Materials for a “Sign List” of Egyptian Hieroglyphs
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In Dlemoriam
ANIMALS: £.2: (a) (Horse). Animals: (EB) page 1
Anc. Bgypt,(1894)p.491, gméme 01D: Ibid,Gloss.(1904)p.120, O*%D30: Lorer,
Bib.d'&tude,III,(1910)p.20, sém: (masc.)
Aahmes, Son of Abana: Tomb, el Kab, No.5: Lerpsius Denkm.1II,12,b,line 6: Text, (Navitce~Setne) 1V, (1901)
éém: 0°D10: "Horse". (a) se'm-t: (Erman) "earliest pictures in Dynasty XVIII": Ibid, Life in
s oS
p.60: Lonet,Bib.d’&t. III, (1910)p.5: Serme,Urk.IV,p.9,(line 10): line 36:- —~ A Cl ro
— ee
Se et a oe oe ee NY To piel SS SZ eH ls g
Spr fm-f r WNhartna (hast) .....-. (39) fnn.1 wryt sem é nti hr & m gqr-‘nh: His Majesty arrived at the
Mesopotamia (country) ....... (39) I took a chariot, a horse, and the man belonging to it. Cf.Thutmosie III,
—_> -=<_—_— ) ‘ ] ~~
Annals, Year X¥JII,(L.D.I11,32:line 25):- &2 —— oe 4 (ese ater ee Qc 24 ease
Symes ex Pts AY ee © hm anant pe, ae = aan
om @)y wa OR aah oie efi tat eS Cae or WW
i.e. Lrat kf© inn mscw Jn-f m dmt nj Wekty (hast) ....--- (8) ssmt éne nh} bmw ww
(c) msyt nti ssmt 33t pédtw wt (d) tosr gw (e) rnp [...ee2-] (List of booty which the army of His
Majesty took in the City of ] Megiddo .....-. horses 2041, (c) foals of the Horses 191, (d) Stallions 6,
(e) colts (.......] Setne, Urk.IV, p. 663: Cuampottion, Not.deser.II,p.156: (a) Cf. Ibid,(ssmt) 188, Year Xxx.
Lepsius, Auswahl,XII,line 8: Setne Urk.1V,p.699,line 8, Year XXX1,(ssmt) 26: L.A. XII,1.9: Setne, Op.cit.
p.691,1.6, Year XXXIII,(ssmt) 260: G.A.X11,1.22: Setue, Op.cit.p.699,1.6, Year XXX1V,(esmt) 40: L.A-XII,line
31: Setwe,p-704,1.14, From Retennu,(semt) 30[.....]: L.A. XII, 32: Setwe, Pp. 706,1.1, Year XXV,(ssmt) 180:
L.A.XI1,40: Serne,p-711,1.12, From Retennu (semt) 226: L.A.XII,42,b: Setue p.712,1.8, Year XXXVIII,(ssmt)
328: L.D.III,3i,a,1.5: Setne,p-717,1.9, Year XXXIX,(ssmt) 229: L.D.III,31,a,1.10: Setne, p-721,1.16, Year
XL,(ssat) 124: L.D.1II,32,1.33: Sete, p-669,1.5, Year XLII,(ssmt) 48: From Retenna (sszt) 68: L.D-III,320,4
11.13,14: Setne, p-731,11.4,9:- Total 10 Campaigns 3985 Horses. But Thutmosis III set out from Egypt on
bis Ist Campaign with cavalry. Cf.Annals, Year XXIII, (L.D.11I,31,b, line 29: Setne, Urk.1V¥,p.650,1.3) Ops.
saga Tah cal | 18 bn Sm gsm m 83 [asm] i.e. Is it not that horse gust go fort behind
Aw \c
[horse] Cf.Ibid, L.D.III,31,b,1-55: Serne Urk. IV, p.652,1.10) Cf. |_4— semwt: ware:
Amenemheb; Tomb,S$h.abd el Qurna,No.85: (Ist Chamber,rear wall,right) (Biography,1.26) Mo ng, Eg.Resch.1I,
(1906)pl.p.36: (1.25) Setne, Urk. IV, p.894,1.5: (1.26): Ibid,Ramses II,"Battle of Kadesh", Abu Simbel; L.D.
III,187,c:1.11: Gurersse, Trav. VIII, (1886)p.130, 1.37: Byoce, Bg-R'dg B'k, (1696)p.141, 1.1; (1.37):
Ib id, Ramesseum,W. Thebes; L.D.III,153,1.23. For sémut (pl.) see ffl res BS! Thutmosis III,Annals, Year
YMG GLa Dal il Seabed) 1.89: Setne, Urk.1V,p.659,1.16.
ANIMALS: §&.2: (b)
pres a) TO ntr: "Span" (of Horses). (b) htr Cf.(1) Tomb of Paheri, el Kab, (Lepsius,
SOOO OOO ee oe
= No.3) Denkm. Text, (Navitce-Setne)1V, (1901) p-47:
a W.Wall,S.&nd; L.D.III,10,4, vie TyLor-GRiFFitH,
Tomb of Paheri,(1894)P1.I1I, (Row 3)(Dynasty &VIII) (Text) (line 1)
Bahe Devils MISS
IGN (ieee (4 —* he Te aT
Con Tp LY SS qq aaa
(frm PY QS J "OMe oP bety Weer or ptr pr erryt <3t adem af [tn won-f m typetz" His Majesty
ooo (©) x *
"ascended a span {of horses] and a great chariot of electrum like unto Aton (the sun) when he rises from
“ “ : a 71
the harizon. Cf.Ramses II, (Dyn.XIX) Poem ce Pentaur,Pap.Sallier III,Br.Mus,P1. 1,1.9: ie Ep pe
= (Hieratic: Here only) See McLLer, Hier. Pal.II,(1909)p-12,n-1. Note:- Garoiner, Eg.Hier.Texts,
2) (Horned and Hornless ifw})
cANIWALS: _B.2: (b) Continued: Animals: (E) Page 2.
Lit.Texts,New Kingdow,I,(1911) says (p.38* n.4):-
"“{trf seems never to be used in late Egyptian for
"simply one horse; it means a pair,
or a horse and chariot."
gnw; "War Horse": Breasteo, Anc.Rec.£g.1V,(1906) § 822:
Set’ mat (1868) p p.1458.
4 s
(c) 5 SEL & ay 22 - a i potas nho qnw to n th(prj)-k: "Yoke the war horse; the best
aS Eee ie
“in thy stable.” Stele of Piankhy-meramen: (Barkal) Cairo Mus. Guide, (1910)p.215,No.694: (1915) p.216, 80.937:
line 11: Scwirer,Urk.III,p.8: Cf. Breasreo, Anc. Rec. £g.1V, (1906)$822.
aN fo3r3: "Stallion": Burcnaror,Die AltkanaanZischen Fremdw8rte etc. (1909)No.20: 72, BRucsen,
Worterbuch, (1868) p.42.
Brucscu, "Strong Horse", Wérvterboch,
(d) q Thutmosis [II,Annals,Year XXIII: (L.D.III,32, 1.13) Setne, Urk.1V,p.662: See
Context, E.2, (a) Q Sh oe \ AQ e= iosiry (pl.) Pap.Anastasi JV,P1.VII,line 9: Brucscn,(op.cit.).
—= —
rnp "Colt": Breasteo, Anc.Rec.Eg.11,(1906) § 435: Cf. Serwe, Verbum,1,(1899) § 410: Cf.£.3,(¢)
(e Thutmosis III,Annals, Year XXIII, line 96:(L.D.III,32,line 25): Setne,Urk.IV,
p.663,line 11: See Context, B.2,(a).
ANTMALS: &.32: (a):
Sool in: generic term, "cattle", "cow", "ox" ete. "Rinder”, ——
1 *
ANIMALS: E£.3: (c) Continued:
Animals: (B) Page 3.
(Dyn. XII) Sanehat: R.144:B.119: iy (= Ys ) i.e. k3 n ‘wt: A Bull from the herd.
(Dyn. yoy ae i XLDLUCE oe Gro i, (BID | 3 Papyrus Bbers; (Leipzig, University
: 1875) 105, YZ ——s — —— line 13: Wreszinsxi,Der Papyrus Ebers,
a (eR (1918) pe sa LS} 218. Cf. Morrer, Hieratische Paldographie,1, (1909) No.142.
° Cy (The scribe Inne, Dyn. XIX) Cf. a = ate. = k}- Elephantine Fragments
Papyri,Dyn.VI: Berlin Mus. "Str." (Strassburg) &.A. Hierat. Ss Pap. kg1.Mus.Berlin, Weft Ik,
(Vol. III,Pt.I) P1.VII: Cf.poiver, (op-cit.)No.142. y
: : ; 1
or. ee LI iN iy k3: Papyrus Berlin, 3029: (Leather Roll)P1.1I,1.5.
MocLeR, Hier. Pal. II, (1909)P1.11:N0.142. of. FF Papyrus Amherst No.VI:"Tomb Robbers".
Pl.I1I,1.4: Newserry,The Amherst Papyri; Li =o fed (1899)P1.VI,p.26: kd:
Mécter, Hierat.Pal.II,(1909)No.141: Cr. HN AQ, «6—Papyrus Sallier, Til,
Br. Mus. G ‘= f k3 nyt: ("Poem of Pentaur”)(Ramses II) P1.X,line 1: VOLLER
Hierat. ea | iret Pal. II, (1909)No.141: RevittouT, Rev. 6gyptol. 1X, (1900) —_———-__ p.66:
Cts wrt won pissy) Ibid. Pap.Harris No.1, Br. Mus. No. 9999: P1.56,b, line 5.
ar, f
MSuveR. (oo.0it. No. 141; (Ramses TIT, enna Dyn. XIX). Cf. $ 7G SN. a
WWF oS 44 ULES OS | ek Te
[ewes NES | SS ete Pheto. See Hes
K3wlL73y) Ri wt (w3d-t) (Divine) Bull, Bull of the Gods and of Bulls. [Husband] of the (Divine) Cows:
Papyrus of Nezemet: [Wdan-t) PI. 11,11.¢79}- Buoce, Papyrus of Hunefer, Anhai,Kerasher and Netchemet, (1899)
P1.11, (Br.Mus.No.10, 490).
ANIMALS: —.3: (ad) (Horniess Cattle).
(a) Hr nd: ANDERSSON: Sphinx, XVI, (1912) p. 164: (See below) But MASPERO,
(b) db‘S; Etudes 6g.11,(1888)p.105: As to (a) Anpersson, Op-cit. XVII, (1913)
(1) Tomb of Hw-n-ns (Khunes) Sawiet el Meitin: Lepsius, Denkm. Text, (NAVILLE
Setue) II, (1897) p-58:L.D. 11,105, b: Cf. (precisely similar head) Text:
x j a rd hr etd nd $3 (Dyn.V) Paton, Barly Bg.Rec. III, p.51, (Insert
Cf.(2) Tomd of Rahotep: Medum, Recess:
(Middle upper: Lowest row No.3) (Paton, OD.
(Dyn. III, IV): Petrie, Medum, Pl. XIII:
Tomb, Perare,Pi-XI1: (Right row,3) Paton
(Insert No.6)- (4) Tomb of R«Spss:
Abusir: Saqqara, Lepsius, No.16: Denkm. Text, (NavitLe-SETHE)
T,p.166: Chamb. C,Bast,L.0.11, 62: Paton, (op.cit. )p.52, (Insert™ No.8). Note:- (2) (3)
and (4) have not the pointed head, or nape of neck; but LorTeT and GalLLare (La
Offerings } 2
(3) Same &
(op.cit.) p52,
Faune momifiée de l'anc.Bg. 11 Sér.
(Archives du Mus.d'Hist.Nat.Lyon, 1X,
(1907) refer to (5),(6),(7) and (8); i
as to which AnoerssoNn SayS:— "they ie
‘are furnished with a tuft of hair 7 -
“on the hump of the neck." Sphinx, V y
XVI, (1912)p-156. These examples, pS Y
however, have no explanatory text.
(5) Deir el Bahari: Fragment now in the Br.Mus. Shrine of the
Princesses: NaviLLe, The XIth.Dyn.Temple at D.el B.I,(1907)P1.XVIII,
(Top, middle) (6)(7) Ibid: Sarcophagus of Kanit: Ibid, Navitte, (op.
cit. )P1.XX,(Top left and Row 2 middle). (8) Ibid: Sarcophagus of
Kemsit: Navitte, (opecit.)P1.XXIT, (Row 2). Note:- As to hr ‘na, Cf.
(9) (3 identical examples and texts) Tomb of Ptahhetep, Saqqara:
Lepsius, No.dl: Sepa: doxt | {NavinuecSerne)2, (1007 )B+ 800: @peRanne |)
L.D.1I1,102,a (row 2) b: (Row 2 left) syp-t Br ‘nd=-t fr: 1.8. (?)
"fetching because of the pointing of the visage" (?) Cf. ANoeRSSON,
sphinx, XVI, (1912)p.163, who cites $Y at ee
a eae, a—
2 a
Dead, Pap) Turin, (Dyn. XX¥1) Chap.1i45, lines 19,20:- = - T'S Ete + JQq vd ‘nt d3d3-I ntt joy:
Beste iti
ANIMALS: E£.3: (d) Continued: Animals: (BE) Page 4-
"my head is pointed like unto that of a panther.” Davis, ihe Eg.Book of the Dead,(1901)P1.LXII. Anoersson
refers to specimens of mummified cattle found by excavation examined by Lorter and GaittaRro, (op.cit.)
pp.59,ff. concluding:- "these prove that a race of hornless cattle existed in Ancient Egypt."(Sphinz,XVI,
p.149,p.162). (b) As to br-d0°, Maspeno (Btudes 6g.11,(1888)p.105) rendered "(animals) for the seal”
i.e. by the priests as for sacrifice. Erman,Life in Anc.£g.(1894)p.441, "fred’eb“a", p.441,n.1 p.436,n0.4
"Zebu" p.437,n.2, "horniess®, all through the different stages of their life. These may be regarded as a
3rd species. (with (1) fw} and (2) ng}).
ANIMALS: £.3: (e) (Dehorned Cattle):
Wn-dw- (a) Hornless:
(b) Horns cut short.
"Dehorned artificially,
Anoersson, Sphinx, XVI, (1912)p.163.
(a) (1) Tomb of Chnemhetep II:
Beni Hasan No.8: Main Chamber,
S.Wall: Newserry,Beni Hasan,I,P1.XXXV, (Row 4,1.)
Cf. Tomb of Amenemhat,Beni Hasan No.2: Main Chamb.
$.Wall,E.End,(Row 5 1.) Ibid,W.End,(Row 5) Newserry,op-cit.1I,Pl.XVII,XVIII. (2) Tomb of Chnemhetep II,
Beni Hasan,No.3:Main Chamber N.Wall,(Row 4,middle) Newseray,Opecit.P1l. Xxx.
(b) (Horns cut short) (3) Tomb of Bagti III: Beni Hasan,No.15:Main Chamber,S.Wall W.end. Newserry, Seni
Hasan, II,P1.VII: Cf.Ibid,N.Wall,(Row 4)P1.IV: (Drawing) Anoersson, Sphinx, XVI,(1912)p.153,fig.2: Paton,
Early Eg.Rec. III, (1918)p.53, Insert No.10: Note:- See wn-dw n bps: £.12.
Cf. Gs hen 6) f} Papyrus of Nezemet (Netchemet: Ydm-t) Br.Mus. 10,490: Col.IV,line 6:
itp) vas (=) (Book of the Dead,Chap.CXXV, Introduction). Buoce,Book of the Dead.
Papyrus of Hunefer, Anhai, Kerasher and Netchemet; (1899)P1.1V,(p.56).
ANIMALS: E.3: (ff) "Wild Cattle"
"Wild ~w3:(E.3,a) Garttaro,Les tatonnements des €g.
~eee- A la recherche des animaux
3 domestiquer: (Rev.ethnogr.1912,
Nos.11,12)p.6. (1) Tomb of limry: Gizeh No.16: Lersius,
Denkm. Text, (Navitte-Setne) I,p.38:(Picture)L.D. 11,54: (Row
3,r)(Dyn.V). (2) Tomb of Seker-kha-bau: Saqqara:(A,2,
Dyn.III) Stele ‘of his wife, Hathor-nefer-hotep: Cairo Mus.
Guide, (1910)p.63,No.101: Murray, Saqqara Mastabas, (1905)
Pl.11:(Offerings; Middle, Lowest Row) Ibid. Tomb of
Rahotep, Medum: (Recess; Offerings, Upper Middle,
Lowest Row,No.1) (3) rn ng: i.e. domesticated:
("Stable reared", Ga tuLaro,
op.cit.p.17) wild cattle.
Tomb of /imry (as above):
L.D,11,49,a (3rd Row Right).
(4) ng n mr: Wild cattle of
the Lake (or Swamp). Same
Tomb. Lepsius, Denkm. Erganzungsband,1,(1897)P1.VII,(2 examples). Cf.Tomb of Akhhetep, Saqgara,(D.64) S.Bay,
$.Wall,Upper Half,(Row 2 left): Davies, Ptahhetep, II,(1901) P1.XXII: Ibid, W. Wall, (Upper Row).
—_—_— oom opacities!
TAS 1 #.423:7.243: Setne, Pvr.T.286,6: JAE HN N.966: Setne,470,a: TN W.613: SetTue,
— ae Ae a
504 jas hes jae { p.87:M.53:N.69: SetHe, 547, a: Cf.W.423:T.243: Setue, 286,e: P.441:M.544:N.1125:
SetHe, 1224,c: — Cf. néo snuf = 2 ng cattle: also ngw (sing.)(Dyn.XII) Tomb of Rekhmara, Sh.Abd el Qurna,
No.100: “Inspection of Taxes" Ist Chamber Left of Entrance,front Wall; Scene VI,a: (Plan, Paton,@arly Eg.
Rec. I1,p.51) Newgerry, Rekhmara, (1900)P1.V: (Row 2 left, Row 3 middle) Setne, Urk.IV.p.1124,11.8,15:p.1126,
1.13: "Long Horned Cattle" NewBeRrRy,Op.Cit.p.28,No.5: "Mature Oxen".
Note:- Cf. g: ( pay "Prime Bulls". Papyrus Kahun,V1I,14: Grieritu,Hieratic Pap.Kahun,etc.
5.45, Pav: Also LS 3M Sanehat, R37: (BKeIwWe B.13: “TS kK&e ha @ c. caroines,
ran Fat Trav.XXXVI,(1914)p.27: See Comment, Garoiner, (op.cit.) XXXII, (1910) p.17: (12-13).
f ‘Sane : a" ZG
cr. 3% Hy (120) ZY Kea k3 (£.3,c] n ‘wt (120) ngiw: "A bull wy
ne a
"of the herd (120) a wild bull." Garoiner, "a long horned bull", Trav. XXXIII,p.70(120)
Text:- Ibid, Trav.XXXVI,p.41 and Hier-Pap.Berlin Mus.V,II,(1909)P1.9,a: P1.9:=Wg3u: = dc
(Wote:= As to the wild ox in the early hunting scenes see (£, 15,0) 1
ANIMALS: E.3: (g) is
Cf- aod > 9 SR not pr Sit-tp-thw: The Mistress ef the House: Sat-tep-ahu:
1@z +1) Pap.Kahun,1V,4:1.44: Grierith,Hier.Pap.Kahun & G. Text, (1898)p.71:P1.XXVIII.
Now | eur: _| ANIMALS:+ B.3: _(h) Animals: (£) Page 5-
13 | E.3,h: > a det: "Yearlings” Gerirritn,Hier.Pap.Kabun & G. Text, (1898) p.104:
(1) dtt wndw w‘t: Yearling, dehorned: I, Tomb of 5 =
Rekhmara,Sh.Abd el Qurna,No.100: Ist Chamber, Front
Wall, L.of Entrance. "Inspection of Taxes" Newserry, Rekbmara, (1900)P1.V,(Row 2, Middle)
cit.)P1.XVI. (Cf.Picture, B,3,i)
Cf. Ay] Papyrus Kahun,VI,10,line 14: (Hieratic uncertain) GrirrfitH, (Op.
14 E.3, i: ANIMALS: E.3: i)
en hr-s3: "Two-year olds® Grirfitn,Hieratic Pap.Kahun & G.Text,
FF ie P.704: Setne,P. 7.1544, a:
dtf snti: br-$3 ww: “yearlings, 2: Two-year olds, 1: Tomb of Rekhmara, Sh.
Abd el Qurna,No.100: Ist Chamber, Front Wall,Left of Entrance: "Inspection of
Taxes" Newserry, Rekhmara, (1900)P1.V, (Row 1,Middle).
Of.Papyrus Kahun,VI,10,line 14: 2 P Sy Grirfitn,(op.cit.)P1.xVI.
15 | £.3, 3: ANIMALS: 6.3: (4)
Seal Sr or gmgw: "Large or full grown cattle" Grirfitn,Hieratic Pao.Kahun & G.
Text, (1898) p.46. a
cf. (\=—"s (E.4,c) 4 Stn for gr + he f
(or én&o) (fp) Large (or full grown) a) 4,
Cattle: Pan.Kahun,VI,10,line 14: t— aL
Grireitn, (op.cit.)P1.4V1.
16 Book: ANIMALS: _E.3: k
- Sm3: "Wild Bull” Erman, Glossar, (1904)p.112: LORET,
. AN Bib. d'ét. III, (1910) p-19: Vocersans, Untersuch.
VI, (1912)p.160: (207).
(1) Tomb of Aba: Deir el Gebrawi,No.8: N.Wall, West side,Right half. Davies,0.¢l
Gebr.1,(1902)P1.XI:(R.Row 2) "Wild Cattle” Ibid,p.17: Cf. Tha OM es
, >< pp; wl3 n P3 Sm3: "The Ship" "Phe Wild Bull": Loret,(op.cit.)
Tomb of Aahmes, Son of Abana: el Kab, (Dyn. XVIII) "Life" line 5:,Urk.IV,p.3,
line 13: Cf. ¢m3w: "Wild Bulls" Vocetsans, Untersuch. VI, (1913)pp. 159-160. Papyrus
Berlin, P. 3023: (B.1) (Dyn. XII) VocELSANG-GaRDINER, Hierat.Pap.Kgl. us. Berlin, Band
IV,Part I,(1908)P1.12,12, a: "Wild Bulls” GaRDINER, (Op-Cit.)p-13. Note:- MOLLER,
Hierat.Pal.I,(1909)No.136: classifies this as "Cow-Antelope" ("Bubalis") (£,21,¢)
[Note:- As to the wild ox in the eerly hunting scenes sce (2.15,¢)1
17 E.4,a: ANIMALS: _E.4: a
SA gtr: "Yoke" "Span": (late) 7To horse: (£rman,Glossar,
os (1904)p.89: ———
"Draught Oxen" | pee Grieritu, Hierat.Pap.Kahun etc. Text, (1898) p.32 =
Kahun VI,10: op-cit.Pl.XVI, (Hieratic uncertain).
18 B.4,b: MALS; - b
ap amp 2 2
oy “wt: "Herd": See S.63. CeeBanehat, Rak 4A ied LOS arene oa Rzon
I ‘wt: "Bull of the Herd". GaroineRr, Trav. XXXVI, (1914)p.41. Cf.(S.62,b).
19 E.4,¢: ANIMALS: _B.4: (c)
RSs idrw: "Cattle", “Herd": Newseery el Bersheh,I,p.27. (CO.W.46. 0.57) =
( Sd <>
—i—j 1 3 = a irt tnnw-t ‘3-t m idrw (ipw)-f:
= mA SS
"The makins of a great countins of his cattle herd. Tomb of Tehutihetep,
el Bersheh, No.2: Inner Chamber,Left Wall, (Cornice) Newsperry,£1.Bersheh,
1,P1.XVIII, (p.27) Cf.Pap.Kahun,VI,10,lines 13,14:(Dyn.XII1) Grieeite,
Hierat.Pap.from Kahun & Surob, (1898)P1.XVI, Text, 0.45: i.e. idr grlor
gngw] ihw: Grirritn renders *food-stock" (?) "large cattle", or "old",
ise. "full grown": (p.46)- See 1.57. Cf. Lat Se BA IS ol) (R.143 & B.118-9)
———- er)
i —— (R.143)(but B.119=) BW ; ice. (R.143 & B.118) mf k} n wdwn ({ow) a
sees = CE 1
nr-io ky (R.143) fdrw (But B.119 =) gmwt.” Like a bull of the roaming cattle (£.4,d) in the midst of
"the other cattle (R.143, but B.119 =)" other cows. (The hieratic text is "too doubtful to be certain" as
to fdrw and hmut: GaAROINER Trav. XXXIII,(1911)p.70). For the other hieratic see E.4,d.
20 B.4,a: ANIMALS: £.4: d
wdww: "Cattle allowed to roam freely."
GaROINER, Trav. XXXIII, (1911)p.70-
iene Cf. mt k3 n wdwo (thw) m gr-fo
(119) Ry Qmwt (thw): ” Like a bull of
"the roaming cattle in the midst of (119) the other cows. Sanehat,
B.118: Garotner,Hieratic Papyrus Kgl.Mus.z.Berlin,V,(1909)P1.8,
P1.8,a. (Cf.B.4,¢c).
ANIMALS: B.4: (0) Animals: (&) Page 6.
21 roving 4,e: SB mnmn-t:. (fem.noun collective): Gaurnrer,Bib.d' étude, IV, (1912) p.69.
"droves" "herds" ("of large cattle"): MasPEno, "drove" Bib. d'Etude
V,(1912)p.54: Ibid,I,(1908)p.102: Lloret, Bib. a'ét. III, (1910)p.13.
[8 (3h ~= 3p TEST ARS
I heard the sound of the lowing of herds, and [ saw Beduin. Garoiwer, Trav. XXXVI,(1914)p.30. Cf.Id.
