112 77 62 23 27 Tillanwark 22. ok x. 180 38 34 31 32 28 12 3 2 Onassis, | div ka 827 200 178 122 119 89 55 45 19 F Granger, Lex. (5 0% 984 + 288 810 165.0 s1a0e VLIS 48 34 17 1 Haskell) Tex... T....) FeIgl@e Si25I 239 ~=©190 145 128 95° eG 25 b, Leonard. Ter iin.’ : 676 162 120 119 98 68 47 43 19 Waelder, Tex.. 1 Nc 411 90 85 67 63 38 26 29 13 Whitesboro, Tex. 4).0,8? 069. 209.2487 180. 4180. 106), Sal sb Sh ea ees 1920 CENSUS THE SoutH TABLE XXXV—AGE-DISTRIBUTION OF FEMALES BY TEN-YEAR INTERVALS ALL YEARS OF AGE STATE AND Aces Under 10 to 20to 30to 40to 50to 60to70and Un- VILLAGE 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 over known Total Number.............. 29,569 6,063 6,210 5,586 4,160 3,217 1,998 1,350 900 85 ettoents. crc. i. LOU ee 20,0 210 t5.9 50st aede LOL9 6.7 4.6 3.0 .o Op SoutTH Number.............. 23,124 4,668 4,829 4,349 3,229 2.577 1,599 1,074 744 55 Per cent:. yon. 24. et 00.0) (2022 20.999 18.897°14.0, 791.2 6.9 4.6 3.2 4 Georgetown, Del....... 907 188 145 .140 115 123 98 82 66 Berryville, Va.. Mes 604 115 106 66 98 81 63 4] 34 Bowling Green, Vallie’ 250 49 50 26 35 33 23 19 15 Halifax, Va.. tae 222 42 41 45 34 26 15 12 i Smithfield, Va.. Dek 640 107 Lhe 141 93 65 62 39 22 Burgaw, N. Ge et ae 502 121 #6116 79 73 56 22 21 14 a Carthage, N. C........ 501 95 96 105 73 51 45 22 13 1 1,981) 152370) 931 640 399 276 156 30 Per Cent.. Be LOO Oe SL Gin Siam OP 14.5 9.9 6.2 4.3 2.4 5 Mountain Home, ee : 258 54 55 47 25 24 24 15 13 1 Nashville, Ark.. 1.4) 1,086 222. 200. 296".163,.. 102 71 50 26 26 Tolar Arkin .ts 2 cet 170 32 35 41 29 18 7 6 2 Donne. exo cen oie 1be. (182 163 147 108 77 39 25 11 WstAniger Lex, ei on dae 960 194 219 190 159 96 49 34 19 ve Haskell? Text sa re 178% © 268. 92995200 149 119 75 47 al 2 Leonard, Tex. aiiwnd.n 707 158 149 145 95 70 42 aS 15 Waelder, Tex.. apts 483 100 = 103 85 71 44 40 21 19 WhitesboroiTemiscue kus Bol 187e) “AGaeen 1664) 189610 s 90 ABR erurdBims 280 ee] 1920 CENSUS THE SoutH TABLE XXXVI—MARITAL CONDITION OF MALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER STATE AND Tora NUMBER Pan Gawtt oF ToTaL VILLAGE Sin- Mar- Wid- Di- Sin- Mar- Wid- Dzi- gle ried owed vorced _— gle ried owed vorced Totalic sk. fetes aed MLS oes USd Liew ae 955 51 $2.7 61.4 5.} +54 Oxup SoutTH.......... 14,898 4,747 8,840 732 36 33.0 61.4 5.1 x3 Georgetown, Del..... 610 176 382 51 1 28.9 62.6 8.3 4 Berryville, Va.. 369 130 209 29 1 $5.2 56.6 7.9 iS Bowling Green, Va.. 149 54 87 6 2 36.3 58.4 4.0 1g Halifax, Va. uA 136 67 68 1 ee 49.3 650.0 af ae Smithfield, Va.. dpe 349 95 233 20 1 27.2 66.8 Go sak Burgaw, N. Gy te 331 126 185 18 2 38.1 55.9 5.4 6 Carthage, N. C...... 306 113 172 21 1% 36.9 56.2 6.9 >. Clarkton: NAC. aa. 94 24 68 2 sis t + t t Farmville, N. C...... 704 334 334 21 a 47.5 47.5 2.9 f¢ Hertford, N. C...... : 489 154 311 21 Mf 31.5 63.6 4.3 6 Nashville, N. C...... 287 95 179 13 re = by | 62.4 4.5 5p Pittsboro, N. C...... 186 61 107 17 1 32.8 57.5 9.2 oO Scotland Neck, N.C.. 611 191 394 26 zh. 31.3 64.5 4.2 Bamberg, 8. C....... 687 222 440 25 No 32.3 64.1 3.6 Bishopville, S. C..... 693 241 422 28 es 34.8 60.9 . 4.0 Edgefield, S. C....... 560 163 366 31 yi: 29.1 65.4 5:5 Pickens, S. C.. 263 15 162 26 ov 28.5 61.6 9.9 St. Matthews, S, {ay 567 193 356 18 abs 34.0 62.8 3.2 Winnsboro, S. C.. 569 197 329 26 e, 34.6 57.8 4.6 See 53 41 35 31 1 7 4 2 rf 1 Farmville, N. C......... 240 198 114 109 St $5 29 27 60 27 Hertford, Nice. sie. 255 192 146 133 38 31 30 18 41 10 Nashville, N. C......... 182 106 79 77 16 12 yi 11 20 6 Pittsboro, N. C.. nya 68 56 43 40 10 10 6 5 9 1 Scotland Neck, N. C. LO 24s 1600) Lee 108 45 33 40 16 40. 8 Bamberg, S. C.. Bh 288 191 157 136 36 29 29 14 66 if Bishopville, S. Chik Bh) ae ene 284 199 158 150 30 25 32 19 64 5 Edgefield, S. C.. Rowe 997: 182), 1380) 129 41 32 29 14 27 a Pickens, S. C.. pee 118 93 62 61 20 16 16 9 20 4 St Matthews, S. C.. Re eeg 237 154 124 89 40 30 25 16 48 19 Winnsboro, S:/Gio. 08. 229 1725 Ishi 36 31 35 18 35 11 Bethlehem, Ga.......... 42 25 28 21 3 2 3 1 8 1 Hamptons Garon ve) ve On roo 98 76 67 19 16 1% 8 38 y! Jackson) GB. eee 246 187 135 129 Oo 29 28 18 50 ll McDonough, Ga........ 172 127 90 85 23 19 27 17 32 6 Pavo, Ga.. Ee AD 163. +129 93 83 22 21 20 16 28 9 Albertville, Ala.. SAP | 250 185 1384 116 32 26 36 26 48 17 Arab? Alay ors ae 30 22 16 15 3 3 6 a 5 1 Fayette Alay o. ves 2 248 1a Bs 99 28 22 30 18 56 8 Hartsells, Ala........... 816 239 162 147 40 32 58 41 56 19 Brooksville, Miss........ 125 99 67 64 19 16 21 15 18 A Ittabena, Miss.......... 224 149 119 106 32 29 34 9 39 5 Poplarville, Miss........ 187 147 110 104 22 16 22 13 33 14 Jonesboro, Tenn........ 107 81 47 47 21 20 18 .9 21 5 Tiptonville, Tenn....... 147 96 72 61 20 16 19 13 36 6 Columbia, Ky.......... 123 84 65 54 20 LZ 11 5 27 8 Marion vices es yet 205 162 105 #£102 35 32 28 19 37 9 SOUTHWEST Numober.....«. 2. ees +. ne 11,986) 1251 .1,062* 847°) 964 “*918" 237 180: $238 61 Per Cent............... 100.0 66.3 100.0 79.8 100.0 80.7 100.0 54.9 100.0 18.9 Mountain Home, Ark.... 61 55 35 34 9 9 8 7 9 5 Nashville: Are... cs cn hes ello bie 68 35 26 28 14 52 11 LU ay AT Kae ae Atte 51 39 28 27 4 4 9 6 10 2 SOR L Keer eh ete on 2966 143 £147 97 46 29 29 13 44 4 Granger. (Letra ue S12 . 2238 181 164 49 38 34 18 48 8 Hineiel set 2 eae 346 8248 190 176 43 38 49 25 64 9 Leotard. Lex 0.4. es 181 156 104 101 26 24 22 18 29 13 Waelder: Lex.ic 2.90 122 93 73 67 13 13 15 9 21 4 Whitesboro, Tex........ 254 170 196 1183 39 32 43 20 46 5 1920 Census THE SoutH TABLE XXXIX—SCHOOL ATTENDANCE OF FEMALES BETWEEN 7 AND 21 YEARS OF AGE TorTaL YEARS oF AGE STATE AND 7 to 21 7 to 14 14 to 16 16 to 18 18 to 21 VILLAGE In In In In In Total School Total School Total School Total School Total School Total Number........... 8,763 6,351 4,465 3,995 1,240 1,067 1,254 822 1,804 467 Per Went «sok 100.0 72.5 100.0 89.5 100.0 86.0 100.0 65.6 100.0 25.9 Oxp SoutH Number........... 6,803 5,029 3,456 3,180 964 838 972 642 1,411 369 Per, 30. BA 100.0 73.9 100.0 92.0 100.0 86.9 100.0 66.0 100.0 26.2 Georgetown, Del...... 198 161 104 104 32 31 29 20 33 6 Berryville, Va..:..... 156 =196'' 89 86 21 re, Ay § 14 29 6 Bowling Green, Va.... 65) 68" 34 * 33 9 8 9 TGrEaS 5 PealitawinV ates oo ; 60 41 29 22 6 6 10 10 15 3 Smithfield, Va........ 1538 +111 V7 76 15 13 25 15 36 F ( DUPPAWaiNs ese...) 100 1102 80 56 30 27 22 10 31 9 Carthage, "Ni Co. ..2..) | 184!" 108 io 70 20 16 21 15 20 2 Clarkton, N. C....... 59 48 31 30 fi 7 9 7 12 4 Farmville (N:.C.. 72.) 2287 187 195. 11T 23 21 42 35 48 20 Hertford, N. C....... 298 241 156 1858 55 50 40 30 47 8 Nashville, N. C....... 145 121 84 79 16 16 18 14 27 12 Pittsboro, N. C....... 81 61 43 Al 10 10 10 Te 18 3 Scotland Neck, N.C.. 346 224 171 159 37 27 54 24 84 14 Bamberg, S. C....... .” 879 248. 178: 159 53 39 55 27 98 18 Bishopville, S. C..... . 829 220 154 143 48 40 43 25 84 12 Edgefield, S. C........ 287." 209. “137° ..1S3 47 38 34 22 69 16 PickensiScG@.2,.5%4 171 138 96 94 27 24 24 13 24 7 St. Matthews, S.C.... 284 169 126 96 42 35 42 24 74 14 Winnsboro, S. C...... 262 189 123 115 35 30 she 21 73 23 Bethlehem, Ga........ 37 27 20 18 6 5 4 z ¢ 2 Hampton, Ga......... 1627-108 oe iy eo Sa ee oe Shot LE eee 4 Jackson, Ga.. tee . S06) (245) AGT |) 358 36 34 45 35 58 18 McDonough, Gain i Lia eB eo Be SLi ee) SOS Se Age LS Pavo, Ga.. ec Oe Hits hiey ot Oc 76 72 28 25 30 22 19 9 Albertville, 'Ala.. sey. SSSI 206 NGIAT. o TS4 36 32 44 32 54 ily Arab, FY, Bn 52 44 30 27 5 4 9 9 8 4 Fayette, Ala.......... 2969 173 147 107 oe 28 34 21 56 17 Hartsells, Ala........ we SOT S45. S17 17 A168 40 38 33 26 53 19 Brooksville, Miss..... 151 129 86 85 26 24 16 12 23 8 Ittabena, Miss...... 994 171 (126 115 31 26 24 14 43 16 Poplarville, Miss...... 234 180 120 113 34 30 40 30 40 7 Jonesboro, Tenn...... 116 91 53 53 18 17 23 15 22 6 Tiptonville, Tenn... .. 163 102 68 53 34 30 Q1 15 40 4 Columbia, Ky........ 148 114 74 70 23 18 19 11 32 15 Marion, SN. s.c00 ca oes, 16650100, 70108 Sore 34 40 25 48 19 SoUTHWEST Number. or: ...... 1,960 1,822 1,009 815'..276 229 282 180 ° 398 98 Pee: (Ont os ate ws 100.0 67,4 100.0 80.8 100.0 83.0 100.0 63.8 100.0 24.9 Mountain Home, Ark. 75 63 32 31 13 13 11 10 19 9 Nashville, Ark........ 302 1295 162 62 39 28 28 iy; 1S 18 Tillar, Arkomh 4... 2.46.5 45 $7 20 20 fi) 7 9 7 9 3 Donna. 7) i. iss: SSBLE ILS: 129 94 25 15 30 Abi 54 5 Granger, Tex......... 906 209 s4lbe) 180s . 40 SO™.) OS, | 2Su8' 62519 Haskell Pexiscea:,..c%:. 420 $317 214 194 57 52 64 46 85 95 Leonards Tex coin son 2OG er l6S. 210. V1LOv, 95 21 38 24» SS 11 Waelder, Tex......... 143 112 69 64 26 22 QA 17 24 9 Whitesboro, Tex...... At ad Roe & asad Ce; 35 oo 40 25 44 6 OO Oe——————————————=—=E—=—=S=Sa=E=E=SaE=aeaEaEeaEeEeaEeaEeEeaEeEeaEaEa=EeaEeEeEeEeEeESEaEeEESS=_=—=_" 55 1920 CrNnsus THE SoutH TABLE XL—ILLITERATES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER BY SEX Both SEXES MALE FEMALE STATE AND Illit- Illit- Tllit- VILLAGE Total erate Total erate Total erate Total Nim bers oo oe eee Ab TTS 4,034 21,668 1,876 23,506 2,158 Ber Cents von ts cerien 100.0 8.9 100.0 8.7 100.0 9.2 O.p SoutTH Number t.\. cc aie rae, Ost 3,301 16,685 1,498 18,456 1,803 PeriGen toe ohnduees. peak 100.0 9.4 100.0 9.0 100.0 9.8 Georgetown, Del........... 1,442 48 673 25 769 23 Berryvilles(Vact teases sees 908 AT 419 4 489 20 Bowling aS oad Vane 377 18 176 8 201 10 Halifax, Va.. VR as states 339 29 159 8 180 21 Smithfield, Va.. Heh ee 939 83 406 44 533 39 Burgaw, N. apes PLAS eee 775 YW é 394 34 381 43 Carthage N. Ga 0a. 758 10 352 6 406 4 ClarktonNs. Co ian vas 258 he 114 He 14940 ae Farmville, N. C............ 1,395 94 796 53 599 41 Rertiords Ns Cis ceye cee 1,300 157 595 72 705 85 Nashville, N. C.. Rey st 684 74 325 39 359 35 Pittsboro, N. C.. Aoutans 442 58 213 28 229 30 Scotland Neck, N. Yen) arth 1,583 144 710 56 873 88 Bamberg, &. C.. oy, 1,738 237 802 90 936 147 Bishopville, S. red A 1,651 125 792 57 859 68 Edgefield, S. C Rib Sh S 1,418 199 650 73 768 126 Pickens, S. C.. ay 683 55 314 27 369 28 St. Matthews, 5: C.. ; 1,405 419 649 164 756 255 Winnsboro, S. C........... 1,449 207 660 103 789 104 Bethlehem, Ga............. 182 19 91 10 91 9 Hanintony Ga... orn eee 725 65 345 33 380 32 WACKSOTT Graal toma 2d oe 1,635 182 742 76 893 106 McDonough, Ga........... 1,021 ffs 439 39 532 34 Pavo, Ga.. Hid has eae 754 73 364 30 390 43 Albertville, ‘Ala.. CAMERON A 1,284 70 606 32 678 38 Wra beth at pen’, cheat panes pe 202 5 90 2 112 3 Fayette Ala. oct ee e 1,352 196 677 109 675 87 Hartsells;Alac Vidic... wets 1,549 96 776 45 fis 51 Brooksville, Miss........... 707 109 322 39 385 70 Ittabena, Miss............. 1,349 56 663 17 686 39 Poplarville, Miss........... 999 52 475 28 524 24 Jonesboro, Tenn........... 681 25 329 12 352 13 Tiptonville, Tenn.......... 852 79 433 44 419 35 Columbia Kyiv. i. ene 880 48 414 30 466 18 Marion y) Kyi is owes Sol ceteks 1,425 72 670 38 755 34 SouTHWEST Number.. Wale Shr ese ciO ee we ac LOL peas pik 4,983 378 5,050 355 Per Cent.. Nope CPOs oe 6 lia 100.0 vie 100.0 7.6 100.0 7.0 Mountain Home eae 389 13 185 5 204 8 Nashville, Ark.. A tae 1,688 86 824 36 864 50 Tillar, Ark Vig nao 280 10 142 + 138 6 DOnnay LOS. eel, ca 1,197 273 627 139 570 134 Granger “Pes. tic. 4 eee oi 1,515 Se 749 56 766 81 Finakelis Tes) og oy dees 1,783 32 871 21 912 11 Leonard, Tex... s% 7 iv es 1,063 22 514 17 549 5 Waelder Tex. 3 ky SO 704 77 321 30 383 47 Whitesboro, Tex........... 1,414 83 750 70 664 13 1920 CENsUs THE SoutH TABLE XLI—ILLITERATES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER BY COLOR AND NATIVITY Aut CuLassEs NATIVE WHITE FoREIGN WHITE COLORED* STATE AND Illit- Tllit- Thlit- Illit- VILLAGE Total erate Total erate Total erate Total erate Total Number............ 45,174 4,034 32,249 699 858 329 12,067 3,006 Per Cente). mam. | 100.0 8.9 100.0 2.2 100.0 38.3 100.0 24.9: OLp SoutH Number............ 35,141 3,301 23,843 523 247 1S XL OS) 2.7638 Pet: Cent. eo ae 100.0 9.4 100.0 2.2 100.0 6.1 100.0 25.0: Georgetown, Del..... 1,442 48 1,948 23 15 a 179 25 Berryville, Va........ 908 47 617 3 13 oF 278 44 Bowling Green, Va... 377 18 323 1 4 oe 50 17 Hahfax/ Valier; 8 be. 339 29 241 1 6 Ws 92 28 Smithfield, Va....... 939 83 571 5 5 1 363 77 Burge wii No eon unt ss cue ris 419 3 a pe 356 74 Carthage, N. C...... 758 10 692 5 15 ee 51 5. Clarkton. No Cr0.2.. 258 bh 215 ae ue a 43 oy Farmville, N. C...... 1,395 94 710 4 20 8 665 82 Hertford, N. C...... . 1,300 157 609 27 5 Ae 686 130 Nashville, N. C...... 684 74 495 5 2 ae 187 69 Pittsboro, NiCr. 8: .) 442 58 265 10 1 rh 176 48 Scotland Neck, N.C.. 1,583 144 1,155 42 7 A 421 102 Bamberg, See ete & LBS 237 984 68 16 g 738 167 Bishopville, SC ee ees | 125 1,017 10 21 a 613 115 Edgefield, S. C....... 1,418 199 857 28 16 As 545 171 Picken Gans see 683 55 540 24 4 a 139 31 St. Matthews, S.C... 1,405 419 625 4 14 1 766 414 Winnsboro, S. C..... 1,449 207 752 1 15 3 682 203. Bethlehem, Ga....... 182 19 153 4 Aa a 29 15 Hampton, Ga........ 725 65 551 20 he ae 174 45 Jackson, Ga......... 1,635 182 956 6 ff as 672 176 McDonough, Ga..... 1,021 73 702 2 g ne 317 71 TAVORsA ee te: 754 73 558 5 We : 196 68 Albertville, Ala...... 1,284 70 =1,198 33 1 85 i ATi Ala eo eet) teas 202 5 202 5 Ne i Fayette, Ala......... 1,352 196 980 51 ll 361 145 Hartsells, Ala....... 1,549 96 1,240 25 9 300 71 Brooksville, Miss.... . 707 109 315 te 1 391 109 Ittabena, Miss....... 1,349 56 620 vy 21 708 56 Poplarville, Miss..... 999 52 806 16 2 191 36 Jonesboro, Tenn..... 681 25 609 10 2 70 15 Tiptonville, Tenn... . 852 79 552 3 6 294 76 Columbia, Ky....... 880 48 852 39 4 24 9 Manon) Ky.=>....; 1,495 72 1,214 40 g 209 32 SouTHWEST Number............ 10,033 733 8,406 176 = 611 314 1,016 243 Per Cent:........02. 100.0 7.3 100.0 2.1 100.0 51.4 100.0 23.9 Mountain Home, Ark. 389 13 380 12 9 1 .v if Nashville, Ark....... 1,688 86 1,344 4 3 He 341 8z Villar, Ark 40 ey 280 10 220 dee 3 * 57 10 Donna; Tex... .. #4). 15397 273 883 82 313 191 1 Ale Granger, Tex........ 1,515 137 1,052 30 =178 53 285 54 Haskell, Tex......... 1,783 32 1,696 8 12 1 75 23 Leonard, Tex........ 1,063 22 1,036 15 6 1 21 6 Waelder, Tex........ 704 1% 456 4 14 5 234 68 Whitesboro, Tex..... 1,414 83 1,339 21 73 62 2 * Thirty-two foreign-born illiterates. See note (*), Table XXVII for composi- tion of colored population, all ages. 57 1920 CENSUS Tue SovutH# TABLE XLII—NATURALIZATION OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Bot SEXES MALE FEMALE STATE AND Natur- Natur- Natur- VILLAGE Total alized Total alized Total alized Total Numbers t occ cc oun chy} 226 438 128 289 98 Per Vent ee aye 100.0 31.1 100.0 29.2 100.0 33.9 Oup SourTH Numberte toon tae. 230 101 152 65 78 36 Per Cente 100.0 43.9 100.0 42.8 * * Georgetown, Del....... 14 5 7 3 7 2 Berryville, Va......... ’ 12 4 7 2 5 2 Bowling Green, Va..... 4 3 3 2 1 1 Halifax, Va.. ig, Ste 6 4 4 2 2 2 Smithfield, Vn tesmiow 5 3 3 1 2 2 Burgaw eN AG) 21, ae a Me “ye oh Carthage, N. C.....:.. 14 13 ve 7 Tot 6 Glarkton Ny Goi, os. . a : e- 3% a Farmville, N. C........ 19 1 12 T 1 Hertford, N. C......... 5 4 4 3 1 1 Nashville, N. C........ 2 uy, 1 1 a Pittsbora;N; Cl o2 oa.) 1 1 1 1 hae j Scotland Neck, N.C... 7 6 6 6 1 BS Bamberg, S. C......... 16 4 ll 4 5 ae Bishopville, S. C....... 19 8 12 5 f] 3 Edgefield, S. C......... 16 8 12 5 4 3 Pickens, S. C... Ws, 4 2 2 - St. Matthews, gi C.. a, 11 4 6 2 5 2 Winnsboro, S. C....... 14 2 13 2 1 ae Bethlehem, Ga......... oie ie yh Hampton) (xa i iis Ae a et Lf s a Jackson, Ga.. Pees Ae 7 5 4 2 3 3 McDonough, Gavenies 2 1 1 ‘@ Pavo, Ga.. Wades ein bs Albertville, ‘Ala... 1 1 1 1 ArabsAlarse 20. aes bs ie Aes e Be Favette, Ala....5. 004. 9 7 5 4 4 3 Hartsells, Ala.......... 9 5 6 4 3 3 Brooksville, Miss....... 1 1 1 1 i Ittabena, Miss......... 17 3 9 2 8 1 Poplarville, Miss....... 2 1 2 1 Jonesboro, Tenn....... 2 Hes 2 ts Tiptonville, Tenn...... 5 3 5 3 Columbia, Ky.. Hs 4 2 3 1 (i 1 Marion} Ky.ig inc % oa 2 1 2 1 SouTHWEST ‘umber Phd te aes 497 125 286 63 211 62 Per Centis bie. ee 100.0 25.2 100.0 22.0 100.0 29.4 Mountain Home, Ark... q 3 6 2 3 1 Nashville, Ark......... 4 ae 2 ni 2 sil Hay PATE tiwti cores 3 VAG 2 3 2 Aj s Donna: Tex. 4. ee. 235 56 126 24 109 32 Granger, Tex.......... 156 45 78 25 78 20 Haskell: Texiivis sce has 12 4 4 i 8 4 Leonard, lex:; oo. 4) 2% 5 2 2 nes 3 2 Waelder, Tex.......... 13 6 6 3 ys 3 Whitesboro, Tex....... 60 7 59 7 1 at * Per cent. not shown, base less than 100. 58 1920 CENSUS THE SoutH TABLE XLITJI—HOME OWNERSHIP AND SIZE OF FAMILY TorTaL Famiuies Livinc 1n Homes PER- STATE AND Fami- Rented Owned Tenure soONSs VILLAGE LIES* Encum- Un- Un- ‘04 Total Free bered known known Famity f Total Number.............. 13,795 6,520 6,787 5,195 969 623 488 4.2 Per Gents: J 4 88 1. 14000:0 47.3 49.2 37.7 7.0 4.5 3.5 ae Oxup SoutTH Number Jif. 6.62.02.. 10,8120 5238S .5)191 4,180. .780-' $81 389 4.1 Per Gents it a. cee ee) 5100.0 48.4 48.0 38.2 6.7 3.1 3.6 Kee Georgetown, Del....... 516 261/251 232 17 2 4h 3:33 Berryville, Va.......... 281 108 169 129 38 2 4 4.0 Bowling aaa Var osu 108 33 71 62 9 4 4.3 Halifax, Va.. ene 81 23 54 4] 18 - 4 5.1 Smithfield, Va.. aa 331 230 97 81 15 1 4 3.6 Burgaw, N. C.......... 231 86 139 128 11 6 4.5 Carthage, Ni Cus ar: 198 SS e SOG 0 133 5 1 1 4.9 (larkton, No Cy eon. case 78 32 4} 35 4 2 5 4.7 Farmville, N. C........ 395 21351264 121 5 A 56s 4.5 Hertiord. NaC. sec ve 408 200 195 133 60 4 13 4.2 Nashville, N. C..:..... 234 133 96 93 3 v, 5 4.0 Pittsboro, N. C.. ips 140 69 70 58 11 1 Very 8 Scotland Neck, N. (el iam 450 252 186 144 41 1 12 4.6 Bamberg, S. C.. Ae 511 269 209 98 28 83 383 «4.3 Bishopville, S. Cea gece 465 259 188 135 19 34 18 4.5 Edgefield, S. C......... 452 265 180 125 55 wi 7 4.1 Pickens, S. C.. eres 91 103 82 on g 30 6 4.7 St. Matthews, oi Cc. hes 441 193 176 104 58 14 72 4.0 Winnsboro, S. C....... 456 239 213 165 23 25 4 4.0 Bethlehem, Ga......... 55 24 29 29 13 } Q 4.5 Hampton;.Ga.. 2.8 230 147 83 71 8 4 te 4.0 Jackson, Ga.. bats 503 2ESe) | LES 2 SLOT 30 1 37 4.0 McDonough, (Shs Wee he 316 116 197 #190 6 1 $24.0 Pavo, Ga.... Aer ve 218 93 119 107 11 1 6 4.5 Albertville, Ala. . ia, 387 139 234 176 22 36 14 4.3 ATSDANIAR Le shee he 61 22 39 38 1 4.3 Fayette, Ala........... 404 220 184 £152 32 a a 4.4 Hartsells, Ala.......... 444 209 230 = 191 39 “ve 5 4.5 Brooksville, Miss....... 235 118 103 86 1l 6 14 3.6 Ittabena, Miss......... 450 233 214 = 161 53 i rs ag Poplarville, Miss....... 278 154 110 88 20 2g 14 4.6 Jonesboro, Tenn........ 209 Sis 1522" 182 19 1 be 3.9 Tiptonville, Tenn...... 318 208 94 89 5 yt 16. 8.3 Columbia, Ky......... 279 93 175 162 9 4 Linwreg Marion uk ya's ee. nae 458 135 318 244 47 27 5 3.8 SouTHWEST Number.............. 2983 1,288 1,596 1,065 239 292 99 4.3 Ber. Cont /i 4. taciee:, 0.4100.0 43.2 53.5 35.7 8.0 9.8 3.3 a Mountain Home, Ark... 128 50 "7 68 8 1 1 3.8 Nashville, Ark......... 500 207 257 - 1 256 36 «4.3 Millar sArkoes. . ei. ees 82 41 39 35 2 2 2 48 DOWNS LESH. ays ae 374 195 177 108 71 3 2 4.2 Granger, Tex.......... 423 198 200 183 17 ths 25 4.6 Haskell; Tex.) .: 220...3. 528 230 293 215 56 22 5 4.4 Leonard, Tex.......... 307 121 184 173 6 5 ee Waelder, Tex.......... 235 84 151 114 36 1 a 3.8 Whitesboro, Tex....... 406 162 218 174 42 2 26 4.5 * By census definition, each family has a home, which may or may not be a separate dwelling. + For total population of each village, see Table XXVII. 59 1920 CENsUs Tue SoutH TABLE XLIV—GAINFULLY EMPLOYED MALES IN EACH AGE GROUP Tora. Years or AGE 10 and over 10to15 15to20 20t045 45 to 6565 and over* STATE AND Em- Em- Em- Em- Em- Em- VILLAGE ploy- ploy- ploy- ploy- ploy- ploy- Total wel Total ced Total rad Total Hed Total ed Total ed Total Number............ 21,668 16,1062,990 181 2,522 1,150 10,189 9,592 4,541 4,269 1,426 914 Per Cent............ 100.0 74.3100.0 6.1100.0 45.6 100.0 94.1100.0 94.0100.0 64.1 Oup SoutH Number............ 16,685 12,515 2,287 1591,937 905 7,828 7,382 3,530 3,339 1,103 730 Per Cent............ 100.0 75.0100.0 7.0100.0 46.7 100.0 94.3100.0 94.6100.0 66.2 Georgetown, Del..... 673 535 63 .. 73 29 | 974. 266.191. 186772; " 54 Berryville, Vac... Ie 419) 9812) 66 6.9) 84. 0°28) 168159) (OG woe sees Bowling Green, Va... 176 134 27 1 16 6 72 70 48 48 13 9 Halifax; Veena ee AOS OL LO, aceon ware 7 68 62 35 33 9 8 Smithfield, Va....... 406 305 57 6 36 99 185 LIS LOS A Sie ear ie Burgawsen. Ge 394 274 63 375.7105 S01 1974-166 * 62 aoe ree eee Carthage, N.C...... 352 283 46 6 $5. ''16) | 169 164.974) S747 G25 55 24 Clarkton, N. C...... 114 89 20 riser ph 6 46 45 31 31 6 5 Farmville, N. C...... 796 633 92 .. 