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Sas . . one bas oaha , ft tua wee bee Liege i eek 6g F ‘ Ehapser Leesa er eae -s oe ete , Ae weet He Riatare: «fares weitie Sr ee ee iene : AY Foy eters ey » mae titans ein ts Oh Ont ei saks® Pee ee Penns * ‘ , ot te tes shintsqces * a) aes Rare . ’ . . “* ereee , : cusedve ue 1 ieee bu atenate eo Dievere te, CU antee ‘ ren ree “4 tee Waste t iatvihert Ae Perce err et bednd! yae vane . ‘ : , ar 5 oe . oo yi t2aee AU i iad pe Ae en . eat eass’ nace 7 ov ee ebvae ayy tee f . aybiee ai i eat eit Hite ne Were trees oe ' ' : . . sents i ieee: EH eaigsialcacpistartssss eee ta ck wamatnete © hieete ekbme } un or ostinianaeanaay Passat sy guaran phe me a | tighees ‘ ete ' vee ‘ : “ ‘ 2 - yp ied ae aoe A+ ae riny Oe epee Oe ee | +* oe ‘ . ‘ ‘ Gs np ; a4 a valde ou biaha ia aat Borde! degen M ; Te Ae ee a eth wtepele kt oust fey De Cats. ‘a : . onkiet 4 ray ery pinye se hscynio et sip thd rtal GREER : Sldseveneses¥snomsene ites eT es creseaine Wawee Ba fe a . i , f ‘4 Ant HM re a eee syage tices tinny ee Ceci yy Leshestovetaye” acetal ar Stal git ara siactes! re hh. Weicuinn hee : : i na Hf taaty Sadst 1 ache oH eee Fil abend s rouse ‘ ‘ > ae rida tole Theos chy : a RE oC ee too pe Sera seats Vacteaaine dates (feagsteae : pak ; 4m sven RT ere siiniaetean yoshi rs CASS Helper : sce “fey! wee Marche oe Hehe Moti S-QNaSCHA REA SED " peed re reais eee trey at atest ' md ’ atts reed Bekah (956 “” share ; aptdecce , te hecrere et tet ine } e ad ‘ ’ ee ee . oe hd one “ eee oe Sweee f if re Hi Migeetstse yr grees ‘ oe sh site «ee ‘ dcase Was ere ‘ , ‘ da ‘ tedryene ag. bebe angen fee ete eee Beene rt P Reni ee Meah f ° ote ‘ sues . . “ sabgeas ihe pe ere oR Pe, 4 - acatascnu at Stank, . + me i as sah - re aaaes , pie he va! wen eety ib gtese ; . a. Sed Vasncuas efectos ong Sie a ‘ a tse ynee Paes * Ti) ae Ee Wee cs Beata Hh : ATE : : at Ne tant auseiaeees “ ose ngs Poe ee ee ee : al mtathiee Fa datip : Win buat beta: cbhgeae Gt partes of cuekene tin ee - saurkcey " Neyer AAs AD cops sane toe ” Ud Mane Bay hibdy he bevabi pia TP ee EMeetaetredt . syeeere Phen Oba ete Beale Wane tee ‘ ° Rete oss wees HVT RLUS TMP PRAT IRE ROLE na ty" ued nay asat sue steets a9 oe a gate oh ham Sree Tt Pat: ants . ne ies hata uainas euie se pene teed Prey st ae et od ae > ‘ ug : i ar a6 ae tee saradhs swiss eveun my VO Mats free 2g Ge he J “9 Ae-Uxe eraie : - ers aap Pris " ere ‘ . he ae . aeeete i keseas . IMRT eat) VENTA Vel yang Fat ctat wanted abrtct spree ° pee . , ote " Rees be Maire ree ‘ oe ame : ones ‘ HOS mates ey ey TA ‘ “eee ‘ ore Saeed se weetane : ee ett oneeah rinsed Va id a . . ane “ rece werd . ier é ; i Parent : : . A ‘d “ AN ROI5 Vb 8 oe . . “* ene * . ‘ es tone she 5 ® 2 « ine ane tee SMa ade ° . , « ’ . MWh ee bade ’ . . a Pie vest Very 5 . é ey " . baa . ; OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Ps j Veen i Aare an i j wre 9 - oe dah We CENSUS OF OHIO By Counties and Minor Civil Divisions, with Comparative Tables, Etc. TQOO COMPILED BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE. FRED. J. HEER, STATE PRINTER 1901 HAotA \400a, INTRODUCTORY. Many inquiries are received at this department in regard to the population of the minor civil sub-divisions of the state as shown by the official census bul- letins containing the reports of the twelfth census of the United States. For the information of the people of ,Ohio the following tables have been preparc J and printed in advance of the annual report. Lewis C. LAytLin, Secretary of State. CoLumBuUS, OHIO. CENSUS OF OHIO, 1900. The following tables give the aggregate population of Ohio by coun-. ties and minor civil divisions, according to the official count of the re- turns of the Twelfth Census, taken as of June 1,.1900. « Ohio was organized as a state November 29, 1802. The table fol- lowing shows the population of Ohio at each census from 1800 to 1900, inclusive, together with the increase by number and per cent. during each decade. POPULATION OF OHIO: 1800 TO 1900. Increase. Census years. ; | Population. Number. | Per cent. ek | | | SOO ses tener certo a ee eae 4,157,545 485 , 229 | ease 2 aE SO 0) ie een ae ged Bye eit ea IN tem: cl Cit Bn ae ha 3,672,316 474 , 254 14.8 TSB Se eae: Ns se SRE recs Se ean 3,198 , 062 582,802 20.0 LES AD) «pst A Siar eM Pn OP i ek PO ae 2,665 , 260 825, 749 | 13.9 ES GO ery eencie toys arioiows sors a ievewe es ee race ie Cone A ae ea enor tel | 2,339,511 359, 182 18.1 TSS tatnece tee och wesley ee coe h otis Dae is Gee 1,980,329 | 460,862 | 30.3 SES ase pa Stee, Se ee ee Se NE Be I 1,519,467 | 581,564 | 62.0 Mots) MMe sas gpg eas emma si a A it li We are BA eal wer WC a 937 ,903 356,608 | 61.3 IBS PAUD “de nlvede thet Vea ate I ot, a RNG haat te get aR A 581,295 350,535 | 151.9 BL SST Oia wee tse etree wet ai lioy ad ava Ba Meow ead a 230,760 185,395 | 408.7 1 S00 Mae ee soe Seed a. AO oy Fk 0 REE) mee Set ADL SOO! lee as mec | eet The population of the state in 1900 of 4,157,545 as compared with the population .in 1890, 3,672,316, represents an increase during the last ten years of 485,229, or 13.2 per cent. This rate of increase is slightly jess than that for the decade immediately preceding, when it was 14.8 per cent., although the numerical increase is somewhat greater. During the earlier decades of the century the state increased in population rapidly, but the greatest numerical increase (581,564) occurred in the decade from 1830 to 1840. Since 1850 the development of the state in popula- tion has been comparatively steady. The population of Ohio in 1900 is more than ninety-one times as large as that given for 1800, the census taken two years before it became a state. : The total land surface of Ohio is, approximately, 40,760 square miles, the average number of persons to the square mile at the censuses of 1890 and 1900 being as follows; 1890, 90.1; 1900, 102.0. The following table shows the population of Ohio by counties at each census from 1800 to 1900, inclusive: e CENSUS OF OHIO, I9QOO. a Wai phdyaeep tant sinsless (sx ce sanneses] Z9% | eoc'z | pEr‘s 106‘8 \-820‘ FT GRg‘0Z% 080‘Sz | 28a‘Lz is 6 ula We de/6l) Sia 6.p S10 Ole S.5,0.46,6 8 mnie #8 P Asus fi ’ GFE‘ FL | 916‘0% | 660‘ 0% | 451 ‘02 ) OLL‘6I | 289‘ 81 9SP‘ 0S 08803 989 ‘0% : shee '650 IEE SNR rele Sc et coe ee eee OK US COMIC OTT iA i $69‘F 1cez‘s8 01g‘ Sl FIL‘ SI 820513 6268S Gi | J8T‘TS eee essere ned esesesonses sete eeee ulpieyy ee ee eI8 986 ‘6 TIGL‘ OL 989‘ZS ' 1$8°8% FSL‘1Z 296 ‘SF | $66‘LP bean a sen eee eeeeere yoooue fy P9L‘TS LIS‘ 2S | SPL‘08 PFS ‘OCT OLP‘9TZ | 018‘ 09% pie‘ets | ele‘ rLe — |: 6LFGOF ae 2 Gale siceie ner «6°. MOTTE Ef | 6%‘ 6 980‘8T SPL‘ LZ BSP ‘0s | PLE‘ PS S88‘ SS L6L‘ LZ G9‘ 8S COP‘ FE sift Wacle NOUS cee ees AOE O INS) 12901 108 ‘FT 869° LT 9F6 ‘TZ L161‘ 9% [eens 6F8 ‘TE 028‘ 62 gto‘ Ts g scelely sree sichae © cise lee | es eee au eee oto) I6L5L SIS °ST 162° 91 12862 118‘ | O61‘ FL 1S2‘F1 68h‘ 81 PPL PL i hl Fae wie einieis'2cie cic 7 OREO OY 860°L | §82°6 PrP ‘SL 890° 21 SFO‘ 6S i CFS*Gs PZL‘8S CooL] |: 816“ LZ hey oe eae ee ane taigetion a ergs 185-2, ae as 2 Saale Ten‘! | S0' FT 1 6815 LT e60‘TS 8Z0 ‘ZS 108 ‘ZS Ronse sewer Port et uo} | SLOT TPL SFL 6F0'SZ 606‘ 3F | t98‘0¢ | 610‘S 161°98 180‘FZL |: O9F FOL ee eee ulpyueLy 918°9 ZS1‘8 P86‘0L 9615 ST £6 ‘ST OLL‘ LT £98 ‘06 1 608‘ G6 | C3L“TS CEN gOS ease ae sS pede * apekey $89‘ 9L | 984° %% $26‘ 1S $9Z‘08 Seo ‘08 SEL‘ Ts F8Z ‘FE 686‘ SE 692‘ FS ee ay * ppaysrey Gall sc mcaligvele'nsin wle's> sunceceie eeeanle erate 66S ‘ZL g9e‘ST PLE‘ FS SSL‘8S OF9' SR GOP‘ SE 0g9‘ LS Pe weer eeeee aL 689‘ L 409 TL 090‘83 LI8 ‘TZ 206‘ 8% | GLL‘S% 18°13 681‘ 12 LOF ‘9% Pak an cae areMelad ale is wale (ye eee) a e/eie.6)6,6)6 )(8. 8/2, 810.5 a 81e Bee 996'9 988 ‘LL 61L ‘SL CTS 691,'CR 182 ‘9% Loca carne Sore . soueyoq Pal ae 402°9 282‘ ST 916‘ 0% 600‘ 9% 813‘ CS 96% ‘OF 196 ‘GF BES‘ GP psoas si Nese sat eer sae SALE GH 8z8‘9 818‘ OT 903‘ 9% 660‘ SF 8¢0‘8L OL0‘Z8T 86 ‘961 026 ‘608 OZL‘68F fee Oe esoyedny ereleceevseseee® I6L‘F ZST‘ST LLU‘ B81 + 188 ‘8% gag ‘ez ese‘0g 126‘1S CI6‘Ss ed eee eeereeneee piojmelg **| 980° TOLL 069‘ TZ HL9'SS 680‘ 9S 009‘ 8% BPO‘ 9G 80L'9% 188 ‘62 HS asee hah os Siglo ste a he aces eae eae CLO OLLS OO) $80° SS B69 ‘SE 818‘ OF 12988 983° 3S 662°88 . | ZO9‘SF 620‘ 6¢ 06989 eislie a wtorrie!*iripi\n\cjeieiciche cickaic as Ee CLUS CARLEEDE CLS) g80‘8 9eF IT 614 ‘ST 888 ‘81 I9F ‘TZ F16 ‘13 OSL‘ F% OFZ‘ FZ GOS‘ FZ ceca. aN CE AQUI IS, 156051914 9 028 ‘ST 99% ‘03 901‘ 8% SGP‘ 0S PE0'Es . 89S‘ FS SIL‘ 9S ego‘Es 019‘ TS care Sateidieniseiecsiciaic i “ICO OLIOIG) **| geg‘6 PIL‘ ST 288‘ 9 BLL‘ 2S 008‘ 0L0°28 Sr6‘ TF LLG‘ GS 686 ‘8¢ hie pena” ae walraeohas ee LO 617‘8 TEL‘ 3 TOL‘ OT 8L,‘61 - 869° 6% SSL‘ FS LI8‘LZ 086 ‘9% BO‘ 9% alatabereiavve nigieishoie Salta LO eC UREL) weer o* eeoeeee é 610 ae (oik 6/6 9:8, 6\| 6 ain O16) 6/0) 6.6'0'9 0 SOT‘ST Gs9‘ LT ge *cL I6P ‘FL OF ‘OL 99¢ ‘JT TIg‘9L peeceeetorleseeeseeeeses eeee . yot1e5 SOOO TEU ea al 9FL ‘TS GFL‘ LZ SLI‘ 83 681508 OFS‘ Ss 316 ‘68 619 ‘CF 169‘ 8h 018‘9S Sle ae ae aa PER eS) ENC | Gis oveie. ain ule eho ea aia ed aa © 9ce ‘sl 198‘ LT G1, Zs BES‘ LS 86 ‘6% 20808 T16‘SS 668‘ 62 18Z°SS wees eee ceseseseeeee ie Sie uMOIG eeeceeeree 160°11 62S ‘0S LZO‘ 8S 106‘0S 009‘ FS 968 ‘98 FIL‘6S 829° 6F ELPS Ls 013‘09 Coe pescacesareceruccesesnecsesese qUOW aq A CACORE) RS INT) SCRAP NO DCLG PE, ROTEL ADS ESSE a eee eerresese 8se ‘TL UBL‘ LT TP0‘0% PPP 'GS O0T ‘8S Z6L ‘TE hi See a Pet aziefsny Sra Anca 888°9 181°6 601‘ 6T G13‘8T P98‘ 1S 89L‘SZ TL¥ ‘SZ P6L‘GS 0821'S eae ee BUR ORS Cas wie see, 6010-6 of ss \0 le were \ie le Ge") F8G ‘FL FZL,° SS LOL ‘8S FIS‘TS ETCSZS 6ST‘ LE cco‘ SP QPP IG wae aeeee eccceesereece Rinqelysy- BOC MME WNC gt Ce BE at “* S18 ‘ks 166 ‘ZZ £86 ‘1S ggg ‘es . Sears PSL‘ IS eee eee sseeseeeseeeoeereeeseees purlysy ba diate) @ wilereite fiw.d)i6) as ey ey Oc y/ CL 4 Me Ole, BBS) PRONE 60L ‘SL CST‘ 6L 2295 8S FE ‘Is 9‘ OF 916‘ LF f eee eee eceeeseeseeeeeeeeeeseeese ud[[W Zerg rer‘6 907 ‘OT e89‘ST 608 ‘0% 0¢21,‘0% G00‘ FS $60‘9% 8289S wee ce eesereeseeveoseeeeeroesseseseose suepYy | | ; 00st OIst OZST O€8T | OFST OS8T. 098 OLST OS8T. 068T O06T *sarqunOD ; i ee eee ‘0061 OL 00O8T *SHILNQOD Ad OIHO JO NOILV’INdOd ~ CENSUS OF OHIO, I900O. 608 ‘T | 992°8 Pewee nnene settee eee ae 6g8‘s teens seen 6F1‘S 098° LT es Ce ey 9FL‘S peewee eeee 99u‘e 966 ‘T a BoF‘S F086 ‘31 /828'8 863‘ FT T89°S3 194‘ TS GPS ‘ST 8ST ‘93 LOT‘88 O6F ‘08 eeeeeene ele. eeeeeee 09922 CSP LZ 90F ‘8 88S‘93 809‘FS 818 ‘68 901° 119‘ PST ‘SL 896 ‘ST Slee an aoe sg 8ZL‘8T FOL‘ 13 0S2°¢ 0FL‘8 B6L‘ TT 82F ‘SL C98 Tg8‘Z | @8L‘OL G08‘ FL 6190S 890‘ FS 09%‘ 16 ¥L0‘SE 691 ‘6 900‘F3 BSS ‘FF 618 ‘08 Waren 082, 681 ‘'S TeGeL 183 BT 163‘ 9T CSF‘ 6L 98L ‘TS 660‘ OT 928 ‘ST. 696 ‘2S 61‘ F% 893 'F #209 969 ‘2 896 ‘OT 6FT‘ST T00‘9T GZL ‘61 900‘ TZ 62h ‘8 016 ‘ST. PPS ‘6L G1L‘03 a tee T9T F80‘T 994°T eee ee 8hs‘S gog‘s FOS LT _| F88 562 6FL‘8E 640! GF ‘ ‘ ‘ 08% 0% 1665S 008‘ IT ZS8‘0Z 689 ‘8z 666 ‘ST 298 ‘FZ 886 ‘TS 812‘8e Sh9‘F 892‘8 ¥69‘8T TS8‘8z 1988 108 ‘81 889 ‘6 666 ‘FZ stb a as * OLL‘T L13‘8 GIL‘ L 08% <> 8gT‘9 CSP TL TL6‘ LT 80'S | 09844 698 ‘8ST LFF ‘FG “| T96°9 GOL ‘FT 819‘ DATE WAT Bean cnt? cay eeoereeeeeseee G81°Sz 66L°F 061‘9 620 ‘6 SI0‘OL ee oe ed ee 2886 €98 ‘ZT palate a 969‘¢ L9F ‘8ST 980‘9Z I8t‘¢ OFF ‘9 SIO‘FT ZOL‘6L 198‘TT 698‘ 03 960‘SS 9F8‘8 66ers | n98‘s 88L‘6 9F3 ‘ST 3 sits ce as 8 $99 ‘FT 928°8 G80‘ LT 615'6% G18 ‘8S TSS ‘8T. 68h‘ ZS 080‘'Sz BEL ‘6S : 1¥6‘¢ FPL‘6 6TL'2T $19'9 | Te8*ST $868 808‘9% ; ge1'6 880‘81 BSP ‘0S ost*s 800% 1hL‘6 GIT‘ FL 808 ‘SI SPS ‘9T 693 ‘ZS T8L‘9 109 ‘91 SOF ‘SE 99908 PPS‘ LZ 816 ‘GP 86‘ LT 398 ‘0 166 ‘F% 6GF ‘13 TL0‘Ss Sgt ‘Te | 808° 028‘ Tz 802 ‘FZ SF9 ‘ST 69F ‘8S 819‘ 6 Ch6 ‘FP 9102 * | tez‘0% OP ‘FF SFP ‘0S 6IL'ZS 083‘3S TPL‘ SZ 666 ‘6 POL‘ FL PES ‘9S LIS‘ZS 06? ‘ST ¥68 ‘SZ S10‘ST TE8‘ SZ FPL ‘63 966 ‘03 T10‘28 63‘ 8S OLS ‘ST GEL‘ LZ CEL‘9Z T¥6‘ LT 919‘63 689 ‘0% 190‘ LT. If panei 082 ‘ST 0Fg ‘es 659‘88 FLO‘ FS 809g SFL‘0Z 128‘ 08 208 ‘63 80S ‘SZ 260‘L8 919 ‘Zs 180‘ LT 608 ‘TZ 89‘ FZ LEP‘ GT G18 ‘FS SGP ‘ST bPS‘S F908 ‘81 6F6 ‘61 988 ‘FF €89°8T 898°0 9009 6LL‘SS OFL‘ZS PSZ ‘LT GOP iTS Z60‘0Z FST ‘OT 100‘Ts 889‘ ST G61‘ OF 808 ‘0g 820‘ 8% 9g1‘98 088 ‘Ts G86 ‘ST. SEE ‘9S 881. 6Z GGL‘ 13 28S ‘83 LLI‘81. G26‘ LT -| S81 ‘62 GLE‘ S61‘ OF 088 ‘$F 882‘ Sh T80‘#9 LE ‘$Z 146 ‘98 I1g‘e¢ 1G0‘%E 108 ‘OF 90898 STL ‘83 SES‘ FS 00$*22 126° LT CLP‘ LZ 813‘8 GBP ‘ST. 69261 SEL‘ IZ PLL‘ OF 610 ‘61 $20‘0Z 0SS ‘82, 96F ‘9G 8ST ‘9g 808 ‘TZ GBS °3S SSF ‘TS 699‘ 0Z IL8 ‘GF 6Z1‘0 LLE‘L9 92g ‘SE 196‘92 09F ‘OF 8906S 968 ‘9T TSh‘12Z STO‘ Ss 989° 8z 609‘ TS 9LL‘0% 9ZL‘1Z 183 ‘08 ee BPS ‘2 192‘8¢ 169‘ 9F CTL‘ TL LYL‘¥6 29° FS SOL Th 186‘ OF IIe ‘*Fs OF6 ‘OF 683 ‘FF G85 °3s S1L°8% 996‘ 63 @LL‘ST 910‘2Z TH ‘TE 86S‘ 1Z 813‘ SS 99% ‘6L GST ‘eg 618‘ LT G06‘ LT OFT‘ OST 180‘ LZ COL‘ SF TZ0‘8Z 02982 866 ‘TZ 819 ‘83 PELL 069‘ 0% 699‘ SST. 198 ‘FS OZF ‘0S 0105 LF #85 ‘6S 089‘TZ 891516 198 ‘FP SFE‘ FE 0ge* ae TIS‘6L 868 ‘FS 86 “0g cs uoruy) SeMEIEOSN ‘+ [[nqwnsy yWuIUWINS SEIS AqIP4S B09U3S 0019S ‘+ Aysnpues SSO “* puelyorny weujyng e19°1g a3eq10g seeeees OMT ‘+ ABMENIG seen Allag “* Surpineg tee! BMENO ION uInSUIYSN JT "18" MOIIOT seee uesloyw £19103} U0 J, “*7* 2010 teense * wer * IIoTITT eeeeee SBI ‘t+ BUIpAW pitas k uOolleyy * Suruoyeyy "** wOSIpEyy <2 SeOngy, ulelo’'y ueso’y ‘* Bupyory aoUdIME'T st tateseeecseccnccseesncseeseecs Qypey xouy uosiaya fl . . se enee * uosyxoef ‘+ uoiny tectesseaeseecsccecscsceseees SOTO ET a) SUIyIO FT ey puelysiy CENSUS OF OHIO, 1900. | | cog‘ cr 092082 | G63‘ 18S $06‘ L86 19F ‘619 ‘T 6ze‘086‘T | t1S‘6EE's | 092'999'2 | z90‘S6L‘S Gs a’elaéeibee Un alee ose s Siinede se as 0's be pias ewes HL 966 ‘ST e6¢‘8T G68 ‘ZS potas GG, ZOL‘T Lg8‘¢ LS1'6 988‘ LT 96S ‘FS G20‘ FE sete Sci rarest | aBe COP ‘F 810‘8 $89 ‘9T 166‘ 03 128 ‘8% 902‘ Oe oe ets fe $88‘ss 808 ‘Ss 186‘ZE E8t ‘SS gIT ‘Ss 920‘ OF LBP‘ 166‘¢ SGP ‘OL TeL‘ 11 $28 ‘0 0S ‘6Z 896 ‘98 609‘ OF FFG‘ SF seem oe WeGeenG 188‘ L1 SOF ‘1S TPL 83 099‘Sz 206 ‘9% 689‘ 93 G68 ‘8S wae elewrewn nee eeceecesseeeeeieeereereorare te Sat ela ecg ‘6 Te9‘eL 1Z0‘ST. ZS‘ LL re ee oe eee ewes ee eee seeneee 6P LLS 1% $61 ‘F 882‘0L 28 ‘SL 820 ‘SZ ee ee OL ee eee | 008T OIst 0Z8T Ost OF8T- - Oss | 098T OL8T 08st i | 918‘ZL9‘S Z6L‘1Z COE‘ FF 168‘ ¥Z c00‘6 088‘ 2F 897 ‘SZ GF0‘9T TL9‘63 GPS‘ LST'F GZL‘ IS Ggs‘ Tg $56 ‘FS 018‘ LE CFG‘ SF FSG ‘CS 08e‘ST 76808 [2301 jopuedk \\ BSC SUETTIEM ween ewes auAeM ecccce uo} Suryse \\ seeeeereee UQZIBAA uo A teeeeeee QIOAQ UBA ee ee ee ee SS ae ee ee ee —lloooooooeee 068T 006T « *sotyunog ee eeeeeEeEeEeEeEeEeee———____ nnn ‘papnpouod — 0061 OL 008T *SHILNNOD Ad OIHO AO NOLLV1NdOd ¢ CENSUS OF OHIO, I90Oo. 9 The following table shows, for each county, the increase or decrease, “by number and per cent., in population from 1890 to Igo00: Increase. Decrease, Counties. Number. Leber Number pao | PEIN ME oe owen octele eek Me cial ISAs 2 hah a eat a 235 BS a /3. ete Bias eee FNP SS ORG PORE EME ATE Rey ake Coen Garey ry MME eee Bt A 7,332 j Fa a ees a 2 oer ST iaentaet. teas Mirai ae are e =v aes i sa alle wae ew elas Rees 1,039 | 4.7 PUSUCADU a: Ge. ae teeta cas NG pike HERS 4 ed She edb 7,793 1 set Pe Pe 2 eases Pa RIENIS rs ote cial sxe WAN tae GN se ORE eee Ges 3,536 LO SAAN ode cscs laine REP A INC yen o olske Ree vce RE Ws ig Boe pete 3,092 i 9 NR ee oon are ee SC MNOU cas piacin abn aaleee ne Metie He ee ae aes 3,462 Oras aliacccas se aren esas BrOiics. vest hea Bete asi cle Bags ote exh seen s [sins maccntde she'ss Sams 1,662 | 5.6 SEED Be Dee wit ete a hts Seda as ie een 8,273 tree Paneer PRs KCARROM eels iy in 5,604 Sci ie eee tae a SeNeCAN eS ce Meee Tasers pee Hoteles 2 Oa Se eke 294 atk nays UCL EN ae 2 Ren Pager DAME eam aoc PR Rs) os ye 82 3 oO Sal, . SER erator Stic or ror Re oo 10,577 12.6 ica ene eT te iso AOE DIOR Cis ne ar race Gag 17,626 ROG lis we one ohare erent ARSE RTIDASINE Gio. cis Gad 25 GEOR OIn ORO RIGO CALkO CHOICE 4,218 1Oee etl coe 5 SERIA iene GRIENENI, ouoo too be CA Gn OO bobo OM Oman Om Ocugimt {Oiles! 15.3 ee Ulin Se ee oo wieineths ite « com am eons Pee re Pe en 518 2.3 WEY NINES Hin py ORB Oe Gt Cone Oo oC bOn ooo tC cIo Dior 723 2.4 seh avcreretons ESATO TUE eee foes ese es Ww cm ware eo ot rae whee ahaa fist alleredntete et Sia neues 15 / 4.5 RAPE CID hemes coe 5 low ia chnialein sis aie a felaatae oars ate 116 | 5 b.heaial Se ton WY aShingtOn nos cesses ce ale oe nls as wns Sos Csi 566041) 42.0 ov te ee WYRE Rie kta. % RE reise cere eee ae wilnncaih ee gle /s Peta terrane iets aa? 1,135 | 2.9 WMINERII®: ac aBorena Coad ob F600 CUO UOGGr ni uoK 56 ROM vege eines cds os Betsey per a See eae camer CROrrir Sacre ie ean a 7,163 160) tows awl se. ene Wy vaticat Win eee koe re erala pis CitoX as Gv ee Rca eesis © eles peices | 597 | 2.7 TESS sR IS TON a OES ete oer eink s Meek Bie SOY Sio)eeaee oe 17, 146). Fie DEAL ASE ETRE We ae eae aa sass ai —ii—@WRHAQSG iS i i iII0I0I0I0I0I09090909. | ; PNIVMERS We ease ao oes Starks «ees. 8,974 7,607 MsoLONG Up iste MEAS Olle oie Bellairem ne se Belinonts ones 5 9,912 OF O34 5 eins: ee ce Re a2; Prelletcitaines ask WoORAN. |. shes nc 6,649 4,245 AMEN UNOS HA 55 ocllsoe c Bowling Green...| Wood ..... Ber: 5,067 3,467 IMGOU 3246.2) lees ae BUCVERS vu i.oents « Crawford ..... 6,560 5,974 | Gsetoy, 4] aK © Weeec ees (Gambridge:- an Guernsey ...... 8,241 4,361 2-1/8 Ges Ama Career eed Canal Dover...... Muscarawas -.- 5,422 3,470 Lota GER S Ihe nace ae a @irclevilless.e oc. Pickaway ..... °6,991 6,556 335 Oe ese Leases (Gonnealtes scene: Ashtapulae.<.. else 3,241 3,892 |120 =. eR Sa Coshocton ....... WwCOshocron 4 <<. Gra. || -Spbrer peezeulun 16.0 4le coke Lite Wefiancessce es - Wefiances.s... 7,579 TOO 4s |e eee Bs Aveo) willy || Shae Dela waters ec Delaware ..... 7,940 SIP | 5 cin gel Wee pereet | aie BW Fide dessa cs cos eoratnmerns es 2c 8,791 5,611 Solos OOR te | eee aa, PGstOria come oso tar ae ee 7,730 7,070 660 1: ee Bremontasce c+ - Sanduskyenee.. 8,439 (e141 IRZOSSIT 1S 22 liver lene ee Galion sae c seen Crawtond es a 7,282 6,326 ET. |b aya E We sac. peaees GlenvillGmas.n- os Giryahocaes 5.1 DeOOS: | decavaes Meee | MIGRRRE are allie crsie dy Li een epee Gallipolis :codreek ll Galhdinsceewre ss 5,432 4,498 O34 i 20 sBahiu ee AS, Greenville ....... Darkest: ose... 5,501 BS eT: || SO eo al eee es Kentonesscs nes ar dinge ssa. 6,852 | «5,557 P20 5 aliezocoull ey seicts | eee Lancaster: .....4. be Paithield =< ccc: 8,991 7,505 1.4364) 1 9c all eee, Martins Ferry....| Belmont ....... 7,760 6,250) |. 13510 | 24.2 1... be Shey Middletown ..... IBibtdSe Ganoeoe GRONS 7,681 Wye AI Nae oe ee. Mita Vernon. <:.< PONG 28 6 ee 3: 6,633 | 6,027 606 10.1 asc) 20) Sate Nelsonville ...... NthenSIA ce es ee 5,421 4,558 S65 eLSe9R |aee oleae New Philadelphia.| Tuscarawas ... Once 4,456 TAS ( eoOr aan eee INC WiDULO war yes Ciyahooawee..- GOT Ns Da cu 5 SS oe pe en akc y & bs ee ee ees INTTES Baaren erce cere Wjabvoowil Gonos 7,468 4,289 Se liO al a0: oilaall ees ieee INOnWa like oe IBkobcese) Herncrpade 7,074 ALO Stee epee alate tee aL Ih ake re INO WOOGIE ers Hamilton ..... GRAS O later ete se ooeeeter alin. steve il Chuck men eee Painesville....... i ee es ee 5,024 4,755 269 DAE oor : bike SteMarysics sek i Auglaize .....; 5 , 309 3,000 AS) ND lo Sccctle ack SHOE woncbiemenar Columbiana ... 7,082 | ~5,780 JL gohl PA | BIB WE B a mc lature SHGHG sa grade dc SHGIDY sp rks 3 5,688 4,850 838 | 17.3 TRY eee: Miami ........ 5 O81 ts 4, 494 OP 8871 0.001. nts UNDO pone cnea be Champaign .... 6,808 6,510 298 AZO a5 Meee Wate Wiertse ssi Wii WKERo so e6 - 6,422 5,512 O10. AG bali ss4 pees Witenes dae - Wa frombpull Ys>... 8,529 5,973 DOO JetanO. bene Washington C. H.| Fayette ....... 5, fol 5,742 9 A ea CAA hes heat Wrellston''): 05052 | Jackson ....... 8,045 4,377 SD OOS SoKOul ernie awe ke Wellsville ....... Columbiana .. | 6,146 5,247 SUT RY Rese es al lice WiSOSter etree be Weaynesso sss. 6,063 5,901 162 2.8 eniae sae wee: | Greene ........ | 8,696 | 7,301 | 1,395 | 19.1 Dae | 14 CENSUS OF OHIO, I9QOO. The following table shows the population in 1900 and 1890 of each of the 72 cities, towns and villages in Ohio having a population in 1900 of more than 2,000 and less than 5,000, and, also, the increase or decrease in population, by number and per cent., of each from 1890 to 1900: CITIES HAVING FROM 2,000 TO 5,000. Cee Population Increase. Decrease. Name. County. D rs 3 e 1900. | 1890. | ‘s O(a 2a | =} Z, A ee ee ee na ee ee PCL AMRIT Rater ciciers latinas 2,016 2,079 AME eb ee | eee | ee Shand wae seen. AGAEIIGL 5 Soa8iat 4,087 3,566 SAE ae 14: 6 Se ee nes PNENEN Sie, cel sco. s1ent he ‘Athens issees < 3,066 2,620 446 | 17 Barberton meets. Siohaonnoule oo anuge 7s 5% a es ripen lore ae ee eae Barnesville ...... Pieumornt geht as 35, PA 3,207 AEE PaGy” Whe facil aoe Betleviie a: 5 <0 aoe | Sand. & Huron 4,101 3,052 170400) 34.3: |}. sehen Bees cee vee Cuyahoga ..... S510. 1 2 Silman teees shacwaes 25} ond Bridgeport ...... Belmontueeen s. 3/963 3,369 SO4G OUT. Ooms eres Brvatiges ons eto Vil Niaitrisimers terersits 3, tol 3,068 63 ep We | eke) Sea Ne oe n(Gartha seme. dere: amiltone ss 2,559 2,201 SOO Seloma. |e ere AG ates Sawa Sed oe Mercer /ermias: « 2,815 2,103 113 7 Na eae jc re: Chicago Junction.| Huron ........ 2,348 1,299 1049 a SS028 eo). eens (Cly.deneiee s ciec cies Sandusky ce. . 2,515 Pi PALL 188 So 15 | een eee Gollinwood) CGnvahocamee.. BTG09 alee aoe 4 Oe Pere Nr ar a, rates |B ae METeStine. set ae he se Grawiord ans Bete 2,911 e307 6 Ma a Nerf A IS Cuyahoga Falls:. | Summit........ 3,186 2,614 Dike elas | ean omen EPO NOS. wicks es | V. W’rt & Allen A Ul 4,516 II | tees Ot ea eta ae BOennisonmie + cceans Tuscarawas . 3,163 2,925 SEG 229 RE |, neers East Cleveland...| Cuyahoga ..... DET Ob atsosallgck 4c table eae FOS das Aastio ell we awe BGS s| Ge facts ole steered | areiuate ss [arena oka TA SUEMISEESS oy ahi site: 2 HIHeNS 2456 .k « BEADS i Vc wo scucedn& wate et lepmiets canta Pas Greenfield ....... Fighland, ..; « 8,979 2,460 TE Bh ee i Se Elicksvilles) 3 6) Defiance sea: «0 2,520.| 2,141 STOMA Tihs taller rel cua EN Sbororre ee eee Highland. «3. 4,535 3,620 GIS") 2020 be eens MIACKSOI secerercrcte 5 eksOnme eee 4,672 4,320 352 foe) Wl oars freee easy ane Se ae Portage £2). i: 4,541 8,501 1.040 if 29.7 eee tees Lakewood ....... Ciyahordirs fas SOOO bind oa, at Bho ohene Mend tole nishs Bereta Lepanen,-¢ sc 2,450.1 6. Sot Ue ere BOSS «v0 Wank \iudatoste pac pade aay we hee 3,384 1,779 1,605 | 90.2 Zoo | a sO00 W ceneewe mies eee 9660) PPS, 2000) sv. be a [a tee 4,685: 1 OTT 1) 42, 708 1ST 2g OAS Lian dike Go Pe pare kines ba ae eae eee 3,526 | 2,536 990 | 39. 4,582 | 3,842 740 | 19.3 D, Goo | WOO se Carl lakers stnvates one 3,915 | 3,616 299 | 8.3 2,148 | 2,060 88) 4.3 2,094 | 2,069 25 1.2 3,613 | 3,079 534 | 14.1 es oe? 16 CENSUS OF OHIO, IgOO. The following table shows the population of Ohio by minor civil divisions, so far as it was separately returned at the census of 1890: and 1900. POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900 Minor civil divisions. 1900. 1890. nc ee I ee ee ADAMS COUNTY. | etic (AWD. lo oats cae ea ecb anemones eee 1,069 1,094 Perth LOWS DID oe oh setae ek eens s hates al were memes | 1,572 1,594 eee BUI WSs Sa gd 5G. AEE te + 1 OER De wake cee Saye 2,046 2,023 TefersOn LOWEEDIP ion .05 <5 hogs sho SF Ue cohesive MM tauchoy arate 3,946 8,947. PRCtLy BOWHSHIDs Se hs ee ao Ree atelin it eRe 1,199 1, 245- Manchester township, including Manchester village.......... 2,070 1,988 Biqactiester: willage «Si < ge. s,s Ps een Siuorae @ Ah aricrete ate OU 2,003 * 1,965- Meigs township, including Peebles villages vscsle’s ne 5. xeteenue,s Hi flley = 2, 645. Peeiles BVIAGe es. 0k apes ie «a CeOk es Apa oor stweeee be we 763 358 Monroe township Be a SPR EEN orp, ant Aas Paras oF oe 1,291 1,430 GETS UWS Fo 5 cinta = Hino bc EN cms SRA ORIG Dil ace emacs eos 976 | 1,051 RGU ATO WINS ILl Gato CE ete cas Fea tie a emo Ne ER mun Firm ateraLw ean 1,272 1,182 SIC IO WUSHID. «tac naccae nase geo cee sae es homn Reet | 2,203 2,625 _ Tiffin township, including West Union village............... 2,635 2,600: VWViEStHU II OM mya Ce) somtrerih ans ecu micas aot sls, orale tenetetoteraterers 1,033 825. Were SIISEI Sar yer Seine wave a aes m8 cial Wl airiow Wsjenks on sere e 1,204 1,181 Winchester township, including Winchester ‘village 2: Bee 1,732 1,488 VIC Gabe! VELA G ok Seer ts ean a ws Soe sis saiachfur cyan anes 196” | Sck cee Total population of Adams county... ...)......5.. see 26 , 328 26,093 ALLEN COUNTY. INGREDNGES. COSENGT UNOb. 3 Aor, RO ae oo Ronee ooo aD Oar One O aoudEne 1,384 1,425 Auglaize township, including Harrod village..............-- 1,909 1,929: ” Harrod VAIL EIES od 38 ner rigcieok pod ode coe One Aono rodeos 370 269 ES TEIRMELO VII SEND ae ete sac aes tar oe cd avon Ute eT tee Foie Rae ON Ee dos iLatsulye 1,448 German township, including Elida village...............+++% 1,951 1,615. Paty Ore. Peek GA. oy poy dich cr Seite «eae ween 440 399 Jackson township, including Lafayette village............... 1,931 1,818 Lafayette VATA UM arate oreo ctrte hee vere oreo oe ate icra teratelecerers SLOT eens Marion township, including Wards 1 and 2 of Delphos City. . 4,573 4,723 Delphos city (part of) Fe eee nw ee eee Sis sane eer 2,289 2,331 Total for Delphos city, in Marion township., Allen Co., 4,517 4,516 and Washington township, Van Wert county. Aigo h aa (0 Mla? By 7 ie Oi ea As INES esac rarer) er 1,174 Wiad Cnc Ruane ie eases es Mer ae tien c oie 1,115 Ia ge We(a ten Sees Ww: a ote eA A as Le ree 1,375 IVT lard: eee re amree tata a crefitiis cles fee meee ene 853 Moprroe township, including West Cairo village.... ........ 1,875 1,995 Wiest Cant Vilage c yc ec sd nn cays ease eee eRe one 338 325 Ottawa township, COCKLETSIVERWIth ELlinanCl(Vceeiieee teases 21,723 15 , 987 PITA SICILY: peels shel ee tehaksveres acs Gloss haioc les Ae ate Uae Sree abate eee sate 21,723 15,981 NYUEN (eh 5 eo SN ae Rr RE Gra Ret Ac 8,051 Wide Eh Bieri taste eusiotre sae ie ree eet ocr 1,535 IV AE Cire oo het acne eae csc A en RNa Re 8,019 AEN ge le: RS OUR eect APU here ena VE 5,523 Warde wos. te ty. cious. oe Gates nae eat ee nate 2,499 AYE aa 08 tee es OOM ret, DIRE R ee ADI Fd 3,008 CENSUS OF OHIO, 1900. 17 -POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900 CoNTINUED. Minor civil divisions. 1900. 1890. ALLEN COUNTY — Concluded. PecUP CO WSO totes ee a's hs wee oss nek ape ps tans eahen ee he 1,467 1,537 Richland township, including Beaver Dam and Bluffton 4,409 8,434 villages. : GA VOCE AeIL LA eek ose Gi ee ee Meare Se sea a's Seon ss ATT 397 CSYEL a ya)2 aig | N rl pk es aN ee ae bane ON Ss Selah sates 1,783 1,290 SU WHGC OTTO WMIIS IED jus heey pare hs deer eso str eee kos cas sot 1,493 1,279 Spencer township, including Spencerville village............ 3,016 2,444 ReTIGeR MING 1 Vl RCO m eee eee eke ac men ee oes Cee er 1,874 1,266 Sugar Creek township. Wy 2 "Seas eR NA A rte bel im a abt Birth tes 1,038 1,010 Total population of Allen county................. 47 ,976 40,644 ASHLAND COUNTY. Clear Creek township, including Savannah village.......... 878 996 SORT UP EL EY 3) Si ine ee ara Se Deo ene Re ridery apne Pair 290 325 Greene township, including Perrysville village and part of VERTEG ora! CVS oie Si een, eR nn Se aa Alea EL eb | 2,044 +1,970 Toigeriiile -willtoe €Oatt Ol) avs. cose avr esse see vce ne DOO ote se ee Total for Loudonville village, in Greene and Hanover | — REAL SERENE IN 5 crete cael 2's ee in ane on maths Se Fog revaterne 1,581 1,444 Perea Vie Wine eo oe eee rs eine cts av sunee Sere et ee cee 513 522 Hanover township, including part of Loudonville village..... 2,197 *1 092 Ponccaw le willagec( Pare Of) sinc ce es os cures orm ote ae a 2 ld Pee a ge Jackson township, including Polkevillace: eae ae acre eae: 1,155 1,276 Pe EME ae ree ys 5 ea OE om 3 Ri diow «id Rats dw encie nied armed 232 264 Lake township. eM A aaa otek de Sites We & ahte Mia era Laat eae ae 684 852 Mifflin township, including Mifflin ce Se ED EU E 694 770 IMGT Iie Vall ame eee et ea ee eee cae a) ye cteke wcarereiees soho ole inia Gein eke Wolly ah Cyrene ate VSM TCE EEN ara orc fats ates se meres chads Same vine te gad She ae 869 1,043 Mohican township, including Jeromeville village............. 1,481. 1,536 ete ule ININAGGL wr cree cata aces eee ear cate Pesce 308 301 Montgomery township, including Ashland village.......... be 5,324 4,874 INShiandmvillaCe neds vn titer or soe eee ee eee 4,087 3,566 WTEC eee cde gn A ge eS Sete WO Pega BS CAR crane 1,268 aE LM ee aa Cita aces ate tee one cium oe 1,260 WOM bre cs Ao 8s Sea ess Re i as aR Nea 673 Nike tae oe Sen wie Setar acre tam VAL vets Ome 886 Orange township ....... ee Wickes tReet oe Sai Sian sun AP ee ener 1,201 1,294 Osta AR MET Chee Sn Get ole vie bara einie Uae wo diges Sn TeTe eek ee 1,124 1,236 Beer ear Dk oe ea tes Wa ee. ain Fis ce cud aie i boas praeies 630 660 SUMIVaAtetOW Slip icen actenreayee cree check ters core oer cic ater 808 724 BREMEN Fag chelsea he tg ata le Sake 4G wha vee naoea ay Sade - 583 610 Vermillion township, including Hayesville village............ 1,562 | 1,846 BRB Veo NAG ani coh le Cai ay 2 vee ems Cm ONS Over 332 fot bea EA aiseosae 480 Total population of Ashland county............... | 21,184 | 722, 223 1890. * Exclusive of population of Loudonville village. 7S, Oe So f Includes population (1,444) of Loudonville village, given independently in 18 CENSUS OF OHIO, I9OO. POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900: CONTINUED. Minor civil divisions. 1900. 1890. ASHTABULA COUNTY. Andover township, including Andover village............... 1,534 IESG PTI V ECR CULE BO eivss wou mint ermcss ace septararel ee eS a er 815 733 Ashtabula township, including Ashtabula city............... 13,987 10,246 PASE CLE VET cto st Sicnare cio ns ateaiare hc che a RvR einer es 12,949 8,338 IV eciteclims lige veers fae NC ee es Seen te et rare 2,422 WWiaridlarcie ect: tian meren okt ADSM RS WPA eet PAR 1,228 WAY etd hif3 ce oh ec ar eee Oe ee Mey art Ste Be rt calgon IN Pore NV UEMEIERE Se eed 05 poh nds cc ce os emai te aaa 2,087 | MET ek ie Ren, Seba besta rare AaeaMia nas Dae wie rears he eg A fo INVA ROM he CES ee see ep tett c etene e Rim O) : Warde tee ne Be ee eth rad crete tee Tike ener 2,210 ASPECTS AO WHSIND woe oo ea bee bs to ae Ga Kenn Mees 1,040 taGis CHerre Vaile ve tOWiSaip ool sx cis 2 nach deel oe eNO sw ad as ge eltratare re . 648 677 ESTE RLOO eS LOIS IIIT Urs voce % cele th crac ots» Rane ea ora neue | 713 943 Conneaut township, including Conneaut village............. 9,525 4,811 COniPauLEViUage, 0.5 '72).".* sauna eee Sees Mee Scie arte: | 7,133 3,241 Denmark township ...... its Baler WE MET ein Le Ae iat nese Dec Ce 703 749 TAOGESEE TOW ASMITN Soe Rie a> vie yak eyiess Sk Reins Cea ates Aes Deets ne 878 668 Geneva township, including Geneva village................. 3,596 | Seva ESTEE TREN ey Ae ni Oe SSP bai Phat Age ae eee ar 2,342 2,194 PIARDer Eel toWinSiipe tc cutis see canis Dees cae nee SEE Mey 893 | 944 REESE ROVIC MSAVENS UN Ds (o> S04 5.5.5 ox ees oto x OR ermine ok ars Sw het BS 647 650 Jefferson township, including Jefferson village.............. 2,131 | 2,184 elercomevilAce el. <6 tlk te rata cne csr ne ann a be ieee 1,319 1,346 ROAM le GONOINIP ec acre 2s, < wore orbs avietae $4-1 ara enim a cas See 1,412 1,712 bets CW eLTTr Peoe ce es ee a Ge wk WN ease leas a -aicaty eames ay 742 724 ARTE COUNIIEMT 0 Siaiche sel nin cys sh Aue mane Reread 6 UR Qe ousIN's | 1,302 1,492 Morgan township, including Rock Creek village............ | 1,040 1,015 Br cle Peake SV aC Cais whic acuity + o> Lone Ave oats cea ane nium a 478 | 448 WOR WING RE WHS DIG, ok ccs siete svc so oc cose eeu multe 6 se Ube ane 837 | 952 Wa CUETO Matte to) cca renee eek e cate SRE Nia Ata eeE 981 | 936 Prec it ROWMmIeIII oo bc syle sce ets Sn aah awe me ce satay cme a 931 1,021 VION POMS IP akc ces de saa e oe ee = 8 Pintle belt Geb. tegtae th ie ep 766 Pete cee SHIP Le ce ee x cy Semen a eptiee othe wile aan beats | 848 | 912 Rearae WM Saas © hp ioe Lolvc ine Seu cc age ae woe Vem neater | 589 | 607 BAVUCOO MMIC WHSUIT, Giek aids ede ste cis slag weatee ain o's ngewe eR | 1 ay fs sa | 1,513 BITTE pT OWEIRTIE che nem sac ke Se eae nit tame Baeeee cee Oy comets | 609 | 659 METTLE LOWINSIU[Y te paetoicte ate on cind Bales een Oe Sree eee ess | 855 | 855 NA te MEO TISTLUD). Cet sac sce A Fe Hho tie Kear estes Me rai | 685 | 755 Mra IPA CISTI LetOPTIGNIP © < o1s oc viet oto ava beet ate wee Hie era iti ty oie | 900 | 930 SMI SOL COM IISRID® ve vuh yh xy cle tae ven eee ey ae elem a dacs 911 971 Total population of Ashtabula county............. | 51,448 | 43,655 ATHENS COUNTY. | | iexarider LOWaSty ancl. ecco eels ae ae Minka da cement ae | ? ta "| 1,243 PO GGULOWU TIONG ac Miece nes sak Hh Ped ee ako t eda eee Cees | es em 1,281 Athens township. including Athens village..................{ 5,867 | 5,016 Wt erat eyilia @e tan etc hoat tie xc sche haa ae tail oe on ete tiers | 3,066 | 2 620 CEI AAO WISH. PO how Hees wks Ce NE ae AA ioe Ge, | 1,660 | 1,485 Ganga Sew nenite ee csce 2 os Ue ieee a ese Aen oa eae eee | 1,179 | 1,201 Casthieaucowiclit (fk ieee sa anda ee Seta cee canes | 1,186 1,240: Dover townshie. (250k saws owner ee Mea ne. Sena ees | 1,488 | 1,880° Lee township > including Albany village: .. 2. av eic% dase eo ancee | 1,088 993. A lhany willame™, 3.565. S00s9 sas 2 eotacs sas sich ccc alee ae tan | 548 | 471 CENSUS OF OHIO, 1900. 19 POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900: CONTINUED. EE — Sea Minor civil divisions. 1900. 1890. ATHENS COUNTY — Concluded. | | REARING TEED) BE oid) 5 Son aoe eae ope Peas, Ra i ee aT 1,357 1,390; corre SINS WES EES Wy cicero are e g Cranes, «aie «i Paige wie ats 1,767 1,957 Trimble township, including Glouster, Jacksonville and AN RANI OL ET, 8 ti chee ne ark menses Seca mare (BPA 4,966 Re ETS IAG OS oo ott cae niet a cia cnirnnin dee alow ace eRe 3 2,155. eR Jacksonville village Bee ee ciate MP aac. 5 coe Nov deskit a hotayetoren ie 1,047 727 ROT NIMAG WS bacco. cece muss (Cael ome Sa SMe ean mare = /eee 625 440, Troy township, including Coolville village... ..-....+. 5+: 1,741 1,760 @oolvillemuillaveporart cc ce onan cise etcetera than eraleiierne rs 315 330 Wiiertei:] OO MEOVUITSIA Dik 45 9 erecstsetel'a cast ciated o eons see con botoies NertcuateNnrie 2,508 1,961 York township, including Nelsonville village............... 9,183 8,823 RiDee eR a ROE SURO Cec aro coe aca oe we Viana d Minh phat cioke Neo ieee BFE * 5421 4,558 Total population of Athens county................ | 38 , 730 | 35,194 : | AUGLAIZE COUNTY. | | NO TeyrGRa Wen te RINE Yay eine, Pee ents he aun ic loete ts ss Shenae oe SE A 1,647 1,430 Duchouquet township, including Cridersville and Wapakoneta WIL IECGI kc circ wna 4 We tie akin AMIS Ae ds ee 6,132 5,925: ROSE INIE GON TRIEE oo od cove dherHiot wins acai aac re 581 465> NW AoC VI OO cc ak «5 cioehnaconae dordincce ns Aor ool a ae 3,915 3,616 Ae eclicca!S Leet ieee ik eps age earn rere tin By hed See Bh 892 Wat ary ee eres ee EBs con soos hee ae ooeene men 908 "949 Jackson township, including Minster village................. 2,196 1,966 i EEE 7 OS SE el hae ae RUE Re a Nal 27) | 1,465 1,126 BABI ESEID Ss cote: oa note ea ee ee | 1,473 1,369 BETES: HSC" 15 le ee a RICE NG OS od | 1,986 1,339 ° PH MN OI ook oss a a ee ee 1,360 | 1,283 ee ee eet te hirac hn | eee tees J 1875 4 497 St. Marys township, including St. Marys village.............. 6,729 | 4.388 SUM ee uvillage fe ec dase ee 5,359 | 3,000 ea oe ee ee 1,468 , BN Ny ce aes Pi Sern eset chs res leit tsrocs, oes 1,613 RACE 8 occ dt Bee tovriance cries ha cela nner te 1,297 RN ICaa tena rete, +o Melee Oe BE ec 981 Salem township, including Kossuth silluge Sete scbante hes cet aes } 1,112 | 1,136; Teva aet CMRP Ue aces oc cte cae mata sanction pets so ir | "153 | UNTER EUG 2 oS ae Sees ee ee Oe Rms 7 POL | 1,666 [ 1,661 Washington township, including New Knoxville village...... | 1,629 | 1,581 New Knoxville POA Gre neds ke cock, The a hink cee ee | 436 Ped Wayne township, including Waynesfield village............. | 1,568 | 1.451 VaeeSReldavilapete. cohen ese ee an ees | 542 | “480. Total population of Auglaize county.............. t_ Soir 192 | 28,100 20 CENSUS OF OHIO, 1900. POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900 CoNTINUED. Minor civil divisions. 1900. ; BELMONT COUNTY. AAR AAR SOM ASS LTE es dg win Wes 23 Se SRR ao eee o sak wie eG ae 2,987 Flushing township, including Flushing village............... 2,141 MRAM O ee cas toe Coes Gee ae eae sae eae 653 Goshen township, including Belmont village................- ™ Meare iBieltoatovntiy- Nall ER cc cena: Diao ria Sete uice EeIOD AenG COLO COO 7 "429, Kirkwood township, including part of Fairview village....... 1,680 GIL VIE MPL CIaSE] ( Palt OF owe cess cue files in ie boo tn ern 18 Total for Fairview village, *in Kirkwood township, Bel- mont county, and Oxford township, Guernsey county 291 BRROSEY CW iretiib Ge Se wil cons ca ec na as Yate Re eae eanee 1,726 Pease township, including Bridgeport and Brookside villages Bande MaLtiiiom iP eLryeCit vince ein: mnie teen eres. 15,158 Bye a keteey de SAWN ETEKS ee See ep ai Onieo eeon Ua OLL yn Sen OOH 3,963 WV rrtidclmres serertcre chs ie oticqs o's cce@ stores stsveveretie a1 ¢ 1,529 ETI SANS des ci Re Se ESR OnE Bab ote? 1,526 VERGE TCS FP a hice th Cows 4s bp abine eee 908 PEO SI VIL SEO Sass Gack cae cain de Oe ee ems oes eee 249 AES EEMISMEEET CHU. Wc wove oorcs pss os Vda vine eee eee 7,760 AYA Ee Ge GP a So ae Rt i ey ce a She nee Gat 1,254 AMES gay oo RR A ARR en pea ee, ect lee era 1,808 MEE Geral BSN eA ey eteghee Rees Oo A AREER ek SE cr ets a Gaz aT eA eae ome ect cei niareetaarcly career 1,483 NEG ths et iota ooo a so Maen es 6 1,583 Pultney township, including Bellaire city and West Wheeling REL CAP Ie” 2a, aca aan a agi Cannan an Orme aes area 13 ,833 Pee pO rs Og ee rea ck Steinar one ae ahttenau eas 9,912 Wiliam ce he oe cairn i ee ree ener nS ARE 1,649 Ware Sis eis a ea Bine acdc me Hier are es 2,170 stab 7 |r Ie I Se el dey, Beanie Ri, ett irankare ca it. Maye ge 1,534 UVR CHA Scere cae cla cca in’y heticoeicke aeration. 2,461 LESS ot hE a one CRA Cee 2,098 ; ee Be CLI STW TN oot ata aso. v's pro nrneecs 5 <0 ow aise ays sane 444 Richland township, including St. Clairsville village......... 4,367 eee SVille? MilIIOe. Oo Pane ss teewe oes auth ce Reales inne 1,210 PRT ORIENT ef oh ep iene Ck Le ae wee he camels ye es Rye, MIELSGr aC CTIGHID. Sie Lops ce ty) ae ee oe ok bein wiv enie ae ale tule eG 1,862 Union township, including Morristown viltace SESS ae 1,482 WI OPTISM TEV ae. Osc Sin hy nn aT ea cee eet aan r ss 350 _ Warren township, including Barnesville village.............. 5,881 PAPER VII Tr ULAGE fog BE ww es uelis io Cuuee Settin: biases erties a. 50m) omen 3,721 WV Ariel erties cc ete eie a cies ecisattecnoleatwvarecae 1,006 MAE ee Si ee eee cists Ge ee te ee ee 940 DEOL MEE Sho ded caiirs we sva aie 0 cokvalets ie laa tuning eins PA 845 SAREE ee de as sieve coe e en Cee cet Soe 930 WreashinetOn fOWNSMID - 2. os des saan nescence nse sectesadeseve of 1,540 MU RONE TOWASINID Visor ad nse x cap) coe oe orasietsialt ses aan anes 1,415 MALIN MEOW SID cote cw ra eee hs via sae pea ede oe eee ceca iene 1,222 York township .........ccccccccscnecscccscesccccccncenecs 1,400 Total population of Belmont county............... 60,875 *In 1890 in Oxford township, Guernsey county, only. 1890. és Ke ee a a6. @ <6 60 a ele § OF KORO 1,147 1,220 Perel iT COMES Ec os od oink Gnd © nuevo ine e/siavaie aa a eGo Wal ws c6rs 959 1,084 Green township; including Mt. Orab village................. 1,905 1,722 DE OSE a0, VENA GE on ae Reade «ve aa. Site SEUSCE OR Sista «Shine 561 336: Huntington township, including Aberdeen village............ 2,512 2,967 INDECLGCCHMEV NAGE enna a onte sts cree ace cicons Ler ahaa hey eis ee 711 874 pre NC DLAI ED 2 ina ita Bn iol cis oss ci dui he's Ps wie tenia’ ScadtuehiericounPate : 924 918: Jefferson township, including Russellville village............ DOLe 1,048 IRGSSCILV Iced AC Cue se cle cc-c cere cn ett eate ie atid ae ee ee 39 824 Lewis township, including Higginsport village............... * 2,325 2,830 Bed reat SG be Vea eee Cus. ciuna ac ce edeues © he viento ole win gehen 650 764 Perry township, including Fayetteville village................ 2,413 2,560 a REE TAO G ie oi ou a ry io 6 arn we Gag dsSoie.« cm isibnereteiaye Seams Door hes «sekeek Pike Societies. .0cbu sions oe daw nee ins oles 545 | 422, Total for Minerva village, in Brown township, Carroll | county, and Paris township, Stark county............ | 1,200 1,139 ‘Center township, including Carrollton village..............-. | 1,704 1,605 Per ee Ee he eos onda san Spamienh hy On BRE | 1,271 1,228 ee ROR ICI METAS OE tN Oe, Sy wd ou u's oP e tole, Ch ail wks opera whe el! 606 640 PCr em EOYs TS TTLEs PR eres bhi Oece eal pic eins ant < @ROR bate enone ade :| 1,149 | 1,210 Pee errs PmIRO TER ONTY. olga © of ne nuscsiviccvig te viese Ries. davai Ot 799 915 PEC OS ry Wie tee oe lec clos. os + Haan np Om nd dich sR OR ee 849 | 926 ety CHU SIR TICTS fe ec. ls iy arora sd) sia vache epee ae ee nines Ole 909 929 Monroe township, including Dell Roy village and part of BeMME US WItLemy AUS 21, 65 655 cura tee be va Fa Melee s mwa nas 1,336 1,487 Dell Roy village is, pAb e: Be Aceh ERM Ore NARA RONEN Mi nct on 2S 7 400 | 511 Sherrodsville village (parts Ob) saath Gerba a oe aes See Total for Sherrodsville village, * in Monroe and Or- BASE LUWNSINDSS. ioe cs Lan ate ee eyes bade SRW SE 926 893 Orange township, including Leesville village and part of Sherrodsville VAL eh Cad eeec rates atcra Sys 75. dh ooieets se mee tavaiters aren aetna eee 2,200 | 2,705 MPCOE VISE WHIACe fodiens on sce wk scene elas soa ae 269 | ~ ets Sherrodsville Village (DartsOblencadecs ss cence eee Oa aines Ae PCLT OWS IO Cate cree orb vd oan eae ee ee Bla eee 825 | 950 Rose township, including part of Magnolia village............ 1,638 1,196 Dien na winage (PAT OE) a. coca so ecune rem clauw oehean ees 264 | whoa Total for Magnolia village, in Rose township, Carroll county, and Sandy township, Stark county............ 4870. 1S, ieee Rtn CP WIIGIINIT at fata i ays tc Rie Ce EMORY tee eee ee 578 653 VWViachinclonmtowmShip oe mieten yc ieidodter retesie vera oro er ree aera 634 664 Total population of Carroll county........... soucst, SL Shiai eit.ees *In 1890 in Orange township only. CENSUS OF OHIO, 1900. 23 POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900 CoNTINUED. Minor civil divisions. 1900. | a CHAMPAIGN COUNTY. Adams-township:,, .;\:2-s4-28v.% ee pre Cian aes eeenr 1,406 1,461 CGT OPO WHS UND Re Sch aks Hie avepehidamls dispadtaaiaeereonematons 1,053 1,189 Goshen township, including Mechanicsburg village........... 2,728 2,446 Mechanicsbure Willage is. ds secs te dea dae acum PS SEES, Soot 1,617 1,459 Harrison township, including Springhills village............ 901 935 Sprints village, = o.e cr es oka sa denee en amypninage eee 157 158 Jackson township, including part of St. Paris village......... 1,851 1,827 S bebarisevallace (part 08) occ «ccc 508 cchacimrs issn ee ‘ OPT. cae +Total for St. Paris village, in Jackson and Johnson EOMUGHIOS OR 8 e oe odo sont oss chou one rune 1,222 1,145 Johnson township, including part of St. Paris village....... 2,465: 2,012 Sisparisevillage: (PartiOl) cine .huokandey -wuneabneshenwar Mel Sly al eeiaercs: ia a evers bow SD vc 6 oral Oh eA eae Go eke. Wwtacone’s ween ee 1,782 2,026 Rush township, including North Lewisburg and Woodstock RL EG Mt iors © coke taste parades ware @ieS vfele ‘ales wi a WAIN are aE ROT ,070 2,024 NOH ULeWISDUre VillARGs. a5 pcs ad ew diex cay so ceandovae See 846 866 Wisodetcicr sillager rey nace wc el. Lantries Sracslesain walt nore 325 310 STENMLWOSHTEEE. Sho lee sn Case ee aad ae FMS « ede oe eee Ree Tee 1,788 1,875 Union township, including Mutual village................... 1,237 1,414 Urbana township, including Urbana city......... Pe AID GAAS 8,016: 7,872 Witbanaecltya. ee oor Loh Bae es oy Pg ath See 1,830 1,819 Madison township, including South Charleston village....... 2, 281° 2,204 Sour GC nar lestou svillage sc .< one nia beccent Paes eee meee | 1,096 1,041 Mad River township, including Enon village................ 1,847 1,750 HHOM PCE ARE Uae oi 5.08 5 se 0s Pteha elec, Get Cure atele aha ater Shere 295 331 Moorefield township ...... LA Rat SAAR AS SOR Arte ree re Pee 1,435 1,307 Pikevtowishins so0ecs a sttiog bho ais AUN bad. el GA WE, a 1,533 1,758 Pleasant township, including Catawba village................ 1,487 1,597 SOTA a ITN ee eee Ge wail ene Wes Beene ea 231 | 272 TSPriwTiela ce AA eRe es bic PMR dees PL te EOE ee 38 , 253 31,895 NINE at 1 Cee Se ROR: Ser eats Canny cys eee 7,497 + In 1890 in Johnson township only, on t Springfield city, formerly in Springfield township, made independent since 94 CENSUS OF OHIO, POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: CoNTINUED. Minor civil divisions. CLARK COUNTY — Concluded. Ward Doge sw Pee Ne aaa abais Db bemoan CLERMONT COUNTY. Batavia township, including Batavia village................. Bataviaevillaves. ante ciclo cme ersten stot eerie Franklin township, including Felicity village............ Potent Beficty- “village. <, . | shite ae fy eta ecisabant bis + Hc te ee ASHP ATD WHS Ors felt ea desk 9 aie presse ie EO Bn Si a ae PAE SOLOW MSI nu cvitoc cs 5 svn ss secu ee tet pee ake ae eh eminne Miami township, including parts of Loveland and Milford IACMR SCE 2s fc Carn 24 OG Ras celts cheat eee Camaue ee? Paverand wilage: (Hart OF): vie eos ators eae eee Total for Loveland village, in Miami township, Clermont county; Symmes township, Hamilton county; and Hamilton township, Warren county .................. MITIOVOCVAMAGE? COATT GE ) tates taste Seem ets sacen feces *Total for Milford village, in Miami township, Clermont county, and Columbia township, Hamilton county, nt MOHD e OW HGIIID ha rls Oeil Oy ous os hve wn ei e au ui eas on Ohio township, including New Richmond Milage. hese oie DL Werks seIONG VED E hy cs Ke des oh idee cob Pee Ee esas os PRO CEMMEOWC EIST ite och 5 5 a's a5 oa, oo aan ae ate Stonelick township, including Boston village...... ae ey POS met lameays Asawa ce che sa ole pi wee ara sete ae Tate township, including Bethebwillageuascuae ease vere Ee Cea ROR ig) ahd Mani! variety citer thee TIO NCO WAU, fee ric eate oon Oi eis Seta ingle bin Sak vee eee Washington township, including Mosé¢ow and Neville villages Ctr A Oi gc Lt os eh vn co ini wie a areas ee eV eEVElisre Noa ne «sees ek OE a ee Seek 1 VV Lee LO WEST D ot 6 Sites aa 5:c- salu w iat cede te SUR IU @ Sh rciteme ae re Williamsburg township, including Williamsburg village NV IismG bir mavillage ca: oser muha cae oma t «cits ere oS Total population of Clermont county.............. CLINTON COUNTY. PA AAIEA S AEC IIS TY oie cooks Wee dy a vig ns darwin oa SPRUE wvetaveterate etre Ua GEOR MTOR HED Wee eae sic e os sia Fue pies 6 a0 ols mda eon tere Clark township, including Martinsville village.............. IMATHNSVElIO VILARGr te Mee ie ee ke ty kee Green township, including New Vienna village nib d Seistatite a nik NEWA VICUNOLV RIAN OH Ss ocr cat « gh iracey eerie cathe Sinan 1900. CC WU? I) Chat ay ‘{ Exclusive of population of Springfield city. *In 1890 in Miami township, Clermont county, only. 58 , 939 | 1890 AND 1900 1900. 3,608 1890. ee CENSUS OF OHIO, I900. POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: | | CoNnTINUED. Minor civil divisions. 25 1890 AND 1900 1900. i 1890. CLINTON COUNTY — Concluded Jefferson township, including Midland village.............. IIIA PUEIARC bv ce tn aes cota ede Meee Lae seers nets Liberty township, including Port William village............ ieteras \Weiltiewany \llbves 2 Reka po 5 aoandnocucod mbooLo.dnt Marion township, including Blanchester village............. PDC CS eR V IL ARG ee nd nn fo eS cies OS ew oie okra wee wie Meee Richland township, including Sabina village................. A TAR ITI AIDE Os ere tec ois bes sy as ah Sand She svn Wade wigeunae aaee Union township, including Wilmington city.:.........++++++: BY RSME ENEE CEE ce Sect the ah Seng ooh cu wie’ ast aup We aiacm pain ee imws obips Vernon township, including Clarksville village.............. er ee OLAS E ao rere bs Oe Wad pin im Getta nin ere meen Wi SCRMIOEGED FOWEISAUD fcc 5 Reon sw siscwrernlvere ae of: crae'e Wie w dient ren Me Wayne township ....... eVterd Salsa ee ee ete ben etic ee a ae VUENS OIA SRO WIIGIED Fi cis C2 iG eA wives vie Rina cheimeidie et ES pout wala’ SOM Total population of Clinton county..:............- COLUMBIANA COUNTY. Harlee township. 2. 2408s. seeeses Pe ee rg vane Center township, including Lisbon village................... 2. FAlreinorn qalllevye 6 eepcer cn ere Ube obo seo Doane eno oro Ore OC Blk Rape tOwOsDIip s< seas wanes es hr Mal deareuese are aie ate aih Oly Fairfield township, coe Columbiana villagé cis .cn. 00-5 SoOlumpiariaevd lay emrctaretorcectorerata (sf ovelstatee terele, steeteeeie es cee otelere ee der E0) OG WS AEN oz dees eae ape SOWA Gs Rain ede voreiew eterno Hanover township, ‘including Hanoverton village........... Hanoverton village Ne te ee Ph eeae Pree rs ere? + Bere e UINOTIS IEE ano Sorts ope Vea tia hee 6 ers ae ele Ye 4 Oa Liverpool township, including East Liverpool city............ weuisast Liverpool CIE oo sched dia ena iat. cre ad: Oe aims owe eRe oo wo \endal il Bs ae oe Oo Wehys Bo Sapa OO rere -, 8,744 Ra SOUR WIESEL G4 ioc n Gian a as eG ae Taig eels WANG Woe wg ainte a Py ano Gy ole Middleton township, including Rogers village. s.0....05 2.0 BOREL aO MIAO 5 vie Arsivinictons 9) aio dara attncn Hvvers ay elra vind sa Waalareyorausede Perry township, including Salem city....... cise hiss omnes Salemmcityee be erie: PRs NORMAN eh each als Shera laiteovets athens A RNAI Se PE slater 85s te gis shares drdigner ss Anas mn oe 2,295 Mi arOeate,..cleek meee: MO ads be Pe S| wate er 2,336 St. Clair ROEM ATs eo wing ie gua hoe bee ce eles ne het ee Salem township, including Leetonia village and part of Wash- LRA CRVSNCTILCRD MEELIS LL draeitcreh satelite «iariberaiatete calats geetain wns MEINE MS Re ie Sites sty cha raters hte ralstenav Ne inte wkd aoe wll Washingtonville village (part of)..............eceeeees Total for Washingtonville village, in Salem township, Columbiana county, and Greene SO wneID Mahoning RCMALEE Vad ee ree she UO ee roe ta ene Sannin + Formerly New Lisbon. eo eee eee 26 CENSUS OF OHIO, 1900. POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900 CoNTINUED. eng ci i ee i eT Minor civil divisions. 1900. 1890. | | COLUMBIANA CouNTY — Concluded. | Unity township, including East Palestine village............. 5,047 3,860 Raster slestitie village, .2:0be caeee as oe aes cee 2,493 1,816 Washington township, including Salineville village .......... 3,099 3,250 pe IGE MUNA HG ee Mca iiee 4 os o gh ee ahaa 2,353 2,369 Mv tiC PUP TIAN ce 0. a iicajsnie so Rbk Swe sae Kea wee ae ceo | 622 | 731 tWellsville teepnchip, coextensive with Wellsville city....... GACH yey cere bs WV elISVILlesCiiy.2 0) tier entre aerial nc hat ander heat che Mi aterercheners 6,146 5,247 War dees tenes ick ieieh: ee ere a eine 1,261 ’ Wiardiecpe Sy Et Re PAE Ee RA 1,072 | IW Vici ES gece eetare eects ete ty ca as an ee ISP 1,219 NE tal ok, SMe) Os et A em HOY eivaaee Men 2 1,396 | | War OM eye cae coc s ice + aeeeaeey shames 1,198 PWV Ste LENT ITS FULLY BER 270085 col isi Ric whom asc uaah ee ee El | bh Yaa | 1,859 TYellow Creek township .........-.05..0eeeereeseeeeces rie 616 | 5,768 Total population of Columbiana county........... | 68 590 | 59 029 COSHOCTON COUNTY. | A Aa GMrG Wits Nitin. cle ooo eee corso view d ein « Spud TIEN Oi Aa | 968 | ) 1,138 POOP TOWITSttfie ae de accuse. Danae Sa ower Seep ahs Dire eM | 736 | 898 rele ei rier Siiits cc ci, Wie 2 Cire SER ke oo he te | 730. *| 766 AT eet TIGHIDR oe dois. 5 Starr So SR ate Ned, em WAR ee a ee | 950 | 1,057 Re aie ELEVA LATS ed cca vies a Sal ag We wae cele ea ae we Owes TLS Oia 1,150 Franklin township ............ Sear per en raroe Pee Neste: Fee | 1,137 1,042 acmserrerOwislitherss, ck 5 us Paw eet Pek we Nels eee 1,696 1,628 Jefferson township, including Warsaw village............... | 1,264 1,261 Delp eee tay tl Lr oe Ba heres. che, cu eeiiacs ys Waves ae dioPis, wand efohaa tan | 458 | 376 Ber MLO TIS EDRs 2.4 Acie aos sivas XAG AES NIE EN Deke cea | 799 | 783 Rea ELIOT UISUID: <'itie o aoc a0 ¥ os adn e ew Nae Te ee yi chord | 1,393 | 1,139 Linton township, including Plainfield village................ | 1,470: | 1,833 IPAM LAO Se San arg acs v AER RGN eiows basse OE 255 | 234 Wa et ele eI 5 ise ne ke wt cle dla asin Wed Cea Ae ame aoe 539 626 Monroe township ........ Rd Sates Sucbo Sieh de pene wee eae Oe | 909 | 1,031 ECM eas ePIOWHSIINs om Ab yhet sc cnastiek bud naoe sec h eben is | 924 | 892 CER Ores MEOSENSDID Fo oc Go ae ces ip wok ein CRE oe Set Seed = ROE | TOR Iea 1,047 Petre et Me vec, vite eee te wc tuo ed Sew FS weep Oe ee 823 | 873 EA ICem TOV ELERTI EER. apc Sas; cde tiMa Me nun ctne a aurale Sordeuiun dois orate mI ereeeiMs | 615 | 17 GRR RENTER CSW ERGIATYD oes Gi exe des ie Aue taiel ec ecpale 2s inte ae | 876 | 909 Tuscarawas township, iad Coshocton village........... | 8,339 | 4,728 RE Ae CEI RUNA COE Soils oa a onic alyeiemw ad damon Shore eie ae tees | 6,473 | 3,672 VAESINIA MCG Wiss uh we sada asso momo me Wes e. oe eee | JE Osa 1,343 WUE aN TREND TISHIID 20 &~ Sie carats eee < 6 ee les Ania See ae 748 | 794. Writes yee fOwns ip... tera ane siapt anced ca hoe camenideenaen 10,477 TT aa © Reese AM Pas re oe A 16,215 MIRE arctica iss oases ace Gs eared eae esha eee ole 11,694 Wada Berar ieuctatetetecicts s\s cee stakelerers: a eheaieaye 11,779 ) DWV eae e Dak cithace sects sere & bor ee Pee Cais wie ene 16, 633 WCE: OL MRR eal ges ies art an here aoe ae FS 19, 339 UV ECL Gt 02 cas BO Phys sap vel ae 009 wie ak 8, 123 Yi a's (7-9 en SS 8 le RS Cl ota eet. SB | yd 16, 709 aera | 02) SA alae aa 2 Cee iy: ery so Ae 4,018 VVIQE CRAG BeRerereralteterercremtts wistelslaieis fe citte cre eimereniate 4,978 PAUTgs OLN Seep beer aes Cea ar eC neg 4,210 Be RRS eee sce vse Ces Seles sth ae.e a's oe 8,968 WViST GEO Bett cote com cierete ste cere conten ots, sie mie nave 5,545 Ried CRAG, Sei icine cena oo vid manatee eee wer 5,318 Rae es ian vwarnc away totceebe bs > ae 6,076 DaKine Ss frsge eras a, Wregopenusliie taux Stee ste isle se 6, 899 legs ch Peer en be cel N A at NS ee gs 9,000 WV TE Clee dimenicne tite cares ever cae te Terence iehneaia cstosoutoks 12,341 Mere st, 7. chee «chro cits e cinch eee ue eed 10, 664 Witt ese wearers eum cetctrsce's ioPcc. ei creeictireaate nekeneteere: 13, 559 RE te See ene, Poin. apie 12,796 VME EN EN Peo orn howd Ue Moore oreo oreo sence 10,307 OVA RELL Sct nile es REN ak teas erate hee 8, 456 ; Collinwood township, ¢ coextensive with Collinwood village... 8,659! Clo aici’ there PRCRCATOMCISIDGr sek nc ae ree hee Ore ence om Cre Coen . 2,238 " 1,978 East Cleveland township,{ including East Cleveland and GlenvillewvillageSusect enc ciee cc capiemie ciciain tecocieeemce 9,573 By ites MSS CE VOIAUG VILLAGE: iu acins c.cce sted teugcce hee eer eat Oe aia Recre Pe Glenville @ulace. hn utters eames ee ee EL co tale PE . Euclid township,J including Nottingham village............. 8,573 3,780 IV OLHILICNIAUIVIRIAGOL es ok: tant ca rin ceeter ance eecr saat OSU ol oatean as g THM HETMENCE LOW DSIID Eins niles sisuaven © cir das Slee ue arccoin conn om 1,263 1,973 Rakewoodwhamletae tart ses sie eee ae reer cueretehr ot ae 7 pi PC e: MavHeld (OW MENID rs cdiccsahaiiabia.. ine wens he Co ee on ee cate 849 790 + Organized from parts of East Cleveland and Euclid townships since 1890. t Part annexed to Cleveland city and part taken to form part of Collinwood township since 1890. { Part taken to form part of Collinwood township since 1890. ; Part taken to form part of Newburg hamlet since 1890. CENSUS OF OHIO, 1900. 29 POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900 CoNnTINUED. Minor civil divisions. 1900. 1890. | | CUYAHOGA county — Concluded. Middleburg township, including Berea village...:........... 5,035 4,939 PSC TL Lara Bec fF SR cas pss stebeie suv ipavislarlanas shaeretaloreiciaiten yes 2,510 2,533 INS ye DUATS VIGO elas oh fetus alsicts + olsie- ol oleh obi et nelatnen wae arate DORR). cathe cate Olmsted township, including Olmsted Falls ni Be Are Amor 1,944 1,826 @Olmistedserallsevallacesrprisy.cvactetcwsranverstersh-tetode sy toreichvers ters 330 342 Orange township ...... satan Fe he, Revol iea set ata hae ae ake ann 801 806 peep COV tes i ler fe oat rect ato ew ita's mls is cata le lain toi Gibrelat oneness 1,488 1,478 PERCE POTE TGA TNE eos Bestcletn gratin aie) A cle cin aialstbrberwiole ee nee s «oe 2 BSR eocsn seeks FE ome PINE ae BIR Wis iuth Saleen latale neta tatyilelara nie alae a bold le at Ore TSO Teoh. koe BPC ARETE OW SUED lsat picle tsk ne W's Sine yes aR elevetulalptors 1,128 | 1,116 Ms CS LESTE SVR TES REEVE ero rah Sola ocd goed stir octsbarn lata lo al wnat cletain a ata eoal win! BVatvtate | 903 ' 847 Seon eerie COW TIS Ip ir. ville re be eeiiaiaig Peru" aisoe Sakata ey ee on peas 1,178 1,023 WU ATO SV ILLS NEC WTISHID bce oh ANS A GA wo Sec bbls Sve oeeies 1, 634 1,410 Total population of Cuyahoga county............. 439.120 1°°309,970 DARKE COUNTY. Adams township, including Gettysburg village and part of (og rs bier gs Rtg EY ooh eh tee gare ee We A aA A ee PRS LA 2,692 2,660 ES PACTORG Villa OER IOT fi nt lw ale sinew ea ahve oleate nate wort 492 477 Total for Bradford ‘village, in Adams township; Darke county, and Newberry township, Miami county....... 1,254 1,338 CREED UT ie VLAD G ite chai ox edigavt 5 ateiste to ope kc Wah anlar elated 246 274 Allen township, including Rossville village.................. 1,901 1,796 POOSS CINE CUT A@O roiee Oke cca cs ole os Winnie Uv os we ee Stems ete sh 251 254 Brown township, including Ansonia village................. 1,939 2,036 ; PONS OULGT VIL Os ten ete ee es Wiss co ew are aes SHENG Hite lihe ai ane 676 676 Bitler GOWNS ee oe eee eT sok sk eek OK nee Wan Maney iaMls Sentahe 1,659 1,679 Franklin towtisnip s742+52'e hea ni AP OARS Le pr Cae Oe 1,635 |- 1,731 German township, including Palestine village............... 1,586 1,794 Peeling Tee Reet eh ci hee os bus feels }) Da Teal eee Greenville township, including Greenville city............... | 8,441 8,497 CaDCeHU A eC RIb <0 sects xu Voir Sens Colas hale eles le ctaes | 5,501 5,473 NWALOVER AGS tors stirsce ss RET oe at noe ee 1, 266 | WV crt CRD eens sc otavec acts rats te aelePorel cls bie ule stale tieiers 1,141 WY SL se een UNG OF Roe es has a ROT wd 1,724 VERE Ney ete aie ae’ vie ve kee Wee 1,370 Harrison township, including Hollansburg and New Madi-— ROUEN EOR OMe CURA Ae ahs eek OR AUS big hie Wah be 5 aleve | 2,077 ~ 1,996 PI OMARCOUCRE WINS COU foy.w ssi aitia swiald sil bed oad hed eeaR 275 | Pe os 2 RVaRy WAC IRON OU AD i 5 62 bk wks Ga 6 wa we sit ea ee eh el areren 590. ° 478 Jackson ee ae fete inion: Cityevillagey: 70% ie ae 2,798 | 2,927 Union City village. ... 2.2.0. ss srecscsnscecsececsenseves 1, 282 1,293 [The joint population of Union City village, in Jackson township, Darke county, Ohio, and Union Citv vil- lage, in Wayne township, Randolph county, Indiana, ! is 3,998.] ; ISSIR A PEOWISINIDG, cy ahi sk aw hase ss Oo nas ae wake es Geis 1,402 | 1,552 Monroe township, including Arnettsville village....... ie 1,509 | » 339 ° Organized from part of Rockport township since 1890. *t Organized from parts of Independence and Newburg townships since 1890. °° Includes population (5,966) of Newburg and Rockport townships; part of Newburg annexed to Cleveland city and part taken to form part of Newburg hamlet; Rockport taken to form Lakewood, Roakport and Rocky River hamlets. { 30 CENSUS OF OIHO, 1900. POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900 CONTINUED. Minor civil divisions. 