Library of The Theological Seminary
John Stuart Conning, D.D.
DS) 118° ° B88 1925
Browne, Lewis, 1897-1949.
Stranger than fiction
MACMILLAN & CO., Limirep
flew Bork
All rights reserved
CopyricHtT, 1925,
Set up and electrotyped.
Published March, 1925.
Printed in the United States of America
Digitized by the Internet Archive
in 2022 with funding from
Princeton Theological Seminary Library
Through thirty and more centuries he has wandered about on
earth, despised and rejected, bruised and beaten, yet all the time
wandering on.
He has seen far-flung empires crack and crumble, and mighty
peoples dwindle to naught. Egyptian, Canaanite, and Philistine;
Assyrian, Chaldean, and Persian; Greek, Roman, and Saracen:
all these and more have marched over him in pride. With their
kings and priests, their tyrants and princelings, they have marched
over him in vainglorious pride—only to fall and die by the roadside.
But he, the Jew, still lives on. Obstinately he fights off Time and
Man, pressing along on: his own path, keeping his own counsel,
cherishing his own dreams, living his own life in his own way.
A strange man he has been, and a strange man he remains—and a
stranger story than that of his life no tongue has ever recounted. . . .
PROLOG UE Mere tet ees sleiten fet se shieln) stelle coke) eittteraeat el oions a iisiier ere
. The Story of Certain Half-Savage Shepherd Tribes
who Struggled out of the Arabian Desert into the
Fertile Crescent en vies otek ah oe ee kes
How the Hebrews Lost and Regained their Freedom,
Took unto Themselves a God, and Tried again to
Settle in the Fertile Crescent..................
. The Brawling, Ill-Organized Struggle of the Hebrews
to Make Canaan Completely their Own.........
. Continued Opposition Forces the Hebrew Tribes to
Unite at last under a Single King..............
. The Second King, David, Leads the Tribes to Vic-
tory, and Wins for them an Empire............
. The Third King, Solomon, Loses the Empire through
his Extravagance, and Brings Ruin to his People.
. Civil War Rends the Nation into Two Kingdoms,
Both of which are Swallowed up by the Neighbor-
ALO MET PICS Satie eee woe ie rae cay et hha s
The Hebrews Continue to Live because of the Spirit
the Prophets had Breathed into them...........
lhe Adeals, of the: Prophets, - v.40 hi. 1s Mayes con
. More about the Ideals of the Prophets, and the
Story of how the Priests tried to Make them Prac-
LICR OIG eee e el Rate Ea or Gr RP BR, aca
How Yahvism Died and Judaism was Born in the
Babylonians Exile sec. ae ee wee ee) eos
The Trials and Disappointments after the Re-
turn from) Babylonis.?.3-4- 7 1e- ere . 104
The Priests Come into Power................ 111
The Greek Invasion Brings on the First War for
Freedom: of “Thought.) vse ae eee 119
The Roman Conquest sets the Helpless Little
Nation Yearning for a Messiah to Deliver it. 128
Joshua of Nazareth, a Young Prophet, is Hailed
as the Messiah by the Jews, and is Crucified
by the Romans.) ; acetic eee 136
How a New Religion was Created around the
Story of the Crucified Prophet............. 145
The Destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman Le-
gions and the “End” it Brought to the Jewish
Nation. 33535). Wises ooo ee eee 151
The Terrible Dispersion, and how the Rabbis
Saved the Jewish Faith. ..4 2... .222,..05.5 158
How the Rabbis Built a Wall of Law around the
JEWS S25 ole ON a ite oar Ee rae 165
The Making of the Talmud <.o250) see 173
The Contents of the Talmud..-............... 181
How Mohammed Built a New Religion around
the Jewish Idea. of:God.yc.543 shea eee eee 188
The Revolt against the Talmud............... 195
The Dawn of Intelligence in Babylonia and Spain 203
The “Golden Age” of Jewish Learning in Spain. 210
Twilight in the Christian Lands in Europe..... 217
The Terrible Night of Persecution............ 226
XXIX. How the Jews Fled from Western Europe to Po-
Jand and ME Urkey scones sunaaeait sae ears aan
XXX. How the Jews Helped to Bring about the Protes-
RANG CLOLUIATIONL ee a eee ne eae i
Persecution Compels the Jews to Re-inforce
the Wall of Law around Themselves......
The Gloom behind the Wall of Law Gives Rise
to the Cabala and the False Messiahs.....
How the Secret Jews of Spain Fled to Holland
and the New World
The Darkness in Eastern Europe............
The Story of the Good Shepherd of Poland
who was called Baal Shem Tov...........
The Dawn of Tolerance in Europe, and what it
Won for the Jews
The Struggle for Freedom in all the Nations,
and how it Destroyed the Wall of the Ghetto
The Struggle for Reform in Judaism, and how
it Began the Destruction of the Wall of Law
The Mission of Reform Judaism—and the
Story of those who Practiced it
The Anti-Semitic Reaction in Europe, and how
it Helped give Rise to Zionism............
The Great Exodus from Eastern Europe... .
The Night of War, and the New Dawn......
GIORGEA IV aciene Gack on tae beh a (ureietl ws ten ac Wei Neha a ecg
Six Charts Telling the Adventures of the Jews
1On to the Fertale:Crescenty. 2.42.0 2 ues sic oe pay
ZmLne PXOGUSarOUr loo y Donanm erring se ae a 33
3. LOS OUUg Ie TOP a LLOMGe: su hema weve s 41
4, The Empire of the Robber Chieftain.......... 51
Cuart A. The Adventures of the Jews, Part I.......... 61
5. The Bridge Between the Empires............. 65
6. The End of the Divided Kingdom............ 70
7. Israel and Judah are Deported............... 93
3.) Wien ney Game, HOMO tt eee oe tae 105
9. The Meaning of the Book of Jonah........... 117
JO Alexanders Rinipite ssaeneeiet ernest, 122
Tie After Alexanders sa, se ne incre ha oe anaes 123
Cuart B. The Adventures of the Jews, Part II.......... 127
12. The Realm of the Maccabees................ 129
13. The Story of Joshua of Nazareth.... ........ 143
14. Paul Spreads the Religion of the Christ........ 149
15. The Terrible Dispersion of 70 A. D........... 157
16.0 nere the Rabbis: Plédesmas seo tes icy ces 6 169
onloaOnurch Attersc aul Dieta. eee 173
18. The Church Under Constantine.............. 174
RO SOMO GOV ON erste eu atirs enn sarenisire aoe + 175
Cuart C. The Adventures of the Jews, Part III......... 180
20. Where Mohammedism Was Born............. 191
21. Mohammedanism Triumphs—750 A. D........ 193
Cuart D.
CuHart E.
CuartT F.
The Adventures of the Jews, Part IV......... 203
From Babylon to: Spait ages. acts ee 207
The Wanderings of Ibn Ezra................ 211
Here Go the Crusaders!....,.054 2. fcs on eas oro 219
Death:to. the: Herétical a. 3.3. oa eee 223
The Terrible Night in Germany.............. 231
The Expulsion from England—1290 A. D...... 233
The‘ Home of the Khazars. .s..-2.10 0 see 238
The Flight: Hastward. cud. 4o4 ls eee 239
The Adventures of the Jews, Part V.......... 251
The Wandering of Sabbatai Zevi............. 265
The Flight of the Maranos................... 271
How the Jews Came to America.............. 273
The. Cossack Breaka: Loosetears = ctcn-e care ae 280
Eastern Huropé 3 ci). ake ee ee ee 284
Ther Partition offPoland vias: Gat vale ee eee 332
What Happened in the Pale of Settlement..... 334
42 Washington §q.,
New York City, Nov. 1, xxiii.
The proper way to write a book—at least, so I’ve
been told—is to buy a ream of clean white paper,
a stock of pens, a large bottle of ink—and begin.
And I did all that to-day. I bought the paper,
the pens, the ink; I even bought the wire clips with
which to fasten the loose pages, and the pressboard
folder in which to bind the whole manuscript. And
seven hours ago I came up to my workroom, ar-
ranged the materials on the table, took the best
pen in hand, and made ready to write.
I am still making ready to write. It is already
long after midnight, and the noises of the street have
died down to a creepy silence. Even whirling, fren-
zied, fevered New York has tired at last, and fallen
asleep. But still in vain do I make ready to write.
By this time I should have been nearing at least
the end of the first chapter—and I have not so much
as begun! In a brave flourishing hand I have written
across the top of a blank sheet:
—and no more.
For now that I am ready to begin, my mind is
overawed. Hundreds of volumes crowd the sagging
shelves that range the walls. Scores of other volumes
litter the tables, the chairs, the floor. Encyclopedias
and text-books and learned monographs are scattered
around, and among them all sorts of pamphlets and
clippings. They are in many languages, and they
are cluttered with references to other writings in
still other languages. And most of them tell at
endless, at exhausting length, only a paragraph,
perhaps even but a sentence, of the long story I
would recount.
And the sight of all those enormous volumes is
appalling. Their story is so long! ... So be-
wilderingly involved! ... And already it has so
often been told.
Yet it cries out to be told still again. From be-
ginning to end it pleads to be retold, and not as a
list of names and dates, but as a wild adventure,
as a romance. For the whole history of the Jewish
people 7s a romance; the strangest, the most color-
ful in the saga of all mankind.
And it deserves to be retold because so few in the
land have ever heard it. Both Jews and Gentiles—
save they be historians—know exceedingly little
of that romance. Perhaps the first chapters of it,
those contained in the Bible, are familiar to most
people—but even they are far from rightly known.
The Bible is a whole vast world of wisdom, beauty,
and moral truth—but it is not a literal history.
Its episodes and chronicles were in the mouths of
desert tribesmen for long centuries before ever they
were written down. For long centuries they were
passed on from father to son, growing grander and
more wonderful with each generation. So that by
the time they were set down in writing, the literal
truth in them, like the vein of gold in a mountain,
was crushed and tortured and broken in a thousand
We know all that because for over a hundred and
fifty years great Bible scholars have been exploring
for that truth. They have toiled endlessly, examin-
ing manuscripts, comparing texts, digging around
for buried clews, spinning out theories and then
destroying them again—all to discover just where in
the Bible the literal truth breaks off, and where legend
Five generations of scholars have been toiling
at this ‘‘Biblical Criticism,” and through their
labor we have come to a new and nobler under-
standing of all the early history of the Hebrew
But too few among us are possessed of that new
understanding. To most of us the Bible is still a
book every word of which is literal fact. We try
to swallow it whole, to believe it without understand-
ing it. As a result, its history often seems but a
monotonous and meaningless round of unbelievable
miracles and incredible facts: a long, rambling
chronicle of imaginative but suspicious wonders.
There is no grand swing in it, no dramatic surge up,
up, up toward the heights.
So the first chapters of the story of the Jews
must be retold in the light of the new understanding.
They must be shown to be what they truly are:
the immortal epic of a people’s confused, faltering,
insatiable hunger for a nobler life in a happier world.
And the rest of the chapters must naturally be
retold as a continuation of that epic. For the Jews
did not cease hungering for the Kingdom of God
on Earth when they closed the Bible era. They went
on and on—as perhaps they still go on to-day.
That is the true wonder of their story. There has
been no end to the march of the Jews. They have
gone on and on, ever refusing to halt where the
world halted, ever pressing on in their own stubborn,
headstrong, singular way. Of course, they have
faltered at times; for decades, for generations, they
have stood still. At times they have even retreated.
But never for long. The slightest lifting of the
yoke laid on them by a slow-moving world and on
they have plunged—on, on, in the strangest, the
wildest, the most fantastic career ever essayed by
a people.
It is the story of that career that I want to tell—
that I have been trying to begin to tell all this night.
Perhaps I’m too tired now to begin, too worn
out from long wondering how. . . . Dawn is steal-
ing up behind the blackened chimneys in the east.
The city is awaking. There is a feeble stir in the
streets, a rattling of milk wagons and a rumbling
of trucks. Workmen with lunch boxes under their
arms, their hair frowsy, their faces still swollen with
sleep, clump along over echoing pavements.
But in the east, over where the roof tops dully
gleam in the morning light, there is: a greater stir,
I know. Old men with matted beards, and young
men and boys, crawl out from under feather beds and
shiveringly don their clothes. They touch their
hands and faces with water from kitchen faucets,
whisper a prayer, and then hurry out into the streets.
Where are they going? ... But where should
pious Jews go so early in the morning? . . . To the
synagogues, of course!
So they go, hundreds of them, old and middle-
aged and young. They go to their little synagogues
hidden away in basements, there to pray as their
fathers have prayed these two thousand years or
For there in the east, where now the roof tops
are turning from black to pearl in the growing light
of the dawn, lies the great ghetto of New York.
More Jews are huddled there than ever were seen
in old Jerusalem—more probably than were known
in all the world when Solomon was King in Zion.
What are they doing there? How did they come?
And why?...
It is almost four thousand years since they were
born, and fully five thousand miles from their birth-
place. What have they seen and thought, what have
they lived through and learnt, in all that long trek
through time and space?
But that is just the story I have been wanting to
tell all along, the story I will tell—so soon as I can
Only I am too tired now.
Perhaps a little later, after I have slept, I shall
be able to begin... .
Far to the east of us, pinched between Africa and
Asia, lies a vast and barren region called the Arabian
Desert. It is a cruel, forbidding place: an endless
sheet of dry rock that by day is scorchingly hot,
like a lead roof under the rays of the sun, and by night
is piercingly cold. Here and there across the plain
are reaches of hard-packed gravel, or of drifting
sand that can be swept up blindingly by the winds.
And only at long intervals are hidden thin springs
of water that soak the soil and relieve the grayness
with a touch of green.
Four thousand years ago—even as in our day—
countless tribes of wild shepherds roved hungrily
across that dry waste. They were constantly moving
about, swarming with their bedraggled flocks of
sheep and goats from one oasis to another as the
springs dried up or the grass was nibbled away.
They had no homes save their goatskin tents;
they had no possessions save the stone weapons in
their hands, the rags on their backs, and the tribal
flocks and herds. The only law they knew was
the word of the Patriarch, the Old Man of the Tribe.
They had no knowledge of reading or writing, and
probably they could not* count above ten.
Such were the early Semites, from whose loins
sprang the Jews.
Because they did not yet know the use of metals,
but made their tools and weapons of stone, we speak
of them as living in the Stone Age.
They were probably far unhappier than we are
to-day, for their life was crowded with all sorts of
fears. The whole world seemed to them to be peopled
with terrible demons and spirits. In every tree and
stone and tiny spring, in the thunder and lightning,
in the wind and the night, those demons were thought
to dwell; and the shepherds were greatly afraid of
them. They used to utter magic incantations and
go through all sorts of weird ceremonies in their
efforts to win the favor of those spirits. They used
to offer sacrifices to them, burning the firstborn
of their flocks, and often even of their own children,
so that those spirits might be pleased and give to the
worshipers many more sheep and children.
These Semite shepherds were divided into many
groups, and each of these groups consisted of several
tribes or clans. Each tribe had its favorite spirit
which—so the people believed—went with it and
helped it fight the other tribes. But often these
clans found it necessary to change favorites, for
each demon was believed to have power only over a
certain bit of desert. Therefore when a clan moved
a long distance it usually threw over the old spirit,
and took up a new one.
Idols of wood and stone were set up to represent
those spirits. And in time these idols came to be
thought of as real gods.
There was constant warfare between the tribes,
for there were exceedingly few springs of water in
the desert, and many flocks to drink them dry.
The tribes fought for the possession of those springs
of water just as nowadays the nations fight for the
possession of wells of oil or mines of coal. There was
no law regulating the conduct of the clans, and al-
ways they were stealing sheep and wives and children
from each other. They murdered or enslaved their
defeated foes, they stole and cheated, they sweltered
and froze to death, they hungered and went mad
from thirst.
Their life was hard and unhappy because of the
barrenness of the soil on which they lived.
Only far to the north of the great desert is there
a moist and less ungenerous region. For want of
a better name, modern historians have called it the
Fertile Crescent, for it is shaped somewhat like a
quarter-moon. Of course, that Crescent acted
like a magnet upon the thirsting Semites in the
wilderness. They were forever struggling to reach
it, plunging out one after the other, scrambling
desperately to get a foothold in the rich soft soil,
falling back, trying again, falling back, trying still
again—and finally beating their way in and re-
maining there. Like hot oil spluttering out of a
frying pan, so were those famished and desperate
tribes as they came charging out of the desert.
They began coming out many thousands of years
1.—On to the Fertile Crescent
ago, and by the time of the dawn of history certain
of them had already grown very old in the rich
Crescent lands. Indeed, when one little group of
those tribes, the group which we have since come
to call the Hebrews, belatedly attempted to invade
that Crescent, they found it already overcrowded
with inhabitants.
There were first of all the non-Semitic peoples
who had drifted there from many directions,
and had very early begun to cultivate the soil
and develop some sort of civilization. Along the
Nile there were the Egyptians with an amazingly
high culture. Far to the north, in what we now
call Syria, there were the Hittites. Along the
garden lands of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers
there were remnants of the Sumerians, a strange
and at present little known people, who were among
the first to invent a method of writing. And in and
among these non-Semitic people were the hordes of
early invaders from the desert: the Amorites, or
Canaanites, or Phoenicians, or Babylonians, as they
were called in different places.
It was not easy for the still half-barbaric Hebrews,
with their clumsy stone weapons and feeble strength,
to fight their way into those well-settled lands.
Many times they tried, hurling themselves with all
their might against the fortifications in their path.
Their particular goal seems to have been that narrow
strip of land we now call Palestine, and desperately
they fought for its possession against the Canaanites
who lived there. Several times the invaders, led
by patriarchs like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
managed to break their way in; but they were not
allowed to remain in peace. The wells which they
dug were filled with stones and rubbish by their
enemies; their sheep were stolen; and occasionally
they themselves were massacred.
Then, to add to all these hardships, there seems
to have come a great famine in the land. The wells
became utterly dry and the flocks began to dwindle
for lack of food and drink. Death stared those
harassed Hebrews in the face. All about them were
their foes, the Canaanites, swooping down on them
in’ surprise attacks and carrying off what famished
sheep and goats were left to them. There was no
sense in remaining longer in the land, especially
since the rumor had reached them that far off in
Egypt there was drink aplenty, and also much grain
stored away. It was a tremendous distance to the
lands of the Nile, a journey for them of many weeks
—though a train now can cover it in little more than
half a day—but nevertheless many of the Hebrews
turned to go there. They folded their tents, gathered
together the remnants of their lean and sunken-eyed
flocks, and began the long journey toward Egypt.
And with that journey the ancient Hebrew shep-
herds enter into the realm of history.
Just what happened when those Hebrew wan-
derers straggled into Egypt we can only vaguely
guess. All the hundreds of Egyptian records thus
far unearthed tell us nothing of the episode; and
the account in the Bible is not altogether clear on
the subject. No doubt the scholars now busily
digging away in the pyramids and mounds of Egypt
will soon have all sorts of new secrets to tell us, so
that in a little while it may be possible to make
this chapter in the story of the Jews far less brief
and sketchy than it must be left to-day.
All we can say now with any certainty is that
the Hebrew shepherds who wandered to Egypt in
search of food did not have to penetrate far into
the land. They stopped in a large tract of meadows
called the Land of Goshen, in the eastern part of
the Nile delta, and there they settled down. But
then, after a lapse of years, a powerful king arose
in Egypt, and marching down on the little settle-
ment of aliens, he took them all into slavery. That
king, or pharaoh as he was called, was probably
Ramses II, who lived some thirty-two hundred
years ago and was a little crazy with the desire to
build huge temples and palaces and monuments
to himself and his many gods.
To satisfy this frenzied desire he needed myriads
of slaves, for there were huge tracts to clear and
vast foundations to dig, and all sorts of quarrying
and hoisting and dragging to be done. Even to-day,
when we have steam-shovels and pile-drivers and
innumerable other labor-saving devices, we are
constantly in need of unskilled laborers in very
large numbers. One can easily see how much
greater the need must have been in days when
hardly the simplest of machinery had yet been in-
So the wild Hebrews, men who all along had lived
the free and foot-loose life of desert nomads, suddenly
discovered themselves the most abject of slaves.
All their days they had to cringe beneath the lash
of the taskmasters while they sweated at making
bricks or quarrying stone. For those Hebrews it
was the first. taste of a misery which their descend-
ants were to experience many times over, and the
bitter memory it left in their minds was never allowed
to fade away.
The oppression lasted many years, for Ramses
II reigned a long time. But soon after his death
the power of Egypt began to crumble. That foolish
pharoah had exhausted his empire with his extrava-
gance, and from all sides the enemies began to
sweep down on the prostrate land. Hordes of bar-
baric invaders came charging in from Libya, and
bands of ravenous pirates sailed down from the
islands of the Mediterranean Sea. Desolation and
distress covered the face of all Egypt. To the
simple-minded Hebrews it seemed as though an
angry and avenging god were visiting fell plagues
on the land for its sins.
And in the confusion, while the Egyptians were
straining with all their might to fight off the savage
invaders, the Hebrew slaves got away.
Their leader in the rebellion and escape was a
young Hebrew named Moses. According to the
Bible story, Moses had been adopted as a child
by an Egyptian princess, and brought up in the
royal court. He had never been a slave, and there-
fore was able to appreciate the more clearly how
bitter was the plight of his brethren. But instead
of cutting himself off completely from them and
enjoying his own good fortune, he seems as a young
man to have taken their part against their task-
masters, with the result that finally he had to flee
from the land. He wandered about in the wilder-
ness with a tribe of Kenites—a people related to
the Hebrews—and tasting among them the joys
of free nomad life, he felt the call to go back and
deliver his brethren.
Without a leader like Moses it is doubtful whether
the Hebrews, grown timid and cowardly under the
lash of the Egyptians, would ever have been able
to free themselves. The worst evil of continued
oppression is not so much that it cripples the bodies
of the victims, as that it crushes their souls. It
robs them of courage and self-reliance. Even after
Moses succeeded in getting his brethren to flee from
Egypt, it was: all he could do to keep them from
running back again. In the desert they were faced
with hardships they had not known in Goshen—
lack of food and water, for instance—and many of
them were ready to barter every bit of their new
freedom for the greasy ‘‘fleshpots of Egypt.”
Compared with enormous revolutions like that
in France in the eighteenth century, or the one in
Russia in recent years, the uprising of those few
Hebrew slaves three thousand years ago in Egypt
appears a quite trivial incident. Yet, because of
the hold the story of that uprising took on the minds
of succeeding generations, the event itself looms
up as one of the most important in all history.
Again and again in these three thousand years,
rebels against oppression and tyranny have turned
for courage to that old story of the Exodus from
Moses undertook no easy task when he attempted
to lead those slaves to freedom. First of all he had
to get them safely out of Egypt, and that meant
avoiding the caravan routes—for they were infested
with pirates, or were guarded by Egyptian garrisons.
Then he had to give them a religion, so that they
might have the courage to withstand the hardships
of the desert. In Egypt the Hebrews had forgotten
the god they had worshiped when they were shep-
herds. They had no doubt accepted the gods of
the Egyptians in his place. But now, out in the
wild places once more, they believed those Egyptian
gods were not present, and they were therefore
left without any faith.
Moses quickly felt his people’s need, and as soon
as he could he led them to a certain mountain called
Sinai or Horeb, which was believed by his Kenite
friends to be the dwelling-place of their god Yahveh.*
At that holy mountain the Hebrews solemnly swore
to accept Yahveh as their one and only god, and it
was believed that in return Yahveh would be their
special protector. The people’s duties in this cove-
nant were expressed in certain commands which were
easily remembered because they were ten in num-
ber, and could be ticked off on one’s ten fingers.
A wooden shrine called the Ark was made to sym-
bolize the shielding protection of Yahveh, and
wherever the Hebrews wandered, there went also
that Ark. For, being still a primitive folk, they
could firmly believe that the presence of the Ark
brought them safety!
But even after this acceptance of the protection
of Yahveh, the runaway slaves still remained cowed
and frightened. It had been Moses’ plan to go
directly from the Holy Mountain up to Canaan in
the Fertile Crescent. But when his followers heard
of the prowess and might of the inhabitants of that
region, they refused to attempt to invade it. In-
stead they wandered about in the desert lands just
* Through the mistake of an ignorant translator of the Bible,
we have come to speak of this god as Jehovah, but his real
name was Yahveh, which may have meant ‘The Creator,” or
perhaps “The Thunderer.”’
ga Gi Woes S39 WAYS
below Canaan, tending their flocks and _ herds,
fighting hostile tribes, starving at times, dying of
disease and snake bites and all manner of other
afflictions, but not daring to strike out toward the
rich soil on the north.
The Bible tells us the Hebrews wandered forty
years in the waste lands before they plucked up
courage enough to invade the Crescent. Evidently
it was first necessary for the slave generation to
die off, and for a tougher and more desperate gen-
eration to arise. We are told that Moses was still
alive when that second generation had grown up,
and though already an old and broken man, he was
quick to lead them in the invasion. The little band of
hungry wanderers packed up their belongings, gath-
ered their few flocks and herds, and letting the Holy
Ark lead their columns, marched off toward Canaan.
They thought to enter the coveted little domain
from the east of the River Jordan, and so they moved
around to the steppe-land on that side. They were
not allowed to march in peace, however, for at every
turn they were attacked by unfriendly tribes. But
there was no stopping that swarm of desperate,
home-hungry nomads. They proved utterly irresist-
ible as they came sweeping over the plain.
And at last, fighting almost every inch of the way,
Yahveh’s followers struggled through to the Jordan.
But there, within sight of the little land to which
Moses had tried all those years to lead his horde
of runaways, the aged leader died. He died and was
buried no one knows where; but his memory has
gone down throughout all the ages as the first of
the great warriors for freedom.
The invasion and conquest of Canaan was a long,
difficult, and bloody affair. The Hebrews were
poorly armed, for they still used flint knives and
stone hatchets; and they were utterly untrained in
organized warfare. The odds were heavily against
them, for the Canaanites used chariots and fought
with metal weapons and. were always able to take
refuge in one or other of their many fortresses.
Only the ferocity and desperation of the invaders
made it possible for them to conquer at all. They
had come to hate with all their being the arid desert
and the wanderer’s life. They craved a bit of this
land that—to use their own metaphor—‘‘flowed with
milk and honey’’; and they were ready to go to any
extremes to satisfy that craving.
People nowadays are greatly shocked when they
read the Biblical account of the conquest of Canaan.
When those ancient Hebrews conquered a city they
followed the custom of the time and ‘‘devoted”’ it
to their god: that is, they stole all the gold and
silver, butchered all the cattle and human beings,
and then burnt the whole place to the ground. They
plundered and pillaged right and left, razed for-
tresses, and decimated whole tribes. ‘They were
like ravenous beasts out of the wilderness! But we
need hardly urge in their defense that they were
still half-savages. We need only remember that
invading armies even in our own time behave not
one whit less bestially. ...
The invasion was not accomplished by all the
tribes united in one definite campaign. They fought
their way into the land separately, and then settled
down in different localities. For instance, the tribe
called Judah and that called Simeon went to the
southern part of Canaan. With them went also
the Kenites, among whom Moses had lived as a
young man. The tribe of Ephraim and half the
tribe of Manasseh settled down in the center of the
land; and the other tribes wandered off to the north
and almost lost themselves among the Canaanites
It was a wildly daring and dangerous undertak-
ing—that invasion of Canaan by the Hebrews.
Once they got into the land they found themselves
surrounded by enemies on every side. And worse
still, they were cut off from each other by lines of
Canaanite fortresses. Clearly they had to kill or
be killed. They had to crowd out and murder their
foes, or else be crowded out and murdered them-
Then there was another difficulty: the Hebrews,
who were wanderers and shepherds by long training,
suddenly had to settle down and become farmers. —
They had to give up their life in open tents and
take instead to huddled, ill-smelling stone villages
inclosed by thick high walls. They had to take up
the life of the very people against whom they were
Of course, there was grave danger that in taking
up the life of the enemy, the Hebrews might also
take up his gods and morals. And many of the
Hebrews succumbed to that danger. Yahveh be-
longed to the desert, and therefore many of the
Hebrews feared his power did not extend to this
fertile land they had entered. They imagined they
had to worship the gods of this new country, the
Canaanite gods, the Baalim as they were called.
Every hill and field and spring had its little Baal
to be fed with human or.animal sacrifices, and hon-
ored at festivals which often were little more than
drunken debauches. If this was not done it was
imagined that the field would not yield a crop, or the
spring would dry up. The sun, moon, and stars
had to be worshiped because they were believed to
control the weather, and the household idols—which
were a little like the totem-poles of the American
Indians—had to be respected because they were
supposed to localize the spirits of dead ancestors.
The natives believed that every accident or mis-
fortune was a sign that some little local god or other
had been slighted; and the Hebrews were not long
in accepting that belief. They made very poor
farmers and their crops often failed; but instead of
laying the blame for the failure on their ignorance
of husbandry, they laid it on their neglect of the
native idols. So in many sections we find the con-
querors, although still worshiping Yahveh, “played
safe’? by sacrificing also to a dozen other gods.
In districts where that practice of ‘‘playing safe”’
was most common, it was almost impossible to tell
who were the conquerors and who the conquered.
The mingling of gods was often followed by the
mingling of families, and in certain regions the He-
brews and their enemies became practically one
people. Thus the half of the tribe of Manasseh
that had been left on the east side of the Jordan was
almost completely absorbed by the Arameans there,
and the tribe of Reuben almost lost itself among the
Moabites. Asher took to the sea and became very
largely Phoenician.
After all, there was no great difference in blood
between the Hebrews and these other peoples. They
were all Semites who at one time or another in the
past had been nomads in the great Arabian Desert.
They all belonged to the same cultural stock, and
spoke more or less the same language.
And yet, for reasons we cannot quite understand
now, those Hebrews did not lose themselves en-
tirely in their Canaanite surroundings. Perhaps
it was because they had not yet been in the land
long enough to be completely assimilated; or per-
haps there was something in the mental make-up
of those invaders, memories of their hard past in
Egypt and of their covenant with Yahveh at the
Holy Mountain in the wilderness, that rendered
them incapable of complete assimilation.
Whatever the reason, the fact remains that they
persisted as a separate people. Divided as they were
into many little tribes, each with its own chieftain—
or judge, as he was called—and surrounded by
overwhelming hosts of the enemy, they still preserved
their identity.
Their judges were not drawn from any one par-
ticular class, for there were no class distinctions
among the Hebrews at that time. There were
neither learned nor ignorant among them, for none
at all could read or write. There were no rich or
poor, for there was practically no private property.
One man was as good as another, and flocks, herds,
and lands belonged to all the members of the tribe
Their social life was completely democratic. In
time of danger, when the enemy pressed down on
them, they usually picked the most daring fighter
in the tribe to be their leader in battle. And when
the battle was over, this leader often continued as
head of the tribe for a time. But there was nothing
permanent about the office—which was just as well,
considering the type of man who sometimes became
leader. For instance, Jepthah who led the Gilead-
ites in a successful sortie against the Ammonites,
was a wild half-breed outlaw before his election.
Samson, of the tribe of Dan, was little more than
a burly, untamed strong-man with enormous muscles
but pygmy sense. And no doubt other of the judges
during this period were men of like inferior quality.
The years passed. One generation died and an-
other arose. But still no peace came to the Hebrews.
The people whom they had dispossessed, the Canaan-
ites and Moabites and Ammonites, kept returning
year after year, raiding, pillaging, and burning the
little settlements. And only the lack of union
among those marauders saved the disunited Hebrews:
from utter destruction.
But then came the Philistines.
The Philistines were not a Semitic people. They
had not come up from the desert of Arabia, but down
in ships from the islands of the Mediterranean.
They had been among those pirate bands that had
raided the coast of Egypt when the Hebrews es-
ecaped from slavery, and now they were settled
along the shore of southern Canaan. Gradually
they had begun to creep inland, beating down the
Canaanite farmers in their path, until their talons
were fastened on the foothills right below the Hebrew
It was inevitable of course that they and the He-
brews should meet and clash. Both were trying to
conquer the land from opposite directions at the same
time. There had been skirmishes between them in
the days of Samson, but the Hebrews had not then
realized. the danger of this new enemy. They had
trusted to the tribes nearest the Philistines to fight
them off unaided.
When the Philistines massed their troops, there-
fore, and made their first real attack, it brought
the Hebrews very rudely to their senses. They went
down to a crushing defeat, and then ran helter-
skelter to get the Holy Ark of Yahveh which they
had left behind them in one of their new cities.
Thinking the Ark would lead them to certain vic-
3.—The Struggle for a Home
tory, they went out to battle against the Philistines
a second time—and again they were defeated.
And more than that—the Holy Ark was actually
taken from them by the enemy! It was carried off
by the Philistines to their stronghold in Ashdod,
and mockingly placed on exhibition in the temple
of their own god, Dagon!
Consternation spread through the ranks of the
Hebrews. They realized at last that this new enemy
was not to be classed with the scattered tribes of
Semites whom they had fought in the past. These
Philistines were all united and fought as one man.
It was ‘evident that to beat them off the Hebrews
would have to resort to tactics they never before
had tried. They would have to unite. The warriors
of all the tribes would have to rally together and
stand shoulder to shoulder under the leadership
of one man. They would have to become a nation
SU lashes veer
The Philistines to the west were pressing on into
the land, creeping over the Hebrew fields and for-
tresses like the incoming tide over the rocks on a
beach. And to add to the distress, an old foe, the
Ammonite people, began to sweep in upon them
from the desert to the east. The little Hebrew
people seemed about to be drowned in the sea of
its enemies.
Just in time, however, there arose a leader quick
and courageous enough to avert the doom. He was
a farmer named Saul, a fearless, quick-tempered
man who belonged to one of the northern tribes.
When the news reached him that the Ammonites
had captured a Hebrew stronghold on the east side
of the Jordan, he gathered the warriors of all the
tribes, and with a threat of cruel vengeance if they
refused to follow, went forth to repel the invader.
All night he marched eastward, and when dawn
came and the astounded Ammonites saw the united
Hebrew army pouring out of the dark to attack
them, they broke and fled in panic. Taken thus
completely unawares, the Ammonites could not
but go down to utter defeat.
Saul was the hero of the hour. With one accord
the elders turned to him as their leader. And at a
holy place called Gilgal, high up in the hills of cen-
tral Canaan, amid sacrifices to Yahveh, Saul was
solemnly anointed King of the Hebrews.
Then began a new chapter in the struggle with the
Philistines. Saul gathered his forces and prepared
for attack. At first he was repulsed, and half his
followers deserted him in terror; but in a little while
he regained the offensive. Full at the enemy he
hurled his men, slashing right and left—and then
it was the Philistines who turned and fled. Back
they fled westward, over hill and down dale, until
at last they reached their own lands by the sea.
Thus was the Philistine menace overcome.
But still there was no peace. The Ammonites
and Moabites and Amalekites were still there on
the borders of Canaan, ready like hungry wolves
to pounce down on any unprotected village. And
the Philistines, for all that they had been so
thoroughly beaten, continued to raid and plunder
along the frontier.
King Saul’s only palace was a tent’; his scepter
was a sword; his courtiers were all hard-fighting
soldiers. His whole reign was one unending war
against his enemies.
Unfortunately, Saul was not so good a statesman
as he was a warrior, or he might have been rewarded
with greater success. He could not deal well with
men. He had always had a violent temper, and as
the years passed he began to suffer more and more
from queer spells of moodiness. To make matters
worse, he assumed high and haughty airs. The
result was that in the end he broke with one of his
most powerful supporters, an old prophet and priest
named Samuel.
In those days there were to be found in all the
Hebrew tribes, bands of religious zealots who went
up and down the country shouting and singing
excitedly about the glories of their god, Yahveh.
(Nowadays the ‘‘Holy Rollers” and evangelists
in our country carry on in very much the same way.)
Those zealots were called in Hebrew neviim, which
came to be translated ‘‘prophets,” although in
the beginning it may have meant no more than
‘“‘shouters.””? Most good Hebrew farmers probably
thought those ‘‘shouters” a little crazy, but never-
theless they stood in great awe of them. The
neviim were supposed to possess all sorts of magic
powers, and Samuel had great influence in the land
because he was recognized as the chief of them.
So it was a sorry day for Saul when he lost the old
priest’s friendship.
Nor was Samuel the only person whom the king an-
tagonized. A certain gifted young musician named
David had once been brought to cheer the king out of
one of his frightful spells of melancholy. The minstrel
succeeded, and so well that Saul asked him to remain
on in the camp. And later, when he discovered the
lad was as brave a soldier as he was a talented musi-
cian, Saul made him the royal armor-bearer.
But as the months passed, and this David’s prow-
ess as a soldier came to be talked of among the
people, Saul grew almost insanely jealous. Several
times in his rage he even attempted to take the
young man’s life.
So David had to flee from the court.
He fled to his own home in the south, in the land
’of Judah, and there he gathered his clansmen, and
set up in a cave as a robber chieftain. Saul and his
army pursued him, and after a series of flights
from one place to another, David was compelled
to take refuge finally with the Philistines. Of course,
the Philistines, still the bitter enemies of Saul, re-
ceived the outlaw with open arms. ‘They were de-
termined to wreak their vengeance on the man who
once had so utterly defeated them, and now they
thought the chance was theirs. By now Saul’s
insane temper had become very like a disease, and
it had robbed him of his bravest warriors. Many
of his old chieftains had deserted him, and those
fanatical Yahveh worshipers, the neviim, refused
any longer to rally the people to his support.
All hope and courage seeped out of the king’s
heart as he learned the Philistines were making
ready for a new attack. Even though he was se-
curely intrenched up on Mount Gilboa, Saul felt
himself beaten before the enemy came in sight.
And his troops, on seeing his despondency, also
lost all heart. Fiercely the Philistines attacked,
and the Hebrews crumbled under the blow. Desper-
ately Saul tried to hold his lines—but in vain. The
Hebrews flinched under the hail of arrows from the
Philistine archers. Their ranks wavered, broke;
and pellmell they fled before the enemy.
The rout was complete. The three sons of Saul
died fighting like lions, and the father, badly wounded,
took his own life to escape capture. The next day
the patrols of the Philistines, in their work of strip-
ping the bodies of the slain, came across the dead
king. They cut off his head and fastened the corpse
to the walls of the city of Bethshean. And there it
remained until certain Hebrews from the east side
of the Jordan, remembering how years earlier Saul
had delivered them from the Ammonite invaders,
went at the risk of their lives and rescued the mu-
tilated corpse. They brought it back to their own
village, and there reverently they buried it under
the village tree.
So ended the life of Saul, the first king of the
Hebrews. He had been a brave soldier and a loyal
follower of Yahveh—but unfortunately he had also
been just a bit unbalanced.
As soon as the news was brought to the outlaw,
David, that Saul was dead, he took his men and
marched quickly up into Judah to make himself
the new king. But only the southern tribes would
take part in his coronation. The northern tribes
had all along felt themselves different from those
in the south, and they now set up a king of their
own, a son of Saul named Ishbaal.*
The Philistines must have been highly satisfied
with this arrangement, for they knew that so long
as the Hebrews were divided, they were helpless
prey. But David knew that too, and immediately
he set himself the task of winning over the northern
tribes to his standard. Full eight years passed before
that task was accomplished, eight years of spying
and bribing, of flattery and bloodshed. But finally
David attained his end. Ishbaal was assassinated
by two of his captains, and young David—he was
still only thirty years of age—was for the second
time crowned king. And not two now, but all
twelve of the Hebrew tribes took part in the coro-
nation. :
No sooner was David re-crowned, however, than
*See how popular the Canaanite god, Baal, had become
among the Hebrews. Even the king’s son was named after him!
the Philistines became troublesome again. They had
had no fear of the young man so long as he was an
outlawed freebooter, or the leader of a few roving
clans; but now that he was king of all Israel, they
thought it well to snuff him out immediately. So
down marched a great army on him, and he was
forced to beat a retreat. But recklessly they pushed
on after him, and then of a sudden they discovered
themselves trapped. David had lured them into
a most unfavorable strategic position, and then
turned and attacked. Of a sudden he came
crashing back at them, and in utter bewilderment
they were forced to recoil. A second time his little
army struck them a smashing blow, routing them
completely. And then in terrible confusion the
Philistines fled back to their own lands.
David was too wise to repeat their mistake and
pursue his enemies. Instead he let them escape,
and addressed himself to making his own throne
completely safe. He realized that his first need
was a capital, but no city already in his possession
could possibly fill the need. Favoring one city
would certainly have aroused the jealously of all
the rest; establishing his throne within the land of
one tribe would immediately have brought him into
disfavor with all the others. There was anything
but a feeling of complete union among the Hebrew
clans, and the antagonism—especially between the
north and south—seemed ready to break out into
open dissension on the least provocation.
Early in the history of the United States a capital
had to be chosen, and it was found necessary, in
order to avoid all jealousies, to build an entirely
new city: Washington. That was a recurrence
in a measure of David’s experience, except that the
Hebrew king did not build a city—he and his people
were altogether too poor for that—but captured
In the midst of the kingdom lay a certain little
fortress which from the very beginning of the in-
vasion of Canaan had withstood all the attacks of
the Hebrews. It was called Jerusalem, which may
have meant ‘City of Peace,” or more probably
“City of Shalim,” a Canaanite god. It was built
high up on a spur, and for that reason was almost
unconquerable by ordinary methods of attack.
Only by climbing with his men up into the very
heart of the city through the huge stone water-
tunnel, was David able to get at its inhabitants
and force them to surrender. And this city, Jerusa-
lem, he made his capital.