80 35 480 463 125 123 19 12 Hertford, N. C....... 595 420 106 G70 32 248 228. 110" 107 ei ae Nashville, (N?: C2 i)..0¢5 | 825") 242 > 8800 44 IB VF ISLS” GT pea eT 5 Pittsboro, N. C.. SIS loo ee dial Re 9 101 94 49 43 £418 8 Scotland Neck, N. on 710 6553 99° 15 86 64 #£=93$18-302 #158 143 49 29 Bemberg, S. C....... 802 586 115 1 87 $88 433 3983 129 126 S38 3% Bishopville, S. C..... 792 589 99 1 9] 44 455 416 125 115 22 18 Edgefield, S. C.. ul 650 499 90 TROL 29): 330. $18 1) 188 “Gi265 sae 24 Pickens, S. C.. S14 S97 i ol 1 41 PR 188,128" 62° Clee 0 St. Matthews, S. om 649 494 82% T"'"82" 367). 887)" S19" 12S" 16 eiaes ee Winnsboro, S. C.. 660 506 91 ll 72, 836 S06 - 285 126'°122)°>65 52 Bethlehem, (TA ae 91 71 18 4 11 10 40 40 18 15 4 g Hampton, Ga........ 345 259 56 $61. 80) | 1484188 Fie TO eee es Jackson, Ga......... 742 570 103 7. 69. "29" 345 S857:175 104 “oun boo McDonough, Ga.... . 489 367 #68 ] 63 27 209 205 108 105 41 29 Pavo, Ga.. bYsid 6 364 256° 63°" 12°48) » 238. 142°). 1842984. 7727 10 Albertville, Alaw 4 eet, 606° 464' 929° 185).78.: (37) 268.) 2524 189 si Sl ese 26 Arabpalaa ie to: 90 65 12 7" 8 I 46 40 19 19 5 5 Fayette, Ala......... 677 &25 91 6°79) (40 <7 $45» 835. -130° 11240 Se 7419 Hartsells, Ala........ 776. 618 107 25 #120 %6 355 348° 160 148° "S4 ~ 21 Brooksville, Miss..... S22 235 44 25740 oa 12% 31% (689 Saar 22 ae Ittabena, Miss....... 663 502 87 1:7 68 (29. $40. 826), :1408°1338 4.28. 918 Poplarville, Miss..... 475 332 82 3S. 84-727 226211 3 ea Saere0 is Jonesboro, Tenn..... 329 222 42 Ag 39. 1G) © 182; 99°" O45" SCRE ee Tiptonville, Tenn... . 433 321 48 3) 63 . 18.) 219:4:194. 96 .e Ol e474 Columbia, Ky....... 414 313 49 1?" (42) V7. 186 5.176. (945 90 ees ne 2S Marton. Ky... ae 670 470 86 2 .63 29) 251.925 187 41 eines as SouTHWEST Number............ 4,983 3,591 703 22 585 245 2,3612,2101,011 930 323 184 Per Cent............ 100.0 72.1100.0 3.1100.0 41.9 100.0 93.6100.0 92.0100.0 57.0 Mountain Home, Ark. 185 1386 29 .. 19 4 Sle a TT Sb CREE lt Nashville, Ark....... 824 601 110 2770 “S71 3884, 872. 174 IST eee Tea SS Tillar"Arwso e44 32% 142 115 17 a 17 9 14) 14 ++ BOP SG $ 2 Downes - Less: os 627 446 94 9°84" “ST 285% 267 (128 F JIG say a1? Granger, Tex........ 749 489 129 : 83 36 S74. 322. .186:.1¥7 72885 16 Haskell, Tex......... 871 615 124 s« Iié SS 400-378 185) 179 4a ao Leonard, Tex........ 514 362 60 ] 60 1S 26)) 938 -102) | OF era} 18 Waelder, Tex... 821 249 49 6 89 .22 1465141 > 63° '69) 27-21 4 Whitesboro, Tex... 750 578 96 91 48 361 351 148 143 54 32% * Includes persons of unknown age. 1920 CrENsts THe SoutH TABLE XLV—GAINFULLY EMPLOYED FEMALES IN EACH AGE GROUP Tora Years or AGE 10 and over 10to15 15 to 20 20 to 45 45 to 65 65 and over* STATE AND Em- Em- Em- Em- Em- Em- VILLAGE ploy- ploy- ploy- ploy- ploy- ploy- Total ed Total ted Total ed Total ed Total aa Total ed Total Number............ 23,506 5,1323,183 683,027 604 11,485 3,367 4,264 9031,547 190 Per Cent............ 100.0 21.8100.0 2%.1100.0 20.0 100.0 29.3100.0 21.2100.0 12.3 Oup Sout Number............ 18,456 4,4472,488 572,341 528 8,9672,8933,413 8041,247 165 Per Cent............ 100.0 24.1100.0 2.3100.0 22.6 100.0 32.3100.0 23.6100.0 13.2 Georgetown, Del..... 769 149 77 1 68 1l 331 89 187 38 106 10 Berryville, Va....... 489 103 63 Teh (480512, S08) STAPLES PBL eso 2 Bowling Green, Va... 201 Sir 28 Tucicee 6 80 30 45 9 26 5 Halifax, Va.. Py 180 bb" St a 20 4 90 36 37 10 12 5 Smithfield, Va.. Bouts 533 124 53 ais 58 14%) 267... 80, 128° -28ise 2 Burgaw, N.C....... 381 12% OS es 53 1l 183 46 59 12) ees 3 Carthage, N. C...... 406 187 60 1 46 18 206 85 8] 23 25 5 Clarkton, N. C...... 144 35 20 te eh 7 Ties LS 19 3 9 2 Farmville, N. C...... 599 186 78 Sh A COV. 357 135 T4 21 Lif 6 Hertford, N. C....... 705 174 106 108: 16% 825. 112° 109: 26" 62.) 20 Nashville, N. C...... 359 66 55 1 40 $3 200 51 52 ll 12 Pittsboro, N. C...... 229 79 95 PAM ae fl 8 '113 48 47 16 17 5 Scotland Neck, N. C.. 873 300 115 7 1380 61 7418’ 165 161 55 3=54 12 Bamberg, S. C....... 936 217 127 4 148 38 493 143 133 31 40 1 Bishopville, S. C..... 859 207 125 2 109 22 467 #153 119 29 39 Edgefield, S. C....... 768 283 94 4,102. 8%. (882° 177 140. 59, 50%) 11 Pickens, S. C.. Foe 369 BO wa S wir Sl Sec iGl (540753 Er 31 a St. Matthews, Ss. C.. } 756 228 107 eh | AB SRL SIG 142 LST ae ey eee 6 Winnsboro, S. C..... 789 298 92 8 97 $2 (872 169 156 65 72. 24 Bethlehem, Ga....... 9] 13 is a 12 g 48 9 13 Ls 5 ae Hampton, Ga........ 380 BOS! ae OS 240 168 62 ia 9 Ores 3 Jackson, Ga.. et pare BOSS) -2S0 10a tie 108) Shika. 442°,164 184) <445.-750 4 McDonough, Ga. eae 532 116 £58 1 67 ISIAVEAT 740091455593) 140 5 Pavo, Ga.. Be th 390 79 #61 a 55 12 174 46 72 18 28 3 Albertville, Ala we 678 134 88 8 106 @1 312 84 128 19 44 2 Arab Alay te 2 118 fate 4 MAA Lstayes 48 Ge Tee 7 1 Fayette, Ala......... 675 143 101 1 82 18 341 99 111 23 = 440 2 Hartsells, Ala........ 773 164 113 2 89 14 396 117 137 28 38 3 Brooksville, Miss..... 385 110 73 1 40 Aa 161) 65) 86.e SO ia e5e 10 Ittabena, Miss....... 686 140 96 eur. Oe 2 388 111 115 & 25 1 Poplarville, Miss..... 524 79 86 2 82 6 255 64 7 6 29 1 Jonesboro, Tenn..... 352 42040 on OO 1008 140 230 285 TiinaG 2 Tiptonville, Tenn... . 419 58 63 2 59 4 205 43 7 (cel) 4 Columbia, Ky....... 466 84 52 it 49 9 204 58 112 13. 49 4 Marions Kye: a1: . 755 120 84 ime 82 6 342 84 168 28 79 2 SOUTHWEST Number............ 5,050 685 695 ll 686 76 2518 474 851 99 300 25 Per Cent............ 100.0 13.6100.0 1.6100.0 11.1 100.0 18.8100.0 11.6100.0 8.3 Mountain Home, Ark. 204 41 26 ORO 29 4 84.522.) 4702180418 2 Nashville, Ark....... 864 131 101 a 99 15 445 90 144 ISH.76 13 TillartArke oa ak 138 29 13 Aus. 22 3 83 .@@ 15 2 5 2 Donna; Tex.) ..48.: 570 96 88 4 75 13 298 68 #94 10 15 1 Granger, Lex.cuLee. . 766 49 119 4. 100 4 405 36 104 9 $5 ae Haskell, Tex:: 3°... 912 91 146 .. 158 15 4138 64 154 10 £46 2 Leonard, Tex........ 549 60 76 9 73 5 279 49 93 6 28 ae Waelder, Tex.. 383 91 54 6 49 10 1807. 00. to 19 27 1 Whitesboro, Tex... 664 Diy 72 1 86 7. \S81" 68° 127. 17) 48 4 : Includes persons of unknown age. 1920 CENsUS THE SoutH TABLE XLVI—OCCUPATIONS OF GAINFULLY EMPLOYED MALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER OccuPATION Agri- Ex- Manu- Trans- Pro- STATE AND cul- _trac- fae- por- Pub- fes- Per- Cler- VILLAGE tural* tivet turet tation Trade lic§ sional sonal° _ ical Total Number. ic) ce eaten 96 4,936 1,812 3,615 397 1,019 854 643 Pér Cent: } Peal 7.0 Oi), $0.6 OUTS Ree 4 2.5 6.3 5.3 4.0: Oxp Sout Number. a eee LAD trek 64 3,965 1,280 2,837 302 825 645 524 Per Cent.. ee 6.6: he ayy ton ee ees 2.4 6.6 5.1 4.2 Georvetuwi: Deli. : 60 LOUISE 1389 94 14 39 30 27 Berryville, Va. . : 92 3 66 20 67 9 26 15 14 Bowling, Green, Va... 18 i 40 14 27 7 13 9 6. Haliiax Vani dua 12 iN 24 8 29 4 19 9 5 Smithfield, Va....... 26 u 101 38 81 6 15 14 24 Burgaw, NaC) .ie. os 56 z 122 15 54 9 yy 6 9 Carthage, Ni -C.u.. 2: 36 g 100 22 56 12 30 8 17 Clarkton, N. C...... 19 Sas 23 7 24 1 ij 3 5 Farmville, N. C...... 70 1 323 48 BR 13 17 24 25 Hertford, N. C...... : 53 il 202 38 67 7 23 i 17 Nashville, N. C...... 35 Me 60 18 78 1l 17 11 12 Pittsboro, IN aos 3 12 ae 58 13 23 14 22 18 6 Scotland Neck, N. 1G 56 “e 230 34. 143 10 18 33 29 Bamberg, S. C.. é 108 he 193 62 119 10 36 44 14 Bishopville, S. Ce sane 65 ke 206 50 180 ll 30 23 24 Edgefield, S. C.. ; 83 1 175 45.115 12 36 A iy! Pickens, S. C.. : 24 1 82 16 47 9 20 14 + St. Matthews, S. C.. : 153 1 112 32 112 7 26 21 30 Winnsboro, 8. C..... 57 seed kN, Tinos 9 44 38 28 Bethlehem, EAS oily Wi 51 fe 4 4 9 a. 3 te ey Hampton, Ga........ 52 ey ety BB 9 33 4 8 5 tc Jackson, Ga......... 90 iy? 160 51 160 14 32 ny f 26 McDonough, Ga..... 78 tp 60 47 107 10 25 18322 Pavo, Ga.. Nt 68 aes 74 23 63 5 12 4 7 Albertville, ‘Ala. : whee 121 1 71 386 152 4 24 26 19 ATADAL@r ety Larue. 18 age 11 5 23 2 5 1 re Fayette, ATA yea 17 4 288 63 72 14 23 26 18 Hartsells, Ala........ 126 2 128 66 ° 183 8 33 42 25 Brooksville, Miss.... . 61 a 43 29 64 2 10 13 13 Ittabena, Miss....... 97 eth LOS 61 93 9 27 26 21 Poplarville, Miss.... . 42 ee tl 1D 47 46 15 30 19 14 Jonesboro, Tenn... .. 25 s 39 30 54 23 24 lg 10: Tiptonville, Tenn... . 72 seer 34 48 5 18 23 14 Columbia, Ky....... 81 2 52 20 85 8 46 11 8 Marion, Ky......... 59 45 112 --159 104 11 44 23 13 SOUTHWEST Number oso taal 661 oe 971 Goer rts 95 194 209 119 Pet: Centiiecaccdacs 18.4 0,627.04 14.8 e217 2:7 5.4 5.8 $3 Mountain Home, Ark. 20 & 31 11 40 J 22 8 2 Nashville, Ark....... 49 Le n16s > 1074 1151 46 28 «= 32 25 DillartArkir, s) Gee): 5 ms 18 26 42 2 8 8 6 Donna, ‘Tex. .ae 2) 192 6 78 48 61 9 17 22 18 Granger, Tex........ 46 ey “268 38 81 3 22 20 11 Haskell Tex... .80 0% 146 8 149 V2 ST 15 41 37 20 Leonard, Tex........ 76 (4 93 30 = 106 4 21 18 14 Waelder, Tex........ 79 1 48 Si 51 4 12 17 6 Whitesboro, Tex..... 48 16: 124.4169 .2119 10 23 47 22 * Agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry. T Extraction of minerals. ~ Manufacturing and mechanical industries. § Public service (not elsewhere classified). ° Domestic and personal service. hs 1920 CENsuUs THE SoutH TABLE XLVII—OCCUPATIONS OF GAINFULLY EMPLOYED FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER OccuUPATION Agri- Manu- Trans- STATE AND cul- fac- por- Pub- VILLAGE tural* ture tation Trade lict Total Number orcs coon ree 314 640 1138 £397 26 Per Centos einer iat Clay: CORP i EA i fe AL ang iy i 5 Oup SoutH NUMDER ie ok ok es 275 5938 19/5 S1¢ 17 Per Cent.. AAR ite i CO Anka i Se eS oy AD 4 Georgetown, Del. ie Eon ve 22 4 7 He Berryville, Va.. Be agave 2 5 3 6 1 Bowling Sete Va.. ELC SRN CRS 1 5 2 4 me Halifax, Va.. Ee he 1 2 1 1 1 Smithfield, Va.. 1 8 5 6 Burgaw, N.C...... oe 3 4 1 5 ) 60.1) |Occupation: CWT hates ccc rea. 00.8.) 48.1 Agriculture. ....... 13.8 2.1 8 2 PEC ea sie ete ks 51.7 26.7 Extraction of minerals. 1.8 9 fi 2% Encumbered........ 13.5 20.5 Manufacture........... 383.8 444 12.7 18.2 iinknown '. vis .-sn. 1.0 9 Transportation. See. hominy Ot Ge o.0 Tenure unknown...... 16 1.8 TT radeteys terion a cures 92.0" 18:9" 11.8 13.0 Public service.......... 1 SRG Eig BN 2 Gainful Employment: Professional service..... 6.7 4.7 25.8 14.6 Females 15 and over: Domestic and _ personal Marries wanes oOske! -O.8 REFVICE WSs tee: ae wy BO 4,9 SO A IES Not married.) ca Ass 8708 0 53.8 (leriGAlay Wc ee Ateie od ga as be hey ts yes Be ey tae * For 63 villages; see Table L. 73 1920 CENSUS Tur MippLe WEstT TABLE L—POPULATION GROWTH AND DECLINE FROM 1900 TO 1920 FOR 63 VILLAGES* DATA FROM THE FOURTEENTH CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES, VOL. I, TABLE 51 POPULATION DeEcENNIAL INCREASET 1910-1920 1900-1910 STATE AND Num- Per Num- Per VILLAGE 1920 1910 1900 ber Cent. ber Cent. Tota yy eke eh eet esto, BR I4I5+ 76,8011 70,508 6,840), 08.6.7) )05 2050 Maas East or Mississippi1.......... 35,391 33,326 30,791 2,065 6.2 9,535 8.2 Grass Lake, Mich.: 32... 02%. 744 760 648 —16 — 2.1 112 17.3 Nashville, Mich............. 1,376 1,346 1,164 30 2.2 182 15.6 Ovid Mich uence tut 1,067 1,078 1,293 —ll — 10 —215 —16.6 Pcottville Mich; 77" wee oP 1,045 891 554 154 17.3 337 60.8 Argos, Indie hw oUt as 1,111 1,088 1,307 23 21 —?19 —16.8 Centerville. ings. 2:0. bweoe ob 917 1,019 785 —102 —10.0 234 29.8 Hlora, ndsey ae ik che 1,441 1,386 1,209 55 4.0 177 14.6 Fowler, (inde ae eae 1,442 1,491 1,429 —49 —3.3 62 4.3 Libertyind tear ere 1,292 1,338 1,449 —46 —3.4 —Il111 eet Arcadias Wisii ence 8 aa oe 1,418 1,212 27s 206 17.0 —61 —4.8 PSATTOM.SWissc ta te ee ks 1,623 1,449 1,493 174 12.0 —44 —2.9 Elkhornis Width cee: Ue eat | 1,991 1,707 1,731 284 16.6 — 24 —1.4 Fennimore.) Wiss: 20 2) eek 1,383 1,159 1,035 QQA 19.3 124 12.0 Medford: Wisi Wo stns ore. 1,881 1,846 1,758 35 1.9 88 5.0 Mount Horeb, Wis.......... 1,350 1,048 864 302 28.8 184 21:8 Waupaca Wis. sto ee ake 2.839 2.789 2,912 50 18 —123 —4.2 Bareks) ee al Gok et 1,559 1,525 1,661 34 2.2 —136 —8.2 Granyvillés THs Wor ieoe 1,427 1,391 320 36 2.6 1,071 334.7 Lebanon: Hier aks 1,883 1,907 1,812 — 24 —1.3 95 5.2 Metamora: Wigan. aio sts om 683 694 758 —l1]1 —1.6 —64 —8.4 Malton Saree! SD eae 1,466 1,316 1,077 150 11.4 239 22.2 Monticello, TE. a aes 2,280 1,981 1,982 299 16.1 —l —.] Oregons nite ace ae eae 2,227 2,180 Lov? 47 Cd 603 38.2 West' Salem: Uk ace hates 946 725 700 221 30.5 25 3.6 West or Mississipp1......... 46,750 42,475 39,717 4,275 10.1 2,758 6.9 Elk River, Minn............ 983 859 831 124 14.5 28 3.4 Litchfield, Minn. : <3. 225%.'.4 2,790 2,333 2,280 457 — 20.5 53 2.3 Wellay Minn ics een 1,894 1,755 2,017 139 7.9 —262 —13.0 Wandin. MINN. pies se coy os 2,123 1,749 1,944 374 21.4 —195 —10.0 74 1920 CENsUsS Tue MippLte West TABLE L—POPULATION GROWTH AND DECLINE FROM 1900 TO 1920 FOR STATE AND VILLAGE Alta, Ia.. Battle Poeats De Laan, Buffalo Center, in MoD Hee geek: Bussey, Ia...... Corning, Ia...... Grundy Center, Ia.......... La Porte la 1 ETRY ens Marathon, Ia.. Moville, Ia.. Strawberry Pont) rs : Winfield, Ia... . PegetePraivienM 0. 0a). sass so Pardin: Slo, i25. 6.6 Lathrop, Mo... martesvities MOG. 40s. a soe as Marble Hill, Mo.......... ENEMICON NG ee aie, alah NVOLCENUOTNL On io clic eros an cae y Casseiton wn Leu ose. Grafton, N: D........... Disewillescius. | lost steas sinew. akege iN Leis sis cee aks HairnelaNeprals. a) fos cake Reenevar NODE sok ois asc eee: PLUMVGIGEAN ebro dens tant Stromsburg, Nebr.......... Tekamah, Nebr.. Weeping Water, N one Cheney, Kans......... Clearwater, Kans... . Inman, Kans.. Marion, sWansalusaa' hes cccaee » Mount Hope, Kans............ Mutvanes. Kanes eke. .)ed sccas's Oxford, Kanga) ae. iiss 25 * Table includes only the 63 villages incorporated by 1900. + A minus sign (—) denotes a decrease. 63 VILLAGES*—Continued POPULATION DEcENNIAL INCREASE} 1910-1920 1900-1910 Num- Per Num- Per 1920 1910 1900 ber Cent. ber Cent. 1,290 959 861 331 34.5 98 11.4 785 527 542 258 49.0 —15 —2.8 894 753 875 141 18.7. —122 —13.9 585 669 550 —84 —12.6 119 21.6 1,840 1,702 9.145 138 8.1 —443 —20.7 1,749 1,354 1,322 395 29.2 32 2.4 1,443 1,233 1,419 210 17.0 —186 —13.1 520 532 659 —12 —2.3 —127 —19.3 878 552 507 326 59.1 45 8.9 1,101 1,052 1,012 49 4.7 40 4.0 1,027 934 820 93 10.0 114 13.9 1,124 1,243 388 —119 —9.6 855 220.4 847 635 669 212 33.4 —34 —5.1 1,100 4. 1,088. -1,118 62 6.0 —80 —7.2 585 551 525 34 6.2 26 5.0 332 313 295 19 6.1 18 6.1 877 814 413 63 tk 401 97.1 800 795 770 5 6 25 oe BS58s5 101.553) 1,207 —15 —1.0 346 28.7 2,512 2229 2378 283 12.7 —149 —6.3 1,218 1,070 1,106 148 13.8 —36 —3.3 1,637 1,499 668 138 9.2 831 124.4 784 1,054 1,203 —270 —25.6 —l149 —12.4 1,768 1,741 1,534 Q7 1.6 207 13.5 1,277 LG eio 101 8.6 —42 —3.4 1,361 1,555 1,154 6 A 201 17.4 1,811 1,524 1,597 287 18.8 —73 —4.6 1,084 1,067 1,156 17 1.6 —89 —7.7 636 734 429 —98 —13.4 305 71.1 647 569 368 78 13.8 201 54.6 482 484 352 —2 —.4 132 37.5 1,928 1,841 1,824 87 4.7 17 9 513 519 327 —6 —1.2 192 58.7 1,239 1,084 667 155 14.3 417 62.5 748 624 567 124 19.9 57 10.1 1920 CreNsus Tue Mippite West TABLE LI—COLOR, NATIVITY AND PARENTAGE OF POPULATION TOTAL WHITE CoL- Poru- Total Native-Born Foreign ORED* STATE AND LATION White Total Native Foreign Mixed Born VILLAGE Native Parent- Parent- Parent- Born age age age Total... cet. ae 84,074. 88,815 74,788 68,600 © 12,588 8,645 8,582 759 East oF Mississipri.. 35,391 35,116 32,031 23,533 5,050 3,448 3,085 275 Grass Lake, Mich... 744 744 696 536 val 89 48 am Nashville, Mich.... . 1,376 1,375 1,825 iso 79 113 50 1 Ovid, Mich......... 1,067 1,067 1,014 872 53 89 53 Scottville, Mich..... 1,045 1,045 947 682 110 155 98 ArgoOsHind. eke 1,111 1,111 1,090 1,028 Q1 41 21 Centerville, Ind..... 917 917 912 871 11 30 5 Florar. Tid 2 aah, 1,441 1,441 1,433 1,405 10 18 8 ak Fowler, Ind........ : 1,442 1,401 1,339 1,109 147 83 62 4] Liberty, Ind........ 1,292 1,248 1,229 1,098 81 50 19 44 Arcadia, Wis....... : 1,418 1,418 1,198 550 473 175 220 Barron, Wis........ 1,623 1,619 1,421 915 263 243 198 4 Elkhorn, Wis....... 1,991 1,991 1,762 1,107 422 233 229 en Fennimore, Wis..... 1,383 1,382 1,265 817 271 177 117 1 Medford, Wis....... 1,881 1,875 1,514 680 485 349 361 Mount Horeb, Wis.. 1,350 1,350 1,158 562 413 183 192 Waupaca, Wis...... 2,839 2,838 2,408 1,439 591 378 430 1 Eureka, U2... 1,559 1,549 1,476 1,197 145 134 73 10 Granville, Ill....... / 1,427 1,427 1,080 436 476 168 347 see Lebanon, Ill........ 1,883 1,726 1,626 1,218 271 137 100 157 Metamora, I[ll....... 683 683 617 398 125 94 66 Milfords doe eo ks. 1,466 1,466 1,422 1,264 69 89 44 oe Monticello, Ill... ... 2,280 S218 “1 S217 2080 85 102 56 7 Oregon, Til.) J 5)... 2 227 2,224 1,983 1,463 287 233 241 West Salem, Ill..... 946 946 899 723 91 85 47 West or Mississippi. 48,683 48,199 42,702 29,967 7,538 5,197 5,497 484 Blackduck, Minn.... 788 788 658 343 182 133 130 mi Elk River, Minn.... 983 982 867 591 156 120 115 1 Litchfield, Minn... . 2,790 2,790 2,245 1,039 776 430 545 as Wells, Minn........ 1,894 1,892 1,588 820 453 310 309 2 Windom, Minn..... 2,123 2,123 1,762 966 516 280 361 76 1920 Crensus Tur MippLe Wrst TABLE LI—COLOR, NATIVITY AND PARENTAGE OF POPULATION—Continued TOTAL WHITE CoL- Poru- Total Native-Born Foreign ORED* STATE AND LATION White Total Native Foreign Mixed Born VILLAGE Native Parent- Parent- Parent- Born age age age 1 eed ENR Day een a 1,290 1,289 992 525 321 146 297 1 Battle Creek, Ia...... 785 785 684 479 106 99 101 Buffalo Center, Ia..... 894 894 (eS 349 232 146 167 Birssey; 1a 0! esas: « 585 585 554 464 35 55 31 Pa SOrmine awh rents > « 1,840 1,834 1,757 1,454 143 160 re 6 Grundy Center, Ia... . LaGe ase il bey 953 318 250 Q27 spe La Porte City, Ia..... 1,443 1,443 1,886 1,117 143 126 57 e's Marathon, Ia......... 520 520 433 288 106 39 87 Rae MOVIES Late! Bate: 878 878 807 592 89 126 71 ee Strawberry, Point, Ia.. 1,101 1,101 1,013 679 204 130 88 WV ITIGI ERD geo ee ik 1,027 1,027 997 891 49 57 30 East Prairie, Mo...... 1,124 1,124 1,112 1,073 18 Q1 12 fee Hardin, Mo.......... 847 789 780 744 15 Q1 9 58 Lathrop, Mo......... 1,100 970 962 921 22 19 8 130 Lutesville, Mo........ 585 585 583 565 5 13 g Marble Hill, Mo...... 332 332 330 319 6 5 2 Roxies, Mop Sis! : 877 877 877 877 As ok eae Pie Warrenton, Mo....... 800 729 686 451 134 101 43 71 Casselton, N. D....... 1,538 1,538 1,262 602 393 267 276 oe. Gratton ANaD:) 3). 2,512 2,501 1,915 661 779 AT5 586 9 Mayville, N. D....... 1,218 1,217 923 296 441 186 294 1 Oakese Ne De. ak 1,637 1,637 1,332 708 376 248 305 nye Fairfield, Nebr........ 784 781 744 618 56 70 37 3 Geneva, Nebr........ 1,768 1,768 1,646 1,281 202 163 122 Bite Humboldt, Nebr...... 1,277 1,271 1,181 956 127 98 90 6 Stromsburg, Nebr..... 1,361 1,359 941 436 371 134 418 2g Tekamah, Nebr....... 1,811 1,811 1,741 1,479 95 167 70 Walthill, Nebr........ 1,145 1,018 982 799 84 99 36 "thee Weeping Water, Nebr.. 1,084 1,082 999 817 75 107 83 Q Cheney, Kans........ 636 636 611 534 27 50 25 Clearwater, Kans..... 647 641 618 532 38 48 23 6 Inman, Kans......... 482 482 371 156 156 59 111 wes Marion, Kans......... 1,928 1,875 1,762 1,451 174 137 LBS TN 53 Mount Hope, Kans.... 518 513 488 432 30 26 25 Mulvane, Kans....... 1,289, $1,239 — 15188 1,086 55 52 106 Oxford, Kans......... 748 745 737 683 30 QA 8 3 —_————_~ * Colored includes 617 Negroes, 130 Indians and 12 other colored, 5 of whom are foreign born. 77 1920 CrEeNsus Tur MippLe WEstT TABLE LII—PERCENTAGE-DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION BY COLOR, NATIVITY AND PARENTAGE WHITE CoL- Total Native-Born Foreign ORED* STATE AND White Total Native Foreign Mixed Born VILLAGE Native Parent- Parent- Parent- Born age age age Total ove sy sscisemapuran eic nn te 99.1 88.9 63.6 15.0 10.3 10.2 9 East or MIssISSIPPI.......... 99.2 90.5 66.5 14.3 9.7 8.7 8 Grass Lake, Mich........... 100.0 93.5 72.0 9.5 12.0 6.5 Ree Nashville, Mich............. 99.9 96.3 82.4 5.7 8.2 3.6 ea | Ovid Ach ssi ote ano 100.0 95.0 81.7 5.0 8.3 5.0 Scottville, Mich............. 100.0 90.6 65.3 10.5 14.8 9.4 Argos indi er fo stant 100.0 98.1 92.5 1.9 wal, 1.9 Centerville, Ind............. 100.0 99.5 95.0 1.2 3.3 5 Horas ind yeceec as 100.0 99.4 97.5 wk: ha 6 AA Fowler sind. os hee 97.2 92.9 76.9 10.2 5.8 4.3 2.8 Daberty, hinds ei asais a ees 96.6 95.1 85.0 6.2 3.9 1.5 3.4 Arcadia. VW iB ii: 2 ee 2k, Loe 100.0 84.5 38.8 33.4 12.3 15.5 Barrons Wiss. i.2s eee ihe 99.7 87.5 56.3 16.2 15.0 12.2 3s) Hikhornis Wiss htc. Sake. 100.0 88.5 55.6 21.2 ae ry 11.6 as Fennimore, Wis............. 99.9 91.5 59.1 19.6 12.8 8.4 a} MedfordsaWis.. 