1900. DARKE COUNTY — Continued. PA TNETESVINIERVINLASE. a tiattactersiss auscss See RE Seen ae 157 PUPAE O MISTI Ne ok, Co lerirqes Sea aieevarseico bah cs rie cee ee | 1,033 Patterson township, including Osgood village............... 1,699 RSC MINAS es 5's 21S we creeid, be es aa Lit are Oe Cp eee 224 Richland township SAA SSP T A CLS POTS OH DTH bao A 1,217 Twin township, including Arcanum and Ithaca villages. ..... 2,786 PNT Can Unibvilia o Ot rnc re teri ite cee & oii a ee eee ee 1, 225 thacagvillaweusea te tpt ki shi oe cae eit Es 113 Wiigab lattitapha dor aa hie Gopion au Coates oo BOER EO AUD Silas aor ous 1, 486 Wiabas hetowtishipiee o.8 50s santa eo tt ee er eee 1,334 WVuieis TI COET ye FEST hrtarce 6 > ay tous lo a aso toro sas tie 97s toe aca ae 1,343 Wayne township, including Versailles and Webster villages. . 3,053 Wersalllesmus lame ete thes t ccs cit ae Ae Ce 1,478 IWiebstemmci lagen cc. cece tess oc Sint cee sicr ee te 204 PV OLIMEO WTS ETT te Sa oes lo. 580s scm ane pL es eee 942 Total population of Darke county................ 42,532 DEFIANCE COUNTY. ACL AERIS OL OULEVSIED velo seiaeis <)s <:5,c.0 x ve xia antes Se RE ecqcetaee at * 1,336 Defiance township, including wards 1, 2 and 4, and part Of wand uote Denance: City... scan ns. cee eee eee 8.418 PERM NCE ALY. PALC OS Jaiasat scam Mio waa pina n aac 5 tee ot 7,501 Total for Defiance city, § in Defiance and Noble town- ST DEEDS “ie hoc PRLS eC ROO Dee IS a eNO Is aimes-5 aie 7,579 POV AE MNS le ceo ares yang isadeen.e cient ee CR 2,278 TN Care CE ie 5S, SIR eee Ee A ee AE ae eR Ae 2,021 PON cS MEE BA Ne a cesta tela iatae wa sedge 1,284 Wikewital 4. bei SA aaah wan Ace ter earns ae 1,996 Delaware township, including Sherwood village............. | 1.775 SRI TIUORMMEMINA WE hes bs corn tic, vce ren dhe cays ee ee | 455 atte SECVUSDII.. | cics sada) he eee See | 1,325 Hicksville township, including Hicksville VUE EG... eee 3.773 Flicks yallemytllage: «2 serie crise Bialsiaiensterein ee bausie sackets - 9,520 Highland township .......... 5 PRON AT Te Mabie ame oeee nike be 5c ea RE ACE eth OG nec = 34.5 ces a ocx ing te eed eae ce eee 1.685 IMilfordetownshipoe.. 2 oct oe ce cer ent ene eee 1,164 Noble township, including part of ward.3 of Defiance city.. | 888 Detancescitye(PATthOk) macmi-cite een hee ee eres : 78 Richland stoOwrsiipabeaer ids clecets ar ee ete Exe et Panne 1,444 Hat MetOwAlS ip eerie. cree s\-,citratelses si ueter care tae eins unanue perce st sa ates 1,514 Washington township, including Ney villasce............ oe 1,554 RU 2A. os ie ain scans a has Daeg ate eas See AIR ee . 289 = Total population of Defiance county.............. 26.387 DELAWARE COUNTY. Berkshire township, including Sunbury village............. 1,602 STUD IT Ae LAE 6 shin cies 9 Prt ears Ma eae hk ae ee 464 © Berlin tOwosiip a vais s,.0's peeks Mk See ee Oe ae eae Sere 2,225 |, RY Pores Nn Patra le a's Sata vintigs wists Os 1,616 ew daly Gy 6 SEER NUs ee ees Rg CPEs Poe hr eee ene ee 1,678 VV 2 Cm Men Bae en ee Ok ORI mena: ray, 2,840 Wiad Me aewere pee sere hears ait hg ae Me mes 3 2,208 Maier wal: LO Ae Ss ae RAC hae Epe 1,262 ra aych, Oe Ret anes tases . erg n tee te noe Vermillion township, including Vermillion village.......... "1.987 2.016 DAREN WIN AGG oes pried he Sree ect oe ered § EEDA ROG: | Bal <7 2 | ey Seen Total population of Erie county .............. ckcel) Doan; Goo 35., 462 31 1890 AND 1900 32 CENSUS OF OHIO, 1900. a POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 18909 AND 1900 CoNTINUED. Minor civil divisions. | 1900. 1890. FAIRFIELD COUNTY. RMA Eit ae EO TIENTS Peo oh cece oS ce hiaerg woe a Wis ema, weenie 1,807 ~ 1,907 Berne township, biclading Sugar Grove village 4.-/c.iee ee 2,381 2,329 USAT eeOVe ViINLARE. chance ob vce d eit eh ae SMS E : 350 275 Bloom township, including haithopolis*villagess tinue 1,858 2,085' PESEEIIGIIOUG) VERE By Ache hay Bt «cutest ohalicbes Clesate whol ob Shete. 9 ltig eet 358 369 CAT ACERT LOMEISENIR a's 5 oglvta datas hiaca’s i aire aad Sa 1,810 ‘1,857 Greenfield township, including Carroll village............... 1,786 1,926 artotevilaee be eucc tiene stu snake, pentane een 7 etree aoe 223 293 Hociin@etOwisiip > 6.255565 tS chk cant oes on des ad case Medees ey 2,813 | 2,372 Lancaster township, coextensive with Lancaster city........ 8,991 7,555 Lancaster city: Wikareie he Peek) Ruin Convenes hide ocae ne weleee 2,688 Wiaktdieero e es oe le bee See celts es pe Lpemage 1,864 Wiveiaal Se ea ator ane TeRr Ree OO nD it SRS 1,548 Watt ae tds Vics ids temic mies ewes 925 |. WVARERO a coacs sont ed gems a eey, 1,971 Liberty township, including Baltimore village............... 2,812 3,055 BAiinoren village he Geeks ne ere Sie wheats Pie enone. 460 505 Matisom owishipes.. Wi2s5 vs vcac Mek earn si Do aets 1,127 1,285 ‘Pleasant township, including part of Pieasantville village. . 2,032 , 2,118 Pleasantville vulage. (part:0t) oh« coetaee esos s deere 367 382 Total for Pleasantville village, in Pleasant and Walnut PE TISH Tose Gy «ie Oe eer Oe aes Fe culls Sexist Pa RS ED 501 521 Richland township, including Rushville and West Rushville DOTLDEXO CES | gn i eal ia

............. 1,163 1,163 UWE PRIN YE VULINGO Sc csiaterccae co die saat ee cinern skh sw as seid 224 223 Pleasant township, including Harrisburg village.......... ree 2,115 2,232 PRG RDRSINAY eV URAC oi chorale ited ainve nis vaio nd o-clevi'oreteialle eran econ | 247 211 ar Onc, 34 CENSUS OF OHIO, I9gOO. POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL porate RSE 1890 AND 1906 CoNTINUED. Minor civil divisions. 1900. 1890. FRANKLIN COUNTY — Concluded. Prairie township ...... eis ee eee ee Bethy Sareea 1,582 1,775 Sharon township, including Worthington village............. 1,799 1,665 MV Otani. Ville 223 oo eae ee ee en tee ly 968 Total population of Greene county...........:.... 31,613 29 ,820 ps GUERNSEY COUNTY. PA CAINS TOWNSHIDS «8 ulna euitiee¢ (eure Mee ems Ge Avis asemma te 717 740: Cambridge township, including Cambridge city............. 9,891 6, 186. eae OILY BM ean rah Go open ginns iiss) ge ofigumiaon am a ae She 8,241 4,361 VV AE ak his viene Stlnss hive ip SAR Came a eens 2,054 Vieng ER ek Ba AIRE ayia OE a eet ra 1,125 Vittles ce bee mirestnrs veo slercieicesaly atalal oveterel sieiate elre 1,616 iE oa A La RY etd MR a eee A per cos 1,757 SE i hit ee sa ae a eae PON Hee ye °F Pai: pa 1,689 CENCE COWHSIUD 52. neittnnscie wis einen ae viet oa seialaas am aiaearet 1,821 1,094 Jackson township, including Byesville village............... S760 2,193: Pec O Tn VON AT CA, Sirah tp ne ae Ae tie nn SMR maw 8 0's ea precoten 1, 267 789 ers SE OMTIS AI ats Givi hie usins piece e ect Awe Se eas : 724 : [KGa teb at Cop she tl) eee ee ke ee ene ee Tee Tie 845 1,008 Liberty township, including Kimbolton village.......:...... 1,299 1,463 UTE OMROLE SV LLL aL eel ae ob. Cw arteinle’ ously puaickive wince aie ce ivincnlals 245 - 261 RonGOnderry fOWMSNID cin noes fe avec en. seep HEU ta tice Daeg tak Rees 1,141 1,244 PL UIE GURL OWS ThE. oie eho ue eben a Ae ans Gee Vince aw aesee 883 1,038 Millwood township, including Quaker City and Salesville vil- er 2 ete SMe te eer wea ED Ore tee 2,243 2,131 Quaker City village ...... By ete LR, ion age eee 878 PAIS UILIE VILIAHE a cies cards tae es «a's we aq ete ae ete 286 296. Monroe township ............+2+ss00 one Laem On seas nae 893 966 Oxford township, including part of Fairview village......... 1,334 1,504 Fairview village (part of)..... pin Maina eeina ine Salat hin SE gees, See [For total see Kirkwood township, Belmont county.] Richland township, including Senecaville village ............ 1,499 1,471 DICNCCAVING VELIAGEN, oe cc marcas neue en Seer tycr rt tn 623 461 Spencer township, including Cumberland village............ 1,353 1,421 Cumberland village. .........s-00. ies ianaten® a sierp x s'se nw se 618 601 Valley township, including Pleasant City village............. 3,002 1,018 eee atte ICY WEARS og ow candies se sc ahs see CRRA ee 1 0G [suc ce. Washineton cowisliip 2e), mass hans os 2a eatas SEG ew eas 572 704 AV Gstand COWES. Minis comnts ROA Ck haul naS otre cee ee 711 819 Wheeling township ............ weeeeens mange on o/c ee hee 913 1,134 Wills township, including Washington village............... 1,419 1,627 Washiine tote WillaGOL vias 5 casper swroveemanioanusicacs eae 374 546 Total population of Guernsey county............... 34,425 28 , 645 CENSUS OF OHIO, I9OO. 37 BO a OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900 CoNTINUED. Minor civil divisions. 1900. 1890. | HAMILTON COUNTY. Anderson township, including Mt. Washington village....... 4,534 4,035 IMERW asineton Villagers 0. sea. lees ele eree Cawenee «eles Roe MOR os wack so PASTING CIEY fa 12 Sa eos Jared Sek alec cies ak o> ae lane RO ee ee 325,902 296 ,908 WV ate tee Se A ee ne ete eda sad one hs Ron Slade 12,179 VAP Clim Olen erica wm area ee Were: wate. aan ace oni 15,995 Wari Otis ies ck tee» & Poth eae Dialer ee inte Steen 8,469 Varied ek Boe ae ciel 4 la RO rely wield es Sere ae 13, 067 Warde ORean acti: aeeiies EAs a aS Ninh 2 6,476 WATOMIOE. 104.2 ou Comite 5 0 se Sus ama es PROaT DY EO SeOR WAT Weta se us oon Cardtic ee coins sen cae ve SO Were hoe rie on holt aria eu ort card cca ron rte 3,763 rs Ms cis ore Nes whee ain Sioce cla ale dee Sree aT 6,486 it, Cos ae, Ie a Re ES Coe RAR ye 10,090 Whitrael ill: 35 3 aaa onion en mio ioIe rnc CHI e rey Boe 12,505 Ward 1245.2... Tr M ee: Seen gt ea eee Kiract 14,638 Wileyaal TRY 8 Soo Geise a suk Seana RROD ERP OIE ice 10,025 AV VAT CML A eatery Pee eile fis taro ccin ce Pai craters BTS o se c/a 9,131 Vi ce re ny Siu. GG ertc wes oF or ele eniwene 9,414 Os Ca AG ee OG CA 9,679 NV ARC Bee eek creme tira, Leta swine ates 10,167 AEB Le Soeicwee c chances tH Waren oc BAe eels 6,956 REM PER, ctr he ae ton ane Ceare kee wie eat 7,783 Weirdee (Meme gates covers sate cs cer eretehterem ets 9,0 MOE GAL soy Es ey ea eee oer 9,139 Vir MOM sete co ite crocs elie seiers eas tiatetescttcrsnehabereus shorses 11,731 ATs We ore oh otic hs has Shealiaismaneh wars ». 15,041 VV EA cl eA renee ates corel nw Sci cvecar'cisl nro tsiche oi elecerai sis eierauete 12,557 Wiitedle cease cain ced hee me are lea tity SSS 14,036 VALERIE OS oo SR eee a rarer aL yee eo 14,094 Veet est IE do 6 Chavicis ok wc anp cereal housemates 8,736 WV EAS nee Oe. slevnto ci Rae iis ew SOU ose wan MacNN 11,962 WA rei ch ancy aPareesuslehiane hare rete 13,088 RE RS cls. os ky ae iat emiauasrwd dokna ea aye thy 14,369 PUM Nea elas 0 ME oer eric trsiecaran a ah a-bile wax mH: koa Seanad wean 10,267 ColeraIMMOMNSINDE: Ws teh ote kook tour ee me boc cei ems sens See 3,410 3,348 Columbia township, including Hyde Park, Kennedy Heights, Madisonville, Oakley, Pleasant Ridge and Terrace Park villages, and parts of Milford and Normcod villages.) 6. a 12,813 8,422 Hyde PAPEe VILAGE Main Meek cei c Ok 6 ye Pe One seh bir anieet TL OOlet. eee es RECOV SPOTS TIES CV IMAGE ie. Sei cicero ew aie a sineniateltorleras ware BOG Wal c cherie bate LUPE: pes ovenigt! Coa ed D4 ae re Pe NP RUE ore RR Ln, rol ' 8,140 2,214 METTTORUE VILAGE LN DATEIGL less ides peek Ue ole eal tie Mitidavo ew SOM were coe [For total see Miami township, Clermont county. ] INBEWOGUEN Uwe ( PALE OL June ckwweits cde vhs asap ke OA Oa SDISReaseoek OF tTotal for Norwood village, in Columbia and Millcreek SECO WTS LLCS MEMENTO Seat oe sv circiepicn ave tera coral ce usacis eonicimte armor uarerosere G5 480 Bleek aE VEY INAS eis eid ciye0% Pere ee ee ee Lo a a agi Fare JES SAAHES OE IMAC isis ws x rdigv deecled atuloe a ee et 953 1,027 SP BETA E ACI EAA Ore ui iiws « Silheters OU PEE Se a hE BO COO Te 2284 Daas CC Seema te ara tte an ty cide iad aie w ehnione Sg) ae END Sew 883 949 +Delhi township, including Delhi and Home City villages and PORTE Tt CP OTEDATIC VULISRE <. cwcidos sce ode eons bev eW els ols ERO ws 5,317 5,497 DIME CITI eS Rare tne bak bobs FORE EW eee ES Ou hues 829 531 ¢ Storrs township and ‘parts of Delhi, Green, Millcreek and Spencer town- ships annexed to Cincinnati-city since 1890. 38 CENSUS OF OHIO, 1900. © POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: CoNTINUED. Minor civil divisions. HAMILTON CoUNTY — Concluded Bernbanic village. (part Of) \6 ois wees abe eee SIE oe for Fernbank village, in Delhi and Miami town— SGOe ies ike sa'vh enw Pee eS Lays Cae hears slots omernern ee PARTIC NAC ORV UNA DE foere Sal nialaeaie om ax PAE KS oh wo pee {Green township, including part of Mt. Airy village.......... Mb SAE yaVillawe (pare OO Ns «sd scinetes wv catezien ws. We eetOwe Total for Mt. Airy village, in Green and Millcreek town-— SUG ar oh eka nbs ORR eu LAA PAE We Oakes De yk eR Harrison township, including Harrison Village. - fo... a1 cameos PAATEISOUCV IARC teeta ecole toc al aia rar ncoh baler ahaa diets Stat [The joint population of Harrison village, in Harrison township, Hamilton county, Ohio, and West Harri- son town, in Harrison township, Dearborn county, Indiana, is 1,760. Miami township, including Addyston, Cleves and North| Bend villages and part of Fernbak village................. PN GOV SEORE VILAGE io trcenct pete acrers toes ave/ov aver oem Reyorehopeich More tener Glevesavillagew ty. hee csiesoctee o sien aictererorsinueiy © ereleteenees eriba tien WLNARe PC PAELLOL) «kh d:divic Ses ae ele oo 0 North Bend village ac acto oe eine CNN ee ieareera ts +Millcreek township, including Bond Hill, Elmwood Place, Evanston, St. Bernard and Winton Place villages, and parts of Carthage, College Hill, Mt. Airy and Norwood | VUE AEC ee aceite 7 cele puns UMS mee ead ew eee ee eee Jayorevas de hd)t GHEY ge a | Ae ae Oh GO ORIC Ee RROOOOT O OTSA GF ree aSeevi aes DALENOL be ois vo cos.s on eee cca s keer Total for Carthage village, in Millcreek and Sap oie LEVIES RE ah cya WE Neha, alee Mics acaubrsiaahe win in smtkar werd SSO UEEATA Weare. PALL IOL) ebinicns oq ee t.x wnt adap aesnon {Total for College Hill village, in Millcreek and Spring. MELAGLOWAISIIDS at ore neh cto wick occ dieteine obra eerie Elmwood Place village ............ sa tieaa Nol oxtnrece aie eee PERIL VA crs ptt shims did on dmc siey Cow ae aes Salk a pene De eet e eT IG (DALEROT Ja... s 5)n nt dice adele pr ounee muntaneae madera PEN We ILIAD ( DATE GIL he cic vavccarotereisieng vycibisid aw tivin cteusvanad SLA Deriarrars lage: are eae, Julw ow alau ets Gomeee vin coitereiates WVttttOnM Es ACCaV Illa Cur Satins ct cite os orstctenaic sete terme cate cierto TOUCHCED LOWREID So 5 HRM ea eRe ts ee ee ee Springfield township, including Glendale, Hartwell, Mt. Healthy and Wyoming villages, and parts of Arlington Heights hamlet, and Carthage, College Hill and Lockland |. WANA ES are yee tetera athites oy oi sieversials rele: clo) eosiede voisusd NARS uebegee eters Atlineton Heights hamlet. (parti of) 2. oss c66.cceeenedss Total for Arlington Heights hamlet, in Springfield ord Sycamore townships wn acite Wire Sa Re Cree eae ere Cariiacealare (Part Of) 5.0.0 ou. sleamokidonccena a hats whit Lollece Fill village: Ciart OL). tems soe cee een ote oe Glendalegv (lace sams ie casey ao aeeth rerarecexoisvetci enna rari welleoMlacemuts. cre: ie pus cna ale elecetse ae ae a ituateriercrae ie ate RAC ANG eae DALT OL ) ois views dwn aio nae sinh eayenee Total for Lockland village, in Springfield and Sycamore LOWISHIPSMmre tT eitiisels abet erie eo hicd Se ieee eee Mit Healthy silage Baie sdvas ats GIN at ee lek tee elo gee abi village ear aaa ash patents alcaiatea-Sin Ske: woo ecte See In 1890 in Caeece township Bais, FONN 2 NAMM aAenale tavurnchin only 1890 AND 1900 1890. ots @ 6s 8. € 2 * eee ee eee © 6) ea) 6 eee 18 ee ee eres eo oe ee ee ewe peewee cee ee ee ew eee ae ee ee ewe 2 2 le Geis arene ae ee ew wee “CENSUS OF OHIO, 1900. _ 89 POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: ‘1890 AND 1900 CoNTINUED. Minor civil divisions. 1900. 1890. HAMILTON COUNTY —Continued. Sycamore township, including Reading village and parts of Arlington Heights hamlet and Lockland village He AA ata 8, 453 7,460 Arlington PIelenes: Hamilet 4 part Of) sued ase os ose ses sae 3 103 57 Lockland MALE OU CDAURIIE Prt crs caeite oN a ice wie ote cu aa'ss | 1,387 1,224 Peaiiie CVA aw em 2 en. ae coe ee Si ee eee a ahi wlela tain o ate aerate BAUM Wooo are Symmes township, including part of Loveland village........ 1,547 1,649 TS OMelaiaeVillaseRUDatt OL) oesad os Cp ne ss oad eee sachs 438 392 [For total see Miami township, Clermont county.] IVY ICE WAL ER aLOW NSIT alec dae occ ciclc Wes win tiiele gam ate orate | 1,291 1,317 Total population of Hamilton county.............. | 409,479 HANCOCK COUNTY. PPLE EER IEY SUMAYENOE ete vilaiiny wiatnv¥'e ae divs ede atehs Varwts 1,340 Total for Fostoria city, in Washington township, Han- ; cock county, and Jackson and Loudon townships, SS ONE CAL COLINIEV Ae ier cere letetarer ee weve chaise tere statewraneics einer 7,730 | | | Allen township, including Van Buren village Rie tec sere ae 1,354 | 1,310 Ny PETE TIE VIACOM Nee oe aad fle ale cichecleletaat' Aeame vie 367 | 268 Amanda township, including Vanlue Village Pa eMac ae 152104] 1,250 Wanlienvillacerm se eres sivas Cra ae AOL ee 356 302 See Cente et Poca en Pe, caw ohne ote ne wean ee Dek Oe retweks a 1,156 1,222 Blanchard township, including Benton Ridge village......... 1,292 1,276 PPeTCON Peres VIREO ce ote sien go asa ely ewan es aa 359 250 CEISGHON ATSIC} qncic ERNE SiS eee Ey ODED OERCES OF tecmnO aero case 677 759 Delaware township, including Mt. Blanchard village........ 1,512 1,580 MirmSlanichardmvillacesment.. setae teeta oe oe tie ee 456 - 421 ESE COW SIAR tec ee cor o's Bee eso ee ean Golo Mak elles Sele 1,053 1,137 Findlay township, coextensive with Findlay city............ 17.613 18,553 Findlay city: A Ae te. oc Seems ie eh ae ee alae 2,851 WEED Pietra can cist Oto cel Nan amet ocd ito 1,925 NAEP Die Stas Ve rare AO Re ol ies «NRE 2,633 NENG | Oo ccapen Dy Dice Da Cand OIODKG > See meen 2,240 DU ee rceliprrprenee ia ee Rita, oes ts oa et aaa 1,912 Sieh 2a Pe eae eae oe Sie EET GACH, Vere oe pane ne 2,745 geo 22 ct Re, CO ea Oa, See a 1,899 SOV APL tires ete Mh a iattiske divas nsis SiAorera de hoe tre 1,408 | ACK GOMMLOMSEID ee oo ee tet Wir a aarti eae Cae dieala vie jaiate Gre 1.034 | 1,168 ERED MECN SISO) Wate oos oir Fie ow ny civ aoe alos ols Mons acuaaln Ate ape nes 1,486 1, 287 Madison township, including Arlington village.............. 1, 747 1,433 PUP MCLOMEVA awe.) caesihe ia tears ee DN deh Ga chads cutee SC tei lno stars NTA PITINEOW REID ee Rete aig ture ee oils eee wee bis ene tomate oo a «8 1,079 943 Cre Ey ENO ON ee le 1 ee org eal Nn lok chaos weet nl oe 1,470 1,448 Pleasant township, inchidine MeCombivillacé i. eee aad 2,698 | 2,587 MAO eo hs w/e 'hc eile wees wib's ses ips baie be eee we 1,195 1,030 Ord mentees ier trees te oe ts oes ca ie iuiulds v's bs pad oh 808 | 811 Union township, including Mt. Cory and Rawson villages.. 1,951 2,110 WE Uee OU ELIA Oe hoo cto att cals bis oe eh xb os slele ao eee ee 312 334 eT SETTERS ae eet Oe Se rE HS Sel ad, se Ee AT 473 458 Van Buren township, including Jenera village.............. 1,026 957 CMEC VI NOOOUI SG fe iis xis sin 5 bp o's 2 ve SS ote biele Ramee pis 10 gay Maa eer ten Washington township, including Arcadia village and ward DiOERD OSLOTIANCHS Ses itl Ad's Yc cv tee Feats MSs oe oe Oa 2,827 2,782 SIAR ADE ako cia & vused a's 8 a ane iitase Bee ee eee Gee 425 490 40 . CENSUS OF OHIO, I9QOO. POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900 CoNTINUED. Minor civil divisions. 1900. | 1890. | HANCOCK CouUNTY — Concluded. | SU ARR EP eet oh er teie hac slap aes RON ares wae 1,302 UES a Oe Reg EE Tae” te | ARES, “OR Dt oo Ie 1,340 WADE eis Sie Cae ewe atan ee ete eins 1,600 WAL hace eee ean ce be ey bs BRRAG EE Seas 1,582 | WESPOPO te curs Reet et tate suis Sau a Kas harers 1,956 | Total population of Hancock county.............. | 41,993 | 42,563 HARDIN COUNTY. Blanchard township, including Dunkirk village.............. 