With that matter attended to, David was now
free to turn on the ring of foes surrounding his
people. First he attacked the Philistines, marching
right through their lands and taking Gath, their chief
city. The Holy Ark of Yahveh which had been in
Philistine hands so many years, was at last retaken
and brought in triumph to the capital, Jerusalem.
And Yahveh was thus recognized officially and
formally as the god of the Hebrew Kingdom.
The Philistines quite thoroughly shown their
place, David next turned on the Moabites and
trampled them into harmlessness. (We are told
he slaughtered two out of every three men in all
the Moabite army!) Next the Ammonites were
assailed, and after they were decisively beaten in
battle, their soldiers were all condemned to captivity.
Then the Arameans, and a little later the Edomites,
and finally the Amalekites were all thoroughly
subdued. Only the Phoenicians on the north were
spared, for they had always been too busy as sea-
faring traders on the Mediterranean ever to trouble
the Hebrews.
David now felt in a position to devote himself
to internal affairs. First he undertook the task of
beautifying his capital, for his victorious wars had
filled his storehouses to overflowing with all manner
of precious booty. He had gold and silver and
brass and precious wood aplenty; also he had many
captives to slave in his labor-gangs as once his own
forefathers had slaved in the labor-gangs of the
Egyptians. All he lacked was a knowledge of what
and how to build. He and his people had always
been poor and struggling. Until very recently they
had lived in tents, and had eaten and slept and
worshiped like barbarians.
But now David wanted to bring a measure of
beauty and civilization into the life of his people.
He wanted to erect a great palace and a great temple,
and adorn them with all the treasures whereof he was
master. He wanted to show the world of his time—
and also his own followers—that he was no longer
a robber-chieftain but a rich and mighty monarch.
It was to the Phoenicians, of course, that he had to
turn for help. They were men of the world, great
travelers who were well acquainted with the monu-
ments and palaces of distant emperors and princes.
They claimed to know all about architecture and
decoration, and were glad to sell their services to
this newly-rich neighbor of theirs.
When David took hold of Jerusalem, it must have
been much like any other Canaanite town. From
end to end its length was probably that of ten of our
city blocks, and surrounding it was a tremendously
high wall of stone. Between two massive towers
projecting from this wall was a narrow entrance
closed by a wooden portcullis. This entrance was
paved with uneven cobblestones, and spread like
a fan into a maze of crooked little lanes running
all through the town. The houses were flat-roofed,
one-story huts of stone plastered with mud; and
there was no furniture inside them. The people ate
and slept on the ground, and the animals ate and
slept there with them. Horrid smells filled every
corner of the town, for of course there were no sewers
and no street-cleaning department. Nasty in-
sects buzzed around everywhere, for refuse rotted
in front of every house. Savage, half-starved dogs
prowled about, and here and there dirty little chil-
dren, naked save for the good-luck charms hung
around their necks, with bellies swollen from drink-
ing foul water, and faces covered with sores and
sears, played amid the filth or ran errands.
Such was the Jerusalem that became the capital
of David’s empire. There he establish his harem of
twenty or thirty wives—and right proud he must
have been of it, for in those days the might of a
monarch was largely judged by the size of his harem—
and there he served as high priest and chief justice
and king. There, too, his appetite grew and he
began to usurp more and more privileges and per-
quisites. He began to forget that he was king only
because his people had elected him to that office.
He began to make himself almost a tyrant, like the
kings of all the other peoples of the Orient. Once
he even stole away the wife of one of his soldiers,
and afterwards had the man killed to get him out of
his sight. His new-found glory went to his head,
and he grew lax in performing his duties as ruler.
The people in their turn grew restive and rebellious.
Absalom, one of David’s own sons, started a civil
war that almost swept the old man from his throne.
The whole country seethed with plots and con-
spiracies and rumors of revolution. Within the
capital there was constant whispering and spying,
for as the king aged, each of his many sons began
scheming to make himself the successor. The
unity among the tribes which David had managed
with such great effort to bring about, began rapidly
to break down again. And on all the borders the
’ defeated and subject foes watched with vengeful
eyes for their chance to regain their freedom.
And just then, when the new and hastily built em-
pire seemed about to topple down and be destroyed
forever, David, its builder died.
A romantic figure is this second king of Israel, a
man who could think quickly, fight courageously,
and love intensely. If he did not achieve more with
his tremendous talents, it was probably because to
his dying day he still retained the mind of—a
There had really been two different Davids on the
throne of Israel: first the attractive young chieftain
struggling to win peace and security for his people,
and later the slack old king desirous of nothing so
much as pleasure and power for himself. Had his
successor chosen to follow the first David, much of
the sad history I am about to relate might never have
occurred. As it was, however, the successor chose
rather to emulate the second David, and ill-fortune
had to follow.
The successor was David’s favorite son, Solomon,
and to this day he is usually spoken of as a person
of surpassing wisdom. Judged by his life and work,
however, the real Solomon was rather a person of
unrestrained cruelty, thoughtlessness, and _self-in-
dulgence. There is no gainsaying that he was
clever; he could coin smart proverbs and solve
riddles. Nevertheless he was far from wise, for
his rule in Israel brought little to his people save
idolatry, corruption, misery, and debt.
The whole trouble, of course, ‘was that Solomon
desired only to imitate the extravagant, loose-living
Oriental monarchs around him. His dream was to
make his reign magnificent and splendid in that
loud, garish, and despotic fashion toward which his
father had leaned in his latter days. But David
had been held back from going to extremes by his
fear of the neviim, or perhaps by an innate simplicity.
Try all he might, the robber-chieftain’s imitation
of a grand Oriental emperor could not be more than
a rather sorry and feeble failure. It took a man
born to the purple to show how far such imitation
could be carried.
One of the first things the young king decided on
having was a grand palace; and very soon tens of
thousands of slaves were at work, felling trees far
north in Lebanon, and quarrying limestone near
Jerusalem. Phoenicians were called in to serve as
architects, and to pay for their hire Solomon had to
provide their king annually with tremendous quan-
tities of grain and other food-stuffs. Throughout
the land there was a great bustle and turmoil and
confusion; in the fields, the forests, down in the
quarries, and up on the highroads, there was great
groaning because of the travail. Everywhere slaves
were writhing beneath the lash of Solomon’s task-
masters, and freemen were muttering because of the
demands of Solomon’s taxgatherers. But still the
work went on.
The subject peoples on the borders, seizing their
long-awaited chance, openly rebelled. The Edomites
broke away from the Hebrew empire and proclaimed
their independence; so did the Moabites and the
Arameans. And Solomon, who was anything but a
warrior, let them go. He realized their revolt meant
a great loss in revenue to him, but rather than
attempt to recapture them, he preferred to crush
his own people more severely. First he forced all
the Canaanites still living in Palestine into slavery;
later he compelled even the Hebrew freemen to
become his slaves for one month out of every three.
And from every field that was harvested and every
flock that was sheared, a rich portion was taxed
away to fill the coffers of the ambitious king.
At last, after many years, the palace was com-
pleted. It stood on a hill hard-by the old fortress
of Jerusalem, and no doubt it appeared a thing of
almost incredible magnificence to the simple Hebrews.
Of course, compared with the tremendous palaces
of the emperors of Egypt and Babylon and India,
this one of Solomon’s was a rather tiny and tawdry
affair. It had been designed by men who were not
artists but merely mechanics trying vainly to imi-
tate artists; and all the realms of the monarch who
built it, could have been tucked away in the narrow-
est corner of a really full-sized empire. But to those
children of a primitive desert-folk that had lived
in goatskin tents throughout its history, the palace
on Mount Moriah must have seemed the most won-
drous thing ever built by men.
The palace consisted of several buildings: an
armory, an assembly hall, a throne room or court
of justice, and a harem large enough to house the
king’s many hundreds of wives. There was also a
temple, a small building only one hundred feet
long by about thirty feet wide, in which the Ark
of Yahveh was housed. It is hardly possible that
this temple meant as much to Solomon as did the
palace, for he spent only half as much time building
it. Perhaps he looked on it more as a royal chapel
than anything else.
But as it happened, that temple, with the priests
it attracted, proved in after years to be the salvation
of Solomon’s dynasty; and during many centuries
the memory of it did more to perpetuate Israel on
earth than perhaps any other earthly thing. Un-
doubtedly that little temple, smaller by far than
any one of a hundred city synagogues in America
to-day, smaller even than many village churches
scattered in every corner of our world—that little
temple has proved infinitely the most significant
building ever erected by the hands of man.
Solomon lavished his people’s money on other
things also: roads for his chariots and horses, store-
depots, and fortresses. Once when he managed to
win the daughter of the mighty pharoah of Egypt
for one of his wives—she was a great ‘‘catch”’ for
Solomon!-—he built her a special villa on the highest
spot in the palace grounds. His expenses mounted
at a mad rate, and his people were ground down
until not another penny could be got out of them.
So the king took to ‘“‘trading,’’ which in those days
really meant piracy, and sent a fleet of ships to far
distant parts of his world in search of gold and silver.
Even then the income of the spendthrift king
could not keep pace with his outlay, and he had to
resort at last to borrowing. Hiram, the rich king
of the Phoenician city of Tyre, after lending him
millions and millions, finally grew frightened and
suddenly demanded his money back. Solomon,
of course, was completely out of cash, and all he
could do was to offer Hiram twenty of his cities.
Hiram accepted, but when later he came to look
at those cities, he found he had been cheated. They
were not worth nearly the amount of money he had
advanced to Solomon. But Hiram had in his day
himself done a tidy bit of cheating, and he did not
dare to make much of a fuss.
And so, by tyranny and oppression, by piracy
and fraud, Solomon managed to carry out his am-
bitious schemes. Perhaps he thought he was suc-
ceeding admirably in winning the respect of the
great nations roundabout. But a more ruinous
success it would have been difficult to imagine.
The many foreign princesses he took into his harem
brought with them their strange gods and priests.
Yahveh was no longer the sole god of Israel; even
his own temple on Mount Moriah he had to share
with the foreign idols. And the religious practices
most in favor throughout the land were low and
lewd and unclean. Poverty and distress stalked
everywhere among the people, and only dread of
the harshness of that petty tyrant on the throne
kept thousands of embittered Hebrews from leaping
to arms. The neviim went up and down the land
seeking to stir the people to rebellion, but only
once was there an uprising, and Solomon crushed
that in an instant.
Wild Hebrew Shepherds
Where they wander many years
Invasion of S
Where RAN, gate
with the “native iribes
Hebrews feght 43 separate tribes
SAMSON, etc. )
They unite al last undera King
They attain imperial power
SOLOMON They beyin to lose their power
Division of the Hingdom
Chart A. The Adventures of the Jews, Part I
And thus in peace Solomon ruled and reveled,
and in peace Solomon died. But it was peace more
terrible by far than war. A thousand fierce hatreds
were pent up in the people, a thousand hatreds
ready at the first chance to break loose and blow
to fragments all that so long had smothered them.
It was peace, yes—but only the peace ever nearer
the breaking-point of war. And such was the reign
of the third king in Israel, the reign of that brilliant
fool whose name was Solomon.
Revolution followed almost immediately. The
northern tribes sent to ask the new king what policy
he intended to pursue, and when the silly youth
boasted that he would rule with even greater despot-
ism than his father, the tribesmen murdered his
overseer and declared their independence. They
cut themselves loose from the south and took for
their king the heroic man who had led that one
attempt at revolution during Solomon’s reign.
And from then on for many years there were two
kings and two kingdoms in Palestine. There was
Israel on the north, and Judah on the south; and
rare indeed were the periods when they were not
at each other’s throats.
The division was not an even one, for the terri-
tory of Israel was three times as large as that of
Judah. More than that, it contained many rich
valleys and highroads, while the southern kingdom
was rocky, dry, and cut off from everything save
the raids of the desert savages. But the division,
uneven as it may have been, was largely a natural
one. The people of Israel inhabited a region so
different from that of the people of Judah that their
whole thought and life were different. The nor-
therners were farmers or traders, and contact with
alien peoples and customs had influenced them enor-
mously. The southerners, on the other hand, were
shepherds, and in many respects were still very
like their ancestors who had roamed about in the
desert. Their worship of Yahveh had changed less
and been less corrupted than the worship in the
north; and their respect for those queer neviim was
But different as were the two kingdoms, their
histories for over two hundred years were very
similar. Like all the other little nations of the
East, they spent much of their time anointing and
assassinating their kings. Nadab, the second king
of Israel, reigned one year and was murdered by
his successor, Baasha; Baasha’s successor reigned
one year and was murdered by Zimri; Zimri reigned
seven days and was driven to suicide by Omri. .
And so it went on. Queen Athaliah of Judah seized
the throne and murdered her own grandchildren in
order to make her throne firm. But she in turn was
soon murdered—as was her successor, Joash, and
his successor, Amaziah. .. . Periods of peace and
prosperity did occur—but they were rare and never
lasted long. When the two kingdoms were not
fighting their common enemies, they were insanely
fighting each other.
And thus, quarreling, fighting, growing rich and
corrupt, or poor and desolate, intriguing with one
enemy to attack another and usually falling prey
to both, the two little Hebrew kingdoms went down
to their doom. Even had they been united they
might not have been able to withstand the enemies
roundabout; but divided as they were, they had not
even a trace of a chance.
Palestine was the victim of almost incessant in-
vasion, because it was a frail bridge between two
continents, Asia and Africa. It was a tiny land,
and so far as natural resources went, hardly worth
conquering at all. But strategically, it was of the
very highest importance. Every great empire
builder and every ambitious trading king, had to
thunder across it on his way east or west. And
every great empire builder, and every ambitious
trading king, did thunder across it at one time or
another. |
Living there in peace was as impossible as picnick-
ing in peace in the middle of a crowded highway.
Egypt was the first to take advantage of the civil
war in the little land, and soon after the division
both North and South had to agree to recognize
the overlordship of the Egyptian empire. Then
came the Aramean suzerainty. Next, Assyria, the
ancient empire at the other end of the Fertile Cres-
cent, began to grow restive after its sleep of a cen-
tury. Slowly it began to stretch and feel its strength,
reaching out again and again to make a half-hearted
clutch at Palestine. And finally, after a hundred
and fifty years of such clumsy attempts, she came
hurtling down on the land in earnest.
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Israel was the first to go under. The king of
Assyria, tired of the constant rebelliousness of the
Hebrews, marched across its boundaries and laid
siege to Samaria, the capital of the Northern King-
dom. The Israelites refused to surrender for three
long and ghastly years. The Assyrian king died and
his son succeeded him. But still the siege was con-
tinued. And at last, in the year 722 B. c., Samaria
fell and the kingdom of which it was the capital
was crushed never to rise again. All the wealthy
and the learned, twenty-seven thousand of the best
spirits in the ten northern tribes, were carried off
into captivity. They were distributed throughout
Assyria, and there gradually their identity was lost
as they became inextricably mixed with the people
around them.
To this day we still speak of them as the Lost
Ten Tribes, as though those thousands marched
off as one man and then lost themselves in the heart
of some far romantic land. Many an explorer com-
ing across some strange people in Central America
or Greenland or Tibet, has rushed forth to declare
that the Lost Ten Tribes have been found again.
But no explorer ever really found them, and no
explorer ever will. Those tribes did not wander
off together to any distant land, but simply dwin-
dled out of existence right where they were set
down by the Assyrians. Some few of them may
indeed have gone off to the far ends of the earth
on trading expeditions, and thus founded the little
colonies we hear of in Abyssinia and China. And
many of them must have joined and become mingled
with the other two tribes of Hebrews. But it is
quite clear that most of the exiled Israelites simply
merged with the races dwelling in Assyria and
Medea, and there faded out of history’s picture.
And so ended the Northern Kingdom.
The Southern Kingdom, Judah, was spared for
a while. By diplomacy and intrigue, by submission
and bribery, it managed to drag out some extra
days of life. But hardly a generation after the fall
of Israel, Judah’s territory had so shrunk that the
Assyrians spoke of the kingdom as a mere “‘city.”
Gone was all the glory of David, and in the dust
was all the pomp of Solomon. Judah, like a dor-
mouse in a cage of fighting lions, was trampled on
no matter who else won or lost. Assyria went down
to destruction, but immediately Egypt laid its paw
on Palestine. When Egypt was overthrown, Baby-
lon began clawing the little land.
And then suddenly, in 597 B. c., Judah came to
an end. Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, angered
by an attempt at rebellion on the part of Judah,
came and laid siege to Jerusalem. After he had
emptied its treasury, and despoiled its Temple, he
wrecked the city utterly. All the better citizens,
the men of influence and the soldiers and the crafts-
men, were taken captive to Babylon. Only the
ne’er-do-wells and the shiftless were left to take
over the affairs of the city, a sorry lot of uneducated
and incompetent varlets.
For a while there was quiet in the land of Judah,
but as the years passed and passion for freedom
began to go to their heads, even this riffraff tried
to rebel again. Down hastened Nebuchadnezzar
in another great fury, and once more the dread bat-
tering-rams were to be heard thundering against the
northern wall of Jerusalem. A whole year and a
half the rams pounded away before a breach could
be made—they were mighty walls around Jerusalem
in those days—and then in poured the raging enemy.
The wretched king of Judah was forced to look on
while his sons were slaughtered in cold blood; and
then his own eyes were gouged out. Seventy of the
leaders were executed, and almost the entire pop-
ulation of Jerusalem was taken captive to Babylon.
And so ended the Kingdom of Judah.
Almost five centuries had passed from the time the
Hebrew invaders of Canaan took unto themselves a
king, five centuries of war and intrigue, of tyranny
and corruption, of conquest and defeat. They were
not at all unlike the centuries through which all
the other little Oriental kingdoms had lived—except
in one respect. The Philistines and Edomites, the
Pheenicians and Moabites, had all of them experi-
enced much the same run of life and met the same
But when those other peoples died, they died for-
ever; the Hebrews alone lived on after death. Those
other nations, great and small, are no more than
names to us now; but the sons of the ancient He-
brews form to this day a mighty people on earth.
There was a reason for this.
3 .
During all those five centuries in the history of
the Hebrews, a spirit was sprouting and flourishing
that was almost completely unknown to the peoples
roundabout. That one thing made those five cen-
turies in Palestine among the most extraordinary
in all human history. Outwardly the Hebrews went
the way of all the other nations, but inwardly they
went a way which even to this day we cannot quite
understand or explain.
And of that strange inward way I shall now have
to tell at some length.
The one element in those five centuries of Hebrew
kingship which really makes their history worth
telling, is the presence of the neviim, the “‘prophets.”’
No one quite like the ancient Hebrew prophet
had ever before appeared among men. He was a
new type in human society, a strange creature whose
coming marked a revolution in the history of all
In very early times the ‘“‘prophet”’ was apt to be
a somewhat half-crazed man, perhaps an epileptic,
who because of his queer actions was believed by
the people to be a wonder-worker. The primitive
Hebrews used to go to him whenever they were in
trouble, for they imagined they could learn from him
the mind of the god they worshiped. He was fortune-
teller, medicine-man, and priest all in one. He
would be consulted when a tribe thought of going
to battle, for he was supposed to be able to foretell
who would win. When the boy Saul was sent to
find his father’s asses, he went to the prophet-priest,
Samuel, to learn where they had strayed.
As we have already seen, in the time of Samuel
whole bands or guilds of these neviim began to
appear. They went up and down the land clad in
rough goatskins, and danced madly while they
shouted out the might of their god, Yahveh. They
loathed the Baalim of the Canaanites, and their whole
aim seems to have been to keep the Hebrews true to
that covenant which their fathers had once made at
the Holy Mountain in the Wilderness. The fact
that the Hebrews did not become Canaanites and
lose their identity very soon after they reéntered the
Fertile Crescent, was due largely to these roving
agitators. They were frenzied patriots who were
constantly reminding the people that they belonged
to Yahveh, not to Baal.
As time went on, however, these neviim began
to change altogether in their character and func-
tion. When Solomon built the temple and a
horde of fussy, bustling priests began to minis-
ter there, the true prophets took very little part
in the services. So long as the Yahveh was wor-
shiped in a tent in the field, or on a rough stone
altar in the forest, the prophets were willing enough
to perform the work of priests. But they were too
wild and foot-loose a set of men to mess about for
long within the four walls of what they might have
described as a stuffy little ornamented temple.
They liked to meet their god in the open, where the
wind was sharp and all heaven was the roof above
their heads. They did not take to the new-fangled
ways which the Hebrews had learned from the city-
dwelling people around them. They cried out
constantly for a return to the stern, simple life of the
desert nomad. Constantly, they clamored for a
revival of the ‘‘old-time religion.”
They were a courageous lot, those neviim. They
were not afraid even of the king. When David
grew drunk with power and stole another man’s
wife, the prophet Nathan went to the king and told
him to his face he was an accursed criminal.
It was a prophet, Ahijah, who stirred up the one
attempt at revolution when Solomon was on the
And when Ahab, king of Israel, married an ambi-
tious Phoenician princess named Jezebel, it was a
prophet, Elijah, who alone kept her from ruining her
husband’s race. Jezebel sought to make Israel
another Phoenicia, a land where vile practices and
child-burning formed part of the worship of Baal
Melkarth, and where the king was an unrestrained
despot. Again and again, Elijah, a wild man with
uncut hair and only a sheep-pelt to cover his naked-
ness, rushed out of the wilderness to decry her wicked-
ness and that of the king. He was called the ‘‘troubler
in Israel’”’—but it was desperately necessary trouble
that he made. His whole career was one impas-
sioned protest against the corruption, the luxury,
and the vice which were engulfing the land. He
championed the cause of justice against tyranny,
of the common man against the king; and the spark
of discontent he put into the people flared up a
generation later in a terrible and bloody revolution.
It was probably the neviim, too, who set down in
writing the first history of the Hebrew people, and
thus laid the foundation of that monument of litera-
ture which we call the Bible. Some time in the
ninth century B. c. a group of writers in Judah
gathered together many of the old songs and tales
current among the people, and tried to arrange them
so that they would tell a connected story. The aim
of these writers was to prove that Yahveh, and Yah-
veh alone, had protected the Hebrews from the
beginning, and that he would continue to protect
them if they but kept his commandments.
Fragments of that ancient history are to be found
scattered through the first four books of the Bible,
and scholars after much travail have succeeded in
piecing them together. The resulting document re-
veals most strikingly just what the ancient Hebrews
thought of Yahveh: how he seemed to them a being
who walked and talked with man, and who came —
down to earth every now and again to see for him-
self just what was going on here. After all, those
ancient Hebrews were still a primitive people;
even their prophets were primitive. And _ their
ideas of a god could not but be primitive also. Yah-
veh to them was a god of war, a fiercely jealous
and tyrannical Lord of Hosts. Yet for all that,
this document of theirs registers a real advance in
human thinking. Yahveh is still a dread spirit
who greatly hungers for sacrifices and burnt-offer-
ings, but amazingly, he begins to show an interest in
something else as well—in morality. He commands
his worshipers not alone to bring him fatlings and
first fruits, but also to be hospitable to the stranger,
to be faithful to one’s human master, to respect the
marriage relation.
Of course, this most ancient Hebrew document
contains many half-savage doctrines. Because it
was broken up and scattered here and there through-
out the Pentateuch, it serves to lower the tone of
much of the Old Testament. But when one re-
members how far more horrible were the doctrines of
the other peoples of the world in the ninth century
B. C., one realizes that this ‘‘Yahvist”’ history is
after all a most significant work. It marks a genuine
effort to drag man out of the bog of savagery in
which he had floundered for centuries. . . .
It was only one of the first of such efforts in the
life of the Hebrew people, and was quickly followed
by a second. Another history was compiled a
generation or two later, this time by the prophets of
the north, of the Kingdom of Israel. And it differed
in many striking ways from the earlier document
drawn up in the south. Its description of Yahveh
was less childlike, and its moral ideas were less
crude. Its code of commandments was more elabo-
rate and more humane.* Every seventh day was
to be given to the servants and the beasts of burden
as a holiday, and the crops every seventh year left
for the poor to harvest. It even commanded that
kindness be shown to one’s enemy!
Of course, it is hardly credible that the thinking
of the masses in Israel and Judah was mirrored in
this second history. Or even in the first. Both
* The law code belonging to the first, the “Yahvist,”’ history
is to be found in Exodus xxxiv. That of the second, the
“Flohist,”’ (called so because in it the deity is known by the
name of El, or Elohim) is to be found in Exodus xx, 22, to
Xxili, 19.
documents must have been esteemed wildly radical
by the ordinary people of the day. And naturally
so—for both documents were the work of those
superb radicals, the neviim.
But not until the eighth century, with the coming
of Amos, do we see the neviim at what is almost
their highest. Now there is no longer any telling
of tales in order to win over the people, nor any
resort to tawdry miracles or fortune-telling in order
to awe them. The prophet is now neither a magi-
cian nor a medium, but simply a preacher who sees
the evil that is abroad in the land, and dares to
arise and denounce it openly in the name of god.
His tremendous earnestness alone is relied on to
win him a hearing. If he prophesies at all in his talk
of the future, he refers usually to the zmmediate fu-
ture. His keen insight into the life of his time tells
him what must soon happen. If he ever ventures
to speak of the distant future, he is evidently giving
utterance to a hope, a glowing dream, rather than
to a cold and reasoned conviction.
Amos is one of the most dramatic figures in all
this story of a most dramatic people. He was a simple
sheep-herder and lumberjack from Judah who was
driven by some quite unexplainable urge to go north
into Israel and denounce it for its sins. His sermons
form a little book in the Bible, and to this day they
are among the eternal wonders of literature. For
simplicity, for power, for beauty of word they are
altogether amazing. How any humble laborer was
ever able to conceive them, or ever made the resolve
or mustered the courage to utter them, must ever
remain to us a bewildering mystery.
Israel just at that time was enjoying its last
gay flare before the endless night of its destruction.
The Arameans had been defeated, and the Assyrians
were still only half awake. The land was flush
with sudden prosperity, and evil was rampant
everywhere. A few rich and powerful nobles
and landowners were grinding the poor into the
dust, thinking to atone for all their misdeeds by
bringing fat offerings to the altars of Yahveh. At
the high festivals these wealthy ones gathered in
their temples amid great hilarity and drunkenness
to rejoice in their good fortune. It seemed to them
that Yahveh was pleased with them at last, for
not in centuries had there been so much spoil in
the land. They thought that they were living in
‘‘God’s country,’ and that ill-fortune could not
possibly touch them.
And at one of those riotous festivals in the bediz-
ened temple at Beth-El, while the rich Israelites
were carousing and dancing around the altar, sud-
denly a strange voice was heard rising above the
din. It was the voice of an ill-clad, wild-eyed peas-
ant who somehow had forced his way into the
sanctuary and was now drowning out the festive
songs with a piercing cry of lamentation. He was
singing a funeral dirge!
“Fallen is the virgin which is Israel,
Nevermore shall she rise;
Forsaken is she upon her land,
There is none to raise her up.”
Thus did the stranger ery mournfully in the midst
of the merriment. And then in a voice terrible to
hear he began to denounce the drunken throng.
Death was almost on them! All Israel was about
to be destroyed! None: would escape, for Yahveh,
the God of Justice, would mete out ruthless justice
to the wayward people. Even as he had wiped out
other nations for their sins, so also would he wipe
out Israel. He would not be lenient simply because
he had once chosen the Hebrews for his own.
Rather he would punish them the more. Sacrifices
by the thousand could not stay the judgment,
neither would festive offerings by the myriad bribe
the judge.
“‘T hate, I despise your feasts; and I will take no
delight in your sacred assemblies,” cried the ragged
stranger in the name of Yahveh. ‘‘Even though
you offer me your burnt-offerings and grain offerings,
I will not accept them; neither will I regard the
peace-offerings of your fat beasts. Take away from
me the noise of your songs; for I will not hearken
to the melody of your viols. BUT LET JUSTICE ROLL
So there was no escape, for in Israel there was
corruption, not justice, and evil, not righteousness.
The rich lolled on couches of ivory, smearing them-
selves with precious perfumes and cosmetics, and
drinking costly wines. They were lewd and low and
rotten to the heart. They cheated and robbed and
enslaved the poor. So ‘Prepare to meet thy God,
O Israel!” the prophet cried to them with awful
voice. A fearsome enemy would sweep down on
the land, conquering and destroying, plundering
and burning. The rich and the mighty of the nation
would all be taken captive to a far place, and the
women would there be put to shame and the children
would be cut down. ‘‘Woe, for the end of my
people, Israel, is at hand. I can no longer forgive.”
Thus did Amos, that simple sheep-herder and
lumberjack from Judah, dare to address the drunken
lords and ladies in their temple at Beth-El.
But they would not harken.
And forty years later, Assyria came ravaging,
through the land, and Israel was utterly destroyed!
The words of Amos had come true. . .
Amos was but one of that grand array of prophets
whose life-work imparts the richest color to the
history of the Hebrew people. Sixteen whom we
know by name have their words preserved in our
Bible, but there must have been scores of others
whose utterances were written down and lost, or
were never written down at all. Were there but
space, I would write at length of all those whom we
know, for even the least of them played a dramatic
part in our story. Altogether there were forty
kings who sat on the thrones of Israel and Judah,
yet hardly even the mightiest of them so deserves
to be remembered as does the humblest of these
heroic preachers.
Every nation of old had its kings and priests—
but perhaps only the Hebrews had such prophets.
Some twenty-five years after the coming of Amos,
there suddenly appeared in Israel another prophet,
one named Hosea. He was a gentle, cultured man,
however, and the burthen of his preaching was far
less bitter to the taste than that of Amos. He too
could see the certainty of Israel’s doom if it per-
sisted in its evil course; but with it he could see the
possibility of repentance and forgiveness. For to
this prophet Yahveh was not only a God of Justice,
but also a God of Love! .. .
And by the utterance of that thought, Hosea
blazed the path for all high religious thinking from
then on. Yahveh, who had been a cruel, capricious
despot to the bedraggled wanderer in the wilderness,
and a jealous little tribal deity to Elijah, and al-
together a stern, ruthless, avenging Judge to Amos—
this Yahveh became wondrously changed into a Lov-
ing Father and a God of Mercy to Hosea!
The span from the Yahveh of the nomad to the
Yahveh of Hosea is the whole distance between
barbarism and civilization. .. .
Very probably the people who heard Hosea,
laughed at him. It is easy to picture him as a mild
little man who had a way of mumbling to himself.
Ordinary people probably called him queer, and a
bit ‘‘cracked.” They could not understand what
he meant. Even eight hundred years later, when
another Jewish prophet gave utterance to just such
thoughts as did Hosea, the people still could not
understand. And that other prophet they crucified.
Even to-day, twenty-six hundred years later,
there are still exceeding few who understand.
Hosea was the last to preach in Israel, for in a
little while that kingdom was destroyed. The next
prophet, Isaiah, belonged to Judah—or perhaps it
might be truer to say that Judah belonged to him.
For he it was who saved his land from being engulfed
soon after the disappearance of Israel. It was his
statesmanship, his hawk-like watch over Judah’s
movements as it scurried about between the feet
of the lions, that made all the rest of this story pos-
sible. For had Judah gone down with Israel, then not
ten but all twelve tribes would have perished. And
our story would have ended with this paragraph.
Isaiah’s sermons constitute most of the first
thirty-nine chapters of the book that goes by his
name; and for splendor of language they are perhaps
unsurpassed in all the rest of the Bible. But to-day
they somehow have less meaning for us than, for
instance, the sermons of Hosea.
The trouble is that Isaiah’s great interest in the
political life of his little native country, his tremen-
dous excitement about its material future, rather
shortened his vision. He was perhaps too narrowly
a patriot. Yahveh to him was still the god who
ruled solely for the benefit of the Hebrews.
And Isaiah was an aristocrat. His greatest in-
fluence lay with kings and princes. He preached
brilliantly, learnedly—but it is hardly possible
that the plain people ever understood much of what
‘he said. Not he, but another prophet, Micah, made
the simple folk understand. Micah was one of them
himself, for he came from a tiny village on the
border of Judah. In that, and in the bitterness
of his preaching, he was very like Amos, the sheep-
herder. He was the voice of the outraged masses,
the flaming protestant against the wickedness of
the rich and the hypocrisy of the priestly.
There was little originality in what Micah said,
but there was genius in the way he said it. His
ideas he got from all the prophets before him, and es-
pecially from Isaiah whom he may have known well;
but he clothed those ideas with a simplicity and a
charm that were altogether his own. For instance,
see with what perfection he sums up the teachings
of Amos, Hosea, and Isaiah, in the one verse:
“Tt hath been shown thee, O man, what is good,
And what Yahveh doth demand of thee:
Only to do justice and to love mercy
And to walk humbly with thy God.”
Micah put things so that they could not but be
understood and remembered. To this day men
read with awe and wonder the words of that lowly
champion of the oppressed in ancient Judah.
And with his searing eloquence Micah touched
off a mighty train of reform. ‘The temple in Jeru-
salem, which had long been given over to the filth
of idolatry, was cleansed and rededicated to the
service of Yahveh alone. Sig “Re
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That was the end of Jeremiah, a true Man of God.
In his own day he was despised and loathed as the
betrayer of his people; but we who now look back on
his deeds and re-read his words know him to have
been their only savior.
Most of the ten tribes of Israel deported by the
Assyrians, probably merged in the course of time
with the strange races in the lands of their exile;
and their existence as a people ended forever.
One hundred and fifty years later, the two little
tribes of Judah were deported by the Babylonians,
but they, far from merging, became even more dis-
tinctively a separate people—and lived. And that
seems to have been altogether due to the prophets
of Judah who had preached and been persecuted
for their preaching. In those one hundred and fifty
years preceding the exile, they had managed to
breathe into the tiny people of Judah a spirit which,
unlike high walls and mighty fortresses, could never
be burnt down or destroyed.
It is important to realize just how tiny a people
this was, for then the miracle of its survival be-
comes even more impressive. After the catastrophe
that occurred in 586, the tribes of Judah were torn
apart into three main fragments. First, there was
a dispirited remnant left behind in Palestine—poor,
benighted peasants who were harried constantly by
wild tribes from the desert. Then there were the
fugitives who had congregated in scattered settle-
ments in Egypt. Finally there was the community
of exiles in Babylon. But all three groups together
probably would not have sufficed to people an ordi-
nary fair-sized American city lke Paterson, New
Jersey, or Des Moines, Iowa. Their total number
could not have been much more than a hundred
and twenty-five or a hundred and fifty thousand—
about half as many Jews as there are to-day in
Chicago alone.
And yet that little nation, dispersed over all the
Orient, tossed about in the welter of empires like
a cork in a furious whirlpool, managed to live on
and come out triumphant! |
The story of that survival is largely the story of
the handful that was dragged off to Babylon. And
not even of all that handful, for many of them de-
serted and took to the gods of the conquerors. Baby-
lon was a mighty city whose outer wall was fifty
miles in length, and so thick that four chariots
could drive on it abreast. In it were mighty temples
adorned with jewels and precious metals, and vast
palaces brilliant with colored bricks and tiles. High
almost to the heavens reached the towers and gar-
den terraces; broad to the very horizon stretched
its parks and meadow lands.
To the bedraggled Judeans, destitute wanderers
from a backward little hill-country, the sight of all
the magnificence of Babylonia must have been
overwhelming. What was Judah compared with
this? And who was the defeated Yahveh compared
with the gods of such a land? How could one still
believe Jerusalem the Holy City, or still worship
Yahveh as the mightiest of the gods? No, Babylon
—that was the true Zion! And Bel, the sun god—
he was the real Lord of Hosts!
So must many of the exiles have decided in their
despair. And as swiftly as that decision spread,
so swiftly did their old Yahveh die, and their old
religion perish.
But in that same hour a new Yahveh—the One
and Only Master of the Universe whom Jeremiah had
championed—He came into His own. Yahvism, the
old religion of the wild desert nomads who once
had taken Canaan and then had been driven out
again—that was no more. But now Judaism, a new
religion, was born.
For not all the exiles were swept off their feet
by the grandeur of Babylon and its gods. The
majority went the way of all majorities, but an
heroic minority stood its ground and refused to be
stampeded. That minority turned now not to the
living priests of Babylonia, but to the dead prophets
of Judah.
And out of the teachings of those dead prophets
the minority fashioned the newer and nobler faith.
There was prosperity and comfort for most of
the exiles in their new home. They were untroubled
by their conquerors, and allowed to manage their
private affairs as they pleased. Opportunities
aplenty were given to those who desired wealth and
station, for King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia—
who not undeservedly was called the Great—put
no cbstacle in their way. All he had wanted to do
was to destroy the Kingdom of Judah, for its exist-
ence had made his hold on Palestine a highly un-
certain one. And he needed Palestine desperately,
for it was the bridge between his empire and the rest
of the world. Now, however, that he held it se-
curely, he wished the defeated and exiled men of
Judah all the good in the world. And rapidly many
of them began to get it. ...
But always there were the few who could not be
at ease in the strange land. Bread for their bellies
meant nothing to them; they wanted food for their
souls. So they sat by the waters of Babylon and
wept. (They were indeed a strange people!) They
hated the new land for it was not their own.
It was “unclean” to them. And longingly they
thought only of the little blue hills whence they had
been taken. In their minds those hills became
ineffably lovely, and the men who once trod them
seemed immeasurably great. Like beggars around
a fire, the exiles warmed their hearts with tales of
past glories, with glowing stories which they elab-
orated about Moses, and David, and Solomon.
And for fear those stories—which to them seemed
utterly true—might be forgotten in this foreign
land, these homeless souls wrote them down on
parchment scrolls. The two primitive histories
written three hundred years earlier, the ‘‘ Yahvist”’
and ‘‘Elohist’”’ codes, were out of date. A crop of
new legends had sprung up, and new interpretations
of the old legends, and these were all set down in
writing during the exile in Babylonia. All the
stories in existence about their ancestors were writ-
ten on scrolls by Hebrew scribes. They patched
together the ancient traditions that had come down
to them on old worn scraps of parchment or by
word of mouth. And of them they made a new
That new history simply had to be written not
only for its own sake but also to keep the weak
among the exiles from drifting utterly away. Some
reason had to be given why Yahveh’s people had
been crushed; and the only good reason was the old
prophetic one that the people had been crushed
because of their sins. Yahveh had not been de-
feated when Israel and Judah were destroyed. Of
course not! On the contrary, it was Yahveh Him-
self who had brought about the destruction of His
people to punish them for their idolatrous ways!
Yahveh could not have been vanquished by other
gods, for there were no other gods to vanquish Him.
He alone was Lord of Heaven and all the Earth!
He alone was God!
And it was to establish this belief that the unhappy
souls in exile wrote the new history.
But the history was not the only work of the
‘“‘seribes’”’ among the exiles. They not only gath-
ered together all the memories of their past; they
also began to prepare for the future. Never for a
moment would they admit they had reached the
end of their story. No, their story was but begin-
ning, they believed; for in a little while God would
of course take pity on them once more and restore
them to their own land. And then unheard-of
glories would be theirs, they told themselves. No
more would there be wicked kings to bring idolatrous
princesses into the land, for God’s ‘‘ Anointed One”’
would Himself then be King. The Temple would
be rebuilt and unnumbered priests would minister
at its altars. In that day, joy and peace would
reign throughout the land, and all would be well
with God’s children on earth forever!
It is curious to see how the dreams of the prophets
and the hard sense of the priests are commingled
in the air castles those exiles built. Perhaps it was
because one of the leaders among the exiles was a
prophet who happened to be the son of a priest.
His name was Ezekiel, and like every other ancient
prophet, exalted moments came to him when he
seemed face to face with God. He had strange
visions and afterward in frenzied words he told the
people what he had seen. Like every other ancient
prophet, he was what we call a mystic.
But with all his visions and almost insane enthu-
siasm, he was also a shrewd thinker. He knew the
importance of organization, and many of the laws
that were already being prepared for the future,
were directly inspired by him. And those laws were
altogether the laws of a priest.
It is not easy for us to feel any fondness for
priests or priestly ways. Much easier is it to favor
the prophets, who were in those days as leaven in
the bread of life. But the fact is clear that leaven
without grist would have made sorry bread indeed—
and grist then was the gift of the priest. He was the
organizer and the preserver; he was the man who
saw to things and ran them. That is why Ezekiel
must be counted one of the most important figures
i oe
in this whole long story. His influence on the future
of his people proved tremendous.
For the children of those exiles did not outlive
Ezekiel’s priestly ideas for at least four hundred
years. Indeed, many have not outlived them to
this day.
But long before those ideas could be put into
effect, Ezekiel died and was buried. Then for a
generation no prophet arose to take the vacant
place in the little community. Many of the exiles
grew rich and powerful at the court of Babylon,
and forgot altogether the humble land whence they
had come. And the rest plodded along in aching
homesickness. They could not sacrifice to God,
for sacrifice in Babylon would have been a violation
of the Deuteronomic Code of Laws revealed to them
fifty years before. Jerusalem was still considered
the only proper place for sacrifice.
The best they could do was to devote one day of
the week, the Sabbath, to undivided thought of their
God. Perhaps they prayed and fasted on that day
in little synagogues (the word really means ‘‘meet-
ing-houses’”’), standing always with their faces turned
yearningly toward Jerusalem. And piteously they
begged there for the coming of the day of their re-
And at last that day seemed about to dawn. A
new empire was arising in the East, the empire of
Cyrus, a mighty Persian conqueror. Babylonia
seemed certain to fall, for King Nebuchadnezzar
was long dead and a weakling sat on the throne.
Feverish whispering went on in the little settlement
of the exiles, and then loud and heroic agitation.