In R. mnmn-t =
er ges, oe SS 4. Aa Cf. Ganoinen, Hierat.Pap.kg1.Mus. Berlin, V, II,
-i,a, el, Fee, Sa ‘ ALS line 16. For B. See £.13,c: Cf.Life of Aahnzes,
Son of Abana, Tomb el Kab, No.5: Right Wall,line 27:(L.D.III,
12,d) Serne,Urk.IV,p.7,line 12. Cf.Abydos, Temple of Sety I, Portico at rear of
Cf. Sanehat: w Sy
R.48-9: C: But B.24-5 = (See £.12,b) i.e. Sdmn-1 hrw mnt n mnmn-t gmo-I Stttw:
Ist Court, Grand Inscription, line 86: (Mariette, — I,P1.5-9) Gaurnier, Bib.d' St. IV, (1912)p.18:-
Bes Co Avrw hls didblite
eS Drea) ORD GE a= leg X= [ne Ste Ih!
tsw-I nk mnmn-t m ‘wt not r Saf ptpwt-k: "I established for Thee herds consisting of small cattle
(S.63,b)"of all kinds so as to swell Thy offerings.” Gaututer, (Translation) Z.%g.XLVIII, (1910) p.63.
“" JeR ISR AAS EH 8 ety
[Z2-4) Sykes! 0 m33t trw (thw ?) (Buackman, Meir, III, (1915)p.13(n.11): Cf.(E&.4,f) m mnmn-t
ihw (?): “Inspecting the loan-herds for withdrawl of the cattle. Tomb of Amenemhet,Beni Hasan, No.2:
(Dyn. XII) Main Chamber,N. Wall. (Lower Right,before figure) Newserry,Beni Hasan,1I,(1893)P1.XIII.
MASPERO=DaVIS, Tomb of Harmhabi,(1912)pp.50-1: Cf. Secanteo/Anciuec Ra tii, [iguetenes
22 €.4,f: ANIMALS: £.4: (f)
‘ “
\"Terbute cattle irw: "Loan-herds": Brackman,Meir, III, (1915)p.13,(n.11): citing MULLER, 2. a8~
XXVI, (ise) p. 85,(31):- "Tribute or tax-cattle bearing the government brand.” citing Stele of panne
(Dyn. XVIII) Karnak,near Pylon X: (Bacoexer, Egypt, (1914)p.280) line 31:- | LY
a Themes ~G5a ord ps
Eatery a Eh nT
Imt-r3 thw (?) n ‘3-pri ‘nh wd3 sno Smt irt irw(th ?)mt3 dr-f ntf in-f p3 ariw mtw thw (?) ar C........
“Thé steward of the cattle of Pharaoh, L. H. S. cometh to make tribute cattle in the whole land, and
“that he should fetch (away) the hides of the dead cattle on (the, list =tiencca8
“ MihMe Poo IS T6— LEE Se Re
= Thi Pda Fa FITS Sea Al i HHL
thos 0% £1 SIS Stat hE SKE
m fk} m Whd (Spi-t) 63kw nb n pr WSut hr bpr m ‘fT ‘ntn rai nf tmf-r3 fst n Sw pr nw minw nw Wind
k}w hmt nh} m nhow (igw ?) (8.3,6]-gn gs (17) Rw-f pr § m pr WSwt r tnnw rapt ntt trw (th ?) fine
b3kw nod n pr Néwt: “As ruler in the Oryx Nome, all the tribute of the King's House came into my hand,
“and behold, there gave unto me the foreman of the domains (?) of the Oryx Nome 3000 bulls, consisting
“of their draught oxen (E£.3.g]. I was praised on account of it in the King's House, and at the yearly
“time for tribute cattle I raised all of the tribute for the King's House. Tomb of Amenemhet, Beni Hasan,
No.2: Main Chamber,Doorway,N.Jamb: lines. 16-17: Newserry, Beni Hasan,I,(1898)P1.VIII:(p.26).
23 |8.4,¢6: ANIMALS: B.4: (g)
aR! npow: "Draught Cattle": Newserey, Beni Hasan,I,(1898)p.26(line 16):-
one = Sa tii hs tS
k3w Amt n 3 nhow (thw 7?)-Sn: a 3000 bulls of their draught cattle: Tomb of Amenemhet, Beni Hasan, No.2:
: a2a.anfNmn
x c=
pf) Sis i nhotw nk S$&mt: " Por thee a horse is harnessed. Pap.Anastasi 1:(Br.Mus. 18.10247) XVIII,line 5 XVIII, line 5.
Garorner, &g.Hieratic Texts,I: Lit.Texts N.K.I,(1911)p.30, nae no vedhs he
ad) eee —! Re Pier ieee -(7) f Jat pee XK RNA LIS nnwytw
aN Oe SO
t3yk mirzrzowtit ....... (7) ©rér piyk noo: They attend to thy chariot ....... (7) they supply thy
1a ae ~oa! 3 |
. Ibid, XXVI,lines 6-7: GaroINeR, (OD. Cit.)p.37,p.28*: = g ay 2 II Q i
oN ; = i < i ees 5 ~—*, —>
nho knw tp n it (pr): Yoke the war-horse, the best in
"thy stable.” Stele of Piankhy-Meramen: (Barkal) Cairo Mus. Guide, (1910)p.215,No.694: (1915)0.216,No.
937, line 11: aaah Urk.III,p.8,line 11. Cf. Ibid,line 30, Scuérer, (Op-cit. aA 16: ‘Soma
— [5 ins. "The h s r rses were yoked;
(Soh 2, = alae gat SANS, Qa, Lt nhb m smsmut [S m wryt: e horses were y
“he was mounte ne the chariot.”
Main Chamber, Doorway,N.Jamb: line 16: Newserry,Beni Hasan 1,P1.VIII,(p.26). Cf 4 the fh eed
ARIMALS: £.5: Animals: (EB) Page 7
An: Athribis: Xth.Nome: Upper Egypt
(1) Tomb of Ptahhetep,Saqgqera,W.Wall, (Top) Bull on sacred
Pinal perch: before it a "fish-skin™ Ym: (Cf.H.8, ee
Davies, Ptahhetep;1I,P1.34: Hieroglyphs,p.18: (2) Same Tomb,
W. Wall: Grifritn, “Same, with sickle shaped ‘object before" bull,
Possibly word sign for XIth Nome, Upper Egypt. (i.e. Cynopolite,
Cf. Brucscu, Dict. géogr. Supplement,p.1379' Davies, Ptahhetep;1,
(1900)P1.XXXV , (Upper Middle) Pl. VI,Nos77: (p.18) 18)
a Tomb of Beker-kha-bano:
Saqqara,(Dyn.III) "Stele of the wife" Murray, Saq.Mast. (1905)
Pl. II; (Offerings,Middle,Bottom Row) Cf.Ibid, Tomb of Rahotep,Wedum: Recess, Offerings, Upper
Middle (Right,lowest row) Perrie,Medum;P1.XIII; (Dyn. XII) Sanehat: B.118:-
UA} So PP HZ oe co —Weere ga:
mf k3 n waww (thw) m hr-io (119) ky hnwt: “ Like unto a bull of the roaming cattle {
as) (Cow) (Erman) pm-t: Setue, 2.48 -XLV,(1908)p.46: E.3,
me og N.700: Serne, Pyr.7.569,b. FEL i)
"in the midst of the other cows.’ Garoiner, Trav. XXXVI,(1914)p.41: Ibid, 14%
(Comment) XXXIII,(1911)p.70. Note.- B.119 & { 2 = _— GaROINER,
ANIMALS: E£.7: (a)
aS br Lacau,,p.24: ("Victim, legs bound")
— @ ~~ 1.310:311:312. Setwe,Pyr t.678,a: f 311. Setne,
679,d: TT 312. Setne.680,a.
§tA (hr): Choice Victim (for food or sacrific
ANIMALS: E£.7: (b)
Tomb of Ptahhetep;
St pw- Choice Viands’: GRIFFITH: 1-e, L Sequatest: WALk Coneee
oe List of Offerings
f Qe Lower right,left end.
Ptahhetep,P1.41, Ibid
* sm}: "Sacrifice" "Offering". Erman,Glossar,(1904)p.112: "Victim" "Prey"
—= -=— a
wee gm3: Thutmosis III,Stele of Victory No.I:line 18: Serne
Urk.IV,p.616, line 15: But Cf. ( o—= HLSCF |[5e~ i M.821:N.1338: Serne,Pyr.T
481,2a,b: go les P.173:M.439:N.940: Setne,913,d: Ibid, v 661:M.772: Serne, 1462, bd.
g Hs3-t: (Cow Goddess): Birackman, Meir, I1,(1915)p.83,b.
Tomb .of Ukh-hotp's Son, Senbi: Meir,B.No.
SSeS r : atne 4;
€ ey (Cusae) S.Wall,E.End,Row 2,Right: Brackman,
a :
bhé: "calf": (Erman) Borcuaror, Sa-hu-re,I1,(1913)p.115. Serne,Z.86.L, (1912)
p.93: Emeer, 2: (Arab) bahzagun: 2.4g.L1,(1913)p.110. BA@CE: Erman,
qe —
i voo M. 63: N.81:) Sexvne Pyr. 1.771, 0%
Glossar, (1904) p.39: J ors ea a ee Sete
(1) Tomb of fpt-ftp, Saqqara, Lersius, Denkm.Text, (Navitte
Setne) I, (1897) p.185,No0.31:(2 pictures):L.D.1I, 102, a,b:
Note:- wn-dw bhs:
(2) Tomb of Bagti
TII, Beni Hasan, No,
15:Main Chamber,S
Wall,W.End: (Row 4, Middle) Newserry, Seni Hasan,II,Pl. VII: i.e.
wn-dw bag n irt-t: " wn-dw-calf for the milk jar (?) (ise. for
weaning ?) bag (D.90) "bull calf(?)" Brackman, Meir, IT, (1915)
p.21: (3) Tomb of Ukh-hotp, Senbi's son: Meir,B.No.2:¥. Wall,N.of Statue recess, lower: Buackman, Opscit.Pl.
XI,(Upper left). Note:- The animal in (3) is evidently a young goat or antelope. If so, bhs is a general
term for oalf, kid, lamb etc. See Emper, Z- S6.L1, (1913) p.110,n.4.
AMIWALS: 6.13: (a) 2:13: (s) Animals: (E) Page 8.
fb. fdj: "kid": (Erman): GIBE: Eawvan,Glossar, (1904)p.8:
,Note:= Métcer: "The leaping kid in hieroglyphs is first known to us since
ee “the XIXth Dyn. (Hierat. Paldogr.1,(1909)No.139,note 2) Garoiwer 2.86. XLII1,
(1906)p.28,Taf.1, gives Pap.Berlin,P.9784: (Gurob) line 8:- Ch =< but Of. Mouver, (op.cit.)II,
(1909)No.139 = (B.17,b).
ANIMALS: 8,13: (b) fo: "Kid: (not calf) with short upturned tail": Geirritn—Oavies,Ptahhetep, 1,
oe (1900)p.19, fig.70.
(1) Tomb of Ptahhetep: Saaqara,(D.62) E.Wall,Top,N.Walf: Davies, (op.cit.)
Pl. XXXIII:(Row 5,Middle). Ibid, Pt.I,P1.VI,No.70: Grirritw cites (2) Tomb ef
Rahotep,Medum: Recess. =
ro) Tort Eee
(Left,Middle) Col.2:P1.xV,
(Left, Upper) (3) ne of
Methen,(Iamthen) Berlin
Mus.No.1105: Ausfiihrl.Verz.
(1899)pp.45, ff. L.D.11,4,(Left row,2) Dyn.IV. Notez- In hieratic not distinguished from (£.17,b) Mo.ter,
Hierat.Pal.I,No.138,note 1. Cf. OTR Sanehat, R.47:B.21: y Lt Garoiner, Hierat.Pap.Mus.
Berlin, V,(1909)P1.5,a:5. Of, << = 10-t: ("thirst") Pap. Prisse,Bib.Nat.183, 194:
("Proverbs of Kagemna") Pl.I,line 5: Jéquier,Le Papyrus Prisse et 4 ses variantes;(1911)P1.1.
Revittout,Rev.ég.V1II,(1896)p.190,1: CF & f Papyrus Ebers,(Univ.Leipzig) Dyn. XII:P1.100,line 9:
Motcer, Hier. Pal.I,(1909)No.139: Wreszinsx1,Der Pap.Ebers, (1913) I, p.20
ANIMALS: 6.13: (c)
( ! mnmn-t: "herd" "Drove":
' sagee 7 (
A ce. — = SER | Sanehat,B.24-5: (See Text E£,48)
psi Adaty Fae ae : = ex ,48
ee Ibid, os 4 io Sr eae mnmn-i not: herds of all kinds. Garoiner, —) = A
SEGRE os aaltcu ace ish Ze) Trav.XXXVI,(1914)p.39 = my2 + a
Note-- In B, the determinative of mnmnet 18 always "the kid" fb: (E£.13,a) GARDINER,
Hier.Pap.B5erlin Mus.V,II, (1909)P1.5, a: (note "e") Pl.5,lines 24-5: Cf.Moccer,Hierat.
34 ANIMALS: £.14:
Ses tw; "Newly born animal": (Erman) "Newly dropped antelope (?7)" Brackman,
Meir, II,(1915)p.32.
1S P.398 = 5 M.568 = Sa: Setue, Pyr.T.1185,c: (Se P.400 S53
ay 2 =
M.570 = z& Ss N.1177: Setne,1188,a: See Lacay,p.37: /\ a. P.423: 4G.
—— — =
M.605: N.1210: Setne,1210,b:
Tomb of Amenemhat, Beni Hasan,No.2: Main Chamber,S.Wall,E.End: List of Offerings,
top, third from R. GrireitH-Newserry,Beni Hasan,I1,(1893)P1. XVII: bids Tit, Pls £01,
Nowsie(p.d 4) CE. Pap.Prisse,Bib.Nat.182,194:Pase IX,line 5 =Jéquier,
Le ses Var.(1911)P1.V: Dévauo,Les Maximes de Ptahhotep, (1916)p.31. LT
Cf. Papyrus Berlin, P.3023:(8.1)("Peasant") line 254: Vocersanc-Garoiner,Hieratic Pap. Kgl.Mus.
z-Berlin, IV,(1908)P1.14,14, a: (Dyn. XII-XIII) Cf. Papyrus Ebers,(Univ.Leipzig,
Period,Hyksos)P1.XXXIII,line 2: Motter,Hierat.Paldosr.1,No.142: Wreszinsx1,Der Pap.Ebers,
I,(1913)p.42: or. =] Par. D'Orbiney,Br.Mus.10,183: Pl. XVIII, line 6» (Dyn. XIX): Métcer,
Hierat.Lesest.1I,(1910)p.19: Buoce,BS.R'dg Bk.(1896)p.37.
35 ANIMALS: £.15: (a) ("Ram of Mendes"™ "Domestic Sheep")
b3: hnm: (Erman): "Ovis longipes palaeoaegypticus” DuRst-Gaitcaro,
& Trav. XXIV,p.44. "The Khmem( AWAD )-ran". “a oe
(1) Tomb cf Khnemhetep II, Beni Hasan No.3: Main Chamb.S.Wall, lower row.
Newperry,beni Hasan I,P1.XXXV: Grirritu,Id.I11,p.15,Pi.1II,No.35.
Cf. =, aa Tomo of Ptahhetep,Saqqara: Grirritu-Davies,Ptahhetep,
é g PL. XXXVII,Left,Row 2:P1.XXXVIII,Right,Row 1: Tomb of
ee ecfermat, Ne Side: Petrie, Medum,P1l.XXI,
(2) Predynastic Carved Slate: Cairo Mus. pe Morcan,Rech.s.les 1'fig.
TI, (1897)p.264, Pl. III: Lecce, 9.8.4. Proc, XXII, (1900)p.134,P1.V: Ibid, XXXI,
(1909)p.306,P1.XLVI: Gaitaro,Les Tatonments etc.
A la recherche des animaux &% domestiguer,
(1912)p.18: Serne, Zag sLil,(1914)p.57.
"Shepherd": Tomb of
bt. je at
Saqgara, (D.22)
Chapel,N.Wall,E.part:Row 4: Steinoorer, Das
Grab des Ti,(1913)P1.111; Brucscn, Worterbduch, (1868)I,p.60.i.e. Text over
|For the reading 03 Cf. Horrmawn,Untersuch. VII, (1915) pp-9,
Bato, bs
Animals: (E) Page 9.
ANIMALS: &.15: (a) Continued.
(3) Cf. Ibid: Tomb of Tehutihetep: el Bersheh,No.2: Inner
Chamber,Right Wall. Newserry,el Bersheh,1I,P1.XXV, (Drawing)
Ourst-Ga jtcaro, Rec. de Trav. XXIV, (1902)p.48,Fig.3. See
Similar picture, Tomb of Timry, Gizeh,No.16:L.D.II, 51:
32,41,60. (4) Tomb of Mentu-her-khep-shef: Dra Abu’1] Naga,
No.20; (Dyn. XVIII):S. Wall. Davies, "Five Theban Tombs",
(1913)P1.II, (middle row)p.11."The Ram of Mendes",(Ddt).
of Upper and Lower Egypt, (Teti) (Dyn.VI) Life forever,
« . a“ *
of Dedet (Mendes) Beloved of the Ram-God. Abydos,
Alabaster Vase, Mariette Cat.g6n.d.Mon.d' Abydos; (1880)
No.1464. (5) Papyrus of Tura, called Nefer-benef:
Louvre, III,93: Inventar r= g keh
No.3092: Book of Dead: =
Vignette, Chap.85: Naviice, Das &g.Todtenbuch, einleitung,(1886)p.97,P.b.Text,
(1886)P1.XCVII: (Dyn. XVIII). Cf. Ibid, Vignette,Chap.8 and 9, Navitte,op.cit.
Text,P1.X: Cf. Papyrus of Nebged; Louvre, III,36: Inventar No, 3122, (Drawing)
DUrst-~Gaitraro, Trav. XXIV,(1902)p.17,Fig.2:(Dyn. XIX). Cf£.Stele of
ce (Ale toes
i.e. WSwt Btt (?rt) ‘nh at Dat (nwt) #3(?) Mry: King. S
a a
Ne frw-m-wi3: Brit.Mus.N.Eg.Gallery,Bay 9- Guide, &g.Gall.(Sculp.)(1909)p.132,
\. No. 469 (356) - "Biw Ntrw”: "A form of Osiris", Buoce,
and Hierogl.Texts from Eg.Stelae : in Br.Mus.V,(1914)P1.42.(p.11)(Dyn. XVIII)
"bs = goat", Wieoemawn, Sphinx, XVI, (1912) S15 ( 2110 — >
ni conean & aS -2 td
11 I> fF => GA sie) Se eee “le 05a 83-Sftw nic dma
“ — SS ees ae
a Ngrw fduc6d er fidence eseccnn m 43-mhut Bnmw: Basheftu-hat is the union¥of 4 Gods: Four Rams in
the Nome of Mendes (i.e. Lower Eg.No.XVI,See Brucscn, Dict .g6ogr.p.1048) i.e. Chnum: = Temple of Esneh,
Brucscn, 2.46. 1X,(1871)p.82. Cf. v er tot 62 nb Dd: i.e."The Ram Lord of
Mendes: "Stele of Mendes" line 12: Cairo Mus.Guide, (1910)p.206,No.666:
(1915)p.210,No.858: Cat. gén. Antiq.ég.Mus.Caire; Kamat,( Romans) F, p- 159, Wo. 22181: P75 4
LIV,LV: Setne,Urk.II,p.31,line 12: Cf Brucscn, Dict. g60gr.p.185:p.125. Note:-
Navitce ("Mendes" in Ahnas el Medineh, (Eg. Exp. Fund, XI, )(1894)p.19) says: "which ne ° hr
Brucsch first read "Kha", but which probably has to be read "Hamehi"." (i.e. ion all S
ENS arenyt: 2 Dict. gé 1048) Mon. IV UO
=< r=¢) a3jmhyt: Brucscu, Dict. g6éogr.p.104 Brucscu, Mon. lV,
P1.46:I,line 1: (The 4 Rams). Same text given (lines 24-5) = (1.27) as names of Chnua:
See Gooowin, 4.48.V, (1867) p.84: Cf.Grirfitn,Hieroglyphs,p.43,Fig.70. Note:-~ 683 (7?) “npt (nwt): "Ram of
Mendes” GrifFitH—Davies, Ptahhetep,1,p.30, Fig. 276. (6) Tomb of Nefermat, Medum; N.Side Chamb. Petrie,
Medum,P1.XXI,(Row 1,Col.3). Cf. (Over herd as in (3) RSE] = hbwh Tomb of +3 o%4 TI
Sawiet el Meitun, (Kom el Ahmar) No.2: L.D.III,106,b: ESS | Ibid, Text, (Navicce-Setne) II, (1904)
p-58: i.e. "the ploughers": Grirritn (Hieroglyphs,p.17) says:- "this does not seem to be a name for the
= 63's. -CE. rt =
Sanehat, B:(Berlin,P. 3022) re ae
line 64: Garoiner,Hier.Pap. ~~“ @¢ © | @l
Kgl.Mus.Berlin,V,II,(1909)P1.7,7,a: Méccer (Hier. Palaogr.,I, (1909) Ache
ie ; —
WNWo.212,n.4) says:- "the above hieratic symbol is compounded of
> J se cat od,
¥ ae 1.€. ain’ and the horns of peers
ANIMALS: €.15: (b)
b=") sr: rhnt: Grieritn,Hieroglyphs,p.17: Cf.&.15,a:
(1) Tomb of Rnnt: el Kab, (Lepsius,No.?7:
Denko. Text, 1V,(1901) (Navitce-SeTHE) pp.
51-2) Left Wall, CHampotcion,Mon.II,Pl.
——_—_—_— ee
CXLII,No.3. —p—— M.726:
SETHE, betha 1726,b:
epe, ecoor: Serne, 28g.XLVII,(1910)p.17: Cf. eon Seay lake = Sanehat, B. 198:
ee SE et ee ee
Garowner, Hier.Pap.Nus. Berlin, V, (1909) 11:11,a:
Cf, | / Pap.Ebers,Leipzig Univ.(Hyksos) P1.69,line 5: Moécrer,Hier.Paldosr.1,No.140:
A Papyrus Sallier,I,Page VIII,line 8: Select Pap.Hier.Char.B8r.Mus.PI.VIII:
ENG Papyrus Berlin,P.3048: ("Takelothis"),Page VIII,line 6: Méctcer,Hierat.
Paldogr.III,No.140: Hierat.Pap.aus d.Kgl.Mus.Berlin,II Band,(Heft 5-6)
(1905)P1.42. (Dyn. XXII). a
Sd rhni: Cf. fo aS Statue of Amenhetep III, usurped by
Pinezem I: Karnak, Temple of Mut. CHamPoLLION, een Not.Descr.II,p.264: L.D.III,249,f:
Denkm. Text, (Navitce-Setne) III,(1900)p.76:(note 6). Srucscn, Worterbuch,(1882)p.733: Cf. Stele of Biri:
Turin Mus.No.1549: (Orcuts,II,No.13)(Cat.No.181) (Texts under two Rams) fa Pa a , oe
p2 rhnf nfr:' The goodly Ram.’
it ANIMALS: B.15,¢ Animals: (£) Page 10
bos primigenius: Urus: Aurochs. HitzHeimer in BorcuaroT, Sahure:II,Text,(1913) p.171: Beweosre,
Jour. Bg. Arch. V, (1918) pp. 7-10.
(1) Great predynastic Mace-head,No.II: Hierakonpolis:(Univ.of Pennsylvania) Quisery,Hierakonpolis,
I,(1900)P1.XXVI,B. (2) Predynastic (King Nar-mer) Carved Slate, Abydos, Now in Louvre: Legge,
8.8. A. Proc. XXII, (1900)p.133, Pl. IV: XXXT, (1909)p. 206, Pl. XXVIII. (3) Predynastic "Statue of Min” Koptos: (Kuft,30
miles N. of Thebes) Petrie, Koptos, (1896)P1.III,No.4, (pp.8,ff.) (4) Tomb of Sahure,(Dyn.V) Abusir. Great Huating
scene: S. Colonnade surrounding Hypostyle. Borcuarot, Sahure II,(1913)P1.17. (No text) Hitzwemmer, (Ibid, Text; p.174)
"Bos primigenius" "Urus" "Aurochs", Beneoite, Jour. £6. Arch. V, (1918)p.8:- "Impossible not to recognize the rights of
"the theory which identifies the Urus or Aurochs of the Chaldaeo-Assyrian monuments with the bull without dewlaps
nea aa “and of energetic and horselike
"appearance in the monuments of the
"Sabure relief (4) and the Beni-Hasan
"paintings."(5) (5) Tomb of Bagt III,
Beni Hasan No. 15: Main Chamber,N.
Wall: (Row 1, No.7 from right)Neweerry,
Beni Hasan, II, (1894)P1.IV. Béwéorte
(op.cit.p.8) says:- "This animal,
A “which appears not to have survived
“in Egypt after the old Kingdom, is thought to have been replaced for the purposes of big game hunting by domestic
"oxen restored to the wild state or rendered wild." Note:- Cf. as to this, ng Sanehat,B.13 (£.3,f) above, also
Montet,Bulletin de 1'Inst.frang.
d'arch. orient. VII, (1910)p.42,
Gaittaro,Les Tatonements des Eg.
etc. (1912)p.6: HitzHeimeR in
BorcuaroT, Sahure, II, Text (1913)
p.171 suggests that the buffalo
was Known in prehistoric Egypt, citing e.g. (6) Great
Slate Palette from Hierakonpolis: Now in Cairo Museum.