2,026 2,169 MS Diunkicktvillagvew.s secs ce eee Sere ces La ne on apet ate 1, 222 1, 220 Buck township, including ward 5 of Kenton city........-..-- 2,299 71,215 TSAO CIE ved Dare OF loos selec cet On otis Sees hed x OMe ot uh Be Se ee ie Total for Kenton city, in Buck and Pleasant townships. . 6,852 5,507 VV AEC ieet ernie Hoos bs ee ahe Nee eeay how Serene 1,382 | WAR aeot S. wae'sk sat aseetetSen eas agar ee cee 1,599 PNEELR UT) 2 eR SES Siete os 2 aa ae mee ee ee 1, 650 WM areiee ey Metres eae ae tee eae ea od eee ees 992 PUN CE ten nee Phish a eG wee vie Ra ianee rhe eee 1,229 GCESSHABLOWNSMID ae Cao ee ie os tS ee eR ee eee ner ee oe 804 873 Mudleyetownship wees. coe kee seen ee Re A Aes ASM ne Bee 15320 4 1,415 GOSHentOWNSIIP ©. . oka. c cece teks Fe Pe eerie er ee 953 977 Hale township, including Mt. Victory village and part of IIA LE Wave l ae Cee pe eis ftenes cs ee ake ae earn ean ae ate 1,947 1,939 WIT ICLOTY VILA Re tos ok et de te ca eons Suet eee 134 ~| 689 BIdSewWavivilage d( PartiOl) ascc sic vee cede Ce a ener eee 334 256 Total for Ridgeway village, in Hale township, Hardin | county, and Bokescreek township, Logan county...... | 447 821 Jackson township, including Forest and Patterson villages. . 2,196 2,177 OPEL ROI eee Me ne vcs dae ont Uk eae e aan wagceta Nes Oe 1,155 1,126 lar tetova te aCe. pene ee ie age Pree eer ge Pm eer eee te 219 247 Liberty township, including BOS Villaees lon hoes wea eee 3,986 3,503 Neat keg CY tea hie ee ae ee oe ere 2,576 2,079 WV Abts leew avs eae lon i ee wwe haere «Riewa daton Ie 952 ' MEE ts BD BE een ee ee nen ee ree 926 A ARMS iu ict ned orayatarh kkaminw: oer eshe ed Sw ewe Grebe 698 { MEV SICEPE OF ISET i minse > i ecu ins ine eNO OU MUR Uaioe LST a 1,105 MeDonaldktownshipecan nee ee oe eee eee oe 194 7aeel 1,809 Marion township, including Alger and McGuffey villages... 201374 1,281 PS Sp Sg ULE «ag ee ene ee eae Coenen ah weyieer eee Gs to AGT at raoer. Chri eva Vilage Be Va aie eke h race Gar ba Oh os ucnn GC eeeee ASR Hee RE Pleasant township, including wards 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Ken- | POSE SILY Peer ee Sire tee eas ons Kvn ob Oe ls Gud Wc AAs tek Bee Oe 7,041 +1, 467 ; PLONE S COALE OT Ns. 1aeah aly sank dealin omen Keke CARRS Bis Giad erly Mee kes Roundhead tow isi ware cee ctaca tele eter a ste carte tater ceece eee 1,331 1,167 aE are e CE AL Daria noo Aa whine es etuedinee ene ee 864 97 NV ASHIMREOD LOW NSIUD: siiie'e area's sh Mbinies & ae wipe ak re Wucwalele as wee 1, 334 1,812" Total population of Hardin county................ 31,187 *28, 939. * Includes population (5,557) of Kenton city, given independently i in 1890. t Exclusive of population of Kenton city. t In 1890 in Napoleon township only. ‘CENSUS OF OHIO, IQOO. 41 POPULATION OF ‘OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900 CoNTINUED. . | Minor civil divisions. 1900. 1890. HARRISON COUNTY. | | PAT CHELAT OWI SLIM Rae ciorete relia tee ele ote tee aiatetel ove wero eteie are elelake| ehetare 700 737 Athens township, including New Athens village........... ioc 1,081 1,195 INEWarAtHensevillagveen ce sce tis +c cite cision ete re stom alee isle 435 420 ‘Cadiz township, including Cadiz village ee eas Ane nsw r are ee 2,993 3,041 GET E Bia UIE abe et we ea I a re a ar er a 1,755 1716 Franklin township, including Deersville village.............. 933 1,119 Weersvillesvillagegenct seer oct e ce ace emcee estes D56m like cece Freeport township, including Freeport village............... 1,379 | 1,422 jE alg Migipit tte oe, bale mines so rary ee r mir ee ne mai gtoy 690 672 Meritt LENO ISOS ci ns cee reas eas a os chee cae tas veneers es 1,203 1,254 ‘Green township, including Hopedale village...............-- 1,468 1,650 Pinedale: illaRere oh pot chasse tenes seo cue che ace s be Ses 365 424 Monroe township, including Bowerston village.............. 1,481 1,882 ERveree Stare Ola seeer es te Sora oo cs ea eae s see ste see ee 8 ed tar arn PNiGOretE UE LOWS IID Coen. ce nie stash salen du ie Peaeise eats s 1,222 1,150 North townsuip, inciuding Scio village... cis .eks ces tessees 2,248 - 1,499 Sarre Si Sie ea re Roane fae aE Ree Aer eon ert 1,214 616 Nottingham township Poet ease sR tea Skee bee peak meee 746 880 ’ Rumley township, including Jewett village.............2-66- 1,586 1,368 eta VilIaGE Tete t ce tis sash os see cere ost beamed s cee su ae (C514 Raper ‘Short Creek township, including Harrisville village.......... 1,608 1,712 TEATEIC VIG WILDS Er Ste cen cos atk des Lbdn5 fae ease sents 250 252 PIMC MOWe AGI oe Cerne Cac ct ath aa rss cee ee tesa neste Vaeeeas 591 714 VU aSHIpStOn COWNSIND ec cG ss ase hose seeder de Sere erry re 1,247 1,207 ‘Total population of Harrison county.............. 20,486 20,830 HENRY COUNTY. ‘Bartlow township, including Deshler village................ 3,058 | 2,270 DCS ET Vila ee eee uate tees hectic ees des iste ees 1,628 1,114 ‘Damascus township, including McClure village.............. 2,158 1,782 Piereruilace s. ee tie ce vaccas ou ca peas Ameen ance « 660 332 Flatrock township, including Florida VilAwer eee es a ee on cae 1, 635 | 1,677 Peete eer laded oes yank cs faunas Cea Shoes ce oh ee Seas 276 288 Lemur MEMO a. Se flees hoor srs ss dcluriee of ats we ce anes 1,006 | | 1,062 Harrison township, including part of Napoleon village....... 1,339 1,349 Prato reocnysCP yl Pate Olle es ies teu vr ce cscess ee tone: « RLY Gell PA are Total for Napoleon village, t in Harrison, Liberty and DTIC OIMTOWHSINOS or ce eee s ek st obec ace pens enue ' 8,689 |. 2,764 Liberty township, including Liberty Center village and part Di NAG Gle WIA REN Ce bd soos ceeelo ales want's Ovrai «aire ee 1,865 1,880 RAUerIN EC CACOLSVINAGEL: fo ess cds hides ees ake uere es 606 | 500 Nansen rviliawe (part OF). fetes cose. ss ceases tae tends te fs PR ee Marion township, including Hamler village................- 2,142 | 2,123 Pier Rees Seer ae ee oss Wee Co nec es fate aes ote ie 574 556 Monroe township, including Malinta village..... ot Cae | 2,015 2,037 Wi glara VER e ORT eet one eee re ee ce nae sd ces sas Spe ties | ay lag| Ea Napoleon township, including part of Napoleon village...... 4,914 4,199 Napoleon ‘village (part of) Ret igh eae Pine Rate SY om BeDOO Eilers eae k Pleasant township, including Holgate village................ 3,013 2,778 Pare lre eet ee eet ie ars tetas breeds Neve dsee oe « 1, 237 1,134 ft In 1890 in Napoleon township only. 4? CENSUS OF OHIO, IgoOo. POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 CONTINUED. Minor civil divisions. 1900. HENRY county — Concluded. ROTC PACE EYORNIS IRD 0h oar us gicieis Pha ee aa nee ae Ee ee OO 1,708 Ridgeville township ..... Be a eae eee es | 1,241 AGU PLONMEOWIISIID sc. sae ok oo. 2 AS Sa eee A Ee wee ae © evened 1,188 Total population of Henry county................. 27 , 282 ‘HIGHLAND COUNTY. Brush Creek township, including Sinking Spring village..... 1,714 SinkinVasprinoayillages ovale hen shad. oaes ve aees as oplaue 238 CS EAU LOWMISI Te vt efile bh sna occ nite 8 ces wae rete ieee men eee eats 1,315 CONCOTO ROWNISIIP I oer wiih i Wek gke ut oe es tha boa Vien orem ON 1,097 Dodson township, including Lynchburg village............. | 1,975 ECHOULES IMAGE tis Sy cue et Oeka eka aed Petakrne cs | 907 Fairfield township, including Leesburg and New Lexing— | ROIEAVINASESER. Foor eee eee ee AC bak cone ect wk Seco on sah | 2,342 ERESE HAV IUAG ER sins Prac ba 8S ivi eh bv Gee yak t's teenage 783 Newer ieexineton (villagers. ii 4. 54 ip aeen oc eeaed Coen awes ae 265 Flameretow nl Slatin ees we cere 5 titeleysisio ee ei tetera ee eC 918 ACKSOUA URCIWILSIIELS Woe W 5e'b es ivts ns Cala a Sw hind ky Coie pny ee 912 Liberty township, including Hillsboro village............... 6,311 PITISDOLORVINAGE Dols tet enw as cepa Cee Mis dd ea neuen ees 4,535 Madison township, including Greenfield village............. 5,167 PSC O eV IAC or: Cec faye oe eae Oats sles ee ae Pua Res 3,979 La Getitl PEC ELS EMER a od ecko 20 only Sales Bead ob oe Aa, Sie Weise ole 740 RRMA TIKCENLOWISHID: C6 nt dibs ¢. Uy mde A ae Haeee Hee Tee es 990 PP SAT ECO VUNG IE Sees Aaah gts EW ac srkiss Cte ee Ee hee We ere aaa 2,226 CTMIETOWTISID Beer totes cee se Cae se dus arena e Baiemetan oe anekeees 1,154 RoW NE GUA gst (24) pe ON | G28 em i RA cond NE cee reg Ae A 869 WON LOW LSND meet Set. cee clnc ots o repaneraiate spon c eh oie 1,139 NV AGING TOTI MOWERS ol. tv ccc hack ate vee ak Sere ce s temk cate | 885 ATG? (cla REESOUTRSTLLLY Bicesd via p's oie Sd & Sue wdaselednn Cajuin t Ralan Saal talen 1, 228 Total population of Highland county.............. 30,982 HOCKING COUNTY. PET COM UW RELI) oy tate arate cers ora ear asietaiee ca One Oks tes aaa 1,214 Falls township, including Logan village » fabessEis siete tre Sine a ete 5,215 Wo Ratt CVI 6 yee ok pn ed Pa eR REPEL Cle Lobes Oe tre eas 3,480 ATU ie Gue © Meee wea Te eh ae pe 967 VRID WE OO stelen a Tks HKG e tee aie Coens hee 972 | IVY ST Gace oa phtryie iow erred ae ua OS ed Ce eee 705 Wares Prete on hora ohn a Cow ee woe em 836 Good Hope tom nsiio.? fo d0ts c0t ices sateen Meee tee Rane een 1,297 GLEE OWAISDI Pirie ute eal aa SO ccc ahetae Sesion Clore eet 1,411 AMCOIe TOW TSI kek eevee cated aE ERLE Es Sek OES ON eee 1,081 MIATIOE CONVEY Creme er das vice coe eres deed Sota ee date Cre ite 1,215 Perry township, including Laurelville village................ 1,981 PAUPOIING AGO Cia acs cc ydn kas ces vas ccs wm ae Meek eee 450 Sale: (eGeutOwasnin nitty tore vot ester bia Rese emake cae 1,509 SIRT PHIOWMANI ER Be cern evn Coss wxinis’ Sa an ew ater ree ree 1,529 Ward township, including Murray City village.............: 7,140 Murray, City pvillaweusein eo cae ore ee er eee 1,118 Washington tows s.2. oe cee ee ae ocean mek ve aay aes 876 Total population of Hocking county.....,.,...,--. 24, 398 AND 1900 1890. ee CENSUS OF OHIO, IgOO. 43 - POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900. CoNTINUED. LSPs A EEA OE LTO Se EE Minor civil divisions. 1900. 1890. HOLMES COUNTY. Berlin ta wnsiip cee tet bane ea Ch ei ee eae ure me FRE 1,361 1, 486 - Geral LO WTSHID shih een si Na OS ERS RG Tos otek eth ais we ears 1,549 1,594 Hardy OTS including Millersburg village oth tee Oaire es Fa ol 8,275 - Millerebure -Willaves Cece sea e se os sinha eee ee eee eee 1,998 _ 1, 923 : Killbuck township, including Killbuck town.............455 1, 283 1,417 UGti lie Gh er ee (ee ee Oe Ee OOM. coe Knox township, including part of Nashville town............ 866 989°: Nashvitte towne (dart Of) ts ois 50s 50 eee en ees wee Bes Pa Neate vere *Total for Nashville town, in Knox and Washington | LOWLISINID Steet ren amie ie ois ste ore we eres le em iets eole.e eke arate 766m ease MeCIGRIC EO WUEHIP-s4.0 aMibe aa ocd se sa whte shes ys b¥5s Cees eet 1,213 1,338 : WIGHEOEOWSDIDY Beas Sate u be ence ees Ole s Ratan as AU eRe 939 1, 062 Paine caw eines enc eh ta eet kin eo a SERS Saag ts 4c Seats 1,179 1,264 Prairie township, including Holmesville village.............. 1,241 1,424 FAIGIMGCIIE TVTA@O lt 4s onc cae cette eerie ees eB Eee | BOARM ees aoe Richland township, including Glenmont village.............. | 1,232 1,433 CHER MOnEsWIlIASes: sundaes kee ste es ev oa Heer kes tenes 84 4 Dries as ee Ree es a citi Hu DATE SRT Ooree MONT REVRR LL CRISES 1,270 | 1,385 SIMIGPeRR tL wWISID, (a. cick ia ceria views Yoo dees Cages (ema 1,355 1,537 Warmer Greek NOWUSHIDS of fan tes 087 2604 CORE eS ORT OV Laos = «23609 | 1, 541° * Washington township, including part of Nashville town..... | 1,233 1,394: Nashville town" (parteof) i: evens ey Ma recede on feng eee | Ci sense Total population of Holmes county................ | 19,511 21,139: HURON COUNTY. Bronson towsshipies ci tas seiceaene ce clone ey OAS rat TOES 824 926° Ciatroneld tO wirsnit: 2 can ete ate i tice oan dace aay te ded eae 1,051 1,143" Peele MOOTED nes Sh hoo ee ber ok eae Sad ores eB Re BEES 1116 Oh MAS 1sS: Fitchville township. including Clinton village................ 661 748 ° MOTISDCSTIT ULAR O Oe, .c kati ha iene pe Fac bc WOON vole pho a btesere tele 186 163° GerPenhele AOWNSUID:. wnieraic ws’ s tos hee ee 646 944 ‘otal population of Jefferson county..............- 44,357 .| $39,415. KNOX COUNTY. PeEP ie LONI TIS IGE oy watcetig Faw has Rae s SAT Po Oo ore ee soeres 751 841 EtG ARCO WIS an oe 3h Ge PEs Ba ae -vinca Bhs vara alelernee Serene is Stora 1, 042 1, 062° Biers tOmmichitee s.r ete ere siete et ok he te et 694 | 175: Clay township, including Martinsburg sae ae sadonea conte 893 980° Martinsburg village .... aAs 238 ’ 257 Clinton township, including Mt. Vernon city... Se hes 2 7,851 G20 ME Vernon City. ss. 0k ts BP a heme aie ie hes arene - 6, 633 6,027 Wa Clee eee See. Mears ny Nin ees OOO ita) Ae RO eee oe ana eee, ae ee 778 Ward 3 1,286 nC ee ee tk eh, hoes ieee etna E 1,077 NPRM. aR alr cacaon aiuisi dior ene eee NN 1,085 apatite Cael ce ea Aetee Gree 1,111 t Includes population (2,536) of Toronto village, { Exclusive of population of Toronto village. given independently in 1890.. * Steubenville city, formerly Steubenville township, made independent since: 1890. ° Exclusive of population of Steubenville city. -46 CENSUS OF OHIO, 1900. POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900 CoNTINUED. Minor civil divisions. 1900. KNOX COUNTY — Concluded. College township, including Gambier village................. 983 (Gavolnise AGES 1 ae Saree SooGrt cco nao ca On pag Sac 751 Tae RGCT aL OVCATS LIED cc sSacie's is chataheerah SOE ST ew ae wie, Man ER - 588 Hilliar township, including Centerburg village.............. | 1,341 : CNET DUT W Vilage cies cu ne Rees es Bee TS 706 TlOwarGstOwsISMip secre stcmciecieys. Se Dons SOn Tote eo ode 847 SP ACESOURTO WHS HID) «ts snlns wainds scons nackte ae dome eles vies Motes ale 798 ETCECOMRCOMMISEID. 1 Aaa gly niesy ning: o.nice weer, Scximeinge alain, oa MO ar 1,018 SRIDET CY COWS IDG 22> cd. vcn ls nce Sealey DAA Be See eet ee & 998 IM kcal Si oxiinie eniinotelhn) ep e Ae ne aan De acemOcc. eine OD Oar Abe 788 PURE C RCE SECLW TESTED Citas fot estan cidiaran na ja.0 issn oP gm mnnih atin Cale 762 IMGULerEDO WASHit pile 12 cre. eee soe spa «ae kou a ote seein eer eae ares eeraecariers 755 Bar ett OWT SII) cs 1 aie, sic ah ees ninsaonp Sneha Skt © Pie Ree Sie dAneaen alia 807 Disream TOWNSEND os. 25. .aete = ans Ws. vdieo ie ne Reis ee 650 Morris township, including part of Fredericktown village. . 953 Fredericktown village “(part re Se ee ee eee eee y 95 Total for Fredericktown village, in Morris and Wayne POM SHE I wdc anccid obi naa sua nas ae eee 890 BE ee teh MN or fees shine anos ee ia Oe oe cae ie ee 1,163 ieee eee Slip) eyo. sulin hsm canton tain 94 4 se 818 Union township, including Brink Haven, Buckeye City and]. DAV ileevilla@es ee Ovuten duis § s15-09/achage k Ee nae oe o5 «neh sa ele 1,756 Brink Haven Vib a Otee eA ily Usa ed wae ae aha Gnas eek Rae 250 Hacke ve. City Villa@ew «wees shies aes s soe sess ease can 247 Parvin rvallawe. eoscee brn ie a owns os areih sidan ee a amlen 298 Wayne township, “including part of Fredericktown village. . 1,512 Fredericktown village ” (part 1 BACT AER OR es. 795 Total population of Knox county.................. 27,768 LAKE COUNTY. PAC ENTS MELINA LEN dicie « Nak Gite “afore in Sie sewiminmininte minim Stan eters 706 Rttignd COwhGa = sc. diets 6o- sos 3 come Hewes Seah cew ee | 1, 134 WELW PO MeMCDIDL eins psc tee OP Aes oasis CSA ee Oe a eae ae 678 Madison township, including Madison village ............... 2,720 EAT COS VII Re Bei. air iy te She winners as nmaa Wee x tne 768 Mentor township, including Mentor village................. 1,835 MACHER A Oe i, o ccs hao bind elas Sans Mcnamara are bie Scouts wre 624 Painesville township, including Fairport, Painesville and Rienimonds milages 4 cc o.ce cans: 3s cs dye Ome OR Cre ae 9 , 282 TAUPE AE ohn 2 oi .e'en subi salaries sas, Sealants ons Sk Ree 2,073 Panes villesvilla@ Ges cic cies. -4 va ee oe OR ea ce 5,024 Pichi WAAR Oks cd sen kas n ie ek bine a nue sn wen ok eg Re . 8382 Parry MOWING Il dtc bret Ack aks Sau teas cokes Cau oor 1,687 Willoughby township, including Willoughby Villegeu. ks 3,638 WU TLHGT NU WII. Me wya an sas, sans soa = was aren ene yaaa 13753 Total population. of Lake county... .....iscesenses 21,680 LAWRENCE COUNTY. Aid stOvnS tie as Ales sas ohass kl ane a guia SiNaheneec ne ace _ 1,801 DecaturatOwiship sures: canewag en igs ans eae aes 6 Cate elke 1,063 elizabeth Lowrie ni yste0 oe arn os cae ae ia alin ns 9.4 x we ae ace 2,879 Fayette township, including part of South Point village....... 2,168 | 1890. tee ewer ene CENSUS OF OHIO, IQOO. 47 POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900 CONTINUED. Minor civil divisions. 1900. 1890. —— nae LAWRENCE cCouNTY — Concluded. Ssoth Pomt vitlage (part Of)... . 2 cetayp we scwnet + cee te AN OM 224 Total for South Point village, in Fayette and Perry POW SL SNe nce I ee eee Tie eh ees peso He ZO LAstae keer < Hamilton township, including Hanging Rock village........ 1,324 1,389 Pladigine Rock. village? 4200 5.0 vc hee beste ca hones eee 665 846 La wrenceOwiislllp’. cote wie vias «Sa 555 bese ke= a beo aes s wis 1,958 1,957 Aso TRO WHS pic tO nnd cotter sk teue alsa ee Hie eae ea ets 1,921 | 1,778 Perry township, including part of South Point village........ 1,891 |° 2,089 wSruthoPominvillace. (part Ola vec i tac ee eerie Cems Fe 70 | Pee oar Rome township, including Athalia village.................-. 3,122 2,85) At alist VUE = ce ches ca. Oginntedivnina teas wea vais 346 199 Symmes township ..........vececse cs seep secs er eeee ness sees 1,032 1,062 Union township, including Proctorville village.............. 3,087 2,936 Pecctorvinie Villa@enrd ooo oe eran bs Sowtelw mell de mee cites 523 480 Upper township, including Coal Grove village and Ironton city 14,890 13,937 *Coalavove cvilawes conc: osc + din nwa la cterecslu yy elaie ore ane wait A Wee aS! 506 RPHUtOn Ey fo co bees et acsotewiewoceedts ENO Doan: 11,868 10,939 Cer MR I Rar Seaside ida una Rosie +A EW POO Oe 1,654 crn Bed, «Seats ch Pad eta le valet avereioret cPiatae 1,688 RN te ee Ah te ma en TT Ya Oe RTT 1,488 Varela ees eh BG 6 Mae erin ch ere ea Oe aeeteas 2,126 Wiovical iat Mea ee AM Coe eC ie aa ore te 2,089 ROPES, Sonne a retenas's 4 Bak atiag 5 6 wien oo 2,823 Washington township << i.:s.icve esas act: rT CR 659 874 VRS ECTS ID © oe invicta aon AG en aan eee tree 2,239 2,219 Total population of Lawrence county............. 39 , 534 39 ,556 LICKING COUNTY. Bennington Wownship: 2g =. waa velo daitien se a0e ere vs vinid one siehss 792 792 Bowling GréemtOwnship soc. we cscs ce conceded ceeenwee sees 808 864 BAtiingtOnetOWHSWID «oes wpe an hee eee ace cab ss vba sae dsr sop 2s 922: 981 Pee AG NIO Ne oP os haces ole ss deals Panes alae eens 620 674 Pata tO WSO OG yet uig ee ts owe cs sek see daw es Veter Estat tate state 955 1,053 Falispure TOWRSIID: «icons awke's eas cuwe’ Cee er eet 836 871 Rena iait GOW SHIDic vay cok dias «eles ani sss Starnes om wn oe 676 743 Granville township, including Granville village.............. 2,399 2,326 Crarewle village. 4. 2eeeer a s92 eseS ed eye te ea bee ee we 1,425 1,366 Hanover township, including Hanover village............... 1620 ins 1,172 Diguvere vilis@e 4) teka eons Bes Pee eke SCAR ‘ene Meee 314 | 288 Pizrrisontownsit) 0... coe cee s exe iis foe seces baw ree 1,158 | _ 1,224 Hartford township, including Hartford village.............. 1,192: 1,089 IRIREOLOMU LARC dsc .cccka 2s gach wen ee weeds Kanwar 414 | 346 Hopewell township ........ BATT deel pe atts ene eee eet 848 891 Neree ye COWS Oe i Ac awe kinktesters wee oy Se Seanees ot 1,081 1,206 Liberty township .......... Ee ral ne Ra ne a ufo 8 nie er eee O 720 702 Licking township ........ SE ick on, Ge ha tare Rube by Seen eae 994 ea Lima township; including Pataskala village...... 2.52.02... 