A great prophet arose, a man whose name we do
not even know, but whose wondrous orations form
the latter part of the Book of Isaiah. (That is why
modern scholars usually speak of him as Deutero-
Isaiah, which means the Second Isaiah.) In the
mind of this Great Unknown, it seemed evident
that Cyrus was the ‘‘Anointed of God,” a con-
queror divinely chosen to crush Babylonia and set
the Judeans free.
So this herald went about in the market places
and bazaars of the homesick exiles and cried, ‘‘Be
comforted, ye people, be comforted!’ The great
day of deliverance was at hand, he assured them.
Judah was about to be restored once more. But
not as a pampered nation, sipping sweet favors from
the fountain of God’s grace. The Chosen People of
God had a harder life than that in store for them.
They were to be a light unto the heathen, suffering
servants whose duty it was to bring the knowledge of
God to all the nations of the earth! ...
Perhaps our psychologists would call that idea
a “‘compensation for an inferiority complex.’ The
people among whom the Hebrews lived, talked con-
stantly of their world conquests; and though the
Hebrews themselves were only a handful of humil-
iated outcasts, they too wanted to talk in that way.
They too wanted to feel the pride and self-respect
felt by conquerors. But they knew only too well
how feeble was their military strength, so they had
She ly g
to think up some new way of conquering. And that
new way was of course the way of the spirit. The
other nations might have chariots and battering
rams, but they, the Hebrews—so they now told
themselves—alone had Right.
Just what Right was, they hardly stopped to de-
fine—except perhaps that it meant the favor of the
God who commanded fair play to equals and mercy
to the weak. But whatever it was, they believed,
that by the grace of the God of Heaven and Earth,
they had it—and with it they believed they would
conquer. With it Babylonia would be humbled
and they themselves would be released. And with
it some day they would be triumphant in all the
earth: their spirit, their. ideals, their God, would
reign supreme. Jerusalem would become the center
of the world, and the Temple would become a house
of prayer for all the nations. They, the Jews, who
were now scattered and broken, who were being
spat upon and laughed at, they in the end would be
the mightest conquerors of all!
And in 588 B. c. Cyrus of Persia captured Babylon
and set the exiles free. They were free now to con-
quer the world—with Right.
The glorious conquest began most ingloriously.
Of all the exiles in Babylon only a very few took
advantage of Cyrus’s decree. The rest found it too
hard to tear themselves away from the shops and
homes they had established in the ‘‘unclean’’ land,
and remained behind. Perhaps some of them even
resented the decree, considering it a reflection on
their Babylonian citizenship. They refused to think
of themselves any more as Judeans; their boast was
that they were ‘‘one hundred per cent’”’ Babylonians.
Even most of those who still longed for the home-
land, those who admitted freely that they felt them-
selves spiritual strangers in Babylonia—even they did
not stir. Instead they gave money—and of course
much free moral encouragement—to the few daring
souls who did make ready to go back.
They were daring souls indeed. To get back to
the old homeland they had to journey three months
across the desert. And when they got back, only
shambles greeted their gaze. Disappointments and
hardships followed on each other’s heels from the
very start. Jerusalem was a heap of ruins, and the
fields roundabout were choked with wild growths
and weeds. Houses had to be put up and cisterns
dug; the fields had to be cleared and tilled.
gee ay SS i\ q
When They Came Home
There was no time to dream great dreams or build
glittering castles in the air. A rough stone altar was
‘set up on Mount Moriah—and that was all. They
who had fondly hoped to build a house of prayer for
all the peoples on earth, were too busy trying to keep
alive to make a house of prayer even for themselves.
Seventeen years they struggled along in that
fashion, and then almost all the zeal and idealism
they had brought with them from Babylonia seeped
out of their wearied souls. They were discouraged
and miserable. Perhaps they cursed the day they
had ever left the prosperous lands of their exile.
And then once more the prophets reappeared. One
was an aged man named Haggai, who had played
in the streets of the old Jerusalem in his childhood.
He preached in simple homely words, and with a
fervor that recalls the preaching of Micah. The
other was a young man named Zachariah who had
been born in Babylonia and who cast his prophecies
in a new and rather artificial pattern. But though
so different in character and style, these two men
were altogether at one in their thought. A bitter
famine was sweeping across the land, and to both
Haggai and Zachariah it seemed that it had been
sent as a divine punishment. They believed it had
come because the people had neglected God’s Temple.
For themselves the people had provided stout houses,
but for God they had built naught save a rude altar.
(It is interesting to note how marked is the
priestly spirit of the Deuteronomie Code and Ezekiel
in the complaints of Haggai and Zachariah. A
hundred years earlier, living prophets would have
said that God’s anger had been aroused because the
people had not dealt justly or lived cleanly. But now
the great crime was only that they had not built a
sanctuary and sacrificed properly. Priestliness had
become an all-important thing in the minds even
of the prophets.)
Through all the streets of Jerusalem went those
two men, Haggai and Zachariah, with their bitter
complaints. They beseeched and cursed, they
pleaded and reviled, until at last they drove the
people into a frenzy of fear and agitation. Every
imaginable joy and glory was promised them if only
they rebuilt the Temple. The Jewish Messiah,
the ‘‘Anointed of God,”. would surely be sent to
rule over them, and all the nations of the earth would
come to pay homage in Jerusalem. The dream of
the Unknown Prophet of the Exile would immediately
be realized—if only the Holy of Holies was once more
So in a mad fever of anxiety the settlers now
began work on the long-ruined sanctuary. The unde-
ported Hebrew peasants who had stayed on in the
land, offered to share in the labor; but they were
spurned. The return exiles looked down on them as
an inferior lot. Those peasants, especially in the
north, in what once was the realm of Israel, had
intermarried with the heathens who had been settled
there by the Assyrians two hundred years before;
and they had become ignorant and debased. Even
those who had been left behind in the south, in Judah,
had intermarried and lost caste. The folk just re-
turned from Babylonia acted very much like country
folk who after many years in the big city, return to
the village of their birth and snub the neighbors
among whom they were reared.
Alone, therefore, the returned exiles labored at
the rebuilding of the sanctuary, and with such tre-
mendous earnestness that in less than five years
their work was done. In size the new Temple was
much like that of Solomon; but of course it lacked
all decoration and ornament. The old, old men,
who still hazily remembered the first Temple, wept
with disappointment when they set eyes on the
second. It was so plain, so crude!
But still it was a Temple. Perhaps it had less
gold on its walls, fewer pillars in its courts, than
the first; but nevertheless it was a House of God.
And now that it was builded, the people sat back
in happy exhaustion and waited. Anxiously they
waited for the grand reward the prophets had prom-
ised them. Even those in far Babylonia caught
the fever of hope, and in haste they sent a heavy
golden crown to Jerusalem for the coronation of
the Messiah. It seemed but a matter of days now
before the whole world would be turned topsy-
turvy. Cyrus had died, and his empire seemed about
to crumble to pieces because of the wrangling among
his successors. Anarchy reigned throughout the
Orient. It seemed to them that to-morrow—the next
day at the very latest—the triumph of Right (and
Judah) would surely be realized. In a moment all
the kings in the world would be swept away, and
God’s ‘‘Anointed One” alone would reign at last.
Of course, those poor Jews, worn out after their
labors, were rather like the Jacobins after the first
flare of the French Revolution, and the Bolsheviki
after they first rode into power in Russia. They
expected all the world to accept their new ideas
But the days passed—many days. Even years.
And nothing happened. A new conqueror arose
in Persia, a mighty man named Darius, who quickly
set the empire in order once more. The world revo-
lution which was to overturn all earthly kings and
make the Messiah alone supreme—that did not occur.
And then the hearts of the exhausted Jews in Jeru-
salem turned to gall. They lost all faith in God and
His prophets. God had fooled them, they thought.
His prophets had promised all manner of glories if
only His Temple were rebuilt—and He had not
kept His word. His prophets were all liars, and
God, therefore, was a fraud! The Messiah would
never come! Never!
So did those Jews grieve bitterly as they struggled
along in their wretched little land. Fifty years of
neglect had made the place a wilderness, and now
recurrent drought and famine made its redemption
unspeakably difficult. Enemies from every side came
raiding and plundering—Edomites from the south,
Philistines from the west, and worst of all, those
half-breed Israelite peasants, the Samaritans, from
the north. (They were called Samaritans because
their chief city was the old Israelite capital, Samaria.)
The whole land of Judah was no larger than a little
county, but twenty miles from end to end! And
hatred and disgust filled the souls of its dejected
Only a tiny minority—there has always been that
minority among the Wandering People—still clung
to God and His promise. They were called the
‘“‘Pious,”’ and they refused to give up hope. While
the rest went astray, intermarrying with the heathens
around them, and breaking all the other laws that
had been given them, those pious ones kept the
faith. Even the priests became corrupt, sacrificing
unclean things on the altars of God. Cruelty and
injustice and vice were rampant throughout the
little land. And only a very few of the people,
the ‘‘Pious,”’ dared to protest.
The chief protestant was a prophet whom we
know as Malachi, and though priestly ideas had
taken fast hold on him, there was still much of the
old prophetic spirit ablaze in his preachment.
But in vain did he raise his voice, for the day had
almost passed when a prophet could command the
respect of the mob. The Word of God had lost its
power in Judah and only the word of some earthly
authority could carry any weight in the land now.
And just in time that word came.
Pia ae oe
The word of authority came from Babylonia,
and it was brought by a high official in the Persian
court, a Jew named Nehemiah. Learning of the
desperate plight of his brethren in Judah, this
Nehemiah asked the king of Persia for permission
to go back as governor of his people’s homeland.
The permission was quickly granted, for the king—
like Cyrus long before him—well knew how impor-
tant it was that the bridge called Palestine be held
by a people who bore him good will.
So, armed with all the authority of the great
Persian emperor, Nehemiah started out on the three
months’ journey to Jerusalem.
His first undertaking, once he arrived in the
ruined city, was that of rebuilding the wall. He
realized that until the city was protected from its
enemies, the inhabitants could never be at rest.
Accordingly he drafted all the able-bodied Jews in
and around Jerusalem, and set them to work. It
was a difficult undertaking, chiefly because the
Samaritans would give the builders no rest. Two
divisions had to be organized: one to build and
another to fight. There was endless spying and con-
spiring and deception. Nehemiah hurried the work
with all his might, for the Samaritans had carried
their agitation against him as far as the court of
Babylon, and he feared he might suddenly be re-
Finally, though laboring most of the time under
fire, Nehemiah’s men completed the wall. It ex-
tended much further than the one it replaced, for
it inclosed not merely Jerusalem but also several
little nearby villages. It was high and thick and
strong. In effect it was the foundation of the re-
stored Jewish state.
The rebuilding of the city wall, however, was
but the beginning of Nehemiah’s work. Within
the community the morale was at its lowest ebb,
and to this the leader had to turn his attention next.
The poor, who had had to neglect their farms while
working on the wall, were now being crushed in
the fists of the money lenders. The priests were
lazy and dissolute; the laymen scoffed at God and
His worship. The Sabbath, which had attained
such importance in the Exile, was now neglected
and forgotten. The taking of heathen and _half-
breed women as wives, was common in every
family. Unless a complete and drastic reform was
brought about immediately, it was clear that the
career of the whole community would soon be
Nehemiah and another leader, a scribe named
Ezra, realized this and fell to work. The whole
people was assembled in Jerusalem and there a new
code of laws, one that had probably been drawn up
in Babylonia on the basis of Ezekiel’s ideas, was
forced upon them. All those who had taken heathen
wives into their homes were ordered to send them
away. Outstanding debts were canceled; the priest-
hood was purged; the Sabbath laws were strictly
enforced. From end to end the life of the community
was swept clean by the two reformers. From a
lawless, reckless, godless populace, the Jews were
suddenly transformed into a band of puritans.
And the community was saved—for a while.
Now for the first time those who had remained
in exile began to throng back to their homeland.
From Babylonia they came in a steady stream;
probably from Egypt and other lands too. Back
they came to the blue hills of Judea, once more to
take up life there. But it was a life far different
from that which their ancestors had known two
centuries earlier. The newcomers were filled with
a thousand new ideas gleaned from the foreign
peoples among whom they had sojourned. They
were no longer simple tribesmen with crude ‘‘small-
town’ ideas. They had traveled and seen the world.
They were ‘“‘civilized.”’
Yet for all that they were ‘‘civilized’’—perhaps
because of it—their religion was hardly so vital,
so dramatic, as it had been in the days of Micah or
Jeremiah. It had become a religion of law rather
than a free play of the spirit. It laid stress on
showy externals, on essentially unimportant things—
not eating certain foods—bringing regular gifts
to the priest—observing certain festivals.
And the Exile was very largely to blame for this
ehange. Even before the destruction of the old
Temple, the seeds of a religion of priestliness had
taken root in Palestine. But it had been unable
to flourish then because the greater prophets were
most strenuously opposed to it, and the people them-
selves had only feebly been attracted by it. Now,
however, that the Jews had seen the great temples
and had witnessed the gorgeous ceremonies of priest-
ridden peoples like the Babylonians, they took to
the imitation of that sort of thing with alacrity.
And gone were the rebels, the true prophets, who
might have stemmed the tide in its favor.
The change was a tremendous one. Before the
Exile the Jews had all transgressed their religion
because that religion, the work of the prophets, had
been too high for them. But now the Jews no
longer transgressed it—because at the hands of the
priests it had been brought low.
To what extent it had been brought low can be
learned from a study of the prophecies of the day.
There were still prophets in the land, but a tawdry,
time-serving lot they were. The style of their
preaching was stilted and forced. They did not ery
out with the thundering directness of an Amos or
a Jeremiah; they used strange symbols and spoke in
twisted and far-fetched allegories. And for the most
part the burthen of their preaching was a cheap
jingo nationalism. These prophets declared the
Jews were a pious and perfect people, all because they
brought sacrifices to the priests at Jerusalem in a
pious and perfect fashion. As for the other peoples
on earth, they were all unspeakably wicked and sin-
ful. Soon, these prophets declared, very soon, they
would be cut down.
The old yearning for the coming of the Reign of
Peace was despised now, and the new prophets
looked forward instead to the day when plow-
shares would be turned into swords, and pruning-
hooks would be made into spears. The old dream
of a Messiah who would bring justice and freedom
to all men, was perverted into an ache for a ruthless
conqueror, a war lord, who would wade in the blood
of every heathen who refused to bring sacrifices to
Jerusalem three times a year! The Jews alone were
considered blessed; the goyim, the Gentiles, were all
It was a mean and loathsome doctrine. It was
very like the doctrine—only with the characters
completely reversed—which is still uttered to-day
by too many preachers in the world.
But it was a doctrine that did not go unchal-
lenged in that early time. There were some in the
land of Judea who did see the ugliness of it, and
even though they dared not openly preach against
it, they were not altogether silent. They voiced
their protest not in sermons but in stories, in light
bits of fiction which below the surface were freighted
heavily with meaning. For instance, someone wrote
the beautiful story which we call the Book of Ruth,
and someone else wrote the powerful novel which
we call the Book of Jonah.
The Book of Ruth is a veiled protest against the
laws of Ezra and Nehemiah prohibiting intermar-
riage. It tries to show that even King David, who
by this time was thought to be the greatest monarch
that ever reigned, was himself descended from a
noble Gentile woman, a Moabitess named Ruth.
The Book of Jonah in a like fashion was a veiled
protest against the narrow nationalism of the new
prophets. Its main character, Jonah, is just such
a prophet: a man who thinks God cares only for
the Hebrews. When the divine call comes to him
to preach to the Gentile city of Nineveh, the age-
old foe of Jerusalem, he is highly displeased. Why
should he, a Hebrew prophet, trouble himself about
the sinful heathens? Let them perish in their sin!
So instead of obeying, the command, he tries to
escape God’s reach by snéaking off to a foreign land.
But soon he learns that God’s reach extends far
beyond the borders of little Palestine, for the boat
in which he hides is overtaken by a furious storm.
He is cast into the sea and is saved from death only
because God sends a whale to swallow him.
And then, when Jonah is once more on dry land
and the call to go to Nineveh is repeated, he is
overawed and obeys. He goes to that city, tells
the inhabitants that within forty days they will
all be destroyed, and then sits back righteously to
see his prophecy fulfilled.
But to his vexation he is totally disappointed.
Those goyim prove not nearly so wicked as he had
thought them, for they take his words to heart and
repent. And when Jonah bursts out in angry com-
plaint because the city is spared, God reasons with
him gently and explains His conduct. The picture
drawn of God is almost that of an old and wise man
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patting the disgruntled Jonah on the head and mur-
muring: ‘‘There, there now, don’t be a child! If
those Gentiles are wicked, it is not their fault. They
are ignorant as the dumb beasts in their stalls. I
must be compassionate and long-suffering; I must
forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
That in colloquial paraphrase is God’s message
to Jonah—and of course, it was meant for all Judea
to hear. It was the ery of some high-minded rebel
against the tribal bigotry of the day. It was the
ery that the prophet Malachi had raised years
earlier when he declared, ‘‘Have we not all one
Father? Hath not one God created us all? ”’
But the day had passed when a prophet dared
utter that doctrine in the open. He had to cover
it up somewhat by putting it into the form of a novel.
The great day of the prophet was gone.
The reign of the priest had come.
Year by year the power of the priests grew mightier
among the Jews. Wealth rapidly accumulated in
their hands, for each season the plain people had to
take them the choicest portions of their flocks and
harvests. The old democratic ideal of the prophets
that all Jews were priests, was forgotten. Now only
those who were supposed to come of the tribe of
Levi were allowed to minister in the Temple; and
furthermore only those of the family of Aaron of the
tribe of Levi were considered holy enough actually
to perform the sacrifices; and still further, only one
directly descended from Solomon’s favorite priest,
Zadok, could possibly become the High Priest.
The High Priest was virtually the king of the
land, and the lesser priests were the princes. They
were no better, of course, than lay kings and princes.
They were forever conspiring among themselves,
cheating and murdering their way from one office
to another. But for all their corruption, they did
succeed in doing one thing: they kept the Jews
alive as a separate people. They walled them in
with their little rules and regulations, keeping them
rigorously segregated from all the other tribes and
peoples. Even the half-Jewish Samaritans were
cut off completely and had to start a temple of their
own in northern Palestine.*
But, despite the efforts of the priests, foreign
influences did seep into the life of the people. Gradu-
ally their language was corrupted from pure Hebrew
to a jargon called Aramaic, so that after a few genera-
tions they could not understand even their own
Scriptures. In their synagogues each Sabbath—
for those ‘‘meeting-houses”’ they had created in the
Exile had become common now throughout Judea—
they had to read their Holy Writings through an
Aramaic translation called the Targum.
And many of their religious ideas changed too.
From the Persians they had learned of angels and
devils, and also of Another World. For the first
time in their history they began to believe in Satan,
and in hell and heaven. Before this time God had
seemed very near to the Jews; but now they began to
think of Him as very far away—so far that he had to
do His work through the agency of good or evil mes-
sengers. And at one time the Jews had thought that
all life was lived in this world, and that after death
both righteous and wicked simply descended to the
‘‘Pit,” where they wandered about as lifeless ghosts.
But now that this world held but little joy in store
for them, they began vaguely to dream of a World
to Come which only the righteous would inherit.
* The Samaritans are still to be found ae to-day, at two
hundred of them in all—the last remnant of an ever-rejected
but never-daunted people. And still to-day they have their
high priest and their ancient worship!
yes ~~
Outwardly no sign of this change in thought was
evident. None was there to hail it, and so none could
rise to decry it. With meek regularity the people
brought their offerings to the priests, and with
sanctimonious grace the priests accepted them. And
seemingly nothing was happening.
But then came the Greek, and all was made open.
In the fateful year 333 B. c. Alexander the Great
became master of the Persian Empire, and a year
later, on his march toward Egypt, he took possession
of Palestine. (The little land was still the one bridge
used by the Empire builders. . . .) But this Alex-
ander, a mere boy in years, was quite unlike the
ordinary world-conqueror. His aim seems to have
been not so much the gaining of power as the spread-
ing of culture. He dreamed of scattering through-
out the world the seeds of the high Greek civiliza-
tion. In every land he entered he tried to create a
center of Greek influence; and so well did he suc-
ceed that though he died at the age of thirty-three
his Greek colonies dotted all of the then-known
Alexander’s effect on the Jews and their religion
was greater than that of any other non-Jew in
history. He was generous to them and gave them
every liberty; but at the same time he located
peaceful settlements of his own people throughout
Palestine. The result was a growing familiarity with
all things Greek. Jews began to affect the use of
Greek words in their conversation, and began to
give their children Greek names. Just as nowadays
little Samuel is called Seymour and little Sarah is
named Thyra, so in those days little Jochanan
became John and little Shalomtziyon became Sa-
lome. The young Jews began to frequent the gymna-
siums and to idolize the Greek athletes. They
became ‘‘sports.”’
Hellenism—the word comes from Hellas, meaning
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10.—Alexander’s Empire
Greece—began to make itself felt in every walk
of Jewish life, especially in the many Jewish settle-
ments outside of Palestine. Unfortunately, it was
not the Hellenism of classic Greece, the Hellenism
that flowered in the genius of Socrates, Plato, Soph-
ocles, and Phidias. Rather it was that Hellenism
debased and sullied through long-handling by
Macedonians and other lesser tribes.
But debased as it was, it nevertheless proved
attractive. HEven the priests in Jerusalem began to
take to it. Indeed, they were attracted to it even
more than the plain people. The story goes that
they actually left the sacrifices unburnt on the altars
in the Temple, and hurried off to the arenas to watch
the Greek athletes there. Greek manners—and
vices—became the great fashion of the day, for the
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11.—After Alexander
more a Jew aped them the better seemed his chances
of growing in power and station.
Of course, this change did not come about over-
night, but took three or four generations. After
Alexander died his empire was divided into three
kingdoms; and Palestine being the bridge between
two of them, it naturally became for over a hundred
years the scene of constant warfare. But finally,
in 198 B. c., it was definitely made a part of the
kingdom of Syria, and for a while there was peace.
Perhaps because the Greeks made no attempt to
force its progress, Hellenism had continued seep-
ing steadily into Palestine during all that troubl-
ous century. In the course of time it would so
have flooded the land that Jewish life and thought
would probably have been drowned out completely.
But one day there arose in Syria a king named
Antiochus Epiphanus who by his headstrong impa-
tience wiped out all these gains of Greek culture.
It is difficult to understand just what was wrong
with this king. He seems to have been learned and
markedly clever—but also at moments quite in-
sane. He took great delight in poking fun at the
whole business of religion, and yet at the same time
he tried to build a religion around himself. That
is why he called himself Theos Epiphanes, which
means ‘‘The Evident God.”
Judea at the time was seething with unrest be-
cause the corrupt, Hellenized priests were at last
being brought to book by a few of the pious Jews.
It looked something like a political uprising to
Antiochus, and on his way home from a campaign
in Egypt he stopped in the middle of the ‘‘bridge”’
to attend to the trouble. He looted the Temple
and then simply ordered Judaism to cease. Just
that! Evidently he thought it would be quite easy
for him to stamp out this obscure and, as he thought,
very odd little religion. His orders were that never
more should the Sabbath, or the rite of cireumci-
sion, or the difference between ‘‘clean”’ and ‘‘un-
clean”? food, be observed. Anyone found with a
Oe ee
Hebrew book in his possession was immediately
to be put to death. Henceforth if there was to be
any sacrificing it must be of swine’s flesh, and to
Antiochus as god.
For a while starkest horror swept the land as
the army of Antiochus began to put those orders
into effect. There was looting and murder, wailing
and shame. And then, like the breaking out of a
mad fire, the people blazed into rebellion. A pious
old priest named Mattathias began it when he ran
his sword through one of the Syrian officers. Fleeing
into the wilderness with his five sons, he there began
to gather a band of desperate zealots. Then up and
down the countryside they went, tipping over the
hated altars set up by the foreigners, and putting
to death the renegade Jews who had sacrificed on
It was magnificent, but it seemed insane. The
tattered rebels were untrained, unequipped, un-
supported—a tiny band of priests and peons fighting
with little more than their bare fists. The great
hosts of Syria, armed, disciplined, and led by the
greatest generals of the day, outnumbered them
ten to one. It seemed sheer suicide!
But it was not. Old Mattathias died soon after
the beginning of the rebellion, but he was succeeded
by one of his sons, Judas, who proved altogether
a genius in warfare. Four tremendous armies
were sent against him—one accompanied by dealers
to buy the defeated Jews as slaves—and all four he
utterly routed. Judas Maccabeus, Judas the ‘‘Ham-
merer,’’ he was called by his elated followers—and
deservedly. Stationing his little army in narrow
passes, or rushing them by night marches to make
sudden attacks at dawn, he harried and hacked and
hammered the Syrians until at last they fled from
before him.
There came a lull in the fighting. On December
25th, in the year 165 B. c. the Jews amid great re-
joicings, cleansed the Temple of its swinish filth
and rededicated it to God.*
And then they went on with the struggle. More
than twenty years they went on with it, losing
in the strife one after another of the five stalwart
sons of old Mattathias. And finally in 148 B. c.,
they triumphed completely. The Syrian was driven
utterly from the land, and Judea at last was free.
Almost for the first time in history a war had
consciously been waged for a spiritual principle.
Not because of grinding taxation or political domina-
tion had the Jews leapt to arms, but solely because
of religious oppression. They had fought for that
holiest of all causes, Freedom of Thought.
And they had triumphed.
* To this day the Jews celebrate that great victory with their
annual Feast of Lights called Chanukah.
—------ Yakyist” History (sudah)
mi (160/72 900 story Cisraet)
srael deported &
SSYRIA z25¢.
§ Temporary reform
§ Reaction
§ Re form: again
Deulerenom adopted 62/ BC.
deported. to
DOT - 582 BC.
e return from exile 338 BC.
aqgkk and ZecHARIAH Preach
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NEHEMIAH Govenor, 444B¢.
Walls of Jerusalem rebut?
In viilidcion. of tke Priestly, Law
ive Books of *Moses” completed
(Reign of the Priesis’)
Ai eO ANDERS introduces Greek
(Hellenzsm lakes root )
Cz he Pious Ones’ war
dgaingi ellentsm)
Chart B. The Adventures of the Jews, Part IT
But the triumph of the Jews had been too com-
plete. The war which had been waged at first only
for religious freedom, ended in winning also political
independence. And that added gain proved their
Simon, the last of the five sons of Mattathias,
was succeeded on the throne by his son, the High
Priest, John Hyrcanus; and with him the tragedy
began. Drunk with his new-found power, he under-
took cruel and costly wars against his neighbors.
In pursuance of his dream of carving out a great
empire for himself, he hacked down the Samaritans
on the north and the Edomites on the south. And
not content merely with making those lands subject
to his rule, he even compelled their inhabitants to
accept his religion. Forcibly he converted them to
Judaism. The grandson of old Mattathias who
gave his life for the right to worship his own God in
his own way, was now spending all his days trying
to wrest that very right from others.
But very soon a group of protestants began to
make themselves heard in the land of Judea. They
were called the Pharisees, the ‘‘ Interpreters,’ prob-
ably because they were pious men who spent much
of their time studying and interpreting the Holy
Scriptures.* ‘They cared not in the least for empire
or dominion; their whole interest was in the Holy
Law and its fulfillment.
Those who belonged to the party in power in
S SQ ee
WAN i, 7
12.—The Realm of the Maccabees
the land were called the Sadducees, because they all
sided with the supposed descendants of the ancient
High Priest, Zadok. They were Hellenized aristo-
* Pharisees does not mean “‘Separatists” as scholars long
thought. Probably it comes from the Hebrew word pharash,
which means “to make clear.”
crats, for the most part priests; but they showed
but feeble interest in their religion. Essentially
they were politicians. Sacramental ward-bosses,
one might call them.
Day by day the Pharisees grew bolder in their
attacks on these Sadducees; but they were powerless
to effect any reforms. King followed king in troublous
succession, and the bootless wars went on. Within
the land there was continuous strife. The Phar-
isees went about, objecting and pleading, and were
butchered and imprisoned for their trouble. There
was endless intrigue in the Temple among the
priests, open bribery and shameless corruption.
Pretenders committed murder to crawl to the throne,
and then in turn were murdered. Royal sons plotted
against their own fathers, and princely brothers
made war on one another.
Not a hundred years had passed from the time
all Judea had blazed with a white passion for liberty
—and now the fire had sunk to a low play of smoky
flame around a petty little throne. As so often has
since happened in the world’s history, a glorious
revolution failed only because it succeeded.
The lawlessness in the land grew so flagrant finally
that the Pharisees could stand it no longer. In
despair they appealed for help to Rome, the great
world-power of the day. No doubt they realized
they would have to pay with their political indepen-
dence for Rome’s help; but that did not deter them.
What cared they who was master of their land, so
long as they were left masters of their religion?
Pompey, the Roman general, answered the call
of the Pharisees; and after his conquest of the land
there was quiet for a while. Many of the Sadducees
were sent as prisoners to Rome, and the Pharisees
were left in peace to study their beloved law.
But soon trouble began again. Sadducee leaders
escaped from Rome and returned to foment rebel-
lion in Judea. One after another they appeared
in the land, raising little armies, terrorizing the
countryside, and then going down to quick and
bloody defeat. Finally the Romans began to lose
patience, and grew less tolerant toward the whole
people. The Temple was looted and the land again
and again pillaged by Roman armies. For more
than twenty years virtual anarchy prevailed in
Judea. Kings and pretenders, governors and high
priests, generals and bandits all clawed and fought
in the mad scramble for power.
For a while an Edomite half-Jew named Herod
managed to get control of the land. By conniving
with Rome he had himself made king of the Jews,
and then with unspeakable cruelty he battered his
people into submission. He murdered his own wife,
three of his sons, and many others of his family,
in striving to make his position firm. And then he
built a magnificent new Temple in belated effort
to win the favor of the Jews.
But it was to no avail. The splendor and pros-
perity which the king brought to the land meant
nothing to the people. They hated and loathed him,
and the moment he died they rebelled against the
son who succeeded him. Three thousand Jews were
slaughtered right in the Temple courtyard, and the
rebellion was crushed. But in a little while another
started and flamed up. Again there were massacres,
and again the Temple was sacked. But the people
would not stay under control. They utterly refused
to be subject to the son of the hated Edomite, and
Rome finally had to transfer him from the land.
The last vestige of independence was gone. Judea
was now but a part of the Roman province of Syria.
Yet still no peace came to the unhappy little
land. The Roman governors proved a cruel and
rascally lot. They provoked the people in a thou-
sand ways, and all Judea seethed with unrest. Vio-
lent patriots arose, and they spread a reign of terror
against all who were supposed to sympathize with
Rome. The Zealots they were called, and night
after night they committed murders in the cities
and villages of Judea. There were riots and lynch-
ings; and in punishment, innumerable crucifixions.
Judea was gory with its own blood as it writhed in
the talons of Rome.
But dark as was the night—and never had it been
darker—still a hope gleamed for the people. It was
the old hope of the great prophets, the wild hope that
soon, very soon, the Messiah would come. Through
all those years—it was now fully four hundred years
since Haggai and Zachariah had promised that the
‘‘Anointed One” would come if the Temple were
rebuilt—the hope had been kept alive in Judea. It
had been kept alive by many writers whose names
we do not know, but whose books—called by us
the Apocalypses—are still extant.
Most of those Apocalypses were written secretly
and put in circulation as the works of various great
men of the past. Some were claimed to be the
work of Ezra, others of Jeremiah, of Solomon, of the
Patriarchs, even of Noah. The real authors had to
make such claims because otherwise their books
would not have been read at all. People thought
that only the great men of the past had known the
Truth, had been inspired by God. Therefore only
the very ancient writings seemed to them holy
enough to be read in their synagogues, and these
they called simply seforim, ‘‘Books.” (The Greek
for seforim is biblia, from which we get our word
Bible.) So the latter-day author in order to get
his own book included among these seforim, had
to say that he had discovered an hitherto unknown
production of some ancient worthy.
To us that may seem sheer dishonesty; but that
is only because our standards are different. An
author’s first desire is to get his book in the hands
of the people, and in those days, it was considered
no harm to resort to this trick to secure publication. *
* Sometimes an author not merely palmed off his own ideas
as the thought of some other and greater man; if he got the
chance he even inserted them bodily in that other man’s genuine
writings. That is one of the main reasons why so many contra-
dictions and bewildering inconsistencies deface most of the
books of the Bible. Those who copied them on new scrolls
year after year—for it was centuries before the invention of
printing—not merely made mistakes and carelessly skipped
words and lines, but also wrote in whole new chapters of their
own devising.
In the horror of the Syrian and Roman perse-
cutions, the land was flooded with these books
bearing false titles. Almost all of them dealt with the
coming of the Messiah, and described in detail just
how and when this present world would be utterly
destroyed and the new one miraculously ushered
in. We can hardly understand most of them, now,
for they are written in a queer and incoherent style.
They are chock-full of strange visions and tortuous
calculations attempting to prove all the old prophe-
cies literally true. For instance, before the Exile
Jeremiah had promised that after seventy years
Judah would be restored to its own land to enjoy
the blessings of the Messianic kingdom. Probably
he had meant that to be taken as a round number.
It was like saying that ‘‘before very long” or ‘‘in
the lifetime of our children” these great wonders
would happen.
But the later writers took the numbers in those
prophecies literally, and since they knew that the
seventy years had long passed and no Messiah had
come, they began to juggle with the figures. At one
time, they said seventy years meant really seventy
weeks of years—in other words, four hundred and
ninety. That particular calculation was made when
about four hundred and eighty-eight of the four
hundred and ninety years had already passed, and
fierce terror and joy swept through the land at the
nearness of the Great Day. ... But the four
hundred and ninetieth year soon passed, and no
Messiah came—and more juggling had to be done.
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The number seventy somehow fascinated the
Jews of the time, and they twisted and tortured and
dragged out of it the most far-fetched and ridicu-
lous calculations. It was not that the people had
lost their heads—though the times were cruel enough
to make them do so. It was simply that these
Jews, with their tremendous will to live, knew
themselves to be on the verge of death. And they
would not die. Anything—any wild promise or
wilder distortion of a promise—anything was clutched
at in that terrible hour. They would not die!
There is something intensely pathetic in the sight
of tiny Judea bleeding to death in the claws of a
great empire, yet always, always, dreaming on of
release. But even more pathetic is the story of the
hysteria and excitement which that constant dream-
ing stirred up in the land. The more horrible the
persecutions and massacres, the nearer seemed the
advent of the ‘‘Anointed One.” Each day was
thought to be the very last, and every hour the
people pricked up their ears for the sound of the
Messiah’s trumpet. It was like being adrift at
night in an open boat—none knew when the cries for
help would be answered.
Frenzied mystics, many of them more than half-
mad, went up and down the land and cried in shrill,
hysterical voices: ‘‘Repent ye, for the kingdom of
Heaven is at hand!” Most of them belonged to
a secret fraternity of hermits called the Essenes,
and they believed that strict piety, charity, and
bathing in the streams—baptism as‘it was called in
Greek—would alone prepare the people for the com-
ing of the Messiah.
In some of these mystics the great spirit of the
ancient prophets seemed reborn, and they attracted
enormous followings. One of them, a Jew named
John, was especially influential in those days. He
was a wild-looking young man who took his stand
by the River Jordan and called on the people to
leap in and be cleansed of their sins. They called
him John the Baptist, and hundreds flocked to him.
But because he offended the cruel king Herod by
his open denunciations of the ruler’s wickedness,
he was imprisoned and later put to death.
Many others, however, arose to take John’s place:
young wild-eyed men who flayed the people with
bitter tongues and drove them to the verge of stark
madness, and gentle souls who tried to bring them
comfort, and only stirred them the more.
There was one preacher in particular, a youth
named Joshua—he who is known to us as Jesus of
It is not easy to write of this man Joshua. To
some he has become altogether a god, and to others—
because so much evil has been done them in his
name—he seems very like a fiend. But if we are
to obtain any true knowledge or understanding of
him, he must be to us neither god nor fiend, but
simply an earnest young Jew who came to his people
in their night of terror and sought to bring them
More has been said and written of this one man
than of any other in all history—but still we know
exceedingly little about him. All that is preserved
of his own words was set down years after his death
in a tongue he did not speak, and by men not nearly
so great as to understand all he said. And even
that little was copied and recopied by scribe after
scribe until to-day much of it seems tortured out of
all likeness to what may have been the true words.
Save for what is set down in the New Testament,
we know not a thing about this prophet Joshua.
The Pharisees, who were writing whole volumes
at about the same time, make no mention of him
whatsoever. Nor have the Roman records any
light to throw on his life or death. This lack of any
reference to him in the writings of the day is very
perplexing. Perhaps preachers and prophets were
too common in the land then for extended comment
to be made about any one of them... .
While he lived, hundreds came eagerly to hear
him; but once he died he was soon forgotten—soon
forgotten by all save a few. But those few remem-
bered him well.
He was born in the north of Palestine, in Galilee,
and his father was a humble carpenter. He, too,
in his youth was a carpenter. He had little
learning, for in that region and among such poor
folk, learning was exceedingly rare. He spoke in
Aramaic, the jargon of the day, and perhaps he
could not even read Hebrew. But like most other
Jewish lads even of his lowly station, he did know
the words of the great prophets of old, and the
prayers which the pious Pharisees were wont to
recite in the synagogues. And what is far more
important, the God-hungry spirit of the Jew was
mighty in his bones. He saw the travail of his
people and it so stirred him that he could not abide
in peace in his village. He arose from among his
tools, and taking staff in hand he went forth to make
ready for the Day of the Messiah.
First he was one of them that followed that great
Jew, John the Baptist. Then, when John was
murdered by the king, young Joshua went forth
and preached by himself.
He preached in the villages of Galilee, and the
simple folk, the peasants and the fishermen with
their wives and little children, flocked to hear his
words. Sometimes he spoke in the synagogues,
for it seems any Jew who so desired could arise in
them and preach. But more often he preached on
the dusty highways, on the beach of the Sea of
Galilee, and in the fields. |
Of what Joshua looked like, we know nothing.
No doubt he was dark like all the other Jews then,
and probably he was thin and not very strong in
He had no new gospel to bring to the people, but
only sought to have them understand and love that
which long before had been brought to them. He
told them, as had so many prophets before him,
that God was a Loving Father who would forgive
them all if they but repented. Also he told them
that soon, very soon, the Messiah would come, and
that then the Kingdom of Heaven would be seen
on earth.
He taught the people to recite simple and com-
forting prayers like the one beginning, ‘‘Our Father
which art in Heaven’? —prayers made up of verses
which the Pharisees in Jerusalem were wont to
recite. And he reminded the people of certain laws
and commandments in the ancient seforim, the
Holy Scriptures. Especially he reminded them of
that highest law of all—that they should love one
another. Even their enemies should they love if
they would enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
But what must have attracted the people most
was the manner of this young prophet. A spirit
breathed through his preaching that rarely if ever
before had been known in the land. There was an
overwhelming warmth and kindliness, a tremendous
love in it all. With the exception of Hosea, the
other prophets seem to have been fierce and im-
patient men. Their words were like whetted swords
that cut down the sinners, that bruised and stabbed
and pierced them through. Or they were like knotted
whips that flayed them.
But this Joshua, save at rare moments, was all
tenderness and benignity. Not merely did he tell
of God’s great love; most earnestly he tried to
practice it.
And that was a day when not love but hate was
sovereign among men. The Romans crucified the
Zealots, the Zealots murdered the Sadducees, the
Sadducees loathed the Pharisees; and all of them
together despised the wretched folk in the slums
of the towns and on the farms of the land.
Perhaps that was why the young Galilean was
so followed and so devotedly believed. To a people
tired unto death of hate, he came with a word of love.
Especially to the cowed and broken, to the poor
and unlearned, he came with that word of love. He
told them that in God’s sight they were more pre-
cious even than the wealthiest and the most learned
in all the land. He went down to the sinners in
the places of shame, to the outcasts and the pari-
ahs, and told them that if they would but repent
they could not fail to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
And they believed him. Desiring to believe, thirst-
ing for the certainty that they too might enter
the World to Come, the souls of the lowly went
out to this Joshua and his words as the parched
tongues of cattle reach out for the rain.
And they were grateful to him. They flung them-
selves to the ground and kissed his feet for his good-
- ness toward them. Indeed, they were too grateful
and praised him so that he had to chide them. Only
the good God, he declared, deserved such praise.
But he could not stay them from it. Never before
had so benign a prophet come among them; and
their adoration would suffer no curtailing. And as
the months passed and he continued preaching,
lo, he began to seem in their eyes even more than
a mortal being! They began to believe that he
could work miracles, that he could heal the halt and
blind—even that he could raise the dead. He seemed
too near perfection, too wondrous to be just a man
like themselves. He seemed the very Messiah! .. .
We cannot tell for certain whether Joshua him-
self ever became possessed of that idea. Perhaps
he did. With a great multitude hailing and wor-
shiping him as the “Anointed One,” the thought
must have been nigh impossible to resist. But though
there is this uncertainty as to his own mind, there
can be none as to the mind of the people. To them
he was indeed the long-promised Messiah come at
last to usher in the Kingdom of Heaven. And
when after ministering three years in Galilee, the
prophet went down to keep the Passover in Jeru-
salem, his fame preceded him and he was greeted
there by ecstatic mobs as the awaited Deliverer.
But his triumphal entry into Jersualem proved
young Joshua’s undoing. Before five days had
passed, he knew his end was near. The Sadducees,
whom he had flaunted the very first day, were
feverishly busy, plotting evil against him. He had
driven their money changers out of the Temple
courts, and they could not forgive him for it. He
tried to escape beyond the city walls, but he was
pursued, betrayed, and taken prisoner to the house
of a high priest. There hastily he was tried by a
court of priests, and found guilty—though of what
crime we cannot now tell. Perhaps his very con-
demners could not have told either. They wanted
to put him out of the way, as centuries earlier they
had wanted to put Jeremiah out of the way. He
was their enemy, and they could have no thought of
From the high priests’ house he was taken to the
palace of the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate.
