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UAV NbN lees ree opens ceeehonnnaqeeneee dean ne ieann Xi HISTORICAL SKETCH—EARLY WARS—1898-1917...... ec cccccccccsssscesseeseeeeeee X11 Concitionomisatl vaiet omy Orie iat meee. ee eee A ere teen XIV @uotawo te Cat holicm@la plalits messes ce ts eer ang ee een XiV roceses Act cUsiGmGLCALCC mrerer a creer mn err (tet nest Senn mtee Bay VOL Kao etiem D1OCescriney\ .itall( moll Ce. em: ee ee eee Meee XvV1 PERSONAL RECORDS— NVICCiB Cyan naLlickm| sell aves Js) eamenai cence te, ccc ler a eee ROK IRE, Incehie, Nulisyage. (Geer 1p NS evebire, IDR WAG ID) WAC we creas SOmt Coes Gye io Oita! ALICSmN ICNOlASE COTO \aeeeee aware tre aan eee XXV INin, dketw, Wiligate, WANING a Wi, Here ic ALAR ID WN) (Cres anomie SOOT Rac, INGA, WR IDES NO [folate GR aieeredn WAC ss er aah one. ce HOODS IRai, Tawene, Wiser, Westley Wk (Oieeiseyan WIA Cr eee eran NOOR WickVE LCC Ver SC fee) OSCDM als wl )INCCH ace tae terete ee PEON III \ Ging inte, Ibias: I (Oakes (SMe SIIB (CIB. nee AOOS) Ni tee OC COL CEO Mma HOlCe@naplainsm alphabetical js, scan eeeee ne 1 ENCGLOLO Damier mentee ten etree tee nen nears ao eee RT vec eee 3b EME DLOVCC MP1) DiICAMLOmmmerttnen teste ieee idee ence cdee tere. cone Coreen en eee 328 (Clneeyelbarrangy aia) Tesco ACen als, NUR Sb WS ne er cereaaicerc scam narniets nieecee we 338 Chaplains Serving in Military and Naval Posts, Public Health and WiGleLAMmLLOs pi talomeem ett iraast cetacean iet tests eran eed nN ee 345 Wictacwa lOucceandmruEni Secs tengo ee ee cast nee emer en Fe 347 Ghartot Number of Catholic Chaplains, April 1917 to May 19227.2...-. 14 APPENDIX— Pamelaplainmbishonssleectet tom, eGhaplainses prilelo e1OLGae Hen Dae ccrpimiLomieleettet Olmo @COUsistOrialsCOnoteea lone. t 0.2.5, 358 | LPS he ahi ONS PO DCm aS ae Lieewe ere stetert nme tees oa, wee c crt et ccicren tert sstans eeese tare Vv TOMEI CLICC 1Ctae NG Varieties a ea ener tes oe terrae ner ches eterna iva svte csr ees Vil Vike s mls umm riCkm)| mail a veces 4) Sermugaee eee mene cnet cass) a een rex He eve ocipeGreOr occa lma\ Valine setalislse 1o1U) 1) eee ere. ssccs sae eee SOG ee Crp Loam) accom Nem COnNOI er aitctrce terse teretcc. sores te scnmeee eee XXIV Geel CVMeVSc Gm Vt lliatie Vimeo eyvemlele lL) Peters cess.crscsteccscreteesee nse mes NVI RG evel corm leesiion| Oleh Avalae Msvccrsteestcccrs 0 5-0 Smerse tneaet-erentere eat XXVII1 Tae, Urea, lssere,. Tprorseyedit WWE CALS IS 8 hin accom sande nnecendesccstins ccc eed donseasencn ne: SKX Reimer sci ae) Osc pees) INectints ttn. es sreumneeans eerste tees XL Wey Tae sie (COMBI (Cae deh a ae eee Seen honbttna orn ey oR eROR IONS, ACIS): 2! Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library https://archive.org/details/unitedstatescathOOwari 2 Ole eB GaN Ey) Glee xe Creator of the Diocese Castrensis, November 24, 1917 Vil FOREWORD January 15, 1924. This register of the Catholic Chaplains, Army and Navy, during the World War, has been compiled for the simple pur- pose of historical record. No printed word could possibly tell the story of devoted service and heroic sacrifice that distin- guished our Catholic Chaplains on land and sea, in field and camp, in hospital and trench. The Chaplains also displayed a remarkably happy combination of priestly dignity and zeal with soldierly adjustment to military requirements during time of war. As Chaplain Bishop I take this occasion to express my grate- ful appreciation in Christ for the invaluable assistance I re- ceived from the vicars-general, the chancellor and the secre- taries of the Diocese Castrensis. I shall always cherish, with similar sentiments, the reverence and obedience given by the chaplains themselves—as noble, brave and spiritual a body of priests as ever ascended the Altar of God. Nor should I fail to say here that the Diocese Castrensis must ever remain indebted to the Knights of Columbus for financial aid that was absolutely indispensable in administering the work and providing volunteer chaplains for posts not cov- ered by Commissioned Chaplains. To my brethren of the Hierarchy I am profoundly obligated for their co-operation and help—which made possible the glorious and imperishable record of service coldly recorded in this volume. MANSION HOUSE BAGUIO, P. I. Aprils ss Your chaplains rendered excellent service both at home and abroad, in garrison and in the field, not only during the World War, but in the Indian wars, in the Spanish war, and along the Border. They have come under my command and observation in many fields of activity. Their services have not been limited to the ministrations of religion, but they have been active in protecting the moral and physical welfare of the men. Like all our chaplains, they were loyal Americans. They have appealed to me by their works. Earnest representatives of their church, they have been equally earnest and devoted to the in- terests of the men who came under their care. ‘They have stood for discipline, respect for authority, law and order, clean living, and faith in God and His wisdom. UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD WASHINGTON, D. C. May 16, 1923. It gives me very great pleasure to take the opportunity here afforded me, to give public testimony to the very high degree of spirituality, efciency, and devotion to duty which always has characterized the priests who have been chosen to represent Holy Mother Church in the Chaplain Corps of the Navy. They iy cae Clpal dea temsGred 1 tOmie.enurcoeandstothemenvicesand besides, have earned the eternal gratitude of countless souls to whom they have been, in reality, spiritual fathers and guides. Most particularly have they stood out in the great World War, under the leadership of His Grace, Archbishop Patrick J. Hayes, the Chaplain Bishop. With the number of Catholic Chaplains increased correspondingly to the personnel of the Navy, they kept the same high standard. By their self-sacrifice and courage in the face of dangers and hardships, they proved invaluable in keeping up the morale of the officers and men of the Navy. X1 CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS ARMY AND NAVY ORDINARIATE NEW YORK CITY Feb. 1, 1924. Wicstecy ie atricke) ailaycsm sls Chaplain Bishop, New York City. MY DEAR ARCHBISHOP: Herewith is a compilation of the records of the Catholic Chaplains in the World War which I have gathered and pre- pared for publication at your direction. Some of the records are not as full as others owing to the difficulty of getting in touch with some of the priests who have been separated from military service since the cessation of hostilities. All the records, however, have been verified and contain the salient facts of each Chaplain’s career. In preparing this data, I have avoided al! attempts at rhetoric and have tried to give only the facts, to conform to your desire that the volume should be historical and not narrative. Sincerely yours in Christ, Gere SWoring, Vicar-General. HS TORLEG MER SIEGE EARLY WARS At the time of the Revolutionary War, there were no regular Catholic Chaplains in the service. However, the units that came from abroad to help the cause of the Colonies, brought their own Catholic Chaplains with them, to the number of about one hundred priests. It is co-incident that the first Catholic Church, in New York, St. Peters’, was founded by a Chaplain of the Revolutionary War, Rev. Charles Whelan, O.M.Cap. The same condition, as regards Catholic Chaplains, held in fiemyy at ofels land cven inethe= carly part O19 them Vlexican War, for Congress had made no provisions for Catholic Chap- lains. In 1846, however, President Polk invited Bishops Hughes, of New York, Portier, of Mobile, and Kenrick, of St. Louis, to a meeting and suggested that they select two priests for Chaplaincies. ‘These were selected by the Bishops and ap- pointed by the President. In the Civil War, there were about one hundred priests in the field, and although most of these were volunteers, they served with recognized state or volunteer organizations and were regu- larly commissioned as Chaplains. Among the prominent Chap- lains in the Civil War were the late Archbishop Ireland, Bishop Lawrence McMahon and Bishop Bernard McQuaid, of Rochester. 1898-1917 During the Spanish-American War of 1898, there were very few Chaplains in the service holding commissioned rank. Little provision was made for Chaplains as the regular establishment (Army and Navy) carried only a small number. Of these, the Catholic Church had a total of about twelve. A. few of the National Guard Regiments which entered the Federal service at the time, had their official Catholic Chaplains. Over and above these, some of the larger Dioceses sent priests to follow the troops from their own states, and these priests served in a civilian capacity at various mobilization camps throughout the country. The entire National Guard of the country was mobilized by Federal order, to the Mexican Border, in 1916, and these troops Xi did a tour of duty there, extending from a few months to a year. At that time there were only nine Catholic priests identified with the National Guard in the United States, and when our Catholic young men assembled along the Rio Grande, they found themselves practically without the administrations of priests. The few priests in the National Guard, together with two or three Regular Army Chaplains, on duty along the Border, were unable to cope with the situation. The Bishops along the Border, although they had very few clergy covering im- mense tracts of territory, lent whatever assistance they could in looking after the spiritual welfare of the American men. CONDITIONS EARLY IN THE WORLD WAR When the United States entered the World War on April 6, 1917, the whole of the Regular Army and National Guard was immediately mobilized. There were then sixteen priests in the Regular Army, and these augmented by the nine National Guard Chaplains gave a total of twenty-five priests to look after the Catholic soldiers scattered through some 300,000 troops. In the summer of 1917, the various camps and cantonments were under way and by September of the same year, additional troops were called to the colors by means of the selective draft. The men chosen in the first draft were centered in sixteen canton- ments throughout the country. In the meantime, the voluntary enlistments in the Army and Navy had been very heavy. Realizing that the great bulk of the new big Army was made up of men who had never been away from their homes and religious environments, the Government issued a hurry call for Chaplains of all denominations. Catholic priests in many of the larger Dioceses were quick to respond to the call. This condition prevailed for several months. Officers and men in the various camps, particularly in the Southern States, were clamoring for priests. Local Bishops sent in call after call to Bishops in the larger centers asking that priests be sent to look after the Catholic boys in these camps. OWMOTALO Ha GA PEOLIGa SLAP IaAENG The quota of Catholic Chaplains allowed before the war was 2+, but after a conference in Washington, at which religious X1V statistics, gathered from non-Catholic sources, were presented, the Catholic quota was raised to 37.8%. This quota continued in effect until 1920, when it was reduced to 25% in the Army. The Catholic Chaplains in the Navy never had a quota greater than 25%. The Government continued to ask for more Chaplains as the size of the forces increased, with the result that on the day the Armistice was signed, November 11, 1918, there were 1,023 Chaplains in active service, either with the Army, Navy or K. of C., and 500 approved applicants who would have been commissioned, January |, 1919. Military and Naval regulations had to be altered several times in order to provide for the commissioning of additional priests. For instance, in the early days of the war, the age limit for priests applying for commission in the Army, was 40 years, and in the Navy 31% years. These limits were raised re- spectively to 45 and 40 years. With the rapid growth of the number of priests in the service, considerable confusion arose. Here was a vast Diocese, in number of priests, laymen and territory, with no regularly constituted head. ‘The Chaplains had to turn some place for advice and instructions. They frequently were in other Dioceses than their own and were at a loss to know whether to turn to their own Bishops or to the Bishop in whose Diocese they were serving. DIOCESE CASTRENSIS CREATED iicmlatcmi olyeatict mao pcmocicdictm ny a Loalizinvethe gravity of the situation, on November 24, 1917, appointed the first Episcopus Castrensis in the United States, Most Rev. Patrick J. Hayes, D.D., then Auxiliary Bishop, and now Arch- bishop of New York. The news of the appointment of Bishop Hayes gave general satisfaction throughout the country. ‘The Bishops were elated because they felt that the confusion would end. ‘The Chaplains Ve iomha D DyailethcmLcali7alonmtiatethoyena dmamGapablema ina worthy superior to turn to for comfort and advice. The men in the service were pleased, for they knew they would not be left without priests. Bishop Hayes started his work of organization immediately upon his appointment. He divided his gigantic Diocese into XV five vicariates, four in the United States, and one overseas. He appointed Vicars-General over these and had them establish offices. His other officials were a Chancellor and a Secretary, stationed in New York, and an Executive Secretary, stationed in Washington, D. C. After the work of organization was completed and the machinery of the vast new Diocese working smoothly, the Chap- lain Bishop made a visitation to the various Army and Navy posts in the United States. He was about to visit the Overseas Vicariate, but was prevented by the final illness and death of Cardinal Farley. However, he sent his Chancellor to represent him, on a visit to the overseas’ camps, and at Rome. WORK OF THE DIOCESE IN WAR AND SINCE The great work accomplished by the Diocese Castrensis can best be judged, when it is understood how vast a territory it covered. Its territory, extending through five Vicariates, in- cluded the United States, the Philippines, the Hawaiian Islands, Alaska, Panama, Porto Rico, Ireland, England, France, Italy, Belgium, Germany and Russia. In fine, its territory embraced land and sea, wherever there were Catholic Chaplains, Catholic fighting men, or Catholic physicians, or nurses. And its territory was not its only stupen- dous feature. Its Catholic population numbered about a million and its priests were more than one thousand strong. During the war and in the period of reconstruction immedi- ately following the signing of the Armistice, thousands of soldiers, or sailors, or members of their families, were baptized. Thousands more were married. Numberless dispensations were sought. All these matters were reported to the Ordinariate in New York, through the various Vicariates, or directly, for perma-: nent record. Besides these, countless are the numbers of Con- fessions and Communions noted in the monthly reports of the Chaplains sent to the Ordinariate. The Diocese Castrensis continues to operate. With one ex- ception of the Overseas’ Vicariate, all the Vicariates are stil] functioning, and the overseas’ work is being carried on at the Ordinariate, 110 East 12th Street, New York City. The other Vicariates are situated in Chicago, New Orleans, and San Fran- CISCO. Xvi Monthly reports from 96 priests who still remain in the serv- ice, are received at the Ordinariate. Besides these, there are about 200 priests in the Officers’ Reserve Corps of the Army and in National Guard organizations throughout the country. What each individual of the Diocese Castrensis, the Chap- lain Bishop, the Vicars, the Chancellor, the Secretaries and the Chaplains did in the war, what they had done before it, and what they have been doing since, is told in the individual rec- ords, which are given later. XVil Fae age) ee ene Aaa te edt 7 ; t "lag - a et a e : a nya % 7 i fi a, it he) Se * — ute mo ks 7 6 7 i. ie wee? “— oa ‘ a . ; . Photo Copyright by Anna Frances Levins ROSIE ARGON VEC DIRGI CIN jie Jab Wale Sp IBD). Archbishop of New York, Chaplain Bishop, Army and Navy X1X Most Rev. Patrick J. Hayes, D.D. Archbishop Patrick J. Hayes, Fifth Archbishop of New York, has the honor not only of being the first native son to wear the Pallium of the See of New York, but is also distinguished by his appointment as the first Chaplain Bishop for Catholic Army and Navy Chaplains in the United States. Archbishop Hayes was born on November 20, 1867, in St. Andrew’s Parish, near City Hall, New York City, the son of Daniel and Mary Gleason Hayes. He received his elementary education in Transfiguration Parochial School. He then went to De La Salle Institute and later to Manhattan College, where he was graduated in 1888. He received his theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Troy, N. Y., and was ordained September 8, 1892, some months ahead of his class, having won a scholarship to the Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Upon completion of his course at the Catholic University, the then Father Hayes was appointed to St. Gabriel’s Church, New York City, as Assistant to the late Cardinal, then Mer. Farley. He served Bishop and afterwards Archbishop Farley for a time as Secretary and in 1903 was appointed Chancellor of the Archdiocese of New York. During the same year, when Cardinal Farley established the Cathedral College, he appointed Mgr. Hayes its first president. Mer. Hayes continued to hold both offices until he was appointed, by Pope Pius X, Auxiliary Bishop of New York, July 3, 1914. _ He was consecrated Titular Bishop of Tagaste, October 28, 1914, by the late Cardinal@h acley sini. tmlsatgickicm@atneails Bishop Hayes had the distinction of being one of the last of the Bishops appointed for the United States by Pope Pius X and one of the first preconized by Pope Benedict XV. _ In 1915 Bishop Hayes was made Irremovable Rector of St. Stephen’s Church, New York City, and it was at this Rectory that the military Ordinariate was established and remained until June, 1923, when it was removed to St. Ann’s, New York City. He was appointed Bishop Ordinary of the United States Army and Navy Chaplains by the Holy See on November 24, 1917, by Pope Benedict XV. xX The appointment of Bishop Hayes as Chaplain Bishop was acclaimed in Army and Navy as well as in ecclesiastical circles. The new Bishop, although unaccustomed to military affairs, lost no time in starting the machinery going to form a real solid organization. Although Bishop Hayes realized the magnitude of the bur- denmtaatehadsbeen placedsonwhis shoulders. he. did not flinch, but hurried to his task. He knew how vast the work would be, for he was not unaware that he had become the spiritual father of a Diocese, which extended from Florida to Alaska and from Maine to California, in this country. But that was not the only extent of his new territory, for it took in all the insular possessions of the United States, every foreign nation in which American soldiers were stationed and every sea on which American seamen sailed. With the aid of five vicars, a chancellor, and two secretaries, the Bishop soon had the machinery working so smoothly, that reports were coming in to the Ordinariate from all over the world. Nor did this stop with the cessation of hostilities. In fact, reports are still received monthly at the Ordinariate. Bishop Hayes was made Archbishop of New York on March LOS Ole Naturallysafter his promotion to that: officeshe had to devote most of his time to the Great See of New York. The Archbishop, however, continues as the Bishop Ordinary, and in spite of the great responsibilities and duties which, as Arch- bishop of New York, are his, he still devotes no small part of his time and energies to the work of the Army and Navy Diocese. * 8 a Gee RU REVEMS GR GHORGHS| SW ARTN GS rel) lela Vicar-General and Chancellor XX Rt. Rev. Monsignor George J. Waring, Ph.D., LL.D., V.G. (New York) Borne january 15, 18/2. Educated at St. Brancis Xavier's College, New York City. Philosophy at St. Paul’s College, Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Theology at Dun- woodie, N. Y. Ordained June 24, 1903. Appointed Assist- ant at St. Mary’s Church, Marshalltown, Ia. Selected by Archbishop of Dubuque to take Post Graduate course at Catholic University, Washington, D.C., 1904. Selected same year for Chaplaincy in U.S. Army by Board of Archbishops. Assigned to I1th Cavalry, Fort Des Moines, la., March, 1905—August, 1906; Ft. Riley, Kas., August, 1906—October, 1906; Camp Columbia, Cuba, October, 1906—February, 1909; Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., March, 1909—February, 1911; Ft. Sam Houston, Tex., February—October, 1911; Win- chester, Va., 1912; Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., 1912—14; Ft. Leav- enworth, Kas., April, 1914—September, 1915; September, ie 20 eeGovemors island, N.Y. In? 1912, wrote official War Department Pamphlet entitled “Chaplain’s Duties.” Assigned by Secretary of War in 1914 to bring Chaplain’s department of military prisons up to modern Sica id cmmlvccelvecm INnCOUTSC)}m ly 2 sIDeorce Len Wnettom Villanova. Appointed Chancellor Army and Navy Diocese May, 1918. Made Vicar-General in charge of Atlantic Sea- board Vicariate, 1918. Appointed Domestic Prelate, March ee eabyeeopesbencdice XV. Received depree, LED. Hiiem eet rommy ilanova October 23.1918. went to Europe as Delegate Extraordinary for Chaplain Bishop. Administrator Diocese Castrensis, January—March, 1921, and February, 1922. Quasi-Administrator Army-Navy Diocese since Chaplain Bishop became Archbishop of New York, March, 1919. Commissioned First Lieutenant Janu- jive ome latomotedeto Captain, bebruary 108 1912. Promoted to Major, July, 1920. Resigned from Army as Major, september |, 1920. In charge of Muilitary;Ordi- nariate as Vicar-General and Chancellor, devoting entire time to same since resignation from Army. Appointed ReciOmoG AnnissOnurche Newry ork City." |unem2. 1973. Address, 110 East 12th Street, New York City, N. Y. XXlll RT RE VeMSGRY JAMES INS CONNOLEEY Vicar-General, Overseas Vicariate (closed 1919) XX1TV Rt. Rev. Monsignor James Nicholas Connolly (New York) Born January 15, 1864, in New York City. Educated at @lda@athcdralescnoglwoot. si tancis = \avicu seliio he choo! and St. Francis Xavier’s College, New York City. The- ology at American College, Rome, Italy. Ordained June 15, 1889. Member Knights of Columbus. Served in the New NiO KeNatOndlmmGrtards withthe ’Atheeintantry, wins ithe Spanish-American War, 1898, Cuba and Porto Rico; on the Mexican Border, 1916—-17. Mbobilized into Federal Denice Wiel eclarcdephysically untit, | uly, 2a. 1917, Appointed Chaplain General for State of New York on Staff of Adjutant General, November, 1917. At present is Ghaplatmmotm-athes@oast) A ctilery, Nee Yo witheerank of Major. Decorated with Medaglia di Benemerenza (Italian) June 20, 1919. Madea Chevalier of the Legion debhonneureatcncn) October 24.919, NY state ong and Faithful Service Medals, 10 years, 15 years and 20 years. Served as Vicar-General to Chaplain Bishop in Overseas Vicariate at Paris, France, 1918—19. Promoted to Domestic Prelate with rank of Rt. Rev. Monsignor, 1919. Pastor Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, New York City. Address, 230 East 90th Street, New York City. The Over- seas Vicariate was closed in 1919. OT MIRS OM URSA. WGREILIE SOE WU TOMEI, Sc. TENET) Vicar-General, Great Lakes Vicariate XXVI1 Rt. Rev. Monsignor William M. Foley, LL.D., V.G. (Chicago ) Born November 11, 1863, in Chicago, Ill. Educated at Annunciation Parish School and St. Ignatius’ College, Chi- cago. Theology at Our Lady of the Angels Seminary, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Ordained June 4, 1887. Assistant Aliso LyeNOsd mya ULCMmEG ICAO, Of 7 yCatsame\ ppointed Pastor of St. Catherine of Genoa parish, where he remained for ten years. Organized parish of St. Ambrose in 1904, where he still remains. Appointed Vicar-General to the Ghaplommaisiopmtedtelakcss Vicariate eVlarcheeslolG, Promoted to Domestic Prelate with the rank of Rt. Rev. VOI COO um G Lela Dotan Ome VicIiDer Ole them@.,Gb. Sipimevetedi=Genctalsion Army and Navy in Great Lakes Vicaniate.. Address, 1012 Past 47th Street, Chicago, Ill. Poragh! DR Vv Gee 18 | oe OLN Ne GE Vicar-General, Gulf Vicariate Rt. Rev. Monsignor Leslie John Kavanagh, V.G. (New Orleans) Born September 25, 1866, in Litherland, England. Edu- cated at St. Stanislaus College, Tirelmont, Belgium, and with the Marists in Dodon, Md., Washington, D. C., Lyons, France, and Bellais, France. Went to Jefferson College as IeLOLescOlOisnlictoulemm ©. daineds | UNGHmmia 5a p DOinted Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, New Orleans, La., 1905. Appointed Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Archdiocese of New Orleans, 1906. Appointed Vicar- General, Catholic Army and Navy Chaplains, Gulf Vica- riate, by Most Rev. Patrick J. Hayes, Archbishop of New York and Chaplain Bishop, 1918. Promoted to Domestic Prelate with the rank of Rt. Rev. Monsignor, 1919. Still Wiican (eneralmiomeArinyeandse Navy in «Guitesy 1catiate. Address, 2406 Napoleon Avenue, New Orleans, La. XX1X ese - WINSTGAN. IGE IESE WE GENE ANSOIN Vicar-General, Pacific Vicariate XXX Rt. Rev. Monsignor Joseph M. Gleason, V.G. (San Francisco ) Born August 23, 1869, in San Francisco. Educated at St. Ignatius’ College and the University of California. ‘The- ology at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained September 24, 1892. At Catholic University, 1891—93. Made Pastor in 1909 of St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Palo Alto, Calif., where he is still stationed. Made one of the four deans of his Archdiocese, 1917. Appointed Vicar- General, Army and Navy Diocese, Vicariate of the Pacific and Insular Possessions, June, 1918. Promoted to Domestic Prelate with the rank of Rt. Rev. Monsignor in Brief, dated September 20, 1919. Served as Chaplain in the Philippines with 30th Infantry, 21st Infantry, 5th F. A. 6th Cavalry, and aboard Hospital Ship “Relief.”” Served as Chaplain in the Boxer Uprising, 1900. President Pacific Coast Branch, American Historical Society; Professor at Sacred Heart College, Menlo Park, Calif. Chaplain in Chief, Spanish War Veterans, 1915—16. Chaplain Department of Calli- fornia and Nevada Veterans of Foreign Wars of United States, 1920—present time. Still Vicar-General for Army and Navy in Pacific Vicariate. Address, 745 Waverley DiLCcUMmleal OmN Toma lin XXXI VERY REV avis Ge Oe Fin! PADIN EBaN Chancellor, Archdiocese of New York and Secretary to the Chaplain Bishop XXXII Very Rev. Monsignor Joseph P. Dineen, Secretary (New York) Born June 13, 1883, in New York City. Mer. Wincenmeattcnd cds tice. GOK alge ciOO moto. Michicimandsthics @ollecesctie a tmLirancismavier, New York City. He then went to St. Joseph’s Seminary at Dunwoodie, and on his twenty-fifth birthday, June 13, 1908, was ordained by the late Gardindleianicvem nr e went tomoteheter sae nucch in Barclay Street, where he remained for six years. He then became Secretary to Archbishop Hayes, then a Bishop. He was honored by the Holy See and was appointed a Private Chamberlain to Pope Benedict XV November, 1920. On November 19, [D7 eV oes Dinecnawas, made | hancellorote-the Archdiocese. Among the many offices held by Mer. Dineen in and outside of the church were Archdiocesan Director of the Holy Name Union, member of the Matrimonial Court of the Catholic Church, member of the Board of ‘Trustees of the Orphan Asylum Board of the Archdiocese, Trus- tee of the Catholic Summer School at Cliff Haven and Secretary of the Board of Consultors. During the war Mer. Dineen was Chaplain of the 69th Infantry of the National Guard, N. Y., which re- placed the old 69th. Mer. Dineen died, after a brief illness, May 11, 1923. Regqutescat in pace! XXX111 VELRSY@ REV oe eel oe SEL By Nees Gee ee Executive Secretary to the Chaplain Bishop at Washington, D. C. XXXIV Very Rev. Lewis J. O’Hern, C.S.P., 5.T.D., J.C.D. Bonne UleslmioAosine®) lean Neveu ducatcdeattotebona- venture’s College, Allegany, N. Y., and in Paulist House of Studies, Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Or- dained December, 1903. On Mission work in South until 1910. Sent to Rome for further studies in 1910. Graduated from Papal University of St. Apollinaris, with degrees of pele randen, Oe eeiieel 7 Wetiinedms tom) mech casand assigned as Professor at Paulist House of Studies, Wash- ington, D. C. Appointed Rector of Apostolic Mission House and Editor of The Missionary, 1921. Served as Executive Secretary in Washington, D. C., for the Chaplain Bishop since 1918. At beginning of war, organized Cath- olic Women of Washington for War Relief work and per- petuated organization in Catholic Women’s Service Club, Inc., of which he is President. Continues as Executive Secretary in Washington to Archbishop Hayes. Address, Apostolic Mission House, Catholic University, Washing- (oye, 1D), (0. XXX V WAR RECORDS OF CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS Abbott, Rev. Joseph Vincent, New York Born in Philadelphia, on July 16, 1886. Educated at St. Theresa’s School, in Tarrytown, N. Y., Xavier High School and St. Francis Xavier’s College, New York City. Theo- logical training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y. Ordained with the Class of 1909. Father Abbott entered the service on February 21, 1918 and served at Camps Wheeler, Ga., and McClellan, Ala., and in France for 11% months. Discharged at Camp Upton as First Lieutenant, August 1, 1920. Assistant at the Church of Our Lady of Victory in New York City. He is a member of the K. of C. and 7th Division Association. Ackermann, Rev. Maurice, O. M. Cap. Born in Benwood, W. Va., July 3, 1879. Educated at St. Mary’s and St. Alphonsus’ Schools in Wheeling, W. Va., andeinitics Wollepetor otwbidelis, at) Ferman.)\Pa.(Theo- logical training at Sts. Peter and Paul Seminary, Cumber- land, Md. Ordained June 23, 1904. Enlisted August 22, 1918. Served at Camps Grant, Merritt and Meade. Dis- charged as First Lieutenant from Camp Meade on July [SOL Oa rl eibecamesaumeniber of the Oficers) Reserve Corps on October 2, 1919. Stationed at Hays, Kansas. Member of K. of C. and the American Legion. Ahern, Rev. Stephen Leo, C.SS.R. Born May 15, 1880, in Boston, Mass. Educated in the Public Schools and Mission Church School, Boston, Mass., St. Mary’s High School and St. Mary’s College, North East, Pa. Theological training at the Redemptorist Seminary UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR in Maryland. Ordained June 16, 1904. Commissioned September 11, 1918 and served at Sandy Hook, N. J. and Camp Eustis, Va., with the 3lst Coast Artillery and was discharged at Fort Monroe, Va., December 16, 1918 as First Lieutenant. He is now on Missionary work. Albers, Rev. Joseph Henry, Cincinnati Born on March 18, 1891, in Cincinnati, O. Educated at St. George and St. Joseph Elementary Schools and at St. George’s High School, St. Gregory’s Preparatory, Diocesan Seminary and St. Francis College in Cincinnati. Theo- logical training at Mt. St. Mary’s of the West, Hamilton County, Ohio. Ordained June 17, 1916. Commissioned First Lieutenant July 5, 1918. Went to France in August, 1918 and served with the 326th and 360th Infantry. In action in the Marbach Sector, in the St. Mihiel Drive and in the Meuse-Argonne. Cited for his work under shell fire at the Argonne. Discharged as a First Lieutenant at Camp Dix, No J puly dil OlLo Secretary to: then Arch bisho peo. Cincinnati and Assistant Chancellor of that archdiocese. He is a member of the K. of C. Alichin, Rev. Frederic James, Boston Born in Boston, Mass., January 39, 1878. Educated at Lowell Grammar School, Boston English High School and Boston College. Theological training at St. John’s Semi- nary, Brighton, Mass. Ordained December 16, 1904. Com- missioned August 11, 1918, at Boston, served at Camps Jackson and Sevier. Discharged at Camp Sevier as First Lieutenant, December 3, 1918. Assistant Pastor at St. Paul’s, Dorchester, Mass. Anderson, Rev. Edward P., S.J., M.A. Born May 9, 1873, in Cincinnati, O. Educated in Public Schools and St. Peter’s Cathedral School, Cincinnati; St. Xavier’s High School, Cincinnati, and St. Louis University. Z UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Theological training in St. Louis University. Ordained June 26, 1907. Father Anderson entered the service at Newport News, Va., August 15, 1918 and served as Chap- lain aboard the Transport Kursk, and at Debarkation Hospital No. 5, New York City. Discharged at Hoboken, N. J., on March 16, 1919 as First Lieutenant. Assistant Pastor at St. Francis Xavier’s, St. Louis, Mo. Anthony, Rev. William James, Ph.D., Cincinnati Born June 16, 1888, in Fort Recovery, O. Educated at Canisius College, Buffalo, N. Y., and St. Ignatius’ College, Cleveland, Ohio. Theology at American College, Propa- ganda and Apolinaris Universities, Rome, Italy. Ordained Wave ly lols vember Koon Go and OK of Om Com- missioned July 8, 1918. Served at Camp Humphreys, Va., until discharged as First Lieutenant, March 7, 1919. Ap- pointed First Lieutenant, Officers’ Reserve Corps. Pastor, St. Peter’s Cathedral, Cincinnati. Address, 325 West 8th Street, Cincinnati, O. Arnold, Rev. William Richard, Fort Wayne Bory une Oso b fin Wooster), Ov Educated’ iat! St. Lawrence School, Muncie, Ind., and St. Joseph’s College, Rensselaer, Ind. Theological training at St. Bernard’s Seminary, Rochester, N. Y. Ordained June 13, 1908. Father Arnold was commissioned Chaplain with the rank of First Lieutenant, April 8, 1913, and promoted to a Captaincy on April 29, 1920. He has served at Washing- ton Barracks, D. C., Fort Washington, Md., Fort Mills, P. I., Fort Winfield Scott, Camp Taylor, Ky., and Fort Hancock, N. J. He is now a Captain Chaplain at Fort Hancock, N. J. Aull, Rev. Roger, C.P. Born February 21, 1884. Served as K. C. Chaplain at 3 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Camp Beauregard, La., from August 1918 on. Was offered Officers’ Reserve Corps Commission in February, 1920, but did not accept. Address, Holy Cross Monastery, Cin- cinnati, O. Babst, Rev. Julius Joseph, Belleville Born May 26, 1880, in Naperville, Ill. Educated at Sts. Peter, and!) PaulySchoole Naperville, o 0 aaa Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, Wis. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Cincinnati, O., and St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, Wis., and was or- dained on April 24, 1905. Father Babst entered the military service on January 3, 1917 at Denver, Colo., with the rank of First Lieutenant and was promoted to Captaincy. Served at Camp Stewart, Texas, and Syracuse, N. Y., be- fore leaving for France. Overseas, Father Babst served with the 30th Infantry and the 23rd Infantry in France, Belgium and Germany. He was with his Regiment early in March, 1918, in the Troyon Sector, later on he took part in the Aisne Defense then at Chateau-Thierry, where he was wounded. Father Babst was also in the Aisne-Marne Offensive, July 17-21, 1918, in the Marbach Sector, August 5-19, 1918, the St. Mihiel Offensive, September 10-16, 1918 and the Meuse-Argonne, October 1-10, 1918. Decorated with D.S.C.; D.S.C. with Oak Leaf Cluster; Croix de Guerre with Palm; Croix de Guerre, with Star; Silver Star Cita- tion; French Fourragere; Croix de Guerre, Mexican Bor- der Medal. Since his return to this country Father Babst has been stationed at Camp Merritt, N. J.. Camp Travis, Tex., Fort Logan, Colo., and Fort Leavenworth, where he is Post Chaplain at present. He is a member of the K. of C. Baczyk, Rev. Andrew J., St. Augustine Born November 24, 1870, in Poland. Ordained June 29, 1903. Commissioned October 2, 1918. Served in the 4 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR A.E.F., November 3, 1918—May 30, 1919. Discharged June 15, 1919 at Fort McPherson, Ga. Address, St. Mary’s Rectory, Korona, Fla. Bailey, Rev. George Monballiu, S.J. Born in Bruges, Belgium, February 19, 1878. Educated in Private Schools and in the Primary School of the Brothers of Charity, at Bruges, at the Apostolic School, Turnhout, Belgium, at the College of St. Joseph, Turnhout, Belgium and at Gonzaga University, Spokane, Wash. He received his theological training at the Imperial Royal University, Innsbruck, Austria and was ordained July 26, 1912. Entered the military service on June 1, 1918 at Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., and served at Montfaucon Sector, Camp Meucon, Paris, Gondrecourt, Rimaucourt, Antwerp and Spartanburg. He was in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive and St. Mihiel Defensive with the 3rd Battalion of the 315th Infantry. Discharged as First Lieutenant at Camp Lewis, Wash., October 15, 1919, and is now instructor in Religion and First English at St. Ignatius High School, San Fran- cisco. Father Bailey was commissioned First Lieutenant in the Officers’ Reserve Corps, February 9, 1920. Baker, Rev. Charles James Mary, O.S.A., M.A. Born in New York City, N. Y., on May 24, 1879. Edu- cated in the Public Schools of Staten Island, N. Y., the Augustinian Academy at Tompkinsville, 8. I., and Villa Nova College, Pa. He received his theological training at the Augustinian Seminary, Villa Nova, Pa. Ordained May 14, 1910. Father Baker entered the military service January 4, 1918 and served with the 28th Engineers. He was in the St. Mihiel Offensive. Discharged July 8, 1919, at Camp Devens, Mass., with the rank of First Lieutenant. He is a member of the American Legion and the K. of C., and is now First Assistant at the Church of Our Mother of Consolation, Chestnut Hill, Pa. 5 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Banahan, Rev. James T., Columbus Born October 11, 1874, in Rhode Island. Ordained December 19, 1901. Served as K. C. Chaplain, October 15, 1917—April, 1918. Commissioned April 4, 1918. Served with the 149th Infantry, 38th Division in the A.E.F. Appointed First Lieutenant, Officers’ Reserve Corps, March 27 1919 “Address miiitonville a), Banville, Rev. Peter, D.D., Ph.D., Rimouski Born May 13, 1876 in Canada. Theology at Rimouski Seminary, Canada and Propaganda College, Rome, Italy. Ordained June 6, 1903. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Hos- pital No. 1, Paris, France, July, 1918—January, 1919. Rector, St. Francis d’Assisi Church, Cte. de Bonaventure, P.Q., Can. Address, Cte. de Bonaventure, P. Q., Can. Barret, Rev. John Baptist, S.J. Born in Bavilliers, France, January 24, 1859. Educated at schools in Bavilliers and at the College of Poitiers. Father Barret was ordained on August 29, 1891. He is now stationed at Ecole libre de Provence, Marseille, France. Barrett, Rev. Francis Augustine, O.S.A., M.A. Born June. 2, 13887)"1n Belleville NY |)" Bducatedvatian Patrick’s School, Newark, N. J., Villanova Preparatory and College, Villanova, Pa. ‘Theology at Augustinian Novitiate. Ordained May 13, 1913. Member Legion and V.F.W. Commissioned March 12, 1918. Served in the A.E.F. In action at Lys-Scheldt, Belgium. Discharged September 23, 1920 as First Lieutenant, at Camp Dix, N. J. Address, 19 Van Rensselaer Street, Belleville, N. J. Barrett, Very Rev. Patrick Louis, C.SS.R. Born in Ireland, November 7, 1876. Educated at the Holy Rosary and Public Schools, Minneapolis, Minn., and at St. Joseph’s College, Kirkwood, Mo. He received his theo- 6 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR logical training at a Redemptorist Seminary and was or- daincd) june eo wiley ihe 1s) aimemberotuthen American Legion and the K. of C. Father Barrett entered the military service July 29, 1918 and served at Selfridge Field, Mich., and Camp Merritt, N. J., and was on Transport Duty from Newport News, Va., and Hoboken, N. J. Discharged on September 8, 1919 at Camp Sherman, with the rank of Captain and is now Rector of St. Alphonsus Church, Daven- port, Iowa. Barrett, Rev. Regis, O.S.B. Born July 29, 1882, in Youngstown, Pa. Educated at St. Vincent’s College, Beatty, Pa. Received his theological training at St. Vincent’s Seminary and was ordained July Zee ee nteredsthesmilitaryysclvice at Camp. Zachary Taylor, Ky., June 1, 1918 and was stationed there until his discharge from the service, March 23, 1920. When dis- charged, he held the rank of Captain. Father Barrett was commissioned in the Officers’ Reserve Corps, on March 23, 1920, and is now Pastor of the Sacred Heart of Mary Church, Boulder, Colo. Barron, Rev. Stephen Francis, San Francisco Born February 3, 1889, in San Francisco. Educated at SaorcomreleartiGollege. San rancisco., bheology, iat St; Patrick’s, Menlo Park, California. Ordained June 15, 1915. Member of K. of C.; Y.M.I. and Legion. Com- missioneds October) 20st 7y) Servediin the A Babs Tn action at Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Discharged at San Francisco as First Lieutenant, October 31, 1919. Assistant Pastor St. Agnes Church, San Francisco. Appointed First Lieutenant, Officers’ Reserve Corps, February 17, 1920. Ad- dress, 1025 Masonic Avenue, San Francisco, Cal. Barry, Rev. Francis J., Davenport Born February 27, 1886, in Lyons, Ia. Ordained December 7 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR 18, 1912. Commissioned October 5, 1917. Served with [st Cavalry at Camp Harry I. Jones, Ariz. Discharged September 12, 1919. Address, 418 N. Seventh Street, Lyons, la. Baxter, Rev. Edmund A., O.P. Born March 22, 1883, in East St. Louis, Ill. Educated at St. Mary’s, East St. Louis, Ill., and St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. Received his theological training at the Dominican House of Studies, Washington, D. C. Ordained June 24, 1910. Entered the service May 30, 1918 at Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. Served in France in the Baccarat Sector and was in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive and in the two drives of the Ypres-Lys Offensive. He was cited for bravery and received the Croix de Guerre on February 23, 1919.) Discharged’ on Auecust(5 1919 -at Camp -Zacham Taylor, Ky., with the rank of First Lieutenant, and is now doing Missionary work with the Dominican Eastern Band. Beaudette, Rev. Walter Ambrose, Superior Born November 9, 1884, in Chippewa Falls, Wis. Educated at Public and Parish Schools, Chippewa Falls, Wis., and at Campion College, Prairie du Chien, Wis. Received his theological training at the Grand Seminary, Montreal, Can. Ordained June 24, 1908. Father Beaudette entered the military service October 4, 1917, and served with the 14th Engineers, B.E.F., and later was transferred to the A.E.F. He was at Cambrai, the Somme Defensive, the Aisne-Marne and the Argonne. Discharged as First Lieutenant at Camp Devens, Wis., May 3, 1919, and now is Pastor at Somerset, Wis. Beckley, Rev. Quitman Francis, O.P. Born February 5, 1891, in Frederick, Md. Educated at Holy Cross Academy, Franklin Public School and St. 8 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Patrick’s School, Washington, D. C., St. Patrick’s High School, Washington, D. C., St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md., and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Theology at the Dominican House of Studies, Washington, DiC) Ordained (June 23;)1915.7 -Gommissioned in the Regular Navy on June 22, 1917 and served as Chaplain on the U.S. 5. Kearsarge; with the 10th F. A. Marines, Quan- tico, Va., with the 3rd Rep. Bn. Marines, and with the 6th Regiment of Marines. During his period of service, Father Beckley served with all three branches, the Army, Navy and Marine Corps and upon his resignation from the Wavy Ulveyolelo: Decameran oficervin thacU sown aval Reserve Forces, and later was commissioned Senior Chap- lain in the Ohio Naval Reserves. Gassed at Belleau Woods while in charge of a burial party, and received the French Fourragere for his service with the 6th Marines. Member of the Army and Navy Club of New York, and of the American Legion. Now stationed at St. Mary’s Church, Johnson City, ‘Tenn. Behan, Rev. Patrick Joseph, Dubuque Bornspanuanyaigunissowminnnyan bao Me ducated sataot, Joseph’s College, now Columbia College, Dubuque. The- ology at St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. Ordained June 8, 1910. Member Legion and K. of C. Commissioned October 4, 1918. Served at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., until discharged as First Lieutenant, December 21, 1918. Pastor St. Patrick’s Church, Hampton, Ia. Address, Hampton, [a. Bellama, Rev. Benedict, O.5.A., Maronite Born in Mount Lebanon, on September 10, 1875. Educated at Diocesan College, Cornet-Shahwan, Mount Lebanon, Cyprus, and Catholic University, Beyrouth, Mount Lebanon. He received his theological training at Mar- Shaya Seminary, Order of St. Anthony and was ordained 9 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR July 22, 1898. Father Bellama served as a K. of C. Chap- lain at Camps Gordon and Jackson from November 17, 1917 to December 19, 1918 and is now Pastor of Our Lady of Lebanon Church, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Bellamy, Rev. John Maurice, Ogdensburg Born September 19, 1885, in Rockland, Mass. Educated at St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md., and Villanova College, Penna. Theology at American College, Louvain, Belgium. Ordained July 13, 1913. Member K. of C. and Legion. Served at Base Hospital, Brest, France. Dais- charged at Camp Dix, as First Lieutenant, July 16, 1919. Appointed First Lieutenant, Officers’ Reserve Corps, March 15, 1922. Address, 11 Sycamore Street, Massena, N. Y. Bennett, Rev. Michael Anthony, M.A., Philadelphia Born November 28, 1883, in Philadelphia. Educated at Roman Catholic High School, Philadelphia, and Mt. St. Mary’s College, Emmitsburg, Md. Theology at Mt. St. Mary’s, Emmitsburg, Md., and St. Charles, Overbrook, Pa. Ordained May 14, 1910. Served in France with the 325th Infantry. In action at St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne. Discharged May 22, 1919, at Camp Upton, as First Lieu- tenant. Rector St. Jane Frances de Chantal, Easton, Pa. Address,,1855 Hay Terrace, Easton, Pa. Berg, Rev. Joseph William, Milwaukee Born in Jefferson, Wis. Theology at St. Francis Seminary, Wis. Ordained September 21, 1892. Served as K. C.- Chaplain at Fort Sheridan, Ill, June—October, 1918. Pastor, St. Joseph’s Church, Milwaukee, Wis. Address, 483 Eleventh Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Bergs, Rev. Frederick J., Chicago Born September 27, 1881, in Milwaukee, Wis. Educated in the Parochial Schools in Milwaukee, Milwaukee High 10 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR School, Marquette College of Arts and Sciences and Mar- quette College of Law. He received his theological train- ing at Innsbruck University, Tyrol, Austria, and the Uni- versity of Munich. Ordained June 16, 1913. Member of the American Legion and the Society of Foreign Wars. Entered the military service on December 26, 1917. He served at Camp McClellan, Ala., before going overseas. He was in St. Mihiel and Argonne engagements and was wounded at Grand Pré in the Argonne on October 28, 1918. Father Bergs was discharged on June 17, 1919, but re- entered the Army and remained in the service until 1922. Bethel, Rev. Clarence Paul, New York Born May 3, 1878, in Nova Scotia. Ordained May 26, 1913. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Camp Green and in the A.E.F., March 1, 1918—November 3, 1919. Address, 97 Saratoga Avenue, Yonkers, N. Y. Biendl, Rev. Francis Anthony, Cincinnati Born February 15, 1890, in Cincinnati, O. Educated in the Public Schools, the Sacred Heart School and St. Gregory’s Preparatory Seminary in Cincinnati and St. Mary’s College, Dayton, O. Theology at Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary, Cincinnati. Ordained May 29, 1915. Member of K. of C., and the C. K. of O. Entered military service August 2, 1918. Stationed at Camp Taylor, Ky., September, 1918 to May, 1919, and from May, 1919 to September, 1919, aboard the U.S.A. Transport, Zeppelin. Cited in Head- quarters P.E. Hoboken orders for efficiency. Discharged with the rank of First Lieutenant, September 26, 1919, at Camp Taylor, Ky. Father Biendl was commissioned First Lieutenant Chaplain in the Officers’ Reserve Corps, March 26, 1921, and was assigned to Headquarters, 5th Army Corps, Fort Thomas, Ky., May 5, 1922. He is now Assis- tant Pastor at St. Elizabeth’s, Norwood, O. 11 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Biskup, Rev. Alphonse, 0.5.B. Born January 17, 1887, in Cedar Rapids, la. Educated at St. Procopius High School and College, Lisle, Ill. ‘The- ology at St. Procopius Seminary, Lisle, Ill. Ordained June 6, 1914. Commissioned April, 1918. Served in the A.E.F. In action at Alsace, Laon, and Argonne. Decorated with the Croix de Guerre October 30, 1918, for bravery in the Ar- gonne, and with the Czechoslovak Cross with two citations for bravery in Alsace and the Argonne. Discharged as Captain, October 1, 1919. Pastor, Holy Trinity Church, Haugen, Wis. Address, Haugen, Wis. Bittle, Rev. Celestine Nicholas, O.M. Cap. Born September 22, 1884, in Des Moines, Ia. Educated at Sts. Peter and Paul School, Ionia, Mich., St. Alphonse School, Grand Rapids, Mich., St. Mary’s, Grand Rapids, St. Anthony’s, St. Joseph’s and St. Francis’ in Milwaukee, Wis., and’ St. Lawrence College, Mt. Calvary, Wis. The- ology at the Capuchin Provincial Seminary, Milwaukee, Wis. Ordained June 29, 1909. Entered military service on August 8, 1918, at Mt. Calvary, Wis., and served in France with the 30Ist, 302nd and 303rd M.T.C. Repair Units at Verneuil, Nievre and with the 39th Engineers at Marsy, Nievre. Discharged on July 5, 1919, at Camp Grant, Ill., with the rank of First Lieutenant, and is at present Assistant Pastor of St. Michael’s Church, East New York, Brooklyn. Boivin, Rev. Philip J., Portland Born May 10, 1883, in Portland, Me. Educated at St. Mary’s College, Van Buren, Me. Theology at Grand Sem- inary, Montreal, Can. Ordained December 19, 1908. Member K. of C. and Legion. Commissioned September 26, 1918. Served in the A.E.F. In action in the Argonne. Discharged as First Lieutenant at Camp Dix, N. J., July 12 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR 9, 1919. Pastor St. John’s Church, Rumford, Me. Ad- dress, Rumford, Me. Bonner, Rev. John J., Philadelphia Born November 2, 1890. Ordained June 2, 1917. Com- missioned July 12, 1918. On duty in Transport Service, aboard U.S.S. Aeolus. Discharged, March 15, 1919. Ad- dress, c/o Philadelphia Chancery. Bonniwell, Rev. William Raymond, O.P., M.A. Born August 31, 1890, in Philadelphia, Pa. Educated at St. Joseph’s Academy and St. Joseph’s College, Philadel- phia, Pa., Catholic University, Washington, D. C. and In- ternational College, Rome, Italy. Theology at the Domini- can Seminary. Ordained in 1913. Member of the Order of Washington and the Sons of the Revolution. Entered military service at New York City on March 23, 1918 and served at Fort Meyer, Va., and Camp Jackson, S. C. and was discharged on April 6, 1919. He re-entered the Officers’ Reserve Corps as First Lieutenant. Address is 3801 Spruce Street, Philadelphia. Booth, Rev. Robert Joseph, Ogdensburg Born December 20, 1890, in New York City. Educated in the New York Public Schools, High School of Commerce, New York, Cathedral College, New York, and Laval Uni- versity, Quebec, Can. Received theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y., and Grand Semin- qAieuden@uehecm QucheC mean Ordained, \| Une suelo ly. Member of the K. of C. Entered military service August, 1918, and served at Brest, France, and Junkerath, Germany, with the 357th Infantry and later at Beaune, France. Dis- CharceduMily wOmlOlOeat; MitchellsPield «Lai teiwith the rank of First Lieutenant. Appointed First Lieutenant Chap- lain in Officers’ Reserve Corps, December 3, 1919, and as- 13 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR signed to 323rd Engineers, 98th Division, Syracuse, N. Y. Now Principal of St. Mary’s Academy and Assistant at the Cathedral in Ogdensburg, N. Y. Bosch, Rev. Frederick William, New Orleans Born April 17, 1881, in Nymegen, Netherlands. Educated at the Christian Brothers’ School and High School, Ny- megen, and at the Dominican College, Nymegen. Received his theological training at Bois-le-Duc Seminary, Holland, and St. Louis Seminary, New Orleans, La. Ordained June 11,1907. Father Bosch entered the military service at Jack- son Barracks, New Orleans, February 9, 1918, and was as- signed to the 142nd Machine Gun Battalion. He went overseas with this outfit and remained with it until No- vember 2, 1918 when he was transferred to the 36lst Infan- try. He went to the 362nd Infantry, February 5, 1919, and to the American Embarkation Center, Le Mans, March 25, 1919: He’ returned: to the; United’ States: July 13919 ning was discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., on July 15, 1919. He is now Rector of the Church of the Incarnate Word, New Orleans, La. Bott, Rev. John W., Milwaukee Born September 12, 1887, in Racine, Wis. Ordained June 11, 1913. Commissioned February 7, 1918. Served with First Infantry Transport Regiment in the A.E.F. Dis- charged May 24, 1919, at Camp Lee, Va., as First Lieu- tenant. Address, 1723 Grand Avenue, Racine, Wis. ; Boucher, Rev. Osias, Fall River Born on August 17, 1880, in Ste. Madeleine, P. Q., Can. Educated at the Sacred Heart School, New Bedford, Mass., Petit Seminaire, Quebec, and School of Philosophy, Mon- treal. Received theological training at St. Mary’s, Balti- more, Md., and St. Bernard’s, Rochester, N. Y. Ordained 14 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR June I1, 1911. Served as K. C. Chaplain with the 10Ist Infantry, from September, 1917 to March, 1919. He was at Chemin des Dames, ‘Toul Sector, Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel and the Meuse-Argonne. Gassed at Chateau- Thierry, in the Argonne and again in the Toul Sector. Re- ceived the Croix de Guerre, March 23, 1918, and was twice cited for the Distinguished Service Cross, first at Chateau- Dhierry andvacainvaiter the) Battleotithe Aroonne, He left the service March 1, 1919, and is now Pastor of St. Michael’s Church, Ocean Grove, Mass. He has been Chap- lain of the 10Ist Field Artillery, National Guard, since September, 1921. Bouffard, Rev. Irénée Joseph, Providence Born August 20, 1885, in Manville, R. I. Educated at St. Ann’s School, Manville, R. I., Sacred Heart Academy, Woonsocket, R. I., Notre Dame de Levis, Levis, P. Q., Can., and House of Philosophy, Montreal, P.Q., Can. Re- ceived theological training at St. Mary’s, Baltimore, Md. Ordained June 17,1913. Father Bouffard entered the naval service January 25, 1915 at Washington, D.C. and was as- signed to the U.S.S. South Carolina, Mare Island, Cali- fornia. He afterwards served on a number of other ships. Father Bouffard retired under the service reduction bill, August 5, 1922, with the rank of Lieutenant. His perma- nent address is 106 Bouvier Avenue, Manville, R. I. Boutin, Rev. Joseph Hermenegilde, Springfield Born March 22, 1887, in Holyoke, Mass. Educated at Lau- rent College, P. Q., Can., House of Philosophy, Montreal, P. Q., Can., and Laval University, P. Q., Can. Theology at Grand Seminary, Montreal, P. Q., Can. Ordained December 21, 1912. Member of the K. of C., Franco-Ameri- can Foresters, Union St. Jean Baptiste d’ Amerique, and Legion. Commissioned June 25, 1918. Served at Camp 15 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Devens, Mass., until discharged as First Lieutenant, De- cember 19, 1918. Assistant, Sacred Heart Church, North- ampton, Mass. Address, 101 King Street, Northampton, Mass. Boyce, Rev. Ignatius Bernard, O.F.M. Born January 5, 1891, in Philadelphia. ‘Theology at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Callicoon, N. Y. Ordained June 30, 1917. Member K. of C. Commissioned July 22, 1918. Served at Camp Eustis, Va., and Camp Cody, N. M. Dis- charged December 8, 1918. Commissioned First Lieu- tenant Officers’ Reserve Corps, 78th Division. Rector, St. Leo’s Church, East Paterson, N. J. Address, 174 Ramsey Street, Paterson, NvG]t Boyle, Rev. Christopher Columbus, Chicago Born December 6, 1892, in Chicago, Ill. Educated at Col- lege of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minn. Theology at St. Paul’s, St. Paul, Minn. Ordained September 22, 1917. Member of K. of C. Commissioned November 21, 1918 and dis- charged as First Lieutenant at Camp Taylor, Ky., Decem- ber 13, 1918. Commissioned in Officers’ Reserve Corps. Address, 2456 N. Ridgeway Avenue, Chicago, III. Boyle, Rev. Terence J., 5.J., M.A. Born March 29, 1874, in Auburn, N. Y. Educated at New York City Public School, St. Lawrence’s Academy, New York, Fordham Preparatory School, and Fordham College. Received theological training at Woodstock College, Wood- stock, Md. Ordained July 30, 1910. Father Boyle entered. the military service at Governor’s Island, in 1918 and was assigned to the Base Hospital at Camp Merritt, N. J., and later to Transport Service aboard the U.S.S. Frederick. Discharged at Camp Merritt, N. J., September, 1919. He was commissioned Captain Chaplain in the Officers’ Re- serve Corps, 306th Infantry, 1919. 16 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Boyle, Rev. William F., Harrisburg Born February 9, 1863, in Beaver Brook, Pa. Ordained November 7, 1901. Member of the K. of C. Served as Auxiliary Chaplain at Gettysburg, Pa. Pastor, St. Joseph’s Church, Shamokin, Pa. Address, 815 W. Chestnut Street, Shamokin, Pa. Boyle, Rev. William J., Philadelphia Born January 25, 1893, in Pennsylvania. Ordained May 26, 1917. Commissioned November 1, 1918. Served at Camp Fremont, Calif., and aboard Transports. Discharged September 29, 1919. Address, 1552 N. 11th Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Bracken, Rev. Edward John, S.J., M.A. Born August 2, 1881, in Philadelphia, Pa. Educated at Sacred Heart School, Columbus, O., Canisius College, Buf- falo, N. Y. and St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. Re- ceived theological training at St. Louis University. Or- dained June 28, 1916. Father Bracken entered the military service at Cincinnati, O., August 14, 1918 and was assigned to Headquarters, Detention Camp, No. |, 164th Depot Bri- gade, Camp Funston, Kan., from where he was discharged with the rank of First Lieutenant, December 2, 1918. Com- missioned in the Officers’ Reserve Corps and assigned to the 308th Engineers, 83rd Division as Regimental Chap- lain. He is now Dean of St. Ignatius College, Cleveland, Ol He isa member ofthe K. of) .C. Bradford, Rev. Albert Allen, Brooklyn Born September 4, 1884, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Educated at the Brothers of Christian Schools, Dinard, (Ille-et-Vilaine) France and at the College of the Cordeliers, Dinan (Cotes du Nord) France. Received theological training at the Grand Seminary of St. Brieuc, France, and the Grand Sem- 17 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR inary of Lucano, Switzerland. Ordained October 4, 1908. He is a member of the Society of the Sons of the Revolution, the K. of C., and the American Legion. Father Bradford began service as a K. C. Chaplain on August 23, 1918, at Camp Taylor and is still in the service. He has labored at several stations in the United States and now is at the Portsmouth, Va., Naval Station. Bradley, Rev. Charles Eugene, C.5S.P. Born July 13, 1878, in Wichita, Kan. Educated at St. Ignatius College and De Paul University, Chicago, II. Theology at St. Thomas College, Washington, D. C. Or- dained May 25, 1907. Member K. of C. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Goat Island Training Station, California, 1918- 1919. Address, 660 California Street, San Francisco, Calif. Brady, Rev. John Joseph, New York Born in New York City, on January 8, 1884. Educated at St. Gabriel’s School, St. Gabriel’s High School, Manhattan College Preparatory School and St. Francis Xavier’s Col- lege, all in New York City. He received his theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y. Or- dained June 13, 1908. He is a member of the K. of C., and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Father Brady entered the naval service, May 12,1914. Heserved aboard the U.S.S. Maine, U.S.S. Ohio, U.S.S. Arkansas, U.S.S. New Hampshire, U. S.S. Michigan, U.S.S. Wyoming. He was Base Chaplain at the New York Navy Yard, and served with the Fifth Marines in the Belleau Woods and at Soissons. Decorated with the Distinguished Service Cross, Navy Cross, Croix de Guerre with palm and gold star. He is now on the U.S.S. Wyoming and holds the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Brady, Rev. John M., Sioux Falls Born in Houston County, Minn., March 4, 1869. Edu- cated at Creighton University, Omaha, Neb. Received his 18 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR theological training at St. Paul Seminary. Ordained June 16, 1909. He served as K. of C. Chaplain in France from June, 1918 to June, 1919. He is now Pastor of the Holy Family Church at Mitchell, So. Dak. Brady, Rev. Matthew Francis, Hartford Born Jan. 15, 1893, in Waterbury, Conn. Educated in the Public Schools, Waterbury, Conn., Crosby High School, Waterbury, Conn., and St. Thomas Preparatory Seminary, Hartford, Conn. Received his theological training at Ameri- can College, Louvain, Belgium and St. Bernard’s Seminary, Rochester, N. Y. Ordained June 10, 1916. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned a First Lieutenant Chaplain on August 29, 1918, and was in the Transport Service aboard the U.S.S. Aeolus and U.S.S. Kroonland and then served in the Chaplain’s office at Hoboken, N. J. He was dis- charged March 1, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J., and is now As- sistant at Sacred Heart Church, New Haven, Conn. Braun, Rev. Albert W., O.F.M. Born September 5, 1889, in Los Angeles, Calif. Educated at St. Joseph’s School, Los Angeles and St. Anthony’s Col- lege, Santa Barbara, Calif. Received his theological train- ing at Santa Barbara Seminary, Calif., and St. Louis, Mo., Seminary. Ordained July 5, 1915. Entered the military service at Louisville, Ky., June 1, 1918 and went to the Chaplains’ Training School. Served in the A.E.F. with the 6th Infantry and was in the Battle of the Meuse-Ar- gonne. He was wounded at Romagne, France, October 14, 1918 and was cited for bravery. Discharged August 13, 1919 at San Francisco, Calif., with rank of First Lieu- tenant. Commissioned First Lieutenant Chaplain in the Of- ficers’ Reserve Corps, April 22, 1920. Now on Missionary work with the Apaches. | 19 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Brennan, Rev. William Patrick, LL.D., A.M., Albany Born September 30, 1875, in Chatham, N. Y. Educated in the Public School, Chatham, N. Y. and Mt. St. Mary’s Col- lege, Emmittsburg, Maryland. Received his theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Or- dained February 18, 1900. Served as a K. C. Chaplain from December 17, 1917 to May 5, 1919 at Camp Wads- worth, Spartanburg, 8. C. and at Liffol-le-Grand, (Vosges) with the 15th Railroad Engineers. He is now Irremovable Pastor at St. John’s Church, Albany, N. Y. Breslin, Rev. Joseph Aloysius, D.D., Ph.D., New York Born January 1, 1888, in New York City. Educated at St. Joseph’s School, Yonkers, N. Y., Fordham High School, N. Y., St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md., and American College, Rome, Italy. Received his theological training at the American College, Rome, Italy. Ordained July 6, 1913. Entered the military service, September 3, 1918 and served as Chaplain of the Embarkation Camp at St. Nazaire, France, and with the 28th Infantry at Montabour, Ger- many. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieutenant, August 29, 1919. He is now an Assistant at St. Joseph’s, 138 Waverly Place, N. Y. City and is Chaplain of the 9th Coast Defense Command, N.Y.N.G. Member of the K. of C. Brianceau, Rev. Henry Louis, $.S., D.D. Born in Vendée, France, November 23, 1874. Educated at the Parochial School, Vendée, St. Gabriel’s and St. Law- rence’s High Schools, Vendée, and Ecclesiastical College, Sables d’Olonne, Vendée. Received his theological train- ing at the Seminary of St. Sulpice, Paris, France. Ordained December 18, 1897. Father Brianceau has been a K. of C. Chaplain since June 29, 1918 and is now attending at Ever- green, Md., and at Foster Clinic, Md. 20 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Britt, Rev. Edmund J., Buffalo Born January 16, 1888, in Buffalo, N. Y. Educated at Pub- lic School, No. 50, and St. Columba’s School, Buffalo, N. Y., Canisius High School, Buffalo, and Canisius College, Buffalo. Theology at Niagara University. Ordained May 17,1913. Heisa member of the K. of C., and the American Legion. Entered military service, August 23, 1918 and after attending the Chaplains’ Training School at Camp Taylor, was assigned to the 153rd Depot Brigade, Camp Dix, N. J. and was discharged at Camp Dix, May 17, 1919. He was appointed First Lieutenant Chaplain, in the Of- ficers’ Reserve Corps, September 9, 1919. Father Britt be- came Chancellor of the Diocese of Buffalo in May, 1919. Britz, Rev. John, C.SS.R. Served in Oregon as Auxiliary Chaplain, during the war. Broderick, Rev. Jeremiah Joseph, Hartford Born in Derby, Conn., March 12, 1881. Educated at Grove St. School, Ansonia, Conn., Ansonia High School, and St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md. Received his theo- logical training at St. Bernard’s, Rochester, N. Y. Ordained June 8, 1907. Member of the K. of C., Elks, American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Entered the mil- itary service at Camp Taylor, Ky., August 23, 1918 and served at Toul and Menil la Tour, France, and at Cochem, Germany, with the S5lst Pioneer Infantry. Discharged July 8, 1919, at Camp Upton, N. Y. Assistant Pastor at St. Peter’s Church, Hartford, Conn. Brodmann, Rev. Edmund Alexander, Alton Born March 10, 1877, in Bonfol, Switzerland. Educated in the Catholic School, Pana, IIl., St. Joseph’s Seminary, Teu- topolis, Ill., and St. Viator’s College, Bourbonnais, Ill. Re- ceived his theological training at St. Francis Seminary, Cin- 21 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR cinnati, O. Ordained June 20, 1902. Father Brodmann entered the naval service with the rank of Lieutenant, junior grade, Chaplain, on March 17, 1910. Promoted to Lieu- tenant; Lieutenant Commander; Commander and Captain. Father Brodmann has served aboard a number of ships in both the Atlantic and Pacific Fleets. He has also served at the Great Lakes Naval Station, Paris Island, and the Charlestown Navy Yard. He served in the Philippine Islands and was present at the taking of Vera Cruz, Mexico. He is now Captain Chaplain of the U.S.S. New York. Brophy, Rev. Edward F., Brooklyn Born June 15, 1878, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Ordained April 25, 1904. Commissioned February 20, 1911. Resigned May 16, 1919, as Captain. Address, 101 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brown, Rev. Andrew James, S.J. Born August 30, 1863, in Preston, Lancashire, England, where he attended the Parochial School and the Preston High School. He later went to Stonyhurst College in Lan- cashire, England and had his theological training at Wood- stock, Maryland and Dublin, Ireland. Ordained August 1, 1897. Heisa4th Degree K. of C. Father Brown served at Southern Camps as K. C. Chaplain from February, 1918 to December, 1919, and is now stationed at Holy Name Church, Miami, Fla. Brown, Rev. Thomas Bartholomew, New York Born June 10, 1889, in Haverstraw, N. Y. Educated at Cathedral College, N. Y. Theology at Dunwoodie, N. Y. Ordained June 6, 1914. Member K. of C. Commissioned September 24, 1918. Served with 37th C.A.C., at Fort Ham- ilton, Camp Eustis, Newport News and Fort Hancock. Discharged as First Lieutenant, December 9, 1918. Ad- dress, 1512 Webster Avenue, Bronx, N. Y. oe UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Browne, Rev. Andrew F., C.SS.R. Born July 4, 1886, in St. Louis, Mo. Ordained July 2, 1912. Commissioned August 5, 1918. Served at Taylor Field, Ala. Discharged January 6, 1919. Address, 1721 Iowa Street, San Antonio, Tex. Browne, Rev. William Francis, Cloyne, Ireland Born May 22, 1876, in Cork, Ireland. Educated at St. Vin- cent’s College, Castleknock, Dublin and Holy Cross Col- lege, Clonliffe, Dublin. Received his theological training at the Irish College in Rome. Ordained September 8, 1902. Father Browne acted as K. C. Chaplain to the Ameri- can Naval Hospital, Whitepoint, Queenstown, from Sep- tember, 1918 to June, 1919. He is now Secretary to the Bishop of Cloyne and Assistant at St. Colman’s Cathedral, Queenstown. Bruton, Rev. Charles Joseph, Ph.D., Rochester Born October 13, 1890, in Ogden, N. Y. Educated at St. Andrew’s Perparatory Seminary. Theology at St. Ber- nard’s Seminary. Ordained June 10, 1916. Member K. of C. and Legion. Commissioned July 16, 1918. Served in the A.E.F. with 52nd Engineers. Discharged at Camp Dix, N.J., July 2, 1919. Instructor at Aquinas Institute, Rochester, N. Y. Address, 70 Frank Street, Rochester, INaY:: Bubacz, Rev. Stephen Anthony, Chicago Born December 17, 1890, in Chicago, Ill. Educated at St. Stanislaus College, Chicago. Theology at Mt. St. Mary’s, Cincinnati, O. Ordained June 6, 1914. Commissioned November 13, 1918. Remained at training school, Camp Taylor, Ky., until discharge, as First Lieutenant December 13, 1918. Address, 1814 So. Leavitt Street, Chicago, III. 23 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Bucher, Rev. Ambrose, O.S.B. Born December 4, 1871, in Switzerland, where he received his early education. Later, he attended Conception Col- lege, Conception, Mo. He also received his theological training at Conception. Ordained April 17, 1897. Father Bucher was commissioned in the Army, First Lieutenant Chaplain and was immediately ordered overseas. He served as Senior Post Chaplain at G.I.S.D., Gievres, France. Discharged October 15, 1919, Camp Dodge. He is now Pastor at St. Joseph, Parnell, Mo. Commissioned First Lieutenant Officers’ Reserve Corps, February 9, 1920. He is a member of the K. of C. Bugnard, Rev. Francis, O.M.L Born March 9, 1865, in Mouxy Savoie, France. Educated at Aix-les-Bains, France, and at Rumilty, Haute Savoie, France. Received theological training at Ottawa, Can. Ordained September 20, 1891. He served as a K. C. Chap- lain at Eagle Pass, Tex., from October 1, 1917 to Novem- ber 30, 1921. He is stationed at the Church of Our Lady ofiRetuge Hagle Pass) lex: Buotich, Rev. Cyril Donald, O.F.M. Born February 12, 1888, in Los Angeles, Calif. Ordained June 27, 1913. Commissioned September 26, 1918. Dis- charged January 31, 1919. Served at Camp Kearney, Calif. Officers’ Reserve Corps Commission, August 1, 1919. Ad- dress, 133 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, Calif. Burke, Very Rev. Mgr. Eugene Sebastian, Jr., $.T.D., Newark Born July 31, 1887, in Morristown, N. J., where he re- ceived his preliminary education in Private Schools. He later graduated from Seton Hall Preparatory and Seton Hall College as well as the North American College in Rome and received the degree of 5.T.D. from Propaganda, 24 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Rome. Received theological training at the North Ameri- can College in Rome. Ordained June 10, 1911. Monsignor Burke was commissioned Acting Chaplain in the Navy, July 24, 1915, and Chaplain with the rank of Lieutenant, junior grade, September 3, 1918. He was promoted to full Licttenancy july hO2 1) ble servedvaboard the U 8.5, Illinois, the U.S.S. Connecticut (during the pacification campaign in northern Haiti) and the U.S.S. Michigan, as well as the U.S.S. Delaware and at the Naval Training Station, Newport, R. I. Monsignor Burke resigned from the Navy, October 31, 1921, to accept the appointment as Vice-Rector, College of North America, Rome, Italy. Burke, Rev. James Michael, Springfield Born April 5, 1875, in Clinton, Mass. Ordained June 16, 1903. Commissioned August 12, 1918. Served at Camp Devens, Mass. Discharged December 19, 1918. Address, 38 High Street, Worcester, Mass. Burke, Rev. John P., Trenton Born January 27, 1878, in Hazleton, Pa. Educated in St. Bonaventure’s College, Allegany, N. Y. Theology also at St. Bonaventure’s. Ordained June 13, 1908. Served as Auxiliary Chaplain, November, 1916—November, 1918, at Fort Hancock, N. J. Address, 228 Broad Street, Swedes- boro, N. J. Burke, Rev. Joseph A., Buffalo BornyAusustyc/) 380) anh buttalow Nay: Educated) in Canisius College, Buffalo, N. Y. Theology at Innsbruck, Austria. Ordained August 3, 1912. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned, September 26, 1918. Served with 316th ieirwandi Wi Pin ak es) Insactionvaty Yipres-scheldt/in November, 1918. Discharged as First Lieutenant at Camp Dixie | ivyecope kloan bh aston tu bathckisnt hirch, Fillmore, N. Y. 25 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Burke, Rev. Thomas M., Chicago Commissioned in the Navy, August 5, 1918. Served aboard U.S.S. Mercy. Burns, Rev. Daniel Robert, Albany Born August 6, 1887, in Hadley, N. Y. Educated at St. Mary’s Academy, Glens Falls, N. Y., and Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. Received his theological train- ing at St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore. Ordained December 20, 1913. He was commissioned in the U. 8S. Navy as Chaplain, on September 23, 1918, and served in the Boston Navy Yard and aboard the U.S.S. Buffalo and U.S.S. Charleston. Discharged at Seattle, Wash., March 5, 1920. He is now Pastor of St. Ann’s Church, Fort Ann, N. Y., and Chaplain of the Great Meadow Prison. He is a member of the K. of C. Burns, Rev. Francis Thomas Joseph, D.D., Ph.D., St. Paul Born December 23, 1885, in Milwaukee, Wis. Educated in Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wis. ‘Theology at St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minn., and Gregorian Univer- sity, Rome, Italy. Ordained June 9, 1914. Member of the K. of C. Served as K. C. Chaplain, August, 1917—January, 1919, at Fort Snelling, Minn. Professor at St. Paul Semi- nary, St. Paul; Minn.}) Address,St. Paul; Seminary ese Paul, Minn. Byrne, Rev. Edwin Vincent Francis, Philadelphia Born August 9, 1891, in Philadelphia, Pa. Educated at St. Aloysius Academy, West Chester, Pa., St. Anne’s Parochial School, Philadelphia, and Roman Catholic High School, Philadelphia. Received his theological training at St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pa. Ordained May 22, 1915. Father Byrne entered the naval service in November, 1917, and served aboard the U.S.S. Northern Pacific, January to June, 1918, at the Newport Naval Training Station, 26 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR lane LOS torspanuacy, « LOTOMsandm@aboard athe WSS, Nebraska until April, 1919, when he was discharged at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. He is now Private Secretary to the Bishop of Jaro, [loilo, P. I. Byrne, Rev. John Joseph, New York Born March 18, 1876, in New York City. Educated at New York Public Schools, Xavier and Fordham High Schools and Fordham College. Received theological train- ing at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y. Ordained unceomlyU Miah ceissa member ol) theme, oim@ web ather Byrne entered the military service July 31, 1917, with the 9th Coast Defense. He went overseas from Fort Hancock, N. J., and was with the A.E.F. from September, 1918 to March, 1919. He served at Fox Hills Hospital, Staten Island from April, 1919 to October, 1919 and from October, 1919, he has been with the 82nd Field Artillery, at Fort Bliss, ‘Texas. Byrne, Rev. John Vincent, Altoona Born May 24, 1887, in Gallitzin, Pa., where he attended Public School and High School. He finished at Villa Nova College and received his theological training at St. Francis Seminary, Loretto, Pa. Ordained for the Diocese of Altoona, June 29, 1916. Member of the K. of C., K. of St. G., and American Legion. Father Byrne entered the military service on August 22, 1918, and after graduating from the Chaplains’ Training School at Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., was assigned to Camp Meade, Md., where he remained until his discharge on December 5, 1918. He is now Pastor of the Church of the Most Holy Redeemer, at Revloc, Pa. Byrne, Rev. Joseph T. M., Pittsburgh Born January 31, 1883. Ordained January 20, 1914. Com- missioned July 16, 1918. Discharged December 13, 1918. 27 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Served at Camp Wadsworth, S.C. Address, 136 N. Craig Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Byrne, Rev. Thomas Patrick, C.5S.R. Born December 20, 1884, in St. Louis, Mo. Educated at St. Alphonsus’ School, St. Louis, and at St. Joseph’s College, Kirkwood, Mo. He received his theological training at St. Clement’s College, De Soto, Mo., and was ordained June 28, 1911. Father Byrne was a K. C. Chaplain from January to May, 1913 at; @ampmyackson,s. Ci vancditenteremurie military service, June 1, 1918, went overseas as a casual and was assigned to the 145th Infantry, with which regiment he served from September, 1918 to March, 1919, taking part in the Meuse-Argonne and St. Mihiel engagements. He was discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., June 11, 1919, and is now stationed at St. Alphonsus’ Church, 1118 N. Grand Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Byrnes, Rev. Joseph Aquinas, O.P. Born October 31, 1887, in New York City. Educated in Public School No. 70, New York City, St. Francis Xavier’s High School, N. Y., and St. Joseph’s College, Somerset, O. Theological training at Dominican House of Studies, Washington, D.C. Ordained June 24, 1914. Father Byrnes entered the military service March 15, 1918, and served at Fort Constitution, N. H., until he was discharged, December 10, 1918. Now Assistant Pastor at Sacred Heart Church, Jersey City, N. J. Callagee, Rev. Alban Daniel, C.P. Born July 25, 1888, in Dunkirk, N. Y. Educated at St. Mary’s Parochial School, Dunkirk, St. Mary’s High School, Dunkirk, and at the Passionist Monasteries, Baltimore, Md., and West Hoboken, N. J. He also received his theo- logical training at these Monasteries and was ordained De- cember 21, 1912. Member of the American Legion and the 28 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR K. of C. Entered the military service, April 15, 1918, at Boston, Mass., and served with the A.E.F. at Giévres and then with the 129th Infantry, 33rd Division. He was at the Battle of the Somme, at the Albert Sector, Verdun, Hill 304, Meuse-Argonne, Marcheville and St. Hilaire. He was discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., May 29, 1919, with the rank of First Lieutenant, and is now Rector of St. Ann’s Passionist Monastery, Scranton, Pa. Callaghan, Rev. John J., Baltimore Born February 15, 1891. Ordained May 16, 1918. Served assis we haplamns|une)25) 1918) to september a0, 19 Loy at Fort McHenry, Md. Address, 1543 Fort Avenue, Balti- more, Md. Callahan, Rev. William Patrick, Great Falls Born June 29, 1892, in Darlington, Wis. Educated in the Darlington Public School and in St. Ambrose College, Davenport, Ia. Received his theological training at Lavalle University, Montreal, Can., and at St. Paul’s Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. Ordained June 8, 1916. Member of the K. of C. and C.O.F., and is a Chaplain in the Officers’ Re- serve Corps. Entered the military service July 15, 1918. Served at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., and in the A.E.F. with the 603rd Engineers. He was at Verdun and the Meuse-Argonne and was cited with his regiment. Dts- charcediplince2/, 19190 ate Gamp Grant lll as ahirct Lieutenant Chaplain, and is now Pastor of St. Joseph’s Church, Great Falls, Montana. Calmus, Rev. Ildefonse, O.S.B. Born November 2, 1885, in Luxemburg. Educated at South Dakota Public Schools and Calvary College, Wis. Received his theological training at Mt. Angel Seminary and was ordained April 6, 1915. Entered the military 29 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR service October 5, 1918, at Camp Taylor, Ky., and was dis- charged December 14, 1918. He is now on Missionary work with the Indians on Vancouver Island, B. C. Camerman, Rev. Joseph E., Seattle Born August 17, 1882, in Duel, East Flanders, Belgium, where he received his preliminary education. He studied the classics at the Petit Seminaire, St. Nicolas, Belgium, and received his theological training at the Seminary in Brussels, Louvain Seminary, and at Baltimore, Md. Or- dained June) 21) 1907 miMiember of the Ko of Cy Bib. Ors American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Father Camerman entered the military service March 2, 1918, at Bremerton, Wash., and was assigned to Camp Kearny, Cal. He served in France with the 145th Machine Gun Battalion and the 315th Infantry. Discharged as First Lieutenant at Camp Dix) N. Joujune 21919;" Tie is now Pastor ofa Lady Star of the Sea Church, Bremerton, Wash., and K. C. Auxiliary Chaplain at Puget Sound Navy Yard. Campbell, Rev. John Francis Brendan, Philadelphia Born June 15, 1886, Swinford, County Mayo, Ireland, where he attended the National School of the Sisters of Mercy and the National School of the Marist Brothers. Received his theological training at St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Penna. Ordained May 27, 1916. Entered the military service at Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., on August 23,1918, and servedjat\Camp, Dix,(NY fy HobokenaN w]e and in the Transport Service. Discharged with the rank of Captain at Camp Dix, September 19, 1919, and is now First Assistant at St. Joachim Church, 1527 Church Street, Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa. Campbell, Rev. John Joseph, Dallas Born July 13, 1877, in New Philadelphia, Pa. Educated at St. Charles College, Md. Theology at Kenrick Semi- 30 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR nary. Ordained June 10, 1904. Member B.P.O.E., K. of C.,and American Legion. Commissioned in Texas National Guard, December 19, 1914; in U.S. A., July, 1918; perma- nent, UL Se AR july) 1, 1920. \Servedion texas Border: in A.E.F., Hoboken, N. J., Fort Slocum, N. Y., and Washing- ton, D. C. In active service as Captain. Address, Office of Chief of Chaplains, Washington, D. C. Campbell, Rev. John Patrick, Chicago Born July 15, 1886, in Chicago, Ill. He was educated at Annunciation School in Chicago and at De Paul University. Received theological training at Kenrick University, 5t. Louis, Mo. Ordained May 21, 1910. Member of the K. of C. and C.O.F. Entered the military service in July, 1918, and was at Ellington Field, ‘Tex., and Camp Logan, Tex., in the latter Camp with the 79th Infantry. He was discharged with the rank of First Lieutenant at Camp Logan on January 17, 1919, and was commissioned First Lieutenant in the Officers’ Reserve Corps, October 3, 1919. He is now stationed at the Church of Our Lady of Mercy, 4432 N. Troy Street, Chicago, Il. Canarie, Rev. James D., Boston Born March 22, 1875, in Mailland, N. S. Educated at Nicolet College, Canada. Theology at St. John’s Semi- nary, Boston. Ordained December 15, 1902. Commis- SIONEC PMAUTUSH LU os oerved atin Camps. Gordon, McClellan and Upton. Discharged January 18, 1919, at Camp Upton. Residence, 8 Allen Street, Boston, Mass. Canty, Rev. Thomas A., Ph.D., 5.T.D., Chicago Born March 3, 1884, in Chicago, Ill., where he was educated at All Saints Parochial School and St. Ignatius College. Received theological training at the American College in Rome, Italy. Ordained June 12, 1910. Member of. the K. of C. Entered the military service at Chicago, Sep- 31 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR tember 25, 1918, served at Camp Funston, Kan., and as Chaplain on the Army Transport, Manchuria. He was discharged July 31, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J., with the rank of Captain. He also served as K. C. Auxiliary Chaplain at the Great Lakes Naval Station, from December, 1917 to September, 1918. He is now stationed at Visitation Church, 843 W. Garfield Boulevard, Chicago, Il. Carey, Rev. James Augustine, Portland Born February 25, 1874, in Portland, Me., where he at- tended Public Schools and High School. He completed his education at St. Mary’s College, Van Buren, Me. Re- ceived theological training at the Grand Seminaire, Mon- treal’ Can) Ordained |anuary (20. 190 ly) Vlembereo: the K. of C. and the American Legion. Entered the mill- tary service July 16, 1917, served at Brunswick, Me., Camps Bartlett, Greene and Wadsworth, here, and in the A.E.F., with the 65th Pioneer Infantry. He was at the Argonne. Discharged July 1, 1919, as First Lieutenant, at Camp Devens, Mass. He is Rector of Sacred Heart Church, 80 Shermans Street, Portland, Me. Carnet, Rev. Joseph, Tucson Born January 24, 1880, in Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine, France, where he was educated at the Christian Brothers’ Schools and St. Martin’s College. Received theological training at the Seminaries in Rennes, France, and San Antonio, Tex. Ordained May 27, 1904. Served as a Volunteer Chaplain at Camp Cody, N. M., and Camp Funston, N. M., during 19tS andd919. He restonedin Aprill920.) Heisau press ent Chaplain of the U. 8. Public Health Service Hospital, Fort Bayard, N. M. Carpentier, Rev. George R., O.P. Born March 28, 1887. Ordained June 25, 1913. Commis- sioned February 15, 1918. Served with the 42nd Division, 32 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR A.E.F. Discharged May 14, 1919. Appointed Chaplain in Ohio National Guard, August 13, 1920. Address, Aquinas College, Columbus, O. Carr, Rev. Gregory John, O.F.M. Born August 22, 1884, in Boston, Mass. Ordained June 10, 1911. Commissioned March 2, 1918. Served with the Sth Division, at Camp Logan, Tex., and overseas. Dis- Charged MNpiMs who at Camp, Lees Wamy Address, 102 Seymour Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Carra, Rev. James Mary, D.D. Born February 11, 1870, in Quargnento, Piedmont, Italy. Educated in Alessandria, Italy. Theology at Alessandria Seminary. Ordained December 17, 1892. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commissioned October 24, 1918. Served at Fort Niagara and Hoboken, N. J. Dis- charged June 30, 1919. Address, 34 Victoria Avenue, Jamestown, N.Y. Carroll, Rev. Declan F., Covington Born July 4, 1886, in Clashmore, Ireland. Educated at St. Xavier’s, Cincinnati, O., Catholic University and Uni- versity of Kentucky. Theology at St. Mary’s, Baltimore, Naw Ordained. lunesta tole Vlember of thes K coi. @: Served overseas as K. C. Chaplain, September, 1918—May, 1919. Address, Cynthiana, Ky. Carroll, Rev. Joseph 5., Ph.D., Newark Born August 11, 1880, in Providence, R. I. Educated at Mt. St. Mary’s College, Emmitsburg, Md. Theology at Propaganda, Rome, Italy. Ordained July, 1909. Com- missioned July, 1918. Served at Camp Wheeler, Ga., Hoboken, N. J., and San Francisco, Calif. Discharged as First Lieutenant, December 1, 1920, at San Francisco, Cal. Address, St. Patrick’s Church, Elizabeth, N. J. 33 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Carroll, Very Rev. Mgr. Thomas George, New York Born June 27, 1885, in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., where he re- ceived his preliminary training at St. Peter’s and St. Mary’s Parochial Schools. He later attended St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md. He received his theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Yonkers, N. Y., and at the American College, Rome; talyaa@Ordained’ September, lone 707) Monsignor Carroll acted as K. C. Auxiliary Chaplain at the U. S. Naval Reserve Training Station at Pelham Bay Park, N. Y., from) @ctober,, 1918 ‘to January, Atoms is a member of the K. of C. Chancellor, New York Arch- diocese. Carroll, Rev. William M., C.SS.R. Born November 8, 1872, in Limerick, Ireland. Educated at the Christian Brothers’ School and High School, Limerick; Mungret College, Limerick, and Royal Uni- versity, Dublin, Ireland. Received theological training at the Redemptorist Seminary, Kansas City, Mo. Ordained July 25, 1900. Member of the American Legion. Father Carroll, after serving for three months as a K. C. Chaplain at Kelly Field, No. |, was commissioned a First Lieutenant, August li i918. atiDetrom Mich ble. served witha A.E.F. in France at Base Hospital No. 50. He was dis- charged onvAucusti L199 at Camp! Dix N, aly cases Lieutenant, and is now Rector of St. Joseph’s Church, 605 W. Sixth Avenue, Denver, Colo. Cartier, Rev. Gustave Mistrot, O.M.I. Born June 15, 1894, in Huntsville, Tex. Educated at Paro- chial School, Hallettsville, Tex., St. Louis College, San Antonio, Tex., and St. Edward’s College, Austin, Tex. Re- ceived his theological training at the San Antonio Seminary. Ordained June 3, 1917. Member of the K. of C. and A.O.H. Father Cartier acted as K. C. Chaplain at Camps 34 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Stanley and Wise, and at Brooks Field, from January 1, to December 26, 1918. He is now an Assistant at St. Louis Cathedral, New Orleans, La. Caruana, Right Rev. George Joseph, D.D., Bishop of Porto Rico Born April 23, 1882, in Malta, where he was educated at St. Ignatius School, High School and College. Received his theological training at Capranica College, Rome, Italy, and was ordained October 28, 1905. Elected Bishop of Porto Rico, August 19, 1921, and was consecrated in Rome, October 28, 1921, on the sixteenth anniversary of his ordina- tion. Member of the K. of C. Bishop Caruana received his commission as First Lieutenant in the Army on August OOO TS etdeisenved: at Empire, ©.)Z.). Gamps Dasi@asas, P. R., Corozal, C. Z., with Porto Rican Infantry. He was discharged as a First Lieutenant at Governors Island, N. Y.., PeDLeM DCL) sol Flom Casey, Rev. John Edward, Cleveland Born December 18, 1883, in Cleveland, O. Educated at St. Ignatius College, Cleveland. Theology at St. Mary’s, Cleveland. Ordained June 10, 1911. Commissioned July 24, 1918. Served at Camp Sherman and in the A.E.F. Discharged July 3, 1919, as First Lieutenant, at Camp Grant, Il]. Pastor, St. Joseph’s Church, Massillon, O. Address, Massillon, O. Casey, Rev. Joseph Thaddeus, Trenton Born December 25, 1887, in Trenton, N. J. Educated at St. John’s School, Roebling School and St. Joseph’s Pre- paratory School, ‘Trenton, N. J., and at Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. He received his theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Yonkers, N. Y., and was ordained May 17, 1913. Entered the naval service July 13, 1917. He served at League Island, aboard the U.S.S. Von Steuben, U.S.S. New Jersey, U.S.S. Olympia and U.S. Naval Train- 35 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR ing Station, Hampton Roads, Va. He is at present Chap- lain at the Naval Operating Base, Hampton Roads, Va. Casey, Rev. Walter Daniel, Hartford Born December 26, 1887, in Waterbury, Conn. Educated at St. Mary’s School and Crosby High School, Waterbury, Conn., and at St. Thomas Preparatory Seminary, Hartford, Conn. He received his theological training at North American College, Rome, Italy, and was ordained Novem- ber 30/0 19130) vitetis avmember, of the Ka, off GOs Commis sioned August 20, 1917. Before going overseas, Father Casey served at Gettysburg and Camp Greene. He was with the 59th Infantry of the 4th Division. He was in the Allied Offensive, July 18-25, 1918, at Chevillon, and at the Vesle River, August 1-8, 1918. He was wounded at the Vesle, August 8, 1918, and was in Base Hospital No. 20 for two months. After recovering, he served in Base Hospital No. 1, St. Nazaire, as Chaplain. He was discharged March 6, 1919, in New York, and is at present teaching in St. Thomas Seminary, Hartford, Conn. Cassidy, Rev. Henry Francis, M.A., Hartford Born November 29, 1886, in Waterbury, Conn. Educated at Niagara University, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Theology also at Niagara. Ordained June 1, 1912. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Was First State Chaplain of American Legion. Commissioned April 20, 1918. Served at Camp Beauregard and in A.E.F. Discharged as First Lieutenant, at Camp Dix, N. J., May 1, 1919. Ad- dress, Mt. St. Joseph’s Academy, Hartford, Conn. Cassidy, Rev. William Michael, M.A., Rochester Born July 1, .1888,.in, Corning. INSY. educated sar au Mary’s School, Corning, Niagara University High School Department, and Niagara University, Niagara Falls, N. Y. He received his theological training at St. Bernard Semi- 36 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR nary, Rochester, N. Y., and was ordained June 12, 1915. Fiewisia, memberotethe ih) of) Ceo Entered) the military service August 19, 1918, at Columbus, O. He was assigned to Columbus Barracks and was discharged there as a First Lieutenant, January 17, 1919. He is now Assistant at Holy Apostles Church, 7 Austin Street, Rochester, N. Y. Casterot, Rev. Peter Alexis, O.P. Born June 18, 1871, in France. Had his college training at Grand Maison, Poitiers, France, and his theological training at the Dominican Studium, Ryckholt, Holland, and the Biblical School, Jerusalem. He was ordained July 22, 1894. Heisa member of the K. of C. Father Casterot served asa K. C. Auxiliary Chaplain from May, 1918, to July, 1918, and was overseas for more than a year. He was discharged July 20, 1919, and is now stationed at St. Vincent Ferrer’s Church, in New York City. Catterlin, Rev. Armistead H. L., C.SS.R. Born August 25, 1880, in Effingham, IJf!. Educated at St. Louis University Preparatory, St. Louis, Mo., and St. Joseph’s College, Kirkwood, Mo. Theology at Redemp- torist Novitiate, Kansas City, Mo., and Mt. St. Clement’s, De Soto, Mo. Ordained May 20, 1908. Member American Legion. Commissioned May 31, 1918. Served at Hoboken, N. J., aboard various Army Transports sailing to France and England, and at Camp Bragg, N. C. Promoted to Gantaineuly Zo los pischarged Aneust 294 Oo aA. dress, Mt. St. Clement’s, De Soto, Mo. Cavanagh, Rev. John P., San Francisco Born July 23, 1886, in San Francisco, Calif. Ordained June 22, 1912. Commissioned August 13, 1918. Discharged January 14, 1919. Served on the West Coast. Address, Oregon Building, Presidio of San Francisco, Calif. 37 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Cayer, Rev. Arthur John Baptist, D.C.L., Springfield Born June 24, 1884, in Holyoke, Mass. Educated at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parochial School, Holyoke, Nicolet Preparatory School, Nicolet, P. Q., Can., Nicolet Seminary, and Laval University, Quebec. Received his theological training at Grand Seminary, Montreal, and Angelico, Rome, Italy. He was ordained December 19, 1908. Entered the military service at Winchendon, Mass., February 2, 1918, and was immediately assigned to the A.E.F., serving overseas with the Ist Infantry Training Regiment, the l61st Infantry and the Ist Replacement Depot from February 11, 1918 to July 22, 1919. He was discharged August 8, 1919, with the rank of Captain, at Camp Dix, N. J. He was commissioned Captain in the Officers’ Reserve Corps, December 18, 1919, and is now Assistant at St. Mary’s, Winchendon, Mass. He is a member of the K. of C. Centner, Rev. Adelbert William, Ph.D., Apost. Delegate Born December 29, 1880, in Pirmasens, Palatinate, Ger- many. Educated at St. Francis Parochial School, Dayton, Ky., and St. Francis Parochial School, Cincinnati, O., Pontifical Josephinum College, Columbus, O., and Uni- versity of Louvain, Belgium. He received his theological training at the Pontifical Josephinum Seminary, Columbus, O., and was ordained June 17, 1906. He is a member.of the K. of C. Entered the military service at Camp Grant, Rockford, Ill., September 17, 1917, and assigned as Chap- lain of the 332nd Field Artillery, 86th Division, at Camp Grant. He remained there until May 3, 1918, when he moved with the regiment to Camp Robinson, Sparta, Wis. Remained there until September, 1918, when the regiment went overseas. Father Centner remained with his regi- ment until January, 1919, when he was transferred to Camp 38 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR St. Sulpice and put in charge of Religious work with German prisoners of war and American general prisoners, and kept up this work until May, 1919, when he was trans- ferred to the 19th Field Artillery in the Army of Occupa- tion and returned with this regiment to the United States in August, 1919. He was discharged at Camp Taylor, Ky., August 13, 1919, with the rank of First Lieutenant. He is now teaching in the Josephinum College at Columbus, O. Chambon, Rev. Celestin M., New Orleans Born April 15, 1879, in France. Ordained June 10, 1904. Commissioned July 23, 1918. Served with the 113th Am- munition Train in the A.E.F. Discharged July 16, 1919, at Camp Dix. Address, Ascension Church, Donaldsonville, La. Chaput, Rev. William, Seattle Born April 14, 1881, in Lewiston, Me. Ordained May 24, 1908. Commissioned August 15, 1918. Served in the Abe Waa Discharceds september (2/7), 1919.) Address. 305 N. Fourth Avenue, Yakima, Wash. Chataignon, Rev. M. S., Galveston Born September 17, 1886, in Lyons, France. Ordained December 24, 1911. Commissioned June 4, 1917. Served with 36th Division, Headquarters, in the A.E.F. Dis- charged July 24, 1919. Address, St. Mary’s Cathedral, Galveston, Tex. Chemin, Rev. Theodore John, O.F.M. Born June 9, 1888, in So. Boston, Mass. Educated in the Boston Public Schools, the Boston College High School Department, and St. Joseph’s College, Calicoon, N. Y. He received his theological training at St. Bonaventure’s Semi- nary, Paterson, N. J., and was ordained June 10, 1916. Father Chemin was commissioned in the Army, June 14, 1918. He was sent to Camp Upton and then overseas, where 39 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR he served with the 26th Infantry, Ist Division and later at Hospital No. 65. He was in the Battle of the Meuse- Argonne. He was discharged with the rank of First Lieu- tenant, at Camp (Dix NiaieiMay.25, 1919: Churchill, Rev. Henry W., Brooklyn Born August 14, 1886, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Educated at St. John’s College, Brooklyn, and St. Francis Xavier’s Col- lege, New York City. Theology at St. John’s, Brooklyn. Ordained June 1, 1912. Commissioned September 17, 1917. Served at Camp Lee, Va., and in France. In action at Meuse-Argonne. Discharged June 5, 1919, as First Lieu- tenant, at Camp Dix, N. J. Pastor, Our Lady of Grace Church, Fishers Island, N. Y. Chuse, Rev. Emil Michael, M.A., Belleville Born May 1, 1880, in Belleville, Ill. Educated at St. Peter’s Cathedral Grade School, Belleville Public High School, and St. Francis College, Quincy, Ill. Received his theo- logical training at St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, Wis., and was ordained June 15, 1908. He is a member of the K. of C., the Rotary Club, the C. K. of I., and the American Legion. Father Chuse entered the military service at Camp Dodge, Ia., November 20, 1917, and was assigned to the 351st Infantry. Later he served in France with the 2nd Engineers. He was discharged as a First Lieutenant at Camp Dodge, October 2, 1919, and is now Pastor of St. Joseph’s Church, Lebanon, III. . Clancy, Rev. Joseph P., Oregon City Born February 20, 1890, in Portland, Ore. Educated in the Public and Ursuline Schools of Anaconda, Mont., Gon- zaga College High School Department, and Gonzaga Col- lege, Spokane, Wash. Received his theological training at St. Patrick’s Seminary, Menlo Park, Calif., and was or- dained August 9, 1913. Heisa member of the K. of C. and 40 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR the American Legion. Father Clancy entered the military service, August, 1917, at Bandon, Ore., and was assigned to the Spruce Production Division, in Portland. Later he was stationed at the Debarkation Hospital, Ellis Island, N. Y., and then in the Transport Service aboard the U.S.S. Aga- memnon. He was discharged at Hoboken, N. J., September 29, 1919, and is now Pastor of St. Frederick’s Church, Sik elcns .@) co. Clarendon, Rev. Oliver B., Little Rock Born November 4, 1880, in Virginia. Theology at Gre- gorian University, Rome, Italy. Ordained July 4, 1909. perved as I)-@, Chaplain. “Address, (lexarkana, Ark; Clark, Rev. James P., C.SS.R. Born August 1, 1881, in West Hoboken, N. J. Ordained July 2, 1908. Commissioned March 25, 1918. Served at Camps in the South. Discharged March 29, 1919. Ad- dress, 144 Diamond Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Cleary, Rev. William Donoghue, Brooklyn Born July 11, 1882, in Ireland. Educated at the Christian Brothers’ School and the Nenagh High School, Nenagh, County Tipperary, Ireland, and Ennis College, County Clare. He received his theological training at the Irish College, Paris, France, and was ordained June 14, 1908. He is a member of the K. of C., the A.O.H., American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Father Cleary entered the military service August 12, 1918. He served at the Chaplains’ Training School; Camp Mills, N. Y.; Otisville, N. Y., and with the 50th Infantry at Camp Dix, N. J., and in Germany. He returned to the United States iInvOctoberyloZ2: Clyne, Rev. Frederick B., O.P. Born November 23, 1877, in Benicia, Calif. Ordained June 41 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR 23,1904. Commissioned July 5, 1918. Served in the A.E.F. with the 142nd Infantry. Discharged May 2, 1919. Ad- dress, Benicia, Calif. Coakley, Rev. Thomas F., $.T.D., Pittsburgh Born February 20, 1880, in Pittsburgh, Pa., where he was educated in the Parish Schools and at Duquesne University. He received his theological training at the American Col- lege in Rome, and was ordained May 25, 1907. Father Coakley entered the military service December 20, 1917, and served in the A.E.F., with the 47th Infantry, 4th Divi- sion, being with that organization at Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne. After the Armistice he was with the Headquarters of the 3rd Army, at Coblenz, Ger- many. He was discharged with the rank of First Lieu- tenant, April 7, 1919, and is now stationed at Old St. Patrick’s, Liberty Avenue and 17th Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Codd, Rev. Edmond John, Wheeling Born October 10, 1892, at Aughnagan Co., Ireland. At- tended the vocational school, Trinity, Ireland, and St. Peter’s College, Ireland. Ordained June 15, 1919. Served as Chaplain in the U.S. Public Health Hospital, Oteen, N.C. Present status, Assistant at the Immaculate Concep- tion Church, Fulton, N. Y. _Coholan, Rev. Philip Francis, Hartford Born February 15, 1888, in New Britain, Conn. Educated at St. Thomas Seminary, Hartford. Theology at St. John’s, Brighton, Mass., and St. Mary’s, Baltimore, Md. Ordained May 28, 1914. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned February 16, 1918. Served at Kelly Field, Tex., Camp Dix, N. J and Fort Kamehamehawi 7) hiv Salljneactve service. Permanent address, 19 So. High Street, New Britain, Conn. 42 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Coleman, Rey. William Francis, Winona Born August 16, 1885, in Rochester, Minn. Educated at Sacred Heart College, Prairie du Chien, Wis., and St. Paul’s College, St. Paul, Minn. Theology at St. Paul’s, Minn. Ordained June 10, 1910. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned August 16, 1918. Served at Camp Grant, Ill., Winchester, Eng., and in France. Discharged as First Lieutenant, June 4, 1919, in Slough, Eng. Address, St. Mary’s College, Winona, Minn. Coll, Rev. William H., St. Joseph Born August 24, 1854, in Philadelphia, Pa. Educated in the Public Schools, Philadelphia, and at Holy Cross Col- lege, Worcester, Mass. He received his theological train- ing at St. Bonaventure’s Seminary, Allegheny, N. Y., and was ordained June 21, 1882. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Coll was inducted in October, 1918, served as a K. C. Auxiliary Chaplain at Montauk, Long Island; Paris, France; Camp Meade, Md.; New Haven, Conn.; Paris Island, S. C.; Fort Oglethorpe, Ga.; Bay Ridge, N. Y.; Camp Dix, N. J., and Quantico, Va. He is now Chap- lain at the House of Good Shepherd, Old Ferry Point, New Nock Witv: Collins, Rev. Henry, Panama Born September 23, 1862, in London. Ordained in 1886, in Carracas, Venezuela. Appointed K. C. Chaplain December 1917. Served overseas until January 21, 1919. Address, Ancon, Canal Zone, Panama. Collins, Rev. H. Leo, Cleveland Born November 10, 1889, in Cleveland. Ordained May 29, 1915. Commissioned September 26, 1918. Served in Frances, Discharged June 18) 91919) at Camp Dix) Ad- dress, 14422 Aspinwall Avenue, Cleveland, O. 43 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Conaty, Rev. Charles Clement, Fall River Born December 12, 1890, in Taunton, Mass. Educated in the Taunton Public Schools, La Salle Academy, Provi- dence, R. I., and Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. Received his theological training at the North American College, Rome, and was ordained September 17, 1915. He is a member of the K. of C., American Legion, Legion of Valor and Military Order of Foreign Wars. He was com- missioned in the army on January 5, 1918, and was assigned to Camp Hancock, Augusta, Ga., where he remained until April 30, 1918. He went overseas with the 111th Infantry of the 28th Division. He was in the Champagne-Marne engagement, Aisne-Marne, Oise-Aisne and Meuse-Argonne. He was gassed July 15, 1918, and again August 10, 1918. He received the Distinguished Service Cross for heroism in’ action near, Orezancy, \Hrance, July) 16) 1913: ) Hlewaweas discharged March 27, 1919, at Camp Devens, Mass., with the rank of First Lieutenant. His home address is 33 Hodges Avenue, Taunton, Mass. Conboy, Rev. Thomas George, New York Born July 4, 1889, in New York City. Educated in New York City Public Schools, St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md., and Cathedral College, New York City. He received his theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Yonkers, N. Y., and was ordained September 8, 1917. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Conboy was commis- sioned in the Army on October 9, 1918, in New York City, and was stationed at the Port of Embarkation, Hoboken, N. J., and at Debarkation Hospital No. 5, New York City. He was discharged with the rank of Captain, at Camp Upton, September 25, 1919, and re-commissioned First Lieutenant in the Regular Army in 1920. He left the serv- ice in December, 1922, under the new law reducing the Army. 44 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Conniff, Rev. Paul R., $.J., M.A. Born December 22, 1871, in Oneida, N. Y. Educated at Fordham University, N. Y. Theology at Woodstock, Md. Ordained June, 1907. Member of the K. of C. Served as Auxiliary Chaplain. Address, 651 Washington Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Connolly, Rev. John Aloysius, New York Born April 22, 1889, in New York City. Educated at Holy Cross School, New York City, and Cathedral College, New York City. Received his theological training in St. Joseph’s Seminary, Yonkers, N.Y., and Catholic University, Washington, D. C., and was ordained September 20, 1913. He is a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Father Connolly was commissioned in the Army, August 10, 1918, and was assigned as Chaplain to the 49th Coast Artillery. Arrived in France, October 15, 1918, and was stationed at Brest, Le Havre, Rouen, Le Tres-ne-Castera. He was later assigned to transport duty on the U.S.S. Sibony. He was discharged at Hoboken, N. J., as a First Lieutenant, on January 6, 1919, and is now Assistant at St. Peter and St. Paul’s Church, 833 St. Ann’s Avenue, New York City. Connolly, Rev. John J., Cashel Born January 6, 1879, in Ireland. Educated at Rockwell College and St. Patrick’s College, Tipperary, Ireland. Theology at St. Patrick’s Seminary, Tipperary, Ireland. Or- dained June, 1905. Member of the K. of C., A.O.H., and American Legion. Commissioned August 23, 1918. Served at Camps Taylor, Ky., and Grant, Ill. Discharged as First Lieutenant, December 9, 1918. Pastor at Charleston, Il. Address, Charleston, III. Connor, Rev. Charles Francis Richard, S.J., M.A. Born February 8, 1881, in New York City. Educated at St. Francis Xavier's College, New York City. Theology 45 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR at Woodstock, Md. Ordained June 28, 1915. Member B.P.O.E. and the K. of C. Commissioned March 30, 1918. Served in the A.E.F., with 306th Field Signal Corps, 324th Infantry, Headquarters 81st Division, Headquarters Army of Occupation and 26th Infantry. In action at St. Die Sector, Meuse-Argonne. Discharged September 27, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J. Instructor at Xavier High School, New York City. Address, 30 West 16th Street, New York City. Connor, Rev. George 5S. L., Springfield Born September 2, 1885, in Holyoke, Mass. Educated at Holyoke High School and Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. Received theological training at St. Bernard’s, Rochester, N. Y. Ordained June 10, 1911. Member of the K. of C. and F.M.T.R., and State Chaplain for the Ameri- can Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Commissioned in the Army, October 6, 1917, at Westfield, Mass., and went overseas October 9, 1917. Served at Chemin des Dames, Toul Sector, Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel and Meuse- Argonne. He was decorated with the Croix de Guerre on May 23, 1919, and cited by Marshal Petain, Commander- in-Chief of the French Armies of the East. Returned from France April 1, 1919, and was discharged with the rank of Captain, April 28, 1919. Father Connor also saw service with the Second Massachusetts Regiment at Columbus, N. M., in 1916. Assistant Pastor at St. Joseph’s Church, Pittsfield, Mass. =, Conoley, Rev. John Francis, St. Augustine Born September 12, 1884, in Jacksonville, Fla. Educated at University of Florida and St. Bernard College, Cullman, Ala. Theology at North American College, Rome, Italy and St. Mary’s, Baltimore. Ordained March 19, 1915. Member American Legion and Military Order of Foreign Wars. Commissioned August 9, 1918. Served with 73rd 46 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Infantry and 36th Infantry at Camp Devens, Mass. Made Camp Chaplain and promoted to Captain, March 1, 1919. Discharged as Captain, October 1, 1919. Rector St. Patrick’s Church, Gainesville, Fla., and Chaplain to Catholic Stu- dents at University of Florida. Appointed Major, Officers’ Reserve Corps, March 20, 1920. Address, 804 East Main Street, N., Gainesville, Fla. Conroy, Rev. John Bernard, M.A., New York Born November 8, 1885, in West Easton, Pa. Educated at Mt. St. Mary’s Preparatory and Mt. St. Mary’s College, Emmitsburg, Md. Received his theological training at Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, Md., and was or- danced uncom yee eds a member of thes k sory, Father Conroy entered the naval service June 18, 1918, at Washington, D. C., and was stationed at the U. 8. Naval Training Station, Newport, R. I., and the U. S. Marine Barracks, Paris Island, 5. C. He was discharged at Paris Island, with the rank of Lieutenant, U.S.N., May 10, 1921, and is now an Assistant at Ascension Church, 221 West 107th Street, New York City. Conroy, Rev. Joseph P., 5.J. Dommviarche/witooo winwGnicago. Lil Educated tation, Ignatius College, Chicago, Il]. Father Conroy served as a K. C. Chaplain at the Great Lakes Naval Station, June— September, 1918. He is now on Mission work. Conway, Rev. Joseph Francis, Milwaukee Born March 26, 1881, in Janesville, Wis. Educated at Janesville Public School and Janesville High School. He received his theological training at St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, Wis., and was ordained in June, 1907. Father Conway entered the military service in August, 1917, at Madison, Wis., and was assigned to Camp Robinson, Wis. 47 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR He served overseas with the 17th Field Artillery, and was at the Toul Sector and at Chateau-Thierry. Later he was at the London Headquarters, then with the Ist Army Head- quarters and with the 47th Infantry. Upon his return to the United States, he was assigned to the 7th Infantry and was stationed at Camp Lewis, Washington. He left the Army in December, 1922. Cook, Rev. John Gilmary, Detroit Born December 18, 1879, in Torrington, Conn. Educated at St. Vincent’s School, Detroit, Mich., the Jesuit High School, Detroit, and the University of Detroit. He re- ceived his theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md., and was ordained on his twenty-fifth birth- day. He is a member of the American Legion and the K. of C. He entered the military service at Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., on August 25, 1918, and was stationed at Camps Taylor and Custer. He was discharged February 7, 1919, at Camp Custer, Mich., with the rank of First Lieutenant, and is now Pastor of St. Mary’s Church, Redford, Mich. Corboy, Rev. William Joseph, $.J., M.A. Born August 12, 1878, in Ireland. Educated at National Schools, Ireland, St. [Ignatius High School, Chicago, III. St. Ignatius College, Chicago, Ill. He received his theo- logical training at St. Louis University, and was ordained June 271912. He usta, member lot-the Koyol @ aap aces Corboy entered the military service, February 12, 1918, at Camp Funston, Kan. He served at Camp Funston and Fortress Monroe, here, and overseas in Camp de Souge and St. Mihiel, France, and in the Coblenz area in Germany. He was in the engagements at St. Mihiel and the Argonne. He was discharged June 5, 1919, at Camp Dodge, Ia., with 48 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR the rank of First Lieutenant. He is now a teacher and director of Athletics at Creighton University, Omaha, Neb. Corcoran, Rev. Cornelius A., M.A., Ph.L., Newark Born November 9, 1884, in Jersey City, N. J. Educated at St. Lucy’s Parochial School, Jersey City, St. Peter’s High School, Jersey City, St. Peter’s College, Seton Hall College and Fordham University. He received his theo- logical training at the Immaculate Conception Seminary, and was ordained May 17, 1913. He is a member of thew wor Geeandethe A.O 11. Father Gorcorcany entered the military service August 23, 1918, at Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. He served at Loupland, France, Oteen, N. Copbaiticidm) wand Gamp Brags; IN) Criprictiett, the Army under the reduction bill in December, 1922. Cordeiro, Rev. Manuel Francisco, Monterey Born May 13, 1877, in S. Miguel, Azore Islands. Educated in the Grammar School and Private College, Ponta Del- gada, S. Miguel, Azores Islands. Received his theological training at the Seminary of Angra, Terceira Island, Azores, and was ordained December 23, 1905. He is a member of the K. of C., and served until September 1, 1920, as an Auxiliary K. C. Chaplain. He is now Rector of Our Lady of Victory Church, Compton, Calif. Corr, Rev. Michael James, M.A., Newark Borny November uiss/iciny) brelands);hducatediaty ot Patrick’s College, Cavan, Ireland, and Seton Hall College, South Orange, N. J. Received his theological training at Seton Hall Seminary, and was ordained June 10, 1911. He is Chaplain of Conception Council, K. of C., Jersey City, and is Division Chaplain of the 29th Division Association of the American Legion. Entered the military service on January 7, 1918, at Anniston, Ala., and was assigned to the 49 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR 114th Infantry, serving with them in Camp McClellan and overseas. He was in the Alsace Defensive Sector and in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive. He was wounded slightly at Bois d’Ormont, Meuse-Argonne, October 12, 1918. He was decorated with the Croix de Guerre with palm, November 18, 1918. He received a General Headquarters Citation, with silver star, March 21, 1919, Division Citation, 29th Division, with silver star. November 1, 1918. Dis- charged May 15, 1919, as a First Lieutenant, at Camp Dix, N. J. He is now stationed at St. Aedan’s Rectory, Jersey Gity,3Nenie Corrigan, Rev. Martin Francis, M.A., Scranton Born April 20, 1873, in Harleigh, Pa. Educated at St. Raphael’s School, Harleigh, Pa., and at Mt. St. Mary’s College, Emmitsburg, Md. He received his theological training at Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, Md., and was ordained July 3, 1908. He is a member of the Koff, C.) and\served) as: an Auxiliary Ke Cs, Chaplainga: Camp Lee, Va., November 4, 1917 to December 18, 1918. He is now Rector of St. Andrew’s Church, Blossburg, Pa. Costello, Rev. Lawrence Jerome, M.A., New York Born January 8, 1889, in New York City. Educated in the Public Schools, St. Francis Xavier’s Grammar School, Xavier High School and the Cathedral College, New York City. He received his theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y., North American College, Rome, Italy, and the Catholic University, Washington, D.C. Ordained December 20, 1913. Member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Entered the military service at Governors Island, N. Y., April 15, 1918, and served as a Casual Officer, then with the 30th Infantry, and as Post Chaplain, Spur Camp, Le Mans, France. He was in the Marne Defensive, the Marne Offensive, at St. Mihiel and in the Argonne. 50 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Discharged with the rank of First Lieutenant, at Camp Dix, N. J., July 10, 1919, and is now an Assistant at the Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel, East 90th Street, New York City. Costello, Rev. Edward P., Brooklyn Born August 8, 1887, in New York City. Ordained June 1, 1912. Commissioned in the Navy, July 21, 1918. Served on U.S.S. Maine. Discharged October 28, 1919. Address, 1718 Beverley Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. Costion, Rev. Francis, O.M.1. Served as interpreter in France. Cote, Rev. Samuel Joseph Augustus, Manchester Born May 19, 1885, in St. Hugues, P. Q., Can. Educated at Nicolet College, P. Q., Can. Theology at Montreal, Can. Ordained August 26, 1911. Member of the K. of C. and American Officers of Great War. Commissioned July 23, 1918. Served at Camp Devens with 36th Infantry, aboard Transport Huron, and as Port Chaplain at Newport News, Va. Discharged as Captain, at Camp Devens, Mass., September 8, 1919. Address, Box 176, Claremont, N. H. Cotter, Rev. Edmund Aloysius, Hartford Born April 30, 1882, in Ansonia, Conn. Educated at An- sonia High School and St. Thomas Preparatory Seminary, Hartford, Conn. Received his theological training in Sem- inaries at St. Brieuc, France, Eichstadt, Bavaria, and Piscenza, Italy. Ordained July 31, 1909. Entered the military service September 28, 1917, and was assigned to the 23rd Regiment Engineers. He was stationed at Camps Meade and Laurel, in Maryland, from October 6, 1917 to March 28, 1918. He sailed for France March 30, 1918, and arrived back in Hoboken, June 19, 1919. Served in the 51 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Toul Sector, St. Mihiel Sector and in the Argonne. Dis- charged with the rank of First Lieutenant, June 24, 1919, at Camp Upton, Long Island, and is now a Curate at St. John’s, Middletown, Conn. Cotter, Rev. John Aloysius, 5.J., M.A Born April 9, 1874, in Philadelphia, Pa. Educated at St. Joseph’s High School and St. Joseph’s College, Philadel- phia. He received his theological training at Woodstock College, Maryland, and was ordained June 20, 1909. En- tered the military service July 24, 1918, and served at Camp Humphreys and Fort McHenry. Discharged with the rank of First Lieutenant, at Fort McHenry, January 21, pene and 1 is now at St. Bee s College, Jersey City, N. J. Cone Ree Joseph M., Tucson Born July 23, 1885, in Montreal, Can. Educated at the Christian Brothers’ Schools, the Petit Seminaire and Laval University, Montreal. He received his theological training at Montreal University and was ordained April 15, 1910. He is a member of the K. of C. and of the Catholic Foresters. Served as an Auxiliary K. C. Chaplain, at Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Ala., throughout the war. He is President of the Chinchuba, La., Deaf Mute Institute. Coupal, Rev. Frederick P., C.M. Served as K. C. Chaplain in Texas during war. Coutlée, Rev. M. J. Arthur, Montreal Born May 27, 1863, in St. Joseph of Soulanges, P. Q., Can. Educated at the Bishop’s and Christian Brothers’ Schools, Montreal and at Montreal College. He received his theo- logical training in Seminaries in Montreal and Ottawa. He was ordained June 15, 1889. He isa member of the K. of C. Father Coutlée served as an Auxiliary K. C. Chaplain in 52 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Camp Merritt, N. J., from July to September, 1918, and in Limoges, France from November, 1918 until June, 1919. He resigned July 30, 1919, and is now Chaplain of the Convent of Jesus and Mary, Highland Mills, N. Y. Cox, Rev. James Renshaw, Pittsburgh Born March 7, 1886, in Pittsburgh, Pa. Educated in the Public and Parochial Schools, the Duquesne University High School and Duquesne University. He received his theological training at St. Vincent’s Seminary, Beatty, Pa., and was ordained July 1, 1911. He is a member of the K. of C., the K. of St. G., the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. After serving as Red Cross Ghaplainwat (base. Liospital iNov2/ trom) June 19 1/",to March, 1918, he became an Army Chaplain at Angers, France, March, 1918, and served until March 31, 1919, when he received his discharge. He is now Chaplain of the Mercy Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pa. Coyle, Rev. William E., Erie Born October: 1/141387., Ordained: June’ 10) 1915. |, Com- missioned September 26, 1918. Served at Camp Devens until discharge, January 30, 1919. Address, P. O. Box 325, Kane, Pa. Crane, Rev. Peter John, M.A., San Antonio Born September I, 1874, in New York City. Educated at St. Brigid’s Parochial School, St. Francis Xavier’s Grammar School, Xavier High School and St. Francis Xavier’s Col- lege, New York City. He received his theological training at St. Charles Seminary, Philadelphia, Pa., and was or- dained November 10, 1901. Heis a member of the K. of C. Father Crane worked throughout the war and is still serving as an Auxiliary Chaplain. His residence is 152 Haper Avenue, San Antonio, Tex. a3 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Creeden, Rev. Joseph Denis, M.A., Ogdensburg Born July 30, 1871, in New York City. Educated at St. Francis Xavier's College, Columbia University, and New York University Law School (L.L.B.), New York City. Theology at Dunwoodie, N. Y., Rome, Italy, and Louvain, Belgium. Ordained March 30, 1907. Member B.P.O.E., K. of C., American Legion and Defendam, Spanish War. Commissioned July 26, 1918. Served at Parkfield, Tenn., until discharge as First Lieutenant, January 8, 1919. Had previous service as Private in the 22nd Regiment, N. Y., Spanish-American War. Pastor, St. Bernard’s Church, Saranac Lake, N.Y. Address, Saranac Lake, N.Y. Crimmen, Rev. George A., Buffalo Born August 1, 1880, in Boston, Mass. Ordained June 9, 1906. Commissioned January 4, 1918, after having worked for several months as Volunteer Chaplain. His health broke down and he was discharged, October 17, 1918. He has not returned to active duty. Address, c/o Chancellor, Diocese of Buffalo. Crispino, Rev. Pascal, 5.P.M. Born) funey 9013/6. sins Cardito, taly yee ducated sinmtne Public School, Cardito, High School in Rome, at St. Maria College, Monticelli, and the Gregorian University. He received his theological training at the St. Maria Seminary, Monticelli and was ordained March 21, 1901. He isa member of the American Legion. Father Crispino entered the military service at Camp Upton, Long Island, August, 1918. He went overseas with the 77th Division, and was in the Battle of the Meuse-Argonne. He was discharged with the rank of First Lieutenant at Camp Upton, in June, 1919. He holds the rank of First Lieutenant Chaplain in the Officers’ Reserve Corps. His present address is 1273 58th Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 54 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Cronin, Rev. Neil A., Boston Born April 1, 1885, in Boston. Educated at Andrew Gram- mar School, Boston, Boston College High School, and Boston College. He received his theological training at the American College, Rome and was ordained September 10, 1910. He is a member of the American Legion. Father Cronin was commissioned a First Lieutenant in the Army, August 1, 1918, and served at Ellis Island, N. Y., Beau Desert, France, and St. André, France. He was discharged with the rank of First Lieutenant, at Camp Dix, N. J., June, 1920. He is now a Curate in the Boston Cathedral. Cronin, Rev. Patrick Joseph, Sacramento Born October 9, 1885, in Castlemaine, Ireland. Ordained June 24, 1909. Commissioned September 5, 1918. Served at Fort Riley, Kan. Discharged April 21, 1919. Address, Dunsmuir, Cal. Crowe, Rev. Charles Joseph, C.SS.R. Born June 6, 1884, in Boston, Mass. Educated at Sherwin School, Boston, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Roxbury, and St. Mary’s College, North East, Penn. He made his novitiate at St. Mary’s, Annapolis, Md., and received his theological training at Mt. St. Alphonsus Seminary, Esopus, N. Y., and was ordained July 2, 1911. Father Crowe en- tered the Chaplains’ Training School at Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., November 15, 1918, and was discharged there on November 27, 1918. He is now doing Missionary work. His address is 1545 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. Crowley, Rev. John Bernard, Rochester Born June 15, 1882, in Ithaca, N. Y. Educated at Immacu- late Conception School, Ithaca. He received his theo- logical training at St. Andrew’s and St. Bernard’s Semi- naries and was ordained June 10, 1911. He is a member of 55 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR the K. of C. and the American Legion. Father Crowley was commissioned in the Army, August 6, 1918, and served at Camp Upton and Plattsburg Barracks. He was dis- charged June 24, 1919, with the rank of First Lieutenant, at Plattsburgh, N. Y., and is now Director of Charities in the Diocese of Rochester. Crowley, Rev. Michael J., Detroit Born September 21, 1876, in Jackson, Mich. Ordained July 1, 1900. Commissioned August 17, 1918. Served in the A.E.F., with the 547th Engineers. Discharged August i 1 Olo Nat Campa Dinan vddress.) tZ 0 "@ooperromear Jackson, Mich. Crumbly, Rev. Peter A., O.F.M. Born March 2, 1882, in Ashland, Wis. Educated at St. - Joseph’s College, Teutopolis, Ill. Theology at Franciscan Monasteries in Sacred Heart Province. Ordained June 25, 1909. Member of K: of C., and American Legion; Commissioned April 13, 1918. Served at Camp Glen- bournie, Md., and in the A.E.F. Discharged as First Lieu- tenant, at) Camp Grant, Tl uly<20,) 1919.0. Ony Mission work. Address, 5045 Laflin Street, Chicago, III. Cuddy, Rev. John Stanislaus, Baltimore Born October 20, 1879, in Baltimore, Md. Educated at St. Mary Star of the Sea Parochial School, Baltimore, and St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md. He received his theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md., and was ordained December 21, 1905. He is a member of the K. of C. and the Y.M.I. Father Cuddy was com- missioned in the Army, July 27, 1918. He was assigned to the 154th Depot Brigade, at Camp Meade, where he remained from August to October, 1918. He then went to Edgewood Arsenal, where he was stationed until October, 56 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR 1919. He was then assigned to the 51st Regiment, C.A.C., until July 12, 1920, when he was discharged at Camp Jack- son, 5. C., with the rank of First Lieutenant. He was com- missioned a First Lieutenant in the Officers’ Reserve Corps, in November, 1920. He is now Pastor of St. Martin’s Church, Gaithersburg, Md. Cull, Rev. Leo Urban, O.P. Born December 18, 1888, in Concord, Mass. Educated in the Concord Primary, Grammar and High Schools, Boston College, and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. He received his theological training at the Dominican House of Studies, Washington, D. C., and was ordained June 23, 1915. He is a member of the American Legion. Father Cull entered the military service March 5, 1918, and was assigned to Camp Kearney, Calif. He went overseas with the 158th Infantry, and served at Jussy sur Loire Chelles and Paris, France. He was discharged at Camp Devens, Mass., with the rank of First Lieutenant, September 3, 1919, and is now Sub-Prior at St. Vincent Ferrer’s Church, New York City. Cullinan, Rev. John Joseph, M.A., St. Paul Born August 6, 1884, in Minneapolis, Minn. Educated at Immaculate Conception School, St. Thomas High School and St. Thomas College, in Minneapolis, and Columbia University, New York City. He received his theological training at the St. Paul Seminary and was ordained June foo eee bathers Cullinanwenteted | thes military service, August 22, 1918, at Louisville) Ky. He served in France with the 348th Infantry and at Base Hospital No. 91. He was discharged August 19, 1919, at Camp Dodge, Ia., with the rank of First Lieutenant. He was commissioned First Lieutenant in the Officers’ Reserve Corps, October 14, 1919. His address is 239 Selby Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. 57 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Cummings, Rev. Matthew Aloysius, Chicago Born May 2, 1892, in Chicago, Ill. Educated at the Blessed Sacrament School, Chicago and the Cathedral College of the Sacred Heart, Chicago. He received his theological training at St. Paul Seminary, and was ordained June 17, 1916. Father Cummings entered the Army, August 26, 1918, at Camp Taylor. He served at Camp Grant, IIl., at the Port of Embarkation, Hoboken, N. J., and aboard the U.S.S. Edgar F. Luckenback. He was discharged at Hoboken, July 10, 1919, and was commissioned a First Lieutenant in the Officers’ Reserve Corps, October 5, 1919. He is now teaching Latin and Algebra at the Quigley Pre- paratory Seminary, Chicago, II. Cummins, Rev. James F., Cleveland Born October 23, 1883, in Cleveland. Ordained June 29, 1909. Commissioned September 23, 1918. Served in the A.E.F., with the 358th Infantry. Discharged June 11, 1919, at Camp Devens. Address, St. John’s Cathedral, Cleve- land, O. Curran, Rev. Edward P., Hartford Born June 14, 1882, in Middletown, Conn. Educated at St. John’s Parochial School, Middletown, Conn., and St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md. He received his theo- logical training at St. Bernard’s Seminary, Rochester, N. Y., and was ordained June 8, 1907. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Curran was commissioned in the Army, August 10, 1918, and was stationed at Camp Upton, N. Y.., until he was discharged December 15, 1918, with the rank of First Lieutenant. He is now Assistant Pastor of St. Patrick’s Church, Hartford, Conn. Daily, Rev. John Walter, Baltimore Born February 23, 1879, in Baltimore, Md. Educated at St. Martin’s School, Baltimore, Md., and St. Mary’s Col- 58 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR lege, North East, Pa. Received his theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md., and was ordained fun? PLO 2 wer tesis ar member, of theswcotiC.)) Lather Daily entered the military service at Washington, D. C., September 12, 1917, and served at Chickamauga, Ga., and Walter Reed General Hospital, Washington, D. C. He was discharged August 1, 1921, and is now on duty in the Baltimore Diocese. Dale, Rev. Hugh Joseph, Philadelphia Born December 21, 1881, in Philadelphia, Pa. Educated at Cathedral Parochial School, Roman Catholic High School and La Salle College, all in Philadelphia. He re- ceived his theological training at St. Charles Borromeo’s Seminary and was ordained May 27, 1908. Father Dale en- tered the military service July 16, 1918, and served at Camp Jackson, 5. C., Newport News, Va., and aboard the U.S:S. Kroonland. He was discharged December 5, 1918, at Camp Jackson, 8. C., with the rank of First Lieutenant, and is now Assistant Rector, Church of the Ascension, 725 East West- moreland Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Dalton, Rev. Edward Patrick, Albany Born March 19, 1882, in Hampton, N. Y. Educated at Hampton District School, Troy Conference Academy, Poultney, Vt., Niagara University, Niagara Falls, N. Y.., and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. He received his theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md., and was ordained June 24, 1910. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Dalton entered the military service at Camp Gordon, Ga., March 19, 1918. Overseas, he was in the Battles of St. Mihiel, the Argonne, and the Meuse- Argonne. He was discharged October 28, 1919, at Camp Mills, N. Y., but later was commissioned First Lieutenant in the Officers’ Reserve Corps. He is now Pastor of St. Joseph’s Church, West Winfield, N. Y. 59 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Dalton, Rev. Hugh Agustine, S.J., M.A. Born September 1, 1879, in Philadelphia, Pa. Educated in the Public Schools, St. Joseph’s Parochial School and St. Joseph’s High School, Philadelphia, Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass., St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and Woodstock College, Woodstock, Md. He re- ceived his theological training at Woodstock, Md., and was ordained) June 25 moan iievis’a +thiDecorcem Keo tunes Father Dalton entered the military service in New York, April 6, 1918, and was sent to the Chaplains’ Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky. After leaving the School, he was assigned to Army Transport Service duty at Hoboken, N. J., and made trips on the U.S.S. Siboney, U.S.8. Kroonland and U.S.S. George Washington. He was discharged at Hoboken, N. J., with the rank of First Lieutenant, April 1, 1919, and commissioned First Lieu- tenant in the Officers’ Reserve Corps, August 29, 1919. He is a teacher in Xavier High School, 30 West 16th Street, New York City. Daly, Rev. James C., S.J. Born October 19, 1869, in Des Moines, Iowa. Educated at St. Ambrose School and Public School, Des Moines, at St. Mary’s College High School Department, St. Mary’s, Kan., and at Creighton College, Omaha, Nebraska. He was ordained June 28, 1906. Father Daly served asa K. C. Auxiliary Chaplain from June 15 to August 20, 1918, at Camp Perry, O. He is now Father Minister at St. Ignatius College, Chicago, II. Dandeneau, Rev. Arthur J., Albany Born April 28, 1891, in Cohoes, N. Y. Educated at St. Joseph’s School, St. Ann’s School and St. Joseph’s High School, Cohoes, at St. Joseph’s College, Three Rivers, P. Q.., Can. He received his theological training at St. Joseph’s 60 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Seminary, Three Rivers, P. Q., Can., and was ordained June 27, 1915. He is a member of the K. of C. and Ameri- can Legion. Father Dandeneau entered the naval service on September 27, 1918, at the Boston Navy Yard. He served at the Boston Navy Yard, the Chelsea Naval Hos- pital, aboard the Transport Wilhelmina, and at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. He was discharged September 18, 1919, in New York, and is now Assistant Pastor of St. Alphonsus Church, Glens Falls, N. Y. Dankowski, Rev. Edward, Chicago Born May 10, 1891, in Chicago, Ill. Educated at Loyola University. Theology at St. Francis Seminary. Ordained funder ol saiVviember of) the K. of C)AlhambrasGiOchy and American Legion. Commissioned July 30, 1918. Served at Camp Dodge, Ia. Discharged as Captain, at Camp Grant, Ill., August 8, 1919. Appointed Captain, Officers’ Reserve Corps. Assistant Pastor, St. Michael’s Churchw@hicacowl Wa Addressisl/02uiWiest hz thi otreet, Chicago, III. Darche, Rev. Harris A., M.A., Chicago Born June 8, 1888, in Bourbonnais, Ill. Educated at the Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary School, St. Viator’s High School and St. Viator’s College, Bourbonnais. He received his theological training at St. Viator’s Seminary, Bourbonnais, Ill., and was ordained June 1, 1912. He is a member of the American Legion, K. of C., Veterans of Foreign Wars and U. 8. Naval Reserves. Father Darche entered the naval service August 27, 1917, at Chicago, and was sent to Quantico, Va., where he joined the 6th Regiment of Marines, and later went overseas with this regiment, and took part in the engagements in the Troyon Sector, near Verdun, in the Belleau Woods, at Chateau-Thierry and at Soissons. He was gassed at Soissons, July 19, 1918. On 61 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR November 11, 1920, Father Darche was decorated with the Navy Cross, for “extraordinary heroism in rendering serv- ices difficult to measure in the operations against the enemy from June | to June 14, 1918,” etc. Father Darche had been decorated before that with the Croix de Guerre and the Legion d’Honneur, the French Government rewarding him with these decorations on August 15, 1918, for his bravery “in the course of the engagement east of Vierzy, July 19, 1918,” etc. Father Darche was discharged from the service October 15, 1920, with the rank of Lieutenant, junior grade, and is now a Curate at the Immaculate Conception Church, 1415 North Park Avenue, Chicago, III. Darley, Rev. Christian P. J., C.SS.R. Born Nov. 13, 1885, in Charlottesville, Va. Educated at St. Joseph’s School, Denver, Col., and at St. Joseph’s Pre- paratory College, Kirkwood, Mo. He received his theo- logical training at St. Clement’s Seminary, De Soto, Mo., and was ordained June 30, 1910. He is a member of the K. of C., and the American Legion. Father Darley entered the military service on December 11, 1917, and was assigned to Camp Funston, Kan. He later went overseas with the 356th Infantry and saw action in the Toul Sector, at St. Miuhiel and in the Meuse-Argonne. He was discharged from the Army, May 10, 1919, at Plattsburg, N. Y., and is now an Assistant at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Kansas City, Mo. Darley, Rev. Humfrey Vere, Denver Born December 18, 1889, in Fort Worth, Tex. Educated at St. Joseph’s College, Kirkwood, Mo., Regis College, Denver, Col., and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Theology at St. Thomas Seminary, Denver, Colo. Or- dained “April 30) 1914. auvlember, of" Be O Ee tke one and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Commissioned September 62 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Wels.) served int. exas,, Camp (hikemaAtrkces, Camp! Dix, N@ J.) and Manila, P, I.. Temporary).Gaptain, May 19, 1919—June 30, 1920. Retired as First Lieutenant, October 5, 1921. Pastor, Sacred Heart Church, Colorado Springs, Colo. Address, 2026 West Colorado Avenue, Colorado Springs, Colo. | Davern, Rev. John J., Wichita Born July 24, 1882, in Ireland. Educated at the Christian Brothers’ School, Limerick County, Ireland and at Black- rock College, Dublin and St. Patrick’s College, Carlow. He received his theological training at St. Patrick’s Semi- nary, Carlow, Ireland, and was ordained June 8, 1908. Father Davern entered the military service February 20, DG wat Camp iooan ex, Fe served with they l4th Machine Gun Battalion and the 44th Regiment C.A.C., in France, and was at St. Mihiel and in the Meuse-Argonne. He was wounded on September 12, 1918. Now Pastor of St. Patrick’s Church, Walnut, Kan. Davis, Rev. Ernest A., C.S.C. Born August 5, 1883, in Jennings County, Ind. Educated at St. Patrick’s School, Indianapolis, Ind., and St. Patrick’s School, South Bend, Ind., Notre Dame University Prepara- tory School, and Notre Dame University. He received his theological training at Holy Cross College, Washington, D. C., and was ordained June 26, 1909. He is a member of the Veterans of Foreigns Wars. Father Davis entered the military service on February 1, 1918. He served as Assistant Base Chaplain at St. Nazaire, France, and with the 109th Infantry. He was in action with this regiment at the Marne and Vesle Rivers and in the Argonne Forest. He was gassed in the Argonne, October 8, 1918. He was discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., January 27, 1919, as First Lieutenant, and is now teaching at the University of Notre Dame, Ind. 63 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Dean, Rev. T. Henry, New York Born November 17, 1893, in Milbrook, N. Y. Ordained September 8, 1917. Commissioned July 26, 1918. Served at Camp Mills, N. Y., and with the 62nd Infantry, at Camp Lee, Va. Discharged January 22, 1919. Address, 503 East 14th Street, New York City. de Hasque, Rev. Alphonse Mary Urban, S.T.D., L.L.D., Oklahoma City Born July 16, 1875, in Antwerp, Belgium. Educated at the Notre Dame of Grace College in Antwerp, and the Notre Dame College of Peace, Namur, Belgium. He re- ceived his theological training at the Propaganda College, Rome and the American College, Louvain, and was or- dained on July 15, 1900. He is a member of the American Legion and the K. of C. Father de Hasque entered the military service on July 11, 1918. He was commissioned First Lieutenant and assigned to Camp Travis, Tex., where he served from July 15, 1918 to July 31, 1919, the date of his discharge. He received the King Albert Medal, awarded by the King of the Belgians, July 4, 1920, for his services as a Military Chaplain. Father de Hasque was commis- sioned a Captain in the Officers’ Reserve Corps, and is as- signed to the 378th Infantry, 95th Division. He is Rector of St. Anthony’s Church, 607 North Seminole Avenue, Okmulgee, Okla. Delaire, Rev. Joseph, $.M. Born October 24, 1880, in Clermont, France. Ordained June 21, 1904. Commissioned September 27, 1917. Served with the 16th Engineers, A.E.F. Discharged June 27, 1919, in France. Address, Marist College, Washington, Dae: Delaney, Rev. James Matthew, M.A., Pittsburgh Born April 8, 1890, in Mt. Carmel, Pa., where he attended 64 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR the School of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. He took his High School and College courses at St. Vincent College, Beatty, Pa., and advanced studies at Niagara University, N. Y. He received his theological training at Our Lady of Angels Seminary, Niagara University, and was ordained May 27, 1916.) He istaymember of the: K.of Cy father Delaney was commissioned Chaplain, First Lieutenant, August 1, 1918, and served at Camp Dodge, Ia., Camp Meade, Md., Newport News, Va., U. S. General Hospital No. 9, Lake- wood, N. J., and Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. He was discharged at the latter station on December 21, 1919, and is now an Assistant at St. Peter’s Church, McKeesport, Pa. Delaney, Rev. John V., New York Born April 10, 1882. Ordained June 1, 1912. Commis- sioned March 29, 1918. Served at Fort McPherson, Ga., Andee (hcg be oischarzed lulwehy it Olo Vat. Camp Upton. Address, 141 East 43rd Street, New York City. Dempsey, Rev. Thomas, C.P. Born March 8, 1883, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Educated in Brooklyn Public Schools, and at St. Mary’s, Dunkirk, N. Y. He received his theological training at the Passionist Monastery and was ordained May 21, 1910. He is a mem- berson the wAmericany Wecion and «the i Kiajof)} Cy) Father Dempsey was commissioned First Lieutenant Chaplain, mucustilOeel oa rLensenved tatu hort) jay. and: Acbslo. Disciplinary Barracks, Governors Island, New York, and was promoted to the rank of Captain. He resigned from the Army March 30, 1920, and returned to his Order. He was made Assistant Pastor at St. Ann’s Monastery, Scran- ton, Pa. Deneaf, Rev. Michael J., Oregon Commissioned March 2, 1918. Resigned June, 1918. 65 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Deniaud, Rev. Albert, Nantes, France Born January 2, 1878, in Nantes, France. Father Deniaud graduated from the Guirande Seminary, France, and was ordained June 28, 1902. He served as a K. C. Chaplain, in the Base Hospital at Nantes from April, 1918 until July; 1919: Fleastnow. Gurate at: St.i Glement sa@hureas Nantes, France. Desmond, Rev. Daniel Francis, Boston Born April 4, 1884, in Haverhill, Mass., where he attended St. James Parochial School and St. James High School. He graduated from Holy Cross Preparatory and Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. He received his theo- logical training at St. John’s Seminary, Brighton, Mass., and was ordained June 9, 1911. Father Desmond was commissioned a First Lieutenant June 10, 1918, and served at Camp Meade, Md., Curtis Bay Ordnance Depot, Md., and aboard the U.S.S. Martha Washington (transport). He was discharged at Camp Devens, September 29, 1919, and was assigned to St. Clement’s Parish, West Somerville, Mass. Devine, Rev. Thomas J., C.M. Born October 28, 1877, in Evanston, Il]. Ordained Decem- ber Zin 190 1.) Servedaas WO Ge ChaplainvaG:. Gamps@naa N. M., and overseas, November 23, 1917 to July 23, 1919. Address, 1416 Dewey Avenue, Evanston, III. Devlin, Rev. Leo M., Winona Born October 11, 1891, in Rochester, Minn. Educated at St. John’s School, Rochester, Minn., and St. Thomas Col- lege, St. Paul, Minn. He received his theological training at the North American College, Rome, Italy, and was or- dained on March 24, 1917. Heis a member of the K. of C. Father Devlin was commissioned in March, 1918, and 66 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR served in this country at Fort Snelling, Minn., and Camp Hattiesburg, Miss., and overseas in France and later in Germany. He was in the Battles of St. Mihiel and the Meuse-Argonne. He was discharged from the Army as First Lieutenant, August 15, 1919, and on his return to his Diocese was assigned to Parish work at Lanesboro, Minn. Dieckmann, Rev. Francis Henry, St. Louis Born December 9, 1887, in St. Charles, Mo. Educated at St. Peter’s School, St. Charles, Mo., and at Quincy College, Quincy, Ill. He received his theological training at Kenrick Seminary, St. Louis, and was ordained June 9, 1911. Father Dieckmann is a member of the K. of C., W.C.U. and C.K. of A. He entered the military service on July 4, 1918, at St. Louis, Mo., served at Rockwell Field, San Diego, Calif., and was discharged with the rank of First Lieutenant at San Diego, January 6, 1919. Father Dieckmann was commis- sioned a First Lieutenant in the Officers’ Reserve Corps, September 8, 1919, and assigned to the 102nd Division. Upon his return to his Archdiocese, he was made Pastor of St. Patrick’s Church, Jonesburg, Mo. Dietz, Rev. John George, Charleston Born September 18, 1894, in Baltimore, Md. Attended St. Michael’s School, Baltimore, Md., Loyola High School, Baltimore, Md., and Baltimore College. Father Dietz re- ceived the degrees of A.B. 1914, and A.M. in 1915. Or- dained May 16, 1918. Served as a Hospital Chaplain at the U.S. Public Health Hospital No. 26, Greenville, S. C., and the Veteran Hospital No. 60 at Oteen, N. C. Address, Bishop of Charleston, 8. C. Dinan, Rev. Thomas Anthony, Ph.D., $.T.L., M.S. Born in New York City, September 16, 1885, where he re- ceived his preliminary education in the Public Schools and 67 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR the Cathedral School. He attended the La Salette Mission- ary College, in Hartford, Conn., and made his novitiate in Stanstead, Quebec, Can. He completed his theology at the Gregorian University, in Rome, Italy, and was ordained at St. John Lateran’s, Rome, Italy, December 18, 1915. Father Dinan served as an American Red Cross Chaplain from January, 1918 to November, 1918, when he was com- missioned a U. 8. Army Chaplain, with the rank of First Lieutenant. He served at Bazoilles sur Meuse, Vosges, from the time of his commission until June, 1919. He was discharged with the rank of First Lieutenant at Camp Dix, N. J., July 9, 1919, and returned to the La Salette College, in Hartford, Conn. Dinand, Rev. Augustine Aloysius, S.J. Born in Boston, Mass., August 20, 1872, where he was edu- cated in the Public and Parochial Schools. He attended the Boston College High School, Boston College, Boston, Mass., and Gonzaga College, Spokane, Wash. He received his theological training at Gonzaga Seminary, Spokane, Wash., and was ordained May 26, 1907. Father Dinand served as a K. C. Chaplain from July 30, 1918 to October 17, 1918, when he was commissioned First Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. He served at Camp Lewis, Wash., until May 10, 1919, when he was discharged with the rank of First Lieutenant. He returned to his Order and was as- signed to Missionary work in California. His headquarters are at 1715 Octavia Street, San Francisco, Calif. Dineen, Rev. Aloysius Charles Augustine, M.A., New York Born in New York City, November 3, 1885, where he was educated at St. Michael’s Parochial School, Xavier High School and St. Francis Xavier’s College. He also studied at the Catholic University in Washington, D. C. He re- ceived his theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, 68 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Yonkers, N. Y., and was ordained September 17, 1910. He is a member of the K. of C. and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Father Dineen entered the military service August 20, 1917, in New York City. He served at Camp Forrest, Ga., with the A.E.F., with the Army of Occupation, at Camp Pike, Ark., Fort Washington, Md., on Transport duty and at Governors Island, N. Y. He was promoted to Captain in August, 1922, and was eliminated under the Army Reduction Bill, December 15, 1922, when he was assigned as Assistant at St. Stephen’s Church, 143 East 28th Street, New York City. Dobyns, Rev. Placide Thomas Lawson, O.S.B. Born February 5, 1876, in Weimar, Tex. Received pre- liminary education at Public School, Milliken’s Bend, La., and under private tutor. Then attended New Orleans Diocesan Seminary in the Preparatory and Grand Divisions, and was ordained July 11, 1900. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Dobyns accepted a commission as First Lieutenant in the Army July 13, 1918, and was assigned to the 4th Train Battalion, Camp MacArthur, Tex. His next assignment was with the 162nd Depot Brigade at Camp Pike, Ark., where he served from July 20, 1918 to February 28, 1919. He was transferred to the Demobilization Group at the same Camp, and was discharged with the rank of First Lieutenant, June 14, 1919, and returned to his Order to take up teaching at the Seminary in charge of the Bene- dictines, at St. Benedict, La. He was commissioned in the Officers’ Reserve Corps, a First Lieutenant Chaplain, on January 6, 1920. Dodd, Rev. Francis J., Ph.D., C.M. Born April 8, 1888, in Brooklyn, N. Y., where he attended the Public Schools, St. John’s College Preparatory School and St. John’s College. He received his theological train- 69 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR ing at St. Vincent’s Seminary, Germantown, Pa., and was ordained December 14, 1912. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Dodd entered the military service at Camp Dix, N. J., April 8, 1918, and served at Camp Taylor, Ky., in the Transport Service and at Camp Merritt, N. J. He was discharged at Hoboken, N. J., with the rank of First Lieutenant, January 25, 1919, and returned to his Order to act as Director of Seminarians at the Seminary of Our Lady of Angels, Niagara University, Niagara, N. Y. Dodge, Rev. Andrew O., O.5.A. Born October 3, 1882, in Escatawpa, Miss. Ordained July 25,1914. Commissioned August 15,1918. Served at Camp Devens, Mass., and Camp Custer, Mich. Discharged March 20, 1920. Address, 300 Haverhill Street, Lawrence, Mass. Doherty, Rev. Andrew A., S.J. Born January 2, 1876, in Southport, Eng. He received his preliminary education in the Southport Grammar Schools and later attended Mungret College, Limerick, Ireland. He received his theological training at the Im- maculate Conception Seminary, Montreal, P. Q., Can., and was ordained July 26, 1908. Father Doherty served as a K. C. Chaplain from July 1, 1918 to September 18, 1919, and during that time was stationed at Camp Logan, Tex., and overseas at Croix d’Hins, Montierchaume, and Liver- pool. On returning to his Order, he was assigned to the Jesuit High School at New Orleans, La. Doherty, Rev. Francis Brooks, C.S.P. Born December 21, 1862, in Boston, Mass., where he at- tended the Public School and the English High School. He received his collegiate training at Mt. St. Mary’s, Emmitsburg, Md., and the College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minn. He received his theological training at the Paulist 70 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Seminary of St. Thomas, in Washington, D. C., and was ordained June 21, 1895. Father Doherty was commissioned in the Army in April, 1902, at San Francisco, Calif. In 1898, however, Father Doherty had acted as staff Chaplain without commission, with General Wesley Merritt in the expedition to the Philippines. Besides his service in the Philippines, Father Doherty also served in China, Cuba, Porto Rico, on the Mexican Border and in France, and Italy. He was decorated with the French Medaille d’Honeur by President Poincare on October 3, 1919. He was cited once in 1904 and twice in 1905 for gallantry in caring for the wounded under fire, in the Philippine cam- paign. Father Doherty retired from the Army with the rank of Major, on October 16, 1920. He acted as Chaplain in the Veteran Service, at the U. 8. Veterans’ Hospital, Dawson Springs, Ky., from September, 1922 to January, 1923, when he returned to the Archdiocese of St. Paul, where he had been adopted upon his resignation from the Paulist Fathers. Doherty, Rev. John E., Hartford Born September 27, 1886, in Washington, Conn. He at- tended St. Mary’s Parochial School, New Britain, Conn., and St. ‘Thomas Preparatory, Hartford, Conn. He received his theological training at the Royal University, Budapest, Hungary, and was ordained June 26, 1909. He is a mem- ber of the K. of C. Father Doherty was commissioned First Lieutenant in February, 1918. He served as Post Chaplain at Contre, France, with the 2nd Division Head- quarters, and with Field Hospital No. 23, 2nd Division. He was in action in the Chateau-Thierry Sector, in the Aisne-Marne Offensive, at the Marbach Sector, in the St. Mihiel Offensive and in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive. He was cited for fidelity to duty, in July, 1918. Father Doherty was discharged with the rank of First Lieutenant, August 71 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR 12, 1919, at Camp Upton, N. Y., and returned to his Diocese to take up the work of Curate at St. Francis Church, Torrington, Conn. He was commissioned First Lieutenant in the Reserve Corps, January, 1922. Dolan, Rev. Bertrand C., O.S.B. Born June 9, 1886, in Cambridge, Mass. He attended the School of St. Mary of the Annunciation and St. Thomas Aquinas High School at Cambridge, and St. Anselm’s Col- lege in Manchester, N. H. He received his theological training at the Benedictine Seminary, and was ordained June 17, 1911. He was commissioned First Lieutenant, March 21, 1918, and served at Camp Hancock, Ga., and overseas at Mehun Cher, France and Post Montierchaume. Father Dolan was discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., August 14, 1919, with the rank of First Lieutenant. He returned to his Order and took up his duties as Rector of St. Anselm’s College, at Manchester, N. H. Dolan, Rev. James, Fall River Born in Taunton, Mass., August 9, 1880. He attended the Public Schools of ‘Taunton and the College of St. Laurent, in Montreal, Can. He received his theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md., and was ordained June 20, 1912. Father Dolan was commissioned First Lieu- tenant, August, 1918. Heserved at Camp Taylor, Ky., and overseas with the 115th Infantry, 29th Division, and at Hospital No. 57. He was in action at the Meuse-Argonne. He was discharged September, 1919, at Camp Devens, Mass., with the rank of First Lieutenant, and returned to his diocese. His address is 61 Summer Street, Taunton, Mass. Dolan, Rev. Patrick Leo, Hartford Born August 15, 1880. Ordained June 21, 1912. Com- 72 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR missioned August 26, 1918. Served at Hoboken, N. J., until discharged, May 28, 1919. Address, St. John’s Church, Middletown, Conn. Donahue, Rev. Charles A., Boston Born October 1, 1888, in Winchester, Mass. He attended the Public School and High School in Winchester and from there went to St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md. He received his theological training at St. John’s Seminary, Brighton, Mass., and was ordained January 10, 1914. He is a member of the American Legion, the K. of C., and the M.C.O.F. Father Donahue entered the military service July 23, 1918, when he was commissioned First Lieutenant. Pfeysctvcdyaty@amp) Lice) ay Renniman mVayaivew port News, Va., and as Transport Chaplain aboard the Trans- ports Antigone and Buford. He was discharged July 30, 1919, with the rank of First Lieutenant. His address is 676 Washington Street, Brighton, Mass. Donahue, Rev. Philip Edward, Philadelphia Born December 4, 1890, in Chester, Pa. He attended the Immaculate Heart Parish School in Chester, and the Roman Catholic High School for Boys in Philadelphia. He re- ceived his collegiate and theological training at St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pa., and was ordained March 18, 1916. He is a member of the American Legion and the K. of C. Father Donahue entered the naval service January 31, 1918. He served at the Newport: Naval Training Sta- tion and later aboard the U.S.S. Delaware and the U.S.S. Florida as Chaplain to all Catholics in American Squadron of Grand Fleet. He was present at the surrender of the German Fleet in the North Sea, November 21, 1918. Father Donahue was discharged April 30, 1919, with the rank of Lieutenant, junior grade. After leaving the service, Father Donahue was appointed Dean of St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pa. 73 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Donegan, Rev. John Joseph, Boston Born March 30, 1891, in North Abington, Mass., where he attended Grammar School and High School. He then went to Boston College and after graduating had his theo- logical training at St. John’s Seminary, Brighton, Mass. He was ordained June 2, 1916. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Donegan was commissioned First Lieu- tenant, June 6, 1918, and served at Camp Gordon, Ga., Camp McClellan; Ala: and Camp Bowie, Tex.. He was discharged at Camp Bowie, January 16, 1919, and is now an Assistant in St. William’s Parish, Dorchester, Mass. Donnermeyer, Rev. Leo J., Pittsburgh Born January 9, 1886, in Pittsburgh, Pa. He attended St. Augustine’s School in Pittsburgh, St. Fidelis College, Her- man, Pa., and St. Vincent’s College, Beatty, Pa. He received his theological training at St. Vincent’s Seminary, Beatty, Pa., and was ordained July 1, 1911. Father Donnermeyer was commissioned First Lieutenant, July 22, 1918. He served at Camp Meade, then aboard the Transport Antigone and later at Debarkation Hospital No. 51, Hampton, Va. He was discharged with the rank of First Lieutenant, July 8, 1919, and is now Pastor of St. Martha’s Church, Leech- burg, Pa. Donnelly, Rev. Francis F., New York Born December 3, 1881, in New York City. Educated at . Holy Cross Academy, Fordham High School and Fordham College, in New York City. He received his theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y., and was ordained June 13, 1908. Heis a member of the Ameri- can Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the K. of C. Father Donnelly was commissioned First Lieutenant August 14, 1917. He served with the 23rd Infantry, in France, from November, 1917 to July, 1918, with the 309th 74 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Infantry, July, 1918 to May, 1919, 7th Field Artillery, in Germany, May, 1919 to August, 1919, at Camp Taylor, Ky., October, 1919 to January, 1920, at the Disciplinary Bar- racks, Alcatraz, Calif., January—October, 1920, and at Fort Russell, Wyo., as Chaplain of the 53rd Infantry from Octo- ber, 1920 to the present writing. He was in the Battle of the Aisne and St. Mihiel. He was wounded at St. Mihiel, October 4, 1918. Donoghue, Rev. Walter John, Rochester Born June 21, 1889, in Rochester, N. Y. Attended District Schools in the towns of Victor and East Bloomfield, East Bloomfield High School, St. Andrew’s Preparatory Semi- nary, Rochester. He received his theological training at St. Bernard’s Seminary, Rochester, N. Y., and was ordained Pune Owalol Onebteus avmember, ot the, Kot, Coa hather Donoghue was commissioned August 26, 1918, as First Lieutenant. He served at Camp Taylor, Ky., Camp Meade, Md., with the Army of Occupation, in Germany, at Port- land, Me., and Camp Devens, Mass. He was discharged October 5, 1920, at Coblenz, Germany, to accept a commis- sion in the Regular Army. He is now Chaplain of the 5th U.S. Infantry, stationed at Camp Devens, Mass. Donovan, Rev. Cornelius Francis, Chicago Born August 18, 1876, in Hamilton, Ontario, Can. Edu- cated in the Parish Schools and Cathedral High School of Hamilton and at the Colleges of St. Jerome, Kitchener, Ont., and St. Michael, Toronto. He received his theo- logical training at the Grand Seminary, Montreal, P. Q., Can., and at St. Michael’s in Toronto. He was ordained on June 5, 1909. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Donovan was commissioned First Lieutenant on August 15, 1918, and served at Camp Pike, Ark., until his discharge on December 4, 1918. He was commissioned First Lieu- 79 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR tenant Chaplain in the Reserve Corps, in January, 1919. He is the Managing Editor of the New World, the Chicago Archdiocesan Weekly Newspaper. Donovan, Rev. Edward J., O.P. Born May 21, 1892, in Charlestown, Mass. Educated at St. Francis de Sales School, Charlestown, Mass., Boston College High School, Boston, Mass., and Immaculate Con- ception College, Catholic University, Washington, D. C. He received his theological training at the Dominican House of Studies, Washington, D. C., and was ordained June WS ,AOl7 hic is) aimember of thei kh One aan en Donovan was inducted as a K. C. Chaplain in May, 1918, and served at Camp Humphries, Va., in this capacity until August, 1919, when he returned to his Order and became a teacher at Aquinas College, in Columbus, O. Donovan, Rev. John J., New York Born June 20, 1881, in Boston, Mass. Ordained May 21, 1910. Commissioned March 21, 1918. Served at Jackson Barracks, La., until discharged, January 15, 1919. Ad- dress, 351 East 55th Street, New York City. Donovan, Rev. Michael W., Denver Born December 15, 1873, in Andover, Mass. Ordained July 5, 1903. Commissioned July 8, 1917. Had previous service in the National Guard. Served in the A.E.F., with the 144th Machine Gun Battalion. Discharged August 19,. 1919, at Camp Dix. Address, 2820 East 14th Avenue, Denver, Colo. Donovan, Rev. Samuel Magner, Portland Born August 27, 1881, in Quincy, Mass. Educated in the Grammar Schools of Quincy, at the Adams and Thayer Academies at Quincy and Braintree, Mass., and at St. Bona- venture College, Allegany, N. Y. He received his theo- 76 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR logical training at the Collegio di Sant’ Antonio, Rome, Italy, and was ordained for the Franciscans, July 24, 1904. He remained with the Franciscans until 1921, when he was adopted by the Diocese of Portland. He is a mem- ber of the K. of C. Father Donovan was commissioned First Lieutenant, October 16, 1918, and served at Camps Colt, Dix, and Benning. He was discharged at Newport News, Va.,. May 20, 1919, and resides at 156 Danforth Street, Portland, Me. Donovan, Rev. Timothy James, Boston Born August 11, 1887, in Winchester, Mass. He attended the Chapin School and Wadleigh Grammar School in Win- chester and Winchester High School, and St. Charles Col- lege, Ellicott City, Md. He received his theological train- ing at St. John’s Seminary, Brighton, Mass., and was or- dained on April 6, 1914. Father Donovan was commis- sioned First Lieutenant in August, 1918, and served at Camp Taylor, Ky., on the Transport Plattsburg, and Camp Dix, N. J. He was discharged October 23, 1919, as First Lieutenant at Camp Dix, N. J., and returned to his Archdiocese to take up his work as Assistant at St. Patrick’s Church, Roxbury, Mass. Dooley, Rev. Erasmus, O.F.M. Born August 13, 1886, in Calumet, Mich. Ordained June 13, 1913. Commissioned May 14, 1918. Served in the A.E.F; Discharged July 11, 1919. Address, 1615. Vine Street, Cincinnati, O. Doolin, Rev. Juniper William, O.F.M. Born September 23, 1880, in San Francisco, Calif. He at- tended Public School at San Leandro, Calif., St. Francis School, Watsonville, Calif., and St. Joseph’s College, Teu- topolis. He took his philosophy at the Franciscan College 77 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR in Quincy, Ill., and his theology at the Franciscan Semi- nary in St. Louis, Mo. He was ordained July 5, 1904. Father Doolin was commissioned First Lieutenant August 20, 1918, and served at Headquarters Base Section No. 5, Brest, France, November 2, 1918 to January 20, 1919, and with Prisoner of War Escort Company No. 3, January 20, 1919 to September 27, 1919, at Montoir, France. He was discharged as First Lieutenant at Camp Dix, N. J., October 29, 1919. His permanent address is 3215 Army Street, San Francisco, Calif. Dore, Rev. Ambrose A., Boston Born November 27, 1878. Ordained June 17, 1905. Com- missioned February 18, 1918. Served at U. S. A. General Hospital No. 1, New York City, until discharged March 17,1919. Address, 179 Summer Street, Summerville, Mass. Dougherty, Rev. Daniel Edward, Erie Born December 18, 1886, in DuBois, Pa. Ordained June 10, 1911. Commissioned March 7, 1918. Served with the 508th Engineers in the A.E.F. Discharged May 14, 1919, at Camp Upton. Address, 71714 Washington Avenue, DuBois, Pa. Dougherty, Rev. John A., New York Born August 23, 1887, in Middletown, N. Y. He attended St. Joseph’s School and St. Joseph’s High School at Middle- town, N. Y., and St. Bonaventure’s College at Allegany, N.Y. He received his theological training at St. Joseph’s. Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y., and was ordained May 29, 1915. Father Dougherty was commissioned First Lieu- tenant August 16, 1918, and served at Forts Wetherill and Adams in Rhode Island, and was discharged December 31, 1918, at Fort Adams. He was then assigned to St. Joseph’s Church, 405 West 125th Street, New York City, as an Assistant. 78 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Dougherty, Rev. M. J., 0.S.B. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., dur- ing the war. Dougherty, Rev. Vincent Joseph, C.M. Born December 28, 1889, in Philadelphia, Pa. Educated at the Immaculate Conception School and St. Vincent’s Apostolic School, Philadelphia, Pa. He received his theo- logical training at St. Vincent’s Seminary, Philadelphia, and was ordained September 8, 1915. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Dougherty was commissioned a First Lieutenant on July 12, 1918, and served at Camp Taylor, Ky., and Camp Dix, N. J. He was discharged at Camp Dix, with the rank of First Lieutenant on January 15, 1919. He was commissioned in the Officers’ Reserve Corps as a First Lieutenant, August 26, 1919. His address is 109 East Price Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Dowd, Rev. Casper Edward, M.A., La Crosse Born October 9, 1887, in Chicago, Ill. Educated in the Parochial School, Sparta, Wis., Laurentianum College, Fond du Lac, Wis., and Campion College, Prairie du Chien, Wis. He received his theological training at St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, Wis., and was ordained April 25, 1912. He is a member of the American Legion and the K. of C. Father Dowd was commissioned First Lieutenant June, 1918, and served at Camp Lee, Va., until his discharge at that place in January, 1919. He holds the rank of First Lieutenant Chaplain in the Officers’ Reserve Corps. His address is 318 Fulton Street, Eau Claire, Wis. Dowd, Rev. Stephen Leo, Omaha Born June 10, 1880, in Moscow, Wis. Ordained June 12, 1907. Commissioned June 19, 1918. Served with the 311th 79 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Supply Train, 86th Division, and painfully injured when thrown from one of the train trucks in a collision on way to the Port of Embarkation. Injuries kept him from France and he later served at Fort Omaha, Neb. Discharged July 11, 1919. Address, 3200 North 60th Street, Omaha, Neb. Doyle, Rev. Bernard, La Crosse Born March 17, 1890, in Ireland. Educated in the Irish National Schools, St. Mary’s Seminary, Moyne, Ireland, St. Kieran’s College, Kilkenny, Ireland. Received his theo- logical training at St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, Wis., and was ordained June 1, 1914. He is a member of the American Legion, the K. of C., and the A.O.H. He was commissioned a First Lieutenant, March 1, 1918. He served at Fort Monroe, Va., and Camp Grant, II1., and over- seas with the A.E.F., from September 1, 1918 to May, 1919. He was discharged with the rank of First Lieutenant at Camp Lee, Va., May 9, 1919. He is Pastor of St. Patrick’s Church, Benton, Wis. Drew, Rev. Joseph Francis, Grand Rapids Born March 28, 1879, in Parnell, Mich. Educated at St. Gregory’s Seminary, Cincinnati, O., House of Philosophy, Montreal, Can., and the University of Innsbruck, Inns- bruck, Austria. He was ordained July 27, 1908. Father Drew was commissioned First Lieutenant, November 1, 1918, and served at Camp Custer until he was dis- charged, May 21, 1919. He is Pastor of St. James Church, Montague, Mich. Driscoll, Very Rev. James H., D.D., D.C.L., V.F., Ogdensburg Pastor of the Church of St. John the Baptist, Plattsburg, N. Y., worked as an Auxiliary Chaplain, attending to both Officers’ ‘Trainings Camps at Plattsburg, during 1917. 80 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Duff, Rev. Edward Aloysius, M.A., Charleston Born January 7, 1885, in Philadelphia. Educated at the Catholic High School, Philadelphia, Pa., St. Charles Col- lege, Ellicott City, Md., St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pa., and St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. He was or- daincd incr anliZzeeblesis a membenriatie ix otC. Father Duff entered the naval service as a Chaplain Lieu- tenant, junior grade, December 21, 1915, and has served on the U.S.S. Illinois, at the Training Station, Newport, R. I., on the U.S.8. Olympia, the U.S.S. Nevada, at the Navy Headquarters, London, on the U.S.S. Pittsburgh, Force Welfare Officer in European Waters, at the U. S. Navy and Marine Corps Graves Requisition Office, Paris, and at the Navy Yard, Philadelphia. He was made a Chevalier of the Crown of Italy in May, 1920. Father Duff is now Chaplain at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Duffey, Rev. William Bernard, New York Born December 25, 1883, in Port Jervis, N. Y. Educated at Port Jervis Grammar School, St. Francis Xavier High School, New York City, and University of St. Joseph, Memramcook, N. B., Can. He received his theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y., and was ordained June 2, 1917. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Duffey was commissioned September 24, 1918, First Lieutenant, and served at Camp Upton, N. Y., until his discharge, December 4, 1918. He was commissioned First Lieutenant in the Reserve Corps, January 27, 1922, and attached to the 305th Infantry of the 77th Division. He was assigned to Holy Cross Parish as Assistant, at 329 West 42nd Street, New York City. His permanent address is 37 Fowler Street, Port Jervis, N. Y. Duffy, Rev. Aloysius Bernard, M.A., Indianapolis Born November 7, 1888, in New York City. Educated at St. Gregory’s College, Cincinnati, O., and at St. Francis 81 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR College, Milwaukee, Wis. He received his theological training at St. Meinrad’s Seminary, St. Meinrad, Ind., and was ordained May 15, 1913. He is a member of the Ameri- can Legion, the K. of C., and the Y.M.I. Father Duffy was commissioned a First Lieutenant on August 23, 1918, and served at Camp Sherman, O., until his discharge, December 14, 1918. He is Rector of Sacred Heart Parish in Terre Haute, Ind. Duffy, Rev. Edward Patrick, $.J., M.A., S.J. Born May 26, 1881, in Jersey City, N. J. Educated at St. Peter’s Parochial School, St. Peter’s High School, and St. Peter’s College, Jersey City, N. J. Trained in theology at Woodstock College, Woodstock, Md., and ordained on June 28, 1914. He is a member of the American Legion and the K. of C. Father Duffy was commissioned a Lieu- tenant, junior grade, in the Navy, April 6, 1918. He served at the Brooklyn Navy Yard and on the Receiving Ship at Bay Ridge, N. Y. He was discharged at Brooklyn, Septem- ber 20, 1919, and went to the Philippine Islands on Mission- ary work. Duffy, Rev. Francis Patrick, A.M., D.D., $.T.D., L.L.D., P.R. New York Born May, 1871, in Cobourg, Ontario, Can. Educated at the Cobourg Separate School, the Cobourg Collegiate In- stitute, St. Michael’s College, Toronto, and St. Francis Xavier’s College, New York. He received his theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Troy, N. Y., and at the Catholic University of America, and was ordained Septem- ber 6, 1896. He is a member of the K. of C. and the Rain- bow Division Veterans. Father Duffy began his military career when he entered the 69th Regiment, N.G.N.Y., on November 6, 1914, although he had served as Hospital Chaplain at Montauk Point in 1898, during the Spanish- 82 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR American War. Father Duffy served on the Mexican Border in 1916-17, and then went through the campaign in France with the 69th Regiment, the name of which had been changed to the 165th Infantry. Father Duffy was decorated during the World War, with the Distinguished Service Cross, the Distinguished Service Medal, the Legion d’Honneur, and the Croix de Guerre with palm. He was discharged May, 1919 at Camp Upton, N. Y., with the rank of Captain. He returned to the 165th Infantry, with the rank of Major Chaplain, a rank which he also holds in the Reserve Corps. Father Duffy is Permanent Rector of Holy Cross Church, 329 West 42nd Street, New York City. Duffy, Rev. James E., Ogdensburg Born December 16, 1876, in Lowell, Mass. Ordained June 9, 1901. Commissioned August 20, 1918. Eliminated December, 1922. Address, 110 Main Street, Niagara Falls, INGRY. : Dufrane, Rev. Leo John, Fort Wayne Born June 25, 1892, in Oswego, N. Y. Educated at Oswego State Normal School, Oswego, N. Y., and at St. Joseph’s College, Collegeville, Ind. He received his theological training at St. Meinrad’s Seminary, Indianapolis, Ind. He was ordained June 15, 1917. Father Dufrane entered the naval service, September 23, 1918. He served on the Re- ceiving Ship at the Navy Yard in Brooklyn and in the Transport Service. He was discharged August 26, 1919, and re-commissioned in the Naval Reserves as a Lieutenant, junior grade. His permanent address is 625 Broadway, Dunkirk, Ind. Dunigan, Rev. Patrick Richard, $.T.L., Detroit Born July 15, 1871, in Emmett, Mich. Educated in the District School, Emmett, Mich., Assumption College, Sand- 83 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR wich, Ont., Can., and St. Jerome’s College, Kitchener, Ont., Can. He received his theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md., and was ordained March 25, 1898. He is a member of the K. of C., American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Rotarian Club and Elks. Father Dunigan was appointed Chaplain in the Michigan National Guard, September 9, 1907, with the rank of First Lieu- tenant, and was promoted to Captain, September 9, 1914. He was commissioned Chaplain Captain in the U.S. Army, August 5, 1917, and was promoted to Major, March 21, 1919. Father Dunigan served on the Mexican Border in 1916-17, and in the World War was under fire in the Alsace Defensive Sector, at the Aisne-Marne Offensive, at the Oise- Aisne Offensive, and in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive. He was gassed at the Ourcq River, August 1, 1918. In 1919, he served with the Army of Occupation in Germany. He was decorated with the Distinguished Service Cross, May 22, 1923, the Croix de Guerre, bronze star and Croix de Guerre, silver star. He also was made a Chevalier in the Legion d’Honneur. He was discharged from the U. S. Army with the rank of Major, at Camp Dix, N. J., Septem- ber 12, 1919, and resumed his commission as Major in the Michigan National Guard. He was appointed as Visitor to the U.S. Naval Academy, at Annapolis, Md., by Presi- dent Harding. He is Pastor of St. Michael’s Church in Flint, Mich. Dunn, Rev. Thomas Joseph, Pittsburgh Born August 10, 1887, in East Pittsburgh, Pa. Educated at St. Coleman’s Parochial School, Turtle Creek, Pa., and Holy Ghost College (now Duquesne University), Pitts- burgh. Received his theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md., and ordained June 17, 1913. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Dunn was com- missioned First Lieutenant, August 21, 1918, and served 84 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR at Camp Meade, Md., until his discharge, February 28, 1919. His permanent address is Mt. Gallitzin Academy, Baden, Pa. Dunne, Rev. Thomas J., New York Born October 28, 1882, in Staten Island, N. Y. Ordained June 2, 1912. Commissioned September 17, 1917. Served in the A.E.F. with the 306th Infantry. Wounded in action. Discharged May 14, 1919. Received Distinguished Serv- ice Cross in 1923. Address, 69 Osgood Avenue, Stapleton, Stage INGLY. Dunnigan, Rev. James Anthony, New York Born December 3, 1888, in New York City. Educated at Public School No. 20, and Public School No. 2, Morris High School and Cathedral College, New York City. He received his theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Yonkers, N. Y., and was ordained June 17, 1916. Heisa member of the K. of C. Father Dunnigan was commis- sioned First Lieutenant August 5, 1918, and served at Mitchell Aviation Field, Garden City, L. I., Ordnance Camp, Penniman, Va., and aboard the Transport Mercury. He was discharged as First Lieutenant at Hoboken, October 11, 1919. Was in the Officers’ Reserve Corps, from January, 1920 until October, 1921. His address is 135 East 96th Street, New York City. Dunphy, Rev. John Carroll, Altoona Born October 28, 1882, in Altoona, Pa. Ordained March 17, 1910. Commissioned August 6, 1918. Served in the A.E.F. at Evacuation Hospital No. 15. Discharged June 23, 1919, at Camp Dix. Address, Wilmore, Pa. Durand, Rev. Leon Marie Joseph, Angers, France Born February 3, 1871, in Le Pin en Manges, France, where he was educated in the local Schools and in the College de Bore UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Beaupréau. He received his theological training at the Grand Seminary of Angers and was ordained June 29, 1894. Father Durand was inducted into the service as K. C. Auxiliary Chaplain at Saumur, France, October 1, 1917. He served at Saumur and at Villebernier and had previous service in the French Army for 19 months. He was dis- charged from the K. C. service July 25, 1919. He is Pro- fessor of German at the College of St. Louis in Saumur. Dusseau, Rev. Arthur Charles, O.M.L. Born June 28, 1885, in Toledo, O., where he attended Gram- mar and High School. He pursued his collegiate studies at Sacred Heart College, Denver, Colo., and St. Anthony College, San Antonio, Tex. He received his theological training at the Oblate Scholasticate in San Antonio, Tex., and was ordained June 30, 1914. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Dusseau was commissioned First Lieu- tenant, July 8, 1918. He served overseas and was under fire in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Father Dusseau was discharged August 19, 1919. He had seen previous service as Chaplain of the 2nd Infantry at Eagle Pass, Tex. His permanent address is 202 St. Mary’s Street, San Antonio, hex Earley, Rev. Thomas J. Francis, M.A., Mobile Born July 7, 1882, in New York City. Educated at the Immaculate Conception School, Xavier High School, and St. Francis Xavier College, New York City, and in Mt. St. Mary’s College, Emmittsburg, Md. He received his theo- logical training at St. Bernard’s Seminary, Rochester, N. Y.., and was ordained June 8, 1912. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Earley was inducted as Auxiliary Chap- lain, September, 1917, at Anniston, Ala., and served until June, 1920. He is Pastor of Sacred Heart Church, Annis- ton, Ala. 86 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Ebert, Rev. William Leo, St. Louis Born October 19, 1889, in St. Louis, Mo. Educated at St. Liborius Parochial School, St. Louis, and St. Louis Pre- paratory Seminary. He received his theological training at St. Louis Theological Seminary in St. Louis, and was ordained June 12, 1913. He is a member of the American Legion, K. of C., and C. K. of A. Father Ebert was com- missioned First Lieutenant, April 20, 1918. He served at Fort Sam Houston, Tex., Key West Barracks, Key West, Fla., and Fort Moultrie, 5. C. He was discharged Decem- ber 12, 1918, and was commissioned First Lieutenant in the Officers’ Reserve Corps, October 3, 1919. His address is 4133 Humphrey Street, St. Louis, Mo. Eding, Rev. James Henry, C.M. Born February 22, 1874, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Attended Our Lady of Victory Parochial School, Public School No. 35, St. John’s High School, and St. John’s College, all in Brooklyn. He had his theological training at St. Vincent’s Seminary, Philadelphia, Pa., and was ordained November ApioU laitlecissay member, of the, Kot Cx) Hather sEding was commissioned First Lieutenant, December 3, 1917, and served with the 58th Coast Artillery, 4th Naval District, at Cape May, N. J., in the A.E.F., and at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Father Eding cared for the wounded at Chateau-Thierry, and in the St. Mihiel Drive. He was also with his regiment in its attack on the outskirts of Metz, until the close of the war. He was discharged March 1, 1919. He is Assistant Pastor at Cristobal, Canal Zone. Egan, Rev. Peter F., M.A., Newark Born June 7, 1888, in Jersey City, N. J. Educated at St. Charles College, Md., and Seton Hall College, South Orange, N. J. Theology at Seton Hall. Ordained June 87 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR 10, 1911. Commissioned August 15, 1917. Served at Camp Colt, Md. Discharged as First Lieutenant at Camp Dix, N.J., January, 1920. Address, St. Joseph’s Church, Roselle, NG TS Eickhoff, Rev. Hildebrand, O.S.B. Born February 14, 1885, in Jordan, Minn. Educated in the Public School, Stearns County, Minn., and at St. John’s University, Collegeville, Minn. He also received his theo- logical training at St. John’s University, Collegeville, Minn., and was ordained June 13; 1911) He is a member) of the American Legion. Father Eickhoff was commissioned First Lieutenant, March 20, 1918, and served at Camp Gordon, Atlanta, Ga., Camp Jackson, Columbia, 8. C., and Camp Sevier, Greenville, 5. C., and was discharged at Camp Sevier, with the rank of First Lieutenant, December 24, 1918. He returned to his Order and was assigned to the Pastorate of St. Nicholas Church, Garrison, N. D. His permanent address is St. John’s Abbey, Collegeville, Minn. Kilers, Rev. George C., M.A., Milwaukee Born March 4, 1887, in Chicago, [1]. In Milwaukee, Wis., he attended Public School, St. Patrick’s School, Marquette Academy, and Marquette College. He received his theo- logical training at St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, Wis., and was ordained March 10, 1912. He is a member of the American Legion, Military Order of Foreign Wars and K. of C. He entered the military service with the Wisconsin: National Guard, July 13, 1917. He served at Camp Doug- las and Camp MacArthur, and overseas in France and Bel- gium. He was in action on the East Poperinghe Line, at Dickiebusch, Vierstraat, on the Hindenburg Line, at Bony, St. Souplet, Abre Guernon, Jonc de Mer Ridge, Jonquier Farm and St. Maurice River. He was cited in Special Orders issued at the Headquarters of the 27th Division and 88 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR was discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., with the rank of Captain, April 2, 1919. He was commissioned Captain, in the Wisconsin National Guard, November 4, 1919. Father Eilers was assigned to St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, Wis., after his discharge from the Army. Ellis, Rev. William Francis, Sacramento Born July 24, 1881, in Ireland. He was educated at the Christian Brothers’ Schools and All Hallows College, in Dublin, Ireland. He received his theological training at the Irish College in Rome, and was ordained May 28, 1904. Father Ellis is a member of the K. of C. He served as a K. C. Chaplain during the war at Mather Field, Calif. His address is 2549 32nd Street, Sacramento, Calif. Emanuel, Rev. Juvenal Frank, O.F.M. Born December 5, 1886, in North Bend, Dodge Co., Neb. Educated at District School No. 52, Dodge Co., Neb., St. Francis Acadmy, Columbus, Neb., St. Joseph’s Col- lege, Teutopolis, Ill., and Convent School, Quincy, II. He received his theological training at West Park Semi- nary, West Park, O., and St. Anthony’s Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. He was ordained June 28, 1912. He is a member of the American Legion and the K. of C. Father Emanuel was commissioned First Lieutenant, April 13, 1918. Hetsenved at Camp PikemArk Aprils [une1918).Camp Dix, N. J., June-August, 1918, and in the A.E.F., August, 1918 to May, 1919. He was discharged at Camp Meade, Md., with the rank of First Lieutenant, June 10, 1919. He returned to his Order and was assigned as Professor at Quincy College, Quincy, Ill. Eula, Rev. John Baptist, New York Born in Italy, June 23, 1873. Educated at Mondovi High School, Mondovi, Italy and Saluzzo College, Saluzzo, 89 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Italy. He received his theological training at the Seminary in Saluzzo, Italy, and was ordained June 15, 1898. Father Eula was commissioned First Lieutenant October 15, 1918, and served at Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D. C. He was discharged with the rank of First Lieutenant at Washington, D. C., December 31, 1918. He is Pastor at Glasco, N. Y. Eustace, Rev. Batholomew J., New York Born October 9, 1887, in New York City. Educated at Public School No. 25, New York City, Xavier High School, New York City, and College of St. Francis Xavier, New York City. He received his theological training at the American College in Rome, Italy, and was ordained November 1, 1914. Father Eustace served as K. C. Chap- lain at Pelham Bay Naval Training Station, from June, 1918, to February, 1919. He is a Professor at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Yonkers, N. Y. Eustace, Rev. Thomas Francis, Erie Born May 2, 1886, in Reno, Pa. Educated at Reno Public School, St. Joseph’s Parochial School, Oil City, Pa. St. Joseph’s High School, Oil City, Pa., St. Bonaventure’s High School, St. Bonaventure, N. Y., and St. Bonaventure’s Col- lege, St. Bonaventure, N. Y. He received his theological training at St. Bonaventure’s Seminary, and was ordained June 2, 1917. Father Eustace was commissioned First Lieutenant, August 2, 1918, and served at Camp Taylor, — Ky., Le Mans, France, and Fort Bouguen, France. He was discharged September 20, 1919, with the rank of First Lieutenant and was assigned an Assistant at the Sacred Heart Church) Sharon ba, Exler, Rev. Francis Xavier John, M.A., O. Praem. Born November 30, 1891, in Winssen, Netherlands. Edu- cated at the Brothers’ School, Schiedam, Holland, the Pre- 90 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR paratory Seminary, Culemborg, Netherlands, the Latin School of Gemert, Netherlands, and the Catholic Uni- versity, Washington, D.C. He received his theological train- ing at St. Norbert’s Priory, Depere, Wis., and was ordained October17,. 1914 Heis a member of the Ki of @. Father Exler was commissioned a First Lieutenant July 12, 1918, and served at Camp Taylor, Ky., and Fort Mills, Corregi- dor, P. I. He was discharged at Camp Grant, IIl., as First Lieutenant, July 23, 1919. Upon his discharge, he re- sumed his studies at the Catholic University, Washington, 1D}, KO: Fahy, Rev. Martin Edward, New York Born October 18, 1883, in New Haven, Conn. Educated at St. John’s Parochial School, New Haven, Conn., Hill- house High School, New Haven, Conn., Holy Cross Col- lege, Worcester, Mass., and Catholic University, Washing- ton, D.C. Received his theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y., and was ordained September 20, 1913. Heis a member of the American Legion and the K. of C. Father Fahy was commissioned a First Lieu- tenant in August, 1918, and served in France with the 103rd Ammunition Train, 28th Division. He was discharged with the rank of First Lieutenant, May 28, 1919. After his discharge he was appointed Assistant at the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, 472 West 142nd Street, New York City and also to do special work as Chaplain of the Catholic Actors’ Guild of America. Falley, Rev. Louis Anthony, M.A., S.J. Born November 29, 1872, in La Fayette, Ind. Educated at St. Mary’s Parochial School, La Fayette, Ind., St. Viator’s College, Bourbonnais, Ill., and St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. Received his theological training at St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo., and was ordained June 26, 1907. 91 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Father Falley was commissioned First Lieutenant, Septem- ber 18, 1918. He served in the Toul Sector with the 64th Infantry, at Base Hospital No. 113, Savenay, France, and with the 7th Division at Camp Funston, Kan. He was discharged July 5, 1920, at Camp Funston, Kan., with the rank of First Lieutenant. His permanent address is Loyola Academy, Loyola Avenue, and Sheridan Road, Chicago, Ill. Falotico, Rev. Nicholas, Tricarico, Italy Born December 13, 1883, in Corleto Porticara, Italy. Edu- cated in the Public School of his native town and in the High School and College of Tricarico. Received his theo- logical training in the Seminary at Tricarico, and was or- dained December 18, 1908. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Falotico served as a K. C. Chaplain during the war and worked at both military and naval stations. He served at Camp Upton, L. I., Camp Merritt, N. J.. Camp Stuart, Va., Camp Vail, N. J., Air Naval Station, Chatham, Mass., Hospital No. 36, Detroit, Mich., Naval Station, Great Lakes, Ill., Brooklyn Navy Yard, Naval Station, Bay Ridge, L. I., Submarine Base, New London, Conn., Block Island, R. L., and Hospital No. 41, New Haven, Conn. Father Falotico was discharged from the service, June 16, 1922, and was assigned as Assistant at the Church of the Sacred Heart of Mary, 317 East 33rd Street, New York City. Farley, Rev. Eugene Bernard, O.P. Born July 2, 1881, in Versailles, Conn. Educated in the Public Schools in Auburn and Milbury, Mass., St. Laurent College, Montreal, P. Q., and St. Dunstan’s College, Charlottetown, P. E. I. He received his theological train- ing at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D. C., and was ordained June 15, 1917. Father Farley 92 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR served as an Auxiliary Chaplain in Texas during the war and is stationed at 3614 Travis Street, Houston, Tex. Farrell, Rev. Leo Louis, O.P. Born August 15, 1887, in Chamberlain, S$. D. Educated in the Public Schools in Chamberlain, 8S. D., at Parochial Schools in Mitchell, S. D., La Crosse, Wis., Mason City, Ta., and Minneapolis, Minn., and at St. Thomas College, St. Paul, Minn. He received his theological training at St. Joseph’s Novitiate, Somerset, O., and the Dominican House of Studies, Washington, D. C. He was ordained June 15,1917. Father Farrell served as an Auxiliary Chap- plain at Washington, D. C., during the war. Later went to the Parish of St. Catherine of Sienna in New York City. Farrell, Rev. William J., Boston Born December 24, 1877, in South Boston, Mass. Educated in Boston Public Schools, Boston Latin School and Boston College. Received his theological training at St. John’s Seminary, Boston, Mass., and was ordained December 18, 1902. He isa member of the K. of C. Father Farrell served asa K. C. Chaplain from August to October, 1917. He was commissioned First Lieutenant October 6, 1917, and served from October 9, 1917 to October 13, 1918 with the 103rd Field Artillery in France, and from October 14, 1918 to February 18, 1919, with the 104th Infantry in France. He then returned to the 103rd Field Artillery and served with them in France until April 10, 1919. In France, he was in action at Chemin-des-Dames, Seicheprey, Xivray, Aisne- Marne Defensive, Aisne-Marne Offensive, St. Mihiel Of- fensive, Verdun Sector, and Meuse-Argonne. He was wounded at Seicheprey, April 21, 1918, and at Trugny, July 23, 1918. He was decorated with the Croix de Guerre. May 29, 1918, cited for the Distinguished Service Cross, April and November, 1918, and awarded the Distinguished 93 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Service Cross in 1922.’ He is First Lieutenant in the Re- serve Corps, and 181st Infantry, Mass. N. G. Returned to duty in his Archdiocese as Assistant at St. Thomas Church, Wilmington, Mass. Farrelly, Rev. John A., M.A., New York Born July 5, 1883, in New York City. Educated at the Cathedral School, New York City, and in Mt. St. Mary’s College, Emmitsburg, Md. Received his theological train- ing at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y., and was ordained June 10; 1911) “Hevis a member of the Ky or G: Father Farrelly was commissioned First Lieutenant, August 17, 1917, and assigned to Camp Dix. He went overseas and was in action at St. Mihiel and the Meuse-Argonne. He was discharged June 8, 1919, and was assigned to Corpus Christi Church, 535 West 121st Street, New York City. Fasnacht, Rev. Walter L., Chicago Born January 28, 1892, in Cleveland, O. Educated at St. Mary’s and St. Stephen’s Parochial Schools, Cleveland, O., ~Commercial High School of St. Mary’s, Cleveland, O., and St. Ignatius College. Received his theological training at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, and was ordained June, 30; 1915, ) He is a member of the K. of .C.) and the C.0.0.F. Father Fasnacht was commissioned a First Lieu- tenant at the Chaplains’ Training School, Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., in November, 1918, and remained there until his discharge, December 12, 1918. He was re-commissioned © a First Lieutenant in the Officers’ Reserve Corps and as- signed as Chaplain to the 332nd Field Artillery. His permanent address is 2343 Walnut Street, Chicago, III. Faurote, Rev. David Leo, Fort Wayne Born August 24, 1883, in Decatur, Ind. He attended School in Pleasant Mills, Ind., and Decatur, Ind., High School in 94 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Monroe, Ind., and College in Valparaiso, Ind., and St. Joseph’s Rennsalaer, Ind. He received his theological training at Mt. St. Mary’s of the West and was ordained June 27, 1914. He is a member of the American Legion and the K. of C. Father Faurote was commissioned First Lieutenant, October 12, 1918, and served at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., General Hospital No. 21, Denver, Colo., and Camp Funston, Kan. He was discharged June 2, 1919. His address is Sacred Heart Church, Wanatah, Ind. Fealey, Rev. John Joseph, M.A., Philadelphia Born January, 1892, in Oxford, Pa. Educated in Parochial, Catholic High School, and St. Charles College, Philadel- phia. He received his theological training at St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pa., and was ordained in May, Wiosm ties ao member \ot) the American” esoion) KX. of C., Epiphany Naval Battalion and A.O.H. He was commissioned First Lieutenant in February, 1918, and served at Wilbur Wright Field, Fairfield, O., until he was discharged in March, 1920. ae permanent address is 710 North 44th Street, Badelonin Pa. Fealy, Rev. Ignatius Joseph, Baltimore Born July 31, 1878, in Osage County, Mo. Educated at St. Aloysius Parochial School, Washington, D. C., Gonzaga College, Washington, D. C., and St. Charles College, Elli- cott City, Md. Received his theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md., and was ordained December 17, 1904. He is a member of the American Legion and the K. of C. Father Fealy was commissioned First Lieutenant, February 3, 1914 and served at Fort Myer, Va., Schofield Barracks, Hawaii and Camp Taylor, Ky. He was also an instructor at the Chaplains’ Training School, Fortress Monroe, Va., and at Camp Zachary Taylor. Later he was made Division Chaplain of the Second Division, 95 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR at Camp Travis, San Antonio, Tex., with the rank of Captain. Father Fealy left the Army in December, 1922, under the Army Reduction Bill and returned to his Arch- diocese. Featherston, Rev. John Joseph, M.A., J.C.L., Scranton Born July 2, 1878, in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Educated at St. Mary’s Parochial School and St. Mary’s High School, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., St. Laurent College, Montreal, and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. He received his theological training at St. Bernard’s Seminary, Rochester, N.Y., and was ordained July 25, 1911. Father Featherston was commissioned November 2, 1918. He made six trips aboard the Transport Ryndam, and served at Camp Hill, Stuart, Va., and at the Ports of Debarkation at Newport News, Va., and Hoboken, N. J. He was discharged at Camp Dix) Nv.) withthe rank of Captain; September 1919. His permanent address is 315 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Feeney, Rev. Eugene J., Lincoln Born November 20, 1871, in Sligo, Ireland. Educated in the Irish National Schools and at St. Joseph’s College, Black Rock, Ireland, and at the Grand Seminary, Lyons, France. He received his theological training at All Hallows Semi- nary, Dublin, Ireland, and was ordained June 23, 1895. He is a member of the American Legion and the K. of C. Father Feeney served as a K. C. Chaplain and Red Cross Chaplain prior to entering the Army on January 1, 1918. He was discharged at Camp Dodge, Ia., August 13, 1919. His permanent address is Auburn, Neb. Fehlner, Rev. Felician M., O.M.C. Born August 15, 1890, in Utica, N. Y. Educated at St. Joseph’s Parochial School and Assumption Academy, 96 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Utica, N. Y., and St. Francis College, Trenton, N. J. He received his theological training at the Canisianum, Inns- bruck, Tyrol and was ordained June 30, 1915. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Fehlner was commissioned a First Lieutenant, July 20, 1918, and served in the Ord- nance Camp, Mehun sur Yevre, France. He was dis- charged September 2, 1919, at Louisville, Ky., with the rank of First Lieutenant and returned to Missionary work in his Order. His permanent address is St. Catherine’s Rectory, Seaside Park, N. J. Feinler, Rev. Franz Joseph, Sioux Falls Born March 28, 1871, in Gissigheim, Baden. Educated at Volkschule in Gissigheim, the Gymnasium in Tauber- bischofsheim and the University of Freiburg. Received his theological training at Freiburg Seminary and the Col- legio Urbano di Propagando Fide, Rome, Italy. He was ordained June 12, 1897. Father Feinler was commissioned First Lieutenant, February 16, 1909, and served at Van- couver Barracks, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, Fort McKinley, P. I., Tokio, Fort Davidson and Fort Shafter. He was discharged April 20, 1918, and is now Chaplain of St. John’s Hospital, Port Townsend, Wash. Feskens, Rev. Joseph, M.A., Nottingham, England Born July 28, 1869, in Niel, Belgium. Educated at Hoog- straten College, Belgium. He received his theological training at the Mechlin Seminary, Malines, Belgium, and at the Seminary in Nottingham, England, and was ordained May 27, 1893. Father Feskens served as an Auxiliary Chaplain with the American troops who went to the British Camps at Riby, Brocklesby, Immingham and Killinghome, from their arrival in England until their departure. 