20h ioc a. 99.7 80.5 36.1 25.8 18.6 19.2 Mount Horeb, Wis.......... 100.0 85.8 41.6 30.6 13.6 14.2 WanpacasrWisdsses. osc ee 99.9 84.8 50.7 20.8 13.3 16.1 md | Eureka ey yah es 99.4 94.7 76.8 9.3 8.6 4.7 6 Granvillesills oie... eee: 100.0 Neil 30.5 33.4 11.8 24.3 erg" Lebanon UO ie Soe: 91.7 86.4 64.7 14.4 7.8 5.3 8.3 Metamora’ Te ore 100.0 90.3 58.2 18.3 13.8 9.7 Milfora silk taney eee, 100.0 97.0 86.2 4.7 6.1 3.0 Monticello; Tl. fr" See oeee 99.7 97.2 89.0 3.7 4.5 2.5 $7 Oregon eee 99.9 89.1 65.7 12.9 10.5 10.8 a | West Salem, U1. eh cee ee 100.0 95.0 76.4 9.6 9.0 5.0 West or MISSISSIPPI......... 99.0 87.7 61.5 15.5 10.7 11.3 1.0 Blackduck, Minn............ 100.0 83.5 43.5 23.1 16.9 16.5 bee Mle River, Mints. cca iss 99.9 88.2 60.1 15.9 12.2 ae l Litchfield; Minn. 2). 6.3.22. 100.0 80.5 ay hoe! 27.8 15.4 19.5 Ait Wells Minn.) i425 leer: 99.9 83.6 43.3 23.9 16.4 16.3 3 Windom: inns) poe 100.0 83.0 45.5 24.3 18.2 17.0 1920 CrENsUs Tue MippLe WEst TABLE LII—PERCENTAGE-DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION BY COLOR, NATIVITY AND PARENTAGE—Continued WHITE CoL- Total Native-Born Foreign oORED* STATE AND White Total Native Foreign Mixed Born VILLAGE Native Parent- Parent- Parent- Born age age age Pita Uetastte ee ae eee ts 99.9 76.9 40.7 24.9 11.3 23.0 a pattie Greek: Jai 2 2.8, eee 100.0 87.1 61.0 13.5 12.6 12.9 Dual Center lac. chs ne, 100.0 81.3 39.0 -— 26.0 16.3 18.7 Pisseys | lass. Sana. | ac. 4 100.0 94.7 79.3 6.0 9.4 5.3 ah COPD 1G 0 ede RE veda tera « 99.7 95.5 79.0 7.8 8.7 4.2 S 1 3 5 8 . 2 1 1 3 ee 3 1 3 2 2 2 1 9 to to 417 433 6,081 1,194 4.9 178 5.8 2 rw 09 Gr © 5.0 168 5.5 1 2 5 70.8 2,329 75.5 172 3,752 68.2 52 86 432 210 267 13.9 1920 CreNsus Tue MippLte West TABLE LVI—YEAR OF IMMIGRATION OF FOREIGN-BORN {POPULATION—Cont. STATE AND VILLAGE Altaslariter: trp o8 oa Battle Creek, Ia... ... Buffalo Center, Ia...... Teasseyy dase. lew a: SIGIiNgA lave oo, Grundy Center, Ia..... La Porte City, Ia... .. ei vio drtau ced Epa eae MOVING, La: ers. ks Strawberry Point, Ia.... ESE ee East Prairie, Mo...... Haran VO... ok. Lathrop, Mo...... Lutesville, Mo......... Marble Hill, Mo....... MEXICO IMO. Ss. o. Warrenton, Mo........ Casselton, N. D........ Gratton sN § Daviess. Mayville, N. D....... Pakes eas Dic. s ca Fairfield, Nebr.... . Geneva, Nebr.......... Humboldt, Nebr....... Stromsburg, Nebr...... Tekamah, Nebr........ Walthill, Nebr......... Weeping Water, Nebr... Cheney, Kans......... Clearwater, Kans...... Inman, Kans.......... Marion, Kans......... Mount Hope, Kans..... Mulvane, Kans........ Oxford, Kans......... Tota. For- Born 297 101 167 228 87 1911 1906 1901 1900 and Un- EIGN- 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915§1914°1914 1911 1906 Prior known to to 12 23 20 37 ye 16 to 10 22 36 44 ot 371 12 80 1920 CrNnsus Tur MippLte West TABLE LVII—DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION BY SEX ALL CLASSES WHITE CoLORED* STATE AND Males Native-Born Foreign-Born VILLAGE to 100 Fe- Fe- Fe- Male FemaleFemales Male male Male male Male male Total................. 40,972 48,102 95.1 35,974 38,759 4,604 3,978 394 365 East or Mississipri... 16,992 18,399 92.4 15,236 16,795 1,617 1,468 139 136 Grass Lake, Mich... . 349 395 = 88.4 320 376 29 19 ot om Nashville, Mich...... 650 726 89.5 626 699 24 26 Ae 1 Ovid, Mich.......... 492 575 85.6 464 550 28 25 Scottville, Mich...... 515 530 97.2 466 481 49 49 Arvos,. 184 52 126 6 ie 28.3 68.5 3.2 Moville, Tavs nes ry. 321 112 192 14 3 34.9 59.8 4.4 9 Strawberry Point, Ia... 392 107 265 VG Si PSS Oa 4.3 8 RV aTITe ICL Pe Ae ria 392 111 245 35 1 28.3 62.5 8.9 oa East Prairie, Mo.....:.. 356 101 231 20 4 28.4 64.9 5.6 ie)! Hardmi Mole oeseueey 3 308 101 181 24 Q 32.8 58.8 7.8 6 Lathrop, Mo........... 394 95 256 40 @ 94:1 66.0. “10.1 5 Lutesville, Mo......... 193 58 125 10 he 30.1 64.7 5.2 Marble Hill, Mo....... 118 41 19 4 Bis 34.7 61.9 3.4 Puxicd, 0.59 a22 es CS: 308 84 194 30 at 27.3 63.0 9.7 v1 Warrenton, Mo........ 291 95 181 12 OS BP7 G28 4.1 WE Casseltons N# Diy, ox 532 199 308 22 2 37.4 57.9 4.1 a GraftonskN | Deere sy 846 378 427 34 1 44.7 50.5 4.0 oh Mayville, N. D........ 397 168 Q17 5 5 42.3 54.6 is LS OakesaNADii fac oad 579 227 319 26 5 39.2 55.1 4.5 9 Fairfield, Nebr......... 287 82 187 16 1 28.6 65.2 5.6 3 Geneva, Nebr.......... 644 194 403 46 ae 30.1 62.6 Wal as Humboldt, Nebr....... 453 129 293 29 Q 28.5 64.7 6.4 4 Stromsburg, Nebr...... 503 165 298 36 4 $28 59.2 7.2 8 Tekamah, Nebr........ 654 231 379 29 14 35.3 58.0 4.4 Zi) Walthill, Nebr......... 379 LAG 241 14 ob 30.9 63.6 ba Pf 1.8 Weeping Water, Nebr... 392 133 - 233 26 ay 33.9 59.5 6.6 Cheney, Kans.......... 229 65 150 6 1 29.3 67.5 2.7 5 Clearwater, Kans...... 238 73 152 9 4 $0.7 63.8 3.8 1.7 Inman? Kans.in3 tees 177 66 100 10 1 37.3.9 6656 5.6 6 Marion, Kans.......... 662 198 426 35 3 29.9 64.3 5.3 5 Mount Hope, Kans..... 190 58 116 15 We SOR AGRE ero 5 Mulvane, Kans........ 433 112 288 30 2% 525.9 66.5 6.9 5 Oxford, Kans.......... 268 83 168 14 SA S10 62.7 5.2 1.1 * The total includes 44 males, 13 East and 31 West of the Mississippi, not shown in the table because their marital status is not reported. The percentages are based on the totals given, consequently the items do not total 100 per cent. 95 1920 Crnsus TABLE LXI—MARITAL CONDITION OF FEMALES 15 YEARS OF AGE STATE AND VILLAGE Totakitase.8 East oF MISSISSIPPI... Grass Lake, Mich... . Nashville, Mich...... Ovid, Mich......... Scottville, Mich...... Argos, nd.eee et 6 Centerville, Ind...... Flores ind cuca) ee, s. Fowler, Ind........ Liberty unde. ns Arcadia, Wis........ ; Barron, Wis........ Elkhorn, Wis....... Fennimore, Wis...... Medford, Wis....... Mount Horeb, Wis.. . Waupaca, Wis....... Hurekac Uy ee. 6 Granville, Ill........ ‘ Tebanon lilo) s:. Metamora, Il....... : Milford ill. 2)..,.<.. Monticello, Ill....... Oregon UL: cient. West Salem, Ill...... West or MISsSISSIPPI. . Blackduck, Minn..... Elk River, Minn..... Litchfield, Minn...... Wells, Minn......... Windom, Minn...... ~ Toran ... *81,901 13,810 314 533 467 390 434 383 601 542 595 568 612 803 579 648 545 1,164 641 427 684 260 519 885 830 386 18,091 224 Di- owed vorced AND OVER NUMBER Sin- Mar- Wid- gle ried 8,979 18,309 4,291 3,794 7,897 1,971 83 180 50 87 343 101 91 264 108 93 237 58 97 275 55 84 213 83 140 358 99 143 339 57 151 333 107 195 302 67 186 350 rf 243 431 116 190 308 75 194 383 64 181 289 72 351 634 164 995° $21 82 105 291 31 Q15 365 100 85 124 43 123 326 61 231 503 132 199 506 117 102 222 58 5,185 10,412 2320 bd 155 13 107 221 42 383 577 158 935 391 83 283 495 89 96 280 13 13 THe MippLe WEstT Per Cent. or Torau Sin- gle 28.1 27.4 26.5 16.3 19.5 23.8 22.3 21.9 23.3 26.4 25.3 34.3 30.4 30.3 32.8 29.9 33.2 30.2 35.1 24.6 31.4 32.7 23.7 26.1 24.0 26.5 28.7 24.6 28.8 34.1 32.5 35.0 Mar- ried 57.4 57.2 57.3 64.4 56.6 60.8 63.4 55.6 59.5 62.5 56.0 53.2 57.2 53.7 53.2 59.1 53.0 54.5 50.1 68.1 53.4 AT .7 62.8 56.9 61.0 57.5 57.6 69.2 59.6 51.4 54.2 52.5 Wid- Di- owed vurced 13.5 14.3 15.9 18.9 23.1 14.9 12.7 21.7 16.5 10.5 18.0 11.8 11.6 14.4 13.0 9.9 13.2 14.1 12.8 7.3 14.6 16.5 11.8 14.9 14.0 15.0 12.8 5.8 11.3 14.1 11.5 11.0 1.0 © © © & —_ 1920 CENsUs Tur MippLte WEstT TABLE LXI—MARITAL CONDITION OF FEMALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER—Continued TOTAL NUMBER Per CEent. oF ToTau STATE AND Sin- Mar- Wid- Di- Sin- Mar- Wid- Di- VILLAGE gle ried owed vorced _ gle ried owed vorced ATEN A te sce ea eal 502 146 282 73 1 29.1 56.2 14.5 fy 4 Battle Creek, Ia....... 289 78 179 29 2 27.0 62.0 10.0 rt Buffalo Center, Ia..... : 303 94 181 26 2 31.0 59.7 8.6 af § Bussey sae eeotce es te 204 40 135 29 te 19.6 66.2 14.2 ra Sorin s Lage yen ace TAT 195 427 115 10 26.1 57.2 15.4 1.3 Grundy Center, Ia..... 665 194 376 95 ‘1. 29.2 56.5 14.3 ay La Porte City, Ia...... 554 110 339 98 7 19.8 61.2 Lid 1.3 Marathon, Ja.0/.). 422: 207 63 123 21 a! 30.4 59.5 10.1 ve WLOWILLGstL ay ct Uoord) sates 300 70 188 39 3 Poa 62.7 13.0 1.0 Strawberry, Point, Ia... 444 108 263 68 5 24.3 59.3 15.3 td Winfield, Ia........... 398 97 242 57 g 24.4 60.8 14.3 5 East Prairie, Mo....... 370 83 23a 49 3 22.4 63.5 13.3 8 Hardiny Moose.) 305 80 182 4] rs 26.2 59.7 13.4 at 2. Ae 425 90 256 74 4 AY? 60.3 17.4 9 Lutesville, Mo......... 201 57 119 23 1 28.4 59.2 11.4 5 Marble Hill, Mo....... 123 32 13 18 ants 26.0 59.4 14.6 EGsiCowM Gt ee acs 282 61 188 33 A: 21.6 66.7 Laat) : Warrenton, Mo........ 327 100 180 45 1 30.6 55.0 13.8 3 Casselton, N. D........ 499 157 304 33 5 31.5 60.9 6.6 1.0 Grafton yN: Die slr. ey: 952 434 429 82 1 45.6 45.1 8.6 a Mayville, N. D........ 428 182 210 30 g 49.5 49.1 7.0 5 OakeswN Lore. . te oe 552 176 317 52 7 31.9 57.4 9.4 1.3 Fairfield, Nebr......... 313 79 186 44 4 25.2 59.4 14.1 1.3 Geneva, Nebr.......... 721 206 392 116 6 2.6 544 16.1 8 Humboldt, Nebr....... 494 132 287 67 7 26.7 58.1 13.6 1.4 Stromsburg, Nebr...... 567 172 300 92 3 30.4 52.9 16.2 5 Tekamah, Nebr........ 656 170 374 91 91 25.9 57.0 13.9 3.2 Walthill, Nebr......... 349 75 241 32 A 21.5 69.0 9.2 Weeping Water, Nebr... 380 86 234 60 i 22.6 616 15.8 Cheney, Kans.......... 244 66 151 25 1 27.0 61.9 10.3 4 Clearwater, Kans...... 236 50 156 29 1 21.2 66.1 12.3 A Inman, Kans.......... 165 45 98 21 1 27.3 59.4 12.7 6 Marion, Kans.......... 712 186 425 95 6 26.1 59.7 13.4 8 Mount Hope, Kans.... . 206 Al 119 43 Sie 26.05) 169,73 si S4 8 Mulvane, Kans........ 455 114 281 54 6 25.1 61.8 11.8 1.3 Oxford#Kans2. 202. : 268 53 171 36 i 19.8 63.8 13.4 2.6 * The total includes 42 females, 15 East and 27 West of the Mississippi, not shown in the table because their marital status is not reported. The percentages are based on the totals given, consequently the items do not total 100 per cent. 97 1920 CrEeNnsts THe Mippite West TABLE LXII—SCHOOL ATTENDANCE OF MALES BETWEEN 7 AND 21 YEARS OF AGE Tota. Years oF AGE STATE AND 7 to 21 7 to 14 14 to 16 16 to 18 18 to 21 VILLAGE In In In In In Total School Total School Total School Total School Total School Total INuMDES wise ieuiee wince 9,998 7,888 5,258 5,097 1,483 1,335 1,484 883 1,823 573 Per Cent............... 100.0 78.9 100.0 96.9 100.0 90.0 100.0 61.6 100.0 31.4 East or MIssIssIpPlI Number............... 4,022 8,170 2,148 2.077 6598 584 574 348 712 S11 Per Centra we 100.0 78.8 100.0 96.9 100.0 90.1 100.0 60.6 100.0 29.6 Grass Lake, Mich....... 84 62 41 38 10 9 17 10 16 5 Nashville, Mich......... 154 119 98 93 22 20 13 5 21 1 Ovid, Mieh yi de 8 102 79 44 36 21 19 13 ll 24 13 Scottville, Mich......... 1384 109 62 62 27 26 23 12 22 9 ATZOR ANG hehe hse 109 89 60 60 15 15 13 8 21 6 Centerville, Ind......... 83 63 46 46 13 13 8 3 16 1 Flora inde toe ee ek 144 114 79 78 16 15 23 13 26 8 Fowler, Inde \ci) oh 1638 133 93 92 25 24 21 9 24 8 Libertyn Indies a4, 105 80 52 46 16 13 18 12 19 9 Arcadiae Wisi. see ee eee LOT T1 70 16 14 22 17 18 6 Barron wisss ac eee 185 144 86 86 34 29 30 17 35 12 Elkhorn, Wis........... 202 149 96 94 31 26 27 15 48 14 Fennimore, Wis......... 156 122 84 80 20 19 18 14 34 9 Medford, Wis........... 264 202 189 £1385 43 39 42 24 40 4 Mount Horeb, Wis...... 152 128 68 67 26 25 28 22 30 14 Waupacas Wiss chy ous S17 256/05 168 wal bo 43 41 46 36 60 20 Kureka sil eigee. ues 168 139 86 85 25 23 21 15 36 16 Granville een ae SI 8S pee ee Ss 30 29 23 18 20 4 Lebanon Ulises. 253 189 180 129 34 29 46 21 43 10 Metamora, Ill.......... 83 61 38 35 12 1l 17 1l 16 4 Milford lee oes 190 132 104 #100 23 14 28 14 35 4 Monticello, Ill.......... 271 SiG ai 16S eal bo 41 36 29 13 48 17 Oregoni fb )s'ge fa.) an 241 191 138 136 31 Q7 31 20 41 8 West Salem, Ill......... 118 97 63 62 19 18 ins 8 19 9 West oF MIssIssIPPI Number 22)i.6.20eks 9s un, 6,976) 4,718 98,116.°8020 1600 L2BOL e860) 7 BS6an BI 362 Per Centeocwutien:. tea 100.0 78.9 100.0 97.0 100.0 90.0 100.0 62.2 100.0 32.6 Blackduck, Minn........ 123 95 67 67 14 12 22 9 20 7 Elk River, Minn........ 103 77 43 43 18 15 12 9 30 10 Litchfield, Minn........ S19 S256" 161 161 54 45 49 31 55 19 Welle’ Minnis he 202 152 88 86 33 31 32 19 49 16 Windom, Minn......... 264 206 119 += 119 41 41 48 30 56 16 98 1920 CrENsuUs Tue MippLe WEstT TABLE LXII—SCHOOL ATTENDANCE OF MALES BETWEEN 7 AND 21 YEARS OF AGE—Continued TOTAL Years or AGE STATE AND 7 to 21 7 to 14 14 to 16 16 to 18 18 to 21 VILLAGE In In In In In Total School Total School Total School Total School Total School Alta, Ia.. & cet Ne ae 135 101 62 62 21 18 18 10 34 11 Battle Cre, Ie Pict ys 98 79 AT 47 15 13 13 10 23 9 Buffalo Center, fe Gand kao PLUS 66 66 25 21 25 14 29 1 BRUSH FLA, ee cic ke ee 80 60 41 41 11 9 13 8 15 g COMMin ge Lass pees aks 61, PID IG lig 8108 oo 32 32 18 44 18 Grundy Center, Ia........ 205 160 102 101 34 30 30 ve 39 12 Ba Porte Citys 1a. 6k LST T84 90 87 16 16 20 12 31 9 Maratnony ing eo sc! 46 41 28 28 5 4 5 4 8 5 Moville, Ia.. Peel 93 66 65 12 12 23 15 15 1 Strawberry Point, ie Ch ees 117 97 65 64 15 15 13 11 Q4 a WV INtlelar lai ye. eee ar te ke 108 rie 47 45 14 12 21 14 26 6 Bast. Prairie, Mo... 2.04.7. 186%+).188% 107108 30 23 26 vi 23 5 Hardin, Mo........ Roa: 128 99 65 65 24 22 17 8 22 4 BISEOFOD Oe okie oa est, 119 95 65 65 19 16 17 10 18 4 Dutesville, Mase e Fo 82 75 45 45 14 14 10 q 13 9 Marble Hill, Mo.......... 56 39 30 18 12 11 5 4 9 6 PUsicOA MO see sas see 125 81 69 56 14 ll 18 9 24 5 Warrenton, Mo........... 97 89 57 57 17 17 9 5 14 10 AanseltorssINo Us. ete oes, 215 168 119 118 27 26 26 16 43 13 SSTRICOU IN Loki eae 343, 249 «86185 ~=6160 48 39 52 33 58 17 Mayville Nowa. nays: 157 124 80 76 18 17 26 16 33 15 Wakes Nae ee fel 188 162 109 107 25 25 22 16 32 14 Fairfiled, Nebr............ 99 85 57 56 14 13 12 9 16 if) (FeneVACNEDI.. ike weve: 216 181 104 98 42 40 27 21 43 22 Humboldt, Nebr.......... 15790 18s 92 91 24 23 14 13 ati 6 Stromsburg, Nebr......... 125 100 66 66 16 13 21 15 22 6 Tekamah, Nebr........... 207 167 114 113 35 33 25 11 33 10 Walthill, Nebr............ 165 128 93 93 18 16 32 16 22 3 Weeping Water, Nebr...... 145 123 81 79 23 20 16 14 25 10 Cheney, Kans............ 68 54 30 30 8 8 15 10 15 6 Clearwater, Kans.......... 71 54 36 34 11 9 10 6 14 5 Tninan Kans, 9208.2 vi. vii 59 36 35 13 13 8 8 14 8 Nisrion’ WANs an. ss. rok 247 =: 206)=—tiCi«dL4Ssts«dLD 37 33 27 18 42 16 Mount Hope, Kans........ 51 42 22 22 cf ri 9 5 iS 8 Mulvane, Kans........... 1384 103 74 73 17 14 20 11 23 5 Oxford: Kans 022. 35 ost 87 68 36 36 16 12 20 16 15 4 99 1920 CENSUS Tue Mippte West TABLE LXIII—SCHOOL ATTENDANCE OF FEMALES BETWEEN 7 AND 21 YEARS OF AGE ToTaL Yrars or AGE STATE AND 7 to 21 7 to 14 14 to 16 16 to 18 18 to 21 VILLAGE In In In In In Total School Total School Total School Total School Total School Total Number............... 10,864 8,487 6,858 .5,211 1,627 1.496 °° 1,617 1.195 2,267. 655 Per, Cente. ih bey C0 4.1000 783721000 0. 97,5'0100.0 2.91.0. 100.07) G9, 6 e OU an eer East or Mississippi Number............... 4,404 3,404 2,188 2,189 668 606 644 429 904 230 Per Cent............... 100.0 77.3 100.0 97.8 100.0 90.7 100.0 66.6 100.0 925.4 Grass Lake, Mich....... 74 57 33 33 13 11 12 10 16 3 Nashville, Mich......... 16S 131 94 91 5 ke a 11 o7 6 Ovid tMichi 8h oo xee te 114 86 45 40 Q7 24 18 13 94 9 Scottville, Mich......... 127 #8108 69 69 15 LS ral 15 22 9 Argos, lid vos fon ASE 108 GOs OO OS Warne Leary eS 5 Centerville, Ind......... 101 73 50 50 12 12 15 10 24 1 Nigra sing: Nese ake ek. 152 +=106 fa 71 22 17 19 10 40 8 Howlerst ind yenua), un vay 193 142 88 86 37 34 23 15 45 44 Liberty, Indo. 202.8 eo) 108 83 51 47 14 12 21 15 22 9 ACACIA Wise) sooo cas 198 151 90 90 ag f 26 24 18 57 17 Darron Wisees. Cee 214 168 104 101 38 34 28 18 44 15 Elkhorn, Wis........... 215 167 .105.. 105 29 at f 28 21 53 14 Fennimore, Wis......... 103 2a 127, 7A 74 26 23 29 20 34 10 Medford, Wis........... 249 185 126 A122 37 34 37 24 49 5 Mount Horeb, Wis...... 178) isl 81 80 30 26 25 21 37 14 Waupaca, Wis.......... 871 295 181 173 56 53 60 51 74 18 Sree Mises 200 =167 96 96 24 24 38 29 42 18 Granville Mlle a cree © Ceol da Loe eG 31 29 25 15 31 iL, ‘bebanonm Ee, 2.58 ae 285 228 146 146 44 42 44 29 51 11 Metamora, Il.......... 82 62 47 46 10 9 12 5 13 2 Milford siiipecveae ee 218 154 97 93 40 4 33 19 48 10 Monticello, Ill.......... PoZP OS 9s 1S 131 35 31 42 14 44 16 Oregor, Ue es a ee 265 193 143 139 BL. 30 36 19 49 5 West Salem; Ill.) .2...2- 122-5 103 61 61 17 17 20 14 24 11 West or Mississippi Number............... 6,460 5,083 3,165 3,072 969 890 973 696 1,363 495 Per Genti.s 056 20.004 5 2 100,018 78.72 100.0, 97:14100.64092.8 1. 100.0. 71.5 00s) eee Blackduck, Minn........ 101 87 57 57 12 12 17 13 15 5 Elk River, Minn........ 110 88 53 52 17 14 18 12 22 10 Litchfield, Minn........ 361 288 175 171 50 47 56 39 80 31 Wella: Minit. cic noes. S78 47214 130 § 128 53 48 41 25 49 13 Windom, Minn......... 700. 222: 18] 127 36 34 55 39 68 22 100 1920 CENstUs Tue Mippte West TABLE LXIII—SCHOOL ATTENDANCE OF FEMALES BETWEEN 7 AND 21 YEARS OF AGE—Continued TotTaL Years or AGE STATE AND 7 to 21 7 to 14 14 to 16 16 to 18 18 to 21 VILLAGE In In In In In Total School Total School Total School Total School Total School Alta, Ia.. Padre sh | WLaO ePkIS 73 71 22 21 25 20 28 6 Battle Cree ia nie SWS ie 107 90 56 56 14 13 13 10 24 11 Buffalo Center, Ia......... 126 98 62 60 18 18 22 13 24 eh ESUISRO YT Ltse weiss at sera « 65 55 35 35 10 10 12 9 8 1 ROTOIe Na nea ey en ve 999 4-181 104 103 36 35 28 21 54 22 Grundy Center, Ia........ 208 170 97 97 38 35 34 24 39 14 ALE ULCOAILY LAS oes 168 133 88 86 Q7 25 ZY 14 32 8 Marathon, I[a.. Bidet Wie OF. 69 58 32 St 4 4 Ard 16 16 i Moville, Ia.. SS ABO HA 103 82 54 53 19 18 14 10 16 1 Strawberry Point, eu Gy) 1ST F106 OAT GS USS) 98k 74). 2Ot li ATE NN eS 5 WAT CIC LA teat tn ee ee 13574108 63 63 20 20 26 18 26 7 East Prairie, Mo.......... 190° +152 98 96 35 33 28 18 29 5 PARPOIN Widlor ee Sete eee 120 92 65 65 13 12 18 10 24 5 LA GOEODS NL en ak chs Ry 148*™ 122 78 76 23 22 g1 14 21 10 RAILCAR VIUGLNLO es Zick bin ty hj LO’ 88 51 51 14 14 16 15 21 8 Marble Hill, Mo.......... 42 24 17 4 8 8 6 6 11 6 PISO e LO 7 re Me yak eats aos 126 62 60 47 13 6 22 6 31 3 Warrenton, Mo........... 96 74 39 ari 13 13 14 12 30 12 Casseltton, Ns Dicoe ks: es as COG... 97 88 28 25 26 22 55 16 ASPAITOUS EN @ Rh or ida se te 356 254 146 133 59 46 60 44 91 31 MAGIC Nc nt ernst. PIOl whiont LOOuES Lod 30 29 31 24 50 19 RJAKGS IN Ge ee ean 257 192 124 194 sy 31 39 27 61 10 Fairfield, Nebr............ 74 64 30 30 16 16 11 11 ite 7 RseneVa UNGDEY 2. hehe ae ls 218° (174 103 100 34 ° «33 20 15 56 26 Humboldt, Nebr.......... 146 120 71 71 19 17 27 22 29 10 Stromsburg, Nebr......... 149 =121 71 fel 22 21 25 18 31 11 Tekamah; Nebr. ..).%.5 5. .5.. ak 180 121 120 26 26 34 Qi 50 13 Wailthills Nebr cee iies 02 167 132 88 85 18 17 26 15 35 Weeping Water, Nebr...... 146-121 83 80 17 13 18 16 28 Chenevicansse rap, LOT 89 54 54 19 18 14 13 Clearwater, Kans.......... 85 63 43 39 15 13 1% 8 15 3 Inman Kangen ik no os 44 36 26 24 8 1 3 4 7 3 Dfarione- Kangen en. 1 es. 268. 208 1332-888 37. 35 40 26 58 14 Mount Hope, Kans........ 64 59 38 38 12 12 6 5 8 4 Mulvane, Kans........... 182 150 93 92 32 30 25 19 32 9 STOR Kan Siow chavs eee LS 92 57 57 17 17 12 9 27 9 101 1920 CrNsts Tue MippLe WEstT TABLE LXIV—ILLITERATES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER BY SEX STATE AND Botu SEXES MALE FEMALE VILLAGE Thlit- [llit- Illit- Total erate Total erate Total erate Total Nahiberovii caer ew nO are bo 953 33,523 464 35,792 489 Per’ Cente, 00.06 5 oes L000 1.4 100.0 1.4 100.0 1.4 East oF MIssIssIPPi Number 35)... ene 0) 2 29,338 338 13,919 169 15,420 169 Pet: Conta ide ret a L060 1,2 100.0 1.2 100.0 ES Grass Lake, Mich........ 627 7 290 4 337 3 Nashville, Mich.......... 1,184 14 536 6 598 8 Ovid Mich tn) ny eee 929 oh 421 fs 508 Ay Scottville, Mich.......... 852 19 415 9 437 10 Arvosiine sitios es huis 928 10 446 5 482 5 Centerville, Ind.232 ine. 1712 18 353 9 419 9 Plgra nds kes oc Maines «Tue oO ¢ 546 - 650 5 Fowler, 10d: vis... ie bess delgh dy hOo 28 585 15 614 13 Taberty ind. ducer thie wien Ls 169, 6 532 5 635 1 AT CACISI VV ISsc40 ssc dls ee Ls Le 8 550 4 632 4 Barton ivy iscc ie Ties a gle 18 624 8 691 10 Blikhorn: Wises... ceive se atk, Ook 12 821 5 870 7 Fennimore, Wis..........* 1,179 + 541 1 638 3 Medford, Wis............ 1,468 24 726 16 742 8 Mount Horeb, Wis....... 1,152 5 540 3 612 2 Waupaca, Wis........... %376 a | 1,083 9 1,293 18 Borekacilceees od Aaa S10 17 594 8 716 9 Granville, Us oie kek a1 041 43 526 Af 515 a3 Rebanoo Lib: is te ek 022 14 725 8 797 6 Metamora, Ill........... 570 5 279 3 291 2 Milfordy Wil eae ie Soe 2G 32 613 20 603 12 Monticello, Ill........... 1,890 26 914 10 976 16 Oregons bil.) euko emia se sO Le 36 888 18 930 18 West Salem, Ill.......... 805 1 371 1 434 West or MIssIssIPPli WNriniber yor ic Guta tae Oo 615 19,604 295 20,372 320 Per. Cents) fh oo ee 100.0 1.5 100.0 1.5 100.0 1.6 Blackduck, Minn......... 601 11 342 1 259 10 Elk River, Minn......... 813 8 404 4 409 + Litchfield, Mum. 6205 hoi Ue oot 11 1,095 Q 1,236 9 Prelia: Minn. 24; 5. 