= (Nar-mer, Predynastic) Quisert,Hierakonpolis, I, (1900)
P1.XXIX, (p.10) Zeits.f. ag. Spr. XXXVI, (1898) Taf. XII, XIII(p.84). (7) "Smaller
"decorated Slate-palette", Hierakonpolis: Now in Ashmolean Mus.Oxford. Quigseu,
op.cit.Vol.II,P1.XXVIII. But Béneorre rejects Bison or Bubalus (op.cit.p.9) and says:- "At an epoch which ends with
"the beginning of the historic period, the valley of the Nile possessed. a race of oxen whose horns described an
"ellipse very nearly closed above. This Bos is 1
"to be confused neither with the bulls with
"horns pointing forward of the Cairo palette
(6) "nor with the classic ruminants of the
"Mastabas with widely spreading horns
(macrocerous or brachycerous)(Cf.E.3,b) "which
"have provided Breum, SCHWEINFURTH and GAILLARD
"with the type of bos africanus. If it could be
"proved that it came from Asia with the
"conquering and civilizing hordes, its symbolic réle on the palettes which commemorate the exploits of the pre Wenite
"kings would receive new light."
ANIMALS: B.16: (Syrian Goat)
wndw: Hircus mambrinus (Linnacus). Gatttaro,Les Tatonnements des ig. & la recherche des
animaux & domestiquer. (Rev. éthnol. 1912, Nos.11,12) p.4.
(1) Tomb of Mera, Saqqara: (Mereruka): Gaitcaro,Op.cit.p.9, (drawing )Id.p.6. (2) Temple of
Ne-user-ra, Abusir: "S.Chapel" entrance. Borcuarot, Zeits. 4S. Spr. XXXVIII, (1900)P1.p.94.
(drawing). Gaitcaro, (op.cit.)fis.4. Cf. = {ae wn-dwt:
& : Book of Dead: Papyrus Br. Mus.10, 490: ("Netchemet")
Bupge,Facsimiles of Pap. Hunnefer, Anhai, Kerasher and Netchemet;
(3) Tomb of
cree NLT ETS ) (1)
If, Pl. 9s Text,
avis Seta oh TY LS
I, (1897)pp.91, ff.
(Dyn. IV).
"Goat" (Erman) "Gazelle" ghs BLackman, Meir, III, (1915)p.14: (no picture) but Cf. Ibid,p.19
"Gazelle"(Reg.1,No.3) i.e. (1) Tomb of Senbi's son, Ukh-hotp: Meir 3,No.2: S.Wall, centre
(row 3, middle) BLackman, (op.cit.)II,P1.VII: (See below). Cf. Erman, Gloss. (1904)
p.140. Cf.Great Hunting Scene, Tomb of Sahure, S. Corridor, surrounding Hall of Pillars. //, @Q
Borcuarot, Sahure,Pl.17: Text II, (1913)p.167: = Hitzweimer, (no text) "Gazelle dorcas (Linnaeus) Morocco —
"to Egypt" Photo p-168, abb. 25. (2) gh¢: Tomb of Akhhetep: Saqqara: N.Bay, W.Wall, (row 2) Davies,Ptahhetep, II,
E \ Pl. XIX, "Gazelle dorcas". Gaittaro, Les
tatonements des 6g. & la recnercne des
animaux & domestiquer. (Rev. €tanolog.que, 1912,
p-8) (3) Tomo of Mera: Saqqara, (Dyn.V{) Bas
relief: (Photo by GauTHIteR) in GAILLARD (00.
cit.) Cf. Brackman,Meir, IIT, (1915)p. 14, P1l.V.
1,Upper row. o
N.920: Setne, Pyr. 1.972, c: N.482:696: SetHe,1799,D. ZS § {l ;
(4) Mastaba of Sem-ni-kai: (Dyn. VI) Saqgara: Chamber IV, Wall [a en
c, lower. Bissing, 11, (1911)P1. XXIII, (row 2,3rd from right) (drawing) Ibid, I, P1.XXV,No.2.
|_ERMAN: |
[8.17, a: |
ANIMALS: 8.17, a: (C'td) Animals: (6) Page 11
Bissing (op.cit.I,p.34)"a mountain gazelle": similar to Gazella rufrifrous (Gray) or albonotala (Rotuscn) See (5)
Tomb of Bakt, Beni Hasan, No. 15: Newperry,Beni Hasan, II,P1.1V: Bissine,(op.cit.I,p.36,No.8) gives (6)
1-e."Gazella dorcas" and sometimes "Gazella rufficollis”. Mastaba of
Gew-ni-kai, Saqqara: (drawing) Bissine, 1,P1. XXXVI, No.8. Cf.Tomb of
Rahote Medum: Side of passage, Petrie, Medum,Pl. IX.
Cf. Tomb of Pehenuka, Saaqqara, (Lepsius
No.15,Martetre D.70) Dyn. V.(L.D. II, 46,
top row) 1.¢e. “gh”. Cf.Tomb of Ptahhotep,
Saqqara, (D.62) E.Wall,N.Half: Davies,
Pl. XXXII, (top row, 3rd from left) (8)
Tomb of Amenemnet,Beni Hasan No.2: Main Chamb.N. fall. Cf.Tomb of —
Amenhotep II,Beni Hasan No.3: Main Chamb.N. Wall, (row 3,r.) Newserry,
(op.cit.)P1.XXX. (enlarged Pl. XXXI). (9) Tomb of Senezem-ib, (Intz)
Gizeh, No. 27: (L.D. II, 76,c-€) Text, (NavILLE-SETHE) I, pp. 55-8: (Serne,
Urk. I, pp. 59-67) drawing. Ibid, Erganzungsband II, (1900)P1.XXIII,c.
(Dyn.V)(row 4). (10) Sanehat: (Berlin Mus. Papyrus, 3022: = B.) line 33:- Incorrect for (£.21,b) in
Mouver, Hierat.Paldogr.1, (1909)No.137 and n.3: Garoiner,Hierat.Pap.#31.Mus.Berlin,V, (1909)P1.6: 6,a: 1 | =h
Ibid, Rec. de Tr. 36, (1914)p.32. (11) Gazella Dorcas: (Linnaeus) Capra Dorcas: (Ibid)
Antilope Dorcas: (Pattas). Height at withers 21.2 incnes. Color pale fawn. Egypt,
Palestine, Syria. ANDERSON, ZOOlogy of Egypt, (1902)p. 340, P1.LX.
(12) Gazella Dorcas, Sctater and Tuomas:
Book of Antelopes, III, (1897)p. 108:
Anderson, Zoology of Egypt, "Mammalia"
(1902)p. 341.
ANIMALS: B.17, 6:
Ad) tr: (2) ‘nk: "Goat" . (1) in: Métver, Hierat.Paldogr.1, (1909)No.138. Fsers (as below) "In hieratic
not distinguished From (G.13,b)" Macter (op.cit.) No.i38,note 1. Cf. 2, wy i Oe Papyrus Ebers,
(Leipzig Univ. )(Hyksos) Page LXIII, line 16: MOLLER, Hierat.Paldogr.
————._ [,, (1909) No. 188: Egers, Abhandl.phil.hist.Classe, KSl.sachsiscnen : en aaeral
Gesell.d.W.1870, p.329. Cf. M9 1 ae) ‘wt: (Cf.563) Pao.Berlin, P.9784: (Gurob) line 8: MOLLER,
Hierat.Paldosr. II, (1909) No. 138: ols —& ! (Dyn. XVIII). Garoiner gives (=€.13,a) But see
Moucer (op.cit.)I,No.139,n.2. Cf. GARDINER, Zeits. 4. Sor. XLIII,(1906)p.28 and Taf.I. CE $
‘wt, Pap.Harris No.1, Br.Uus. 9999, XXIX,5: Biracu,Facsimile of an Eg.Pap.of the reign of Ramses III, Ns Zar
etc. (1875)P1.29. Prem ,Dict.Pap.Harris No.I,(1882)p.12: Métcer,op.cit. II, No.138
(2) ‘nk: 9 SS Stele of Horsiatef: (Dyn. XXVI) from Gebel Barkal, now in Cairo Mus.Guide etc. (1910)p. 215, No.
694 (1915)p.221,No.941: (Text) Marvette,Mon.div. (1889)P1.12,"b" line 87: Transl. "Goat" MASPERO
Rec. Past, (o.s. )VI, (1876)p.92: "Rev.line 14".
ANIMALS: : (Nubian Ibex: = Ibex Beden) (Steinbock) nig: ari w: Ibex nubiana (F.Cuvier): im3t: (3 species)
) a“ Gaitcaro,Les tatonenents des Bg. A la recherche des animaux 4 domestiquer.
Not Nos.11,12.) Capart, Paris,4(1912)p.10,fi4.9.
(1) Tomb of Mera: (Meriruka). Saqgara, (Dyn. VI.) Arab.({&Sypt) "Tetel"
(Nubia) "Kebsh-el Jebel". Cf. Tomb of Rahotep, (Dyn. IV) Medun: N.Wall,
Petrie,Medum, Pl. XIV, (Middle, row 3) Ibid, passage, side,P1.IX, lower,
row 3. Tomb of Atet, Medum: Front, N.side: PeTRie,Op.cit.P1l.XxIV,
(right,row 3). Cf. Tomb of Ptahhotep, Saqqara: (D.62) S.Wall,&-half,
(top row). & Wall, Top, S.half. Oavies,Ptahhetep, I, Pl. XXXII, XXXIII.
Tomb of Akhhetep, Saqqara: (D.64) &.Wall, Davies,op.
cit.P1.XV, XVI. W.Wall of N.Bay, row V).
@ Af Ibid, Pl. XIX. (2) Mastaba of Gem-ni-kai,
mente =«Saqgara: (Dyn.VI). Chamb.IV, Wall C,lower,
Bissinc, 11, (1911)P1.XXIII,row 2, Nos. 2, 4: (drawing):
Ibid, 1,P1.XXV,No.2. Bissinc (op.cit.p.35) says:-
"Capra-Nubiana: Steinbock." Cf. HarTMANN, Zeits. as.
Spr. 11, (1864)p.23. Cf. Tomb of Pehenu-ka, Saqqara:
(Lepsius No.15) (Mariette D.70)(Dyn.V). &.D.I11, 46:
ae ~ (no beard) See (8.17,a) i.e. gpg.
=| Cf. also (3) Tomb of Akhhetep,
, Saqqara, (D. 64) N. Bay, W. Wall:
Davies, Ptahhetep, II, P. XIX: (row 2)
A imz-t BissinG (op.cit.p.35) says:- "possibly two
"varieties of same species." Cf. also 44) Tomb of Bakt (III), Beni Hasna lo.25:
Newseray, Seni Hasan, II,Pl.I1V, Upper row,Nos. 3 and 10 from left, viz. ~—,
= nrzw = (No.3) and (No4#above=(No.10). "older forms" (Bissing). Cf. AN
eee eae (Cuvier). Capra Ibex: Ibex Nubianus: (Gervais).Ibex Beden: Capra Beden: CTerst eam) Height at
Shoulder circ. 33 inches. Color brownish fawn. Egypt, Nubia, Palestine, Arabua. Anoerson, Zoology of Egypt, (1902)
p.332,P1.LVIII. Tristram, Survey of W.Palestine, Fauna etc. (1888)p.6,Pl.1I. H1tuZHEtmMEeR in Borcuarot, Sahure,II,Text,
(1913) refers to (6) because of different tines on the antlers. £0) Capra Aegagrus: (Photo, Stuttgart
Naturalienkabinet) Asia Minor, but perhaps Egypt earlier.
Animals: (£) Page 12
ANIMALS: (@.18,b):
ibm: Ammotragus tragelaphus: HaatMANN, Zeits. 4g. Spr.I1,(1864)p.23 = "maned sheep” But Bissing notes absence of
mane “in all examples": (But see (2) and (3) below). Bissinc adds:- “In (1) at all events,
"the Steinbock is meant." (1) Mastaoa of Gem-ni-kai: Saggara,(Dyn.VI) Chamber [V,Wall C,
lower. BissinG, II, P1. XXIII, (Upper row, 3rd from
right)(drawing): Ibid,
I,P1l.XXV,No.4. (2) Frag.
fess Nagada, ("New race",
period bet.Dyn.VI and
e) XI). Petrie, Naqada,p.45,
PL. LIXJ3)Tbid, Pl. XXIX, No
98: (Here mane is distinctly shown). Cf.(4) (Note
Z mane on "a") Tomb of Bagt III,Beni Hasan, No. 15:
YZ top row, (No.19 from left) Newserry, Beni Hasan, II,
Z Pilate “UR A (Y.14) £63 Cf.
7 a tO UW 1g. (Hist. nat.Mammiferes)
g VII,2: Tome 23,pp.201, ff
Z a @ [ES (5) Tomb of Sahure, (Dyn. V)
ZG §.Colonnade: "Great Hunting Scene" Top row,right. Borcuaror, Sahure,
Gs = eS @ (1913)P1.17. Ibid, Hitzwemwer,tI,Text,pp.172-3. (6) Ammotragus
Lervia: (Patras) from Morocco. Borcuarot, Sahure, II, Text, (1913)p.173,
No.33. Morocco, Egypt to 24° N. "The absence of the mane from some pictures is probably because younger animals
"were more easily caught in hunting." (HitzHeimeR,Op.Cit. ).
ANIMALS: (8.18.c):
"Oryx of Nubia": (Oryx leucorix: Pattas): m3hd: GaicLaro, Tatonements des 6g. & la recherche des
animaux 4a domestiquer. (Rev.éthn.1912,) p.13. (1) Tomb of Akhhetep, Saqqara: N.Bay, W.Wall, (rows 1
and 6) Davies, Ptahhetep, II,P1. XIX. (Ibid) Tomd of Chnewhetep II, Beni Hasan, No.3: Main Chamb.W. Wall,
(row 5). Newserry,Beni Hasan,I,P1.XXX. Tomb of Mera, Saqgara: Gaittaro,op.cit.p.13. (Photo by GauruieR)
Ibid,p.8,P1.XI. (2) Mastabda of Gem-ni-kai, (Dyn.VI) Sagqgara, Chamb.1V,Wall C, Lower. Bissine, II, (1911)
Pl. XXIII, (row 2,1.) (drawing): Ibid, I,P1.XXV,No.1. (9.34) "Oryx tao" "Sabre
antelope" "when the horns are straight, probably the true Oryx Leucorix." (Bissinc)
Brucscu,W6rterbuch, 1882, p.588 identifies m3hkd with Oryx = -
leucoryx, citing from List of Offerings, DUMICHEN, Altag.
Kalendar Inschr.(1866)P1.XCIV, line 10- 7A
1 Poe 64
i.e. ghsw (E.17,a)
mihdw n3w (?) "gazelles, antelopes and steinbock." Cf. also
SS a iPe oe sss
Ses satan offerings: - z f oN EbSw new m3hdw:
ee vt
gazelles, oryxes, antelopes"
(Breasteo). Sheshonk III,
(Wr-Imn-s3-b3st) Dyn. XXII: Karnak,
Porecourt. Year XXII1-XXIX:line 15.
Lepsius, Denkxa. IIL, 256, a: BREASTED,
-Rec. &g. 1V, (1906)$768. Cf. early
- 82:
M.112: N.26: Setue,Pyr Tf.
et Wes oe
806,c: Setue, Zeits. ag. Spr. XLV, (1908)p.46, reads m3i(-$4)
(3) n drt rn m3hd $tp S$tpt: "siezing stable bred oryx:
"choosing the choice joints." Tomb of Sahure (Dyn.V) at
Abusir. Scene of offerings: "Neben eingang" S.Wall,
BorcuaroT, Sahure, [1, (1913)P1.28,p.43: Sete, [bid, II, p.108.
As to rn see Gaitcaro,Tatonements des 65. A la recherche
des animaux etc. (1912)p.17. Cf.also the "Great Hunting
Scene", Ibid: S.Corridor, surrounding Hall of Pillars,N.
Wall. 12 Oryxes shown. Borcuarot, (op.cit.)II,p.30, Setxe,
p-89:P1.17. (No.text) (4) m3pd n kg-k: "An oryx for tay ee —
ka." Tomb of Baqt II1, Beni Hasan, No.15: Main Chamb.N.fall,row 5,(@rd from left). Newserry,@eni Hasan II, (1894)P1.1V,
(Dyn. XII). (5) Oryx Leucorix: (Pattas) Sable Antelope: (A) nale: (B}female. Dongola to Senegal. Syria, Arabia, West of
Egypt. HitZHEImeR in Borcuaror, Sahure, II, Text: (1913)p. 168, Add. 26.
m3hd: Symbol of the XVIth. Nome ("Oryx Nome") of Upper Egypt: Tomb of Amenemhet, Beni Hasan No.2:
S.Wall, Main Chamb.®.end: Newserry,Beni Hasan,1,(1893)P1.XVII: Upper Left, (over figure) Col.2.
Explaimed by Newserry (op.cit. )III,(1896)p.4:- "Figure of an oryx standing before a bundle of fresh
“out food." This is:- (1) the "emblem": (2) the Stand: (3) the sign of a nome. (1) Oryx beisa: or
Oryx leucoryx: (8.18,c) wale. The bundle of food is named @ (4.104) probably tall
grass, the top is white to represent flowers, the <—>= stems are green.
(2) The stand (See 9.59) is of the kind used to support all divine symbols. (3) The nome symbol
(See N.46) LEfe means cultivable land. The 4) (N.45) at the outer end of the st@tidard symbolizes
the slope frow the valley to the desert or boundary of nome. The nane of thé nome is m3hd:
Animals: (8) Page 13
(EB. 18,6):
mh: Bablem of the XVIth Nome of Upper Egypt: Brucscu, Dict. géogr. (1879)p. 288. Cf. e.g. Nome-List,
Philae: Brucscu,Rec.Mon.III,P1.LV. Ibid, Geogr. Inschr.1,(1857)pp. 223, ff. "Hermopolite Nome”.
Ibid, Pl. XXIV:- ‘ Cage — dt — sel pecan tS Dd-mdw n rw fbnnwt (nwt) bw mb
ran EG ee {Joe= Biles — FB of Horus of Hebennu in truth:
m3hd: "Speech
"Smite the back of the Oryx." 0°. te = FF RP He BIG srw m v3 bro br peg n mapde
"Horus as is the image of a hawk on the back of an Oryx." Baucscu, Dict. géogr.p.490, p. 288.
ANTMALS: (b.19):
$‘h: (Erwan) sthw: (see below) CA? Bunce, An £¢.Hierog]. Dict.
(1920)p.646,a. Note:- Value determined by See S.44,b.
pot dat adel Ane fl o 3 & ‘2 Life of Uni: Tomb (Abydos)
AN ~ now in Cairo Mus. Guide ete. (1910)
pp-37Ne155. line 5, Setue,Urk.I,p.99,line 8: (Dyn.VI).
ce. a Tomb of Chnemhotep I1,Beni Hasan,No.3: Great Inser.
— line 170. Newserry,Beni Hasan, I,P1.XXVI, Dyn. XIl.
f O} = Sthe: Ibid, line 191.
Beet OSUNE is AA =
Papyrus Schmidt, —
(Berlin, 3057) XV, 15: ——
= MOLLER, Hierat.Palaogr. III, (1912)No.138. (320 B.C.).
Gazella Leptocerus: (F.Cuvier) Gazella Abu Harab: Gazella Loderi. Height at withers 25 inches; Color
pale sandy fawn. Horns circ. 1 ft. 3 inches. Libyan Desert. Anoerson, Zoology of Egypt, (1902)p.344,P1.LXx1.
ANIMALS: (8.20): (Pallow Deer).
hnn; "Cervus dama": HARTMANN, Zeits. 4g.Spr.11,(1864)p.21. "dana mesopotamica-Brooke™: MatscHie,
(Berlin Zoolog.Mus.). Bissine,Mastaba d.Gem-ni-kai: I, (1905)p.35,No.5.
(1) Tomb of Baqt III,Main Wall: Beni Hasan
‘No. 15: Neweeray,Beni Hasan, [II,P1.14: (top row,12 from
left) Cf£.Tomb of Nehera: el Bersheh,No.4: (Dyn. XII)
GaiffitH—-Newseray,el Bersheh,II,P1.XI,No.7. Cf.
Tomb of Ahanekht,Id.No.5: Id.P1.XVI,(row 2,left). |
Cf.(2) Tomb of Sndm-tb L\ J .
(inti): Gizeh,No.27: (L.D. I)
Text, (NAvitee—Setue,l,
(1897)pp.55, ff.) Dyn.V: Ibid, Erganzungsband, (1900)P1.XXIII,c
Atet,Medum: (Dyn.1V) Chano.N.side: Petrie, Medua,Pl. i r Tw
XXVII. (3) Mastaba of Gen-ni- Gram |,
kai: Saqqara: (Dyn.VI) Chamb. IV y Mm
Wall C, lower part. Bissine,II,
P1. XXIII, (lowest row, extreme
vight)(drawing). Ibid, 1I,P1.XXV,No.5. Cf.hnn: (4) Tomb of
Ti: Saggara, (D 22) S. Wall, middle part,upper. STEINDORFF,
P1.128: row 4,(2nd from right). See also {5) Great Hunting Scene: (no Text) Tomb of Sahure, (Dyn.V) Adusirc
Colonnade surrounding Hall of Columns,S.Corridor: Borcuarot, Sahure,II,(1913)P1.17: (Dyn.V). Hitzweimer bid, p.168
says:- "Dama =£ mesopotamica: (Brooke). As wild and indigenous in Africa, we know only the
"Berber-stag in Algiers and Tunis." Bissine (Gem-ni-kai, I, (1905)p.35, No.5)
says:- "The animal seems to have become extinct in Bgypt at an early
"period." HiczHeimerR (op.cit.pp.178,ff.) cites the prehistoric (6) archaic
carved slate: Louvre and Br.Mus.No.20790: Lecce,S.B. A. Proc. XXII, (1900), p.
138,P1.1I: XXXI,(1909)P.305,P1.XIV,No.2. (from Abydos). Also BorcHaror,
Sahure, II, Text, (1913)p.170,No. 31 {Way "From a still unpudlished Mastaba
"in Saqgara."(1913) BorRcHAROT, (op.cit.) p.170,No.31. (8) Prehistoric Ivory
: (row ¢
Rgife handle. Possession of Barl of Carnarvon. BénEpite,Jour.&¢. Arch. V,
($18)21.1,P1.I1. For Middle Kingdom Cf. Tomb of Antefoker: (Senusert |):
“ oa Naadaeke
yp ZF
Sh. Abd el Qurna, No.60: N.Wall, Garotner—Davies,Tombd of A. and his wife Senet. (1920)P1.(front)P1.V,A,P1.VI.
(8,a) Antlers of the Dama mesopotamica: (Brooke). HiLZHEIMeR in BoRcHaRoT, (op.cit.)p.172,No.32. He therefore
concludes that the animal was once indigenous, later becoming extinct, "everything that the Egyptians delineated
"has its confirmation in Nature." If this be so, then (9) shows that there was still a specimen found in Egypt as
late as Dyn. XVIII. (9) Tomb of Mentu-her-khepesh-ef: Fanbearer and Mayor of Tbw (Brucscu, "Apbroditopolis", Dict.
g6ogr.p.927) under Thutmosis III (?). GaroineR-WeIGatt, Top.Cat.Priv. Tombs, Thebes; (1913)No.20. Tomb Drah Abu'l Nega,
(W.Thebes) No.20. Fragment, Inner Room N.fall: Now in Cairo Mus. Picture from Davies,five Theban Tombs, (1913) front,
(p-8). BorcnaroT, Sahure,p.169,No.27. "It is quite possible that the model for this picture may have been imported.”
Cf. fh — List of booty, Thutmosis III, Campaign in Mesopotamia, Year XXXVIII. Annals, Karnak. (L.D.III,31,a
TM iine 6) Setue, line. 89,Urk.IV,p.718. BEn€oite, Jour. &g. Arch. V.(1918)p.12:- "After end of. New Kingdom,
"the Cervidae could have ranked only as exotic animals." He refers to HiLzHeimer's remarks (as above) but says:-
"the sole difficulty is that C. dama mesopotamicus (Brooke) is at present confined to Luristan, and altogether
"absent from Mesopotamia and Syria." He identifies (8) with Cervus barbarus, and concludes:- "At very remote time
"Boypt was the habitat of C. barbarus of Algeria, the Mediterranean red deer and C. dama mesopotamicus. The former
"disappeared long before the other. But both may have been bred in enclosures, as the monuments show them with other
“domesticated animals.”
Animals: ¢B) Page 14
ANIMALS: (E.21, a)
nud»: Addax nasomaculata: (BLainvitte) Arab, Abu Akash: Gaittaro,
Tetonements des 6g. & la recherche des animaux A domestiquer. (Rev. éthn
1912,11,12) Capart,Paris,1912,p.11. (1) Tomb of Mera, (Mereruka)
Saqgara: (Dyn.VI) (drawing) Gaitcaro, (op.cit.) who also notes (p.12)
£.21,b as same species. Cf. (2) Tomb of Atet: Medum: Perric,Medum, Pl.
XXVIL[1 No.3. Cf. (3) Archaic urn and plaque, Abydos: oe MorGaN,
Recherches sur les origines de 1'fg. (Pierre et Met.) (1896)P1 X,
No.1: 2,b: p.161. Cf. (4) Mastaba of Gem-ni-kai: (Dyn. WI) Chamb.
IV, Wall C,Upper row, (4th fr.r.) Bissinc,Gom-ni-kai, II,P1. XXIII
mold > A {oid,1,P1.XXVI,No.6. (Ibid) Tomb of Ptahhetep I1:Saqqara:
Wi (D.64) E.Wall,Top,S.half: Davies,Ptahhetep, P1.XXXIII,
(Ramesseum) top,row 3,(3rd fr.left). (Ibid) Chapel of
Akhhetep, Saqgara: N.Bay,W-Wall, II,P1.X1X,row 5,r. Ce(S) Tomb of Amenemnet,
Peni Hasan No.2: Newserry,Beni Hasan,1,P1.XII: Main Chamb.W. Wall, S. Side,
@ (row 2,right). (6) Addax Nasomaculata (BLainvitte): "The Mendes Antelope:
"Now Morocco and Algiers to Dongola in the Sudan,
"Arabia and Syria." So Identified by HitzHEIMER
in BorcHarot,Sanure, II, Text, (1913)p.175. Picture from Tomb of
Sahure, S.Corridor around Hypostyle. BorcnaroT, (op.cit. )Pl.17
Row 2,(8rd from Right).