Again was he questioned, this time. by the governor
alone. And then abruptly he was sentenced to
digest avi
There was no justice in it all. Pilate, a quick,
choleric official, could have had no real understanding
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1 3,—The Story of Joshua of Nazareth
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of what the young prophet had done, or had dreamed
of doing. He seems to have thought him but another
mad young patriot, a rebel against Rome, a pre-
tender to the throne of Judea. He considered the
strange man a troubler in the land—so he had to
put him to death.
And after the sun had risen the next day, the
Roman soldiers took that young Jew to the top of a
hill nearby, scourged him with fagots, crowned
him in derision with a wreath of thorns, and nailed
him to a cross. They nailed him to a cross between
two thieves, and over his head they carved the
mocking words, ‘‘ King of the Jews.’ And there in
mortal pain he hung for hours. Gone were the
huzzahing crowds; gone even were his own disciples.
Only a little knot of bewildered women and near
friends stood by to watch as he passed away. In
the city the Jews were busy preparing for the Pass-
over feast; in the fields the disciples were hiding,
too terrified to confess they had even known the
martyr. Deserted he hung there on that lone hill.
The sun began to redden the far horizon, and the
man Joshua could no longer endure the pangs. He
began to moan. Brokenly he moaned as the throes
of death came over him. ‘‘My God! my God! why
hast thou forsaken me?” he begged.
And then he died.
—_ ee
Joshua of Nazareth died, and as far as Pontius
Pilate and the priests were concerned, that was the
end of that matter.
But it was not. Rather it was but the beginning.
The Jerusalem mob soon forgot the young man
who had been killed for preaching war with Rome
when he had only preached peace with God. They
forgot him because other preachers, perhaps many
others, came after him—and were also killed.
But among the fishermen and peasants of Galilee
there was no forgetting him. His prophecies had
become too much a part of their life for them ever
to forget him who had uttered them. And when
the bedraggled disciples came trudging home with
the news of the prophet’s death, great was the con-
sternation among those poor people. They were
utterly desolated. For if the Romans had been
able to kill this Messiah, then he could not have
been the real Messiah after all! He must have been
a charlatan and a fraud!
But that they could not believe. They who had
known the young man Joshua, they who had heard
him and followed him, could not possibly believe
he had deceived them. They could not even be-
lieve he was dead. To them it seemed incredible
that a soul so wondrous and godlike as his could
have been snuffed out on a cross hard by Jerusalem’s
And soon there began a furtive whispering among
those scattered believers. It was said the body
of the Master was no longer in the tomb where it
had been buried. On the third day it had disap-
peared, so the rumor went. The body had gone
up to heaven—straight up to God—just as the
body of Elijah had gone up to God. People had seen
it go up. Solemnly they swore they had seen it
ascend into heaven.
And they that set those rumors afloat were not
consciously telling falsehoods. They themselves
believed them. They believed them because they
could not bear to think that he whom they had
looked on as their Messiah had perished. And they
that heard the rumors—and eagerly passed them on
—believed them for the same reason. ‘Those unhappy
folk, aching in every limb because of the travail
of the world that then was, would not without a
struggle give up their hope of the World to Come.
And thus was born a strange and obscure sect
called the Nazarenes. Its members were all Jews,
but Jews with a peculiar doctrine. They believed
that the Messiah had already come, and that he
was now in heaven watching over them with tender
but troubled eyes. If they lived the life he had
commanded them, if they loved one another and
shared their wealth and held no slaves in bondage,
and put away all lust and vain desire, then he would
be able to return to them. Swiftly he would re-
turn to them and this time he would surely usher
in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Perhaps there were five hundred in Galilee, per-
haps a thousand, who held to that doctrine. The
other Jews paid little or no attention to the sect,
for they knew its members were simple peasant
folk living in a region where new doctrines, and
fanaticisms, and sects arose almost daily. The
other Jews were too much occupied in their death
struggle with Rome to concern themselves with the
tiny movement.
And while the other Jews fought with governor
after governor, complaining, petitioning, rebelling,
and dying, that tiny movement grew. A certain
man named Saul or Paul, a Jew of Roman citizen-
ship, became its champion. He was not like the
other Nazarenes, for he was a man of the world, a
person of culture, a magnificent orator. Nor was
his doctrine at all as simple as theirs. He took the
one central thought, the belief in the Messiah—the
Christ as he called him in Greek—who had died on
the cross; but to it he added many other thoughts
gleaned by him in the market places of Asia Minor
and the isles of the sea.
Even in his day, however, the movement was
not yet considered a new religion, but still esteemed
a part of Judaism. And Paul preached it to Jews
in their synagogues scattered throughout the Med-
iterranean lands. Jewish colonies had long been
established in many of those foreign cities, but
they were made up in large part of Gentiles who
had been converted to Judaism. Such conversions
had been common everywhere for so many years,
that there were many more Jews outside of Judea
than init. But the Jerusalem Pharisees looked upon
all those new Jewish converts as only half-Jews.
Most of them were uncircumcised; and they did
not keep all the laws set down in the seforim, the
Holy Scriptures. They still clung to many of their
old beliefs and superstitions.
It is difficult for us to understand just what was
going on in the civilized world at that time. ,
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_Aalestiniar Talmud compiled
Chart C. The Adventures of the Jews, Part III
So little is the Talmud known by most people,
and so much nonsense is therefore uttered about it,
that at least one more chapter ought to be devoted
to it here.
Perhaps a passage or two taken from the work
itself will throw most light on its character. For
instance, here is a bit picked almost at random from
the volume on the Sabbath laws:
A commandment in the Torah declares: ‘‘ Ye
shall kindle no fire throughout your habitations
upon the Sabbath day.”’ Now for centuries this was
understood and followed literally, and probably
the Jews all sat in the cold and dark from sunset
on Friday to sunset on Saturday. But then came
the early Pharisees with one of their new interpre-
tations. They said it was perfectly proper—and
indeed legally necessary—to have lights on the
Sabbath, so long as they were kindled before the
Sabbath began. But those lights must not be
touched again until after the Sabbath closed, other-
wise the commandment would be transgressed. And
thereafter, all sorts of new little regulations had to
be made to guard the people against accidentally
touching those lights.
For instance, the Mishna contains the regulation
that ‘‘one shall not read by the lamplight,’’—
presumably because one might be tempted to snuff
the wick if the flame burnt low. In the Gemara,
which is the Talmudic law based on the Mishna,
this regulation is discussed at great length.
But let me quote for a moment—though with
many explanatory insertions, for the Talmud is
almost unreadably concise:
‘Rabbah (a Babylonian scholar) said (that one
should not read by the lamp) even if it be placed
(far out of reach—say,) the height from the ground
of two men, or two stories, or even on top of ten
houses, one above the other.
“(That is) ‘one may not read.’ But it does not
say two may not read together, (for then one can
guard the other against snuffing the wick). Against
this supposition, however, there is a tradition that
‘neither one nor two together’ (may read).
“Said Rabbi Elazar: ‘There is no contradiction
here. The Mishna allows (two people to read to-
gether) so long as they read the same subject. But
the tradition (forbids it only if) they are reading
different subjects.’ a
And in that manner the one alge is continued
on and on.
One rabbi declares that a sa i teacher may
read by the lamplight, for such a person would
hardly be so careless as to snuff the wick. To which
someone answers that Rabbi Ishmael ben Elisha,
who was a great person indeed, once read on Friday
night and actually caught himself in the act of snuff-
ing the wick. As proof of this fact, Rabbi Ishmael’s
diary is quoted, for there he confessed the crime and
vowed to bring a fat sin-offering to the Temple the
moment it was rebuilt. (No doubt that vow was
made in all earnestness. The coming of the Messiah
and the rebuilding of the Temple were still momen-
tarily expected!) But some one else counters that
the case of Rabbi Ishmael is not a fair one, for though
that scholar was great at teaching laws, he was
notoriously lax in observing them!
Next the question arises as to whether a servant
may examine the cups and dishes by the Sabbath
lamplight, to see if they are clean. Here too there
is a dispute. One rabbi says yes and another says
no. Then a third tries to compromise by saying
that a regular servant may not examine the dishes,
for he, in his eagerness to hold his job, might be
tempted to snuff the wick in order to see better.
But a servant called in merely for the day, may ex-
amine the dishes, for he would probably not care
whether they were clean or not, and therefore would
not dream of snuffing the wick. That compromise,
however, is not found acceptable, and a fourth rabbi
suggests that even a regular servant may examine
the dishes by the Sabbath lamp so long as it burns
naphtha and not oil. For naphtha smells badly and
the fellow would hardly be tempted to come too near
it. And than a fifth rabbi offers still another sug-
gestion. ...
And so it goes on... .
This example is not at all extreme. Passages
might be cited from the Talmud which would seem
infinitely more ridiculous. There is, for instance,
a thrilling debate on whether an egg laid on the
Sabbath may be eaten by a Jew, since the hen
probably broke the Sabbath rest in laying it!
Into every line of the Biblical law, into every
word, every letter, even every part of a letter, some
strange and far-fetched meaning was read by the
Talmud-makers. The priestly law declared that in
sacrificing a kid on the Temple altar it may not be
boiled in its own mother’s milk. Probably the pas-
sing of that law was due to the superstitious dread
that the udders of the mother animal would dry up
if such an act were committed. (There are savage
tribes in Africa to-day whose diet is still regulated
by that dread.) But the rabbis did not dream of
such an explanation. No, they believed the law
was of divine origin and had some divine though
mysterious reason back of it. And they elaborated
it so that it forbade the mixing of any meat and
any milk (or butter, or cheese) in any Jewish house-
hold. What was more, even the plates used for meat
might not be mixed with plates used for milk, and the
water and cloths used for cleansing the meat plates
might not be also used for cleasing the milk plates!
Nor was that the end of the matter, for the length
of time one should wait after eating meat before
being allowed to drink milk—and vice versa—had
to be thoroughly discussed and determined!
But it is important to remember that such little
laws, irrational as they may seem to us, nevertheless
all had a purpose. That purpose, however, was not,
as some people nowadays imagine—to preserve the
physical health of the Jews. (Whatever hygienic
value there may have been in the laws, was altogether
accidental.) No, their purpose was the preservation
of the spiritual health of the Jews. They helped to
wall in the Jew. They were part of the impregnable
dyke raised by him against the non-Jewish tide.
Moreover, it is also important to realize that not
all the laws in the Talmud were of so narrowly
ritualistic a sort. Many of them were of a high
ethical nature. The Jews had gone far since the
days when the laws in the Torah had been written.
Their whole outlook on life had grown less primitive.
As a natural result, their laws had to be changed so
that they were less primitive too. The law code is the
clock that tells what time it is in the civilization of
a people; and in the Talmud we see that the hands of
the clock had moved a great ways since the time of
Deuteronomy. Old laws had been tempered, modi-
fied, and robbed of their cruelty. For instance, the
barbaric command, ‘‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth
for a tooth,” had by re-interpretation come to mean
that the assailant must pay for his crime not with
his own eye or tooth, but with a heavy fine fixed
by law. Provision was made to administer an
extreme penalty like flogging in a humane manner
unknown to European law courts only a century
ago. And capital punishment was made practically
illegal. A court that had pronounced one sentence
of death in seventy years deserved, it was declared,
to be called a ‘“‘court of murderers! ”’
It is altogether vain to try to pass judgment on the
Talmud, to try to declare whether it is good or bad,
wise or foolish. It is like life—a higgledy-piggledy
mingling of both good and bad, of both wisdom and
folly. For it came directly out of life, directly out
of the hateful, exciting, hopeful, despairing, heroic
life of the Jewish people. It is rather like a moving-
picture film that has been mutilated and broken
in ten thousand places and then has been blindly
patched together again. It reveals everything that
came to hurt and heal the Jews in a thousand years
of incessant hurt and healing. And so it contains
very nearly everything.
There are in it myths and vagaries, idiotic su-
perstitions and unhappy thoughts, things that are
not merely irrational but .sometimes even quite
offensive. But there is also much profound wisdom
buried in it, and much lofty and generous thinking.
Not all the rabbis were bitter and hateful—though,
Heaven knows, they all had reason enough to be.
And not all of them were small-minded and bigoted.
Indeed, a strain of almost prophetic nobility runs
through much of the Talmud, and a clear note of
protest against the clannishness choking the people
behind the dyke.
For instance: ‘‘All men who do not worship idols
may be called Jews.’ Or again: ‘All who accept
merely the Ten Commandments may be considered
as though accepting the whole of the Law.” Or
still again: ‘‘The good men of all the Gentile races
will inherit the World to Come.”
Or in another vein: ‘‘Be thou the cursed, not he
who curses.”’? ‘‘Even the birds in the air despise
the miser.”’ ‘‘Honor the sons of the poor, for it
is they who advance science.” ‘‘Charity saves one
from death.” ‘‘When the thief cannot steal he
thinks himself an honest man.”’ ‘‘The soldiers fight
and the kings are called the heroes.”’ ‘‘When the
ox is down, many are the butchers.”’ ‘‘The passions
are not all evil, for were it not for them, no one
would build a house, marry a wife, beget children,
or do any work.” ‘Drink not, and thou wilt not
sin.” ‘‘Even if the bull have his head deep in his
trough, hasten upon the roof, and drag up the lad-
der after thee.’ ‘‘Commit a sin twice, and thou
wilt think it quite allowable.” ...
All the rest of this book could easily be filled with
just such bits of Talmudic wisdom and irony and
high prophetic preachment. Not all of the volu-
minous work is given over to dry legal discussion.
Indeed fully a third of it consists of clever fables and
quaint legends and amusing proverbs. Granted
there is much chaff in the work, there are also ker-
nels of richest wheat.
And the fact that in bulk the chaff far exceeds
the wheat, should not be at all surprising. After
all, the Talmud is the product of an age when a
peculiar type of mind alone could thrive. Israel
was exhausted. The little dormouse in the cage of
mad lions seemed to be piteously breathing its
last feeble breath. It was too broken, too clawed
and mauled and wet with its own blood, to arise
and ery with the might of the prophets. It was too
near death to worry about why it should go on living;
it merely wanted to know how.
And the how it could learn only from the mouths
of the new priests, the rabbis. The how it could
discover only in such a work as the Talmud.
When the Jews fled from Palestine their whole
aim was to get as far as possible away from the
talons of Christian Rome. Many of them fled to
Babylonia, as we have already seen. Some ran
off to Gaul and the Teutonic lands, because the
people there were still barbarians, and had not yet
learnt the Christian hatred of Jews. Others fled
to India, and perhaps to China. And still others
retreated into the heart of Arabia, that barren land
from which their own ancestors had escaped more
than a thousand years earlier.
The fate that befell those Jews who fled to Arabia
is In certain ways much like that which befell their
brethren in all the rest of the Diaspora. Outwardly
they became just like the people among whom they
settled. They turned nomad, and formed them-
selves into warring desert tribes. In a little while
sheiks of their own led them in battle, and fortresses
of their own served them in retreat. Poets of their
own wrote them songs in Arabic, and minstrels of their
own sang to them. They took Arab names and wore
Arab garb. Just as certain butterflies protect them-
selves by folding their wings so that they look ex-
actly like the leaves of the trees among which they
flit—‘‘ protective coloration”? the scientists call it—
so these Jews preserved themselves by looking and
speaking and acting exactly like the people among
whom they dwelt.
Inwardly, however, they persisted in remaining
a separate folk. They cherished the Bible—that
was why their Arab neighbors called them AAl ul
Kitab, the ‘‘People of the Book’’—and they kept
what rabbinic laws they knew. Earnestly they tried
to remain faithful to their One True God.
With the passing of the years that inward differ-
ence began to be copied by some of the Arabs.
Their own desert religion was a low form of idolatry
rather like that which the ancestors of the Jews had
believed in before they struck out for the Fertile
Crescent. Those Arabs had some three hundred
little gods to worship, and one big one. (The idol
of the big one was a mysterious black stone called
the Kaaba, which rested in a shrine in the town of
Mecea and attracted pilgrims from all corners of
Arabia.) So it was not difficult for the Jews to make
converts among the more intelligent of the Arabs.
Indeed, we are told that whole tribes came over in
a body into the Jewish fold, and that a smattering
of Judaism was known throughout the Arab settle-
Now in the town of Mecca there lived an Arab mer-
chant named Mohammed, a strange black-bearded
fellow given to epileptic fits, who began to tell people
that he had been sent to preach a new religion.
That religion turned out to be in many respects
remarkably like Judaism, for it proclaimed the
existence of but One God, and taught that the mem-
ory of all the great Jewish leaders from Abraham
to. Jesus of Nazareth should be revered. Just
where Mohammed had chanced upon this or that
particular element of his new faith we do not know.
Probably it was in the many market places in Arabia
and Syria to which he had journeyed as a trader.
Evidently Mohammed talked with intense con-
viction of his new faith, for soon he won over cer-
tain of his relatives and friends. Indeed his follow-
ing grew so large that the leading citizens of Mecca
began to get worried. This new-fangled religion
with its One God threatened to destroy the supreme
position of their city as possessor of that great idol,
the Kaaba. So they plotted to murder Mohammed,
and he had to flee to the rival town of Medina
to escape them. Now, in and around Medina there
lived several tribes of Jews, and for that reason the
populace there was better able to understand Mo-
hammed’s new religion. For years previously
they had been hearing something like his ideas
from the mouths of the Jews in their midst.
When Mohammed fled to Medina—it was in the
year 622—one of his dearest desires was to make
followers of the Jews there. With that end in view
he eagerly took over many of their customs—just
as Paul had taken over many of the customs of the
pagans whom he tried to win for Christianity. Thus
Mohammed accepted the Jewish Day of Atonement
as a fast day, and ordered his followers to turn
their faces toward Jerusalem when they prayed. He
made friends of the rabbis in Medina, and not being
able to read or write, he employed a Jew as his scribe.
The Jews showed some interest at first in the
movement, for Mohammed claimed he had been
sent by their God, and they thought he might be
the Messiah. (Oh yes, the Jews were still eagerly
awaiting the coming of the Messiah!) But when
they came to know Mohammed better and found
out how ignorant he was, and how much fonder he
seemed of pretty women than of what the Jews
considered godly ways, they refused to have any-
thing more to do with him. Their minstrels ridi-
culed him in sarcastic poems, and tried to make
him the laughing-stock of Medina.
The result was that as soon as enough Arabs
had gathered under his banner, Mohammed turned
on the Jews and butchered them without mercy.
He had made up his mind that the stubborn ‘‘ People
of the Book” could not possibly be converted, and
after decimating their ranks, he turned back to the
more promising task of converting the rest of his
own brethren. Particularly he wanted to win over
his blood kin in the stronghold of the old Kaaba
worship. With that end in view, he ordered his
followers to turn their faces toward Mecca and no
longer toward Jerusalem when they prayed. (Mo-
hammed, you see, was quite a shrewd man.) Also
he changed the time of the annual feast to the an-
cient Arabic season of Ramadhan instead of the
Jewish Day of Atonement. (Yes, Mohammed was
a very shrewd man... .)
And in time he won over his brethren not merely
in Mecca but in all the rest of Arabia also. The
triumph was not the product of gentle preaching,
however, but of bloody persecution. Mohammed
issued a declaration of Holy War against all who re-
fused to accept his faith. He told his followers that
the surest way for them to enter Heaven was by
dying, sword in hand, in the act of waging that
“Holy War.” And his followers believed him.
It would be foolish to revile Mohammed’s memory
for adopting this programme. It must be remem-
bered that after all he belonged to a people and a
time still largely barbaric. Indeed, when one con-
siders from what low spiritual ancestry and en-
vironment this Mohammed sprang, one cannot but
acknowledge him, despite all his vices, a true genius
and a stupendously great man.
But though good temper counsels us to spare
Mohammed our ugly words, we cannot help de-
ploring the evil he set on foot. Though he himself
died, his doctrine lived on after him. Always thirsty
for war and blood, the Arabs now suddenly found
themselves with a holy excuse for slaking that thirst.
To fight was now the godliest work they could en-
gage In.
So they fought. Against the whole world they
fought, for they were determined to win it all for
their One God, Allah, and for his One Prophet,
Mohammed. And they almost succeeded.
The tale of the great Mohammedan Conquests
is one that cannot be told here. It is a bewildering,
almost an incredible story. Twenty-five years after
Mohammed died, his wild Arab followers were mas-
ters of Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Babylonia, and Per-
sia. Another half-century, and all the northern coast
of Africa and almost all of Spain had been added to
their empire. Another decade saw them marching
up into France. All the Christian world trembled
as the terrible Arabs came sweeping on.
And thus a new chapter began in the history of
the Jews.
From the fifth to the seventh century the Jews
were at rest in hardly a land in the world. In
Christian countries—especially in Spain—they were
hounded out of town after town, or were penned
in like lepers in a single foul little alley. Christian
kings and noblemen robbed them, Christian bishops
wrote books against them, and Christian ruffians
murdered them. |
Conditions in Babylonia or Persia were not much
better. In those countries, also, the Jews were
harried and massacred. One ‘“‘Prince of the Exile”’
was hung, and another was crucified.
Early in the eighth century, however, the dawn of
a new day began to break. As the Mohammedans
drove the armies of Persia and the Christian nations
before them, the Jews began slowly to lift them-
selves out of the dust. For the Mohammedans
were now strangely tolerant to the Jews. Mohammed
himself had long been dead, and with him had died
his chagrin because the ‘‘People of the Book”’
would not accept his Koran. His successors only
knew the Jews as a people who by race and reli-
gion were somewhat like themselves. Perhaps
they realized also that without Jews to serve as
scouts, they themselves would have been almost
helpless. For they could trust the Jews alone to
show them their way about in the vast world beyond
the Desert. The Jews had traveled everywhere,
and seemed to know every language. Without
their aid the Arab invaders would have utterly lost
their bearings as they swept on through the great
countries to the right on the east and to the left in
the Mediterranean basin.
And under the tolerant rule of the Mohammedans,
the Jews began to prosper. They who had been
poor and bedraggled pedlars for centuries, now be-
came wealthy and powerful traders. They traveled
everywhere, from England to India, from Bohemia
to Egypt.
Their commonest merchandise in those days was
slaves. On every highroad and on every great river
and sea, these Jewish traders were to be found with
their gangs of shackled prisoners in convoy. Slave-
_ dealing seems irredeemably vile and hateful to us
to-day, but we must remember here again that
standards have changed. Only seventy-five years
ago it was considered altogether proper for the
very ‘‘best”’ people in our own land to buy and sell
human beings. In ancient times only the rarest
of souls—the ‘‘cranks,” as they must have been
called—saw any great wickedness in such a traffic.
And in the light of the customs of those times, the
slave-traffickers were actually doing almost a moral
work. They alone were keeping the conquering
armies from slaughtering every one of their defeated
foes after each battle.
And with the coming of prosperity to the Jews,
came also new life and vigor. Babylonia was still
the heart of the Diaspora, and the ‘‘Princes of the
Exile” now became powerful officials at the court of
Bagdad. The bearer of this title after the Arabs
conquered the land was actually given a daughter
of the defeated Persian king as his wife.
And the rabbinical academies began to flourish
once more. The president of the leading academy
in Babylonia was called the Gaon, the “‘ Illustrious
One,” and to him were submitted the religious
problems of the Jews throughout the Diaspora. He
decided what prayers should be recited in the syna-
gogues, and he licensed the rabbis—they were really
judges—to preside over the Jewish civil courts.
For in Babylonia and most other lands the Jews
still took their disputes and accusations to their own
Talmudic courts for settlement.
But despite the prosperity and outer freedom
that had come to the Jews, their inner life was be-
coming dry and choked. That high wall, the Tal-
mud, that had been built to lock out the non-
Jewish world, served also to lock in the Jewish soul.
Its frowning shadow was cast over every path in
Jewish life. It was no longer a means to the end of
self-preservation; it had become an end in itself.
It was no longer a thing to live by but to live for—
yes, and even to die for. The Jews lifted it to a
place of importance above the very Bible, and they
studied it far more diligently. They memorized it
from end to end—every one of its sixty-three enor-
mous divisions!
All the Talmud was accepted literally. From
end to end it was universally assumed to be a true
and perfect development of the commandments
which Moses had taught the Hebrews at the Holy
Mountain of Yahveh. The new rabbis commented
on its every line and word, striving to make clear its
many muddy passages, and succeeding only in
making them muddier. And on these commentaries,
later rabbis wrote further commentaries, making the
already muddy passages still muddier. So they
went on, pathetically caressing their hoard of laws
as a miser caresses his coins. The Talmud was no
longer their servant; they had become its slaves.
And then came the protest.
It had been brewing for a long time, but not until
now had it been able to get itself heeded. The Jews
had been living in a sort of war-time hysteria during
all those centuries, and the few protestants that
spoke out had been given very little sympathy.
They had been gruffly told to “fall in or get out!”
And many of them, refusing to “‘fall in,”’ had indeed
gotten out.
But the protest had made itself felt nevertheless.
The stern spirit of the Essene hermits—that spirit
which had produced John the Baptist and also, in
a measure, Joshua of Nazareth—still lived in the
souls of some professing Jews. Prophets still ap-
peared from time to time in remote corners of the
Diaspora. Frenzied young Jews: they were, and
they cried to their brethren to cease entangling
themselves in all the petty rules of the rabbis, and
concentrate their thinking on the great commands
of God. (They were usually the sort of men who
objected to slave-dealing and the various other
“business” activities which the Jews were being
tempted to take up.) Generation after generation,
new self-made Messiahs appeared, rising and falling
like so many flaring rockets. Small Jewish sects
leapt up and died down again in wild and rampant
Now, most of these obscure preachers and their
sects, though traveling along paths quite unin-
telligible to each other, were headed toward essenti-
ally one goal. They were striving to get back to
the basic truths of the ‘‘old-time religion.” They
were trying with all their might to get back to God.
That was why they were all opposed to that tre-
mendous wall of Law which the rabbis had erected.
They felt it was in their way. It had been built to
shut in the religion and preserve it, but these preach-
ers seemed to realize—though ever so vaguely—
that true religion never could stay shut in. So
they cried out at the top of their voices for an end
to the wall.
But the vast majority of their brethren, entangled
in their little rules and regulations, deafened as
it were by the clatter of their meat dishes and milk
dishes, did not heed that ery. Not until the coming
of Anan ben David did they heed it... .
Anan ben David was a learned Jew of high station
in Babylonia. Indeed he was the heir of the Prince
of the Exile. But about the year 762, when it came
his turn to succeed to that office, the rabbis of the
day elected his younger brother in his stead. (Prob-
ably Anan had already let it be known that he
belonged to those who were not altogether satisfied
with the Talmud.) And when Anan found he had
been cheated out of what he considered his birth-
right, the commotion raised by him rocked the
whole Jewish world.
A new sect, almost a new religion, was founded
by him. Anan declared war on the Talmudic Law,
taxing it with being all false and ridiculous. And
hundreds flocked to support him. They joined
him on his march to Jerusalem, there to set up what
they considered a truly Jewish community—one
governed solely by Biblical Law.
But it did not take long for the followers of Anan
to discover how impossible of success was their
task. The ancient Biblical Law, well enough de-
veloped for the work it had to do in its own day,
was not adapted, by itself, to govern a more civilized
community in a later age. To make it at all ade-
quate, the Biblical Law had to be completely re-
vised. Just as the first rabbis, when they rebelled
against the tyranny of the priests, had to begin
“interpreting” the Law, so these later rebels found
that they had to begin ‘“‘interpreting”’ also. In fine,
the followers of Anan ended by doing just what they
had set out to undo.
And that of course meant the beginning of the
decline and fall. Anan ben David’s sect lived on,
but its high spirit of protest against legalism sick-
ened and rapidly died out. The new legalism of its
own that it developed was in many respects even
more rigid and unreasonable than that of the Tal-
mud. The heroic little band of rebels that had
set out to cast down the high wall of the rabbis,
succeeded only in building a higher wall of their
own. 5;
But despite this, the movement lived and grew.
Though its declaration of principles was only a crazy
quilt of queer doctrines and practices, it continued
to win converts from among the orthodox Jews.
Especially was this true in the century after Anan
died, for then it produced several distinguished
scholars who tried their best to correct many of
Anan’s mistakes.
The movement, which at first had been known as
Ananism, was now called Karaism, the ‘Religion
of the Bible.” Unfortunately our sources of in-
formation are very undependable, for most of our
reports come to us from the pens of its bitterest
opponents. At its height Karaism may have been
a valiant and earnest effort to establish a rather
generous creed—a Judaism that could accept both
Jesus and Mohammed as great teachers without
sacrificing its right to go seeking still greater ones.
But Karaism quickly toppled from that height.
It failed, as perhaps every such effort must fail, in
a world still choked with fears and stupidities.
But Karaism failed only in spirit. In body it
lived on and flourished. In the ninth century,
indeed, it bade fair to become dominant throughout
the Jewish world. The rabbis of the time were a
weak and slavish lot. They tried to ignore the
movement, largely perhaps because they lacked
spirit enough to wrestle with it. The Karaite
missionaries based all their work of conversion on
arguments from the Bible, and the rabbis of the
day hardly knew the Bible. All they knew was the
Talmud, and the pathetic trickery, the twisting of
phrases and wringing of words, by which it had been
foisted onto the Bible. So for over a century those
rabbis continued to bury their heads in their dry
and dusty commentaries, and tried to make them-
selves believe that nothing was happening.
But then Saadya came on the scene, a rabbi of a
new type—alert, intelligent, and unafraid. He was
born in Egypt, but so great was his learning and
fame that he was called at the early age of thirty-
six to be Gaon of the foremost academy in Babylonia.
Fourteen years later he was already dying, his health
broken by his intense labors and struggles. Never-
theless, in those few years of life he managed to
breathe a new spirit into Jewish learning.
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Chart D. The Adventures of the Jews, Part IV
Saadya was a man of amazing sensitiveness to
the thought of his time. His mind kept in closest
touch with the movements that were advancing
in the world, and was not afraid to go out to meet
them. The Arabs had rediscovered the wisdom of
the ancient Greeks, and their keen eager intellig-
ences were drinking freely of that wisdom. By
contrast, the Karaites had set out to rediscover
the ancient wisdom of the Jews, but their loose and
slow intelligences were drinking their own new
legal brew instead. So Saadya openly took over
many of the new Arab ideas, and just as openly
rejected the Karaite ones.
Saadya, therefore, saved Judaism from wandering
off into the blind Alley of Karaism, and first set its
feet on the broad road of Arabie science. From his
time on, Karaism began to wither away. Though
members of the sect still live to-day in Turkey and
Southern Russia, they are few in number and spirit-
ually not very significant.
But though Karaism withered so soon, it per-
formed a great service in its day. It pricked Juda-
ism out of deep sleep, and set it to thinking and
moving once more. In a very real sense it had a
part in producing Saadya, for it was by his writings
against the sect that he first attracted the attention
of the Babylonian Jews and wor for himself the
high office of Gaon. In as real a sense, therefore,
Karaism opened a new chapter in the intellectual
life of the Jews—one of the most brilliant chapters
in all this long story.
Only the first paragraph of that new chapter was
written in Babylonia. A spirit of intolerance had
grown up among the Mohammedans there, and
it became impossible for the Jews to remain in the
land. Rapidly, therefore, they began to flock along
the caravan routes westward to Spain, taking with
them their scholars and their scrolls. The revival
of Jewish learning which Saadya had started, was
like the last flare before the guttering-out of a candle-
flame as far as Babylonia was concerned. Of the
Gaonim who succeeded Saadya, two were thrown
into prison by the Mohammedans, and the last was
And with that last Gaon the flame died down
completely—in Babylonia.
But a new flame was already alight and burning
—in Spain. And it was far stronger and brighter
than any Babylonia ever had known. Jews in
Spain had possessed wealth and power almost
from the time, three centuries earlier, when the
Mohammedan invaders drove the Christians from
the land. And with the passing of the years, that
wealth and power had materially increased. Even
after the Christians, hidden all this time in the
mountains, began warily to creep down again and
reoccupy the land, the position of the Jews did not
greatly change. Those Christians were still too
uncertain of their strength to dare antagonize the
powerful friends of the Moors.
Those were wondrous days for the Jews. They
wielded influence in every walk of life. Some were
active in the armies—so active, indeed, that in at
least one instance, both the Mohammedan and
Christian generals are said to have declared a truce
for a day so that Jews on both sides might enjoy
their Sabbath rest! Others taught in the great
universities, and managed the royal treasuries.
They were the leading physicians and bankers and
merchants and diplomats of the time.
And that growth of Jewish wealth and influence
was accompanied by the growth of Jewish literature
and learning. For the first time since most of the
Psalms were written in the period of the Maccabees,
Hebrew poetry began once more to flourish. Much
of it, of course, was quite inferior stuff, for Hebrew
had ceased to be a living tongue. Prayers formed
part of this new poetry—piyyutim they were called—
which often were so stilted and involved in style that
perhaps not even their own authors could puzzle
out their meaning. On the other hand, there were
hymns and epics, even love-songs and drinking songs,
of amazing charm and beauty.
Every educated Spanish Jew at that time seems
to have tried his hand at poetizing, for it was the
fashionable thing to do. Letters of friendship,
books on grammar and astronomy and religion,
prayers, even business notes, were often written in
verse. A mere list of the men who distinguished
themselves in the art would fill the rest of this
chapter. We will only mention one here, the greatest
of the age, Judah Halevi.
Judah Halevi, born in Old Castile in 1086, began
writing poetry while still a youth. But to us there
is something almost alarming about that early
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poetry of his. It was written in limpid, lovely
Hebrew; in a measure it had the ring of the ancient
Psalms. But that was all it had in common with
the Psalms, for it dealt not with sin and repentance,
but with passion and love. It sang not of the majesty
of the Lord, but of the warmth of a maiden’s ca-
resses. Or else it sang of the fragrant taste of wine,
and of the wisdom of frivolity and laughter.
Judah, it seems, was no end of a gay blade in his
youth; and when his elders rebuked him for it, his
retort was:
‘“‘Shall I whose years scarce number twenty-four
Turn foe to pleasure and drink wine no more?”
As he grew older, however, his wildness left him.
He settled down into a sedate physician in the city
of Toledo, and spent his spare hours writing a
learned Arabic work on Judaism called ‘‘Al Kha-
zari.”’ But to the end he remained nevertheless
the poet: sensitive, ill-at-ease among men, and
forever dreaming dreams. His craving in early
youth for an impossibly beautiful maiden became
later on a yearning for an unspeakably glorious
Zion. And that yearning gave birth to poem after
poem of matchless tone and grandeur. Love for
Jerusalem became his one controlling passion. It
colored all his thinking, and made him wretched
in the land of his birth.
“Tn the East, in the East, is my heart, and I dwell at the end
of the West;
How shall I join in your feasting, how shall I share in your
jest? ”
So did he mourn, and mourning so he died. Even
though in his last years he did go to Jerusalem,
still was he unable to join in feast or jest. For the
Jerusalem he found waiting for him was not the
Holy City he had imagined. Rather it was a dirty,
ul-smelling heap of débris wherein Crusader and
Mohammedan hacked at each other in unholy
madness. And legend has it that as the despondent
man stood by the ruined wall and wept, an Arab
horseman galloping out of the gate, stumbled over
him, and crushed him to death. .. .
In Judah Halevi is revealed, perhaps as well as in
any other man of his time, the new spirit that had
entered Jewish learning. The Talmud was no longer
considered the beginning and end of all wisdom;
nor was the writing of dry and spiritless commen-
taries still looked on as the only proper pursuit for
Jewish scholars.
At last the sun shone once more. At last the
gloomy shadows cast by the wall of Law, lifted for
a moment. At last there was Jewish laughter as
well as Jewish weeping on the earth—real relaxation
once more.
It must not be imagined, however, that the
scholars of this brighter age did not do their share of
burrowing in the Talmud. They too wrote com-
mentaries and long-winded interpretations. But
to their credit be it said, they did other things as
well. They wrote poetry, as we have already seen;
and they studied the science of the day.
The field that seemed to attract and interest them
most was the science of medicine, and for centuries
all great sultans and kings had their Jewish physi-
cians. Even the popes sometimes used them.
The science of grammar was another favorite
subject. That study enlisted their zeal because it
helped them to understand the Bible; and the
Bible had to be understood if the Karaites were to
be refuted. As a consequence, there were many
great Hebrew grammarians during the ‘Golden
Age” in Spain, most of them supported by wealthy
patrons in the larger cities. The foremost of them
all was one, Abraham 7zbn (the Arabic for ben)
Ezra, who, however, did his best work beyond the
borders of Spain. He was a man of great wit and
wisdom and poverty. He was always meeting with
ill-fortune, and used to say that if he were to turn
shroud-maker, immediately mankind would cease
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23.—The Wanderings of Ibn Ezra
to die. He was Spanish by birth, but before he died
he had wandered to Africa, Egypt, Palestine, Baby-
lonia, Italy, France, and England. In each he stayed
as long as his welcome or his patience lasted, living
off the bounty of some patron, lecturing to stu-
dents, and writing on any one of a dozen or more
His most important work was a commentary on
the Bible, and the spirit in which it was written
may be said to mark the birth of an epoch. For Ibn
Ezra approached the Scriptures almost with our
modern critical attitude. He took no traditional
reading for granted, but tried on the basis of his
hard and fast rules of grammar to ferret out for
himself the meaning of each verse. And when he
came across passages in the Torah, the ‘‘ Five Books
of Moses,” which flatly contradicted each other,
he did not do the orthodox thing, and try desperately
to darn and patch them together. No, instead he
let them stand side by side in all their glaring con-
tradiction, and wrote with perhaps a sly wink:
‘“‘And the wise man will no doubt have his explana-
tion for this puzzle.”
Now that was a high and holy act of scientific
daring. Even though Ibn Ezra did not enlarge
upon all he suspected, at least he did suspect. He
may not have said so openly what we to-day no
longer question—that the ‘‘Five Books of Moses”
are not really all the work of Moses, but a collection
of traditions and codes belonging to varied localities
and ages. But at least he seems to have thought it.
And the bare harboring of such a thought in that
early day, marks a tremendous advance.
Advances were also made by other Jewish scholars
in that age. As I have already said, Arabs had
stumbled upon buried scrolls of the ancient Greeks,
and being a quick and eager lot, they had not rested
until they had deciphered many of the old writings.
As a result, a whole vast world of learning was re-
opened. Mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, med-
icine, and philosophy began to flourish again for
the first time in perhaps a dozen centuries. It meant
the beginning of the end of the Dark Ages.
Naturally enough, the Jews, who were by long
training an intellectual folk, eagerly took to this
new world of wisdom. From Saadya’s time on,
they investigated its every corner, returning home
to their own Jewish studies with heads crammed
full of new ideas.
And thus, among other things, Jewish philosophy
was reborn.
Philosophy is the attempt to discover why things
have happened or are happening—just as science is
the attempt to discover how. Jewish philosophy,
therefore, attempted to discover the real reason why
Jews believe what they do—why they believe in God
and the Bible—indeed, why they remain Jews.
Many Jews of the ‘‘Golden Age” devoted them-
selves to this study, and curiously enough, for cen-
turies afterwards even the Christian scholars pored
over the books written by those Jews. That was
possible because the books were written in so inclu-
sive a spirit that often the followers of Christianity
could find nothing in them with which to disagree.
Indeed, one such book called in Latin ‘‘Fons Vite,’
the ‘‘ Living Fountain,”’ written by a Jew named Solo-
mon ibn Gabirol, was always regarded in the Euro-
pean universities as the work of a Christian scholar
named Avicebron. The true identity of the author
was not discovered until about seventy-five years ago!
Ibn Gabirol reminds one somewhat of Philo, the
great Jewish philosopher who lived in Alexandria
more than a thousand years earlier. Both of them
were ardent Jews, and yet both exercised their
greatest influence on the Christian mind. Philo
helped lay the philosophic foundation for primitive
Christianity, Just as Ibn Gabirol helped lay it for
medieval Christianity.
But the greatest Jewish thinker of this period
was Moses ben Maimon. He is usually referred to
as Maimonides, for the Latin suffix ides means
‘‘son of.’’ (Had he lived in Germany he would have
been called Maimonsohn, in Poland, Maimonski,
and in Russia, Maimonovitch.) In his day—the
second half of the twelfth century—he was the
leading rabbi in the world. Officially he was merely
the physician to the Sultan of Egypt; but un-
officially he was King of the Jews. For Jews every-
where looked up to him as their supreme authority.
The misfortune and ill-health that dogged his steps
all his life, failed to prevent his working on almost
without interruption. He wrote voluminously on
any number of subjects: mathematics, astronomy,
medicine, law, as well as philosophy.
In particular, he wrote a great book on the Talmud
—not a mere commentary, but a monumental re-
arrangement that set all the stray and conflicting
laws in order. For seven hundred years the scholars
had crept and clambered in and out and over the
piles of lumber and underbrush in the Talmudic
yard; but not until the coming of Maimonides was
any attempt made to clean up the whole place.
And when that tremendous task was done, Mai-
monides undertook another even more difficult.
He tried to set down in clear and logical fashion
sound reasons for all the Jewish beliefs. The final
product was a volume entitled in Hebrew ‘‘ Moreh
Nevuchim,” the ‘‘Guide for the Perplexed’’—one
of the most significant books in all of Jewish liter-
ature. Casting aside the Talmudic arguments,
which were all based on dogma and authority—
(‘‘This is so because Rabbi Judah, or Ezra, or Moses,
or God, said so’’)—he substituted new ones based
on what he considered pure and scientific reasoning.