1,765 1,761 Patasicnraeerilage sobs hedd os cee ebay Le eae he mapinokys 675 568 Weir Sterne 6. gh cS egos oe nds oxis wa eee SER EE ee 824 866 NEA GISOMETC VAIS IN (melt tense niches es reiecoiere hte be caiiecckeretinke, cyeieehand aioe 1,103 1,014 VRE PTET A NLA D oto wins ss sav Ss EW « SRA els gees 827 882 Monroe township, including Johnstown village.............. 1,525 1,340 * Formerly Petersburg. _ 48 | CENSUS OF OHIO, FQOO. POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900 CONTINUED. Minor civil divisions. 1900. LICKING COUNTY — Concluded. ASUS ray ps Reig Lb. aoe pc eg Nan Rn ge eee REF: 638 Newark township, including Newark city...:.......... Paes 19,355 Ne Watie- GR ccc tee. Care Fe ue Bene ee 18,157 BV Rte wy ints coe cokuseita tars ye ont eee 2,403 WAT OBO er co Gas se ei See Se ee ee 2,041 WEE es te Perel: tekenht eee semen eres cae 2,777 NWT i LE en Sa See See a a 2,744 War dena cca) ete nGee seats ce smc ge wae 2,371 AER, codec ans cick ek wk oy oes ee ee eee 2,089 MV ALGER chest hate enh otiaadn Meme Te 1,762 . Weattieiavinn.. See vrake sxtehs ie Peas eee ee eet 1,970 ‘Newton township, including St. Louisville village........... 1,161 Bt Louisville village <. 50525 49 ces sdcge rea ees ner eRenet 285 Perew tOwnsinw. .. Gis.cs pees se. utee mente eter etedes ieee 807 St. Albans township, including Alexandria village........... 1,186 PUEXANGI a VIIAZEL Wie Sec aes oes Pa ee Cae ears ome 420 Union township, ineluding Hebron village ................. 1,749 PCDI AVINASES | 7 seas fc iasdot shalt ee Pa ah are alsin ni signe ohete 455 Washington township, mecluding Utica village: ..¢.< 46 sacans 1,470 LTICARMEADOES Ss fy ete Oe oe Ske eas Seedy saabieee eee 826 Lotal population of Licking ‘county <....0 ou Fa rial «het opeiaiin fa cower olga a > tie WA erring Steere Crate ces oikiay oo cic reel e ac etre sieyereiae 5,251 1,432 882 1,481 2, 039. 803 761 560 1,095 660 2,144 986 1,647 274 1,204 319 999 4,679 3,511 1,695 1,929 725 936 63 370 1,528 672 1,815 663 1,406 1,758 269 903 657 3,413 1 ’ iSye 307 2,523 387 2,137 48 046 44,885 20,590 1890. se ee ee eee ok (> 60 ee uni wy se ee ee wee 52 CENSUS OF OHIO, 1900. POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: CONTINUED. 1890 AND 1900. Minor civil divisions. ¥ MAHONING COUNTY — Concluded. Ni Vertaal O53 eet a ene ee pi eS er 2 ream 4,834 IE See ae ew ere Oe ere er ie AEE pee ree 5,041 NSE CM te caay Petri oe wt a ener ee eo ec ana 4,478 NER ELD Chey oi PS Kee we. ee eae. aoe ee 6,844 WE Sec ay Mae ee eI On Mee he het weet 4,557 Veet emerean a5 Gt oR nccte hat Mita eipt ote og antae ee eee 2,753 Warde 0” 4: ) dt Selle apne er ae een, eae 3,250 NaI donk Ab cena ORT 3,509 | Total population of Mahoning county.............. MARION COUNTY, Bree PAPAIN WEISIN IY inn sche a + See ee ea ans Cee oe BOWS ri cVeer eCOWNSHID. F< .55 sane cae e haw ons ae # ee on eee Claridon township, including Caledonia village.............. : Caledonia village .............. esi ue are eae ugha’, Oi gun es 1a) oS ead Ee Awe Se Pe mane hy RR erat aty RP OUTNS ILS Soca pad cise elect he eo aeaaie On Se ee ene Green Camp township, including Green Camp village Serene Ps SOOM ANY motels soln mlecsn ace ecnueaitele Risgaiys ~ 6002 eee .. Sharon township ee, Cae AE ARO ROE RY nr 1,098 1,276 = Wopencer LOWMSIND oc 5 aa oie ence as cli ce ele hela Men aioe = oe 963 1,008 Wadsworth township, including Wadsworth village and part CRW CRUE Ee oRRN VENA OS ence ow irs we) toni where ous cic) ohn gnsat sis onaatesi muaraiene | 3,255 3,047 Wy ale Wit lt Villa Mie gs Src daw ms sve cso a os wea. nae 1,764 1,574 NA ESERERER TAG VIO Ot Oy a osc casnd sanensomprad syounssnestre-pars 67 ovate Total for Western Star village, in Wadsworth township, Medina county, and Norton township, Summit county 148 165 EVA atte Cet TEN. leckarchainiaya io a ic > ata alelpimtecbs sale’ nes Rie ols Spee tare 1,077 1,090 ee PTT Ot ne etc soap ee insane Sia ee dor 983 889 Total population of Medina county.............. 21,958 $21,742 MEIGS COUNTY. Bediordmtowshipmycie meme eters erecie se ele ns ae, Sones ae Ge 1,523 1,473 PESTER CO WIS IIe ce oie torr aictave sereaciedsiotosu chelate elereratenersne tome a: 1,597 1,604 Poe rtai a tO WSU) (oe ic 2s ew acca e De ceases we hot oe 1,016 1,087 Vepason POW ESO: tv. 2+ estes ance ae ob oon Pee Ren ea a Ses 1,798 2,042 We aCiSE OW GTR as eek a a hie J eialee ate myopia mraleiereina se aise 1,216 isa AS SERIA TRUER Geto L Uva 9 cae Cie apa iol & sine suchas later on pVer santas a MeUKeh soaks 2,086 - 2,051 TARE 0 WCRI Gn ecco’ caus qeqnisiomsawinlaide oats Wena as Wawel * 990 1,021 ‘Rutland BRU ENG TEES cel fot caahayn dh ional Gee's asnhsilehen teks Rrornca ore mneisin es) HEC 2,303 2,201 SPE ECEAY LVSETNINA Scie afore ceases ey Sierwse wins wliars me he Seas Bae einen 1,506 1,55] Salisbury township, including Middleport village and Pom-— TORE EU rie, tos a ah, crtiioin vabavaner sre raha ‘avbher oneups e oasis Sieh eres elena 9,659 10,218 Diba pe pichiee IASC ow Or cl neces wis cinsenoncanessvons Pin clte sca onaee apenas 2,799 8,211 \iigicwal AL. Worm eo A es SN PRs SR OTA 535 Via Tlie eres take ree en he agers ert eau Levedicgsityooesoitys 650 ge yig eh S55 SG a dia nit oe as ere AE teers ot aN ie ae ae eS 2,360 VY ee ee tein vats we te ee ated eS cE Be hare the 601 Mi REAM ESE ACR! Shor dat agen Rucrey Pikcetene ets Fis) shassh orev canon 345 ACU E A UC BEV. 7 es as cova oie: RG I ts SR a taate rats cone Sis 4,639 4,726 Wieurel I oy bso eoe MES MORSE cso creer teen evecser eae GAZ Mew (cl Bias 6 Be ai Ber Beata, Si Buia rar cee cre ERS 1,029 \Wkvcul St se) 8 en eee as Be San a Ser Ete oer Iee 2,360 WCE ale alain oS Sultana gt thet era Oe a Ne eer 538 OVO CCD MESURE rect ¢ clars'a < nie Wee « ARON ate maak Manes bee 1,382 1,491 Sutton township, including RACINE wVilIdRe. > 7 naawem ey sees 3,544 3,750 PLAC M Rs earner. darters Mt anciieaid nie Ce Ss. 5 gee site SPAG Bi pkctnte ores ee Total population of Meigs county... ..066 <<<0--eoe> 28 , 620 29 ,813 + Includes population (2,073) of Medina village, given independently in 1890. t Exclusive of population of Medina village. 54 - CENSUS OF OHIO, IQOO. POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900. CoNTINUED. Minor civil divisions. 1900. 1890. MERCER COUNTY. Blackereek townships oc: e's ee oa una aie ee oe Re ee 1,438 1,557 Butler township, including Coldwater village............... 1,995 1,936 Coldwater village .......... De eC Eas tt Sa Cy ER oC 627 490 MPtitier utc wrmes iat iy ey cheval cert oat Poe webinar oeceininecys «hears ree 1,493 1,539 Dublin township, including Rockford village................ 2,751 2,625 MEER OEE, VITAE fafa Foo eo at als onc tts aie eae 1,207 993 Franklin township, ‘including Montezuma village............. 1,320. 1,240 Monteriara -Vilawe ood ca eee een os PE eee DUGar | eanee Gibson township, including part of Fort Recovery village.... 1,568 1,658 Fort Recovery village: part’ Of ss aieel su eee aid 723 Total for Fort Recovery village, in Gibson and Recovery COW ASIPS Tork. onal te cat. brcoes Oe ap rae eee ees 1,097 1,186 Re ING EWS) or ajcus 4). Lear alec aeardvnemitee eine eee I 2,329 2,013 EOBONTOM: TOS IED bec crest rice a avers ea Hee ek anne eee ious 1,414 Jefferson township, including Celina viJlage................. 4,282 3,962 Celinaevillace: 3 Ga Bak, he ee ea OF on Ee eed paella) 2,402 DUES padi eM eae Renae erg: eek SO. Wek Ming yey 527 SUV eed TIN SMP acc terete ial rcuree ace ees ee ee oe 665 ¢« IWATE TP etch eae tei heel cid ao ad ee 880 | ON UC Aha vz ordt DEGAN erica LEAR Ea cee ee ee 743 EI Deri BLOWS HIDE oer ere rise, CIS eae eee e Soe eee 1,733 ) 1,652 .Marion township, including Chickasaw Hillagen eet a eae 2,678 2,525 Vel eyed lerk + id gb 1 ret -< Ine Ren ane A tote iaet ePOnD Ease dng elie, Dia cde tein | Biviggia Gace. Rocovery township, “including part of Fort Recovery village.. 1,396 1,487 Fort Recovery village (part Ob) rade ect. cies. Sens 386 463 Union township, including Mendon village. CT ae CR EE 2,238 | 2,001 Biers TMA tes Seis Cn sg ee oe ies soe BE eae | 599 400 Washington township FR wry NOR Lan an eee ee | 1,487 1,617 otal population of Mercer county... ancou neko 28, 021 27,220 MIAMI COUNTY EPC E Ne POR PES CENTS Roy, rile 4.4) vas Sky siin aipbzsA ce has inde Rede sl afeitue eg oa ieee 1,596 1, 685 Brown township, fodhiding Pletcher willawes oo ig cic mee eee 1,631 1, 664 UOC m atte et och sete Se cet A cra lintel cues ie Ria oe Shomel weer Concord township, IVCRUMINS LCi. Clive nc aiae ake cree 7,187 5, 926 AOVACIEV ge whites SEPT re ae re en, ce 5,881 4,494 YN EUs cata tna gre pnarnord om NO eeuerrs wane een 1,442 NN eCr eames Verdes 2) 3 citer aes ienstore aes tote ae ee 1,263 gle a Bs ae erie “yan ne iraepee Wap t Pee teehee ik 1,376 ide Tg Pe: Sess Ey: Ln) 2s Seagate NE oe Sarat 1,800 ELIZADeCL HS TOWOSIID (ok a netics cara cnsciciaeeieisine oe eet ae eee inns 1,124 1,178 Lost Creek township, including Casstown village............ 1, 146 1,244 Coastal ae es Sere rar ote We a pat Meee nthe ce uenee 262 | 292 Monroe township, including Tippecanoe village............. 2,931 2,718 DD GCANR = wrae Ge tes are crea en eats rere ee ak | 1,703 1,465 Newberry township, including Covington village and part GE SRPANEOE GNU AO, Wenders as cc, ches sheotwiscntecias eee nt ame cee | 4, 869 4,915 Bradtord wilaee A Pare OL) «cnt ag cae Guineas cee | 762 861 [For total see Adams township, Darke county.] COVENT VU ASO ad nx ce cede ped AR ae Ses aie nen 1,791 1,778 Newton township, including Pleasant Hill village........... 2,537 2,680 Pleasanton te Via OG... seth aee maken cae elee et alee 557 | 523 { Formerly Shane Crossing. CENSUS OF OHIO, IgoOo. 55 POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900. CoNTINUED. Minor civil divisions. 1900. 1890. MIAMI COUNTY — Concluded. PSOne TCLee Re LOWNSHID. 6c o's sues eoinie ne daesteie es cine ble «aE w= 1,422 2,184 PAE GTIL EC We TE SLID) faiet oases oa VE mire sane Pepe e eee anes 1,184 1,255 Union township, including Laura, New Lebanon, and West DI POL MLS ge aa ore ch ie rae ahecauate aco ota ia frie Soca h carevareAd ogre ae TENS 4,309 4,178 mieaunanviNacew e 5 Aish ney ot Seng SIRS PRE LDA EERE ea ER RAT SUSU e sant ING? LLeaOM MIEKA. oo cosmieese saa detone ad acne og 6nor Q0AM Gate ee PU Sat MOETIECTE CG LAGE eee ake m srriciss te erarerel bas nctetinlerlves £& 904 796 *Washington township, including Piqua city..............-. 13, 169 10, 127 Piqua city 36. : Seay es ¢ BS eS OR ene ee pera 12,172 9,090 Cee Go en Ae Bek WC, 8 yl 2 et ote ame ee Oe Ay ee 1,967 Ward 2 ..2.- Be aN rlavare Hla BI eet 2,461 PUR Ula eye eran aida cola Fae's wel sael useless See eons anrrire Bae TH Me VV EEA Wr exe yee eee, onc apeire cese cicte cetomesaloreee 2,126 iy Ea is era oe (Bas Rs ae ae eMC ete 2,241 Total population of Miami county..............-.. 43,105 39,754 MONROE COUNTY POAUNG TRONS eos Var ciee ox cores ns sine cle eo esoale ieee 1,149 1,194 Pei ato teh US LIN fle cage iS eet eS Pee enn SOR Nar TREE EEA cE NS 1,026 921 Poe ECW PSHE 2 oe 20 ocak estes ee wise a elnino es wet glee ne OTE 1, 087 1, 030 Center township, including Woodsfield village.............. 3,828 2,685 era ere Orcs ec cote oie Foe Ss Wnvarorm dgeaiteeo'siweeouna ele 1,801 | 1,031 PPAR PRE ROMS SINLD Ye 2G nso ys/scnpom ne esd iccnse Suere ear afers SVerolntolaeuee ¢ | 1,112 | £10E CROCE ONGTISIID ER ee Foc ot as a aie ome tolduiern cum maw aie eter’ 1,314 1,223 Pe MRO WV ING LID oak fate tea Ta ik sei Asin a, a aloe eo doe een mee 1,659 - 1,191 TeeeRtOWNSHID ete ee esc Ne ee ett heels Hee lo atias stemets 1,338 1,347 Malaga township, including Miltonsburg village and part of hecnetlen viliaeee eons thas tres teaeate te cenesasar hese 1,248 | 1,859 PP ereSaeniie Will ame pak OE ace aranen So trae eibeinis, ket oles 163 91 Total for Jerusalem village, in Malaga and Sunsbury PWS ID Ste es oa ee bls > hii bias Dacre eislisinivm eoaioieratomte ude 245 112 Dios Ure VVIARE. nls obs x icicue St nce bSrcna aint Sioleys ois 130 123 iiss ow isin. oc nee te ee ae itis 5 teen ewe SRC a tants 1,750 1,891 Perry township; including Antioch village. ................% 1,588" | 1,270 PCC Hae E! ee Ses elec oe. «wien busin Wises 3 ee | 212 geiakn he Salem township, including Clarington village................ 2,000 1,975 ari ron evilia gens Ube fe eo eee sea a euisick Pane e ewe eee 905 762 Seneca township, including Calais WilARO SS cessteetiesdenees 1,296 1,329 a SIGE VIO eee Lo Es A a Veins ae bao tbe ME ee ape ae oes 114 135 Summit township, including Lewisville village.............. 865 861 LAWSON Aree ere ea os els vow Spee k ee kam a Ree TOM en eee: Sunsbury township, including Beallsville village and part of WOTAISS ESI TAD ene tries oon ae ha Pe are ae et yis) eres ton eins. «olin ik [Ale 1,729 ESCM WAL Pe Rte ce oa Jig cine oenticsepst ais vin ue Reena 554 512 PerHemlommayiliawe SC DALLI OL). sa05 0.0 ca adad a aneeaas ba. 82 21- Serta LA Til tee WIRE NED oe rols ota ie cio ha Who nroik as ela go ie seinsp ih ore wee 1,039 1,154 Washington township, including Graysville Villagers Beene ke 1,818 1,730 Graysville EASE cs oe had ove eee we Roe pitiee Riera omtoe 174 ‘| 107 - Wiles Omer teh eh eek hve sos aes ce pets Se uae seks 1,251 | 1,175 Total population of Monroe county................ | 27,031 | 25,175 * Part of Spring Creek township annexed to Washington township since 1890. 56 CENSUS OF OHIO, 1900. POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900. CoNTINUED. ae Minor civil divisions. 1900. 1890. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. : Butler township, including Vandalia village.................. 1,960 1,957 PASI AP TETRA ET, Snes ad cme teins wm linnee teats ke cee ee 284 265 Clay township, including Brookville village.............. pat 3,408 8,095 Be COOMVILGRV AAD oe alos aie ucts wine sure ng otie emis SEPA een teisciateteie 869 618 aS CI Oi h cas 205 oe aks ane Cab ree os Vian eee | 85,383 61,220 eC RAN IR Oe oe Lata iol emia sca saan ae ee 5,495 | a Big (2 ele ORL A AR ie ara as eee joa, NS 5,799 VAT CGE Sat, sty er ne exe ie snsjac ccoke oh oreo ne ee ee ee 10,018 NES aCe | 9 lan py eS eter eae PV eae Baie G3: ; NEN al “ines Se ieee bot ar err Ore en 8,279 NAVE Weal, “Lois aA anid Meee G xy ea EY WP eat ie dis Cr ribs Eapelion 8,994 | Wat clic aut . et OL Coote tent eee 10,982 | i NEE halal Ges Pane Be ee EY 2s 05s, Saal een en AR ese RN A 13, 862 | NV ae Soo cs oe ante oth 8 oie ace Re ae Ao 7,444 | Nia ECD LM a et ee os cos o's og bere ec eeue eee 6, 687 | German township. including Germantown village............ | 3,360. 2,989 CGeriniantre UMA ver eat og Late ee oes oh he et eee ee 1,702 | 1, 437. PISETISON OM IS UID OY wile os oh aloe doe oak dak ota aE oe | 3,837 | 2,565 Jackson township, including Farmersville village and part of Pie wy MeO aU es Tae. onto sak isn lun eias aweam eee oie a 2,352 | 2,472 PORE IMIC ESM V ETA ke Siar. tesa psiciyain tole oa otene Gael aes irda atone oie 440 472 New. Lebanon village: (part: OF )s...as6.0 nes cdeeen cane 96 | 117 Total for New Lebanon village, in Jackson and Perry | — | Teer ES ERUINSM 5 wee pan nr Wg ae ites eave, hat nie Sie a aie esse ne ee 145 | 149 MORRO RE ISLO CU IGRIH eMac iorais sels eoesencusiaes Pawan nie ake oh sen nsec een eee 7,465 | 7,001 PNA ceeC SLUR ECIINS ELDON sncic ca Stay citis eve «bale cs Oar Gata ke ante avai me 2,337 | 2,178 DAMME EV CMTS ce Stars «acca lars cle Gs brceinieinlindd aweue ee ee 2,310 1 1, 987 Miami township, including Miamisburg city and West Car— | FOMTOM AVA lam Ge teds Mera eevee. eee ery ae em Ty ae eo (ace 5,704 Miamisburg BIG, ne he ae ome oe bes ee AEE 3,941 | 2,952 Viel. | Ue Sea ae eo ee Cs ae 1,487 | | NEUE Oh ces cc ivonis ciel Che tie leeebeees eel he ceeitanet arose 1,325 | DCL eMac Seta unk we ahant ale ho einen ee hae 1,129 | Sot mec CRrelPOr Willae. izes Uae ew wiaetiat caniani mamma ee 987 | 360 Perry township, including part of New Lebanon village....| 2,250 | 2,153 New. Lebanon. village ‘(part Of) 5.0. Pa ee ee | 49 | 32 FR ETiaa ONE CUCESIAI) © 8 esr iets cic nie tore aie sores ne ee 2,075. 2,096 WW ARERR Tif On SE UPTISINID i: aig ws ya's Sicha ee RE ee 2,957 2,815 NaS ITIL GTE AT ONVTISILID. Sc a0 bee cle etatiats wislia sence Ge eet meee 1,670 | 1,568 Wayne ‘township ois sip Bieta ein & Week a Sulekha 1,041 | 1, 057 Total population of Montgomery county......... ‘ 130, 146 | 100, 852 MORGAN COUNTY. | | BRIELLE WRI SELF a et eae Greene cclos ater cogs tis lsat atEee se Maer | 869 | 920 PRET SEO COMVIEIR INET: cacy Sc. oa hess lad 5 ik eae ics autre Ee 1,085 | 1,213 pecs LCase ycatl di clay MURMAAeialpe Aveie mgyd Cmte Ont? Dil AMR Us, ody RBA gb 953 | 1,105 Deerfield township ............. Joga nt See 839 962 PUGHere LOW Sil ee Head role its watealan Ae Peck cae mie 1,426 | 1,728 Malta township, including Malta village.................... 1,670 1,714 Matar linen sta cine 2 oa ese atk tee sca we tee ee 845 | 865 + The annexation of the parts of Harrison, Mad River, and Van Buren town- ships (included in the population for 1890), which the court of common pleas of Montgomery county decided as illegal, has been made valid since 1890. CENSUS OF OHIO, I9O0O. POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: CONTINUED. dT 1890 AND 1900. Minor civil divisions. | MORGAN couNTY — Concluded. BMiamehestegrcOwnsiiipmerice tet eee © crane aces « «sien <1 Marion township, including Chester Hill village...........- Cec ten iris ViUae ene eles oS cae ae werner uensnlicserete & rime ee Weave TIO WUISHIO ig he cco k ee os cp else oe ek hs tevin mee eee ® <0 Morgan township, including McConnelsville village. . McConnelsville VETERE tee ee rt ane re ewe etpein sn oie eae Ks esist PIB WISI ee rer eee Ge ae So sk Oc alas bo 2ors eos alee eueimers soe iigearict i whom a 50k 4c wa ook bec wee oe we ca acer eet _ Windsor township, including Stockport village...........-. MEOCHDOTURVINAGE™ hc oicn Fine same ns oe bem es am gnd omens York township, including Deavertown WilAge nous oe aw a Brendon Alle¥etst Godadnopodueccosndes, ceo. acomanonce Total population of Morgan county.............-- “MORROW COUNTY. - | Bennington township, including Marengo village..........-. | Vere OU aN TAO eta noes ards Ge oe ain nin 6 a efron reas + alnis) ste = ae CBr et hl royce el See ean i Meee ae OL ER eae ao er Cardington township, including Cardington village.......... | Cardington IAGO PN cet eve nik eee rs, ip ieee © Sen Rens ae ‘Chester township, including Chesterville vijlage............ GORLeSVINLGRWIN a wee we. beta ctr ec 2 ac ae des mk ne se aoe els MMPs SINT te or pe 8 eyes ins ie 8 ogee Se ans te BLE Biol Franklin TO WIGHID es lace 5 oes ate ists ol niele autem Ure he erica ts ‘Gilead township, including Edison and Mt. Gilead villages. . lexahigeye Ault “aos, ao oh agod Ono dens Face canod UD IO tuo & Mt. Gilead village. £8 5.5 Oy BRT EE ce en a ES ane iarinony CeOW SUED | 5 cio ails slew xo. ae ences ds ce ske sisuheamymalen IEF hak GoM Ne Ran Bano 6 oo 4Oad Oo Coen une ORR BEC n ar (North )Bleoniield townShins 22 25 <0 oacceccc once ee ensseas Perry township ...... SS Otis bide Sn RO IO Se Dee BES Ma foe g relay pUiare aia cg. a alba lene Came CONRAD ane rena Re oI South Bloomfield township, including Sparta village........ POU CV Se 0, ee ie wep is ora oe VIR a4 oa wrcay ss sla cena gates EE OVarCO Wilts ll Dae tom erie sete eters eee aone iceletnicre eal ereee Se INUPOMOTOUNENIN NS 0 aves renee Sen oss cones snes One hee BVWiesthieldmtOwniSiip teeta ce crrisrass cic uscsue -nebouatol sum vor vaeheteels oye ous cleus Total population of Morrow county.............. MUSKINGUM COUNTY. PRET DRT EA Te lcl yb kn earings See ree ee Yeerks SEI RC THO PLO SII: bE og its wast ois ace bine cies Gane nis OG Brush Creek township, including Cannelville village........ POET Le UATIAD Ee, Soe oe os een rn oe ca sien ne tia camade | Ne aa aoe eT a8 gen ody a Siew c Oopro'g sete s ine aie toe ee whe wi Clay township, including part of Roseville village........... Rosevilecviilage. (part Of jis eh os naies ty aaaciaks nee uwein Aas {Total for Roseville village, in Clay township, ered gum county, and Harrison township, Perry county. . Piaget es yb ee dav btn eae es alceus red oars ee ope cs + In 1890 in Clay township, Muskingum county, only. 1900. — 1890. oo er eres 1,036 18,120 714 1,591 58 CENSUS OF OHIO, IQOO. POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900. CoNTINUED. Minor civil divisions. 