49 B.21,b:] ANIMALS: (@.21,b): (Addax antelope)
SO) done: Addax nasomaculata: var. suturosa: (Otto): Gaittaro,Les tatonements des 6g. A la recherche
des animaux 4 domestiquer: (Rev.éthn,1912,Nos.11,12) p.12,fig.11. (1) Tomb of Mera, Saqqara:
(Meriruka) (Drawing) Gaittaro,(op.cit.). (2) Mastaba of Gem-ni-kai: (Dyn.VI) Saqqara: Chamb. IV,
Wall A. lowest row,right end. B1ssinc,Gem-ni-kai, II, Pl. XXXII, (drawing) Oo
Ibid, I,P1.XXVI, No.7, (p.36). Bissine (op.cit.) cites:- "Alcelaphus i
"Gubalis, the desert cow-antelope;" HaRTMANN, Zeits. ag. Spr.II, (1864)p.23; and inclines
towards "Addax nasomaculatus" or "Bubalis Caama" or
"Lichtensteini, the Hartebeest". He cites Matscute (Berlin
Z Zoolog.Mus.) "Bubalis (acelaphus) Bubalis Schreib". Gaittaro
a however, (op.cit.)p.12 says:- "But one species of Addax was
iH "known, and the distinction between (B.21,a) and (B.2i,b)
if "was one of color." He sives (3) from life, according to St.Hitaire and Cuvier.
Garutaro then cites (4,a:b:): i.e. (8.21,a) = (8.21,b) from the Tomo of Tiy: Saqaqara,
D.22: Dynasty V: Great Court or Colonnade,
W. Wall. Steinoorrr, Die Mastaba des Ti:
P1.22,row 2,right. (drawing) Gaittaro
(op.cit.) "Addax nasomaculata" nodw (male): nwdwt (female).
GastLaro then says:- "The ddnw is not the antelope Bubalis, which was
"kaown aS ¥s?w " (B.21,c). Other examples; viz. Tomb of eS —s &
Saqqara, (Dyo.IV) Lepsius, No.1: Pillar "0" (row 3)
L.D. 11,96. Tomb of Ptahhotep, Saqqara: (D.62) S.Wall,#.half. Davies Ptahhetep, P1. XXXII, (row 2,right). Ibid, @.Wall,
| top,S.Half. Davies, op.cit.P1l.XXXIII, row 8. Ibid, Tomb of Akhhetep: Saqgara: (D.64) N.Bay,W.Wall. Davies, (op.cit.)
P1L.XIX. (row 6,r.). Towb of Aba: Deir el Gebrawi: N.Wall,W.side,R.Half. Davies,D.el G.I,P1.XI (lowest row,right).
Toad of Amenemhet, Beni Hasan No.2: Main Chamb.N.Wall, Newserry,B.H.1,P1. XIII, (lowest row). Tomb of Chnemhotep II,
Beni Hasan No.3: New3erry, op.cit.Pl.XXX:(top rom).
50 | 8.21,c:] ANIMALS: (E.21,c): ; ‘
"read Ss3w:" Gaittaro, Les Tatonements des 6g. & la recherche des aninaux a
domestiquer: (Rev.éthn.1912,Nos.11,12) p.13 See
£.21,b. (1) Toad of Baqt III,Beni Hasan,No.15:
Main Chamb.N.Wall. Neweseray,Beni Hasan,II,Pl.1V,
(top row). (2) Tomb of Amenemhet, Beni
Hasan,- No.2: Main Chamb.N.Wall. NewBerry,
(op.cit.) 1,P1.XIII: (Top). Tomb of
Chnemhotep II, Beni Hasan: No.3: Main
Chamb.N. Wall. Newgeray, (op.cit.) Pl.
XXX: (Top). GAtLLaRo (op.cit.) says of
(B.21,c) "head more bulky, (than B. 21,b)
"horns much shorter and different shape."
Cf. (2) (as above) also Tomb of Khety, Beni Hasan, No.17: N.Wall, e
W.half. Newseray,Boni Hasan, II,P1.XIII: (top row, right). Cf. §s3w: cee i Ss Feat fomb of Aba,Deir el Gebrawi:
N.Wall,W.side,8.half. Davies, Deel Gebr.I,P1.XI, (row 2,right) (3) Tomb of Ma-nefer,
Saqqare, No.17: Now in Berlin Mus.No.1115: Ausfubr. Verzeich. (1899)p.53. L.D.11,70: (row 5,middle) rn &¢:
(A) Tomb of Sahure: (Dyn.V) S.Corridor around Hypostyle, &.half. BorcnaroT, Sahure, (1913)P1.17: (8rd row, 4th from
right). Identified by HitzHEiMER 1M BORCHAROT (op.cit.) Text,p.17: with Bubalis Buselaphus: (Pattas) Now Morocco,
Tripoli, Red Sea, Arabia, Palestine.
51 |&.21,d: | ANIMALS: (8.21, d):
"Nanger ruficolis” (MatscHie): (Berlin Zool ag.lys. ) Addra antelope: “or perhaps Gazella
"Soemmeringi of GRETZSCHMAR." altho' latter now nqt found N, of Suakin. Bissinc, Gem-ni-kai,!
(1905)p.36,No.9. (1) Tomb of Ptahhetep, Saqqara, (D.62) Dyn.V. &.Wall
Davies, Ptannetep,I,P1.XXII, (Upper left). (2) Mastaba of Gem-ni-kai
Saqqgara: Dyn. VI. Chamb.1V,Wall A, lower part. Bissinc,Gem-ni-kai;11,P1.xxxI11
(lowest row,extreme left) (drawing). Ibid, I,P1.XXVI,No.9. Cf. Tomb of
Ptahhetep, (as above) ®.{lall,fop,S.half. Davies,Ptahbetep,P1l.XXXIII: (row 3.
left) Cf. (3) Tomb of oe Saqgara, No.1. (Lepsius No.1) Pillar W. L.D.11,96, (row 2)
Ss tel nena
51 [€.21,d:} ANIMALS: (@.91'4): Animals: (8) = Page 15
| (4) Tomo of Sahure: "Great Hunting Scene". S.Corridor surrounding Hypostyle. BoRCHARDT, Sahure, (1913)P1.17: (Row 3,
Sth from Right). Identified by
_ Hiczwermer, (Ibid) Text, II,p.176, as
Gazella Isabella, (Gray): Egypt,
Nubia, Lybia. (5) Gazella
| Sommeringi, (CReTzscumar),
Height at withers, 351/2
inches. Color, pale fawn.
ANDERSON, The Zoology of
Gsypt, (1902)p. 349, PL. LXII.
Red Sea and Upper Nile
Valley: Somaliland.
(6) Gazella Isabella, (Gray):
Gazella Dorcas, (BLANFoRD):
Picture from Sciater and
THomas,Book of Antelopes,{II,p.154. Anperson, Zoology of Bgypt, (1902)0. 348: Height at’ withers circa 25 incaes, Horas
10 incnes. Color pale fawn. Red Sea Coast Lands, Suakin to Massowan,S. of Wady Halfa.
52 |E. 22: See (F.56,.a):
53 |£.28: ANIMALS: (§. 28):
End: "be angry" Maspero, Trav. XXIX,(1907)p.101. GCONT : BWNT Ibid, Cavan: Gaapow: Aes.
Vat HandwSrterbuch, (1912)p.191. Ibid, TRAP Bruescu, Worterbuch, (1868)p.1463, citing:- Au Stele
of Menkheper=Ra: (High Priest of Dyn.XXi). Louvre,{"Maunier Stele”) line 11. Brucscn, <= “7% Rec.
de Mon.1,(1862)P1.XXII. Ibid, Reise nach der grossen Oase el Khargeh: (1878)P1.XXII. Baeasteo, Anc. Rec.
Bg. 1V, (1906) $655. cr. q 3 2 a= eae “it dee
I spetl) ROS? 3 eS Fal tie tect t NA AE SHE
Va a= in p3 iddm &rf (hr hpr) mt 30m Sm° m knd-t; "But the youth became like unto a panther of the
South in rage." Papyrus D'Orbiney: Br.Mus.10,183: 111,8: Mdccer,Hierat.Lesest.II, (1910)P1.3: MoLoenke,Tale of Two
Brothers, pate Buoge, Bg.R'dg Bk.(1896)p.7,line 3.
54 |6.29: ANIMALS: ANIMALS: (8.29): _ 29)
"Dog headed ape of Thoth." (4) 2°¢n: Bruescu, Worterbuch, (1868)p.2: (See #.30,b). (2) dnt-t: Ibid,
0.401. (8) ht-¢: Ibid,p.913. (4) Cglfdn: Ibid,p.1448.
(5) wp: “Toid, p.52. (6) isdn: Ibid, p. 126. (7) RhRb:
Tbid, p.1500. (8) wdnnw: Ibid,p.282. (or mStxaw: w: Ibid).
citing scene @) "Adoration by VIII dog headed apes
"before V Gods" Edfu, N. B. Chapel in Corridor around Sanctuary. (VII
of Dimicnen: L. of Rocuemonterx: IX of Bacoeker). N.Wall: ODiimicuen,
Tempelinschr. 1, (1867)P1.XXV1; Rocuemonte1x,M6m. Miss. arch. franc. X,
fasc.3,p.286: Ibid,fasc.1,P1.XXIX,a: (Ptolemy IV). As to No.4, the
restored “g” is from Dimicuen,Templeinschr.1,P1.XXI: (lower col.
behind baboons). Brucescu (as cited) regards Nos. 1 to 5 as generic
names for the cynocephalus, while 6 to 8 are names_for manifestations
of the Gdd Thoth. Erman and Grapow give (Aeg.Handwirterbuch, (1921)
Nos. 1 and 3 as "ape", For No.4 Cf. Bk. of Dead:- 2 =>
Pap. Turin, XLII, 22,3: Davis, @6.B'k of Dead, (1901) acter
P1.XX: "cynocephalus". (p.96). For No.8 Cf. 9 es ue Ibid, CIX,
: Ibid,Pl.XL,p.128: Cf.for No.3:- 9) —— VL
10: Ibid,P1.XL,p.128: Cf.for No.3 ALG... | PD eee
ee [foo] PUM oat ese
(XVIII, 2)+<: Mikee i.e. Sa Gi a q ~ tn Pth tit 1.26. (9) gmn-I tw bms-ti br
PEs Pant csiece
“(XVIII,2) «.. A3twtm br $b mt. "Ptah it is who cometh ..... (9)"I found Thee sitting at the Opening of Punt. The
"attw-apes (seine) dance for Thee." Papyrus Berlin, 3053: ("Takelothis") Hierat. Pap. Ks1.Mus. Berlin, 1, (1905)P1. XVII,
line 8: XVIII,line 2: pp.50,1: UNKER Abhandl. K6l.preuss. Akad.1911, phil. hist. kl. Anh. III,p.11: Setwe, Untersuch.V,
(1905)p.140, p.150. (9) Pape? Re RC! similar scene, Edfu,same corridor,N.&.room: (Dimtcuen No.VI,a,
Rocuemonterx "J", Bacoexer VII.) S.Wall, 2nd Res. Here also No.5 (wp), and No.6 (¢sdn) over apes. also No.2 (bntt)
in texb above, which contains also No.8. DumicHen, Tempelinschr. 1, (1867)P1.XXI: Rocnemonte:x,Mém.Miss. arch. fran¢. X, 2:
p.255,P1.XXVII,a, Note:- Emser shows however, that knm-¢ means "dog":,(1913)p.111. See &. 48, ¢.
Daressy Sives another value for = dd: citing the proper name “Dd-br”: "Zedher™ on Statue, Ann. d.
2S forterbuch, (1868)p.52. cf. “=
Serv. XVIII, (1918)p.115. But gives no “no proof. Cf. wp Bruescu, WOrterbuch, ( ORES MEO a
br irt wp: "a work of tne first (rank): Temple of Horus, Bdfu. Pylon, Portal near entrance. Right, (Bast). Dimicuen,
Tempelinschr. 1, (1867)P1.CXII, line 6: Ibid, Zeits. ag. Spr. VIII, (1870)p.13.
55 |@. 30, a: ANIMALS: (8.30, a):
f (fem.): gf-t: "monkey": Dévauo, Trav. XXXVIII, (1916)p.206(165).
@ Tomb of Bagt III, Beni Hasan,No.15: Main Chamb.S. Wall, &.end. (Row 2).
Newserry,Beni Hasan, TLL oye AY OE Ne SAL W. 423
“I < a SIN
Bae 7.242 SETHE, re Pyr.t.
———— y :
2) Rekhmara: Newserry,Pl.V, Upper row. Setue, Urk.IV,p.1120, line 17.
286, 0.
Animals: (£) Page 16
E.30,a: | ANIMALS: (&.30,a): (C'td).
(3)Mastaba of Gem-ni-kai: (Dyn.VI) Saqqara: Chamb.I,Wall G. Bissino,Gem-ni-kai, (1905)
I,P1. XXII, (Drawing): Ibid.P1.XXV, No.
11. "Long tailed monkey":
"Cercopithecus griseo-viridis: and
"Gercopithecus pyrronatus." BissinG,
(op.cit.)p.37. Cf.Deir el Bahari,
Colonnade, S.Wall, (See (1) E.30,b).
(4) Tomb of Nehera: el Bersheh, No.4:
Prag. Wall painting: GRiFFITH-NEWBERRY,
el Bersheh,II,P1.XI,No.5,p.29:- gif:
(fem.) gtf-t in (fem) i*n-t: "monkeys"
"baboons". Cf.Tomb of Amunezeh: Sh.’ Abd
el. Qurna, No. 84: (Thutmosis III) (Biography,
Scene over Nubians) Row 2: "gray
"ape with red face" Bike eof: Setue, Urk.1V,p. 949,
line 1. Cf. Papyrus Ge l'Brmitage L'Brmitage: 1115, "Naufrage” line 165: (Dyn. XII)
(sifts of) = | ~¥ EJ e2f: Goréniscuev, Les Papyrus hierat.
Nos. 1115, ) at i ZALAN 1116,A.8. de l'Braitage Imp. (1913)
PLSVil; Ibid, Trav. XXVIII, (1906)p.83.
"Singes souf" Dévauo, Trav. XXXVIII, (1916)p.207. (5) Papio Anubis: (Fiscner) Cynocephalus Anubis: (F.Cuvier)
Papio Heuglini. "Black faced baboon" Head to tail, 875 mn. Tail 470 mm. Height at shoulder 610 mm. Color yellowish
and brownish black. Nile Valley and Abyssinia. Anoerson, Zoology of Bégypt, (Mammalia): (1902)p.34,p.42,p.57. (Cf.&.30,b)
ANIMALS: (B.30,b):
(a) nw: "monkeys": Navitye,Deir el Bahari, III, (1898)p.15, (P1.LXXIV). Acee Deir el Bahari,
Middle Colonnade, $.Wall,Lower row,lines 8,9: (For gfw see (3) in (&.30,a). a). SETHE, teak
p-328,line 9. (b) ienw: JP>—* FQ P.776 Senge U.772: But P.661 = (c)
ae Q3w aAwss 0 00 mur obo Setue, Pyr.t. 1462,a: (d)
ae Trav. XXVIII, (1906) pp. 4 a
162,3. “baboon” citing (2)
Maspero,Le Musée 6g. Rec.d'Mon.
II,(1907)p.31,P1.XI: i.e. Bas
relief, Saqqara,Dyn.V. "From
WT i Tombs now destroyed" Cairo Mus.
Yui. pens Diet scene: (2) tr ar
nr pn: "This baboon causes fear"
Coys (8) Deir el Bahari: Middle Colonnade,S. Wall. ("Chiefs of Punt")
(lowest row, left). Naviete,Deir el Bahari, III, (1898)P1.LXxVI.
unidentified scene, Witkinson, "Pigs: rarely seen in the
a "sculptures: Thebes.” Manners and Customs Anc. &s. (1873)
III,p.100,No.360. Erman,Life in Anc.@g. (1894)p. 443.
50 at
(place name) (36)
Tomo, Dashur, Maspega,
Trois années de
in * J fouilles: Mém.Miss.
franc.Caire, I, eee 191. GrirritH,S. B.A. Proc, XIV, (1891-2)p,. 486.
\IGX i 2 FS ae IARI Papyrus Sbers, (Leipzig
Univ. Biblioth. )LXIII,
16: XXXIX,18: Moéccer, Hierat.Paldogr. 1, (1909)
No.184. wWreszinski,Der Papyrus fbers, 1, (1913)
J pp.115:56. (Hyksos).
(5) Sus Scrofa: (Linn): Wild Boar, Zoological
Gardens, Gizeh. Wady Natrin. "Sxterminated circ.
"1900 A.D." Anoerson, Zoology of Egypt, (Mammalia)
(1902)p..354,P1.LXIII. (6) Glazed figure: (Dyn.I) Abydos. Petrie, Abydos, II, (1903)P1.VI,No. 66: (p.25).
As to = §2
Sth: = The "Set animal": See E.66:K. "Wild pig". As to the pig being "unclean" or "taboo" See
Set-animal: £.66, below.
ANIMALS: ANIMALS: (8.36.8): _ 36,a):
SAS Weta TS Lion: (Erwan) m3tw: (?) (see below) MOYS Setne, Zeits. a6. Spr. XLV, (1908)p. 38.
ee Setne,Pyr.t.428,o. "The Great Royal Lion" Grifritu,Ptahhetep, I.p.18.
2a (4) Prehistoric Slate: (Abydos ?) Br.Mus.20,791: Guide to the IlIrd and IVth
28. R00ms, (ee 43-9. Lecce, S.B.A.Proc. XXII, (1900)P1.VI,{pp.138, ff.) (2) Tomb of Ptahhetep: Saqgara: (D.62)
5 Dyn. V. Davies,Ptahhetep,1,{1900)P1.XXII, (#.Wall) (Row 3,middle): "Lion attacking steer”
(3) Tomb of Chnemhotep II, Beni Hasan No.3: (Dyn. XII) Main ‘aaa
Chamb. N.Wall,Top row,middle right. Newserray,Beni Hasan,I,
(1893)P1.XxX. Cf. BsF2c F2v-° _* AR 2 Oz &
Papyrus Millingen, §
Lost: (Copy by Peyron) III,line 2: (Dyn Paros) PTE Rec. de
Trav. XVII, (1895)p.64: Ibid, Les enseignements d'Amenemhait &
son fils: Bib.d'Btude, VI, (1914)pp.15,16. Cf. ANS. peel) Tomb of Amenemheb,Sh.’Abd el Qurna, No.85: ("Life")
line 22: Setne,Urk.1V,p.893,line 12,
, - —_—
m3im [sing.] nkt nb hp&: "Lion of Victory, Lord of the Sword". KMS SAS @ ———; @o —-
Ramses II: (Dyn. XIX): Beit el Walli: a
a Temole of Ramses II. Rosetcini,Mon. Stor.I1, (1832)P1.LXVI: (Behind fig.Col. I.)
4 m3tw [sing] gh tb: "a lion stout of heart". Raases II,
* Se 5 SAR i San hiv? eee: XIX) ae Assuan, (Rock insor.) L.D.III,175,¢,
sor MOBO Seay oe BB
* weere C3
Mi mt wee. br-to dww-sn: "Like a lion.... @ INA A tad {sa CMe
"on the top of their mountains". Brucscn,
Thesaurus, (1891)p.1205,line 8: = Ramses III, (Dyn. XX) Medinet Habu: Year V: S.Wall, IInd.Court, line 60.
cee 2S) @ Grment: (Hermonthis) Temple, Ptolemy XVI: Cella. S.Wall,Outside. &.D.1V,65,a: lower row,®. (behind
N\\ 3rd fig. end of Col.) See (8.39).
ANIMALS; (£.36,b):
m3thé m3-ps m3i-hs : "Lion": Erwan,Gloss. (1904)p.48. Setue, Zeits, 4s, Spr. XLV, (1908)p.46. "Lion
TAL "Pascinateur": Maspero, Bib. &g. II, (1893)pp.415,ff. Cf. (8.36,a).
(1) ndr-t nr3w (See &.18,a) m3-ps3: "A lion siezeth the ibex": Tomb of Bagt III: Beni Hasan, No.15:
Wain Chamb. N.Wall, Newserry,Beni Hasan, II,(1894)P1.1V. Cf. n3rw: (£.18,a) og f ( TS
Thutmosis III, Stele of Victory, (Karnak): Cairo Mas. No. 34,010: line 19. Setue,Urk.IV,p. 617,
line 2. Cf. FR ‘ Amenhetep II, Stele, Karnak: (CHampottion, Not.descr.11,185-6) line 3. Maspero, Zeits. as.
Spr. XVII, KARAS (1879)p.56. Cf. Amenhetep III, Scarab, HELE ES EG | lqpe 1) "31-08 w Snubs
"2 (charmer ?) lions".
Animals: (8) Page 18
7 Haut,Cat.&4.Scarabs in Br.Mus.I, (1913)p.171: Ibid, Karnak,Pylon III,&.Face,S.line 31:
Marsetre, Karnak, (1875)P1.34,line 41. Cf. m3ths3w: "lion" (sing. )
pe de III, Rock Inscr. Road Assuan G34 SRA OS -Philae: L.D.III,81,¢.
* Sool Tl = q (l <= m3t-hé: Tenutamen, (Sthiopian Dyn.) "Stele of the Dream" (Gebel Barkal )
Cairo Mus. Guide, (1910)p.214,No.691: (1915) p.218,No.938: line 2.
Marrette,Mon.Div.(1889)P1.7: Scnirer, Urk. III, (1905)p.60,line 15. Cf. Tiberius Caesar: Philae:
Temple "K" Hypostyle, Outside:- Sa <= L.D.IV,74,c: Col.2. Of. Bruoscy, HSrterbuch, (1880)p. 422
JQ { fi A (Stele, JNU Turin, No.18: Fapretti, Rossi etc. Cat.No.1487) = "rare form of
GTi AM lia "ma-hosi,’ SA LOR, sed ” "na-ho-sa:" Des Lowe mit durchbohrendern
"Blicke." See also Ibid, (citations) Brucscu,Worterbuch, (1868)p.990 ( ¥ 0 ed ): CE also f3m (8.36,c) Br: = "to
"cover the face.” Rape
ANIMALS: (8.36,¢): - Bay, SU
pa: "lion": Bryescu, WS5rterbuch, (1868)p.1705: Pierre, Vocad. hiérogl. (1875)p.739:
SP p3m: “Edfu": Bruescn, Geogr. Inschr. II, (1857)p.263,P1. XLVII, No.1276. CF. oa t wim: lion:
Philae,; Great Temple, Pylon II, R.Tower,Outside: L.D.IV,51,b: oe en Sax Geogr. Inschr.etc.
I,p.263 (Ptolemaic). Note:- Cf. x BAT t3m: “to veil": Garoiner Jour. £6. Arch.
IV, (1917)p. 84, n.2. ES it nr EE et "cover the face". Dévayo,Rec.
de Tr. XXXVIII, (1916)p.192. See oat ae. (EB. 36,0)
ANIMALS: om 36,d): Peat
3n°: STONE Temple of Khons, Karnak: L.D. IV, = ob: viz. N.W.Wall,Outside.
Anan, KH SS as coe
€ Dd-mdw in Sn¢ nuk hsf szt (2) SnSrw $nb rdw n th: "Speech. The Lion an I, warding off the two
———_—_— "crocodiles. (2) andthe skulkers hindering thefootsteps ofthe straggler fromthe path
65 -36,e:]| ANIMALS: (E.36,¢): SAN
SOL ry: See E.38,a: q q Srment: (Hermonthis): Temple, Ptolemy XVI. Cella, S.Wall, Outside.
L.D.1V,65,b: lower row (over 2nd fig. from left).
66 -38,a:} ANIMALS: ANIMALS: (&.38,a): 38,4):
eT x ee i imate (') rw: Lacay Zeits 2é Spr 5i(1913)p3 An &g.Hierogl. Dict. (1920)p. 419, b.
SES R= VAL 1.6: VR Ss 1A — 15 ¢ Ce ey u.515:
‘Setne,Pyr.t.519, a: V.— SY P. 180: QA Sy ¥ 000 M. 280: WSS \\)\ N. 894: Serne, Pyr. te
936,b: Ibid, P.182, M.288, N.695: Setne,943,a: Ibid,P.328, M.632: Setne,1136,d: oO j P.178: O § Sas M. 268:
<== —> ——
Oo j 887: Serne,929,a: Ibid,P.289, Setwe,1110,b. Cf. Qs PoSiaueae
SS qa 4 = % tt Y M.472:N.1061: SetHe, lit 10862
: ces y Vy* 330: W—HBEK UY M.632: SeTHe,1137,b.
we (Saye Use ea TRS ae UU
M.632: Sete, 11366
(1) Tomb of Ka-em-hest: Saqqara: Jamb S. of Doorway. Murray, Saqgara Mastabas, (1905)P1.111,
No.1,line 2: p.5: p.42: "rw" No.25 (Dyn.V). (2) Tomb of Ptahhotep, Saqgara, (D.62) (Dyn.V).
®.Wall,Top,8.Half,Row 3: (3rd fig.from left) Davies,°tahhetep etc.P1l.XXXIII. Cf. Ss
Edfu: Temple of Horus. Chapel "J" on Plan. Cuassinat,Temple d'Bdfou: Mém.Miss.
archéol.frang.Caire; X, (1895) end. Text on S.Wall, 3rd Register. See RocHEMONTEIX, —
Le Temple d'&. Mém.Miss.otc.X,1,2: (1892)p.263,P1.XXVII,a: (Cf.8.44,b). Cf.
q )-~Z2s
Bdfu: Laboratory, Inside. Dimrewen, Tempolinschr.I, (1867)P1.LIV, No.4: :
nrw: Sanehat, B.54: (P.3022, Berlin). GArotner,Hierat.Pap.Kgl.Hus.Berlin,
V, 11: (1909)P1.6, P1.6, a: az E apes fe ye
Ibid, B.212: Ibid,Pl. VIA tao SS
- = - 12, Pl.12,a. a
drw: Cf.P Westcar, Berlin: P.3033: Pl.III,line 10:- cz
drw apyrus , ASE nA Te co)
Srw: Erman,Die Marchen d. Pap. W. (1890) P1. III: (Hyksos).