Of course, a great deal of what Maimonides con-
sidered pure reasoning seems to us decidedly impure.
But it was utterly impossible for a man in the twelfth
century to use only common sense and scientific
truth as the basis for all his arguments. The time
was not yet ripe for it.
Yet, as was true of Ibn Ezra’s work, its great
glory was that at least it made the attempt.
To try to show that science proves what faith
accepts without proof, is what we call Rationalism.
Essentially it is of little use, because faith always
comes out on top. If science will not agree with it,
then science is doctored so that it shall. As Prof.
James Harvey Robinson puts it in his book, ‘‘ Mind
in the Making”’: if real reasons do not prove the
dogmas, then ‘‘good”’ reasons are manufactured and
But Rationalism nevertheless represents an ad-
vance over the stupid and unquestioning acceptance
of dogma. At least it removes the dogmatic shackles
upon thinking.
Until the time of Saadya there had been exceed-
ingly little of such unshackled thinking among the
Jews. In the years between Saadya and Maimonides
it flamed with amazing brilliance. And after Mai-
monides it began to die down once more.
After Maimonides the ‘‘Golden Age”’ began fast
to turn to iron.
Very little of the ease and freedom which the
Jews enjoyed in Mohammedan Spain was shared
by their brethren in the other lands of Europe.
Those other lands were Christian, and they boiled
with bigotry. The rulers themselves were more or
less tolerant, for they depended upon Jews as their
financiers. But the lower classes had no use for
them, and butchered them whenever a righteous
excuse could be found. .
And righteous excuses were never wanting. If a
plague broke out, of course the Jews had poisoned
the wells. If a war was lost, of course the Jews had
aided the enemy. Ifa boy mysteriously disappeared,
of course the Jews had murdered him to procure
blood for their Passover drink. ... And always
there was the standing excuse for persecution, that
the Jews were not Christians... .
That standing excuse was responsible for the
ghastliest massacres, especially during and after
the year 1096. In that year the First Crusade was
launched, and Europe went utterly out of its senses.
The thirst for the blood of the Mohammedans was
whetted first with the blood of Jews. Godfrey de
Bouillon and many of his fellow Crusaders swore
holy oaths that they would leave none of the hated
infidels alive in the land, and although Godfrey was
bought off with heavy bribes, the other Crusaders
almost made their oaths good.
In Worms, eight hundred Jews—almost all in the
city—were butchered. Amid jeers the rabbi and
all his family were buried alive. One young Jewess,
Minna, daughter of the wealthiest of the martyrs,
was offered her freedom by friendly noblemen if
she would but turn Christian. Indignantly she
refused, and she too was put to death.
In Mayence, over a thousand Jews were massacred,
and many were forcibly baptized. Among these
unwilling converts were a father and two daughters
who soon after their baptism seem to have gone
mad with penitence. The father killed the two
girls in his own house, set fire to it, then set fire to
the nearby synagogue, and finally threw himself
into the flames. Almost all the city of Mayence
was destroyed before that fire could be put out!
In Cologne, the Jews escaped by the aid of a
merciful bishop and many of the burghers. After
three weeks of hiding in the nearby villages, however,
the mob of Crusaders discovered them and were
without pity. Many Jews took their own lives,
drowning themselves in the lakes and bogs rounda-
about. The pious Samuel ben Yechiel, standing in
the water and uttering a prayer, slew his own son
at his side. And as the victim moaned ‘‘ Amen”
to the old man’s prayer, all those looking on cried,
‘‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord is One,” and let them-
selves drown in the waters. ... Three hundred
Jews trapped in one of the villages, selected five of
their number to slay the rest and then to slay them-
So matters went in Regensburg, in Treves, in
Prague—blood and fire, murder and shame.
These events all happened while the hordes of
the First Crusade were marching their bloody way
through Europe in 1096. And when at last they
reached Jerusalem and captured it three years later,
they drove all the Jews into one of the synagogues
and burnt them alive!
And then there was the Second Crusade... .
And*thee (birdies:
No laughter was left on the lips of the Jews who
survived. Throughout Germany they went about
in sackcloth and ashes, mourning for the kedoshim,
the saints, who had perished. And throughout
Christendom the Jews turned gray with fear and
terror. Their only relief was their study; their only
refuge was their house of learning. But among them
there was none of that daring which marked the
study of their brethren who had been reared in
Spain. Philosophy and science were closed worlds
to them; only the Talmud was open.
Moreover, even in their wanderings through the
wilderness of the Talmud they were cautious and
timorous. The courageous and independent think-
ing of an Ibn Ezra or a Maimonides was altogether
foreign to them. The famous Rashi, their greatest
writer of commentaries, based his interpretations
not on the strict laws of grammar, but on the loose
fancy of tradition. He darned and patched all the
breaks in the text with the scarlet wool of myth and
legend. (That is why simple folk among the Jews
to this day prefer Rashi’s commentary to Ibn Ezra’s.)
And their most diligent students of the Talmud,
the French ‘‘Tosafists,’’ made no attempt to over-
haul the whole work and set it in something like
order. Rather did they add to its disorder by scrib-
bling worthless notes on its margins.
It was for all the world the same as it had been in
the darkest days in Babylonia. Jews everywhere
in England, France, and Germany, were in a panic.
They dared not cast away a single twig of all the un-
derbrush which their fathers had stored up for them,
lest the fires of their faith die out for lack of fuel.
And what was still more tragic, they turned in
rage on those who dared do otherwise. They bitterly
attacked Maimonides for presuming to revise all
the Talmud, and assailed him even more for writing
his philosophic ‘‘Guide for the Perplexed.’ For
years they reviled and cursed that free-thinking
‘“‘Guide,” even going so far as to appeal finally to
the Catholic Church to have it burned. And it
was burned. Stupid priests joined with stupefied
rabbis to destroy the noblest product of the ‘‘Golden
And as always happens when freedom of thought
is suppressed, a new interest in magic and mysti-
cism sprang up. Cabala, ‘Tradition,’ it was called,
because its secrets were supposed to have been
handed down from the most ancient times. It
was a pathetically earnest attempt to get at the
basic truths about God and the universe. But it
sought to get at them not by the straight and stony
path of reason and science, but through the thick,
sprawling, tropical forest of imagination and mystery.
It talked of demons and angels, of strange words
and incantations, of hoary secrets hidden in un-
known books, and other such stuff and nonsense.
The little light there was in it was like the light of
fireflies skimming over a stagnant pool... .
Only in the south of France, in Provence, did a
gleam of reason and freedom still live on. A little
light from the learning of Moorish Spain had seeped
in there to dispel the fog. Jews taught in the univer-
sities of Provence, and served in the courts of the
barons. One great family of scholars, the Kimchis,
wrote grammars and dictionaries; and another, the
Tibbonides, translated Judeo-Arabic works of phi-
But soon that solitary gleam of light was also
snuffed out. A new pope, Innocent III, began to
rule, and seeing the free spirit that reigned in Pro-
vence, his little soul was dismayed. Provence was
the seat of a powerful sect of heretical Christians
called the Albigenses, a sect of rationalists who
protested courageously against the riot of darkness
and corruption in the Catholic Church. If the
truth were fully known, probably it would be
found that the learned Jews in Provence were in
large part responsible for the existence of this free-
thinking sect. The doctrines which the Jews had
been spreading throughout the land for years could
not but have helped to undermine the Church’s
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So against both the Albigenses and the Jews this
pope now directed all his fury. He issued a call
in the year 1207 for a crusade against them; and a
fanatical monk named Arnold of Citeaux, led the
assault. Count Raymond the Good, who had
always protected the heretics, was dragged naked
to church, whipped, and forced to swear among other
things never again to be tolerant to the Jews. The
beautiful city of Béziers was razed to the ground.
‘We spared neither dignity, nor sex, nor age,”
writes the monk, Arnold, to his Holy Father, the
pope. ‘‘Nearly twenty thousand human beings
perished by the sword. And after the massacre
the town was plundered and burnt, and the revenge
of God seemed to rage over it in a wonderful manner.”
And so ended the freedom in Provence.
Next came Spain. A crusade was launched
against the infidel Moors there, and that same monk,
Arnold of Citeaux, was again a leading spirit. And
of course, the Jews suffered. The Christian kings in
Spain, until now markedly tolerant to the Jews,
were rapidly taught the error of that course. The
plight of the Wandering People in Christian Spain
from then on grew more terrible year by year.
And the Moors, who were crowded back by the
crusaders until they held only little Granada in the
far south of the peninsula, also gave the Jews no
rest. They had long ago ceased to exhibit the gen-
erosity which had marked them when in the hey-
dey of their power. Already in the time of Maimon-
ides they had become a fanatical lot, and the great
philosopher had been forced to flee from his birth-
place while a boy. And with the shrinking of their
realms, the Moors had grown even more intolerant.
So now there was no corner left in all Europe for
the Jews. The last gleam of day was gone.
It was Night... .
A slow, senseless, pitiless crucifying of a people—
that is the whole tale of the night that now fell.
The Crusades had beaten the Jew to the ground,
and now for five hundred years Christian serfs and
priests, Christian kings and popes, took turns in
kicking his prostrate body.
Christianity was not to blame for that, but only
those sorry Christians. They did what they did
only because they were still brutes—poor, lustful,
stupid beasts just come up out of savagery. They
knew no better.
Even their leaders knew no better. There was
no conscious lie in their hearts when Christian
priests declared it was for the sake of the loving
Jesus that they crushed the skulls of gray-bearded
old Jews. They really believed it! Of course, we
know it was not at all for the sake of Jesus that they
committed those horrors. We know it was simply
to ease their own savage resentment at the sight of
strangers in their midst. But they knew nothing of
the sort. If they lied at all, it was only to them-
It is not difficult to see why the Jew was so stead-
ily preyed upon. In the eyes of the provincial-
minded Christians of medizval Europe, the Jew was
guilty of that most flagrant of all crimes: he was
different. And what was even worse, he seemed to
want to be different. No matter what pressure was
brought to bear on him, the Jew obstinately refused
to conform.
Now differentness is to stupid man what a red
rag is to a bull! Always he charges down on it
madly, determined to tear it to shreds. And if he
cannot tear and destroy it, he tries at least to stamp
it in the dust. For by so doing he assures his own
wretched little self that the person flaunting that
differentness is far, far inferior.
But the trouble with the Jew was that though he
was different, he yet did not admit himself—nor seem
—inferior. At least, not sufficiently so. And there-
fore the whole aim of the Christian world focused
itself on the task of finding ways and means of de-
meaning the Jew more thoroughly.
That was the real intent back of the invention
of the Jew-badge. A law was passed in 1215 by the
Catholic Church forbidding all Jews on pain of
death to appear on the streets without a colored
badge of a certain shape sewn to their clothing.
It was meant to be a brand of shame, an ever-
present, visible sign of inferiority.
The Jew-badge only too well realized the evil
intent of the Christians. Almost literally it broke
the back of the Jew. Cringing, and drooping his
shoulders, he went about the streets, a marked man,
a constant target for the stones and oaths of ruffians.
He lost his pride. Spat upon by everyone, pelted
with offal no matter where he turned, he soon learnt
to trudge about in the foulest of ill-smelling rags.
His very speech ceased to be a language and became
a jargon; his lyric gift in prayer degenerated into
a pitiable whine. Even in his own eyes he almost
became what the Churchmen tried their hardest
to make him—a despicable and loathsome wretch.
Not unjustly do historians mark the year 1215
as the beginning of the Night.
But even though the Jew-badge broke his spirit,
yet it did not end his life. The Jew still lived, and
financially often had the name of prospering. He
had wealth—tremendous, uncounted wealth, so the
Christians believed. At least, when they had to
have money, the Jew was often ready to be the
money lender.
The Jews had become the money lenders of Eu-
rope for quite evident reasons. The Church sternly
forbade all Christians to engage in the pursuit.
And since money lending—or banking, as we now
call it—was indispensable to the well-being of com-
merce and government, the Jews simply had to
take it up. There was no one else in Europe free
to do it.
And with great eagerness did the Jews take to
money lending, for the occupation exactly suited
their circumstances. Living in constant dread of
riots, not knowing when they might have to flee,
the Jews had to engage in a business requiring no
bulky stock-in-trade. Farming would not do, for
fields and haystacks could hardly be thrown into
a chest and hidden in the ground, or carried off in
the night. Coins and jewels and deeds were much
So the Jews became the money lenders of Europe.
They developed a great shrewdness and cunning
in the one and only field of opportunity left open
to them. And with their shrewdness and cunning
they developed a certain cruelty and greed. That
was natural. The world was cruel to them, so when
the chance was theirs, they were cruel in return.
Their high ‘“‘overhead”’ drove them to become
usurers, and they charged all the interest on their
loans that they could possibly get.. There was no
other way for them to survive. So many borrowers
never repaid their loans, that those who did had to
make up for those who did not.
And by shrewdness and cunning, by usury and
thrift, the Jews managed to crawl and wriggle their
way through to wealth. So the Christian world de-
cided that its next task, now that the Jew had been
robbed of his pride, was to rob him also of his pelf.
Robbing the Jew was not a difficult task, for he
was altogether friendless in the Christian world.
He would not consent to be a member of the Church,
and therefore he was not allowed to be a member
of the State. Occasionally, for an adequate bribe,
a pope would protest against the more extravagant
tortures inflicted upon the Jews by minor princes
of the Church; but usually his protest was made
after those tortures had already been inflicted. It
is not unjust to say that the Catholic Church with
all its prelates and priests and friars was from first
to last the Jew’s most implacable foe. Only on one
condition would it spare him—if he forsook the
faith of his fathers and turned Christian.
Nor was the State and its kings and princes much
better. If the secular rulers spared the Jew at all,
it was only because they could not easily get along
without him. Somehow or other, the Jew always
seemed able to get money. Even though he was
robbed of his wealth one year, he seemed to find a
way to get at least part of it back the next. And
for that reason the rulers spared the Jew somewhat.
He was a never-failing source of revenue.
To extort this revenue became almost an art with
the rulers of medieval Europe. The simplest and
quickest method, of course, was to murder the
money lender. But this method had its drawback,
for it killed the goose that laid the golden eggs. So
more usually the king had his own officers rob the
money lender’s house, and if the treasure had been
removed and hidden where the robbers could not
find it, the money lender was tortured to reveal the
hiding place. King John of England is said to have
ordered a tooth drawn every day from the mouth
of one of ‘“‘his” Jews in order to learn the where-
abouts of such a hiding place.
But even this practice was not always satisfactory,
for the size of the haul secured from a reputedly
wealthy Jew was often far less than had been antic-
ipated. So it was found more profitable to rob whole
communities of Jews at one time. And this was
frequently done. Charges of one sort or another
were trumped up against the Jews of a particular
town or country, their property was confiscated,
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and then they themselves were ordered out. And in
a few years, after they were permitted back again,
the devilish game was repeated.
In that manner the Jews were expelled from
France in 1182, and then permitted to return in
1198. They were expelled a second time in 1306, and
a second time permitted to return in 1315.
And so it went. Year after year without rest,
the hunted Jews had to drag their weary feet
from pillar to post. They were ordered out of
Vienna, Cologne, Wittenberg, Hamburg, Bruenn, and
Olmuetz. And out of Trent, Nuremberg, Ulm, and
Magdeburg. From one town after another they
were hounded without mercy, finding rest only in
the grave.
Yet they would not surrender. Stubbornly they
carried on, true to the faith of their fathers. Obsti-
nately they persisted, still a strange, a different
Finally signs multiplied that the Jews were be-
ginning to exhaust the patience of their persecutors.
Expulsions grew more frequent, and permits to
return more rare. The Catholic Church yielded
at last—though only unofficially—to the demand
for Christian usurers, and the Jews gradually be-
came no longer indispensable. Good Catholics
who were friends of the pope, were permitted to
loan money to the kings of Europe; and thus the
Jews in Europe lost the one function that so long
had saved them from expulsion. In previous years
a king sometimes arrested them merely to keep
them from leaving his country; or he invited them
back soon after they had been robbed or expelled.
He had not been able to get along without them then.
But now all that was changed, and it became far
more usual for him to drive out the Jews and tell
them to stay out.
In the year 1290 every professing Jew in all
England was ordered out of the country ‘‘forever.”’
Between sixteen and seventeen thousand of them
had to flee, and none dared to return until almost
four hundred years afterward. William Shakespeare
wrote his ‘‘Merchant of Venice’? probably without
ever having seen a real Jew. . .
In the year 1394 the Jews of France were also
expelled—this time in earnest. ‘To prevent their
return, a law was passed making it a capital crime
for any Christian to shield or even converse with
a Jew.
A similar fate befell many of the Jews of Ger-
many, though it was not the land as a unit, but
certain individual towns that expelled them.
And finally it came Spain’s turn. Persecution had
occurred there on and off for over a century, and,
after 1391, became almost incessant. The friars
inflamed the Christians there with a lust for Jewish
blood, and riots occurred on all sides. For the Jews
it was simply a choice between baptism and death,
and many of them submitted to baptism. One
friar, Vincente Ferrer, is reported to have converted
no less than thirty-five thousand of them.
But almost always conversion on these terms was
only outward and false. Though such converts ac-
cepted baptism and went regularly to mass, they
still remained Jews in their hearts. They were
called Maranos, ‘‘Accursed Ones,”’ and there were
perhaps a hundred thousand of them in the land.
Often they possessed enormous wealth. Their
daughters married into the noblest families, even
into the blood royal; and their sons sometimes
entered the Church and rose to the highest offices.
It is said that even one of the popes was of this
Marano stock.
Fanatical churchmen were frantic with pent-up
rage. Throughout Spain they saw men and women
who called themselves Christians, enjoyed all the
privileges of Christians, and yet still remained Jews.
The monks who had labored so frenziedly to con-
vert them, felt that they had been fooled and cheated.
And in their anger they instituted the unspeakable
The Inquisition was a court to try, condemn, and
punish those suspected of religious heresies. It was
established in 1480 and continued its murderous
work for many hundreds of years. Its broadsides
at first were not directed against professing Jews—
they were left to the mercies of the mob—but against
professing Christians who secretly or openly doubted
any of the Church dogmas. For many years the
vast majority of its victims, of course, were the
Maranos. The Church was determined to get rid
of them, for they were like a canker eating at its
very heart. And incidentally, Ferdinand and Isa-
bella, the King and Queen of Spain, desired to kill
them off in order to get hold of their enormous wealth.
Three years after the establishment of the In-
quisition a fiend named Torquemada was put at
its head. On the slightest fragment of gossip
dropped by a Christian servant-girl in confessional,
her Marano master and mistress were dragged before
the Inquisition, tortured till they confessed their
secret Jewishness, and then burnt at the stake. An
auto-da-fé, an ‘‘act of faith,’’ such a public burning
was called; and it was a great sporting event for the
Christians. They attended it in all their gayest
raiment, and witnessed the death agonies of the
condemned with songs and jeers.
But the Inquisition soon found itself incapable
of handling all the suspects. There proved to be
too many of them. The blame for this naturally
fell on the Jews who had remained openly loyal to
their faith even in name. It was common knowledge
that they held secret prayer meetings to bolster the
faith in the Maranos, and used other ways to keep
the old religion alive among them. There was no
help for it, therefore, but to turn on those uncon-
verted Jews. For it was now plain that they were
the real menace to the Church.
And so it happened that in the year 1492 all the
unconverted Jews in the realm of Spain were driven
out. They were more than two hundred thousand
in number, and they were compelled to leave all
their gold and silver and jewels behind them. A
single word—just one gesture—to show they were
willing to surrender their faith, and any one of them
would have been spared.
But no. Rather would they all sacrifice their
homes and their wealth, than forsake their religion.
So off into the night they went, outcasts and fugi-
tives. Off they wandered in utter bewilderment to
seek a new home.
So once more we find the Jews cast out and wan-
dering in search of a new resting place. Further
west it was impossible for them to go, for the New
World had not yet been discovered. Of necessity,
therefore, they had to go back east again.
And by now things had changed for the better
in the East, and they found a ready welcome there.
Jews from the northern half of Western Europe—
the ‘‘Ashkenazim”’ as they were called, because the
Hebrew for Germany is Ashkenaz—wandered off
to Poland. Probably there already were scattered
communities of Jews in Poland to welcome the ref-
ugees from the west. We are told of a large tribe
of Tartars called the Khazars, who in the eighth
century were converted to Judaism and established
a Jewish kingdom in southern Russia.* Although
that kingdom was destroyed by the Russians in
the tenth century, no doubt many of the descend-
ants of the Khazars were still living in the region.
* Judah Halevi, the poet of the “Golden Age,” made this
conversion the central incident in his famous book called “Al
Khazari.’”’ In it he gives the arguments used by the rabbi who
won over the king of the Khazars. But Halevi wrote the book
four hundred years after the event, and was of course drawing
altogether on his imagination. Just how the Khazars really
came to accept Judaism we do not at all know.
And no doubt they readily greeted their brethren as
they came flocking in from Germany.
The kings of Poland did not at all oppose the
vast immigration of Jews. Their land was still
sparsely settled, and almost barbaric. There was
little commerce in it, for there were exceedingly
few towns or villages. So the Jews, who were now
28.—The Home of the Khazars
known to be primarily a commercial people, were
welcomed by the shrewd kings. Wherever a Jew
settled, there a store and a market place arose;
and wherever a store and market place arose, there
the Polish peasants began to stake out farms and
build their hovels. Thus gradually many villages
and towns began to appear in the land.
But many years had to pass before the Jews
began to feel at home in the new environment.
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The unrefined life of the barbaric serfs around them
made them look back with longing to the civilized
land from which they had been driven. They still
spoke German—though with the passing of the
generations that German changed to the speech
now known to us as Yiddish. And they still called
each other by the names of the German cities from
which they had been expelled.
Exactly the same thing happened to the Jews
who were driven from Spain—the ‘‘Sephardim,”’
as they were called, because the Hebrew word for
Spain is Sepharad. They wandered off to Turkey
and to other Mohammedan lands; and the sultans
received them with no little delight. But those
Jews, too, felt themselves in a lower grade environ-
ment, and they never gave up their old speech. Just
as the Ashkenazim in the north developed Yiddish,
so the Sephardim in the south developed Ladino,
a dialect also written in Hebrew characters, but
made up principally of sixteenth-century Spanish
interspersed with many Hebrew words.
Not all the Jews wandered off to Poland and
Turkey, however. The many hundreds of thou-
sands not courageous enough to uproot themselves
and leave their old homes and the graves of their
forefathers, remained behind. In Germany, Italy,
and Austria they managed to drag out a pitiable
existence in the comparatively few towns which
had not absolutely expelled their race; and in Spain
and Portugal they lived on, despite the Inquisition,
as Maranos.
In each of those German and Italian towns they
were forced to live in what was called a Ghetto. The
first of them in Italy was created in Venice, and
was located in a foul corner of the town near the
“‘Gietto,” the gun factory. And probably that is
how we get the word.
From the very beginning of the Exile the Jews
had been inclined to live together in little groups.
Even before the Talmud became their law they pre-
ferred to keep to themselves, for after all, they were
a ‘different’ people. And the Talmud, with its
innumerable minute regulations, only intensified
that preference. No matter where the town, the
Jews almost instinctively drifted toward one partic-
ular street or section in it. Thus in London be-
fore their expulsion most of them lived on a narrow
lane which to this day is know as Old Jewry.
But in those earlier years it was always a matter of
desire, not of duress. There was no law forbidding
them to live wherever they pleased in a city. Only
in the towns of early Spain, before the Mohammedans
conquered the land, was any attempt made to re-
strict Jewish dwellings to certain streets.
But in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries such
restrictions began to be made and enforced also
in the German cities, and in the fourteenth century
in the Sicilian cities. And gradually the evil custom
spread to other parts of Europe. By the sixteenth
century few indeed were the West-European Jews
who were not forced to live in these segregated
Almost always the ghetto was situated in the
foulest part of the town. In Rome, for instance, a
few vile alleys down in the lower end of the city
sheltered the Jews. Year after year the River Tiber
in flood sent its ill-smelling waters through those
alleys, leaving behind thick layers of oozy mud that
steamed with malaria and other diseases.
Almost always, too, the ghettos grew fearfully
overcrowded. Though the Jews rapidly increased
in numbers, bearing children and children’s children,
the ghettos were rarely if ever enlarged. In Frank-
fort-on-the-Main, for instance, four thousand souls
were packed into fewer than two hundred houses
in a gloomy street too narrow for a wagon to turn
in! Two and three families had to live in one and
the same room. Even the cemeteries became so
choked that the tombstones were often piled almost
on top of each other.
It was impossible to keep the ghettos clean.
Refuse was littered everywhere, and huge rats
scuttled about in the cellars and walls. If a fever
broke out, hardly a family escaped; if a fire was
started, not a house could be saved.
Nor was this all. High walls surrounded the
ghettos, and their gates could be closed and locked.
At first this was looked on as an advantage by the
Jews, for their thought was that the walls would
protect them from the murderous mobs. Every
night they locked the gate in the belief that it safe-
guarded them from attack. But later they dis-
covered that the gate shut them in far more effect-
ively than it shut the Christians out. The ghetto
became a prison yard, and when lustful mobs wanted
their Jews, they knew just where to find them.
Once the gate was battered down, the Jews were
trapped in their narrow alleys and were lost.
And there was still another evil. Life in the ghetto
with its imprisoning walls, its dilapidated houses,
its open sewers in every street, came to affect the
Jew for evil much the same as did the badge he was
forced to wear. It not merely stunted his body,
but it also warped his soul. It condemned him to
skulk like a criminal or a leper behind bars. All his
social life had to be lived in its close air. If he was
caught outside the ghetto gates after dark, he was
arrested and perhaps put to death.
Even during the day, when he was free to roam
through the city, he could seldom make friends.
The Jew-badge sewn to his ragged clothing, marked
him off as low and despicable. Very rarely, now,
was he able to carry on the business of money lending
save on a petty scale. He could not be a craftsman
of any sort because the guilds, the trade unions of
medieval times, rigidly excluded him from member-
ship. Even as a trader he was restricted, for in many
lands a law forbade him to sell any but second-
hand goods. He had to eke out a livelihood as a
rag-peddler or a haggling pawnbroker. Deeper and
deeper he was ground into the dust.
But there was still one place left on earth where he
was noble and free—and that place was his home.
Even though it may have been but a corner of some
foul cellar, still he was king there. All the love in
his being, dammed in by the outside world, was
lavished on his wife and children. The home became
his temple, and the family table his holy altar.
As often as the Sabbath came, he would throw off
his rags, bathe, dress in his finest raiment, and feel
himself once more the Chosen of God. The Sabbath
table would be spread with its white linen, its bright
lamps, its mountainous twisted loaves. The little
wine cup would be drained to the glory of God and
the Holy Days. Prayers would be offered and even
merry songs would be sung. All the thousand woes
of daily life would be utterly forgotten. And with
that old hope that had never quite been crushed,
the Jew would dream again of his Messiah.
That is the miracle of the Ghetto—and the miracle
of the Jew. All the hideous degradations that a
stupidly hostile world could heap on him, could not
rob him of that solace. The frenzied words of the
Prophets of ancient Judea still lived on in his heart.
Through the week they flickered low in the wind of
hatred, but on the Sabbath day in his own home they
burst into triumphant flame. He would sézll be
redeemed, he believed! Some day, some day, the
God he had served all through that terrible night,
would bring on the dawn again! Some day his
Messiah would come!.. .
The hostility of the Catholic Church to Judaism
is simply explained. The foundation of that Church
was the naive claim that it alone knew and treasured
the whole Truth. It would not admit that there
might be ‘‘my” belief and ‘‘yours,”’ but insisted
that there could only be the ‘‘true”’ belief and the
‘false.’ All who belonged to the Church enjoyed
the safety of the ‘‘true” belief; while all who were
so foolish as to remain outside the Church, shared
in the unvarying deadly harm of the ‘‘false.”’
It was an altogether absurd, a pathetically stupid
claim—but nevertheless it was insisted on. And
because the Synagogue frankly refused to accept it,
the Church was as frankly relentless in its perse-
cution. For no matter how battered and crippled
and small it may have been, the Synagogue still
constituted a living challenge. It was the one un-
mistakable, ever-flaming protest against the pre-
sumption of the Church. It was more than a thorn.
Scattered as it was throughout the lands of Christen-
dom, the Synagogue operated on every side rather
like a network of tiny rapiers that bled the sense of
self-sufficiency in the Church.
That explains why the Church would give the Jew
no rest. He was its most dangerous enemy, for
wherever he migrated he encouraged heresies. He
did not do it by active agitation; he did not have to.
His very presence in a community was enough. For
his very presence proved it was possible to remain
outside the Church, to be unorthodox, and still
live and face death peacefully. °
One cannot doubt, therefore, that it was this pres-
ence of the Jew in Christian Europe, and the spirit
of protest which he kept alive, that helped bring on
the great Protestant Reformation.
It is significant that the first skirmish in that Ref-
ormation sprang out of an attack on the Jews. A
certain baptized Jew named Pfefferkorn, eager to
show how good a Christian he had become, per-
suaded the Emperor of Germany in 1590 to order
the burning of all the Hebrew books in the hands of
the Jews of Frankfort and Cologne. Such burnings,
especially of copies of the Talmud, had already
occurred several times before in Europe; for it was
charged that those books contained wicked attacks
on Christianity. The Jews had always protested,
but never with success.
This time, however, they had better fortune.
The Emperor, desiring to be just, called in a famous
Christian named Reuchlin to give an opinion on the
ease. Like many other great scholars of that day—
the Humanists, as they were calléd—Reuchlin was
well versed in Hebrew literature. He had studied
in Rome under Jews, and had written on Hebrew
_ grammar and Cabala. His report was favorable
to the Jews, declaring that their books were useful
for theology and science, and contained no heresy
whatsoever. And as a result of that report the
Emperor rescinded his order.
Immediately Pfefforkorn, with the aid of the
Dominican friars whose tool he was, launched an
attack on Reuchlin. But the humanist was a man
of courage as well as learning, and he fought back.
And the conflict that ensued helped to clear the
way for Martin Luther and his Reformation. It
opened the eyes of the more intelligent Christians
to the corruption and the ignorance of the Church.
A new spirit had already gathered momentum
in Europe—a spirit that came to be called the
Renaissance, the ‘“‘Rebirth.” For the first time in
centuries man dared to give his mind freer play,
and dared again to ask questions. This generation
was no longer content to accept all that the church-
men told it, but began to go back to the Hebrew
and Greek writings from which those churchmen
claimed to have derived their authority. Those
writings were only available because of the activity
of the Jews and the Arabs during the ‘‘Golden
Age.”’ It was Jews and Arabs who had translated
and interpreted the Holy Scriptures of the ancient
Hebrews, and the scientific works of the ancient
Greeks, so that Christian scholars—now that they
were interested—at last could see what those books
-Of course, the result was devastating to the pres-
tige of the Church. Its religion was discovered to
be grossly unlike the religion of the Hebrews and
Jesus; and its science, when compared with the science
of the Greeks, was found to be altogether false.
Martin Luther, although himself a priest at the
time, was one of those who saw how extreme was
the difference between the religion of the Church
and the religion of the Scriptures. He had studied
Hebrew under Reuchlin and was able to read those
Scriptures in the original tongue. And having read
them diligently, he finally made public what he had
discovered. On Hallowe’en Day in the year 1517, he
nailed a statement of certain of his beliefs to the door
of his little church in Wittenberg, in Germany. And
with that courageous act, Protestantism was born.
Luther insisted that not the Pope but the Holy
Scriptures were the final religious authority to
which every man should bow. For that reason he
made it one of his first tasks to translate the Bible
into German, so that every man might be able to
consult it for and by himself. In making that trans-
lation, he relied considerably on the commentary
written by the Jewish scholar named Rashi who
lived in France in the eleventh century. But save in
that indirect fashion, Jews exercised little influence
on the development of the new movement. By their
long and heroic struggle against the Church they
had pointed the way for Protestantism. By their
very presence in Europe they had helped to bring the
heresy into being. But once it was born, they let
it severely alone.
It is curious how Luther acted toward the Jews.
At first they were highly in favor with him, and he
had nothing but praise for their age-old resistance
to the Church. In an essay entitled ‘“‘Jesus Was
Born a Jew,” he wrote: ‘‘ They (the Jews) are blood-
relations of our Lord; and if it were proper to boast
of flesh and blood, the Jews belong to Christ more
than we. ... Therefore it is my advice that we
treat them kindly. . . . We must exercise not the
law of the Pope, but that of Christian love, and
show them a friendly spirit. . . .”
But later it became evident that Luther had not
written those words out of a desire to be fair to the
Jews, but out of a desire to convert them. For as
he grew older and saw that the Jews could not be
converted, his whole attitude changed. With a
rancor and bitterness hard to account for, he sud-
denly began condemning the Jews. He accused
them now of all those fictitious crimes which had
made Europe such a hell for them. He, too, now
claimed that they poisoned the wells used by Chris-
tians, assassinated their Christian patients, and
murdered Christian children to procure blood for
the Passover. He called on the princes and rulers to
persecute them mercilessly, and commanded the
preachers to set the mobs on them. He declared
that if the power were his, he would take all the
leaders of the Jews and tear their tongues out by the
The story of the earlier and later attitude of
Luther toward the Jews of Germany strangely par-
allels that of Mohammed toward the Jews of Arabia.
And just as Mohammedanism in the beginning
brought the unconvertible folk exceedingly little
benefit, just so Protestantism brought them no
good. On the contrary, Luther’s movement in
those years caused the Jews even more distress—
if that was possible—than they had known while
in the talons of the undivided Church. For soon
a reaction set in, and the Church with mad des-
peration tried to win back its old power. The laxity
that had crept into its government, and that had
made it possible for the Jews to live at all, was now
suddenly checked.
All the harshest canons and regulations were now
put in force again. The Talmud and other Hebrew
works were ordered to be destroyed in the Papal
States—and now no Reuchlin was permitted to
intercede. Jews were compelled to support schools
for their own conversion. They were not allowed
to own real estate. Wherever they went, the men
had to wear green caps, and the women green veils.
The physicians among them were absolutely for-
bidden to attend Christian patients. . . . The Jews
were expelled from Lower Austria, and twice within
twenty years from Bohemia. . . . Even in Poland,
where they had been left at peace until now, the
Jesuit missionaries of the Church brought misery
and death to the Jews.
Dawn had come to the Christian world, and the
darkness that had reigned for thirteen hundred
years, was at last being dispelled. .
But for the Jews there was still no dawn. For
them it was still unbroken Night.
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Chart E. The Adventures of the Jews, Part V
And because darkness still reigned supreme in the
world’s attitude toward the Jew, darkness reigned
also in the Jew’s attitude toward his own religion.
The clear light that had flamed in Jewish learning
during the ‘“‘Golden Age,’ burned lower and lower
till at last only a spark was left alive. As we have
already seen, Maimonides’ ‘‘Guide for the Perplexed”
was publicly burned only forty years after its great
author died. All philosophy was branded a dangerous
study, and only the Talmud and Cabala were rec-
ommended by the rabbis.
The light, however, could not be entirely snuffed
out at once. Philosophy still was studied by the
more courageous of the scholars, and several learned
works—largely imitations of the ‘‘Guide’’—were
produced in the century that followed.
Science, too, still had its devotees among the Jews.
Scholars like Jacob Anatoli translated important
scientific works from Arabic and Hebrew into Latin.
Others, like Levi ben Gershom, Abraham Zacuto,
and Jaffuda Cresques, created the astronomical
instruments, the mathematical tables, and the maps
which made possible the voyages of Columbus and
the other world explorers. Still others went on those
voyages themselves. Several Jews were with Co-
lumbus on his expeditions to America, and the first
white man to set foot on the continent was his inter-
preter, a Jew named Luis de Torres.*
Neither did the lively Hebrew literature of the
‘“‘Golden Age” disappear all at once. Immanuel
of Rome, a friend of Dante, wrote clever poetry
that was rather shocking. And another, Kalonymus
ben Kalonymus, dared to produce and circulate an
amusing ‘‘take-off”’ on the Talmud.
The ferment of new ideas in Christian Europe
which is called the Renaissance, did not pass by and
leave the Jews unaffected. They themselves had
helped to give the ferment a start, for Jews had been
foremost among the teachers of the Humanists.
Naturally, therefore, they themselves were influ-
enced by its rise.
_ For instance, a Jew named Elijah Levita, who had
taught Hebrew to many famous Christians, made
at least one bold discovery concerning the text of
the Scriptures. He became convinced that the
vowel points in the Hebrew Bible had not been put
in by Moses or Ezra, as people firmly believed, but
by certain unknown scholars living long after the
Talmud had been completed. His announcement
bewildered the Jews and then aroused them to great
anger. lLevita’s discovery meant that the text of
the Bible in use among them was of relatively late
Then there was a frail and withered scholar named —
* This same Luis de Torres is reputed to have been the man
who first discovered the use of tobacco.
Azariah dei Rossi, one of those amazing Jews who
had wandered everywhere and seemed to know
everything. He wrote voluminously on Jewish
history and science, and always with fine daring.
Whenever a real contradiction arose between reason
and a time-honored belief, he sided completely with
reason. And he was the first Jewish scholar with
sufficient daring to declare openly that on matters
of science the whole Talmud was unreliable!
But such scholars received no sympathy or en-
couragement from the run of their fellow Jews.
On the contrary, their works were reviled and their
lives were plagued. The poetry of Immanuel of
Rome was rabbinically condemned. Elijah Levita
found his brethren so hostile, that most of his life
was spent solely with Christian associates. And
Azariah dei Rossi narrowly escaped excommunica-
So it went with all the other scholars who dared
to display independence and courage in their think-
ing. In the eyes of the orthodox rabbis of the day,
they were ‘“‘destructive critics.”” And in the judg-
ment of those rabbis all destructive criticism—indeed,
criticism of any sort—seemed fearful and dangerous.
They insisted that there be no prying or doubting,
but only dumb belief. Very much like the priests of
the Church, the rabbis of the Synagogue could only
tolerate unqualified orthodoxy.
For they were frightened. They- knew that once
more Israel stood in danger of destruction. It had
been all very well in the ‘‘Golden Age”’ to lower the
wall around the Jew and let in a little light. In the
‘“‘Golden Age” the sea outside the wall had been
calm and still. But now that the sea again raged
with fury, even those breaches that had already
been made, needed to be quickly closed against the
So in the very century when light was streaming
into the Church, the breaches in the walls of the
Synagogue were being filled and all light was being
shut out. The very age that saw the rise of pro-
phetic reformers in Christendom, saw the rise of
priestly rabbis in Israel.
The laws of the Talmud recovered their old im-
portance, and along with them, myriads of new
little laws that had been devised by later rabbis.
New notebooks or digests were compiled to make
those laws better known to the people. As early as
‘the eleventh century one of these digests was com-
piled by a rabbi named Alfasi. In the fourteenth
century, Asher ben Yechiel made another. His
son, Jacob ben Asher, followed with a third. And
there were also many others of lesser importance.
But not until the sixteenth century were the
Jews ready to make a new gospel of such a law code,
and then a rabbi named Joseph Karo compiled a
work called the Shulchan Aruch.
Joseph Karo was a Spanish Jew who settled in
Safed, in Galilee, and became chief rabbi there.
(The rule of the Turks had grown tolerant again,
and Palestine had once more become an important
Jewish center.) He was one of those scholars who
thought all worldly wisdom was confined to the
Talmud, and he pored over it till he knew it almost
by heart. He seems to have been a true product
of his surroundings: a gadgrind with a marvelous
memory but no originality, a vast capacity for work
but no genius. His imagination was of the sort that
trailed its wings in the stagnant waters of magic
and superstition. And his courage was of the sort
that essayed huge tasks rather than adventurous
ones. His whole intelligence was typically that
of the ultra-priest—slow, safe, and soggy.
Practically all his life was devoted to the one
monumental undertaking, the compiling of his
Shulehan Aruch. The book was an exhaustive
digest of the laws and customs regulating the life
of the Jew; and it covered everything, from a rul-
ing as to which shoe should be put on first when
dressing, to how love should be made, and how
children should be reared. It clamped the Jew in
an iron mold, and forced all his life and thought to
become rigid and unchangeable. And soon after
it was first printed (1564), the Shulchan Aruch
was accepted as the highest authority in the legal
literature of Israel. It gained acceptance in all
the lands of the Diaspora, for although Karo him-
self had included in it only the regulations honored
by the Sephardic Jews, a Polish Talmudist named
Moses Isserles hastily added the many other regu-
lations honored by the Ashkenazim. From then on
succeeding scholars began to write commentaries on it
as their predecessors had written commentaries on the
Bible and the Talmud. They are still writing com-
mentaries on it to this day, in Eastern Europe. .. .
And thus did the Jews take unto themselves a
veritable ‘‘printed pope.”
It was inevitable, of course, that this should
happen. Persecution forced the Jews to build up
their wall of law or else drown in the sea of oppres-
sion. It was but a repetition of what had happened
in Palestine after the Destruction of Jersualem, and
in Babylonia after the Dispersion, and in Northern
Europe during the Crusades. Death had the Jews
almost in its talons—and they would not die.
Even among the Jews themselves, there are many
to-day who look on the triumph of the priestly
Shulchan Aruch as one of the tragic incidents in
this history. But perhaps there would not have
been a to-day for the Jews if in the sixteenth century
there had been no Shulchan Aruch. .. .