97 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Fink, Rev. Leo Gregory, Philadelphia Born April 4, 1886, in Reading, Pa. Educated at St. Peter’s Parochial School, Public Schools, and Inter-State College, Reading, Pa. Received his theological training at St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pa., and was ordained May 27, 1916. Father Fink was commissioned First Lieutenant, July 25, 1918, and served at Fort Oglethorpe, Camp For- rest, Ga., and Camp Devens, Mass. He was discharged January 28, 1919. He was commissioned First Lieutenant in the Reserve Corps, October 3, 1919, and was made Rector of St. Bartholomew’s Church, Brockton, Pa. Finn, Rev. John Henry, M.A., T.O.R. Born February 20, 1889, in Hoboken, N. J. Educated at St. Charles Borromeo’s School and St. Francis Academy, Brooklyn, Nw Y.)) and? ot: Francis; Collese)) Lorcttomaa a Received his theological training at the Monastery Novitiate in Spalding, Neb., and at St. Francis Semi- nary, Loretto, Pa. He was ordained June 29, 1914. Father Finn is a member of the K. of C., Elks, American Legion and A.O.H. He was commissioned Lieutenant, junior grade, in the Navy, December 12, 1917, and served at the Boston Navy Yard, Hospital No. 2, Scotland, aboard the U.S.S. Nevada, and the U.S.5. Nereus, and at the Navy Yard in Portsmouth, N. H. His permanent address is 389 Ninth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Finn, Rev. John Joseph, M.A., Brooklyn Born March 20, 1888, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Educated at St. Anthony’s aendvell School, St. Leonard’s Academy, St. John’s Preparatory School, “it St. John’s College, all in Brooklyn. Received his theological training at St. John’s Seminary, Brooklyn, and was ordained May 19, 1914. He is a member of the K. of C. and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Father Finn was commissioned First Lieutenant, 98 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR March 28, 1918, after having served as a Civilian Chaplain at Plum Island, N. Y., from January 22, 1918. He later served at General Hospital No. 16, New Haven, Conn., and in the A.E.F., with the 514th Engineers and the 60th In- fantry. He was in action in the Vosges Mountains and in the St. Mihiel Offensive. He had his arm injured at St. Mihiel, September 14, 1918. Father Finn was discharged May 3, 1919. He is Assistant Rector of St. Andrew’s Church, Flushing, L. I.,and Associate Editor of The Tablet. Finnegan, Rev. Edward Joseph, C.S.C. Born July 23, 1882, in Syracuse, Ind. Educated at St. Patrick’s School and St. Patrick’s High School in Chicago, and Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, Ind., and Catho- lic University, Washington, D. C. He received his theo- logical training at Holy Cross Seminary, and was ordained Huiner25.) Lo LOoreus/aymempcr ot the) Kk. of (Gu Hhather Finnegan was commissioned First Lieutenant January 11, 1918. He served in Camp Shelby, Miss., Camp Taylor, Ky., in France and in the Duchy of Luxembourg. He was discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., in May, 1919, with the rank of First Lieutenant and returned to his Order to take up his work as Professor of Church History at Holy Cross College, Washington, D. C. Finnerty, Rev. John J., Newark Born November 17, 1888. Ordained May 3, 1916. Com- missioned July 29, 1918. Served at Camp Dix, N. J., and overseas. Discharged at Camp Upton, May 15, 1919. Ad- dress, 827 Washington Street, Hoboken, N. J. Finnigan, Rev. George J., C.S.C. Born February 22, 1885, in Potsdam, N. Y. Ordained June 13, 1915. Commissioned January 12, 1918. Served in A.E.F., with 80th Field Artillery. Discharged July 15, 1919, at Camp Sherman. Address, Notre Dame, Ind. 99 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Fitzgerald, Rev. David Patrick, Indianapolis Born February 29, 1888, in Charleston, Ill. Ordained June 10, 1911. Commissioned September 23, 1918. Discharged January 8, 1919. Served at Camp Funston. Address, 1800 Virginia Street, Evansville, Ind. Fitz-Gerald, Rev. James P., Baltimore Born March 25, 1867, in Tescas, Baltimore County, Md. Educated in the Tescas Public School, Calvert Hall, Balti- more, St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, and Catholic Uni- versity, Washington, D. C. He received his theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md., and was ordained June 20, 1890. Father Fitz-Gerald served as Auxiliary Chaplain at the Aberdeen Proving Ground from December, 1917 to June, 1919. His permanent address is St. Patrick’s Church, Havre de Grace, Md. Fitzgibbon, Rev. James Joseph, Springfield Born January 29, 1888, in Limerick, Ireland. Educated in National Schools, Ireland, Public School, Holyoke, Mass., Holy Rosary High School, Holyoke, Mass., and Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. Received his theo- logical training at the Grand Seminary, Montreal, P. Q., Can., and was ordained December 19, 1914. He is a mem- ber of the American Legion, the K. of C., the C.O.0.F., and the A.O.H.. Father Fitzgibbon was commissioned First Pieutenant)7Anousty 23,0) Ole ie anda servedmnatauaniD Taylor, Ky., and at Camp Devens, Mass, being discharged at the latter station, January 29, 1919, with the rank of First Lieutenant. His address is St. Mary’s Rectory, Milford, Mass. Fitzpatrick, Rev. Aloysius Mark, Grand Rapids Born April 25, 1889, in Au Sable, Mich. Ordained May 17, 1913, in Rome, Italy. Commissioned August 21, 1918. Discharged December 3, 1918. Address, 733 Bridge Street, N.W., Grand Rapids, Mich. 100 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Fitzpatrick, Rev. Timothy Francis, C.P. Born December 18, 1875, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Educated at the Holy Family School, Brooklyn, N. Y., and St. Mary’s College, Dunkirk, N. Y. He received his theological train- ing at the Passionist Seminary, and was ordained January 18, 1903. He is a member of the American Legion and the K. of C. Father Fitzpatrick was commissioned First Lieu- tenant, August 29, 1918, and served at Camp Hill, Va., and aboard the Transport Patria. He was discharged at Hoboken, N. J., December 30, 1918, and assigned to St. Ann’s Monastery, Scranton, Pa. Flanagan, Rev. Thomas A., Albany Born April 6, 1881, in Hudson, N. Y. Ordained May 21, 1910. Commissioned December 4, 1917. Served with the 30th Infantry, A.E.F. Discharged at Camp Dix, May 21, 1919. Address, 27 South Front Street, Hudson, N. Y. Fleming, Rev. Joseph C., New York Born May 28, 1882, in Waterbury, Conn. Educated at Washington Grammar School, Waterbury, Conn., Crosby High School, Waterbury, Conn., Holy Cross College, Wor- cester, Mass., and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. He received his theological training at St. Joseph’s Semi- nary, Dunwoodie, N. Y., and was ordained September 18, WOU erisea membcrvor ther Kot Gi ihatherv Eb leming served asa K. C. Chaplain at the Pelham Bay Naval Train- ing Station from October, 1918 to June, 1919. Father Fleming was a member of the New York Apostolate Band at the time of his service and was made head of the Mission Band in September, 1922. Fleuren, Rev. Henry Roch, S.J. Born May 18, 1873, in Orthen, Holland. Educated in the Public School, Antwerp, Belgium, Apostolic School, Turn- 101 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR hout, Belgium, Loyola University, New Orleans, La. He received his theological training in the Jesuit House of Studies, and was ordained June 28, 1906. Father Fleuren was commissioned First Lieutenant, November 8, 1918; he served at Camp Stewart, Va., and in the Transport Service and was discharged October 7, 1919, at Camp Pike, Ark., as a First Lieutenant. He holds the rank of First Lieu- tenant in the Reserve Corps, and is on duty at the Sacred Heart Church, Galveston, Tex. Flynn, Rev. Clement I., O.M.I. Born November 10, 1889, in Lawrence, Mass. Educated at St. Mary’s Parochial School, Lawrence, Mass., Lawrence High School, Lawrence, Mass., and Villanova College, Villanova, P. A. Received his theological training at the Oblate Scholasticate, Washington, D. C., and was ordained June 2, 1916. Father Flynn served as a K. C. Chaplain, April, 1918 to September, 1920, at Portsmouth and Norfolk, Va. His permanent address is Tewksbury Novitiate, Tewks- bury, Mass. Flynn, Rev. Edwin A., Hartford Born March 30, 1886, in Derby, Conn. Educated at St. Thomas Seminary, Hartford, Conn. Philosophy at St. John’s, Boston. Theology at St. Mary’s, Baltimore, Md. Ordained May 30, 1915. Member of the K. of C. Com- missioned September 13, 1917. Served at Camp Devens, and in France with the 301st Infantry, 76th Division. Dis- charged May 22, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieu- tenant. Diocesan Supervisor of Schools. Address, Box 17, Niantic, Conn. Fogarty, Rev. Michael Edward, M.A., Ogdensburg Born November 23, 1873, in New York City. Educated at Public School No. 27, Xavier High School and Manhat- 102 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR tan College, New York City, and Mt. St. Mary’s, Emmitts- burg, Md. Received his theological training at Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary, and was ordained June 17, 1902. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Fogarty was commis- sioned First Lieutenant, August 5, 1918, and served at Camp Meade, Md., with the 17th Infantry. He was discharged at Camp Meade with the rank of First Lieutenant, Decem- ber 14,1918. He was commissioned First Lieutenant in the Officers’ Reserve Corps, August 29, 1919, and promoted to Captain, May 31, 1922. Heis Pastor of St. Cyril’s Church, Alexandria Bay, N. Y. Foley, Rev. Charles L., Springfield Born November 5, 1884, in North Adams, Mass. Educated at St. Joseph’s School and St. Joseph’s High School, North Adams, Mass., and Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. He received his theological training at the Grand Seminary, Montreal, P. Q., and was ordained December 17, 1910. He is a member of the American Legion and the K. of C. Father Foley was commissioned First Lieutenant April 15, 1918, and served at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. He was dis- charged August 19, 1919, at Camp Devens, Mass., with the rank of Captain. His permanent address is 507 Appleton Street, Holyoke, Mass. Foley, Rev. George Washington, New York Born April 30, 1889, in New York City. Educated at St. Teresa’s School, La Salle Academy, and Cathedral College. Received his theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y., and was ordained September 19, 1914. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Foley was com- missioned Lieutenant, junior grade, in the Navy, June 22, 1917. Heserved on the Receiving Ship at New York, until August 13, 1917, and then aboard the U.S.S. Nebraska, until January 2, 1919, in convoy and escort duty. He was 103 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR discharged January 2, 1919, at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, with the rank of Lieutenant, junior grade. His permanent address is 351 East 55th Street, New York City. Foley, Rev. William F., S.J. Born November 5, 1878, in Detroit, Mich. Educated in the Public Schools, Central High School, and University of Detroit. Received his theological training at St. Stanis- laus Seminary, Florissant, Mo., and was ordained June 28, 1916. He was commissioned First Lieutenant, Novem- ber 15, 1918, and was discharged November 26, 1918, at Camp Taylor, Ky. He is an instructor at the University of Detroit. Ford, Rev. George Barry, New York Born October 28, 1885, in Annsville, N. Y. Educated in the Public Schools of Utica, Utica High School and Niagara University. Received his theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Yonkers, N. Y., and was ordained June 6, 1914. He was commissioned First Lieutenant, April 6, 1918,/and served at: Camp) Waylor, Ky. Fort Sill) Oklay Camp Grant, Ill., and Camp Knox, Ky. Father Ford was discharged from the service in December, 1922. His perma- nent address is 1546 Dudley Avenue, Utica, N. Y. Foote, Rev. Bernard A., M.A., S.J. Born February 13, 1883, in Chicago, Ill. Educated at the Madison Avenue Public School, and St. James Parochial School, Chicago, St. Ignatius High School, Chicago, St. Ignatius College, Chicago, and St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. Received his theological training at St. Louis University, and was ordained June 30, 1915. Father Foote acted as an Auxiliary Chaplain at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. He is an instructor at St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. 104 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Fornes, Rev. Walter Francis, Buffalo Born March 6, 1883, in Buffalo, N. Y. Educated at Public School No. 8, and St. Louis Parochial School, Buffalo, Canisius High School and Canisius College, Buffalo. Re- ceived his theological training at the Jesuit Seminary, Inns- bruck, Austria, and was ordained July 18, 1908. Father Fornes served in the National Guard from March 4, 1911 until it was federalized, July 15, 1917. He was on the Texas Border in 1916, and in July, 1917, went to Camp Wadsworth with the 106th Field Artillery. In France, he served with the 104th Field Artillery, and was in the Battle of the Meuse-Argonne. He was discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., March 31, 1919, with the rank of First Lieu- tcNanivtiemismNector) Ofmoorcter and -Paul@hurcn, Williamsville, N. Y. Fosselman, Rev. Isidore Francis, O.F.M. Born September 21, 1878, in Waverly, Ia. Educated at St. Bernard’s School and St. Bernard’s High School, Waverly, Ia., and at St. Joseph’s College, Teutopolis, II. He received his theological training at the Franciscan Monastery, and was ordained June 27, 1903. He was com- missioned First Lieutenant, April 1, 1918. He served at Newport News, Va., and at Hoboken, N. J., and in the Transport Service. He was discharged February 24, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J., with the rank of First Lieutenant, and was made Superior of the Franciscan Monastery and Novi- tiate at Teutopolis, Ill. Fox, Rev. George Golden, D.D., Ph.D., S.J. Born April 28, 1878, in Gold Hill, Nev. Educated at Notre Dame Parochial School, San Francisco, St. Ignatius High School, San Francisco, St. Ignatius College, San Francisco, and Gonzaga University. Received his theo- logical training at the Papal Seminary, Villa San Luigi, 105 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Naples, Italy, and was ordained July 27, 1913. He is a member of the American Legion, Y. M. I., and the K. of C. He was commissioned First Lieutenant August 10, 1918, and served at Fort Worden, Fort Casey, Fort Flagler, Puget Sound, Wash. He was discharged January 7, 1919, with the rank of First Lieutenant, at Puget Sound, and later was com- missioned First Lieutenant in the Officers’ Reserve Corps. He is a Professor at the University of Santa Clara, Santa Clara, Calif. Fox, Rev. Patrick J., Alton Born March 17, 1877, in Manorhamilton, Ireland. Edu- cated in the National Schools, Ireland, and St. Joseph’s College, Cork, Ireland. Received his theological training at Lyons Missionary Seminary, France, and St. Joseph’s Seminary, Cork, Ireland. He was ordained June 4, 1911. Father Fox isa member of the Ki of"C)ihleiserved asia K. C. Chaplain from October, 1918 until October, 1919, and was stationed at Evacuation Hospital No. 24, Mesvés, France. He is Pastor of the Sacred Heart Church, Diver- non, Ill. Fox, Rev. Raymond J., Green Bay Born July 31, 1883. Ordained July 10, 1910. Commis- sioned March 23, 1918. Discharged July 15, 1922. Ad- dress, c/o Bishop Rhode, Route 6, Green Bay, Wis. Francis, Rev. Paul James, M.A., S.A. Born January 16, 1863, in Millington, Md. Educated in the Public School, Kent Island, Md., and under private tutor, and in St. Stephen’s College, Preparatory and College De- partments, Annandale, N. Y. Father Francis studied at the Protestant Episcopal General Theological Seminary from 1882 to 1885. He entered the Catholic Church in October, 1909, and studied theology at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dun- 106 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR woodie, N. Y., and was ordained in June, 1910. Father Francis served as Volunteer Chaplain during the war for the sailors who were stationed at the Peekskill Rifle Range. He still acts as Volunteer Chaplain to the National Guard Troops of New York, during their summer encampments at Peekskill. His permanent address is St. Paul’s Friary, Graymoor, Garrison, N. Y. Francky, Rev. H. Valentin, $.S. Hearts Picpus Born April 9, 1863, in Ruysbroeck, Belgium. Educated at Brothers of Mercy School, Mechlen, Belgium, and at the Jesuit College, Turnhout, Belgium. He received his theo- logical training in Louvain, Belgium, and Vannes, France, and was ordained December 23, 1888. He entered the mili- tary service July 1, 1916, and served at Fort Shafter and Schofield Barracks, T. H., until his discharge, February 14, 1917. He had three years previous service in the National Guard of Hawaii. His permanent address is Catholic Mission, Honolulu, T. H. Frawley, Rev. Lawrence William, Chicago Born August 18, 1892, in Chicago, Ill. Educated at the Burnside Public and Holy Cross Parochial School in Chicago, and at the Cathedral College of the Sacred Heart, Chicago. Received his theological training at St. Bernard’s Seminary, Rochester, N. Y., and was ordained June 17, 1916. He is a member of the K. of C. and the American Legion. He was commissioned First Lieutenant July 31, 1918, and served at Ellington Field, Tex., and Camp Logan, Tex. Father Frawley was discharged January 22, 1919, at Camp Logan. He had six years previous service in the Illinois National Guard. He holds the rank of First Lieu- tenant in the Chaplains’ Reserve Corps. His permanent address is 2343 Walnut Street, Chicago, II. 107 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Frein, Rev. Frederick John, Dubuque Born October 21, 1888, in Stacyville, Ia. Educated at St. Mary’s School, Stacyville, Ia., and St. Lawrence College, Mt. Calvary, Wis. Received his theological training at St. Paul’s Seminary, St. Paul, Minn., and was ordained June 9, 1914. He is a member of the American Legion, the K. of C., and the C.O.0.F. Father Frein was commissioned First Lieutenant in June, 1918, and served at Camp Dodge, Ta., with the 88th Division, and in France at Camp Hospital No. 68, and Base Hospital No. 208. He was discharged at Camp Lee, Va., with the rank of First Lieutenant, June 14, 1919. “He is the Pastoriot the Sacred, Heart; Churchjot: Anthony, Ia. Frigon, Rev. Jean B., O.M.I. Born July 21S7 bing Staiviaunice, P.O Canc ccante an American citizen in 1894. Educated at St. Joseph’s College toi hree) Rivers yh Qn) Cana hecelven alsin cos logical training at Ottawa University, Canada, and was ordained December 25, 1894. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Frigon served asa K. C. Chaplain at Browns- villeex 2 Ele scuvediasvaidelevate tor the IN. Coy eco Europe in 1922. His permanent address is Sacred Heart Rectory, Brownsville, Tex. Froehlich, Rev. Robert J., Baltimore Born December 22, 1880, in Baltimore. Ordained Septem- ber 22, 1908. Commissioned September 11, 1918. Served at Hospital No, 19, Oteen, N.C. Discharged January 9, 1919. Address, 2436 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W., Wash., 1B @.. Fullam, Rev. Dennis F., Providence Born August 15, 1882, in Glendale, R. I. Ordained Decem- ber 18, 1909. Commissioned October 8, 1918. Served at Raritan Arsenal and in Transport Duty. Discharged September 12, 1919, at Camp Upton. Address, Bristol, R. I. 108 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Fuller, Rev. Bernard Andrew, M.A., S.J. Born November 10, 1885, in Washington, D. C. Educated at St. Aloysius Parochial School, St. Joseph’s School, Gon- zaga College High School, and Gonzaga College, Washing- ton, D. C., and Woodstock College, Woodstock, Md. Re- ceived his theological training at Woodstock College, Md., and was ordained May 18, 1918. He served as Auxiliary Chaplain at Camp Meade, Md., October 1, 1918 to June 1, 1919. His permanent address is 651 Washington Street, Buffalo, N.Y: Gagnon, Rev. Arthur, P. J., Fall River Born in Fall River, Mass., September 4, 1886. Educated at the Notre Dame Parochial School, Fall River, Mass., and at St. Laurent’s College, Canada. Received his theo- logical training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, and was ordained May 28, 1916. Father Gagnon was commissioned First Lieutenant January 3, 1918. He served at Base Hos- pital No. 101, St. Nazaire, for five months and for one year with the 327th and 328th Infantry Regiments of the 82nd Division. He was in action in the Argonne and Meuse Offensives. He was cited for bravery and devotion to duty duting the advance of his regiment from La Forge, France to Sommerance, France, October 7 to November 1, 1918. He was discharged May 22, 1919, at Camp Lee, Va., with the rank of First Lieutenant. His permanent address is St. Anthony’s Church, New Bedford, Mass. Gallagher, Rev. Ambrose, 0.5.B. Born August 4, 1881, in Charlotte, N. C. Educated in the Parish School, Charlotte, N. C., the Hudson Business Col- lege of North Carolina, Belmont Abbey High School, N. C., Belmont College, N. C., University of Virginia, Va., and Columbia University, N. Y. He received his theological training at Belmont Abbey, N. C., and was ordained June 109 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR 10, 1906. He isamember of the K. of C. Father Gallagher acted as a K. C. Auxiliary Chaplain at Fort Screven, Ga., from October, 1917 to October, 1919. His permanent ad- dress is The Benedictine School, Savannah, Ga., where he is Rector. Gallagher, Rev. Daniel Thomas, Ph.D., Cleveland Born April 9, 1891, in Cleveland, O. Educated at St. Malachi’s and St. Patrick’s Schools, Cleveland, St. Ignatius High School, Cleveland, and St. Ignatius College, Cleve- land. He received his theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Cleveland, and was ordained May 29, 1915. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Gallagher was com- missioned First Lieutenant, August 23, 1918, at Camp Taylor, Ky., and served at Laheycourt, France, Virton, Belgium, Gravenmacher, Luxembourg, and Wittlich, Ger- many. He was discharged with the rank of First Lieu- tenant, July 3, 1919, at Camp Sherman, O. His permanent address is Assumption Church, North Broadway, Geneva, O., where he is Pastor. Gallagher, Rev. James F., North Carolina Served as an Auxiliary Chaplain at Camp Bragg, N. C. Galvan, Rev. Jeremiah, San Francisco Born February 27, 1887, in Ireland. Educated in the [rish National Schools, St. Michael’s High School, Listowel, Ireland, and St. Brendan’s College, Killarney, Ireland. Re- ceived his theological training at St. Patrick’s Seminary, Thurles, and was ordained June 18, 1911. He is a member of the American Legion. Father Galvan was commissioned First Lieutenant, November 5, 1917. He served at Camp Lewis, Washington, before going overseas. He was in action in the St. Mihiel and Argonne Offensives. He was cited for gallantry under fire in the Argonne. He was dis- 110 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR charged in London, England, July, 1919, with the rank of First Lieutenant. His permanent address is St. Helena, @alit. Galvin, Rev. James Francis, Springfield Father Galvin has been attending the U. S. Veteran Hos- pital at Greenville, 5. C., since December, 1921. Gamache, Rev. Peter Calixtus, Manchester Born June 18, 1883, in Manchester, N. H. Educated in St. Augustine’s Academy, Manchester, N. H., Nicolet Col- lege, P. Q., Can., and House of Philosophy, Montreal, Can. He received his theological training at St. John’s Seminary, Brighton, Mass., and was ordained September 18, 1909. He is a member of St. John the Baptist’s Union of America. Father Gamache was commissioned First Lieutenant Febru- ary 2, 1918, sailed immediately for France and was assigned to the Second Division. He was in action with that Divi- sion at Chateau-Thierry, June, 1918, in the Aisne-Marne Offensive, July, 1918, later at Pont-a-Mousson, St. Mihiel, Blanc Mont Ridge, and the Meuse-Argonne, until the sign- ing of the Armistice. With the Second Division, Father Gamache marched to the Rhine and remained in Germany until July, 1919. He was discharged at Camp Devens, Mass., August 26, 1919, with the rank of First Lieutenant. Permanent address, P. O. Box 39, Farmington, N. H. Ganey, Rev. John Joseph, Rochester Born January 30, 1885, in Auburn, N. Y. Educated at Public School No. 5, Auburn, N. Y., St. Mary’s Parochial School, Auburn, N. Y., Auburn Academic High School, Auburn, N. Y., and St. Andrew’s Preparatory Seminary, Rochester, N. Y. He received his theological training at St. Bernard’s Seminary, Rochester, N. Y., and was ordained June 6, 1908. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Ganey 111 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR was commissioned First Lieutenant, April 2, 1918, ordered to Camp Sevier and assigned to the 113th Machine Gun Battalion, 30th Division. Was transferred to the 38th In- fantry, 3rd Division, A.E.F., July 5, 1918, and to the 119th Infantry, 30th Division, January 4, 1919. He was in action in the Second Battle of the Marne, July, 1918, in the opera- tions at the Vesle, August, 1918, in the St. Mihiel Offensive, September, 1918, and in the Meuse-Argonne, September- October, AQISn)DischargedvApril Oo 19 l9 tat Cam pmiags son, 8. C., with the rank of First Lieutenant. His perma- nent address is St. Dominic’s Church, Shortsville, N. Y. Garaix, Rev. John M., Marseilles, France, Montreal Born June 24, 1867, in Dieulefit, Drome, France. Educated in Village School, Charols, France, and the Séminaire de Sainte Garde, Vaucluse, France. Received his theological training at the Jesuit Scholasticate, Montreal, P. Q., Can., and was ordained September 14, 1902. Father Garaix served as a Volunteer Chaplain in Marseilles, France, June to October, 1918, and as a K. C. Chaplain in the American Hospital at Marseilles, October, 1918 to August, 1919. Permanent address, 21 Rue du Camas, Marseilles, France. Garriga, Rev. Mariano Simon, San Antonio Born May 31, 1886, in Pt. Isabel, Tex. Educated in Texas Public and Parochial Schools, by private tutor and in St. Mary’s College, Kan. Received his theological training at St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, Wis., and was ordained July, 2,) LOUliitenisvamember otuthem ie Ory Wane eon Garriga was commissioned a First Lieutenant May 16, 1916. Served at Camp Wilson, Marfa, Big Bend, Brownsville, San Benito, and Camp Bowie, in Texas. He went overseas with the 144th Infantry. Was in action in the Meuse- Argonne Offensive. Discharged July 8, 1919. Permanent address, 2121 S. Presa Street, San Antonio, Tex. 112 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Gaskin, Rev. Charles, C.P. Born July 29, 1891, in Newark, N. J. Educated at St. James Parochial School, Newark, N. J., the Passionist Pre- paratory School, Dunkirk, N. Y. He took Philosophy at the Passionist Monastery, Baltimore, Md., and theology at the Passionist Monastery in West Hoboken, N. J. Or- Gained ViaverZOmnlo isu sy aymember of thesmmerican Legion and the K. of C. Father Gaskin was commissioned Pirstlrentenantenepruary (12 i1918 i ¢Servedy at yhorts Hamilton and Wadsworth in the United States. Overseas, he served at Angers, Nantes and St. Nazaire. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., with the rank of First Lieutenant, Neptember2; 1919. Permanent’ address, St.) Michael’s Monastery, West Hoboken, N. J. Gauthier, Rev. Pierre Henri, Springfield Born May 4, 1883, in Manchaug, Mass. Educated in the Public Schools, Grafton, Mass., Levis Commercial College, Levis, P. Q., Can., and Levis Classical College, Levis, Can. Studied theology at Quebec Seminary, P. Q., Can., and St. Bernard’s Seminary, Rochester, N. Y. Ordained June 8, 1918. Member of American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and L’Union St. Jean Baptiste d’Amerique. Com- missioned First Lieutenant August 23, 1918. Served with the 5th Army Corps and 310th Engineers. Was in the Battle of the Meuse-Argonne. Discharged July 1, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., with the rank of First Lieutenant. Per- manent address, 51 Fountain Street, Holyoke, Mass. Gavin, Rev. Thomas F., New York Born April 6, 1885, in New York City. Educated at St. Brigid’s and St. Ann’s Parochial Schools, New York City, St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md., and Mt. St. Mary’s College, Emmitsburg, Md. Received his theological train- ing at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y. Ordained 113 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR June 10, 1911. Commissioned First Lieutenant April 23, 1918. Served in France with the 2nd Supply Train and the 9th Infantry of the 2nd Division. Was in action with his Division at Chateau-Thierry, Champagne Marne, Aisne- Marne, Marbach Sector, and Meuse-Argonne. Discharged July 9;1919,at;Campeidix. Na. |i asi Binstmiieutciane: Present status, Assistant at St. John Chrysostom’s, Bronx, N.Y. Permanent address, 985 East 167th Street, New York City. Gay, Rev. Peter G., Mon. Served at the Hospital in Fort Stanton, New Mexico. Ad- dress, King City, Calif. Gaynor, Rev. Hugh Augustine, M.A., S.J. Born July 28, 1873, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Educated at St. Peter’s Academy, Brooklyn, N. Y., Fordham Preparatory and Xavier High School, New York City, and Georgetown University, Washington, D. C. Received theological train- ing at Jesuit Seminary, and was ordained July 30, 1910. Is a member of the K. of C. Commissioned First Lieutenant, Aupustul 1915 served! atu Camp. Gordon Gavta@anme McClellan, Ala., and Camp Bowie, Tex. Discharged February 28, 1919, at Camp Bowie, Tex., as First Lieu- tenant. Present status, Professor of Latin, Fordham Uni- versity, New York City. Permanent address, Fordham University, New York City. Geaney, Rev. W. J. No information available. Gearhard, Rev. Augustin Francis, Milwaukee Born April 18, 1893, in Milwaukee, Wis. Educated at SS. Peter and Paul Parochial School, Milwaukee, and at St. John’s Cathedral College, Milwaukee. Received theo- 114 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR logical training at St. Francis de Sales Seminary, St. Francis, Wis. Ordained June 17, 1917. Commissioned First Lieutenant, March 21, 1918. Served with the 328th Infantry, 82nd Division, in Camp Gordon, Ga., and in France. Was in action at St. Mihiel and in the Meuse- Argonne. Was cited three times for bravery in action and devotion to duty. Was decorated with the Distinguished Service Cross, November 20, 1918. Discharged July 19, 1919) at; Camp Dix) Nv \J.)as First Lieutenant.’ ‘Present status, Assistant Pastor, St. Mary’s Church, Milwaukee, Wis. Permanent address, 496 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Gibboney, Rev. John Francis, Seattle Born October 4, 1890, in Tacoma, Wash. Educated at Bremerton Grammar School, Bremerton, Wash., Bremer- ton High School, Bremerton, Wash., and Seattle College, Seattle, Wash. Received theological training at St. Patrick’s Seminary, Menlo Park, Calif. Ordained June 28, 1914. Is a member of the K. of C. Was Auxiliary Chaplain at Camp Lewis, August, 1918, and K. C. Chap- lain at Vancouver Barracks in October, 1918. Reported at Camp Taylor, Ky., Chaplains’ Training School, Novem- ber 15, 1918, and was discharged there, December 3, 1918, as Student Chaplain. Present status, Pastor, Holy Family Church, Seattle, Wash. Permanent address, 1815 West Roxbury Street, Seattle, Wash. Gibson, Rev. William, M.A., Scranton Born September 30, 1883, in Scranton, Pa. Educated at St. Mary’s Parochial School, Scranton, Pa., St. Thomayg College High School Department, and Mt. St. Mary’s College, Emmitsburg, Md. Received his theological train- ing at Mt. St. Mary’s College, Emmitsburg, Md., and Catho- lic University, Washington, D. C. Ordained July 3, 1908. Commissioned First Lieutenant, September, 1917. Served 115 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR in the United States at Camp Devens, Mass., and Fort Sam Houston, Tex., and in France at Base Hospital No. 68. Dis- charged May 30, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieu- tenant. Present status, Pastor, at Montrose, Pa. Permanent address, Montrose, Pa. Gilpatrick, Rev. James William, Scranton Born September 5, 1882, in Carbondale, Pa. Educated in the Public School, Archbald, Pa., Laurel Hill Academy, Susquehanna, Pa., St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md., St. Bonaventure’s College, Allegany, N. Y., and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Ordained September 23, 1909. Is a member of the K. of C. Commissioned First Lieutenant July 24, 1918. Served at Camp Wheeler, Ga., with the 124th Infantry, and at Base Hospital No. 131, in France. Discharged’ May 27, 1919, at Camp Dix, Nv J; as First Lieutenant. Present status, Assistant, St. Gabriel’s, Hazleton, Pa. Permanent address, 122 South Wyoming Street) blazieton) Pa. ) Girard, Rev. Arthur L., Chicago Born October 16, 1882, in Chicago, Ill. Ordained Septem- ber 5, 1908. Commissioned January 24, 1918. Served in the A.E.F. with the 108th Sanitary Train. Address, 6442 Ellis Avenue, Chicago, III. Gleeson, Rev. Matthew Carlin, M.A., New York Born January 3, 1870, in Englewood, N. J. Educated in Christian Schools and Christian High School, Waterford, Ireland, Mt. Melleroy College, Ireland, and Manhattan College, New York City. Received his theological train- ing at St. Joseph’s Provincial Seminary, Troy, N. Y. Or- dained May 30, 1896. Commissioned Lieutenant, junior grade, in the Navy, October 5, 1903. Father Gleeson has the distinction of having been the first Fleet Chaplain in the 116 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR United States Navy. He was appointed Chaplain of the Fleet in June, 1917, and was stationed aboard the U.S.5. Pennsylvania. During the cruise around the world, Father Gleeson was aboard the U.S.S. Connecticut. He was com- mended by President Theodore Roosevelt on the occasion of the explosion aboard the U.S.S. Missouri. His present status is Captain Chaplain, U.S.N., at New York Navy Yard and Naval Hospital. His permanent address is 69 Fast 92nd Street, New York City. Gleissner, Rev. John B., Galveston Born October 31, 1866, in Bavaria. Educated in Govern- ment Schools in Bavaria, and Steyl College, Holland. Re- ceived his theological training at Steyl, Holland, and was ordained July 10, 1889. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Gleissner served as a K. C. Chaplain during the war, and is still a K. C. Chaplain for R.O.T.C., at College Station, Tex. His permanent address is L. B. 914, Bryan, plicxais Glennon, Rev. Edward A., Pittsburgh Born October 19, 1880, in Rondout, N. Y. Ordained December 21, 1907. Commissioned July 23, 1918. Served at Camp Meade, Md., and Camp Forrest, Ga. Discharged January 2, 1919. Address, 69 Bright Street, Jersey City, IN SHE Golden, Rev. James A., Grand Rapids Born June 20, 1873, in Dennison, Mich. Educated in County School and Detroit College and University. Re- ceived his theological training at the Grand Seminary, Montreal, Can., and was ordained December 21, 1901. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Golden served as a K. C. Chaplain. He was with the Ist Division and served at Paris, at Convalescent Hospital No. 99, in the Toul 117 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Sector, in the St. Mihiel Salient and in the Battle of the Argonne. He was wounded in the shoulder on October 5, 1918, during the Battle of the Argonne. Cited for gal- lantry during the engagement at St. Mihiel. Discharged August 30, 1919. His present status is Pastor of St. Simon’s Church, Sudington, Mich. His permanent address is Sudington, Mich. Gorman, Rev. Charles Francis, Philadelphia Born December 23, 1891, in Philadelphia. Educated at Visitation School, Roman Catholic High School, and St. Charles College, Philadelphia. Received his theological training at St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Philadelphia, Pa., and was ordained in May, 1916. Heis a member of the Ki of Ge Shanahan Ga G@ wand the nV ictrix C1Oea Haties Gorman was commissioned October 30, 1917. He served with the 12th Engineers, A.E.F., from December 14, 1917 until April, 1919, and was in action with this regiment in the Somme Defensive, in St. Mihiel and in the Meuse- Argonne. He was discharged on August 1, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., as a First Lieutenant. He is at present an Assistant at Our Mother of Sorrows Church, Philadelphia, Pa. His permanent address is 48th and Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Gorman, Rev. Francis Bertrand, O.P. Born October 24, 1891, in Washington, D. C. Educated in the Public Schools, Gonzaga High School and George- town College, in Washington, and in the Dominican Novi- tiate at Somerset, O. He received his theological training at Immaculate Conception College, and was ordained June 15, 1917. He is a member of the K. of C. Father Gorman served as a Volunteer Chaplain at Belvoir, Va., 118 | UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR in 1918. He is Secretary to the Very Rev. Provincial, at St. Vincent Ferrer’s Priory, 869 Lexington Avenue, New York City. Grace, Rev. William Henry, Green Bay Born September 23, 1883, in West Bloomfield, N. Y. Edu- cated at St. Peter’s Parochial School, Oshkosh, Wis., and St. Thomas College, St. Paul, Minn. Received his theological training at St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minn., and was Ordained | Unewen gies Elevista member of the. Ki jofiC: Father Grace was commissioned First Lieutenant August 11, 1918. He served at Camp Custer, Mich., until his discharge, December 9, 1918. His permanent address is Winneconne, Wis., where he is Pastor of St. Mary’s Church. Gracey, Rev. Edward Jay, Cleveland Born July 20, 1885. Commissioned 1918. Served at Camp Sherman, O. Address, Millport, O. Grant, Rev. James Morgan, D.D., Ph.D., M.A., Wilmington Born July 2, 1879, in Wilmington Del. Educated at Wil- mington Parochial and Public Schools, the Wilmington Public High School, St. Anselm’s College, Manchester, Nid andeot. @harles. College.) Ellicott City, Md,),) Re- ceived his theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md., and the American College, Rome, Italy. Ordained September 18, 1909. Is a member of the Ameri- can Legion and the K. of C. Commissioned First Lieu- tenant, February 21, 1917. Served at Camps Wheeler, Jackson, Merritt, and Gordon, and in France. Discharged January 14, 1918, at Camp Gordon, as First Lieutenant. Now Assistant at St. Patrick’s Wilmington. Permanent address, 1414 King Street, Wilmington, Del. 119 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Grashoff, Rev. Raphael, C. P. Born July 18, 1886, in New Orleans, La. Educated in the Public Schools and Jesuit College of New Orleans, La. Received his theological training at Passionist Retreats in Pittsburgh, St. Louis, Cincinnati, St. Paul and Kansas. Ordained June) 22/1 Odi s)a member ofl the he orm, Father Grashoff was a K. C. Auxiliary Chaplain from November, 1917 to May, 1918, at the Chaplains’ Training School, Camp Taylor, Ky., June-July, 1918. Commissioned First Lieutenant, June 1, 1918, promoted to Captain, March 26, 1919. Recommended for promotion to Major, May 15.) 19192) SérvediatvGanip)*laylor, Ky. and swe yivians France. Was Senior Chaplain at American Embarkation Center, A.E.F. Discharged at Camp Taylor, Ky., August 29, 1919, as Captain. Now on Missionary duty. Perma- nent address, Passionist Fathers, Norwood Park, Chicago, Ill. Grembowicz, Rev. John A., Chicago Born June 11, 1887, in Alexandrowo, Poland. Educated at St. Michael’s School and St. Cyril’s College, Chicago, Ill. Received theological training at St. Francis Seminary, Wisconsin. Ordained June 10, 1911. Commissioned First Lieutenant December 17, 1917. Served at Camp Grant, III., and in) the “ALE F. at) Rennes,” Verduny \Romagne mand Argonne Cemetery. Discharged August 6, 1919, at Camp Grant as First Lieutenant. Permanent address Harvey, IIl., where he is Pastor of St. John’s Church. Gressin, Rev. Charles, D.D., M.S.C., France Born October 31, 1863, in Nerondes Cher, France. Edu- cated at the Bourges Seminary, minor and major, Bourges, France, and at St. Apolinaris Pontifical University, Rome, Italy. Ordained June 24, 1888. Father Gressin served as 120 . UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR an Auxiliary Chaplain and Interpreter to soldiers stationed in and near Mornay Berry, Cher, France, during the war. He is Pastor at the Church there. Griffin, Rev. Edmond J oseph, Kansas City Born November 5, 1883, in Ireland. Educated in the National Schools, St. Flannan’s High School and All Hallows Col- lege, Ireland. Received his theological training at All Hallows Seminary, Ireland, and the Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Ordained June 24, 1908. Commis- sioned First Lieutenant, June 19, 1916. Served at Fort Totten, N. Y., with the A.E.F., and Camp Lewis, Wash. He was in action at the Aisne-Marne, Verdun, St. Mihiel and the Argonne. He is still in the Army and holds the rank of Captain. He is Chaplain at the Disciplinary Bar- racks, Alcatraz, Calif. Griffin, Rev. Patrick H., Indianapolis Born February 8, 1879, in Indianapolis, Ind. Educated in the Public, Parochial and Public High School of Indian- apolis, St. Mary’s College, Kansas, and the Catholic Uni- versity, Washington, D.C. Received his theological train- ing at Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary, Cincinnati, O. Ordained June 11, 1905. Father Griffin was commissioned First Lieutenant, September 23, 1918, and served at Fort Harri- son, Ind., and Fort Bayard, N. M. He was discharged October 18, 1919. Prior to his commission, he served as a K. C. Chaplain. His permanent address is c/o Catholic Church Extension Society, 180 North Wabash Avenue, Chicago, II. Grogan, Rev. Anthony James, New York Born June 14, 1873, in Bracka, Tullamore, Kings County, Ireland. Educated at Mucklagh National School, St. Columba’s School, Tullamore and St. Finian’s College, 121 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Navan, Ireland. Received his theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Troy, N. Y., and St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y. Ordained May 27, 1899. Father Grogan is a member of the K. of C., and served as a K. C. Chaplain at Ellis Island, March 15, 1918 to October 31, 1919. He is Pastor of the Mission of Our Lady of the Rosary, 7 State Street, New York City. Grohman, Rev. Louis J., Grand Rapids Born September 7, 1886, in Saginaw, Mich. Educated at St. Andrew’s School, and St. Andrew’s High School, Sagi- naw, Mich., St. Gregory’s Preparatory Seminary, Cincin- nati, O., and St. Francis Preparatory Seminary, Milwaukee, Wis. Received his theological training at the Grand Semi- nary, Montreal, Can., and St. Thomas Seminary, Denver, Colo. Ordained June 24, 1911. Commissioned First Lieu- tenant, October 15, 1918. Served at Camp Funston, Kan., until his discharge, January 8, 1919. Permanent address, Julesburg, Colo. Grusenmeyer, Rev. Francis Charles, Cincinnati Born January 30, 1886, in Greenville, O. Educated at St. Mary’s Parochial School, Greenville, O., and St. Gregory’s Preparatory Seminary, Cincinnati, O. Received his theo- logical training at Mt. St. Mary Seminary of the West. Ordained: June 12 (9120 lsvay member, ofethes American Legion and the K. of C. K. C. Chaplain, November 10, 1917 to November 24, 1918, at Camp Sherman, O. Com- © missioned First Lieutenant, November 24, 1918. Dis- charged December 13, 1918, at Camp Sherman, O., as First Lieutenant. Commissioned First Lieutenant Chaplain, Officers’ Reserve Corps, and assigned to 329th Infantry, 95th Division, October 7, 1919. Pastor, Church of the Resurrection, Cincinnati, O. Permanent address, 1729 Iliff Avenue, Cincinnati, O. 122 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Gwyer, Rev. Charles F., Pittsburgh Born July 12, 1884, in Pittsburgh. Ordained June 25, 1910. Commissioned September 17, 1917. Served with the 312th Field Artillery, at Camp Meade and in France. Discharged at Camp Dix, September 12, 1919. Address, Rochelle and Georgia Avenues, Mt. Oliver Station, Pittsburgh, Pa. Habraken, Rev. Bernard Anton, Superior Born in Zeeland, Netherlands. Educated in local Schools at) Zeeland» "College: ot Crozier Fathersi@at. Uden, Netherlands, and University of St. Gregory, Rome, Italy. Received theological training at Gregorian Uni- versity, Rome, Italy. Ordained July 14, 1900. Father Habraken was appointed First Lieutenant, November 5, 1918, and received his order to report when the Armistice was signed. His permanent address is Tomahawk, Wis. Hackett, Rev. Harry J., Springfield Born May 7, 1882, in Portland, Me. Educated in the Worcester Public Schools, Worcester High School, and Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. Received theological training at Grand Seminary, Montreal, P. Q., Can. Or- dained December 17, 1910. Is a member of the K. of C. Father Hackett was commissioned First Lieutenant, August Iaeho [oun oetved at BasevbLospital/ Nos 101, (Sty Nazaire: Camp Hospital No. 30, St. Vincent, France, and Base Hos- pital No. 85, Angers, France. Discharged July 31, 1919, as First Lieutenant, at Camp Dix, N. J. Went to St. Ber- nard’s Church, Fitchburg, Mass., as Curate. Permanent address, 240 Water Street, Fitchburg, Mass. Hackett, Rev. James Joseph, New York Born February 26, 1879, in New York City. Educated at St. Anthony’s and St. Joseph’s Parochial Schools, and in Public Schools, 44 and 3, New York City, and at St. 123 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Charles College, Ellicott City, Md. Received his theo- logical training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y. Ordained May 25, 1907. Commissioned First Lieutenant, February 7, 1918. Served with 30th Division at Camp Sevier, S. C., and overseas. Was in advance through Hinden- burg Line. Discharged April 18, 1919, at Camp Upton, L. I., as First Lieutenant. Assistant as Holy Trinity Church, West 82nd Street, New York City. Hackett, Rev. John Richard, Detroit Born November 30, 1885, in Dowagiac, Mich. ‘Educated at Dowagiac Public School, Dowagiac High School, and Assumption College, Sandwich, Ontario, Can. Received his theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained July 2, 1911. Member of the American Legion, K. of C., and Elks. Commissioned First Lieu- tenant September 12, 1918. Served at Camp Custer, Mich. Discharged at Camp Custer, Mich., December 9, 1918, as First Lieutenant. Permanent address, Emmett, Mich. Hackett, Rev. Patrick James, Manchester Born April 15, 1889, in Concord, N. H. Educated at St. John’s School, Concord, N. H., Concord High School, and St. Anselm’s College, Manchester, N. H. Received his theological training at Grand Seminary, Montreal, P. Q., Can. Ordained December 23, 1916. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned First Lieutenant, August 23, 1918. Served at Camp Taylor, Ky., and at Camp Devens, Mass. Received his discharge at Camp Devens, August 2, 1919. He is an Assistant at [mmaculate Conception Church, Ports- mouth, N. H. His permanent address is 7 Allison Street, Concord, N. H. Haelterman, Rev. Ghislain, Santa Fe Born February 29, 1868, in Appelterre-Eychem, East Flanders, Belgium. Educated at the Common School of 124 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Appelterre, College of Grammont, College of Enghien, and Petite Seminaire of St. Nicolas. Received theological train- ing at American College, Louvain, Belgium. Ordained NUNC 29 MAS Za viemiberot the / Kjot CG imoervedias, Ky GC. Chaplain from February 19, 1918 until October, 1919. Attended two American Camps at Bordeaux, France, from March, 1918, until October, 1919. Permanent address, Grimmingen, Belgium. Hafner, Rev. Casper Aloysius, C.M. Born October 26, 1890, in Germantown, Pa. Educated at Immaculate Conception School and St. Vincent’s College, Philadelphia. Received theological training at St. Vincent’s Seminary. Ordained September 8, 1915. Is a member of the K. of C. Commissioned First Lieutenant, July 12, 1918. Served at Hazelhurst Field, Mineola, L. I., until discharged December 18, 1918. Professor of Chemistry at St. John’s College, Brooklyn, N. Y. Permanent address, St. John’s College, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hagan, Rev. Joseph Daniel, Pittsburgh Born March 3, 1880, in Pittsburgh, Pa. Educated at Holy Family School, Latrobe, Pa., St. Paul’s Cathedral School, Pittsburgh, Pa., Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pa., and St. Vincent’s College, Beatty, Pa. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained December 21, 1907. Commissioned First Lieutenant, July 2, 1918. Served in the United States at Camp Sherman, O., with the 158th Depot Brigade, and in Camp Fremont, Calif., with the 8th Infantry. Went to Camp Pontanzen, France, with the 8th Infantry, and remained with that regiment until April, 1919, when he was transferred to Germany and assigned to the 30th Infantry at Munstermai- feld. Returned to the United States with the 30th Infantry, 125 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR August 14, 1919, and was discharged September 12, 1919. Pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas’ Church, Coal Centre, Pa. Permanent address, Coal Centre, Pa. Halligan, Rev. James John, New York Born July 23, 1886, in Patterson, N. J. Educated at Epiphany Parochial School, New York City, Xavier High School, New York City, and St. Francis Xavier College, New York City. Received his theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y., and the American College in Rome, Italy. Ordained May 5, 1912. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned September, 1917. Served with the 77th Division at Camp Upton, L. I., until April, 1918, and in France until the Division returned home. Was in action at the Luneville Sector, the Oise, Aisne and Meuse- Argonne Offensive. Received two Divisional and one A.E.F. General Headquarters citations. Discharged as First Lieutenant, at Camp Upton, May 10, 1919. Halloran, Rev. Frederick Joseph, Trenton Born November 11, 1887, in Holyoke, Mass. Educated in the Holyoke Parochial and Public Schools, St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md., and St. Hyacinthe College, Quebec, Can. Received his theological training at Grand Seminary, Quebec, and St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained June 22, 1912. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned August 22, 1918. Served at the Hospital Centre in Nantes, France, and was discharged July 29, 1919 at Camp Lee, Va., as First Lieutenant. Had served prior to the World War with the 2nd Field Artillery, New Jersey National Guard. Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul’s Church, May’s Landing, N. J. Permanent address, May’s Landing, INGE 126 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Halloran, Rev. John, Bismarck Born June 2, 1883, in Bismarck, N. D. Educated at St. Mary’s School, Bismarck, and St. Thomas College. Re- ceived theological training at St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. Ordained June 11, 1916. Member of the American Legion and the K. of C. Commissioned January 14, 1918. Served with the 34th Division at Camp Cody, N. M., and in France. Also was stationed at the Base Hospital in Bazoilles-sur Meuse, France. Discharged May 23, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieutenant. Prior to war, had served as Sergeant in Ist Infantry, North Dakota National Guard for two and a half years, and had four years military training in College. Pastor at Stanley, N. D. Permanent address, Stanley, N. D. Hamill, Rev. Ignatius A., M.A., S.J. Born August 2, 1880, in Chicago, Il]. Educated in Private Schools, Chicago, Ill., St. Ignatius High School, Chicago, St. Mary’s High School, Kan., St. Mary’s College, Kan., and St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. Received theo- logical training at Jesuit House of Studies, Florrisant, Mo. Ordained June 27, 1912. Member of the K. of C. Served ace AUxiianvyhapidinvrrom: .junee 2, 1915,4 until September 15, 1919. Served in France at Blois, Loir et Cher, Tours, Indre et Loire, Commercy, Brest. Principal of Creighton University High School. Permanent address, Creighton University, Omaha, Neb. Hamtil, Rev. William A., St. Louis Born June 30, 1892, in St. Louis, Mo. Educated at St. Wenceslaus Parochial School, St. Louis, and at St. Louis Preparatory Seminary. Received theological training at the Kenrick Seminary, Webster Grove, Mo. Ordained June 11, 1915. Member of the American Legion. Com- missioned First Lieutenant, August 1, 1918. Served at 127 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Camp Shelby, Miss., August 15, 1918 to September 15, 1918. Overseas, he served at Manchester, Eng., Winchester, Eng., Clisson, France, Chateau d’Aux, France, Le Mans, France, Tours, France (with North Russian Expedition), at Kola, Russia, and Archangel, Russia, with 310th Engi- neers. Was in Russia from February to June, 1919. Deco- rated with the Order of St. Stanislaus (Russian), June 25, 1919. Discharged as First Lieutenant at Camp ‘Taylor, Ky., July 26, 1919. Administrator of St. Wenceslaus Church, St. Louis, Mo. Permanent address, 3014 Oregon Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Harley, Rev. James L., New York Born March 2, 1891, in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Educated at St. Mary’s School, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., St. Mary’s High School, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., St. Francis High School, Loretto, Pa., and St. Bonaventure’s College, Allegany, N. Y. Received theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, Ney Ordainedaluned 7. nO 1OL mivlember olithes aio ties Commissioned August 10, 1918. Served at Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C., until his discharge, December 7, 1918. Is Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 462 Madison Avenue, New York City. Permant address, 144 West 90th Street, New York City. Harmon, Rev. Thomas L., M.A., Chicago Born February 28, 1878, in Chicago, Ill. Educated in the Public Schools and Private Academy, Chicago, Christian . Brothers’ High School, St. Louis, Mo., St. Mary’s College, N.Y. Received theological training at the Kenrick Semi- nary, Webster Grove, Mo. Ordained in June, 1901. Mem- ber of the K. of C. and the American Legion. Commis- sioned September 18, 1917. Served at Camp Grant, IIL. September 1917 to February, 1918, Fort Sam Houston, Tex., February to May, 1918, and overseas June, 1918 to 128 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR June, 1919. Was on the firing line for 76 days, taking part in the Sezerais Defensive, St. Mihiel, and Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Decorated with the Croix de Guerre with palm, May 16, 1919. Was cited twice. Discharged as Captain at Camp Grant, Ill., June 26, 1919. Served as Chaplain of the Great Lakes Training School, May to September, 1917. Pastor, St. Barbara’s Church, Brookfield, Ill. Captain Chaplain Officers’ Reserve Corps, Head- quarters, 65th Cavalry Division. Permanent address, 132 South Prairie Avenue, Brookfield, Il. Harpin, Rev. Jordan Adelard, O.P. Born April 7, 1871, in St. Ours-sur-Richelieu, P. Q., Can. INatralizedy bebruary. 235, 19125) ducated at) @atholic Primary Schools, Quebec, Can., Sorel College, Can., and Sherbrooke College, P. Q., Can. Received theological train- ing at the Dominican Convent of St. Hyacinthe, P. Q., Can. Ordained March 25, 1895. Father Harpin served asa K. C. Chaplain at Camp Haitien and at Port-au-Prince, Haiti, September, 1918 to September, 1919. Is now on Mission work. Permanent address, Dominican Priory, 818 Middle Street, Fall River, Mass. Harrington, Rev. Joseph M., Ph.D., S.T.L., Chicago Born August 7, 1891, in Chicago, Ill. Educated in Chicago Public and Parochial Schools and in Chicago Cathedral College. Received his theological training at North Ameri- can College, Rome, Italy. Ordained June 17,1916. Member of the K. of C. and the American Legion. Commissioned First Lieutenant, August, 1918, and was stationed at Camp Taylor, Ky., until his discharge in December, 1918. He was later commissioned First Lieutenant in the Officers’ Reserve Corps. Permanent address, 22 North Kildare Avenue, Chicago, II. 129 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Harrington, Rev. William Joseph, St. Paul Born December 29, 1885, in Ishpeming, Mich. Educated at St. John’s Parochial School, Ishpeming, Mich., St. John’s High School, Ishpeming, Mich., St. Norbert’s College, W. DePere, Wis., and St. Thomas College, St. Paul, Minn. Received theological training at St. Paul’s Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. Ordained June 7, 1912. Member of the K. of C., B.P.O.E., American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Commissioned July 1, 1917. Served at Fort Snel- ling, Camp Mills, and in France with the 151st Field Artil- lery, 42nd Division. In action in Lorraine, Champagne- Marne, Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel, and in the Argonne. Went to Germany with the Army of Occupation. Dis- charged May 12, 1919, as Captain at Camp Dodge, Ia. Served in the National Guard on the Mexican Border, September, 1916 to February, 1917. Is Captain of the 151st Field Artillery, Minnesota National Guard. Assistant at St. Luke’s Church, St. Paul, Minn. Permanent address, 22 North Lexington, St. Paul, Minn. Harron, Rev. Thomas Joseph, Philadelphia Born June 11, 1881, in Philadelphia, Pa. Educated at St. Francis Xavier Parochial School, Philadelphia, Thaddeus Stevens Public School, Philadelphia, and St. Charles Col- lege, Ellicott City, Md. Received theological training at St. Charles Borromeo’s Seminary, Overbrook, Pa. Or- dained May 27, 1911. Member of the American Legion. Commissioned August 19, 1918. Served at Camps Forrest, Ga., and Lewis, Wash. Discharged January 2, 1919, as First Lieutenant at Camp Lewis, Wash. Appointed Chap- lain, First Lieutenant, Officers’ Reserve Corps, October 3, 1919. Resigned, 1921. Pastor of St. Isidore’s Church, Quakertown, Pa. Permanent address, 531 West Broad Street, Quakertown, Pa. 130 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Hart, Rev. William Laurence, St. Paul Born June 21, 1865, in Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Became an American citizen, January 14, 1903. Educated in Schools in England, Bermuda and Canada and at St. Michael’s College, Toronto, Can. Received theological training at Grand Seminary, Montreal, P. Q., Can. Ordained in De- cember, 1896. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Camp Fun- ston, Kan., November, 1917 to June, 1918, and in France from June, 1918 to March, 1919. He was in action in the Vosges Mountains, at St. Mihiel and in the Argonne with the 140th Infantry. He was cited for bravery in action. Permanent address, Lakeville, Minn. Harter, Rev. Sylvester, O.S.B. Born December 8, 1886, in New Cassel (Campbellsport), Wis. Educated at St. Michael’s Parochial and St. Francis Parochial Schools, Milwaukee, Marquette Academy, Mil- waukee, St. John’s University High School, and St. John’s University, Collegeville, Minn. Received theological train- ing at St. John’s University Seminary, Collegeville, Minn. Ordained June 15, 1916. Member of the American Legion. Commissioned January 14, 1918. Served at Camp Cody, N.M., Camp Dix, N. J., Red Cross Hospital, Mossley Hill, Liverpool, Eng., and Motor Reception Park, St. Nazaire, France. Discharged as First Lieutenant, at Camp Dodge, Dane ULyaro Usb oma Ee LOLeSsOMma tno ta bOnn snl niversity Collegeville, Minn. Permanent address, St. John’s Uni- versity, Collegeville, Minn. Hartigan, Rev. Edward Michael, Boston Born October 26, 1889, in Roslindale, Mass. Educated at Charles Sumner School, Roslindale, Mass., Bigelow Gram- mar School, South Boston, Mass., South Boston High School, Boston College, and U.S. Military Academy, West 131 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Point, N. Y. (one year). Received theological training at St. John’s Seminary, Brighton, Mass. Ordained June 8, 1917. Member of the K: of C. Commissioned First Lieu- tenant, August 5, 1918. Served at Camp Devens, Mass., and Embarkation Camp, Bordeaux, France. Discharged July 9, 1919, Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieutenant. Per- manent address, 489 Broadway, Everett, Mass. Hartke, Rev. Leo Mathias, Chicago Born November 29, 1885, in Cincinnati, O. Educated at St. Mary’s School and St. Xavier’s High School, Cincin- nati, and at St. Ignatius College and St. Cyril’s College, Chicago, Ill. Received theological training at Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary, Cincinnati, O. Ordained December 23, 1911. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned August 23, 1918, and went to France. Served overseas with the 105th Infantry, 27th Division. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., April 1, 1919, as First Lieutenant. Is Assistant at Cor- pus Christi Church, Chicago, Ill. Permanent address, 4920 Grand Boulevard, Chicago, [1l. Hayden, Rev. Thomas Patrick, N.C. Born December 1, 1872, in New York City. Educated in New York City Parochial and Public Schools and at St. Mary’s College, Belmont, N.C. Received theological train- ing at Belmont Abbey, N. C. Ordained June 8, 1908. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned October, 1917. Served at Fox Hills, N. Y., Camp Gordon, Ga., and Fort McPherson, Ga. Discharged December 2, 1920, as First Lieutenant, at Fort McPherson, Ga. Chaplain at Federal Prison, Atlanta, Ga. Permanent address, 79 East Hunter Street, Atlanta, Ga. Hayes, Rev. Joseph A., M.A., Philadelphia Born October 2, 1881, in Phoenixville, Pa. Educated in Parochial and Public Schools, Phoenixville, Pa., Roman 132 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Catholic High School, Philadelphia, and St. Joseph’s Col- lege, Philadelphia, Received theological training at St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pa. Ordained May 17, 1913. Commissioned August 23, 1918. Served at Camp Taylor, Ky., at Le Mans, France, and with the 6th Division Head- quarters, in France. Was in action in the Argonne. Dis- charged June 16, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieu- tenant. Assistant Rector at St. Edward’s Church, Phila- delphia, Pa. Permanent address, 2417 North 8th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Hayes, Rev. William A., Newark Born February 9, 1885, in Jersey City, N. J. Ordained March 2, 1912. Commissioned September 27, 1917. Served with the 321st Infantry, A.E.F. Discharged August 15, 1919, at Camp Upton. Address, 741 Palisade Avenue, West New York, N. J. Healey, Rev. John J., C.SS.R. Born October 23, 1884, in New York City. Ordained July Jeet Commissioned ,September: 20,1913.) Served at Camp Upton, N. Y., and with the 56th Field Artillery, at Fort Sill, Okla. Discharged February 10, 1919. Address, 526 59th Street, Brooklyn. Heaney, Rev. Francis J., New York Educated at Immaculate Conception School, New York City, Xavier High School, New York City, and St. Francis Xavier College, New York City. Received theological training at Troy and Dunwoodie. Ordained June 24, 1898. Served as K. C. Chaplain, from November, 1918, to July, 1919, at U.S. A. General Hospital No. 38. Pastor Blessed Sacrament Church, West Brighton, 8. 1I., N. Y. Permanent address, 30 Manor Road, West Brighton, S. I., N. Y. 133 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Hearon, Rev. James Patrick, New York Born March 2, 1886, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Educated in Brooklyn Public and Parochial Schools, Niagara Univers- ity High School, Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Niagara Uni- versity, Niagara Falls) N. Y. Received theological train- ing at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y. Ordained June 17, 1916. Member of the American Legion and the K. of C. Commissioned April 1, 1918. Served with the 304th Cavalry, at Leon Springs, Tex., and with the 43rd Field Artillery, at the same station. Discharged as First Lieutenant, at Camp Stanley, Leon Springs, Tex., January 16, 1919. Commissioned First Lieutenant Chaplain in the Officers’ Reserve Corps, and assigned to the 77th Division, October 6, 1919. Permanent address, 2496 Marion Avenue, Bronx, New York City. Heeney, Rev. Michael, Chicago Born December 5, 1888, in Chicago. Ordained May 29, 1915. Commissioned September 25, 1918. Discharged December 3, 1918, at Fort Sheridan, I1l., but remained as K. C. Chaplain. Address, 217 North Ottawa Street, Joliet, Ill. Hegarty, Rev. John M., Monterey Born January 23, 1883, in Ireland. Educated in the National Schools, Ireland and St. Patrick’s College, Ireland. Re- ceived theological training at St. Michael’s Seminary, Ire- land. Ordained June 10, 1910. Served as K. C. Auxiliary Chaplain at March Field, Calif., during war. Rector of St. Anthony’s Church, Long Beach, Calif. Permanent ad- dress, 710 East 6th Street, Long Beach, Calif. Hegarty, Rev. Thomas Joseph, Charleston Born November 24, 1868, in Donegal, Ireland. Educated in National Schools, Ireland, Private Schools and Seminary in Donegal, Ireland. Received theological train- 134 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR ing at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained April 8, 1892. Served as Auxiliary Chaplain at Camp Jackson, S. C., February, 1918 to February, 1919. Pastor of St. Peter’s Church, Columbia, 8S. C. Permanent address, 1529 Assembly Street, Columbia, S. C. Heid, Rev. Fabian, M.A., O.S.B. Born August 1, 1885, in Erie, Pa. Educated at St. John’s School, Erie, Pa., St. Vincent’s College Preparatory, and St. Vincent’s College, Beatty, Pa. Received theological training at St. Vincent’s College. Ordained July 1, 1911. Served as K. C. Auxiliary Chaplain in 1918, at Camps Taylor and Knox, Ky. Professor at St. Vincent’s College. Permanent address, St. Vincent’s College, Beatty, Pa. Hengell, Rev. Henry C., Ph.D., Milwaukee Born February 26, 1877, in Waukesha, Wis. Educated in Parochial Schools in Lyons, Ia., and Waukesha, Wis., Waukesha Public High School, St. Francis College, St. Francis, Wis., and St. Benedict’s College, Atchison, Kan. Received theological training at Eichstaett Seminary, Bavaria, Germany. Ordained March 28, 1903. Member of the K. of C. Served as K. C. Chaplain at University of Wisconsin, July 1, 1918 to January 1, 1919. Permanent ad- dress, 723 State Street, Madison, Wis. Higgins, Rev. Clarence Joseph, Peoria Born August 28, 1890, in Odell, Il]. Educated at Odell Public School, St. Paul School, Odell, St. Paul High School, Odell, and St. Bede College, Peru, Ill. Received theological training at St. Bernard’s Seminary, Rochester, N.Y. Ordained June 6, 1914. Member of the American Legion and the K. of C. Commissioned September 19, 11/7.) ServedsatwCamp. Dodce law Camp U ptony Nw Y.) and overseas. Was in action on the Alsace Front and in the 135 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Received the French Fourra- gere. Discharged as First Lieutenant, at Camp Taylor, Ky., July 13, 1920. Pastor, St. Catherine’s Church, Aledo, Ill. Permanent address, Aledo, II. Higgins, Rev. Edward Joseph, M.A., Brooklyn Born July 7, 1890, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Educated at St. Stephen’s and St. Mary Star of the Sea Schools, St. John’s Preparatory and St. John’s College, all in Brooklyn, N. Y. Received theological training at St. John’s Seminary, Brooklyn. Ordained May 19, 1914. Member of the American Legion and the K. of C. Commissioned August 9 1918. -Servediat Campi LayloriKy.. Camp Upton enw and Hospital No. 13, Dansville, N. Y. Discharged Febru- ary 6, 1919, as First Lieutenant, at Dansville, N. Y. Perma- nent address, 300 Vanderbilt Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hinssen, Rev. Michael Herman, Cincinnati Born October 6, 1890, in Wien, Chariton County, Mo. Educated at St. George Parochial School, Cincinnati, O., and St. Francis College, Cincinnati, O. Received theological training at Mt. St. Mary’s of the West, Cincinnati, O. Ordained May 29, 1915. Member of the K. of C. Com- missioned August 23, 1918. Served at Camp Taylor and Camp Sherman. Discharged December 18, 1918, at Camp Sherman, O., as First Lieutenant. Assistant Pastor at Sacred isan Church, Cincinnati, O. Permanent pinlehaces) 2733 Massachusetts Agen Sindiaaal O. Hintemeyer, Very Rev. Felix, D.D., V.G., O.S.B. Born April 22, 1862, in Ratisbon, Bavaria. Educated at State School of Ratisbon, St. Vincent’s College High School, Beatty, )\Palvand) St. Vincentisy,College Beatty baywahes ceived theological training at St. Vincent’s Seminary, Beatty, Pa. Ordained March 14, 1886. Served as K. C. Chaplain 136 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR at Hospital for Consumptives, Waynesville, N. C., June 7, 1918 to September 8, 1918. Vicar-general of Belmont Abbey and Vicariate of North Carolina. Permanent ad- dress, Belmont, N. C. Hoey, Rev. Peter E., C.S.P. Born June 3, 1889, in Nebraska. Ordained May 30, 1915. Commissioned July 30, 1917. Served with the 107th In- fantry, A.E.F. Discharged at Camp Merritt, N. J., April 2, 1919. Address, 415 West 59th Street, New York City. Hoffman, Rev. Mathias Martin, Jr., Dubuque Born January 7, 1889, in Dubuque, Ia. Educated at St. Mary’s School, Dubuque, Columbia Academy, Dubuque, Columbia College, Dubuque, Catholic University, Washing- ton, D. C., and Oxford University, England. Received theological training at St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. Ordained June 10, 1913. Member of the American Legion and the K. of C. Enlisted May, 1917. Commissioned September 27, 1917. Served with 359th Infantry at Camp Travis, Tex., and in France. Was in action in Saizerais Sector, St. Mihiel Offensive, Puvenelle Sector, Meuse- Argonne Offensive. Later was in Army of Occupation. Dis- charged July 15, 1919, Camp Dix, N.J., as First Lieutenant. Commissioned Captain Chaplain, Officers’ Reserve Corps, and assigned to 338th Field Artillery, 88th Division. Pro- fessor at Columbia College, Dubuque, Ia. Permanent ad- dress, Loras Hall, Columbia College, Dubuque, Ia. Hoffman, Rev. Michael T., LL.D., Leavenworth Born June 4, 1885, in Lorraine, France. Educated at St. Barbara’s School, and St. Francis Xavier’s College, New York City. Received theological training at St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, Wis. Ordained June 7, 1908. Mem- ber of the American Legion and the K. of C. Commissioned 137 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR January 21, 1918. Served at Camp Sevier and in France with the 27th Division. In action against the Hindenburg Line; at La Selle River, Jonc de Mer Ridge, Vierstratt Ridge, Guillemontyebiarmmiot.. Vlauricess River mab ast Poperinghe Line, and Dickebusch Sector, Belgium. Dis- charged April 2, 1919, at Camp Upton, L. I., as First Lieu- tenant. Pastor of St. Michael’s, Axtell, Kan. Member of Diocesan Court of Discipline. Permanent address, Axtell, Kan. Hogan, Rev. William M., Pittsburgh Born March 13, 1882, in Pittsburgh, Pa. Educated at St. Patrick’s School, Pittsburgh, Pa., Pittsburgh Central High School, and St. Vincent’s College, Beatty, Pa. Received theological training at St. Vincent’s Seminary, Beatty, Pa. Ordained June 25, 1910. Member of the K. of C. and Elks. Commissioned August 23, 1918. Served overseas at Saizerais, France, with the 6th Army Corps, Villerupt, France, Audun Le Tiche, German Lorraine, Niederkorn, Luxembourg, with the 301st Field Signal Battalion. Dis- charged May 28, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieu- tenant. Assistant Pastor, St. Pius Church, McKeesport, Pa. Permanent address, 2909 Versailles Avenue, McKees- pottera: Holland, Rev. John, Marquette Born January 10, 1888, in Hancock, Mich. Educated in the local School and St. Patrick’s High School, Hancock, Mich., and St. Thomas College, St. Paul, Minn. Received theological training at Laval Seminary, Quebec, Can. Or- dained December 26, 1912. Member of the K. of C., and A.O.H. Commissioned August, 1918. Served at Camp Holabird, Md., until his discharge as First Lieutenant, February 11, 1919. Rector, St. Ignatius Church, St. Ignace, Mich. Permanent address, St. Ignace, Mich. 138 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Honnigford, Rev. Joseph H., M.A., Indianapolis Born August 7, 1889, in Evansville, Ind. Educated at St. Mary’s Parochial School, Evansville, Ind., and St. Mein- rad’s Junior Seminary, St. Meinrad, Ind. Received his theological training at St. Meinrad Seminary, Ind. Or- dained May 15, 1913. Member of the American Legion and the K. of C. Commissioned August 23, 1918. Stationed at the Training School for Chaplains, Camp Taylor, Ky., until his discharge, September 14, 1918. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Fort Tilden and Naval Aero Station, Novem- ber 20, 1918 to April 15, 1919, and Fort Riley, Kan., April, 1919—September, 1919. Chaplain and instructor at St. Mary of the Woods College, Ind. Permanent address, St. Mary of the Woods, Ind. Horn, Rev. Marcellus, O.M.Cap. Born May 24, 1886, in Wheeling, W. Va. Educated at St. Alphonsus Parochial School, Wheeling, W. Va., and St. Fidelis College of the Capuchins, Herman, Pa. Received theological training at Capuchin Novitiate, Herman, Pa., Capuchin Seminary, Victoria, Kan., and SS. Peter and Paul’s Seminary. Ordained May 29, 1915. Member of the K. of C., and the American Legion. Commissioned April 10, 1918. Served at Chaplains’ Training School, Camp Tay- lor, Ky.) April) 20) to May 25;.1918:. Transport Service, U.S.S. Matsonia, June to November, 1918. Camp Mills, November, 1918 to January, 1919. Transport: Service aboard U.S.S. Matsonia, January, 1919 until discharge, May 26, 1919, as First Lieutenant, at Newport News, Va. Pastor, SS. Peter and Paul’s Church, Cumberland, Md., and Guardian of Monastery of same name, Capuchin Order. Permanent address, SS. Peter and Paul Church, Cumberland, Md. 139 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Horton, Rev. James Augustine, 5.M. Born March 27, 1878, in Portland, Me. Educated at Port- land Public Schools, Portland High School, and St. Mary’s College, Van Buren, Me. Received theological training at Catholic University, Marist Seminary. Ordained June 24, 1905. Member of the K. of C. Served as K. C. Chaplain from October, 1917 to February 6, 1919, and was stationed at Camp Gordon, Ga., St. Aignan, France, Chateau-Thierry, France, Limoges, France. Pastor of Sacred Heart Church, Atlanta, Ga. Permanent address, 289 Ivy Street, Atlanta, Ga. Houlihan, Rev. James F., Scranton Born December 5, 1876, in Susquehanna, Pa. Ordained June 17, 1905. Commissioned June 10, 1910. Served in the A.E.F. with the 12th Field Artillery. Retired 1922, with the rank of Captain. Address, Sayre, Pa. Howard, Rev. Joseph A., Altoona Born October 27, 1881, in Philadelphia, Pa. Ordained January 21, 1907. Commissioned August 8, 1918. Served with the 10th Division at Camp Funston and in Transport Service. Discharged April 25, 1919. Address, Bellwood, Pa. Howley, Rev. James Bernard, Buffalo Born February 13, 1879, in Keighley, England. Educated in the Public School, Bethel, Conn., High School, Bethel, Conn., and St. Bonaventure College, Allegany, N. Y. Re- ceived theological training at St. Bonaventure’s Seminary, Allegany, N. Y. Ordained June 5, 1909. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned September 16, 1918. Served at Base Hospital, Camp Upton, L. I. Discharged at Camp Upton as First Lieutenant, December 4, 1918. Pastor, St. Bridget’s Church, Bergen, N. Y. Permanent address, Berocnianeny. 140 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Hughes, Rev. John J., Pittsburgh Born January 4, 1884, in Montreal, Can. Ordained June 28, 1908. Commissioned July 26, 1918. Served at Camp Sherman and in France with Convalescent Unit 11. Dis- charged October 28, 1919, at Camp Benning, Ga. Address, 2808 Sarah Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Hughes, Rev. William, M.A., Los Angeles Born January 9, 1880, in Sacramento, Calif. Educated at Sacramento Parochial and Public Schools and Parochial and Public High Schools, St. Mary’s College, Oakland, Calif., and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Re- ceived theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dun- woodie, N. Y. Ordained August 15, 1905. Member of the Kwof@) Servediin Camp) Pike) Ark), Camp Dix, Nis and overseas with the 335th Field Artillery, 87th Division, and Ist Ammunition Train, Ist Division. Discharged at Campa oixwiNea dias hirot iieutenantin| Unewil 4b Director, Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions. Permanent address, 2021 H Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Hughes, Rev. William Francis, D.D., LL.D., New York Born October 27, 1873, in New York City. Educated at Public School No. 49, New York City, Xavier High School, New York City, and St. Francis Xavier College, New York City. Received his theological training at the Seminaries {ie LOVeON Haye Oun Woodie Nan yc andakRomem italy Ordained September 21, 1898. Served as K. C. Chaplain during war at Camps Upton, N. Y., and Dix, N. J. Pastor, of Church of St. Gregory the Great, New York City. Permanent address, 144 West 90th Street, New York City. Hunt, Rev. Godfrey P., O.F.M. Born January 3, 1878, in Bristol, England. Ordained September 19, 1908. Commissioned August 3, 1918. Served 141 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR at Base Hospital No. 102, Italy, A.E.F., and later on duty at Port of Embarkation, Hoboken, N. J. Discharged October 4, 1919. Address, Mt. St. Sepulchre, Brookland, Dec. Hurney, Rev. Francis Joseph, M.A., Baltimore Jan, Born October 3, 1886, in Washington, D. C. Educated at St. Paul’s School and St. John’s College, Washington, D. C., and''St.. Charles @olicocist llicott) City, Vide cocoa theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained June 17, 1913. Member of the K. of C., Catholic Fraternity, American Legion, and Cruiser and Transport Society. Commissioned in Navy, March 14, 1918. Served at New York Navy Yard, and aboard U.S:S. Huron, and U.S.S. Charleston, on both Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, escorting troop and merchant ships to Europe. Discharged as Lieutenant, junior grade, at Washington, D. C., October 15, 1919. Commissioned Lieutenant Chap- lain, Naval Reserves, October 15, 1919. Assistant at St. Patrick’s Church, Washington, D. C., Chaplain, Washing- ton Branch Catholic Actors’ Guild, Managing Director, Sti Patricks Players iRermanentiaddtessius tsar hic kee Rectory, Washington, D. C. Rev. Francis M., New Orleans Born April 29, 1882, in Brittany, France. Educated at the Little Seminary of St. Anne d’Auray. He pursucdy nis ecclesiastical and theological studies at the Great Seminary of Vannes, France, and at St. Louis Seminary, New Orleans, La. Ordained June 10, 1905. Commissioned January 12, 1918. Ordered to 39th Division, Camp Beauregard, La., and assigned as Chaplain of the 142nd Field Artillery. Transferred March, 1918 to 114th Sanitary Train, with which regiment he went overseas in August, 1918. Was with this regiment until November, 1918, and then went 142 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR to Base Hospital No. 33, Portsmouth, England. Trans- ferred December, 1918, to Motor Reception Park, Camp Capelette, Marseilles, France. Relieved from duty in the A.E.F., June, 1919, and discharged as First Lieutenant at Campi DixwNes}niune 25,1919 si Pastomoteste Anne's Church, Napoleonville, La. Permanent address, Napoleon- ville, La. Jéglot, Rev. Henri Franck Mary, Paris, France Born July 15, 1880, in St. Brieuc, Bretagne, France. Edu- tatedsate cole st. Charles 5t.) Bricuc, «the Bacultév des Lettres, Bordeaux, and the Institut Catholique, Paris, France. Received his theological training at the Grand Demindiountbricuc. ) Ordained), (uly, 191903.) %Served as Auxiliary Chaplain to the American soldiers in Paris, during 1918. Had served as Corporal in the French Army from March 29, 1915. Received the Medaille d’Honneur des Epidemies, in 1919. Is Assistant at Notre Dame de Lorette Church, Paris, IX, France. Permanent address, bikue dedawirinito Paris, DX> France: | Jessup, Rev. Michael, Ph.D., S.J. Born September 29, 1873, in Great Falls, N. Y. Educated at Public School, Great Falls, N. Y., Xavier High School, New York City, and Woodstock College, Woodstock, Md. Received theological training at Woodstock, Md. Or- dained July 31, 1910. Commissioned July 20, 1918. Served with the 155th Depot Brigade at Camp Lee, Va., until his discharge, January 6, 1919, as First Lieutenant. Recom- missioned First Lieutenant Chaplain, 304th Field Artillery, 77th Division. Permanent address, Fordham University, New York City. Johannsen, Rev. Lorenz P., O.P. Born in Newport, R. I. Educated in the Public Schools of Newport, Roman Catholic High School, Philadelphia, 143 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Received theo- logical training at Dominican House of Studies, Washing- ton, D.C. Ordained June 15, 1917. Served as K. C. Chap- lain at Camp Humphreys, Va. Professor at Aquinas Col- lege, Columbus, O. Permanent address, 557 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Columbus, O. Johnson, Rev. Peter Leo, D.D., Milwaukee Born March 3, 1888, in Thompson, Wis. Educated at Elementary Schools, Oconomowoc, Wis., St. Francis High School, St. Francis, Wis., and St. Francis College, St. Francis, Wis. Received theological training at Propa- ganda Seminary, Rome, Italy. Ordained April 6, 1912. Member of the K. of C., and American Legion. Commis- sioned June 18, 1918. Served in the A.E.F., with the 305th Infantry and Advanced Section, $.0.S. In action at the Vesle-Aisne, and two phases of the Meuse-Argonne. Dis- charged Julyi10 1919 at Campy Dix Nil.) ass@aptaias June 18, 1921, made Captain Chaplain, Ist Infantry, Wis- consin National Guard. Instructor at St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, Wis. Permanent address, same. Jonaitis, Rev. George F., Omaha Born April 23, 1880, in Kurshany, Lithuania. Educated at St. Bonaventure’s College, Allegany, N. Y., and Louvain College, Louvain, Belgium. Received theological training at St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. Ordained May.2, 1910; Member)of) the “American Vesion) \V eteransi or Foreign Wars, Disabled Veterans of World War, Veterans of ‘World War, (K. of Co and C.0°O. Fu) Commissionga April 20, 1918. Served at Camp Taylor, Ky., Camp Fun- ston, Kan., Camp Mills, N. Y., and in France. Was in action at Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest and Verdun. Gassed at the Argonne. Discharged March 144 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR 1, 1919, as First Lieutenant, at Newport News, Va. Pastor, St. Peter’s Church, Detroit, Mich. Permanent address, 8300 Longworth Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Jones, Rev. George T., Rochester Born July 16, 1875, in Seneca Falls, N. Y. Ordained June 10, 1904. Commissioned September 26, 1918. Served in the ACE. ba Discharged July 2, 1919 at Camp Dixmy Ad- dress, Geneseo, N. Y. Jordan, Rev. Hilary Richard, $.T.D., J.C.D., St. Paul Born in St. Paul, Minn. Educated in Public Schools of Tacoma, Wash., and Catholic Colleges in Seattle, Wash., VitwanocWm@ba naan wand sherbrooke:: Par Onan. Received his theological training at St. Paul Seminary, Sau winnie Ordained yune,) LZ .0190/ i vbemiber onernculow Orient) la and) HP oresters: ) wervedas ku! Wha plainvatnCampnGrang inwl9l 8) vandivins }Ohovat, Mort Sheridan. Permanent address, St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. Jordan, Rev. William Joseph Ambrose, New York Born August 27, 1881, in New York City. Educated at St. Francis Xavier’s Grammar School, Xavier High School and St. Francis Xavier’s College, all in New York City. Received theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y. Ordained May 25, 1907. Commis- sioned August 23, 1918. Served at Camp Beauregard, and in Transport Service aboard U.S.S. St. Louis. Discharged August 1, 1919, as First Lieutenant, at Hoboken, N. J. Curate, Sacred Heart Church, Highbridge, New York City. Permanent address, 1253 Shakespeare Avenue, New York City. Joyce, Rev. Francis P., Wichita Born, Marchel7.\1875\0in\ Syracuse N.Y) \Bducated) in Public and Parochial Schools in Syracuse, N. Y., Ottawa 145 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR University, Can., and St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md. Received theological training at St. Bernard’s Semi- nary, Rochester, N. Y. Ordained June 6, 1903. Member of Disabled American Veterans. Commissioned March 21, 1905. Served in France with Ist Division, going over- seas in July, 1917. Stationed at Valdahon, Chaumont, Bien- court, Toul Sector, Mondidier Sector, Champagne, Marne, and Marseilles, France, and Arzbach, Germany. Gassed in February, 1918, Toul Sector, April and May, 1918, at Cantigny. Received Regimental Fourragere. Retired for disability incident to service in line of duty (gassed lungs), April 22, 1922. Prior service in the Philippines (Moro Campaign) )7 1905) San |) hrancisco) Hire) 000 sma labor Trouble in Idaho, 1907; Vera Cruz, 1914; Expedition into Mexico; 1916) Onnindefinite: leave of, absencestromimanis Diocese. Permanent address, 324 West Genesee Street, Syracuse, IN uAY.. Justou, Rev. Eloi L., O.S.B. Born December 11, 1874, in Pau, Basses Pyrenees, France. Educated at Christian Brothers’ School, Pau, the Petite Seminaire de Larressore, France, and St. John’s University, Minnesota. Received theological training at the Sacred Heart Monastery of the Benedictine Order. Ordained June 29/1899) |) Wember\of:the K. of C.) Served) ascii Gs Chaplain at Camp Jackson, S. C., and Marine Barracks, Parisi island you. Gu pastors t. Mann Church, Wanette, Okla. Renner address, Wanette. Okla. Kaminski, Rev. Joseph Stanislaus, Grand Rapids Born January 11, 1878, in Hilliards, Mich. Educated at St. Adalbert’s Parochial School, Grand Rapids, Mich., and St. Francis College, St. Francis, Wis. Received theo- logical training at St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, Wis. Ordained April 11, 1903. Commissioned September 10, 146 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR 1918. Served at Camp Sheridan, Ala., until his discharge as First Lieutenant, at that post, December 6, 1918. Pastor, Sacred Heart Church, Grand Rapids, Mich. Permanent address, 156 Valley Avenue, S. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Kane, Rev. Charles H., Hartford Born September 27, 1887, in Waterbury, Conn. Ordained July 26, 1910. Commissioned August 21, 1918. Served in the A.E.F. Discharged June 18, 1919, at Camp Lee, Va. Address, 106 Johnson Street, Waterbury, Conn. Kane, Rev. Dennis Joseph, Scranton Born October 2, 1878, in Sugar Notch, Pa. Educated at Sugar Notch, Pa., Public Schools, St. Bonaventure’s High School, Allegany, N. Y., and St. Bonaventure’s College, Allegany, N. Y. Received theological training at St. Bona- venture’s, Allegany, N. Y., and St. Charles Borromeo’s, Overbrook, Pa. Ordained June 17, 1905. Member of the ISMOfee ee TeAR) Vote Al and, American, Lesion, }Com- missioned March 23, 1918. Served at Fort Riley, Kan., with 311th Cavalry, and at Camp Knox, Ky., with the 67th Field Artillery. Discharged at Camp Knox, Ky., as First Lieutenant, January 6, 1919. Appointed Captain, Officers’ Reserve Corps, October 18, 1919. Volunteer Chaplain, Camp Henry Houston, Tobyhanna, Pa. Permanent ad- dress, Moscow, Pa. Kane, Rev. William T., S.J. Born October 20, 1880, in Chicago, Ill. Ordained June 26, 1913. Commissioned January 11, 1918. Served with the 110th Ammunition Train, A.E.F. Discharged May 22, 1919, at Camp Funston, Kan. Address, St. Louis Uni- versity, St. Louis, Mo. 147 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Kangley, Rev. Joseph M., Peoria Born February 16, 1879, in Chicago, Il]. Ordained May 20, 1907. Commissioned November 12, 1912. Served over- seas March, 1918—August, 1919. Retired as a Major, November 4, 1919. Address, 2863 Loomis Street, Chicago, lige Keane, Rev. William Cullen, Albany Born June 18, 1890, in Amsterdam, N. Y. Educated at St. Mary’s Institute, Amsterdam, N. Y., and Niagara Uni- versity, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Received theological train- ing at Our Lady of Angels Seminary, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Ordained June 6, 1914. Member of the K. of C., and American Legion. Commissioned June 1, 1918. Served with the 325th Infantry, 82nd Division, A.E.F., Infantry School, La Vallbon, France, First Air Depot, Colombey le Belle, France. Was in action with the 325th Infantry in the Marbach Sector, at St. Mihiel and the Meuse-Argonne. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieutenant, May 11, 1919. Assistant Rector, Cathedral of Immaculate Con- ception, Albany, N. Y. Permanent address, 12 Madison Places Albany, IN? Y- Keane, Rev. William Joseph, Sioux Falls Born March 4, 1879, in New York City. Educated at St. Francis Assisi Parochial School, New York City, St. Bona- venture’s High School, Allegany, N. Y., and St. Bonaven- ture’s College, Allegany, N. Y. Received theological train- ing at St. Bonaventure’s College, Allegany, N. Y. Or- dained June 13, 1903. Member of the K. of C. Commis- sioned August 28, 1917. Served at Fort Douglas, Utah, and in Panama at Fort Davis. Promoted to Captain, August 28, 1922. Eliminated under Army reduction bill, October 4, 1922. Hosen woken address, 2908 Dace Streer Sioux Gre Ta. 148 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Keating, Rev. Martin Cody, Los Angeles, Fresno Born June 14, 1883, in Danbury, Conn. Educated at St. Peter’s Parochial School, Danbury, Conn., and St. Thomas Preparatory Seminary, Hartford, Conn. Received ecclesi- astical training at St. Bernard’s Seminary, Rochester, N. Y.., and St. John’s Seminary, Boston, Mass. Ordained July BEVI90O NM Servedvasvie. CO. Chaplain’ at Camp (wearmey, Caliteviunceeuetenco uly 19190 Pastor Ourn Wad or Victory Church, Fresno, Calif. Permanent address, Fresno, Calif. Kehoe, Rev. James F., M.A., Brooklyn Born November 21, 1868, in New York City. Educated at St. Gabriel’s School, New York City, North Tarrytown, N.Y. High School, and St. Francis’ College, Brooklyn, N.Y. Received theological training at St. John’s Seminary, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ordained May 30, 1896. Member of the K. of C. Served as Auxiliary Chaplain at Brindley Field, Commack LOL. April) 1917 to November\1918.". Rector of St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. Perma- nent address, 2000 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Kelley, Rev. Francis Alphonsus, Albany Born April 19, 1888, in Cohoes,.N..Y.. Educated ‘at St. Bernard’s Academy and St. Bernard’s High School, Cohoes, N. Y., and St. Michael’s College, Toronto. Theology at St. Bernard’s Seminary, Rochester, N. Y. Ordained Decem- ber Ziel Ol2eiMember ofthe Ko of CG.) BiPiO.R a American Legion and 27th Division Organization. Commissioned May 16, 1916. Served at Camp Whitman, Ashokan Dam, Camp Meade, Camp Wadsworth, and in the A.E.F. In action with the 27th Division in all its engagements. Cited seven times for bravery. Decorated with the Distinguished Service Cross, Military Cross (Great Britain), Croix de Guerre (France), and Conspicuous Service Cross. Pro- 149 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR moted to Captain. Discharged April 1, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Elected First National Chaplain of American Legion, at the First National Convention, November 5, 1919, Minneapolis, Minn. Address, Sacred Heart Rectory, Gloversville, N. Y. Kelley, Rev. John S., St. Louis Born November 14, 1889, in St. Louis, Mo. Educated at St. John’s School, St. Louis, Mo., St. Bridget’s High School, St. Louis, Mo., and St. Louis Preparatory Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Received theological training at St. Louis Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Ordained June 12, 1913. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commissioned August 1, 1918. Served at Camp Taylor, Ky., and Camp Funston, Kan. Discharged February 1, 1919. Pastor St. Joseph’s Church, Farmington, Mo. Per- manent address, same. Kelly, Rev. Andrew J., Hartford Born March 18, 1890, in Hartford, Conn. Ordained November 1, 1914. Commissioned September 26, 1918. Served with the 323rd Infantry, A.E.F. Discharged July 10, 1919, at Camp Devens. Address, St. Patrick’s Church, Thompsonville, Conn. Kelly, Rev. Columban F., O.F.M. Born January 9, 1883, in Hudson, Mass. Ordained Decem- ber 17, 1910. Commissioned November 26, 1917. Served in A.E.F. Discharged August 26, 1919. Address, St. Bonaventure’s College, St. Bonaventure, N. Y. Kelly, Rev. James F., New York Born July 11, 1879, in Baltimore. Educated at St. Patrick’s School, Mott Street, New York City, National Schools of Ireland, St. Columba’s High School, Derry, Ireland, and 150 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Maynooth College, Ireland. Received theological train- ing at Maynooth, Ireland. Ordained June 20, 1909. Com- missioned August 15, 1918. Served at Camp Meade, Md., until his discharge at that station, as First Lieutenant, December 13, 1918. Permanent address, 424 West 34th Street, New York City. Kelly, Rev. Joseph Michael, M.A., Newark Born March 2, 1882, in Newark, N. J. Educated at Holy Cross School, Harrison, N. J., St. Peter’s College, Jersey City, N. J., St. Vincent’s College, Germantown, Pa., and Seton College, South Orange, N. J. Received theological training at Seton Hall. Ordained May 25, 1907. Member of the K. of C., American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Commissioned August, 1918. Served at Camp Dix, N. J., and in the A.E.F., with the 59th Pioneer In- fantry. Was in action at Verdun and the Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Discharged as First Lieutenant at Camp Dix, N. J., July 8, 1919. Before being commissioned, Father Kelly served as Volunteer Chaplain at Hoboken, on the transports. Pastor, St. Bernard’s Church, Plainfield, N. J. Permanent address, 1223 George Street, Plainfield, N. J. Kelly, Rev. Thomas P., C.M. Born August 31, 1878, in Ireland. Ordained in 1904. Com- missioned August 15, 1918. Served in the A.E.F. Dis- charged July 11, 1919. Address, 3050 Clifton Avenue, Chicago, II. Kemp, Rev. Charles Edward, M.A., Buffalo BotneViay 20370 uin WesRov, aN. WE ducateduatiot, Peter’s Parochial School, Le Roy, N. Y., St. Bonaventure’s High School, Allegany, N. Y., and St. Bonaventure’s Col- lege, Allegany, N. Y. Received theological training at St. Bonaventure’s, Allegany, N. Y. Ordained June 17, 1916. 151 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN .THE WORLD WAR Member of the K. of C., Buffalo, Cordova Caravan, Al- hambra, and American Legion. Commissioned August 23, 1918. Served at Camp Taylor, Ky., Base Hospital No. 59, Rimaucourt, Haute Marne, France, and with the 604th Engineers at Nogent em Bassine, France. Discharged June 30, 1919, at Camp Upton, N. Y., as First Lieutenant. Pastor of St. Joseph’s Church, Varysburg, N. Y. Perma- nent address, same. Kenedy, Rev. Eugene T., M.A., S.J. Born February 10, 1880, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Educated at St. Joseph’s Academy, Brooklyn, De La Salle School, New York, Fordham Preparatory, New York, Xavier High School, New York, Georgetown High School, Washing- ton, D. C., Georgetown University, Washington, D. C., and Woodstock College, Woodstock, Md. Received theo- logical training at Woodstock, Md. Ordained June 28, 1914. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned February 28, 1918. Served at Blois, France, April Ist to May 15, 1918, and with the Rainbow Division, May 16, 1918 to May 3, 1919. Was in action in the Lorraine Sector, May loth to June 10, 1918, Champagne Sector, July 4-20, 1918, Chateau-Thierry, July 20th—August 2nd, St. Mihiel, September 10-30, 1918, Argonne, October 10th—Novem- ber, NW 01918. Discharged) May 3.1919 \Campa Devens Mass. Assistant Pastor, St. Ignatius Church, New York City. Permanent address, 980 Park Avenue, New York City. Kennedy, Rev. Cornelius E., San Francisco Born October 13, 1876. Served as K. C. Chaplain, May— October, 1918. Commissioned October 23, 1918. Address, 221 Valley Street, San Francisco, Calif. 152 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Kennedy, Rev. Thomas D., St. Louis Born February 28, 1884, in St. Louis, Mo. Educated at St. Bridget’s School, St. Louis, St. Louis University and St. Louis Preparatory Seminary. Received theological train- ing at Kenrick Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Ordained June 11,1908. Member of K. of C. and American Legion. Com- missioned March 25, 1917. On duty Guarding Public Works, March—August, 1917. August 16, 1917 to October Iwo /gam@anipeGlarke: Vio. October sa oii town pri: 1918, at Camp Doniphan. Sailed May 1, 1918. Arrived Liverpool, England, May 13, 1918. France, May 17th, as Chaplain, 138th Infantry. Made Senior Chaplain, 35th Division, June Ist. In action at Wesserling Sector, Alsace, St. Mihiel and Argonne Forest. Discharged May 20, 1919, Camp Funston, Kan., with rank of Captain. Had previous service as Chaplain of Ist Infantry, Missouri National Guard. Organized new parish in Northwest St. Louis, 1919-20. Permanent address, 5036 Thekla Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Kenny, Rev. James Dowling, Ph.D., S.T.L., Grand Rapids Born March 10, 1882, in Manistee County, Mich. Edu- cated in Manistee County District School and St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, Wis. Received theological training at Propaganda University, Rome, Italy. Ordained July 16, 1916. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned Septem- ber 18, 1918. Ordered overseas, to join 318th Infantry, 80th Division. Reached them November 13, 1918. Remained with regiment in winter quarters at Asnieres-en-Montagne, France. Discharged June 3, 1919, as First Lieutenant at Camp Lee, Va. Assistant Pastor, St. James Church, Grand Rapids, Mich. Permanent address, 733 Bridge Street, N. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. 153 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Kenny, Rev. Michael, M.A., S.J. Born June 28, 1863, in Tipperary County, Ireland. Educated in Irish National Schools, Crescent College, Limerick, Mungret. College and Royal Irish University. Received theological training at Jesuit Scholasticate, St. Charles, La., Milltown Park, Dublin, Ireland, and Ghent, Belgium. Ordained August 1, 1897. Member of the K. of C. and A.O.H. Was KGa Chaplainn’ charge or oA een training at Camps of Loyola and Tulane Universities from September, 1918 until training ceased in 1919. Regent of Loyola University Law School and Lecturer. Permanent address Loyola University, New Orleans, La. Kettell, Rev. George F., 5.T.D., Rochester Born January 31,1857. in) ots Catherine’s Ontario mage Educated at St. Bridget’s School, Buffalo, N. Y., Ham- mondsport, N. Y., Public School, Hammondsport, N. Y., High School and St. Andrew’s Preparatory Seminary, Rochester, N. Y. Received theological training at St. Ber- nard’s Seminary, Rochester, and in Rome. Ordained June 6, 1914. Member of the K. of C., and American Legion. Commissioned March 3, 1918. Served at Fort Williams, Portland, Me., and in France at St. Leonard, Bordeaux and Semur. Discharged May 16, 1919 at Camp Dix, as First Lieutenant. Was with the 72nd C.A.C., May, 1918— March, 1919, and with the 307th Field Artillery, 78th Division, March 19th to discharge. Professor at St. Ber- nard’s Seminary, Rochester, N. Y. Permanent address, St. Bernard’s Seminary, Rochester, N. Y. Kiely, Rev. William Francis, Brooklyn Born April 11, 1885, in Waterbury, Conn. Educated at Washington Public School, Waterbury, St. Francis Pre- paratory, Brooklyn, N. Y., and St. Francis College, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Received theological training at College of the 154 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Propaganda, Rome, Italy. Ordained June 10, 1911. Mem- ber of the American Legion. Commissioned August 28, 1918. Went overseas with the 318th Machine Gun Battalion September 30, 1918. Was in action at the Meuse-Argonne. Discharged February 13, 1920, as First Lieutenant. As- sistant Pastor, St. Dominic’s, Oyster Bay. Permanent ad- dress, 96 Anstice Street, Oyster Bay, N. Y. Kiernan, Rev. John Joseph, New York Born September 17, 1893, in New York City. Ordained June 17, 1916. Commissioned October 22, 1918. Served at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., and in Transport Duty. Dis- charged September 29, 1919, at Camp Upton. Address, 343 West 25th Street, New York City. Kilgour, Rev. Alexander John, C.P. Born July 14, 1875, in Cincinnati, O. Educated in the Public Schools of Cincinnati, St. Mary’s High School, Dunkirk, N. Y., and St. Mary’s College, Dunkirk, N. Y. Received theological training at the Passionist Monastery. Ordained June 4, 1898. Member of the K. of C. Com- missioned June 1, 1918. Served at Gestner Field and Camp Deatbevatdun IjauerandsiGainp rolkw Nv Gi. Discharged December 15, 1918, as First Lieutenant, at Raleigh, N. C. Missionary. Permanent address, St. Paul, Kan., c/o Pas- sionist Monastery. Kilkenny, Rev. Peter Joseph, Kansas City Born May 4, 1881, in Ireland. Educated in National Grade Schools, Ireland, Mosque-St. Mary’s High School, Ireland, and St. Mel’s College, Longford, Ireland. Re- ceived theological training at St. John’s Seminary, Water- ford, Ireland. Ordained June 15, 1904. Member of the K. of C., Knights of Father Matthew and American Legion. Commissioned October 9, 1918. Served at Camp Lewis, 155 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Camp Kearney, Presidio, and Schofield Barracks, H. T. Captain Chaplain, 27th Infantry, Hawaii. Permanent address, c/o Adjutant General, War Department, Washing- ton Once Killian, Rev. William N., Philadelphia Born September 26, 1888, in Philadelphia. Educated at Fox Chase Public School, Philadelphia, Central High School, Philadelphia, St. Joseph’s Preparatory, Philadel- phia, and St. Joseph’s College, Philadelphia. Received theological training at St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pa. Ordained February 10, 1912. Commissioned Novem- ber (2. bO L/S ocrmcd ewithvethe 31 3th alntanthyved media p Meade, Md., November, 1917 to March, 1918, at Camp Upton, N. Y., and in France, with the 302nd Ammunition Train, March, 1918—November, 1918, 307th Infantry, October, 1918—May, 1919. In action at Baccarat Sector, July 16th—August 4, 1918, at Vesle, August 12th—Septem- ber 16, 1918, Meuse-Argonne, September 26th—November 11, 1918. Discharged May 26, 1919, as First Lieutenant, atiCGani pi loix (ING a Ssistan ty ectolW Ofc eliza De rnms Church, Philadelphia, Pa. Permanent address, 1845 North 23rd Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Killion, Rev. John Edwin, Boston Born March 27, 1881, in Malden, Mass. Educated at Im- maculate Conception School, Malden, Malden High School, and St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md. Re- ceived theological training at St. John’s Seminary, Boston. Ordained ‘December 22, 1905. Member of the Ky’ of ‘C: and Foresters. Commissioned October 14, 1918. Served at Saizerais, Villarupt, Pont-a-mousson, France, Ist Divi- sion area, Hilgert Army of Occupation, Germany. Dizis- charged at Camp Devens, Mass., as First Lieutenant, Octo- ber 8, 1919. Curate, St. Francis de Sales Church, Rox- bury, Mass. 156 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR King, Rev. Terence, S.J. Bom April Omisol wan’ Glen) Cove; ala meducated: at Public School, Glen Cove, L. I., and Cathedral School, N. Y. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Semi- nary, Hastings, England. Ordained August 2, 1914. Mem- ber of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Commissioned April 19, 1918. Served with the 18th In- fantry, Ist Division. In action at Aisne-Marne, St. Mihiel, and Argonne (two phases). Discharged September 13, 1919, at Camp Gordon as First Lieutenant. Commissioned First Lieutenant, Officers’ Reserve Corps, February 17, [920% Teacher’Sacred Heart High’ School, Vampa,\Fla: Permanent address, Sacred Heart High School, Tampa, Fla. Kirk, Rev. Edward F., Newark Born February 19, 1882, in Elizabeth, N. J. Ordained May 25, 1907. Commissioned September 17, 1917. Served with thew s09thy bicldy Artillery AvPYRy. Discharged’ May 15, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J. Address, 400 Willow Avenue, Hoboken NEN]: Kirwin, Rev. James Martin, S.T.L., V.G., Galveston DOG Ulvelbw toy 201 Circleville sO. Educated invlocal Public and Parochial Schools, St. Mary’s College, Ky., and St. Joseph’s College, Bardstown, Ky. Received theological training at Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary, Cincinnati, O., and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Ordained June £9) 1895e. Member of ther Ky -of),C.)) andiiSpanishy War Veterans. Commissioned November 26, 1917, after having received personal cable from General Pershing. Reported at Washington, but was called back to his Diocese on account of the illness and death of Bishop Gallagher. Had been Chaplain of the First U.S. V. I., in the Spanish-American 157 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR War and was Chaplain of the 4th Texas Infantry from 1900-15. Vicar-general, Galveston Diocese. Permanent address, Galveston, Tex. Knipscher, Rev. John Edward, M.A., S.J. Born September 20, 1879, in Edgerton, Kan. Educated in the Parochial School, Kansas City, Mo., St. Mary’s High School, Kan., St. Mary’s College, Kan., and St. Louis Uni- versity, Mo. Received theological training at St. Louis University. Ordained June 30, 1915. Member of the K. of: Cy) Served aseKin@ ss Chaplain, ‘September tO limo February, 1918, at Army Auto Training School, Kansas City, Mo., and Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, Mo. Pro- fessor at Rockhurst College, Kansas City, Mo. Permanent address, Rockhurst College, Kansas City, Mo. Koob, Rev. George Leonard, Cleveland Born September 20, 1884, in Cleveland, O. Ordained May 21s POtOe Commissioned jseptember 200 nls. i eiy ca with the 14th Machine Gun Battalion, A.E.F. Discharged March 19, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J. Address, 3909 Detroit Avenue, Cleveland, O. Koralewski, Rev. Stanislaus John, Chicago Born September 9, 1887, in Posen, Poland. Educated at St. Adalbert’s School, Chicago, and St. Stanislaus College, Chicago. Received theological training at St. Francis Semi- nary, St. Francis, Wis. Ordained June 10, 1911. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned December 17, 1917. Served at Camp Custer, Mich., and in France at Rimacourt, and Ts-sur-Tille, with the 330th Field Artillery. Discharged July 38,1919) ati Camp) Dix New) vas birsteiientenant Pastor, St. Joseph’s, Argo, Ill. Permanent address, 5757 South 75th Avenue, Summit, II]. 158 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Kranz, Rev. George Boniface, Erie Born September 20, 1887, in Williamsport, Pa. Educated at St. Joseph’s and Sacred Heart Schools, Erie, Pa., and St. Bonaventure’s College, Allegany, N. Y. Received theo- logical training at St. Bonaventure’s Seminary, Allegany, INV Oradined a tine ).19120 Member ontnevinwot.G, Commissioned in the Navy December 8, 1915. Served with the Marines at St. Mihiel and last two days of Ar- gonne. Chaplain aboard the U.S.8S. New Mexico. Perma- nent address, 925 West 27th Street, Erie, Pa. Kroll, Rev. Peter John, St. Cloud Born June 8, 1889, in Royalton, Minn. Educated at Dis- trict School, Bellevue, Minn., Parochial School, North Prairie, Minn., St. Francis Preparatory Seminary, St. Francis, Wis., and St. Cyrillus and Methodius Seminary, Detroit, Mich. Received theological training at St. Paul’s Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. Ordained January 27, 1914. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned April 18, 1918. Seaved at) Camp Daylor, )Ky)in) Chaplains’! Training School, April 20th to May 30, 1918. Sailed for France Tuncwlothswearrivedsot. Nazaire, brance, June 2/. 1918) Was at the front from July 15th to Armistice Day. Was in action at Ypres-Lys, St. Mihiel, and Meuse-Argonne, with the 27th Division. Remained with the 27th Division until March 5, 1919. Went with the 5th Division in Army of Occupation in Luxembourg, March 5, 1919. Discharged July 30, 1919, at Camp Dodge, Ia., as First Lieutenant. Pastor, St. John Cantius Church, St. Cloud, Minn. Per- manent address, 1515 North Third Street, St. Cloud, Minn. Kulinski, Rev. Francis A., Chicago Born March 22, 1889, in Manistee, Mich. Educated at St. Stanislaus School, St. Stanislaus College, and St. Cyril 159 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR and Methodius College, Detroit, Mich. Received ecclesi- astical training at St. Mary’s Seminary and the Seminary of St. Cyril and Methodius. Member of Polish R. C. Union, Catholic Foresters, K. of C. and Illinois Re- serve Officers’ Association. Commissioned October 10, 1917. Served at Camp Grant with the 343rd Infantry, at Camp Gordon with the 319th Machine Gun Battalion. In) ‘Francemwith theyo27th Infantry oe loa chonmean Somme Front, May 15th—June 15, 1918, at Toul, June 28th—August 9, 1918, Marbach Sector, August 17th— September 18, 1918, St. Mihiel, September 12-16, 1918, Meuse-Argonne, September 29th—October 30, 1918. Dis- charged May 9, 1919, as First Lieutenant. First Lieutenant Officers’ Reserve Corps. Chaplain, House of Correction, Chicago, Ill. Permanent address, 26th Street and Cali- fornia Avenue, Chicago, III. Labouré, Rev. Theodore, O.M.I., Ph.D., S.T.D. Born May 19, 1883, in Montsurs, Mayenne, France. Edu- cated in the Schools in Montsurs, the Juniorate of the Oblate Fathers, Pontmain, France, and the Juniorate of the Oblate Fathers at Sion (Lorraine). Received theological training at Oblate Scholasticate and Gregorian University. Or- dained April, 1906. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Del Rio, Tex. Curate at St. Mary’s Italian Church, New Orleans, La., Defensor Vinculi, Promotor Justitiae and Member of Musical Commission, New Orleans. Permanent address, 1114 Chartres Street, New Orleans, La. Lacombe, Rev. George, San Francisco Born in San Francisco, January 1, 1886. Ordained June 21, 1910. Appointed Chaplain in the United States Army Oc- tober 20, 1917. Served with the 347th Field Artillery. 160 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Lager, Rev. Urban William, O.C.C. Born July 19, 1881, in Pittsburgh, Pa. Educated at Holy Trinity School, Pittsburgh, St. Cyril’s High School, Chicago, Ill., and St. Cyril’s College, Chicago, Ill. Re- ceived theological training at St. Cyril’s Seminary. Or- dained August 24, 1907. Member of the K. of C. Com- missioned June 1, 1918. Served in the A.E.F., with the 317th Infantry. Was in the Meuse-Argonne Drive. Dis- charged June 6, 1919, as First Lieutenant, at Camp Dix, N. J. Prior of Mt. Carmel College, Niagara Falls, Can. Permanent address, Mt. Carmel College, Niagara Falls, Can. Laherty, Rev. John Joseph, M.A., S.J. Born March 23, 1879, in San Francisco, Calif. Educated at St. Ignatius Preparatory School and St. Ignatius High School, San Francisco, Calif., and Gonzaga University, Spokane, Wash. Received theological training at Jesuit Seminary in Montreal. Ordained April 30, 1910. Mem- ber of the K. of C., and American Legion. Commissioned in the Navy, July 30, 1918. Served at Receiving Ship, Puget Sound Navy Yard. Discharged as Lieutenant, junior grade, at San Francisco, August, 1919. Professor at Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. Permanent ad- dress, Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. Lallou, Rev. William J., Philadelphia Born August 17, 1880, in Philadelphia, Pa. Educated in the Wharton Primary and Secondary, Nebinger Gram- mar, and Central High School, Philadelphia, Pa., Seton Hall College, South Orange, N. J., and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Received theological training at St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pa. Ordained May 28, 1904. Member of the K. of C. Served as K. C. Chaplain, 161 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR September 20, 1917 to February 14, 1918, at Camp Hancock, Ga. Permanent address, 218 Queen Street, Philadelphia, ay Lambert, Rev. Gedeon Isidore Joseph, Providence Born November 22, 1888, in Providence, R. I. Educated at St. Charles Parochial School and La Salle Academy, Providence, (RU seminaite de: |oliette(\Collesegdenar Laurent, and Seminaire de Philosophie, Can. Received theological training at the Grand Seminaire de Montreal, Can. Ordained December 23, 1916. Member of the K. of C., Canados Americain, and St. Jean Baptiste d’Amerique. Commissioned November 8, 1918. Served at Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., until his discharge as First Lieutenant, December 12, 1918. First Lieutenant, Officers’ Reserve Corps, December 13, 1918. Stationed at Notre Dame de Lourdes, Providence, R. I. Permanent address, 901 At- wells Avenue, Providence, R. I. Lammers, Rev. Henry T., Cincinnati Born July 27, 1887, in Cincinnati. Ordained June 14, 1912. Commissioned August 3, 1918. Served at Camp Upton and on the U.S.S. Mercy. Discharged at Hoboken, May $1,71919) Address; 2625 \Sciota: street, Gincinnatin@. Landowski, Rev. John S., Green Bay Born February 6, 1890, in Stevens Point, Wis. Educated in the Stevens Point Parochial, Public and Normal Schools. Received theological training at St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. Ordained April 14, 1916. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commissioned May 6, 1917. Served at Fort Sheridan, Ill., and Camp Custer, Mich., and in the A.E.F., at Archangel, Russia, with the 339th Infantry. Decorated with the Order of St. Stanislaus, Third Class. Received British Citation, June 19, 1919, 162 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR and American Citation, June 22, 1919. Discharged as First Lieutenant at Camp Grant, Ill., August 4, 1919. Pastor of Sacred Heart Church, Lena, Wis. Permanent address, 214 Washington Avenue, Stevens Point, Wis. Landry, Rev. John Henry, Hartford Born November 11, 1887, in Bristol, Conn. Ordained July 13, 1913. Commissioned September 10, 1918. Served at Camp Stuart and in Transport Duty. Discharged August 5, 1919. Address, 128 Laurel Street, Bristol, Conn. Lange, Rev. Edwin E., M.A., Newark Born October 29, 1884, in Butler, N. J. Educated at St. Nicholas Parochial School, Passaic, N. J., Seton Hall High School, South Orange, N. J., and Seton Hall College, South Orange, N. J. Received theological training at American College, Louvain, Belgium. Ordained, July 9, 1911. Mem- ber of the K. of C. and A.O.H. Commissioned August 10, 1917. Served at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Camp Taylor, Ky., Camp Gordon, Ga., and Camp Sheridan, Ala. Dis- charged February 22, 1919. Permanent address, 15 Van Ness Place, Newark, N. J. Langlard, Rev. Henri, Oregon, Reims Born October 14, 1869, in France. Educated in Schools and High Schools of Dijon, France, Catholic University of Paris, and University of California. Received theological training at Paris, France. Ordained December 23, 1893. Member of the American Legion. Commissioned Septem- ber 12, 1917, as First Lieutenant in the Corps of Inter- preters. Sent to Camp Sevier. Served in Flanders with the 30th Division and was in action at St. Mihiel and the Argonne with the 89th Division. Acted as Chaplain from December, 1918 until March, 1919. Was made Officier d’Academie, May 25, 1919, A.E.F. University. Discharged 163 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR as First Lieutenant at San Francisco, Calif., October 10, 1919. Captain in the Military Intelligence Reserve Corps. Permanent address, 634 Hobart Street, Oakland, Calif. Langton, Rev. John Alphonsus, New York Born April 19, 1885, in New York City. Educated at St. James School, St. James High School and Cathedral Col- lege, New York City. Received theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y. Ordained June 6, 1914. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned Septem- beri 22, V1 9187 iServedvat Romorantiny sb rance | oe mao No! 2, ALE AES) Discharged July 7, 1919 cas Firstulaied= tenantatiErobokensin i Chaplain sat UVa ca ay Academy, West Point, N. Y. Permanent address, 138 Main Street, Highland Falls, N. Y. Lannert, Rev. Joseph G., Indianapolis Born February 9, 1867, in Evansville, Ind. Educated at St. Meinrad’s College, Ind., and Mt. St. Mary’s College, Emmitsburg, Md. Theology at Mt. St. Mary’s, Cincinnati, O. Ordained June 19, 1895. Served as Auxiliary Chap- lain/at)» Marine) Draining) Station) Paris) Island, yS7Gn November, 1918—January, 1919. Pastor, St. Charles Church, Bloomington, Ind. Address, 212 South Dunn Street, Bloomington, Ind. La Querre, Rev. Joseph Achille, Denver, Trois Rivieres Born December 13, 1886, in Batiscan, P. Q., Can. Educated at St. Joseph’s Sahel 1a Sidaaul and College, Trois Rivieres, Can. Reeeed theological training at the Grand Seminary, Trois Rivieres. Ordained June 29, 1911. Mem- ber of the K. of C. Served as Volunteer Chaplain at Fort Lyon, U. S. Naval Hospital, since May, 1915, and still serves there. Permanent address, Las Animas, Colo. 164 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Latiolais, Rev. A., S.J. Served as Voluntary Chaplain at Dorr and Carlstrom Fields, Fla., during the war and for several months after. Lauermann, Rev. Joseph B., Chicago Born February 26, 1884, in Wilmette, Ill. Educated at St. Joseph’s School, and St. Joseph’s High School, Wil- mette, Ill., and the College Department of St. Francis Semi- nary, St. Francis, Wis. Received theological training at St. Paul’s Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. Ordained June 13, Osa Miembemotthe kof ©. C.0 OR sand) American Legion. Commissioned August 25, 1918. Served with the 146th Infantry, at St. Dizier, France, and M.R.U., the 310th M.T.C., at Coblenz, Germany. Was in action at the Ypres-Lys. Discharged October 9, 1919, at Camp Grant, Lies irsty Wicutcnant: | baston ot.) oseph’s, Church: Waukegan, Ill. Permanent address, 225 McKinley Avenue, Waukegan, Ill. Laurent, Rev. John Marius, O.M.I. Born March 22, 1882, in Morlaix, France. Educated at St. Francis School and St. Francis High School, Morlaix, France, and St. Pol de Leon College, France. Received theological training at San Antonio Theological Seminary. Ordained June 20, 1909. Member of the K. of C. Served as an Auxiliary Chaplain, teaching French to officers and enlisted men at Camp Travis, Tex., from October, 1917 to March, 1918. Was commissioned October 14, 1918, and ordered to Jackson Barracks, La., but war ended before he was mustered in. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Camp John Wise, and Brooks Field during 1919. Permanent ad- dress, French Settlement, La. Laviolette, Rev. Leo Edward, Springfield Born Mach 7, 1892, in West Boylston, Mass. Educated in Public Schools, Worcester, Mass., Classical High School, 165 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Worcester, Mass., and St. Hyacinthe College, P. Q., Can. Received theological training at Grand Seminaire, Mon- treal) P) QO3>Cani \ OrdaimediDecember 22,191 7 Viemper of the K. of C., F. M. T. A., Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Union of St. Jean Baptiste. Commissioned August 20, 1918. Served at Hoboken Port of Embarkation, Port Chaplain’s Office, Camp Merritt, N. J., Winall Down Camp, Winchester, England, Cherbourg, France, St. Aig- nan, France, Foret du) Der; Eclaron, France, “Pareny, France. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieu- tenant, July 9, 1919. Assistant at Notre Dame Church, Pittsfield, Mass. Permanent address, 50 Melville Street, Pittsfield, Mass. Lawless, Rev. Thomas A., D.D., O.S.F.S. Born: January 17;)1591\in) Henry) Clay, P.O} Deletaie cated at St. Joseph’s on the Brandywine Parochial School, Salesianum High School, Wilmington, Del., and Scholas- ticate of Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, Childs, Md. Re- ceived theological training at Apollinaris Seminary, Rome, Italy. Ordained December 20, 1913. Commissioned September 15, 1918. Served in A.E.F., with the 302nd Centre Tank Corps and with the M.T.C. Discharged July 8, 1919, as First Lieutenant, at Mitchell Field, N.Y. Teacher at Salesianum High School, Wilmington, Del. Permanent address, 801 West Street, Wilmington, Del. Leary, Rev. John Francis, M.A., Baltimore Born October 14, 1891, in Washington, D. C. Educated in the Public Grammar School, Georgetown Preparatory, Georgetown University and Catholic University, Washing- ton, D. C. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained August 31, 1917. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned August 1, 1918. Served at Camp Morrison, Va., and Embarkation Hospital, 166 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Camp Stuart, Va. Discharged as First Lieutenant, at Camp Lee, Va., September 16, 1919. Appointed First Lieutenant, Officers’ Reserve Corps, February 17, 1920. Assistant Pastor, St. Ann’s, Baltimore, Md. Permanent address, 528 East 22nd Street, Baltimore, Md. Lechman, Rev. John Charles, Altoona Born January 15, 1882, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Ordained June 18, 1905. Commissioned July 31, 1918. Served at Camp Crane, Pa. Discharged February 11, 1919, at Camp Crane, Pa. Address, 340 Nepperhan Avenue, Yonkers, N. Y. Le Cair, Rev. René Marie, Sioux City Born August 5, 1872, in Brittany, France. Educated at State Primary School, Brittany, and Apostolic School of the Fathers of the Company of Mary, Calvary de Pont- Chateau, France. Received theological training at Scholas- ticate of Fathers of Company of Mary in Ottawa, Can. Ordained’ september 19." 1590." Viember of the; K.)of C: Came to the United States in 1902. Established Fathers of the Company of Mary and Sisters of Wisdom at Port Jefferson and Ozone Park, Long Island, N. Y. Joined Sioux City Diocese in 1906. Inducted as Interpreter from French Army into A.E.F., Ist Division, June 24, 1917, and became Auxiliary Chaplain with the Marines. Served at St. Nazaire, Gondrecourt, Savenay. Discharged as Inter- preter from French Army, January, 1919. Continued serv- ices with Ase assk. Cy. Chaplain until july 2001919: when he returned to the United States. Discharged August 26, 1919. “Had: served: ‘as Private in’ Prench Army, from November 19, 1914 to June 24, 1917. Pastor of St. Mary’s Church, Auburn, Ia. Permanent address, Auburn, [a. Leddy, Rev. Joseph Patrick, C.5.5.R. Born February 2, 1879, in New York City. Educated at St. Alphonsus Parochial School and La Salle Academy, 167 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR New York City, St. Mary’s College, North East, Pa., and New York University Law School (LL.B.), New York City. Received theological training at Redemptorist Semi- nary, Esopus, N. Y. Ordained June 10, 1915. Admitted to Chaplains’ Training School, November 15, 1918. Served at Camp Taylor until his discharge, November 27, 1918. Lederer, Rev. Joseph, Milwaukee Born June 4, 1879, in Milwaukee, Wis. Educated at St. Miuchael’s Parochial School, Milwaukee, Wis., St. Francis High School, Wis., and St. Francis College, Wis. Re- ceived theological training at St. Francis Seminary, Wis. Ordained) June) Zi 4903s iviember) of thes ot wean Foresters. Served as K. C. Chaplain in 1918. Attended Chaplains’ ‘Training School from June 1, 1918 until June 24, 1918. Permanent address, Middleton, Wis. Leduc, Rev. Paul Joseph Anthony, Albany Born September) 7,1889) ins Cohoes Ni YE ducateguas St. Joseph’s Parochial School, Cohoes, N. Y., and Assump- tion College, Can. Received theological training at Sul- pician Seminary, Montreal, Can. Ordained September Zhy AGUS Miembenvoti, the), Kitot Cr land a thesesinmeq cant Legion. Commissioned Lieutenant, junior grade, in the Navy, July 17, 1917. Served at the Brooklyn Navy Yard for three months, and aboard the U.S.S. Montana, twenty- eight months, part of the time on Convoy Duty. Dis- charged December 18, 1919. Assistant Pastor, St. Joseph’s Church, Cohoes, N. Y. Permanent address, Cohoes, N. Y. Ledwig, Rev. Francis J., San Antonio Born March 19, 1889, in Yorktown, Tex. Ordained July 31, 1913. Commissioned in Navy, August 14, 1918. Served aboard the U.S.S. Pastores. Resigned July 7, 1919. Ad- dress, 310 Dwyer Avenue, San Antonio, Tex. 168 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR L’Ecuyer, Rev. George E., Burlington Entered military service, October 7, 1918. Address, Enos- burg Falls, Vt. Lee, Rev. Bernard W., Alton Born March 1, 1869, in Ireland. Ordained June 21, 1895, in Cincinnati Oumnerved) asia /KYiC) Chanlainwpheccived appointment December 31, 1917. Served at Kelly Field, Texas. Legowski, Rev. Francis Louis Stanislaus, M.A., Toledo Born October 21.1889, in ‘Toledo, O.. Educated) at St. Hedwig’s Parochial School, Toledo, O., St. Cyril and Methodius High School and College, Detroit, Mich. Re- ceived theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Balti- more, Md. Ordained June 1, 1912. Commissioned Decem- Dome ce lobe oenveduatyG@ampnVicArtiure), Lex ,\Camp Merritt, N. J., and in the A.E.F. In action at the Marne- Vesle, Oise-Aisne, Argonne and Meuse-Argonne. Dis- charged April 11, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieu- tenant. Pastor, St. Anthony’s Church, Toledo, O. Perma- nent address, 1416 Nebraska Avenue, Toledo, O. Le May, Rev. Arthur Aloysius, Rochester Born December 7, 1888, in Watertown, N. Y. Educated at St. Mary’s School, Rochester, N. Y., Public School, WillardNosy:, Oviditiichi School Ovid) Na Yucand (St Andrew’s College, Rochester, N. Y. Received theological training at St. Bernard’s Seminary, Rochester, N. Y. Or- dained June 6, 1914. Member of the K. of C., American Legion and Disabled War Veterans. Commissioned Febru- ary 6, 1918. Sailed for France one week after being com- missioned. Was in action at St. Mihiel and Meuse-Ar- gonne. Gassed November 7, 1918, in Meuse-Argonne. Dis- charged April 19, 1919, from Oswego Military Hospital, 169 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR as First Lieutenant. Spent three years in Army hospitals after discharge, because of injuries received in France. Appointed Chaplain, Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home, Bath, NOY: July (5.019229) Rernianent address sBatha Ne Lenihan, Rev. Daniel James, Dubuque Born March 15, 1876, in Dubuque, Ia. Ordained December 21,1901. Commissioned August 15, 1918. Served at Camp Raritan Ney Discharcedy fanuary) 27.91 Ome delice Dubuque Chancery Office. Lennan, Rev. Thomas Joseph, A.M., Baltimore Born December 7, 1884, in Westernport, Md. Educated in Western Maryland Parochial Schools and at St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained June 21,1911. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned Novem- ber 26, 1917. Served at Fort Caswell, N. C., Fort Amador, C. Z.,:and Fort Benning, Ga.) Remained in thes Aru Permanent address, c/o Adjutant General, War Depart- ment, Washington, D. C. Leonard, Rev. J. Benedict, Scranton Born October 17, 1889, in Pleasant Mount, Pa. Ordained December 21, 1916. Commissioned June 14, 1918. Served at Camp Lee, Va., and in Transport Duty. Discharged March 22, 1919. Address, 315 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, ay Leonard, Rev. Paul Joseph, Mobile Born August 27, 1870, in Ireland. Educated in Irish National Schools, St. Mary’s College, Belmont, N. C., and St. Bernard Cullinan College, Ala. Received theological training at St. Bernard Cullinan Seminary, Ala. Ordained 170 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Uy e? Jl oO (eeemerved ass Ki) Ci Auxiliary, Chaplain at Warrington, Fla., during war. Permanent address, Toul- minville, Ala. Le Sage, Rev. Marshall J., C.M. Born December 16, 1875, in Minneapolis, Minn. Educated in the Public Schools of Minneapolis, Minn., and Los Angeles, Calif., St. Mary’s High School and St. Mary’s College, Perryville, Mo. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Perryville, Mo. Ordained July 9, 1899. Commissioned August 23, 1918. Served at Cape Girardeau, Mo., and in the A.E.F., with the 104th Am- munition Train of the 29th Division, and in Base Hospital No. 90. Discharged July 9, 1919, as First Lieutenant at Camp Dix, N. J. Permanent address, St. Vincent’s Col- lege, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Le Veer, Rev. Arthur Joseph, Burlington Born January 3, 1886, in Bloomfield, Vt. Educated in the Wohevecucimom CTO hw and ot laurent.) +... Can. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore. Ordained May 29, 1915. Member of the K. of C.,C.O.0.F., and St. J. B. Commissioned August 11, 1918. Went oveseas September 8, 1918. First to England, then to France. Assigned to the 102nd Machine Gun Battalion, 26th Division. Was in action with his battalion in the Argonne. In March, 1919, was tranferred to American Base Hospital No. 5, Brest. Ordered home June 26, 1919, and discharged as First Lieutenant at Camp Dix, N. J., July 18, 1919. Permanent address, St. Norbert’s Rectory, Hardwick, Vt. Levesque, Rev. Pierre H., Albany Born September 6, 1884, in Farnham, P. Q., Can. Ed- ucated at Grammar School and Public High School, 171 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Schuylerville, N. Y., and Grand Seminaire, Joliette, P. Q., Can. Received theological training at Grand Seminary, Montreal. Ordained December 23, 1911. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned October 30, 1917. Served in the A.E.F., with the 11th Engineers, in the Somme Sector, Lys Defensive, North Picardy, St. Mihiel Offensive, and Meuse-Argonne Offensive. In the United States, served at Camps Upton, Meade, Dix and Fort McHenry. Chap- lain of 6th Field Artillery, at Fort Hoyle, Md. Permanent address, c/o Adjutant General, War Department, Washing- ton DEG, Lillis, Rev. William Joseph, Boston Born March 13, 1887, in Salem, Mass. Educated at Salem Public School, Boston College High School and Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. Received theological training at St. John’s Seminary, Brighton, Mass. Ordained Sunes; 1917) Member ot the Ky of. CivA. Ot and simmers can Legion. Commissioned August, 1918. Served at Camp Devens, Mass., aboard Transports North Carolina and Santa Rosa, and at Camp Bragg, N. C. Discharged at Camp Bragg, N. C., Nevember 20, 1920, as Captain. Com- missioned Captain in the Officers’ Reserve Corps. Perma- nent address, 121 Norfolk Street, Cambridge, Mass. Little, Rev. William P., New York Born September 17, 1886, in New York City. Ordained April 20, 1913, in Rome, Italy. Commissioned June 24, 1918. Served at Camp Hancock, Ga., until discharged March 6, 1919. Address, 217 West 71st Street, New York City. Loehr, Rev. Edward A., New York Born June 5, 1883, in Yonkers, N. Y. Educated at St. Mary’s School, Yonkers, N. Y.; Xavier High School, New 172 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR York City, and St. Francis Xavier’s College, New York City. Received theological training at St. Joseph’s Semi- nary, Dunwoodie, N. Y. Ordained June 5, 1909. Member of K. of C. and American Legion. Commissioned August 23, 1918. Served at Camp Taylor in the United States. In the A.E.F., with the 13lst Infantry. Was in action in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive, Troyon Sector, First Raid on St. Hilaire, Second Raid on St. Hilaire, Attack on Bois les Hautes Epines; Attacks on La Vachere Bois, Bois de War- ville and Butgneville. Discharged May 30, 1919, as First Lieutenant. Assistant Pastor Resurrection Church, New York City. Permanent address, 276 West 15lst Street, New York City. Lonergan, Rev. John M., Rockford Born May 14, 1884, in Polo, Ill. Ordained June 27, 1909. Commissioned March 23, 1918. Served with 18th Infantry ALEeLomeOischarsed August.) 5, 1919 (at Camp |.Grant, Address, Polo, Ill. Lorenz, Rev. John Edward, Philadelphia Born March 30, 1890, in New Ringgold, Pa. Educated at local Public School, Tremont High School and Villanova College, Pa. Received theological training at St. Charles Seminary, Pa. Ordained May 27, 1916. Member of K. of C. and American Legion. Commissioned August 21, 1918. Served in the A.E.F., with the 52nd Infantry of the 6th Division. Was in action at the Meuse-Argonne. Dis- charged with the rank of First Lieutenant June 16, 1919. Pastor at Kutztown, Pa. Permanent address is 236 East Main Street, Kutztown, Pa. 173 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Loughran, Rev. Joseph S., Monterey Born June 11, 1887, in Washington, D. C. Ordained June 1, 1912. Commissioned September 16, 1916. Retired Sep- tember 28, 1921. His address is 15 Ninth Street, 8S. E., Washington, D. C. Luby, Rev. William Joseph, Green Bay Born December 3, 1879, in Cashel, Ireland. Educated at Chicago Public School and Sacred Heart College, Water- town, Wis. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained December 17, 1904. Member of the K. of C., Rotary Club and American Legion. Commissioned April 11, 1918. Served at the Army and Navy Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark. Discharged December 11, 1918, as First Lieutenant. Pastor Sacred Heart Church, Manitowoc, Wis. His permanent address is 520 North 7th Street, Manitowoc, Wis. Luckey, Rev. Arthur James, Concordia Born August 15, 1877, in Greenleaf, Kan. Educated at Greenleaf Public School, Greenleaf High School and St. Benedict’s College, Atchison, Kan. Received theological training at Kenrick Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Ordained June 10, 1904. Member of K. of C. and American Legion. Commissioned August 12, 1918. Stationed at Camp Funs- ton, Kan., until his discharge as First Lieutenant, Novem- ber 30, 1918. Appointed First Lieutenant Chaplain, Of- ficers’ Reserve Corps. Was first Kansas State Chaplain of American Legion and first Post Commander, Pearce- Kellar Post, American Legion. Pastor Seven Dolors Church, Manhattan, Kan., and President of Concordia Diocesan School Board. His permanent address is Man- hattan, Kan. 174 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Lydon, Rev. Patrick John, Boston Born July 8, 1882, in Boston, Mass. Educated at St. John’s Parochial, Fitton Parochial, Boston College Preparatory, and Boston College, all in Boston, Mass. Received theo- logical training at St. John’s Seminary, Boston, Mass. Or- dained December 19, 1908. Member 3rd Division Society. Commissioned October 1, 1917. Stationed with the 10th Field Artillery, 3rd Division, at Douglas, Ariz., France and Germany. Was in action at Champagne-Marne, Aisne- Marne, St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne. Cited for gal- lantry in action at Chateau-Thierry, July 15, 1918. Dis- charged March 29, 1919, at Camp Jackson, N. C., as First Lieutenant. Assistant Pastor, St. Francis de Sales Church, Roxbury, Mass. Permanent address, 116 Vernon Street, Boston, 20, Mass. Lynch, Rev. Daniel Joseph, M.A., S.J. Born January 1, 1879, in Gloucester, Mass. Educated in local Public Schools, Boston Latin School, Boston College, Boston, Mass., and Woodstock College, Woodstock, Md. Ordained June 28, 1916. Chaplain 78th Division Associa- tion. Commissioned April 11, 1918. Stationed at Blois and Tours and with the 310th Infantry, 78th Division. Brigaded with the British, back of Arras. In action at St. Mihiel Offensive at Thiacourt, and Liney Sector at St. Juvin in Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Recommended for the Distinguished Service Cross by General Hersey, Brigade Commander. Cited by General Pershing for con- spicuous and meritorious service at Bois Des Loges. Dis- charged May 29, 1919, at Camp Lee, Va., as First Lieu- tenant. Professor at Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Mass. Permanent address, Boston College, Chestnut Hill 67, Mass. 175 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Lynch, Rev. Martin, J., Philadelphia Born September 8, 1889, in Philadelphia, Pa. Ordained May 17, 1913. Commissioned October 31, 1917. Served with the 304th Infantry, A.E.F., and at Hospital Centre, Savenay, France. Discharged August 16, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J.) Addressy2321)Greene Street) Philadelphiagiay Lynch, Rev. Thomas Francis, Hartford Born December 7, 1887, in Waterbury, Conn. Educated at Duggan School, Barnard School, and Crosby High School, Waterbury, Conn., and St. Thomas Seminary, Hartford, Conn. Received theological training at Ameri- can College, Louvain, Belgium. Ordained July 13, 1913. Member of the K. of C., and American Legion. Com- missioned January 24, 1918. Served with the 302nd In- fantry at Camp Gondrecourt, St. Sulpice, Charenton, France; with the 30lst Machine Gun Battalion, at Camp Devens and Lunery, France, with the 23rd Infantry at Ardennes and in march to Rhine. Was in action at the Meuse-Argonne. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieutenant June 14, 1919. Permanent address, 25 North Cliff Street, Ansonia, Conn. Lyng, Rev. Edward Joseph, Philadelphia Born May 12, 1885, in New York City. Educated at St. Malachy’s School, St. Joseph’s High School and St. Joseph’s College, Philadelphia, Pa. ‘Theological training at St. Charles Borromeo’s Seminary, Philadelphia, Pa. Ordained May 27, 1911. Member of the K. of C. Com- missioned August 27, 1918. Served at Camps Taylor and Stuart, Port of Embarkation, Va., and aboard the U.S.S. Pastores. Discharged February 15, 1919, at Newport News, Va., as First Lieutenant. Appointed Captain, 315th In- fantry, Officers’ Reserve Corps. Permanent address, 2417 North 8th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 176 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR McAdams, Rev. Edward Patrick, Baltimore Born January 14, 1878, in Baltimore, Md. Educated at Star of the Sea School and Loyola College, Baltimore, Md. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Balti- more, Md. Ordained December 21, 1901. Member of the K. of C., Elks, Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion. Commissioned August 8, 1918. Served at Camp Morris- son, Va., aboard the U.5.S. Susquehanna, Debarkation Hospital No. 51, U. S. General Hospital No. 43, Fort George Wright, Spokane, Wash., and Butte, Mont. Dis- charged July 1, 1920, at Fort George Wright, Wash. Pastor, St. Peter’s, Westernport, Md. Permanent address, 31 Augusta Avenue, Baltimore, Md. McAvinue, Rev. Bartholomew, Erie Born August 11, 1859. Ordained 1894. Served as Red Cross Chaplain during war. McCaffrey, Rev. Joseph, A.A., New York Born March 11, 1890, in New York City. Educated at St. Jerome’s Academy, La Salle Academy, Fordham Pre- paratory and Fordham University, New York City. Re- ceived theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Yonkers, N. Y. Ordained June 17, 1916. Member of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Com- missioned April 6, 1918. Served in the A.E.F., with the 9th U.S. Infantry, 2nd Division. Was in action with his regiment at Soissons, Aisne-Marne, St. Maihiel, Pont-a- Musson Defensive, Champagne, Argonne. Received an American Citation for gallantry, October 6, 1918. Deco- rated with the Croix de Guerre (Corps d’ Armee), October 8, 1918. Discharged August 14, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieutenant. Appointed First Lieutenant Chaplain, Officers’ Reserve Corps, June 11, 1920. Called into service 177 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR at Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., for month of August, 1922. Assistant, St. Rose of Lima Church, West 165th Street, New York City. Permanent address, 510 West 165th Street, New York City. McCann, Rev. Christopher B., New York Born April 24, 1892, in New York City. Educated at Cathedral Parochial School, Manhattan College Prepara- tory and Fordham University. Received theological train- ing at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y. Ordained December 20, 1916. Member of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Commissioned in the Navy, October 20, 1918. Served on the Receiving Ship at Boston, Mass., and aboard the U.S.S. Orizaba. Discharged July 5, 1919, at Norfolk, Va., with the rank of Lieutenant, junior grade. Commissioned Lieutenant, junior grade, U.S.N.R.F. Permanent address, 472 West 142nd Street, New York City. McCann, Rev. John J., Albany Born April 6, 1878, in Mechanicsville, N. Y. Ordained July 9, 1906. Entered service September 26, 1918. Dis- charged July 10, 1919. McCarthy, Rev. Charles J., Ph.D., C.M. Born February 1, 1884, in Moberly, Mo. Educated at St. Patrick’s School, St. Patrick’s Academy and St. Patrick’s Commercial Academy, Chicago, Ill., St. Mary’s Apos- tolic College, Perryville, Mo., and University of Dallas, Dallas, Tex. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Barrens, Mo. Ordained June 23, 1910. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commissioned September 26, 1918. Served in the A.E.F., at Evacuation Hospital No. 8, and in the Army of Occupation. Dis- 178 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR charged August 9, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieu- tenant. Permanent address, University of Dallas, Dallas, sltexn McCarthy, Rev. Daniel Joseph, Savannah Born February 16, 1883, in Savannah, Ga. Educated at Cathedral Parish School and Savannah High School, Savannah, Ga., and in St. Mary’s College, Belmont, N. C. Received theological training at St. Bernard’s Seminary, Rochester, N. Y. Ordained February 16, 1910. Member of the K. of C., Eagles, and American Legion. Commis- sioned September 12, 1918. Served at Fort Moultrie, S. C., Camp Eustis, Camp Stuart and Fort Monroe, Va. _ Dis- charged as First Lieutenant, December 13, 1918, at Fort Monroe. Commissioned First Lieutenant in the Officers’ Reserve Corps, August 29, 1919. Pastor, Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Savannah, Ga. Permanent address, 222 East Harris Street, Savannah, Ga. McCarthy, Rev. George Thomas, M.A., Chicago Born December 1, 1874, in Grand Haven, Mich. Educated at St. Mary’s School, Muskegon, Mich., Assumption High School, Sandwich, Can., and St. Ignatius College, Chicago, Ill. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md., and Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary, Cincinnati, O. Ordained June 21, 1900. Commissioned July 22, 1918. Stationed at Fort Dodge, Ia., Camp Mills, N. Y., Camp Merritt, N. J., and in the A.E.F., with the 7th Division. Was in action at Vieville-en-Haye, Rember- court, Thiacourt and Bois de Puvinelle. Wounded with shrapnel at Vieville-en-Haye, October 4, 1918, gassed at Bois-le-Pretre, November 3, 1918. Decorated with the Croix de Guerre, at Rembercourt, November 10, 1918. Cited for service to French wounded at Bois-le-Pretre, November 3, 1918. Discharged as First Lieutenant, at 179 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Fort Sheridan, I1l., October 20, 1919, but remained in serv- ice as a Volunteer Chaplain until March, 1921. Permanent address, 7320 Ellwood Avenue, Chicago, III. McCarthy, Rev. John Anthony, Manchester Born April 3, 1887, in Manchester, N. H. Educated at McDonald School, Manchester, N. H., St. Anselm’s Pre- paratory and St. Anselm’s College. Received theological training at Grand Seminary, Montreal, Can., and St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained May 235, I91o. Membernioty thetk rot 1) and "A Osby @onnmiss sioned in the Navy, October 17, 1918. Served on Trans- port Duty, with the North Sea Mine Force, and Asiatic Destroyer Squadron. Remained in service. Permanent address, 189 Maple Street, Manchester, N. H. McCloskey, Rev. Francis Aloysius, Trenton Born January 27, 1889, in Trenton, N. J. Educated at St. Joseph’s School, and Joseph Wood Public School, Trenton, N. J., St. Joseph’s Preparatory, Philadelphia, Pa., and Niagara University, Niagara Falls) N. Y. Received theo- logical training at Our Lady of Angels Seminary, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Ordained March 20, 1915. Member of the American Legion. Commissioned September 13, 1917. Served in the A.E.F., with the 329th Infantry, 304th Supply Train, Evacuation Hospital No. 9, and the 11th Machine Gun Battalion. Discharged August 29, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieutenant. Assistant Rector at Sayre- ville, INU], /Permanentvaddress Sayreville Nee |A McClure, Rev. James Robert, Ogdensburg Born January 16, 1885, in Central Falls, R. I. Educated at Garfield Street Grammar School, Central Falls, R. L., Holy Cross High School and Holy Cross College, Wor- cester, Mass. Received theological training at St. Bernard’s 180 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Seminary, Rochester, N. Y. Ordained June 8, 1912. Mem- ber of the K. of C. Served as K. C. Chaplain and Auxiliary Chaplain at Madison Barracks, N. Y., which he is still attending. Pastor of St. Andrew’s Church, Sacket Harbor, N.Y. Permanent address, Sacket Harbor, N. Y. McDermott, Rev. Morgan Andrew, Altoona Born January 22, 1880, in Altoona, Pa. Educated at St. Mary’s German School and Public School, Altoona, Pa., and in Public and Private Schools of Gresson, Pa., and St. Vincent’s College, Beatty, Pa. Received theological train- ing at St. Vincent’s Seminary, Beatty, Pa. Ordained June Diaby se Ost ha plains American ecion 927i state Chaplain, Veterans of Foreign Wars. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned August 23, 1918. Served at Camp Taylor, Ky., with the 159th D.B., Transport Service aboard the U.S.S. Rochester, Camp Dix, N. J., Chaplains’ Office, Hoboken. Discharged, Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieu- tenant, October 9, 1919. Commissioned First Lieutenant, Officers’ Reserve Corps, January 1, 1920. Pastor, Holy Child Jesus Church, Windber, Pa. Permanent address, Windber, Pa. McDermott, Rev. Patrick Neil, Des Moines Born June 19, 1882, in Ireland. Educated at St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Ireland. Theology at Kenrick Semi- nary, St. Louis, Mo. Ordained January 5, 1908. Member of the K. of C., A.O.H., and American Legion. Commis- sioned August 23, 1918. Served at Camp Dodge, Ia., and in France and Germany. Discharged as First Lieutenant, ati@amp Wodgetan july S019 h9 sibtadtservedrasi Ke Oe Chaplain at Camp Dodge, Ia., October, 1917—August, 1918. Address, Atlantic, Ia. 181 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR McDermott, Rev. Terence Stephen, O.P. Born March 14, 1887, in Iowa. Educated in the Local School and High School, Ohio College and Catholic Uni- versity, Washington, D. C. Received theological training at Dominican House of Studies. Ordained June 25, 1913. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commis- sioned March, 1918. Served at Waco, Tex., Fort DuPont, Del., and in the A.E.F. Discharged at Hoboken, N. J., July 15, 1919, as First Lieutenant. Appointed Captain Chaplain in the Officers’ Reserve Corps. Pastor, Holy Name Church, Kansas City, Mo. Permanent address, 2201 Benton Boulevard, Kansas City, Mo. McDonald, Rev. Eugene Edward, M.A., S.S.J. Born July 17, 1869, in Jersey City, N. J. Educated at St. Joseph’s School, Jersey City, N. J., Mt. St. Mary’s College, Emmitsburg, Md., and Seton Hall College, South Orange, N. J. Received theological training at St. Joseph’s Semi- nary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained June 17, 1897. Member of Elks and K. of C. Appointed Chaplain in the Navy by President Roosevelt, December 12, 1902. Has served as Chaplain aboard the following: U.S.S. Franklin, Rich- mond, Indiana, lowa, New York, Montana, North Caro- lina, North Dakota, ‘Tennessee, and Leviathan, and at shore stations in Newport, New York, Paris Island and Boston. Holds rank of Captain. Permanent address, P. O. 295, pea OlitINGye McDonald, Very Rev. James Aloysius, O.S.A. Born February 7, 1877, in Andover, Mass. Educated at Andover Public School, Villanova College and University of Pennsylvania. Received theological training at Villa- nova Novitiate. Ordained September 29, 1901. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned September, 1917. Served at Fort McPherson, Ga. Discharged September 23, 1919, 182 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR at Camp Devens, Mass., as Captain. Prior at St. Augus- tine’s, Detroit, Mich. Permanent address, 3138 Davison Avenue, Detroit, Mich. McDonald, Rev. Joseph S., M.A., Newark Born September 8, 1883, in Hortendyke, N. J. Educated at St. Joseph’s Parochial School, Paterson, N. J., Paterson High School, and Seton Hall College, South Orange, N. J. Received theological training at Immaculate Conception Seminary, South Orange, N. J. Ordained March 19, 1914. Member of the K. of C. and A.O.H. Commissioned August, 1917. Served as Chaplain of the 308th Field Artillery at Camp Dix, N. J., and in the A.E.F. Was in action in the Toul Sector, St. Mihiel Offensive and Meuse-Argonne Offensive. Discharged as First Lieutenant, at Camp Lee, Vapi oy Gurateyot. bauls;Ghurch, ersey, G@ity, N. J. Permanent address, 73 17th Avenue, Paterson, N. J. McDonald, Rev. Thomas J., C.M. Born May 14, 1868, in Bridgewater, N. Y. Educated in the Public School and Public High School of Bridgewater, NGM erandeointiiivewolcorc. Pai) Received) theological training at St. Vincent’s Seminary, Pa. Ordained June 18, 1898. Served as an Auxiliary Chaplain during the war at Balboa, C. Z. Permanent address, Balboa, C. Z. McDonald, Rev. William Joseph, New York Born May 15, 1886, in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Educated at St. Peter’s School, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Poughkeepsie High School, St. Francis Xavier’s College, New York City, and Mt. St. Mary’s College, Emmitsburg, Md. Received theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, NOY tOrdaineds ine: Leto l2.s Members ofthe Wot. and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Commissioned May 1, 1918. Served in A.E.F., with the 42nd Division. Dis- 183 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR charged September, 1919, at Camp Upton, as First Lieu- tenant. Appointed Chaplain, Officers’ Reserve Corps. Permanent address, 535 West 121st Street, New York City. McDonnell, Rev. Charles, M.A., S.J. Born March 25, 1875, in Limerick, Ireland. Educated at National School, Limerick, Mungret College High School, Limerick, St. Stanislaus College, Florissant, Mo., and St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. Received theo- logical training at St. Louis University. Ordained June 28, 1907. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned Septem- ber 27, 1918. Stationed at Camp Bowie, Tex., and Fort Sam//Fouston, Tex?) Discharged) June 10,7 1919 vatebort Sam Houston, as First Lieutenant. Rector of Sacred Heart Parish, Denver, Colo. Permanent address, 2760 Larimer Street, Denver, Colo. McDonnell, Rev. Peter, P., S.J. Born October 9, 1874, in County Kerry, Ireland. Edu- cated at Christian Brothers’ School and Christian Brothers’ High School, Ireland, Immaculate Conception College, Montreal, Can., and St. Stanislaus College, Macon, Ga. Received theological training at St. Louis University, St. Louis,Mio:,) Ordained) [une 28, 1906) Servediasghenc. Auxiliary Chaplain at Aviation Camp, Key West, Fla., May, 1918 to July, 1919. President, Jesuit College, Galves- ton, Tex. Permanent address, 14th Street and Avenue I, Galveston, Tex. McFadden, Rev. Elmer Charles, St. Louis Born July 27, 1887, in Belmont, Mo. Educated in the Public Schools of Belmont, Mo., Columbus, Ky., and St. Louis, Mo., at St. Louis University Academy, St. Louis University, and St. Louis Preparatory Seminary. Received theological training at Kenrick Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. 184 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Ordained June 12, 1914. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commissioned September 5, 1917. Served at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Fort Sill, Okla., Fort Bliss, Tex., and Marfa, Tex. Went to Juarez, Mex., with the 5th Cavalry, 7th Cavalry and 82nd Field Artillery on Villa Expedition. Discharged as Temporary Captain, regular First Lieutenant, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Feb- ruary 19, 1920. Pastor, St. Anthony’s Church, Lutesville, Mo. Permanent address, Lutesville, Mo. McFadden, Rev. Francis Leo, Wheeling Born May 22, 1890, in Wheeling, W. Va. Educated. at Cathedral School and Cathedral High School, Wheeling, W. Va., and in St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md., and St. Joseph’s Seminary, Yonkers, N. Y. Ordained August 5, 1915. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commissioned Lieutenant, junior grade, in the Navy, August 30, 1917. Served at Naval Training Station, Norfolk; Va., until: December, 1917, December,’ 1917,\ until, July, 1918, aboard the, U.S.5. Alabama. Went to station at Naval Air Station, Pauillac, Gironde, France, by way of Liverpool and Southampton, England. Returned to United States on Leviathan, Febru- ary, 1919. Went to Bay Ridge Barracks. In March, as- signed as Chaplain to Naval Transport U.S.S. Mongolia and made a number of trips to St. Nazaire and Brest bring- ing home troops. Went to U.S.S. Dixie, August, 1920. Detached from Dixie June, 1921, and assigned to Marine Barracks, Paris Island, S. C., where he is still on duty. Permanent address, 1122 Market Street, Wheeling, W. Va. McGann, Rev. Francis Xavier, O.M.I. Born November 9, 1883, in Lowell, Mass. Educated in the Public Schools of Lowell, Mass., and at Holy Angels 185 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Juniorate of the Oblate Fathers at Buffalo, N. Y. Re- ceived theological training at the Oblate Scholasticate, Tewksbury, Mass. Ordained June 4, 1909. Served as K. C. Chaplain at U.S. Naval Base, Hampton Roads, Va., from February 10, 1918 to January 1, 1921. Permanent address, P. O. Box 7, Tewksbury, Mass. McGee, Rev. Patrick Francis, Harrisburg Born June 3, 1888, in Locust Gap, Pa. Educated at St. Joseph’s School, Locust Gap, Pa. Received theological training at St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pa. Or- dained December 14, 1912. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commissioned August 28, 1918. Served at Camp Lee, Va., until discharged April 2, 1919, as First Lieutenant. Pastor of St. Joseph’s Church, Dallastown, Pa. Permanent address, Locust Gap, Pa. McGinn, Rev. John C., C.S.C. Born September 10, 1878, in Providence, R. I. Ordained June 26, 1910. Commissioned January 20, 1918. Served with the 38th Division in the A.E.F. Discharged Febru- ary’ 11,1919; at Camp: Dix.) Address," Notre, Damew ings McGinn, Rev. Thomas P., Boston Born March, 1874, in Boston, Mass. Educated at Boston Grammar School, Boston Latin School, and Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. Received theological training at St. John’s Seminary, Brighton, Mass. Ordained in December, 1898. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Camp Devens during war. Is Pastor of St. John’s Church, Peabody, Mass. Per- manent address, Peabody, Mass. McGourty, Rev. Gerald S., Springfield Born December 18, 1876, in Worcester, Mass. Educated in Worcester Schools and High School, and in Holy Cross 186 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR College, Worcester, Mass. Received theological training at the Grand Seminary, Montreal, P. Q., Can. Ordained December 19, 1903. Member of the K. of C. Commis- sioned July 26, 1918. Served in the A.E.F., at the Hospital Centre, Beau Desert, at Base Hospital No. 7, and at Camp de Souge. Discharged as First Lieutenant, at Camp Lee, Va., June 19, 1919. Stationed at St. Peter’s Church, Great Barrington, Mass. Permanent address, same. McGowan, Rev. Raymond Augustine, St. Joseph Born June 23, 1892, in Brookfield, Mo. Educated in Public, Parochial and High Schools of Brookfield, Mo., and St. Benedict College, Atchison, Kan. Received theological training at St. Bernard’s Seminary, Rochester, N. Y., North American College, Rome, Italy, and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Ordained December 18, 1915. Mem- ber of the K. of C. Commissioned October, 1918. Served at Camp Gordon, Ga., until discharged as First Lieutenant, January 1, 1919. Assistant Director, Social Action De- partment, National Catholic Welfare Council. Perma- nent address, 1312 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, Dies McGrath, Rev. Edward Peter, S.M. Born October 7, 1887, in Troy, N. Y. Educated in the Public Schools of Boston, Mass., and in Tate, Ga., and at Marist College Washington, D. C. Received theological training at Marist Seminary, Washington, D. C. Ordained June 20, 1912. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commissioned July 13, 1918. Served at Coast Defenses of Galveston, Tex., until discharged as First Lieu- tenant, December 16, 1918. Assistant, Holy Name of Mary Church, New Orleans, La. Permanent address, 423 Oliver Street, Station A, New Orleans, La. 187 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR McGrath, Rev. John Joseph, M.A., Hartford Born April 22, 1886, in Waterbury, Conn. Educated at Hendricken and Margaret Croft Grammar Schools and Crosby High School, Waterbury, Conn., and at Niagara University, Niagara Falls) N. Y. Received theological training at Our Lady of Angels Seminary, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Ordained June 6, 1914. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned April 27, 1918. Served in the United States at Camps Wheeler, Taylor and Mills, and in France at Brest, Le Havre, Bourg and Is-sur-Tille. Discharged August 13, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieutenant. Assistant at St. Mary’s Star of the Sea, New London, Conn. Permanent address, 66 Wolcott Street, Waterbury, Conn. McGrath, Rev. Owen A., C.S.P. Born December 27, 1882, in Boston, Mass. Educated at Thomas N. Hart School, Boston, Mass., Boston Latin School, Boston, Mass., Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H., and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Re- ceived theological training at Paulist Novitiate, Washing- ton, DiC Ordained} une Sw 1908s Membervor tic is of C. Commissioned September 11, 1917. Served with the 345th Field Artillery, of the 90th Division at Camp Travis, Tex., in the A.E.F. and in the Army of Occupation. Discharged August 1, 1919, as First Lieutenant, at Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D. C. Permanent address, 415 West 59th Street, New York City. McGrath, Rev. Thomas Sylvester, New York Born May 16, 1878, in New York City. Educated at Immaculate Conception and St. Jerome’s Schools, Bronx, New York City, and in Manhattan College, New York City. Received theological training at St. Joseph’s Semi- nary, Dunwoodie, N. Y. Ordained December 17, 1904. Commissioned Lieutenant, junior grade, in the Navy, 188 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR March lomo lommoenved atiPelham tbayahy yy. and aboard the U.S.S. Alabama, U.S.S. South Dakota and Wess Mercy sae mischarsed)Octoben (27 loan oerved prior to his commission as K. C. Chaplain. Permanent address, 49 Van Name Avenue, Mariners Harbor, N. Y. McGuigan, Rev. Bernard George, Pittsburgh Born May 1, 1870, in Oil City, Pa. Educated in the Oil City Public School, and Holy Ghost College, Pittsburgh, Pa. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained June 21, 1912. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned August, 1918. Served at Morin Hill, Winchester, England, and Base Hospital No. 114, Bordeaux, France. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieutenant, May 23, 1919. Pastor, St. Patrick’s Church, Sugar Creek, Pa. Permanent address, No. 1, R. D., Worth- ington, Pa. McGuire, Rev. Francis A., Wichita Born February 22, 1876, in Syracuse, N. Y. Commissioned at time Armistice was signed and declined to accept com- mission. McGuire, Rev. William Michael, Rockford Born July 10, 1885, in Monson, Mass. Educated at Monson Public School, Monson Academy, Monson, Mass., and Col- lege de Montreal, Montreal, P. Q., Can. Received theo- logical training at St. Bernard’s Seminary, Rochester, N.Y.., and St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained June 21, 1911. Member of Knights of Columbus and American Legion. Commissioned August 19, 1918. Served at Camp Grant and in the A.E.F., with the 341st Infantry; later at Base Hospital No. 6, A.E.F., and on Transport Duty for one trip. Discharged January 14, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J., as 189 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR First) Lieutenant’) Pastonmoe:s joseph si Church, aeaopre River, Ill. Permanent address is 43 Cushman Street, Mon- son, Mass. McHugh, Rev. Francis P., Scranton Born March 2, 1890, in Scranton, Pa. Ordained July 16, 1914. Commissioned July 3, 1918. Served in A.E.F. with 159th Infantry. Discharged July 3, 1919. Address, St. John’s Rectory, Susquehanna, Pa. McIntyre, Rev. James Francis, Ph.D., C.P.P.S. Born November 11, 1890, in Columbus, O. Educated at St. Patrick’s School, Columbus, O., St. Joseph’s College High School and St. Joseph’s College, Rensselaer, Ind.; University of Wisconsin (M.A.), and Columbia University (Ph.D.). Received theological training at St. Charles Seminary, Carthagena, O. Ordained May 10, 1916. Com- missioned April 15, 1918. Served with the 116th Machine Gun Battalion at Camp Wheeler, Ga., and with the 1Z|st Infantry at Camp’ Mills, N..Y.);and>in’ the A{E. PS) Dis: charged at Camp Grant, IIl., as First Lieutenant, August 29, 1919. Stationed at St. Joseph’s College, Ind. Perma- nent address, Collegeville, Ind. McKay, Rev. James Neely V., Kansas City Born March 31, 1891, in New York City. Educated at St. Vincent Ferrer’s School, Xavier High School and St. Francis Xavier’s College, New York City. Received theo- logical training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y., and St. Viator’s, Illinois. Ordained June 6, 1916. Mem- ber of the K. of C. Commissioned August 2, 1917. Served with the 39th Division at Camp Beauregard, La., and in France at Base Hospital No. 13 and Evacuation Hospital No. 32. Discharged as First Lieutenant July 14, 1918, at Camp Lee, Va. Assistant at St. Patrick’s Church, Kansas City, Mo. Permanent address, 806 Cherry Street, Kansas City, Mo. 190 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR McKay, Rev. Thomas Joseph, D.D., Philadelphia Born August 4, 1884, in Chester, Pa. Educated at St. Anne’s School, Philadelphia, Pa.; Roman Catholic High School, Philadelphia, Pa., and St. Charles College, Over- brook, Pa. Received theological training at St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pa., and North American College, Rome, Italy. Ordained November 1, 1912. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned July 25, 1918. Served at Camp Las Casas, Porto Rico. Discharged as First Lieu- tenant at Porto Rico November 18, 1918. Diocesan Di- rector Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Perma- nent address, 225 North 18th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. McKeever, Rev. James F. L., Pittsburgh Born July 14, 1883, in Pittsburgh. Ordained June 17, 1909. Commissioned September 26, 1918. Discharged Septem- ber 261910) McKenna, Rev. Thomas L., New York Born December 12, 1889, in New York City, N. Y. Edu- Catcduatmoterl eter snochool Ncw, brighton, S. LaiNa ye Xavier High School and St. Francis Xavier College, New York City. Received theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y., and American College, Rome. Ordained September 22, 1917. Member of Elks, K. of C., American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Commissioned June 14, 1918. Served with 151st Depot Brigade, 337th Infantry, A.E.F., and on Staff of Provost Marshal of Italy. Emergency commission dis- charge July 8, 1919. Commissioned in Regular Army, Sep- tember 22, 1920. Stationed at Camp Jackson, S. C., and Washington, D. C. Permanent address, c/o Adjutant General, War Department, Washington, D. C. 191 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR McKenna, Rev. William T., Baltimore Born April 13, 1883, in Baltimore, Md. Ordained Decem- ber 22, 1906. Entered military service July 31, 1918. Dis- charged September 5, 1919. McKenney, Rev. Thomas E., Cleveland Born October 22, 1887, in Cleveland, O. Ordained June 6, 1914. Entered military service July 23, 1918. Discharged June 21) O19 Alddressii2s54) Hast /9th) street mm Glow ce land, O. McKeon, Rev. Frederick T., C.S.C. Born August 19, 1875, in Mt. Carmel, Conn. Ordained July 23, 1907. Commissioned August 6, 1918. Discharged October 7, 1919. Address, Notre Dame, Ind. McKeon, Rev. James Gordon, Chicago Born October 13, 1892, in Chicago, Ill. Educated at Cathe- dral School and Cathedral College, Chicago. Received theological training at St. Bernard’s Seminary, Rochester, NYO) Ordained September’ 22,1917.) Member of theme of C. and American Legion. Commissioned November 14, 1918, after serving regular session at Chaplains’ Training School. Discharged December 13, 1918, as First Lieu- tenant at Camp Zachary Taylor. Appointed First Lieu- tenant Officers’ Reserve Corps. Permanent address, 908 North Hamlin Avenue, Chicago, Ill. McKeough, Rev. Michael John, M.A., O.Praem. Born September 18, 1891, in Green Bay, Wis. Educated at St. John’s School, Green Bay, Wis.; Academic Depart- ment, St. Norbert’s College, West DePere, Wis., St. Nor- bert’s College, West DePere, Wis., and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Received theological training at St. Norbert’s Priory, West DePere, Wis. Ordained Decem- 192 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR ber 13°: 1917. aviember, of: the Ky ofyC.) vand’) American Legion. Commissioned July 12, 1918. Served at Camp Taylor, Ky., in Chaplains’ Training School, with 14th Am- munition Train at Camp Custer, Mich., Transport Service aboard U.S.S. Santa Teresa, and at Camp Merritt, N. J. Discharged at Hoboken, N. J., as First Lieutenant, July 17, 1919. Appointed First Lieutenant Chaplain, Officers’ Re- serve Corps, October 2, 1919. Candidate for Ph.D. degree at Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Permanent address, St. Norbert’s Priory, West DePere, Wis. McKitchen, Rev. Thomas Joseph, Providence Born July 18, 1892, in Pawtucket, R. I. Educated at St. Mary’s School, Pawtucket, R. I.; La Salle Academy, Provi- dence, R. I., and St. Mary’s College, Emmitsburg, Md. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained May 25, 1916. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned October 1, 1918. Served at Camp Taylor, Ky.; Hoboken, N. J., and Camp Devens, Mass. Discharged December 19, 1918, at Camp Devens, Mass., as First Lieutenant. Assistant SS. Peter and Paul Cathe- dral, Providence, R. [. Permanent address, 26 Pond Street, Providence, R. 1. McLaughlin, Rev. John Francis, Providence Born January 21, 1883, in Woonsocket, R. I. Educated at St. Michael’s School, Woonsocket, Woonsocket High School, Mt. St. Mary’s College, Emmitsburg, Md., and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Received theo- logical training at the Grand Seminary, Montreal, P. Q., Gan Ordaincdmjunewhs bolls Member sof therevot C: Commissioned October 3, 1918. Served at Camp Tay- lor, Ky., and Camp Upton, N. Y. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., December 15, 1918, as First Lieutenant. Assistant Pastor, St. Joseph’s Church, Providence, R. I. Permanent address, 92 Hope Street, Providence, R. I. 193 UNITED STATES, CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR McLaughlin, Rev. Joseph, S.J. Born April 30, 1881, in Chicago, Ill. Ordained June 26, 1913. Served during war as Volunteer Chaplain. McLaughlin, Rev. Thomas James, Portland Born December 9, 1878, in Lowell, Mass. Educated in Lowell Public Schools, Xaverian Brothers High School, Lowell, Mass., and St. Joseph’s College, Memramcook, N. B., Can. Received theological training at Laval University, Quebec, P. Q., Can. Ordained May 14, 1905. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned September 3, 1918. Served at Fort McKinley, Me., with the 29th Coast Artillery. Discharged as First Lieutenant at Fort Williams, Me., April 12, 1919. Had previously served as Chaplain at National Soldiers’ Home, Me., 1916-18. Appointed First Lieu- tenant Chaplain, Officers’ Reserve Corps, June 9, 1922. Rector St. Mary’s Church, Augusta, Me., and Chaplain National Soldiers’ Home, Me. Permanent address, 60 Sewall St., Augusta, Me. McLaughlin, Rev. William F., 0.5.F.S. Born April 30, 1890, in Wilmington, Del. Ordained Sep- tember 20, 1913. Entered military service March 13, 1918. Discharged June 26, 1919. MeMahon, Rev. James Patrick, Grand Island Born December 19, 1887, in South Omaha, Neb. Educated at Creighton College, Omaha, Neb. Theology at Kenrick Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Ordained June 28, 1911. Mem- ber of the K. of C. Commissioned July 6, 1918. Served at Camp Taylor, Camp Eustis and in the A.E.F. Discharged at Camp Lee, Va., as First Lieutenant, June 14, 1919. Pas- tor Church of St. John the Baptist, Crawford, Neb. Address, P. O. Box 162, Crawford, Neb. 194 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR McMahon, Rev. Thomas Edward, Burlington Born April 27, 1885, in Kilrush, County Clare, Ireland. Educated at St. Michael’s Parochial School, Montpelier, Vt., St. Michael’s High School, Winooski, Vt., and St. Michael’s College, Winooski, Vt. Received theological training at the Grand Seminary, Montreal, P. Q., Can. Ordained MV ccember 43.1910: Membercorethe, Kesof) Co Foresters, American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Commissioned September 26, 1918. Served over- seas with the 6th Division, both in the A.E.F. and the Army of Occupation. Discharged June 17, 1919, at Camp Devens as First Lieutenant. Permanent address, Rutland, Vt. McNally, Rev. Edward Bernard, Chicago Born September 14, 1883, in Chicago, Ill. Educated at Hancock Public Grammar School, Chicago, St. Ignatius College, Chicago, and St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md. Received theological training at Niagara University, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Ordained June 5, 1909. Member of the K. of C. and Foresters. Commissioned August 24, 1918. Served in the A.E.F. with the 350th Infantry, 88th Divi- sion. Discharged as First Lieutenant at Camp Dodge, Ia., June 6, 1919. Assistant Pastor of St. Columbanus Church, Chicago, Il]. Permanent address, 331 East 7Ist Street, Chicago, I. McNally, Rev. Edward Thomas, M.A., Sioux City Born March 23, 1878, in Boston, Mass. Educated at Boston Latin School and St. Anselm’s College. Theology at St. John’s Seminary, Boston and St. Joseph’s Seminary, New York) Ordainedv A pril 25) 1903.) Member Kvot Cab i ks: V.F.W., and Legion. Commissioned May 9, 1917. Served at Forts Snelling, Crook and Riley, and Camp Funston, and in France with the A.E.F., and Germany with the Army of Occupation. Still serving in the Regular Army with the 195 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR rank of Captain Chaplain. Stationed with the 8th Infantry at Ft. Screven, Ga. Address, c/o Adjutant General, War Dept., Washington, D. C. McNamara, Rev. Bernard J., Baltimore Born October 15, 1886, in Baltimore, Md. Ordained June 11, 1911. Entered military service August 9, 1918. Dis- charged February 5, 1919. McNamara, Rev. Edward A., M.A., S.J. Born November 21, 1882, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Educated at Visitation School and St. Mary’s Star of the Sea, Brook- lyn, N. Y.; Holy Cross High School, Worcester, Mass.; St. Andrews-on-Hudson, N. Y.; Woodstock College, Wood- stock, Md., and Gonzaga University, Spokane, Wash. Re- ceived theological training at Woodstock College, Md. Ordamed Wune: 28.71917)")Senved-as Kot Cy Chaplane Principal of Loyola High School, Missoula, Mont. Per- manent address, Missoula, Mont. McNanamy, Rev. Joseph Earl, Pittsburgh Born June 15, 1892, in Millvale, Pa. Educated at St. Ann’s Parochial School, Millvale, Pa.; Duquesne University High School, Pittsburgh, Pa., and Duquesne University, Pittsburgh. Received theological training at St. Vincent’s Seminary, Beatty, Pa. Ordained June 22, 1917. Member of the K. of C. and A.O.H. Commissioned July, 1918. Served in A.E.F., with 110th Infantry, 28th Division. Dis- charged May, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieuten- ant. Serving as Public Health Service Chaplain. Per- manent address, 411 North Dallas Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. McNary, Rev. James Francis, Cincinnati Born September 8, 1877, in Dayton, O. Educated at St. Mary’s School, Urbana, O., and St. Gregory Preparatory Seminary, Cincinnati, O. Received theological training 196 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC’ CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR at Mt. St. Mary Seminary, Cincinnati, O. Ordained June 20, 1902. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commissioned August 1, 1918. Served with the 316th Infantry, 79th Division in the A.E.F., and was in action at the Meuse-Argonne, September-November, 1918. Cited tor braverveDischarved June.5.) 1919 at. Camp Wixi N |), with the rank of Captain. Made Irremovable Rector of Holy Trinity Church, Middletown, O., February 11, 1921. Permanent address, 115 South Clark Street, Middletown, O. McNeill, Rev. Patrick Francis Augustine, Ph.D., St. Joseph Born October 7, 1882, in Gentry County, Mo. Educated in St. Joseph, Mo., Public Schools and Central High School, St. Benedict’s College, Atchison, Kan., and Propa- ganda College, Rome, Italy (Ph.D.) Received theological training at North American College, Rome, Italy. Or- dained April 15, 1911. Commissioned June 1, 1918. Served at Camp Taylor, Ky., until July 5, 1918. Left Hoboken for France August 14, 1918, on S.S. Manchuria, which re- turned disabled. Embarked, second time, on Ryndam, Au- gust 21, 1918. Arrived Brest, France, September 7th. Went to Chaumont and then joined 345th Infantry, 89th Division. Was in action with this Regiment at St. Mihiel and in the Meuse-Argonne. Later served with the Army of Occupa- tion. Returned to the United States September 3, 1919. Served at Camps Merritt and Dodge. Discharged at Camp Dodge as First Lieutenant October 17, 1919. Pastor St. Mary’s Church, Adair County, Mo. Permanent address, 1015 Main Street, St. Joseph, Mo. McNellis, Rev. Peter H., Los Angeles Born February 6, 1881, in Geneva, N. Y. Educated at Cathedral School, Rochester, N. Y.; Niagara University Preparatory Department, and Niagara University, Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Salamanca University, Salamanca, Spain. 197 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Received theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained April 9, 1906. Served as K. of C. Chaplain at U. S. Submarine Base, San Pedro, Calif., and Naval Base, San Diego, Calif., December, 1917— November, 1918. Permanent address, St. Joseph’s Church, San Diego, Calif. McNulty, Rev. Hugh J., S.J. Born January 22, 1877, in New York City. Ordained July 30, 1910. Commissioned August 19, 1918. Discharged February 21, 1918. Since his discharge has worked in Boston College and in the Philippines. Address, 30 West 16th Street, New York City, N. Y. McQuaid, Rev. Joseph J., C.SS.R. Born December 2, 1881. Ordained July 20, 1910. Com- missioned March 20, 1918. Discharged June 16, 1919. McQuaide, Rev. Joseph P., Ph.D., San Francisco Born July 5, 1867, in Boston, Mass. Educated at San Fran- cisco Public Schools, Christian Brothers’ High School and Sacred Heart College, and Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, Calif. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained February 22, 1891. Member of Elks. Commissioned in Regular Service June 15, 1917 (already in National Guard of California). Served in’ France with: the,o2d/Regularn.CGvA Cw atermirans: ferred to Southeastern Front to serve in joint cam-. paign with Americans, French and Italians. Awarded Distinguished Service Medal of France, March 1, 1918. Discharged April 10, 1919, with rank of Major. Had previous service in the Philippines with the Ist Volunteer Cavalry in 1899. Major Chaplain of Coast Defense, Cali- fornia National Guard. Permanent address, 546 Fillmore Street, San Francisco, Calif. 198 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR MacRory, Rev. John Maria, O.M.I. Born August 15, 1858, in County Tyrone, Ireland. Edu- cated at National Schools and High Schools of Ireland and Mount Melleray Abbey, Ireland. Received theological training at Oblate Scholasticate in Ireland. Ordained June 29, 1891. Served as K. C. Chaplain at the Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, Va., from November, 1917, until December 31, 1920. Chaplain, State Infirmary, Tewksbury, Mass. Permanent address, P. O. Box J, Oblate Fathers’ Novi- tiate, Tewksbury, Mass. McShea, Rev. John Bernard, Philadelphia Born February 14, 1880, in Philadelphia. Educated at Philadelphia Public Schools and in St. Joseph’s College, Philadelphia. Received theological training at Overbrook, Pa., Seminary. Ordained May 27, 1908. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commissioned July 16, 1918. Served at Camp Johnston, Florida, until his dis- charge as First Lieutenant, January 20, 1919. Appointed First Lieutenant Chaplain, Officers’ Reserve Corps, October 1, 1919. Assistant Rector, Church of Our Mother of Sor- rows, Philadelphia, Pa. Permanent address, 48th Street and Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. McSorley, Rev. Joseph, M.A., C.S.P. Born December 9, 1874, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Educated at St. John’s Preparatory, St. John’s High School and St. John’s College, Brooklyn, N. Y., and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Received theological training at Paul- ist Novitiate, Washington, D. C. Ordained October 18, 1897. Commissioned January 18, 1918. Served at Camp Wheeler, Fort Monroe, Camp Wadsworth, and General Hospital No. 8, Otisville, N. Y. Discharged at Otisville, N. Y., as Captain, August 31, 1919. Acting Pastor, Church of St. Paul the Apostle, New York City. Permanent ad- dress, 415 West 59th Street, New York City. 199 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR McVeigh, Rev. William Joseph, Baltimore Born November 5, 1883, in Pennsylvania. Ordained No- vember 1) 1911) \Enteredimilitary ‘service sully bal? bo: Discharged March 4, 1919. Macelwane, Rev. Francis J., M.A., Toledo Born September 8, 1890, in Port Clinton, O. Educated at Port Clinton Public School, St. John’s High School and St. John’s College, Toledo, O. Received theological training at Innsbruck University, Innsbruck, Tyrol. Or- dained October 28, 1915. Commissioned July 23, 1918. Served at Payne Field, Miss., until his discharge as First Lieutenant, January 7, 1919. Appointed First Lieutenant, Officers’ Reserve Corps and assigned to 83d Division. Per- manent address, 525 Islington Street, Toledo, O. Magee, Rev. Francis Aloysius, Altoona Born August 17, 1881, in Nanticoke, Pa. Educated at Pub- lic School and St. Francis Parochial, Nanticoke, Pa., St. Thomas College, Scranton, Pa., and Assumption College, Sandwich, Ont., Can. Received theological training at St. Bonaventure’s College, St. Bonaventure, N. Y. Ordained June 10, 1915. Commissioned October 10, 1917. Served at Camp Travis, Texas, and in the A.E.F. with the 357th Infantry of the 90th Division, and at Evacuation Hospital No. 49. Was in action at St. Mihiel and the Meuse-Ar- gonne. Wounded October 29, 1918. Discharged as First Lieutenant at, Camps Dix) NO May Zi OL seo tarioneds at St. Agnes Church, Lloydell, Pa. Permanent address, St. Agnes Church, Lloydell, Pa. Magri, Rev. Francis Joseph, M.A., D.D., Richmond Born November 22, 1868, in Lynchburg, Va. Educated at Public, Private, St. Francis Parochial School and Public High School, Lynchburg, Va., and St. Charles College, 200 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Ellicott City, Md. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md.; North American Col- lege, Rome, Italy, and Propaganda College, Rome, Italy. Ordained June 9, 1900. Was Chancellor of Richmond Diocese, 1901-09, and Bishop’s Secretary, 1901-13. Mem- ber of the K. of C. Vice-president of Portsmouth Chapter American Red Cross, 1917-22. Served as volunteer Chap- lain at Portsmouth Naval Hospital, Portsmouth Marine Barracks, Portsmouth Navy Yard, and St. Helena Naval Training Station, Berkeley, Va., 1917—-still serves. Pastor St. Paul’s Church, Portsmouth, Va.; Consultor of Diocese and Synodal and Clerical Examiner. Permanent address, Box 179, 518 High Street, Portsmouth, Va. Maguire, Rev. Bonaventure, O.5.M. Born September 17, 1877, in Chicago, Ill. Educated at St. Patrick’s Academy, Chicago, Ill. Received theological training at Servite Monastery, Granville, Wis. Ordained Pebtuaryic, t900. viservedias Ki C. Chaplain’ at) Great Lakes, August-November, 1918; Lewes, Del., November, 1918—January, 1919; New York Navy Yard, January-June, 1919; Portsmouth, N.\H., June, 1919—April, 1920:, In United States Public Health Service at New Haven, Conn., April, 1920—January, 1922; Hines Memorial Hospital, Chicago, Il., January, 1922—still in service. Permanent address, 3121 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IU. Maguire, Rev. Dennis James, Boston Born January 3, 1875, in Saxonville, Mass. Educated at Saxonville Public School, Saxonville High School, Boston College High School, and Boston College. Received theo- logical training at St. John’s Seminary, Brighton, Mass. Ordained December 16, 1904. Member of the K. of C., Foresters and American Legion. Commissioned Septem- ber 26, 1918. SOrdered to’ France October 11)/:1918,, but 201 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR prevented by attack of influenza. December, 1918—January, 1919, Camp Fremont; Menlo Park, Calif., January, 1919— October, 1919, Transport Service. Discharged at Hobo- ken, N. J., as First Lieutenant October 7, 1919. Assistant St. Ambrose Parish, Dorchester, Mass. Permanent address, 248 Adams Street, Dorchester, Mass. Maguire, Rev. John W. R., C.S.V. Born August 11, 1884. Ordained December 18, 1914. Com- missioned June 18, 1918. Served in the A.E.F. Discharged August 31, 1919. Address, St. Viator’s College, Kankakee, Ihe. Maguire, Rev. William Augustus, M.A., Newark Born December 31, 1890, in Hornell, N. Y. Educated at Grammar School No. 6, Paterson, N. J.; Paterson High School, Bethlehem Preparatory, Pa.; Seton Hall Prepara- tory and Seton Hall College, So. Orange, N. J., and Cath- olic University, Washington, D. C. Received theological training at American College, Louvain, Belgium. Ordained July 4, 1915. Member of the K. of C., Elks and American Legion. Commissioned Lieutenant, junior grade, in the Navygi June 221917 Viserved atithesNew jy oLkaiN ava Yard; aboard U.S.S. Maine; aboard U.S.S. Texas (Grand Fleet) ; Base Chaplain at Brest, France; aboard Destroyers, Brest, France; aboard U.S.S. Prometheus, U.S.S. Idaho, and Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Ill. Awarded the Navy Cross for extraordinary heroism in Quiberon Bay, France, April 17, 1918, in rescuing men from _ burning - vessel, loaded with explosives. Cited in Orders of Day, April 20, 1918, all ships and stations in France for this act and received letters of commendation from Army Head- quarters at Brest, France. Still in service as Lieutenant, U.S.N. Stationed at Newport, R. I., Naval Training Sta- tion. Permanent address, 1722 West Market Street, Bethle- hem, Pa. 202 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Maher, Rev. Cornelius Aloysius, Oregon City Born September 25, 1881, at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Edu- cated at St. Mary’s School, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and St. Laurent College, Montreal, P. Q., Can. Received theo- logical training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained |unes sn 91 VWember’ of the Kot Ci. Com- missioned October 4, 1918. Served at Camp Lewis, Wash- ington; Newport News, Va.; Hoboken, N. J.; Brest, France; Camp Mills, N. Y., and Brownsville, Texas. Dis- charged as First Lieutenant at Camp Mills, N. Y., July 1, 1219s leineservice abo kemehaha® Hy) bi) Permanent address, care of Adjutant General, War Department, Wash- ington, D. C. Mahoney, Rev. Edward S., New York Born August 23, 1886, in New York City. Ordained June 11912. Commissioned September’ 1/7, 1917. Served at U.S. General Hospital No. 17, Markleton, Pa., and in the A.E.F. Discharged from Fox Hills, 8. I., Hospital No. 41, 15 per cent. disability due to influenza, December 8, 1919. Address, 444 East 119th Street, New York City. Mallen, Rev. Edward, St. Joseph Born May 10, 1876, in Plattsburg, Mo. Educated at Pub- lic and Parochial Schools, Plattsburg, Mo., and Creighton University, Omaha, Neb. Received theological training at North American College, Rome, Italy. Ordained May 30, 1907. Served during the war as K. C. Chaplain at North Kansas, Mo. Pastor of St. James Church, Liberty, Mo. Permanent address, Liberty, Mo. Maloney, Rev. Francis J., M.A., Fall River Born September 6, 1891, in Boston, Mass. Educated at the Public School, Taunton, Mass.; La Salle Academy, Provi- dences Ris wotmaurentsCollese, Montreal vP..@. Can, , 203 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained June 19, 1915. Commissioned, July 23, 1918. Served in the A.E.F. with the 352nd Infantry of the 88th Division. Discharged June 14, 1919, at Camp Devens, Mass., as First Lieutenant. Stationed at St. Pat- rick’s Church, Fall River, Mass. Permanent address, 1598 South Main Street, Fall River, Mass. Maloney, Rev. Michael M., Philadelphia Born in Ireland in 1892. Educated in Waterford, Ireland, and at St. Charles College, Overbrook, Pa. Theology at Overbrook. Ordained May, 1915. Member of the K. of C. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Hayti during the war. Assist- ant at St. John’s Church, Philadelphia, Pa. Address, same. Manley, Rev. James Aloysius, North Carolina Born, October) 16/1886 hin) BellaireyOn Educated amar. John’s School, Bellaire, O., St. Vincent’s College, Beatty, Pa., St. Edward’s College, Huntington, W. Va., and Du- quesne University, Pittsburgh, Pa. Received theological training at Belmont Abbey, Belmont, N.C. Ordained June 4, 1916. Member of the K. of C. and Elks. Commissioned September! 13) 1917.) Servedvin they ACE Pe iwithpthembocn Field Artillery. Was in action at Champagne-Marne De- fensive, Aisne-Marne Offensive, St. Mihiel and Meuse- Argonne. Slightly wounded at Meuse-Argonne, October 4, 1918. Upon return to United States served at Coast Defenses of Pensacola, Fla. Discharged December 15, 1922, under Army Reduction Bill. Permanent address, c/o Belmont Abbey, N. C. Manning, Rev. Daniel Joseph, Hartford Born May 4, 1888, in Hartford, Conn. Educated at St. Patrick’s School and St. Thomas Seminary, Hartford, Conn. Received theological training at St. John’s Semi- 204 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR nary, Brighton, Mass., and St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained May 31, 1915. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commissioned July 30, 1918. Was Casual until September 28, 1918. Joined 140th Infantry in France September 28, 1918, and served with that Regi- ment until May, 1919. In action at the Argonne September 28th—October 1, 1918, and at Verdun October 14th— November 7, 1918. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., May 7, 1919, as First Lieutenant. Assistant, St. Patrick’s Church, Waterbury, Conn. Permanent address, 50 Charles Street, Waterbury, Conn. Manno, Rev. Anthony Francis, M.A., Brooklyn Born June 9, 1884, in Palermo, Italy. Educated at Ele- mentary School and Royal Archepiscopal Seminary of Palermo, Italy. Received theological training at St. John’s Seminary, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ordained May 21, 1910. Com- missioned October 26, 1918. Served at Calstrom and Dorr Field, Arcadia, Fla., until his discharge, February 1, 1919, as First Lieutenant. Assistant at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Astoria, L. I., N. Y. Permanent address, 31 New- town Avenue, Astoria, N. Y. Manton, Rev. Patrick J., Brooklyn Born September 28, 1883, in New York City. Ordained May 17, 1913. Commissioned January 25, 1918. Served as Senior Chaplain, Embarkation Camp, A.E.F. Dis- charged June 20, 1919, at Camp Dix. Address, 128 68th SELcctw LOOK VN MUNI: Marion, Rev. Victor Charles, Grenoble, France, Newark Born March 4, 1876, in Cote-Saint-Andre (Isere), France. Educated at Petit Seminaire de la Cote-Saint-Andre (Isere), France. Received theological training at Grand Seminaire de Grenoble (Isere), France. Ordained Sep- tember 15, 1901. Served as K. C. Chaplain and Interpreter 205 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR at Base Hospital No. 17, Dijon, France, January 6, 1918— January 23, 1919. Curate and Choirmaster at Assumption Church, Morristown, N. J. Permanent address, 91 Maple Avenue, Morristown, N. J. Marsh, Rev. Ernest Glanville Bryant, M.A., New York Born September 22, 1865, in England. Educated at Private Schools and by Tutors in England and at St. Marie’s Col- lege, Rugby, England, and Ratcliffe College, Leicester- shire, England. Received theological training at Wonersh, Surrey, England. Ordained July 17, 1898. Member of the /K. of Gi Servedsasp Ky Chaplainvand sAscistanceas Overseas Vicariate, Paris, France, from February, 1918, to December, 1919. Received the Decoration Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, October 8, 1919. Chaplain to Sisters of Divine Compassion, White Plains, N. Y. Permanent address, Convent of Good Counsel, White Plains, N. Y. Martin, Rev. Francis Joseph Patrick, M.A., Louisville Born August 21, 1889, in Louisville, Ky. Educated at St. John’s School, Louisville, Ky., and St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Catonsville, Md. Received theological train- ing at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained June 19, 1917. Member of the K. of C. and 80th Division Veterans’ Association. Commissioned September 26, 1918. Served in A.E.F. with 317th Infantry November 8, 1918, to February 4, 1919; transferred to 320th Infantry Febru- ary 4, 1919. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieu- | tenant, June 3, 1919. Curate at St. Patrick’s Church, Louis- ville, Ky. Permanent address, 1305 West Market Street, Louisville, Ky. Martin, Rev. John Aloysius, Springfield Born April 14, 1889, in Holyoke, Mass. Educated at West Street Grammar School, Holyoke, Mass; Rosary High 206 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN. THE WORLD WAR School, Holyoke, Mass., and Holy Cross College, Worces- ter, Mass. Received theological training at Grand Semi- nary, Montreal, P. Q., Can. Ordained December 19, 1914. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Com- missioned July 23, 1918. Served at Fort Slocum, N. Y., August, 1918, to February, 1919; aboard U.S.S. Pueblo in Transport Duty, March, 1919. Discharged April 1, 1919, at Hobokenw IN’ ].; as First Lieutenant. } Curate at; Our Lady of Hope Church, Springfield, Mass. Permanent ad- dress, 14 Grover Street, Springfield, Mass. Martin, Rev. Joseph Clement, Hartford Born December 4, 1887, in Bristol, Conn. Educated at Federal Hill School and Bristol High School, Bristol, Conn., and St. Thomas Preparatory Seminary, Hartford, Conn. Received theological training at St. John’s Semi- nary, Brighton, Mass., and St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Nid Ordained’ une: 295 1912) .0 Member of; the Ko or. Commissioned February 18, 1918. Served at Camp Mc- Arthur, Texas, March—August, 1918. In France, Septem- ber, 1918, to June, 1919. Was in action at Puvinelle Sec- tor Defensive and Second American Offensive. Cited for Bravery Undenaire, ) Discharged [uly 25) 1919% at .@amp Mills, N. Y., as First Lieutenant. Assistant at St. Joseph’s Cathedral, Hartford, Conn. Permanent address, 140 Farm- ington Avenue, Hartford, Conn. Martin, Rev. John J., C.M. Born May 25, 1877, in La Salle, Ill. Ordained June 10, 1900. Commissioned January 19, 1918, and served overseas with the 109th Amm. Train. Father Martin also served in Camp Cody, N. M. Discharged from the Army July 11, 119 sat Campavixminsi) 207 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Mason, Rev. Frank William, Rochester Born May 4, 1887, in Honeoye Falls, N. Y. Educated at Union School, Honeoye Falls, N. Y.; St. Mary’s School, Canandaigua, N. Y.; Canandaigua Academy, N. Y., and St. Andrew’s Preparatory Seminary. Received theological training at St. Bernard’s Seminary, Rochester, N. Y. Or- dained June 6, 1914. Member of the K. of C., Knights of St. John and American Legion. Commissioned July 16, 1918. Served as Camp Chaplain and Camp Educational Officer at Camp Montoir, Montoir, Loire Infantry, France. Discharged July 8, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieutenant. Principal, St. Francis de Sales High School, Geneva, N. Y., and Assistant Pastor, St. Francis de Sales Church, Geneva, N. Y. Permanent address, 130 Exchange strect, Genevay iN. Mastaglio, Rev. Joseph Leo, New York Born April 11, 1877, in New York City. Educated at Pub- lic School No. 19, Xavier High School and St. Francis Xavier College, New York City. Received theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y. Or- dained June 13, 1908. Member of the K. of C. and Ameri- can Legion. Commissioned March 11, 1918. Served in A.E.F., with 128th Machine Gun Battalion, 16th Infantry and at Base Hospital No. 48. Discharged as First Lieu- tenant at Camp Dix, N. J., May 8, 1919. Assistant at St. Malachy’s Church, New York City. Permanent address, 239 West 49th Street, New York City. 3 Mattingly, Rev. Julius F., Indianapolis Born July 28, 1863, in Zanesville, O. Educated at Pub- lic Schools of Zanesville, O., and St. Vincent College, Beatty, Pa. Received theological training at Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary, Cincinnati, O. Ordained June 13, 208 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR 1390. Served as K. C. Chaplain at West Baden, Ind. Mili- tary Hospital, November, 1918—May, 1920. Rector, Our Lady of Lourdes Church, West Baden, Ind. Permanent address, West Baden, Ind. Maxwell, Rev. Charles A., Ph.D., $.T.D., Buffalo Born June 9, 1881, in Rexville, N. Y. Educated at Public School and St. Mary’s School, Rexville, N. Y.; Canisius High School and Canisius College, Buffalo, N. Y. Re- ceived theological training at North American College, Rome, Italy. Ordained July 29, 1908. Member of the K. C. Notified of Commission November 9, 1918, but did not accept as Armistice was signed two days later. Pastor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Buffalo, N. Y. Meehan, Rev. Ward G., Brooklyn Born June 3, 1884, in Brooklyn. Ordained May 19, 1909. Commissioned August 20, 1917. Served with 60th Infantry noe Pe Discharged) October, 1.71919 vac’ Hoboken, Nip]: Address, Jackson Heights, L. I., N. Y. Mignani, Rev. Paul V., O.F.M. Born May 5, 1880, in Italy. Ordained January 5, 1905. Commissioned October 31, 1918. Served in A.E.F. Dis- charged at Biltmore, N. C., September 11, 1919. Address, Mt. St. Sepulchre, Washington, D. C. Mikolajezak, Rev. John A., Milwaukee Born June 13, 1887, in Milwaukee, Wis. Educated at St. Hyacinth’s School, Milwaukee, Wis., and in St. Francis College, St. Francis, Wis. Received theological training in St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, Wis. Ordained Janu- ary 25, 1914. Member American Legion. Commissioned June J, 1918) (Served in the AvE.Fwand was)'in /action, at the-Meuse-Argonne. Was in the Army of Occupation and 209 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR stationed at Coblenz, Raubach, Ahrweiler and Selters, Ger- many. Discharged as First Lieutenant at Camp Grant, Ill., August 29, 1919. Assistant Pastor St. Hedwig’s Church, Milwaukee, Wis. Permanent address, 866 Racine Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Milet, Rev. Henry Patrick, M.A., S.J. Born February 12, 1875, in Detroit, Mich. Educated at Holy Trinity School, Detroit, Detroit University High School, Detroit University, Detroit, Mich., and St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. Received theological training at St. Louis University. Ordained August 26, 1908. Com- missioned July 31, 1918. Served with the 333d Infantry, 84th Division, at St. Astier (Dordogne), France, and with the 132d Infantry, 33d Division, at Vieville, France, and Consdorf, Luxembourg. Discharged as First Lieutenant at Camp Sherman, Ohio, May 31, 1919. Chaplain, Dina- pore, East India Railway and St. Michael’s High School, Digha Ghat, E. I. R. Permanent address, St. Michael’s High School, Digha Ghat, E. I. R., India. Milholland, Rev. W. Carroll, Baltimore Born May 5, 1884, in Baltimore, Md. Educated at Private Schools, Calvert Hall College, Baltimore, Md.; Loyola College, Baltimore, Md., and St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md., and St. Sulpice, Paris, France. Ordained June(21,/1910)" Member ofthe Keon @a servic: as K. C. Chaplain at Cape May Naval Station, N. J., June- October, 1918; Lourdes, France, November, 1918, and with the 362d Infantry, 92d Division, A.E.F., December, 1918, and January, 1919. ‘Treasurer, Professor of Liturgy and Master of Ceremonies at St. Mary’s Seminary, Balti- more, Md. Permanent address, St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. 210 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Miller, Rev. John Leo, C.M. Born March 7, 1884, in Corning, N. Y. Educated at Pub- lic, Parochial and Free Academy High School, Corning, N. Y.; Gentilly College, Germantown, Pa., and Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Received theological train- ing at St. Vincent de Paul’s Seminary, Germantown, Pa. Ordained May 30, 1914. Member of the K. of C. Com- missioned February 12, 1918. Served at Taliaferro Field No. 3, Texas, Carruthers Field, Texas, and in transport service for eight trips aboard U.S.S. Hunting. Discharged October 15, 1919, at Norfolk, Va. Permanent address, 77 West 68th Street, New York City, N. Y. Missia, Rev. Francis A., St. Paul Born January 26, 1884, in Austria. Educated at Grade Schools, Austria, and Jesuit College, Vienna, Austria. Re- ceived theological training at St. Paul Seminary, St. Bauliviinny Ordained unemt | 1908. Serveds asi Kin.C: Chaplain June—September, 1917,at Camp Taylor, Ky., and June—September, 1918, at Detroit, Mich. Professor at St. Paul Seminary. Permanent address, St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. Mitchel, Rev. Frederick Joseph, Newark Born July 1, 1878,.in Loughrea, County Galway, Ireland. Educated at St. Brendan’s College, Loughrea, Ireland. Received theological training in the Gregorian University, Rome, Italy. Ordained June 1, 1903. Commissioned Sep- tember 17,1917. Served at Pine Camp,’N. YY.) andsin’ the A.E.F. In action at Aisne, Aisne-Marne, Chateau-Thierry, Verdun, with 2d Division. Discharged as First Lieutenant ate riobokena) Nv eyak ebruary nl ows she nssistantan tt Nicholas Church, Passaic, N. J. Permanent address, 153 Washington Place, Passaic, N. J. 211 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Mitty, Rev. John Joseph, D. D., New York Born January 20, 1884, in New York City. Educated at St. Joseph’s School, De La Salle Institute and Manhattan College, New York City. Received theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y. Ordained De- cember 22, 1906. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned August 20, 1917. Served at Camp Merritt, N. J., Septem- ber, 1917—-June, 1918; France, July, 1918—April, 1919. In action at Meuse-Argonne. Discharged as First Lieutenant, May 16, 1919, at Camp Devens, Mass. Pastor St. Luke’s Church, Bronx, New York City. Permanent address, 623 East 138th Street, New York City. Moakley, Rev. James Ignatius, M.A., S.J. Born August 30, 1870, in New York City. Educated at Public Schools, Xavier High School and St. Francis Xavier College, New York City, and Woodstock College, Md. Received theological training at Woodstock College, Md. Ordained June 28, 1904. Member of the American Legion. Commissioned September 16, 1918. Served with 112th Machine Gun Battalion, 29th Division, in France, and with the 5th Marines, 2nd Division, in Coblenz, Ger- many. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieutenant, August 25, 1919. Professor at St. Joseph’s College, Phila- delphia, Pa. Permanent address, 18th and Thompson Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Moisant, Rev. John F., C.S.V. Born October 31, 1880, at Aurora, Ill. Ordained May 21, 1910. Commissioned August 18, 1917. Served with 62d Infantry in California. Discharged April 10, 1919, at Camp Lee, Va. Address, 467 Spring Street, Aurora, II. Molinelli, Rev. Emil Edward, New York Born April 25, 1887, in Rovegno, Pavia, Italy. Educated at St. James School, St. James High School and Cathedral 212 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR College, New York City. Received theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y. Ordained May 17, 1913. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned August S191 Seeeseevedeat; Garden City, NisYiue@amp «Custer, Mich.; Evacuation Hospital No. 51, Hampton, Va., and Camp Meade, Md. Discharged as First Lieutenant at CampyDiayNe | oeptember 1019190 Appointed” First Lieutenant, Officers’ Reserve Corps, January 31, 1920. Pas- tor St. Michael’s Church, Mariners’ Harbor, Staten Island, N.Y. Permanent address, P.O. Box 111, Mariners’ Har- bor, Staten Island, N. Y. Molloy, Rev. Joseph E., Mobile Born October 31, 1878, in Boston, Mass. Ordained October 10, 1901. Commissioned September 11, 1918. Served with 89th Infantry at Camp Sevier, S. C., and Fort Douglas, Wah sOischarced October 29 19 19oat Camp a diravis: Texas. Address, 327 K Street, South Boston, Mass. Monaghan, Rev. Daniel Francis, Navy, Peoria bore lanuatvasiwilovaninwlvesdalcmlll i. Wducatedmpat Parochial School, Ivesdale; St. Bede’s High School, St. BedeisiColleve) and’ st. “Viator's. College (Tila Received theological training at St. Viator’s Seminary. Ordained June 17, 1916. Member of the K. of C., Foresters and Elks. Commissioned January 3, 1918. Served at Brooklyn Navy Yard, aboard U.S.S. Kearsarge, aboard U.S.S. Prairie and at Boston Navy Yard. Discharged as Lieutenant, junior grade, U.S.N., December 18, 1920. Pastor, St. Mary’s Church, Keithsburg, Ill. Permanent address, Keithsburg, Ill. Monaghan, Very Rev. Patrick T., Sioux Falls Born August 20, 1876, in Janesville, Pa. Educated at Grade Schools and High School, Janesville, Pa., and at St. 213 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Joseph’s College. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Cincinnati, O. Ordained June 5, 1905. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Chaumont and Paris, France, May, 1918—May, 1919. President of Columbus College, Sioux Falls, 5. D. Permanent address, Columbus College, Sioux Falls, S. D. Monaghan, Rev. Patrick W., Louisville No record available. Monahan, Rev. John Francis, Boston Born December 6, 1888, in South Weymouth, Mass. Edu- cated at Public Schools and High School, Abington, Mass., and at Boston College, Boston, Mass. Received theological training at St. John’s Seminary, Brighton, Mass. Ordained May 28, 1915. Member Foresters and American Legion. Commissioned August 1, 1918. Served at Camp Greenleaf, Ga., with the A.E.F., 27th Infantry in Siberia, Russia; at Camp Dodge, Ia., with the 16th Field Artillery; at Kelly Field, Tex., with the Air Service, and in Fort William H. Seward, Alaska, where he is now stationed. In action in an engagement at Drosdov, Siberia, Ussuri Campaign, 1919. Permanent address, Fort William H. Seward, Alaska. Mongovan, Rev. John F., Springfield Born February 11, 1889, in Worcester, Mass. Educated at St. John’s School, St. John’s High School, and Holy Cross . College, Worcester, Mass. Received theological training at Grand Seminary, Montreal, P. Q., Can. Ordained De- cember 20, 1914. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned July 24, 1918. Served in the A.E.F. and Army of Occupa- tion with the 28th Infantry, Ist Division. In action in both phases of the Argonne. Decorated with Fourragere. Dis- charged October 11, 1919, at Camp Devens, Mass., as First 214 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Lieutenant. Assistant Rector, Church of the Ascension, Worcester, Mass. Permanent address, 46 Vernon Street, Worcester, Mass. Montague, Rev. George Thomas, Philadelphia Born March 2, 1886, in Philadelphia, Pa. Educated at St. Anne’s School, St. Joseph’s High School and St. Joseph’s College, Philadelphia, Pa., and Our Lady of Angels Semi- nary, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Received theological training at St. Charles Borromeo’s Seminary, Overbrook, Pa. Served as K. C. Chaplain at League Island Navy Yard, Philadel- phia, Pa., April, 1917—-October, 1920. Permanent address, 2422 South 17th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Moore, Rev. Charles Gabriel, O.P. Born August 6, 1888, in Gilbertville, Mass. Educated at Parochial School, Gilbertville, Mass.; High School, Hard- wick, Mass., and St. Laurent College, Montreal, P. Q., Can. Received theological training at Dominican College and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Ordained June 23, 1915. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned March 5, 1918. Served at Camp Kearney, Calif., and in the A.E.F. at Jouet-sur-l’Aubois (Cher), Amiens, Pouillenay Cote d’Or, France, and in the Army of Occupation at Coblenz, Germany. Discharged August 29, 1919, at Camp Devens, Mass., as First Lieutenant. ‘Teacher of Languages at Aquinas College, Columbus, O. Permanent address, Aquinas College, Columbus, O. Moore, Rev. John Carroll, M.A., Baltimore Born October 3, 1890, in Baltimore, Md. Educated at St. John’s School, Baltimore, Md., and St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained May 25, 1916. Member of the K. of C., American Legion and Veterans 215 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR of Foreign Wars. Commissioned May 30, 1918. Served in the A.E.F., with the 313th Infantry, 79th Division. In action at St. Mihiel and the Meuse-Argonne. Gassed and wounded by shrapnel and grenade in Meuse-Argonne, Sep- tember 26—27, 1918. Decorated for bravery with the Dis- tinguished Service Cross and the Croix de Guerre. Cited by General Pershing for bravery in action. Discharged October 17, 1919, at Camp Meade, Md., as First Lieutenant. Assistant Pastor, Holy Name Church, Washington, D. C. Permanent address, 920 11th Street, N. E., Washington, Dice Moore, Rev. Thomas Verner, M.D., Ph.D., Baltimore Born October 22, 1877, in Louisville, Ky. Educated at Public School, Louisville, Ky., Xavier High School, New York City, Catholic University, Washington, D. C., Uni- versity of California, University of Leipzig, University of Munich, and Johns Hopkins (M.D.). Received theo- logical training at St. Thomas College, Washington, D. C. Ordained December 21, 1901. Commissioned Captain in the Medical Corps, July, 1918. Served at Plattsburgh, N. Y., Base Hospital No. 117, La Fauche, Neurological Hospital No. 1, Benoite-Vaux, Base Hospital No. 214, Savenay, France. Promoted to Major, Medical Corps, while in France. Although in Medical Corps, did unofficial duty as Chaplain. Discharged May 5, 1919, as Major, Medical Corps, U.S.A., at Camp Dix, N. J. Professor of Psychology, Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Permanent address, Providence Hospital, Washington, Dic Moorman, Rev. George J., Fort Wayne Born October 9, 1883, in Decatur County, Ind. Educated at St. Mary’s School, Millhousen, Ind., and St. Joseph’s College, Teutopolis, Il]. Received theological training at 216 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR St. Meinrad’s Seminary, St. Meinrad, Ind. Ordained June 13, 1908. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Pntercdywserviccmmune 4. 1913 on Servedumatay Camp Taylor until October 4, 1918, Fort Bouguen, France until November 25, 1918, at Camp No. 5, St. Nazaire, France until June, 1919. Discharged June 20, 1919, as First Lieu- tenant, at Camp Dix, N. J. Pastor, St. Joseph’s Church, Logansport, Ind. Permanent address, 112 East Market Street, Logansport, Ind. Moran, Rev. David J., St. Paul Born February 11, 1879, in Ireland. Ordained May 23, 1902. Commissioned August 26, 1918. Served with the Field Remount No. 23, A.E.F. Discharged July 10, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J. Address, St. Peter, Minn. Moran, Rev. John A., Oregon City Born November 15, 1883. Ordained December 3, 1908. Served as K. C. Chaplain in Oregon, June 16, 1918, until end of war. Morgan, Rev. John R., St. Louis Born August 5, 1882. Ordained June, 1905. Served through war until discharged August 2, 1918. Morley, Rev. Jeremiah J., Albany Born February 19, 1890, in Glens Falls, N. Y. Entered military service July 5, 1918. Morning, Rev. John Aloysius, M.A., S.J. Born May 22, 1882, in Philadelphia, Pa. Educated at St. Agatha’s School, Catholic High School and St. Joseph’s College High School, Philadelphia, Pa., and Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. Received theological training at Woodstock College, Md. Ordained June 28, 1916. 217 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Entered military service July 29, 1918. Served at Camp Wheeler, Ga., and at Bassens, Gironde, France. Dis- charged July 21, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieu- tenant. Dean at Ateneo de Manila, Manila, P. I. Perma- nent address, Ateneo de Manila, Manila, P. I. Morris, Rev. Joseph Aloysius, C.S.P. Born August 22, 1888, in Atlanta, Ga. Educated at Loretto Convent and Marist College, Atlanta, Ga., and St. Mary’s College, Belmont, N. C. Received theological training at St. Paul’s Seminary, Washington, D. C. Ordained March 29, 1915. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commissioned August 5, 1917. Served at Fort Worth, Tex., . Spartanburg, oNi) G0 Ts-sur- [alle sirance sand Coblenz, Germany. Discharged as First Lieutenant, Octo- ber 31, 1919, at Hoboken, N. J. Permanent address, 415 West 59th Street, New York City. Morrison, Rev. Sidney J., Chicago Born September 28, 1882, in Chicago, Ill. Ordained June 9, 1906. Served as Volunteer Chaplain through the war starting July 12, 1918. Mortell, Rev. John Timothy, M.A., S.J. Born August 18, 1878, in Chicago, Il]. Educated at Holy Family School, St. [Ignatius Academy, and St. Ignatius Col- lege, Chicago, Ill., and St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. Received theological training at St. Stanislaus Seminary, Florissant, Mo. Ordained in 1911. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned December 4, 1917. Served at Camp Gordon, Ga., and in the A.E.F. In action in the Toul Sector De- fensive, at the Meuse-Argonne, and at St. Mihiel. Dis- charged at Fort Sheridan, IIl., as First Lieutenant, May 31 1919 Teacherat Loyola. Academy Ubhicaco walls Permanent address, Loyola Academy, Rogers Park, Chicago, III. 218 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Mulcahy, Rev. Martin G., 0.S.B. Born September 8, 1890, in Tacoma, Wash. Educated in the Public Schools of Chicago, IIl., and Omaha, Neb., Parochial High School, El Reno, Okla., Sacred Heart College, Sacred Heart, Okla., and St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. Received theological training at Benedictine Seminary. Ordained July 2, 1916. Served as Auxiliary Chaplain, May, 1918—November, 1918, at Camp Doniphan, Okla. Professor and Missionary Pastor at Oklahoma Catholic University, Shawnee, Okla. Permanent address, Catholic University, Shawnee, Okla. Mulcahy, Rev. Robert Bernard, D.D., Ph.D., New York Born December 30, 1884, in Yonkers, N. Y. Educated at St. Joseph’s School, Yonkers, N. Y., Xavier High School, and St. Francis Xavier College, New York City, and Prop- aganda College, Rome, Italy. Received theological train- ing at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y., and American College, Rome, Italy. Ordained April 10, 1909. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned September 20, 1917. Served at Camps Hill and Stuart, Va., and Sevier and Jackson, 8S. C. Discharged as First Lieutenant, at amp, Vackson,/5.,@.) March 101919. Professor at) St. Joseph’s Seminary, Yonkers, N. Y. Permanent address, St. Joseph’s Seminary, Yonkers, N. Y. Mullally, Rev. Patrick A., Wheeling Born January 25, 1889, in Killenaule, County Tipperary, Ireland. Educated at Roscrea, Ireland National School, and the College, Mt. St. Joseph’s Abbey, Roscrea, Ireland. Received theological training at St. Patrick’s Seminary, Carlow, Ireland. Ordained June 4, 1916. Member of the K. of C. Served in France as K. C. Chaplain, October, 1918—January, 1920. Administrator, St. Patrick’s Church, Weston, W. Va. Permanent address, St. Patrick’s Church, Weston, W. Va. 219 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Mullally, Rev. William Francis, St. Louis Born December 3, 1890, in St. Louis, Mo. Educated at Public and Parochial Schools and St. Louis Preparatory Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Received theological training at Kenrick Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Ordained December 20; 194 eo iMiembenvonathe K., of \C and the Armvedna Navy (Clubs cActedivasiwKk. | C. Chaplain a December 1917—September, 1918. Commissioned November 1, 1918. Served at Hoboken, N. J., Port of Embarkation, November, 1918, and at Camp Kearny, Calif., with the 64th Field Artillery, December 3—22, 1918. Diris- charged as First Lieutenant at Camp Kearny, December 22, 1918. Appointed First Lieutenant, Officers’ Reserve Corps. Permanent address, 1009 South Sixth Street, St. Louis, Mo. Mullane, Rev. Richard J., Altoona Born October 11, 1887. Ordained June 20, 1914. Entered military service April 27, 1918. Discharged December SLOG Mulligan, Rev. John F., M.A., Newark Born November 14, 1886, in Jersey City, N. J. Educated at St. Bridget’s School, St. Peter’s High School and St. Peter's College, Jerseys City, NJ.) Receivedstheologica: training at Immaculate Conception Seminary. Ordained March 19, 1910. Member of the K. of C. and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Commissioned August 20, 1917. Served at Gettysburg, Pa) Charlottes IN. Ce vandyinetocmime ne In action at Voilu-St. Die, St. Mihiel and the Argonne. Discharged May 26, 1919 at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieutenant. Permanent address, 790 Bergen Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. Mulligan, Rev. Thomas Patrick, Cleveland Born September 1, 1883, in Cleveland, O. Educated at Immaculate Conception School and St. Ignatius College, 220 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Cleveland, O. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Cleveland, O. Ordained June 29, 1909. Mem- ber of the K. of C. Commissioned September 24, 1918. Served in France at Le Corneau, with the F.A.R.R., and at Ponteux-les-Forges, with the 20th Engineers. Dis- charged July 2, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieu- tenant. Permanent address, Chardon Road, Euclid, O. Mullin, Rev. John Bernard, Boston Born March 20, 1887, in Boston, Mass. Educated at Mather School, Boston Latin School and Boston College, Boston, Mass. Received theological training at St. John’s Scininagyen boston Viass 1 Ordained: ) June, 257))09 16: Commissioned July 24, 1918. Served at General Hospital No. 18, Waynesville, N. C., Hoboken, N. J., and in Trans- port Duty aboard the U.S.S. America and U.S.S. Great Northern. Discharged at Hoboken, N. J., as First Lieu- tenant, August 12, 1919. Assistant at St. Peter’s Church, Plymouth, Mass. Permanent address, 81 Court Street, Plymouth, Mass. Mulvey, Rev. John Aloysius, Grand Rapids Born January 3, 1880, near Mt. Clemens, Mich. Educated at St. Mary’s School and Public High School, Big Rapids, Mich., St. Francis College, Wis., and St. Gregory’s College, Ohio. Received theological training at Grand Seminary, Montreal. Ordained August 27, 1905. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commissioned September 19, 1917. Served at Camp Custer, Mich., and in France with the 85th and 7th Divisions and in Germany with the 32nd Division. In action in the Metz Offensive. Dis- charged at Camp Custer, Mich., as First Lieutenant, June 7, 1919. Appointed First Lieutenant in the Officers’ Re- serve Corps. Pastor, St. Mary’s Church, Alma, Mich. Permanent address, Alma, Mich. 221 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Mundy, Rev. John William, Philadelphia Born June 24, 1891, in Hazleton, Pa. Educated at St. Mary’s School and High School, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and St. Bonaventure College, Allegany, N. Y. Received theo- logical training at St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pa. Ordained September 16, 1916. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned July 2, 1918. Served at Camp Travis, Tex., until his discharge as First Lieutenant, January 17, 1919. Assistant Rector, St. Edward’s Church, Philadelphia, Pa. Permanent address, 2417 North 8th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Munster, Rev. William John, M.A., Pittsburgh Born April 18, 1878, in Elizabeth, N. J. Educated at St. Patrick's, Parochial ‘School, Blizabeth, IN ai] ees N i tee Mary’s High School and College, Emmitsburg, Md. Re- ceived theological training at Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, Md. Ordained June 16, 1908. Member of the K. of CA.O.H> K. of St..G,) C.0,0. 8. Military, Order of Foreign Wars, Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, Reserve Officers’ Association, and American Of- ficers of Great War. Commissioned September 17, 1917. Served at Camp Meade, Md., England and France. Dis- charged at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieutenant, May 31, 1919. Appointed First Lieutenant Chaplain, Officers’ Re- serve Corps, and assigned to Field Artillery, 99th Division. Assistant Pastor, St. Mary’s of the Mount Church, Pitts- burgh, Pa. Permanent address, 407 Grandview Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Munoz, Rev. Francisco P., Lipa, P. I. Born May 31, 1893, in Bauan, Batangas, P. I. Educated in Bauan Public ant Private Staharily St. Francis Xavier High School, Ermita, Manila, and St. Francis Xavier Col- lege, Ermita, Manila, P. I. Received theological training 22a UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR at St. John’s Seminary, Boston, Mass. Ordained November 18, 1917. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned July 15, 1918. Served at Port Area, Port McKinley and Camp Claudio, P. I. Discharged February 18, 1919, at Camp Claudio, P. I., First Lieutenant. Chaplain at Colleges of Agriculture, Vet. Science and Forestry, University of Philippines. Permanent address, Lipa, Batangas, P. I. Murphy, Rev. Edward Patrick, Boston Born March 2, 1878, in Boston, Mass. Educated at Bige- low Grammar School and Boston College High School, Boston, Mass., and in St. Laurent College, Can. Received theological training at St. John’s Seminary, Brighton, Mass. Ordained December 16, 1904. Commissioned February 19, 1918. Served at Hospital No. 9, Lakewood, N. J., and in France with the 5th Ammunition Train. Dis- charged at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieutenant, July, 1919. Permanent address, 61 Burt Street, Dorchester, Mass. Murphy, Rev. Edward P., Oregon City Born September 17, 1862, in Cashel, Ireland. Educated at Christian Brothers’ Schools, Ireland, St. Gabriel’s School, New York City, St. Joseph’s College, Dubuque, Ia., Sacred Heart College, Watertown, Wis., and Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, Ind. Received theological training at Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, Ind. Ordained July 31, 1892. Member of the K. of C. Served as K. C. Chaplain, June, 1918—May, 1919, at Base Hos- pital, St. Nazaire, France. Permanent address, 265 14th Street, Portland, Ore. Murphy, Rev. Garrett Francis, Philadelphia Born October 26, 1891, in Phoenixville, Pa. Educated at St. Mary’s School, Phoenixville, Pa., Roman Catholic High School, Philadelphia, Pa., and St. Charles Prepara- 223 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR tory Seminary, Overbrook, Pa. Received theological train- ing at St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pa. Ordained May 27, 1917. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned Lieutenant, junior grade, in the Navy, August 21, 1917. Served at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, aboard the U.S.5. Rochester, with Marines in France, aboard U.S.S. Black Hawk, aboard the U.S.S. Pennsylvania. At present, aboard the U.S.S. Rainbow, Submarine Flotilla, Asiatic Station. Permanent address, 384 Second Avenue, Phoenix- Villevay Murphy, Rev. George N., Newark Born January 4, 1884, in Paterson, N. J. Ordained June 10, 1911. Commissioned September 11, 1917. Promoted to Captain, March 14, 1919. Discharged June 2, 1919. Murphy, Rev. Nicholas A., Charleston Born September 8, 1876, in Ireland. Educated in the National Schools of Ireland and at St. Thomas College, Kildare, Ireland. Received theological training at All Hallows Seminary, Ireland. Ordained June 24, 1904. Member of the K. of C. Served as Auxiliary Chaplain at Camp Wadsworth, Spartanburg, S. C., and at Charleston Navy Yard, from September 28, 1917. Still in service. Pastor, St. Joseph’s Church, Charleston, $8. C. Permanent address, St. Joseph’s Church, Charleston, S. C. Murphy, Rev. William A., D.D., Chicago Born) June 27,1883) in Lemont, - Tl) Educated: atuioly Family School, St. Ignatius High School and St. Ignatius College, Chicago, Ill. Received theological training at American College, Rome, Italy. Ordained May 21, 1910. Member of the K. of C. Served September 21, 1917—-May 25, 1918, as K. C. Chaplain, at Great Lakes Naval Training Station, Chicago, I1l.; Pelham Bay, N. Y., and Selles-sur- 224 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Cher, France. Pastor, San Callisto Church, Chicago, Ill. Permanent address, 2189 De Kalb Avenue, Chicago, II. Murray, Rev. Charles A., M.A., Scranton Born September 8, 1883, in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Educated at Public School and Public High School, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md., and Mt. St. Mary’s College, Emmitsburg, Md. Received theological training at Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, Md. Ordained July 12, 1912. Commissioned June, 1918. Served at Camp Dix, N. J., Camp Mills, N. Y., and with the 160th Infantry in France. Discharged as First Lieutenant at Campion N wean viayve2 1919s “Assistant, ati Sty) |) oni Church, Pittston, Pa. Permanent address, Pittston, Pa. Murray, Rev. Francis Alphonsus, C.SS.R. Born June 26, 1883, in Boston, Mass. Educated in the Public and Parochial Schools, Roxbury, Mass., Boston College Preparatory and Boston College, Boston, Mass., Dicnarlesmeonlere th Micott,@ity) Mid iiand: St.)'Mlarys College, North East, Pa. Received theological training at Mt. St. Alphonsus Seminary, Esopus, N. Y. Ordained July 2, 1911. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned March 21, 1918. Served at Camp McArthur, Waco, Tex., Gam peGnreene. @harlotte IN? Gy ianduviitchel sPieldwiN iyi Promoted to Captain, May 11, 1919. Discharged October Dei eas Captain at Garden Gitvi bo bj; On Mission Band of St. Mary’s Church, Annapolis, Md. Permanent address, St. Mary’s Church, Annapolis, Md. Murray, Rev. Thomas A., Louisville Born August 24, 1872, in Philadelphia, Pa. Educated at Public School, West Conshohocken, Pa., St. Matthews High School, Conshohocken, Pa., and St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md. Received theological training at St. 225 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained June 19, 1900. Member of the K. of C. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Camp Taylor, Ky., August 30, 1918—December 17, 1919. Pastor, St. Brigid’s Church, Vine Grove, Ky. Permanent address, Vine Grove, Ky. Murtaugh, Rev. Harry M., M.A., C.M. Born January 1)1375) ina Salle, Illy) Rducatedian Rube School, St. Mary’s School, St. Mary’s High School, and St. Mary’s College, Perryville, Mo. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Vincentian Seminary. Ordained June 14.1901) | Member, of the Ki of Ci Served sasnieaes Chaplain at Hicks Field and Benbrook Field, ‘Tex., Febru- ary, 1918—November, 1919. Permanent address, 1312 South Jennings Avenue, Fort Worth, Tex. Muszynski, Rev. A. J. F., Pittsburgh Born June 13, 1892, in Pittsburgh, Pa. Ordained June 2, 1917. Commissioned September 10, 1918. Served in Camps Gordon and Dix. Discharged December 18, 1918, at Camp Dix, N. J. Address, 48 Spruce Street, Natrona, Pa. Nealis, Rev. Martin Joseph, A.M., Chicago Born March 31, 1885, in Chicago, Ill. Educated at Public School, North Division High School and St. Ignatius Col- lege, Chicago, Ill., and Niagara University, Niagara Falls, N.Y. Received theological training at Our Lady of Angels Seminary, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Ordained March 27, 1909. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commis- sioned August 5, 1918. Served at Camp Pike, Ark., in the 162nd Depot Brigade. Discharged at Camp Pike, as First Lieutenant, December 4, 1918. Appointed First Lieu- tenant, Officers’ Reserve Corps, October 20, 1919. Assis- tant Pastor, Sacred Heart Church, Joliet, Ill. Permanent address, 4209 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, II. 226 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Neisen, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Francis C., M.A., Superior Born October 8, 1869, in Buffalo, N. Y. Educated at Paro- chial School, Public High School and St. Canisius College, Buffalo, N. Y., and St. Jerome’s College, Berlin, Ontario, Can. Received theological training at St. Bonaventure’s College, Allegany, N. Y. Ordained December 21, 1895. Commissioned November, 1917. Served at Camp Lewis, Wash. Discharged, January 16, 1919, as Captain. Had previous service in the Spanish American War. Pastor (pro-tem), Catawba, Wis. Permanent address, 628 Bay Street, Superior, Wis. Nivard, Rev. Michael, M.S.C. Born September 28, 1873, in Hoorn, Holland. Ordained December 23, 1899. Commissioned July 9, 1918. Served with the [03rd Infantry, A.E.F. Previous service as K. C. Chaplain, October 6, 1917. Discharged April 30, 1919, at Camp Devens. Address, Mission House, Sparta, Wis. Noll, Rev. Raymond R., 5.T.D., Indianapolis Born October 10, 1881, in Fort Wayne, Ind. Educated at Cathedral School, Fort Wayne, Ind., Cathedral School, Indianapolis, Ind., and St. Meinrad’s College, St. Meinrad, Ind. Received theological training at North American College, Rome, Italy, and Urban College, Rome, Italy. Ordained June 817, 91905). Member! of the K, ‘of; C.vand American Legion. Commissioned November 20, 1917. Served at Camp Dodge, Ia., and in the A.E.F., with the 338th Field Artillery, 88th Division, at Camp de Souge, and Beau Desert, until December 17, 1918, and then at Base Hospital No. 104, until June 19, 1919. Discharged at Camp Dix VIN ey asi Rirst Micutenant uly) 3 9 1919.0 Pastor,. St, Francis de Sales Church, Indianapolis, Ind. Permanent address, 2191 Avondale Place, Indianapolis, Ind. 227 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Noonan, Rev. John T., Des Moines Born November 6, 1876, in Creston, Ia. Educated in the local Parochial School and St. Benedict’s College, Atchi- son, Kan. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained May 6, 1899. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Fort Des Moines, Ia., during war. Pastor of St. Augustine’s Church, Des Moines, Ia. Perma- nent address, Des Moines, [a. Nooy, Rev. Otto, Baker City Born January 25, 1880, in Amsterdam, Holland. Edu- cated in the Public Schools, Holland, Weert College, Hol- land, Floreffe College, Belgium and Durham College, England. Received theological training at St. Paul’s Semi- nary, St. Paul, Minn. Ordained August 6, 1907. Com- missioned December 15, 1917. Served at Camp Lewis, Wash. Discharged at Camp Lewis, Wash., as First Lieu- tenant, June 10, 1919. Chaplain of St. Anthony’s Hospital, and in charge of 7 Missions at Pendleton, Ore. Permanent address, Pendleton, Ore. Norman, Rev. Henry A., Providence Born October 29, 1884, in Hyde, England. Ordained June 1, 1912. Commissioned October 9, 1917. Served with the 59th Artillery, C.A.C., A.E.F. Discharged September 27, 1919, at Fort Greble, R. I. Address, 155 Academy Avenue, Providence Rul, Normoyle, Rev. Cornelius J., St. Paul Born September 7, 1883, in Ireland. Educated at St. Mun- chin’s College, Limerick, Ireland, and All Hallows Col- lege, Dublin, Ireland. Received theological training at St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. Ordained June 11, 1908. Member of the K. of C., Foresters, A.O.H., and American Legion. Commissioned August, 1918. Served with the 228 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR 166th Depot Brigade, 75th Infantry and Ist Infantry. Dis- charged as First Lieutenant at Camp Lewis, Wash., April 1, 1919. Appointed First Lieutenant in Officers’ Reserve Corps, August, 1919, and assigned as Chaplain to the 35lst Infantry, 88th Division. Professor at St. Thomas College, St. Paul, Minn. Permanent address, St. Thomas College, St. Paul, Minn. Norris, Rev. Cornelius Joseph, Columbus Born April 2, 1879, in Danvers, Mass. Educated in the Public Schools and High School, Salem, Mass., and Boston College, Boston, Mass. Received theological training at St. John’s Seminary, Boston, Mass., and St. Mary’s Semi- nary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained June 21, 1905. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned September 17, 1917. Served at Camp Sherman, O., and Le Mans, France. Discharged February 8, 1919, at Camp Sherman, O., as First Lieu- tenant. Stationed at St. Mary’s Church, Poughkeepsie, ING ey Permanent (address.)/709// Ghurch: Street, (Pough- KeepsicneN Tay Nowak, Rev. Andrew Thomas Francis, Ph.D., Springfield Born December 29, 1891, in Chicopee Falls, Mass. Edu- cated at Alvord School, Church Street Grammar and Chic- opee High School, Chicopee Falls, Mass., Polish Ponti- fical College, Rome, Italy, Gregorian University, Rome, Italy, Apostolic Mission House, and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Received theological training at Polish Pontifical College, Rome, Italy. Ordained March 18, 1916. Member of the American Legion. Commissioned July 16, 1918. Served at Camp Custer, Mich., in the 160th Depot Brigade, and at Arcadia, Calif., in Army Baloon school) Discharged (March) dl) 1919) atwArcadiay Calif. as First Lieutenant. Pastor, Sacred Heart Church (Polish), Greenfield, Mass. Permanent address, 58 Deerfield Street, Greenfield, Mass. 229 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Nugent, Rev. William A., Davenport Born August 10, 1888, in Ireland. Ordained June 20, 1914. Commissioned July 5, 1918. Served with the 51st Infantry, A.E.F. Discharged at Fort Bliss, September 30, 1920. Address, 215 Arizona Street, El Paso, Tex. Nuwer, Rev. Roman Joseph, Buffalo Born September 10, 1892, in Lancaster, N. Y. Educated at St. Mary’s School and St. Mary’s High School, Lan- caster, N.Y.) and) Canisius, College, Buffalo,” Nowy eee ceived theological training at the Canisianum, Innsbruck, Austria, and Niagara University, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Ordained December 7, 1916. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commissioned August 23, 1918. Served at Hospital Centre, Bazoilles-sur-Meuse, France, Liffol-le- Grand, France, and with the 7th Infantry, 3rd Division, Burgbrohl, Germany. Appointed Captain Chaplain, 106th Field Artillery, N.G.N.Y., February 25, 1922. Pastor, St. Vincent’s Church, Springbrook, N. Y. Permanent ad- dress, Springbrook, N. Y. O’Brien, Rev. Gregory, New York Born May 29, 1869, in New York City. Ordained May 22, 1893. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Camp Gordon, Ga., and commissioned overseas, where he served with the A.E.F., August 7, 1918. Discharged August 17, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J. Address, 101 East 177th Street, New York City. | O’Brien, Rev. James B., Providence Born December 30, 1876, in Lonsdale, R. I. Ordained June Z1, 1911. Commissioned December 13, 1918, in Officers’ Reserve Corps, after final session of Chaplains’ Training School. Discharged same date. Address, 791 Potter Ave- nue, Providence, R. I. 230 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR O’Brien, Rev. James Edmond, Chicago Born January 24, 1887, in Chicago. Ordained December 21, 1912. Commissioned July 31, 1918. Served at Sel- fridge Field, Mich. Discharged December 23, 1918. Ad- dress, 758 South Springfield Avenue, Chicago, III. O’Brien, Rev. James Joseph, C.S.C. Born March 17, 1881, in Ireland. Ordained June 26, 1914. Commissioned August 8, 1918. Served at Fort Bayard, N. M. Discharged at Fort Bayard, September 9, 1919. Address, Notre Dame, Ind. O’Brien, Rev. Richard A., M.A., S.J. Born August 15, 1880, in Baltimore, Md. Educated at Corpus Christi School, Loyola High School and Loyola College, Baltimore, Md. Received theological training at Woodstock, Md. Ordained June 28, 1912. Member of the American Legion. Commissioned April 13, 1918. Served in France and Germany. In action at the Meuse- Argonne. Discharged as First Lieutenant, at Camp Dix, N. J., July 10, 1919. Professor at Boston College. Perma- nent address, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Mass. O’Brien, Rev. Stephen Joseph, Boston Born December 6, 1885, in Amesbury, Mass. Educated at St. Joseph’s School, Amesbury, Mass., Boston College Pre- paratory, Boston, Mass., and Holy Cross College, Wor- cester, Mass. Received theological training at St. John’s Seminary, Brighton, Mass. Ordained March 18, 1913. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commis- sioned February 8, 1918. Served with the 305th Stevedore Engineers at Camp Hill and Camp Alexander, Newport News, Va. Discharged December 1, 1918, at Camp Alex- ander, Newport News, Va., as First Lieutenant. Assistant at St. Margaret’s Church, Brockton, Mass. Permanent ad- dress, High Street, Amesbury, Mass. 231 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR O’Brien, Rev. Vincent G., Ph.D., 5.T.D., Albany Born August 18, 1883, in Albany, N. Y. Educated in the Public Schools and Albany High School, Albany, N. Y.., and St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md. Received theological training at North American College, Rome, Italy, and Propaganda College, Rome, Italy. Ordained September 19, 1908. Member of the K. of C. and Ameri- can Legion. Commissioned July 12, 1918. Stationed at Camp Humphreys, Va., Camp Sevier, 5S. C., and Washing- ton Barracks, Washington, D. C. Discharged January 10, 1919, as First Lieutenant, at Camp Dix, N. J. Permanent address, St. John the Baptist Church, Schenectady, N. Y. O’Brien, Very Rev. Walter, O.S.B. Born March 25, 1874, in Martinsburg, W. Va. Educated at St. Joseph’s School, Martinsburg, W. Va., Holy Cross Preparatory, Worcester, Mass., and Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. Received theological training at Bel- mont Abbey, N. C. Ordained June 4, 1916. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned July 22, 1918. Served with the 309th Engineers, 84th Division, A.E.F. Discharged July 231919) sat. Campobix No [ass itsty haecu temas Rector, Benedictine College, Richmond, Va. Permanent address, Benedictine College, Richmond, Va. O’Callaghan, Rev. George, P.S.M. Born June 6, 1873, in Halifax, N.S. Educated at Chris- tian Brothers’ School, Ireland, St. John’s, Portsmouth, England, High School, Portsmouth, England, St. Patrick’s College, Piedmont, Italy, and Gregorian University, Rome. Received theological training at Seminary of Pious Society of Missions, Rome, Italy. Ordained March 23, 1901. Member of the K. of C. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Camps Funston, Kan., and Wissahickon, N. J., and at Marine Camp, Quantico, Va., April 1, 1918 until March 232 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR 8, 1920. Pastor, Holy Rosary Church, Fall River, Mass. Permanent address, 120 Beattie Street, Fall River, Mass. O’Connell, Rev. Arthur, San Francisco Born December 3, 1886, in San Francisco, Calif. Educated at Sacred Heart College, Calif., and St. Patrick’s Seminary, Menlo Park, Calif. Received theological training at American College, Rome. Ordained June 6, 1914. Com- missioned October 7, 1918. Served at Fort Screven, Ga., until his discharge, December 11, 1918, as First Lieutenant. Assistant Pastor, St. James Church, San Francisco, Calif. Permanent address, 1100 Franklin Street, San Francisco, Calif. O’Connell, Rev. Fabian V., Boston Born February 10, 1882. Ordained December, 1908. Com- missioned February 19, 1918. Served at Ellington Field, Tex., until discharge, May 27, 1919. Address, 405 South Huntington Avenue, Boston, Mass. O’Connell, Rev. Thomas Joseph, San Francisco Born April 30, 1871, in Boston, Mass. Educated at Public Schools and Sacred Heart College, San Francisco, Calif., ANG NIVeLsity Otvoanta Clara Santa, Clara, Calif.) Re- ceived theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Balti- more, Md. Ordained January 14, 1898. Member of the Y.M.I. and the K. of C. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Camp Fremont, Calif., and overseas with the 82nd Division, November, 1917—June, 1919. Was with the division in action at St. Mihiel and in the Meuse-Argonne. Gassed, August 8, 1918. Permanent Rector, St. Patrick’s Church, Oakland, Calif. Permanent address, 1023 Peralta Street, Oakland, Calif. O’Connor, Rev. J. S., Dallas Born December 2, 1871, in Ottawa, Ontario, Can. Edu- cated at Local Christian Brothers’ Schools, Holy Cross 233 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR College, and St. Viator’s College. Received theological training at St. Thomas Seminary, Valleyfield, Quebec, Can. Ordained July 10, 1904. Member of the K. of C. and A.O.H. : Served:as Ke GChaplain at Barron iieldwbexm October 8, 1918—May 12, 1920. Rector, Holy Name Church, Fort Worth, Tex. Diocesan Consultor. Perma- nent address, 1007 East Terrell Avenue, Fort Worth, Tex. O’Connor, Rev. Louis Michael, M. A., Peoria Born September 21, 1883, in Arlington, Hl. Educated in the Public Schools and High School, Arlington, Ill., and St. Viator’s College, Bourbonnais, Ill. Received theological training at St. Bernard’s Seminary, Rochester, N. Y. Or- dained June 10, 1911. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commissioned March 9, 1918. Served at Fort Ethan Allen, Vt., and Camp Jackson, 8. C. Discharged February 6, 1919, at Camp Jackson, as First Lieutenant. Pastor, St. Patrick’s Church, Urbana, Il]. Permanent ad- dress, 708 West Main Street, Urbana, III. O’Connor, Rev. Michael J., Boston Born July 12, 1869, in Tipperary, Ireland. Educated in the National Schools and High School, Ireland, and Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. Received theological training at St. John’s Seminary, Brighton, Mass. Ordained December 20, 1901. Member of the American Legion. Commissioned March 25, 1917, in the Regular Army. Served with the 101st Infantry in the A.E.F. In action at Seiche- prey, Toul Sector, Chateau-Thierry, St. Mihiel and Meuse- Argonne. Gassed, April 8th, April 22nd, July 18th, and July 25, 1918. Wounded by shrapnel, April 23, 1918. Arrived in France September 20, 1917. Became Senior Chaplain, 26th Division, May 1, 1918, and remained in that status until end of his service. Discharged April 29, 1919, at Camp Devens, Mass., as Captain. Had previous 234 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR service in the 9th Infantry, Massachusetts National Guard, as Private and Corporal, 1891—1893, and as Chaplain from April 21, 1911 continuously. Reappointed Chaplain, 10Ist Infantry, Massachusetts National Guard, December, 1919. Permanent address, St. Peter’s Church, Cambridge, Mass. O’Connor, Rev. William Patrick, Cincinnati Born October 7, 1889, in Dayton, O. Educated at St. Joseph’s School and University of Dayton, Dayton, O. Re- ceived theological training at Mt. St. Mary’s of the West Seminary, Cincinnati, O. Ordained June 20, 1913. Mem- ber of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commissioned July 11, 1917. Served at Camp Sheridan and Camp Upton and in the A.F.F., with the 136th Field Artillery. In action at St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne. Discharged April 11, 1919, at Camp Sherman, O., as Captain. Appointed Cap- tain Chaplain, 107th Cavalry, National Guard. Pastor, Simvincent devt aul @hurch. Cincinnati O. ) Rermanent address, 709 Delhi Avenue, Cincinnati, O. O’Connor, Rev. William Patrick, Ph.D., Milwaukee Born October 18, 1886, in Milwaukee, Wis. Educated at St. John’s Cathedral School, and Marquette College, Mil- waukee, Wis., and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Received theological training at St. Francis de Sales Semi- nary. Ordained March 10, 1912. Member of the K. of C. Served at Camp Douglas, Wis., Camp McArthur, Tex., and in the A.E.F., with the 32nd Division. In action at the Alsace Sector, May 18th—July 21, 1918, Aisne-Marne Offensive, July 29th— August 7, 1918, Ojse-Aisne Offensive, August 26th—September 6, 1918, Meuse-Ar- gonne Offensive, September 6th—November 6, 1918. Deco- rated with the French Croix de Guerre for bravery, April 13, 1919, and cited in Divisional Orders. Discharged May 30, 1919, at Camp Upton, N. Y., as Captain. Ac- Don UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR cepted commission as Captain Chaplain, 105th Cavalry, 57th Brigade, 22nd Division, Wisconsin National Guard, July 12, 1922. Professor at St. Francis de Sales Semi- nary, St. Francis, Wis. Permanent address, St. Francis PLO ;Wias, O’Conor, Rev. George Peter, Boston Born January 10, 1881, in Peabody, Mass. Educated at Public School and High School, Peabody, Mass., and St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md. Received theological training at St. John’s Seminary, Brighton, Mass. Ordained December 20, 1906. Member of the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and Military Order of World War. Commissioned September 27, 1917. Served at Camp Devens, Mass., and in the A.E.F. In action at the Meuse- Argonne. Discharged June 3, 1919. Director of Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of Boston. Permanent address, 75 Union Park Street, Boston, Mass. Odell, Rev. William Francis, Hartford Born May 28, 1880, in New Britain, Conn. Ordained December 21, 1907. Commissioned June 1, 1918. Served with the 39th Infantry, A.E.F. Discharged July 8, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J. Address, 258 Ashley Street, Hartford, Conn. O’Donnell, Very Rev. Charles Leo, Ph.D., Litt.D., C.S.C. Born November 15, 1884, in Greenfield, Ind. Educated at St. Francis Academy, Kokomo, Ind., Notre Dame Pre- paratory and Notre Dame College, Notre Dame, Ind., Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., and Catholic Uni- versity, Washington, D. C. Received theological training at Holy Cross College, Washington, D. C. Ordained June 24, 1910. Member of the K. of C., Veterans of Foreign Wars, and A.O.H. Commissioned February 1, 1918. 236 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Served in the A.E.F., with the 117th Engineers and the 332nd Infantry. In action at Vittovio-Veneto, Italy. Dis- charged April, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieu- tenant. Provincial of Holy Cross Order in United States. Permanent address, Notre Dame, Ind. O’Donnell, Rev. Daniel P., Detroit Born December 1, 1885, in Detroit. Ordained May 2, 1914. Commissioned November 1, 1918. Discharged January 25, 1919. Address, 805 Trumbull Avenue, Detroit, Mich. O’Donnell, Rev. Joseph Hugh, Davenport Born December 28, 1880, in Ireland. Educated in the Irish National Schools, St. Eunan’s High School, Letterkenny, Ireland and All Hallows College, Dublin, Ireland. Re- ceived theological training at Kenrick Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Com- missioned March 5, 1918. Served at Camp Sevier, S. C., and in the A.E.F., with the 9th Infantry, and the 23rd In- fantry, 2nd Division. In action at Soissons, St. Mihiel, Champagne and Argonne. Wounded September 12, 1918 at St. Mihiel. Decorated with the Croix de Guerre for Bravery, Octobery7,. 1910.) Discharged August, 291919: at Camp Dodge, la., as First Lieutenant. Appointed Chap- lain Captain, 113th Cavalry, lowa National Guard, April Olo2zunr astor..ot. beter Church; Cosgrove, Lar. Perma- nent address, Oxford, R.F.D., Ia. O’Donnell, Rev. John L., Chicago Born November 16, 1883, in Chicago, Ill. Educated at Park Side School, St. Thomas School, St. Ignatius High School, and De Paul College, Chicago, IIl., St. Viator’s College, Bourbonnais, Ill., and Niagara University, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Received theological training at St. | 237 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Viator’s Seminary, Bourbonnais, Ill. Ordained May 13, 1911. Member of the K. of C., Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion and Veteran Corps, 2nd Illinois Infantry. Commissioned August 16, 1916, 2nd Illinois Infantry, August 5, 1917, Regular Army. Served in Chicago, Camp Logan, Tex., and in the A.E.F., in France, Germany and Luxembourg. In/action at Albert, Somme; Hamel, Somme; Harbonnais, Somme; Mort Homme, Bois de Forges, Bois de Fays, Bois de Foret, Brabant, Dun-Sur-Meuse, Consenvoys, Dannevoux, St. Hilaire, Butgneville, Meuse-Argonne and St. Mihiel. Wounded October 10, 1918 in Bois de Foret, France. Cited for bravery in General Headquarters and 33rd Division Orders and given right to wear Silver Star on Victory Medal ribbon. Awarded Distinguished Service _ Medal for exceptional services, May 10, 1919. Discharged from regular service, May 29, 1919, as Captain at Camp Grant, Ill. Served at Mexican Border in 1916. Captain Chaplain, 132nd Infantry, 33rd Division, Illinois National Guard. Assistant, Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, Chicago, Ill. Permanent address, 3528 South Hermitage Avenue, Chicago, II. O’Donovan, Rev. Simon S8., M.A., C.M. Born November 7, 1876, in Cork, Ireland. Educated at Bealad National School and Intermediate School, Cork, Ireland, and St. Vincent’s College, Castleknock, Dublin, Ireland. Received theological training at St. Mary’s Semi- nary, Perryville, Mo. Ordained June 9, 1906. Member of the K. of C. Served as K. C. Chaplain, September, 1918 to January 1, 1922. Stationed at Evacuation Hospital No. 19, Alleray, France, Evacuation Hospital No. 3, Trier, Germany, and Station Hospital, Coblenz, Germany. As- sistant Pastor, St. Vincent’s Church, Chicago, Ill. Perma- nent address, 1010 Webster Avenue, Chicago, III. 238 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Oehler, Rev. Benjamin Joseph, O.F.M. Born August 14, 1885, in Cincinnati, O. Educated at St. John’s School and St. Francis College, Cincinnati, O. Re- ceived theological training at St. Francis Seminary, Olden- burg, Ind. Ordained June 17, 1914. Member of the K. of ©. (Commissioned March 25, 1918: Served in ‘the A.E.F., with the 334th Machine Gun Battalion, 87th Divi- sion, and at Evacuation Hospitals No. 14 and 16, Coblenz, Germany. Discharged August 10, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieutenant. Assistant Rector of St. Joseph Church, Louisville, Ky. Permanent address, 1406 East Washington, Louisville, Ky. O’Gallagher, Rev. Charles, San Antonio Born June 27, 1867, in Killian, Donegal, Ireland. Educated at Mecnacahan National School, Donegal, Ireland, Creevy Classical School, Ballashannon, Ireland and Petite Semi- naire Mortain, Normandy, France. Received theological training at Propaganda, Rome, Italy. Ordained November 1, 1896. Served as K.C. Chaplain at Camp McClellan, Ala., November 1, 1917—August 1, 1920. Manager and Chap- lain, St. Vincent’s Home for Aged, San Antonio, Tex. Permanent address, 1119 South Almo Street, San Antonio, ilicx. O’Hara, Rev. Edwin V., L.L.D., Oregon City Born September 6, 1881, in Lanesboro, Minn. Educated in the Country School, Amherst, Minn., High School, Lanesboro, Minn., St. Thomas College, St. Paul, Minn., Catholic University, Washington, D. C., and Institute Catholique, Paris, France. (L.L.D., Notre Dame.) Re- ceived theological training at St. Paul’s Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. Ordained June 10, 1905. Member of the K. of C. Served as K. C. Chaplain overseas from June 24, 1918, ? 239 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR until the signing of the Armistice. Stationed at Langres until September 13th, and then assigned to the 79th Divi- sion, 304th Headquarters Train, and Military Police. With the 314th Infantry at start of Battle of Argonne, and then with Mobile Hospitals No. 1 and 5. Pastor at Eugene, Lane County, Ore. Director, Rural Life Bureau, National Catholic Welfare Bureau. Permanent address, Eugene, Ore. O’Hearn, Rev. John J., Chicago Born June v2 1 nl877..41n) Chicago, Wiis ducatedace a Saints School and St. Ignatius College, Chicago, Ill. Re- ceived theological training at Kenrick Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Ordained) in.1909). Member, of the (Kot) Clana American Legion. Appointed Captain Chaplain, 7th In- fantry, Illinois National Guard, June 24, 1916. Served at Houston, Tex., and in the A.E.F. In action at St. Mihiel and the Meuse-Argonne. Cited twice. Discharged from regular service /June; 0, 1919) as Captain, at CanipaGmane Ill. Served on the Mexican Border with the 7th Infantry, Illinois National Guard. Appointed Captain in the Of- ficers’ Reserve Corps. Permanent address, 153 West Gar- field Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. O’Keefe, Rev. James William, M.A., O.S.B. Born August 23, 1888, in Beaver, Okla. Educated at Sacred Heart College, Sacred Heart, Okla., and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Received theological train- ing at Sacred Heart College, Sacred Heart, Okla., and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Ordained August 13, 1911. Member of the American Legion. Commissioned January 16, 1918. Served at Camps Beauregard and Taylor, and’ in) the) A_B.BY Inaction inthe Argonneman October, 1918. Discharged at Fort Sill, Okla., as First Lieutenant, October 29, 1919. Served as K. C. Chaplain 240 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR at Camp Beauregard, October 1, 1917—January 16, 1918. Teacher at Catholic University, Shawnee, Okla. Perma- nent address, Catholic University, Shawnee, Okla. O’Keefe, Rev. Timothy P., Santa Fe Born December 17, 1864, in Leavenworth, Kan. Ordained May, 1888. Commissioned February 1, 1901. Served at many Regular Army Posts. Retired, May 18, 1920. Ad- dress, 1015 South 5th Street, Leavenworth, Kan. O’Keeffe, Rev. John B., Boston Born August 9, 1890, in Boston. Ordained June 8, 1917. Commissioned February 20, 1918. Served at Kelly Field, Tex. Discharged January 27, 1919. Address, 760 Eighth Street, South Boston, Mass. O’Leary, Rev. John Jeremiah, M.A., Scranton Born February 21, 1887, in Great Bend, Pa. Educated in the Public and High Schools, Great Bend, Pa., and at Mt. St. Mary’s College, Emmitsburg, Md. Received theo- logical training at Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, Md. Ordained July 16, 1914. Member of the K. of C., American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Disabled Emergency Officers of World War, and Disabled Ameri- can Veterans of World War. Commissioned February 26, 1918. Served at Camp Greene and Camp Merritt. Served in the A.E.F., from April 14, 1918 to May 29, 1919, Wounded in the Argonne, October 4, 1918 (compound comminuted fracture of the skull). Decorated with the Croix de Guerre for bravery. Cited in Division, Regi- mental and Battalion Orders. ‘I'wice recommended for promotion in action. Promoted to Captain, March, 1919. Discharged May 29, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., as Captain. Permanent address, 504 Main Street, Great Bend, Pa. 241 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR O’Leary, Rev. Michael Joseph, St. Louis Born June 7, 1879, in Boston, Mass. Attended Public Grade Schools of Boston, Canton High School, Mass., Boston Col- lege, and St. Charles’ College, Ellicott City, Md. Ordained June 9, 1911. Commissioned in the Army August 1, 1918, at Catawissa, Mo. Served at Kelly Field, Tex. Discharged January 12,-1919, San ‘Antonio, Tex. Officers’ Reserve Corps Chaplain. Address, Chaffee, Mo. O’Leary, Rev. Malachy T., C.P. Born October 5, 1884, in Philadelphia, Pa. Educated at St. Mary’s, Dunkirk, N. Y. Theology at Passionist Monas- teries. Ordained December 18, 1909. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned August 6, 1918. Served at Hoboken, N.J.,and Camp Upton, N. Y. Discharged at Camp Upton as First Lieutenant, December 4, 1918. Rector, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, El’ Paso, Tex. Address, 215 Arizona’ Street, El ‘Paso, Tex. Oliva, Rev. Pedro V., Nueva Caceres Born November 13, 1893, in Naga, Camarines Sur, P. I. _ Educated at Seminary College and Public School, Naga Camarines Sur, P. I. Received theological training at Naga Seminary, P. I: Ordained April 17, 1916.% Gome missioned August 16, 1918. Served at Fort William McKinley and Camp Tomas Claudio, Rizal, P. I. Dis- charged as First Lieutenant, at Manila, P. I., February 19, 1919. Appointed First Lieutenant, Philippine National Guard Reserve Corps. Parish Priest at Malilipot, Albay, P. I. Permanent address, Malilipot, Albay, P. I. O’Mahoney, Rev. Jeremiah P., Louisville Born April 19, 1887, in Ireland. Ordained June 6, 1914. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Fort Terry, N. Y., and U. S. 242 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Naval Submarine Base, New London, Conn., May 1, 1918 to September 16, 1919. Address, 443 South 5th Street, Louisville, Ky. O’Mahoney, Rev. John Raymond, Sioux Falls Born January 22, 1882, in New York City. Ordained May 29, 1907. Commissioned March 23, 1918. Served with the 26th Infantry, A.E.F. Discharged May 2, 1919, at U.S. Army and Navy Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark. Address, Apostolate Mission Band, Parker, 8. Dak. O’Neill, Rev. Joseph Leo, St. Paul Born March 19, 1888, in Ishpeming, Mich. Educated in Ishpeming, Mich., St. Thomas High School and St. Thomas College, St. Paul, Minn. Received theological training at St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. Ordained June 9, 1914. Member of the K. of C., American Legion and A.O.H. Commissioned August 23, 1918. Served at Camp Taylor and in the A.E.F., with the 353rd Infantry. In action at Meuse-Argonne. Discharged as First Lieu- fenanteat Camp) Dodge June) 16,0199.) Professor at) ot: Thomas College, St. Paul, Minn. Permanent address, Col- lege of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minn. O’Reilly, Rev. Francis M., 8.T.D., New York Born January 3, 1885, in New York City. Educated at St. Vincent de Paul’s School, Xavier High School and St. Francis Xavier’s College, New York City, Catholic Uni- versity, Washington, D. C., Collegio Internationale, Rome, Italy, University of Munich, Germany, and University of Freiberg, Germany. Received theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y. Ordained Septem- ber 11, 1909. Member of the K. of C., New York Press Club, National Press Club, Adventurers’ Club and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Commissioned August 21, 1917. Served 243 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR at Fort Ethan Allen, Vt., Camp Shelby, Miss., Camp Mer- ritt, N. J., and in the A.E.F. In action at Marne-Cham- pagne, Chateau-Thierry, Ourcq, Vesle, St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne. Wounded twice, first near Fismes, August 2, 1918, and second, October 26, 1918, in Meuse- Argonne. Decorated with the Distinguished Service Cross, November, 1918. Retired as First Lieutenant, because of physical disability received in line of duty. Permanent address, 319 East 201st Street, New York City. O’Reilly, Rev. James J., Providence Born September 28, 1879, in Providence, R. I. Educated at St. Edward’s School, Public School and La Salle Academy, Providence, R. I., and Manhattan College, New York City. Received theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y. Ordained June 9, 1906. Member of the K. of C., American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Commissioned July 25, 1917. Served at Narragansett Bay, and in France and Germany. Dis- charged October 9, 1919, at Camp Devens, Mass., as Cap- tain. Served in the Rhode Island National Guard, July 9, 1910—July 25, 1917. Appointed Captain Chaplain, 285th Infantry, Officers’ Reserve Corps. Pastor, St. Thomas Church, Providence, R. I. Permanent address, 65 Fruit Hill Avenue, Providence, R. I. O’Shea, Rev. Maurice J., Buffalo Born March 25, 1879, Chicago, Ill. Ordained June 5, 1909. Appointed Chaplain September 26, 1918. Served overseas in the Evacuation Hospital No. 1. Discharged July 5, 1919. O’Shea, Rev. Patrick J., O.S.B. Born May 3, 1884, in County Kerry, Ireland. Educated in the Irish National Schools, Ireland, and St. Benedict’s Col- lege, Atchison, Kan. Received theological training at St. 244 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Benedict’s Seminary. Ordained March 12, 1913. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned August 1, 1918. Served at Camp Beauregard, La., and at St. Florent, France, with the 155th Infantry, in Limoges, France, at Base Hospital No. 24, at Base Section No. 2, Bordeaux, France, at Prison Camp St. Laubes, France, with the 308th Ammunition Train, 353rd and 354th Field Artillery, Ist Aero Casual Squadron, Ist, 3rd and 5th Machine Gun Battalions. Dis- charged July 12, 1919, as First Lieutenant, at Camp Lee, Va. Appointed First Lieutenant Chaplain, Officers’ Re- serve Corps, 353rd Infantry. Permanent address, St. Bene- dict’s Church, Bendena, Kan. O’Shea, Rev. William J., Hartford Born October 5, 1883, in Deep River, Conn. Educated at Deep River Grammar and High School, Deep River, Conn., Niagara University, Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Bastogne College, Bastogne, Belgium. Received theo- logical training at American College, Louvain, Belgium. Ordained May 9, 1908. Member of the K. of C. Commis- sioned February 16, 1918. Served at Camp Meade, Md., in the A.E.F., and the Army of Occupation. Discharged Aureus Lo lovat Camp ix. INiiiiias Birst, Licutenant, Assistant at St. Joseph’s Cathedral, Hartford, Conn. Permanent address, 140 Farmington Avenue, Hartford, Conn. O’Sullivan, Rev. Timothy J., Wichita Born July 4, 1880, in Hutchinson, Kan. Educated in the Public School, Hutchinson, Kan., and St. Benedict’s Col- lege, Atchison, Kan. Received theological training at Ken- rick Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Ordained June 2, 1905. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned July 6, 1918. Served at Camp Pike, Ark., until his discharge as First Lieutenant, March 6, 1919. Appointed First Lieutenant, | 245 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Officers’ Reserve Corps, October 18, 1919. Rector, St. John’s Church, El Dorado, Kan. Permanent address, El Dorado, Kan. O’Toole, Rev. Edward L., St. Louis Born February 3, 1885, in Chicago, Ill. Educated at St. Louis Preparatory Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Received theological training at Kenrick Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Ordained ‘June 10/1910" \Miember’ of ther Ky ofa@seang American Legion. Commissioned September 5, 1917. Served with the Artillery Brigade, Camp Funston, Kan., and overseas. In action in the Euvezin Sector. Discharged June (17) 1919 “at Campi Taylor. Ky. Assistant eacmoee Teresa’s Church, St. Louis, Mo. Permanent address, 2413 North Grand Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. O’Toole, Rev. George Barry, Ph.D., S.T.D., Toledo Born December 11, 1886, in Toledo, O. Educated at South Street School, Immaculate Conception School, St. John’s High School and St. John’s University, Toledo, O., Columbia University, New York City, and Propaganda University, Rome, Italy. Received theological training at North American College, Rome, Italy. Ordained Novem- ber 1; 1911.) Commissioned ‘July 23) 191897 Servedmat Barron Field, Tex., and Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Pro- moted to rank of Captain, May 8, 1919. Discharged as Captain at Camp Wadsworth, S. C., August 21, 1919. Appointed Captain Chaplain, Officers’ Reserve Corps. Permanent address, St. Vincent Archabbey, Beatty, Pa. O’Toole, Rev. Thomas Nolan, Los Angeles Born September 8, 1882, in Ireland. Educated at National School, Carnew, Ireland, Holy Cross College, Dublin, Ireland, and St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Ireland. Received theological training at St. Patrick’s Seminary, 246 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Ott, Carlow, Ireland. Ordained May 26, 1912. Commissioned August 26, 1918. Served with the 328th Infantry, 326th Field Hospital, and at Camp St.Sulpice, Bordeaux, France. Discharged August 1, 1919, in London, England, as First Lieutenant. Rector, St. Columbkill’s Church, Los Angeles, Calif. Permanent address, 126 East 63rd Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Rev. John Lewis, M.A., S.M. Born March 5, 1882, in Pittsburgh, Pa. Educated at St. Mary’s School, Pittsburgh, Pa., St. Mary’s College, Dayton, O., Dayton University, Dayton, O., and Fribourg Uni- versity, Switzerland. Received theological training at Marianist Seminary, Fribourg, Switzerland. Ordained August 4, 1912. Commissioned June 26, 1918. Served at Camp Custer, Mich., Camp Fremont, Calif., Camp Mills, L. I., and Camp Lee, Va. Discharged as First Lieutenant, at Camp Lee, Va., January 16, 1919. Vice-Principal, West Philadelphia Catholic High School. Permanent address, 4909 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Padilla, Rev. Aloysius G., S.J. Born March 24, 1874, in Guadalajara, Mexico. Educated privately at home until he entered the Society of Jesus at Loyola, Spain. Studied Philosophy at the Collegium Max- imum of Ofia, Spain, and Theology at St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. Ordained February 2, 1909. Served as Auxiliary Chaplain at Fort Bayard, N.M., Deming, N.M., and Fort Bliss, Tex., July 26, 1918—September 16, 1920. Assistant at Church of the Holy Ghost, Puebla, Mexico. Pallister, Rev. Walter F., New York Born January 7, 1884, in New York City. Educated in the Public Schools and La Salle Academy, New York City, Port Richmond High School, Staten Island, St. Charles 247 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR College, Ellicott City, Md., and Mt. St. Mary’s College, Emmitsburg, Md. Received theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y. Ordained June 1, 1912. Member of the K. of C., American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Yonkers Overseas Veterans. Com- missioned March 13, 1918. Assigned to the 31st Division. Served at/Camp'\WheelermGal andiin) them Ave Gea uies Corneau and Bordeaux Embarkation Camp. Discharged at Camp, ee, \Vaij/as First Tieutenant, | une i 19D aes sistant at St. Peter’s, Yonkers, N. Y. Permanent address, 91 Ludlow Street, Yonkers, N. Y. Palubicki, Rev. John S., Omaha Born December 26, 1886, in Chojnice, Poland. Educated at St. Stanislaus Kostka School and High School, and St. Stanislaus Kostka College, Chicago, Ill., and St. Jerome’s College, Kitchener, Ont. Received theological training at St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. Ordained June 11, 1909. Member of the K.of C.and American Legion. Commissioned August 24, 1918. Served at Camp Taylor, Ky., and in the A.E.F., at Chateau Turriville, Cherbourg, Le Mans and Brest. Discharged December 24, 1918, as First Lieutenant, at Hoboken, N. J. Appointed First Lieutenant, Officers’ Reserve Corps, and assigned to the 66th Cavalry, 89th Divi- sion. Director, St. James Orphanage, Omaha, Neb. Perma- nent address, 3200 North 60th Street, Omaha, Neb. Pare, Rev. George William, Detroit Born March 28, 1886, in Detroit, Mich. Educated at Assumption School, High School and College, Sandwich, Ontario, Can. Received theological training at Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary, Cincinnati, O. Ordained July 4, 1909. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned August 12, 1918. Served in the A.E.F., with the 147th Infantry, 34th Division. In action at the Lys Offensive. Discharged as First Lieu- 248 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR tenant, July 19, 1919, at Camp Custer, Mich. Vice-Rector, Sacred Heart Seminary, Detroit, Mich. Permanent ad- dress, 79 Martin Place, Detroit, Mich. Parke, Rev. Warren Francis, Cleveland Born November 18, 1880, in Chicago, II]. Educated in the Chicago Public Schools, Sacred Heart College, Wis., and Nashotah House (Episcopal Seminary), Nashotah, Wis. Received theological training at Kenrick Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Ordained June 9, 1906. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commissioned September 18, 1917. Served at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., Camp Eustis, Va., Fort Monroe, Va., and Fort Story, Va. Discharged as First Lieutenant at Fortress Monroe, Va., July 29, 1919. Assistant Pastor, St. Bernard’s Church, Akron, O. Perma- nent address, 47 East State Street, Akron, O. Parker, Rev. Alphonsus B., Nashville Born July 1, 1859, in Ireland. Ordained July 15, 1883. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Park Field, Tenn. Address, 277 South Fourth Street, Memphis, Tenn. Pastorelli, Rev. Joseph L., O.P. Born January 23, 1884, in Boston, Mass. Educated at Starr-Skinner School and Brimmer School, Boston, Mass., Boston English High School and Boston College. Received theological training at Dominican House of Studies, Catho- lic University, Washington, D. C. Ordained in 1910. Mem- ber of the K. of C. Served as Volunteer Chaplain at Marine Barracks, Quantico, Va., February 2, 1918, until July, 1919. Twice officially commended for services ren- dered to sick and dying, while stricken, during influenza epidemic. Pastor and Superior, St. Peter’s Church and Vicariate, Memphis, Tenn. Address, 190 Adams Street, Memphis, Tenn. 249 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Paukstis, Pancratius Benjamin, M.A., Scranton Born May 10, 1889, in Edwardsville, Pa. Educated at Public School and High School, Edwardsville, Pa., St. Vincent’s College, Beatty, Pa., and Mt. St. Mary’s College, Emmitsburg, Md. Received theological training at Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, Md. Ordained May 22, 1915. Commissioned August, 1918. Served in the A.E.F. In action in the Argonne. Discharged at Carlisle, Pa:as Pirst Dicutenant, June Jl O19. aston nro. Trinity Lithuanian Parish, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Address, 190 South Meade Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Pax, Rev. George William, C.PP.S. Born March 6, 1887, in Cincinnati, O. Educated at St. George’s School, Corryville, Cincinnati, O., Immaculate Conception School, Celina, O., St. Mary’s Novitiate, Burkettsville, O., St. Joseph’s High School, and St. Joseph’s College, Rensselaer, Ind. Received theological training at St. Charles Theological Seminary, Carthagena, O. Or- dained March 19, 1917. Member of the K. of C. Com- missioned October 4, 1918. Served at Camp Taylor, Ky., Camp Fremont, Calif., Transportation Duty, and U.S.A. Debarkation Hospital No. 3, New York City. Discharged July 30;°1919, at Hoboken, N..J.,:as, First“ Dietitenant: Appointed First Lieutenant, Officers Reserve Corps, November 16, 1921. Professor at Preparatory Seminary, Carthagena, O. Address, St. Charles Seminary, Cartha- gena, O. Pelletier, Rev. Auguste Amedee, Langres, France Born June 10, 1874, in Chauffort, Haute-Marne, France. Licentiate from the University of Dijon, France. Ordained June 29, 1897. Served as Auxiliary Chaplain to American troops at Bourbonne-les-Bains, Haute-Marne, France, 250 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR March, 1918, to March, 1919. Teacher at Seminary in Langres, France. Address, Langres Seminary, Langres, Haute-Marne, France. Pelletier, Rev. Louis Alphonsus, S.M. Bom | ulveeswsooin Van Buren, Vlei Educated. at Parochial School, St. Mary’s High School and St. Mary’s College, Van Buren, Me., and Catholic University, Wash- ington, D. C. Received theological training at Marist WollereeayVasminotona 1 C.. Ordained une dia eho 2: Member of the American Legion. Commissioned Sep- fembcteZOn iio eoenved. in the ABR. with thems loth Infantry, 80th Division. Discharged June 11, 1919, as First Lieutenant, at Camp Sherman, O. Assistant, Notre Dame des Victoires Church, Boston, Mass. Address, 25 Isabella Street, Boston, Mass. Perius, Rev. Ignatius Eugene, C.R. Born February 5, 1872, in Deemerton, Ontario, Can. Edu- Caicdmat oecparatc »ochool,.. ot... Agatha, Ontario, Cans Kitchener High School and St. Jerome’s College, Kitchener, Ontario, Can. Received theological training at Gregorian University, Rome, Italy. Ordained May 30, 1896. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Great Lakes, Ill., June 24, 1918—March 17, 1919. Rector, St. John Cantius’ House of Studies, St. Louis, Mo. Address, 3689 West Pine Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. Pfleger, Rev. Martin, L.A.M. Born January 24, 1872, in Alsace, France. Educated at Parochial School and Apostolic College for African Mis- sions, Clermont-Ferrant, France. Received theological training at Seminary for African Missions, Lyons, France. Ordained June 29, 1895. Member of the K. of C. Served as Volunteer Chaplain to American troops in France in the St. Aignon Area and at Brest. September, 1918—August, 251 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR 1919. Pastor, St. ;Peter \Claver’s Church for Colored People, Macon, Ga. Address, St. Peter Claver’s Church, 430 Ward Street, Macon, Ga. Perkins, Rev. Joseph Andrew, O.S.A. Born February 21, 1887, in Methuen, Mass. Educated at Public School, Methuen, Mass., Villanova Preparatory and Villanova College, Villanova, Pa. Received theo- logical training at Villanova. Ordained June 10, 1911. Member of the American Legion. Commissioned in the Navy, May 15, 1918. Served at the Great Lakes and aboard the U.S.S. Alabama. Discharged as Lieutenant, junior grade, March 28, 1919, at Hampton Roads, Va. Assistant Pastor at Pontiac, Il]. Address, Pontiac, II. Petit, Rev. Joseph Anselm, S.M. Born August 11, 1874, in St. David, Quebec, Can. Edu- cated in the Public and Parochial Schools, Woonsocket, R. I., and Whitinsville, Mass., and St. Mary’s College, Van Buren, Me. Received theological training at Marist Col- lege, Washington, D. C. Ordained June 24, 1905. Mem- berjof the Kiiof Cy, Servedias KvC. ‘ChaplainjateAtaicrs Naval Station and Marine Hospital, New Orleans, La., 1917—1920. Pastor, St. Xavier’s Church, Brunswick, Ga. Address, Marist College, Washington, D. C. Phaneuf, Rev. Louis H., Ogdensburg Born December, 1880, in Whitehall, N. Y. Educated at Bourget College, Rigaud, P. Q., Can., and at Grand Semi- nary, Montreal, P.Q., Can. Received theological training at Grand Seminary of Valleyfield, Can. Ordained October 29, 1905. Member of the K. of C., I.0.F., and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Commissioned September 1, 1917. Served at Camp Pike, Ark., Camp Merritt, N. J., in Trans- port Duty and at Camp Eustis, Va. Discharged as Captain, 252 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR at Camp Eustis, Va., June 30, 1920. Recommissioned as Captain in the Regular Army, July 1, 1920. Discharged under’ Army Reduction Bill, December, 1922. Address, Howick, P. O., c/o Chateaugay, P. Q., Can. Phares, Rev. Caesar, S.S.F.S. Born March 25, 1874, in Amshite, Mt. Libanon. Educated at School of Salesian Fathers of Don Bosco and Salesian Fathers High School and College, Bethlehem, Palestine. Received theological training at Don Bosco Theological Institute, Torino, Italy. Ordained August 21, 1910. Served asi) G@.’ Chaplain, June 19, 1918 until October 21/1918. when he was commissioned First Lieutenant at Camp Gordon, Ga. Also served at Camp Travis, Tex., and Camp Meade, Md. Discharged as First Lieutenant, at Camp Meade, Md., July 29, 1919. Rector, St. Anthony’s Syrian Church, Fall River, Mass. Address, St. Anthony’s Syrian Church, Fall River, Mass. Phelan, Rev. Arthur James, Leavenworth Born September 28, 1890, in Hiawatha, Kan. Educated at St. Mary’s School, Kansas City, Kan., and St. Benedict’s College, Atchison, Kan. Received theological training at Kenrick Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Ordained June 21, 1918. Member of the K. of C. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Fort Leavenworth, September, 1918—March, 1919. Assistant Rector at Cathedral and Chaplain of Federal Prison, Leavenworth, Kan. Permanent address, 709 North Fifth Street, Leavenworth, Kan. Philippe, Rev. Peter John, S.J. Born February 5, 1869, in Lille, St. Hubert, Belgium. Educated in the Parochial School at Lille, Apostolic School, Turnhout, Belgium, St. Stanislaus College, Macon City, Ga., and St. Charles College, Grand Coteau, La. Re- 253 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR ceived theological training at St. Beuno’s Seminary, Eng- land. Ordained July, 1901. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Fort Sill, Okla., and Le Havre, France, June, 1918—June, 1919. Stationed at St. John Berchmans’ Church, Croche Coulée, La. Address, Grand Coteau, La. Pierre, Rev. Joseph Ferdinand, New Orleans Born August 8, 1873, in Reviers, France. Educated in the French Public Schools and Lesser Seminary, Villiers, France. Received theological training at the Bayeux, France, Seminary. Ordained July 3, 1898. Member of the K. of C.) Served as'Ky C, Chaplainiat Fort St) Phiipmias 1918—1920. Pastor, Sacred Heart Church, Montegut, La. Address, Montegut, La. Piette, Rev. John B., Milwaukee Born October 10, 1877. Ordained February 26, 1905. Commissioned June 24, 1918. Served with the 127th In- fantry, and at Base Hospital No. 117, A.E.F. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., March 19, 1919. Address, 2000 Grand Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Plutz, Rev. Francis Joseph, Alexandria Born April 6, 1884, in Dundas, Wis. Educated in the Parochial School, Holland, Wis., and St. Norbert’s High School and College, West DePere, Wis. Received theo- logical training at St. Norbert’s Seminary, West DePere, Wis. Ordained November 17, 1914. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned July 12, 1918. Served at Presidio, Calif., and Fort McKinley, Rizal, P. I. Discharged Janu- ary 18, 1919, at San Francisco, as First Lieutenant. Pastor at Campti, La. Address, Campti, La. 254 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Pochily, Rev. John Joseph, Syracuse Born January 22, 1890. Ordained June 9, 1917. Com- missioned August, 1918. Served at Camp Knox, Ky. Dis- chargedmsecember) 20") 1918.) VAddressiyaa trois tecet, Binghamton, N. Y. Post, Rev. Peter, O.S.B. Born August 25, 1884, in Altus, Ark. Educated in the Parochial School, Altus, Ark., and New Subiaco College, Subiaco, Ark. Received theological training at New Subiaco Abbey, Ark. Ordained April 11, 1908. Member of the K. of C., and C. K. of A. Passed examination for commission November 8, 1918, but as Armistice was signed on November 11, 1918, did not enter service. Pastor, St. Ignatius Church, Scranton, Ark. Permanent address, New Subiaco Abbey, Subiaco, Ark. Power, Rev. John, Seattle Born June 18, 1874, in Ireland. Educated in the Irish Schools and Colleges. Received theological training at St. Sulpice Seminary. Ordained May 29, 1899. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Vancouver, Wash., and San Pedro, Calif., May 1, 1918—September 1, 1919. Pastor, All Saints Church, Puyallup, Wash. Address, Puyallup, Wash. Preusser, Rev. August S., St. Cloud Born August 26, 1889, in St. Michael, Minn. Educated in the Parochial School, St. Michael, Minn., and Pontifical College Josephinum, Columbus, O. Received theological training at Josephinum Seminary, Columbus, O. Or- dained® June 8, 1915. Member of the-K. of C) ‘Com- missioned July 23, 1918, in St. Cloud, Minn. Served with the 339th Field Artillery, at Base Hospital No. 20 and as Field Chaplain, Ist Division. Discharged 259 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR as First Lieutenant, June 12, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J. Pastor, Church of St. Augustine, St. Cloud, Minn. Ad- dress, 206 Wilson Avenue, S. E., St. Cloud, Minn. Price, Rev. John J., Cleveland Born September 4, 1886, in Painesville, O. Educated at St. Mary’s School, Painesville, Painesville High School, and St. Ignatius College, Cleveland, O. Received theo- logical training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Cleveland, O. Or- dained May 17, 1913. Member of the K. of C. Commis- sioned July 2, 1918. Served at Camp Sherman, O., Camp Mills, N. Y., and in France. Discharged as First Lieu- tenant, June 13. 1919 at' Camp Dix Ni jo> Paste Mary’s Church, Chardon, O. Address, Chardon, O. Quillien, Rev. Joseph L., Duluth Born May 23, 1887, in France. Ordained June 12, 1907. Served overseas as K. C. Chaplain, March, 1918 to January, 1919. Address, Cass Lake, Minn. Quinn, Rev. Arthur J. F., New York Born October 19, 1887, in New York City. Educated at St. Michael’s School, Xavier High School and St. Francis Xavier College, New York City. Received theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y. Or- dained June 6, 1914. Member of the K. of C., Alhambra, and 32nd Division Association. Commissioned August 29, 1918. Served at Camp Dix, N. J., with the 109th Sanitary Train, in France with the 135th Infantry and in Germany with the 125th Infantry. Discharged at Camp Upton, N. Y., as First Lieutenant, May 28, 1919. Assistant at St. Aloysius Church, New York City. Address, 219 West 132nd Street, New York City. 256 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Quinn, Rev. Bernard John, Brooklyn Born January 15, 1888, in Newark, N. J. Educated at St. Michael’s School and St. Patrick’s School, Newark, N. J., St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md., and St. Peter’s College, Jersey City, N. J. Received theological training at St. John’s Seminary, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ordained June 1, 1912. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned Septem- ber 9, 1918. Served at Washington Barracks, Washington, D. C., Camp Mills, N. Y., and in France. Discharged as First Lieutenant, at Camp Dix, N. J., July 26, 1919. Served as K. C. Chaplain, June—September, 1918. Rector, St. Peter Claver’s Colored Catholic Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. Address, 29 Ormond Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Quinn, Rev. Daniel A., New York Born October 17, 1866, in New York. Ordained May 30, 1896. Served as K. C. Chaplain from June, 1918 to March, 1919, in the A.E.F. Address, 128 Targee Street, Stapleton, ed ONS ISG Quinn, Rev. Edward Joseph, Cincinnati Born November 21, 1891, in Cincinnati, O. Educated at St. Patrick’s Parochial School, St. Xavier High School, and St. Xavier College, Cincinnati, O. Received theo- logical training at American College, Rome, Italy. Or- dained May 14, 1916. Member of the K. of C. Commis- sioned August 21, 1918. Served in France with the 59th Infantry, 4th Division. In action at the Meuse-Argonne, September 28th—October 20th. Gassed at Bois de Sept- sarges, October 3, 1918. Discharged June 7, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieutenant. Curate at St. Raphael Church, Springfield, O. Address, 225 East High Street, Springfield, O. 257 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Quinn, Rev. Francis Patrick, M.A., 0.5.A. Born September 13, 1875, in Watertown, N. Y. Educated at Augustinian Institute, Carthage, N. Y., and Villanova College, Villanova, Pa. Received theological training at Villanova, Pa. Ordained May 24, 1906. Commissioned October 4, 1918. Served at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., until his discharge as First Lieutenant, June 30, 1919. Assistant at St. Nicholas Church, Atlantic City, N. J. Address, St. Nicholas Church, Atlantic City, N. J. Quinn, Rev. John M., New York Born October 13, 1885, in New York City. Ordained June 1, 1912. Commissioned in Navy, April 4, 1918. Served at Deer Island, Mass. Discharged July 23, 1919. Address, 460 Madison Avenue, New York City. Quinn, Rev. Peter Joseph, New York Born March 6, 1887, in Ireland. Educated at St. Columb- kill’s School, Longford, Ireland, Xavier High School and ot, | Francis) Xavier College); New York City) Nee Received theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y. Ordained May 29, 1915. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned April 3, 1918. Served at Fort Porter, in the A.E.F., on the Mexican Border, and the Presidio, Calif. Discharged under the Army Reduction Bill, December 15, 1922. Address, Presidio of San Fran- cisco, Calif. Rafferty, Rev. Isidore M., O.M.C. Born April 20, 1888, in Louisville, Ky. Ordained July 27, 1913, in Austria. Commissioned April 9, 1918. Served as Transport Chaplain and then at Camp Funston. Dis- charged April 1, 1919. Address, 812 North Salin Street, Syracuse, N. Y. 258 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Raley, Rev. Charles Norman, S.J. Born in Leonardstown, Md. Educated at Christian Brothers School, Loyola High School and Loyola College, Baltimore, Md. Received theological training at Wood- stock College, Woodstock, Md. Ordained June 28, 1901. Member of the K. of C. and Elks. Served as K. C. Chap- lain at San Pedro Submarine Base and Naval Reserve Camps, 1917-1919. Pastor, St. Francis Church, Elsinore, Calif. Address, Elsinore, Riverside County, Calif. Ramsay, Rev. Louis Arthur, Manchester Born March 11, 1889, in Berlin, N. H. Educated at St. Regis Academy, Berlin, N. H., and St. Charles Borromeo’s College, Sherbrooke, Can. Received theological training at Grand Seminary, Montreal, P. Q., Can. Ordained August 27, 1912. Member of American Legion. Commis- sioned October 30, 1917. Served at Camp Devens, Mass., and overseas with the 30lst Engineers and the 113th In- fantry. In action at St. Mihiel. Discharged as First Lieutenant, at Camp Dix, N. J.. May 21, 1919. Address, 117 Youville Street, Manchester, N. H. Rankin, Rev. Richard Rush, M.A., S.J. Born January 26, 1881, in Jersey City, N. J. Educated at St. Mary’s Academy, St. Peter’s High School and St. Peter’s College, Jersey City, N. J. Received theological training at Sacred Heart Seminary, Woodstock, Md. Or- dained June 27, 1914. Member Veterans of Foreign Wars. Commissioned August 14, 1917. Served at Syracuse, N. Y.., Camp Greene, N.C.,andin France. In action at Defensive Sector of Meaux, Aisne-Marne, St. Mihiel and Meuse- Argonne. Cited for distinguished and exceptional gal- lantry in action by General Pershing, and by the Command- ing General of the 5th Army Corps. Received the Croix 259 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR de Guerre, August, 1919. Discharged as Captain, Septem- ber, 1919. Teacher at Fordham University, New York City. Address, Fordham University, New York City. Rawlinson, Rev. Augustine Joseph, M.A., Indianapolis Born January 2, 1879, in Ithaca, N. Y. Educated in the Parish School, Peru, Ind., Parish School, Public School and High School, Greencastle, Ind., St. Gregory’s Pre- paratory Seminary, Cincinnati, O., and St. Meinrad’s Col- lege, St. Meinrad, Ind. Received theological training at St. Meinrad’s Seminary, St. Meinrad, Ind. Ordained June 6, 1903. Member of the K. of C., American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Entered military service September 191917." Served vat Camp, Taylor Ny. av cce Point, Ky., Camp de Souge, France and Lourdes, France. Discharged August 1, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieutenant. Appointed First Lieutenant, Officers’ Reserve Corps, March 2, 1920. Chaplain St. Mary of the Woods Convent. Member of Board “Examinatores Cleri.” Ad- dress, St. Mary of the Woods, Ind. Raynor, Rev. Thomas G., C.SS.R. Born June 22, 1889. Ordained July 18, 1914. Served as Volunteer Chaplain at Fort Andrews, Mass., July, 1918 to January, 1919. Address, 1545 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. Ready, Rev. John Henry, Albany Born December 3, 1869, in Albany, N. Y. Educated in the Albany Public std hvaik; College d’Assumption and Laval University, Can. Rene theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Troy, N. Y. Ordained February 29, 1896. Commissioned October 2, 1918. Served with the Sth Battalion, 20th Engineers at Gien, France, at Riveria Hospital Centre, Cannes, France, and at Fort Fedres, 260 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR France. Discharged as First Lieutenant, September 18, 1919, at Camp Lewis, Wash. Appointed First Lieutenant, Officers’ Reserve Corps, February 2, 1920. Parish Priest at Canajoharie, N. Y. Address, Canajoharie, N. Y. Reardon, Rev. Cornelius L. Leo, Boston Born July 7, 1889, in North Abington, Mass. Educated in the Elementary, Grammar and High Schools, Abington, Mass., and at Boston College, Boston, Mass. Received theological training at St. John’s Seminary, Boston, Mass. Ordained June 2, 1916. Member of the K. of C. Commis- sioned March 1, 1918. Served in France with the 302nd Stevedore Regiment, Headquarters 2nd Division, Field Hospitals No. 1 and 23, and with the 2nd Ammunition Train. In action at Champagne-Marne, Aisne-Marne, St. Miuhiel, and Meuse-Argonne Defensive Sector. Decorated with the Croix de Guerre and the Fourragere. Cited in French Army Ordre General and in General Orders of the 2nd Division, A.E.F. Discharged August 25, 1919, as First Lieutenant, at Camp Devens, Mass. Assistant at St. Michael’s, Hudson, Mass. Address, 42 Arch Street, North Abington, Mass. Reardon, Rev. Francis Aloysius, Ph.D., Cincinnati Born September 23, 1884, in St. Louis, Mo. Educated at St. Patrick’s School, St. Xavier High School, and St. Xavier College, Cincinnati, O. Received theological training at Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary, Cincinnati, O. Ordained June LOGI O00 wmVicmber atthe be ot OM ServcdrasiinwGae ba p- lain, January—July, 1918. Commissioned August 15, 1918. Stationed at Camp Sherman, O., Camp Grant, IIl., Eberts Field, Ark., and with American Transport Service. Dis- charged as First Lieutenant at Hoboken, N. J., July 23, 1919. Address, St. Joseph’s Church, North Bend, O. 261 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Reddy, Rev. John Jerome, Brooklyn Born October 23, 1888, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Educated at St. Matthew’s School, St. John’s High School, and St. John’s College, Brooklyn, N. Y. Received theological training at St. John’s Seminary, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ordained May 17, 1913. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commissioned October 3, 1918. Served at Camp Knox, Ky., until his discharge as First Lieutenant, March 3, 1919. Address, 583 Throop Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Regan, Rev. Eugene Brown, Buffalo Born November 20, 1887, in Rochester, N. Y. Educated in the Rochester Public Schools, St. John’s High School, Syracuse, N. Y., and Niagara University, Niagara Falls, N.Y. Received theological training at Niagara University, Niagara Falls, N. Y., and Catholic University, Washing- ton; D.C. Ordained June 151912, “Member, of thesivear C. and American Legion. Commissioned September 26, 1918. Served overseas with the 4th Division. Discharged as First Lieutenant at Camp Upton, N. Y., July 27, 1919. Address, 1250 Abbott Road, Buffalo, N. Y. Regan, Rev. Thomas Francis, A.M., Milwaukee Born March 29, 1886, in Wisconsin. Educated at Public School and St. Rose’s School, Wauwatosa, Wis., Marquette Academy, Marquette University, Catholic University, and Apostolic Mission House. Received theological training at St. Francis Seminary, Wisconsin. Ordained November 19, 1912. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned in the Navy April 7, 1917. Served aboard the U.S.S. Minnesota, at Naval Prison and Yard, Portsmouth, N. H., and at Navy Yard, Mare Island, Calif. Promoted to Lieutenant, July 1, 1920. Still in service. Permanent address, 713 Farwell Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. 262 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Reilly, Rev. Bernard J., Brooklyn Born July 2, 1889, in Brooklyn. Ordained July 27, 1913. Commissioned July 27, 1918. Served with the 306th In- fantry. Discharged at Camp Upton, May 12, 1919. Ad- dress, 2000 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Reilly, Rev. Edward Thomas, M.A., Albany Born September 25, 1878, in Glens Falls, N. Y. Educated at St. Mary’s School and St. Mary’s High School, Glens Falls, N. Y., and Niagara University, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Received theological training at Our Lady of Angels Semi- nary, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Ordained May 21, 1910. Mem- ber of the K. of C., Alhambra, and Elks. Commissioned MPepicmipem tomlin octved) at) hort/Adamsy RUT ort is chicw Ran lavandetortii1. G,uWright No Yo Wentito France with the 56th Artillery, C.A.C. In action with this regiment in the second Battle of the Marne. Went to the Argonne Forest, September 11, 1918, and served on this front until the war ended. Assigned to the 162nd Infantry, at St. Aignan-Noyers and later to the Camp there. Re- turned to the United States July, 1919, and assigned to Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y. Transferred to Camp Hum- phries, Va., October 3, 1919. Resigned March 16, 1920, as First Lieutenant, at Camp Humphries. Pastor, St. Joseph’s Church, Worcester, N. Y. Address, Worcester, N. Y. Reilly, Rev. Francis Leo, M.A., S.J. Born December 4, 1881, in Lowell, Mass. Educated at St. Patrick’s School, Lowell, Mass., Lowell Public High School, Lowell, Mass., Boston College High School, Boston, Mass., and College of St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Received theological training at Woodstock College, Woodstock, Md. Ordained May 18, 1918. Served as Auxiliary Chaplain at Gettysburg, Pa. 263 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR during summer of 1918, and in fall of 1918, during epi- demic of influenza, at Camp Meade, Md., Base Hospital. Helped at Camp Meade, until May, 1919. Address, 980 Park Avenue, New York City, N. Y. Reilly, Rev. John Francis, Springfield Born April 28, 1890, in Agawam, Mass. Educated in the Public School, Mittineague, Mass., High School, West Springfield, Mass., and Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. Received theological training at Grand Seminary, Montreal, P. Q., Can. Ordained December 19, 1914. .\Nlember ‘of, the’ Kiiof C. and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Commissioned January Mol ormocrved ats @amp sheridan, Alain they Arb hy with the 135th Machine Gun Battalion, and the 30th In- fantrvenvlar action atthe ‘sccondy battle, of (Marne wand Marne-Aisne Offensive. Promoted to Captain. Discharged May 6, 1919, as Captain at Camp Jackson, S. C. President of University of Notre Dame, Ind. Address, Notre Dame, Ind. Wanenmacher, Rev. Francis Adelbert, J.C.D., Buffalo Born November 22, 1887, in Buffalo, N. Y. Educated at Nardin Academy, Canisius High School and Canisius Col- lege, Buffalo, N. Y. Theology at Louvain, Belgium, Inns- bruck, Tyrol, and Catholic University of America. Or- dained August 16, 1913. Commissioned October 30, 1917. Served at Camp Gordon, Ga., and Camp McClellan, Ala. Discharged February 4, 1919. Pastor, St. Cecelia’s Church, Sheldon, N. Y. Moderator, Buffalo Catholic Institute. Address, P. O. Strykersville, N. Y. Wareing, Rev. Joseph F., 5.5.J. Born March 11, 1873, in Preston, England. Ordained March 19, 1903, in Baltimore, Md. Served first as Red 309 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Cross Chaplain and then as K. C. Chaplain, in France. Appointed March, 1918. While en route overseas, the Saxonia, on which he sailed was torpedoed by a German Submarine, and Father Wareing showed great coolness and courage in helping rescue men of the crew. Discharged August 31, 1919. Address, 911 Carbonne Street, New Orleans, La. Waters, Rev. Francis Vincent, Brooklyn Born July 8, 1884. Ordained June 10, 1911. Commis- sioned August 15, 1918. Served at Camp Gordon, Ga. Discharged December 22, 1918. Address, 409 Linden Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Webb, Rev. Charles William, O.M.I. Born Junei5.71887) sin Buitaloy NivY..) Educated anuthe Parochial and Public School, and Holy Angels’ Collegiate Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. Theology at Oblate Novitiate, Tewksbury, Mass., and St. John’s Seminary, Boston. Or- dainedsMay.d7)) 1913 avlember, of; the Kiof Cow Senved as K. C. Chaplain, August, 1917—-November, 1917 and January, 1919—December, 1919. Stationed at Holy Angels’ Church, Buffalo, N. Y. Address, 348 Porter Avenue, ButtaloviINiy: Weber, Rev. Alphonse L., O.F.M. Born November 5, 1886, in San Francisco. Ordained June 29, 1912. Commissioned June 1, 1918. Served in the A.E.F. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., February 11, 1919. Ad- dress, 2518 K Street, Sacramento, Calif. Welsh, Rev. George Alphonsus, Trenton Born April 23, 1885, in South Amboy, N. J. Educated at St. Mary’s School and Public High School, South Amboy, N.J., St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md., and Apostolic 310 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Mission House, Washington, D.C. Theology at St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, Md. Ordained June 17, 1913. Mem- ber of the K. of C. Commissioned July 24, 1918. Stationed at Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Jacksonville, Fla., until dis- charge as First Lieutenant. December 1, 1918. Served after discharge as Post Chaplain at Fort Hancock, N. J., until 1921. Pastor, St. Joan of Arc Church, Camden, N. J. Address, 3132 Merrimac Road, Camden, N. J. Welsh, Rev. John Joseph, O.P. Born March 4, 1891, in Chester, Pa. Educated at Immacu- late Heart School, Chester, Pa., Catholic High School, Philadelphia, and Aquinas College, Columbus, O. The- ology at Dominican House, Washington, D. C. Ordained June 15, 1917. Served as K. C. Chaplain, September, 1917 to November, 1918, at Fort Meyer, Camp Meade and Fort Foote. Address, Collegio Angelico, Rome, Italy. Wessling, Rev. Bernard H., St. Cloud Born February 21, 1888, in Louisville, Ky. Commissioned October 1, 1918. Served at Fort Snelling, Minn., until discharged, January 12, 1919. Address, Donnelly, Minn. West, Rev. Andrew W., 0.5S.B. Born November 30, 1861, in Ottawa, II]. Ordained July Zoploooumoecnvedrass ke@. Ghaplain, December 11. 1917 to July 31, 1920. Stationed at Camp Wheeler, Ga., Great Lakes, I1]., Camp Custer, Mich., and Camp Dodge, Ia. Address, Des Moines, [a. Whalen, Rev. James L., Dubuque Born May 8, 1883, in Iowa. Ordained June 9, 1914. Com- missioned August 1, 1918. Served with the 88th Division, inpthew Lele Wischarcedvat\ Camp. Dixy Nilo fulye22, 1919. Address, Cresco, Howard County, Ia. 311 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Whearty, Rev. William T., Rockford Born March 7, 1876, in New York City. Educated at St. Paul’s Parochial School, New York City, Niagara Uni- versity, St. Bonaventure’s College, and St. Mary’s College. Theology at St. Bernard’s and St. Mary’s Seminaries. Or- dained March 27, 1904. Member of the K. of C. and A.O.AL Served) atv Norfolk Navy jYard fas iV olunteer Chaplain and at Fort Monroe and Langley Field as K. C. Chaplain during the war. Address, 391 Talina Street, Aurora, III. Whelan, Rev. John Henry, A.M., S.J. Born July 6, 1873, in Scipio, N. Y. Educated at Holy Family School, St. Ignatius Academy and St. Ignatius Col- lege, Chicago, Ill., St. Stanislaus Seminary and St. Louis University. Theology at St. Louis University. Ordained JuneZo; O07 Vieni ber oiithewiky oti and eaAmentcrn Legion. Commissioned June 24, 1918. Served with the 129th and 130th Infantry, 33rd Division. In action at the Somme Offensive, St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne. Dis- charged May 14, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieu- tenant. Irremovable Rector, St. Mary’s Church, Rockford, Ill., and Master of Conferences. Address, Rockford, III. Whitaker, Right Rev. Mer. Joseph Ambrose, Philadelphia Born April 16, 1877, in Shenandoah, Pa. Educated in the Parochial, Public and High Schools, Shenandoah, Pa., and St. Charles College, Overbrook, Pa. Theology at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Overbrook, Pa., and Minerva University, Rome, Italy. (S.T.L.) Ordained May 28, 1904. Commissioned December 22, 1917. Served at Nevers and Verneuil, France. Discharged July 30, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieutenant. Chancellor, Arch- diocese of Philadelphia. Made Domestic Prelate by His Holiness, Pope Pius XI, February 11, 1922. Address, 1723 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 312 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR White, Rev. Andrew Joseph, Boston Born March 6, 1886, in Brookline, Mass. Educated at Heath Grammar School and Brookline High School, Brookline, Mass., Boston College High School and Boston College, Boston, Mass. Theology at St. John’s Seminary, Brighton, Mass. Ordained January 10, 1914. Member of emi Ole Ore anuav CCl eo Servediasiie Comenap lain: September, 1918—March, 1920. Assistant, St. Charles Parish, Waltham, Mass. Address, 391 Boylston Street, Brookline, Mass. White, Rev. Arthur Joseph Anthony, St. Louis Born January 19, 1887, in St. Louis, Mo. Educated at St. Bridget’s School and St. Louis Preparatory Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Theology at Kenrick Seminary, St. Louis. Ordained aecembeni/ i710. ))Mlember ofthe Ke on @: Commissioned August 1, 1918. Served at Taliaferro Field, Tex., until discharge, as First Lieutenant, February 1, 1919. Administrator, St. Bridget’s Parish, St. Louis, Mo. Ad- dress, 1108 North Jefferson Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. White, Rev. Henry Patrick, M.A., S.J. Born January 31, 1882, in New York, N. Y. Educated at St. Francis Xavier School, High School and College, New York City, and Woodstock College, Woodstock, Md. The- ology at Woodstock, Md. Ordained June 29, 1913. Mem- ber of the K. of C., American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Commissioned September 28, 1918. Served at Camp Taylor, Ky., in France with the 127th Infantry, 32nd Division, and in Germany at Herschback and Selters. In action at the Meuse-Argonne. Discharged at Camp DeewmV angasitursimiseutenant,, May) 3.19 19h refect: of Discipline at St. Ignatius, Baltimore, Md. Address, 30 West 16th Street, New York City. 313 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR White, Rev. John Bernard, Denver Born August 2, 1870, in Carbondale, Pa. Educated at St. Peter’s School, New York City, St. Peter’s School, Brook- lyn, N. Y., Primary School, Carbondale, Pa., High School, Carbondale, Pa., Canisius College, Buffalo, N. Y., Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass., and St. Bonaventure’s College, Allegany, N. Y. Theology at St. Bonaventure’s Seminary. Ordained June 1, 1901. Member of the B.P.O.E., K. of C., and American Legion. Commis- sioned October 3, 1918. Served in France at Base Hos- pital, Le Mans, and with the 314th Machine Gun Battalion, 80th Division. Discharged as First Lieutenant, at U.S.A. General Hospital, Fox Hills, Staten Island, May 14, 1919. Rector, St. Joseph’s Church, Salida, Colo. Address, Salida, Colo. White, Rev. John Francis, New York Born May 25, 1887. Ordained May 29, 1915. Commis- sioned November 5, 1918. Served at Camp Gordon, Ga. Discharged December 2, 1918. Address, 141 East 43rd Street, New York City. White, Rev. Laurence Patrick, S.J. Born April 12, 1871, in England. Educated in the local Parochial School and College de la Providence. Theology at St. Stanislaus Novitiate, Macon, Ga. Ordained June 29, 1904. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Key West, Fla. Parish Priest at St. Mary Star of the Sea Church, Key West, Fla. Address, Key West, Fla. Wicke, Rev. Albert George, Indianapolis Born January 30, 1888, in Louisville, Ky. Educated in the Louisville Public Schools and St. Meinrad’s College. The- ology at St. Meinrad’s Seminary. Ordained May 13, 1913. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commis- 314 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR sioned August 19, 1918. Served with the 343rd Infantry in France. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., as First Lieu- tenant, July 271919 ,Address, Brazil) Ind: Winkelman, Rev. Joseph H., St. Louis Born February 2, 1888, in Westphalia, Mo. Ordained June 12, 1914. Commissioned August 2, 1918. Served in the A.E.F., with the 151st Infantry. Discharged at Camp Dix, N. J., August 25, 1919. Address, 5811 South Kings- highway, St. Louis, Mo. Wolfe, Rev. Joseph Leo Noel, M.A., Philadelphia Born December 26, 1881, in Philadelphia, Pa. Educated in the local Schools, Roman Catholic High School, and St. Charles College, Philadelphia. Theology at St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pa. Ordained May 24, 1906. Mem- DEMOUnecurOMe AOI Wh motile.) AAC ALD OA WIPARY and D.A., American Legion and Military Order of Foreign Wars. Served as K. C. Chaplain and was commissioned Panuary i UUoOho. yy oerved min the ALh Eb . with the (28th Division. In action at Champagne, Marne, Marne-Aisne, Aisne-Oise, Meuse-Argonne and Metz Front. Cited in General Headquarter’s Orders, March 27, 1919, and in the 28th Division Orders, May, 1919. Discharged as First Lieutenant, May 21, 1919, at Camp Dix, N. J. Appointed Captain Chaplain, 103rd Engineers, 28th Division, Pennsylvania National Guard. Address, Southeast Corner, 54th and Diamond Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Woods, Rev. Thomas Raymond, St. Louis Born September 9, 1885, in St. Louis, Mo. Educated at Visitation School and St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. Theology at Kenrick Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Ordained December 11, 1911. Member of the K. of C. and American Legion. Commissioned June 21, 1918. Served at Camp 315 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Gordon, Ga., until his discharge as First Lieutenant, December 31, 1918. Appointed First Lieutenant in Re- serve Corps, October 4, 1919. Assigned to the 102nd Divi- sion, 327th Engineers. Address, 2047 East Grand Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Woywod, Rev. Stanislaus Antony, O.F.M. Born August 10, 1880, in Germany. Educated at Grammar School, Guttsadt, Germany, Franciscan Fathers’ Seminary, Waterleyde, Holland, and Franciscan Fathers’ Seminary, Callicoon, N. Y. Theology at Franciscan Seminaries in America and in Rome, Italy. Ordained June 4, 1906. Served as K. C. Chaplain at Caldwell, N. J., November, 1918—August, 1919. Professor at St. Bonaventure’s Semi- nary, Allegany, N. Y. Address, St. Bonaventure’s Seminary, Allegany, N. Y. Wunder, Rev. George J., Chicago Born December 11, 1890, in Chicago, Il]. Educated at Sacred Heart School and Cathedral College, Chicago, III. Theology at St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. Ordained June 17, 1916. Member of the W.C.U. Commissioned August 17, 1918. Served at Camp Grant, I[Il., until dis- charge, April 4, 1919, as First Lieutenant. Appointed First Lieutenant in Officers’ Reserve Corps. Address, 2215 Irving Park Boulevard, Chicago, III. Yarwood, Rev. Lafayette Walter, New York Born July 1, 1889, in New York City. Educated in the Public Schools Nos. 42 and 30, High School of Commerce and Cathedral College, New York City. Theology at Dunwoodie, N. Y. Ordained June 17, 1916. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned August 18, 1918. Served at Camp Upton, N. Y., until discharge, December 22, 1918. 316 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Appointed First Lieutenant, Chaplain, 104th Field Artil- lery, New York National Guard, May 18, 1920. Address, 141 East 43rd Street, New York City. Zentgraf, Rev. George Jacob, Ph.D., New York Born unew? (onl oo7 inn Bronx Nw Yo i hducatediain Public School No. 12, Cathedral College and Fordham University. Theology at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y., American College, Rome, Italy, and Canisianum, Innsbruck, Austria. Ordained March 28, 1914. Member of the K. of C. Commissioned November 1, 1918. Served in the A.E.F., with German prisoners and American troops. DischarcedAucustwmeiedonatl CampyDix, IN| aasnhinst Lieutenant. Commissioned First Lieutenant, Officers’ Re- serve Corps, January 31, 1920, and attached to the 307th Infantry, 77th Division. Professor at Cathedral College, First Assistant at St. Joseph’s Church. Address, 405 West 125th Street, New York City. Zingen, Rev. Alois Nicholas, Milwaukee Born February 19, 1886, in Milwaukee, Wis. Educated at St. Ann’s School and West Division High School, Mil- waukee. Theology at St. Francis Seminary, Wisconsin. Ordained June 29, 1910. Member of the C.0.0.F. and K. of C. Commissioned September 19, 1917. Served at Campnoranty lle the ALB Eland in) the Army rof Oc- cupation. Discharged as First Lieutenant, at Camp Grant, Ill., August 22, 1919. Appointed First Lieutenant, Officers’ Reserve Corps. Pastor, St. Mary’s, Belleville, Wis. Ad- dress, St. Mary’s, Belleville, Wis. Zudeck, Rev. Albert J., C.SS.R. Born September 26, 1879, in Buffalo, N. Y. Educated at St. Mary’s School and Canisius College, Buffalo, N. Y., and St. Mary’s College, North East, Pa. Theology at St. 317 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Mary’s College, Ilchester, Md. Ordained June i3, 1906. Commissioned September 26, 1918. Served in France with the 114th Machine Gun Battalion, 30th Division. Dis- charged April 4, 1919, as First Lieutenant, at Camp Ogle- thorpe, Ga. Address, St. Mary’s College, Ilchester, Md. Zwisler, Rev. Hilary, Cleveland Born November 15, 1885, in Akron, O. Ordained May 17, 1913. Commissioned August 20, 1918. Discharged Decem- ber 2, 1918. Address, 3114 Scranton Road, Cleveland, O. 318 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Nerrology Buckley, Rev. James Patrick (New York) Born in New York City, September 24, 1881. Edu- CAtcoMabe moro Valley NOY. oChOOh)) NS avict High School, N. Y. C., and St. Bonaventure Col- leew LCo An uwIN way tn Wweccived theological training at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, N. Y. Ordained June 13, 1908. Member of the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and Knights of Columbus. Entered the military serv- ice July 18, 1918, and served in France with the 360th Infantry, 90th Division. Discharged at GampeWixwN wien lunersth ie lowas Tirst’ Mieu- tenant Wicduvianrch sleriass: Butler, Rev. Justin, O. M. Cap. Born lanuary wow lov ersey). City IN: |]. Or dained July 27, 1913. Appointed a K. C. Chap- lain December 2, 1918. Father Butler served at the U. S. Naval Station, Montauk Point, N. Y.., from: December 5)1913) to) January 25, 1919. He contracted influenza and died on the latter date. Carey, Rev. Patrick P. (New York) Born Waterville, N. Y., December 2, 1865. Edu- cated at Niagara University. Theology at St. 319 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Joseph’s Seminary, Troy, N. Y. Ordained June, 1895. Commissioned Chaplain U.S. Army, 1902. Served at Fort Terry, New London, Conn.; Ma- nila Pie Prescott Ariz vandvoan Antonios bex: Retired on account of disability, 1912. Appointed Pastor, January 29, 1916. Recalled to service for war period February, 1918. Chaplain Army and Navy Hospital at Hot Springs, Ark., with rank of Captain. Died while in service at Hot Springs, April OGL) ES) Carr, Rev. James Henry, S.T.L. (Fall River ) Born February 23, 1891, at Taunton, Mass. Edu- cated at Immaculate Conception School, Taunton, Mass., Taunton High School, Taunton, Mass., Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass., and Cath- olic University, Washington, D. C. Received his theological training at St. Mary’s Seminary, Balti- more, Md. Ordained June 19, 1915. Member of the K. of C., and the American Legion. Com- missioned First Lieutenant, February 26, 1918, and assigned to Wilbur Wright Aviation Field, Day- ton, Ohio. Discharged at Dayton, February 1, 1919. Commissioned Captain in the Officers’ Re- serve Corps, September 27, 1919, attached to the 302nd Infantry of the 94th Division. Died March, 1923. Carroll, Rev. E. B. (Scranton) Born November 19, 1888. Ordained December 21, 1917. Appointed for a chaplaincy June 10, 1918. Father Carroll contracted pneumonia while his 320 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR regiment was at Camp Mills waiting to embark. He died in the University Hospital, November 23, 1918. Father Carroll came into the Army in July, 1918, and for a time was assigned to the Depot Brigade at Camp Funston. He also served in Camp Fremont, Calif. Coffey, Rev. Thomas A. (Providence ) Born in Ireland, August 21, 1878. Ordained De- cember 19, 1903, in Baltimore, Md. Father Coffey applied for a chaplaincy March 25, 1918, and served at Camp Sevier, S. C. Was discharged from the military service December 14, 1918. Died January 5, 1919, at Providence, R. I. Davitt, Rev. William F. (Springfield) Killed in service on November 11, 1918, one hour and fifteen minutes before the cessation of hostili- ties. Father Davitt served with the 125th Infan- try. He was killed by the explosion of a shell. De Valles, Rev. J. B. (Fall River) Born August 29, 1879. Ordained June 22, 1906. Appointed a Chaplain July 3, 1918. Served with the 26th Division, A.E.F. After returning to the United States, Father De Valles suffered as the result of injuries received in the line of battle. DiediiVia yet Zui toZ0 ws Received, Conoresstonal Medal just prior to his death. Doyle, Rev. H. P., O.F.M. Born January 26, 1888, at Chatham, Ontario. Or- dained June 17, 1915. Appointed Chaplain July 30, 1918. Died of pneumonia September 28, 1918. 32] UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Doyle, Rev. Thomas J. (New York) Born May 24, 1869. Ordained May 19, 1894. Died February 12, 1920. Father Doyle was ac- cepted for a chaplaincy in the United States Pub- lic Health Service but died before he reported for duty. Fay, Rev. Sigourney (Baltimore) Went overseas as a civilian commissioner for the American Red Cross. Contracted influenza and died in New York City, January 10, 1919. Fitzgerald, Rev. Edward H. (St. Joseph) Born January 16, 1863, in Tipperary, Ireland. Father Fitzgerald was appointed a Chaplain in 1898 when the Spanish-American War broke out. He served in the Santiago Campaign, where he con- tracted the Cuban fever and later, in the Philip- pines, was the victim of malaria. From these at- tacks he never fully recovered. For ten years he was Chaplain of the 22nd Regiment U. S. In- fantry. During the later war he was stationed at Ft. Douglas, Utah. Died May, 1918, Sawtelle. Gallagher, Rev. Patrick J., O.S.A. Born April 4, 1881, in Ireland. Ordained May 20, 1910) Appointed at Ky Co) Chaplainv A prilg ois: Father Gallagher was killed in an automobile accident March 31, 1919. He was on his way from Angouleme to Bordeaux to get supplies for the men among whom he worked. He was riding with the driver. ‘The machine skidded and struck a tree: 322 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Hanley, Rev. James M. (Cleveland ) Father Hanley served with the 42nd Engineers and subsequently Chaplain of the 165th Infantry. Father Hanley was wounded in action and died May 25, 1920. Havorka, Rev. August (La Crosse) No record concerning death available. Henry, Rev. Edward B. (Portland) Born September 29, 1878, in Portland, Me. Or- dained in St. Louis, Mo., November 2, 1902. Ap- pointed a K. C. Chaplain July 1, 1918. Became a Chaplain in the U. 8. Navy December 28, 1918. He was selected by the Commandant of the Naval Disciplinary Barracks for special work among the prisoners and received his commission in the Navy on this score. Under the strain he finally broke and died December, 1919. Herzog, Rev. Alphonsus A., C.SS.R. Born Baltimore, Md., August 2, 1873. Attended St. Alphonsus School, Baltimore, Md. Prepara- tory studies at St. Mary’s College, North East, Penna. Ordained December 21, 1899. Stationed at Denver, Colo.; St. Clement’s College, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.; St. Joseph’s Church, Rochester, NaeceOuruuadyvuot Perpetual tclow@hurch) Brookview web pliratat vba, voto Miichaehs Church and Sacred Heart Church, Baltimore, Md. During the World War he acted as Chap- lain for the soldiers at Camp Holabird, Md., to- 323 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR gether with that of an ammunition factory nearby. Contracted influenza and gas poisoning in the per- formance of his duties, weakening his constitu- tion and affecting his heart so that he finally died in Rochester Ne ay Apri nZon 1922 Kilroy, Rev. D. T. (Wilmington) Father Kilroy served as an Auxiliary Chaplain. Contracted influenza and died. Lawless, Rev. No record concerning death available. Lederle, Rev. F. A. (El Paso ) No record concerning death available. Libert, Rev. Lucian G. (Peoria ) Born July 31, 1872, at St. George, Ill. Ordained May 13, 1911. Appointed June 13, 1918. Served asa K. C. Chaplain. Father Libert was wounded during service with the 101st Engineers, 26th Di- vision. Died in Martinson, IIl., the latter part of IO. McCarthy, Rev. John F. ( Pittsburgh ) Born February 16, 1880, in Pittsburgh. Ordained July 7, 1904. Commissioned August 6, 1918. Served at Camp Meade until his death at the Base Hospital there during the influenza epidemic. Mayotte, Rev. Anselm J. (Hartford) With the 12th Field Artillery, 26th Division A.E.F. Died in France, December 5, 1918. 324 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Munday, Rev. Joseph P. (Alton) Born December 19, 1885. Ordained October 17, 1908. Commissioned October 1, 1918. Dis- chargedsivecember.5,)(91807 Remainedr asm G: Chaplain at Great Lakes, I11., until he died, Febru- Ary eto: Murphy, Rev. Francis P. (Chicago) Born January 29, 1879, in Quincy, Ill. Ordained December 21, 1901. Commissioned July 15, 1918. Served on Transport Duty and with 540th Engi- neerseo.Chonwne bebe Discharged) July: 10): 1919. Died April 18, 1920. Murphy, Rev. Timothy A., 0.5.B. Born in 1877 in Indianapolis. Member of the Benedictine Order since 1894. Entered service as K. C. Chaplain in 1917, but was given a commis- sion and assigned to the 128th M. G. Bn. Con- tracted pneumonia and died at Camp Doniphan, Okla., February 23, 1918. He was the first Cath- olic Chaplain to die in the U.S. Service. O’Flaherty, Rev. Colman (Sioux Falls) Commissioned April 4, 1918. Father O’Flaherty served in the A.E.F. with the 28th Infantry and was the first Catholic Chaplain to be killed in the war. He was killed at Very, France, October 17, 1918. He and a corporal had been in a shell hole throughout the day. He heard some wounded men calling for assistance. He left the shell hole and was squarely struck in the chest by a German A.S. UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR shell. Death was instantaneous and the Chaplain was buried where he had so gallantly fallen. All of the morning of his death, Father O’ Flaherty had been helping bury the dead and succor the wounded, under heavy shell fire. The men of his regiment said that he had gone over the top in every fight from Soissons until the day he was killed. O’Rourke, Rev. Simon A. (Fall River) Born June 10, 1891. Ordained June, 1917. Com- missioned in the Navy, June 24, 1918. Contracted influenza, caring for the sick at his post, and died September 20, 1918. : Ricklin, Rev. Isidore, O.S.B. Born in Alsace, February 3, 1862. Educated in Heidweiler, Alsace and Pierre-qui-Vire, France. Received theological training at Buckfast Abbey, England. Ordained October 10, 1889. Served as Auxiliary Chaplain at Fort Sill, Okla., 1891— 1918. Died at St. Patrick’s Indian Mission, Ana- darko, Okla., January 11, 1921. Tierney, Rev. Edward J. (New York) Born October 16, 1870. Ordained May 30, 1896, in Rome, Italy. Father Tierney was appointed K. C. Chaplain but died suddenly at his Rectory on July 29, 1918, shortly after his appointment. Vattman, Rt. Rev. Mer. Edward J. (Cleveland) Born September 11, 1840, Prussia. Was appointed a post chaplain December 6, 1890, and was re- 326 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR tired from active service on September 11, 1904. He died September 29, 1919, at Wilmette, Ill., and was interred at Fort Sheridan, IIl., October 3, LOOM wurinom them VW OLid: Ware Hew several times asked to be placed on active service and when his request was not approved, he rendered voluntary service in the hospital at Fort Sheridan, Ill. Among recent papers in his file are splendid letters from Mr. Woodrow Wilson, Secretary Baker and Colonel Ryan who commanded at Fort Sheridan. . Edward Walsh (Hartford) Born in Bridgeport, Conn., June 6, 1881. Edu- cated at Sacred Heart School, Bridgeport, Conn. Graduated from La Salette College; attended the Niagara University, and American College, Lou- vain, Belgium, 1908. Ordained in St. Joseph’s Cathedral” May .9; 1908)) Served’ at St) James’ Church, So. Manchester, Sacred Heart Church, Waterbury, Immaculate Conception Church, New Hartford, and Holy Angels’ Church, South Meriden. Left here to become a Chaplain in the U.S. Army. Served at Camp Sheridan with the 920th Engineers, 9th Regiment. After his dis- charge from the Army he was assigned as assistant to St. Mary’s Church, New London. After three months was made pastor of St. Thomas’ Church, Voluntown. Died November 27, 1919. 327 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR The following is a list of priests whose applications had been received by the Chaplain Bishop, and who were ready for appointment at the time the Armistice was signed, and who were prevented from getting in actual service by the cessation of hostilities: Name Diocese Asmar, Rev. Anthony Syrian Ascoli, Rev. Albert Italian Authofer, Rev. Louis Sioux City Andrieux, Rev. Joseph Fargo Andriano, Rev. Angelo San Francisco Alerding, Rev. Bonaventure Cavs Abraham, Rev. Michael Fort Wayne Bache, Rev. Celestino Salt Lake City Barabino, Rev. Peter CRS: Barlock, Rev. George Pittsburgh Barnes, Rev. Enos Peoria Barrett, Rev. Edward J. Newark Barriere, Rev. H. Oe Barry, Rev. Fidelis A dixina Barry, Rev. William St. Augustine Barth, Rev. Francis X. Marquette Belford, Rev. John L. Brooklyn Bierens, Rey. G. C. Fargo Black, Rev. Charles Pittsburgh Blackburne, Rev. William Bismarck Blanchard, Rev. Aloysius ELE Bodin, Rev. Paul Hava Bortnowski, Rev. Stanislaus Detroit Brand) Revs ours yi}. oer 12 £4 Brady, Rev. Thomas J. Baker City Brennan, Rev. N. P. Boston Brennan, Rev. W. J. C.M. Bresnahan, Rev. Patrick J. St. Augustine Britz, Rev. John J. CoN Brosnan, Rev. Edward A. Richmond Broughall, Rev. Lawrence CSG Brown, Rev. Victor OR: Browne, Rev. Patrick J. Wheeling Bryan, Rev. Joseph M. Indianapolis Budde, Rev. Joseph Belleville Buissink, Rev. Peter Davenport Bullion, Rev. George Pittsburgh Buoni, Rev. Francis Albany Burke, Rev. G. Denver Durke,shey olay): Peoria 328 Name Burkett, Rev. Philip H. Burzinsky, Rev. Julian Busald, Rev. Albert H. Butler, Rev. John J. Byrne, Rev. Felix A. Byrne, Rev. Patrick J. Byrnes, Rev. Leonard Cacella, Rev. Jose Silva Campbell, Rev. E. J. Campbell, Rev. Paul E. Campbell, Rev. Thomas A. Canty, Rev. Patrick Carey, Rev. Bernard Carey, Rev. Thomas R. Carroll, Rev. Charles B. Carroll, Rev. Charles F. Casey, Rev. John J. Cassidy, Rev. James A. Cassidy, Rev. James F. Cassidy, Rev. James F. Cawley, Rev. Michael J. Churchill, Rev. William J. Clarendon, Rev. Oliver B. Clarke, Rev. Martin J. Cleary, Rev. Francis A. Cleary, Rev. William J. Coccola, Rev. Francis Cole, Rev. Joseph S. Collings Key}: Coma, Rev. Joseph Command, Rev. John R. Conners, Rev. Thomas J. Cooney, Rev. Thomas L. Cooper, Rev. John M. Corcoran, Rev. John J. Costello, Rev. John T. Gottem Reve |obrnve, Coughlin, Rev. Francis P. Cummings, Rev. E. P. Cragg, Rev. Regis F. Crowley, Rev. T. M. Cunniff, Rev. E. F. Cunningham, Rev. Hubert Cuny § RevaRetery |; Curran, Rev. John F. Cussen, Rev. E. J. 329 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Diocese ale Rockford Indianapolis St. Louis La Crosse O.F.M. CAPs New York Boston Pittsburgh Trenton St. Louis Slop: Detroit Fargo Little Rock Sty louis Brooklyn Peoria Canadian Ogdensburg Canadian Corpus Christi Detroit Sah Omaha Baltimore C.M. Dubuque MUS: Bermuda Hartford Sioux Falls Cie: Hartford Boston Dallas Name Daly, Rev. Edmund D. Da Cruz, Rev. Miguel A. Daniel, Rev. Simeon Delbecchi, Rev. Charles De Malsche, Rev. Alex De Maurizi, Rev. A. Dominiak, Rev. Frank Donohoe, Rev. Peter Donovan, Rev. Vincent Donzelli, Rev. Seraphino Dougherty, Rev. M. J. Dougherty, Rev. Michael J. Dowd, Rev. W. G. Dowling, Rev. Sylvester J. Downey, Rev. W. A. Doyle, Rev. Francis S. Drain, Rev. Michael F. Driscoll, Rev. James H. Dube, Rev. Robert F. Dubois, Rev. L. L. Duffy, Rev. John Duffy, Rev. Thomas J. Dufresne, Rev. A. Dugan, Rev. Gerald G. Dumarest, Rev. Michael Dunn, Rev. George Dunne, Rev. James J. Dupassieux, Rev. F. A. Dupont, Rev. Clement Durch, Rev. Joseph B. Durette, Rev. E. N. Eckhart, Rev. E. J. Ellis, Rev. John H. Enright, Rev. Jerome J. Enright, Rev. Michael Falls, Rev. James J. Farley, Rev. James A. Farley, Rev. John H. Farrell, Rev. Cyril J. Farrell, Rev. John F. Farrell, Rev. J. O. Heeneys) Kev von Fenwick, Rev. Francis L. Ferry, Rev. John A. 330 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Diocese Boston San Francisco S.M. CDSS Css Spokane New Orleans Scranton Brooklyn Ore, Newark GMs) Wilmington Brooklyn Milwaukee Hartford Erie Portland Ogdensburg Lead Natchez Cheyenne Sa). Lafayette Erie Santa Fe Richmond Alton O.M.I. OS 7B: La Crosse Manchester Fargo Sacramento Sacramento Alton Cincinnati Portland yd f St. Paul Detroit Leavenworth Newark Sil Brooklyn UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Name Figueroa, Rev. P. Finneran, Revs]. J; Fitzgerald, Rev. James T. Fitzgerald, Rev. John D. G. Flanagan, Rev. Jerome J. Flynn, Rev. William J. Foote, Rev. Bernard A. Ford, Rev. Patrick J. Friedmann, Rev. Philip M. Galassi, Rev. Columbino L. Gallagher, Rev. Edward M. Gallagher, Rev. Edward F. Garand, Rev. George Garrity, Rev. Patrick F. Gately, Rev. Edward L. Gawenda, Rev. August Gearon, Rev. John Geeck, Rev. Philip Gery, Rev. Benedict Gleeson} Rev. Daniel J. Glenn, Rev. Joseph B. Gocke, Rev. George V. Gomo, Rev. Frederic I. Gookin, Rev. James Gormely, Rev. Joseph Grassi, Rev. Francis Greenan, Rev. James E. Gregory, Rev. F. Griffin, Rev. Thomas M. Haarpaintner, Rev. Max Haas, Rev. Francis J. Hagan, Rev. Edward Hall, Rev. John T. Halpin, Rev. Joseph P. Hammer, Rev. Henry F. Hanretty, Rev. Francis G. Harbrecht, Rev. John Hardy, Rev. Frank J. Harrigan, Rev. Thomas H. Hart, Rev. Arthur S. Healy, Rev. George B. Heffernan, Rev. George F. Hegeman, Rev. George Hengers, Rev. Nicholas Hennessey, Rev. Daniel E. 331 Diocese Tucson Springfield trea Philadelphia Newark Pittsburgh ele Brooklyn O.M.C. Trenton Philadelphia Sale Ogdensburg La Crosse Providence Milwaukee Sit]: Wheeling Manchester Des Moines Wheeling New York Providence O.M.Cap. Hartford PSM. Milwaukee Lincoln Oklahoma Lead New York New York Cincinnati Detroit Buffalo Sle Springfield St. Louis Milwaukee S.M. Springfield Name Herron, Rev. Hugh J. Hillebrand, Rev. Francis Hillock, Rev. Edward F. Hoffman, Rev. John J. Holland, Rev. Joseph M. Huffer, Rev. William Hurcik, Rev. John Hussey, Rev. Thomas W. Iciek, Rev. S. A. Irwin, Rev. W. S. Jachini, Rev. Charles Jacobs, Rev. Joseph Jessup, Rev. Peter M. Jordan, Rev. Hilary Jaily, Revi Wiis: Karnoski, Rev. J. B. Keaney, Rev. Thomas L. Kearns, Rev. James J. Keenan, Rev. James Kellinger, Rev. Louis Kelly, Rev. James S. Kelly, Rev. John L. Kelly ex iia. Kennedy iRev 2 i]. Kenney, Rev. John L. Kerwin, Rev. Joseph A. Kiley, Rev. Philip H. Killeen, Rev. George Killeéen,) Rev. Patrick) |], King, Rev. John H. King, Rev. Timothy F. Kirk, Rev. Edward R. Kirwin, Rev. James M. Konopka, Rev. Miceslaus J. Korb, Rev. Joseph A. Kosobucki, Rev. Alexander Koss, Rev. Joseph Kovalsky, Rev. John Kroboth, Rev. Timothy Kuberek, Rev. Protasius Kuhlman, Rev. Adolph J. Lamb, Rev. Hugh J. Lambert, Rev. J. W. 332 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Diocese Leavenworth Sve ly Newark Lincoln Boston Oklahoma St. Louis Detroit Duluth SeauVia Dallas Leavenworth New York SiPaul Lafayette San Antonio Cincinnati Lead Kansas City New York New York Duluth Brooklyn Duluth Brooklyn Pittsburgh Monterey Galveston Trenton Denver Milwaukee Grand Rapids Detroit Grand Rapids COMA Sale Philadelphia Boston Name Landers, Rev. Patrick Lanigan, Rev. James L. Laplante, Rev. Joseph D. Lawrence, Rev. Jerome A. Leclaire, Rev. William J. Lederer, Rev. Joseph Lederle, Rev. Francis A. Lennon, Rev. H. E. Leone, Rev. Damian Lewis, Rev. Philip Logan, Rev. Leo J. Lomasney, Rev. Patrick J. Luby, Rev. William J. Ludes, Rev. Henry G. Lutz, Rev. Daniel Lynch, Rev. James J. Lynch, Rev. John McArron, Rev. Patrick McCaffrey, Rev. Felix A. McCann, Rev. John L. McCarthy, Rev. Gabriel McClorey, Rev. John McCool, Rev. William J. McCormack, Rev. Michael McCue, Rev. Aloysius D. McDaid, Rev. Patrick McEntee, Rev. Thomas L. McEvoy, Rev. Joseph P. McGarvey, Rev. Henry A. McGovern, Rev. Albert J. McGrath, Rev. J. J. McGrath, Rev. Louis G. McGrath, Rev. M. J. McKeogh, Rev. Richard McKeon, Rev. Joseph T. McMahon, Rev. J. C. McMenamin, Rev. Hugh L. McNaboe, Rev. Michael McNamee, Rev. Patrick McNanamy, Rev. J. E. McNeil, Rev. John McQuaid, Rev. Michael F. McTeague, Rev. Connel MacDonnell, Rev. Joseph A. Mack, Rev. John J. 333 McBurney, Rev. Michael J. UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Diocese C.M. Buffalo CMe O.S.B. Springfield Milwaukee Manchester Cleveland Denver Boston ney | Green Bay Harrisburg CUVEE: Lead Davenport O.F.M. Pittsburgh CAO 68 Pittsburgh Monterey Trenton Grand Island Harrisburgh New York Soy New York Little Rock Concordia Peoria Duluth Springfield Springfield Denver Sacramento OUST Bt Pittsburgh Grand Rapids La Crosse Lincoln New York Boston Name MacTighe, Rev. John A. Mahe, Rev. Celestin Mahoney, Rev. William R. Mahowald, Rev. George H. Mahussier, Rev. J. L. Makley, Rev. Walter L. Maloney, Rev. James H. Maloy, Rev. Charles Marco, Rev. Eduardo Marshall, Rev. Eugene F. Martin, Rev. J. Matera, Rev. Joseph C. Mechin, Rev. Joseph Mee, Rev. Patrick J. Meerwald, Rev. John L. Merenkin, Rev. Basil Meyer, Rev. Charles D. Meyer, Rev. Francis J. Miller, Rev. E. D. Molloy, Rev. James Montanaro, Rev. Innocenzo Monteleone, Rev. Ernest Mooney, Rev. Thomas P. Moran, Rev. Edward, J. Moran, Rev. Gregory Morgen, Rev. Frowin Moriarty, Rev. John Morines, Rev. Louis Mountain, Rev. D. J. Moynihan, Rev. Patrick Mulcaheys Reva loach: Muller, Rev. F. X. Mullin, Rev. John H. Munier, Rev. Joseph Murdock, Rev. Thomas J. Murphy, Rev. E. P. Murphy, Rev. F. A. Murphy, Rev. Joseph T. Murphy, Rev. Martin Murphy, Rev. William FE. Nemee, Rev. P. F. Noel, Rev. Francis C. Nowak, Rev. Felix O’Brien, Rev. F. A. ©) Btien ahve Venta: 334 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Diocese Fort Worth Alexandria OWES Saye Chicago Cincinnati Boise City Trenton San Antonio Springfield O.M.Cap. Philadelphia Marquette New York Trenton Ruthenian-Greek C.M. Sele New Orleans GPs Monterey Newark Hartford eo Trenton Oos Sh iy, Davenport Harrisburgh Syracuse Grand Island Dubuque Winona Cheyenne Belleville Monterey Sty Paul Charleston New York Charleston Sor Galveston Harrisburgh Lincoln Burlington Name O’Brien, Rev. John J. O’Brien, Rev. Michael ©’Connor, Rev. D. B. O’Connor, Rev. Edward P. ©’Connor, Rev. John J. O’Connor, Rev. Michael Odendahl, Rev. Joseph R. O’Farrelly, Rev. Lawrence J. O’Flanagan, Rev. James O’Flynn, Rev. Andrew O’Flynn, Rev. Patrick J. O’Neill, Rev. Francis O’Neill, Rev. James S. O’Reilly, Rev. James J. O’Rourke, Rev. John A. Palombizio, Rev. Francis Pierce, Rev. Richard F. Pierce, Rev. Thomas Pieters, Rev. Julian G. Pietsch, Rev. William Pincurek, Rev. Anthony Powers, Rev. Maurice Prendergast, Rev. Jeremiah M. Prevost, Rev. Louis E. Primeau, Rev. J. A. Quinn, Rev. James M. Ounn, Revi bs Quinn, Rev. Thomas J. Rainer, Rev. Arthur H. Ramsbottom, Rev. Patrick Ranisewski, Rev. Joseph W. Redinger, Rev. Anthony Rega, Rev. Charles F. Reich, Rev. Joseph Reinfels, Rev. P. Rivers, Rev. Albert F. Roach hRev yj. 5. Roachw Revere. Roche, Rev. L. J. Rogers, Rev. James Roken, Rev. Joseph A. Rolbiecki, Rev. J. J. Rompe, Rev. A. W. Rourke, Rev. Bernard J. 335 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Diocese New York StePaul Lincoln Chicago eed be Sacramento Louisville Buffalo Sacramento Wheeling Pittsburgh Ose: Monterey San Francisco Providence O.F.M. Ogdensburgh Milwaukee Louisville Alton Albany Des Moines rhe Fall River Cincinnati Fall River Brooklyn Sih Fargo Detroit @sSiB: Burlington Belleville Denver Buffalo Peoria Baltimore Oregon Wheeling Belleville La Crosse St. Louis New York Name Rubio, Rev. David Ruth, Rev. Sebastian Ryan, Rev. Lawrence C. Saurel, Rev. Adolphe Scanlon, Rev. Matthew SchaatiikKevi Hoa, Schaffel, Rev. Paul Schappler, Rev. Stephen Schmidt, Rev. Joseph Schneider, Rev. Leander Shirmers, Rev. Sebastian Schliesch, Rev. George G. Schonpart, Rev. Andrew J. Schwaller, Rev. Joseph Schwener, Rev. Henry A. Seidel, Rev. Herman Sennett, Rev. Charles H. Seur, Rev. Timothy Sharp, Rev. John K. Sheehan, Rev. William T. Skowronski, Rev. Casimir Skulik, Rev. Bernard Sliszka, Rev. William Smetana, Rev. Cyril Smith, Rev. Harry A. Smith, Rev. John A. Smith, Rev. John S. Sodja, Rev. Joseph Sokol, Rev. F. B. Sommer, Rev. Victor J. Sonefeld, Rev. John J. Spani, Rev. Pasquale Speeman, Rev. Walter H. Spellman, Rev. Francis J. Spence) Keven. ily. Stromberg, Rev. Thomas M. Studer, Rev. Stephen Sullivan, Rev. Daniel J. Sullivan, Rev. Edward F. Sullivan, Rev. John J. Sullivan, Rev. Robert P. Sullivan, Rev. Timothy C. Sullivan, Rev. William A. Sweeney, Rev. Edward J. Szczukowski, Rev. A. V. Sziperski, Rev. Joseph W. 336 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Diocese O.S.A. CSRs Alton Ogdensburg Harrisburgh Peoria Milwaukee Osi Harrisburgh COSipy | St. Cloud Detroit Newark Altoona bby ia Pittsburgh Brooklyn O)SiB. Brooklyn St. Louis Grand Rapids Reati O.F.M. La Crosse San Francisco Rochester Philadelphia St Paul Covington Oa Grand Rapids Newark Newark Boston Oke Superior Milwaukee New York Cleveland Portland Wheeling Boston Wee: Brooklyn St.vaul Detroit UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Name Diocese Takkenberg, Rev. Henry Davenport Villa, Rev. Octavius ehh Winter, Rev. Stephen St. Paul UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR In the Officers’ Reserve Corps of the Army, on May 1, 1923, there were one hundred and fifty-nine Catholic Chaplains. Of these, there were five holding the rank of Major, forty-five with the rank of Captain, and the remaining one hundred and nine, First Lieutenants. They are named below, with their ranks and addresses at the time of going to press. ‘They are: Name Rank Address Ackerman, Maurice Ist Lieut. Favsee ny Ellis Co., Kan. Anthony, William J. Pspeliieut an vo2 on WV estestiin ste Cincinnati, O. Bailey, George M. Ist Lieut. 2130 Fulton St., San Francisco, Calif. Banahan, James T. Ist Lieut. St. Joseph’s Church, Tiltonville, O. Barrett, Regis Captain Canon City, Colo. Barron, Stephen F. Ist Lieut. 1025 Masonic Ave. San Francisco, Calif. Beaudette, Walter A. [st Lieut. Somerset, Wis. Bellamy, John M. Ist Lieut. 11 Sycamore St., Massena, N. Y. Biendl, Francis A. Ist Lieut. 3938 Delmar, Cheviot, O. Bonniwell, William R. Ist Lieut. 3801 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Booth, Robert J. Ist nlieuto vi LOoebrankimy ot. Ogdensburg, N. Y. Boyce, Ignatius B. Ist Lieut. 174 Ramsey St., Paterson, N. J. Boyle, Christopher C. Ist Lieut. 2456 No. Ridgway Ave., Chicago, Ill. Boyle, Terrence J. Captain Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, N. Y. Bracken, Edward']., Jr. Ist Lieut. | St. Ignatius College, Cleveland, O. Braun, Albert W. Captain Mescalero. Oterio Co., N. Mex. Brennan, William P. Captain 3/7 Ou Herry lot., Albany, N. Y. Britt, Edmund J. Ist Lieut. 50 Franklin St., Buffalo, N. Y. Bucher, Ambrose Ist Lieut...) | Glyde)! Mo. 338 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Name Byrne, Joseph T. M. Callahan, William P. Campbell, John P. Carr, James H. Carra, James M. Catterlin, Armistead L. Cayer Arthurs }i0B: Chamberlain, Aloysius S. Chataignon, Marius S. Conoley, John F. Corcoran, Cornelius A. Cote, samuel*]; A: Cox, James R. Crispino, Pascal Cronin, Patrick J. Crowley, Michael J. Cuddy, John S. Cullinan, John J. Cummings, Matthew A. Dalton, Edward P. Dalton, Hugh A. Dankowski, Edward I. DeHasque, Urban Rank Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Captain Ist Lieut. Captain Captain Ist Lieut. ist Lieut. Major Ist Lieut. Captain Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Captain Captain Captain 339 Address 136 No. Craig St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 410 Second St., S. W., Great Falls, Mont. 4432 No. Troy St., Chicago, Ill. 394 Highland Ave., Fall River, Mass. 34 Victoria Ave., Jamestown, N. Y. 2618 Boise St., Davenport, Ia. SZAUOpruce ote Winchendon, Mass. 23a90)) bushist, San Francisco, Calif. St. Mary’s Cathedral, Galveston, Tex. 800 East Main St., No. Gainesville, Fla. Veteran’s Hospital No. 60, Oteen, N. C. Box 176, Clairmont, N. H. Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa. 127s Usethot. Brooklyn, N. Y. Ra O2 Box 14, Dunsmuir, Calif. 121 Chamberlain St., Pontiac, Mich. Gaithersburg, Md. 262 West 118th St., New York, N. Y. 30 East Superior St., Chicago, Ill. West Winfield, N. Y. Leonardtown, Md. 1702 West 17th St., Chicago, Il. 607 Seminole Ave., Okmulgee, Okla. UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Name Delihant, Thomas J. Dieckman, Francis H. Dobyns, Placide T. L. Doherty, John E. Donovan, Cornelius F. Dougherty, Vincent J. Dowd, Casper E. Duffey, William B. Duffy, Francis P. Dunigan, Patrick R. Ebert, William L. Farrell, William J. Fasnacht, Walter L. Fealy, Ignatius Fink, Leo G. Finigan, George J. Fleuren, Henry R. Fogarty, Michael E. Ford, George B. Fox, George G. Girard, Arthur L. Griffin, Patrick H. Grusenmeyer, Francis C. Rank [st Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Major Major Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Captain Ist Lieut. Captain Ist Lieut. Captain Captain Ist Lieut. Captain Ist Lieut. TStesiett 340 Address 45 Cooper St., Boston, Mass. Jonesburg, Mo. Box 686, Bogalusa, La. 160 Main St., Torrington, Conn. 100 West 18th St., Chicago, Ill. 1010 East Chelton Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 318 Fulton St., Eauclaire, Wis. 329 West 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Holy Cross Rectory, New York, N. Y. 609 East Fifth Ave., Flint, Mich. Holy Family Church, St. Louis, Mo. 435 Walcott St., Auburndale, Mass. 2343 Walnut St., Chicago, IIl. St. Agnes Church, Woodlawn, Md. 417 Carlton, St., Bethlehem, Pa. Mission House, Notre Dame, Ind. St. Mary’s University, Galveston, Tex. 26 Walton St., Alexandria Bay, Jefferson Co., N. Y. On tour of world. Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, Calif. 5478 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, Ill. 1405 East Vermont St., Indianapolis, Ind. 1729 Illis Ave., Cincinnati, O. UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Name Gwyer, Charles F. Halligan, James J. Harmon, Thomas L. Harrington, Joseph M. Harrington, William J. Hearon, James P. Heeney, Michael J. Hendrix, William F. Hoffman, Mathias M., Jr. Houlihan, James F. Jessup, Michael Jonaitis, George F. Kane, Charles H. Kane, Dennis J. Keane, William J. Kelly, Columban F. Kelly, James F. Kennedy, Cornelius E. King, Terence Kulinski, Francis A. Lacombe, George L. Lambert, Gedeon I. Leary, John F. Rank Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Tote Lieut. Ist Lieut. Captain Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Captain Major Ist Lieut. Captain Ist Lieut. Captain Captain Captain Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Captain [st Lieut. Ist Lieut. 341 Address 7114 Kelly St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 207 West 96th St., New York, N. Y. 15 Washington Blvd., Oak Parkw Il 22 No. Kildare Ave., Chicago, II. 22 No. Lexington St., St. Paul, Minn. 2048 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, N. Y. 9525 Commercial Ave., Chicago, Il. St. Louis University, Stelous ve: Loras Hall, Columbia College, Dubuque, Ia. 208 No. Elmer Ave., Saveruiba. Fordam University, New York, N. Y. 8300 Longworth Ave., Detroit, Mich. Holy Trinity Rectory, Wallingford, Conn. Moscow, Pa. West Hampton Beach, P. O., Long Island, N. Y. Old Ferry Point, Westchester, N. Y. 434 West 34th St., New York, N. Y. 659 El Camino Real, Redwood City, Calif. 140 Baron St., New Orleans, La. 3912 Brightwood Ave., Chicago, II. Mayfield, Calif. 901 Atwells Ave., Providence, R. I. Z2LOUM este: Nie eS Washington, D. C. UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Name Lillis, William J. Luckey, Arthur J. Lyng, Edward J. McCaffrey, Joseph A. A. McCarthy, Daniel J. McDermott, Morgan A. McDermott, Terence S. McDonald, William J. Macelwane, Francis J. McHugh, Francis P. McKeon, James G. McKeough, Michael J. McLaughlin, Thomas J. MacLeod, Charles A. McQuaide, Joseph P. McShea, John B. Martin, John J. Mazir, Francis S. Mitchell, Frederick J. Moran, David J. Mullally, William M. Mulvey, John A. Munster, William J. Rank Captain Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Captain ist Lieut) Ist Lieut. Captain Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Captain Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Captain Major Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Captain 342 Address 262 Pleasant St., Marblehead, Mass. 624 Pierre St., Manhattan, Kan. 1245 60th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 510 West 165th St., New York, N. Y. 407 East Gordon St., Savannah, Ga. Somerset Ave., Windbar, Pa. 2201 Benton Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 535 West 121st St., New York, N. Y. 525 Islington St., Toledo, O. $5) Worrallsti, Wilkesbarre, Pa. 144 So. Oak Park Ave., OakiParkwitiit Catholic University, Washington, D. C. 60 Sewall St., Augusta, Me. 909 So. Smith Ave., Portland, Ore. BPiOUBoxuNows: San Francisco, Calif. L/G SUNG. Wektho ot. Philadelphia, Pa. 2301 Fourth Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. LZ1LS Sovlathists Springfield, I. 153 Washington Place, Passaic.dinan by Farmington, Minn. 1009 So. 6th St., St. Louis, Mo. Box 93, Alma, Mich. 407 Grandview Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Name Murphy, George N. Nealis, Martin J. Normoyle, Cornelius J. Nuwer, Roman J. O’Brien, James B. O’Brien, James J. O’Connor, J. Lawrence O’Donnell, Daniel P. O’Donnell, John L. O’Donnell, Joseph H. O’Hearn, John J. O’Leary, Michael J. O’Reilly, James J. O’Shea, Patrick J. O’Sullivan, Timothy J. O’Toole, George B. Palubicki, John S. Pax, George W. Phaneuf, Louis H. Pochily, John J. Rankin, Richard R. MRewiinoent Augustine J. Ready, John E. Retzek, Henry Rank Captain Ist Lieut. lst Lieut. Captain Ist Lieut. Captain Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Captain Captain Captain Ist Lieut. Captain Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Captain Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Captain Ist Lieut. Captain Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Captain 343 Address 492 Bramwell Ave., Jersey City, N. J. 4209 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minn. Springbrook, N. Y. 971 Potter Ave., Providence, R. I. St. Edward’s College, Austin, Tex. Worthington, Minn. 3001 Finkle Blvd., Detroit, Mich. 3528 So. Hermitage Ave., Chicago, Ill. Rive DaNow2: Oxford, Ia. 5422 West Quincy St., Chicago, Ill. Chaffe, Mo. 65 Fruit Hill Ave., Providence, R. I. Bendena, Kan. 317 No. Denver St., EI Dorado, Kan. St. Vincent Archabbey, Beatty, Pa. 3200 No. 60th St., Omaha, Neb. St. Charles’ Seminary, Carthagena, O. 517 So. 56th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 305 No. Geddes St., SyTAactise, Nive Fordham University, New York, N. Y. St. Mary of the Woods, Vigo Co., Ind. Canajoharie, N. Y. Box 23, Hubbard Woods, Ill. UNITED STATES CATHOLIC CHAPLAINS IN THE WORLD WAR Name Rothlauf, Anthony, J. Sala, Thomas Sawkins, Arthur J. Schiller, John J. Scollin, Walter J. Seifert, Charles F. Seymour, Marmaduke A. Skaer, Francis H. Smith, Edward J. Sullivan, Joseph M. Sweeney, Clement P. Tallmadge, Archibald J. Tougas, James G. Troy; Jameson, Unterkoefler, Gustave H. Walsh, Henry L. Waters, Francis V. White, John F. Wolfe, Joseph L. N. Woods, Thomas R. Wunder, George J. Zentgraf, George J. Zingen, Alois N. Zwisler, Hilary A. Rank Ist Lieut. Captain Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Captain Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Captain Captain Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Captain Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. Ist Lieut. 344 Address 330 West 23rd St., New York City. 124 Sackman St., Brooklyn, N. Y. S20. lslineton St; Toledo, O. 4515 So. Wells St., Chicago, Ill. 2009 W. State St., Rockford, Il. Royalton, Ill. 211 So. Newland St., Whittier, Calif. 501 Northland Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Ayershire, Ia. St. Mary’s Manor, South Langhorne, Pa. Manson, Ia. Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wis. St. James’ Hospital, Butte, Mont. 2000 Grand Ave., Des Moines, Ia. 3500 No. Market Ave., Basteoe Louis.