9 257 Goes 7 735 1 833 6 Windom, Minn.......... 1,783 15 885 S 898 12 1920 CENsUs TABLE LXIV—ILLITERATES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER STATE AND VILLAGE PEAS Re ote hale ea Battle Creek, Ia.........0.:. Buffalo Center, Ia... Bussey las. 2.0. 54 COornimy iis as... Grundy Center, Ia... La Porte City, Ia... DLArA LON, Lain shel nase BVO WG Liteeys shoe or Mahe Strawberry Point, Ia....... Winnelglavinten ayes. East Prairie, Mo...... Hardin, Mo...... Lathrop, Mo...... Lutesville, Mo... .. Marble Hill, Mo... Portico. "Mo: 08... Warrenton, Mo..... sae ASSEltODRIN SDs osc eee.» Grafton NG Dv. Mayville: NDI. rh. 4 Cakeee NAD) coe sett Fairfield, Nebr........... Geneva, Nebr............. Humboldt, Nebr.......... Stromsburg, Nebr......... Tekamah, Nebr.......... Waltinil¥Nebr.. 0. os las Weeping Water, Nebr...... Cheney, Kans.......... Clearwater, Kans........ BTUMNAT ONS AUS aly e Fs ys Marin. Kans tae a foe. Mount Hope, Kans........ Mulvane,.Kansiih's 36 i 5" DxfOre, AGOTISs Aeolus Fa BY SEX—Continued Thlit- Total erate 1,082 11 647 ws 738 13 471 11 1,600 3 1,439 12 1,193 4 431 8 aLt 4 934 9 863 iy 876 38 705 34 923 18 455 26 272 6 672 pe 692 10 1,178 2 2,063 122 948 2 1,284 37 666 8 1,525 15 1,059 10 1,169 20 1,481 10 843 19 888 15 532 3 526 7 389 14 1,568 23 433 is 1,015 40 609 9 Botu SExEs MALE Illit- Total erate 524 323 390 240 766 696 572 204 368 438 421 428 359 440 223 142 353 336 621 985 450 655 329 727 518 547 741 436 453 250 hex 20 FEMALE Tlit- Total erate 558 6 324 Bs 348 9 231 3 834 Q 743 7 621 Q 227 3 343 1 496 3 442 AS 448 20 346 17 483 A 232 15 130 4 319 356 3 557 1 1,078 51 498 Q 629 25 337 4 798 6 541 6 622 17 740 2 407 10 435 8 282 1 264 4 186 9 $11 10 231 i 525 20 312 4 Tue MippLe WEst 103 1920 Census Tue Mippite West TABLE LXV—ILLITERATES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER BY COLOR AND NATIVITY Aut Cuasses Native Wuite ForrignWHITE COLORED* STATE AND Tlit- Tllit- Tlit- Illit- VILLAGE Total erate Total erate Total erate Total erate Total Number? 2 30.18% 69,315 953 60,216 510 8,506 368 593 75 Perssents bee sks 100.0 1.4 100.0 8 100.0 4.3 100.0 12.6 East or MIssISSIPPI Numbers. <6. ahd) 029,000 338 26,053 196 3,070 128 216 14 PeriCenti ee a LOO 1.2 100.0 8 100.0 4.2 100.0 6.5 Grass Lake, Mich... 627 4 579 5 48 2 ae Nashville, Mich..... 1,134 14 1,083 ie 50 1 1 Ovid Miche ee 929 et 876 Bi 53 ate Seottville, Mich..... 852 19 756 4 96 15 AP 2O8 MIDS lhe css, 928 10 908 9 20 1 Centerville, Ind..... 772 18 767 16 5 2 Ploras ind sess ade aloo TAnT1LSs 7 8 the She Af Fowler, Ind: . 46604. °1,199 28 1,104 12 62 13 33 3 Liberty, Ind........ 1,167 6 1,110 4 19 6 38 2 Arcadia, Wiss, 0.02 > ) AlbgZ 8 962 2 220 6 Barrany WS, 66.6. seh Ole 18 1,114 10 198 a. 3 1 Elkhorn, Wis....... 1,691 12 1,462 4 229 8 ae Fennimore, Wis..... 1,179 4 1,061 3 117 1 1 oy Medford, Wis....... 1,468 24 1,101 9 361 14 6 1 Mount Horeb, Wis.. 1,152 5 960 3 192 2 Waupaca, Wis...... 2,376 27 = =1,94'7 5 428 21 1 1 Burekanii ocho 1310 17 erese9 13 73 4 Granville, Ill....... 1,041 an 698 We 343 ok rch tt Lebanon; [ll...:..:. 1,522 14 1,308 3 99 5 115 6 Metamora, Ill....... 570 5 504 3 66 g Milford, Ill......... 1,216 32 1,174 30 42 2 dak Monticello, Ill...... 1,890 At ham sh ag Q1 56 7 Oregons TP cial oe $6...1;577 20 238 16 3 West Salem, Ill..... 805 1 758 a AT 1 West or MISSISSIPPI Number oi3 sae. dan O9js076 615 34,163 314 5,436 240 377 61 Perk lant so 8 ey ee LOUD 1.5 100.0 9 100.0 4.4 100.0 16.2 Blackduck, Minn.... 601 11 471 3 130 8 2 Elk River, Minn.... 813 8 699 5 113 3 1 Litchfield, Minn..... 2,331 LIST 1 544 10 ue Wells, Minn........ 1,568 To eh, ted 309 7 2 Windom, Minn..... 1,783 15 1,428 2 360 18 104 1920 CreNnsus Tur Mippie West TABLE LXV—ILLITERATES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER BY COLOR AND NATIVITY—Continued Aut Cuasses Native Waite ForreignWuite CoLorep* STATE AND Illit- Illit- Illit- Ilit- VILLAGE Total erate Total erate Total erate Total erate Altar late ius rie ea 1 OBE 11 786 1 295 10 1 Battle Creek, Ia....... 647 te 546 ne 101 a Buffalo Center, Ia..... 738 13 572 a 166 13 HORGBY “1A tee. e a x 471 11 441 8 30 a pe Coming, 1a. 5c. iee ¢ 1,600 3 1,517 3 Tig oe: 6 Grundy Center, Ia.... 1,439 IZ 7,211 9 227 3 La Porte City, Ia..... 1,193 4 1,136 aA 57 4 Marathons Ta.iy,3. ac: 431 8 344 Q 87 6 Moville, Ia..:........ 711 4 640 1 71 3 Strawberry Point, Ia... 934 9 846 8 88 1 WVinhield, as th oe 863 Gy 833 4: 30 Nn East Prairie, Mo...... 876 38 864 36 12 g He,” ie Hardin, Mo.......... 705 34 653 17 5 1 47 16 Lathrop, Mo......... 923 18 812 2 8 16 Lutesville, Mo........ 455 26 453 26 g Marble Hill, Mo...... 272 6 270 6 Q PUIG LO ease 672 ay 672 a ee as etl pe Warrenton, Mo....... 692 10 599 4 43 1 50 5 GasseltonsN. D../)3.4. 1,178 2 907 1 271 1 au Ap Crafton yN: Des 4.5 34. 2,063 122 1,473 92 581 29 9 1 Mayville, N.D....... 948 2 656 OM eGT Q 1 Oakes, N. D.......... 1,284 37 980 3 304 34 hae Fairfield, Nebr........ 666 8 626 8 37 1s 3 Geneva, Nebr......... 1,525 15 1,406 8 119 7 Humboldt, Nebr...... 1,059 10 964 7 89 6 1 Stromsburg, Nebr..... 1,169 20 750 1 417 19 2 Tekamah, Nebr....... 1,481 10 1,412 f! 69 3 He Walthill, Nebr........ 843 19 713 3 36 Q 94 14 Weeping Water, Nebr.. 888 15 808 13 78 rd 2 Cheney, Kans......... 532 3 507 Q 25 1 Clearwater, Kans..... 526 7 497 5 23 1 6 1 Inman, Kans......... 389 14 280 6 109 8 tee a Marion, Kans......... 1,568 23 1,420 11 108 5 40 7 Mount Hope, Kans.... 433 oe 408 oh 25 a Mulvane, Kans....... 1,015 40 925 7 90 33 Oxford, Kans......... 609 9 599 6 7 3 3 * Seventy-five foreign-born colored illiterates. See Note (*) Table LI for com- position of colored population, all ages. 105 1920 CENsUs Tue Mippite West TABLE LXVI—NATURALIZATION OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER BotH SEXES MALEs FEMALES STATE AND Natur- Natur- Natur- VILLAGE Total alized Total alized Total alized Total Number yun te baw eiioke 8,265 6,191 4,447 3,297 3,818 2,894 erent es eae 100.0 74.9 100.0 74.1 100.0 75.8 East oF MIssISssIPPI Nimber teat ten 2,993 2,170 1,573 UV LDby 1,420 1,033 er Ceente ie he win 100.0 72.5 100.0 12.3 100.0 72.7 Grass Lake, Mich...... 47 Sl 29 18 18 13 Nashville, Mich........ 46 32 23 14 23 18 Ovid Si Michts Pare e 49 34 26 17 23 17 Scottville, Mich........ 94 71 46 32 48 39 ATEOS. INGwic sss Core 20 13 14 11 6 2 Centerville, Ind........ 5 Me 3 i g ‘ih HIOVA CLC ie rs sae 8 5 4 1 4 4 PowlersIndscr scar. 62 39 37 25 25 14 LaDerEys Ndr eee 19 18 10 9 9 9 Arcadia, Wis........... 214 147 113 78 101 69 Darron Wiss sen a 195 153 110 86 85 67 Elkhorn, Wis.......... 223 140 120 79 103 61 Fennimore, Wis........ 114 85 57 43 57 42 Medford, Wis.......... 357 277 180 141 177 136 Mount Horeb, Wis... .. 187 134 96 70 91 64 Waupaca, Wis......... 413 330 210 167 203 163 Mureke eee 72 55 34 28 38 27 Granvilles Th: 2.onee. 330 197 188 112 142 85 Lebanon, Lite a eee ce 96 72 40 28 56 44 Metamora, Ill......... 66 26 33 14 33 12 Milford slo ieee a, 42 35 22 18 20 Le Monticello, Ill......... 56 50 30 27 26 23 Orégon Ue ee a. 231 179 122 93 109 86 West Salem, Ill........ 47 47 26 26 21 21 West or MIssIssIPPi Numbers cou Ale eke 5,272 4,021 2,874 2,160 2,398 1,861 Pér Centers 3. Stunts 100.0 76.3 100.0 75.2 100.0 77.6 Blackduck, Minn....... 125 98 79 60 46 38 - Elk River, Minn....... lll 97 63 55 48 42 Litchfield, Minn........ 541 AT7 270 242 271 235 Wells, Mintovie hte sas 306 234 161 119 145 115 Windom, Minn........ 350 305 189 169 161 136 106 1920 CEeNsUs Tue Mippie West TABLE LXVI—NATURALIZATION OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPULATION 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER—Continued Botu SEXES MALEs FEMALES STATE AND Natur- Natur- Natur- VILLAGE Total alized Total alized Total alized PASTOR Ei ea UN le Ta de 290 247 164 138 126 109 Battle Creek, Ja......... 100 83 53 41 47 42 Buffalo Center, Ia........ 164 130 85 64 79 66 ISSSEY; Las. 25 fils os etek 30 6 19 3 11 3 COrping. +148.,5.. 66 = onde n 76 61 38 32 38 29 Grundy Center, Ia....... 217 153 112 79 105 74 bacrorte City, la. 2p... 56 52 35 32 21 20 Marathons lac sh. hus: 87 75 49 41 38 34 MGville, (a. cutee en ties val 65 48 45 23 20 Strawberry Point, Ia...... 88 84 38 36 50 48 Wintel slas. ue scene 30 19 19 13 11 6 East Prairie, Mo......... 10 3 5 1 i) 2 Hardin Mos . acs. as 3 1 1 g 1 Lathrop,.Mo0.. ia. 3) 2.02 4. 8 8 5 5 3 3 Lutesville, Mo.......... 2 1 2 1 Marble Hill, Mo........ Q 2 2 g EARICO ONL Ore ee aed ie yy Ay ue 43 Ais Warrenton, Mo.......... 43 21 29 18 14 3 CasseltonN. Ds... kas 264 143 147 1S 117 70 ASTAILOLL IN Lae soe ek 559 378 299 203 260 175 Mavvilles Na DAL. aee. 272 203 157 118 115 85 Oakes Nu Dik es 284 213 168 122 116 91 Fairfield, Nebr... . 0.0.0... 37 34 15 13 22 21 Geneva, Nebr............ 116 91 62 49 54 42 Humboldt, Nebr......... 88 62 48 34 40 28 Stromsburg, Nebr........ 413 Fey Ar 204 161 209 162 Tekamah, Nebr.......... 67 51 38 24 29 27 WVAltniheINeDross an ase 35 23 24 15 11 8 Weeping Water, Nebr..... 72 45 AT 27 25 18 Cheneywans.. sce 25 22 17 15 8 7 Clearwater, Kans........ ; 23 14 19 11 4 3 STNIGD AIS BSS ats oie lit. 105 80 54 42 $1 38 INIATION. RUS. orcs (Sed 94 70 48 35 46 35 Mount Hope, Kans....... 25 21 10 7 15 14 Mulvane, Kans.......... 76 25 47 15 29 10 (oeiord i wangne ci iss vi 1 4 1 3 1 107 1920 Crensus Tue MippLe WEstT TABLE LXVII—HOME OWNERSHIP AND SIZE OF FAMILY ToTAaL Famiuies Livinc 1n Homes PrEr- STATE AND Fami- Rented Owned Tenure SONS VILLAGE LIES* Encum- Un- Un- TO A Total Free bered known known FAMILyt Total NGM DE aise. ees 23,000 7,398 15,223 11,902 3,096 285 379 a0 FeriGent.. ooo sok ee LOO Bre 66.2 SLE NES 1.0 1.6 East or MIssiIssipPi Numberi os 0000.5... 9,981°4 3,175 6,608. "5,094: 1/481 83 168 3.6 Ber. Genter os Wee LOO 31.9 66.4 51.2 14.4 8 by Grass Lake, Mich... . 227 70. 154 112 35 7 8 8.3 Nashville, Mich...... 424 95 $22 235 87 Ai | Soe Ovid, Michio 2 3 397. 374 76 293 248 S52 15 5 2.9 Scottville, Mich...... 295 111 179 122 55 g 5 3.5 Argos: ind: 22 40." 348 117 223 176 47 8 3.2 Centerville, Ind... ... 289 93 195 166 23 6 1 3.2 Flora vind. sini es 446 166 279 244 $2 ba 1] 3.2 Fowler, Ind.......... 390 132 249 184 62 3 9 ba Sef Liberty, Ind......... 452 147 299 256 41 Q 6 2.9 Arcadia, Wis........ 368 105 262 242 18 g 1 3.9 Barron Wis... 2Y. 2 413 108 302 215 85 g 3 3.9 Elkhorn, Wis........ 557 179 371 264 104 3 g 3.6 Fennimore, Wis... ... 387 91 292 243 43 6 4 3.6 Medford, Wis........ 449 159 280 179 96 5 10 4.2 Mount Horeb, Wis... 391 79 278 223 52 3 34 3.5 Waupaca, Wis....... 790 Zin 507 380 )=6114 13 10 Nt Eureka) 3) 34), 427 106 301 236 65 sk 20 rdf § Granville, Ill........ f 324 126 196 149 47 et 2 4.4 Lebanon, Ill......... 484 229 254 213 41 Ms 1 3.9 Metamora, Ill....... : 175 47 126 118 4 4 g 3.9 Milford six 3 ae4, 408 i pe be 273 167 27102 4 ¢ 3.6 Monticello, Il....... 635 224 400 276) 42S 1 11 3.6 Oregon vill er. eee 616 256 356 277 76 3 4 3.6 West Salem, Ill...... 282 53 217 169 47 1 12 3.4 West or Mississippi Number............ 13,049 4,223 8,615 6,808 1,665 142 211 3.6 Per Gentiies, ihe 7 a 0c 32.4 66.0 62.2) 12:7 1.1 1.6 Blackduck, Minn..... 187 85 101 82 12 7 1 4.2 Elk River, Minn..... 266 at 188 137 44 7 1 Siz Litchfield, Minn..... 764 221 536 446 82 8 7 ra Ya | Wells, Minn......... 496 187 339 235 101 3 20 3.8 Windom, Minn...... 506 138 363 263 92 8 5 4.2 108 1920 CENsUs THe MippLe West TABLE LXVII—HOME OWNERSHIP AND SIZE OF FAMILY—Continued Tora. Famiuies Living in Homes © PER- STATE AND Fami- Rented Owned Tenure sONS VILLAGE LIES* Encum- Un- Un- TO A Total Free bered known known Famityf Altes Taser ieee 399 140 249 225 24 m2. 10 5.2 Battle Creek, Ia....... : 212 56 152 127 22 3 4 3.7 Buffalo Center, Ia...... 214 60 154 110 44 a By 4.2 HUSsey Lar enceyes ee. x 167 56 110 104 6 he: i 3.5 CoOrmIno ys LA hen hee os x 531 144 376 314 61 1 11 3.5 Grundy, Center, Ia..... 480 163 309 269 37 3 8 3.6 La Porte City, Ia...... 445 137 304 248 56 ee 4 ae Marathon, Ia.......... 152 43 109 91 18 ne ee 3.4 VEG Vie Later or ots 226 77 148 106 42 1 3.9 Strawberry Point, Ia.... 323 88 232 194 38 3 3.4 WViriteld: han vee, 329 96 225 200 24 1 8 $.1 Fast Prairie, Mo....... 273 112 158 106 50 3 4.1 PGT ie Oar ate nica 225 75 150 118 32 ah Mt: 3.8 Pathropy VMG4e 0. asl. 5 2 338 - 114 214 180 34 ie 10 3.3 Lutesville, Mo......... 141 56 83 65 18 vt 2 4.1 Marble Hill, Mo....... 86 24 60 45 is 4 2 3.9 oie 232 124 98 71 27 ny 10 3.8 Warrenton, Mo........ 231 99 128 105 23 be. 4 3.5 Casselton, N. D........ 341 141 197 148 42 if 3 4.5 Gratton, NOD .t sa. oo. 502 135 356 294 57 5 11 5.0 Mayville, N. D........ 267 88 ha 110 59 g 8 4.6 OskessN, Dion es}. 376 151 221 166 55 ahs 4 4.4 Fairfield, Nebr......... 238 68 168 128 38 2 g 3.3 Geneva, Nebr.......... 511 168 334 293 40 1 9 3.5 Humboldt, Nebr....... 378 130 243 184 55 4 5 3.4 Stromsburg, Nebr...... 411 106 303 256 44 3 2 3.3 Tekamah, Nebr........ 475 172 299 216 81 2 4 3.8 Walthill, Nebr......... 266 98 159 101 58 ay 9 4.3 Weeping Water, Nebr.. 301 102 197 162 31 4 2 3.6 Cheney, Kans......... F 179 51 127 111 12 4 1 3.6 Clearwater, Kans....... 193 AT 141 105 32 4 5 3.4 Inman, Kans.......... 133 36 97 84 13 ky be 3.6 Marion, Kans.. 2........:. 519 192 325 243 81 1 2 3.7 Mount Hope, Kans.... . 178 43 129 122 7 £3 6 2.9 Mulvane, Kans........ 349 97 230 151 26 53 22 3.6 Oxtcid.Matisn i a se 209 76 132 93 34 5 1 3.6 * By census definition, each family has a home which may or may not bea separate dwelling. Tt For the total population of each village see Table LI. 109 1920 CrENsUsS STATE AND VILLAGE Total Number...... Per Cent... East or MIssIssIpPi Number.... Per Cent.... Grass Lake, Mich.. . Nashville, Mich..... Ovid, Mich... ; Scottville, Mich..... Argos, Ind.......... Centerville, Ind.. .. Mloras ind 62a Fowler, Ind......... Liberty, Ind... . Arcadia, Wis Coe Te Vea: se Ve Barron, Wis...... Elkhorn, Wis....... Fennimore, Wis.... Medford, Wis....... Mount Horeb, Wis. . Waupaca, Wis... Eureka, Ill... . Granville, dU oo... Lebanon, Ill... . Metamora, Il Milford, Ill..... Monticello, Hll...... Oresonelils aes West Salem, Il..... WEstT or MiIssIssIPPI Number.... Per Cent..... Blackduck, Minn... . Elk River, Minn... . Litchfield, Minn.... Wells, Minn.. Windom, Minn..... Tora 10 and over Total Em- ploy- ploy- Years or AGE GROUP 10to15 15 to 20 Em- Em- loy- 20 to 45 p ee Total ed Total aa Total Em- ploy- THe Mippite WEstT TABLE LXVIII—GAINFULLY EMPLOYED MALES IN EACH AGE Em- ploy- 45 to 65 65 and over* Em- ploy- vat’ Total weet Total ed .. 33,523 22,762 3,776 108 3,375 1,346 13,497 12,453 8,777 7,328 4,098 1,527 100.0 67.9100.0 2.9100.0 39.9 100.0 92.3100.0 83.5100.0 37.3 100.0 290 536 421 415 446 353 546 585 532 550 624 821 541 726 540 1,083 594 526 725 279 613 914 888 371 100.0 342 404 1,095 735 885 . 13,919 9,669 1,540 69.5 100.0 193 29 365 66 260 34 286 48 367 47 276 28 394 47 382 60 414 37 352 = 51 435 69 564 74 347 58 510 105 291 59 685 120 417 60 351 106 563 89 185 33 447 80 638 108 692 84 255 48 . 19,604 13,093 2,236 66.8 100.0 265 46 293 28 684 135 437 58 626 97 451,326 550 5,475 5,1203,793 3,2421,785 712 2.9100.0 41.5 100.0 35 Re Bh 2 42 ei ieee Leinart 2 25 8 40 Liwyos anand 1 40 Lier) 73 1 48 85 60 vee aie 1. ; 39 44, Yeoh 1.33 3 60 4 84 9° 78 36 63 2,049 2.8 100.0 1 41 i bee 8 113 1 84 2 110 110 15 19 10 22 Q4 13 19 16 23 13 28 36 17 35 11 24 12 17 58 12 34 37 40 15 796 38.8 27 Vs 35 28 45 93 165 134 174 162 129 229 245 193 242 240 344 219 297 186 407 247 222 303 109 241 385 368 141 8,022 100.0 150 175 392 282 374 93.5 100.0 85.5 100.0 39.9 84 162 121 167 160 128 221 218 184 215 216 313 192 285 155 366 238 214 296 101 231 358 361 134 91 169 129 96 137 105 151 154 155 144 176 230 149 167 1a 303 148 126 178 70 157 232 260 95 80 147 106 84 135 99 120 126 143 107 154 186 110 158 113 247 133 113 166 58 136 203 236 82 42 95 82 48 63 66 79 73 106 73 69 100 67 72 64 146 80 28 64 34 75 105 103 51 7,333 4,984 4,086 2,313 91.4 100.0 82.0 100.0 146 165 356 247 355 88 106 307 200 225 83 88 239 145 196 17 49 148 111 79 14 37 21 13 47 34 26 21 56 16 36 27 27 32 12 1920 Crensts Tur MippLe WEsT TABLE LXVIII—GAINFULLY EMPLOYED MALES IN EACH AGE GROUP—Continued Tora Years or AGE 10 and over 10to15 15to20 20t0 45 45 to 65 65 and over* STATE AND set Em- Em- Em- Em- Em- VILLAGE loy ploy- ploy- ploy- ploy- ploy- Total we “Total ed Total ed Total ed Total ed Total ed Alta, ITa.. eee 524 353 42 TOC 48e 228) Veesie Cin 1200 Ot 86 24 Battle Creek ie bis Baca ft Seow 6U | SAe ee) Oke LG CL oa ALO) V1 Olt OLy 7 OG 6 Buffalo Center, Ia..... 390 277 51 Py GA Say) CLOGS ah OGtT Afar bok nt LO Bussey, la.....'....... 940 ° 165 24 ES SO aie 97 945/661) GLa So 8 Carnmos laser. dun 5. 766) 505 e478 PY eS) 9.980 10288) (2689 SVE AT l0Z6 335 Grundy Center, Ia.... 696 459 66 POET 89.990. 268 179 714i Ba 1° 30 La Porte City, Ia..... 572° 827.4, 8 Me 54 12s 221 193 155 100 84 2 Marathon, Ia.. a O04 LSS Be SO iia 13 4 89 S96 444087 S85. LLG Moville, Ia.. - 368 254 47 1 $8 4519 162°, .155 90 66.),381 13 Strawberry Point, re WMG ASS Ree aGa SO Tab ws FIG 1486 187 NOOK, 1S Waitcldlacc tee 2) SAO (204) NEO ue ol 4220016) 170.7 168 4120! 103-605" 20 East Prairie, Mo...... 428 320 ‘72 GN OL Sh 70 ae G4 DIS LOS PS h HardinvMio. 20... 2528: S59 17255 Fido! 1 41 90 /183 128.1038 91 31 15 Lathrop; Mon. nec. 440 314 46 Le S6heT23' 45 160 1501245 11S TA ST Putesvile Moss aes. t2eai wl IS BON 2.4 28 1 98 G80 50%) 4a 27 8 Marble Hill, Mo...... 142 103 24 LSeeLe 8 52 4 RN UNE ee pera Puxicoslo sees: fue. 353° 237 45 ye A5 GArL6S 21445 78.) WO R22 el Warrenton, Mo....... SSG 7194 (450404. 26 5 124 OFF 108: Vastra LO Casselton, N. D....... 621 384 89 Wt, CF 0197.0 2861 240: FIST LOS AOS ie 21 Grafton, N.D........ 985 622 139 15 102 38 408 344 235 182 101 43 MES MV ter Ny Lee OO SOSa ee ho bo eke AL O0n Y d68, LIS LOSE 2D 8 Oakes Dees 1h ODD y O08) 7G 10 640719 03405 1880 6148. CISL 4S 27 Fairfield, Nebr........ 329 238 42 Atha es TS OUn Lt BLA SOO KU Son ramon LG Geneva, Nebr......... 127i Ae ERO ROR eT AS S05 | PES HAO TOS tere 29 Humboldt, Nebr...... 518 359'°°65 Q 45 LTR ISTO TSO 1800 1S aiee cou Stromsburg, Nebr..... 547 388 44 .. 44 17 =206 190 144 110 109 21 Tekamah, Nebr....... 741 569 87 2 62 31 345 328 163 154 84 54 VWitiniieMweDric nn tote COlot Or ot MOO COO Sl be Owe BE Gn ee bE Weeping Water, Nebr... 453 | 312) 61...) 47, 17 167. 157 5126 .,110°, 52 28 Cheney, Kans......... 250 181 28 6 429. 20 89 88.07 6S. Vari 4h1. 40 Clearwater, Kans..... 262 202 24 2 ni Sey AT 100 O8tae 7b) (Oa SO 0 1G Thmar ARanss tes een 20S oO 18S 7 2G oka ee 5 96 OI SS in S40 23 3 Marion, bans... ).) 2... 4157. 6388. 95 Ks 69 30 350 331 169 147 74 30 Mount Hope, Kans.... 202 126 12 .. Tae os 69 70 Gi, w4Gn Sar ell Mulvane, Kans....... 487 332 54 TP Shall) 2045 188) 11997 6S" 29 Ciforasisans. aie en 20) RL a 2 eho 3g Se tise ise. 76% 6086 8 * Includes persons of unknown age. 111 1920 CEensus Tue Mippite West TABLE LXIX—GAINFULLY EMPLOYED FEMALES IN EACH AGE STATE AND VILLAGE Total Number.. Per Cent...... East oF MissIssIpPi Number? eee. Pet Genk er iis Grass Lake, Mich... Nashville, Mich..... Ovid, Mich......... Scottville, Mich.... . Argos, Indo. us Centerville, Ind..... Flora;\Ind., 57... 070. Fowler, Ind......... Liberty, Ind........ Arcadia, Wis....... : Barron, Wis....... Elkhorn, Wis.. . Fennimore, Wis.... . Medford, Wis.. Mount Horeb, Wis... Waupaca, Wis...... Eureka, Ill... Granville, Ill....... : Lebanon, Il... . Metamora, Ill...... Milford: uu. Monticello, Ill... ... Oregon, Ill... West Salem, IIl.. . West or MiIssIssIPri Number... Per’ Cénte 3 0ss35. Blackduck, Minn.... Elk River, Minn... . Litchfield, Minn..... Wells, Minn... . : Windom, Minn.... Tora 10 and over Total . 35,792 100.0 15,420 100.0 337 598 508 437 482 419 650 614 635 632 691 870 638 742 612 1,293 716 515 797 291 603 976 930 434 . 