Cr. 7g) = a _rorw: Papyrus D'Orbiney: Br.
Bul. Yin. ee fa 1 Mus.10,183: p.XII,line 6: MOLLER, Hierat.Lesest. II, (1910)p. 13: Buoce, Bg.
R'dg Bk. (1896)p.26,line 5. (Scribe Bnnene, Sety II, Dyn. 7 @ I
Chr way + rs: Edfu: Temple of Horus. Chamb.of Offerings. "R" on Plan de Rocnemonterx-CuassinaT, Mém.Miss:
archSol.frang.X, (end). Outside Bmbrasure, Left (Hast). Legend 4. SS (op.cit.)p.456.
ANIMALS: (8. 38,0): oa YAO
s Sn: for U.13: (Erman) Cf. GairFite-Davies, Ptahhetep,I,{1900)p.18. Cf. AAA Ari
Roy s) “en<(pr) n Imn: Pomb Réya,el Khokhah,: (¥. Thebes), No.198: and be ee Ini-r Sn ( (or): r): Tomd of
Amenarnofru: Ibid,#o.199. i.b. “Head of the magazine of —————_ Amon and Overseer of the
"Yagazing.” GaroimeR—We1eacc,Top.Cat.Priv. Tombs Thebes: (1913)Nos 188-9. Cf. mol cae gt Ini-r
SnSw (pro): "Superintendent of the granaries” LiesLein,Dict.noms hiérogl. : (1871)No.
938: cited by “Micver, Zeits. 8g. Spr. XXV1, (1888)p. 01: (Dyn. XII) Boulag Stele x
ANIMALS: (8.38, ¢): 225 5 ;
Sr: Srr: GRIFFITH=DAVIES? Ptahhetep I, (1900)p.18: citing O.K. word for stele or
“nPalse. door® read "‘Srrwt", Tomd of Una, (Abydos) now in Cairo ns (Cat. g6n. Abydos, No. 522). Guide
——— Cairo Mus.(1915)p.46,No.95, line 39. Also PaaT Tt Ibid, line 7: Setwe,Urk.I,0.107,line 2,
p.99, line 18. ; er
Animals: (B) Page 19
ANIMALS: (E.38,¢): C'td Note:- As to reading “r(r)yt see MBtcer, Zoits.8¢.Spr.XXVI, (1888)pp.90, ff. citing:-
Baas a imi-r3 “ryt (pr) H3yt: i.e. "Superintendent of the Palace, Chayt". Pomb of
St QQ ‘an faQ Chnemhotep II, Beni Hasan No.3: (Lepsius,Denkm@ler,1I,131,No.2): Newserry,Beni Hasan,
{,P1.XXX: Main Chamb.N.Wall, Row 5 (fig. 4 from Right).
ANIMALS: (8.38.4):
m3h-$3: "The lion God, Mahesa" HoFrMann, Untersuchungen etc. VII,(1915)p.7, (line 11).
. as Cr. 453 IH z. 40 m3h3-wr: Mahesa- user owner of "Sepulchral Stele" (Dyn. XII)
SS ee
Br.Mus. Guide EG.Gall. (Sculpture) (1909)p. 66, No. (971).
ee SKh —u— oe Ma-hesa-hotep, dearer of offerings on "Sepulchral Stele" Br.Mus.Guide, (as above)p. 58,
=< (253). Cf.also:- S28 ft Sor i s- Bruescn, Worterbuch, (1868) p. 990:
Ibid, Dict.géogr.p. ._ 1027 (See E.36,b).
ANIMALS: (8.39): eee 2
See (8.36,a). Cf. Y, Papyrus "Blephantine"”, Berlin Mus.(Br.) 41,Rev. Garoiner,Hierat.
SS Y Pap. ksl.Mus. Berlin, 1X,(1905)p.X1, "Zeichenliste". Moccer, Hierat.
AO QY), eaisosr. i, (1909) No. 126. (Dyn.VI). ©
ANIMALS: 8.40): @ ae *
(8 Pa
hft: Brucscu, “variant for xe " Worterbuch, (1868) p.917. Cf. Tb yal —wT $03
n hft pr $b3- "the great portal opposite (and) with the door"... Edfu, Temple of Horus: Hall F.
= - y (CHassinaT,"H") Wall d: ("C"): DiimicHen, Tempelinschr.1, (1867)P1.CVII, line 19: Bruescn, Zeits. ag. Spr. VIII,
"A divine Lioness": ph-t P3h-t (?) Gairritu,Beni Hasan, III, (1896)p.25. Tomb of
Amenemhat: Beni Hasan No.2: Main Chamb. S.Wall, West end: Upper Left,
Col.4. Newserry,Beni Hasan, [,Pl.XVII; GrireitH, Ibid, 1I1I,P1L.V,
No. 75: (p.25)
" ic: Rg. a): aa
ANIMALS: 2 44, a) Qo I,
nb es
nd Sohinx") (Erman) Cf
ss Dyn. XXX: "Naucratis Stele":
Cairo Mus. Guide, (1910)p.201,No.662: (1915)p. 206, No. 850:
Date line 1. Erman, Zeits. 48. Spr. XXXVEII, (1900)p.127.
ANIMALS: (B.44,b):
rw: (?) Sphinx: Pret, Sphinx, III, (1900)pp.126-7. Cf. &.44a: rz (?) r3 (?)
i Of. aoe ntr nfr m$ r3: (?) "The Good God. Born of a Lion" Pient,(op.cit.)
; ae 5 f f ! o€ ROCHEMONTEIX—CHASSINAT, Mém.Miss. arch. franc, Caire, X, (1897)p. 456.
—— <= _Bdfu: Temple of Horus: Salle des Offrandes: ("R" on Plan, (op.cit.Jend),
Outside Embrasure, Bast, (Legend 4). Cf Ibid: Chamber of W.Staircase (S. on Map cited) Ibid,p.515, Reg. 2.
of. TBs re: Ibid, Reg. 1.
ANIMALS: (B.48,a): esl Nae
tsm: Greyhound: Dévavo, Trav. XXXVIII, (1916)p.206, (165). Cf. == 4 4 4 6 Thutmosis III, Year
XXIII: Rock Inscription, Nady Halfa,line 15: Setne,Urk.IV,p.809,line 10: Ai
o— | h2tiw-° hk hut m tsmw m irt rat-f: PD iff? HH
"Counts NR Ka i.e. s3: "Son" =? m wat, Bulletin de l'Institut frang. de l'archéol.Caire, X,(1912)p.178. Cf. eee
~ : Papyrus Berlin, 10,523: ("Hatnub" II,4: "Elephantine") line 4: Hierat.Pap.Kgl.Mus.Berlin,
IX, (1905)P1.VIII,b:P1.VIII. MOLLER, Hierat.Paldogr. I, (1909)No. 128: Ky TOF Ay =
Papyrus Leiden, 1.348,Rev.Pl.1V.line 9. (Magic formula): Leemans, Aeg.Mon. Niederlandschen
Mus. etc.Leyden: II, (1846)P1.CLI. Cf.CHasas,Bib. égyptol. X,p. 156. (Dyn. XIX). Cf. wnd:(8.49,0), and
$?b: Sety I, Karnak: Reliefs. (E.49,b). (4) Vulpes ‘Aegyptiaca: " (Sonn int) Canis Niloticus:
(CretzscHmarR) Canis Vulpes Aegyptiacus: + (oe Winton) Red fox of the Nile Valley: Anoerson, Zoology
of Egypt, (Mammalia)(1902)P1.XXXII. (2) sp: Bruasch,W5rterbuch, (1868)p.1198: Ibid, (1882)p.1037: (in "Calendar" text).
ANIMALS: (8. 49,0):
ung: "Jackal" Grireitn—Davies,Ptahhetep,1,(1900)p.18,(fi8.63). wnd: ce I ON @: "wolf" ERMAN=
Grapow, Aeg. Handworterbuch, (1921)p.37. Of. (1) Tomb of Bakt III, Beni Hasan No. 15: Main Chamb.N.Wall,
Top row,Nos 17:18: from left: 1.e. $30: (B,49,a) wns: (B.49,b). Cf.Tomb of Henqu, Deir el Gebrawi:
E.Wall, Biography, line 14: Davies,Deir el Gebrawi, II, (1902)P1.XXIV: (Transl.) Ibid,p.30. Baersten,
Anc.Rec.Eg.1,(1906)§ 281. (Text) Serne,Urk.1, (1903)p.77,liné 12: viz. 4 TAS wn Sr ary
aber. Bj 5S SRIF yee IMs he
a tw gr $§3n wnslw) n n wdt SIS TPIT Ni aatearkhe Maakal the jackals
"of the mam, mountains with ee ‘Bruescn, Worterbuch, (1868)p.264 gives Sa wns: Cheakae wy:
"Wolf: ie canis variegatus" (See E.52). Also (p.265) = S& =a re Se
wnngn&: = Ibid. For wn& Brauescn cites (p.264,p.623 | “7x™>
subject, -T "enkarota") Sety I, (Dyn.XI1X) Reliefs,Karnak: Hypostyle,N.Wall: (Numbers on Bl BrReasTen,
Anc.Rec. Bg. we. | III, (1906)p.39) No.14: Ss — — dear Tw Cm Pry k Lar OF 7 al Ty
Ser Gs) i [ns wes} S Yan" wrs m n3n ae ee m £43 (16) r3tiw k3p (17) mt wn (18) aa "by day in
caves panden eae, like jackals" (sic.Brucscu) ("or foxes") Gutersse,
Breasted, "wolves". (Text) CHampottion,N. D. 99-100:
Mon. 298: Guieyvsse, Trav. XI, (1889)p. 69:
Note:- With this Cf. Re ae: line 11:-
fF] %s aS. $30 want: "prowling
A jackal" (others as above)
No. 18:- » §3b
(2 tan toe SA
Smet wnni: ni: "prowling jackal of the South"
ee ad 3 i br mi $30: "face like
pal Oa a jackal" Note also,
; Papyrus Berlin, 3025: (B. 2)
"Complaint of Peasant” line
115: Hierat.Pap.Ksl.Mus. Berlin, IV,1: eae 23, a:Plo cee
(2) Canis Lupaster: (EuRenserc) Lupus Anthus: (Gray) Length,
890 on. Tail, 336 mm. Height at shoulder, 528 mm. Color yellowish
grey and black. Nile Valley and Oases: "Jackal" Anverson, Zoology of Egypt, (Mammalia) (1902) p. 213, Pl. XXX.
"standing animal on pedestal. Usually the God wpw3wt: = Vpuaut. In some few instances Inpw =
"Anubis." MAHLER,S.B. A. Proc. XXXVI, (1914)p.143: citing E.Mever, Zeits. 4g.Spr. XLI, (1904)p. 100.
a Wolf God": Goa: OM w1) wt OdwtD: ERman-Grapow, dog. Handworterb. (1921)p. 35.
7.66: M.221: N.598: Setne,Pyr.
t.126,c. Cf. same “up = at Te wo ie VS Be aT groups: - P.42: M.62: N.29:
Setue,Pyr.t. 769, 4.
ea | LY wpwswt mh: wpwimt kn°: "Upuaut of the North: Wepwaut of the South."
BiZ Senusert ("Usertesen"] I, Abydos: Osiris Temple. Petrie, Abydos, Pt.1,
Ys, = 1 (1902)P1.LVIII: (R.and L.Cols)(p.29) (Now in Cairo Mus.)
? A
~~ MAHLER (op.cit.p.145) cites wpw "wt ah wow wt sn :
i.e. "Upuaut of the N. Wepuaut of the S." Stele of Amen-sa: (Middle Kingdom) Cairo Nus. 20557:
Lance-Scuarer,Grab.u.Denkst.Witt.R. IV, (1902)
Cat. sén. Gore Mus.Caire,fafel XLIV. A
cf. wpwswt nb3vdw
PEO [vo ie (nwt): Upuaut; Lord of Abydos:
Stele, Cairo Mus.20,518: (Top).
LanGe-ScHarer, (op, cit. )Taf.XXXV. Also No. 20, 231: (op.cit. )Taf. XVIII:
(Top). MAHLeR gives also "Upuaut" 4. ~—>,. 7 o and
"Upuaut" i.e. eo CO Sx¢ nd t3
ae ae ISS os oe EARS Sere mh nb t3
"of the South,
2a, of the Red Land and, of the North, Lord of the Red Land" 1.e.
the Necropolis. Stele, Cairo Mus.20, Peek %
Exceptions are:- 6.8. aman
, x )
Ibid, Dict. gé6o0gr.p.1391. But Mauter also gives: Cairo Mus. (op.cit.) 20,102: 20
eee . cit.No.804) "2 jackals lying face to face" (over right, Wr @ ) (over
left, “7a S ) also No.20,143: Ibid: (over tale IW a} He wpwzwt SmS: "Jackal of the South")
(over left, ff | ve Yi. vpuzut m "Jackal of the North") Also No. 20,540: "lying
jackal" He ee a SEE wou 2zut Shab: "Jackal of Abydos" Also No.20,630: But this is drawn. -
=, my r= | Nee 6) which seems to indicate E.53,a:
ar im Griffith gives Tomb of Ptah-
-hetep: Saqqara: (D.62) (Dyn.¥) N.Wall,W. aes door, Upper
horizontal line 1 and Left vertical Col.1. i.2. - haat? N§wt htp
di Inpw (?) htp tpt dw-f: "May the King give
"an offering, and Anubis an offering, who is upon His Hill" Also: - (on door jamb,
left, Col.1)
favai NSwt di otp Inpw (?) gnt sp-nfr tp dw-f: "May tne King
+455 ols bMRIL? ah as, "Sive an offering and Inpw an offering, who is Chief of
"the Hall (of embalment) upon His Hill." (Cf.Book of Dead, Turin Pap.
OXLII,25) Ibid. Tomb of Mer-ab: (Gizeh,No.24) Berlin Mus.1107: Ausfuhrl.Verz.(1899)p.48. (Outside of entrance:
Over door, line 1) Scnarer, Aog. Inschr.Kgl.Mus. Berlin, (1901)p.388. (L.D. 11,18) Note:- Sawe Tomb: Scn&rgeR, op.cit.p.95:
(L.D. II, 20, a) 4s B iG oe PE Inpw (?) hmnwt s3b: “Anubis, The Divinity of the Jackal". Also prs {&
Ebad bs De, (Upper corner, Right) (Dyn. IV) IGN Peer esse AN
Note also: - a tt J 3 3 7.356,N.176: SetHe,Pyr.t.
727,b: s?b SmS: "Jackal of the South” Cf.£.49,2. ————— ===
ANIMALS; (B.52,b):
; (A) wpw3wt: jackal God: Mancer, "jackal recumbent,holding a sort of staff." S.B.A.Proc, XXXVI,
(1914)p.144: citins Cat.gén.antiq.Mus.Caire: Lance-ScHAFER, Grab u.Denkst.Mitt.R. (1902)No. 20, 038:
we tpt BEE No. 20,263: AG > No. 20,539: (p.155,line 7.
0. TED Bui (B)
land measure. Griff itn, S-B. A. Proc. XLV, (1892)p.412. Table p.410.
ANIMALS: (E.53, a):
wpwwt; Jackal God: "jackal recumbent on a pedestal” Manter,S.B. A. Proc. XXXVI, (1914)p. 144: Ibid,
"wolf God" £.Mever, Zeits. 4g. Spr. XLI, (1904)p.100: Mater cites Cat. g4n. antig. 6g.Mus.Caire:
LANGE-SCHAFER, Grab u.Denkst.Mitt.&. (1902)Nos 20,024; 20,240; 20,255; 20, 346; 20,398; 20, 410;
20,538; (p.147, vertical line 5 or VE Also 20,241; 20,315; 20,515; 29,516;
0,535; 20,542; 20,552; 20, 768; | wpwewt nb t2 dsr; i.e, We 1a
——— «==> "Jackal-God, Lord of the Land of the Dead." Also, (1) 20,597:- <= a aN
2 —— (before and over a jackal lying on a pedestal) wpwiwt Sm° shn tZwt nb 1b a ¥
abdw (nwt) t3 dér hr-1b abdw (nwt): “Jackal- God, Mighty in the Two Lands. Lord of the
"Land of the Dead. In the midst of Abydos." (CE.Martette,Cat.d' Abydos, ( )No. 814). Also, (2)No.20, 144:
2 jackals lying
1.€. wpw3wt mhw
Na (ManteTTe, op. cit.1044) (between 2 jackals lying on pedestals. Also No. 20, 761:
on pedestals) (Over right, (3) a ag 7 over left) (4)
and wpw2ut SmS: (Right) Jackal = oo 2 God of the Se
Worth: (Left) Ibid of the EO) South. Maiver S008 @ notes the q o
exception, No.20,293: = Inpw: Anubis. g
ANIMALS: (€.53,6):
wpw3wt: "Jackal Goda": "jackal recumbent on pedestal with a staff in his fore paws.” MAHLER, 9.8. A.
DS. Proc. XXXVI, (1914)p.149: citing Cat. én. antia. ég.Mus.Caire: Lance-Scuarer, Grab.u.Denkst.Mitt.R. (1902)
No. 20, 102: (p.124, text, lines 1,2) ig sae a: — Ye ae nb t3 dsr: "Jackal God, Lord
} “of the Land of the Dead.” Daw S17) cr. ~~ AT wpwawt mh:
"Wolf God of the N.” Senusert I, Se eS (Dyn. XII)
Abydos: Osiris Temple, Limestone Lintel: (?) Petrie, Abdydos,I, (1902) Pl. LVILI,p. 42.
(oles Ww ff Palermo Stone, Rev-Reg.I: Shapses-kaf, Dyn. IV: mst wow3ti: “(feast of) the birth of the two Wolf Gods."
== (N.and S.) Navitre,Rec-de Trav. XXV, (1903)P1.11,(p.64). Note:- For pre-historic and very early
a representations (without text) see E.MEYER, (op.cit.) citations.
Animals: (E.) Page 23
(E.55, a):
ee ee , .
"Recumbent jackal on a Temple" (A) wpw3wt: also (B) tnpw: Jackal-God: Anubis: Mauver,S.B. A.
Proc. XXXVI, (1914)p.144,p.151. Ibid, “Anubis, AN ° dD :" Erman—Gr apow, Aeg. Handworterbuch
(1921)p.14: Erman,Gramm. III, (1911)p.295, B.55:"Jnpw". Cf. fpPrwm Papyrus
a ee
from Illahun: Berlin,M.10: MotLer,Hierat.paldogr. 1, (1909) Oo (fp) No. 130:
(Dyn. XII). Makter (op.cit.) gives from Cairo Mus.Cat.gén. [ine enel ds Ge
LANGE—ScHAFER,Grab u.Denkst.Mitt.R. (1902) fy Aan Inpw tp dw.f: "Anubis in His Mountain": Nos
20,012: 20,037: 20,134: 20,477: 20,662: | Ss=s, AP 20,752: Jom Ey: CA Inpw vb Zbdw (nwt):
"Anubis, Lord of Abydos": No. 20,744: ame MAHLER also cites:- "Over
"and under Jackal on Temple" 2 (oy bag ><) youve “Rey Wb 3bddw (nwt):"(Wolf-God) Ra, Lord of Abydos":
Nos 20, ve 20,093: 20,282: ‘bees ~— ! 20,394: 20,596: 20,616: Also: VS SE 20, 397:
Also: AF over Jackal on Temple, ¢ and d (Ibid Ibid): i.e. Wpw3wt of the ed South:
(Ibid) Pee 2 ll of the North = Sm: wp. Nos 20,101 EE 20,149: AlsoN Sf == po TS Dér:
“Wepwaut, Locd of the Land of the Dead": Nos 20,683: 20,722. 2etN 7 FY
GRIFFITH Cites oo oe fond of Anenemhat: Beni Hasan No.2: Main@°2 _. “oom Chamb.S. Mall, Upper
R. corner, Col a Rte. sic G: NewBerry,Beni Hasan, [,P1, XVII.
ANIMALS: (§.55,b):
hri-sSt3w: (A title) "He who is over the Mysteries": Buackman,Meir, III, (1915)p.2: Jour.&3.Arch.1V,
EN (1917)p.125,n.9: ERMAan—Grapow, Aes. Worterbuch, (1921)p.114.
Tri hrf-sSt3w n w3dti: "He who is over the Mysteries of Uto 2a\~ hee \ hh.
a —— "and Nekhbet” BLaccman, Meir, III,p.2. 8
ct BES Ca] #ri-sSt?w n pr ngwt: "He who is over the
"Mysteries of the Palace": Tomb of Rekhmara: (Dyn.XVIII) Sh. Abd el Qurna, No. 100:
Urk. IV,p.1170, line 12. See 8.55,»
hrt-sSt3w: (Title) "He who is over the Vysteries”: Buackman, Jour, Eg. Arch. IV, (1917)p.125, 0.9:
aw GARD INER—WEIGALL, Top. Cat. Priv. Tombs, Thebes: (1913) No. 113: Viz. BLACKMAN, | peg! Ari-sSt3w p-t.
=" "de who is over the mysteries of Heaven" Funerary Papyrus of ‘Enkhefen, | S44] (Skrine Pap.)
eee BOC Loa eeu A Omar. ep Rigat end,line 14: Brackman, (Op.cit. )p. 125, Pils eer XXVI.
(GARDINER,OD.Cit, 7 Sen 2 —s ae wtd hri- s3t3 n Imn Pr- "Priest who is
"over the secrets of tne Estate B a, Agen: " Tomb of Kynebu: Sh. Abd el Qurna, No.113:
ANIMALS: (E.56):
{4) to (4) All on Tomb of
® Methen, (Abasir). Now in Berlin
= Mus.No.1105-6: (Dyn. IV) Ausfihrl
SG lower left,Row 2, Pl.5,Left,
Maspero (Journal Asiatique, 1890 = fitudes ééyptol.{1, (1887)p.173) renders:- Stwi: "the two hyenas". (Cf .B.57)
ANIMALS: ANIMALS: (8.57): 57):
(1896)P1.III: BLackman cites ‘@) Tomb of Anta, Deshasheh: (Dyn. V)
(Dyn. XIX) See also N.1.
= Verz. (1899)pp.45,ff Lepsius,
& = Denkm.II,P1.3: (Upper left, 7)
[oj =>
Col.6:- Text reads: Hk? het
Stwi H3-mr: "Ruler of the Great House of the Nome of St”; animals of the Nome of Mendes: (XVIth of Lower Egypt)
Lerégure, Sphinx, I1,(1898)p.66: "two dogs": Breasteo,Anc.Rec. Bg. 11, (1906)§174: "two hounds": Cf. THILENtuS, Rec. de
Trav. XXII, {1900)p.217,n.1. See 8.66. See "Set animal", (£.66).
COetyc ELTE : hyena: Erman-Grapow, Aes. HandwOrterbuch, (1921)p.119: BLackman,Meir, III, (1915)
Pp. 5.23, nei> GAILLarD,L Gaittaro, bes Tatonements des Bs. & la recherche des animaux domestiqueyetc. (1912)p.15.
tebe Prehistoric Ivory Comb: Davis Collection. Bénéoite,
Jour. &g. Arch. V, (1918)P1.XXXIII: "Side B" Row 3, (p.229)
"Hyena crocuca"™: "canis pictus" Bissinc (Mastaba of
Gem-ni-kai:1I,Text,(1905)p.36) cites (2) "hyena": Relief
on Statue of Min; Koptos: (Predynastic) Petrie,Koptos,
S.side, Recess: Petrie, Deshasheh, (Eg. fxpl.Fund, XV) (1898)P1. 1X,
(p.43) "female hyena". See also Hyenas on leash witn dogs. Tomb
of Ptahhetep, Saqqara: (D.62) in (E.48,a), above,Picture No.5.
(Dyn.V). As to hyenas for food, see Murray,Saqqgara Mast. (1905)
p-14. (4) Tomb of Khafra-ankh, Gizeh No.75: Lepsius, Denkm.II,
11: (Upper left): Ibid, Text, Navicte—SetHe, 1, (1897)p.91 (Dyn. IV).
(5) Tomb of Ukh-hotp's Son, Senbi: Meir, (B.No. I) (Dyn.
XII) B.Wall S.of Entrance, (lower middle) BLackwan,
Weir, 1I,(1914)PL.VIII. Cf. Tomb of Mera, (Meryruka)
Saqqara: Scene:- "Fattening Hyenas with goose meat"
(Dyn. VI). Gaittaro,Les Tatonements, ete. (op.cit.)
(1912)p.15,Fig.16: similar scene to No (6). As to
hyenas as food See Murray, Saqgara Mastabas, (1905)p.14:
Bissinc,Gem-ni-kai, (1905)p.11.
: ) Mastaba of Gem-ni-kai, Saqqara: (Dyn.VI) (h)tt r w&: "Hyena for
fattening" and rn-t h(tt): "stable-reared (female) "hyena": Room I,
Wall I, Middle: Bissinc, Mastaba of Gem-ni-kai: [, (1905)P1.XI, (p.11,p. 36,
No. 10)
Animals: (8.) Page 24
(7) Hyaena Hyaena: (Linnaeus) Canis Hyaena: (Ibid):
(Zoological Gardens, London, from Egypt): Anoerson, Zoology
of Egypt: (Mammalia) (1902)P1.XXIX,p.200. (8) Proteles
Cristatus: (Matscnuie) N.E. Africa: (Zoological Gardens,
London) Length to tip of tail, 765 mm. tailz3gmm Height
at shoulder, 450 ma. Anoerson, Zoology of Egypt, (1902)p. 197,
Pl XXVIII: "Ard-wolf": Native name "Deeb". (9) Tomb of
Amenemheb: Sh. Abd el Qurna No.85: Transverse Chamber.