This code may have condemned them to im-
prisonment for life, but at least it saved them from
If there was any light behind the gloomy wall of
Law which the Jews had built around themselves,
it was but the phosphorescent glow cast by the
Cabala. As far back as Bible times there had been
a trace of that glow in Jewish life. It increased
somewhat in Talmudic times, probably through
association with the Persians. In Gaonic times it
grew brighter still. Rabbis bored to desperation
with sifting the dead ashes of the Law, eagerly
took to playing with the flame of magic. It died
down again while the sun of reason shone among the
philosophers of the ‘“‘Golden Age.” But as soon
as that sun set, the eerie gleam of the Cabala ap-
peared again.
And then the real age of the Cabala followed.
It received its first impetus from a book called the
Zohar (the ‘‘Splendor’’), late in the thirteenth cen-
tury. This Zohar contained a Cabalistic explana-
tion of the Torah that purported to reveal all the
‘“‘secret meanings”’ underlying the peculiar phrases
and words of the holy text. A Spanish Jew named
Moses de Leon, who sponsored the book, claimed it
had been conceived and written by a wonder-working
rabbi eleven hundred years earlier, and that the
manuscript had lain hidden away all the intervening
years in a mysterious cave. In all probability, how-
ever, he had compiled it himself from stolen ma-
terial lifted by him from Hindu, Persian, and Hebrew
The popularity of the book in the Jewish world
was amazing. Though it had set out to be merely
a commentary on the Torah, it soon became, indeed,
a Torah in itself. In every corner of every land of
the Diaspora Jews pored over it and wrote com-
mentaries on it. Contemporary Jewish philosophers
and scientists attacked it to no avail, for its hold
on the imagination of the people was too firm. For
five hundred years stunted souls reveled in its mys-
teries with all the abandon of rickety slum-children
playing in a mud puddle.
It is difficult for a modern mind to extract much
sense from the Zohar or any of the other Cabalistic
works. They all seem filled to the brim with diseased
and pathetic nonsense. We can well understand
and, indeed, admire the underlying hunger behind
them, the sweeping sense of wonder at the unutterable
mystery of all life. But our minds are offended by the
way in which those works seek to allay the hunger.
Nothing is more reasonable than the conviction
that veiled powers throng the universe; and nothing
is more honorable than the desire to unveil them.
But there are varied ways of attempting to satisfy
that desire. There is the way of the scientist who
by experimentation and invention tries courageously
to tear the veils apart. There is the way of the re-
ligious mystic who by piety and meditation tries
humbly to pray them apart. There is the way of
the artist who by yielding to inspiration somehow
stares them apart. Then there is the way of the
Cabalist, who by mumbling incantations and boiling
magic broths, tries almost treacherously to sneak
them apart.
And of all four ways, the most popular has ever
been that of the Cabalist.
Especially was it popular among the Jews between
the thirteenth and the eighteenth centuries—and
for a very valid reason. To the sorry creatures
‘ languishing behind the physical wall of the Ghetto
and the spiritual wall of the Law, it came as a boon
from Heaven. The Ghetto bound their feet, and
the Law shackled their hands; but the Cabala
let their minds run loose and wild.
That explains the rapid spread of the Cabala
in the Jewish world. The Law was still studied and
observed, more out of duty, however, than love.
The Cabala alone was wooed with free-hearted
passion. For the Law, though it did keep the Jews
alive, yet did not make their life worth living. The
Cabala alone seemed able to do that for them.
For the Cabala put heart into them by its assurance
that their individual souls were all-important and
holy—that the whole universe revolved about them.
The Cabala taught every man not merely that he
was created in the image of God, but that he was
actually a part of Him. All could taste the ecstasy
of union with God, of meeting, and embracing,
and being embraced by Him, if they but knew the
secret way that led into His presence.
All of which was admirable and beyond reproach.
But Cabala went further and tried to tell how
that union with God could be attained—and that
was where it fell into pathetic error. It took to
mumbling about imps and demons, about magic
words and magic numbers, about lucky stars and
guardian angels, about secret books and mystic
seals. All the truck and imbecility of magic, all the
nonsense about spells, amulets, evil eyes, and lucky
stones, became part of Cabalistic lore.
_It was a delusion and a snare, plunging and en-
tangling the people in the crudest superstition. And
generation after generation it bred False Messiahs.
To tell of all the Cabalists who set themselves up
as Messiahs, would take many more pages than we
can afford here. Of most of them it is enough to
say that they suddenly appeared, preached, excited
the people, and then disappeared. Many of them
fell a prey to the civil authorities, and-were either
forcibly baptized or put to death. Some of them
may have been plain impostors, and deserving of
that fate. But the majority of them seem to have
been poor, half-insane fellows who were fully as
deluded as their followers. Long brooding over the
woes of the Jewish people, coupled with years of
staring into the glare of the Cabala, had hypnotized
them into really believing themselves the ‘‘ Anointed
of God.” Typical of their faith in themselves is the
instance of one of them who actually asked to
be beheaded so that he might prove that he could
come to life again!
Their daring was almost incredible. For in-
stance, a swarthy, emaciated, quick-witted adven-
turer named David Reubeni, managed to convince
both the Pope at Rome, and the King of Portugal,
of his pretensions. So great was the enthusiasm
he aroused, that many Maranos in Portugal were
suddenly impelled to declare themselves Jews once
more. One of them was a handsome youth named
Diogo Pires, who was royal secretary in one of the
high courts. He cast aside all his honors, had him-
self circumcised, took the Hebrew name of Solomon
Molko, and started off impetuously to meet the
Great Day. He ran away to Syria, and became a
leader among the Cabalists there. (Even Joseph
Karo, the dry legalist who wrote the Schulchan
Aruch, became one of Molko’s disciples.) And then
he went to Italy to proclaim to the world the im-
mediate coming of the Messiah.
What adventures Molko had in Italy, how he was
befriended by ambassadors and cardinals, was
secretly smuggled out of his death-cell by the Pope,
met David Reubeni once more and went off with
him to convert the Emperor, and how finally he
was burned at the stake, provide an abundance of
material for a thrilling novel.
But even more fascinating is the story of Sabbatai
Zevi, the greatest of all the False Messiahs.
Sabbatai was born in Turkey, and early distin-
guished himself as a pious Cabalist. He was known
as a queer young fellow—queer enough, at least,
to deny himself all pleasures, fast day after day,
and bathe in the sea even in winter. These prac-
tices were the fashion among the extreme Cabalists:
they starved and froze their bodies until they be-
came delirious with the pain. And while in that
delirium they believed they tasted the ecstasy of
union with God.
Sabbatai was born into a world that was all
a-tremble with panic and excitement. The year
1666 was approaching, and because of some curious
manipulations of a verse in the New Testament
Book of Revelation, 1666 was looked forward to by
many Christians as the year of the coming of the
Messiah. The Jews, too, had a calculation that
pointed to his coming at about that time. The fact
that for the Christians it was the Second Coming,
and for the Jews the first, made very little difference.
The exciting point was that He was coming!
With much of the world thus nervously awaiting
the miraculous appearance, it was neither strange
nor difficult for a youth like Sabbatai to get a fixed
idea into his head that he himself was the one to
appear. Neither was it difficult for him to get
others to accept the idea, too. In Turkey and
Syria, where the Cabala had been sapping the in- |
telligence of the Jews for generations, he was very
soon accepted with mad acclaim. In Poland,
where the ghastliest massacres were just then dec-
imating the Jews, he was just as eagerly hailed.
Even in Germany, Holland, and France the Jews
took him at his word. Their spirits had been so
broken by long-continued suffering and unremitting
torture throughout the world, that they were ready
to believe in anyone promising early release. Pil-
grims came to Sabbatai from all corners of the Di-
aspora, bearing rich gifts from their communities.
Great rabbis in far distant lands, on hearing rumors
of the ‘‘Messiah’s’”’ appearance, wrote to each other
in bewilderment, not knowing what to believe or do.
Sabbatai himself was undoubtedly deluded and
somewhat insane; but he directed his campaign
with rare shrewdness. He did everything possible
to win the allegiance of the people, from distributing
candy among the children of the town, to giving
himself solemnly in marriage to the Torah. He
scourged his body publicly, sang mystical songs,
distributed printed accounts of his visions, and sent
messengers everywhere proclaiming his messiah-
Finally, the Turkish officials took a hand, for
the Sabbataian movement had begun to take on the
semblance of a political revolt. But they did not
exert themselves. After they had imprisoned Sab-
batai they let his prison be turned almost into a
throne-room by his frenzied admirers. The syna-
gogues throughout Europe were decorated with his
initials, ‘‘S. Z.’? In many communities, houses were
unroofed and other preparations made for a new
Exodus. Prayers were offered in Sabbatai’s name,
and good-luck charms were engraved with his initials.
Pictures were drawn of the holy Sabbatai astride a
lion crunching a seven-headed dragon in its jaws,
leading the Twelve Tribes on their way back to the
Holy Land. Even some Christians caught the fever,
and thought they sighted mysterious vessels off the
coast of Scotland with silken sails bearing Hebrew
tHE Jews cene- Ae sii 4 |
EXxciteD THEM re
With WILD AND o/ H
30.—The Wanderings of Sabbatai Zevi
And then of a sudden the whole mad boom col-
lapsed. A rival “Messiah”? suddenly came out of
Poland, and failing to come to terms with Sabbatai,
denounced him to the Sultan. Sabbatai was taken
from the prison in which bribed officials had per-
mitted him to do as he pleased, and was dragged
to Adrianople. There he immediately perceived
that his end was approaching, for the government
had lost its patience. Frantically he looked about
for a means of escape, and found it—in conversion.
When he was brought for judgment before the mighty
Sultan he simply cast off his Jewish head-dress and
put on a Turkish turban.
Awful was the consternation in all Israel when
the news spread that the holy Sabbatai had turned
Mohammedan. Great rabbis and scholars who had
been deceived by the impostor, hung their heads
in shame; and everywhere great sport was made of
the Jews by their enemies. The Sultan, who might
just as easily have been among the duped, now pre-
tended great disgust with the credulous Jews. Seri-
ously he spoke of converting or exterminating all
of the hundreds of thousands in his realm; and only
narrowly was the attempt averted.
But the marvel of it was that even then the belief
in Sabbatai did not cease entirely. Jews by the hun-
dred persisted in regarding him as the long-awaited
Messiah. They told themselves that his conversion
was but a part of the Messianic programme, and
they quoted from the Prophets to prove it. And
they, too, became Mohammedans with him.
Sabbatai himself encouraged these simpletons
by telling them that God had commanded him in
a vision to change his religion outwardly. He kept
up a continuous agitation, lying and playing traitor
to both Jews and Turks. Finally he was trapped
at his deceitful game and exiled to a lone village in
Albania. And there in shame and poverty he died.
But the storm Sabbatai Zevi had aroused did not
die with him. A century later, great rabbis in Po-
land and Germany were still squabbling over him
and his claims.
And to this day in many towns in Turkey de-
scendants are to be found of those Jews who turned
Mohammedan with the impostor. The ‘‘Donmeh”’
they are called by the Turks: the ‘‘ Apostates.”’
They keep themselves apart from the other Jews and
make a great show of going to the mosques and
keeping the Mohammedan holydays. But be-
neath it all, they are still Jews. They live side by
side, or in houses which are secretly connected,
marry only among themselves, have their own hid-
den meeting-places where they pray in Hebrew or
Ladino, and still await the return of Sabbatai the
Messiah. Somehow they have obtained a monopoly
of the barber trade, so that in a town like Salonica
to-day you can hardly have your hair trimmed
save at the hands of one of these strange half-Jews.
And sometimes the swarthy young foreigner who
shines your shoes in an American barber-shop,
is also one of them... .
It is all a bewilderingly strange story. ...
When the Jews were cast out of Spain in 1492,
most of them found refuge in Turkey, Palestine, and
Syria. And we have already seen what manner of
adventures they had there.
But the story of the Maranos who remained be-
hind is still to be told.
The Inquisition continued its work of persecution,
and not alone in Spain, but later in nearby Portugal
also. But somehow it completely failed to accom-
plish its purpose. The Maranos still remained
Maranos, secretly observing the ancient Jewish
rites, and training their children and their children’s
children to observe them. Not merely to the third
and fourth generations, but to the ninth and tenth,
the practices of the ancient faith were secretly
transmitted. Though all Spain and Portugal reeked
with the smell of burning Jewish flesh, the heresy
could not be destroyed.
But as the years passed and the tyranny of the
Inquisitors did not abate, the Maranos grew des-
perate. Though they had great wealth and high
station, the strain of living in hourly danger of
exposure became too great even for them. So they
began to think of flight. Accordingly, in the six-
teenth century some of them followed their Jewish
brethren who had fled to Turkey, and there they re-
turned openly to the ancient faith. And there they
prospered and grew enormously powerful.
But as had happened so often before in the history
of the Jews, in a little while their popularity began
to wane. Perhaps it was because they had increased
in numbers too rapidly in their new home and
had become too prominently noticeable there.
(When foreigners in a community are few, their
presence is rarely resented. But when they so
multiply that they seem to be always in the way,
the attitude of the natives quickly changes.) So
after the sixteenth century but few Maranos looked
upon the Near East as a refuge.
They began looking to the north instead; to the
Netherlands. ,
After one of the most heroic revolutions in the
story of all mankind, Holland had just succeeded
in freeing itself from the tyranny of Spain. Natu-
rally, therefore, it attracted the Maranos. In greater
and greater numbers they began to take refuge in
the free-spirited republic, bringing with them their
wealth and vast trading connections. And from
then on the glory of Spain began rapidly to wane—
and the might of Holland began to grow.
A distinguished Jewish community arose in
Amsterdam. Many of its members had been rather
lofty aristocrats in the land from which they had
fled, and had held high positions there. Former
priests and prelates were among them; perhaps
even former inquisitors. There were statesmen and
physicians, scholars and financiers. And many of
them bore romantic Spanish names that rolled off
the tongue like polite rumblings of thunder.
(It is interesting to picture a haughty Juan Mar-
tinez de Caballeria and a proud Roderigo Ramirez
de Ribera, with their black little van dyke beards,
their enormous ruffs, their silk doublets, huddling
with their brethren in a little synagogue and reciting
the Hebrew prayers of their forefathers. . . .)
And from this parent colony in Holland, many
others were formed. The King of Denmark was
induced by the prosperity which the Jews were bring-
ing to the Netherlands, to invite them to settle in
his country too. Far more important, England
now reopened its doors to the Jews. In 1654 Oliver
Cromwell was won over by the eloquent rabbi of
Amsterdam, Menasseh ben Israel, and set aside the
edict that had kept the Jews out of England for
more than three and a half centuries. From then
on Jews from Holland—and later Germany—began
to filter into England in a steady stream.
Nor was that all. America too now became a
refuge for the wandering Jews. By a strange trick
of fate the very day after the Jews were ordered out
of Spain was the day that Christopher Columbus
set sail for the West. The coincidence was almost
a prophecy. That voyage, made possible to a
certain extent by the funds, the nautical instru-
ments, and the man-power of the people who had just
been made homeless, discovered for them a new home.
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31.—The Flight of the Maranos
Maranos drifted over to the New World with the
earliest Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors in
such numbers that soon the dread Inquisition
was set up there. Full half a century before the
Pilgrim Fathers ever set foot on the continent, Jews
were already being martyred at the autos-da-fé in
Mexico and Peru.
But fortunately for the Jews, not all the New
World fell into the hands of fanatical Catholics.
In 1642 a group of six hundred Jews set sail from
Holland for Brazil, which then was a possession of
the Dutch. The community grew rapidly, so that
twelve years later, when the Portuguese conquered
the province, several thousand Jews had to flee.
Most of them settled in the Dutch West Indies,
but a shipload of twenty-three found their way to
New York, which then was called New Amsterdam.
The governor, Peter Stuyvesant, tried to keep the
little band of fugitives from landing; but the
Dutch West Indies Company, which was partly
controlled by Amsterdam Jews, sent orders to him
to let them in. Before the orders could arrive, how-
ever, several of the wanderers had gone on and taken
refuge in Rhode Island, where full religious liberty
had been granted all settlers.
And thus did the Wandering People cross the
threshold of the New World.
At first it was only the Sephardic Jews from
Spain and Holland who wandered to the new colonies.
But soon the Ashkenazic Jews from Germany began
to emigrate to them also. The Thirty Years War
32.—How the Jews Came to America
had brought ruin in their homeland to countless
thousands of these Ashkenazim, and in droves they
now poured out to settle in freer places. They fled
to Holland, and thence to England and America.
And everywhere a feeling of coolness arose between
them and the Sephardim. The two groups were quite
unlike each other, not alone in language and culture,
but also in stature, features, and complexion. They
seemed almost to belong to two different races.
(There must have been much Spanish blood in the
veins of those former Maranos, and not a little
German blood in the veins of the others.) They
kept apart from each other, praying in separate
synagogues and using somewhat different rituals.
Perhaps what united them most was the silent
pressure of the Gentile, who drew no distinctions
and called them all Jews.
Of course, the Sephardim were considered the
superior of the two groups, for they were far wealth-
ier, more cultured, and better groomed than their
brethren who had just escaped from the foul German
ghettos. But for all that, those Sephardim were a
sadly narrow and bigoted lot. They who had
writhed so long in the clutches of an intolerant
Church now became intolerant themselves.
And because of that intolerance they committed
two of the saddest crimes in all the long history of
their people. ...
A certain scholarly young Spaniard named Uriel
Acosta, though belonging to a Marano family that
for generations had been strictly Catholic, suddenly
fled away to Amsterdam to become a Jew. He had
long been secretly studying the Holy Scriptures,
and a mighty yearning for the religion of his fore-
fathers had taken possession of him.
But no sooner did he reach Amsterdam than he
discovered the religion of his brethren there was
quite unlike the religion of his forefathers in Pales-
tine. Hardly a trace of kinship was left between
the two. The flaming faith of an Amos and a Jere-
miah had died down to a smolder of petty law-keeping;
the dreams of an Isaiah had been supplanted by the
Shulchan Aruch. And a holy desire to reform the
religion of his brethren was kindled in the heart of
the young dreamer. Earnestly—and perhaps im-
patiently—he attacked the travesty on true Juda-
ism which obtained among the Jews around him.
But those Jews were in no mood to allow any
one to tamper with their hard-and-fast form of
belief. Having suffered for it so many generations,
they now insisted that it should be treated as per-
fect and unchangeable. So the rabbis complained
to the police, and Acosta was thrown into prison
as a public enemy to all religion. He fled to Germany,
and for nine years lived in coventry there. Finally
he could stand it no longer, and he returned, a broken
man, to Amsterdam and begged to be forgiven.
He was readily taken back, and lived for a while
at peace in the community. But then trouble began
again. Acosta could not long remain a hypocrite
and make a pretense of believing what he knew to
be false and ridiculous. People began to complain
to the rabbis that he was not observing all the laws of
Judaism. He was summoned before the officials
of the Synagogue and commanded to repent. And
on his refusal he was excommunicated with awful
oaths from the fold of Israel.
Seven long years he suffered in silence. Even his
nearest relatives refused to speak to him. And then
for the second time his spirit caved in, and he sur-
But this time he was not so readily taken back.
First he had to make public confession of his sins
in the crowded synagogue. Then he had to kneel
and let his naked back be lashed thirty-nine times.
Finally he had to prostrate himself on the threshold
of that House of God and let himself be stepped
over or trampled on by the mob.
It was too much. The proud spirit of the hidalgo,
Acosta, who had sacrificed everything to throw in
his lot with the Jews, could not live on after so
terrible a humiliation. He went home, wrote a brief
sketch of his stormy life, and then shot himself.
But Acosta’s spirit of protest lived on after him.
Hardly five years passed, and another young Jew
was discovered to be a heretic. His name was
Baruch Spinoza, and he seems to have belonged to
one of the prominent Jewish families in Amsterdam.
Born in 1632, he was reared in the religious school
of the community. He studied the Bible and the
Talmud, and toward the end of his course, the
writings of the great Jewish scholars like Ibn Ezra
and Maimonides. And also he studied Latin, the
sciences, and medieval philosophy.
This Baruch Spinoza was a brilliant lad, and
no doubt his teachers looked upon him as a future
leader in the community. But gradually the story
was noised around that he was thinking free and
heretical thoughts. He was not molested, however,
until after his father’s death. Then he was brought
before the officials of the synagogue to answer for
his reputed heresies. And before those officials he
freely admitted the truth of all that had been ru-
mored about him. He did not believe in angels, or
in heaven and hell, or in anything else that his
reason declared impossible.
The rabbis were horrified. It was not merely
that they could not themselves tolerate this young
man’s scorn of their beloved errors. It was more
a terrible fear in them that if word of his heresies
reached the Christian world, all the Jews might be
made to suffer.
First the officials tried to buy his silence; but
Baruch nobly refused to be bought. So then they
cut him off forever. A mere youth of twenty-three,
he was excommunicated and driven from the city.
And from that day to the day of his death, Baruch
Spinoza never again was spoken to by a Jew.
He wandered from one village to another, finally
settling in The Hague. He earned a livelihood as an
optician and lens-grinder; but most of his hours were
spent in setting down his ideas about God, religion,
and freedom. Learned Christians from many lands
came to consult with him, or wrote to him on philo-
sophic problems. And when he died at the age of
forty-five, his lungs destroyed by the glass dust he
had so long breathed at his daily toil, he was the
most noted philosopher of his age.
This Jew, Spinoza, had but resurrected and carried
on the grand tradition of Maimonides. He had
sought to base all his thinking on reason, not on
faith. He had refused to believe what the men of
the Church or Synagogue commanded. He had
tried to think for himself.
To-day no one remembers the names of the rabbis
who hounded that young thinker out of Israel.
But all our world knows the name of their victim.
For he it was who helped lay the foundation of
modern philosophy. He was one of the great light-
bearers of human-kind, one of its immortal warriors
against credulity and ignorance.
The pious rabbis of his day branded Spinoza as
an enemy and a betrayer of Israel. (Which is just
what the ancient priests always thought of the
prophets of their time.) But his whole life and
labor proved him to be infinitely truer to the spirit
of Israel than they.
For Baruch Spinoza was a breaker of idols and a
rebel against all them that would enshackle thought.
He was a worker of Godly Mischief. In a very
real sense he was the spirit of the Strange People
incarnate. .. .
The Jews met with relatively little ill-treatment
at the hands of the non-Jews in Holland and the
West; but it was far different in the East. The
princes of Poland, as we have already seen, had
previously welcomed the Jews in their flight from
mob-ridden Germany. ‘Those princes found them
then of high value, for their activities brought com-
merce and a measure of prosperity to the Polish
provinces. And the Jews, glad to find refuge and
asylum anywhere, came in ever increasing numbers.
They spread out and multiplied until there was
a Jewish colony in almost every town and village.
They did not till the soil, for there were already too
many native peasants for that sort of work. Instead,
the Jews functioned as traders and_ professional
men, and thus became the middle class of the land.
That proved their undoing in the end. For gen-
erations they managed to live on in fair comfort,
wedging themselves ever more firmly in between the
serfs and the lords. And then suddenly they dis-
covered themselves imprisoned. They were caught
between two millstones, so that at every approach
of bad times they were crushed. Whenever the lower
class was hungry or the upper class was bankrupt,
the Jews who formed the middle class were ground.
It was not until the middle of the seventeenth
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century that the Jews of Poland awakened to the
dreadfulness of their position. In 1648 the Cos-
sacks rebelled against their Polish overlords, and
directed the brunt of their savage attack against
the Jews. The Jews seemed to those Cossacks almost
worse than the feudal princes, for they were the
feudal agents and taxgatherers. The Jews, there-
fore, were tortured and plundered; they were almost
drowned in their own blood. Over a half-million
of them lost their lives before the uprising was
And that was but the beginning. From that day
to this the Jews of Eastern Europe have known
no rest. These upper and nether millstones have
ground them, bled them, crushed them, generation
after generation. For two hundred and twenty-
five long and bloody years their life has been but a
That explains why Eastern Europe became the
center of the extremest Talmudism. When the
Jews awakened to find themselves in a raging sea of
hostility, they almost instinctively shot up their
high wall of Law. And that wall became and re-
mained the sole interest in their religious lives.
This was especially true in the north in Lith-
uania and what is called White Russia. Every
male child from infancy was sent to the cheder, the
‘“classroom,”’ to learn Hebrew. And almost as soon
as it could read, its little body was taught to bend
and sway over the huge volumes of the Talmud.
Day and night the child was forced to freeze or
swelter in the stuffy cheder while it learnt to repeat
in a peculiar sing-song tone the arguments of the
ancient rabbis.
At thirteen each boy was confirmed, and he was
then allowed to go to work if he had shown no
particular diligence as a pupil. But very many of
the boys went on with their studies. They went on
to the yeshivah, the college, or in the smaller com-
munities, to the bes ha-medresh, the house of learn-
ing. These boys were usually supported by the com-
munity, getting their meals each day in a different
home, and sleeping on the hard benches in the study
room. Until they were seventeen or eighteen they
lived in that way; and then often they were married
off to the daughters of wealthy Jews and were sup-
ported in the yeshivah perhaps for the rest of their
lives by their fathers-in-law.
They never studied anything but the Talmud.
The reading of a book of poetry, or science, or phi-
losophy—especially one written in any but the
sacred tongue—was considered a most serious crime.
The students learnt only how to split hairs—how to
divide and mangle and shred every little Talmudic
rule so as to make a dozen new rules out of it.
Twice a year great fairs were held in the land,
and along with the traders who came to them to
exhibit their wares, came also the students to show
off their cleverness. While the traders from different
towns haggled with each other over prices, the stu-
dents from different yeshivos disputed over Talmudic
verses. And before the fair was over, the wealth-
iest traders picked the most brilliant students, and
took them home to marry their daughters or sisters.
The old Jewish idea that the only genuine aris-
tocracy is that of brains, was unchallenged among
them. The scholar was the lord supreme. Every-
thing—not alone wealth and station, but also native
kindness of heart and even character—was counted
far less important than learning.
This idolization of learning was not so intense,
however, among the Jews in the southern provinces—
in Poland, Galicia, and Ukrainia. There too the
cheder and bes ha-medresh existed in every town and
village; and there too learning was highly respected.
But it was not looked on as the one thing exclusively
worth respecting.
There was a marked difference in psychological
background between the Jew of Poland and his
brother in Lithuania. In Poland and the southern
provinces generally, the emotions were esteemed and
considered more important than mere intellect. The
Jews there were more interested in extracting a
wealth of feeling from their religion, than in pro-
ducing by much thinking a host of arguments in its
favor. Perhaps that explains why to this day the
vast majority of the artists, writers, actors, and
musicians among the East-European Jews, come
from those southern provinces; while the astutest
lawyers and keenest scientists among them, usually
come from Lithuania.
No one can tell for certain how this difference
arose. Perhaps it was due to the greater admixture
of rich Tartar blood in the veins of the Jews in the
south. Perhaps in that region more intermarriages
34.—Eastern Europe
had taken place with the descendants of the Khazars.
Whatever the cause may have been, however,
the contrast was unmistakable. The Polish Jews
could not and did not try to forget all their woes in
dull Talmudic disputations. They preferred a game
that gave their imaginations rather than their wits
a chance to gambol and frolic. So while the norther-
ners, the ‘‘Litvaks,”’ patiently spun their holy
rules, the southerners played with incantations and
magic spells. While the Lithuanians set their
minds to the task of boring through the Talmud,
the Polish and Galician Jews let their fancies run
riot in the Cabala.
In a way the difference between the two regions
was strikingly like the difference between old Judea
with its scholarly Pharisees and Galilee with its
mystical Essenes. .. .
Naturally enough it was in the southern provinces
of Eastern Europe that the ache for a miraculous
Deliverer was keenest. The least rumor of the
appearance of a new Messiah swept through the
Jewish population there like the wind. The boom
of Sabbatai Zevi carried them literally to the verge
of hysteria. Even the disgraceful collapse of the
boom, did not cure them altogether. Not for another
century, indeed, were they cured.
It was another low impostor, a man very like
Sabbatai, only even more impudent, who finally
cured them. The rascal was named Jacob Frank,
and he appeared in 1755 and declared himself the
reborn Sabbatai Zevi. And many hundreds there
were who believed him and flocked to his support.
The second coming of Sabbatai seemed quite as
credible to them as the second coming of Jesus still
seems to millions of Christians to-day.
The coming of Frank caused a furor that shook
all of East-European Jewry. The rabbis denounced
him violently, especially in the shrewd, level-headed
north; but nevertheless, his following grew.
Then, suddenly, like a pricked balloon, the furor
collapsed. Four years after Frank first put forward
his claims, he and his followers found themselves
caught fast in the talons of the Church. And just
as the Sabbataians, to save their lives, became Mo-
hammedans, so the Frankists now became Christians.
That brought the Jews abruptly to their senses.
Twice within a century they had seen great and
much-vaunted ‘ Messiahs’”’ end up as cowardly
apostates. Twice they had been duped.
They never were duped again.
But the old hunger for religious excitement still
lived among the Jews of Poland and Galicia. Strug-
gling along in the semi-darkness behind their frown-
ing rampart of Law, they had not lost their craving
for the coming of a man who could bring them the
And at last such a man came.
His name was Israel ben Eliezer, but the people
soon learnt to call him Baal Shem Tov, ‘‘The Kind
Master of God’s Name.” A strange and wondrous
man was he—one who in his whole life and work
seems to have been a true brother to that other
‘‘Kind Master,” Jesus of Nazareth. And like Jesus,
very little is definitely known about Baal Shem
Tov, for he too left no writings. Only naive and
confused legends remain to tell us of his life, and it
is not easy to decide just what in them is fact and
what is fancy.
He was born in one of the southern provinces
about the year 1700, and was left an orphan at an
early age. Kindly townsfolk tried to rear him, send-
ing him to cheder with their own children. But he
was a difficult lad to bring up. He was forever
playing truant, and wandering off alone to the
woods. He was always dreaming—of just what,
no one could find out. And he simply would not
apply himself to his Talmudic studies. So indolent
a student was he indeed, that finally he was expelled
from the cheder and told to go and find work.
He was then a grown man of twelve, and he found
a job as a helper in a cheder. He taught the little
tots the alphabet; and part of his duty was to take
them to and from the school. (The word ‘‘peda-
gogue”’ originally meant a Greek slave who used to
do just such work in ancient Athens.) Then, when
he grew older, he became the shamosh, the sexton,
of a synagogue.
People did not know just what to make of him,
he was so eccentric in his conduct. He would sleep
most of the day, and spend the nights alone in the
synagogue, where he would pray with terrible fer-
vor. He would sway to and fro, shouting loudly
and seeming in a trance half the time. Or else he
would sit up and pore over huge volumes of Cabala.
For many years he lived in a lone village near the
Carpathian Mountains where he eked out a living for
himself and his wife as a clay digger. For a while
he was a tavern-keeper, then a village Hebrew
teacher, and then a shamosh again.
And then all of a sudden he started out among the
people as a self-appointed magic healer, a baal-
shem, a ‘“‘Master of God’s Name.” Many other
such healers were wandering about the countryside
of Poland and Galicia at the time. They all claimed
to be able to do wonders and work miracles with the
aid of God’s secret name. They were supposed to
be able to cure diseases, cast out demons, foretell
the future, and perform other such marvels for the
superstitious folk.
But in one respect this Israel was quite unlike the
other ‘‘healers.”” There was a kindliness about him,
a saintliness that fast won him to the hearts of the
downecast Jews. He was not at all like the ordinary
baal-shem, who mumbled incantations for money.
He never once asked for pay and he helped every-
where. There was a godly light in his eye and a
godly sincerity in his heart. The people saw that
he came and spent himself for them only because
he truly loved them.
That explains why they called him ‘‘Baal Shem
Tov,” ‘‘the Kind Master of God’s Name.” Even
Christian peasants were among those who came to
him with woes and wounds for him to heal.
At first the orthodox Cabalists probably looked
down on him as once the Pharisees had looked down
on that other kindly healer, Jesus. And from first
to last the aristocratic Talmudists of the north
hated him as the aristocratic Sadducees had hated
the Nazarene. But the simple folk, the tailors and
the cobblers, the teamsters and the tavern-keepers—
they and their sickly wives and their anamic chil-
dren all believed in Baal Shem Tov, and worshiped
And from him they learnt to look on the world
in a new way. God, he told them, was everywhere
and in everything—not alone in the synagogues,
but also in the muddy roadways, the foul villages,
in every dreary moment of their daily toil. So
everywhere they could pray to Him and find Him.
And it was their duty to pray to Him wherever they
might be—to count every moment holy. Not by
praying at certain fixed times in a certain fixed way,
could they be true Jews, but only by making all their
lives a prayer. So declared Baal Shem Tov.
Fundamentally that was the valid element in the
theory underlying all of Cabala. But Baal Shem Tov
added to it a peculiarly attractive note of his own.
He proclaimed that one’s life must not be a sad or
mournful prayer, but emphatically a gay and joyous
one. Only thus could it be acceptable to God.
Now the ordinary Cabalist did not think this at
all. He was rather afraid of God, and usually in-
clined to sidle up to him with a long, tearful face.
That is why he believed in long fasting, great mourn-
ing, and fearful conjuring with magic words. He
imagined it was the only way to secure God’s favor.
But Baal Shem Tov declared that every one should
whole-heartedly love God, and not be at all afraid
of Him. No one should go to meet Him with tears
and terror, but only with laughter and song. In
prayer, one should not whisper, but shout and dance;
in life one should not fast, but feast and make merry.
So did this new prophet assure the humble folk of
Poland—and they believed him. They believed
because they wanted to believe. Baal Shem Tov
with this new doctrine of his, made their life worth
living. He gave them back the right to laugh—
a right they had not dared to exercise in many long
dark centuries. He insisted that they sing and be
happy. He brought back the sun to them.
So they listened to him intently and believed and
obeyed him. He spoke in simple parables that they
could understand without difficulty. And he healed
them when they came to him, and comforted them
in all their distresses. He drew no distinctions
between rich and poor, between learned and ig-
norant. All were equal in his eyes, for all were
equally part of the great God he loved.
Never did he speak of himself as the Messiah,
however. On the contrary he was forever insisting
that only when all Israel loved God truly would the
Messiah come. He called himself merely a tzaddik,
a ‘‘Righteous Man,” and his followers he called
chassidim, ‘‘Pious Ones.” Every chassid, if he were
but sufficiently earnest in his piety, could become a
tzaddik. The difference was not one of kind but of
degree. The tzaddik because of his tremendous
piety was nearer the heart of God, and could under-
stand God’s intentions and interpret them to the
folk. He was, as it were, a connecting link between
God and the ordinary man.
Such was the gist of the teaching of that queer,
lovable, loving mystic whom the people called
Baal Shem Tov. For many years he taught it to
the people, and spread it all through the land.
And when the kind baal-shem passed away he
left that teaching as his legacy to comfort his breth-
ren in Israel.
But they that came after Baal Shem Tov and
undertook to carry on his mission, were smaller and
less exalted men. Either they had not righly under-
stood him, or they had understood and did not
care to obey. For at their hands the noble belief
of Baal Shem Tov sank from a prophetic yearning
to a priestly cult. It became but a low means of
personal enrichment for those who set themselves
up as tzaddikim.
The leading disciples of Baal Shem Tov were
the first tzaddikim, and after them others arose.
They passed themselves off as professional holy
men, and commanded the plain people to support
them. And the plain people, being simple and super-
stitious, obeyed. They gave their last pennies
to the tzaddik of their district—the ‘‘Gitter Yid,”
the ‘‘Good Jew,” as they usually called him in
Yiddish—and out of these he grew wealthy. He
lived very much like a Polish. prince, surrounded
by a court of helpers and favorites. He had a
palace, a stable of fine horses, and a cellar filled with
the costliest wines. And in time a tradition arose
that only the son of a tzaddik could be a tzaddik—
that holiness was confined to a certain few families.
Of course, the rabbis of Lithuania attacked these
tzaddikim and the whole Chassidic movement.
They excommunicated its preachers, and when
they found that was of no avail, they even had them
imprisoned by the civil authorities. Perhaps it
was asking too much to expect them to understand
the great hunger inspiring and sustaining the new
movement. Those northern rabbis, staid and
severe in all their thoughts and deeds, were shocked
at the gay spirit of the chassidim. Especially were
they scandalized by the amount of gay drinking
that was common among the members of the new
sect at their many festivals. And perhaps, too,
those northern rabbis were human enough to be a
little jealous of the enormous power of the popular
But despite all the opposition, the new movement
lived and prospered. While it did not spread much
beyond the borders of the southern provinces,
Poland and Galicia, inside of these it became su-
preme. The few misnaggedim, ‘‘opponents,” who
persisted there, were accorded scant tolerance in-
To this day Chassidism is supreme in those prov-
inces. There are still tzaddikim to be found there,
trying to live off the starving Jewish masses. And
many of them have come to America, here to live
off the immigrants from those provinces. They
can sometimes be seen to this day in the larger
American cities: long-bearded men with curly
locks hanging down over their temples. They dress
usually in fine silk gaberdines, black during the
week, but a spotless white on the Sabbath. They
wear their trousers stuck into their long stockings,
probably because in the time of their great-great-
grandfathers it was the fashion to wear knicker-
bockers. Their heads are covered with huge, round
fur hats. And for a little gift they will shower you
with blessings and promise that your every wish
will be fulfilled.
So low as that has the teaching of Baal Shem Tov
baller: o.
In the middle of the eighteenth century it was
still Night; and it seemed as dark as ever it had been
in Jewish history. Persecutions were not so bloody
as in earlier years; but they were still cruel and
embittering. The world had outgrown its savagery
a little, and no longer lashed the body of the Jew.
But it still sought to crush his spirit.
That explains why the Jew cut himself off from
the world. He hid behind his high wall, and created
there a life all his own. Necessarily it was a narrow
and ingrown life: an unhealthy groping in the Tal-
mud, or a piteous groveling at the feet of the tzaddik.
But at least it was life, not death.
Soon, however, the light of the Dawn began almost
imperceptibly to creep up over the horizon. A new
spirit stole its way into the heart of the world, and
of a sudden whisperings were heard of a strange
thing called Tolerance. It was as if mankind were
emerging from a stupor. The world sat up in aching
bewilderment and wondered what could have pos-
sessed it all these years. Men began all at once to
realize that ‘‘differentness’” was not necessarily
sinful! They began to see that human beings were
human beings, no matter what their race, or religion,
or station in life. In America, revolutionists were
declaring that men are created free and equal. In
France they were crying ‘‘Liberty, Fraternity,
The world was waking up.
Of course it was the Jew who benefited most
markedly by the change.
In 1782 the emperor Joseph II of Austria passed
the famous ‘‘Edict of Toleration’? which abolished
the wearing of the badge of shame by the Jew,
and also the insulting poll-tax. And then in 1791,
France went further and abolished all laws against
the Jew. For the first time, in all the history of
Europe, the Jew was put on a footing of equality
before the law with other men.
Holland followed in 1796, and even Prussia, one
of the most reactionary of all the European lands,
finally began to grant civil rights to the Jews in
The Era of Emancipation had at last set in for the
long outlawed people. Ghetto walls were torn down
and with them the ghetto fears. Stooped shoulders
straightened themselves a little, and downcast eyes
now began to look straight forward. At last the
Jew became a citizen of the world.
And hard on the awakening of the world came the
awakening of the Jew. Indeed, almost before the
first gleam of Dawn had shot its advancing spears
up over the horizon, a few—a very few—among the
Jews were already craning their necks over their wall
to welcome the light.
Most prominent among the awakening Jews was
a sickly hunchback who stands out as one of the
real heroes in the history of his people. The life of
this hunchback, Moses Mendelssohn, reads strikingly
like fiction. He was born in 1729, the son of a poor
Torah-scribe in Germany. At the age of fourteen
he tramped on foot to Berlin, to continue his educa-
tion there. For years he starved and studied. And
then slowly he began to climb to the heights. Lessing,
who was one of the foremost dramatists of the day,
became his intimate friend. (‘‘Nathan the Wise,”
a popular play by Lessing, was written around the
gentle character of the hunchback; and in its day
it exercised a profound effect in softening Christian
prejudice against the Jew.) And Emanuel Kant,
the greatest of German philosophers, gave Mendels-
sohn his genuine admiration. (He had once been
defeated by the Jew in a prize essay competition
held by the Berlin Academy of Sciences!)
And the whole world stared in amazement. The
acceptance of a professing Jew into the highest
literary and scientific circles of the land, had never
been dreamed of as possible before the coming of
this man. And slowly, reluctantly, the world began
to reverse itself and revise its opinion of the alien
tribe. It began to concede that ay least some Jews
might be acceptable.
But Mendelssohn was not content with that par-
tial concession. He desired that all Jews should be
considered eligible. Yet he was not blind. He
saw only too well that the vast majority of his
brethren hardly deserved to be graded as more than
aliens. The terrors of the Night had put them four
hundred years behind the times. Their rabbis,
themselves products of benighted yeshivos in Lithu-
ania, had kept them in ignorance of all save the
Talmud and the Shulchan-Aruch. Even though their
ancestors for centuries had lived in the land, they
knew little German. They spoke only the ghetto
jargon, that lawless mixture of ungrammatical
German and mispronounced Hebrew which later
came to be called Yiddish.
So Mendelssohn set himself to the task of stirring
his brethren out of their four-hundred-year slumber.
It was far from an easy task, for many there were
who did not wish to be stirred. They had dozed
off beneath their smothering blankets, and they
asked only to be let alone. But Moses Mendelsshon
would not heed that request. With patient but
firm hands he began stripping off the ancient and
moldy coverings.