20,372 100.0 259 409 1,236 833 898 Years or AGE GROUP 10to15 15 to 20 Em- Em- Em- ploy- ploy- ploy- 20 to 45 45 to 65 65 and over* Em- Em- Em- ploy- ploy- ploy- ed Total ed Total ed Total 6,271 3,891 17.5 100.0 2,810 1,610 18.2 100.0 ay Lea 15 65 78 41 80 47 64 48 98 36 124 49 59 8672 134 40 132 64 157 79 233 «67 137 59 132 94 81 67 239 129 167 75 46 88 124 113 32 «31 117 84 219 91 193 100 32 «48 3,461 2,281 17.0 100.0 42 35 YT. 488 274 114 116 111 168 89 6,400 100.0 121 210 159 201 195 163 263 259 239 284 312 368 274 326 238 527 303 250 325 131 251 450 377 174 8,781 100.0 132 185 533 351 33 3,952 86615,181 8100.0 21.9 100.0 111,575 360 -7100.0 22.9 Tek 6 1 43 7 50 9 46 9 50 83610 He vay tf 4 Ph, C20 ple Le OS Mame bi 36610 Diy OG Le 82 22 79 27 66 7 95 27 67 =12 1 141 26 75 13 ach Coca. E 1, 4°93) 418 26 6 EB OPay ¢ Bel oF inn oe Meloe 2 90 29 45 5 222,377 506 1.0100.0 21.3 apa 6 de pal 9 3 134 39 99 23 126 32 392 ed Total nay Total ed 4,020 8,701 1,157 4,067 195 26.5100.0 13.3100.0 4.8 1,746 3,982 6101,853 83 27.3100.0 15.3100.0 4.5 32 102 16 60 2 38 179 27 101 2 39 157 2 101 6 52 95 18 48 1 41 125 12 64 1 SSH 1LIGs 225 mata 8 70 182 29 94 7 41 165 4 50 1 87 190 30 130 6 LOL) 165" iS a Gt 105 152 21 66 9 137 236 58 120 Ii 99 162 28 77 3 SO. Tie ae oe 50 175 16 65 3 158 347 50 149 10D ee Wf ee > 1 30 «94 STZ 79 196 25 ‘70 1 23 «473 27 eae 2 62 130 29 59 | 125 233 52 109 7 99 255 60 108 3 23 113 3 54 1 2,2744,719 5472214 112 25.9100.0 11.6100.0 5.1 26 47 DiewiAl 1 57" 106" 10s. Sea 185 286 30 169 17 86 171 4 101 3 108 221 26 70 2 1920 CreNnsus Tue MippLE WEst TABLE LXIX—GAINFULLY EMPLOYED FEMALES IN EACH AGE GROUP—Continued TorTaL YEARS OF AGE 10 and over 10to15 15to20 20 to 45 45 to 65 65 and over* STATE AND Em- Em- Em- Em- Em- Em- VILLAGE ploy- ploy- ploy- ploy- ploy- ploy- Total Pad Total Pay. Total ed Total Ped Total ed Total ed Alta, Ia... . omarine 558 87 56 64°. 11" 289 60 136 14 73 g Battle Creek, Ia...... 324 ZG ano ne 35 Oi Plo’ 23 =«69 2+: 88 Buffalo Center, Ia..... 348 568 45 A MERE Wate Baling Fey / 40 80 Oe So ai Biseey, lar oa as | SST AE ONS Bay th Pa a | Le Plog 19 46 2 35 1 COrming sia) eh 834 142 87 be ak Li S25 99 228 265 115 6 Grundy Center, Ia... . MAS MISO A ho Sou LILO a SUG 86 180 23 98 a La Porte City, Ia..... 621 719 67 52 8 238 52 170 16 = 94 3 Marathon, I[a.. 227 ye eA N) aes 30 6 94 18) = 83 a) SO 1 Moville, Ia.. : 343 49 43 Lee 9 158 Soiew to 6 638 ] Strawberry, Point, tee 496 57 «52 1 44 BP 17g S87 157 1B 1 1 Winfield, Ia... 442 37 = 4 58 3 165 24 119 8 56 2 East Prairie, Mo...... 448 63 78 64 Il 198 SO ate ed pr ed 1 Maram. MO... heat), 346 58 41 38 6 154 Sed Oe a ho sere ek 5 Lathrop, Mo........ 483 56 = 58 46 oi Loo SUS? 1S Oy 6S 3 Lutesville, Mo... 232 10 +31 39 90 8 583 Yada bt 1 Marble Hill, Mo..... 130 20 7 17 1 48 ll 43 Seu lo Puxico, Mo....... 319 ys Para i 48 2 160 Yin sts" 6 21 om Warrenton, Mo....... 356 43 29 40 6 149 31 99 4 $9 Q Casselton, N. D....:.. 557 OF oF Om Uae eh Ore LOM, peoo 69>. LOT Si Oine SS Q Grafton, N. D.... 1,078 300 126 Oi eLOoss OO) KOlLOy 2045) 2OS m4 er LET Mayville, N. D....... 498 108 70 Sie 18 241 81 91 em 20 me MakestNy) Dee 14... 629 1h WD ay fe TRVLOS 330) e606 8 LOS a 11S es ye ST 4 Fairfield, Nebr........ S37 68 24 Pane ob 8 131 39 103 16 48 3 Geneva, Nebr......... 19S WSS ORE Tou lo wi iaLo SSS 1 0 ST es 5 Humboldt, Nebr...... 541 97 AT OF iO east 66 141 L260 4 Stromsburg, Nebr..... 622 83 55 SCP IS TT 1238 60 156 teeliG 3 Tekamah, Nebr.. . 740 162 84 Bein 20.5 pasa. LOGI LES St 83 1 Walthill, Nebr.. ay 407 64 58 a: 54 12 £208 Soe nd SED ie Weeping Water, Nebr... 435 62 55 1 49 TL O $6 108 13. 58 5 Cheney, Kans......... 282 ati es te Agpees ts Ponty gs he vad ROI A O84 Sa SS 5 Clearwater, Kans.. 264 AT 28 28 1a wale Sh. 65 Vira | | Q Dram waAusse cs. obs 186 20 2 11 2 99 bh BD y pe Sy vy Marion, Kans......... 811 174 99 191%) 82/5868 99 165 39 8 4 Mount Hope, Kans.... 231 85 25 19 3 80 20 58 8 49 4 Mulvane, Kans..... 528 TU gee 65 Si) 1228 A LL et Ll Sie Ge 3 Oxford, Kans.. 312 32 = 44 39 i 129 19 64 Omirtao 1 * Includes persons of unknown age. 113 1920 CENsUsS Tur Mippitr WEST TABLE LXX—OCCUPATIONS OF GAINFULLYJEMPLOYED MALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER OccuUPATIONS State aND- Agri- Ex- Manu- Trans- Pro- VILLAGE cul- trac- fac- por- Pub- fes- Per- Cler- tural* tivet ture{ tation Trade lic§$ sional sonal! __ ical Total Number ts titi 3,135 400 7,684 2,739 5,012 412 1,534 1,148 698 Per Centar) tre 26.8 AL 33.8 12.0 293.0 1:8 6.7 5.0 3.1 East oF MISssISsIPPI Number.......... 1,102 288 3,681 1,092 1,985 185 628 416 292 PersCentivesn crea, uhooen LES oye wee 6.5 4.3 3.0 Grass Lake, Mich.. 20 .. 71 39 36 4 éf 6 10 Nashville, Mich.... 50 .. 178 Se 66 4 12 18 5 Ovid, Mich........ 28 y 93 25 74 3 15 10 1¢ Sceottville, Mich.... 29 ay Vis 26 72 7 15 14 10 Areos, Inds 2 71 Ve 107 70 65 5 29 14 6 Centerville, Ind.... 41 1 116 36 41 10 14 6 11 Floray ind tawr 39 1 118 48 136 1 26 17 Sue Fowlersind:) bon eae 135 39 71 8 28 16 13 Laberty,.nd:wioy ee ole 156 40 OSes aro Sle eo 16 Arcadia, Wis....... pa 147 30 93 5 27 13 14 Barron, Wis....... 41 1 151 53 Tye ko 32 22 is Bikhorn AW isi vec ooo ene 264 108 68 12 32 25 16 Fennimore, Wis.... 57 1 118 46 65 5 27 19 9 Medford, “Wis. 000i O2 ees 223 43 99 21 32 25 15 Mount Horeb, Wis. 26 1 96 31 88 5 QA 11 9 Waupaca, Wis..... 61 1 238 88 195 17 43 25 17 Kureka, Uo 02) eee 133 44 93 9 45 17 14 Granville, Ill...... : 22 168 59 Se 37 4 14 9 6 Lebanon, Ill....... 46 112 228 ST 60 7 43 12 18 Metamora, Ill...:. $1... 66 20 41 2 14 9 2 Milford Ti cay aie oo une: 170 52 75 7 13 24 17 Monticello, Ill..... 89 .. Q47 66 129 *10 38 38 2) Oregon, TW 46 1 365 61 108 15 48 30 23 West Salem, Ill... . 37 1 89 26 61 5 19 10 7 West or MissIssIPpPi Number.......... 2,083 112 4,003 1,647 3,027 9227 906 732 406 Per Céestivs foes) 16.5, 0) UES0 Gur A) EPG ee, bee 6.9 5.6 3.1 Blackduck, Minn... 86 .. 71 Si 31 Q 13 19 12 Bik River; Minn. .:2° 270: < 114 43 61 9 20 9 10 Litchfield, Minn.... 67 nF 249 56 T6075 50 SS 34 Wells, Minn....... 20 1 181 60 105 6 28 ya 15 Windom, Minn... . 62 ite 230 66 150 =10 45 25 38 114 1920 CErNsuUs Tue MippLteE WEsT TABLE LXX—OCCUPATIONS OF GAINFULLY EMPLOYED MALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER—Continued STATE AND VILLAGE tural* tivef turet PN LCMA Cais fan Lae preaienin Battle Creek, Ia...... Buffalo Center, Ia... . Bussey; lars. EOP INO: 1 thch'y v2 awe oes Grundy Center, Ia... La Porte City, Ia... . Marathon, Ia........ Moviule. ig Strawberry Point, Ia.. WVinhelay ian. ck. East Prairie, Mo..... Hardin (Mol yc oes Lathrop, Mo........ Lutesville, Mo....... Marble Hill, Mo..... Puxico, Mo....... Warrenton, Mo...... Casselton, N. D...... Graftoty N.D. 3)... Mayville, N. D...... Oakes ane Doar. \%, Fairfield, Nebr....... Geneva, Nebr........ Humboldt, Nebr..... Stromsburg, Nebr... . Tekamah, Nebr...... Walthill, Nebr....... Weeping Water, Nebr. Cheney, Kans........ Clearwater, Kans... . Inman, Kans........ Marion, Kans........ Mount Hope, Kans... Mulvane, Kans...... Usxtord, Kansas. Agri- cul- 37 20 78 i 55 70 59 147 30 Ex- trac- 41 39 21 OccUPATIONS Manu- Trans- fac- 157 56 56 42 172 134 92 41 95 67 111 68 84 101 33 30 79 51 97 171 79 161 53 111 96 81 198 79 78 35 52 46 153 14 128 57 por- tation Trade lic§ 33 16 35 15 45 50 52 19 25 13 27 19 30 80 60 64 36 132 118 75 38 60 67 91 69 52 57 40 14 41 54 82 130 62 115 55 104 103 105 104 70 67 49 32 36 112 26 56 44 Pub- mmo war On BF — owe o aS Pro- fes- Per- Cler- sional sonal{ ical 17 16 9 12 12 9 19 13 6 8 3 re 39 32 19 46 17 10 17 16 12 “< 10 i 11 16 5 21 11 4 14 9 4 17 as 6 9 16 13 27 19 () 11 1 4 24 2 2 11 she 3 30 11 i 17 31 14 SUMS WMC aly key 29 22 13 26 38 Fi 20 ll fe 38 oe 18 24 19 7 83 17 2 36 ii 13 17 Q8 é 16 fi 8 11 hs 7 14 7 4 8 4 2 54 29 16 10 6 6 21 Uy f* 9 10 5 * Agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry. { Extraction of minerals. t Manufacturing and mechanical industries. § Public service (not elsewhere classified). {| Domestic and personal service. 115 1920 Census Tue MippLeE WEst TABLE LXXI—OCCUPATIONS OF GAINFULLY EMPLOYED FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER STATE AND Agri- VILLAGE cul- tural* Total Numberi sunset 53 Per'Gente oroaca 8 East or MIssISsIPPI Numbers, th. zee tn 24 Per: Gente or oo 9 Grass Lake, Mich... 2 Nashville, Mich..... 1 Ovid, Mich......... 1 Scottville, Mich..... Arsose Indiv wae.’ ; 1 Centerville, Ind..... Hloras ANGeckins wesc: 1 Fowler, Ind........ ae Liberty, Ind........ 4 Arcadia, Wis........ 2 Barron, Wis........ a Elkhorn, Wis....... Q Fennimore, Wis.... . Medford, Wis....... Mount Horeb, Wis. . Waupaca, Wis...... Burekayttie.. oeecn Granville, Ill....... i Lebanon, Lia's. 2.8 Metamora, Ill....... COW. tO pels Miltord, Te ae Monticello, Ill...... Orevon, UES 6.0% West Salem, Ill..... West oF MIssISsIPPI NUMDer. 0. 2k a ee 29 Per: Gentine seu 8 Blackduck, Minn.... Elk River, Minn.... Litchfield, Minn..... 3 Wells, Minn........ Windom, Minn..... Man- Trans- fac- por- turef tation 793 12.7 288 4.6 117 4.2 —_ he tO) 09 Or Or © CO & m= oO Co Ee DD WO m CN > Ow ke HO OccUPATION Pub- Trade _lic§ 742 69 11.8 1.1 317 31 11.3 Ley t 2 it 14 AF 6 1 f( 16 14 2 18 1 7 ty 11 2 17 g 18 4 15 1 15 3 17 1 18 26 ne 9 4 3 g 19 1 1 ui 15 Ma 15 1 22 4 12 425 38 12.3 1.1 2 1 8 4 40 1 18 1 28 2 Pro- fes- Per- sional sonalt 1,619 25.8 603 21.4 11 20 15 14 13 12 17 15 20 37 32 34 50 56 19 45 55 AW} 32 12 1,903 30.4 824 29.3 Cler- ical 1920 CrENsuUs THe Mippite WEst TABLE LXXI—OCCUPATIONS OF GAINFULLY EMPLOYED FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER—Continued STATE AND VILLAGE eae. oer) Meee. Battle Creek, Ia....... Buffalo Center, Ia..... DUSSAY,. 1A. ose COPING Ls NR a ea Grundy Center, Ia... . La Porte City, Ia... .. Marathon, \Ia......... DG Vine LB. ort a4 tLe Strawberry Point, Ia... Wainteld, Jai) sscy 5h. East Prairie, Mo...... Hardin, Mo.......,.. Lathrop, Mo......... Lutesville, Mo........ Marble Hill, Mo...... PUxICO MO) gece tes Warrenton, Mo....... Casselton, N. D...... Grafton, N. D........ Mayville, N. D....... pales IN olay tatiana 2 Fairfield, Nebr........ Geneva, Nebr......... Humboldt, Nebr...... Stromsburg, Nebr..... Tekamah, Nebr....... Walthill, Nebr........ Weeping Water, Nebr.. Cheney, Kans........ Clearwater, Kans...... Inman, Kans....... Marion, Kans......... Mount Hope, Kans.... Mulvane, Kans....... Oxford) Kans; sie 3: Agri- Man- Trans- cul- fac- por- tural* turef tation 12 1 2 16 2 mem © TO CO & We Ww O OS me Of Or © OmMwont ARVO CME: foto © ww W- 2 OccUPATION Pub- Trade _lic§ 9 2 10 id g 1 23 3 8 6 15 a 3 1 8 yh 10 1 6 8 a 6 2 8 1 2 1 4 RS 11 1 26 1 6 1 25 1 u, 16 g 17 1 f 20 a 6 1 9 8 7 1 2 fig 19 3 3 1 9 3 6 1 * Agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry. {+ Manufacturing and mechanical industries. { Public service (not elsewhere classified). § Domestic and personal service. 117 Pro- fes- sional sonalf{ 35 13 21 11 39 4] 21 Per- 15 4 17 Cler- ical 7 6 *( = pede CO: Sr 0S Of & owe oN 1920 CreNsus TABLE LXXII—MARITAL CONDITION OF GAINFULLY EMPLOYED Tue MippLe West FEMALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER STATE AND VILLAGE Total Number? 02 44 2 Per Cents. ve. East or Mississippi Numbers. pes es Per Cente. Grass Lake, Mich.. Nashville, Mich... . Ovid, Mich........ Scottville, Mich... . Centerville, Ind... . Hora: dnd :Se ees Fowler, Ind....... ; Liberty, Ind....... Arcadia, Wis....... Barron, Wis....... Elkhorn, Wis...... Fennimore, Wis... . Medford, Wis...... Mount Horeb, Wis. Waupaca, Wis..... Frurekasti pi). Granville, Ill....... Lebanon, Ill....... Metamora, Ill...... Milford) Tegan: Monticello, Tl..... Oregon, Ill........ West Salem, IIl.... West oF MIssISsIPPI Numbers cv 7a, Per Gent? s Oita Blackduck, Minn... Elk River, Minn... Litchfield, Minn.... Wells, Minn....... Windom, Minn.... SINGLE Em- ploy- Total ed* 8,979 4,153 100.0 46.3 3,794 1,809 100.0 47.7 83 36 87 29 91 34 93 44 97 43 84 42 140 val 143 44 151 78 195 rg 186 104 Q43 = 147 190 100 194 107 181 63 351 171 225 106 105 38 Q15 99 85 28 123 58 931 125 199 111 102 19 5,185 2,344 100.0 45.2 55 24 107 57 383 214 235 104 283 135 Marriep WinowEpD Total Em- Em- ploy- ploy- ed Total ed 18,309 1,109 4,291 '792 6.1 100.0 18.5 100.0 7,897 100.0 180 343 264 237 275 215 358 339 333 302 350 431 308 385 289 634 321 291 365 124 326 503 506 222 10,412 100.0 155 221 577 391 425 118 522 1,971 380 6.6 100.0 19.3 15 50 5 Pie VOLS 20 108 2% 18 58 17 12 55 6 29 83 26 31 99 19 9 57 3 SOO anh LS 7 67 10 27 TAs aee 48 116 29 20 yf Pen Ts fs 64 14 6 72 10 35 164 25 33 82 18 2 31 6 Wee OU gO 1 43 2 35 GIy 52 1382 28 425 LUG SO 6 58 4 587 2,320 412 5.6 100.0 17.8 12 13 5 14 42 4 38 158 18 6 83 5 14 89 16 Divorcep UNKNOWN Total om ° wO 69 GH OO Or = & 09 & tO “I rw 69 - jk fed eo 9 a me - Em- Em- ploy- __ ploy- ed Total ed 165 42 19 68.9.2 Ter Slaton wwe GUO rok trier ASV OU ayaa L>awcthiqwh Ns 3 Leal 2 g 4 g 4 9 2 fee 4 YO Ufone Wis? iad | oR eth ater | 10 I Wah) Pa 1 4 6 14 8 3 $4 2712 STL ie Pelee 1 Lee eon yA ial | A tube USes EEE ah Ae | 1920 CENsUs STATE AND VILLAGE Alta, Ia.. ee Battle ees ee ete Buffalo Center, Ia.. Bussey, Ia...... Corning, Ia..... Grundy Center, Ia... La Porte sea iactee Marathon, Ia.. Moville, Ia.. Strawberry Bort: oe Winfield, Ia... . East Prairie, Mo.. . Hardin, Mo..... Lathrop, Mo........ : Lutesville, Mo.. Marble Hill, Mo..... Puxico, Mo...... Warrenton, Mo.. Casselton, N. D..... ; Grafton, N. D.... May villas. Dd. Oakes Ne) sy gece Fairfield, Nebr...... Geneva, Nebr........ Humboldt, Nebr..... Stromsburg, Nebr... . Tekamah, Nebr... . Walthill, Nebr.. . Weeping Water, Nebr Cheney, Kans....... : Clearwater, Kans..... Inman, Kans... Marion, Kans........ Mount Hope, Kans... Mulvane, Kans...... Oxford, Kans.. SINGLE Em- ploy- Total edt 146 65 78 24 94 48 40 16 195 89 194 99 110 AT 63 18 70 36 108 40 97 25 83 21 80 al 90 25 57 i 32 10 61 5 100 oo 157 67 434 258 182 93 176 105 79 ST 206 78 132 60 172 64 170 94 75 39 86 28 66 37 50 25 45 19 186 102 41 18 114 35 53 17 * Gainfully employed. { Per cent. not shown, base less than 100. Tue MippLE West TABLE LXXII—MARITAL CONDITION OF GAINFULLY EMPLOYED FEMALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER—Continued Marriep Wipowrep Divorcep UNKNOWN Total 171 119 Em- ploy- ed Total 9 73 S 29 a 26 4 29 $1 115 La 95 13 98 2 21 a 39 9 68 3 57 92 49 il 4] 16 74 23 5 18 3 33 4 45 a | 33 22 82 6 30 39 52 18 44 31 116 1% 67 9 92 oe 91 15 oF a 60 33 25 i hs! 29 1 21 38 95 13 43 17 54 4 36 Em- ploy- ed Total cS 28 17 1D SP A YO me He rO OO tO Oo oOo & = ~J Em- Em- ploy- __ ploy- ed Total ed Si i 1 8 3 a g 3 1 ie 3 1 1 i! 5 1 1 Seley 1 6 3 1 A 1 4 2 as 5 it 6 1 1 1 14 a: 1 1 I 1 if 6 Q Q 3 1 1 Rar We ay . : ve Wa AL ahr bee ey), PAY) Br rd My b ONE a! SD “ “ ee re Nath ( . a’ & 4 ® : t ‘ ' > 4 ¥ r \ - ' * } , ; 4 uae . . <1 ee ‘ %, "y _ ‘ ih ¥ ’ i { , re 5 hs 1 iv A { WAY me : i ; 4 fr ( i ‘ 4 ‘ % ‘ ) } iy ,' f i a / z ’ re F 4 i ; okay } ; " ‘3 pe , i A am ve at ‘ : i Wade + ' ayy A ? ry oa 4 M * , ‘ ¢ \ ; ’ vf ; ; Me ’ ) 204 . 4 4 Pil ‘ s? f i i ¥ i “a ; i hy, : i 7 A si Yo a B d j f re ee | 4 te f (are a ; An by Ay 4 ay ar 7 yi " eee’ fi i F i ” Gi a ‘ é h s + ’ i Bar ] y . t ; ' : 1 A < ag Wee vif 1 “f be eft } te Pd a7 ava ‘ G iis yi ’ ; 2, ) : et : * Z cu mW hy ‘ ¥ a ¢ x erty 7 J . 4 7 rik ficure ieet f ' eed ea P ; tnt! nue ; ‘ i Ly r EN | ' 5 it ot ie ah pe t ( +7 tai ‘ia & pie eA ni Pe Bea yay Tlie iene ¥ { i Wd ‘3 5 Bb Te ar Lane ae su lo ' Ae "s SP Ok ut att Ci ) ay ve r 1. he a Mian en ) bie he ey - Lo ae | a VaR bi Sut tk a) e ee fs Nae a Sas ak a a MR RBS 2 oy \ ae ian 47 uh tik oe Peer een ha | 1 | " , ay) i o v ; rane +5 vi mt ree i ie ; q x i m a ene up PART IV—FAR WESTERN VILLAGES An analysis of 1920 Census data for thirty-four incorporated places forms the basis of the following discussion of agricultural villages in the Far West. The salient facts about these villages are presented individually in Tables LX XIV to XCVI inclusive. The first table of the series, LX XIII, summarizes a number of points for the group and shows comparable data for the combined popu- lation of eight cities in the region. The Far West, for the purpose of this study, includes the eleven western states. ‘Two Census divisions, “Mountain” * and ‘“‘Pacific,”’ have thus been combined into one region. ‘The use of sub-totals for the Range and Pacific in the following tables preserves the dis- tinctive characteristics of each division, as for instance, the greater increase in population since 1900 of the Range villages studied. Seven of thirty-four villages discussed are in the Range; three being in Colorado, one in Montana, three in Idaho; while the other twenty-seven are in the three Pacific states: California having thirteen; Oregon, seven; Washington, seven. Diagram XIV shows the exact location of each. All the villages in the Pacific and all but one, Delta, Colo., in the Range are within the population limits set, 250 to 2,500. The average population for the Range villages is 1,403, and for the Pacific, 1,223.+ The eight cities used for comparison with the villages are Fresno, Sacramento, San Jose, and Stockton in California, and Bellingham, Everett, Spokane and Tacoma in Washington. ‘The choice of cities was restricted, necessarily, to the Pacific division because of the scarcity of cities and the limited number of points on which Census data were available for Range cities. Two criteria were kept in mind in selecting these cities, size and diversification of industries. The population of each is between 25,000 and 100,000, with the exception of Spokane (104,437) which was included to give a sam- ple population comparable in size with that used in other regions. * Called “Range” in this study. This division includes: Mont., Wyo., Colo., N. Mex., Ariz., Utah, Idaho and Nev. + When Delta is excluded, the average for the remaining six places is 1,200. The Census shows that in 1920 the number of villages with between 250 and 2,500 inhabitants was 546 in the eight Range states, average population 838; and 408 in the Pacific, average 942. The Range villages analyzed exceed in size the average for their division by 67 per cent., and the Pacific by 30 per cent. 121 Sas Ey ep irae MONT. he MARES val ‘ ©* nermclew | > | Qorring SOPeA@, Gnvontows7 in ? » Golcenda/e 3 Tlorskovrr/e o 2 4 Ridge DO] : pe ORE. bearer WA co on ¢ IDA: Yea) op) ere eg ane er ey et / LS mn WY. @Cortege Grove b Perma | ‘ . 3 | OA sotvve a American woi® 6 oorrew ‘ CALA TNEV. An TAH q Wilag a iba ai fo SS5 369 189 180 969 493 476 Lompoc, Calif...... 1,533 959 474 485 574 298 276 Oakdale, Ca.if...... 1,539 916 445 471 623 326 297 Paso Robles, Calif. be, VL. Ofo 856 411 445 767 363 404 San Jacinto, Calif... 847 339 151 188 508 254 254 Sonoma, Calif...... 562 424 195 229 138 70 68 133 1920 CrENsUs THe Far WEstT TABLE LXXVIII—NATIVE WHITE POPULATION HAVING MOTHER BORN IN STATE OF RESIDENCE TotaL Moturer Born In State Moruer Born OvtsipE STATE AND NATIVE oF RESIDENCE oF STATE VILLAGE WHITE Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Number........... 37,725 3,390 1,656 1,734 34,335 17,249 17,086 Per Cents. ve cere bee OUsU 9.0 4.4 4.6 91.0 45.7 45.3 RANGE Number........... 9,129 260 135 125 8,869 4,495 4,374 Per Centitrcs Loe 1100.0 2.9 1.5 1.4 97.1 49.2 47.9 Ginia, Monte. ae. 412 19 13 6 393 210 183 Akron: Colos..,.¢245, 1.000 12 7 5 1,293 664 629 Burlington, Colo... . 951 14 9 5 937 481 456 Delta, Colo. >) Wes: 2,467 63 34 29 2,404 1,190 1,214 American Falls, Ida. 1,408 42 19 23 ~—s«1,366 699 667 Emmett, Ida....... 92,0387 95 49 46 1,942 987 955 Parma, [dave cas 549 15 4 11 534 264 270 PacIFiIc Wumber!.. 344.245 3 28,596 3,130 1,521 1,609 25,466 12,754 12,712 Per. Centos es 2 ALOG.0 10.9 5.3 5.6 89.1 44.6 44.5 Enumclaw, Wash... 1,089 28 18 10 1,061 550 511 Ferndale, Wash.... . 653 21 9 12 632 331 301 Garfield, Wash..... . 755 30 13 17 725 347 378 Goldendale, Wash... 1,207 70 31 39 1,137 541 596 Orting, Wash....... 872 24 ll 13 848 418 430 Ridgefield, Wash... . 530 37 23 14 493 252 241 Uniontown, Wash.. . 340 93 12 11 317 146 171 Clatskanie, Ore..... 957 93 43 50 864 454 410 Condon, Ore........ 1,013 171 79 92 842 440 402 Cottage Grove, Ore.. 1,844 212 92 120 1,632 827 805 Freewater, Ore..... , 641 49 28 21 592 295 297 Lakeview, Ore...... 1,036 105 49 56 931 447 484 Maddie, Oren ics 264 30 16 14 234 129 105 Woodburn, Ore..... 1,486 182 90 92 1,304 638 666 Banning, Calif..,.:. 1,358 90 48 42 1,268 623 645 Coming Califo ci Uruk, 82 35 AT. 1,965 617 648 ISON Cplibenot. ee 787 185 96 89 602 306 296 Exeter, Calif........ 1,731 144 80 64 1,587 811 776 Ferndale, Calif...... 706 153 73 80 553 Q75 278 Power aul ies. Se 63 32 $1 949 475 474 Gridley, Calif....... 1,526 233 121 112 1,293 685 608 Hemet, Calif....... 1,338 57 28 29 1,281 654 627 Lompoc, A i artes Bi Th Bae bh 318 165 153 1,215 607 608 Oakdale, Calif...... 1,539 293 130 163 1,246 641 605 Paso Robles, Calif... 1,623 283 131 152 1,340 643 697 San Jacinto, Calif... 847 64 25 39 783 380 403 Sonoma, Calif....... 