Architrave over middle pillar opposite entrance to
Longitudinal Room. Wreszinski,Atlas altds. Kulturgesch. Taf
21. Virey,Mém. Miss. franc. arch. Caire,V,Pt.2,P1.5.
} ANIMALS: (8.58):
(hare) (a) wn (b) ShSt: (a) wn: (Erman) Murray, Saqgara Mastabas, (1905)p.42,No.29. "Lepus aegyptiaca”
=, the "desert hare": GairritH-Davies,Ptahhetep, 1, (1900)p.18, Fig. 62, 65: Id. Hieroglyphs,
== _ p. 16, Fig. 2. Ibid, Tomb of Ptahhetep, &.Half, Row 3: P1.32: N.Wall,W.false door,Pl. 39. a
Ga, 1 bp N.325: Serwe,Pyr.t.57,e.
Cf. M. 67): m+ oo oe fee
(CE. M. 67): -| or =. = r wn mrtfi: "to open the
ow 2, Na Ao — "eyes". Papyrus Ebers,
(Leipzig University, Hyksos) XXXVIII,2: Esers, D.Pap.Bbers, I, (1875)Taf.XXXVIII. Stern,Glossar,
gummy (bid, I[1,p.56: Wreszinskt, D.Pap.8.1, (1913)p.53.
Cf. Motcer,Hierat.Paldogr.I,No.132. Cf. Ibid,LXXV:
(oh 2321903”
(12) phrt pw nt wn-m3* ( => ‘ =
$ WO, 2, 25 awe émntw-s m Stpti (13) m ht-ntr nt
ss SE eh Qe ss on-nfe: "A real remedy this"."It was
; ‘found in an examination of writings
“in the Temple of Unnefer:' ( =| — ) = ~Ovvaget¢: "Osiris"
Stern,Glossar, (op.cit.)p.56. w~—. 0 =<— >All
(2) "From a Theban Grave": (Dyn. XVIII) Brit.Mus.No.37,980: Guide to IlIrd.
Egypt. Room, (1904) Standard Case I,No.8: p.38: Wreszinski, "Return from the Field" Atlas altag.kulturgesch.Taf.32.
— = peroe. > Pap. D'Orbiney: Br.Mus.No.10,183: Pl.IV,line 6: Moccer, Hierat-Lesest.IT,
qs fp a fl p (1910)p.4: Motoenke, Tale of Two Brothers, (1888)p.22,No.36:p.71.
& —T- a eetseri be Snnene, Meneptah, Sety II.)
(3) Lepus Habessinicus: (Hempricw and Exrenserc) Lepus Aesyptius: (Cretzcumar). Length of body, 415 mm. Tail, 9Omm
Bar, 100 mm. Anoerson, Zoology of Egypt, (1902)P1.LVI, p.318.
ANIMALS: (E.59):
~~ "Desert hare (£8.58) on Sacred Perch (i2t) with pin for food". Grirrith,
(4) Tomb of Tehutihetep: el Bersheh: Inner Chamber, Left Wall, Cornice:
Newserry,el Bersheh,1,P1.XVIII: Grirritu,Hieroglyphs, Pl. 1X,No.175: (p.17)
oes «= Lid (food on pin) "Nome~sign of Nome XV,Upper Egypt" (Hermopolis Magna)
Cf. Brucscu,Dict.séograph.p.104: Wn: Ibid. (N.B. As to "food" Cf. N.45,
Q,59: (8.18) etc.|.Cf. — Pap.Hatnub, XIX,1: Motver,Hierat.Paldogr.1,
No.132, Note 2.
— ———
Animals: (@.) Page 25
ANIMALS: (8.65):
(a) sr (b) m&m¢ or maf: Giraffe, or "Waller's Gazelle”
(a) $r: “(Erman Gramm. III, "8. 65") Bruescu, Worterbuch, (1882) p. 1080:
citing: - Ramses III, Medinet Habu. Temple emt i and
I J it Diwicnen,Hist Inschr.1],Pl <> mi
hy XLVI,b: (Right line 1, line 11: Left line 3, line 12) also
Ibid, (Ptolemaic) Pl.X¥LVI,line 12: [Rae ater: qq bi
vat Sry: "monkeys and giraffes" (Brucscn).Also Vo—d \V
Ibid, Pl.XLIX,a: line 19:-
by gry: “leopards and , l | ' Pei ze aL AN
“siraffes” (Ibid). SP! q Qe 2 ee
But Cf. T 258: SS \
oa 4
Pyr.t. l= l— aS 278,b: "dispose of" Maspero, Prav. XIV. y b 3 XS
a) t
(1883) = p.47: also | =S] "arrange": Book of Dead,
(b) mm or mmi: "Giraffe": Dévauvo, Trav XXXVIII, (1916-1917)p. 206:
(Pap.Turin) 136,line 9: Davis, Bg.Book of the Dead, (1901)P1. LVI, p.148.
Erman—Graeow, Aeg. Handworterbuch, (1921) p.165
citing: - Gg wk Tomb of Amunzeh, Sh. Abd el Qurna,No.84. Transverse
Chamb. a Rear Wall. "Gifts of Soutn-folk". (One leads a giraffe,
marked mmi:) SetHe,URk.1V,p.948: "Giraffe". Also:- GH
Papyrus Brmitage,1115,line 164: DEvauo, (op. cit.) i aC Bd
"giraffe",p.105. Ibid,Maspero, "Le Naufrage", Contes
populaires, IV.@d.(1911)p.111: (same text) "giraffe". Setue, zur Gesch. des
Schiffbriichigen:, (1907)p. 86. (Z. 164)
(4) Tomb of Rekhmira, Sh.Abd el Qurna,No.100: Ist. @
Chamb.Rear Wall, Left of passage. Virey,Mém.Miss. ae
arch.frang, Caire;V,(1889)P1.VI: Cf. "giraffe", Ibid,
p.36. Sete, Urk.IV,p.1099,line 17: Dévauo,
Trav. XXXVIII, (1916-1917) p. 205, note.
(2) Predynastic Carved Slate:Louvre: Lecce,No.8,S.B. A.
Proc. XXVI, (1904) p. 262: (Plate): Ibid, (op.cit.)XXXI, (1909)p.300:P1.XLIV.
(3) Predynastic Carved Slate, British Mus.Found at Abydos. Lecce, No.6: S.B.
“A. Proc. XXII, (1900) pp. 135-6: Pl. VI: Ibid, p. 270, Pl. (Entire) Lecce,S.B.A.
Proc. XXX, (1909)p.298,P1.XLII, XLII, a:
(4) Waller's Gazelle: (Lithocranius Walleri) "Gerenuk Gazelle". Nat.Hist.
“Mus.S.Kensington, as drawn by Mr J. 4. Dixon. Leece,S.B. A. Proc. XXXI, (1909)
(5) "Reticulated Giraffe, British Bast Africa." New York Zoological Society
Bulletin: Vol. XXV,No.3: (May, 1922)p.53. Cf. also the "Okapi of Uganda":
(E.66), Diagram (13).
98 |. 66: ANIMALS: (E.6
(a) §3: (b) gt: (c) Swti: (d) S3w: Newseray,Klio, XII(1912)p.397: Anc. Bg. (1922)
ANIMALS: (B.68):
p.44: (e) sth: 26: (f) swth: (See below).
@ al @ J QQ) Mace head: King Serk: (Scorpion) (Dyn.I) Ashmolean Mus. Oxford. From
Hierakonpolis: Qureett,Hierakonpolis,I,(1900)P1.XXVI,c: No.1. (Ibid, II,p.41) "Row of
"Nome standards, from each of which is hung a rekhyt bird" (See G.8) (enlarged).
Kiio, XII, (1912)p.399, fig.1: who says:- "earliest known figure
"shows the animal with longish body, short legs, a long snoutish
"head, and an erect tail. The stereotyped form of later times is
"very different, for it is characterized by a long slender body
"with slender legs." (Cf.(2)).
(2) Sealing of King Per-ab-sen: (Dyn.II) Abydos. Petaie,Royal
“Tombs, II, (1901)P1.XXII,No.179. Cf. Ibid, Sealing of King
Khasekhemui: (op.cit.) P1l.XXIII,No.199, Cf. as to primitive shape
_(8) “Tomb of a Queen from Gaab": Berlin Mus.15,484: (Dyno.I) ERMAN,
Die aeg. Relig. (1909)p.25, "a". Scuweineurtu, "The animal of Seth on
"the Stele of a Queen who beholds Horus and Seth: (the King)" Ann.
d. Serv. XIII, (1914)p.272,Fig.1. Examples of the standing
animal are:- (4) Tomb of Baqt IIL, Beni Hasan No.15: N,
Wall, W. Half, Top ROM, 4s from YW (7
left. Newserry,Seni Hasan, II,
(1894)P1.IV, Enlarged: Monter, S)
Bulletin de 1'Inst.franc.
d'arch.orient.Caire, IX, (1911)
PL.VII,No.1: (p.5, "L! animal séthien":p.29). \
(5) Tomb of Khety: Beni Hasan No.17: (Dyn.XI) N.Wall, e
N. Half, Top row,10 from left. Newserry,op.cit.P1.XIII, 5
Enlarged: Montet, (op.cit.) Pl.VII,No.2: (p.32, "lévrier séthien" p.15, "light brown") Note:- "notch" in end of
arrow in No.(5): CHAMPOLLION,Mon. (1845)P1. 382, No.4: 428,bis. Roseccint,Mon. Civ. (1834)P1.23, No.1: Lepsius, (1849)
TI, P1.142-3: wWitkinson, (1834, Bd.1878) Wanners and Customs: p.93, No. 358, No.4:
III,No.577. Cf. Montet, (1911) as above. Revitvour, Rev. Ssyptol.I, (1880)p. 158
Note 6. Cf. (6) Tomb of Nebti-neb: Saqqara: (Dyn.V) D.18: MaRieTTe,Mastabas,
(1889)p.225. Cf. (7) Temple of Nekhen: (Hierakonpolis) Granite Door-janb:
King Kha-sekhemui: (Dyn.II). (See Petrie,Royal Tombs, I1,(1901)p.6: Ibid,
Hist. Bg.I, (Revised,1923) p.36). Drawing, Quisert,Hierakonpolis, I, (1900)p.6,
P1.II. Cf. also Stele,King Den-setui: (Dyn.I, Petrie, Hist. 8.1, (1923)p.19) Photo, Petrie, Royal
Tombs, 11, (1901)P1.XXX,Nos 129-130: Cf. Sealings:- King Kha-sekhemui: Perrie,Royal Tombs, II,
(1901)P1.XXIII,Nos 193: 197-200.
Animals: (8.) Page 26
ANINALS: (B.66): C'td.
Cf. 97 Sarcoph. Wa-renen: Cairo Mus.(fntrée, 39,054) "fond" line 105: (Pepy II,Dyn. VI) Quisete.Lacay,
Excavations at Saqqara,1906-7: (Serv.des Antig. )(1908)p.50.
(II) The sitting Set-animal: Cf. (7,a) "Relief from Lisht": Cairo
Mus. (1909): Borcnarot, Zeits. ag. Spr. XLVI, (1909)p.90, who notes the
notch at the end of the rigid tail. i.e. feathered reed-arrow. Cf.No.(5) above. Cf.
Ri Ss qe cine?) m not(nwt): "Set of Ombos" List,Thebes. Brucscu,Rec.Mon.
II, (1863)p.74, Taf.LXIV, Text 4, No.9. Cf.(8) Edfu,Temple of Horus: <==——
Corridor in rear of Sanctuary: Nome List.
ROCHEMONTEIX,M6ém. Miss. arch. franc. Caire; X, (1895)p.140: Nome XI,
(Hypselite) Upper @§. CE CJ rs a AT : pr swth: "House
“of Sutech" (Set). Ramses eal ®@ . III,Pap.Uarris,
No. I; Pl.LXXV,line 8. Preut,Dict.Pap.
Harris No.I,{1882)p.78. Cf. Ramses [[, Stele, Year III. "Kuban" line 2: (Saint-Ferriol
Coll. Grenoble) Moret,Rev. égyptol.N.S. 1, (1919)
p.19. CE amen = | = 2 8
UG — _ a W nw sp3t mrtt (h2st) r sm3w tfi nti ~Awn SEE ao —_—
a ST 8 sth (?) nti m i3t tn: “the water of the district of wee ee ra tS
_ — "Sap-mertet [Oxyrhynchus: Behnesa: Bacoexer, Bg. (1914)p.207: Bauescn,Dict.séogr.p.277] and with the
"allies of the God, Set, who is of this place." Wars of Horus and Set, Hdfu Temple. Srucscu,op.cit.pp. 275-6.
Cf 9 Swth: Ramses II: Treaty of Kheta-sar: Karnak, line 8: Mi.ver, Der Biindnisvertrag Ramses [I und
des Hettiterkénigs: Mitt.d.Va.GeseH. VII, (1902)p.11,note 2,Pl.IV. (p.38,note 2) "Vocalized Set".
= 1.e. the ancient Egyptian Weather and War God. Approved by Roecoer in
@ RoscHer, Ausfitihrl.Lexikon d.Griech.u.Rdm. Mythologie; 1V,(1915)p.727: su-t-h:
“Sth: = En6: e.§. SeOws: LeOworc: Sethos = sthy: BeOveyOnc = Sth-nht = "Set
"is Mighty". Cf. (9) Stele of Anhetep: Nubt = Ombos, = Kom Ombo: (Dyn. XVIII) Petric,Naqada and
Ballas; (1906)p.69,P1.LXXVIII. Cf. 4 Tomb of Set-nekht, (Dyn. XIX) Bab el Malik, 14:
Lepsius,Denkm.Text (Navitte—SeTHE) III,p.214,a. Cf. Ibid, Mer-en-ptah: (Dyn. XIX)
Statue, Berlin Mus. Brucscu, Mon. (1862)P1.II Cf also
== J below. (18)
The Set Animal Lying Down: Cf. (40) Tomb of Seker-ka-bau: (Dyn.1II)
Saqqara: Mariette, (A.2) Mastabas, (1889)p.79: Murray,Saqqara Mastabas,
(1905)p.2,p.42,No.24,P1.1: (R.Col.2, Middle, Col.4) Now in Cairo Mus.
Guide, (1910)p.63,No.101. Cf.(11) Tomb of Khafra-ankh: (oF \?'o Gizeh, No.75.
c 5 Lepsius, Denkm. II, 8-11: 9 Text (NaviLLe-SeTHE)
= }
{,(1897)pp.91,ff. Mariette, Mastabas; (1889)p.540. ve Rouse Rouse,
(Picture) Inscr.hiérogl. (Btudes Ssyptol IX)(1877)P1.UXI Cf as to Kna-f-ra-ankh, Petrie,
Hist. Bg.1,(Rev.1923)p.7: "Dyn.IV". Cf. (12) Ramses II: "Ramesseun”
("Memnonium") Pylon II,West side,North Half: Lepsius, Denk. 111, 162.
(Right edge,Col.2). Cf (13) hrw sth (?) m33t: "Who regardeth [i.e. adoreth]
C3) s "Horus and Set". Barly title of Queens: Tomb of Mer-sankh ALS is Q called
wife of Khafra, Dyn. IV: Petaie,Hist.8$.1, (Rev'd 1923)p.64 CF Daressy, Ann.d. Serv. X, (1910)
ey, p.43,note 1. Text, Marietre,Mastabas, p.483. Cf. Lepsius, Denkm, 11, 14: 26:
FE Cf. (Same title) 8 ( a <> a Shaft of a head rest, Berlin Mus.No.7791: Ausfiihrl Verz.
(1889)p.71. Queen = ‘\ Mery-ra-ankh-nes: (Pepy I, Dyn. VI) Petrie, (op.cit. )p.103,
Text: Aeg.Inschr. Kgl.Mus. Berlin, I, —T (1903)p.72. (Abydos, Marietre,Cat.2) Cf.
Tomb of Set.neknt, (Dyn.IX) Biban el Maldk: No.14: Lepsius, Denkm. III, 206,¢.
The "Set" head:- Cf. Nos (7) and (9) above: Cf. (15) "A picture of Seth” ("oldest period) "From a
"dealer in Luxor" Scuwetneurtu,Ann.d. Serv. XII, (1914)p.272. Cf (16) Tomo of
Sa-hu-ra: (Dyn.V) North Wall, Bast end, Reg.3: Borcuarot,Das Grabdenkm.d.
Sa-hu-re: "Text" (1913)P1.5. Cf.(17) (For identification of"Set with long hair") Ramses IV, Temple
of Khons, Karnak: Chamber L; Lepsius, Denko.
III, 222,c: Text, (Navitce—Setue) III, (1900) p.69
(18) Horemheb: Abahuda, (Abu Vda, S. of Abu
Simbel) Rock Temple, N.Wall: Lepstus,Denka.
III,122,a: Text, (Navitte-Wreszinsk!) V,(1913)p.177. (19) Same
King: Karnak Temple; Great Hypostyle, West side: Lepsius, Denkn.
III,124,d: Cf. (nead quite similar to (18)) Thutmosis III, Karnak:
Lepsius,Denkm. III,36,g Roscuer Roeoer, Ausfiihrl Lex.Gr.R6m.Myth.
IV, (1915) p.782,No.3. Cf. (20) "Set teaches the King to shoot": |
Thutmosis III, Karnak Temple, Room S. of the peataeal Hall of Thutmosis III. (Murray,Handb.
Eg. (1907) p. 398) Lepsius, Denkm.[II,36,b: Erman,Life in Ancient Egypt, (1894)p. 282.
(21) Wooden figure: (Merenptah: Sety) Brit.Nus.
No. 30,460 (?) Guide to Bg.Rooms III-IV, (1904)p. 168(?)
AryNoaLe—Bonomt,Gall.of Antig.Br.Mus.1,p.48,P1.24,
No.87: Note:- Bronze figure, Leiden Mus.I,A, 423:
Leemans, hes. Mon. Godsdienst: (1845)P1.6: reproduced
Roeoer in Roscner, Ausfiihrl Lex.Gr.R6m.Mythol. IV,
(1915)p.783, No.4. Too much restored for use here.
(22) Statuette (wood) Cairo Mus. 38592: Cat.sén.
antiq.Mus.Caire: Daressy,Statues de Divinités; (1906)
p.154,P1.XXXII. (23) Ibid, Cairo Mus. 38591: Daressy,(op-cit.) who gives for both A ee "Set" "Typhon".
4 *
Animals: (£) Page 27
ANIMALS: (£.66): C'td.
SS a | he
Nos (24) (25) emphasize the ears:- (24) Sety I, Tomb, Biban el Moldk, No. 17.
("Belzoni's") "Sarcophagus Chaab." Lepsius "M": Bacoexer, bs, (1914) "X" Lepsius,
Denko. III, 137: _Leréaure, Les Hypogees royaux de Thebes: (Uén.
Miss. arch.frang.Caire: )IT,(1885)P1.XXXVI: (Upper R. top row).
"Grande saal: ceilins" (25) Ptoleuy
IX, Karnak: Tewple of Apet: (Lepsius,
Denka.Text, (NaviILLE-SETHE)
[1I,(1900) plan p.71,Roon
&.) Lepsius,Denkm.IV,P1. 29.
In the following figures,
attention is called to the
"orehensile" snout. (Cf. OrForo, Anc. Bgypt, 1917, p. 23: Ler€eure, Sohinx, LI, (1898)p.67.
(26) "Bronze figure of Set": Br.Mus.4173: Hitton PRIicE,
8.8. A. 2roc. XX1, (1899) 9. 239. (27) Sarcophagus of "Sebek'o" Berlin Mus. Lepsius, Aelteste
Texte des Todtenbuch; Berlin Mus. (1867)P1.37: "dom: w2st:" $64.
The "Set" Tails (a) Y CF. No. (2) (b) = Cf.Nos (2) (3) (12) (14) (. No. (7) (c)_U_
No. (4)(d) y Nos (5)(7),and W,190: Setue,Pyr.t.128,b: (e) rf = KJ
W.128: Sete, 84,a: (fF) ( tele) No. (11) (h) as. cs
Nos (9) (13) (17) etc. (most Frequent). Roeoer in Ros er, Ausfiibrl rom. Mythol. (1915)
stands more on than in tne body, and nothing at all can be seen
"of a wounding of the animal." As to tois, Uf, e.g. See &.67.
"Ass") Bruescu, Geogr. Inschr.!,(Rec.Mon. III) Pl.VII;: "Nowe List,
idfu, Temple of Horus; Court, &. Side, lang es X) Za Nome XI.
Upper 8S. = §31¢ htp(nwt): INAEM eo 8 T¥nrtc
Hypselis: Bruescn,Dict. att | oo @ ie (1880)p.1384. (Cf. Ibid, p. 795)
CE. (28) Bruescu, "Nome XI, Upper Egypt, designated after Sety I by (29)" op. cits
p.477,. §
Note:- This sarteagee was also called nnw-btr: = auni-ba’al- Bruescy,(Op.cit. )
bp.186,7. Brucscy renders:- "The canal of the God Ba’al." nw or nnw = "canal" Pas Buoce,Ao Hg.Hierosgl.
Dict (1320)p.349,b. cr. “eS D (85) nth Ss es ea Pasead (88) Qt as eee UT Fi (eH)
w3d-wr nti sé-fi m nnyt: Sel mem Se ae Doe "This isle
of the sea, whose banks are in the water [waves ween yens. Papyrus Brmitage,1115: "The shipwrecked" lines 64-6 84-6. Les Pap.
hi€rat. 1115 etc. de 1'@rmitage, (1913)P1.4, Maspero, Popular Stories of Anc. 8g. (1915, Jouns transl.)p.102. Leréaure,
Soninx, [1,(1898)p.74, renders PON = nu or nenu: = "baguette" i.e. switch, rod, of the God, Shai = Set. (Cf. (4) (5)
etc.) citing: - B mann !
ae Pe, SR OR, SS ob
EUR 7 Him 15 Sod
3 n nwk mShw pw nr hnn-f twZwt-f im-f nwk nnw n S3yt. "I am the oar of Reet who
ae Sean Ls LI Aad Saileth, his forebears with hina. I am tae pale of the Sha-goddess. " Sarcoph.
of Harhotep, Cairo Mus. 28,023: lines 329-330. Maspero,Mém.Miss. arch. franc,
Caire, I, (1885)p.156. CF. also Tomb of Men-kheper-ra-senb: Sh. Abd el Qurna, No.86: (Over relief,
official bringing ostrich Feathers, bow and arrows) Virey,WSm.Miss. arch. frang. Caire; V, (1894)p. 208.
| Setne,Urk.1V,p.931, line 14: - aL ~~ ! ane r2 nnw: aa of arrows" (?)
od a ! z :
That the tail was a marked &B ( feature, C ee Sarcoph. of
Nfwt: Cairo Mus. (Batrée, 375,648) line 36: Lacau, Ana. d.Serv.V, [Seu (1904)p. 231. [t was used as a weapon
by ROG ee tee cit. )p. 70) LUT he Sys eo}! Wives Sete Ss =] aa ae Q oasis
S3m — 2s ww op a
al Deow : ays L= 6 y PF 95 KK
Neo a Bd tn (5) rén hrw dg} m© r pf? rr km wnn-f hrdgst-f chon k3yw n mv-f
ros NUSN ah yeaa "Said (5) Ra unto Horus:- ‘Look! See that black hog’, And when he was
"looking, lo! evil was done to his eye." ann
- a |
— a itt d ei Lois =x “ , 4 r
\\ Dd in hrw n r€ mSk mrt-T mt Skr pf ir n gwti r
mrt-T: aa foes unto Ra: - ee mine eye is as if that striking had been done by Suti pal: to mine eye’"
SA +54 a & Bat te SBS oe 3 5 3
Cs : >
ee) ie : Am fat ( Q a [tes [a iarers, Qf Swti pw
irn-f horu-f (8) 532 km “nén pf nsrn-f geri imi mrt hrw: "Suti it was, who had patatniaiceenet his ieauateecetion (8) into a
"black “hos, and he it was who had caused that striking to burn within the eye of Horus." eo Nf
TN co 6 =
44 Fd 8 Mf FP olol pT sa ai
Da * in r®© nnn ntrw but 321 n Arw (9) th $nb-f hor bw bwt 83127 Arw: fussgidna antes iosoeaae Ra unto those TI KN Son oS
“other Gods:- ‘An abomination is the pig to Horus.(9) May he get well.’ And the pig ~
became an abomination to Horus.” a AT wl tS eee 8 Ope Xl! “ae ee is Ve &
0S Wet Sa! EPS CMS Sal oe
hpr (10) r hryt-f m k3w-f m Swt-f m 33'1w-fleic. 5 "Then those those of the the Gods bis) followers behis his followers behind Horus when he was as
"his own child [said]; ‘Let his sacrificial offerings be of his oxen, of his small cattle, and of his swine’"Leic. ]
Renour (S.B.A.Proc XVII,p.9) says:- "Impure animals were not offered in sacrifice. The pig was certainly not
"considered impure in the IIIrd or IVth Dynasty, when Amten (See B.35) enumerates swine among the domestic animals.
"But long before the days of Herodotus a change had taken place in the Egyptian religion as to the nature of Sutu."”
Heroootus says: II,47: (Bd. Kattenserc, (1906) I,p.151)- bv S¢€ AlyUntiot prapdy Aynvtat Onpfov etvat: "The Egyptians
"regard the pig as an unclean animal.” Cf. also Aurelius Besaron of Ombos and Blephantine. (Greek Period) Text,
(Greek) Kalabshah Temple. Requests proprietors "to keep their pigs at a distance from the temples." Lepsius, Denkn.