He translated the Scriptures into pure German
so that his Ghetto brethren might learn at last the
language of the people around them. And even more
important, he edited a new commentary that was
printed together with the translation. Scores of
commentaries had already been written on the
Scriptures, but almost all of them were filled with
distinctions that were far-fetched or stupid, and
that confused the meaning of the Holy Writ rather
than made it clear. Only Ibn Ezra’s commentary
had previously made any genuine attempt to be
critical and intelligent; and that was already an-
tiquated. So Mendelssohn found himself simply
compelled to edit the new commentary.
And when in the year 1783 the ‘‘Mendelssohn
Bible”? was completed and published, it caused great
excitement. The old-fashioned rabbis violently com-
bated it and commanded their followers not to
dare to look at it. They feared that the German
translation might lead the Jews to forget their
Hebrew altogether; and they were certain the new
commentary would lessen the respect for all the
old laws that had been read into and foisted upon
the Scriptures.
But the earnest little scholar was not daunted.
He refused to stop long enough to engage in argument
with his opponents. He simply went on with his
Godly Mischief. Very like his idol, old Maimonides,
he tried to give a rationalistic explanation of Juda-
ism. He did his best to make the religion of his
people seem reasonable in the eyes of free-thinking
and critical men. Of course, that meant stripping
off a great deal of the superstition and protective
ignorance in which the Talmudists and Cabalists
had wrapped their faith. And consequently it
meant the incurring of more hostility from the or-
But nevertheless Mendelssohn went on with his
work, never pausing even to the day of his death.
And when he died others were forthcoming to take
up the work after him. A new generation of Jews
arose, thanks to Mendelssohn’s labors, and it proved
to be a generation readier to meet the Dawn that
just then was breaking. In many lands Jews began
to look out over their imprisoning wall. The idea of
translating the Bible into the vernacular of the land
became common throughout Europe. Dutch, Eng-
lish, Italian, and other versions appeared in rapid
succession, all of them written by Jews and for Jews.
The movement spread even to Poland and Russia.
It was called there the Haskala, the “Enlightenment,”
and it stormed the gloomy yeshivos and chedarim
much as the Renaissance had stormed the Christian
colleges and monasteries four hundred years earlier.
Jewish humanists arose, earnest scholars who sought
with all their might to pull the weeds that had sprung
up in Jewish thought and practice.
Hebrew began to flourish again—not the corrupt
and distorted Hebrew of the Talmudists, but the
ringing, exalted Hebrew of the Prophets. And it
was used now not to write more codes of Law or
new blatherings of Cabala, but poems and novels and
essays of real worth.
Along with the rebirth of Hebrew literature,
a Yiddish literature came quite unexpectedly to
birth. The brawling, ill-sounding gibberish of the
ghetto somehow accomplished the miraculous, and
became a genuinely literary language. Poetry, fic-
tion, and drama of high quality were written in it.
Thus the Jewish scholars were provided three
different ways of approaching their brethren. They
could use the language of the land—German, Dutch,
or whatever it was—or they could use Hebrew
or Yiddish. And since even the humblest Jew
could usually read at least one of these languages,
the ideas of the scholars were able to spread. Still
no lowering of the high wall of Law around the Jew
had taken place; but gradually there began a mighty
straining to clamber over the wall, or at least to
climb to the top and peer out at the new Dawn.
Gradually, very gradually, the Jew began to look
out again at the world.
Dawn broke in the last years of the eighteenth
century. Moses Mendelssohn, who died in 1786,
saw no more than the first shafts of the light. But
the next generation actually felt the warmth of the
rising sun. Napoleon and his victorious armies
had largely destroyed the wall of the Ghetto. Only
the wall of the Law was left; and the new generation
by standing on the ‘Mendelssohn Bible,” could
look right out over that wall with little difficulty.
So now at last the outside world was revealed to
the Jews in all its inviting splendor. It was a vast
world full of exciting uniforms, romantic titles,
enormous fortunes, and enticing honors. The very
sight of it set the blood pounding in their veins.
At last they were free to take part in that world.
At last they were—emancipated.
But they were mistaken. They had no more than
ventured out into that sun-lit world, when utter
darkness closed down on them again. The sun
disappeared. The Dawn of a sudden sank back into
For reaction had followed revolution. Napoleon
had been defeated; his empire had been destroyed.
And the nations of Europe had immediately re-
bounded to their old ways. Some immediately
repealed all the laws granting the Jews full freedom;
and others simply forgot they had ever passed such
laws. In Rome the rule of the pope was reinstated,
and all the old oppressive measures were put in
force again. In Germany there were even whole-
sale massacres and expulsions.
Thus the Jews, who but a few years earlier had
escaped from the Ghetto, now discovered them-
selves being forced back there again. And they
were most unwilling to go. They had already
played in the world of the Gentiles, and it was not
easy for them to leave it. Indeed, many of them
were ready to surrender everything, even their names
and their faith, rather than lose that Gentile world.
So throughout Western Europe there was a great
flocking of Jews to the baptismal font. One after
another the most learned and prominent among them
fell away to Christianity. In England the descend-
ants of the very Maranos who had braved all the
tortures of the Inquisition for the sake of their
religion, now sidled into the Church for the sake of
retaining political equality. In Berlin one-third
of the entire Jewish population—and the most
cultured third—turned apostate. Moses Mendels-
sohn’s own children were the leaders among the
deserters. . ..
It was not at all from choice and real change of
heart that the Jews deserted. Their intolerable
position drove them to it. There they were, men
and women steeped in the highest culture of the
age, leaders in thought and society, yet at the same
time political outcasts. Simply because they called
themselves Jews, the world called them aliens.
They could not enter many of the professions; they
could not hold office; they could not even vote. As
one of them, Heinrich Heine, the great German
poet, said bitterly: ‘‘If the law had permitted the
stealing of silver spoons, I should never have been
So they ceased to call themselves Jews. With a
sneer or a leer on their lips, they had themselves
sprinkled with holy water—and then proceeded
to call themselves Christians.
Very soon, however, they discovered that despite
the holy water, they were still counted aliens. Only
in the sight of the law had they become Prussians,
or Austrians, or Englishmen; in the sight of men they
were still Jews. Even though they could, as Chris-
tians, hold office and enter the professions, the Chris-
tian world still discriminated against them. Perhaps
the best known instance is Benjamin D’Israeli (Lord
Beaconsfield), who was always attacked as a Jew,
even though he had been baptized in infancy, and
was all his days a conforming Christian.
So slowly the truth dawned on the apostates that
they could not elude the prejudice of the Christians
by deserting their fellow-Jews. For their fellow-Jews
simply could not be deserted. One seemed shackled
forever to the people among whom one had been
born. Once a Jew, always a Jew!
And with the realization of that truth, a new
spirit took possession of the hearts of many of the
apostates. Since they could not gain freedom by
flight, they determined to wrest it by battle. They
went back to their as yet unbaptized brethren, and
standing shoulder to shoulder with them, they
tried to force the world to accord them their human
rights. They no longer tried in some cowardly
way to change themselves; instead they tried fun- -
damentally to change the world.
And thus was the Jew brought to enlist in the
modern revolutionary movement.
It was not difficult for the Jew to enter the rev-
olutionary movement. He was a rebel by herit-
age. From the time of the ancient Prophets, all
his ancestors had been ‘“‘troublers’” and revolu-
tionists. The spirit of protest, the hunger for some-
thing better, had always been part of his life.
He had no hand in the earlier revolution—the
one that brought on the short-lived Dawn enjoyed
by his people at the end of the eighteenth century.
(That had been kindled in France, and the few Jews
then in the land had been poor pedlars or shop-
keepers.) But in the revolutions of 1830 and 1848,
the Jews was in the very thick of the fighting.
Many Jewish names stand out prominently in
those history-making revolutions. There are first
of all the names of several Berlin Jewesses, Henri-
etta Herz, Rahel Levin, and Moses Mendelssohn’s
daughters. The homes of these women were centers
of the cultured life of Mid-Europe—and at the
same time centers of its liberal and revolutionary
thought. Almost every great man of the period—
for instance, Goethe, Schleiermacher, Victor Hugo,
and Schlegel—seems to have made the acquaintance
of these Jewesses at one time or another.
Then, of course, there are Ludwig Borne and
Heinrich Heine, two men who by their merciless
wit and sarcasm became leaders among the revolu-
tionist writers. Karl Marx, Ferdinand Lassalle,
Johann Jacoby, Gabriel Riesser, Adolphe Cre-
mieux, Signora Nathan—all these of Jewish lineage
played important rdles in the social struggle that
went on throughout Europe in this period. Wherever
the war for human liberty was being waged, whether
in France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, or Italy,
there the Jew was to be found. It was little wonder
that the enemies of social progress, the monarchists
and the Churchmen, came to speak of the whole
liberal movement as nothing but a Jewish plot.
Of course, the liberal movement was far more than
that. Essentially it was a heroic effort to drive
away the Darkness and cast out its lords. It was
a movement to crush the tyrants so that the people
might be free. It was the Protestant Reformation
in the world of politics.
Incidentally, however, it brought complete re-
lease at last to the Jew. Within a generation after
1848 there was hardly a country in Europe—save
Russia—where in the eyes of the law the Jew was
not accorded complete equality with all other men.
In Norway even temporary residence had always
been forbidden to Jews; but complete freedom was
granted in 1851. For over a century the Jews had
been fighting in England for the right to sit in Par-
liament—and the way was at last cleared in 1858.
Nine years later, Austria removed all Jewish dis-
abilities. Two years after that, Germany did like-
wise. The next year the ghetto gates in Rome were
torn down.
And so one land after the other finally granted
the Jew his rights as a citizen. To be sure, they were
granted to him only reluctantly. He was still ‘‘dif-
ferent’? and the world still could not quite forgive
him for it. In almost every land he had to fight
long and bitterly before full freedom was given to
him in practice.
But finally he triumphed.
And then the long Night seemed to be at an end
forever. The New Day had really dawned now,
and the Jew was free at last.
At least, so he imagined.
And while one army of Jews was struggling to
destroy the wall of the ghetto, another was striving
just as strenuously to lower the wall of Law. It
is usually said that Moses Mendelssohn was the
leader of this second army; but that is hardly true.
Mendelssohn never entertained the intention of
lowering the wall of Law. His whole aim had been
merely to supply a ladder by which his fellow-Jews
could climb up and peer over the wall. To the
very end he had himself scrupulously kept the laws
of the Talmud and Shulchan Aruch. He had freed
himself only in thought. In practice he had re-
mained altogether orthodox.
Undoubtedly that explains why the next genera-
tion so readily fell away to Christianity. Mendels-
sohn had fondly imagined his followers, after he had
helped them to the top of the wall, would be con-
tent to do as he had done. He had imagined they
would be content merely to look at the outside world.
That was his fatal mistake. Of course it was im-
possible for them to rest content with merely looking.
Soon, very soon, they were burning with the desire
to leap off and take active part in the carnival.
And they did. The moment Mendelssohn’s steady-
ing hand was removed, off they toppled like so
many Humpty-Dumpties. And then not all the
king’s horses nor all the king’s men could put them
back over the wall again. For once having danced
in the sun of the open world, they would not go
back to grope and stumble again in the gloom of the
prison yard. No matter what it cost them, they
would not go back.
During the first years of the nineteenth century,
when the followers of Mendelssohn first slipped down
off the wall of Law into the great open world out-
side, there was little said. They disappeared so
quietly that their fellow-Jews behind the wall hardly
noticed what had happened. But with the reaction
following the defeat of Napoleon, and the re-establish-
ment of the ghettos, the sweep of apostacy became
an open scandal. For the Jews who had slipped
away, now discovered themselves trapped in a
sort of No-Man’s land. In front was the rampart
of the ghetto shutting them off from the world;
in their rear the rampart of the Law. And they had
to make an open choice between the two.
Now although the rampart of the ghetto was high,
cut into it was a wide and inviting gateway. And
though it was a Church gateway guarded by a
crucifix, nevertheless it was attractive, for it led out
into the world. The rampart of the Law, on the
other hand, had no breach in it whatsoever. Only
by clambering back over its very top could one get
back within its protection. And when one got there,
only the gloom of the prison yard was the reward.
So hundreds of Jews in making their choice between
the two walls, turned to the one with the wide
gateway. ‘There was an epidemic of baptisms in
Western Europe in the period from 1815 to 1848.
And that epidemic shocked Western Jewry into
wakefulness. It was evident that something drastic
had to be done, and done immediately. Young Jews
—and usually the most cultured and gifted in their
communities—were still balking at the wall of
Law and being forced over to the Church gateway.
It was clear that the wall would have to be lowered
at once, and the prison yard made more attractive,
if the best blood in Jewry was to be saved.
And thus arose the Reform Movement in Judaism.
Already for over a generation brilliant Jewish
scholars in Germany had been busily laying the
foundation for that movement. They had been
investigating scientifically the vast rampart by
which the Jews had walled themselves in. Then
they had gone further, and made a critical survey
also of all the life going on behind the rampart. A
new field of research had come into being—the
Science of Judaism it was called—and learned Jews
had been laboring on its problems for several years.
As a result, it had become more or less possible
to begin the Reformation. It was tentatively known
what was ancient and fundamental in Judaism, and
what was recent and unimportant. So the reformers
set to work.
At first they centered their attention on the
synagogue ritual, seeking to simplify and beautify
it. Rabbi after rabbi for eighteen hundred years
had been adding to the length of the services.. The
prayers were all recited in Hebrew or Aramaic,
so that exceedingly few of the Jews understood what
was said. In fact, with its Oriental chanting and
its noise and confusion, the whole ritual had grown
foreign and unattractive.
A new generation of Jews was arising in Germany,
a generation that had been out in the world and had
come to admire certain of its fashions. It was no
longer Oriental, but Occidental—Western! It no
longer felt at home in a house of prayer where the
men, clad like desert wanderers in head-coverings
and vast striped shawls, sat in the main pews, while
the women, like harem slaves, sat hidden behind a
thick curtain in a little back-room or up in a gallery!
So in Hamburg and other cities new synagogues
using a modernized ritual began to appear. Prayers
were recited partly in German; an organ was used;
mixed choirs replaced the old-fashioned cantor; men
and women sat together in family pews; and no noise
or conversation was permitted during the services.
Of course, a storm of protest went up from the
orthodox, and there ensued a war very much like
that now raging in the Church between the Modern-
ists and the Fundamentalists. Attempts were
made by orthodox rabbis to excommunicate the
daring reformers. But Jewry had advanced too
far for that. The leaders in the new movement—
for the most part, rabbis themselves—were reviled
and denounced and opposed and threatened. But
they were not driven from the fold. The mistake
that had been made eleven hundred years earlier,
when the Karaites were cast out, and seventeen
hundred years earlier, when the Nazarenes were
cut off, was not repeated.
And the reformers went on with their work. Their
movement, which was confined at first to Germany,
began to spread to England and other lands. Es-
pecially it spread to America, where through the
energy and ability of young immigrant rabbis from
Germany—most prominently, Isaac M. Wise—it
became almost dominant in Jewish life. ;
Changes in ritual, however, were but the be-
ginning. Soon far more drastic reforms followed.
Judaism in its entire practice was liberalized and
brought into harmony with the life of the day.
The Shulchan Aruch, the Talmud, even sections
of the Torah, were laid aside as law-codes that had
long outlived their usefulness. The dietary laws
were held to be no longer binding, and the rabbinic
regulations concerning marriage and divorce gave
way to the civil regulations of the land. The whole
aim was to free the Jew, to level the high rampart
of Law, so that his going out into the world would
not necessarily mean deserting Jewry. During: the
long Night the protecting rampart of Law had been
terribly necessary; but now that Day had dawned,
it was seen to be only a hindrance.
For by the time these major changes were put on
trial by the Reformers, Day had indeed dawned.
The wall of the ghetto it seemed had been razed to
the ground forever, and the Jew had become a citizen
of the world. He no longer had need of ramparts
to protect him from his enemies. His enemies were
gone. Peace covered the earth as the waters covered
the sea, and all bigotry, hatred, and stupidity had
been banished forever and aye.
At least, so thought the Reformers in that ecstatic
hour of release.
And thinking so, they went on even to new ex-
tremes with their work. They sought to revolu-
tionize the whole traditional outlook of the Jew.
During twenty-four hundred years the eyes of the
Jew had been turned yearningly toward Jerusalem.
All those years he had been clinging stubbornly
to one hope—that the Messiah would some day
come and lead him back to his holy land.
The great Prophets who were the first to con-
ceive the dream of an ‘‘ Anointed One,” had hardly
been in agreement as to just what was to be His
nature. Some—for instance, Isaiah, and Haggai—
considered Him a person, a descendant of the royal
house of David, who would restore the people to
their home, inaugurate there a reign of perfect
justice, and be called the Prince of Peace. Others—
for instance, the Unknown Prophet of the Babylo-
nian Exile—seem rather to have considered Him
a spirit. With them He was a great hunger for Right,
for world-wide Justice and Peace—a hunger em-
bodied in Israel, and one that would be appeased
only when Israel and its ideals of Right and Justice
and Peace were triumphant.
Later writers, embittered by continued oppression,
were drawn of course to the former conception. It
- was far more satisfying to their bruised and persecuted
souls. So they made it the center of all their thinking.
This dream of a personal Messiah ran something
like this: In God’s own good time a wondrous
Person would suddenly appear and miraculously
destroy all Israel’s enemies. Then He would gather
the Jews from the four corners of the earth, and
mounted on a white ass or a lion, He would lead
them back in triumph to the Holy Land. There
they would be joined by all the righteous souls of the
past, for these would in the meantime have rolled
underground to Zion and been brought back to life.
The Temple would be restored, and sacrifices would
be offered again. And thereafter the Messiah
would reign supreme and all would be well with the
Jews and the world forever and aye!
There was much more to the dream—innumerable
minor fancies and extravagant details. Generation
after generation the fantasy had grown until it had
become almost incredibly naive and childish. Yet
never in over two thousand years was it doubted by
the Jew. Every day in his prayers he had begged
for its realization, and regularly on his festivals he
had cried: ‘‘Next year in Jerusalem!”
And it was that dream more than anything else
that had made the Jew’s life bearable during twenty
terrible centuries. ...
But great as was the worth of that dream during
the Night, it seemed to lose it all with the coming
of Day. The Reformers of the nineteenth century,
cultured men with critical minds, could deem it little
more than a crude and superstitious vagary. They
spurned it utterly. Yet a little of the old yearn-
ing for the Messiah still lived on in them—only it
was for a nobler, a higher, a more spiritual Messiah
than the one dreamed of by their fathers. These
Reformers went back to the Scriptures and took
up the conception of the Messiah that had long
been neglected—the conception of the Unknown
Prophet of the Babylonian Exile. The Messiah,
they therefore held, was not a person, an individual,
but a spirit. He was the Spirit incarnate in Israel,
the ‘Suffering Servant of the Lord,’ who had been
divinely anointed to redeem the whole of mankind.
Israel had a Mission. It was to be God’s most ar-
dent champion in the struggle to bring Peace and
Light into the world!
So did the leaders of the Reform Movement re-
interpret the old dream of their fathers. The whole
ideal of the ‘‘ Anointed One” was reft of its patriotic,
its nationalistic, import. Instead, it was made
purely religious and universalistic.
For the first Reformers contended that the Jews
were no longer a nation. In their estimation the
Jews were purely a religious group, like the Protest-
ants or the Catholics. The more pompous among
them liked to call themselves ‘‘Germans (or Ameri-
cans, or Englishmen) of the Mosaic Persuasion.”
‘They no longer considered the Holy Land as their
home, but whatever land they happened to dwell in.
Zion was everywhere, they claimed. Every syna-
gogue in every land was a rebuilt Temple—the
Reformers always called them ‘‘temples” for that
reason—and the languages of all peoples were
equally worthy to be used in prayer. The God they
worshiped was no tribal horde, no limited little
Yahveh whose jurisdiction was confined to the
ancient Land of Israel. He was the Lord of the
It was all very advanced and exalted thinking that
the Reformers indulged in during those years. But
as some of them soon discovered, in certain ways it
was perhaps too advanced and exalted... .
Reform Judaism—or Liberal Judaism as it is
coming to be called to-day—is so new a movement
that as yet it can hardly be judged fairly. People
are still arguing its pros and cons with such heat
that we all are forced to look on the movement
out of somewhat prejudiced eyes.
The accusation most commonly brought against
it was that it tended to lead the Jews away from
Judaism toward Christianity. And the first half
of that accusation was unquestionably true—that is,
if by Judaism is meant the religion that grew up
among the Jews during the ghastly Night. The
Reform Movement was an almost ruthless attempt
to cut away from all that—to get back to the Juda-
ism of the Prophets and begin growing and building
all over again. In certain respects it may have
failed in its attempt. But at least the attempt was
honestly made.
The second half of the accusation, however, seems
to be quite false. The Reform Movement had its
origin in an effort not to lead the Jew to the Church,
but rather to keep him from it. If the Church,
either Protestant or Catholic, had seemed to the
Reformers at all superior to the Synagogue, their
movement might never have come to the birth.
They were strikingly clear-minded and _ courage-
ous men, and it is unlikely that they would have
balked even at outright apostasy if they had thought
it would bring them nearer the Truth. But they
saw only too well that the Christianity of the day
was not one whit freer of superstition, bigotry,
fear, and spite, than the medieval Judaism they were
fleeing. To go from the Orthodox Synagogue to
the Orthodox Church meant to them going not
forward but sideways—no, backward. For though
contemporary Judaism spent all its time regulating
one’s action, contemporary Christianity was worse,
for it devoted itself rather to shackling one’s thought.
What the Reformers were really seeking was not
merely some other creed than Orthodox Judaism,
but some better one. They wanted a belief that did
not bind them either with petty rules or stupid
dogmas, but one that set them utterly free. They
sought a religion that rested not on the authority
of a book or a priest, but on the great human hunger
for Truth and Righteousness. And after they had
fashioned that creed as best they could, all danger
was past of their ever being lured to adopt Chris-
Significantly, but few of the Reformers or their
children ever went over to the Church. Some of
them, to be sure, have since gone over to Unitarian-
ism; but that doctrine can hardly be classed in with
the religion of the Church. (Indeed, it is almost as
far from the Church as is the Synagogue.) And
in very recent years, some have gone over to Chris-
tian Science—but that doctrine too is many worlds
removed from the religion of the Church.
No, the vast majority of the Jews who were
baptized came from the ranks of those who had
never entered the Reform Movement. They went
over from Orthodox Judaism, which because of its
very orthodoxy, its ‘“‘fundamentalism,” is far closer
to Orthodox Christianity than the religion of Reform
Judaism. For instance, it was the colonies of Se-
phardic Jews in Holland, England, and America,
which were most reduced by apostasy. And the
Sephardic Jews with but rare exceptions were most
rigidly orthodox in their Judaism.
Liberal Judaism has grave faults, and perhaps
they will be shown up pointedly enough a little later
in this story. But it also has its virtues. For in-
stance, there is its unfaltering opposition to any
return to what is usually called ‘‘authority.”’ Like
Orthodox Judaism, it has no pope, living or dead, in
control of its freedom. Its rabbis hold office not
because of any official ‘‘ordination,” but by virtue
of their reputation for learning and religious zeal.
And unlike Orthodox Judaism, it has not even a
‘‘printed pope,” for it accepts neither the Shulchan
Aruch nor the Talmud as binding.
Even the Bible is not allowed to play tyrant over
its thinking. Liberal Jews cherish the Bible for the
nobility of its prophetic protests, the beauty of its
psalms, the grandeur of its books of wisdom. They
pore over it because they see in it the epic of their
early search for God. But they refuse to believe it
utters the last word on that theme, or that the search
ends with its last page.
That is a wondrous advance—the more so because
it was made after four centuries of retrogression.
Christianity, which began its forward march three
hundred years earlier, is only now being stirred to
hazard a similar advance.
And it was not the only one made by Liberal
Judaism. Another advance lay in the ideal it
preached of the Prophetic Mission of Israel. For
according to this ideal, the essence of religion lay
not in praying for the health of one’s soul, but in
striving for the well-being of mankind. The truest
Jew was seen to be the person who labored most
earnestly to bring on a Reign of Peace among men.
That was and is an overwhelmingly high ideal,
and Reform Judaism deserves abundant praise for
lifting it out of the writings of the Prophets and
preaching it anew. Unfortunately, however, Reform
Judaism seemed able to do exceedingly little to put
that preaching into practice. In every ‘‘temple”’
in Germany and America there was fulsome talk of
Israel’s Mission—but little effort actually to carry
it out.
Perhaps that is the severest criticism one can make
of the new movement: it knew exactly what the
Jew ought to do, but failed to induce him to do it.
There were indeed Jews who were carrying out the
historic mission of Israel, who were serving as true
messiahs among men, but exceedingly few of them
seem to have been inspired by the Reform Move-
ment. The exceptions were commonest perhaps in
Hungary, where certain Reform rabbis like Ignatz
Einhorn and Adolph Huebsch made their ‘‘ temples”
notable centers of the revolution of 1848. But save
for such exceptions, the Jews who led or participated
in the heroic efforts to remold the world of the last
century, were neither Reform or Orthodox. Indeed, .
they were often not professing Jews at all.
For instance, there was Heinrich Heine and Lud-
wig Bérne, both unfaltering champions of freedom.
And even more conspicuously, there was Karl Marx,
one of the great prophetic geniuses of modern times.
Jewish histories rarely mention the name of this
man, Karl Marx, though in his life and spirit he was
far truer to the mission of Israel than most of those
who were forever talking of it. He was born in
Germany in 1818, and belonged to an old rabbinic
family. He was not himself reared a Jew, however,
but while still a child was baptized a Christian by
his father. Yet the rebel soul of the Jew flamed
in him throughout his days, for he was always a
‘“‘troubler’’ in Europe. He was banished from one
land after another, and he was arrested and im-
prisoned many times. He had to flee from Germany
to France, then to Belgium, then back to Germany,
again to France, and finally to England.
He was so persecuted simply for not holding his
peace. Very like the ancient Prophets in that re-
spect, he could not abide the sight of injustice and
corruption. He was forever protesting in behalf of
the ‘‘underdog.’”’ He was one of the founders of
Socialism, and his book entitled ‘‘Capital,” is
called the Bible of the Socialist movement. He
believed in equality, in democracy, not alone in
the domain of politics but also in the domain of
industry. He sought to win for every man the
right not merely to vote as a citizen, but also to
thrive as a human being. He warred to banish
poverty, and all the vice and disease and ugliness
that poverty breeds.
There may be some question whether Karl Marx
waged that war in the most desirable or the most
effective way. But none can question that the war
itself was worth waging. It was an earnest effort
to remold the society of men into a true brother-
hood, and though there may still be those who
insist it was misguided, none can deny it was holy.
Significantly enough, however, those who most
fervidly talked of the Mission of the Jew, had little
love for a Karl Marx who tried to live it. Almost
as soon as they were emancipated and could mingle
as equals before the law with other men, the need
for a newer and better world was forgotten by
them altogether. All of a sudden the world as it was,
began to seem quite good enough.
From reaching up, the Jews now turned to reaching
out. From fighters they changed to ‘‘climbers.” .. .
Not all of them—but many. Too many... .
Reform rabbis still continued to tell the occu-
pants of the pews that they were chosen for mighty
works, that they were all messiahs. But those who
really essayed those mighty works, those who were
the true messiahs, rarely sat in the pews to listen.
Liberal Judaism was—and still is—a movement
of a small minority. It attracted only those of the
broadest ‘‘worldliness” in the lands of the greatest
enlightenment. In Russia and Roumania where
lived half the Jews of the world, it made no headway
whatever. In all of the Orient it was utterly un-
known. The Wall of Law still towered high in
those lands, and the Jews behind it still dreamed
on of a Messiah who would lead them bodily back
to Zion. To have told them to look on the land
where they dwelt as their Zion would have appeared
to them but an unfeeling and blasphemous jest.
The Reformers in the West knew that full well;
but they were not in the least dismayed. To them
it seemed but a question of time before their move-
ment would take root also in the East. For Day
seemed to be dawning there too. Emancipation
was spreading Eastward, and with it, enlightenment
and courage.
And in the second half of the nineteenth century
it did indeed seem as though Day were about to reach
the East. The most tolerant monarch that Russia
had ever known, Alexander II, ascended the throne
in 1855. ... Turkey in 1876 accepted a con-
stitution which gave all citizens, no matter what
their religion, full equality before the law; and in
the first Turkish parliament elected the following
year, there were three Jews. ... The Treaty
of Berlin, signed by the nations of Europe, in 1878,
included a clause compelling Roumania, Servia,
and Bulgaria, to cancel all laws discriminating
against the Jews. . . . It did indeed seem indubi-
table that light was seeping into the East.
And then of a sudden came a reverse. The advance
all at once changed to a retreat, and the growing
light turned again to darkness. Alexander II was
murdered, and after his assassination, the Jews
were the victims of the ghastliest cruelties through-
out Russia. In Turkey, the new parliament was
dismissed and the constitution forgotten. By a
trick, Roumania evaded the clause in the Treaty
of Berlin compelling her to grant equality before
the law to the Jews. Instead still heavier burdens
were piled on them, afflicting them so severely
that they fled by the thousands.
Even in the West the clouds gathered to blot out
the sun. A new movement arose against the Jews,
an unholy mixture of crude prejudice and false
science, which called itself Anti-Semitism. Warn-
ings were spread far and wide that the Jew was
an enemy and a menace, for once more it was
discovered that he was ‘‘different.’”’ Not ‘‘differ-
ent’’ merely in religion, but even more in blood.
It was clamored that the Jew belonged to an alien
race. He was not an Aryan, a real European, but
a Semite, a native of Asia. Because the first lan-
guages spoken by Aryan and Semite had been dis-
tinctly different it was concluded that the bloods
of Aryan and Semite must likewise be distinctly
It was all sheer nonsense. Aryan and Semite were
indeed different in their psychology, in their think-
ing, but not at all in blood. Quiet intermarriage
had constantly been going on between the two
groups. Every war between the two, every in-
vasion, deportation, oppression, and trading con-
nection, had left children of Aryan fathers among
the Semites, or children of Semitic fathers among
the Aryans. It was altogether untrue that the two
races were still scrupulously ‘‘pure”’ and unrelated
in blood.
But though untrue, still the charge was repeated.
And the Anti-Semites went further and declared
that the two groups were not merely unrelated,
but racially also unequal. The Aryans were far
the superior of the two races—so they claimed.
Indeed, all that was good in civilization had been
contributed by them, just as all the evil had been
dragged in by the Semites. And all the great men
of history, no matter where born and reared, were
claimed by the Aryans as their own. Even Jesus
of Nazareth! ...
And then quite naturally a movement arose to
stamp out the “‘inferior” race. In Germany a party
was organized for the express purpose of robbing
the Jews of all their political and social rights.
In other lands similar parties sprang up—in Austria,
Hungary, and France. Anti-Semitic newspapers
appeared in which all manner of crimes were laid
at the door of the newly-emancipated people. In
France they were accused of being German spies,
and in Germany of being French spies. And in all
these lands the Jews were said to be plotting against
all Aryan civilization, seeking to ruin it so as to
set up Semitic anarchy in its place.
Even the stupid old medizval ‘“‘blood accusa-
tions” were revived again. In the Hungarian town
of Tisza-Ezlar in 1882, a peasant girl disappeared
just three days before the Passover. Immediately
the Jews were accused of murdering her to procure
blood for the festival, and only with great difficulty
were they protected from the fanatical mobs. Simi-
lar accusations were made in other towns and in
other lands—in Germany, France, Roumania, and
Bohemia. There were riots and massacres, fiendish
assaults and heartless expulsions. It seemed almost
as if the dread Night were returning.
The reaction culminated in one scandalous affair
that shook all of Western Europe and that had its
effect on all the world. There was deep unrest
among the people in France because a corrupt gov-
ernment was rapidly dragging the country down to
ruin. Panically that government looked around for
a way to save its skin—and pounced on one of the
Strange People. That was nothing new. Kings and
governments had often found it convenient in days
gone by to stave off revolution by turning the wrath
of the masses against the defenseless Jews.
A young Jew named Alfred Dreyfus, an officer
in the French army, was accused of selling military
secrets to the Germans. Undoubtedly it was done
in the hope that his trial and condemnation would
arouse such a furor of Anti-Semitism that the corrup-
tion of the government would be entirely forgotten
in the excitement.
But Dreyfus did not prove a good scapegoat.
He showed fight, and he had a wealthy family to
support him. Dreyfus was condemned and sentenced
to a living death on Devil’s Island; but immediately
his people began an agitation for a new trial. Pro-
tests were made, mass meetings were held, articles
and pamphlets and books were written in defense of
the innocent man. France was convulsed to its very
depths, and all the civilized world became aroused.
Twelve long years the excitement lasted, and finally,
after the true criminals committed suicide, and the
corrupt government had been overthrown, Dreyfus
was exonerated.
It was a frightful ordeal, not alone for Alfred
Dreyfus, but for the whole Jewish people. With
him they all stood on trial, for he had ceased to be
a Jew, and had become the Jew. And though in the
end he and his people were declared innocent, the
lesson of the ‘‘ Affair’? sank deep into their memories
and remained there. From then on, the Strange
People were a far sadder but wiser lot. It had
put the horrible old Fear of the Goy back into their
hearts. They suddenly found out that despite all
the long years they had fought for liberty, they still
had not gained their end. They were still gypsies.
They had been telling themselves that they were
at home everywhere, but now they knew again
that they were at home nowhere at all.
They were still in Golus, in Exile. ...
And then arose that most dramatic movement
called Zionism. The old Messianic ache began to
throb again, and once more Jews even in the West
began to long for their ancient homeland. The
hasty optimism of the Reformers who had called
every land their Zion was at an end. And with it
almost the whole Reform Movement in Europe
came to an end. Only in America, where the lash
of Anti-Semitism had not yet been laid on the back
of the Jew, could the “‘temples”’ thrive. In Europe
their harried kinsmen were content to worship in
synagogues, and wait for the redemption of the
Holy Land before talking any more of grander
Once again the ancient vow of the Wandering
Jew was to be heard in the world:
“Tf I forget thee, O Jerusalem,
May my right hand forget its cunning;
May my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth,
If I remember thee not, O Zion!”
Only now that vow was not uttered in a whisper
as of yore. It was no longer a timorous prayer but
a fierce cry of defiance, a ringing battle cry. The
Jew was no longer willing to retreat and cower be-
hind his ramparts, to pray tremblingly for the Mes-
siah to come. He himself would be the Messiah!
He himself would retake the old home-land! ...
The Zionist movement started first in Russia
during the dread days following the murder of
Alexander IJ. But it was vague and powerless
there. Its Russian adherents were enthusiastic
over it, tremendously enthusiastic—but that was
all. Zionism with them remained a dream, a thing
to talk about. They utterly lacked the worldly
ability required even to attempt to realize it.
But then came Theodore Herzl.
Herzl was a Western Jew, born in Budapest in
1860. During his youth as a university student,
and his young manhood as a journalist and drama-
tist, he took no interest whatsoever in Jewish life
or thought. He was a typical member of the genera-
tion of Jews then growing up in Central and Western
Europe. Alfred Dreyfus belonged to the same type—
a Jew solely by virtue of his birth.
At the time of the first Dreyfus trial, Herzl was
in Paris, serving as the foreign correspondent for a
Vienna newspaper. And the sight of a young officer
being disgraced and betrayed to the mob simply
because he was a Jew, set a train of thought running
in the journalist’s mind that was destined to change
the whole future of the Jewish people.
Herzl had such poor Jewish training that he
knew little of the Messianic Hope reaching back to
the Exile in Babylon, and nothing at all of the
feeble Zionist agitation that had just started up in
Russia. All he had discovered was that though
thoroughly a European in training and conduct,
he was nevertheless without. a real home in any
European land. No matter how hard he might deny
it, he was still regarded as an alien and an intruder
wherever he lived. There was therefore but one
thing for him to do: go to some land where he would
not be an alien. There presumably he would be let
alone to live his own life in peace and develop his
own talents in quiet. There he would be able to give
his Jewish genius free scope, and be his own self.
There, in his very own home, he would be free!
And hardly conscious of what consequences might
follow, Herzl set down his ideas in a book entitled
“The Jewish State.” It was not a book of excep-
tional merit. Zionists in Russia had written on
the same subject a generation earlier with better
understanding, greater feeling, and more originality.
Nevertheless, that book made a world-wide im-
pression. Almost immediately Herzl’s reputation
was made and’ his whole career was transformed.
At the age of thirty-six he suddenly discovered that
he was no longer a care-free, religionless literary
man, but the head of a vast and intensely religious
movement. Here and there little groups of Zionists
sprang up, for the most part refugees from Russia
and Roumania, and they madly hailed Herzl as their
Herzl’s life now became one unceasing round of
labor. His supporters in the beginning were largely
dreamers, enthusiastic but penniless. The Jews of
wealth frowned on his movement, for they still
cherished the idea of working out their salvation
in the lands of the Exile. So Herzl found his task
was twofold: he had to win the Jews for a home and
win a home for the Jews.
Eight years he wrestled with those two tasks—
eight years of incessant writing and speaking, of
pleading and rebuking, of running to and fro in all
the lands of Europe and the Orient, of meeting with
sultans and emperors and popes and ambassadors,
of unabating, feverish agitation.
And then he died. After eight years of superhuman
effort, Theodore Herzl crumbled in the prime of
life. It had been too much even for him. Dis-
sension had broken out among his own followers.
The Westerners among the Zionists were willing
to locate the new home anywhere—in Argentine
or the heart of Africa. The Easterners, with the
old Messianic dream far mightier in their souls,
would have the home nowhere save in Palestine.
And torn between the two Zionist factions, as-
sailed by the Anti-Zionists, thwarted by the Chris-
tian Powers, the great leader was destroyed.
But his Zionism lived on. Other men leaped into
the breach and carried on until to-day Zionism looms
in importance above every other movement in all
the life of the Strange People.
The head and the directing intelligence that
guided the Zionist movement, belonged very largely
to the West; but its heart from first to last was
Eastern. That was natural, for full half of the
whole Jewish people dwelt in those lands in the
east of Europe. By the end of the nineteenth
century, almost six million Jews were penned in
there, groping in the darkness of Night behind the
outer wall of Christian persecution and the inner
wall of Talmudic Law.
The Polish overlords who in the fourteenth and
fifteenth centuries had so gladly welcomed the Jews,
-were now no more. All their lands had been taken
from those overlords late in the eighteenth century by
three neighboring powers: Prussia, Austria, and Rus-
sia. And as ill-luck would have it, the portion taken
by Russia contained the vast majority of the Jews.
A greater misfortune for the luckless people could
hardly have occurred. Russia was perhaps the most
backward nation in Europe. Her czars were the
most despotic of rulers, and her subjects the most
barbarous of serfs. When Poland was conquered
the Jews fell into the paws of the Russian bear, and
they suffered indescribably. And the more they
suffered from the ever greater lengths to which their
oppression was carried, the more they degenerated.
They shut themselves off so completely from the
outside world that they lived almost in utter dark-
ness. In the provinces of the north they buried them-
selves still further in Talmudism, and in those of the
south they plunged even deeper into Chassidism.
Only during the reign of Alexander II, from 1855
to 1881, was the oppression lightened a little; and
35.—The Partition of Poland
immediately Jewish genius began to bloom again.
Russian universities were thronged with Jewish stu-
dents glad to escape the gloom of the cheder and
yeshwah. Ambitious merchants closed and left their
little shops in Polish towns, and moved off to Mos-
cow and St. Petersburg. Jewish newspapers and pe-
riodicals appeared in Russian and Modern Hebrew.
Yiddish newspapers began to flourish. Musicians
like Anton Rubenstein, and sculptors like Mare An-
tokolski, made their appearance.
The very Dawn seemed to be breaking at last in
dark Russia.
And then swift reaction followed. Alexander
II was murdered in 1881, and with his successor
came back all the terrors of the Night. The rev-
olutionary unrest that was seething in the masses,
was turned against the Jews. Bloody riots went on
everywhere, so that it seemed the whole of Russian
Jewry would be destroyed. And when the fury of
the mob was spent, and Cossacks and peasants
were too exhausted to continue the carnage, the
czar came forward with new laws against the survi-
vors. All Jews who had wandered off and settled in
the larger cities or on farms in the heart of Russia,
were ordered to return at once to their old homes in
the crowded towns of Poland and Lithuania. They
were all driven out, bag and baggage, to what was
called the ‘‘Pale of Settlement,” and there penned
in like prisoners.
Indignant protest was made by enlightened states-
men throughout the world. Mass meetings were
held in England and America. The outrage was
decried in the press of many lands. But the czar and
his ministers paid no heed. They were determined
to get rid of the Jews once and for all. They openly
admitted that they hoped to convert a third of the
Jews by their persecutions, drive out another third,
and murder all the rest.
So persecutions continued. From 1903 to 1906
indescribable massacres occurred. (Pogroms they
were called in Russian.) Thousands of Jews were
slaughtered in the streets of Kishineff, Odessa, and
other cities in the Pale.
But it was all to little avail. The czar and his
counsellors found themselves still unable to get rid
of the Jews. Hundreds of thousands were killed off,
and millions of others fled—but still more millions
remained on in the land. And the more they were
afflicted, the more stubbornly they lived on; the
more they were hounded, the more they multiplied.
They refused utterly to change their ways or their
thoughts; rather they sought to change the ways and
thoughts of the Russians. Their sons and daughters
were the most desperate and violent of the nihilists
and terrorists. Wherever in the land there was talk
of revolution, young Jews were to be found among
the leaders.