562 90 43 47 472 222 250 134 1920 CENSUS Tue Far WEstT TABLE LXXIX—PLACE OF BIRTH OF FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION Tora * Persons Born IN STATE AND Foreien- North- VILLAGE Born western Other South All Europe* Europe Canada Mexico America Other Total Number: i... 042 5 4673 2,430 595 585 672 11 380 rer Gentile sen apes: 400.0 52.0 12.8 12.5 14.4 2 8.1 RANGE Numbers) 26. 2a4'.. 658 362 86 88 61 1 60 Per Cention a): os. 1eeven 00.0 55.0 13.0 13.4 9.3 ‘. 9.1 ames VOnt... ce... 57 27 6 6 4 7 14 Akron, Golo, /: 2%. . 83 43 13 4 22 1 ey Burlington, Colo... . 40 34 2 3 1 eS “a Delta, Colo......... 150 56 13 30 31 3 20 American Falls, Ida. 136 64 44 Vi, 1 a 10 Emmett, Ida....... 158 115 6 24 Q rt 11 Parma lace. ts 34 23 Q 4 he oa 5 Paciric Number.-oh.. 2.2422. 4,016 2,068 509 497 611 10 320 Per, sa.'3 «. 4,100.0 51.5 12.7 12.4 15.2 2 8.0 Enemclaw, Wash.... 285 203 28 37 a -¥ 17 Ferndale, Wash..... 106 90 2 13 AY ee 1 Garfield, Wash..... ; 21 14 1 5 ae Mb, 1 Goldendale, Wash... 67 40 5 21 eo we 1 Orting, Wash....... 88 45 7 30 ale Bis 6 Ridgefield, Wash... . 90 34 10 8 Me civ 38 Uniontown, Wash.. . 64 54 8 2 Ae fn ce Clatskanie, Ore..... 214 136 53 23 ay . 2 Condon, Ore........ 114 88 4 21 Co 1 iY Cottage Grove, Ore.. 75 54 ai 21 ene iy Freewater, Ore..... ; 23 15 2 6 it Ms a Lakeview, Ore...... 91 60 8 8 We a 15 Ruodie Orew in. a. 4 3 ay, 1 a iy bed Woodburn, Ore..... 170 136 14 20 ie bag -¥ Banning, Calif...... 292 68 LZ 22 173 1 it Corning, Calif...... 100 76 3 15 ne Hat 6 IRON ACAI owe al cc 130 G5 23 15 6 he 11 Exeter, Calif........ 119 34 17 19 33 ms 16 Ferndale, Calif...... 213 158 16 35 p 4 Fowler, Calif....... 420 26 78 13 207 oe 96 Gridley, Calif....... 107 52 13 15 14 1 12 Hemet» Calif... 2)... 125 86 g 33 i re 3 Lompoc, Calif... ... 312 119 33 28 89 2 41 Oakdale, Calif...... 202 101 12 24 55 2 8 Paso Robles, Calif... 262 161 31 34 14 2 20 San Jacinto, Calif... 82 34 A 23 19 ve 6 Sonoma, Calif....... 239 106 122 5 o. 1 5 * Germany and Austria are included. 135 1920 Crencus Tue Far WEstT TABLE LXXX—YEAR OF IMMIGRATION OF FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION Tora STATE AND For- 1911 1906 1901 1900 VILLAGE EIGN- to to to and Un- Born 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1914 1911 1906 Prior known Total Number............ 4,673 108 60 54 107 97 122 338 566 451 2,129 641 Per Centice ecko LOO 0278.8) SUS Lea eel eee. 0) bee Sal 7 ont RANGE Numbers voueccayene 658 7 3 hi 4 8 9 18 42% 58 88 °308 110 Per Scents Fr) Sous e100. Wat Ld 6 Le 2 La 8.7 46i46° 8:8 11210 46.5167 Lima, Mont......... 57 2 5 1 ee 3 O10 25 2 Akron, Colé: 205,003 83 1 1 3 3 6 4 4 9 6 39 7 Burlington, Colo..... AOS, He EA BN. aM aa 1 2 2 26 9 Delta: Colony ee 150 Q 1 ee ays 2 Pe Bid Sten f: 68 43 American Falls, Ida... 136 1 1 2 1 Pir 12 9 24 74 10 Emmett, Ida........ 158 1 3 et 2 Ms DO is eee 64 33 Parma, Idai 7... 3.4 34 ; f 1 : 6 1 3 5 12 6 PaciFic Number............ 4,015 101 49 50 99 88 104 296 508 368 1,821 531 Per Gentoo) fh oo 100 O88 LS 12a 2a SS Si 2 6 ant aS Ne © ao, Saeko Enumclaw, Wash... . 285 6 3 2 Q 7 4 gi 567 1*30° "7156 12 Ferndale, Wash...... 106 3 ; 1 4 3 3 7 7 70 8 Garfield, Wash....... An 1 1 7 Beda 2 9 4 Goldendale, Wash... . 67 1 ay 1 1 3 33 28 Orting, Wash... .))..:: 88 1 1 2 5 5 74 Ridgefield, Wash..... 90 2 1 Bh Saree Le 6 33 ee Uniontown, Wash... . 64 reg ) Pe = Nee. Mee 1 4 57 2 Clatskanie, Ore...... 214 3 Lies, eee 2. LO SR res ee LE 9 Condon, Ore......... 114 3 : a, 1 1 1 ot aU 8 61 2 Cottage Grove, Ore... 75 1 2 1 5 3 2 48 13 Freewater, Ore....... 23 SAN ye AS at a, v: 2 2 5 12 Lakeview, Ore....... OL Page: Pe 2 2 3 Detail Wf jes 135" 27 13 Riddle, Ore....:..... 4 , a! ; hy ‘ f Q 2 Woodburn: Ore... 0170 ny Me eet 9 134 12 Banning, Calif....... 292 z 6 16 15 93°. 84. 68. ©3839 85 a Coming alt. 2.29 Gr OO oa 4 irae na 4 6 8 53 19 Dixon; Califii st 074 130 Lae 3 5 2 1 fee ae Oi Reet 2 76 4 Exeter, Calif......... 119 1 2 2 4 4 Lp 4 10 5 oe 52 Ferndale, Calif....... MNEs Sk JO 1 1 4 1 3 ide © Pim ake Ee” 3 Fowler, Calif........ 420 28 Qi Pe eaten, wake 18:1 64) 21167" a0 51 17 Gridley, Cahf.. 25...” 107 4 4 6 "4 3 3 4 15 7 45 14 Hemet, Calif......... 125 4 te ns “Me a ah A Ae 76 3 Lompoe, Calif....... S12 2715 3 ACV 1G 19 VAG) eae eer ree 35 Oakdale, Calif....... 202 At 7 1 1 2 8 7 6 30 147 Paso Robles, Calif.... 262 23 5 2 1 TL 1G Peovies Lae 37 San Jacinto, Calif... . S254), Ae t. ay + pa LU hea 17 49 Sonoma, Calif....... 239 1 yr yy get hi Q Lisi AST nee 114 39 136 1920 Crensus Tue Far West TABLE LXXXI—DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION BY SEX ALL CLASSES WHITE COLORED STATE AND Males Native-Born Foreign-Born VILLAGE to 100 Fe- Fe- Fe- Male Female Females Male male Male male Male male Total.............. 21,966 20,872 105.2 18,905 18,820 2,656 1,798 *405 1254 RAnNGE............ 5,078 4,747 107.0 4,630 4,499 388 9227 60 21 Lima, Mont...... 273 203 134.5 223 «189 $2 11 18 3 Akron, Colo...... 730 671 108.8 671 634 48 35 11 Q Burlington, Colo.. 518 473 109.5 490 461 28 12 4th 4 Delta, Colo....... 1,816 1,307 100.7 1,224 1,243 fit 54 15 10 American Falls,Ida. 804 743 108.2 718 690 83 58 3 Emmett, Ida..... 1,145 1,059 108.1: 1,036 1,001 98 53 11 5 Parma, Ida....... 292 291 100.3 268 281 22 9 Q 1 Paciric............ 16,888 16,125 104.7 14,275 14,321 92,268 1,571 345 233 Enumclaw, Wash. 751 627 119.8 568 521 171 99 12 7 Ferndale, Wash.. . 396 363 109.1 340 313 56 50 a Garfield, Wash.... 374 402 93.0 360 395 14 fi Le Goldendale, Wash. 610 + 664 91.9 572 635 37 29 1 me Orting, Wash..... 484 488 99.2 ‘429 443 46 38 9 7 Ridgefield, Wash.. 344 276 124.6 215 255 69 21 Uniontown, Wash. 195 209 93.3 158 182 37 27 Clatskanie, Ore... 633 538 117.7 497 460 136 78 Condon, Ore..... ’ 587 540 108.7 519 494 68 46 Cottage Grove, Ore. 970 949 102.2 919 925 51 24 Freewater, Ore.... 333 331 100.6 323 ©6318 10 13 ry Hy Lakeview, Ore... . 571 568 100.5 496 540 55 23 20 5 Riddle, Ore....... 147 121 125 145 119 2 Q Se Woodburn, Ore.. . 822 834 98.6 728 758 94 76 Ae we Banning, Calif... . 917 893 102.7 671 687 172 119 74 87 Corning, Calif... . 713 736 96.9 652 695 57 40 4 1 Dixon, Calif...... 482 444 108.5 402 385 64 56 16 3 Exeter, Calif...... 966 886 109.0 891 840 65 45 10 1 Ferndale, Calif.... 461 458 100.7 $48 $58 118 100 me ay Fowler, Calif..... 794 734 108.2 507> °605° -210 . 168 fits 66 Gridley, Calif..... 872 764 114.1 806 720 59 41 7 o Hemet, Calif..... 752 728 103.3 682 656 61 63 9 9 Lompoc, Calif... . 981 895 109.6 TiS OL 163 111 46 23 Oakdale, Calif... . 896 849 105.5 771 768 119 79 6 g Paso Robles, Calif. 959 960 99.9 774 849 153 94 32 17 San Jacinto, Calif. 465 480 96.9 405 442 42 36 18 g Sonoma, Calif... . 413 388 106.4 265 297 144 91 4 * Sixty-six native- and 164 foreign-born Orientals, 82 native-born Negroes, 87 other colored native- and 6 foreign-born. | Forty-four native-and 49 foreign-born Orientals, 59 native-born Negroes and 102 other colored, native-born. 137 1920 CrENsUsS Tue Far WEsT TABLE LXXXII—AGE-DISTRIBUTION OF MALES BY TEN-YEAR INTERVALS ALL Years or AGE STATE AND Acres Under 10 to 20 to 30 to 40 to 50 to 60to 70and Un- VILLAGE 10 20 30 40 50 60 70° over known Total Number............ 21,966 4,187 3,638 3,376 3,278 2,815 2,1741,506 941 51 Per Cent. eis... ee 10020) 419.16: 6 5414.9 GSS 9:9" 6.8 4.3 Z RANGE Number............ 5,078 1,100 841 852 808 610 443 272 141 11 Per Centiang fs pe 00.0. 27 1G. 6 A1G6,. 8515.9 ASO WS: ale es 2.8 “2 Lima, Mont.) : ooh." 273 Gy SO OF BS kerr era er 2 AS Akron Colo sioe 4! 730 168°) 110),166. 177-) 80 45" OAT 19 1 Burlington, Colo..... 518 100 57 118 94 54 54 29 16 1 Delta, Colo.......... 1,816 241 240 197 189 155 151 88 52 3 American Falls, Ida... 804 215 1388 105 127 118 52 28 LF 4 Emmett, Ida........ 1,145 271). 219. 165,178 18S 97 @58 22 4 Parma, ida, cet 292 Soe) 4) 49 51 43 29 13 1s PaciFic Number............ 16,888 3,087 2,797 2,524 2,470 2,205 1,731 1,234 800 40 Per Centicgere 08 80'100,0' 18,.3:016.61515. 08146 4ST 4.7 2 Enumclaw, Wash.... (hl) 2152)" [SS el Sora S7 807) Gains 17 1 Ferndale, Wash...... 396 80 87 51 50 43 388 29 18 BP. Garfield, Wash....... 374 GO) (8) e470) 47 50 3840 32 15 af Goldendale, Wash.... 610 107 113 74 77 94 57 48 39 1 Orting, Wash........ 484 19) O80). 445/69 S065 W Siyin 2 ees re Ridgefield, Wash.... . 344 61 46- 59 65 44 30 Q7 12 Uniontown, Wash... . 195 AL Se Sie Sah ete a) tT eae 12 Clatskanie, Ore...... 633 131 100 94 96 80 64 51 Me: Condon, Ore......... 587 116 90 106 95 99°. (S256 13 ig Cottage Grove, Ore... 970 180 148 141 134 114 109 86 54 4 Freewater, Ore....... 333 83 SS Olay 47) e883 hh O60 EG 9 Lakeview, Ore....... 571 109 90 78 95 72 65 44 16 2 Riddle, Ore.......... 147 Pi 28 aeeG a 1 1S Se se i 1 Woodburn, Ore...... 822 120 162 115 105 $6 93 79 51 1 Banning, Calif....... 917 193 158 148 143 124 78 46 25 2 Corning, Calif....... aie So 1Shs ISS i844 ers OR aT 57 2 Dixons Gatto riya 482 OO OTe Tees 78 7 150 0 S5 ll Exeter, Calif......... 966 175 183 190 125 114 9] 61 24 3 Ferndale, Calif....... 461 63°23 78569266 76 545" 36 24 ee Fowler, Calif........ 794 189 138 119 119 95 66 45 22 1 Gridley, Calif........ 872 148 131 146 151 118 79 61 36 & [2 Hemet: Califz 22. <2. E 752 115 145 114 89 4118. 87) 260 39 ae Lompoc, Calif....... 981 214 158 144 155 122 92 49 ak 42 5 Oakdale, Calif....... 896 160 124 183 1386 125 110 ‘72 ER 24 12 Paso Robles, Calif... . 959 156 130 128 152 142 184 73 . 42 2 San Jacinto, Calif... 465 89 86 48 71 51 50 46 2 21 Sonoma, Calif....... 413 GS BT 440 Tere 40 a 23 ae 138 1920 CrENsuUs Tue Far WEstT TABLE LXXXIII—AGE-DISTRIBUTION OF FEMALES BY TEN-YEAR INTERVALS ALL Yrars or AGE STATE AND Acres Under 10 to 20 to 30 to 40 to 50 to 60 to 70and Un- VILLAGE 10 20 30 40 50 60 $70 over known Total Number............ 20,872 4,123 3,928 3,438 3,118 2,413 1,8471,167 817 21 Per Cente eer LOO UT Ado Lowe. 16.5:914.9" 1 L.65>,8.9%96.6 3.9 re RANGE Number tae fs oes 4,747 1,070 906 885 742 507 336 189 106 6 Per. Centsa07 72 oe 100.0 225019.10 1827 16.6 10.7 1 ae 2y l Lamae Monte oa. fos 20S Oli 40%). S40 40 Se Ole 112 4 1 A krom colo). ay. 671 168 115 147 99 838 57 @ 16 Burlington, Colo..... 473 98 89 104 7 40 32 16 15 A Delta, Colo.......... 1,807 245 265 223 200 167 103 66 36 2 American Falls, Ida... 145) 4214 1809 121" 184°. 68.38. 29 6 3 Emmett, Ida........ 1,059 246 221 193 145 191 72 36 24 1 Parma vloas: cs as 291 58 46 63 45 $7 22 12 8 Paciric Number............ 16,125 3,053 3,022 2,553 2,376 1,9061,511 978 ‘711 15 Per Centi,. ¢2.¥..2/, 100.0 18.9 18.7-16.8' 14.8 11.8. 9.4 6.1 4.4 l Enumclaw, Wash... . C2712 6184) 116s Tie 8 S68 220 12 1 Ferndale, Wash...... 363 ROL tons, GGre DU eto) wh Soon LS 17 aa Garfield, Wash....... 402 74 83 607) 487 62), 51 16 17 1 Goldendale, Wash.... 664 122 141 94 88 83 57 837 42 Orting," Wash- 2.2. 488 TO ALLO fl) DE MELODIC ao 2 OO SEAT 67 Ridgefield, Wash..... 276 59°. 46 48. 42 $30 24 17 10 Uniontown, Wash.... 209 So. 4S | 4645 26 19 22 12 10 Clatskanie, Ore...... 538 1389 103 78 80 651 41 #35 11 Condon oresee eo O40 126.038 OTS 88a be a7 Se) 10 3 Cottage Grove, Ore... 949 180 163 138 136 113 97 62 58 2 Freewater, Ore....... 331 SOr Oty), Club Ae SB SE nin TA 8 Lakeview, Ore....... 568 107 119 85 90 78 A7 Q7 15 Riddle: ‘Ore 27s) 3 2" 191 Rt... 28 ays 15 16 15 13 5 Woodburn, Ore...... 834 139 158 95 106 118 86 73 59 se banning, ‘Cahte;.... (89849 19d. 16r 1607 142" >" 98) 972540 20 1 Corning, Calif....... 736 114 119 119 93 96 90 658 46 1 Hixon Ganhe eae). 444 62 6 66 67 TS stoe re Sa 23 Exeter, Calif......... 886 102 1 SIO OF LLG it 81 32 TT Ferndale Calif....... 458 75 65 81 70 55 52 337 23 Fowler, Calif........ 734 178 161 114 106 66 44 $7 28 Gridley, Calif........ 764 159 184' 1386 127 feb eed at 47 18 Be Hemete Galt) 5) 728 105 1292 1292 122 110 73 oo 39 Q Lompoc, Calif....... 895 193 160 151 151 81 Teas 40 4 Oakdale, Calif....... 849 162 148° 155. 118° 107 89 55 27 o Paso Robles, Calif... . 960 140 186 145 146 118 109 68 48 San Jacinto, Calif... . 480 97 102 £59 66 60 45 31 20 Sonoma, Calif....... 388 70 50 52 72 42 £53 28 Q1 139 1920 CreNnsus Tue Far West TABLE LXXXIV—MARITAL CONDITION OF MALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER TOTAL NUMBER Per Cent. or Tota STATE AND Sin- Mar- Wid- Di- Sin- Mar- Wid- Di- VILLAGE gle ried owedvorced gle ried owed vorced. Total: . ois... tise Soe 2OsTD b5, 218 0 6Odia Rob? O17) (63.0 60.2 5.2 1.4 RANGES yey ree Ok ROD LOU Laos eb ee 148 388 32.5 62.0 4.2 ira Lima, Mont........ 198 67 121 7 $7258.9 -GLI $.5 1.5 Akron; Cali» ).2s 506 164 313 19 8 32.4 61.9 $.7 1.6 Burlington, Colo.... 389 182 232 21 § $8.9. 59.6 54 8 Deltas Colo:g os 940 292 595 41 LK SL 63S 44 1.1 American Falls, Ida. 507 174 303 22 8 34.8. 69.8. 4.8 1.6 Emmett, Ida....... 763 252 479 29 3 383.0 62.8 3.8 4 Parma, Ida...) 3.03% 214 64 136 9 2 29.9 63.6 4.2 9 PACTRIC oo eens ce b 2 27S 44 OCS LT Soa Gre 179. S8.0°69.7, 5.5 1.5 Enumclaw, Wash... . 527 189 309 26 $8 35.9 58.6 4.9 6 Ferndale, Wash..... 274 96 156 11 10 35.0 56.9 4.0 3.7 Garfield, Wash...... 271 87 174 10 iahastaved eek nee OA, Saal ie Goldendale, Wash.. . 436 133 268 82 a OO ik), MOL ee ee £4 Orting, Wash....... 368 82 262 23 F283 5 Te 6.2 iS Ridgefield, Wash... . 261 87 156 12 6.0 33:3 5.59.8 4.6 2.3 Uniontown, Wash.. . 133 52 75 6 Os kl OO ath t, Clatskanie, Ore..... 442, 170 241 27 4 38.5 54.5 6.1 9 Condon, Ore........ 427 161 238 28 en OT. HULU! Pa i Cottage Grove, Ore.. 712 197 4651 40 QA 27.7 683 56 3.4 Freewater, Ore...... 220 70 1384 16 he ee 1.85.0 OUD) burda gf: Lakeview, Ore...... 413 114 271 19 G5 27 6,7 Goou 4.6 2.2 Riddle, Ore......... 117 52 56 7 2 44.4 47.9 6.0 LPS Woodburn, Ore..... 612 224 337 42 8 36.6 55.0 -6.9 1.3 Banning, Calif... ... 632 210 357 50 18 33.2 56.6 7.9 2.1 Corning, Calif...... 667.4) 174 S87 82 4 30.7 63.0 5.6 ag 8 Disons Calitzc.un ae 354 122 206 15 ll 34.5 58.2 4.2 ok Exeter, Calif........ 702 245 416 29 12 349 59.38 4.1 1 Py Ferndale, Calif...... 360 137 = 200 hi. 6 $38.0 55.6 4.7 17 Fowler, Calif....... 531 168 336 22 5 $1.6 63.3 4.1 1.0 Gridley, Calif....... 649 239 362 35 13. 86.8. . 55.8 5.4 2.0 Hemet, Calif....... 568): 177%) $89 31 Lio: Gl. Clr 5.6 2.0 Lompoc, Calif...... 670 211 420 30 8 $1.6 62.7 4.5 4 Oakdale, Calif... ... 666 220 397 28 9 33.0 59.6 4.2 1.4 Paso Robles, Calif... hs 1, 259 RIP: Eh 48 182,84.45 57.1 6.6 1.8 San Jacinto, Calif... 327 96 210 16 4 294 642 4.9 Le Sonoma, Calif...... 315 104 180 25 ae SS.0 wD ick 7.9 1.0 * The total includes 32 males, 7 in the Range states and 25 in the Pacific, not shown in the table because their marital status is not reported. The percentages are based on the totals given, consequently the items do not total 100 per cent. 140 1920 CrNnsuUs Tue Far West TABLE LXXXV—MARITAL CONDITION OF FEMALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ToTAL NUMBER Per Cent. or Totau STATE AND Sin- Mar- Wid- Di- Sin- Mar- Wid- Di- VILLAGE gle ried owedvorced gle ried owed vorced Totaly 6 eck - 0s °14;,6598,819° 9,806)-1,816 212 226 63.5 12.4 1.5 Range. ore 3,192 726 2,126 294 44 22.7 66.6 9.2 1.4 Lima, Monti: . .. 2s: 128 12445104 7 5 9.4 81.2 5.5 3.9 Akron, Colo........ 451 93 308 45 & 20.6 68.38. 10.0 Teh Burlington, Colo... . 331 86 216 28 13,.26,0°1,66.2)75 8:5 io Deltas Colo; .voxe: 925 239 £571 95 19 25.8 61.7 10.3 2.1 American Falls, Ida. 456 103 306 41 6 22.6 67.1 9.0 1.3 Emmett, Ida....... 691 145 482 58 5 20.9 69.9 8.4 Yi Parmnarldaes ) ue. 210 48 139 20 3 22.9 66.9 9.5 1.4 Paciric.............. 11,467 2,593 7,180 1,522 168 226 62.6 13.3 1.8 Enumclaw, Wash.... 432 90 303 38 1 208 702 8&8 2 Ferndale, Wash.. .. . 249 58 157 24 10°59, 25.5777.63. % 9.6 4.0 Garfield, Wash..... ’ 279 66 180 31 Si2S.70 0 64.6091 Tel iy | Goldendale, Wash.. . 464 104 272 84 38 224 58.6 18.1 iF Orting, Wash....... 361 38 260 58 § 10.5 72.0 16.1 1.4 Ridgefield, Wash... . 194 63 14 186 20 Si LON TOL 16.8 2.6 Uniontown, Wash... 154 62 76 16 .. 40.3 49.3 10.4 ss Clatskanie, Ore..... Sor 61 240 33 SiS.) oui 9.8 9 Condon, Ore........ 358 97 223 37 Dee Sei GS reeks Rs Cottage Grove, re.. 690 140 445 90 15 20.38 645 18.0 2.2 Freewater, Ore..... ; 214 45 132 37 a OL Os SOP ths ge Lakeview, Ore...... 395 15 255 53 12 19.0 646 13.4 3.0 Riddle, Ore......... 89 16 56 17 2.) 18.0, 62.95 19.1 hi Woodburn, Ore.... . S170 702) S808 » 110 ie 21,0 tO Bek ecS it Banning, Calif... ... 608 154 361 85 7 26.8. - 69.4.°14.0 4 Corning, Calif...... 562 119 361 77 5 21.2 64.2 18.7 9 DisonsCalitnwvey, 3: 346 78 205 60 Di 2.0, 400.5 91s .o 9 Exeter, Calif........ 621 149 404 60 8 24.0 65.0 9.7 1.3 Ferndale, Calif..... . 353 85 205 57 6 24.1 58.1 16.1 1.7 Fowler, Calif....... 468 108 300 55 3 23.1 64.1 11.8 6 Gridley, Calif....... 537 106 £3858 61 12 19.7 66.7 11.4 2.2 Hemet, Calif....... 567 150 38341 66 10 26.5 60.1 11.6 1.8 Lompoc, Calif...... 614 130 402 72 10. 21.2 . 65.6. 11.7 1.6 Oakdale, Calif...... 61945 133407 397, 83 6 21.5 641 13.4 1.0 Paso Robles, Calif... 722 190 400 I111 21 26.3 55.4 165.4 2.9 San Jacinto, Calif... 326 72 42 42 8 22.1 62.5 130 24 Sonoma, Calif...... 291 64. 177 45 5 22.0 60.8 15.5 1.7 * The total includes 6 females, 2 in the Range states and 4 in the Pacific, not shown in the table because their marital status is not reported. The percentages are based on the totals given, consequently the items do not total 100 per cent. 141 1920 CENsUS Tue Far WEst TABLE LXXXVI—SCHOOL ATTENDANCE OF MALES BETWEEN 7 AND 21 YEARS OF AGE TotTaL Years oF AGE STATE AND 7 to 21 7 to 14 14 to 16 16 to 18 18 to 21 VILAGE In In In In In Total SchoolTotal SchoolTotal School Total School Total School Total Number........... 5,2103,964 2,8802,694 720 648 659 383 951 239 er Gentine: oe co. 100.0 76.1 100.0 93.5 100.0 90.0 100.0 58.1 100.0 25.1 RANGE Number e007) 2% 91,256 1,010) 72r e701 163 151 151 OF. 22k 61 Per Cent........... 100.0 80.4 100.0 97.2 100.0 92.6 100.0 64.2 100.0 2.76 Lamas Monts oo. 54 87 29° 17 9 8 6 g 10 A Akron, Colo........ 165 135 94 92 21 19 21 14 29 10 Burlington, Colo... . 98 68 50 «48 E10 11 tj 26 3 Delta; Colo. Pak o 344 288 194 192 54 61 S400 eo 62™ Sz American Falls, Ida. 220 188 142 141 24 Qi SS Pha T 32 9 Emmett, Ida....... SIM S5L ly Leni 70 41 39 48 28 54 15 Parma, Ida.) 4.8. 61 52 41 41 3 3 9 6 8 2 PACIFIC Number........... 3,9542,954 2,1591,993 557 497 508 286 730 178 Per Cent........... 100.0 74.7 100.0 92.3. 100.0 89.2 100.0 56.3 100.0 24.4 Enumclaw, Wash.... 172) 182 9317 9S 27 = BA S2eale 30 2 Ferndale, Wash..... 117 92 62 60 L7G 13 8 25 8 Garfield, Wash..... ; 102 78 46 46 13 13 It 11 26 8 Goldendale, Wash.. . 15630135 83 = 83 29 §=88 20 14 24 8 Orting, Wash....... 96 76 5756 hey OF 1s 8 14 g Ridgefield, Wash... . 65 49 SGhuw ao 7 6 a 5 15 3 Uniontown, Wash... et RN Wf 20 19 10 8 8 7 18 3 Clatskanie, Ore..... 142 106 84 79 19°18 12 5 27 4 Condon, Ore........ 138 82 “lt 43 23 i lyf ig, 12 Q7 10 Cottage Grove, Ore.. 224 171 128 195 27 =i Q2 «14 AT rE) Freewater, Ore...... 88 68 Bl 61 14 12 12 2 11 3 Lakeview, Ore...... 138 114 80 78 1s il 25 16 20 9 Riddle, Ore......... 37 = 14 7 6 5 9 5 8 5 Woodburn, Ore..... 915 174 116 115 28 §=26 25 ro 46 20 Banning, Calif... ... 247 192 156 143 30 = 27 1D 34 10 Corning, Calif... ... 151 108 68 68 99 = 26 11 35 8 Dixon, Calif........ 97 82 54 54 Vi ai ad ify 6 15 5 Exeter, Calif........ 255 186 186 138 SOs 34 17 49 6 Ferndale, Calif..... : 99 79 44, 42 ba eee 8 4 25 12 Fowler; Calif..)7...°°* 216°,.155" 125'".116 21 19 Sis Go 39 5 Gridley, Calif....... 181 141 96 94 22 «= OTe 36 6 Hemet, Calif.:...... 187 136 86 85 20 21. 28 15 44 9 Lompoc, Calif...... 228 168 142 128 29 «=87 25 10 32 3 Oakdale, Calif...... 178 - 59 100 :=—88 25 17 20 8 33 1 Paso Robles, Calif... 178 1388 94 90 95 869A Q7 12 32 12 San Jacinto, Calif... 122 106 66 66 25 25 187 42 18 3 Sonoma, Calif....... 74 0 61-. 61 9 9 9 8 5 2 142 1920 ‘Census Tue Far West TABLE LXXXVII—SCHOOL ATTENDANCE OF FEMALES BETWEEN 7 AND 21 YEARS OF AGE TorTaL YEARS or AGE STATE AND 7 to 21 7 to 14 14 to 16 16 to 18 18 to 21 VILLAGE In In In In In Total School Total School Total SchoolTotal School Total School Total................ 5,4464,209 2,908 2,684 786 721 742 520 1,010 284 Per Cent........... 100.0 77.3 100.0 92.3 100.0 91.7 100.0 70.1 100.0 28.1 RANGE Numbers) 12.2220... 1.273°1,017" -:682. 660 193 182 158 110 240 65 Per Cent........... 100.0 79.9 100.0 96.8 100.0 94.3 100.0 69.6 100.0 27.1 Tima, Mont......2..; 58 39 386 32 fs 6 3 1 12 i Akron, Colo........ 170 132 94 90 28 26 17 13 31 3 Burlington, Colo.... 124 95 61 58 12 12 22 «14 20i 1t Delta. Coalo..2: 864 300 184 181 57 = 54 49 35 74 30 American Falls, Ida. 195 166 112 111 85 34 29 18 19 3 Emmett, Ida....... 296 236 160 157 44 42 $1 23 61 14 Parmaeidaa:. ace... 66 49 sy ea 10 8 ‘ 6 14 4 PaciFic Numbér........... 