1900. 1890. MUSKINGUM countTY — Concluded. Harrison township, including Taylorsville village........... 1,158 1,250 OO eRe LE AIO Yc oe inns bo gL Sh a coh venlid Weararo late vw SEO 543 631 Hila cope Olpe sie See as Sin. Seeders... vere ae Seiya 674 795 PL ree IRC WEED Mr Sia als cites vis kPa inte mvt ms amet ere 1,372 | 1,579 Jackson township, including Frazeysburg village............ 1,546 1,479 EEE Ca PeRRGES IVUUARE oe ea wk hota eal aia ial ee ae 730 610 Jefferson township, including Dresden village............... 1,673 1,288 BE ROR EE eid ate Ae ate wigs stile vite ante ce Mere Ce 1,600 1,247 Wee a RE ing 5a ois Se cokeas catectdlc ene co eet ae ae 830 872 NE Sa oc 26 Ng ea ee ae i Agra ene Dy oe 900 979 Rist, Sad are aiuah ipl taia sites soe tee visps Coron ne og A | 1,291 1,446 BGr Oa ilar cee le hb a dene en ne eee 813 878 VE SICA TATE TOM TISOID ur. 2 sca Po goes eck Meet eae ee ae ee | 812 817 ‘Newton township, including Uniontown village.............. 2, 128 2,131 Ri Sree ESCM icin) att wo citi al iera ein es aie ms ei ae | AC A ete Se Pere eto wW St ta. lw sy aire vi AO eRe misten + fale arene | 799 923. pave itgle Ui Rey acn gti]. Age: 6 ee et eae en nn eer ieee A ieee | 1,219 1,301 Salem township, including Adamsville village................ 789 872 AGpanseiiewelliagen lca; Ginsu suse AM eek Beets 201 335 SATE reekastOWIISHIP Semis! ocr tate eee ee a a ee ren «pe Ae | 1,024 1,148 Se OIC mee en chet 2, ihaiahals sac oe ia Ge eri cle 1,504 | ‘1,231 Union township, including New Concord and Norwich villages Dia Cone See WER IEC LS! eicsl SiSTin Ol RTE S” SCs) 1GNl bene) eiwilia She hal et aie. 6 lelcei ete s Keane 1 ’ 745 | 1 > 820 NewnConeordovillage........ 5... se. SNS etre ceeerte 675 719 RUaIC HA ARG sie ieee oda eee be an aS Bek es bye 253 234 Nya PIR RCI RE DROP) fe! e sche Ras m apntain'g? ad wis aidisia widen Sen ah Goan 986 1,038 Perret NST E En ntact oath ie UE Ah Sin shige ashes Coe Melia 1, 624 1,582 Zanesville township, coextensive with Zanesville city........ 23, 538 21,009 Zanesville city: NRE CME OI Mei ee CS i aid. cla ds ena vias Gar 1,086 IW ari re tar Ua aise shah ho teue ees elbdc OR Rs 1,354 eat 2S a One Pe he eee nS eee, Ay 2,346 AEN SE * os a he ie an ee eee Bets oe 1,734 : DU a PAPE ia nee eee ales ete ta hats see ROS 2,926 A ee kd ee Re CLR Bis oe 2,317 ECM tia) «cai te nite’ auto eivres cease Miclotenateda 3,595 De PME ecco, saat Se sce ee cetacean ee .. 2,644 DA eT tirade a's % rn ie ree ee ero 3,386 | - UV ars CLAD acs oncainet Sd Sh Satis ease eas diate nea tesihe Caled 2,250 Total population of Muskingum county........... 53,185 | 51,210 NOBLE COUNTY. Beaver township, including Batesville village............... | 1,459 1, 685. PALES VINCeN ASC yd soca Rv aie annie aks Wikia Seals eas cate 312 327 PRE SIGEL CLOW OSIAED) 2 aoc ncrstetcaletats ncn ote iol Wl alets ais as Walaa’ SAREE 897 908 Beran tO mt soc Bea t's Wie ea hp Tm lew re we Get cere 1,033 813. Center township, including Sarahsville village.............. 1,611 1,937 Sarahisvilemytllace Re ceteris eases een ane oie ve Seen 279 806 FEU TOWNSHIP: oo i < «nd ahs aree so 3 see's Vins eh ud ese aWaS cho mma 1,357 1,467 Enocl Lowmalipo deck =). Jena 95,55 oss oon oe eet aah e 13202 1,321 Jackson township, including part of Dexter City village...... 1,266 — 1,216 Dexter Caty village: Coart- of) oer eee sa wc ae eee 114 88 Total for Dexter City village, in Jackson and Jefferson COW TISHIPS rc4aesl ss. vale siete Shes RIS Ls aitds Aa ee G 278 217 CENSUS OF OHIO, Igoo. 59 POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900. CoNTINUED. eee TE | NS Minor civil divisions. | } NOBLE COUNTY — Concluded. Jefferson township, including part of Dexter City village. .... | Dexter City village (part Of) .. op... 8s onumane ese es Marion township, including Summerfield vaiaee ea ee eA | Seine idevillice.(.: kn eases as aa can ey remes = Ieslen CO NGHI pa fos cbct aic.o ode «ropa tie Snes «hls Hepa Rema ee Olive township, including Caldwell village. . i | ATO SVU ACO och ado vice ms as) setae ale tania tee oreyae erie ers SIR ea ECM hf ore erences iso eee ntelans a td este ole, wa feint or ad Bushes | ia OM LODE IID ec, 2 Hees 0 ocGis ahaa aree sie nominate a ce | Stock townshiv, including Carlisle village Fe ec eae wae ee | aTUIS1e Va Se 5. stn SA nic ah sist eh Sem 8 Seca eggiac acm Wines Suan ere [ VOLCOM CHIP Ef irene een ote ae a weiss oo inlets ne hope Total population of Noble county...........-->- ‘ OTTAWA COUNTY. ig he Are MER et Ra SOR ER na Sear tr ptt | Bay OWS gece sc oh eas eae Cus om oa tite sara - Dairies Renton township, including Bese Radsevillayeen. eee ore | Rocky Ridge village. . Se hc SPER anti Se DSi | GAPE Ole CONE PS ec sie iene eos ata sims Seg tebe ea eee | GWatrwia, elaOsTOWNSIID. sca es sets esc ges otic ue Are wime ruemee | Clay townshin. including Genoa village.........-.---+++++++- | (ena eviNOCee connec ae rs pac oa ween ayes wane Sess or ae i Danbury township. including Marblehead village..........-. | Marbleheadev lace: a ianic ss 2c 0% 4m volte ai nSm ie bie done mane if RE FEET UNIS EI cer ore coe ee aang, vider om ei iegs Belo Fae Make aaah | Harris townshin, including Elmore village.............--+--| PLOT EU TAC ite ea: case sa « Src mie ody er tanes Pease eS inet | Portage township, ‘including Port Clinton village............ | Port Clinton SIAC ccc Bo eet te Fad cia sory earn ih Mee | Put-in—Bay township, ‘including Put-in-Bay village.......... | Put-in-Bay village .... peut pe Salem township. including Oak Harbor ‘Village. . ee gen Ay seek ale) FLAG tea VILA@ Oe ain ctets or icericing, ne ns Ma Sins a ks ee | Total population of Ottawa county..... TS PAULDING COUNTY. | Pie aire, FOWSHIID 4 v5 ctw aww asccettt tar «eee sb eae = | Benton township. including gag of Payne village............| Payne village (part of).. | te for Payne village, in “Benton and Harrison town— Scott clase eee Rel Gg Ait ee Wy et, ks Caen eee eT Le eee Piaaalard Mrauaee Gif viet s x05 eure on cue nrecon pea sb tae maa | Sette vaaee tC DAL Of) occc vance usc vepep et wee sien te os es | Total for Scott village, in Blue Creek township, Paula, | ing county, and Union township, Van Wert county...| Brown township, including Melrose and Oakwood villages. .| Rime OIA Ect nt vo bis rates tev ake i Ahlen see es eee | Oakwood village re fee ngs tale a De ee teers a hee t 1900. 1890. 20,753 | | | | | | | | | | | | | Meera | | | | | | | | | | | | | ee 60 CENSUS OF OHIO, IgOO. POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: CoNTINUED. Minor civil divisions. ~~ PAULDING COUNTY — Concluded. Carryall township, including Antwerp village............... UNIEWELT WALAQE 0 fc cev aes Moet e es cea oe ee aes Crane township, including Cecil village..................00- eel vallagercrc tk iG sti oe hee a cae eee mee PimieraldutOw nso ssc te ose cree vals see ete Sea elie Harrison township, including part of Payne village......... Pave, Villave A DOTt OF )orcrre cfc san come ee tae nd otto Jackson township, including Broughton village........... bs PUL OR Va de gtk. ed ooo cae eh ecient haem Latty township, including Grover Hill ViMACe Sse re eye, Graver Simeryilage = Sis satel etepeiee eae Tt aeot Oe Paulding township, including Latty and Paulding villages... EAC y a val lag gre ee pret c, Setzer A intone ao Can ae a tetas asters sro) eee eee em eRe nee ene VWiashinetonerowDShipar montcs sco ce ce ee ee Total population of Paulding county............. PERRY COUNTY. Beatie ditow 2S p arecrtc corse scien nae eee ee eee Oe CA AOE ECION SANITY Gi acete PTR claw soe a cao Bo as St Nw ee Ree te bade Coal township, including New Straitsville village........... New Straitsville village SEO st ee ae eee Harrison township, including Crooksville village and part OlPROSeVAllesVINlACCI ass. cent eae: tod WAR gd RES ee oe Cee Vier VINae. ho cine ithe ee a eee cee eee ROsevillexvillace @GpartwOr) sac einy ne Geet Lee see aee {For total see Clay township, Muskingum ‘county. ] Mare RU GTA MROINGIELIIT) Urns fs cs wn nk ce te eee eee Jackson township, including Junction City village........... DUMCtUO Cee ay LULA Gey ascent elas os nase cee IM AGISOMMLOWAIS ITD ean e tice cies saat eee ore nine mete MINCANe CE TeRM LOWNSIND: . oi occU arenes. on hosts wad cae Coes Monroe township, including Corning and Rendville villages. . Re SVETIA ise SEM Eee e oe vx 35.4 Uden ott moran ne ee Rendville village De InGaAs ose Pike township, including New Lexington village.......... Newt Lexmetoa Villare fo... danncst tek fo. a oe oon IPICASAaTitmtOwTISIil pieerccsereeenske caesar ren ete ioponert neaealteree Reading township, including Somerset village.............. Stoymlanvar niall erg de baa his B ests ap atin wh oto choo nouects a Lick township, including Hemlock and Shawnee vil-— OG oy Seer eg ee ote i. avd, eee tee ten Set ir eS PICEA O. go te oe eee ns Le een BAA te CATAVETIEE aud OO. Sole cc. irk oe fee al onthe re Bae oe rae Thorn township, including OER Vira Gn. at oe ae LPG NU AIEG, oN tuts ee Aaa wah a oe cae oe Me eee 1890 AND 1900. © see fo,f0), Slee: CENSUS OF OHIO, I9goo. POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 61 1890 AND 1900. 7,443 6,991 7,104 6,556 CoNTINUED. ee Minor civil divisions. te? PICKAWAY COUNTY. Circleville township, including Circleville village............ Circlevitie villace ce Oe saws sidng Fea dee ee ek lem e rama VAT CL ELI tee ae oe asin ss hep me kee See's 1,205 Vie hda ite Oa gee ai ere Sse Sn ec 1,666 Wehtlas tate crate Aad died os Hie ew ee ewes 1,625 Ws ert ee Pe eres Meats seme 734 WIE cc ee Roan TNO Soe anne one tes 1,761 Warky tOwusip- acca ee nes violet een ook wks ev ees tae eu ane Deer Creek township, including Villammsport villages acne a WWilliginispOre Vilade” OIl ee. ses os oe he Men ae ee mans ees Harrison township, including Ashville and South Bloomfield ane ee ys rattan s eine oe ns vers ocr le Six nes nin sietalen's aiaieis Ashville ASO rae eta Se ted rice ae ce earns ote Sa Sere ROUTE T OOIMUGLO VIllA@E so lta ceale te cece cleset en tenes FACKSON COW SIND es ooo cn ed ax os weleige tee iss ote ewes Melee o yiaa ms Wa tROTIMEOVTIGHED)

16s th vscksd is eek. Ne aero A ser 749 571 ; OittinraeWillAce) ci 6555. stakes eethes sees ohs ee oe Ae eet 2,322 LTT “Palmer township, including Miller City village......... cyte e 1,990 1,864 Miller City village........ Bea ce ce he con Sa ees Oren 16 lel mecca at Perry township, including Dupont villagceteiae mer eee bate. 1,736 1,710 PIGvOnie lame us. oe ote. we. oe Wat Reka seme O MUA wae 370 531 Pleasant township, including Columbus Grove village........ 3,401 3, 286 GOMIMPUIS STOVE! VELALE® fee eee vot mc dais soles ka cebie ares 1,935 1,677 Riley township, including Pandora village.................. 1,831 1,566 [SENG Tern pth Clea a a er er et oa ae eS cS ee ea ee 5 a Seat werecke TOWNSHIP Pet oe oer ene ee faa nak vet wah Skt ek 5 ble 1,416 1,429 Union township, including Kalida village................... 1,619 1,482 ea ee eS OS ba ee tl dae darned x CoN iene ee T Oo Be pens co eee | 622 444 ; * West Manchester hamlet, formerly in Monroe township, made independent since 1890. z ou t Includes population of West Manchester hamlet, not separately returned in { Formerly Marice. 64 CENSUS OF OHIO, 1900. POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900. CONTINUED. 1900. 1890. Minor civil divisions. PUTNAM COUNTY — Concluded. Van Buren township, including Belmore and Leipsic villages 3,687 3,444 SONIC SVIMASE! <5. odd Fou cele Nascae@e oat ated Bone omen 334 414 ESTES COR ot Oo RI SR cn Ne ge ei ly aes 1,726 1,353. - otal population of Putnam county. :....<:.. ss. 32,525 30,188 RICHLAND COUNTY. ep a GLOVE LOWS O eco) 0) Fae cre Fable aie oe Eee eae 978 1,022 NRIOL COTS INET yee Ie iy os, oy OS och a chin Fiennes a aa AOS. cho aces ee 765 814 Case townsnip.cincruding Shiloh village ... .. oeg.s mess. = 9028 [ 1,317 1,489 SSPE CUE RES sik 6 oe: op x o's’ cce/e + ogcaal se bnlucea ae Aas eee 597 644 PUNT RTP OUMERS LD tice od Stee act u's, d's Aoascra ne vee men aie er eee 761 837 Pee OOD GEORG TIGL. CRIM cp alsin un Ms eee » Bin cous, own eit mie em 841 | 822 Jefferson township, including Bellville village.............. 2,332 2,312 PVCILVYCmw a Pam Oh than orcas & Roel cca a aes aie smreea oe ep 1,039 941 Madison township, including Mansheld City. ..0253 sss 5555 20, 221 15,467 WERE IUD. chit es veer sia dena Menace ngtece mets mes En alan 17,640 13,473 AY Wate |: Pe ea ee Ren! ree Leen eS JB 2,053 | Wat metres ferns. bhlos et. uk amine ee arnataeane 2,000 | | Vane attce ie ae ky. len oetenbt ecu Meteo ee ves | Vie CW oe een eh Pe she cal Me ac 1,848 | NUR T IME Yee Coys ipa eve clas ans Sse aiare ns ydiaree Coteeate 2,0 \Weirntal! "hose iran ORR eRs fore n eeme ae Cente Ny 1,505 | Wie ce MC CP en teint a nasara eee ats 1,218 RG MR ott cn rash aac aia Se eacairoetents 1,911 | WPM a Be Ros. oe cates Cah cen Cree ers 2,121 \Y,Vetietc O° KOT Rs ere tte Danae nee DRae ye eR a 1-215 PRT RMA CIED TSIEN RP On ite tae sw’ sine 0 wal 5 os wheat ike hao ois ae | 800 995 huwonroe township, including Lucas village.................. 1,530 | 1,779 SPE NE Re nt his, 1c cata weaned eRe Deane eed | 306 347 be era AUOPEI SINS Fbas ars, So oie ns x.4:9.5:5/010,.0 su 2 gill ONO, 0% 568 595 Plymouth township, including part of Plymouth village..... 1,502 1,586 PETRIE SLIT Ee DATE OEP evs fata ees tg Meteeeaioin at alec wie noel 766 790 [For total see New Haven township, Huron county.] | SST WMO WEES TAITD 0 dp oi saccuee Gad Fides wakes ow OE OP Seed eS ce 598 | 613 Sharon township, including Shelby village.................. 5,551 2,963 COWIE SIR sot ces Shee eats Me eink eetele tas carne 4,685 | 1,977 Saringherd: tosurishin fac rae cer San cc whic g Cotes cauit phases 1,373 1,366 ~ Troy township, including Lexington village...........: Se 1,152 1,211 DUOMO, os a sarkus s cack 5 tee cea aee nee tee | - 448 432 ira iti cuae CRO TIETU 1 on 4 v.chais icaie sce dscns sesua manent Grae SO aml 1,338 Weta ey UeTIS IAT) steel Gila oa tes lcs wps ch ae vaaanie Cee wee. 938 | 922 Worthington township, including Butler village............. 1,825 1,941 Tutors wiles aitic a «on se sare jot eee enna eee eees eo aR | 567 266 Total population of Richland county.. .......... | 44,289 | 38 , 072 ROSS COUNTY. | Buckskin township, including South Salem village........... | 1,896 | 2,069 SUPIMORIETE RVULIAGO Ls crac uch wah y Ocbeaniecsas ak era ee Seen | 264 | 263 Colerain township, including Adelphi village............... 1,862 | 1,868 PRESIDE MIB ON hy wcaidark vc ssieidae Oe 4k CARE Da aaa ee ore 516 489 1 Formerly Independence. CENSUS OF OHIO, 1900. 65 PERELSTOn OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900 CONTINUED. Minor civil divisions. , | 1900. 1890. : | ROSS COUNTY — Concluded. Concord township, including Frankfort village.............- 2,957 2,907 PORE LV EASE. Lae ee aes we coi ske tne pavtarei at nam musee dis (ales 667 Deerfield township, including Clarksburg village............ 1,456 1,401 LAE OD UES «Cilla chess il, sietate Sire Nniaie ew emia a einm se Mes he 551 378 Purdie TOWMISEND | ccc soos ca badge oe nd manaeen bens nee one oa 1,136 1,085 Green township, including Kingston village...............-- 2,011 2,197 ROW OSTOMMVINARE wise siela ow na caees ne's Secs ee seeance meee - 735 751 Harrison township ee LP, OR rer meen ne RAT OF ee ORME SO Cc 1,162 1,087 PiGatie tomy LOWNSHID wes’ fee cca eaeia ras s BL IIS Pore ee nee 1,599 1,654 OW eT ae kos sce pecs ns twos as ease t son wena Sere 1,068 1,074 Paxton township, including Bainbridge village.............-. . 1,934 1,888 Pra reenvillaceas ee cn ee deme Ce Bese s Sarcln cso ween be i ba ee Yer Scioto township, including Ghillicothexcity: sea ene 14, 949 12,946 eiMieOtherc ity a: ference ie se e'a tb eon «fame dultine saa rites 12,976 11,288 C2 el ee Biss ROS ee Risen van cae 2,126 te ee ete ce susiacd ais e's 650d msi ajaicbin'skacs 1,746 Wirral o eee nn Cy SG NMI eC oe a 2,075 Net I Re dR hac oe a's Eis, «0a ker waren 2,359 ia Ae Re Ta EEA ks an ssisicd nes os tarcewane ete 2,151 VA cu rel OMe tier cle ses, chor cuss are sock ota axenos'sie sue cholsxen svaxs 2,519 SpriteneldsFOWUSIND 62 dece en noes eee wens om convene rene sees 1,133 1,175- Twin township, including Bourneville village ................ 2,250 2,397 ree ie LAC s fey inc ss d etix esp Sine ie eigis Ae awere ae * 356 205 ’ Union POURED ce dak hobo cece ee Fo ME A eh at OSI 2,011 2,505 Totalspopulation Of ROssicountys ooo. .22<< sng 40,940 39 , 454 SANDUSKY COUNTY. Ballville township ............ Dene ees ME aie eho Sete aaeetiate oe 1,788 ° 1,760 Fremont township, coextensive with Fremont city........... 8,439 7,141 Fremont city :,. Weel ib eee Dna ae AN oe ae Seer 1,918 VA de hfe whe Sse Oiac of hasstim feuciaucith aos cakeumomalse 2,282 Dd OE ye eho e le Bar gino se sonia pres apenas Spain 2,208 iy cine SS 6 t ire| ne ledt oa Saee-crare Aare ae 2,031 Green Creek township, including Clyde village and part of CSRECTIS EIGN AGE eri hic ted Fina Sine ay ehicuels dle ee WV nsae we She 4,482 4,284 Gee UENO OM gis ae Tae oh «ouch dane mieae nuskaeie « emia tee is Saw 2,515 2,327 Crees prinweviliaee (CDArl- OL) .ccebe fee. etec sek ee ted on 376 483 Total for Greenspring village, in Green Creek township, Sandusky county and Adams township, Seneca county 816 ~- 910 ‘Jackson po wnhenipimeac 40) tro. od ansln pe tase wt e kag awla tas ml 1,600 1,509 Madison township, including Gibsonburg village............ 3, 283 2,115 EPEAT Ya CEN rere (1 1 Tg i Ra ie eae aR OI aN 1,791 585 FRE TNL P RR datan a cms ueE = iv Gos Gnie diets Si RK en RA Sins vga ees 891 982 Rilo via tanene tae kote hi ete ne a an es 2 CR Min wii ie eee ont lens ache | 1,499 1,543 Ney att IRL ent MEARNS i Fans «Io did oa nth onainant STATS apt eRe dinhae widbe ne 1,842 1,829 Soret RRM TESTI a are ciate ess Gia Siew ones Oe MAAN GS! Slow Fes | 1,720 1,416° CTS CHIC EO WUTISINION N ateetiats om Fite, wwe ti Ed ae os lets cae wud sr ewe a wie 1,567 1,557 Washington township, including Lindsey village............. 2,460 2,479 Lindsey -village essacavne os Se Siena een, ache Sin hs | 614 | 458 dante. 66 CENSUS OF OHIO, IgoO. POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900. CoNTINUED. > Minor civil divisions. 1900. PORTAGE couNTy — Concluded. | Woodville township, including Woodville village........... 2,019 Woodville village .........2:es es ce ees eres ccoeee Serre: 831 York township, including wards 1 and 2 of Bellevue village. . 2,731 bemevienvillace (part OL) . 229228 «ne sies.e cn sees eae xe 1,294 [For total see Lyme township, Hurdén county.] Total population of Sandusky county............. 34,311 SCIOTO COUNTY, Bloom township, including South Webster village........... 2,158 South Webster village ......-----+--- ihe eros 445 *Brush Creek township, including Otway village ............ 5. ond Ge CTW VINCE 2 es cag uceret ese ane acis wan west Cee OP 274 ACIS TG WNSttAMe ch, ac aule GAs 3 orc nie ED oe pen eo 1,764 2 REPRE GONG ISIE BREE oe i ove cis clea tar So Oe weals als ee wine score cae hes 1,332 AAR SO MUO WERSUI Die oak aan cam +0 iva ti ds pinta we emce vine wen ae 1,269 NetrehaOt COMTIS EID) otia nal, dc cp seen ser An Reuss ev orn ts 5 ere wee 915 Madison tOWnship® ....c).c csc lances sees GS pe Ae get et de 1,664 ERIE ah PRUE ENITN ss 0s Sa cae ay © Mt Ah a sue gy aims en ete ae Sls 1,035 Riles tO Wiese ees atans se ncaa wind earwae ate cele engee 1,862 EOCLEC NOW ESM Dies «5% cc cra eens 7 8 Fete Sielain swage nom clone pi F 2,500 *Rarden township, including Rarden village ............... 