The fleeing millions scattered to every corner of
the globe. They poured out of the foul Pale in
droves and scurried to every imaginable place of
refuge. They settled in France, England, South
America, China, Australia, Canada, South Africa—
everywhere. But most of all they settled in the
_ United States.
Unfortunately the exodus was altogether without
direction. There was none to tell the fugitives where
to go. As they were used to town life in the “Old
Country” they naturally made for the towns in the
new countries. They settled in swarms in the larger
cities, in London and, especially, in New York.
Only at the twelfth hour was an heroic attempt
made to provide channels for the streams of emi-
gration. In 1891 a German Jewish banker named
Baron Moritz de Hirsch, set aside the huge sum of
$45,000,000—the largest gift in the history of the
world—for the sole purpose of directing the emigrants
away from the cities toward the open countryside.
He bought vast tracts of land in Argentine and other
countries, on which to settle the fugitives. His
aim was to put the Jews back on the soil, to make
them farmers instead of merchants.
But despite the money and zeal back of the
effort, it failed. Somehow the Jews could not feel
at home outside the cities. Two thousand years of
town dwelling had estranged them from the soil.
Theoretically they could see all the advantages of
rough, healthy, outdoor life—but practically they
could not take to it.
Perhaps the root of the failure lay in the fact that
the whole scheme of Baron de Hirsch was not a thing
of their own creation. The emigrants weren’t settling
themselves on the land; they were being settled there.
It was not their own hunger for the soil that was draw-
ing them to the agricultural colonies, but the thou-
sand doles which a kindly millionaire offered them.
Many, therefore, even of those who took the doles
and went out to the colonies, soon tired and moved
in to nearby cities.
And in the cities new problems arose. They be-
came most acute, of course, in the United States, for
about a million Jewish immigrants took refuge there
between 1881 and 1905 alone. The port cities on
the Eastern coast—New York, Boston, Philadelphia,
and Baltimore—developed vast ghettos and dread
ghetto evils.
Those ghettos and their evils are still in existence
to-day, and they will continue to exist probably for
many years. All the efforts made by benevolent
German Jewish millionaires have failed to end them.
And the chances are that they will continue to fail.
The ghetto masses themselves must work out their
And they will. They are already doing it.
There is tremendous vitality in those masses,
and in some slight measure they have already
lifted themselves out of the lowest depths. On
their first arrival in America, they were despised
and rather scorned by their brethren who had pre-
ceded them from Germany. Just as previously
there had been a coolness between Spanish and
German Jews when first they came together in
Holland and America, so now a coolness arose be-
tween German and East-EKuropean Jews. And
just as that first coolness was dispelled by time, so
the second is being dispelled.
Most of the German Jews in America emigrated
to the United States during and after the Napoleonic
wars. They came over in rags, for they had been
robbed of everything in the wars and the subsequent
reaction in Germany. And these newcomers were
treated by the Sephardic Jews, already well at
home in the New World, very much like ‘‘poor
But not for long. The destitute wanderers from
Germany, despite their foreign ways and guttural
accents, soon began to improve their lot. They
started out as pack-pedlars, then opened little
country shops, grew up with the towns, and finally
became owners of huge department stores and
factories. And their children, who had no foreign
ways and spoke without an accent, became people
of influence in the middle-class life of America.
So that what few Sephardic Jews had not drifted
off to Christianity, were now glad to intermarry
with them. Compared to the wealth which the
energetic newcomers from Germany had managed to
amass, the somewhat effete descendants of the Span-
ish Jews were almost paupers.
Thus is summed up the whole story of Jewish
social life in the United States—and in a measure
also in England—up to 1881.
And then almost to a detail that story began to
repeat itself. The Russian Jew, poor, full of foreign
peculiarities, a stranger speaking a strange jargon,
became a pack-pedlar in the country or a sweat-
shop worker in the city slum. The German Jew,
quite a bit proud of his Americanism and his re-
finement, looked down on this poverty-stricken
immigrant with his outlandish ways. This German
Jew belonged to a ‘‘temple,’”’ and had liberalized his
religion almost out of all recognizable likeness to the
rigid Talmudism of the newcomers. And he was
wealthy. He mixed and mingled in what he con-
sidered the highest of Gentile society. So he could
not but be a little ashamed of his Russian relatives.
Of course, he was benevolent to them. With
characteristic Jewish generosity, he aided them with
loans and alms, and built ‘‘settlement houses’’ and
other charitable institutions for them. Neverthe-
less his attitude toward them was snobbish. He
considered them hopelessly ‘‘foreign’’ and low, and
therefore his inferiors.
But gradually the more ambitious or more for-
tunate of the Russian Jews began to lose their
‘‘foreignness,” and showed themselves anything but
inferior. From pack-pedlars they became _store-
keepers, and from sweat-shop hands they turned
into ‘‘bosses.”” They began to attain wealth, and to
move from their ghetto tenements to fine homes in
the suburbs where the German Jews lived. They
either became Reform Jews and joined the ‘‘ temples,”
or else they refined their synagogue ritual and called
themselves Conservative or Modern-Orthodox Jews.
In Chicago and New York, hundreds of thousands
of them who did not attain wealth but were com-
pelled to remain in the working class, organized
themselves into powerful trade-unions.
There was no holding them back. All the energy
pent up in them during their long Night in the
Pale of Settlement, broke loose and simply swept
every obstacle out of their way. Their keen intelli-
gences, whetted from long study in the Talmud,
simply gashed a path for them.
And the dominance in American Jewish life which
once passed from the Spanish Jew to the German
Jew, now began to pass from the German Jew to
the Russian Jew.
That second process is going on to-day—and going
on most rapidly. Another generation or two, and
the transfer will be complete.
And then it will be the turn of the Russian Jew
to show his mettle. Like his brother in Germany
or Spain, he was well able to live through all the
terrors of the Night.
But what is going to happen to him now that his
Night has passed? ...
The Exodus from Eastern Europe which began
in 1881, continued without interruption until 1914.
And then there came an ominous halt.
The World War had begun. Of a sudden all the
nations of Europe found themselves leaping at each
other’s throats—though just why, no one of them
really knew. They acted rather like those pathetic
maniacs who are so genial and sane and industrious
for months on end, and then suddenly, bewilderingly,
without all trace of reason, run amuck.
The savage in the heart of man broke loose and
slashed all the bonds of civilization.
In a way the War can be understood as another
convulsive effort of the Night to get the world back
into its clutches—an effort that succeeded only too
' well for a while. Epidemics of savage intolerance
of all that was “‘different”’ became common every-
where. And as might be expected, it was Jews,
the universally ‘‘different’”’ people, who were its
sorriest victims.
The severest sufferings were inflicted on them of
course in Eastern Europe, and almost half the Jews
of the world still lived in that region. There they
lay helplessly in the path of vast armies rushing to
blow each other to fragments. Just as in ancient
times the Jews occupied the bridge between the em-
pires of the Orient, so now they dwelt on the main
highways between Germany, Austria, Russia, and
Roumania. And the armed hosts of the powers
came thundering over those highways, attacking and
counter-attacking, rolling each other backward and
forward, murdering and pillaging and burning their
way, and leaving East-European Jewry prostrate
and broken.
The ordeal of the Belgians was as nothing com-
pared with what was thus suffered by the Jews on
the Eastern front. For the Jews were not ordinary
noncombatants going through the ordinary hell of
war. They were Jews, and as such were marked out
for an especially fiendish torment. They were the
prey of both sides, so that no matter which won,
they invariably lost.
It is not easy to tell of the atrocities committed
against the Jews during all four years of the World
War on the Eastern front, and all five years of civil
war that followed in Russia. The story is too ghastly!
There were wholesale deportations of women and old
men and children. ... Cattle trucks were filled
with the sick and helpless, and were abandoned
on railroad sidings in the forests. ... Carts and
sleighs were loaded with starving women and chil-
dren, and sent off into oblivion in the dead of
night... . Everywhere there was terror and flame
and ne. ae
Of all the lur ec chapters in the long story of the
martyrdom of the Jews, the one enacted there and
then in Eastern Europe was the worst. It began in
August of 1914, when Russia battered her way
into Galicia; and it went on without a moment’s
pause until 1923. The Revolution and downfall
of the ezar brought no relief, for civil war then
broke out. Anti-revolutionary generals Jet their
Cossack armies cut down the Jew without mercy,
on the assumption that the hated folk were all
friends of the Revolution. And roving bandits
calling themselves Bolsheviki, plundered and mur-
dered these same Jews on the ground that they were
all against the Revolution.
There in southwestern Russia a whole people was
beaten almost to death. Hundreds of thousands
of Jews were murdered or starved, and hundreds
of thousands more went wandering through the land
vainly seeking a hiding place.
But even after the War the sufferings of the Jews
were not confined to Russia. Poland had been made
a nation once more, and drunk with its new glory,
it celebrated its triumph with wholesale massacres
of the homeless folk. Roumania and Hungary, even
Germany, were the scenes of Anti-Semitic riots and
And in lands further west, although Anti-Semitic
passion could not culminate in lynchings and massa-
cres, it nevertheless brought sore evil to the Jews.
A flood of malicious propaganda swept through
France, England, and America. Fresh currency
was given to old slanderous stories which recounted
how the Jews were all secretly united under the
leadership of certain mythical Elders of Zion and
were plotting to conquer all the world. Anti-Semitic
parties and fraternities were organized in many
lands, even in America; and Anti-Semitic books
and newspapers were published and widely dis-
All the forces of reaction everywhere let loose
after the War, turned with the old venom upon the
Jew. Wherever custom made it possible he was
stoned and murdered, and elsewhere he was re-
viled and despised.
And out of the bitterness of his experiences during
and after the War, one dread lesson was brought
home again to the Jew: he was still in Golus, in Exile.
Even in America that lesson was well learnt
at last. It came first through the sight of the holo-
caust of his brethren in Eastern Europe. Ever since
1881 the Jews in America had been answering the
call for aid from their brethren in the Pale. And
year after year they had been solacing themselves
with the hope that the horrors there would soon,
very soon, abate.
But the horrors only increased. In 1914 they
forced the first of a series of enormous relief drives
to be launched in America to rescue East-European
Jewry. Incredibly large sums, millions upon millions
of dollars, had to be sent over to feed and clothe
the victims of war and prejudice: Year after year
the Jews in America, poor as well as rich, were thus
forced to tax themselves to relieve their afflicted
brethren. In 1922, in one supreme effort, as much
as seventeen millions of dollars was subscribed!
But while all those funds were being gathered and
distributed, a doubt began to creep into the minds
of the American Jews as to the worth of their efforts.
Slowly it began to dawn on them that the fortunes
they were sending across were going merely for re-
lief, and were doing nothing at all to effect a cure.
Even more: they began to come to the conclusion
that a cure could never be wrought if their people
were left to live in Eastern Europe.
For a whole century they had been deluding them-
selves that the full solution of the Jewish world
problem lay in obtaining complete recognition of
the Jews as citizens in every land where they dwelt.
But the World War made it clear that in at least
one region, Eastern Europe, the Jewish problem
could never be solved by the removal of their civil
disabilities. Because of their vast and huddled
numbers, their alien religion, their hateful position
as middlemen, their age-old unpopularity, the Jews
could never possibly feel at home there. They would
have to migrate. Inevitably they would have to
But whither? The more attractive lands in the
west were no longer willing to receive them. Like
America, they had closed their doors. And to send
the fugitives to Mexico or to one of the South Ameri-
can republics, was but to drag out the misery. For
those lands, generous and hospitable to-day, might
grow bitter and hostile to-morrow.
No, it was clear that what these people needed
was not another nachtsyl, another ‘‘night’s lodging,”
but a real home. That secure haven was needed most
obviously for the persecuted in Eastern Europe;
but no less certainly was there need of it for the
sensitive, the creative, the artist Jews everywhere
else. For the latter, though now perhaps physically
comfortable, were spiritually lost. As they them-
selves put it, they did not feel ‘‘at home”’ anywhere
in the Diaspora. They could not express fully and
joyously the Jewish genius astir in their souls.
Moreover, ordinary Jews, the merchants and
the professional men everywhere in the world, also
needed a home; not a home for their bodies but
for their cowed and Exile-broken spirits. They
needed a spiritual world center, a dynamo radiating
courage and strength to them wherever they hap-
pened to live. With the wall of the Ghetto almost
demolished, and the wall of Law fast wearing away,
they stood in desperate need of some new rampart
of protection if they desired to survive. They needed
a spiritual home.
And where in all the world could they expect to
find such a home, physical or spiritual, sayve—in
By such a process of reasoning were American
Jews won over at last to make the dream of Theodore
Herzl their own. Only in the interval it had come
to be something more than a dream. The incessant
labors of Herzl’s successors had by this time been
crowned with victory. On November 2, 1917, the
British Government officially declared its intention
of helping to make Palestine—which it was just then
wresting from the Turks—a ‘‘national home for the
Jewish people.”
And thus at one stroke was a fantastic dream made
almost a reality.
There still remained some Reform Jews in America
and ‘‘Britishers of the Mosaic Persuasion”’ in Eng-
land who continued to labor under the old delusion.
Some of them still believed that Zionism was a step
backwards, an inglorious retreat into a narrow na-
tionalism. There are still some who believe that
LO-USV serene
But rapidly even they are being won over, for
they are coming to see that Zionism is not at all
an effort to corral all the Jews in the world within
the borders of Palestine. Not even the most fana-
tical Zionist dreams of doing that. The Jews in
the Diaspora now number over sixteen millions,
and they never could be crowded into a land four
times the size of Palestine. All that Zionism pro-
poses to do is to secure a home for the Jews who
now are homeless—and for the Jewish spirit which
for almost two thousand years has been without a
That home has now been secured. In 1922 the
League of Nations ratified the British Mandate
over Palestine, and thereby the Powers of the
world signified that the declaration first made by
Great Britain had their indorsement. All that is
left—but it is a mighty task—is to furnish the home
so that the wanderers may return there and live.
And that task is now being done.
So to-day, eighteen hundred and fifty-four years
after their expulsion from Palestine at the hands of
Rome, the Wandering People are on their way back.
Not all of them. Only those go back who are most
conscious of their race, who have been beaten in
body or harried in spirit until their whole life has
become a matter of race. For the most part thus
far they are young people, youths and maidens from
Kast-European universities, and with their staffs and
knapsacks they go back on foot. The Chalutzim,
the ‘‘pioneers,” they are called, and in legions they
are trooping back to redeem the land of their
Two distinct urges have been basic in all the story
of the Jews: the prophetic dream and the priestly
way of realization. The one has given the people
a reason for living, and the other has sought to
provide a way. One thinks of them almost as two
vast spiritual back-drops on the stage of Jewish his-
tory—the one a stirring red, the other a sober gray—
in front of which the whole drama has been enacted.
No matter to what corner of the world the action has
shifted, always one or both of those drops have lent
the basic color. Jt is the clash between prophetic
hunger for the ideal and priestly resort to the ex-
pedient that lies at the bottom of every advance and
every retrogression in the spiritudl life of the Jewish
Zionism, of course, belongs quite clearly to the
gray. It is essentially a priestly movement—not
a reason for living but a way to keep alive. It is
a means, not an end. And if prophetic spirits to-day
are leading the chalutzim, the Zionist pioneers, it is
solely because they realize this. They look on the
rehabilitation of the homeland but as the pre-
lude to something far greater. To them it is but
a clearing of the way for the rehabilitation of
the old prophetic spirit. They abide the gray
back-drop now, but only because they dream of
seeing the red one hung in its place in a little
And perhaps they will not be disappointed.
There were only forty-two thousand chalutzim
who returned from the Babylonian Exile in 536.
B. c. Yet from their loins there sprang a people
that gave a new idea of God to half the world—
the idea that He is the Father of all Mankind.
What these thousands of newer chalutzim may
give, no one can tell. Perhaps a new idea of Man-
kind. No, not a new idea of Mankind, but an old
one reémphasized—the idea of the ancient Prophets
that Mankind is one great Fellowship.
For the.rebel spirit of the Prophets is mighty in
the bones of these young pioneers. ‘They are no
timorous band fleeing in a panic from an evil world,
but hardened warriors intrenching themselves for
a new assault on it. They are aflame with the pas-
sion to redeem not solely Palestine, but through
Palestine all the world. The Messianic dream is
still with them. They still believe, even though but
half-consciously, that the mission of their people is
to bring on the Kingdom of Heaven.
So who can tell what may yet come forth from
the new-old land of Israel? .. .
Yet one forecast may indeed safely be made. With
the going back of these chalutzim, the Jews every-
where go forward. They go forward in history,
taking on a new lease of life. A new rampart has
been thrown up to supply the protection afforded
by the old one of Law. And behind it Jews are
making ready to go on with their work, their his-
toric work of Godly Mischief.
So that even our day can see no end to the life
of the Strange People, but again only a new be-
ginning. Even here one cannot write ‘‘Finis’’ to
this long story, but only
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Chart F. The Adventures of the Jews, Part VI
Ao eet
Py i. i)
Aha Sa he oe
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a ie
Au uL Kiran: Arabic for ‘‘ People of the Book.’”’ The name
applied by the Arabs to the Jews because they had written
the Bible.
AraAMAIc: The popular dialect used by the Jews after the return
from the Babylonian Exile. It is a corrupt form of Hebrew.
ASHKENAZ: The medieval Hebrew for Germany.
ASHKENAZIM: Jews living in, or belonging by ancestry to Ger-
many and the rest of Northern Europe. Used in contra-
distinction to Sephardim, the Jews from Spain and Portugal.
Baa (pl. Baar): Hebrew for ‘“ Master.” Any of a number
of local gods worshiped by the Canaanites.
Bast SHEM: Hebrew for “Master of The (God’s) Name.”
Term applied to a magic-worker and healer among the
Jews of Poland and Galicia. The most famous of them was
Baal Shem Tov, ‘The Kind Master of God’s Name.”
Bes Ha-MepresH: Hebrew for “house of learning” or rab-
binical school.
CaBaLa: Hebrew for “tradition.” A system of magic and
mystical thought that was popular among the Jews in
the Middle Ages. It was based on peculiar Bible inter-
pretations which it was believed had been secretly handed
down by the ancient rabbis.
Cuassip (pl. CHassiprm): Hebrew for ‘‘ Pious One.” A follower
of Chassidism, the religious movement which arose among
the Polish Jews in the eighteenth century, and which won
over nearly half of the Jewish masses.
CHANNUKAH: Hebrew for ‘‘dedication.”” The Jewish Feast of
Dedication instituted by Judas Maccabeus in 165 B. c.,
to commemorate the rededication of the Temple altar after
its pollution by Antiochus Epiphanes of Syria.
CHEDER: Hebrew for ‘‘room.’’ The name applied to an elemen-
tary. Hebrew school.
Curist: From the Greek word christos, meaning “anointed.”
The same word in Hebrew is mashiach, or Messiah. Paul
called Jesus of Nazareth ‘‘Christ”’ because he thought him
the Messiah, or ‘‘God’s Anointed.”
Diaspora: Greek for “dispersion” or “scattering.” The term
used to describe the world outside of Palestine inhabited
by the Jews after the Exile.
DonmeuH: Turkish for “Apostates.” A sect of secret Jews
descended from the followers of Sabbatai Zevi who went
over to Mohammedanism with him. Most of them now
live in Salonica, in Turkey.
Exoum: Hebrew for ‘‘God”’ (originally ‘gods’’).
Exouist: Name given to the ancient historical document set
down in the ninth century B. c. by the chroniclers of the
Northern Kingdom, and now to be found in fragmentary
form in the Bible.
EsseNE: Name of Hebrew or Aramaic origin applied to one of a
sort of brotherhood or monastic order among the Jews of
Palestine from the second century B. c. to the second cen-
tury A. D.
Gaon (pl. Grontm): Hebrew for ‘Illustrious One.” Head of
the chief rabbinical academy in Babylonia during the early
Middle Ages.
GitrtTeR Yrp: Yiddish for ‘‘Good Jew.” A Tzaddik, or wonder-
working rabbi, reverenced by the Chassidim.
Gouus: Hebrew for “Exile.”
Goy (pl. Goyrm): Hebrew for ‘ Gentile.”
HaskataH: Hebrew for “Wisdom.” The movement begun in
the late eighteenth century in Germany, and afterwards
in Poland and Russia, to liberalize Jewish life and
Hesrew: From the Hebrew zwvri, the original meaning of which
is not definitely known. Properly the word should not be
applied except to Israelites and Judeans before the Baby-
lonian Exile. After that event the term “Jew” (from
Judah) became the accepted one.
HEuLENISM: From the Greek word Hellas, meaning Greece. The
word is used to describe the culture and civilization of
ancient Greece.
IsRAELITE: From the Hebrew Yisrael, meaning ‘‘Champion of
God.” A descendant of Israel or Jacob. Specifically, one
belonging to the Northern Kingdom.
Karaism: The “Religion of the Bible.”’” A Jewish sect originat-
ing in the eighth century, which rejected the Talmud and
tried to base its religion and life altogether on Biblical Law.
Keposuim: Hebrew for “Holy Ones,” or ‘‘Saints.’”’ The term
often applied to the Jewish martyrs.
LapINo: Spanish for “learned” or “cultured,” evidently from
the word Latin. It is the name for the curious jargon made
up of mixed Spanish and Hebrew, which is spoken by the
Sephardic Jews in the Orient. It is sometimes called Spag-
Litvak: Yiddish for a Lithuanian Jew. Often it is used to
connote shrewdness and cunning, because the Lithuanian
Jews were great adepts at Talmudic argument.
Marano: Spanish for ‘“Accursed.” A Jew professing Chris-
tianity in order to escape persecution.
MessiAH: Hebrew for “Anointed.” The expected king and
deliverer of the Hebrews.
MisHNna: Hebrew for “Repetition.” The code of civil and
religious law compiled by Rabbi Judah a little before 200
A.D. It was called by that name because it repeated, with
many changes and enormous elaborations, the laws of the
MisnaGGEpDIM: Hebrew for ‘“Opponents.”” Those who opposed
the Chassidim, and disbelieved in the “ wonder-working”
Moreu Nevucuim: Hebrew for “Guide for the Perplexed.” A
philosophic study of the creeds of Judaism written by Moses
Maimonides (often called Rambam) in the twelfth century.
Nervi: Hebrew for “prophets.” Originally it may have meant
PHARISEE: From the Hebrew pharash meaning ‘‘to interpret,”
or according to many scholars, “to separate.’”” The Phar-
isees destroyed the power of the Jewish priests by “‘inter-
preting” the Holy Law in new ways.
Pryyutim: Medieval Hebrew for certain synagogue hymns.
Pocrom: Russian for ‘‘devastation.’”? An organized massacre,
usually of the Jews.
Rassi: Hebrew for “My Teacher.” A Jewish title of respect
for a teacher of the Law. Later it came to mean the spirit-
ual leader in a synagogue. :
Rasui: Name coined of the initial letters of Rabbi Shelomoh
(bar) Jtzchak, the famous commentator on the Bible and
Talmud who lived in France 1040-1105.
ResH GatuTHa: Aramaic for “ Prince of the Exile.”” The leader
of the Jews living in Babylonia. The office was hereditary
in a family that claimed descent from King David, and
was abolished by the Mohammedans in the eleventh cen-
SappucegEs: From Tzaddok, who was Solomon’s high priest.
The Sadducees formed the priestly and aristocratic party in
Judea from the second century B. c. almost to the end of the
first century A. D.
SANHEDRIN: Greek for ‘‘assembly.” The parliament and su-
preme court of the Jews during many centuries.
Srrorim: Hebrew for “books,” but sometimes used with special
reference to the Holy Books of the Bible.
SemitTes: One of the descendants of Shem. A member of the
race which seems to have originated in the Arabian Desert,
and which to-day is represented chiefly by the Jews and
SEPHARAD: Medieval Hebrew name for Spain.
SEPHARDIM: Descendants of the Jews who were expelled from
Spain and Portugal, and who settled in the Orient, Holland,
and the New World.
SHAMASH: Hebrew for “servant.’’ The word now has come to
mean a sexton or beadle of a synagogue.
SHULCHAN ArucH: Hebrew for “Set Table.” Title of the most
popular compilation of the rabbinic laws regulating the
practice of Judaism. It was written by Joseph Karo in
Synacoaue: Greek for “a gathering.” A Jewish religious
organization, or the building in which such an organization
Tautmup: Aramaic for “learning.” The collection of Jewish
civil and religious laws drawn up by the rabbis in Baby-
lonia in the fifth century. (There was also a Talmud drawn
up in Palestine a century earlier, but it never attained great
Tarcum: Aramaic for “interpretation.” A translation or
paraphrase of the Old Testament in the Aramaic dialect
popular in Judea after the Babylonian Exile.
ToraH: Hebrew for “law.” The name given to the “ Five Books
of Moses” which contained the Biblical Law.
Tosarists: Writers of Tosaros, which is the Hebrew for “addi-
tions.” The Tosafists flourished in France in the twelfth
century, and wrote little critical and explanatory notes on
the margin of the Talmud.
Tzappik (pl. Tzappikim): Hebrew for ‘Righteous One.” A
rabbi claiming the power to work miracles.
YAHVEH: Original name of the God worshiped by the Hebrews.
Through the mistake of an ignorant translator, the word is
now usually spelled Jehovah.
YesHIVAH: Hebrew for “session.’’ A rabbinical college.
YippisH: From the German jiidisch, meaning “Jewish.’”’ The
vernacular of East-European Jews. It is the Middle High
German language of the sixteenth century, mixed with
Slavic and Hebrew.
Zouar: Hebrew for “Splendor.” Title of a Cabalistic work
introduced into Spain in the thirteenth century by Moses
de Leon,
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Wild Hebrew Shepherds
Where they wander many years
Invasion of 4
WCAN ee AN, trv qqie
with the “native tribes
Hebrews feght a5 separate Iribes
SAMSON, etc.) ,
They unite at last undera King
They allain um pertal power
They beyin to lose their power
Division of the Hing dom a
Chart A. The Adventures of the Jews, Part I
Jahkyist” Mistory. (Judah)
—--Llohist” story (\sract)
oan RS Sov Nereis
§ Temporary reform
§ Reaction
8 Re form: again
Deulerenom copied 621 BC.
Jrida deported. to
P97 ~ F682 BC.
e return from exile 53538 BC.
laqgadh and ZeEcHARIAH Preach
7emple rebuzl~
(Ward Jim es)
NEHEMIAH Govenor, 444BC.
Walls of Jerusalem rebut
Inaitiuiion of lhe Priestly Law
Five Books of *Moses” completed
(Reign of fhe Priesis )
ALISCANDID: introduces Greek
(Hellenesm takes root )
(The Pious Ones” war
against (ellentsm)
Chart B. The Adventures of the Jews, Part II
Hellenism Grows
ANTIOcHUS tries to end JuDaisn
Judea 1s ree
JOHN Nraeanus forcibly converls Lvonitrs
Pharisees vs. Sadducees
Wild Hunger fer the Nessiah®
Scape ipa
isz-t95 Ban Kocnpa rebellion
PaBBINICAL Academies moved to
uk England heat oe Tolerance | Tolerance z
Revolutions Reaction] Reaction =
of 1830 4 1648 meno a
LHwODOMEH me ale my
Ale ATION Set Pee
Chart F. The Adventures of the Jews, Part VI
ia Dia kao! oie oe
ON a
Cia Riek i
Aaron, family of, 119
Abraham, 27, 190
Abraham Ibn Ezra—see Ibn
Absalom, 54
Acosta, Uriel, 274ff.
félia Capitolina, 160
Ahab, 72
Ahijah, 74
Ahl ul Kitab, 189
Akiba, 159
Albigenses, 222, 224
Alexander the Great, 121, 161
Alexander II of Russia, 322,
323, 328, 332, 333
Alexandria, 161, 214
Alfasi, 255
Al Khazari, 208, 237
Allah, 194
Amaziah, 64
America, 270, 274, 295, 311,
Am ha-raetz, 166
Ammonites, 43, 52
Amorites, 26
Amos, 77ff., 86
Amsterdam, 269ff.
Anan ben David, 199ff.
Anatoli, Jacob, 182, 252
Anointed One (see Messiah)
Antiochus Epiphanes, 123ff., 159
Anti-Semitism, 322f7., 344
Antkolski, Mare, 332
Apocalypses, 133
Arabia, 188ff.
Arabian Desert, 22
Arabs, 193, 204, 247 (see alse
Aramaic, 120, 138
Arameans, 38, 52, 57, 66, 78
Argentine, 336
Ark, 32, 40, 42, 50, 58
Arnold of Citeaux, 224
Aryan, 323
Ashdod, 42
Asher, tribe of, 38
Asher ben Yechiel, 255
Ashkenazim 237, 272, 274
Assyria, 66ff.; 68, 78, 95, 107
Athaliah, 64
Austria, 250, 295, 306
Auto-da-fe, 236
Avicebron, 153
Azariah, 254
Baal Melkart, 74
Baal Shem, 288
Baal Shem Tov, 287ff.
Baalim, 37, 48, 73
Baasha, 64
Babylonia, 26, 68ff., 95, 96ff.,
113, 167, 178ff., 349
Balfour Declaration, 346
Baltimore, 336
Bar Kochba, 159
Bel, 97
Berlin, 302, treaty of, 323
Bes ha-Medrash, 282 (see also
house of learning)
Beth-El, 78
Beth Shearim, 167
Beziers, 224
Bible, 75ff., 133
Blood Accusations, 217, 325
Bohemia, Expulsion from, 250
Bolsheviki, 3438
Borne, Ludwig, 305, 320
Boston, 336
Brazil, 272
Bruenn, Expulsion from, 232
Bulgaria, 323
Cabala, 221, 258ff., 285, 288ff.
Canaan, 13ff., 32ff., 35ff.
Canaanites, 26ff., 35ff., 58
“Capital,” 320
Carpathian Mountains, 288
Catholic Church, 245, 272
Chanukkah, 126, 176
Chalutzim, 348, 349, 351
Chassidim, 291, 332
Cheder, 281
Chicago, 96, 339
China, 67, 188
Christ (see Jesus)
Christianity, 145ff., 226
Christian Science, 317
Circumcision, 124, 158
Cologne, 218, 232
Columbus, 253, 270
Commentaries, 198
Constantine, 122
Cossacks, 281ff.
Cremieux, Adolphe, 305
Cresques, Jaffuda, 252
Cromwell, 270
Crusades, 217ff., 220
Cyrus, 101ff., 108, 111
Dagon, 42
Darius, 109
David, 45, 48ff., 56, 74, 98
Day of Atonement, 190
Denmark, 270
Des Moines, 96
Deutero-Isaiah, 102, 311
Deuteronomy, 88ff., 101, 106
Diaspora, 160
Dietary Laws, 184
Diogo Pires, 262
Dispersion, 158ff.
D’Israeli, Benjamin, 303
Dominicans, 247
Dénmeh, 267
Dreyfus Affair, 326ff.
Edict of Toleration, 295
Edomites, 52, 57, 69, 109, 128,
Egypt, 27ff., 80ff., 66, 68, 92, 113
Egyptians, 26
Einhorn, Ignatz, 320
Elazar, Rabbi, 182
Elijah, 74
Elohist, 76, 98
Emancipation, 295
England, 270, 274, 302, 306, 311
Ephraim, 36
Essenes, 136, 198, 285
Euphrates river, 26
Europe, Eastern, 331ff.,
342, 345
Ezekiel, 100, 101, 106, 112
Ezra, 112, 133
Ferdinand and Isabella, 235
Fertile Crescent, 24, 32ff., 189
Fons Vitz, 214
France, 232, 295, 325ff.
Frankfort-on-the-Main, 242
Frank, Jacob, 285, 286
Galicia, 283, 343
Galilee, 138, 145, 167, 255, 285
Gaon, 197, 203
Gath, 50
Gedaliah, 92
Gemara, 182
Germany, 220, 270, 302, 306,343
Ghettos, 241, 242, 243, 244,
260, 295ff., 301, 302, 307, 308
Gietto, 241
Gilgal, 44
Gitter Yid, 292
Godfrey de Bouillon, 217
Goethe, 305
Golus, 160
Goshen, 28
Granada, 224
Grammar, 210
Greek, invasion, 119, 121ff., 204
“Guide for the Perplexed,’
215, 221, 252
Hadrian, 158
Haggai, 106, 107
Halevi, Judah, 205ff., 237
Hamburg, 232, 310
Haskala, 299
Heaven, 120
Hebrew, Modern, 299
Heine, Heinrich, 303, 305, 320
Hellenism, 122ff., 129
Herod, 131, 137
Herz, Henrietta, 304
Herzl, Theodore, 328ff., 346
High Priest, 119
Hillel, 163
Hiram of Tyre, 59, 60
Hirsch, Baron Moritz de, 335ff.
Hittites, 26
Holland, 269ff., 295
Holy War, 193
Horeb, Mt., 32
Hosea, 81ff., 86
“House of Learning,” 164, 166,
Huebsch, Adolph, 320
Hugo, Victor, 305
Humanists, 178
Hungary, 320, 343
Ibn Ezra, 212, 276, 297
Immanuel of Rome, 253
India, 188
Inferiority Complex, 102
Innocent III, Pope, 222
Inquisition, 235, 268, 272
Isaac, 27
Isaiah, 82ff., 86, 102 (see also
Ishbaal, 48
Ishmael ben Elisha, 182
Israel, kingdom of, 49, 68ff.,
76ff., 81ff., 107
Israel ben Eliezer (see Baal
Shem Tov)
Isserles, Moses, 256
Jabneh, 164, 167
Jacob, 27
Jacob ben Asher, 255
Jacoby, Johann, 305
Jehoiakim, 91
Jehovah (see Yahveh)
Jepthah, 39
Jeremiah, 87, 90ff., 133, 134
Jerusalem, 50, 53, 58ff., 89,
101, 103, 107, 111; 158, 160,
209, 220
Jesus of Nazareth, 137, 168,
166, 190, 287, 289, 324
Jew Badge, 227, 243
“Jewish State,’ The, 329
Jezebel, 74
Joash, 64
Jochanan ben Zakkai, 163, 167
John, 122
John the Baptist, 137, 1389
John Hyrcanus, 128
John, King of England, 230
Jonah, book of, 116
Jordan, 34, 137
Joseph II of Austria, 295
Josephus, 152
Josiah, 87
Judas Maccabeus, 125ff.
Judges, 39
Joshua of Nazareth (see Jesus
of Nazareth)
Judah, Rabbi, 168 ~
Judah Kingdom of, 36, 48, 63,
77, 95, 102
Judaism, 95ff.
Judea, 285
Jupiter, 158
Kaaba, 189, 190
Kalonymus ben Kalonymus, 253
Kant, Emanuel, 296
Karaism, 199ff., 201, 204
Karaites, 210
Karo, Joseph, 262
Kedoshim, 220
Kenites, 30, 36
Khazars, 237, 285
Kimchis, 222
Kingdom of Heaven, 141, 150
Kishineff, 333
Koran, 195
Ladino, 240, 267
Lassalle, Ferdinand, 305
Law, Wall of, 162ff., 165ff., 172,
197, 252, 260, 307ff., 322
League of Nations, 347
Lessing, 296
Levi, priestly tribe of, 119
Levi ben Gershom, 252
Levin, Rahel, 305
Levita, Elijah, 253, 254
Liberal Judaism (see Reform
Lithuania, 281, 288, 292, 333
Litvaks, 285
Lost Ten Tribes, 67
Lord of Hosts, 75
Luis de Torres, 253
Luther, Martin, 247, 248, 249,
Magdenburg, 232
Maimonides, 153ff., 214, 221,
252, 276, 278
Malachi, 110
Manasseh, 36, 38
Marranos, 234ff., 268ff., 272
Mattathias, 126, 128
Marx, Karl, 305, 320, 321
Mayence, 218
Mecea, 189, 190
Menasseh ben Israel, 270
Mendelssohn, Moses, 296ff., 302
304, 309ff.
Merchant of Venice, 234
Messiah, 100, 102, 107, 108,
109, 115, 132, 136, 141, 199,
244, 258ff, 261, 291, 312ff.,
322, 327, 330, 349
Mexico, 272, 345
Micah, 83, 86, 106
Minna, 218
Mishna, 167ff., 177, 181
Misnaggedim, 293
Mission of Israel, 312ff,, 316
Moabites, 51ff., 69
Mohammed, 189ff., 249
Mohammedans, Jews under rule
of, 195
Molko, Solomon, 262
Moloch, 85
Moreh Nevuchim, 215
Moriah, Mt., 106
Moses, 30ff., 88, 98
Moses ben Maimon (see Mai-
Moses de Leon, 258
Nadab, 64
Napoleon, 301, 308
Nathan, 74
Nathan, Signora, 305
Nazarenes, 146
Nebuchadnezzar, 68, 69, 97, 102
Nehemiah, 111
Neviim (see Prophets)
New Amsterdam, 272
New Testament, 94
New World, 272
New York, 272, 336, 339
Nineveh, 116
Noah, 133
Nuremburg, 232
Odessa, 333
Olmuetz, 232
Omri, 64
Oral Law, 168
Pale of Settlement, 333, 339
Palestine, 346ff.
Papal States, 250
Parthians, 174, 176
Paterson, N. J., 96
Paul, 147ff., 190
Pedagogue, 288
Pfefferkorn, 246, 247
“People of the Book,” 189
Persia, 176
Peru, 272
Pharisees, 128, 130, 131, 138,
140, 148, 162, 166, 285, 289
Pharaoh, 28
Philadelphia, 336
Philistines, 40ff., 44, 46, 47,
48ff., 50, 69, 109
Philo, 161, 214
Philosophy, 213
Pheenicians, 26, 38, 52, 53, 57,
60, 69, 74
Pilgrim Fathers, 272
“Pious,” 110
Piyyutim, 206
Pogroms, 333
Poland, 237, 238, 250, 279ff.,
283ff., 287ff., 321, 333, 343
Pompey, 131
Pontius Pilate, 142
Prague, 220
Priests, 100, 106, 348
' “Prince of the Exile,” 174
Prophets, 45, 60, 72ff., 100,
Protestant Reformation, 246
Protestantism, 248, 250
Provence, 222
Rabbah, 182
Rabbis, 158ff., 163ff.
Ramadhan, 192
Ramses II, 28ff.
Rashi, 220, 221, 248
Rationalism, 215
Raymond the Good, 224
Reformation, 247
Reform Judaism, 309, 316, 322,
Regensburg, 220
Renaissance, 247, 299
Resh Galutha, 174
Reuben, 38
Reubeni, David, 262
Reuchlin, 246, 248
Revelations, Book of, 263
Revolutions, 304
Rhode Island, 272
Riesser, Gabriel, 305
Rome, 130ff., 151, 158, 302, 306,
Robinson, James Harvey, 216
Roumania, 323, 343
Rubinstein, Anton, 332
Russia, 281, 322, 323, 328, 333,
Ruth, Book of, 115, 165
Saadya, 203, 216
Sabbath, 101, 112, 113, 120,
124, 159, 176, 244, Lights,
176, Laws, 181
Sabbatai Zevi, 262ff., 285
Sadducees, 129, 1380, 131, 140,
Safed, 255
Samaria, 67
Salome, 122
Samaritans, 107, 109, 111, 119,
120, 128
Samson, 39, 40
Samuel, 45, 72
Samuel be Yechiel, 218
Sanhedrin, 164, 167
Satan, 120
Saul, 43, 46ff., 48, 72, 147ff.
Schleiermacher, 305
Science of Judaism, 309
Schlegel, 305
Scriptures, 297
Scythians, 87
Season of Mourning, 176
Second Coming, 263
Seforim, 133
Semites, 23ff., 323
Sephardim, 240, 272, 274, 318,
Sepphoris, 167
Servia, 323
Settlement Houses, 339
Shakespeare, William, 234
Shalim, city of, 50
Shamosh, 288
Shefarim, 167
Shulchan Aruch, 255, 256, 257
Simon, 36, 128
Sinai, Mt., 32
Slave Trading, 196
Socialism, 320
Solomon, 56, 73, 89, 98, 133
Solomon Ibn Gabirol, 214
South America, 345
Southern Tribes, 48, 49, 63ff.,
Spain, 205ff., 224, 268, 270
Spinoza, Baruch, 276ff.
Stuyvesant, Peter, 272
Sumerians, 26
Synagogues, 120, 139
Syria, 26, 125ff.
Talmud, 177ff., 181, 197, 220,
241, 254, 255, 256
Talmudism, 281ff., 332
Targum, 120
Temple, 58, 89, 107, 108, 114
Ten Tribes, of Israel, 95
Teutonic Lands, 188
Thammuz, 85
Thirty Years War, 274
Tiberius, 167
Tibbonides, 222
Tigris river, 26
Tisza Ezlar, 325
Titus, 152, 153ff.
Torah, 162, 168
Torquemada, 235
Tosafists, 221
Trent, 232
Treves, 220
Turkey, 220, 240, 322, 323
Tyre, 60
Tzaddik, 291
Ukrainia, 283
Ulm, 232
Unitarianism, 317
United States, 49, 336
Usha, 167
Usury, 229, 230
Vespasian, 152, 153
Vienna, 232
Vicenta Ferrer, 234
Washington, 50
West Indies, 272
Wise, Isaac M., 311
Wittenberg, 232, 248
World War, 341ff.
Worms, 218
Yahveh, 32, 38, 50, 60, 64, 72,
82, 83, 92, 97
Yahvism, 95
Yahvist History, 74, 76, 98
Yeshivah, 282
Yiddish, 240, 299
Zacuto, Abraham, 252
Zachariah, 106, 107
Zadok, 119, 129
Zealots, 132, 140
Zephaniah, 87
Zimri, 64
Zionism, 322ff., 327, 329, 330,
347, 348, 349
Zohar, 258
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