4,1733,192 2,2262,024 593 539 584 410 770 219 Per Cent........... 100.0 76.5 100.0 90.9 100.0 90.9 100.0 70.2 100.0 28.4 Enumclaw, Wash.... 185 135 90 85 34 8630 27017 34 $ Ferndale, Wash..... 103 86 52 52 Sie 7 19 13 14 4 Garfield, Wash. .... 107s «95 68 58 18 17 US eile 18 8 Goldendale, Wash.. . 183..158 108 99 29 8285 Sart SU 26 9 Orting, Wash....... 106 85 67. =65 phe Es: 13 6 13 1 Ridgefield, Wash... . 7Z'* 66 41 39 13-13 7 7 11 7 Uniontown, Wash.. . 55 44 29 27 6 6 11 8 9 3 Clatskanie, Ore..... 146 115 91 89 15 14 19 10 21 2 Condon, Ore........ 164 89 84 A7 24 QI 20 12 36 9 Cottage Grove,Ore. . 224 178 i111 iii 27 8&4 8728 49 15 Freewater, Ore..... . 90°41 7% 61 651 8 q 1S .4010 18 4 Lakeview, Ore...... 147 127 “ous Siva si 18 15 25 8 Riddle, Ore......... $5) 23 21 13 5 5 4 4 5 1 Woodburn, Ore.... . 220 190 111 108 $5 $85 34 29 40 18 Banning, Calif...... 232 183 149 142 23 «19 28 $14 32 8 Corning, Calif...... 164 143 86 86 24 23 22 «618 32 16 Dixons Galina 98 80 46 46 1 AND 15 13 25 10 Exeter, Calif........ 251) 4199) 188-125 36—s 3 49 31 63 12 Ferndale, Calif... .. : 88 74 41 40 Lead ViaeLS 181-410 Fowler, Calif....... 235 168 129 116 39 = 3 21 9 46 12 Gridley, Calif...... 181 148 94 92 25 24 hae AI 35 «11 Hemet, Calif....... ; 166 127 75 1-95 24 23 S013 47 16 Lompoc, Calif...... 225 175 186 119 32 26 27 21 30 9 Oakdale, Calif...... 2OGE TS LLP Se 25 19 Shae 15 42 4 Paso Robles, Calif... 244 183 123 118 30 386.29 42 27 49 9 San Jacinto, Calif... 136 116 rit es 19 19 22 619 18 5 Sonoma, Calif....... 80 666 44 41 16 15 6 5 14 5 143 1920 CENsUsS Tue Far WEstT TABLE LXXXVIII—ILLITERATES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER BY SEX Boru SExEs MALE FEMALE STATE AND Ilit- Tllit- Tllit- VILLAGE Total erate Total erate Total erate Total Number). 2a oe C84: 588 654 17,779 366 16,749 288 Pet Cente tes racic: 100.0 1.9 100.0 Zi} 100.0 yy RANGE IN Draber: toe elk ace sete 7,655 51 3,978 31 3,677 20 Pér Centicti aries es 100.0 yi 100.0 8 100.0 5 Lima) Montene. eco 368 3 216 1 152 Q Akron Colosou os al 1,080 5 567 4 513 1 Burlington, Colo....... 793 2 418 2 375 = Delta, (Colo eie 2,137 25 1,075 15 1,062 10 American Falls, Ida..... 1,118 1 589 1 529 Buimett; dare ee 1,687 1l 874 5 813 6 Parma. ‘idawsc hic vs aa: 472 4 239 3 233 1 PaciFic Number 422.020... Gy 26.878 603 13,801 335 13,072 268 Per Gentian oon eo 100.0 2.2 100.0 2.4 100.0 2.1 Enumclaw, Wash...... 1,101 4 599 3 502 1 Ferndale, Wash........ 609 8 316 2 293 6 Garfield, Wash......... 637 2 309 2 328 ne Goldendale, Wash...... 1,045 2 503 1 542 1 Orting, Wash.......... 816 16 406 7 410 9 Ridgefield, Wash....... 500 14 283 ll 217 3 Uniontown, Wash...... 331 2 154 1 177 1 Clatskanie, Ore........ 901 3 502 Bi 399 3 Condon: Ages. 04. ae 886 2 471 2 415 i Cottage Grove, Ore.... 1,559 18 790 8 769 10 Freewater, Ore........ 495 4 250 3 245 1 Lakeview, Ore......... 923 5 462 5 461 me Riddle Ores fone 208: 230 , 126 se 104 as Woodburn, Ore........ 1,397 6 702 1 695 5 Banumg, Califia 2% 1,424 79 724 42 700 37 Corming;)@alit/ aa. nme 1,247 1 625 be 622 1 Dixon) Caliban nis ie. 774 4 392 3 382 1 Pxeter, Calits smn os 38 1,515 16 791 13 724 3 Ferndale: Cahtiy i. on: 781 2 398 1 383 1 Fowler? Cabioedn a. 2! 1,161 ee 605 51 556 61 Gridley, Calif.......... 1,329 25 724 13 605 iz Hemet: Califevae 2 1,260 8 637 6 623 Q Lompoe; Cahfiiwy, 24 1,469 140 767 88 702 52 Oakdale, Calif......... 1,433 49 736 $1 697 18 Paso Robles, Calif...... 1,623 55 803 32 820 23 San Jacinto, Calif...... 759 7 376 4 383 3 Sonoma, Calif......... 668 19 350 5 318 14 144 1920 CrNsus Tue Far WEstT TABLE LXXXIX—ILLITERATES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER BY COLOR AND NATIVITY AxtuL CiLAssEs NATIVE WHITE FoREIGN WHITE CoOLORED* STATE AND Illit- Illit- Illit- Illit- VILLAGE Total erate Total erate Total erate Total erate Total Number.......... 34,528 654 29,703 125 4,349 458 476 T71 Per Cent.cih vc.s2)) 7100.0 1.9 100.0 4 100.0 10.5 100.0 14.9 RANGE Number! c22ec0 . ces 4,000 51 6,983 15 607 29 65 vj Per, Contec os ces 00.0 -7 100.0 2 100.0 4.8 ft VP Lima, Mont....... 368 3 306 ne 42 g 20 1 Akron, ‘Colo... ..°..... 1,080 5 991 wy 80 5 9 a, Burlington, Colo... 793 2 753 1 40 1 a Wy Delta; Cololi:.)s 2240 «2,187 25 1,983 8 131 14 23 3 American Falls, Ida. 1,118 1 979 aA 136 1 3 Emmett, Ida...... 1,687 11 1,533 6 147 5 7 Poe gel WT Pe ae ay 472 4 438 ws 31 1 3 3 PactFic Number.......... 26,873 603 22,720 110 3,742 429 411 64 Per Centeiee).. sal 00.0 2.2 100.0 -5 100.0 11.5 100.0 15.6 Enumclaw, Wash.. 1,101 4 821 ae 264 4 16 Ferndale, Wash.... 609 8 506 5 103 3 a Garfield, Wash..... 637 2 617 2 20 bp aie My Goldendale, Wash.. 1,045 2g 979 1 65 ay 1 1 Orting, Wash...... 816 16 722 10 84 6 10 oh: Ridgefield, Wash.. . 500 14 410 2 90 12 Uniontown, Wash.. 331 2 267 2 64 Clatskanie, Ore... . 901 3 689 1 212 2 Condon, Ore....... 886 2 772 ae 114 2 Cottage Grove, Ore. 1,559 18 1,485 14 74 4 Freewater, Ore..... 495 4 472 3 23 1 te Lakeview, Ore..... 923 5 827 1 78 3 18 1 Riddle, Ore........ 230 226 i 4 Fe ah Woodburn, Ore.... 1,397 Gir 1.227 5 170 1 Oy Banning, Calif..... 1,424 79 1,056 3 278 76 90 Corning, Calif..... 1,247 1 1,146 1 96 ye 5 Dixon, Calif....... 174 4 640 ve 120 4 14 ae Exeter, Calif....... 1,515 16 =1,399 1 106 11 10 4 Ferndale, Calif..... 781 2 568 2 213 ay en *: Fowler, Calif...... 1,161 112 720 8 338 102 103 g Gridley, Calif...... 1,329 25 1,222 4 98 18 9 3 Hemet, Calif...... 1,260 8 1,121 5 124 jk 15 2g Lompoc, Calif..... 1,469 140 1,160 15 259 92 50 33 Oakdale, Calif..... 1,433 49 1,233 6 192 40 8 3 Paso Robles, Calif. 1,623 55 1,331 18 244 23 48 14 San Jacinto, Calif. . 759 it¢ 674 1 75 5 10 1 Sonoma, Calif...... 668 19 430 ae 234 19 4 A, * See note (*) Table LX XV for composition of colored population, all ages. 7 Three native-born Orientals and 15 other native-born colored. All others foreign-born. t Per cent. not shown, base less than 100. 145 1920 CrNnsus Tue Far WEST TABLE XC—NATURALIZATION OF FOREIGN-BORN WHITE POPU- LATION 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER Botu SEXES MA.Lers FEMALES STATE AND Natur- Natur- Natur- VILLAGE Total alized Total alized Total alized Total Numbers Beet Lee 4,026 2,341 2,429 1,347 1,597 994 Per: Cente. ecu eke 100.0 58.1 100.0 55.5 100.0 62.2 RANGE Number ves 576 371 364 294 212 147 Per Centra. ee eek ce 100.0 64.4 100.0 61.5 100.0 69.3 Lima, Monti: Jos. ee 40 30 29 22 11 8 Akron: Goloss te ey iak 68 42 39 23 29 19 Burlington, Colo....... 40 32 28 22 12 10 Delta; Colon Fa.ceaee 127 76 Te 44 50 32 American Falls, Ida..... 132 98 81 57 51 41 Emmett, Ida!.).. J... 141 79 89 47 52 $2 Farms: [dav ene: 28 14 21 9 ff 5 PAcIFIc Number oc iee oie tie 3,450 1,970 2,065 1,123 1,385 847 Per' Gents) ores Oe 100.0 57.1 100.0 54.4 100.0 61.2 Enumclaw, Wash....... 250 167 162 102 88 65 Ferndale, Wash........ 98 74 49 37 49 37 Garfield, Wash......... 18 8 12 5 6 3 Goldendale, Wash...... 62 34 37 23 25 11 Orting; Washo). 83 76 46 42 37 34 Ridgefield, Wash....... 89 46 69 29 20 17 Uniontown, Wash...... 64 61 37 34 27 27 Clatskanie, Ore........ 204 123 132 79 72 44 Condons Ore: 2 105 TE 64 45 41 $¢ Cottage Grove, Ore..... 70 54 48 36 22 18 Freewater, Ore......... 23 17 10 6 13 11 Lakeview, Ore......... 76 51 54 36 22 15 Riddle, Ore Saree 4 3 2 1 2 2 Woodburn, Ore........ 165 109 90 58 75 51 Banning, Calif......... 235 70 138 41 97 29 Corning: Caltin ee... 93 72 54 41 39 31 Dison: Canty weavers 116 78 61 36 55 42 Exeter) Calit. vee. snes 99 44 58 ° 22 41 22 Ferndale, Calif......... 208 169 111 86 97 83 Fowler; Galif:¢ cfs) 2 248 38 146 22 102 16 isridley,: Calif, ai. ee 88 56 55 33 33 23 Hemet Calitn ewe ie 111 74 56 39 55 35 Lompoc, Calif......... 235 130 140 71 95 59 Oakdale, Calif......... 190 48 111 25 69 23 Paso Robles, Calif...... 231 148 145 93 86 55 San Jacinto, Calif...... 71 27 39 1l 32 16 Sonoma, Calif......... 224 116 139 70 85 46 146 1920 CrNsUs Tue Far WEST TABLE XCI—HOME OWNERSHIP AND SIZE OF FAMILY Tota Famiuies Livine 1n Homes PrEr- STATE AND Fami- Rented Owned Tenure SONS VILLAGE LIES* Encum- Un- Un- TOA Total Free bered known known Famityft Total MWHIODOES Core gee at 11,616: 5,057 6,217 4,284 1,729 954 342 3.7 Per; Cento. 35- 46 1100.0 43.6 53.5 36.4 14.9 2.2 2.9 RANGE NUmbEerevs Jae a. 2,496 1,155 1,251 822 423 6 90 3.9 Per Cent.c3 824, + 6100.0 46.3 50.1 32.9 17.0 54 3.6 Lima, Mont....... 136 95 41 36 5 Se Nie 3.6 Akron, Colo....... 367 156 189 Bel 77 1 22 3.8 Burlington, Colo... 264 96 156 128 28 oe 12 3.8 Pelta Colo. 20. 674 331 338 230 106 2g 5 3.9 American Falls, Ida. 348 157 149 90 58 1 42 4.4 Emmett, Ida...... 549 B74 273 148 125 Di = 4.0 Parma. Idai,/..3.. 158 46 105 79 24 2 rs 3.7 Pactric Number.......... 9,120 3,902 4,966 3,412 1,306 248 252 36 Per Gentine.) 700.0 42.8 54.4 37.4 14.3 2.7 2.8 ; Enumclaw, Wash. . 345 126 215 137 78 a 4 4.0 Ferndale, Wash... . 198 94 104 76 27 1 : 3.8 Garfield, Wash..... 202 81 116 88 28 a 5 3.8 Goldendale, Wash.. 346 102 240 200 39 1 4 3.7 Orting, Wash...... 329 109 216 167 49 é 4 3.0 Ridgefield, Wash... 164 66 98 63 34 1 ye 3.8 Uniontown, Wash.. 101 34 65 55 10 st: Q 4.0 Clatskanie, Ore... . 299 83 211 151 59 1 5 3.9 Condon, Ore....... 309 134 154 120 20 14 21 3.6 Cottage Grove, Ore. 551 258 282 241 38 3 11 3.5 Freewater, Ore..... 175 67 108 85 21 g Md 3.8 Lakeview, Ore..... 330 162 167 127 35 5 1 $.5 Riddle, Ore........ 73 38 32 24 5 3 a Sys Woodburn, Ore... . 452 174 276 214 62 2 tug Banning, Calif..... 426 216 207 119 88 3 4.2 Corning, Calif..... 446 192 250 181 68 1 A 5.2 Dizon! Gali yee. 270 122 147 132 14 1 1 3.4 Exeter, Calif....... 502 228 261 1$S1 121 9 ro ms Pu f Ferndale, Calif..... 265 110 154 136 17 1 1 3.5 Fowler, Calif...... 391 200 177 124 49 4 14 3.9 Gridley, Calif...... 425 205 217 158 59 ae 3 3.8 Hemet, Calif... 5... 448 218 222 134 87 1 8 eck Lompoc, Calif... .. 527 238 239 162 76 1 50 3.6 Oakdale, Calif..... 494 Q17 231 nate 50 181 46 3.5 Paso Robles, Calif... 557 250 285 192 78 15 a4 3.4 San Jacinto, Calif. . 238 82 135 89 45 1 21 4.0 Sonoma, Calif...... Q57 96 157 106 49 Q 4 STM * By census definition, each family has a home which may or may not be a separate dwelling. } For the total population of each village see Table LX XV. 147 1920 CENsUS Tue Far West TABLE XCII—GAINFULLY EMPLOYED MALES IN EACH AGE GROUP Tora. . Years or AGE 10andover 10to15 15to20 20to045 45 to 65 65 and over* STATE AND Em- Em- Em- Em- Em- Em- VILLAGE ploy ploy- ploy- ploy- ploy- ploy- Total =A Total ed Total ed Total ed Total ed Total ed Total Number............. 17,779 13,413 1,988 221,650 746 8,09 27,729 4,442 4,116 1,607 800 Percent eee sa 100.0 75.4100.0 1.1100.0 45.2100.0 95.5100.0 92.7100.0 49.8 RANGE Number............. 3,978 2,990 461 6 380 155 1,9841,884 895 820 258 125 Per Cent............. 100.0 75.2100.0 1.3100.0 40.8 100.0 95.0100.0 91.6100.0 48.4 Lamia sViOntceta kee. 216 187 Tse on. 18 12 131 130 43 41 6 4 Akrons Colas 2 2 O67 0594s Ole: 49 10 320 282 100 88 37 14 Burlington, Colo...... 418° .S32.. 297 28 138 239 226 95 £481 Q7 12 Delta, Colo.. oe 1,076) 770 -185°.6- 105 (ST 464" 440 S77 S46 794s a2 American Falls, Tda.. = $80 3468 0 82 ST BE Nee: SOR) -SO0 ral Got bit amr eee eer Emmett, Ida......... 874 670 111 .. 108 ‘56 409 395 203 192 43 27 Parma ida ee i 239 LYS bya, 16 5 120. 111 61 57 ily 6 Pactric Number............. 13,801 10,423 1,527 161,270 591 6,108 5,845 3,547 3,296 1,349 675 Per Cent............. 100.0 75.5100.0 1.0100.0 46.5 100.0 95.7100.0 92.9100.0 50.0 Enumclaw, Wash...... 599 479 72 2 -51 29 $290 814 124 118 32 16 Ferndale, Wash....... S16 7 S28 wae ares 45 24 1901133" 83> "78" ee 12 Garfield, Wash........ 309 925 38 1 40 24 Liven? 89 79 25 9 Goldendale, Wash..... 5038 = $31 La iro cdiage 46 14 ‘201 192 196 104 63 2! Orting, Wash......... 406 2346 38 $83. 80 19 130 129 72 66 186 29 Ridgefield, Wash...... 283 241 + Sa Whe ay: 22 16 14S ieee 71 23 15 Uniontown, Wash.... . 154 OS cS Ui 20 6 68: + 68°" 4°" 26 16 s Clatskanie, Ore....... 502. 39707 60 yu: 40 23 235 2298 1381 123 36 23 Condon, Ore.......... 471 385 44 1 46 23 952 247 104 96 25 18 Cottage Grove, Ore.... 790 594 78 1 70 39 828 304 228 214 86 36 Freewater::Ore.) 004° 250)) 189) 80.0 e7 928) TSE 11S 109 oT eae ed Lakeview, Ore.. i ROSS (B56 SADNESS OAPI 1G 8154 COS TICs ee ee ees Riddle, Ore.. L St 126 81 pt iit Gp 19 4 44) 38 VST al 17 8 Woodburn, Wash. . pr 702 486 90 .. 72 18 267 245 183 175 90 48 Banning, Calif... Pan OA G4 Vo OS am: 66 32 352 327 170 156 44 29 Corning, Calif... ..... 625 450 58 1 63 34 235 220 177 159 93° ':36 Dixon iCahi Aa. 392 S08 SS Fr. 29 14 185 179 115 104 25 ll Exeter, Calif.......... 791 631 89 1 94. 48 $77 #371 #183 178, 48 33 Ferndale, Calif........ $98 294 88 2% 36 17 176 161 1127-96 ae 18 Fowler, Calif......... 605 439 74 .. 64 27 284 263 139 125 44 24 Gridley, Calif......... v2 TI sf. Uy fs Pere 56 24 356 353 176 169 61 38 Hemets Canin tne if Camuiae: Wy fs Cea air g! WBS ie 66/31 954 243 172 162 66 39 Lompoc, Calif........ LOT Olde oe donee 61 27>. $08¢ 858-1712 167, 2070 evo Oakdale, Calif........ 490 2) 0600 Wl Tare. 54 27 332 322 214 205 66 46 Paso Robles, Calif..... 803 6388 73 3 57 27 349 327 254 239 70 42 San Jacinto, Calif..... SIG Ae6 lire 40s a ¥E 9 143 140 104 101 43 = 31 Sonoma, Califi.\..,\ 4004, 850-2708 35,4...91),16 4 149 147 106 99 44 20 * Includes persons of unknown age. 148 1920 CENsUsS Tue Far West TABLE XCIII—GAINFULLY EMPLOYED FEMALES IN EACH AGE GROUP Toran YrArS OF AGE 10andover 10to15 15to20 20to045 45 to 65 65 and over* STATE AND Em- Em- Em- Em- Em- Em- VILLAGE ploy- ploy- ploy- ploy- ploy- ploy- Total ed Total ed Total md Total ed Total ed Total ed Total Number............. 16,749 2,854 2,090 21,838 303 '7,833 1,827 3,658 6401,330 82 Percents nes eee 100,05 E7:0:100.0 .1100.0 16.5100.0 23.3100.0 17.5100.0 6.2 RANGE WUDEr eo eee se ice SGT ce bo 486 Lay 4b 641,919 418 666 103 186 8 Per Cente 4 see.) 100,07 - .. 100.0 15.2100.0 21.8100.0 15.5100.0 4.3 Lima, Monts... 55.2... 152 18 24 ak 16 $ 89 10 21 5 2g PRTONALOIO) Sa ak ey O18 TGaOe akin OS ioe Three ae ea Bik og a ae Burlington, Colo...... 375 Te Aa ne 4. SO LE S10) be a Oe ‘speed bY - Delta, Colo.. cane, LOGS a ele ioe L peal gd O45 15 504 151 230 45 63 3 American Falls, Ada. av heo 1a AS be 6. 20S i SEC To wel Sea Se Emmett, Ida.....:.... $13 104 122 Ke 99 16 414 468 1388 18 40 2g Parmaaidaacsts 026. 233 $3. 23 ae 23 3 129 26 45 4 do a Paciric Number............. 13,072 2,261 1,605 21,417 2395,9141,4092,992 5371,144 74 PermGentes i5. esc 1100.08 17.5 100.0 1100.0 16.9100.0 23.8100.0 17.9100.0 6.5 Enumclaw, Wash...... 502 OTe. FOR eo) OSL 7 SOs) A ae BO Oy TR PAN une Ferndale, Wash....... 293 Li a ek: ea, 5 7 Gi 180). 400 O65 Co 1Gs 26 2 Garfield, Wash........ 328 50 849 cm 34 Salo 30 93 17 21 uy Goldendale, Wash..... 542 Oe en deta ted hice? Oui Md 1 Se eee. 22s OOt ek LS nae LL eeD: 4 Ting. Wises or 410 48 49 1 24 AST ti SOa Bes 10 112 3 Ridgefield, Wash... ... Q17 ts fig Ag 1 23 j Irs U5 Vat 4 Antaiey’ §, a 20 g Uniontown, Wash..... 177 ete MA 9 a 2 19 1 OP hE We oe Rees 1 etl Rs gee eae Clatskanie, Ore....... 399 Ane Oe ok nt ay SP 1B4 SSeS haa ie. ol 2 Condon, Ore.. 415 Spray te Omen eo SLO’) OGY GS LS LS 2 Cottage, Grove, Ore.. 700s M14ge De ee, Sa e lO S840) 88 86). 36.5)+ 86 6 Freewater, Ore........ 245 SGniy Sloe’ oe i SO 5 194 17 48 Hom Sie Lakeview, Ore........ 461 88 66 +7) 53 12 210 49 105 94 Q7 3 Riddle, Ore........... 104 9 15 ae 8 ryt 39 Gi So 2 12 1 Woodburn, Ore....... 695 81 78 ne 80. 3 266 59 183 15 88 4A Banning, Calif........ 700 144 92 $e 59 14 341 T9O0°170. 245 38 8 Corning, Califhi iy. : s.). 622 93 +60 hs 59 i BEST GAUL Tho) wei on ZO 1 TyxonaGell se os 382 62: 36 koe 40 ll 172 34 98 15 36 g TexeLene Clits eins out ei 724 148 103 Stee LO) f: 20 329 89 156 388 29 Mf Ferndale, Calif........ 383 82 30 P: 35 ay rl lies 52 105 Q5 38 Qg Fowler; Calif... ...... 556 43. 88 um die S$ 255 30 101 10 39 Gridley, Calif......... 605 88 68 ak 66 8 300 61 130 18 41 } Hemet Galifi 7. :..:. 623 134 56 hy) 66 17 304 88 146 26 651 3 Lompoc; Cahf, © ova... 702 116 =88 ¥. 72 Oc Seb. OU ee) GS 8 Oakdale, Calif........ 697 168 78 ie 65 19 334 100 173 40 47 9 Paso Robles, Calif..... 820 218 98 Vis 88 30 350 121 200 £59 84 8 San Jacinto, Calif..... 383 Fi ta Mey Ua So ea: He 3 167.) 28:91 6 33 1 1 Sonoma. Gashfio. css. 318 AS O7TA yee BS Oi IS5 eo OT) kG. Se * Includes persons of unknown age. 149 1920 CENsUS Tue Far West TABLE XCIV—OCCUPATIONS OF GAINFULLY EMPLOYED MALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER OccuUPATION STATE AND Agri- Ex- Man- Trans- Pro- VILLAGE cul- trac- ufac-_ por- Pub- fes- Per- Cler- tural* tivef turef tation Trade lic§ sional sonal{_ ical Total Nombervce feet a aes 120 89 4,235 1,609 2,240 203 777 686 449 Per'Gentiieik tess aoe tf 1 Ome. LG a7 1.5 5.8 5.1 3.3 RANGE Number cscs 483 24 927 455 592 47 182 179 101 PerGCentana iia eee Gel SA SLO we tO. 2erl Ue 1.6 6.1 6.0 3.4 Tims, Monti. ok a. 14 pe 32 97 16 es 2 iZ 9 Akron: Coloo-. i) 30 34 Q 94 92 95 f¢ 28 cae 15 Burlington, Colo..... 22 ae lll 54 86 2 Q4 20 13 Delta Gold. 3. 0 2s Lak 15 203 87 154 17 55 45 23 American Falls, Ida... 111 its 100 63 102 7 28 31 16 Emmett, Ida........ 117 6 328 44, 86 12 33 26 18 Parma, Ida:.i 2.3. .0% 14 1 59 18 53 2 12 13 *§ PaAcIFic NUM Der. Sona so ae ee O42 65 3,308 1,154 1,648 156 595 507 £348 Pert Cent cain ae eo GarSisie sil 55.8 1.5 5.7 4.9 3.4 Enumclaw, Wash..... 175 67) 112 60 63 7 23 22 11 Ferndale, Wash...... 29 Q 90 32 39 1 12 18 5 Garfield, Wash....... 79 a So 20 53 2 15 10 11 Goldendale, Wash... . 54 Leareilo 25 50 8 40 16 Q7 Orting, Wash........ 72 ot 66 35 30 3 16 14 10 Ridgefield, Wash.... . 23 ay 90 81 a5 3 8 6 rf Uniontown, Wash.... 31 et 20 12 25 1 4 5 Clatskanie, Ore...... 209 ee 89 38 31 ff 12 6 5 Condon. Ure vino hee ela - 72 49 62 6 26 Q4 5 Cottage Grove, Ore... 97 11 = 245 90 93 1 25 22 10 Freewater, Ore....... 57 Ee 4A 37 30 3 9 Q 7 Lakeview, Ore....... 73 Lele 32 70 11 29 15 18 Riddle, Ore.......... 26 me 21 9 11 2 7 3 2 Woodburn, Ore...... 118 6 160 65 85 8 oT rz 5 Banning, Calif....... 183 2 185 42 58 12 29 19 14 Comming, Califin’. 26 110 1 139 38 81 Il 28 29 13 Dizon. Cali” gy. 58 g 92 38 68 4 14 ao 9 Exeter, Calif......... 203 2 151 foc yah al 13 20 24 19 Ferndale, Calif....... 52 aie 106 33 47 6 Q5 15 10 Fowler, Calif........ 204 2g 101 24 63 3 22 12 8 Gridley, Calif........ rT. 3 288 50 78 4 33 24 Q7 Hemet, Galifiae 2's; 108 2 169 30 84 11 Si 26 18 Lompoc, Calif....... 109 10 205 48 114 8 yas 29 97 Oakdale, Calif....... 94 TaeeoL TY 86 6 27 29 37 Paso Robles, Calif.... Uh y I Q 167 56 116 10 61 70 25 San Jacinto, Calif... . 84 5 97 25 30 3 16 9 12 Sonoma, Calif....... 45 eh LO 30 37 2 17 23 6 * Agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry. t Extraction of minerals. t Manufacturing and mechanical industries. § Public service (not elsewhere classified). 1 Domestic and personal service. 150 1920 CreNsts Tue Far West TABLE XCV—OCCUPATIONS OF GAINFULLY EMPLOYED FEMALES 10 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER OccUPATION STATE AND Agri- Manu- Trans- Pro- VILLAGE cul- fac- _— por- Pub- fes- Per- Cler- tural* turef tation Trade _ lic{ sional sonal§ _ ical Total INUIMDED cc. es 3 ae 89 294 141 393 29 679 832 397 Per Vent: sige os Bat 10.3 4.9 13.8 1.0 23.8 29.2 13.9 RANGE Wumber® 2.40... + ou ) 50 roy f 80 13 146 166 100 PeriGentoieee.? . 2 8.4 5.2 13.5 2.2 24.6 28.0 16.9 Lima, Mont....... v3 As os Q 1 5 9 1 Akron, Colo... 20.55 1 3 3 11 2 TY, 22 17 Burlington, Colo... oe 1 4 10 5 10 19 25 Delta’ Colo34/ 0% 3 25 13 25 2 61 61 24 AmericanF alls, Ida. 3 6 3 8 2 23 14 15 Emmett, Ida...... x4 14 5 19 1 25 29 1l Parma, Ida........ a 1 bf 5 Bi: 5 12 7 Paciric Number. oie. se: 82 244 110 313 16 533 666 297 Pet Cents i220 2 2 3.6 10.8 4.9 13.8 of | 23.6 29°55 losk Enumclaw, Wash... ra 1 : 15 1 11 27 1 Ferndale, Wash... . 2 17 4 4 1 10 19 4 Garfield, Wash..... at 8 7 11 hi 9 11 4 Goldendale, Wash. . 2 10 4 15 ae 21 32 1g Orting, Wash...... Qg re 2 9 1 7 16 Ridgefield, Wash.. . Af 4 4 3 1 13 7 1 Uniontown, Wash.. om 3 4 3 , 8 15 5 Clatskanie, Ore... . 3 5 1 yi tees 13 15 4 Condon, Ore....... 5 9 A 7 3 20 24 13 Cottage Grove, Ore. Le 17 10 19 1 37 4A 16 Freewater, Ore..... 1 1 Q vs if 8 6 F Lakeview, Ore..... 2 9 4 10 2 21 22 lj Riddle, Ore........ : N. 1 1 iP 2 4 8 Woodburn, Ore... . 1 11 3 9 1 31 17 Banning, Calif..... 12 14 3 14 ; 30 59 12 Corning, Calif..... 2 ic 4 13 34 292 11 Perron Cahtie. woes 1 5 A 11 16 14 11 Exeter, Calif....... 3 16 3 58 2 24 25 17 Ferndale, Calif..... 4 6 Q 12 29 17 12 Fowler, Calif... ... 