VI,P1.95,No.379: Gautnier, Temples immergés de la Nubie: (Serv.d'antig. is. )(1911)p.193. Prutarcn says:- Isis and
Osiris: (Hutten,Plutarchi Chaeronensis quae supersunt omnia: Vol.IX,(1804)p.110: - ‘Ouofuc 6& xat Thy bvavl_epov tOov
hyovvtat: "Likewise,moreover they [the Egyptians] hold the pig to be an unholy animal.” Daressy, therefore (Bulletin
Inst. frang. d'arch.orient.Caire, XIII, (1916)p.89) emphasizes this taboo:- "The idea is that the pis or boar has
"characteristics exactly opposite to those of the Set animal, but in view of the evil influence of his aspect it was
"decided to substitute for him [Set] an animal of which all the characteristics were just the reverse of the Sus
"Scrofa". ....."The Egyptians thus endeavored to produce an animal, the sight of which would not wound Horus.”
Daressy then gives a TABLE OF CHARACTERISTICS: (p.90) of the *s | animal for comparison with the pig. It may
also be used in connection with the above identifications: - "BODY: Long and thin. SPINE: Concave. LEGS
"Long and slender. FOOT: Fingers separated. TAIL: rigid, almost vertical. NECK; long, thin and high.
"HEAD: small. CHEEKS: none. SNOUT: curved towards the end. BYES: much elongated. BARS: long, narrow, square at ends.”
Roever,, notes (42) Fragment of Relief from "Temple of
"the Pyramid of Teta." Saqqara: Sprecersere in Lacau, "Excavations at Saqagara
1907-8: (Serv.des antig.#$.(1909)p.112: Pl.LIV,No.2: (Dyn.VI) 55 by 48 cm. Roeper B 2 hg:
says (op.cit.) as to these attempts at identification:- "The animal of Set is
"fabulous, like the Sphinx, the Griffen and many other compound likenesses well
"known to the Egyptians in all periods. The body resembles that of a jackal or
"Sreyhound, the head is astonishingly slender, and the ears in such a shape of broad
"ends, seem unlike any living animal, while the snout resembles that of the
"oxyrrynchus-fish; the tail, which is often conventionalized into an arrow, has also
"other fantastic forms: [See above] in short, the remarkable animal of Set has not the
"appearance of an animal which was thought to have existence." Cfparessy Ann d Serv XX (1920) pl65° s
(Il) gt: (III) gta: -(1V) swti: (VY) émo: (VI) dwtt: (VII) dbh : (VILI) dvr:
VOCALIZATION: (I) sth (St): a
(em a W. 128: a N.437: Setue,Pyr.t. 84, a: \ Q ~~ 1.69,M.224,N. 601: W.
Aer Soa a —— ree
1 2 W.189: Sethe, 88,¢: — N. 329: W.69: SetHe,9
‘Setne, 128, b: ( QO 7.110,N. 447: K y
L—— —=— ———
Verbum, I, (1899) § 262, says:- "An exchange in the
67: 61,a: Note:- cs =i SETHE sts)
es mee the same sound,"h", which, in the absence of a special symbol, was
"designation of one
s symbol was little by little abandoned when a
"designated by C1 «seers and that this ambisguous sy
: Sa =s, a
; S$ P.38,M. 47: S T. 286:
"symbol ¥i<——> came into use." He cites, e.S. =K3 a= S| T SZ
P 677: SETHE, 651:
N. 1290:
a ~ Se asta Bi se
aes N.70: Setwe,51,b: etc. etc. See SetHe,Verbua,II, §§ 257-263.
— f M. 59:
ee 5
Sethe, Pyr.t.599, b° Ibid, 1.191, P.676, N.1287: SETHE, 97,0;
Animals: (£) Page 30
ANIMALS: (£.66) C'td. (Vocalization): a
As to sth or st& = "the God Set": Cf. We== ss Sarcophagus of Sebek-o, (Sbde-£2) (Dyn. XII) Berlin Mus. No. 45:
Ausfuhrl. Verzeichnis, (1899)p.104: (Thebes, AnasTast, 1852) gare of cover, line 3: Steimoonees | Der Sarg. des
Sebek-o: (Mitt.Orient.Samml.IX,11,1901) p.3, line 3: also line 27, and line 28.
Same sarcoph. Cover, Inner lines 27-8: Lepsius, Alteste S Texte des ath
Todtenbuchs, etc. (1867)P1.31: Cf. also Sarcophagus of —
Ntrw-hetep: 7 4 Shes. Cairo Mus. Entrée, 37565, line 6: sees (7o and PT. '
(Dyn. XII) Lacau, Ann.d. Serv. V, (1904)p. 247, WIS elves ~~ — |
Cf. however, Sarcoph.Mentu-hetep: Berlin Mus.No.9: Ausfuhrl. Verz. 1892, p. 98.
Fear Cover, Inside line 20: Lepsius, Aelt. Texte, P1.2. (Dyn. XII): Loret,S.B8. A. Proc. XXVIII, (1906)p.124, says:-
[roscce [arma | . He reads "S-t-sch”, citing 3 AQ 8k.of Dead, Chap. XVII, line 11: Pap. Turin,
Dyn. XXV XXVI, Davis Trey Bk. of Dead, (1902) Pl. VII: Paced 2 it Ibid line 21 (] —‘*—
Ibid Col 35, e Das line 45, etc. etc. which is no more conclusive than e.s. 2)
NS Pap. bers, (Leipzig, Dyn. XVIII) aa XCIV, line 12: Wreszinsxs,Der Pap. £bers,
(1913)p.194, No. 798 Sit uo M.48: Setne,Pyr.t.651,c.
CED) irste oath —— ae he IX Loret (op.cit.p.127) says:- "L'orthographie est trés récente, elle est
—— a ——=——— surtout fréquente dans les textes ptolemafques”. (p.128) Not an error for
css) 3 (Cf. Bunce, Bk.of Dead Vocabulary, (1898)p.312). Note:- only GOnECey MEAN ADE byBuoce ‘a Sim 5 q
“~~ ‘op, cit. Text, (1898)p.496. Lorer says:- "I have never noted this in texts before the XXth. Dynasty.”
Brucscu, NOrterbuch, (1868)p.1330 cites ee oo. res a §t pwy s nwt:
"This Set, Son of Nut, " Bk of Dead, Chap. LXXXVI, line a Pap. Turin:
(Dyn. XXVI): Davis, Bk. of Dead, (1902)P1. XXIII, (p.117). Brucscu says "says "variant of Swti" (See poi He cites
Sas ia wteed Dimicnen, Altag. Kalendarinschr. (1866)P1.LXXXIV: Roeoer in Roscner, Ausfuhrl.Lex. gr. rom. Myth.
IV, (1915)p.727, says:- "The Book of Am Duat gives usually St only." Cf. e.§. —*— XIth Division
of the Duat, Sety I Sarcoph. Soanes Mus.London: Bonomi, SHarRpe, Sarcoph. of Oimenephtah I, 2a (1864)P1.9:
(Lowest Reg. )p.27: Buoce,Bg.Heaven and Hell; (1905)p. 299. a
Note:- As to &d: Buoce,An Bg.Hierogl. Dict. (1920)p.713,b, gives: - [eo eta: | a citing "Palermo Stele”
Cf.Obv. Reg. III, Yr. X + 1t m&t &d¢ = Birth of the God Sa. (eae Scu&’rer, Abhand]
Preuss. Akad.d.Wiss.Berlin, mi Phil. Hist. (1902)I,p.21. Serne in a note says:- "The name of this God,
v\| => appears = Martette,Mastabas, D. 19:p cue in the name |\c=os eh
( : Sth = Swth: Roeoer, (op.cit.): Cf. 432 Ramses II, l y, Treaty of Kheta-sar:
MULLER, Bundnis-vertrag R II und das Chetiter- konigs: Mitt.d.Va.Gesell. (1902) VII,p.11,n.2:
P1.1V,line 8, p.38,n.2. (ed he io) ge pr Swth nb nbtt:"House of Sutech,Lord of Nubt.”
[Ombos 1-e- Kom Ombo] Brucscu, Dict. géogr. |. koto @ LEGON F mS | (1879)p.319. Cf. Papyrus Harris No.1: Br.Mus.
9,900: LIX,line 4, LX,2,3: LXI,12, 15: OXXV,8: Prem,
Dict, I< Hee SS Pap. Harris, I, (1882)p.78: Moétver,Hierat.Paldogr.IL No. 144
(IV): Swtt: Cf NSN! nwk swtt 8d hnniw: Toes ti Chief :
fs + \ = PR haa FR | a Ake ‘ wtt nniw: Suti Chief of the Rebels: 8k of
Dead. Pap.Turin, = See er eee (Dyn. XXVI) Chap. XXXIX,line 10: Davis,Bk of Dead, (1902)
P1. XVIII, p.93: Cf. Ga te OSs At — ¢& | los ss FEI) 1303
m33-1 tr-18t ntr ....... $r mrtw ispw m 1b Swti: "I saw the w the Divine Osiris preci ele Beloved Chieftain, the pang in pans in
"the heart ee Suti." Book of Dead, Turin Pap.Chap.LXXVII,line 34: Davis, (op.cit.)p.112.
(V): Smw: hrw hsf Smy Sth: "Horus, who repels the partners of Set." Book
of Dead; Turin nia Seth x [SOS Beet Pap.Chap.CXXXIV,line 7: Davis, (op.cit.)P1.LV,p.147: Bruescn,
W oC —S ' i
Briere? h, = (1868)p.1219. Cf. ; 0 0 25 Tis, Chap. XVIII,
line 22: Sm?my Sth: Prutarcu Isis and Osiris, LXII, says:- 6, 5 Tupdy pu (donep efpntac) fn0
xal BéBwv xat Sub dvoudZetat: WrtTeneacn, Plutarcni Chaeronensis Moralia: (Clarendon Press,1796) II: "But Typhon
(as above stated) "is called Seth, Bebon and Smu:" HutTen, Plutarchi Charonensis quae supersunt omnia IT, (1804)p, 189.
Note:- PLutarcn XLIX: (Hutten,p.172) says:- BeBGva St trvé¢ wev Eva, TOv tov Tupovog ‘etafpwv yeyovévat héyouoty
MaveOoc SabTdv Tov TuPdva xal BéBova xaretOat: "Bebon, some say, was one of the companions of Typhon. But Manetho
"asserts that Typhon himself was called Bebon.” Roever in Roscuer, Ausfubrl. Lex. gr. rdm.Myth. (1915)p.728 says that
the Greek renderings BeBwv and Zyv may be of Magic Egyptian names which we do not know.
(VI): gwtt: Cf. C2 ~s Bafu: Temple of Horus: (Ptolemy IX) Great Surrounding Wall, East. Horus attacks Set (line 3).
a, @ & ierogl. Inschr. (1879)P1.LXXI, line 11: Brucscn, Rerterd. (1882)p.1356: Suoce, An BS.Hierogl. Dict.
ona ‘ = Tiguy: "Rdfu": Bruoscn, Worterd. (1868)p. 1583:
peers? JNA het oJ a fd \J C In SS An Bg. Hierogl. Dict. (1920)p. 875, >.
p. 1553: PWN Buoce, 6. rs p
(VIII): o&r: ae Baal: "Syrian God "Syrian God of War. Sometimes Sometimes identified with Set by Egyptians". Buoce, An
fg. Hierogl. tea bya Dict. (1920)p.213,a. Cf. a Die aegyptische Religion, aie 87. Sometimes the
distinguished, however. ajag da4f dts. @ (7) tr] hear
hb ptri mt tmi nbti (7) a mu
g{ai'® at 7 ofr hr h3 Sut: “He marcheth onthe battle-field like unto him that is within Onbos Li.e.
Set J (7) bis terre his terror is like ‘ike unto Baal over the foreign countries." Sety I, Karnak: Temple Relief 17: Lepsius, Denkm.
tw hm-f
‘ (10) (11) x
eaters | epee 23 2S Bb 8 HARE as
(11) m hSw-f:
"His Majesty is like unto
"Battle of Kadesh" Ramesseua: Lepsius, Denkm. III, 164-5
two were
(10) Suti (See IV above)” Breet in might. Baal (11) is in his limbs.” Ramses II, Relief,
Abu Simbel, Guieysse, Trav. VIII, (1886)p. 139.
Animals: (8) Page 31
ANIMALS: (&.67):
Ke Ue
Ass: §t3: (?) Sth: The God Set: 370: Erman-Grapow, Aeg. Handworterb. (1921)p.174.
See B.66: £.69: Cf. drawings (24) (25) above. Cf. Roeper in Roscuer, Ausfuhrl.Lexikon ér.rém.Myth. (1915)
———— IV,p.778. (As to the actual animals from which the Set-animals were, from time to time, drawn) "The
"Eéyptians - realistic drawers of animals, in historic times knew them no longer. So it comes that designers and
"sculptors, for whom only the conventional forms remained, distorted these in the course of time. The Set-animals,
"even in the Egyptian period, had already become like other animals which could be then seen; in the Greek period it t
"became like an Ass." Puutarcu says (Isis and Osiris, XLIX):- Tupoy 8 the Yuxnc TO naOntixdv xal titav(xov xal
Goyov xal Eundyxtov. tH SE cwnattxod Td En(xrnTtov xal vooddn¢ xal tapaxttxdv: "But Typhon [i.e. Set, Cf.£.66(V)] is
"of the soul [that part which is] subject to passion, Titan-like and unreasoning and rash. Of the body he is what is
"alien and baneful and disturbing" ....... xat Tobvoua xatnyopet Td SHO thy Tovpova xarovat pedter uty TO xata
* Ovvactevov xal xata8tatéuevov: "And the name that arraigns SETH whom they call Typhon, proves this,for it signifies
"that which tyrannizes and constrains by force." MaveOd¢ S’abtov tov Tugava xal BéBuva xadeTOat onuavet 5 Tobvoua
KdOEELV F KOAVOLV ..... eee (L) Ad xal tOv piv Huépwv Cowv &movéuovory abta Td uabécatov 6vov: "Manetho [says] as
"to this that Typhon was called Bebon, the name meaning a holding back or hindrance ..... --. (L) Wherefore then of
"all tame animals, they assign to him the stupidest - the ass.” Hutten,Plutarchi Chaeronensis quae supersunt omnia:
Vol. IX, 1804) pp. 172, ff.
ANIMALS: (B, 69):
(a) <2: (b) Sw: "Ass": (a)*2: Lacau, Sphinx, XVI, (1912)p.72: “2t: "She-ass": Ibid, Zeits. a6. Spr. LI:
(1913)p.41,note 1: “"equus onager": Grireitn,Ptahhetep, I,(1900)p.19: G62: WY: "eselr:
Erman—Grapow, Aes. Handworterb.
(1921) p. 23. Papyrus
Prisse: (Bib. Nationale: 183- 194)
J€ouier,Le Pap.Prisse, (1911) ———=———=_ P].. I-I,, 4:
Dévauo, a ot (var) =
an eq
—S—> = "Complaint of a Peasant”:
Sy) Papyrus Berlin: P.3025:P1.1,
eet ee ip ah (ee Us ab iayay GY)
Garoiner,Hierat. Pap. Ks]. Mus. Berlin, IV, (1908)
Pl.5-5,a: Cf.€rwan,Gramm. (III Aufl.)(1911) $ 377. CE. TS, Kahun, Med. Pap.VI,1:(Dyn.X11 ) _Grireitu,Hierat.
Pap.Kahun and Gurob:P1.V,line 5,No.II. (1) Tmi-r3 h2 QAy H3t h3: Enm-hto Sh: <3w, ice. "Manager of
"1000" (head). "Prime (quality) 1000" "Chnemhetep the Scribe": "Asses". Tomb of Chnemhetep II, Beni
Hasan No.3: Main Chamb. N. Wall, (L.D.1I,132) Bottom row, Left: Newserry,Beni Hasan, I, (1893)P1. xxx.
Ce. YY = 7 —s Agcanl: fat n3(...J] m¢2w hmt n $2. cpt
nts 7% SS Si ks Ff) = [oon 3 mat n BB.
Y//, = svo o 2 ah —— fd =r bbs m Sntr [..] hbnwt: "[I] came
"down with 300 asses laden with incense, ebony etc." Tomb of Herkhuf: Assuan: (Pep.II,Dyn.V ) Setue, Urk.I,p. 126,
lines 17,ff. (Transl. ) GrirFitn, Bs. Expl. Fund, Arch. Rep. 1908, p. 18: Breasteo, Anc. Rec. £g.1, (1906)§ 336.
(b): Sw: "Ass": Brucscu, Dem. Worterb. (1868)p. 1366, citing:- Tomb of Bebi: el Kab No.52 (Eileithyia): Bruescn, Rec.
Mon. II, (1863)P1.LXXII, No. 3: Brucscn, Thesaurus, pp.1527, ff. Lepsius, Denkm. Text, (Navitte-SetHe) IV,p.
(Ramses IT) Da & 1g s— — Ais RS c—N Wh nat m thw Swt St n gw Sw Amn: "coming
"down with aA mae Tt a Tans L AP es tiine steers, small cattle 60, asses 8."
(2) Predynastic carved slate: Cairo Mus.
‘ve Morcan, Rech. sur les origines de 1'fg. II,
(1897) p.264,P1. III: Lecce, S.B. A. Proc. XXII, z
(1900)p.134,P1.V: Ibid, XXXI, (1909) p.18: Setne, p
Zeits. a6.Spr.LII, (1914) p.57:
Note:- As to the Ass as the Set-animal See £.67. = Wil
ANIMALS: (E£.70):
Sah bw; "Elephant": Erwan-Grapow, Aeg. Handworterb. (1921)p.1.
W.319: Serne,Pyr.t. 234, b: P.297: Setue,
TJ lax SS 1116,0: 4 &
ee ee AS
"InB: "Elephantine™: Erwan—Gra (op.cit.) Cf. ope )
f%]| FJ Ga BS nee ana
wae Garoiner, "Admonitions”, p. 34.
(1) Thutmosis I, Deir el Bahari: Middle Colonnade, S.Wall:
Oeu "Products of Niy" (Mesopotamia) Navitre,Deir el Bah. III,P1.LXXX: = is c="
Setue,Urk.IV,p.104,line 2: "Elephant". Cf. Bes S eae
"Blephantine": Tomb of Herkhuf: Assuan: (Dyn.VI) Right
from Entrance: Ist Campaign, line 6: Serne,Urk.1,p.125,line 1: Breasteo,Anc. Rec. &6.(1906)I, § 334.
f a) Ibid, Tomb of Una: Abydos: line 33: Setne,Urk.I,p.105,line 12. Cf.Brucscn, (oe Roucé, Recherches
TSA a= etc. VI Dyn. p.195) Dict. géoér. p.110.
(2) "Prehistoric drawing of an elephant": on Jar in collection of Lord Amherst of Hackney: Newserry,S.B.A.Proc.XXxI,
(1902) p.251,P1.1, No.5.
‘nimals: (&.) Page 32
ANIMALS: (8. 72,4):
Hippopotamus: (a) db: (b) hb: Garerity,Beni Hasan, III, (1893) p.14,fi6.30: (See &. 72,b) GaROInea—Davies,
Amenemhet, (1915) p.28,p.30. ?
(1) Tomb of Chnemhotep II, Beni Hasan No.3: Lower Left.
Newserry, Beni Hasan, I, (1893) Pl. XXXIV: Grireitn, Ibid, III,
Pl. III,No.30: (p.14) Cf.Tomb of Ti: Saqgara: (D.22)
Chapel, N.Wall, middle: Steinoorer,
Das Grab des Ti: (1913)P1.113,
Lower Right: Pl.114, Upper Right.
(2) Sydney Zoological Soc. Park.
“In N.Y. Zoological Soc. Bulletin,
Vol. XXV, (1922) p.28:"The Hippopotamus Pool".
(3) "Inner surface of a polished red bowl, with white line
“decoration.” Cairo Mus. (Dyn.I) Bissinc,"Les origines
"de 1'8g." in L' Anthropologie, IX, (1898) pp. 241-258:P1.1II, S 2
fig.2.{p.752): be Morcan,Origines etc.I,Pl. II, No.5: Eveerton, Am. Journ. Sem. Lang. XXXIV, (1923)p.113,fig.3: Found at
Gebelein, 471 miles S. of Cairo. Murray,Handbook of Egypt, (1907) p.479. :
ANIMALS: (E.72,b):
(A) dbs dbet: (B) nhg: (C) hb: (D) n3b: (B) n3d3: (F) ap: (G) many: (#) rrt: (I) tns:
5 "Hippopotamus amphibius: " HARTMANN, Zeits. as. Spr. II, on p.-26: Bissinc, (1905)p. 37,
i 18. fiw 4 A => (FS, ut
db: db-t: Vocetsanc, Untersuch. VI, (1913) ps 159: viz.:-
(207) Deets: 15% co n3* dbw (207) st*t Sm3mw: “Harpoon the hippopotamus hippopotamus, shoot the wild ox."
Ea ee OY @) Complaint of Peasant: Papyrus Berlin 3023: (8.1) lines 206-7: Hierat.Text.
Garoiner,Hierat.Pap.aus d. Ké1.Mus.Berlin, IV, (1908)p1.12, a:12 —_= )
Vocetsanc, Untersuch. VI, (1913)p.159,No.57. Cf. "Nilpferd” Vocetsanc,op.cit. GaRDINER,Op.cit.p.13: L
Maspero,Contes pop. IV, fd. (1911)p. 61: "Hippopotamus": Bircu,Zeits. ag. Spr.V, (1867)p.64.
Cf.(1) "Palermo Stone" (Obv.) Reg. III ,Rectangle 8: (Kiné Udymu) (Photo) Navitte, $ »')
Trav. XXV, (1903)p. 64: Text of Reg. III, Neweerry- WainwRiGhT,Anc.&s§.1814,p.150:- wot mr
ht ntru- véwt: st-t db: "Opening the Lake of Isut-neteru: shooting the hippopotamus. "
TSS Sy © FRR OF Rta on J
L (var. o> | Hh) a hmS-k m dpt (63) ntr h3°-k dib (var. db) m mr: “Thov sittest in the
Sa i "boat (63) A God,Thou spearest (Var. causest to sink) the
"hippopotamus in the lake." Sarcophagus of Amenemhat (el Bersheh)
(Dyn. XII) Cairo Mus. 28092: (side 4,line 62, line133) : Var. Sarcophagus of Sat-hez- hetep: Ibid, 28086: line 14, line
.* Lacau, Trav. XXVII, (1905)p.223: Cf. Bunee. An &g.Hierog. Dict. (1920)p.873. Pepecorcr. Ro) Ls [ks 2 =
@ er Grosse Med Pap. Berlin, 3038: Pl. VII, line 11:- whdw dbiw: "Balsam —
a sbi 2, "of hippopotamus" Wreszinsx1,D.6.Med. Pap. Berlin No. 87: Cf. dby a>lel leu % Pap.Sallier I,
— (passim) Maspero, Btudes é8.1,(1879)pp. 206, ff. ut
(B) nhg: = Hippopotamus: Garoiner— Davies,Tomb of Amenemhet: (No. 82) (1915)p. 28: Suoce,An Eg.
Hierog. Dict. (1920)p. 380: (2) Tomb of Amenemhet, Sh. Abd el Qurna,No.82: W. Wall, N. Side:
Davies, (op.cit. )P1.1, Pl. II, p. »p-28: Context over hippo: Garoiner (op.cit.) pp. 29-30.
ey qe Ze Shd n Rk nhs m ttrw hn n dw:
Pn ie a a! $a BIS SS wee ee "I reveal to Thee the hippopotamus
"in the river. Ha! let capture the
"harpoon of Horus (?)"
(C) bbe Hippopotamus: Garoiner in Davies,Tomb of Amenemhet: (No. 82)(1915)p.28: citing (2)
te 6-8: restored by are Urk.IV,p.1062: viz.:-
15h” s25es)
(8) = “FE “F3[o] | sally )
(6) d3w in sh (s& ?) (7) hbs itw (Imn-m- ht] (8) r stt [h]b: "(6) The going forth-
"to wit; of the scribe, (7) Counter of the Grain {Amenemhet] (8) to shoot the
"hippopotamus." -Setue's restoration verified by (3) Tomb of Antef: (Inter) (?
"Great Herald" Dra Abu ’} Negga: (W.Thebes) No.155: (Thutmosis III): pee
Manners and Customs, (Bircu) (1878) II,p.128,No.376. Text (behind hunter):- m phw (2)
a ES whm “3 Tntf m3¢hrw: "In the marshes (2) the Great Herald Antef Justified." (Over
> P ; 5 ' :
ees Da TE same) line 3: stt (4) hb: ( 2] Fe) "Lo shoot the hippopotamus."
YS Sar KS 3 a =~
Chere RS © | D NY r stt hb: Tomb of Dwaneh: Sh. Abd el Qurna, No. 125:
—ala (Hatshepsut ) Lepsius, Denkm. Text, (Navitte-Setue) III
(1900) p.281,No.77 [10](Text): CnHawpottion,Not.descr.pp.515-6: (Tomb No.22:(c): BSrucscu, Worterb. (1868)p.1030: Setne,
Urk.IV,p.453, line 14. N.B. Brucscu, reading "hb": says, (op.cit) " @® \F explained by aus h3bw: “the
"sickle", "the curved" (horn). ;
Bruescn, Worterbuch, (1868)p.1030: Buoce, An. Bg. Hierogl. Dict. (1920)p. 530:
(D) h3o: pasta : wi
FA ¢ 1 Fis ye INS ch hee W.301: Serne,Pyr.t.225,b: h3b0 prr m hsp:
ie coe ter ke into the cultivated lands." ("bassin
“the hippopotamus oe "cp
i ie Trav. III, (188 r :
"terrestre separ hee, WiC: om Edfu: Temple of Horus: “(Pel ety III) N.Vestibule: Dumicnen, Plan,
oe eg ame 1, "B", Yl am Rocnemonterx, Hém. Miss. arch. frang, X, (1895) p.359,line 15.