1,583 Rarden village ...........0e0ce0+- ers Peet Roar eas 443 PURI OMIICIIORIE Sos a2 cours tA 0 Oo ea vine c's aetnenueiee 1,032 Pr EIS OG, ele Ets. sha cose te ee wnat lnls ecmwne oh mele Bs 1,104 Valley COWUS UID eee ee. chs cas snsente sects stm s ac mec ce wees awe 1,039 WiGEOHe CO WHSHIOs Don, de cca tee te® es he es ors als we 6 adele d Oy 918 Washington township .........0+2+ cece ee eee eee me ahO sine nl iat 1,269 +Wayne township, coextensive with Portsmouth city......... 17,870 Portsmouth city: Vcr hl Meare Cie SR ar a ciatalare cueneer tere. tee teacie ais 1,719 Via td. ete RR Re ea Ai oe ane aa rs bas PAA ‘ Vitel tees Sir een oes Ue aucueleae oneieraietcle ialelarercte 1,412 Vial Ree Ae Ret irre eee etie rer iere 1,924 Vee (5 A ae ieee AGRE GODICS OctUIDr ko oouor PAM LESS I SEES RIP Se ae aA 4,023 NOALCRTE Cy eae. tube teres pee eee 3,953 Total population of Scioto county................ 40,981 SENECA COUNTY. Adams township, including part of Greenspring village. ..... 1,500 Greenspring village (part of)..... na na a ae Sc eae 440 [For total see Green Creek township, Sandusky county. ] Big Spring township, including New Riegel village.......... 1,916 New Riegel village .........-- nee Dare ee eae mor Mire i 298 Bloom township, including Bloomville village............... 2,037 153 forarea gal | ak scn | Ne (4 Rane Mem OW feare wine er SEI Pica ii ss 819 1890. ae | seer ee wwe Sie 4.6 os wate —_ 7 35,377 1,562 427 1,964 393 2,006 758 * Rarden township organized from part of Brush Creek township since 1890. + Part of Clay township annexed to Wayne township since 1890. CENSUS OF OHIO, I9OO. 67 POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900. , CONTINUED. | Minor civil divisions. 1900. 1890. 3. i behnes (eran eae amid | SENECA COUNTY — Concluded. Clinton township, including wards 1, 4 and 5, and parts of é; WaEGsre B00 SO. OL CMM CIE. «ccc ccc ase sp wioe boas a0 000 otle ors 11,949 $1,571 NVAGninasit Vn DATE Ol kok cco ec scree wnmeen scence ohiclnns a TO Slee ts oe oe aes Total for Tiffin city, in Clinton and Hopewell townships 10,989 10,801 We ei cee ord a Ve tolcle? e bie cists sata go ane 1,772 VG EOE Eat) oie, os Sis ence win ie pend ers on een eat 3,075 Vanek nace ts Maciocia tle was as aiiate atts gener scr 2,346 REC Re hid) et big ce crea sie aise maine nue siete 1,645 Wand isi) sea rk.s A DERE) PR TES ae ee 2,151 Peer etow nee. (duis ose levitas orees Claes seen dae cee ca sees as 1,893 1,343 Hopewell township, including parts of wards 2 and 3 of Tiffin ChE ewe: Suriabane pee ia Soren | ieee dB 2,142 $1,474 ROO LCKEY CDALEIOL for e5 see en cas Prccwcrt es mare ss oan Claw les eee Jackson township, including part of ward 4 of Fostoria city.. 1,635 §1,360 TIOStOTIaceIty ss CDALE OF). wires ccs eaeraccsg ees cs see esse eee 1ST tosccenee - [For, total see Washington township, Hancock county. ] Liberty township, including Bettsville village ........-..--- 1,951 2,012 PROLES UNIO mUILLAD EF c tis vie c <5 ns cee peak esse wees dae eee ee hese wale 1,402 | 1,605 Dinsmore township, including Botkins village and part of Pape Ville Reece Ness oa 505m bs es te ps0 rode a ane a6 mybine saudi’ 1,941 2,212 CIN ay MORON DATE Ol) 4505 wr caudex acetone Saronic scubers 229 249 Total for Anna village, in Dinsmore and Franklin town-— Se eee er eee Saran ree ed hgh kaa e Hee Rees 451 527 PIGUET MASE See orien acne oc ts 08 Sxl< oaN nip oie 6 a geen si eyes MOOR Mnaisttoes 3 Franklin township, including part of Anna village..........:. 1,062 1,232 _ Anna village (part Of) ......sscesessccsecceccscecesrecs 222 278 Glen tO WEIS te Sodinik are wh wip homemiate. Sn Sagara nk itevinun sia sch 1,061 1,221 t Exclusive of population of Tiffin city. § Exclusive of population of Fostoria city. | _ {Includes population (16,686) of Tiffin city and wards 1, 3, 4 and 5 of Fos-— toria city, given independently in 1890. \ 68 : CENSUS OF OHIO, I9OO. . POPULATION OF OHIO BY.MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900. CONTINUED. Minor civil divisions. 1900. ' SHELBY COUNTY — Concluded. Jackson township, including Jackson Center village.......... ~ 2,085 agi MO Mm Center WLAG C25.ic5/a. son's ais's hae SRVIPDO u/s ce aed ele vac : 644 PUPamMea tenis IDG. Lyle. bas rch aw be yok oe kame 6 ma elemite sa ae 1,528 McLean township, including Loramie Rots 4 se EM e 1,615 PRAT UIA OE OS «ci os Sa nate ce re Seek cee Ee ee 444 CIGAR Ger WOWESLID TY ok ae coders ce ene Ae nee nce s sien ca as oie 935 erevalOwiSiiiss. yc cbinaras artis eres © « rue bien os ain arin eee 1,060 Salem township, including Port Jefferson Villager ele eee 1,427 Poe chersonivilaten:. cc ch ven. ct ice Caee hed tc 355 PIE Cle A SPCC LOWINGHID fc oc5s cua es rete ae a cleo Ne ee oo ore wie em ee 1,163 Van Buren township, including Kettlerville village.......... 1,676 ReCttiervina vil aoe kiana ered ee enn dies weenie wees 145 Washington township, including Lockington Villagvcase ene ee 833 PINTO VILISOe ye ees EN area am ante temo nee ciate nt eee 210 Total population of Shelby county. fF eee. tS e: 24,625 STARK COUNTY. Bethlehem township, including Navarre village ............. 2,236 DEAWACTERNIULADS (2. wos no vs wee oe eee ce ots ue rie -. 963 Canton township, including Canton city SMa ee 34,008 OD meV oa oe eer eres Pee ek eerie Leite eee 30, 667 PY Amdt ckcsans, Pl hecatecri < ae cca te ® ae RA we = wT We phe 5,842 ; NA IS Shick, fcc c en cae TA) «ca setae 5,121 CIS 007o el Re ei Re ak en, id PR dy Rody 3,544 WV ROMA cecderc ochre sie ei trae atatere rte ere aetOee 3,736 VREISG 8 RAE goa RA a eo I 2,598 WWACGEGe Orne cate ce tots ee ae eee 4,186 . pli © a BC fas’ SoS er ga pO BAe See? etc A en of 5,640 BU eG SEIMEI E LEIS CONc «.', 4! ak Saisie Garni er eee IL GL ee he 2,090 DG CIRC ERG IMEEM tae cttw in! Sisia:e 8/0 Ske 494 le ceca than ete in oie a ee ite 2,312 Lawrence township, including Canal Fulton village.......... 4,144 aaa LON VIUNDE: cae igviee setae ine Gee RR Ame oN od Bae, 1,172 Lexington township, including Alliance city and Limaville | WEA eee civ v.53 \nnreake a REI CEE a RUS ECW AD) 47 2 Sopsc sein caevaivisicacai oon ona eee ohen Geeta ee Farmington township, including West Farmington village.... WW OSE AD NETON VINAGEs. 5S t+ oa cmecs es vod oun gece Fowler township’ ¢.... 000.0% as dedasias Maik savreReee fe Nema os eee ad Ce RmeU ORE Ree ae es Saw nc dic wn eu oot Gee OS CR REL Re ATi ADOC S DID eee gat corte « cin ois Alaina cola bletas oa a sta Wa sob a ee we Par CaCO QONID Es fas teas sic evs Widen cogs e BE Cie ORs Ie Con nee tals fec5g Ss 11 ae ee a ae eee eee oO) aR INER car Hubbard township, including Hubbard village............... Pails VIN ADE: 4. svn oa i5 9 Koyy cei oepa ea dha Fa'5 Hie, 0 ve be Wanna os DOD Mia (MELE is LD <5 ca SoM. Ce es tes Haas Pa Se SAEs COP EREAIDY ess. oo sree ead VAR OUND ol chee Lean nae Liberty township, including Girard village................... Ree UTILS Nar oy o:o NE Ponte bn uc eh Aw ob or amlbyarng ee ake PESTO BEG VST fo etn en ses xivnins Ak odie neo mae eteeale Pee SetOn THORS mene 1's Mots os aics sos ors ead uly et oe ia alkenes Dae RON ertits ow StI bes cite ih os oa aicinoias oa Adee ceed nee ee -Newton township, including Newton Falls village............ Pera rOe Willa Oe. ee eee. eae ea a ete th a0 dee a ae SOs MAS PPTISINSD Sooo ano tual § are k Sin 6 Wn ued Tee Coc VG PERE SEO IONTIDK 40. oa ora 3 oe cs. aly phx sia bb ees oR ER ne ee PNRM OSes. sida a a a eiricie aa» ‘a < Saldc merge ieicem meek afar Warren township, including Warren city.............-.00:- LO STE SES Ae et Ar aR En ie See ry aay ANE DD PS WEB Rs, fe. Sh eceediad sep RRL ee REO S 1,587 BAUOT AL Seis C VIN ASO ik sas lin tle Pone a a ntein dank Moore POU ee sCtCy ei no Os oes 8 cue clale Coen ena ae ee He of eh NATO oka kate sine Sh inci Wananga plane ntes: sien 2,748 Total population of Trumbull county............ | 1900. | 1890. | ———" 970 936 1,363 1,445 805 "821 1,326 1,298 620 697 681 794 867 972 1,035 1,184 1,781 1,713 732 811 1,239 1,226 DLOe TN ese 764 904 841 825 844 ) 903 1,195 1,170 850 771 2,671 3,520 1,230 1,498 753 792 1,248 1,331 4,225 3,631 25600) J se ee 722 720 789 860 670 721 1,357 1,383 732 698 749 848 824 933 . 942 1,298 9,589 7,155 8,529 5,973 | : | 9,897 6,610 831 851 7 468 4,289 | | 46,591 42,373 * Parts of Coventry, Portage, Springfield and Tallmadge townships recently annexed to Akron city, but not yet divided into wards. CENSUS OF OHIO, 1900. res POPULATION OF OHIO BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS: 1890 AND 1900. CONTINUED. en ee — Minor civil divisions. 1900 ; 1890. TUSCARAWAS COUNTY. ee ae eee Ee Auburn township ...5...2. 0. s04- es Ee eter ey tye 984 1,269 Bes SI ee bis ne Sane we niet sch pele Waser vo wool mre 1,223 1,329 Clay township, including Gnadenhutten VELIAQEL « iy eine thahlie 405 1,415 1,346 Gnadenhutten’ village . 2 ossies tak. ace. enews eens ees 547 478 Dover township, including GanaleDoveraviliage een. 0. eee 7,569 5,448 +Canal Dover village” Aah ee Poe ae NES Aig ate ega tee es 5,422 3,470 Breen tre hcl © COW Br i iarey epee acc oe = cms urt ee nee eaten eign inert 1,144 ee EG Franklin township, including Strasburg village..........-+-. 1,423 1,127 Girasbur av ilage cecocs ciara oa Wake ws cs tos ene e ears ORE pes AG TEM ersaneeate Goshen township, ‘including Barnhill and Midvale villages and New Philadelphia BUM cae oir eS peta gia Go 9,781 7,640 Peni Vulaee a4 oh idea Paes as Sie ste Nenlsls,« enw aasirns bc patina Rs 811 969 Diiivale, VillagGe. .n<+ SRos haw ecwsaag ce sia na sreesis oe 4 Sas yee yO ee Rew. niladelpilias CILY occas ens dae ene casksn saws ge nae 6,213 4,456 WEG! i. Me Sephns Men dey BALA Br crt OA pf MOO ac CERO C 2,345 WAV Ess OOM oe cso kyate tay ai cist cPower eevee e anersvayere tars 1,471 VAT M eee Peres ce ciheicd Pareto otal eiapeisie chalcone ave 1,948 NA Se eS ote ciate Sane ua oy Ae teuie Ss «en's hes Jefferson township. <2... 00.66 c ee cece sence reece te cere sesso 928 1,210 Lawrence township, including Zoar village .........-.++-+-+: 1,574 1,715 FEE PSI EN PG Rene NED eye ee en ee SE Ee Te PG Ap BOO UNS cans cee Mill township, including Dennison village and Uhrichsville ta I ine ee ON RR ieee Orie Pie ew cee cr ae 9,894 7,932 WVEISOTEOI ARE: fac kg aa a ccs 6 x 4 4n ws os ase wa ane ces 3,763 2,925 MINTICNSVINELCICY oe cnc oeinan Oriainnsn bis sie sames sa ees es 4,582 8, 842 Oxford township, including New Comerstown village Peewee 3,510 2,319 New Comerstown village Rien 862 Reisen CO WiSHID ore sc 2 cekwies dbl dnitaa coke hagits Ger ewes 1,451 | 1,439 EVR @tap a CU i se Ree ECOL. hoe Ie tee eee To 979 | 1,001 VEEP TOTICIE Pan te te oe ha ted ce seine eeler tn aaon den 1,336 1,202 Wilkesville township, including Wilkesville village......... 1,561 | 1,667 Nunlinenvillecrotiawe pide Aes eave soa anus ened ae acre 223 | 262 Total population of Vinton county..........---+.- 15,330 | 16, 045. WARREN COUNTY. | | Clearcreek townshio, including Springboro village.......... 2, 420 | 2,327 Rerinebore villaweiee set meee. oe Ones teh ode eneaees 433 413 Deerfield township, including Mason Wi SPE ory tre vee te Bs 2,168 1,975 iMigkferes Gul lice B anges Ge lneary ts Pee AER EE REPEAT MOR Reger gr 629 564 Franklin township, including Franklin village.............. 4,515 4,434 I taAitlit vate ts ctucs eden pec. cule Mus aes oiaetu vr ee sey ab xe mE ae | 181 Richland township, including Wharton village.............. 1,475 Wiarton. Villages aver tecinn onan ee eas wae wn foes 439 Peer RO WEES NI ee a 0 hae adele Wx ace 5 Ch wre, o ata mele wae a ites pita eas ae 504 SOR UCM USPAT PE tenth 2 cic crane ds tees Fins er heen cae kink fod 1,190 Sycamore township, including Sycamore village............. 1,672 SVCAIMOLE “VIMNAGe. . y Wik be naiecls «jun ehs.s.9 ASE Ges Mela Oe 853 EL VEICHICC ATOM USHID i. sca. Ct otas sep ee eke be ews ceca sas 1,397 FUIDDEL a CUSRY VINA Rea y lene 6b erne esas sn TOE AIDS. Bo - 3,355 MAAR ee Soc EG sys ones nea e dei cehesa enue. 825 RMT ae Fee en ee Air gots hk aiv'e'e ates oe oe aieteeiars cls 923 WV AP Che nats te eee cics cane neler Biiechubeticke 1,126 Wii! 24 0:5 neo oreiDriOe exo act aa Ouro Te See Raa 1 Total population of Wyandot.county.............. 21,125 1890. eee eee ere 1,433 3,572 21,722 + Exclusixe of population of Upper Sandusky village. CENSUS OF OHIO, 1900, 79: . CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF OHIO, WITH POPULATION BY COUNTIES IN 1890 AND 1900. SS eee . Population. Counties. 1900. | 1890. 1st District. | Panett Istawards: .. caeveec dlc voshs er tetas teense | 12,179 8,441 is 2 a ene Cee ee PRT eee PRET ee ETE oe 15,995 12,447 . 5 LS 0 Nh EOPEE MR Caer ree ewe ree 8,469 8,619 ig 4 SOE Ope een Cran ha wed geate ss 13,067 13,938 - 5 i ON Urns yea Ont Ane Oey Sane ane EDA ep 6,476 7,947 - 6 SER OS AAS Gage hee ae aa ae See ee 6 , 362 7,661 ie 7 Se Sore YR Me Eig OS ck at ew eh apres 8,611 9,15 e 8 9 whienoe, Re tsthy A ae Ore ea oe EP ra Oe Te 3,763 4,921 a 9 See thet SOE RS Bare ek Suen ies aha aed See - 6,486 7,409 i [CMe eS ee Oe come gad os oe eae ee 10,090 10,949 7 Lr re ee As P59 firs nals signa Sree 12,505 12,806 i 1 lie ete Bie andra eae re ERE Cea SPE ges Raa 6,956 8,138 2 1 Tg a ag rE aR ara ee ae ae ee a 14,094 10,678 LD ade og PIS RR ERE EER TI Cee ATS on 8,736 8,627 * Stet eee Pd ke acinar ote oe bate ga eye TU ZO Ro ha. 36 oe eee PT evaON OW NSHIPe. ac oaks erase towne es « eee ere 4,534 4,035 CORT CO WHSHIDL Sak > un deceive se cents oe ons enien ns ve meee 12,813 8,422 Miiliceeele tO WSHIDEeArtiOb) 2. 202500 ce cre nce ren = oe *14,012 18,111 GHencer COWNSHID asc. ies Cece cccser cr sheetasccagar n= es 257 tix 1, G09 Sycamore township.........--.+-+---+53 Pent ae Peres 8,453 7,460 VICE CO WHSHIN eet cs orbs alow ee. oe bane cron bene ace ees 1,547 1,649 Aehalsm ete eo ete ere ene oie eee ee ce oe ea wie nes 185,672 167 ,955 > 2nd District. Cincinnati, 12th ward........---....seceee sere ee cececes 14,638 12,116 Hs 13 ty A in 0 ae an Ap evar tecirag ye in ane Be pra aro 10,025 11,488 ‘is 14 pee eae ee ee eee oe Os mee Dok 9 828 x 15 cing Rottheds, panel te Wat Baie 9 Same enced 9,414 9,350 #3 16 COE VaR ee wiaaere Sao Hee ee Face ones 9,679 9,930 17 OS Fe oe rite alte pA APIO CET 10,167 10,165 si 19 Lette ht SO GRIESE CEERI OORT 7,783 8,202 Se 20 MT. Aa eri See tees ea mets weer 9,086 9,347 a 21 Se PRLS Ort Ol ROE LOD ieR pe tee Bari ge 9,139 10,267 22 Com READ AVIS Berean rte ED RRR” eee AT 11,731 12,462 * 23 AME G Ee RR ese sy Oe Whe old etahecha'h Ceite 15,041 15,090: ey 24 28 Sd aly ae col ory pe ere eek eC 12,557 10,901 25 Re AAR tease fy Be Maen as tye es ik 14,036 9,974 "e 28 ee ae eer ee ote at ear e 11,962 9,472 a 29 AS 6 hel rere ka ig le anole RTL Ree G Ae 13,088 7,279 ‘ 30 5 me ete Spice RRO eae goede ae Bs 14,369 9 ,368 Glevaiiara wiser cia ov ake sorte ste atass uence se cores 3,410 3,348 ere UBLOWEREIND 8 oe os ar Gilets spa hme ct tee ctw ee ape heed 883 949 Telia either te renee aa hare fas ex cc swore oe creel een *5 317 5,497 CREB aa OW Rtas deal AG cs vias Ss bic os Ga oa aioe ws Ranga we 4,716 5,088 ° PIAS ee COW ESOI eae ates ce cece pte ok Rate aee wwe es 2,092 Beso WUTarE LOW SID Fo one kc ce ence RO ra a ict ee: 4,511 3,990 Millcreek township (part of).......... aris eran eee at 2 tears *7 804 7,058 DUDE AL TW SI eco s fess ons cee occas rates weak nenle es 11,937 10,793 xD Oe WIGUET IR Metis occ desk ok coe sale cte se wee eee ee se ee Tes ed 998 WV MEIMGter CO WEISAND Sciacca ceca s shinee anne keer s dy ek 1,317 sr etna ct dy cis cation hae eS eee Rohe Se as 223 , 807 206,618 _ _* Storrs township and parts of Delhi, Green, Millcreek and Spencer townships annexed to» Cincinnati since 1890. 80 CENSUS OF OHIO, 1900.’ CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF OHIO, WITH POPULATION BY COUNTIES IN 1890 AND 1900— Continued. aa? Population. Counties. 1900. 1890. eee | 3rd District. Boat ce eal! Ser a, ht, Be Cong weee| 56,870 48,597 Be Ce RRM he ETM os Sch ona ina oe 8 AEA Phe iki of apa eters 130,146 . 100,852 AM a beter ha Sa done NSM, Bi Re Se. A cea ge scene Oo, be 23,421 (Pe el ac en nia DIOS RO AB be 210,729 | 172,870 4th District. SS CY I SAE MOR kee OS SN Uo” SAAR OS LONE RE Oe 47,976 40,644 PEN aN ec ih RU tte cate Sc OTe x x ay mie toe cake ee eR 31,192 28,100 EAE ec RC MRS OAD is, Lone, ey nats big ghusintc a Dada istic Oh 42 532 42,961 ba oe oe ie tee oe ee ER er ree ale ee ain 28,021 27 ,220 Shiv coherence eee ees 24 625 24707 eet CADIS Sh 5 tee ee Bee IRN Fis Se 174,346 163, 632 5th District 19 Ut RNs INR ls ae Serie a eles BOER Le ot eee he 26,387 25,769 let Aso omer cece Bis ausath stmt tafe iia, oactctens (CLS aeeANereY eiere.e So evel 27 , 282 25.080 er BREET eg Ne RR ee Sas a tai oie or ak Giptere Bele WEE Gre 27 ,528 25,932 Pitan. sos 2k OA ewe rae tee RICE ee eR oer iin ae 82,525 30,188 BVA TVET Gon etre ete eM ie ect Ne ANY OR) Red citar ors 30,394 ~ 29,671 Vee aRTORE eee ve arcseay cle ees toins Ws telecine aia crowanehhiag 24 ,953 24,897 RS oe ei Cee he eras it eile at a didn a oes Sa ee 169 , 066 161,537 6th District : ‘Browiee Phas te c.0 ob apa RT ENTRT TO OE Dane aE 28,237 |. 29,899 MOLERIMION CT Iie eearea rte eekiie socses sce siiate we cate oe eS Ar 31,610 30,000 a MCR TCIM es Nocti BR. alate laces vals Gee ae eaxcwmemeal ee bee 24 , 202 24,240 ASTEONE Shes f5a 8 oe BS MIR A eS ee Sate Cee a tpen aioe 31,613 29 ,820 PLS gt Cs 253. Sets dade Se Shove hee Naotoke coco ee eee — 80,982 29 ,048 EV ONIRE I ce glee, MUM AI eh ralat aii aaa, 6 2 win Dapx ata arora ME 25, 584 25,468 1503 ae ee > ha SN Kea GR baer OE ar + a Sete 172,228 172,028 7th District RCIE NC ic 2) Geter, oth ee Ones ARNE SiN EE Se RRP! fe yen ar) 58,939 Soca TEE BIZ 1 Vanes DOOR Stee ieee Mera Bie Dee SUN: A AR a LB QV 25 22,3809 INIA GISON Rede Soerep ere tects «he Lite dite or eae ee a isl» uae 20,590 20,057 BN TAMA Pee. era k pian rts SiN sm ase oie oak aie ee ee oma en 43,105 39 , 754 PPACK AWAY Ur, Jutcpeae bare ca 7 ee a er Ae Mat LTR pap Soon 27,016 26,959 MOGALS ce hs Mae, tha Aaah FS cd a einai « ak OER ae ee " 491,878" (161. 856 : Sth District. Has DAseTl co ca aionicak veces cents Kode ete daiqon dina ve Ree toes Se eae 26 , 642 26,980 Delaware eo. cb rat Neda. cs DRetecisca Ma's o\el Malet at arin atere real atte 26,401 27,189 BAAR COCK ©. n pees Rates anid veld’ wnat Ce aie wits « eo Pern aaemited eae 41,993 _ 42,563 PLACATE 2 soot see ar oe Action cts stock e aci ee eee eee 31,187 28 ,939 NSAI Rey: soneteis cn vr bes sc Pits ae eee c oes a ee en ee 30,420 27 , 386 A TORLIBEL MBE ‘coy bar's ella ie eso A a 2 eo ae ee 22 342 22 ,860 BEREE sot a ctvce et Vhs ett wae Saud elcdea te pecan teen ene 178 ,985 175,917 CENSUS OF OHIO, 1900. 81 CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF OHIO, WITH POPULATION BY ; COUNTIES IN 1890 AND 1900 — Continued. Population. < Counties. 1900. : 1890. ee hale! Set od ok a SR ech ee MEER ln Eat Rote tsprine te oth District. tt et asta as hate Cibds backe daatanen bere 22,801 | . 22,023 IoticaSwen eri. EUR EN = See sate Mists tah Ses iaotieoker Fue" Breve ie eas 153,559 102 , 296 OtaWaaws svc wetaseu trae wih ola ee eae ka ins 22,213 21,974 A CG Weeds See eta Sale 6s BOE ee Seda Se ae ae cag tue Se a 51,555 44 ,392 ue ee eS Pen meee ere eer mene ek 250,128 190,685 roth District Bley eee REE oer te isthe a wise haw acne mean mekan s "26,328 © 26,093 Galli ees seek: oo SAP re ie Ta mre tac 27,918 27 ,005 JETS IS) NS nO Ae eer er rer A 84,248 28,408 TEA CTL CC MS eae acai cscocohe wile a brauaierexe"e a cia asSenere 89 , 534 39 ,556 PikGee aes 2 ec Ps SLs ne wig ean he Sow OR eee 18,172 17 ,482 ‘SG GIOLG ers + cae asin os A Le oe a Pe eee AR 40,981 Sa 018 gl ee ee LG SCRE RAS A AUP © PIO hs PE: 187 , 181 173,921 ri1th District PAL arioeies Pe SH ia Bee a pclae Cheha Pee Reo Ce 38,730 35,194 Hocking i ot!s. «65 I oe tesa f Soka ae capoan tae 24,398 22,658 iets ene ee er enna Ses sue ncpncnnSanimranes 28 ,620 29 ,813 CRC Potters Pe civ cleign s 86.6 wn ciers 2a eine a same 31,841 31,151 BSG Meee oat Ie ad cf oh se he dip ay aig 68 ns es Rie oa eh KC 40,940 39 , 454 PV ietOn ees ere etc ed wenn a 'Y sg