3 1 3 4 15 rt 10 Gridley, Calif...... an 8 4 5 i 21 30 20 Hemet, Calif......, 10 30 2g LS 1 27 35 16 Lompoc, Calif... .. 5 12 8 11 1 18 49 12 Oakdale, Calif..... 13 16 7 15 i 41 45 31 Paso Robles, Calif.. 8 19 1l 30 1 38 84 27 San Jacinto, Calif... 3 4 2 4 im 15 6 4 Sonoma, Calif... .. tog 9 6 3 ee 14 14 2 * None employed in lumbering, fishing or extractive industries. + Manufacturing and mechanical industries. t Public service (not elsewhere classified). § Domestic and personal service. 151 1920 CENsuUs Tur Far WEstT TABLE XCVI—MARITAL CONDITION OF GAINFULLY EMPLOYED FEMALES 15 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER SINGLE Marriep Wipnowrep Divorcep UNKNOWN STATE AND Em- Em- Em- Em- Em- VILLAGE ploy- ploy- ploy- ploy- ploy- Total ed* Total ed Total ed Total. i Total ed Total Number........... 3,3191,482 9,306 761 1,816 476 212 129 6 4 Per Cent........... 100.0 44.7 100.0 8.2 100.0 26.2 100.0 60.8 t Tt RANGE Numbers 2 oc...) 0 726 327 2,126 161 294 80 44 4 z 1 Per Cent........... 100.0 45.0 100.0 7.6 100.0 27.2 : Boa t T Lima, Mont... 2... 12 5 104 8 ‘i! 3 5 4 af = ¥ Akron OlOs, soa a 93 45 308 21 45 9 5 1 As. os Burlington, Colo... . 86. 45 216., 20 28 9 Teens ore oe Delta, Colo.. ‘ 2389/0105") 571., 60 95 35 19.43 1 1 American Falls, Ida... 103 47 306 = 14 41 10 6 3 ng Emmett, Ida....... 145 59 482 29 58 192 5 4 } Palma Vida eeu: 450) St a7 1 89 9 20 Q 3 1 Hy Paciric Number........... %5931,155 7,180 600 1,522 396 168 105 4 S Per Cent........... 100.0 44.5 100.0 8.4 100.0 26.0 100.0 62.5 t T Enumclaw, Wash... . 90 46 303 i1 38 9 1 1 Ferndale, Wash.... . 68). 28 1157). 20 24 8 10 8 Garfield, Wash..... . 66 25 180 183 $1" «10 Q 2 ; Goldendale, Wash... 104 43 272 26 84 26 3 2 1 1 Orting, Wash....... S815, e 260 an 17 58 14 5 1 ; Ridgefield, Wash... . $35 7185186 "4.14 20 4 5 1 Uniontown, Wash.. . 62 33 76 2 16 3 ue - Clatskanie, Ore... .. 61 24 240 12 33 9 3 3 Condon, Ore.. . 97 50 223 18 $7) 216 1 1 Cottage Grove, Ore. . 1440 70 445 48 90517 15 9 Freewater, Ore...... 45 18 182 4 37 9 de cm Lakeview, Ore...... 75 36 255 32 538 15 12 5 Riddle, Ore......... 16 5 56 1 17 3 Pike) Meas Woodburn, Ore..... LIOR OG Ti SsOme LOW LiGe ee ve 4 eye Banning, Calif...... 154 70 361 39 85 31 7 4 1 Corning, Calif... ... 11944 S6lessi Fig 16 5 Q Dixon, Galfe ee NOt ot oe eUo 12 60 12 3 1 Exeter, Calif........ 149 63 404 56 COM cel 8 8 Ferndale, Calif...... 85 48 205 16 iy Pah Bs 6 5 Fowler, Calif....... LOS Say SSOOr ALT 55 4 3 2 2 g Gridley, Calif....... 106. 46 ..358. 17 61 16 1227-16 Hemet, Calif....... elon iS a OS Louse 66 20 10 6 Lompoc, Calif...... 180 48 402 28 1h te sy 4 10 8 Oakdale, Calif... ... SS 07507 ol 83 26 6 4 Paso Robles, Calif... 190' 114 400 51 111 87 Ziv iG San Jacinto, Calif... 72 25 204 6 42 6 8 1 Sonoma, Calif...... 64 30 177 9 45 8 5 1 * Gainfully employed. t Per cent. not shown, base less than 100. 152 PART V—SUMMARY This analysis of the 1920 Census data for 177 villages has thus far presented the findings of the Institute’s special tabulation sepa- rately for each of four regions. It is now possible to compare the villages of each region with those of the other regions and also to present summaries for the United States as a whole. Before proceeding with such comparisons, it is necessary to dis- cuss the adequacy of the villages studied as a basis for national generalizations. In the first place, it should be remembered that no attempt was made to study any New England villages, because in that area it is not the custom for villages to incorporate as sepa- rate municipalities, and it therefore becomes a serious question whether it would be possible to secure from among the villages that are incorporated a group representative of the general run of villages in the region. For example, Massachusetts and Rhode Island have no incorporated villages and New Hampshire has but two. Because it is impossible to secure Census data for unincorporated villages, no attempt whatsoever was made to study New England villages. In the second place, it should be remembered that the villages analyzed in this report were selected because they were believed to be representative villages in agricultural areas. In other words, suburban villages, lumbering villages, mining villages and the like were purposely excluded from the study. Although the great majority of the villages of the United States are “agricultural vil- lages”’ (in the sense in which that term has been used in this report), nevertheless the findings of this Census analysis cannot be con- sidered as representative of the conditions to be found in industrial and suburban villages. Having again emphasized the fact that this study excludes New England villages and that it is further limited to agricultural vil- lages, the next step is to determine the representativeness of the villages studied. The Census tabulation undertaken by the Insti- tute includes 177 places. Not all of these places, however, fall strictly within the Institute’s definition of the term “‘village”’ since five of them have populations slightly over 2,500 and one is a hamlet of 246 persons. But these half-dozen places came so near falling entirely within the definition that they were included in this study, particularly as there were so few of them that their inclusion affected our totals very little indeed. 153 As a basis for checking the representativeness of the villages analyzed, it has already been shown that it is possible to compare the rate of growth since 1900 of the villages analyzed with similar figures for all incorporated villages located in the same states. This comparison is summarized in the accompanying table: Villages Studied All Incorporated Villages Population Population In- In- Region No. 1920 1900 crease No. 1920 1900 crease 0 0 Middle Atlantic. 30 33,291 29,405 13.2 685 690,737 578,278 19.4 DOULRT sere ea ee 35 48,738 29,585 64.7 1,382 1,284,976 858,220 49.7 Middle West.... 63 82,141 70,508 16.5 3,191 2,678,343 2,327,671 15.1 Far West....... 19% 2 2S; 107 7122180 (89 2a 6276 278,883 191,320 45.8 Ranges.oi4 -, 3 5,015 1,353 270.7 106 98,983 78,341 26.3 PROC ye oe 16 18,092 10,862 66.6 170 179,900 112,979 59.2 This table, which was necessarily limited to villages that were incorporated before 1900, reveals that with the exception of the Range villages the rate of growth of our sample villages shows the same general tendencies as the rate for all incorporated villages located in the same states. As pointed out in Part IV, the discrepancy between the average growth of all Range villages and of the three villages analyzed, can be partly explained by the fact that there has been a decided tendency in that area for certain types of mining villages to decline in population.* In other words, the rate of in- crease to be found among all villages is probably not representative of the growth trends to be found among strictly agricultural villages. For our present purpose it would be valuable to know the rela- tion which the number of villages studied in each region bears to the entire number of agricultural villages in the same area. Unfor- tunately there is no official count of the agricultural villages in the United States. The Census gives the population of every village that is incorporated, while certain atlases attempt to list all villages and to give their population. There are obvious reasons in favor of using the number of incorporated villages as a basis for estimat- ing the proportion of agricultural villages studied. For one thing, our sample is composed entirely of incorporated villages. In addi- tion, it is a matter of common knowledge that a relatively large number of non-agricultural villages are unincorporated. Many industrial villages, such as mining villages, lumbering villages, oil- boom villages and the like, do not incorporate, because their future * See discussion on page 124. 154 is too uncertain or because the companies that “‘own’’ them wish to “control” them. Moreover, a large number of suburban villages do not incorporate, because they are not regarded by the residents as separate municipalities but as integral parts of adjacent cities. The argument in favor of using as a base the number of incor- porated villages is borne out by the following table, which shows for the four regions the proportion of all villages that are incor- porated. In this table the number of all villages in each region is the total number of villages as of 1920 listed in the Rand McNally Atlas. Number of Villages In In Census Atlas [Incorp.] Ratio of Region (a) (b) (b) to (a) 0 NiddlevAtiantics: actions: ea aan 120 2,308 999 43.3 mele ib ase me) Oe ca ak ed Pema eb 5,267 3,200 60.8 MIs GleaWests save she ow ee tee. 6,109 4,994 Sines REEL West. Svc aathuns atnad. Baeaee 1,648 954 57.9 This table shows that in the Middle Atlantic region, where the number of industrial and suburban villages is known to be large, the percentage of villages incorporated is small; while in the Mid- dle West, where the number of non-agricultural villages is known to be small, the proportion of villages that are incorporated is rela- tively large. Because of the foregoing considerations, it was decided, when computing by regions the proportion of all agricultural villages studied, to base this ratio upon the total number of incorporated villages in the four areas, on the assumption that the non-incor- porated agricultural villages, which, of course, are not included in the Census total, make up in number for the incorporated non- agricultural villages, which are included. This comparison is presented in the following table, which also shows the average size of the villages studied in relation to the average size of all incor- porated villages. Number of Villages Average Size In Census In In [Incorp.] Sample Ratio of Census In Region (a) (b) (b) to (a) [Incorp.] Sample 0 Middle Atlantic....... 999 34 3.4 1,018 1,098 Southey cet 3,200 44 1.4 842 1,306 Middle West.......... 4,994 65 1.3 72 1,293 FariWestyiik as ieee 954 34 3.6 883 1,260 155 This table shows that in each region the average population of the villages analyzed was appreciably larger than the average popu- lation of all incorporated villages as given in the 1920 Census. The villages studied were purposely weighted in favor of the larger places because it was believed that the trend in America was for the larger village to become the dominant type. This table shows that the number of villages studied in each of the four main regions represents from 1.3 per cent. to 3.6 per cent. of the total number of incorporated villages in that area. The reason why the percentages of Far Western and of Middle Atlantic villages are disproportionately high, is that there are relatively few villages in these regions and, therefore, to get an adequate numer- ical sample it was necessary to study a disproportionately large number of villages. Because our sample of 177 villages gives undue importance to the villages in these two regions, it was decided, when computing national averages for all villages, to use a rough system of weight- ing rather than an arithmetic average. This weighted average was secured by taking half the Far Western total and adding it to the totals for the other regions. It may seem that this method of weighting tends to overemphasize the villages of the Middle Atlantic region since on this basis they are given undue importance. No attempt was made, however, to correct for this overweighting, because it was felt that since Middle Atlantic villages undoubtedly resemble those of New England in certain important respects, the inclusion in our weighted average of a disproportionate number of Middle Atlantic villages would tend to compensate for the absence of New England villages. In Table XCVII at the end of this section, summarized findings of this village analysis are compared region by region and, in addi- tion, the weighted average for all villages is contrasted with totals for the United States as a whole. Taking up, first of all, regional comparisons, the figures show that there are wide variations in the composition and characteris- tics of villages studied. In the South, more than one-quarter of the inhabitants are classified by the Census as “colored.”’ This is nearly eighteen times the ratio found in either of the other three regions. The proportion of the inhabitants who are foreign-born shows more than a six-fold fluctuation among regions. In the southern 156 villages the ratiois only 1.6 per cent., while in the Middle Atlantic and Far Western areas this proportion is more than 10 per cent. Regarding the percentage of all villagers that are native whites, the facts show that the ratio varies from 95 per cent. in the Mid- dle Atlantic villages to 72 per cent. in the South. Considering the native whites of each region as a separate group, however, it be- comes apparent that the South has the highest proportion of native whites of native parentage, as is clearly shown in the following table: Parentage of the Native Whites Region Native Foreign Mixed 0 % % PL ICGMALIANLICL ey Ate ae Nec « forte 86.3 7.4 6.3 ep VLA UL de) Kgs eee PRE Ly Owpe ty Aa UA 1 AEE ae 96.9 1.8 1.3 ITC OIOrAVESL co fone oe Pe eee MA oni, 71.6 16.8 11.6 Mare Westies vec) peed ete te ote 78.0 11.4 10.6 These figures show that almost 97 per cent. of the native whites in the South are of native parents, compared with 86 per cent. in the Middle Atlantic region, 78 per cent. in the Far West and 72 per cent. in the Middle West. The variations in these ratios are owing largely to the presence or absence of aliens whose children naturally tend to swell the proportion of native whites who are of foreign or mixed parentage. The ratios between the sexes also show decided regional fluctua- tions. In the Middle Atlantic villages there are 88 men for every 100 women, while in the Far West the men exceed the women in the ratio of 105 to 100. The South and the Middle West fall in between with 94 and 95 men respectively for each 100 women. This comparison is presented graphically in Diagram XVI. Regions Males Fer 1/00 Females taiOOLe ATLANTIC SOUTH MIOOLE WEST FARL WEST, DragrRamM XVI.—Ratio or Mates to FEMALES BY REGIONS 157 The age-distributions of the populations also show decided re- gional variations among villages. The proportion of old people living in the thirty-four Middle Atlantic villages is so high that someone not inaptly characterized these places as “old people’s homes.” More than a third of both men and women living there are forty-five years of age or over. In the southern villages, on the other hand, the age-distribution is remarkably normal. Only 21 per cent. of the men and women are forty-five or over, which is almost identically the proportion found for the United States as a whole. For comparative purposes, Diagram XVII presents, by regions, the age-distribution of our village populations. This diagram is particularly significant because it shows that the villages in the two re- gions which are rapidly growing have populations whose age-distribu- tions are comparatively normal, while in the two areas that are growing slowly, the age-distributions of the inhabitants are relatively dis- torted. As shown by the table on page 154, the thirty-four Middle Atlantic villages during the twenty-year period between 1900 and 1920 grew only 13 per cent., and those of the Middle West 16.5 per cent. Since the United States as a whole grew 39 per cent. during this same period, it is evident that the sample villages in these two areas have grown at less than half the rate for the country as a whole. AMOMHS BHA wow UO DO Or So CO AROOR — — ht OD w~ONO WH — OD & © 10.7 13.0 60.9 15.4 © = or eee ele i i © to Soir r© Or iS) Se) bel te Or 09 SSS OS womoon WISWS WY ANDES VILLAGES Mid- dle Mid- At- dle Far lantic South West West ‘Cio ha Gee 8.4 16.0 5.3 41.0 7.5 63.1 13.2 64.7 16.5, 89:2 99.3 73.3 99.1 98.5 at feat Ai ey | 9 1.5 94.9 71.7 88.9 88.1 82.0 69.5 63.6 68.7 7.0 ESA) e100 10:0 5.9 BU - 9.4 4.4 1.6% 10.25):10.4 TESCO) (5.00) 02,0 154 25.3 10.4 19.8 12.2 2.4 9.1 12.5 Lipo lis 1.4 14.4 2 3.6 5 8.3 LL Sates 5.4 19.0 14.9°216.2 9.9 21.8 564.5 19.7 70.8 45.5 19 SiR 2O opel o Oe Lose 88.0 94.3 95.1 105.2 Tey 8.9 1.4 1.9 1.4 Baz 1.4 2.1 9 9.2 1.4 ivi a) 2.2 8 4 10.3 38.3 4.3 10.5 9.4 24.9 12.6 14.9 39.3 47.3 32.2 43.6 59.0 49.2 66.2 58.5 44.0 37.7 51.7 36.4 13.9 7.0 13.5 14.9 il 4.5 1.0 2.2 1 Wr 3.5 1.6 2.9 (Table continued on pages 164 and 165) 163 TABLE XCVII—NATIONAL SUMMARY—COMPARATIVE PERCENT- AGES FOR VILLAGES BY REGIONS AND FOR THE UNITED STATES AS A WHOLE—Continued MALES UNITED STATES VILLAGES Weight- Mid- ed dle Mid- Subject Aver- At- dle Far Total Urban Rural age lantic South West West Age: Under 10 years........ 2U.6-019 710 2241 ALO O16 Sees Ss oasis Oa 10° 20120 a aa wee ae 18:6" 816.3" 621.0 27.6) 15.419 Se 217.6. 4415.6 SO COD Fe Fe et a ae, 38.1. "42.9 (83:33 ° °3475 6 °SS:4000862010452.9 5250.5 BS TOLOO 1c auecce denies te 16.92 817.6 SA16.8\7) 20.9 23 Sa oe Slee eee Go.and Overy yiy wasn 4.6 4.0 5.2 rath Sr oye ER 4.7 9.7 7 ea | Unknown sete cae ss 4 2 el ‘S at 4 As 4 Marital Condition: 15 Years and over: SLU Ge sia ee ia asco) s $5.11 °$6:5 -7S4:8) 5 OLS i 26.8 Sef ole oo Married 220 e one: 59.92 58:9) 269.0 19 62.35 6621" Olae Glue Widowed! 72208 4.8 4.6 5.0 5.7 6.7 5.1 sey f 5.2 Divorcetistvs. 2. 6 oe 5 6 3 By 6 1.4 Unknowns cin ewes re .o 2 Ne 2 .l 5 1 2 School Attendance: Age Group: TELOUSLE . Shanes eaten eine 68:0 >.68.6°°.67.5'-075; /o9671 0.0) 07 LO) eo Oe TiC La See cient 90.4 94.4 87.4 93.4 96.0 87.7 96.9 93.5 142and Oe hen eee 79.5 80.6 (78.6 87.6 90.0 82.6 90.0 90.0 Gandia eee oa 40.3 37.4 429.7 68.6 50.4 658.9 .61.6 58.1 Store Leas Ee 14:8. °°15:0°°714:6 5927.6 26.6) 24.1) Sao en Gainful Employment: Age Group: 10 years and over...... 78.2 71.8) (75:0 “74S G7 Open ae LOCO LO are ee eee 8.1 3.5 Vey 6.1 2.9 4! LB SLOt Ls ee ae ee 60.5 43.4 47.4 45.6 39.9 45.2 DUT. O: BD vaca ba ve 95.8 93.7 94.9 94.1 99.3 95.5 Qb MO:GO ists hentai 93.8 $8.6° 91.8: 94.0 838.6 99:7 65 and over..... 60.2 46.4 51.7 64.1 37.3 49.8 Occupation: | Agriculture shige.) oe de 29.9 14.9 5:9) 17 Galo. See ce Extraction of minerals. 3.3 1.0 2 6 1.8 4 Manufacture... ..0.5... 32.9 $5.2 .°47:3 $0:64,-3383:38 231.6 Transportation? Wiad. 8.6 LBs Li Sad 2 eee TRACE Cs. co aa 10.8 AG De a are ie by gen BM ae” Mf Hid Ba Public service......... 2.3 1.9 1.4 2.5 1.8 1.5 Professional service. ... 3.4 6.3 5.8 6.3 6.7 5.8 Domestic and personal BEYVICE i i. wee yer aee 5.7 4.9 3.7 5.3 5.0 5.1 Clerical Gee ee cde Dil $.5 3.9 4.0 oe 3.3 164 TABLE XCVII—NATIONAL SUMMARY—COMPARATIVE PERCENT- AGES FOR VILLAGES BY REGIONS AND FOR THE UNITED STATES AS A WHOLE—Continued Subject Age: Under 10 years........ DOOR Foe toe. care Ua Marital Condition: 15 years and over: School Attendance: Age Group: Gainful Employment: Age Group: 10 years and over..... TODO TOR ate Wa aoe a 4 Occupation: ARTICUILUPe couse Tatas Extraction of minerals. dre ts (eee Aan eee haem Professional service.... Domestic and personal BELVICE 2 sh ee ies Clericalaoun) ss tas eee FEMALES UNITED STATES VILLAGES Weight- Mid- ed Aver- Total Urban Rural age AIRES DEANS et A Wy ey f 1D ST See ek .o 38.6 42.6 34.2 36.2 15.3 16.5 14.0 19.1 4.7 4.6 4.8 8.3 1 oh a A" 27.4 29.0 25.2 27.4 60.6 57.7 64.3 57.5 Lyle 2.2 9.8 14.2 8 1.0 6 f7, sl ot | 2 68.2 67.1 69.1 75.6 90.8 94.4 87.9 93.9 80.4 80.8 80.2 90.1 45.5 40.9 49.8 67.1 14.7 18.1 16.5 927.0 21.1 19.1 3.8 it 32.7 22.0 26.1 27.4 17.1 16.3 8.5 6.7 9.0 8.7 46.4 38.7 12.7 2.7 22.5 17.3 2.5 3.7 7.8 9.6 3 AL 11.9 20.2 25.6 35.1 Lorn 10.7 dle Mid- At- dle Far lantic South West West 1A 2a 20 or EO 1927 15.252 20.05) 18.255 18:8 33.8 $8.8 35.2 37.6 24.4 14.4 20.2 17.5 12.3 5.0 9.2 6.3 at 3 2 1 26.7 28.4 28.1 22.6 56.3 56.6 57.4 63.5 16.4 142 13.5 12.4 5 5 9 1.5 1 3 ok : TEIN EET ee 10s Lanna ao 96.0 89.5 97.3 92.3 91.9 86.0 91.9 91.7 61.9 65.6 69.6 70.1 24.1 25.9 28.9 28.1 19.8 21.8 17.5 17.0 4 2.1 8 = 29.8 20.0 %1.9 16.5 28.7 29.3 26.5 23.3 16.9 21.2 18.3 17.5 6.6 12.3 4.8 6.2 9.0 12.9 6.1 8.2 37.9 40. 37.7 39.1 at 6.1 8 3.1 SOUL 2:50 2, toe LOvo 3.7 2.2 4.6 4.9 6.6 Tote LL oko. 2 5 tea 1.0 16.3 15.0 25.8 23.8 24.9 49.2 30.4 29.2 11.5 6.8 128 13.9 165 a) wr % ‘ ¢ k Ny fai ; ie ' ' ; } *. ~ ei a a7 i é ye 1 ea PO \k ia The “Tes wil iP M4 oy’ \ pe, . a ie wiv 5 . f ' il 5 i : ( ” t * en s ot 4 ¥ t \ t ‘ Wi 4 ; \ Wy she taf th ee Pe Me , } ay ie ‘4 ; ie : tie Reh t d yl te Lt ad a Pi , j 5 o Td) ‘ i an d . © Ai ' iM va a7 ; _ ba nt i . ; ye . 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