Tempelinschr. (186 ‘
2)p.220) But Lacau (Zeits.#g.Spr.L, (1912) says: -
Animals: (8) Page 33
Buoce, An £6.Hierogl.Dict.(1920)p.530: cr. S37” fp ff] >]
i—- © | LL satel bo Ss
— hb-f hrw mg wir (?) rnp hfti mst hb3
a \@ ou ®@ |o Ia = abkb inf nd: "His feast is the worthless (?) day of the birth of the
cman} det es ee
"child of the enemy (Typhon], and a hippopotamus is slain and his
"members are hacked in pieces." Edfu: Temple of Horus: Bruescu, Dict. ééogr. (1880)p.1197. Cr. Ibid,
Philae: Nome List: Upper Egypt, &.Outside. Lower border, Temple of Isis: (Tiberius Caesar) Brucsca. Mon. III, (1865)P1.XLI,line 4. Cf. same place (op.cit.)P1.XL,line 4: Brucscn, NSrterb. (1868)p. 1030.
ANIMALS: (B. 72,8): O'td. Wy, %
(E) hed : “nad
(F) Api: See (E.72,C:(1)) (G) mdny: Seed) am Hippopotamus God: God of Bvil: Buoce,An fg.
Hierog1. Dict. (1920)p. 336, b. LW Annan
(H) rrt: See (B.72,C: (2))
(I) tns: cr. MN aA B ntk r© h© hr ist-f dbdb h3? m tns:
we 38 AS 24s AhaRWT AS be br tetera
eee a es "Thou art Ra, shining on his
"Throne, striking down evil in Suise of a hippopotamus." Edfu: Temple of Horus: Dimicuen Zeits. 46. Spr. IX, (1871)p.110.
104 | B.72,0:] ANIMALS: (8, 72,0):
(1) pi: Bruescu, "Hippopotamus": WOrterbuch, (1868)p. 48: = at al 1 Ra "in the name of the month
€eneib »€NnHg: emt: Epiphi = in hieroglyphs | oO A = hb tof: (q.v.)
(2) rrt: Buoce, An Bg. Hierog]. Dict. (1920)p. 428, a. =
Comin AD) eal wn © Hdfu: Temple of Horus: Great Surrounding Wall,N. inside: DiimicHen, Zeits. 46,
eeetal Wu ann — ASS VIII, {1870)p.5: A3t-sp r3 dw r?-m°b3 n pi: "Year X, the 1/5th. and 1/30th.
"of Epiphi.” Cf. 40S=-s <1 h3t-sp mdt r3-dw? r3-m%b? n tpi: "Year X, the 1/5th. and 1/30th of Epiphi:"
Inner Temple, N. { Oa ann q EN Wall.
Outside. Dimicnen,Plan "b. 8. b." Dumicuen, (op.cit. )p.6.
= hrw on hh hmtnw n Smw hrw r3hmt r3md dew nd hb- tpi:
=n q a "this eternal day of the third (month] of Smy day the
OT "1/3rd and 1/15th (i.e. 12th. J of Epiphi." Philae:
Brucscu, Worterb. (1868) pp. 66-7.
(2) rrt: Hippopotamus Goddess: cow hippo. or sow. Brucscn, Worterb. (1880)p. 732: Buoce, An Eg. Hierogl.
Dict. (1920) p.428, 4. Cf.(1) rr-t rs r r2 hrw hr-1d p(nut)-f: "Rerit" watching for the command of
"Horus within his city of Pe." Ptolemy XVI (Caesarion) and Cleopatra VI. Erment Temple, Cella,
Outer Wall, N. Lepsius, Denkm.IV,63: (Lower Left).
105 E.74: ANIMALS: (E. 74):
miw: (fem. mt: mit:) "Housecat": HARTMANN, Zeits. 48. Spr. 11, (1864) p.11: "Pelis maniculata: (Reupp)"
Wy ERMAN-GRaPOw, Aes. Handworterb. (1921) paoieek; Mor
_—— OSS FL asf Sc (S022 18 - aioe eee
HS # Seeeeceees (45) HwR miw pfy & ntt hr p&t 18d r gs-f m Tnw (nwt) (46) miw pfi <3 nti nr (47) pst
fe =~ 18d r es-f m Tnw (nwt) R® as-f ddtw OC Baacaaneie: il am the Great Cat who frequenteth
"the T&d-tree (Persea ?) hard by Heliopolis ..... ++ (46) the Cat who (47) freaventeth
"the T&d_tree hard by Heliopolis is Ra Himself. He is CallediCaticantecncteiete Book of the Dead, (Pap. Turin, Dyn. XII -?)
Cnap.XVII,lines 45,46, 47. Grapow,Urk.V,p.53, lines 10,ff. Cf. Maspero, Zeits ag. Spr. XXIII, (1885)p.9: derhotep 103.
N.B. Here:- £0 SELVES B®. stag PS area i Oe Se Ex} Ghsg us)
Op =e 8 gen (fs A= on Para (seat Att te ray Gk ra) teeee
a (See E.77) m thwt mrhwt miw rai
Ma thut: i.e. Another [receipt] for Causing mice not to come near (2) to things: the fat of a cat, put on every
thing. Papyrus Ebers, (Dyn. XVIII, University Leipzig) Page XCVIII,lines 1,2. Esers,Papyros Ebers, II, (1875)P1. XCVIII,
Glossar, Stern, Ibid: WRESZINSKI, Der Pap. Sbers, I, (Hierogl.Transcr. ) (1913)p. 203, No.847. N.B. Bruescu Dem. W6rterb.
= (1868) pp.70 and 79 gives Ist tmm and TESS. 9 0 © imywi, citing Bk of Dead, (Turin Pap.
| Dyn. XII) Chap.CLXV, lines 2 = 7,8 ong IAPV Vw Chap.LX,line 33: "Cat" and"beasts of
"Cat family". Cf. ( Te PIS Q = “yy Das grosse medizin Pap.Berlin Mus.
i f set {ELE Ace (P.3038) VI,4: (Ramses II) WRESZINSKI,
Das grosse etc. (1909)P1.6.
eb) m°t: "Cat": Newserry,Beni Hasan, II,p.48: "Row 4” P1.VI,{row 2 left). Tomb of
Baqt. III,No.15: Main Chamb. S. Wall, E. End.
(2) Tomb of Chnemhetep II, Beni Hasan No.3: Main Chamb. 8. Wall, S. Side, (L.D. II, 130)
Wicabeney (Sent Hasan, I, (1893)P1. XXXIV, Enlarged Ibid, IV, (1900)P1.V,(p.2) Capart,L'art
égyptien, (1909)No. 48:
Cf. Carter etc. in Newserry,Beni Hasan,
IV,{(1900)P1.V. (8) Unnamed Tomb: Wall,
British Museum, No.37,977: "A hunting
"cat seizing birds.” Guide to IIIrd
a ]
Animals: (€) Page 34
ANIMALS: (E.74): C'td.
Wicktnson,Manners and Customs Anc.Bg. (1878) p. 108, No. 366.
(4) Tomb of Nakht: Sh. Abd el Qurna, No.52: (Old No.125)(Thutmosis IV ?) W.Wall,S.Side, (Lower Right) Davies, The
Tomb of Nakht at Thebes: (Metropolitan Mus.N.¥.(1917)) Pl.XV: Enlarged,P1.X%. Cf. Wi Pap. Elephantine
Fragment: Berlin Mus.P.10,523: Unpublished: See MoLLer, Hierat.Paldographie, I, No. 126: ya g : Hierat.Pap.Kél.
Mus. Berlin, 1X, (1905) Index p.XI,"8": Berlin, (8r) 41.
(5) Felis Lybica: (Mever): "much like Domestic Cat, but longer legs and tail." Specimen from Suakin: Length of
“body, 580 cm. Length of tail 355 cm. Sandy grey and white, ears red. Anperson, Zoology of Egypt, (1902) Pl. XXIV,
(p.171) "habitat, Upper and Lower Egypt." (Ibid) Cf. Navitte,Bubastis, Egypt. Arch.Survey: "Cat Mummies”.
ANIMALS: (6.75):
(a) oes (b) dsh3: (c) 3by: (a) and (b) Leopard: Witkinson,Manners and Customs Anc. Eg. 11,
(1878)p.90:Nos 16 (a) 17: Jeguier,Rec. de Trav. XXXVII, (1915)p. 113.
(1) Tomb of Bagt III, Beni Hasan No,15: Main Chamb.N.Wall: Newseary, Beni Hasan, II, (1894)
PL. IV, Top row,No.9 from left (enlarged) CHampotcton,Mon. Div. CCCLXXXII,No.4: CCCCXXVIII
bis = ies) (sic.) See Montet, Bulletin de
l'Inst.franc.Caire,IX,(1911)p.5: Cf. (2) Same Tomb,
same Wall, same Row: Nos 15, 16 from left: NEWBERRY,
(Ibid): Witkinson (Ibid) No.17: (enlarged)
Cuawpotrion, (Ibid) CCCLXXXIV, No. 3: CCCCKXAVIT.
(Note) Setke in Lepsius, Denkm.Text; Navitre— KX |
Setne, 11, (1904) p.96, renders this animal
"lion", but in XLIV, (1907) p.19 corrects to "panther" or "leopard"
i.e. 02 r& b2 mh: "Panther of the South” "Panther of the North” i.e. of “Upper
"and Lower Egypt". (c) gby: (3) Ratshepsut: Deir el Bahari: Expedition to
Pwnt: Navicce,Deir el B.II,P1.80- the text also, Setne, Urk. IV, p.337, 1.1, p.336, 1.17
(Cf. Zeits.a6.Spr.XLIV,p.19) (3) Zby rg “nh iny (2) n hnwt-$ hr h3Swt: "leopard
"of the South alive, brought by her servants from foreign lands." (lower) 2by
mh “nh: "leopard of the North living": Hatshepsut, Thutmosis I, Expeditions to
Mesopotamia and Punt: Deir el Bahari, Middle Colonnade,S. Wall: Navitee,Deir el
Bahari, III, (1898)P1.UXXX: Setne,Urk. IV, p. 103: Dumicuen, Histor. Inschr. II, (1869)
P1. XVII. See also (F.66) Cf. Tomb of Amunzeh, Sh. Abd el Qurna No.84: Transverse
Chamb.Rear Wall: "Gifts of South-folk" a panther marked: - ¥ (dS. Setue,Urk.IV,p.949, line 6.
“ple Bera Bee Sigh
"the South" Tale of Two Brothers: Pap.d'Orbiney, Brit. Mus. 10, 183° 111, 8: Moucer, Hierat.Lesesticke, 11, (1919) p. 2:
Motvenxe, Tale of Two Brothers, (1888)No. 28 p.30,p.70,p.96.
107 E. 76: ANIMALS: (E. 76):
Ta a (a) hts: (b) hetry: (a) Murray, Saqgara Mastabas, 1, (1905)p. 42, No. 28:
ee Tomb of Seker-kha-bau Saqqara: (Mariette,Mastabas, A,2) Murray,op.cit.Pl.1, (Upper) (Right
4a and Left) (a) mongoose or (b) ichneumon: Arab, "nims": Murgay,op.cit. Dyn. III, Enlarged, Ibid,Pl.
fh XXXVIII. See (1) below. (c) weasel (d) shrew mouse’ Buoce,An &$.Hierosl. Dict. (1920) p.522, a:
See (E.78). Ww Herpestes Ichneumon: (Linn) Ichneumon Pharaon. (Cuvier, Buffon) Mus Pharaonis
row (Alpini). Bsypt proper: BS. name "Nems": Anoerson, Zoolocy of Sgypt, (1902)P1. XXVII, p. 190.
(b) ‘npere or hatur: AAO TA _"Ichnevaon™ (72)
Lerésure,S.8. A. Proc. VII, (1835)
p.194: citing (2) Tomb of Ramses VI,
2 Biban el
M6lak, No.9:
Wall Corridor
III,Left Scene
Adoration of
(2) Cuamporr— |
-1on,Not.deser. II, p.513.
Lerepure reads:- drw
hnti-mrti: but Renoue,
S.B. A. Proc. VIII, (1885)
p.155:- Hrw hnt ‘in m3w:
"Horus, Prince of Blindness". The Legend, (C.N.D.II,p.512) accompanying this
© oa Sih act picture reads:- Hrw hntt in mw: i} <2 i.e. A3trw or Atur:
SS Leresure and Renour identify S h3trw oc h3tur = {chneumon:
but Renour thinks that the picture (2) is that of a "shrew mouse” or "mole".
Cf. Leréeure, Sphinx, VI, (1903)p. 197 and (.78). Buoce,An Eg Hierogl. Dict.( 1920)
(3) Tomb of Iimery; Saqqara No. 16: (Dyn. V) Lepsius, Denkm. IT, 60.
of Senezem-ib: called Inti. Tomb,Gizeh, No.27° Lepsius, Denk. II, 76.
SU Wior
6... ee =
108 reat ae ANIMALS: (8.77):
pnnw: (a) "rat" (b) "wouse": (a) NewBeRRy,
SEEN Beni Hasan, Il, (1894)p. 48: ‘row 4) LEFEBURE,
Sphinx, VI, (1903) p. 200:
it.P1.V1, (row 2) Tomb of Baqt III,Beni Hasan
No.15. (2) Lerégure cites pnnw hd; "#hite
bee ae — "rat" Roucé, Inscr.
men rat oe ROuGE, 1s
hiérogl. (1877) PL.UXIII,
"Gizeh" "Inscription sur
(1) _NewBeRRy,Op.c
? at os es)
"une barque" (Sneferu
2 O88 of. Book of the Dead,
OE Tey A ope oebe ree Fa cf. Book of the
6. 80:
Animals: (E£) Page 35
ANIMALS: (EB. 77): C'td,
Chap. XXXIII: (A) Papyrus of Mesemneter: Cairo, but now Louvre. (B) Papyrus, Louvre III,89: (line 1):- VS 4}
ra (2) H BUSS sa Cetasc At DUC. bp Lee KE ) {yo\ Se HOF t= tw immn-r
—_—>- o———
Sata th Coes ea
pnnw but wr n Rk: "Thou hast eaten the rats greatly abhorred of Ra." _Navitre, Aes. Todtenbuch, (1886) Pl.101,Bd.II:
"Varianten" Cf.Pap.Turin Ibid. ( SM ) Davis, @g.Bk of Dead, (1901) p.92,P1.XVII. Cf. Lepsius, Denkm. Text, II, (1904)
i i)
p-95. (Tomb Beni Hasan No.15). — (3) Arvicanthis Niloticus: (Desmar)
"Field rat" "Found all over Africa". Length, body 163 mm. Tail 158 mm.
AnveRson, Zoology of Egypt, (1902) Pl. XLVI: (p.279).
(b) pnnw. "Mouse": Erman-Grapow, Aes. Handworterb. (1921)p.53: BuoGe, 4
An Gg. Hierogl, Dict. (1920)p. 236: Breasreo, Anc. Rec. &S.III,.§ 598, line 12. F i
=> o 60 Am JSIS CC = BK Opry
a jes AS = & (eu A
(Oy) =“ OG) oe drt pnnw m b3b3w-(9)sn: "He furnisheth what the mice
——— "need in their holes." Amen-em-ipt, (Dyn. XVIII) Statue, 3
(wood) Berlin Mus.No.6910: Ausfuhrl.Verz. (1899) p.142: Aeg. Inschr. Mus. Berlin,1I, (1913) p.70,lines 8,9.
(4) Mus Musculus: (Linn) "House mouse": Mus Orientalis: (Cretscumar) Lenéth, body 80 mm. Tail 31 mm. ANDERSON,
Zoology of Esypt, (1902) Pl XLV,{p.276). Cf. pnnw: = "Mouse": GrirritH,S-B. A.Proc. XVI, (1894) p.241: Mover, Hierat.
aldogr.I,(1909) p.12,No 131: e.g. i o Hearst Medical Pap. (Univ.California)
: g e : é wine 5) @ Pad Py — a) (Bare E
Reisner, (1904) p 22: “mouse” P1.X, line 10: _Wreszinsx1,Der Londoner
Vv B : 7 2 . , = » = ” "= au ",
ed. Pap.und d.Pap. Hearst; (1912) p.35,No.148. 4% is3 Les, iO 5 O pnnw P tN:IFEIN: "™S
feers,Papyros Ebers, (1875) II,p.31: (Glossar, : OTE RNS Cf. Papyrus
Ebers, XCVIII,lines 1,2 (quoted in I,74). Cf. "the fat of a mouse" "mrht pnnw”
(in prescription for rubbing on swollen glands) Esers, Ibid, LXXXII,15.
ANIMALS: (8.78):
h3trw or h3fwr: "Shrew mouse”: "Mygale":
Lerepure, S.B. A. Proc. VII, (1885) p.194: (CF 8.76)
(1) $8mw # try s&m & try: = Portrait of Khatry,
eader of the Khatry. Tomb of Ramses VI, Biban
el M6lGk, No.1X. Lepsius, Denkm. III, 224, "h".
(2) Tomb of Neb-em-iakht: Gizeh
No.86: (Dyn.IV) Lepsius, Denkm. IT,
12, a: _(3) Crocidura Olivieri:
(Less) "Shrew mouse": Length, body
110 mm. Tail 64 mm. AnoeRSon,
Zoology of &gypt, (1902) p.166,P1. XXIII.
(4) Tomb of Chnemhetep II, Beni Hasan No.3: Main Chamb.N. side, Newserry, Beni
Hasan I, (1893) Pl. XXXII. (Cf. same animal, Main Chamb.&.Wall, S.Side, (L.D.II, 130)
Newberry, (op.cit.) Pl. XXXIV.) (Enlarged) CHampoucion,Mon.1V,CCCLXIII.
(5) Genetta Dongolana: "Genet" "Civet Cat": Zoological Gardens, London: Anoerson,
Zoology of Bgypt, (1902) p.188,P1.XXVI.
ANIMALS: (&. 79):
fl © $d : Witkinson,Manners and Customs Anc.£g. (1878) p.93,No.358: (2) III,575: Tomb of Bagqt III,
a Beni Hasan No.15: Main Chamb.N.Wall,top row: 5th from Left. Newserry,Beni Hasan, II, (1894)
Pl. IV. Text read by Monter,@ull. Inst. frang.d'arch.Caire, IX, (1911)p.27. Cf.
CHamporrion, Mon. (1845) 382,No.2: 428 pie: Rosettini,Mon.Civ. (1834) 23,
No.5. Also Tomb of Khety, Beni Hasan No.17: N.Wall,W.Half,Row 2: 11th
from Left. Newserry,op.cit.Pl.XIII. For explanation Cf. Erman,Life in Anc. Bg, (1894) pp. 441-2.
Cf. also Réviccout, Rev. Bgyptol. 1, (1880)p. 158,n.6. But note that this animal ae apparently
domesticated (?) Cf. (1) Carved Ivory, Hierakonpolis: (Predynastic) Quisett,Hierakonpolis, I,
(1900) P1.XVI,No.2: (p.7): Ibid, II,p. 37.
: (8.80):
ANIMALS Jerora etineow WabhersiendiCustoun Anc. B6.1I, (1878) p.93,No.358: (3). III,No.575. Tomb of Baqt
je Ill, Beni Hasan No.15: Main Chamb.N.Wall,top row, 6th from Left. Newserry,Beni Hasan, II, (1894)
P1.1V: Text read by Monter, Bull. Inst.fran¢g.d'arch.Caire, IX, (1911) p.27: Cf. Cuampoue ron, Mon. .
(1845) 382,No.3: 428 bie: Roserctnt,Mon.Civ. (1834) 23 No. 1: Montet, Bull. Inst. (op.cit.) Pl.VII,
eR ae No.1. Also Tomb of Khety, Beni Hasan No.17: N.Wall,W.Half,Row 2, 11th from rene seer
cit.11,P1.XIII: CF. £aman, Life in Anc.€g. (1894) pp. 441, 2: Révittout, Rev. égyptol.I, (1880) p.158,n.6. "The Egyp
"Roc" of the Arabian Nights.
Animals: (£) Page 36
ANIMALS: Monsters) (Cf.&. ANIMALS: (8.81): (Monsters) (Cf. 8.66):
meas aan EEE CeCe ee and Customs Anc.@g.11, (1878) p.93,No.358: (4) III,575:
(1) Tomb of Bakt III, Beni Hasan No. 15: Main Chamb.N.Wall,top row: 7th from Left.
Newserry,Beni Hasan,II, (1894) Pl IV: Text read by Monter,Bull.Inst.frang.d'arch.Caire,
IX, (1911) p.27. Cf.Cuampoction,Mon. (1845) 382,No.2: 428 bie, Rosettini, Mon. Civ. (1834)
23,No.1: Also Tomb of Khety, Beni Hasan No.17: North Wall, W.Half, Row 2, 9th from Left,
Newserry,(op.cit.) PI. XIII. Cf. Révitrour, Rev. égyptol.1I, (1880) p.158,n.6.
Leréeure (Sphinx, III (1898) a 64) po iaiaee 82 with $Y (E.66,7) citing: -
AGE SON b hon Se En RL Sg ne NM Ay IB LS
S \4 ‘ as R <—. $2 hr dw3w nk m Ssp-tw hwt s3bd St3w wi3:"The S3w give praise to
"Thee when Thou seizest the corpses, and the jackals tow thy (divine 7)
"barque." Papyrus Harris, "Magic": Br.Mus.10,042: Axumar, Sphinx, XX,
PISN. ute eee 4 bas ato 83 = Set see E. 66.
Tomb of Ahanekt: el Bersheh No.5: Main Chamb. Inner Wall, Row 2, Right:
GrirfitH—-NewBerry,el Bersheh, II, (1895) Pl.XVI,p.34: str: ("sether").
114 ANIMALS: (8.83): (Monsters):
sgt: Witkinson,Manners and Customs Anc. g. 11, (1878) p.93,No.358: (5) III,p.812,No.578:
a sg" Brucscu, WOrterbuch, (1882)p.1144: $3: Buoce,Bg.Hierogl. Dict. (1920)p.627: Erman,
lags? Life in Anc.&6.(1894) p.240: "sag". Drawing from Tomb of ate Beni Hasan No.17: S.Wall,
E.Half, Left: Newserry,Beni Hasan, II, (1894)P1.17: s3ét rn-f: "Saget is
"his name". Text overlooked by Newserry, but read cS a yer by Montet,Bull.Inst.
franc.d'arch.Caire,1X,(1911) p.17: "a griffin": Cf. CHampoccion, Mon. (1845) P1.428 vie. Rosettint,Mon. Civ. 23, No.4.
For explanation of concept see Erman,Life in Anc.fg.pp.441,2. Cf. also _Révicvout, Rev. ésyptol.I, (1880) p.158,n.6.
ANIMALS: (#,84): (Monsters):
TIS 2 2bw: Tomb of Bakt III: Beni Hasan No.15: Main Chamb.N.Wall, row 1, 4th from Left.
Newserry,Beni Hasan, II, (1894) Pl.IV: Text read by Monret,Bull. Inst. frang.d'arch.Caire,
IX, (1911) p.27. Cf.€Hampotrion, Mon. (1845) 428: Rosettini,Mon.Civ. (1834) 19,No.9: Lepsius, Denkm.
Text, (Navicee-Setue) II,(1904) p.97: says of this picture:- "red-brown Unicorn or Rhinoceros
"that belongs to the fabled animals.” Cf. Anoersson, Sphinx, XVI, (1912) p.160. For explanation
see Erwan,Life in Anc. Bg. (1894) pp.441,2. Brucscn (WOrterbuch, (1868)p.168) says:- "The horn-bearer" i.e. rhinoceros
“or elephant.”
ANIMALS: (8.85): (Monsters):
Tomb of Khety: Beni Hasan No.17: S.Wall, E.Half, Left. Newserry,Beni Hasan,II, Be
Pl.17: (no text): CuHampoccion, Mon. (1845) P1l.426: Rosetcini,Mon.Civ.
(1834) P1.23: Maspero,Dawn of Civ.(1894)p.85. (1) "Funerary genius
"with head of a panther crowned with two plumes.” (no text). From
a vignette to Bk of Dead, Chap.CXLV: Prevre,Chap.suppl.du Livre
des Morts: II,p.112, cited by Jéquier, Trav. XXXVII, (1915) p.115.
ANIMALS: (8.86): (Monsters): ESS '
aa SS ae "form of ae "to fly": i.e. "the flying animal par excellence, a fabulous
"beast with lion's body, peel one Hees and a pair of wings:" Brucscn,WoOrterbuch, (1868)
-219, citiné:-
tego Dee Oe
hm-f m $2 sn mi “hh: (pl.) “hywt): Ramses II, "Poem of Pentaur", Luxor,line 44: Karnak,line 38: Sallier DEL DVS
line 11: pe Roucé,Rev égyptol.VI, (1891)."His Majesty was after them like unto a dragon."
Cr. a Lstw wnn hwnw mr “hh: "Lo! a youth like unto a dragon”
Ife S (= ew Loe @ @ we Ramses III, Medinet Habu: (Year V) line 22: Bruescu,Thesaurus,
(1891)p.1199. Cf. "gryphon" Bunge, An Bg. Hierog]. Dict. (1920)
pe disoya: beanie Witkinson,Wanners and Customs Anc. Eg. III, (1878)p.312,No.578: " achech" also Erman,Life in
Anc. Eg. (1894)p. 240: Cf. also Révittout, Rev. ésyptol.i, (1880) p.158,n.6.
‘ANIMALS: (8.38): (Monsters):
118 E. 88: :
dr hfwt n Smt nbt imntt (h3st)<3mn imntt: "chastizing the foe by devouring. Lady
"of the Land of the Dead. Beast of the West." Vignette, Bk of Dead: Pap.Turin, ’Ch.
125: Davis, Bg.Bk of Dead, (1901) Pl.L, (p.140). (note play onézm) Cf. Brucscn,
porrenbien p.186: " “4 =~ WZ ‘n‘m: from stem “m = the glutton: he who
“devours” citing:- a
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